China–Japan relations
[ "China–Japan relations or Sino-Japanese relations (; ) are the bilateral relations between China and Japan. The countries are geographically separated by the East China Sea. Japan has been strongly influenced throughout its history by China, especially by the East and Southeast through the gradual process of Sinicization with its language, architecture, culture, cuisine, religion, philosophy, and law", ". When Japan was forced to open trade relations with the West after the Perry Expedition in the mid-19th century, Japan plunged itself through an active process of Westernization during the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and began viewing China under the Qing dynasty as an antiquated civilization unable to defend itself against foreign forces—in part due to the First and Second Opium Wars along with the Eight-Nation Alliance's involvement in suppressing the Boxer Rebellion", ". Japan eventually took advantage of such weaknesses by invading China, including the First Sino-Japanese War and the Second Sino-Japanese War.", "According to the Chinese government, the relationship between China and Japan has been strained at times by Japan's refusal to acknowledge its wartime crimes to the satisfaction of China. According to the Japanese government, the cause of such strained relations is instead the expansion and assertive actions of the People's Liberation Army", ". Revisionist comments and visits to the Yasukuni Shrine by prominent Japanese officials, as well as some Japanese history textbooks regarding the 1937 Nanking massacre, have been a focus of particular controversy. Sino-Japanese relations warmed considerably after Shinzō Abe became the Prime Minister of Japan in September 2006, and a joint historical study conducted by China and Japan released a report in 2010 which pointed toward a new consensus on the issue of Japanese war crimes", ". The Senkaku Islands dispute also resulted in a number of hostile encounters in the East China Sea, heated rhetoric, and protests in China and Taiwan.", "China's and Japan's economies are respectively the world's second and third-largest economies by nominal GDP and the first and fourth-largest economies by GDP PPP. In 2008, China-Japan trade grew to $266.4 billion, a rise of 12.5 percent on 2007, making China and Japan the top two-way trading partners. China was also the biggest destination for Japanese exports in 2009. Since the end of World War II, Sino-Japanese relations are still mired with geopolitical disagreements", ". The enmity between these two countries emanated from the history of the Japanese war and the imperialism and maritime disputes in the East China Sea. Thus, although these two nations are close business partners, there is an undercurrent of tension, which leaders of both sides are trying to quell. Chinese and Japanese leaders have met several times face to face to try to build a cordial relationship between the two countries.", "As of 2023, the relationships between China and Japan are likely at its turning point, with Japan taking a firmer stance towards China by attempting to aid the United States in defending Taiwan from Chinese aggression.\n\nCountry comparison\n\nLeaders of the two countries (since 1972; Shōwa period)\n\nLeaders of the two countries (Heisei period)\n\nLeaders of the two countries (Reiwa period)\n\nHistory\n\nBefore 1949", "China and Japan are geographically separated only by a relatively narrow stretch of ocean. China has strongly influenced Japan with its writing system, architecture, culture, religion, philosophy, and law", ". When Western countries forced Japan to open trading in the mid-19th century, Japan moved towards modernization (Meiji Restoration), viewing China as an antiquated civilization, unable to defend itself against Western forces in part due to the First and Second Opium Wars along with the Eight-Nation Alliance's involvement in suppressing the Boxer Rebellion.", "As a result of Japanese war crimes during World War II such as the Nanjing massacre, and the Chinese view that Japan has not taken full responsibility for them, the bilateral relationship between China and Japan continues to be a sensitive issue in China.\n\nP.R.C.-Japan relations (1950-Present)", "After the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, relations with Japan changed from hostility and an absence of contact to cordiality and extremely close cooperation in many fields. Japan was defeated and Japanese military power dismantled but the PRC continued to view Japan as a potential threat because of the presence of United States Forces Japan in the region. One of the recurring PRC's concerns in Sino-Japanese relations has been the potential re-militarization of Japan", ". On the other hand, some Japanese fear that the economic and military power of the PRC has been increasing (cf. Potential superpowers#China).", "The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance included the provision that each side would protect the other from an attack by \"Japan or any state allied with it\" and the PRC undoubtedly viewed with alarm Japan's role as the principal US military base during the Korean War. The Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan signed in 1951 also heightened the discouragement of diplomatic relations between the two countries", ". In 1952 Japan pushed dissension between the two countries even further by concluding a peace treaty with the ROC (Republic of China, or Taiwan) and establishing diplomatic relations with the Taiwanese authorities.", "Like most Western nations at the time, Japan had recognized Taipei as the sole legitimate Chinese government. Initially, neither country allowed its political differences to stand in the way of broadening unofficial contacts, and in the mid-1950s they exchanged an increasing number of cultural, labor, and business delegations.", "Although all these things complicated the relationship between the two countries, Beijing orchestrated relations with Japanese non-governmental organizations (NGO) through primarily the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA). The CPIFA would receive Japanese politicians from all parties, but the Japanese left-wing parties were more interested in the PRC's initiatives", ". In 1952, the Chinese Commission for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) was able to get a trade agreement signed by the Japanese Diet members. Liao Chengzhi, the deputy director of the State Council's Office of Foreign Affairs, was able to arrange many other agreements \"such as the repatriation of Japanese prisoners of war with the Japanese Red Cross (1954), and the Fishery Agreement with the Japan-China Fishery Association (1955)", ".\" During this time, the relationship between the two countries were primarily unofficial. The agreements were essential in bringing together a more amalgamated environment.", "The PRC began a policy of attempting to influence the Japan through trade, \"people's diplomacy\", contacts with Japanese opposition political parties, and through applying pressure on Tokyo to sever ties with Taipei. In 1958, however, the PRC suspended its trade with Japan—apparently convinced that trade concessions were ineffective in achieving political goals", ". Thereafter, in a plan for improving political relations, the PRC requested that the Japanese government not be hostile toward it, not obstruct any effort to restore normal relations between itself and Japan, and not join in any conspiracy to create two Chinas. After the Sino-Soviet break, economic necessity caused the PRC to reconsider and revitalize trade ties with Japan.", "The Soviet Union suddenly withdrew Soviet experts from the PRC in the 1960s, which resulted in an economic dilemma for the PRC. The PRC was left with few options, one of which was to have a more official relationship with Japan.", "Tatsunosuke Takasaki, member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and of the Diet and Director of the Economic Planning Agency of the Japanese, went to the PRC in order to sign a memorandum that would further the trade relations between the two countries, better known as the Liao-Takasaki Agreement. Under its terms, Chinese purchases of industrial plants were to be financed partly through medium-term credits from Japan Export-Import Bank (JEXIM)", ". The accord also permitted the PRC to open a trade mission in Tokyo and in 1963 paved the way for Japanese government approval of the export to mainland China of a synthetic textile manufacturing plant valued at around US$ 20 million, guaranteed by the bank. Subsequent protest from the ROC caused Japan to shelve further deferred-payment plant exports", ". Subsequent protest from the ROC caused Japan to shelve further deferred-payment plant exports. The PRC reacted to this change by downgrading its Japan trade and intensified propaganda attacks against Japan as a \"running dog\" (Chinese:\"走狗\") of the United States.", "Behind the United States of America, China and Japan take the second and the third position respectively of the largest economies in the world. China and Japan trade approximately $350 billion worth of goods annually with each other (Xing, 2011). This is a huge exchange meaning that the trade ties between these two nations are one of the largest trading partnerships around the world", ". Economic studies reveal that the economic relationship between China and Japan started a long time ago when China started to import industrial goods to build its manufacturing infrastructure (Fuhrmann, 2016). Some of the goods that were imported include; machinery, equipment, steel mills, and the transportation infrastructure such as bridges, railways, roads and airports. Reports reveal that China major imports these goods from Japan and Germany.", "Sino-Japanese ties declined again during the Cultural Revolution, and the decline was further exacerbated by Japan's growing strength and independence from the United States in the late 1960s. The PRC was especially concerned that Japan might remilitarize to compensate for the reduced US military presence in Asia brought about under president Richard Nixon", ". As the turmoil subsided, however, the Japanese government– already under pressure both from the pro-Beijing factions in the LDP and from opposition elements– sought to adopt a more forward posture.", "Normalizing relations", "In December 1971, the Chinese and Japanese trade liaison offices began to discuss the possibility of restoring diplomatic trade relations, and in July 1972, Kakuei Tanaka succeeded Eisaku Satō as a new Japanese Prime Minister. Tanaka assumed a normalization of the Sino-Japanese relations. Furthermore, the 1972 Nixon visit to China encouraged the normalization process. The normalization process was eased in part because China and Japan had maintained unofficial trade and people-to-people exchanges.", "A visit by Tanaka to Beijing culminated in the signing a joint statement on September 29, 1972. It normalized diplomatic relations between Japan and the PRC. Japan stated that it was aware of its responsibility for causing enormous damage to the Chinese people during World War II and China renounced its demand for war reparation from Japan. Avoiding political disputes over this traumatic history facilitated immediate strategic cooperation", ". The Japanese agreed with the Chinese view on the political status of Taiwan, namely \"that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China.\" Subsequently, the bilateral economic relationships grew rapidly: 28 Japanese and 30 Chinese economic and trade missions visited their partner country.", "The joint communiqué says:", "The abnormal state of affairs that has hitherto existed between Japan and the People's Republic of China is terminated on the date on which this Joint Communique is issued.\n The Government of Japan recognizes that Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China.", "The Government of the People's Republic of China reiterates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China. The Government of Japan fully understands and respects this stand of the Government of the People's Republic of China, and it firmly maintains its stand under Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation.", "The Government of Japan and the Government of People's Republic of China have decided to establish diplomatic relations as from September 29, 1972. The two Governments have decided to take all necessary measures for the establishment and the performance of the functions of each other's embassy in their respective capitals in accordance with international law and practice, and to exchange ambassadors as speedily as possible.", "The Government of the People's Republic of China declares that in the interest of the friendship between the Chinese and the Japanese peoples, it renounces its demand for war reparation from Japan.", "The Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China agree to establish relations of perpetual peace and friendship between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence", ". The two Governments confirm that, in conformity with the foregoing principles and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Japan and China shall in their mutual relations settle all disputes by peaceful means and shall refrain from the use or threat of force.", "The normalization of relations between Japan and China is not directed against any third country. Neither of the two countries should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony.", "The Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China have agreed that, with a view to solidifying and developing the relations of peace and friendship between the two countries, the two Governments will enter into negotiations for the purpose of concluding a treaty of peace and friendship.", "The Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China have agreed that, with a view to further promoting relations between the two countries and to expanding interchanges of people, the two Governments will, as necessary and taking account of the existing non-governmental arrangements, enter into negotiations for the purpose of concluding agreements concerning such matters as trade, shipping, aviation, and fisheries.", "On 5 February 1973, the PRC and Japan agreed to reestablish diplomatic relations. Negotiations for a Sino-Japanese peace and friendship treaty began in 1974, but soon broken off in September 1975. The PRC insisted the anti-hegemony clause, which was directed at the Soviet Union, be included in the treaty. Japan objected the clause and did not wish to get involved in the Sino-Soviet split.", "Following the outbreak of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, oil prices rose dramatically globally. Among the industrialized country, Japan was hit hardest by the resulting oil crisis because its petroleum needs were filled completely by imports. It bought large amounts of Chinese oil.\n\nHowever, the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 brought economic reform to the PRC, which led to the expected Japanese investment in the Chinese economy.", "In February 1978, a long-term private trade agreement led to an arrangement by which trade between Japan and the PRC would increase to a level of US$20 billion by 1985, through exports from Japan of plants and equipment, technology, construction materials, and machine parts in return for coal and crude oil", ". This long-term plan, which gave rise to inflated expectations, proved overly ambitious and was drastically cut back the following year as the PRC was forced to reorder its development priorities and scale down its commitments. However, the signing of the agreement reflected the wish on both sides to improve relations.", "In April 1978, a dispute over the territoriality of the Senkaku Islands (or Diaoyu Islands), a cluster of barren islets north of Taiwan and south of the Ryukyu Islands flared up and threatened to disrupt the developing momentum toward resuming peace treaty talks. Restraint on both sides led to a resolution.", "At the end of 1978, the then prime minister Ohira said the government of Japan would offer ODA to China. Official Development Assistance (ODA) from Japan to China began in 1979 and from that time to the present, approximately 3.1331 trillion yen in loan aid (yen loans), 145.7 billion yen in grant aid, and 144.6 billion yen in technical cooperation have been implemented up to June 2005 and has not ended.", "Talks on the peace treaty were resumed in July, and the agreement was reached in August on a compromise version of the anti-hegemony clause. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China was signed on August 12 and came into effect October 23, 1978, under the two leaders of Deng Xiaoping and Fukuda Takeo.", "The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Hu Yaobang, visited Japan in November 1983, and Prime Minister Nakasone reciprocated by visiting the PRC in March 1984. While Japanese enthusiasm for the Chinese market reached highs and lows, broad strategic considerations in the 1980s steadied Tokyo's policy toward Beijing", ". In fact, Japan's heavy involvement in the PRC's economic modernization reflected in part a determination to encourage peaceful domestic development in the PRC, to draw the PRC into gradually expanding links with Japan and the West, and to reduce the PRC's interest in returning to its more provocative foreign policies of the past.", "Many of Japan's concerns about the Soviet Union duplicated PRC's worries. They included the increased deployment in East Asia of Soviet armaments, the growth of the Soviet Pacific fleet, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the potential threat it posed to Persian Gulf oil supply routes, and an increased Soviet military presence in Vietnam", ". In response, Japan and the PRC adopted notable complementary foreign policies, designed to isolate the Soviet Union and its allies politically and to promote regional stability.", "In Southeast Asia, both countries provided strong diplomatic backing for the efforts of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to bring about a Vietnamese withdrawal from Cambodia. Japan provided substantial economic assistance to Thailand to help with resettling Indochinese refugees. The PRC was a key supporter of Thailand and of the Cambodian resistance groups such as the Khmer Rouge.", "In Southwest Asia, both nations backed the condemnation of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan; they refused to recognize the Soviet-backed Kabul regime, and sought through diplomatic and economic means to bolster Pakistan.\n\nIn Northeast Asia, Japan and the PRC sought to moderate the behavior of their Korean partners, South Korea and North Korea, to reduce tensions. In 1983 both the PRC and Japan strongly criticized the Soviet proposal to redeploy some of their armaments to Asia.", "Japan encountered a number of episodes of friction with the PRC during the rest of the 1980s. In 1982, a serious political controversy was aroused over a revision of Japanese history textbooks dealing with the war between China and Japan during 1931-45 (cf. Japanese history textbook controversies)", ". Japanese history textbook controversies). In late 1985, Chinese officials complained harshly about Prime Minister Nakasone's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, which commemorates Japanese soldiers who had died in service of the Emperor some of whom are war criminals.", "Under Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiro, the Japanese government reemphasized the relationship to the United States. The U.S. strategic emphasis upon East Asia allegedly shifted the PRC to Japan in 1983. Beijing felt isolation and concerning anew about possible revival of Japanese militarism. By the mid-1983, Beijing had decided coincidentally with its decision to improve relations with the Reagan administration of the United States to solidify ties with Japan.", "Economic issues centered on Chinese complaints that the influx of Japanese products into the PRC had produced a serious trade deficit for the PRC. Nakasone and other Japanese leaders tried to relieve above concerns during visits to Beijing and in other talks with Chinese officials. They assured the Chinese of Japan's continued large-scale development and commercial assistance, and to obstruct any Sino-Soviet realignment against Japan", ". The two countries also concluded a bilateral investment treaty in 1988 after seven years of tough negotiation, where China finally agreed to grant Japanese investments with \"national treatment\".", "Meanwhile, the removal of the General Secretary of the CCP, Hu Yaobang, in 1987 was detrimental to smooth Sino-Japanese relations because Hu had built personal relationships with Nakasone and other Japanese leaders. The PRC government's harsh crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations in the spring of 1989 caused Japanese policymakers to realize that the new situation in the PRC was extremely delicate and required careful handling to avoid Japanese actions that would push the PRC further away from reforms", ". Beijing leaders reportedly judged at first that the industrialized countries would relatively quickly resume normal business with the PRC after a brief period of complaint over the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. When that did not happen, the PRC officials made strong suggestions to Japanese officials that they break from most industrialized nations by pursuing normal economic intercourse with the PRC, consistent with Tokyo's long-term interests in mainland China", ". Japanese leaders like West European and U.S. leaders were careful not to isolate the PRC and continued trade and other relations generally consistent with the policies of other industrialized democracies. But they also followed the United States lead in limiting economic relations to the PRC.", "In the late 1980s, China and Japan began cooperation on environmental matters.\n\nBilateral structural change developed during the late 1990s to 2004. Japan had been investing in the PRC during the early 1990s, and trade decreased during the late 1990s, but resurged at the millennium. The resurgence might have been because of the prospect of the PRC becoming a part of the World Trade Organization (WTO).", "China and Japan engaged in moderate bilateral cooperation throughout the 1990s and 2000s. Continuing the bilateral cooperation on environmental matters that began in the late 1980s, the Sino-Japanese Friendship Centre for Environmental Protection was established in 1996.\n\nBy 2001, China's international trade was the sixth-largest in the world; and over the next several years it was expected to be just under Japan, the fourth largest.", "In early 2005, Japan and the United States had issued a joint statement which addresses issues concerning the Taiwan Strait. The PRC was angered by the statement, and protested the interference in its internal affairs. The Anti-Secession Law was passed by the third conference of the 10th National People's Congress of the PRC, and was ratified in March 2005, and then the law went into effect immediately", ". Subsequently, anti-Japanese demonstrations took place simultaneously in the PRC and other Asian countries.", "However, the \"warm\" relationship between the PRC and Japan had been revived by two Japanese Prime Ministers, Shinzo Abe and particularly Yasuo Fukuda whose father achieved to conclude the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China. In May 2008, Hu Jintao was the first paramount leader of China in over a decade to be invited to Japan on an official visit, and called for increased \"co-operation\" between the two countries", ". A \"forth\" joint statement by Paramount leader Hu Jintao and Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda read:", "\"The two sides resolved to face history squarely, advance toward the future, and endeavor with persistence to create a new era of a \"mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests\" between Japan and China", ". They announced that they would align Japan–China relations with the trends of international community and together forge a bright future for the Asia-Pacific region and the world while deepening mutual understanding, building mutual trust, and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation between their nations in an ongoing fashion into the future\".", "In October 2008, Japanese Prime Minister Aso Taro visited Beijing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China. At the reception, he remarked on his \"personal conviction regarding Japan-China relations\":", "\"We should not constrain ourselves in the name of friendship between Japan and China. Rather, sound competition and active cooperation will constitute a true \"mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests.\" Confucius said, \"At thirty, I stood firm.\" In the same way, Japan and China must now stand atop the international stage and work to spread to the rest of the world this spirit of benefiting together\".", "Although Japanese and Chinese policymakers claimed that \"ice-breaking\" and \"ice-melting\" occurred in the bilateral relationship between 2006 and 2010, however, none of the fundamental problems related to history and disputed territory had been resolved, and so there was a virtual \"ice-berg\" under the surface.", "A public opinion poll of the entire population of China conducted by Pew in spring 2008 shows:", "Views toward Japan are especially negative – 69% have an unfavorable opinion of Japan, and a significant number of Chinese (38%) consider Japan an enemy. Opinions of the United States also tend to be negative, and 34% describe the U.S. as an enemy, while just 13% say it is a partner of China. Views about India are mixed at best – 25% say India is a partner, while a similar number (24%) describe it as an enemy...", "....76% of Chinese do not think Japan has apologized sufficiently for its military actions during the 1940s.", "In 2010, China overtook Japan as the world's second-largest economy. In 2012, China's gross GDP was 1.4 times as big as Japan's. In the next three to five years, the Chinese economy is on track to grow to twice the size of Japan's. As a matter of fact, Japan was quite reluctant to witness China's incredible economic growth and therefore had increased its vigilance towards China by viewing China as its biggest threat under then-Prime Minister Abe's leadership.", "Chinese animosity or even hatred of Japan is reflected in the popular culture. American reporter Howard French states in 2017:", "to turn on the television in China is to be inundated with war-themed movies, which overwhelmingly focus on Japanese villainy. More than 200 anti-Japanese films were produced in 2012 alone, with one scholar calculating that 70% of Chinese TV dramas involved Japan-related war plots....A prominent Chinese foreign-policy thinker who has had extensive contact with the country's leadership told me, \"in meetings since Xi has been in power [2012] you could feel the hatred. Everything is about punishing Japan", ". Everything is about punishing Japan. Punishing this damned [Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo] Abe.\" The most high-profile action that hurt the bilateral relations would be Japanese Prime Ministers’ visits to Yasukuni Shrine, a place considered by most Chinese nationals as offensive because many WWII Japanese military criminals are worshipped there. China-Japan relations reached to the lowest point since the previous Prime Minister Koizumi's term because of his visit to the shrine", ". Nonetheless, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo also visited Yasukuni Shrine many times after he got re-elected in 2010, which triggered furious anti-Japanese protests in China due to the negative attitudes and perceptions between the two nations. In a sense, both Koizumi and Abe made “maverick behavior”, in specific making visits to the Yasukuni Shrine as the proof to exhibit nationalism ideology, which endangered the China-Japan relations into the worst phase.", "In the early 2010s, bilateral cooperation between China and Japan largely stopped as political tensions ran high.\n\n2010 Trawler collision", "On September 7, 2010, after a Chinese fishing trawler collided with two Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats near the disputed Senkaku Islands, the captain of the trawler, Zhan Qixiong, was arrested by Japanese sailors, sparking tensions. The Japanese government took this action by China as a de facto trade embargo and decided to set aside 53.3 billion yen for the following measures to reduce dependence on Chinese mineral resources:\n ¥19.7BN towards development of rare-earth minerals abroad", "¥19.7BN towards development of rare-earth minerals abroad\n ¥1.6BN towards recycling, urban mining and developing alternative technology by the government and the private sector\n ¥16.3BN towards developing offshore oil and gas in Japan\n ¥8.9BN towards a pre-feasibility study on methane hydrate deposits\n ¥6.8BN towards a study on cobalt rich crust and other undersea reserves", "¥6.8BN towards a study on cobalt rich crust and other undersea reserves\n Cobalt rich crusts are undersea mineral deposits that contain manganese, cobalt, nickel and platinum, as well as rare earths such as neodymium and dysprosium", "2011 Japanese White Paper\nIn 2011, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu criticized the annual Japanese defense white paper for calling attention to the \"China threat theory\".\n\nSenkaku islands in South China Sea (2012-present)", "Both China and Japan claim sovereignty over East China Sea islets that Japan calls the Senkaku Islands and China calls the Diaoyu Islands. Tensions have risen since September 2012, when the Japanese government purchased three of the islets from a private Japanese owner, leading to widespread anti-Japan demonstrations in China", ". As soon as Japanese government announced Japan's so-called nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands in 2012, China-Japan security relations broke to a freezing point, which triggered a series of military action by Chinese government as countermeasures. Then-Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda purchased the islets on behalf of the central government to \"pre-empt Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara's plan to purchase them with Tokyo municipal funds", ". Ishihara is well known for his provocative nationalist actions, and Noda feared that Ishihara would try to occupy the islands or otherwise use them to provoke China.\" Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard University believes Chinese officials chose to ignore Noda's manifest motives, regarding any Japanese government purchase as proof that Japan is trying to disrupt the status quo", ". In September 2012, General Xu Caihou, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, said to the Chinese military \"prepared for any possible military combat,\". Relations deteriorated further after the Japanese government purchase of the Senkaku islands, to the extent that China decided to skip IMF meetings held in Japan. Mass protests against Japanese actions occurred in major Chinese cities", ". Mass protests against Japanese actions occurred in major Chinese cities. Trade relations deteriorated badly during the latter half of 2012 and Chinese government aircraft intruded into disputed airspace for the first time since 1958.", "Richard Katz, editor of The Oriental Economist Report, argues that the Diaoyu/Senkaku island dispute will not reach a critical threshold. \"Even though tensions between China and Japan are rising, an economic version of mutual deterrence is preserving the uneasy status quo between the two sides.\" Katz maintains that China needs Japanese products as much as Japan needs to sell them. \"Many of the high-tech products assembled in and exported from China. . .use advanced Japanese-made parts", ". . .use advanced Japanese-made parts. China could not boycott Japan, let alone precipitate an actual conflict, without stymieing the export-fueled economic miracle that underpins Communist Party rule.\" Compounded with Washington's commitment to come to Japan's defense, peace will most likely prevail. Japan remains the largest source of foreign investment in China today.", "China has sent drones to fly near the islands. Japan has threatened to shoot these down, which China has said would be an act of war.\n\nUnited States Navy captain James Fanell has used open source official Chinese media sources to argue that China is preparing for a potential short decisive war against Japan to seize the islands.", "2013 Japanese White Paper\nIn its 2013 white paper, Japan called recent Chinese actions \"incompatible with international law.\" The paper also mentioned Operation Dawn Blitz, after China had called for the exercise to be scaled back.", "2014 Chinese fighter jets scrambled over East China Sea", "Japanese reconnaissance planes and Chinese fighter jets came perilously close in an overlapping disputed airspace over the East China Sea in late May 2014. The incident occurred as China was taking part in joint maritime exercises with Russia. China and Japan each accused the other of causing a potentially dangerous situation. The airspace where the close encounter took place is claimed by both countries as part of their \"air defense identification zones", ".\" Beijing and Tokyo exchanged protests over the incident.", "2014 Baosteel Emotion seizure", "In April 2014, China seized a cargo ship, the Baosteel Emotion, over unpaid compensation for two Chinese ships leased in 1936. According to China, the ships were used by the Japanese Army and later sunk. A Chinese court ruled in 2007 that Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, owner of the Baosteel Emotion, had to pay 190 million yuan (approx. US$30.5m) as compensation for the two ships. Mitsui appealed against the decision, but it was upheld in 2012", ". Mitsui appealed against the decision, but it was upheld in 2012. The Baosteel Emotion was released after three days, when Mitsui paid approximately US$28 million in compensation. Japan has stated that the seizure undermines the Joint Communiqué of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China. The seizure came at a point when tensions over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands were running high.", "2018 China–United States trade war\nRelations between Japan and China have substantially improved in the wake of the China–United States trade war. The improvement has been attributed to strong personal rapport between Abe and Xi, and to Japan's own trade disputes with the United States. Abe has advised Xi on trade negotiations with U.S. president Donald Trump.", "COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022)", "Sino-Japanese relations have experienced a thaw due to novel coronavirus outbreak. On 15 January 2020, Japan has confirmed the first case of novel coronavirus, first identified in Haneda Airport in Tokyo that emerge from Wuhan", ". With an ancient line of a poem by a Japanese emperor to a Chinese monk that inspired the latter to spread Buddhism to Japan: \"Even though we live in different places, we live under the same sky\" being tweeted out by government officials and with the stanza posted on the sides of boxes of face masks sent as aid to China. Japan's private sector has donated over 3 million face masks along with $6.3 million in monetary donation. China's Foreign Minister Geng Shuang lauded Japan for their support.", "Amidst the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, China responded in kind by donating 12,500 COVID-19 test kits in aid to Japan after reports that the country was running low on test kits, with a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson saying in Japanese that \"China and Japan are neighboring countries separated by only a narrow strip of water. Although there are no borders in fight against the spread of virus.\"", "As of 4 June 2021, Japan also donated 1.24 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Taiwan. This prompted a wave of gratitude from Taiwanese people, whereas the Chinese Communist Party condemned Japan's move.", "Chinese missiles in Japan's EEZ\nOn August 4, 2022, during U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, China conducted “precision missile strikes” in the ocean near Taiwan of which 5 missiles landed in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone. Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi protested the missiles as “serious threats to Japan’s national security and the safety of the Japanese people.”\n\nDevelopment Assistance", "Development Assistance\n\nJapan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) to China began in 1979 after the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and China signed in 1978. From 1979 to 2013, Japan has provided US$24 billion in loan aid and 7.7 billion dollars in grant aid including 6.6 billion in technical cooperation, a total of US$32 billion. Even in 2013, Japan still provided US$296 million loan and US$30 million grant.", "The Japan Bank for International Cooperation provided China with resource loans for several coal and oil development projects over the period of 1979–1997. These loans totaled $140 billion.\n\nAssistance provided through Japan's 1992 Green Aid Plan helped facilitate China's development of renewable energy.", "Bilateral sensitive issues\nThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC points out some sensitive issues between Japan and the PRC:\n Issue of history\n Issue of Taiwan\n Issue of Diaoyu Islands/Senkaku Islands\n Issue of Japanese-American security co-operation\n Issue of war reparations\n Japanese chemical weapons discarded in China", "As Iechika and many others point out, the fundamental concerns of the China-Japanese relations has been the issues of history and Taiwan. Therefore, this article describes the above two issues in the following.\n\nIssue of history", "The PRC joined other Asian countries, such as South Korea and North Korea, in criticizing Japanese history textbooks that whitewash Japanese war crimes in World War II. They claimed that the rise of militarism became evident in Japanese politics. Much anti-Japanese sentiment has raised, and this has been exacerbated by burgeoning feelings of Chinese nationalism and former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine", ". Although Koizumi openly declared– in a statement made on April 22, 2005, in Jakarta– \"deep remorse\" over Japan's wartime crimes (the latest in a series of apologies spanning several decades), many Chinese observers regard the apology as insufficient and not backed up by sincere action.", "There also remains the dispute over the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands), which resulted in clashes between Taiwanese (Chinese) protesters and the Japanese government in April 2005. The incident led to anti-Japanese protests and sporadic violence across the PRC, from Beijing to Shanghai, later Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shenyang. In August 2012, Hong Kong activists landed on one of the disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, and Japanese nationalists responded by landing on the island the following week", ". The incidents sparked the largest-scale anti-Japanese protests in China for decades in which protesters vandalized Japanese shops and cars. On the 14th of September relations deteriorated even further in response to Japan's announcement of plans to buy the island from its private owners. The news resulted in the Chinese government sending six surveillance ships to the island and further anti-Japanese protests in which protesters attacked the Japanese embassies in Shanghai and Beijing.", "The PRC and Japan continue to debate over the actual number of people killed in the Rape of Nanking. The PRC claims that at least 300,000 civilians were murdered while Japan claims a far less figure of 40,000-200,000. While a majority of Japanese believe in the existence of the massacre, a Japanese-produced documentary film released just prior to the 60th anniversary of the massacre, titled The Truth about Nanjing, denies that any such atrocities took place", ". These disputes have stirred up enmity against Japan from the global Chinese community.", "Many Japanese believe that China is using the issue of the countries' checkered history, such as the Japanese history textbook controversies, and official visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, as both a diplomatic card and a tool to make Japan a scapegoat in domestic Chinese politics.", "Japan's compensation", "From late 19th century to early 20th century, one of the many factors contributing to the bankruptcy of the Qing government was Japan's requirement for large amount of war reparations. China paid huge amounts of silver to Japan under various treaties, including the Sino-Japanese Friendship and Trade Treaty (1871), Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895), the Triple Intervention (1895) and the Boxer Protocol (1901)", ". After the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894–95, the Qing government paid a total of 200,000,000 taels of silver to Japan for reparations.", "The Second Sino-Japanese War 1936-1945 also caused huge economic losses to China. However, Chiang Kai-shek waived reparations claims for the war when the ROC concluded the Treaty of Taipei with Japan in 1952. Similarly, when Japan normalized its relations with the PRC in 1972, Mao Zedong waived the claim of war reparations from Japan.", "Ex-Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio offered personal apology for Japan's wartime crimes, especially the Nanking Massacre, \"As a Japanese citizen, I feel that it's my duty to apologise for even just one Chinese civilian killed brutally by Japanese soldiers and that such action cannot be excused by saying that it occurred during war.\"\n\nIssue of Taiwan", "Issue of Taiwan\n\nThe Japan–Taiwan official split is one of the fundamental principles of China-Japanese relations. The PRC emphasises Taiwan is a part of China and the PRC is the only legal government of China (cf. One-China policy). By the 1972 agreement, the Treaty of Taipei was argued to be invalid.", "When the PRC–Japan normalization was concerned, the PRC had been worried about some Japanese pro-Taiwan independence politicians. At the same time, the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan has been a big problem for the PRC. In a point of the PRC's view, the military alliance treaty implicitly directs to the Taiwan Strait. It has become a big factor for Taiwan security affairs.", "On 2 December 2021, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it had summoned Japan's ambassador in Beijing, Hideo Tarumi, over remarks made by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on 1 December 2021 in support of Taiwan. In comments attributed to Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister. Hua Chunying, Beijing said Tokyo's envoy had been summoned over Abe's \"irresponsible\" remarks which presented a \"brutal intervention\" in China's internal affairs.", "On 28 December 2021, both Japan and China agreed to set up a military hotline to defuse potential crises over disputed islands and the Taiwan Strait.\n\nHuman rights\nIn July 2019, the UN ambassadors from 22 nations, including Japan, signed a joint letter to the UNHRC condemning China's mistreatment of the Uyghurs as well as of other minority groups, urging the Chinese government to close the Xinjiang re-education camps.", "On 6 October 2020, a group of 39 countries, including Japan, the U.S., most of the EU member states, Albania, Canada, Haiti, Honduras, Australia and New Zealand, made a statement to denounce China for its treatment of ethnic minorities and for curtailing freedoms in Hong Kong.\n\nEnvironmental Conditions and Policy", "East Asia as a region suffers from various environmental problems, including pollution and emissions, which directly impact global warming and climate change. Much of the environmental damage can be traced back to economic growth. China and Japan are top economic powers in the region and as a result, they have greatly contributed to East Asia's environmental crisis", ". Even still, the nations rank much differently in sustainability outputs, as China currently sits at #120 on the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) while Japan is at #12.", "China, due to being the most populated country in the world, currently leads in air and water pollution, but it also suffers from desertification. Producing 10.06 billion tons annually, China also contributes most to emissions. China also suffers from desertification, in which habitable land turns into desert. 20% of China's land is now desert and this number will continue to steadily increase.", "China knows it must make changes to preserve its nation and the world. As a result, its government signed the Paris Agreement in which they pledge to hit peak carbon emissions by 2030 and have renewables account for 20% of its energy. China has also adopted the use of clean energy and has passed new laws and regulations that require companies to start adopting the use of clean energy and the ability to punish polluters", ". Most recently, China has released a new plan, the “China Standards 2035,” which is designed at influencing next-generation technologies that encourage climate neutrality and environmental conservation.", "Japan dramatically improved its economy in the mid-1900s under the developmental state model, which drastically harmed the environment. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry produced policy at the national level to promote certain environmental guidelines, but much of the work early on started at the local levels. This was because the local governments could be held more accountable for their actions directly by the people", ". More recently, Japan has joined the Paris Climate Agreement to commit to sustainability efforts. This includes a goal for carbon neutrality by 2050, in hopes of moving Japan out of the top five -emitting nations.", "Japan also aims to reinvent the Japanese economy, viewing sustainable development as an opportunity, not as an obstacle. Japanese leaders hope to work closely with various international figures, including with Chinese leaders, to make policy changes that can slow global warming and prevent further climate change.\n\nPublic perception of relations", "Due to historical grievances and present geopolitical disagreements, relations between the Japanese and Chinese people are generally one of mutual hostility. According to a 2014 BBC World Service Poll, 3% of Japanese people view China's influence positively, with 73% expressing a negative view, the most negative perception of China in the world, while 5% of Chinese people view Japanese influence positively, with 90% expressing a negative view, the most negative perception of Japan in the world", ". A 2014 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center showed 85% of Japanese were concerned that territorial disputes between China and neighbouring countries could lead to a military conflict.", "However, , about 64.2% of Chinese citizens think that the status of the bilateral relationship with Japan is bad, compared to 44.9%, the percentage of Japanese citizens who hold the same view. This is a significant drop compared to 2016, where 78.2% and 71.9% of Chinese and Japanese citizens, respectively, held a negative perception of the relationship. The perception of the future of these ties has also gotten better, with 29.7% and 23", ". The perception of the future of these ties has also gotten better, with 29.7% and 23.6% of Chinese and Japanese citizens, again respectively, expecting relations to worsen, and 28.7% and 13.1% predicting that the relations will get better. The improving view of the status of China–Japan relations has been attributed to more communication between political leaders, a lack of \"big issues\", and the overshadowing of problems in the relationship by problems with North Korea.", "A 2019 survey published by the Pew Research Center found that 85% of Japanese people had an unfavourable view of China, while 75% of Chinese people had an unfavourable view of Japan.\n\nThe Economist has written that according to a survey done in 2021, more than 40% of Japanese aged 18–29 feel an \"affinity\" towards China, compared to only 13% for those aged in their 60s and 70s.", "Genron NPO-China International Press Group polling \nA private Japanese organisation, Genron NPO, and a Chinese media group, China International Press Group Limited, conducted the poll. It has been conducted jointly every year since 2005. The purpose of the survey is to continuously monitor the state of mutual understanding and recognition between the people of the two countries and how it has changed.", "2020", "The poll on the Japanese side was conducted between 12 September and 4 October using the door-to-door retention collection method among men and women aged 18 and over throughout Japan, with a valid sample size of 1,000. The gender of respondents was 48.6% male and 51.4% female. 2.5% were under 20 years of age, 11.8% were aged 20–29, 14.9% were aged 30–39, 17.4% were aged 40–49, 14.6% were aged 50–59, and 38.8% were aged 60 and over. 6.6% had a final education below the middle school, 47", ".8% were aged 60 and over. 6.6% had a final education below the middle school, 47.5% graduated from high school, 21.3% from junior college or technical college, 22.3% from university and 0.9% from postgraduate studies.", "In contrast, the Chinese public opinion survey was conducted from 15 September to 16 October in 10 cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Wuhan, Nanjing, Xi'an, Qingdao and Zhengzhou - among men and women aged 18 and over, using the interview method. The validly collected sample was 1571. The gender of respondents was 49.6% male and 50.4% female. 2.7% were under 20 years of age, 21.8% were aged 20–29, 28% were aged 30–39, 24.3% were aged 40–49, 12.3% were aged 50–59, and 10", ".8% were aged 20–29, 28% were aged 30–39, 24.3% were aged 40–49, 12.3% were aged 50–59, and 10.8% were aged 60 and over. 11.3% had a final education below the secondary school, 27.1% graduated from high school or vocational high school, 32.5% from vocational school, 26.1% from university, 0.5% from double degree and 2.2% from postgraduate studies.", "Among Japanese, those with a 'not good' impression of China have turned around from an improving trend over the past few years to a worsening one, with 89.7%, an increase of 5 percentage points from last year to nearly 90%. Those with a 'good' impression of China also decreased by 5 points to 10%.\n\nIn contrast, 45.2% of Chinese respondents have a 'good' impression of Japan, maintaining almost the same level as in 2019, when the figure was the highest since the survey began.", "The most common reason for Japanese having a 'good' impression of China is 'because I am interested in China's ancient culture and history' (30%), followed by 'because Chinese people have become closer to me due to the increase in tourists and various private exchanges', which was the most common reason in 2019, down from 40% last year to 29%.", "As for the reasons why the Chinese have a 'good' impression of Japan, 'because the Japanese are polite, respectful of manners and have a high level of civilisation' stood out at 56.8%, significantly higher than last year's 44.6%.", "On the other hand, the most common reasons why Japanese people have a 'bad' impression of China are China's recent behaviour, with 57.4% citing 'aggression around the Senkaku Islands' and 47.3% citing 'China's actions in the South China Sea and elsewhere', as well as 'discomfort with the political system of one-party rule by the Communist Party at 47%, each of which is higher than 2019", ". The percentage of respondents who said they were \"uncomfortable with the political system of one-party rule of the Communist Party\" was higher than in 2019.", "The reason why the Chinese have a 'bad' impression of Japan is the same as in 2019, with 'no proper apology and remorse for the history of aggression' leading the list at over 70%, followed by the 'nationalisation of the Diaoyu islands'.", "2022", "The Japanese poll was conducted between July 23 and August 14, using the door-to-door retention collection method among men and women aged 18 and up throughout Japan, with a proper sample size of 1000. The respondents were 48.3% male and 50.9% female. 2.3% were under the age of 20, 11.9% were 20–29, 14.8% were 30–39, 17.3% were 40–49, 14.7% were 50–59, 16.9% were 60–69, and 22.1% were 70–79. Regarding final education, 5.5% have a secondary school education or less, 42% have a high school education, 21", ".5% have a secondary school education or less, 42% have a high school education, 21.5% have a junior college or technical college education, 28% have a university education, and 1.2% have a postgraduate education.", "The Chinese public opinion survey, on the other hand, was conducted using the interview method in ten cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Wuhan, Nanjing, Xi'an, Qingdao, and Zhengzhou - from 23 July to 30 September among men and women aged 18 and over. The total number of validly collected samples was 1528. The gender split was 51% male and 49% female. 2.4% were under 20 years of age, 22.1% were aged 20–29, 21.5% were aged 30–39, 24.3% were aged 40–49, 14.3% were aged 50–59, 14", ".1% were aged 20–29, 21.5% were aged 30–39, 24.3% were aged 40–49, 14.3% were aged 50–59, 14.5% were aged 60–69 and 0.8% were aged 70–79. 8% had a final education below the secondary school, 22.4% graduated from high school, vocational high school, junior college or vocational school, 27.6% were currently studying at university, 37.7% had a university degree, 0.9% had a double degree, and 3.4% had a postgraduate degree.", "The number of Japanese who have a 'poor' impression of China has decreased slightly since 2021 but is still at 87.3%.\n\nThe number of Chinese who have a 'poor' impression of Japan has decreased since 2021 but is still over 60% at 62.6%.\n\nThe most common reasons for the Japanese having a 'good' impression of China are 'China's ancient culture and history' and 'China's sightseeing spots and magnificent nature'.", "As for the reasons why Chinese people have a 'good' impression of Japan, the most common response was 'the quality of Japanese products is high', followed by 'because Japan has achieved economic development and the people have a high standard of living'. Also, reasons such as 'the Japanese are polite, respectful of manners and have a high level of civilisation' at around 50%.", "On the other hand, the most common reason for Japanese people having a 'bad' impression of China is China's 'aggression around the Senkaku Islands' at 58.9%, followed by 'I feel uncomfortable with the political system' at 51.5%.", "The most common reason for the Chinese having a 'bad' impression of Japan is that Japan 'has not properly apologised and reflected on its history of aggression' at 78.8%, nearly 80%, followed by 'caused conflict by nationalising the area around the Diaoyu Islands' at 58.9%. Notable increases from last year were 'inappropriate words and actions of some politicians' (from 21% to 37.7%), 'Japan is trying to encircle China in terms of military, economy and ideology in cooperation with the US' (from 23% to 37", ".6%), 'Japanese media propagates the threat of China' (from 11.8% to (from 11.8% to 34.2%) and 'Japan is showing a negative attitude towards one China' (from 11.2% to 26.5%).", "VIP inter-visits\n\nSee also\n\n Japanese people in China\n Chinese people in Japan\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading", "Berger, Thomas U., Mike M. Mochizuki & Jitsuo Tsuchiyama, eds. Japan in International Politics: The Foreign Policies of an Adaptive State (Lynne Rienner, 2007)\n Chung, Chien-peng. Contentious Integration: Post-Cold War Japan-China Relations in the Asia-Pacific (Routledge, 2016).\n Dent, Christopher M., ed. China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia (Edward Elgar, 2008)", "Dent, Christopher M., ed. China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia (Edward Elgar, 2008)\n Dreyer, June Teufel. Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino-Japanese Relations, Past and Present, (Oxford University Press, 2016)\n Drifte, Reinhard Japan's Security Relations with China since 1989: From Balancing to Bandwagoning? (Routledge, 2002)\n Emmott, Bill. Rivals: How the Power Struggle between China, India and Japan Will Shape Our Next Decade, (Harcourt, 2008)", "Hagström, Linus. Japan's China Policy: A Relational Power Analysis, (Routledge, 2005)\n Hook, Glenn D., et al. Japan's international relations: politics, economics and security (Routledge, 2011) .\n Insisa, Aurelio, and Giulio Pugliese. \"The free and open Indo-Pacific versus the belt and road: Spheres of influence and Sino-Japanese relations.\" Pacific Review 35.3 (2022): 557–585. online\n Iriye, Akira. China and Japan in the Global Setting, (Harvard University Press, 1992)", "Jansen, Marius B. Japan and China: From War to Peace, 1894-1972 (Rand McNally, 1975).\n Keene, Donald. \"The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 and Its Cultural Effects in Japan.\" in Donald H. Shively, Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture (Princeton University Press, 1971)\n King, Amy. China-Japan Relations after World War Two: Empire, Industry and War, 1949–1971 (Cambridge University Press, 2016).\n Kokubun, Ryosei, et al. eds. Japan–China Relations in the Modern Era. (Routledge, 2017).", "Kokubun, Ryosei, et al. eds. Japan–China Relations in the Modern Era. (Routledge, 2017).\n Kokubun, Ryosei. Japan–China Relations through the Lens of Chinese Politics. (Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2021).\n \n Licheng, Ma. Hatred Has No Future: New Thinking on Relations with Japan (Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture, 2020).\n Lone, Stewart Japan's First Modern War: Army and Society in the Conflict with China, 1894-5 (Springer, 1994).", "Nish, Ian. \"An Overview of Relations between China and Japan, 1895–1945.\" China Quarterly (1990) 124 (1990): 601–623. online\n Ogata, Sadako. Normalization with China: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Japanese Processes, (University of California, 1988).\n O'Hanlon, Michael E. The Senkaku Paradox: Risking Great Power War Over Small Stakes (Brookings Institution, 2019) online review\n Paine, Sarah C.M. The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895: Perceptions, Power, and Primacy (Cambridge UP, 2005.)", "Reinhold, Christiane. Studying the Enemy: Japan Hands in Republican China and Their Quest for National Identity, 1925-1945 (Routledge, 2018).\n Rose, Caroline. Interpreting history in Sino-Japanese Relations: A Case Study in Political Decision Making (Routledge, 1998)\n Rose, Caroline. Sino-Japanese Relations: Facing the Past, Looking to the Future? (Routledge, 2005)", "Rose, Caroline. \"Breaking the Deadlock: Japan's Informal Diplomacy with China, 1958-9.\" in Iokibe Makoto et al. eds. Japanese Diplomacy in the 1950s: From Isolation to Integration (Routledge, 2008)\n Schultz, Franziska. Economic Effects of Political Shocks to Sino-Japanese Relations (2005-2014) (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2019).\n Söderberg, Marie. Chinese-Japanese Relations in the Twenty-first Century: Complementarity and Conflict, (Routledge, 2002)", "Thorne, Christopher G. The Limits of Foreign Policy: The West, the League and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1931-1933 (1972) online\n Vogel, Ezra F., Yuan Ming & Tanaka Akihiko [eds.] The Golden Age of the US-China-Japan Triangle, 1972-1989, (Harvard University Press, 2003)\n Vogel, Ezra F. China and Japan: Facing History (2019) excerpt scholarly survey over 1500 years\n Wan, Ming. Sino-Japanese Relations: Interaction, Logic, and Transformation (2006) online review", "Wan, Ming. Sino-Japanese Relations: Interaction, Logic, and Transformation (2006) online review\n Wei, Shuge. News under Fire: China's Propaganda against Japan in the English-Language Press, 1928–1941 (Hong Kong University Press, 2017).\n Whiting, Allen S. China Eyes Japan, (University of California Press, 1989) \n Wits, Casper. \"The Japan Group: Managing China's People's Diplomacy Toward Japan in the 1950s.\" East Asia 33.2 (2016): 91–110.", "Yoshida, Takashi. The Making of the 'Rape of Nanking': History and Memory in Japan, China, and the United States (Oxford University Press, 2006) excerpt.\n Zhao, Quansheng. Japanese Policymaking: The Politics behind Politics: Informal Mechanisms & the Making of China Policy, [New Ed.] (Oxford University Press, 1996)", "External links\n\n Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China: Japan\n Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: Japan-China Relations\n\n \nJapan\nChina\nRelations of colonizer and former colony" ]
Factional violence in Libya (2011–2014)
[ "Following the end of the First Libyan Civil War, which overthrew Muammar Gaddafi, there was violence involving various militias and the new state security forces. This violence has escalated into the Second Libyan Civil War (2014–2020).", "The militias included guerrillas, Islamists, and militias who fought against Gaddafi but refused to lay down their arms when the war ended in October 2011. According to some civilian leaders, these latter militias shifted from merely delaying the surrender of their weapons to actively asserting a continuing political role as \"guardians of the revolution\". Some of the largest, and most well-equipped militias were associated with Islamist groups that were forming political parties", ". Before the official end of hostilities between loyalist and opposition forces, there were reports of sporadic clashes between rival militias, and vigilante revenge killings.", "In September 2012, Islamists attacked the United States consulate building in Benghazi, killing the US ambassador and three others. This prompted a popular outcry against semi-legal militias that were still operating and resulted in the storming of several Islamist militia bases by protesters. A large-scale government crackdown followed on non-government sanctioned militias, with the Libyan Army raiding several now illegal militias' headquarters and ordering them to disband.\n\nEvents\n\n2011", "November 2011", "On 1 November, a group of intoxicated Zintan fighters stormed a hospital in Tripoli and demanded they hand-over of a fighter who was wounded earlier in the day in a clash that also left another militiaman dead. The doctors refused and a Tripoli militia, in charge of hospital security, forced the Zintanis out, but not before they shot rounds in the hospital. Both groups received reinforcements and the fighting, involving heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, lasted for three hours", ". There were no direct fatalities from the fighting, but three patients at the hospital died due to stress-related causes linked to the clashes. Three Tripoli fighters were wounded. The fighting reportedly ended after calls from a local imam and senior commanders from both groups talked by phone with their men.", "On 8 November, it was evident that loyalist remnants were also still active in the country, even more than two weeks after their defeat, when a pro-Gaddafi convoy tried to cross the border into Niger and was intercepted by the Nigerien army. 13 loyalists and one Nigerien soldier were killed.", "Between 8 and 12 November, large-scale fighting erupted between Zawiya and Tripoli between a Zawiya-based militia and a group from the Wershifanna tribe. The Zawiya group accused their opponents of belonging to loyalist remnants and they reported seeing tanks and vehicles with the Gaddafi-era green flag and markings that said \"Brigade of the Martyr Muammar Gaddafi\". The Wershifanna denied this and stated that the men from Zawiya had been misled by a rumor that pro-Gaddafi fighters were in the area", ". The fighting was centered around the former loyalist Imaya military base and both sides vied for control. Grad rocket launchers were used at times during the clashes. 9–12 Zawiya fighters and nine Wershifanna fighters were killed.", "On 23 November, a militia force in Bani Walid was ambushed after being sent there to arrest a known Gaddafi supporter. 15 militia members were killed. The survivors reported being shot at and hit with grenades and rockets from houses after they found out all the roads were blocked. Another report stated that the fighting started after a high-speed chase with a suspect vehicle in which a Gaddafi loyalist was killed. One civilian also reportedly died during the fighting.", "December 2011\nIn early December, a group of Zintani gunmen attacked the convoy of a top army officer, General Khalifa Haftar, as it was speeding through a checkpoint set up by the group. In a separate incident, gunfire broke out between the army and the Zintan brigade at the Tripoli International Airport. On 16 December, Haftar said an armed group had abducted his son, Belgassim, and detained him at the airport.", "On 6 December, Libya's interim government announced that, following consultations with Tripoli's local council, it had given militias lingering in the capital until late December to hand over security to the authorities. Officials said residents of Tripoli would convene rallies in support of the initiative to clear the city of weapons and out-of-town fighters. If militias had not withdrawn by 20 December, the authorities and members of the public intended to close the whole city to traffic", ". By January 2012, the former rebels had dismantled most of their checkpoints, while some key bases still remained.", "On 11 December, fighting erupted south of Zintan, between the Zintan militia and members of the El-Mashasha tribe. The clashes started when the El-Mashasha attacked the convoy of a Zintan militia commander, killing him, as he tried to pass through the town of Wamis, around which the tribe was based. The Zintanis retaliated by attacking the town with artillery or rocket fire, hitting houses in residential areas. A mosque and a school were also hit. Over two days of fighting three townspeople were killed", ". A mosque and a school were also hit. Over two days of fighting three townspeople were killed. By 13 December, a ceasefire was established. Officials from Zintan stated that the fighting was the result of the El-Mashasha killing several residents of Zintan earlier in week.", "2012\n\nJanuary 2012 \nOn 3 January, four fighters were killed in a gun battle in Tripoli as dozens of fighters from Misrata were trying to seize a group of prisoners being held in a security compound by Tripoli militias. Another report stated that there were two separate gun battles and put the number of dead at seven. In response to the incident, NTC chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil warned that Libya risked sliding into civil war if the rival militias were not brought under control.", "On 14 January, two fighters were killed and 36 were injured after clashes between militias from neighbouring towns of Gharyan and Asbi'a. It was reported that artillery and rockets were used during the clashes. On 15 January, the rival groups carried out a prisoner swap and agreed to a ceasefire. Officials said 12 people had been killed and around 100 wounded on both sides", ". Officials said 12 people had been killed and around 100 wounded on both sides. In the days leading up to the fighting, the Asbi'a commander assigned to Gharyan, Ezzedine al-Ghool, was detained and tortured to death by members of the Gharyan militia. His body was dropped off anonymously at a hospital in Tripoli.", "On 20 January, Libya's former ambassador to France died less than a day after he was arrested by a Tripoli militia group. Human Rights Watch said on 3 February, that marks on Omar Brebesh's body suggested he died as a result of torture while he was in detention.", "On 22 January, a new clash broke out in Tripoli when NTC fighters attempted to arrest a former prisoner, charged with murder, who was released by the Gaddafi government at the start of the civil war the previous year. He and his brother took shelter in their home and opened fire on the militia with RPGs and automatic weapons. Both brothers and an NTC fighter were killed and five militiamen were wounded.", "On 26 January, the humanitarian aid non-governmental organization Médecins Sans Frontières (which had been present in Misrata since April 2011, during the Libyan Civil War) announced the suspension of their work in the city detention centres, as detainees were tortured and denied urgent health care. MSF General Director Christopher Stokes stated: \"Patients were brought to us in the middle of interrogation for medical care, in order to make them fit for more interrogation. This is unacceptable", ". This is unacceptable. Our role is to provide medical care to war casualties and sick detainees, not to repeatedly treat the same patients between torture sessions.\". Amnesty International had described two days ago \"widespread torture and ill-treatment of suspected pro-Gadhafi fighters and loyalists.\", with several detainees dying across Libya in the precedent weeks.", "Bani Walid clashes\n\nUprising started in Bani Walid on 23 January 2012 due to an incident in the city of Bani Walid in which the \"May 28 Brigade\" militia wished to arrest local men in unclear circumstances. The May 28 Brigade and their compound were then attacked by local fighters who then took control of the town.", "February 2012 \nOn 6 February, seven male black Libyan civilians from Tawergha were killed by militias who raided their makeshift refugee camp at a former naval academy in Janzour, a suburb of Tripoli. The survivors said that they appeared to be from Misrata because of their license plates, though the Misrata militia denied this.\n\nKufra clashes", "Kufra clashes\n\nOn 12 February, conflict erupted between Zuwayya and Toubou tribesmen in southern town of Kufra. This conflict lasted several months and led to government military intervention which started uneasy truce between two tribes.\n\nOn 15 February, Amnesty International reported that at least 12 detainees had been tortured to death while in militia custody.", "March 2012 \nOn 2 March, the head of the security committee in Derna, Colonel Mohammed Al-Hassi, was shot and killed outside a petrol station in the town. He had previously survived two earlier assassination attempts and was also the head of Derna's anti-drugs unit. He cracked down hard on local drug smugglers during and before the civil war.", "On 6 March, tribal and militia leaders in Benghazi declared unilaterally semi-autonomy for the eastern region of Cyrenaica. This was met with anger from the NTC government in Tripoli and anti-autonomy demonstrations erupted in the capital and Benghazi. On 16 March, a pro-autonomy demonstration was held in Benghazi, which was attacked by unknown gunmen, leaving one person dead and five injured.", "On 18 March, a clash erupted between the Zintan militia and residents of Tripoli's Abu Salim district, previously loyal to Gaddafi. One militiaman was killed before a cease-fire was brokered by the district's own militia commander.\n\nSabha clashes\n\nLate on 25 March, clashes erupted in the southern city of Sabha, between Arab and Toubou tribesmen, after a man from the Abu Seif tribe was killed in a dispute over a car by the Toubou which lasted for one week.\n\nApril 2012 \nZuwara clashes", "On 1 April, 21–34 Zuwara militiamen were detained by members of a neighboring town's militia. The Ragdalein fighters stated that they captured the men after months of abuses by a Zuwara brigade, including the looting of property. For their part, the Zuwara local council head accused Ragdalein to be a hub of Gaddafi loyalists", ". For their part, the Zuwara local council head accused Ragdalein to be a hub of Gaddafi loyalists. A third version of the events came from the government Interior Ministry which stated that the trouble started when a Zuwara hunting party near Al-Jumail shot and killed a person from that town by mistake. The hunters were then arrested but released later", ". The hunters were then arrested but released later. Another Zuwara council head claimed that the men were tortured before being released and stated that Zuwara came under mortar and anti-aircraft fire by militias from both Ragdalein and Al-Jumail.", "On 3 April, reports emerged that the fighting in the Zuwara area was still continuing with at least one Zuwara militiaman killed and five wounded. The losses for Ragdalein and Al-Jumail were not known. Clashes were reported at the entrance to Ragdalein while Al-Jumail was shelling Zuwara. At least 14 were killed and 80 injured.", "On 4 April, the fighting escalated with the use of tanks and artillery. The reported number of dead was said to had risen to 26, eight from Zuwara and 18 from the outlying towns, and another 142 Zuwarans were wounded. Unconfirmed reports rose up the death toll to 48 killed in the clashes.\n\nOn 6 April, French leading newspaper Le Figaro reported that a dozen people were killed near Ghat on 1 and 2 April in fighting between former pro-Gaddafi Tuaregs and the Zintan tribe.", "On 20 April, fighting restarted in Kufra with 12 people being killed and more than 35 wounded when the Tobu fighters were reportedly attacked by units under the command of the Libyan National Army. The fighting began when a Tobu tribesman was killed by members of the Zuwayya tribe. The battles lasted late into 21 April.", "May 2012 \nOn 8 May, protests outside prime minister office turned violent when ex-rebels, which protested on the non-payment of the promised cash handout by the government, attacked the office in Tripoli. One Interior Ministry's Supreme Security Committee (SSC) guard was killed, while four others, one protester and three SSC guards, were injured.", "On 15 May, a diplomatic source briefed by Western intelligence officials stated that, beside the tribal rivalries plaguing the country, there was concern about a growing presence of Islamist militants in some areas, specifically the city of Derna. The source said that hundreds of Islamist militants were in and around the town, and there were militant training camps where weapons were also provided. He said one official had described the area as \"a disaster zone", ". He said one official had described the area as \"a disaster zone.\" Tensions had reportedly grown between local people and the militants. According to the source, the previous month, a number of town residents went to a camp on the outskirts of the city and forced militants to leave. One of the indicators of the militant inter-factional were also the recent spate of car-bombings in Derna. One of the attacks targeted Abdel Hakim al Hasadi, a former member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group", ". The same day, two people were killed and a third wounded in intertribal clashes in Sorman.", "On 16 May, fighting erupted between Tuareg tribesmen and local militiamen over control of a checkpoint on the edge of Ghadames on a desert route often used for smuggling, near the Algerian border. Between seven and thirteen people were killed and more than 20 wounded. Per one local official, except one person, all of the dead were Tuaregs.", "June 2012 \nOn 5 June, a militia checkpoint in Gwarsha district was attacked and destroyed by the family of a member of the security forces who had been fatally shot earlier by a militiaman at the checkpoint.\n\nOn 6 June, one person was shot and killed in Sirte, purportedly by anti-Gaddafi gunmen who thought the man was a loyalist.", "Between 11 and 17 June, clashes raged in the town of Zintan. Zintani militiamen were involved in fighting with members of the El-Mashasha tribe, whom they accuse of being Gaddafi loyalists because they did not join the opposition during the civil war the previous year. The fighting reportedly started when a Zintani militiaman was shot and killed at an El-Mashasha checkpoint. At the same time, a security patrol came under fire in Sabha, leaving two dead and 10 wounded", ". At the same time, a security patrol came under fire in Sabha, leaving two dead and 10 wounded. Armed clashes also flared anew in Kufra, leaving one dead and dozens injured. After days of clashes, on 17 June, the Libyan government declared the area around Zintan a military zone and sent troops to stop the fighting. The total casualty toll for the fighting in the Zintan area was ultimately stated to be 105 killed and more than 500 wounded. The majority of the dead were reported to be El-Mashasha", ". The majority of the dead were reported to be El-Mashasha. The tribesmen accused the Zintan forces of shelling their town, Sheguiga, with tank and rocket fire.", "July 2012 \nOn 6 July, a helicopter carrying election material was shot at south of Benghazi killing an election worker.", "On 28 July, Colonel Bouzyreda Sleiman, a former military intelligence agent who defected to the opposition during the civil war, was shot and killed in Benghazi as he was performing the Taraweeh prayers at the Amer Bin Yas mosque. Other former Benghazi interior security officers, as Abdelhamid Kandouz Ali or non-commissioned officer Ibrahim Al-Arabi, were killed several days before by car bombs.", "On 29 July, commander of Libyan ground forces Khalifa Hafter escaped an assassination attempt in Benghazi, when his convoy get under fire from unknown assailants. Abdel-Basit Haroun, a Benghazi militia commander, declared that only during the past month thirteen people who had been close to the former government had been killed. Also in Benghazi, a bomb planted at the Tibesti hotel was defused before it could explode.", "August 2012 \nOn 1 August, clashes in Abu Isa (between Zawiya and Sorman) between armed gangs who were fighting over some vehicles since the day before ended with the intervention of the Libya Shield Force, with a final toll between two and four killed, and five injured.", "On 10 August, another former Libyan Army officer who was among the first defecting to the opposition, Brigadier General Mohamed Hadia al-Feitouri, was shot and killed in Benghazi. Hadia, then defence ministry official responsible for ammunition and weapons, was returning home from Friday prayers when a group of gunmen pulled up in a car and opened fire on him.", "On 19 August, two people were killed in a two independent car bomb attacks in Tripoli. They are the first fatal bomb attacks since the fall of the Gaddafi regime. The Libyan Ministry of Interior accused Gaddafi loyalists of carrying out the attacks, while those loyalists using an instant messaging service Paltalk were reportedly listening to the Interior Ministry's communications network.", "On 23 August, tribal clashes with heavy weapons (between Awlad Al-Shaikh tribesmen and Zlitenis according to some sources, and between Al-Haly and Al-Fawatra tribes according to others) started in Zliten, killing between three and twelve people, and injuring dozens", ". In a separate development, Interior ministry spokesman Abdelmonem al-Hur stated that more than a hundred tanks and twenty-six rocket launchers were seized from an alleged pro-Gaddafi militia (named Katibat Al-Awfiyah, or Brigade of the Faithful), during a raid on their campsite in Tarhuna. The operation ended with one of the suspects killed, eight wounded and thirteen detainees, accused of being linked with the 19 August Tripoli bombings", ". In Homs, east of Tripoli, a women's hunger strike over conditions at a migrants camp was suppressed by anti-Gaddafi militia members, leaving three Sub-Saharan migrants dead, according to Eritrean Roman Catholic priest Moses Zerai. In Sabha, two African migrants were killed and several others wounded when unknown assailants threw an explosive device at the home where they stayed.", "On 24 August, following the deadly clashes of the day before, the shrine of Sufi scholar Sidi Abd As-Salam Al-Asmar in Zliten (which had been target of an earlier attack in March) was destroyed by Salafist groups using a bulldozer and explosives, according to Zlitan military council official Omar Ali and witnesses. The attackers have also blown up the mosque attached to it and its library, filmed the events and posted the footage online.", "On 25 August, the Al-Shaab Al-Dahmani mosque and shrine in central Tripoli was bulldozed in broad daylight by a group of armed Salafists, including members of the security forces. According to witnesses, when the police came, they prevented people from approaching instead of stopping the demolition, while an anonymous government officer alleged that after a small clash they sealed the area to prevent violence from spreading", ". One of the assailants affirmed that the Interior Ministry had authorised the operation after discovering practices of worshipping and \"black magic\" at the shrine. According to witnesses, the Sheikh Ahmad Zarruq mausoleum in the port of Misrata was also destroyed. On 26 August, several Libyan government officials as President of the General National Congress Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf, or Supreme Military Council spokesman Abdel Moneim al-Hurr condemned the demolition", ". Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur stated on Twitter: \"The destruction of shrines and mosques is a crime. Those who commit these crimes will be held responsible… I asked the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defence to intervene yesterday but they did not do their duty to protect these sites.\" The Grand Mufti of Libya Sheikh Sadik Al-Ghariani condemned the desecration of graves and holy sites, which he described as \"not religiously permissible\" and \"a violation of the sanctity of the dead\"", ". International non-governmental organizations (like HRW or ANHRI) and UNESCO also denounced the attacks.", "September 2012", "On 2 September, clashes between two rival young men groups in Zawiya for the theft of a car resulted in seven killed and thirteen injured, ending with the intervention of local security forces. The same day, the joint venture between AGOCO and Repsol announced a halt on oil production at the Akakus fields in the Murzuq basin, following an attack on some company personnel by the guards of the complex", ". In Benghazi, a car bomb exploded in Gamal Abdel Nasser street, at the center of the city, killing a Colonel of the former government security services and wounding the other passenger. While at first Supreme Security Committee spokesman Abdel Moneim al-Hurr said that the driver was carrying the bombing device, he later affirmed that the two men, both intelligence officers, had been the target of the explosion.", "Between 3 and 4 September, a group of Wershifanna tribesmen located a fake checkpoint at the Zahra bridge, in the road between Tripoli and Aziziya, killing between one and three travellers and kidnapping seven others from the Nafusa mountains. On Tuesday 4 September, an agreement was made with the group fleeing the checkpoint and releasing the hostages in exchange for the liberation of a Wershifanna man accused of car theft.", "On 7 September, a Salafist militia attacked the Sidi Al-Lafi mausoleum in Rajma. In the clashes with local residents that followed, three militiamen were killed and seven people were injured, according to Interior Ministry sources. Finally, the Libya Shield Brigade was deployed to stop the violence. Wisam Bin Hamid, leader of the Libya Shield Force in Cirenaica raised later the injured toll to thirteen, and denied reports that his forces were involved in the attack.", "On 10 September, Air Defense Colonel Badr Khamis Al-Obeidi was killed by unknown gunmen in a drive-by shooting when he was leaving the Saida Aisha mosque in Benghazi.\n\nOn 11 September (eleventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks), heavy armed Islamist militiamen attacked all the night with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, assault rifles and mortars the US consulate building in Benghazi and a CIA annex, killing four United States citizens, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.", "In Benghazi, in late September, mass protests forced the Islamist militia Ansar al-Sharia to withdraw from their barracks and flee. People in the crowd waved swords and even a meat cleaver, shouting \"No more al-Qaeda!\" and \"The blood we shed for freedom shall not go in vain!\" They tore down the banner of group while chanting \"no no to the brigades\". 11 people were killed during the clashes in Benghazi, including six government soldiers who were found executed outside the city", ". Militias were blamed for the soldier's deaths. A colonel was also reported missing and feared kidnapped.", "At the same time, Essam al Katous, a senior security official reported that Gaddafi loyalists killed 20 militiamen and abducted 30 other from a bus in the southern town of Barek al-Shati where they clashed for several days with a pro-government militia.\n\nOn 14 September, Benghazis airport closed because of heavy anti-aircraft fire from Islamist militias aimed to hit United States drones who were flying over the city.", "On 17 September, the head of Sabhas military council, Colonel Ali Dallah Gaidi survived an assassination attempt in Ubari, but his wife was killed in the attack.\n\nOn 23 September, Libyan Prime Minister-elect Mustafa A.G. Abushagur office ordered, after meetings with representatives of Libyan political parties and security forces, all militias to either disband or come under army command in 48 hours.", "On 25 September, Omran Shabaan died from his wounds in France. He was among the men who captured Gaddafi before his death. He was later allegedly captured and tortured in Bani Walid before being released when the prime minister visited the city earlier in the month", ". The General National Congress of Libya, which was evacuated that day following a firefight on a protest by disgruntled former NTC fighters, hailed Shabaan as a \"brave hero\" and called for inquires into the circumstances of his death in order to find and punish those responsible.", "October 2012 \n\nOn 2 October, clashes erupted between pro-government militias from Misrata and local militiamen in Bani Walid, with a result of one death and between five and ten wounded.\n\nOn 3 October, three policemen were killed on a checkpoint in Susa, with a fourth injured in a critical condition, who died days later. Jabal al Akhdar district police chief Nasser Zayed blamed hardline Islamists for the attack.", "By 8 October, thousands of soldiers surrounded Bani Walid and gave a deadline of 10 October to surrender the men who had tortured Omran Shaban to death, or face the town being stormed. Shelling of the town was reported, but the Misratan commanders denied they had any artillery that they could use against the town.", "On 9 October, Misratan fighters, who besieged Bani Walid since the beginning of the month, killed three residents, including a child, and injured seven others during an artillery attack on the town, according to Colonel Salem Waer, who was leading the Bani Walid fighters. In a counter-attack, nine Misratan fighters were wounded.", "On 12 October, a night-time curfew was imposed in Sirte by the local SSC, due to clashes between Warfalla tribesmen and Misratans fueled by the situation in Bani Walid. On the first night of the curfew, two members of the armed forces were injured by gunfire.\n\nOn 16 October, Captain Adel Baqramawi was killed when unknown assailants threw a bomb from a pick-up truck to his car, marking at least the 15th military official to be murdered in Benghazi in 2012.", "On 26 October, a masked man entered a café in Benghazi and shot twice in the face Haitham Warfali, killing him instantly. A friend of the murdered was also wounded in the leg by the attacker. Friends of the victim linked the execution with his involvement in organising demonstrations in the city to protest the blockade of Bani Walid.\n\nOn 28 October a Gambian migrant was shot dead by militiamen in Tripoli, according to eyewitnesses.", "On 28 October a Gambian migrant was shot dead by militiamen in Tripoli, according to eyewitnesses.\n\nNovember 2012 \nOn 4 November, the head of Cyrenaica Transitional Council's military wing, Hamid Al-Hassi, narrowly survived an assassination attempt that left one of his bodyguards killed and two injured.", "In Tripoli, the arrest attempt on Mohamed Al-Warfali, leader of a ministry of Interior SSC brigade, started clashes in Sidi Khalifa district. Warfali was arrested in October after what he was accused of supplying Bani Walid militia with weapons during battle and escaped under unclear circumstances. Militiamen set on fire the SSC headquarters, damaging also a nearby hospital, and looting shops on Zawiya street", ". Fighting lasted for much of the day, until army reinforcements arrived and Warfalli, together with 11 of his men, surrendered. Fighting allegedly killed at least 11 people, with some sources putting number up to 18, but there was no confirmation of the deaths. Angry residents also set ablaze Warfali house in the district. Meanwhile, a protest at Zawiya's refinery caused petrol shortage in the Libyan capital.", "On 5 November, the corpse of former NTC Tarhuna's representative Abdel Basset Abu Naama was found on a locked car at the town. He had been kidnapped the day before, with his body allegedly showing torture signs and a fatal gunshot into the head. In Khoms, one person was reported killed and four others injured in clashes between the SSC forces and a local militia named Katibat Nusur Al-Sahel (\"The Coast Eagles\").", "On 6 November, the dead body of a retired colonel who had supported the NTC during the war was found in his farm in Benghazi, with shots in the head and chest.\n\nOn 10 November, armed clashes took place in Tiji (Nafusa Mountains) between local troops and a Kabaw-based militia, when the latter tried to take weapons and ammunition from a military base in the neighbour town. One Kabaw militiamen was killed and several wounded in both sides.", "On 12 November, the secretary of Sirte local council was killed by unknown gunmen outside the town's medical institute, allegedly because his support to the NTC during the war.\n\nOn 21 November, unidentified gunmen shot and killed Benghazi's police chief Faraj al-Deirsy in front of his home in the latest attack against security officials in Libya's second largest city.", "December 2012", "On 15 December, three Libyan soldiers, including two Captains, were killed in Bani Walid when they were ambushed by gunmen who were then reported to have taken full control of the Darha area. The next day, four policemen were killed in two attacks by Islamist gunmen in Benghazi. In Tripoli, the GNC announced the temporary closure of the borders with Algeria, Niger, Chad and Sudan, and declared southern Libya as a \"closed military zone\"", ". In Traghan, the head of the local council was killed and two members of his family wounded by unknown assailants.", "On 20 December, during a demonstration calling for the release of a prisoner at the Security Directorate in Benghazi, clashes erupted between protesters and security forces, leaving at least one policemen, one soldier, two armed attackers and three civilians killed, as well as 16 wounded (8 civilians and 8 from the security forces).\n\nOn 27 December, an unknown gunman killed Lieutenant Awad Mohamed Al-Fakhri and injured his mother, in their family house at Al-Abyar, near Benghazi.", "On 29 December, unknown assailants attacked with home-made dynamite or a grenade the Coptic church of Mar Girgis in Dafniya, near Misrata, killing two Egyptians and injuring another two. Both Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr and the Head of Libya's Copts, Father Timothaus Bishara Adla condemned the attack. Meanwhile, in Tripoli, units of the local SSC and police officers clashed again because the detention of a SSC member", ". In Ubari, at least two Libya Shield militiamen were killed and an unknown number injured in armed clashes.", "2013", "January 2013", "On 6 January, GNC president Mohamed Magarief announced that he had been the target of an assassination attempt at the hotel in Sabha where he was staying with his delegation on a visit. He told the Libyan state television that gunmen attacked the hotel with heavy gun-fire. An ongoing battle between Magarief's personal bodyguards and the gunmen lasted for three hours and left three of his guards wounded", ". Although, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry said that he believed the shooting in Sebha had not been specifically aimed at the GNC President, but linked to the intertribal clashes of the precedent days in the town.", "On 8 January, clashes erupted at the university campus in Kufra, leaving two or three killed, with the local council claiming they were unknown armed militants shot by troops, while the Toubou community claimed they were Toubou civilians assassinated by Zway militiamen.", "On 10 January, angry protesters tried to storm the Nawasi brigade headquarters at Mitiga Airport, in retaliation for the killing of Najmi Ibrahim Al-Abani. The clashes that continued in Tripoli since 7 January cost the life of at least five other people, with several wounded.", "On 19 January, gunfire erupted between militiamen and the bodyguards of the Libyan Defence Minister while the latter was visiting an Air Force base in Tobruk. Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Bargati accused later his former deputy Siddiq Al-Ghaith of inciting an attempt to kill him, rejecting Al-Ghaith claims that the incident had been only a \"tribal matter\". In Ghadames, the local council denounced that the town was besieged by Zintan border guards, who had clashed with local militiamen, with no serious injuries.", "February–May 2013\nOn the weekend of 23–24 February, at least two people were killed and one wounded in Kufra, in renewed deadly clashes between Zway and Tebu tribesmen.", "A car bomb exploded outside the French embassy injuring two French guards. While Libya called it a \"terrorist attack,\" French President François Hollande called on the Libyans to bring the perpetrators \"to justice.\" French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius also said: \"This was a terrorist act ... aimed at killing. The terrorists who wanted to attack France and Libya and undermine the friendship between them will pay", ".\" He then flew to Tripoli where he inspected the site of the attack with host Prime Minister Ali Zeidan. Though no one claimed responsibility for the attack, AQIM had threatened to retaliate for the French intervention in Mali just a week before the incident. The British Council in Tripoli was targeted by a car bomb simultaneously with the attack on the French Embassy in Tripoli", ". It was reported that \"the bombers were foiled as they were preparing to park a rigged vehicle in front of the compound gate, diplomatic sources say\".", "On 27 April, Chadian President Idriss Deby accused Libya of not doing enough to stop Chadian mercenaries from training at a camp set up near Benghazi. He said: \"Libya is now infested with mercenaries. Camps are set up [for] them in Benghazi where Chadians are assembled and recruited. I know who is directing and commanding those mercenaries. I call on Libyan authorities to take every possible measure to spare Chad from new plot being originates in their country", ".\" Libyan Ambassador to the UN Ibrahim Dabbashi said Deby's claims were not credible: \"The president of Chad used to be a good friend of [Muammar] Gaddafi. He [Deby] was blackmailing Gaddafi in the past to get the money to support the regime ... Maybe [Deby] now is looking for a kind of support outside his country.\"", "The next day about 200 heavily armed, including anti-aircraft weapons, surrounded the foreign ministry building demanding an end to former government officials from the old regime getting leadership positions in the new regime. The commander of the group surrounding the building said that it had been targeted as officials from the former regime worked there. He added: \"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will remain closed until the political isolation law is implemented", ".\" On 30 April, armed men surrounded the Justice Ministry for the same reason.", "On 3 May, several hundred people protested in Tripoli's Algeria Square against those who laid siege to the aforementioned ministries. They carried placards that read: \"The era of the militias is over,\" \"Attacks on the ministries are attacks on the Libyan people\" and \"No to weapons, yes to dialogue.\" As they marched to Martyrs' Square they were attacked by others who supported the adoption of a law to ban members of the previous regime for partaking in the incumbent regime.", "As a result of the continued influence of militias Defence Minister Mohammed al-Baragthi announced his resignation. However, Prime Minister convinced him to rescind his resignation. Al Jazeera quoted him as saying that he \"can't be a part of this, either by being silent and taking no action, or by taking any action because he can't be part of the shedding of Libyan blood if he takes any action as a responsible official or as a minister of defence.\"", "On 13 May, 17 people were killed in car bomb incident in Benghazi, according to the Libyan Defense Ministry.\n\nJune–July 2013\nOn 4 June, in the intertribal clashes in the village at the city of Sabha, located in the south of Libya, at least six people were killed.\n\nBenghazi clashes\n\nOn 8 June, at least 31 people were killed and 100 wounded in clashes in Benghazi between protesters and a militia operating with Defence Ministry approval. Five of the dead were soldiers and one was a militiaman.", "On 14 June, six soldiers were killed in Benghazi in clashes between Libyan special forces and armed protesters. The previous night, an Army convoy transporting military vehicles from Tripoli to Sabha was ambushed resulting in the deaths of three of the attackers and an Army brigade commander.\n\nOn 26–27 June, 10 people were killed in clashes in Tripoli. Minister of Defence Mohammed al-Bargathi resigned after that. Two people were also killed and 17 injured in three car bomb explosions in Sabha.", "On 26 July, Muslim Brotherhood critic Abdelsalam al-Mosmary was fatally shot after leaving a mosque following Friday prayers during Ramadan. In the aftermath protesters attacked Muslim Brotherhood property in both Benghazi and the capital Tripoli. Violence continued for the next few days.", "August 2013\nOn 14 August, Armed group seize Tripoli psychiatric hospital staff. An armed group were reported to have yesterday kidnapped the head of Tripoli's psychiatric hospital and three members of staff, according to Solidarity Press.", "September 2013\nOn 2 September, two soldiers were killed and another injured when the military vehicle they were travelling in was ambushed by unknown armed men yesterday near Sirte.The soldiers were on the coastal road, around 40 kilometres east of Sirte, when their vehicle came under fire, Military Commander for the Sirte area, Salah Abu Hligha, told the Libya Herald. The soldiers were on their way home to Benghazi from a military mission in Tripoli.", "On 25 September, The son of the Libya's Defence Minister, Abdullah Al-Thini, was abducted yesterday afternoon, a source close to the Ministry of Defence told the Libya Herald under the condition of anonymity.He was kidnapped in Janzour, but the reasons behind the abduction are still unknown.", "On 27 September, One man was reported killed and two others injured when the police station in Gubba was damaged in a massive car bomb attack early this morning, around sunrise.The dead man and the two injured – all said to be Egyptians – were in a house next door to the police headquarters. The reasons for the attack are unclear. The complex also houses the National Security Directorate, the town's court, the prosecutor's offices and the local registration and licensing authorities", ". The size of the bomb was such that parts of the buildings were destroyed. There were only charred parts left of the vehicle used in the bombing.", "A group of tribal elders in southern Libya are reported to have held a preparatory meeting in Obari on Thursday to discuss the possibility of setting up a \"Fezzan Supreme Council\" similar to the Cyrenaica Transitional Council set up last year by Cyrenaica federalists.However, reports that the meeting declared Fezzan, one of the three Libyan historic provinces, a federal state within Libya have been denied by a local source", ". He said that a meeting to decide on the future of the Fezzan would be held next week. \"Yesterday's meeting was like an advertisement for the main meeting next week in Obari,\" the source said.", "On 29 September, Three security officials were murdered in separate attacks in Benghazi today, according to the spokesman for Benghazi Joint Security Room, Abdullah Al-Zaidi.", "Colonel Abdulkadir Mohamed Ahmed Al-Madani, Associate Director of Intelligence in the eastern region was seven shots by unknown assailants in a black Jeep in front of his home in the city's Laithi district. He died instantly, Zaidi told the Libya Herald. One of his sons who was with him was also shot and was taken to hospital. Helicopter pilot Ali Adam Aldgara died when a bomb blew up under his car in the Suq Zamzam area.", "October 2013\nIn October a United Nations report said that torture and ill-treatment, sometimes resulting in death, was \"widespread\" in Libyan jails.", "This torture was most frequently used \"immediately after arrest and during the first days of interrogation\" according to the report. The UN estimates about 8,000 people are still being held in relation to the 2011 conflict. The United Nations Support Mission in Libya said it has recorded 27 deaths in custody since late 2011 \"where there is significant information to suggest that torture was the cause\", with 11 of the cases occurring in 2013", ". The report did note however that the use of torture was happening \"despite the efforts of the Libyan authorities which are committed at the highest level to ending torture and to ensuring the proper functioning of the criminal justice system\" and recommended that detainees held by brigades be handed over to \"effective state control\".", "On 2 October, a group of locals attacked and torched the police station in Suq Al-Juma following the death of a local resident.The man, who has not been named, was shot dead by the Quwat Al-Rada, the special deterrence force in Tripoli. It claims the man, originally from Ajilat, southwest of Sabratha, was drunk and resisted arrest.", "Also on 2 October, gunfire was reported outside the Russian embassy in Tripoli after a Russian woman killed a Libyan air force officer and injured his mother. The Embassy was evacuated the next day and incident was dramatized as a full scale attack in the 2017 TV series , but in real life there seem to have been no injuries.", "Jebel Nafusa towns united over road attacks and closures. Responding to the closure of the main road linking towns in the Nafusa mountains to Tripoli and attacks on people who were using it, local councils in the region decided to set up a joint committee to coordinate on the region's affairs and problems. The towns taking part were Zintan, Jadu, Mizdah, Ghariyan, Nalut, Qala and Rujban", ". The towns taking part were Zintan, Jadu, Mizdah, Ghariyan, Nalut, Qala and Rujban. At a meeting in Nalut, representatives of the towns' local councils said that a safer alternative route to the capital had to be found to the one passing through Warshefana territory.", "On 4 October, police stations in Benghazi were attacked. Two police stations were bombed in Benghazi in what was being seen as a linked attack.\nSabri police station was attacked at around 4.30 am. Three and a half hours later, a bomber went off at Birkah police station – the fifth time it has been attacked this year. In both cases, there was damage to the buildings but no casualties.", "On 5 October, gunmen killed at least 12 Libyan soldiers in an attack on a checkpoint near the city of Bani Walid, a former stronghold of supporters of Muammar Gadhafi, security officials said.", "\"The ambush happened on the road between Bani Walid and the town of Tarhouna, where the army had a checkpoint. They came under heavy gunfire. Between 12 and 15 soldiers were killed,\" said Ali Sheikhi, a spokesman for the army joint chief of staff. Army Capt. Hassan al-Saidah said 15 soldiers had been killed and five wounded in the attack, which forced officials to close the main road to Bani Walid.", "On 10 October Prime Minister Ali Zeidan was kidnapped for several hours in what he later referred to as an attempted coup.", "November 2013", "On 16 November, militias from Misrata clashed in Tajoura, an eastern Tripoli suburb where checkpoints were set up to keep outside militia from entering the city. The news followed imams calling for an end to the militias, which in turn led to violence that erupted at an anti-militia protest that also called for resignation of the government the previous day in Tripoli and occurred during mourning for the dead at that protest", ". At least 45 people were killed and 400 wounded, according to Justice Minister Salah al-Marghani said. The next day another person was killed and dozens others were wounded as clashes continued and a 48-hour state of emergency was declared, while Prime Minister Ali Zeidan called for those from outside the city to withdraw", ". He said: \"The armed manifestations and bullying on the state with the weapons that were seized during the revolution (against Muammar Gaddafi) is unaccepted by the people\" and the violence by outside militias \"would have negative and catastrophic consequences.\"", "On 17 November the deputy intelligence chief, Mustafa Noah, was also kidnapped outside Tripoli airport. The same day, the head of Tripoli's municipal council, Al-Sadat al-Badri, said that a strike being carried out on the day (Sunday is a working day in the Middle East) would go on for three days if the demands of a majority of public and private sectors' demands for the militiamen to leave was not met", ". He said: \"We have declared a strike for three days from today, but if our demands are not met we will continue. We will not negotiate with them. Things are as clear as the sun, we want a decision.\" The call for a strike was to allow \"the government, the police and the army.\" Businesses and schools were closed but essential services like pharmacies, hospitals and petrol pumps were open", ". Residents were also armed as they set up checkpoints and barricades of metal, wood and tires to protect the various neighbourhoods amid fears of renewed violence. The Misrata militia was reported to have abandoned its headquarters in south Tripoli's Gharghour, according to state media. Late the previous day the government-affiliated militia, the Libya Shield-Central Command, said it was in control of Gharghour and that it would hand it over to the government.", "The next day, Benghazi's military governor Colonel Abdallah al-Saati survived an assassination attempts that killed one other person and wounded another in his motorcade. According to a parliamentary security committee official, Noah was also released. The Misrata militia also began withdrawing as the army moved to secure the sites.\" Withdrawal of Misrati militias was soon followed by withdrawal of militias from cities of Jadu and Gharyan, and also powerful Tripoli Nawasi brigade", ". Other militias also withdrew from the capital. Yet protesters gathered again on 22 November to urge the other militias in the capital to withdraw.", "On 25 November in the Benghazi neighborhood of Birkah, fighting between the army special forces Thunderbolt Brigade and the militant Islamist group Ansar al-Sharia started after the Islamists first attacked a military position. The Thunderbolt Brigade was soon reinforced by armed locals, and after a day of heavy fighting the Ansar al-Sharia bases within the city were destroyed and all of its militiamen seemed to have somehow simply \"vanished\" from the city", ". The heavy fighting on this day left at least 6 soldiers and 1 civilian dead.", "On 28 November, 3 soldiers were killed and 3 others wounded in clashes with militants in the Sidi Khalifa district of Benghazi after they stopped a car loaded with weapons, explosives, and large sums of money that was trying to enter the city from the east. Another soldier was shot dead when militants in a van fired a volley at two soldiers as they got into a car. According to a medic at Benghazi's Al-jala hospital, \"the soldier died after being shot in the head\"", ". Special Forces defending the hospital were shot at later in the night though no casualties were reported.", "December 2013\nOn 5 December, an American teacher was gunned down while out on a morning jog in the al-Fwihet neighborhood of Eastern Benghazi.\n\n2014", "January 2014", "On 18 January, the Libyan air force attacked targets in the south of Libya because of unrest blamed on forces loyal to ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi. The government also declared a state of emergency after Gaddafi loyalists took over the Tamahind air force base near the southern city of Sabha", ". On 22 January Voice of Russia featured a report with Libyans who claimed that much of the southern half of the country as well as Bani Walid had fallen under the control of the \"Green\" Gaddafi loyalists, and that some foreign Libyan embassies were flying the Gaddafi-era green flag in support. The interviewed Libyans claimed to be fighting against a Western-backed \"puppet government\" with ties to Al-Qaeda, and charged that Qatar was paying Sudanese pilots to bomb their positions", ". On the other hand, the more government-friendly Libya Herald newspaper reported that a large contingent of Gaddafi-friendly fighters were scattered near Ajilat as they tried to aid other Gaddafi-loyalists in Sabha, with five of them killed. The report claimed that if the events were part of a coordinated movement, \"it does not appear to be well organised, let alone have any significant or measurable support.\"", "On 24 January, nine soldiers were killed and 27 injured near Tripoli in clashes with Gaddafi loyalists.\n\nEscalation of conflict \n\nA significant escalation of the conflict began in May 2014. On 18 May 2014, the parliament building was reported to have been stormed by troops loyal to General Khalifa Haftar, reportedly including the Zintan Brigade, in what the Libyan government described as an attempted coup.", "See also\n Aftermath of the Libyan Civil War\n Gaddafi loyalism after the Libyan Civil War\n Reactions to Innocence of Muslims\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nSecurity incidents in Libya since June 2011 – U.S. Embassy Tripoli, Libya. Regional Security Office The Washington Post", "Wars involving Libya\nAftermath of the First Libyan Civil War\nLibyan Crisis (2011–present)\nIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Libya\nLibya\nLibya\nLibya\nLibya\n2011 in Libya\n2012 in Libya\n2013 in Libya\n2014 in Libya\nArab Winter in Libya\n2010s civil wars\nCivil wars of the 21st century" ]
Cash (Chinese coin)
[ "The cash or qian was a type of coin of China and the Sinosphere, used from the 4th century BC until the 20th century AD, characterised by their round outer shape and a square center hole (). Originally cast during the Warring States period, these coins continued to be used for the entirety of Imperial China. The last Chinese cash coins were cast in the first year of the Republic of China", ". The last Chinese cash coins were cast in the first year of the Republic of China. Generally most cash coins were made from copper or bronze alloys, with iron, lead, and zinc coins occasionally used less often throughout Chinese history. Rare silver and gold cash coins were also produced. During most of their production, cash coins were cast, but during the late Qing dynasty, machine-struck cash coins began to be made", ". As the cash coins produced over Chinese history were similar, thousand year old cash coins produced during the Northern Song dynasty continued to circulate as valid currency well into the early twentieth century.", "In the modern era, these coins are considered to be Chinese “good luck coins”; they are hung on strings and round the necks of children, or over the beds of sick people. They hold a place in various traditional Chinese techniques, such as Yijing divination, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, and feng shui. Currencies based on the Chinese cash coins include the Japanese mon, Korean mun, Ryukyuan mon, and Vietnamese văn.\n\nTerminology", "Terminology \n\nThe English term cash, referring to the coin, comes from the Portuguese caixa which was derived from the Tamil kāsu, a South Indian monetary unit derived from the Sanskrit silver and gold weight unit karsa. The English name was used for small copper coins issued in British India, and also came to be used for the similarly small value copper coins of China.\n\nThe English word cash meaning \"tangible currency\" is an older, unrelated word, derived from the Middle French caisse.", "There are a variety of Chinese terms for cash coins, usually descriptive and most commonly including the character qián () meaning \"money\". Chinese qián is also a weight-derived currency denomination in China; it is called mace in English.\n\nHistory\n\nAncient China", "History\n\nAncient China \n \n\nChinese cash coins originated from the barter of farming tools and agricultural surpluses. Around 1200 BC, smaller token spades, hoes, and knives began to be used to conduct smaller exchanges with the tokens later melted down to produce real farm implements. These tokens came to be used as media of exchange themselves and were known as spade money and knife money.\n\nImperial China\n\nQin to Sui dynasties", "As standard circular coins were developed following the unification of China by Qin Shi Huang, the most common formation was the round-shaped copper coin with a square or circular hole in the center, the prototypical cash. The early Ban Liang cash coins were said to have been made in the shape of wheels like how other Ancient Chinese forms of coinage were based on agricultural tools", ". It is commonly believed that the early round coins of the Warring States period resembled the ancient jade circles (璧環) which symbolised the supposed round shape of the sky, while the centre hole in this analogy is said to represent the planet earth (天圓地方). The body of these early round coins was called their \"flesh\" (肉) and the central hole was known as \"the good\" (好).", "The hole enabled the coins to be strung together to create higher denominations, as was frequently done due to the coin's low value. The number of coins in a string of cash () varied over time and place but was nominally 1000. A tael of pure silver in sycee form traded for a fluctuating price of approximately 1000 cash. A string of cash was divided into ten sections of 100 cash each", ". A string of cash was divided into ten sections of 100 cash each. Local custom allowed the person who put the string together to take a cash or a few from each hundred for his effort (one, two, three or even four in some places). Thus a string of cash could contain 970 coins in one city and 990 in the next. In some places in the North of China short of currency the custom counted one cash as two and fewer than 500 cash would be exchanged for an ounce of silver", ". A string of cash weighed over ten pounds and was generally carried over the shoulder. (See Hosea Morse's \"Trade and Administration of the Chinese Empire\" p. 130 ff.) Paper money equivalents known as flying cash sometimes showed pictures of the appropriate number of cash coins strung together.", "Following the Ban Liang cash coins the Han dynasty introduced the San Zhu cash coins which in the year 118 BC were replaced by the Wu Zhu cash coins. The production of Wu Zhu cash coins was briefly suspended by Wang Mang during the Xin dynasty but after the reestablishment of the Han dynasty, the production of Wu Zhu cash coins resumed, and continued to be manufactured long after the fall of the Eastern Han dynasty for another 500 years", ". Minting was definitively ended in 618 with the establishment of the Tang dynasty. Wu Zhu cash coins were cast from 118 BC to 618 AD having a span of 736 years, which is the longest for any coin in human history.", "Tang to Qing dynasties \n\nThe Tang dynasty introduced the Kaiyuan Tongbao, which would influence the inscriptions of cash coins, both inside and outside of China, minted from this period onwards.\n\nThe Koreans, Japanese, Ryukyuans, and Vietnamese all cast their own copper cash in the latter part of the second millennium similar to those used by China.", "Chinese cash coins were usually made from copper-alloys throughout most of Chinese history, before 1505 they were typically made from bronze and from 1505 onwards they were mostly made from brass.", "Chinese historian Peng Xinwei stated that in the year 1900 traditional cast copper-alloy cash coins only made up 17.78% of the total Chinese currency stock, privately-produced banknotes made up only 3%, and foreign trade dollars circulating in China (which mostly included the silver Mexican peso) made up 25% of the total Chinese currency stock by the 1900s", ". The context of traditional Chinese cash coins in the Chinese economy during the 1900s and its late stage in the monetary history of China is comparable to that of Western Europe's tiered currency systems used prior to the steam-powered mints, struck coinage, and territorial nation-state currencies between the 13th and 18th century", ". Helen Dunstan argues that the late-Imperial Chinese polity was much more preoccupied with maintaining national grain reserves and making the price of grain affordable to the Chinese people and the attention of the government of the Qing dynasty to the exchange rate of copper and silver would have to be viewed in this light.", "The last Chinese cash coins were struck, not cast, during the reigns of the Qing Guangxu and Xuantong Emperors shortly before the fall of the Empire in 1911, though even after the fall of the Qing dynasty production briefly continued under the Republic of China.\n\nCash coins after the fall of the empire", "After the fall of the Qing empire, local production of cash coins continued, including the \"Minguo Tongbao\" (民國通寶) coins in 1912, but were phased out in favour of the new Yuan-based coins. During Yuan Shikai's brief attempt at monarchy as the Empire of China, trial cash coins are reported to have been minted as part of the \"Hong Xiang Tong Bao\" (洪憲通寶) series in 1916 but not circulated", ". During the Republican period cash coins with the inscription Fujian Tongbao (福建通寶) were produced in Fujian, these had the denominations of 1 wén and 2 wén. Trial coins with Fujian Sheng Zao (), Min Sheng Tong Yong (), and a Fujian Tong Bao with a reverse inscribed with Er Wen Sheng Zao () were also cast, but never circulated. The coin continued to be used unofficially in China until the mid-20th century.", "Vietnamese cash coins continued to be cast up until the early 1940s. The last Chinese cash coins in Indonesia circulated in Bali until 1970 and are still used for most Hindu rituals today.\n\nManufacture \nTraditionally, Chinese cash coins were cast in copper, brass or iron. In the mid-19th century, the coins were made of 3 parts copper and 2 parts lead. Cast silver coins were periodically produced but considerably more rare. Cast gold coins are also known to exist but are extremely rare.", "Early methods of casting", "During the Zhou dynasty period, the method for casting coins consisted of first carving the individual characters of a coin together with its general outline into a mould made of either soapstone or clay. The casting process in these early moulds worked in a way that two mould-sections were placed together, then the core of the mould was placed into the top area, then the bronze smiths would pour molten metal into an opening that was formed by a cavity that was located in its centre", ". As this was done without using a prior model, early Chinese coinage tends to look very diverse, even from the same series of coins as these all were cast from different (and unrelated) moulds bearing the same inscriptions.", "During the Han dynasty, in order to gain consistency in the circulating coinage, master bronze moulds were manufactured to be used as the basis for other cash moulds.\n\nLater methods of manufacture", "From the 6th century AD and later, new \"mother coins\" (mǔ qián ) were cast as the basis for coin production. These were engraved in generally easily manipulated metals such as tin. Coins were cast in sand moulds. Fine wet sand was placed in rectangles made from pear wood, and small amounts of coal and charcoal dust were added to refine the process, acting as a flux. The mother coins were placed on the sand, and another pear wood frame would be placed upon the mother coin", ". The molten metal was poured in through a separate entrance formed by placing a rod in the mould. This process would be repeated 15 times and then molten metal would be poured in. After the metal had cooled down, the \"coin tree\" (qián shù ) was extracted from the mould (which would be destroyed due to the process). The coins would be taken off the tree and placed on long square rods to have their edges rounded off, often for hundreds of coins simultaneously", ". After this process, the coins were strung together and brought into circulation.", "In Korea cash coins are known as yeopjeon (葉錢, \"leaf coins\") because of the way that they resemble leaves on a branch when they were being cast in the mould.", "From 1730 during the Qing dynasty, the mother coins were no longer carved separately but derived from \"ancestor coins\" (zǔ qián ). Eventually this resulted in greater uniformity among cast Chinese coinage from that period onwards. A single ancestor coin would be used to produce tens of thousands of mother coins; each of these in turn was used to manufacture tens of thousands of cash coins.\n\nMachine-struck coinage", "During the late Qing dynasty under the reign of the Guangxu Emperor in the mid 19th century the first machine-struck cash coins were produced, from 1889 a machine operated mint in Guangzhou, Guangdong province opened where the majority of the machine-struck cash would be produced", ". Machine-made cash coins tend to be made from brass rather than from more pure copper as cast coins often were, and later the copper content of the alloy decreased while cheaper metals like lead and tin were used in larger quantities giving the coins a yellowish tint. Another effect of the contemporary copper shortages was that the Qing government started importing Korean 5 fun coins and overstruck them with \"10 cash\".", "The production of machine-struck cash coins in Qing China ran contemporary with the production of machine-struck French Indochinese Nguyễn cash coins, but unlike in China milled cash coinage would eventually become popular in French Indochina with the Khải Định Thông Bảo (啓定通寶).\n\nInscriptions and denominations", "Inscriptions and denominations \n\nThe earliest standard denominations of cash coins were theoretically based on the weight of the coin and were as follows:\n100 grains of millet = 1 zhu ()\n24 zhū = 1 tael ()\nThe most common denominations were the ½ tael () and the 5 zhū () coins, the latter being the most common coin denomination in Chinese history.", "From the Zhou to the Tang dynasty the word quán (泉) was commonly used to refer to cash coins however this was not a real monetary unit but did appear in the inscriptions of several cash coins, in the State of Yan their cash coins were denominated in either huà (化) or huò (貨) with the Chinese character \"化\" being a simplified form of \"貨\" without the \"貝\"", ". This character was often mistaken for dāo (刀) due to the fact that this early version of the character resembles it and knife money was used in Yan, however the origin of the term huò as a currency unit is because it means \"to exchange\" and could be interpreted as exchanging money for goods and services", ". From the Jin until the Tang dynasty the term wén (文), however the term wén which is often translated into English as cash kept being used as an accounting unit for banknotes and later on larger copper coins to measure how many cash coins it was worth.", "In AD 666, a new system of weights came into effect with the zhū being replaced by the mace (qián) with 10 mace equal to one tael. The mace denominations were so ubiquitous that the Chinese word qián came to be used as the generic word for money. Other traditional Chinese units of measurement, smaller subdivisions of the tael, were also used as currency denominations for cash coins.", "A great majority of cash coins had no denomination specifically designated but instead carried the issuing emperor's era name and a phrases such as tongbao () or zhongbao ().\n\nCoins of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) generally carried the era name of the emperor and tongbao on the obverse and the mint location where the coins were cast in Manchu and Chinese on the reverse.\n\nStyles of calligraphy on cash coins \n \n\nList of calligraphic styles and scripts on Chinese cash coins:\n\nCash coins and superstitions", "In imperial China cash coins were used for fortune telling, or divination, this would be done by first lighting incense to the effigy of a Chinese deity, and then casting three cash coins into a tortoise shell. The Chinese fortune telling process utilising cash coins involved the fortune teller counted the number of coins lying on their obverse or reverse sides, and how these coins scratched the shell, this process was repeated three or six times", ". After this a very intricate system based on the position of the coins with Bagua, and the five elements was used for divination, the Tang dynasty Kai Yuan Tong Bao (開元通寶) coin was the most preferred for this usage. Contemporary Chinese intelligentsia found the usage of cash coins for fortune-telling to be superior to any other methods.", "Cash coins were also believed to hold \"curing powers\" in traditional Chinese medicine, one method of using cash coins for \"medicine\" was boiling them in water and letting the patient consume that water", ". Other than that they were also used as \"medical tools\" particularly in the guāshā (刮痧) method, which was used against diseases like cholera; this required the healer to scrape the patient's skin with cash coins as they believed that the pathogen remained stagnant underneath the patient's skin in a process called \"coining\"", ". Though in general any cash coin could be used in traditional Chinese medicine, the Kai Yuan Tong Bao was most preferred, and preferences were given for some specific coins for certain ailments E.g. the Zhou Yuan Tong Bao (周元通寶) was used against miscarriages.", "In traditional Chinese medicine, several medicinal teas incorporate cash coins as ingredients. This usage of cash coins has been documented as early as the Eastern Jin dynasty, in China's first emergency medicine manual. Bronze cash coins are typically used to treat a person's auris externa, brass cash coins are often desired for their high zinc contents", ". And Vietnamese cash coins, which have the highest levels of zinc of any cash coins, were ground up into zinc powder that was mixed into either an aqueous solution or a type of ointment. The \"tea\" produced from these zinc cash coins would then for the treatment of the eyes, ears, and haemorrhoids or for topical use.", "In modern times though no longer issued by any government, cash coins are believed to be symbols of good fortune and are considered good luck charms, for this reason some businesses hang Chinese cash coins as store signs for good luck and to allegedly avoid misfortune similar to how images of Caishen (the Chinese god of wealth) are used. Cash coins also hold a central place in feng shui where they are associated an abundance of resources, personal wealth, money, and prosperity", ". Cash coins are featured on the logos of the Bank of China, and the China Construction Bank.", "A common superstitious belief involving Chinese cash coins specifically based on their inscriptions are \"the five emperor coins\" (), this refers to a set of Chinese cash coins issued by the first five emperors of the Qing dynasty (following their conquest of China in 1644). These cash coins are believed to have the power to ensure prosperity and to give protection from evil spirits because during the reign of these five emperors China was powerful and prosperous", ". Furthermore, the term \"five emperors\" (五帝) also alludes to the \"Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors\". A full set of \"five emperor coins\" consists of Chinese cash coins with the inscriptions Shunzhi Tongbao (順治通寶), Kangxi Tongbao (康熙通寶), Yongzheng Tongbao (雍正通寶), Qianlong Tongbao (乾隆通寶), and Jiaqing Tongbao (嘉慶通寶)", ". These inscriptions are further seen as auspicious because \"Shunzhi\" (順治) translates into English \"to rule smoothly\", \"Kangxi\" (康熙) translates into English as \"Healthy and prosperous\", \"Yongzheng\" (雍正) translates into \"harmony and upright\", the first Chinese character \"qián\" (乾) from \"Qianlong\" (乾隆) is a Mandarin Chinese homophonic pun with \"qián\" (錢) meaning \"money\", and \"Jiaqing\" (嘉慶) translates into English as \"good and celebrate\"", ". Because of an archeological hoard of where Song dynasty cash coins were found in a Ming dynasty period tomb, it has been speculated by some archeologists that people during the Ming dynasty might have held similar beliefs with Song dynasty cash coins.", "Another type of supernatural belief involving cash coins is to have them buried with a corpse for good luck as well as to provide protection to the grave or tomb from evil spirits, although this tradition doesn't exclusively involve cash coins as early 20th century silver coins bearing the face of Yuan Shikai, known outside of China as \"Fatman\" dollars (袁大頭, yuán dà tóu), have also been used for this purpose.", "In Bali it is believed that dolls made from cash coins (or Uang kèpèng) strung together by cotton threads would guarantee that all the organs and body parts of the deceased will be in the right place during their reincarnation. The Tlingit people of the United States of America and Canada used Chinese cash coins for their body armour which they believed would protect them from knife attacks and bullets", ". One contemporary Russian account from a battle with the Tlingits in 1792 states \"bullets were useless against the Tlingit armour\", however this would've more likely be attributed to the inaccuracy of contemporary Russian smoothbore muskets than the body armour and the Chinese cash coins sewn into the Tlingit armour. Other than for military purposes the Tlingit used Chinese cash coins on ceremonial robes.", "Stringing of cash coins", "The square hole in the middle of cash coins served to allow for them to be strung together in strings of 1000 cash coins and valued at 1 tael of silver (but variants of regional standards as low as 500 cash coins per string also existed), 1000 coins strung together were referred to as a chuàn (串) or diào (吊) and were accepted by traders and merchants per string because counting the individual coins would cost too much time", ". Because the strings were often accepted without being checked for damaged coins and coins of inferior quality and copper-alloys these strings would eventually be accepted based on their nominal value rather than their weight, this system is comparable to that of a fiat currency. Because the counting and stringing together of cash coins was such a time consuming task people known as qiánpù (錢鋪) would string cash coins together in strings of 100 coins of which ten would form a single chuàn", ". The qiánpù would receive payment for their services in the form of taking a few cash coins from every string they composed, because of this a chuàn was more likely to consist of 990 coins rather than 1000 coins and because the profession of qiánpù had become a universally accepted practice these chuàns were often still nominally valued at 1000 cash coins", ". The number of coins in a single string was locally determined as in one district a string could consist of 980 cash coins, while in another district this could only be 965 cash coins, these numbers were based on the local salaries of the qiánpù. During the Qing dynasty the qiánpù would often search for older and rarer coins to sell these to coin collectors at a higher price.", "Prior to the Song dynasty strings of cash coins were called guàn (貫), suǒ (索), or mín (緡), while during the Ming and Qing dynasties they were called chuàn (串) or diào (吊).\n\nCash coins with flower (rosette) holes \n \n\nChinese cash coins with flower (rosette) holes () are a type of Chinese cash coin with an octagonal hole as opposed to a square one, they have a very long history possibly dating back to the first Ban Liang cash coins cast under the State of Qin or the Han dynasty.", "Although Chinese cash coins kept their round shape with a square hole from the Warring States period until the early years of the Republic of China, under the various regimes that ruled during the long history of China the square hole in the middle experienced only minor modifications such as being slightly bigger, smaller, more elongated, shaped incorrectly, or sometimes being filled with a bit of excess metal left over from the casting process", ". However, for over 2000 years Chinese cash coins mostly kept their distinctive shape. During this period a relatively small number of Chinese cash coins were minted with what are termed \"flower holes\", \"chestnut holes\" or \"rosette holes\", these holes were octagonal but resembled the shape of flowers. If the shape of these holes were only hexagonal then they were referred to as \"turtle shell hole coins\" (龜甲穿錢), in some occidental sources they may be called \"star holes\" because they resemble stars", ". The exact origin and purpose of these variant holes is currently unknown but several hypotheses have been proposed by Chinese scholars. The traditional explanation for why these \"flower holes\" started appearing was accidental shifts of two halves of a prototype cash coin in clay, bronze, and stone moulds, these shifts would then produce the shape of the square hole to resemble multiple square holes placed on top of each other when the metal was poured in", ". A common criticism of this hypothesis is that if this were to happen then the inscription on the coin would also have to appear distorted, as well as any other marks that appeared on these cash coins, however this was not the case and the \"flower holes\" are equally distinctive as the square ones.", "Under Wang Mang's Xin dynasty other than cash coins with \"flower holes\" also spade money with \"flower holes\" were cast", ". Under the reign of the Tang dynasty the number of Chinese cash coins with \"flower holes\" started to increase and circulated throughout the entire empire, concurrently the casting of Chinese cash coins was switched from using clay moulds to using bronze ones, however the earliest Kaiyuan Tongbao cash coins were still cast with clay moulds so the mould type alone cannot explain why these \"flower holes\" became increasingly common", ". As mother coins (母錢) were used to cast these coins which were always exact it indicates that these \"flower holes\" were added post-casting, the largest amount of known cash coins with \"flower holes\" have very prominent octagonal holes in the middle on both sides of the coin, comparatively their legends are usually as defined as they appear on \"normal cash coins\", for this reason the hypothesis that they were accidentally added is disproven", ". All sides of these coins (either octagonal with \"flower holes\" or hexagonal with \"turtle shell holes\") are clearly contained inside of the cash coin's central rim. After the casting of cash coins had shifted to using bronze moulds these coins would appear as if they were branches of a \"coin tree\" (錢樹) where they had to be broken off, all excess copper-alloy had to be manually chiseled or filed off from the central holes", ". It is suspected that the \"flower holes\" and \"turtle shell holes\" were produced during chiseling process, presumably while the employee of the manufacturing mint was doing the final details of the cash coins. As manually filing and chiseling cash coins was both an additional expense as well as time-consuming it is likely that the creation of \"flower holes\" and \"turtle shell holes\" was ordered by the manufacturer", ". However, as the quality of Tang and Song dynasty coinages was quite high it's unlikely that the supervisors would have allowed for a large number of these variant coins to be produced, pass quality control or be allowed to enter circulation. Cash coins with \"flower holes\" were produced in significant numbers by the Northern Song dynasty, Southern Song dynasty, and Khitan Liao dynasty", ". Until 1180 the Northern Song dynasty produced \"matched cash coins\" (對錢, duì qián) which were cash coins with identical inscriptions written in different styles of Chinese calligraphy, after these coins were superseded by cash coins that included the year of production on their reverse sides the practice of casting cash coins with \"flower holes\" also seems to have drastically decreased", ". Due to this one hypothesis states that \"flower holes\" were added to Chinese cash coins to signify a year or period of the year or possibly a location where a cash coin was produced. Only a few cash coins produced by the Jurchen-led Jin dynasty are known to have \"flower holes\".", "During the Ming dynasty period \"flower holes\" were still (rarely) recoded in Hongwu Tongbao (洪武通寶) and Yongle Tongbao (永樂通寶) cash coins, with the Chongzhen Tongbao (崇禎通寶) series being the last recorded known cash coins to have \"flower holes\".", "It is also possible that these \"flower holes\" and \"turtle shell holes\" functioned as Chinese numismatic charms, this is because the number 8 (八, bā) is a homophonic pun in Mandarin Chinese with \"to prosper\" or \"wealth\" (發財, fā cái), while the number 6 (六, liù) is a Mandarin Chinese homophonic pun with \"prosperity\" (祿, lù)", ". Concurrently the Mandarin Chinese word for as \"chestnut\" (栗子, lì zi) as in the term \"chestnut holes\" could be a homophonic pun in Mandarin Chinese with the phrase \"establishing sons\" (立子, lì zi), which expresses a desire to produce male offspring.", "The practice of creating cash coins with \"flower holes\" and \"turtle shell holes\" was also adopted by Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, however cash coins with these features are extremely rare in these countries despite using the same production techniques which further indicates that their addition was wholly intentional.\n\nRed cash coins", "\"Red cash coins\" (Traditional Chinese: 紅錢) are the cash coins produced in Xinjiang under Qing rule following the conquest of the Dzungar Khanate by the Manchus in 1757", ". While in Northern Xinjiang the monetary system of China proper was adopted in Southern Xinjiang where the pūl (ﭘول) coins of Dzungaria circulated earlier the pūl-system was continued but some of the old Dzungar pūl coins were melted down to make Qianlong Tongbao (乾隆通寶) cash coins, as pūl coins were usually around 98% copper they tended to be very red in colour which gave the cash coins based on the pūl coins the nickname \"red cash coins\"", ". In July 1759 General Zhao Hui petitioned to the Qianlong Emperor to reclaim the old pūl coins and using them as scrap for the production of new cash coins, these \"red cash coins\" had an official exchange rate with the pūl coins that remained in circulation of 1 \"red cash\" for 2 pūl coins. As Zhao Hui wanted the new can coins to have the same weight as pūl coins they weighed 2 qián and had both a higher width and thickness than regular cash coins", ". Red cash coins are also generally marked by their rather crude craftsmanship when compared to the cash coins of China proper. The edges of these coins are often not filed completely and the casting technique is often inaccurate or the inscriptions on them seemed deformed.", "At the introduction of red cash system in Southern Xinjiang in 1760, the exchange rate of standard cash (or \"yellow cash\") and \"red cash\" was set at 10 standard cash coins were worth 1 \"red cash coin\". During two or three subsequent years this exchange rate was decreased to 5:1. When used in the Northern or Eastern circuits of Xinjiang, the \"red cash coins\" were considered equal in value as the standard cash coins that circulated there", ". The areas where the Dzungar pūls had most circulated such as Yarkant, Hotan, and Kashgar were the sites of mints operated by the Qing government, as the official mint of the Dzungar Khanate was in the city of Yarkent the Qing used this mint to cast the new \"red cash coins\" and new mints were established in Aksu and Ili", ". As the Jiaqing Emperor ordered that 10% of all cash coins cast in Xinjiang should bear the inscription \"Qianlong Tongbao\" the majority of \"red cash coins\" with this inscription were actually produced after the Qianlong era as their production lasted until the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911 making many of them hard to attribute.", "Non-copper-alloy cash coins", "During most of their history the cast cash coins of China were predominantly made from bronze or other copper-alloys such as brass. However, other materials had at different times in Chinese history also been used for the manufacture of cash coins such as iron (see Tieqian), lead, silver, and gold", ". While silver and gold were also used for other currencies in Chinese history, as it has in most other cultures around the world, but also cowry shells, clay, bone, jade, iron, lead, tin, and bamboo (see Bamboo tally) were also materials that have been used for money at various points in Chinese history. Iron cash coins and lead cash coins were often used in cases when there was an insufficient supply of copper. 2 iron cash coins were usually worth only a single bronze cash coin", ". 2 iron cash coins were usually worth only a single bronze cash coin. Because of oxidation, iron cash coins are rarely in very good condition today, especially if they were excavated.", "In some cases the usage of certain types of materials to produce cash coins are only more recently discovered due to the lack of historical records mentioning them. For example, it has only been since more recent times that the fact that the Song dynasty had attempted to produce lead cash coins been discovered. Because of this almost no Chinese coin catalogues list their existence while they have mentioned in works such as the Meng Guohua: Guilin Faxian Qian Xi Hejin Qian. Zhongguo Qianbi No. 3. 1994 (Vol", ". Zhongguo Qianbi No. 3. 1994 (Vol. 46.) which deal with the topic. Lead cash coins have only been produced at a few times in the monetary history of china, mainly during the Five dynasties and Ten kingdoms period. Because of how soft lead is, most lead cash coins that are found today tend to be very worn.", "Non-copper-alloy metals used by time period \n\nThis table reflects current knowledge, but future archaeological research might reveal that other materials were used for cash coins in other periods of Chinese history.\n\nUsage among overseas Chinese", "It is generally thought that cash coins among the early overseas Chinese communities around the globe have primarily been used as ornaments, gaming pieces, talismans, and gifts to children, but their potential role as a type of alternative currency in Chinatowns and areas with concentrations of Chinese people has been proposed and disputed by multiple archeologists over the years", ". With modern scholars generally agreeing that they exclusively served non-currency functions and had gaming, religious, and cultural roles among the overseas Chinese.", "Chinese cash coins found outside of China have also been used to date various historical Chinese settlements by archeologists. Although the cash coins recovered from these sites aren't exclusively Chinese. And using this method for dating isn't always recommend by scholars.", "The cash coins recovered at archeological sites commonly include Song dynasty coins, Ming dynasty coins, and Qing dynasty coins. Not all Chinese cash coins found overseas were brought there by Chinese people, this is because they were inexpensive to purchase as before 1820 a foreign merchant could buy 1000 cash coins in China for 36 grams (or 1 tael) of silver, after 1845 this amount of silver could purchase 2200 or more cash coins", ". European merchants started purchasing cash coins in large quantities following the currency reforms enacted by the Ming dynasty between 1570 and 1580, during the many centuries of trade between Europe and China cash coins would find their way to the New World during the European colonisation period and were occasionally used by Native American populations.", "According to a 1979 article by Glenn J. Farris published in the journal of the Society for Historical Archaeology, the early overseas Chinese community in the United States used Chinese and Vietnamese cash coins as money amongst themselves whilst living in the United States. Farris noted this possibility has been suggested by a number of scholars who have analysed coins that were found in the western United States and western Canada", ". Farris claims that this hypothesis was validated by the finding of 141 Chinese cash coins, Vietnamese cash coins Hong Kong coins, and United States coins and tokens that were found at excavations in the Chinatown of Yreka, California, United States. Other scholars dispute these claims and have used a large number of both historical and contemporary evidence to debunk this.", "Scholar Marjorie Kleiger Akin notes that it would have been impossible for Chinese cash coins to be used as money by overseas Chinese communities because \"No object can circulate as money if it has a substantially greater value when removed from circulation and used for other purposes. The variety of uses for wen in North America and the numbers of the coins needed for some purposes have been underestimated in the past", ".\" Akin warned that archeologists should be more careful to describe unearthed cash coins in the United States as not underestimate how many cash coins were needed in the creation of various objects and that more attention should be given to determine whether cash coins were used as buttons, as basket decorations, as talismans, or joined together in red threads as misinterpreting their usage as pocket change may cause them to overlook other potential uses", ". She also notes that not all uses are identifiable and that careful examination of a pharmacy site might evidence their usage in traditional forms of medicine. Akin further cited a number of interviews with elderly Chinese residents of Locke who all claimed that they have never heard of anyone using cash coins as a type of currency there.", "In a 1987 article entitled Chinese Coins Down Under: Their Role on the New Zealand Goldfields published in the Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology, researchers Neville A. Ritchie (regional archaeologist, Waikato, Department of Conservation) and Graham Stuart Park (director of the Auckland Institute and Museum) disputed the role of Chinese cash coins as money objects in any overseas Chinese community in the world", ". Ritchie and Park stated that their usage as a currency is \"highly improbable\" after analysing both archaeological and historical sources. They noted that Chinese cash coins among overseas communities were principally imported for gambling purposes, most notably as gaming counters.", "Scholar Marjorie Kleiger Akin noted that Chinese cash coins are \"a dramatic example of artifacts whose primary function changed completely when they changed cultural context\", noting that rather than being used as currency, they started to fulfil a large number of non-monetary functions among the Chinese people living in the western regions of the North American continent. A large number of cash coins were transferred to the United States and Canada for a variety of talismanic and religious purposes", ". Akin states that a common talisman used by Chinese people living in the United States and Canada was the \"coin-sword\" which were commonly given to newlyweds to hang over the marriage bed as a means to insure bliss and harmony. These coin-swords are typically an approximate length of 35 cm to 50 cm and require a minimum of 50 coins to make, while the older, larger, and more elaborately decorated coin-swords would typically contain around 150 cash coins", ". Other ritualistic uses of cash coins include being used as funerary money, as their usage in Chinese funerals in the western United States has been reported as early as 1849.", "Chinese cash coins were also commonly reported to be used by Chinese Americans in a number of gambling games, such as Fan-Tan. While the cash coins were being used as counters or markers, all bets were exclusively made using American money. Though their usage as markers or counters wasn't exclusively done so in betting games, as children used them in a similar manner in a variety of the game hopscotch, played in San Francisco as late as 1935.", "Cash coins were also reported to have been used in decorative manners, for example 19th and early 20th century Chinese American mineworkers often strung them as keychains for either talismanic or sentimental reasons.", "While there's no evidence for historical medicinal uses of Chinese cash coins among the overseas Chinese communities living in the United States, today their usage in the TCM practice of coining is well documented by both the Chinese American and Chinese Vietnamese American communities. The continued usage or cash coins in this practice is because suitably large US coins are not considered to be appropriate, as the edges of the coin must be smooth to avoid skin abrasion.", "Scholar Julia G. Costello notes in the 2008 article The Luck of Third Street: Archaeology of Chinatown, San Bernardino, California that Asian cash coins are associated with one of 5 different uses: for gaming, as medicine, as talismans, as decorations, and in trade with Native Americans. She also notes that Vietnamese cash coins were unlikely to be traded or used as decorative items because the Chinese regarded them as \"dirt money\" due to their dark colour, which they perceived as unattractive.", "General glossary of Chinese cash coins\n\nCasting process", "Casting process \n\n Mother coins (母錢), are model cash coins used in the casting process from which other cash coins were produced.\n Ancestor coins (祖錢), are model cash coins introduced in the Qing dynasty used in the casting process from which other mother coins were produced.\n Coin trees (錢樹), are the \"tree-shaped\" result of the casting process off of which the cash coins were taken to later be strung together. \n Mao (卯), a casting period, a pre-determined batch of cash coins to be cast.", "Counterfeit and privately-issued cash coins", "Counterfeit cash coins () refers to illegally produced cash coins, often of inferior quality. Coin counterfeiting has been recorded as early as the Qin dynasty period and has negatively affected social stability and caused economic problems that would continue in later dynasties in Chinese history. The introduction and circulation of counterfeit cash coins onto the market caused inflation, which hindered economic development and caused a series of social problems throughout history", ". These illegally produced cash coins typically had reduced weights or were adulterated with lower-cost metals (such as iron, lead, etc.), reducing the copper content in the alloys relative to regulation cash coins.", "Siqian (私錢) or Sizhuqian (私鑄錢), refers to cash coins produced by private mints or forgers.", "Design elements", "Crescent, a curved mark often found on the reverse side of cash coins, these are referred to as \"moons\" (月), further reading: \"Han dynasty coinage § Dots, crescents, circles, numbers, counting rods, Chinese characters, and other symbols appearing on coins\".\n Dot, a round mark often found on the reverse side of cash coins, these are referred to as \"stars\" (星).\n Dot and crescent, a combination of the above, these are known as a \"pregnant star\" (孕星).", "Dot and crescent, a combination of the above, these are known as a \"pregnant star\" (孕星).\n Huachuanqian (花穿錢), cash coins with octagonal holes, known as \"flower (rosette) hole coins\". \n Guijiachuan qian (龜甲穿錢), cash coins with hexagonal holes, known as \"turtle shell hole coins\".\n Gongshi Nuqian (), or \"female coins\", is a term used to refer to Wu Zhu cash coins without an outer rim.", "Jiaoqian (), or \"corner coins\", is a term used to refer to Wu Zhu cash coins with four oblique lines that extend outward from each corner of the square centre hole to the rim of the reverse side of the cash coin. In Mandarin Chinese, these cash coins are often referred to as si chu (四出). The word si (四) translates as \"four\" and the word chu (出) means \"going out\".", "Yushu Qian (), or \"royally inscribed currency\", is a term used to describe Song dynasty era cash coins which, according to legend, were inscribed by the Emperor of China himself. For example the Chunhua Yuanbao (淳化元寶) is said to have been inscribed by Emperor Taizong of Song.", "Si jue (四訣), four lines radiating outward from the four corners of the square centre hole which may or may not extend entirely to the rim of the reverse of a cash coin, these lines were exclusively included on some Song dynasty cash coins.", "Inscriptions", "Liang (兩) and Zhu (銖), weight measures used as the main obverse inscriptions on ancient Chinese cash coins until the introduction of the Bao (寳), meaning \"precious\" or \"treasure\", inscription in the year 621.", "Tongbao (通寳), literally \"circulating treasure\", is an inscription first introduced with the Kaiyuan Tongbao (開元通寳) series of cash coins during the Tang dynasty period in 621 and was used as the most common inscription on cash coins for more than 1300 years and occupies a dominant position in the monetary history of China", ". Prior to the introduction of the Kaiyuan Tongbao, cash coins typically featured the weight of the coin as (a part of) their inscription, but as cash coins were now valued based on government regulation rather than their weight as a form of commodity money this Inscription superseded the prior Wu Zhu (五銖) weight-based Inscription.", "Yuanbao (元寳), literally \"inaugural treasure\", \"first treasure\", \"primal treasure\", \"original treasure\", or \"round treasure\", originated as a misreading of the Inscription Kaiyuan Tongbao where the inscription was read clockwise as \"Kaitong Yuanbao\" (開通元寳). Due to a naming taboo the term \"Yuanbao\" was phased out from cash coin inscriptions due to a naming taboo as the founder of the Ming dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang had the word \"Yuan\" (元) in his name", ". The term \"Yuanbao\" is also an alternative name for boat-shaped sycees.", "Zhongbao (重寳), literally \"heavy treasure\", an inscription typically used on high denomination cash coins, initially introduced in 758 with the Qianyuan Zhongbao (乾元重寳) nominally valued at 10 ordinary cash coins.", "Nianhao (年號), sometimes translated as \"reign title\" or \"reign era\", refers to the period title used by Chinese monarchs, these period titles typically consisted of an auspicious phrase (such as Immeasurable Splendour, Heavenly Favour, Abundant Happiness, or United Government) and was used to describe some or all years of the reign of an individual emperor", ". After the year 621, cash coins typically had 4 character obverse Inscriptions consisting of \"[reign era] (Tong/Yuan/Zhong)bao\", reading as \"[年號](通/元/重)寳\"", ". Not all era names were considered to be useable for cash coin Inscriptions, causing them to substitute the nianhao with a dynastic title, consisting of the name of the dynasty in conjunction with a honorific adjective, for example Hanyuan Tongbao (漢元通寳) by the Southern Han dynasty, Tangguo Tongbao (唐國通寳) by the Southern Tang dynasty, and Huangsong Tongbao (皇宋通寳) during the Northern Song dynasty", ". From the Ming dynasty onwards, there was only a single nianhao used per reign, so the nianhao is often used synonymously as the name of the Emperor, for example Yongle Emperor, Jiajing Emperor, Kangxi Emperor, Jiaqing Emperor, Etc. Hence, only a single inscription was typically used during their reigns (Yongle Tongbao, Jiajing Tongbao, Kangxi Tongbao, Jiaqing Tongbao, Etc.).", "Matched cash coins (對錢, duì qián, 對品, duì pǐn, 和合錢, hé hé qián), is a term introduced during the Southern Tang and started being extensively used during the Northern Song dynasty where cash coins with the same weight, inscription, and denomination was simultaneously cast in different scripts such as regular script and seal script while all having the same legend. \n Shiqian (詩錢), a poem coin.", "Shiqian (詩錢), a poem coin. \n Coastal province type, a common calligraphic style found on the locally produced cash coins of the Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces from the Qianlong period onwards.", "Materials and metals\n\nMetal cash coins \n\n Jinqian (金錢), gold cash coins (can also refer to other gold coins).\n Qianqian (鉛錢), lead cash coins.\n Tongqian (銅錢), copper-alloy cash coins, the most common type.\n Tieqian (鐡錢) refers to cash coins made from iron. \n Yinqian (鋅錢), or Baiqian qian (白鉛錢), refers to zinc cash coins. \n Yinqian (銀錢), silver cash coins (can also refer to other silver coins).\n\nNon-metal cash coins", "Non-metal cash coins \n\n Niqian () refers to cash coins made out of clay, when the government of the You Zhou Autonomous Region (900–914) confiscated all bronze cash coins and buried them in a cave, because of this the people had to rely on cash coins made out of clay while later bad quality iron cash coins were issued.\n Tuqian (土錢), a name given to clay cash coins commonly found in tombs that were used as burial coins for the afterlife.\n\nSample and pattern coins", "Sample and pattern coins \n\n Yang qian (樣錢), A sample or pattern coin.\n Banbu yang qian (頒布樣錢), an official pattern coin.\n Jincheng yang qian (進呈樣錢), \"Present to the Emperor\" sample coin.\n\nSpecial and commemorative cash coins", "Jiyuan qian (記元錢), a cash coin cast to commemorate a new period title.", "Kai Lu Qian (), or \"commemorative cash coins\", were a special type of cash coin produced to commemorate the opening of a mint or a new furnace. The largest ever recorded of these cash coins, and also the largest and heaviest ancient Chinese coin ever found, was a giant Jiajing Tongbao (嘉靖通寶) cash coin produced for the opening of a mint in Dongchuan, Sichuan. This Kai Lu cash coin has a diameter of 57.8 centimeters (or 22.8 inches), a thickness of 3.7 centimeters (or 1.5 inches), and it has a weight of 41", ".8 inches), a thickness of 3.7 centimeters (or 1.5 inches), and it has a weight of 41.5 kilograms (or 91.5 pounds). On June 27, 1990, the Quality Inspection Section of the Huize County Lead and Zinc Mine Archives (), where the cash coin is on display, conducted a sampling and analysis of the coin, conducted an assay and concluded that the coin had a composition of 90. 81% copper, 0. 584% aluminum, 0. 532% zinc, and 3% iron. In the year 2002 it was added to the Guinness World Records as the largest coin.", "Five Metal Value Ten coins are Chinese cash coins that were issued by the Ministry of Revenue made from an alloy of tin, iron, copper, silver, and gold. They contain the obverse inscriptions Tongzhi Zhongbao (同治重寶) or Guangxu Zhongbao (光緒重寶) and are all based on 10 wén Daqian", ". These special cash coins notably contain the mint marks of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Ili, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang, and Zhili despite no Daqian from these periods being produced at any of these mints. These special cash coins were created to serve as a new year's present.", "Tianxia Taiping coins (天下太平錢) are Chinese cash coins that were used for presentation at the Palace of Ancestral Worship. They were primarily used during the holidays, such as the birthdays of the reigning emperor or empress as well during as the Chinese New Year. These coins contain the reign titles Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, or Xuantong with \"Tongbao\" (通寶), or rarely \"Zhongbao\" (重寶), in their obverse inscription and the reverse inscription \"Tianxia Taiping\" (天下太平)", ". These special cash coins were wrapped inside of a piece of rectangular cloth and every time that an Emperor died (or \"ascended to his ancestors\") the coins were replaced with new reign titles. Some Tianxia Taiping cash coins were manufactured by the Ministry of Revenue while others were produced by private mints. Palace issues tend to be larger than circulation cash coins with the same inscriptions.", "Neiting qian (內庭錢), a palace cash coin.", "Types of cash coins \n\n Pre-Ming", "Huanqian (圜錢), or Huanjin (圜金), refers to the round coins issued during the Warring States period and the Qin dynasty. This term was used to differentiate these coins from other shapes of coins, such as the spade coins and knife coins. \n Xiaoping Qian (小平錢) refers to the smallest and most common cash coins, they usually had a diameter of about 2.4–2.5 cm and weights between 3–4 grams.\n Huaqian (花錢, \"Flower coin\"), charms, amulets, and talismans that often resemble cash coins.", "Cinnabar money () refers to cash coins and cash coin amulets that have been artificially made to resemble cinnabar rust money through the application of cinnabar dye. Ancient Chinese people believed that making cash coins into a bright red colour played a role in warding off evil spirits by hanging it on a beam in the house or wearing such coins around their waist", ". Cinnabar rust money refers to old cash coins which had oxidated in an alkaline environment (PH7-10) and appeared red in colour, this is because the soil reduced substances such as organic sugars to produce cuprous oxide (Cu2O) which is dark red, and also lead red (Pb3O4). This occurs when local corrosion and electrochemical corrosion will also occur, producing red and green rust forming small pinholes (referred to as \"bone rust\")", ". Cash coins typically first rust green before they turn red into cinnabar rust money. This is because cash coins until the mid-Ming dynasty period onwards most cash coins were made from bronze, though later cash coins were mostly made from brass causing them to oxidise differently, but because the old superstitions still applied people would manually apply cinnabar dye to make them appear red.", "Bingqian (餅錢, \"biscuit coins\" or \"cake coins\"), is a term used by modern Chinese and Taiwanese coin collectors to refer to cash coins that have extremely broad outer rims and are extremely thick and heavy. These cash coins were produced under Emperor Zhenzong during the Song dynasty and bear the inscriptions Xianping Yuanbao (咸平元寶) and Xiangfu Yuanbao (祥符元寶), respectively. Bingqian can range from being 26.5 millimeters in diameter and weighing 10.68 grams to being 66 millimeters in diameter.", "Gong Yang Qian (), variously translated as \"temple coins\" or \"offering coins\", were a type of alternative currency that resembled Chinese cash coins that circulated during the Mongol Yuan dynasty period. The Yuan dynasty emperors (or khagans) were supports of Buddhism, which meant that the Buddhist temples tended to receive official government support", ". During this period the larger Buddhist temples in China were able to cast bronze Buddha statues and make other religious artifacts which also meant that it was easy for them to also cast these special kind of cash coins which could then be used by faithful adherents of Buddhism as offerings to Buddha. In general, these temple coins tend to be much smaller and crudely made compared to earlier and later Chinese cash coins", ". However, because these temple coins, due to their copper content, still had intrinsic value, they would sometimes serve as an alternative currency in China, this would particularly happen during difficult economic times when the Jiaochao paper money issued by the Mongol government was no longer considered to be of any value.", "Guqian (古錢, \"ancient cash\") or Guquan (古泉), refers to cash coins (real or fake) produced by previous dynasties, these at certain times were considered to be legal tender if the current Chinese government didn't produce enough cash coins to meet market demand.", "Ming dynasty", "Zhiqian (制錢, \"Standard cash coins\"), a term used the Ming and Qing dynasties to refer to copper-alloy cash coins produced by the imperial mints according to the standards which were fixed by the central government.\n Jiuqian (舊錢), a term used during the Ming and Qing dynasties to refer to Song dynasty era cash coins that were still in circulation.", "Yangqian (样錢, \"Model coin\"), also known as Beiqian (北錢, \"Northern coin\"), is a term used during the Ming dynasty to refer to full weight (1 qián) and fine quality which were delivered to Beijing as seigniorage revenue. \n Fengqian (俸錢, \"Stipend coin\"), is a term used during the Ming dynasty to refer to second rate cash coins that had a weight of 0.9 qián and were distributed through the salaries of government officials and emoluments.", "Shangqian (賞錢, \"Tip money\"), is a term used during the Ming dynasty to refer to cash coins that were small, thin, and very fragile (comparable to Sizhuqian) that were used to pay the wages of employees of the imperial government (including the mint workers themselves) and was one of the most commonly circulating types of cash coins during the Ming dynasty among the general population.", "Woqian (倭錢, \"Japanese cash\"), refers to Japanese cash coins that entered China during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the Imperial Chinese court eventually prohibited them. These are sometimes discovered in China among Chinese cash coins.", "Xuanbian qian (鏇邊錢), literally \"lathed-rim cash coins\", was a popular name (folk name) used during the Ming dynasty period to refer to cash coins produced in Yunnan and in Beijing, at the Baoyuanju Mint (寶源局), under the reign of the Jiajing Emperor that were polished using lathes known as xuàn chē (鏇車). These cash coins were stable, had a yellowish colour that contemporary sources describe as \"beautiful\", and round and smooth rims.", "Huoqi qian (火漆錢), literally \"fire lacquer coins\", refers to a Ming dynasty period type of cash coins that were produced by having a special lacquer applied to the coins during finishing aspect of the manufacturing process. The only evidence of their existence is mentioned in the Tiangong Kaiwu. A number of surviving late Ming dynasty cash coins are found to have certain amounts of black lacquer substance that is found at the lower parts between characters", ". This lacquer tends to make the design of the coins look a bit cleaner and was possibly only applied to enhance the beauty of the coins and as an anti-counterfeiting measure. As the alloys of Huoqi qian was different from unlacquered cash coins in circulation at the time, the lacquer may have served as a coating that protected the coin from corrosion. During circulation, the lacquer on the raised parts of the coin would have likely rubbed off.", "Qing dynasty", "Guangbei qian (光背錢), is a Qing dynasty term that refers to Shunzhi Tongbao (順治通寳) cash coins with no reverse inscriptions including mint marks.", "Yiliqian (一厘錢, \"one-cash coin\"), referred to as Zheyinqian (折銀錢, \"conversion coins\") by Chinese numismatists, is a term used to designate Shunzhi Tongbao cash coins produced from the year 1653 that had the inscription \"一厘\" on the left to the square centre hole on their reverse sides, this inscription indicates that the nominal value of the cash coin corresponded to 0.001 tael of silver (1 li (釐 or 厘, \"cash\"), as a weight)", ".001 tael of silver (1 li (釐 or 厘, \"cash\"), as a weight). This would mean that the official government conversation rate was set as zhé yín yì lí qián (折銀一厘錢), which was proof that silver was of continuing importance as a currency of account. Similar cash coins with this reverse inscription were also being produced by some rulers of the Southern Ming dynasty.", "Xiaoqian (小錢, \"small cash\") or Qingqian (輕錢), is a Qing dynasty era term that refers to lightweight cash coins created from 1702 that had a weight of 0.7 qián, these coins all disappeared from circulation around the middle of the 18th century.\n Zhongqian (重錢, \"full-weight cash\" or \"heavy cash\"), refers to cash coins produced from 1702 with a weight of 1.4 qián and were of a tael of silver.", "Huangqian (黃錢, \"yellow cash\"), a term used to refer to early Qing dynasty era cash coins that didn't contain any tin.\n Qingqian (青錢, \"green cash\"), is a term used to refer to Qing dynasty era cash coins produced from 1740 where 2% tin was added to the alloy, however despite being called \"green cash\" it looked indistinguishable from \"yellow cash\".\n Daqian (大錢, \"Big money\"), cash coins with a nominal value of 4 wén or higher. This term was used in the Qing dynasty from the Xianfeng period onwards.", "Units of account", "Cash (文), nominally 1 cash coin. \n Diao (吊), a string of 100 or 500 cash coins. \n Chuan (串), a string of 1000 cash coins. \n Changqian (長錢) refers to the regular cash coin system used across China where 1000 cash coins make up a single string (串).\n Dongqian (東錢, \"Eastern cash\"), an exchange rate used for cash coins in the Fengtian province, where only 160 cash coins make up a string.", "Jingqian (京錢, \"metropolitan cash\") or Zhongqian (中錢), an exchange rate used in the capital city of Beijing, the Jingqian system allowed a nominal debt of 2 wén (文) could be paid out using only one physical cash coins instead of two, in this system a string of Beijing cash coins (吊) required only 500 cash coins as opposed to the majority of China which used 1000 cash coins for a string (串).", "Kuping Qian (庫平錢), refers to a unit that was part of the official standardisation of the Chinese monetary system during the late Qing period by the imperial treasury to create a decimal system in which 1 Kuping Qian was of a Kuping tael.", "See also \n\n History of Chinese currency\n Jiaozi (currency), the earliest paper money\n Economic history of China (pre-1911)\n Economic history of China (1912–1949)\n\nCurrencies based on the Chinese cash \n\n Brunei pitis\n Cash coins in Indonesia \n Hong Kong one-mil coin\n Japanese mon (currency)\n Korean mun\n Kucha coinage\n Ryukyuan mon\n Vietnamese văn\n Kelantan keping\n Terengganu keping\n\nExplanatory notes\n\nReferences", "Explanatory notes\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n \n \n The book has been translated into English by Edward 11. Kaplan as A Monetary History of China (Bellingham, WA: Western Washington, 1994).\n\nExternal links \n Images and historical information on Chinese coins\n Chinese coinage website\n Chinese coin images (also hosted on Wikimedia Commons).\n\nCash coins\nCoins of ancient China\nMedieval currencies\nModern obsolete currencies\nChinese numismatics" ]
Gustavo Petro
[ "Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego (; born 19 April 1960) is a Colombian politician, economist, and former member of the M19 armed guerrilla movement. He has been serving as the president of Colombia since 2022. Upon his inauguration, he became the first left-wing president in the recent history of Colombia.", "At 17 years of age, Petro became a member of the guerrilla group 19th of April Movement, which later evolved into the M-19 Democratic Alliance, a political party in which he was elected to be a member of the Chamber of Representatives in the 1991 Colombian parliamentary election. He served as a senator as a member of the Alternative Democratic Pole (PDA) party following the 2006 Colombian parliamentary election with the second-largest vote", ". In 2009, he resigned his position to run in the 2010 Colombian presidential election, finishing fourth in the race.", "Due to ideological disagreements with the leaders of the PDA, he founded the Humane Colombia movement to compete for the mayoralty of Bogotá. On 30 October 2011, he was elected mayor in the local elections, a position he assumed on 1 January 2012. In the first round of the 2018 Colombian presidential election, he came second with over 25% of the votes on 27 May, and lost in the run-off election on 17 June", ". He defeated Rodolfo Hernández Suárez in the second round of the 2022 Colombian presidential election on 19 June.", "Early life\nPetro was born in Ciénaga de Oro, in the department of Córdoba, in 1960. His great-grandfather, Francesco Petro, migrated from Southern Italy in 1870, which is why he has Italian citizenship. Petro was raised in the Catholic faith and has stated that he has a vision of God from liberation theology, although he also questioned God's existence.", "Seeking a better future, Petro's family decided to migrate to the more prosperous Colombian inland town of Zipaquirá, just north of Bogotá, during the 1970s.\n\nPetro studied at the Colegio de Hermanos de La Salle, where he founded the student newspaper Carta al Pueblo (\"Letter to the People\").", "M-19 militancy \nConvinced that the guerrilla struggle could change the political and economic system of Colombia, around the age of 17, Petro became a member of the 19th of April Movement (M-19), a Colombian guerrilla organisation that emerged in 1974 in opposition to the National Front coalition after allegations of fraud in the 1970 election. He used the pseudonym of Aureliano, a character in the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude.", "The M-19 group, was responsible for the death of 13 colombian politicians at a shooting they produced on the Justice Palace. This group was also involved with kidnapping and several armed problems in villages all around Colombia .", "With the M-19, he led the seizure of a piece of land to house 400 poor families who had been forcibly displaced by paramilitary groups, and then contributed to the construction of what would become the Bolívar 83 neighborhood. He then went completely underground and became close to Carlos Pizarro, one of the main commanders of the M-19, and insisted with him on the need for a negotiated political solution to the Colombian armed conflict and on the transition to a Constituent Assembly", ". During his time in 19 April Petro became a leader, and was elected ombudsman of Zipaquirá in 1981 and councilman from 1984 to 1986.", "In 1985, Petro was arrested by the army for the crime of illegal possession of arms. he was tortured for ten days in the stables of the XIII Brigade, then sentenced to 18 months in prison. It was during his incarceration that Petro shifted his ideology, no longer viewing armed resistance as a feasible strategy to gain public backing. In 1987, M-19 engaged in peace talks with the government.", "Education", "Education \nPetro graduated with a degree in economics from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and began graduate studies at the Escuela Superior de Administración Pública (ESAP). Later, he earned a master's degree in economics from the Universidad Javeriana. He then traveled to Belgium and started his graduate studies in Economy and Human Rights at the Université catholique de Louvain. He also began his studies towards a doctoral degree in public administration from the University of Salamanca in Spain.", "Political career", "Early career", "After the demobilization of the M-19 movement, former members of the group (including Petro) formed a political party called the M-19 Democratic Alliance which won a significant number of seats in the Chamber of Representatives in 1991, representing the department of Cundinamarca", ". In July 1994, he met with Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chávez (just released from prison after the February 1992 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt) during an event on Bolivarian thought at the Simón Rodríguez Cultural Foundation in Bogotá, directed by José Cuesta, Petro's parliamentary assistant.", "In 2002, Petro was elected to the Chamber of Representatives representing Bogotá, this time as a member of the Vía Alterna political movement he founded with former colleague Antonio Navarro Wolff and other former M-19 members", ". During this period, Petro received 25 votes of 125 consulted representatives to be chosen as the 2006 \"Best Congressman\", against 24 that held that no representative was worthy of being considered the best because the legislative period was characterized by absenteeism and shortage of sessions.", "As a member of Vía Alterna, Petro created an electoral coalition with the Frente Social y Político to form the Independent Democratic Pole, which fused with the Alternativa Democrática in 2005 to form the Alternative Democratic Pole, joining a large number of leftist political figures.", "In 2006, Petro was elected to the Senate, mobilizing the second highest voter turnout in the country. During that year he also exposed the Parapolitics scandal, accusing members and followers of the government of mingling with paramilitary groups in order to \"reclaim\" Colombia.\n\nOpposition to the Uribe government", "Senator Petro vehemently opposed the government of Álvaro Uribe. In 2005, while a member of the Chamber of Representatives, Petro denounced the lottery businesswoman Enilse López (also known as \"La Gata\" [the cat]). As of May 2009, she was imprisoned and under investigation for ties to the (now disbanded) paramilitary group United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC). Petro alleged that the AUC financially contributed to the presidential campaign of Álvaro Uribe in 2002", ". Uribe refuted these statements by Petro but, during his presidential reelection campaign in 2006, admitted to having received financial support from Enilse López.", "During Álvaro Uribe's second term as president, Petro encouraged debate on the Parapolitics scandal. In February 2007 Petro began a public verbal dispute with President Uribe when Petro suggested that the president should have recused himself from negotiating the demobilization process of paramilitaries in Colombia; this followed accusations that Uribe's brother, Santiago Uribe, was a former member of the Twelve Apostles paramilitary group in the mid-1990s", ". President Uribe responded by accusing Petro of being a \"terrorist in civilian clothing\" and by summoning the opposition to an open debate.", "On 17 April 2007, Petro began a debate in Congress about CONVIVIR and the development of paramilitarism in Antioquia Department. During a two-hour speech, he revealed a variety of documents demonstrating the relationship between members of the Colombian military, the current political leadership, narcotraffickers and paramilitary groups", ". Petro also criticized the actions of Álvaro Uribe as Governor of Antioquia Department during the CONVIVIR years, and presented an old photograph of Álvaro Uribe's brother, Santiago, alongside Colombian drug trafficker Fabio Ochoa Vázquez.", "The Minister of Interior and Justice, Carlos Holguín Sardi and the Minister of Transport, Andrés Uriel Gallego, were asked to defend the president and his government. Both of them questioned Petro's past as a revolutionary member and accused him of \"not condemning the warfare of violent people\". Most of Petro's arguments were condemned as mud-slinging. The day after this debate the president said \"I would have been a great guerrilla because I wouldn't have been a guerrilla of mud, but a guerrilla of rifles", ". I would have been a military success, not a fake protagonist\".", "President Uribe's brother, Santiago Uribe, affirmed that his father and the Ochoa brothers had grown up together and were in the Paso Fino horse business together. He then mentioned that he also had many photographs, taken with many people.", "On 18 April 2007, the Vigilance and Security Superintendency released a communique rejecting Petro's accusations concerning the CONVIVIR groups. The Superintendency said that many of the groups mentioned were authorized by the Departments of Sucre and Córdoba, but not by the Antioquia government; it also added that Álvaro Uribe, then Antioquia's governor, had eliminated the legal liability of eight CONVIVIR groups in 1997", ". It was also mentioned that the paramilitary leader known as \"Julian Bolívar\" had not yet been identified as such and was not associated with any CONVIVIR during the authorization of these groups.", "Death threats", "Petro has frequently reported threats against his life and the lives of his family, as well as persecution by government-run security organizations. On 7 May 2007 the Colombian army captured two Colombian Army intelligence non-commissioned officers who had been spying on Petro and his family in the municipality of Tenjo, Cundinamarca", ". These members had first identified themselves as members of the Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS) the Colombian Intelligence Agency but their claims were later denied by Andrés Peñate, director of the agency.", "2010 presidential campaign", "In 2008, Petro announced his interest in a presidential candidacy for 2010. He distanced himself from government policies and, along with Lucho Garzón and Maria Emma Mejia, led a dissenting faction within the Alternative Democratic Pole", ". Following Garzón's resignation from the party, Petro proposed a \"great national accord to end Colombia's war,\" based on removing organized crime from power, cleaning up the judicial system, land reform, democratic socialism and a security policy differing considerably from the policies of President Uribe. On 27 September 2009, Gustavo Petro defeated Carlos Gaviria in a primary election as the Alternative Democratic Pole candidate for the 2010 presidential election.", "In the presidential election held on 30 May 2010, Petro did better than polls had predicted. He obtained a total of 1,331,267 votes, 9.1% of the total, finishing as the fourth candidate in the vote total, behind Germán Vargas Lleras and ahead of Noemí Sanín.\n\nMayoralty of Bogotá (2012–2014; 2014–2015) \nOn 30 October 2011, Gustavo Petro won the municipal election in Bogota. He took office on 1 January 2012. He is the first ex-guerrilla to hold such an important position in Colombia.", "The program of his Bogotá Humana movement was to fight poverty and inequality through public policies for the poorest, to protect the environment and fight climate change, to strengthen citizen participation in decision-making, and to fight structural corruption, as the previous mayor and his senatorial brother had enriched themselves by granting public contracts to companies in exchange for bribes", ". However, his program is not well received by the traditional ruling classes; even before his inauguration, several media outlets were calling for his resignation.", "During Petro's administration, measures such as the prohibition on the carrying of firearms were advanced, which led to the reduction of the homicide rate, reaching the lowest figure of the last two decades; interventions were carried out by the police in El Bronx sector of the city, where seizures of drugs and weapons were made; the Women's Secretariat was created; the LGBTI Citizenship Center was inaugurated; and 49 centers for birth control and abortion care were also created in cases permitted by law.", "The social policies implemented and the improvement of public services accelerated the reduction of poverty; during his administration, nearly half a million people were lifted out of poverty and infant mortality dropped. This is the result of a combination of public policies (minimum drinking water supply for every family, preventive health program in poor neighborhoods, kindergartens, strengthening of public education, youth centers for art education, preferential transportation rates for the poor).", "Petro proposed a policy to conserve the wetlands of Bogotá and plan for the preservation of water in the face of global warming. He also announced plans to plant over 200,000 trees. Following the order of the Constitutional Court, a process of suppression of animal-drawn vehicles used by waste pickers began, putting many out of work; some were replaced by automotive vehicles and subsidies.", "In June 2012, Petro banned bullfighting within the Santamaría Bullring, a measure that was later rejected by the Constitutional Court.\n\nIn the area of public health, Mobile Attention Centers for Drug Addicts (CAMAD) were established. With these measures, the aim was to reduce the dependency of the destitute in the streets of the sector to the providers of narcotic drugs, providing psychological and medical assistance.", "During his administration, the District put into operation two primary-care clinics at the San Juan de Dios Hospital, which had closed in 2001. The Mayor promised that he would allocate resources to purchase the Hospital grounds and reopen one of the buildings of the complex. The project was delayed due to the Cundinamarca government's suspension of the sale of the properties", ". On 11 February 2015, as mayor of Bogotá, the protocol ceremony for the reopening of the San Juan de Dios Hospital Complex was finally formalized. The District bought the hospital intending to reopen it. During his last month in office, before the liquidation of Saludcoop on 1 December 2015, the district had difficulties with the new patients who became part of the EPS Capital Salud.", "During Petro's administration, the application of the Integrated Public Transport System (SITP) began, inaugurated in mid-2012. Likewise, subsidies paid by the District to reduce Transmilenio tariffs were created. In turn, from early 2014 the administration provided a 40% subsidy for the value of the ticket for the population affiliated to SISBEN 1 and 2, for which it allocated 138 billion pesos. This subsidy was not available to all individuals immediately, as they were required to register in a database.", "Petro proposed the construction of a subway for the city. During his administration, he contracted studies of the subway infrastructure to a Colombian-Spanish company for $70 billion pesos, which successfully ended at the end of 2014. The subway plans contracted by Petro's administration were discarded by his successor Enrique Peñalosa, who opted for an elevated railway system with allegedly lower investment required and better coverage", ". These claims have been refuted by several independent studies that have found that both the social and economic cost of an elevated railway system is higher than the original underground railway system planned by the previous administration.", "Recall", "During his administration as mayor, Petro faced a recall process started by opposition parties and supported by the signatures of more than 600,000 citizens. After the legal verification, 357,250 signatures were validated, many more than legally required to start the process. On 9 December 2013, he was removed from his seat and banned from political activity for 15 years, by Inspector General Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, following the sanctions stipulated by the law", ". His sanction was allegedly caused by mismanagement and illegal decrees signed during the implementation of his waste collection system. This led to a protest which deemed the Inspector's move as controversial, politically biased and undemocratic.", "Despite being granted an injunction by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which suspended the sanction imposed by Inspector General Ordóñez, President Juan Manuel Santos upheld the removal and Petro was removed from office 19 March 2014. For his temporary replacement, Santos appointed as Mayor the Labor Minister, Rafael Pardo", ". For his temporary replacement, Santos appointed as Mayor the Labor Minister, Rafael Pardo. On 19 April 2014, a magistrate from the Superior Tribunal of Bogotá ordered the president to obey the recommendations laid out by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Petro was reinstated as mayor on 23 April 2014 and finished his term.", "2018 presidential campaign", "In 2018, Gustavo Petro was again a presidential candidate, this time getting the second best result in voting counting in the first round on 27 May, and advanced to the second round. His campaign was run by publicists Ángel Beccassino, Alberto Cienfuegos and Luis Fernando Pardo. A lawsuit was filed by citizens against Iván Duque, Petro's right-wing opponent, alleging bribery and fraud", ". The news chain Wradio made the lawsuit public on 11 July, which was presented to the CNE ('Consejo Nacional Electoral', National Electoral Council, by its acronym in Spanish). The state of the law suit will be defined by the Magistrado Alberto Yepes.", "Petro's platform emphasized support for universal health care, public banking, a rejection of proposals to expand fracking and mining in favor of investing in clean energy, and land reform. Before the runoff, Petro received endorsements from senator-elect Antanas Mockus and senator Claudia López Hernández, both members of the Green Alliance.", "In the second round of voting, Duque won the election with more than 10 million votes, while Petro took second place with 8 million votes. Duque was inaugurated on 7 August; meanwhile, Petro returned to the Senate. He served until the inauguration of a new congress in 2022.\n\nPetro received death threats from the paramilitary group Águilas Negras.\n\n2022 presidential campaign", "In 2021, Petro declared that he would be running in the 2022 elections. In September 2021, Petro announced that he would retire from politics if his campaign were not to succeed, stating that he does not intend to be an \"eternal candidate\". Petro’s campaign platform included promoting green energy over fossil fuels and a decrease in economic inequality. He has promised to focus on climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions that cause it by ending fossil fuel exploration in Colombia", ". He also pledged to raise taxes on the wealthiest 4,000 Colombians and said that neoliberalism would ultimately \"destroy the country\". Petro also announced that he would be open to having president Iván Duque stand trial for police brutality committed during the 2021 Colombian protests. Furthermore, he promised to establish the ministry of equality", ". Furthermore, he promised to establish the ministry of equality. Following his victory in the Historic Pact primary, Petro selected Afro-Colombian Human Rights and environmental activist and recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize, Francia Márquez, to be his running mate.", "Among the key points of his program, he proposes an agrarian reform to restore productivity to 15 million hectares of land to end \"narco-feudalism\" (in Spanish, \"narco-latifundismo\"); a halt to all new oil exploration in order to wean the country off its dependence on the extractive and fossil fuel industries; infrastructure for access to water and development of the rail network; investment in public education and research; tax reform and reform of the largely privatized health system", ". Petro announced that his first act as president will be to declare a state of economic emergency to combat widespread hunger. He is advocating progressive proposals on women's rights and LGBTQ issues. Petro also stated that he would restore diplomatic relations with Venezuela. He proposed combatting Colombia's cocaine trade with the growth of legal marijuana, and has opposed extraditions of accused drug criminals to the United States.", "Petro and his running mate Francia Márquez faced numerous death threats from paramilitary groups while on the campaign trail. Petro cancelled rallies in Colombiaʼs coffee region in early May 2022 after his security team uncovered an alleged plot by the La Cordillera gang", ". In response to this and many other similar situations, 90 elected officials and prominent individuals from over 20 countries signed an open letter expressing concern and condemnation of attempts of political violence against Márquez and Petro. The letter also highlighted the assassination of over 50 social leaders, trade unionists, environmentalists and other community representatives in 2022", ". Signatories of the letter included former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, American linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky and member of the French National Assembly Jean-Luc Mélenchon. During the campaign, Petro received support from foreign politicians, such as former president of Uruguay, José Mujica and former Prime Minister of Spain, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.", "During the campaign, his opponents said that he planned expropriation measures if he becomes president, and argued similarities with Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro. Proposals from Petro to change the nation’s economic model were criticized for increasing taxes on unproductive landowners and for upsetting oil and coal investors by his platform to move to clean energy", ". Critics said his efforts to shift more of Colombia's wealth to the poor could turn Colombia into another Venezuela, and also compared his ideas to those of the early days of Hugo Chávez's government in Venezuela. In response, he signed a public document on 18 April in which he pledged not to carry out any type of expropriation if elected. During a presidential debate hosted by El Tiempo on 14 March, candidates responded to a question about relations with Venezuela and Nicolás Maduro", ". Whilst other participants responded by stating Venezuela is a dictatorship and expressing reluctance toward restoring relations, Petro replied, \"if the theory is that with a dictatorship you can't have diplomatic relations, and Venezuela is, [then] why does this government have relations with the United Arab Emirates, which is a dictatorship, perhaps worse [than Venezuela]?\". He also stated that diplomatic relations are established with nations and not with individuals", ". He also stated that diplomatic relations are established with nations and not with individuals. Whilst he has praised former Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez for bolstering equality, Petro said during an interview with French newspaper Le Monde in May 2022 that Chávez made a \"serious mistake of linking his social program to oil revenues\". He also criticized Venezuela's commitment to oil by president Maduro", ". He also criticized Venezuela's commitment to oil by president Maduro. Petro argued that \"Maduro's Venezuela and Duque's Colombia are more similar than they seem\", pointing to the Duque administration's commitment to non-renewable energy and the \"authoritarian drift\" of both governments. General Eduardo Zapateiro, commander of the National Army of Colombia, also criticized Petro during the campaign, causing controversy", ". Later, after the elections, the Colombian media Noticia Uno revealed that Gustavo Petro's campaign had been spied on by Colombian intelligence agents and that information had been passed on to the press to try to discredit him.", "Petro received the most votes in the first round held on 29 May but fell short of the 50% required to avoid a runoff. He and Márquez faced the former mayor of Bucaramanga and businessman, Rodolfo Hernández Suárez and his running mate Marelen Castillo in the run-off on 19 June. Shortly after the first round, Luis Gilberto Murillo, who was the running mate of Sergio Fajardo on the Hope Center Coalition ticket, endorsed Petro for the second round", ". In the second round, Petro and Márquez won the election by winning 50.44% of the popular vote against Hernández.", "Presidency (2022–present) \n\nPetro was sworn in on 7 August 2022.", "He spent the month and a half between his election and his inauguration negotiating with centrist and right-wing political parties to build a majority in Congress, where the left had a minority in both houses. He had an early success in building a congressional coalition, said Fitch. In exchange for several seats in his government, he obtained the support of the Liberal Party, the largest force in the House and third largest in the Senate, and the Party of the U", ". Both parties had called for votes against him in both the first and second rounds of the presidential election. In the end, his coalition included a dozen political groups, had seasoned ministers, and was considered by The Economist as \"moderate\". The conservative reformist Álvaro Leyva was appointed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and three former liberal ministers were appointed to Finance, Agriculture and Education", ". Human rights activist Leonor Zalabata was named ambassador to the United Nations, making her the first indigenous person to be appointed to the post, which until now has always been held by career diplomats.", "A few days before his inauguration, on 26 July, he passed his first political test with the approval by the Senate of the Escazú Agreement, the most important environmental protection treaty adopted in Latin America, which had previously been rejected four times by the senators. Petro had made its ratification a campaign promise. However, the team in charge of the transition from the outgoing government warns that \"the fiscal situation and the level of debt are even more critical than we imagined.\"", "The arrival of Gustavo Petro as president was not well received by the army command and several generals spoke out in the press. The commander in chief of the army, Enrique Zapateiro, resigned from his position. On 12 August Petro appointed a new military command with the objective of \"substantially increasing respect for human rights and public freedoms.\"", "Colombia and Venezuela re-established diplomatic relations on 11 August after a three-year break. Petro announced plans to resume peace negotiations with the National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas, which had been suspended after the 2019 Bogotá car bombing, where more than 20 cadets at a police academy were killed.\n\nCabinet", "Cabinet \n\nThe cabinet of Petro's government took office on August 7, 2022, in conjunction with the inauguration of the president. After taking office, Petro was considered by analysts as Colombia's first-ever left-wing president, although this claim has been disputed by Charlotte Eaton of the London School of Economics who asserted that it was the two-term president Alfonso López Pumarejo (1934–1938 and 1942–1946) of the Colombian Liberal Party instead.", "José Antonio Ocampo, Professor of Economic and Political Development Concentration at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and former Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs in the United Nations was appointed as Minister of Finance.\n\nProtests", "A series of protests began in Colombia on 26 September 2022 against cross-sectoral structural reforms of President Petro and the government, protests continued on 20 June 2023 at major cities, motivated originally against his political agenda, but also over the malaise about alleged drug-money involved on his 2022 presidential campaign running, as well as accusations of possible illegal interceptions to civilians by close members of his cabinet", ", Washington Post indicates his leftist government as \"derailed\", at this point his presidential approval rate dropped to 26% according to Bloomberg", ". Wall Street Journal and Financial Times also criticize Petro's efficiency on government, calling the scandal over illegal interceptions the \"Nannygate\" and describing recordings of his ambassador in Venezuela, Armando Benedetti speaking with Petro's Chief of Staff, Laura Sarabia, over possible illegal financing and serious several accusations and threats of revealing compromising information on campaign running. Both of them had to resign his position as a result of this", ". Both of them had to resign his position as a result of this. This seriously decreased Petro's credibility and approval, exposing possible corruption inside the current government, making his presidential approval rate to drop to only 26% according to Bloomberg.", "Agrarian reform", "At the beginning of his presidency, Gustavo Petro announced that he wanted to initiate agrarian reform to promote access to property for poor peasant families in a country where one per cent of farms hold 80 per cent of the cultivable land", ". Several difficulties must be overcome: the land registry is largely deficient (according to an official estimate, 65% of land is not formally titled), the state lacks the institutions and officials to enforce the law, and there are fears that the large landowners will rearm their paramilitary militias. Finally, indigenous and peasant movements have increased their land occupations to put pressure on the new government.", "While it does not foresee any expropriation, the government intends to enforce the first chapter of the peace agreement signed in 2016 between the state and the FARC. The first chapter of the agreement, which was devoted to the agrarian question, provided for the distribution of three million hectares to peasants, but the government of Ivan Duque never implemented it. On the other hand, the government committed itself to buying three million hectares of arable land at market price", ". An agreement to this effect was reached in early October 2022 with the powerful Federation of Ranchers (Fedegan). However, the agreement has been criticized by the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, who said that \"the land grabbers must be told the truth and receive compensation. They do not deserve impunity, let alone billions,\" recalling that the report of the Truth Commission confirms the historical responsibility of the ranchers in paramilitarism, displacement and land plundering", ". In addition, some experts on agrarian issues have estimated that the land purchases would have a high cost for the public finances: \"Since the market is not competitive, the ranchers will sell at a high price.\" The government has also pledged to build infrastructure to enable farmers to sell their crops.", "Approval ratings \nPetro took office in August 2022 with nearly a majority, 48%, approving of his performance. However, by the start of the new year, more Colombians have consistently disapproved of Petro's performance than approved. Throughout 2023, Petro's disapproval rating continuously rose, rising to 53% disapproving of his performance in March 2023. Residents in the eastern region of Colombia, Bogota and the central region were most likely to disapprove of Petro.", "By June 2023, 33% of Colombians approved of Petro's performance, and 61% disapproved.\n\nFactors such as crime, his stalled reforms in the legislative branch, his disagreements with the Office of the Attorney General of Colombia, the arrest of President Petro's son Nicolas in a money laundering scandal involving campaign finance, and scandal involving Chief of Staff Laura Sarabia contributed to the fall in Petro's public support.\n\nPolicies and views", "Policies and views\n\nEnvironmental issues\nIn a widely recognized speech before the United Nations General Assembly on September 20, 2022, Petro asked the question \"What is more poisonous for humanity, cocaine, coal or oil?\" He said the \"addiction to irrational power, profit and money” being at the heart of the climate crisis and called the war on drugs a failure, accusing the global north of turning a blind eye to the destruction of the Amazon.\n\nForeign affairs", "Foreign affairs \n\n, before assuming the presidency, Petro had an ambiguous position on Venezuela under Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro. While he has not denounced its human rights violations or described Maduro as a dictator, unlike Iván Duque, he also has not expressed unrestricted support, unlike Evo Morales.", "Petro had met Chávez in 1994, on Seventh Street in Bogotá, after inviting the latter to come to Colombia to learn more about the new Political Constitution of 1991. At the Bridge of Boyacá, both \"swore an oath of Bolivarian integration for Latin America\". After Chávez's death in 2013, Petro affirmed that he was a \"great Latin American leader\", saying: \"You lived in Chávez's times and maybe you thought he was a clown. You were fooled. You lived in the times of a great Latin American leader\"", ". You were fooled. You lived in the times of a great Latin American leader\". He also expressed: \"Even if many do not like him, Hugo Chávez will be a man who will be remembered by the history of Latin America, his critics will be forgotten\", \"a friend and a hope is gone\".", "In 2016, Petro ironized about the crisis in Venezuela, in a year when shortages and malnutrition were rampant, by posting a photo of a supermarket with full shelves on Twitter and saying, \"I went into a supermarket in Caracas and look what I found. Did RCN fool me?\"", ". Did RCN fool me?\". In a 2018 interview in Al Punto, Mexican journalist Jorge Ramos asked Petro if he considered Chávez as a political leader, to which Petro answered that he believed that \"he was popularly elected\", but that authoritarianism in Venezuela under Maduro was putting an end to all freedoms.", "In 2019, Petro criticized the idea of an American military intervention against Maduro's regime, stating that \"only Venezuelans should solve Venezuela's problems\", that \"it's not a coup d'état backed by foreigners that will bring democracy to Venezuela\", and that \"what is happening in Venezuela is a frontal struggle for the control of oil\". In 2020, Petro claimed that if Colombia reestablished diplomatic relations, cut off by Maduro, and sold food to Venezuela, Venezuelan immigration would cease.", "In response to Maduro's attack of him and president of Chile Gabriel Boric as well as president of Peru Pedro Castillo, describing them as a \"cowardly left wing\" attacking the Bolivarian Revolution in February 2022, Petro responded on social media saying \"I suggest Maduro to stop his insults. Cowards are those who do not embrace democracy\", adding, \"Get Venezuela out of oil, take it to the deepest democracy, if you must step aside, do it\".", "Following the results of the second round of the 2022 presidential elections in Colombia, Maduro congratulated Petro on his victory, saying \"I congratulate Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez, for the historic victory in the presidential elections in Colombia. The will of the Colombian people was heard, who came out to defend the path of democracy and peace. New times are on the horizon for this brother country\".", "In an August 2022 interview with the Colombian magazine Semana, Petro stated that he would only recognize Nicolás Maduro as Venezuelan president, and that the partially recognized interim president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, was a \"non-existent\" president, and that Guaidó had no control over the country", ". Guaidó reproached the lack of recognition of his interim government, and responded in a press conference: \"I would have expected that his first decision would not have been to approach one who today shelters world terrorism in Venezuela\".", "On 28 September 2022, Colombia's ambassador to the Organization of American States, Luis Ernesto Vargas, declared that he would condemn human rights violations in Nicaragua when necessary, but that he would prioritize the integration of the countries in the region.\n\nIn October 2022, Petro claimed that the number of migrants returning to Venezuela at that time outnumbered those leaving the country, arguing that there were more Colombian migrants entering Venezuela than Venezuelans entering Colombia.", "Social issues \nPromoting progressive views and policies towards LGBT issues, he opened the Center for LGBTI Citizenship when he was Mayor of Bogotá. The opening of the Subdirectorate for LGBT Affairs had the purpose of restoring rights and eradicating discrimination. Several LGBT people held administrative positions.", "He has supported an advance in the elimination of obstacles and stigmas to recognize the union of same-sex couples and their rights to adoption and social security", ". In addition to that, he affirmed that he will support and accompany with medical and psychosocial support the transition of gender with explicit protocols and with the participation of the trans population, and will promote a national program of safe cities free of violence and discrimination against women and people with sexual orientations, as well as diverse gender identities.", "In the past, he received criticism from Francia Márquez, who was later the Historic Pact's vice presidential nominee. She denounced that Petro betrayed the agreement to include female leaders and Afro leaders on their lists to Congress. In response, and after a storm broke out, Petro asked that the men registered in the Senate move one seat from eleven to enable the space and comply with what she had said", ". Afro-Colombian communities were highlighted by the triumph of Gustavo Petro in the 2022 presidential election, where he swept the Pacific and Caribbean regions, both being places with the largest Afro-Colombian demographics.", "Petro is a supporter of the feminist movement, with his government program including proposals such as the creation of the Ministry of Equality and a chapter dedicated to women. However, some of his proposals within the movement have been controversial.", "Petro on the issue of abortion has been ambiguous. During 2020 and 2021, Petro has supported the idea of \"zero abortion\", but during an interview, he stated that \"every society must prevent, with sexual education and technological measures so that abortion does not exist, I call that zero abortion. Abortion is not positive nor should it be encouraged, but that does not imply criminalizing women in that way, if you criminalize women you are not achieving a zero abortion society\"", ". Several supporters of the movement expressed their disagreement with Petro's statements, while some analysts, professors and politicians contradicted the proposals stating that a zero abortion society is \"science fiction\" and that Petro's statements are made to gather votes from members of the anti-abortion movement. In October 2021, Márquez said that Petro should \"learn more about feminism\"", ". In October 2021, Márquez said that Petro should \"learn more about feminism\". To placate the criticism that feminists made of him at the time, Petro published the photo of the Christmas gift that his daughter Sofía gave him: a book titled \"Feminism for beginners\".", "In 22 February 2022, one day after the Colombian Constitutional Court decriminalized abortion, Petro said on Twitter: \"I congratulate the women who waged the fight against the criminalization of abortion that criminalized them and killed them. Their victory is theirs", ". Their victory is theirs. The empowerment of women that arises from here, sexual education and freedoms are the best way to protect life\", and despite the fact that two weeks after the court's decision, he again mentioned the issue of \"zero abortion\", he has not mentioned it again nor does it appear in his government program.", "In June 2022, Petro attended the Feminist Debate, a space convened by more than 30 social organizations of women, feminists and the LGBTIQ+ population, in order to present their proposals to the presidential candidates. Petro wore a green scarf throughout the event. Petro promised that he will enforce the constitutional ruling that decriminalized the interruption of pregnancy until the 24th week. He also said: \"When a woman makes that free decision, it is not criminal (..", ". He also said: \"When a woman makes that free decision, it is not criminal (...) abortion is a woman's free decision and therefore there should be no social sanction\".", "With the issue of the land conflict in which indigenous people have been affected in the country, he invited on his the indigenous movement, the sugar cane agro-industrial sector (Asocaña) and the social movements of northern Cauca to initiate \"the first regional dialogue of Colombia for Peace\" to seek a \"solution to the conflict over land\".", "In August 2022, Petro proposed decriminalizing the production of cocaine and marijuana, declaring \"It is time for a new international convention that accepts that the war on drugs has failed.\"", "In January 2023, Petro indicated that he wanted Colombia to move towards a preventive healthcare system in which disease is prevented as far as possible. Under the system the state would employ doctors to care for people who live in remote places and to care for poor farmers. Petro also said he would deliver a monthly bonus of about US$110 to almost three million recipients of the state's age based pension.\n\nPersonal life", "Petro has been married three times. At age 26, Petro and his childhood sweetheart Katia Burgos eloped due to the Burgos family's disapproval of the union. The couple had a son, Nicolás, who was primarily brought up by Burgos and Petro's mother, Clara Nubia-Urrego, as Petro had gone into hiding due to his rebel activity. Shortly after, while on the run, Petro began a relationship with Mary Luz Herrán, ten years his junior. He met Herrán when he was seeking refuge in her hometown", ". He met Herrán when he was seeking refuge in her hometown. They were together for over 15 years and had two children, a daughter Andreá and a son Andrés. Both reside abroad and keep a low profile. Petro met his current wife, Verónica Alcocer, in the late 1990s at a conference where Petro filled in for the absent primary speaker. Alcocer was a law student 17 years his junior", ". Alcocer was a law student 17 years his junior. Petro divorced Herrán and married Alcocer in 2003; he initially had a shaky relationship with the conservative Alcocer family, but he later won the approval of Verónica's father. Petro and Alcocer have two daughters, Sofía and Antonella. Alcocer has a son from a previous relationship who, like Petro's oldest son, is named Nicolás. Petro adopted Nicolás in September 2022.", "In July 2023, Petro's son Nicolás was arrested on money laundering charges.\n\nAwards", "2006: Best representative, by the Chamber of Representatives, and Character of the year, by the readers of the newspaper El Tiempo.\n 2007: Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award, by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).\n 2011: Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento Medal, by the Senate of the Republic and Chamber of Representatives Ethics Committees.\n 2013: Defenzoor of the year, by Defenzoores Association, and City Climate Leadership Award, by C40 and Siemens.", "2018: Honorary Professor, by the National University of Lanús.\n 2022: Grand Collar of the Order of Boyacá, Collar of the Order of San Carlos, Grand Cross Extraordinary of the National Order of Merit and Order of Merit Colonel Guillermo Fergusson, by president Iván Duque.\n 2023: Grand Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, Doctor Honoris Causa, by the University for Peace.", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n Personal website of Gustavo Petro\n Colombia Humana official website\n Colombia Politics political biography, Gustavo Petro\n Biography and program by CIDOB\n Interview with Gustavo Petro\n Petro's profile at CityMayors", "1960 births\nLiving people\nPeople from Córdoba Department\nMayors of Bogotá\nAnti-Zionism in South America\n19th of April Movement members\nAlternative Democratic Pole politicians\nAlternative Way politicians\nColombian economists\nColombian people of Italian descent\nColombian Roman Catholics\nMembers of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia\nMembers of the Senate of Colombia\nPontifical Xavierian University alumni\nUniversidad Externado de Colombia alumni\nUniversity of Salamanca alumni", "Universidad Externado de Colombia alumni\nUniversity of Salamanca alumni\nHumane Colombia politicians\n20th-century Colombian politicians\n21st-century Colombian politicians\nCollars of the Order of Isabella the Catholic\nPetro Family" ]
History of early Islamic Tunisia
[ "The History of early Islamic Tunisia opens with the arrival of the Arabs who brought their language and the religion of Islam, and its calendar. The Arab conquest followed strategy designed by the Umayyad Caliphate regarding its long-term conflict with the Byzantine Empire. The native Berbers eventually converted to Islam. They might have seen some similarities between themselves and the Arabs, in similar cognate culture, such as familiarity with a pastoral way of life", ". The first local Islamic ruling house, the Aghlabids, consisted primarily of rule by leading members of this Arab tribe. Fundamental elements of Islamic civilization were established. Although accepting Islam, many Berbers nonetheless resisted rule by the Arabs, establishing the Rustamid kingdom following the Kharijite revolt. Next in Ifriqiya (Tunisia) arose the Shia Fatimids, inspired by a few immigrants from the east yet consisting for the most part of Ifriqiya Berbers", ". The Fatimids later expanded their rule east, through conquest by Berber armies of Egypt, and established their caliphate there which came to include Syria and the Hejaz.", "Umayyad Caliphate in Ifriqiya", "After the initial period of the four rightly-guided caliphs (632-661) following the death of Muhammad (570-632), the ruling family of the Umayyads took firm control of the new Muslim state. The Umayyad Caliphate (661-750) ruled from the city of Damascus; their first Caliph Mu'awiya (602-680, r.661-680) directed Muslim forces in their on-going military contest with the Byzantine Empire. Decades earlier the Byzantine provinces of Syria and Egypt had fallen to Islamic arms", ". Decades earlier the Byzantine provinces of Syria and Egypt had fallen to Islamic arms. Under Mu'awiya the Umayyad Caliphate could see how the foreign lands west of Egypt figured in the \"geo-political\" and military strategy of this struggle. Hence there began the decades-long undertaking resulting in the Umayyad conquest of North Africa.", "Islamic conquest", "In 670 an Arab Muslim army under Uqba ibn Nafi, who had commanded an earlier incursion in 666, entered the region of Ifriqiya (a newly coined Arabic word for the prior Roman Province of Africa). Marching overland the Arabs by-passed the fortified Byzantine positions along the Mediterranean coast. In the more arid south of Ifriqiya, the city of Kairouan (military outpost in Persian) was established as their base, and the building of its famous Mosque was begun", ". Then, from 675 to 682, Dinar ibn Abu al-Muhadjir took over direction of the Muslim invasion. Armed Berber forces constituted the main resistance to the Arabs. Apparently these Berbers were primarily composed of sedentary Christians from the Awreba tribe and perhaps also the Sanhadja confederation; they were led by Kusaila. In the late 670s, the Arab armies defeated these Berbers forces and made Kusaila their prisoner.", "In 682, Uqba ibn Nafi resumed command. He defeated another alliance of Berber forces near Tahirt (Algeria), then proceeded westward in a long series of military triumphs, eventually reaching the Atlantic coast, where he is said to have lamented that before him lay no more lands to conquer for Islam. Episodes from Uqba's campaigns became legend throughout the Maghrib. Yet Kusaila, the Berber leader held prisoner, escaped", ". Yet Kusaila, the Berber leader held prisoner, escaped. Later Kusaila organized and led a fresh Berber uprising, which interrupted the conquest and claimed the life of the famous Arab leader, Uqba. Kusaila then formed an enlarged Berber kingdom. Yet Zuhair b. Qais, the deputy of the fallen leader Uqba ibn Nafi, enlisted Zanata Berber tribes from Cyrenaica to fight for the cause of Islam, and in 686 managed to overrun, defeat, and terminate the kingdom newly formed by Kusaila.", "Under the Caliph 'Abd al-Malik (685-705), ruling from Damascus, the Umayyad conquest of North Africa was to advance close to completion. In Egypt a new army of forty thousand was assembled, to be commanded by Hassan ibn al-Nu'man (known to Arabs as \"the honest old man\"). Meanwhile, the weakened Byzantines managed to reinforce somewhat their positions. The Arab Muslim army crossed the Cyrene and Tripoli without opposition, then quickly attacked and captured Carthage.", "The Berbers, however, continued to offer stiff resistance, then being led by a woman of the Jarawa tribe, whom the Muslims called \"the prophetess\" [al-Kahina in Arabic]; her actual name was approximately Damiya. On the river Nini, an alliance of Berbers under the Kahina Damiya sharply defeated the Muslim armies under al-Nu'man, who escaped then eastward, returning to Cyrenaica. Thereupon, the Byzantines took advantage of the Berber victory by reoccupying Carthage", ". Thereupon, the Byzantines took advantage of the Berber victory by reoccupying Carthage. Unlike the Berber Kusaila ten years earlier, Damiya did not establish a larger state, evidently being content to rule merely her own Jawara tribe", ". Some commentators speculate that, to the Kahina Damiya, the invading Arabs appeared primarily interested in booty, because she then commenced to sack and pillage the region, apparently to make it unattractive to raiders looking for the spoils of war; of course, it also made her own forces hotly unpopular to local inhabitants. Yet she did not attack the Muslim base at Kairouan. From Egypt in 698 the Caliph 'Abdul-Malik sent reinforcements to al-Nu'man, who then reentered Ifriqiya", ". Although she told her two sons to go over to the Arabs, she herself continued resistance and again gave battle. The fortunes of war deserted her, and al-Nu'man emerged victorious. It is said that at Bir al-Kahina [well of the prophetess] in the Auras mountains, Damiya was slain.", "In 705 Hassan b. al-Nu'man stormed Carthage, overcame and sacked it, leaving it destroyed. A similar fate befell the proximous city of Utica. At Tunis, a small town dating back to the Punic era, and situated near the ruins of Carthage, al-Numan founded a naval base. Muslim ships fitted for war began to assert dominance over the adjacent Mediterranean coast; hence the Byzantines then made their final withdrawal from North Africa. The Arabs called the region al-Maghrib: the \"sunset land\" or \"the west\"", ". The Arabs called the region al-Maghrib: the \"sunset land\" or \"the west\". Then al-Nu'man was replaced as Muslim military leader by Musa ibn Nusair, who substantially completed the conquest of al-Maghrib. Ibn Nusair took the city of Tangier on the Atlantic coast, and appointed as its governor the Berber leader Tariq Abu Zara. Tariq would lead the Muslim conquest of Hispania, begun in 711.", "Berber role", "The Berbers, also known as the Amazigh, \"converted en masse as tribes and assimilated juridically to the Arabs\", writes Prof. Hodgson; he then comments that the Berbers were to play a role in the west parallel to that played by the Arabs elsewhere in Islam. For centuries the Berbers had lived as semi-pastoralists in or near arid lands at the fringe of civilization, sustaining their isolated identity somewhat like the Arabs", ". \"The Maghrib, islanded between Mediterranean and Sahara, was to the Berbers what Arabia... was to the Arabs.\" Hodgson explains: although the Berbers enjoyed more rainfall than the Arabs, their higher mountains made their settlements likewise difficult to access; and though the imperial Roman cities were more proximous, those cities never incorporated the countryside with a network of market towns, but instead remained aloof from the indigenous rural Berbers.", "A counter argument would be that the Berbers at first merely participated in the martial success of the Arab Muslims; the better historical choice for the Berbers would be more uniquely ethnic and thus more authentic, i.e., to articulate their own inner character and fate, and follow that. Prof. Abdallah Laroui, however, interprets the North African panorama as indicating that the Berbers did in fact carve out for themselves an independent role. \"From the first century B.C. to the eighth century A.D", ". \"From the first century B.C. to the eighth century A.D. the will of the Berbers to be themselves is revealed by the continuity of their efforts to reconstitute their kingdoms of the Carthaginian period, and in this sense the movement was crowned with success.\" Here Laroui apparently favorably compares the ancient Berber King Masinissa and his regime, e.g., to the Rustamid kingdom, and later to the medieval Islamic Almoravids and Almohads, and to the Zirid and the Hafsid dynasties, all Berber creations", ". By choosing to ally not with nearby Europe, familiar in memory by the Roman past, but rather with the newcomers from distant Arabia, the Berbers knowingly decided their future and historical path. \"Their hearts opened to the call of Islam because in it they saw a means of national liberation and territorial independence.\"", "Environmental and geographic parallels between Berber and Arab are notable, as Hodgson discusses above. In addition, the languages spoken by the Semitic Arabs and by the Berbers are both included as members in the same world language family, the Afro-Asiatic, although Berber and Semitic form two different branches. Perhaps this linguistic kinship shares a further resonance, e.g", ". Perhaps this linguistic kinship shares a further resonance, e.g., in mythic explanations, popular symbols, and religious preference, in some vital fundamentals of psychology, and in the media of culture and the context of tradition.", "Evidently, long before and after the Islamic conquest, there was some popular sense of a strong and long-standing cultural connection between the Berbers and the Semites of the Levant, naturally with regard to Carthage, and in addition with regard to links yet more ancient and genetic. These claims of a remote ancestral relationship perhaps facilitated the Berber demand for equal footing with the Arab invaders within the religion of Islam following the conquest", ". Later in the medieval Maghrib, elaborate but fictitious genealogies would be created on the assumed foundation of an ancient Yemeni origin of the Berber people. Those fake Yemeni origins and genealogies of the Berbers were mocked by Ibn Hazm (994-1064) and discounted by Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406).", "From Cyrenaica to al-Andalus, the superficially 'Arabized' Berbers continuously remained in communication with each other throughout the following centuries, sharing a common cultural identity. As a group their distinguishing features are not difficult to discern within Islam; e.g., while the ulama in the rest of Islam adopted for the most part either the Hanafi or the Shafi'i school of law, some Berbers in the west chose the Maliki madhhab, developing it in the course of time after their own fashion", ". Other Berbers chose the revolutionary Kharijite sect of Islam and used it to end Umayyad Arab rule in the Berber world. In the process of the Berbers becoming Muslim, the Arab colonists and migrants who settled among also in turn underwent a form of \"Berberization\".", "Also inducing the Berbers to convert was the early lack of rigor in religious obligations, as well as the prospect of inclusion as warriors in the armies of conquest, with a corresponding share in booty and tribute. A few years later, in 711, the Berber Tariq ibn Ziyad would lead the Muslim invasion of the Visigothic Kingdom in Hispania", ". Additionally, many of the Arabs who came to settle in al-Maghrib were religious and political dissidents, often Kharijites who opposed the Umayyad rulers in Damascus and embraced egalitarian doctrines, both popular positions among the Berbers of North Africa who disliked Arab displays of superiority.", "To locate its history of religion context, the Arab conquest and the Islamic conversion of the Berbers followed a centuries-long period of religious conflict and polarization of society in the old Roman Empire's Africa Province. Here, the Donatist schism within Christianity proved instrumental; it caused divisions in society, often between the rural Berbers, who were prominent in schismatic dissent, and the more urban orthodoxy of the Roman church", ". Too, the successor to the Romans, the Vandal Kingdom (439-534) also religiously polarized the Christian society by their attempt to force on others their own Arian form of Christianity. Alternatively, or concurrently, the Berbers were initially attracted to the Arabs because of their \"proclivity for the desert and the steppes\".", "After the conquest and following the popular conversion, Ifriqiya constituted a proximous and natural focus for an Arab-Berber Islamic regime in North Africa, a center for culture and society. Ifriqiya was then the region with the most developed urban, commercial, and agricultural infrastructure, essential for such a comprehensive project as Islam developed.\n\nAghlabid emirate under Abbasids\n\nEstablishment", "During the years immediately preceding the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus (661-750), revolts arose among the Kharijite Berbers in Morocco which eventually disrupted the stability of the entire Maghrib (739-772). The Kharijites failed to establish strong lasting institutions, yet the small Rustamid kingdom persisted (which controlled southern Ifriqiyah); also the impact of the Berber Kharijite revolt changed the political landscape", ". Direct rule from the East by the Caliphs over Ifriqiya became untenable, even following the rapid establishment of the new Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad in 750. Also, after several generations a local Arab-speaking aristocracy emerged in Ifriqiya, which became resentful of the distant caliphate's interference in local matters.", "The Arab Muhallabids (771-793) negotiated with the 'Abbasids a wide discretion in the exercise of their governorship of Ifriqiya. One such governor was al-Aghlab ibn Salim (r. 765-767), a forefather of the Aghlabids. Decades later Muhallabid rule came undone. A minor rebellion in Tunis took a more ominous turn when it spread to Kairouan. The Caliph's governor was unable to restore order.", "Ibrahim ibn al-Aghlab, a provincial leader (son of al-Aghlab ibn Salim), led a disciplined army; he did manage to reestablish stability in 797. Later he proposed to the 'Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid, that he be granted Ifriqiya (as the Arabs called the former Province of Africa) as a hereditary fief, with the title of amir; the caliph acquiesced in 800", ". Thereafter, although the 'Abbasids caliphs received an annual tribute and their suzerainty was referenced in the khubta at Friday prayers, their control was largely symbolic, e.g., in 864 the Caliph al-Mu'tasim \"required\" that a new wing be added to the Zaituna Mosque near Tunis.", "Political culture", "Ibrahim ibn al-Aghlab (r.800-812) and his descendants, known as the Aghlabids (800-909), ruled in Ifriqiya from 800 to 909. The Aghlabids were predominantly of an Arab tribe the Bani Tamim. At that time there were perhaps 100,000 Arabs living in Ifriqiya, but of course the Berbers constituted the great majority", ". The Aghlabid military forces were drawn from: (a) immigrant Arab warriors (both those recently sent against the Berber Kharajite revolts, and those descendants of earlier Arab invasions), (b) Islamized and bilingual natives (Afariq), the Roman Africans, most of whom were Berbers, and (c) black slave soldiers from the south. The black soldiery formed the ruler's last resort.", "At origin, Aghlabid rule was based on their opportune use of assertion and negotiation supplemented by effective military force, in order to control the populace and secure civil order, following a period of instability. In theory, the Aghlabids governed on behalf of the 'Abbasid Caliphate in Bagdad, whose prestige the Aghlabids held, enhanced their authority among the locals of Ifriqiya. Yet the Aghlabid regime failed to become popular", ". Yet the Aghlabid regime failed to become popular. Despite the political peace and stability they initiated, followed by economic expansion and prosperity, including admired public construction projects, and despite a blossoming culture, political dissent was rife, and not confined to Berbers. Many in the Arabic-speaking elite developed an increasingly contrary attitude toward the Aghlabids, for several reasons.", "First, in the army the Arab officer class became dissatisfied with the legitimacy of the regime, or used this as a pretext for disloyal ambition. This general attitude of insubordination meant that the internal quarreling within the military from time to time spilled over into public and violent struggles. Their latent hostility also surfaced when army factions began making extortionist demands directly on the population", ". A dangerous revolt from within the Arab army (the jund) broke out near Tunis and lasted from 824 until 826. The Aghlabids retreated to the south pre-Sahara, and were saved only by enlisting the aid of Berbers of the Kharajite Jarid. Later another revolt of 893 (said to be provoked by the cruelty of Ibrahim II Ibn Ahmad (r. 875-902), the ninth Aghlabid amir), was put down by the black soldiery.", "Second, the Muslim ulema (clerics) looked with reproach on the ruling Aghlabids. Surface aggravation in religious circles arose from the un-Islamic lifestyle of the rulers. Disregarding the strong religious sentiments held by many in the emerging Muslim community, the Aghlabids often led lives of pleasure at variance to Islamic law, e.g., publicly drinking wine", ".g., publicly drinking wine. In the context of the bitter charges against the Aghlabids for lax Islamic practice, which came from their rivals the Rustamid kingdom (predominantly Berber, see below), their well-known failings acquired importance. Another issue was that Aghlabid taxation policies were not sanctioned by the prevailing Maliki school of law. Opponents further criticized their contemptuous treatment of mawali Berbers who had embraced Islam, but were treated as infidels", ". The Islamic doctrine of equality regardless of race, i.e., as between Arab and Berber, became a cornerstone of the orthodox Sunni movement in the Maghrib, as it was developed in Kairouan by the Maliki school of law. These various Islamic principles formed the core of the prevalent hostility of Ifriqiya toward any rule by the Caliph from the East. They also helped to fuel anti-Aghlabid sentiment.", "As recompense, the Aghlabid rulers saw that mosques were constructed or augmented, e.g., at Tunis: the Al-Zaytuna Mosque (Mosque of the Olive) (later home to its famous university, Ez-Zitouna); at Kairouan: Ibn Kayrun Mosque (or Mosque of the Three Doors); and at Sfax. Also a well known ribat or fortified military monastery was built at Monastir, and another at Susa (in 821 by Ziyadat Allah I); here Islamic warriors were trained.", "In 831 Ziyadat Allah I (r. 817-838), son of the founder Ibrahim, launched an invasion of Sicily. Placed in command was Asad ibn al-Furat, the qadi or religious judge; the military adventure was termed a jihad. This expedition proved successful; Palermo was made the capitol of the region captured. Later raids were made against the Italian peninsula; in 846 Rome was attacked and the Basilica of St. Peter sacked", ". Peter sacked. In orchestrating the invasion of Sicily, the Aghlabid rulers had managed to unite two rebellious factions (the army and the clergy) in a common effort against outsiders. Later Islamic rulers in Sicily severed connections with Ifriqiyah, and their own Sicilian Kalbid dynasty (948-1053) governed the now independent Emirate.", "The invasion of Sicily had worked to stabilize the political order in Ifriqiya, which progressed in relative tranquility during its middle period. In its final decline, however, the dynasty self-destructed, in that its eleventh and last amir, Ziyadat Allah III (r. 902-909) (d. 916), due to insecurity stemming from his father's assassination, ordered his rival brothers and uncles executed. This occurred during the assaults made by the newly emergent Fatimids (see below) against the Aghlabid domains", "Institutions and society", "In the Aghlabid government generally, the high positions were filled by \"princes of the blood, whose loyalty could be relied on.\" The judicial post of Qadi of Kairouan was said to be given \"only to outstanding personalities notable for their conscientiousness even more than their knowledge.\" On the other hand, the administrative staffs were composed of dependent clients (mostly recent Arab and Persian immigrants), and the local bilingual Afariq (mostly Berber, and which included many Christians)", ". The Islamic state in Ifriqiya paralleled in many respects the government structure formed in Abbasid Baghdad. Aghlabid offices included the vizier [prime minister], the hajib [chamberlain], the sahib al-barid [master of posts and intelligence], and numerous kuttab [secretaries] (e.g., of taxation, of the mint, of the army, of correspondence). Leading Jews formed a small elite group. As in an earlier periods (e.g", ". Leading Jews formed a small elite group. As in an earlier periods (e.g., under Byzantine rule), the majority of the population consisted of rural Berbers, distrusted now because of Kharajite or similar rebel tendencies.", "Kairouan (or Qayrawan) had become the cultural center of not only of Ifriqiya but of the entire Maghrib. A type of volume then current, the tabaqat (concerned with the handling of documents), indirectly illuminates elite life in Aghlabid Ifriqiya. One such work was the Tabaqat 'ulama' Ifriqiya [Classes of Scholars of Ifriqiya] written by Abu al-'Arab. Among the Sunni Muslim ulema, two learned professions then came to the fore: (a) the faqih (plural fuqaha) or the jurist; and (b) the 'ābid or the ascetics.", "The fuqaha congregated at Kairouan, then the legal center of the entire al-Maghrib. The more liberal Hanafi school of Muslim law at first predominated in Ifriqiyah. Soon, however, a strict form of the Maliki school came to prevail, which in fact became the only widespread madhhab, not only in Kairouan, but throughout North Africa. The Maliki school of law persisted (despite several major interruptions) in being the legal norm throughout the Maghrib and continues so today.", "The Maliki madhhab was introduced to Ifriqiya by the jurist Asad ibn al-Furat (759-829), yet he was known to waver somewhat between the prior Hanafi and the Maliki. The influential law book called Mudawanna, written by his disciple Sahnun ('Abd al-Salam b. Sa'id) (776-854), provided a \"vulgate of North-African Malikism\" for practical use during the period when Maliki legal doctrines won the field against its rival, the Hanafi", ". Abu Hanifa (700-767) (founder of the Hanafi school) drew out fiqh that was perhaps better suited to its origin in Baghdad, a sophisticated imperial capital; while Malik ibn Anas (716-795) initiated the school bearing his name in the smaller, rural city of Medina. By choosing the then more marginal Maliki school, the jurists of Kairouan probably obtained more discretion in defining Maghriban legal culture.", "The Maliki jurists were often at odds with the Aghlabids, over the Arab rulers' disappointing personal moral conduct, and over the fiscal issue of taxation of agriculture (i.e., of a new fixed cash levy replacing the orthodox tithe in kind). The offending tax on crops payable in cash being the act of the second amir, 'Abdullah ibn Ibrahim (812-817)", ". Further, the Maliki fuqaha was commonly understood to act more in favor of local autonomy, hence in the interests of the Berbers, by blocking potential intrusions into Ifriqiya affairs and filtering out foreign influence, which might originate from the central Arab power in the East.", "Besides jurists there was a second community of Muslim ulema, the scholars and ascetics. Foremost among these ābid was Buhlul b. Rashid (d. 799), who reputedly despised money and refused the post of grand judge; his fame accordingly spread throughout the Islamic world. By virtue of their piety and independence, the ābid won social prestige and a voice in politics; some scholars would speak on behalf of the governed cities, criticizing the regime's finance and trade decisions", ". Although substantially different, the status of the ābid relates somewhat to the much later, largely Berber figure of the Maghribi saint, the wali, who as keeper of baraka (spiritual charisma) became the object of veneration by religious believers, and whose tomb would be the destination of pilgrimage.", "Economically, Ifriqiya flourished under Aghlabid rule. Extensive improvements were made to the pre-existing water works in order to promote olive groves and other agriculture (oils and cereals were exported), to irrigate the royal gardens, and for livestock. Roman aqueducts to supply the towns with water were rebuilt under Abu Ibrahim Ahmad, the sixth amir. In the Kairouan region hundreds of basins were constructed to store water for the raising of horses.", "Commercial trade resumed under the new Islamic regime, e.g., by sea, particularly to the east with the Egyptian port of Alexandria as a primary destination. Also, improved trade routes linked Ifriqiya with the continental interior, the Sahara and the Sudan, regions regularly incorporated into the Mediterranean commerce for the first time during this period", ". Evidently camels on a large scale had not been common to these arid regions until the fourth century, and it was not until several centuries later that their use in the Saharan trade became common. Now this long-distance overland trade began in earnest. The desert city of Sijilmasa near the Atlas mountains in the far west [maghrib al-aqsa] served as one of the primary trading junctions and entrepôts, e.g., for salt and gold", ".g., for salt and gold. Regarding Ifriqiya, Wargla was the primary desert contact for Gafsa and more distant Kairouan. In addition, Ghadames, Ghat, and Tuat served as stops for the Saharan trade to Aghlabid Ifriqiya.", "A prosperous economy permitted a refined and luxurious court life and the construction of the new palace cities of al-'Abbasiya (809), and Raqada (877), where were situated the new residences of the ruling emir. The architecture of Ifriqiya was later imitated further west in Fez, Tlemcen, and Bougie", ". The architecture of Ifriqiya was later imitated further west in Fez, Tlemcen, and Bougie. The location of these palace cities for Aghlabid government was purposely outside of the sway of Kairouan, which city had become dominated by Muslim clerical institutions, which were independent of emir's control", ". Yet generally Ifriqiyah during the era under the Aghlabid Dynasty (799-909) for the most part continued its leading rôle in the region, in the newly installed Muslim Maghrib, due generally to its peace and stability, recognized cultural achievements, and material prosperity.", "Independent Berber Islam\n\nKharijite revolt", "The origins of the Rustamid state can be traced to the Berber Kharijite (Ar: Khawarij) revolt (739-772) against the new Arab Sunni power that was being established across North Africa following the Islamic conquest", ". Originating in Mesopotamia, the Kharijite movement had begun in protest against the fourth caliph Ali, who consented to negotiate during a Muslim civil war (656-661) despite his superior army in the field; as a result some of his armed forces left the camp, hence the movement of the Khawarij [\"those who go out\"]", ". Originally puritan in outlook, being of the ummah of Islam for a believer indicated a perfection of the soul, yet sin constituted a schism, a split from other believers, the sinner becoming an apostate. The leader must be above reproach, yet could be non-Arab. Never attaining lasting success, but persisting in its struggles, the Kharijite movement remains today only in its Ibadi branch, with small minorities in isolated locales throughout the Muslim world. The Ibadis predominate in Oman.", "In the Maghrib the un-Islamic tax policies imposed on the Muslim Berbers by the new Arab Islamic regime (levying the kharaj [land tax] and the jizya [poll tax] meant only for infidels) provoked a widespread armed resistance, which came to be led by Kharijite Berbers. The widespread struggle of this movement included victories, e.g., the \"battle of the nobles\" in 740. Later the Kharijites became divided and eventually were defeated after some decades", ". Later the Kharijites became divided and eventually were defeated after some decades. Arab historians remark that the 772 defeat of the Kharijite Berbers by an Abbasid army in battle near Tripoli was \"the last of 375 battles\" the Berbers had fought for their rights against armies from the East. Yet the Kharijites persisted under the Rustamids. Even until today across North Africa they practice still, small island communities of this religious minority within Islam.", "Rustamid kingdom", "A Kharijite remnant established a state (776–909) under the Rustamids, whose capital was at Tahert (located in the mountains southwest of modern Algiers). Apart from the lands surrounding Tahert, Rustamid territory consisted of largely the upland steppe or \"pre-Sahara\" that forms the frontier between the better watered coastal regions of the Maghrib and the arid Sahara desert. As such, its territory extended in a narrow climatic strip eastward as far as Tripolitania and Jebel Nefusa (in modern Libya)", ". In between lay southern Ifriqiya, where Rustamid lands included the oases of the Djerid, with its chotts (salt lakes), and the island of Djerba.<ref>Map: \"The Maghreb in the eighth-ninth centuries AD\" reproduced from J. M. Abun Nasr, A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period (Cambridge University 1987) at 44, in Alan Rushworth, \"From Arzuges to Rustamids", ". State formation and regional identity in the pre-Sahara zone\" 77-98, at 89 (map), 90, in Vandals, Romans and Berbers (Aldershot: Ashgate 2004), edited by A. H. Merrills.</ref> The functionality of this elongated geography may be explained by the liberal nature of the Rustamid government: \"[T]he imam did not so much rule or govern the surrounding tribes as preside over them, his authority being recognized rather than imposed and his mediation in disputes willingly sought", ".\" As such this Rustamids territory ran from Tlemcen in the west to Jebel Nefusa in the east.", "The peoples of this climatic zone of the pre-Sahara began to be called the Arzuges in the 3rd century by the Roman legio III Augusta of Africa province. The Roman military authorities insulated Arzugitana from rule by the coastal cities. The fall of Rome \"offered unprecedented opportunities for the communities of the pre-Sahara zone and their political elites, and may be seen as a period of renaissance in the region, at least in the political sphere.\" The Arzuges managed to recover their autonomy.", "\"Subsequently neither the Vandal monarchy nor the East Roman exarchate appear to have re-established direct rule over the Tripolitanian hinterland. Instead the communities of the pre-desert wadis and Jebel ranges may have been absorbed in a larger tribal confederation variously labeled the Laguatan, Levathae or, in the Arabic sources, the Lawata.", "\"The existence of labels such as Gaetuli and Arzuges thus reflects a longstanding and distinct sense of identity amongst the inhabitants of the pre-Saharan zone, which probably underwent a revival in late Antiquity", ". The support for the Ibadi movement shown by the communities of the Jebel Nefusa and the Jerid oases in the heart of the former Arzugitana suggests that this regional sense of identity and consequent desire for autonomy were maintained into the early medieval period and acquired a new emblematic marker in the adoption of the Ibadi faith", ". Indeed Savage suggests that many of the 'tribal' groups which figure in the sources in this period, notably the Nefusa, may represent alliances of disparate communities which coalesced at this very time in response to the catalyst provided by the egalitarian Ibadi message and were retrospectively legitimized with a genealogical tribal framework.\"", "The Arab Aghlabid emirate in Ifriqiya remained the dominant state in the region, and the Rustamid's neighbors. Nonetheless the Aghlabids proved unable to dislodge these remnant Kharijites. Soon they were obliged to recognize Rustamid rule in the pre-Sahara region of the eastern Maghrib. In Hispania now transformed into al-Andalus, the Emirs of Córdoba welcomed the presence of the Rustamids Berbers as natural allies against the Aghlabids, whom Umayyad Córdoba considered Abbasid agents.", "Tahert was economically well situated, as it formed an entrepot for trade between the Mediterranean coastlands and the Sahara. During the summer Tahert became the market place where the pastoralist of the desert and steppe exchanged their animal produce for the local grains harvested by sedentary farmers. As the most prominent Khawarij center, it attracted immigrants from across the Islamic world, including Persia the home of its founder. Christians also found welcome", ". Christians also found welcome. Yet in another sense behavioral tolerance was slim; \"life at Tahert was conducted in a permanent state of religious fevor.\"Abun-Nasr, A History of the Maghrib (Cambridge Univ. 1971) at 75.", "The founder Ibn Rustam (r. 776–784) took the title of Imam. While in theory elected by elders, in practice the Imam was an hereditary office. The constitution was theocratic. The Imam was both a political and a religious leader. Islamic law was strictly applied. \"[A]dulterers were stoned, the hands of thieves were cut off, and in war pillage and the massacring of non-warriors were not permitted.\" The Imam managed the state, law and justice, prayers, and charity", ".\" The Imam managed the state, law and justice, prayers, and charity. He collected zakah [\"alms\"] at harvest and distributed it to the poor and for public works. He appointed the qadi (judge), the treasurer, and the police chief. The Imam was expected to lead an ascetic life and be an able theologian. He was also expected to be astute, as civic conflicts might develop into religious schism. Yet opposing parties in disputes often submitted the matter to mediation", ". Yet opposing parties in disputes often submitted the matter to mediation. The Khawarij remained tolerant toward \"unbelievers\".Julien, History of North Africa (Paris 1952; London 1970) at 29-32.", "The remaining Christians of the region (called Afariqa or Ajam by Muslim Arabs) could find a tolerant home in Rustamid Tahert, where their community was known as the Majjana. This acceptance \"might explain the growth of Ibadi communities in area where there is also evidence for the persistence of Christianity", ".\" Yet here, given the continuing defense of Rustamid autonomy against \"the depredations of the central power\" the Aghlabids, the choice to convert to Islam was sometimes \"as much a political as a religious act.\"", "The Rustamids endured about as long at the Aghlibid emirate; both states declined, and fell to the Fatimids during 909. Kharijites surviving from the Rustamid era eventually became Ibadis. For the most part, they now reside in the Djebel Nefousa (western Libya), in the Mzab and at Wargla (eastern Algeria), and on Djerba island in Tunisia.Abun-Nasr, A History of the Maghrib (Cambridge Univ. 1971) at 76.\n\nFatimids: Shi'a caliphate", "In the far west of Ifriqiya, the newly emerging Fatimid movement grew in strength and numbers. Thereafter the Fatimids began to launch frequent attacks on the Aghlabid regime. Such militant aggression provoked general unrest and increased Aghlabid political instability. The Fatimids eventually managed to capture Kairouan in 909, forcing the last of the Aghlabid line, Ziyadat Allah III, to evacuate the palace at Raqadda. Concurrently the Rustamid state was overthrown", ". Concurrently the Rustamid state was overthrown. On the east coast of Ifriqiaya facing Egypt, the Fatimids built a new capital on top of ancient ruins, calling the seaport Mahdiya after their mahdi.", "Maghribi origin", "The Fatimid movement had originated locally in al-Maghrib, based on the strength of the Kotama Berbers in Kabylia (Setif, south of Bougie, eastern Algeria). The two founders of the movement were recent immigrants from the Islamic east: Abu 'Abdulla ash-Shi'i, originally from San'a in Yemen; and, arriving from Salamiyah in Syria, 'Ubaidalla Sa'id. These two were religious dissidents who had come west to al-Magrib specifically to propagate their beliefs", ". The later, 'Ubaidalla Sa'id, claimed descent from Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad; he was to proclaim himself the Fatimid Mahdi. Their religious affiliation was the Ismaili branch of the Shia.", "By agreement, the first of the two founders to arrive (circa 893) was Abu 'Abdulla ash-Shi'i, the Ismaili Da'i or propagandist. He found welcome in the hostility against the Caliphate in Baghdad freely expressed by the Kotama Berbers. After his success in recruitment and in building the organization, Abu 'Abdulla was ready in 902 to send for 'Ubaidalla Sa'ed, who (after adventures and Aghlibid imprisonment in Sijilmasa) arrived in 910", ". 'Ubaidall Sa'ed then proclaimed himself Mahdi, literally \"the guided one\", an august Islamic title of supreme command, taking the name Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi Billah. He assumed leadership of the movement. Thereafter Abu 'Abdulla was killed in a dispute over control.", "From the start the Shi'a Fatimid movement had been focused on expansion eastward toward the heartland of Islam. Soon the new Mahdi ordered an attack on Egypt by a Fatimid army of Kotama Berbers led by his son al-Qa'im, once in 914, and again in 919; the Fatimids quickly took Alexandria, but both times lost it to the Sunni Abbasids. Probing for weakness, the Mahdi then sent an invasion westward, but his forces met with mixed results", ". Many Sunnis, including the Umayyad Caliph of al-Andalus and the Zenata Berber kingdom in Morocco, effectively opposed him because of his Ismaili Shi'a affiliation. The Mahdi did not follow Maliki law; he taxed harshly, incurring further resentment. His capital Mahdiya was more a fort than a princely city. The Maghrib was disrupted, being contested between the Zenata in the west and the Sanhaja who favored the Fatimids. Yet eventually Fatimid authority spread to most of al-Magrib", ". Yet eventually Fatimid authority spread to most of al-Magrib.The Sanhaja Berbers were associated with the Kotama. H. Mones, \"The conquest of North Africa and the Berber resistance\" in General History of Africa (1992), volume III, at 118-119.", "After the death of the Mahdi, there came the popular Kharijite revolt of 935, under Abu Yazid (nicknamed Abu Himara, \"the man on a donkey\"). Abu Yazid was known to ride about clad in common clothes accompanied by his wife and four sons. This Berber revolt, centering on a social justice appeal with respect to Kharijite ideals, gathered a wide following; by 943 it was said to be spreading confusion far and wide. The Mahdi's son, the Fatimid caliph al-Qa'im, became besieged in his capital Mahdiya", ". The Mahdi's son, the Fatimid caliph al-Qa'im, became besieged in his capital Mahdiya. The situation appeared desperate when a relief column led by Ziri ibn Manad broke through the siege with supplies and reinforcements for the Fatimids. Eventually Abu Yazid lost much of his following and in 946 was defeated in battle; this was the work of the son of al-Qa'im, the next Fatimid caliph, Ishmail, who accordingly took the sobriquet Mansur, the \"victor\"", ". Mansur then moved his residence and his government to Kairouan. Fatimid rule continued to be under attack by Sunni power to the west, i.e., the Umayyad Caliphate in Al-Andalus. Nonetheless the Fatimids prospered.", "Conquest of Egypt", "In 969 the Fatimid caliph al-Mu'izz sent against Egypt his best general Jawhar al-Rumi, who led a Kotama Berber army. Egypt then was nominally under the Abbasid Caliphate, yet since 856 Egypt had been ruled by Turks, now by the Turkish Ikhshidid dynasty; however, actual control had passed into the strong hands of the Ethiopian eunuch Abu-l-Misk Kafur for 22 years. At Kafur's death in 968, Egypt's leadership became weak and confused", ". At Kafur's death in 968, Egypt's leadership became weak and confused. The Fatimids in Ifriqiya, carefully observing these conditions in Misr'' (Egypt), ceased the opportunity to conquer.", "Jawhar al-Rumi accordingly managed the military conquest without great difficulty. The Shi'a Fatimids subsequently founded al-Qahira (Cairo) [\"the victorious\" or the \"city of Mars\"]. In 970 the Fatimids also founded the world-famous al-Azhar mosque, which later became the leading Sunni theological center. Three years later al-Mu'izz the Fatimid caliph decided to leave Ifriqiyah for Egypt, which he did, taking everything, \"his treasures, his administrative staff, and the coffins of his predecessors", ".\" This al-Mu'izz was highly educated, wrote Arabic poetry, had mastered Berber, studied Greek, and delighted in literature; he was also a very capable ruler and it was he who founded Fatimid power in Egypt. Once centered there the Fatimids expanded their possessions further, northeast to Syria and southeast to Mecca and Medina, while retaining control of North Africa until the late 11th century. From Cairo the Fatimids were to enjoy relative success, even with the loss of Ifriqiya, reigning until 1171", ". They became for a time the foremost power of Islam; they never returned to Ifriqiyah. Meanwhile, the Kotama Berbers, wornout from their conflicts on behalf of the Fatimids, disappeared from the streets of al-Qahira, and thereafter also from the life of al-Maghrib.", "The western lands of the Fatimids were assigned to Berber vassals who continued in name the Shi'a caliphate rule. The first chosen ruler was Buluggin ibn Ziri, son of Ziri ibn Manad (died 971), the Sanhaja Berber chieftain who had saved the Fatimids when besieged in Mahdiya by Abu Yazid (see above). The Zirid dynasty would eventually become the sovereign power in Ifiqiya.\n\nReferences", "References\n\nSee also\nHistory of Tunisia\nUmayyad conquest of North Africa\nIfriqiya\nAghlabid dynasty\nFatimid Caliphate\nZirid dynasty\nAlmohad dynasty\nHafsid dynasty\nIbn Khaldun\n\nIfriqiya\nTunisia\n\nar:تاريخ تونس الوسيط\nfr:Tunisie à l'époque médiévale" ]
[ "The T. Eaton Company Limited, later known as Eaton's and then Eaton, was a Canadian department store chain that was once the largest in the country. It was founded in 1869 in Toronto by Timothy Eaton, an immigrant from what is now Northern Ireland. Eaton's grew to become a retail and social institution in Canada, with stores across the country, buying-offices around the globe, and a mail-order catalog that was found in the homes of most Canadians", ". A changing economic and retail environment in the late twentieth century, along with mismanagement, culminated in the chain's bankruptcy in 1999.", "Eaton's pioneered several retail innovations. In an era when haggling for goods was the norm, the chain proclaimed \"We propose to sell our goods for CASH ONLY – In selling goods, to have only one price.\" In addition, it had the long-standing slogan \"Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded.\"\n\nEarly years\n\nIn 1869, Timothy Eaton sold his interest in a small dry-goods store in the market town of St. Marys, Ontario, and he bought a dry-goods and haberdashery business at 178 Yonge Street in the city of Toronto.", "The first store was only , with two shop windows, and was located a fair distance from Toronto's then fashionable shopping district of King Street West. In its first year of operation, with Timothy Eaton responsible for buying the goods to stock the store, and a staff of four, expectations were low that a store with a no-credit and no-haggling policy would succeed.", "The business prospered, and Eaton moved the store one block north in August 1883 into much larger premises at 190 Yonge Street. The new store boasted the biggest plate-glass windows in Toronto, the first electric lights in any Canadian store, three full floors of retail space featuring 35 departments, and a lightwell that ran the full length of the store. The store's first telephone, with phone number 370, was installed in 1885", ". The store's first telephone, with phone number 370, was installed in 1885. In 1886, the first elevator in a retail establishment in Toronto was installed in the Eaton store (although only customers going up were invited to use the elevator, thus requiring them to pass by the various store displays on their walk down).", "Eaton maintained the lease on the empty store at 178 Yonge Street until its expiry in 1884 in order to delay the expansion plans of one of his competitors, Robert Simpson. Over time, the competition between the Simpson's and Eaton's department stores, facing each other across Queen Street West, became one of Toronto's great business rivalries", ". The pedestrian crosswalk on Queen Street West, just to the west of the intersection with Yonge Street, was for years one of the busiest in Canada, as thousands of shoppers a day comparison-shopped between Eaton's and Simpson's.", "By 1896, Eaton's was billing itself as \"Canada's Greatest Store\". The store continued to expand in size, and new buildings were constructed to house the mail order division and the Eaton's factories. The number of people employed in Eaton's operations numbered 17,500 in 1911. In 1919, the Eaton's buildings in Toronto contained a floor space of over , and occupied several city blocks between Yonge Street and Bay Street, north of Queen Street West.", "The Winnipeg store\nAt the beginning of the 20th century, Eaton's conducted a large business in Western Canada through its catalogue. Eaton's considered Winnipeg, Manitoba, as the most logical location for a new mail order warehouse to better serve its western customers. A store was not originally part of the plans.", "John Craig Eaton, the son of Timothy Eaton, became an early proponent of building a combined store and mail order operation in Winnipeg. Although Timothy Eaton initially had misgivings over the difficulties involved in managing a store from Toronto, John Craig was eventually able to convince his father. Eaton's acquired a city block on Portage Avenue at Donald Street, and the five-storey Eaton's store opened to much fanfare on July 15, 1905", ". Timothy Eaton and his family were on hand for the opening of the second Eaton's store, with the Winnipeg Daily Tribune noting in its front-page headline: \"The Canadian Napoleon of Retail Commerce Reaches the Capital – Views His Great Store for First Time – Well Pleased\".", "The landmark red brick store, known as \"the Big Store\" to Winnipeggers, was a success. The initial staff of 750 grew to 1,200 within a few weeks of the opening. By 1910, three more storeys were added to the store and other buildings were constructed. By 1919, the Eaton's operations in Winnipeg covered and employed 8,000 people.", "For many years, the Winnipeg Eaton's store was considered the most successful department store in the world, given how it dominated its local market. As late as the 1960s, Canadian Magazine estimated that Winnipeggers spent more than 50 cents of every shopping dollar (excluding groceries) at Eaton's, and that on a busy day, one out of every ten Winnipeggers would visit the Portage Avenue store.\n\nThe store was closed on 17 October 1999, along with 36 other Eaton's stores.", "The store was closed on 17 October 1999, along with 36 other Eaton's stores.\n\nOverseas buying offices\nEaton's had two buying offices located in Europe: in London, in 7 Warwick Lane, opened in 1892; and Paris, at 103 rue Reaumur, opened six years later in 1898.\n\nCanada's dominant retailer", "Canada's dominant retailer\n\nThe success of Eaton's helped revolutionize department store retailing in North America. American retailers flocked to view the stores on Yonge Street and Portage Avenue, anxious to replicate Timothy Eaton's methods south of the border. Until the 1950s, Eaton's promoted itself as the \"largest retail organization in the British Empire\".", "In 1905, The Globe wrote: \"There is hardly a name in Canada, with the possible exception of the Prime Minister, so well known to the people at large as that of Mr. Timothy Eaton.\" Timothy Eaton died in 1907, and was succeeded by John Craig Eaton as President of the T. Eaton Co. Limited. The company's success continued under Timothy's heir.", "In 1925, Eaton's purchased the Goodwin's store in Montreal. By 1927, Montreal boasted a new six-storey Eaton's store on Saint Catherine Street, which was expanded to nine storeys in 1930. Over time, Eaton's stores opened in other cities across the country.", "In 1977, the Toronto Eaton Centre opened in downtown Toronto, replacing two previous downtown Eaton's stores. The complex—stretching on multiple levels between Dundas and Queen Streets and boasting 200 stores—was anchored at the north end by a nine-storey Eaton's store.\n\nEaton's sold private label appliances under the \"Viking\" label. These were largely manufactured by White. Many products were sold with the brand name “TECO”, an acronym for Timothy Eaton Company.\n\nThe Eaton's catalogue", "The Eaton's catalogue\n\nThe first Eaton's catalogue was a 34-page booklet issued in 1884. As Eaton's grew, so did the catalogue. By 1920, Eaton's operated mail order warehouses in Winnipeg, Toronto and Moncton to serve its catalogue customers. Catalogue order offices were also established throughout the country, with the first opening in Oakville in 1916.", "At a time when Canada's population was predominantly rural, often living in isolated settlements, the Eaton's catalogue provided a selection of goods that was otherwise unavailable to many Canadians, much like the Sears Roebuck catalog in the United States. It served an important economic role, as it broke local monopolies and allowed all Canadians access to the prices and selection enjoyed in some of the larger cities. The catalogue offered everything from clothing to farming implements", ". The catalogue offered everything from clothing to farming implements. Some Canadians even purchased their homes from the catalogue, with Eaton's delivering to them all the materials necessary to build a prefabricated house. Today, a large number of Eaton's catalogue homes still exist throughout the country, primarily in the West. The catalogue had many other uses, ranging from its use as a learning tool by settlers learning to speak English, to its use as goalie pads during hockey games.", "The catalogue became an icon of Canadian culture, even appearing in many works of Canadian literature. In Roch Carrier's story The Hockey Sweater, a young Quebec boy asks his mother for a Montreal Canadiens hockey jersey from the Eaton's catalogue, but receives a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey instead. As the family is francophone, the mother does not order using the catalogue forms (which are in English only) but instead writes a note and sends money to the department store", ". Because of the prevalent language and cultural barriers of the English and French-speaking Canadian populations, his family is unaware that the item could be exchanged, and they do not wish to offend Mr. Eaton by returning it.", "Over time, the catalogue became a less profitable operation, and by the 1970s, it was a money-losing proposition. As Canada's population became more urban over the course of the 20th century, Canadians had access to a greater number of local stores, and were less reliant on catalogue purchases. By the mid-1970s, it was estimated that 60% of the suburban customers throughout Canada lived within a thirty-minute drive of an Eaton's store", ". Others blamed Eaton's management for the catalogue's failures, pointing to the similar Simpsons-Sears catalogue (later the Sears Canada catalogue), which continued until a much later date even though it never enjoyed the iconic status or popularity of the Eaton's catalogue.", "At a news conference on January 14, 1976, Eaton's announced that the 1976 spring-summer catalogue would be their last. 9000 mail-order employees were out of work and many Eaton's catalogue stores in smaller towns closed as a result. Many Canadians were in shock. In one notable incident, Barbara Frum of CBC Radio’s As It Happens opened her interview of Eaton's president Earl Orser with the question \"Mr. Orser, how could you?\"\n\nThe Toronto Santa Claus Parade", "The Toronto Santa Claus Parade\n\nEaton sponsored the annual Eaton's Santa Claus Parade in Toronto. The first parade took place on December 2, 1905. For a number of years, Eaton's Santa Claus Parades were also held in Winnipeg and Montreal.", "By the 1950s, the Toronto parade was the largest in North America, stretching for a mile and a half and involving thousands of participants. It was broadcast live on radio and television in Canada, and CBS television in the United States broadcast the parade for a number of years.", "To publicize the parade, Eaton's published a number of books and records about a sad little bear called Punkinhead (originally created by Charles Thorson) who becomes Santa's sidekick and takes part in Santa's parade. A Punkinhead character was included in the parade for many years.\n\nIn August 1982, Eaton's announced that it would no longer sponsor the Santa Claus Parade, due to increasing costs. A consortium of local businesses saved the parade, which continues to be held every year.\n\nDecline", "Decline\n\nUnsuccessful expansion\nIn the 1970s, Eaton's tried to expand its reach in Canadian retailing by opening a chain of discount or \"junior\" department stores called Horizon. The Horizon chain was closed in 1978.", "In the 1970s and 1980s, through the provincial government's Ontario Downtown Renewal Program, Eaton's was a partner in the development of downtown malls in smaller cities, intended to foster the revitalization of urban cores. As the chain formed the anchor of many of these shopping centres, these often carried the \"Eaton Centre\" name", ". Nearly all these malls—in cities such as Sarnia, Brantford, Guelph and Peterborough—had high vacancy rates and poor patronage, and contributed to the store's financial problems.", "Suburban competition\nThe economic recession of the early 1980s hurt the company. The Hudson's Bay Company, Sears Canada, and Zellers all took market share from Eaton's. By the 1990s, American retailers, most notably Walmart, were expanding into Canada, and Eaton's found it increasingly difficult to compete.", "Retailing and land use trends in the last decades of the 20th century did not favour Eaton's. Traditional department stores, including Eaton's, commanded an ever-shrinking share of the Canadian retail dollar, as big-box stores, such as Wal-Mart and Zellers, and specialty stores expanded their shares of retail sales", ". With the advent of urban sprawl, most Canadian downtown shopping districts (which were historically dominated by Eaton's) had to increasingly share retail sales with growing suburban shopping areas, where Eaton's was just one of many competitors.", "Family mismanagement\nEaton's difficulties were not all caused by external forces. Poor management by the last two generations of Eaton family members to run the chain contributed to the demise of Eaton's. Stores that once served as landmarks in their communities were not renovated. New Eaton's stores built since the 1960s were largely indistinguishable from other chain stores, further reducing Eaton's status as a destination.", "The end of the catalogue and of the Eaton's Santa Claus parades, though being cost-saving measures, ensured Eaton's no longer held the same place in Canadians' hearts.", "The chain that had touted itself in the 1940s and 1950s as \"The Store for Young Canada\" lost touch with younger customers, and unintentionally became known as a chain that catered to older shoppers. Once known for its superior customer service (with its staff proudly known as \"Eatonians\"), Eaton's began to cut back on sales staff and training in an effort to trim costs", ". A chain that had once prided itself on its buying offices throughout the globe and on the unique and diverse goods that it offered its customers had, by the latter half of the twentieth century, an antiquated supply chain and a haphazard and confused approach to merchandising.", "In one particularly disastrous move, Eaton's moved to an \"Everyday Value Pricing\" strategy (also known as \"Eaton Value\") in 1991, which meant that all discounts and sales, including Eaton's famous Trans-Canada Sale, were eliminated. The strategy quickly drove away customers, but was continued for four years before it was abandoned.", "In 1997, seeing the success of The Bay in higher-end retailing, Eaton's lured their chief executive George Kosich over to try to duplicate the strategy. The Hudson's Bay Company filed a lawsuit saying that Kosich had violated his employment contract. Eaton's had also sued HBC for poaching several of its executives. Aside from that controversy, the new retailing strategy was not only unsuccessful, it also gave rival Sears Canada the opportunity to move up to the market segment long dominated by Eaton's", ". Kosich resigned in 1998 and was replaced by chairman Brent Ballantyne.", "Bankruptcy", "The chain, which controlled almost 60% of all department store sales in Canada in 1930, had been reduced to a market share of 10.6% in 1997. The T. Eaton Co. first filed for bankruptcy protection in 1997. At the time, the company had an estimated 24,500 employees and over 90 retail outlets. The plan was to close 31 underperforming stores, including two-thirds of its stores in Alberta. However, Eaton's limited the number of store closures to 17", ". However, Eaton's limited the number of store closures to 17. George Eaton, the last of the family to be involved in management, resigned as chief executive in 1997, being succeeded by George Kosich. In September of that year, creditors approved the restructuring plan.", "In 1998, George Kosich resigned as chairman of the board and was succeeded by Brent Ballantyne, under whom the company was taken public for the first time in its history, issuing 11.7 million common shares at $15 each, while the Eaton family retained control with a 51 percent stake.", "The chain finally folded in 1999 after operating for 130 years. Though it had reduced its retail outlets, it finished 1998 with a net loss of $72 million, and it announced further closures and a corporate restructuring plan. This was unsuccessful and the company went bankrupt in August 1999. It had at the time 64 department stores, two home stores and one warehouse.", "By late October 1999, nearly all of the Eaton's stores had been liquidated and closed. The only stores with the Eaton's name that were left in the country at this point were five suburban locations at Brentwood Mall, St. Vital Centre, Galeries de la Capitale, Westmount Shopping Centre and Sherway Gardens that were being operated by Sears Canada while waiting approval to officially acquire them", ". In early October 1999, Sears reverted to regular prices the merchandise in these five stores (still under the Eaton's banner) while the rest of the chain run by T. Eaton Co. continued in parallel its liquidation sale in the other locations with goods up to 70% off.", "Acquisition by Sears", "In September 1999, Sears Canada purchased all the shares of T. Eaton Co., eight of its stores, with the option to buy five more, and the Eaton's name, trademarks, brands, and website in a $30-million deal. In October 1999, Sears Canada added five downtown stores to the suburban locations it had purchased earlier in September with an option to buy yet another Eaton's outlet. The acquisition of Eaton's assets by Sears Canada was officially approved in November 1999", ". The acquisition of Eaton's assets by Sears Canada was officially approved in November 1999. The ten suburban locations that Sears Canada acquired would be converted to its nameplate while the six downtown stores would operate under the Eaton's banner. However, it was later decided that the suburban Yorkdale location would be run as a Eaton's store instead of a Sears contrary to what had originally been stated, thus bringing to seven the number of Eaton's-branded outlets", ". Most of the locations that Sears Canada acquired were closed down in October 1999 by the T. Eaton Company itself before getting renovated and eventually reopening as Sears or Eaton's stores. However, five of the suburban locations would directly be rebranded as Sears stores without closing", ". Moreover, the suburban locations at Scarborough Town Centre and Halifax Shopping Centre were acquired to actually relocate existing Sears stores with their employees to the much larger former Eaton's spaces of these same malls (this was also the original plan for Yorkdale)", ". Finally, it was announced in December 1999 that two leases formerly occupied by Eaton's at Guildford Town Centre and Don Mills Centre would become Sears stores but these two were separate arrangements with the landlords of the respective shopping malls and, as such, not part of the 16 locations acquired by Sears Canada from T. Eaton Company.", "Through its new Eaton's chain, Sears held a number of prime locations in Toronto (Eaton Centre and Yorkdale), Vancouver (Pacific Centre), Victoria (Eaton Centre), Winnipeg (Polo Park), Ottawa (Rideau Centre), and Calgary (Eaton Centre). Sears had intended to obtain the former downtown Montreal store, although it lost out to Les Ailes de la Mode", ". Sears had great ambitions for its seven Eaton's stores which included staffing them with spas, entertainment, food, personal-shopping assistants and brand-name merchandise. The Eaton's catalogue and website would be relaunched as well. However, Sears had trouble securing name brand merchandise consistent with the image of the new chain. This was mainly because of Eaton's bankruptcy", ". This was mainly because of Eaton's bankruptcy. It was also because of doubt in Sears' ability to manage an upper-end chain, since until recently their merchandise was of lower price and quality compared to the old Eaton's and The Bay. George Heller, then-president of rival department store The Bay, publicly warned vendors not to supply the new Eaton's with merchandise. Many mid-to-upper tier brands, particularly in clothing, feared reprisal and avoided the new Eaton's.", "The new Eaton's was scheduled to open September 1, 2000, but was pushed back three times, eventually opening November 25. Consequently, Eaton's had missed much of the lucrative holiday season and opened with merchandise already marked down. Construction was haphazard; all stores opened unfinished and renovations would continue well into 2001.", "The seven-store experiment was not successful, and Sears Canada President Paul Walters was forced to resign. He was replaced by a former rival and Sears Roebuck executive from the U.S., Mark Cohen, who prioritized Sears over Eaton's and cut back aggressively on markdown strategies. By March 2001 Sears announced they were ceasing publication of the newly resurrected Eaton's catalogue \"due to a lack of interest\"", ". Although Mark Cohen officially announced that the Eaton's chain had seen an impressive rebound in June 2001, by 2002 he retired the \"Eaton's\" name.", "Of the seven locations involved in this experiment, those in Winnipeg and Victoria, which were close to existing Sears stores (and, in the case of Winnipeg, in the same mall) were sold to rival department store The Bay. Yorkdale likewise already had a Sears (as well as The Bay) and so the Eaton's space was redeveloped for smaller retailers. The four remaining locations were rebranded as Sears, but ultimately all closed between 2008 and 2015 as Sears itself faced difficulties", ". These spaces were subsequently taken over mainly by Holt Renfrew (Calgary) and Nordstrom (in Ottawa, Vancouver, and downtown Toronto), though Sears Canada retained the top floors of the former Toronto Eaton Centre location for its head offices.", "Sears Canada's difficulties continued throughout the 2010s; the company filed for creditor protection in June 2017, forcing it to put all its stores in liquidation by October that year. On January 14, 2018, Sears Canada went out of business and permanently closed all its remaining stores, succumbing to the same fate as Eaton's had 19 years earlier.", "Legacy\nEaton's transformed retailing in Canada, and its methods were eagerly adopted by retailers throughout the world. Many approaches to sales and service that are taken for granted by customers today were originally popularised by Timothy Eaton and his store.\n\nMany Canadians, particularly older Canadians, have fond memories of the Eaton's stores and the catalogue. Few defunct companies evoke the same strong emotions among Canadians as does Eaton's.", "Two shopping centres in Canada continue to be called Eaton Centres, namely the Toronto Eaton Centre and the Montreal Eaton Centre, located in those cities' downtown cores. The Toronto Eaton Centre is a tourist attraction in Toronto, with over one million visitors a week.\n\nArchitecture", "Eaton's leaves an architectural legacy, primarily through the work of the architecture firm Ross and Macdonald. Eaton's College Street in Toronto, opened in 1930, is a highly regarded Art Deco building, and is currently used as a retail, office and residential complex. The Seventh Floor, occupied by the Eaton Auditorium and the Round Room restaurant, was recently restored and now operates as The Carlu event venue", ". In 1971, the Eaton's / John Maryon Tower near Eaton's College Street was proposed by Eaton's and a developer named John Maryon, but it was never built.", "The former downtown Eaton's store in Montreal, also designed by Ross and Macdonald, remains a landmark on Saint Catherine Street and is now an extension of the Montreal Eaton Centre, although only the outer building's shell remains (excluding an original section of the top floor). Remaining within the downtown building's top floor is the former Ninth Floor Restaurant, which has been closed since Eaton's bankruptcy in 1999", ". It is currently undergoing extensive restoration and renovation work, and expected to reopen to the public as a restaurant with venue space for shows and private events in early 2024. It is protected as a registered historical site because of its rich Art deco design.", "Another Ross and Macdonald-designed landmark, the former Eaton's store in downtown Saskatoon, now serves as the offices of the Saskatoon Board of Education after housing an Army & Navy department store for decades following Eaton's relocation to Midtown Plaza in the 1960s.", "The long-time Downtown Calgary store, designed by Ross and Macdonald in the 1920s, was largely demolished in 1988, although two facades were preserved and incorporated into a new Holt Renfrew store as part of a redevelopment of Calgary Eaton Centre (in 2009 Holt Renfrew re-opened in what was once Eaton's second downtown location).", "The original downtown Vancouver store, on Hastings Street, also remains and now serves as the downtown Harbour Centre campus of Simon Fraser University. Some Vancouver residents associate this heritage building with the Spencer's Department Store (which commissioned the construction of the store), rather than Eaton's (which bought Spencer's in 1948 and occupied the store until the 1970s). In fact, the former Eaton's store is today known as the Spencer Building.", "Not all former Eaton's stores are architectural landmarks: the stores constructed from the 1960s onwards were typically architecturally inferior to their predecessors. Notably, the exterior of the Toronto Eaton Centre store can best be described as a mustard-coloured box and is generally considered (from an architectural perspective) to be a poor replacement for the demolished Main Store", ". Designed in the style of the 1970s and intended at that time to be a statement of Eaton's dominance and its future aspirations, the modern design of this behemoth has not aged well (despite efforts by Sears Canada in 1999–2000 to improve the look of the building facades). Similarly, the main Vancouver store, connected to the downtown Pacific Centre mall, was also built in the 1970s as a large, white box.", "After the demise of Eaton's, most stores were converted to other retail banners or other uses, with the downtown Winnipeg store generating the most controversy. When the store was emptied in late 1999, various alternative uses for the building (including residential condominiums) were considered, and ultimately all rejected", ". After a highly emotional civic debate, which included a \"group hug\" of the \"Big Store\" by hundreds of people in 2001, the store was demolished in 2002 to make way for a hockey arena, the MTS Centre. In one concession to history, red bricks were incorporated into the design of the arena façade, evoking the memory of the Eaton's store that had once graced Portage Avenue.", "Timothy Eaton statue", "In 1919, two life-sized statues of Timothy Eaton were donated by Eaton's employees to the Toronto and Winnipeg stores, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the company. The Toronto statue is now exhibited in the Royal Ontario Museum. The Winnipeg statue was housed in the suburban Polo Park Mall for a few years after 1999, until the Hudson's Bay Company opened a Bay store at that location and wanted the statue of its former competitor removed", ". After a tussle with the Eaton family, who wanted to move the statue to St Marys, Ontario, the Manitoba government declared it a provincial heritage object. It now sits in the city's primary arena, Canada Life Centre, one floor up from nearly the same spot where it stood in the old store. People often rubbed the toe of the statue's left shoe since it is believed by some to bring good luck to do so. As a result, the toe is much shinier than any other part of the statue.", "Unsuccessful catalogue revival\nIn early 2008 The Globe and Mail reported a possible revival of the Eaton's brand by Sears Canada. The company was considering reviving the defunct catalogue with an online presence. The chain's intellectual property subsidiary applied for new trademarks incorporating the name \"Timothy Eaton\", and continued to pursue registration of these into early 2009. The trademark lapsed and was abandoned by late 2013.", "In December 2016, a few months before its filing for creditor protection and subsequent liquidation, Sears Canada sold the remaining Eaton's intellectual property to a company affiliated with Cadillac Fairview, the current owner of the Toronto Eaton Centre.\n\nSee also\n\nList of Canadian department stores\n\nNotes\n\nReferences", "Suggested reading\nAnderson, Carol and Mallison, Katharine, Lunch With Lady Eaton: Inside the Dining Rooms of a Nation, Toronto: ECW Press, 2004.\nBelisle, Donica. Retail Nation: Department Stores and the Making of Modern Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011.\nBelisle, Donica. \"Negotiating Paternalism: Women and Canada's Largest Department Stores, 1890–1960,” The Journal of Women's History 19:1 (Spring 2007), 58–81.", "Belisle, Donica. \"A Labour Force for the Consumer Century: Commodification in Canada's Largest Department Stores, 1890–1940,\" Labour/Le Travail 58:2 (Fall 2006), 107–144.\nBelisle, Donica. \"Exploring Postwar Consumption: The Campaign to Unionize Eaton's in Toronto, 1948–1952,” The Canadian Historical Review 86:4 (December 2005), 641–672.\nEaton, Flora McCrea, Memory's Wall, Toronto: Clarke, Irwin & Company, 1956.", "Eaton, Flora McCrea, Memory's Wall, Toronto: Clarke, Irwin & Company, 1956.\nGourluck, Russ, A Store Like No Other: Eaton's of Winnipeg, Winnipeg: Great Plains Publications, 2004.\nMacpherson, Mary-Etta, Shopkeepers to a Nation, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1963.\nMcQueen, Rod, The Eatons: The Rise and Fall of Canada's Royal Family, Toronto: Stoddart, 1998.\nNasmith, George G., Timothy Eaton, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1923.", "Nasmith, George G., Timothy Eaton, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1923.\nPenfold, Steve, A Mile of Make Believe: A History of the Eaton's Santa Claus Parade, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.\nPhenix, Patricia, Eatonians: The Story of the Family Behind the Family, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 2003.\nSantink, Joy L., Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.", "Scribe, The, Golden Jubilee 1869–1919: A Book to Commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the T. Eaton Co. Limited, Toronto: The T. Eaton Co. Limited, 1919.\nStaib, Kay, ed. Eaton 100: 1869–1969, A Special Centennial Edition of Eaton Quarterly, Toronto: Eaton's Consumer and Corporate Affairs, 1969.\nStaib, Kay, ed., The Dreams of Man – The Toronto Eaton Centre, Toronto: Eaton's Consumer and Corporate Affairs, 1977.", "Stephenson, William, The Store That Timothy Built, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1969.", "External links", "CBC Digital Archives – Eaton's: A Canadian Institution\nArchives of Ontario – T. Eaton Co. Records\nArchives of Ontario Remembers An Eaton Christmas\nA Window Wonderland: The Konkles' Christmas Displays for the T. Eaton Company, online exhibit on Archives of Ontario website\nEaton's Goes To War, online exhibit on Archives of Ontario website\nAchievement: The Story of a Store, 1929, Archives of Ontario YouTube Channel", "Achievement: The Story of a Store, 1929, Archives of Ontario YouTube Channel\nFootage of Eaton's Queen Street Farewell Sale and New Eaton Centre Store, ca. 1976, Archives of Ontario YouTube Channel\n Canadian Museum of Civilization – Before E-Commerce: A History of Canadian Mail-Order Catalogues\nEaton's History", "Defunct department stores\nDefunct retail companies of Canada\nDepartment stores of Canada\nManufactured home manufacturers\nCompanies based in Toronto\nRetail companies established in 1869\nRetail companies disestablished in 1999\n1869 establishments in Ontario\n1999 disestablishments in Ontario\nCompanies that have filed for bankruptcy in Canada\nCanadian companies established in 1869\nCanadian companies disestablished in 1999" ]
Walkinshaw Andretti United
[ "{{Infobox V8 Supercar team\n|Short_name = Walkinshaw Andretti United\n|Logo = Walkinshaw Andretti United Logo.png\n|Manufacturer = Supercars Championship Ford Super2 Series Holden\n|Owners = Ryan Walkinshaw, Richard Dean, Michael Andretti, Zak Brown\n|Principle = Bruce Stewart\n|Drivers = Supercars ChampionshipNo. 2 Nick PercatNo. 25 Chaz MostertSuper2 SeriesNo. 2 Ryan WoodNo. 25 Zach Bates", "|Engineers = Supercars Championship2. Adam Austin 25. Adam De BorreSuper2 Series2. Will Davidson 25.\n|Chassis = Supercars Championship Mustang GT S650 Super2 Series ZB Commodore\n|Debut = 1990\n|Drivers_champ = 6 (1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002)\n|Teams_champ = 5 (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009)\n|Wins = 73\n|Race_wins = 188\n|Poles = 96\n|Endurance Cups = 1\n|Last_season = 2022", "|Race_wins = 188\n|Poles = 96\n|Endurance Cups = 1\n|Last_season = 2022\n|Last_position = 4th (4448pts)}}Walkinshaw Andretti United is an Australian motor racing team based in the Melbourne suburb of Clayton. The team, initially branded as the Holden Racing Team, used to field Holden Commodores in the Supercars Championship before making the switch to Ford Mustangs for the 2023 season. The two cars are currently driven by Nick Percat and Chaz Mostert.", "Formed in 1990 as the Holden Racing Team, it is one of the most successful Supercars Championship teams in the history of the category, having won the drivers' championship six times, the teams' championship five times and the series' signature race, the Bathurst 1000, eight times. In 2017, the Holden Racing Team name was transferred by Holden to Triple Eight Race Engineering and the team was renamed Mobil 1 HSV Racing", ". For the 2018 season, the team was rebranded Walkinshaw Andretti United, as Andretti Autosport and United Autosports become shareholders.", "1980s\n\nAs part of the joint venture established in 1987 between Tom Walkinshaw and Holden to form Holden Special Vehicles, Tom Walkinshaw Racing (TWR) was to run Holden's motor sport programme. TWR were responsible for designing the Holden VL Commodore SS Group A SV, which was homologated for racing in August 1988 after Holden Special Vehicles completed the required 500.", "For 1988 it was decided to contract out the racing programme to Perkins Engineering although a car built by TWR in England was raced by Tom Walkinshaw at the RAC Tourist Trophy and Bathurst 1000.", "For 1989 it was planned for TWR to run the full season with two cars. Win Percy and Neil Crompton were announced as the team's drivers and a second VL Commodore built in England was tested in Holden Racing Team livery at Calder but with the likelihood of being uncompetitive against the Ford Sierra RS500s, the Australian Touring Car Championship programme was cancelled. For the Sandown 500, Bathurst 1000 and Grand Prix support races, the programme was once again contracted to Perkins Engineering.", "1990s\n1990\n\nIn 1990 the operation was brought in house with longtime TWR driver Win Percy moving to Melbourne to fill the role of both driver and team manager. Percy drove at all Australian Touring Car Championship rounds except for Mallala where Neil Crompton drove after Percy returned to England for a family bereavement. Percy's highest qualifying position was sixth at Winton and highest race result a third place at Lakeside, and he finished eighth overall in the championship.", "At the Sandown 500, Percy and Crompton qualified the car fourth, however did not finish the race. For the Bathurst 1000 the team entered two cars with Percy, against the wishes of Holden and Tom Walkinshaw, recruiting Allan Grice to co-drive the lead car. Crompton was joined by Brad Jones. With Percy suffering a shoulder injury, his decision to hire Grice was vindicated with the latter handling the bulk of the driving on the way to an unexpected victory, the second car finished fifth.\n\n1991", "1991\n\nFor 1991 the VN Commodore was homologated with Win Percy driving in all ATCC rounds except Lakeside where Allan Grice substituted while Percy competed in an event in Europe. Percy again finished eighth in the championship. At the Bathurst 1000, Percy and Grice teamed together to finish second, with the second car of Neil Crompton and Brad Jones not finishing after running out of fuel.", "1992\nWith Win Percy having decided to return to England, Tomas Mezera was hired. Due to a budget shortfall and the need to develop the VP Commodore for the new V8 formula, HRT only competed at the Sandown, Lakeside and Eastern Creek rounds. Two 1993 spec VP Commodores were raced at the Sandown 500 with Mezera and Brad Jones finishing third while Percy and Grice finished fifth at the Bathurst 1000. Mezera and Jones drove two cars at the Grand Prix support races.", "1993\nWith budget problems compounded by Castrol deciding to transfer its funding to Perkins Engineering, at the beginning of 1993 there was some doubt as to whether the team would compete in the 1993 Australian Touring Car Championship. Former 1987 World 500cc champion Wayne Gardner with only one touring car start was signed as the team's driver with Tomas Mezera's participation being dependent on additional sponsorship being secured, however he would ultimately compete in all nine rounds.", "At the Sandown 500 Mezera was joined by Michael Preston, with Brad Jones and Allan Grice in the second car. For the Bathurst 1000 Mezera was joined by Win Percy with Gardner and Jones driving the second car to a third-place finish. Gardner won a race at the Australian Grand Prix.", "The team's season was dominated by off-track politics. Before the end of the championship chief engineer Wally Storey and team manager Neal Lowe had left the team with Mezera appointed as acting team manager. Before the Sandown 500, Gardner was suspended for two weeks from the team. HRT alleged Gardner was trying to poach the team's sponsors for his own operation, Gardner claimed that he was acting on a request by the team to help secure extra funding", ". Gardner secured funding from Coca-Cola for 1994, but his proposal for taking part ownership was rejected by Tom Walkinshaw and he elected to form Wayne Gardner Racing. At Bathurst, Jeff Grech commenced what would ultimately be a very successful stint as team manager.", "1994", "In 1994 Peter Brock was signed to drive for the team. In spite of some resistance by some within Holden after the manufacturer's split with Brock's Holden Dealer Team in 1987, the substantial Mobil and NGK sponsorship he brought to the team made the deal irresistible. Both of these sponsors remain with the team as of 2020", ". Both of these sponsors remain with the team as of 2020. The team was competitive throughout the ATCC, with Brock taking the round win at Eastern Creek and second places at Sandown, Symmons Plains, Philip Island and Oran Park on the way to a third-place finish, Mezera finished ninth.", "Brock's win at Eastern Creek was the HRT's first ever ATCC round win.", "For the endurance events, Brad Jones and Rickard Rydell (who was driving a Volvo 850 for TWR in the British Touring Car Championship) were earmarked to drive the second car. However, with Rydell's wife due to give birth, he was replaced by Craig Lowndes for the Sandown 500. After finishing fifth and setting the fastest lap of the four drivers, HRT elected to retain Lowndes for the Bathurst 1000", ". Despite Lowndes crashing in the warm up and spinning mid race, a stellar double stint from Jones saw the car finish second. The lead car crashed late in the race.", "1995\nFor 1995 the VR Commodore was introduced. Brock remained a championship contender at the final round at Oran Park, finishing third with Mezera fifth. Lowndes and Greg Murphy ran the second car at the Sandown 500 and Bathurst 1000 however neither finished either race. After the Grand Prix support race it was announced that Lowndes would drive for the team full-time in 1996, he would take Mezera's seat for the season ending Brock Challenge at Calder.\n\n1996", "With the demise of tobacco sponsorship, HRT had been able to lure many key personnel from Gibson Motorsport. This helped the team dominate the 1996 season with Craig Lowndes winning the ATCC, Sandown 500 and Bathurst 1000, the latter two in partnership with Greg Murphy. Brock finished the series in fourth being joined again by Tomas Mezera for the endurance races", ". Brock finished the series in fourth being joined again by Tomas Mezera for the endurance races. With Lowndes headed to Europe in 1997 to compete in F3000, Murphy was hired as his replacement and debuted at two races in New Zealand at the end of the year.", "1997", "The year saw a number of mechanical failures with the VS Commodores that prevented HRT from following on from the success of 1996. One highlight of the year were one-two finishes at both Symmons Plains and Wanneroo. Just before the Eastern Creek round of the series, Brock announced his retirement from full-time racing. Overall, Murphy and Brock finished the year fourth and sixth respectively. Lowndes returned to drive in the endurance events with Murphy, while Mark Skaife co-drove with Brock", ". Lowndes and Murphy won the Sandown 500 while despite Skaife winning pole at both events, he and Brock failed to finish.", "At selected events a third car was entered under the Holden Young Lions banner with Jason Bargwanna, Todd Kelly, Mark Noske and Stephen White driving. Bargwanna and Noske drove a car in the endurance races.", "1998", "For 1998 Lowndes returned to HRT and Skaife succeeded Brock. With the Holden Young Lions program sub-contracted to Gibson Motorsport, HRT returned to a two-car team except for the Calder round where Greg Murphy debuted the VT Commodore. Lowndes won the ATCC with Skaife finishing third. Lowndes and Skaife finished second at the Sandown 500. At the Bathurst 1000 despite winning pole position and leading much of the race, Lowndes and Skaife suffered a number of tyre failures finishing sixth", ". The second car of Greg Murphy and Mark Noske suffered a crash in late qualifying causing them to miss the shootout and cause endless problems throughout the race including the same tyre woes that Lowndes and Skaife suffered and retired on lap 86.", "1999\nLowndes again won the ATCC with Skaife third despite Lowndes having to miss the Symmons Plains round after a car destroying rollover at Calder. Endurance driver Cameron McConville deputised in Lowndes's 1996 winning VS Commodore.\nFor the Queensland 500 and Bathurst 1000, Lowndes was joined by McConville finishing third and second respectively. Skaife was joined by Paul Morris finishing third at Bathurst.", "A third car was entered in the endurance races under the Holden Young Lions with Todd Kelly and Mark Noske driving.", "2000s\n2000\nIn 2000 Skaife won the championship with Lowndes finishing in third. At the Queensland 500 Lowndes and Skaife teamed together to win. The second car was driven by Todd Kelly and Nathan Pretty, however failed to finish. At the Bathurst 1000, Lowndes and Skaife finished in sixth position with Jason Plato and Yvan Muller. Kelly raced the Holden Young Lions entry at some rounds being joined by Pretty at Bathurst.", "Off-track Craig Lowndes wanted out of his ten-year management contract with Tom Walkinshaw and left the team at season's end for Gibson Motorsport.", "2001", "In 2001, TWR Australia expanded to become a four-car operation with the formation of the two-car K-Mart Racing Team. Because a team could only race three cars under a Racing Entitlement Contract (REC), Romano Racing's REC was leased for the two K-Mart cars with the Romano car entered as a third Holden Racing Team car under the Holden Young Lions banner. Jason Bright joined the team. At the Queensland 500 Skaife and Bright shared a car with Tony Longhurst and Tomas Mezera driving the second", ". For the Bathurst 1000 the lead drivers were split, Skaife and Longhurst winning. Skaife won the series, Bright finished third.", "2002\nIn 2002 Skaife again won the championship with Bright finishing fourth. HRT won the first eight rounds of the season. Jim Richards and Mezera drove the second car at the Queensland 500. At the Bathurst 1000 Skaife and Richards won with Bright and Mezera third. A third car was raced throughout the season under the Holden Young Lions banner by Rick Kelly, finishing fourth at Bathurst with Nathan Pretty.\n\n2003", "In early 2003 Tom Walkinshaw Racing collapsed and the team was put up for sale by the administrator. Holden purchased the team, but because manufacturers were prohibited from owning teams, it was quickly sold to Mark Skaife. The K-Mart team was purchased by John and Margaret Kelly, continuing to be a customer of HRT until the end of 2008. Paul Weel Racing also became a HRT customer with Jason Bright moving to the team with Todd Kelly commencing a five-year stint as the driver of the second car", ". For the endurance races Jim Richards and Tony Longhurst rejoined the team. Skaife and Kelly won the Sandown 500 with Longhurst and Richards finishing in tenth. At the Bathurst 1000 Skaife and Kelly finished the race in eighth after being black flagged late in the race to repair accident damage with Richards and Longhurst fifth.", "2004\nIn 2004 Kelly finished the championship in seventh place and Skaife in twelfth after one of his worst seasons on record where it included a number of driver errors and reliability issues. For the endurance events Jason Plato joined Peter Brock in the second car. Skaife and Kelly finished the Bathurst 1000 in fourteenth position, two laps down after a belt from the engine broke early in the race.", "2005\nIn 2005 both Skaife and Kelly won rounds of the championship with Kelly winning the historic V8 Supercars China Round at Shanghai International Circuit. This victory gave HRT its 50th round win, the first team to do so. Skaife and Kelly won the Bathurst 1000. Jim Richards and James Courtney drove the second car, however failed to finish.", "2006", "In 2006 Kelly finished the season in sixth place and Skaife finished in a miserable sixteenth. Both drivers did have success during with Skaife winning at Pukekohe and Wanneroo and Kelly winning at Surfers Paradise and Phillip Island", ". With HRT out of the title race by the time of the endurance races and the sister HSV Dealer Team having both its drivers in contention, it was controversially decided to split its drivers with Garth Tander driving with Skaife and Kelly with his brother Rick at the HSV Dealer Team. However the plan was not successful with the Skaife/Tander car finishing 26th at the Sandown 500 and crashing on lap 1 at Bathurst after a driveline failure", ". The second HRT car was driven by Jim Richards and Ryan Briscoe and finished in 21st at Sandown and did not finish at Bathurst.", "2007\n\nThe 2007 V8 Supercar season saw the debut of the new VE Commodore.\nSkaife finished sixth and Kelly seventh with post scoring race wins. Glenn Seton and Nathan Pretty were signed to drive the second car. However, with Skaife requiring appendix surgery the week before the Sandown 500, a reshuffle saw Kelly and Pretty paired in one car and Seton and Tony Longhurst in the second.\n\n2008", "2008\n\nIn 2008 defending champion Garth Tander engineer Matthew Nielson and sponsor Toll transferred from sister team HSV Dealer Team. For the endurance races Glenn Seton was joined by Craig Baird. On 29 October Skaife also announced that 2008 would be his last season in a full-time drive in V8 Supercars. At the end of the year, Skaife sold his 50% share in the team to Tom Walkinshaw.", "2009", "With John and Margaret Kelly having elected to form their own team and use Perkins Engineering hardware, the team expanded to four cars in 2009, two entered under the HRT banner and two under the Walkinshaw Racing banner", ". One REC was purchased from WPS Racing and another was acquired from V8 Supercars Australia that had last been used by Romano Racing with Paul Dumbrell moving across with financial support from his family's Autobarn business while David Reynolds joined as the second driver with sponsorship from Bundaberg Red Rum. Dumbrell finished 15th in the championship at seasons end with several top-six finishes while Reynolds finished 22nd, showing pace and promise but no real results.", "At HRT, Will Davison took Skaife's seat. Tander and Davison won the Bathurst 1000 with Davison finishing second in the series. HRT did win the team's championship.\n\n2010s\n2010\n \n\nIn 2010, Fabian Coulthard and Andrew Thompson were signed to replace Dumbrell and Reynolds with Bundaberg Red sponsoring both cars.", "In 2010 Tander finished fifth and Davison 22nd. As a whole, the team struggled to string together a series and ended a disappointing seventh in the team's championship. For the endurance races Tander was paired with Cameron McConville and Davison with David Reynolds. For the Bathurst 1000 the team ran a retro livery in recognition of the team's 1990 Bathurst victory.", "2011\nWith Will Davison departing for Ford Performance Racing, defending champion James Courtney joined the team. The season started with Courtney winning in Abu Dhabi. For the endurance races, Tander was joined by Nick Percat and Courtney by McConville. Tander and Percat won the Bathurst 1000. Tander finished the season fifth, Courtney tenth.\n\nOn the Walkinshaw Racing side, the team downsized to a single car for Coulthard with continued support from Bundaberg Rum, the race number was changed to No. 61.", "2012\nIn 2012 the team scored no wins with Tander finishing the season in seventh, Courtney tenth. Coulthard was replaced by Russell Ingall who brought Supercheap Auto sponsorship, the race number was also changed once again No. 66.", "2013\nThe VF Commodore made its debut in 2013. At the Townsville 400 Tander led a team one-two, breaking a 20-month drought for the team. Tander was again joined by Nick Percat for the endurance events, with Courtney joined by Greg Murphy. Tander also won a race at Phillip Island, James Courtney also won a race at Winton. Ingall and Supercheap Auto remained with the team in 2013.", "2014\nTander and Courtney again drove VF Commodores in 2014 with Warren Luff and Greg Murphy driving in the endurance races. Ingall was replaced by Tim Slade and the car entered as No. 47. The team expanded to a four car operation with a customer car fielded for James Rosenberg Racing with Nick Percat driving. Adrian Burgess joined as team manager.", "2015\nThe full-time driver lineup was maintained for 2015. Jack Perkins replaced the retiring Greg Murphy for the endurance races and also substituted for Courtney at a few rounds after the latter was injured. Russell Ingall joined Perkins at the Sandown 500 and Bathurst 1000. With James Rosenberg Racing returning its REC to V8 Supercars at the end of 2014, a customer car was fielded for Team 18 with Lee Holdsworth driving.", "2016\nWith Supercheap Auto taking its sponsorship to Prodrive Racing Australia, the team downsized to two cars, the two Holden Racing Team entries. The third REC was sold to Super Black Racing while Team 18 became a stand-alone team. Tander and Luff won the Sandown 500.\n\n2017\nIn 2017 the team lost its Holden factory backing to Triple Eight Race Engineering, but continued to field two VF Commodores under the Mobil 1 HSV Racing banner. Scott Pye replaced Tander.", "2018", "The team was rebranded as Walkinshaw Andretti United in January 2018, with Andretti Autosport and United Autosports becoming 37.5% and 25% shareholders respectively in the team. Walkinshaw and Andretti now hold equal ownership with United Autosports as minority partner. All Holden teams, including Walkinshaw Andretti United, upgraded their entries to the new Holden ZB Commodore for the 2018 season. The team raced under the Mobil 1 Boost Mobile Racing banner, with Courtney's number changed to No", ". The team raced under the Mobil 1 Boost Mobile Racing banner, with Courtney's number changed to No. 25, in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the team and Mobil 1's partnership.", "Highlights for the team during 2018 were the team scoring one win, courtesy of Scott Pye in challenging conditions at the Melbourne 400. The win was also Pye's first in the category. A second placing at Bathurst for the second year in a row and moving up to 5th in the teams championship.", "2019", "WAU continued to field two ZB Commodores for Scott Pye and James Courtney, with Courtney reverting to running the teams traditional racing number of 22. Mega Fuels came in as the new main sponsor to the team, replacing Boost Mobile, which went to Garry Rogers Motorsport. They endured a difficult season, with the team only having a single Top 5 result, coming from James Courtney at the first race at Winton Motor Raceway, and finished 6th in the Teams Championship", ". On 27 August, James Courtney announced that he would leave the team, after nine years with the team. On 3 September, their main sponsor, Mega Fuels, went into receivership, making Mobil 1 their primary sponsor at Pukekohe and Winning Appliances and Appliances Online for #2 and #22 respectively from Bathurst onwards.", "2020s\n2020\n2019 Super2 Series champion Bryce Fullwood and 2014 Bathurst 1000 winner Chaz Mostert signed with the team for the 2020 season. Mostert started the year well with a podium in his second race at the Adelaide 500. \n\n2020 was a challenging year for the team as they, along with the other teams battled the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many team members had to leave their families in Melbourne to help keep the Supercars season going.", "Fullwood claimed his first podium at The Bend Motorsport Park in September. Mostert finished the year strong, combining with the experienced Warren Luff to claim a fine 3rd place at the season ending Bathurst 1000.", "2021\nFullwood and Mostert both continued on with the team for 2021. Mostert achieved his first pole position for the team at Sandown and followed it up with a win at the next event at Symmons Plains. Mostert was able to claim another win at Hidden Valley before the series took an extended break due to the various lockdowns caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.", "On 26 October, it was announce that Nick Percat would be re-joining the team he made his debut with, replacing Bryce Fullwood who had signed with Brad Jones Racing.\n2023\nIn May 2022, Walkinshaw Andretti United confirmed that the team will switch to Ford machinery from 2023 season onwards and thus received a same treatment as Dick Johnson Racing, Tickford Racing, Grove Racing and Blanchard Racing Team by receiving a full-factory support from Ford.", "Ownership battle\nAt the start of the 2007 season, a battle erupted over the ownership of HRT. Skaife had been hounded by governing body, the Touring Car Entrants Group of Australia (TEGA), for more than four months for paperwork proving compliance with the Teams' Licence Agreement, but had failed to show the required information. He was given until 12 March to provide the evidence, or the team could be removed from the V8 Touring Car Competition.", "Skaife managed to produce sufficient evidence and TEGA allowed HRT to continue racing. A commercial settlement was struck between Skaife and TEGA that ensured that Skaife, and not Holden Motor Sport owner Tom Walkinshaw, had ownership and control over the team. It has been revealed that Tom Walkinshaw owned a 50% stake in Skaife Sports. Subsequently, in December 2008 Skaife sold his remaining interest in HRT to Walkinshaw.", "GT racing\nSince 2016, Walkinshaw Andretti United has entered the Australian GT Championship with a factory backed Porsche 911 GT3 R driven by John Martin and later Liam Talbot. Talbot moved to Porsche Carrera Cup Australia in 2019 and the GT team was shut down.\nResults\nBathurst 1000 results\n\n Wildcard Entries are listed in italics.", "Supercars results\n Car No. 2 results \n{| class=\"wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed\" style=\"text-align:center; font-size:75%\"\n! Year\n! Driver\n! No.\n! Make\n! 1\n! 2\n! 3\n! 4\n! 5\n! 6\n! 7\n! 8\n! 9\n! 10\n! 11\n! 12\n! 13\n! 14\n! 15\n! 16\n! 17\n! 18\n! 19\n! 20\n! 21\n! 22\n! 23\n! 24\n! 25\n! 26\n! 27\n! 28\n! 29\n! 30\n! 31\n! 32\n! 33\n! 34\n! 35\n! 36\n! 37\n! 38\n! 39\n! 40\n! \n! Pts\n|-\n! rowspan= 2| 1990\n! Win Percy\n! rowspan= 4| 16\n! rowspan= 25| Holden\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| AMAR1\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR2", "! rowspan= 25| Holden\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| AMAR1\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR3\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| WINR4\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| LAKR5\n|style=\"background:#;\"| MALR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ORAR8\n!colspan=32|\n! 8th\n! 32\n|-\n! Neil Crompton\n|style=\"background:#;\"| AMAR1\n|style=\"background:#;\"| SYMR2\n|style=\"background:#;\"| PHIR3\n|style=\"background:#;\"| WINR4\n|style=\"background:#;\"| LAKR5", "|style=\"background:#;\"| PHIR3\n|style=\"background:#;\"| WINR4\n|style=\"background:#;\"| LAKR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| MALR6\n|style=\"background:#;\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background:#;\"| ORAR8\n!colspan=32|\n! 15th\n! 6\n|-\n! rowspan= 2| 1991\n! Win Percy\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR1\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYMR2\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| WANR3\n|style=\"background:#cfcfff;\"| LAKR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| AMAR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| MALR7\n| LAKR8", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| AMAR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| MALR7\n| LAKR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ORAR8\n! colspan=31|\n! 8th\n! 30\n|-\n! Allan Grice\n| SANR1\n| SYMR2\n| WANR3\n| LAKR4\n| WINR5\n| AMAR6\n| MALR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| LAKR8\n| ORAR9\n! colspan=31|\n! 15th\n! 3\n|-\n! 1992\n! Tomas Mezera\n! 61\n|style=\"background:#;\"| AMAR1\n|style=\"background:#;\"| AMAR2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR3\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SANR4\n|style=\"background:#;\"| SYMR5\n|style=\"background:#;\"| SYMR6", "|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SANR4\n|style=\"background:#;\"| SYMR5\n|style=\"background:#;\"| SYMR6\n|style=\"background:#;\"| WINR7\n|style=\"background:#;\"| WINR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| LAKR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| LAKR10\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| EASR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| EASR12\n|style=\"background:#;\"| MALR13\n|style=\"background:#;\"| MALR14\n|style=\"background:#;\"| BARR15\n|style=\"background:#;\"| BARR16\n|style=\"background:#;\"| ORAR17\n|style=\"background:#;\"| ORAR18\n!colspan=22|\n! 16th", "|style=\"background:#;\"| ORAR17\n|style=\"background:#;\"| ORAR18\n!colspan=22|\n! 16th\n! 29\n|-\n! 2003\n! Todd Kelly\n! rowspan= 21| 2\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR3\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| EASR4\n|style=\"background:#000; color:white;\"| WINR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BARR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR10", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR10\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| HDVR11\n|style=\"background: #ffdf9f\"| QLDR12\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ORAR13\n|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| SANR14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BATR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR16|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| SURR17\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| PUKR18\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR19\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR20\n|style=\"background: #ffdf9f\"| EASR21", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR20\n|style=\"background: #ffdf9f\"| EASR21\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| EASR22\n!colspan=18|\n! 9th\n! 1628 \n|-\n! 2004\n! rowspan= 5|Mark Skaife\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| EASR3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR4|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| PUKR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR9", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR9\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| BARR10\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR11|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR12\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| QLDR13\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR14\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| ORAR15|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| ORAR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BATR18\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR19|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR20", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR19|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR20\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYMR21\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYMR22\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SYMR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| EASR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| EASR25\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| EASR26\n!colspan=14|\n! 12th\n! 1294\n|-\n! 2005\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| PUKR3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR5", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR5\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| BARR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR7|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| EASR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| EASR10\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SHAR11|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SHAR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SHAR13|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| HDVR14|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| HDVR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR17", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ORAR18\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ORAR19\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| SANR20\n|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| BATR21\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SURR22\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SURR23\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SURR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR26\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR27\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR28", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR27\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR28\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR29\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR30\n!colspan=10|\n! 5th\n! 1754\n|-\n! 2006\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| ADER1|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| PUKR3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR4\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| PUKR5|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| BARR6|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR9", "|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR10\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| WINR11\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| HDVR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR13\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR14\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR15\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| QLDR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR17\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| ORAR18\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| ORAR19\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ORAR20", "|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| ORAR19\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ORAR20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR21\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| BATR22|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR24\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SURR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR26|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYMR27\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYMR28\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BHRR29\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BHRR30\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BHRR31", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BHRR30\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BHRR31\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| PHIR32\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR33\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR34\n!colspan=6|\n! 16th\n! 2036\n|-\n! 2007\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background: #ffdf9f\"| BARR3\n|style=\"background: #ffdf9f\"| BARR4\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| BARR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR8", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR8\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| WINR9\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| WINR10\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| WINR11\n|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| EASR12\n|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| EASR13|style=\"background: #ffdf9f\"| EASR14|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| HDVR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR16|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR17\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| QLDR18\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR19\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| QLDR20", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR19\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| QLDR20\n|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| ORAR21\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| ORAR22\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| ORAR23\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| SANR24\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| BATR25\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| SURR26\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR27\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| SURR28\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BHRR29\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| BHRR30\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| BHRR31", "|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| BHRR30\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| BHRR31\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR32\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR33\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR34\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| PHIR35\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR36\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR37\n!colspan=3|\n! 8th\n! 379\n|-\n! 2008\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| EASR3\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| EASR4\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| EASR5", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| EASR4\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| EASR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HAMR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HAMR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HAMR8\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| BARR9\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| BARR10\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| BARR11\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR12\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR13\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR17", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HDVR17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR18\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR19\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| WINR21\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| WINR22\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| WINR23\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| PHIQ\n|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| PHIR24\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BATR25\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR26\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR27", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR26\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR27\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR28\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| BHRR29\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BHRR30\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| BHRR31\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR32\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR33\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR34\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| ORAR35\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| ORAR36\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ORAR37\n!colspan=2|\n! 14th\n! 1644\n|-\n! 2009\n! rowspan= 8|Garth Tander", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ORAR37\n!colspan=2|\n! 14th\n! 1644\n|-\n! 2009\n! rowspan= 8|Garth Tander\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HAMR3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HAMR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR5\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| WINR6\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SYMR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR10\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| TOWR11", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR10\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| TOWR11\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| TOWR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR13\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SANR14\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| QLDR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIQR\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| PHIR17\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| BATR18\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SURR19\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SURR20\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SURR21", "|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SURR20\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SURR21\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SURR22\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR23\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| PHIR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR25\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| BARR26\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SYDR27\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYDR28\n!colspan=11|\n! style=\"background:#FFDF9F;\"| 3rd\n! style=\"background:#FFDF9F;\"| 2916\n|- \n! 2010\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| YMCR1\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| YMCR2", "|- \n! 2010\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| YMCR1\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| YMCR2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BHRR3\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| BHRR4\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| ADER5\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| ADER6\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| HAMR7\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| HAMR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR9\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| QLDR10\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR13", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR13\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HDVR14\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| TOWR15\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| TOWR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIQR\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR17\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| BATR18\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SURR19\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SURR20\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SYMR21\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR22\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SANR23", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR22\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SANR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR24\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYDR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR26\n!colspan=13|\n! 5th\n! 2466\n|-\n! 2011\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| YMCR1\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| YMCR2\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| ADER3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HAMR5\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| HAMR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR8", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| BARR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR10\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| WINR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR13\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| TOWR14\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| TOWR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR18\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| PHIQR", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR18\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| PHIQR\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR19\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| BATR20\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR21\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR22\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SYMR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR26\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SYDR27\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR28\n!colspan=11|\n! 5th\n! 2574\n|-\n! 2012", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR28\n!colspan=11|\n! 5th\n! 2574\n|-\n! 2012\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9d;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR4\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| HAMR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HAMR6\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR10\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR12", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR13\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| TOWR14\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| TOWR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR18\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR19\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR20\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BATR21\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR22", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BATR21\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR22\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| YMCR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| YMCR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| YMCR26\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR27\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR28\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR29\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\" | SYDR30\n!colspan=9|\n! 7th\n! 2462\n|-\n! 2013\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| ADER2", "! 7th\n! 2462\n|-\n! 2013\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR3\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SYMR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR6\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| PUKR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR8\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| PUKR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR10\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| COAR13", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| COAR13\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| COAR14\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| COAR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| COAR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR18\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR19\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| TOWR20\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| TOWR21\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR22\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR24", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR26\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR27\n|style=\"background:#cfcfff;\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR28\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BATR29\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR30\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR31\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| PHIR32\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR33\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR34", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR33\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR34\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR35\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SYDR36\n!colspan=3|\n! 8th\n! 2322\n|-\n! 2014\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR9", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR10\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR13\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR14\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR18\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR19\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| TOWR20", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR19\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| TOWR20\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| TOWR21\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| TOWR22\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR25\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SMPR26\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| SMPR27\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR28\n|style=\"background:#cfcfff;\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SANR29\n|style=\"background:#ffffff;\"| BATR30", "|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SANR29\n|style=\"background:#ffffff;\"| BATR30\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR31\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR32\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR33\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR34\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| PHIR35\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR36\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR37\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SYDR38\n!colspan=1|\n! 9th\n! 2289\n|-\n! 2015\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER2", "! 9th\n! 2289\n|-\n! 2015\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| ADER3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR6\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR10\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| WINR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR13", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR13\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR14\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| TOWR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| TOWR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR18\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR19\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR20\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR21\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR22\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR23\n|style=\"background:#cfcfff;\"| SANQR", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR23\n|style=\"background:#cfcfff;\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SANR24\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| BATR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR26\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| SURR27\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR28\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR29\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR30\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR31\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR32\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR33\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR34", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR33\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR34\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR35\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYDR36\n!colspan=3|\n! 6th\n! 2584\n|-\n! 2016\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background:#ffdf9f;\"| ADER3\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR4\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SYMR5\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR6\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PHIR7\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR9", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| BARR9\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR10\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| WINR11\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR12\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| HIDR13\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| TOWR14\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| TOWR15\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR16\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| QLDR17\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR18\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR19\n|style=\"background:#cfcfff;\"| SANQR", "|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SMPR19\n|style=\"background:#cfcfff;\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background:#ffffbf;\"| SANR20\n|style=\"background:#efcfff;\"| BATR21\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR22\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| SURR23\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR24\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR25\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR26\n|style=\"background:#dfffdf;\"| PUKR27\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SYDR28\n|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SYDR29\n!colspan=10|\n! 9th\n! 2252\n|-\n! 2017\n! rowspan= 3|Scott Pye", "|style=\"background:#dfdfdf;\"| SYDR29\n!colspan=10|\n! 9th\n! 2252\n|-\n! 2017\n! rowspan= 3|Scott Pye\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| SYMR3\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR4\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BARR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BARR8\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| WINR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| WINR10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR11", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| WINR10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR11\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR12\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR13\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMPR17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMPR18\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR19\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| BATR20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR21", "|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| BATR20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR21\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR22\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR23\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR24\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| NEWR25\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| NEWR26\n!colspan=13|\n! 12th\n! 1804\n|-\n! 2018\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR3\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR4\n|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| MELR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR6", "|style=\"background: #ffffbf\"| MELR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR8\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BARR11\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BARR12\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| WINR13\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| WINR14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR17", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR18\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR19\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMPR21\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BENR22\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BENR23\n|style=\"background: #cfcfff\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR24\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf\"| BATR25\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR26\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| SURR27", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR26\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| SURR27\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR28\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR29\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| NEWR30\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| NEWR31\n!colspan=8|\n! 7th\n! 2608\n|-\n! 2019\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR3\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR4\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR7", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| MELR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR8\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PHIR10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BARR11\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| BARR12\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| WINR13\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| WINR14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HIDR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR18", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOWR18\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR19\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| QLDR20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BENR21\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BENR22\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR23\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| PUKR24\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BATR25\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR26\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SURR27\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR28", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANQR\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SANR28\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| NEWR29\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| NEWR30\n!colspan=9|\n! 12th\n! 2193\n|-\n! 2020\n! rowspan= 2|Bryce Fullwood\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| ADER2\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| MELR3\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| MELR4\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| MELR5\n|style=\"background: #ffffff\"| MELR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP1R7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP1R8", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP1R7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP1R8\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP1R9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP2R10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP2R11\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMP2R12\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HID1R13\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HID1R14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HID1R15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HID2R16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HID2R17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HID2R18\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOW1R19", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| HID2R18\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOW1R19\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOW1R20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOW1R21\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOW2R22\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOW2R23\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| TOW2R24\n|style=\"background: #ffdf9f\"| BEN1R25\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BEN1R26\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BEN1R27\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BEN2R28\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BEN2R29\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BEN2R30", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BEN2R29\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| BEN2R30\n|style=\"background: #efcfff\"| BATR31\n!colspan=9|\n! 18th\n! 1092\n|-\n! 2021\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BATR1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BATR2\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SANR3\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SANR4\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SANR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYMR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYMR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYMR8\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR10", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR11\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | HIDR12\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | HIDR13\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | HIDR14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | TOWR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | TOWR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | TOW2R17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | TOW2R18 \n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | TOW2R19\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD1R20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD1R21", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD1R20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD1R21\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD1R22\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD2R23\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD2R24\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD2R25\n|style=\"background: #efcfff | SYD3R26\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD3R27\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD3R28\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYD4R29\n|style=\"background: #ffffff | SYD4R30\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BATR31\n!colspan=9|\n! 14th\n! 1491\n|-\n! 2022", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BATR31\n!colspan=9|\n! 14th\n! 1491\n|-\n! 2022\n! rowspan= 2|Nick Percat\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SMPR1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SMPR2\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf\"| SYMR3\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYMR4\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SYMR5\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | MELR6\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | MELR7\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | MELR8\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | MELR9\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BARR10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BARR11", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BARR10\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BARR11\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BARR12\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | WINR13\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | WINR14\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | WINR15\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | HIDR16\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | HIDR17\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | HIDR18 \n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | TOWR19\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | TOWR20\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR21\n|style=\"background: #efcfff | BENR22", "|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR21\n|style=\"background: #efcfff | BENR22\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BENR23\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SANR24\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SANR25\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SANR26\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | PUKR27\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | PUKR28\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | PUKR29\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | BATR30\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | SURR31\n|style=\"background: #efcfff | SURR32\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf | ADER33", "|style=\"background: #efcfff | SURR32\n|style=\"background: #dfdfdf | ADER33\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | ADER34\n!colspan=6|\n! 15th\n! 1643\n|-\n! 2023\n!rowspan=1 | Ford\n|style=\"background: #efcfff | NEWR1\n|style=\"background: #dfffdf | NEWR2\n|style=\"background: | MELR3\n|style=\"background: | MELR4\n|style=\"background: | MELR5\n|style=\"background: | MELR6\n|style=\"background: | BARR7\n|style=\"background: | BARR8\n|style=\"background: | BARR9\n|style=\"background: | SYMR10\n|style=\"background: | SYMR11", "|style=\"background: | BARR9\n|style=\"background: | SYMR10\n|style=\"background: | SYMR11\n|style=\"background: | SYMR12\n|style=\"background: | HIDR13\n|style=\"background: | HIDR14\n|style=\"background: | HIDR15\n|style=\"background: | TOWR16\n|style=\"background: | TOWR17\n|style=\"background: | SMPR18 \n|style=\"background: | SMPR19\n|style=\"background: | SMPR20\n|style=\"background: | BENR21\n|style=\"background: | BENR22\n|style=\"background: | BENR23\n|style=\"background: | SANQR\n|style=\"background: | SANR24", "|style=\"background: | BENR23\n|style=\"background: | SANQR\n|style=\"background: | SANR24\n|style=\"background: | BATR25\n|style=\"background: | SURR26\n|style=\"background: | SURR27\n|style=\"background: | ADER28\n|style=\"background: | ADER29\n!colspan=10|\n!\n!\n|}", "Car No. 25 results\n\nSupercars drivers\nThe following is a list of drivers who have driven for the team in Supercars, in order of their first appearance. Drivers who only drove for the team on a part-time basis are listed in italics.", "Win Percy (1990–93)\n Neil Crompton (1990–91)\n Allan Grice (1990–93)\n Brad Jones (1990–94)\n Tomas Mezera (1992–96, 2001–02)\n Wayne Gardner (1993)\n Mike Preston (1993)\n Peter Brock (1994–97, 2004)\n Craig Lowndes (1994–2000)\n Greg Murphy (1995–98, 2013–14)\n Mark Skaife (1997–2008)\n Jason Bargwanna (1997)\n Todd Kelly (1997, 1999, 2000, 2003–07)\n Mark Noske (1997–99)\n Stephen White (1997)\n Cameron McConville (1999, 2010–12)\n Paul Morris (1999)\n Nathan Pretty (2000, 2002, 2007)\n Jason Plato (2000, 2004)", "Paul Morris (1999)\n Nathan Pretty (2000, 2002, 2007)\n Jason Plato (2000, 2004)\n Yvan Muller (2000)\n Jason Bright (2001–02)\n Rick Kelly (2001–02)\n Tony Longhurst (2001, 2003, 2007)\n Jim Richards (2002–03, 2005–06)\n James Courtney (2005, 2011–19)\n Garth Tander (2006, 2008–16)\n Ryan Briscoe (2006, 2010–13)\n Glenn Seton (2007–08)\n Craig Baird (2008–11)\n Will Davison (2009–10)\n Paul Dumbrell (2009)\n David Reynolds (2009–10)\n Steve Owen (2009)\n Shane Price (2009)\n Fabian Coulthard (2010–11, 2022–present)", "Steve Owen (2009)\n Shane Price (2009)\n Fabian Coulthard (2010–11, 2022–present)\n Andrew Thompson (2010)\n Nick Percat (2010–13, 2022–2023)\n Mika Salo (2010)\n Darren Turner (2011–12)\n Patrick Long (2011)\n Russell Ingall (2012–13, 2015)\n Christian Klien (2012)\n Peter Dumbreck (2012)\n Tim Slade (2014–15)\n Warren Luff (2014–22)\n Tony D'Alberto (2014–15)\n Jack Perkins (2015–19)\n Scott Pye (2017–19)\n Alexander Rossi (2019)\n James Hinchcliffe (2019)\n Chaz Mostert (2020–present)\n Bryce Fullwood (2020–21)", "James Hinchcliffe (2019)\n Chaz Mostert (2020–present)\n Bryce Fullwood (2020–21)\n Kurt Kostecki (2020)\n Lee Holdsworth (2021, 2023)\n Jayden Ojeda (2022)", "Super2 drivers\nThe following is a list of drivers who have driven for the team in Super2 Series, in order of their first appearance. Drivers who only drove for the team on a part-time basis are listed in italics.\n Nick Percat (2011–2012)\n Zach Bates (2023)\n Ryan Wood (2023)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nWalkinshaw Racing website", "References\n\nExternal links\n\nWalkinshaw Racing website\n\nAuto racing teams in Australia\nSports clubs and teams in Victoria (state)\nSupercars Championship teams\n1990 establishments in Australia\nHolden in motorsport\nPorsche in motorsport\nAuto racing teams established in 1990\nOrganisations based in Melbourne" ]
First impeachment inquiry against Andrew Johnson
[ "The first impeachment inquiry against Andrew Johnson was launched by a vote of the United States House of Representatives on January 7, 1867, to investigate the potential impeachment of the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson.\nIt was run by the House Committee on the Judiciary.", "The vote authorizing the inquiry was viewed as giving Republicans an opportunity to register their disdain for Johnson without formally impeaching him. Most congressmen had expected that the sentiments in House Committee on the Judiciary would side against impeachment. However, surprising many, the committee voted 5–4 on November 25, 1867, to recommend impeachment (after having held a preliminary vote against it months prior)", ". Despite this recommendation, the House voted 57–108 on December 7, 1867, against impeaching Johnson, with more Republicans voting against impeachment than for it.", "This impeachment inquiry preceded the second impeachment inquiry against Andrew Johnson (launched in January 1868), which played a role in the lead up to the February 24, 1868 impeachment of Johnson.\n\nBackground", "Some Radical Republicans had entertained the thought of impeaching President Andrew Johnson since as early as 1866. However, the Republican Party was divided on the prospect of impeachment, with moderates in the party, who held a plurality, widely opposing it at this point. The radicals were more in favor of impeachment, as their plans for strong reform in reconstruction were greatly imperiled by Johnson", ". Among of the first Radical Republicans to explore impeachment was House Territories Committee chairman James Mitchell Ashley. Ashley was convinced of a baseless conspiracy theory that faulted Johnson for involvement in conspiring in the assassination of Lincoln. Thus, Ashley had strong personal motivation for wanting to remove Johnson from office. Ashley quietly began researching impeachment. Federal impeachment was rare in the United States.", "Several attempts were made by Radical Republicans to initiate impeachment, but these were successfully rebuffed by moderate Republicans in party leadership", ". After the December 1866 meeting of the House Republican caucus, in an effort to block any further efforts to impeach Johnson, the moderate Republicans leading the party's caucus passed a rule for the Republican caucus which required that both a majority of House Republicans and a majority of members on the House Committee on the Judiciary would be required to approve any measure regarding impeachment in party caucus prior to it being considered in the House", ". Radical Republicans continued to seek Johnson's impeachment. They disobeyed the rule put in place for the Republican caucus. Radicals proposed a number of impeachment resolutions, which the moderate Republicans often stifled by referring to committees.", "By the start of the year 1867, on a daily basis, Congress was receiving petitions demanding the removal of Johnson. These petitions came primarily from the midwestern states. The petitions were the result of an organized campaign to demand Johnson's removal. The number of signatures on these petitions varied, as some had as few as three signatures, while other petitions had as many as three hundred signatures.", "By the December 1866 start of the lame-duck third session of the 39th Congress, a number of Radical Republicans were demanding the creation of a select committee to investigate the prospect of impeaching Johnson, but this still faced resistance within the Republican Party caucus", ". On December 17, 1866, James Mitchell Ashley attempted to open a house impeachment inquiry, but his motion to suspend the rules to consider his resolution saw a vote of 88–49, which was short of the needed two-thirds majority to suspend the rules. Nevertheless, Ashley agreed with Thaddeus Stevens to again bring an impeachment resolution before the full House.", "House passage of the resolution authorizing the inquiry", "On January 7, 1867, Benjamin F. Loan, John R. Kelso, and James Mitchell Ashley each introduced three separate impeachment resolutions against Johnson. The House refused to hold debate or vote on either Loan or Kelso's resolutions. However, they did allow a vote on Ashley's impeachment-related resolution", ". However, they did allow a vote on Ashley's impeachment-related resolution. Unlike the other two impeachment bills introduced that day (which would have outright impeached Johnson), Ashley's bill offered a specific outline of how an impeachment process would proceed, and it did not start with an immediate impeachment", ". Rather than going to a direct vote on impeaching the president, his resolution would instruct the Judiciary Committee to \"inquire into the official conduct of Andrew Johnson\", investigating what it called Johnson's \"corruptly used\" powers and \"usurpation of power\", including Johnson's political appointments, use of his pardon powers (alluding to his pardons for ex-Confederates), vetoes of legislation, selling of confiscated property, and alleged interference with elections", ". While it gave the general charge of \"high crimes and misdemeanors\" and named numerous instances of alleged corruption, Ashley's resolution did not specify what the high crimes and misdemeanors Johnson had committed were. The grievances listed in the resolution amounted largely to political grievances which Ashley had against Johnson.", "The resolution read,", "The resolution passed in the House 108–39. It was seen as offering Republicans a chance to register their displeasure with Johnson, without actually formally impeaching him. Many Republicans believed that, in the Judiciary Committee, any impeachment resolution would die a quiet death. Of the 108 members of the House that voted in favor of the resolution, 1 was a Democrat, 99 were Republicans, and 7 were Unconditional Unionists, 1 was an independent Republican", ". Of the 6 to vote against it, 25 were Democrats, 6 were Republicans, 3 were Unconditional Unionists, and 5 were Unionists. 44 members of congress were absent (14 Democrats, 28 Republicans, 2 and Unconditional Unionists). Additionally, Speaker Schuyler Colfax (a Republican) did not vote, as House rules do not require the speaker to vote during ordinary legislative proceedings, unless their vote would be decisive or if the vote is being cast by ballot.", "The official record shows Democrat John Winthrop Chanler as voting in favor of the resolution (thus, this article lists him as having voted as such). However, the New-York Tribune, following the vote, strongly suspected that this was a clerical error.", "Inquiry", "The resulting inquiry lasted eleven months, saw 89 witnesses interviewed, and saw 1,200 pages of testimony compiled. Among those that appeared before the House Committee on the Judiciary as part of the inquiry were John Covode (who urged impeachment) Joseph Scott Fullerton, Joseph S. Fowler, Edwin Stanton, Lafayette C. Baker, William Barclay Napton, Rufus Saxton, and Thomas W. Conway, and Jeremiah S. Black. Included among those interviewed were men pardoned by Johnson and men he had fired", ". Black. Included among those interviewed were men pardoned by Johnson and men he had fired. John Evans and Jerome B. Chaffee gave testimony related to Johnson's veto of a bill for the admission of Colorado as a state.", "President Johnson was reported to have been angered by the authorization of the inquiry. He kept secret tabs on the inquiry through the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Per the findings of Hinds’ Precedents of the House of Representatives, it does not appear that Johnson sought to be represented by counsel before the committee during the inquiry.\n\nMembers of House Committee on the Judiciary during the inquiry", "Members of House Committee on the Judiciary during the inquiry\n\n39th Congress\nIn the 39th Congress the House Committee on the Judiciary consisted of seven Republicans, one Democrat, and one Unconditional Unionist.", "40th Congress", "In the 40th Congress, the House Committee on the Judiciary consisted of seven Republicans and two Democrats. All of the committee members from the previous Congress returned to the committee for the 40th Congress, with the two exceptions of Democrat Sydenham Elnathan Ancona and Republican Daniel Morris, who had both departed the United States House of Representatives. In their place were two new committee members, Democrat Charles A. Eldredge and Samuel S. Marshall and Republican John C. Churchill", ". Eldredge and Samuel S. Marshall and Republican John C. Churchill. Committee member Francis Thomas, who had been elected to the previous congress as a member of the Unconditional Union Party, was now elected to the 40th Congress as a member of the Republican Party.", "Initial investigation during the 39th Congress\nIn order to comply with Ashley's impeachment resolution, the Judiciary Committee began to slowly conduct an impeachment inquiry, gathering evidence from witnesses in closed sessions.", "On January 14, 1867, the resolution that had been proposed by Benjamin F. Loan on the inquiry was established was finally debated by the full House. Loan gave a long speech to the House in which he used language that was largely interpreted as accusing Johnson of complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln, and which further accused him of participation in a conspiracy to capture the United States Government in the interest of those involved in the southern secession", ". The resolution was again considered on January 28 and February 4 due to a motion by Thomas Jenckes to refer the resolution to the Committee on the Judiciary. This motion to refer Loan's resolution to the committee already tasked with addressing a prospective impeachment was ultimately agreed to by the House.", "The allegations of misconduct given in the testimony taken by the committee was largely unsupported by evidence. The committee investigated a myriad of allegations against Johnson. Among the matters investigated and for which testimony was taken was the question of whether Johnson played a role in the removal of eighteen missing pages from Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth's personal journal. It was speculated whether these pages might have implicated Johnson in the conspiracy behind the assassination", ". Another allegation investigated was that Johnson had used intimidation or patronage appointments as influence to prevent the admission of the Colorado territory as a state. The committee also investigated whether Johnson had provided pardons to deserters from West Virginia. It also investigated whether or not the commission for the United States' minister to Sweden had been correctly issued. Another matter investigated was the New Orleans massacre of 1866", ". Another matter investigated was the New Orleans massacre of 1866. Also investigated were allegations of fraud in New York City related to import taxes. One allegation investigated (that Johnson had asked the attorney general of the United States whether he believed the Congress was perhaps illegitimate due to the lack of representation for unreconstructed southern states) turned out to be a story fabricated by a journalist.", "The early hearings by the Judiciary Committee were an outlandish affair and were unsuccessful in providing substantive testimony of malfeasance. The Judiciary Committee's first closed-door hearings had been held February 6, 1867, with testimony from Detective Lafayette C. Baker. Baker was famous for having tracked John Wilkes Booth down after Booth assassinated President Lincoln", ". Baker's testimony set the tone for the series of evidence-devoid allegations that would be delivered in various testimonies, with Baker implication Johnson in several crimes without providing any evidence. He first implicated Johnson in treason, testifying of a wartime letter that he claimed he had once came into possession of on a date he could not recall (but no longer held possession of) which he alleged had been sent from Johnson to Confederate President Jefferson Davis", ". Baker did not know the contents of the letter. He also declined to disclose who he had received the letter from. However, he testified that he believed that the letter's existence implied that Johnson would \"go with\" the Confederates. Baker next implicated Johnson with, among other things, involvement with prostitution and bribery", ". Baker next implicated Johnson with, among other things, involvement with prostitution and bribery. Baker testified about Lucy Cobb, \"a disreputable woman, or, in other words, woman of the town\" (prostitute), who he had prevented from visiting the White House the previous year. He testified that had disclosed to him that Johnson had secret methods for communicating with \"his friends in the South\" and that she was herself involved in a trade of selling presidential pardons to confederates.", "The committee investigated whether Johnson had improper connections to southerners that had been sold back railroad assets that had been seized by the Union Army during the Civil War. The possibility that corrupt personal favoritism by Johnson had been involved in these sales was explored. However, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton (well-regarded by Radical Republicans) took responsibility for these sales", ". Stanton told the committee that he believed the sales were justified because the federal government did not have the know-how needed to successfully run the railroads and the nation's post-war economic recovery required that the railroads be placed into the management of individuals who had the knowledge to successfully operate them.", "The Judiciary Committee ran out of time to complete its inquiry, with the 39th Congress expiring, However, the committee ruled that they had received “sufficient testimony” to continue their investigation in the new 40th Congress. March 2, 1867, two days before the end of the 39th congress, the committee recommended that the matter be further reviewed in the next congress, with committee member James F. Wilson presenting this recommendation to the whole of congress", ". Wilson presenting this recommendation to the whole of congress. The full House was then read the committee's majority report which argued that, in the expiring hours of the 39th congress, no affirmative report could be properly considered, and opined that it was \"inexpedient to submit any conclusion,\" with the committee having not fully investigated all charges against the president. This report had been approved by the committee's Republican chairman James F", ". This report had been approved by the committee's Republican chairman James F. Wilson, as well as Republican committee members George S. Boutwell, Burton C. Cook, William Lawrence, Daniel Morris, Thomas Williams, and Frederick E. Woodbridge and Unconditional Unionist committee member Francis Thomas. The sole Democratic committee member, Sydenham Elnathan Ancona, submitted a minority report against a continuation of the inquiry. Both reports were ordered printed and laid on the table.", "40th Congress' renewal of the inquiry\nThe 40th Congress consented to the recommendation that the Judiciary Committee made near the end of the 39th Congress, and ordered the committee to continue its inquiry. At the start of the 40th Congress, Congressman Benjamin Buter unsuccessfully urged the Republican caucus to create a special panel to continue the impeachment inquiry. But Congressman James Mitchell Ashley managed to successfully have the inquiry continue in the Judiciary Committee.", "On March 7, 1867, the third day of the 40th Congress, Ashley introduced a resolution calling for the impeachment investigation by the Judiciary Committee to be continue.\n\nThe resolution read,", "John Covode proposed an amendment to the resolution that was understood to have been authored by Benjamin Butler. The amendment would have instead had the continuation of the inquiry be run by a select committee of thirteen members on which the seven members of the Judiciary Committee would all serve. John F. Farnsworth argued against this, arguing that the inquiry should continue to be run through the Judiciary Committee", ". Citing precedents in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, and declaring that no insult was intended to the Judiciary Committee, Butler argued in favor of a special committee overseeing the inquiry. James G. Blaine argued against moving the inquiry to a special committee, arguing that doing so would be considered a rebuke to the Judiciary Committee. John Martin Broomall voiced similar opposition. John A", ". John Martin Broomall voiced similar opposition. John A. Logan voiced support for a special committee, arguing that the Judiciary Committee had no prescriptive right to be handling the matter. John Bingham countered Logan's argument by claiming that, in the eight precedents of federal impeachment cases in the United States, all but one had seen the matter referred to the Judiciary Committee, and that the one exception had led to a ridiculous blunder", ". After this debate, an overwhelming majority voted to reject the proposed amendment.", "The House adopted Ashley's resolution to renew the investigation without any opposition after both debate and the defeat (by 33–119) of a motion to table it.\n\nRight after the 40th Congress voted to reauthorize the impeachment inquiry, Speaker Colfax appointed the membership of a number of House committees, including the Committee on the Judiciary. Butler, a strong proponent of impeachment, unsuccessfully requested to be added to the Judiciary Committee, but John Bingham strongly objected to this.", "Continued investigation in the 40th Congress\nThe 40th Congress' House Committee on the Judiciary resumed the inquiry started by the committee in the previous congress. They held month of closed-door hearings.\n\nJohnson and his allies grew more and more frustrated with the impeachment inquiry, which kept expanding in scope. When the committee began investigating Johnson's finances, Johnson irately reacted,", "In March 1867, Radical Republicans, dissatisfied with the slow pace of the inquiry, attempted to bypass that process outlined in Ashley's resolution and instead secure Republican caucus approval for immediate impeachment. John Bingham and James F. Wilson (the chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary) killed this effort by the Radical Republicans. By mid-1867, impeachment was regularly promoted by chief opponents of Johnson in Congress.", "Judiciary Committee vote against impeachment (June 1867)", "On June 3, 1867, in a 5–4 vote, the committee voted against sending an impeachment resolution to the full House, with three moderate Republican members joining two Democratic members of the committee in voting against doing so. They, however, also voted in support of censuring Johnson. On July 10, 1867, James F. Wilson reported verbally on behalf of the committee, by its direction, that they anticipated being able to report on or after October 16", ". He also stated that, as it then stood, five members were of the opinion that high crimes and misdemeanors warranting impeachment had not occurred, while the remaining four members believed that they had. It appeared that Johnson had successfully avoided impeachment.", "Inquiry resumed, Johnson antagonizes Republicans", "The House Committee on the Judiciary had not delivered a report to the full congress, meaning that they had not yet formally closed their inquiry. Johnson would undertake actions that further antagonized Republicans. This would ultimately cause increased Republican anxiety over Johnson's obstruction and lead to the Judiciary Committee reversing their majority stance on impeachment", ". The first of these actions came when Henry Stanbery (the attorney general of the United States) issued at the request of Johnson a legal opinion which, combined with an earlier opinion issued at the request of Johnson in March, put forth an interoperation of the law that decreased the power of military district commanders in the South", ". The Reconstruction Acts that had been passed over the vetoes of Johnson had created five military districts in the South and had given broad powers to the commanders of those districts to enforce the Reconstruction Acts. However, the attorney general's legal opinions found that the commanders had no power to remove local officials who acted against congressional policies. The legal opinion also undermined restrictions on former confederates voting.", "The committee would resume collecting evidence for the impeachment inquiry. On July 17, 1867, the House agreed to an amended version of a resolution by John Covode that instructed the House Committee on the Judiciary to, in their investigation, inquire into new a charge levied against the president. The new charge was that Johnson had, allegedly at the request of Lincoln assassination conspirator John Surratt's counsel, given a full pardon to Confederate Stephen F. Cameron", ". Cameron. The resolution instructed the committee to look into this action, which it declared would demonstrate Johnson's \"sympathy with the men who murdered the President\" if true. The resolution also instructed the committee to, in the first week of the second session of the 40th Congress, report evidence to the House on this together with the testimony already collected in the impeachment inquiry. The second session of the 40th Congress would begin on December 2, 1867.", "Over the 1867 summer congressional recess (which lasted from July 21 through November 20, 1867), sentiments among Republicans shifted further with more Republicans coming to side in favor of impeachment due to continued acts by Johnson that antagonized Republicans. One such act was Johnson's suspension of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and replacement of him with Ulysses S", ". Grant as secretary of war ad interim on August 12, 1867, taking advantage of a loophole in the Tenure of Office Act created by the Senate being in recess. Another act was Johnson's subsequent firing of Generals Philip Sheridan (who had been in charge of Texas and Louisiana), which was soon followed by his August 12, 1867 firing of Daniel Sickles (who had been in charge of North Carolina and South Carolina), which further contributed to Republican furor. Johnson had fired them against Grant's advice", ". Johnson had fired them against Grant's advice. Both Sheridan and Sickles had acted in their offices to protect policies extending civil rights to African Americans.", "During an 1867 summer meeting, held in response to provocative actions taken by Johnson, more conservative Republicans were able to kill an effort by Radical Republicans to call for an October session of congress dealing with impeachment. This effort, led by Radical Republican Representatives George S. Boutwell, Benjamin Butler, and Thaddeus Stevens and Senators Charles D. Drake and Charles Sumner would have ended the 1867 summer congressional recess", ". Drake and Charles Sumner would have ended the 1867 summer congressional recess. The promoters of this hoped that they could act against intrigue by Johnson and continue to push for his impeachment in the special session. However, Conservative Republicans, led by Representatives John Bingham and James G. Blaine and Senators Lyman Trumbull and William P. Fessenden succeeded in blocking this effort.", "In October 1867, rumors had been published in newspapers that the committee's stance on impeachment had changed. The rumors were characterized as baseless by two of the three moderate Republicans that had previously voted against impeachment. Rumors particularly focused on Churchill and Wilson as individuals that had changed their positions", ". These were fueled by pro-impeachment committee member William Lawrence claiming to the press that it was true that two non-specified members had switched their positions to now favor impeachment. However, on October 25, John C. Churchill released a statement in which he denied have shared with anyone anything that indicated that he had changed his mind. On October 31, James F. Wilson denied rumors that he had written a correspondence declaring favor for sending an impeachment resolution to the full House", ". However, Wilson did not indicate his position. Because the Judiciary Committee left its proceedings confidential, when Congress reconvened after the recess, most congressmen were still under the belief that the pending majority report would be against impeachment, just as the committee had previously sided in their earlier July vote.", "Judiciary Committee vote in favor of impeachment (November 1867)", "Despite having stated in October that he had given nobody any indication of a change of mind, in actuality, John C. Churchill had indeed changed his mind in favor of impeachment by the time Congress' recess ended in November. Consequentially, on November 25, 1867, the House Committee on the Judiciary voted in a 5–4 vote to recommend impeachment proceedings, and to submit its report to the House", ". The majority approved a resolution which read, \"Resolved, That Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, be impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors", ".\" The minority on the committee that opposed impeachment had instead proposed ending the inquiry without an impeachment resolution by sending instead the House a resolution that would have read, \"Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from the further consideration of the proposed impeachment of the President of the United States, and that the subject be laid upon the table.\"", "After the committee vote became public, Churchill published a lengthy letter in The New York Times explaining the reason for his change of mind, writing in part,\n\nCommittee reports\nThe committee submitted three reports to the full House, a majority report and two dissenting minority reports.\n\nMajority report", "The majority report in favor of impeachment was written by Radical Republican committee member Thomas Williams and listed seventeen instances in which he argued Johnson had reached the threshold of impeachment. The report wrote that the primary issue to fault Johnson with was, \"the great salient point of accusation, standing out in the foreground, and challenging the attention of the country, is the usurpation of power, which involves, of course, a violation of law", ".\" He argued that Johnson had undermined Congress.", "The majority report was poorly written, with an unfocused and rambling style that undermined what valid points it made. Harper's Weekly opined that it did not, \"inspire general confidence\". The Chicago Tribune, which was sympathetic to the Radical Republican cause, even opined that the charges made in it were, \"inferential and circumstantial\"", ". The New York Times believed that the report actually helped the president by debunking persistent rumors that he had been involved in the conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln.", "The report characterized Johnson as having undermined the United States Congress with the intent of empowering the former Southern rebels. In the Report, Williams wrote that Johnson had been acting in the interest of, \n\nThe report alleged that Johnson had acted in the interest of empowering the former Southern rebels,", "The report characterized the alleged intent of Johnson to empower the former Southern rebels in such a manner as being, \"the great master-key which unlocks and interprets all of....[Johnson's] special acts of mal-administration.\"", "The report levied the following seventeen charges against Johnson:\n That Johnson, \"assuming it to be his duty to execute the constitutional guaranty,\" had worked to (without the consent of the legislature) provide new governments for the former Confederate states as he pleased, and sought, \"to force them into the Union against the will of Congress and the people of the loyal States, by the authority and patronage of his high office.\"\n That Johnson had committed malfeasance by,", "That Johnson had committed malfeasance by,\nCreating offices not provisioned for under the law, and appointing \"men who were notoriously disqualified to take the test oath\" to those offices without the advice and consent of the United States Senate.\nActing, \"in clear violation of law,\" by using funds belonging to the United States Department of War to pay for the expenses of his own work and for salaries (at rates he had decided upon) of the holders of aforementioned non-provisioned offices.", "That Johnson had ordered those he appointed to positions that he created to appropriate government property and to levy taxes, \"from the conquered people\" in order to pay expenses related to their offices.\n That Johnson had \"without equivalent\" returned railroads and rolling stock that the Union Army had captured to their former Confederate stockholders and had, at great government expense, constructed and renovated Southern railroads.\n That Johnson had,", "That Johnson had,\n\"Without authority of law\", sold the aforementioned railroad stockholders \"at a private valuation, and on a long credit, without any security whatever\" a large amount of rolling stock and machinery that had been purchased by and belonged to the United States government.\nFollowing numerous defaults by those he had sold this rolling stock and machinery to, helped to allow them to pay debt they owed to other creditors by postponing their debt due to the United States government.", "Issued arrears of interest on a large amount of bonds of the companies guaranteed by the State of Tennessee, which Johnson himself held a large amount of.\n That Johnson had,\nGiven back former Confederate owners large amounts of cotton and other property that had been seized by the United States Treasury", "Worked to pay back proceeds of actual sales of such property, \"in utter contempt of the law\" by directing the Treasury to make such payments and by directing the aggrieved parties to seek remedy in the Courts, thereby violating \"the true meaning and spirit\" of the Constitutional clause containing the language that, \"no money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequences of appropriations made by law.\"", "That Johnson had \"to the great detriment of the public\" abused his pardon powers by releasing \"the most active and formidable\" leaders of the Confederacy, and had sought to restore to them their property and means of influence in the hopes of receiving their assistance in furthering his policy. Also that, Johnson had also been \"substantially delegating that power for the same objects to his provisional governors.\"", "The Johnson had abused his pardon powers in issuing the simultaneous full pardons of 193 deserters, and the restoring of their \"justly forfeited claims\" to arrears of pay from the Government, and that Johnson had done this without proper inquiry or sufficient evidence.\n That Johnson had,\n\"Refused to enforce the laws passed by Congress for the suppression of the rebellion, and punishment of those who gave it comfort and support,\" in directing proceedings against delinquents and their property", "Completely \"obstructed the course of public justice,\" by either prohibiting the start of such legal proceedings or (if they had already commenced) staying them indefinitely or ordering the absolute discontinuance of such proceedings.", "That Johnson had, \"further obstructed the course of public imprisonment\" for Clement Claiborne Clay (\"an important state prisoner\"), had forbidden Clay's arrest in proceedings instituted against him for treason and conspiracy in the State of Alabama, and had ordered property that had been seized from Clay by a United States district attorney to be restored to him.\n That Johnson had abused his Constitutional appointment power by,", "That Johnson had abused his Constitutional appointment power by,\nRemoving, \"on system and to the great prejudice of public,\" a large number of \"meritorious public officers\" solely because they refused to support Johnson's claim that he had a right to reorganize and restore the former Confederate states on his own terms, and because they had instead favored honoring, \"the jurisdiction and authority of Congress\" on such matters.", "Making recess appointments of people that he had previously nominated for office, and whose previous nominations been rejected by the United States Senate.", "That Johnson had, against the law, exercised powers to dispense by commissioning individuals who were \"notoriously disqualified by their participation in the rebellion from taking the oath of office required by act of Congress\" as revenue officers and to offices that had not been legislatively provided for, and had allowed them to take such offices and exercise their duties, and paid them salaries for their work.", "That Johnson had, in accordance with his public declaration that he, \"would veto all measures whenever they came to him\", systematically vetoed, \"all important measures of Congress looking to the reorganization and restoration of rebel States.\" That he had done so with, \"no other reasons than a determination to prevent the exercise of the undoubted power and jurisdiction of Congress over a question that was cognizable exclusively by them.\"", "That Johnson had, \"brought the patronage of his office into conflict the with freedom of elections,\" by permitting and encouraging his official retainers to travel the nation, attending political convention and addressing crowds instead of performing the jobs they were receiving \"high salaries\" for.", "That Johnson had, \"exerted all the influence of his position\" to prevent the residents of the former Confederate states from accepting terms that Congress had offered them, and had \"neutralized to a large extend the effects of the national victory by impressing them with the opinion that the Congress of the United States was bloodthirsty and implacable and that their only hope was in adhering to him.\"\nThat Johnson had,", "That Johnson had,\nThrough his, \"undue tenderness and transparent partiality\" to Confederates caused widespread, \"oppression and bloodshed\".\nEncouraged New Orleans massacre of 1866 (\"the murder of loyal citizens in New Orleans by a Confederate mob pretending to act as a police\") through hireling correspondence with its leaders.", "Encouraged the New Orleans massacre of 1866 by denouncing \"the exercise of the constitutional right of a political convention to assemble peacefully in that city\" as being an act of treason for which violent suppression was justified\nEncouraged the New Orleans massacre of 1866 by commanding the military to assist in forcing the dispersal of those attending the convention, rather than preventing the forced dispersal of convention attendees.", "That Johnson was, \"guilty of acts calculated, if not intended, to subvert the Government of the United States by denying that the Thirty-ninth Congress was a constitutional body and fostering a spirit of disaffection and disobedience to the law and rebellion against its authority by endeavoring. in public speeches, to bring it to odium and contempt.\"", "Minority reports\nOne minority report was agreed to by the two Democratic members (Marshall and Eldredge), while the other was agreed to by the two moderate Republicans that had voted against recommending impeachment (Woodbridge and Wilson).", "The Democratic minority report, was written by Marshall, and dissented from all criticism of Johnson. The Republican minority report, written by Wilson, wrote that, while they were against impeachment, they believed Johnson, \"deserves the censure and condemnation of every well-disposed citizen.\" It argued that the Congress should wait and let Americans remove Johnson from office in the 1868 presidential election", ". It declared that Johnson, \"has disappointed the hopes and expectations of those who placed him in power. He had betrayed their confidence and joined hands with their enemies.\" However it also declared, \"judge him politically, we must condemn him. But the day of political impeachments would be a sad one for this country.\". In the report, Wilson also wrote that, \"political unfitness and incapacity must be tried at the ballot box, not in the high court of impeachment.\"", "The Republican minority report argued that impeachment required a criminal offense and that, in impeachment trials, the Senate acted as a court, \"of special criminal jurisdiction,\" and therefore needed to follow legal forms. He argued that impeachment trials were not to be political procedures", ". He argued that impeachment trials were not to be political procedures. Without evidence, he argued that judicial rules of evidence were required to be applied in Senate impeachment trials and that, in such trials, the Senate could only be able to try offenses, \"known to the Constitution, or to the laws of the United States.\" Wilson made weak arguments in support of this, often using incomplete logic", ".\" Wilson made weak arguments in support of this, often using incomplete logic. Wilson's Republican majority report also gave effective rebuttals of the factual charges issued in the majority report.", "While the majority report had found American precedents to support its position that impeachment did not require a legal crime to be committed, Wilson argued the practical considerations of this theory in the Republican minority report. He voiced concern that, if impeachment were entirely a political process, it might mean that a president could be impeached merely for policies that are unpopular with their opponents.", "Reporting of the impeachment resolution, majority and minority reports, and testimony to the House", "Later on November 25, 1867, on behalf of the committee, Boutwell submitted to the House the majority report and the impeachment resolution. It was only then that those not on the committee learned that the committee had decided to support impeachment. The impeachment resolution reported by the committee simply read, \"Resolved, That Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, be impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors.\"", "Boutwell then submitted to the House the testimony taken by the committee in its inquiry. After this, the minority reports were submitted by James F. Wilson and Samuel S. Marshall The House then approved a motion by Boutwell to have the reports printed together and to postpone further consideration of the subject of impeachment until December 4, 1867", ". It was only after the reports were published that those not on the committee on found out that the change of vote in the House Committee on the Judiciary was due to Churchill having changed his stance on impeachment.", "House defeat of the impeachment resolution\nOn December 5, 1867, the House brought the Committee on the Judiciary's impeachment recommendation to the floor for consideration, and discussion was thereafter held on the impeachment resolution reported by the Judiciary Committee, with George S. Boutwell presenting a case for impeachment and James F. Wilson presenting a case against it.", "While conservative Republicans were confident that they would defeat impeachment, Radical Republicans were confident that they could succeed in securing impeachment. However, in the Judiciary Committee's vote, two of the committee's seven Republican members (each being two of the committee's three moderate Republicans) had opposed impeachment", ". This underscored the reality that Republicans remained divided on whether Johnson had committed conduct worthy of impeachment, with many moderate Republicans still having little appetite for an impeachment.", "At the time, there was a disagreement between Radical Republicans and conservative Republicans as to what constituted a \"high crime and misdemeanor\", which, along with treason and bribery constituted the sole grounds for which impeachment was allowed under the United States Constitution", ". Conservatives supported the theory put forth by the defense in a number of earlier federal impeachments that government officials only could be impeached for what constituted an indictable violation of criminal statutes or common law. Their support for this theory at that time largely arose from fears for the institutional and political effects impeachment would have on the nation's stability", ". Radical Republicans, on the other hand, believed in a more broad view on what \"high crimes and misdemeanors\" encompassed, believing that the nation's framers had intended for \"malfeasance, nonfeasance, and, in some cases, misfeasance,\" to be the subject of impeachment. They cited English precedents, earlier American impeachments, and a great consensus among most early nineteenth-century American constitutional commentators to support this view", ". They also cited the views of the likes of early American legal scholars such as William Duer, James Kent, William Rawle, and Joseph Story, as well as the authors of The Federalist Papers.", "George S. Boutwell's argument in support of impeachment", "The House Committee on the Judiciary's Radical Republicans selected, from their ranks, to have George S. Boutwell argue the case for impeachment to the house. He made a four-hour presentation, stretched over two legislative days (December 5 and 6, 1867), which historian Michael Les Benedict later described as, \"the clearest, most eloquent, and most convincing argument for the liberal view of the impeachment power\"", ". His speech largely focused on the question of whether the president's activities were legally impeachable. The speech lasted two hours.", "Boutwell argued that there needed to be a broad interpretation of impeachment powers. He assailed the notion that impeachment required a clear violation of the law in order to be applied. Instead, citing British precedent and debates from the Constitutional Convention, he argued that impeachment was intended to be used in instances where public trust had been violated, and that impeachment was to be used when an officer refused to \"faithfully execute\" their office", ". He argued that America could not wait until the next presidential election to remove an unsuitable president. Boutwell argued that impeachment power, \"is subject to no revision or control\", but is rather solely to be guided by the judgement of the House of Representatives.", "Boutwell also argued that Johnson had committed flagrant misdeeds that approached criminality in his subversion of the law and refusal to uphold the law, and therefore, his actions had been clearly impeachable. He cited Johnson's veto of the Reconstruction Acts which the congress had overwhelmingly passed. He cited Johnson's urging for southern states under federal control to refuse to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution", ". He also cited Johnson's creation of provisional governorships without authorization, and appointment of provisional governors that Boutwell claimed were ineligible to take official loyalty oaths due to their participation in the Confederacy. Citing these and other actions, Boutwell alleged that Johnsons actions were intended to return Confederates to power in the state and national governments against the judgement of Congress", ". Boutwell argued, \"can there be any doubt as to his purpose, or doubt as to the criminality of his purpose and his respojnsibility under the Constitution?\"", "Boutwell also framed a portion of his argument around the notion that impeachment could stop Johnson from interfering in the southern states during the 1868 presidential election, citing specific concerns that Johnson could suppress the vote of African Americans.\n\nBoutwell argued,\n\nJames F. Wilson's argument against impeachment", "After Boutwell's presentation, James F. Wilson, chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary took to the floor to argue against impeachment. Wilson argued that while Johnson was the \"worst of presidents\", his opposition to the positions of the Republican Party was not illegal. Wilson argued that, despite Boutwell's assertion that it did, the House did not have lone authority to determine what constitutes an \"impeachable offense\"", ". Wilson warned that a broad interpretation of impeachment powers, as Boutwell championed, in theory could allow the House to effectively dictate the policy of presidents. He spent half of his speech arguing that impeachment was only reserved for indictable crimes, and the other half attacking those who opposed this position.", "Wilson characterized the part of Boutwell's argument that had argued impeachment could stop Johnson from interfering in the southern states during the 1868 presidential election as Boutwell effectively arguing the House should be allowed to impeach Johnson for something he could do, rather than some thing he had done. Wilson argued, \"this would lead us even beyond the conscience of this house.\"", "Wilson also argued that much of Boutwell's argument was inconsistent with the majority committee report. Indeed, Boutwell's speech had a number of inconsistencies with the case made in the majority report. Boutwell's speech, at one point, had dismissed English precedents as irrelevant to impeachment under the United States constitution, despite the fact that the majority report cited English precedents", ". Boutwell had also argued against the minority's stance by characterizing their view as one under which an officer who committed murder in such a manner that they would be outside of United States court jurisdiction would be immune to impeachment. However, the majority report had explicitly stated a belief that murder would not be an impeachable offense, as it would not directly relate to officeholding", ". Michael Les Benedict has opined, \"Wilson's blunt analysis of the inconstancies between Boutwell's brilliant speech and William's mediocre report did tremendous damage to the impeachers' case.\"", "In his closing remarks, Wilson asked, \"if we cannot arraign the president for a specific crime, for what are we to proceed against him?...If we cannot state upon paper a specific crime, how are we to carry this case to the Senate for a trial?\"\n\nHouse vote on the impeachment resolution", "After finishing his speech on December 6, 1867, Wilson motioned to lay the resolution on the table. This motion angered the many Radical Republicans that had prepared speeches of their own on the question of impeachment and felt that a successful motion to table would allow Republicans to evade the question of impeachment, going without a direct vote on the matter. Several Radical Republicans filibustered the motion", ". Several Radical Republicans filibustered the motion. On December 7, 1867, Radical Republicans reached a quid pro quo agreement with Wilson in which they would end their filibuster and he would withdraw his motion to table the resolution in return for the House proceeding immediately to a vote on the resolution, rather than allowing further debate", ". As a result of this, general debate was not permitted on the resolution before it was voted on, with debate instead being limited to the speeches that had been delivered by Boutwell and Wilson.", "On December 7, the House voted against impeachment by a margin of 57–108, with 66 Republicans, 39 Democrats, and one member congressmen of other party affiliations voting against impeachment; and with all votes for impeachment coming from Republicans. 22 members of congress were absent (17 Republicans, 4 Democrats, and 1 independent Republican)", ". 22 members of congress were absent (17 Republicans, 4 Democrats, and 1 independent Republican). Speaker Schuyler Colfax (a Republican) did not vote, as House rules do not require the speaker to vote during ordinary legislative proceedings, unless their vote would be decisive or if the vote is being cast by ballot.", "One motivating factor for Republicans' decision to vote against impeachment may have been the successes Democrats had in the 1867 elections, including winning control of the Ohio General Assembly, as well as other 1867 election outcomes, such as voters in Connecticut, Minnesota, New York, and Ohio turning down propositions to grant African Americans suffrage by large margins", ". Other concerning election results included the very narrow margin-of-victory with which the Republican nominee won the 1867 Ohio gubernatorial election. Only in the states of Michigan and Kentucky did Republicans improve upon their 1866 election performances in 1867, while the remaining eighteen states with elections saw Republicans lose sizable ground over the previous elections", ". Michael Les Benedict has suggested that, as a result of these election results, in the Republican caucus, \"the centrists, who might have favored impeachment had the elections demonstrated radical strength,\" were left, \"divided, most of them opposing impeachment.\"", "Michael Les Benedict's analysis shows correlation between congressmen's votes in this impeachment vote and voting records in the 40th Congress votes on the matter of currency expansion, as well as voting records on Reconstruction issues during the 39th Congress.", "Aftermath\nRadical furor over the conservative and moderate Republicans' votes against impeachment threatened a schism in the Republican Party. Two days after the failed impeachment vote, Radicals met at Thaddeus Stevens' residence to discuss creating a separate congressional organization for Radicals, separate from the Republican Party.", "On December 13, 1867, members of the House availed themselves of freedom of debate in the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and several members discussed the failed impeachment resolution at length.", "With Johnson feeling liberated from the threat of impeachment, he began acting even more aggressively. He made moves that, combined with earlier actions, made it so every reconstructed state was being overseen by officers more sympathetic to former rebels than Southern loyalists to the union", ". On December 28, 1867, he removed John Pope from his position of command over Georgia and Alabama and Edward Ord from his position of command over Arkansas and Mississippi, replacing them respectively with the more conservative George Meade and the immensely conservative Alvan Cullem Gillem. He also substituted Meade's subordinate, Wager Swayne (who Meade had been delegating authority over Alabama to).", "On January 22, 1868, the House approved by a vote of 99–31 a resolution to launch a second impeachment inquiry against Andrew Johnson, this time run by the House Select Committee on Reconstruction. At a February 13, 1868 committee meeting, a vote on a motion to table consideration of a resolution proposed by Stevens to impeach Johnson had effectively signaled that five of the committee's members still stood opposed to impeachment, unchanged in their position since the December 1867 vote", ". After the February 13 vote, it momentarily appeared that the prospect of impeachment was dead.", "Impeachment of Johnson in 1868", "While impeachment appeared to be a dead issue after the February 13, 1868 vote by the Committee on Reconstruction, the prospect of impeachment would receive new life days later. On February 21, 1868, Johnson, in violation of the Tenure of Office Act that had been passed by Congress in March 1867 over Johnson's veto, attempted to remove Edwin Stanton, the secretary of war who the act was largely designed to protect, from office", ". On February 10, the House voted to move any further responsibility over impeachment away from the Committee on the Judiciary and to the Select Committee on Reconstruction", ". On February 21, 1868, Thaddeus Stevens submitted a resolution to the House resolving for the evidence taken on impeachment by first impeachment inquiry into Johnson be referred to the Select Committee on Reconstruction (who were conducting the second impeachment inquiry), and that the Committee on Reconstruction \"have leave to report at any time\". This resolution was approved by the House", ". This resolution was approved by the House. On February 22, the Select Committee on Reconstruction submitted to the House an impeachment resolution and a report that recommended Johnson be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. On February 24, 1868, the United States House of Representatives voted 126–47 to impeach Johnson for \"high crimes and misdemeanors\", which were detailed in eleven articles of impeachment passed in separate votes held roughly a week after the impeachment resolution was adopted.", "The primary charge presented against Johnson in the articles of impeachment that were adopted was that he had violated the Tenure of Office Act by removing Stanton from office. It was decided by the committee tasked with drafting the articles of impeachment that they would not include any of the charges that had been recommended by Thomas Williams' Judiciary Committee majority report in the first impeachment inquiry against Johnson", ". The New York Times reported that inclusion of those claims would be seen as fatally harming the, \"moral and legal effect of the prosecution\" in Johnson's impeachment. The articles of impeachment that were ultimately produced by the committee were narrow in their focus and were legalistic and molded on criminal indictment, likely in direct reaction to the failure of the broad allegations cited in the 1867 effort to persuade the House members.", "Johnson was narrowly acquitted in his Senate trial, with the Senate voting 35 to 19 votes in favor of conviction, one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to convict.\n\nSee also\nTimeline of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson\n\nExternal links\n\n Majority and minority reports of the United States House Committee on the Judiciary (printed November 25, 1867)\n\nReferences\n\nInquiry 1\n1867 in the United States\nJohnson, Andrew 1\nimpeachment inquiry against Andrew Johnson" ]
Dutch Americans
[ "Dutch Americans () are Americans of Dutch and Flemish descent whose ancestors came from the Low Countries in the distant past, or from the Netherlands as from 1830 when the Flemish became independent from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands by creating the Kingdom of Belgium. Dutch settlement in the Americas started in 1613 with New Amsterdam, which was exchanged with the English for Suriname at the Treaty of Breda (1667) and renamed New York City", ". The English split the Dutch colony of New Netherland into two pieces and named them New York and New Jersey. Further waves of immigration occurred in the 19th and 20th centuries.", "According to the 2021 American Community Survey, an estimated 3.1 million Americans claim total or partial Dutch heritage, while 884,857 Americans claimed total Dutch heritage. In 2021, 113,634 Dutch Americans were foreign-born (of which 61.5% in Europe). The 2009-2013 survey estimated 141,580 people of 5 years and over to speak Dutch at home, which was equal to 0.0486% of the total population of the United States. In 2021, 95", ".0486% of the total population of the United States. In 2021, 95.3% of the total Dutch American population of 5 years and over only spoke English at home.", "Prominent (partial) Dutch American political figures include Presidents Martin Van Buren, Warren G. Harding, and Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt and U.S. Senators Philip Schuyler, Nicholas Van Dyke, Hamilton Fish, John C. Ten Eyck, Daniel W. Voorhees, Arthur Vandenberg, Peter G. Van Winkle, Alan Simpson, Fred Thompson, John Hoeven, and Christopher Van Hollen. Two of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Egbert Benson and John Jay, were also of Dutch descent", ". Governors John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Harold G. Hoffman and Thomas Kean of New Jersey, William Henry Vanderbilt III of Rhode Island, George Bell Timmerman Jr. of South Carolina, and Cornelius P. Van Ness of Vermont were also born to Dutch American families", ". of South Carolina, and Cornelius P. Van Ness of Vermont were also born to Dutch American families. Today the majority of the Dutch Americans live in Michigan, California, Montana, Minnesota, Illinois, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Idaho, Utah, Iowa, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.", "Not included among Dutch Americans are the Pennsylvania Dutch, a group of mainly German Americans who settled in Pennsylvania in the colonial era and whose name is a derivation of the Pennsylvania Dutch endonym , which means \"Pennsylvania Dutch\" or \"German\". Ultimately, the terms Deitsch, Dutch, Diets and Deutsch are all descendants of the Proto-Germanic word , meaning \"popular\" or \"of the people\".\n\nDutch presence in the present-day territory of the United States", "Dutch presence in the present-day territory of the United States\n\nEarly exploration\nIn 1602, the Dutch government chartered the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC). It sent explorers under the command of Henry Hudson, who arrived in 1609 and mapped what is now known as the Hudson River. Their initial goal was to find an alternative route to Asia, but they found good farmland and plenty of wildlife instead.\n\nOldest Dutch settlement", "The earliest Dutch settlement was built around 1613; it consisted of a number of small huts built by the crew of the Tijger (Tiger), a Dutch ship under the command of Captain Adriaen Block which had caught fire while sailing on the Hudson in the winter of 1613. The ship was lost and Block and his crew established a camp ashore. In the spring, Block and his men did some explorations along the coast of Long Island. Block Island still bears his name", ". Block Island still bears his name. Finally, they were sighted and rescued by another Dutch ship and the settlement was abandoned.", "17th century migration", "Dutch trade in the New York area led to the establishment of trade posts as early as 1613. Permanent settlers arrived in 1617 at what is now Albany, New York. New Amsterdam was settled in 1625. In 1629, Dutch officials tried to expand the northern colony through a plan that promised \"Liberties and Exemptions\" to anyone who would ship fifty colonists to America at his own expense", ". Anyone who did so would be allowed to buy a stretch of land along the Hudson River from the Dutch West India Company of about twelve miles, extending as far inland as the owner wanted. The landowners were called patroons and had complete jurisdiction over their domains as well as extensive trading privileges. They also received these rights in perpetuity. That was a form of feudalism, which had vanished in the Dutch Republic but was introduced in North America", ". The Patroonships were not a success; by 1635, the Dutch West India Company had bought back four of the five patroonships originally registered in Amsterdam.", "The Native Americans were no longer consulted or offered/asked to sell their lands. The Dutch were confronted with a new phenomenon, Native American raids, since the local tribes had now realized that the Dutch were not simply visitors but people set to settle their land.", "The Dutch realized that they had gone with the wrong approach as they offered great privileges to wealthy, not poor, citizens. It was not until 1656 that the Dutch state abandoned its passivity and decided to actively support New Netherland. The Dutch state issued a proclamation, which stated that \"all mechanics and farmers who can prove their ability to earn a living here shall receive free passage for themselves, their wives and children\".", "Although the Dutch were in control, only about half the settlers were ethnically Dutch (the other half consisted mainly of Walloons, Germans, and French Huguenots as well as New England Yankees). Manhattan grew increasingly multicultural. In 1664, the English seized the colony and renamed it New York. The Dutch briefly recaptured the colony in 1673, but during peace talks with the English, they decided to trade it in 1674 for Suriname in South America, which was more profitable.\n\n18th century", "18th century\n\nIn the hundred years of British rule that followed the change of ownership of New Netherland, Dutch immigration to America came to an almost complete standstill.", "While the Netherlands was a small country, the Dutch Empire was quite large so emigrants leaving the mother country had a wide variety of choices. New Amsterdam was not high on their list, especially because of the Native American risk. The major Dutch cities were centers of high culture, but they still sent immigrants. Most new arrivals were farmers from remote villages who, on arrival, in America scattered into widely separated villages with little contact with one another", ". Even inside a settlement, different Dutch groups had minimal interaction. With very few new arrivals, the result was an increasingly traditional system cut off from the forces for change. The people maintained their popular culture, revolving around their language and their Calvinist religion. The Dutch brought along their own folklore, most famously Sinterklaas (the foundation of the modern-day Santa Claus), and created their own as in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", ". They maintained their distinctive clothing, and food preferences and introduced some new foods to America, including beets, endive, spinach, parsley, and cookies.", "After the British takeover, the rich Dutch families in Albany and New York City emulated the English elite and purchased English furniture, silverware, crystal, and jewelry. They were proud of their language, which was strongly reinforced by the church, but they were much slower than the Yankees in setting up schools for their children. They finally set up Queens College (now Rutgers University) in New Jersey, but it quickly became anglicized", ". They never attempted to start newspapers; they published no books and only a handful of religious tracts annually. Pietist leader Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen (1691–1747) launched a series of revivals that challenge the mainstream church's emphasis on sacraments. Church buildings increasingly followed English rather than historic Dutch models. Politically, however, there was a strong anti-British sentiment that led most of the Dutch to support the American Revolution", ". One famous Dutch folk hero was Rip Van Winkle, characterized by being absurdly old-fashioned and out of date, which aimed to instill the establishment of an American culture distinct from British culture. Most farmers focused on providing subsistence for their families; about a third were chiefly oriented to market prices.", "Dutch Quakers came to the Philadelphia area in response to the appeal of William Penn. Penn, himself a Dutch Briton (his mother being from Rotterdam), had paid three visits to the Netherlands, where he published several pamphlets.", "Colonial Dutch American population in 1790", "The Census Bureau produced estimates of the colonial American population with roots in the Netherlands, in collaboration with the American Council of Learned Societies, by scholarly classification of the names of all White heads of families recorded in the first U.S. census of 1790", ".S. census of 1790. The government required accurate estimates of the origins of the colonial stock population as basis for computing National Origins Formula immigration quotas in the 1920s; for this task scholars estimated the proportion of names in each state determined to be of Dutch derivation. The final report estimated about 3.1% of the U.S", ". The final report estimated about 3.1% of the U.S. population in 1790 was of Dutch origin, heavily concentrated in the Middle Colonies of historic New Netherland which became the British American Colonial Province of New York, Province of New Jersey, Province of Pennsylvania, and Delaware Colony—ultimately forming the U.S. states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.", "19th century", "During the early nineteenth century, large numbers of Dutch farmers, forced by high taxes and low wages, started immigrating to America. They mainly settled down in the Midwest, especially Michigan, Illinois and Iowa. In the 1840s, Calvinist immigrants desiring more religious freedom immigrated", ". In the 1840s, Calvinist immigrants desiring more religious freedom immigrated. West Michigan in particular has become associated with Dutch American culture, and the highly conservative influence of the Dutch Reformed Church, centering on the cities of Holland and (to a lesser extent) Grand Rapids.", "Waves of Catholic emigrants, initially encouraged in the 1840s by Father Theodore J. van den Broek, emigrated from the southern Netherlands to form communities in Wisconsin, primarily to Little Chute, Hollandtown, and the outlying farming communities. Whole families and even neighborhoods left for America. Most of these early emigrants were from villages near Uden, including Zeeland, Boekel, Mill, Oploo and Gemert", ". By contrast, many Protestant agrarian emigrants to Michigan and Iowa were drawn from Groningen, Friesland, and Zeeland; areas known for their clay soils.", "The Dutch economy of the 1840s was stagnant and much of the motivation to emigrate was economic rather than political or religious. The emigrants were not poor, as the cost of passage, expenses, and land purchase in America would have been substantial. They were not, however, affluent and many would have been risking most of their wealth on the chance of economic improvement. There were also political pressures at the time that favored mass emigrations of Protestants.", "20th century migration\nA significant number of Dutchmen emigrated to the United States after World War  II arrived from Indonesia via the Netherlands. After Indonesia, formerly known as the Dutch East Indies, gained independence its Indo-European (Eurasian) population known as Indies Dutchmen (Dutch: Indische Nederlanders) repatriated to the Netherlands. Around 60,000 continued their diaspora to the United States. This particular group is also known as Dutch-Indonesians, Indonesian-Dutch, or Amerindos.", "\"Nine tenths of the so called Europeans (in the Dutch East Indies) are the offspring of whites married to native women. These mixed people are called Indo-Europeans... They have formed the backbone of officialdom. In general they feel the same loyalty to Holland as do the white Netherlanders. They have full rights as Dutch citizens and they are Christians and follow Dutch customs. This group has suffered more than any other during the Japanese occupation.\" Official U.S", ". This group has suffered more than any other during the Japanese occupation.\" Official U.S. Army publication for the benefit of G.I.'s, 1944.", "These Dutch Indos mainly entered the United States under legislative refugee measures and were sponsored by Christian organizations such as the Church World Service and the Catholic Relief Services. An accurate count of Indo immigrants is not available, as the U.S. Census classified people according to their self-determined ethnic affiliation", ".S. Census classified people according to their self-determined ethnic affiliation. The Indos could have therefore been included in overlapping categories of \"country of origin\", \"other Asians,\" \"total foreign\", \"mixed parentage\", \"total foreign-born\" and \"foreign mother tongue\". However the Indos that settled in the United States via the legislative refugee measures number at least 25,000 people.", "The original post-war refugee legislation of 1948, already adhering to a strict \"affidavit of support\" policy, was still maintaining a color bar making it difficult for Indos to emigrate to the United States. By 1951 American consulates in the Netherlands registered 33,500 requests and had waiting times of 3 to 5 years. Also the Walter-McCarren Act of 1953 adhered to the traditional American policy of minimizing immigrants from Asia", ". The yearly quota for Indonesia was limited to a 100 visas, even though Dutch foreign affairs attempted to profile Indos as refugees from the alleged pro-communist Sukarno administration.", "The 1953 flood disaster in the Netherlands resulted in the Refugee Relief Act including a slot for 15,000 ethnic Dutch that had at least 50% European blood (one year later loosened to Dutch citizens with at least two Dutch grandparents) and an immaculate legal and political track record. In 1954 only 187 visas were actually granted. Partly influenced by the anti-Western rhetoric and policies of the Sukarno administration the anti-communist senator Francis E", ". Walter pleaded for a second term of the Refugee Relief Act in 1957 and an additional slot of 15,000 visas in 1958.", "In 1958, the Pastore–Walter Immigration Act for the relief of certain distressed aliens was passed allowing for a one-off acceptance of 10,000 Dutchmen from Indonesia (excluding the regular annual quota of 3,136 visas)", ". It was hoped however that only 10% of these Dutch refugees would in fact be racially mixed Indos and the American embassy in The Hague was frustrated with the fact that Canada, where ethnic profiling was even stricter, was getting the full-blooded Dutch and the United States was getting Dutch \"all rather heavily dark\". Still in 1960 senators Pastore and Walter managed to get a second two-year term for their act which was used by a great number of Dutch Indos.", "Dutch influence on the United States", "According to tradition, in 1626 Peter Minuit obtained the island of Manhattan from the Native Americans in exchange for goods with a total value of 60 guilders ($24); most aspects of the story have been called into question by experts. Minuit, a Walloon, was employed by the Dutch West India Company to manage its colony of New Amsterdam, the future New York", ". The names of some other settlements that were established still exist today as boroughs and neighborhoods of New York: Brooklyn (Breukelen), Wall Street (Wal Straat), Stuyvesant, The Bronx (named after Dutch settler Jonas Bronck), Staten Island (named after the Dutch parliament, the Staten Generaal), Harlem (Haarlem), Coney Island (Konijnen Eiland, means \"Rabbit Island\") and Flushing (Vlissingen).", "In 1657 the clash between Peter Stuyvesant and Quakers led by John Bowne resulted in the Flushing Remonstrance which served as the basis for religious freedom in America.", "Dutch settlers and their descendants in the colonies played active roles in the American Revolution and the formation of the United States, most especially descendants of the Schuyler family and the Van Cortlandt family. Dutch American signers of the Declaration of Independence included Philip Livingston and Lewis Morris, both from New York. Generals for the patriots included Philip Schuyler, Peter Gansevoort, and Major General James Morgan Jr. from New Jersey", ". from New Jersey. On the side working with the British included New York City Mayor David Mathews (a cousin of General Schuyler), Major General Oliver Delancey and Brigadier General Cortlandt Skinner (both Schuyler family descendants).", "During the American war of Independence the Dutch were active allies of the American revolutionaries. From the island of Sint Eustatius they gave the Thirteen Colonies one of the few opportunities to acquire arms. In 1778, British Lord Stormont claimed in parliament that \"if Sint Eustatius had sunk into the sea three years before, the United Kingdom would already have dealt with George Washington\".", "The Dutch were the first to salute the flag and, therefore, the first to acknowledge the independence of the United States on November 16, 1776.\n The American Declaration of Independence is said to have in many ways been influenced by the Dutch \"Plakkaat van Verlatinghe\" (Act of Abjuration).", "Several American Presidents had Dutch ancestry:\n Martin Van Buren, 8th President. He was a key organizer of the Democratic Party and the first president who was not of English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh descent. He is also the only president not to have spoken English as his first language, but rather grew up speaking Dutch.", "Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President. Roosevelt is most famous for his personality, his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his \"cowboy\" persona. In 1901, he became president after the assassination of President William McKinley. Roosevelt was a Progressive reformer who sought to move the Republican Party into the Progressive camp.\n Warren G. Harding, 29th President. His mother's ancestors were Dutch, including the well known Van Kirk family.", "Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President. Elected to four terms in office, he served from 1933 to 1945, and is the only U.S. president to have served more than two terms. A central figure of the twentieth century, he has consistently been ranked as one of the three greatest U.S. presidents in scholarly surveys.\n George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, 41st and 43rd Presidents, respectively. They count members of the Schuyler family and the related Beekman family among their ancestors.", "Dutch language and Dutch names in North America", "The first Dutch settlers lived in small isolated communities, and as a consequence were barely exposed to English. As the Dutch lost their own colonies in North America to the British, the Dutch settlers increasingly were exposed to other immigrants and their languages and the Dutch language gradually started to disappear. The 2009-2013 American Community Survey estimated 141,580 people of 5 years and over to speak Dutch at home, which was equal to 0.0486% of the population in the United States", ".0486% of the population in the United States. In 2021, 95.3% of the total Dutch American population of 5 years and over only spoke English at home.", "In 1764, Archibald Laidlie preached the first English sermon to the Dutch Reformed congregation in New York City. Ten years later English was introduced in the schools. In Kingston, Dutch was used in church as late as 1808. A few years before, a traveler had reported that on Long Island and along the North River in Albany, Dutch was still the lingua franca of the elderly.", "Francis Adrian van der Kemp, who came to the United States as a refugee in 1788, wrote that his wife was able to converse in Dutch with the wives of Alexander Hamilton and General George Clinton. In 1847, immigrants from the Netherlands were welcomed in Dutch by the Reverend Isaac Wyckoff upon their arrival in New York. Wyckoff himself was a descendant of one of the first settlers in Rensselaerswyck, who had learned to speak English at school.", "Until recently many communities in New Jersey adhered to the tradition of a monthly church service in Dutch. As late as 1905, Dutch was still heard among the old people in the Ramapo Valley of that state. Dutch is still spoken by the elderly and their children in Western Michigan. It was not until 1910 that Roseland Christian School in Chicago switched to an English curriculum from Dutch.\n\nNames of Dutch origin", "Names of Dutch origin \n\nIn the first half of the twentieth century, the Dutch language was hardly spoken in North America, with the exception of first generation Dutch immigrants. The marks of the Dutch heritage — in language, in reference to historical Dutch people (for example Stuyvesant) and in reference to Dutch places — can still be seen. There are about 35 Dutch restaurants and bakeries in the United States, most of them founded in the 20th century.", "Adaptation of Dutch names for places in the United States was common. New York City for example has many originally Dutch street and place names, which date back to the time it was the Dutch colony of New Netherland. Several landmarks like Conyne Eylandt (Modern Dutch: Konijn eiland, meaning Rabbit Island) became more suitable to Anglophones (Coney Island). Additionally, Brooklyn (Breukelen), Harlem (Haarlem), Wall Street (walstraat) and Broadway (brede weg) are adapted after Dutch names or words", ". And up the river in New York State Piermont, Orangeburg, Blauvelt and Haverstraw, just to name a few places. In the Hudson Valley region there are many places and waterways whose names incorporate the word -kill, Dutch for \"stream\" or \"riverbed\", including the Catskill Mountains, Peekskill, and the Kill van Kull. Also, the American state of Rhode Island is a surviving example of Dutch influence in Colonial America", ". In 1614, was christened as Roodt Eylandt (Rood Eiland in modern Dutch), meaning \"Red Island\", referring to the red clay found on the island.", "English words of Dutch origin \n\nDutch and English are both part of the West Germanic language group and share several aspects, due to the fact that the birthplaces of both languages (Netherlands and the United Kingdom) are only separated by the North Sea. Similarities between Dutch and English are abundant, as an estimated 1% of the English words is of Dutch origin. Examples include the article \"the\" (de in Dutch), the words \"book\" (boek), \"house\" (huis), \"pen\" (pen), and, \"street\" (straat), among others.", "There are also some words in American English that are of Dutch origin, like \"cookie\" (koekje) and \"boss\" (baas). And in some American family names a couple of Dutch characteristics still remain. Like (a) the prefix \"van\" (as in Martin Van Buren), (b) the prefix \"de\"(/\"der\"/\"des\"/\"den\") (as in Jared DeVries), (c) a combination of the two \"van de ...\" (as in Robert J", "...\" (as in Robert J. Van de Graaff), or (d) \"ter\"/\"te\"(\"ten\"), which mean respectively (a) \"of\" (possessive or locative), (b) \"the\" (definite article), (c) \"of the...\" and (d) \"at the\" (\"of the\"/\"in the\") (locative).", "Creole dialects \nContact between other languages also created various creoles with Dutch as the base language. Two examples, Jersey Dutch and Mohawk Dutch, are now extinct. This is possibly due to the ease of transition from Dutch to English, stemming from a shared linguistic genealogy.", "Newspapers", "Little Chute, Wisconsin, remained a Dutch-speaking community—known locally as \"speaking Hollander\"—into the twentieth century. As late as 1898, church sermons and event announcements were in Dutch. Dutch newspapers continued in the area—mainly in De Pere by Catholic clergymen—were published up until World War I", ". The only remaining publication that is written exclusively in Dutch is Maandblad de Krant, which is published monthly in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, and mailed to subscribers throughout the United States from Oroville, Washington.", "Dutch-American Heritage Day", "As of 1990, November 16 is \"Dutch-American Heritage Day\". On November 16, 1776, a small American warship, the Andrew Doria, sailed into the harbor of the Dutch island of Sint Eustatius in the West Indies. Only four months before, the United States had declared its independence from Great Britain. The American crew was delighted when the governor of the island ordered that his fort's cannons be fired in a friendly salute", ". The first ever given by a foreign power to the flag of the United States, it was a risky and courageous act. Indeed, angered by Dutch trading and contraband with the rebellious colonies, the British seized the island a few years later. The Dutch recaptured the island in 1784.", "Dutch-American Friendship Day\nApril 19 is Dutch-American Friendship Day, which remembers the day in 1782 when John Adams, later to become the second president of the United States, was received by the States General in The Hague and recognized as Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. It was also the day that the house he had purchased at Fluwelen Burgwal 18 in The Hague was to become the first American Embassy in the world.\n\nDutch Heritage Festivals", "Many of the Dutch heritage festivals that take place around the United States coincide with the blooming of tulips in a particular region", ". The Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan is the largest such festival with other notable gatherings such as the Pella Tulip Time in Pella, Iowa; Tulip Festival in Orange City, Iowa and Albany, New York; Dutch Days in Fulton, Illinois; Let's Go Dutch Days in Baldwin, Wisconsin; Holland Days in Lynden, Washington; Holland Happening in Oak Harbor, Washington; Holland Fest in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin, and the Wooden Shoe Tulip Fest in Woodburn, Oregon", ". Often Dutch heritage festivals coincide with the blooming of the tulip. See Tulip Festival for additional explanations of some of these festivals. A Dutch Festival is also held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York; and a Holland Festival in Long Beach, California. A traditional Dutch Kermis Festival is celebrated in October in Little Chute, WI", ". A traditional Dutch Kermis Festival is celebrated in October in Little Chute, WI. During late November and early December, a Dutch Winterfest is held in Holland, MI, to coincide with the traditional arrival of Sinterklaas; the cultural ancestor of the American Santa Claus.\" There is an annual Sinterklass festival held in Rhinebeck and Kingston, New York where Sinterklaas crosses the Hudson River and a parade is held in recognition of the Greater New York Area's Dutch cultural heritage.", "Lately, many of the larger cities in the U.S. have a King's Day (Koningsdag) festival that is celebrated in the Netherlands on April 27 to celebrate the birthday of King Willem Alexander. The Portland Dutch Society started this annual Dutch Holiday celebration in Portland, OR in 2013 and will have one again in 2015 on April 26", ". It is celebrated by people of Dutch heritage dressed in their Orange clothes and enjoying the sounds of Dutch music and eating typical Dutch foods like kroketten, patat met mayonnaise, zoute haring, and other Dutch delicacies.", "Dutch-American people of color\nMost Dutch-Americans are white, but some are people of color, including Black Dutch-Americans. During the 18th and 19th centuries, many enslaved and free Black people spoke Dutch. New York City and New Jersey had notable Dutch-speaking Black populations during the colonial era and into the 1800s, dating back to the Dutch settlement in New Amsterdam.", "Religion", "The beginnings of the Reformed Church in America date to 1628. By 1740, it had 65 congregations in New York and New Jersey, served by ministers trained in Europe. Schools were few but to obtain their own ministers they formed \"Queens College\" (now Rutgers University) in 1766. In 1771, there were 34 ministers for over 100 churches. Until 1764, in at least three Dutch churches in New York City, all sermons were in Dutch; Theodore Roosevelt reports his grandfather's church used Dutch as late as 1810", ". Other churches with roots in Dutch immigration to the United States include the Christian Reformed Church, the Protestant Reformed Churches, the United Reformed Churches, the Netherlands Reformed Congregations, the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations and the Free Reformed Churches. Along with the Reformed churches, Roman Catholicism is the other major religion of Dutch Americans", ". Along with the Reformed churches, Roman Catholicism is the other major religion of Dutch Americans. Beginning in 1848, a significant number of Roman Catholics from the Dutch provinces of North Brabant, Limburg and southern Gelderland went to create many settlements in northeastern Wisconsin. But even today, Dutch Americans remain majority Protestant.", "Numbers", "Between 1820 and 1900, 340,000 Dutch emigrated from the Netherlands to the United States. In the aftermath of World War II, several tens of thousands of Dutch immigrants joined them, mainly moving to California and Washington. In several counties in Michigan and Iowa, Dutch Americans remain the largest ethnic group. In 2020, most self-reported Dutch Americans live in Michigan, followed by California and New York", ". In 2020, most self-reported Dutch Americans live in Michigan, followed by California and New York. While the highest concentration of Dutch Americans are found in South Dakota, Michigan, Iowa, and Wisconsin. According to 2021 US Census data, 3,083,041 Americans self-reported to be of (partial) Dutch ancestry, while 884,857 Americans claimed full Dutch heritage. 2,969,407 Dutch Americans were native born in 2021, while 113,634 Dutch Americans were foreign-born, of which 61", ".5% was born in Europe and 62,9% entered the United States before 2000.", "2000 population of Dutch ancestry", "According to the 2000 US Census, more than 5 million Americans claimed total or partial Dutch heritage. They were particularly concentrated around Grand Rapids, Michigan; Rock Rapids, Iowa; Sioux City, Iowa; Des Moines, Iowa; Fulton, Illinois, Celeryville, Ohio, and Little Chute, Wisconsin. These areas are surrounded with towns and villages that were founded by Dutch settlers in the 19th century, such as Holland, Michigan and Zeeland, Michigan; Pella, Iowa, and Orange City, Iowa", ". Other Dutch enclaves include Lynden, Washington, Ripon, California, and places in New Jersey. It is estimated that, by 1927, as many as 40,000 Dutch settlers, primarily from North Brabant and Limburg, had immigrated to the United States, with the largest concentrations in the area near Little Chute, Wisconsin. By the early twentieth century, Little Chute was the largest Catholic Dutch community in the United States", ". In the Chicago suburbs, there are sizable Dutch communities in and around Elmhurst, Wheaton, Palos Heights, South Holland, Lansing, Dyer, and other surrounding communities, anchored by Reformed churches and Christian schools.", "In California, the San Joaquin Delta had a major Dutch (incl. Frisian) and Belgian influence, as settlers from those countries arrived in the 1850s, after California obtained statehood. They drained away swamps and created artificial islands known as polders, constructed dikes to back away the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers flowing into the San Francisco Bay, also turned them into fertile farmlands and set up inland ports such as Stockton", ". Also their communities like Lathrop, Galt, Rio Vista and French Camp which were named for Belgians from Belgium are of both French (Walloon) or Flemish origin. There is a Dutch community in Redlands, Ontario, Ripon and Bellflower.", "2020 population of Dutch ancestry by state \n\nAs of 2020, the distribution of self-reported Dutch Americans across the 50 states and DC is as presented in the following table:\n\nNotable people\n\nHarmen Jansen Knickerbocker was an early Dutch settler of New York's Hudson River Valley.", "In art, Willem de Kooning was a leading Abstract Expressionist painter, often depicting the human form in violent brush strokes and daring color juxtapositions. Muralist Anthony Heinsbergen interior designs are still seen today in most of the world's movie theaters. Cowboy artist Earl W. Bascom, a sculptor known as the \"cowboy of cowboy artists\", is a descendant of the Van Riper family who was early settlers of New York.", "In business, the Vanderbilt family was once among the richest families in the United States.", "In literature, Janwillem van de Wetering is renowned for his detective fiction; his most popular creation being that of Grijpstra and de Gier. Edward W. Bok was a Pulitzer Prize-winning autobiographer and magazine editor. He is also credited with coining the term \"living room\". Greta Van Susteren's father was a Dutch American", ". Greta Van Susteren's father was a Dutch American. Prolific poet Leo Vroman escaped from the Nazi-occupied Netherlands to the Dutch East Indies to end up in a harsh concentration camp for Europeans run by the Japanese army when it overran the islands. After the war, he immigrated to the United States. His Dutch Indonesian friend, fellow camp survivor, and author Tjalie Robinson also lived in the United States, where he founded several cultural institutions", ". The author Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, writer of the book Soldier of Orange, was a Dutch resistance fighter, spy, and decorated war hero that immigrated to the United States after World War  II. Born on Java in the Dutch East Indies, he died in his home in Hawaii.", "In entertainment, actor, presenter and entertainer Dick Van Dyke is of Dutch descent, with a career spanning six decades. He is best known for his starring roles in Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Dick Van Dyke Show and Diagnosis: Murder. Dick Van Patten and his son Vincent are of Dutch descent; Dick was famous for the television show Eight is Enough", ". Three generations of Fondas from Fonda, New York have graced the stage and screen for almost a century, including Henry Fonda, son Peter Fonda, daughter Jane Fonda, granddaughter Bridget Fonda and grandson Troy Garity. The X-Men trilogy starred Dutch actress Famke Janssen and Dutch-descended Rebecca Romijn who is perhaps best known for her TV roles in such comedies as Ugly Betty. Anneliese van der Pol, a singer and actress, is a star of Disney's That's so Raven", ". Anneliese van der Pol, a singer and actress, is a star of Disney's That's so Raven. Iconic star Audrey Hepburn was born in Belgium to a Dutch expatriate. Musicians Eddie and Alex van Halen were the lead guitarist and drummer, respectively, and co-founders of the band Van Halen, born to a Dutch father and Dutch-Indonesian mother. Bruce Springsteen's father was of Dutch and Irish heritage, from one of the original families that settled in New Netherland", ". The brothers Ronny, Johnny, and Donnie van Zant, the lead singer of Lynyrd Skynyrd and founder of 38 Special have Dutch ancestry. Singer Whitney Houston had Dutch ancestry. Don Van Vliet, the musician with the stage name Captain Beefheart, changed his middle name from Glen to the preposition to 1965 to honor his Dutch heritage. Actor Mark-Paul Gosselaar, known from the series Saved by the Bell, was born to a Dutch father and a Dutch-Indonesian mother", ". Matt Groening, the author of The Simpsons and Futurama has Dutch Mennonite ancestors, his family name originating from the Dutch city of Groningen. Chevy Chase also has deep Dutch roots from colonial New York.", "In politics, Peter Stuyvesant was the last Director-General of the colony of New Netherland. Stuyvesant greatly expanded the settlement of New Amsterdam, today known as New York. Stuyvesant's administration built the protective wall on Wall Street, and the canal that became Broad Street, known today as Broadway. The prestigious Stuyvesant High School is named after him. Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidents of the United States, were not only of Dutch descent but cousins", ". Martin Van Buren was another president of Dutch descent. Martin Kalbfleisch served as a U.S. Representative for the state of New York. Pete Hoekstra served as congressman for the state of Michigan's 2nd congressional district from 1993 until 2011. On January 10, 2018, he took office as United States Ambassador to the Netherlands. Jacob Aaron Westervelt was a renowned and prolific shipbuilder and Mayor of New York (1853–1855).", "In science and technology, inventor and businessman Thomas Edison was of Dutch descent. Nicolaas Bloembergen won the Nobel Prize in 1981 for his work in laser spectroscopy. He was also awarded the Lorentz Medal in 1978. Physicists Samuel Abraham Goudsmit and George Eugene Uhlenbeck proposed the concept of electron spin. Goudsmit was also the scientific head of the Operation Alsos mission in the Manhattan Project. Tjalling Koopmans was the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1975.", "In astronomy, Maarten Schmidt pioneered the research of quasars. Astronomer Gerard Kuiper discovered two new moons in the Solar System and predicted the existence of the Kuiper belt, which is named in his honor. Popular astronomer Bart J. Bok won the Klumpke-Roberts Award in 1982 and the Bruce Medal in 1977. Jan Schilt invented the Schilt photometer.", "In sports, Hall of Fame baseball player and two-time World Series champion Bert Blyleven gained fame for his curveball. Earl Bascom was a Hall of Fame rodeo champion known as the \"father of modern rodeo.\" Golfer Tiger Woods has Dutch ancestry through his mother.", "In religion, Albertus van Raalte was a Reformed Church of America pastor who led the Dutch immigrants who founded the city of Holland, Michigan in 1846. Louis Berkhof, a Reformed systematic theologian, is greatly studied today in seminaries and Bible colleges. Herman Hoeksema, a theologian, was instrumental in the series of events that precipitated the creation of the Protestant Reformed Church. Prominent Christian author Lewis B", ". Prominent Christian author Lewis B. Smedes wrote Forgive and Forget, an influential work discussing a religious view on sexuality and forgiveness. Menno Simons (1496 – January 31, 1561) was a former Catholic priest from the Friesland region of the Netherlands who became an influential Anabaptist religious leader. Simons was a contemporary of the Protestant Reformers and it is from his name that his followers became known as Mennonites.", "See also\n\n Dutch Canadians\n European Americans\n Hyphenated American\n Netherlands–United States relations\n Dutch, the magazine\n Van (Dutch)\n Dutch West Indian Americans\n Dutch Americans in New York City\n Surinamese Americans\n Dutch Americans in Michigan\n\nReferences", "Further reading\nBratt, James D. Dutch Calvinism in Modern America: A History of a Conservative Subculture. (Eerdmans, 1984).\n Brinks, Herbert J. \"Dutch Americans.\" in Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America, edited by Thomas Riggs, (3rd ed., vol. 2, Gale, 2014), pp. 35–45. online\nCorwin, S. T. History of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States (1895).\n De Gerald, F. Jong The Dutch in America, 1609-1974. (Twayne, 1975); short survey", "De Gerald, F. Jong The Dutch in America, 1609-1974. (Twayne, 1975); short survey\n Ganzevoort, Herman, and Mark Boekelman, eds. Dutch Immigration to North America. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1983.\n Goodfriend, Joyce D. Benjamin Schmidt, and Annette Stott, eds. Going Dutch: The Dutch Presence in America, 1609-2009 (2008)", "Kirk, Gordon W. The Promise of American Life: Social Mobility in a Nineteenth-Century Immigrant Community, Holland, Michigan, 1847-1894. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1978.\n Krabbendam, Hans. Freedom on the Horizon: Dutch Immigration to America, 1840-1940 (2009), Emphasis on the Dutch Reformed Church\n Kroes, Rob. The Persistence of Ethnicity: Dutch Calvinist Pioneers in Amsterdam, Montana. University of Illinois Press, 1992.", "Kroes, Rob, and Henk-Otto Neuschafer, eds. The Dutch in North America: Their Immigration and Cultural Continuity. Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1991.\n Kromminga, John. The Christian Reformed Church: A Study in Orthodoxy. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 1949.\n Lucas, Henry. Netherlanders in America: Dutch Immigration to the United States and Canada, 1789-1950. The University of Michigan Press, 1955.\n Schreuder, Yda. Dutch Catholic Immigrant Settlement in Wisconsin, 1850-1905. New York: Garland, 1989.", "Swierenga, Robert P. The Forerunners: Dutch Jewry in the North American Diaspora. Wayne State University Press, 1994.\n Swierenga, Robert P. ed. The Dutch in America: Immigration, Settlement, and Cultural Change. Rutgers University Press, 1985.\n Swierenga, Robert P., \"Faith and Family --Dutch Immigration and Settlement in the United States, 1820–1920\" (Ellis Island Series.) New York: Holmes and Meyer. 2000.", "Taylor, Lawrence J. Dutchmen on the Bay: The Ethnohistory of a Contractual Community. The University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983.\n Thernstrom, Stephan, ed. Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. Harvard University Press, 1980.\n Van Jacob Hinte. Netherlanders in America: A Study of Emigration and Settlement in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in the United States of America. Ed. Robert P. Swierenga. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1985. translation of a 1928 Dutch-language book", "Wabeke, Bertus Harry Dutch emigration to North America, 1624-1860\n Wittke, Carl. We Who Built America: The Saga of the Immigrant (1939), ch 2, 11", "Colonial/ New Netherland \n Balmer, Randall. A Perfect Babel of Confusion: Dutch Religion and English Culture in the Middle Colonies (2002).\n \n Cohen, David Steven. \"How Dutch Were the Dutch of New Netherland?.\" New York History 62#1 (1981): 43–60. in JSTOR\n Cooke, Jacob Ernest, ed. Encyclopedia of the North American colonies (3 vol. 1993), highly detailed topical coverage of the Dutch colonists.\n Jacobs, Jaap. New Netherland: a Dutch colony in seventeenth-century America (Brill, 2005) online.", "Jacobs, Jaap. New Netherland: a Dutch colony in seventeenth-century America (Brill, 2005) online.\n Kenney, Alice P. \"Neglected Heritage: Hudson River Valley Dutch Material Culture.\" Winterthur Portfolio 20#1 (1985): 49–70. in JSTOR\n Kim, Sung Bok. Landlord and Tenant in Colonial New York: Manorial Society, 1664-1775 (1987)\n Leiby; Adrian C. The Revolutionary War in the Hackensack Valley: The Jersey Dutch and the Neutral Ground, 1775-1783 Rutgers University Press. 1962.", "Nissenson, S. G. The Patroon's Domain (1937).\n Roeber, A. G. \"Dutch colonists cope with English control\" in Bernard Bailyn, and Philip D. Morgan, eds. Strangers within the realm: cultural margins of the first British Empire (1991) pp 222–36.\n Scheltema, Gajus and Westerhuijs, Heleen (eds.),Exploring Historic Dutch New York. Museum of the City of New York/Dover Publications, New York (2011).", "Todt, Kim. \"'Women Are as Knowing Therein as the Men': Dutch Women in Early America,\" in Thomas A. Foster, ed. Women in Early America (2015) pp 43–65 online.\n Van Lieburg, Fred. \"Interpreting the Dutch Great Awakening (1749–1755).\" Church History 77#2 (2008): 318–336. in JSTOR\n Wermuth, Thomas S. Rip Van Winkle's Neighbors: The Transformation of Rural Society in the Hudson River Valley, 1720-1850 (2001).", "Wermuth, Thomas S. \"New York farmers and the market revolution: Economic behavior in the mid-Hudson Valley, 1780-1830.\" Journal of Social History (1998): 179–196. in JSTOR\n Wittke, Carl. We Who Built America: The Saga of the Immigrant (1939), ch 2", "Historiography\n Doezema, Linda Pegman. Dutch Americans: A Guide to Information Sources. Gale Research, 1979. Bibliography\n\nPrimary sources\nHerbert J. Brinks, Dutch American Voices: Letters from the United States, 1850-1930 (1995)\nLucas, Henry, ed. Dutch Immigrant Memoirs and Related Writings. 2 vols. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1955.\n\nExternal links\n\n Article about Dutch immigration to the United States, 1945–2000\n Little Chute Historical Society, Little Chute, Wisconsin", "American\nEuropean-American society" ]
Vazgen Sargsyan
[ "Vazgen Zaveni Sargsyan (, ; 5 March 1959 – 27 October 1999) was an Armenian military commander and politician. He was the first Defence Minister of Armenia from 1991 to 1992 and then from 1995 to 1999. He served as Armenia's Prime Minister from 11 June 1999 until his assassination on 27 October of that year. He rose to prominence during the mass movement for the unification of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia in the late 1980s and led Armenian volunteer groups during the early clashes with Azerbaijani forces", ". Appointed defence minister by President Levon Ter-Petrosyan soon after Armenia's independence from the Soviet Union in late 1991, Sargsyan became the most prominent commander of Armenian forces during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War. In different positions, he regulated the military operations in the war area until 1994, when a ceasefire was reached ending the war with Armenian forces controlling almost all of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts.", "In the post-war years, Sargsyan tightened his grip on the Armed Forces of Armenia, establishing himself as a virtual strongman. After strongly supporting Ter-Petrosyan to retain power in 1996, he forced the president out of office in 1998 due to the latter's support for concessions in the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement negotiations, and helped Prime Minister Robert Kocharyan to be elected president", ". After his relations with Kocharyan deteriorated, Sargsyan merged the influential war veterans group Yerkrapah into the Republican Party and joined forces with Armenia's ex-communist leader Karen Demirchyan. In the May 1999 elections, their reform-minded alliance secured a comfortable majority in the National Assembly. Sargsyan became prime minister, emerging as the de facto decision-maker in Armenia with effective control of the military and the legislature.", "Sargsyan, along with Demirchyan and several others, was assassinated in the Armenian parliament shooting of 27 October 1999. The perpetrators were sentenced to life in prison. However, the distrust toward the trial process gave birth to a number of conspiracy theories. Some experts and politicians argue that their assassination was masterminded by Kocharyan and National Security Minister Serzh Sargsyan. Others have suspected the possible involvement of foreign powers in the shooting.", "Despite his mixed legacy, Sargsyan is now widely recognized as a national hero across the political spectrum and by the public. Given the honorific Sparapet, he made significant contributions to the establishment of Armenia as independent state and ensuring its security as the founder of the Armenian Army. He has also been criticized by human rights organizations for being undemocratic, especially for his role in elections", ". Sargsyan was awarded the highest titles of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh—National Hero of Armenia and Hero of Artsakh.", "Early life and career", "Vazgen Sargsyan was born in Ararat village, Soviet Armenia, near the Turkish border, on 5 March 1959, to Greta and Zaven Sargsyan. His ancestors had moved to Ararat from Maku, northern Iran, following the Russo-Persian War of 1826–28. After finishing secondary school in his village, he attended the Yerevan Institute of Physical Culture from 1976 to 1979. He worked as a physical education teacher at the secondary school in Ararat from 1979 to 1983", ". He worked as a physical education teacher at the secondary school in Ararat from 1979 to 1983. Therefore, he was exempt from conscription in the Soviet army. From 1983 to 1986, he was the Young Communist League (Komsomol) leader at the Ararat Cement Factory.", "An amateur writer, Sargsyan developed a literary and active social life. He wrote his first novel in 1980, and became a member of the Writers Union of Armenia in 1985. From 1986 to 1989, he headed the publicity department of the (, \"Spring\") literary monthly in Yerevan. In 1986, his first book, (, Bread temptation), was published, for which he was awarded by the Armenian Komsomol. A number of his works were published in journals. However, his literary career did not last long and ended in the late 1980s.", "Nagorno-Karabakh conflict", "Early stages and independence of Armenia", "The relative democratization of the Soviet regime under Mikhail Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika policies since the mid-1980s gave rise to nationalism in the republics of the Soviet Union. In Armenia, the Karabakh movement gained widespread public support. Armenians demanded the Soviet authorities unify the mostly Armenian-populated Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO) of Azerbaijan with Armenia", ". In February 1988, the NKAO regional legislature requested the transfer of the region from the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan SSR to Armenian SSR, but it was rejected by the Politburo. Tensions between Armenians and Azerbaijanis further escalated with the pogrom in Sumgait. With both groups arming themselves, clashes became frequent, especially in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh and the border areas of the two Soviet republics", ". In 1989 and 1990, Sargsyan took the command of Armenian volunteer groups fighting near Yeraskh, on the Armenian-Azerbaijani (Nakhchivan) border, not far from his hometown.", "By January 1990, he became part of the leadership of the Pan-Armenian National Movement. Sargsyan was elected to the Armenian parliament (the Supreme Council) in the May 1990 election. He served as the head of the Supreme Council Commission on Defense and Internal Affairs until December 1991. With his initiative, the Special Regiment was established in September 1990. Composed of 26 platoons and a total of 2,300 men, it was the first formal Armenian military unit independent from Moscow", ". It became the main base of the Armenian army in the following years.", "By 1991, most Armenians from Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis from Armenia were forced to move to their respective countries, as remaining in their homes became nearly impossible. Although Armenia had proclaimed its independence from the Soviet Union on 23 August 1990, it was not until on 21 September 1991, a month after the failed August Coup in Moscow, when the overwhelming majority of Armenians voted for the independence in a nationwide referendum", ". Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the leader of the Karabakh Committee and the head of the Supreme Council since 1990, was elected president of Armenia in October.", "Active military involvement", "Due to the fact that Sargsyan was popular among Armenian volunteer units and army officers, he was appointed the first Defense Minister of independent Armenia by President Ter-Petrosyan in December 1991. On 28 January 1992, the Armenian government passed the historical decree \"On the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia,\" which formally created the Armed Forces of Armenia", ". With the rise of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, in March 1992, Sargsyan announced that Armenia needed a 30,000-strong army for maintaining security. On 9 May 1992, the Armenian forces recorded their first major military success in Nagorno-Karabakh with the capture of Shusha. Another significant victory for the Armenian forces was recorded weeks later with the capture of Lachin, which connects Armenia proper with Nagorno-Karabakh.", "In summer 1992, the situation turned critical for the Armenian forces following the launch of Operation Goranboy, during which Azerbaijan took control of northern half of Nagorno-Karabakh. On 15 August 1992, Sargsyan called on Armenian men to gather and form a volunteer unit to fight against the advancing Azerbaijani forces in the northern parts of Nagorno-Karabakh. In a televised speech he stated:", "The battalion Sargsyan called for, named (, 'Eagles Sentenced to Death'), was formed on 30 August 1992. Under the command of Major-General Astvatsatur Petrosyan, it defeated the Azerbaijani forces near the Gandzasar monastery and Chldran village in Martakert Province, on 31 August and 1 September 1992, respectively", ". According to the Armenian Defense Ministry, the battalion's activity stopped the advancement of the Azerbaijani forces and turned the course of the war in favor of the Armenian side in the part of the region.", "Armenian military victory", "Between October 1992 and March 1993, Sargsyan served as the Presidential Adviser on Defence Affairs and the Presidential Envoy to Border Regions of Armenia. Subsequently, he was appointed the State Minister on Defence, Security and Internal Affairs. In these positions, Sargsyan had a major role in the advance of the Armenian army. With other key commanders, he regulated the operations to the Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh", ". With other key commanders, he regulated the operations to the Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. He was particularly active in unifying the various semi-independent detachments active in the war zone. Political chaos in Azerbaijan and the demoralization of the Azerbaijani army resulted in the Armenian forces taking control over the territories outside of the original Soviet-drawn borders of Nagorno-Karabakh", ". In 1993, Sargsyan founded and led Yerkrapah, a union of 5,000 war veterans, that had a great influence in Armenia's domestic politics in the post-war years and became the main base for Vazgen Sargsyan to rise in power.", "In early April 1993, the Armenian forces captured Kelbajar, a city outside the originally contested areas, causing international attention to the conflict. Turkey closed its border with Armenia, while the United Nations passed a resolution condemning the act. In the summer of 1993, Armenian forces gained more territories and, by August controlled Fizuli, Jebrail, and Zangelan. By early 1994, both countries were devastated by the war", ". By early 1994, both countries were devastated by the war. On 5 May, the Bishkek Protocol was signed by the heads of the parliaments of Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, backed by Armenia, established de facto control of these lands. Nagorno-Karabakh (also known as Artsakh to Armenians) remains internationally unrecognized and a de jure part of Azerbaijan. However, it is in de facto unified with Armenia.", "Minister of Defence and president change", "Sargsyan was appointed Minister of Defence by Ter-Petrosyan on 26 July 1995, during the restructuring of government ministries. He remained in that position for almost four years. The Armenian army was highly regarded by experts with Armenia being described as the only former Soviet state that \"managed to build a combat-capable army from scratch\" and was \"comparable in efficiency to the Soviet Army\". According to Thomas de Waal, the army was \"the most powerful institution\" in Armenia under him", ". According to Thomas de Waal, the army was \"the most powerful institution\" in Armenia under him. Sargsyan is credited with substantially professionalizing the Armenian army.", "Sargsyan showed strong confidence in the army and stated in 1997 that its strength has doubled in the past two years. In the same year, in response to Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev's statements that Azerbaijan was \"ready to solve the Karabakh problem by force,\" Sargsyan replied, \"Let him do it. We are ready.\" Sargsyan's term as Minister of Defence was marked by cooperation with Russia and Greece", ".\" Sargsyan's term as Minister of Defence was marked by cooperation with Russia and Greece. Sargsyan had \"close connections\" with the Russian military elite, especially Defense Minister Pavel Grachev. According to the Jamestown Foundation, he pursued a military diplomacy with Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Iran and Bulgaria for a pro-Russian alliance.", "A 'power minister': 1995–96 elections", "Sargsyan became a key figure in post-war Armenia due to the fact that he was indisputably supported by the army, the only well established institution in Armenia. He was described as an éminence grise of the Armenian politics, deciding many personnel appointments and dismissals. In the aftermath of the war, which was accompanied by a harsh economic crisis in Armenia, President Ter-Petrosyan became unpopular", ". His authoritarian rule, the banning of the major opposition party Armenian Revolutionary Federation in 1994 and the arrest of its leaders, made him highly dependent on the \"power structures,\" which included the ministries of defence (headed by Sargsyan), interior (Vano Siradeghyan) and national security (Serzh Sargsyan)", ". In July 1995, Vazgen Sargsyan helped Ter-Petrosyan's Pan-Armenian National Movement (PANM) win the parliamentary election and pass the constitutional referendum that gave the president more powers in appointing and dismissing key judicial and legislative officials. They were marred with major electoral violations.", "Sargsyan's impact on Ter-Petrosyan's presidency became more evident during the 1996 presidential election and the subsequent developments. A few days before the election, Sargsyan stated his support for Ter-Petrosyan, stating that Armenia \"will enter the 21st century victoriously and stable with Ter-Petrosyan [as president]\". According to the Caucasian Regional Studies, Sargsyan \"turned off the voters\" from Ter-Petrosyan and caused \"irritation and antipathy\" in 28.6% of the people according to a poll", ".6% of the people according to a poll. The election, held on 22 September, was largely criticized by observation and monitoring organizations, that found \"serious violations of the election law\".", "Official results, which recorded Ter-Petrosyan's victory in the first round with just above 50% of the total vote in his favor, were denounced by opposition candidate Vazgen Manukyan who had officially received 41% of the vote. Manukyan began demonstrations claiming electoral fraud by Ter-Petrosyan's supporters. The protests culminated on 25 September, when Manukyan led thousands of his supporters to the parliament building on Baghramyan Avenue, where the Electoral Commission was located at the time", ". Later during the day, the protesters broke the fence surrounding the parliament and entered the building. They beat up the parliament speaker Babken Ararktsyan and vice-speaker Ara Sahakyan. In response, Vazgen Sargsyan stated that \"even if they [the opposition] win 100 percent of the votes, neither the Army nor the National Security and Interior Ministry would recognize such political leaders.\" He was later criticized by human rights organizations for this statement", ".\" He was later criticized by human rights organizations for this statement. State security forces, tanks and troops were deployed in Yerevan to restore order and to enforce the ban on rallies and demonstrations on 26 September. Sargsyan and National Security Minister Serzh Sargsyan announced that their respective agencies had prevented an attempted coup d'état.", "According to Astourian, in the crackdown Vazgen Sargsyan \"intervened with an armed detachment and ordered the soldiers and the police to shoot at the legs of the demonstrators. Sargsian himself actually participated in the shooting.\" According to Freedom House, Sargsyan was allegedly involved in beating and seriously injuring Ruben (Rubik) Hakobyan, an MP from the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), after he was arrested during the demonstrations.", "Leadership split: Ter-Petrosyan's resignation", "In 1997, the OSCE Minsk Group, co-chaired by Russia, the United States and France, pressured Armenia and Azerbaijan to agree on the final status of Nagorno-Karabakh. In September, Ter-Petrosyan stated his support of the \"step-by-step\" proposal, which included the return of the territories outside the NKAO borders. Ter-Petrosyan argued the normalization of relations with Azerbaijan and, therefore, the opening of the border with Turkey was the only way to significantly improve Armenia's economy", ". After the plan was publicized, he came up against strong opposition. The issue was \"important to the Armenians because of historical and psychological factors. After having been losing territories for centuries, the Armenians are reluctant to 'lose' Karabakh now that they have won a war against Azerbaijan", ".\" According to political scientist Vicken Cheterian, \"By calling for major concessions on Karabakh, Ter-Petrosyan was antagonizing the last forces that supported his rule, the army and the Karabakh elite, at a time when his popularity within the Armenian society was at its lowest.\"", "The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic leadership, the Armenian intelligentsia and the diaspora, the opposition also expressed their opposition to the president’'s support for the proposed settlement plan. Vazgen Sargsyan, who quickly denounced the proposal, became the de facto leader of the opposing group within the government. He was joined by the two Karabakh Armenians in the government: Prime Minister Robert Kocharyan and Interior and National Security Minister Serzh Sargsyan", ". These three politicians were referred to as \"hardliners\" in the Western media for their perceived nationalistic stance. They argued that \"Armenia should try to improve its economic performance,\" while Ter-Petrosyan insisted that Armenia \"could only achieve marginal improvements insufficient to address the fear of relative decline and economic exclusion\"", ". The Kocharyan cabinet, where Vazgen Sargsyan was a leading figure, called for a \"package\" deal, \"involving a single framework accord on all contentious issues\". On 21 October 1997, ten members of the Republic bloc in the parliament left the faction and shifted their support to Vazgen Sargsyan. Ter-Petrosyan's bloc in the parliament was left with a majority of two seats. Despite the great public and political opposition, the Pan-Armenian National Movement voted in favor of Ter-Petrosyan's foreign policy.", "During the National Security Council meeting on 7–8 January 1998 it became clear that Ter-Petrosyan did not have enough support to continue his reign as president. On 23 January 1998, during the peak of the crisis, Vazgen Sargsyan declared his unconditional support to Robert Kocharyan, and blamed the Pan-Armenian National Movement for trying to destabilize Armenia. Sargsyan also guaranteed that the Armenian army \"will not intervene in the political struggle\".", "Ter-Petrosyan announced his resignation on 3 February 1998. According to Michael P. Croissant, it was Vazgen Sargsyan who \"played ultimately the principal role in inducting the president's resignation\". In his resignation statement, Ter-Petrosyan referred to Vazgen Sargsyan, Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan as \"the well known body of power\". He cited the threat of destabilization of the country as the reason of his resignation", ". He cited the threat of destabilization of the country as the reason of his resignation. Ter-Petrosyan's resignation was followed by the resignation of National Assembly speaker Babken Ararktsyan, his two deputies, Mayor of Yerevan Vano Siradeghyan, Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Arzoumanian and others. A significant change occurred in the National Assembly", ". A significant change occurred in the National Assembly. Dozens of members of the parliamentary faction called the Republican Bloc (mostly made up of Ter-Petrosyan's Pan-Armenian National Movement) joined Vazgen Sargsyan's Yerkrapah bloc, making it the largest parliamentary bloc, with 69 members compared to only 56 for the Republic.", "After Ter-Petrosyan's resignation, Prime Minister Kocharyan became acting president. On 5 February 1998, Sargsyan denied the claims of a coup d'état and said that Ter-Petrosyan's resignation was \"rather sad but natural\". Sargsyan claimed that the president's move surprised him and that he had \"been seeking common grounds with the president for the past three months\". He added, \"the only step I achieved on the Karabakh issue was the suggestion that the situation be frozen", ".\" Almost a year after Ter-Petrosyan's resignation, Vazgen Sargsyan stated at the Republican Party convention that he \"respects and appreciates\" Ter-Petrosyan and described him as a \"wise and a moral man and politician\". Sargsyan insisted that the question of \"political responsibility\" was the main reason behind his resignation, and stated that if Ter-Petrosyan had decided not to resign, \"no one could have removed him\" and that Sargsyan would have resigned as defence minister instead", ". Commenting on the circumstances of his resignation in 2021, Ter-Petrosyan insisted that Vazgen Sargsyan and Kocharyan were \"ready for civil war\" if he did not resign.", "1998 election: Kocharyan as president", "Sargsyan (along with Interior Minister Serzh Sargsyan) openly supported Kocharyan and used his influence for his election in March. He called Kocharyan a \"man of unity of word and action\" and stated that his experience in Karabakh and Armenia \"shows that he is capable of solving economic problems also\". Kocharyan's main opponent was Karen Demirchyan, the leader of Soviet Armenia from 1974 to 1988", ". Kocharyan's main opponent was Karen Demirchyan, the leader of Soviet Armenia from 1974 to 1988. Sargsyan praised Kocharyan for being part of the \"struggle of the Armenian people\" and criticized Demirchyan for not being part of it.", "No candidate gained more than half of the votes in the first round, while in the second round of the election, held on 30 March, Kocharyan won 58.9% of the vote. The British Helsinki Human Rights Group suggests that \"ordinary Armenians turned to Robert Kocharian as someone untainted by mafia connections and the intrigues of Yerevan politics", ".\" The OSCE observation mission described the first round as \"deeply flawed,\" while their final report stated that the mission found \"serious flaws\" and that the election did not meet the OSCE standards. Although Demirchyan didn't officially dispute the election results, he never accepted them and did not congratulate Kocharyan. After the election, however, Sargsyan suggested Kocharyan appoint Demirchyan prime minister to decrease the tensions in the political scene.", "Even after becoming president, Kocharyan did not have any significant institutional support (e.g. a party, control of the army, a source of money) and remained \"in a fundamental sense an outsider in Yerevan\". Kocharyan had a more tough position on the Karabakh settlement issue than Ter-Petrosyan. He also urged the international community to recognize the Armenian genocide, something on which his predecessor did not place importance", ". In response, Turkey and Azerbaijan tightened their cooperation in isolating Armenia from regional projects. Kocharyan did not put pressure on the Nagorno-Karabakh leadership to concede territory to Azerbaijan. He was supported by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, which was allowed to actively operate after Ter-Petrosyan's resignation a month before the election.", "Rise in power", "Politicization of Yerkrapah\nBy 1998 Vazgen Sargsyan became \"the power behind the throne\" as the Yerkrapah faction—made up of war veterans loyal to him—was the single largest faction in the Armenian parliament following Ter-Petrosyan's resignation in February 1998.", "Yerkrapah was merged with the Republican Party of Armenia—a minor party with an ideology similar to that of Yerkrapah—in summer 1998, taking the party's name and its legal status. Though Sargsyan was not the chairman of the Republican Party, he was considered its unofficial leader.", "The relations between Sargsyan and Kocharyan deteriorated after the presidential election with Sargsyan \"casting around for partners unconnected with or downright opposed to the president\". Within several months three assassinations of top officials took place that spread rumors in Armenia that relations between Sargsyan and Kocharyan were \"not normal\". In August 1998 Armenia's Prosecutor-General Henrik Khachatryan, a close friend of Kocharyan, was murdered in his office \"in murky circumstances\"", ". In December 1998 Deputy Minister of Defence Vahram Khorkhoruni was murdered \"for equally mysterious motives\", while in February 1999 Deputy Minister of the Interior Artsrun Margaryan was murdered. Vazgen Sargsyan and National Security and Interior Minister Serzh Sargsyan, Kocharyan's close ally, were \"also perceived to be at odds\".", "Alliance with Demirchyan", "It was initially announced that the Republican Party would go to the parliamentary election alone and would seek \"qualitative majority\" in the parliament, and that their goal was the fairness of the electoral process. Surprisingly for many, on 30 March 1999, Vazgen Sargsyan and the runner-up of the 1998 presidential election and Armenia's ex-communist leader Karen Demirchyan issued a joint announcement that they were forming an alliance between the People's Party of Armenia and the Republican Party", ". It came to be known as the Unity bloc (), often referred to as . Vazgen Sargsyan claimed the bloc was a \"genuine\" alliance and that the two parties had come together to lead Armenia \"from a turning point to progress\". When asked about the reasons why he joined Demirchyan, Sargsyan said that, \"there is no other way out.\" According to the U.S", ".\" According to the U.S. Helsinki Commission, Sargsyan \"obviously concluded it was better to have the popular Demirchyan as an ally than an opponent,\" and that \"in forming Unity bloc, Sargsyan and Demirchyan overcame whatever ideological differences they may have had, and said they had joined forces to overcome the difficult problems facing Armenia while promoting tolerance in the country's political life", ".\" In analyst Richard Giragosian's words, the bloc was \"an odd mix,\" however he admitted that it \"effectively marginalized the electoral threat\" of other parties. Sociologist Levon Baghdasaryan described it as \"unification of the new and old nomenklaturas\". The British Helsinki Human Rights Group wrote of the Unity bloc that it \"aimed to appeal to the electorate by being all things to all men\"", ". The ODIHR suggested that the \"alliance was not only created for electoral purposes, but that a strategic political agreement had been reached while overcoming ideological differences\".", "1999 parliamentary election", "During the campaign, Sargsyan pledged that he would spare no effort to make sure the elections were free and fair. Sargsyan and Demirchyan put the emphasis of their campaign on the economy and the improvement of the life of ordinary Armenians. Talking about Yerkrapah—now politically transformed into the Republican Party—Sargsyan said he was confident \"that the people that gained victory on the battlefield will also gain victory in economy\"", ". He expressed his optimism saying that they were sure that they \"will jointly change something and find the right course\". The Unity bloc \"called broadly for a democratic society, rule of law, economic reforms and a market economy, with the state also creating conditions for the normal functioning of state enterprises and ensuring decent living standards for all\". Throughout the campaign, the Unity bloc was widely considered the favorite of the election", ". Throughout the campaign, the Unity bloc was widely considered the favorite of the election. Opposition newspaper suggested that most other political parties in Armenia were gravitating towards the opposite pole, around Kocharyan, National Security & Interior Minister Serzh Sargsyan, and the leadership of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.", "The parliamentary election took place on 30 May 1999, just two months after Sargsyan's and Demirchyan's announcement about their decision to form an alliance. The Unity bloc won over 41.5% of the popular vote, and took 62 of the 131 seats in the National Assembly. The alliance established an effective majority with cooperating with a group of 25 independent and officially non-affiliated members of the parliament, sympathetic to the Sargsyan-Demirchyan coalition", ". The electoral process \"generally showed an improvement over the [previous] flawed elections, but ODIHR said they were \"not an adequate basis for comparison\". ODIHR's final report described the election as \"a step towards compliance with OSCE Commitments\" and claimed that, along with improvements to the electoral framework and the political environment, serious issues remained. The Council of Europe also suggested \"considerable improvement\" from the past elections", ". The Council of Europe also suggested \"considerable improvement\" from the past elections. The National Democratic Institute report was more critical, saying it \"failed to meet international standards\" and that it proved to be the continuation of the flawed 1995 parliamentary elections, differing only in \"the methods and types of manipulation\".", "Prime Minister \nAt the Republican Party convention in January 1999. Sargsyan stated his desire in remaining in the position of Minister of Defence. After the election speculations arose about Sargsyan wanting to combine the positions of Defence Minister and Prime Minister, however, this was impossible according to the Armenian constitution. On 11 June 1999 he became Prime Minister of Armenia, while Unity bloc co-chairman Karen Demirchyan was elected speaker of the National Assembly.", "Many experts suggest that Sargsyan as prime minister was the most powerful politician in Armenia, while others suggest that he had become Armenia's strongest politician long before that. According to Mark Grigorian, his \"activities had began to overshadow\" Kocharyan. Despite Kocharyan's formal welcome of their alliance, the president was \"effectively weakened\" and \"was being sidelined\"", ". Some political analysts suggested that the Sargsyan-Demirchyan alliance \"ultimately would bring about the resignation of Kocharyan\". Vazgen Manukyan stated that Kocharyan \"would end up like the \"Queen of England\". Despite no longer being the Minister of Defence, Vazgen Sargsyan remained the de facto leader of the army, as a close ally, Vagharshak Harutiunyan, replaced him.", "According to Styopa Safaryan, an analyst and former member of the Armenian parliament, despite his mixed legacy, under Vazgen Sargsyan Armenia became increasingly independent.", "Economic policy\nAt the time of Sargsyan's Prime Ministry, Armenia had not yet recovered from the economic effects of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the energy crisis in Armenia during the Nagorno-Karabakh War. One of the major issues Sargsyan faces was mass emigration from Armenia, which started at the period of the decline of the Soviet regime. The 1998 Russian financial crisis worsened the situation, and showed a decline in human development.", "In his first address to the parliament as prime minister on 18 June, Sarsgyan described Armenia's economic situation as \"grave.\" The budget revenues were almost 20% lower than the government had planned, because of the low level of tax collection and the high level of corruption in the Armenian economy. Although Sargsyan criticized the post-Soviet privatization by the Ter-Petrosyan government, he admitted Armenia had no alternative, and that his government had an enormous amount of work to do", ". In his speech on 28 July, Sargsyan described the economic situation in Armenia as \"extremely difficult, but not hopeless\". According to him, the first half of 1999 saw $61 million less in the budged revenues than planned by the Darbinyan government. He said that tax evasion played a role in the budget deficit.", "Despite being criticized by the opposition, especially the National Democratic Union, the Unity bloc voted in favor (96 of the 131 MPs) of the austerity measures of the Sargsyan cabinet on 28 August, allowing Armenia to take loans from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The World Bank alone had loaned almost $0.5 billion to Armenia since 1992 to finance the budget deficits. The Sargsyan cabinet wanted to diversify $32 million in the budget funds to be able to repay the internal debts", ". For this purpose, the excise tax was raised on cigarettes by 200% and on gasoline by 45%, seriously hitting the middle class. Sargsyan described these as \"painful but right steps\" for getting the necessary amount of money from the foreign lenders. He pledged a \"tougher crackdown on the shadow economy and more efficient governance\"", ". He pledged a \"tougher crackdown on the shadow economy and more efficient governance\". National Assembly Speaker Karen Demirchyan called for a greater role of the state in the economy to ensure stability, while President Kocharyan was mostly uninvolved in these developments.", "Notable events", "During his Prime Ministry, Sargsyan helped to organize three major events. On 28 August 1999, the first Pan-Armenian Games began in Yerevan. Over 1,400 Armenian athletes from 23 countries participated in the games. The closing ceremony took place in the Yerevan Sports and Concerts Complex on 5 September, with President Robert Kocharyan and Vazgen Sargsyan in attendance", ". Just after the Games, which involved thousands of diaspora Armenian youth, the preparations for the eighth anniversary of Armenia's independence began.", "On 21 September, the anniversary of the day in 1991 when Armenians voted in favor of leaving the Soviet Union in a referendum, a military parade was held in Yerevan's Republic Square. Vazgen Sargsyan \"was visibly the most excited of the government leaders standing on a specially built pedestal\". In a short briefing after the parade, Sargsyan enthusiastically stated that he had \"touched almost every piece of hardware you've just seen\" and continued that he \"just wanted to show it\" to the Armenian people.", "During the next two days, on 22 and 23 September 1999, the first Armenia-Diaspora Conference was held in Yerevan. The conference brought together the Armenian political elite and many diaspora organizations, political parties, religious leaders, writers and over 1,200 representatives of Armenian communities from 53 countries, an unprecedented number. Vazgen Sargsyan opened the second day of the conference with his speech-report about the economic and social situation in Armenia", ". The conference was closed by Sargsyan.", "Assassination\n\nShooting and funeral", "On 27 October 1999, at around 5:15 pm, five assailants—Nairi Hunanyan, his brother Karen, their uncle Vram and two others—armed with Kalashnikov rifles hidden under long coats, broke into the National Assembly building in Yerevan, while the government was holding a question-and-answer session", ". They shot dead Vazgen Sargsyan, National Assembly Speaker Karen Demirchyan, Deputy National Assembly Speakers Yuri Bakhshyan and Ruben Miroyan, Minister of Urgent Affairs Leonard Petrosyan, and Parliament Members Henrik Abrahamyan, Armenak Armenakyan and Mikayel Kotanyan. The gunmen injured at least 30 people in the parliament. The group claimed they were carrying out a coup d'état. They described their act as \"patriotic\" and \"needed for the nation to regain its senses\"", ". They described their act as \"patriotic\" and \"needed for the nation to regain its senses\". They said they wanted to \"punish the authorities for what they do to the nation\" and described the government as profiteers \"sucking the blood of the people\". They claimed Armenia was in a \"catastrophic situation\" and that \"corrupt officials\" were not doing anything to provide the way out. Vazgen Sargsyan was the main target of the group and the other deaths were said to be unintended", ". Vazgen Sargsyan was the main target of the group and the other deaths were said to be unintended. According to reporters who witnessed the shooting, the men went up to Sargsyan and said, \"Enough of drinking our blood,\" to which Sargsyan calmly responded, \"Everything is being done for you and the future of your children.\" Vazgen Sargsyan was hit several times", ".\" Vazgen Sargsyan was hit several times. Anna Israelyan, an eyewitness journalist, stated that \"the first shots were fired directly at Vazgen Sargsyan at a distance of one to two meters\" and, in her words, \"it was impossible that he would have survived.\" Sargsyan's body was taken out of the parliament building on the evening of 27 October.", "With policemen, army troops, armed with APCs surrounding the building. President Kocharyan gave a speech on TV, announcing that the situation was under control. The gunmen released the hostages after overnight negotiations with President Kocharyan and gave themselves up on the morning of 28 October, after a standoff that lasted 17–18 hours.", "On 28 October, President Kocharyan declared a three-day mourning period. The state funeral ceremony for the victims of the parliament shooting took place from 30 to 31 October 1999. The bodies of the victims, including Vazgen Sargsyan, were placed inside the Yerevan Opera Theater. A number of high-ranking officials from some 30 countries, including Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, attended the funeral", ". Karekin II, the Catholicos of All Armenians and Aram I, the Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia gave prayers.", "Investigation and conspiracy theories", "The five men were charged with terrorism aimed at undermining authority on 29 October. The investigation was led by Gagik Jhangiryan, the chief military prosecutor of Armenia, who claimed his team was looking for the masterminds of the shooting even after the trial had begun. According to Jhangiryan, the investigating team considered more than a dozen theories. By January 2000, Jhangiryan's investigators considered the connection of Kocharyan and his circle to the parliament shooting", ". Several figures close to Kocharyan were arrested, including Aleksan Harutiunyan, the deputy presidential adviser, and Harutiun Harutiunyan, the deputy director of the Public Television of Armenia, but they were released by the summer of that year. Eventually, Jhangiryan failed to find evidence linking Kocharyan to the shooting", ". Eventually, Jhangiryan failed to find evidence linking Kocharyan to the shooting. The trial began in February 2001 and eventually, the five main perpetrators of the shooting (Nairi Hunanyan, his younger brother Karen Hunanyan, their uncle Vram Galstyan, Derenik Ejanyan and Eduard Grigoryan) were sentenced to life in prison on 2 December 2003.", "A number of conspiracy theories developed about possible motives and architects behind the attack. Stepan Demirchyan, Karen Demirchyan's son, stated in 2009 that \"nothing was done by the authorities to prevent that crime and, conversely, everything was done to cover up the crime.\" In March 2013, Vazgen Sargsyan's younger brother Aram stated he had many questions for both governments of Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan", ". He claimed the judicial process of 27 October had \"deepened the public distrust in the authorities... [as] many questions remain unanswered today\". According to him, the full disclosure of the shooting is \"vital\" for Armenia. Sargsyan insisted that he \"never accused this or the former authorities of being responsible for 27 October. I have accused them of not fully disclosing the 27 October event", ". I have accused them of not fully disclosing the 27 October event.\" In an April 2013 interview, Karen Demirchyan's widow, Rita, suggested the shooting was ordered from outside Armenia and was not an attempt at a coup, but rather an assassination.", "Although the investigation did not find any considerable evidence linking Kocharyan to the Hunanyan group, many Armenian politicians and analysts believe that President Robert Kocharyan and National Security Minister Serzh Sargsyan were behind the assassination of Vazgen Sargsyan and other leading politicians. Former mayor of Yerevan Albert Bazeyan stated in 2002 that \"We have come to the conclusion that the crime was aimed at making Robert Kocharian's power unlimited and uncontrolled", ". By physically eliminating Karen Demirchyan and Vazgen Sargsyan, its organizers wanted to create prerequisites for Kocharyan's victory in the future presidential elections.\" Levon Ter-Petrosyan accused Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan and their \"criminal-oligarchic\" system of being the real perpetrators of the parliament shooting. Nairi Hunanyan, the leader of the armed group, was a former member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF, Dashnaktsutyun)", ". According to the ARF, Hunanyan was expelled from the party in 1992 for misconduct and had not been in any association with the ARF since then. Some speculations have been made about the involvement of the ARF in the shootings. In 2000, Ashot Manucharyan stated he was worried that \"a number of Dashnaktsutyun party leaders are acting in the interest of the American foreign policy.\"", "Allegations of foreign involvement\nSome analysts have suggested that foreign powers, including Russia, may have been behind the shooting. They pointed out the fact that Armenia and Azerbaijan were close in signing some kind of an agreement at the OSCE 1999 Istanbul summit over Karabakh, something not in Russia's interest.", "Russian secret service defector Alexander Litvinenko accused the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of having organised the Armenian parliament shooting, ostensibly to derail the peace process, which would have resolved the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but he offered no evidence to support the accusation. Russian and Armenian officials denied this claims.", "The French-based Armenian political refugee and former Apostolic priest Artsruni Avetisysan (also known by his religious name Ter Girgor) gave an interview to Armenian media network A1plus, in which he claimed the Russian secret services were behind the 27 October 1999, shooting. He also claimed the shooting was perpetrated by Lieutenant General Vahan Shirkhanyan, the Deputy Minister of Defense from 1992 to 1999, and the National Security Minister Serzh Sargsyan", ". He insisted the shooting was assisted by the Russian secret services to bring the \"Neo-Bolshevik criminal clan\" of Serzh Sargsyan and Robert Kocharyan into power.", "Others suggested that it was in the best interest of the West to remove Sargsyan and Demirchyan from the political scene, as they had close ties to Russia. Ashot Manucharyan, one of the leading members of the Karabakh Committee, the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Ter-Petrosyan's National Security Adviser and his close ally until 1993, stated in October 2000 that Armenian officials were warned by a foreign country about the shootings", ". He also declared that \"Western special services\" were involved in 27 October events. In Manucharyan's words, \"the special services of the U.S. and France are acting to destroy Armenia and, in this context, they are much likely to be involved in the realization of the terrorist acts in Armenia.\" Manucharyan claimed the shooting was planned by Kocharyan to get rid of his two major rivals (Sargsyan and Demirchyan), who were against the Goble plan, involving territorial concessions to Azerbaijan.", "Aftermath", "Just after the shooting, the Interior and National Security Ministers Suren Abrahamyan and Serzh Sargsyan resigned as a result of pressure from the Defence Ministry, led by Sargsyan's ally, Vagharshak Harutiunyan at the time. From early June to late October 1999, the political system in Armenia was based on the Demirchyan-Sargsyan tandem, which controlled the military, the legislative and the executive branches", ". The assassinations disrupted the political balance in the country and the political arena of Armenia was left in disarray for months. The \"de facto dual command\" of Sargsyan and Demirchyan was transferred to President Robert Kocharyan. James R. Hughes claims that the so-called \"Karabakh clan\" (i.e", ". James R. Hughes claims that the so-called \"Karabakh clan\" (i.e. Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan) was \"kept in check\" by Vazgen Sargsyan and his \"military-security apparatus,\" while after the parliament shooting it came to be the sole influential group able to successfully take over the political scene in Armenia", ". Since the leaders of the Unity bloc were assassinated, the two parties in the alliance (the Republican Party of Armenia and the People's Party of Armenia) gradually ceased collaborating and by late 2000, the Unity bloc collapsed. Yerkrapah, the Republican Party, and the People's Party effectively lost their influence by 2001.", "Personal life and brothers", "Sargsyan never married. According to Razmik Martirosyan, a friend and the Minister of Social Security from 1999 to 2003, Sargsyan promised in December 1987 that he would marry sometime before 8 March of the next year, but did not because the Karabakh movement started in February. In a 1997 interview, Sargsyan revealed that his favorite historical military figure was Charles de Gaulle", ". When asked about what kind of Armenia he would like to see in five years, he said \"an independent, self-sufficient country with strong culture, school and army\".", "Sargsyan had two younger brothers, Aram and Armen. Aram was appointed Prime Minister by President Kocharyan on 3 November 1999, a week after Vazgen Sargsyan's death, largely as a \"political gesture\". He admitted that Armenia has \"no concept of state security\" and that fact led to the assassination of his brother. Aram Sargsyan served in the position of the Prime Minister for only six months. He was dismissed by Kocharyan on 2 May 2000, due to \"inability to work\" with Sargsyan's cabinet", ". He was dismissed by Kocharyan on 2 May 2000, due to \"inability to work\" with Sargsyan's cabinet. In his television statement, Kocharyan claimed that he relieved Aram Sargsyan to end the \"disarray\" in the Armenian leadership. Kocharyan blamed him for being involved in \"political games\".", "Aram Sargsyan founded the Hanrapetutyun Party in April 2001, along with several influential Yerkrapah members, such as the former Mayor of Yerevan Albert Bazeyan and former Defence Minister Vagharshak Harutyunyan. Its co-founder Bazeyan stated that the party is the \"bearer of the political heritage of Vazgen Sargsian and will try to realize the programs aborted by the October 27 crime and its consequences\"", ". The party backed up Stepan Demirchyan against Kocharyan in 2003 and Levon Ter-Petrosyan against Serzh Sargsyan in the 2008 presidential elections. In a 2013 interview, Aram Sargsyan talked about the past 14 years after his brother's death:", "Vazgen Sargsyan's other brother, Armen, supported Serzh Sargsyan in the 2013 presidential election. On 5 March 2013, Aram Sargsyan was asked about his brother Armen's political stance, to which he responded, \"I would very much like to ask Vazgen that question. I don't know what he would have answered. There are very few questions to which I don't know what Vazgen's answer would be. Unfortunately, our friends and relatives are not always the way we want them to be", ". Unfortunately, our friends and relatives are not always the way we want them to be. I am not the first one, neither am I the last one; the history of the world is full of such examples starting from the Bible.\"", "Legacy and tribute\n\nVazgen Sargsyan was awarded the title Hero of Artsakh, the highest award of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, in 1998. On 27 December 1999, two months after the parliament shooting, Sargsyan was posthumously given the title National Hero of Armenia. He widely is recognized as the founder of the Armenian army.", "A presidential decree issued on 28 December 1999 renamed the Yerevan Military Academy to the Vazgen Sargsyan Military University in his honor. The Republican Stadium in Yerevan was named after Vazgen Sargsyan by the same decree. The 8th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Artsakh Defence Army is named after him. Numerous streets in Armenia and Karabakh, including one in Yerevan's Kentron (Central) district and in Stepanakert, and a park in Kapan are named after Sargsyan", ". Statues or busts have been erected in his honor in Yerevan (2007), Ararat (2009), Vanadzor, Kapan (2015), Vagharshapat (Ejmiatsin, 2015), Shusha (Shushi) and other locations. In 2000, 27 October was declared a day of remembrance by the Armenian government. In 2002, the Armenian Defence Ministry created the Medal of Vazgen Sargsyan, which is awarded for \"meritorious services towards military education and improvements in service life\".", "Every year, on 5 March (his birthday) and 27 October (the day of his assassination), Sargsyan is commemorated in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. His comrades from the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union, high state officials and many others visit the Yerablur cemetery, where Sargsyan is buried next to many Armenian military figures.", "Vazgen Sargsyan's museum was opened in his hometown of Ararat on 5 March 2001 by the decision made by the Armenian government. Notable attendees of the opening ceremony of the museum included Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan, National Assembly Speaker Armen Khachatryan, Defence Minister Serzh Sargsyan, and other high-ranking military and diplomatic representatives, such as the former Russian Minister of Defence Pavel Grachev, who revealed in his speech at the ceremony that Sargsyan was once his student.", "Sargsyan is often referred to as Sparapet, a military rank that has existed since the ancient Kingdom of Armenia. The phrase (literally meaning 'Supreme Commander of the Armenians') is engraved on Sargsyan's memorial in Yerablur cemetery. The song \"Sparapet\" by Alla Levonyan is dedicated to his memory.\n\nPublic image and recognition", "In Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and, to a lesser extent, in the Armenian diaspora, Vazgen Sargsyan is recognized as a national hero. Several survey conducted by Gallup, Inc., International Republican Institute, and the Armenian Sociological Association from 2006 to 2008, revealed that Vazgen Sargsyan topped the list of national heroes in public perception, with 15%–20% of the respondents giving his name", ". He has often ranked third, behind 20th-century military commanders Andranik and Garegin Nzhdeh, in surveys about the greatest Armenian national heroes. Sargsyan is widely considered a charismatic leader. He was generally perceived as a man of \"tremendous power and charisma,\" known for his \"brutality, temper, and nonchalant attitude toward the law\".", "His contributions have been acknowledged by his colleagues and comrades. In 1997, President Ter-Petrosyan stated that Sargsyan is someone who deserves the title of National Hero of Armenia. He added that \"if all members of our government worked as conscientiously and selflessly as Vazgen Sargsyan, we would live in a perfect state", ".\" Armenia's second president Robert Kocharyan said in his speech during Sargsyan's funeral, \"history will provide its assessment of Vazgen Sargsyan as a politician who stood at the birth of the Armenian state. His role in the creation of the national army is beyond appraisal. By his life and commitment, Vazgen Sargsyan has made an immense contribution to the establishment of a powerful country", ".\" In 2007, giving a speech on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Armenian Armed Forces, then-Defence Minister Serzh Sargsyan noted that he \"was a valiant soldier dedicated to the cause of our statehood, and who revered the strength of Armenia and the strength of the Armenian soldier, and who had a staunch belief in our future success\".", "Manvel Grigoryan, leader of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union, recognized Sargsyan's contributions, stating that Sargsyan \"was a strong individual and his greatness was felt not only during the war, but during the nation-building years after the war\". According to Grigoryan \"his presence was enough for the foreign leaders to become vigilant.\" Dr. Ara Sanjian, the director of the Armenian Studies at the Haigazian University, wrote shortly after Sargsyan's assassination:", "In the West, Sargsyan was generally described as a hard nationalist. The British journalist Jonathan Steele wrote of Sargsyan as \"a fierce nationalist who always preferred action and force to words and diplomacy\". Encyclopædia Britannica describes Sargsyan as an \"Armenian nationalist who devoted much of his life to the Armenian fight with Azerbaijan for control of the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave\"", ". Political scientist Razmik Panossian expressed the opinion that he was \"the last significant nationalist politician whose commitment to Karabakh and Armenia was not doubted by anyone\".", "Criticism", "Sargsyan was criticized for being undemocratic, particularly for using his influence in pre-determining the election results. The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe suggested in 1999 that his \"record does not inspire confidence in his commitment to democracy", ".\" The 2008 book Religious Freedom in the World described him as \"thuggish\" and held him responsible for the 1995 assaults on religious minorities in Armenia (especially those that discourage military service), carried out, allegedly, by Yerkrapah.", "Thomas de Waal describes Sargsyan as an \"emerging feudal baron.\" The Yerkrapah, founded by Sargsyan, \"took over large areas of the economy.\" Astourian quoted David Petrosyan, a columnist for the news agency and a \"thoughtful observer of Armenia's political life\", as claiming that Sargsyan \"controlled part of the local market in oil products, part of the incomes generated from transport junctions and the greater part of bread production", ".\" According to Philip Remler, Sargsyan was one of the prime beneficiaries of the illicit income from the Iran-Armenia border and the \"godfather of cross-border trade and contraband\".", "See also\n Military history of Armenia\n Monte Melkonian\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links\n\nImages\n Vazgen Sargsya's pictures from early 1990s at ankakhutyun.am\nDocumentary videos\n \n \n \n \n \n\nFilms\n by A1plus\n by the Public Television of Armenia\n by the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union\n by Eduard Hambardzumyan, 2010\n an excerpt from the news on 5 March 2013, by Shant TV\n by Armenia TV, May 2013\nMusic\n \n\n \n|-", "1959 births\n1999 deaths\nPeople from Ararat, Armenia\nArmenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport alumni\nArmenian colonels\nArmenian military personnel of the Nagorno-Karabakh War\nDefence ministers of Armenia\nPrime Ministers of Armenia\nRepublican Party of Armenia politicians\nMembers of the National Assembly (Armenia)\nArmenian Apostolic Christians\nArmenian nationalists\nPeople murdered in Armenia\nDeaths by firearm in Armenia\nAssassinated Armenian politicians\nAssassinated prime ministers", "Deaths by firearm in Armenia\nAssassinated Armenian politicians\nAssassinated prime ministers\nMale murder victims\nHeroes of Artsakh\nNational Hero of Armenia\nBurials at Yerablur\nVictims of the Armenian parliament shooting\n1990s murders in Armenia\n1999 crimes in Armenia\n1999 murders in Asia\n1999 murders in Europe\n1990s assassinated politicians\nAssassinated former national legislators in Europe" ]
List of Canadian politicians who have crossed the floor
[ "This is a list of Canadian politicians who have crossed the floor, in that they have changed party affiliation while in office. These are members of Parliament (MPs) unless otherwise noted.\n MPPs are members of Provincial Parliament of Ontario\n MNAs are members of the National Assembly of Quebec\n MHAs are members of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador\n MLAs are members of the Legislative Assembly of other provinces", "Pre-confederation\n 1866: Andrew Rainsford Wetmore, Anti-Confederate in the New Brunswick colonial legislature, joins the Confederation Party after failing to win a desired cabinet post.", "1860s\n September 1, 1868: Stewart Campbell, formerly an Anti-Confederate MP, becomes a Liberal-Conservative member.\n January 30, 1869: The Anti-Confederate Party, which opposed Nova Scotia joining Confederation, collapses. Members scatter among different parties:\n Conservative: Alfred William Savary\n Liberal-Conservative: Archibald McLelan, James Charles McKeagney, Hugh McDonald, Edmund Mortimer McDonald, Joseph Howe, Thomas Coffin and Hugh Cameron", "Liberal: James William Carmichael, William Henry Chipman, James Fraser Forbes, William Ross, William Hallett Ray, Patrick Power,\n Independent: Alfred Gilpin Jones\n October 9, 1869: Richard John Cartwright, formerly a Liberal-Conservative MP, became a Liberal MP after being denied a position in the cabinet.", "1870s\n 1873: Newton LeGayet MacKay leaves the Conservatives for the Liberals.\n 1874: Samuel McDonnell leaves the Conservatives for the Liberals.\n 1879: Five Quebec MLAs leave the Quebec Liberals for the Conservatives, causing the government to fall:\n Alexandre Chauveau\n Edmund James Flynn\n Louis Napoléon Fortin\n Étienne-Théodore Pâquet\n Ernest Racicot\n\n1880s\n 1887: Guillaume Amyot leaves the Conservative caucus to sit as a Nationalist. He later changes his designation to Nationalist Conservative.", "1910s\n 1911: Louis-Joseph Papineau, Liberal MP since 1908, re-elected as a Conservative in 1911.", "As a result of the Conscription Crisis of 1917, Conservative Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden forms a Union Government in an attempt to win support across party lines. Opposition leader Sir Wilfrid Laurier refuses to support the new government but many of his MPs cross the floor to support the new government either as Unionist or Liberal-Unionist candidates in the Canadian federal election of 1917. Those loyal to Laurier run as Laurier-Liberals", ". Those loyal to Laurier run as Laurier-Liberals. Conversely, a number of Quebec Conservative MPs abandon Borden over the conscription issue and join the Liberals.", "1917: Louis-Joseph Papineau, leaves the Conservatives to run as a Laurier-Liberal as a result of the Conscription Crisis.\n 1917: Robert Lorne Richardson, elected in the 1911 election as a Liberal (but previously sitting as variously a Liberal, Independent Liberal, Independent, and Independent Conservative) runs in the 1917 election as a Unionist.\n 1917: Honoré Achim crosses the floor from the Conservatives to the Liberals over the conscription issue. Does not run for re-election.", "1917: William Andrew Charlton leaves the Liberal Party of Canada to run successfully as a Liberal-Unionist in the 1917 election over conscription.\n 1917: John Gillanders Turriff, who sat as a Liberal since 1891, runs successfully as a Unionist in the 1917 election.\n 1917: Alphonse Verville, Labour MP since 1906, runs and is re-elected as a Laurier-Liberal in 1917.\n 1917: Levi Thomson, a Liberal MP since 1904, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.", "1917: Levi Thomson, a Liberal MP since 1904, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Frederick Forsyth Pardee, Liberal MP since 1905, re-elected as a Liberal-Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Edward Walter Nesbitt, Liberal MP since 1908, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Hugh Havelock McLean, Liberal MP since 1908, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Thomas MacNutt, Liberal MP since 1908, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.", "1917: Thomas MacNutt, Liberal MP since 1908, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Alexander Kenneth Maclean, Liberal MP since 1900, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: William Stewart Loggie, Liberal MP since 1904, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Hugh Guthrie, Liberal MP since 1900, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: William Stevens Fielding, Liberal MP since 1896, re-elected as a Liberal-Unionist in 1917.", "1917: William Stevens Fielding, Liberal MP since 1896, re-elected as a Liberal-Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: James McCrie Douglas, Liberal since 1909, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Michael Clark, Liberal since 1908, re-elected as a Liberal-Unionist in 1917.\n 1917: Frank Broadstreet Carvell, Liberal MP since 1900, joins Borden's Cabinet as Minister of Public Works in October 1917 and runs as a Liberal-Unionist in the subsequent election.", "1917: William Ashbury Buchanan, Liberal MP since 1911, re-elected as a Unionist in 1917.\n 1919: Andrew Knox, elected as a Liberal-Unionist in 1917, joins the Progressives in 1919.\n 1919: George William Andrews, elected as the Liberal-Unionist MP for Winnipeg Centre in 1917, becomes an independent on June 2, 1919, in protest of the government's handling of the Winnipeg General Strike.", "1920s\n 1922: William James Hammell, Progressive MP for Muskoka, joins the Liberal Party.\n 1925: William George Baker, Saskatchewan Labour MLA, becomes a Labour-Liberal MLA and then later solely a Liberal Party of Saskatchewan MLA in 1938.\n 1929: Charles Agar, Saskatchewan Progressive MLA, joins Liberal Party of Saskatchewan.", "1930s\n October 14, 1935: Henry Herbert Stevens, Minister of Trade and Commerce in the Conservative government of R.B. Bennett, leaves the party to form the Reconstruction Party of Canada, but then rejoined the Conservatives in 1938.", "1950s\n 1952: Tilly Rolston, British Columbia Progressive Conservative MLA, crossed the floor to join the British Columbia Social Credit Party of W.A.C. Bennett.\n 1955: Ross Thatcher, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) MP from Saskatchewan, leaves the party to sit as an independent. He runs as a Liberal in the 1957 election but is defeated. Subsequently, becomes leader of the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan and then Premier of Saskatchewan.", "1955: Sam Drover leaves the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador to become the province's first MHA representing the CCF, losing his seat in the next year's election.", "1960s\n 1962: Failed New Democratic Party (NDP) leadership contender and former CCF leader Hazen Argue crosses the floor to the Liberals.\n 1967: Social Credit Party of Canada MP Bud Olson crosses the floor to the Liberals.\n 1967: René Lévesque, Quebec MLA for Montreal-Laurier, leaves the Quebec Liberal Party to sit as an independent. Lévesque later formed the Mouvement Souveraineté-Association and then the Parti Québécois, on whose ticket he was re-elected in 1976.", "1968: Social Credit leader and MP Robert N. Thompson joins the Progressive Conservative Party.\n 1969: Liberal MP Perry Ryan (Spadina) quits the Liberal Party to sit as an independent because of the Trudeau government's policies on NATO and its decision to recognize the People's Republic of China. In 1970 Ryan joined the Progressive Conservatives, but lost his seat (coming 3rd) in the 1972 federal election.", "1970s\n 1971: Paul Hellyer, who had left the Liberal caucus to sit as an independent Liberal and subsequently attempted to form a new party, Action Canada, joined the Progressive Conservatives, and sought its leadership in 1976. (In 1982, outside of Parliament and the political spotlight, he rejoined the Liberals, in 1995 formed the Canadian Action Party, and in the 2000s sought to merge it with the NDP.)", "1972: Raymond Rock physically crossed the floor from the Liberals caucus to join the Progressive Conservatives.\n 1974: Garde Gardom, Pat McGeer, and Alan Williams, all BC Liberal MLAs, crossed to Social Credit.\n 1974: Hugh Curtis, BC Conservative MLA crossed to Social Credit.\n 1975: Frank Calder, MLA for Atlin since 1949, crossed floor from NDP to Social Credit.", "1975: Frank Calder, MLA for Atlin since 1949, crossed floor from NDP to Social Credit.\n 1977: Jack Horner left Progressive Conservatives to join Liberals, ultimately as part of Pierre Trudeau's cabinet. Defeated as Liberal candidate in 1979.\n 1977: Colin Thatcher, Saskatchewan MLA for Thunder Creek, defected from Liberals to the Conservatives.\n 1978: James Armstrong Richardson leaves the Liberals by physically crossing the floor to sit as an independent MP.", "1980s\n 1980: Thomas Rideout, Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador MHA, crosses the floor to join the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador over disputes with the federal government concerning control of offshore mineral resources.", "1980: Dick Collver and Dennis Ham leave the Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan to form the Unionest Party, which advocates for the western Provinces to join the United States. Neither sought re-election in 1982, resulting in the disappearance of the Unionest Party.\n 1982: Peter Ittinuar, MP, leaves New Democrats to join Liberals.\n 1985: Al Passarell, MLA for Atlin who defeated Frank Calder, crosses from NDP to Social Credit.", "1985: Al Passarell, MLA for Atlin who defeated Frank Calder, crosses from NDP to Social Credit.\n 1985: Graham Lea, MLA for Prince Rupert, left the NDP after he was badly defeated in the NDP leadership race. He joined the recently formed but short-lived United Party of BC, so then joined the British Columbia Conservative Party becoming its last ever MLA.", "1986: Gilles Roch, Manitoba Liberal Party MLA, defects to the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba after being denied permission to run as a Liberal candidate.\n 1986: David Ramsay, Ontario MPP, left Ontario New Democratic Party to join Ontario Liberal Party.\n 1986: Tony Lupusella, Ontario MPP, left Ontario New Democratic Party to join Ontario Liberal Party.", "1986: Robert Toupin, MP, leaves the Progressive Conservatives, attempts to sit as a Liberal but is rejected, joining the NDP, before soon after leaving the NDP to sit as an independent.", "1990s\n 1990: Lucien Bouchard, MP, quit the Progressive Conservatives to sit as an independent; with other MPs, he later formed the Bloc Québécois.\n 1990: David Kilgour, MP, quit the Progressive Conservatives to sit as an independent, then later joined Liberals. In 2005, Kilgour left the Liberal Party to again sit as an independent.", "1990: Jean Lapierre, Liberal MP for Shefford, Quebec, leaves Liberal caucus to sit as a member of the Bloc Québécois. Lapierre would eventually return as a Liberal and was elected to the House of Commons in 2004.\n 1992: Richard Holden, Quebec MNA for Westmount, left the Equality Party to sit as an independent, finally joining Parti Québécois. This move was seen as unusual as the Equality Party, a federalist English-rights party, was the ideological opposite of the PQ.", "1993: Dennis Drainville quit the Ontario New Democratic Party caucus to sit as an independent to protest the Rae government's decision to allow casino gambling in the province.\n 1993: Gordon Wilson and Judi Tyabji, British Columbia MLAs, left British Columbia Liberal Party to found the Progressive Democratic Alliance.\n 1993: Glen McPherson leaves the New Democratic Party of Saskatchewan and joins the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan.", "1994: Jag Bhaduria leaves the Liberal caucus to sit as an independent. In 1996, he styled himself Liberal Democrat; while not a registered political party, this identification was recognized in Hansard. In 1997, he re-ran for his seat as an independent and was defeated.\n 1995: Richard Neufeld, Lyall Hanson, Len Fox and Jack Weisgerber, MLAs, left Social Credit to join Reform Party of British Columbia.", "1996: John Nunziata, expelled from the Liberal caucus as a result of voting against the 1996 budget in protest, claiming a broken promise on the elimination of the Goods and Services Tax. He was re-elected as an independent in 1997.\n 1997: Richard Neufeld, MLA, left Reform Party of British Columbia for the British Columbia Liberal Party.", "1997: Gordon Wilson, after being re-elected as a Progressive Democrat, left the Progressive Democratic Alliance to join the British Columbia New Democratic Party and was appoint to Glen Clark's cabinet.\n 1997: Bob Bjornerud, June Draude, Ken Krawetz, and Rod Gantefoer leave the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan to help form the Saskatchewan Party.\n 1997: Bill Boyd, Don Toth, Ben Heppner and Dan D'Autremont leave the Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan to help form the Saskatchewan Party.", "1997: Jack Gooshen leaves the Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan to sit as an independent.\n 1997: Arlene Julé leaves the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan to sit as an independent.\n 1998: Alex Cullen, Ontario MPP, left the Ontario Liberal Party to sit as an independent, then joined the Ontario New Democratic Party eight days later.", "1998: Buckley Belanger, Saskatchewan MLA, resigned as Liberal Party of Saskatchewan MLA to run for the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party. He won re-election as a New Democrat with the second highest percentage of vote in Saskatchewan history.\n 1997: Arlene Julé joins the Saskatchewan Party and is no longer an independent.\n 1999: Angela Vautour leaves the New Democratic caucus for the Progressive Conservative caucus.", "1999: Anna-Marie Castrilli, Ontario MPP, left the Ontario Liberal Party to join the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario after losing the Liberal nomination in York Centre to Monte Kwinter (a reduction in ridings had forced the two MPPs to compete for the nomination). However, rather than running in York Centre, Castrilli runs in the 1999 provincial election in Parkdale—High Park against Liberal MPP Gerard Kennedy and is defeated.", "2000s\n April 2000: André Harvey, MP, left Progressive Conservatives to sit as an independent.\n September 12, 2000: David Price, MP, and Diane St-Jacques, MP, left the Progressive Conservatives to join Liberals; André Harvey, former PC MP but independent since April, also joined the Liberals at the same announcement. St-Jacques and Price reportedly told PC leader Joe Clark months earlier that they would leave the party.", "September 27, 2000: Rick Laliberte, NDP MP, sits as a Liberal and later switched to independent for the 2004 election.\n 2001: Jean-Guy Carignan, Liberal MP, changes to Independent-Liberal, to back to Liberal, then finally to sit as independent.", "2001: Jim Melenchuk and Ron Osika leave the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan when the party leaves the coalition with NDP. Both decide to continue to support the government and stay in cabinet. In the 2003 election both run for the New Democratic Party of Saskatchewan and are defeated.", "2001: MPs Art Hanger, Chuck Strahl, Gary Lunn, Jim Pankiw, Val Meredith, Grant McNally, Jay Hill, Jim Gouk, Monte Solberg, Andy Burton, Brian Fitzpatrick, Deborah Grey, and Inky Mark were either expelled from or voluntarily left the Canadian Alliance caucus after publicly criticizing party leader Stockwell Day, and sat as an \"Independent Alliance Caucus\"", ". Hanger, Gouk, Solberg, Fitzpatrick and Burton returned to the Alliance at the end of the summer; the remaining MPs continued to sit as the Democratic Representative Caucus. All but Mark and Pankiw eventually rejoined the Alliance by 2002.", "2002: Inky Mark, Democratic Representative Caucus MP, changes to independent, then later to the Progressive Conservatives.\n 2002: Jim Pankiw, Democratic Representative Caucus was denied permission to rejoin the Canadian Alliance and sat the remainder of his term as an independent MP.\n May 2002L Dennis Fentie, MLA for the Yukon New Democratic Party, leaves the party to join the conservative Yukon Party.\n 2002: Joe Peschisolido, changes from Canadian Alliance MP to Liberal.", "2002: Joe Peschisolido, changes from Canadian Alliance MP to Liberal.\n 2002: Ghislain Lebel, changes from Bloc Québécois MP to independent.\n 2003: Pierre Brien, changes from Bloc Québécois MP to independent.\n December 11, 2003: Scott Brison, Progressive Conservative MP, joins Liberals on the former's merger into the Conservative Party. Also Robert Lanctôt, Bloc Québécois MP, joins Liberal.\n February 17, 2004: John Bryden, Liberal MP, sits as an independent.", "February 17, 2004: John Bryden, Liberal MP, sits as an independent.\n February 25, 2004: John Bryden, independent MP, sits with the new Conservative Party. He subsequently lost the Conservative nomination in his riding held shortly after his switch.", "January 14, 2004: Keith Martin, Canadian Alliance MP, sits as an independent and announces he intends to seek the Liberal Party's nomination for his riding to protest the former's merger into the Conservative Party. He subsequently won the nomination, won the election and sat in the Liberal caucus until his retirement in 2011.\n June 8, 2004: Anne Cools, appointed to the Senate as a Liberal, announces that she will be crossing the floor to sit as a Conservative.", "June 29, 2004: Gary Masyk, Alberta MLA, crosses the floor from the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party to the Alberta Alliance Party.\n November 22, 2004: Carolyn Parrish, Liberal MP, was suspended from the caucus on November 18 after public comments about the Liberal party and Prime Minister Paul Martin. She decided to sit as an independent member four days later.\n 2005: David Kilgour, MP, changes from Liberals to independent.", "2005: David Kilgour, MP, changes from Liberals to independent.\n May 17, 2005: Belinda Stronach, MP, leaves Conservative Party to join Paul Martin's Liberal cabinet.\n June 6, 2005: Pat O'Brien, leaves Liberals to sit as an independent MP.\n October 17, 2005: Bev Desjarlais, NDP, sits as an independent MP after losing her party's nomination for an upcoming election", "January 13, 2006: Frank Branch, dean of the New Brunswick legislature and MLA for Nepisiguit, switches his affiliate from Liberal to independent pending a police investigation into his business practices.\n February 6, 2006: David Emerson, MP, changes from Liberals to Conservatives and joined Stephen Harper's cabinet two weeks after the election.", "February 21, 2006: Michael Malley, New Brunswick MLA for Miramichi-Bay du Vin, changes from Progressive Conservative to independent, after being turned down for a New Brunswick cabinet position and other demands. This move changed the balance of power from a majority government to a minority government in the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly.\n April 13, 2006: Michael Malley switches from independent back to Progressive Conservative while serving as speaker. This is seen as setting a precedent.", "January 5, 2007: Wajid Khan, MP, leaves the Liberals and joins the Conservatives.\n March 29, 2007: Tim Peterson, MPP in Ontario, leaves the Liberals to sit as an independent. On June 6, 2007, Peterson joins the Progressive Conservatives.\n April 17, 2007: Joan MacAlpine-Stiles and Wally Stiles, spouses and MLAs in the New Brunswick legislature, leave the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick and join the governing New Brunswick Liberal Association.", "August 30, 2008: Blair Wilson, independent MP who resigned from the Liberal caucus due to allegations of financial impropriety, joins the Green Party of Canada becoming its first ever Member of Parliament.\n October 23, 2008: André Riedl and Pierre-Michel Auger, Quebec MNAs, cross the floor from the ADQ to the governing Liberals.\n November 6, 2009: Quebec MNAs Éric Caire and Marc Picard leave the ADQ to sit as independents. In 2011, they join the Coalition Avenir Québec.", "2010s\n January 4, 2010: Rob Anderson and Heather Forsyth leave the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta to join the Wildrose Party in Alberta. Anderson crossed back in 2014.\n June 11, 2010: British Columbia MLA Blair Lekstrom left the BC Liberal Party to sit as an independent, in opposition to the party's handling of the Harmonized Sales Tax. He rejoined the party in early 2011, after the election of Christy Clark in the party's 2011 leadership election.", "June 24, 2010: Guy Boutilier joins the Wildrose Party almost a year after being ejected from the Alberta Progressive Conservative caucus.", "June 6, 2011: Quebec MNAs Louise Beaudoin, Pierre Curzi and Lisette Lapointe leave the Parti Québécois to sit as independents, citing dissatisfaction with the leadership of Pauline Marois. They are followed on June 7 by Jean-Martin Aussant, on June 20 by Benoit Charette, and on June 21 by René Gauvreau. Aussant later founds the Option nationale party and Charette joins the Coalition Avenir Québec caucus. Beaudoin rejoins the PQ on April 3, 2012.", "January 9, 2012: François Rebello, MNA, leaves the Parti Québécois caucus and joins the Coalition Avenir Québec.\n January 10, 2012: Lise St-Denis, MP, leaves the New Democratic Party to join the Liberals.\n March 26, 2012: John van Dongen, BC MLA, leaves the BC Liberal Party and joins the BC Conservative Party\n April 23, 2012: Bruce Hyer, MP, leaves the New Democratic Party caucus to sit as an independent. He subsequently joins the Green Party in December 2013.", "September 2012: Tom Osborne, MHA, leaves the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador to join the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador.\n February 2013: Kelly Lamrock, MLA and lawyer, leaves the New Brunswick Liberal Association to join the New Brunswick New Democratic Party.\n February 28, 2013: Claude Patry, MP, leaves the New Democratic Party caucus to join the Bloc Québécois.\n June 5, 2013: Brent Rathgeber, MP, leaves the Conservative Party caucus to sit as an independent.", "June 5, 2013: Brent Rathgeber, MP, leaves the Conservative Party caucus to sit as an independent.\n September 26, 2013: Dean Del Mastro, MP, leaves the Conservative Party caucus to sit as an independent.\n October 3, 2013: Hal Perry, MLA, leaves the Progressive Conservative Party of Prince Edward Island and joins the Prince Edward Island Liberal Party.", "October 29, 2013: Christopher Mitchelmore and Dale Kirby leave the Newfoundland and Labrador New Democratic Party in protest against the leadership of Lorraine Michael. Both sat as \"Independent NDP\" MHAs before joining the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador.\n January 20, 2014: Paul Lane, MHA, leaves the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador to join the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador.", "August 12, 2014: Jean-François Fortin, MP, leaves the Bloc Québécois to sit as an independent. He helped form Strength in Democracy in October 2014.\n August 20, 2014: Sana Hassainia, MP, leaves the New Democratic Party to sit as an independent in a dispute with NDP leader Thomas Mulcair's position on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.\n August 25, 2014: André Bellavance, MP, leaves the Bloc Québécois to sit as an independent.", "August 25, 2014: André Bellavance, MP, leaves the Bloc Québécois to sit as an independent.\n October 21, 2014: Jean-François Larose, MP, leaves the New Democratic Party to help form Strength in Democracy.\n November 24, 2014: Kerry Towle, MLA, and Ian Donovan, MLA, leave the Wildrose Party to join the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta.", "December 17, 2014: Danielle Smith, MLA and leader of the Wildrose Party, along with eight other Wildrose MLAs—Rob Anderson, Gary Bikman, Rod Fox, Jason Hale, Bruce McAllister, Blake Pedersen, Bruce Rowe and Jeff Wilson—leave the Wildrose Party to join the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta.\n February 9, 2015: Eve Adams, MP (Mississauga—Brampton South) leaves the Conservative Party and joins the Liberals.", "November 17, 2016: Sandra Jansen, MLA (Calgary-North West) leaves the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta and joins the Alberta New Democratic Party.\n May 28, 2017: Jack MacLaren, MPP, joins the Trillium Party of Ontario, shortly after being expelled from the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario caucus over comments he had made about Francophones in Ontario. Since the Trillium Party lacked official party status, MacLaren was officially considered an independent by the legislature.", "February 28, 2018: Seven Bloc Québécois MPs—Michel Boudrias, Rhéal Fortin, Simon Marcil, Monique Pauzé, Louis Plamondon, Gabriel Ste-Marie, and Luc Thériault—leave the party to sit as independents. Boudrias and Marcil rejoin the party on June 6 following Martine Ouellet's defeat in a leadership review referendum. Fortin, Pauzé, Plamondon, Ste-Marie, and Thériault go on to form Québec debout.", "August 23, 2018: Maxime Bernier, MP, leaves the Conservative Party and goes on to form the People's Party of Canada.\n September 17, 2018: Leona Alleslev, MP, leaves the Liberal Party to join the Conservative Party.\n September 17, 2018: The five remaining MPs of Québec debout, Rhéal Fortin, Monique Pauzé, Louis Plamondon, Gabriel Ste-Marie, and Luc Thériault rejoin the Bloc Québécois.", "March 11, 2019: Catherine Fournier, MNA, leaves the Parti Québécois to sit as an independent, citing the party's lack of commitment to the sovereignist ideology.", "2020s\n January 16, 2020: Amanda Simard, MPP for Glengarry—Prescott—Russell, having previously resigned from the Ontario PC caucus in September 2018 due to the government's Franco-Ontarian policies, joins the Ontario Liberal Party.\n June 10, 2021: Jenica Atwin, MP for Fredericton, leaves the Green Party to join the Liberal Party.", "June 10, 2021: Jenica Atwin, MP for Fredericton, leaves the Green Party to join the Liberal Party.\n March 7, 2022: Lela Evans, MHA for Torngat Mountains, having previously resigned from the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador, joins the Newfoundland and Labrador New Democratic Party.\n September 13, 2023: Bruce Banman, MLA for Abbotsford South leaves BC United to join the Conservative Party of British Columbia.", "Other changes\nThe following list contains items that, while not generally considered crossing the floor, may be similar in nature.\n In 1979, Pauline Jewett, who had been a Liberal MP from 1963 to 1965, returns to Parliament as a New Democrat.\n In 1997, David MacDonald, who had been a Progressive Conservative MP from 1965 to 1980 and 1988 to 1993, was a candidate to re-enter Parliament as a New Democrat, but was not elected.", "February 2, 2004: André Bachand, Joe Clark, and John Herron remain Progressive Conservative MPs (and are officially designated as independent Progressive Conservatives) when the Progressive Conservative Party merges with the Canadian Alliance to form the Conservative Party of Canada. Herron runs as a Liberal candidate in the 2004 election but is unsuccessful.", "In 2004, Canadian Alliance MP Chuck Cadman lost his party renomination race, but ran for re-election as an independent and won. The election resulted in a minority Liberal government, and Cadman's controversial vote to support a 2005 Liberal budget amendment, a confidence vote, was decisive in sustaining the Liberal government.", "In 2004, former NDP MP Chris Axworthy, who had resigned from Parliament in 1999, attempts to return to the House of Commons as a Liberal but is unsuccessful. He suffers a second defeat in 2006.\n Former British Columbia NDP Premier Ujjal Dosanjh was elected as a Liberal MP in the 2004 federal election.", "Former provincial cabinet minister and former Quebec Liberal MNA Lawrence Cannon was elected as a Conservative MP in the 2006 federal election and subsequently became Minister of Transport, Infrastructure, and Communities and later Minister of Foreign Affairs.\n Former Ontario NDP Premier and MP Bob Rae announced his candidacy for the leadership of the federal Liberals in 2006, and was re-elected to Parliament as a Liberal in 2008. He served as interim Liberal leader between 2011 and 2013.", "Françoise Boivin, a former Liberal MP who was defeated in the 2006 election, left the Liberal Party in 2008 and ran as a candidate for the New Democratic Party in the 2008 election. She was subsequently elected as a New Democrat in 2011.\n Cris Aglugub, who had been New Democratic Party of Manitoba MLA for The Maples from 1999 to 2007, was the 2011 Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba candidate in the newly created riding of Tyndall Park, where he placed third.", "Jean Charest, the former Premier of Quebec from 2003–2012 and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party from 1998–2012 was also the leader of the federal Progressive Conservative Party from 1995–1998 and a Progressive Conservative MP prior to that.", "Thomas Mulcair, the leader of the New Democratic Party 2012–2017 was a Member of the National Assembly of Quebec for the Quebec Liberal Party from 1994–2007, when he announced he would not run in that year's provincial election. Later that year, he stood as the NDP candidate in a federal by-election.", "NDP MP Glenn Thibeault (Sudbury) resigned his seat in order to be appointed the Ontario Liberal Party's candidate in a 2015 provincial by-election. He was briefly re-designated as an independent MP before his resignation became official.", "On January 1, 2017, Dominic Cardy resigned both as leader of the New Brunswick New Democratic Party and as a member of the provincial and federal New Democratic Parties. Cardy had not been elected to a public office as a New Democrat. On January 27 he accepted a position with the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick, initially as strategic issues director and in April as chief of staff to party caucus", ". In the 2018 provincial election he was elected PC MLA for Fredericton West-Hanwell, which he had previously contested unsuccessfully as a New Democrat. He entered the provincial PC cabinet.", "In 2019, Lenore Zann, MLA (Truro-Bible Hill-Millbrook-Salmon River), left the Nova Scotia NDP to run as a federal Liberal Party candidate in the federal election; she served as an independent MLA until she formally resigned her seat.\n In 2021, Belinda Karahalios, MPP, having previously been removed from the Ontario PC caucus after voting against Bill 195, co-founded the New Blue Party of Ontario, alongside her husband Jim Karahalios.", "In 2021, Rick Nicholls, MPP for Chatham-Kent—Leamington after previously being ejected from the Ontario PC caucus after refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine against party policy, joined the Ontario Party.\n In 2022, Dominic Cardy resigned as the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development under the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick and became independent.", "In 2023, John Rustad, MLA for Nechako Lakes, having previously been removed from the BC Liberal caucus for tweets suggesting that carbon dioxide emissions were not contributing to climate change, joined the BC Conservative party.", "See also\n\n List of Canadian politicians who have switched parties\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Members of the House of Commons who Crossed the Floor of the House of Commons or who Changed Parties (Parliament of Canada)\n\nLists of members of the House of Commons of Canada\nCanadian Politicians Who Have Crossed The Floor" ]
Western philosophy
[ "Western philosophy refers to the philosophical thought and work of the Western world. Historically, the term refers to the philosophical thinking of Western culture, beginning with the ancient Greek philosophy of the pre-Socratics. The word philosophy itself originated from the Ancient Greek (φιλοσοφία), literally, \"the love of wisdom\" , \"to love\" and σοφία sophía, \"wisdom\").\n\nHistory", "History\n\nAncient \nThe scope of ancient Western philosophy included the problems of philosophy as they are understood today; but it also included many other disciplines, such as pure mathematics and natural sciences such as physics, astronomy, and biology (Aristotle, for example, wrote on all of these topics).", "Pre-Socratics", "The pre-Socratic philosophers were interested in cosmology; the nature and origin of the universe, while rejecting unargued fables in place for argued theory, I.e., dogma superseded reason. They were specifically interested in the (the cause or first principle) of the world", ". They were specifically interested in the (the cause or first principle) of the world. The first recognized philosopher, Thales of Miletus (born in Ionia) identified water as the (claiming \"all is water\") His use of observation and reason to derive this conclusion is the reason for distinguishing him as the first philosopher. Thales' student Anaximander claimed that the was the apeiron, the infinite", ". Thales' student Anaximander claimed that the was the apeiron, the infinite. Following both Thales and Anaximander, Anaximenes of Miletus claimed that air was the most suitable candidate.", "Pythagoras (born ), from the island of Samos off the coast of Ionia, later lived in Croton in southern Italy (Magna Graecia). Pythagoreans hold that \"all is number\", giving formal accounts in contrast to the previous material of the Ionians. The discovery of consonant intervals in music by the group enabled the concept of harmony to be established in philosophy, which suggested that opposites could together give rise to new things", ". They also believed in metempsychosis, the transmigration of souls, or reincarnation.", "Parmenides argued that, unlike the other philosophers who believed the was transformed into multiple things, the world must be singular, unchanging and eternal, while anything suggesting the contrary was an illusion. Zeno of Elea formulated his famous paradoxes in order to support the Parmenides' views about the illusion of plurality and change (in terms of motion), by demonstrating them to be impossible", ". An alternative explanation was presented by Heraclitus, who claimed that everything was in flux all the time, famously pointing out that one could not step into the same river twice. Empedocles may have been an associate of both Parmenides and the Pythagoreans. He claimed the was in fact composed of multiple sources, giving rise to the model of the four classical elements. These in turn were acted upon by the forces of Love and Strife, creating the mixtures of elements which form the world", ". Another view of the being acted upon by an external force was presented by his older contemporary Anaxagoras, who claimed that nous, the mind, was responsible for that. Leucippus and Democritus proposed atomism as an explanation for the fundamental nature of the universe. Jonathan Barnes called atomism \"the culmination of early Greek thought\".", "In addition to these philosophers, the Sophists comprised teachers of rhetoric who taught students to debate on any side of an issue. While as a group, they held no specific views, in general they promoted subjectivism and relativism. Protagoras, one of the most influential Sophist philosophers, claimed that \"man is the measure of all things\", suggesting there is no objective truth", ". This was also applied to issues of ethics, with Prodicus arguing that laws could not be taken seriously because they changed all the time, while Antiphon made the claim that conventional morality should only be followed when in society.", "Classical period\n\nThe Classical period of ancient Greek philosophy centers on Socrates and the two generations of students following him.", "Socrates experienced a life-changing event when his friend, Chaerephon visited the Oracle of Delphi where the Pythia told him that no one in Athens was wiser than Socrates. Learning of this, Socrates subsequently spent much of his life questioning anyone in Athens who would engage him, in order to investigate the Pithia's claim. Socrates developed a critical approach, now called the Socratic method, to examine people's views", ". Socrates developed a critical approach, now called the Socratic method, to examine people's views. He focused on issues of human life: eudaimonia, justice, beauty, truth, and virtue. Although Socrates wrote nothing himself, two of his disciples, Plato and Xenophon, wrote about some of his conversations, although Plato also deployed Socrates as a fictional character in some of his dialogues. These Socratic dialogues display the Socratic method being applied to examine philosophical problems.", "Socrates's questioning earned him enemies who eventually accused him of impiety and corrupting the youth. The Athenian democracy tried him, was found guilty, and was sentenced to death. Although his friends offered to help him escape from prison, Socrates chose to remain in Athens and abide by his principles. His execution consisted of drinking poison hemlock. He died in 399 BCE.", "After Socrates' death, Plato founded the Platonic Academy and Platonic philosophy. As Socrates had done, Plato identified virtue with knowledge. This led him to questions of epistemology on what knowledge is and how it is acquired.", "Socrates had several other students who also founded schools of philosophy. Two of these were short-lived: the Eretrian school, founded by Phaedo of Elis, and the Megarian school, founded by Euclid of Megara. Two others were long-lasting: Cynicism, founded by Antisthenes, and Cyrenaicism, founded by Aristippus. The Cynics considered life's purpose to live in virtue, in agreement with nature, rejecting all conventional desires for wealth, power, and fame, leading a simple life free from all possessions", ". The Cyrenaics promoted a philosophy nearly opposite that of the Cynics, endorsing hedonism, holding that pleasure was the supreme good, especially immediate gratifications; and that people could only know their own experiences, beyond that truth was unknowable.", "The final school of philosophy to be established during the Classical period was the Peripatetic school, founded by Plato's student, Aristotle. Aristotle wrote widely about topics of philosophical concern, including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, aesthetics, poetry, theater, music, rhetoric, politics, and logic. Aristotelian logic was the first type of logic to attempt to categorize every valid syllogism. His epistemology comprised an early form of empiricism", ". His epistemology comprised an early form of empiricism. Aristotle criticized Plato's metaphysics as being poetic metaphor, with its greatest failing being the lack of an explanation for change. Aristotle proposed the four causes model to explain change – material, efficient, formal, and final – all of which were grounded on what Aristotle termed the unmoved mover. His ethical views identified eudaimonia as the ultimate good, as it was good in itself", ". His ethical views identified eudaimonia as the ultimate good, as it was good in itself. He thought that eudaimonia could be achieved by living according to human nature, which is to live with reason and virtue, defining virtue as the golden mean between extremes. Aristotle saw politics as the highest art, as all other pursuits are subservient to its goal of improving society", ". The state should aim to maximize the opportunities for the pursuit of reason and virtue through leisure, learning, and contemplation. Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great, who conquered much of the ancient Western world. Hellenization and Aristotelian philosophy have exercised considerable influence on almost all subsequent Western and Middle Eastern philosophers.", "Hellenistic and Roman philosophy", "The Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods saw the continuation of Aristotelianism and Cynicism, and the emergence of new philosophies, including Pyrrhonism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Neopythagoreanism. Platonism also continued but came under new interpretations, particularly Academic skepticism in the Hellenistic period and Neoplatonism in the Imperial period. The traditions of Greek philosophy heavily influenced Roman philosophy. In Imperial times, Epicureanism and Stoicism were particularly popular.", "The various schools of philosophy proposed various and conflicting methods for attaining eudaimonia. For some schools, it was through internal means, such as calmness, ataraxia (ἀταραξία), or indifference, apatheia (ἀπάθεια), which was possibly caused by the increased insecurity of the era. The aim of the Cynics was to live according to nature and against convention with courage and self-control", ". This was directly inspiring to the founder of Stoicism, Zeno of Citium, who took up the Cynic ideals of steadfastness and self-discipline, but applied the concept of apatheia to personal circumstances rather than social norms, and switched shameless flouting of the latter for a resolute fulfillment of social duties", ". The ideal of 'living in accordance with nature' also continued, with this being seen as the way to eudaimonia, which in this case was identified as the freedom from fears and desires and required choosing how to respond to external circumstances, as the quality of life was seen as based on one's beliefs about it. An alternative view was presented by the Cyrenaics and the Epicureans", ". An alternative view was presented by the Cyrenaics and the Epicureans. The Cyrenaics were hedonists and believed that pleasure was the supreme good in life, especially physical pleasure, which they thought more intense and more desirable than mental pleasures. The followers of Epicurus also identified \"the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain\" as the ultimate goal of life, but noted that \"We do not mean the pleasures of the prodigal or of sensuality . .", ". . . we mean the absence of pain in the body and trouble in the mind\". This brought hedonism back to the search for ataraxia.Another important strand of thought in post-Classical Western thought was the question of skepticism. Pyrrho of Elis, a Democritean philosopher, traveled to India with Alexander the Great's army where Pyrrho was influenced by Buddhist teachings, most particularly the three marks of existence", ". After returning to Greece, Pyrrho started a new school of philosophy, Pyrrhonism, which taught that it is one's opinions about non-evident matters (i.e., dogma) that prevent one from attaining ataraxia. To bring the mind to ataraxia, Pyrrhonism uses epoché (suspension of judgment) regarding all non-evident propositions. After Arcesilaus became head of the Academy, he adopted skepticism as a central tenet of Platonism, making Platonism nearly the same as Pyrrhonism", ". After Arcesilaus, Academic skepticism diverged from Pyrrhonism. The Academic skeptics did not doubt the existence of truth; they just doubted that humans had the capacities for obtaining it. They based this position on Plato's Phaedo, sections 64–67, in which Socrates discusses how knowledge is not accessible to mortals.", "Following the end of the skeptical period of the Academy with Antiochus of Ascalon, Platonic thought entered the period of Middle Platonism, which absorbed ideas from the Peripatetic and Stoic schools. More extreme syncretism was done by Numenius of Apamea, who combined it with Neopythagoreanism. Also affected by the Neopythagoreans, the Neoplatonists, first of them Plotinus, argued that mind exists before matter, and that the universe has a singular cause which must therefore be a single mind", ". As such, Neoplatonism become essentially a religion, and had much impact on later Christian thought.", "Medieval", "Medieval philosophy roughly extends from the Christianization of the Roman Empire until the Renaissance. It is defined partly by the rediscovery and further development of classical Greek and Hellenistic philosophy, and partly by the need to address theological problems and to integrate the then-widespread sacred doctrines of Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) with secular learning", ". Some problems discussed throughout this period are the relation of faith to reason, the existence and unity of God, the object of theology and metaphysics, the problems of knowledge, of universals, and of individuation.", "A prominent figure of this period was Augustine of Hippo, one of the most important Church Fathers in Western Christianity. Augustine adopted Plato's thought and Christianized it. His influence dominated medieval philosophy perhaps up to the end of era and the rediscovery of Aristotle's texts. Augustinianism was the preferred starting point for most philosophers up until the 13th century. Among the issues his philosophy touched upon were the problem of evil, just war and what time is", ". Among the issues his philosophy touched upon were the problem of evil, just war and what time is. On the problem of evil, he argued that evil was a necessary product of human free will. When this raised the issue of the incompatibility of free will and divine foreknowledge, both he and Boethius solved the issue by arguing that God did not see the future, but rather stood outside of time entirely.", "Scholasticism", "An influential school of thought was that of scholasticism, which is not so much a philosophy or a theology as a methodology, as it places a strong emphasis on dialectical reasoning to extend knowledge by inference and to resolve contradictions. Scholastic thought is also known for rigorous conceptual analysis and the careful drawing of distinctions", ". In the classroom and in writing, it often takes the form of explicit disputation; a topic drawn from the tradition is broached in the form of a question, oppositional responses are given, a counterproposal is argued and oppositional arguments rebutted. Because of its emphasis on rigorous dialectical method, scholasticism was eventually applied to many other fields of study.", "Anselm of Canterbury (called the 'father of scholasticism') argued that the existence of God could be irrefutably proved with the logical conclusion apparent in the ontological argument, according to which God is by definition the greatest thing in conceivable, and since an existing thing is greater than a non-existing one, it must be that God exists or is not the greatest thing conceivable (the latter being by definition impossible)", ". A refutation of this was offered by Gaunilo of Marmoutiers, who applied the same logic to an imagined island, arguing that somewhere there must exist a perfect island using the same steps of reasoning (therefore leading to an absurd outcome).Boethius also worked on the problem of universals, arguing that they did not exist independently as claimed by Plato, but still believed, in line with Aristotle, that they existed in the substance of particular things", ". Another important figure for scholasticism, Peter Abelard, extended this to nominalism, which states (in complete opposition to Plato) that universals were in fact just names given to characteristics shared by particulars.Thomas Aquinas, an academic philosopher and the father of Thomism, was immensely influential in medieval Christendom. He was influenced by newly discovered Aristotle, and aimed to reconcile his philosophy with Christian theology", ". Aiming to develop an understanding of the soul, he was led to consider metaphysical questions of substance, matter, form, and change. He defined a material substance as the combination of an essence and accidental features, with the essence being a combination of matter and form, similar to the Aristotelian view. For humans, the soul is the essence. Also influenced by Plato, he saw the soul as unchangeable and independent of the body.", "Other Western philosophers from the Middle Ages include John Scotus Eriugena, Gilbert de la Porrée, Peter Lombard, Hildegard of Bingen, Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, Bonaventure, Peter John Olivi, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Robert Kilwardby, Albertus Magnus, Henry of Ghent, Duns Scotus, Marguerite Porete, Dante Alighieri, Marsilius of Padua, William of Ockham, Jean Buridan, Nicholas of Autrecourt, Meister Eckhart, Catherine of Siena, Jean Gerson, and John Wycliffe", ". The medieval tradition of scholasticism continued to flourish as late as the 17th century, in figures such as Francisco Suárez and John of St. Thomas. During the Middle Ages, Western philosophy was also influenced by the Jewish philosophers Maimonides and Gersonides; and the Muslim philosophers Alkindus, Alfarabi, Alhazen, Avicenna, Algazel, Avempace, Abubacer, and Averroes.", "Renaissance humanism", "The Renaissance (\"rebirth\") was a period of transition between the Middle Ages and modern thought, in which the recovery of ancient Greek philosophical texts helped shift philosophical interests away from technical studies in logic, metaphysics, and theology towards eclectic inquiries into morality, philology, and mysticism", ". The study of the classics and the humane arts generally, such as history and literature, enjoyed a scholarly interest hitherto unknown in Christendom, a tendency referred to as humanism. Displacing the medieval interest in metaphysics and logic, the humanists followed Petrarch in making humanity and its virtues the focus of philosophy.", "At the point of passage from Renaissance into early/classical modern philosophy, the dialogue was used as a primary style of writing by Renaissance philosophers, such as Giordano Bruno.\n\nThe dividing line between what is classified as Renaissance versus modern philosophy is disputed.\n\nModern", "Modern \n\nThe term \"modern philosophy\" has multiple usages. For example, Thomas Hobbes is sometimes considered the first modern philosopher because he applied a systematic method to political philosophy. By contrast, René Descartes is often considered the first modern philosopher because he grounded his philosophy in problems of knowledge, rather than problems of metaphysics.", "Modern philosophy and especially Enlightenment philosophy is distinguished by its increasing independence from traditional authorities such as the Church, academia, and Aristotelianism; a new focus on the foundations of knowledge and metaphysical system-building; and the emergence of modern physics out of natural philosophy.\n\nEarly modern (17th and 18th centuries)", "Some central topics of Western philosophy in its early modern (also classical modern) period include the nature of the mind and its relation to the body, the implications of the new natural sciences for traditional theological topics such as free will and God, and the emergence of a secular basis for moral and political philosophy", ". These trends first distinctively coalesce in Francis Bacon's call for a new, empirical program for expanding knowledge, and soon found massively influential form in the mechanical physics and rationalist metaphysics of René Descartes.", "Descartes's epistemology was based on a method called Cartesian doubt, whereby only the most certain belief could act as the foundation for further inquiry, with each step to further ideas being as cautious and clear as possible. This led him to his famous maxim cogito ergo sum ('I think, therefore I exist'), though similar arguments had been made by earlier philosophers", ". This became foundational for much of further Western philosophy, as the need to find a route from the private world of consciousness to the externally existing reality was widely accepted until the 20th century. A major issue for his thought remained in the mind–body problem, however. One solution to the problem was presented by Baruch Spinoza, who argued that the mind and the body are one substance", ". This was based on his view that God and the universe are one and the same, encompassing the totality of existence. In the other extreme, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, argued instead that the world was composed of numerous individual substances, called monads. Together, Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz are considered influential early rationalists.", "In contrast to Descartes, Thomas Hobbes was a materialist who believed that everything was physical, and an empiricist who thought that all knowledge comes from sensation which is triggered by objects existing in the external world, with thought being a kind of computation. John Locke was another classic empiricist, with his arguments helping it overtake rationalism as the generally preferred approach. Together with David Hume, they form the core of 'British empiricism'", ". Together with David Hume, they form the core of 'British empiricism'. George Berkeley agreed with empiricism, but instead of believing in an ultimate reality which created perceptions, argued in favour immaterialism and the world existing as a result of being perceived. In contrast, the Cambridge Platonists continued to represent rationalism in Britain.", "In terms of political philosophy, arguments often started from arguing over the first principles of human nature through the thought experiment of what the world would look like without society, a scenario referred to as the state of nature. Hobbes believed that this would be a violent and anarchic, calling life under such a state of affairs \"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short\". To prevent this, he believed that the sovereign of the state should have essentially unlimited power", ". In contrast, Locke believed the state of nature be one where individuals enjoyed freedom, but that some of that (excluding those covered by natural rights) had to be given up when forming a society, but not to the degree of absolute rule. Jean-Jacques Rousseau meanwhile argued that in nature people were living in a peaceful and comfortable state, and that the formation of society led to the rise of inequality.", "The approximate end of the early modern period is most often identified with Immanuel Kant's systematic attempt to limit metaphysics, justify scientific knowledge, and reconcile both of these with morality and freedom. Whereas the rationalists had believed that knowledge came from a priori reasoning, the empiricists had argued that it came from a posteriori sensory experience, Kant aimed to reconcile these views by arguing that the mind uses a priori understanding to interpret the a posteriori experiences", ". He had been inspired to take this approach by the philosophy of Hume, who argued that the mechanisms of the mind gave people the perception of cause and effect.", "Many other contributors were philosophers, scientists, medical doctors, and politicians. A short list includes Galileo Galilei, Pierre Gassendi, Blaise Pascal, Nicolas Malebranche, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Christiaan Huygens, Isaac Newton, Christian Wolff, Montesquieu, Pierre Bayle, Thomas Reid, Jean le Rond d'Alembert and Adam Smith.\n\nGerman idealism\n\nGerman idealism emerged in Germany in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It developed out of the work of Immanuel Kant in the 1780s and 1790s.", "Transcendental idealism, advocated by Immanuel Kant, is the view that there are limits on what can be understood since there is much that cannot be brought under the conditions of objective judgment. Kant wrote his Critique of Pure Reason (1781) in an attempt to reconcile the conflicting approaches of rationalism and empiricism, and to establish a new groundwork for studying metaphysics", ". Although Kant held that objective knowledge of the world required the mind to impose a conceptual or categorical framework on the stream of pure sensory data—a framework including space and time themselves—he maintained that things-in-themselves existed independently of human perceptions and judgments; he was therefore not an idealist in any simple sense. Kant's account of things-in-themselves is both controversial and highly complex", ". Kant's account of things-in-themselves is both controversial and highly complex. Continuing his work, Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Friedrich Schelling dispensed with belief in the independent existence of the world, and created a thoroughgoing idealist philosophy.", "The most notable work of absolute idealism was G. W. F. Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, of 1807. Hegel admitted his ideas were not new, but that all the previous philosophies had been incomplete. His goal was to correctly finish their job", ". His goal was to correctly finish their job. Hegel asserts that the twin aims of philosophy are to account for the contradictions apparent in human experience (which arise, for instance, out of the supposed contradictions between \"being\" and \"not being\"), and also simultaneously to resolve and preserve these contradictions by showing their compatibility at a higher level of examination (\"being\" and \"not being\" are resolved with \"becoming\")", ". This program of acceptance and reconciliation of contradictions is known as the \"Hegelian dialectic\".", "Philosophers influenced by Hegel include Ludwig Feuerbach, who coined the term \"projection\" as pertaining to humans' inability to recognize anything in the external world without projecting qualities of ourselves upon those things; Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels; and the British idealists, notably T. H. Green, J. M. E. McTaggart, F. H. Bradley, and R. G. Collingwood.", "Few 20th-century philosophers embraced the core tenets of German idealism after the demise of British idealism. However, quite a few have embraced Hegelian dialectic, most notably Frankfurt School critical theorists, Alexandre Kojève, Jean-Paul Sartre (in his Critique of Dialectical Reason), and Slavoj Žižek. A central theme of German idealism, the legitimacy of Kant's \"Copernican revolution\", remains an important point of contention in 21st-century post-continental philosophy.", "Late modern (19th century)", "Late modern philosophy is usually considered to begin around the pivotal year of 1781, when Gotthold Ephraim Lessing died and Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason appeared", ". The 19th century saw the beginnings of what would later grow into the divide between Continental and analytic traditions of philosophy, with the former more interested in general frameworks of metaphysics (more common in the German-speaking world), and the latter focusing on issues of epistemology, ethics, law and politics (more common in the English-speaking world).", "German philosophy exercised broad influence in this century, owing in part to the dominance of the German university system. German idealists, such as Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and the members of Jena Romanticism (Friedrich Hölderlin, Novalis, and Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel), transformed the work of Kant by maintaining that the world is constituted by a rational or mind-like process, and as such is entirely knowable.", "Hegel argued that history was the dialectical journey of the Geist (universal mind) towards self-fulfilment and self-realization. The Geist's self-awareness is absolute knowledge, which itself brings complete freedom. His philosophy was based on absolute idealism, with reality itself being mental. His legacy was divided between the conservative Right Hegelians and radical Young Hegelians, with the latter including David Strauss and Ludwig Feuerbach", ". Feuerbach argued for a materialist conception of Hegel's thought, inspiring Karl Marx.Arthur Schopenhauer was inspired by Kant and Indian philosophy. Accepting Kant's division of the world into the noumenal (the real) and phenomenal (the apparent) realities, he, nevertheless, disagreed on the accessibility of the former, arguing that it could in fact be accessed. The experience of will was how this reality was accessible, with the will underlying the whole of nature, with everything else being appearance", ". Whereas he believed the frustration of this will was the cause of suffering, Friedrich Nietzsche thought that the will to power was empowering, leading to growth and expansion, and therefore forming the basis of ethics.", "Jeremy Bentham established utilitarianism, which was a consequentialist ethic based on 'the greatest happiness for the greatest number', an idea taken from Cesare Beccaria. He believed that any act could be measured by its value in this regard through the application of felicific calculus. His associate James Mill's son John Stuart Mill subsequently took up his thought. However, in contrast to the valuation of pure pleasure in Bentham's work, Mill divided pleasures into higher and lower kinds.", "Logic began a period of its most significant advances since the inception of the discipline, as increasing mathematical precision opened entire fields of inference to formalization in the work of George Boole and Gottlob Frege. Other philosophers who initiated lines of thought that would continue to shape philosophy into the 20th century include:\n Gottlob Frege and Henry Sidgwick, whose work in logic and ethics, respectively, provided the tools for early analytic philosophy.", "Charles Sanders Peirce and William James, who founded pragmatism.\n Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche, who laid the groundwork for existentialism and post-structuralism.", "Pragmatism", "Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that began in the United States around 1870. It asserts that the truth of beliefs consists in their usefulness and efficacy rather than their correspondence with reality. Charles Sanders Peirce and William James were its co-founders and it was later modified by John Dewey as instrumentalism", ". Since the usefulness of any belief at any time might be contingent on circumstance, Peirce and James conceptualized final truth as something established only by the future, final settlement of all opinion.", "Pragmatism attempted to find a scientific concept of truth that does not depend on personal insight (revelation) or reference to some metaphysical realm. It interpreted the meaning of a statement by the effect its acceptance would have on practice. Inquiry taken far enough is thus the only path to truth.", "For Peirce commitment to inquiry was essential to truth-finding, implied by the idea and hope that inquiry is not fruitless. The interpretation of these principles has been subject to discussion ever since. Peirce's maxim of pragmatism is, \"Consider what effects, which might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object.\"", "Critics accused pragmatism falling victim to a simple fallacy: that because something that is true proves useful, that usefulness is an appropriate basis for its truthfulness. Pragmatist thinkers include Dewey, George Santayana, and C. I. Lewis.", "Pragmatism was later worked on by neopragmatists Richard Rorty who was the first to develop neopragmatist philosophy in his Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979), Hilary Putnam, W. V. O. Quine, and Donald Davidson. Neopragmatism has been described as a bridge between analytic and continental philosophy.\n\nContemporary\n\nThe three major contemporary approaches to academic philosophy are analytic philosophy, continental philosophy and pragmatism. They are neither exhaustive nor mutually exclusive.", "The 20th century deals with the upheavals produced by a series of conflicts within philosophical discourse over the basis of knowledge, with classical certainties overthrown, and new social, economic, scientific and logical problems. 20th-century philosophy was set for a series of attempts to reform and preserve and to alter or abolish, older knowledge systems. Seminal figures include Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Jean-Paul Sartre", ". The publication of Husserl's Logical Investigations (1900–1) and Russell's The Principles of Mathematics (1903) is considered to mark the beginning of 20th-century philosophy. The 20th century also saw the increasing professionalization of the discipline and the beginning of the current (contemporary) era of philosophy.", "Since the Second World War, contemporary philosophy has been divided mostly into analytic and continental traditions; the former carried in the English speaking world and the latter on the continent of Europe. The perceived conflict between continental and analytic schools of philosophy remains prominent, despite increasing skepticism regarding the distinction's usefulness.\n\nAnalytic philosophy", "In the English-speaking world, analytic philosophy became the dominant school for much of the 20th century. The term \"analytic philosophy\" roughly designates a group of philosophical methods that stress detailed argumentation, attention to semantics, use of classical logic and non-classical logic and clarity of meaning above all other criteria. Though the movement has broadened, it was a cohesive school in the first half of the century", ". Though the movement has broadened, it was a cohesive school in the first half of the century. Analytic philosophers were shaped strongly by logical positivism, united by the notion that philosophical problems could and should be solved by attention to logic and language.", "Logic \n\nGottlob Frege's The Foundations of Arithmetic (1884) was the first analytic work, according to Michael Dummett (Origins of Analytical Philosophy, 1993). Frege was the first to take 'the linguistic turn,' analyzing philosophical problems through language. He invented a formal notational system for logic. His stance was one of anti-psychologism, arguing that logical truths were independent of the human minds discovering them.", "Bertrand Russell and G. E. Moore are also often counted as founders of analytic philosophy. They believed that philosophy should be based on analysing propositions. Russell wrote Principia Mathematica (with Alfred North Whitehead) to apply this to mathematics, while Moore did the same for ethics with Principia Ethica. Russell's attempts to find a foundation for mathematics led him to Russell's paradox, which caused Frege to abandon logicism", ". Russell espoused logical atomism, declaring that \"logic is the essence of philosophy\". In his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Ludwig Wittgenstein put forward a refined version of this view. Wittgenstein, Russell's 'disciple', argued that the problems of philosophy were simply products of language which were actually meaningless. This was based on the picture theory of meaning", ". This was based on the picture theory of meaning. Wittgenstein later changed his conception of how language works, arguing instead that it has many different uses, which he called different language games.", "Philosophy of science", "The logical positivists of the Vienna Circle started as a study group of Russell and Whitehead. They argued that the arguments of metaphysics, ethics and theology were meaningless, as they were not logically or empirically verifiable. This was based on their division of meaningful statements into either the analytic (logical and mathematical statements) and the synthetic (scientific claims)", ". Moritz Schlick and Rudolf Carnap argued that science rested at its roots on direct observation, but Otto Neurath noted that observation already requires theory in order to have meaning. Another participant in the Circle was Carnap's self-confessed disciple, Willard Van Orman Quine. In 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism', Quine criticized the distinction between analytic and synthetic statements", ". Instead, he advocated for a 'web of belief' approach, whereby all beliefs come from contact with reality (including mathematical ones), but with some being further removed from this contact than others.", "Another former participant in the Circle was Karl Popper. He argued that verificationism was logically incoherent, promoting instead falsificationism as the basis for science. A further advancement in the philosophy of science was made by Imre Lakatos, who argued that negative findings in individual tests did not falsify theories, but rather entire research programmes would eventually fail explain phenomena", ". Thomas Kuhn further argued that science was composed of paradigms, which would eventually shift when evidence accumulated against them. Based on the idea that different paradigms had different meanings of expressions, Paul Feyerabend went further in arguing for relativism in science.", "Philosophy of language", "Wittgenstein had first brought up the idea that ordinary language could solve philosophical problems. A loosely associated group of philosophers later became known as practitioners of ordinary language philosophy. It included Gilbert Ryle, J. L. Austin, R. M. Hare, and P. F. Strawson. They believed that as philosophy was not science, it could only be advanced through careful conceptual clarification and connection instead of observation and experimentation", ". However, they had given up the earlier analytic pursuit of using formal logic to express an ideal language, but did nevertheless share the scepticism of metaphysical grand theories. Unlike Wittgenstein, they believed only some problems of philosophy to be artifacts of language. This approach has been described as the linguistic turn of analytic philosophy", ". This approach has been described as the linguistic turn of analytic philosophy. Ryle introduced the concept of category mistake, which described the misapplication of a concept in the wrong context (which he accused Descartes of doing with the ghost in the machine). One of Austin's key insights was that some language perform a perlocutionary function (creating by themselves an effect on the world), thereby being speech acts. This idea was later taken up by John Searle.", "In the final third of the 20th century, philosophy of language emerged as its own programme. The theory of meaning became central to this programme. Donald Davidson argued that meaning could be understood through a theory of truth. This was based on the work of Alfred Tarski. Empirically, Davidson would find the meaning of words in different languages by linking them with the objective conditions of their utterance, which established their truthness", ". Meaning therefore emerges from the consensus of interpretations of speaker behaviour. Michael Dummett argued against this view on the basis of its realism. This was because realism would make the truthness of many sentences beyond measurability. Instead, he argued for verifiability, based on the idea that one could recognise the proof of truth when offered it", ". Alternative to these, Paul Grice put forward a theory that meaning was based on the intention of the speaker, which over time becomes established after repeated use.", "Theories of reference were another major strand of thought on language. Frege had argued that proper names were linked to its referent through a description of what the name refers to. Russell agreed with this, adding that \"this\" can replace a description in cases of familiarity. Later, Searle and Strawson expanded these ideas by noting that a cluster of descriptions, each of them usable, may be used by linguistic communities", ". Keith Donnellan further argued that sometimes a description could be wrong but still make the correct reference, this being different from the attributive use of a description. He, as well as Saul Kripke and Hilary Putnam independently, argued that often the referents of proper names are not based on description, but rather on a history of usage passing through users", ". Towards the end of the century, philosophy of language began to diverge in two directions: the philosophy of mind, and more specific study of particular aspects of language, the latter supported by linguistics.", "Philosophy of mind", "Early identity theories of mind in the 1950s and '60s were based on the work of Ullin Place, Herbert Feigl, and J. J. C. Smart. While earlier philosophers such as the Logical Positivists, Quine, Wittgenstein, and Ryle had all used some form of behaviorism to dispense with the mental, they believed that behaviorism was insufficient in explaining many aspects of mental phenomena. Feigl argued that intentional states could not be thus explained. Instead, he espoused externalism", ". Feigl argued that intentional states could not be thus explained. Instead, he espoused externalism. Place meanwhile argued that the mind could be reduced to physical events, while Feigl and Sense agreed they were identical. Functionalism in contrast argued that the mind was defined by what it does, rather than what it is based on. To argue against this, John Searle developed the Chinese room thought experiment", ". To argue against this, John Searle developed the Chinese room thought experiment. Davidson argued for anomalous monism, which claims that while mental events cause physical ones, and the all causal relations are governed by natural laws, there are however no natural laws governing the causality between mental and physical events. This anomaly in the name was explained by supervenience.", "In 1970, Keith Campbell proposed a \"new epiphenomenalism\", according to which the body produces the mind that does not act on the body, a process which he claims is destined to remain mysterious. Paul Churchland and Patricia Churchland argued for eliminative materialism, which claims that understanding the brain will lead to a complete understanding of the mind. This was based on developments in neuroscience", ". This was based on developments in neuroscience. However, physicalist theories of mind have had to grapple with the issue of subjective experience raised by Thomas Nagel in What Is It Like to Be a Bat? and Frank Cameron Jackson's so-called knowledge argument. David Chalmers also argued against physicalism in the philosophical zombie argument. He further noted that subjective experience posed the hard problem of consciousness", ". He further noted that subjective experience posed the hard problem of consciousness. The inability of physicalist theories to explain conscious feeling has been termed the explanatory gap. In contrast, Daniel Dennett has claimed that no such gap exists as subjective experiences are a 'philosophical fiction'.", "Ethics \nEthics in 20th century analytic philosophy has been argued to have begun with Moore's Principia Ethica. Moore argued that what is good cannot be defined. Instead, he saw ethical behaviour a result of intuition, which led to non-cognitivism. W. D. Ross in contrast argued that duty formed the basis for ethics.", "Russell's meta-ethical thought anticipated emotivism and error theory. This was supported by the logical positivists, and later popularised by A. J. Ayer. Charles Stevenson also argued that ethical terms were expressions of emotive meanings by speakers. R. M. Hare aimed to expand their meaning from mere expressions, to also being prescriptions which are universalizable. J. L", ". J. L. Mackie supported error theory on the basis that objective values do not exist, as they are culturally relative and would be metaphysically strange.", "Another strand of ethical thinking began with G. E. M. Anscombe arguing in 1958 that both consequentialism and deontology were based on obligation, which could not function without divine authority, instead promoting virtue ethics. Other notable virtue ethicists included Philippa Foot and Alasdair MacIntyre. The latter combined it with communitarianism.\n\nOther branches", "Notable students of Quine include Donald Davidson and Daniel Dennett. The later work of Russell and the philosophy of Willard Van Orman Quine are influential exemplars of the naturalist approach dominant in analytic philosophy in the second half of the 20th century", ". But the diversity of analytic philosophy from the 1970s onward defies easy generalization: the naturalism of Quine and his epigoni was in some precincts superseded by a \"new metaphysics\" of possible worlds, as in the influential work of David Lewis. Recently, the experimental philosophy movement has sought to reappraise philosophical problems through social science research techniques.", "Some influential figures in contemporary analytic philosophy are: Timothy Williamson, David Lewis, John Searle, Thomas Nagel, Hilary Putnam, Michael Dummett, John McDowell, Saul Kripke, Peter van Inwagen, and Patricia Churchland.", "Analytic philosophy has sometimes been accused of not contributing to the political debate or to traditional questions in aesthetics. However, with the appearance of A Theory of Justice by John Rawls and Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick, analytic political philosophy acquired respectability. Analytic philosophers have also shown depth in their investigations of aesthetics, with Roger Scruton, Nelson Goodman, Arthur Danto and others developing the subject to its current shape.", "Continental philosophy", "Continental philosophy is a set of 19th- and 20th-century philosophical traditions from mainland Europe. 20th-century movements such as German idealism, phenomenology, existentialism, modern hermeneutics (the theory and methodology of interpretation), critical theory, structuralism, post-structuralism and others are included within this loose category. While identifying any non-trivial common factor in all these schools of thought is bound to be controversial, Michael E", ". Rosen has hypothesized a few common continental themes: that the natural sciences cannot replace the human sciences; that the thinker is affected by the conditions of experience (one's place and time in history); that philosophy is both theoretical and practical; that metaphilosophy or reflection upon the methods and nature of philosophy itself is an important part of philosophy proper.", "The founder of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl, sought to study consciousness as experienced from a first-person perspective, while Martin Heidegger drew on the ideas of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Husserl to propose an unconventional existential approach to ontology.", "Phenomenologically oriented metaphysics undergirded existentialism—Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Albert Camus—and finally post-structuralism—Gilles Deleuze, Jean-François Lyotard (best known for his articulation of postmodernism), Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida (best known for developing a form of semiotic analysis known as deconstruction)", ". The psychoanalytic work of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva, and others has also been influential in contemporary continental thought. Conversely, some philosophers have attempted to define and rehabilitate older traditions of philosophy. Most notably, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Alasdair MacIntyre have both, albeit in different ways, revived the tradition of Aristotelianism.", "Existentialism", "Existentialism is a term applied to the work of a number of late 19th- and 20th-century philosophers who, despite profound doctrinal differences, shared the belief that philosophical thinking begins with the human subject—not merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling, living human individual", ". In existentialism, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called \"the existential attitude\", or a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world. Many existentialists have also regarded traditional systematic or academic philosophy, in both style and content, as too abstract and remote from concrete human experience.", "Although they did not use the term, the 19th-century philosophers Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche are widely regarded as the fathers of existentialism. Their influence, however, has extended beyond existentialist thought.\n\nMarxism and critical theory", "Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis, originating from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It analyzes class relations and societal conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and a dialectical view of social transformation. Marxist analyses and methodologies influenced political ideologies and social movements", ". Marxist analyses and methodologies influenced political ideologies and social movements. Marxist understandings of history and society were adopted by academics in archeology, anthropology, media studies, political science, theater, history, sociology, art history and theory, cultural studies, education, economics, geography, literary criticism, aesthetics, critical psychology and philosophy.", "In contemporary philosophy, the term \"critical theory\" describes the Western Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, which was developed in Germany in the 1930s. Critical theory maintains that ideology is the principal obstacle to human emancipation.\n\nPhenomenology and hermeneutics", "Edmund Husserl's phenomenology was an ambitious attempt to lay the foundations for an account of the structure of conscious experience in general. An important part of Husserl's phenomenological project was to show that all conscious acts are directed at or about objective content, a feature that Husserl called intentionality", ". Husserl published only a few works in his lifetime, which treat phenomenology mainly in abstract methodological terms; but he left an enormous quantity of unpublished concrete analyses. Husserl's work was immediately influential in Germany, with the foundation of phenomenological schools in Munich (Munich phenomenology) and Göttingen (Göttingen phenomenology)", ". Phenomenology later achieved international fame through the work of such philosophers as Martin Heidegger (formerly Husserl's research assistant and a proponent of hermeneutic phenomenology, a theoretical synthesis of modern hermeneutics and phenomenology), Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Jean-Paul Sartre. Through the work of Heidegger and Sartre, Husserl's focus on subjective experience influenced aspects of existentialism.", "Structuralism and post-structuralism", "Inaugurated by the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, structuralism sought to clarify systems of signs through analyzing the discourses they both limit and make possible. Saussure conceived of the sign as being delimited by all the other signs in the system, and ideas as being incapable of existence prior to linguistic structure, which articulates thought", ". This led continental thought away from humanism, and toward what was termed the decentering of man: language is no longer spoken by man to express a true inner self, but language speaks man.", "Structuralism sought the province of a hard science, but its positivism soon came under fire by post-structuralism, a wide field of thinkers, some of whom were once themselves structuralists, but later came to criticize it. Structuralists believed they could analyze systems from an external, objective standing, for example, but the poststructuralists argued that this is incorrect, that one cannot transcend structures and thus analysis is itself determined by what it examines", ". While the distinction between the signifier and signified was treated as crystalline by structuralists, poststructuralists asserted that every attempt to grasp the signified results in more signifiers, so meaning is always in a state of being deferred, making an ultimate interpretation impossible.", "Structuralism came to dominate continental philosophy throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, encompassing thinkers as diverse as Claude Lévi-Strauss, Roland Barthes and Jacques Lacan. Post-structuralism came to predominate from the 1970s onwards, including thinkers such as Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze and even Roland Barthes; it incorporated a critique of structuralism's limitations.\n\nProcess philosophy", "Process philosophy\n\nProcess philosophy is a tradition beginning with Alfred North Whitehead, who began teaching and writing on process and metaphysics when he joined Harvard University in 1924. This tradition identifies metaphysical reality with change.", "Process philosophy is sometimes classified as closer to continental philosophy than analytic philosophy, because it is usually only taught in continental departments. However, other sources state that process philosophy should be placed somewhere in the middle between the poles of analytic versus continental methods in contemporary philosophy.\n\nInfluences from Eastern philosophy", "The Ancient Greek philosopher Pyrrho accompanied Alexander the Great in his eastern campaigns, spending about 18 months in India. Pyrrho subsequently returned to Greece and founded Pyrrhonism, a philosophy with substantial similarities with Buddhism. The Greek biographer Diogenes Laërtius explained that Pyrrho's equanimity and detachment from the world were acquired in India", ". Pyrrho was directly influenced by Buddhism in developing his philosophy, which is based on Pyrrho's interpretation of the Buddhist three marks of existence. According to Edward Conze, Pyrrhonism can be compared to Buddhist philosophy, especially the Indian Madhyamika school. The Pyrrhonists' goal of ataraxia (the state of being untroubled) is a soteriological goal similar to nirvana", ". The Pyrrhonists promoted suspending judgment (epoché) about dogma (beliefs about non-evident matters) as the way to reach ataraxia. This is similar to the Buddha's refusal to answer certain metaphysical questions which he saw as non-conductive to the path of Buddhist practice and Nagarjuna's \"relinquishing of all views (drsti)\". Adrian Kuzminski argues for direct influence between these two systems of thought", ". Adrian Kuzminski argues for direct influence between these two systems of thought. In Pyrrhonism: How the Ancient Greeks Reinvented Buddhism According to Kuzminski, both philosophies argue against assenting to any dogmatic assertions about an ultimate metaphysical reality behind our sense impressions as a tactic to reach tranquility and both also make use of logical arguments against other philosophies in order to expose their contradictions.", "The Cyrenaic philosopher Hegesias of Cyrene is thought by some to have been influenced by the teachings of Ashoka's Buddhist missionaries.", "Empiricist philosophers, such as Hume and Berkeley, favoured the bundle theory of personal identity. In this theory, the mind is simply 'a bundle of perceptions' without unity. One interpretation of Hume's view of the self, argued for by philosopher and psychologist James Giles, is that Hume is not arguing for a bundle theory, which is a form of reductionism, but rather for an eliminative view of the self", ". Rather than reducing the self to a bundle of perceptions, Hume rejects the idea of the self altogether. On this interpretation, Hume is proposing a \"no-self theory\" and thus has much in common with Buddhist thought (see anattā). Psychologist Alison Gopnik has argued that Hume was in a position to learn about Buddhist thought during his time in France in the 1730s.", "See also\n\n Glossary of philosophy\n History of philosophy\n Index of philosophy\n List of philosophers\n List of philosophical theories\n List of philosophies\n Pseudophilosophy\n\nOther traditions\n African philosophy \n Eastern philosophy\n Christian philosophy\n Islamic philosophy\n Jewish philosophy\n\nNational traditions\n American philosophy\n British philosophy\n French philosophy\n German philosophy\n Polish philosophy", "Non-mainstream movements\n New realism\n Objectivism\n Personalism\n Post-analytic philosophy\n Post-Continental philosophy\n\nNotes\n\nReferences", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\nCopleston, Frederick (1946–1975). A History of Philosophy, 11 vols. Continuum.\nHegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1996) [1892 Kegan Paul]. Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson, ed. Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie [Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 3 vols.]. Humanities Press International.\nKenny, Anthony (2010). A New History of Western Philosophy. Oxford University Press.\nRussell, Bertrand (1945). A History of Western Philosophy. Simon & Schuster.", "External links\n The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy\n Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy\n The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy" ]
Alexandrov Ensemble soloists
[ "This is an alphabetical list of the basso profondo, bass, bass-baritone and tenor soloists who have performed with the Alexandrov Ensemble (under its various titles) since its establishment in 1928. It is difficult to differentiate between regular and guest soloists, since many have alternated between the one category and the other during their careers, so they are all listed together. Soloists of whom no recordings have yet been found have been listed below as \"other soloists\".\n\nIntroduction", "Until April 2009, when this article was created, little or nothing was generally known outside Russia about these fine soloists: as a group, or (in most cases) as individuals. People in the West could read a few of their names on current Alexandrov Ensemble CDs and DVDs, and perhaps hear a few old 78rpm recordings on YouTube, but could not Google in English for their images or musical biographies. Since April 2009, to a certain extent, they can. Therefore this article is part of the soloists' history.", "In 2004, Max Loppert said of Georgy Vinogradov: \"How is it possible for any singer of this caliber to have been (outside Russia) this unknown?\". One could say the same of the whole group. Before April 2009, almost all online resources on this subject were in Russian and Japanese, and even these were limited in content, so far as the biographies of most soloists were concerned. The dearth of information in the West could be partly attributable to the language barrier and the Cold War", ". One could speculate that scandals such as those 1951 rumours surrounding Vinogradov could have pressured the Alexandrov Ensemble to exercise particular discretion regarding publicity of their valuable star turns.", "Even so, there is almost no online information about the tenor Victor Nikitin, who made a beautiful 78 rpm recording of Cold Waves Lapping in the 1940s, and his last traceable recording appears to have been made in 1951, the same year as the rumours of a bar-room brawl and the end of Georgy Vinogradov's career. One can draw no conclusions, but – outside Russia at least – an air of mystery surrounds some of these great singers.", "Status of soloists \nApart from guest soloists, there are two ways of contracting a soloist in the Alexandrov Ensemble:\n A soloist of the choir is a constant member of the choir and only sometimes has one or two solo performances with certain songs specially selected for their personal vocal capabilities.\n Soloist of the Ensemble is a higher grade, meaning that the singer is a soloist on a constant basis and never – or no longer – takes part in the choir.\n\nA to Z list of soloists", "Georgi Abramov", "Born in Moscow 12 April 1903; died in Georgia 1 November 1966 (Russian: Георгий Абрамов). Bass soloist. Honoured Artist of Russia (1944). From 1918 to 1928 he worked as a mechanic or plumber in Moscow State University. In 1930 he entered an operatic singing competition on All-Union Radio. As a result of this, from 1931 to 1966 he was soloist of the All-Union Radio and television, taking part in opera productions", ". He was a concert singer, promoting the works of Soviet composers, and became the definitive singer of songs such as Roads (by Novikov), Treasured Stone, Single Accordion (by Mokrousov), and especially Bryansk Forest (by Katz). From 1954 to 1958 he was a music teacher at Gnessin State Musical College. He toured in Poland, Hungary, Romania and East Germany.", "With Georgy Vinogradov and Vladimir Zakharov he recorded For those who are in Transit (S. Katz – A. Fatyanov), and the beautiful folksong Already as the Sea.\nWith the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded A Bryansk Forest (recorded 1948) for the All-Union Radio Committee.", "Nicolai A. Abramov", "(Russian: Николай А. Абрамов), tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Smuglyanka duet with Nikolay Savchuk (music: Novikov; lyrics: Ya Shvedov), unknown duet with A. Kusleev, Praying, unknown duet with L. M. Kharitonov, Here's the Deal (1963), Black Crow duet with A. Eisen (1956), Nut Brown Maiden duet with I", ". Eisen (1956), Nut Brown Maiden duet with I. Savchuk (1953, 1956), The Little Bells (1956) Unfortunately, Nicolai Abramov's name was frequently incorrectly attributed on recordings, notably on the Kultur video of 1965 that is available in the West.", "Vadim Petrovich Ananyev \nCurrent soloist in the Ensemble. Ananyev was one of the very few soloists of the ensemble who did not board the plane to Syria later lost in the 2016 Russian Defence Ministry Tupolev Tu-154 crash. He stayed to care for his recently born child.", "Georgy Yakovlevich Andryushchenko \nGeorgy Yakovlevich Andryushchenko (born Aravan, Kyrgyzstan, 1933; died 12 January 2011).\n(Russian: Георгий Яковлевич Андрющенко); also spelled \"Andryushenko\"; tenor soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, People's Artist of Russia (1973). He studied at Gnessin State Musical College, and joined the Alexandrov Ensemble as a soloist in 1958. He performed at the Bolshoi Theatre 1963–1979,", "had a wide repertoire and was one of the leading tenors in a troupe which toured the world. From 1974 to 1976 he was the supervisor of the trainee group of Bolshoi Theatre soloists. From 1979 he was director of the Moscow Ice Ballet Ensemble. In the late 1980s he worked as general director of GosTsirk; he was the head of all circuses in Russia, and he published an article in Dei/Disillusionist magazine about a circus tour to the Vatican in 1982.", "Within the Bolshoi Theatre his recorded operatic arias include the following: as Prince Andrei Khovansky in Modest Mussorgsky's opera Khovanshchina (1979); as Mikhailo Tucha in Pskovityanka (or A Girl from Pskov); as Alexey in Optimistic Tragedy by Kholminov; as Masalsky in October by Muradeli; as Marquise in The Gambler by Sergei Prokofiev from the story by Dostoyevsky; as Semyon in Semyon Kotko by Sergei Prokofiev.", "Valentin Ivanovich Anisimov", "Valentin Ivanovich Anisimov (born 1937; died 26 August 2002). (Russian: В.И. Анисимов), bass soloist (of the Odessa Opera House). People's Artist of Ukraine and Honoured Artist of Russia (1973). In 1962 he graduated from the Urals State Conservatory. From 1962 he was a soloist at Sverdlovsk, Ukraine and from 1967 at the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre. He gave 40 performances at the Bolshoi Theatre and gained a fine reputation throughout the USSR for singing in Verdi's opera Rigoletto", ". From 1980 he was soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic. He also taught at the Institute of Contemporary Art in the USSR.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Veterans (music: Boris Alexandrov; lyrics S. Bencken).", "Georgiy Ivanovich Babaev", "(Russian: Г.И. Бабаев; also translated George Babayev), bass-baritone soloist, Stalin Prize Laureate. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Song of the Young Soldiers duet with V. Puchkov (music: P. Akulenko; lyrics: Ya Shvedov), Song about Klim Voroshilov duet with Yuri Louth (music: Alexander Alexandrov; lyrics: O. Kolychev), Aside Native (music: A. Alexandrov; lyrics: S. Mikhalkov), Seasoned Cook (music: Z. Компанеец; lyrics: I. Lakshin), Song about Blyukher duet with V", ". Компанеец; lyrics: I. Lakshin), Song about Blyukher duet with V. Pankov (music: Alexander Alexandrov; lyrics: S. Alymov), I Myself (Slovak song).", "Kim Ivanovich Bazarsadaev \n(Russian: Ким Иванович Базарсадаев), bass soloist. People's Artist of the USSR (1981).\n\nEvgeny Belyaev", "Soloist of the Ensemble. (Russian: Евгений Михайлович Беляев). Outside the USSR, one of the most celebrated tenor soloists under Boris Alexandrov was Evgeny Belyaev or Evgeny Mikhailovich Belyaev (1926–1994)", ". He was born 11 September 1926 in the Bryansk Oblast, and served in the subdivision of zenith troops during World War II. He then graduated from Gnessin State Musical College. In 1947 he was a soloist of the Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Carpathian military district, and in 1952 a Member of CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union). In 1955 he was a soloist of the Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Soviet Army of Alexandrov", ". In 1955 he was a soloist of the Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Soviet Army of Alexandrov. In 1967 he was made People's Artist of the USSR, and in 1978 he won the State Prize of the USSR. He died in 1994 ( 21 or 22 February).", "Two of his most famous performances are Oh the Rye and Nightingale. The lyric of Nightingale asks the nightingale to be quiet as the soldiers are sleeping; i.e. they have died. One of his most popular recordings with The Alexandrov Ensemble is Kalinka.", "Pyotr Dmitrievich Bogachev", "(Russian: Петр Дмитриевич Богачёв), bass-baritone soloist. Honoured Artist of Russia. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded In the Ocean Gave duet with S. Ivanov (music: B. Korostylev; lyrics: B. Bezhaev), It's a Long Time Since We Were Home duet with S. Ivanov (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Fatyanov), We, the Army People duet with S. Ivanov (music: G. Movsesyan; lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvensky), Listen, Beauty duet with S. Ivanov (music: E. Martin; lyrics: M. Plyatskovsky), Your Soldiers duet with S", ". Ivanov (music: E. Martin; lyrics: M. Plyatskovsky), Your Soldiers duet with S. Ivanov (music: B. Gamal; lyrics: A. Sofronov), We go, We Go Into the Army duet with Ivan Bukreev (music: B. Aleksandrov; lyrics: V. Tatarinov), Smuglianka, duet with S. Ivanov (music: A. Novikov; lyrics: Y. Chvedov),The Samovars duet with S. Ivanov (music A. Novikov; lyrics: S. Alimov) (1982/92)", ", Nut Brown Girl duet with S. Ivanov (1989/92, 2003), Endless Sea duet with S. Ivanov, We Protect the Country duet with S. Ivanov, Afield duet with S. Ivanov (1992), Evening on the Roads duet with S. Ivanov (1992), Distant Northern Town trio with V.S. Buzurov and S. Ivanov (1992), Dixie duet with S. Ivanov 1992, Greetings from the Troops duet with S. Ivanov, Our Army duet with S. Ivanov (1984).", "Ivan Semionovich Bukreev", "Soloist of the Ensemble. (born 1924; died 1998). (Russian: Иван Семенович Букреев), lyric tenor soloist, People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of Russia. In World War II he was in the Air Force, and was seriously wounded in battle. In 1944 he graduated from the Gnessin State Musical College, and became a soloist in the Air Force ensemble. It has been suggested in the West that he was overshadowed by E. Belyaev, but Leonid Kharitonov remembers the following:", "\"Bukreev didn’t have any specific reaction to Belyaev's success. Actually, he was glad for his colleague. Besides, it would be quite strange to compare them since they were different kinds of tenor – Belyaev was lyric tenor (higher voice) and Bukreev was a lyric and dramatic tenor (deeper voice). Bukreev never performed as a soloist abroad. Belyaev sang only three songs abroad and was mainly famous for the Kalinka song. In Russia they had equal popularity", ". In Russia they had equal popularity. Bukreev was teetotal and was a good husband and father to his wife and daughter.\"", "Kharitonov only ever sang duets with one person, and that was Bukreev. With the Alexandrov Ensemble from 1953 to 1987/88 Bukreev gained a high reputation and recorded: Take Soldiers (music: Y. Milutin; lyrics: M. Lisyansky), Submariners' Waltz (music: V. Alexandrov; lyrics: Igor Morozov) (1965), Rides the Border (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: A. Annual), We Go, We Go Into the Army duet with P. Bogachev (music: B. Aleksandrov; lyrics: V. Tatarinov), The Soldier (music: B. Mokrousov; lyrics: C", ". Aleksandrov; lyrics: V. Tatarinov), The Soldier (music: B. Mokrousov; lyrics: C. Islands), Our Soldiers (music: L. Lyadov; lyrics: A. Zharov), Good Guy (music: A. Doluhanyan; lyrics: Nekrasova L.), Song of Prague (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: Anon) (1960), At Least (music: A. Doluhanyan; lyrics: M. Lisyansky), A Wave (music: A Doluhanyan; lyrics: M. Lisyansky), Soldier's Ways duet with Edward Labkovsky (music: B. Aleksandrov; lyrics: B. Dubrovin), Russian Accordion (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: E", ". Aleksandrov; lyrics: B. Dubrovin), Russian Accordion (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: E. Savinov), I Took You into the Tundra (music: M. Fradkin; lyrics: M. Plyatskovsky) (performed 1982),", "Bird Cherry (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: M. Isakovsky), South-West Region (music: Yu Milyutin; lyrics: E. Dolmatovskaya), I Will Never Forget You (music: E. Kolmanovsky; lyrics: K. Vanshenkin) (ca.1965), Moscow Nights (music: V. Soloviev-Sedoi; lyrics: M. Matousovski) (1958), Bella Ciao duet with P. Slastnoi (Italian partisan song; arr. B. Pogrebov) (ca.1966)\n,", "Bucharest Love, Homeland Night, Wait a Day to Return (1956), Song of the Border Defence Troops, two unknown solos, Spring of 1945 duet with Boris Shemyakov, Sky Blue Eyes (1978), Near the Garden trio with I.I. Savchuk and E. Belyaev, American Soldiers, That Soldier Heads Up, Far Away (1978), The Girls I Cry, Early Apple Blossom, Regiment Polka duet with V.P. Gorlanov, Ready Rocket Forces duet with V.L. Ruslanov, City of Rostov, In Our Company, Vasya-Vasilyok duet with L. M. Kharitonov (ca", ".L. Ruslanov, City of Rostov, In Our Company, Vasya-Vasilyok duet with L. M. Kharitonov (ca.1965), I'll Always be a Soldier.", "Vladimir Abramovich Bunchikov \n\nBass-baritone soloist. (born in Yekaterinoslav 21 November 1902; died 17 March 1995). Honoured Artist of Russia (1944).", "From 1934, he recorded songs. With V. Kandelaki he sang jazz, and he sang with the popular orchestra directed by B. Knushevitsky, and with Boris Alexandrov's Song and Dance Ensemble of All-Union Radio and band. His main repertoire was the songs of Soviet composers. From 1942 to 1967 he was a soloist of the All-Union Radio. For 25 years he performed fine duets with the lyric tenor Vladimir Nechaev (1908–1969) whom he had met during World War II.", "With the Ensemble of the All-Union Radio Committee under Boris Alexandrov he recorded Evening in the Roadstead/Night on the Road duet with P. Mikhailov (recorded 1942).\nThis is a baritone-tenor duet, and the choir includes women sopranos. He also recorded Nightingale in the 1940s as a baritone-tenor duet with Georgi Pavlovich Vinogradov,\nIt's a Long Time Since We Were Home duet with V. Nechaev.", "E. Burchak \n(Russian: Е.Бурчаков), bass-baritone soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Not a – Do Not Know (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: V. Malkov).\n\nVictor Sergeievich Buzurov \n(Russian: Виктор Сергеевич Бузлов). Tenor soloist. Joined the Ensemble ca.1970. Since 1990 he has recorded with the Don Cossack Choir and V. Gavva, singing religious songs. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he has recorded The Birch Tree (1987), Distant Northern Town trio with S. Ivanov and P. Bogachev (1992), Moscow.", "Vladimir Chernykh \n(Russian: Черных, Владимир), tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Jet Pilot, Ballad of the Red Army, Loyalty duet (possibly with G. Andryushchenko),\nHail to the Infantry! with V. Shkaptsov (1978) and unknown song.", "Critical commentary on a music video featuring Chernykh and Bukreev: They sing The Grey Cuckoo on Soviet Army Chorus and Dance Ensemble This screenshot illustrates the sheer lack of public ego among the tenors of the Ensemble. In the West, a duet or trio of lyric tenors is always something of a competition for audience attention on the part of the singers – but here it is always a matter of humility to the music: blending; complementing; adjusting of the voice for perfect harmony of dynamic and musicality", ". The duettists always behave like the army choristers, whom Boris Alexandrov famously described as being so well-disciplined due to regular square-bashing. This, of course, was a joke as they are clearly as exhaustively rehearsed as any Georg Solti choir. This screenshot shows them not showing off, but simply working. It helps to illustrate that this army choir was really born of the Kazan Cathedral choir where Alexander Alexandrov learned his trade all those decades ago", ". The choir was never a sport of the operatic stage where Boris was trained.", "Ivan Alexandrovich Didenko \nIvan Alexandrovich Didenko, soloist of the choir. (); Tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Lights Black Sun (music: A. Doluhanyan; lyrics: M. Lisyansky), The Birch Tree (1956) Snowflakes (1956)\n\nV. Dmitriev \nV. Dmitriev, (Russian: В.Дмитриев), bass soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded the beautiful and dramatic Halt, Who Goes There! (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: E. Dolmatovskaya).\n\nArthur Arturovich Eisen", "Arthur Arturovich Eisen (Russian: Артур Артурович Эйзен), bass-baritone soloist. (b. Moscow 8 June 1927; d. Moscow 26 February 2008). Soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, Honoured Artist of Russia (1956), Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1971), People's Artist of the USSR (1976), Order of Friendship of Peoples (1988). With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Elegy, Oh No John (1956), Cold Waves Lapping (1956), Black Raven, duet with N.A. Abramov (1956), 4 unknown solos (1956), Song of the Volga Boatmen.", "Vasily Eliseev \nSoloist of the choir. Born 1931; died 1982. (Russian:Василий Елисеев), tenor with countertenor capability, i.e. with smooth transition to upper range, and good tone and projection throughout. There is a long tradition of countertenors in the Eastern Orthodox Church; this tradition continued during the Soviet era. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Listen. On the Kultur video from which the screenshot is taken, Eliseev is incorrectly named as Nicolai A. Abramov.", "Critical commentary on a music video featuring Vasily Eliseev Eliseev sings Listen on the music video Soviet Army Chorus and Dance Ensemble The song, Listen, takes full advantage of Eliseev's countertenor capability. According to Eliseev's apparent age in the screenshot, he was probably born in the 1920s and spent his early career in World War II: a time of great hardship for the general populace", ". Music was a great solace for the troops and the people, and the Alexandrovs felt the need to produce a full range of compositions. They needed sopranos for their choir and soloists, but were not permitted them. Eliseev filled a need for a beautiful and highly trained voice, to allow not just extended chords for drama and pathos in the video, but chords to provide a beauty and spiritual dimension in the arrangement of Listen, in which a political prisoner voices his dreams of Outside", ". Just as the spiritual dimension of the song appears to reach through the music to beyond the studio, so this singer appears to be conscious of a level beyond himself, as seen in the screenshot, and as heard in his ethereal upper register.", "Vladimir Fyodorov \nThe only basso profondo that the Ensemble ever had. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Bandura duet with Nikolai Polozkov (1956).", "Stanislav Ivanovich Frolov", "Stanislav Ivanovich Frolov (Russian: Станислав Иванович Фролов), magnificent Russian basso profondo (from GABTa). Ten years after graduation he worked as a film camera operator. He was then admitted to the State Music School in the Komi-Zyryan Autonomous Oblast. From 1960 to 1962 he was employed by the Kyrgyz Academy Theatre, then from 1964 to 1967 by the Belarusian Opera and Ballet. He joined the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow as soloist, and in 1970 joined their tour to Japan", ". He joined the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow as soloist, and in 1970 joined their tour to Japan. He joined the Alexandrov Ensemble in 1976, and was part of its tour to Japan in the same year.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Great October Holiday (music: Boris Alexandrov; lyrics: S. Bencken), Song of the Dnieper (music: M. Fradkin; music: E. Dolmatovskaya), The Red Cavalry (Civil War song: D. Pokrass),\nSong of the Fatherland, Song of the Golden Calf from the opera Faust (1995), Soldiers' Song (1983).", "Valery Gavva", "(Russian: Валерий Гавва), fine Russian bass. (b. Donetsk, Ukraine, 1947). He is descended from an old Cossack family. He attended the Industrial University of Rostov, and did military service in the Urals. After that, he studied music at the University of Donetsk in Ukraine. After graduating, he became an operatic soloist. In 1987 he joined the Ensemble as a bass soloist, and became People's Artist of the USSR", ". In 1987 he joined the Ensemble as a bass soloist, and became People's Artist of the USSR. He did a 1996 tour to Japan with the National Opera Theatre of Leningrad, singing in Modest Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov. He broadcast with the Don Cossack Choir, and recorded in 1994 and 1995. In 2002 he performed with the Moscow Radio and Television Choir in Korea.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Treasured Stone (music: B. Mokrousov; lyrics A. Zharov), Poem of the Ukraine (music: Alexander Alexandrov; lyrics: O. Kolychev), Dark Eyes with A. Molostov, trumpet (trad; arr. Dmitri Oleg Yachinov). He has made many more recordings.", "Konstantin Grigorievich Gerasimov \nSoloist of the Ensemble. (born 1912). (Russian: Константин Григорьевич Герасимов). People's Artist of Russia (1962); bass-baritone soloist. After graduating from the College of Light Industry he studied singing while working as a clerk in charge of plant management. In 1936 he enlisted as an army sniper so as to be allowed into the Alexandrov Ensemble to get musical training and experience. In 1969 he became a leading baritone soloist.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded The Death of Varyag (music: A. Turischev; lyrics: R. Greynts; E.Studinskaya) (1959/63), Barrow (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: E. Dolmatovskaya), Marine Guard (music: Y. Milutin; lyrics: V.Lebedev-Kumach), Moscow-Beijing (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: M. Vershinin) (1950), We Are For Peace (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: A. Zharov), Song of the Ballistic Missile duet with A. Sergeev (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: M", ". Zharov), Song of the Ballistic Missile duet with A. Sergeev (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: M. Andronov), It's a Long Way to Tipperary (1956), Song of Japan, Our Bodyguard duet with V.V. Puckkov (1951), Near the Border, Song of the Military Alliance (1960), unknown operatic aria, Song of Russia (1960/63).", "Pyotr Gluboky", "Pyotr Gluboky (born Volgograd, 1947), bass soloist. From 1967 to 1973 he studied at Gnessin State Musical College. In 1972 he began working as a soloist at the Bolshoi Theatre. He was a Glinka Competition winner in 1973, and in 1974 he won the grand prize in the Toulouse International Competition. He was also professor at the Gnessin State Musical College. He became People's Artist of the USSR. He performed as a guest soloist for the Alexandrov Ensemble on tours to Japan", ". He performed as a guest soloist for the Alexandrov Ensemble on tours to Japan. He recorded with the Bolshoi Theatre company.", "Vladimir P. Gorlanov \n(Russian: Владимир П. Горланов), tenor soloist from mid-1950s until 1960. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Virgin Land (1960), Song of the Defence, Regiment Polka duet with I.S. Bukreev.", "Nikolai Timofeyevich Gres", "Soloist of the Ensemble. Born 28 December 1920 in Kobeliaky; died 25 March 2003 in Simferopol. (Russian: Николай Тимофеевич Гресь), tenor soloist. Honoured Artist of Russia (1966). During World War II he sustained an injury resulting in a brain contusion. From 1946 he was a soloist of the Black Sea Fleet Ensemble. From 1955 to 1963 he was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, and his debut with the Bolshoi was 11 February 1956 in Moscow. He then joined the Alexandrov Ensemble until 1973", ". He then joined the Alexandrov Ensemble until 1973. After leaving the Ensemble he worked briefly in Moscow teaching automobile engineering, then moved to Simferopol in the Ukraine, where he became an administrator in the Simferopol Philharmonic Society. In his last years he suffered poor health and died suddenly in hospital at Simferopol. Some newspaper and magazine articles about Gres are listed at Slovari Yandex", ". Some newspaper and magazine articles about Gres are listed at Slovari Yandex. In 2001 in the Crimea a biography of Gres was published under the title The whole life with a song (Всю жизнь – с песней), by I.Turchin (И. Турчин).", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded I was going back from Berlin (music: I. Dunaevsky; lyrics: L. Oshanin) (1966), The Birch Tree (1965)\n,", "Truth of the Century (1970), The River Flows (1963), French Marching Song (Походная) lyrics by E.Mugel (1963), My Friends (duet with A.S. Sibirtsev), and Let us remember, comrades (duet with A.S. Sibirtsev 1960s, music A.V.Alexandrov, lyrics S.Alymov), When I go to the quick river (Как пойду я на быструю речку) (1955), The Grey Cuckoo (1965), Obelisks (music: Smolsky; lyrics: Yasen) or Обелиски (Д. Смольский – М", ". Смольский – М. Ясень) (1966), The Song of the Headman from the opera The Night of May by Rimsky-Korsakov or Песня про Голову из оперы \"Майская ночь\" (Н. Римский – Корсаков) (1955; 1967), I Have Travelled the Whole Universe (1969), also known as I wandered through the world, the part of Sobinin in Ivan Susanin (Life of the Tsar) opera by Glinka. He also recorded Soviet Flag (music: B.A. Alexandrov; lyrics: P.Arsky (П. Арский)) (1969), and Fanikuli-Fanikula (1969).", "Critical commentary on a music video featuring Nikolai Gres", "(see screenshot right): Gres sings The Birch Tree on the music video Soviet Army Chorus and Dance Ensemble This is a late medieval composition about a man sitting under a birch tree, whittling and thinking of women. It is usually categorised as a folk song as the name of the composer has been lost. However it is clearly a professional composition of a quality comparative to those of medieval Northern European composers of troubadour songs, such as Dufay and Binchois", ". This performance is part of the history of the early music revival movement. In the 19th century, rediscovered early music, along with folk music, was usually arranged to be performed in the grand orchestral or Italian operatic style. However, such music had always survived in church music, in one form or another, and people were used to hearing it performed in the style of traditional European church choirs: no vibrato; pure and clear tone; adjusting the voice production to the acoustics of the building", ". In church music, the building was always the secondary soundbox for the vocal instrument (the nasal cavity being the first). From the 1950s, early music performance reverted to this ecclesiastical style of singing. So the Alexandrov Ensemble performance of ca.1963 was very modern for its time. Gres sings like a church choir baritone, with the same appearance of spiritual joy as any oratorio soloist", ". The screenshot does not capture such a moment, but it does show the sheer effort that the performance required. His voice is responding to a building-soundbox too; in this case a recording studio. The Russian practice of the time was to film outdoors and then dub the sound later. Studio dubbing tends to appear artificial today, but on this occasion it is advantageous, as the church choral style does need a building-soundbox", ". From the 1970s, some early music singers, such as the Martin Best Ensemble, started to reflect what may have been the contemporary late medieval performance-style of troubadour songs: that is, the Arab singing style which can still be heard in Islamic sung prayer. Hence Gres' performance now sounds a little dated, but remains nonetheless one of the finest recorded performances of this song.", "Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov", "(Russian: Сергей Васильевич Иванов), tenor soloist. Honoured Artist of Russia. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded In the Ocean Gave duet with P. Bogachev (music: B. Korostylev; lyrics: B. Bezhaev), It's a Long Time Since We Were Home duet with P. Bogachev (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Fatyanov), We, the Army People duet with P. Bogachev (music: G. Movsesyan; lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvensky), Listen, Beauty duet with P. Bogachev (music: E. Martin; lyrics: M", ". Bogachev (music: E. Martin; lyrics: M. Plyatskovsky), Soldier System solo (music: I. Yakushenko; lyrics: A. Shaferan), Your Soldiers duet with P. Bogachev (music: B. Gamal; lyrics: A. Sofronov), Smuglianka, duet with P. Bogachev (music: A. Novikov; lyrics: Y. Chvedov)", ",\nThe Samovars duet with P. Bogachev (music A. Novikov; lyrics: S. Alimov) (1982/92)\n,", ",\nEndless Sea duet with P. Bogachev, The Hero Walks in the Urals solo (1983), Who Protects the Country duet with P. Bogachev, Afield duet with P. Bogachev (1992), Nut Brown Girl duet with P. Bogachev (1989/92, 2003), Evening on the Roads duet with P. Bochachev 1992, Distant Northern Town trio with S.V. Buzurov and P. Bogachev (1992), Dixie duet with P. Bogachev (1992), Greetings from the Troops duet with P. Bogachev, unknown duet with V. Gavva (1992), Our Army duet with P. Bogachev (1984).", "Critical commentary on a music video featuring Ivanov and Bogachev (see screenshot left): They sing Smuglianka in the DVD Silva America, The Alexandrov Red Army Choir Orchestra – Live in Paris", ". This performance displays the modern aspect of the Ensemble: performers who are still very much part of the choir, and who still sing in the traditional soldierly, undramatic style, but who are now free to exchange little smiles with the audience, the conductor and each other, as seen in the screenshot – partly reflecting the light subject-matter of the song, and partly in polite acknowledgement of their worldwide popularity as duettists", ". These are trained and professional singers, who can still perform a light-hearted song in the same intimate manner as lads in a student bar, and this creates immediate empathy in the audience. This is fine, professional singing with an effect as light as air. These performers are able to demonstrate very gently the plane on which musicians live while on stage: the kind of musical ecstasy which only happens when a performance goes just right.", "B. Jaivoronok \nWith the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Troika (trad; arr. Dmitri Oleg Yachinov), Gandzia (trad; arr. Dmitri Oleg Yachinov)", "See image here. (born 1938) (Russian: Борис Григорьевич Жайворонок) bass-baritone soloist. People's Artist of Russia and Honoured Artist of Ukraine (1972). In 1964 he graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Arts. From 1965 he was soloist at the Kharkiv Opera and Ballet. He was with the Alexandrov Ensemble 1981–1998 and he recorded The Enemies of the Burned Home (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: M. Isakovsky), My Moscow (music: I.M. Dunaevsky; lyrics: S. Agranyan, M. Lisyansky), Ogonek (lyrics: M", ".M. Dunaevsky; lyrics: S. Agranyan, M. Lisyansky), Ogonek (lyrics: M. Isakovsky), It is time to Take the Road (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: S. Fogelson), Farewell, Rocky Mountains (music: E. Zharkovsky; lyrics: A.N. Bukin), Troika and Granada .[187]", "Vladimir Nikolaevich Katerinsky \n(Russian: Катеринский, Владимир Николаевич) bass-baritone soloist. In the 1940s and 1950s he recorded with the Alexandrov Ensemble: unknown duet with N.A. Abramov (1954), Siberian Child Went to War, Evening on the Roads with V.I. Nikitin, Mary (1951).\n\nLeonid Kharitonov", "Soloist of the Ensemble. (Golumet, Irkutsk Oblast 1933 – Moscow 19 September 2017). (Russian: Л.М. Харитонов). People's Artist of Russia, Honoured Artist of Russia; bass-baritone soloist. Known as Lenya Kharitonov. When his father went missing in World War II, his mother brought him up. At the age of 14yrs he studied locally to be a welder, and began to perform as a singer", ". At the age of 14yrs he studied locally to be a welder, and began to perform as a singer. At 17 years old he started auditioning at Irkutsk Philharmonic, then at Moscow Philharmonic, and finally was accepted by Moscow Conservatory. This was very difficult because as a Siberian he did not have even a matriculation certificate, but his strong singing voice spoke for him", ". For nearly 20 years he was a member of the Red Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet army (later the Alexandrov Ensemble): in the choir from 1953 to 1965, and a soloist from 1965 to 1972. He subsequently became a soloist with the Moscow Philharmonic. He performed successfully in most concert halls in Russia: On tour he visited the entire country, including the Kremlin Palace concert hall. He was the pride of Russia, sang at concerts for the Government and for foreign delegations", ". He was the pride of Russia, sang at concerts for the Government and for foreign delegations. After that he went on tour abroad a great deal. Biography</ref>", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded The Ballad of the Russian Boy (music: Novikov; lyrics: Oshanin L.), John Reid Goes to Petrograd (music: Novikov; lyrics: M. Vershinin), It is Not the End of the War (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: M. Andronov), Here Lenin Lived (music: B. Terentiev; lyrics: A. Fatyanov), Lenin's Guard (music: B Aleksandrov; lyrics: M Khotimsk), My Native Land (music: O. Feltsman; lyrics: Oshanin L.), Not Old Soul Veterans (music: Tulika S.; lyrics: Y. Belinsky), Song of Peace (music: B", ".), Not Old Soul Veterans (music: Tulika S.; lyrics: Y. Belinsky), Song of Peace (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: V. Kharitonov), Sedina (music: A. Ekimyan; lyrics: F. Laube), Son of the Fatherland (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: V. Lazarev), The Song of Russia (music: St. Tulika; lyrics: V. Kharitonov), Song of the Volga Boatmen Death of Varyag", "Ivan Semyonovich Kozlovsky", "Ivan Semyonovich Kozlovsky (Russian: Иван Семёнович Козловский). (b. Mali, Poltava, Ukraine 1900; d. 1993); a lyric tenor. Order of the National Anthem (1941); People's Artist of the USSR (1940). He made his debut at the Kharkiv Opera Theatre. From 1926 to 1954 he was a member of the Bolshoi Theatre. He was professor at Gnessin State Musical College 1956 to 1980, continuing over the age of 80. In Russia has been considered the best tenor in the first half of the 20th century", ". In Russia has been considered the best tenor in the first half of the 20th century. From the 1920s he recorded opera. In the 1950s with the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded martial music and Russian folk songs, including Song of the Red Navy (1953), In Front of the Forest, and Raw Wilderness. Nikita Khrushchev said in his autobiography that Kozlovsky was Joseph Stalin's favourite tenor and that Koszlovsky was unhappy about this.", "Andrey Kusleev \n(Russian: Андрей Куслеев), bass-baritone soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Cold Waves Lapping duet with E. Belyaev (music: F. Bogoroditsky; lyrics: Ya Repninsky), Shooting Kommunarov duet with E. Belyaev (music: V.Tan-Bogoraz), a duet with Abramov, Execution of the Warrior Revolution duet with E. Belyaev, Marching song duet with I.A. Didenko, Song of the Red Army Cavalry (recorded 1954), Travel Far duet with V.V. Puchkov.", "I. Kuznetsov \n(Russian: И.Кузнецов), tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Saw the Father and Son (music: (Russian: Компанеец Z.); lyrics: Y. Shvedov).\n\nEdward Maxovich Labkovsky \nEdward Maxovich Labkovsky", "(born in Kazakhstan 24 July 1938 (Russian: Эдуард Максович Лабковский), bass soloist. Honoured Artist of Russia (1978); People's Artist of Russia (1988). He moved to Moscow aged 3yrs, after his father, a Soviet official, died. There he worked in an aircraft factory as a fitter-assembler before attending Gnessin State Musical College as a singer instructed by A. Adana", ". Adana. After graduation he took part in a Puccini opera at Moscow Conservatory, did a tour singing across the country from Transdniestria to Sakhalinthen, then joined the Ensemble in 1972. On behalf of the Ensemble, he travelled the country performing solos with a sextet of musicians from the orchestra, and entertaining troops where they were in service.", "He also performed on film and television, but has been ill recently.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble, he recorded Take an Overcoat (music: V. Levashov; lyrics: B. Okudzhava), The Entire Country – It is Our Job (music: B. Terentiev; lyrics: V. Kharitonov), Hot Snow (music: A. Pakhmutova; lyrics: M. Lvov) (1980), Victory Day (music: D. Tuhmanov; lyrics: V. Kharitonov) (1992), Conductors of War (music: B. Figotin; lyrics F. Laube), Otgremeli Near Moscow has Long Battles (music: A. Kukushkin; lyrics: B. Zishenkova), Paratroopers' Song (music: M. Minkov; lyrics: I", ". Kukushkin; lyrics: B. Zishenkova), Paratroopers' Song (music: M. Minkov; lyrics: I. Shaferan), Letter From the Depths (music: B. (Russian: Калистратов); lyrics: M. Reytman), Under the Balkan Stars (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: M. Isakovsky), Before it is Too Late (music: A. Pakhmutova; lyrics: N. Dobronravov), Soldiers' Ways duet with Ivan Bukreev (music: B. Aleksandrov; lyrics: B. Dubrovin), Fifth Ocean (music: W. Korostelev; lyrics: B. Bezhaev), Home Country (music: G. Movsesyan; lyrics: B", ". Korostelev; lyrics: B. Bezhaev), Home Country (music: G. Movsesyan; lyrics: B. Gin), Forties (music: I. Katayev; lyrics: D. Samoylov), Tulskaya Defence (music: Novikov; lyrics: V. Guryan), The Shield and Sword (P. Ovsiannikov – S. Volkov), Men (1978), Take the Mantle (1975), Commissars (1980), Parachute Song, The Russians Want War? (1989), Separation, My Country", "Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovsky", "Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovsky (born Leningrad 22 October 1932). Fine tenor soloist. (Russian: К.П. Лисовский); also translated as Lissovsky, Lisovskiy or Lisovski. (People's Artist of Russia (1983), winner of competitions named after Glinka and Tchaikovsky. In 1951 he graduated from the Gorky Aviation Technical School and was sent to the factory. In 1953 was accepted into the Moscow Conservatory where he studied for three years", ". In 1953 was accepted into the Moscow Conservatory where he studied for three years. From 1954 he did military service and sang in the Alexandrov Ensemble, then from 1965 to 1997 he was soloist for the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic Society. In 1967 he graduated from Gnessin State Musical College. He was winner of the Glinka All-Union vocalists' competition (1965) and the International Tchaikovsky Competition (1966). He sang a wide repertoire besides opera, and performed in more than 30 countries", ". He sang a wide repertoire besides opera, and performed in more than 30 countries. He has performed on the radio, and recorded on vinyl and CDs. Since 1980, he has taught at the Russian Academy of Music (Associate Professor since 1989). One of his recordings is Golden Lights (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Fatyanov, S. Fogelson)", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: The Birch Tree (trad; arr. Dmitri Oleg Yachinov).\n\nYuseph Laut \n(Russian: Ю.Лаут), tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Song of the Klim Voroshilov duet with Georgiy Babaev (music: Alexander Alexandrov; lyrics: O. Kolychev), Artillery March duet with Oleg Razumovsky (music: Novikov; lyrics: S. Vasiliev).", "Alexei Pavlovich Martynov", "Alexei Pavlovich Martynov (born Moscow 4 March 1947). (Russian: Алексей Павлович Мартынов; also translated as Martinov and Martinoff), tenor soloist. (People's Artist of Russia (2003), Professor of the Moscow Conservatory, Laureate of international competitions). He graduated from Gnessin State Musical College in 1970 with a diploma for violin. In 1976 he graduated with honours from the Moscow Conservatory as a singer", ". In 1976 he graduated with honours from the Moscow Conservatory as a singer. Since 1972 he has recorded for the Radio and Television in the USSR and Russia, totalling many hours of music: opera, operetta, oratorio, cantata, duets, romances and songs of composers of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, folk songs, recordings of symphonic, chamber, folk, and pop music, and with instrumental ensembles", ". He won second prize at the International Vocal Competition in Budapest, Hungary in 1975, and fourth prize at the International Vocal Competition in Aldeburgh, UK in 1978. He was a member of the international jury of the Dmitry Shostakovich contest at Hanover, Germany, in 1997. He is involved with the Shubert Society in Moscow.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded In a Sunny Forest Clearing (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Fatyanov), The Roads (music: A. Novikov; lyrics: L. Ochanine; arr. V. Samsonenko), Nightingales etc...\n\nMikhail Mikhailov \nTenor soloist. With the Ensemble of the All-Union Radio Committee under Boris Alexandrov he recorded Evening in the Roadstead/Night on the Road duet with Vladimir Bunchikov (recorded 1942) This is a bass-baritone–tenor duet, and the choir includes women sopranos.", "In most of his recordings he uses a light voice suitable for radio or film, but in some, such as Boat, Mihailov exhibits the kind of powerful tenor, favoured by the Alexandrov Ensemble, to be heard above the choir and orchestra.\n\nVictor Ivanovich Nikitin", "(Russian: Виктор Иванович Никитин), tenor soloist, born in Syzran 1911 and died in Moscow 1994. He joined the Ensemble around 1938. He was already known as \"Mr Kalinka\" before World War II. He recorded many songs with the Alexandrov Ensemble, including Song of the Red Fleet Sailors (recorded 1943) and Kalinka. Legend in Russia says that when he sang to entertain the Russian troops at the Eastern Front in World War II, the Germans on the other side stopped shooting to listen", ". At the Alexandrov Ensemble August 1948 Peace Concert in East Berlin, he sang encores of Kalinka and received high praise. He returned to the Ensemble choir in 1952, by his own choice, and remained with the Ensemble until at least 1965. He recorded Ich Freue Mich Ihnen Mein Lied Zu Singen in 1988, saying that it was 40 years after the 1948 peace concert in Berlin.", "Vasily Pankov \n(Russian: В.Панков), tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Song about Blyukher (music: Alexander Alexandrov; lyrics: S. Alymov); Vasya - Vasilyok (music: Anatoly Novikov; lyrics: Sergei Alymov) duet with Georgiy Babaev.\n\nN.S. Polozkov \n(Russian: Н.С. Полозков). With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Ah Lovely Night (1956).", "Leonid V. Pshenichniy", "(Russian: Леонид В. Пшеничный), tenor soloist (People's Artist of Russia). With the Alexandrov Ensemble, he recorded Birch Dreams (music: B. Geviksman; lyrics: G. Fere), In the Dugouts (music: K. sheets; lyrics: A. Surkov), Where Are You Now, Odnopolchane Friends? (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Fatyanov), Let Lit (music: M. Tabachnikov; lyrics: I. Frenkel), Katyusha (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: M. Isakovsky), My Favourite (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: E. Dolmatovskaya), Parade of Victory (music: V", ". Blanter; lyrics: E. Dolmatovskaya), Parade of Victory (music: V. Pleshakov; lyrics: B. Levtov), Oh, the Road (music: Novikov; lyrics: Oshanin L.), My Country (trad; arr. B. Alexandrov).", "Vsevolod V. Puchkov", "(Russian: Всеволод В. Пучков), tenor soloist (later Mariinsky Theatre soloist). With the Alexandrov Ensemble in the 1940s and 1950s he recorded Song of Peace and Friendship (music: B. Shainsky, M. Jordan; lyrics: M. Lisyansky), Song of the Young Soldiers (music: P. Akulenko; lyrics: Ya Shvedov) (1950), Long live our Country (music: Boris Alexandrov; lyrics: A. Shilov) duet with Georgiy Babaev, unknown operatic aria (1951), Travel Far, Ten Thousand Years of Our Country duet with G.I", ".I. Babaev (1951), In a Sunny Forest Clearing, Russia, unknown song (1954), Our Bodyguard duet with K.G. Gerasimov (1951).", "Oleg N. Razumovsky \n(Russian: Олег Н. Разумовский), bass-baritone soloist. With Georgy Vinogradov he recorded We Assumed Polsveta (music: S. Katz; lyrics: A. Sofronov).", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble in the 1940s to 1960s he recorded American Soldiers' Song (music: B. Hills), In the Battle for the Motherland (music: Компанеец Z.; lyrics: L. Oshanin), In a good hour! (music: K. sheets; lyrics: A. Zharov), Goodbye, Mom (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Galić), Pub (music: B. Hills), As for the Kama, the River (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: Vladimir Gusev), Krasnoflotskaya Smile (music: N. Budashkin; lyrics: A. Fidrovsky), Swallow-Kasatochka (music: E", ". Budashkin; lyrics: A. Fidrovsky), Swallow-Kasatochka (music: E. Zharkovsky; lyrics: O. Kolychev), Artillery March duet with Yuri Louth (music: Novikov; lyrics: S. Vasiliev), Sailor's Waltz (music: V. Sorokin; lyrics: S. Fogelson), It's a Long Way to Tipperary (music: D. Judge; lyrics S. Bolotin), Night (Music: L.D. Utesov; lyrics: I. Fradkin), Eternal Glory to our Hero duet with B.G. Shapenko, Dance Dance, Echo Across the River, Farewell, Song of the Coachman, Song of the Unified (1949), When We Part", "Mark Reizen \n\nBass soloist at the Mariinsky Theatre and Bolshoi Theatre. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded The Fond Stone, Oh The Road ( Ekh, dorogi ) transmitted on Soviet All-Union radio in 1947, Song of the Volga Boatmen (trad; arr. Dmitri Oleg Yachinov).", "Vadim Lvovich Ruslanov", "Soloist of the Ensemble. (born 1926). (Russian: Вадим Львович Русланов). People's Artist of the USSR (1974); bass soloist. His mother was an actress; he attended drama school, and became an actor attached to a Moscow theatre. However he still had a passion for music and studied at Gnessin State Musical College. He joined the Alexandrov Ensemble in 1958. With the Alexandrov Ensemble during the 1960s and 1970s he recorded: And the Song Goes to War (music: M. Fradkin; lyrics: C. Islands), Cranes (music: J", ". Fradkin; lyrics: C. Islands), Cranes (music: J. Frenkel; Lyrics: R. Gamzatov), Solidarity March (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: A. Sofronov), A Peaceful Country (music: A. Averkin; lyrics: A. Turkin), Angels Brothers or Brothers in Heaven (music: A. Averkin; lyrics: P. Gradov) (ca.1965), Invisible Soldiers of the Front (music: Novikov; lyrics: P. Gradov), Song of the Faraway Homeland (music: M. Tariverdiyev; lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvensky), Victory (music: V. Shainsky; lyrics: L", ". Tariverdiyev; lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvensky), Victory (music: V. Shainsky; lyrics: L. Oshanin), Regimental Band duet with Vadim V. Shkaptsov (music: L. Lyadov; lyrics: G. Hodos), Do You Hear Me, Paris (music: A. Ostrovsky; lyrics: L. Oshanin), Soldiers Pribautki duet with E. Belyaev (music: A. Doluhanyan; lyrics: G. Hodos), Soldiers Are Always Soldiers (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: M", ". Matusovsky) (1960/68), Oh No John, Ballad of the Eternal, Dance Dance (1975), Take the Mantle (1980), The Wind Sounds (1966), He is a Man, Kutuzov's Heart, Military Musician, Murderers Roam the Earth, Farewell Love (1966), Third Battalion, Voices of the Earth, Song of Unity, Sentry Post, My Friends I Believe, Paris, Old Soldier's Song, Bravo the Soldiers (1969), Song of Friendship, World Peace, Daughter is Water (1966), The Stone (1973), Rocket Troops March, Ready Rocket Forces duet with I.S", ".S. Bukreev, The Russians Want War? (1963/64), Song of Russia (ca.1965), Song of the Russian Soldiers, Our Country Russia (1960).", "Ensign Victor Sanin\nSanin died in the 25 December 2016 plane crash.", "Ivan Ivanovich Savchuk \n(Russian: Иван Иванович Савчук), tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble in the 1950s he recorded Smuglyanka duet with Ivan Abramov (music: Novikov; lyrics: Ya Shvedov), Dark Eyes (1956), Sweet Fruit, Nut-Brown Girl (1953, 1956), Nut Brown Maiden duet with N. Abramov (1956)\n,\nHappy Girl, Near the Garden trio with I.S. Bukreev and E. Belyaev, Bandura both as solo and as duet with V. Fedorov (1951/56)\n,\nI Look Up at the Sky, Black Eyebrows (1956).", "Alexei Tikhonovich Sergeev \n(See also: Russian Wikipedia article about A.T. Sergeev)\nAlexei Tikhonovich Sergee soloist of the Ensemble. (Russian: Алексей Тихонович Сергеев). Born 24 January 1919 in Gerasimovka in the Tambov region of Russia. People's Artist of the USSR (1967), State Prize of the USSR. Graduated from Gnessin State Musical College. From 1940 to 1968 he was bass singer with the Alexandrov Ensemble; promoted to soloist 1950. Performed in recitals from 1968.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Ballad of the Tank (music: IE Zharkovsky; lyrics: Yuri Kamenetsky; M. Kravchuk) (1951?), Memoirs of Algiers (music: B. Muradeli; lyrics: E. Dolmatovskaya), Duma of the Motherland (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: V. Malkov), Stars Lovely Homeland (music: I. Dunaevsky; lyrics: M. Matusovsky) (1965?), Nothing Was Said (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Fatyanov), On the Rocks, Granite Rocks (music: B. Terentiev; lyrics: AN Bukin), Bryansky Partisan Song duet with E", ". Terentiev; lyrics: AN Bukin), Bryansky Partisan Song duet with E. Belyaev (music: D. Kabalevsky; lyrics: V.Lebedev-Kumach), Song of the Ballistic Missile (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: M. Andronov), Third Battalion (music: B. Mokrousov; lyrics: A. Fatyanov), Soldiers Carry Out the Order (music: O. Feltsman; lyrics: V. Sergeev), Stenka Razin (1951/56/63) Along Peterskaya Road/Street (trad; arr. Dmitri Oleg Yachinov) (1956/60/66)", "Ah Nastasia (trad; arr. B", ". Alexandrov) (1968); unknown operatic aria, Song of the Volga Boatmen, Ukrainian Poem (1956/60/63) See the Village, unknown song, Under the Elm, Under the Oak (1963, 2007), Can You Hear Me Brother, Marching Song, Cossack Cossack, Work Song (1956), Her Son-in-Law, Cheesecake, If I Had a Hammer (1956), The Motto of the Struggle, Uncle (1951), Red Sun (1960), Rain, Bryansk Forest, Old Urals, Soldier's Farewell, Star, Song of the Poplar, Groove, Ballad of the Moscow Boy, The Little Bells, Night", ", Star, Song of the Poplar, Groove, Ballad of the Moscow Boy, The Little Bells, Night, Spend an Evening (1977), Lenin Lived Here, Story of Russia, Only Russia", ". He is buried in Moscow, not far from his fellow soloist Evgeny Belyaev, in a section of Novodevichy Cemetery affiliated branch (Russian: Новоде́вичье кла́дбище) located in Kuntsevo District.", "Boris G. Shapenko \nSoloist of the Ensemble. (Russian: Борис Г. Шапенко), bass soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre. Honoured Artist of Russia. With the Alexandrov Ensemble in the 1960s he recorded It is the Soviet Navy (music: K. Sheets; lyrics: V. Guryan), Song of the Volga Boatmen (music: M. Fradkin),", "The Long-Range Guns Are Silent (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: M. Matusovsky), Rodina (music: S. Tulika; lyrics: Yu Polukhin), Evening on the Road/Night on the Road (1980s) duet with E. Belyaev (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: A. Churkin), Eternal Glory duet with O.N. Razumovsky, Song of the Red Army Cavalry, Country, unknown opera aria, Spring in Berlin (1965), The Fun and Joy (1969), Song of Russia.", "Boris Shemyakov \n(Russian: Борис Шемяков), bass-baritone soloist from the 1970s onward. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Sailors March duet with V. Shkaptsov, Spring 1945 duet with I.S. Bukreev, Hawks.", "Vladimir Shkaptsov \nSoloist of the choir. (Russian:Владимир Шкапцов), bass soloist in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1957 he graduated from Gnessin State Musical College. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: Regimental Band duet with Vadim Ruslanov (music: L. Lyadov; lyrics: G. Hodos), Sailors March duet with B. Shemyakov, Song of the March-Past duet with A.S. Sibirtsev, Hail to the Infantry! duet with V. Chernykh.\n\nVasily Ivanovich Shtefutsa", "Also spelled Chtefoutsa. (Russian: Василий Иванович Штефуца), current tenor soloist. People's Artist of the USSR (1993). From a farming family in Ukraine. He sang in the choir of the Uzhhorod School of Music, then attended Gnessin State Musical College, graduating in 1965. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he was at first in the choir, then as a soloist from 1970 he recorded You are One of Us (music: A. Doluhanyan; lyrics: M. Lisyansky), Moscow (music: D. Tuhmanov; lyrics: B. Dubrovin), Kalinka and Korobeiniki", "(both trad.; arr. Dmitri Oleg Yachinov).\nHe won a prize in the Polish song festival of 1972.", "Alexander Sergeievich Sibirtsev", "Soloist of the choir. (born 1935). (Russian: Александр Сергеевич Сибирцев), dramatic tenor soloist. People's Artist of the USSR. Studied at Gnessin State Musical College. From 1963 he was a soloist of the Opera and Ballet Theatre in Gorky. In 1964 he spent a year as a soloist of the Alexandrov Ensemble, then became soloist of Perm and Samara Opera. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded: My Friends duet with N. T. Gres, unknown song duet with N. T. Gres, Song of the March-Past with N. T. Shkaptsov.", "B. Slastnoi \nWith the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Bella Ciao duet with I. Bukreev (Italian partisan song; arr. B. Pogrebov)\n\nAnatoly Borisovich Solovyanenko", "Anatoly Borisovich Solovyanenko, guest soloist. (born Donetsk, Ukraine 25 September 1932; died 29 July 1999; , ). People's Artist of the USSR (before 1978), People's artist of Ukraine, State Taras Shevchenko prize-winner.", "He was born into a mining family, and graduated from Donetsk Polytechnic Institute in 1954, having taken singing lessons at Olexander Korobeichenko from 1950. He began his career in Donetsk, where there is now a monument in his memory. He did 12 performances at the Metropolitan Opera in Kiev, then graduated from Kiev Conservatory in 1978. For 30 years he was soloist at the Taras Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Kiev, and performed at Expo 67 in Montreal.", "He performed as soloist for Alexandrov Ensemble during its UK tour 1988, singing Kalinka and others. He recorded 18 LPs: arias, romances and songs.", "Ivan Stolyar", "Ivan Stolyar (born in Kostroma, 16 September 1977; died 25 December 2016). Bass-baritone. Graduated from the A. Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music in 2002. He was a soloist of the Tver Philharmonic from 1999 to 2000, then joined the Ensemble in 2005. As of 2010 he sings for the Ensemble as a guest soloist", ". As of 2010 he sings for the Ensemble as a guest soloist. With the Ensemble he has performed in various concerts including Quebec 2008, where he sang the song known in the west as Those Were the Days, but which is a Russian song called Дорогой длинною or By the Long Road by Boris Fomin. Died in the 25 December plane crash.", "A. Syrovatko-Zolotarev \n(Russian: А.Сыроватко-Золотарёв), tenor soloist. With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded I Am From Berlin (music: I. Dunaevsky; lyrics: L. Oshanin).", "Barseg Tumanyan \nBarseg Tumanyan, guest soloist. (born Yerevan 1958). Renowned Armenian bass soloist. (Russian: Б.Р. Туманян) (People's Artist of Armenia, soloist of Yerevan Opera and the Metropolitan Opera, the winner of the Tchaikovsky contest). With the Alexandrov Ensemble in ca.1960 he sang Granada\nand the Toreador Song from Bizet's Carmen, and received a seemingly endless ovation", "and the Toreador Song from Bizet's Carmen, and received a seemingly endless ovation\nIn 2008 he celebrated his 50th anniversary as a bass soloist with the Opera. In 2007 Tumanyan was interviewed by M. Zatikyan.", "Alexei Ivanovich Usmanov", "Alexei Ivanovich Usmanov (born Moscow 1916; d. 1990). (Russian: Алексей Усманов), tenor soloist. He began singing in the amateur choir of the Automobile Club before World War II. He wanted to join the choir of the All-Union Radio, but World War II began. As a soldier he fought bravely when an armoured personnel carrier was hit; for this he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. In the late 1940s he became a soloist of All-Union Radio, and in the early 1960s began to record duets with Victor Selivanov.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded You Often Write Soldier (music: B. Terentiev; lyrics: S. Bencken). In 1954 he took part in a recording of The Enchantress by Pyotr Tchaikovsky with the Moscow Philharmonia State Orchestra and Radio USSR chorus.\n\nGeorgi Pavlovich Vinogradov", "(Russian: Г.П. Виноградов), tenor soloist (born in Kazan 16 November 1908; died in Moscow 11 November 1980). Honoured Artist of Russia (1949). From about 1937 he sang jazz, opera and Soviet lyric songs on Radio Moscow and in World War II he sang with the USSR Committee of Defense Model Orchestra. From 1943 to 1951 he was a soloist with the Alexandrov Ensemble; however in 1951 there was apparently a bar-room brawl which embarrassed the Soviet government, and finished his career", ". See his own page for further information.", "With the Alexandrov Ensemble he recorded Two Maxims (recorded 1943)\n,\nOh the Road\n,\nIn a Forest at the Front (recorded 1945), Nightingale (recorded 1950), Dark Night (recorded 1945). In the 1940s he also recorded Nightingale as a duet with the baritone Vladimir Bunchikov, and The Bending Branch (Luchina) (То не ветер ветку клонит (Лучина))\nas a solo with the Alexandrov Ensemble", "Igor F. Volkov \n(Russian: И.Ф. Волков) (Bass soloist of the Novosibirsk Opera House). He sang with the Alexandrov Ensemble in the 1970s and 1980s, and performed Dark Eyes/Black Eyes (1978).", "Boris Grigorievich Zhayvoronok", "Boris Grigorievich Zhayvoronok (born 1938) (Russian: Борис Григорьевич Жайворонок) bass-baritone soloist. People's Artist of Russia and Honoured Artist of Ukraine (1972). In 1964 he graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Arts. From 1965 he was soloist at the Kharkiv Opera and Ballet. He was with the Alexandrov Ensemble 1981–1998 and he recorded The Enemies of the Burned Home (music: M. Blanter; lyrics: M. Isakovsky), My Moscow (music: I.M. Dunaevsky; lyrics: S. Agranyan, M. Lisyansky), Ogonek (lyrics: M", ".M. Dunaevsky; lyrics: S. Agranyan, M. Lisyansky), Ogonek (lyrics: M. Isakovsky), It is time to Take the Road (music: V.Solovev-Sedoy; lyrics: S. Fogelson), Farewell, Rocky Mountains (music: E. Zharkovsky; lyrics: A.N. Bukin), Troika and Granada.", "Other soloists \nLev Leshchenko (born 1942): a soloist with the Ensemble from 1962. With the Alexandrov ensemble he performed Den Pobedy on Soviet TV (1976).\nA.I. Mischenko (Russian: А.И. Мищенко) (from GABTa).\n\nCurrent soloists", "Current soloists \n\n Valery Gavva.\n Vasily Ivanovich Shtefutsa.\n Edward Maxovich Labkovsky.\n S.V. Ivanov Honoured Artist of Russia.\n P.D. Bogachev Honoured Artist of Russia.\n V.P. Maystruk Honoured Artist of Russia\n A.A. Gvozdetsky Honoured Artist of Russia\n B.M. Mizyuk Honoured Artist of Russia\n Dmitry Bykov.\n Ensign Vadim Petrovich Ananyev. \"Mr Kalinka\"\n Tatiana Deryabkina Honoured Artist of Russia\n Boris Diakov.\n\nSee also \n\n Alexandrov Ensemble\n Alexandrov Ensemble choir\n Alexandrov Ensemble discography", "See also \n\n Alexandrov Ensemble\n Alexandrov Ensemble choir\n Alexandrov Ensemble discography\n\nReferences", "External links \n Alexandrov Ensemble website: biography of Boris Alexandrov listing his soloists Translated Russian-English via Google Translation Tool.\n Translated Japanese webpage: List of Ensemble soloists with links to biographies and discographies\n en&u=http://retrofonoteka.ru/pevets/photo.htm&tbb=1&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhikE6k9wxuarPmTtapUHncz_JxL2w Old photos of some of the earlier Ensemble soloists.\n Early and recent Ensemble soloists\n Wordpress: Alexandrov Ensemble blog", "Early and recent Ensemble soloists\n Wordpress: Alexandrov Ensemble blog\n Some recent choir members", "Alexandrov Ensemble\nRussian operatic tenors\nRussian basses\nRussian bass-baritones\nOperatic bass-baritones\nOperatic basses" ]
Mueller report
[ "The Mueller report, officially titled Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, is the official report documenting the findings and conclusions of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 United States presidential election, allegations of conspiracy or coordination between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia, and allegations of obstruction of justice", ". The report was submitted to Attorney General William Barr on March 22, 2019, and a redacted version of the 448-page report was publicly released by the Department of Justice (DOJ) on April 18, 2019. It is divided into two volumes", ". It is divided into two volumes. The redactions from the report and its supporting material were placed under a temporary \"protective assertion\" of executive privilege by then-President Trump on May 8, 2019, preventing the material from being passed to Congress, despite earlier reassurance by Barr that Trump would not exert privilege.", "The report concludes that the investigation \"did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities\". Investigators had an incomplete picture of what happened due in part to some communications that were encrypted, deleted, or not saved, as well as testimony that was false, incomplete, or declined", ". However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred \"in sweeping and systematic fashion\" but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts. It also identifies myriad links between Trump associates and Russian officials and spies, about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations", ". Mueller later stated that his investigation's conclusion on Russian interference \"deserves the attention of every American\".", "Volume II of the report addresses obstruction of justice. The investigation intentionally took an approach that could not result in a judgment that Trump committed a crime", ". This decision was based on an Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinion that a sitting president is immune from criminal prosecution, and Mueller's belief that it would be unfair to accuse the president of a crime even without charging him because he would have no opportunity to clear his name in court; furthermore it would undermine Trump's ability to govern and preempt impeachment", ". As such, the investigation \"does not conclude that the President committed a crime\"; however, \"it also does not exonerate him\", with investigators not confident of Trump's innocence. The report describes ten episodes where Trump may have obstructed justice while president and one before he was elected, noting that he privately tried to \"control the investigation\". The report further states that Congress can decide whether Trump obstructed justice and take action accordingly, referencing impeachment.", "On March 24, 2019, Barr sent Congress a four-page letter detailing the report's conclusions. On March 27, Mueller privately wrote to Barr, stating that Barr's March 24 letter \"did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office's work and conclusions\" and that this led to \"public confusion\". Barr declined Mueller's request to release the report's introduction and executive summaries ahead of the full report", ". Also, Barr's March 24 letter stated that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein concluded that the evidence was \"not sufficient to establish\" that Trump had obstructed justice. On May 1, Barr testified that he \"didn't exonerate\" Trump on obstruction as \"that's not what the Justice Department does\" and that neither he nor Rosenstein had reviewed the underlying evidence in the report", ". In July 2019, Mueller testified to Congress that a president could be charged with crimes including obstruction of justice after the president left office. In 2020, a federal judge decided to personally review the report's redactions to see if they were legitimate. The judge said Barr's \"misleading\" statements about the report's findings led him to suspect that Barr had tried to establish a \"one-sided narrative\" favorable to Trump.", "Background\n\nImpetus for investigation", "On May 9, 2017, President Donald Trump dismissed former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, who had been leading an ongoing Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into links between Trump associates and Russian officials and spies", ". This investigation, code named Crossfire Hurricane, began in July 2016 after the Australian government advised US authorities that George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor in the Trump campaign, had met with one of their diplomats in May 2016 and \"suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia\" that Russia could release information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton", ". Papadopolous had received this suggestion in April 2016, well before it was publicly reported that Russia had damaging information about Clinton (the Democratic National Committee had in June 2016 announced that a Russian hack occurred). Papadopoulos later testified that this \"damaging information\" was in the form of hacked emails that were stolen from the Democratic Party.", "Over 130 Democratic lawmakers of the United States Congress called for a special counsel to be appointed in reaction to Comey's firing. CNN reported that within eight days of Comey's dismissal, an FBI investigation on Trump for obstruction of justice was opened by the acting FBI Director at the time, Andrew McCabe, who cited multiple reasons including Comey's firing", ". After McCabe was later fired from the FBI, he confirmed that he had opened the obstruction investigation, and gave additional reasons for its launch.", "Eight days after Comey's dismissal, then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller, under 28 CFR § 600.1, as special counsel to take over and expand an existing FBI counterintelligence investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, as well as the FBI investigation into links between Trump associates and Russian officials and spies that Comey was leading", ". The special counsel also took over the FBI investigation into whether President Trump obstructed justice with Comey. Rosenstein's authority to appoint Mueller arose due to Attorney General Jeff Sessions' March 2017 recusal of himself from investigations into the Trump campaign.", "Scope and mandate", "According to its authorizing document, which was signed by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on May 17, 2017, the investigation's scope included allegations that there were links or coordination between President Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the Russian government as well as \"any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation\". The authorizing document also included \"any other matters within the scope of 28 CFR § 600", ". The authorizing document also included \"any other matters within the scope of 28 CFR § 600.4(a)\"; enabling the special counsel \"to investigate and prosecute\" any attempts to interfere with its investigation, \"such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses\".", "Proceedings of investigation \n\nThe Special Counsel investigation ran from May 17, 2017, to March 22, 2019, and resulted in thirty-four indictments, including against several former members of the Trump campaign and many of which are still being tried. The investigation issued over 2,800 subpoenas, executed almost 500 search warrants, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses.", "The Mueller report included references to 14 criminal investigations that were referred to other offices, 12 of which were completely redacted in the April 18 release. The other two related to Michael Cohen and Gregory Craig, cases that were already public.\n\nFindings\n\nVolume I \nVolume I starts on page 1 of the report and focuses on Russian interference and allegations of \"conspiracy\" or \"coordination\" between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia, \"not the concept of 'collusion'\".", "Russian interference \n\nThe Mueller report found that the Russian government \"interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion\" and \"violated U.S. criminal law\". The report relayed two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.", "Social media campaign \nThe first method of Russian interference was done through the Internet Research Agency (IRA), waging \"a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton\". The IRA also sought to \"provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States\".", "By February 2016, internal IRA documents showed an order to support the candidacies of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, while IRA members were to \"use any opportunity to criticize\" Hillary Clinton and the rest of the candidates. From June 2016, the IRA organized election rallies in the U.S. \"often promoting\" Trump's campaign while \"opposing\" Clinton's campaign", ".S. \"often promoting\" Trump's campaign while \"opposing\" Clinton's campaign. The IRA posed as Americans, hiding their Russian background, while asking Trump campaign members for campaign buttons, flyers, and posters for the rallies. The Mueller report detailed that the IRA spent $100,000 for over 3,500 Facebook advertisements, which included anti-Clinton and pro-Trump advertisements.", "The report lists IRA-created groups on Facebook to include \"purported conservative groups\" (e.g. 'Tea Party News'), \"purported Black social justice groups\" (e.g. 'Blacktivist') \"LGBTQ groups\" (e.g. 'LGBT United'), \"and religious groups\" (e.g. 'United Muslims of America'). The IRA Twitter accounts included @TEN_GOP (claiming to be related to the Tennessee Republican Party), @jenn_abrams, and @Pamela_Moore13 (both claimed to be Trump supporters and both had 70,000 followers)", ". Several Trump campaign members (Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Brad Parscale, and Michael Flynn) linked or reposted material from the IRA's @TEN_GOP Twitter account listed above. Other people who responded to IRA social media accounts include Michael McFaul, Sean Hannity, Roger Stone, and Michael G. Flynn (Michael Flynn's son).", "Hacking and release of material", "The second method of Russian interference saw the Russian military intelligence agency GRU hacking into email accounts owned by volunteers and employees of the Clinton presidential campaign, including that of campaign chairman John Podesta, and also hacking into \"the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC)\"", ". As a result, the GRU obtained hundreds of thousands of hacked documents, and the GRU proceeded by arranging releases of damaging hacked material via the WikiLeaks organization and also GRU's false personas \"DCLeaks\" and \"Guccifer 2.0\".", "Conspiracy or coordination vs collusion", "The investigation found there were at least 140 contacts between Trump or 18 of his associates with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, though the contacts were insufficient to show an illegal conspiracy", ". To establish whether a crime was committed by members of the Trump campaign with regard to Russian interference, investigators \"applied the framework of conspiracy law\", and not the concept of \"collusion\", because collusion \"is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law\"", ". They also investigated if members of the Trump campaign \"coordinated\" with Russia, using the definition of \"coordination\" as having \"an agreementtacit or expressbetween the Trump campaign and the Russian government on election interference.\" Investigators further elaborated that merely having \"two parties taking actions that were informed by or responsive to the other's actions or interests\" was not enough to establish coordination.", "The special counsel identified two methods the Russian government tried to communicate with the Trump campaign. \"The investigation identified two different forms of connections between the IRA and members of the Trump Campaign. [...] First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promotedtypically by linking, retweeting, or similar methods of repostingpro-Trump or anti-Clinton content published by the IRA through IRA-controlled social media accounts", ". Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the United States\", the report states.", "Secondly, the report details a meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016. The intent of the meeting was to exchange \"dirt\" on the Clinton campaign. There was speculation that Trump Jr. told his father. However, the special counsel could not find any evidence that he did", ". The office declined to pursue charges for two reasons: the office \"did not obtain admissible evidence\" that would meet the burden of proof principle beyond a reasonable doubt that the campaign officials acted with general knowledge about the illegality of their conduct; secondly, the office expected difficulty in valuing the promised information that \"exceeded the threshold for a criminal violation\" of $2,000 for a criminal violation and $25,000 for a felony punishment.", "The Report cited several impediments to investigators' ability to acquire information, including witnesses invoking their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, witnesses deleting electronic communications or using encrypted or self-destructing messaging apps, limitations of interviewing attorneys or individuals asserting they were members of the media, information obtained through subpoenas that was screened from investigators due to legal privilege", ", information obtained through subpoenas that was screened from investigators due to legal privilege, and false or incomplete testimony provided by witnesses", ".", "While \"conspiracy\" or \"coordination\" was not proven, Mueller's report left many unanswered questions, such as whether the myriad secret contacts between Trump associates and Russians, which they lied about, constituted, using Mueller's words, \"a third avenue of attempted Russian interference with or influence on the 2016 presidential election\"? Benjamin Wittes has written about this:", "George Croner of the Foreign Policy Research Institute has also expressed his concerns with what he describes as a \"curiously flaccid\" approach taken by Mueller in dealing with what the public would normally interpret as \"coordination\". He sees Mueller's dependence on a formal \"tacit agreement\" approach as \"an overly cautious\" and \"legalistic construct\":", "Ryan Goodman has examined the Mueller report's findings on collusion. He described the findings as \"a series of activities that show strong evidence of collusion. Or, more precisely, it provides significant evidence that Trump Campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities.\" The Mueller report documented 14 different forms of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians which Goodman analyzes.", "False \"no collusion\" claims", "Trump and many of his supporters have falsely claimed there was \"no collusion\", even though Mueller made no conclusion about \"collusion\", only about \"conspiracy\" or \"coordination\", and Mueller pushed back against such claims. Senator Lindsey Graham falsely stated \"Mr. Mueller and his team concluded there was no collusion.\" House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated \"Nothing we saw today changes the underlying results of the 22-month-long Mueller investigation that ultimately found no collusion\"", ". In an April 18, 2019, press conference, Attorney General William Barr \"noted that, as the president 'said from the beginning, there was in fact no collusion' with Moscow's attempts to interfere in the election\". Representative Matt Gaetz tweeted a photo showing him holding up the front page of the conservative Washington Times splashed with a big photo of Barr and the headline: \"No Russia Conspiracy, No Collusion", ".\" The American Bar Association headlined an article with the title, \"Mueller finds no collusion with Russia...\", which reflected a quote from Trump in the article: \"'It was just announced there was no collusion with Russia,' Trump said Sunday 'It was a complete and total exoneration'.\"", "In a January 2019 interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani undermined Trump's claim when he \"claimed Wednesday night that he 'never said there was no collusion' between President Trump's campaign and Russia leading up to the 2016 presidential election.\"", "After his comments on CNN, Giuliani made statements that NPR described as an \"apparent reversal\" from his TV interview: He said \"'there was no collusion by President Trump in any way, shape or form' and that he had 'no knowledge of any collusion by any of the thousands of people who worked on the campaign'.\"", "Randall Eliason has questioned whether collusion is not a crime: \"Saying the president is off the hook because there is no crime called 'collusion' is akin to claiming the president could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and escape prosecution because the criminal statutes prohibit 'homicide' not 'shooting'.\"\n\nVolume II \nVolume II starts on page 208 of the official PDF file of the report and details potential instances of obstruction of justice. Page numbering in the file restarts with Volume II.", "Trump's reaction to Mueller appointment", "According to the report, upon learning that Mueller had been appointed as Special Counsel, Trump said \"Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked\", to Jeff Sessions when they were having a meeting in the Oval Office. \"You were supposed to protect me\", Sessions recalled Trump telling him. \"Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything", ". It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me\", Trump later said, according to Sessions and Jody Hunt, Sessions' then-chief of staff.", "Obstruction of justice", "Regarding obstruction of justice, the report stated that the investigation \"did not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference\", but investigators wrote that obstruction of justice could still occur \"regardless of whether a person committed an underlying wrong\". Trump, Barr, Rudy Giuliani and others have persistently and incorrectly maintained that an individual cannot obstruct justice unless the individual committed an underlying crime.", "On obstruction of justice, the report \"does not conclude that the President committed a crime, [and] it also does not exonerate him\". Since the special counsel's office had decided \"not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment\", they \"did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct\". The report \"does not conclude that the president committed a crime\", as investigators decided \"not to apply an approach that could potentially result in a judgment that the president committed crimes\"", ". Investigators did not make a judgment about whether to charge Trump with a crime, for two main reasons: Firstly, the investigation abided by DOJ Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinion written in 2000 that a sitting president cannot be federally indicted, a stance taken from the start of the investigation", ". Secondly, investigators did not want to charge Trump because a federal criminal charge would hinder a sitting president's \"capacity to govern and potentially preempt constitutional process for addressing presidential misconduct\", with a footnote reference to impeachment. Even if charges were recommended in a secret memo or a charging document sealed until Trump's presidency ended, the information could still be leaked", ". In addition, the special counsel's office rejected the alternative option of accusing Trump of committing a crime without bringing a charge. Investigators felt that this alternative option would be unfair to Trump, as there would be no trial in which Trump could clear his own name.", "The special counsel's office did not exonerate Trump on obstruction of justice because they were not confident that Trump was clearly innocent, after examining \"evidence [they] obtained about the President's actions and intent\". The \"investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations\"", ". The report noted that once Trump was aware that he was personally being investigated for obstruction of justice, he started \"public attacks on the investigation and individuals involved in it who could possess evidence adverse to the president, while in private, the president engaged in a series of targeted efforts to control the investigation", ".\" However, President Trump's \"efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests.\" This prevented further obstruction of justice charges \"against the President's aides and associates beyond those already filed\".", "The report notes that Congress has the authority to decide if Trump obstructed justice, and then take further action if obstruction occurred, with investigators writing: \"The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the president's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law", ".\" This phrase was interpreted as a possible reference to Congress potentially initiating impeachment proceedings against President Trump.", "Episodes of alleged obstruction \nSome sources such as FactCheck.org, PBS NewsHour, and The New York Times describe the report as detailing eleven episodes where Trump may have possibly obstructed justice; one episode as a presidential candidate or president-elect, and ten episodes while Trump was president:", "Attorney General William Barr stated that there are ten episodes of potential obstruction. Other sources such as The Washington Post and The Hill also report ten episodes; both omit the episode when Trump was a presidential candidate or president-elect. CBS News counts ten episodes, omitting the one involving Corey Lewandowski.", "Quinta Jurecic, the managing editor of Lawfare, created a chart to simplify and summarize Mueller's analysis of these episodes in the report. Jurecic does not analyze the episode that occurred when Trump was a presidential candidate or president-elect.\n\nTrump campaign's response to Russian support \nSection A of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "The report states that the first possible obstruction case was during the 2016 presidential campaign, when questions \"arose about the Russian government's apparent support for candidate Trump\". The report states that while Trump was publicly skeptical Russia had released emails from Democratic officials, Trump and his aides were also trying to obtain information about \"any further planned WikiLeaks releases\"", ". According to the report, shortly after a WikiLeaks release, Rick Gates, then Deputy Campaign Chairman, was going to LaGuardia Airport with Trump when Trump took a phone call. After the call, \"candidate Trump told Gates that more releases of damaging information would be coming\". The report also notes that Trump consistently said that he had no business connections to Russia, despite his company trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow", ". \"After the election, the President expressed concerns to advisors that reports of Russia's election interference might lead the public to question the legitimacy of his election\".", "President's conduct in Michael Flynn investigation \n\nSection B of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "The report outlines Michael Flynn's, Trump's first National Security Advisor, contact with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, shortly after the Obama Administration imposed sanctions against Russia on December 29, 2016. Later that day, K. T. McFarland, \"who was slated to become the Deputy National Security Advisor ... talked by phone about what, if anything, Flynn should communicate to Kislyak about the sanctions\"", ".. talked by phone about what, if anything, Flynn should communicate to Kislyak about the sanctions\". The report details that based on those conversations, \"McFarland informed Flynn that incoming Administration officials at Mar-a-Lago did not want Russia to escalate the situation\". Former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus \"recalled that McFarland may have mentioned at the meeting that the sanctions situation could be 'cooled down' and not escalated\"", ". Priebus recalls that President-Elect Trump viewed the sanctions \"as an attempt by the Obama Administration to embarrass him by delegitimizing his election\". Later that evening, Flynn called Kislyak and requested how Russia should respond to the newly-placed U.S. sanctions: \"only in a reciprocal manner, without escalating the situation\". Afterwards, Flynn briefed McFarland on the call", ". Afterwards, Flynn briefed McFarland on the call. Flynn said that the Russian response to the sanctions \"was not going to be escalatory because Russia wanted a good relationship with the Trump Administration\". On December 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia \"would not take retaliatory measures in response to the sanctions at that time and would instead 'plan . . . further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration'\"", ". further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration'\". Trump responded to the news by tweeting \"Great move on delay (by V. Putin) – I always knew he was very smart!\" The report details that Trump was warned by Don McGahn and Priebus to not discuss about the Russian investigation with Comey, but Trump did so anyway.", "The Mueller report described a November 2017 voicemail Flynn's attorneys received from Trump's \"personal counsel\", reportedly John Dowd, who stated, \"[I]f...there's information that implicates the President, then we've got a national security issue,...so, you know, ...we need some kind of heads up\", reiterating the president's \"feelings toward Flynn and, that still remains\"", ". Flynn's attorneys called Trump's attorney to reiterate that they could no longer share information with him because their joint defense agreement was canceled upon Flynn's guilty plea, at which point the attorney became \"indignant and vocal in his disagreement\", indicating that Trump would be advised that this represented \"hostility\" toward him", ". The New York Times reported on June 9, 2019, that Mueller's office opted to not question Dowd about the voicemail as potential obstruction of justice, possibly leading to Trump, because the ambiguity of the voicemail raised concerns of violating attorney-client privilege and protracted litigation.", "President's reaction to the FBI's Russia investigation being publicized \nSection C of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "After Trump learned that then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions planned to recuse himself from the Special Counsel investigation, Trump sought to prevent Session's move. \"After Sessions announced his recusal on March 2, the President expressed anger at Sessions for the decision and then privately asked Sessions to \"unrecuse\". On March 20, Comey publicly disclosed the FBI's Russia investigation", ". On March 20, Comey publicly disclosed the FBI's Russia investigation. \"In the days that followed, the President contacted Comey and other intelligence agency leaders and asked them to push back publicly on the suggestion that the President had any connection to the Russian election-interference effort in order to 'lift the cloud' of the ongoing investigation\", the report says.", "Dismissal of James Comey \n\nSection D of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "\"In the week leading up to Comey's May 3, 2017, Senate Judiciary Committee testimony, the President told Don McGahn that it would be the last straw if Comey did not set the record straight and publicly announce that the President was not under investigation, despite repeated requests that Comey make such an announcement,\" the report states. Trump told his aides that he was going to fire Comey on May 5, and did so on May 9", ". Trump told his aides that he was going to fire Comey on May 5, and did so on May 9. The report notes that Trump fired Comey before he received a recommendation by the Justice Department. \"Substantial evidence indicates that the catalyst for the President's decision to fire Comey was Comey's unwillingness to publicly state that the President was not personally under investigation, despite the President's repeated requests that Comey make such an announcement\", the report reads", ". Trump boasted about the firing of Comey to the Russian foreign minister and U.S. Ambassador of Russia in an Oval Office meeting in May 2017, saying: \"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.\"", "President's efforts to remove the Special Counsel \nSection E of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "When Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Special Counsel investigation, the report notes that Trump said something along the lines of: \"that it was the end of his presidency and that Attorney General Sessions had failed to protect him and should resign. Sessions submitted his resignation, which the President ultimately did not accept\"", ". Sessions submitted his resignation, which the President ultimately did not accept\". The report notes that on June 14, 2017, \"the press reported that the President was being personally investigated for obstruction of justice and the President responded with a series of tweets criticizing the Special Counsel's investigation\". The following weekend, Trump called McGahn and \"directed him to have the Special Counsel removed because of asserted conflicts of interest\"", ". McGahn did not act on the request \"for fear of being seen as triggering another Saturday Night Massacre and instead prepared to resign\". McGahn formally departed the Trump administration on October 17, 2018.", "President's efforts to curtail the Special Counsel investigation \nSection F of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "On June 19, 2017, two days after Trump tried to have Don McGahn fire the special counsel, Trump went to Sessions. Trump had a one-on-one meeting in the Oval Office with Corey Lewandowski, former Trump campaign manager who was not working for the government. Trump wanted Lewandowski to deliver a message to Sessions that would \"have had the effect of limiting the Russia investigation to future election interference only\"", ". The report relays that Trump told Lewandowski \"that Sessions was weak and that if the President had known about the likelihood of recusal in advance, he would not have appointed Sessions\". Trump dictated the following message meant for Sessions, and Lewandowski noted it down: \"I know that I recused myself from certain things having to do with specific areas. But our POTUS . .. is being treated very unfairly. He shouldn't have a Special Prosecutor/Counsel he hasn't done anything wrong", ". He shouldn't have a Special Prosecutor/Counsel he hasn't done anything wrong. I was on the campaign him for nine months, there were no Russians involved with him. I know it for a fact b/c I was there. He didn't do anything wrong except he ran the greatest campaign in American history\". The message goes on in which Sessions would meet with the Special Counsel and limit its jurisdiction to future election interference. \"Now a group of people want to subvert the Constitution of the United States", ". \"Now a group of people want to subvert the Constitution of the United States. I am going to meet with the Special Prosecutor to explain this is very unfair and let the Special Prosecutor move forward with investigating election meddling for future elections so that nothing can happen in future elections\". Trump reportedly said that \"if Sessions delivered that statement he would be the 'most popular guy in the country", ". Lewandowski arranged a meeting with Sessions, but it was cancelled \"due to a last minute conflict\".", "On July 19, 2017, Trump again met Lewandowski in the Oval Office, and inquired if Lewandowski passed the message to Sessions. Lewandowski replied that it would be done soon. The report continues: \"Lewandowski recalled that the President told him that if Sessions did not meet with him, Lewandowski should tell Sessions he was fired\". Immediately after this second meeting, Lewandowski passed the message to White House official Rick Dearborn to relay to Sessions", ". Dearborn was uncomfortable with the task and chose not to not pass the message, although the report quotes Dearborn as telling Lewandowski that he had \"handled the situation\".", "President's efforts to prevent disclosures about Trump Tower meeting \n\nSection G of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "The report cites three different occasions between June 29 and July 9, 2017, when Trump directed Hope Hicks, former White House Communications Director, and others to not disclose information about the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016. These requests were directed to the press and could have constituted obstruction only if Trump \"sought to withhold information from or mislead congressional investigations or the Special Counsel\"", ". The Special Counsel could not find any evidence to establish that Trump intended on preventing the Special Counsel or Congress from obtaining the emails or information referring to the meeting. Rick Gates, then Deputy Campaign Chairman, recalled that Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Paul Manafort, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, were meeting. The ostensible purpose of the meeting was to receive \"dirt\" on the Clinton presidential campaign. Gates testified that Trump Jr", ". Gates testified that Trump Jr. announced at a regular planned meeting that he \"had a lead on negative information about the Clinton Foundation\". Gates recalled Manafort saying at the meeting that the Trump Tower meeting \"likely would not yield vital information and they should be careful\"", ". The Special Counsel found Manafort to be correct, as the \"dirt\" was information regarding the Ziff brothers doing tax evasion and money laundering in Russia and \"donated the illegal profits to the DNC or the Clinton Campaign\". There was speculation that Trump Jr. told his father. However, the Special Counsel could not find any evidence that he did.", "The office declined to pursue charges for two reasons: the office \"did not obtain admissible evidence\" that would meet the burden of proof principle beyond a reasonable doubt that the campaign officials acted with general knowledge about the illegality of their conduct; secondly, the office expected difficulty in valuing the promised information that \"exceeded the threshold for a criminal violation\" of $2,000 for a criminal violation and $25,000 for a felony punishment.", "President's efforts to have Attorney General control investigation \nSection H of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "The report notes that between 2017–2018, Trump tried to convince Jeff Sessions to reverse his recusal over the Special Counsel investigation. Trump also tried to convince Sessions to launch an investigation into Hillary Clinton and prosecute her. \"On multiple occasions in 2017, the President spoke with Sessions about reversing his recusal so that he could take over the Russia investigation and begin an investigation of Hillary Clinton ..", "... There is evidence that at least one purpose of the President's conduct toward Sessions was to have Sessions assume control over the Russia investigation and supervise it in a way that could restrict its scope. [...] A reasonable inference from those statements and the President's action is that an unrecused Attorney General would play a protective role and could shield the President from the ongoing Russia investigation\".", "President orders McGahn to deny reports \nSection I of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "After the news broke out in late January 2018, that Trump ordered Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller in June 2017, Trump pressured McGahn to deny the reports. \"After the story broke, the President, through his personal counsel and two aides, sought to have McGahn deny that he had been directed to remove the Special Counsel,\" the report reads. Trump told then-White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter to tell McGahn to create a record that makes clear Trump never directed McGahn to fire the Special Counsel", ". \"Porter thought the matter should be handled by the White House communications office, but the President said he wanted McGahn to write a letter to the file 'for our records' and wanted something beyond a press statement to demonstrate that the reporting was inaccurate. The President referred to McGahn as a 'lying bastard' and said that he wanted a record from him\". Porter recalled Trump \"saying something to the effect of 'If he doesn't write a letter, then maybe I'll have to get rid of him'\"", ". Trump did not fire McGahn, who departed on October 17, 2018.", "President's conduct towards Flynn, Manafort, and \"redacted name\" \nSection J of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "The report details that Trump took actions \"directed at possible witnesses in the Special Counsel's investigation\". The report notes that actions taken by Trump and his counsel \"could have had the potential to affect Flynn's decision to cooperate, as well as the extent of that cooperation. Because of privilege issues, however, we could not determine whether the President was personally involved in or knew about the specific message his counsel delivered to Flynn's counsel\"", ". For Manafort, the report details by saying: \"With respect to Manafort, there is evidence that the President's actions had the potential to influence Manafort's decision whether to cooperate with the government\".", "In January 2019, Manafort's lawyers submitted a filing to the court in response to an allegation from the Special Counsel that Manafort had lied to investigators. Through an error in redacting, the document accidentally revealed that while he was campaign chairman, Manafort met with Konstantin Kilimnik, who is believed to be a Russian intelligence officer. The filing says Manafort gave him polling data related to the 2016 campaign and discussed a Ukrainian peace plan with him", ". Most of the polling data was reportedly public, although some was private Trump campaign polling data. Manafort asked Kilimnik to pass the data to Ukrainians Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov", ". Manafort asked Kilimnik to pass the data to Ukrainians Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov. The Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee concluded in August 2020 that Manafort's contacts with Kilimnik and other affiliates of Russian intelligence \"represented a grave counterintelligence threat\" because his \"presence on the Campaign and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign.\"", "President's conduct involving Michael Cohen \n\nSection K of Volume II of the report describes the events of this episode.", "The final instance of potential obstruction concerns Michael Cohen, a former personal lawyer of Trump's. \"There is evidence that could support the inference that the President intended to discourage Cohen from cooperating with the government because Cohen's information would shed adverse light on the President's campaign-period conduct and statements\", the report states", ". The report continues by detailing that Trump encouraged Cohen to \"stay strong\": \"After the FBI searched Cohen's home and office in April 2018, the President publicly asserted that Cohen would not \"flip\" and privately passes messages of support to him\"", ". However, the report notes that when Cohen began cooperating with the government in the summer of 2018, Trump publicly criticized him: \"Cohen also discussed pardons with the President's personal counsel and believed that if he stayed on message, he would get a pardon or the President would do 'something else' to make the investigation end", ". But after Cohen began cooperating with the government in the summer of 2018, the President publicly criticized him, called him a 'rat', and suggested that his family members had committed crimes\".", "Appendices \nFour appendices were included in the report:\n Appendix A: Order 3915-2017 from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointing a special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.\n Appendix B: Glossary of terms used in the report containing \"names and brief descriptions of individuals and entities referenced in the two volumes of [the] report\".\n Appendix C: President Trump's written answers to the special counsel.", "Appendix C: President Trump's written answers to the special counsel.\n Appendix D: Special counsel's office transferred, referred, and completed cases.", "Events before public release \nBarr assumed oversight of the investigation on February 14, 2019, after being approved by the Senate and sworn in as Attorney General. Barr had been previously critical of the investigation before Trump announced his intent to nominate Barr for Attorney General on December 7, 2018. Barr's predecessor, Jeff Sessions, resigned on November 7, 2018, writing that it was at Trump's request.", "The report was submitted by the special counsel to Attorney General William Barr on March 22, 2019. Barr tasked the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in the Department of Justice with authoring a memo that would justify the decision Barr had already made to clear Trump of obstruction. The group authored both the memo and Barr letter over in tandem the course of two days; the final memo was signed by Steven Engel and Ed O'Callaghan.\n\nBarr letter", "On March 24, 2019, Attorney General Barr sent Congress a four-page letter describing the special counsel's conclusions regarding Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and obstruction of justice. Barr relayed two ways in which Russia interfered in the election: firstly, \"disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord\"; and secondly, hacking computers for emails from the 2016 Clinton presidential campaign and Democratic Party organizations", ". Barr also quoted the report that the \"investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities\".", "On obstruction of justice, Barr wrote that the special counsel \"did not draw a conclusion\" on obstruction and that \"The Special Counsel's decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime\"", ". Barr continued: \"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense\".", "On Barr's decision to clear him on obstruction, Trump said in late April 2019 that Barr read the Mueller report \"and he made a decision right on the spot. No obstruction\".", "After the release of the Barr Letter, media commentators pointed out that in June 2018, prior to joining the Trump administration, Barr sent an unsolicited 19-page memo to the Department of Justice and White House attorneys asserting that Mueller's investigation of President Trump for obstruction is \"legally insupportable\", and \"fatally misconceived\". Barr also discussed the memo with some of Trump's attorneys.", "Mueller's reaction", "On March 27, 2019, Mueller reportedly wrote to Barr in a letter, as stated in the New York Times \"expressing his and his team's concerns that the attorney general had inadequately portrayed their conclusions\". This was first reported on April 30, 2019. Mueller thought that the Barr letter \"did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance\" of the findings of the special counsel investigation that he led. \"There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation\"", ". \"There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation\". Mueller also requested Barr release the Mueller report's introductions and executive summaries. The March 27 Mueller letter made no mention of media coverage.", "On March 28, 2019, according to anonymous Justice Department officials, Mueller, in a call to Barr, reportedly expressed concerns about public misunderstandings of the obstruction investigation due to media coverage. On April 30, 2019, a spokeswoman from the Justice Department described the March 28 call between Mueller and Barr: \"the Special Counsel emphasized that nothing in the Attorney General's March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading", ". But, he expressed frustration over the lack of context and the resulting media coverage regarding the Special Counsel's obstruction analysis\". Although they discussed whether more context could be provided via Barr releasing more of the report, Barr \"ultimately determined that it would not be productive to release the report in piecemeal fashion\".", "On March 29, 2019, Barr sent a subsequent letter to Congress in which he said that his March 24 letter was not a summary of the Mueller report, but merely presented the report's principal conclusions. Barr also wrote that he would be volunteering to testify before Congress in early May, which Barr did.", "Barr testimony of April 9 and 10", "On April 9, Attorney General Barr appeared in a congressional hearing before the House. There, Representative Charlie Crist described media reports that \"members of the special counsel's team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24 letter, that it does not adequately or accurately portray the [Mueller] report's findings\". Crist asked Barr: \"Do you know what they are referencing with that?\", Barr replied: \"No, I don't", ". Crist asked Barr: \"Do you know what they are referencing with that?\", Barr replied: \"No, I don't. I think I think I suspect that they probably wanted more put out, but in my view, I was not interested in putting out summaries\".", "On April 10, Attorney General Barr appeared before the Senate Appropriations Committee. Senator Chris Van Hollen asked Barr regarding obstruction: \"Did Bob Mueller support your conclusion?\" Barr replied: \"I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion.\"\n\nBarr press conference", "Barr press conference \n\nOn April 18, Attorney General Barr held a press conference discussing the report 90 minutes before it was released to Congress and the public. The press conference discussed redacted portions, and \"ten episodes involving the President and discusses potential legal theories for connecting these actions to elements of an obstruction offense.\"", "Barr gave the following elaboration on his decision that the evidence was insufficient to warrant an obstruction of justice charge for Trump: \"Although the deputy attorney general [Rod Rosenstein] and I disagreed with some of the special counsel's legal theories and felt that some of the episodes examined did not amount to obstruction as a matter of law, we did not rely solely on that in making our decision", ". Instead, we accepted the special counsel's legal framework for purposes of our analysis and evaluated the evidence as presented by the special counsel in reaching our conclusion\".", "Barr also mentioned that Trump's legal team received the redacted version of the report earlier in the week, adding that the president's lawyers \"were not permitted to make, and did not request, any redactions\". Barr said that the \"president confirmed that, in the interests of transparency and full disclosure to the American people, he would not assert privilege over the special counsel's report\".", "In the press conference, Barr asked that people look into the context, stating that President Trump \"faced an unprecedented situation [...] federal agents and prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct before and after taking office and the conduct of some of his associates. [...] There was relentless speculation in the news media about the President's personal culpability\", even though there was, according to Barr, \"no collusion\"", ". Barr continued that there was \"substantial evidence to show that the president was frustrated and angered by a sincere belief that the investigation was undermining his presidency, propelled by his political opponents and fueled by illegal leaks\". Also in the press conference, Barr said that he asked Mueller \"whether or not [Mueller] was taking the position that he would have found a crime but for the existence of the OLC opinion\" that a sitting president cannot be indicted", ". Barr continued that Mueller \"made it very clear, several times, that he was not taking a positionhe was not saying but for the OLC opinion he would have found a crime\".", "Some political commentators, including Chris Wallace of Fox News, observed that Barr appeared to behave more like Trump's defense attorney than as an attorney general during the press conference.", "Following the Barr press conference, The New York Times noticed similarities from Barr's 19-page memo to the Justice Department while not working for the government, in which he criticized this investigation for \"proposing an unprecedented expansion of obstruction laws\" that would result in \"grave consequences\" for the institution of the presidency. The New York Times continued that Barr had an \"untrammeled view of executive power\", and that the 2018 Barr memo \"turned out to be an accurate road map to Mr", ". Barr's handling of the Mueller report\".", "Public release of redacted report \nOn April 18, 2019, a redacted version of the special counsel's report was released to Congress and the public. About one-eighth of the lines are redacted. The report is 448 pages long across two volumes and four appendices. It contains about 200,000 words and over 1,100 footnotes. About 11% of the text is redacted. 40% of the pages had at least one redaction, and there were over 900 redacted text blocks in all.", "Barr described the four kinds of redactions in the released report: \"harm to ongoing matter\" (HOM) in , \"personal privacy\" (PP) in , \"investigative technique\" (IT) in , and \"grand jury\" material in . Of those, only the grand jury redactions are required by law due to 6(e) of United States criminal procedure. Barr characterized the report as being \"lightly redacted\".", "Redacted report findings compared to Barr letter", "After the release of the redacted report, the Barr letter was criticized as a deliberate mischaracterization of the Mueller report and its conclusions. Numerous legal analysts accused Barr of glossing over the report, identifying significant discrepancies between Barr's characterizations of its contents and the report's actual findings, while others called for Barr's resignation", ". The New York Times reported instances in which the Barr letter omitted information and quoted sentence fragments out of context in ways that significantly altered the findings in the report, including:", "Omission of language that indicated Trump could be subject to indictment after leaving office.\n A sentence fragment described only one possible motive for Trump to obstruct justice, while the Mueller report listed multiple possible motives.\n Omission of words and a full sentence that twice suggested there was knowing and complicit behavior between the Trump campaign and Russians that stopped short of direct coordination, which may constitute conspiracy.", "CNN wrote that while Barr in his letter took it upon himself to deliver a ruling on whether Trump had committed obstruction, the redacted report indicates that Mueller intended that decision to be made by Congress, not Barr.", "Numerous other political and legal analysts, including Bob Woodward and Brian Williams, observed significant differences in what Barr said about Mueller's findings in his March 24 summary letter, and in his April 18 press conference, compared to what the Mueller report actually found. This commentary included a comparison of Barr to Baghdad Bob, calling him \"Baghdad Bill\".", "Barr wrote that his letter provided \"the principal conclusions\" of the Mueller report. Ryan Goodman, a professor at the New York University School of Law and co-editor of Just Security, observed that in 1989 Barr also wrote a letter which he stated contained \"the principal conclusions\" of a controversial legal opinion he worked on as head of the OLC", ". Barr declined to provide the full opinion to Congress, but it was later subpoenaed and released to the public, showing that the summary letter did not fully disclose the principal conclusions.", "Redacted report findings compared to Barr press conference", "In the Barr press conference on April 18, prior to the release of the redacted report, Barr said that \"the White House fully cooperated with the Special Counsel's investigation\". However, Factcheck.org describes that this was \"contradicted in the report\", which stated that Trump had attacked the investigation in public, tried to control the investigation in private, and encouraged witnesses not to cooperate both in public and private. Factcheck", ". Factcheck.org also describes the report as saying that President Trump did not fully cooperate for interview requests by investigators, then in written responses answered that he did not remember to over 30 questions, while other answers were \"incomplete or imprecise\". Investigators protested that the written responses denied them the opportunity to ask follow-up questions, but Trump denied another request for an interview.", "Also the Barr press conference on April 18, Barr said that \"Special Counsel Mueller did not indicate that his purpose was to leave the decision [on obstruction by Trump] to Congress\". The Washington Post described that \"the report does not say Mueller intended to leave obstruction-related decisions to Barr\", and instead \"uses suggestive language about Congress's role\", that Congress can subject President Trump to obstruction laws, and made a reference to not wanting to preempt impeachment.", "Analysis of redactions \nAttributes of the report's text, and its redactions in particular, received significant news coverage and was a noted talking point. Redactions were concentrated on areas about Russian government interference in the elections. The four types of redactions had the following statistics:\n \"Harm to ongoing matter\" – over 400 redactions and about 45% of the redacted text overall.\n \"Personal privacy\" – an estimated 5–7% of the redactions.", "\"Personal privacy\" – an estimated 5–7% of the redactions.\n \"Investigative technique\" – an estimated 8–10% of the redactions.\n \"Grand jury\" – over 300 redactions and about 38% of the redacted text overall.", "Press coverage of the investigation", "The Associated Press and Slate observed that the Mueller report mostly corroborated press coverage of the investigation", ". Kyle Pope, editor of the Columbia Journalism Review, remarked that \"The media looks a lot stronger today than it did before the release of this report\", asserting that Mueller's report absolved the media of its coverage of the investigation, the fairness, accuracy, and objectivity of which was repeatedly derided by President Trump and his allies as \"fake news\" and a part of a concerted \"Witch-Hunt\"", ". The Washington Post stated that the report \"offered a rich portrait of Trump's efforts as president to undermine the investigation and mislead the public\".", "The Washington Post reported that while some press reports on the investigation proved wrong, or at least were not confirmed by the Mueller report, \"the Mueller report was by and large an affirmation of the mainstream media's investigative reporting. Almost all the big stories were confirmed in the report\". Notable reports that were not confirmed to be true by the report included:\n Trump had \"directed\" Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.\n Cohen was in Prague in 2016.", "Trump had \"directed\" Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.\n Cohen was in Prague in 2016.\n Russian Alfa Bank server was communicating with a Trump Organization server.\n Paul Manafort secretly met with Julian Assange.", "False and misleading public statements by the Trump administration \nPolitifact published a list of eight notable public assertions Trump and his administration made that the Mueller report showed to be false or misleading:\n Mueller had conflicts of interest and was turned down to become FBI director.\n Trump asserted he hadn't thought about firing Mueller.\n Press secretary Sarah Sanders asserted that Trump fired James Comey because \"countless\" FBI agents told her they had lost faith in him.", "Sanders asserted that a DOJ internal review had prompted Comey's firing.\n Sanders claimed Trump \"certainly didn't dictate\" a statement by Donald Trump Jr. regarding the Trump Tower meeting.\n Trump asserted that the Steele dossier triggered the initial FBI investigation and the investigation \"was a plan by those who lost the election\".\n Trump repeatedly asserted, during 2016–2017, that he had no business involvement in Russia.", "Trump repeatedly asserted, during 2016–2017, that he had no business involvement in Russia.\n Trump claimed Comey sought a dinner with him when actually Trump invited Comey for dinner.\nVox reported that the Mueller report showed Sanders and her predecessor, Sean Spicer, made false statements about the circumstances surrounding the firings of Comey and Michael Flynn.", "The Mueller report showed that despite assertions by Hope Hicks and Jason Miller in September 2016 that Carter Page never had any involvement with the campaign, Page actually produced work for the campaign, traveled with Trump to a campaign speech and \"Chief policy adviser Sam Clovis expressed appreciation for Page's work and praised his work to other Campaign officials\".", "Other findings \nThe Mueller report devoted over a dozen pages to refute an argument made by Trump's attorneys, and by Barr before he joined the Trump administration, that it was impossible for Trump to obstruct the investigation, regardless of his intentions, due to his presidential authority to oversee federal law enforcementan interpretation that some legal scholars characterized as dubious because it suggests a president is above the law.", "The report confirmed significant aspects of reporting, primarily by The Wall Street Journal, of efforts by Republican activist Peter Smith to locate deleted Clinton emails, including his communications about it with Michael Flynn and campaign co-chair Sam Clovis, as well as Flynn's actions to spearhead the effort at Trump's repeated requests", ". In at least one email to an undisclosed list of recipients, Smith claimed to know WikiLeak's schedule about releasing the Clinton emails, writing there was a \"tug-of-war going on within WikiLeaks over its planned releases in the next few days\", and that WikiLeaks \"has maintained that it will save its best revelations for last, under the theory this allows little time for response prior to the U.S. election November 8.\"", "The report confirmed significant parts of reporting regarding a January 2017 meeting in Seychelles between Erik Prince, George Nader, and Putin confidant Kirill Dmitriev, among others. Despite Prince's prior congressional testimony that he had no role in the Trump campaign or transition, the report found that Nader had represented Prince to Dmitriev as \"designated by Steve [Bannon] to meet you! I know him and he is very very well connected and trusted by the New Team\"", ". The Mueller Report stated, \"According to Nader, Prince had led him to believe that Bannon was aware of Prince's upcoming meeting with Dmitriev, and Prince acknowledged that it was fair for Nader to think that Prince would pass information on to the Transition Team. Bannon, however, told the Office that Prince did not tell him in advance about his meeting with Dmitriev\"", ". Prince testified to the House Intelligence Committee that \"I didn't fly there to meet any Russian guy\", although the Mueller Report found that he and Nader made significant preparations to meet Dmitriev", ". Although Prince had previously characterized a second meeting between him and Dmitriev in a bar as a chance encounter of no consequence, the Mueller report found the meeting was actually pre-arranged after Prince had learned from communications back home that Russia had positioned an aircraft carrier off Libya and he wanted to convey that the United States would not accept any Russian involvement in Libya", ". House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff announced on April 30, 2019, that he was sending a criminal referral to the Justice Department alleging Prince had provided false testimony to the committee.", "The special counsel sought to interview Trump for more than a year, advising his attorneys that \"it is in the interest of the Presidency and the public for an interview to take place\" and offering \"numerous accommodations to aid the President's preparation and avoid surprise\". Trump's attorneys resisted these requests, which the special counsel accepted written responses to questions", ". The Mueller report stated that Trump asserted more than thirty times that he could not remember information that had been asked, and that other answers were \"incomplete or imprecise\". Trump did not provide written responses to questions relating to obstruction of justice or events during the transition", ". The special counsel considered subpoenaing Trump's testimony but decided against it because it would likely result in protracted constitutional litigation that would delay conclusion of the investigation, and because investigators had by then acquired information they sought by other means.", "The Mueller report elaborated on earlier reporting regarding communications between Felix Sater and Michael Cohen during 2015–2016 to pursue construction of Trump Tower Moscow, at a time Trump denied any business involvement in Russia", ". The report found that Sater, a former Trump business associate, asserted to Cohen that he had Russian contacts who could gain Vladimir Putin's support for the project, adding \"I think I can get Putin to [praise Trump's business acumen] at the Trump Moscow press conference\", and \"We can own this election. Michael my next steps are very sensitive with Putin's very very close people, we can pull this off\"", ". The report also found that Cohen had discussed particulars of the project with Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. The report states, \"According to Cohen, he did not consider the political import of the Trump Moscow project to the 2016 U.S. presidential election at the time. Cohen also did not recall candidate Trump or anyone affiliated with the Trump Campaign discussing the political implications of the Trump Tower Moscow project with him", ". However, Cohen recalled conversations with Trump in which the candidate suggested that his campaign would be a significant 'infomercial' for Trump-branded properties\".", "The Mueller report did not investigate or conclude Cohen had been in Prague, as had been alleged in the Steele dossier and reported by the McClatchy Company. It only cited Cohen's denial to investigators.\n\nBook editions \nThe report was issued as a printed book by three publishers, and collated an aggregate 357,000 sales , making it a New York Times bestseller.\n\nReactions\n\nPresident Donald Trump", "Reactions\n\nPresident Donald Trump \n\nTrump has vacillated in his view of the report, initially saying, \"The Mueller report was great. It could not have been better,\" then one month later characterizing it as a \"total 'hit job, then one month later as \"a beautiful report\".", "The Mueller report reported that Donald Trump's campaign staff, administration officials, and family members, his Republican backers, and his associates lied or made false assertions, whether intentional or unintentional, to the public, Congress, and authorities.\n\nUpon the release of the redacted report on April 18, Trump commented:", "President Trump sent several tweets about the news, including one that mimicked promotional material for the television series Game of Thrones, featuring Trump turning his back, surrounded in mist, superimposed with the words \"No collusion. No obstruction. For the haters and the radical left Democrats.\" HBO, owners of the rights to the series, commented that they \"prefer our intellectual property not be used for political purposes\"", ". Trump had posted similar pictures on Twitter and Instagram on previous occasions, which HBO had chided.", "On April 19, Trump labeled the report \"crazy\", saying that some of the report's assertions about him were \"total bullshit\" and \"fabricated and totally untrue\". Calling for a new counter-investigation, he tweeted: \"It is now finally time to turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people who have committed very serious crimes, perhaps even Spying or Treason.\" He posted similar tweets in the following days.", "On April 23, Trump said of the investigation, \"I don't believe our country should allow this ever to happen again. This will never happen again. We cannot let it ever happen again.\" He went on to insinuate that \"treasonous acts\" were performed against him from \"very high up\" in the Obama administration.", "On April 24, Trump attacked the report's writers as \"Angry Democrats and Trump Haters\", tweeting: \"If the partisan Dems ever tried to Impeach, I would first head to the U.S. Supreme Court.\" Legal experts responded that Trump had misunderstood the Constitution, as impeachment is constitutionally within Congress' abilities and responsibilities and not the within that of the courts.", "On April 25, Trump denied the report's claim that he ordered former White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller. He tweeted:", "On April 26, speaking to the National Rifle Association of America (NRA), Trump said, \"They tried for a coup; didn't work out so well. And I didn't need a gun for that one, did I? All was taking place at the highest levels in Washington, D.C. […] Corruption at the highest level. A disgrace. Spying, surveillance, trying for an overthrowand we caught 'em, we caught 'em. Who would have thought in our country? But it's called […] 'draining the swamp'.\"", "On May 29, Trump said regarding the report \"The Mueller report came out: no obstruction, no collusion, no nothing. It's a beautiful report.\" The next day Trump made a similar remark about Mueller's report saying \"There's no obstruction, there's no collusion, there's no nothing. It's nothing but a witch hunt. A witch hunt by the media and the Democrats, they're partners.\"", "With Mueller set to testify to Congress about his report in July 2019, Trump falsely claimed in June 2019 that Mueller had illegally deleted communication records between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (there were lost records which were later retrieved, but there is no indication Mueller was involved in processes on this matter). Trump declared in early July 2019 that Mueller \"must\" restrict his testimony to \"the report\". In late July 2019, Trump said that Mueller's testifying would be \"bad\" for Mueller", ". In late July 2019, Trump said that Mueller's testifying would be \"bad\" for Mueller. With Mueller's aide Aaron Zebley also about to testify to Congress, Trump criticized Zebley, characterizing him as a \"Never Trumper lawyer\" (Zebley has never donated to any political party). Trump also criticized Zebley for his role in private law practice representing Bill Cooper, who had connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton regarding her emails.", "White House interaction with Don McGahn \nThe Wall Street Journal reported on May 10, 2019, that within a day of the release of the Mueller report, Trump sought to have McGahn declare that he didn't think the president's directive to have Mueller fired constituted obstruction of justice, but McGahn refused.", "On May 10, 2019, The New York Times reported that the White House, in April and/or May, asked McGahn twice to declare that Trump never obstructed justice. \"His reluctance angered the president, who believed that Mr. McGahn showed disloyalty by telling investigators for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, about Mr. Trump's attempts to maintain control over the Russia investigation,\" the New York Times notes. One request was sent to McGahn's lawyer, William A", ". One request was sent to McGahn's lawyer, William A. Burck, before the report was made public but after Trump's lawyers received a copy. Trump's lawyers noticed that Mueller left out McGahn's belief that Trump never obstructed justice. Responding to the first request; \"We did not perceive it as any kind of threat or something sinister,\" Burck replied in a statement. \"It was a request, professionally and cordially made", ". \"It was a request, professionally and cordially made.\" After the Mueller report was released, McGahn passed on the opportunity on putting out the statement. The White House tried once more and asked McGahn to publish the statement. McGahn declined.", "September 2019", "On September 30, 2019, The New York Times reported that two American officials stated that President Trump told Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, to help Attorney General William Barr in a Justice Department inquiry, that, according to The New York Times, Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation and validate his 2016 victory. The White House curbed access to the transcript of the phone call, allegedly done by the request of Barr, however only allowing a small group of aides access", ". The White House responded by dismissing the reports, claiming that it was part of a routine request to grant Australian authorities access to Department of Justice resources to facilitate an investigation that had been open for several months.", "Trump's personal lawyers", "Trump's lawyers said in a statement: \"After a 17-month investigation, testimony from some 500 witnesses, the issuance of 2,800 subpoenas, the execution of nearly 500 search warrants, early morning raids, the examination of more than 1.4 million pages of documents, and the unprecedented cooperation of the President, it is clear there was no criminal wrongdoing..", "...This vindication of the President is an important step forward for the country and a strong reminder that this type of abuse must never be permitted to occur again.\"", "It has been reported since July 2018, that Trump's personal lawyers are creating a \"counter report\" to contest the special counsel's findings on obstruction of justice. , according to Rudy Giuliani, they are finalizing the report and putting finishing touches. Giuliani has said that the counter report is about 45 pages long and consists of two sections", ". Giuliani has said that the counter report is about 45 pages long and consists of two sections. Giuliani told The Daily Beast in an interview that the contents were: the legitimacy of the Special Counsel investigation due to alleged conflict of interests surrounding Mueller, and alleged coordination between the Trump Campaign and Russia including obstruction of justice", ". Originally, according to Trump, the counter report was 87 pages long: \"It has been incorrectly reported that Rudy Giuliani and others will not be doing a counter to the Mueller report. That is Fake News. Already 87 pages done, but obviously cannot complete until we see the final Witch Hunt Report\".", "Since the public release of the Mueller report, Giuliani has suggested that they might not release the report for now: \"There's probably a point at which we will use it. Right now we think the public debate is playing out about as well as it can. Why confuse it it raises a lot of issues that maybe we didn't have to respond to\", Giuliani said.", "On April 21, Giuliani said the special counsel's team \"came close to torturing people\", and described a lawyer on the special counsel's team as a \"hitman\". Giuliani also stated: \"There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians. It depends on where it came from\". Also on April 21, Giuliani falsely stated that \"nothing was denied\" by the Trump administration to investigators (FactCheck.org notes that the report stated Trump refused interviews)", ".org notes that the report stated Trump refused interviews). Giuliani additionally falsely stated that \"you read that\" Don McGahn \"gave three different versions\" of his conversation with Trump regarding firing Mueller (FactCheck.org also notes that the report stated McGahn only gave one version, and that Trump gave another version).", "Trump attorney Emmet Flood mocked the Mueller report as \"part 'truth commission' report and part law school exam paper\".\n\nFormer Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein", "On April 11, 2019, in his first interview since the conclusion of the Special Counsel he appointed, with The Wall Street Journal, Rosenstein defended Attorney General Barr's handling of the conclusions of the Special Counsel investigation. \"He's being as forthcoming as he can, and so this notion that he's trying to mislead people, I think is just completely bizarre\", Rosenstein said", ". Rosenstein also supported Barr's four-page letter by saying: \"It would be one thing if you put out a letter and said, 'I'm not going to give you the report.'\" What he said is, 'Look, it's going to take a while to process the report. In the meantime, people really want to know what's in it. I'm going to give you the top-line conclusions.' That's all he was trying to do\".", "On April 25, 2019, Rosenstein spoke at the Armenian Bar Association's Public Servants Dinner in New York City. Rosenstein said that as a result of the investigation, there was now \"overwhelming evidence that Russian operatives hacked American computers and defrauded American citizens, and that is only the tip of the iceberg of a comprehensive Russian strategy to influence elections, promote social discord, and undermine America, just like they do in many other countries [..", "...] our nation is safer, elections are more secure, and citizens are better informed about covert foreign influence schemes.\"", "Rosenstein discussed the result of the special counsel investigation, saying that he did agree to oversee it correctly and to its completion, but: \"I did not promise to report all results to the public, because grand jury investigations are ex parte proceedings. It is not our job to render conclusive factual findings. We just decide whether it is appropriate to file criminal charges\"", ". We just decide whether it is appropriate to file criminal charges\". However, according to Rosenstein, \"not everybody was happy with [his] decision\", as he went on to cite politicians who \"need to evaluate everything in terms of the immediate political impact\", and the media. Rosenstein reserved particular criticism for the media as \"mercenary critics\" who \"launch ad hominem attacks unrestricted by truth or morality. They make threats, spread fake stories, and even attack your relatives. [..", ". They make threats, spread fake stories, and even attack your relatives. [...] A republic that endures is not governed by the news cycle. Some of the nonsense that passes for breaking news today would not be worth the paper was printed on, if anybody bothered to print it.\" Rosenstein further said: \"In politics as in journalism the rules of evidence do not apply.\"", "Rosenstein criticized the Obama administration for failing to \"publicize the full story\" about the methods and the \"broader strategy\" of Russian interference in the American elections. Rosenstein also criticized members of the FBI for disclosing classified material, and criticized James Comey's conduct for announcing the counterintelligence investigation while Comey was still FBI Director and alleging that \"the president pressured [Comey] to close the investigation\" after Comey was fired.", "On April 4, 2021, Rod Rosenstein was interviewed on Kim Wehle's podcast #SimplePolitics. Rosenstein pushed back on the idea that the investigation was a \"witch hunt\": \"From my perspective, it was not a witch hunt. It was never a witch hunt. Bob Mueller doesn't do witch hunts,\" he said. \"That was the criticism that came from the Right during the investigation, but I don't believe that's fair in the way the investigation was conducted.\"", "Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller \nAfter the Special Counsel concluded its investigation on March 22, Barr sent Congress a four-page letter about the Special Counsel's conclusions on March 24. On April 30, it was reported Mueller sent a letter to Barr on March 27, that expressed concerns about his four-page letter to Congress. Barr called Mueller to discuss about the letter and its contents.", "\"The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office's work and conclusions\", Mueller said in his letter to Barr. \"There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations\".", "Barr's response to Mueller remarks", "On May 30, 2019, CBS This Morning tweeted a clip from an interview with Attorney General William Barr discussing his thoughts on Mueller's remarks on May 29. \"The opinion says you cannot indict a president while he's in office. But he [Mueller] could've reached a decision as to whether it was criminal activity", ". But he [Mueller] could've reached a decision as to whether it was criminal activity.\" Barr explained why the Mueller report did not determine whether Trump committed obstruction of justice: \"the Deputy attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, and I felt it was necessary for us, as the heads of the department, to reach that decision", ".\" When asked about whether Mueller was insinuating that Congress could be the other venue for reaching a conclusion on obstruction of justice, Barr replied by saying \"Well, I'm not sure what he was suggesting, but, you know, the Department of Justice doesn't use our powers of investigating crimes as an adjunct to Congress.\"", "Mueller's statement on May 29", "Upon announcing the formal closure of the Office of the Special Counsel and his resignation from the Justice Department on May 29, 2019, Mueller said \"the report is my testimony\" and indicated he would have nothing to say that wasn't already in the report. He commented, \"If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime\"", ". We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime\". \"The introduction to the volume two of our report explains that decision. It explains that under longstanding department policy, a present president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office\". Also, \"it would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge\"", ". He said that, according to the Constitution, any potential wrongdoing by a president must be addressed by a \"process other than the criminal justice system\". This hinted that Congress could now pick up the investigation or start impeachment proceedings. Additionally, Mueller stressed that the central conclusion of his investigation was \"that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. That allegation deserves the attention of every American\".", "Mueller's testimony on July 24", "Mueller testified before Congress on July 24, 2019, answering questions asked by Representatives. Democrat Ted Lieu asked Mueller whether the reason he did not indict Trump was that Department of Justice policy prohibits the indictment of sitting presidents. Mueller originally confirmed that this was the reason. However, later that day, Mueller corrected his comments, stating that his team did not determine whether Trump committed a crime", ". Additionally, Mueller answered Republican Ken Buck that a president could be charged with obstruction of justice (or other crimes) after the president left office.", "Mueller testified that Trump's written responses to questions from investigators were \"generally\" untruthful and incomplete.", "Stephan Roh, who says he represents Joseph Mifsud, told The Washington Post that Mifsud was actually a \"Western intelligence element\". Papadopoulos and some critics of the Russia investigation have asserted Mifsud was instructed to entrap Papadopoulos in order to justify the investigation", ". During Mueller's testimony, Republicans Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes sought to portray Mifsud as a central figure in what they asserted was an investigation initiated on false and politically motivated premises, while Democrats characterized their assertion as a diversion and conspiracy theory. Mueller declined to address the matter as the origin of the investigation was then the subject of a DOJ inquiry.", "Other Justice Department officials", "On April 25, The Washington Post published a report quoting an anonymous \"senior Justice Department official\". The official said that the \"special counsel never decided whether [obstruction of justice] is a prosecutable case [against Trump], so there's no conflict between the attorney general's decision that it's not [prosecutable] and the special counsel's report\"", ". Regarding obstruction of justice, the official said: \"All the attorney general was deciding was whether this was a prosecutable offense, and we don't bring criminal charges at the department unless we believe we can prove them beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury\"", ". Regarding the President's efforts to curtail the Special Counsel investigation in the episode involving Corey Lewandowski, the official said it would be hard to justify a prosecution because the obstruction relies on multiple people in a chain all doing something\" and that it was \"a very attenuated chain\", exacerbated \"given that the note isn't even an order\"", ". The official alluded to the belief that prosecutors would not be able to prove that Trump had wanted to shut down the investigation with corrupt intent, because according to the official, there was no underlying crime to cover up.", "James Comey \n\nOn May 1, 2019, James Comey wrote an opinion piece for The New York Times, in which he wrote about his thoughts on President Trump, Attorney General William Barr, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, among others:", "On May 8, 2019, in an interview with CBS This Morning, James Comey called Attorney General William Barr's four-page-letter to Congress summarizing the report \"misleading\" and \"inadequate\". \"It certainly gave the impression that Bob Mueller had decided that he was not going to rule on this question of obstruction of justice when that's not what Mueller did", ". Mueller laid it out and signaled to a future prosecutor after this individual is out of office you ought to take a serious look at charging him,\" Comey said. Comey also talked about the ten episodes of alleged obstruction of justice detailed within the report \"deeply concerning\" to him.", "On May 10, 2019, Comey participated in a CNN town hall event with Anderson Cooper. Cooper asked about Comey's thoughts on Barr's handling of the report and related matters. \"I think he acted in a way that's less than honorable in the way he described it in writing and described it during a press conference, and continues to talk as if he's the president's lawyer. That is not the attorney general's job,\" Comey said", ". That is not the attorney general's job,\" Comey said. \"It doesn't make me happy to say this, but I think he has lost most of his reputation with the way he's conducted himself,\" Comey continued. Comey also commented about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Comey called Rosenstein \"a man of accomplishment but not of strong character,\" reports CNN. Comey also slammed Rosenstein's comments about Trump's respect for the rule of law. Comey also said that if Trump were not president, he would be charged.", "Rosenstein's response to Comey comments", "On May 13, 2019, Rod Rosenstein fired back at Comey's remarks in front of the Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC). \"Now, the former director is a partisan pundit, selling books and earning speaking fees while speculating about the strength of my character and the fate of my immortal soul,\" Rosenstein said. \"That is disappointing. Speculating about souls is not a job for police and prosecutors. Generally, we base our opinions on eyewitness testimony", ". Generally, we base our opinions on eyewitness testimony.\" Rosenstein also commented on why Comey deserved to be fired and Comey's handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation in 2016. Gregg Re of Fox News reported Rosenstein's remarks: The clearest mistake was the director's decision to hold a press conference about an open case, reveal his recommendation and discuss details about the investigation, without the consent of the prosecutors and the attorney general,' Rosenstein said", ". 'Then, he chose to send a letter to the Congress on the eve of the election stating that one of the candidates was under criminal investigation, expecting it to be released immediately to the public.' Rosenstein added 'Those actions were not within the range of reasonable decisions", ".' Rosenstein added 'Those actions were not within the range of reasonable decisions. They were inconsistent with our goal of communicating to all FBI employees that they should respect the attorney general's role, refrain from disclosing information about criminal investigations, avoid disparaging uncharged persons, and above all, not take unnecessary steps that could influence an election.", "Democrats", "Congressional Democratic leaders called on Mueller to publicly testify before Congress, renewing demands for the entire report to be released and raising concern over the President's conduct detailed in the report. House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler announced he would issue a subpoena for the full report after the Justice Department released a redacted version", ". Democrats also criticized what they say were \"orchestrated attempts\" by the Trump administration to control the narrative surrounding the report's April 18 release. Nadler issued the subpoena on April 19. A DOJ spokesperson called Nadler's subpoena \"premature and unnecessary\", citing that the publicly released version of the report had \"minimal redactions\" and that Barr had already made arrangements for Nadler and other lawmakers to review a version with fewer redactions.", "On the May 1 deadline of the subpoena, the DOJ rejected it as \"not legitimate oversight\" and that \"the requests in the subpoena are overbroad and extraordinarily burdensome\", adding that grand jury material cannot be released without a court order. The House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed the full report on May 8", ". The House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed the full report on May 8. Some Democrats suggested the possibility that refusing to comply with subpoenas could result in the Democratic-controlled House declaring inherent contempt to garnish the incomes of or even jail individuals who did not comply", ". On May 22, 2019, the Justice Department agreed to share some counterintelligence and foreign intelligence with the Intelligence Committee, causing chairman Schiff to cancel a scheduled meeting for Democrats to vote on \"enforcement action\" against the Justice department.", "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer released a joint statement saying \"Special Counsel Mueller's report paints a disturbing picture of a president who has been weaving a web of deceit, lies, and improper behavior and acting as if the law doesn't apply to him\"", ". Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin stated \"The Special Counsel's findings paint a very different picture than what the President and his Attorney General would have the American people believe\", and called the details of the Russian contacts with the Trump campaign and Trump's efforts to impede the investigation \"troubling\".", "Massachusetts Senator and former 2020 United States presidential election candidate Elizabeth Warren, citing the \"severity\" of the \"misconduct\" detailed in the report, called for the House to initiate impeachment proceedings against Trump, the first 2020 election candidate to do so post-report. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, also a former 2020 presidential candidate, called for the full release of the report, stating in an earlier tweet: \"The American people deserve the truth", ". Not spin from a Trump appointee. Release Mueller's full report now\".", "Republicans", "Most Republican lawmakers had no immediate comments on the report due to the report coming out during Congress' spring recess. House Republican leaders viewed the report as vindication of President Trump and signaled that lawmakers should move on. On April 18, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated \"Nothing we saw today changes the underlying results of the 22-month-long Mueller investigation that ultimately found no collusion\"", ". House Minority Whip Steve Scalise tweeted \"Democrats owe the American people an apology\", along with a statement declaring the probe to be dead. Ohio Representative Jim Jordan, the Ranking Member on the House Oversight Committee, stated \"They do want people who launched this investigation, on a false premise, they do want them held accountable\", referring to retaliatory sentiment among Trump supporters about the origin of the Russia investigation and the Steele dossier", ". \"You can't have the FBI using one party's opposition research document to launch an investigation and spy on the other party's campaign. We know that took place and we do need to get to the bottom of that because it's never supposed to happen in this country\", Jordan added", ". However, the House Intelligence Committee, then controlled by Republicans, released in 2017 a report that stated that the Russia investigation had not started from information in the Steele dossier, but from information that the FBI received on George Papadopoulos.", "On April 19, Utah Senator Mitt Romney wrote in a statement on Twitter that he was \"sickened\" and \"appalled\" by the findings in the report, and said reading the report was a \"sobering revelation of how far we have strayed from the aspirations and the principles of the founders\"", ". Romney later expounded on his comments in a press release by saying \"It is good news that there was insufficient evidence to charge the President of the United States with having conspired with a foreign adversary or with having obstructed justice. The alternative would have taken us through a wrenching process with the potential for constitutional crisis. The business of government can move on.\"", "On April 28, Senator Lindsey Graham, head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on Face the Nation; \"I don't care what they talked about. He didn't do anything. The point is the president did not impede Mueller from doing his investigation...I don't care what happened between him and Don McGahn\", Graham continued: \"Here's what I care about: Was Mueller allowed to do his job? And the answer is yes\". On May 1, Graham falsely stated that on \"obstruction of justice, Mr. Mueller left it to Mr", ". On May 1, Graham falsely stated that on \"obstruction of justice, Mr. Mueller left it to Mr. Barr to decide after two years, and all this time. He said, 'Mr. Barr, you decide. Mueller did not ask Barr to make the decision, and Barr later said that he had not talked directly to Mueller about making that decision. Graham also falsely stated that the special counsel investigation \"concluded there was no collusion\", when collusion was not addressed in the report but criminal conspiracy was.", "Republican congressman Justin Amash stated in May 2019 that he concluded from the Mueller report that Trump engaged in impeachable conduct and \"it is clear that Barr intended to mislead the public about Special Counsel Robert Mueller's analysis and findings,\" adding, \"Barr's misrepresentations are significant but often subtle, frequently taking the form of sleight-of-hand qualifications or logical fallacies, which he hopes people will not notice.\"", "Former federal prosecutors \nIn early May 2019, more than 1,000 former federal prosecutors who had served under both Republican and Democratic administrations published a statement entitled \"Statement by Former Federal Prosecutors\" on Medium. They declared:", "The former prosecutors found three types of acts described in the Mueller report which \"satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge\":\n \"The President's efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort\" – referencing the episodes of Volume II section E and Volume II section I\n \"The President's efforts to limit the scope of Mueller's investigation to exclude his conduct\" – referencing the episodes of Volume II section H and Volume II section F", "\"The President's efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign\" – referencing the episodes of Volume II section K and Volume II section J\nThe effort was organized by the nonpartisan, nonprofit organization Protect Democracy, a sister organization of United to Protect Democracy.", "On May 30, 2019, a video hosted by Robert De Niro featured 11 former federal prosecutors who endorsed the statement. \"We all strongly believe that there is more than enough evidence to indict President Trump for multiple felony counts of obstruction of justice\", former assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Rodgers said.", "In April 2019, Former Deputy Attorney General and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates remarked, \"I've personally prosecuted obstruction cases on far, far less evidence than this, and yes, I believe if [Trump] were not the president of the United States, he would likely be indicted on obstruction\".", "Commentators", "After the release of the report, media commentators again pointed out that in 2018, Barr, before rejoining government work, had authored an unsolicited memo to the Justice Department describing investigation into potential obstruction of justice by Trump was \"fatally misconceived\" and \"overly aggressive\", and also noted that the Barr memo argued that a president could not be charged for acts of presidential power, such as firing officials", ". NPR's Ron Elving, in referring to the memo, described that \"we got the word on\" the result on obstruction \"early\" because \"Barr had already authored a 19-page explanation for why a president could not be charged with obstruction of justice – suggesting pointedly that Mueller should not even be thinking about it\".", "Although generally a liberal, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, who has been among Trump's most prominent defenders in the Russia investigation, gave the report an \"incomplete\" on the conclusion of obstruction of justice, \"C+\" on legal analysis, and a \"B+\" on factual analysis, in an interview with Fox News. Dershowitz also gave the media coverage of the report an \"F\"; \"Even with grade inflation, I just think the media comes off awful, terrible, for the most part", ". I think we are seeing an elimination of the distinction between the editorial page and the news pages in some of the leading media in the country, and that's a shame. Walter Cronkite could not get a job in the media today\", Dershowitz said.", "Fordham University law professor Jed Shugerman opined in the New York Times that: \"The report's very high standard for legal conclusions for criminal charges was explicitly proof 'beyond a reasonable doubt'. So the report did not establish crimes beyond a reasonable doubt. But it did show a preponderance of conspiracy and coordination\"", ". But it did show a preponderance of conspiracy and coordination\". In Shugerman's view, the preponderance of evidence standard is \"relevant for counterintelligence and general parlance about facts, and closer to the proper standard for impeachment\". He continues: \"By the preponderance of evidence standard, the report contains ample evidence to establish conspiracy and coordination with the Russian government, sometimes through intermediaries, other times through a Russian spy\"", ". The Starr Report on President Clinton, which was organized as an \"impeachment referral, not a prosecution decision\", applied a lower standard of \"substantial and credible information\" more like the preponderance of the evidence standard. The Mueller report explained that the ability to conclude using the criminal proof beyond a reasonable doubt standard was \"materially impaired\" by lies by individuals associated with the Trump campaign and deletion of emails, among other factors.", "Polling", "A public opinion poll by Reuters and Ipsos conducted between the afternoon of April 18, 2019, and the morning of April 19 found that 37 percent of adults in the United States approved of Trump's performance in office, down from 40 percent in a similar poll conducted on April 15 and matching the lowest level of the year. The approval rating was also down from 43 percent in a poll conducted shortly after the Attorney General's summary was released on March 22", ". Among the respondents that said they were familiar with the Mueller report, 70 percent said the report had not changed their view of Trump or Russia's involvement in the U.S. presidential race and 15 percent said they had learned something that changed their view of Trump or the Russia investigation.", "A poll by The Washington Post and ABC News conducted between April 22–25, after the Mueller report was released, found that 51% of respondents believed the investigation was fair; 53% said that it did not clear Trump of all wrongdoing; 58% said that Trump lied about matters that were investigated; 56% said that impeachment should not proceed; and support for impeachment is at a new low of 37%. A plurality of 47% said Trump tried to obstruct justice.", "A YouGov and Huffington Post poll of 1000 American adults conducted on May 29 and 30, 2019, found that 72% of 2016 Trump voters who were aware that Mueller had stated that he would not clear Trump of a crime, still believed that the Mueller report exonerated Trump. The figure among corresponding Hillary Clinton voters and non-voters was 07% and 24% respectively.", "A Fox News poll of registered voters released on June 16, 2019, found that 50% believed the Trump campaign had coordinated with the Russian government, the highest level of the eight times the poll had asked that question since June 2017.\n\nSubsequent actions with Congress \nOn April 18, Barr said: \"the president confirmed that, in the interests of transparency and full disclosure to the American people, he would not assert privilege over the special counsel's report\".", "Congressional committees had wanted more answers about the process and findings of the Special Counsel investigation. The Associated Press described Trump's response to post-Mueller congressional investigations as 'Just say no' and 'Resist on every legal front', noting that Trump on April 24 had declared: \"We're fighting all the subpoenas. [...] I thought after two years we'd be finished with it. No, now the House goes and starts subpoenaing.\"", "On May 8, despite the previous statement by Barr, Trump asserted that all materials requested by Congress, including the un-redacted Mueller report, were sheltered by executive privilege. This was a \"protective assertion\" of executive privilege to prevent Congress from receiving the un-redacted Mueller report and its underlying material for the time being, pending his decision to make a \"final assertion\" of executive privilege.\n\nHouse Judiciary Committee", "House Judiciary Committee\n\nRobert Mueller testimony \nOn April 18, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler sent Mueller a letter requesting his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee \"as soon as possible but, in any event, no later than May 23, 2019\". The Committee proposed that Mueller testify on May 15, but no agreement was ever reached. On May 10, Nadler said that Mueller would not testify the week of May 12. Nadler did not give a reason why but said \"just hasn't developed\".", "On May 24, Nadler said that \"He doesn't want to be public in what some people will regard as a political spectacle, I think,\" speaking about Mueller. \"He's willing to make an opening statement, but he wants to testify in private,\" Nadler continued. \"We think it's important for the American people to hear from him and to hear his answers to questions about the report.\"", "On June 25, Chairman Nadler and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, both publicly announced that Mueller agreed to publicly testify before House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees on July 17. Both committees had subpoenaed Mueller's testimony. However, the hearing was postponed to July 24 with a third hour added for questions, bringing the total to three.", "On July 24, Mueller testified before the House Judiciary Committee after being subpoenaed. After the hearings, it was revealed that the House Judiciary Committee is \"actively considering articles of impeachment and is seeking access to redacted materials from the Mueller report in order to decide whether to move forward with the process.\"\n\nDon McGahn testimony", "Don McGahn testimony \n\nOn April 22, the House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Don McGahn to testify and to supply any documents related to the committee's investigation into obstruction of justice. The subpoena calls for the documents by May 7, and for McGahn to testify by May 21.", "The Trump administration had been expected to claim executive privilege on parts of McGahn's testimony. Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, said on April 28: \"Executive privilege is always an option, it's always on the table. But Don McGahn has already talked under oath for 30 hours. And this is just presidential harassment\", Conway told Jake Tapper, adding that it is Trump's right to use executive privilege", ". Trump stated on May 2 that he would not allow McGahn to testify, and on May 7, the White House invoked executive privilege to withhold the documents that were subpoenaed. McGahn is expected to testify about President Trump's efforts to obstruct the Special Counsel, which McGahn said he was told to do but refused and threatened to resign if so ordered", ". McGahn's attorney said on May 7, that McGahn would \"stand fast and do nothingcomply with neither the White House instructions nor the committee subpoenauntil the legal questions surrounding the dispute have been resolved\". The attorney added that \"Where co-equal branches of government are making contradictory demands on Mr. McGahn concerning the same set of documents, the appropriate response for Mr", ". McGahn concerning the same set of documents, the appropriate response for Mr. McGahn is to maintain the status quo unless and until the Committee and Executive Branch can reach an accommodation.\"", "On May 20, 2019, President Trump directed McGahn to not comply with a subpoena that would make McGahn testify before the committee on May 21.", "William Barr testimony", "On April 26, the House Judiciary Committee announced that Barr would testify on May 2, regarding the Special Counsel investigation, its findings, allegations of obstruction of justice, and allegations of spying on the Trump Campaign. However, on April 28, Barr said he might not testify to the Committee because he was displeased about the format of the testimony he is expected to give. Nadler said \"The witness [Barr] is not going to tell the committee how to conduct its hearing, period\"", ". On the prospect of Barr not showing up, Nadler stated: \"Then we will have to subpoena him, and we will have to use whatever means we can to enforce the subpoena\".", "Barr did testify before the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee on the same topics on May 1.\n\nOn May 2, when Barr was to testify before the committee, Barr did not show up. Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, specifically Democratic Representative of Tennessee Steve Cohen, mocked Barr for not showing up, calling him \"Chicken Barr\". Cohen brought a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and a chicken prop to mock Barr.", "On May 3, Nadler informed Barr that a subpoena had been issued giving him until May 6, 2019, to release the un-redacted Mueller report. Barr did not comply with the subpoena. The House Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on whether to bring forth Contempt of Congress on May 8. A law issued in 1857 gives Congress the power to issue criminal charges for this matter.", "On May 8, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote Nadler that Barr would ask Trump to invoke executive privilege to withhold the full report if the Judiciary Committee proceeded to vote on a contempt charge. Boyd wrote in the letter to Nadler saying \"We are disappointed that you have rejected the Department of Justice's request to delay the vote of the Committee on the Judiciary on a contempt finding against the Attorney General this morning ..", "... Accordingly, this is to advise you that the President has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.\" Also on May 8, Barr wrote a letter to Trump to \"request that you make protective assertion of executive privilege with respect to Department of Justice documents recently subpoenaed by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives.\" On May 8, Trump invoked executive privilege for those documents at Barr's request", ".\" On May 8, Trump invoked executive privilege for those documents at Barr's request. Trump's announcement of executive privilege came just hours before the House Judiciary Committee planned to vote on whether to hold Barr in contempt. The Committee voted unanimously to reject this assertion of executive privilege and approved a motion put forward by Rep", ". Matt Gaetz (R-Fl) which states that a vote to hold Barr in contempt would not \"be construed as a directive for the Attorney General to violate Federal law or rules\". In a 24–16 vote, the House Judiciary Committee approved a motion of Contempt of Congress against Barr.", "Hope Hicks testimony", "A day before Hope Hicks was expected to testify behind closed doors before the House Intelligence Committee on June 18, 2019, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone sent a letter to Committee chairman Jerry Nadler that President Trump instructed Hicks to not answer questions pertaining to her work at the White House. \"Ms. Hicks is absolutely immune from being compelled to testify before Congress with respect to matters occurring during her service as a senior adviser to the President,\" Cipollone says", ". \"Because of this constitutional immunity, and in order to protect the prerogatives of the Office of the President, the President has directed Ms. Hicks not to answer questions before the Committee relating to the time of her service as a senior adviser to the President.\"", "In the letter, Cipollone cited various Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinions arguing that Hicks is immune from compelled testimony, including one issued by the Justice Department in May that Trump cited when instructing former White House counsel Don McGahn not to testify before the committee pursuant to a subpoena", ". Cipollone also indicated that the White House may try to block Hicks from answering questions about her time on the presidential transition team because of potential executive privilege concerns. \"Much of Ms. Hicks's work during this period involved discussions with the President-elect and his staff relating to the decisions the President-elect would be making once he assumed office,\" Cipollone wrote", ". \"Accordingly, her responses to specific questions about this period would likely implicate executive branch confidentiality interests concerning that decisionmaking process,\" he wrote. \"In order to preserve the President's ability to assert executive privilege over such information, a member of my office will attend Ms. Hicks's testimony on June 19.\"", "During Hicks' testimony, lawyers for the Trump administration forbade Hicks from answering questions 155 times, claiming that due to \"absolute immunity\", Hicks \"may not speak about anything that occurred during the time of her employment in the White House as a close adviser to the President\".", "Senate Judiciary Committee \nOn May 1, Attorney General Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Barr said he \"didn't exonerate\" Trump on obstruction as that was not the role of the Justice Department. Barr explained his decision that there was not enough evidence for Trump to be charged with obstruction by citing that the president did not commit an underlying crime related to Russia.", "Then California Democratic Senator and now Vice President Kamala Harris questioned why neither Barr nor Rosenstein reviewed the underlying evidence in the report. \"We accepted the statements in the report as the factual record. We did not go underneath it to see whether or not they were accurate, we accepted it as accurate,\" Barr said. He asserted this approach was common DOJ practice", ". He asserted this approach was common DOJ practice. Harris also asked Barr if Rosenstein had been cleared by ethics officials to be involved in the decision to not charge Trump of obstruction, given that Rosenstein was a witness to the investigation regarding James Comey's firing. Barr with the help of his aides concluded by saying \"He was the acting attorney general on the Mueller investigation...I'm informed that before I arrived, he had been cleared by the ethics officials.\"", "On the question of whether Trump could have ended the investigation, Barr said \"the situation of the President, who has constitutional authority to supervise proceedings, if in fact a proceeding was not well founded, if it was a groundless proceeding, if it was based on false allegations, the President does not have to sit there, constitutionally, and allow it to run its course", ".\" He added, \"The President could terminate that proceeding, and it would not be a corrupt intent, because he was being falsely accused. He later said that Trump \"knew [the accusations against him] were false. And he felt this investigation was unfair, propelled by his political opponents and was hampering his ability to govern. That is not a corrupt motive for replacing an independent counsel\"", ". That is not a corrupt motive for replacing an independent counsel\". Politico described these comments as \"Barr's expansive view of presidential authority to meddle in investigations\". New York argued against Barr's \"perverse conclusion\" because first, \"Trump could not possibly know that an investigation was unfounded\"; second, \"Mueller did not say Trump was innocent\"; and third, \"Trump's obstruction was quite possibly one of the reasons Mueller failed to establish underlying crimes\".", "Senator Richard Blumenthal asked Barr if he or his staff took notes on his March 28 call with Mueller. Barr confirmed there \"were notes taken of the call\", then told the committee that he would not share the notes with them: \"Why should you have them?\"", "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commented on Barr's testimony and accused Barr of lying before Congress. \"What is deadly serious about it is the attorney general of the United States of America is not telling the truth to the Congress of the United States. That's a crime,\" Pelosi told reporters. \"He lied to Congress. If anybody else did that, it would be considered a crime. Nobody is above the law,\" Pelosi said", ". If anybody else did that, it would be considered a crime. Nobody is above the law,\" Pelosi said. Department of Justice spokeswoman Kerri Kupec responded to Pelosi's remarks and said that a \"baseless attack on the Attorney General is reckless, irresponsible and false.\" According to CNBC, Pelosi's remarks were talking about Barr's comments in his April 9 testimony", ".\" According to CNBC, Pelosi's remarks were talking about Barr's comments in his April 9 testimony. Representative Charlie Crist: \"Reports have emerged recently, general, that members of the special counsel's team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24 letter. ... Do you know what they are referencing with that?\" Barr: \"No, I don't. I think I think, I suspect that they probably wanted more put out, but in my view I was not interested in putting out summaries.\"", "On May 8, 2019, the Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr. to answer questions surrounding abandoned developments of a Trump Tower in Moscow. Trump Jr. has testified before the Committee on the same topic and related matters in September 2017. Trump Jr. is expected to testify sometime in June for a second closed-door interview. According to the Washington Post: \"Trump Jr", ". According to the Washington Post: \"Trump Jr. will testify for up to four hours and address a limited number of questions, these people said on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive negotiations.\"", "House Intelligence Committee \nThe House Intelligence Committee announced on May 14, 2019, that it would investigate whether attorneys for Trump and his family membersJay Sekulow, Alan Futerfas, Abbe Lowell and Alan Garten\"reviewed, shaped and edited\" Michael Cohen's false testimony to Congress.", "On June 25, 2019, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Adam Schiff, and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler, both publicly announced that Mueller agreed to publicly testify before House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees on July 17.", "On July 24, 2019, Mueller testified before the House Intelligence Committee after being subpoenaed. When asked as to why the Special Counsel did not subpoena President Trump, Mueller stated that they did not subpoena the president \"because of the necessity of expediting\" the investigation. \"If we did subpoena the president, he would fight the subpoena and we would be in the midst of the investigation for a substantial period of time.\"", "Possible future releases \nA less-redacted version of the report \"with all redactions removed except those relating to grand-jury information\", which is required to be redacted by federal law, is expected to be available two weeks after the initial public release, to \"a bipartisan group of leaders from several Congressional committees\".", "On April 19, 2019, House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler issued a subpoena for the fully unredacted report. A DOJ spokesperson called Nadler's subpoena \"premature and unnecessary\", citing that the publicly released version of the report had \"minimal redactions\" and that Barr had already made arrangements for Nadler and other lawmakers to review a version with fewer redactions", ". Barr offered to let twelve designated members of Congress view the less-redacted report in a secure room at the Justice Department, and forbade them from sharing the contents with other legislators. Several Republicans took advantage of the offer; the six Democrats refused, saying the conditions were too stringent.", "On May 8, 2019, President Trump used a \"protective assertion\" of executive privilege to block the subpoena by the House of Representatives. Thus, , the House would not receive the unredacted Mueller Report and its underlying material, pending Trump's decision to make a \"final assertion\" of executive privilege after reviewing the subpoenaed material. Attorney General Barr had recommended earlier that day that Trump take this action.", "Review of redactions", "In March 2020, federal judge Reggie Walton, appointed to his position by President George W. Bush, declared that he would personally review the redactions made in the Mueller report to ensure that the redactions were legitimate. This came during a lawsuit filed by the pro-transparency Electronic Privacy Information Center and media outlet BuzzFeed News to release the full, unredacted report under the Freedom of Information Act", ". Walton cited that he had concerns on whether the redactions were legitimate, due to Attorney General William Barr having displayed a \"lack of candor\" regarding the report.", "According to Walton, Barr's March 24 letter not only had a \"hurried release\", but also \"distorted\" the findings of the report; while Barr went on to make \"misleading public statements\" about the report. As such, Walton had concerns that Barr may have made a \"calculated attempt to influence public discourse\" in favor of President Trump by establishing \"a one-sided narrative\" about the report which was contrary to the report's findings", ". Walton questioned if the report's redactions were then in fact \"self-serving\" to avoid conflict with Barr's statements, and if the Justice Department used \"post-hoc rationalizations\" to defend Barr. On June 19, 2020, in response to the lawsuit, the Department of Justice released a less-redacted public version of the Mueller report, revealing new information about Roger Stone and WikiLeaks", ". The unredacted portions contradicted public statements made by Trump and the campaign officials that they did not know anything about the WikiLeaks release beforehand, and this information was corroborated by the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election that was released on August 2020.", "On October 6, 2020 President Trump, referencing the Mueller report, tweeted \"I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax.\" Trump also said in an interview \"I've fully declassified everything. Everything's been declassified", ". Everything's been declassified.\" In response to the President's statement, BuzzFeed requested an unredacted versions of the report; however, BuzzFeed's request for an unredacted report was denied by the Department of Justice (DOJ). Someone told Walton, \"... the President's statements on Twitter were not self-executing declassification orders..", "... the President's statements on Twitter were not self-executing declassification orders...\" To clear up the position of the President, Walton ordered a continuance until October 21, 2020, so \"I can get something from White House counsel saying that they conferred with the president, and the president, in fact, did not intend to declassify the information ..", "...\" On October 20, 2020, and contrary to Trump's Twitter statements, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows stated in a federal court filing that Trump's tweets were not official orders to declassify FBI Russia probe documents.", "The day before the November 3, 2020, election, the Special Counsel's office released previously redacted portions of the Mueller report per the federal judge's order in the lawsuit mentioned above filed by BuzzFeed News and the Electronic Privacy Information Center, while allowing other portions to remain redacted.", "In summary, per Buzzfeed: \"Although Wikileaks published emails stolen from the DNC in July and October 2016 and Stone a close associate to Donald Trump appeared to know in advance the materials were coming, investigators 'did not have sufficient evidence' to prove active participation in the hacks or knowledge that the electronic thefts were continuing. In addition, federal prosecutors could not establish that the hacked emails amounted to campaign contributions benefitting Trump's election chances …\"", "The newly released material also stated: \"While the investigation developed evidence that the GRU's hacking efforts in fact were continuing at least at the time of the July 2016 WikiLeaks dissemination, … the Office did not develop sufficient admissible evidence that WikiLeaks knew of or even was willfully blind to that fact.\" As reported by Buzzfeed, \"Likewise, prosecutors faced what they called factual hurdles in pursuing Stone for the hack.\"", "See also \n Cyberwarfare by Russia\n Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections\n Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election\n\nNotes\n\nReferences", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading \n David Cole, \"An Indictment in All But Name\" (review of Robert S. Mueller III, Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, two volumes, 448 pp., available at www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf), The New York Review of Books, vol. LXVI, no. 9 (May 23, 2019), pp. 4, 6.\n\nExternal links", "Mueller report, original redacted version publicly released April 18, 2019:\nJustice.gov downloadable, searchable PDF\n Archive.org; DPLA ; New York Times; Scribd\n Audio from Audible \n Mueller report, less-redacted version publicly released on June 19, 2020:\n Volume 1\n Volume 2\n Appendices\n Letter from Attorney General William Barr to leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees of the principal conclusions of the Mueller investigation (March 24, 2019)", "Official Website of the United States Department of Justice: Office of Special Counsel \n Litigation Documents Related to the Mueller Investigation via Lawfare\n published on August 29, 2019, PBS NewsHour\n Expert Summaries of Mueller Report: A Collection, Just Security\n \"The Mueller Report Illustrated\" (online version), a book and six-part digital series on the obstruction investigation, The Washington Post", "Mike Levine (July 23, 2019): The Russia probe: A timeline from Moscow to Mueller. Published by ABC News. Archived from the original on July 2, 2023.", "2019 documents\n2019 in American law\n2019 in American politics\nAftermath of the 2016 United States presidential election\nArticles containing video clips\nInvestigations and assessments of WikiLeaks\nPublic inquiries in the United States\nReports of the United States government\nOfficial Reports About Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections or the U.S. Response Thereto\nUnited States Department of Justice\nUnited States documents" ]
Book of Mormon
[ "The Book of Mormon is a religious text of the Latter Day Saint movement, which, according to Latter Day Saint theology, contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from 600 BC to AD 421 and during an interlude dated by the text to the unspecified time of the Tower of Babel. It was first published in March 1830 by Joseph Smith as The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi", ". The Book of Mormon is one of the earliest and most well known unique writings of the Latter Day Saint movement. The denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement typically regard the text primarily as scripture (sometimes as one of four standard works) and secondarily as a record of God's dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas", ". The majority of Latter Day Saints believe the book to be a record of real-world history, with Latter Day Saint denominations viewing it variously as an inspired record of scripture to the lynchpin or \"keystone\" of their religion", ". Some Latter Day Saint academics and apologetic organizations strive to affirm the book as historically authentic through their scholarship and research, but mainstream archaeological, historical, and scientific communities have discovered little to support the existence of the civilizations described therein, and do not consider it to be an actual record of historical events.", "According to Smith's account and the book's narrative, the Book of Mormon was originally written in otherwise unknown characters referred to as \"reformed Egyptian\" engraved on golden plates. Smith said that the last prophet to contribute to the book, a man named Moroni, buried it in the Hill Cumorah in present-day Manchester, New York, before his death, and then appeared in a vision to Smith in 1827 as an angel, revealing the location of the plates and instructing him to translate the plates into English", ". Most naturalistic views on the origins of the Book of Mormon hold that Smith authored it, drawing, whether consciously or subconsciously, on material and ideas from his contemporary 19th-century environment, rather than translating an ancient record.", "The Book of Mormon has a number of doctrinal discussions on subjects such as the fall of Adam and Eve, the nature of the Christian atonement, eschatology, agency, priesthood authority, redemption from physical and spiritual death, the nature and conduct of baptism, the age of accountability, the purpose and practice of communion, personalized revelation, economic justice, the anthropomorphic and personal nature of God, the nature of spirits and angels, and the organization of the latter day church", ". The pivotal event of the book is an appearance of Jesus Christ in the Americas shortly after his resurrection. Common teachings of the Latter Day Saint movement hold that the Book of Mormon fulfills numerous biblical prophecies by ending a global apostasy and signaling a restoration of Christian gospel. The book is also a critique of Western society, condemning immorality, individualism, social inequality, ethnic injustice, nationalism, and the rejection of God, revelation, and miraculous religion.", "The Book of Mormon is divided into smaller books, titled after individuals named as primary authors or other caretakers of the ancient record the Book of Mormon describes itself as and, in most versions, is divided into chapters and verses. Its English text imitates the style of the King James Version of the Bible, and its grammar and word choice reflect Early Modern English. The Book of Mormon has been fully or partially translated into at least 112 languages.\n\nOrigin", "Conceptual emergence", "According to Joseph Smith, in 1823, when he was seventeen years old, an angel of God named Moroni appeared to him and said that a collection of ancient writings was buried in a nearby hill in present-day Wayne County, New York, engraved on golden plates by ancient prophets. The writings were said to describe a people whom God had led from Jerusalem to the Western hemisphere 600 years before Jesus's birth", ". (This \"angel Moroni\" figure also appears in the Book of Mormon as the last prophet among these people and had buried the record, which God had promised to bring forth in the latter days", ".) Smith said this vision occurred on the evening of September 21, 1823, and that on the following day, via divine guidance, he located the burial location of the plates on this hill and was instructed by Moroni to meet him at the same hill on September 22 of the following year to receive further instructions, which repeated annually for the next three years", ". Smith told his entire immediate family about this angelic encounter by the next night, and his brother William reported that the family \"believed all he [Joseph Smith] said\" about the angel and plates.", "Smith and his family reminisced that as part of what Smith believed was angelic instruction, Moroni provided Smith with a \"brief sketch\" of the \"origin, progress, civilization, laws, governments... righteousness and iniquity\" of the \"aboriginal inhabitants of the country\" (referring to the Nephites and Lamanites who figure in the Book of Mormon's primary narrative)", ". Smith sometimes shared what he believed he had learned through such angelic encounters with his family in what his mother Lucy Mack Smith called \"most amusing recitals\".", "In Smith's account, Moroni allowed him, accompanied by his wife Emma Hale Smith, to take the plates on September 22, 1827, four years after his initial visit to the hill, and directed him to translate them into English. Smith said the angel Moroni strictly instructed him to not let anyone else see the plates without divine permission", ". Neighbors, some of whom had collaborated with Smith in earlier treasure-hunting enterprises, several times tried to steal the plates from Smith while he and his family guarded them.", "Dictation \n\nAs Smith and contemporaries reported, the English manuscript of the Book of Mormon was produced as scribes wrote down Smith's dictation in multiple sessions between 1828 and 1829. The dictation of the extant Book of Mormon was completed in 1829 in between 53 and 74 working days.", "Descriptions of the way in which Smith dictated the Book of Mormon vary. Smith himself called the Book of Mormon a translated work, but in public he generally described the process itself only in vague terms, saying he translated by a miraculous gift from God. According to some accounts from his family and friends at the time, early on, Smith copied characters off the plates as part of a process of learning to translate an initial corpus", ". For the majority of the process, Smith dictated the text by voicing strings of words which a scribe would write down; after the scribe confirmed they had finished writing, Smith would continue.", "Many accounts describe Smith dictating by reading a text as it appeared either on seer stones he already possessed or on a set of spectacles that accompanied the plates, prepared by the Lord for the purpose of translating. The spectacles, often called the \"Nephite interpreters,\" or the \"Urim and Thummim,\" after the Biblical divination stones, were described as two clear seer stones which Smith said he could look through in order to translate, bound together by a metal rim and attached to a breastplate", ". Beginning around 1832, both the interpreters and Smith's own seer stone were at times referred to as the \"Urim and Thummim\", and Smith sometimes used the term interchangeably with \"spectacles\". Emma Smith's and David Whitmer's accounts describe Smith using the interpreters while dictating for Martin Harris's scribing and switching to only using his seer stone(s) in subsequent translation", ". Grant Hardy summarizes Smith's known dictation process as follows: \"Smith looked at a seer stone placed in his hat and then dictated the text of the Book of Mormon to scribes\". Early on, Smith sometimes separated himself from his scribe with a blanket between them, as he did while Martin Harris, a neighbor, scribed his dictation in 1828. At other points in the process, such as when Oliver Cowdery or Emma Smith scribed, the plates were left covered up but in the open", ". During some dictation sessions the plates were entirely absent.In 1828, while scribing for Smith, Harris, at the prompting of his wife Lucy Harris, repeatedly asked Smith to loan him the manuscript pages of the dictation thus far. Smith reluctantly acceded to Harris's requests. Within weeks, Harris lost the manuscript, most likely stolen by a member of his extended family", ". Within weeks, Harris lost the manuscript, most likely stolen by a member of his extended family. After the loss, Smith recorded that he lost the ability to translate and that Moroni had taken back the plates to be returned only after Smith repented. Smith later stated that God allowed him to resume translation, but directed that he begin where he left off (in what is now called the Book of Mosiah), without retranslating what had been in the lost manuscript.", "Smith recommenced some Book of Mormon dictation between September 1828 and April 1829 with his wife Emma Smith scribing with occasional help from his brother Samuel Smith, though transcription accomplished was limited. In April 1829, Oliver Cowdery met Smith and, believing Smith's account of the plates, began scribing for Smith in what became a \"burst of rapid-fire translation\"", ". In May, Joseph and Emma Smith along with Cowdery moved in with the Whitmer family, sympathetic neighbors, in an effort to avoid interruptions as they proceeded with producing the manuscript.", "While living with the Whitmers, Smith said he received permission to allow eleven specific others to see the uncovered golden plates and, in some cases, handle them. Their written testimonies are known as the Testimony of Three Witnesses, who described seeing the plates in a visionary encounter with an angel, and the Testimony of Eight Witnesses, who described handling the plates as displayed by Smith. Statements signed by them have been published in most editions of the Book of Mormon", ". Statements signed by them have been published in most editions of the Book of Mormon. In addition to Smith and these eleven, several others described encountering the plates by holding or moving them wrapped in cloth, although without seeing the plates themselves. Their accounts of the plates' appearance tend to describe a golden-colored compilation of thin metal sheets (the \"plates\") bound together by wires in the shape of a book.", "The manuscript was completed in June 1829. E. B. Grandin published the Book of Mormon in Palmyra, New York, and it went on sale in his bookstore on March 26, 1830. Smith said he returned the plates to Moroni upon the publication of the book.", "Views on composition \nNo single theory has consistently dominated naturalistic views on Book of Mormon composition. In the twenty-first century, leading naturalistic interpretations of Book of Mormon origins hold that Smith authored it himself, whether consciously or subconsciously, and simultaneously sincerely believed the Book of Mormon was an authentic sacred history.", "Most adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement consider the Book of Mormon an authentic historical record, translated by Smith from actual ancient plates through divine revelation. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the largest Latter Day Saint denomination, maintains this as its official position.", "Methods", "The Book of Mormon as a written text is the transcription of what scholars Grant Hardy and William L. Davis call an \"extended oral performance\", one which Davis considers \"comparable in length and magnitude to the classic oral epics, such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey\"", ". Eyewitnesses said Smith never referred to notes or other documents while dictating, and Smith's followers and those close to him insisted he lacked the writing and narrative skills necessary to consciously produce a text like the Book of Mormon. Some naturalistic interpretations have therefore compared Smith's dictation to automatic writing arising from the subconscious", ". However, Ann Taves considers this description problematic for overemphasizing \"lack of control\" when historical and comparative study instead suggests Smith \"had a highly focused awareness\" and \"a considerable degree of control over the experience\" of dictation.", "Independent scholar William L. Davis posits that after believing he had encountered an angel in 1823, Smith \"carefully developed his ideas about the narratives\" of the Book of Mormon for several years by making outlines, whether mental or on private notes, until he began dictating in 1828. Smith's oral recitations about Nephites to his family could have been an opportunity to work out ideas and practice oratory, and he received some formal education as a lay Methodist exhorter", ". In this interpretation, Smith believed the dictation he produced reflected an ancient history, but he assembled the narrative in his own words.", "Inspirations", "Early observers, presuming Smith incapable of writing something as long or as complex as the Book of Mormon, often searched for a possible source he might have plagiarized. In the nineteenth century, a popular hypothesis was that Smith collaborated with Sidney Rigdon (a convert to the early movement whom Smith did not actually meet until after the Book of Mormon was published) to plagiarize an unpublished manuscript written by Solomon Spalding and turn into the Book of Mormon", ". Historians have considered the Spalding manuscript source hypothesis debunked since 1945, when Fawn M. Brodie thoroughly disproved it in her critical biography of Smith.", "Historians since the early-twentieth century have suggested Smith was inspired by View of the Hebrews, an 1823 book which propounded the Hebraic Indian theory, since both associate American Indians with ancient Israel and describe clashes between two dualistically opposed civilizations (View as speculation about American Indian history and the Book of Mormon as its narrative). Whether or not View influenced the Book of Mormon is the subject of debate", ". Whether or not View influenced the Book of Mormon is the subject of debate. A pseudo-anthropological treatise, View presented allegedly empirical evidence in support of its hypothesis. The Book of Mormon is written as a narrative, and Christian themes predominate rather than supposedly indigenous parallels", ". Additionally, while View supposes that indigenous American peoples descended from the Ten Lost Tribes, the Book of Mormon actively rejects the hypothesis; the peoples in its narrative have an \"ancient Hebrew\" origin but do not descend from the lost tribes, and the perceived mystery of which the book preserves and escalates. The book ultimately heavily revises, rather than borrows, the Hebraic Indian theory.", "The Book of Mormon may creatively reconfigure, without plagiarizing, parts of the popular 1678 Christian allegory Pilgrim's Progress written by John Bunyan. For example, the martyr narrative of Abinadi in the Book of Mormon shares a complex matrix of descriptive language with Faithful's martyr narrative in Progress", ". Some other Book of Mormon narratives, such as the dream Lehi has in the book's opening, also resemble creative reworkings of Progress story arcs as well as elements of other works by Bunyan, such as The Holy War and Grace Abounding.", "Historical scholarship also suggests it's plausible for Smith to have produced the Book of Mormon himself, based on his knowledge of the Bible and enabled by a democratizing religious culture.\n\nContent", "Presentation", "The English text of the Book of Mormon resembles the style of the King James Version of the Bible, though its rendering can sometimes be repetitive and difficult to read. Narratively and structurally the book is complex with multiple arcs that diverge and converge in the story while contributing to the book's overarching plot and themes", ". Historian Daniel Walker Howe concluded in his own appraisal that the Book of Mormon \"is a powerful epic written on a grand scale\" and \"should rank among the great achievements of American literature\".", "The Book of Mormon presents its text through multiple narrators explicitly identified as figures within the book's own narrative. Narrators describe reading, redacting, writing, and exchanging records. The book also embeds sermons, given by figures from the narrative, throughout the text, and these internal orations make up just over 40 percent of the Book of Mormon", ". Periodically, the book's primary narrators reflexively describe themselves creating the book in a move that is \"almost postmodern\" in its self-consciousness. In an essay written to introduce the Book of Mormon, historian Laurie Maffly-Kipp explains that \"the mechanics of editing and transmitting thereby become an important feature of the text\".", "Organization\nThe Book of Mormon is organized as a compilation of smaller books, each named after its main named narrator or a prominent leader, beginning with the First Book of Nephi (1 Nephi) and ending with the Book of Moroni.", "The book's sequence is primarily chronological based on the narrative content of the book. Exceptions include the Words of Mormon and the Book of Ether. The Words of Mormon contains editorial commentary by Mormon. The Book of Ether is presented as the narrative of an earlier group of people who had come to the American continent before the immigration described in 1 Nephi. First Nephi through Omni are written in first-person narrative, as are Mormon and Moroni", ". First Nephi through Omni are written in first-person narrative, as are Mormon and Moroni. The remainder of the Book of Mormon is written in third-person historical narrative, said to be compiled and abridged by Mormon (with Moroni abridging the Book of Ether and writing the latter part of Mormon and the Book of Moroni).", "Most modern editions of the book have been divided into chapters and verses. Most editions of the book also contain supplementary material, including the \"Testimony of Three Witnesses\" and the \"Testimony of Eight Witnesses\" which appeared in the original 1830 edition and every official Latter-day Saint edition thereafter.\n\nNarrative", "The books from First Nephi to Omni are described as being from \"the small plates of Nephi\". This account begins in ancient Jerusalem around 600 BC, telling the story of a man named Lehi, his family, and several others as they are led by God from Jerusalem shortly before the fall of that city to the Babylonians. The book describes their journey across the Arabian peninsula, and then to a \"promised land\", presumably an unspecified location in the Americas, by ship", ". These books recount the group's dealings from approximately 600 BC to about 130 BC, during which time the community grows and splits into two main groups, called Nephites and Lamanites, that frequently war with each other throughout the rest of the narrative.", "Following this section is the Words of Mormon, a small book that introduces Mormon, the principal narrator for the remainder of the text. The narration describes the proceeding content (Book of Mosiah through to chapter 7 of the internal Book of Mormon) as being Mormon's abridgment of \"the large plates of Nephi\", existing records that detailed the people's history up to Mormon's own life", ". Part of this portion is the Book of Third Nephi, which describes a visit by Jesus to the people of the Book of Mormon sometime after his resurrection and ascension; historian John Turner calls this episode \"the climax of the entire scripture\". After this visit, the Nephites and Lamanites unite in a harmonious, peaceful society which endures for several generations before breaking into warring factions again, and in this conflict the Nephites are destroyed while the Lamanites emerge victorious", ". In the narrative, Mormon, a Nephite, lives during this period of war, and he dies before finishing his book. His son Moroni takes over as narrator, describing himself taking his father's record into his charge and finishing its writing.", "Before the very end of the book, Moroni describes making an abridgment (called the Book of Ether) of a record from a much earlier people. There is a subsequent subplot describing a group of families who God leads away from the Tower of Babel after it falls. Led by a man named Jared and his brother, described as a prophet of God, these Jaredites travel to the \"promised land\" and establish a society there", ". After successive violent reversals between rival monarchs and faction, their society collapses before Lehi's family arrive in the promised land.", "The narrative returns to Moroni's present (Book of Moroni) in which he transcribes a few short documents, meditates on and addresses the book's audience, finishes the record, and buries the plates upon which they are narrated to be inscribed upon, before implicitly dying as his father did, in what allegedly would have been the early-400s CE.\n\nTeachings\n\nJesus", "Teachings\n\nJesus\n\nOn its title page, the Book of Mormon describes its central purpose as being the \"convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations.\" Jesus is mentioned every 1.7 verses on average.", "Although much of the Book of Mormon's internal chronology takes place prior to the birth of Jesus, prophets in the book frequently see him in vision and preach about him, and the people in the narrative worship Jesus as \"pre-Christian Christians.\" For example, the book's first narrator Nephi describes having a vision of the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus, said to have taken place nearly 600 years prior to Jesus' birth. Late in the book, a narrator refers to converted peoples as \"children of Christ\"", ". Late in the book, a narrator refers to converted peoples as \"children of Christ\". By depicting ancient prophets and peoples as familiar with Jesus as a Savior, the Book of Mormon universalizes Christian salvation as being accessible across all time and places. By implying that even more ancient peoples were familiar with Jesus Christ, the book also presents a \"polygenist Christian history\" in which Christianity has multiple origins.", "In what is often called the climax of the book, Jesus visits some early inhabitants of the Americas after his resurrection in an extended bodily theophany. During this ministry, he reiterates many teachings from the New Testament, re-emphasizes salvific baptism, and introduces the ritual consumption of bread and water \"in remembrance of [his] body\", a teaching that became the basis for modern Latter-day Saints' \"memorialist\" view of their sacrament ordinance (analogous to communion)", ". Jesus's ministry in the Book of Mormon resembles his portrayal in the Gospel of John, as Jesus similarly teaches without parables and preaches faith and obedience as a central message.", "The Book of Mormon depicts Jesus with \"a twist\" on Christian trinitarianism. Jesus in the Book of Mormon is distinct from God the Father, much as he is in the New Testament, as he prays to God while during a post-resurrection visit with the Nephites. However, the Book of Mormon also emphasizes Jesus and God have \"divine unity,\" and other parts of the book call Jesus \"the Father and the Son\" or describe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost as \"one", ".\" As a result, beliefs among the churches of the Latter Day Saint movement range between social trinitarianism (such as among Latter-day Saints) and traditional trinitarianism (such as in Community of Christ).", "Distinctively, the Book of Mormon describes Jesus as having, prior to his birth, a spiritual \"body\" \"without flesh and blood\" that looked similar to how he would appear during his physical life. According to the book, the Brother of Jared lived before Jesus and saw him manifest in this spiritual \"body\" thousands of years prior to his birth.\n\nPlan of salvation", "The Christian concept of God's plan of salvation for humanity is a frequently recurring theme of the Book of Mormon. While the Bible does not directly outline a plan of salvation, the Book of Mormon explicitly refers to the concept thirty times, using a variety of terms such as plan of salvation, plan of happiness, and plan of redemption", ". The Book of Mormon's plan of salvation doctrine describes life as a probationary time for people to learn the gospel of Christ through revelation given to prophets and have the opportunity to choose whether or not to obey God. Jesus' atonement then makes repentance possible, enabling the righteous to enter a heavenly state after a final judgment.", "Although most of Christianity traditionally considers the fall of man a negative development for humanity, the Book of Mormon instead portrays the fall as a foreordained step in God's plan of salvation, necessary to securing human agency, eventual righteousness, and bodily joy through physical experience. This positive interpretation of the Adam and Eve story contributes to the Book of Mormon's emphasis \"on the importance of human freedom and responsibility\" to choose salvation.\n\nDialogic revelation", "In the Book of Mormon, revelation from God typically manifests as \"personalized, dialogic exchange\" between God and persons, \"rooted in a radically anthropomorphic theology\" that personifies deity as a being who hears prayers and provides direct answers to questions. Multiple narratives in the book portray revelation as a dialogue in which petitioners and deity engage one another in a mutual exchange in which God's contributions originate from outside the mortal recipient", ". The Book of Mormon also emphasizes regular prayer as a significant component of devotional life, depicting it as a central means through which such dialogic revelation can take place.", "Distinctively, the Book of Mormon's portrayal democratizes revelation by extending it beyond the \"Old Testament paradigms\" of prophetic authority. In the Book of Mormon, dialogic revelation from God is not the purview of prophets alone but is instead the right of every person. Figures such as Nephi and Ammon receive visions and revelatory direction prior to or without ever becoming prophets, and Laman and Lemuel are rebuked for hesitating to pray for revelation", ". In the Book of Mormon, God and the divine are directly knowable through revelation and spiritual experience.", "Also in contrast with traditional Christian conceptions of revelations is the Book of Mormon's broader range of revelatory content. In the Book of Mormon, revelatory topics include not only the expected \"exegesis of existence\" but also questions that are \"pragmatic, and at times almost banal in their mundane specificity\"", ". Figures petition God for revelatory answers to doctrinal questions and ecclesiastical crises as well as for inspiration to guide hunts, military campaigns, and sociopolitical decisions, and the Book of Mormon portrays God providing answers to these inquiries.", "The Book of Mormon depicts revelation as an active and sometimes laborious experience. For example, the Book of Mormon's Brother of Jared learns to act not merely as a petitioner with questions but moreover as an interlocutor with \"a specific proposal\" for God to consider as part of a guided process of miraculous assistance. Also in the Book of Mormon, Enos describes his revelatory experience as a \"wrestle which I had before God\" that spanned hours of intense prayer.", "Apocalyptic reversal and indigenous or nonwhite liberation", "The Book of Mormon's \"eschatological content\" lends to a \"theology of Native and/or nonwhite liberation\", in the words of American studies scholar Jared Hickman", ". The Book of Mormon's narrative content includes prophecies describing how although Gentiles (generally interpreted as being whites of European descent) would conquer the indigenous residents of the Americas (imagined in the Book of Mormon as being a remnant of descendants of the Lamanites), this conquest would only precede the Native Americans' revival and resurgence as a God-empowered people", ". The Book of Mormon narrative's prophecies envision a Christian eschaton in which indigenous people are destined to rise up as the true leaders of the continent, manifesting in a new utopia to be called \"Zion\"", ". White Gentiles would have an opportunity to repent of their sins and join themselves to the indigenous remnant, but if white Gentile society fails to do so, the Book of Mormon's content foretells a future \"apocalyptic reversal\" in which Native Americans will destroy white American society and replace it with a godly, Zionic society", ". This prophecy commanding whites to repent and become supporters of American Indians even bears \"special authority as an utterance of Jesus\" Christ himself during a messianic appearance at the book's climax.", "Furthermore, the Book of Mormon's \"formal logic\" criticizes the theological supports for racism and white supremacy prevalent in the antebellum United States by enacting a textual apocalypse. The book's apparently white Nephite narrators fail to recognize and repent of their own sinful, hubristic prejudices against the seemingly darker-skinned Lamanites in the narrative", ". In their pride, the Nephites repeatedly backslide into producing oppressive social orders, such that the book's narrative performs a sustained critique of colonialist racism. The book concludes with its own narrative implosion in which Lamanites suddenly succeed over and destroy Nephites in a literary turn seemingly designed to jar the average antebellum white American reader into recognizing the \"utter inadequacy of his or her rac(ial)ist common sense\".", "Religious significance\n\nEarly Mormonism", "Adherents of the early Latter Day Saint movement frequently read the Book of Mormon as a corroboration of and supplement to the Bible, persuaded by its resemblance to the King James Version's form and language. For these early readers, the Book of Mormon confirmed the Bible's scriptural veracity and resolved then-contemporary theological controversies the Bible did not seem to adequately address, such as the appropriate mode of baptism, the role of prayer, and the nature of the Christian atonement", ". Early church administrative design also drew inspiration from the Book of Mormon. Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith, respectively, used the depiction of the Christian church in the Book of Mormon as a template for their Articles of the Church and Articles and Covenants of the Church.", "The Book of Mormon was also significant in the early movement as a sign, proving Joseph Smith's claimed prophetic calling, signalling the \"restoration of all things\", and ending what was believed to have been an apostasy from true Christianity. Early Latter Day Saints additionally tended to interpret the Book of Mormon through a millenarian lens and consequently believed the book portended Christ's imminent Second Coming", ". And during the movement's first years, observers identified converts with the new scripture they propounded, nicknaming them \"Mormons\".", "Early Mormons also cultivated their own individual relationships with the Book of Mormon. Reading the book became an ordinary habit for some, and some would reference passages by page number in correspondence with friends and family. Historian Janiece Johnson explains that early converts' \"depth of Book of Mormon usage is illustrated most thoroughly through intertextuality—the pervasive echoes, allusions, and expansions on the Book of Mormon text that appear in the early converts' own writings", ".\" Early Latter Day Saints alluded to Book of Mormon narratives, incorporated Book of Mormon turns of phrase into their writing styles, and even gave their children Book of Mormon names.", "Joseph Smith", "Like many other early adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement, Smith referenced Book of Mormon scriptures in his preaching relatively infrequently and cited the Bible more often, likely because he was more familiar with the Bible, which he had grown up with. In 1832, Smith dictated a revelation that condemned the \"whole church\" for treating the Book of Mormon lightly, although even after doing so Smith still referenced the Book of Mormon less often than the Bible", ". Nevertheless, in 1841 Joseph Smith characterized the Book of Mormon as \"the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of [the] religion\". Although Smith quoted the book infrequently, he accepted the Book of Mormon narrative world as his own and conceived of his prophetic identity within the framework of the Book of Mormon's portrayal of a world history full of sacred records of God's dealings with humanity and description of him as a revelatory translator.", "While they were held in Carthage Jail together, shortly before being killed in a mob attack, Joseph's brother Hyrum Smith read aloud from the Book of Mormon, and Joseph told the jail guards present that the Book of Mormon was divinely authentic.", "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) accepts the Book of Mormon as one of the four sacred texts in its scriptural canon called the standard works. Church leaders and publications have \"strongly affirm[ed]\" Smith's claims of the book's significance to the faith", ". According to the church's \"Articles of Faith\"—a document written by Joseph Smith in 1842 and canonized by the church as scripture in 1880—members \"believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly,\" and they \"believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God,\" without the translation qualification", ". In their evangelism, Latter-day Saint leaders and missionaries have long emphasized the book's place in a causal chain which held that if the Book of Mormon was \"verifiably true revelation of God,\" then it justified Smith's claims to prophetic authority to restore the New Testament church.", "Latter-day Saints have also long believed the Book of Mormon's contents confirm and fulfill biblical prophecies. For example, \"many Latter-day Saints\" consider the biblical patriarch Jacob's description of his son Joseph as \"a fruitful bough... whose branches run over a wall\" a prophecy of Lehi's posterity—described as descendants of Joseph—overflowing into the New World", ". Latter-day Saints also believe the Bible prophesies of the Book of Mormon as an additional testament to God's dealings with humanity, such as in their interpretation of Ezekiel 37's injunction to \"take thee one stick... For Judah, and... take another stick... For Joseph\" as referring to the Bible as the \"stick of Judah\" and the Book of Mormon as \"the stick of Joseph\".", "In the 1980s, the church placed greater emphasis on the Book of Mormon as a central text of the faith and on studying and reading it as a means for devotional communion with Jesus Christ. In 1982, it added the subtitle \"Another Testament of Jesus Christ\" to its official editions of the Book of Mormon. Ezra Taft Benson, the church's thirteenth president (1985–1994), especially emphasized the Book of Mormon", ". Referencing Smith's 1832 revelation, Benson said the church remained under condemnation for treating the Book of Mormon lightly.", "Since the late 1980s, Latter-day Saint leaders have encouraged church members to read from the Book of Mormon daily, and in the twenty-first century, many Latter-day Saints use the book in private devotions and family worship. Literary scholar Terryl Givens observes that for Latter-day Saints, the Book of Mormon is \"the principal scriptural focus\", a \"cultural touchstone, and \"absolutely central\" to worship, including in weekly services, Sunday School, youth seminaries, and more.", "The church encourages those considering joining the faith to follow the suggestion in the Book of Mormon's final chapter to study the book, ponder it, and pray to God about it. Latter-day Saints believe that sincerely doing so will provide the reader with a spiritual witness confirming it as true scripture. The relevant passage in the chapter is sometimes referred to as \"Moroni's Promise.\"", "Approximately 90 to 95% of all Book of Mormon printings have been affiliated with the church. As of October 2020, it has published more than 192 million copies of the Book of Mormon.", "Community of Christ", "The Community of Christ (formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or RLDS Church) views the Book of Mormon as scripture which provides an additional witness of Jesus Christ in support of the Bible. The Community of Christ publishes two versions of the book", ". The Community of Christ publishes two versions of the book. The first is the Authorized Edition, first published by the then-RLDS Church in 1908, whose text is based on comparing the original printer's manuscript and the 1837 Second Edition (or \"Kirtland Edition\") of the Book of Mormon. Its content is similar to the Latter-day Saint edition of the Book of Mormon, but the versification is different", ". The Community of Christ also publishes a \"New Authorized Version\" (also called a \"reader's edition\"), first released in 1966, which attempts to modernize the language of the text by removing archaisms and standardizing punctuation.", "Use of the Book of Mormon varies among Community of Christ membership. The church describes it as scripture and includes references to the Book of Mormon in its official lectionary. In 2010, representatives told the National Council of Churches that \"the Book of Mormon is in our DNA\". The book remains a symbol of the denomination's belief in continuing revelation from God. Nevertheless, its usage in North American congregations declined between the mid-twentieth and twenty-first centuries", ". Community of Christ theologian Anthony Chvala-Smith describes the Book of Mormon as being akin to a \"subordinate standard\" relative to the Bible, giving the Bible priority over the Book of Mormon, and the denomination does not emphasize the book as part of its self-conceived identity. Book of Mormon use varies in what David Howlett calls \"Mormon heritage regions\": North America, Western Europe, and French Polynesia", ". Outside these regions, where there are tens of thousands of members, congregations almost never use the Book of Mormon in their worship, and they may be entirely unfamiliar with it. Some in Community of Christ remain interested in prioritizing the Book of Mormon in religious practice and have variously responded to these developments by leaving the denomination or by striving to re-emphasize the book.", "During this time, the Community of Christ moved away from emphasizing the Book of Mormon as an authentic record of a historical past. By the late-twentieth century, church president W. Grant McMurray made open the possibility the book was nonhistorical", ". Grant McMurray made open the possibility the book was nonhistorical. McMurray reiterated this ambivalence in 2001, reflecting, \"The proper use of the Book of Mormon as sacred scripture has been under wide discussion in the 1970s and beyond, in part because of long-standing questions about its historical authenticity and in part because of perceived theological inadequacies, including matters of race and ethnicity", ".\" When a resolution was submitted at the 2007 Community of Christ World Conference to \"reaffirm the Book of Mormon as a divinely inspired record\", church president Stephen M. Veazey ruled it out-of-order. He stated, \"while the Church affirms the Book of Mormon as scripture, and makes it available for study and use in various languages, we do not attempt to mandate the degree of belief or use", ". This position is in keeping with our longstanding tradition that belief in the Book of Mormon is not to be used as a test of fellowship or membership in the church.\"", "Greater Latter Day Saint movement", "Since the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, there have been approximately seventy different churches that have been part of the Latter Day Saint movement, fifty of which were extant as of 2012. Religious studies scholar Paul Gutjahr explains that \"each of these sects developed its own special relationship with the Book of Mormon\"", ". For example James Strang, who led a denomination in the nineteenth century, reenacted Smith's production of the Book of Mormon by claiming in the 1840s and 1850s to receive and translate new scriptures engraved on metal plates, which became the Voree Plates and the Book of the Law of the Lord.", "William Bickerton led another denomination, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (today called The Church of Jesus Christ), which accepted the Book of Mormon as scripture alongside the Bible although it did not canonize other Latter Day Saint religious texts like the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. The contemporary Church of Jesus Christ continues to consider the \"Bible and Book of Mormon together\" to be \"the foundation of [their] faith and the building blocks of\" their church.", "Nahua-Mexican Latter-day Saint Margarito Bautista believed the Book of Mormon told an indigenous history of Mexico before European contact, and he identified himself as a \"descendant of Father Lehi\", a prophet in the Book of Mormon. Bautista believed the Book of Mormon revealed that indigenous Mexicans were a chosen remnant of biblical Israel and therefore had a sacred destiny to someday lead the church spiritually and the world politically", ". To promote this belief, he wrote a theological treatise synthesizing Mexican nationalism and Book of Mormon content, published in 1935. Anglo-American LDS Church leadership suppressed the book and eventually excommunicated Bautista, and he went on to found a new Mormon denomination. Officially named El Reino de Dios en su Plenitud, the denomination continues to exist in Colonial Industrial, Ozumba, Mexico as a church with several hundred members who call themselves Mormons.", "Separate editions of the Book of Mormon have been published by a number of churches in the Latter Day Saint movement, along with private individuals and organizations not endorsed by any specific denomination.\n\nViews on historical authenticity", "Mainstream archaeological, historical, and scientific communities do not consider the Book of Mormon an ancient record of actual historical events. Principally, the content of the Book of Mormon does not correlate with archaeological, paleontological, and historical evidence about the past of the Americas. There is no accepted correlation between locations described in the Book of Mormon and known American archaeological sites", ". There is also no evidence in Mesoamerican societies of cultural influence from anything described in the Book of Mormon. Additionally, the Book of Mormon's narrative refers to the presence of animals, plants, metals, and technologies of which archaeological and scientific studies have found little or no evidence in post-Pleistocene, pre-Columbian America", ". Such anachronistic references include crops such as barley, wheat, and silk; livestock like sheep and horses; and metals and technology such as brass, steel, the wheel, and chariots. The Book of Mormon also includes excerpts from and demonstrates intertextuality with portions of the biblical Book of Isaiah whose widely-accepted periods of creation postdate the alleged departure of Lehi's family from Jerusalem circa 600 BCE.", "Until the late-twentieth century, most adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement who affirmed Book of Mormon historicity believed the people described in the Book of Mormon text were the exclusive ancestors of all indigenous peoples in the Americas. However, linguistics and genetics proved that impossible", ". However, linguistics and genetics proved that impossible. There are no widely accepted linguistic connections between any Native American languages and Near Eastern languages, and \"the diversity of Native American languages could not have developed from a single origin in the time frame\" that would be necessary to validate such a view of Book of Mormon historicity", ". Finally, there is no DNA evidence linking any Native American group to ancestry from the ancient Near East as a belief in Book of Mormon peoples as the exclusive ancestors of indigenous Americans would require. Instead, geneticists find that indigenous Americans' ancestry traces back to Asia.", "Despite this, most adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement consider the Book of Mormon to generally be historically authentic. Within the Latter Day Saint movement there are several individuals and apologetic organizations, most of whom are or which are lay Latter-day Saints, that seek to answer challenges to or advocate for Book of Mormon historicity", ". For example, in response to linguistics and genetics rendering long-popular hemispheric models of Book of Mormon geography impossible, many apologists posit Book of Mormon peoples could have dwelled in a limited geographical region while indigenous peoples of other descents occupied the rest of the Americas. To account for anachronisms, apologists often suggest Smith's translation assigned familiar terms to unfamiliar ideas", ". In the context of a miraculously translated Book of Mormon, anachronistic intertextuality may also have miraculous explanations.", "Advocating for their interpretation of the book's historicity, some apologists strive to identify parallels between the Book of Mormon and biblical antiquity, such as the presence of several complex chiasmi resembling a literary form used in ancient Hebrew poetry and in the Old Testament. Others attempt to identify parallels between Mesoamerican archaeological sites and locations described in the Book of Mormon, such as John L", ". Sorenson, according to whom the Santa Rosa archaeological site resembles the city of Zarahemla in the Book of Mormon. When mainstream, non-Mormon scholars examine alleged parallels between the Book of Mormon and the ancient world, however, scholars typically deem them \"chance based upon only superficial similarities\" or \"parallelomania\", the result of having predetermined ideas about the subject.", "Despite the popularity and influence among Latter-day Saints of literature propounding Book of Mormon historicity, not all Mormons who affirm Book of Mormon historicity are universally persuaded by apologetic work. Some claim historicity more modestly, such as Richard Bushman's statement that \"I read the Book of Mormon as informed Christians read the Bible. As I read, I know the arguments against the book's historicity, but I can't help feeling that the words are true and the events happened", ". I believe it in the face of many questions.\"", "Some denominations and adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement consider the Book of Mormon a work of inspired fiction akin to pseudepigrapha or biblical midrash that constitutes scripture by revealing true doctrine about God, similar to a common interpretation of the biblical Book of Job. Many in Community of Christ hold this view, and the leadership takes no official position on Book of Mormon historicity; among lay members, views vary", ". Some Latter-day Saints consider the Book of Mormon fictional, although this view is marginal in the community at large.", "Influenced by continental philosophy, a handful of academics argue for understanding the Book of Mormon not as historical or unhistorical (either factual or fictional) but as nonhistorical (existing outside history)", ". In this view, both skeptical and affirmative approaches to Book of Mormon historicity make the same Enlightenment-derived assumptions about scriptures being representations of external reality, whereas a premodern understanding would accept scripture as capable of divinely ordering, rather than simply depicting, reality.", "Historical context\n\nAmerican Indian origins", "Contact with the indigenous peoples of the Americas prompted intellectual and theological controversy among many Europeans and European Americans who wondered how biblical narratives of world history could account for hitherto unrecognized indigenous societies. From the seventeenth century through the early-nineteenth, numerous European and U. S. American writers proposed that ancient Jews, perhaps through the Lost Ten Tribes, were the ancestors of Native Americans", ". One of the first books to suggest that Native Americans descended from Jews was written by Jewish-Dutch rabbi and scholar Manasseh ben Israel in 1650. Such curiosity and speculation about indigenous origins persisted in the United States into the antebellum period when the Book of Mormon was published, as archaeologist Stephen Williams explains that \"relating the American Indians to the Lost Tribes of Israel was supported by many at\" the time of the book's production and publication", ". Although the Book of Mormon did not explicitly identify Native Americans as descendants of the diasporic Israelites in its narrative, nineteenth-century readers consistently drew that conclusion and considered the book theological support for believing American Indians were of Israelite descent.", "Additionally, European settlers viewed the impressive earthworks left behind by the Mound Builder cultures and had some difficulty believing that the Native Americans, whose numbers had been greatly reduced over the previous centuries, could have produced them. A common theory was that a more \"civilized\" and \"advanced\" people had built them, but were overrun and destroyed by a more savage, numerous group. Some Book of Mormon content resembles this \"mound-builder\" genre pervasive in the nineteenth century", ". Historian Curtis Dahl wrote, \"Undoubtedly the most famous and certainly the most influential of all Mound-Builder literature is the Book of Mormon (1830). Whether one wishes to accept it as divinely inspired or the work of Joseph Smith, it fits exactly into the tradition", ".\" However, the Book of Mormon does not comfortably fit the genre, since, as historian Richard Bushman explains, \"When other writers delved into Indian origins, they were explicit about recognizable Indian practices\", such as Abner Cole, who dressed characters in moccasins in his parody of the book", ". Meanwhile, the \"Book of Mormon deposited its people on some unknown shore—not even definitely identified as America—and had them live out their history in a remote place in a distant time, using names that had no connections to modern Indians\" and without including stereotypical Indian terms, practices, or tropes, suggesting disinterest in making connections to mound-builder tropes.", "Critique of the United States", "The Book of Mormon can be read as a critique of the United States during Smith's lifetime. Historian of religion Nathan O. Hatch called the Book of Mormon \"a document of profound social protest\", and Bushman \"found the book thundering no to the state of the world in Joseph Smith's time.\" In the Jacksonian era of antebellum America, class inequality was a major concern as fiscal downturns and the economy's transition from guild-based artisanship to private business sharpened socioeconomic disparity", ". Poll taxes in New York limited access to the vote, and the culture of civil discourse and mores surrounding liberty allowed social elites to ignore and delegitimize populist participation in public discourse. Ethnic prejudices were also prominent, as Americans typically stereotyped American Indians as ferocious, lazy, and uncivilized", ". Meanwhile, some Americans thought antebellum disestablishment and denominational proliferation undermined religious authority through ubiquity, producing sectarian confusion that only obfuscated the path to spiritual security.", "Against the backdrop of these trends, the Book of Mormon \"condemned social inequalities, moral abominations, rejection of revelations and miracles, disrespect for Israel (including the Jews), subjection of the Indians, and the abuse of the continent by interloping European migrants\". The book's narratives critique bourgeois public discourse where rules of civil democracy silence the demands of common people, and it advocates for the poor, condemning acquisitiveness as antithetical to righteousness", ". Within the narrative, Lamanites, whom readers generally identified with American Indians, at times were overwhelmingly righteous, even producing a prophet who preached to backsliding Nephites, and the book declared natives to be the rightful inheritors to and leaders of the North American continent. According to the book, implicitly-European Gentiles had an obligation to serve the native people and join their remnant of covenant Israel or else face a violent downfall like the Nephites of the text", ". In the context of the nineteenth-century United States, the Book of Mormon rejects American denominational pluralism, Enlightenment hegemony, individualistic capitalism, and American nationalism, calling instead for ecclesiastical unity, miraculous religion, communitarian economics, and universal society under God's authority.", "Manuscripts\n\nJoseph Smith dictated the Book of Mormon to several scribes over a period of 13 months, resulting in three manuscripts. Upon examination of pertinent historical records, the book appears to have been dictated over the course of 57 to 63 days within the 13 month period.\n\nThe 116 lost pages contained the first portion of the Book of Lehi; it was lost after Smith loaned the original, uncopied manuscript to Martin Harris.", "The first completed manuscript, called the original manuscript, was completed using a variety of scribes. Portions of the original manuscript were also used for typesetting. In October 1841, the entire original manuscript was placed into the cornerstone of the Nauvoo House, and sealed up until nearly forty years later when the cornerstone was reopened. It was then discovered that much of the original manuscript had been destroyed by water seepage and mold", ". Surviving manuscript pages were handed out to various families and individuals in the 1880s.", "Only 28 percent of the original manuscript now survives, including a remarkable find of fragments from 58 pages in 1991. The majority of what remains of the original manuscript is now kept in the LDS Church's archives.", "The second completed manuscript, called the printer's manuscript, was a copy of the original manuscript produced by Oliver Cowdery and two other scribes. It is at this point that initial copyediting of the Book of Mormon was completed. Observations of the original manuscript show little evidence of corrections to the text. Shortly before his death in 1850, Cowdery gave the printer's manuscript to David Whitmer, another of the Three Witnesses", ". In 1903, the manuscript was bought from Whitmer's grandson by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now known as the Community of Christ. On September 20, 2017, the LDS Church purchased the manuscript from the Community of Christ at a reported price of $35million. The printer's manuscript is now the earliest surviving complete copy of the Book of Mormon. The manuscript was imaged in 1923 and has been made available for viewing online.", "Critical comparisons between surviving portions of the manuscripts show an average of two to three changes per page from the original manuscript to the printer's manuscript, with most changes being corrections of scribal errors such as misspellings or the correction, or standardization, of grammar inconsequential to the meaning of the text. The printer's manuscript was further edited, adding paragraphing and punctuation to the first third of the text.", "The printer's manuscript was not used fully in the typesetting of the 1830 version of Book of Mormon; portions of the original manuscript were also used for typesetting. The original manuscript was used by Smith to further correct errors printed in the 1830 and 1837 versions of the Book of Mormon for the 1840 printing of the book.", "Ownership history: Book of Mormon printer's manuscript", "In the late-19th century the extant portion of the printer's manuscript remained with the family of David Whitmer, who had been a principal founder of the Latter Day Saints and who, by the 1870s, led the Church of Christ (Whitmerite). During the 1870s, according to the Chicago Tribune, the LDS Church unsuccessfully attempted to buy it from Whitmer for a record price. Church president Joseph F. Smith refuted this assertion in a 1901 letter, believing such a manuscript \"possesses no value whatever", ".\" In 1895, Whitmer's grandson George Schweich inherited the manuscript", ". By 1903, Schweich had mortgaged the manuscript for $1,800 and, needing to raise at least that sum, sold a collection including 72 percent of the book of the original printer's manuscript (John Whitmer's manuscript history, parts of Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible, manuscript copies of several revelations, and a piece of paper containing copied Book of Mormon characters) to the RLDS Church (now the Community of Christ) for $2,450, with $2,300 of this amount for the printer's manuscript", ". The LDS Church had not sought to purchase the manuscript.", "In 2015, this remaining portion was published by the Church Historian's Press in its Joseph Smith Papers series, in Volume Three of \"Revelations and Translations\"; and, in 2017, the church bought the printer's manuscript for .\n\nEditions", "Editions\n\nChapter and verse notation systems \nThe original 1830 publication had unnumbered paragraphs (and no verses) which were divided into relatively long chapters. Just as the Bible's present chapter and verse notation system is a later addition of Bible publishers to books that were originally solid blocks of undivided text, the chapter and verse markers within the books of the Book of Mormon are conventions, not part of the original text.", "The format of the Book of Mormon stayed the same, with citations noted by book and page number, (Book of Alma, page 262) or just the page number (page 262). As more editions were made, the references were noted by the edition. In 1852, Franklin D. Richards integrated numbered paragraphs for easier reference.", "In 1876, Orson Pratt revised the Book of Mormon, and while doing so, created smaller chapters comparable in length to the Bible, and added true versification. In 1908, the RLDS Church revised their edition. While doing so, they added versification similar in breaks to the 1876 edition, but opted to use the original longer chapters.", "Most modern editions use one of the two, based on their heritage. The editions published by the Community of Christ (1908/AV & 1966/RAV), the RCE, and the Temple Lot edition use the 1908 Authorized Version Versing. The LDS Church uses the 1876 Orson Pratt versing.\n\nChurch editions\n\nOther editions\n\nHistoric editions\nThe following editions no longer in publication marked major developments in the text or reader's helps printed in the Book of Mormon.\n\nTextual criticism", "Although some earlier unpublished studies had been prepared, not until the early 1970s was true textual criticism applied to the Book of Mormon. At that time BYU Professor Ellis Rasmussen and his associates were asked by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) to begin preparation for a new edition of its scriptures. One aspect of that effort entailed digitizing the text and preparing appropriate footnotes; another aspect required establishing the most dependable text", ". To that latter end, Stanley R. Larson (a Rasmussen graduate student) set about applying modern text critical standards to the manuscripts and early editions of the Book of Mormon as his thesis project—which he completed in 1974", ". Larson carefully examined the original manuscript (the one dictated by Joseph Smith to his scribes) and the printer's manuscript (the copy Oliver Cowdery prepared for the printer in 1829–1830), and compared them with the first, second, and third editions of the Book of Mormon; this was done to determine what sort of changes had occurred over time and to make judgments as to which readings were the most original", ". Larson proceeded to publish a set of well-argued articles on the phenomena which he had discovered. Many of his observations were included as improvements in the church's 1981 edition of the Book of Mormon.", "By 1979, with the establishment of the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS) as a California non-profit research institution, an effort led by Robert F. Smith began to take full account of Larson's work and to publish a critical text of the Book of Mormon. Thus was born the FARMS Critical Text Project which published the first volume of the three-volume Book of Mormon Critical Text in 1984", ". The third volume of that first edition was published in 1987, but was already being superseded by a second, revised edition of the entire work, greatly aided through the advice and assistance of a team that included Yale doctoral candidate Grant Hardy, Dr. Gordon C. Thomasson, Professor John W. Welch (the head of FARMS), and Professor Royal Skousen. However, these were merely preliminary steps to a far more exacting and all-encompassing project.", "In 1988, with that preliminary phase of the project completed, Skousen took over as editor and head of the FARMS Critical Text of the Book of Mormon Project and proceeded to gather still scattered fragments of the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon and to have advanced photographic techniques applied to obtain fine readings from otherwise unreadable pages and fragments", ". He also closely examined the printer's manuscript (then owned by RLDS Church) for differences in types of ink or pencil, in order to determine when and by whom they were made. He also collated the various editions of the Book of Mormon down to the present to see what sorts of changes have been made through time.", "Skousen and the Critical Text Project have published complete transcripts of the Original and Printer's Manuscripts (volumes I and II), parts of a history of the text (volume III), and a six-part analysis of textual variants (volume IV). The remainder of the eight-part history of the text and a complete electronic collation of editions and manuscripts (volumes 5 of the Project) remain forthcoming", ". In 2009, Yale University published an edition of the Book of Mormon which incorporates all aspects of Skousen's research.", "Differences between the original and printer's manuscript, the 1830 printed version, and modern versions of the Book of Mormon have led some critics to claim that evidence has been systematically removed that could have proven that Smith fabricated the Book of Mormon, or are attempts to hide embarrassing aspects of the church's past. Latter-day Saint scholars view the changes as superficial, done to clarify the meaning of the text.\n\nNon-English translations", "Non-English translations \n\nThe Latter-day Saints version of the Book of Mormon has been translated into 83 languages and selections have been translated into an additional 25 languages. In 2001, the LDS Church reported that all or part of the Book of Mormon was available in the native language of 99 percent of Latter-day Saints and 87 percent of the world's total population.", "Translations into languages without a tradition of writing (e.g., Kaqchikel, Tzotzil) have been published as audio recordings and as transliterations with Latin characters. Translations into American Sign Language are available as video recordings.\n\nTypically, translators are Latter-day Saints who are employed by the church and translate the text from the original English. Each manuscript is reviewed several times before it is approved and published.", "In 1998, the church stopped translating selections from the Book of Mormon and announced that instead each new translation it approves will be a full edition.\n\nRepresentations in media", "Representations in media\n\nArtists have depicted Book of Mormon scenes and figures in visual art since the beginnings of the Latter Day Saint movement. The nonprofit Book of Mormon Art Catalog documents the existence of at least 2,500 visual depictions of Book of Mormon content. According to art historian Jenny Champoux, early artwork of the Book of Mormon relied on European iconography; eventually, a distinctive \"Latter-day Saint style\" developed.", "Events of the Book of Mormon are the focus of several films produced by the LDS Church, including The Life of Nephi (1915), How Rare a Possession (1987) and The Testaments of One Fold and One Shepherd (2000). Depictions of Book of Mormon narratives in films not officially commissioned by the church (sometimes colloquially known as Mormon cinema) include The Book of Mormon Movie, Vol. 1: The Journey (2003) and Passage to Zarahemla (2007).", "In \"one of the most complex uses of Mormonism in cinema,\" Alfred Hitchcock's film Family Plot portrays a funeral service in which a priest (apparently non-Mormon, by his appearance) reads Second Nephi 9:20–27, a passage describing Jesus Christ having victory over death.", "In 2011, a long-running religious satire musical titled The Book of Mormon, written by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone in collaboration with Robert Lopez, premiered on Broadway, winning nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Its London production won the Olivier Award for best musical. Although it is titled The Book of Mormon, the musical does not depict Book of Mormon content. Its plot tells an original story about Latter-day Saint missionaries in the twenty-first century.", "In 2019, the church began producing a series of live-action adaptations of various stories within the Book of Mormon, titled Book of Mormon Videos, which it distributed on its website and YouTube channel.\n\nDistribution \nThe LDS Church distributes free copies of the Book of Mormon, and it reported in 2011 that 150 million copies of the book have been printed since its initial publication.", "The initial printing of the Book of Mormon in 1830 produced 5000 copies. The 50 millionth copy was printed in 1990, with the 100 millionth following in 2000 and reaching 150 million in 2011.\n\nIn October 2020, the church announced it had printed over 192 million copies of the Book of Mormon.\n\nSee also\n\n Journal of Book of Mormon Studies\n List of Gospels\n Studies of the Book of Mormon\n List of Book of Mormon places\n\nReferences\n\nCitations\n\nGeneral and cited sources", "References\n\nCitations\n\nGeneral and cited sources \n\n \n .\n \n \n \n \n \n \n .\n \n \n \n \n \n .\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n .\n\nFurther reading \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n One volume in six parts. \n One volume in six parts. Republished online by the Interpreter Foundation in 2014.\n\nExternal links", "Book of Mormon (the current official edition of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)\n Project Gutenberg has the full text of the Book of Mormon in various formats (LDS chapters and numbering)\n RLDS 1908 Book of Mormon (RLDS chapters and numbering)\n The Book of Mormon; An Account Written By the Hand of Mormon Upon Plates Taken From the Plates of Nephi. From the Collections at the Library of Congress", "Photographs and transcription of the printer's manuscript of the Book of Mormon by the Joseph Smith Papers\nPhotocopies and transcription of the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon by the Joseph Smith Papers\nPhotographs and transcription of the 1840 of the Book of Mormon by the Joseph Smith Papers\n \n Book of Mormon Art Catalog database of known works of visual art depicting Book of Mormon content", "1830 books\n1830 in Christianity\n19th-century Christian texts\nStandard works\nWorks by Joseph Smith\nWorks in the style of the King James Version" ]
Seddon Atkinson
[ "Seddon Atkinson Vehicles Limited, a manufacturer of large goods vehicles based in Oldham, Greater Manchester, England, was formed after the acquisition in 1970 of Atkinson Vehicles Limited of Preston by Seddon Diesel Vehicles Limited of Oldham. In 1974, the firm was acquired by International Harvester, which sold it in March 1984 to the Spanish group Enasa which made it a subsidiary of Pegaso", ". In 1990, it became part of Iveco which used the brand for various types of specialised vehicles in the United Kingdom. The range of models produced included EuroMover, Pacer and Strato, which are aimed at refuse collection, recycling and construction operators.", "Iveco announced its decision to manufacture Seddon Atkinsons in Spain in 2005, and shortly afterwards the brand name was incorporated into the mainstream Iveco catalogue. The Oldham manufacturing facilities were shut down in 2004, and the offices were closed at the end of 2006.", "Recent Seddon Atkinson vehicles were readily identifiable from other Iveco products because of the company's former Atkinson logo, a large letter 'A' within a circle, usually in chrome (or chrome-effect) on the radiator grille. The circular Atkinson logo dated from 1937, supplemented by the 'Knight Of The Road' badge between the early 1950s and late 1970.\n\nAtkinson", "Atkinson\n\nOriginally a firm of steam-wagon repairers and manufacturers, founded in 1907 in Preston, Lancashire, Atkinson & Co. evolved into Seddon Atkinson Vehicles Ltd through a succession of mergers.", "Early years", "Atkinson & Co. was founded in the Frenchwood district of Preston, the cotton town and administrative capital of Lancashire, by two of five brothers, Edward Atkinson (1880–1932) and Henry Birch Atkinson (1882–1921) with assistance from their brother-in-law George Hunt (1870–1950)", ". The real and effective beginning of the company was in 1907, when the partners decided to capitalise on the need for local engineers to make temporary or permanent repairs to the increasing number of 'pullcars' and private motor vehicles on the road. By 1912, the organisation had moved to premises in Kendal Street and the number of employees had grown to twenty", ". In the same year a second, smaller repair centre was opened in Freemason's Row, Liverpool, to cater for the enormous volume of steam traffic using the docks. Very soon the company made something of a name for itself in the north of England as quality repairers, and the growing number of operators brought new business from far and wide.", "Progress", "With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, demand for internal road transport grew considerably, the nation finding itself desperately throttled by the inadequacy of the railways to offer a complete transport network. Some method of local delivery and collection was needed to supplement the services of the railway companies, and with most of the existing steam wagon manufacturers turning their resources over to munitions production, demand increased further", ". The Atkinsons, shrewd observers at any time, decided to experiment by making a wagon of their own design, and in 1916, the first Atkinson six-ton four-wheel steam wagon was produced in Kendal Street and became an instant success", ". The market enjoyed a short boom period following the Armistice and the Atkinsons, realising the potential, purchased a five-acre site of land near their homes in Frenchwood, on which they intended to erect a new and enlarged factory, solely designed for the production of steam wagons. Together with the field they also bought the 17th century Frenchwood House, with the intention of using it partly as their offices and partly as their personal quarters", ". By 1918 the Atkinsons had built up a competent team of engineers and salesmen as well as an enthusiastic and loyal labour force, and were producing wagons competitive in both price and performance. Henry Atkinson died suddenly in 1921 and consequently the company fell into the hands of his brother Edward. At this time, new ideas and designs were constantly being tried out while production rose to a peak of some three wagons per week, and the total labour force rose to well over a hundred and fifty.", "Decline of steam", "Edward Atkinson had a glorified view of steam and did not acknowledge the warnings when sales began to slow down in the mid-1920s. Leyland Motors sold their steam remnants to Atkinson in 1926, followed by Mann in 1929. There seems to have been various family rivalries at the time and the firm was undoubtedly in difficulties when Edward Atkinson decided to seek help from mine engineers and Pagefield lorry makers, Walker Brothers of Wigan", ". Under a new arrangement, Walkers manufactured Uniflow engines for Atkinsons, but by this time very few orders were forthcoming. Edward Atkinson had cancer and was unable to pay any dividends on the preference shares and finally abandoned wagon production in 1929 after a grand total of about 545 Atkinsons had been built. The final years were made possible by a cancellation fee from Manchester Co-op Society, which had ordered a hundred wagons", ". The Frenchwood and Freemason's Row factories closed with the end of the steamers, though the Kendal Street factory remained for repairing and servicing existing wagons. Edward Atkinson died in 1932 and a year later the firm he co-founded was acquired by London garage owner W. G. Allen, whose father had started Nightingale Garage. Allen was chairman of Atkinson Lorries (1933) Ltd and H. B. Fielding was managing director", ". Allen was chairman of Atkinson Lorries (1933) Ltd and H. B. Fielding was managing director. Allen had effectively run the firm since 1931, and remained in charge until his death in 1949.", "Atkinson lorries", "The formula established in the 1933 reorganisation served the company well and became the basis of most production at Walton-le-Dale (the new factory opened in 1948) thereafter. The production philosophy was similar to that of Seddon, ERF, Rutland (Motor Traction) and other competitors aiming for value-for-money lorry sales, viz: the assembly of tried and tested proprietary components. A bought-in chassis frame to Atkinson design was generally powered by a Gardner engine, driving through a David Brown Ltd", ". gearbox to Kirkstall Forge Engineering rear axles. During World War II, Gardner engines were reserved for military applications, excepting the Guy Arab bus; Atkinson lorries sanctioned by the Ministry of Production for sale to civilian hauliers for the duration were fitted with the AEC '7.7 litre' unit (which actually displaced 7.58 litres)", ".7 litre' unit (which actually displaced 7.58 litres). Nationalisation of the road haulage industry in 1948 affected Atkinson as many of their customers were private sector general hauliers who were nationalised, but British Road Services bought rigid-eight Atkinson Lorries alongside similar products made by state-owned Bristol Commercial Vehicles.", "During the 1950s hauliers began to ask for more powerful engines – at the time, Gardner only offered engines for road-vehicle applications with a maximum output of 120 bhp. In response, in the early 1950s Atkinson trial-fitted a Daimler 650 cubic inch engine rated at 150 bhp in a rigid-eight (8-wheel, non-articulated) chassis. Later, Rolls-Royce and Cummins engines were offered alongside Gardner units; Gardner responded with a 150 bhp unit in 1957, and 180 and 240 bhp units in 1966 and 1970, respectively.", "In 1958, following a change in Construction & Use Regulations, Atkinson offered a glass-fibre clad cab (which became known as the Mk I cab) as a replacement for the previous coachbuilt hardwood and metal cab on standard production models; it featured twin fixed wrap-around windscreens rather than the traditional flat opening glasses but retained the traditional exposed Withnell-tube type radiator", ". The initial offering was a single headlight model, followed in 1963 by the 'Deluxe' twin headlight model which quickly became an Atkinson characteristic. As orders for the twin headlight model increased, the single headlight version was dropped as an option", ". From the 1950s many Atkinsons had carried the 'Knight of the Road' trademark device on the upper offside corner of the radiator grille, and in the 1960s models were sold under the trade names Silver Knight (tractor unit), Gold Knight (rigid tipper or tanker) and Black Knight (rigid freight chassis), as well as the 'Weightmaster' range of lightweight chassis.", "A small number of left-hand-drive Atkinsons were built for export to mainland Europe in the late 1960s, with pressed-steel cabs bought from Krupp after that company had ceased commercial vehicle production. Most were sold eventually in the U.K., via Comberhill Commercials of Wakefield. A different design of glass-fibre cab, launched in prototype form at the 1966 Commercial Motor Show, and named View-Line, had a deep single-piece main windscreen with wrap-around quarter glasses", ". The prototype had three separate chrome radiator grilles, but lacked the character of the exposed radiator models. Thereafter, although the Krupp Cabs, introduced in 1969, and View-Line cabs had concealed radiators, they carried a fibreglass replica of the Atkinson radiator outline with the 'Big A' device centred upon it. Both were available until 1970 but ceased prior to both the launch of the new model range in October 1970, and the merger with Seddon.", "Notable Atkinsons of the era were a fleet of 6x6 gritters built in 1962–73 on the orders of various U.K. highway authorities for use on the motorway network. These had Cummins NH engines installed, rather than the more popular Gardner power units, due ostensibly to the use of steel in their construction, which didn't suffer salt corrosion to the same degree as the alloy-constructed Gardners. Early examples had AEC engines.", "From 1968 the standard Mk I glass-fibre clad cab was revised, with stronger ash framing, larger dimensions and wider, deeper windscreens. The traditional Withnell-tubed, exposed radiator was replaced with the more imposing concealed version, which was fitted behind a glass-fibre shrouded metal grille - again carrying the Knight's Head, circular A logo and additional adornments in the form of engine manufacturer plates.", "This cab featured on the final Atkinson haulage models, announced at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court in October 1970, the naming of which originated from an idea by Frank Whalley, the company publicity officer at the time. The most famous of the range were two-axle tractor units carrying the name 'Borderer'", ". The most famous of the range were two-axle tractor units carrying the name 'Borderer'. Three-axle rear-steer tractor units carried the name 'Leader', and were designed to meet eagerly anticipated increases in permitted gross weights (although no increases were actually forthcoming until May 1983). Three-axle haulage chassis carried the name 'Searcher'. Four-axle chassis carried the name 'Defender'. Three-axle heavy haulage tractor units carried the name 'Venturer'", ". Three-axle heavy haulage tractor units carried the name 'Venturer'. The two-axle haulage chassis were never given an official name, but were originally planned to carry the name 'Raider'; however factory grille plates were never produced for this model, and company literature never referred to the proposed name.", "It was at this time that the famous 'Knight of the Road' badging was dropped. When the exhibits were being prepared for the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court in October 1970, they were fitted with four separate badges on the radiator grille: the 'Big A', the Knight's head, the new model name and the engine manufacturer's badge", ". The late Frank Whalley recounted that, when Managing Director Peter M Yates saw them, he said that they looked \"like fairground lorries\" and directed Frank to terminate the use of the Knight badge forthwith. This was also consistent with ending the use of the 'Knight' names for the model range.", "There is one vehicle which assumed a name of its very own after it was modified by one of its owners - John Killingbeck. The vehicle in question is MVD432L, which was originally a T3446C 'Borderer' and survives in preservation", ". After acquisition by Killingbeck, it was stretched into a 6x2 'Chinese Six' tractor and fitted with an uprated Gardner 6LXB engine to enable it to meet the legal requirement for 6 bhp/ton after 1973, whereupon the well-known Atkinson enthusiast and archivist, Michael Deuchars, named it 'Buccaneer'. A replica grille plate was made in a similar fashion to those on factory vehicles and was saved by an enthusiast prior to the closure of the company.", "Bus production\nIn 1948 Bristol Commercial Vehicles had been nationalised as part of the Tilling Group. Thanks to a Conservative-sponsored amendment to the Transport Act 1947 (designed to make sure British Railways' locomotive and rolling stock works did not compete with the private-sector) Bristol found itself legally unable to accept orders for its bus chassis outside fleets wholly owned by the British Transport Commission, a situation which lasted until 1965.", "One of the most loyal Bristol customers up to 1948 had been the North Western Road Car Company of Stockport, who had until 1941 been jointly owned by Tilling and British Electric Traction (BET), after 1941 it was transferred to BET control", ". After the North Western's last Bristols were delivered in 1950, the company took Leyland Titans and Royal Tigers for a year or so, but the heavy weight, high fuel consumption, poor braking performance and high purchase cost of the Royal Tiger led North Western's management to seek an equivalent to the nationalised sector's Bristol LS bus, with lightweight construction and a Gardner engine horizontally oriented and mounted underfloor", ". Not impressed by the heavyweight Gardner-engined Guy Arab and Daimler Freeline they approached Atkinson asking for a bus to their specification. This was called the Atkinson Alpha, the first entering service in August 1951. The Alpha range featured a horizontal Gardner engine (four, five and six-cylinder versions were offered), a choice of constant mesh and synchromesh gearboxes from David Brown, and either a lightweight or medium-weight frame", ". As events turned out, after the initial two batches for North Western in 1953/54 – the first of which were rare rear-entrance underfloor-engined buses – the senior management of the BET group removed Atkinson, Guy and Daimler from their list of preferred suppliers. Around the same time, Leyland dropped the purchase price of the Tiger Cub. North Western then took Tiger Cubs and AEC Reliances for their single-deck needs for the rest of the 1950s.", "Atkinson's management then decided that although Daimler and Guy were publicly offering Gardner-engined double-deckers, and some influential (mainly Scottish) customers could purchase AEC Regents with that make of engine, they would also enter this market", ". Thus at the 1954 Earls' Court Commercial Motor Show two Atkinson double-deck buses were exhibited: one was a chassis, the other carried a 60-seat centre-entrance double-deck body by Northern Counties to the order of the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dukinfield Joint Transport (and Electricity) Board", ". This bus (UMA370) is preserved by the Museum of Transport, Greater Manchester and is also of interest as the first double-deck bus with an electrically controlled direct-acting epicyclic gearbox, this Self-Changing Gears (SCG) unit was fitted by Atkinson after delivery but before entry into service as the SHMD board's drivers (who were used to pre-selective transmissions on the fleets' standard Daimlers) did not want to use the originally installed David Brown constant-mesh unit", ". The un-bodied exhibition chassis, which featured semi-automatic transmission, was dismantled around the same time. No further Atkinson double-deck bus chassis were built.", "It is unclear whether Atkinson's early lead in two-pedal bus transmissions has anything to do with the minority shareholding (around 15%) that Leyland Motors held in Atkinson Lorries (1933) Ltd until the firm was taken over by Seddon. Leyland were, by 1954, part owners of SCG but the 1954 PDR1 prototype had the direct air-operated Pneumocyclic transmission at the time. Neither Guy nor Daimler had a two-pedal transmission and AEC had only just exhibited theirs on the prototype AEC Routemaster.", "As well as an underfloor engined single-deck and a front-engined double-deck, Atkinson also produced a front-engined single-deck bus chassis, this being to a similar layout to the Bedford SB but of more durable construction. It sold well to Atkinson export markets, mainly in the Sterling zone, an example survives as a mobile home in New Zealand. In the United Kingdom sales of this Atkinson bus amounted to three: one batch of two for a municipal operator and a further frustrated export chassis.", "Norman Morton, the General Manager of Sunderland Corporation Transport from 1953 to 1968, looked for efficiency-savings wherever they could be found. He had a route with a peak vehicle requirement of two, and a peak load of just over 40 which was being run by a pair of 32-seat 1950 Guy Arab III half-cab single deckers due for overhaul", ". Initially he approached Guy with the replacement specification, but they said they were not prepared to build a mere two buses to his detailed requirements, so he went to Atkinson. Sunderland 30-1 (GGR230-1) were the result, bodied in 1958 by Charles H Roe to FB41F layout and 8 ft wide by 30 ft long box-dimensions; they had constant-mesh gearboxes and four-cylinder 80 bhp Gardner 4LW engines. The route was a 'limited-stop' taking workmen from their homes to the docks and back again", ". The route was a 'limited-stop' taking workmen from their homes to the docks and back again. The route was not hilly and the stops were few. The bodywork was utilitarian and the livery was mainly drab mid-green with cream window surrounds. The 41 seats were well-shaped and well padded and the wide double-stream entrance-exit just aft of the front wheels was covered by four-leaf double jack-knife doors.", "Shortly afterwards a frustrated export chassis, to a shorter wheelbase and 27 ft 6in overall length, was bodied by Plaxton to its then-new Highway outline at the orders of a Wakefield dealer, Comberhill Motors who registered it as NHL127 and sold it to Simpson of Rosehearty.", "After North Western were discouraged by the British Electric Traction group from purchasing Atkinson Alphas the company sought sales in the independent market, producing lightweight bus and coach demonstrators. A large independent which did buy some was Lancashire United Transport and SHMD bought some Alphas to go with their double-decker. The most successful fruit of Atkinson's bus-sales effort was with Venture Transport (Newcastle) Limited, of Consett, County Durham", ". Between 1946 and 1948 Venture had replaced the majority of its pre-war fleet with 35-seat Willowbrook-bodied Daimler CVD6's. No further buses were bought by Venture over the next half decade. In 1954 Atkinson lent Venture TTC882 a HV Burlingham bodied 44-seat bus which met with the approval of Venture's management and orders ensued for twenty-four vehicles delivered in three batches from 1955 to 1957 with differently styled B45F or DP41F Willowbrook bodies", ". Over the rest of the 1950s small numbers of Alphas were sold to other independent operators.", "The Alpha continued to be listed without sales into the 1960s but a final home market order came from Sunderland Corporation in 1962 for 1963/64 delivery. The three buses concerned looked like buses from a different age to previous Atkinsons as they carried Marshall bodies of 33 ft length and 8 ft 2 ½ in width to the then-new BET-group outline, with double curvature front and rear screens and peaked roof-domes at either end", ". They were finished in a mainly cream version of the Sunderland livery and were to B45D layout. Like Doncaster Corporation's slightly later Leyland Royal Tiger Cubs they were purposely designed for the 'intermediate' length and had a wheelbase of 18 ft. They were numbered 46-48 and registered WBR246-8", ". They were numbered 46-48 and registered WBR246-8. The first initially was fitted with a constant mesh gearbox, but was swiftly refitted with a direct-air operated Self-Changing Gears unit, featuring a Leyland style 'pedestal' gear change with which the other two were built. Sunderland 48 was the last Atkinson PSV constructed and is preserved, as is no.46. Ironically, the last Seddon PSV design, the Pennine 7, had much more in common with the Alpha than with most previous Seddon bus chassis", ". However, these three buses had the unusual combination of vacuum-assisted brakes and air-operated Self-Changing Gears gearbox.", "Atkinson nomenclature\nThis was very simple in style, and a system that in its basics, lasted from 1933 to 1975 consisting of a number for weight (initially estimated payload, but after 1964 maximum gross vehicle or gross-train weight) then a second number for wheels and then the number of cylinders, assuming initially vertically mounted Gardner LW series engines.\n\nThus an Atkinson 646 would have been a 6-ton payload 4x2 wagon with four wheels and a Gardner 6LW engine.", "A 1066A would have had a ten-ton payload, to 6x4 layout and an AEC (seven-seven) powerplant.\n\nDuring the 1950s as well as the already-existing suffix for engine-type, prefixes H, M and L (for heavy, medium and light duty frames) were adopted, the Alpha had a second prefix P (for passenger) Thus an early Alpha could carry the code:\n\nPL745H (H used for horizontal Gardner engines)", "PL745H (H used for horizontal Gardner engines)\n\nBy the mid-1950s Alphas had pre-prefixes depending on whether they had overdrive constant-mesh (C, for coach) or direct-drive synchromesh gearboxes (B, for bus) hence BPL745H for the first 18 Venture examples, the last six being CPL745H.", "The double-decker had the unique frame-code D. Whether that stood for double-deck or dropped frame is not clear, but the PD746 designation given to the two built showed a seven-ton payload, four wheels and a Gardner 6LW. Assuming somebody would have wanted a pantechnicon with a dropped-frame at that time from Walton-le-Dale, it may have been a D746.", "Relaxation of legally allowed length and widths resulted in further suffix letters: The first two Sunderland buses were L644LWs (lightweight frame, six tons, four wheels, 4LW engines, long wheelbases, wide-track). The New Zealand survivor is given as an L644XLW (extra-long, around 33 ft long).\n\nThe final three Alphas were coded PM746HL, viz: passenger, medium-weight frame, six-tonne payload, four wheels, Gardner 6HLW engine, long wheelbase.", "Later Atkinson codes included T3246RR for a 32-ton GCW Borderer with a Rolls-Royce Eagle engine. A Rolls-Royce-engined Borderer was T3446RR220 or T3446RR280", "The work with the Alpha was also taken into Atki's mainstream wagon business, there were Atkinson customers, particularly breweries, who ordered underfloor engined Atki wagons, enabling a three-seat cab. The platform body had a trap in it so the (Gardner 4HLW) engine could be seen to. Sentinel, Albion, Guy and Dennis had also done the same but not as reliably because they did not use a Gardner.", "Atkinson merged with Seddons of Oldham late in 1970. The last \"true\" Atkinson, a Defender 8-wheel rigid bearing chassis number FC29941, was built at Atkinson's Walton-le-Dale works in 1975. It went to G & B McCready of Newcastle-under-Lyme and carried the registration KVT 604 P. Today it remains with them.", "Alongside Seddon's facility at Oldham, the Atkinson works assembled the Seddon Atkinson 400 Series and also the first batch of the new 401 model, before closing at the end of 1981. Oldham remained operational until late 2004, when production was moved to Spain.", "Seddon", "Seddon Diesel Vehicles were, like Atkinson Lorries, ERF and Motor Traction (Rutland), a commercial vehicle producer who bought-in and assembled proprietary components. Robert and Herbert Seddon were sons of a Salford butcher who in 1919 subsequent to World War I demobilisation bought a Commer with charabanc and van bodies, using it during the week for goods transport and at weekends to run excursions from Salford", ". Initially a further partner was a family-friend, a dairyman by the name of Foster, so the business was initially a partnership. Foster & Seddon also reconditioned vehicles and ran a bus service from Swinton (Lancs.) to Salford, which was subsequently sold to Salford Corporation, and held an agency for Morris Motors vehicles", ". In 1937 Robert Seddon spotted a gap in the commercial vehicle market for low-tare diesel-engined lorries and commenced to build his own vehicle out of proprietary units, much of the drawing work being done on his own kitchen table.", "This was a 6-ton gvw forward-control lorry chassis with a 6-cylinder Perkins indirect-injection diesel engine. It was first shown at the Scottish Motor show at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow in 1938. Since it weighed under unladen, it was allowed to travel at unlike most other trucks with a comparable payload", ". Like Maudslay and ERF, Seddon Motors Ltd were allowed to continue producing commercial vehicle chassis for sale during World War II when many more-established makers such as Leyland Motors, the Associated Equipment Company and direct-competitor Albion Motors had all of their productive capacity diverted to the war effort.", "In 1948 Seddon Motors Ltd moved to the Woodstock Works, a former shadow factory in Oldham and were able to expand production from one or two a week to more than ten. At this point they introduced their first passenger chassis the Mark IV. The 26 ft mark IV and 27 ft 6in mark VI were sales successes at home and overseas. Coachbuilders for these chassis included Plaxton and a number of smaller concerns, Seddon also built their own coachwork for these models, mainly for export", ". Subsequently, Seddon also produced (amongst a bewildering range for which Roman numbers were adopted when the firm became Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd in 1950) the Mark 7P. This was a short-wheelbase version of the established theme with four-cylinder Perkins engine and up to 28 seats available within a 21 ft overall length", ". At the 1952 Earls Court Commercial Motor Show marks 10 and 11 featured vertical Perkins (P6 80 bhp or R6 107 bhp) engines mounted underfloor (when competing underfloor-engined buses used horizontally oriented engines). Although Bedford were to have success with such a layout between 1970 and 1987 the marks 10 and 11 sold poorly, with Seddon, Charles H Roe, Duple and Plaxton bodies on the few known examples", ". The mid-1950s mark 16 was a 21 ft long bus with a Perkins P4 on the front overhang and the mark 17 was a six-cylinder-engined chassis to similar layout. The mark 18 of the late 1950s, mainly sold to Australia and New Zealand, with local coachwork. It had a vertically mounted Perkins P6 80 bhp engine on the rear overhang", ". It had a vertically mounted Perkins P6 80 bhp engine on the rear overhang. There was also one mark 20 with a Henry Meadows 550 cubic inch horizontal rear-engine exported to Greece and the mark 25P a normal control 18-seat personnel-carrier based on the mark 25 integral parcel van", ". The bodybuilding business, not only on Seddon and other manufacturer's buses but building lorry cabs and parcel vans for customers such as Manchester Corporation (who ran a parcel delivery service) was registered in its own right as Pennine Coachcraft Ltd (wholly owned by Seddon) in 1960.", "From 1966 (with mark numbers climbing into the high twenties), Seddon decided to simplify its nomenclature, wagons were henceforth to be identified as (for example) 16–4 with the first number being the gross vehicle weight and the second the number of wheels. Bus chassis were to be known as Seddon Pennine Mark (x)", ". Bus chassis were to be known as Seddon Pennine Mark (x). The first buses using this system produced were for Bermuda and were Seddon Pennine Mark 3, they are believed to be similar to a short-wheelbase Pennine Mark 4 but with Perkins P6 or 6-304 engines or an integral development of the Mark 17 model of similar layout.", "From the middle 1950s, Seddon had been almost absent on the home market for bus & coach concerns. A sole mark 19 using many AEC Reliance components in a Seddon-sourced frame with Harrington body being sold in 1960 to Creamline Coaches in Hampshire. But following the success of the Ford R-Series and the Bedford VAL and VAM, Seddon decided to make a similar product, to a variety of wheelbases with Perkins engines; as on the competitors, these were vertically mounted on the front platform", ". This was launched in 1967 as the Pennine 4, which thanks to vigorous marketing became a strong seller worldwide, the largest order being from Kowloon Motor Bus of Hong Kong, who took 100 11-metre versions with Perkins 170 bhp V8 engines and Pennine Coachcraft 47 seat + 42 standing dual-door bodies", ". A rear-engined derivative was the Mark 5 (only one sold in the UK, a 45-seat Van Hool coach) and a version with a turbocharged Perkins 6-cylinder engine mounted at the front but under the passenger floor was the Pennine 6. In 1969 a more concerted effort at the UK bus market resulted in the launch of the Pennine RU.", "In 1970, Seddon took over Atkinson Lorries to form Seddon Atkinson. In 1974 International Harvester bought Seddon Atkinson, later Pegaso took over the business until it in turn became part of Iveco, the last lorries under the Seddon Atkinson name were built in Oldham in 2004. Bus and coach production having ceased in 1983 when the last Pennine 7 models were delivered.", "Originally the 1 January 1971 merger did not affect the lineup, with Seddon and Atkinson continuing to manufacture their old truck ranges in their respective plants. In 1975, however, a new unified range was presented with modern steel tilt cabs designed by Ogle developed together with Motor Panels. This consisted initially of the 400 series range, followed by the Seddon-based 200 Series in 1976 and then the 3-xle rigid 300 Series - higher numbers corresponding to a higher weight rating.", "The Atkinson works manufactured the heavier 400 series while Seddon's Oldham plant built all three lines. The 200 has a lower profile and narrower cab (with a correspondingly lower grille) than do the other two. Meanwhile, the cabin of the 400 is mounted higher up than on the 300, necessitating a bigger front bumper with integrated headlights and different wheelwells. The 200 became the first \"Truck of the Year\", in 1977", ". The 200 became the first \"Truck of the Year\", in 1977. The 200 and 300 both used International diesel engines, with the 300 having a inline-six with . The larger 400 was available with a range of diesels from Cummins, Gardner, or Rolls-Royce, with power outputs of up to . The 400 had a chassis which was mostly Atkinson.", "In 1981 the range was updated and became 201, 301, and 401. A few early 401s were built in Atkinson's Walton-le-Dale plant but then all production was shifted to Oldham. The 201 originally came equipped with the 200's International engine, although this was changed to a Perkins motor following the termination of Seddon Atkinson's relationship with International. The 401 also received an improved interior, the changed grille, and a much improved gear linkage", ". The 401 also received an improved interior, the changed grille, and a much improved gear linkage. The Motor Panels trucks had severe rust problems, forcing the introduction of a new anti-corrosion package in the mid-eighties. This period also marks the beginning of the recession which killed off many of the companies which had been buying Seddon Atkinson's trucks.", "Enasa ownership\nIn 1984, International Harvester sold Seddon Atkinson to Enasa of Spain, to make up for a planned Spanish I-H engine factory which had failed to materialize. Sales of Seddon Atkinsons dwindled through the 1980s. Both the 400 and 401 series received heavy complaints over insufficient rust protection on the cabin. In 1985 Seddon Atkinson held about five per cent of the British truck market.", "In the summer of 1986 the lineup received yet another overhaul, starting with the 201 which became the 2–11. A 3-11 (also available as a tractor) followed in October 1986, and there was also a short lived 4–11, identifiable by deflectors on the front corners. New engines and various other improvements under the shell were matched by updated, more aerodynamic designs by Ogle. The panels remained the same however", ". The panels remained the same however. These were trucks intended to have a more premium feel and generally offered more powerful engines, in line with market trends of the day. The 2-11 was the first truck to be fitted with Perkins' new 6.0 litre \"Phaser\" motor. In spite of the added equipment and more powerful engine, the 2-11 is also lighter than its predecessor. There was a turbodiesel or a intercooled version.", "In 1988 the Strato range was launched, replacing the 401, using S-A's chassis combined with the more modern Pegaso cab from parent company Enasa (itself based on the DAF 95). In 1991 Iveco took over Enasa and acquired Seddon Atkinson as part of the deal. The Strato 2 subsequently utilised the Iveco Eurotech cabin", ". The Strato 2 subsequently utilised the Iveco Eurotech cabin. In 2005 production was moved to Iveco's Spanish facilities, but sales were low - only 284 units in the UK in 2005 - and in late 2006 it was announced that production of the niche Seddon Atkinsons had been stopped. The range had been sold across the UK by a network of 13 distributors, comprising a mix of dedicated Seddon Atkinson dealers together with dealers who also sell Iveco models", ". In December 2009, Iveco announced that the Seddon Atkinson brand would be withdrawn.", "Notes\n\nSources and Bibliography\nRef. ALH (AtkinsonLorries Holdings) Collection, The Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick \n Halton, Maurice J., The Impact of Conflict and Political Change on Northern Industrial Towns, 1890 to 1990, MA Dissertation, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Manchester Metropolitan University September 2001\n\nExternal links\n\nMade in Preston\nBig Al's Truck Stop", "External links\n\nMade in Preston\nBig Al's Truck Stop\n\nCompanies based in Oldham\nIveco\nSteam wagon manufacturers\nSteam road vehicle manufacturers\nDefunct truck manufacturers of the United Kingdom\nVehicle manufacturing companies established in 1970\nVehicle manufacturing companies disestablished in 2009\n1970 establishments in England\n2009 disestablishments in England\nBritish companies established in 1970" ]
Law of France
[ "French law has a dual jurisdictional system comprising private law (), also known as judicial law, and public law ().\n\nJudicial law includes, in particular:\n\n ()\n Criminal law () \n\nPublic law includes, in particular:\n\n Administrative law ()\n ()\n\nTogether, in practical terms, these four areas of law (civil, criminal, administrative and constitutional) constitute the major part of French law.", "The announcement in November 2005 by the European Commission that, on the basis of powers recognised in a recent European Court of Justice (\"ECJ\") ruling, it intends to create a dozen or so European Union (\"EU\") criminal offences suggests that one should also now consider EU law (\"droit communautaire\", sometimes referred to, less accurately, as \"droit européen\") as a new and distinct area of law in France (akin to the \"federal laws\" that apply across States of the US, on top of their own State law)", ", on top of their own State law), and not simply a group of rules which influence the content of France's civil, criminal, administrative and constitutional law", ".", "Sources of law", "Legislation is seen as the primary source of French law. Unlike in common law jurisdictions, where a collection of cases and practices (known as the \"common law\") historically form the basis of law, the French legal system emphasizes statutes as the primary source of law. Despite this emphasis, some bodies of law, like French administrative law, were primarily created by the courts (the highest administrative court, the Conseil d'État)", ". Lawyers often look to case law (la jurisprudence) and legal scholarship (la doctrine) for reliable, but non-binding, interpretation and statements of the law.", "Legislative sources \nFrench legislative sources can be classified into four categories:\n\nConstitutional laws,\nTreaties,\n Parliamentary statutes (loi), and\n Government regulations (règlements).", "Hierarchy of norms \nFrench legislation follows a hierarchy of norms (hiérarchie des normes). Constitutional laws are superior to all other sources, then treaties, then parliamentary statutes (loi), then government regulations. Legislation enacted by orders (ordonnances) and regulations issued by the executive under Art. 38 of the constitution (Règlements autonomes) have the same status as parliamentary statutes.", "EU law and international treaties \nEuropean Union treaties and EU law enacted under the authority of EU treaties are superior to domestic law. French courts consider the French Constitution to be superior to international treaties, including EU treaties and EU law. This is in contrast to EU institutions, which sees EU law as superior to the laws of member states.\n\nLegislation \nThere are several categories of legislation:", "Organic statutes (Lois organiques) are laws on areas specified in the Constitution, like presidential elections and the status of judges. Organic statutes must be referred to the Constitutional Council before they are passed, under Art. 46 of the Constitution.", "Referendum statutes (Lois référendaires) are laws adopted by referendum. The President has the power to refer certain bills, on the organization of public powers, social, economic, and environmental policy or the ratification of a treaty to a referendum, under Art. 11 of the Constitution.", "Orders (ordonnances) are legislative instruments issued by the executive, following Parliament delegation of law-making power in specific areas. Parliament first delegates law-making power on an area, along with the general contours of the law. Orders are then issued by the Council of Ministers, after consultation with the Council of State (normally a judicial institution) in its administrative capacity", ". Orders are usually valid for three to six months and need to be not voted down by Parliament at the end of the period to gain the status of statutes. Prior to approval they are considered regulations. New codes and major legal reforms are often enacted by orders.", "Ordinary statutes (Lois ordinaires) enacted by the French Parliament, concerning only matters listed in Art. 34 of the Constitution. These matters include civil liberties, nationality, civil status, taxes, criminal law, and criminal procedure. However, contrary to the expectations of the 1958 Constitution, Parliament has often had a majority supporting the government. This political reality meant that Parliament's legislative domain has been, in practice, expanded to include any important topic", ". Subjects included in Art. 34 cannot be delegated to the government, other than by orders.", "Regulations (règlement) are legislations produced by the executive power. There are two types of regulations:\nRèglements autonomes: under Art. 38 of the Constitution, any subject not expressly specified in Art. 34 is left entirely to the executive. The legislative power is thus shared between the Parliament and the executive. Règlements autonomes have the force of law.", "Règlements d'application are rules arising from parliamentary delegation, analogous to delegated legislation in the United Kingdom. They can be challenged in administrative courts as contrary to the delegating statute.", "Circulaires", "By contrast, administrative circulaires are not law, merely instructions by government ministries. Circulaires are nonetheless important in guiding public officials and judges. For example, the Circulaire of 14 May 1993 contains detailed instructions for prosecutors and judges on how to apply new rules in the 1992 revised criminal code. Circularies are not considered sources of law in private courts, but are sometimes considered binding in administrative courts", ". As such, the binding circulaires règlementaires are reviewed like other administrative acts, and can be found illegal if they contravene a parliamentary statute.", "Case law", "Case law (la jurisprudence) is not binding and is not an official source of law, although it has been de facto highly influential.56 French courts have recognized their role in gradually shaping the law through judicial decisions, and the fact that they develop judicial doctrine, especially through jurisprudence constante (a consistent set of case law). There is no law prohibiting the citation of precedents and lower courts often do", ". There is no law prohibiting the citation of precedents and lower courts often do. Although the highest courts, the Court of Cassation and the Council of State do not cite precedents in their decisions, previous cases are prominent in arguments of the ministère public and the commissaire du gouvernement, in draft opinions, and in internal files.", "Some areas of French law even primarily consist of case law. For example, tort liability in private law are primarily elaborated by judges, from only five articles (articles 1382–1386) in the Civil Code. Scholars have suggested that, in these fields of law, French judges are creating law much like common law judges.82 Case law is also the primary sources for principles in French administrative law. Many of the Constitutional Council's decisions are critical for understanding French constitutional law.", "The differences between French case law and case law in common law systems appear to be: (1) they are not cited in the highest courts; (2) lower courts are theoretically free to depart from higher courts, although they risk their decisions being overturned; and (3) courts must not solely cite case law as a basis of decision in the absence of a recognized source of law.", "French judicial decisions, especially in its highest courts, are written in a highly laconic and formalist style, being incomprehensible to non-lawyers. While judges do consider practical implications and policy debates, they are not at all reflected in the written decision. This has led scholars to criticize the courts for being overly formalistic and even disingenuous, for maintaining the facade of judges only interpreting legal rules and arriving at deductive results.", "Codes\nFollowing the example of the Napoleonic Civil Code, French legal codes aim to set out authoritatively and logically the principles and rules in an area of law. In theory, codes should go beyond the compilation of discrete statues, and instead state the law in a coherent and comprehensive piece of legislation, sometimes introducing major reforms or starting anew.", "There are about 78 legal codes in France currently in force, which deal with both the French public and private law categorically. These codes are published for free by the French government on a website called Légifrance.", "In 1989, the French government set up the Commission Supérieure de Codification, tasked with codifying laws. The Commission has worked with ministries to introduce new codes and codify existing legislation. Unlike the transformative Civil Code under Napoleon, the goal of the modern codification project is to clarify and make more accessible statutes in by compiling one code in a particular area of law and remove contradictions", ". Despite this, areas very often overlap and codes necessarily cannot contain all of the law in a given field.", "History", "In the High Middle Ages, most legal situations in France were highly local, regulated by customs and practices in local communities. Historians tend to be attracted by the large regional or urban customs, rather than local judicial norms and practices. Beginning in the 12th century, Roman law emerged as a scholarly discipline, initially with professors from Bologna starting to teach the Justinian Code in southern France and in Paris", ". Despite this, Roman law was largely academic and disconnected from application, especially in the north.", "Historians traditionally mark a distinction between Pays de droit écrit in southern France and the Pays de droit coutumier in the north. In the south, it was thought that Roman law had survived, whereas in the north it had been displaced by customs after the Germanic conquest. Historians now tend to think that Roman law was more influential on the customs of southern France due to its medieval revival", ". By the 13th century, there would be explicit recognition of using Roman law in the south of France, justified by the understanding of a longstanding tradition of using Roman law in the custom of southern France. In the North, private and unofficial compilations of local customs in different regions began to emerge in the 13th and 14th centuries", ". These compilations were often drafted by judges who needed to decide cases based on unwritten customs, and the authors often incorporated Roman law, procedures from canon law, royal legislation and parliamentary decisions.", "In the early modern period, laws in France gradually went through unification, rationalization, and centralization. After the Hundred Years War, French kings began to assert authority over the kingdom in a quest of institutional centralization. Through the creation of a centralized absolute monarchy, an administrative and judicial system under the king also emerged by the second half of the fifteenth century. Royal legislation also greatly increased beginning in the 15th century.", "The Ordinance of Montils-les-Tours (1454) was an important juncture in this period, as it ordered the official recording and homologation of customary law. Customs would be compiled by local practitioners and approved by local assemblies of the three estates, with disagreements resolved by the central court. At the time, the wholesale adoption of Roman law and the ius commune would be unrealistic, as the king’s authority was insufficient to impose a unified legal system in all French provinces", ". In the process of recording, local customs were sometimes simplified or reformed. By the 16th century, around sixty general customs were recorded and given official status, disqualifying any unrecorded customs from having official status. Roman law remained as a reserve, to be used for argumentation and to supplement customary law.", "Accompanying the process of centralization and mercantilism, the king effectively initiated processes of codification in the mid 17th century. Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the Minister of Finance and later also Secretary of the Navy in charge of the colonial empire and trade, was main architect of the codes", ". The first of such codes is the 1667 Ordinance of Civil Procedure (officially known as the Ordonnance pour la reformation de la justice), which established clear and uniform procedural rules, replacing previous rules in all royal jurisdictions and in the colonies. The 1667 Ordinance is the main inspiration of the Code de procedure civile passed in 1806 under Napoleon", ". Other codes include the 1670 Criminal Ordinance, the 1673 Ordinance for Overland Trade (Code Marchand), and the 1681 Ordinance for Maritime Trade (Code de la Marine). Ordinances would later be drawn up on Donations (1731), Wills (1735), Falsifications (1737), and Trustees (1747), but a unified code of private law would not be passed until 1804, under Napoleon and after the French Revolution", ". Under King Louis XV, there would be a constant struggle between royal legislation, traditional conceptions of the law of the Realm (customs and Roman law), and parliamentary arrêts de règlements (regulatory decisions). Judges sided with the local parliaments (judicial bodies in France) and the landed aristocracy, undermining royal authority and legislation.", "Even before the French Revolution, French enlightenment thinkings like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, with a theory of natural rights, and especially Montesquieu, who advocated for a separation of powers were major influences on the law throughout Europe and the United States.", "The French legal system underwent great changes after the French Revolution beginning in 1789, which swept away the old regime. By 1790, the National Constituent Assembly overhauled the country’s judicial system. A criminal code would be adopted by 1791", ". A criminal code would be adopted by 1791. The Civil Code (1804), the Code of Civil Procedure (1806), and the Commercial Code (1807) were adopted under Napoleon Bonaparte, reflecting Roman law, pre-revolutionary ordinances and custom, scholarly legal writings, enlightenment ideas, and Napoleon's personal vision of the law. These codes consisted of numbered articles, were written in elegant French, and were meant to be understood by the layman", ". In addition, they introduced many classically liberal reforms, such as abolishing remaining feudal institutions and establishing rights of personality, property and contract for all male French citizens.", "However, not all the old regime's law were repleted, the articles 110 and 111 of the 1539 Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts being the oldest still in use in the French legislation.\n\nPrivate law\n\nThe term civil law in France refers to private law (laws between private citizens, and should be distinguished from the group of legal systems descended from Roman Law known as civil law, as opposed to common law.\n\nThe major private law codes include:", "The major private law codes include:\n\n The Civil Code,\n The Code of Civil Procedure, \n The Commercial Code, and\n The Intellectual Property Code.", "Civil procedure", "France follows an inquisitorial model, where the judge leads the proceedings and the gathering of evidence, acting in the public interest to bring out the truth of a case. This is contrasted with the adversarial model often seen in common law countries, where parties in the case play a primary role in the judicial process. In French civil cases, one party has the burden of proof, according to law, but both sides and the judge together gather and provide evidence", ". There is no strict standard of proof in civil cases, like the preponderance of the evidence under American law; instead, primacy is given to the judge's intime conviction, based on the principle of \"free evaluation of the evidence.\"", "The court gathers a dossier of pleadings, statements of fact and evidence from the parties and makes it available to them. Proceedings focus on written evidence and written argument, with brief hearings. Witness testimonies are uncommon. The ministère public, an independent judicial official, sometimes plays an advisory role in civil proceedings. In principle, the first level of appellate court reviews questions of both fact and law, and it is able to do so because of the dossier", ". It can also order additional investigations and production of evidence. The Court of Cassation (highest civil appellate court) generally only decides questions of law and remands the case for further proceedings.", "Criminal law\n\nFrench criminal law is governed first and foremost by the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Criminal Code, for example, prohibits violent offenses such as homicide, assault and many pecuniary offenses such as theft or money laundering, and provides general sentencing guidelines. However, a number of criminal offenses, e.g., slander and libel, have not been codified but are instead addressed by separate statutes.", "Criminal procedure", "After a crime occurs, the police make initial investigations. The prosecutor (procureur) or, in some serious cases, the juge d’instruction then control or supervise the police investigation and decide whether to prosecute. Unlike common law countries and many civil law countries, French prosecutors are members of the judicial branch", ". Issuing arrest warrants or formally questioning the accused or witnesses must receive judicial approval, but decisions on searches and phone-tapping are often delegated to the police because of limited judicial resources. There are also simplified procedures for crimes in flagrante delicto and crimes relating to terrorism and drugs.", "Other judges then preside at the criminal trial, typically without a jury. However, the most serious cases tried by the cour d’assises (a branch of the Court of Appeal) involve three judges and nine jurors who jointly determine the verdict and sentencing. Like civil proceedings, criminal proceedings focus on written evidence and written argument, although witnesses are usually also heard orally. Judges or prosecutors order independent experts for the proceeding, if necessary", ". Judges or prosecutors order independent experts for the proceeding, if necessary. One appeal can be made on questions of fact and law, save for decisions of the cour d’assises. Appeals may also be made to the Court of Cassation on questions of law. Other judges (the juge de l’application des peines) supervise the sentence and deal with parole.", "Public law \nPublic law is concerned with the powers and organization of the state and governmental bodies.\n\nConstitutional law\n\nFrench constitutional law includes not only the Constitution itself, but also its preamble which incorporates a list of norms known as bloc de constitutionnalité, including the \"Freedom of Association\" provision of the Conseil Constitutionnel.", "Rights listed in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen: including classical liberal rights on individual freedom, right to property and contract, and equality. \n Social and economic rights listed in the preamble to the former 1946 Constitution: including the rights to health, education, trade union activity, and work.", "Fundamental principles recognized by the laws of the Republic: in theory this composes of freedoms and liberties recognized by legislation in the Third Republic, although courts have taken some liberty to expand such principles.\n Rights in the 2004 Charter for the Environment: including abstract principles such as the principle of sustainable development.", "The Constitutional Council (Conseil Constitutionnel) has the exclusive authority to judge the constitutionality of parliamentary statutes. Although originally conceived as a political body, it is now seen much like a judicial one. The President, Prime Minister, the presidents of both houses of Parliament, and a group of 60 members from either of the two houses may refer bills or treaties to the Constitutional Council", ". In addition, when individuals allege that their constitutional rights are infringed by legislation in a court proceeding, the Court of Cassation or the Council of State may refer the matter to the Constitutional Council for a ruling on its constitutionality.", "Administrative law\n\nIn France, most claims against local or national governments are handled by the administrative courts, for which the Conseil d'État (Council of State) is a court of last resort. The main administrative courts are the and . The French body of administrative law is called droit administratif. Administrative procedure were originally developed by case law but have been statutorily affirmed in the Code de justice administrative in 2000.", "French administrative law focuses on proper functioning of government and the public good, rather than constraining the government. French public bodies include governments and public organizations or enterprises, subject to different sets of rules, with both privileges and additional limitations compared to private actors. Public bodies have tremendous powers, including police powers (pouvoirs de police) to regulate public health or public order, and to expropriate property", ". Public bodies must exercise their powers in the public interest, according to principles such as continuity of services (which has been used to limit the power to strike), adaptability (changing in accordance with external circumstances), equality and neutrality (in relation to, e.g. one's religion or political beliefs).", "All acts must have a legal basis (base légale), follow the right procedure (sometimes including right to a hearing), and done with a purpose to further public interest. The court also reviews facts (including subjective judgments based on facts, like the architectural value of a building), and interpret the law. There are also three levels of scrutiny, namely:", "maximum control (ascertain both the correctness of the facts and the appropriateness of the evaluation),\n normal control (ensuring that the facts are sufficient to justify the decision and that the law had been interpreted correctly), and \n minimum control (only interfere where the administration has manifestly exceeded its powers, including manifest error in evaluation and disproportionate decisions).", "Recourses provided by the court include damages, setting aside contracts, amending contracts, quashing an administrative decision, or interpret the law (only available to the Council of State, although lower courts may refer questions to it). Different procedures exist depending on the recourse sought. Injunctions are rare but can be issued in certain procedures (référés).", "Certain acts by the French government, called acte de gouvernement, avoids judicial review as they are too politically sensitive and beyond judicial expertise. Such acts include the President to launch nuclear tests, sever financial aid to Iraq, dissolve Parliament, award honors, or to grant amnesty. Other nonjusticiable acts include certain internal affairs of government ministries (Mesures d’ordre interne), e.g. the decision to alter the frequency of services, unless doing so is against the law.", "Administrative procedure", "Before judicial recourse, one may request administrative appeals (recours préalable) by the official or his superior, although they are of limited use. Legal aid is available like in civil and criminal cases, although lawyers are unnecessary in many cases because under the French inquisitorial legal system, judges have primary control of cases after their introduction. All administrative decisions must be challenged within two months of their being taken and no waiver is possible for lapses.", "To begin a case, an individual only need to write a letter to describe his identity, the grounds of challenging the decision, and the relief sought, and provide a copy of the administrative action; legal arguments are unnecessary in the initial stage. A court rapporteur will gather information (he has the power to request documents from the public body), compile written arguments from both sides, and request expert assessments if necessary", ". The files and the rapporteur's recommendations are transferred to a Commissaire du gouvernement, who also makes his own recommendations to the judges. Written evidence is relied upon and oral hearings are extremely short. After the hearing, judges deliberate and issue their judgement, in which they will briefly respond to parties' arguments.", "Standing requirements in French administrative law are relatively lax. Although merely being a taxpayer is insufficient, those affected in a \"special, certain and direct\" manner (including moral interests) will have standing. In addition, users of public service can generally challenge decisions on those services. Associations can also have standing in some circumstances.\n\nEuropean Union Law", "The French Constitution specifically authorizes France's participation in the European Union (EU), an economic and political union with many legal powers. The Constitution has also been amended, as required by the Constitutional Council, to allow EU citizens to participate in municipal elections and the monetary union. EU treaties and EU law enacted under the treaties are considered international treaties, and the Constitution gives them superior status compared to domestic legislation", ". Ordinary civil and administrative courts, not the Constitutional Council, determine the compatibility of French law with EU law.", "French courts consider the French Constitution itself to be superior to international treaties, including EU treaties and EU law. This is in contrast to EU institutions, which sees EU law as superior to the laws of member states. However, the Constitutional Council would only examine statutes implementing EU directives where it was manifestly contrary to French constitutional principles.", "The European Union adopts laws on the basis of EU treaties. The Treaties establish the EU's institutions, list their powers and responsibilities, and explain the areas in which the EU can legislate with Directives or Regulations. European Union laws are a body of rules which are transposed either automatically (in the case of a regulation) or by national legislation (in the case of a directive) into French domestic law, whether in civil, criminal, administrative or constitutional law", ". The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) is the main judicial body of EU laws. The EU's view is that if EU law conflicts with a provision of national law, then EU law has primacy; the view has been gradually accepted by French courts.", "Judicial institutions", "French judicial system", "French courts go by a number of names, including , tribunal, and cour. The Constitutional Council and Council of State are nominally councils but de facto courts. French courts are often specialized, with separate public law and private law courts, and subject matter specific courts like general civil and criminal courts, employment, commercial and agricultural lease courts", ". Judges are typically professional civil servants, mostly recruited through exams and trained at the École Nationale de la Magistrature. There are also non-professional judges, typically in less serious civil or administrative cases.", "In public law cases, a public body, such as the national government, local authorities, public agencies, and public services like universities to railways, are always a party in dispute. Public bodies are subject to different rules on their power, contract, employment and liabilities. Instead of rules in the Civil Code and Commercial Code, administrative law statutes and principles developed by the Council of State are applied", ". Private law disputes between individuals or private entities are heard in civil courts. The Tribunal des conflits resolves questions of appropriate court jurisdiction.", "Administrative law courts", "The Council of State (Conseil d’État) is the highest court in administrative law and also the legal advisor of the executive branch. It originated from the King’s Privy Council, which adjudicated disputes with the state, which is exempt from other courts because of sovereign immunity. The Council of State hears appeals on questions of law from lower courts and gives advisory opinions on the law on reference from lower courts", ". It also decides at first instance the validity of legislative or administrative decisions of the President, the Prime Minister, and certain senior civil servants.", "There are 42 lower administrative courts and 8 administrative courts of appeal, which hears appeals on fact and law. Administrative courts can enforce their decisions by ordonnance to the public body. In addition to generalist administrative courts, there are special administrative courts on asylum, social welfare payments, the disciplinary organs of professional bodies, and courts that audit public bodies and local governments. Administrative court judges are selected separately from other judges.", "Civil and criminal courts", "The Court of Cassation () is the highest court and the only national court on civil and criminal matters. It has six chambers, five civil chambers: (i) on contract, (ii) on delict, (iii) on family matters, (iv) on commercial matters, (v) on social matters: labour and social security law; and (vi) on criminal law. The court has 85 conseillers, 39 junior conseillers réferendaires, and 18 trainee auditeurs. It typically hears cases in three or five judge panels", ". It typically hears cases in three or five judge panels. A chambre mixte (a large panel of senior judges) or plenary session (Assemblée plénière) can convoke to resolve conflicts or hear important cases. In 2005, it decided over 26,000 cases. The Court of Cassation also gives advisory opinions on the law on reference from lower courts.", "At the appellate level, there are 36 Courts of Appeal (cour d’appel), with jurisdiction on appeals in civil and criminal matters. A Court of Appeal will usually have specialist chambers on civil, social, criminal, and juvenile matters. The cour d’appel deals with questions of fact and law based on files from lower courts, and has the power to order additional investigations.", "As for courts of first instance, there are 164 tribunaux de grande instance (civil courts for large claims, family matters, nationality, property and patents) and 307 tribunaux d’instance (civil courts for medium-sized claims). Separate commercial courts deal with commercial matters at the first instance, with lay judges elected by the local chamber of commerce", ". For criminal matters, the tribunal de police, the juges de proximité, the tribunal correctionnel and the cour d’assises hear criminal cases, depending on their seriousness. The cour d’assises is a branch of the Court of Appeal, which hears at first instance the most serious criminal cases. In criminal trials heard by the cour d’assises, three judges and nine jurors together determine the verdict and sentencing", ". Criminal and civil courts are connected and typically co-located, despite criminal law being a branch of public law.", "Constitutional Council", "The Constitutional Council () was created in 1958 with exclusive authority to judge the constitutionality of parliamentary statutes. The President may refer a bill in Parliament to the Constitutional Council for constitutional review. The Prime Minister, the presidents of both houses of Parliament, and a group of 60 members from either of the two houses may also refer bills or treaties to the Constitutional Council. In addition, under Art", ". In addition, under Art. 61–1 of the Constitution, beginning in 2008, when individuals allege that their constitutional rights are infringed by legislation in a court proceeding, the Court of Cassation or the Council of State may refer the matter to the Constitutional Council for a preliminary ruling on its constitutionality. The Constitutional Council has nine members: three are appointed by the President, three by the head of the National Assembly, and three by the head of the Senate", ". Members of the Constitutional Council do not necessarily have legal or judicial training; former French Presidents who retired from politics are eligible to join the Constitutional Council if they wish.", "Lawyers \nLawyers () are licensed via two routes in France. The most common one is the educational route via a licence de droit and a Master 1 in law, followed by the bar exam and 18 months of training at a bar school (one of fifteen , EDAs). The second, less common route is the professional route. Candidates that hold specifoc diplomas can join an EDA without sitting the entrance examination (for example, PhD students), or qualify as a lawyer by directly sitting the final exam.\n\nSee also", "See also \n\nLegal systems of the world\n1825 Anti-Sacrilege Act\nJules Ferry laws\nLois scélérates\nLa regle de non-cumul, which regulates action under contract law versus tort law\nGeneral principles of French law\n\nReferences\n\nNotes\n\nSources", "Further reading\nin English\n Bell, John. Principles of French law. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. , .\n Bermann, George A. & Étienne Picard, eds. Introduction to French Law. Wolters Kluwer, 2008.\n Cairns, Walter. Introduction to French law. London: Cavendish, 1995. .\n Dadomo, Christian. The French legal system, 2nd edn. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996. .", "Dadomo, Christian. The French legal system, 2nd edn. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996. .\n David, René. French Law: Its Structure, Sources and Methodology. Trans. Michael Kindred. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, 1972.\n David, René. Major legal systems in the world today: an introduction to the comparative study of law, 3rd edn. London: Stevens, 1985. , ; Birmingham, AL: Gryphon Editions, 1988. .\n Elliott, Catherine. French legal system. Harlow, England: Longman, 2000. .", "Elliott, Catherine. French legal system. Harlow, England: Longman, 2000. .\n Reynolds, Thomas. Foreign law: current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions of the world. Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman, 1989- . v. (loose-leaf); 24 cm.; Series: AALL publications series 33; Contents v. 1. The Western hemisphere—v. 2. Western and Eastern Europe—v. 3. Africa, Asia and Australia. ; http://www.foreignlawguide.com/", "For both an overview and pointers toward further study, see the excellent introduction to the \"France\" section\n West, Andrew. The French legal system, 2nd edn. London: Butterworths, 1998. .\nin French\n Aubert, Jean-Luc. Introduction au droit (Presses Universitaires de France, 2002) , 127 pages (many editions)\nOne of the 'Que sais-je?' series of \"pocketbook\" volumes, which provide readable short summaries\n Bart, Jean. Histoire du droit (Paris: Dalloz, c1999) .", "Bart, Jean. Histoire du droit (Paris: Dalloz, c1999) .\n Brissaud, Jean. A history of French public law (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1915) Series: The Continental legal history series v. 9; Note: A translation of pt. II (omitting the first two sections of the introduction) of the author's Manuel d'histoire du droit français.\nFrench legal history appears throughout most of the above.", "French legal history appears throughout most of the above.\n Brissaud, Jean. A history of French private law (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1912) Series: The Continental legal history series v. 3. Note: Translation of pt. III (with the addition of one chapter from pt. II) of the author's Manuel d'histoire du droit français.\n Brissaud, Jean, 1854-1904. Manuel d'histoire du droit français (Paris: Albert Fontemoing, 1908).\nthe original French text", "the original French text\n Carbasse, Jean-Marie. Introduction historique au droit 2. éd. corr. (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1999, c1998) .\n Castaldo, André. Introduction historique au droit 2. éd. (Paris: Dalloz, c2003) .\n Rigaudière, Albert. Introduction historique à l'étude du droit et des institutions (Paris: Economica, 2001) .\n Starck, Boris. Introduction au droit 5. éd. (Paris: Litec, c2000) .\n Thireau, Jean-Louis. Introduction historique au droit (Paris: Flammarion, c2001) .", "External links\n History of the laws of France\n Legifrance:Codes and Texts - a clear and easily followed outline of the French legal structure\n About Law - recommended for beginners\n Lex Machine - French legal news\n Droit français - a clear and easily followed outline of the French legal structure\n French site of collective agreements\n Directory of French law firms" ]
Emil Lewis Holmdahl
[ "Emil Lugwig \"Lewis\" Holmdahl (August 26, 1883 – April 8, 1963) was an American soldier of fortune, infantryman, machine gunner, spy, gun runner, and treasure hunter who fought under Frederick Funston and John J. Pershing in the Spanish–American War and subsequent Philippine–American War (Philippine Insurrection), under Lee Christmas in Central America, under Francisco Madero, Pancho Villa, and Venustiano Carranza in the Mexican Revolution, and under John J. Pershing again in World War I", ". Pershing again in World War I. In 1926, Holmdahl was accused of having stolen Francisco Pancho Villa's head.", "Early life", "Emil Lugwig \"Lewis\" Holmdahl was born on August 26, 1883, in the Swedetown area of Fort Dodge, Iowa, to Swedish-American parents, Frans \"Frank\" Emil Holmdahl and his wife Cecelia Andrina Olson, the 6th of 7, possibly 8 children. His siblings were Amanda Esther Holmdahl (1875–?), Andrew Licerus Holmdahl (1876–?), August Emmanuel Holmdahl (1878–?), Monville A. \"Monty\" Holmdahl (1879-1956), Hedvig Nathaniel \"Edward\" Holmdahl (1881–1955), and Minnie A. Holmdahl (1886–1968)", ". Holmdahl (1886–1968). Both of his parents were immigrants from Sweden, his father worked for the Fort Dodge Gas and Electric Company as did two of his brothers, although they lived a rural farming lifestyle. Little is known about Holmdahl's early life but he appears to be something of an adventurous but troublesome child, often getting into trouble with his school and authorities. According to Douglas V", ". According to Douglas V. Meed, a historian and expert on 19 and early 20th century American history, Holmdahl loved \"Rudyard Kipling's stories\" and tales of exotic battle. His father left home when he was young to start a new family in California, as he had done this previously done in St. Paul, Minn. His father's escapades may have influenced Holmdahl's extraordinary wanderlust that resulted in the life that he would lead later in life", ". The young Holmdahl did not get much of a formal education, although he learned to read to write, and would be known for his \"exquisite handwriting and signature\".", "US Military Service\n\nSpanish–American War", "Emil Holmdahl was perhaps destined to live an uneventful life, but the Spanish–American War had broken out in 1898 shortly after the USS Maine exploded off the coast of Cuba and US president William McKinley had issued a call for arms requesting 50,000 volunteers to bolster the regular army, however the Army would eventually receive 220,000, vastly higher than the requested 50,000. Holmdahl was overcome with a new sense of adventure and patriotism and wanted to take part", ". Holmdahl was overcome with a new sense of adventure and patriotism and wanted to take part. Holmdahl's older brother Monty had already enlisted, but Holmdahl was only 15 years old and was 2 years off from being allowed to enlist at the minimum age of 17. Holmdahl desperately wanted to join the war however and went to a recruiting office to enlist, where a grizzled sergeant could tell he was underage and told him to wait a few years", ". Holmdahl knew the war would be over by then and acting with his usual confidence that would make him famous in the future, he took his small amount of savings and went to a different recruiting office. He hired a man to act as his father, and had him tell the recruiters that he was of age. The plan worked and he successfully enlisted in the 51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment as a rifleman.", "The 51st was currently mustered at Des Moines, Iowa, under the command of Col. John T. Loper, and began training and homing their skills at Camp McKinley. In May, the regiment had received orders to travel west to San Francisco join the Philippine Campaign, and by May 30 the regiment consisted of fifty officers and 789 enlisted men. The 51st set out towards San Francisco by train in groups, with portions of the regiment leaving Des Moines on June 5, and the entire regiment arriving by 11th.", "Holmdahl and the 51st were first sent to Camp Merritt and shortly afterwards to Camp Merriam at the Presidio, the military base close to the San Francisco harbor, which by now consisted of 50 officers and 1,336 enlisted men. Holmdahl and the 51st spent four and a half months training there and acclimating to life as volunteer soldiers primarily preparing for the Philippines", ". Morale was high among the 51st as conditions were relatively luxurious as they were able to sleep in tents with rubber blankets on bottom, wool on top, good rations, and even got to participate in football games with other units. The team from the 51st Iowa, which may have contained Holmdahl beat Berkeley, 6–0.", "While in California, the regiment received news of the armistice in the Philippines on August 13, 1898, immediately after the Battle of Manila, which was to the great annoyance of Holmdahl who was not happy to miss out on the \"action\". After months in California, the morale began to fade as disease began to make its way to the 51st, and two soldiers, Private Barton J", ". Brown, aged 18 and Private Louis Dunn, aged 23, died of disease which foreshadowed things to come and the regiment would lose 27 men to disease before even leaving for the Philippines.", "Philippine–American War", "Despite the armistice, In October the regiment had orders to sail to the Philippines for an 8th month long deployment. Holmdahl and the men began to dissemble camp, and packing their equipment and gear for the long trip overseas. The 51st broke camp on November 3 at 9 p.m and marched outside the Lombard Gate of the Presidio and boarded the transport ship SS. Pennsylvania, a hastily converted freighter with cramped quarters, inadequate ventilation, and few amenities", ". Most of the regiment suffered from seasickness as they set out towards Manila, which they arrived offshore on December 7 and remained on ship. On December 10, the US and Spain signed an official treaty in Paris, formally ceding the Philippines to the US, much to the outrage of the Filipino Locals who wished for an independent Philippine.", "The regiment then finally received orders to land on the port city of Iloilo on the island of Panay. The 51st on the Pennsylvania sailed out of Manila Bay on December 26, escorted by the cruiser Baltimore and 2 troop ships and would raise anchor offshore of Iloilo on the same day. It soon became apparent that occupying Iloilo would not be as easy as it seems as local Filipino insurgents took control over the island and occupied Iloilo", ". 8 days later, the regiment received orders to attack and capture the city. Holmdahl and the 51st began preparing for their first battle by sharpening their bayonets and cleaning their outdated .45-70 Springfield rifles. Holmdahl and the 51st, alongside units of the 6th U.S. Field Artillery, climbed down from the sides of the Pennsylvania and were transported on to the beach", ". The Fillipnos had fortified and barricaded the coast and were in a highly defensible position and after a brief wait, Colonel Loper decided to abandon the attack and the 51st and company returned to their ship. They were next sent to Cavite, near Manila where they were finally allowed to go into quarters on February 3.", "The Philippine–American War formally began on February 4 when Private William Walter Grayson of the First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry fired at men carrying rifles, igniting the Second Battle of Manila. On February 9, 1899, the 51st advanced being making preparation for their first engagement, their objective was to advance on San Roque, southwest of Manila and nearby Cavite", ". They had initially suspected Cavite would be attacked by the Filipinos from San Roque, so waited until no attack came and then fortified the town and then, alongside the Wyoming Light Battery and the Nevada Cavalry, with Batteries A and D of the California Heavy Artillery defeated the Filipinos on the cause way of San Roque. They next went east where on March 5 they fought in the Battle of Guadalupe Church under the command of Brig. Gen. Loyd Wheaton", ". Gen. Loyd Wheaton. Shortly afterwards, the 51st were transferred to the Second Brigade, Second Division of the same Corps on April 14, where they took part in the general advance against the Filipinos to the north of Manila, arriving at Malolos a day later on April 15. Holmdahl and the rest of his regiment later took part in the Battle of Quingua and Battles of East and West Pulilan on April 24.", "The next day on the 25th Holmdahl and his regiment fought at the Bagbag River during the first of two Battles of Calumpit. The 51st then proceeded to play a major role during the Battle of Santo Tomas on May 4. The 51st and other units successfully captured San Fernando during May 4-5th. Following this, Holmdahl and his unit fought in many different skirmishes around San Fernando from May 15 to July 4", ". The 2nd battalion was finally given orders to and take Angeles, north of San Fernando, and on August 9, they advanced to Calulut, which fell and then on the same day. The 51st began fighting around Angeles, but then were assigned guard duty at Calulut, while Angeles would eventually fall on November 5, 1899. The Battle of Angeles was considered to be the longest in the history of the Philippine–American War in Pampanga", ". The 51st served their guard duty until September 6, where having completed their 8-month deployment they returned to Manila and went into their quarters at Cuartel de Espafia. The 51st Iowa Volunteers had 47 enlisted men killed in action, 22 officer and 331 enlisted wounded, 34-39 men dead of disease (not including the 27 dead before leaving California), 1 officer committed suicide, while only one deserted", ". Holmdahl, instead of returning to San Francisco via the transport Senator, chose to remain in the Philippines, as he was still yearning for adventure.", "Qing Royal Guard and Boxer Rebellion", "The now 16 year old Holmdahl then joined with the forces of mercenary \"General\" Edmund F. English, who was recruiting a foreign legion of experienced soldiers to help modernize the army of Qing Dynasty, with the backing of the Chinese Empire Reform Association, a group of western-oriented China men and San Francisco businessmen. Their Mission was to aid Empress Tzu Hsi, in putting down a series of rebellions", ". Their Mission was to aid Empress Tzu Hsi, in putting down a series of rebellions. The men recruited by English were described by Meed as \"discharged soldiers, wharf-rats, and European Freebooters\" and formed the regiment known as the Royal Imperial Guards, Sinim Order of Dragoons, which would serve as both shock troops and royal bodyguards. Holmdahl was commissioned in the regiment as an ensign, possibly do to his \"exquisite hand writing and flair for expressing himself\"", ". The regiment, having successfully recruited a decent force set sail for China.The regiment arrived at the Shanghai harbor just in time for the situation to increase tenfold.", "Many Chinese were angered by the involvement of foreigners in Chinese affairs, and dissent began to grow. They eventually decided they've had enough and united, later forming a group, known by the Europeans as the \"Boxers\". They began to attack and kill foreigners by the hundreds, initiating the Boxer Rebellion, a collection of foreign states to fight the boxers", ". The Boxers forced Empress Tzu Hsi to sever relation with the foreigners, and this left the regiment without money, and the men quickly dissolved into a collection of drifters in Shanghai. Luckily for Holmdahl, he had managed to win a ticket back to the Philippines.", "Insurrgents and Moro rebellion", "Now back in the Philippines, Holmdahl heard news that the military was offering a $500 enlistment bonus to enlist in the regular army, so Holmdahl enlisted in the 20th Infantry Regiment as a private in company I. The regulars had benefits over the volunteers, as they had access the modern Danish-designed Krag-Jorgensen bolt-action rifle, which had a five-shot magazine, fired a high velocity .30-40 caliber cartridge, and used smokeless powder, which the volunteer standard .45-70 Springfield rifle did not", ".45-70 Springfield rifle did not. The gun also had a range of , and Holmdahl quickly established himself as an excellent marksman. The regular army also had the added benefit of better gear, equipment, and rations, while pay was guaranteed. Holmdahl and his unit fought in a short, but fierce skirmish at Salsona, Luzon. In November 1901, Holmdahl's unit was put under the command of General J. Franklin Bell and were given the task of pacifying the remaining insurgents still resisting American dominion.", "Holmdahl and the 20th were sent to Jolo island to help secure the island, and then to Jolo City itself, where they would take part in the Third Sulu Expedition against the Sultanate of Sulu. The war was brutal with large scale atrcoites on both sides. The Philippine insurrection was officially declared over by president Theodore Roosevelt, and soon evolved into the bloody Moro Rebellion", "After a series of short but brutal battles, Holmdahl had distinguished himself, and was promoted to corporal as well as earning a certificate that declared him proficient in the Drill Regulations of 1904. The war took a more personal turn Holmdahl, when four of his friends in the 20th including Sergeant John McDermott were brutally killed in the village of Talai, while another was wounded.", "Holmdahl next fought against Datu Hassan, the youngest son of the Great Raja Muda Ammang, during the Hassan uprising. In April 1905, Datto Pala, the chief of Sulu, invaded Jolo during the Battle of Mayhbun. Pala's attack failed, with 250 men, including Pala himself, being killed; while only 7 Americans were killed and 20 wounded. In March, Holmdahl fought during the First Battle of Bud Dajo", ". In March, Holmdahl fought during the First Battle of Bud Dajo.The now 21 one year old Holmdahl then fought in the Battles of Tambang Market, Ipal, and Palas Cotta, during which he earned much renown and recognition. Holmdahl's service records had a note stating \"this soldier has a military ability and zeal to fit him for a commission as an officer a unit of United States volunteers\". Holmdahl would be promoted to Sergeant of Company I on December 15, at only age 22.", "In March 1906, the 20th infantry would finally return to the US aboard the troopship USS Sheridan. Holmdahl having served 8 months in the 51st Iowa Volunteers and 6 years in the 20th while in the Philippines. Throughout the years of combat in the Far East, Holmdahl had become an expert marksman, a dare devil counter-insurgency fighter, and committed to a soldier's career. Holmdahl had also learned valuable skills on machine gunning, which would prove greatly beneficial later in life.", "San Francisco Earthquake", "Having returned to San Francisco, he began to enjoy the pleasures of the infamous Barbary Coast red light district, while on leave from his post at Monterey. This was not to last as within a month of arriving in California, a massive 7.9 magnitude tremendous earthquake and subsequent fires virtually destroyed San Francisco on April 18, 1906", ". Holmdahl was eventually able to get to his duty station at Monterey, where he was immediately sent back to the front lines of the moldering remains of the city to rescue residents and maintain order, mainly from looters. \"It was worse than soldiering in the Philippine Islands. I was on guard at the United States Sub Treasury Building for 125 hours with little sleep,\" Holmdahl commented on his service in San Francisco.", "The troops were withdrawn after order was successfully brought to the destroyed city. Holmdahl and the rest of the 20th returned to their posts at Monterey, during which Holmdahl would on free time from his usual duties, play baseball", ". He was quite good as on Thanksgiving Day he played second base for a team of enlisted which beat officers 12–2, while on December 6 he was winning pitcher on the Company I team which defeated Company H, and finally on December 13 he pitched for the team that beat Monterey High School.", "Holmdahl received an honorary discharge on January 31, 1907.\n\nCentral America\n\nOakland Steamfitter and Banana Wars", "Central America\n\nOakland Steamfitter and Banana Wars\n\nImmediately following his discharge Holmdahl moved to Oakland, California, where he worked as a steamfitter, installing and maintaining pipes. He only spent only 2 weeks at his new job as he was left dissatisfied and bored. The life of a steamfitter was nowhere near as exciting as during his time overseas and he resolved to once again find a profession where he could see action and have an adventure.", "Much of his personal actions during this time are unknown, as no written sources exist, however it is known that Holmdahl was certainly involved in the many wars and revolutions, but how or when is not. Holmdahl was probably recruited in either Oakland or in San Francisco and made his way to New Orleans on the Gulf of Mexico", ". Once there he boarded a banana boat and made his way to the Nicaraguan port city of Bluefields, where he made his way to Honduras through “tick-infested mountains” and “malaria-ridden jungles ” and from where he joined the forces of American mercenary “General” Lee Christmas.", "Service Under Lee Christmas", "Lee Christmas was a Louisiana native and railroad man who eventually traveled to Honduras and later became a mercenary, enthusiastically supporting the revolutionary and future president, Manuel Bonilla. He would later become a high ranking officer and commander of Bonillas army leading a large group of American mercenaries, which now included Holmdahl. Lee Christmas was in need of men with skill who could operate the new machine guns which were recently brought to central America by foreigners", ". During 1907 the dictator of Nicaragua, José Santos Zelaya invaded Honduras to establish his own man, Miguel Dávila to the presidency. Holmdahl probably fought alongside Christmas and Bonilla during the invasion, and during a 1907 battle with Christmas against Zelaya. The arrival of machine guns by the Nicaraguas tipped the war in Zelaya's favor and Bonilla and Christmas went into exile.", "Holmdahl may have fled back to New Orleans alongside Christmas or continued fighting in various conflicts throughout the region; he possibly fought in the War of 1907 between El Salvador on one side and Nicaragua and Dávila's Honduras on one side. When Christmas invaded Honduras yet again to oust Dávila, Holmdahl likely took part in that campaign. The war lasted little over a year before Christmas and Bonilia defeated Dávila and retook control of Honduras.\n\nInvasion of Nicaragua", "Holmdahl and others mercenaries next went into Nicaragua to remove Zelaya from power supported by Bonilia, Christmas, and possibly the United States government who were unhappy with Zelaya who was considering constructing a canal across the Nicaragua isthmus, which would compete with the Panama canal being worked on by the Americans", ". Holmdahl probably took part in the fighting alongside the San Juan River, where two American mercenaries, Lee Roy Cannon and Leonard Groce were captured and later executed by firing squad which only inspired more Americans to come to join the conflict. Christmas at some point promoted Holmdahl to an officer according to a 1913 interview.", "During this time Holmdahl became acquainted with other legendary soldiers of fortunes and mercenaries, Sam Dreben “the fighting jew”, who would fight in dozens of wars and would become one of the most decorated Americans during WW1. Tracy Richardson, “The World's Greatest Machine Gunner”, who single-handedly captured the city of Managua and would fight in WW1 for the Candaians, and the Americans in WW2. Edward “Tex” O’Reilly, who fought in dozens of wars and later became a famous war correspondent", ". Edward “Tex” O’Reilly, who fought in dozens of wars and later became a famous war correspondent. Guy “Machine Gun” Maloney, who left home at age 16 to fight in the Boer War and would become a Colonel in the US army.", "There is evidence to suggest Holmdahl fought in Cuba and Venezuela, and he may have returned to central America to fight during the 1910 Invasion of Honduras, and unquestionably during the 1911 invasion and the resulting Battle of La Ceiba, which made Lee Christmas famous.\n\nA story in the EL Paso Times later reported that Holmdahl made his way to New Orleans and then...", "A story in the EL Paso Times later reported that Holmdahl made his way to New Orleans and then...\n\n...joined a filibuster expedition...for South America with a shipload of ammunition. The ship circled Cape Horn and landed its cargo at Mazanillo, in the Mexican state of Colima. The soldier of fortune then went to Los Angeles where he joined a junta planning a revolt in Mexico. \n\nIn 1909, the 26 year old Holmdahl decided to return to the US.\n\nEarly Involvement in Mexico\n\nMagonist Revolt and Spy Mission", "Early Involvement in Mexico\n\nMagonist Revolt and Spy Mission\n\nMexico had been in an ongoing form of instability and political anarchy due to many factors, among them the ironfist rule of dictator Porfirio Díaz. Holmdahl's first actions are unknown, but he likely went into Mexico immediately following returning from Central America and probably became a member of the growing Magonist movement under the leadership of Ricardo Flores Magón.", "Upon his return to the states, Holmdahl answered an ad that simply read “Wanted: Man with military experience, who had nerve and is single”. Holmdahl listed his military experience and was invited to attend many midnight interviews in the shady side of town, after which he received an envelope containing a $100 bill and brought to meet several Mexican revolutionaries who were plotting against the Díaz regime. Holmdahl was asked to smuggle arms and ammunition into Mexico, while posing as a mining expert.", "Holmdahl was given “plenty of money” and a revolver by the revolutionary junta and traveled to Nogales, Arizona, where he crossed the border and boarded a train for 500 hundred-miles south to the city of Culiacán, the capital of Sinaloa. He purchased a horse and saddle and went south on the “tortilla trail”; it got its name as there's nothing to eat except the tortillas you brought with you", ". After the 100 miles trek across the plain, Holmdahl arrived at the west coastal port city of Mazatlán where he made contacts and spent his spare time improving his Spanish, before finally traveling to the revolutionary objective of Tepic, the capital of Nayarit.", "Holmdahl, acting as a wealthy representative of a New York mining company had managed to gain entry to the governor's palace by telling the governor that he was interested in purchasing “good property” and promised “good money” that would be available in exchange for help. Holmdahl was easily able to charm the governor, who invited him back for dinner", ". Holmdahl was easily able to charm the governor, who invited him back for dinner. Now having secured the governor's confidence, he was able to learn the number of men and amount of arms and ammunition of the pro-Díaz forces, while the governor at point even showed Holmdahl the location of where some of the secret ammo and weapons were. Holmdahl forwarded this message to the revolutionary junta back in Los Angeles", ". Holmdahl forwarded this message to the revolutionary junta back in Los Angeles. Bad news came to Holmdahl when several revolutionaries and spies were arrested and then promptly executed, which the governor said was to “put fear in the people\"\".", "Holmdahl, on the pretext of surveying timberland on the coast spent 9 days searching for potential landing spots for which he could smuggle arms and ammunition into Mexico by sea. Once Holmdahl returned to the capital a man told him that the governor had been tipped off that he was a spy, and told him he should gather his things and leave. Holmdahl apprehensively returned to his room to gather his belongings, but once he reached his room he noticed that the Mexican Rurale police had surrounded the building", ". Holmdahl successfully snuck into the hotel patio and then used his leather lariat to lasso an overhanging water spout and managed to pull himself up. Holmdahl began escaping the town by jumping across rooftops until he reached the end and lowered himself to the ground, but by sheer coincidence ran to a dozen policemen. The police too were surprised and Holmdahl swiftly withdrew his revolver and killed a policeman with a single shot to the head.", "Holmdahl began a fighting retreat as he ran towards the stables where he hoped he could find the fastest stead in the city. Holmdahl did just that and rode out onto the street, while the Rurales with horses of their own began a pursuit. Holmdahl noticed a crowd and rode into them as he had hoped the Rurales wouldn't fire into a crowd of people. The Rurales had little regard for the people who they were supposed to serve and fired into the crowd anyway", ". Bullets came close to Holmdahl on several occasions while many civilians were killed and even more wounded by the Rurales.", "Holmdahl would later write \n\n“A fat priest came out of the church and waved his hands at me. I fired not at him, but at the stained glass window just above his head, and shattered the glass. If you ever saw a scared fat priest make a quick retreat that ‘toad’ made grand time. I bet he called me a few things not in the Good Book”", "Holmdahl continued fleeing down the cobbled street and was able to outrun the police due to his horse being faster than that of the Rurales, however just as he was leaving the town the Rurales fired a final volley which injured his horse. Holmdahl then went over into a corral where he stole a horse from a local rancher", ". Holmdahl then went over into a corral where he stole a horse from a local rancher. With the new horse he was able to escape his pursuers, and for four days he lived off the land, stole horses, and slept in the saddle, until he reached a hot spring, near the village of Tuxpán, where feeling drowsy and ill he chose to dismount and fall asleep", ". Holmdahl was awoken by a Mauser carbine coming down upon his foot, and he jokingly told the Rurale Commander “Some race, huh”, to which the Rurale Commander responded “Your gringo sense of humor is replaced”. Holmdahl was cuffed and then stabbed in his leg with a knife. Holmdahl initially suspected he was to be hanged as a rope was placed around his neck, but then was given to a Sergeant who hitched it to his saddle.", "Holmdahl was dragged 10 miles through the desert and taken to the town of Rosamorada. Holmdahl was badly treated by his captors and was badly beaten and strangled before being taken to a prison cell. That same night a Díaz agent arrived, accompanied by a priest, presented Holmdahl with a written confession and was ordered to sign. When Holmdahl refused to do so he received stinging slaps to the face. The priest asked Holmdahl what his religion was and Holmdahl responded “I have none and you can go to hell”", ". When the priest made his way to return outside the cell, Holmdah, whose feet were not tied, kicked the priest in the stomach. For this act of immense courage Holmdahl would be knocked out with a rifle slammed against his head.", "Holmdahl was awoken several hours later by a friendly guard who told him if he signed they would have shot him. In the early hours of the next morning, the guard untied Holmdahl and the two sneaked out of the jail where they stole horses and fled to the mountains. Holmdahl ran across a group of laborers repairing a bridge, where he borrowed a gun, flour, and sugar from the American Foreman before retreating back to the mountains.\n\nSonoran Rural Police and Border War", "Upon returning back from the mountains, Holmdahl had somehow managed to receive a commission as a captain in the Sonoran Rural Police by the infamous \"Iron fist of Porfirio Díaz\", Colonel Emilio Kosterlitzky. Holmdahl was probably commissioned to report on illegal rebel activity and to disrupt rebel meetings. Despite this, Holmdahl was acting as a double agent against the Diaz regime from the beginning, a very dangerous game for a man as powerful as Kosterlitzky", ". Holmdahl would likely participate in the ongoing Border War with Mexico, with Holmdahl acting as a security agent on the side of the American Railroad companies.", "Security Job and Mazatlán Railway", "Holmdahl next got a job as border security for an American railroad company, operating near Mazatlán, Mexico. Holmdahl was given the task of guarding the gold shipments due to his military experience, where he recruited a force of 200 men, which would escort the shipments through bandit country", ". Bandits attempted numerous times to raid the gold shipments, but Holmdahl intercepted them each time with ruthless efficiency never leaving \"a man alive\" and soon the desert was littered with the dead rotting in the sun.", "One time however his camp was raided and more than 100 horses were stolen. Holmdahl immediately raised a large party to hunt the raiders and easily tracked down the bandits and stolen horses, and was able to surround the \"bandits\", who surrendered immediately. Holmdahl quickly realized these men were not the typical \"bandits\", but rather peasants due to their appearance and Holmdahl demanded of them \"Why did you fools \"steal my horses and why should I not hang you?\"", ". The peasants began explaining how they served General Francisco I. Madero, who was attempting to liberate them from the cruel crutches of Díaz, and needed the horses not for themselves but for the people.", "Holmdahl, a deep Maderist sympathizer not only listed to their tale and story, but to the great surprise of both the rebels and his men, who were already tying hangman's knots stated \"Not only will I pardon you, I will join you\". Holmdahl resigned his job at the railway, took his pay in horses and took command of the small band of peasants, and was now openly a revolutionary.\n\nCampaign against Díaz\n\nCosta Oeste Campaign", "Holmdahl recruited even more men to join his cause and created a new faction, the Holmdahlist who neither served Francisco Madero or the federal government. Holmdahl marched throughout the Mexican countryside and through impoverished villages and towns, which soon shouted out \"Vámonos a Holmdahl\" (\"Let's go with Holmdahl\"). Holmdahl's forces attacked and captured many west coast villages in early 1911, which were held by small garrison of federalist troops", ". Holmdahl was able to take control of most of Nayarit. Holmdahl had next decided to make preparations to capture the provincial capital of Tepic, where he had previously been imprisoned.", "Tepic had a large garrison and strong fortifications, so Holmdahl decided to instigate a jailbreak, however the plan turned into a complete disaster as he was betrayed by deserters and lured into an ambush where many of his men were killed or captured, while 300 rebels were executed shortly afterwards and Holmdahl retreated to the hills.\n\nRaid on Buena Noche", "Raid on Buena Noche\n\nHolmdahl esblished a stronghold deep in the mountains following his defeat at Tepic, and only a few weeks later he began making preparations to raid the Buena Noche Mine near Rosario, where he hoped to steal enough dynamite to start a bomb factory from where he could launch an attack upon Rosario itself. With a band of 22 men Holmdahl raided the mine, where he stole 27 cases of dynamite.", "Holmdahl started a bomb factory at his mountain hideout, and when enough were constructed he was ready to attack Rosario.\n\nMartín Espinosa and Rosario", "Martín Espinosa and Rosario\n\nMartín Espinosa had taken advantage of the ongoing revolution to create a separate faction semi-loyal to the cause Francisco Madero. On May 8, Espinosa fought a battle with pro Diaz forces at La Bayona, on the south side of the Cañas River, and the following day captured Tecuala on May 9, and soon began making preparations to capture Rosario, although he lacked the dynamite to do so.", "Holmdahl meanwhile was also preparing to capture Rosario, but lacked the necessary manpower. Holmdahl and Espinosa decided to join forces as each had what the other wanted. The two launched an attack upon Rosario, which fell with ease.\n\nCapture of Rosamorada", "Capture of Rosamorada\n\nHolmdahl and Espinosa decided to continue working together, and with a force numbering 3,000 men, they launched an attack upon Rosamorada, where Holmdahl had been imprisoned. Their makeshift army lightly armed, some with only machetes descended upon the town and after a few days of hard fighting the town fell. Holmdahl was disappointed to learn to priest who had previously visited his cell had fled the town before the attack.", "Espinosa ordered the captured troops to be executed to appease his army, although they demanded the 700 prisoners in the cells to be released. Holmdahl soon realized that only a few were political prisoners, while rest were murderers, rapists, and thieves. Holmdahl turned to the mob and told them the prisoners would be released in the morning as soon as new clothing and funds could be accumulated to give them a new start in life", ". Holmdahl next went to Espinosa with the predicament that the prisoners would let loose a terror rapine, murder and theft; if they didn't many of their troops would desert in the morning. While Espinosa and his staff pondered, Holmdahl, always the practical man came up with as solution. \"Why not\" he said \"look at them prison book, find out the who the worst murderers, take them out at midnight and shoot them. We won't use regular soldiers for the firing squad, we'll use officers\"", ". We won't use regular soldiers for the firing squad, we'll use officers\". Espinosa agreed and 112 of the worst killers were selected for execution, and 6 officers were selected to be the firing squad. The criminals were told that if they marched to the town of Acaponeta and joined the rebel cause, they would be pardoned. The thugs were led out in small groups with an officer escort and were halted at a cemetery and then were promptly shot. \"This kept us busy the whole night\" Holmdahl wrote.", "The next morning 500 of the least noxious prisoners were released, while the army cheered. They were given new clothes and 5 pesos to start a new life. When it was noticed that a few prisoners were missing, Espinosa casually remarked that they had been transferred to an army unit at Acaponeta. Holmdahl would later write \"Many of the freed turned out to be fine citizens but others later had to executed after a military court martial.\"\n\nFall of Tepic", "Fall of Tepic\n\nHolmdahl and Espinosa spent a while cleaning up coastal towns still loyal to Diaz and once most towns had surrendered, Espinosa and Holmdahl entered the provincial capital of Tepic. The federals did not often any resistance to the rebels and soon evacuated the city, while Holmdahl and Espinosa marched into the city and captured it. General Espinosa began to ensconced himself and a growing entourage in the governor's palace and was clearly beginning to plot against Madero.\n\nBattle of Tepic", "Battle of Tepic\n\nHolmdahl and 7 officers were brought before Espinosa, who asked them to join his Junta. They refused and then wisely fled to the mountains, from where they joined 280 Cora Indians loyal to Madero. Holmdahl, the 7 officers, and the Indians attacked Tepic, armed with bows and arrows and an old brass cannon.", "Espinosa and his forces numbering between 2,000 to 5,000 men while his men were armed with guns. Holmdahl had presumed that Espinosa's men would defect and join their cause. They didn't and the battle erupted into a brutal fight on the city streets. Holmdahl and his men outnumbered began to loose ground, while Holmdahl was wounded by a shell that burst near him killing the man next to him. After 36 hours of fighting, Holmdahl's forces were defeated with 2/3 of their men dead including all 7 officers.", "Fighting Under Francisco Madero\n\nAgua Prieta and Ciudad Juárez", "Holmdahl quickly recovered from his wounds at Tepic and led his battered force to join Francisco Madero in the spring of 1911. Holmdahl joined Madero's forces in the First Battle of Agua Prieta, where the Maderistas supported by the United States were briefly able to secure the town of Agua Prieta, before it was recaptured 2 weeks later, although the primary objective of creating a distraction was successful. Holmdahl joined Madero's forces outside of Ciudad Juárez just in time for the attack.", "Holmdahl by now deeply committed to Madero's cause joined Generals Pancho Villa and Pascual Orozco in launching an assault on the city without consulting Madero and blamed it on a \"spontaneous\" outbreak in fighting. The incident that served as an excuse for the offensive occurred when a federal officer insulted a female rebel on a bridge between Ciudad Juárez and El Paso. Madero attempted to halt the violence but Orozco and Villa pressed on", ". Madero attempted to halt the violence but Orozco and Villa pressed on. Both of them went to great lengths to avoid Madero so they wouldn't have to disobey a direct order. Even when Villa was eventually confronted by Castulo Herrera with explicit instructions to stop fighting, he simply ignored him. Likewise, when Madero finally managed to see Orozco in person, he was simply told that the battle was already raging and it was too late to stop it. Orozco attacked in the north and Villa in the south", ". Orozco attacked in the north and Villa in the south. Both of them led their troops parallel to the US border so that neither their shots, nor those of the town's garrison were likely to cross on to the American side. In fact, several thousand American civilians had gathered in El Paso in order to watch the struggle as spectators, and after 3 days of fighting the town fell.", "Captain of Juárez and Further Operations", "Porfirio Diaz was sent into exile following the defeat, and Madero became the president of Mexico, while Diaz would remark \"Madero has unleashed tigers. Let us see if he can control them\". Holmdahl, for his part was named Captain of Juárez, in charge of the rural garrison in the city. In May and June, Holmdahl fought alongside troops loyal to Madero in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Jalisco, and Tepic on Mexico's western coast", ". These were campaigns against the Flores Magon, who were rebelling against Madero's government, and to whom Holmdahl had previously served. On June 22, Holmdahl took part in the recapture of Tijuana.", "Yaqui Wars and Good Samaritan", "The Yaqui's just as the Flores Magon had done revolted against Madero's government and began attacking military outpost throughout the country. Holmdahl soon met his new commanding officer, General Benjamin Viljoen, who had been appointed Commissioner to the tribe. Captain Holmdahl was ordered to accompany Viljoen with his men in an attempt to create peace with the Yaqui natives in Guaymas on the Pacific Coast", ". Arriving at the tropical seaport, Viljoen and Holmdahl had an unsatisfactory meeting with the Yaquis, who refused to disarm. After another series of negotiations some land was returned to them and several hundred tribes men were repatriated from the Yucatan. This was not enough however and the tribesmen continued to raid Mexican and American owned farms", ". This was not enough however and the tribesmen continued to raid Mexican and American owned farms. Viljoen under heavy criticism soon resigned and left the country, while Holmdahl began fighting the Yaqui's with his Rurales, and would patrol the rugged terrain of the Yaqui Valley alongside a few Pima scouts and regular units of the old Diaz, now Madero army.", "In February 1912, a brief interlude in the fighting occurred which caused the Cadillac Automobile Company to come up with the plan to gain publicity for a new model. The plan involved for a 3,000-mile drive from Los Angeles to Mexico City. An international known race driver named T.J. Beaudit and a mechanic were assigned to make the trek. They drove to San Francisco, crossed into Baja California and was somehow managed to avoid Yaqui warbands and cross the Sonoran desert", ". In Sinaloa they were nearly shot by rebels and were robbed by bandits, and would reach Tepic exhausted. There the mechanic drank bad water and collapsed from fever and had to return to the US, and Beaudit was ready to return to the US as well and abandon the project. Holmdahl at the head of a party of mounted men encountered Beaudit, who after he told Holmdahl the tales of his woes, decided to secure a military leave and agreed to accompany the driver as guide and mechanic", ". With the proper military passes, the two drove through the rugged country another 500 miles to Mexico City. When the two arrived in the capitol, newspapers photographer's flashbulbs recorded the historic event, and both American and Mexican newspapers and journals wrote extensively of the daring driver and his soldier guide. On March 1, a massive luncheon was held for Beaudit and Holmdahl at the St. Francis Hotel.", "Mexico City English language newspaper The Daily Mexican wrote \n\n\"The honored guest was E.L Holmdahl, the young machinist and guide who piloted Mr. Beaudit through the jungles and mountains from Tepic to this city\"\n\nFestivities over, Holmdahl returned to Yaqui county to continue the routine business of hunting down and killing Indians. He despised the job and considered his task \"distasteful\" and was happy when he had been given a new task to quell a more serious revolt.", "Zapata Revolt and Promotion to Major\n\nIn early 1912, Holmdahl was Promoted to major, and was put in charge of 1,000 irregular horsemen under the command of General Juvencio Robles. The troops entrained to Juárez, then to Mexico City, and on the long railroad passage. The expedition was against General Emiliano Zapata, who had revolted against Madero's government. The expedition assembled troops and supplies in preparation for the campaign.", "With considerable prescience, Holmdahl smuggled the first in a series of letters out of Mexico to his mother in Oakland. She in turn forwarded them to the Adjutant General of the United States Army in Washington, D.C., George Andrews. They were written in his fine flowing hand, on stationary hand of the Hotel St. Francis and dated March 4th, 1912", ". Francis and dated March 4th, 1912. His first missive was a request for a commission as an officer in a regiment of US Volunteers, \"in case you should see fit to organize troops for service in Mexico\". He detailed his military record in the US army and his campaigns in Mexico, Holmdahl wrote \"Speak and read Spanish, know almost every trail from boundary line down, know the way of people and all about troops way of fighting\"", ". Requesting service in a mounted unit as a scout or guide, he added \"If no commission open will be only pleased to serve my country in any capacity you see fit. I am 28 years of age, single and in excellent health.\" 6 months later the war office responded on August 23, the War office replied. Writing to a post office in Nogales, Arizona, they informed him his letter \"has been placed on file...for consideration in the event your services should be required\"", "...for consideration in the event your services should be required\". As Zapata's rampaging bands swept across Mexico and with the usage of Guerrilla warfare and brutality, they caused caused chaos all throughout the country. Holmdahl was sent Torreón to fight against Zapata.", "Holmdahl wrote another letter\n\n\"I was ordered in the field against the toughest man in Mexico. General Emiliano Zapata is one of the shrewdest men in the Republic and one who does not know fear. I put in some of my hardest service that I have ever experienced in my life [in Zapata county].\"", "On April 21, 1912, Holmdahl wrote his second letter from Torreón. In it he stated the rumors of American intervention in Mexico were making it \"dangerous for every American in this country\". \"I have no kick coming,\" he wrote, \"I went into this service fully realizing what chances I was taking.\" Again recounting his military campaigns in Mexico and offering his services in the United States, Holmdahl warned,", "\"The Mexican government is enlisting a great many Japanese military men into the ranks of soldiers. I have seen in my troop and they are all graduates from military colleges...also one who served as an officer in the Japanese-Russian War. These men are far too intelligent to work for $1.50 Mex per day as a common Mexican soldier\"", "He wrote he would keep \"a good eye\" on the Japanese because \"should the U.S. start to come in (to Mexico) they would have to fight them.\" Holmdahl reported that he expected to take part in a major battle on April 30, after which \"I will march with a machine-gun detachment and 100 men to the states of Sinaloa and Tepic to reinforce the Federales. The more I kill the less the U.S. will have to take care of\". In conclusion, Holmdahl wrote, \"my position is very risky so destroy this letter..", ". In conclusion, Holmdahl wrote, \"my position is very risky so destroy this letter...anytime I can be of service to my country please call—if I do not get killed,\" He signed it 1st Capitan Mexican Rurales. In his letter he made use of the Yellow Peril threat to enhance his standing as an important observer within the U.S. War Department.", "Parque and Cuernavaca", "In Early-mid summer, Holmdahl was ordered to Cuernavaca, the capitol of Morelos, in the heart of Zapatista country, to bring out a trainload of woman and children who were being \"abused by the Zapatistas.\" With an escort of 27 Rurales, he reached Cuernavaca, loaded the terrified woman and children on a train, and headed for Mexico City. As the train swerved around a corner near Parque however, Holmdahl was ambushed by the Zapatistas, who were attempting to block the track", ". Ordering the engineer to stop, Holmdahl and his men leaped to the ground and opened deadly fire at the 300 Zapatistas who took up firing positions around the track. Holmdahl was alerted by a yell from a lieutenant and saw as the engineer panic and race full-speed through to Mexico City. The angry Zapatistas then turned their attention towards the small band of Rurales, who were abandoned to their fate. Holmdahl would later write \"It seemed like certain death as we were outnumbered 11 to 1..", ". Holmdahl would later write \"It seemed like certain death as we were outnumbered 11 to 1...They mounted their horses, let out a yell and made as pretty a cavalry charge as you wish to see. We met them with rapid fire from our Mauser Carbines and checked them.\" He wrote his Rurales were \"deadly shots\" and would fight to the death \"as there was no quarter asked or given on either side\"", ". While the besieging Zapatistas had piles of rocks and irregular ground which gave them good cover, the Rurales on the other hand had only steel bars as cover to hide behind. Even these few inches of rail were virtuous useless as the high powered rifle bullets could penetrate the thin uptight parts of the rails. Soon the Rurales fire slackened as they took increasing casualties, while under cover of fire the Zapatistas began to move forward in short dashes until the got in hand grenade range", ". The Rurales were showered with homemade grenades constructed from tin cans filled with explosives. The concoction was put into a rawhide pouch filled with nails, screws, rocks, or whatever was handy, a fuse was stuck into the explosives, and the whole devil's brew was ignited by a Zapatista cigar.", "Holmdahl later wrote\n\n\"I was lying on my stomach and hugging the ground as close as I could, when a grenade landed on my arm, next to my face. I couldn't pull the fuse as it sunk into the hide. I tried to throw it, but as I was lying flat I couldn't throw it very far. Then there was an explosive. It seemed like the world would come to an end. I was blinded for a minute. There was a terrible pain in my left side.\"", "The Zapatistas left Holmdahl no time to recover and soon mounted another charge which was barely beaten off. For several more hours the beleaguered Rurales fought back repeated attacks, but as it began to get dark, Holmdahl realized that the next attack would annulate his small band. But as luck held he heard the hooting of a whistle, and roaring down the track came a train loaded with federal cavalry under the command of Colonel Peña", ". They had been dispatched from Mexico City after the panic-stricken refugee train arrived and told the crews told of the Rurales abandonment. The boxcar doors swung open and Colonel Peña led around 100 mounted troops against the Zapatistas, who quickly mounted their horses and rode breakneck for safety in the surrounding mountains, while the Rurales cheered and a badly wounded Holmdahl realized he would live to fight another day.", "It was morning when Holmdahl before the relief train returned the survivors of Holmdahl's small band to Mexico City. There he was taken to a hospital and finally received medical attention for his multiple wounds. He had suffered two broken ribs, both hands were badly burned, while sand and cinders had blown into his face and arms. Holmdahl wrote it was \"more than three weeks before he was released from the hospital to take the field again.", "By now Zapata's men controlled nearly all of southern Mexico, which made Madero desperate enough to recall the most hated man in Mexico, General Victoriano Huerta to lead a campaign against Zapata. Huerta's men crushed Zapatas men in the field and committed brutal atrocities against the civilian populous, at point ordering Holmdahl's commanding officer, General Juvencio Robles to \"hang them from trees like ear rings\"", ". It was during this campaign against Zapata where Holmdahl befriended a small brown-and-white mongrel dog. During the endless dangerous patrols through rebel county, the little mutt provided a measure of company and amusement of the hard and battle hardened men under Holmdahl's command. When on the move, the dog nestled itself comfortably in the saddle between the big saddle horn and his masters lean body. Holmdahl remarked the dog could maintain its seat even during a gallop over broken terrain.", "One morning, Holmdahl and his troop were patrolling near a Zapata stronghold in the hills of Cuernavaca, when they surprised a small detachment of soldiers. Their massive sombreros and slung rifles identified them as Zapatistas and Holmdahl barked \"Adelante Compañeros\" (\"Let's Go Comrades!\"). His Bugler blew the charge, his men shouted their battle cries, and deploying spurred into a wild gallop. The Zapatistas turned their horses and scrambled into a head long retreat", ". The Zapatistas turned their horses and scrambled into a head long retreat. During the running gun battle, Holmdahl's men accurately firing their 6-shooters began to empty saddles as the Zapatistas dropped dead on the ground. The Zapatistas were at an immediate disadvantage as twisting in a saddle of a racing horse to fire over your shoulder at a moving target is ineffectual at best. In their favor however, was knowledge of every trail and terrain and soon survivors began to outdistance their pursuers", ". In the melee however, a stray bullet found its mark and blew the stray dog off the saddle and killed him instantly.", "Holmdahl identified one of the fleeing riders as Zapata himself, dressed in black charro clothes, riding a big white stallion and turning in the saddle, Zapata was firing his revolver at Holmdahl, who returned fire and almost immediately stuck Zapata in arm with his own gun and caused him to drop his pistol, and he was barely able to remain in the saddle and gallop away cursing Holmdahl", ". After their bugler blew recall, the exhilarated Rurales and their exhausted horses regrouped and they retraced the route of their pursuit along the trail. Along the trail, Holmdahl spotted the fallen revolver of Zapata, and he snatched it from his saddle. The pistol was a \"Russian\" Model Smith & Wesson .44 caliber, single action, top-break action revolver, which fired a powerful 246-grain lead slug. Holmdahl examined the gun, which contained carved ivory handles, which replaced the standard-issue grips", ". On one side was a raised sculpture of the Mexican eagle grasping a snake in its beak and on the side was \"EMILIO [sic.] ZAPATA GENERAL EN CUARVACA [sic.] MORALES MEX MARZO 4 1911.\"", "Shortly afterwards, the temporary federal success in the South freed Holmdahl, whose expertise in handling machine-guns and artillery were even more badly needed in the north.\n\nOrozco Rebellion and Artillery", "In March 1912, a serious revolt broke out under the leadership of Pascual Orozco, who was one of the key leaders in the fighting against Diaz. Madero made the mistake of dismissing many revolutionary leaders, who now began to plot against him. Orozco soon made enemies with Pancho Villa and continued his revolt, which was initially successful as Orozco was able to capture Juárez, rout Villas, men outside Chihuahua City, and win additional victories at Santa Rosalia and Jimenez", ". Orozco soon made the fatal mistake of earning the ire of the U.S, who banned the selling of arms to any of the battling Mexican factions, while the battles Holmdahl and the Federals fought over were mainly over control of the strategic railroads. The Federals meanwhile had received weapons from Europe, via the ports of Tampico and Vera Cruz.", "Madero was determined to crush Orozco, and dispatched a large army numbering between 6,000-8,000 under the command of General José González Salas. Holmdahl and his Rurales joined this force, which resulted in the First Battle of Rellano. Orozco had hired his own American mercenaries, namely Holmdahl's old Banana Wars comrades, Sam Dreben and Tracy Richardson who operated machine guns with great success against Salas's army, which ended with a cavalry charge led by Orozco", ". The federals suffered heavy casualties, while General Salas, overcome with grief and shame shot himself in the head. Madero soon gave command of the campaign to Huerta, a move he will later regret.", "Holmdahl had been reassigned following a series of military reorganization and was ordered to report to General Jerónimo Treviño, in command of the Third Military District, headquartered in Monterrey, where he was assigned as commander of the 5th Regiment Cavalry. Holmdahl described Treviño as \"One of Mexico's oldest and best generals but too old to take the field.\", while he characterized Orozco as a man who had \"betrayed every confidence placed in him..", ".\", while he characterized Orozco as a man who had \"betrayed every confidence placed in him...and was one of the biggest flour-pushers that the war produced.\" While serving under Treviño, Holmdahl wrote that his \"Carbineros were a fine bunch of young men and were anxious to get to the front.\" For about a month the regiment skirmished with \"Red Flaggers\", Orozco's men in Northern Mexico.", "In May, 1912 Holmdahl was assigned to the artillery section of Huerta's army in command of a Maxim machine-gun company. This was a welcome relief for Holmdahl as Maxim guns were far more reliable and easily transported than their older counterparts. The old American Civil War era multi-barreled Gatling Guns, a few of which were still used by insurgents, and were heavy ungainly, and could only shoot as fast as they could be cranked", ". They often jammed, while most other early machine guns shared the same issues. In spring and early summer, of 1912 with the new military organization and machine guns, Huerta was able to wear down Orozco's dwindling forces in a series of battles. On May 22 Huerta and Villa, alongside Holmdahl's Artillery defeated Orozco at the Second Battle of Rellano, which effectively ended the rebellion.", "Rescue Mission and Minor Campaigns", "The day following Rellano, on the 23rd Holmdahl was summoned to Monterrey by General Treviño, who asked him to volunteer for a dangerous mission, although it was possibly at the behest of Felix A. Sommerfeld, head of Mexican Secret Service, whom Holmdahl had joined around this period, all be it somewhat secret circumstances Following the First defeat at Rellano, Madero's favorite cousin, Captain Lorenzo Aguilar had gone missing, alongside two other officers after a fight near the small village of Pedriceña", ". Holmdahl's mission was to travel behind enemy lines, and locate Aguilar, alive or dead, and bring him or his body back to federal controlled territory. With false papers identifying him as a correspondent for the Monterrey Daily Mexican-American newspaper, Holmdahl boarded a train bound for the headquarters of his friend, General Aureliano Blanquet, located a few miles south of Torreón", ". When Blanquet heard news of the mission he refused to let Holmdahl cross into enemy territory controlled by General Emilio Campa, who had recently trumped up charges against Sam Dreben and Tracy Richardson, and planned to shoot them to \"rid Mexico of all gringos\", forcing to pair to escape from jail.", "Blanquet feared that Holmdahl would be subject to a firing squad. There was additional danger in the fact that Campa knew Holmdahl as a comrade from the campaigns against Diaz. Appreciating Blanquet's concerns Holmdahl nonetheless bought a horse and saddle, and slipped out of camp, before riding 35-miles north, and reaching Campa's Hacienda Refugio", ". Unfortunately for Holmdahl, he was captured by a \"Red Flagger\" patrol and brought before General Campa, who treated Holmdahl like an old friend, but then questioned him, asking if he was still in the service of Madero. Holmdahl denied this and showed Campa his newspaper correspondent papers, to which Campa called him a liar and a spy and announced he would shoot him", ". Holmdahl utilized his ability as con artist and was able to \"half convince\" Campa of his Bona Fides, and he treated Holmdahl with a delicious meal in his officer's mess. In the morning, however Campa refused to allow the \"correspondent\" to pass through his lines.", "Disappointed, but lucky to be alive, Holmdahl left the camp, skirted the rebel patrols, got close to Pedriceña, and was picked up by another scouting party. Arrested he was brought before another rebel general, where he was able to talk his way out yet again, and was finally able to reach Pedriceña. There he found an old Rurale, who recounted a sad story", ". There he found an old Rurale, who recounted a sad story. During the fighting on May 14, Aguilar searching for ammunition for his beleaguered men, ran into a \"Red Flagger\" patrol distinguished in federal uniforms. When Aguilar approached them they shouted \"Viva Madero\", but when he got up close they leveled their rifles and shouted \"Viva Orozco\" and took him prisoner. Two other officers and several dozen men were captured when they ran out of ammunition", ". Two other officers and several dozen men were captured when they ran out of ammunition. Another Witness Señora María Peña, told Holmdahl that on May 15, about 5:30 in the morning, she heard loud voices in a field above her house. Going outside she saw 6 federal officers lined up in the field surrounded by \"Red Flaggers.\" She said an Orozco officer told the men if they shouted \"Viva Orozco,\" their lives would be spared, but defiantly the prisoners shouted \"Viva Madero\"", ". They were promptly shot and their bodies dragged into a nearby ditch and dumped with the rest of the casualties of the battle.", "Holmdahl purchased a shovel and mule, and that night he went to the mass graveyard where his witnesses said Aguilar was buried. There he started digging and by lantern light examined each body he dug up. The sixteenth corpse was the young captain. Recovering Aguilar's body, he strapped him on his mule, and then rode ninety miles through enemy lines until he go back into federal controlled territory", ". Having Returned Aguilar's body to Monterrey, Holmdahl, General Treviño, the mayor of the city, and other high ranking officials posed around the casket of the unfortunate captain.", "On August 9, 1912, Holmdahl again wrote to the U.S. Army Adjutant General in Washington, D.C. This time the letter was mailed from the Montezuma Hotel, in the border city of Nogales, Arizona. From there he reported \"things are looking worse every day down here.\" Again offering his services, he pointed out he had commanded 5,000 soldiers of all army branches at the beginning of the revolution:", "\"Am thoroughly acquainted with their country, climate conditions, water holes, mountain trails, their modes of fighting and supply stations and will gladly give you any information you wish, as I believe that am better posted than any other American as I have fought with them for two years...I am on my way to report to the general in command of the First Military Zone in Sonora.\" \n\nE.H. Holmdahl, Captain Primero Caballeria", "E.H. Holmdahl, Captain Primero Caballeria\n\nFor the rest of the year, Holmdahl and his machine guns would engage in mop-up duty in minor campaigns, fighting under Colonel Guillermo Rubio Navarrete in Chihuahua, his friend General Aureliano Blanquet in Durango and Zacatecas, and with General Treviño yet again in Nuevo León, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas. In Mexico 1912, machine gunning was a growing industry.", "By October, Holmdahl was again restless as he gotten bored with machine guns, and longed for a cavalry command with the hardened Rurales he had led against Zapata. And thus he sent a letter to his sometimes mentor and sometimes foe, Emilio Kosterlitzky, the tough Cossack who commanded all the Rurales in northern Mexico requesting a transfer to the Rurales", ". Kosterlitzky responded on October 24 writing \"Believe me I deeply regret not to be able to have you with me for the present, but I hope for an opportunity to notice you having a place for you. With warm personal regards...\" Kosterlitzky was probably indicating that he no longer held the same free hand, he had under Diaz.", "Secret Service and Plots Against Madero\n\nHolmdahl continue his role in the Mexican Secret Service with absence of conflict, reentering the shadowy underworld of El Paso, which was hub for gunrunners, smugglers, war correspondents, and spys. It is unclear at would time he would join the secret service under Sommerfeld, but a mysterious note dating from November 11, 1912, reads as follows", "\"Mr Holmdahl, c/o Condr — No 11.\"\n Agua Zorea\nMeet me on wire when no 12 gets to Hermosillo — Opr. Nogales can \ngive you time.\nH.J Temple.\"", "Holmdahl responded in his exquisite hand writing years later, around 1918 \"Temple was general manager So[outhern]. R[ail]R[oad] of Mexico. Shot himself when confronted by US agents making arrests for selling information to the Germans.\" This note proves that Holmdahl was definitely working for secret service by at least November of 1912. During the same month, he reported to Lee L Hall, the successor of Powell Roberts in Sommerfeld's organization", ". He entered El Paso as an agent, under the disguise of a mercenary he infiltrated the Orozquistas in the town, and was instrumental in arresting at least one of Orozco's senior generals.", "On December 28, Holmdahl wrote a long report which states that one Jesus Cesneros [sic], the proprietor of a barber shop in the 500 block of South El Paso Street, had a secret back room. It was used, Holmdahl said to as a headquarters for renegade \"Red Flaggers\" who were smuggling guns and ammunition across the border and plotting another revolt. In his report he listed the names of a half-dozen former Orozco officers", ". In his report he listed the names of a half-dozen former Orozco officers. He describes how they subverted the Madero garrison in Juárez by offering the poorly paid soldiers large sums of money in return for turning over their ammunition to one of their spies. The spy, after accumulated fifty rounds of ammunition would give it to a young woman, named Simone Acosta who would smuggle it across the border under her voluminous skirts", ". The ammunition was stored in a secret cache under the floor of the barber shop. Then it was smuggled back across the border to the rebel army. Holmdahl had placed his own spy in their meetings and was able to give details of cattle-rustling schemes, the proceeds of which would go to support the rebels. Topics among rebels included troop movements of General Trucy Aubert, still loyal to Madero, and discussed ways the common soldiers could be persuaded to join the rebellion", ". The mastermind of the plot was General Inez Salazar. Holmdahl's finished report was possibly either written for General Aubert, or even the U.S. Bureau of Investigation, the forerunner of the FBI.", "Holmdahl would appear as a witness for the Mexican government in this and several other Neutrality Laws trials in the fall and late winter, 1912. \n\nA letter dating November 4th, 1913, from an agent in Douglas, Arizona, office of the Bureau to an agent in El Paso responding to a request for information about Holmdahl's whereabouts. In it the letter states.", "\"I saw Holmdahl in Douglass about Oct. 25...He stated to me that he had been quite seriously wounded...he was thin and pale, but was wearing good clothes and appeared to be cheerful...I do not believe he was suffering for the wants of necessaries...If such had been the case I surely [sic.] would have offered him assistance. \"", "In several letters to the U.S. War Department, Holmdahl had given information about conditions in Mexico and offered to be a conduit for further information. He was at least intermittently acting as an agent for the U.S. government. There was no ambiguity in his reporting to both General Aubert, and the U.S. officials, since the American government supported Madero's government and considered Orozco a bandit.\n\nMadero's Assassination and Fight Against Huerta", "Huerta had been named commander and chief of the Mexican army, and almost immediately began to plot against Madero. On February 9, 1913, the \"Decena Tagica,\" the ten tragic days, a phony war was staged in Mexico City between conservative and federal troops under Huerta. During the intense fighting, innocent civilians were killed until the farce ended. During the time, U.S", ". During the time, U.S. Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson acted as a go-between for the contending forces as Wilson, opposed to Madero supported the coup led by Huerta. On the night of February 17th, Huerta had Madero arrested on trumped-up charges, and on February 22 had him and his vice president, Pino Suárez assassinated, and he seized control of Mexico, although he soon received heavy opposition.", "The Maderistas had no intention of letting the Huertistas savor their ill-gotten laurels. Venustiano Carranza, governor of Coahuila, refused to recognize the new Huerta regime. With the backing of Pancho Villa in Chihuahua and Álvaro Obregón, a bean planter in Sonora, Carranza went to war against \"The Apostle of the Mexican Revolution.\" On December 24, 1913, Holmdahl writing to the adjutant general from El Paso state that he had deserted the federal garrison of Juárez, due to the Assassination of Madero", ". Holmdahhl escaped to Sonora where he joined the constitutional forces, and was promptly commissioned a first captain in a unit of artillery, however Holmdahl soon suspected his old friend, General Blanquet was behind Madero's murder, and so he deserted yet again and tried to return to the United States.", "On that cold night in February, Holmdahl swam his horse across the Rio Grande and dismounted, but while drying himself off an American Patrol approached and Holmdahl, not wanting to be hauled in as a border jumper plunged himself into the frigid river, which was high, and a swift current carried himself down stream, washing him on the Mexican bank. His luck failed and a patrol of troops, loyal to General Inez Salazar took him prisoner", ". His luck failed and a patrol of troops, loyal to General Inez Salazar took him prisoner. By this time, Holmdahl was well known on both sides of the border, and when he was brought before the General himself, he laughed and said Holmdahl would be shot in the morning. Holmdahl was thrown into a local prison, but luckily he managed to bribe a guard and escape in the early morning darkness.", "Holmdahl gave up thoughts of leaving Mexico, possibly wanting revenge against Salazar. Holmdahl traveled to Hermosillo, Sonora where he joined the army of General Benjamin G. Hill in rebellion against Huerta. The Yaquis were rebelling again on the west coast, and on General Hill's orders he again campaigned against them. After the Yaquis had been subdued, Holmdahl wrote that he was sent to help put down Huerta loyalist in Sonora and Sinaloa", ". When a number of Yaqui tribesmen changed sides and became allies, he joined his old foes and returned to Chihuahua. From there he was assigned to the Francisco Villa Brigade under the command of General Juan M. Medina.", "Riding with Pancho Villa\n\nShootout with Bandits", "Holmdahl joined Pancho Villa and his forces shortly afterwards, and was commissioned an officer in the artillery, under the command of General Felipe Ángeles. Holmdahl's first assignment, while serving Villa was to retake a silver mine, which had been captured by Bandits. Holmdahl set out towards the mountains behind Chihuahua alone. When he arrived at the mine, the bandits fled, while 2 of them took refuge in a rock-walled corral at nearby Rancho Guerachic", ". Spotting them, Holmdahl drew his 6-shooter and spurred his horse. Sailing over the wall, his revolver blazing, Holmdahl and bandits blasted way at each other until the bandits dropped dead. The gun fight was at such close quarters that Holmdahl was powered burned, but was otherwise unharmed. After returning the silver mine over to Villas men, he returned to his artillery command, prepared to fight under Villas banner.", "Charge at San Andrés and Promotion to Colonel\n\nThroughout the summer Villa was at the peake of his success, winning battles against Huerta's army. His infamous division of the north had a strength of almost 50,000 tough, disciplined troops, loyal only to Villa, and although Venustiano Carranza was the nominal leader of the revolt, it was Villa and his men who did most of the fighting. In short order, Villa had captured Guerrero, Bustillos, and Cras Grandes.", "In August 1913, Villa stationed his army outside San Andrés, and on the 26th he attacked. After fighting all day he was unable to force his way into the city because of effective fire from the federal artillery. The next day, Holmdahl and his machine guns were brought up to the firing line, and began to firing into the enemy trenches", ". As darkness descended on the battlefield, Villa ordered one of his famous cavalry charges, and as Villas head of bodyguard and commander of the \"Dorados\", Julio Cárdenas, was otherwise preoccupied, possibly wounded in the early action it fell to Holmdahl to lead the charge. Holmdahl passed command of his artillery to a subordinate, and then rode to the head of the column to commence the charge", ". The bugler sounded the charge, and as the Dorados charged into the mouths of the cannons shouting \"Viva Villa\", Holmdahl one hand on the reins, the other on his .45 caliber revolver shouted and charged the Huertistas, while his hat was shot off by a shell fragment.", "Suddenly as Holmdahl charged, he was shot in the stomach and fell off his horse to the ground. The charge was successful as the Dorados overran the Huertista position, captured the artillery, and battered the defenders into submission. Martín Luis Guzmán, a Mexican Journalist, novelist, and historian credited Holmdahl with winning the battle", ". Holmdahl was awarded with an honorary Legion of Honor from the Mexican government, and a special promotion to colonel at only age 29, not even a year after having been promoted to major. A contemporary pamphlet described Holmdahl's charge as heroic and bold, noting that his courage should be memorialized in marble and bronze. Holmdahl spent 6 weeks in a Villista hospitable, where doctors stitched up his stomach and he quickly recovered with his accustomed vigor", ". By this point, Holmdahl was 30 years old and had been wounded several times, and although he was now a battle hardened and seasoned commander, his thirst for action and adventure remained undimmed.", "Torreón and Juárez\n \n\nThe fleeing federals abandoned almost 1,000 dead as well as losing more than fifty artillery pieces, 400 Mauser rifles, 20,000 rounds of ammunition and seven railroad trains loaded with food, medical supplies, and uniforms.", "The glory of victory was soured with the brutal murders of captured troops. According to one of Villas wives, Luz Corral, Orozco sympathizers, (Orozco had been pardoned by Huerta and returned from fight Villa and Carranza) had poisoned her daughter. Villa as an outraged father, cried out for vengeance and turned the prisoners over to his faithful killer, Rodolfo Fierro, called himself a frugal executioner. Fierro lined up more than four hundred helpless prisoners in groups of three", ". Fierro lined up more than four hundred helpless prisoners in groups of three. Forcing them to hug each other back-to-front, Fierro then strode down their lines firing one shot from a high-powered pistol into each trio, fatally drilling all three bodies in a single shot. Fierro would giggle to Villa \"Look how much ammunition I saved,\" Everyone, but Holmdahl thought it was terribly amusing.", "Holmdahl would participate in the First Battle of Torreón alongside Villa, against General Eutiquio Munguía from September 27th to October 1. The battle secured the town of Torreón, and provided the Division del Norte with a large volume of arms and ammunition and enabled the formation of a substantial artillery company. Villa then used captured trains to move his force to Chihuahua City. His old enemy Pascual Orozco, now allied with Huerta was commanding the garrison there", ". His old enemy Pascual Orozco, now allied with Huerta was commanding the garrison there. Villa sent him a demand for surrender, and Orozco replied \"Come and take us, you son—of—a—bitch.\" Enraged Villa launched an attack a series of cavalry attacks on the city, but was repulsed with heavy loses, while Holmdahl was wounded with a bullet in the leg. The wound was not serious as he had quickly recovered in time for Villas clever coup.", "Villa left a small force to surround Chihuahua City and keep up desultory fire, Villa secretly loaded the bulk of his army on trains, abandoned the city and the hated Orozco and sped towards Juárez. At each station along the 500-mile-journey, he sent a phony message to Juárez, reporting the progress of a federal train filled with reinforcements", ". Then he cut the telegraph wires, while the garrison bought the ruse and on November 15 the Trojan horse pulled into the border city without opposition and captured the town. By the following day, Villa had captured the surprised 300-man garrison, and Fierro shot them all. Villa methodically looted the many banks, gambling halls, whorehouses, and saloons in the city. With a large war chest, Villa bought fresh supplies of guns and ammunition that had been smuggled across the nearby US border.", "Battle of Tierra Blanca", "Within the week, however, the reinforced federal garrison at Chihuahua City had broken through his thin lines and was heading up the railroad towards Juárez. Villa sent out patrols to wreck the Central Railroad line leading to the city and deployed his men in a lines centered at Tierra Blanca, twenty miles south of Juárez. There, he occupied high ground overlooking the sandy desert through which the federal army would attack. His men dug in on a low ridge of dunes on each side of the railroad tracks", ". His men dug in on a low ridge of dunes on each side of the railroad tracks. The enemy force, under Huerta loyalist General Inez Salazar, collided with Villa's trooped on November 24. The battle would determine who would hold mastery over the northern terminal at Juárez. Orozco, meanwhile led 4,000 of his \"Colorados\" in an attempt to circle behind the rebels' left flank. Villa shifted his reserves and drove them back", ". Villa shifted his reserves and drove them back. Throughout the day, hundreds of terrified Mexicans in Juárez fled across the international bridge to El Paso, as the booming of artillery shook window panes in the border cities. Trains full of Villa wounded began to return from the front until the Juárez railroad station was bombed and completely destroyed.", "At 5-oclock on the morning of November 25, Villa's troops took the offensive against a federal army exhausted after two days of futile attacks. A drive from the rebels left flank didn't net the elusive Orozco, but, to Holmdahl's great delight, isolated 2,000 troops under General Salazar that were pinned against the Rio Grande. Villa sent a courier to the front with a command to take General Salazar alive", ". Villa sent a courier to the front with a command to take General Salazar alive. Villa pledged to \"take him to the main square of the city and have the pleasure of shooting him myself\". Salazar was able to escape, alongside many of his men, by swimming across the river with their horses, while those on foot either swam or built rafts to float to the U.S. side. There, they were rounded up and interned by U.S Cavalry patrols.", "Salazar and Orozco escaped to the east across of wild desert, leading a caravan of 3,000 troops accompanied by federal sympathizers, including many women and children. After a 5 day trek, the long column reached Ojinaga. After scattering the small Villista garrison, they seized the town and obtained food and precious water. They had left a trail of dead from Juárez to Ojinaga", ". They had left a trail of dead from Juárez to Ojinaga. During the battle of at Juárez, many El Pasoans, unable to sleep because of the incessant firing, spent the days and nights on their rooftops watching the fighting raging across the river. The spectacle became even more exciting when stray bullets whizzed over their heads. At the rooftop ball rooms of the Paso Del Norte Hotel, there was a carnival atmosphere", ". At the rooftop ball rooms of the Paso Del Norte Hotel, there was a carnival atmosphere. Sedate couples interrupted their foxtrots to peer over the rooftops colonnade to watch when a particular vicious shooting drowned out the music.", "During the fighting, Holmdahl was interviewed by reporters from major U.S newspapers. Most credited Holmdahl with winning the battle, reporting that he \"led charge after charge until the enemy was repulsed.\"", "The San Francisco Call stated, \"It fell to an American to display the most daring ability to fight under the fire of the enemy. Emil L. Holmdahl, now chief of Villa's artillery, is given the credit of the rebel victory and the holding of the Federals in check. Holmdahl is an Oakland man. While he is fighting as a soldier of fortune his white harried mother sits in her home at 617 Angar Street, Oakland, and anxiously awaits news from the Mexican border.\"", "Another newspaper quoted Holmdahl's mother, \"I fear I shall lose my boy some day...he is so impetuous and devoted to the cause of Madero that he will not be content to remain in the rear ranks.\"\n\nThe San Francisco paper further commented, \"This American, who is a major [colonel] in the rebel forces, is the recognized strategist of the defenders of Juárez. In the morning's battle he displayed great fighting ability, and time after time led the charge against the federal positions.\"", "Although inferior in numbers, artillery, machine guns, and ammunition, Villas wild cavalry attacks, covered by Holmdahl's guns and artillery, routed the federal attackers. Many frightened federal soldiers, some only raw recruits, were found huddling together under a white flag. Villa ordered them shot to a man. In all, the federals had more than 1,000 killed and 600 wounded, while Villa's forces suffered 200 dead and 300 wounded", ". During the battle, Holmdahl's Maxim guns did yeoman service in shooting federal troops. The Aftermath of the battle was a bonanza for Villa as his forces captured four trains loaded with supplies, several artillery batteries, a dozen machine guns, hundreds of rifles, and 400,000 rounds of ammunition. The Battle of Tierra Blanca \"showed the strengths and weaknesses\" of Villa's strategic thinking.", "Battle of Zaragoza\n\nA few days after the battle, Holmdahl led a patrol of forty mounted men through the desert southeast of Juárez, searching for a band of Huerta troops who were raiding Villa's supply lines. Based in the Texas border town of Ysleta, fifteen miles east of EL Paso, the band crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico on daring raids and then fled back to Safety in Texas.", "Holmdahl was informed of the whereabouts of the raiders by an US army officer, who was an old comrade in the 20th Infantry Regiment, now stationed in El Paso. They were patrolling the area in order to protect the border cities from bandits, which would ultimately lead to the Bandit War two years later. With this information, Holmdahl was able to slip into the group's camp at dawn, near Zaragoza and, although there were at least 200 federals, Holmdahl struck hard and fast.", "By positioning his men between the Federal camp and the river, Holmdahl's surprise attack cut off the enemies escape route and scattered most of the bands towards the river town of Zaragoza. Riding into town, Holmdahl was hit with a rifle bullet entering the top of his shoulder blade near the base of his neck and coming out beneath the shoulder blade. Knocked out of the saddle, Holmdahl fell into the dusty street of Zaragoza", ". Knocked out of the saddle, Holmdahl fell into the dusty street of Zaragoza. Laying there, he watched his infuriated men shoot many of the raiders out of their saddles and capture 28 of them, while the remaining 172, unable to flee, were killed in the engagement. His men however, believing their commander dead, lined the prisoners against an adobe building and shoot them.", "Holmdahl was taken to El Paso, where under the care of American doctors he recovered and returned to the front.\n\nSmuggling Operations and Arms Dealing\n\nIn December, 1913, Villa and his army rested and reequipped in Juárez. Villa realized that he needed more guns and ammunition if he were to drive to Mexico City. To this end he organized a massive smuggling operation in which Holmdahl would be a key figure.", "Holmdahl established himself at the Sheldon Hotel in El Paso, where he made contacts with U.S businessmen who, in exchange for cattle, cotton, copper, and silver appropriated by Villa, delivered guns and ammunition to the border. The guns and ammunition were disguised as \"agricultural equipment\" in an attempt to fool authorities. Hundreds of crates labeled as plows, harvesters, and windmills were delivered to El Paso by rail", ". Hundreds of crates labeled as plows, harvesters, and windmills were delivered to El Paso by rail. From the freight station, they were unloaded at night into wagons hauled by mules and taken into the desert. There they were met by bands of smugglers who opened the boxes and transferred the cargo of Winchester .30-.30 carbines, Colt .45 caliber revolvers and cases of ammunition to pack mules. At night, in small caravans, they dodged the few American patrols and waded the shallow Rio Grande into Mexico.", "During this time, Holmdahl while working as Villas purchasing agent was reunited with Tracy Richardson, who was into the gun running business working for Villa while Sam Dreben defected to Villa's side. The distinguished soldier and military historian, General S.L.A. Marshall, commented on the times, later wrote \"Gun running was common along the border. A gun runner was regarded as an adventurer, not a criminal", ". A gun runner was regarded as an adventurer, not a criminal.\" Marshall wrote that Holmdahl was \"Villa's agent in negotiations with the business community in El Paso.", "Spilt Loyalties and Fall of Huerta\n\nHolmdahl became disillusioned with Villa as he had lapse of conscience watching Fierro kill civilians, as well as perceived jealousy on the account of his superior officers, which would result in him once again becoming an informative to the U.S. government.\n\nOn December 24, 1913, Holmahl again wrote the adjutant general in Washington D.C. stating,", "On December 24, 1913, Holmahl again wrote the adjutant general in Washington D.C. stating,\n\n\"Have just resigned as 1st Capt. of Artillery, with Gen. Pancho Villa's Rebel Forces in Chihuahua, my reasons for doing such; were on account of ill feelings and petty jealousies shown me by my superior officers\"", "The letter also stated, \"Can speak the Spanish language fluently. While campaigning through 13 (Mexican) states, I have learned the water holes, and trails.\" He gave a reference to Brigadier General Hugh Scott, the commanding general of U.S. forces along the border. In the letter, he added, \"Before leaving Villa's forces, have taken a full list of all artillery and small arms.\" Although Holmdahl had officially resigned from Villa's forces, he continued to work alongside him for the time being", ". In supplying information to Washington, Holmdahl now working for Carranza, could be said to be spying for 3 different armies, impressive even for the Mexican Revolution.", "On January 10-11th, Holmdahl took part the Battle of Ojinaga, against Huerta's commander, General Salvador Mercado, which saw the Villa emerge victorious, while Pascual Orozco fled to the U.S and was later killed. Only 35 rebels were killed, while 4 cannons, 100,000 rounds of ammunition, and 2,000 Mauser rifles were captured. Following the Battle, Villa was in full, undisputed control of Chihuahua, was the daring the American War correspondents and viewed favorably by the American government.", "Between 21 March - 2 April, Holmdahl fought in the Second Battle of Torreón, alongside Villa and General Felipe Ángeles. In June, Holmdahl was ordered part from Douglas, Arizona, and to retake Lower California from Huerta's supporters, as three previous expeditions had failed. \n\nAn article in The New York Times on June 20 recorded his departure:", "Douglas, Ariz, June 19 —— After the departure of Major [Colonel] E.L Holmdahl of Villas Gen. Villa's personal staff from Agua Prieta for Nogales and Hermosillo, the statement was made by Constitutionalists, that he had been delegated by Villa to equip and lead an expedition to take Lower California for the insurgents. Such an attempt would require a March across the desert in order to Capture Mexicali and Tía Juana. Three previous expeditions have failed.", "Little is known about Holmdahl's campaign, but he was able to complete his objective and capturing the state for Villa and Carranza, and would leave shortly afterwards to fight in the Battle of Zacatecas, which saw Huerta resign and flee the country, and would die two years later. Carranza would become president and peace was once again restored. \n\nThe newly found peace didn't last long as conflict would soon break out between Villa and Carranza.\n\nService under Carranza", "Service under Carranza\n\nOrganizing Resistance Against Villa \n\nDuring the buildup to conflict and Villa's year of triumph, Holmdahl was secretly taking orders from General Benjamín G. Hill, Carranza's chief officer stationed along the Texas border. As the conflict broke out into open warfare, Holmdahl was commissioned by General Hill to spy out the location and strength of Villa's forces remaining in the north.", "In October 1914, Holmdahl was ordered to organize a small army to operate behind Villa's lines in Chihuahua. He formed an alliance with Jorge U. Orozco, a Carranza diplomat who was formerly the Mexican Consul in El Paso. Also involved were José Orozco, a former colonel in the \"Colorados\" and a cousin of General Pascual Orozco, now in hiding somewhere in the United States, and Victor L", ". Ochoa, a Carranza agent, who had previously served three years in an American prison during the 1890s for attempting to organizing a revolution against Diaz, while in American territory. In 1911, Ochoa was involved in another plot against the dictator, he was caught, tried, and convicted in a federal court. After 18 months in jail, he was released at Carranza's request and Joined Holmdahl's junta.", "Holmdahl's junta contacted former Mexican army officers living in the United States who had previously fought for Diaz, Madero, Orozco, or Huerta. It didn't matter who there previous allegiance were, as they and other volunteers, along with a boxcar loaded with military supplies, were to go by railway from El Paso, sixty-five miles to the west, and unload at the small cattle town of Columbus in New Mexico", ". From there they would dig up a secret arms cache in the desert that had been buried the previous year by the \"Colorados.\" After picking up more local recruits, they planned to cross the border and rendezvous with Carranza troops in the area. The combined force would then capture the Villa garrison at Palomas, just across the border from Columbus. This action would cut Villa off from the west, while a force under General Hill would attack Juárez from the east.", "Holmdahl, attempting to recruit a man named Frank Heath, stated \"I am organizing an army of 20,000 men to invade Mexico and take Juárez.\" According to Heath's later testimony, Holmdahl said he held a commission as a colonel in Carranza's army. If the invasion succeeded, Holmdahl said it would be the death blow to Villa. Unfortunately for Holmdahl's junta, Heath was an undercover agent for the U.S. Immigration Department.", "On October 15, Holmdahl received a telegram from an arms dealer in Galveston, Texas, named O.R Seagraves MGR, which stated:\n\nWe have option we believe on only stock, thirty soft point Winchester cartridges in Texas option expires tomorrow do you care make us an offer on the entire lot of seventy five thousand we understand will be no further shipments this cartridge until after first year.\n\nO.R. Seagraves MGR", "O.R. Seagraves MGR\n\nIt is unclear whether Holmdahl purchased the weapons, but he probably did because the .30-.30 caliber carbine was a popular weapon during the revolution.", "On the night of October 31st, 1914, several dozen hard faced-men were lounging about El Paso's Union Station. Victor Ochoa, the aforementioned Carranza agent casually strolled among them passing out tickets for the El Paso and South Western train en route to Columbus, New Mexico, and Douglas, Arizona. Unknown to them, other eyes were watching. As the conductor bawled, \"all aboard,\" the silent men filled onto the train, but the train did not start", ". Instead burly men with guns drawn and badges pinned to their coats, shouldered their way through their the passenger cars, arresting the volunteers. The men were agents of the U.S. Bureau of Investigation and custom agents. The volunteers were herded into the railway office and questioned. Most admitted they had signed up to fight for Carranza more for his money than for his cause", ". Most admitted they had signed up to fight for Carranza more for his money than for his cause. Except for Ochoa, they were all released, for the American officers were after bigger game than a few penniless vaqueros hoping to join any army that would pay and feed them.", "Conspiracy and Arrest", "Holmdahl, meanwhile was riding on a train carrying both passengers and freight, including a boxcar filled with military equipment labeled as agricultural supplies. For some reason, he received word not to unload at Columbus, but to proceed on to Douglas, where he was to unload the merchandise, rendezvous with his troops, and cross the border near Agua Prieta", ". As the train pulled into the Douglas deport, Bureau of Investigation officers arrested Holmdahl, routed his boxcar to a siding, and opened the crates. Inside they found 100 saddles, bridles, and horse blankets, 75 cases of .30-.40 caliber rounds, 50 cases of 7-mm carbine ammunition, 400 canteens, 160 .30-.40 caliber rifles, and nineteen boxes of other rifles. A box of buglers were also found.", "Holmdahl, Ochoa, and several other plotters were taken before the federal district court in El Paso and charged with violations of the 1911 Federal Neutrality Laws, which forbade raising troops for foreign armies on U.S. soil. They were also charged with attempting to smuggle arms and ammunition across the border. Their penalty, if convicted, could be three years in a federal penitentiary and a fine of $10,000. After arraignment the men were released on bond pending a trial date.", "While out on bail, Holmdahl with his usual boldness, continued his gun-running operations, as evidenced in a series of telegrams received from an arms dealer on December 12, 1914:", "Major E.L Holmdahl", "Can offer you salvage millimeters at thirty five per thousand under terms suggested by Brennan we have just turned down a cash offer of this amount giving Constitutionist (i.e. Carranza forces) preference can you use heavy pieces Gatling guns thirty forty Kraig [sic", ".e. Carranza forces) preference can you use heavy pieces Gatling guns thirty forty Kraig [sic.] cartridges etc wire at our expense if you want us to write fully at Naco [a railroad deport on the Arizona-Sonora border] shortly will have best stock of war munitions in the south and it would be of mutual interest to keep in touch with us you ought to be able to use some of our army aeroplanes with some experienced airmen furnished by us.", "Presumably responding to an answer by Holmdahl, the company replied by telegraph:\n\nMajor E.L. Holmdahl\nWill only sell the millimeters subject to condition as comes from boat cannot guarantee salvage goods the market is good better wire acceptance immediately and arrange with your people for financial details as we can sell five times over these figures.\nPierce Forwarding Co. Galveston. 1:58 p.m. \n\nApparently the deal was settled as M. Brennan, a Holmdahl agent telegraphed:", "Apparently the deal was settled as M. Brennan, a Holmdahl agent telegraphed:\n\nE.L. Holmdahl\nAs a favor got Pierce to let us have millimeters at same price as other offer they have opportunity to receive cash today if possible accept without guarantee and have (General Benjamin) Hill wire immediately guarantee of draft of COD.\nM. Brennan Galveston 2:23 p.m.\n\nOn January 10, 1915, Brennan telegraphed Holmdahl offering another deal:", "On January 10, 1915, Brennan telegraphed Holmdahl offering another deal:\n\nPearce Forwarding Co. Have fifteen hundred thirty rifles and carbines thirteen one hundred thousand forty five seventy Springfield cartridges forty fifteen hundred forty five seventy Springfield rifles ten.\nM. Brennan", "Since this rather blatant negotiating was done over open telegraph lines, the parties either knew government agents were not monitoring telegraphic traffic or they were extremely careless. In February 1915, Holmdahl was in Vera Cruz, probably illegally, since he was at this time out on bail and not allowed to leave the country.\n\nA letter written by a Carranza brigadier general named Hernandez who on February 23, wrote to El Paso mayor, Tom Lea:", "Dear Friend and Brother.\nThe bearer Major E.L Holmdahl, is leaving (Vera Cruz) for your city to await trial by the U.S. Federal court, accused of violating neutrality laws, the charges against him were made by Héctor Ramos, chief of Villa's Secret Service, who has personal ill feelings towards the Major who was at one time connected with Villa as the chief of Artillery, leaving them to join our cause.", "The Major is a personal friend of mine, and I would greatly appreciate anything that you may do for him in receiving justice in pending trial. Wishing you every success in your new undertaking.\nVery Respectfully\nJ.H Hernandez\nBrigadier General", "Interestingly, if Mayor Lea was an ally in February, he had changed sides by December and was backing the junta of Pascual Orozco, Victoriano Huerta, and Inez Salazar, all former enemies. Now allies they were planning an invasion from across the U.S. border. According to statements made from a Federal jail in El Paso by six former Huerta officers, Tom Lea was in on the plot against Carranza", ". The officers stated they were part of a group of 200 recruits that had rendezvoused at Lea's El Paso ranch, where they were to be issued guns and ammunition and then would be joined by Inez Salazar. Salazar had been incarcerated in a New Mexico prison, but he broke out of jail and was riding to El Paso with fifty mounted and armed men who would lead the revolt. The rendezvous at the Lea ranch was broken up when a troop of U.S. cavalry descended on the plotters", ".S. cavalry descended on the plotters. A score of volunteers were arrested, while the rest scattered and ran either into the desert and surrounding Franklin Mountains or dived into the Rio Grande and swam to Mexico.", "Holmdahl, who had an informant in the \"Red Flaggers\" camp, probably tipped off the cavalry as to the time and location of the meeting. The six officers told U.S. officials that they made their statements because the junta failed to provide their families with funds, did not get them lawyers, and let them to rot in jail.\n\nSecretive Activities and Trial", "During most of 1915, Holmdahl's activities are largely shrouded in mystery. While awaiting trial, he continued working for Carranza as a spy, arms agent, and smuggler. He was not to surface again until October 1915, when he and other plotters went to jail in El Paso's Federal district court. It was a brief affair with the little grounds for defense. Former Mexican revolutionary officers testified they were recruited and paid to cross the border and invade Mexican soil", ". Various arms salesmen testified that Holmdahl had bought and paid for weapons. A variety of American agents, included the aforementioned Frank Heath, testified they had been approached by Holmdahl, Ochoa, and either José or Jorge Orozco to join the \"filibusters\"", "After a short time, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty against Holmdahl, Ochoa, and José Orozco. Jorge Orozco was found not guilty. it was the first case the government successfully prosecuted recruiters and gun-runners under the Neutrality laws. Because of that, or perhaps because rumor had it many of the prominent businessmen in El Paso were involved in bankrolling the plot, Judge Thomas S. Maxely showed leniency", ". Maxely showed leniency. The three were sentenced to eighteen months in a federal penitentiary and no fine was levied. After sentencing, the three were released on $7,500 bonds pending appeal.", "While out on bail, Holmdahl learned of the treachery of Tomás Urbina, and old compadre of Villa during his bandit days. After being badly beaten by Carranza forces, General Urbina had become a deserter. Abandoning his shattered forces, the old bandit took his accumulated loot, said to worth millions in gold and silver, fled to his stronghold, Las Nieves, in Durango", ". Villa smelled betrayal, and took Fierro and 200 men, and rode to Urbina's strong, where upon discovering lost gold, had the former bandit killed. Fierro had been too eager, for there were rumors of other caches of treasure buried by Urbina. When Holmdahl heard news of the rumors, he filed news of them for later, where perhaps he could search for the gold himself", ". Fierro, meanwhile on the return to catch up with Villa had stumbled into quicksand, and the men with him refused to hand him a rope and he suffocated beneath the quicksand.", "Holmdahl proceeded to fight against Villa during the Battles of Celaya, Agua Prieta, and Nogales. Holmdahl also took part in the ongoing Bandit War against Seditionistas.", "A little more than a month after his conviction, Holmdahl applied for a commission as an officer in the United States cavalry. On December 29, 1915, he filled out a three-page government form addressed to the adjutant general of the U.S. army. On the application he stated he held the rank of colonel of cavalry with Carranza forces and was formerly chief of Artillery under Villa", ". To endorse his application, he gave a list of references, including Tom Lea, mayor of El Paso; Lee Hall, the chief of police of El Paso and a former Texas ranger; a banker from Morenci, Arizona; a captain in the U.S. army stationed at Fort Bliss; and General Hugh Scott, chief of staff and commanding officer of the U.S. army. He gave his address as a post office box in El Paso", ".S. army. He gave his address as a post office box in El Paso. On March 28, 1916, the war department answered Holmdahl's application by stating he failed to qualify for appointment as an officer of volunteers because of regulations stating \"no applicant is eligible for appointment as second lieutenant who is more than 30 years of age.\" Holmdahl was thirty-two years old and if the war department knew he was a convicted felon, it was not stated.", "Fate, however, intervened when Holmdahl's old boss, Pancho Villa, galloped into Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9 with a band of 400 men, shot up an army encampment, burned the town, and killed sixteen Americans.", "Pancho Villa Expedition", "While free on bond, Holmdahl tried to re-join the US army but was rejected as a result of his felony conviction. Finally, in March 1916, in the aftermath of Pancho Villa's attack on Columbus, New Mexico, his application was approved. Holmdahl joined the Pancho Villa Expedition under the command of John J. Pershing as a scout. On May 14, 1916, Holmdahl and another guide led a group of 10 men led by Lt. George S", ". On May 14, 1916, Holmdahl and another guide led a group of 10 men led by Lt. George S. Patton, an aides-de-camp of Pershing and future World War 2 General, on a mission to gather corn and horses. However they soon ran into Julio Cárdenas, a captain in Pancho Villa's Villista military organization. He was second-in-command to Villa and the head of his personal bodyguard", ". He was second-in-command to Villa and the head of his personal bodyguard. Cárdenas and two men (a private and a captain in the Villa force) fled on horseback, were cut off, and then opened fire on the Americans, resulting in a small firefight between the two groups. All three of the Villistas were killed, Cárdenas was killed last, by that time fleeing on foot and Holmdahl is credited by Patton as having fired the final shot that killed Cárdenas", ". The Pancho Villa Expedition ended on February 7, 1917, and Holmdahl returned to the US.", "World War I", "As a prerequisite to join the US military permanently, Holmdahl had to get his felony conviction overturned. He tirelessly appealed to former commanders of his, Hugh L. Scott, by 1917 Army Chief of Staff, and John J. Pershing, the designated commander of the expeditionary forces, as well as members of Congress and the Mayor of El Paso Thomas Calloway Lea Jr. for a presidential pardon", ". for a presidential pardon. Finally, in July 1917 Holmdahl received his pardon, joined the 6th Reserve Pioneer Engineers Regiment which became the 16th Engineer Regiment (Railway) from Detroit. He was recruited by his \"Scout\" friend Major Sam Robertson, Commander 2nd Battalion 16th Engineers and shipped out to France. After he returned to the US and managed selling off military surplus, Holmdahl left the US Army in 1920 for good.", "Civilian life", "In the early 1920s, Holmdahl became obsessed with finding \"Pancho Villa's gold\". Folklore had it that Villa hid millions of dollars in gold bullion somewhere in the Sierra Madres. Holmdahl organized several treasure hunting expeditions but did not find the gold. In 1926, while on a treasure hunting expedition the retired soldier of fortune stopped in Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua", ". There federal police arrested Holmdahl and a companion and charged them with having vandalized Pancho Villa's grave and taken his head. Holmdahl was released after Ben F. Williams utilized his knowledge of Mexican law and his influence with Mayor Antonio Martinez. Villa's head was never recovered. While Holmdahl maintained his innocence until his death, the suspicion remains that he stole the head for an American customer", ". While there are many theories of who vandalized Villa's grave and who took the head, one rumor claims that Villa's skull ended up in the secret Skull and Bones Society at Yale University.", "Death\n\nEmil Lewis Holmdahl died \"on April 8, 1963, while loading his automobile with his prospecting tools...\"\n\nBibliography\n\nReferences \n\n1883 births\n1963 deaths\nPeople of the Mexican Revolution\nMilitary history of Mexico\nCivil wars involving the states and peoples of North America\nAmerican mercenaries" ]
Jack Wright (character)
[ "Jack Wright was the hero of a popular series of Victorian science fiction dime novels and story papers written by Luis Senarens, the so-called \"American Jules Verne\". A few stories are also credited to Francis W. Doughty. Jack appeared in original stories from in 1891 to 1896 in 120 novels. He first appeared in The Boys' Star Library No. 216, July 18, 1891, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor; or, Hunting for a Sunken Treasure\".", "Senarens also popularized the Frank Reade dime novel series, having taken the reins from Harry Enton (real name Harold Cohen). Jack Wright appeared in Frank Tousey's Boys of New York and Boys' Star Library, and then migrated to Golden Weekly and Happy Days story papers. These stories were later reprinted in the dime novel Pluck and Luck. Jack Wright is one of the so-called Edisonade characters", ". Jack Wright is one of the so-called Edisonade characters. The stories were reprinted by Aldine in the UK first in the Cheerful Library and then in the Invention, Travel & Adventure Library.", "Examples \nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor (1891)\nJack Wright And His Electric Turtle (1891)\nJack Wright's Submarine Catamaran (1891)\nJack Wright And His Ocean Racer (1891)\nJack Wright And His Electric Canoe (1891)\nJack Wright's Air And Water Cutter (1891)\nJack Wright And His Magnetic Motor (1891)\nJack Wright And His Under-Water Iron-clad (1891)\nJack Wright And His Deep Sea Monitor (1891)\nJack Wright And His Electric Deer (1892)\nJack Wright And His Prairie Engine (1892)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Deer (1892)\nJack Wright And His Prairie Engine (1892)\nJack Wright And His Electric Air Schooner (1892)\nJack Wright And His Electric Sea-Motor (1892)\nJack Wright And His Ocean Sleuth-Hound (1892)\nJack Wright And His Dandy Of The Deep (1892)\nJack Wright And Electric Torpedo Ram (1892)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor, Exploring Central Asia (1892)\nJack Wright And His Ocean Plunger (1892)\nJack Wright And His Electric 'Sea-Ghost' (1892)", "Jack Wright And His Ocean Plunger (1892)\nJack Wright And His Electric 'Sea-Ghost' (1892)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor, And His Deep Sea Diving Bell (1892)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor, And His Electric Tricycle-Boat (1892)\nJack Wright And His Undersea Wrecking Raft (1892)\nJack Wright And His Terror Of The Seas (1892)\nJack Wright And His Electric Diving Boat (1892)\nJack Wright And His Submarine Yacht (1892)\nJack Wright And His Electric Gunboat (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Sea Launch (1893)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Gunboat (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Sea Launch (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Bicycle-Boat (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Side-Wheel Boat (1893)\nJack Wright's Wonder Of The Waves (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Exploring Ship (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Man-of-War (1893)\nJack Wright And His Submarine Torpedo-Tug (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Sea-Demon (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric 'Whale' (1893)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Sea-Demon (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric 'Whale' (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Marine 'Rover' (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Deep Sea Cutter (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Monarch Of The Ocean (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Devil-Fish (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Demon Of The Plains (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Balloon Ship (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Locomotive (1893)\nJack Wright And His Iron-clad Air-Motor (1893)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Locomotive (1893)\nJack Wright And His Iron-clad Air-Motor (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Tricycle (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Dynamo Boat (1893)\nJack Wright And His Flying Torpedo (1893)\nJack Wright And His Prairie Privateer (1893)\nJack Wright And His Naval Cruiser (1893)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor, And His Whaleback Privateer (1893)\nJack Wright And His Electric Phantom Boat (1893)\nJack Wright And His Winged Gunboat (1894)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Phantom Boat (1893)\nJack Wright And His Winged Gunboat (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Flyer (1894)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor's Electric Sledge Boat (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Express Wagon (1894)\nJack Wright And His Submarine Explorer (1894)\nJack Wright And His Demon Of The Air (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Ripper (1894)\nJack Wright And His King Of The Sea (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Balloons (1894)\nJack Wright And His Imp Of The Ocean (1894)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Balloons (1894)\nJack Wright And His Imp Of The Ocean (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Cab (1894)\nJack Wright And His Flying Phantom (1894)\nJack Wright And His Submarine Warship (1894)\nJack Wright And His Prairie Yacht (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Air Rocket (1894)\nJack Wright And His Submarine Destroyer (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Battery Diver (1894)\nJack Wright And His Electric Stage (1894)\nJack Wright And His Wheel Of The Wind (1894)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Stage (1894)\nJack Wright And His Wheel Of The Wind (1894)\nJack Wright And The Head-Hunters Of The African Coast (1894)\nJack Wright And The Wild Boy Of The Woods (1894)\nJack Wright Among The Demons Of The Ocean (1894)\nJack Wright, The Wizard Of Wrightstown And His Electric Dragon (1894)\nJack Wright's Electric Land-Clipper (1894)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor, And His Phantom Frigate (1895)\nJack Wright And His Air-Ship On Wheels (1895)", "Jack Wright And His Air-Ship On Wheels (1895)\nJack Wright And His Electric Roadster In The Desert Of Death (1895)\nJack Wright's Ocean Marvel (1895)\nJack Wright And His Electric Soaring Machine (1895)\nJack Wright And His Electric Battery Car (1895)\nJack Wright And His Electric Sea Horse (1895)\nJack Wright And His Electric Balloon Boat (1895)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor, Working For The Union Pacific (1895)\nJack Wright And His Electric Air Monitor (1895)\nJack Wright And His Electric Submarine Ranger (1895)", "Jack Wright And His Electric Submarine Ranger (1895)\nJack Wright And Frank Reade, Jr. (1896)\nJack Wright, The Boy Inventor, And The Smugglers (1896)\nJack Wright And His New Electric Horse (1896)", "Bibliography", "Aldine Cheerful Library Vol. 3 No. 27, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Dandy of the Deep\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Cheerful Library Vol. 3 No. 29, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Electric Gunboat\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Cheerful Library Vol. 3 No. 31, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Ocean Sleuth-Hound\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Cheerful Library Vol. 3 No. 33, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Electric Sea Launch\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).", "Aldine Cheerful Library Vol. 3 No. 35, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Electric Torpedo Ram\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Cheerful Library Vol. 3 No. 37, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Magnetic Hurricane: Exploring Central Asia\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Cheerful Library Vol. 3 No. 39, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Search for Captain Kidd's Gold\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 170, \"Jack Wright's Electric Sea Demon\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).", "Aldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 174, \"Jack Wright's Trip to the Land of Gold\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 206, \"Jack Wright's Submarine Catamaran; or, The Phantom Ship of the Yellow Sea\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 214, \"Jack Wright's Electric Canoe in the Revenue Service\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).", "Aldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 222, \"The 'Sky Rocket', Or, Jack Wright's Cruise to Ceylon in His Electric Air-Schooner\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 225, \"Jack Wright's Electric Sea Launch, or, A Desperate Cruise for Life\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 230, \"Jack Wright's Dandy of the Deep, or, Driven Afloat in the Sea of Fire\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).", "Aldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 233, \"Jack Wright's Electric Torpedo Ram; or, The Sunken City of the Atlantic\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 237, 1903, \"Jack Wright's Search for Captain Kidd's Gold\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 238, 1903, \"Jack Wright's Electric Torpedo Ram; or, The Sunken City of the Atlantic\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).", "Aldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 241, \"Jack Wright, and His Electric 'Sea-Ghost;' or, A Strange Under-water Journey\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 242, \"Jack Wright's Under-water Wrecking Raft; or, The Mystery of a Scuttled Ship\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).", "Aldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 245, \"Jack Wright's Wheel of the Wind; or, The Jewels of the Volcano-Dwellers\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 257, 1904, \"Jack Wright's Electric Roadster in the Desert of Death\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 261, 1904, \"Jack Wright's 3,000 Pounds of Gold\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).", "Aldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 262, 1904, \"Jack Wright and the Loss of the 'Gipsy Queen'\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens).\nAldine Romance of Invention, Travel & Adventure Library No. 265, 1905, \"Jack Wright's Flying Phantom; or, Saved from the Scaffold\" by anonymous (Luis Senarens?)", "Boys of New York, The No. 888, 1892, part 1, serialized \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and the Smugglers of the Border Lakes; or, The Second Cruise of the Whaleback 'Comet'\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys of New York, The No. 906, 1893, part 1, serialized \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, and His Phantom Frigate; or, Fighting the Coast Wreckers of the Gulf\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys of New York, The No. 940, 1893, part 1, serialized \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, Working for the Union Pacific Railroad; or, Over the Continent on the 'Electric'\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys of New York, The No. 967, 1893, part 1, serialized \"Jack Wright and His Electric Air Monitor; or, The Scourge of the Pacific\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 216, July 18, 1891, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor; or, Hunting for a Sunken Treasure\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 220, August 15, 1891, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Turtle; or Chasing the Pirates of the Spanish Main\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 223, September 12, 1891, \"Jack Wright's Submarine Catamaran; or, the Phantom Ship of the Yellow Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 227, October 17, 1891, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Racer; or, Around the World in Twenty Days\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 229, October 31, 1891, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Canoe; or, Working in the Revenue Service\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 231, November 14, 1891, \"Jack Wright's Air and Water Cutter; or, Wonderful Adventures on the Wing and Afloat\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 235, December 12, 1891, \"Jack Wright and His Magnetic Motor; or, The Golden City of the Sierras\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 238, January 2, 1892, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, and His Under-Water Iron-Clad; or, The Treasure of the Sandy Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 241, January 23, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Deers; or, Fighting the Bandits of the Black Hills\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 246, February 27, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Prairie Engine; or, Among the Bushmen of Australia\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 253, April 16, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Air Schooner; or, The Mystery of a Magic Mine\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 257, May 7, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Sea-Motor; or, The Search for a Drifting Wreck\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 262, June 18, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Sleuth-Hound; or, Tracking an Under Water Treasure\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 266, July 16, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Dandy of the deep; or, Driven Afloat in the Sea of Fire\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 271, August 20, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Torpedo Ramo; or, The Sunken City of the Atlantic\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 272, September 3, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Deep-Sea Monitor; or, Searching for a Ton of Gold\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 275, September 24, 1892, \"Jack Wright, The Boy Inventor, Exploring Central Asia in His Magnetic Hurricane\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 276, October 1, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Plunger; or, The Harpoon Hunters of the Arctic\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 277, October 8, 1892, \"Jack Wright, and His Electric 'Sea-Ghost;' or, A Strange Under-water Journey\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 279, October 22, 1892, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, and His Deep Sea Diving Bell; or, The Buccaneers of the Gold Coast\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 281, November 5, 1892, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, and His Electric Tricycle Boat; or, The Treasure of the Sun-Worshippers\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 283, November 19, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Under-Water Wrecking Raft; or, The Mystery of a Scuttled Ship\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 285, December 3, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Terror of the Sea; or, Fighting for a Sunken Fortune\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 287, December 17, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Diving Boat; or, Lost Under the Ocean\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 289, December 31, 1892, \"Jack Wright and His Submarine Yacht; or, The Fortune Hunters of the Red Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 292, January 21, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Gunboat; or, The Search for a Frozen Girl\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 294, February 4, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Sea Launch; or, A Desperate Cruise for Life\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 296, February 18, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Bicycle Boat; or, Searching for Captain Kidd's Gold\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 298, March 4, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Side-Wheel Boat; or, Fighting the Brigands of the Coral Isles\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 300, March 18, 1893, \"Jack Wright's Wonder of the Waves; or, The Flying Dutchman of the Pacific\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 302, April 1, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Exploring Ship; or, A Cruise Around Greenland\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 304, April 15, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Man-of-War; or, Fighting the Sea robbers of the Frozen Coast\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 306, April 29, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Submarine Torpedo-Tug; or, Winning a Government Reward\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 308, May 13, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Sea-Demon; or, Daring Adventures under the Ocean\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 310, May 27, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His 'Whale;' or, The Treasure Trove of the Polar Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 311, June 3, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Marine 'Rover'; or, 50,000 Miles in Ocean Perils\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 312, June 10, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Deep Sea Cutter; or, Searching for a Pirate's Treasure\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 314, July 14, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Monarch of the Ocean; or, Cruising for a Million in Gold\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 315, July 28, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Devil-Fish; or, Fighting the Smugglers of Alaska\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 316, August 11, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Demon of the Plains; or, Wild Adventures Among the Cowboys\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 317, August 25, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Locomotive; or, The Lost Mine of Death Valley\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 318, September 8, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Locomotive; or, The Lost Mine of Death Valley\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 319, September 22, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Iron-Clad Air-Motor; or, Searching for a Lost Explorer\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 320, October 6, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Tricycle; or, Fighting the Stranglers of the Crimson Desert\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 321, October 20, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Dynamo Boat; or, The Mystery of a Buried Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 322, November 3, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Flying Torpedo; or, The Black Demons of Dismal Swamp\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 323, November 17, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Prairie Privateer; or, Fighting the Western Road-Agents\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 324, December 1, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Naval Cruiser; or, Fighting the Pirates of the Pacific\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 325, December 15, 1893, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and His Whaleback Privateer; or, Cruising in the Behring Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 326, December 29, 1893, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Phantom Boat; or, Chasing the Outlaws of the Ocean\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 327, January 12, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Winged Gunboat; or, A Voyage to an Unknown Land\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 328, January 26, 1894, \"ack Wright and His Electric Flyer; or, Racing in the Clouds for a Boy's Life\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 329, February 9, 1894, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor's Electric Sledge Boat; or, Wild Adventures in Alaska\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 330, March 23, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Express Wagon; or, Wiping Out the Outlaws of Deadwood\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 331, March 9, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Submarine Explorer; or, A Cruise at the Bottom of the Ocean\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 332, March 23, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Demon of the Air; or, A Perilous Trip in the Clouds\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 333, April 6, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Ripper; or, Searching for Treasure in the Jungle\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 334, April 20, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His King of the Sea\" or, Diving for Old Spanish Gold\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 335, May 4, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Balloons; or, Cruising in the Clouds for a Mountain Treasure\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 336, May 18, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Imp of the Ocean; or, The Wreckers of Whirlpool Reef\" or, Diving for Old Spanish Gold\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 337, June 8, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Cab; or, Around the Globe on Wheels\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 338, June 22, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Flying Phantom; or, Searching for a Lost Balloonist\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 339, July 6, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Submarine Warship; or, Chasing the Demons of the Sea of Gold\" or, Diving for Old Spanish Gold\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 340, July 20, 1894, \"Jack Wright and his Prairie Yacht; or, Fighting the Indians in the Sea of Grass\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 341, August 3, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Air Rocket\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 342, August 17, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Submarine Destroyer; or, Warring against Japanese Pirates\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 343, August 31, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Battery Diver; or, A Two Month's Cruise under Water\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 344, September 14, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Stage; or, Leagued against the James Boys\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 345, September 28, 1894, \"Jack Wright and His Wheel of the Wind; or, The Jewels of the Volcano Dwellers\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 346, October 12, 1894, \"Jack Wright and the Head Hunters of the African Coast; or, The Electric Pirate Chaser\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 347, October 26, 1894, \"3,000 Pounds of Gold; or, Jack Wright and His Electric Bat Fighting the Cliff Dwellers of the Sierras\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 348, November 9, 1894, \"Jack Wright and the Wild Boy of the Woods; or, Exposing a Mystery with the Electric Cart\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 349, November 23, 1894, \"Jack Wright among the Demons of the Ocean with His Electric See Fighter\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 350, December 7, 1894, \"Jack Wright, the Wizard of Wrightstown, and His Electric Dragon; or, A Wild Race to Save a Fortune\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 351, December 21, 1894, \"Jack Wright's Electric Land Clipper; or, Exploring the Mysterious Gobi Desert\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 352, January 4, 1895, \"Skull and Crossbone; or, Jack Wright's Diving Bell and the Pirates\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 353, January 18, 1895, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, and His Phantom Frigate; or, Fighting the Coast Wreckers of the Gulf\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 354, February 1, 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Airship on Wheels; or, A Perilous Journey to Cape Farewell\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 355, February 15, 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Roadster in the Desert of Death; or, Chasing the Australian Brigands\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 356, March 6, 1895, \"Jack Wright's Ocean Marvel; or, The Mystery of a Frozen Island\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 357, March 15, 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Soaring Machine; or, A Daring Flight Through Miles of Peril\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 358, March 29, 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Battery Car; or, Beating the Express and Train Robbers\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 359, April 12, 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Sea Horse; or, Seven Weeks in Ocean Perils\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 360, April 26, 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Balloon Boat; or, A Dangerous Voyage above the Clouds\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 361, May, 1895, \"In the Jungle of India; or, Jack Wright as a Wild Animal Hunter\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 362, June 1895, \"50,000 League under the Sea; or, Jack Wright's Most Dangerous Voyage\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 363, July 1895, \" Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, Working for the Union Pacific Railroad; or, Over the Continent on the 'Electric'\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 364, August 1895, \"Over the South Pole; or, Jack Wright's Search for a Lost Explorer with His Flying Boat\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 365, September 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Air Monitor; or, The Scourge of the Pacific\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 366, October 1895, \"The Boy Lion Fighter; or, Jack Wright in the Swamps of Africa\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 367, November 1895, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Submarine Ranger; or, Afloat among the Cannibals of the Deep\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 368, December 27, 1895, \"The Demon of the Sky; or, Jack Wright's $10,000 Wager\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 369, January 3, 1896, \"Adrift in the Land of Snow; or, Jack Wright and His Sledge Boat on Wheels\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 370, January 17, 1896, \"The Floating Terror; or, Jack Wright Fighting the Buccaneers of the Venezuelan Coast\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 371, January 31, 1896, \"Lost in the Polar Circle; or, Jack Wright and His Aerial Explorer\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 372, February 14, 1896, \"Adrift in the Land of Snow; or, Jack Wright and His Sledge Boat on Wheels\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 373, February 28, 1896, \"The Fatal Blue Diamond; or, Jack Wright among the Demon Worshipers with His Electric Motor\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 374, March 13, 1896, \"Running the Blockade; or, Jack Wright Helping the Cuban Filibusters\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 375, March 27, 1896, \"Jack Wright and Frank Reade, Jr., the Two Young Inventors; or, Brains against Brains. A Thrilling Story of a Race around the World for $10,000\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 376, April 10, 1896, \"The Flying Avenger; or, Jack Wright Fighting for Cuba\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Boys' Star Library, The No. 377, April 24, 1896, \"Jack Wright and His New Electric Horse; or, His Perilous Trip over Two Continents\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 378, May 8, 1896, \"Jack Wright Fighting the Slave Hunters\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nBoys' Star Library, The No. 379, May 22, 1896, \"Driving for a Million; or, Jack Wright and His Electric Ocean Liner\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Golden Weekly Vol. III No. 104, November 5, 1891, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His Deep Sea Monitor\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nGolden Weekly Vol. III No. 142, serialized, \"Jack Wright the Boy Inventor and the Smugglers of the Border Lakes; or, The Second Cruise of the Whaleback 'Comet'\" by \"Noname (Luis Senarens).", "Happy Days Vol. I No. 1, October 20, 1894, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright, and Frank Reade, Jr., the Two Young Inventors; or, Daring Against Brains. A Thrilling Story of a Race Around the World for $10,000\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nHappy Days Vol. II No. 27, April 20, 1895, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His New Electric Horse; or, A Perilous Trip Over Two Continents\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens)", "Happy Days Vol. IV No. 103, October 3 through November 21, 1896, serialized, \"Wrecked at the Pole; or, Jack Wright's Daring Adventures in the Frozen Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Francis W. Doughty).\nHappy Days Vol. XVI No. 406, July 26, 1902, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His Ship of the Desert or, Adventures in the Sea of Sand\" Part I, by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Happy Days Vol. XVI No. 409, August 16, 1902, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His King of the Clouds or, Around the World on Wings\" Part I by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nHappy Days Vol. XVII No. 420, November 1, 1902, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His Red Terror; or, Fighting the Bushmen of Australia\" Part I by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Happy Days Vol. XVII No. 424, November 29, 1902, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His Tandem Balloons or, Hunting Wild Beasts in India\" Part I by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nHappy Days Vol. XVII No. 430, January 10, 1903, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His 'Queen of the Deep' or, Exploring Submarine Caves\" Part I by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Happy Days Vol. XVII No. 441, March 28, 1903, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright and His Flying Ice Boat or, Adrift in the Polar Regions\" Part I, by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nHappy Days Vol. XVIII No. 445, April 25, 1903, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright's Floating 'Terror' or, Fighting the Pirates\" Part I by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Happy Days Vol. XVIII No. 449, May 23, 1903, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright's Electric Prairie Car or, Hot Times With the Broncho Busters\" Part I, by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nHappy Days Vol. XVIII No. 453, June 20, 1903, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright's Sky-Scraper or, After the Lost Balloonists\" Part I by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nHappy Days Vol. XVIII No. 457, July 18, 1903, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright's Sea Demon or, Running the Blockade\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Happy Days Vol. XXI No. 529, December 3, 1904, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright's King of the Plains or, Calling Down the Cowboys\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nHappy Days Vol. XLI No. 1044, October 17, 1914, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright's Sky-Scraper or, After the Lost Balloonists\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nHappy Days Vol. XLII No. 1084, July 24, 1915, part 1, serialized, \"Jack Wright's Sky-Demon or, Running the Blockade\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 139, January 20, 1901, \"Jack Wright and His Deep Sea Monitor; or, Searching for a Ton of Gold\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 166, August 7, 1901, \"Jack Wright the Boy Inventor Exploring Central Asia in His Magnetic Hurricane\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 187, January 1, 1902, \"Jack Wright the Boy Inventor; or, Hunting for a Sunken Treasure\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 193, February 12, 1902, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Turtle; or Chasing the Pirates of the Spanish Main\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 197, March 12, 1902, \"Jack Wright's Submarine Catamaran; or, The Phantom Ship of the Yellow Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 202, April 16, 1902, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Racer; or, Around the World in 20 Days\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 206, May 14, 1902, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Canoe; or, Working in the Revenue Service\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 210, June 11, 1902, \"Jack Wright's Air and Water Cutter; or, Wonderful Adventures on the Wing and Afloat\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 214, July 9, 1902, \"Jack Wright and His Magnetic Motor; or, The Golden City of the Sierras\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 218, August 6, 1902, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor, and His Under-Water Ironclad; or, The Treasure of the Sandy Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 222, September 3, 1902, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Deers; or, Fighting the Bandits of the Black Hills\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 226, October 1, 1902, \"Jack Wright and His Prairie Engine; or, Among the Bushmen of Australia\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 231, November 5, 1902, \"Jack Wright and his Electric Air Schooner; or, The Mystery of a Magic Mine\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 237, December 31, 1902, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Motor; or, Searching for a Drifting Wreck\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 242, February 4, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Sleuth-Hound; or, Tracking an Under-Water Treasure\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 245, February 25, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Locomotive; or, The Lost Mine of Death Valley\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 250, March 18, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Balloon Ship; or, 30,000 Leagues Above the Earth\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 254, April 15, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Dandy of the Deep; or, Driven Afloat in the Sea of Fire\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 258, May 13, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Demon of the Plains; or, Wild Adventures among the Cowboys\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 262, June 10, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Torpedo Ram; or, The Sunken City of the Atlantic\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 266, July 8, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Iron Clad Air-Motor; or, Searching for a Lost Explorer\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 270, August 5, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Tricycle; or, Fighting the Stranglers of the Crimson Desert\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 274, September 2, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Plunger; or, The Harpoon Hunters of the Arctic\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 278, September 30, 1903, \"Jack Wright's Flying Torpedo; or, The Black Demons of Dismal Swamp\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 282, October 28, 1903, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Sea Ghost; or, A Strange Under-Water Journey\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 942, May 31, 1916 Jack Wright and His Deep Sea Monitor; or, Searching for a Ton of Gold\nPluck and Luck No. 968, November 29, 1916, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor Exploring Central Asia in His Magnetic Hurricane\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 988, April 18, 1917, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor; or, Hunting for a Sunken Treasure\"\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 994, June 20, 1917, \"Jack Wright and his Electric Turtle; or, Chasing the Pirates of the Spanish Main\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 998, July 18, 1917, \"Jack Wright's Submarine Catamaran; or, The Phantom Ship of the Yellow Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 1003, August 22, 1917, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Racer; or, Around the World in Twenty Days\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1007, September 19, 1917, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Canoe; or, Working in the Revenue Service\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1011, October 17, 1917, \"Jack Wright's Air and Water Cutter; or, Wonderful Adventures on the Wing and Afloat\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 1015, November 14, 1917, \"Jack Wright and His Magnetic Motor; or, The Golden City of the Sierras\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1019, December 12, 1917, \"Jack Wright, the Boy Inventor and His Under-Water Iron-clad; or, the Treasure of the Sandy Sea\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1023, January 9, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Deers; or, Fighting the Bandits of the Black Hills\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 1027, February 6, 1918, \"Jack Wright and his Prairie Engine; or, Among the Bushmen of Australia\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1032, March 13, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Air Schooner; or, The Mystery of a Magic Mine\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1038, April 24, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Sea-Motor; or, The Search for a Drifting Wreck\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 1043, May 29, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Ocean Sleuth-Hound; or, Tracing an Under Water Treasure\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1046, June 19, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Locomotive; or, The Lost Mine of Death Valley\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1051, July 24, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Balloon Ship; or, 30,000 Leagues Above the Earth\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 1055, August 21, 1918, \"Jack Wright and his Dandy of the Deep; or, Driven Afloat in the Sea of Fire\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1059, September 18, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Demon of the Plains; or, Wild Adventures among the Cowboys\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senerens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1063, October 16, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Torpedo Ram; or, The Sunken City of the Atlantic\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 1067, November 13, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Iron Clad Air-Motor; or, Searching for a Lost Explorer\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1071, December 11, 1918, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Tricycle; or, Fighting the Stranglers of the Crimson Desert\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nPluck and Luck No. 1075, January 8, 1919, \"Jack Wright and his Ocean Plunger; or, The Harpoon Hunters of the Arctic\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).", "Pluck and Luck No. 1083, March 5, 1919, \"Jack Wright and His Electric Sea Ghost; or, A Strange Under Water Journey\" by \"Noname\" (Luis Senarens).\nScience And Invention, October 1920, \"An American Jules Verne\" by anonymous (Hugo Gernsback).", "Modern appearances \nJack Wright the Boy Inventor by Joseph Lovece\nNemo: Heart of Ice by Alan Moore\n\nReferences\n\nJack Wright\nJack Wright\nCharacters in pulp fiction\nJack Wright\nCharacters in dime novels" ]
List of fiction employing parallel universes
[ "The following is a list of fiction employing parallel universes or alternate realities.\n\nLiterature", "Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, wrote The Blazing World (1666), a book far ahead of its time, in which the heroine passes through a portal near the North Pole to a world with different stars in the sky and talking animals.", "Ludvig Holberg, Danish-Norwegian author, historian, and philosopher wrote Niels Klim's Underground Travels (in Latin as Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum, 1741). The hero Niels Klim slips into a cave and reaches Nazar, a planet inside the hollow Earth, where societies and beings represent satirical comments to existing contemporary ones.", "Edwin Abbott Abbott, mathematician and theologian, wrote Flatland (1884), also known as Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. It recounts the story of a two-dimensional world inhabited by living geometric figures: triangles, squares, circles, etc., and explores concepts of other dimensions (or universes) including Portland, Lineland, and Spaceland. A feature film adaptation of this novella was made in 2007, called Flatland.", "H. G. Wells wrote what is apparently the first explicit para time novel, Men Like Gods (1923), complete with multiverse theory and a paratime machine.\n Murray Leinster's story \"Sidewise in Time\" (1934), showing different parts of the Earth somehow occupied by different parallel universes, was influential in science fiction.\n Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker from 1937 describes God (called the Star Maker) evolving by creating many cosmoses, each one more complex than the previous.", "In C. S. Lewis classic Chronicles of Narnia series (1950–1956) children come and go between our world and Narnia, a land populated by talking animals. In The Magician's Nephew the Wood between the Worlds gives access to several worlds. In The Last Battle it transpires that all the worlds are joined together by a form of heaven.", "Ward Moores Bring the Jubilee describes the Confederacy winning the American Civil War. This 1953 novel was well received and influenced Philip K. Dicks The Man in the High Castle.", "Andre Norton'''s The Crossroads of Time is a science-fiction novel written by Andre Norton and first published in 1956 by Ace Books. The story takes its protagonist through several versions of Earth as it might have been if history had gone a little differently. The book has been translated into Spanish, Italian, and German. Tacitly postulating a kind of two-dimensional time, Norton anticipated Hugh Everett III's many-worlds interpretation of the quantum theory by one year", ". She called it the \"possible worlds\" theory of history.", "Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle (1962) is an alternate history novel.\nIn The Man Who Folded Himself (1973) by David Gerrold, paradoxes caused by time travel result in the creation of multiple universes.\n Piers Anthony wrote the \"Of Man and Manta\" series (Omnivore, Orn, and Ox, 1968–76) in which a group of three scientists explores worlds in parallel universes.", "Tonke Dragt's novel \"The Towers of February\" (De torens van February, 1973) is a coming-of-age novel in diary form for young adults, about a boy who slowly discovers that his memory loss is due to having passed into a parallel universe. The difficulty to travel between both worlds can be seen as symbolic for reaching adulthood and can be taken literally at the same time.", "Michael Coney Charisma 1975 A murder mystery which involves the main character John Maine traveling to different parallel worlds, but the only worlds he can travel to are the ones in which his 'other self' is dead.", "Michael Ende's novel The Neverending Story (Die unendliche Geschichte, 1979) is a portal-story where the deterioration of fantasy (and of lies) among humans of Earth both influences (and stem from) what happens in the magical world of Fantastica. The protagonist reads the story of this world in a book until he understands that he may take part in and save it, and eventually the imagination of Earth.", "David Brin wrote The Practice Effect (1984), which is the story of a scientific researcher who finds himself stranded in an alternate dimension that has unique natural laws that allow objects to become improved as they are used, rather than degrade.\n Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter wrote The Long Earth (2012), the first of a series of novels about a (possibly infinite) series of parallel worlds that are similar to Earth.", "H. Beam Piper, the author of the Paratime series, wrote several stories dealing with alternate realities based on points of divergence far in the past. The stories are usually written from the perspective of a law-enforcement outfit from a parallel reality which is charged to protect the secret of temporal transposition.", "\"Convolutions\", a novella by Vashti Daise, gradually reveals that the two main teenage characters exist in overlapping universes, and when they discover a paradise-like third universe, they can't help but be tempted to escape the struggles of their worlds.\n Fredric Brown's What Mad Universe recounts the adventures of a science-fiction editor of the late 1940s who is thrown into a parallel universe that reflects the fantasies of his most annoying letter-to-the-editor writer (an adolescent male, naturally).", "Isaac Asimov's novel The Gods Themselves depicts scientists in our universe who find a way to \"import\" matter from another universe, with unforeseen consequences. \"The End of Eternity\" by Asimov deals with interactions between many timelines or universes that are the result of continuous new alterations a single timeline by external temporal manipulators called the eternals; these many universes and timelines therefore do not exist simultaneously.", "K. A. Applegate's series, Everworld (1999–2001): Several teenagers travel into a parallel world occupied by the mythological beings of Earth.\n Brandon Mull's series, Beyonders (2011-2013): Depicts the multiverse as being divided into an enormous set of \"normal\" universes, including ours (the beyond), and one intelligently created universe set apart from all others (Lyrian). It's strongly implied in the novels that it's only possible to travel from the \"beyond\" to Lyrian, or from Lyrian to the beyond.", "Gretchen McNeil's novel 3:59 follows the story of Josie, a girl who keeps having dreams about her doppelganger Jo at exactly 3:59 each night. She soon discovers the two live in parallel universes and get the chance to switch places.", "Stephen King's series The Dark Tower has doors that send travelers to different parallel Earths, or, as termed in the story, different levels of the Tower. King also frequently utilizes this idea in other stories, such as The Mist, From A Buick 8, The Talisman, Black House and Insomnia.", "Robert A. Heinlein's novel The Number of the Beast is focused around a 'time machine' that also proves to be able to travel sideways and other directions in time, allowing for crossing into other realities, even ones previously considered fictional by the protagonists.", "S. M. Stirling's novel Conquistador is based on travel between parallel universes, with a group of 20th century Americans having found a means to secretly colonize a world where civilization never advanced past the classical era.Globus Cassus is a book describing a utopian project for a universe contrary to ours, it describes an antipode to the 'real' world", ".The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan series the world of dreams, and the Mirror Worlds which represent what could have been had various events in history happened in different ways.", "The Difference Engine (1990) by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling is widely regarded as a book that helped establish the genre conventions of steampunk. It posits a Victorian era Britain in which great technological and social change has occurred after entrepreneurial inventor Charles Babbage succeeds in building a mechanical computer.", "Diana Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci series revolves around the duty of the Chrestomanci to regulate magic in the twelve related worlds. These worlds have alternate histories, in which some people may exist only in a few worlds. Other works of Jones' that include parallel universes: The Magid series; Deep Secret and The Merlin Conspiracy in which the multiverse is shaped like an infinity sign and contains Ayewards and Naywards", ". The Derkholm series: Dark Lord of Derkholm and its sequel Year of the Griffin in which Pilgrims come from a parallel world for Mr. Chesney's offworld tours. In Howl's Moving Castle, though it does not play a major part in the plot, the wizard Howl is actually from our world. In A Tale of Time City, the main character, Vivian, is kidnapped and taken to Time City, a city out of time and space", ". Along with her new friends and past kidnappers Jonathan and Sam, she hunts through time and space for the polarites that are gradually being stolen. In A Sudden Wild Magic a group of benevolent witches set out to stop the magicians of Arth who steal ideas, technology, and innovations from Earth. In Hexwood, the machine Bannus sucks potential Reigners from all over the universe into the Wood", ". In Hexwood, the machine Bannus sucks potential Reigners from all over the universe into the Wood. In The Homeward Bounders Jamie is made into a Homeward Bounder by \"Them\" which means he must constantly travel from world to world until he finds his home again.", "John DeChancie's Castle Perilous series tells of a huge magical castle containing portals to 144,000 worlds, including Earth.\n Stephen R. Donaldson's Mordant's Need series, which includes The Mirror of Her Dreams and A Man Rides Through, follows a heroine who can pass into another world through mirrors.", "In The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series, also by Stephen R. Donaldson, main character Thomas Covenant is transported to another world called The Land. Each time he travels to The Land corresponds to an injury in the real world that leaves him unconscious.", "Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series (1995–2000) deals with two children who wander through multiple worlds, opening and closing windows between them. The final book elaborates the same idea (as C.S. Lewis') that all the worlds share a common heaven, and in this case, underworld.", "Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series is set in a parallel universe which is very similar to ours but has (amusingly) different history. For example, Britain and Russia are still fighting the Crimean War in 1985. As the story develops, the world of fiction also emerges as another parallel universe and the characters learn how to move between them.", "The German series Perry Rhodan sometimes deals with parallel universes and \"pararealities\". Each universe has a \"strangeness\" value that indicates to what extent its physical laws differ from those of our universe. Travel to another universe results in a \"strangeness shock\" that can disable electronics and leave intelligent beings unconscious for some time.", "In L. Neil Smith's The Probability Broach series of novels, characters from different universes end up in a universe in which American history took a different turn in the aftermath of the Revolution, with Albert Gallatin assisting the western Pennsylvania farmers of the Whiskey Rebellion, which culminates in George Washington's execution and the rise of a libertarian republic under a revised Articles of Confederation.", "In James P. Hogan's Paths to Otherwhere (1996), scientists at the Los Alamos Laboratory create a machine QUADAR which allow them to swap conscious with people in parallel universes. They explore various parallel universes.", "In Kia Asamiya's manga novel Space Battleship Nadesico, written alongside the series Martian Successor Nadesico but altering severely as the course of the story runs, the Jupiterians that are attacking Earth come from a parallel universe, the portal of which is in the red storm visible on Jupiter as a red spot. In their world, Japan won World War II, and because of their strong religious Shinto beliefs, their Gods did not die out, and they were able to use this magic to help strengthen their technology", ". However, their star died out prematurely, and so they have come to Earth to steal the energy from the Sun to save their world.", "Neil Gaiman's novella Coraline deals with a parallel universe called the \"Other World\" in which Coraline's surroundings are the same but the people who are supposed to be her parents are actually evil impostors. The novella spawned a film of the same name that deals with the same plot and use of parallel universes.", "Sergey Lukyanenko's novel Rough Draft (2005) takes place across the multiverse of at least 22 worlds (it was implied that there were actually more worlds that haven't been discovered yet) linked together by a series of tower-like transfer points.I, Q is a 2000 Star Trek novel by Peter David and John de Lancie in which God attempts to destroy the multiverse in a large multi-universe maelstrom which the protagonists attempt to stop from within a newly created universe caused by the maelstrom.", "In Robert J Sawyer's Neanderthal Parallax series (2003) a parallel historical universe exists in which it was Neanderthals not Homo sapiens who survived to become the dominant species. In a quantum physics experiment gone wrong a Neanderthal scientist is accidentally transported into the universe of Homo sapiens.", "Michael Lawrence's The Aldous Lexicon (2005–2007), comprising A Crack in the Line, Small Eternities and The Underwood See, concerns comings and goings between initially two, later many parallel realities.\nIn Mirror Dreams (2002) and Mirror Wakes (2003) by Catherine Webb, there are mirror universes, one a magical universe where technology barely works, the other a scientific universe where magic barely works. The inhabitants can physically visit each other's worlds in dreams.", "In the Stravaganza series by Mary Hoffman various people travel between present-day England and an alternative, somewhat magical Renaissance Italy called Talia.\nIn the Alastair Reynolds novel Absolution Gap, (2003) a race called the \"Shadows\" drives the action. They claim to be from a parallel universe which has been overrun by a rogue terraforming system that has destroyed their entire universe. They have sent instructions to our world on how to build machinery to let them across.", "In The Divide trilogy by Elizabeth Kay (2002–2006), Felix Sanders crosses into a parallel universe where magic and magical beings exist while science and human beings are considered mythical.", "Andrew Crumey's novel Mobius Dick (2004) features a parallel world in which Nazi Germany invaded Britain and Erwin Schrödinger failed to find the quantum theory equation that bears his name. The parallel worlds become connected due to experiments with quantum computers. The same alternate world (in which post-war Britain falls under Communist rule) also appears in his novels Music, in a Foreign Language (1994) and Sputnik Caledonia (2008).", "In Darren Shan's Demonata series (2005–2010) a boy can open windows to parallel worlds with his hands. A part of the story also plays in one of these parallel worlds, the Demonata.", "Harry Turtledove's Crosstime Traffic series of books (2003–2008) by Harry Turtledove centers on an Earth that has discovered access to alternate universes where history went differently. \"Crosstime Traffic\" is the name of the company with a global monopoly on the technology.Pet Force, a series of children's books by Jim Davis and a spinoff of Garfield, one of his comic strips", ". The series contains five novels and takes place in a parallel universe and features alternate versions of the comic strip's main characters.", "Michael Crichton's Timeline (1999) tells the story of historians who travel to the Middle Ages to save a friend of theirs who already traveled back in time before them. The book follows in Crichton's long history of combining technical details and action in his books, addressing quantum physics and time travel. The time travel mechanism incorporates the concept of the multiverse.", "Greg Egan's Diaspora is a novel about sentient software intelligences living inside computer \"polises\" who undertake expeditions throughout the multiverse.\n Alan Dean Foster's Spellsinger series concerns a 20th-century college student who finds himself transported to a world populated by sentient animals and featuring magic, which he learns how to perform himself through a guitar-like instrument.", "Alan Dean Foster's Parallelities is a novel about a tabloid reporter whose interview subject inadvertently infects him with a condition making him shift between alternate versions of Los Angeles seemingly at random.", "Three of Jack Womack's \"Dryco\" novels, Terraplane, Elvissey, and Going, Going, Gone, concern an \"evil\" parallel universe which is also chronologically shifted about fifty years into our past, in which among other things, slavery wasn't abolished until the 20th century, the US government commits genocide in the 1940s and Elvis Presley is a psychopath.\n Micheal Buckley's N.E.R.D.S: The Cheerleaders of Doom features thousands of alternate realities in which the main characters form an army from.", "Richard Bach's One (2001) is a novel where Bach and his wife Leslie are catapulted into an alternate world, one in which they exist simultaneously in many different incarnations.", "The protagonist of Roger Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber belongs to a royal family of magician-types who can alter details of the world around them at will. These alterations are known as \"walking in Shadow\". The farther the desired Shadow-world lies from one's present reality, the more details need to be changed and the longer the walk.\n Stephen Lawhead's Song of Albion trilogy (published in 1991) tells the tale of a pair of university students who stumble into an alternate world (Albion).", "The conceit of Charles Stross's Merchant Princes series is that the ability to travel between worlds is a recessive trait possessed by a clan of narcotics runners from a medieval world. They travel to an alternate present where the northeast coast of North America has been settled by Norsemen.Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (2016)", "Daedalus Howell's Quantum Deadline (published in 2015) finds a reporter helping a boy who claims to be from a parallel universe return using an Easter Egg hidden in a popular mobile phone game. To complicate matters, the name of the reporter is also \"Daedalus Howell\" and a preface to the book reads \"Based on a true story. Somewhere...\" making the novel itself something of an alternate reality. (FMRL)", "Road to Eugenica by A.M. Rose is a novel where the main character Drea is actually from another dimension on Earth named Eugenica.\nKristen Cashore's Jane Unlimited (published in 2017), contains many genres. In one section, protagonist Jane experiences the multiverse hinted at throughout the book.\nOverstrike by C. M. Angus (published in 2020) features high-functioning schizophrenics with the ability to simultaneously perceive multiple realities.", "James S. Peet's Corps of Discovery Series is set in the multiverse and follows the adventures of Corps of Discovery Explorer Bill Clark as he and fellow Explorers navigate between parallel Earths. The series consists of three books to date, Surveyor (published in 2017), Trekker (published in 2018), and Explorer (published in 2020). The Hayek Chronicles series is set in the same timeline as the Corps of Discovery Series, but it's from the point where the portal to parallel Earths is first discovered", ". There is only one book in the series to date, Openings (published in 2022).", "The Time Ships of HG Well.", "Feature filmsSpider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse (2024)The Flash (2023)Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)Night of the Coconut (2022): a video essayist travels to a parallel dimension with a clout hungry coconut who has aspirations of multiversal domination", ".Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)Isn't It Romantic (2019)Avengers: Endgame (2019)Yesterday (2019)Love at Second Sight (2019): French film depicting the story of Raphaël and Olivia who fall in love with each over. But, after a huge argument, Raphaël wakes up in a parallel word in which he has never met Olivia", ".Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)Deadpool 2 (2018)The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)Parallel (2018)Parallels (2015)Tomorrowland (2015)Time Lapse (2014)Edge of Tomorrow (2014)X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)Irandaam ulagam (2013)My Little Pony Equestria Girls (2013)Coherence (2013)Source Code (2011)Another Earth (2011)Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (2011)Shrek Forever After (2010)Maximum Shame (2010)Paradox (2010)Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010)Turtles Forever", "(2010)Maximum Shame (2010)Paradox (2010)Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010)Turtles Forever (2009)Garfield's Pet Force (2009): Based on the children's book series", ", which takes place in a parallel universe and stars alternate versions of the main characters of the Garfield comic strips", ".Star Trek (2009)Mr. Nobody (2009)Next (2007)The Mist (2007)The Golden Compass (2007)Déjà Vu (2006)The Butterfly Effect (2004)Webs (2003): A group of electricians find a machine in an abandoned building that can create a portal to a parallel Earth that has been overrun by giant spiders.The One (2001): Travel between parallel universes in the Multiverse is possible by using \"quantum tunnelling\" technology, but restricted and policed by the Multiverse Authority (MVA)", ". Alternate versions or \"Multiverse Counterparts\" (MVCs) of all living persons are connected by an \"energy string.\" Gabriel Yu-Law, a rogue, former MVA agent learns that killing alternate versions of himself in parallel universes divides the \"energy\" among the surviving MVC's and subsequently embarks on a mission to kill all of his MVC's in order to gain ultimate power and become \"The One.\" He travels to what appears to be our universe to kill his last remaining MVC, Gabriel Law", ".\" He travels to what appears to be our universe to kill his last remaining MVC, Gabriel Law. The task becomes exceedingly more difficult as Law realizes that the energy he shares with Yu-Law has given them both super-human strength and agility.Donnie Darko (2001)", "Oshikiri (2000)The Family Man (2000)Escaflowne, 2000 : Based on the anime Escaflowne features a girl who doesn't fit in. She is soon magically sent to the land of Guya where she is to help a prince gain access to the legendary Escaflowne in order for him to avenge his destroyed homeland.Pokémon 3: The Movie (2000)Run Lola Run (1998)Sliding Doors (1998)The Lake (1998): The natives of a small town discover that they are slowly being replaced by that counterparts from a parallel Earth", ".Crossworlds (1996)Fatherland (1994): \"Based on the book of Robert Harris. Hitler won the war against the Western allies but the war against the Soviet Union is still raging on. It is 1964, the 75th birthday of the Führer...\"Doorways (1993)Super Mario Bros. (1993)Julia and Julia (1987)", "Prisoners of the Lost Universe (1983)The Stranger (1973)Doppelgänger (AKA Journey to the Far Side of the Sun, 1969)Last Action Hero (1993)The NeverEnding Story (film) (1984)Enchanted (film) (2007)Justice League: The Flashpoint ParadoxBack to the Future Part II by the reason to save the past of the Marty's relatives.Injustice (2021 film)Justice League: Gods and MonstersJustice Society: World War IIThe Super Mario Bros", ". MovieCinderella III: A Twist in TimeShrek Forever AfterTerminator GenisysQuest for Love (1971)Timecop and Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision by the reason to save the past of the relatives.Jumanji, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Jumanji: The Next Level.Back to the Future, by a reason to save Doc in past.Back to the Future Part III, by a reason to save Doc in past.", "TelevisionAdventure Time: Fionna and Cake (2023 - present) concerns a parallel world in which the land of Ooo is historical events.\n Sonic Prime sends Sonic the Hedgehog into the \"Shatterverse\", a multiverse created by Sonic shattering the Paradox Prism, containing several \"Shatterspaces\", alternate versions of Sonic's world.", "What If...? (2021 – present) explores various realities within the Multiverse that diverged from the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), presented as variations of the events seen in mainline MCU entries.Loki (2021 – present) follows an alternate version of Loki and other variants of himself as they journey across time into the past and future, while evading a bureaucratic agency that aims to maintain the stability of time.Dark (2017 – 2020) involves time and parallel worlds.", "Counterpart, TV series 2017 – 2019, in which a parallel Earth was created in 1987 during an experiment by East German scientists: the protagonist works for an organization that communicates between the universes.\n Stranger Things (2016 – present) features an alternate dimension called the Upside Down which is a dark version of the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana filled with monsters and connected by a hive mind.", "The Flash (2014 – present) features many alternate universes after a singularity allowing multiversal travel opens in the finale of the first season. The multiverse is ultimately destroyed in the Crisis on Infinite Earths Arrowverse crossover, and reborn as a new multiverse connecting most DC television series, as well as the DC Extended Universe.\n Lost in Austen (2008): A woman from modern London enters the world of the Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice through a portal in her bathroom.", "The Twilight Zones 1963 episode \"The Parallel\" was one of the earliest examples of parallel universes as a key plot element on American television.\n The Babylon 5 television movie Thirdspace involves the discovery of an alternate universe.", "The Babylon 5 television movie Thirdspace involves the discovery of an alternate universe.\n Dark Shadows, the 1960s fantasy/horror soap opera, introduced the concept of \"parallel time\" when the main character, Barnabas, witnesses unexplainable changes in a closed off part of his family's house. During one of these changes, he becomes trapped for a time in a parallel world.", "Star Trek featured the recurring mirror universe, a dark reflection of the normal universe in which the regular characters are twisted, self-serving and more than willing to resort to torture and murder to achieve their goals. The mirror universe was introduced in the original Star Trek, and it also appeared in Enterprise, but was featured most often in Deep Space Nine. Other Star Trek episodes featuring parallel universes outside the Mirror Universe include \"Parallels\" and \"The Alternative Factor\".", "His Dark Materials (2019 – present) deals with two children who explore multiple different parallel universes, including a version of our own.", "Doctor Who occasionally featured parallel worlds. Examples include \"Inferno\" (1970), where Great Britain has been a republic since at least 1943 (the Royal Family having been executed after a military coup) and is ruled by a totalitarian regime led by a figure reminiscent of Oswald Mosley who uses the title of \"the Leader\". The 1980–1981 \"E-space\" trilogy of episodes (\"Full Circle\", \"State of Decay\", and \"Warriors' Gate\")", ". The second series of the 2005 revival of the show made frequent use of the concept beginning with \"Rise of the Cybermen\" and \"The Age of Steel\", postulating a parallel world with yet another Republic of Great Britain, Zeppelins filling the sky, and an alternate race of Cybermen are created. Since the Time War, travel between parallel universes is supposedly near-impossible, but a breach between the universes makes frequent visits easy in the second series finale \"Army of Ghosts\"/\"Doomsday\"", ". These visits cause increasing damage to the universes and the breach is permanently sealed.", "Sliders dealt with a group of mostly-unwilling travellers who ended up \"sliding\" between various parallel Earths in an attempt to find their way back to their own universe. Plots included an Earth in which the population is controlled through a lottery, an Earth where most of the males were killed by germ warfare, an Earth where dinosaurs are still alive, and an Earth in which the population have been turned into flesh-eating zombies", ". According to a main character Quinn, there were an infinite number of universes where different single decisions were different and even a world where the Earth formed differently and rotated around the Sun slower, slowing down that timeline.", "Futurama has included some parallel universe episodes like \"I Dated a Robot\" which features a universe where everyone's a cowboy/girl and \"The Farnsworth Parabox\" features boxes which hold a variety of universes inside them.", "Spellbinder series is about a group of teenagers who discover a gateway to a parallel universe, in which one of them becomes trapped. Its sequel \"Spellbinder: Land of the Dragon Lord\" features some of the same characters, who now have a trans dimensional \"boat\" with they use to travel between worlds.\n Parallax is about a boy named Ben, who discovers a portal to multiple universes, and explores them with his friends: Francis, Melinda, Una, Due, Tiffany and Mundi as well as newfound sister, Katherine.", "Stargate television franchise (Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe) have had several episodes dealing with parallel universes. The first had Daniel Jackson finding a mirror looking device, known as the Quantum Mirror, where by touching the \"mirror\" he was taken to a parallel universe in which things hadn't gone so well compared to his reality", ". Another episode has a Samantha Carter and a character killed off in the second episode of the show come through the mirror to request help from the show's normal reality. With the end of that show the Quantum Mirror was destroyed. The next episode, \"Ripple Effect\", dealing with alternate realities has a lot of different SG1 teams coming through the same Gate. The latest episode, \"The Road Not Taken\", had Samantha Carter travel to an alternate reality where martial law was in effect.", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel have featured both parallel universes, such as Pylea, and alternate realities, such as one where most of the regular cast were either dead or vampires. Also mentioned, but never seen, is the hypothetical World Without Shrimp and the confirmed-real World With Nothing But Shrimp. Episodes of this type include \"Doppelgangland\" and \"The Wish.\"", "Charmed, there exists an alternate dimension where all the evil are good and all the good are evil. The reason for this given that there has to be balance in the universe, so there can never be an area where everything is all good and one where it is all bad as this would affect the grand design of life. So for every good thing that the Charmed Ones do for good in this world, it is done for evil in another to keep things balanced. Mostly, everything occurs exactly the same way, mirroring the real world", ". Mostly, everything occurs exactly the same way, mirroring the real world. Some differences are that all Whitelighters are Darklighters and vice versa, and that The Underworld is a Garden of Eden-like paradise. The Demon of Fear is the Demon of Hope, and Wyatt Halliwell faces a future in which he turns good one day as opposed to one where he turns evil. Some figures, such as the morally ambiguous Gideon, remain largely similar.", "The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour, the main characters move back and forth from the respective universes of The Fairly OddParents and The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.", "In Smallville episode \"Reckoning\", Lana Lang is killed in a car crash while being chased by Lex Luthor. Clark Kent journeys to his Fortress of Solitude where he uses a Kryptonian crystal to go back in time and save Lana (creating an alternate timeline to the original events); however the universe 'finds a balance' and Clark's father Jonathan Kent dies instead. More recently, the season 10 episode \"Luthor\" explores a world where Clark was discovered by Lionel Luthor rather than Jonathan and Martha Kent.", "Charlie Jade describes three parallel universes: Alphaverse, Betaverse, and Gammaverse.\n Red Dwarf offers several humorous takes on the concept that don't involve an evil twin joke, including one episode where women are the dominant gender (Nellie Armstrong was the first person on the moon, and Wilma Shakespeare wrote great plays such as Rachel III and The Taming of the Shrimp), and another where Arnold Rimmer becomes the far more dashing and debonair Ace Rimmer.", "Kamen Rider Decade, the Japanese tokusatsu show, features ten parallel worlds, nine of which feature alternate versions of Kamen Riders from 2000–2008.\n In The O.C. episode \"The Chrismukkah-huh?\", Taylor Townsend and Ryan Atwood venture into a parallel universe in which they never existed, in order to set things straight to get back to their own world.", "Fringe has a recurring subplot in its first season about a terrorist group called ZFT who seek to prepare 'warriors' for a coming conflict between parallel universes. The final two episodes of the season deal with recurring villain David Robert Jones attempting to travel into a parallel universe in order to kill the mysterious William Bell. Series protagonist Olivia Dunham experiences visions of this other world before traveling there and meeting Bell in the South Tower of the World Trade Center", ". Background details show that in this universe, the White House was destroyed in the 9/11 attacks rather than the Twin Towers. In season 2 the main plot is manage to stop warriors from the other side, the shape-shifters. At the end of the season, the three main characters cross to this parallel universe. A character from the other side attempt to create a machine to destroy our universe, in order to save his own world. The main character, Olivia, remains trapped in the parallel universe by the end", ". The main character, Olivia, remains trapped in the parallel universe by the end. In season 3, in odd-numbered episodes the episode takes place with Olivia, in the parallel world, while the other characters are in even-numbered episodes. In episode 8, the two story arcs collide, resulting with the end of the appearance of the parallel universe, but the upcoming war remains.", "The miniseries The 10th Kingdom concerns a parallel world in which the fairy tales of Grimm are historical events.An Englishman's CastleThe X-Files episode \"4-D\"The Day After TomorrowThe Justice League episode \"Justice Lords\"AwakeThe Community episode \"Remedial Chaos Theory\"\nThe Hercules: The Legendary Journeys episode \"Stranger in a Strange World\"\nThe Psych episode \"Right Turn or Left for Dead\"", "Rick and Morty is a television show, provided by Adult Swim, that involves many different parallel universes. A majority of these universes are shown in the second season.Supernatural In season 6, the protagonists Sam and Dean Winchester travel to another universe where they are actors on a TV show called Supernatural", ". Throughout season 13, a major plotline centers around a parallel universe known as Apocalypse World, a dark post-apocalyptic wasteland where Sam and Dean never existed and thus could not save the world. In the same season, another universe called The Bad Place is introduced which appears to be mainly inhabited by monsters that are different than what is in the Winchesters' world. This particular universe appeared in the backdoor pilot to the proposed spin-off series Supernatural: Wayward Sisters.", "The City and the City (TV series) \nBen 10: Omniverse: In the final half of the series, Vilgax forges an alliance with several evil alternate versions of Ben Tennyson. Ben actually visits one of them in the two parter \"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Ben World\", where the world underwent an apocalyptic event a la Mad Max, and the Ben of this timeline became a ruthless dictator.\nIf I Hadn't Met You (2018)\nThe Man in the High Castle", "If I Hadn't Met You (2018)\nThe Man in the High Castle\nThe Magic Trolls and the Troll Warriors, Siegfried said that the magic trolls world was connected to Princess Celia's world.\nOnce Upon a Time (TV series)\nMia and Me\nTime Jam: Valerian & Laureline\nThe Loud House (episode : \"Pulp Friction\", \"White Hare\", \"One of the Boys\" & \"Time Trap!\")\nJustice League (TV series) (Savage Time & A Better World & Legend & Hereafter)\nThe Real Ghostbusters (Xmas Marks the Spot) and any dimensions.", "The Real Ghostbusters (Xmas Marks the Spot) and any dimensions.\nHot Wheels Battle Force 5 (Double Down)\nCodename: Kids Next Door (Operation: P.O.O.L. and \"Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.\")\nSuperman: The Animated Series (Brave New Metropolis)\nDanger Mouse (2015 TV series) (With counterpart Sinister Mouse, Baron Penfold and Silas von Greenback are Danger Toad and alternative Penfold in change timeline)\nMake Way for Noddy (Noddy Through the Looking Glass)", "Make Way for Noddy (Noddy Through the Looking Glass)\n\"Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir\" of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir\nExtreme Ghostbusters any dimension.", "Transformers: Rescue Bots (\"It's a Bot Time\" and \"Bot to the Future\")Brick Like Me, Treehouse of Horror and Not It in The SimpsonsJackie Chan Adventures any dimensions and change the timeline.Jumanji (TV series)Spider-man: The Animated Series (1994-1998) The penultimate and finale episodes of the series, \"Spider Wars, Chapter IV: I Really, Really Hate Clones\" and \"Spider Wars, Chapter V: Farewell, Spider-Man\", respectively, involved multiple parallel universe Spider-Man characters convening", ". They were the first Spider-Man story involving parallel universes. The work later appeared in various Spider-Man comics, cartoons and films in the early 21st century, such as the Spider-Verse movie franchise, and Spider-Man: No Way Home.Staff, P. (2016b, May 19). 'Spider-Man: The Animated Series' Team Remembers the '90s Classic and Opens Up About the New Show That Will Reunite the Cast. Peoplemag. https://people.com/tv/spider-man-the-animated-series-team-remembers-the-show/Cronin, B. (2021)", ". https://people.com/tv/spider-man-the-animated-series-team-remembers-the-show/Cronin, B. (2021). Spider-Man: The animated series producer would like credit for creating the Spider-Verse. CBR. https://www.cbr.com/spider-man-animated-series-john-semper-credit-spider-verse/", "Anime\nIsekai is a particular genre of anime where the main character is transported into another world. Although sometimes this is a virtual reality, most commonly it consists of parallel universes, especially fantasy worlds. There are a few examples in the list below.", "Black Rock Shooter while each piece of media takes place in its own universe, they each focus around Black Rock Shooter, a mysterious black haired girl who possesses a burning blue eye and a powerful cannon that can shoot rocks at high speed. Other characters also appear in more than one form of media. The OVA focuses on a girl named Mato Kuroi, who befriends another girl, Yomi Takanashi, upon entering school", ". As the two start to drift apart, with Yomi becoming jealous of Mato's friendship with Yuu Kotari, Yomi suddenly disappears. As Mato searches for her, she is taken to a strange world where she meets the mysterious Black Rock Shooter, who merges with her and helps her search for Yomi, fighting off the evil Dead Master who possessed her. The television series uses the same characters from the OVA in a similar but slightly different storyline", ". As Mato enters middle school and becomes friends with Yomi, she soon faces personal troubles and the influence caused by another world where Black Rock Shooter fights other girls.", "Amagami SS follows protagonist Junichi as every few episodes moves to an alternate timeline in which Junichi makes different decisions resulting in ending up with a different girlfriend.", "Digimon features an alternative perceived reality called the Digital World. The Digital World is created as a result of the Earth's electronic network, with everything being made up of data instead of matter. Also, certain seasons, games, and manga are set in a different parallel Earth, with its own version of a Digital World", ". In the second season of the series a third world was introduced near the series finale; this world was a place where the wishes and desires of the Digidestined came true, only for their ideal realities to be shattered after coming to the realization they're not real.", "Dragon Ball, there exists an alternate future timeline where the protagonist, Goku, dies of a heart disease, and without Goku to defend it, the Earth falls victim to a pair of androids who attack the Earth six months later and kill all other warriors who come to its defense. The character Trunks, who lives in the terrible destruction of Earth in this timeline, travels back in time to warn Goku about his disease and to warn him about the androids", ". As a result of this, in the \"standard\" timeline, Goku never dies of the disease, and the warriors never die in battle with the androids. Also resulting from this is that there are two versions of the character Trunks – the one from the alternate future, and the one from the standard, or altered, timeline. Dragon Ball Super later reveals the existence of twelve parallel universes, and that each timeline has its own set of these universes", ". The universes are numbered from one to twelve, and are in matching pairs, with each pair's numbers adding up to thirteen. Goku's universe is Universe 7, which is matched with Universe 6. Grand Zen'o, the Omni-King, eventually decides to arrange a massive battle royal tournament between eight of the universes, in which the losing universes will be erased from existence.", "Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure is based on two parallel universes that formed from a critical choice made in the past (each came from the assumption of one of two possible choices) and revolves around a protagonist able to see and later travel from one universe to the other.\n\"Higurashi no Naku Koro ni\"", "Rockman EXE Beast involves another dimension parallel to Earth named Beyondard, in which there are parallel versions of the characters in the world, where a war between the antagonists Falzer and Greiga are fighting over control, as well as the Synchronizer, Trill", ". Many Navis from Earth are in this world serving as the lower antagonists for the series, preferring to be called 'Zoanaroids' (strangely, many of the Zoanaroids were already deleted on Earth—a concept used by Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa), then their real name. These Navis had special forms that gave them increased strength and an altered appearance", ". These Navis had special forms that gave them increased strength and an altered appearance. In this world, a Navi could be materialized within Beyondard without the need of a dimensional area, due to its strange environment caused by an accident. The environment would also cause those using Cross Fusion pain while merged.", "Neon Genesis Evangelion, the final episode of the series presents the main character Shinji Ikari with an alternate universe, wherein the cataclysmic event Second Impact had not occurred and all the main characters live peaceful lives. This universe went on to be the basis for numerous spin-off series, including Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days. It is also stated in the episode that this universe was just one of many possible alternate universes.", "Noein is a story comprising both parallel universes and temporal juxtapositions; space and time are distorted (and the perception of such becomes vague), and past and future versions of characters (from different realities) co-exist in the same dimension.Sonic the Hedgehog, this parallel universe is called \"Planet Freedom\", which is split into two distinct realms: the Land of the Sky and the Land of Darkness", ". The Land of the Sky consists of an unknown number of continents that drift high in the stratosphere of the planet, all of them connected to a massive ice formation which also serves to anchor them to the planet's surface below. According to Knuckles, if this ice network was destroyed, Planet Freedom's rotation would hurl the Land of the Sky into outer space, undoubtedly killing everyone on it", ". The Land of Darkness is the actual surface of Planet Freedom, a post-apocalyptic wilderness with Robotnik as its sole living inhabitant. The Land of Darkness can only be accessed in one of two ways: by a whirlwind-like \"portal\" in the Land of the Sky, or via a warp zone, an extradimensional link between two points on Planet Freedom. Most of its terrain is untamed and mountainous, but a crumbling city serves as the location of Robotnik's empire", ". The city and terrain strongly imply that Planet Freedom is a post-apocalyptic Earth that was built upon with floating islands, with certain landmarks suggesting that the ruins are those of New York City", ".Sonic X , there is two difference of parallel universe, Sonic's world and the world of humans, during Sonic's battle against his arch-enemy Doctor Eggman he crosses time and space and ends up in the human world along with his friend's Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Cream and Cheese, and there are other characters who appear along with them, Rouge, Chaotix, Big and his frog friend named Froggy, and other non-anthropomorphic animals from Sonic's world", ". Sonic meets a 12-year-old boy named Christopher Thorndyke who befriended Sonic and helps him and his friends to stop Eggman from getting hands-on Chaos Emeralds and stopping him frequently from taking over the human world while gathering the Chaos Emeralds which were the only key for Sonic and his friends to return back to their world.", "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, a tie-in movie to the anime adaptation of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya light novels, features the world being altered by Yuki Nagato so that the main characters who possess supernatural abilities are ordinary humans, with protagonist Kyon being the only person who was affected by the alteration.\n Spider Riders (Kid Friendly): when a boy is transported to another world he soon finds out its filled with hero spider riders and he soon gets his own.", "Clannad: After Story, during the final episode where protagonist Tomoya is sent to an alternate universe where his wife Nagisa, and daughter Ushio have not died.\n Outbreak Company mainly is about a shut-in otaku from Japan being sent to a magical alternate universe newly discovered by the Japanese government, in means to spread Japanese culture across the lands of the new world.", "Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE centers on a group of characters traveling through a multitude of alternate realities—essentially parallel universes—on a quest to restore someone's memories.\n The Familiar of Zero focuses on a human boy on Earth being accidentally sent to a magical world, by a spell. It is mentioned several times that others have traveled between the two universes through a portal from an annual solar eclipse.", "Bakugan Battle Brawlers Inuyasha is a manga and anime about a young girl that travels back in time to a world full of demons and monsters by falling into a well. There, she meets a half-demon called Inuyasha.Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa depicts two worlds: our world, which is well on its way to WWII, and the world of alchemy where a majority of the series' events take place.", "Fairy Tail features a story arc in which guild members travel to a parallel world called Edolas which is devoid of the magic they are used to.\n Steins;Gate Multiple scenarios depending upon player's actions.", "Vision of Escaflowne A girl is accidentally taken to the land of Guya when a prince on a dragon hunt, so he can awaken the legendary mecha Escaflowne, arrives in our world. After defeating the dragon they are both sent back to Guya where adventure soon occurs after the prince's land is destroyed by our villains.Isekai Izakaya \"Nobu\" An izakaya was opened for customers from the parallel worlds that serves drinks and food", ".Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja Naruto and Sakura was teleported to an alternate world, in which the situation are in reverse, like Hinata developed an aggressive nature, Kiba loves cats, Neji's a pervert, Sasuke's a lady's man, Kushina and Minato are alive and Sakura's parents are dead, Tenten are clumsy and among others. They must fight Menma, Naruto's alternate.Restaurant to Another World a Western Restaurant was serving people from another world every Saturday via a magical warped door", ".Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody The protagonist became stuck on the game he managed.The Girl in Twilight, known in Japan as Akanesasu Shoujo explores the ideas of parallel worlds when the main group of protagonists accidentally stumble upon them and meet their parallel counterparts.Laugh It Up, Fuzzball: The Family Guy TrilogyPokémon episode \"Time-Warp Heals All Wounds\" by reason to save the relative of eldery lady.Gate (novel series)Radio", "Fifth Dimension is a radio drama adaptation of the short story, \"The Plattner Story\" by H. G. Wells. A chemistry teacher is accidentally thrust into a parallel world with alien inhabitants. The regular world continues to be visible, though translucent and intangible.Undone is a radio comedy based on the idea of parallel versions of London, in particular \"Undone\". Undone is seen as a place where weirdness is normal, while mundaneness is normal in London, with some \"Leakage\" between the two", ". There is also a third version called \"Donlon\", a more mundane version of London in which everything is generic.Married is a radio comedy with science fiction themes that first aired in 1999. Robin is happily single when he wakes up in a parallel universe, with a wife and kids.", "Comics\n\nAlternate/parallel universes are often used as an explanation for crossovers between different comic companies' characters.", "The Adventures of Luther Arkwright is based around the concept of parallel universes.\n Various alternate universes in Archie Comics.\n Bokurano: Ours features parallel universes being pitted against each other in giant mecha battles in which the losers' universes are destroyed.\n Bucky O'Hare, the science-fiction series is set in a parallel universe known as the Aniverse, where all inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals.\n Caste of the Metabarons features two wars between our universe and alternate ones.", "The DC Comics Multiverse features parallel universes such as Earth-One, Earth-Two, the Elseworlds, and other such worlds. DC Comics has had four major events, the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, Dark Nights: Metal, Dark Nights: Death Metal, and Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths which all heavily revolved around the alternate universes in the DC Multiverse", ". Although the Multiverse was officially destroyed during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC continued to publish a number of non-continuity stories under the Elseworlds banner, telling stories of DC characters in universes with significant differences from the main DC continuity. For example, Superman: Red Son depicted a world where Superman's spaceship landed not in Kansas, but in the Soviet Union.", "The Marvel Comics Multiverse features parallel universes such as the Age of Apocalypse, Femizonia, and all the alternate realities of the What If series, among many others. Exiles details the adventures of a dimension-hopping band of superheroes from other alternate universes in the Marvel Multiverse.", "Homestuck is an online web-comic centered around four kids who play a game named Sburb that brings them to an alternate dimension known as the Incipisphere, where a war is fought between two planets, Derse and Prospit. Further events reveal another universe inhabited by trolls, who also play a similar game.", "Jenny Everywhere is an open source webcomic character, being able to 'shift' between realities. Each universe has its own Jenny Everywhere, so she is literally everywhere (that implies other living persons being solely unique). In some stories Everywheres from different universes will meet each other.", "Jinty published Worlds Apart in 1981. Six girls find their dream worlds becoming reality after being knocked out by a mysterious gas. Each world is ruled by the respective characteristic that sets each girl apart: greed, sports-mania, vanity, crime, intellectualism, and fear.\nJoJo's Bizarre Adventure's parts 7 and 8, titled Steel Ball Run and JoJolion respectively, exist in a different, alternate universe than parts 1-6.", "L'enfant penchée, the main character in François Schuiten and Benoît Peeters' comic book, lives on our Earth, but comes from a parallel universe. She is attached to this other universe's gravitational pull and therefore stands inclined.", "Misty published The Sentinels in 1978, whereby two apartment blocks called \"The Sentinels\" connect the mainstream universe with an alternate reality where the Nazis conquered Britain in 1940. The connection had people stumbling in from both universes, causing terror over mysterious disappearances and mix-ups over parallel world doubles. This culminated in the Gestapo unwittingly arresting a man from the mainstream universe and forces from both universes uniting for a rescue mission", ".Reborn! Skobek Universe, which houses Toadafrog from Green Frog Studios's comics, which is connected to the actual universe through a wormhole, which is how countries like Korea, Greenland, humans, and concepts such as rock music, classical music, baseball, and the cinema come from.", "Sonic the Hedgehog comic, the Archie version features a multitude of parallel universes, the most prominent ones being the No Zone universe, where Zone cops monitor all activity within the other universes, and the Anti-Universe (AKA \"Moebius\"), home to Sonic's evil doppelganger Scourge the Hedgehog\n Yu-Gi-Oh!s English version, \"Shadow Games\" happen in an alternate reality known as the \"Shadow Realm\".\n Zenith: Phase Three, superheroes from many parallel universes must band together to defend their worlds.", "+Anima by Natsumi Mukai is about four anthropomorphic characters; outcasts who are searching for others of their kind. Despite its popularity, the manga ended on its tenth volume.\n Le Cycle de Taï-Dor are a french comics in heroic fantasy with a mirror magic in another world.\n Flashpoint (comics) Alice in Borderland The Button (comics)Games", "Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game has a thoroughly developed system of planes of existence. A popular campaign setting for the game, Planescape, centers around travelling between these planes. Ravenloft, a gothic horror setting for Dungeons & Dragons, is based entirely in a single demiplane.", "GURPS Infinite Worlds, a supplement for the Fourth Edition of the GURPS role-playing game, expands upon the campaign setting of conflict between the Infinity Patrol, which is the time-travel agency on \"our\" Earth, referred to as Homeline, and Centrum across a multiplicity of alternate history Earths. It won the 2005 Origins Award as Best Game Supplement.", "Video gamesBack to the Future: The GameBayonetta 3BioShock InfiniteBravely DefaultBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds City of Heroes contains a set of levels that include many missions set in parallel universes, including one controlled by Nazis and another with evil versions of the games' well-known iconic heroes.", "Chrono Cross (2000), the main character must travel between two dimensions, known as \"Home World\" (the world from which the main character originates) and \"Another World\". This was followed by the similar fan made game Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes.", "Crash Twinsanity, the main protagonists (Crash Bandicoot and Doctor Neo Cortex) travel to the mysterious 10th Dimension, where everything that is good in their dimension is evil, and vice versa.Digimon World and Digimon World DSEternal Darkness: Sanity's RequiemEversionFinal Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Final Fantasy X, Tidus is transported from his hometown of Zanarkand into Spira, a land where everything is radically different", ". As the game progresses, he finds that Zanarkand was destroyed 1,000 years before the start of the game, and the Zanarkand he is from is a just a dream created by the Fayth, the souls of those who died when the city perished.", "Final Fantasy XIII-2, in which the actions of the time-travelling protagonists to fix events in the original timeline cause parallel worlds to appear, in which events have change based on their intervention; players can then travel between the old and new timelines, existing in parallel.Fortnite: Battle Royale contains in-game lore focusing on the Zero Point, the center of the omniverse", ". It serves as the in-universe explanation for the game's numerous collaborations which sometimes play major roles in the story.Freedom ForceGrandia: Parallel TrippersGrowlanser Wayfarer of Time Half-Life series features a number of parallel universes from which both hostile and friendly alien species originate. One inter-dimensional alien race, the Combine, conquers Earth and attempts to harvest and enslave humanity", ". Only in Half-Life and its expansion packs, however, does the player ever visit one of these parallel dimensions; the so-called 'border world', Xen.Heroes of the Storm The Hyperdimension Neptunia series features several different parallel universes. The entire first game, as well as most of the spin-off titles, take place in different universes from the main continuity. Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory and Megadimension Neptunia VII both have the main characters traveling to other universes", ".Injustice: Gods Among Us is a fighting video game based upon the fictional universe of DC Comics. The game was developed by NetherRealm Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U.Killer InstinctKingdom HeartsLeague of Legends, in the canon, the video game primarily takes place in a continent named Valoran in a world named Runeterra", ". Normally the back-stories of a few champions state about beings coming from another realm whether summoned or invited by summoners (such as a character based on Anubis named Nasus being pulled from his home planet into Runeterra), or by beings crossing inter-dimensional rifts to arrive in Runeterra (such as void creatures crossing a space anomaly from a lost city named Icathia)", ".Legacy of KainThe Legend of Zelda series include alternate realities: A Link to the Past and The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures include an alternate \"Dark World\" along with the normal \"light\" one, and Majora's Mask is set in a parallel reality of Hyrule, Termina. Other games feature the same world in two different time periods. In Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess there is a Twilight Realm where Link becomes a Wolf", ". In Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess there is a Twilight Realm where Link becomes a Wolf. In Link's Awakening there exists a kind of alternate universe inside the unconscious, dream state mind of the Wind Fish. There is also a parallel universe in Phantom Hourglass simply called the \"World of the Ocean King\" by the spirits. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds involves another parallel version of Hyrule, called Lorule, which has fallen into ruin due to the destruction of their Triforce", ". When Lorule invades Hyrule in an attempt to steal the Triforce to replace their own, Link has to travel back and forth between the two worlds.Lego Dimensions, Lord Vortech torn rifts into all of the LEGO worlds (and drifted all of the LEGO greats to planet Earth).The Longest Journey features a story about two parallel universes, Stark and Arcadia. Stark is a futuristic universe with cyberpunk influences, while Arcadia is a fantastic medieval world.", "Lost Odyssey, four immortal protagonists, and one immortal antagonist, are sent from a parallel universe in danger of collapse to observe the game universe's residents and return after a millennium (one year in the parallel universe). The antagonist, wishing to retain his immortality, erases the others' memories and plots to destroy the link between the worlds.", "Marathon Infinity, a seemingly unstoppable creature, The W'rkncacnter, is unleashed, and the player must transport himself to different parallel realities until he finds the one in which he may prevent the release of the creature. In certain levels the player will appear before the release of the creature, and can then attempt to stop it", ". Every few levels, usually at the end of a chapter, the player would find himself in a surreal \"dream world\", in which his surroundings had little to no relation to the W'rkncacnter or even his original reality at all. It is suspected that these levels are not universes at all, but in fact a dreaming interlude before the player reaches his actual destination (this is debatable however since the player can be killed in these levels like any other)", ". After the player succeeds in trapping the W'rkncacnter in a gigantic gravitational field, he is \"freed\" from the control of the artificial intelligences that had previously governed nearly every one of his objectives, and subsequently teleports to another reality, at which point the game ends. It is unknown what reality the player goes to next, but it is assumed that he is using his new freedom to explore various universes at his own leisure.", "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes features the planet Aether, which is struck by a meteor. The strange, energetic substance (called Phazon) within the meteor, along with the force of the impact, split the planet's reality into light and dark dimensions. Samus, the heroine, must travel between the two dimensions, transferring energy back to the light dimension before the two competing worlds destroy one another.", "Mortal Kombat series features a massive war between realities, known as \"Realms\". This crossed over into the DC Universe in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.", "Myst, a people known as D'ni colonized Earth from another universe, and kept traveling to other universes (known as Ages) through Linking Books. According to their cosmology, each universe is a leaf of the Terokh Jeruth, the Tree of Possibilities. Myst also includes the use of Trap Books as empty universes for storing criminals, although they were later retconned to be complete universes of their own, called Prison Ages", ".Ni no Kuni ParaWorld is set in a parallel dimension discovered by a group of scientists in the 19th century. This new world is periodically connected to ours via natural gateways. In order to cross into that world, one must predict the exact time and location of the opening rift. ParaWorld is a world where electricity does not and cannot exist, and the word \"lightning\" is foreign to the natives. As such, technology has not gone beyond steam engines", ". As such, technology has not gone beyond steam engines. Most tribes, however, prefer to utilize other means of transportation and warfare – dinosaurs. As discovered by three modern-day scientists who are trapped in ParaWorld, dinosaurs never existed on our Earth, and all the bones found by archaeologists have somehow crossed over through the portals. In ParaWorld, however, they exist alongside human tribes, some of which are similar culturally to ours (e.g", ".g. Norsemen, Dustriders (Beduins), and Dragon Clans (East Asia)).RuneScape has a mirror universe named ScapeRune which players can access through certain random events.", "The Silent Hill survival horror video game series incorporates an alternate dimension that is related to characters' emotions, memories and other projections of their subconsciousness.Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Sonic Rush, and Sonic Rush AdventureSpider-Man: Edge of Time and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Spyro the Dragon series, an evil sorcerer sends all of the inhabitants of the three realms to their Shadow Realm counterparts, leaving the normal realms empty save for Spyro.", "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, the characters unknowingly live in a \"video game\" created by people in another universe called 4D Space. Eventually, the creators of the game see fit to reboot the game server, effectively destroying the universe in the process, however, once the process is complete, the characters find the universe as they know it intact, and all links to 4D space inaccessible", ". Suggesting that by destroying the universe, contact between the two planes of existence was severed, without resulting in the destruction of either plane.Star Trek: Shattered UniverseSuper Paper MarioSuper Smash Bros. series", "Tales of Symphonia, the two world exist next to each other without knowing of the other's existence. The two worlds unconsciously battle for control of the energy the worlds share, something like Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, except in that game, the two sides of the war know of each other's existence and the energy they must share.", "Ultima Online used the parallel universe concept to rationalize the existence of multiple instances of the game world (called \"shards\"), so that players could be partitioned onto multiple servers for capacity reasons.\n UniverseSuper Robot Taisen: Original GenerationZero Escape seriesBermuda SyndromeHeart of Darkness (video game)Steins;GateLife Is Strange'' by the reason for change the past.", "See also\n Parallel universes in fiction\n Multiverse\n Alternate future\n Alternate history (fiction)\n Alternate universe (fan fiction)\n Fantasy world\n Fictional universe\n Imaginary world\n\nRelated lists\n List of fictional universes\n List of fictional timelines\n\nReferences\n\nScience fiction lists\nParallel universes" ]
Causes of the 2000s United States housing bubble
[ "Observers and analysts have attributed the reasons for the 2001–2006 housing bubble and its 2007–10 collapse in the United States to \"everyone from home buyers to Wall Street, mortgage brokers to Alan Greenspan\"", ". Other factors that are named include \"Mortgage underwriters, investment banks, rating agencies, and investors\", \"low mortgage interest rates, low short-term interest rates, relaxed standards for mortgage loans, and irrational exuberance\" Politicians in both the Democratic and Republican political parties have been cited for \"pushing to keep derivatives unregulated\" and \"with rare exceptions\" giving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac \"unwavering support\".", "Government policies\n\nHousing tax policy", "Housing tax policy\n\nIn July 1978, Section 121 allowed for a $100,000 (~$ in ) one-time exclusion in capital gains for sellers 55 years or older at the time of sale. In 1981, the Section 121 exclusion was increased from $100,000 to $125,000. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated the tax deduction for interest paid on credit cards. As mortgage interest remained deductible, this encouraged the use of home equity through refinancing, second mortgages, and home equity lines of credit (HELOC) by consumers.", "The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 repealed the Section 121 exclusion and section 1034 rollover rules, and replaced them with a $500,000 married/$250,000 single exclusion of capital gains on the sale of a home, available once every two years. This made housing the only investment which escaped capital gains. These tax laws encouraged people to buy expensive, fully mortgaged homes, as well as invest in second homes and investment properties, as opposed to investing in stocks, bonds, or other assets.", "Deregulation\n\nHistorically, the financial sector was heavily regulated by the Glass–Steagall Act which separated commercial and investment banks. It also set strict limits on Banks' interest rates and loans.", "Starting in the 1980s, considerable deregulation took place in banking. Banks were deregulated through:\n The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (allowing similar banks to merge and set any interest rate).\n The Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (allowing Adjustable-rate mortgages).\n The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999 (allowing commercial and investment banks to merge).", "Federal Home Loan Bank Board allowed federal S&Ls to originate Adjustable-rate mortgages in 1979 and in 1981 the Comptroller of the Currency extended the privilege to national banks. This regulation, enacted during times when fixed-rate loans at 17% were beyond the reach of many prospective home-owners, led to a series of innovations in adjustable-rate financing that contributed the easy credit that help fuel the housing bubble.", "Several authors single out the banking deregulation by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act as significant. Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has called Senator Phil Gramm \"the father of the financial crisis\" due to his sponsorship of the act but later revised his viewpoint saying repealing Glass-Steagall is \"not what caused the financial crisis, which arose instead from 'shadow banks. Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has also argued that GLB helped to create the crisis", ". Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has also argued that GLB helped to create the crisis. An article in The Nation has made the same argument.", "Economists Robert Ekelund and Mark Thornton have also criticized the Act as contributing to the crisis. They state that while \"in a world regulated by a gold standard, 100% reserve banking, and no FDIC deposit insurance\" the Financial Services Modernization Act would have made \"perfect sense\" as a legitimate act of deregulation, but under the present fiat monetary system it \"amounts to corporate welfare for financial institutions and a moral hazard that will make taxpayers pay dearly.\"", "Critics have also noted de facto deregulation through a shift in mortgage securitization market share from more highly regulated Government Sponsored Enterprises to less regulated investment banks.", "However, many economists, analysts and politicians reject the criticisms of the GLB legislation. Brad DeLong, a former advisor to President Clinton and economist at the University of California, Berkeley and Tyler Cowen of George Mason University have both argued that the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act softened the impact of the crisis by allowing for mergers and acquisitions of collapsing banks as the crisis unfolded in late 2008. \"Alice M", ". \"Alice M. Rivlin, who served as a deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget under Bill Clinton, said that GLB was a necessary piece of legislation because the separation of investment and commercial banking 'wasn't working very well.' Even Bill Clinton stated (in 2008): 'I don't see that signing that bill had anything to do with the current crisis.", "Mandated loans", "Republican Senator Marco Rubio has stated that the housing crisis was \"created by reckless government policies.\" Republican appointee to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Peter J. Wallison and coauthor Edward Pinto believed that the housing bubble and crash was due to federal mandates to promote affordable housing", ". These were applied through the Community Reinvestment Act and \"government sponsored entities\" (GSE's) \"Fannie Mae\" (Federal National Mortgage Association) and \"Freddie Mac\" (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation). Journalist Daniel Indiviglio argues the two GSE's played a major role, while not denying the importance of Wall Street and others in the private sector in creating the collapse.", "The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1992 established an affordable housing loan purchase mandate for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and that mandate was to be regulated by HUD. Initially, the 1992 legislation required that 30 percent or more of Fannie's and Freddie's loan purchases be related to affordable housing. However, HUD was given the power to set future requirements. In 1995 HUD mandated that 40 percent of Fannie's and Freddie's loan purchases would have to support affordable housing", ". In 1996, HUD directed Freddie and Fannie to provide at least 42% of their mortgage financing to borrowers with income below the median in their area. This target was increased to 50% in 2000 and 52% in 2005. Under the Bush Administration HUD continued to pressure Fannie and Freddie to increase affordable housing purchases – to as high as 56 percent by the year 2008. To satisfy these mandates, Fannie and Freddie eventually announced low-income and minority loan commitments totalling $5 (~$ in ) trillion", ". Critics argue that, to meet these commitments, Fannie and Freddie promoted a loosening of lending standards - industry-wide.", "Regarding the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), economist Stan Liebowitz wrote in the New York Post that a strengthening of the CRA in the 1990s encouraged a loosening of lending standards throughout the banking industry. He also charged the Federal Reserve with ignoring the negative impact of the CRA", ". He also charged the Federal Reserve with ignoring the negative impact of the CRA. American Enterprise Institute Scholar Edward Pinto noted that, in 2008, Bank of America reported that its CRA portfolio, which constituted only 7 percent of its owned residential mortgages, was responsible for 29 percent of its losses", ". A Cleveland Plain Dealer investigation found that \"The City of Cleveland has aggravated its vexing foreclosure problems and has lost millions in tax dollars by helping people buy homes they could not afford.\" The newspaper added that these problem mortgages \"typically came from local banks fulfilling federal requirements to lend money in poorer neighbourhoods.\"", "Others argue that \"pretty much all the evidence on the housing crisis shows\" that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the (CRA) and their affordability goals were not a major reason for the bubble and crash.", "Law professor David Min argues that view (blaming GSE's and CRA) \"is clearly contradicted by the facts\", namely that\n Parallel bubble-bust cycles occurred outside of the residential housing markets (for example, in commercial real estate and consumer credit).\n Parallel financial crises struck other countries, which did not have analogous affordable housing policies\n The U.S. government’s market share of home mortgages was actually declining precipitously during the housing bubble of the 2000s.", "However, according to Peter J. Wallison, other developed countries with \"large bubbles during the 1997–2007 period\" had \"far lower ... losses associated with mortgage delinquencies and defaults\" because (according to Wallison), these countries' bubbles were not supported by a huge number of government mandated substandard loans – generally with low or no downpayments\" as was the case in the US.", "Other analysis calls into question the validity of comparing the residential loan crisis to the commercial loan crisis. After researching the default of commercial loans during the financial crisis, Xudong An and Anthony B. Sanders reported (in December 2010): \"We find limited evidence that substantial deterioration in CMBS [commercial mortgage-backed securities] loan underwriting occurred prior to the crisis", ".\" Other analysts support the contention that the crisis in commercial real estate and related lending took place after the crisis in residential real estate. Business journalist Kimberly Amadeo reports: \"The first signs of decline in residential real estate occurred in 2006. Three years later, commercial real estate started feeling the effects. Denice A. Gierach, a real estate attorney and CPA, wrote:most of the commercial real estate loans were good loans destroyed by a really bad economy", ". In other words, the borrowers did not cause the loans to go bad, it was the economy.", "In their book on the financial crisis Business journalists Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera argue that the charges against Fannie and Freddie are \"completely upside down; Fannie and Freddie raced to get into subprime mortgages because they feared being left behind by their nongovernment competitors.\"", "Most early estimates showed that the subprime mortgage boom and the subsequent crash were very much concentrated in the private market, not the public market of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. According to an estimate made by the Federal Reserve in 2008, more than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages came from private lending institutions in 2006", ". The share of subprime loans insured by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac also decreased as the bubble got bigger (from a high of insuring 48 percent to insuring 24 percent of all subprime loans in 2006).", "To make its estimate, the Federal Reserve did not directly analyze the characteristics of the loans (such as downpayment sizes); rather, it assumed that loans carrying interest rates 3% or more higher than normal rates were subprime and loans with lower interest rates were prime. Critics dispute the Federal Reserve's use of interest rates to distinguish prime from subprime loans", ". They say that subprime loan estimates based on use of the high-interest-rate proxy are distorted because government programs generally promote low-interest rate loans – even when the loans are to borrowers who are clearly subprime.", "According to Min, while Fannie and Freddie did buy high-risk mortgage-backed securities,", "they did not buy enough of them to be blamed for the mortgage crisis. Highly respected analysts who have looked at these data in much greater detail than Wallison, Pinto, or myself, including the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission majority, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and virtually all academics, including the University of North Carolina, Glaeser et al. at Harvard, and the St", ". at Harvard, and the St. Louis Federal Reserve, have all rejected the Wallison/Pinto argument that federal affordable housing policies were responsible for the proliferation of actual high-risk mortgages over the past decade.", "Min's contention that Fannie and Freddie did not buy a significant amount of high-risk mortgage backed securities must be evaluated in light of subsequent SEC security fraud charges brought against executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in December 2011. Significantly, the SEC alleged (and still maintains) that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reported as subprime and substandard less than 10 percent of their actual subprime and substandard loans", ". In other words, the substandard loans held in the GSE portfolios may have been 10 times greater than originally reported. According to Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute, that would make the SEC's estimate of GSE substandard loans about $2 trillion - significantly higher than Edward Pinto's estimate.", "The Federal Reserve also estimated that only six percent of higher-priced loans were extended by Community Reinvestment Act-covered lenders to lower-income borrowers or CRA neighborhoods. (As it did with respect to GSE loans, the Federal Reserve assumed that all CRA loans were prime unless they carried interest rates 3% or more above the normal rate, an assumption disputed by others", ".) In a 2008 speech, Federal Reserve Governor Randall Kroszner, argued that the CRA could not be responsible for the subprime mortgage crisis, stating that", "\"first, only a small portion of subprime mortgage originations are related to the CRA. Second, CRA-related loans appear to perform comparably to other types of subprime loans", ". Second, CRA-related loans appear to perform comparably to other types of subprime loans. Taken together… we believe that the available evidence runs counter to the contention that the CRA contributed in any substantive way to the current mortgage crisis\" Others, such as Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Sheila Bair, and Ellen Seidman of the New America Foundation also argue that the CRA was not responsible for the crisis. The CRA also only affected one out of the top 25 subprime lenders", ". The CRA also only affected one out of the top 25 subprime lenders. According to several economists, Community Reinvestment Act loans outperformed other \"subprime\" mortgages, and GSE mortgages performed better than private label securitizations.", "Nonetheless, economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that banks undergoing CRA-related regulatory exams took additional mortgage lending risk. The authors of a study entitled \"Did the Community Reinvestment Act Lead to Risky Lending?\" compared \"the lending behavior of banks undergoing CRA exams within a given census tract in a given month (the treatment group) to the behavior of banks operating in the same census tract-month that did not face these exams (the control group)", ". This comparison clearly indicates that adherence to the CRA led to riskier lending by banks.\" They concluded: \"The evidence shows that around CRA examinations, when incentives to conform to CRA standards are particularly high, banks not only increase lending rates but also appear to originate loans that are markedly riskier.\" Loan delinquency averaged 15% higher in the treatment group than the control group one year after mortgage origination.", "Historically low interest rates\nAccording to some, such as John B. Taylor and Thomas M. Hoenig, \"excessive risk-taking and the housing boom\" were brought on by the Federal Reserve holding \"interest rates too low for too long\".", "In the wake of the dot-com crash and the subsequent 2001–2002 recession the Federal Reserve dramatically lowered interest rates to historically low levels, from about 6.5% to just 1%. This spurred easy credit for banks to make loans. By 2006 the rates had moved up to 5.25% which lowered the demand and increased the monthly payments for adjustable rate mortgages. The resulting foreclosures increased supply, dropping housing prices further", ". The resulting foreclosures increased supply, dropping housing prices further. Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan admitted that the housing bubble was \"fundamentally engendered by the decline in real long-term interest rates.\"", "Mortgages had been bundled together and sold on Wall Street to investors and other countries looking for a higher return than the 1% offered by Federal Reserve. The percentage of risky mortgages was increased while rating companies claimed they were all top-rated. Instead of the limited regions suffering the housing drop, it was felt around the world. The Congressmen who had pushed to create subprime loans now cited Wall Street and their rating companies for misleading these investors.", "In the United States, mortgage rates are typically set in relation to 10-year treasury bond yields, which, in turn, are affected by Federal Funds rates. The Federal Reserve acknowledges the connection between lower interest rates, higher home values, and the increased liquidity the higher home values bring to the overall economy. A Federal Reserve report reads:", "For this reason, some have criticized then Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan for \"engineering\" the housing bubble, saying, e.g., \"It was the Federal Reserve-engineered decline in rates that inflated the housing bubble.\" Between 2000 and 2003, the interest rate on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages fell 2.5 percentage points (from 8% to all-time historical low of about 5.5%). The interest rate on one-year adjustable rate mortgages (1/1 ARMs) fell 3 percentage points (from about 7% to about 4%)", ". Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Fed, said in 2006 that the Fed's low interest-rate policies unintentionally prompted speculation in the housing market, and that the subsequent \"substantial correction [is] inflicting real costs to millions of homeowners.\"", "A drop in mortgage interest rates reduces the cost of borrowing and should logically result in an increase in prices in a market where most people borrow money to purchase a home (for instance, in the United States), so that average payments remain constant. If one assumes that the housing market is efficient, the expected change in housing prices (relative to interest rates) can be computed mathematically", ". The calculation in the sidebox shows that a 1 percentage point change in interest rates would theoretically affect home prices by about 10% (given 2005 rates on fixed-rate mortgages). This represents a 10-to-1 multiplier between percentage point changes in interest rates and percentage change in home prices. For interest-only mortgages (at 2005 rates), this yields about a 16% change in principal for a 1% change in interest rates at current rates", ". Therefore, the 2% drop in long-term interest rates can account for about a 10 × 2% = 20% rise in home prices", "if every buyer is using a fixed-rate mortgage (FRM), or about 16 × 3% ≈ 50% if every buyer is using an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) whose interest rates dropped 3%.", "Robert Shiller shows that the inflation adjusted U.S. home price increase has been about 45% during this period, an increase in valuations that is approximately consistent with most buyers financing their purchases using ARMs. In areas of the United States believed to have a housing bubble, price increases have far exceeded the 50% that might be explained by the cost of borrowing using ARMs. For example, in San Diego area, average mortgage payments grew 50% between 2001 and 2004", ". For example, in San Diego area, average mortgage payments grew 50% between 2001 and 2004. When interest rates rise, a reasonable question is how much house prices will fall, and what effect this will have on those holding negative equity, as well as on the U.S. economy in general. The salient question is whether interest rates are a determining factor in specific markets where there is high", "sensitivity to housing affordability. (Thomas Sowell points out that these markets where there is high sensitivity to housing affordability are created by laws that restrict land use and thus its supply. In areas like Houston which has no zoning laws the Fed rate had no effect.)", "Return to higher rates", "Between 2004 and 2006, the Fed raised interest rates 17 times, increasing them from 1% to 5.25%, before pausing. The Fed paused raising interest rates because of its concern that an accelerating downturn in the housing market could undermine the overall economy, just as the crash of the dot-com bubble in 2000 contributed to the subsequent recession. New York University economist Nouriel Roubini opined that \"The Fed should have tightened earlier to avoid a festering of the housing bubble early on.\"", "There was a great debate as to whether or not the Fed would lower rates in late 2007. The majority of economists expected the Fed to maintain the Fed funds rate at 5.25 percent through 2008; however, on September 18, it lowered the rate to 4.75 percent.", "Regions affected\nHome price appreciation has been non-uniform to such an extent that some economists, including former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, arguedthat the United States was not experiencing a nationwide housing bubble per se, but a number of local bubbles. However, in 2007 Greenspan admitted that there was in fact a bubble in the US housing market, and that \"all the froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble.\"", "Despite greatly relaxed lending standards and low interest rates, many regions of the country saw very little growth during the \"bubble period\". Out of 20 largest metropolitan areas tracked by the S&P/Case-Shiller house price index, six (Dallas, Cleveland, Detroit, Denver, Atlanta, and Charlotte) saw less than 10% price growth in inflation-adjusted terms in 2001–2006", ". During the same period, seven metropolitan areas (Tampa, Miami, San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Washington DC) appreciated by more than 80%.", "Somewhat paradoxically, as the housing bubble deflates some metropolitan areas (such as Denver and Atlanta) have been experiencing high foreclosure rates, even though they did not see much house appreciation in the first place and therefore did not appear to be contributing to the national bubble", ". This was also true of some cities in the Rust Belt such as Detroit and Cleveland, where weak local economies had produced little house price appreciation early in the decade but still saw declining values and increased foreclosures in 2007. As of January 2009 California, Michigan, Ohio and Florida were the states with the highest foreclosure rates.", "'Mania' for home ownership", "Americans' love of their homes is widely known and acknowledged; however, many believe that enthusiasm for home ownership is currently high even by American standards, calling the real estate market \"frothy\", \"speculative madness\", and a \"mania\"", ". Many observers have commented on this phenomenon—as evidenced by the cover of the June 13, 2005 issue of Time magazine (itself taken as a sign of the bubble's peak)—but as a 2007 article in Forbes warns, \"to realize that America's mania for home-buying is out of all proportion to sober reality, one needs to look no further than the current subprime lending mess ... As interest rates—and mortgage payments—have started to climb, many of these new owners are having difficulty making ends meet ..", "... Those borrowers are much worse off than before they bought.\" The boom in housing has also created a boom in the real estate profession; for example, California has a record half-million real estate licencees—one for every 52 adults living in the state, up 57% in the last five years.", "The overall U.S. homeownership rate increased from 64 percent in 1994 (about where it was since 1980) to a peak in 2004 with an all-time high of 69.2 percent. Bush's 2004 campaign slogan \"the ownership society\" indicates the strong preference and societal influence of Americans to own the homes they live in, as opposed to renting", ". However, in many parts of the United States, rent does not cover mortgage costs; the national median mortgage payment is $1,687 per month, nearly twice the median rent payment of $868 per month, although this ratio can vary significantly from market to market.", "Suspicious Activity Reports pertaining to mortgage fraud increased by 1,411 percent between 1997 and 2005. Both borrowers seeking to obtain homes they could not otherwise afford, and industry insiders seeking monetary gain, were implicated.", "Belief that housing is a good investment", "Among Americans, home ownership is widely accepted as preferable to renting in many cases, especially when the ownership term is expected to be at least five years. This is partly because the fraction of a fixed-rate mortgage used to pay down the principal builds equity for the homeowner over time, while the interest portion of the loan payments qualifies for a tax break, whereas, except for the personal tax deduction often available to renters but not to homeowners, money spent on rent does neither", ". However, when considered as an investment, that is, an asset that is expected to grow in value over time, as opposed to the utility of shelter that home ownership provides, housing is not a risk-free investment. The popular notion that, unlike stocks, homes do not fall in value is believed to have contributed to the mania for purchasing homes. Stock prices are reported in real time, which means investors witness the volatility", ". Stock prices are reported in real time, which means investors witness the volatility. However, homes are usually valued yearly or less often, thereby smoothing out perceptions of volatility. This assertion that property prices rise has been true for the United States as a whole since the Great Depression, and appears to be encouraged by the real estate industry.", "However, housing prices can move both up and down in local markets, as evidenced by the relatively recent price history in locations such as New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Japan, Seoul, Sydney, and Hong Kong; large trends of up and down price fluctuations can be seen in many U.S. cities (see graph). Since 2005, the year-over-year median sale prices (inflation-adjusted) of single family homes in Massachusetts fell over 10% in 2006", ". Economist David Lereah formerly of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) said in August 2006 that \"he expects home prices to come down 5% nationally, more in some markets, less in others.\" Commenting in August 2005 on the perceived low risk of housing as an investment vehicle, Alan Greenspan said, \"history has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of low risk premiums.\"", "Compounding the popular expectation that home prices do not fall, it is also widely believed that home values will yield average or better-than-average returns as investments. The investment motive for purchasing homes should not be conflated with the necessity of shelter that housing provides; an economic comparison of the relative costs of owning versus renting the equivalent utility of shelter can be made separately (see boxed text)", ". Over the holding periods of decades, inflation-adjusted house prices have increased less than 1% per year.", "Robert Shiller shows that over long periods, inflation adjusted U.S. home prices increased 0.4% per year from 1890 to 2004, and 0.7% per year from 1940 to 2004. Piet Eichholtz also showed in what has become known as the Herengracht house index, comparable results for housing prices on a single street in Amsterdam (the site of the fabled tulip mania, and where the housing supply is notably limited) over a 350 year period", ". Such meager returns are dwarfed by investments in the stock and bond markets; although, these investments are not heavily leveraged by fair interest loans. If historic trends hold, it is reasonable to expect home prices to only slightly beat inflation over the long term", ". Furthermore, one way to assess the quality of any investment is to compute its price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, which for houses can be defined as the price of the house divided by the potential annual rental income, minus expenses including property taxes, maintenance, insurance, and condominium fees. For many", "locations, this computation yields a P/E ratio of about 30–40, which is considered by economists to be high for both the housing and the stock markets; historical price-to-rent ratios are 11–12. For comparison, just before the dot-com crash the P/E ratio of the S&P 500 was 45, while in 2005–2007 around 17. In a 2007 article comparing the cost and risks of renting to buying using a buy vs. rent calculator, The New York Times concluded,", "A 2007 Forbes article titled \"Don't Buy That House\" invokes similar arguments and concludes that for now, \"resist the pressure [to buy]. There may be no place like home, but there's no reason you can't rent it.\"", "Promotion in the media\nIn late 2005 and into 2006, there were an abundance of television programs promoting real estate investment and flipping.", "In addition to the numerous television shows, book stores in cities throughout the United States could be seen showing large displays of books touting real-estate investment, such as NAR chief economist David Lereah's book Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom?, subtitled Why Home Values and Other Real Estate Investments Will Climb Through The End of The Decade - And How to Profit From Them, published in February 2005", ". One year later, Lereah retitled his book Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust - And How You Can Profit from It.", "However, following Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke's comments on the \"downturn of the housing market\" in August 2006, Lereah said in an NBC interview that \"we've had a boom marketplace: you've got to correct because booms cannot sustain itself forever .\" Commenting on the phenomenon of shifting NAR accounts of the national housing market (see David Lereah's comments), the Motley Fool reported, \"There's nothing funnier or more satisfying ..", "... than watching the National Association of Realtors (NAR) change its tune these days. ... the NAR is full of it and will spin the numbers any way it can to keep up the pleasant fiction that all is well.\"", "Upon leaving the NAR in May 2007, Lereah explained to Robert Siegel of National Public Radio that using the word \"boom\" in the title was actually his publisher's idea, and \"a poor choice of titles\".\n\nSpeculative fever", "The graph above shows the total notional value of derivatives relative to US wealth measures. It is important to note for the casual observer that, in many cases, notional values of derivatives carry little meaning. Often the parties cannot easily agree on terms to close a derivative contract", ". Often the parties cannot easily agree on terms to close a derivative contract. The common solution has been to create an equal and opposite contract, often with a different party, in order to net payments (Derivatives market#Netting), thus eliminating all but the counterparty risk of the contract, but doubling the nominal value of outstanding contracts.", "As median home prices began to rise dramatically in 2000–2001 following the fall in interest rates, speculative purchases of homes also increased. Fortune magazine's article on housing speculation in 2005 said, \"America was awash in a stark, raving frenzy that looked every bit as crazy as dot-com stocks", ".\" In a 2006 interview in BusinessWeek magazine, Yale economist Robert Shiller said of the impact of speculators on long term valuations, \"I worry about a big fall because prices today are being supported by a speculative fever\", and former NAR chief economist David Lereah said in 2005 that \"[t]here's a speculative element in home buying now", ".\"[broken footnote] Speculation in some local markets has been greater than others, and any correction in valuations is expected to be strongly related to the percentage amount of speculative purchases. In the same BusinessWeek interview, Angelo Mozilo, CEO of mortgage lender Countrywide Financial, said in March 2006:", "The chief economist for the National Association of Home Builders, David Seiders, said that California, Las Vegas, Florida and the Washington, D.C., area \"have the largest potential for a price slowdown\" because the rising prices in those markets were fed by speculators who bought homes intending to \"flip\" or sell them for a quick profit.", "Dallas Fed president Richard Fisher said in 2006 that the Fed held its target rate at 1 percent \"longer than it should have been\" and unintentionally prompted speculation in the housing market.", "Various real estate investment advisors openly advocated the use of no money down property flipping, which led to the demise of many speculators who followed this strategy such as Casey Serin.\n\nAccording to a 2020 study, the main driver behind shifts in house prices were shifts in beliefs, rather than a shift in underlying credit conditions.\n\nBuying and selling above normal multiples", "Buying and selling above normal multiples\n\nHome prices, as a multiple of annual rent, have been 15 since World War II. In the bubble, prices reached a multiple of 26. In 2008, prices had fallen to a multiple of 22.", "In some areas houses were selling at multiples of replacement costs, especially when prices were correctly adjusted for depreciation. Cost per square foot indexes still show wide variability from city to city, therefore it may be that new houses can be built more cheaply in some areas than asking prices for existing homes.", "Possible factors of this variation from city to city are housing supply constraints, both regulatory and geographical. Regulatory constraints such as urban growth boundaries serve to reduce the amount of developable land and thus increase prices for new housing construction. Geographic constraints (water bodies, wetlands, and slopes) cannot be ignored either. It is debatable which type of constraint contributes more to price fluctuations", ". It is debatable which type of constraint contributes more to price fluctuations. Some argue that the latter, by inherently increasing the value of land in a defined area (because the amount of usable land is less), give homeowners and developers incentive to support regulations to further protect the value of their property.", "In this case, geographical constraints beget regulatory action. To the contrary, others will argue that geographic constraints are only a secondary factor, pointing to the more discernable effects that urban growth boundaries have on housing prices in such places as Portland, OR. Despite the presence of geographic constraints in the surrounding Portland area, their current urban growth boundary does not encompass those areas. Therefore, one would argue, such geographic constraints are a non issue.", "Dot-com bubble collapse\nYale economist Robert Shiller argues that the 2000 stock market crash displaced \"irrational exuberance\" from the fallen stock market to residential real estate: \"Once stocks fell, real estate became the primary outlet for the speculative frenzy that the stock market had unleashed.\"", "The crash of the dot-com and technology sectors in 2000 led to a (approximately) 70% drop in the NASDAQ composite index. Shiller and several other economists have argued this resulted in many people taking their money out of the stock market and purchasing real estate, believing it to be a more reliable investment.\n\nRisky mortgage products and lax lending standards", "Excessive consumer housing debt was in turn caused by the mortgage-backed security, credit default swap, and collateralized debt obligation sub-sectors of the finance industry, which were offering irrationally low interest rates and irrationally high levels of approval to subprime mortgage consumers because they were calculating aggregate risk using gaussian copula formulas that strictly assumed the independence of individual component mortgages", ", when in fact the credit-worthiness almost every new subprime mortgage was highly correlated with that of any other because of linkages through consumer spending levels which fell sharply when property values began to fall during the initial wave of mortgage defaults", ". Debt consumers were acting in their rational self-interest, because they were unable to audit the finance industry's opaque faulty risk pricing methodology.", "Expansion of subprime lending\n\nLow interest rates, high home prices, and flipping (or reselling homes to make a profit), effectively created an almost risk-free environment for lenders because risky or defaulted loans could be paid back by flipping homes.", "Private lenders pushed subprime mortgages to capitalize on this, aided by greater market power for mortgage originators and less market power for mortgage securitizers. Subprime mortgages amounted to $35 billion (5% of total originations) in 1994, 9% in 1996, $160 billion (13%) in 1999, and $600 billion (20%) in 2006.", "Risky products", "The recent use of subprime mortgages, adjustable rate mortgages, interest-only mortgages, Credit default swaps, Collateralized debt obligations, Frozen credit markets and stated income loans (a subset of \"Alt-A\" loans, where the borrower did not have to provide documentation to substantiate the income stated on the application; these loans were also called \"no doc\" (no documentation) loans and, somewhat pejoratively", ", somewhat pejoratively, as \"liar loans\") to finance home purchases described above have raised concerns about the quality of these loans should interest rates rise again or the borrower is unable to pay the mortgage", ".", "In many areas, particularly in those with most appreciation, non-standard loans went from almost unheard of to prevalent. For example, 80% of all mortgages initiated in San Diego region in 2004 were adjustable-rate, and 47% were interest only.\n\nIn 1995, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac began receiving affordable housing credit for buying Alt-A securities Academic opinion is divided on how much this contributed to GSE purchases of nonprime MBS and to growth of nonprime mortgage origination.", "Some borrowers got around downpayment requirements by using seller-funded downpayment assistance programs (DPA), in which a seller gives money to a charitable organizations that then give the money to them. From 2000 through 2006, more than 650,000 buyers got their down payments through nonprofits.", "According to a Government Accountability Office study, there are higher default and foreclosure rates for these mortgages. The study also showed that sellers inflated home prices to recoup their contributions to the nonprofits.", "On May 4, 2006, the IRS ruled that such plans are no longer eligible for non-profit status due to the circular nature of the cash flow, in which the seller pays the charity a \"fee\" after closing. On October 31, 2007, the Department of\nHousing and Urban Development adopted new regulations banning so-called \"seller-funded\" downpayment programs. Most must cease providing grants on FHA loans immediately; one can operate until March 31, 2008.", "Mortgage standards became lax because of a moral hazard, where each link in the mortgage chain collected profits while believing it was passing on risk. Mortgage denial rates for conventional home purchase loans, reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, have dropped noticeably, from 29 percent in 1998, to 14 percent in 2002 and 2003. Traditional gatekeepers such as mortgage securitizers and credit rating agencies lost their ability to maintain high standards because of competitive pressures.", "Mortgage risks were underestimated by every institution in the chain from originator to investor by underweighting the possibility of falling housing prices given historical trends of rising prices. These authors argue that misplaced confidence in innovation and excessive optimism led to miscalculations by both public and private institutions.", "In March 2007, the United States' subprime mortgage industry collapsed due to higher-than-expected home foreclosure rates, with more than 25 subprime lenders declaring bankruptcy, announcing significant losses, or putting themselves up for sale. Harper's Magazine warned of the danger of rising interest rates for recent homebuyers holding such mortgages, as well as the U.S. economy as a whole: \"The problem [is] that prices are falling even as the buyers' total mortgage remains the same or even increases. ..", ". ... Rising debt-service payments will further divert income from new consumer spending. Taken together, these factors will further shrink the \"real\" economy, drive down those already declining real wages, and push our debt-ridden economy into Japan-style stagnation or worse.\"", "Factors that could contribute to rising rates are the U.S. national debt, inflationary pressure caused by such factors as increased fuel and housing costs, and changes in foreign investments in the U.S. economy. The Fed raised rates 17 times, increasing them from 1% to 5.25%, between 2004 and 2006", ".25%, between 2004 and 2006. BusinessWeek magazine called the option ARM (which might permit a minimum monthly payment less than an interest-only payment) \"the riskiest and most complicated home loan product ever created\" and warned that over one million borrowers took out $466 billion in option ARMs in 2004 through the second quarter of 2006, citing concerns that these financial products could hurt individual borrowers the most and \"worsen the [housing] bust\".", "To address the problems arising from \"liar loans\", the Internal Revenue Service updated an income verification tool used by lenders to make confirmation of borrower's claimed income faster and easier. In April 2007, financial problems similar to the subprime mortgages began to appear with Alt-A loans made to homeowners who were thought to be less risky; the delinquency rate for Alt-A mortgages rose in 2007", ". The manager of the world's largest bond fund PIMCO, warned in June 2007 that the subprime mortgage crisis was not an isolated event and will eventually take a toll on the economy and whose ultimate impact will be on the impaired prices of homes.", "See also\n Resolution Trust Corporation\n Savings and loan crisis\n\nReferences\n\nUnited States housing bubble\nUnited States housing bubble\nUrban politics in the United States" ]
James Oglethorpe
[ "James Edward Oglethorpe (22 December 1696 – 30 June 1785) was a British soldier, Member of Parliament, and philanthropist, and the founder of the Province of Georgia in what was then colonial-era British America. As a social reformer, he hoped to resettle Britain's \"worthy poor\" in the New World, initially focusing on those in debtors' prisons.", "Born to a prominent British family, Oglethorpe left college in England and a British Army commission to travel to France, where he attended a military academy before fighting under Prince Eugene of Savoy in the Austro-Turkish War. He returned to England in 1718 and was elected to the House of Commons in 1722. His early years were relatively undistinguished until 1729, when Oglethorpe was made chair of the Gaols Committee that investigated British debtors' prisons", ". After the report was published, to widespread attention, Oglethorpe and others began publicizing the idea of a new colony, to serve as a buffer between the Carolinas and Spanish Florida. After being granted a charter, Oglethorpe sailed to Georgia in November 1732.", "He was a major figure in the early history of the colony, holding much civil and military power and instituting a ban on slavery and alcohol. During the War of Jenkins' Ear, Oglethorpe led British troops in Georgia against Spanish forces based in Florida. In 1740, he led a lengthy siege of St. Augustine, which was unsuccessful. He then defeated a Spanish invasion of Georgia in 1742. Oglethorpe left the colony after another unsuccessful invasion of St. Augustine and never returned", ". Oglethorpe left the colony after another unsuccessful invasion of St. Augustine and never returned. He led some government troops in the Jacobite rising of 1745 and was blamed for British defeat in the Clifton Moor Skirmish. Despite being cleared in a court martial, Oglethorpe never held British command again. He lost reelection to the House of Commons in 1754. He left England and may have served undercover in the Prussian Army during the Seven Years' War", ". He left England and may have served undercover in the Prussian Army during the Seven Years' War. In his later years, Oglethorpe was prominent in literary circles, becoming close to James Boswell and Samuel Johnson.", "Early life and family", "His family history dates back to William the Conqueror. They supported Charles I, an unpopular monarch. They suffered under Oliver Cromwell, but regained favor following the Stuart Restoration in 1660. Theophilus Oglethorpe, the head of the family, lived next to the royal palace at Whitehall; he and his brothers were members of Parliament. At Whitehall Theophilus met Eleanor Wall, one of Queen Anne's ladies-in-waiting, and the two fell in love and married in 1680", ". They had ten children: Lewis, Anne, Eleanor, Theophilus Jr., James, Frances Charlotte, Sutton, Louise Mary, and James Edward. James Edward was the Oglethorpes' youngest child and their fifth son. He was born on 22 December 1696. Little is known about Oglethorpe's early life. He was named James after James II, reflecting his family's royalist sympathies, and Edward after James Francis Edward Stuart. Oglethorpe was baptized on 23 December at St Martin-in-the-Fields in London.", "Early military career", "Oglethorpe's father bought him a commission in Queen Anne's 1st Regiment of Foot Guards as an ensign in 1707, he was commissioned to be lieutenant unassigned on 21 November 1713 with the rank of captain of foot (infantry). Following in the footsteps of his older brothers, he entered Eton College. His mother managed to have him enter Corpus Christi College, Oxford, where he matriculated on 8 July 1714 with Basil Kennett as his tutor", ". His army commission was renewed in 1715 by King George I, but he resigned on 23 November 1715, in part because the Foot Guards were not expected to see action.", "Oglethorpe then traveled to France, where both his sisters Anne and Fanny lived, he attended the military academy at Lompres, near Paris, where he met and befriended fellow-student James Francis Edward Keith. The following year, intending to fight in the Austro-Turkish War, he travelled to serve under military commander Prince Eugene of Savoy", ". With a letter of recommendation from the Duke of Argyle and several other prominent Britons, Oglethorpe and Louis François Crozat arrived and with Infante Manuel, Count of Ourém entered the Prince's service on 3 August as an aides-de-camp. Oglethorpe was present but not actively engaged in the Battle of Petrovaradin in August 1716. At the siege of Temeşvar in September that same year, he served as aide-de-camp. He found active command at the siege of Belgrade from 19 June to 16 August", ". He found active command at the siege of Belgrade from 19 June to 16 August. After the death of his superior in combat, on 16 August, Oglethorpe as the most senior aide-de-camp acted as adjutant general; as such he took possession of the Turkish camp, and reported to the Prince the casualty report. After the battle, he was offered the rank of lieutenant colonel in the army— which he never accepted.", "Oglethorpe then fought in Sicily under General Georg Olivier Wallis in 1718 for several weeks. By 19 September, he had returned to England. Despite his hope otherwise, Oglethorpe was refused a commission in the British Army and was briefly back at Corpus Christi beginning on 25 June 1719.", "As a Member of Parliament", "When he was twenty-six, Oglethorpe inherited the family estate at Godalming in Surrey from his brother. He was first elected to the House of Commons as a Tory aligned with William Wyndham in 1722, representing Haslemere. Oglethorpe remained unchallenged until 1734. He almost did not serve when, in a drunken brawl, he killed a man and spent five months in prison, before he was cleared of murder through the influence of a powerful friend and released from prison", ". He took his seat in the House of Commons on 9 October.", "Oglethorpe was, according to Pitofsky, \"among the least productive representatives,\" who notes that in the six years after he was first elected, he was actively involved in only two debates. In contrast, Sweet writes that Oglethorpe was an \"eloquent yet honest\" speaker who had strong Tory principals and genuinely cared about the conditions of his constituents, citing that his service on forty different committees that investigated widely varied topics", ". His first participation in debate was on 6 April 1723, unsuccessfully opposing the banishment of the bishop Francis Atterbury, who had been accused of supporting James Francis Edward Stuart.", "In response to the poor living and working conditions of sailors in the Royal Navy, Oglethorpe published an anonymous pamphlet titled \"The Sailors Advocate\" in 1728 about press gangs and pay issues. It was 52 pages long and argued for reforming and strengthening the Navy and against impressment. However, he proposed few real solutions apart from analysing the work of navies of other countries", ". However, he proposed few real solutions apart from analysing the work of navies of other countries. Sweet considers that it marks the beginning of Oglethorpe's philanthropy and writes that it \"gave Oglethorpe the practical experience necessary to undertake future efforts more successfully\". The pamphlet was reprinted several times throughout the 18th century.", "Gaols Committee", "In the late 1720s, Oglethorpe's attentions were drawn to the conditions of debtors' prisons after his friend, Robert Castell, was sent to Fleet Prison and eventually died. Oglethorpe motioned to investigate the warden of the prison, and was made chairman of the resulting committee on 25 February 1729. As chair of the Gaols Committee, he began touring debtors' prisons in late February and the following month finished the first of three detailed reports presented to parliament", ". In the reports various abuses in the prisons were profiled, including torturing, overcrowding, and widespread disease. The reports particularly attacked Thomas Bambridge, the warden of Fleet Prison, where Castell had died. He urged for reform of the prisons, mainly through prosecution of those in charge of them. Most of the blame was laid on the individual prison wardens, rather than the system as a whole. While these reports attracted much attention, there was little real change", ". While these reports attracted much attention, there was little real change. The investigation ended on 14 May.", "In the aftermath (the final report was presented on 8 May 1730), Oglethorpe and the committee were praised by prominent Britons such as Alexander Pope, James Thomson, Samuel Wesley, and William Hogarth. Pitofsky writes that there was seemingly a \"great deal of popular support for the committee\". However, Conservative members of the House of Commons attempted to prevent much change through deriding members of the committee as \"amateurs and zealots\" and preventing the wardens from being jailed", ". On 3 April 1730, a bill drafted by Oglethorpe was presented to the House; it would have removed Bambridge from his position. It was adopted in a revised form six weeks later by both Houses. However, recommendations for a bill to better oversee Fleet Prison were discarded. In the trial of William Acton for murdering four debtors, Acton was acquitted. Oglethorpe felt that the proceedings had been manipulated. Bambridge was acquitted of charges as well. Oglethorpe denounced both acquittals", ". Bambridge was acquitted of charges as well. Oglethorpe denounced both acquittals. Shortly afterwards, Oglethorpe disbanded the committee. He led another committee of the same nature in 1754.", "Other stances and later service", "Oglethorpe, a committed advocate against alcohol, proposed a tax on malt in the same session the Gaols Committee was authorized. He argued against a royal grant of 115,000 pounds to cover arrearages, considering it extravagant. Oglethorpe also initially opposed Britain being involved in making peace in Europe, but by 1730 had begun advocating military preparedness. Oglethorpe served on a committee investigating the Charitable Corporation after its 1731 collapse", ". Oglethorpe served on a committee investigating the Charitable Corporation after its 1731 collapse. In the 1732 Parliamentary session, he staunchly opposed the administration's policy of disarmament and continued to emphasize the need for preparedness", ". Although Oglethorpe held his seat until 1754, after he left for Georgia he was rarely involved in parliamentary affairs, and after Robert Walpole lost his power in 1742 Oglethorpe lost most of his remaining influence and primarily held office in opposition to those who held power.", "Establishment of Georgia", "While working on the Gaols Committee, Oglethorpe met and became close to John Perceval (who later became the first Earl of Egmont). After leaving the committee, Oglethorpe considered sending around a hundred unemployed people from London to America. In 1730, Oglethorpe shared a plan to establish a new American colony with Perceval. The colony would be a place to send \"the unemployed and the unemployable\", and he anticipated broad societal support", ". He was soon granted 5,000 pounds for the colony by the trustees of the estate of a man named King. Oglethorpe began looking for other sources of funding and met Thomas Bray, a reverend and philanthropist. Bray, in failing health by 1730, had founded the Bray Associates to continue his humanitarian work. Perceval was a trustee of the associates, and Oglethorpe was made a trustee in February 1730, the same month that Bray died", ". Although initially there was no set location for the colony, Oglethorpe settled on America on 1 April. It soon became clear that a colony south of the Savannah River would be supported by the House of Commons, as it could serve as a 'buffer' between the prosperous Carolinas and Spanish Florida, and Oglethorpe picked the region on 26 June. People sent to the colony would serve as both soldiers and farmers, making the colony \"South Carolina's first line of defence\"", ". In July, they started campaigns to raise money through subscription and grants.", "The Bray Associates determined to put \"all available funds\" towards the colony on 1 July, and they presented a charter to the Privy Council of the United Kingdom on 17 September. On 12 November, the Bray Associates announced a plan to increase support for their proposed colony through a promotional campaign, which mainly consisted of producing promotional literature", ". Baine writes that beginning in 1730, Oglethorpe \"directed the promotional campaign and wrote, or edited, almost all of the promotional literature until he sailed for Georgia\". The first written work about the proposal was by Oglethorpe and titled Some accounts of the design of the trustees for establishing colonys in America", ". Though it was finished in spring 1731 and never published, Benjamin Martyn drew on it when writing his 1732 book Some Account of the Designs of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America.", "Oglethorpe arranged for Martyn's work to be widely read; in addition to being independently published, it appeared in The London Journal, the Country Journal, the Gentlemen's Magazine, and the South Carolina Gazette. Various notices seeking donations and people willing to emigrate to the colony were published in other English newspapers. In November 1732, Oglethorpe had Select Tracts Relating to Colonies published", ". In November 1732, Oglethorpe had Select Tracts Relating to Colonies published. In 1733, Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, written by Martyn, and A New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of South-Carolina and Georgia, by Oglethorpe, were published. Oglethorpe is thought to have paid for the publication of Select Tracts and A New and Accurate Account. In 1732, Oglethorpe advocated for extending Thomas Lombe's patent on a silk engine.", "In June 1732, Oglethorpe, Perceval, Martyn, and a group of other prominent Britons (collectively known as the Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America) petitioned for and were eventually granted a royal charter to establish the colony of Georgia between the Savannah River and the Altamaha River on 9 June 1732. The following month they selected the first group to send to the colony from wide-ranging applications", ". Oglethorpe's mother had died on 19 June, and he decided to join the group and travel to Georgia. He was formally placed in charge of publicizing the Georgia colony on 3 August.", "That summer, a letter written by Ayuba Suleiman Diallo, an enslaved merchant, reached Oglethorpe. He purchased and freed Diallo. Oglethorpe, who had been made a director or assistant of the Royal African Company in January 1731 and elected a deputy governor in 1732, sold his stock and resigned after the 'Diallo incident' and shortly before leaving for Georgia. Oglethorpe set sail from Gravesend for Georgia with 114 others on the Anne on 15 or 17 November 1732.", "In Georgia", "The Anne reached Charleston, South Carolina, on 13 January 1733. When they arrived in Georgia 1 February 1733, Spalding notes that Oglethorpe chose to settle \"as far from the Spanish as he geographically could\". As Spain disliked their presence in the region, Oglethorpe was careful to maintain good relations with the Native Americans who lived in the region. Left for England and expanded Georgia further south when he returned", ". Left for England and expanded Georgia further south when he returned. When Oglethorpe returned to England in 1737 he was confronted by both angry British and Spanish governments. That year, Oglethorpe granted land to 40 Jewish settlers against the orders of the Georgia trustees.", "On 4 December 1731, Oglethorpe entered into a partnership with Jean-Pierre Pury to settle land in South Carolina. He gained a 1/4 stake in a plot of land. His holdings, termed the 'Oglethorpe Barony' were located at the 'Palachocolas', a crossing of the Savannah River in Granville County. He may have held the tract, around , for the trustees. From 1732 to 1738, Oglethorpe was the de facto leader of Georgia and dominated both the military and the civil aspects of the country", ". From 1738 to 1743 he commanded a British regiment and was also involved in civil affairs before returning to England. While he was involved with the colony, Oglethorpe was the most prominent trustee and the only one to actually live in the colony. He was also involved in mapping the colony.", "Oglethorpe founded the still-active Solomon's Masonic Lodge in 1734.\n\nEarly influence", "Oglethorpe and the trustees formulated a contractual, multi-tiered plan for the settlement of Georgia (see the Oglethorpe Plan). The plan envisioned a system of \"agrarian equality\", designed to support and perpetuate an economy based on family farming, and prevent social disintegration associated with unregulated urbanisation. Land ownership was limited to , a grant that included a town lot, a garden plot near town, and a farm", ". Self-supporting colonists were able to obtain larger grants, but such grants were structured in increments tied to the number of indentured servants supported by the grantee. Servants would receive a land grant of their own upon completing their term of service. No-one was permitted to acquire additional land through purchase or inheritance.", "Despite arriving in Georgia with relatively limited power, Oglethorpe soon became the main authority in the colony. Lannen writes that he \"became everything to everyone\". He negotiated with the Yamacrawbecoming the colony's ambassador to native tribescommanded the militia, directed the building of Savannah and otherwise generally supervised the colony. In early 1733, \"every matter of importance was brought first to Oglethorpe\"", ". In early 1733, \"every matter of importance was brought first to Oglethorpe\". He lived in a tent separated from the rest of the colonists; some of them called him \"father\". Oglethorpe paid for the construction of a 'first fort' to protect Savannah, but it was not completed. He invited talented foreigners to immigrate to the colony. In June 1733, Oglethorpe traveled to Charleston. In his absence, the citizens of Savannah had a disagreement over the authority of the man left in charge", ". They waited for Oglethorpe to return and resolve it. It was not until July that a separate court was established, but Oglethorpe continued to hold much civil power.", "When Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia, Native Americans were well into the process of integration with the Europeans. He saw Native Americans as participants in the new economy Europeans brought to America. Weaver notes that he was known for \"fair dealing with the Indians\". He negotiated with Tomochichi, chief of the Yamacraw tribe for land to build Savannah on. Tomochichi became Oglethope's \"strongest ally in the New World.\"", "As there were rumors a war with France might break out in early 1734, Oglethorpe traveled to Charleston, arriving on 2 March. While there he discussed Indian affairs and, after conferencing with the leadership of the Carolinas, decided to raise a company to build \"a fort among the Upper Creek\" that would counter French influence in the area and serve as a safe house for traders should a war break out between native tribes. Oglethorpe commissioned Patrick Mackay a captain and delegated the task to him", ". Oglethorpe commissioned Patrick Mackay a captain and delegated the task to him. On 7 May, Oglethorpe departed for Britain aboard , taking with him a Creek delegation, including Tomochichi, who was invited by the Georgia trustees to be present during the formal ratification of Oglethorpe's treaty with the Yamacraw.", "The delegation arrived on 16 June, and met King George II and his family at Kensington Palace. Oglethorpe was widely acclaimed in London, although his expansionism was not welcomed in all quarters. The Duke of Newcastle, who directed British foreign policy, had tried to restrain Oglethorpe's efforts in the colony for fear of offending the Spaniards, whom Newcastle wished unsuccessfully to court as an ally", ". Newcastle eventually relented, and became a supporter of the colony, admitting \"it will now be pretty difficult to give up Georgia\". The colony's existence was one of several disputes which worsened Anglo-Spanish relations in the late 1730s. When Tomochichi returned to England, he said that parting with Oglethorpe was \"like the day of death\". In March 1735 the trustees requested 51,800 pounds from parliament, upon the urging of Oglethorpe, in part to construct forts along the Altamaha River", ". 26,000 pounds were eventually budgeted and the trustees approved construction of two forts on the river.", "Oglethorpe's return to England reinvigorated interest in meetings of Georgia's trustees. At his urging the trustees banned the sale of rum, slavery, and regulated negotiations with Native Americans. He was placed in charge of granting licenses to trade with Native Americans, a power that he used often, only granting the right to Georgians and causing Carolinian resentment. When Oglethorpe returned to England in 1734, he had left an authority vacuum behind", ". When Oglethorpe returned to England in 1734, he had left an authority vacuum behind. There was disagreement between the civil and military authorities while he was away; a reported insurrection played a role in his decision to return. In December 1735, he left for Georgia with 257 further immigrants to the colony, arriving in February 1736.", "For the nine months that he remained in the colony, Oglethorpe was mainly at Frederica, a town he laid out to function as a bulwark against Spanish interference, where he again held the most authority. He drilled soldiers and oversaw the construction of a fort. In May he traveled to Savannah and heard 300–400 complaints, serving as \"supreme civil authority\". Increasingly, however, Oglethorpe focused on Georgia's southern border and military matters", ". Increasingly, however, Oglethorpe focused on Georgia's southern border and military matters. He remained confident in the belief that he was \"best suited to govern\". Oglethorpe also held a conference with the Natives as commissioner for Indian Affairs in 1736. Complaints about Oglethorpe's actions came from Spain, Carolina, the trustees, and discontented citizens. Oglethorpe left the colony in November to request a military regiment, leaving behind another power vacuum", ". Discontent increased, which Oglethorpe considered a symptom of his absence. In England, he convinced the trustees of his \"impeccable conduct\" and was thanked for his service.", "War of Jenkins' Ear", "When Oglethorpe left England the first time, Robert Walpole had ordered him to avoid intentional conflict with Spain. However, given the intended function of Georgia as a 'buffer', Oglethorpe considered conflict with Spain to be inevitable. When Oglethorpe returned to lobby for military aid in 1737, he began by requesting a grant of 30,000 pounds from parliament in January", ". He also requested unsuccessfully to be allowed to raise a militia, but was granted 20,000 pounds and made General of the Forces of South Carolina and Georgia. He was offered, but declined governorship of South Carolina. In 1737, Thomas Pelham-Holles granted him permission to raise the forty-second regiment for defense of Georgia's border with Spanish Florida.", "He was promoted to the rank of colonel on 10 September 1737. The following year, 246 soldiers of the 25th Regiment of Foot were incorporated into the regiment. After three further companies were recruited in England, the regiment was stationed at Fort Frederica. A Spanish invasion of the colony was planned in March 1738, but cancelled", ". A Spanish invasion of the colony was planned in March 1738, but cancelled. In response to Oglethorpe gaining formal control of a regiment, other trustees—mainly Edward Vernon—became more vocal in insisting that Oglethorpe stay out of the colony's civil affairs. They also accused him of being an opportunist by starting to vote with Robert Walpole and felt Oglethorpe did not adequately keep the trustees informed of affairs in the colonies", ". Before allowing Oglethorpe to return to Georgia, they had \"laboured to abridge his power\". In October or September 1738 he returned to Frederica and soon had re-assumed his role as de facto leader of the colony.", "Oglethorpe began to prepare for a war after as early as 1738, raising additional troops and rented or purchased several boats after the Royal Navy refused to station a ship there. Oglethorpe spent his whole fortune, £103,395, on building up Georgia's defenses. He allowed a pirate to attack Spanish shipping and worked to secure the support of the Native Americans in the area by meeting with them. He soon became very sick, and remained in poor health for the duration of the campaign", ". He soon became very sick, and remained in poor health for the duration of the campaign. While Oglethorpe was preparing for war, he also worked to combine civil and military authority. He increasingly ignored the wishes of the other trustees, for instance not passing on a change in the land policy when he felt that the colonists would object to it. The War of Jenkins' Ear broke out in 1739.", "After receiving a letter from King George II on 7 September 1739, Oglethorpe began encouraging the Creek Indians to attack Spanish Florida. A mutiny by troops from Europe was quickly quelled. In response to a Spanish attack in November, he led 200 men in a raid on Florida, on 1 December. They penetrated as far as Fort Picolata, but retreated when it became clear they had insufficient firepower to take the fort", ". The troops were then ordered to attack the Castillo de San Marcos with support from Virginia and South Carolina. After Oglethorpe sent William Bull a list of the supplies he needed on 29 December, he launched an invasion on 1 January 1740, again with 200 men. They captured Fort Picolata and Fort San Francisco de Pupo, burning the former and claiming the latter for Georgia. After leaving some troops at de Pupa, Oglethorpe returned to Georgia on 11 January.", "After South Carolina was slow in providing aid, Oglethorpe traveled to Charleston, and arrived on 23 March, where he spoke with the Commons House of Assembly. They eventually agreed to provide 300 of Oglethorpe's requested 800 men. The assembly also agreed to send provisions to keep the Native Americans on their side. Twenty South Carolinians arrived by 23 April and another hundred by 9 May. After receiving these men, Oglethorpe attacked Fort St. Diego on 10 May and had captured it by 12 May", ". Diego on 10 May and had captured it by 12 May. On 18 May, the commander of South Carolina's regiment arrived and by the end of the month there were 376 members present. Its size peaked at 512 members, 47 volunteers, and 54 men who were to remain on the schooner Pearl. The colony also sent artillery and ships, leading Oglethorpe to conclude that South Carolina had given \"all the assistance they could\".", "Oglethorpe was also aided by some Native Americans. He struggled with a lack of equipment and skill needed to take a besieged city; there were no engineers, draft horses, or gunners. Upon his request, several other colonies sent supplies, notably Rhode Island and Virginia. The Royal Navy provided a poor blockade of St. Augustine, fully beginning only on 31 May. As early as April, St. Augustine had begun preparing for a siege. Throughout May and June, Oglethorpe planned how he would take the city", ". Throughout May and June, Oglethorpe planned how he would take the city. He initially planned for a siege and an assault, but this quickly proved impractical given his lack of supplies. Next, Oglethorpe instituted a blockade that was designed to starve the inhabitants of the city into surrender; this was accomplished with the Royal Navy and soldiers on the land. Fort San Francisco de Pupo was used to block supplies entering through the St. John's River.", "On 15 June, the main contingent of soldiers were resoundingly defeated by an attack by the Spaniards and Yamasee. Later that month, a flotilla aimed at reinforcing the city slipped through the blockade. As the navy was going to leave upon the start of the hurricane season on 5 July, Oglethorpe then planned to launch a combined assault, from the land and water. After delays, the plan was abandoned on 2 July when the navy announced an intent to leave on 4 July", ". He briefly considered holding the siege with 200 seamen and a sloop, but decided the idea was impractical. Finally, Oglethorpe was forced to abandon the siege. He commanded the rearguard during the retreat. The trustees presented a 1741 plan to divide Georgia into two sections, but Oglethorpe refused to work with them.", "Spain launched a counter-invasion of Georgia in 1742. Oglethorpe led his force in a defeat of Spain, decisively winning the Battle of Bloody Marsh. On 25 February 1742, he was made a brigadier general. He led another unsuccessful attack on St. Augustine in 1743. That year, William Stephens was named the president of Georgia. The appointment was a product of the trustees' frustration with Oglethorpe's lack of co-operation", ". The appointment was a product of the trustees' frustration with Oglethorpe's lack of co-operation. He continued to hold practical control over Frederica and let Stephens control Savannah. Stephens' government began to not always defer to Oglethorpe's wishes, as did local officials. In response, Oglethorpe made another bid to hold his power, feeling Georgia functioned best \"when there was no other but himself to direct and determine all controversies.\"", "The ODNB considers that Oglethorpe's \"military contribution was of the very highest order and significance\". While the loss of the siege of St. Augustine was attributed by some to Oglethorpe, Baine concludes that \"Oglethorpe certainly made mistakes of generalship, but he was not the principal cause of its failure.\" The war ended in November 1748 and the 42nd Regiment of Foot was removed from Georgia", ".\" The war ended in November 1748 and the 42nd Regiment of Foot was removed from Georgia. By 1749, the Trustees had lost most of their interest in Georgia, and they gave up its charter three years later.", "Slavery", "In what was known as the Georgia Experiment, Georgia initially banned black slavery in the colony. Oglethorpe opposed slavery because he felt that it prevented Georgia from serving as an effective buffer, because he felt slaves would work with the Spaniards to gain their freedom. Further, Georgia was not intended to develop an economy based on rice like the Carolinas and its economy was intended to be based on silk and wine, which made large-scale slavery unnecessary", ". He also felt that slavery would have a negative effect on \"the manners and morality of Georgia's white inhabitants\". After the urging of Oglethorpe and other trustees, slavery was banned by the House of Commons in 1735.", "Oglethorpe was heavily criticized by many for supporting the ban in the late 1730s, and after his return to England the trustees requested that the ban be ended in 1750. It has been suggested, first by William Stephens in his diary, that Oglethorpe held slaves on his land in South Carolina while slavery was banned in Georgia, but Wilkins writes that the veracity of the claim is \"uncertain\"—there is no direct evidence supporting it—and he concludes that \"the probability appears low that [..", "...] Oglethorpe owned slaves.\"", "Return to England\nOglethorpe returned to England on 28 September 1743, after the last attack on St. Augustine failed. He continued to be somewhat involved in the colony's affairs, attempting to stop a distinction being established between holding civil and military power, but he never returned to Georgia and generally was uninterested in the activities of the trustees. Oglethorpe was subject to a court-martial, in which it was alleged he misused funds. He was acquitted after two days.", "Oglethorpe married Elizabeth Wright on 15 September 1744.", "Oglethorpe fought in the British Army during the Jacobite rising of 1745. By then a major general, he took command of troops that were mustering in York, England, about 600 men. Scots invading under Charles Edward Stuart penetrated into England. Oglethorpe was tasked with intercepting retreating Scots before they reached Preston, Lancashire, in December 1745. On the 17th, he was initially ordered to engage with the rear of the Scots, led by George Murray, at Shap", ". The orders were amended to trap the Scots in town early the next morning upon Oglethorpe's intelligence, but the Scots left as the orders were changed. The following day, Oglethorpe travelled to Clifton in Westmorland and took a bridge from the Scots before the Clifton Moor Skirmish that evening. At the skirmish, the British were defeated. Because Oglethorpe had allowed Scots to escape from Shap, he was blamed with the defeat, accused of disobeying orders, and potentially being a Jacobite", ". The following year, Oglethorpe was court martialled for his actions. After a lengthy defense, he was acquitted by a panel of twelve high-ranking military officials, led by Thomas Wentworth. On 19 September 1747, Oglethorpe was promoted to lieutenant general. However, the Duke of Cumberland, who had been in command at Clifton Moor, 'blacklisted' Oglethorpe from holding command.", "He then worked on various reform efforts, with little success, until Oglethorpe and Philip Russell lost their parliamentary seats to James More Molyneux and Philip Carteret Webb in 1754. Oglethorpe's loss has been attributed to his moving to Essex and supporting the Jewish Naturalisation Act, but Baine considers that the election was \"rigged against him\". Webb and Molyneux gained control of the constituency's steward, bailiff, and constable", ". Webb and Molyneux gained control of the constituency's steward, bailiff, and constable. They allowed more voters to be admitted than were qualified, in a process known as faggot voting. Around fifty more people voted in the 1754 election than had the previous cycle, in stark contrast to voter numbers that had remained essentially the same since Oglethorpe was elected. While Oglethorpe and Burrell protested to parliament, the election results were upheld.", "Retirement and death", "Little is known about Oglethorpe's later life. He served on the committee of the Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of exposed and deserted young Children and was a member of the Committee to encourage British fisheries. After retirement, he became friends with various literary figures in London, including Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, Hannah More, and Oliver Goldsmith. Oglethorpe and Boswell became particularly close", ". Oglethorpe and Boswell became particularly close. Boswell and Johnson offered to write a biography of Oglethorpe, and Boswell began to collect materials, but no such volume was ever published.", "From 1755 to 1761 Oglethorpe was out of England. Very little is known about what he did over these six years; they are referred to as his \"missing years\". On 22 September, he had unsuccessfully petitioned George III to reactivate his Georgia regiment, and by 9 December Oglethorpe had left England and arrived in Rotterdam. There he requested a position in the military of Prussia from his friend James Francis Edward Keith, whom Oglethorpe had fought with in the 1710s", ". There are no records of what happened to Oglethorpe in the five years after he wrote a letter to Keith on 3 May 1756. Boswell wrote that he \"went abroad in 1756 to his freind Keith [...] fought in the army\" and \"was with Keith when killed\". Baine concludes that Oglethorpe took the pseudonym 'John Tebay' and likely joined the Prussian Army in mid to late 1756. He was likely with Keith and Frederick the Great during the campaigns of the Seven Years' War", ". He was likely with Keith and Frederick the Great during the campaigns of the Seven Years' War. He probably left the army to visit family over part of the winter. In early 1758, Oglethorpe was almost discovered by Joseph Yorke, an Englishman. He was wounded at a battle on 14 October. Keith reportedly fell into Oglethorpe's arms when he was killed at the Battle of Hochkirch. He left the army in March 1759 and had returned to England by October 1761.", "In May 1768, during the French conquest of Corsica, Oglethorpe pseudonymously published three essays in support of Corsican independence. He advocated strongly in favor of their independence, along with Boswell.", "As colonists in America became increasingly vocal about perceived injustices, Oglethorpe did not publicly speak out, though he privately sympathized with them. From June 1777 to April 1778, Oglethorpe and Granville Sharp unsuccessfully attempted to convince the British leadership to end the war and give the colonists rights as full Englishmen", ". There was a claim that Oglethorpe was offered refusal to command the British Army in the American Revolutionary War, a claim that Spalding notes scholars have been \"unable to discover a shred of truth\" to. In June 1785, Oglethorpe met John Adams twice in London.", "Oglethorpe died on 1 July 1785, at an estate in Cranham in Essex, to the east of London. He was 88. The cause of death is unknown, though it is thought to have been a disease like influenza that worsened into pneumonia.\n\nLegacy and memorials\nIn Atlanta, Oglethorpe University and Oglethorpe Park were named after him, while in the state at large, he is the namesake for both Oglethorpe County and the town of Oglethorpe. Also, The James Oglethorpe Primary School in Cranham is named after him.", "In 1986, the corps of cadets at the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega, Georgia officially adopted the name of the unit as the \"Boar's Head Brigade\". The name came from the boar's head on the department crest approved by the U.S. Army adjutant general on 11 August 1937. The boar's head was a part of the family crest of James Oglethorpe, and is a symbol of fighting spirit and hospitality so deeply a part of Georgia's heritage and the spirit of the corps of cadets at the University of North Georgia.", "All Saints' Church in Cranham, where Oglethorpe was buried, was rebuilt . However, the new church stands on the same foundations as the old one, and Oglethorpe's poetic marble memorial is on the south wall of the chancel, as before", ". In the 1930s, the president of Oglethorpe University Thornwell Jacobs excavated the Oglethorpe family vault in the centre of the chancel at All Saints', although permission to translate the General's relics to a purpose-built shrine at Oglethorpe University (Atlanta) had been refused by the archdeacon.", "The James Oglethorpe Monument in Chippewa Square, Savannah, Georgia, created by sculptor Daniel Chester French and architect Henry Bacon, was unveiled in 1910. Oglethorpe faces south, toward Georgia's one-time enemy in Spanish Florida, and his sword is drawn. Another of Savannah's squares, Oglethorpe Square, is named for him.\n\nThe city of Fort Oglethorpe in Catoosa and Walker County, Georgia is named for him.", "The city of Fort Oglethorpe in Catoosa and Walker County, Georgia is named for him.\n\nOglethorpian anniversaries have since led to the donation of the altar rail at All Saints' by a ladies charity in Georgia. In 1996, then Georgia Governor Zell Miller attended Oglethorpe tercentenary festivities in Godalming and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford.", "Corpus Christi College holds two portraits of Oglethorpe, a drawing of the general as an old man, which hangs in the Senior Common Room, and a portrait in oils, which hangs in the Breakfast Room.\n\nSee also\n Fort Frederica National Monument\n Battle of Bloody Marsh\n Dungeness\n Georgia Experiment\n Oglethorpe Plan\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nBooks\n\nJournals\n\nFurther reading \n\n \n \n \n \n \n McHarris\n\nExternal links", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nBooks\n\nJournals\n\nFurther reading \n\n \n \n \n \n \n McHarris\n\nExternal links\n\n James Oglethorpe Timeline\n The New Georgia Encyclopedia \n \n James Edward Oglethorpe historical marker\n Landing of Oglethorpe and the Colonists historical marker", "1696 births\n1785 deaths\nAlumni of Corpus Christi College, Oxford\nBritish Army generals\nBritish Army personnel of the Jacobite rising of 1745\nBritish Army personnel of the War of Jenkins' Ear\nBritish MPs 1722–1727\nBritish MPs 1727–1734\nBritish MPs 1734–1741\nBritish MPs 1741–1747\nBritish MPs 1747–1754\nColonial governors of Georgia (U.S. state)\nEnglish Anglicans\nEnglish Freemasons\nEnglish philanthropists\nFellows of the Royal Society\nPeople of Georgia (British colony)", "English philanthropists\nFellows of the Royal Society\nPeople of Georgia (British colony)\nMembers of the Parliament of Great Britain for English constituencies\nPeople educated at Eton College\nPeople from Godalming\nPre-statehood history of Georgia (U.S. state)\nAmerican social reformers\nEnglish abolitionists\nBarons in the Jacobite peerage\n18th-century philanthropists\nMilitary personnel from Surrey" ]
Cholula, Puebla
[ "Cholula (, officially Cholula de Rivadavia; Otomi: Mä'ragi), is a city and district located in the metropolitan area of Puebla, Mexico. Cholula is best known for its Great Pyramid, with the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios sanctuary on top, as well as its numerous churches.", "The city and district of Cholula are divided into two: San Pedro Cholula and San Andrés Cholula. Surrounding the city proper is a number of more rural communities which belong to the municipalities of San Andrés and San Pedro. The city itself is divided into eighteen neighborhoods or barrios, each with a patron saint.", "This division has pre-Hispanic origins as does the division into two municipalities. The city is unified by a complicated system of shared religious responsibilities, called cargas, which function mostly to support a very busy calendar of saints' days and other festivals which occur in one part or another almost all year round. The most important of these festivals is that dedicated to the Virgin of the Remedies, the patron of the city in its entirety, which occurs at the beginning of September", ". It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities on earth. \tPre-Columbian Cholula grew from a small village to a regional center during the 7th century. It is the oldest still-inhabited city in the Americas.", "City makeup and non religious landmarks\n\nGeneral description", "The city of Cholula is located just west of the state capital of Puebla and is part of its metropolitan area. The city is divided into two municipalities, called San Pedro Cholula and San Andrés Cholula, which also include a number of smaller communities that surround the city proper. The main plaza of the city is located in the municipality of San Pedro Cholula, but the Great Pyramid, located only a few blocks away, is located in San Andrés Cholula", ". Of the two sub-divisions, San Andrés is more residential and has the higher indigenous population. The city as a whole is officially called the Distrito Cholula de Rivadavia. It was created in 1895 and named in honor of Bernardino de Rivadavia.", "Since the early colonial period, the city has been organized into eighteen barrios or neighborhoods. The pre-Hispanic city had official neighborhoods, called capullis, which the Spanish reorganized around parish churches, each with a patron saint. The official chronicler of the city, however, still refers to the neighborhoods by their pre-Hispanic term. Eight of the barrios are located in the municipality of San Andrés and ten are located in San Pedro", ". The neighborhoods of San Pedro Cholula are San Miguel Tianguisnahuac, Jesús Tlatempa, Santiago Mixquitla, San Matías Cocoyotla, San Juan Calvario Texpolco, San Cristóbal Tepontla, Santa María Xixitla, La Magdalena Coapa, San Pedro Mexicaltzingo and San Pablo Tecama. The neighborhoods of San Andres Cholula are San Miguel Xochimehuacan, Santiago Xicotenco, San Pedro Colomoxco, Santa María Coaco, La Santísima, San Juan Aquiahuac, San Andresito and Santo Niño", ". Most of these barrios have a patron saint's name followed by the indigenous name (from the Nahuatl language) that remains from the pre-Hispanic period. The neighborhoods closest to the center are urbanized, with those on the edges of the city maintaining more of their rural character, with economies based primarily on agriculture and brick-making", ". The main unifying factor of these neighborhoods and municipalities is a complicated framework of regular cyclical social events, which are sponsored in rotation among the various barrios. Many Cholutecans still use their pre-Hispanic surnames, such as former town stewards Raymundo Tecanhuehue and Humberto Tolama Totozintle. This is because a number of members of the old Indian nobility were allowed certain privileges after the Conquest.", "The city is located on the flat plains of the Valley of Puebla, with Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl visible to the west. Like the city of Puebla, it has a straight street grid oriented to the cardinal directions. Most streets in the center are numbered with indications as to their location vis-à-vis the center, north, east, south or west. On the city periphery, street names lose this system", ". On the city periphery, street names lose this system. In the center of this grid is the main square of the city which is called the Plaza de la Concordia, or sometimes the Zocalo. In the morning, this plaza is filled with vendors selling typical street food, sweets and handcrafted toys for children. On the west side of the plaza, there is the city hall, which was built over the former Xiuhcalli (House of Turquoise) where a council of nobles met during pre-Hispanic times", ". This government building is fronted by a line of businesses, which in turn are fronted by a gallery, marked by 46 arches supported by Doric columns, called the \"portales.\" This arcade is the longest of its kind in Latin America.", "On the east side of the main plaza is the 16th-century friary of San Gabriel, with its very large atrium, Capilla Real (Royal Chapel), Capilla de la Tercera Orden (Chapel of the Third Order), tall main church and Franciscan Library. Its cloister is still inhabited by about fifteen Franciscan friars. On the north side, there is the Parish of San Pedro, built in the 17th century", ". On the north side, there is the Parish of San Pedro, built in the 17th century. On another side of the plaza, one of the oldest residential structures in the Cholula area, called the Casa del Caballero Aguilar (House of the Eagle Knight) was converted into the Museo de la Ciudad de Cholula (Cholula City Museum). This museum was opened in September 2001, after a renovation project beginning in 1997 restored interior and exterior features such as stone sculptures as well as the original floor plan", ". The museum is a joint project of the city, INAH and the Universidad de las Americas Puebla. The museum traces the history of Cholula from about 1000 BC through five rooms. The first three contain pre-Hispanic artifacts and the last two contain pieces and exhibitions related to the colonial period including religious art. The rooms also contain elements which recreate aspects of a colonial era home", ". The rooms also contain elements which recreate aspects of a colonial era home. The basis of the museum's collection is a group of about 1,500 artifacts from Omar Jimenez, from both the pre-Hispanic and colonial eras. There is also an area dedicated to photography of the city's religious festivals, and laboratories dedicated to the restoration of excavated objects.", "Because of the student population associated with the Universidad de las Américas, and the area's popularity with tourists, the city has a lively nightclub and bar scene, mostly concentrated around the main plaza and in a part of the San Andrés municipality. The bars and clubs in San Andres mostly cater to students while the ones in the center cater for a more varied crowd. This also includes a line of strip clubs along Avenida 14 Oeste between 5 de Mayo and Calle 2 Norte", ". Some of these establishments include Unit, Bar-Restaurant Enamorada, La Casa del Mojito and Jazzatlán Café. However, the city is quiet during the week when these establishments are closed.", "As the modern city is built over what was a major pre-Hispanic metropolis, a large part of the area has been designated as an archeological heritage site. However, only six of the declared as such have been investigated as most of the land is privately owned. This includes the Pyramid and some areas under streets where water pipes and sewerage have been modernized", ". There is opposition to further exploration by many residents as they are concerned that the excavation will cause inconvenience, expropriation of their lands or that the excavated areas will be subject to vandalism.", "Landmarks", "La Quinta Luna is a 17th-century house located in the Santa María Xixitla neighborhood, cataloged by INAH as a historic monument. It was converted into a boutique hotel, affiliated with the Hoteles Boutique de México. It was the home of an indigenous noble by the name of Juan de León y Mendoza, built with adobe walls and very high ceilings. The hotel contains seven luxury rooms, a meeting room, a library, a lobby and a restaurant, surrounding a central courtyard which has a garden", ". The lobby and restaurant are located in what was the chapel. The library area contains about 3,000 books and its roof is crossed by beams which were rescued during renovations to the building. The decoration is based on paintings by Federico Silva and Gerardo Gomez Brito, various pieces done in local onyx and a number of antiques from various places in the world. The lobby occasionally hosts small concerts.", "Container City is a complex constructed from large shipping containers, located at the intersection of 12 Oeste and 2 Norte. The idea is from England, but this version was built by a Mexican organization. Fifty of these containers have been joined and painted with bright colors to create of spaces used to house workshops, restaurants, galleries and other businesses. There are even a few homes made of the containers in the area", ". There are even a few homes made of the containers in the area. The hallways have wireless Internet service, a music lounge for visitors, an entertainment area, ping pong tables and more. Some of the businesses inside include Beat Box, Hackl breads, Smart Mac, Vibra (a meditation center) and a bar called Fónica.", "Parque Loro is a petting zoo containing more than 400 animals, including endangered species like monkeys, tigers, jaguars, pumas, reptiles and miniature horses. It has an auditorium with animal shows. It also has a playground, an area for pre-Hispanic dance and an area in which visitors can have their picture taken with an animal.", "The city contains a number of traditional Mexican markets. The largest of these is the Mercado Municipal. This market has conserved its traditional look with women seated on the floor selling seeds, flowers, herbs, and more. On Wednesdays and Sundays, this market is augmented by street vendors, which is called a tianguis, because on these days, people from the communities surrounding the city come to buy and sell", ". The market specializes in locally produced products, especially flowers, fruit, vegetables and others. There are also food stands preparing local dishes", ". There are also food stands preparing local dishes. Some of the local specialties include Cholulteca soup, cecina with chili pepper strips and queso de canasta cheese, a type of edible larvae called , \"tacos placeros,\" prepared with cecina, Bolivian coriander (pápalo), avocado, cheese and green chili pepper strips and \"orejas de elefante\" (elephant ears) which is an enormous tortilla with beans inside and salsa, tomatoes and cheese outside", ". There is a locally produced hard apple cider called \"Copa de Oro,\" a cold drink made of chocolate and water, whipped until foamy and served in wooden bowls with flowers painted on them, and \"ponche,\" which in Cholula is a drink prepared with blue corn and milk. Another popular market with local food specialties is the Cosme del Razo, between Calle 3 Norte and Calle 5 Norte.", "There is a community just outside the city on the San Andrés side called San Luis Tehuiloyocan, which has a 17th-century house, which is boarded up and the exterior is deteriorated. This house is not promoted for tourism and generally not talked about. However, the walls of the large inner courtyard have mosaics of encrusted volcanic stone that depict a goat, a rabbit, flames and elements of the Passion of Christ, such as the weeping face of Saint Veronica, her tears flowing red", ". The dominant images framing the main doorway are two monkeys with their tongues sticking out and dancing. On the ends of their legs are crow's feet and on their heads are bishops' hats. Both have erect penises and have bowls of steaming liquid in front of them. In a room in the back, there is a beam with the \"Magnificat\" a speech by the Virgin Mary, in Latin and in reverse", ". Christian iconography has used the monkey as a symbol of people in the control of the Devil and many suspect the house was used for satanic rites, especially in the 18th century. It is the only example known of its kind in Mexico.", "The Antigua Casa del Gobernador (Old Governor's House) was probably built after San Andrés received its status as an Indian Republic, which was in 1714. This building held sessions of the council, elections for governor, mayors and other officials of the Republic. During the 19th century, it remained as the city council hall, but today is a multipurpose facility.\n\nChurches", "It is said that the city of Cholula has 365 churches, either one for each day of the year or one for each pre-Hispanic temple that used to be there. In reality, there are only thirty seven churches; 159, if all the small chapels including those on local haciendas and ranches are counted. One legend states that the first chapel to be built in Cholula was in the San Miguelito neighborhood on what is now the outskirts of the city", ". It was the first structure with a red tile roof, and it was dedicated to the Archangel Michael. It is said to have contained an image of the angel, which contained inside a small demon tied to a post. As people venerated the image of the archangel, they also acknowledged the demon, in case the angel decided not to hear their pleas. This eventually gave the chapel an evil reputation as more came to ask for favors from the demon, favors that one would not ask of a saint or angel", ". The demon began to be blamed for misfortunes that befell in the area, as, the legend said, when they occurred, the demon image would be found untied. Eventually, the image of the archangel with the demon inside was taken away and eventually disappeared.", "The architectural styles of these churches vary from Gothic to Renaissance to Churrigueresque and Neoclassical, with many mixing elements of two or more. A number also have Talavera tile as a decorative feature, which is common in Puebla. A few have intricate stucco work done by indigenous hands. These churches together contain more than 300 works of art from the 16th to 19th centuries, which have a total value of millions of dollars", ". Increases in the theft of religious art have led to a number of measures being taken to protect them. Over a decade ago, churches were routinely open during the week, but now many are not. When they are open, many have at least one guard on duty, or in the case of the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church, video surveillance. Some churches put replicas of the works on display, such as in the friary of San Gabriel. Some do not permit photographs or video of the church interiors.", "Various church steeples in the city fell during the 2017 Puebla earthquake.", "Most of the rest of the city's churches date from the 17th to the 19th centuries and many of them are parish churches which belong to the various neighborhoods or barrios of the city proper. However, there are also several important churches in the smaller communities of the two municipalities just outside the urban area. The Parish of San Pedro is the parish church for the San Pedro municipality. It was built in the 17th century and is located facing the main square of the city", ". It was built in the 17th century and is located facing the main square of the city. The style is a mixture of Baroque and Renaissance, with a Churrigueresque cupola", ". The style is a mixture of Baroque and Renaissance, with a Churrigueresque cupola. Other important churches of the San Pedro municipality include the parishes of San Miguel Tianguishhahuatl, Jesus Tlatempa, Santiago Mixquitla, San Matias Cocoyotla, San Juan Texpolco, San Cristóbal Tepontla, San Juan Texpolco, Santa Maria Xixitla, La Magdalena Coapa, San Pedro Mexicaltzingo, San Pablo Tecama, Santa Cruz de Jerusalén, Santo Sepulcro and San Miguelito.", "The parish church of the San Andrés municipality was begun in the first third of the 16th century and finished in the first half of the 17th. The main façade is made of gray sandstone with three levels on which is a very large image of the Apostle Andrew, crucified on an X. The first contains the main entrance into the building, which is a simple arch with spandrels decorated with flowers. Just outside the door, there is a holy water font which is probably from the 16th century", ". Just outside the door, there is a holy water font which is probably from the 16th century. The doorway niches contain images of San Bernardino and San Antonio, which was not common during the colonial period. The interior has only one nave as it was constructed in the 16th century. On the left side, there is a chapel of the Virgin of Solitude, which was constructed in the middle of the 18th century. It contains a Churrigueresque altar, with highly decorated pilasters", ". It contains a Churrigueresque altar, with highly decorated pilasters. The decoration on the cupolas were done in the second half of the 18th century and redone at the end of the 19th. This chapel also contains a large number of paintings which date back as far as the 17th century.", "Two other significant churches in this part of the city are the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios and the Church of San Francisco Acatepec. Nuestra Señora de los Remedios is the best known as it is the church that is located on top of the Cholula Pyramid. This church was built in 1594 and is home to an image of the Virgin of the Remedies, the patron of Cholula. The first church collapsed in an earthquake in 1854 and was rebuilt. The new church was damaged again by an earthquake in 1999 but repaired", ". The new church was damaged again by an earthquake in 1999 but repaired. The pyramid it is on was a pilgrimage site in pre-Hispanic times, and it remains one now with people coming to visit this Virgin image.", "One other important church of the San Andrés municipality is the Church of Santa María Tonantzintla, which is valued for its decoration in what is called folk or indigenous Baroque.\n\nPyramid of Cholula and Our Lady of Remedies Church", "The most important tourist attraction of the city is the Great Pyramid with the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios sanctuary on top. At first glance, the pyramid looks like a hill as most of it is overgrown. The south side of the pyramid has been excavated and there is a network of tunnels inside. The pyramid and church receives about 220,000 visitors each year, and on certain special occasions such as the spring equinox and the feast of the Virgin of the Remedies, there can be up to 20,000 visitors at a time", ". From the top of the pyramid, in the sanctuary atrium, it is possible to see the Malinche, Popocatepetl, Iztaccíhuatl and Pico de Orizaba Volcanoes in the far eastern horizon.", "The pyramid", "According to myth, the pyramid was built by a giant named Xelhua of adobe bricks, after he escaped a flood in the neighboring Valley of Mexico. The pyramid is small part of the archeological zone of Cholula, which is estimated at . Building of the pyramid began in the pre Classic period and over time was built over six times to its final dimensions of on each side at the base and eighteen meters tall", ". This base is four times the size of that of the Great Pyramid of Giza and is the largest pyramid base in the Americas. Two of the stages of construction use talud-tablero architecture which was also used in Teotihuacan . Some of the pyramid constructions have had burials, with skeletons found in various positions, with many offerings, especially ceramics. The last state of construction has stairs on the west side leading to a temple on top, which faced Iztaccíhuatl.", "However, the pyramid has been overgrown for centuries. In the 12th century, after the Toltec-Chichimecas took over the city, religious focus shifted away from the pyramid and to a new temple. By the time the Spanish arrived, the pyramid was overgrown, and by the 19th century it was still undisturbed, with only the church built in the 16th century visible.", "Exploration of the pyramid began in 1931 under architect Ignacio Marquina who dug tunnels to explore the substructures. The successive pyramids and other structures of the site have been given letters and numbers to identify them, with 'Building A' designating the first pyramid constructed. Two major sets of explorations were undertaken at the site. The first was between 1931 and 1957, and the second was between 1966 and 1974. There is still minor work ongoing.", "These excavations have dug about of tunnels inside the pyramid, which began with two in 1931 to prove that the hill was an archeological find. Within, he discovered altars with offerings, floors, walls and buried human remains from around 900 CE. Today, only about 800 meters of these tunnels are open to the public, which have been made into well-lit, arched passages. Visitors enter on the north side, through the center of the pyramid and exit on the south side", ". Visitors enter on the north side, through the center of the pyramid and exit on the south side. There are few signs explaining the structures within, but in one section allows a view of main staircases of one of the pyramids, whose nine floors have been excavated from bottom to top. There are also two famous murals. One is called \"Chapulines\" which consists of images of grasshoppers with a black skull in the middle", ". And the other is the \"Bebidores\" which depicts various figures drinking out of vessels most commonly used for pulque. Cholula, despite its importance, has not been studied as intensively as other Mesoamerican sites, and most of what does exist are technical field reports with few syntheses of data gathered. For this reason, it has not played a significant role in the understanding of Mesoamerica to date", ". For this reason, it has not played a significant role in the understanding of Mesoamerica to date. Due to the condition of the surface and the large number of artifacts just under the surface, it is not possible to reconstruct the last stage of the pyramid to what it was. Around the pyramid, there are a number of other structures and patios, which form a massive complex. The Patio of the Altars was the main access to the pyramid and is named for the various altars that surround a main courtyard.", "The Cholula Pyramid site museum is located across the street from the north side of the pyramid, separated by the main road that connects Cholula to Puebla. It is a small museum with two halls. The first contains a model cut away to show the various stages of the pyramid's construction. The second hall features finds from the area including clay figures, pots, other containers, and items of stone and shell, along with recreations of the two main murals of the pyramid complex", ". There is also a small enclosure with reproductions of the two main murals of the pyramid. For many years the museum was a psychiatric hospital run by Catholic brothers before it was converted to a museum.", "The Quetzalcoatl ritual is performed on the pyramid on both the spring and fall equinoxes, with poetry, indigenous dance, music played on pre-Hispanic instruments and fireworks. Due to the large number of people who visit at this time, the INAH blocks off the archeological site, allowing people access only to the reconstructed pyramid section on the west side. Other measures to protect the site have also been implemented", ". Other measures to protect the site have also been implemented. Certain large fireworks have been banned by the city and the Catholic Church because they cause serious vibrations in the pyramid's tunnels. The archeological zone is guarded by a mounted police unit, as motor vehicles are not permitted to climb the structure", ". Some of the land around the pyramid has been bought by authorities and made into soccer fields, and sown with flowers, in order to create a buffer between the construction of homes and the pyramid.", "Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church", "The pyramid was a place of pilgrimage in the pre Hispanic period, and it is a place of pilgrimage today, to visit an image known as the Virgin of the Remedies, especially in September. The Virgin of the Remedies is a variation of the Virgin Mary specifically dedicated to the needs of the poor. Veneration of this Virgin in Mexico dates back to the Conquest, with various stories surrounding how this particular manifestation became associated with the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire", ". Most revolve around a conquistador by the name of Juan Rodríguez de Villafuerte. One story states that he brought this image with him before leaving for the New World by a soldier who had fought in Italy. Another states that she was carried by Villafuerte, but lost during the Noche Triste only to be found later by a local indigenous man. Yet another states that an image of this Virgin appeared on the sleeve of Franciscan friar Martín de Valencia, while praying on the pyramid mound of Cholula", ". The Virgin of the Remedies is strongly associated with the Conquest as the protector of the conquistadors. She was made a \"general\" of the Spanish army in their battles against the indigenous of New Spain. During the Mexican War of Independence, she was invoked by royalist forces, while the insurgents carried the banner of the Virgin of Guadalupe. For this reason, this image is also called the Virgen Gachupina, as \"gachupina\" is a derogatory word for the Spanish used in Mexico", ". The Virgin of the Remedies was one of four Virgin Mary images which were used to substitute for pre Hispanic female deities in the cardinal directions from Mexico City. This one was placed in the east, with the Virgin of Guadalupe to the north, the Virgin of Mercy to the south and the \"Virgen de la Bala\" to the south. There is a story that a serpent lives beneath the pyramid", ". There is a story that a serpent lives beneath the pyramid. It is likely related to the myth of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, which was converted to the snake, related to the devil and crushed under the foot of the Virgin Mary.", "There are a number of stories of how the particular physical image of the Virgin of the Remedies came to the sanctuary, but she was most likely brought by Franciscan missionaries from Spain for their friary. The image measures tall, similar to those brought by Hernán Cortés and leading to speculation what it was brought by him", ". Images like this brought by him include the Virgin Conquistador in the San Francisco friary in Puebla, the Virgin of the Defense at the Altar of the Kings in the Puebla cathedral, the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, the Virgin of Zapopan and the Virgin of Juquila. There is a story that states that the image was lost from the friary and a bright image of her appeared over the pyramid. The light attracted the Franciscans, who climbed the structure to find the physical image there", ". The light attracted the Franciscans, who climbed the structure to find the physical image there. This prompted the decision to build the sanctuary to her in this place. 8 September is when the apparition of the image is celebrated, but the image is honored starting the first, and the local annual fair runs from the first to the fifteenth.", "The sanctuary to this Virgin manifestation was established in 1594, with the first church built between then and 1666. The church has suffered damage on various occasions from lightning strikes and from earthquakes. Before the Spanish, the pyramid was considered to be sacred to a female rain deity called Chiconahuiquiahuita (Nine Rains). She was accredited with striking the new church with lightning and supposedly a stone image of her was found at the site the church is now", ". The lightning strikes have caused minor damage, but the earthquakes have been more serious. In 1864, the church was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake. It took ten years to rebuild and was re-inaugurated in 1873. In February 1930, there was a robbery at the church. The thieves stole the jewelry that the image had been wearing, including a gold crown, a silver halo and precious stones", ". The next major quake to damage the building came in 1999, which damaged the towers and caused the pilgrims' portal to collapse, with damage to 80% of the building. However, the image of the Virgin, in her Fabergé box, was undamaged.", "After climbing the pyramid, there are 48 steps extending up to the church atrium. The atrium cross is placed near the main gate. It dates from 1666 and is identical to the atrium crosses at the San Gabriel Friary and the church of San Miguel Tianguisnahutl. The atrium is small, but its position at the top of the pyramid affords views of the Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes, the flat valley floor and the large number of church cupolas that dot the city", ". The exterior of the church is plain but has a dome covered in multicolored tiles from Puebla.", "The interior of the church is Baroque with Neoclassical elements, which is sometimes called \"Republican Baroque.\" It contains oil paintings such as those depicting the birth of the Virgin Mary, the Announcement to the Virgin Mary, Mary and Joseph, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sculptures include those of the Archangel Michael on the main altar, Diego de Alcalá, and Salvador of Horta . The altars are made of wood and plaster painted white and decorated in gold leaf", ". The altars are made of wood and plaster painted white and decorated in gold leaf. There is also gold leaf on the vaults and walls. The cupola contains allegorical paintings and on the pendentives, there are the four doctors of the Catholic Church, Francis de Geronimo, Pope Gregory I, Ambrose and Augustine of Hippo, as well as images of John Duns Scotus, Bonaventure, Bernard of Siena, and Anthony of Padua. There are also allegories representing Justice, Faith and Virtue", ". There are also allegories representing Justice, Faith and Virtue. The vaults contain images related to the praying of the Rosary.", "Neighborhoods and festivals\n\nBarrios and cargas", "The city of Cholula is made up of two municipalities: San Pedro Cholula and San Andrés Cholula. The more important social division is a system of neighborhoods or barrios. San Pedro consists of eight neighborhoods: are San Miguel Tianguisnahuac, Jesús Tlatempa, Santiago Mixquitla, San Matias Cocoyotla, San Juan Calvario Texpolco, San Cristóbal Tepontla, Santa María Xixitla, La Magdalena Coapa, San Pedro Mexicaltzingo and San Pablo Tecama", ". San Andrés consists of ten: San Miguel Xochimehuacan, Santiago Xicotenco, San Pedro Colomoxco, Santa María Coaco, La Santísima, San Juan Aquiahuac, San Andresito and Santo Niño. In the pre-Hispanic period, the city was a mixture of ethnicities. What unified them was a common religious belief. After the Conquest, the Spanish reorganized the pre-Hispanic neighborhoods, or , around various patron saints", ". These neighborhoods remain to this day, whose names refer to their patron saint affixed before the original pre-Hispanic name. The neighborhoods closest to the center are urbanized, with those on the edges of the city maintaining more of their rural character, with economies based on agriculture and brick making.", "Despite five centuries of change and growth since the Conquest, modem Cholultecans maintain many traditional practices, which exist within a vital fabric of local religious and cultural life. These traditional practices very likely have pre Hispanic roots, including a ten-year cycle, called the \"circular\" of rotating citywide religious duties among the various neighborhoods. They continue today", "There are religious festivals of one kind or another almost all year round somewhere in the Cholula area. Social life within and among the various neighborhoods is organized around these religious events, as well as traditions involving communal labor and commercial patterns. People and entire neighborhood rotate certain religious and ceremonial duties, which are called cargas. Many revolve around neighborhood and other local patron saints. These festivals require much work, money and organization", ". These festivals require much work, money and organization. For example, during major festivals, the church of San Andres is richly decorated in flowers, and there are sand paintings called carpets on the ground in Biblical designs. During the week-long feast of Saint Andrew, there is also folk ballet, musical performances and firework shows at night. The most important festival in any of the neighborhood is that of the patron saint", ". The most important festival in any of the neighborhood is that of the patron saint. The night before the church is decorated with lamps and then fireworks are set off to announce the event. The next day, Las Mañanitas is sung to the image, there are a number of Masses and it is possible to receive a \"visit\" by the image of another saint from another neighborhood", ". During one of the Masses, the carga is transferred to a new mayordomo or person in charge, which is usually attended by mayordomos from other neighborhoods. After this mass, food is offered to all in attendance.", "Cargas generally last for one year and start small, such as being in charge of cleaning the neighborhood church, collecting alms and acting as a go-between for the priest and parishioners. However, most involve the sponsorship of the many religious festivals that take place in the city. This system is one of the more complex of its type in the world. Receiving a carga gives the person, called a mayordomo, prestige from the community since he is considered to be working for the common good", ". Mayordomos can be men, women and even children. The most prestigious carga is to be the mayordomo of the neighborhood's patron saint. This mayordomo receives a certain amount of authority and even a silver scepter along with physical possession of the image. The wives of these mayordomos, carry silver baskets. Even more prestigious than this is to be a mayordomo of a citywide festival which is organized among the neighborhoods", ". These include the festival of the Virgin of the Remedies, the Fiesta del Pueblo, and events related to Holy Week.", "Important festivals", "The most important festival period in Cholula extends from 31 August to the middle of September, which revolves around the patron saint of the city, the Virgin of the Remedies. On the night of August 31, there is the Procesión de los Faroles (Procession of the Lamps). It begins with a procession around the streets of the city, with each neighborhood carrying an image of its patron saint", ". At nine pm, the procession arrives to San Gabriel friary to sing and pray during what is called the \"hora santa\" (holy hour). The night ends at the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church on top of the pyramid with Mass and the singing of \"Las Mañanitas\" to the Virgin. This tradition is recent, being only about twenty years old.", "The feast of the Virgin of the Remedies officially begins on September 1 and lasts for about a week. The events of the week lead up to September 8, which is the Virgin's day, which commemorates her appearance in the city. Events include indigenous dancing such as the Concheros performed in the atrium and other locations, and pilgrims bring offerings to the image. In the afternoon, there is a burning of images called . A is an effigy made of crêpe paper with fireworks in its belly. means \"large belly", ". A is an effigy made of crêpe paper with fireworks in its belly. means \"large belly.\" This effigy is burned, with the fireworks going off last. After it is burned, it is taken to the neighborhood which is charged with the creation of a new one the following year.", "After the veneration of the image, visitors gather in the Concordia Plaza for the \"trueque\" (trade), to exchange and sell goods, a tradition from the pre-Hispanic period. Common items include cheese from Chiautla, fresh and dried herbs (both culinary and medicinal), ocote wood, incense, nuts, fruits from various parts of Puebla state, resins, \"mecapales\", vanilla pods, saffron, peanuts, and crafts such as palm frond mats (petates), baskets, clay pots and wooden utensils", ". While September 8 is considered to be the date of the Virgin's first appearance in Cholula, the date is also related to Chiconauhquiauhitl (goddess of nine rains) who was worshiped at the top of this pyramid at the end of the pre-Hispanic period. The Spanish replaced this image with that of the Virgin of the Remedies. Very early on 8 September, residents and pilgrims come to the pyramid and sanctuary to sing \"Las mañanitas\" and carrying paper lamps", ". This is the most important religious event in the city, with events related to it on almost every block. This event brings in people from all parts of the city and from many parts of the region. One tradition associated with this is the exchange of small gifts among the strangers in the crowd. Traditional dress is usually worn only for this event", ". Traditional dress is usually worn only for this event. For women, this includes a black or dark blue skirt, with trim in magenta, or emerald green, a wrap belt tied on the hip, a blouse embroidered with flowers, a rebozo or neckerchief, with earrings and a cross of silver. Men wear loose pants and shirts of natural cotton cloth, huaraches, a wrap belt with one end hanging loose in front, and wool shoulder wrap decorated with geometric designs and a palm frond hat", ". Concurrent with the feast of the Virgin from the 1 to the 16th of September is the regional fair. The trueque, while still practiced in its original form, has also evolved into this regional fair, called the Feria de Cholula. It features local food and music, culminating on Mexico's Independence Day.", "The next most important citywide event is called the Bajada de la Virgen, which also involves the Virgin of the Remedies. This time, instead of the masses climbing the pyramid to honor her, she comes down for two weeks in May or June to visit the various neighborhoods and surrounding rural communities. The tradition of bringing down the image from the pyramid began in 1825. The next occurred in 1870 and the third in 1890", ". The next occurred in 1870 and the third in 1890. Today, it is an annual event, but it is not the original image which leaves, rather it is a substitute. The reason for this is that the processions take a toll on the ancient image. The replicas of the image are considered to be \"sisters\" to the original, with the impression that it is the idea of the Virgin which is important, not the physical image. The last time the original image left the church was in 1999, due to the earthquake", ". The last time the original image left the church was in 1999, due to the earthquake. It was kept at the friary of San Gabriel until it could be returned after repairs. During the Bajada, the image is carried through the streets in some portion of the city every morning, which has been prepared with elaborate gateways of flowers, and more decorating the route. When the image comes down off the pyramid, she travels through all ten neighborhoods three times in an event called the \"circulares", ".\" Each circulare is dedicated to a different saint, and presided over by a mayordomo. Each neighborhood sponsors one of the circulares every ten years, providing food and drink, incense and other necessities for the rite. She descends again on August 11, all the way to the town of San Luis Tehuiloyocan", ". She descends again on August 11, all the way to the town of San Luis Tehuiloyocan. These acts of “popular” piety may be hard to some to understand; these practices trace back to almost 500 years, with the arrival of the first Franciscan friars and the original “religious” purpose may have become shrouded with the cultural aspects of these celebrations over the years", "Like a number of other cities in the area, such as Huejotzingo, Cholula celebrates Carnival, this tradition began over ninety years ago, with events centered on the main square of the city. The principal dancers of this event are called the Huehues, which means \"ancient ones\" in Nahuatl. Overall, the event has the participation of over 3,000 dancers from the various neighborhoods as well as from other parts of Puebla and Tlaxcala states", ". This is one of the events which brings in crowds from Puebla city, Mexico City and surrounding towns, crowding the streets.", "The Quetzalcóatl Ritual is celebrated on the spring equinox and is similar to other spring equinox rituals held on other pyramids in Mexico, such as Teotihuacan. There is indigenous dancing in the Patio of the Altars and the greeting of the sun on that morning.", "\"Concierto para Campanas\" (Bell Concert) also called the Vaniloquio is an event when most of the city's thirty seven churches coordinate their ringing to music written by Llorenc Barber especially for the purpose. The concert involves more than 150 bells, rung by 130 people. The most important day for this event is 28 November, but it also occurs on the Sunday after Ash Wednesday. Three rockets fired from the center of the city signals the beginning", ". Three rockets fired from the center of the city signals the beginning. The city recommends that listeners climb onto a rooftop or the Pyramid or wander the streets to hear the concert best. The concert is proceeded by Aztec dance in the main square, as well as a cheese, bread and wine tasting event.", "There are numerous events associated with Lent and Holy Week, some of which bring in large number of visitors into the city. The Tlahuanca is an event held on the fourth Monday of Lent at the Capilla Real. Originally, it was a festival held on the street, involving drinking to excess. The name comes from the word \"tlahuanqui,\" which means drunk. Today, it is a procession inside the Capilla Real in which wooden crosses are handed out and a host offers food to visitors", ". To commemorate the death of the Virgin Mary, sawdust dyed in various colors, flowers and plant matter is arranged in patterns on the ground to form what are called \"Las Alfombras\" or \"carpets.\" It is also done during the night before Good Friday for the Stations of the Cross procession that passes by a number of the churches on various streets in the city. The Altepeilhuitl is an event that takes place on the Sunday before the Thursday marking the ascension of Christ at the Capilla Real", ". Here images of towns' and neighborhoods' patron saints are adorned with fruit, squash, chili peppers, corn and bread and presented. This tradition dates back into the colonial period.", "In May, there is the Fiesta de Pobres and Labradores (Festival of the Poor and Laborers). It is also known as the Feast of the Holy Trinity. It lasts approximately one month between the months of May and June. Merchants, woodworkers, general laborers, farm workers and flower growers participate in this feast. The festival also has in attendance one of the \"sister\" images of the Virgin of the Remedies brought down from the sanctuary at the top of the pyramid", ". Another event dedicated to the common people is the festival of Isidore the Laborer, when farm workers form a parade with their agricultural machines decorated with flowers.", "There is also a number of fairs dedicated to local products. The Feria del Nopal (Nopal Cactus Fair) in San Bernardino Tlaxcalanzingo celebrates the main crop grown in the municipality. It occurs during the first week of June. The Feria del Queso (Cheese Fair) is held in Santa Maria Tonantzintla and is held in honor of the Virgin of the Conception. There is an exposition and sale of local cheeses at the main plaza of the municipality on the first weekend of August", ". There is also an annual festival dedicated to bread in which an enormous brick oven is constructed on the main plaza and local bread makers demonstrate traditional techniques. Over 150 types of bread are exhibited and sold during the event.", "Events related to Day of the Dead in Cholula extend over five days, and are based on rites from the pre-Hispanic period. The first day is 28 October, when a flower-covered cross is placed on homes to welcome deceased loved ones. The souls that arrive on this date are those who died in accidents. On the 29th, those who died from drowning or suffocation arrive. On the 30th, it is the souls of deceased children in limbo, and on the 31st other children. The first and second are for adults", ". The first and second are for adults. As in other parts of Mexico, the dead are received through large altars placed in homes, filled with the food and drink they enjoyed in life as well as flowers and other decorations.", "Between these major events, there are numerous patron saint's days for all the neighborhoods and other communities of the two municipalities of San Pedro and San Andrés. Many of these events include amusement rides, fireworks, cockfights, horse races, elaborate decoration of the church the event is centered on, folk and indigenous dancing, and more. For a number of these, one of the images of the Virgin of the Remedies will also \"visit.\"\n\nHistory\n\nPre-Hispanic period", "The name of Cholula comes from the Nahuatl word (). Its etymology has been explained either as \"where water falls,\" or \"place of those who fled\" or a combination of the two. \"Place of those who fled\" is a reference to a myth that describes the arrival of Toltec refugees to this area because of the fall of Tula in 1000 CE. One Mexica myth states that the people of Cholula, called Chololtecs, were descended from one of the seven Aztec tribes that migrated to central Mexico from their mythical homeland Aztlan", ".", "Settlement of Cholula began between 500 and 200 BC (middle Pre Classic period), with two small villages established near water sources in what is now the eastern side of the city. They were two of a number of agricultural villages with ceremonial centers in the area, with evidence of emerging social stratification", ". Its earliest settlers were probably speakers of Oto-Manguean languages, linguist Terrence Kaufman has proposed that they were speakers of the Chorotega language of the Mangue branch of the oto-mangue family. The various small rivers and streams allowed for irrigated agriculture and at one time, several converged into a shallow lake, which may have been used for chinampas", ". At the end of the Pre-classic, many other settlements in the area were abandoned but Cholula grew, possibly with migration from these other settlements. This made Cholula the dominant political force in the region. This was also the time when work on the Great Pyramid began, along with another monument called the Edificio Rojo. Cholula continued to grow during the Classic period (200 – 800 CE) to an extension of over and a population of between 20,000 and 25,000", ". It also remained dominant over the Puebla-Tlaxcala region, with more monumental construction, including the addition of two stages to the Great Pyramid.", "During this time period, there is also evidence of influence from the larger Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico. However, the exact nature of the relationship between the two cities is not entirely known. One stage of the Great Pyramid is done in talud-tablero architecture, similar to that of Teotihuacan, but the next stage uses a different style, with stairs leading to the top on all four sides. The stage after this one, built during the decline of Teotihuacan, again returns to talud-tablero", ". The stage after this one, built during the decline of Teotihuacan, again returns to talud-tablero. Pottery styles between the two cities are similar, especially in the early Classic period, but living spaces and some religious iconography was different. When Teotihuacan declined, Cholula also suffered a significant population decline. At this time, the area took part in the Epi-classic central Mexican culture, and the iconography changes to show Gulf coast influence", ". Religious focus was kept on the Great Pyramid, but added its own layers to the work.", "In the 12th century, Nahua peoples migrated to the Valley of Puebla after the fall of Tula. Eventually, this group was able to displace the Oto-mangue speakers as the ruling class, pushing them to the area south of the Great Pyramid. Kaufman has proposed that the displacement of Mangue speakers to southern Mesoamerica happened at this point. However, the remaining in this area retained a certain amount of political autonomy, which would create division in the city that remains to this day", ". The new lords, calling themselves the Chololtecs, shifted religious focus away from the Great Pyramid and to a new temple constructed to Quetzalcoatl. As part of this shift, some of the final construction phases of the Pyramid were destroyed. However, the Chololtecs would face continued hostilities from the previous inhabitants who dominated settlements around the city.", "In the Post-classic period, Cholula (900–1521) grew to its largest size and returned to its status as a regionally dominant city. The city's location was strategic, on the trade routes between the Valley of Mexico, the Valley of Oaxaca and the Gulf of Mexico, making it a major mercantile center. A variant of an artistic style and iconography, especially in pottery, spread from Cholula to Culhuacán in and other areas in the Valley of Mexico, then to other areas in Mesoamerica", ". This cultural trait is called Mixteca-Puebla and it was spread by the vast trading networks that existed in Mesoamerica at that time. The split between the ethnic divisions of the city eventually would coalesce into three areas by the late pre-Hispanic period, which are now known by the names of San Pedro Cholula, San Andrés Cholula and San Isabel Cholula. Only the first two are considered part of the city today.", "Colonial period", "By the time the Spanish arrived, Cholula was a major religious and mercantile center, with the Quetzalcoatl Temple one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the central Mexican highlands. Hernán Cortés estimated that the city had 430 temples and about 20,000 homes in the center of the city with another 20,000 on the periphery", ". Cortés was attracted to the pastureland of the valley area, but while there was a great deal of irrigated farms, the city had a population of about 100,000 and overpopulation meant that many poor people often lacked food.", "Cortés had arrived to Cholula after the Spanish victory of the Tlaxcalans, and he was supposed to meet Moctezuma II here. Since Cholula was allied with the Aztecs, the Spanish and their new Tlaxcalan allies were suspicious of this arrangement. There are two accounts of what happened next. Spanish accounts tell of Cortés being warned through La Malinche of a plot to attack the Spanish. Cortés called the leaders of the city to the central square of the city where the Spanish were with their weapons", ". On signal, the Spanish charged and killed as many as six thousand Chololtecs. However, the Aztec record states that the Spanish attack was unprovoked and there was no plot against them. The event is called the Cholula Massacre, and it resulted in many deaths and destruction of much of the city.", "However, unlike many other pre-Hispanic cities, which were abandoned or destroyed before or immediately after the Conquest, Cholula has remained to this day. Nearby in the same valley the Spanish built the city of Puebla, which grew to prominence rapidly. Between this and an epidemic, which claimed much of its indigenous population, Cholula never recovered its former importance. The area was first divided into encomiendas, such as that of Andrés de Tapia who held the San Andrés portion", ". In 1531, the entire city became a \"corregimiento\" or area under direct control of the Spanish Crown.", "Cholula was given the status of a city in 1535, and granted a coat of arms in 1540 by Charles V. Over the colonial period, forty seven churches were constructed in the city. However, the division of the city along ethnic lines, would impact itself again. In 1714, the San Andrés sector of the city, where most of the indigenous people lived, petitioned to be separated from the San Pedro sector to become an \"Indian republic,\" and it was granted. This gave this part of the city limited autonomy.", "Independence to the present\nSan Pedro and San Andrés were formed into two municipalities in the 1860s under the 1861 Puebla Constitution. The city that spans the two political entities was named the Distrito Cholula de Rivadavia in 1895 by the state in honor of Bernardino Rivadavia.\n\nEconomy and tourism", "The main economic activities of the city are commerce and agriculture, although the economy is shifting away from agriculture. Commerce, including tourism, is mostly concentrated in the city proper, while agriculture and certain industries such as brick making, are mostly found in the edge of the city and in the rural areas of the municipalities of San Pedro Cholula and San Andrés Cholula", ". Despite being a city in its own right, Cholula is part of the Puebla metropolitan area, with residential areas encroaching onto former farmland.", "Most of the San Pedro municipality is dedicated to agriculture, much of which is irrigated and represents most of the irrigated farmland in the Cholula area. Agriculture employs about 30% of the population of San Andrés, while it employs 17.4% of the population of San Pedro. Principal crops include corn, beans, alfalfa, animal feed, nopal cactus, onions, cilantro, radishes, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce and cucumbers", ". There are also various fruits such as pears, plums, apricots, peaches, apples and capulins. There is also extensive floriculture. Livestock includes cattle, goats, pigs, and domestic fowl. In the San Andrés area, much of the livestock is produced for autoconsumption. There are small areas of pasture and some forest on the Tecajetes Mountain, with pine, oyamel and white cedar. Its production is second in important in the Valley of Puebla", ". Its production is second in important in the Valley of Puebla. Fishing is limited to a small pond called Zerezotla, which is stocked with carp and catfish.", "Industry, mining and construction employs 39% of the population in San Pedro, and just under 30% in San Andrés. Industry in San Pedro includes the making of bricks, cinderblock and clay roof tiles, textiles, chemicals, metals, furniture, ceramics and glass. Most industry in San Andrés is related to the making of cheese and other dairy products, furniture and rustic ironwork. The entire area is involved in the making of hard apple cider as well.", "Commerce, services and tourism employs 39% of the population of San Pedro and about 35% of the population of San Andrés. Tourism is based on the city's history, with the main tourist attractions are the Great Pyramid, topped by the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church, the San Gabriel friary and colored towers of the total of thirty seven churches in the city. Images of this church on top of the pyramid with Popocateptl in the background are frequently used in Mexico's national promotion of tourism", ". It is one of the better known destinations in central Mexico for foreign travelers. Commercial activity is based on tourism, local and regional needs as well as the city's active nightlife, with that of San Andrés more gear to local and regional commerce than that of San Pedro.", "Geography", "Cholula is located in the center west of the state of Puebla in the Valley of Puebla, 122 km east of Mexico City and eight km west of Puebla. This valley is bordered by the Sierra Nevada to the west, the La Malinche volcano to the east, and extends over parts of the states of Puebla and Tlaxcala. The Cholula area extends over 111.03km2, which is divided politically into the municipality of San Andrés (61km2) and San Pedro (51.02km2). The Cholula area borders the municipalities of Juan C", ".02km2). The Cholula area borders the municipalities of Juan C. Bonilla, Coronango, Cuautlancingo, San Gregorio Atzompa, Puebla, San Jerónimo Tecuanipan, Calpan and Ocoyucan.", "The San Pedro municipality has twenty two communities outside the city; the largest of which are Almoloya, San Cosme Tezintla, Acuexcomac, San Cristóbal Tepontla, San Agustín Calvario, Zacapechpan, San Matías Cocoyotla, San Diego Cuachayotla, and San Francisco Cuapa. These communities primary economic activities are agriculture, floriculture and brick making", ". These communities primary economic activities are agriculture, floriculture and brick making. Other important communities of San Andrés outside the city include San Francisco Acatepec, San Antonio Cacalotepec, San Rafael Comac, San Luis Tehuiloyocan, San Bernardino Tlaxcalancingo and Santa Maria Tonanzintla.", "The geography of the Cholula area is mostly flat with an average altitude of between 2,100 and 2,200 meters above sea level. There is a gentle descent from Northwest to Southeast along the Atoyac River. Apart from the Great Pyramid and some low hills in the towns of San Francisco Acatepec and Santa María Tonantzintla, the Zapotecas (2,377 m) is the main elevation, located West of the main square", ". One of the many legends about the Zapotecas tells of a man who made a pact with a demon in order to obtain money to sponsor a festival. The hill is a popular location for mountain biking and motocross. Each year, there is a mountain biking event that begins from the main square of Cholula and extends for 50 km through a number of small communities. San Andrés has a parasailing school, which trains beginners and organizes parasailing events which take place in the nearby Ocoyucan municipality.", "Hydrography", "The Valley of Puebla is an expanse of plains crossed by a number of small rivers, streams and arroyos, with the most significant being the Atoyac River. The Atoyac River has its beginning in the runoff of both the Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatepetl volcanoes. Cholula is located in the river's upper basin. This river passes through the San Pedro area and forms part of the border between San Andrés and the city of Puebla", ". There are also tributaries such as the Ametlapanapa, Zapatero and the Rabanillo and number of fresh water springs and seasonal arroyos.", "Flora\nThe only forested area is an area associated with the Sierra del Tentzo, which contains oak forests and scrub. The rest of the area is either farmland or covered by human settlements.", "Climate\nThe area has a temperate subtropical highland climate typical of South-Central Mexico, with an average temperature of between . January is the coldest months with average temperatures between , and May is the warmest with averages between . The 'high-sun' rainy season lasts from May to October and provides about of rainfall per year. These conditions are what made the area important agriculturally starting in the pre Hispanic era.", "Demographics", "The population of the Distrito Cholula de Rivadavia, or the city of Cholula was 118,170 . This population divides into 35,206 on the San Andres side and 82,964 on the San Pedro side. The total population for the two municipalities, including the communities outside the city proper is 193,554 (80,118 for San Andres and 113,436 for San Pedro). there is an approximate population growth of about 3%. Almost all of the population identifies as Catholic with only between 3", ". Almost all of the population identifies as Catholic with only between 3.5 and 4% identifying as Evangelical or Protestant. Most of the population of Cholula is mestizo; however, there are a number of indigenous families that live here, with more on the San Andrés side.", "Education\n\nThe Cholula area has fifty eight preschools, sixty nine primary schools, fifty four middle schools, sixteen high schools, six technical/professional schools above the high school level and an extension of the Universidad de las Américas. The larger percentage of schools is on the San Pedro side of the city.", "The city is home to one major university, the private Universidad de las Américas Puebla, whose curriculum is modeled after Oxford and Harvard . UDLAP began as Mexico City College, located in Mexico City in 1940. In the 1960s, the school changed its name to the Universidad de las Américas", ". In the 1990s, the school split into two entities, which today are known as UDLAP and the Universidad de las Américas de la Ciudad de México (UDLA), which is located in Colonia Roma, Mexico City The school offers bachelor's, master's and doctorates in a number of majors, and is divided into five schools: Escuela de Ciencias, Escuelas de Negocios y Economía, Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Escuela de Ingeniería and theEscuela de Ciencias Sociales", ". The UDLAP campus was established in 1970 on a campus filled with well-groomed gardens and benches. Today, students and local can be found watching the school's basketball and American football teams, called the Aztecas, face other colleges at the Estadio Templo de Dolor. Cultural events generally take place at the main auditorium behind the library, which is home to the Cine Club Las Américas, where students present independent films", ". There are also two art galleries named Sala José Cuevas and Sala Bertha Cuevas, which host temporary exhibits. The large school which faces and dominates the town square is part of the San Gabriel Friary complex, Instituto Garcia de Cisneros, named after one the original 12 Franciscans to arrive to the Americas, is PK-12 Catholic school run by the Franciscan friars.", "Transportation\nThe city is served by an intercity bus station run by Estrella Roja and the Puebla-Cholula Tourist Train which connects with Puebla City. There are also more local busses between Cholula and the city of Puebla run by Super Rápidos. There are also numerous \"colectivos\" or collective taxis and mini vans connecting with more local destinations.\n\nSee also\n\nList of Mesoamerican pyramids\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography", "See also\n\nList of Mesoamerican pyramids\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nLink to tables of population data from Census of 2005 INEGI: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática\nPuebla Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México\n\nExternal links", "External links\n\n Ayuntamiento de San Andrés Cholula Official website \n Municipio de San Pedro Cholula Official website \n Municipio de Santa Isabel Cholula Official website \n Zonas Arquelógica Cholula, Puebla state government \n Universidad de las Américas – Puebla (University in San Andrés Cholula)\n\n \nPopulated places in Puebla\nPopulated places established in the 1st millennium BC\nPueblos Mágicos" ]
Grand Coulee Dam
[ "Grand Coulee Dam is a concrete gravity dam on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington, built to produce hydroelectric power and provide irrigation water. Constructed between 1933 and 1942, Grand Coulee originally had two powerhouses. The third powerhouse (\"Nat\"), completed in 1974 to increase energy production, makes Grand Coulee the largest power station in the United States by nameplate capacity at 6,809 MW.", "The proposal to build the dam was the focus of a bitter debate during the 1920s between two groups. One group wanted to irrigate the ancient Grand Coulee with a gravity canal while the other pursued a high dam and pumping scheme. The dam supporters won in 1933, but, although they fully intended otherwise, the initial proposal by the Bureau of Reclamation was for a \"low dam\" tall which would generate electricity without supporting irrigation. That year, the U.S", ". That year, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and a consortium of three companies called MWAK (Mason-Walsh-Atkinson Kier Company) began construction on a high dam, although they had received approval for a low dam. After visiting the construction site in August 1934, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt endorsed the \"high dam\" design, which at high would provide enough electricity to pump water into the Columbia basin for irrigation. Congress approved the high dam in 1935, and it was completed in 1942", ". Congress approved the high dam in 1935, and it was completed in 1942. The first waters overtopped Grand Coulee's spillway on of that year.", "Power from the dam fueled the growing industries of the Northwest United States during World War II. Between 1967 and 1974, the third powerplant was constructed. The decision to construct the additional facility was influenced by growing energy demand, regulated river flows stipulated in the Columbia River Treaty with Canada, and competition with the Soviet Union", ". Through a series of upgrades and the installation of pump-generators, the dam now supplies four power stations with an installed capacity of 6,809 MW. As the centerpiece of the Columbia Basin Project, the dam's reservoir supplies water for the irrigation of .", "The reservoir is called Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lake, named after the president who endorsed the dam's construction. Creation of the reservoir forced the relocation of over 3,000 people, including Native Americans whose lands were partially flooded. While the dam does not contain a fish passage, neither does the next one downstream, Chief Joseph Dam. This means no salmon reach the Grand Coulee Dam", ". This means no salmon reach the Grand Coulee Dam. The third large dam downstream, Wells Dam, has an intricate system of fish ladders to accommodate yearly salmon spawning and migration.", "Background", "The Grand Coulee is an ancient river bed on the Columbia Plateau created during the Pliocene Epoch (Calabrian) by retreating glaciers and floods. Originally, geologists believed a glacier that diverted the Columbia River formed the Grand Coulee, but it was revealed in the mid-late 20th century that massive floods from Lake Missoula carved most of the gorge", ". The earliest known proposal to irrigate the Grand Coulee with the Columbia River dates to 1892, when the Coulee City News and The Spokesman Review reported on a scheme by a man named Laughlin McLean to construct a dam across the Columbia River, high enough that water would back up into the Grand Coulee. A dam that size would have its reservoir encroach into Canada, which would violate treaties", ". A dam that size would have its reservoir encroach into Canada, which would violate treaties. Soon after the Bureau of Reclamation was founded, it investigated a scheme for pumping water from the Columbia River to irrigate parts of central Washington. An attempt to raise funds for irrigation failed in 1914, as Washington voters rejected a bond measure.", "In 1917, William M. Clapp, a lawyer from Ephrata, Washington, proposed the Columbia be dammed immediately below the Grand Coulee. He suggested a concrete dam could flood the plateau, just as nature blocked it with ice centuries ago. Clapp was joined by James O'Sullivan, another lawyer, and by Rufus Woods, publisher of The Wenatchee World newspaper in the nearby agricultural centre of Wenatchee. Together, they became known as the \"Dam College\"", ". Together, they became known as the \"Dam College\". Woods began promoting the Grand Coulee Dam in his newspaper, often with articles written by O'Sullivan.", "The dam idea gained popularity with the public in 1918. Backers of reclamation in Central Washington split into two camps. The \"pumpers\" favored a dam with pumps to elevate water from the river into the Grand Coulee from which canals and pipes could irrigate farmland. The \"ditchers\" favored diverting water from northeast Washington's Pend Oreille River via a gravity canal to irrigate farmland in Central and Eastern Washington", ". Many locals such as Woods, O'Sullivan and Clapp were pumpers, while many influential businessmen in Spokane associated with the Washington Water and Power Company (WWPC) were staunch ditchers. The pumpers argued that hydroelectricity from the dam could cover costs and claimed the ditchers sought to maintain a monopoly on electric power.", "The ditchers took several steps to ensure support for their proposals. In 1921, WWPC secured a preliminary permit to build a dam at Kettle Falls, about upstream from the Grand Coulee. If built, the Kettle Falls Dam would have lain in the path of the Grand Coulee Dam's reservoir, essentially blocking its construction. WWPC planted rumors in the newspapers, stating exploratory drilling at the Grand Coulee site found no granite on which a dam's foundations could rest, only clay and fragmented rock", ". This was later disproved with Reclamation-ordered drilling. Ditchers hired General George W. Goethals, engineer of the Panama Canal, to prepare a report. Goethals visited the state and produced a report backing the ditchers. The Bureau of Reclamation was unimpressed by Goethals' report, believing it filled with errors. In , President Warren G. Harding visited Washington state and expressed support for irrigation work there, but died a month later", ". His successor, Calvin Coolidge, had little interest in irrigation projects. The Bureau of Reclamation, desirous of a major project that would bolster its reputation, was focusing on the Boulder Canyon Project that resulted in the Hoover Dam. Reclamation was authorized to conduct a study in 1923, but the project's cost made federal officials reluctant. The Washington state proposals received little support from those further east, who feared the irrigation would result in more crops, depressing prices", ". With President Coolidge opposed to the project, bills to appropriate money for surveys of the Grand Coulee site failed.", "In 1925, Congress authorized a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study of the Columbia River. This study was included in the Rivers and Harbors Act of , which provided for studies on the navigation, power, flood control and irrigation potential of rivers. In , the Army Corps responded with the first of the \"308 Reports\" named after the 1925 House Document No. 308 (69th Congress, 1st Session)", ". 308 (69th Congress, 1st Session). With the help of Washington's Senators, Wesley Jones and Clarence Dill, Congress ordered $600,000 in further studies to be carried out by the Army Corps and Federal Power Commission on the Columbia River Basin and Snake Rivers. U.S. Army Major John Butler was responsible for the upper Columbia River and Snake River and in 1932, his 1,000-page report was submitted to Congress. It recommended the Grand Coulee Dam and nine others on the river, including some in Canada", ". It recommended the Grand Coulee Dam and nine others on the river, including some in Canada. The report stated electricity sales from the Grand Coulee Dam could pay for construction costs. Reclamation—whose interest in the dam was revitalized by the report—endorsed it.", "Although there was support for the Grand Coulee Dam, others argued there was little need for more electricity in the Northwest and crops were in surplus. The Army Corps did not believe construction should be a federal project and saw low demand for electricity. Reclamation argued energy demand would rise by the time the dam was complete. The head of Reclamation, Elwood Mead, stated he wanted the dam built no matter the cost. President Franklin D", ". President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who took office in March 1933, supported the dam because of its irrigation potential and the power it would provide, but he was uneasy with its price tag. For this reason, he supported a \"low dam\" instead of the \"high dam\". He provided in federal funding, while Washington State provided $377,000. In 1933, Washington governor Clarence Martin set up the Columbia Basin Commission to oversee the dam project, and Reclamation was selected to oversee construction.", "Construction\n\nLow dam", "On July 16, 1933, a crowd of 3,000 watched the driving of the first stake at the low dam site, and excavation soon began. Core drilling commenced that September while the Bureau of Reclamation accelerated its studies and designs for the dam. It would still help control floods and provide for irrigation and hydroelectricity, though at a reduced capacity. Most importantly, it would not raise its reservoir high enough to irrigate the plateau around the Grand Coulee", ". However, the dam's design provided for future raising and upgrading.", "Before and during construction, workers and engineers experienced problems. Contracts for companies to construct the various parts of the dam were difficult to award as few companies were sizable enough to fill them. This forced companies to consolidate. In addition, Native American graves had to be relocated and temporary fish ladders had to be constructed. During construction additional problems included landslides and the need to protect newly poured concrete from freezing", ". Construction on the downstream Grand Coulee Bridge began in and more considerable earth-moving began in August. Excavation for the dam's foundation required the removal of 22 million cubic yards (17 million m³) of dirt and stone. To reduce the amount of trucking required in the excavation, a conveyor belt nearly long was built. To further secure the foundation, workers drilled holes into the granite and filled any fissures with grout, creating a grout curtain", ". At times, excavated areas collapsed from overburden. In order to secure these areas from further movement and continue excavation, diameter pipes were inserted into the mass and chilled with cold liquid from a refrigeration plant. This froze the earth and secured it so construction could continue.", "Final contract bidding for the dam began , 1934, in Spokane, and four bids were submitted. One bid was from a lawyer with no financial backing; another was from actress Mae West which consisted of nothing more than a poem and promise to divert the river. Of the two serious bids, the lowest bid was from a consortium of three companies: Silas Mason Co. from Louisville, Kentucky; Walsh Construction Co. of Davenport, Iowa and New York; and Atkinson-Kier Company of San Francisco and San Diego", ". of Davenport, Iowa and New York; and Atkinson-Kier Company of San Francisco and San Diego. The consortium was known as MWAK, and their bid was $29,339,301, almost 15% lower than the option submitted by the next bidder, Six Companies, Inc., which was building Hoover Dam at the time.", "Cofferdams", "Two large cofferdams were constructed for the dam, but they were parallel to the river rather than straddling its width, so drilling into the canyon walls was not required. By the end of 1935 about 1,200 workers completed the west and east cofferdams. The west cofferdam was long, thick and was constructed above the bedrock. The cofferdams allowed workers to dry portions of the riverbed and begin constructing the dam, while water continued to flow down the center of the riverbed", ". In , once the west foundation was complete, portions of the west cofferdam were dismantled, allowing water to flow through part of the dam's new foundation. In , MWAK had begun constructing cofferdams above and below the channel between the east and west cofferdams. By December, the entire Columbia River was diverted over the foundations constructed within the east and west cofferdams", ". On , 1936, the Wenatchee Daily World announced the river was diverted and by early the next year, people were arriving in large numbers to see the riverbed.", "Design change", "On August 4, 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited the construction site and was impressed by the project and its purpose. He spoke to workers and spectators, closing with this statement: \"I leave here today with the feeling that this work is well undertaken; that we are going ahead with a useful project, and we are going to see it through for the benefit of our country", ".\" Soon afterward, Reclamation was allowed to proceed with the high dam plan but faced the problems of transitioning the design and negotiating an altered contract with MWAK. In , for an additional , MWAK and Six Companies, Inc. agreed to join together as Consolidated Builders Inc. and construct the high dam. Six Companies had just finished the Hoover Dam and was nearing completion of Parker Dam", ". Six Companies had just finished the Hoover Dam and was nearing completion of Parker Dam. The new design, chosen and approved by the Reclamation office in Denver, included several improvements, one of which was the irrigation pumping plant.", "Roosevelt envisioned the dam would fit into his New Deal under the Public Works Administration; it would create jobs and farming opportunities and would pay for itself. In addition, as part of a larger public effort, Roosevelt wanted to keep electricity prices low by limiting private ownership of utility companies, which could charge high prices for energy", ". Many opposed a federal takeover of the project, including its most prominent supporters, but Washington State lacked the resources to fully realize the project. In , with the help of Roosevelt and a Supreme Court decision allowing the acquisition of public land and Indian Reservations, Congress authorized funding for the upgraded high dam under the 1935 River and Harbors Act. The most significant legislative hurdle for the dam was over:", "First concrete pour and completion", "On December 6, 1935, Governor Clarence Martin presided over the ceremonial first concrete pour. During construction, bulk concrete was delivered on site by rail-cars where it was further processed by eight large mixers before being placed in form. Concrete was poured into columns by crane-lifted buckets, each supporting eight tons of concrete. To cool the concrete and facilitate curing, about of piping was placed throughout the hardening mass", ". Cold water from the river was pumped into the pipes, reducing the temperature within the forms from to . This caused the dam to contract about in length; the resulting gaps were filled with grout.", "Until the project began, the stretch of the Columbia River where the dam was to rise was as yet unbridged, making it difficult to move men and materials. In , the Grand Coulee Bridge (a permanent highway bridge) was opened after major delays caused by high water; three additional and temporary bridges downstream had moved vehicles and workers along with sand and gravel for cement mixing. In , MWAK completed the lower dam and Consolidated Builders Inc. began constructing the high dam", ". In , MWAK completed the lower dam and Consolidated Builders Inc. began constructing the high dam. The west power house was completed in and about 5,500 workers were on site that year. Between 1940 and 1941, the dam's eleven floodgates were installed on the spillway and the dam's first generator went into operation in . The reservoir was full and the first water flowed over the dam's spillway on , 1942, while work was officially complete on , 1943", ". The last of the original 18 generators did not operate until 1949.", "Reservoir clearing", "In 1933, Reclamation began efforts to purchase land behind the dam as far as upstream for the future reservoir zone. The reservoir, known later as Lake Roosevelt, flooded and Reclamation acquired an additional around the future shoreline. Within the zone were eleven towns, two railroads, three state highways, about one hundred and fifty miles of country roads, four sawmills, fourteen bridges, four telegraph and telephone systems, and many power lines and cemeteries", ". All facilities had to be purchased or relocated, and 3,000 residents were relocated. The Anti-Speculation Act was passed in 1937, limiting the amount of land farmers could own to prevent inflated prices. The government appraised the land and offered to purchase it from the affected residents. Many refused to accept the offers, and Reclamation filed condemnation suits. Members of the Colville Confederated and Spokane tribes who had settlements within the reservoir zone were also resettled", ". The Acquisition of Indian Lands for Grand Coulee Dam Act of , 1940, allowed the Secretary of the Interior to acquire land on the Colville and Spokane Reservations, eventually accounting for . By 1942, all land had been purchased at market value: a cost of that included the relocation of farms, bridges, highways and railroads. Relocation reimbursement was not offered to property owners, which was common until U.S. laws changed in 1958.", "In late 1938, the Works Progress Administration began clearing what would be of trees and other plants. The cut timber was floated downstream and sold to the highest bidder, Lincoln Lumber Company, which paid $2.25 per thousand board feet (). The pace of clearing was accelerated in when it was declared a national defense project, and the last tree was felled on , 1941. The felling was done by Reclamation Supervising Engineer Frank A. Banks and State WPA Administrator Carl W. Smith during a ceremony", ". Banks and State WPA Administrator Carl W. Smith during a ceremony. 2,626 people living in five main camps along the Columbia worked on the project. When it was finished, had been spent in labor.", "Labor and supporting infrastructure", "Workers building the dam received an average of 80¢ an hour; the payroll for the dam was among the largest in the nation. The workers were mainly pulled from Grant, Lincoln, Douglas, and Okanogan counties and women were allowed to work only in the dorms and the cookhouse. Around 8,000 people worked on the project, and Frank A. Banks served as the chief construction engineer. Bert A. Hall was the chief inspector who would accept the dam from the contractors. Orin G. Patch served as the chief of concrete", ". Orin G. Patch served as the chief of concrete. Construction conditions were dangerous and 77 workers died.", "To prepare for construction, housing for workers was needed along with four bridges downstream of the dam site, one of which, the Grand Coulee Bridge, exists today. The Bureau of Reclamation provided housing and located their administrative building at Engineer's Town, which was directly downstream of the construction site on the west side of the river. Opposite Engineer's Town, MWAK constructed Mason City in 1934", ". Opposite Engineer's Town, MWAK constructed Mason City in 1934. Mason city contained a hospital, post office, electricity and other amenities along with a population of 3,000. Three-bedroom houses in the city were rented for $32 a month. Of the two living areas, Engineer's City was considered to have the better housing. Several other living areas formed around the construction site in an area known as Shack Town, which did not have reliable access to electricity and the same amenities as the other towns", ". Incorporated in 1935, the city of Grand Coulee supported workers as well and is just west of the dam on the plateau. MWAK eventually sold Mason City to Reclamation in 1937 before its contract was completed. In 1956, Reclamation combined both Mason City and Engineer's Town to form the city of Coulee Dam. It was incorporated as a city in .", "Irrigation pumps", "With the onset of World War II, power generation was given priority over irrigation. In 1943, Congress authorized the Columbia Basin Project and the Bureau of Reclamation began construction of irrigation facilities in 1948. Directly to the west and above the Grand Coulee Dam, the North Dam was constructed. This dam, along with the Dry Falls Dam to the south, enclosed and created Banks Lake, which covered the northern of the Grand Coulee", ". Additional dams, such as the Pinto and O'Sullivan Dams, were constructed alongside siphons and canals, creating a vast irrigation supply network called the Columbia Basin Project. Irrigation began between 1951 and 1953 as six of the 12 pumps were installed and Banks Lake was filled.", "Expansion", "Third powerplant", "After World War II, the growing demand for electricity sparked interest in constructing another power plant supported by the Grand Coulee Dam. One obstacle to an additional power plant was the great seasonality of the Columbia River's streamflow. Today the flow is closely managed—there is almost no seasonality. Historically, about 75% of the river's annual flow occurred between April and September", ". Historically, about 75% of the river's annual flow occurred between April and September. During low flow periods, the river's discharge was between and while maximum spring runoff flows were around . Only nine out of the dam's eighteen generators could run year-round. The remaining nine operated for less than six months a year. In 1952, Congress authorized $125,000 for Reclamation to conduct a feasibility study on the Third Powerplant which was completed in 1953 and recommended two locations", ". Nine identical 108 MW generators were recommended, but as matters stood, they would be able to operate only in periods of high water.", "Further regulation of the Columbia's flows was necessary to make the new power plant feasible. It would require water storage and regulation projects in Canada and a treaty to resolve the many economic and political issues involved. The Bureau of Reclamation and Army Corps of Engineers explored alternatives that would not depend on a treaty with Canada, such as raising the level of Flathead Lake or Pend Oreille Lake, but both proposals faced strong local opposition", ". The Columbia River Treaty, which had been discussed between the U.S. and Canada since 1944, was seen as the answer. Efforts to build the Third Powerplant were also influenced by competition with the Soviet Union, which had constructed power plants on the Volga River larger than Grand Coulee. On , 1964, the Columbia River Treaty was ratified and included an agreement by Canada to construct the Duncan, Keenleyside, Mica Dams upstream and the U.S. would build the Libby Dam in Montana", ".S. would build the Libby Dam in Montana. Shortly afterward, Washington Senator Henry M. Jackson, who was influential in constructing the new power plant, announced Reclamation would present the project to Congress for appropriation and funding. To keep up with Soviet competition and increase the generating capacity it was determined the generators could be upgraded to much larger designs", ". With the possibility of international companies bidding on the project, the Soviets who had just installed a 500 MW hydroelectric generator on the Yenisei River indicated their interest. To avoid the potential embarrassment of an international rival building a domestic power plant, the Department of the Interior declined international bidding. The Third Powerplant was approved and President Lyndon Johnson signed its appropriation bill on , 1966.", "Between 1967 and 1974, the dam was expanded to add the Third Powerplant, with architectural design by Marcel Breuer. Beginning in , this involved demolishing the northeast side of the dam and building a new fore-bay section. The excavation of of dirt and rock had been completed before the new long section of dam was built. The addition made the original dam almost a mile long", ". The addition made the original dam almost a mile long. Original designs for the powerhouse had twelve smaller units but were altered to incorporate six of the largest generators available. To supply them with water, six diameter penstocks were installed. Of the new turbines and generators, three 600 MW units were built by Westinghouse and three 700 MW units by General Electric. The first new generator was commissioned in 1975 and the final one in 1980", ". The first new generator was commissioned in 1975 and the final one in 1980. The three 700 MW units were later upgraded to 805 MW by Siemens.", "Pump-generating plant", "After power shortages in the Northwest during the 1960s, it was determined the six remaining planned pumps be pump-generators. When energy demand is high, the pump-generators can generate electricity with water from the Banks Lake feeder canal adjacent to the dam at a higher elevation. By 1973, the Pump-Generating Plant was completed and the first two generators (P/G-7 and P/G-8) were operational. In 1983, two more generators went online, and by the final two were operational", ". In 1983, two more generators went online, and by the final two were operational. The six pump-generators added 314 MW to the dam's capacity. In , the Pump-Generating Plant was officially renamed the John W. Keys III Pump-Generating Power Plant after John W. Keys III, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's commissioner from 2001 to 2006.", "Overhauls", "A major overhaul of the Third Powerplant, which contains generators numbered G19 through G24, began in and will be continuing for many years. Among the projects to be completed before the generators themselves can begin to be overhauled include replacing underground 500 kV oil-filled cables for G19, G20 and G21 generators with overhead transmission lines (started in ), new 236 MW transformers for G19 and G20 (started in ), and several other projects", ". Planning, design, procurement and site preparation for the 805 MW G22, G23 and G24 generator overhauls are scheduled to begin in 2011, with the overhauls themselves to start in 2013 with the G22 generator, then G23 starting in 2014, and finally G24 starting in 2016, with planned completions in 2014, 2016 and 2017, respectively. The generator overhauls for G19, G20 and G21 have not been scheduled as of 2010.", "Operation and benefits", "The dam's primary goal, irrigation, was postponed as the wartime need for electricity increased. The dam's powerhouse began production around the time World War II began, and its electricity was vital to the war effort. The dam powered aluminum smelters in Longview and Vancouver, Washington, Boeing factories in Seattle and Vancouver, and Portland's shipyards", ". In 1943, its electricity was also used for plutonium production in Richland, Washington, at the Hanford Site, which was part of the top-secret Manhattan Project. The demand for power at that project was so great that in 1943, two generators originally intended for the Shasta Dam in California were installed at Grand Coulee to hurry the generator installation schedule.", "Irrigation\n\nWater is pumped via the Pump-Generating Plant's diameter pipes from Lake Roosevelt to a feeder canal. From the feeder canal, the water is transferred to Banks Lake which has an active storage of . The plant's twelve pumps can transfer up to to the lake. Currently, the Columbia Basin Project irrigates with a potential for . Over 60 different crops are grown within the project and distributed throughout the United States.", "Power", "Grand Coulee Dam supports four different power houses containing 33 hydroelectric generators. The original Left and Right Powerhouses contain 18 main generators and the Left has an additional three service generators for total installed capacity of 2,280 MW. The first generator was commissioned in 1941 and all 18 were operating by 1950. The Third Power plant contains a total of six main generators with a 4,215 MW installed capacity", ". The Third Power plant contains a total of six main generators with a 4,215 MW installed capacity. Generators G-19, G-20 and G-21 in the Third Power Plant have a 600 MW installed capacity but can operate at a maximum capacity of 690 MW which brings the overall maximum capacity of the dam's power facilities to 7,079 MW. The Pump-Generating Plant contains six pump-generators with an installed capacity of 314 MW. When pumping water into Banks Lake they consume 600 MW of electricity", ". When pumping water into Banks Lake they consume 600 MW of electricity. Each generator is supplied with water by an individual penstock. The largest of these feed the Third Power Plant and are in diameter and can supply up to . The dam's power facilities originally had an installed capacity of 1,974 MW but expansions and upgrades have increased generation to 6,809 MW installed, 7,079 MW maximum. Grand Coulee Dam generates 21 TWh of electricity annually", ". Grand Coulee Dam generates 21 TWh of electricity annually. This means the dam generates about 2,397 MW of power on average, which results in a total plant factor efficiency of 35%. In 2014, 20.24 TWh of electricity was generated.", "Spillway", "Grand Coulee Dam's spillway is long and is an overflow, drum-gate controlled type with a maximum capacity. A record flood in May and flooded lowland below the dam and highlighted its limited flood control capability at the time, as its spillway and turbines hit a record flow of . The flood damaged downstream riverbanks and deteriorated the face of the dam and its flip bucket at the base (toe) of the spillway", ". The flood spurred the Columbia River Treaty and its provisions for dams constructed upstream in Canada, which would regulate the Columbia's flow.", "Cost benefits", "The Bureau of Reclamation in 1932 estimated the cost of constructing Grand Coulee Dam (not including the Third Powerplant) to be $168 million; its actual cost was $163 million in 1943 ($ in dollars). Expenses to finish the power stations and repair design flaws with the dam throughout the 1940s and '50s added another $107 million, bringing the total cost to $270 million ($ in dollars), about 33% over estimates", ". The Third Powerplant was estimated to cost in 1967, but higher construction costs and labor disputes drove the project's final cost in 1973 to ($ in dollars), about 55% over estimates. Despite estimates being exceeded, the dam became an economic success, particularly with the Third Powerplant exhibiting a benefit-cost ratio of 2:1", ". Although Reclamation has only irrigated about half of the land predicted, the gross value of crop output (in constant dollars) had doubled from 1962 to 1992, largely due to different farming practices and crop choices. The Bureau expects the money earned from supplying power and irrigation water will pay off the cost of construction by 2044.", "Environmental and social consequences", "The dam had severe negative consequences for the local Native American tribes whose traditional way of life revolved around salmon and the original shrub steppe habitat of the area. Because it lacks a fish ladder, Grand Coulee Dam permanently blocks fish migration, removing over of natural spawning habitat. By largely eliminating anadromous fish above the Okanogan River, the Grand Coulee Dam also set the stage for the subsequent decision not to provide for fish passage at Chief Joseph Dam (built in 1953)", ". Chinook, Steelhead, Sockeye and Coho salmon (as well as other important species, including Lamprey) are now unable to spawn in the reaches of the Upper Columbia Basin. The lack of fish passage to the upper reaches of the Columbia River wiped out the June hogs, so-called \"supersalmon\" known to regularly weigh over 80 pounds (36kg). Today, the largest Chinook caught on the Columbia River are not even half that size", ". Today, the largest Chinook caught on the Columbia River are not even half that size. The extinction of the spawning grounds upstream from the dam has prevented the Spokane and other tribes from holding sacred salmon ceremonies since 1940.", "Grand Coulee Dam flooded over 21,000 acres (85 km2) of prime bottom land where Native Americans had been living and hunting for thousands of years, forcing the relocation of settlements and graveyards. The Office of Indian Affairs negotiated with the United States Bureau of Reclamation on behalf of tribes who were concerned about the flooding of their grave sites. The Acquisition of Indian Lands for Grand Coulee Dam, 54 Stat", ". The Acquisition of Indian Lands for Grand Coulee Dam, 54 Stat.703 Act of June 20, 1940, allowed the Secretary of the Interior to remove human remains to new Native American grave sites. The burial relocation project started in September 1939. Human remains were put into small containers and many artifacts were discovered, but the methods of collection destroyed archaeological evidence", ". Various estimates for the number of relocated graves in 1939 include 915 graves reported by the Bureau of Reclamation Reclamation, or 1,388 reported by Howard T. Ball, who supervised the field work. Tribal leaders reported another 2,000 graves in 1940, but the Bureau of Reclamation would not continue grave relocation, and the sites were soon covered by water.", "The town of Inchelium, Washington, home to around 250 Colville Indians, was submerged and later relocated. Kettle Falls, once a primary Native American fishing grounds, was also inundated. The average catch of over 600,000 salmon per year was eliminated. In one study, the Army Corps of Engineers estimated the annual loss was over fish. In , the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation hosted a three-day event called the \"Ceremony of Tears\", marking the end of fishing at Kettle Falls", ". Within a year after the Ceremony, the falls were inundated. The town of Kettle Falls, Washington, was relocated.", "The Columbia Basin Project has affected habitat ranges for species such as mule deer, pygmy rabbits and burrowing owls, resulting in decreased populations. However, it has created new habitats such as wetlands, and riparian corridors. The environmental impact of the dam effectively ended the traditional way of life of the native inhabitants. The government eventually compensated the Colville Indians in the 1990s with a lump settlement of approximately , plus annual payments of approximately", ". In 2019, a bill was passed to provide additional compensation to the Spokane Tribe. It provides roughly annually for the first decade, followed by roughly a year after that.", "To compensate for the lack of ladder, three fisheries have been created above the dam, releasing into the upper Columbia River. One half of the fish are reserved for the displaced tribes, and one quarter of the reservoir is reserved for tribal hunting and boating.", "Tourism", "Built in the late 1970s, the Visitor Center contains many historical photos, geological samples, turbine and dam models, and a theater. The building was designed by Marcel Breuer and resembles a generator rotor. Since , on summer evenings, the laser light show at Grand Coulee Dam is projected onto the dam's wall. The show includes full-size images of battleships and the Statue of Liberty, as well as some environmental comments", ". Tours of the Third Power Plant are available to the public and last about an hour. Visitors take a shuttle to view the generators and also travel across the main dam span (otherwise closed to the public) as the formerly used glass elevator is indefinitely out of service.", "The headquarters of the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area is near the dam, and the lake provides opportunities for fishing, swimming, canoeing, and boating.\n\nWoody Guthrie connection", "Folk singer Woody Guthrie wrote some of his most famous songs while working in the area in the 1940s. In 1941, after a brief stay in Los Angeles, Guthrie and his family moved north to Oregon on the promise of a job. Gunther von Fritsch was directing a documentary about the Bonneville Power Administration's construction of the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River and needed a narrator. Alan Lomax had recommended Guthrie to narrate the film and sing songs onscreen", ". Alan Lomax had recommended Guthrie to narrate the film and sing songs onscreen. The original project was expected to take 12 months, but as filmmakers became worried about casting a political figure like Guthrie, they minimized his role. The Department of the Interior hired him for one month to write songs about the Columbia River and the construction of the federal dams for the documentary's soundtrack. Guthrie toured the Columbia River and the Pacific Northwest", ". Guthrie toured the Columbia River and the Pacific Northwest. Guthrie said he \"couldn't believe it, it's a paradise\", which appeared to inspire him creatively. In one month, Guthrie wrote 26 songs, including three of his most famous: \"Roll On, Columbia, Roll On\", \"Pastures of Plenty\", and \"Grand Coulee Dam\". The surviving songs were released as Columbia River Songs. The film Columbia River was completed in 1949 and featured Guthrie's music", ". The film Columbia River was completed in 1949 and featured Guthrie's music. Guthrie had been commissioned in 1941 to provide songs for the project, but it had been postponed by WWII.", "See also\n\n John L. Savage – Bureau of Reclamation's chief design engineer during construction.\n List of largest power stations in the world\n List of dams in the Columbia River watershed\n List of largest power stations in the United States\n List of largest hydroelectric power stations in the United States\n\nCitations\n\nGeneral bibliography", "Further reading\n Bretz, J. Harlen (1932), The Grand Coulee, American Geographical Society \n Gresko, Marcia S. (1999), Building America - The Grand Coulee Dam, Blackbirch Press, \n McClung, Christian (2009), Grand Coulee Dam: Leaving a Legacy, Great Depression in Washington State Project\n Sundborg, George (1954), Hail Columbia: The Thirty-year Struggle for Grand Coulee Dam, New York: Macmillan. \n White, Richard (1996), The Organic Machine: The Remaking of the Columbia River, New York: Hill and Wang,", "External links", "GrandCouleeDam.org —Informational web site\n\"The Grand Coulee Dam\", con't., by Walter E. Mair, Popular Science Monthly, , pp. 11–13, 100. First article to explain full scope of the Grand Coulee Dam project\n\"More Power for America\", Popular Mechanics, May 1942, pp. 17–24. Detailed article and drawing on start of operations of Grand Coulee Dam", "University of Idaho Libraries Digital Collections – Dam Construction in the Pacific Northwest—Photographs of the construction of the Columbia Basin Project, with a special emphasis on the construction of Grand Coulee Dam.", "University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections – Grand Coulee Dam—Photographs and pamphlets of the construction of the dam. Includes information about the recommendations for and against building the dam as well as images of land clearing activities by the Public Works Administration.\nUniversity of Washington Libraries Digital Collections Excerpt from the book Grand Coulee: Harnessing a Dream, by Paul C. Pitzer, Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University Press, 1994", "Grand Coulee Dam – a 2012 documentary film for the PBS series American Experience (directed by Stephen Ives)\nGrand Coulee Dam Columbia Basin Project Historical site—Personal interest site maintained by Charles Hubbard\nHistoric American Engineering Record (HAER) documentation, filed under Grand Coulee, Grant County, WA:", "Dams on the Columbia River\nDams in Washington (state)\nBuildings and structures in Grant County, Washington\nTourist attractions in Grant County, Washington\nHydroelectric power plants in Washington (state)\nLandmarks in Washington (state)\nBuildings and structures in Okanogan County, Washington\nTourist attractions in Okanogan County, Washington\nHistoric American Engineering Record in Washington (state)\nHistoric Civil Engineering Landmarks\nPumped-storage hydroelectric power stations in the United States", "Pumped-storage hydroelectric power stations in the United States\nGravity dams\nUnited States Bureau of Reclamation dams\nDams completed in 1942\nEnergy infrastructure completed in 1942\nEnergy infrastructure completed in 1974\n1942 establishments in Washington (state)\nArticles containing video clips\nPublic Works Administration in Washington (state)\nDams with fish ladders" ]
Doctor Strange
[ "Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Steve Ditko, the character first appeared in Strange Tales #110 (cover-dated July 1963). Doctor Strange serves as the Sorcerer Supreme, the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats. Strange was introduced during the Silver Age of Comic Books in an attempt to bring a different kind of character and themes of mysticism to Marvel Comics.", "The character starts as a brilliant but egotistically arrogant neurosurgeon who is injured in a car accident. Because his hands had severe nerve damage from the accident, he was told that current medical therapy and rehabilitation would not be enough to enable him to practice again as a surgeon. Unable to accept this prognosis, he travels the world searching for alternative ways of healing, which leads him to the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme", ". Strange becomes his student and learns to be a master of both the mystical and the martial arts. He acquires an assortment of mystical objects, including the powerful Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation, and takes up residence in a mansion referred to as the Sanctum Sanctorum, located at 177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City. Strange assumes the title of Sorcerer Supreme and, with his friend and valet Wong, defends the world from mystical threats.", "In live-action adaptations, the character was first portrayed by Peter Hooten in the 1978 television film Dr. Strange. Since 2016, Benedict Cumberbatch has portrayed the role of Stephen Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.\n\nPublication history", "Publication history\n\nCreation\nArtist Steve Ditko and writer Stan Lee have described the character as having been originally the idea of Ditko, who wrote in 2008, \"On my own, I brought in to Lee a five-page, penciled story with a page/panel script of my idea of a new, different kind of character for variety in Marvel Comics. My character wound up being named Dr. Strange because he would appear in Strange Tales.\" In a 1963 letter to Jerry Bails, Lee called the character Ditko's idea, saying:", "Early years", "Doctor Strange debuted in Strange Tales #110 (July 1963), a split book shared with the feature \"The Human Torch\". Doctor Strange appeared in issues #110–111 and #114 before the character's eight-page origin story in #115 (December 1963). His origin was later retold in Doctor Strange #169 (February 1968). Scripter Lee's take on the character was inspired by the Chandu the Magician radio program that aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System in the 1930s", ". He had Doctor Strange accompany spells with elaborate artifacts, such as the \"Eye of Agamotto\" and the \"Wand of Watoomb\", as well as mystical-sounding vocabulary such as \"Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!\". Although these often referenced the names of established mythological beings, Lee has said he never had any idea what the incantations meant and used them simply because they sounded mystical and mysterious", ". Ditko showcased surrealistic mystical landscapes and increasingly vivid visuals that helped make the feature a favorite of college students at the time. Comics historian Mike Benton wrote:", "\"People who read Doctor Strange thought people at Marvel must be heads [i.e., drug users],\" recalled then-associate editor and former Doctor Strange writer Roy Thomas in 1971, \"because they had had similar experiences high on mushrooms. But I don't use hallucinogens, nor do I think any artists do.\"\n\nOriginating in the early 1960s, the character was a predictor of trends in the art prior to them becoming more established in the later counterculture of the 1960s. As historian Bradford W. Wright described:", "{{blockquote|Steve Ditko contributed some of his most surrealistic work to the comic book and gave it a disorienting, hallucinogenic quality. Dr. Strange'''s adventures take place in bizarre worlds and twisting dimensions that resembled Salvador Dalí paintings. Inspired by the pulp fiction magicians of Stan Lee's childhood as well as by contemporary Beat culture, Dr. Strange remarkably predicted the youth counterculture's fascination with Eastern mysticism and psychedelia", ". Never among Marvel's more popular or accessible characters, Dr. Strange still found a niche among an audience seeking a challenging alternative to more conventional superhero fare.}}", "As co-plotter and later sole plotter in the Marvel Method of scripting, Ditko took Strange into ever-more-abstract realms. In a 17-issue story arc in Strange Tales #130–146 (March 1965 – July 1966), Ditko introduced the cosmic character Eternity, who personified the universe and was depicted as a silhouette filled with the cosmos", ". Golden Age of Comic Books artist/writer Bill Everett succeeded Ditko as an artist with issues #147–152, followed by Marie Severin through #160 and Dan Adkins through #168, the final issue before the Nick Fury feature moved to its own title and Strange Tales was renamed Doctor Strange. Expanded to 20 pages per issue, the Doctor Strange solo series ran 15 issues, #169–183 (June 1968 – November 1969), continuing the numbering of Strange Tales", ". Thomas wrote the run of new stories, joined after the first three issues by the art team of penciler Gene Colan and inker Tom Palmer through the end.", "After plans were announced for a never-released split book series featuring Doctor Strange and Iceman, each in solo adventures. Strange next appeared in the first three issues (December 1971 – June 1972) of the quarterly showcase title Marvel Feature. He appeared in both the main story detailing the formation of superhero team the Defenders, and the related back-up story. The character then starred in a revival solo series in Marvel Premiere #3–14 (July 1972 – March 1974)", ". This arc marked the debut of another recurring foe, the entity Shuma-Gorath, created by writer Steve Englehart and artist Frank Brunner, who took over as the regular creative team starting with Marvel Premiere #10. Englehart and Brunner collaborated closely on the stories, meeting over dinner every two months to discuss the series, and their run became known for its psychedelic visuals and plots", ". In issues #8–10 (May–September 1973), Strange is forced to shut down the Ancient One's mind, causing his mentor's physical death. Strange then assumes the title of Sorcerer Supreme", ". Strange then assumes the title of Sorcerer Supreme. Englehart and Brunner created another multi-issue storyline featuring sorcerer Sise-Neg (\"Genesis\" spelled backward) going back through history, collecting all magical energies, until he reaches the beginning of the universe, becomes all-powerful and creates it anew, leaving Strange to wonder whether this was, paradoxically, the original creation", ". Stan Lee, seeing the issue after publication, ordered Englehart and Brunner to print a retraction saying this was not God but a god, to avoid offending religious readers. According to Frank Brunner, he and Englehart concocted a fake letter from a fictitious minister praising the story, and mailed it to Marvel from Texas. Marvel unwittingly printed the letter in Doctor Strange #3 and dropped the retraction.", "Due to the growing number of Doctor Strange readers, the Marvel Premiere series segued to the character's second ongoing title, Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts, also known as Doctor Strange vol. 2, which ran 81 issues (June 1974 – Feb. 1987). Doctor Strange #14 featured a crossover story with The Tomb of Dracula #44, another series which was being drawn by Gene Colan at the time. In Englehart's final story, he sent Dr. Strange back in time to meet Benjamin Franklin.", "1980s\nStrange met his allies Topaz in #75 (February 1986) and Rintrah in #80 (December 1986). The series ended on a cliffhanger as his home, the Sanctum Sanctorum, was heavily damaged during a battle. Among the losses were Doctor Strange's entire collection of mystic books and other important artifacts. As a consequence, Strange was now considerably weaker, and several spells designed to protect humanity from vampires and the evil serpent god Set expired.", "The title was discontinued so that the character's adventures could be transferred to another split-book format series. Strange Tales vol. 2, #1–19 (April 1987–Oct. 1988) was shared with street heroes Cloak and Dagger. This new Doctor Strange series resolved Strange's quest to reclaim his power and missing artifacts, as well as resurrecting the Defenders, who had died in the last issue of that team's title.", "1990s", "Strange was returned to his own series, this time titled Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme, which ran 90 issues (November 1988 – June 1996). The initial creative team was writer Peter B. Gillis and artists Richard Case and Randy Emberlin, with storylines often spanning multiple issues. Strange lost the title of \"Sorcerer Supreme\" in issues #48–49 (Dec. 1992 – Jan. 1993) when he refused to fight a war on behalf of the Vishanti, the mystical entities that empower his spells", ". During this time the series became part of the \"Midnight Sons\" group of Marvel's supernatural comics. Doctor Strange found new sources of magical strength in the form of chaos magic, as well as a magic construct he used as a proxy. He would form the Secret Defenders with a rotating roster of heroes, and reunite with the original Defenders. Strange regained his title in Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #80 (August 1995).", "Strange appeared with the Human Torch and the Thing in the one-shot publication Strange Tales vol. 3, #1 (Nov. 1994).", "The character was featured in several limited series. The first was Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones #1–4 (February–May 1999), with a series of spontaneous combustions by criminals instigated by old foe Dormammu. Strange was the catalyst for the creation of a trio of sorceresses in Witches #1–4 (August–November 2004). The Strange limited series (November 2004 – July 2005) by writers J. Michael Straczynski and Samm Barnes updated the character's origin", ". Michael Straczynski and Samm Barnes updated the character's origin. Another limited series, Doctor Strange: The Oath #1–5 (December 2006 – April 2007), written by Brian K. Vaughan and illustrated by Marcos Martin, focused on Strange's responsibilities as sorcerer and doctor.", "Doctor Strange has appeared in four graphic novels: Doctor Strange: Into Shamballa (1986); Doctor Strange & Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment (1989); Spider-Man/Dr. Strange: The Way to Dusty Death (1992); and Dr. Strange: What Is It That Disturbs You, Stephen? (1997).", "2000s", "Strange appeared as a supporting character for the bulk of the 2000s. He appeared regularly in The Amazing Spider-Man under J. Michael Straczynski, before being cast into a time loop by Baron Mordo. He later appeared on and off in The New Avengers, where he was stated as being part of the secret group known as the Illuminati to deal with future threats to Earth. Ultimately Strange joined the team and allowed them to use his home as a base after the events of the 2006 \"Civil War\" storyline, which he sat out", ". Doctor Strange was critical of the federal Superhuman Registration Act and aided the anti-registration Avengers team led by Luke Cage.", "During Brian Michael Bendis' time as writer, Doctor Doom attacked the Avengers and manipulated the Scarlet Witch into eliminating most of the mutant population. Doctor Strange's failure to recognize Doom's hand in the former and to stop the latter caused him to start to doubt his abilities", ". After he was forced to use dark magic to confront an enraged Hulk, followed by further use of dark spells to save the New Avengers from the Hood's supervillain army, Strange renounced his status as Sorcerer Supreme, as he felt that he was no longer worthy of it. The Eye of Agamotto passed the mantle on to Brother Voodoo.", "He was also featured in The Order, which spun out of the 2001 Defenders revival, and the Indefensible Defenders mini-series.\n\n2010s\nDoctor Strange appeared as a regular character throughout the 2010-2013 The New Avengers series. Brother Voodoo, now newly appointed Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Voodoo, sacrifices himself to stop the powerful mystical entity Agamotto from reclaiming the Eye. A guilt-ridden Strange rejoins the New Avengers, and he offers the team his valet Wong to act as their housekeeper.", "Strange eventually regains his position of Sorcerer Supreme, but is possessed by a demon and becomes leader of the Black Priests.", "After the various Marvel universes merge into one, Doctor Strange acts as righthand man of Doctor Doom, who has become the ruler of this world after erasing all recollection of the previous separate realities that existed. Circumstances force Strange to open a pod that releases the surviving heroes of the original Marvel continuity, known as Earth-616. Doom kills Doctor Strange.", "In 2015, Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo teamed up for the fourth volume of Doctor Strange. A new character, reluctant librarian Zelma Stanton, agrees to reorganize Strange's magical library. Brother Voodoo returns, and the series and a spinoff, Dr. Strange: Last Days of Magic, sees such characters as Medico Mistico, Magik, Scarlet Witch, Mahatma Doom, Professor Xu, Monako, and Alice Gulliver", ". With the laws of magic fundamentally altered, and with the loss of his former resources, Doctor Strange is forced to depend on his own physical skills and inventive use of his few functional spells. He eventually no longer has access to most of his former spells or his levitating cape.", "During the \"Infinity Countdown\" storyline, Doctor Strange goes on a space mission. He encounters Super-Skrull who has the Time Stone. After defeating Super-Skrull, Doctor Strange claims the Time Stone. Doctor Strange then tracks down the Mind Stone and finds it in Turk Barrett's possession as Turk manages to evade him. When Black Widow's clone arrives seeking out Doctor Strange where she wants to dispose of the Space Stone, he does not want to take it as he knows what would happen if they are in proximity", ". Using a magic spell, Doctor Strange speaks to the holders of the Infinity Stones and requests a parley to reform the Infinity Watch. He states to Adam Warlock, Black Widow's clone, Captain Marvel, Star-Lord, and Turk Barrett that they need to safeguard them from such calamities even if one of them is Thanos.", "Fictional character biography\n\nStephen Vincent Strange, M.D., Ph.D., is a brilliant but highly egotistical fictional doctor. He was born in Philadelphia and raised in New York City. After high school, he went to New York College as a pre-med student, entered medical school at Columbia University and completed his residency at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, where his success made him arrogant.", "Despite his reputation for being able to handle even the most complicated surgical procedures, Strange is self-centered and greedy, and only treats patients who can afford to pay his exorbitant fees. One night, while speeding in his car, a terrible accident shatters the bones in his hands, leading to extensive nerve damage. He soon finds that his fingers tremble uncontrollably, rendering him unable to perform surgery", ". He soon finds that his fingers tremble uncontrollably, rendering him unable to perform surgery. Too vain to accept a teaching job, Strange desperately searches for a way to fix his hands and subsequently wastes all of his money on expensive, but unsuccessful treatments.", "Broke and ostracized from his colleagues, Strange becomes a drifter. He happens to overhear two sailors in a bar discussing a hermit called the Ancient One (who is actually the Earth's Sorcerer Supreme) in the Himalayas, who can heal any ailment. Despite not personally believing in magic, Strange uses the last of his money to track down the aged mystic. The Ancient One refuses to help Strange due to his arrogance, but senses a good side that he attempts to bring to the surface", ". He fails, but Strange then commits a heroic act when he discovers the Ancient One's disciple, Baron Mordo, attempting to kill his mentor and usurp his power. After a confrontation with Mordo leads to him being shackled with restraining spells preventing him from either attacking Mordo or warning the Ancient One, Strange desperately and selflessly accepts the Ancient One's offer to become his apprentice to have some hope of helping the old man", ". The Ancient One, pleased at Strange's sincere change of heart, accepts Strange as his new student and promptly frees him from the restraining spells while explaining he was aware of Mordo's treachery all along. Strange soon becomes Mordo's most enduring enemy, as the Ancient One trains the doctor in the mystic arts", ". After completing his training, Strange returns to New York City and takes up residence within the Sanctum Sanctorum, a townhouse located in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, accompanied by his personal assistant Wong.", "As the Ancient One's disciple, Strange encounters the entity Nightmare, and other mystical foes before meeting Dormammu, a warlord from an alternate dimension called the \"Dark Dimension\" who wishes to conquer Earth. Strange is aided by a nameless girl, later called Clea, who is eventually revealed to be Dormammu's niece. When Strange helps a weakened Dormammu drive off the rampaging Mindless Ones and return them to their prison, he is allowed to leave the Dark Dimension unchallenged.", "In The Unbelievable Gwenpool #3, Strange encounters Gwendolyn Poole, who explains herself to be from a reality where all Marvel characters are fictional characters in comic books. As Strange helps her locate her home reality to create a fake background for her in the Marvel Universe so that she can get a Social Security number, driver's license and other essential documents, he discovers that Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast to play him in Gwen's universe, remarking that he \"could see that\".", "Powers and abilities\nPowers and skills", "Doctor Strange is a fictional practicing sorcerer who draws his powers from mystical entities such as Agamotto, Cyttorak, Ikonn, Oshtur, Raggadorr, and Watoomb, who lend their energies for spells", ". Strange also wields mystical artifacts including the Cloak of Levitation which enables him to fly; the Eye of Agamotto, an amulet whose light is used to negate evil magic; the Book of the Vishanti, a grimoire which contains vast knowledge of white magic; and the Orb of Agamotto, a crystal ball which is used for clairvoyance.", "In addition to his magical abilities, Strange is trained in several martial arts disciplines, including judo, and has shown proficiency with numerous magically conjured weapons including swords and axes. Strange was a skilled neurosurgeon before nerve damage impaired his hands.", "Doctor Strange is described as \"the mightiest magician in the cosmos\" and \"more powerful by far than any of your fellow humanoids\" by Eternity, the sentience of the Marvel Universe. He holds the title of Sorcerer Supreme beginning with the 1973 storyline in which the Ancient One dies, and retains the title thereafter, except during an interruption from 1992 to 1995", ". He relinquishes the title once again in a 2009 storyline, but reclaims it in a 2012 story when he proves himself willing to protect the world even without the title.", "Artifacts and technology\nBook of the Vishanti", "The Book of the Vishanti, portrayed as being written by unknown authors, is closely associated with Doctor Strange and is the greatest known source of white magical knowledge on Earth. The Book of the Vishanti contains spells of defensive magic and is indestructible. Its counterpart, the Darkhold, contains all the knowledge of black magic in the Marvel Universe and is likewise indestructible", ". It is possible to destroy single pages of either book, but the balancing spell in the other book must be destroyed as well to maintain a mystical balance. A collective of the three powerful magical beings—Agamotto, Oshtur, and Hoggoth—known as the Vishanti must allow the spell to be destroyed.", "Even though the book is a tome of benevolent magic, the spells within can still be dangerous when used improperly. This is proven when a young, inexperienced Strange tried to use the Book of the Vishanti to resurrect his dead brother Victor, but the spell, known as the Vampire Verses, caused Victor to become the vampire Baron Blood years later.", "The first known owner of the book was the Atlantean sorcerer Varnae, who lived around 18,500 BC. The next known owner was the Babylonian god Marduk Kurios. Marduk set a griffin to guard the Book. The sorcerer known as the Ancient One traveled back in time to c. 4000 BC, defeated the griffin, and returned to the 20th century", ". 4000 BC, defeated the griffin, and returned to the 20th century. The Ancient One would remain the book's owner, despite a brief loss when the dark wizard Kaluu returned the Book to the Griffin, until he deemed his student, Doctor Strange, worthy of taking it.", "Doctor Strange keeps the book in his townhouse library in New York City's Greenwich Village. He briefly lost the book when he destroyed his home to prevent the alien wizard Urthona from taking his magical artifacts, but the book was saved by Agamotto, who transported it to his realm and returned it to Strange some time later.\n\nCloak of Levitation", "Cloak of Levitation\n\nThe Cloak of Levitation is depicted as a potent mystical cloak worn by Doctor Strange. The primary purpose of the cloak is to give its wearer the ability to levitate and fly. Additionally, the cloak is able to alter its shape, being often used to act as \"another set of hands\" to attack an opponent when Strange's own body has been incapacitated.", "There were two distinctly different cloaks worn by Doctor Strange bequeathed to him by his mentor, the Ancient One: a billowing, full-length blue cloak, that had minor abilities and spells woven into it, and the later, red cloak that Strange is usually seen wearing. The first appearance of the first (blue) cloak was in Strange Tales #114 (November 1963). The first appearance of the second (red) cloak was in Strange Tales #127 (December 1964)", ". The first appearance of the second (red) cloak was in Strange Tales #127 (December 1964). The Cloak of Levitation is seen in a great many battles where it often plays a very significant role. While it is extremely durable, there are a few occasions when it is damaged. Its repair requires that Strange engage an ally, Enitharmon the Weaver.", "The item has been referred to as a \"relic\" in the live-action movie Doctor Strange (2016). In this film (and other MCU films), the cloak appears to be sentient; not only does it rescue falling people on its own accord, but when Strange reached for a weapon in the Sanctum to fight an intruder, the cloaked yanked him to where a harness was sitting.\n\nEye of Agamotto\n\nOrb of Agamotto", "Eye of Agamotto\n\nOrb of Agamotto\n\nAside from the Eye of Agamotto, the Orb of Agamotto is the other occult object that Doctor Strange owns. It is a powerful scrying crystal ball powered by the Agamotto entity to detect the use of magic anywhere in the world, providing Strange with a location and visual. It can also be used to monitor the shields that protect the planets created by the three sanctums. If Agamotto is inside the Orb, it becomes Strange's ultimate source of knowledge.", "The Orb of Agamotto rests in Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum in a room called the Chamber of Shadows. It usually is inside a display case with three curved legs. When summoned, the glass covering rises and the ball levitates. While powerful, the Orb has been blocked by exceptionally powerful mystic forces (such as Umar) who do not want their exact location known. On at least one occasion, it has been used to open a dimensional portal to the realm of Agamotto", ". On at least one occasion, it has been used to open a dimensional portal to the realm of Agamotto. In the film Thor, the Orb is briefly shown in Odin's Trophy Room in Asgard.", "Enemies\n\nThe following are a selection of enemies of Doctor Strange:", "Aggamon – The ruler of the Purple Dimension.\n Baron Mordo – An evil wizard and former student of the Ancient One.\n D'Spayre – A fear-eating demon who is a member of the Fear Lords.\n Dagoth – A sea demon who is the spawn of Dagon.\n Dormammu – A demon who is the ruler of the Dark Dimension.\n Dweller-in-Darkness – A fear-generating demon who is a member of the Fear Lords.\n Enchantress – An Asgardian sorceress. Doctor Strange first clashed with her during the \"Acts of Vengeance\" storyline.", "Kaecilius – An evil wizard who works for Baron Mordo.\n Kaluu – A 500-year-old wizard and a former classmate of the Ancient One.\n Mindless Ones – The inhabitants of the Dark Dimension that serve as Dormammu's foot soldiers.\n Mister Rasputin – A sorcerer who is the alleged descendant of Grigori Rasputin.\n Necromancer – Counter-Earth's version of Doctor Strange.\n Nightmare – The ruler of the Dream Dimension.\n Paradox – A creation of Doctor Strange that was originally used to fill in for him.", "Paradox – A creation of Doctor Strange that was originally used to fill in for him.\n Satannish – A very-powerful extra-dimensional demon.\n Shanzar – The Sorcerer Supreme of the Strange Matter Dimension. He once possessed Hulk, turning him into Dark Hulk.\n Shuma-Gorath – A many-angled one who existed during Earth's pre-history.\n Silver Dagger – A religious sorcerer.\n Sons of Satannish – A cult that worships Satannish.\n Tiboro – A humanoid who claims to be from the Sixth Dimension.", "Tiboro – A humanoid who claims to be from the Sixth Dimension.\n Umar – A resident of the Dark Dimension and the sister of Dormammu.\n Undying Ones – A race of demons from another dimension with a variety of magic and a variety of forms.\n Yandroth – A Scientist Supreme from the otherdimensional planet Yann.", "Cultural impact and legacy", "Critical response", "Laura Bradley of Vanity Fair included Doctor Strange in their \"Stan Lee’s Most Iconic Characters\" list. Screen Rant included Doctor Strange in their \"10 Most Powerful Comic Book Wizards\" list, and in their \"10 Smartest Magic Users In Comic Books\" list. CBR.com ranked Doctor Strange 1st in their \"10 Best Sorcerer Supremes\" list, and 5th in their \"10 Scariest Avengers\" list", ". Collider ranked Doctor Strange 1st in their \"Most Powerful Original Marvel Illuminati Members\" list, and 14th in their \"20 Most Powerful Marvel Characters\" list.", "Lance Cartelli of GameSpot ranked Doctor Strange 27th in their \"50 Most Important Superheroes\" list. IGN ranked Doctor Strange 33rd in their \"Top 50 Avengers\" list, and 38th in their \"Top 100 Comic Book Heroes\" list. The A.V. Club ranked Doctor Strange 47th in their \"100 best Marvel characters\" list. Lance Cartelli of ComicBook.com ranked Doctor Strange 35th in their \"50 Most Important Superheroes Ever\" list", ".com ranked Doctor Strange 35th in their \"50 Most Important Superheroes Ever\" list. Wizard Magazine ranked Doctor Strange 83rd in their \"200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time\" list.", "Impact", "Doctor Strange inspired the name of the psychedelic band Dr. Strangely Strange.\n Doctor Strange's character inspired the Khalid Nassour version of the Doctor Fate character, which was created by Paul Levitz.\n Doctor Strange is referenced in the 1971 song \"Mambo Sun\" by glam rock band T. Rex on their album Electric Warrior.\n Doctor Strange is referenced in the song \"Cymbaline\" by English progressive rock band Pink Floyd on their 1969 album More.", "Doctor Strange appears on the cover of Pink Floyd's second studio album A Saucerful of Secrets, which contains a hidden image based on a panel from a 1967 Doctor Strange comic book story. The image used came from Strange Tales #158 which was illustrated by Marie Severin.", "Other versions\nTwo months before the debut of the sorcerer-hero Doctor Strange, Stan Lee (editor and story-plotter), Robert Bernstein (scripter, under the pseudonym \"R. Berns\"), and Jack Kirby (artist) introduced a criminal scientist and Ph.D. with the same surname (called Carl Strange). Making his sole appearance in the Iron Man story \"The Stronghold of Dr. Strange\" in Tales of Suspense #41 (1963), the character gained mental powers in a freak lightning strike.", "1602", "Set in the Marvel 1602 universe. Sir Stephen Strange, both the court physician of Queen Elizabeth I and a magician, senses that there are unnatural forces at work. He is the replacement in the 1602 universe for John Dee and is married to a version of Clea. Here, he cannot use his 'Astral Projection' (which he refers to as a magic mirror) as well as the modern one could, lacking modern materials, and is often physically drained after it is finished, and lacks memory of what he saw in astral form", ". During this time, he makes indirect contact with Uatu, who warns him about the danger caused by the 'Forerunner's' arrival in the past, but is placed under a compulsion not to speak or act on this knowledge", ". Eventually, when Elizabeth is dead, he allows himself to be executed for witchcraft and treason so that his head, kept alive by Clea for some time after his execution, can continue to be of help by sharing the information he has gained from Uatu with the other heroes so that they can prevent the destruction of reality.", "2099\nSet in the Marvel 2099 universe. The Sorceress Supreme of Earth is a young woman who calls herself \"Strange\". She secretly shares her body with a monstrous demon. She is very inexperienced in her powers and uses them recklessly. In one incident, she causes the death of her brother. Her main opponent is Garokk who wishes to use her past torments and inexperience to gain the title of Sorcerer Supreme for himself.", "In a 'reset' 2099 timeline where the Maestro has conquered a decimated world, he apparently kept Strange contained in a mystical circle. When Miguel O'Hara emerged into this timeline and released Strange, she claimed that the demon possessing her protected her from major world-shifts, working with Miguel to repair an old time machine of Doctor Doom's so that he could return to 2015 and avert this timeline", ". However, after Miguel's departure, Strange revealed that she was working with the Maestro and was under the control of the demon within her.", "Strange later appears on Battleworld as a member of the Defenders 2099.\n\nWhen Miguel returns to a new variation of the 2099 timeline where having superpowers is illegal, he witnesses Moon Knight banishing Strange's demon being from her body using a soul sword.\n\nAge of X\nIn the Age of X timeline, Doctor Strange poses as a Mutant-hunter for hire, but is in reality a double agent working with Magneto, who teleports mutants to Fortress X for safety.", "Amalgam Comics\nSet in the Amalgam Comics universe, Dr. Strange was combined with Doctor Fate and Charles Xavier into Dr. Strangefate. As the only character aware of the nature of the Amalgam Universe, he was the chief opponent of Access, who was attempting to separate the DC and Marvel Universes. Originally numbered as Earth-962.", "Bullet Points\nIn the mini-series Bullet Points, Dr. Strange chooses to work for S.H.I.E.L.D., rather than seek out the Ancient One, in exchange for them restoring his hands. Later he is seen possessing claws similar to Wolverine's.", "Duckworld", "Set in Howard the Duck's home-world and home dimension. This version of Doctor Strange is Ducktor Strange, an anthropomorphic Duck. In this reality, he is still a Sorcerer (the \"Mallard of the Mystic Arts\"), but is also a drunken derelict, who seems to live in alleys drinking \"sorcerous sauce\" (alcohol). He has appeared in Howard the Duck magazine #6 (July 1980), wherein he sends Howard and Beverly back to Earth; and in She-Hulk, vol", ". 4, #20 (Sept 2007), wherein he helps Stu the Intern return to Earth (since Stu's extensive knowledge of Marvel Comics continuity reminded him that he could find the Ducktor and how he could be returned by the Mystic Mallard).", "Earth-A/Earth-721\nIn She-Hulk (vol. 2) #21, a non-powered counterpart of Dr. Strange from Earth-A comes to Earth-616 (aka Earth-B) and impersonates the 616 Dr. Strange. The impostor is revealed when he cannot think of a rhyme for the word \"Cyttorak\".", "Earth X\nSet in the Earth X universe. Dr. Strange's body is murdered by Clea (this Earth's Sorceress Supreme) under the behest of Loki. His astral form aids Captain Marvel in his journey through Death's Realm as one of the few inhabiting heroes aware of his death.", "Exiles\nAn alternative Dr. Strange helped the Exiles briefly. This character was not a mystic, but instead was still a practicing physician who specialized in superhumans. This version of Doctor Strange was killed by an alternative version of Deadpool.\n\nFantastic Four: The End\nIn this series, Dr. Strange is now the Ancient One and had a daughter with Clea who is the new Dr. Strange.", "Guardians of the Galaxy\nIn the alternative future of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Dr. Strange assumed the title of the Ancient One (previously held by his mentor) and took on a disciple of his own, a Lem named Krugarr. Strange/the Ancient One was eventually killed by Dormammu, who was defeated by the combined efforts of Krugarr, his disciple Talon, and the Guardians.", "Marvel Zombies", "In the Marvel Zombies universe, Dr. Strange is one of the last heroes in the alternative \"zombie world\" to be transformed into a zombie. He was last seen in living form as part of Nick Fury's resistance to defeat the zombified Marvel superheroes in the spinoff Dead Days before he and the rest of the surviving superheroes are later overwhelmed by the zombie Fantastic Four and turned", ". He participates in the multi-zombie attack on Doctor Doom's castle, in an effort to capture and devour the unaffected Latverian citizens inside. While part of a multi-zombie chase of Ultimate Reed Richards, he vanishes under a rain of cars launched by Magneto. However, he later resurfaces in Marvel Zombies 3 but with limited function as a result of Magneto's wrath", ". He is part of Kingpin's undead alliance and can only perform two spells, one of which allows viewers to see into other universes which becomes an essential tool to Kingpin's plans. Ultron kills Zombie Dr. Strange.", "MC2\nSet in the MC2 universe. Dr. Strange is retired and the title of Sorcerer Supreme has been passed to the younger Doc Magus.\n\nMutant X\nSet in the Mutant X universe. Dr. Strange was the Man-Thing. The title of Sorcerer Supreme had been taken by Mordo.\n\nSpider-Ham\nSet in the Larval zooniverse, the talking animal version of Doctor Strange is Croctor Strange, an anthropomorphic crocodile.", "Thor: Vikings\nDr. Strange assists Thor in the MAX mini series Thor: Vikings, when zombified, evil Vikings massacre Manhattan by pillaging and killing its citizens. Strange helps Thor locate the descendants of a victim that the Vikings had slain, just after the victim, a village wiseman had placed a curse on the Vikings that caused them to become zombified. With Strange's instruction, the battle-experienced descendants all fight the Vikings with Thor.", "Ultimate Marvel\nThere are two versions of Doctor Strange that reside in the Ultimate Marvel Universe.\n\nStephen Strange Sr.\nFirst appearing in flashbacks, Dr. Stephen Strange married his former student, Clea, and the two of them had a child, Stephen Jr. Strange Sr. later vanished, and Clea decided to raise Stephen Jr. away from magic. The title of \"Sorcerer Supreme\" was only self-proclaimed by the elder Strange as reported in the comics during a TV news broadcast.", "Stephen Strange Jr.", "As a college student, Stephen Jr. was approached by Wong, who told him about his father and took him on as a student. He supports himself as a new-age guru to the rich, powerful and famous, and is seen as a celebrity, appearing on television talk shows. He is known to the public as \"Dr. Strange\", although he does not hold a medical degree or doctorate. He has bemoaned his lack of knowledge in things mystical and usually, just barely saves the day with one last desperate, untried spell", ". Starting in Ultimate Spider-Man #107, this Doctor Strange is a member of Daredevil's team fighting against the Kingpin, the Ultimate Knights.", "In Ultimatum, Strange is gruesomely killed by Dormammu when Hulk rampages through his house. A mysterious person later found his body.", "Venomverse", "A Venomized version of Doctor Strange appears in Venomverse, who is responsible for gathering all of the different incarnations of Venom. His Earth was eradicated by the Poisons so he had gathered Venoms from across the multiverse to prevent the Poisons from consuming more of them. He is captured by the Poisons and he realizes that instead of bringing more Venoms to fight, he had brought the Poisons more Venoms to consume", ". In the climax he sends all of the surviving Venoms to their universes while the bomb built by Rocket Raccoon explodes. His fate is unknown.", "What If?...\nDr. Strange also exists in several What If?... multiverses.\nIn \"What If....Doctor Strange Had Been Disciple of Dormammu?\", Strange has his hands healed by Mordo and does not become a student of the Ancient One. Mordo later converts Strange into a disciple of Dormammu. When Strange is forced into a battle between Dormammu and the Ancient One, he decides in favor of good, and finally becomes a disciple of the Ancient One.", "In \"What If...Dr. Strange Had Not Become Master of the Mystic Arts?\", Dr. Strange never travels to Tibet, and Mordo becomes the Sorcerer Supreme.", "In other media\nRadio\n From 1967 to 1970, WBAI radio in New York City produced 17 episodes of a Doctor Strange radio drama.", "Television\n Doctor Strange appears in the Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends episode \"7 Little Superheroes\", voiced by John Stephenson.\n Doctor Strange makes a non-speaking cameo appearance in the X-Men: The Animated Series episode \"The Dark Phoenix Saga (Part 3)\".\n Doctor Strange appears in a self-titled episode of Spider-Man (1994), voiced by John Vernon.\n Doctor Strange appears in The Incredible Hulk episode \"Mind Over Anti-Matter\", voiced by Maurice LaMarche.", "Doctor Strange appears in The Super Hero Squad Show, voiced by Roger Rose. First appearing in the episode \"Enter: Dormammu!\", he behaves irrationally due to an Infinity Fractal getting lodged inside the Eye of Agamotto until the Super Hero Squad cure him. In later episodes, he takes in the squad for a night at the Sanctum Sanctorum, fights the Enchantress, forms the Defenders, and aids Chthon in recovering his dimension from Doctor Doom.", "Doctor Strange appears in the Disney XD Marvel animated series Ultimate Spider-Man, Avengers Assemble, and Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., voiced originally by Jack Coleman, and later by Liam O'Brien.\n Doctor Strange appears in Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers, voiced by Yasunori Masutani in the Japanese dub and Wally Wingert (episode 2) and Liam O'Brien (episode 46) in the English dub.\n Doctor Strange appears in Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Black Panther: Trouble in Wakanda, voiced again by Liam O'Brien.", "Doctor Strange appears in Marvel Future Avengers, voiced again by Yasunori Masutani in the Japanese dub and Liam O'Brien in the English dub.\n Doctor Strange appears in the Spider-Man (2017) episode \"Amazing Friends\", voiced again by Liam O'Brien. This version is a member of the Avengers.", "Film\n Doctor Stephen Strange appears in a self-titled film (1978), portrayed by Peter Hooten. This version is a psychiatrist.\n Doctor Mordrid began development as a Doctor Strange adaptation, but the studio's license expired before production began. As a result, the project was rewritten to change the main character's name and slightly alter his origin. Additionally, the main character was originally going to be called \"Doctor Mortalis\" and Jack Kirby worked on the early concept art.", "Doctor Strange appears in Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme, voiced by Bryce Johnson.\n Doctor Strange makes a non-speaking cameo appearance in Planet Hulk as a member of the Illuminati.\n Doctor Strange appears in Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell, voiced again by Liam O'Brien.", "Marvel Cinematic Universe", "Doctor Stephen Strange appears in media set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch. First appearing in a self-titled live-action film (2016), this version is a successful, wealthy neurosurgeon who becomes severely injured following a car accident, leading him to travel the world for answers to heal his injuries, eventually landing in Kamar-Taj and becoming a Master of the Mystic Arts", ". He makes further appearances in the live-action films Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Additionally, alternate timeline versions of Strange appear in the Disney+ animated series What If... ? and Spider-Man: Freshman Year as well as Multiverse of Madness.", "Video games\n Doctor Strange appears as a non-player character (NPC) in The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin. This version serves as Spider-Man's advisor.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, voiced by James Horan.\n Doctor Strange appears in Hsien-Ko's ending in Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. \n He later appears as a playable character in the updated version, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, voiced by Rick Pasqualone.", "Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, voiced by Charlie Adler.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel: Avengers Alliance.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth, voiced by Chris Cox.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Heroes, voiced by Nick Jameson.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Lego Marvel Super Heroes, voiced again by James Horan.", "Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Contest of Champions.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Lego Marvel's Avengers, voiced by Wally Wingert while Jack Coleman voices the version that appears in the \"All-New, All-Different Doctor Strange\" DLC.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Future Fight.\n Two versions of Doctor Strange, \"Stephen Strange\" and the \"Sorcerer Supreme\", appear as playable characters in Marvel Puzzle Quest.", "Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, voiced again by Liam O'Brien.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Powers United VR, voiced by Liam O'Brien once again.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, voiced again by Liam O'Brien.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel Future Revolution, voiced again by Liam O'Brien.", "Doctor Strange appears in the digital collectible card game Marvel Snap.\n Doctor Strange appears as a playable character in Marvel's Midnight Suns, voiced again by Rick Pasqualone. This version displays a rivalry with Iron Man.", "Novels\n In 1979, Pocket Books published Doctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts: Nightmare, by William Rotsler.\n In the 1968 book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe writes about Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters' interest in comics and specifically refers to Doctor Strange.\n In the 2006 novel Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours'', by author Jim Butcher, Strange appears briefly as a fellow superhero that Spider-Man seeks immediate assistance from amidst a battle with Morlun's vengeful siblings.\n\nNotes", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n \n Doctor Strange at Marvel.com", "Avengers (comics) characters\nCharacters created by Stan Lee\nCharacters created by Steve Ditko\nComics characters introduced in 1964\nFictional characters from Manhattan\nFictional characters with dimensional travel abilities\nFictional characters with neurotrauma\nFictional Columbia University people\nFictional neurosurgeons\nFictional occult and psychic detectives\nFictional wizards\nMagical superheroes\nMale characters in film\nMarvel Comics adapted into films\nMarvel Comics American superheroes", "Male characters in film\nMarvel Comics adapted into films\nMarvel Comics American superheroes\nMarvel Comics characters who can teleport\nMarvel Comics characters who use magic\nMarvel Comics fantasy characters\nMarvel Comics film characters\nMarvel Comics male superheroes\nMarvel Comics martial artists\nMarvel Comics telepaths" ]
Maitrayaniya Upanishad
[ "The Maitrayaniya Upanishad (, ) is an ancient Sanskrit text that is embedded inside the Yajurveda. It is also known as the Maitri Upanishad (, ), and is listed as number 24 in the Muktika canon of 108 Upanishads.", "The Maitrayaniya Upanishad is associated with the Maitrayanas school of the Yajurveda. It is a part of the \"black\" Yajurveda, with the term \"black\" implying \"the un-arranged, motley collection\" of content in Yajurveda, in contrast to the \"white\" (well arranged) Yajurveda where Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and Isha Upanishad are embedded. The chronology of Maitrayaniya Upanishad is contested, but generally accepted to be a late period Upanishadic composition.", "The Maitrayaniya Upanishad consists of seven Prapathakas (lessons). The first Prapathaka is introductory, the next three are structured in a question-answer style and discuss metaphysical questions relating to Atman (Self), while the fifth to seventh Prapathaka are supplements. However, several manuscripts discovered in different parts of India contain lesser number of Prapathakas, with a Telugu language version showing just four, and another Burnell version showing just one section", ". The content and structure of the Upanishad is also different in various manuscript recensions, suggesting that the Upanishad was extensively interpolated and expanded over a period of time. The common kernel of the Upanishad across different recensions, states Max Muller, is a reverence for Self, that can be summarized in a few words as, \"(Man) is the Self – the immortal, the fearless, the Brahman\".", "The Maitri Upanishad is an important ancient text notable, in its expanded version, for its references to theories also found in Buddhism, elements of the Samkhya and Yoga schools of Hinduism, as well as the Ashrama system. The text is also notable for its practice of Anyatrapyuktam (or Ityevam Hyaha), that is being one of the earliest known Sanskrit texts that embedded quotes with credits and frequent citations to more ancient Sanskrit texts.", "Etymology\nThe etymological root of the Maitrayaniya Upanishad are unclear. This has historically led to a variety of names and spellings for this Upanishad.", "Maitra (Sanskrit: मैत्र) and Maitri (मैत्री) are related words which literally mean \"kindly, benevolent, good will, amity, friend of all creatures\". The likely root for the Upanishad is probably the name of an ancient Indian scholar, Maitra, sometimes spelled Maitri or Maitreya, giving the text the alternate name of Maitri or Maitra Upanishad. The ancient scholar is also credited with a school of thought, thus giving the text the name Maitrayaniya Upanishad", ". Other names for this text include Maitrayani Upanishad (मैत्रायणि उपनिषद्), Maitrayana Upanishad, Maitrayaniya-brahmana Upanishad, Sriyagussakhayam Maitrayaniya-brahmana Upanishad, Maitreyopanishad and Maitrayaniyopanishad.", "Chronology", "The Maitrayaniya Upanishad was probably composed in late 1st millennium BCE, likely after Atharva Veda texts such as the Mundaka Upanishad and Prashna Upanishad, but its precise chronology is unclear and contested", ". The chronology is difficult to resolve because all opinions rest on scanty evidence, an analysis of archaism, style and repetitions across texts, driven by assumptions about likely evolution of ideas, and on presumptions about which philosophy might have influenced which other Indian philosophies.", "Olivelle includes Maitri Upanishad among the list of principal Upanishads that were composed last, probably around the start of the common era. Mahony suggests an earlier date, placing Prashna along with Maitri and Mandukya Upanishads, as texts that probably emerged about early fourth century BCE. Jayatilleke states, \"Buddhism is not far removed in time from, though it is prior to, the Maitri Upanishad\"", ". Nakamura states that \"although Buddhistic influence can be seen in the Maitri Upanishad (from words used), the particular terms and modes of expression of Mahayana Buddhism do not yet appear (in it)\".", "Phillips, in contrast, lists Maitri Upanishad before and about the time the first Buddhist Pali canonical texts were composed. Ranade posits a view similar to Phillips, placing Maitri's chronological composition in the fifth group of ancient Upanishads and last of the Principal Upanishads", ". Cowell too considers Maitri Upanishad as late era Upanishad, with its later sections comparatively modern, because of the structural and style differences within texts, inconsistencies in Poona manuscript, Calcutta (Kolkata) manuscript, Eckstein manuscript, Burnell manuscript and other manuscripts, and because some version of the manuscripts insert quotes from Vaishnavism.", "Deussen states that the Upanishad is chronologically significant because its author(s) takes for granted the concepts and ideas found in Samkhya and Yoga schools of Hinduism, which must have been established by the time Maitri Upanishad was composed.", "Structure", "The extant recension of the text consists seven s (lessons), of which several sections are Khilas (appendices, supplements) added later. The last two are called as khila by medieval era Indian scholar Ramatirtha. Others consider the last three sections as supplements and appendices. Other discovered manuscript versions of the Maitri Upanishad present different number of sections, ranging from 1 to 4, without any appendices", ". There are also differences in style, structure and content among the discovered manuscripts when the text contains the same number of sections.", "The text is a prose style Upanishad, with a motley collection of different sized paragraphs. The first section has four paragraphs, the second has seven, the third presents five paragraphs, while the fourth section contains six. As appendices, the fifth lesson has two paragraphs, while the sixth Prapathaka is the longest section with thirty eight paragraphs. The last supplementary section, or the seventh Prapāṭhaka has eleven paragraphs some with many sub-paragraphs.", "The Maitrayaniya Upanishad is embedded after the Brahmana text of Yajur Veda, and in its opening passages refers to rituals contained therein. It contextually belongs to the Sannyasa Upanishads corpus. Hume includes it among his list of \"Thirteen Principal Upanishads\".\n\nContents\n\nMaitri Upanishad deals with the concept and nature of Atman (Self), the question of \"how is joy possible?\" and \"how one can achieve moksha (liberation)?\"; in later sections it offers a debate on possible answers.", "Meditation of Self is the essence of religious activity - First Prapathaka\nThe text begins with the following prelude,", "The above prelude is followed by an answer, offered as a tale of a king named Brihadratha who renounces his kingdom, lives an austere life and therewith seeks the knowledge of the eternal, the Self. Sage appears before the king. The king admits, \"I lack the knowledge of Self, you know the essence of Self\", so please teach me", ". The king admits, \"I lack the knowledge of Self, you know the essence of Self\", so please teach me. In the resulting reply, the sage first claims that the \"seeking the knowledge of Atman\" was a practice of the past, it is difficult and not in vogue, then urges the king to ask something else\". The king insists, by asking a series of metaphysical questions to the sage.", "The sage then shares with the king the philosophy of the Brahman (Universal Self, Cosmic Principle, Ultimate Reality), described in the next lessons. Paul Deussen states that parts of the above questions, on sorrow and frailty of human life is found in the oldest Upanishads of Hinduism, for example in chapters 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.28 and 4.4 of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, yet its declamation in the question form above in Maitri Upanishad, mirrors those found in Buddhism and Samkhya school of Hinduism", ". It is likely, states Deussen, that these two philosophies influenced the formulation of these questions in the form presented in Maitri Upanishad.", "Every individual has Self, which is serene, the highest light, the cosmic truth - Second Prapathaka\nSakayanya answers the king's question, in verse 2.2 of Maitri Upanishad, by asserting that Atman (Self) exists in every individual, and it is that inmost being which \"moves about without moving\" (exists everywhere), which dispels darkness of ignorance and error, which is serene, immortal, fearless and soaring for the highest light. The Maitri Upanishad states that this is the message of all Upanishads,", "Sage Sakayanya thereafter narrates an ancient dialogue between s and Kratu, which is sourced from Rig Veda. The dialogue states that \"man was created in the image of its creator, innately has all its powers, and is driven by it\". The dialogue raises a series of metaphysical objections and inconsistencies with this premise, and then offers theories to resolve the what, how and why this is so.", "The Maitrayaniya Upanishad states that the Prajapati (lord of creatures) divided himself fivefold and entered all creatures of the world. The divided parts are Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana. Prana is upward breath, Apana is downward breath (exhale). Vyana holds the Prana and Apana in balance, giving strength to the whole body. Samana is that which carries gross food to Apana and then subtler food throughout the body", ". Samana is that which carries gross food to Apana and then subtler food throughout the body. Udana is that which delivers food up and down the body from what has been eaten or drunk.", "Now the Upamsu-vessel (or prana) depends on the Antaryama-vessel (apana) and the Antaryama-vessel (apana) on the Upamsu-vessel (prana), and between these two the self-resplendent (Self) produced heat. This heat is the purusha(person), and this purusha is Agni Vaisvanara.", "The Purusha resides within, assumes the nature of Buddhi (intellect, power to reason). However, having divided itself fivefold, its purpose unattained, it impulsively feels, \"let me enjoy objects\". It is distracted from its purpose, its Self. The Upanishad, thereafter recites the \"parable of chariot\" found in older Upanishads", ". The Upanishad, thereafter recites the \"parable of chariot\" found in older Upanishads. Max Muller summarizes it as, \"the perceptive organs are his reins, the active organs his horses, the body his chariot, the mind the charioteer, the whip being the temperament (emotions). Driven by that whip, his body goes round and round like a wheel driven by the potter. This body is made intelligent, and he (Atman) is the driver thereof", ". This body is made intelligent, and he (Atman) is the driver thereof.\" He experiences the fruits of his Karma, his personality the weaving of the three Guṇas (sattvam, rajas, tamas).", "In essence, however, man seeks the true bliss, the immortal happiness, the resplendent contentment, the calm freedom that is his Self, states paragraph 2.7 of Maitri Upanishad. This Self of his is pure, unchanging, unmoving, undefilable, serenely calm constant, the spectator within him, the self-abiding. The Self is inherently good, enjoyer of Ṛta (that which is properly/excellently joined, natural perfection, harmonious, holistic, right, truth).", "Human suffering, its causes and the nature of Selfs - Third Prapathaka\nThe third Prapathaka of Maitri Upanishad presents a theory of Self that is different from the Vedanta school of Hinduism, rather it resonates with its Samkhya school. It enumerates different types of Atman, the three Gunas and how these \"qualities of personality\" overwhelm him from his essential nature into egoistic life of cravings, the source of evil and sorrow in a man's life, and other terminology from the Samkhya philosophy.", "The third Prapathaka opens with the question, \"if Self is inherently great, then who is this Self that suffers from the 'bright and dark fruits' of karma, rebirth and is overcome by Dvandva (pairs of opposite such as heat and cold, health and disease, etc)?\"", "As answer, the Maitrayaniya Upanishad states that there is another, different Self, calling it Bhutatman (the elemental Self), which transmigrates. In paragraph 3.2, the Upanishad presents the \"theory of gross elements and subtle elements\" which combine to form Sarira (शरीर, body). The \"elemental Self\" resides in this body, and is overcome by prakrti guna (inner nature of an individual's personality). This, states the text, is cause of confusion, conflicting desires, unsteady behaviors and self-conceit", ". Man, because of this confusion, binds himself with suffering, just like a bird binds itself inside a net. Human suffering is the result of human actions (Karma) and complex interplay of human psychology (Guṇas). However, the \"immortal Self\" is, states the text, unaffected by the elemental Self's confusion and drifts. The third Prapathaka explains the two Self and human personalities using the metaphor of \"fire, iron and forge\" as follows,", "The Maitri Upanishad in paragraph 3.4 states that true essence of man is not his body, but his immortal Self. The elemental Self is mere reflection of his Gunas (psychology), a source of his suffering, which manifests itself as quality of Tamas (darkness), such as \"confusion, fear, grief, sloth, carelessness, decay, sorrow, hunger, thirst, infidelity, anger, ignorance, cruelty, meanness, envy, shamelessness, pride, folly, dishonesty, arrogance, miserliness\"", ". The quality of Rajas () too, states the Upanishad, is a result of this interplay of overpowered elemental Self and guna, and lists the manifold manifestation of this as, \"greed, covetousness, craving, possessiveness, unkindness, hatred, deceit, restlessness, mania, fickleness, wooing and impressing others, servitude, flattery, hedonism, gluttony, prodigality and peevishness\"", ". While the elemental Self is thus affected, the inner Self, the immortal Self, the inner spectator is unaffected, asserts the Upanishad.", "Realization of True Self, union with Brahman - Fourth Prapathaka\nThe fourth Prapathaka begins with the question, \"how can the elemental Self obtain union with the true Self\"?", "The Maitri Upanishad answers that the elemental Self is distracted, intoxicated and attached to numerous things in life, craving for false delights, which prevents its ability to know the true Self. The remedy for elemental Self, in order to realize the true Self, is to acquire the knowledge of the Veda, perform svadharma (one's duty) based on one's age, be part of Rta, devote oneself to Ashrama stage one is in. The Upanishad, in paragraph 4", ". The Upanishad, in paragraph 4.3 acknowledges the inherent tension between ascetic life of renouncing society for Self-knowledge and the svadharma in each Ashrama stage of life with devotion to society. It calls asceticism qua asceticism wrong, and then immediately calls asceticism right, necessary and praises asceticism for the inner perfection and Self-knowledge it helps bring. The fourth prapathaka does not resolve the inherent conflict it acknowledges. In paragraph 4", ". The fourth prapathaka does not resolve the inherent conflict it acknowledges. In paragraph 4.4, the Upanishad asserts that meditation, austerities, perseverance and knowledge leads to Brahman state, of bliss that is imperishable, infinite and unchangeable. It is this union of Brahman that frees the true Self unto bliss.", "Deity worship can be rewarding, but must be temporary, replaced with meditation and self knowledge - Fourth Prapathaka\nIn paragraph 4.5, the Maitrayaniya Upanishad presents the question as to which of the gods is best for worship. The text answers that they are merely forms of Brahman, that one should meditate upon, worship, yet ultimately deny them and reject the gods. They are means to man's liberation, which is obtained through Self meditation and in Self-knowledge. This is expounded on, as follows,", "Hume states that the construct of the question above is notable, as it thus incorporates the three triads of thought found in ancient Indian philosophies - the Vedic trinity, the philosophical trinity in different schools of Hinduism, as well as the Brahmanic trinity.", "Appendix: Pantheistic Self and Samkhya theory of Gunas - Fifth Prapathaka\nThe fifth Prapathaka then presents a motley collection of a hymn and various theories, all focussed on the pantheistic premise that everything is manifested form of Cosmic Self, all is One Brahman-Atman.", "A hymn, inserted into paragraph 5.1 and called the Kutsayana Hymn, states that the Self is the hidden unchanging reality, the tranquil, the unlimited, the one without beginning or end. The Self, states this pantheistic hymn, is Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Prajapati, Agni, Varuna, Vayu, Indra, Moon, Anna (Food), Yama, Earth. All life, all existence is manifold manifestation of the Self. The hymn calls the Self as Prabhu (Lord) of all pleasure and delight.", "The paragraph 5.2 of the Upanishad asserts the Guna theory of Samkhya school of Hinduism. The text states that in the beginning the universe was darkness (Tamas) alone. The Brahman impelled Tamas to differentiate, thus arose passion (action qua action, Rajas). The Brahman impelled Rajas to continue differentiating, and thus arose purity (right action, truth, Sattva). These three Gunas reside in everything. The aspect of Brahman that characterizes Tamas is Rudra", ". These three Gunas reside in everything. The aspect of Brahman that characterizes Tamas is Rudra. The aspect of Brahman that characterizes Rajas is Brahma. The aspect of Brahman that characterizes Sattva is Vishnu. These threefold concepts have differentiated manifold into eightfold, elevenfold, into infinite number of parts, states the Upanishad. These, all creatures, and the Visva (विश्व, world, empirical universe) are manifestations of one Supreme Self, within and without", ". Self's existence is reflected by the development of goodness (virtues). It is this Self that is reflected in man, just like sun is reflected in different vessels of water, posits paragraph 5.2 of the fifth Prapathaka.", "Appendix: Enumeration of Selfs - Sixth Prapathaka", "The sixth Prapathaka enumerates Self into two, the one that is within each human being and one without that is in Sun. These correspond to two paths, one inner and one outer. The existence of inner Self can only be inferred, while the outer Self can be perceived. The outer Self is the evidence of the inner Self, and the inner Self is the evidence of the outer Self. In Paragraph 6", ". In Paragraph 6.1, the Maitri Upanishad refers to more ancient texts of this teaching of Self and its relation to ethical life and introspective behavior, as follows,", "Just like in time (kala), the solar fire ultimately consumes all beings and the outer world as food, asserts the Upanishad, it is the man's Self that consumes inner food. The outer Self and inner Self are, assuredly, states the Upanishad, one and same thing. Man should meditate on both these Selfs with the symbol Om (), revere them through Vyahrtis and the Savitri verse, asserts paragraph 6.2 of the text.\n\nAppendix: The symbol Om and its significance - Sixth Prapathaka", "Om represents Brahman-Atman. The three roots (or three-footed nature) of the word are A + U + M", ". The sound is the body of Self, and it manifests in three: as gender-endowed body - feminine, masculine, neuter; as light-endowed body - Agni, Vayu and Aditya; as deity-endowed body - Brahma, Rudra and Vishnu; as mouth-endowed body - Garhapatya, Dakshinagni and Ahavaniya; as knowledge-endowed body - Rig, Saman and Yajur; as world-endowed body - Bhūr, Bhuvaḥ and Svaḥ; as time-endowed body - Past, Present and Future; as heat-endowed body - Breath, Fire and Sun; as growth-endowed body - Food", ", Present and Future; as heat-endowed body - Breath, Fire and Sun; as growth-endowed body - Food, Water and Moon; as thought-endowed body - intellect, mind and psyche", ". Brahman exists in two forms - the material form, and the immaterial formless. The material form is changing, unreal. The immaterial formless isn't changing, real. The immortal formless is truth, the truth is the Brahman, the Brahman is the light, the light is the Sun which is the syllable Om as the Self.", "The world is Om, its light is Sun and the Sun is also the light of the syllable Om. Meditating on Om, is acknowledging and meditating on the Brahman-Atman (Self).\n\nSavitri prayer and meditation with the rising sun, a means to Self worship", "Anyone who loves his Self, states paragraph 6.7 of the Upanishad, loves the Savitri – literally, that which \"vivifies, ray of light that enlivens knowledge\". The Sun is Savitri, and thus one who loves his Self, loves the splendor of the Sun. The text thereafter explains the meaning of Savitri verse from Rig Veda 3.62.10, its emphasis on \"may the Sun inspire our thoughts, stimulate our thoughts\". To think is to meditate, states paragraph 6.7 of Maitri Upanishad. To worship Sun, is to worship Self.", "The sixth Prapathaka includes etymologies of six Sanskrit words, stating that these are all related to stimulating Self-knowledge. It is this Self, this Self that is the immortal inside man, the perceiver, thinker, goer, doer, evacuator, begetter, speaker, taster, smeller, seer, hearer, toucher and all-prevader. The Self underlies the senses yet is more than the sensory capabilities of man, it is pristine unity beyond cause, effect and action.", "Appendix: Types of knowledge, all gods are nothing but Self, that Self is within each human being - Sixth Prapathaka\nKnowledge is of two types, asserts the Maitri Upanishad: subjective and objective. The subjective knowledge is about the external world dependent on the person, the objective knowledge is about the Self and inner, hidden principles of the world. It is the Self of man that comes to know subjective and objective knowledge.", "The Self of man is identical with various gods and powers, it is the deities Isana, Sambhu, Bhava, Rudra, Prajapati, Visvarij, Hiranyagarbha, Satyam, Prana, Hamsa, Sastri, Vishnu, Narayana, Arka, Savitri, Dhatri, Vidhatri, Samraj, Indra, Indu and Sun. It is this Self that is to be thought after, sought after. Man should find this Self within him.", "Appendix: The metaphorical theory of food, of time - Sixth Prapathaka\nSections 6.9 through 6.17 of the Maitri Upanishad is motley collection of three parts, all relating to the metaphysical interpretation of food. This is connected with the much older metaphorical discussion of \"food\" in chapter 5 of the Chandogya Upanishad. Everything is food to everything else, and taking of food is described by the Upanishad as a form of worship, a sacrifice offered by the Self to the Self.", "In the first part of discussing food, the section discusses the feeding of one's own body as a form of religious ritual, and includes a hymn that is \"food prayer\" and that urges Atman to gratify the reciter as well as gratify all creatures in the universe. In the second part, the Upanishad calls apparent form of Brahman as food, then differentiates between food and the eater of food, and metaphorically maps food all to the nature of existence, of Prakrti (nature) and Purusha (consciousness).", "In the third part, in paragraphs 6.11 to 6.17, the text states that food is the cause of all that is in space and hidden principles, then expands the idea to include time by calling Kala (Time) is the cause of food, and then celebrates Time as Brahman. Food, states the sixth Prapathaka, is the source of the world, Time is the origin of food, and Sun is the origin of Time. It symbolically maps the Time and Timeless as changing reality and the unchanging Brahman, respectively.", "There is a motley collection of ideas in the discussion of Kala (Time), within the sixth Prapathaka of the Upanishad. For example, in section 6.14, it sets out to prove Time exists, acknowledges the difficulty in proving Time exists by Pramana (epistemology in Indian philosophy), then inserts a theory of inductive inference for epistemological proof as follows,", "The section includes the concept of Time and non-Time, calling these as two forms of Brahman, mirroring the Upanishad's earlier discussion of Material and non-Material universe. It defines non-Time as \"what was there before the appearance of Sun\", and Time as \"what began with the appearance of Sun\". Non-Time is indivisible, Time is divisible. Year is the Murti (idol) of time. Time ripens everything, asserts the Upanishad. Sun is the foundation for Time, Sun is the Self (the Atman) of Brahman", ". Sun is the foundation for Time, Sun is the Self (the Atman) of Brahman. The Brahman is the eternal, the boundless, the unborn, the immeasurable, the infinite, that which existed before Time, the light in the Sun, the colors in the smokeless fire, and all are only that one, one alone.", "Appendix: Yoga, Samkhya and Vaishnava doctrines - Sixth Prapathaka", "Sections 6.18 through 6.30 of the Maitri Upanishad is another motley collection of various theories. The supplementary section starts with the theory of Yoga, as the way by which the highest human goal of Self-knowledge can be attained. Paul Deussen states that this highest goal is the knowledge of Atman (Self, one's inmost being), and with that knowledge realized, becoming one with the Atman", ". Along with Katha Upanishad and Shvetashvatara Upanishad, the Maitri Upanishad offers one of the oldest known descriptions of Yoga theory. The sixth Prapathaka enumerates six limbs, a shorter list than the eight limbs of Patanjali's Yogasutra", ". The identified Yoga steps for Self-knowledge in Maitrayaniya Upanishad are: Pranayama (regulation of breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses inwards), Dhyana (meditation), Dharana (concentration of mind on one idea), Tarka (creative, contemplation of idea), Samadhi (absorption with the idea, a state of being one with the idea).", "After enumerating the sixfold yoga, the Upanishad states that the path to Self-knowledge is yogic meditating on Self and Brahman. This meditation leads to the state that \"unites everything in the eternal, highest Atman\". The one who thus knows Atman, asserts the text, becomes innately one of goodness, liberated, limitless, blissful.", "In section 6.23, the Upanishad re-asserts that Brahman is the syllable Om, and then adds that Brahman is manifested in the name of Vishnu, recommending the worship of both. In section 6.30, the Maitri Upanishad acknowledges a debate, based on the Samkhya theories, whether it is the Prakrti or Purusha who attains moksha", ". The text asserts that it is Purusha, because man by default is controlled by his senses and mind, all emotions such as fear and bashfulness are products of a mind in bondage; man is what his mind is, and for freedom (moksha) man needs to recognize and know his Self.", "Appendix: Self exists, it is everywhere - Sixth Prapathaka\nIn section 6.31, the Maitri Upanishad acknowledges concepts, such as Sūnya (voidness) found in Buddhism, in a form that suggests a challenge to its premise, as follows,", "The text answers that Self exists, that reason, steadfastness, recollection, consciousness are related to Self, as plants are related to seeds, as smoke is related to flame and sparks to fire. The Self (Atman), states the Upanishad, is the source of all life-forces, all worlds, all the Vedas, all gods, all beings, all knowledge, all nature, all literature, all sciences, all explanations, all commentaries, it is in everything", ". The Upanishad (secret meaning) of the Self is that \"it is the Reality of the realities\".", "Appendix: What a man thinks, that he becomes - Sixth Prapathaka\nThe goal of meditation, states Maitri Upanishad in section 6.34, is to reach liberation and tranquility of mind through Self-realization. This liberation is achieved through one's mind, by refining one's thoughts, through knowing Atman. The text includes a hymn, which in abridged form expresses these ideas as follows,", "The mind of man, states the Upanishad, is the cause of his bondage and his freedom. The one whose mind is controlled by objects of sense is unfree, the one whose mind is guided by his Self is free (mukti).", "Appendix: Self is unlimited and there is Oneness in the whole world - Seventh Prapathaka", "The seventh Prapathaka of Maitrayaniya Upanishad states that the Self is \"the inmost being of everything\", it is unlimited and it is manifestation of one Brahman. It is Self, it is deep, it is pure, it is brilliant. The Self is tranquil, it is fearless, it is sorrowless, it is indescribable joy. It is intelligent, it is patient, it is truth, it is harmony. It is self-dependent, it is steadfast, it is immortal, it is without limits. It is Vishnu, it is Shiva, it is Aditya, it is Indra", ". It is Vishnu, it is Shiva, it is Aditya, it is Indra. It is everywhere, it is in creatures, it is in nature, it is in music. It is in gods, it is in seasons, it is in planets, it is in hymns. It is the Self, it is the Lord, it manifests in many, they are all one and the same.", "Appendix: Beware of false teachers and non-Vedic doctrines; seek your own truth - Seventh Prapathaka", "The final supplement of the Maitri Upanishad is a polemic against philosophies that declared antagonism to the Vedic teachings and its doctrine of Self. The section does not name any specific philosophy, but scholars have included Carvakas and Buddhism among the likely candidates. Paul Deussen states that the description though probable, is not concrete enough to prove that this section targets Buddhism. Max Muller expresses stronger doubts that the target was Buddhism", ". Max Muller expresses stronger doubts that the target was Buddhism. Jayatilleke, on the other hand, states that Buddhism is the likely target.", "The paragraph eight of seventh Prapathaka opens by stating that there are hindrances to knowledge, and it is false teaching by those who continually beg, preach hedonism, wear red robes, ear rings and skulls, rogues as religious mendicants, who \"for a price, offer that they can remove the evil influences of spirits, demons, ghosts, goblins and the like\"", ". In this group of false teachers, are others who misrepresent Vedas, have developed the strategy of deceptive circular arguments, false claims, faulty reasoning and irrational examples against the Vedic literature. All false teachers declare good to be evil, evil to be good, knowledge to be ignorance, and ignorance to be knowledge. They compel a dharma that destroys Vedas and other Sastras (scriptures, sacred books)", ". They compel a dharma that destroys Vedas and other Sastras (scriptures, sacred books). One must not associate with these people, states the text, because they are robbers and love to oppress the believers in the Veda. The text quotes a passage to express its sentiment as follows,", "In sections 7.9 and 7.10, the Upanishad refers to Katha Upanishad, and recommends that man should seek to know both knowledge and non-knowledge, the real and the delusion, the truth and untruth. Don't be \"like blind men led by one who is himself blind\", states the Maitri Upanishad.", "Similarities and differences with Buddhist teachings", "The Maitri Upanishad shows signs of influence, or at least awareness of Buddhist teachings. Rhys Davis, about a 100 years ago, stated that Maitri Upanishad is the earliest Sanskrit literary usage of the term 'samadhi', a word also found in early texts of Buddhism. However, the concept of meditation and union is far older than the known literally use of the term Samadhi", ". The idea of \"union\", expressed with terms such Samadhi-root or related words, occur in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the oldest and longest Upanishad of the Hinduism. There are many other words and ideas that are shared between Maitri Upanishad and earliest known Buddhist texts.", "Maitri Upanishad explicitly mentions, in seventh Prapathaka, a sect of thought whose teachers wear \"reddish robe\" (kasaya–), who deny the \"existence of Self\" premise (nairatmyavada–), preach a \"dharma destructive of Vedas and Upanishads\" (vedadisastra himsaka dharmabhidhyanam–) and whose goal is hedonistic \"attainment of pleasure\" (ratimatram phalam asya–). This sect reference could potentially be Carvakas, Ajivakas, Buddhism, Jainism or another unknown sect of thought that existed in ancient India", ". Jayatilleke states that this reference in Maitri Upanishad is likely to be to the Buddhists since,", "Ajivikas or Jainism upheld the belief in Self, which the Buddhists explicitly rejected\n Carvakas did not value dharma, while Buddhists were referred to as dharmavadin by opposing schools of thought.\n Buddhists were strongly accused of being hedonists at this time.\n Dhammapada seems to regard red robes as a distinct attire of Buddhist monks.", "Dhammapada seems to regard red robes as a distinct attire of Buddhist monks.\nJayatilleke additionally notes that there are many words as well as ideas such as the contemplation of the organic substances of the body and brahma-kosa theory in the sixth Prapathaka of this Upanishad that has \"a Buddhist flavor\".", "Despite the similarities in words and some ideas, the teachings in the Upanishads of Hinduism, including Maitrayaniya Upanishad, however, are founded on the premise that \"the Self and Brahman exists\", and these texts discuss the paths to know, realize one's Self and Brahman. This makes the fundamental premise of Maitrayaniya and other Upanishads of Hinduism distinctly different from Buddhism's key premise that there is \"no Self, no Soul\".", "Anatman and Niratman", "The term niratman appears in the Maitrayaniya Upanishad such as in verses 6.20, 6.21 and 7.4. Niratman literally means \"selfless\". The verses 6.22 and 6.23 discuss sound-Brahman (Om, sabda-brahman, lower Brahman) and soundless-Brahman (empty, asabda-brahman, higher Brahman), then teaches that both should be known. The niratman concept has been interpreted to be analogous to anatta doctrine (anatman) of Buddhism. The ontological teachings, however, are different", ". The ontological teachings, however, are different. In the Upanishad, states Thomas Wood, numerous positive and negative descriptions of various states – such as niratman and sarvasyatman (the self of all) – are used in Maitrayaniya Upanishad to explain the nondual concept of the \"highest Self\"", ". According to Ramatirtha, states Paul Deussen, the niratman state discussion is referring to stopping the recognition of oneself as an individual Self, and reaching the awareness of universal Self or the metaphysical Brahman.", "Reception\nThe Maitri Upanishad is oft cited text in comparative studies of Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as the likely influence of one on the other. Monier-Williams referred to Maitrayaniya Upanishad, among other Vedic literature, in his review of the relationship between Hinduism and Buddhism.\n\nIn studies on the earliest discussion of Yoga theory, Maitri Upanishad is among the most referred to.\n\nSee also\nVedas\nUpanishads\nHinduism\nBuddhism\n\nReferences\n\nCitations", "See also\nVedas\nUpanishads\nHinduism\nBuddhism\n\nReferences\n\nCitations\n\nBibliography \nCowell, E. B. (re-issue 1935). (tr.) The Maitri or Upanishad, Calcutta: The Asiatic Society of Bengal\n\nExternal links", "Maitri Upanishad with commentary of Ramatirtha (Sanskrit] EB Cowell (Compiler)\nMaitri Upanishad EB Cowell (English Translation), Cambridge University\nMaitrayana Brahmana Upanishad Max Muller (Translator), Oxford University Press\nMaitri Upanishad in The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, Robert Hume (Translator)\nhttps://www.scribd.com/doc/290391743/Prabuddha-Bharata-January-2015] Translation of Maitrayani Upanishad in Prabuddha Bharata by Swami Narasimhananda", "Maitri Upanishad Another archive of Hume's Thirteen Principal Upanishads\nMaitri Upanishad Sanskrit Documents", "Upanishads" ]
An Essay on the Principle of Population
[ "The book An Essay on the Principle of Population was first published anonymously in 1798, but the author was soon identified as Thomas Robert Malthus. The book warned of future difficulties, on an interpretation of the population increasing in geometric progression (so as to double every 25 years) while food production increased in an arithmetic progression, which would leave a difference resulting in the want of food and famine, unless birth rates decreased.", "While it was not the first book on population, Malthus's book fuelled debate about the size of the population in Britain and contributed to the passing of the Census Act 1800. This Act enabled the holding of a national census in England, Wales and Scotland, starting in 1801 and continuing every ten years to the present. The book's 6th edition (1826) was independently cited as a key influence by both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in developing the theory of natural selection.", "A key portion of the book was dedicated to what is now known as the Malthusian Law of Population. The theory claims that growing population rates contribute to a rising supply of labour and inevitably lowers wages. In essence, Malthus feared that continued population growth lends itself to poverty.", "In 1803, Malthus published, under the same title, a heavily revised second edition of his work. His final version, the 6th edition, was published in 1826. In 1830, 32 years after the first edition, Malthus published a condensed version entitled A Summary View on the Principle of Population, which included responses to criticisms of the larger work.", "Overview", "Between 1798 and 1826 Malthus published six editions of his famous treatise, updating each edition to incorporate new material, to address criticism, and to convey changes in his own perspectives on the subject. He wrote the original text in reaction to the optimism of his father and his father's associates (notably Rousseau) regarding the future improvement of society", ". Malthus also constructed his case as a specific response to writings of William Godwin (1756–1836) and of the Marquis de Condorcet (1743–1794).", "Malthus regarded ideals of future improvement in the lot of humanity with scepticism, considering that throughout history a segment of every human population seemed relegated to poverty. He explained this phenomenon by arguing that population growth generally expanded in times and in regions of plenty until a relatively large size of population, relative to a more modest supply of primary resources, caused distress:", "Malthus also saw that societies through history had experienced at one time or another epidemics, famines, or wars: events that masked the fundamental problem of populations overstretching their resource limitations:", "The rapid increase in the global population of the past century exemplifies Malthus's predicted population patterns; it also appears to describe socio-demographic dynamics of complex pre-industrial societies. These findings are the basis for neo-Malthusian modern mathematical models of long-term historical dynamics.", "Proposed solutions", "Malthus argued that two types of checks hold population within resource limits: The first, or preventive check to lower birth rates and The second, or positive check to permit higher mortality rates. This second check \"represses an increase which is already begun\" but by being \"confined chiefly, though not perhaps solely, to the lowest orders of society\"", ". The preventive checks could involve birth control, postponement of marriage, and celibacy while the positive checks could involve hunger, disease and war.", "Malthus highlighted the difference between governmentally instituted welfare and privately supported benevolence and proposed a gradual abolition of poor laws which he thought would be accompanied by a mitigation of the circumstances within which people would need relief and by privately supported benevolence supporting those in distress", ". He reasoned that poor relief acted against the longer-term interests of the poor by raising the price of commodities and undermining the independence and resilience of the peasant. In other words, the poor laws tended to \"create the poor which they maintain.\"", "It offended Malthus that critics claimed he lacked a caring attitude toward the situation of the poor. In the 1798 edition his concern for the poor shows in passages such as the following:\n\nIn an addition to the 1817 edition he wrote:", "In an addition to the 1817 edition he wrote:\n\nSome, such as William Farr\nand Karl Marx, argued that Malthus did not fully recognize the human capacity to increase food supply. On this subject, however, Malthus had written: \"The main peculiarity which distinguishes man from other animals, in the means of his support, is the power which he possesses of very greatly increasing these means.\"\n\nHe also commented on the notion that Francis Galton later called eugenics:", "On religion", "As a Christian and a clergyman, Malthus addressed the question of how an omnipotent and caring God could permit suffering. In the First Edition of his Essay (1798) Malthus reasoned that the constant threat of poverty and starvation served to teach the virtues of hard work and virtuous behaviour. \"Had population and food increased in the same ratio, it is probable that man might never have emerged from the savage state,\" he wrote, adding further, \"Evil exists in the world not to create despair, but activity", ".\" Similarly, Malthus believed that \"the infinite variety of nature...is admirably adapted to further the high purpose of the creation and to produce the greatest possible quantity of good.\"", "Nevertheless, although the threat of poverty could be understood to be a prod to motivate human industry, it was not God's will that man should suffer. Malthus wrote that mankind itself was solely to blame for human suffering:\n\nTheory of Mind", "Theory of Mind \n\nMalthus referred to the last two chapters of the Essay (1798) as his \"theory of mind\". These chapters contain a sophisticated - and heterodox - theory of mind, in which Malthus advocated for a naturalized conception of humans and mind. For Malthus mind arose out of matter and he emphasized this throughout the Essay, employing the phrases \"matter into mind\" and \"mind out of matter\" throughout. Bodily sensations power the whole mental apparatus, compelling the body into action:", "Malthus's theory of mind, therefore, posited that \"matter is formed into mind by the impressions and stimulations of nature upon the body and the ensuing perpetual struggle to avoid pain and pleasure\". This naturalized conception of mind was omitted from all subsequent editions which was most likely due to the fact that Malthus's theory of mind was singled out for critique.", "Demographics, wages, and inflation \nMalthus wrote of the relationship between population, real wages, and inflation. When the population of laborers grows faster than the production of food, real wages fall because the growing population causes the cost of living (i.e., the cost of food) to go up. Difficulties of raising a family eventually reduce the rate of population growth, until the falling population again leads to higher real wages:", "A circumstance which has, perhaps, more than any other, contributed to conceal this oscillation from common view, is the difference between the nominal and real price of labour. It very rarely happens that the nominal price of labour universally falls; but we well know that it frequently remains the same, while the nominal price of provisions has been gradually rising", ". This, indeed, will generally be the case, if the increase of manufactures and commerce be sufficient to employ the new labourers that are thrown into the market, and to prevent the increased supply from lowering the money-price. But an increased number of labourers receiving the same money-wages will necessarily, by their competition, increase the money-price of corn", ". This is, in fact, a real fall in the price of labour; and, during this period, the condition of the lower classes of the community must be gradually growing worse. But the farmers and capitalists are growing rich from the real cheapness of labour", ". Their increasing capitals enable them to employ a greater number of men; and, as the population had probably suffered some check from the greater difficulty of supporting a family, the demand for labour, after a certain period, would be great in proportion to the supply, and its price would of course rise, if left to find its natural level; and thus the wages of labour, and consequently the condition of the lower classes of society, might have progressive and retrograde movements", ", might have progressive and retrograde movements, though the price of labour might never nominally fall", ".", "In later editions of his essay, Malthus clarified his view that if society relied on human misery to limit population growth, then sources of misery (e.g., hunger, disease, and war, termed by Malthus \"positive checks on population\") would inevitably afflict society, as would volatile economic cycles. On the other hand, \"preventive checks\" to population that limited birthrates, such as later marriages, could ensure a higher standard of living for all, while also increasing economic stability.", "Editions and versions \n 1798: An Essay on the Principle of Population, as it affects the future improvement of society with remarks on the speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and other writers.. Anonymously published.\n 1803: Second and much enlarged edition: An Essay on the Principle of Population; or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness; with an enquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions. Authorship acknowledged.", "1806, 1807, 1817 and 1826: editions 3–6, with relatively minor changes from the second edition.\n 1823: Malthus contributed the article on Population to the supplement of the Encyclopædia Britannica.\n 1830: Malthus had a long extract from the 1823 article reprinted as A summary view of the Principle of Population.", "1st edition \nThe full title of the first edition of Malthus' essay was \"An Essay on the Principle of Population, as it affects the Future Improvement of Society with remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers.\" The speculations and other writers are explained below.", "William Godwin had published his utopian work Enquiry concerning Political Justice in 1793, with later editions in 1796 and 1798. Also, Of Avarice and Profusion (1797). Malthus' remarks on Godwin's work spans chapters 10 through 15 (inclusive) out of nineteen. Godwin responded with Of Population (1820).", "The Marquis de Condorcet had published his utopian vision of social progress and the perfectibility of man Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progres de l'Espirit Humain (Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind) in 1794. Malthus' remarks on Condorcet's work spans chapters 8 and 9.\n\nMalthus' essay was in response to these utopian visions, as he argued:\n\nThe \"other writers\" included Robert Wallace, Adam Smith, Richard Price, and David Hume.\n\nMalthus himself claimed:", "Malthus himself claimed:\n\nChapters 1 and 2 outline Malthus' Principle of Population, and the unequal nature of food supply to population growth. The exponential nature of population growth is today known as the Malthusian growth model. This aspect of Malthus' Principle of Population, together with his assertion that food supply was subject to a linear growth model, would remain unchanged in future editions of his essay. Note that Malthus actually used the terms geometric and arithmetic, respectively.", "Chapter 3 examines the overrun of the Roman empire by barbarians, due to population pressure. War as a check on population is examined.\n\nChapter 4 examines the current state of populousness of civilized nations (particularly Europe). Malthus criticises David Hume for a \"probable error\" in his \"criteria that he proposes as assisting in an estimate of population.\"\n\nChapter 5 examines The Poor Laws of Pitt the Younger.", "Chapter 5 examines The Poor Laws of Pitt the Younger.\n\nChapter 6 examines the rapid growth of new colonies such as the former Thirteen Colonies of the United States of America.\n\nChapter 7 examines checks on population such as pestilence and famine.\n\nChapter 8 also examines a \"probable error\" by Wallace \"that the difficulty arising from population is at a great distance.\"", "Chapters 16 and 17 examine the causes of the wealth of states, including criticisms of Adam Smith and Richard Price. English wealth is compared with Chinese poverty.", "Chapters 18 and 19 set out a theodicy to explain the problem of evil in terms of natural theology. This views the world as \"a mighty process for awakening matter\" in which the Supreme Being acting \"according to general laws\" created \"wants of the body\" as \"necessary to create exertion\" which forms \"the reasoning faculty\". In this way, the principle of population would \"tend rather to promote, than impede the general purpose of Providence.\"", "The 1st edition influenced writers of natural theology such as William Paley and Thomas Chalmers.", "2nd to 6th editions \nFollowing both widespread praise and criticism of his essay, Malthus revised his arguments and recognized other influences:", "In the course of this enquiry I found that much more had been done than I had been aware of, when I first published the Essay. The poverty and misery arising from a too rapid increase of population had been distinctly seen, and the most violent remedies proposed, so long ago as the times of Plato and Aristotle. And of late years the subject has been treated in such a manner by some of the French Economists; occasionally by Montesquieu, and, among our own writers, by Dr. Franklin, Sir James Stewart, Mr", ". Franklin, Sir James Stewart, Mr. Arthur Young, and Mr. Townsend, as to create a natural surprise that it had not excited more of the public attention.", "The 2nd edition, published in 1803 (with Malthus now clearly identified as the author), was entitled \"An Essay on the Principle of Population; or, a View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness; with an enquiry into our Prospects respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it occasions.\"", "Malthus advised that the 2nd edition \"may be considered as a new work\", and the subsequent editions were all minor revisions of the 2nd edition. These were published in 1806, 1807, 1817, and 1826.", "By far the biggest change was in how the 2nd to 6th editions of the essay were structured, and the most copious and detailed evidence that Malthus presented, more than any previous such book on population. Essentially, for the first time, Malthus examined his own Principle of Population on a region-by-region basis of world population. The essay was organized in four books:", "Book I – Of the Checks to Population in the Less Civilized Parts of the World and in Past Times. \n Book II – Of the Checks To Population in the Different States of Modern Europe. \n Book III – Of the different Systems or Expedients which have been proposed or have prevailed in Society, as They affect the Evils arising from the Principle of Population. \n Book IV – Of our future Prospects respecting the Removal or Mitigation of the Evils arising from the Principle of Population.", "Due in part to the highly influential nature of Malthus' work (see main article Thomas Malthus), this approach is regarded as pivotal in establishing the field of demography and even to him being regarded as its founding father.", "The following controversial quote appears in the second edition:", "A man who is born into a world already possessed, if he cannot get subsistence from his parents on whom he has a just demand, and if the society do not want his labour, has no claim of right to the smallest portion of food, and, in fact, has no business to be where he is. At nature's mighty feast there is no vacant cover for him. She tells him to be gone, and will quickly execute her own orders, if he does not work upon the compassion of some of her guests", ". If these guests get up and make room for him, other intruders immediately appear demanding the same favour. The report of a provision for all that come, fills the hall with numerous claimants", ". The report of a provision for all that come, fills the hall with numerous claimants. The order and harmony of the feast is disturbed, the plenty that before reigned is changed into scarcity; and the happiness of the guests is destroyed by the spectacle of misery and dependence in every part of the hall, and by the clamorous importunity of those, who are justly enraged at not finding the provision which they had been taught to expect", ". The guests learn too late their error, in counter-acting those strict orders to all intruders, issued by the great mistress of the feast, who, wishing that all guests should have plenty, and knowing she could not provide for unlimited numbers, humanely refused to admit fresh comers when her table was already full.", "Ecologist Professor Garrett Hardin claims that the preceding passage inspired hostile reactions from many critics. The offending passage of Malthus' essay appeared in the 2nd edition only, as Malthus felt obliged to remove it.\n\nFrom the 2nd edition onwards – in Book IV – Malthus advocated moral restraint as an additional, and voluntary, check on population. This included such measures as sexual abstinence and late marriage.", "As noted by Professor Robert M. Young, Malthus dropped his chapters on natural theology from the 2nd edition onwards. Also, the essay became less of a personal response to Godwin and Condorcet.\n\nA Summary View", "A Summary View \n\nA Summary View on the Principle of Population was published in 1830. The author was identified as Rev. T.R. Malthus, A.M., F.R.S. Malthus wrote A Summary View for those who did not have the leisure to read the full essay and, as he put it, \"to correct some of the misrepresentations which have gone abroad respecting two or three of the most important points of the Essay\".", "A Summary View ends with a defense of the Principle of Population against the charge that it \"impeaches the goodness of the Deity, and is inconsistent with the letter and spirit of the scriptures\".\n\nMalthus died in 1834 leaving this as his final word on the Principle of Population.", "Other works that influenced Malthus \n Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc. (1751) by Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790)\n Of the Populousness of Ancient Nations (1752) – David Hume (1711–76)\n A Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind in Ancient and Modern Times (1753), Characteristics of the Present State of Great Britain (1758), and Various Prospects of Mankind, Nature and Providence (1761) – Robert Wallace (1697–1771)", "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) – Adam Smith (1723–90)\n Essay on the Population of England from the Revolution to Present Time (1780), Evidence for a Future Period in the State of Mankind, with the Means and Duty of Promoting it (1787) – Richard Price (1723–1791).", "Reception, criticism, and legacy of Essay", "Personalia \nMalthus became subject to extreme personal criticism. People who knew nothing about his private life criticised him both for having no children and for having too many. In 1819, Shelley, berating Malthus as a priest, called him \"a eunuch and a tyrant\". Marx repeated the idea, adding that Malthus had taken the vow of celibacy, and called him \"superficial\", \"a professional plagiarist\", \"the agent of the landed aristocracy\", \"a paid advocate\" and \"the principal enemy of the people\".", "In the 20th century an editor of the Everyman edition of Malthus claimed that Malthus had practised population control by begetting eleven girls. In fact, Malthus fathered two daughters and one son. Garrett Hardin provides an overview of such personal comments.", "Early influence", "The position held by Malthus as professor at the Haileybury training college, to his death in 1834, gave his theories some influence over Company rule in India. According to Peterson, William Pitt the Younger (in office: 1783–1801 and 1804–1806), on reading the work of Malthus, withdrew a Bill he had introduced that called for the extension of Poor Relief. Concerns about Malthus's theory helped promote the idea of a national population census in the UK", ". Concerns about Malthus's theory helped promote the idea of a national population census in the UK. Government official John Rickman became instrumental in the carrying out of the first modern British census in 1801, under Pitt's administration. In the 1830s Malthus's writings strongly influenced Whig reforms which overturned Tory paternalism and brought in the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834.", "Malthus convinced most economists that even while high fertility might increase the gross output, it tended to reduce output per capita. David Ricardo and Alfred Marshall admired Malthus, and so came under his influence. Early converts to his population theory included William Paley. Despite Malthus's opposition to contraception, his work exercised a strong influence on Francis Place (1771–1854), whose neo-Malthusian movement became the first to advocate contraception", ". Place published his Illustrations and Proofs of the Principles of Population in 1822.", "Early responses in the Malthusian controversy", "In Ireland, where (writing to Ricardo in 1817) Malthus proposed that \"to give full effect to the natural resources of the country a great part of the population should be swept from the soil\", an early \"refutation\" of the Essay on Population was offered by George Ensor", ". In his Inquiry Concerning the Population of Nations (1818), he professed \"astonishment\" at Malthus's \"general indemnity\" of the rich and powerful: Mr Malthus considers that attributing in any way the distress of the poor to the higher classes of society is a vulgar error [...] and that it depends on the conduct of the poor themselves. Does slavery depend on the slaves themselves? [..", ".] Does it depend on the Irish peasantry that the proprietors are absentees? or, on the Catholics of Ireland that they pay tithes to the protestant clergy? Does it depend on the poor of England that they pay for salt a tax thirty times the original cost of the article", "? Seizing upon Malthus's proposition that \"manufacturing is at once the consequence of a better distribution of property and the cause of further improvement\", Ensor was later to press the argument that poverty is sustained, not by a reckless propensity to breed, but by government's indulgence of the heedless concentration of private wealth", ".", "A similar broadside was published in 1821 by Whitely Stokes. His Observations on the population and resources of Ireland found fault in Malthus's calculations and juxtapositions, and insisting upon the advantages mankind derives from \"improved industry, improved conveyance, improvements in morals, government and religion\", argued that Ireland's difficulty lay not in her \"numbers\", but in her indifferent government.", "William Godwin criticized Malthus's criticisms of his own arguments in his book Of Population (1820). Other theoretical and political critiques of Malthus and Malthusian thinking emerged soon after the publication of the first Essay on Population, most notably in the work of Robert Owen, of the essayist William Hazlitt (1807) and of the economist Nassau William Senior, and moralist William Cobbett. True Law of Population (1845) was by politician Thomas Doubleday, an adherent of Cobbett's views.", "John Stuart Mill strongly defended the ideas of Malthus in his 1848 work, Principles of Political Economy (Book II, Chapters 11–13). Mill considered the criticisms of Malthus made thus far to have been superficial.", "The American economist Henry Charles Carey rejected Malthus's argument in his magnum opus of 1858–59, The Principles of Social Science", ". Carey maintained that the only situation in which the means of subsistence will determine population growth is one in which a given society is not introducing new technologies or not adopting forward-thinking governmental policy, and that population regulated itself in every well-governed society, but its pressure on subsistence characterized the lower stages of civilization.", "Another American, Daniel Raymond stated in his Thoughts on Political Economy (1820) “Although his theory is founded upon the principles of nature, and although it is impossible to discover any flaw in his reasoning, yet the mind instinctively revolts at the conclusions to which he conducts it, and we are disposed to reject the theory, even though we could give no good reason", ".” This rejection of conclusions, coincides with Malthus’s own observation that “America had not reached the stage where the difficulties in increasing production were great enough appreciably to check population”.", "In France, ideas concerning overpopulation had been prevalent some time before Malthus published his Essay, “Pre-Malthusian French writers had developed an unorganized set of observations more in accord with fact and probability than Malthus’ well-integrated doctrine”", ". By 1798 two broad bodies of thought had already begun to form in the country, those who like Malthus, saw a danger in overpopulation and the stressing of productive limits, and the “pro-populationists” who argued that population growth would lead to productivity growth, and thus should be encouraged.", "Marxist opposition", "Another strand of opposition to Malthus's ideas started in the middle of the 19th century with the writings of Friedrich Engels (Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy, 1844) and Karl Marx (Capital, 1867). Engels and Marx argued that what Malthus saw as the problem of the pressure of population on the means of production actually represented the pressure of the means of production on population. They thus viewed it in terms of their concept of the reserve army of labour", ". They thus viewed it in terms of their concept of the reserve army of labour. In other words, the seeming excess of population that Malthus attributed to the seemingly innate disposition of the poor to reproduce beyond their means actually emerged as a product of the very dynamic of capitalist economy.", "Engels called Malthus's hypothesis \"the crudest, most barbarous theory that ever existed, a system of despair which struck down all those beautiful phrases about love thy neighbour and world citizenship\". Engels also predicted that science would solve the problem of an adequate food supply.", "In the Marxist tradition, Lenin sharply criticized Malthusian theory and its neo-Malthusian version,\ncalling it a \"reactionary doctrine\" and \"an attempt on the part of bourgeois ideologists to exonerate capitalism and to prove the inevitability of privation and misery for the working class under any social system\".", "In addition, many Russian philosophers could not easily apply Malthus' population theory to Russian society in the 1840s. In England, where Malthus lived, population was rapidly increasing but suitable agricultural land was limited. Russia, on the other hand, had extensive land with agricultural potential yet a relatively sparse population", ". It is possible that this discrepancy between Russian and English realities contributed to the rejection of Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population by key Russian thinkers.", "Another difference which contributed to the confusion and ultimately the rejection of Malthus's argument in Russia was its cultural basis in English capitalism. This political contrast helps explain why it took Russia twenty years to publish a review of the work and fifty years to translate Malthus's Essay.", "Later responses \nIn the 20th century, those who regarded Malthus as a failed prophet of doom included an editor of Nature, John Maddox.", "Economist Julian Lincoln Simon has criticised Malthus's conclusions. He notes that despite the predictions of Malthus and of the neo-Malthusians, massive geometric population growth in the 20th century did not result in a Malthusian catastrophe", ". Many factors have been identified as having contributed: general improvements in farming methods (industrial agriculture), mechanization of work (tractors), the introduction of high-yield varieties of wheat and other plants (Green Revolution), the use of pesticides to control crop pests. Each played a role.", "The enviro-sceptic Bjørn Lomborg presented data to argue the case that the environment had actually improved, and that calories produced per day per capita globally went up 23% between 1960 and 2000, despite the doubling of the world population in that period.", "From the opposite angle, Romanian American economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, a progenitor in economics and a paradigm founder of ecological economics, has argued that Malthus was too optimistic, as he failed to recognize any upper limit to the growth of population—only, the geometric increase in human numbers is occasionally slowed down (checked) by the arithmetic increase in agricultural produce, according to Malthus' simple growth model; but some upper limit to population is bound to exist", ", according to Malthus' simple growth model; but some upper limit to population is bound to exist, as the total amount of agricultural land—actual as well as potential—on Earth is finite, Georgescu-Roegen points out", ". Georgescu-Roegen further argues that the industrialised world's increase in agricultural productivity since Malthus' day has been brought about by a mechanisation that has substituted a scarcer source of input for the more abundant input of solar radiation: Machinery, chemical fertilisers and pesticides all rely on mineral resources for their operation", ", chemical fertilisers and pesticides all rely on mineral resources for their operation, rendering modern agriculture—and the industrialised food processing and distribution systems associated with it—almost as dependent on Earth's mineral stock as the industrial sector has always been", ". Georgescu-Roegen cautions that this situation is a major reason why the carrying capacity of Earth—that is, Earth's capacity to sustain human populations and consumption levels—is bound to decrease sometime in the future as Earth's finite stock of mineral resources is presently being extracted and put to use", ". Political advisor Jeremy Rifkin and ecological economist Herman Daly, two students of Georgescu-Roegen, have raised similar neo-Malthusian concerns about the long run drawbacks of modern mechanised agriculture.", "Anthropologist Eric Ross depicts Malthus's work as a rationalization of the social inequities produced by the Industrial Revolution, anti-immigration movements, the eugenics movement and the various international development movements.", "Social theory \nDespite use of the term \"Malthusian catastrophe\" by detractors such as economist Julian Simon (1932–1998), Malthus himself did not write that mankind faced an inevitable future catastrophe. Rather, he offered an evolutionary social theory of population dynamics as it had acted steadily throughout all previous history. Eight major points regarding population dynamics appear in the 1798 Essay:", "subsistence severely limits population-level\n when the means of subsistence increases, population increases\n population-pressures stimulate increases in productivity\n increases in productivity stimulate further population-growth\n because productivity increases cannot maintain the potential rate of population growth, population requires strong checks to keep parity with the carrying-capacity", "individual cost/benefit decisions regarding sex, work, and children determine the expansion or contraction of population and production\n checks will come into operation as population exceeds subsistence-level\n the nature of these checks will have significant effect on the larger sociocultural system—Malthus points specifically to misery, vice, and poverty", "Malthusian social theory influenced Herbert Spencer's idea of the survival of the fittest, and the modern ecological-evolutionary social theory of Gerhard Lenski and Marvin Harris. Malthusian ideas have thus contributed to the canon of socioeconomic theory.", "The first Director-General of UNESCO, Julian Huxley, wrote of The crowded world in his Evolutionary Humanism (1964), calling for a world population policy. Huxley openly criticised communist and Roman Catholic attitudes to birth control, population control and overpopulation.\n\nBiology", "Biology \n\nCharles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace each read and acknowledged the role played by Malthus in the development of their own ideas. Darwin referred to Malthus as \"that great philosopher\", and said of his On the Origin of Species: \"This is the doctrine of Malthus, applied with manifold force to the animal and vegetable kingdoms, for in this case there can be no artificial increase of food, and no prudential restraint from marriage\".\n\nDarwin also wrote:\n\nWallace stated:", "Darwin also wrote:\n\nWallace stated:\n\nRonald Fisher commented sceptically on Malthusianism as a basis for a theory of natural selection. Fisher emphasised the role of fecundity (reproductive rate), rather than assume actual conditions would not reduce future births.\n\nJohn Maynard Smith doubted that famine functioned as the great leveller, as portrayed by Malthus, but he also accepted the basic premises:", "Populations cannot increase geometrically forever. Sooner or later, a shortage of resources must bring the increase to a halt.", "Later parallels", "Writers who have presented ideas that have paralleled various of those of Malthus include: Paul R. Ehrlich who has written several books predicting famine as a result of population increase: The Population Bomb (1968); Population, resources, environment: issues in human ecology (1970, with Anne Ehrlich); The end of affluence (1974, with Anne Ehrlich); The population explosion (1990, with Anne Ehrlich)", ". In the late 1960s Ehrlich predicted that hundreds of millions would die from a coming overpopulation-crisis in the 1970s. Other examples of work that has been accused of \"Malthusianism\" include the 1972 book The Limits to Growth (published by the Club of Rome) and the Global 2000 report to the then President of the United States Jimmy Carter. Isaac Asimov also produced many essays on topics related to overpopulation.", "Ecological economist Herman Daly has recognized the influence of Malthus on his own work on steady-state economics.", "Other scholars have more linked population and economics to a third variable, political change and political violence, and to show how the variables interact. In the early 1980s, Jack Goldstone linked population variables to the English Revolution of 1640–1660 and David Lempert devised a model of demographics, economics, and political change in the multi-ethnic country of Mauritius", ". Goldstone has since modeled other revolutions by looking at demographics and economics and Lempert has explained Stalin's purges and the Russian Revolution of 1917 in terms of demographic factors that drive political economy. Ted Robert Gurr has also modeled political violence, such as in the Palestinian territories and in Rwanda/Congo (two of the world's regions of most rapidly growing population) using similar variables in several comparative cases", ". These approaches suggest that political ideology follows demographic forces.", "Physics professor, Albert Allen Bartlett, has lectured over 1,500 times on \"Arithmetic, Population, and Energy\", promoting sustainable living and explaining the mathematics of overpopulation.\n\nMalthus is directly referenced by science-fiction author K. Eric Drexler in Engines of Creation (1986): \"In a sense, opening space will burst our limits to growth, since we know of no end to the universe. Nevertheless, Malthus was essentially right.\"", "The Malthusian growth model now bears Malthus's name. The logistic function of Pierre François Verhulst (1804–1849) results in the S-curve. Verhulst developed the logistic growth model favored by so many critics of the Malthusian growth model in 1838 only after reading Malthus's essay.\n\nSee also \n\n Book of Murder – two satirical attacks on the Poor Law Amendment Act\n The dismal science\n Benjamin Franklin\n William Godwin\n David Hume\n Marquis de Condorcet\n Montesquieu \n Richard Price \n Adam Smith", "References", "Sources\n Malthus, An Essay On The Principle Of Population (1798 1st edition) with A Summary View (1830), and Introduction by Professor Antony Flew. Penguin Classics. .\n Malthus, An Essay On The Principle Of Population (1798 1st edition, plus excerpts 1803 2nd edition), Introduction by Philip Appleman, and assorted commentary on Malthus edited by Appleman. Norton Critical Editions. .\n William Peterson, Malthus, Founder of Modern Demography (1979, 1999). .", "William Peterson, Malthus, Founder of Modern Demography (1979, 1999). .\n Online chapter MALTHUS AND THE EVOLUTIONISTS: THE COMMON CONTEXT OF BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL THEORY from Darwin's Metaphor: Nature's Place in Victorian Culture by Professor Robert M. Young (1985, 1988, 1994). Cambridge University Press.", "External links \n\n \n \nDarwin Online, Malthus, Thomas. 1826. An essay on the principle of population 6th edition. London: John Murray. Volume 1, Volume 2, free online access, full searchable text plus pdf views of each page.", "1790s in the environment\n1798 non-fiction books\n1798 essays\nEnglish essays\nEnvironmental non-fiction books\nHuman population planning\nPrediction\nDemographic economics\nWorks published anonymously\n1798 in economics\nClassical economics books\nDemography books\nWorks about the theory of history\nWorks about human overpopulation" ]
Joseph Priestley House
[ "The Joseph Priestley House was the American home of eighteenth-century British theologian, Dissenting clergyman, natural philosopher (and discoverer of oxygen), educator, and political theorist Joseph Priestley (1733–1804) from 1798 until his death. Located in Northumberland, Pennsylvania, the house, which was designed by Priestley's wife Mary, is Georgian with Federalist accents", ". The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) operated it as a museum dedicated to Joseph Priestley from 1970 to August 2009, when it closed due to low visitation and budget cuts. The house reopened in October 2009, still owned by the PHMC but operated by the Friends of Joseph Priestley House (FJPH).", "Fleeing religious persecution and political turmoil in Britain, the Priestleys emigrated to the United States in 1794 seeking a peaceful life. Hoping to avoid the political troubles that had plagued them in Britain and the problems of urban life they saw in the United States, the Priestleys built a house in rural Pennsylvania. Nevertheless, political disputes and family troubles dogged Priestley during the last ten years of his life.", "After the Priestleys died, their home remained in private hands until the turn of the twentieth century, when George Gilbert Pond, a professor from what is now Pennsylvania State University, bought it and attempted to found the first Priestley museum. He died before he could complete the project and it was not until the 1960s that the house was first carefully restored by the PHMC and designated a National Historic Landmark.", "A second renovation was undertaken in the 1990s to return the home to the way it looked during Priestley's time. The home has been a frequent place of celebration for the American Chemical Society; they commemorated the centennial and bicentennial of the discovery of oxygen gas by Priestley as well as the 250th anniversary of Priestley's birth.\n\nLocation", "Location\n\nFollowing the French and Indian War (1755–63) and the forced migration of Native American tribes westward, German, Scots-Irish, and other European immigrants settled in the central Susquehanna Valley, including in the area that would become Northumberland, Pennsylvania. Northumberland was laid out around a central village green in 1772, on land originally purchased from the Iroquois by the Province of Pennsylvania in 1768, as part of the first Treaty of Fort Stanwix.", "During the American Revolution, the village was evacuated as part of the Big Runaway in 1778, and only finally resettled in 1784. In 1794, when the Priestleys moved there, it included Quaker and Wesleyan meeting houses, a brewery, two potteries, a potash manufacturer, a clock maker, a printer (who issued a weekly newspaper), several stores, and approximately one hundred houses.", "The Priestley property, which was purchased in 1794 at a total cost of £500 (£  in ) from Reuben Haines, who had secured the patent to the land for Northumberland, comprised four lots of the original village plan (numbers 29–32). Currently, the house and grounds occupy 1 acre (4,000 m2) at 472 Priestley Avenue. (The address of the house was originally \"North Way\", but the street was later renamed in honor of Joseph Priestley", ".) This street forms the northwest boundary of the property; the other boundaries are Hanover Avenue to the northeast, Wallis Street to the southwest, and the North Shore Railroad to the southeast.", "A baseball field is located beyond the railroad line; beyond that lies the Susquehanna River, which was the original southeastern boundary of the property. The confluence of the West Branch Susquehanna River with the main (or North) branch of the Susquehanna is a short distance southwest of the property, which is at an elevation of 456 feet (139 m).", "The property's original area was 2 acres (8,000 m2), but this was reduced by about half around 1830 when the Pennsylvania Canal (North Branch Division) was dug through the house's front yard, between the house and river. On May 31, 1860, the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad opened with a train from Danville. This was the second railroad track in Northumberland, and ran behind the house.", "The canal closed in 1902 and was later filled in. The modern railroad line approximates the canal's course through the front yard; the track behind the house no longer exists.\n\nPriestleys in America\n\nEmigration to Northumberland", "The last three years the Priestleys spent in Britain were a time of political upheaval. During the Birmingham Riots of 1791, which began on the second anniversary of the storming of the Bastille in the wake of the conservative British reaction against the French revolution, the Priestleys' home, Joseph's church, and the homes of many other religious Dissenters were burned. The Priestleys fled Birmingham and attempted to live in London, but could not escape the political turmoil.", "In 1794, they joined the tide of 10,000 emigrants who moved to America during the largest emigration from Europe to America until the end of the Napoleonic Wars. The Priestleys left Britain at the beginning of April on the Samson, and arrived in New York City on June 4, 1794.", "Two of their three sons, Joseph, Jr. (eldest) and Harry (youngest), had already emigrated to the United States in August 1793, along with Joseph Priestley's friend, the radical activist Thomas Cooper. Their middle son, William, had moved to America from France, probably early in 1793, following the September massacres of the previous year.", "Although Europeans knew Priestley best as a scientist (he had discovered oxygen gas in 1774), Americans knew him best as a defender of religious freedom and as an advocate for American independence. Immediately upon his arrival, he was fêted by various political factions vying to gain his support. Priestley declined their entreaties, however, hoping to avoid the political discord that had embroiled him in Britain", ". He wrote to John Adams that he \"made it a rule to take no part whatever in the politics of a country in which I am a stranger, and in which I only wish to live undisturbed\". (Priestley never became a citizen of the United States.) He also turned down an opportunity to teach chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania at this time.", "On their way to Northumberland, the Priestleys stopped in Philadelphia, where Joseph delivered a series of sermons that helped promote the spread of Unitarianism. According to J. D", ". According to J. D. Bowers, who studied Priestley's influence on Unitarianism in America, \"[f]or a decade Priestley served as the inspiration and leading force in the spread of Unitarianism in America and the formation of numerous societies that followed his teachings on congregational formation, the education of youth, lay preaching, and espousing one's faith in the presence of opposition from (and to) both the Protestant majority and a competing liberal faction", ".\" Through Priestley's influence, at least twelve congregations were founded in Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky, including the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia and Northumberland's Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Susquehanna Valley.", "When he preached, Unitarians and non-Unitarians flocked to hear him and his sermons were published throughout the country. During his years in America, Priestley became increasingly convinced that the Millennium was approaching. His close study of the Bible, together with the happenings in France, persuaded him that he would see Christ's return.", "While Priestley enjoyed preaching in Philadelphia, he could not afford the expense of living there; he also disliked the city's Quakers, whom he believed were too opulent, and feared the yellow fever epidemic that had recently decimated the city.", "He considered settling in Germantown, which had better access to transportation and communication than Northumberland, but his wife preferred the country and wanted to be near her sons. Priestly then debated about splitting his time between Northumberland and Philadelphia, but soon realized this plan was impractical. Determined to ensure the future economic stability of his family, he bought land and settled in Northumberland by July 1794, which was \"five days of rough travel\" north of Philadelphia", ". They both hoped that, in time, their new community would grow.", "Settling in\nPriestley yearned for a more cosmopolitan community than Northumberland provided, writing to his sister that it was \"seemingly almost out of the world\" and complaining that he had to wait a week for news. He wrote to his friend John Vaughan: \"We know but little more than we did when we left you of European affairs.\"", "During the winter of 1794-1795, Priestley wrote to friends that his situation was very \"distant from my original views\" and \"my time here is far from passing so agreeably as it did in England\", yet he was \"very thankful for such an asylum\" and he attempted \"to make the best of my situation\". In his letters to friends back in Britain, Priestley consistently referred to himself as an exile and to England as his real home.", "His wife was happier with the couple's situation and wrote to William Vaughan: \"I am happy and thankful to meet with so sweet a situation and so peaceful a retreat as the place I now write from. Dr. Priestley also likes it and of his own choice intends to settle here, which is more than I hoped for at the time we came up...This country is very delightful, the prospects of wood and water more beautiful than I have ever seen before and the people plain and decent in their manners.\"", "Priestley's son, Joseph Priestley Jr., was a leading member of a consortium that purchased of land along Loyalsock Creek (between the North and West Branches of the Susquehanna River). Shortly thereafter, Thomas Cooper, a friend of Joseph Priestley's, published a pamphlet in Britain titled Some Information Respecting America, meant to encourage others to settle in Pennsylvania and offering instructions on how to do so. It detailed a clear plan for establishing and financing a settlement", ". It detailed a clear plan for establishing and financing a settlement. The French translation, Renseignemens sur l'Amérique, was, according to one scholar, \"carefully phrased in legal terminology\" and \"lucidly outline[d] an ambitious financial venture\". However, it is unclear whether Cooper's scheme was related to the lands that the younger Priestleys had purchased.", "Apparently technically unrelated to either of these schemes, but influenced by Cooper's, poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth, full of idealism and angered at Priestley's treatment in Birmingham, intended to emigrate to America and establish a utopian community which they called \"Pantisocracy\" (derived from the Greek for \"equal rule of all\")", ". They assembled twelve couples who were interested not only in demanding physical labor but also in a life of the mind, but none of them had enough money to embark on the project, which required much capital. Therefore, the poets undertook a lecture tour of England to raise funds; however, they never generated enough money and never emigrated. The utopia was not built and few immigrants arrived in Northumberland as a result of Cooper's schemes.", "After the failure of Cooper's endeavor, Priestley attempted to convince other friends to move to Northumberland, particularly those he had made in America, but to no avail. Priestley wrote in his Memoirs that \"the settlement was given up, but being here, and my wife and myself liking the place, I have determined to take up my residence here, though subject to many disadvantages", ". Philadelphia was excessively expensive, and this a comparatively cheap place; and my sons, settling in the neighborhood, will be less exposed to temptation, and more likely to form habits of sobriety and industry.\"", "Last years", "Priestley's attempts to avoid political controversy in the United States failed. In 1794, the journalist William Cobbett published Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, which falsely accused Priestley of stirring up rebellion in Britain, and attempted to undermine his scientific credibility. His political fortunes took an even worse turn when Cobbett obtained a set of letters sent to Priestley by the radical printer John Hurford Stone and the liberal novelist Helen Maria Williams", ". Cobbett published the letters in his newspaper, asserting that Priestley and his friends were fomenting a revolution. Priestley was eventually forced to defend himself in print.", "Family matters also made Priestley's time in America difficult. His youngest son Harry died on December 11, 1795, probably of malaria. Mary Priestley died on September 17, 1796; she was already ill and never fully recovered after the shock of her son's death. On September 19 of that year Joseph wrote: \"This day I bury my wife....she had taken much thought in planning the new house and now that it is far advanced and promises to be everything she wished, she is removed to another", ".\" After dinner on Monday 14 April 1800, various members of Priestley's household fell ill, with symptoms of food poisoning, which prompted the Reading Advertiser to falsely accuse Priestley's son William, of trying to poison them with arsenic.", "Priestley continued the educational projects that had been important to him throughout his life, helping to establish a \"Northumberland Academy\" and donating his library to the fledgling institution. He exchanged letters regarding the proper structure of a university with Thomas Jefferson, who used the advice when founding the University of Virginia", ". Jefferson and Priestley became close and when he had completed his General History of the Christian Church, he dedicated it to President Jefferson, writing that \"it is now only that I can say I see nothing to fear from the hand of power, the government under which I live being for the first time truly favourable to me.\" Of all of the religious works Priestley published in the United States, and there were many, it was his four-volume General History that was the most important", ". Stretching from 475 CE to Priestley's present, he tracked and explained what he saw as the history of Christianity and its \"corruptions\", referencing his own An History of the Corruptions of Christianity (1772–74). However, he ended it by praising American religious toleration.", "Priestley attempted to continue his scientific investigations in America with the support of the American Philosophical Association. However, he was hampered by lack of news from Europe; unaware of the latest scientific developments, Priestley was no longer on the forefront of discovery. Although the majority of his publications focused on defending the outmoded phlogiston theory against the \"new chemistry\", he also did some original work on spontaneous generation and dreams", ". As Robert Schofield, Priestley's major modern biographer, explains:", "Priestley published more scientific items during his decade in the United States than during all his years in England: some 45 papers, not counting reprintings, and four pamphlets, not counting subsequent editions, but in general his science was now anticlimactic. Few of his papers contributed anything significantly new to the field of chemistry; most were committed to combatting the new chemistry.\nDespite Priestley's reduced scientific importance, he stimulated an interest in chemistry in America.", "By 1801, Priestley had become so ill that he could no longer write or experiment effectively. On February 3, 1804, Joseph started a last experiment in his lab but was too weak to continue it. He went to a bed in his library, where he died three days later. He was buried in nearby Riverview Cemetery in Northumberland. Priestley's epitaph reads:\n\nArchitecture and landscaping", "Joseph and Mary lived with their son Joseph, Jr. and his family in a small house while theirs was being built. Mary Priestley was primarily responsible for the design of the couple's new home and her family inheritance may have helped finance it, but she died before it was completed. By 1797, Joseph's laboratory was completed—the first part of the home to be finished", ". By 1797, Joseph's laboratory was completed—the first part of the home to be finished. It was the first laboratory that \"he had designed, built, and outfitted entirely himself\" and was probably the first \"scientifically-equipped laboratory\" in the United States. Joseph continued his scientific and scholarly work in his new laboratory, identifying carbon monoxide (which he called \"heavy inflammable air\"). In 1798 Joseph Jr., his wife, and their children moved into the new house with Joseph Priestley", ". In 1798 Joseph Jr., his wife, and their children moved into the new house with Joseph Priestley. The house also held Priestley's library, which contained about 1600 volumes by his death in 1804 and was one of the largest in America at the time. The Priestley family held Unitarian church services in the drawing room and Joseph educated a group of young men until the local Northumberland Academy that he helped found was completed.", "The house proper was completed in 1798, with a Mr. Jones of Northumberland employed acting as master carpenter. Built in an 18th-century Georgian style, the \"balance and symmetry\" of the architecture signaled \"subdued elegance\". The house was accented with Federalist highlights, such as \"the fanlights over the doors and the balustrades on the rooftop belvedere and main staircase\", marking it as distinctly American. Douglas R", ". Douglas R. McMinn, in the National Register of Historic Places nomination for the Northumberland Historic District, calls it a \"mansion\" that is \"probably the finest example of the Federal style in the region\". As William N. Richardson, the site administrator for the Joseph Priestley House in the 1990s, notes, Priestley's American home did not resemble his \"high-style Georgian town house\" that was destroyed in Birmingham; rather, it was \"plain\" and built in the \"American vernacular\".", "The house has a two-and-half story central section, which is 48 feet (14.6 m) by 43 feet (13.1 m), and two one-story wings on the north and south sides that are each 22 feet (6.7 m) by 21 feet (6.4 m). The first and second floors have a total area of 5,052 square feet (469 m2). The north wing was the laboratory and the south wing (which had an attached woodshed) was the summer kitchen", ". The cellar, first, and second floors of the central section are each divided into four rooms, with a central hall on the first and second floors; the first floor also has an intersecting hall that leads to the laboratory. The attic has three rooms for servants and a larger room for storage. A paint analysis done in 1994 revealed that the house had no wall paper initially and that the walls and woodwork were painted \"a brilliant white\".", "The house is a frame structure, covered with white wooden clapboards, anchored to a stone foundation. The Priestleys built their home out of wood, dried in trenches on the site, because no stone or brick was available in the area. Joseph wrote a detailed description of the drying process, concluding: \"A house constructed with such boards I prefer to one of brick and stone\"", ". This may have prompted journalist William Cobbett to caustically label the house a \"shed\" in one of his political tirades against Joseph. The central section of the house has a slate gable roof with a railing-enclosed deck. The house has \"three internal gable end chimneys, one for the main kitchen\", and one each at the north and south ends of the central section.", "The house faces the Susquehanna River, and both the front and rear doors are \"sheltered by a shallow portico\". A circular carriage drive (originally gravel, now concrete) leads to the front door, which also has a fanlight. There are five windows on the second floor on both the front and rear sides of the house, with a dentil cornice above both sets of windows. The external details on the house also include a \"frieze board with triglyphs\".", "Originally, delightful panoramic views were visible from the home. It was built facing the Susquehanna River so that visitors arriving by boat could be welcomed by the family and because conventional 18th-century aesthetic theory held that countryscapes were more beautiful than townscapes. Priestley built a high wall blocking the view of Northumberland and added a belvedere to the top of his house to more easily survey the landscape", ". His plantings were \"a much scaled-down version of the beautiful gardens\" at Bowood, the estate of his former employer Lord Shelburne.", "The lack of skilled craftspeople in Northumberland made the construction of the house difficult. For example, Richardson speculates that the main staircase was assembled from a kit. It is one step too short for the Northumberland hallway, but no extra step was added to finish off the symmetry of the stairwell, suggesting a dearth of skilled labor.", "Ownership and museum", "After the deaths of Mary and Joseph Priestley, Joseph Priestley, Jr. and his wife, Elizabeth Ryland, continued to live in the house until 1811, at which time they emigrated to Britain and sold the home. The house passed through various hands during the 19th century. Judge Seth Chapman purchased the house from Joseph Priestley Jr. on May 13, 1815, for US$6,250 ($  in ). Chapman died on December 4, 1835, and Rev", ". on May 13, 1815, for US$6,250 ($  in ). Chapman died on December 4, 1835, and Rev. James Kay, pastor of the Northumberland Unitarian congregation, and his family lived in the house next. James Kay died on September 22, 1847, and his widow probably lived in the house until her October 2, 1850 death. Charles H. Kay, son of James, had purchased the house in 1845, a few years before his parents' deaths. In April 1865 Charles Kay's children sold the house to Henry R. Campbell for $2,775 ($  in )", ". In April 1865 Charles Kay's children sold the house to Henry R. Campbell for $2,775 ($  in ). Florence Bingham purchased the house from Campbell for $5,679.53 on January 18, 1868 ($  in ), and Bingham's heirs sold it to T. Hugh Johnson for $2,000 on October 7, 1882 ($  in ). Kate Scott bought the house for $3,000 on April 11, 1888 ($  in )", ". Kate Scott bought the house for $3,000 on April 11, 1888 ($  in ). In 1911 the last private resident moved out of the house, and it was sublet to the Pennsylvania Railroad for its workers (a large railroad yard was built in Northumberland at this time). This led to a general decline in the house and its grounds.", "Professor George Gilbert Pond was the first person to make a significant effort to establish a permanent Priestley museum at the Priestley House. After raising sufficient funds, he managed to purchase the home at auction for $6,000 from Scott's heirs on November 24, 1919 ($  in ). Pond believed that construction of a new railroad line would destroy the house, and so intended to move it to Pennsylvania State College (now Pennsylvania State University)", ". However, he died on May 20, 1920, before this plan could be enacted; the planned rail line was never built and the house proved too fragile to move. The college established a memorial fund in Pond's honor and retained the house as a museum, although Pond's children did not formally transfer the house to the college until April 14, 1932", ". Some restoration of the house was done in the 1920s, and a small, brick building—intended as a fireproof museum for Priestley's books and scientific apparatus—was built on the grounds and dedicated to Pond's memory in 1926. In 1941 the state legislature tried to have the State Historical Commission administer the house as a museum, but Governor Arthur James vetoed the plan for lack of funding.", "On December 14, 1955, the college donated the house to the borough of Northumberland. From 1955 to 1959 the house served as both the borough hall for Northumberland and as a museum. The house proved too costly for the borough to maintain, and was acquired by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1961. Eventually, in 1968 the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) began restoring it and in October 1970 the museum was opened to the public", ". The renovations included a restoration of the laboratory, a removal of ornamentation added in the Victorian era, a return of doorways to their original locations, and a return of the shutters \"to their original locations inside the windows\". The PHMC was supported by \"The Friends of the Joseph Priestley House\" (FJPH), who help with the visitor center, tours, special events, and outreach, as well as with clerical and museum work.", "Between 1998 and 1999 a renovation that was \"one of the most extensive changes in the homestead's history\" set out to \"restore the grounds around the house to exactly the way it was when Priestley lived\" there. This involved reconstructing exact replicas of the original carriage barn, hog sties, horse stalls, gardens, fences, and even the privy. These structures were based on T. Lambourne's drawings of the house and grounds that had been discovered in 1983, other records, and excavations", ". Priestley left no written description of his laboratory, but much is known of his experiments and late-18th-century laboratories. Extensive research on the laboratory within the house was completed in 1996, including excavations that revealed two underground ovens, as well as evidence of a primitive fume hood. The 1998 renovations also included work to restore the laboratory to a condition as close to its original state as possible.", "After Joseph's death, Thomas Cooper sold a collection of some of his friend's apparatus and other personal belongings to Dickinson College in Carlisle, which exhibits it each year when presenting the school's Priestley Award to a scientist who makes \"discoveries which contribute to the welfare of mankind\". The house lost its original furnishings when Joseph Jr. and his family moved back to England", ". The house lost its original furnishings when Joseph Jr. and his family moved back to England. Since it is not known what was originally in the home, it is furnished and decorated with artifacts donated by descendants of the Priestleys and with ones similar to those listed in Priestley's testament of what was lost in the fire at his Birmingham home", ". A number of items that belonged to Joseph and Mary during their lives both in Britain and America are on display throughout the house, including Joseph's balance scales and microscope. Portraits, prints, maps, charts, and books have been carefully selected to replicate the Priestleys' holdings. A bedroom on the second floor is dedicated to an exploration of the life of an 18th-century woman.", "On January 12, 1965, the Joseph Priestley House was designated a National Historic Landmark and it was added to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) on October 15, 1966. On August 1, 1994, the American Chemical Society named it the second National Historic Chemical Landmark; the dedication ceremony was attended by 75 Priestley descendants", ". In 1988, the Northumberland Historic District, including the Priestley House (which it describes as a \"gem\" and one of the finest Federal style buildings in central Pennsylvania), was listed on the NRHP. The district includes one other building already on the NRHP: the Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library, which was built as an inn around 1820 and was owned by a great-grandson of the Priestleys in the 1880s. Today it serves as Northumberland's public library", ". Today it serves as Northumberland's public library. The Joseph Priestley Memorial Chapel, which is a contributing structure in the historic district, was built in 1834 by his grandson, and is home to a Unitarian Universalist congregation that considers Priestley its founder.", "Under the PHMC, the museum was open ten months a year, closing between early January and early March. In 2007 and 2008 the number of visitors held steady after recent declines. According to the PHMC, in fiscal 2007–08 \"total visitation ... was 1,705 with a paid visitation of 1,100 generating $4,125 in program revenue and 2,406 recreational and non-ticketed visitors\"", ". The fiscal 2006–07 operations budget for the house and its two full-time staff was $142,901, with $6,900 (five percent) coming from FJPH and the rest from the state of Pennsylvania.", "On March 4, 2009, the PHMC released a report examining its 22 museums and historic sites and recommended discontinuing operations at six, including the Joseph Priestley House. The proposed closure of the Priestley House was based on \"low visitation and limited potential for growth\"", ". Despite public meetings, protest letters, and a general \"public outcry\" against closure, on August 14, 2009, the state closed the Priestley House and three other PHMC museums indefinitely due to a lack of funding as part of an ongoing budget crisis. The sole remaining state employee at Priestley House was furloughed. That month the Friends of the Joseph Priestley House submitted a plan to the PHMC to operate the house on weekends from May to October with staffing provided by volunteers", ". The plan depended both on acquiring insurance for the volunteers, the house, and its contents, and on the state passing a budget.", "On September 24, 2009, the PHMC and officers of the FJPH signed an agreement to reopen the museum on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The house reopened on October 3, with volunteer staffing from the FJPH. The agreement can be renewed annually and lets FJPH \"schedule programs, set fees and be in charge of all the business aspects of running the site\"", ". On November 1, there was a \"grand reopening celebration\" at the house with a dozen costumed volunteer guides and chemical demonstrations in Priestley's laboratory. On November 7, 2010, the brick Pond building was rededicated after an $85,000 renovation, as part of the museum's annual \"Fall Heritage Day\"", ". The restoration, which had been planned for years, was paid for by private donors and included \"handicapped accessibility, new roofing, heating and air-conditioning and new interior walls, ceilings and lighting\". The FJPH plan to install a timeline of Priestley's scientific work and times in the Pond building, as well as a video about his laboratory techniques and impact today.", "American Chemical Society", "The American Chemical Society (ACS) has used the Joseph Priestley House as a place to mark special celebrations. On July 31 and August 1, 1874, \"seventy-seven chemists made a pilgrimage to the site to celebrate the centennial of chemistry\". The date was chosen to mark the hundredth anniversary of Priestley's experiment producing oxygen by heating mercuric oxide with a magnifying lens and sunlight", ". These chemists came from 15 US states and the District of Columbia, Canada, and England, and their meeting at the house and a local school \"is now recognized as the first National Chemistry Congress, and many ACS historians believe it led to ACS's formation two years later on April 6, 1876\". On September 5, 1926, about 500 ACS members met again at the home to dedicate the small brick museum and to celebrate the meeting 50 years earlier (two survivors of that first meeting were present).", "Representatives of the ACS were present at the October 1970 dedication of the house as a museum. On April 25, 1974, around 400 chemists from the ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting in Scranton came to visit the home. The Priestley Medal, the highest and oldest honor awarded by the ACS, was awarded to Paul Flory at the house that day. (A replica of the Priestley Medal is on display at the house", ". (A replica of the Priestley Medal is on display at the house.) On August 1, 1974—what has been labeled the bicentennial of the discovery of oxygen—over 500 chemists attending the third Biennial Conference on Chemical Education at State College traveled to the house to celebrate \"Oxygen Day\". In October 1976, the ACS celebrated its own centennial with a celebration in Northumberland", ". In October 1976, the ACS celebrated its own centennial with a celebration in Northumberland. A 100-plus piece replica of Priestley's laboratory equipment, made by universities, corporations, and the Smithsonian Institution, was presented to the house for display. On April 13, 1983, ACS President Fred Basolo spoke at the house to celebrate Priestley's 250th birthday and as part of a first day of issue ceremony for the United States Postal Service's Joseph Priestley commemorative stamp", ". In 2001 the ACS again met at the house to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the society, and reenacted parts of the 1874 and 1926 celebrations, including a march to Priestley's grave, at which each participant left a red rose.", "Notes\n\nBibliography", "—. \"\" Geographic Names Information System, United States Geological Survey. (1 October 1992). Retrieved 11 January 2008.\n—. \"Joseph Priestley Celebration\". Dickinson College. Retrieved 10 January 2008.\n—. \"Joseph Priestley House\". National Register of Historic Places Searchable Database . NRHP Reference #66000673. United States National Park Service. Retrieved 11 November 2007.", "—. \"Joseph Priestley House National Historic Landmark Summary Listing\". United States National Park Service. Retrieved 11 November 2007.\n—. \"Priestley Chapel History: The Beginning\". News and Events. Priestley Chapel Associates. 2007. Retrieved 27 January 2008.\n—. \"Priestley House Museum to hold re-opening celebration\". Williamsport Sun Gazette (26 October 2009). Retrieved 1 November 2009.", "—. \"Planning Our Future: Sustainability Committee Final Report\". Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Bureau of Historic Sites and Museums. 4 March 2009. Retrieved 3 April 2009.\nBashore, Andrea. \"Message From The Director\" Postings From Priestley House: Newsletter of The Friends of Joseph Priestley House 42 (Fall 2008): 2–3. Retrieved 2 April 2009.", "Bell, Herbert C. \"Northumberland\". History of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, Including its Aboriginal History; the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods; Early Settlement and Subsequent Growth; Political Organization; Agricultural, Mining, and Manufacturing Interests; Internal Improvements; Religious, Educational, Social, and Military History; Sketches of its Boroughs, Villages, and Townships; Portraits and Biographies of Pioneers and Representative Citizens, etc.. Chicago: Brown, Runk & Co., 1891", ".. Chicago: Brown, Runk & Co., 1891. Retrieved 4 November 2007.", "Bowers, J. D. Joseph Priestley and English Unitarianism in America. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007. .\nCooper, Thomas. Renseignemens sur l'Amérique. Paris: Chez Maradan, An IIIe. 1795. .\nDandes, Rick. \"Heritage: Joseph Priestley House may close: Commission blames low attendance, costs.\" The Daily Item (19 March 2009). Retrieved 3 April 2009.", "Garrett, Clarke. \"Priestley's Religion\". Joseph Priestley in America, 1794–1804. Ed. Peter M. Lukehart. Carlisle, PA: Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, 1994.\nGarrett, Clarke. \"Which Cooper? The Site of Coleridge's Utopia on the Susquehanna\". John and Mary's Journal 5 (1979): 17–28.\nGlazer, Mike. \"Extensive Changes Underway at Priestley House: Renovations will Recall the Past\". Williamsport Sun Gazette (13 December 1998): B1, B7.", "Glazer, Mike. \"Scientist Discovered Oxygen\". Williamsport Sun Gazette (13 December 1998): B1.\nGraham, Jenny. Revolutionary in Exile: The Emigration of Joseph Priestley to America, 1794–1804. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 85 (1995). .\nGreenwood, Richard. \"\" (PDF). 1974. United States National Park Service. Retrieved 11 November 2007.\nHirsch, Alison Duncan. Joseph Priestley House: Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2003. .", "Hoffmann, Roald. \"Letter to Barbara Franco, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission\". 6 May 2009. Retrieved 17 August 2009.\nKelley, Maurice W. \"Thomas Cooper and Pantisocracy\". Modern Language Notes (April 1930): 218–20.\nKieft, Lester. Joseph Priestley and the Priestley House. 2nd ed. Northumberland, PA: The Friends of the Joseph Priestley House, 2006.", "Laepple, Wayne. \"State budget impasse closes historic Joseph Priestley House\" The Daily Item (15 August 2009). Retrieved 17 August 2009.\nLaepple, Wayne. \"Friends group to reopen Priestley House\" The Daily Item (25 September 2009). Retrieved 1 November 2009.\nMacDermott, Kevin. \"Celebrating Chemistry History\". Chemical & Engineering News. 79.45 (2001): 43–44. Retrieved 3 November 2007.", "McMinn, Douglas R. \"[ National Register of Historic Places Registration: Northumberland Historic District]\" (PDF). 17 March 1988. United States National Park Service. Retrieved 15 November 2007.\nPark, Mary Cathryne. \"Joseph Priestley and the Problem of Pantisocracy\". Proceedings of the Delaware County Institute of Science 11 (1947): 1–60.", "Paul, E. Robert. \"Joseph Priestley: A Scientific Virtuoso\". Joseph Priestley in America, 1794–1804. Ed. Peter M. Lukehart. Carlisle, PA: Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, 1994.\nRail, Tony: \"William Priestley Vindicated, with a Previously Unpublished Letter\", Enlightenment and Dissent, no.28 (2012), 150–195.\nRichardson, William N. \"The Current Interpretation of the Joseph Priestley House\". Joseph Priestley in America, 1794–1804. Ed. Peter M. Lukehart. Carlisle, PA: Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, 1994.", "Richardson, William N. \"Joseph Priestley's American Home\". Proceedings and Addresses of the Northumberland County Historical Society 32 (1994): 60–70.\nRovner, Sophie L. \"Priestley Museum Rededicated\". Chemical & Engineering News. 88.45 (2010): 63. Retrieved 22 November 2010.\nRujumba, Karamagi \"Fort Pitt Museum, Bushy Run close due to state budget crisis\". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (14 August 2009). Retrieved 16 August 2009.", "Schofield, Robert E. The Enlightened Joseph Priestley: A Study of His Life and Work from 1773 to 1804. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004. .\nSchulz, William G. \"Priestley House May Be Shuttered: Pennsylvania state budget cuts could cease operation of ACS Historic Chemical Landmark\". Chemical & Engineering News. 87.14 (2009): 9. Retrieved 3 April 2009.", "Scott, Rob. \"100 vow to help save Priestley House: Groups pursue options as July 1 closing deadline looms.\" The Daily Item (10 April 2009). Retrieved 12 April 2009.\nSilverman, Sharon Hernes. \"Joseph Priestley: Catalyst of the Enlightenment\". Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine 25.3 (1999). Retrieved 11 November 2007.\nSmith, Edgar F. Priestley in America, 1794–1804. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son and Co., 1920. Retrieved 27 January 2008.", "Snyder, Dick. \"Pennsylvania Adds to Its Large Catalogue Of Scenic and Historic Attractions\". The New York Times (31 August 1941): XXI.\nSuplee, Curtis. \"Joseph Priestley: Discoverer of Oxygen\". American Chemical Society. (2004). Retrieved 5 January 2016.\nWalker, William H. \"History of the Priestley House and the Movement for its Preservation\". Journal of Chemical Education. 4 (1927): 150–158. Retrieved 22 November 2010.", "External links\n\n Friends of Joseph Priestley House Website\nMap of Northumberland County\n\nHouses completed in 1798\nHistoric house museums in Pennsylvania\nHouses on the National Register of Historic Places in Pennsylvania\nNational Historic Landmarks in Pennsylvania\nMuseums in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania\nBiographical museums in Pennsylvania\nHouses in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania\nNational Register of Historic Places in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania" ]
National Football League in Toronto
[ "The National Football League (NFL) has been playing games in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, since 1959 when an interleague game between the Chicago Cardinals of the NFL and the Toronto Argonauts (often shortened as Argos) of the Canadian Football League (CFL) took place at Exhibition Stadium. Subsequently, a number of neutral site preseason and regular season games between NFL teams have been staged in the city", ". Toronto is one of four cities outside the United States, along with London, Mexico City, and Munich, which have hosted regular season NFL games.", "There have long been efforts to establish an NFL franchise in Toronto due to its market size. Toronto is among the largest cities in the United States and Canada, and the largest that is not home to an NFL team. The city hosts franchises in all of the other US-based major professional North American sports in the United States and Canada", ". As of 2020, the league has expressed interest in establishing a team in the city provided certain conditions are met, the most crucial being the construction of a new football-specific stadium.", "Games played in Toronto", "The first professional U.S. football team to play a home game in Toronto was the Los Angeles Wildcats of the American Football League of 1926, the first major competitor to the National Football League for the dominance of professional football. While the Wildcats nominally represented Los Angeles, travel to the west coast posed a major obstacle at the time so the team was instead a traveling team based in Illinois", ". They played most of their games in the home stadiums of their opponents, with the exception of the Toronto game. The Wildcats lost the regular season game to the New York Yankees (which would join the NFL the following year) 28–0 in front of 10,000 fans at Maple Leaf Stadium on 8 November 1926. The game was relatively popular; at the time Canadian football still more closely resembled rugby football and would not adopt the forward pass until three years after the game.", "In 1955, Eric Cradock, who would later become part owner of the Argos, stated that he was considering bringing two NFL teams to the city to play a game to test the market's interest in a full-time NFL franchise; this was four years after the second of two games, featuring the NFL's New York Giants, had been played in Ottawa against the local Canadian football team, the Ottawa Rough Riders", ". The NFL played its first game in Toronto in 1959, when the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League hosted the first of three NFL teams in a three-season span. The first ever appearance of an NFL team in Toronto was in August of that year during the Chicago Cardinals–Toronto Argonauts exhibition game, hosted to celebrate the grand opening of Exhibition Stadium; it broke the record for exhibition attendance in Canada at 27,770", ". These interleague exhibition games, which had been first tried in Ottawa in 1950 and were later staged in Montreal, were typically played by CFL rules in the first half and NFL rules in the second. The Argos lost all three games. The nearby Hamilton Tiger-Cats also hosted a game against the Bills, then an American Football League team. Buffalo lost the game 38–21, the only time a current or future NFL team would lose to a CFL team", ". Buffalo lost the game 38–21, the only time a current or future NFL team would lose to a CFL team. In 1960 the New York Giants and Chicago Bears played an exhibition game at Varsity Stadium in the first game featuring two NFL teams to be played outside the United States.", "During the 1982 NFL season the NFL players went on strike. In the absence of regular season NFL games, the National Football League Players Association scheduled a series of All-star games across the continent to raise funds. A game between the AFC East and NFC East was scheduled for Toronto's Varsity Stadium for October 24. However, the game was cancelled following a court ruling that permitted players who participated in the games to be sued by their clubs for violating their contracts.", "A Toronto group had plans to bring the Buffalo Bills to Toronto to play an exhibition game at Exhibition Stadium in 1988, with hopes that it would become an annual event. However, following objections from CFL Commissioner Douglas Mitchell the game was vetoed by NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle. The group would unsuccessfully continue to try to arrange a game for a future season", ". The group would unsuccessfully continue to try to arrange a game for a future season. In 1993 the Cleveland Browns hosted one of their pre-season games in Toronto, which was organized by Molson Brewery, due to a scheduling conflict at Cleveland Stadium with the Cleveland Indians. As early as 1994 the Bills were considered hosting some of their regular season home games in Toronto, with SkyDome officials actively attempting to organize a regular season NFL game at the new stadium", ". When the NFL reached a five-year partnership agreement with the CFL in 1997, which included a $3 million loan to the Canadian league, the NFL received the CFL's blessing to hold an annual preseason or regular season game in either Toronto or Vancouver for the duration of the agreement. The Bills played in two pre-season American Bowls in Toronto in 1995 and 1997, organized by Paul Godfrey, in an attempt to prove the city's worthiness to host a franchise permanently", ". The Argos received $300,000 from the organizers to waive their exclusivity on football at the stadium for the game in 1995. In 2000 the NFL announced that SkyDome would host American Bowls in 2001 and 2003, but the games ultimately never took place, with the 2001 game being scrapped due to a lack of high-profile teams willing to participate. A planned game featuring the Chicago Bears in the 2002 season was called off in part due to the poor state of the artificial turf at the SkyDome.", "At the 2005 Super Bowl, NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue said the league was considering staging an NFL regular season game in Toronto within a few years, with Godfrey and Rogers Communications bidding to host a game at the SkyDome, which had been renamed the Rogers Centre, in partnership with Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment and Larry Tanenbaum, chairman and minority owner of MLSE", ". Toronto was five cities considered to host a game in 2007, but at the request of the CFL the NFL pushed back their plans for a game in the city by a year so as not to compete with the 95th Grey Cup being hosted in Toronto for the first time since 1992.", "Bills Toronto Series", "On October 18, 2007, the Bills announced that they were seeking NFL approval to play a pre-season and at least one regular season home game in Toronto in an attempt to regionalize the franchise and capitalize on the southern Ontario market. Moving games from Ralph Wilson Stadium required the approval of Erie County and the Empire State Development Corporation. For decades, the Bills have had a large fan base in southern Ontario", ". For decades, the Bills have had a large fan base in southern Ontario. The team averages 15,000 Canadian fans a game, and has a Canadian sales office and radio affiliate in Toronto: CJCL. The NFL's television rules in Canada have been applied in a similar manner to secondary markets in the U.S., so that nearly all Bills games are televised in Toronto (on CFTO and CITY)", ".S., so that nearly all Bills games are televised in Toronto (on CFTO and CITY). Toronto is within a 75-mile (120 km) radius of Ralph Wilson Stadium, and is thus subject to the league's blackout policy for home games that do not sell out.", "On January 30, 2008, it was announced that the Rogers Communications and Tanenbaum had reached an agreement with the Bills to host five annual regular-season and three exhibition NFL games over five seasons at Toronto's Rogers Centre, beginning in 2008. Rogers Communications, owner of the Rogers Centre, paid for the games. Unlike the NFL International Series games in London, the Bills Toronto Series games are organized by the Bills and Rogers, and not the NFL", ". Priority to purchase tickets for Bills in Toronto games was given to season ticket holders of the CFL's Toronto Argonauts and Hamilton Tiger-Cats.", "Tickets were originally sold only as a package for all eight games, with prices ranging from to and VIP tickets from to The average ticket price of was significantly above the highest in the NFL (after converting to U.S. dollars), and nearly four times the Bills' ticket prices, which were the lowest in the league", ".S. dollars), and nearly four times the Bills' ticket prices, which were the lowest in the league. Buffalo won the first preseason game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, 24–21, but there were reports that organizers had to give away over 10,000 tickets to ensure a sellout crowd, a suggestion denied by Ted Rogers, President and CEO of Rogers Communications. The first regular season game against the division rival Miami Dolphins was played after the completion of the 2008 CFL season", ". The Bills lost 16–3, eliminating them from playoff contention for the ninth straight year. Reportedly, about half of the crowd was Dolphins fans.", "In March 2009 Rogers announced that it was considering renegotiating the agreement to add a second annual regular-season Bills game beginning in 2010, though this never came to fruition. Ticket prices for the 2009 game were lowered by an average of 17%. The game, which the Bills lost 19–13 to the New York Jets, was a featured on the NFL Network's Thursday Night Football package. The following year, the Bills lost to the Chicago Bears, 22–19.", "During negotiations over a new collective bargaining agreement with the players in 2011, NFL officials considered lengthening the season by 2 games, with the possibility of incorporating additional international play. Rogers again expressed an interest in expanding the series by an additional game per season, particularly if the schedule was lengthened. The Bills organization opposed playing more than one regular season game each year in Toronto. However, the schedule ultimately remained at 16 games", ". However, the schedule ultimately remained at 16 games. In his \"State of the Team\" address in 2011, Bills CEO Russ Brandon said that the series had been a major success and had increased the share of ticket sales from Toronto by 44% relative to prior to the series. Later that year the Bills won their first game in Toronto, defeating the Washington Redskins, 23–0.", "The pre-season game originally scheduled for the fifth year of the series was moved back to Buffalo, due to conflicts at the Rogers Centre with home games for the Blue Jays and Argonauts and a Bruce Springsteen concert. In the final regular season game of the original deal, the Bills lost to the Seattle Seahawks 50–17.", "On May 22, 2012, the league gave their approval for a five-year extension to the Bills Toronto Series through 2017, should the two sides reach an agreement. The renewal, featuring one regular season game each year plus a pre-season game in 2015, was formally announced on January 29, 2013. Rogers reportedly paid roughly half of the $78 million the original deal cost. In the first game of the second deal, the Bills lost to the Atlanta Falcons 34–31 in overtime.", "On March 5, 2014, the Bills and Rogers released a joint statement which announced that they had \"postponed for one year the scheduled 2014 regular season game at Rogers Centre\" and that they would \"use this time to collectively evaluate opportunities and build on the foundation to enhance future games", ".\" Keith Pelley, President of Rogers Communication, said that \"there's no hiding the fact the series did not get off to a rosy start\" and that \"it's tough midway through to change that perception, hence the reason why we thought it would be a best to take a year off then re-launch it once we've thought that through.\" Pelly also raised the possibility that the series would be replaced by an NFL International Series game not featuring the Bills", ". Brandon described Toronto as a \"challenged market\" for the team and stated that the series \"has not translated into enough wins for us there\". However, Brandon also emphasized the financial benefits of the series by saying that it has \"taken a game out of the [Buffalo] market that has essentially taken 70,000 seats out of our market, and we've truly only sold out two of our home games\". He went on to say \"we've manufactured sellouts in the other four or five", ". He went on to say \"we've manufactured sellouts in the other four or five. We're trying to find ways to obviously keep this team viable and we've done a very good job, and this [Toronto] series has obviously contributed to that\". Brandon has also said that the additional game would \"stress-test the Buffalo market\". Brandon revealed that \"Southern Ontario and the Toronto market and the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) are now the top secondary market of the Buffalo Bills\"", ". Following the death of team owner Ralph Wilson in March 2014 the Bills were purchased by Kim and Terrence Pegula, who announced their intentions to end the Toronto Series in a November 2014 interview. On December 3, 2014, it was announced that the Bills and Rogers Communications had reached an agreement to cancel the Toronto Series, despite four years being left on the contract.", "When a major snow storm hit Buffalo in late November 2014, forcing the Bills to move a home game from Ralph Wilson Stadium, the Rogers Centre was considered as an alternate site. However, a conflicting event and concerns about getting passports for all the players and staff on short notice made this unworkable, and Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan was chosen instead.", "After NFL owners voted to expand the NFL International Series to include games in international cities outside the United Kingdom, Mark Waller, executive vice-president international of the NFL, said that though the initial target markets were Mexico and Germany, Canada was also under consideration to host a game and that Toronto was \"a major opportunity\". League staff visited the city in 2016 to investigate the suitability of the Rogers Centre to play host to future games", ". Chris Halpin, who replaced Waller, reiterated in 2019 that Canada was being considered for a future International Series game. In 2021 the NFL expanded its season to 17 games per team, with four of the additional regular season games planned to be held in international markets annually. Canada was mentioned as a market that was a focus for hosting these games, along with Europe, Mexico, South America and the United Kingdom", ". In June 2021 Toronto was also reportedly under consideration to be a temporary home for the Buffalo Bills prior to the completion of construction of a proposed new stadium.", "List of games\nBelow is a list of games played in southern Ontario by teams from the NFL, and its predecessor leagues the American Football League of 1926 (AFL 1926) and American Football League (AFL) from which the NFL absorbed teams.\n\nCFL interleague games\n\nPreseason games\n\nRegular season games", "Toronto NFL franchise", "While Toronto has been home to American football teams, including the Continental Football League's Toronto Rifles from 1965 to 1967, no NFL team has ever been based in the city. However, there were numerous efforts to bring an NFL club to Toronto from 1975 to 2014. In 1952 it was reported that the Dallas Texans of the NFL might be moved to Toronto", ". In 1952 it was reported that the Dallas Texans of the NFL might be moved to Toronto. In 1955, Eric Cradock, who would later become part owner of the Argos, stated that he had held discussions with the NFL about establishing a Toronto NFL team. Later that year it was reported that the Argos would join the NFL by 1957, contingent upon a larger stadium being constructed, and that there were several other bidders for a Toronto NFL team", ". A Toronto group announced in 1960 that they were in negotiations with the league for a Toronto franchise to begin play by 1962. The same year, a separate group brought the New York Giants and Chicago Bears to Toronto to play an exhibition game at Varsity Stadium with the goal of eventually acquiring an expansion franchise for the city", ". However, prior to the game George Halas, owner of the Bears and chairman of the NFL's expansion committee, said on NFL expansion into Canada \"we should not do anything detrimental to [Canada's] game\". In 1964 a Toronto group submitted a bid for an expansion franchise to begin play in 1967, with plans to construct a new stadium", ". The following year, NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle listed the city as one of 12 potential expansion markets, but stated that \"we would not want to do anything detrimental to the CFL.\" In 1969, a Toronto group approached the NFL about bringing a team to the city. Later that year, Rozelle said that the league could expand \"outside the continental United States\", including possibly to Canadian cities.", "During John Bassett's ownership of the Argonauts from late-50s to early-70s he entertained various machinations for bringing American football to Toronto, including moving the Argos to the NFL or bringing an NFL expansion team to the city. At the time Montreal was also pursuing an NFL team and Bassett was concerned that if they were successful it could lead to the demise of the Montreal Alouettes and ultimately the CFL", ". He viewed his plans to have Toronto join the NFL as a precaution against such a scenario. His son John F. Bassett's attempt to launch the Toronto Northmen in the World Football League in 1974 led to the Canadian government proposing the Canadian Football Act, a bill that was never approved but would have banned US football leagues from playing in Canada to protect the CFL from competition. The bill forced Bassett to move the club to Memphis where they became the Memphis Southmen.", "As far back as the early 1970s, Larry Tanenbaum, now the chairman and minority owner of MLSE, and future Chairman of the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto Paul Godfrey had plans for the construction of a stadium to bring an NFL team to Toronto. In 1980, an NFL spokesperson said that \"we would not consider expanding into Canada unless the federal government extends an invitation\". Rozelle said in 1987 that \"Toronto and Montreal are both great cities, capable of supporting NFL franchises, but ..", "... we have an obligation to those cities in the United States\". After several US lawmakers suggested that they would pressure the NFL to expand within the United States rather than to Canada, Don Weiss, executive director of the NFL, said in 1987 that \"Congressional pressure will obviously be brought to bear on us\" and that \"their reaction will affect our decision.\" In 1990, new commissioner Paul Tagliabue said that \"it is obviously realistic in this decade\" for an NFL team to be based in Canada", ". However, the following year he said he would continue Rozelle's policy of not expanding into Canada. In 1992, with the NFL considering expansion, Tagliabue said \"it's a decision we made to limit expansion applications to U.S. cities, because it's our belief that a number of U.S. cities are qualified, and they should be serviced first\". He went on to say \"we're simply making a business judgment\" and it \"has nothing to do with any understanding with the Canadian Football League", ".\" However, by 1995 Tagliabue said of Toronto \"we're very interested in this market\". The same year, Roger Goodell, the NFL's vice-president and future commissioner, said Toronto was \"unquestionably one of the cities under consideration for future expansion.\"", "When the plans for the construction of SkyDome were being developed an NFL team was considered as a possible tenant for the new stadium. To retain flexibility for this possibility, the stadium operators resisted giving the Argos football exclusivity in their lease at the stadium", ". In 1989, shortly after an announcement that a Montreal-based group was seeking an NFL team for their city, a group led by Godfrey and Carling O'Keefe Breweries announced that they had been pursuing an NFL team for two years to play at the soon to be opened SkyDome, as a contingency in case the CFL or the Argos folded. O'Keefe had previously owned the Argos and retained the right to put an NFL team in the SkyDome if the Argos ceased to exist", ". In 1994, Labatt Brewing Company, then owner of the Blue Jays and Argonauts, considered purchasing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and relocating them to SkyDome following the death of club owner Hugh Culverhouse, with Richard Peddie, who was President of Labatt's sports division, saying that he hoped to acquire a team for the city. Toronto was one of five finalist cities who had groups bidding to purchase the franchise. Toronto interests also pursued the LA Rams before they relocated to St. Louis in 1995", ". Toronto interests also pursued the LA Rams before they relocated to St. Louis in 1995. Toronto was one of several cities that Art Modell considered relocating the Cleveland Browns to in 1995 prior to choosing Baltimore. By this time, the Godfrey led group was hoping for a team by the 1998 season, with Tagliabue saying the city was on the short list of expansion candidates. In 1997 the Minnesota Vikings went up for sale and a Toronto group inquired about purchasing the team.", "The relocation of the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles Raiders to St. Louis and Oakland respectively in 1995 left the second largest market in the United States without a team. This was long considered an obstacle to Toronto acquiring an NFL team, as the league had made it a priority to return a team to LA, with NFL official Eric Grubman calling it \"one of our top goals\".", "The controversy surrounding the Browns' relocation to Baltimore eventually persuaded the NFL to agree to a settlement stipulating a return to Cleveland as soon as possible. When the NFL decided to return there via the addition of a 31st team in 1998, it confirmed an additional expansion team would be added as soon as possible so as to ensure an even number of teams. Toronto was one of three finalists for the NFL's 32nd franchise (along with Houston and Los Angeles) considered", ". At the time, Tagliabue said that \"the CFL and NFL could fit together in Canada.\" By this time there were questions whether SkyDome was a viable long-term NFL venue, with Godfrey developing plans for a new stadium near Downsview Park. Then Toronto mayor Mel Lastman ruled out funding from the city, saying \"no money for professional sports\". It was speculated that if Toronto's bid to host the 2008 Summer Olympics were successful, the stadium constructed for the games could be repurposed for an NFL club", ". When it became clear that Toronto was not likely to get the expansion team, Godfrey suggested that \"I don't think they'll leave L.A. or Houston out for, say, 10 years. I will, though, grab hold of the coattails of whoever is left out this time around and hopefully go in with them.\" It was suggested that if the league expanded to LA (which ultimate lost out to Houston) it might need to grant a second expansion team to balance the league with an even number of teams, leaving the door open for Toronto", ". However, in 2005 Tagliabue said that \"if there is expansion, I would think it would leave us with an odd number of teams for some period of time.\" He went on to say that \"I don't see expansion in Canada as being related to what we might do in Los Angeles.\"", "Godfrey was named president and CEO of the Toronto Blue Jays when the team was purchased by Rogers Communications in 2000. At the time, Godfrey stated that \"part of my responsibilities are to chase an NFL team and other sports options\". Ted Rogers, who had held discussion with Godfrey with regards to owning an NFL team as far back as 1994, said that \"We think the city deserves an NFL team. We want to be part of that", ". We want to be part of that.\" Corporate ownership is forbidden under the NFL's ownership policy, so Rogers Communications would not be able to buy a team like they did with the Blue Jays. Rather Ted Rogers would have had to have purchased it as an individual. When Rogers acquired the New England Sea Wolves of the Arena Football League and relocated them to Toronto a month later, it was suggested that the move would help the drive for an NFL team as the NFL had a close relationship with the AFL", ". Numerous AFL clubs were owned by NFL teams, and the NFL held an option to purchase 49.9% of the AFL, though it never executed it.", "By this time Godfrey had switched his focus from an expansion team to the relocation of an existing team, saying \"I used to think an expansion franchise was the way to go but I'm quite certain now that our best chance would be to acquire an existing franchise. There are four or five franchises in the NFL that could move, and I see no reason why Toronto can't get one of them in the not-too-distant future", ".\" Late that year it was reported that Rogers had targeted the Arizona Cardinals to relocate to Toronto, with plans for the SkyDome to undergo a significant renovation to make it acceptable for the NFL, including removing the attached hotel so it could be replaced with extra seats. In 2001 Godfrey said that \"the NFL requires that the team control the luxury box revenues\" of its stadium As the SkyDome was owned by Sportsco at the time, this was an impediment to securing a team", ". However, following the purchase of the stadium by Rogers in 2004, this issue was resolved.", "It was reported in 2001 that the New Orleans Saints were considering Toronto as a potential city to relocate to. Godfrey has stated that in 2005 the NFL gave him and Tanenbaum permission to discuss the sale of the New Orleans Saints with team owner Tom Benson. It was reported that Benson rejected an offer of $1 billion from a group from Canada intending to relocate it to Canada", ". However, following Hurricane Katrina, which ravaged New Orleans and severely damaged the Louisiana Superdome, Godfrey stated that \"the Saints became a symbol for that community. Whatever deal there might have been disappeared.\" The Saints and Louisiana struck a deal to repair and renovate the Superdome, securing the Saints ties to New Orleans.", "In 2005, then NFL commissioner Tagliabue stated that \"it could be very likely that the next franchises in the NFL, beyond (the current) 32, are outside the U.S. Toronto would certainly be a candidate\", though a year later he said that \"I don't see any expansion on the horizon\". In 2006, Tanenbaum said that he and Ted Rogers were \"highly interested\" in bringing an NFL franchise to Toronto and that he was going to \"pursue it more rigorously\" as soon as the NFL gave him the word", ". Daryl Katz, future owner of the Edmonton Oilers, was reportedly approached by the two about joining their group. Later that year, new commissioner Roger Goodell said that international expansion was a \"possibility\" and that \"the closer to the border, probably the more likely from a geographic standpoint.\" Toronto is located across Lake Ontario from the US", ".\" Toronto is located across Lake Ontario from the US. In 2007, Mark Waller, who was in charge of the NFL's international operations, was quoted as saying \"ten years from now, I hope we will have a team ... in Toronto, playing within the NFL", "... in Toronto, playing within the NFL.\" The same year it was reported that the owners of the Argos, David Cynamon and Howard Sokolowski, fearing the NFL was preparing to move a team to Toronto, had developed plans to acquire an NFL team themselves and relocate it to Toronto in partnership with other CFL owners to ensure that it was done in a manner to protect the Canadian league. Later that year Rogers Communication would lease the Bills from Ralph Wilson for the Toronto Series", ". Rogers wouldn't comment on whether the step was a prelude to moving the franchise permanently to Toronto, saying \"We didn't say we weren't interested, and we didn't say that we were.\" Wilson would not commit to keeping the team in Buffalo, saying \"I can't speculate what's going to happen in the future\", and adding \"But don't worry. Don't worry right now. Does that answer your questions?\"", "In 2008, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE), which owns the Maple Leafs, Raptors and Toronto FC, considered bringing an NFL team to Toronto and building them a new stadium, but abandoned the idea when they concluded that the project would not generate sufficient financial return to justify the significant cost of the project. In March 2010 it was reported that a Toronto group was one of three parties attempting to buy the St", ". Louis Rams (the others being Shahid Khan and a Dave Checketts–Rush Limbaugh partnership), though the team was ultimately sold to Stan Kroenke. In 2011, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stated that he supported an NFL team in Toronto, but ruled out public financing for a new stadium. He and his brother Doug, a member of the Toronto City Council, planned on presenting a proposal to league owners regarding the relocation of either the Jaguars or the Saints to Toronto, with the intention of building a new stadium", ". In 2012 Goodell said, on expansion to LA, that the league \"doesn't want to move any of our teams\" or \"to go to 33\".", "In July 2013, Tim Leiweke, the new President of MLSE stated of the organization's involvement in bringing an NFL team to Toronto, \"it is a safe bet to say we’ll have some role there, to be determined, but that's on our radar screen\", and that \"we'd go out of our way to make it work here.\" NFL rules prohibit corporations, such as MLSE, from having an ownership stake in a team. Leiweke later stated that MLSE has \"more expertise on how to build (stadiums) than anyone ... MLSE can play a role", "... MLSE can play a role. We're not the lead here. Our job is to augment whatever group may come together.\" It has been reported that MLSE is interested in building and managing the proposed NFL stadium, which it has already begun to design. The state of the Argonauts of the CFL has been linked to Toronto's ability to attract an NFL team", ". The state of the Argonauts of the CFL has been linked to Toronto's ability to attract an NFL team. Former President of MLSE Richard Peddie has said \"everything I'm hearing is that that the NFL is telling them that if you want an NFL team, you better make sure the Argos are okay.\" Leiweke has said that \"there's no way the NFL comes here without the CFL being unbelievably successful first\"", ". In 2015 two of the three ownership partners of MLSE (Bell Canada and Tanenbaum's Kilmer Group) acquired ownership of the Argos, and moved the team to the newly renovated BMO Field, which is operated by MLSE, for the 2016 season. Leiweke predicted that this \"will help turn [the Argos] around\". As a result, it was expected enhanced Toronto's ability to attract an NFL franchise to the city. MLSE agreed to purchase the Argos in December 2017, and the sale received CFL approval in January 2018.", "At the NFL's annual meeting in March 2015, Clark Hunt, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, said Toronto could \"certainly support an NFL team\", while Houston Texans owner Bob McNair, who sits on the NFL's finance committee, said \"I know everybody is interested in\" the market. However, several owners reiterated that the league was not planning on expanding in the near future.", "Bid for the Buffalo Bills", "As early as 2006, it had been reported that Toronto interests, led by Godfrey and Tanenbaum, were considering purchasing the Bills if they went on the market. In 2013 it was reported that Edward Rogers III, son of Ted Rogers, and a consortium of Tanenbaum and musician Jon Bon Jovi, who previously owned the Arena Football League's Philadelphia Soul, were both considering bidding on the franchise in hopes of moving it to Toronto", ". It was also reported that Rogers conducted a feasibility study in early 2013 on the construction of an NFL stadium in Toronto.", "The Bills were frequently mentioned as a team that could move to Toronto due in part to Buffalo's proximity to the city. Niagara Falls, New York, located between the two cities, was also considered as a compromise location. The Bills play in one of the league's smallest markets, and their games are often blacked out due to not being sold out, even with only 7 home games to sell during the Bills in Toronto series", ". The difficulties selling tickets, particularly late in the season when the weather is much poorer, was part of the reason why capacity of the team's home, Ralph Wilson Stadium, was decreased by 7,000 during its 1998 renovation. Western New York's economic difficulties have forced the Bills to keep their average ticket prices among the lowest in the NFL, and the team did not opt into the loosening of blackout restrictions in 2012.", "Ralph Wilson Stadium is 40 years old. The team's lease was renewed in March 2013 through the 2022 season in conjunction with an agreement for a $130 million upgrade to the stadium, of which $95 million came from the county and state. The lease provides for a one-time $28.4 million option to buy out the final three years effective 30 July 2020. Outside of that window there is no opt-out, and a $400 million liquidated damages penalty is specified in case the team were able to break the lease in court", ". The lease stipulates that the team will not \"sell, assign or otherwise transfer the team to any person who, to the Bills' knowledge, has an intention to relocate, transfer or otherwise move the team during the Non-Relocation Term\" without government consent. However, the lease allows for an annual regular season game and a biennial pre-season game to be played in Toronto", ". The stadium is unlikely to be satisfactory for the Bills beyond the current lease term, with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell describing the renovations as a \"short-term solution\". A committee was formed by the Bills and various levels of government to study the possibility of a \"substantial renovation\" of the existing stadium or the construction of a replacement, though there are doubts that the Buffalo region can afford the more than $800 million cost of a new stadium.", "Following owner Ralph Wilson's death on March 25, 2014 the club was put into a trust and confirmed that it would be sold. Wilson had never expressed any desire for his family to inherit the team, and it was widely presumed that his heirs would sell the team to the highest bidder to pay the significant inheritance tax. The franchise was thought to be worth more in a large market than in Buffalo, with one expert putting its value in Buffalo at $950 million-$1 billion versus $1.5 billion in Toronto.", "In July 2014 it was reported that Bon Jovi, Tanenbaum and the Rogers family had joined forces as equal partners to bid on the Bills, with Bon Jovi the proposed controlling owner. Though Tanenbaum and Rogers have significant wealth, it was suggested that the Toronto group's bid was limited by Bon Jovi's resources and his desire to be the controlling partner; NFL regulations require the controlling partner to have a 30% equity stake", ". Following protests by Buffalo area fans against the Toronto group, including radio stations banning Bon Jovi's music, Bon Jovi wrote a public letter to Bills fans saying that the group's objective was to \"make the Bills successful in Buffalo\" and committing to work with the government \"to identify the best possible site in the Buffalo area for a new stadium\". However, it noticeably did not explicitly promise to keep the team in Buffalo", ". However, it noticeably did not explicitly promise to keep the team in Buffalo. The group planned to meet with developers in the Buffalo region to discuss the construction of a new stadium. There was widespread skepticism about the group's intentions to keep the team in Buffalo, with New York Senator Chuck Schumer stating that the lack of a commitment to do so reinforced his belief that they might move the team", ". A sports franchise relocation expert quoted as saying that if they did intend to move the club, \"I would suggest never saying that publicly\" due to the legal implications of selling the team to a group planning on relocating it. The group met with former Bills quarterback Jim Kelly, who had long advocated for the team remaining in Buffalo, about joining their ownership group in a move seen as an attempt to boost their public support, but Kelly declined due to concerns about their commitment to Buffalo.", "The Toronto group was one of three that was reported to have submitted a final bid for the franchise. Other Canadians who explored purchasing the team include John Bitove, who co-founded the Toronto Raptors, and the family of Francesco Aquilini, who owns the Vancouver Canucks, though it is unknown if they intended to move the team", ". It was reported that the trust was desirous of a quick and clean sale, which was no guarantee with the Toronto group due to the possibility under the non-relocation agreement of a lawsuit from the county or state blocking the sale if they suspected the team would be moved, as well as potential difficulty in securing approval from the NFL due to the likelihood of negative fan reaction for several years until the franchise transfer could take place", ". Despite requests from the bank conducting the sale for a clear statement from the Toronto group that they would not move the team, only vague promises to work with local government to build a new stadium in Buffalo were provided. Goodell and several NFL owners expressed their desire for the team to remain in Buffalo, though Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, endorsed Bon Jovi as an owner, saying that \"there hasn't been anybody more qualified to be involved in sports ownership\".", "On 9 September 2014 it was announced that the franchise had been sold to Kim and Terrence Pegula, who committed to keeping them in Buffalo, for the reported price of $1.4 billion. The Toronto group's bid of $1.05 billion was the second highest reported.", "Several years later, it became known that some of the opposition to the Bon Jovi-Rogers-Tanenbaum bid was the result of an astroturfing smear campaign created by rival bidder and 45th U.S. President Donald Trump hoping to drum up support for his own stalking-horse bid. Trump turned the campaign over to a political operative, Michael Caputo, after placing his bid, since a non-disclosure agreement he signed would have prohibited him from staying involved in that campaign", ". The organization Trump and Caputo backed remains in existence, now operating as a charity.", "Developments 2015–present", "In late 2015, the St. Louis Rams, San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders submitted applications to relocate to Los Angeles, though it was unlikely that the league would approve all three teams moving to the city. It was reported that the Rams would have considered moving to Toronto if their Los Angeles proposal had been rejected. The Chargers and Raiders put forward a joint proposal to build a new stadium, but the league chose the rival bid from the Rams", ". The Chargers were given a one-year option to join the Rams in the new SoFi Stadium, and if they chose not to exercise this right the Raiders would be given the same option. Both teams weighed their relocation options, with Toronto one of the cities suggested as a possibility. The return of the NFL to LA made Toronto the largest market in the United States or Canada without an NFL team", ". In January 2017, the Chargers announced that they had exercised their option to leave San Diego and move to Los Angeles with the Rams. Raiders management met with officials in San Antonio, which has an NFL-caliber stadium in the Alamodome, about possibly moving the team there. In March 2017, the Raiders' request to relocate to Las Vegas was approved by the league, and the team moved there before the 2020 season.", "Potential candidates for relocation", "The most likely opportunity for Toronto to get an NFL team in the near future would be through relocation. The support of 24 of 32 NFL teams is required for the approval of the sale and relocation of a team. Likewise, any relocation would have to be approved by the same amount, though Al Davis moved the Oakland Raiders to Los Angeles in 1982 against the league's wishes", ". A relocation fee, which was reportedly $645 million for the Rams and Chargers to move back to LA and $378 million for the Raiders relocation to Las Vegas, could be charged by the NFL, though this could be offset by an increase in franchise value in a larger market like Toronto.", "The Jacksonville Jaguars have been named as potential candidates for relocation to Toronto. The Jaguars play in one of the NFL's smallest markets and have had trouble selling out EverBank Field. In the 2009 season all but one of their home games was blacked out, though in following years ticket sales have improved considerably. The Jaguars lease runs until 2030, but they can opt out at any time by paying off the remaining years, which stood at more than $100 million in 2011", ". If the team can prove that it lost money one season and had revenue less than the average of NFL teams in the next two seasons, the penalty is reduced.", "Other teams that have been speculated as potential relocation candidates are the Buffalo Bills, whose lease expires before the 2023 season and who are negotiating the construction of a new replacement stadium with local government officials, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, whose lease runs until 2028, the Carolina Panthers", ", Tampa Bay Buccaneers, whose lease runs until 2028, the Carolina Panthers, whose commitment to remain in Charlotte expired in 2018 with an estimated less than $40 million in exit fees and whose new owner David Tepper has been lukewarm in his support for keeping the team in the Carolinas, and the Cincinnati Bengals, whose lease expires in 2026", ".", "Potential roadblocks", "Bringing an NFL team to Toronto would be exorbitantly expensive, with teams worth around $1 billion United States dollars in 2006 and rising rapidly since then. The variable exchange rate of the US dollar with the Canadian dollar could make the purchase price larger for a Canadian group. Additionally, an NFL team in Toronto would have to pay its players in US dollars while collecting a significant fraction of its revenues in Canadian dollars, the same anomaly that other Canadian teams face", ". The Montreal Expos, Vancouver Grizzlies, original Winnipeg Jets and Quebec Nordiques all left the country between 1995 and 2004 when the value of the Canadian dollar was low. Finally, the NFL has various restrictions on ownership, such as prohibiting corporate ownership and requiring a controlling owner with at least a 30% stake in the team, limiting the pool of potential ownership groups.", "Another major issue is the stadium. Although Godfrey believed that Rogers Centre could host an NFL franchise, that stadium is unlikely to be viable long-term. Rogers Centre only has a capacity of 54,088 when configured for CFL games, which is larger than the NFL's 50,000-seat minimum, but would be the smallest capacity regular-season stadium in the league, the current smallest being Chicago's Soldier Field with 61,500 seats", ". While extra seats could be added due to the shorter NFL field (an NFL exhibition at the SkyDome in 1995 was attended by almost 55,800 fans) and the high walls at the ends of each end zone in CFL configuration, a large-scale renovation would be required to lower the playing surface. As a result, a new stadium, which would cost roughly $1 billion, would likely need to be built. Texans owner Bob McNair has said the city \"wouldn't have to go out and build a stadium, and then try to get a team", ". But you'd have to be assured that the opportunity exists\" for a new stadium to be constructed for a franchise to be approved for the city. Former mayors David Miller and Rob Ford both stated that funding for a new stadium would not come from the City of Toronto. It has been suggested that personal seat licenses could be sold to fund a new stadium. Godfrey said in 2006 that \"if you had a 60,000-seat stadium and sold (personal seat licenses) for an average of $10,000, you'd raise $600 million ..", "... you can build a hell of a stadium for that kind of money.\"", "A team based in Toronto could face resistance from the Bills, since a significant portion of their fans come from southern Ontario. Toronto falls within the NFL's definition of the Bills' home territory (75 miles). In 1991 Wilson said \"a Toronto club wouldn't hurt us.\" He went on to say \"as far as I know, Toronto isn't in Buffalo's territory\" and that \"I wouldn't veto expansion to Toronto, anyway, even if I could.\" However, in 1995 Wilson was quoted as saying \"Some day, I'm sure Toronto will have a team", ".\" However, in 1995 Wilson was quoted as saying \"Some day, I'm sure Toronto will have a team. It would be a great franchise up here ... but Toronto is Bills territory.\" When asked whether he expected financial compensation if an NFL team was established in Toronto, he replied \"yes I do. A team in Toronto would definitely have an effect on our team\". However, according to Godfrey, then-NFL commissioner Tagliabue's position was that \"there are no such things as territorial rights in the NFL", ".\" When the NFL was reviewing Pegula's proposed purchase of the Bills in 2014, the NFL asked him what his view would be on an NFL team in Toronto. In late 2014 he said that he told the league Toronto is \"a big enough market\" for an NFL franchise and he \"would support it if Toronto had a franchise.\"", "Any NFL team that entered the Toronto market would have to deal with the Canadian Football League (CFL)'s Toronto Argonauts, as well as the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, who play in nearby Hamilton, Ontario, both of which—as well as the CFL—have objected to an NFL team in Canada. The Tiger-Cats supported the Bills Toronto Series on the premise that it would keep other suitors for the Toronto market at bay. The NFL has been reluctant to hurt the CFL. Godfrey claimed that \"the city is big enough ..", ". The NFL has been reluctant to hurt the CFL. Godfrey claimed that \"the city is big enough ... they both could co-exist in the city.\" The World Football League (WFL) intended to place a franchise in Toronto known as the Toronto Northmen, but after the Canadian Parliament began debating the Canadian Football Act, which would have banned foreign football leagues from playing in Canada in an attempt to protect the CFL, the WFL moved the team to Memphis, Tennessee", ". Similar bills have been introduced to Parliament since the Bills Toronto Series was announced. It has been suggested that one of the reasons the NFL would not want to put a franchise in Canada and risk putting the CFL out of business is that the CFL offers antitrust protection as a competing league. However, Commissioner Rozelle said in 1987 that \"I can't see where a league operating in Canada could possibly help us in any anti-trust trials.\"", "Since much of the NFL's revenue comes from television rights fees, there could be resistance from the networks to moving a team from the US to Canada, where the hometown fans would not increase US television viewership. When Bassett was considering bringing a team to the city in the 1970s he suggested a solution to this problem: \"I say to the NFL teams, don't cut me in on your American TV revenues. Keep your millions to yourself. I say to them, just give me the TV rights for Canada", ". Keep your millions to yourself. I say to them, just give me the TV rights for Canada.\" A report prepared for the Godfrey-O'Keefe group attempting to bring an NFL team to Toronto said that the then chief counsel of the NFL, and future NFL Commissioner, Tagliabue had suggested that \"any of the communities within the U.S", ".S. where the NFL might respond, will not significantly increase TV viewership\" but that \"a Canadian team would offer significant over-the-air and cable opportunities for new viewers, this would be particularly attractive to the NFL.\" In 1987, Rozelle was asked \"Do you think you'd be jeopardizing the value of your network TV package, by having one or more Canadian teams?\" to which he responded \"I wouldn't think so.\"", "The failure of the Bills Toronto Series and the Bon Jovi-MLSE bid for the Buffalo Bills has also been speculated as potentially casting a negative light on Toronto as a future home to an NFL franchise. Counter to this claim is the consideration that a Toronto-based NFL team would logically garner much more support, as while the Buffalo Bills are popular with a plurality of Torontonian football fans, the majority of the city's football fans do not cheer for the Bills", ". Additionally, the Argonauts lag behind the rest of the CFL teams in attendance, which has cast doubt on the popularity of the sport itself within Toronto. This has been disputed however, as low Toronto football attendance can possibly be paradoxically explained by the dominance of the NFL in the region, as only approximately one fifth of self-described Ontarian football fans exclusively watch the CFL, while as much as half exclusively watch the NFL.", "See also\n\nToronto sports\nComparison of Canadian and American football\nCanadian Football League in the United States\nInternational Bowl\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nBillsInToronto.com\nNFL Canada\n\nAmerican football in Toronto\nBills Toronto Series" ]
Michael Elgin
[ "Aaron Frobel (born December 13, 1986) is a Canadian professional wrestler and promoter, better known by his ring name Michael Elgin. He most recently worked for Pro Wrestling Noah, where he was a one-time GHC Tag Team Champion with Masa Kitamiya. He is best known for his work with New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW), where he is a former NEVER Openweight Champion. In NJPW, he was also a one-time IWGP Intercontinental and a one-time NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Champion", ". He is also known for his work in Ring of Honor (ROH), where he is a one-time ROH World Champion. He has also worked for the Southern California-based company Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, where he is a one-time PWG World Tag Team Champion with Brian Cage.", "Frobel debuted in late 2004 using his ring name Michael Elgin, and by the age of 16, he was a regular on the independent circuit. He has competed for promotions including Combat Zone Wrestling, World League Wrestling, Alpha-1 Wrestling, and the Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South, where he won the IWA Mid-South Strong Style Championship in 2008. Elgin first appeared for Ring of Honor in 2007", ". Elgin first appeared for Ring of Honor in 2007. He started competing regularly in 2010 as part of the House of Truth and signed a contract with the company in 2011. That November, Elgin won the 2011 Survival of the Fittest tournament. In 2015, Elgin won the 2015 Survival of the Fittest tournament and became the first wrestler to win the tournament twice. In 2015, Elgin made his debut for NJPW, signing a contract with the promotion the following year", ". In 2015, Elgin made his debut for NJPW, signing a contract with the promotion the following year. After three years with the promotion, Elgin left New Japan Pro-Wrestling in March 2019 and signed with Impact Wrestling the following month.", "Professional wrestling career\n\nTraining and early career \nFrobel had begun training at a wrestling school at the age of 14. He later moved to training at Squared Circle Training in Toronto, Ontario, Canada under Rob Fuego in early 2004.", "In late 2004, Frobel made his professional wrestling debut in Hamtramck, Michigan using the ring name Michael Elgin. By the age of 16, Frobel, as Elgin, was a regular competitor on the independent circuit. The Ontario Athletic Commission did not allow people under the age of 18 to wrestle professionally in the area, so Frobel travelled to Montreal, as well as to the United States to wrestle in the states of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana.", "Independent promotions (2005–2010) \nFrobel, as Elgin, has been a mainstay in several independent promotions, both in the United States and Canada, since 2005.", "He has wrestled for the Pure Wrestling Association since 2005. That same year, he made two appearances for Empire State Wrestling, and a third in 2009. He made a single appearance for Ultimate Championship Wrestling on November 12, 2005, losing to Alcatraz. He also made a single appearance for World League Wrestling, wrestling at an October 19, 2008 show in a tag team match. In 2011, Elgin appeared at a CRW show, losing a triple threat match to Jake Matthews.", "Elgin made two appearances for Combat Zone Wrestling; he defeated Jay Fenix at Night of Infamy 5 in 2006 and teamed with Andrew Sullivan to defeat Cory Kastle and Danny Pagan at Down With The Sickness 4Ever in 2008. In 2009, he competed in Independent Wrestling Association: Deep South's Southern Classic Invitational tournament, making it to the three-way final, where he lost to Chrisjen Hayme.", "Elgin debuted for Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South (IWA Mid-South) in September 2006, at Lethal Lottery 2006, when he and Jason Dukes lost to Ian Rotten and Vito Thomaselli. His next IWA Mid-South appearance was in February 2007, when he and Ashley Sixx lost to Blackout (Joker and Sabian). Elgin and Ash continued to team together throughout early 2007, losing to team including The Iron Saints, and Southern Rock (Hillbilly Jed and Indiana Kidd, Jr", ".) before earning their first win against The Naptown Dragons (Die Hard and Vortekz) at April Bloodshowers 2007. The team of Elgin and Sixx named themselves \"Pretty Unreal\" and continued to feud with various members of The Naptown Dragons faction, winning several tag team matches against them. At Summer Scorcher in June, The Pretty Unreals suffered their first loss to The Naptown Dragons, when they were defeated by Die Hard and Vortekz in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match", ". After a hiatus, Elgin returned to IWA Mid-South in October as a singles wrestler, wrestling against Drake Younger, Roderick Strong, Eddie Kingston, and 2 Cold Scorpio.", "On March 1, 2008, Elgin defeated Strong, Younger, and Viking in a four-way match to win the vacant IWA Mid-South Strong Style Championship", ". He successfully defended the championship in a three-way match against Tank and Toby Klein at April Bloodshowers 2008, against CJ Otis at Extreme Intentions, against Jimmy Clough at Gory Days 4 in July, and against Bobby Fish the following month at Put Up or Shut Up 2008, before losing the championship to Nick Gage at We are Family 2 on August 17, ending a six-month reign", ". In September, Elgin was a competitor in the 2008 Ted Petty Invitational, where he defeated Ricochet in the first round, before losing to Younger in the quarter-finals.", "On March 9, 2009, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Dingo for the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship at 2009 King of the Death Matches Night One. Throughout 2009, Elgin formed a semi-regular tag team with Sami Callihan, and the pair faced teams including Da Soul Touchaz and The Michigan Militia of Jeff Brooks and Brian Skyline.", "Elgin also competes for Alpha-1 Wrestling, where he won the Alpha-1 Wrestling Zero Gravity Championship. He competed for Stranglehold Wrestling in 2007. He was a competitor in the first annual Dewey \"Missing Link\" Robertson Memorial Tournament in December, making it to the semi-finals before losing to GT Dynamite.\n\nFrobel attended a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) tryout camp in mid-2010.\n\nBlood, Sweat and Ears and Maximum Pro Wrestling (2005–2006, 2009–2011)", "At BSE Pro's inaugural show in 2005, Elgin appeared as part of a six-man tag team match. In December of that year, Elgin was part of a suicide six-pack match won by El Sombra. Canadian Online Explorer writer Bob Kapur called Elgin \"the breakout performer\" of the match due to his in-ring abilities and reactions to the crowd. He feuded with Ashley Sixx in late 2005 and early 2006, losing to him on multiple occasions", ". He feuded with Ashley Sixx in late 2005 and early 2006, losing to him on multiple occasions. In May 2006, Elgin teamed with Anton Arakis in a tag team loss to Trent Powers and Phil Atlas at a Blood, Sweat and Ears show. He continued to lose throughout 2006 to wrestlers including Kobra Kai and Tarantula Gomez, failing to win a match in the promotion.", "After a three-year hiatus, Elgin returned to the promotion, now called BSE Pro, in a loss to Josh Taylor on August 16, 2009. At the following show, Devil's Night 2009 in October, Elgin earned his first victory for the promotion by defeating Big Bang Pete. He then formed a regular tag team with Ashley Sixx and the duo faced off against Assault and Battery (Mike Alias and Kenneth Crises) to win the BSE Tag Team Championship on November 7", ". The held the championship for two weeks, before dropping it to The All Starters in a three-way cage match also involving Assault and Battery.", "In 2010, BSE Pro merged with Border City Wrestling to form Maximum Pro Wrestling, and Elgin began competing for the new promotion. On March 20, Elgin and Sixx lost to Manabu Soya and Jon Bolen. In May 2010, he and Sixx defeated Black Serpent and Kobra Kai in a tag team match.\n\nAt Return To The Arctic Day 1 in May 2011, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Tyson Dux for the MaxPro Triple Crown Championship. On September 10, 2011, Elgin defeated Matt Cross. Two weeks later, Elgin lost to Crazy Steve.", "Great Canadian Wrestling (2006–2010)", "At Reach for the Gold on April 13, 2006, Elgin won a ladder match to win the GCW National Championship, and become the inaugural champion. He held the championship for just over a month, before dropping it to TJ Wilson in a triple threat match, also involving Shark Boy, at Battleground Zero. At the Super Hardcore Anime Wrestling Expo in May 2006, Elgin won a triple threat match by defeating Wilson and Johnny Devine", ". Also at the Expo, Elgin regained the GCW National Championship, when he and Mike Stevens defeated Wilson and Devine in a tag team match with the championship on the line. At Breaking Point on August 10, Devine defeated Elgin for the championship in a Lumberjack match; however, Devine was ruled to have won via disqualification and therefore Elgin retained the championship. On September 15, Devine defeated Elgin in a cage match to win the championship.", "On November 18, 2006, Elgin filled in for the injured GCW Ontario Independent Champion Jake O'Reilly in a title defense against Hayden Avery, but lost the match, making Avery the new champion. Elgin and O'Reilly then formed a regular tag team, and on December 28, at Season's Beatings, they defeated the Lunatics (Crazzy Steve and Gutter) to win the GCW Tag Team Championship. On January 12, 2007, O'Reilly attacked Elgin, ending their partnership and causing the GCW Tag Team Championship to be vacated", ". Two months later, at Ugandan Invasion Elgin teamed with Havok (formerly Johnny Devine) to defeat O'Reilly and Joe Doering in a match for the vacant championship. Derek Wylde replaced Havok as the co-champion and Elgin's tag team partner during the reign, after accepting Elgin's offer to team up on April 13. The following night, Elgin and Wylde were defeated by O'Reilly and Crazzy Steve in a match for the championship, but the decision was reversed and Elgin and Wylde retained the championship", ". At Beyond the Limit in July, Elgin was injured prior to a title defense, so Andrew Davis substituted for him in the match. Wylde and Davis lost the match and the GCW Tag Team Championship to Avery and Cody Deaner. Also in 2007, Elgin was GCW's storyline CEO and was involved in a feud with former CEO Jamie Virtue. On December 27, 2010, Elgin defeated Mike Rollins in his final GCW match.", "Ring of Honor (2007, 2008, 2010–2016)", "Frobel had his first tryout match with Ring of Honor (ROH) in 2007. At The Battle Of St. Paul on April 27, 2007, Elgin faced Rhett Titus in a singles match that ended in a no contest when Jimmy Rave attacked both men. Immediately afterward, Rave defeated Elgin in a singles match. Almost a year later, Elgin returned to ROH on April 18, 2008, at Tag Wars 2008, where he, Danny Daniels, and Michael Nakazawa were defeated in a six-man tag team match by Pelle Primeau, Mitch Franklin, and Ernie Osiris.", "Elgin's next appearance came at Survival of the Fittest 2010 in November 2010, when he made his main roster debut as part of the House of Truth faction led by Truth Martini. As part of his debut, the House of Truth (Elgin, Roderick Strong and Zach Gowen), faced and lost to the Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark) and Christopher Daniels. The following night at Fate of an Angel II, Elgin and Gowen lost to the team of Bobby Dempsey and Grizzly Redwood", ". After the match, Elgin attacked Gowen until Dempsey and Redwood stopped him. Elgin's next appearance was at World's Greatest on February 25, 2011, where he lost to Christopher Daniels. At the 9th Anniversary Show internet pay-per-view the next night, Elgin lost to El Generico. He then interfered in Strong's match against Homicide, helping Strong to retain his ROH World Championship", ". At Defy or Deny in March, Elgin lost to Eddie Edwards, and at the following show, Manhattan Mayhem IV, Elgin and Mike Mondo lost to Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly, causing Elgin to attack Mondo. Frobel signed a contract with ROH on March 19, 2011, tying him to the company through December 2012.", "Elgin appeared at both days of the Honor Takes Center Stage pay-per-view, defeating Generico on night one, before losing to Daniels on night two. At Best in the World 2011 in July, Elgin defeated Steve Corino. Elgin appeared at the Ring of Honor Wrestling television tapings on August 13, losing to Edwards in a rematch from Defy or Deny. The match aired on television in October. At Tag Team Turmoil 2011, Elgin and Strong lost to The American Wolves of Davey Richards and Edwards", ". Elgin then appeared at the Death Before Dishonor IX pay-per-view in September, where he lost to Charlie Haas. At the television tapings in October, Elgin and Strong lost a rematch to The American Wolves, which aired in November.", "On November 18, Elgin won the 2011 Survival of the Fittest tournament. He won a four-corner survival match against Kenny King, Adam Cole, and Tommaso Ciampa to advance to the tournament final, a six-man elimination match, in which he last eliminated Kyle O'Reilly to win the tournament and a guaranteed ROH World Championship match. At the Showdown in the Sun pay-per-view on March 31, 2012, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Davey Richards for the ROH World Championship", ". The match was later given a five-star rating by Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Elgin later defeated fellow break-out star Adam Cole at Border Wars, in his hometown of Toronto. On July 20, ROH announced that Elgin had signed a long-term contract extension with the promotion. After months of teasing dissension between Elgin and the rest of the House of Truth, Elgin finally turned on the faction on September 16 at Death Before Dishonor X: State of Emergency by attacking Roderick Strong", ". At the following internet pay-per-view, Glory By Honor XI: The Unbreakable Hope on October 13, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Kevin Steen for the ROH World Championship. After the match, Elgin was attacked by Roderick Strong. The attack led to a match on December 16 at Final Battle 2012: Doomsday, where Elgin was defeated by Strong, following interference from Truth Martini", ". On March 2, 2013, at the 11th Anniversary Show, Elgin defeated Strong in a two out of three falls match, during which Martini was banned from ringside. On April 6, at Supercard of Honor VII, Elgin defeated Jay Lethal to become the number one contender to the ROH World Championship. Before Elgin got his title shot however, the ROH World Championship was vacated and he was entered in the tournament to determine the new champion", ". In August, Elgin defeated Paul London and Karl Anderson to advance to the semifinals of the tournament. The following month, at Death Before Dishonor XI, Elgin defeated Kevin Steen to make it to the finals of the tournament, where he was defeated by Adam Cole. On October 26 at Glory By Honor XII, Elgin earned himself another shot at the ROH World Championship by pinning Cole to win a four-on-four elimination tag team match between ROH's champions and their top contenders", ". Elgin received his title shot on December 14 at Final Battle 2013, but was defeated by Cole in a three-way match, which also included Jay Briscoe. In May 2014, Elgin took part in a tour co-produced by ROH and New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW). On May 17 at War of the Worlds, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged A.J. Styles for NJPW's top title, the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, in a three-way match, which also included Kazuchika Okada.", "Elgin continued to feud with Adam Cole over the ROH World Championship; the storyline saw Cole attack Elgin and cut off his hair, before expanding to include Elgin's real-life wife MsChif, who Cole also attacked. On June 22 at Best in the World 2014, Elgin defeated Cole to become the new ROH World Champion. Elgin would go on to defend the title seven times before losing it to Jay Briscoe on September 6 at All Star Extravaganza 6, ending his reign as ROH World Champion at 76 days", ". The following day it was reported that behind the scenes Elgin had not only fallen out of favor with ROH management, but was for the moment also unable to get out of Canada due to a work visa issue.", "On October 6, ROH announced that Elgin was returning to the promotion the following weekend. However, just hours later, Elgin quit the promotion on Twitter, claiming that ROH had promoted him for an event he was not going to appear at. Elgin returned to ROH as a villain with a new, disgruntled character on October 25, first walking out on an interview with Kevin Kelly and then refusing to wrestle Caprice Coleman. On November 7, 2015, it was reported that Elgin had signed a new deal with ROH", ". On November 7, 2015, it was reported that Elgin had signed a new deal with ROH. In November 2015, Elgin participated in the 2015 Survival of the Fittest tournament, which he won after pinning Jay Briscoe in the finals. Elgin became the first wrestler to win the tournament twice. On December 15, 2016, Elgin announced that outside of joint shows with NJPW, he would no longer be working for ROH.", "Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (2012–2017)", "On May 25, 2012, Elgin made his debut for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, losing to Willie Mack. On July 21 at Threemendous III, PWG's nine-year anniversary event, Elgin defeated Sami Callihan for his first win in the promotion. On September 1, Elgin entered the 2012 Battle of Los Angeles, defeating Davey Richards in his opening round match. The following day, Elgin first defeated Brian Cage in the quarterfinal round, then Ricochet in the semifinal, before losing to Adam Cole in the final round of the tournament", ". On October 27 at Failure to Communicate, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Kevin Steen for the PWG World Championship in a three-way match, which also included Ricochet.", "On January 12, 2013, Elgin and Brian Cage formed a tag team called the Unbreakable F'n Machines (a name derived from both wrestlers' nicknames) and participated in the 2013 Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournament. In the opening round, they captured the PWG World Tag Team Championship by beating the previous year's winners, the Super Smash Bros. (Player Uno and Stupefied)", ". (Player Uno and Stupefied). The Unbreakable F'n Machines then lost the championship to The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) in the semifinal round of the tournament later that same day. On August 30, Elgin entered the 2013 Battle of Los Angeles, defeating Rich Swann in his first round match. The following day, Elgin first defeated Roderick Strong and then Johnny Gargano to advance to the finals of the tournament, where he was defeated by Kyle O'Reilly.", "New Japan Pro-Wrestling (2015–2019)", "Gaining popularity and Intercontinental Champion (2015–2016)", "Through ROH's working relationship with NJPW, Elgin made his debut for the Japanese promotion by taking part in the 2015 G1 Climax between July 23 and August 15. He finished his tournament with a record of four wins and five losses, failing to advance from his block. Elgin quickly became popular among Japanese crowds and his performance in the tournament was called a \"career resurgence\". In November, it was announced he would team with Hiroshi Tanahashi in the 2015 World Tag League", ". In November, it was announced he would team with Hiroshi Tanahashi in the 2015 World Tag League. They finished the tournament with a record of four wins and two losses, narrowly missing the finals due to losing to block winners Togi Makabe and Tomoaki Honma in the head-to-head match.", "On January 4, 2016, at Wrestle Kingdom 10 in Tokyo Dome, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Jay Lethal for the ROH World Championship. On February 20, it was reported that Elgin had signed a two-year deal with NJPW. This was confirmed by NJPW on March 3. In his first tour under a NJPW contract, Elgin made it to the semifinals of the 2016 New Japan Cup, before losing to Hirooki Goto", ". On March 20, Elgin received his first title shot in NJPW, when he, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Juice Robinson unsuccessfully challenged The Elite (Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks) for the NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship.", "On April 10 at Invasion Attack 2016, Elgin won his first title in NJPW, when he, Tanahashi and Yoshitatsu defeated The Elite to become the new NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Champions. They made their first successful defense on April 23 against Bad Luck Fale, Kenny Omega and Yujiro Takahashi. Four days later, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Omega for the IWGP Intercontinental Championship. This marked the first time two Canadians had main evented a NJPW show", ". This marked the first time two Canadians had main evented a NJPW show. On May 3 at Wrestling Dontaku 2016, Elgin, Tanahashi and Yoshitatsu lost the NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship back to The Elite.", "On June 19 at Dominion 6.19 in Osaka-jo Hall, Elgin replaced an injured Hiroshi Tanahashi and defeated Kenny Omega in NJPW's first ever ladder match to become the new IWGP Intercontinental Champion. From July 22 to August 13, Elgin took part in the 2016 G1 Climax, where he finished with a record of five wins and four losses. Elgin failed to advance to the finals due to losing to Katsuhiko Nakajima on the final day", ". Elgin failed to advance to the finals due to losing to Katsuhiko Nakajima on the final day. On September 25 at Destruction in Kobe, Elgin lost the IWGP Intercontinental Championship to Tetsuya Naito. On October 10 at King of Pro-Wrestling, Elgin suffered a broken left eye socket taking a dropkick from Naito. The injury would require surgery and forced Elgin to pull out of all future events, including a scheduled IWGP Intercontinental Championship rematch with Naito at Power Struggle.", "Teaming with Jeff Cobb and NEVER Openweight Champion (2017–2019)", "Elgin returned to NJPW on January 4, 2017, at Wrestle Kingdom 11 in Tokyo Dome, winning the pre-show New Japan Rumble after entering as the first man in. On February 11 at The New Beginning in Osaka, Elgin unsuccessfully challenged Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP Intercontinental Championship. After being sidelined from NJPW due to the size of the promotion's roster, Elgin returned on June 11 at Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-jo Hall, losing to Cody", ".11 in Osaka-jo Hall, losing to Cody. On July 1 at G1 Special in USA, Elgin took part in a tournament to determine the inaugural IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion, but was eliminated in his first round match by Kenny Omega. Later that month, Elgin entered the 2017 G1 Climax. Despite a win over 2016 G1 Climax winner and reigning IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega, Elgin finished second to last in his block with a record of four wins and five losses", ". Due to his win over Minoru Suzuki in the tournament, Elgin was granted a shot at the NEVER Openweight Championship on September 10 at Destruction in Fukushima, but was defeated by Suzuki in a lumberjack deathmatch.", "At the end of the year, Elgin teamed with the debuting Jeff Cobb in the 2017 World Tag League. The two did not get along behind the scenes with Elgin making disparaging remarks about his tag team partner in private messages that were made public while the tournament was still in progress. They finished the tournament with a record of four wins and three losses, failing to advance to the finals. At New Japan's Dominion 6", ". At New Japan's Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-jo Hall show, Elgin faced and defeated Taichi and Hirooki Goto to win the NEVER Openweight Championship for the first time. On June 17, 2018 at Kizuna Road, Elgin lost the NEVER openweight title back to Goto in his first defence of the title.", "Elgin participated in the 2019 New Japan Cup, losing in the first round to Okada. The tour surrounding the tournament featured Elgin's final match with the promotion on March 24, 2019, teaming with Colt Cabana and Toa Henare to defeat Tencozy and Shota Umino. On April 1, Elgin officially parted ways with NJPW.", "Mexico (2016–2018)", "On June 1, 2016, the Mexican Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (CMLL) promotion announced Elgin as a participant in the 2016 International Gran Prix. On June 23, 2016, Elgin made his debut in Lucha Libre Elite defeating Jinder Mahal. On June 25, 2016, Elgin also became Lucha Libre Elite's inaugural World Champion by defeating Volador Jr. in a tournament final. On July 1, Elgin took part in the 2016 International Gran Prix, from which he was eliminated by Último Guerrero", ". On July 10, Elgin was defeated by Último Guerrero in Arena México. Elgin's Mexican tour concluded the following day.", "On July 26, 2017, CMLL announced Elgin as a participant in the 2017 International Gran Prix. He started the CMLL tour on August 22. On September 1, Elgin was the last man eliminated from the 2017 International Gran Prix by Diamante Azul. Elgin's Mexican tour concluded the following day. On October 5, Elgin eliminate Último Guerrero winning the 2018 International Gran Prix.", "On November 3, 2018, in The Crash Lucha Libre Elgin participated in a Fatal 4-Way by The Crash Heavyweight Championship against Willie Mack, Bárbaro Cavernario and El Mesías in which he was defeated by Mack in the 7th anniversary of The Crash.\n\nImpact Wrestling (2019–2020)", "Elgin debuted at Impact Wrestling's Impact Wrestling Rebellion show, confronting Brian Cage moments after Cage became the new Impact World Champion and attacked him afterwards. On the May 3 episode of Impact Wrestling, Elgin defeated Johnny Impact and Pentagón Jr. in a triple threat to determine the number one contender for the Impact World Championship. On the May 17 episode of Impact Wrestling, Elgin lost to Rich Swann by disqualification when Elgin beat down Swann outside of the ring", ". On June 7, at the Slammiversary XVII event, Elgin faced Cage for the Impact World Championship, but lost the match. Elgin would attack Cage after their match, only to be speared by a returning Rhino. At Bound for Glory 2019, Elgin defeated Naomichi Marufuji. At Hard To Kill, Elgin lost to Eddie Edwards. On June 22, 2020, it was announced that Elgin was suspended by Impact following sexual assault allegations that were made public as part of the Speaking Out movement", ". On June 26, Impact Wrestling announced Elgin would be removed from all future programing and his contract would be terminated.", "Pro Wrestling Noah (2019–2022)\nElgin made his Pro Wrestling NOAH debut on November 2, 2019 in Battle of Aesthetics facing Takashi Sugiura for the newly created GHC National Championship, in which he lost. Elgin returned on January 4, 2020 during the Korakuen Hall tour, facing Katsuhiko Nakajima in a winning effort, and facing Masao Inoue in a winning effort the following day.", "On May 21, 2022, Elgin teamed with Masa Kitamiya defeating Sugiura-gun International (El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. and René Duprée) to win the GHC Tag Team Championships.\n\nFollowing his July 9, 2022 arrest, Elgin was stripped of his GHC Tag Team Championship and removed from future Noah shows.", "Personal life \nFrobel lived in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, but has since moved to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Frobel previously worked in construction, but required too many days off for his wrestling appearances, forcing him to quit.", "In June 2013, Frobel announced his engagement to fellow professional wrestler Rachel Collins, better known under her ring name as MsChif. They wed the following month on July 4. On September 4, 2015, Collins gave birth to her and Frobel's first child, a boy named Jax. The couple divorced in 2020.\n\nIn June 2021, Frobel briefly went missing, reportedly leaving his phone at home after sending a \"concerning message\" on Facebook. He was later found and returned home.", "In July 2021, Frobel was arrested for violating a protection order filed by his ex-fiance. The case was turned over to the state attorney's office, but no charges were filed.\n\nIn July 2022, Frobel was reportedly arrested in Japan for stealing. Frobel denied the reports, stating he was headed back to Canada following the death of a family member. He has not returned to Japan since.", "Championships and accomplishments \nAbsolute Intense Wrestling\nAIW Absolute Championship (1 time)\nJim Lynam Memorial Tournament (2017)\nJ.T. Lightning Invitational Tournament (2014)\nAll American Wrestling\nAAW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\nAAW Heritage Championship (1 time)\nAAW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Ethan Page\nFourth AAW Triple Crown Champion\nAlpha-1 Wrestling\nA1 Zero Gravity Championship (1 time)\nBSE Pro\nBSE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Ashley Sixx\nCanadian Wrestling Revolution", "BSE Pro\nBSE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Ashley Sixx\nCanadian Wrestling Revolution\nCWR Canadian Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\nCWR World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\nConsejo Mundial de Lucha Libre\nCMLL International Gran Prix (2018)\nDynamo Pro Wrestling\nDynamo Pro D-1 Championship (1 time)\nGALLI Lucha Libre\nGALLI Gladiatores Championship (1 time)\nGlory Pro\nGlory Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Everett Connors\nGreat Canadian Wrestling\nGCW National Championship (2 times)", "Great Canadian Wrestling\nGCW National Championship (2 times)\nGCW Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Jake O'Reilly (1), Havok (1), Derek Wylde (1) and Ashley Sixx (1)\nIndependent Wrestling Association Mid-South\nIWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship (2 times)\nIWA Mid-South Strong Style Championship (1 time)\nRevolution Strong Style Tournament (2014)\nLucha Libre Elite\nElite World Championship (2016)\nNew Japan Pro-Wrestling\nIWGP Intercontinental Championship (1 time)\nNEVER Openweight Championship (1 time)", "IWGP Intercontinental Championship (1 time)\nNEVER Openweight Championship (1 time)\nNEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Hiroshi Tanahashi and Yoshitatsu\nNew Japan Rumble (2017)\nNew School Wrestling\nNSW Heavyweight Championship (2 times)\nNSW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Mike Stevens\nPro Wrestling Eclipse\nPWE Open Weight Championship (1 time)\nCanada Cup (2011)\nPro Wrestling Guerrilla\nPWG World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Brian Cage\nPro Wrestling Illustrated", "PWG World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Brian Cage\nPro Wrestling Illustrated\nRanked No. 14 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2014\nPro Wrestling Noah\nGHC Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Masa Kitamiya\nPro Wrestling Phoenix\nPWP Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\nPro Wrestling Xtreme\nPWX Pro Division Championship (2 times)\nPWX Bar Championship (1 time)\nQatar Pro Wrestling\nQPW Middle East Championship (1 time)\nRing of Honor\nROH World Championship (1 time)", "QPW Middle East Championship (1 time)\nRing of Honor\nROH World Championship (1 time)\nSurvival of the Fittest (2011, 2015)\nXtreme Intense Championship Wrestling\nXICW United States Championship (1 time)", "Notes \n Elgin initially won the championship with Havok, but Derek Wylde replaced Havok as Elgin's tag team partner and co-champion during the reign.\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links", "References\n\nExternal links \n\n \n \n \n \n\n1986 births\n21st-century professional wrestlers\nCanadian male professional wrestlers\nExpatriate professional wrestlers in Japan\nLiving people\nProfessional wrestlers from Ontario\nSportspeople from Oshawa\nROH World Champions\nIWGP Intercontinental champions\nNEVER Openweight champions\nNEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Champions\nPWG World Tag Team Champions\nGHC Tag Team Champions\nAAW Heavyweight Champions\nAAW Heritage Champions\nAAW Tag Team Champions" ]
Pittsburgh Panthers football
[ "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is the intercollegiate football team of the University of Pittsburgh, often referred to as \"Pitt\", in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Traditionally the most popular sport at the university, Pitt football has played at the highest level of American college football competition, now termed the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision, since the beginning of the school's official sponsorship of the sport in 1890", ". Pitt competes as a member of the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC).", "Pitt claims nine national championships, including two (1937, 1976) from major wire-service: AP Poll and Coaches' Poll, and is among the top 20 college football programs in terms of all-time wins. Its teams have featured many coaches and players notable throughout the history of college football, including, among all schools, the 12th most College Football Hall of Fame inductees, the 8th most consensus All-Americans, and the fourth most Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees", ". The Panthers are coached by Pat Narduzzi. Pitt plays home games at Acrisure Stadium, formerly known as Heinz Field, which they share with the National Football League's (NFL) Pittsburgh Steelers and utilize the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Sports Performance Complex as their practice facility.", "History\n\nEarly history (1889–1902)", "Football at the University of Pittsburgh began in the fall of 1889 when the school was still known as the Western University of Pennsylvania, often referred to as WUP, and was located in what was then known as Allegheny City and is today the city of Pittsburgh's North Side. A 130-pound WUP student, Bert Smyers, along with senior student John Scott, assembled a football team that year composed of only three players who had previously witnessed the sport", ". The team played in one informal game, a loss against Shady Side Academy, in which Smyers made himself quarterback and Scott played center. In preparation for the following year, the first season of football officially recognized by the university, Smyers and his teammates took up a collection and purchased a football for practices and games; players were responsible for their own uniforms. In Smyers' case, his uniform was pieced together by his mother and sister", ". In Smyers' case, his uniform was pieced together by his mother and sister. The first official game for the university was played on October 11, 1890, when the Allegheny Athletic Association's opponent, Shadyside Academy, failed to appear for its game at Exposition Park. Allegheny A.A. called Smyers who brought the WUP team as a replacement. In an inglorious start to Pitt football history, WUP was defeated 38–0", ". In an inglorious start to Pitt football history, WUP was defeated 38–0. Smyers' team next faced Washington and Jefferson College, losing 32–0, but closed out its inaugural three game season with the university's first win, a 10–4 victory over Geneva College. The following season saw the university collect more losses en route to a 2–5 record. Smyers suffered a broken nose in a 40–6 loss to Washington and Jefferson, a school that would become one of WUP's fiercest early rivals", ". The WUP team did record the school's first shutout with a 6–0 win over Geneva, as well as the school's first blowout in a 54–0 win over Western Pennsylvania Medical College who became affiliated with WUP in 1892 and later became the university's medical school when they merged in 1908. Perhaps the most important development for the second season of football was Smyers recruitment of Joseph Trees from Normal University of Pennsylvania", ". The 210 pound Trees became WUP's first subsidized athlete and, later in life, made millions in the oil industry and became an important benefactor for the university and athletic department. Today, Trees Hall, an athletic facility on the University of Pittsburgh's main campus in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, bears his name. The first winning record for the university came in the third season of competition in 1892, when the team posted a 4–2 record", ". The following season in 1893, the team had its first official coach, Anson F. Harrold, who led the team to an unremarkable 1–4 record. However, during that season the first contest was played in what would become a 100-game series versus Penn State, thus originating one of the longest and fiercest rivalries for both schools. In 1895, the school suffered a 1–6 season under coach J.P. Linn", ". In 1895, the school suffered a 1–6 season under coach J.P. Linn. The 1895 season was notable for the first Backyard Brawl on October 26, 1895, with WUP losing to West Virginia 8–0 in Wheeling, West Virginia. The university did not see another winning season until Fred Robinson led WUP to a 5–2–1 record in 1898. In 1899, Robinson continued his success with a 3–1–1 record, giving the school its first back-to-back winning seasons", ". This was followed by two more consecutive winning seasons, including a record seven-win season in 1901 under coach Wilbur Hockensmith. That season, Hockensmith led the school to its first victory over West Virginia, a 12–0 shutout in Morgantown on October 5, 1901.", "Mosse, Thompson, and Duff (1903–1913)", "In the early years of the 20th century, interest in college football grew both in Pittsburgh and throughout the nation. In 1903, Arthur St. Leger \"Texas\" Mosse was hired away from the University of Kansas, and brought several of his players with him. Other players were recruited from surrounding Western Pennsylvania colleges, including star half back Joseph H. Thompson. The 1903 season, the first under Mosse, was the university's first winless season at 0–9–1", ". The 1903 season, the first under Mosse, was the university's first winless season at 0–9–1. In perhaps one of the greatest turnarounds in college football history, Mosse led WUP to an undefeated 10–0 season, the school's first, in 1904. The 1904 team surrendered only one touchdown on the way to collectively outscoring opponents 406–5. That season also saw the school's first victory over Penn State, a 22–5 rout, as well as a 53–0 shutout of West Virginia", ". The success of this period can be partially attributed to actions taken by the university's administration, led by newly installed chancellor Samuel McCormick who took special interest in athletics at the university. Encouraged by university trustee George Hubberd Clapp, the administration more actively engaged in supporting the athletic program during this period in order to promote the university", ". A football association was formed, the school's first booster organization, whose largest initial contributor was Andrew W. Mellon. The university also obtained a lease of Exposition Park to give the football team a more stable and permanent home, and its first full season at the park began with the 1904 undefeated team. This undefeated 1904 season was followed by a 10–2 record under Mosse in 1905, as well as six additional winning seasons.", "These Mosse coached squads featured team captain Joe Thompson, who was recruited from Geneva College to play for WUP from 1904 to 1906. During Thompson's playing years, the team compiled a 26–6 record. Thompson graduated from the university in 1905 and continued on with post-graduate work in the School of Law completing his law degree. However, Thompson had long desired the head coaching position and finally obtained the job in 1909, after successful coach John A", ". Moorehead, who helped facilitate the first known use of numbers on the uniforms of football players in 1908, left coaching to pursue his family's business interests. That same year, the university changed its name from Western University of Pennsylvania to the University of Pittsburgh, and it soon became known as \"Pitt\" among fans and students. The following year, in 1909, the school officially adopted the Panther as a mascot", ". The following year, in 1909, the school officially adopted the Panther as a mascot. Also in 1909, the school moved to the Oakland section of Pittsburgh where it remains to this day, and the football team began playing games at Forbes Field, starting with the third game of the season against Bucknell on October 16, 1909.", "Thompson coached at Pitt until 1912, the longest tenure of any coach to that point, and led the football team to a 22–11–2 record. The highlight of his coaching tenure was the 1910 season in which Pitt, led by star fullback Tex Richards, went undefeated for the second time in school history. Of even greater significance, the 1910 team was unscored upon, collectively outscoring its 9 opponents 282–0, and is considered by many to be that season's national champion", ". Following his coaching stint, Thompson went on to become a highly decorated hero of World War I. Winning continued under coach Joseph Duff, including an 8–1 record in 1914 in which opponents were collectively outscored 207–38, and the university was well on the way to establishing itself as a regional, if not yet national, power. Duff would leave the Panthers after two seasons to serve in World War I, where he would be killed in combat in October 1918.", "Pop Warner era (1914–1923)", "In 1914, Pitt athletic booster Joseph Trees and athletic director A. R. Hamilton hired Pop Warner as Pitt's head coach. Warner, who had previously led Carlisle, Cornell, and Georgia, had been successful at his previous stops, mentoring the likes of Jim Thorpe, and was known as an innovator of the game who originated the screen pass, single- and double-wing formations, and use of shoulder and thigh pads", ". His arrival at Pitt gave the program instant national credibility, lifting the perception of the program from a regional power to that of a national one. Warner's impact was immediate. Led by center Robert Peck, Pitt's first First Team All-American, and All-American end James Pat Herron, Warner's first Pitt team in 1915 went 8–0, shutting out five opponents, and was trumpeted by football historian Parke H. Davis as that season's national champion", ". Davis as that season's national champion. His second season duplicated that success, repeating an 8–0 record while collectively outscoring opponents 255–25, and garnering what is widely regarded as a consensus national championship. The lone scare of the 1916 season occurred at Navy when, following a delay of the team's train heading to Annapolis that caused a late arrival, the team overcame several fumbles and eked out a 20–19 victory", ". The 1916 team was led again by Herron and Peck, now in his last season, as well as All-Americans fullback Andy Hastings and guard \"Tiny\" Thornhill. Also on that team were Jock Sutherland and H.C. \"Doc\" Carlson, who both would garner First Team All-American selections while members of the undefeated 1917 team, and go on to become perhaps Pitt's most legendary coaches in football and basketball, respectively", ". The 1917 team, nicknamed \"The Fighting Dentists\" because over half the roster became doctors or dentists, finished 10–0 with five shutouts despite losing several players to military service at the outbreak of World War I. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, which took the life of former Pitt star Tex Richards, saw the implementation of quarantines that eliminated much of that year's college football season, including five of Pitt's originally scheduled contests", ". All of Pitt's games that year were played in November, including a high-profile game played as a War Charities benefit against undefeated, unscored upon, and defending national champion Georgia Tech, coached by the legendary John Heisman. Pitt swept through its first two games and then dismantled Georgia Tech 32–0 in front of many of the nation's top sports writers including Walter Camp", ". The final game of the season at Cleveland Naval Reserve resulted in Warner's first loss at Pitt and is one of the most controversial in school history. Warner, along with some reporters covering the game, insisted Pitt was robbed by the officials who, claiming the official timekeeper's watch was broken, arbitrarily ended the first half before Pitt was able to score and then allowed the Reserves extra time in the fourth quarter to pull ahead 10–9 before calling an end to the game", ". Despite the loss, the 4–1 Panthers of 1918 were named by multiple selectors as a national champion for that season.", "In 1919, several players suffered season-ending injuries, and Pitt stumbled to a 6–2–1 record that included another victory over Georgia Tech. The Panthers returned to undefeated status during 1920, albeit with ties against Syracuse and undefeated Penn State. The Penn State game ended in a scoreless tie after Pitt star Tom Davies, who was injured early in the game, returned later to miss a possible game-winning field goal", ". For the 1921 season, the team's record dipped to 5–3–1, but Pitt made college football history on October 8, 1921. Harold W. Arlin announced the first live radio broadcast of a college football game in the United States from Forbes Field on KDKA radio as the Pitt Panthers defeated West Virginia 21–13 in the annual Backyard Brawl.", "Prior to the 1922 season, Warner announced he was leaving Pitt to take the head coaching position at Stanford, but he honored his contract and remained at Pitt through 1923. 1922 resulted in an 8–2 record, and the season ended on a high note when the Panthers took their first cross-country trip, by train, to defeat Stanford, coached by two Pitt assistants sent ahead by Warner, 16–7 at Stanford. Warner's final season was his worst at Pitt as the Panthers stumbled to a 5–4 record in 1923", ". Warner's final season was his worst at Pitt as the Panthers stumbled to a 5–4 record in 1923. However, the Warner era at Pitt closed on a high note with a 20–3 victory over Penn State on November 29. In all, Warner coached his Pitt teams to 33 straight wins and three national championships (1915, 1916 and 1918). He coached Pittsburgh from 1915 to 1923 to a combined 60–12–4 record", ". He coached Pittsburgh from 1915 to 1923 to a combined 60–12–4 record. Warner helped raise the interest in Pitt football to the point where the university sought to build an on-campus stadium with increased seating capacity that would be dedicated to the football team, and the school began taking steps to secure the necessary land and funds to build Pitt Stadium.", "Jock Sutherland era (1924–1938)", "A natural replacement for Pop Warner was Jock Sutherland, Warner's former All-American guard on the 1915 and 1916 national championship teams and 1917 undefeated team. A native of Coupar Angus in Scotland, Sutherland had graduated from the University of Pittsburgh's School of Dentistry, where he later served as faculty", ". Sutherland had served a tour in the Army and later achieved success as the head coach of Lafayette College from 1919 to 1923, leading the Leopards to the 1921 Eastern Collegiate Championship and shutting out Warner's Pitt teams in 1921 and 1922. So it was in 1924 that Sutherland returned to his alma mater to assume the head coaching duties with the goal of constructing dominant teams built on power and speed", ". After a 5–3–1 record in his first season, Sutherland's second season kicked off the Panthers' first in the newly constructed Pitt Stadium and saw the team achieve an 8–1 record and win the 1925 Eastern Championship. The following year, the Panthers featured Gibby Welch, who led the nation in rushing in 1926 and helped Pitt to the Eastern Championship and its first bowl game, the Rose Bowl, in 1927. Pitt, ironically, lost the Rose Bowl 7–6 to a Stanford team headed by the Panthers' former coach, Pop Warner", ". In 1929, Pitt went undefeated in the regular season, the first of four undefeated regular seasons under Sutherland, and won the Eastern Championship, but lost its second appearance in the Rose Bowl to USC. Bowls at the time were still considered by many to be exhibition games, and the loss did not prevent football historian Parke Davis from naming Pitt as that season's national champion.", "The 1930 season, at 6–2–1, was a rebuilding one for Sutherland, and was marked by a loss to Notre Dame that would be the only meeting between Sutherland and Knute Rockne due to his death in a 1931 plane crash. The Irish also spoiled Pitt's perfect season in a 1931 game at South Bend, although the Panthers finished 8–1 with six shutouts, including a 40–0 dismantling of Nebraska", ". That season also saw Pitt defeat Penn State in State College, using only one first-string player, by a score of 41–6 en route to winning the Eastern Championship. These accomplishments would prompt Parke Davis to again name the Panthers national champions. Pitt would exact revenge at home the following season by shutting out Notre Dame 12–0, and would also upend undefeated Penn in Philadelphia, as well as shut out Stanford at home on their way to the 1932 Eastern Championship", ". However, the season ended when the Panthers, in their third Rose Bowl, were again defeated by USC. The 1933 season was spoiled only by a 7–3 loss at Minnesota in which the Panthers fumbled twice inside their own 5-yard line. Minnesota would best Pitt again in 1934, when the Panthers squandered a third quarter lead to lose 13–7 to the undefeated Gophers", ". However, in 1934 Pitt also won at Nebraska 25–6, shut out Notre Dame 19–0, its third victory in a row over the Irish, and got revenge for the previous Rose Bowl losses to USC by defeating the Trojans 20–6 at Pitt Stadium. With these victories Pitt was named Eastern Champions as well as being awarded a share of the national championship by Parke Davis. Pitt underwent rebuilding in 1935, going 7–1–2", ". Pitt underwent rebuilding in 1935, going 7–1–2. Of historic note, in 1935, Pitt battled then football powerhouse Fordham, who featured the Seven Blocks of Granite which included guard Vince Lombardi, to the first of what would be three consecutive scoreless ties at New York City's Polo Grounds. Pitt ended the season with a 12–7 win at USC.", "One of the greatest back-to-back stretches in Pitt football history occurred during the 1936 and 1937 seasons which featured Heisman Trophy candidate and Hall of Fame running back Marshall Goldberg. In 1936, Pitt shut out five of its opponents, including a 34–0 win over West Virginia, a 6–0 victory at Ohio State, and a 26–0 win over Notre Dame in which the Irish did not achieve a first down until late in the third quarter. The Panthers also won at Nebraska 19–6 and defeated Penn State 24–7", ". The Panthers also won at Nebraska 19–6 and defeated Penn State 24–7. Only the second of three consecutive scoreless ties at the Polo Grounds against Fordham, and a mid-October 7–0 upset loss against crosstown rival Duquesne, marred the record. The Panthers finished the regular season winning the Lambert-Meadowlands Trophy as Eastern Champions and ranked third in the Associated Press Poll, the inaugural year of the poll, whose rankings were finalized before the bowl season", ". Pitt accepted a bid to the Rose Bowl to face Washington, and this time Sutherland was determined not to lose again out west. To avoid subpar play following the cross country train trip, Sutherland took his team out two weeks early to allow for adequate preparation. These moves paid off with a 21–0 rout of Washington which led many selectors to name Pitt as the 1936 national champions", ". However, it was during this time that the seeds of a rift between Sutherland and the university's administration were being sown, partly initiated by the refusal of the university to supply pocket money for players during the Rose Bowl trip, which Sutherland then decided to supply out of his own pocket", ". Pitt followed up the Rose Bowl winning 1936 season with a 9–0–1 record in 1937 that included five shutouts, including those over West Virginia, Wisconsin, and at Duke as well as additional victories against Penn State, Nebraska, and at Notre Dame. The only blemish on the record was the third consecutive tie at Fordham, which resulted when an apparent winning touchdown by Pitt's Marshall Goldberg was called back on a holding penalty", ". Pitt finished the 1937 regular season as repeat Eastern Champions and was ranked number one in the AP's final poll. Partly due to the developing rift with the university administration, and also due to the time and expense of the travel, Pitt became the first team to publicly decline a Rose Bowl invitation following a vote of the players. Despite its decision to sit out the postseason, the 1937 Pitt team was widely regarded as consensus national champions.", "During this period, Pitt regularly dominated opposing teams, even inducing Notre Dame to drop Pitt from its schedule. However, it was also during this era that the university, led by chancellor John Gabbert Bowman, began introducing policies designed to de-emphasize the athletic programs. This was manifested when a plan was instituted in the spring of 1937 by Athletic Director James \"Whitey\" Hagan, who had actually played for Sutherland, to eliminate university subsidies for athletes", ". Hagan's plan was then absorbed into a 1938 athletics code of conduct, referred to as \"Code Bowman\", which discouraged alumni help, restricted practices to two hours a day, and eliminated both athletic recruiting and all direct subsidization of athletics. While the implementation of these policies was the beginning of the end for that era of Pitt football prominence, the Panthers still impressed during the 1938 season behind an assembly of talent at running back labeled the \"Dream Backfield", ".\" With Goldberg at fullback, Dick Cassiano and Harold Stebbins at halfback, and John Chickerneo at quarterback, Pitt won at Wisconsin, shut out West Virginia and Penn State at home and Nebraska on the road, and routed Southern Methodist. Notably, the deadlock against Fordham was finally broken as Pitt defeated the Rams 24–13 at Pitt Stadium. However, Pitt was tripped up against neighboring rival Carnegie Tech and at undefeated Duke", ". However, Pitt was tripped up against neighboring rival Carnegie Tech and at undefeated Duke. Following the season, the split between the administration and Sutherland became complete, and Sutherland resigned in March saying \"The present system of athletic administration has resulted in conditions which, for me, are intolerable.\" The resignation caused a firestorm in the press and among the program's supporters, and resulted in student outrage and protests", ". However, the athletic code was firmly implemented and Sutherland's resignation stood.", "Sutherland, who was described as \"a national hero\" in a Saturday Evening Post article, was perhaps the most highly admired and influential coach in the history of the university. Following his years at Pitt he never coached again in college and moved on to a career in the NFL including a head coaching stint with the Pittsburgh Steelers before his untimely death in 1948 of a brain tumor", ". During his 15-year tenure at the university, the longest of any football coach at Pitt, he compiled a record of 111–20–12 which included 79 shutouts. Sutherland never lost to rival Penn State and lost only once to West Virginia, and his teams were named Eastern football champions seven times: 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1934, 1936, and 1937. During this time, Pitt appeared in four Rose Bowl games (1928, 1930, 1933, and 1937) and turned down a bid for the 1938 Rose Bowl", ". Sutherland's teams were named \"National Champions\" by various selectors for nine different seasons including 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1937, and 1938. Of these, the University of Pittsburgh officially recognizes five of those years as national championship seasons: 1929, 1931, 1934, 1936, and 1937.", "Bowser, Shaughgnessy, Milligan, and Cassanova (1939–1955)", "The policy of deemphasis resulted in a dramatic downturn for Pitt's football fortunes, including a succession of coaches with short stints. Charley Bowser, a former player at Pitt under Pop Warner, took over in 1939, but the lack of athletic subsidies had eroded the talent base and the on-field results likewise steadily deteriorated. Bowser started 3–0 in 1939 and Pitt was ranked number one in the AP poll, but won only two more games and finished 5–4. Eight consecutive losing seasons followed", ". Eight consecutive losing seasons followed. Pitt's stars during this period were running back Edgar \"Special Delivery\" Jones and guard Ralph Fife, who led Pitt to an upset win over undefeated Fordham in 1941.", "Bowser was replaced by Clark Shaughnessy in 1943; and in 1945, with new university chancellor Rufus Fitzgerald at the helm, athletic scholarships and recruiting were reinstated. However, substantial damage had already been done to the football program. Shaughnessy was replaced in 1946 by Wes Fesler, who left after his only season at Pitt to coach his alma mater Ohio State", ". Walter \"Mike\" Milligan took over head coaching duties in 1947 and scored one of the most satisfying wins in Pitt history when the Panthers defeated the Fesler-coached Ohio State team 12–0 for their only win of the season. During this era Pitt's first African-American player, Jimmy Joe Robinson, led the team in receiving and rushing, and also excelled at returning punts and kickoffs", ". Milligan brought Pitt back to winning records in 1948 and 1949, achieving consecutive 6–3 seasons that included appearances in the national rankings and back-to-back shutouts of Penn State. However, Milligan resigned after the 1949 season, never to return to head coaching, due to a perceived snub by the university offering him only a one-year contract", ". During this same period, Pitt sought entry into the Big Ten Conference as the replacement for the University of Chicago, which had withdrawn from the conference. Pitt had placed its athletic programs under the Big Ten's supervision in 1939, which newspapers of the time characterized as a probationary admission likely to result in eventual full membership", ". Pitt's application for membership was never approved, partly due to opposition by Ohio State, out of their concern that conference membership for Pittsburgh would diminish a possible recruiting advantage such membership gave to the Buckeyes in talent-rich Pennsylvania. Instead, Michigan State, rather than Pitt, was eventually selected for Big Ten membership in May 1949.", "Len Casanova took the Pitt job in 1950 but a disastrous campaign was followed by his departure following spring practice in 1951. This led to athletic director Tom Hamilton taking the reins of the team on an interim basis for the 1951 season. In 1952 Red Dawson took over, and the Panthers, led by future Hall of Famer Joe Schmidt, scored a huge upset at Notre Dame, then coached by Frank Leahy, en route to a 6–3 record", ". However, a losing record followed in 1953, and after three losses to start the 1954 season, and due to poor health, Dawson stepped down. For the remainder of the season Hamilton again took over the team, guiding Pitt to an upset of number nine Navy and handing West Virginia its only loss of the season.", "John Michelosen era (1955–1965)", "In 1955 Pitt sought a return to the roots of its previous success by turning to John Michelosen, a quarterback on Jock Sutherland's 1936 and 1937 championship teams who later served as a Sutherland assistant and as the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Michelosen immediately brought Pitt football back to respectability in his first season with the 1955 Eastern Championship that was capped by an appearance in the 1956 Sugar Bowl", ". Pitt's invitation to the Sugar Bowl was surrounded by controversy because Pitt, an integrated team, was the first to bring an African-American, Bobby Grier, to play in a southeastern bowl game in the segregated Deep South. There had been controversy over whether Grier should be allowed to play due to his race, and whether Georgia Tech should even play at all due to Georgia's Governor Marvin Griffin's opposition to racial integration", ". After Griffin publicly sent a telegram to the state's Board Of Regents requesting Georgia Tech not to engage in racially integrated events, Georgia Tech's president Blake R. Van Leer rejected the request and threatened to resign. The game went on as planned Grier's play in the Sugar Bowl cemented the university's place in civil rights history as the first team to break the color barrier for southeastern bowls", ". However, the game was marred by protests in the South leading up to the game, which Pitt lost 7–0 when a controversial interference penalty was called on Grier that set up the winning touchdown for Georgia Tech. The following season, Michelosen guided Pitt to another bowl berth, the Gator Bowl, which resulted in another seven-point loss to Georgia Tech.", "Four additional winning seasons followed against formidable national schedules that were highlighted by victories over Notre Dame, USC, Miami, UCLA, Penn State, Oregon, Syracuse, Nebraska, and West Virginia. A three win season in 1961 that included wins at Miami and over Navy and USC, along with three close losses by 6 points or less to Baylor, Washington, and Notre Dame, was followed by a 5–5 record in 1962 and then perhaps the best team of the Micheloson era in 1963", ". The 1963 team, led by All-American Paul Martha, swept through a schedule that included wins at Notre Dame, UCLA, West Virginia, and Miami and home victories against Washington, Cal, Syracuse, and Penn State. The only loss of the season was in late October at Navy, which was led by Roger Staubach and would finish the season ranked second in the nation. The Panthers, at 7–1 and ranked fourth in the nation, headed into their rivalry against Penn State with a chance to play for a national championship", ". However, national tragedy struck on November 22 when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated which resulted in postponing Pitt's next-to-last game against Penn State from November 23 to December 7. The Panthers defeated the Miami Hurricanes on November 30, improving their record to 8–1", ". The Panthers defeated the Miami Hurricanes on November 30, improving their record to 8–1. The bowls, which feared inviting Pitt before their season finale against Penn State the following week, signed other teams, leaving Pitt without a bowl invitation despite defeating the Nittany Lions, 22–21, and ending the season with a 9–1 record", ". Perceived as perhaps the best team of the modern football era not to appear in a bowl, the 1963 team finished with its number three ranking intact, but infamously received the label of the \"No Bowl Team\".", "The bad luck of 1963 seemed to jinx the program for the rest of Michelosen tenure, and despite wins over Oklahoma, Miami, West Virginia, and Penn State, two three-win seasons followed. The losses prompted the removal of Michelosen as coach, a move that sent the football program into a tailspin.", "In eleven seasons at Pitt, the second longest coaching tenure at the school after Sutherland's, Michelosen achieved a 56–49–7 record with only 4 losing campaigns. Pitt finished ranked among the top twenty programs in four seasons with Michelosen at the helm. Michelosen was a major coaching influence on such modern day NFL coaching greats as Mike Ditka and Marty Schottenheimer, both of whom played at Pitt under Michelosen.", "Hart and DePasqua (1966–1972)", "The years that followed Michelosen's tenure were among the most downtrodden years of Pitt football as the Panthers compiled a sickly 16–56 record over the next six seasons. David Hart, who replaced Michelosen, produced three straight one-win seasons where many games produced embarrassing scores (the average score during Hart's three years was 34–9)", ". Hart was replaced in 1969 by Carl DePasqua, who had previously won a Division II national title as Waynesburg's coach and had been serving as an assistant coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers. DePasqua brought a handful of wins, including upsets over Syracuse, West Virginia, and at UCLA and produced the Panthers' first non-losing season in seven years, but could not achieve a winning record and was relieved following a disastrous single win campaign in 1972.", "Johnny Majors and Jackie Sherrill (1973–1981)", "University Chancellor Wesley Posvar took action to revive the football program and hired Johnny Majors from Iowa State to resurrect the program in 1973. Majors immediately upgraded the recruiting, most notably bringing in future Heisman Trophy winner Tony Dorsett. Majors' impact was immediate: in Pitt's first game with Majors as coach, the Panthers travelled to the University of Georgia where they tied Vince Dooley's Bulldogs 7–7", ". The excitement in the city was palpable as the Panthers improved from one win in 1972 to a 6–5–1 record in 1973. Their success earned the Panthers their first bowl bid since 1956 when they were invited to play Arizona State in the 1973 Fiesta Bowl, where they lost 28–7. The next season saw further improvement with wins at Florida State and Georgia Tech to finish 7–4. In 1975, a Sun Bowl victory over Kansas capped an 8–4 record highlighted by wins at Georgia and against Notre Dame", ". The stage was thus set for the 1976 edition of the Panthers to make a run for the national championship.", "The 1976 season began with the Panthers ranked ninth in the AP preseason poll. The first game was at Notre Dame, where the Irish grew the grass long on the playing field in a failed attempt to slow down Dorsett, who had burned them for 303 rushing yards the year before. Their efforts were in vain as Dorsett ran for a 61-yard gain on Pitt's first play from scrimmage on the way to a 31–10 win. The season continued with a 42–14 win at Georgia Tech and a 36–19 win over Miami", ". The season continued with a 42–14 win at Georgia Tech and a 36–19 win over Miami. On October 23, the Panthers travelled to Annapolis to face Navy during which Dorsett broke the NCAA career rushing record on a 32-yard touchdown run in Pitt's 45–0 victory. Dorsett's achievement prompted a mid-game celebration in which even Navy saluted the feat with a cannon blast", ". Pitt next defeated eastern rival Syracuse 23–13, and on November 6, number two ranked Pitt easily handled Army while number one ranked Michigan lost to Purdue. For the first time since 1939, the Pitt Panthers were the number one ranked team in the country. The following week, they successfully defended their top rating in a close Backyard Brawl against rival West Virginia", ". With a record of 10–0, the Panthers headed into their regular season finale with only heated instate rival Penn State standing in the way of Pitt's national title aspirations. At a packed Three Rivers Stadium on the day after Thanksgiving, the Nittany Lions held Dorsett to 51 yards in the first half and had the game tied 7–7", ". Majors adjusted for the second half by shifting Dorsett from tailback to fullback, enabling him to explode for an additional 173 yards as Pitt rolled to a 24–7 victory that capped an undefeated regular season. In December, Dorsett became the first Pitt Panther to win the Heisman Trophy as the nation's best college football player. Dorsett also won the Maxwell Award, the Walter Camp Player of the Year Award, and was named UPI Player of the Year", ". The 11–0 Panthers accepted an invitation to the 1977 Sugar Bowl to face fourth ranked Georgia. Pitt defeated the Bulldogs 27–3 and was voted number one in both the final Associated Press and Coaches polls, claiming their ninth national championship. This was Pitt's first undefeated national championship since 1937. The American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) named Majors the 1976 Coach of the Year", ". The American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) named Majors the 1976 Coach of the Year. Following this historic season, Majors returned to his alma mater, the University of Tennessee, to take the head coaching job.", "Jackie Sherrill, an assistant under Majors at Iowa State and Pitt and the head coach at Washington State, succeeded Majors as head coach at Pitt. Under Sherrill, the winning continued with a 9–2–1 record and Gator Bowl win in 1977. An 8–4 record and Tangerine Bowl appearance followed in 1978. Sherrill stockpiled future NFL talent including Pittsburgh's own quarterback Dan Marino, Hall of Fame inductee Russ Grimm, and Outland Trophy winner Mark May", ". Sherrill also molded a devastating defense that was anchored at the defensive end position manned by Hall of Fame inductee Rickey Jackson and Heisman Trophy runner-up Hugh Green, who had the highest finish in the Heisman voting by a defensive player until 1997, when Michigan's cornerback Charles Woodson, who also played receiver, won the trophy. 1979 began a string of three straight seasons with 11–1 records", ". 1979 began a string of three straight seasons with 11–1 records. However, an early loss at North Carolina in 1979, a midseason loss during a driving rainstorm at Florida State in 1980, and a devastating season-ending defeat at the hands of rival Penn State in 1981 prevented those teams from clinching an AP or Coaches poll national championship", ". The 1981 loss to Penn State at Pitt Stadium was especially devastating, as the number one ranked Panthers had opened up a 14–0 first-quarter lead only to see an apparent Dan Marino touchdown pass intercepted in the endzone. The Nittany Lions scored 48 unanswered points to end the Panthers' dream of a second national championship in five years. In each of these three seasons, Pitt rebounded to win a bowl game: the Fiesta, Gator, and Sugar Bowls respectively", ". The 1982 Sugar Bowl was highlighted by one of the most dramatic plays in Pitt history as Dan Marino hit a streaking John Brown on fourth down in the last seconds of the game for the go-ahead score against a Georgia team that featured Herschel Walker. Sherrill's teams at Pitt are considered by some to be among the most talented in Pitt and college football history", ". The 1980 Pitt team alone featured seven first round draft picks, 23 players who went on to start in the NFL, seven others who played in the NFL, and one player each who played in the CFL and the USFL. Bobby Bowden, legendary coach of Florida State, is quoted as saying, \"I've said it many times, in all my years of coaching, that Pitt team was the best college football team I have ever seen.\" Sherrill left Pitt in early 1982 for Texas A&M, signing a then record contract worth over $1.7 million", ".7 million. In five seasons, Sherrill's Panthers won 50 games, lost nine, and tied one (50–9–1), which places his 0.842 winning percentage at the top of the list for all Pitt coaches, just ahead of Jock Sutherland.", "Fazio, Gottfried, Hackett, and the return of Majors (1982–1996)", "Defensive coordinator and Pitt alumnus Foge Fazio took the reins of the preseason number one team for 1982. Expectations were high—dreams of a national championship seemed realistic. The loaded Panthers, in Marino's senior season, stormed out to a 7–0 record and number one ranking before losing to Notre Dame at Pitt Stadium. A season-ending loss at Penn State and a 1983 Cotton Bowl Classic loss to Southern Methodist left Pitt fans disappointed", ". National championship aspirations again failed to materialize in 1983 when Pitt fell to 8–3–1, including a loss to Ohio State in the 1984 Fiesta Bowl, despite inspired play from All-American offensive tackle Bill Fralic. A disastrous three-win season in 1984 was somewhat redeemed by a season-ending demolition of Penn State. However, a five-win season in 1985 prompted the school to relieve Fazio of his duties.", "Mike Gottfried, who was previously Kansas' head football coach, recruited well, defeated rival Penn State twice, and led Pitt to the 1987 Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl and the 1989 John Hancock Bowl. Late in his tenure, the university's administration increased admissions standards for student-athletes to a level above those of its peer institutions and the NCAA. Gottfried fought these policy changes, which caused him to fall out of favor with the school's administration, including Chancellor Wesley Posvar", ". Additionally, Gottfried had poor relations with boosters, alumni and the media. As a result, Gottfried was fired after the 1989 season despite a 27–16–2 overall record.", "Gottfried was replaced by his offensive coordinator, Paul Hackett, just prior to the 1989 John Hancock Bowl in which Pitt defeated Texas A&M. Under Hackett, the Panthers went 3–7–1 in 1990, improved to 6–5 in 1991 but fell to 3–8 in 1992, leading to his dismissal as head coach. Assistant coach and Pitt alumnus Sal Sunseri took over as interim head coach for the final contest at Hawai'i. With new academic policies in place, the football program underwent a steep decline", ". With new academic policies in place, the football program underwent a steep decline. Hackett only posted one winning season. Hackett's overall record at Pitt is 13–20–1.", "In 1991 Pitt joined the new Big East Football Conference, thus ending its history as a football independent. Pitt had been a member of the Big East in most other sports, including basketball, since 1982.", "The university again looked to its past to reverse its fortunes and brought back Johnny Majors, who had recently resigned from Tennessee after a successful 16-year tenure there. However, recruiting had fallen off significantly under Hackett, and the quality of Pitt's football facilities had fallen behind those of its competition. Over the next four years, Majors tried to recreate the magic of the 1976 season but achieved little success", ". His final campaign in 1996 resulted in a 4–7 record which included several humiliating defeats. A new chancellor, Mark Nordenberg, brought in athletic director Steve Pederson in 1996 to resurrect the program. The move facilitated Majors' retirement from coaching following the 1996 season, although he continued to serve the university in the position of Special Assistant to the Athletic Director and Chancellor until the summer of 2007.", "Walt Harris and Dave Wannstedt (1997–2010)", "The Pitt football program saw many changes instituted in 1997. New athletic director Steve Pederson moved to revamp the athletic department after the preceding years had wounded the program's image. A controversial emphasis on the use of the full name \"Pittsburgh\", at the expense of the university's abbreviated moniker \"Pitt\", along with new logos designed to invoke the heritage of the steel industry in the region, were instituted in an attempt to tie the school more closely to the image of the city", ". New shades of blue and gold were introduced and the athletic booster club was overhauled. Walt Harris, who had built a reputation as a quarterback guru with a background in the West Coast Offense, was brought in to replace Majors in 1997 and undertook the task of rebuilding a program that won only fifteen games in the previous five seasons. Results were almost immediate as Harris took Pitt to the 1997 Liberty Bowl in his first season, finishing with a 6–6 record", ". Over the next two seasons, the Panthers posted a losing record as Harris worked on enhancing the talent in Pitt's program. At the same time, the university administration decided to bring the football program's deteriorating facilities in line with those of Pitt's peers. A state-of-the art practice facility, the UPMC Sports Performance Complex, was constructed on the city's South Side in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center", ". In lieu of much-needed but cost-prohibitive renovations to modernize Pitt Stadium, the administration made a controversial decision to move home games to the newly proposed North Shore stadium, later named Heinz Field, and to demolish Pitt Stadium in order to build a long-awaited convocation center on its footprint. 1999 was the final season for the Panthers in Pitt Stadium, which had served Pitt for 75 seasons", ". 1999 was the final season for the Panthers in Pitt Stadium, which had served Pitt for 75 seasons. On November 13, 1999, the Panthers upset Notre Dame 37–27 in the last game played at the stadium. Although the Panthers showed improvement during the 1999 season, their loss in the season finale at West Virginia left them with a 5–6 record and without a bowl.", "Pitt played its home games in 2000 at Three Rivers Stadium. Behind an increasing number of talented players, led by Biletnikoff Award winner Antonio Bryant, Pitt was back to a winning record in 2000 and played Iowa State in the 2000 Insight.com Bowl. In the second game of the 2000 season, Pitt defeated rival Penn State 12–0 which was the last game played between these two teams for 16 years. In 2001, Pitt began playing its home games at Heinz Field", ". In 2001, Pitt began playing its home games at Heinz Field. Additional bowl games and national rankings followed over the next four seasons. Overall Harris led the Panthers to a bowl game in six of his eight seasons, including five consecutive bowl games from 2000 through 2004, with bowl victories in the 2001 Tangerine Bowl over North Carolina State in 2001 and, led by Biletnikoff and Walter Camp Award winner Larry Fitzgerald, over Oregon State in the 2002 Insight Bowl", ". Harris also led Pittsburgh to a share of the Big East Conference championship in 2004 and Pitt received the conference's automatic Bowl Championship Series (BCS) bowl bid, playing Utah in the 2005 Fiesta Bowl. Harris was named the Big East Conference Coach of the Year in 1997 and 2004, and he was the AFCA Region I Coach of the Year in 2002. Over his eight years at Pitt, from 1997–2004, Harris compiled an overall record of 52–44", ". Over his eight years at Pitt, from 1997–2004, Harris compiled an overall record of 52–44. However, alumni and fans were growing restless with perceived recruiting deficiencies and an inability to return the program to the highest level. When disparaging remarks about the program were made by his agent, Harris' contract negotiations with the school stalled. This led to an announcement prior to the Fiesta Bowl in 2004 that Harris was leaving Pitt to become head coach at Stanford.", "Dave Wannstedt, a Pittsburgh area native and former Pitt player, graduate, and graduate assistant coach (1975–78), who had recently resigned as head coach of the NFL's Miami Dolphins, succeeded Harris as Pitt's head coach on December 23, 2004. Wannstedt's return to his alma mater was marked by a return to the use of the wordmark \"Pitt\" as a logo, including its display on the football helmets.", "Known for his prowess in college recruiting when an assistant to Jimmy Johnson, Wannstedt reeled in classes that were nationally ranked throughout his tenure at Pitt. However, little improvement was seen at first in the record column as Pitt struggled with a 5–6 and 6–6 record in his first two seasons. The 2007 season featured several close losses, but the team showed signs of improvement on the way to a 4–6 record prior to the last game of the season at number two ranked West Virginia", ". The game in Morgantown on December 1, 2007, was the 100th Backyard Brawl, and would prove to be one of the greatest of the series. The four touchdown favorite Mountaineers needed only a win over archrival Pitt to earn a spot in the BCS National Championship Game", ". However, Wannstedt earned his signature victory and marked a turning point for the program with perhaps the biggest upset in both schools' histories when Pitt defeated West Virginia 13–9 and thus prevented the Mountaineers from playing for the national championship.", "The following season, Pitt recorded key victories against Iowa, tenth ranked South Florida, West Virginia, and a 36–33 four-overtime thriller at Notre Dame, the longest game ever for both Notre Dame and Pittsburgh. A close defeat in the River City Rivalry against Cincinnati cost Pitt a conference championship, but the Panthers played in the Sun Bowl, its first bowl bid under Wannstedt, and finished with a 9–3 record", ". In 2009, Pitt shot off to a 9–1 start, its best start since 1982, with impressive wins over Navy, Notre Dame, and Rutgers, and had climbed to ninth in the AP and BCS polls. However, Pitt lost its final two regular season games, including a last second loss by a field goal at West Virginia and a one-point loss at home for the Big East championship to undefeated Cincinnati", ". The Panthers rebounded by winning the Meineke Car Care Bowl over North Carolina, 19–17, to finish ranked 15th and achieve its first ten-win season since 1981. In addition, Pitt players garnered many post-season accolades, including Big East Offensive Player and Rookie of the Year in Dion Lewis, and Big East Co-Defensive Players of the Year in Mick Williams and Greg Romeus.", "Prior to the 2010 season, Pitt was selected as the preseason favorite to win the Big East and was ranked 15th in the preseason polls. However, Pitt stumbled out of the gate with an overtime loss at Utah and dropped out of the polls for the remainder of the season. Although they claimed a share of the Big East championship (along with Connecticut and West Virginia), Pitt ended the regular season with a disappointing 7–5 record and an invitation to the BBVA Compass Bowl", ". This prompted Dave Wannstedt's resignation as head coach on December 7, 2010, with defensive coordinator Phil Bennett taking over for the bowl game.", "Haywood, Graham, and Chryst (2010–2014)", "On December 16, 2010, Miami (OH) head coach Mike Haywood was introduced as Wannstedt's replacement as head coach. At his introductory press conference, athletic director Steve Pederson said Haywood was \"a man of integrity and character and will be a true inspirational leader for our football team.\" However, Haywood's arrest on domestic violence charges in South Bend, Indiana on December 31, two weeks and two days later, prompted Pitt to fire him immediately", ". Haywood never coached a game, recruited a player, led a practice or even hired an assistant coach at Pitt. His 16-day tenure at Pitt is the second shortest in FBS history (only to George O'Leary's five-day tenure at Notre Dame). Despite the turmoil, Bennett led the Panthers to a 27–10 bowl victory over Kentucky on January 8, 2011.", "Following the bowl win, Pitt announced Tulsa head coach Todd Graham as the new head coach of the Panthers. At his introductory press conference, Graham talked about how Pitt was a \"dream come true\" and that he would work hard every day to \"gain everyone's trust\" and that he would coach his players to do the same. Graham instituted a sweeping change of offensive and defensive philosophies but staggered to a 6–6 regular season", ". However, major news for the university was announced in September of that season when Pitt accepted an invitation to join the Atlantic Coast Conference effective July 1, 2013. On December 14, 2011, less than one year after being hired, Graham shocked Pitt when he resigned to take the head coaching position at Arizona State. Defensive coordinator Keith Patterson was named as the interim head coach for the BBVA Compass Bowl, which the Panthers lost to Southern Methodist by a score of 28–6.", "On December 22, 2011, Wisconsin offensive coordinator Paul Chryst was introduced as the head coach and lead the Panthers in their final season of the Big East which included another appearance in the BBVA Compass Bowl and a 6–7 final record. Chryst's hiring made him the Panthers' fourth head football coach since December 2010 (sixth counting interims).", "Chryst led Pitt into the Atlantic Coast Conference where the program competed in the conference's Coastal Division during the 2013 season. The Panthers again posted a 6–6 record in the 2013 regular season and accepted an invitation to the Little Caesars Pizza Bowl, where they defeated Bowling Green 30–27. On December 17, 2014, Chryst was announced as the new head coach at Wisconsin; athletic director Steve Pederson was fired on the same day as Chryst's departure", ". On December 17, 2014 Joe Rudolph was named interim coach for the Armed Forces Bowl against the University of Houston.", "Pat Narduzzi era (2015–present)\n\nOn December 26, 2014; Michigan State defensive coordinator Pat Narduzzi was named the 37th Pitt head coach. Although he did not have any head coaching experience, Narduzzi was regarded as one of the country's best defensive minds and assistant coaches who had recruiting strong ties to the northern United States and, specifically, east Ohio and west Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh signed Narduzzi to a five-year contract.", "Pitt went 8–5 in 2015. The Panthers began the Narduzzi era on September 5 with a 45–37 victory over FCS opponent Youngstown State. Pittsburgh won their second game of the season the following week, defeating Akron by a score of 24–7. After a 27–24 loss to Iowa, Narduzzi's squad defeated Virginia Tech by a margin of 17–13. In the season's fifth game, the Panthers defeated Virginia by a score of 26–19. A third straight win came on October 17 with a 31–28 victory over Georgia Tech", ". A third straight win came on October 17 with a 31–28 victory over Georgia Tech. After a 23–20 victory over Syracuse, Pittsburgh suffered its second defeat of the season with a 26–19 loss to North Carolina. On November 7, Narduzzi's Panthers lost to No. 8 Notre Dame by a score of 42–30. That was followed by a 31–13 victory over Duke. After a 45–34 victory over Louisville, Pitt fell to Miami in the regular season finale by a score of 29–24", ". The Panthers accepted an invitation to the Military Bowl, where they lost to No. 21 Navy by a margin of 44–28. During the 2015 season, Pitt was ranked in the AP top 25 for the first time since 2010. Narduzzi's first full recruiting class, in 2016, was ranked 30th in the country, Pitt's highest ranked class since 2008. On December 10, 2015; Pitt signed Narduzzi to a two-year contract extension and raised his pay.", "The Panthers finished with another 8–5 record in 2016. In the season opener, they defeated in-state FCS opponent Villanova by a score of 28–7. After a 42–39 victory over archrival Penn State, Pittsburgh suffered their first loss of the season, dropping a 45–38 contest to Oklahoma State. After a nailbiting 37–36 loss to North Carolina, Narduzzi's team won a 43–27 contest over Marshall on October 1. A second straight win followed one week later when the Panthers defeated Georgia Tech by a margin of 37–34", ". Narduzzi's squad won a third straight game On October 15 when they defeated Virginia by a score of 45–31. Pittsburgh then suffered consecutive defeats, falling to No. 25 Virginia Tech by a margin of 39–36 and Miami by a score of 51–28. On November 12, the Panthers traveled to Clemson, South Carolina and knocked off No. 3 Clemson by a score of 43–42 on a late field goal", ". 3 Clemson by a score of 43–42 on a late field goal. Pitt followed that huge upset victory with a 56–14 blowout win over Duke and a high-scoring 76–61 shootout victory over Syracuse to finish the regular season. Pittsburgh accepted an invitation to the Pinstripe Bowl, a game they lost to Northwestern by a score of 31–24.", "Pittsburgh slipped to a 5–7 record in 2017. The Panthers kicked off the season on September 2, defeating FCS Youngstown State in overtime by a score of 28–21. One week later, Pitt lost the Keystone Classic to archrival No. 4 Penn State by a margin of 33–14. In the season's third game, Narduzzi's squad lost its second straight contest with a 59–21 defeat at the hands of No. 9 Oklahoma State", ". 9 Oklahoma State. After a 42–10 victory over Rice, the Panthers lost another two straight; falling to Syracuse by a margin of 27–24 and No. 20 NC State by a score of 35–17. Pitt then won their next two; defeating Duke by a margin of 24–17 and Virginia by a score of 31–14. After a 34–31 loss to North Carolina and a 20–14 defeat to No. 17 Virginia Tech knocked the Panthers out of bowl contention, Narduzzi's team finished the season with a big upset victory, stunning No. 2 Miami by a score of 24–14", ". 2 Miami by a score of 24–14. On December 6, 2017, the University of Pittsburgh administration signed Narduzzi to another contract extension and raise, extending his deal by seven years. Narduzzi led Pitt to its first ACC Coastal Division Championship in 2018.", "In 2021, Narduzzi led Pitt to a 10–2 regular season and the ACC Coastal Division title. The Panthers faced Wake Forest in the 2021 ACC Championship Game, where they won 45–21, leading to Pitt's first ACC conference title (as well as their first conference title since 2010). They were invited to the Peach Bowl in 2021, where they lost to Michigan State by a score of 31–21.\n\nNational championships\n\nPitt-claimed", "The University of Pittsburgh claims nine national championships in football. Eight of these claims (1915, 1916, 1918, 1929, 1931, 1936, 1937, and 1976) are taken from the total of 11 seasons in which the Panthers have been selected as a national champion by a \"major selector\" as determined by the Official NCAA Records Book. In addition, Pitt also claims a national championship for the 1934 season", ". In addition, Pitt also claims a national championship for the 1934 season. The university bases its claim for the five national championships from 1929 to 1937 on a 1967 article by Dan Jenkins of Sports Illustrated. The only selector attributed for three of the five was Parke Davis.", "The nine national championships claimed by Pitt are presented in its annual football media guide: All selections for seasons before 1934 were made retrospectively (selected years or decades later).", "For seasons shown above other than the two in which Pitt was selected by a major poll as national champion, these persons created math rating systems that selected Pitt:\nRichard Billingsley 1916 \nWilliam Boand 1936\nDeke Houlgate, Sr. 1916, 1918, 1936\nOther selectors shown above for seasons before major polls began:\nown selections: \nBill Schroeder 1916, 1918\nParke Davis 1915, 1916, 1929, 1931, 1934 (posthumous)\nmember polling: \nNational Championship Foundation 1916, 1918", "NCAA records book\n        see also: Year-by-year list of \"Major\" National Championship Selections\n\nAccording to the Official NCAA Division 1 Football Records Book, Pitt has been named a national champion by a \"Major Selector\" in 11 separate seasons. The seasons listed in the NCAA Records Book include:\n\n1910 • 1915 • 1916 • 1918 • 1929 • 1931 • 1936 • 1937 • 1976 • 1980 • 1981\n\nCFBDW", "College Football Data Warehouse lists nine recognized national championship seasons in which the University of Pittsburgh was named a national champion. CFBDW lists the Joe Thompson coached 1910 undefeated and unscored upon team as a recognized national champion, whereas the university does not claim this championship. However, CFBDW does not list the 1934 season, claimed by Pitt, as a recognized championship season", ". However, CFBDW does not list the 1934 season, claimed by Pitt, as a recognized championship season. The following nine seasons are the years Pitt is listed as a recognized national champion in College Football Data Warehouse:", "1910 • 1915 • 1916 • 1918 • 1929 • 1931 • 1936 • 1937 • 1976", "According to research conducted by College Football Data Warehouse, in seven additional seasons to the ones listed above, at least one selector (some not \"major\") of national championships has declared Pitt as its national champion, for a total of 16 selections. In four of these seasons, there was a single selector of Pitt (1925, 1929, 1933, 1938). In 1937 and 1976 there were 27 and 31 such selectors, respectively", ". In 1937 and 1976 there were 27 and 31 such selectors, respectively. The 16 seasons that Pitt was selected as a national champion by at least one selector according to CFBDW research include:", "1910 • 1915 • 1916 • 1917 • 1918 • 1925 • 1927 • 1929 • 1931 • 1933 • 1936 • 1937 • 1938 • 1976 • 1980 • 1981", "National Poll-era (1936–present)\nSince the advent of the AP Poll in 1936, Pitt has been selected as its National Champion twice, in 1937 and 1976. Until the 1968 college football season, the final AP poll of the season was released following the end of the regular season, with the exception of the 1965 season, and did not consider the results of bowl games. The other major national poll, the Coaches' Poll, began in 1950 and has selected Pitt as its National Champion once, in 1976.", "Summary\nThe following table summarizes the source and totals for Pitt's national championship seasons.\n\nConference affiliations\n Independent (1890–1990)\n Big East Conference (1991–2012)\n Atlantic Coast Conference (2013–present)\n\nConference championships\nPittsburgh has won three conference championships, one outright and two shared.\n\n† Co-champions\n\nDivision championships\nPittsburgh has won two division championships.\n\nBowl games", "† Co-champions\n\nDivision championships\nPittsburgh has won two division championships.\n\nBowl games\n\nPitt has been to 37 bowl games throughout its history, winning 15 and losing 22.\n\nFacilities\n\nThe team first played at Recreation Park. Beginning in 1900, the Panthers played their games at Exposition Park on the North Shore of Pittsburgh, sharing the stadium with the Pittsburgh Pirates.", "In 1909 the Panthers, along with the Pirates, moved to Forbes Field, located on campus, where they played until 1924. In 1925, Pitt Stadium was completed on the opposite end of the campus, giving the Panthers their only private stadium. Pitt Stadium was home for the Panthers although the Steelers also used it for home games in the mid-1960s", ". Following the demolition of Pitt Stadium in 1999, the Panthers moved to Three Rivers Stadium, again on the North Shore, where the Pirates and Steelers had played since 1970. A handful of nationally televised Pitt Panther football games from the late 1970s to 1999 were played as home games not at Pitt Stadium but at Three Rivers with its more modern facilities.", "Acrisure Stadium (formerly Heinz Field) opened in 2001, where the Panthers play as a co-tenant with the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Panthers' practice facility is the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Sports Performance Complex which is also shared with the Steelers.\n\nFirsts\n\nPitt football has been involved in several notable first-time occurrences in the history of college football, including:", "First known use of numbers on the uniforms of football players was instituted by Pitt in 1908 during the coaching tenure of John Moorehead.\n First live radio broadcast of a college football game in the United States when Harold W. Arlin announced the 21–13 Pitt victory in the Backyard Brawl over West Virginia at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh on KDKA on October 8, 1921.", "First nationwide television broadcast of a live sporting event, a football game against Duke at Pitt Stadium, was televised coast-to-coast by NBC on September 29, 1951.\n First college football player, Tony Dorsett, at any level to rush for over 6,000 yards in a career.\n First defensive player, Hugh Green, to win the Walter Camp Award (1980).", "First defensive player, Hugh Green, to win the Walter Camp Award (1980).\n First live regular-season broadcast by ESPN of a college football game when eventual national champion BYU defeated Pitt, 20–14, at Pitt Stadium on September 1, 1984.\n First sophomore, Larry Fitzgerald, to win the Walter Camp Award (2003).", "Traditions", "The Panther (Puma concolor) was adopted by the university as its official athletic mascot by a group of students and alumni in 1909. The suggestion to adopt the Panther as mascot was made by George M. P. Baird, Class of 1909. Over 20 representations of panthers can be found in and around the university's campus and athletic facilities, including outside Acrisure Stadium", ". Students, alumni, and fans rub the nose of one Panther statue in particular, the Millennium Panther located outside the William Pitt Union, in order to bring good luck to the football team prior to games. This tradition was featured in a national television advertisement for the 2012 Hyundai Tucson automobile. In addition, a costumed mascot, named \"Roc\", performs with the Pitt Cheerleaders at various athletic and non-athletic university events.", "Among the oldest traditions is the Official University Yell, dating to 1890, that has survived as lyrics within the fight song \"Hail to Pitt\". This song, along with the Pitt Victory Song, and The Panther Song, are the most common of Pitt fight songs performed on game days by the Pitt Band. The Pitt Band also participates in the \"Panthers Prowl\" which begins two hours before kickoff and allows fans to meet the team as they make their way into Acrisure Stadium outside Gate A", ". Originally, this tradition began as players made their way into Pitt Stadium. One hour prior to kick off, the Pitt Band also engages in the \"March to Victory\" from Tony Dorsett Drive down General Robinson Street and ending at the stage on Art Rooney Avenue. This tradition dates back to before the move to Acrisure Stadium when the Pitt Band would march throughout the streets of Oakland campus before arriving at Pitt Stadium", ". In addition, at halftime, the band typically will play in at least one formation spelling out \"PITT\". Other football traditions include:", "A giant inflatable football helmet is set up on the lawn of the William Pitt Union during the week prior to football home games. Typically, information or other freebees are distributed around the helmet prior to the day of the game.\n A 50-yard-long Hail to Pitt Flag is carried by 100 students, selected for each home football game, onto the field during pre-game ceremonies.", "Student organizations, carrying standards, form a tunnel for the football players to run through as they enter the football field from the locker room. Originally, this long-standing tradition involved only Pitt fraternities and sororities. The tradition was briefly lost following the 1999 season when Pitt's football program transitioned from playing in Pitt Stadium to Three Rivers Stadium in 2000 followed by Acrisure Stadium in 2001. The tradition was resurrected beginning with the 2008 football season.", "Following touchdowns, the horns of the Gateway Clipper riverboat fleet, which cruises just outside Acrisure Stadium, sound.\n When the Pitt offense moves into the 20-yard line, two large, motorized Heinz ketchup bottles flanking either side of the scoreboard tilt over and beginning to pour out their electronic contents onto the JumboTron's screen signifying the team's move into the \"red zone\".", "The upper section of the Cathedral of Learning has been illuminated gold with \"victory lights\" after a football team victory since 1983. In February 2018, a blue beam was added atop the Cathedral to accompany the gold lights.", "During home games, the jumbotron leads the crowd in a \"Let's Go Pitt!\" version of \"Sweet Caroline\", originally played between the 3rd and 4th quarter, but more recently at random times during games. During away games the Pitt Band will lead the visitor Pitt fans in a rendition of the song.\n Following home wins, the team gathers in front of the Pitt student section to celebrate with fans and the Pitt Band. After road wins, the team also congregates near the Pitt visiting section to celebrate.", "Student section", "During the late 1990s, athletic director Steve Pederson instituted a rebranding of the Pitt Stadium student section in an attempt to bolster enthusiasm and unity by emphasizing the 12th man concept. The stadium was repainted with the student section changed to section \"12\" and a large inflatable jersey bearing number 12 was placed near the section", ". Upon the move to Acrisure Stadium, the athletic department, in collaboration with their sideline apparel outfitter at the time Aéropostale, created the Aero-Zone. The Aero-Zone served as an exclusive on-field seating section for Pitt students where the first 200 students who lined up for the section before the game with student were admitted if they possessed tickets and proper identification. The Aero-Zone failed to catch sustained interest and was eventually discontinued", ". The Aero-Zone failed to catch sustained interest and was eventually discontinued. Other groups also attempted to create a more unified student section for football.", "The current official Pitt football student fan club and cheering section, the Panther Pitt, was founded in 2003 by Pitt students Robin Frank and Julie Brennan to attempt to organize an Oakland Zoo-like atmosphere at Acrisure Stadium for football games. The Panther Pitt helped in coordinating student ticking policies with the athletic department and the Oakland Zoo", ". In 2006, the Panther Pitt and the Pitt Student Government Board originated the concept of \"Code Blue\" in which students wear blue T-shirts to the game to match the home blue uniforms of the Pitt football team. During some seasons, these shirts were commonly worn by students attending football games with the back of \"Code-Blue\" T-shirts typically include the line \"Alle-genee-genac-genac\" from the Official University Yell", ". In 2013, ESPN recognized the Panther Pitt as one of the nation's best college football student sections.", "Rivalries", "For most of Pitt's football history its chief rival had been in-state foe Penn State. The first Pitt-Penn State game was played in 1893. The game has been played 99 times, with Penn State holding a 52–43–4 edge in the series. After a 16-year hiatus the rivalry was renewed following Joe Paterno's death in 2012 and resumed with a 42–39 Pitt victory on September 10, 2016", ". The 100th game of the series will take place in 2019 and is the last match up for the foreseeable future as Penn State athletic director Sandy Barbour claims that an extension will not be considered until at least 2030.", "One of Pitt's fiercest rivals has been with the West Virginia Mountaineers. Dubbed the Backyard Brawl, the rivalry was first played in 1895 and is one of the oldest and most played in college football. Of historic note, the 1921 Backyard Brawl was the first live radio broadcast of a college football game in the United States. On November 10, 1979, the Backyard Brawl was the last college football game played at old Mountaineer Field in Morgantown, West Virginia, with the Panthers prevailing 24–17", ". Through the 2011 season, Pitt and West Virginia have met on the gridiron a total of 104 times with Pitt holding a 61–40–3 edge in the series. In September 2015 it was announced the series will renew for the 2022–2025 seasons.", "Other longstanding rivals include Notre Dame and Syracuse; both schools are tied as the third most played rivalry for Pitt. The series with Notre Dame began in 1909, and since that time no more than two consecutive seasons have passed without the teams meeting each other with the exception of the periods from 1913–1929, 1938–1942, and 1979–1981. Notre Dame leads the series 50–21–1", ". Notre Dame leads the series 50–21–1. Games between Pitt and the Irish had typically been scheduled annually, however, Notre Dame's agreement to play five ACC opponents each year starting in 2014 precluded annual games, so Pitt and Notre Dame will meet no more than twice during a three-year period. The rivalry with fellow ACC conference member Syracuse began in 1916, and has been played annually since 1955, with the Panthers leading the series 37–31–3", ". Pitt and Syracuse also shared membership in the Big East Conference from 1991 to 2012 before both schools simultaneously moved to the ACC where they are designated as cross-divisional rivals and are scheduled to meet annually.", "Pitt and Navy recently renewed their rivalry, which began in 1912, and was played 26 times in 29 years between 1961 and 1989. Played consecutively between 2007 and 2009, and again in 2013, the series now stands with Pitt leading 22–14–3. Of historic interest, it was during the Pitt-Navy game at Annapolis on October 23, 1976, that Pitt running back Tony Dorsett broke the NCAA career rushing record.", "When the University of Cincinnati joined the Big East Conference in 2005, the game between Pitt and the Bearcats was designated as the River City Rivalry with the annual winner of the game being awarded the Paddlewheel Trophy. Each team won four games during the eight-year span that both schools shared membership in the Big East. Pitt leads the series 8–4. The series will be renewed in 2023 and 2024.", "Older rivalries against cross-town schools Duquesne and Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie Mellon University), as well as Washington & Jefferson, ended following the de-emphasizing of the football programs at those institutions.\n\nTeam awards and accomplishments\n\nUndefeated seasons", "Team awards and accomplishments\n\nUndefeated seasons\n\nPitt has had eight undefeated seasons. Six of the eight seasons are perfect seasons with no ties. Of the eight undefeated seasons, four are not claimed as national championship seasons by Pitt. Pitt football finished the season undefeated in:\n\n1904 (10–0) • 1910 (9–0) • 1915 (8–0) • 1916 (8–0) • 1917 (10–0) • 1920 (6–0–2) • 1937 (9–0–1) • 1976 (12–0)\n\nOne-loss seasons\nPitt also has had 17 one-loss seasons:", "One-loss seasons\nPitt also has had 17 one-loss seasons:\n\n1894 • 1899 • 1914 • 1918 • 1925 • 1927 • 1929 • 1931 • 1932 • 1933 • 1934 • 1935 • 1936 • 1963 • 1979 • 1980 • 1981", "Eastern and Conference titles", "For much of its history, Pitt played as an independent, as did the majority of what are now labeled as Division I FBS football-playing schools located in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. During this time, Eastern Championships were named by independent third party selectors and awarded of various trophies, such as the early Jolly Trophy awarded by the Philadelphia-based Veteran Athletic Organization which presented it to the team with the best record in the East", ". The process of picking an Eastern Champion eventually came to be symbolized by the Lambert-Meadowlands Trophy awarded by the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority beginning in 1936. The Lambert-Meadowlands trophy, which is still awarded, is presented to the team deemed to be the best that located in the East or plays half its schedule against eligible Lambert teams. In total, Pitt has won 12 Eastern Championships.", "In addition, in 1991, the majority of football independents in the East aligned themselves together in the Big East Football Conference. Round-robin play began in the Big East beginning in 1993, although a championship was awarded during its first two years.\n\nNumber 1 ranking\nPitt has achieved the number one ranking in the major national polls (AP since 1936 and Coaches' since 1950) on the following occasions:", "1982 (September 7, October 26, November 2)\n 1981 (November 3, 10, 17, 24)\n 1976 (November 9, 16, 23, 30, January 5, 1977#)\n 1939 (October 17)\n 1938 (October 18, 25, November 1)\n 1937 (November 9, 16, 23, 30#)\n#National Champion\n\nIndividual awards\n\nRetired numbers\n\nPitt has retired 10 numbers of former football players.\n\nMajor award winners", "Retired numbers\n\nPitt has retired 10 numbers of former football players.\n\nMajor award winners\n\nHeisman Trophy\nTony Dorsett – 1976\nMaxwell Award\nTony Dorsett – 1976\nHugh Green – 1980\nWalter Camp Award\nTony Dorsett – 1976\nHugh Green – 1980\nLarry Fitzgerald – 2003\nChuck Bednarik Award\nAaron Donald – 2013", "Lombardi Award\nHugh Green – 1980\nAaron Donald – 2013\nBronko Nagurski Trophy\nAaron Donald – 2013\nOutland Trophy\nMark May – 1980\nAaron Donald – 2013\nBiletnikoff Award\nAntonio Bryant – 2000\nLarry Fitzgerald – 2003\nJordan Addison – 2021\nJohnny Unitas Golden Arm Award\nKenny Pickett – 2021\nDisney's Wide World of Sports Spirit Award\nJames Conner – 2016\nTre Tipton – 2021\nPatrick Mannelly Award\nCal Adomitis – 2021", "Walter Camp Coach of the Year\nJohnny Majors – 1973\nJackie Sherrill – 1981\nAFCA Coach of the Year\nJohnny Majors – 1976\nEddie Robinson Coach of the Year\nJohnny Majors – 1973, 1976\n\nHeisman finalists\n\nPitt players were among the finalists for the Heisman Trophy Award in 15 different seasons.\n\nCollege Football Hall of Fame inductees\n\n25 total former players or coaches have been inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.", "25 total former players or coaches have been inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.\n\nPlayers\nThe College Football Hall of Fame has inducted 19 former Panthers inducted as players.\n\n Ruben Brown (1991–1994)\n Jimbo Covert (1979–1982)\n Averell Daniell (1934–1936)\n Tom Davies (1918–1921)\n Mike Ditka (1958–1960)\n Joseph Donchess (1927–1929)\n Tony Dorsett (1973–1976)\n Bill Fralic (1981–1984)\n Marshall Goldberg (1936–1938)\n Hugh Green (1977–1980)", "Dan Marino (1979–1982)\n Mark May (1977–1980)\n George McLaren (1915–1918)\n Robert Peck (1913–1916)\n Joe Schmidt (1950–1952)\n Joe Skladany (1931–1933)\n Herb Stein (1918–1921)\n Joe Thompson (player 1904–1906, coach 1909–1912)\n Hube Wagner (1910–1913)\n\nIn addition, Herb McCracken, who played at Pitt from 1918–1920, was inducted as a coach of Allegheny and Lafayette.", "Coaches\nThe College Football Hall of Fame has inducted four former Panther coaches.\n Jock Sutherland (Pitt player from 1914–1917, and Pitt coach from 1924–1938)\n Pop Warner (Pitt coach from 1915–1923)\n Clark Shaughnessy (Pitt coach from 1943–1945)\n Len Casanova (Pitt coach in 1950)\n\nThe following two Pitt coaches have been inducted into the Hall of Fame as players at their respective schools.\n Wes Fesler (Ohio State; Pitt coach in 1946)\n Johnny Majors (Tennessee; Pitt coach from 1973–1976 and 1993–1996)", "First–team All-Americans", "Pitt has had 82 different players selected as First Team All-American throughout its history for a total of 98 all-time First Team All-American Selections. That total includes 55 selections which have attained Consensus status. Pitt's Consensus First Team selections ranks as the eighth most consensus All-Americans among Division I FBS schools", ". The following list of Pitt's First Team All-Americans is compiled for the Pitt football media guide from various sources including the NCAA Football Guide, and consists of players who were first-team selections on one or more of the All American teams which were made over the years by Walter Camp, Grantland Rice, Caspar Whitney, International News Service, Associated Press, United Press International, NANA, NEA, the Football Writers Association of America, the Football Coaches Association", ", NANA, NEA, the Football Writers Association of America, the Football Coaches Association, the All-America Board, Newsweek, The Sporting News, and Sports Illustrated", ".", "Academic All-Americans\n\nPitt has had 15 different football players named as College Sports Information Directors of America Academic-All Americans for a total of 23 selections. In addition, five Pitt players have been named as a National Scholar-Athletes by the National Football Foundation and three players have awarded NCAA Postgraduate Scholarships.\n\nConference awards", "The University of Pittsburgh football program was an independent for the majority of its history. It joined the Big East Conference for football in 1991, the inaugural year that the Big East sponsored the sport. Pitt won a share of the Big East football championship in 2004 and 2010. In 2013, Pitt joined the ACC", ". In 2013, Pitt joined the ACC. Several Panthers have won various Big East Conference football awards and Atlantic Coast Conference football awards, including Offensive Player, Defensive Player, Special Teams Player, Rookie, and Coach of the Year.", "Player of the Year\n2014 James Conner, RB, So\n2021 Kenny Pickett, QB, Sr\n Offensive Player of the Year\n1994 Billy West, RB, So\n2000 Antonio Bryant*, WR, So\n2003 Larry Fitzgerald, WR, So\n2009 Dion Lewis, RB, Fr\n2014 James Conner, RB, So\n2021 Kenny Pickett, QB, Sr\n\n Defensive Player of the Year\n2006 H.B. Blades, LB, Sr\n2008 Scott McKillop, LB, Sr\n2009 Greg Romeus*, DE, Jr\n2009 Mick Williams*, DT, Sr\n2010 Jabaal Sheard, DE, Sr\n2013 Aaron Donald, DT, Sr\n2022 Calijah Kancey, DT, Sr", "Special Teams Player of the Year\n2002 Andy Lee*, P, Jr\n2003 Andy Lee*, P, Sr\n\n Rookie of the Year\n1991 Tom Tumulty, LB\n2002 Larry Fitzgerald, WR\n2007 LeSean McCoy#, RB\n2009 Dion Lewis#, RB\n2015 Jordan Whitehead*, S\n2015 Qadree Ollison*, RB\n\n Scholar-Athlete of the Year\n2004 Vince Crochunis, DL   Administration & Policy Studies\n2008 Conor Lee, PK   Business & Economics, MBA\n Most Courageous (Brian Piccolo Award)\n2016 James Conner, RB, JR", "Coach of the Year\n1997 Walt Harris, 1st year\n2004 Walt Harris, 8th year\n\n*co-recipient, #unanimous selection\n\nPanthers in the NFL", "Pitt has produced 289 NFL players including ten that went on to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame and 31 that have been selected to play in the Pro Bowl. Furthermore, in a survey of NFL drafts from 1979 to 2009, ESPN rated Pitt third, behind only USC and Miami, for having \"the most fertile NFL draft pipelines.\" In addition, Pitt has been ranked second among all schools for the historical value of its drafted players", ". Some former Pitt players that have left their mark on the NFL include Ruben Brown, Jimbo Covert, Mike Ditka, Chris Doleman, Aaron Donald, Tony Dorsett, Larry Fitzgerald, Russ Grimm, Craig \"Ironhead\" Heyward, Rickey Jackson, Dan Marino, Curtis Martin, Mark May, LeSean McCoy, Darrelle Revis, and Tony Siragusa.", "Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees\nTen Panthers have been elected into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Pitt is tied for fourth among all colleges and universities for the number of former players inducted. Pitt's ten Hall of Famers and their year of induction and years played are:", "Joe Schmidt (Enshrined in 1973; Played 1949–1952)\n Mike Ditka (Enshrined in 1988; Played 1957–1960)\n Tony Dorsett (Enshrined in 1994; Played 1972–1976)\n Dan Marino (Enshrined in 2005; Played 1979–1982)\n Russ Grimm (Enshrined in 2010; Played 1977–1980)\n Rickey Jackson (Enshrined in 2010; Played 1977–1980)\n Curtis Martin (Enshrined in 2012; Played 1991–1994)\n Chris Doleman (Enshrined in 2012; Played 1981–1984)\n Jimbo Covert (Enshrined in 2020; Played 1978–1982)", "Jimbo Covert (Enshrined in 2020; Played 1978–1982)\n Darrelle Revis (Enshrined in 2023; Played 2004–2006)", "NFL All-Decade Teams \nThe following former Panthers were named to NFL All-Decade Teams (and 75th and 100th Anniversary All-Time Teams, selected in 1994 and 2019, respectively). Bold indicates those elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.\n\nPro Bowl selections\n\nThrough the 2022 NFL season, 34 former Pitt players have been selected to appear in the NFL Pro Bowl for a total of 128 all-time Pro Bowl selections. Pitt has been represented by at least one Pro Bowl selection every year since 1981.", "NFL first round draftees\nThroughout its history, the University of Pittsburgh has had 278 players selected 299 times in professional football drafts when totaling both NFL and AFL picks. This includes 27 First Round NFL draft picks since 1960.\n\nCurrent NFL players\nAs of October 16, 2023, there are 20 NFL players that played college football at the University of Pittsburgh:", "Israel Abanikanda, RB (New York Jets)\n Jordan Addison*, WR (Minnesota Vikings)\n Cal Adomitis, LS (Cincinnati Bengals)\n Tyler Boyd, WR (Cincinnati Bengals)\n James Conner#, RB (Arizona Cardinals)\n SirVocea Dennis, LB (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)\n Aaron Donald#, DT (Los Angeles Rams)\n Damar Hamlin, SS (Buffalo Bills)\n Dane Jackson, CB (Buffalo Bills)\n Patrick Jones II, DE (Minnesota Vikings)", "Calijah Kancey, DE (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)\n Avonte Maddox, CB (Philadelphia Eagles)\n Damarri Mathis, CB (Denver Broncos)\n Brian O'Neill#, OT (Minnesota Vikings)\n Nathan Peterman, QB (Chicago Bears)\n Kenny Pickett, QB (Pittsburgh Steelers)\n Jason Pinnock, CB (New York Giants)\n Carter Warren, T (New York Jets)\n Rashad Weaver, LB (Tennessee Titans)\n Jordan Whitehead, FS (New York Jets)\n\n #Selected to the Pro Bowl. *Played two seasons at Pitt before transferring to USC for his final season.", "Future non-conference opponents\nAnnounced schedules as of February 11, 2023.\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nFurther information", "University of Pittsburgh Football Vault: The History of the Panthers. Sam Sciullo, Jr. Atlanta: Whitman Pulblishing, 2008, \n University of Pittsburgh Football Media Guide 2008. E.J. Borghetti, Mendy Nestor, and Celeste Welsch eds. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 2008\n Paths of Glory: The Dramatic Story of Pitt's First Century of Football. Video. Ross Sports Productions. 1991", "Greatest Moments in Pitt Football History. Mike Bynum, Larry Eldridge, Jr., and Sam Sciullo, Jr. eds. Nashville, Tennessee: Athlon Sports Communications, 1994, \n Hail to Pitt: A Sports History of the University of Pittsburgh. Jim O'Brien, ed. and Marty Wolfson, illus. Pittsburgh; Wolfson Publishing Co., 1982, \n Pitt: The Story of the University of Pittsburgh 1787–1987. Robert C. Alberts. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1986,", "Tales from the Pitt Panthers. Sam Sciullo, Jr. Champaign, Illinois: Sports Publishing LLC, 2004, \n The Year the Panthers Roared. Francis J. Fitzgerald, ed., Louisville, Kentucky, AdCraft Sports, 1996, \n Jock Sutherland: Architect of Men. Harry G. Scott. New York: Exposition Press, 1954.\n\nExternal links\n\n \n\n \nAmerican football teams established in 1890\n1890 establishments in Pennsylvania" ]
List of unincorporated communities in Ontario
[ "The following is a list of unincorporated and informal communities in the province of Ontario, Canada. These communities are not independent communities, these are usually a part of a township for the district, within a county. In non-urban areas, these are postal addresses.\n\nNote: this list is not necessarily organized by municipality. For organized municipalities see list of municipalities in Ontario and for census subdivisions see list of census subdivisions in Ontario.\n\n#\n10th Line Shore\n\nA", "Aberdeen, Grey County\nAberdeen, Prescott and Russell County\nAberfeldy\nAberfoyle\nAbingdon\nAbitibi 70\nAbitibi Canyon\nAboyne\nAcanthus\nAchill\nAchray\nActinolite\nActon\nActons Corners\nAdamsdale\nAdamsville\nAdanac, Nipissing District\nAdanac, Parry Sound District\nAddington\nAddison\nAdelaide-Metcalfe\nAdelard\nAdolphustown\nAdvance\nAgawa Bay\nAgerton\nAhmic Harbour\nAhmic Lake\nAikensville\nAilsa Craig\nAirlie\nAlban\nAlbert\nAlbion\nAlbuna\nAlbury\nAlcona\nAlder\nAlderdale\nAldershot\nAlderslea\nAlderville\nAldreds Beach\nAlexandria", "Albion\nAlbuna\nAlbury\nAlcona\nAlder\nAlderdale\nAldershot\nAlderslea\nAlderville\nAldreds Beach\nAlexandria\nAlfred\nAlgoma Mills\nAlgonquin\nAlice\nAllan Mills\nAllan Park\nAllanburg\nAllandale\nAllans Corners\nAllen\nAllenford\nAllens Corner\nAllensville\nAllanwater Bridge\nAllenwood\nAllenwood Beach\nAllimil\nAllisonville\nAlliston\nAlloa\nAlma\nAlmira\nAlmonte\nAlport\nAlsace\nAlsfeldt\nAlthorpe\nAlton\nAltona\nAlvanley\nAlvinston\nAmaranth Station\nAmberley\nAmeliasburgh\nAmeliasburgh Township\nAmesdale\nAmherstburg\nAmherst Pointe\nAmherstview", "Amberley\nAmeliasburgh\nAmeliasburgh Township\nAmesdale\nAmherstburg\nAmherst Pointe\nAmherstview\nAmigo Beach\nAmulree\nAmyot\nAncaster\nAnderson\nAndrewsville\nAngus\nAngus Glen\nAnnable\nAnsnorveldt\nAnsonville\nAnten Mills\nAntrim\nAppin\nAppleby Corner\nApple Hill\nApsley\nArdbeg\nArden\nArdendale\nArdoch\nArdtrea\nAriss\nArklan\nArkona\nArkwright\nArmadale\nArmstrong, Thunder Bay District\nArmstrong Corners\nArmstrong Mills\nAroland First Nation\nArranvale\nArthur\nArva\nAshburn\nAshby Mills\nAshgrove\nAshton\nAshworth\nAspdin\nAsselstine", "Arranvale\nArthur\nArva\nAshburn\nAshby Mills\nAshgrove\nAshton\nAshworth\nAspdin\nAsselstine\nAssumption\nAstorville\nAtherley\nAtherton\nAthol, Prince Edward County\nAthol, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties\nAtironto\nAttawapiskat\nAtwood\nAuden\nAughrim\nAustin\nAvening\nAvonmore\nAylen\nAylen Lake\nAylen Lake Station\nAyr\nAyton\nAzilda", "B", "Babys Point\nBaddow\nBaden\nBadenoch\nBadger's Corners\nBadjeros\nBagnall\nBaie Du Dore\nBailey Corners\nBailieboro\nBainsville\nBairds\nBala\nBalderson\nBallantrae\nBallinafad\nBallycanoe\nBallycroy\nBallyduff\nBallymote\nBalmertown\nBalmy Beach\nBalsam Creek\nBalsam Hill\nBaltimore\nBamberg\nBanda\nBanner\nBannockburn\nBaptiste\nBarb\nBardsville\nBarhead\nBarlochan\nBarriefield\nBar River\nBarry's Bay\nBarrymere\nBarwick\nBasingstoke\nBass Creek\nBatawa\nBatchawana Bay\nBath\nBathurst\nBatteaux\nBattersea\nBaxter\nBayfield\nBayfield Inlet\nBayham", "Batawa\nBatchawana Bay\nBath\nBathurst\nBatteaux\nBattersea\nBaxter\nBayfield\nBayfield Inlet\nBayham\nBayside\nBaysville\nBayview Park\nBeachburg\nBeachville\nBealton\nBeamsville\nBeardmore\nBearskin Lake\nBeatrice\nBeaumaris\nBeaverdale\nBeaver Lake\nBeaver Meadow\nBeaverton\nBeeton\nBélanger\nBelangers Corners\nBelgrave\nBelfountain\nBell Ewart\nBellamys\nBellamys Mill\nBell Rapids\nBelle-Eau-Claire Beach\nBelle River\nBell's Corners\nBells Crossing\nBelmont\nBelmore\nBelton\nBelwood\nBenallen\nBenmiller\nBennington\nBent River\nBentinck\nBentpath", "Belmont\nBelmore\nBelton\nBelwood\nBenallen\nBenmiller\nBennington\nBent River\nBentinck\nBentpath\nBergland\nBerkeley\nBerriedale\nBerryton\nBerwick\nBethany\nBethel, Elizabethtown-Kitley\nBethel, Kawartha Lakes\nBethel, Port Colborne\nBethel, Prince Edward\nBeveridge Locks\nBeverly Hills\nBewdley\nBickford\nBiddulph\nBidwell\nBig Bay\nBig Cedar\nBig Chute\nBig Lake\nBig Trout Lake\nBigwood\nBill's Corners\nBirdell\nBirdsalls\nBirds Creek\nBirge Mills\nBirkendale\nBirr\nBiscotasing\nBishopsgate\nBishop Corners\nBismarck\nBisseltown\nBisset Creek", "Birge Mills\nBirkendale\nBirr\nBiscotasing\nBishopsgate\nBishop Corners\nBismarck\nBisseltown\nBisset Creek\nBlackburn Hamlet\nBlack Hawk\nBlacks Corners, Dufferin County\nBlacks Corners, Lanark County\nBlack Rapids\nBlackstock\nBlackstone Lake\nBlackwater\nBlairton\nBlanchard's Landing\nBlayney\nBlenheim\nBlezard Valley\nBloomfield\nBloomington\nBloomsburg\nBlossom Park\nBlount, Cochrane District, Ontario\nBlount, Dufferin County, Ontario\nBlue\nBlue Church\nBlue Corners\nThe Blue Mountains\nBlue Springs, Halton Region", "Blue\nBlue Church\nBlue Corners\nThe Blue Mountains\nBlue Springs, Halton Region\nBlue Springs, Wellington County\nBlue Water Beach\nBlyth\nBlytheswood\nBobcaygeon\nBogarttown\nBoland's Bay\nBolton\nBona Vista\nBonarlaw\nBond Head\nBoninville\nBonville\nBooth's Harbour\nBoothville\nBorden\nBordenwood\nBoston\nBothwell\nBourget\nBowling Green, Dufferin County\nBowling Green, Chatham-Kent\nBowmanville\nBowser's Corner\nBox Grove\nBoyds\nBoyne\nBrackenrig\nBradford\nBradshaw, Frontenac County, Ontario\nBradshaw, Lambton County, Ontario\nBraemar", "Brackenrig\nBradford\nBradshaw, Frontenac County, Ontario\nBradshaw, Lambton County, Ontario\nBraemar\nBraeside\nBray Lake\nBrechin\nBrent\nBrentwood\nBridgenorth\nBrier Hill\nBrights Grove\nBrightside\nBritainville\nBritannia\nBritt\nBroadbent\nBrockview\nBromley\nBrooklin\nBrooksdale\nBrooks Landing\nBrougham\nBrown's Corners\nBrownsville, Durham Regional Municipality, Ontario\nBrownsville, Oxford County, Ontario\nBrucedale\nBruce Station\nBrussels\nBryanston\nBuckhorn\nBulgers Corners\nBullock\nBummer's Roost\nBunessan\nBunker Hill", "Brussels\nBryanston\nBuckhorn\nBulgers Corners\nBullock\nBummer's Roost\nBunessan\nBunker Hill\nBurford\nBurgessville\nBurgoyne\nBurk's Falls\nBurnbrae\nBurnley\nBurnstown\nBurnt River\nBurpee\nBurton\nBurwash\nBury's Green\nButternut Bay\nButtonville\nByng Inlet", "C", "Cache Bay\nCachet\nCaderette\nCadmus\nCaesarea\nCahore\nCainsville\nCaintown\nCairngorm\nCairo\nCaistor Centre\nCaistorville\nCalabogie\nCaledon East\nCaledonia\nCaledonia Springs\nCalifornia, Lanark County\nCalifornia, Leeds and Grenville United Counties\nCaliper Lake\nCallum\nCalm Lake\nCalstock\nCalton\nCamborne\nCambray\nCambridge, Prescott and Russell United Counties\nCamden\nCamden East\nCamilla\nCamlachie\nCampania\nCampden\nCampbellcroft\nCampbellford\nCampbelltown\nCampbellville\nCamp Oconto\nCanal\nCanborough\nCanfield\nCannington", "Campbellford\nCampbelltown\nCampbellville\nCamp Oconto\nCanal\nCanborough\nCanfield\nCannington\nCapreol\nCaramat\nCardiff\nCardinal\nCardwell\nCargill\nCarholme\nCarleton Place\nCarlingford\nCarlington\nCarlisle\nCarlow\nCarlsbad Springs\nCarlsruhe\nCarmel, Northumberland County\nCarmel, Peterborough County\nCarp\nCarrying Place\nCarss\nCartier\nCarthage\nCashtown Corners\nCasimir\nCassburn\nCastlederg\nCastleford\nCastlemore\nCastleton\nCat Lake\nCataraqui\nCathcart\nCaverlys Landing\nCayuga\nCavan-Monaghan\nCecebe\nCedarbrae\nCedar Beach", "Cat Lake\nCataraqui\nCathcart\nCaverlys Landing\nCayuga\nCavan-Monaghan\nCecebe\nCedarbrae\nCedar Beach\nCedar Croft\nCedardale\nCedar Grove\nCedar Meadows\nCedar Mills\nCedar Valley, Peterborough County\nCedar Valley, Wellington County\nCedar Village\nCedarville, Grey County\nCedarville, Simcoe County\nCentral Patricia\nCentralia\nCentre Dummer\nCentrefield\nCentre Inn\nCentre Wellington\nCentreton\nCentreview\nCentreville, Bruce County\nCentreville, Grey County\nCentreville, Lennox and Addington County\nCentreville, Oxford County", "Centreville, Grey County\nCentreville, Lennox and Addington County\nCentreville, Oxford County\nCentreville, Waterloo Regional Municipality\nCenturion\nCeylon\nChaffey's Lock\nChalk River\nCharlieville\nCharlottenburgh\nChartrand Corner\nChase Corners\nCheddar\nCheeseborough\nChelmsford\nCheltenham\nCheney\nChepstow\nCherry Valley\nChesley\nChesterville\nChetwynd\nChevrier\nChikopi\nChippewa Hill\nChippewas of Rama First Nation\nChristian Valley\nChurchill\nChurchville\nChute-à-Blondeau\nClappison's Corners\nClare\nClaremont\nClarence", "Churchill\nChurchville\nChute-à-Blondeau\nClappison's Corners\nClare\nClaremont\nClarence\nClarence Creek\nClarendon Station\nClareview\nClarina\nClarke\nClarkeburg\nClarkson\nClavering\nClayton\nClear Creek\nClear Lake\nClifford\nClinton\nClontarf\nClover Valley\nCloyne\nClyde\nClyde Forks\nClydesville\nCobden\nCoboconk\nCoe Hill\nCoin Gratton\nColbeck\nColborne\nColchester\nCold Springs\nColdstream\nColdwater\nColebrook\nCole Lake\nColeraine\nColgan\nCollins Bay\nColpoy's Bay\nColumbus\nComber\nCombermere\nCommanda\nConcord\nConiston\nConn", "Coleraine\nColgan\nCollins Bay\nColpoy's Bay\nColumbus\nComber\nCombermere\nCommanda\nConcord\nConiston\nConn\nConnaught, Renfrew County\nConnaught, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties\nConnaught, Timmins\nConnellys\nConover\nConstance Bay\nConway\nCooks Mills, Niagara Region\nCooks Mills, Nipissing District\nCook's Shore\nCookstown\nCooksville\nCopper\nCooper's Falls\nCopetown\nCoppell\nCopper Cliff\nCopperhead\nCopperkettle\nCoppins Corners\nCorbeil\nCorbett\nCorbetton\nCorbyville\nCordova\nCorkery\nCornell\nCorunna\nCotieville", "Coppins Corners\nCorbeil\nCorbett\nCorbetton\nCorbyville\nCordova\nCorkery\nCornell\nCorunna\nCotieville\nCotnam Island\nCottesloe\nCourtice\nCourtland\nCourtright\nCraigleith\nCraigmont\nCraig Shore\nCramahe\nCrathie\nCrawford\nCrean Hill\nCrediton\nCreemore\nCreightons Corners\nCreighton Mine\nCromarty\nCrombie\nCrooked Bay\nCrookston\nCrooked Creek\nCrosby\nCrosshill\nCrowes Landing\nCrow Lake\nCroydon\nCruikshank\nCrysler\nCrystal Beach\nCrystal Falls\nCumberland Beach\nCumberland, Ottawa\nCumberland, Simcoe County\nCurran\nCurry Hill", "D", "Dacre\nDain City\nDale\nDalhousie Lake\nDalhousie Mills\nDalkeith\nDalmeny\nDalrymple\nDalston\nDalton\nDamascus\nDane\nDarlingside\nDartford\nDashwood\nDavis Mills\nDawn-Euphemia\nDawn Valley\nDee Bank\nDeer Lake\nDejong\nDelamere\nDelaware\nDelhi\nDelta\nDeloro\nDenbigh\nDen-Lou\nDepot Harbour\nDereham Centre\nDerland\nDerryville\nDesbarats\nDesboro\nDeseronto\nDeux Rivières\nDexter\nDickson Hill\nDillon\nDinner Point Depot\nDinorwic\nDixie\nDixon's Corners\nDobbinton\nDoe Lake\nDokis\nDominionville\nDomville\nDongola\nDon Mills\nDonwood\nDoon", "Dixon's Corners\nDobbinton\nDoe Lake\nDokis\nDominionville\nDomville\nDongola\nDon Mills\nDonwood\nDoon\nDorchester\nDorking\nDornoch\nDorset\nDouglas\nDouro\nDouro-Dummer\nDowling\nDowneyville\nDracon\nDrayton\nDresden\nDriftwood\nDormore\nDrummond Centre\nDrummond/North Elmsley\nDryden's Corner\nDublin\nDuclos Point\nDuck Lake\nDudley\nDufferin Bridge\nDuffy\nDulcemaine\nDunblanc\nDunchurch\nDundalk\nDundas\nDundonald\nDunedin\nDugannon\nDunkeld\nDunnet's Corner\nDunnette Landing\nDunns Valley\nDunnville\nDunsford\nDuntroon\nDurham\nDuthill\nDutton", "Dunnet's Corner\nDunnette Landing\nDunns Valley\nDunnville\nDunsford\nDuntroon\nDurham\nDuthill\nDutton\nDutton/Dunwich\nDunvegan\nDwight\nDyer\nDymond\nDysart et al.", "E", "Eabametoong First Nation\nEades\nEads Bush\nEady\nEagle\nEagle Lake, Haliburton County\nEagle Lake, Parry Sound District\nEagle River\nEagles Nest\nEar Falls\nEarlton\nEarnscliffe\nEast Colborne\nEast Emily\nEast Hungerford\nEast Linton\nEast Luther-Grand Valley\nEast Oakland\nEast Oro\nEast Oxford\nEast Tay Point\nEastons Corners\nEastview\nEastwood\nEatonville\nEau Claire\nEau Claire Station\nEbbs Shore\nEbenezer, Hastings County,\nEbenezer, Leeds and Grenville United Counties\nEbenezer, Peel Regional Municipality", "Ebenezer, Leeds and Grenville United Counties\nEbenezer, Peel Regional Municipality\nEbenezer, Simcoe County\nEberts\nEbordale\nEcho\nEcho Bay\nEden\nEden Grove, Leeds and Grenville United Counties\nEden Grove, Bruce County\nEden Mills\nEdenhurst\nEdenvale\nEdgar\nEdgars\nEdge Hill\nEdgeley\nEdgewater Beach\nEdgewater Park\nEdmore Beach\nEdville\nEdwards\nEdys Mills\nEffingham\nEgan Creek\nEganville\nEgbert\nEgerton\nEgmondville\nElba\nEldorado\nElizabeth Bay\nElizabethtown\nElizabethville\nElk Lake\nEllengowan\nEllisville\nElmgrove\nElmira", "Eldorado\nElizabeth Bay\nElizabethtown\nElizabethville\nElk Lake\nEllengowan\nEllisville\nElmgrove\nElmira\nElm Pine Trail\nElm Tree\nElmvale\nElmwood, Frontenac County\nElmwood, Grey County\nEloida\nElora\nElphin\nElsinore\nElzevir\nEmbro\nEmbrun\nEmerald\nEmery\nEmsdale\nEnglehart\nEnglish Line\nEnglish River\nEnnismore Township\nEnnotville\nEnterprise\nEramosa\nErin Mills\nErindale\nErinsville\nErnestown\nEscott\nEssonville\nEstaire\nEtwell\nEugenia\nEvansville, Manitoulin District, Ontario\nEvansville, Nipissing District, Ontario\nEversley", "Eugenia\nEvansville, Manitoulin District, Ontario\nEvansville, Nipissing District, Ontario\nEversley\nEverton\nExeter", "F", "Fair Valley\nFairfax\nFairfield\nFairfield East\nFairfield Plain\nFairground\nFairholme\nFairmount, Frontenac County\nFairmount, Grey County\nFairplay\nFairview, Renfrew County\nFairview, Elgin County\nFairview, Oxford County\nFairview, Renfrew County\nFalconbridge, Middlesex County\nFalconbridge, Greater Sudbury\nFalding\nFalkenburg Station\nFalkland\nFallbrook\nFallowfield\nFanshawe\nFanshawe Lake\nFarewell\nFarleys Corners\nFarmington\nFarnham\nFarquhar\nFarrell Corners\nFassifern\nFawcettville\nFawkham\nFeatherstone Point\nFeir Mill", "Farnham\nFarquhar\nFarrell Corners\nFassifern\nFawcettville\nFawkham\nFeatherstone Point\nFeir Mill\nFeldspar\nFelton\nFenaghvale\nFenella\nFenelon Falls\nFenwick\nFergus\nFerguslea\nFerguson Corners\nFerguson Falls\nFergusons Beach\nFermoy\nFesserton\nFeversham\nField\nFife's Bay\nFinch\nFingal\nFishers Glen\nFisherville\nFitzroy Harbour\nFive Corners\nFive Mile Bay\nFlamborough\nFlanders\nFlesherton\nFlinton\nFlinton Corners\nFloradale\nFlorence\nFlower Station\nFoleyet\nFolger\nFonthill\nFordwich\nForest\nForest Lea\nForget\nFort Albany\nForthton", "Flower Station\nFoleyet\nFolger\nFonthill\nFordwich\nForest\nForest Lea\nForget\nFort Albany\nForthton\nFort Irwin\nFort Severn\nFowlers Corners\nFox Corners\nFoxboro\nFoxey\nFoymount\nFrankford\nFranktown\nFrankville\nFranz\nFraserville\nFraxa\nFreeman Corners\nFremo Corners\nFrench Line\nFroatburn\nFrogmore\nFullarton\nFuller\nFulton", "G", "Gads Hill\nGagnon\nGalbraith\nGalesburg\nGaletta\nGallimere Beach\nGalingertown\nGalts Corner\nGambridge\nGamebridge Beach\nGameland\nGananoque Junction\nGannon Village\nGarden River\nGardiner\nGarson\nGeorgetown\nGeorgian Heights\nGeorgian Highlands\nGeorgian Inlet\nGeorgian Sands Beach\nGeraldton\nGerman Mills\nGesto\nGilbertville\nGibraltar\nGibson\nGilchrist Bay\nGildale\nGilford\nGillies Hill\nGilmour\nGlanmire\nGlascott\nGlasgow\nGlastonbury\nGlen\nGlen Buell\nGlenburn\nGlenburnie\nGlen Cross\nGlenfield\nGlen Huron\nGlencairn\nGlencoe", "Glastonbury\nGlen\nGlen Buell\nGlenburn\nGlenburnie\nGlen Cross\nGlenfield\nGlen Huron\nGlencairn\nGlencoe\nGlenelg Centre\nGlen Major\nGlen Nevis\nGlen Oak\nGlenora\nGlenpayne\nGlen Robertson\nGlenshee\nGlenview\nGlenville\nGlen Williams\nGloucester\nGodfrey\nGogama\nGolden Lake\nGoldfield\nGooderham\nGordon\nGores Landing\nGormley\nGorrie\nGoshen\nGotham\nGoulais River\nGouldbourn\nGovernment Road\nGowanstown\nGowganda\nGrafton\nGrand Bend\nGrand Desert\nGranger\nGrant\nGranthurst\nGraphite\nGrasmere\nGrattan\nGravel Hill\nGray's Beach\nGreely", "Grand Desert\nGranger\nGrant\nGranthurst\nGraphite\nGrasmere\nGrattan\nGravel Hill\nGray's Beach\nGreely\nGreenbush\nGreen's Corners\nGreen Lane\nGreenfield\nGreenock\nGreen River\nGreen Valley\nGreenview\nGreensborough\nGreensville\nGreenway\nGreenwood, Durham Regional Municipality\nGreenwood, Renfrew County\nGrimsthorpe\nGrimston\nGros Cap\nGuerin\nGunter", "H", "Habermehl\nHaddo\nHagar\nHagarty\nHagermans Corner's\nHagersville\nHagey\nHagles Corners\nHaileybury\nHaines Lake\nHainsville\nHaldane Hill\nHaldimand\nHaley Station\nHalfway\nHalfway House Corners\nHalfway Point\nHallebourg\nHallecks\nHallowell\nHall's Glen\nHalls Mills\nHalpenny\nHalsteads Bay\nHammertown\nHammond\nHampden\nHampshire Mills\nHampton\nHanmer\nHannon\nHappy Hollow\nHappy Landing\nHappy Valley, Greater Sudbury\nHappy Valley, York Regional Municipality\nHarburn\nHarcourt\nHardwood Lake\nHarkaway\nHarlock\nHarlowe\nHarrington", "Harburn\nHarcourt\nHardwood Lake\nHarkaway\nHarlock\nHarlowe\nHarrington\nHarrington West\nHarriston\nHarrow\nHarrowsmith\nHartfell\nHarwood\nHastings\nHatchley\nHavelock\nHawkes\nHawkestone\nHawkesville\nHawkins Corner\nHawk Junction\nHay's Shore\nHazeldean\nHazzards Corners\nHead Lake\nHeathcote\nHeckston\nHeidelberg\nHemlock\nHenderson\nHenrys Corners\nHensall\nHempstock Mill\nHepworth\nHereward\nHeritage Park\nHeron Bay\nHerron's Mills\nHeyden\nHiam\nHidden Valley\nHighland Grove\nHillcrest, Prince Edward County, Ontario", "Herron's Mills\nHeyden\nHiam\nHidden Valley\nHighland Grove\nHillcrest, Prince Edward County, Ontario\nHillcrest, Norfolk County, Ontario\nHillsburgh\nHillsdale\nHilly Grove\nHockley\nHodgson\nHogg\nHolford\nHolland\nHolland Centre\nHolland Landing\nHolleford\nHolly\nHolly Park\nHolmesville\nHolstein\nHoney Harbour\nHoneywood\nHood\nHope\nHopetown\nHopeville\nHornby\nHorning's Mills\nHotham\nHotspur\nHowdenvale\nHuckabones Corner\nHudon\nHuffs Corners\nHughes\nHungry Hollow\nHurdville\nHurkett\nHutton\nHybla\nHydro Glen", "I\n\nIce Lake\nIda\nIda Hill\nIgnace\nIlderton\nIlfracombe\nIndian River\nIndiana\nIngle\nIngleside\nInglewood\nInglis Falls\nIngoldsby\nIngolf\nInholmes\nInkerman\nInkerman Station\nInnerkip\nInnisville\nInverary\nInverhuron\nInvermay\nInverness Lodge\nIona\nIona Station\nIreland\nIrish Lake\nIron Bridge\nIrondale\nIronsides\nIroquois\nIroquois Falls\nIsland Grove\nIslington\nIvanhoe\nIverhaugh\nIvy\nIvy Lea\n\nJ", "Jackfish\nJack Lake, Peterborough County\nJack Lake, Simcoe County\nJackson\nJacksonburg\nJackson's Point\nJaffa\nJaffray Melick\nJamestown\nJamot\nJanetville\nJarratt\nJarvis\nJasper\nJeannette\nJeannettes Creek\nJefferson\nJellicoe\nJellyby\nJericho\nJermyn\nJerseyville\nJessopville\nJessups Falls\nJevins\nJewellville\nJockvale\nJoes Lake\nJogues\nJohnsons Ferry\nJohnston Corners\nJohnstown, Hastings County\nJohnstown, Leeds and Grenville United Counties\nJones\nJones Falls\nJordan\nJordan Harbour\nJordan Station\nJosephburg\nJoyceville", "Jones\nJones Falls\nJordan\nJordan Harbour\nJordan Station\nJosephburg\nJoyceville\nJoyland Beach\nJoyvista Estates\nJuddhaven\nJudgeville\nJunetown\nJuniper Island\nJura", "K", "Kaboni\nKagawong\nKakabeka Falls\nKaladar\nKaministiquia\nKanata\nKaralash Corners\nKars\nKashabowie\nKaszuby\nKathmae Siding\nKatimavik\nKatrine\nKawartha Hideway\nKawartha Park\nKawene\nKeady\nKearns\nKedron\nKeelerville, Frontenac County\nKeenansville\nKeene\nKeewatin\nKeldon\nKeller Bridge\nKellys Corner\nKemble\nKemptville\nKenabeek\nKennaway\nKennedys\nKent Bridge\nKentvale\nKerwood\nKeswick\nKettleby\nKettle Point 44\nKeward\nKeyser\nKhartum\nKilgorie\nKillaloe\nKillbear Park\nKilsyth\nKilworthy\nKimball\nKimberley\nKinburn\nKincardine\nKinmount", "Kilgorie\nKillaloe\nKillbear Park\nKilsyth\nKilworthy\nKimball\nKimberley\nKinburn\nKincardine\nKinmount\nKing City\nKing Creek\nKinghorn\nKinghurst\nKingsbridge\nKingscote\nKingwood\nKinsale\nKintail\nKintore\nKiosk\nKirby\nKirk Cove\nKirkfield\nKirkhill\nKleinburg\nKnight's Corners\nKomoka\nKormak", "L", "L'Amable\nL'Ange-Gardien\nL'Orignal\nLa Passe\nLa Renouche\nLa Rue Mills\nLa Salette\nLac-Sainte-Thérèse\nLac La Croix\nLac Seul\nLaclu\nLady Bank\nLadysmith\nLafontaine\nLafontaine Beach\nLaggan\nLagoon City\nLake Bernard\nLake Charles\nLake Clear\nLake Dalrymple\nLake Dore\nLake Helen\nLake Huron Highland\nLake Joseph\nLake Morningstar\nLake On The Mountain\nLake Opinicon\nLake Rosalind\nLake St. Peter\nLake Traverse\nLake Valley Grove\nLakefield\nLakehurst\nLakelet\nLakeport\nLakeside, Kenora District, Ontario", "Lake Valley Grove\nLakefield\nLakehurst\nLakelet\nLakeport\nLakeside, Kenora District, Ontario\nLakeside, Oxford County, Ontario\nLambeth, Middlesex County\nLambeth, Oxford County\nLamlash\nLammermoor\nLancaster\nLancelot\nLanderkin\nLangford\nLangstaff\nLangton\nLansdowne\nLaskay\nLaurel\nLaurel Station\nLauriston\nLavant\nLayton\nLeaside\nLeaskdale\nLeeburn\nLeeds\nLefaivre\nLefroy\nLeggatt\nLegge\nLehighs Corners\nLeith\nLeitrim\nLemieux\nLetterbreen\nLevack\nLewisham\nLighthouse Beach\nLillies\nLily Oak\nLimehouse\nLimoges\nLinden Bank", "Lemieux\nLetterbreen\nLevack\nLewisham\nLighthouse Beach\nLillies\nLily Oak\nLimehouse\nLimoges\nLinden Bank\nLindenwood\nLindsay\nLinks Mills\nLinton\nLinwood\nLion's Head\nLisle\nListowel\nLittle Britain\nLittle Current\nLittle Germany, Grey County\nLittle Germany, Northumberland County\nLittle Longlac\nLittle Rapids\nLively\nLiving Springs\nLloyd\nLloydtown\nLobo\nLochalsh, Algoma District\nLochalsh, Huron County\nLochwinnoch\nLockerby\nLocksley\nLombardy\nLondesborough\nLong Bay\nLong Beach, Kawartha Lakes", "Lochwinnoch\nLockerby\nLocksley\nLombardy\nLondesborough\nLong Bay\nLong Beach, Kawartha Lakes\nLong Beach, Niagara Regional Municipality\nLong Lake, Frontenac County\nLong Lake, Thunder Bay District\nLonglac\nLongford Mills\nLong Point\nLong Sault\nLongwood\nLords Mills\nLorimer Lake\nLorne Park\nLorneville\nLorraine\nLorreto\nLost Channel, Hastings County\nLost Channel, Parry Sound District\nLouise\nLowbanks\nLow Bush River\nLower Stafford\nLowther\nLucan\nLucasville\nLucknow\nLudgate\nLueck Mill\nLuton\nLyn\nLyndale\nLynden\nLyndhurst", "Lowther\nLucan\nLucasville\nLucknow\nLudgate\nLueck Mill\nLuton\nLyn\nLyndale\nLynden\nLyndhurst\nLynedoch\nLynhurst\nLynnville\nLyons", "M", "M'Chigeeng\nMabee's Corners\nMacdiarmid\nMacDonald Bay\nMacDonald Grove\nMacDuff\nMacey Bay\nMacGillivrays Bridge\nMackenzie\nMacKenzie Point\nMackey\nMackey Siding\nMacksville\nMacLarens Landing\nMacTier\nMacton\nMacville\nMadawaska\nMadigans\nMadoc\nMadsen\nMagnetawan\nMaguire\nMaidstone\nMaitland, Huron County\nMaitland, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville\nMalakoff\nMalcolm\nMallorytown\nMalone\nMalton\nManbert\nManchester\nManhard\nManilla\nManions Corners\nManitou Dock\nManitouwadge\nManitowaning\nMannheim\nManotick\nMansewood", "Manhard\nManilla\nManions Corners\nManitou Dock\nManitouwadge\nManitowaning\nMannheim\nManotick\nMansewood\nMansfield, Dufferin County\nManvers Township\nMaple\nMaple Beach\nMaple Grove\nMaple Hill, Bruce County\nMaple Hill, Frontenac County\nMaple Hill, York Regional Municipality\nMaple Island\nMaple Lane\nMaple Leaf\nMaple Valley, Clearview\nMaple Valley, Severn\nMaplewood\nMarble Bluff\nMarden\nMarlbank\nMariposa\nMariposa Beach\nMarkdale\nMarkstay\nMarmion\nMarmora\nMarmora Station\nMarsh Hill\nMarsville\nMarten River\nMartins", "Markdale\nMarkstay\nMarmion\nMarmora\nMarmora Station\nMarsh Hill\nMarsville\nMarten River\nMartins\nMartins Corner\nMartintown\nMarionville\nMaryhill\nMarysville, Frontenac County, Ontario\nMarysville, Hastings County, Ontario\nMassanoga\nMassey\nMassie\nMatachewan\nMathers Corners\nMattagami First Nation\nMattice\nMaxville\nMaxwell, Grey County\nMaxwell, Hastings County\nMaxwells\nMayfield West\nMayhew\nMayhews Landing\nMaynard\nMaynooth\nMaynooth Station\nMcAlpine Corners\nMcCann's Shore\nMcCarleys Corners\nMcConkey\nMcCormick", "Maynooth\nMaynooth Station\nMcAlpine Corners\nMcCann's Shore\nMcCarleys Corners\nMcConkey\nMcCormick\nMcCrackens Landing\nMcCrae\nMcCreary's Shore\nMcCrimmon\nMcCulloughs Landing\nMcDougall\nMcGarry Flats\nMcGinnis Creek\nMcGrath\nMcGregor\nMcGuires Settlement\nMcIntosh, Bruce County\nMcIntosh, Kenora District\nMcIntyre, Grey County\nMcIntyre, Lennox and Addington County\nMcIvor\nMcKerrow\nMcKillop\nMcLean\nMcLeansville\nMcMillans Corners\nMcNaughton Shore\nMcRoberts Corner\nMeadowvale\nMedina\nMelbourne\nMeldrum Bay\nMelissa\nMenie\nMerlin", "McNaughton Shore\nMcRoberts Corner\nMeadowvale\nMedina\nMelbourne\nMeldrum Bay\nMelissa\nMenie\nMerlin\nMerrickville\nMetcalfe\nMeyersburg\nMichipicoten\nMicksburg\nMiddleport\nMiddleville\nMidhurst\nMildmay\nMilford\nMilford Bay\nMillbank\nMiller Lake\nMillhaven\nMilliken\nMilnet\nMilverton\nMinaki\nMindemoya\nMinden\nMine Centre\nMinesing\nMinett\nMishkeegogamang First Nation\nMissanabie\nMississippi Station\nMitchell\nMitchell's Bay\nMitchell's Corners\nMitchellville\nMoffat\nMoira\nMonck\nMonetville\nMonkland\nMonkton\nMono Mills\nMonteagle", "Mitchellville\nMoffat\nMoira\nMonck\nMonetville\nMonkland\nMonkton\nMono Mills\nMonteagle\nMonteith\nMonticello\nMonument Corner\nMoonstone\nMoorefield\nMooresburg\nMoores Lake\nMooretown\nMoose Creek\nMoose Factory\nMoosonee\nMoray\nMorganston\nMorrisburg\nMorson\nMorrison Landing\nMortimer's Point\nMorven\nMosborough\nMoscow\nMossley\nMountain\nMountain Grove\nMountain View Beach\nMount Albert\nMount Brydges\nMount Carmel, Prince Edward County, Ontario\nMount Carmel, Essex County, Ontario\nMount Carmel, Haldimand County, Ontario", "Mount Carmel, Essex County, Ontario\nMount Carmel, Haldimand County, Ontario\nMount Carmel, Middlesex County, Ontario\nMount Elgin\nMount Forest\nMount Hope, Bruce County\nMount Hope, Hamilton\nMount Joy\nMount Julian\nMount Pleasant, Brampton\nMount Pleasant, Brant County\nMount Pleasant, Grey County\nMount Pleasant, Hastings County\nMount Pleasant, Lennox and Addington County\nMount Pleasant, Perth County\nMount Pleasant, Peterborough County\nMount Pleasant, York Regional Municipality\nMount Salem\nMount St. Patrick", "Mount Pleasant, York Regional Municipality\nMount Salem\nMount St. Patrick\nMuncey\nMullifarry\nMulock, in the municipality of West Grey, Grey County\nMulock, in Nipissing District\nMuncey\nMunster\nMurchison\nMurillo\nMusclow\nMuskoka\nMuskoka Lodge\nMuskrat Dam\nMusselman Lake\nMyers Cave\nMyrtle\nMyrtle Station", "N", "Nairn, Middlesex County\nNairn Centre\nNaiscoot\nNakina\nNanticoke\nNantyr\nNantyr Park\nNapanee\nNaphan\nNapier\nNapperton\nNares Inlet\nNarrows\nNarva\nNashville\nNation Valley\nNaughton\nNavan\nNayausheeng\nNelles Corners\nNellie Lake\nNemegos\nNenagh\nNepean\nNephton\nNeskantaga First Nation\nNestleton\nNestleton Station\nNestorville\nNestor Falls\nNetherby\nNeustadt\nNewbliss\nNewboro\nNewburgh\nNew Canaan\nNew Carlow\nNew Credit\nNew Dublin\nNew Dundee\nNew Glasgow\nNew Hamburg\nNew Liskeard\nNew Lowell\nNew Prussia\nNew Sarum", "New Dublin\nNew Dundee\nNew Glasgow\nNew Hamburg\nNew Liskeard\nNew Lowell\nNew Prussia\nNew Sarum\nNew Scotland, Chatham-Kent\nNew Scotland, Regional Municipality of York\nNew Wexford\nNewburgh\nNewcastle\nNewholm\nNewington\nNewtonville\nNibinamik First Nation\nNicholsons Point\nNiisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation\nNile\nNipigon\nNiweme\nNixon\nNobel\nNobleton\nNoëlville\nNorham\nNorland\nNorman\nNormandale\nNorth Augusta\nNorthbrook\nNorthcote\nNorth Gower\nNorth Grenville\nNorth Hall\nNorth Lancaster\nNorth Monaghan\nNorth Monetville", "Northcote\nNorth Gower\nNorth Grenville\nNorth Hall\nNorth Lancaster\nNorth Monaghan\nNorth Monetville\nNorth Perry\nNorthport\nNorth Seguin\nNorthville\nNorval\nNorvern Shores\nNorwood\nNosbonsing\nNotre-Dame-des-Champs\nNottawa\nNovar", "O", "O'Briens Landing\nO'Connell\nO'Donnell Landing\nO'Grady Settlement\nO'Reilly's Bridge\nOak Flats\nOak Heights\nOak Lake\nOak Lake, Peterborough County\nOak Leaf\nOak Ridges\nOak Shores Estates\nOak Valley\nOakdale\nOakdene Point\nOakgrove\nOakhill Forest\nOakland, Brant County\nOakland, Essex County\nOaklawn Beach\nOakwood\nOba\nOconto\nOdenback\nOdessa\nOff Lake Corner\nOgden's Beach\nOgoki\nOhsweken\nOil City\nOjibway Island\nOjibways of Hiawatha First Nation\nOld Cut\nOld Fort\nOld Killaloe\nOld Spring Bay\nOld Stittsville", "Ojibways of Hiawatha First Nation\nOld Cut\nOld Fort\nOld Killaloe\nOld Spring Bay\nOld Stittsville\nOld Woman's River\nOldcastle\nOldfield\nOlinda\nOliphant\nOliver, Essex County\nOliver, Middlesex County\nOlivet\nOmagh\nOmemee\nOmpah\nOnaping\nOnaping Falls\nOnondaga\nOnyotaa:ka First Nation\nOpasatika\nOpeongo\nOphir\nOrange Corners\nOranmore\nOrchard Point\nOrchardville\nOrleans\nOrmsby\nOro Station\nOro–Medonte\nOrono\nOrrville\nOrton\nOsaca\nOsborne\nOsceola\nOsgoode\nOso\nOsprey\nOtonabee-South Monaghan\nOtter Creek, Bruce County, Ontario", "Osaca\nOsborne\nOsceola\nOsgoode\nOso\nOsprey\nOtonabee-South Monaghan\nOtter Creek, Bruce County, Ontario\nOtter Creek, Hastings County\nOtterville\nOuellette\nOustic\nOutlet\nOxenden\nOxford Mills", "P", "Paget\nPagwa River\nPaincourt\nPainswick\nPaisley\nPakenham\nPakesley\nPalermo\nPalgrave\nPalm Beach\nPalmer Rapids\nPalmerston\nParadise Lake\nParham\nParis\nParkdale\nParkersville\nParkhill\nPark Head\nPass Lake\nPaudash\nPayne\nPeabody\nPearceley\nPearl\nPearl Lake\nPeawanuck\nPefferlaw\nPendleton\nPentland Corners\nPerivale\nPerkinsfield\nPerm\nPerrins Corners\nPerth Road Village\nPethericks Corners\nPevensey\nPhelpston\nPiccadilly\nPickerel Lake\nPickle Crow\nPicton\nPikwakanagan First Nation\nPinedale\nPine Grove\nPine Valley\nPinewood", "Pickerel Lake\nPickle Crow\nPicton\nPikwakanagan First Nation\nPinedale\nPine Grove\nPine Valley\nPinewood\nPiperville\nPlainville\nPlantagenet\nPleasant Corners\nPleasant Valley, Manitoulin District, Ontario\nPleasant Valley, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Counties, Ontario\nPleasant Valley, Essex County, Ontario\nPleasant Valley, Hamilton, Ontario\nPleasant Valley, Renfrew County, Ontario\nPleasant View\nPlevna\nPlummer Additional\nPoint Abino\nPointe Fortune\nPointe au Baril\nPoland\nPomona\nPonsonby\nPontypool\nPooles Resort", "Point Abino\nPointe Fortune\nPointe au Baril\nPoland\nPomona\nPonsonby\nPontypool\nPooles Resort\nPoplar\nPoplar Dale\nPorcupine\nPort Albert\nPort Anson\nPort Bolster\nPort Britain\nPort Bruce\nPort Burwell\nPort Carling\nPort Carmen\nPort Credit\nPort Cunnington\nPort Davidson\nPort Dover\nPort Elgin\nPort Elmsley\nPorter's Hill\nPort Granby\nPort Law\nPort McNicoll\nPort Perry\nPort Rowan\nPort Ryerse\nPort Severn\nPort Stanley\nPort Sydney\nPortland\nPottageville\nPotters Landing\nPowassan\nPowells Corners\nPrecious Corners\nPreneveau\nPreston", "Portland\nPottageville\nPotters Landing\nPowassan\nPowells Corners\nPrecious Corners\nPreneveau\nPreston\nPrestonvale\nPriceville\nPrimrose\nPrinceton\nProspect\nProton Station\nProvidence Bay\nPunkeydoodles Corners\nPurdy\nPurple Hill\nPurple Valley\nPurpleville\nPusey", "Q\n\nQuabbin\nQuadeville\nQuantztown\nQuarindale\nQueens Line\nQueensborough\nQueensgate\nQueenston\nQueensville\nQueenswood Heights\nQuibell\nQuinn\nQuinn Settlement\n\nR", "Radiant\nRagged Rapids\nRaglan, Chatham-Kent\nRaglan, Durham Regional Municipality\nRailton\nRainham Centre\nRaith\nRama\nRamore\nRamsayville\nRamsey\nRandall\nRandwick\nRanelagh\nRanger Lake\nRankin, Nipissing District\nRankin, Renfrew County\nRannoch\nRathburn\nRatho\nRattlesnake Harbour\nRatzburg\nRavenna\nRavenscliffe\nRavenshoe\nRavensview\nRavenswood\nRavensworth\nRaymond\nRaymonds Corners\nRayside\nRayside-Balfour\nReaboro\nRead\nReading\nRedan\nRed Bay\nRed Cap Beach\nRedickville\nRedwood\nRelessey\nRenfrew Junction\nRenton\nRestoule", "Reading\nRedan\nRed Bay\nRed Cap Beach\nRedickville\nRedwood\nRelessey\nRenfrew Junction\nRenton\nRestoule\nRhineland\nRichard's Landing\nRichardson\nRichmond\nRideau Ferry\nRidgetown\nRidgeville\nRidgeway\nRimington\nRipley\nRitchance\nRiverview\nRiverview Heights\nRiviera Estate\nRivière-Veuve\nRobbtown\nRobertson's Shore\nRobin Landing\nRoches Point\nRockcut\nRockdale\nRockfield\nRockford\nRockingham\nRockland\nRock Mills\nRockport\nRocksprings\nRockwood\nRocky Saugeen\nRodney\nRoebuck\nRolphton\nRonaldson\nRosebank\nRosedale\nRose Hill\nRosemont", "Rockwood\nRocky Saugeen\nRodney\nRoebuck\nRolphton\nRonaldson\nRosebank\nRosedale\nRose Hill\nRosemont\nRoseneath\nRosetta\nRoslin\nRossclair\nRossport\nRothwell's Shore\nRush Point\nRuskview\nRutherford\nRutherglen\nRuthven\nRutter\nRydal Bank", "S", "Sable\nSabourins Crossing\nSaganaga Lake\nSaginaw\nSahanatien\nSaintfield\nSalem in Arran–Elderslie, Bruce County\nSalem in South Bruce, Bruce County\nSalem, Dufferin County\nSalem, Durham Regional Municipality\nSalem, Frontenac County\nSalem, Northumberland County\nSalem, Wellington County\nSalford\nSalisbury\nSalmon Point\nSalmonville\nSaltford\nSam Lake\nSandford\nSand Banks\nSand Bay Corner\nSandcastle Beach\nSandfield\nSandringham\nSandy Hill\nSandy Lake\nSans Souci\nSarepta\nSauble Beach\nSauble Beach North\nSauble Beach South", "Sandy Hill\nSandy Lake\nSans Souci\nSarepta\nSauble Beach\nSauble Beach North\nSauble Beach South\nSauble Falls\nSaugeen\nSavanne\nSavant Lake\nSchipaville\nScone\nScotch Block\nScotch Bush, Hastings County, Ontario\nScotch Bush, Renfrew County, Ontario\nScotch Corners\nScotia\nScotland\nScugog\nScugog Centre\nSchomberg\nSebright\nSeagrave\nSeaforth\nSeeley\nSeeleys Bay\nSeguin\nSelby\nSelkirk\nSelton\nSenecal\nSeouls Corner\nSesekinika\nSeven Mile Narrows\nSevern Bridge\nSevern Falls\nShady Nook\nShakespeare\nShallow Lake\nShamrock\nShannon Hall", "Severn Bridge\nSevern Falls\nShady Nook\nShakespeare\nShallow Lake\nShamrock\nShannon Hall\nShannonville\nShanty Bay\nSharbot Lake\nSharon\nShebandowan\nShebeshekong\nShedden\nSheffield\nSherwood\nSherwood Springs\nShetland\nShillington\nShiloh\nShouldice\nShrigley\nSiberia\nSilver Creek\nSilver Dollar\nSilver Hill\nSimpson Corners\nSinghampton\nSioux Narrows\nSkerryvore\nSkipness\nSlate Falls\nSleeman\nSmithdale\nSmithville\nSnelgrove\nSnowball\nSnow Road Station\nSnug Harbour\nSnug Haven\nSodom\nSonya\nSoperton\nSouth Augusta\nSouth Beach", "Snowball\nSnow Road Station\nSnug Harbour\nSnug Haven\nSodom\nSonya\nSoperton\nSouth Augusta\nSouth Beach\nSouth Branch\nSouthcott Pines\nSouth Crosby\nSouth Dummer\nSouth March\nSouth Middleton\nSouth Monaghan\nSouth Wilberforce\nSouthampton\nSowerby\nSparkle City\nSparta\nSpeedside\nSpence\nSpeyside\nSpicer\nSpier\nSpring Bay\nSpringbrook\nSpringfield\nSpringford\nSpringhill\nSpringmount\nSpringvale\nSpring Valley\nSpringville\nSquire\nSquirrel Town\nSt. Agatha\nSt. Albert\nSt. Andrews\nSt. Anns\nSt. Augustine\nSt. Bernardin\nSt. Clair Beach", "St. Agatha\nSt. Albert\nSt. Andrews\nSt. Anns\nSt. Augustine\nSt. Bernardin\nSt. Clair Beach\nSt. Clements\nSt. Cloud\nSt. Columban\nSt. David's, Niagara Regional Municipality\nSt. Davids, Prescott and Russell United Counties\nSt. Elmo, Muskoka District Municipality\nSt. Elmo, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties\nSt. Eugene\nSt. Felix\nSt. George\nSt. Helens\nSt. Isidore\nSt. Jacobs\nSt. Joachim\nSt. Johns, Brant County\nSt. Johns, Niagara Regional Municipality\nSt. Joseph, Huron County\nSt. Joseph Island\nSt. Ola", "St. Johns, Niagara Regional Municipality\nSt. Joseph, Huron County\nSt. Joseph Island\nSt. Ola\nSt. Williams\nSt. Pascal Baylon\nSt. Pauls\nSt. Pauls Station\nSt. Raphaels\nSt. Williams\nStamford\nStanleydale\nStanton\nStayner\nSte-Anne-de-Prescott\nStella\nSte-Rose-de-Prescott\nStevensville\nStewarttown\nStinson\nStirling\nStirling Falls\nStittsville\nStonebrook\nStonecliffe\nStonehart\nStones Corners\nStoney Creek\nStoney Point\nStories\nStorms Corners\nStouffville\nStrange\nStrathavon\nStrathmore\nStrathroy\nStreetsville\nStroud", "Stories\nStorms Corners\nStouffville\nStrange\nStrathavon\nStrathmore\nStrathroy\nStreetsville\nStroud\nSturgeon Falls\nSturgeon Point\nSulphide\nSummerhill\nSummers Corners\nSunderland\nSunfish Lake\nSunnidale, Lambton County, Ontario\nSunnidale, Simcoe County, Ontario\nSunnidale Corners, Ontario\nSunnidale Corners\nSunny Slope\nSunrise Beach\nSunset Bay Estates\nSunset Beach, several\nSunset Corners\nSutton\nSwan Crossing\nSwansea\nSwastika\nSweets Corners, Haldimand County, Ontario", "Sunset Corners\nSutton\nSwan Crossing\nSwansea\nSwastika\nSweets Corners, Haldimand County, Ontario\nSweets Corners, Leeds and Grenville United Counties, Ontario\nSwindon\nSwinton Park\nSwitzerville\nSydenham, Frontenac County\nSydenham, Grey County\nSylvan Valley", "T", "Taits Beach\nTalbot\nTalbotville Royal\nTamarack\nTamworth\nTanglewood Beach\nTannery\nTansley\nTansleyville\nTapley\nTapleytown\nTara\nTarbert\nTartan\nTarzwell\nTatlock\nTaunton\nTavistock\nTaylor\nTaylorwoods\nTayside\nTeeswater\nTeeterville\nTemperanceville\nTerra Cotta\nTerra Nova\nThamesford\nThamesville\nThe Gully\nThe Slash\nThedford\nTennyson\nTeston\nThistle\nThompson Hill\nThorah Beach\nThornbury\nThorndale\nThornhill\nThorpe\nThrooptown\nTichborne\nTilbury\nTilley\nTincap\nTintern\nTiverton\nToanche\nTobacco Lake\nTobermory\nToledo\nTolmie", "Tichborne\nTilbury\nTilley\nTincap\nTintern\nTiverton\nToanche\nTobacco Lake\nTobermory\nToledo\nTolmie\nTomelin Bluffs\nTopcliff\nTormore\nTorrance\nTory Hill\nTottenham\nTownsend\nTralee\nTramore\nTraverston\nTreadwell\nTrenton\nTrent River\nTrevelyan\nTullamore\nTurbine\nTurkey Point\nTurner\nTurtle Lake\nTyrone", "U\n\nUdney\nUdora\nUffington\nUfford\nUhthoff\nUllswater\nUmfreville\nUnderwood\nUneeda\nUngers Corners\nUnion, Elgin County\nUnion, Essex County\nUnion, Leeds and Grenville United Counties\nUnion Creek\nUnion Hall\nUniondale\nUnionville\nUphill\nUplands\nUpper\nUpper Paudash\nUpsala\nUptergrove\nUrsa\nUtica\nUtopia\nUtterson\nUttoxeter\n\nV", "V\n\nVal Caron\nVal Côté\nVal Gagné\nVal Harbour\nVal Rita\nVal Thérèse\nValens\nValentia\nVallentyne\nVan Allens\nVandeleur\nVanessa\nVanier\nVankleek Hill\nVansickle\nVarney\nVanzant's Point\nVellore\nVennachar\nVentry\nVerner\nVerona\nVermilion Bay\nVernon Shores\nVernonville\nVerulam Township\nVesta\nVickers\nVictoria Square\nVillage Lanthier\nVinegar Hill\nVineland\nViolet\nViolet Hill\nVirginiatown\nVittoria\nVroomanton\n\nW", "Waba\nWabigoon\nWabos\nWabozominissing\nWaddington Beach\nWade's Landing\nWagarville\nWagram\nWahawin\nWahnapitae\nWahnapitae First Nation\nWahta Mohawk Territory\nWahwashkesh Lake\nWaldau\nWaldemar\nWalden\nWalford\nWalker Woods\nWalkers\nWalkers Point\nWalkerton\nWalkerville\nWallace, Nipissing District\nWallace, Perth County\nWallaceburg\nWallace Point\nWallbridge\nWallenstein\nWalls\nWalnut\nWalpole Island\nWalsh\nWalsingham\nWalters Falls\nWalton\nWaneeta Beach\nWanikewin\nWanstead\nWanup\nWarburton\nWard\nWardsville\nWareham\nWarina", "Walton\nWaneeta Beach\nWanikewin\nWanstead\nWanup\nWarburton\nWard\nWardsville\nWareham\nWarina\nWarings Corner\nWarkworth\nWarminster\nWarner\nWarren\nWarsaw\nWartburg\nWashagami\nWashago\nWashburn\nWashburn Island\nWashburns Corners\nWashington\nWasing\nWatercombe\nWaterdown\nWaterfall\nWaterford\nWaterton\nWatford\nWatsons\nWatsons Corners\nWattenwyle\nWaterson Corners\nWaubamik\nWaubaushene\nWaubuno\nWaudby\nWaupoos\nWaupoos East\nWaupoos Island\nWavecrest\nWavell\nWaverley\nWaverley Beach\nWayside\nWebbwood\nWebequie First Nation\nWelbeck\nWelcome", "Wavecrest\nWavell\nWaverley\nWaverley Beach\nWayside\nWebbwood\nWebequie First Nation\nWelbeck\nWelcome\nWellesley\nWendake Beach\nWendover\nWerner Lake\nWeslemkoon\nWesley\nWest Corners\nWest Essa\nWest Guilford\nWest Huntingdon\nWest Huntingdon Station\nWest Lake\nWest Lorne\nWestmeath\nWestminster, Middlesex County\nWestminster, Prescott and Russell United Counties\nWest McGillivray\nWest Montrose\nWestview\nWestwood\nWharncliffe\nWheatley\nWhitfield\nWhitney\nWhittington\nWiarton\nWick\nWicklow\nWilberforce\nWilcox Corners\nWildwood\nWilfrid", "Whitfield\nWhitney\nWhittington\nWiarton\nWick\nWicklow\nWilberforce\nWilcox Corners\nWildwood\nWilfrid\nWilkinson\nWilliamsburg\nWilliamsford\nWilliamsport\nWilliamstown\nWilliscroft\nWillowbank\nWilmot Creek\nWilsonville\nWilstead\nWilton\nWinchester\nWindermere\nWindham Centre\nWingham\nWinisk\nWinona\nWinslow\nWisawasa\nWodehouse\nWoito\nWolftown\nWolseley\nWoodbridge\nWoodington\nWoodrous\nWoods\nWoods Bay\nWoodslee\nWoodville\nWoodward Station\nWooler\nWrightmans Corners\nWroxeter\nWyebridge\nWyecombe\nWyevale\nWyoming", "Y\n\nYarker\nYarmouth Centre\nYatton\nYearley\nYellek\nYelverton\nYeovil\nYerexville\nYonge Mills\nYork, Haldimand County\nYoung's Cove\nYoung's Point\nYoungstown\nYoungsville\nYule\n\nZ\n\nZadow\nZealand\nZenda\nZephyr\nZimmerman\nZion, Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, Huron County\nZion, Grey County\nZion, Kawartha Lakes\nZion, Northumberland County\nZion, Peterborough County\nZion, South Huron, Huron County\nZion Line\nZiska\nZorra Station\nZuber Corners\nZurich\n\nSee also", "See also\n\nList of cities in Ontario\nList of municipalities in Ontario\nList of towns in Ontario\nList of township municipalities in Ontario\nList of villages in Ontario\n\nUnincorporated communities" ]
Social policy of the Barack Obama administration
[ "The Almanac of American Politics (2008) rated Barack Obama's overall social policies in 2006 as more conservative than 21% of the Senate, and more liberal than 77% of the Senate (18% and 77%, respectively, in 2005).\n\nAbortion and sexuality", "Abortion and contraception", "In his write-in response to a 1998 survey, Obama stated his abortion position as conforming with the Democratic platform: \"Abortions should be legally available in accordance with Roe v. Wade.\" His presidential candidacy was endorsed by several groups advocating for legal abortion, including NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood", ". In August 2008, in Lake Forest, California, Obama responded to the question as to when life begins, \"Whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity is above my pay grade.\"", "In the Illinois state legislature, Obama opposed the Induced Infant Liability Act and repeatedly voted against requirements and restrictions intended to stop what opponents label as \"born alive\" abortions. Obama said that his opposition was because of technical language he felt might have \"interfered with a woman's right to choose\" and said Illinois law \"already required medical care in such situations.\"", "Obama voted against a bill that would have made it a federal crime for anybody other than a parent to accompany a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion.\n\nHe expressed displeasure with the Supreme Court ruling that upheld a ban on \"partial-birth\" abortions saying the ban didn't sufficiently consider the mother's health. He has, however, expressed support of banning some late-term abortions, provided they include exemptions for the mental and physical health of the mother.", "During the third debate during the 2008 presidential election, Obama further detailed his stance on abortion:", "\"[...] there surely is some common ground when both those who believe in choice and those who are opposed to abortion can come together and say, 'We should try to prevent unintended pregnancies by providing appropriate education to our youth, communicating that sexuality is sacred and that they should not be engaged in cavalier activity, and providing options for adoption, and helping single mothers if they want to choose to keep the baby'", ". Those are all things that we put in the Democratic platform for the first time this year, and I think that's where we can find some common ground, because nobody's pro-abortion. I think it's always a tragic situation. We should try to reduce these circumstances.\"", "Obama voted for a $100 million education initiative to reduce teen pregnancy and provide contraceptives to young people.", "Embryonic stem cell research", "Obama supports embryonic stem cell research and was a co-sponsor of the 2005 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act which was passed by both houses of Congress but vetoed by President Bush. Obama condemned Bush's veto, saying, \"Democrats want this bill to pass. Conservative, pro-life Republicans want this bill to pass. By large margins, the American people want this bill to pass. It is only the White House standing in the way of progress – standing in the way of so many potential cures", ".\" He also voted in favor of the 2007 bill lifting restrictions on embryonic stem cell research that was passed but was also vetoed by President Bush.", "On March 9, 2009, President Obama signed Executive Order 13505, Allowing \"responsible, scientifically worthy human stem cell research, including human embryonic stem cell research, to the extent permitted by law\". This executive order also served to revoke Executive Order 13435, signed on June 20, 2007, by President Bush.", "Disability rights\nObama was the only Democratic presidential candidate to issue an unsolicited statement expressing his views on disability community issues. For example, he stated his intention to sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and expressed his support of the ADA Restoration Act.\n\nLGBT rights", "On March 15, 2007, Obama stated, \"I do not agree...that homosexuality is immoral.\" During the July 23, 2007, CNN/YouTube debate, he further stated, \"... we've got to make sure that everybody is equal under the law. And the civil unions that I proposed would be equivalent in terms of making sure that all the rights that are conferred by the state are equal for same-sex couples as well as for heterosexual couples", ".\" Obama supports expanding the protections afforded by hate crimes statutes to cover crimes committed against individuals because of sexual orientation or gender identity. He also called for full equality for gays during his second inaugural address on January 21, 2013, saying, \"Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law — for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well", ".\" This was the first time that a president mentioned gay rights or the word \"gay\" in an inaugural address.", "LGBT in the military\nHe also stated his opposition to the U.S. military's \"Don't ask, don't tell\" policy, and signed a bill repealing it.\n\nLGBT and hate crimes\nOn October 28, 2009, Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which added gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability to the federal hate crimes law.", "LGBT and anti-discrimination laws\nObama has said that he would sign into law the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which — if passed — would prohibit discrimination in hiring and employment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.", "On July 21, 2014, Obama signed Executive Order 13672, adding \"gender identity\" to the categories protected against discrimination in hiring in the federal civilian workforce and both \"sexual orientation\" and gender identity\" to the categories protected against discrimination in hiring and employment on the part of federal government contractors and sub-contractors.", "LGBT adoption\nObama has said that he supports same-sex couples adopting children. Obama extended the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to cover employees taking unpaid leave to care for the children of same-sex partners.", "LGBT and religion", "Obama was criticized for inviting Reverend Donnie McClurkin, Mary Mary, and Reverend Hezekiah Walker – who all have a history of making anti-gay remarks – to participate in a three-day gospel music campaign tour called \"Embrace the Courage\", as part of Obama's \"40 Days of Faith and Family\" campaign in South Carolina. The Obama campaign responded to criticism in a press release, saying, \"I strongly believe that African Americans and the LGBT community must stand together in the fight for equal rights", ". And so I strongly disagree with Reverend McClurkin's views and will continue to fight for these rights as president of the United States to ensure that America is a country that spreads tolerance instead of division.\" For events held on Sunday, October 28, 2007, Obama added Reverend Andy Sidden, an openly gay pastor.", "LGBT appointees", "Sharon Lubinski, the first openly gay woman in her position, was formally nominated the U.S. marshal for the Minnesota district by President Obama on October 2009 and then confirmed by the Senate in December of that year. On January 4, 2010, Amanda Simpson was appointed by Obama the Senior Technical Advisor to the U.S. Department of Commerce, being possibly the first transgender person appointed to a government post by any US President", ". Monique Dorsainvil has served as the Deputy Director of Advance and Special Events and Director of Planning and Events for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs before accepting the position of the White House's LGBT liaison in 2014.", "Same-sex marriage", "Obama supported legalizing same-sex marriage when he first ran for the Illinois Senate in 1996. Also, he was undecided about legalizing same-sex marriage when he ran for re-election to the Illinois Senate in 1998. He supported civil unions but not same-sex marriage when he ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004 and for U.S. President in 2008. Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman", ". However, in a 2008 interview, he stated that he personally believed that marriage was \"between a man and a woman\" and that he was \"not in favor of gay marriage.\" He supported civil unions that would establish legal standing equal to that of marriage for same-sex couples, but believed that decisions regarding the definition of the word \"marriage\" should be left to the states.", "In December 2008, Obama called for repealing the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).", "On May 15, 2008, in a statement in response to the ruling of the California Supreme Court, Obama announced his opposition to Proposition 8, an initiative measure proposed for the 2008 California General Election ballot that would amend the California Constitution to define the word \"marriage\" as the union of a man and a woman. In a letter that he read to the Alice B", ". In a letter that he read to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club on June 29, 2008, Obama reiterated his opposition to the proposed amendment, stating that he supported the extension of \"fully equal rights and benefits to same-sex couples under both state and federal law.\"", "On May 9, 2012, Obama told an interviewer that he supported same-sex marriage. He was the first sitting U.S. President to do so. He stated:\n\nOn March 1, 2013, Obama, speaking about Hollingsworth v. Perry, the U.S. Supreme Court case about Proposition 8, he said:", "The administration's brief did not describe all state bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, but argued that the proper standard to apply to laws that use sexual orientation as a category is \"heightened scrutiny\", which legal observers say no state ban could survive.", "In October 2014, President Obama told an interviewer, \"Ultimately, I think the Equal Protection Clause does guarantee same-sex marriage in all fifty states\". He praised the way the U.S. Supreme Court had addressed the issue, saying, \"There have been times where the stars were aligned and the Court, like a thunderbolt, issues a ruling like Brown v. Board of Education, but that's pretty rare", ". Board of Education, but that's pretty rare. And, given the direction of society, for the Court to have allowed the process to play out the way it has may make the shift less controversial and more lasting.\"", "Conversion therapy\nIn April 2015, Obama condemned the practice of conversion therapy in response to a petition calling for the practice to be banned.", "Sex education", "As an Illinois State Senator, Obama supported Senate bill 0099 for \"age and developmentally appropriate\" sex education, which would have allowed parents to choose to withdraw their children from the classes. The bill was endorsed by the Illinois Parent Teacher Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Illinois Public Health Association, and the Illinois Education Association", ". In a debate in 2004, when questioned by Alan Keyes about what kind of sex education was \"age appropriate\" for kindergarteners, Obama said, \"I'll give you an example, because I have a six-year-old daughter and a three-year-old daughter, and one of the things my wife and I talked to our daughter about is the possibility of somebody touching them inappropriately, and what that might mean", ". And that was included specifically in the law, so that kindergarteners are able to exercise some possible protection against abuse....\" In 2007, in response to a similar attack from Mitt Romney, an Obama spokesperson stated his position that communities should determine the curriculum. The Illinois bill did not call for addressing all sex-related issues in kindergarten classes, and Obama has said that he \"does not support teaching explicit sex education to children in kindergarten.\"", "HIV", "Obama has encouraged Democrats to reach out to evangelicals and other religious groups. In December 2006, he joined Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) at the \"Global Summit on AIDS and the Church\" organized by church leaders Kay and Rick Warren. Together with Warren and Brownback, Obama took an HIV test, as he had done in Kenya less than four months earlier. He encouraged \"others in public life to do the same\" and not be ashamed of it", ". He encouraged \"others in public life to do the same\" and not be ashamed of it. Addressing over 8,000 United Church of Christ members in June 2007, Obama challenged \"so-called leaders of the Christian Right\" for being \"all too eager to exploit what divides us.\"", "Drugs", "In May 2008, a campaign spokesman for presidential candidate Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle that he would end DEA raids on medical marijuana suppliers in states with their own laws. President Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, said in March 2009 that the DEA would only raid medical marijuana suppliers which violated both state and federal laws", ". However, by April 2012, the Obama administration was exceeding the Bush administration's number of raids on medical marijuana, including a high-profile raid of Oaksterdam University. Legislators from five states sent an open letter to the Obama administration urging them to stop interfering with state law-abiding marijuana dispensaries.", "Environmental policy and record\nAddressing global warming, Obama stated:", "Addressing global warming, Obama stated:\nThe issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril. There may still be disputes about exactly how much is naturally occurring, but what we can be scientifically certain of is that our continued use of fossil fuels is pushing us to a point of no return. And unless we free ourselves from a dependence on these fossil fuels and chart a new course on energy in this country, we are condemning future generations to global catastrophe.", "Obama has pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 by creating a market-based cap-and-trade system. He also has planned to improve air and water quality through reduced carbon emissions.", "Obama worked as a member of the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works during the 109th Congress. During the presidential campaign, he rejected John McCain's proposed suspension of federal gas taxes, claiming that it would hurt consumers, hinder highway construction, and endanger jobs. Obama criticized the idea of a gas tax \"holiday\" as a ploy by his rivals \"designed to get them through an election\" and not actually help \"struggling consumers\".", "Racial issues", "Obama opposes offering reparations to the descendants of slaves. \"I have said in the past – and I'll repeat again – that the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed,\" Obama said. An apology for slavery would be appropriate but not particularly helpful in improving the lives of African Americans, he said. Reparations could also be a distraction, Obama said", ". Reparations could also be a distraction, Obama said. \"I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds,\" Obama told a meeting in Chicago in July 2008.", "Obama's administration offered a brief in support of affirmative action in March 2010 vis-à-vis a court case seeking to challenge Grutter v. Bollinger and the legality of \"race-conscious\" college admissions.\n\nFollowing the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, President Obama gave a 20-minute speech on July 19, 2013, in which he addressed the killing of Trayvon Martin, racial profiling, as well as the state of race relations in the United States.", "Native Americans\nObama has stated, \"The bond that I would like to create between an Obama administration and the [Native American] nations all across this country...is something that is going to be a top priority.\" Obama added that \"few have been ignored by Washington for as long as native Americans – the first Americans\" and that \"too often Washington has paid lip service to working with tribes while taking a one-size-fits-all approach\" and promised \"that will change when I am president\".", "Obama was given honorary membership into a Native American tribe, the Crow Nation. At a private adoption ceremony, Obama was given the Crow name \"One Who Helps People Throughout the Land\".", "Law enforcement and justice", "Obama voted in favor of the 2006 version of the USA PATRIOT Act. He voted against the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and later voted to restore habeas corpus to those detained by the U.S. (which had been stripped by the Military Commissions Act). He has advocated closing the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, but has not supported two specific bills that would have done so. Obama still opposes the use of torture and used to oppose warrantless domestic wiretaps by the U.S", ". Obama still opposes the use of torture and used to oppose warrantless domestic wiretaps by the U.S. He voted against the Flag Desecration Amendment in 2006, arguing that flag burning didn't justify a constitutional amendment, but said that he would support a law banning flag burning on federal property. As of August 8, 2008, the ACLU has given Obama a score of 80% on civil liberty issues for the 110th Congress U.S. Senate.", "USA PATRIOT Act\nAs noted above, Obama voted to reauthorize the USA PATRIOT Act, which extended the Act, but with some amendments. Such amendments would clarify the rights of an individual who has received FISA orders to challenge nondisclosure requirements and to refuse disclosure of the name of their attorney.", "He voted against extending the USA PATRIOT Act's Wiretap Provision on March 1, 2006. This bill would give the FBI the authority to conduct \"roving wiretaps\" and access to business records. Voting against this bill would prolong the debate, keeping the USA PATRIOT Act provisional whereas voting for this bill would extend the USA PATRIOT Act as permanent.", "Warrantless wiretaps\nObama had previously opposed legislation that granted legal immunity for telecommunications companies that helped the Bush administration to conduct wiretaps without warrants but later voted in favor of a compromise bill that included such provisions.", "Death penalty", "Obama has said that the death penalty is used too frequently and inconsistently. However, he favors it for cases in which \"the community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage.\" Speaking as a state senator about the Illinois legislature's constant additions to the list of factors that render a defendant eligible for the death penalty, Obama said, \"We certainly don't think that we should [..", "...] have this laundry list that does not make any distinctions between the run-of-the-mill armed robbery that results in death and systematic killings by a terrorist organization. And I think essentially what the reduction of aggravating factors does is, it says, 'Here's a narrower set of crimes that we think potentially at least could deserve the death penalty", ".'\" In his own words, \"While the evidence tells me that the death penalty does little to deter crime; I believe there are some crimes – mass murder, the rape and murder of a child – so heinous that the community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage by meting out the ultimate punishment", ". On the other hand, the way capital cases were tried in Illinois at the time was so rife with error, questionable police tactics, racial bias, and shoddy lawyering, that 13 death row inmates had been exonerated.\"", "On June 25, 2008, Obama condemned United States Supreme Court decision Kennedy v. Louisiana, which outlawed the death penalty for a child rapist when the victim was not killed. He said that states have the right to consider capital punishment, but cited concern about the possibility of unfairness in some sentences.", "Criteria for selecting judges", "On October 15, 2008, during the third and final presidential debate, Obama said, \"I will look for those judges who have an outstanding judicial record, who have the intellect, and who hopefully have a sense of what real-world folks are going through.\" According to MSNBC, on July 17, 2007, Obama said, \"We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old", ". And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges.\" However, he stated at the final debate that \"the most important thing in any judge is their capacity to provide fairness and justice to the American people.\"", "Internet regulation\nOn November 10, 2014, President Obama recommended the Federal Communications Commission reclassify broadband Internet service as a telecommunications service in order to preserve net neutrality.", "Parental responsibility", "During a February 28, 2008, speech in Beaumont, Texas, Obama said, \"It's not good enough for you to say to your child, 'Do good in school,' and then when that child comes home, you got the TV set on, you got the radio on, you don't check their homework, there is not a book in the house, you've got the video game playing... So turn off the TV set, put the video game away. Buy a little desk or put that child by the kitchen table. Watch them do their homework. If they don't know how to do it, give them help", ". Watch them do their homework. If they don't know how to do it, give them help. If you don't know how to do it, call the teacher. Make them go to bed at a reasonable time. Keep them off the streets. Give 'em some breakfast... I also know that if folks letting our children drink eight sodas a day, which some parents do, or, you know, eat a bag of potato chips for lunch, or Popeyes for breakfast [...] You can't do that. Children have to have proper nutrition", "...] You can't do that. Children have to have proper nutrition. That affects also how they study, how they learn in school.\"", "According to the White House website: \"The President has also proposed an historic investment in providing home visits to low-income, first-time parents by trained professionals. The President and First Lady are also committed to ensuring that children have nutritious meals to eat at home and at school, so that they grow up healthy and strong.\"", "Voting rights\nAfter Section 3 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was struck down by the Supreme Court in Shelby v. Holder in 2013, Obama called for Congress to pass new protections for minorities for the VRA.", "District of Columbia voting rights\nResidents of Washington, D.C., do not have voting representation in Congress, as residents of states do, under the United States Constitution. Instead, Washington currently elects a non-voting delegate to the United States House of Representatives and has no representation in the United States Senate.", "Obama supports \"full representation in Congress\" for residents of the District of Columbia. As a Senator, Obama co-sponsored the failed Voting Rights Act of 2007, which would have granted the District of Columbia full voting representation in the House.", "Religion", "Obama has encouraged Democrats to reach out to evangelicals and other church-going people, saying, \"if we truly hope to speak to people where they’re at – to communicate our hopes and values in a way that’s relevant to their own – we cannot abandon the field of religious discourse", ".\" He supports separation of church and state and contends that: \"I also think that we are under obligation in public life to translate our religious values into moral terms that all people can share, including those who are not believers. And that is how our democracy’s functioning, will continue to function. That’s what the founding fathers intended", ". That’s what the founding fathers intended.\" In July 2008, Obama said that if elected president he would expand the delivery of social services through churches and other religious organizations, vowing to achieve what he said President Bush had fallen short on.", "His 2008 campaign web site contains his Faith Statement.", "Gun policy \n\nAs a state legislator in Illinois, Obama supported banning the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic firearms, increasing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms and requiring manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.", "In 1996, during Obama's run for the Illinois State Senate, he was surveyed by a Chicago nonprofit, the Independent Voters of Illinois (IVI) about criminal justice and other issues. Obama's questionnaire showed that he supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. Subsequently, Obama denied that his writing was on the document and said that he never favored a ban on the sale and possession of handguns", ". In 1999, he urged prohibiting the operation of any gun store within five miles of a school or park, which according to gun-rights advocates would eliminate gun stores from most of the inhabited portion of the United States. He sponsored a bill in 2000 limiting handgun purchases to one per month.", "As state senator, he voted against a 2004 measure that allowed self-defense as an affirmative defense for those charged with violating local laws making it otherwise unlawful for such persons to possess firearms. He also voted against allowing persons who had obtained domestic violence protective orders to carry handguns for their protection.", "From 1994 through 2002, Obama was a board member of the Joyce Foundation, which amongst other non-gun related activities provides funds for gun control organizations in the United States.", "While in the U.S. Senate, Obama has supported several gun control measures, including restricting the purchase of firearms at gun shows and the reauthorization of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Obama voted against legislation protecting firearm manufacturers from certain liability suits, which gun-rights advocates say are designed to bankrupt the firearms industry", ". Obama did vote in favor of the 2006 Vitter Amendment to prohibit the confiscation of lawful firearms during an emergency or major disaster, which passed 84–16.", "During a February 15, 2008, press conference, Obama stated, \"I think there is an individual right to bear arms, but it's subject to commonsense regulation.\" Obama has also stated his opposition to allowing citizens to carry concealed firearms and supports a national law outlawing the practice,\nsaying on Chicago Public Radio in 2004, \"I continue to support a ban on concealed carry laws\".", "Obama initially voiced support of Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and said that it was constitutional. Following the Supreme Court decision that the ban was unconstitutional, he revised his position in support of the decision overturning the law, saying, \"Today's decision reinforces that if we act responsibly, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe", ".\" He also said, in response to the ruling, \"I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms... The Supreme Court has now endorsed that view.\"", "After being elected as President, Obama announced that he favors measures that respect Second Amendment rights, while at the same time keeping guns away from children and criminals. He further stated that he supports banning private transfers of firearms at gun shows (referred to as \"closing the gun show loophole\"), \"making guns in this country childproof\", and permanently reinstating the expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban.", "The Obama administration had changed the stance of the United States regarding the proposed United Nations treaty on trade in small arms from strong opposition to support for the treaty if it is passed by \"consensus.\" According to recent deliberations regarding the treaty, signatory countries would be required to adopt \"international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms\" in order \"to prevent the diversion of conventional arms from", "the legal market into the illicit market.\" Despite popular claims to the contrary, the treaty would not restrict U.S. citizens' Second Amendment rights for various reasons. Most notably, a specific provision in the preamble acknowledges \"the right of States to regulate internal transfers of arms and national ownership, including through national constitutional protections on private ownership, exclusively within their territory.\"", "On January 16, 2013, one month after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, President Obama outlined a series of sweeping gun control proposals, urging Congress to reintroduce an expired ban on \"military-style\" assault weapons, such as those used in several recent mass shootings, impose limits on ammunition magazines to 10 rounds, introduce background checks on all gun sales, pass a ban on possession and sale of armor-piercing bullets, introduce harsher penalties for gun-traffickers", ", introduce harsher penalties for gun-traffickers, especially unlicensed dealers who buy arms for criminals and approving the appointment of the head of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for the first time since 2006", ".", "See also\n Comparison of United States presidential candidates, 2008\n List of Barack Obama presidential campaign endorsements, 2008\n Political positions of Joe Biden\n President Obama's fiscal year 2015 budget proposal - Obama's budget proposal indicates what a lot of his spending priorities and objectives were, many of which had to do with social policy.\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nOfficial sites\n BarackObama.com – Answer Center\n BarackObama.com – Issues\n Obama Senate.gov – Issues", "Topic pages and databases\nGeneral\nChicago Tribune – Candidate coverage\nOn the Issues – Issue positions\nProject Vote Smart – Candidate information, including issue positions\n\nDisability issues\nObama answers questions on disability issues\n\nEnvironment\nObama & environmental issues: Comprehensive review from the League of Conservation Voters.", "Foreign affairs\n\"Renewing American Leadership\" – detailed article by Barack Obama in Foreign Affairs\nBarack Obama's positions on top foreign policy issues – extensive material documented by the Council on Foreign Relations\n\nHealth care\n 2008 Presidential Candidate Health Plan Report Card issued by the National Physicians Alliance\n 2008 Presidential Candidates' Health Reform Proposals from The Commonwealth Fund", "Israel and the Middle East conflict\n Obama on Zionism and Hamas – extensive interview with Jeffrey Goldberg\n Speech by Senator Barack Obama\n\nCriminal justice reform in the United States\nSocial policy\nSocial policy" ]
Device Forts
[ "The Device Forts, also known as Henrician castles and blockhouses, were a series of artillery fortifications built to defend the coast of England and Wales by Henry VIII. Traditionally, the Crown had left coastal defences in the hands of local lords and communities but the threat of French and Spanish invasion led the King to issue an order, called a \"device\", for a major programme of work between 1539 and 1547", ". The fortifications ranged from large stone castles positioned to protect the Downs anchorage in Kent, to small blockhouses overlooking the entrance to Milford Haven in Pembrokeshire, and earthwork bulwarks along the Essex coast. Some forts operated independently, others were designed to be mutually reinforcing", ". Some forts operated independently, others were designed to be mutually reinforcing. The Device programme was hugely expensive, costing a total of £376,000 (estimated as between £2 and £82 billion in today's money); much of this was raised from the proceeds of the Dissolution of the Monasteries a few years before.", "These utilitarian fortifications were armed with artillery, intended to be used against enemy ships before they could land forces or attack ships lying in harbour. The first wave of work between 1539 and 1543 was characterised by the use of circular bastions and multi-tiered defences, combined with many traditional medieval features", ". These designs contained serious military flaws, however, and the second period of construction until 1547 saw the introduction of angular bastions and other innovations probably inspired by contemporary thinking in mainland Europe. The castles were commanded by captains appointed by the Crown, overseeing small garrisons of professional gunners and soldiers, who would be supplemented by the local militia in an emergency.", "Despite a French raid against the Isle of Wight in 1545, the Device Forts saw almost no action before peace was declared in 1546. Some of the defences were left to deteriorate and were decommissioned only a few years after their construction. After war broke out with Spain in 1569, Elizabeth I improved many of the remaining fortifications, including during the attack of the Spanish Armada of 1588", ". By the end of the century, the defences were badly out of date and for the first few decades of the 17th century many of the forts were left to decay. Most of the fortifications saw service in the First and Second English Civil Wars during the 1640s and were garrisoned during the Interregnum, continuing to form the backbone of England's coastal defences against the Dutch after Charles II was restored to the throne in 1660", ". Again left to fall in ruin during the 18th century, many of the Device Forts were modernised and rearmed during the Napoleonic Wars, until peace was declared in 1815.", "Fears over a possible French invasion resurfaced several times in the 19th century, combined with rapid changes in technology, such as the development of steamships and shell guns in the 1840s, rifled cannon and iron-clad warships in the 1850s, and torpedo boats in the 1880s. This spurred fresh investment in those Device Forts still thought to be militarily valuable, and encouraged the decommissioning of others", ". By 1900, however, developments in guns and armour had made most of the Device Forts that remained in service simply too small to be practical in modern coastal defence. Despite being brought back into use during the First and Second World Wars, by the 1950s the fortifications were finally considered redundant and decommissioned for good. Coastal erosion over the centuries had taken its toll and some sites had been extensively damaged or completely destroyed", ". Many were restored, however, and opened to the public as tourist attractions.", "Early history and design\n\nDevice programme\n\nBackground", "The Device Forts emerged as a result of changes in English military architecture and foreign policy in the early 16th century. During the late medieval period, the English use of castles as military fortifications had declined in importance. The introduction of gunpowder in warfare had initially favoured the defender, but soon traditional stone walls could easily be destroyed by early artillery", ". The few new castles that were built during this time still incorporated the older features of gatehouses and crenellated walls, but intended them more as martial symbols than as practical military defences. Many older castles were simply abandoned or left to fall in disrepair.", "Although fortifications could still be valuable in times of war, they had played only a limited role during the Wars of the Roses and, when Henry VII invaded and seized the throne in 1485, he had not needed to besiege any castles or towns during the campaign. Henry rapidly consolidated his rule at home and had few reasons to fear an external invasion from the continent; he invested little in coastal defences over the course of his reign", ". Modest fortifications existed along the coasts, based around simple blockhouses and towers, primarily in the south-west and along the Sussex coast, with a few more impressive works in the north of England, but they were very limited in scale.", "His son, Henry VIII inherited the throne in 1509 and took a more interventionist approach in European affairs, fighting one war with France between 1512 and 1514, and then another between 1522 and 1525, this time allying himself with Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. While France and the Empire were in conflict with one another, raids along the English coast might still be common, but a full-scale invasion seemed unlikely", ". Indeed, traditionally the Crown had left coastal defences to local lords and communities, only taking a modest role in building and maintaining fortifications. Initially, therefore, Henry took little interest in his coastal defences; he declared reviews of the fortifications in both 1513 and 1533, but not much investment took place as a result.", "In 1533 Henry broke with Pope Paul III in order to annul the long-standing marriage to his wife, Catherine of Aragon, and remarry. Catherine was the aunt of King Charles V of Spain, who took the annulment as a personal insult. As a consequence, France and the Empire declared an alliance against Henry in 1538, and the Pope encouraged the two countries to attack England", ". An invasion of England now appeared certain; that summer Henry made a personal inspection of some of his coastal defences, which had recently been mapped and surveyed: he appeared determined to make substantial, urgent improvements.", "Initial phase, 1539–1543", "Henry VIII gave instructions through Parliament in 1539 that new defences were to be built along the coasts of England, beginning a major programme of work that would continue until 1547. The order was known as a \"device\", which meant a documented plan, instruction or schema, leading to the fortifications later becoming known as the \"Device Forts\"", ". The initial instructions for the \"defence of the realm in time of invasion\" concerned building forts along the southern coastline of England, as well as making improvements to the defences of the towns of Calais and Guisnes in France, then controlled by Henry's forces. Commissioners were also to be sent out across south-west and south-east England to inspect the current defences and to propose sites for new ones.", "The initial result was the construction of 30 new fortifications of various sizes during 1539. The stone castles of Deal, Sandown and Walmer were constructed to protect the Downs in east Kent, an anchorage which gave access to Deal Beach and on which an invasion force of enemy soldiers could easily be landed", ". These defences, known as the castles of the Downs, were supported by a line of four earthwork forts, known as the Great Turf Bulwark, the Little Turf Bulwark, the Great White Bulwark of Clay and the Walmer Bulwark, and a long defensive ditch and bank. The route inland through a gap in the Kentish cliffs was guarded by Sandgate Castle. In many cases temporary bulwarks for artillery batteries were built in during the initial stages of the work, ahead of the main stonework being completed.", "The Thames estuary leading out of London, through which 80 percent of England's exports passed, was protected with a mutually reinforcing network of blockhouses at Gravesend, Milton, and Higham on the south side of the river, and West Tilbury and East Tilbury on the opposite bank. Camber Castle was built to protect the anchorage outside the ports of Rye and Winchelsea, defences were built in the port of Harwich and three earth bulwarks were built around Dover", ". Work was also begun on Calshot Castle in Fawley and the blockhouses of East and West Cowes on the Isle of Wight to protect the Solent, which led into the trading port of Southampton. The Portland Roads anchorage in Dorset was protected with new castles at Portland and Sandsfoot, and work began on two blockhouses to protect the Milford Haven Waterway in Pembrokeshire.", "In 1540 additional work was ordered to defend Cornwall. Carrick Roads was an important anchorage at the mouth of the River Fal and the original plans involved constructing five new fortifications to protect it, although only two castles, Pendennis and St Mawes, were actually built, on opposite sides of the estuary. Work began on further fortifications to protect the Solent in 1541, with the construction of Hurst Castle, overlooking the Needles Passage, and Netley Castle just outside Southampton itself", ". Following a royal visit to the north of England, the coastal fortifications around the town of Hull were upgraded in 1542 with a castle and two large blockhouses. Further work was carried out in Essex in 1543, with a total of seven fortifications constructed, three in Harwich itself, three protecting the estuary leading to the town, and two protecting the estuary linking into Colchester. St Andrew's Castle was begun to further protect the Solent.", "The work was undertaken rapidly, and 24 sites were completed and garrisoned by the end of 1540, with almost all of the rest finished by the end of 1543. By the time they were completed, however, the alliance between Charles and Francis had collapsed and the threat of imminent invasion was over.\n\nSecond phase, 1544–1547", "Henry moved back onto the offensive in Europe in 1543, allying himself with Spain against France once again. Despite Henry's initial successes around Boulogne in northern France, King Charles and Francis made peace in 1544, leaving England exposed to an invasion by France, backed by her allies in Scotland. In response Henry issued another device in 1544 to improve the country's defences, particularly along the south coast", ". Work began on Southsea Castle in 1544 on Portsea Island to further protect the Solent, and on Sandown Castle the following year on the neighbouring Isle of Wight. Brownsea Castle in Dorset was begun in 1545, and Sharpenrode Bulwark was built opposite Hurst Castle from 1545 onwards.", "The French invasion emerged in 1545, when Admiral Claude d'Annebault crossed the Channel and arrived off the Solent with 200 ships on 19 July. Henry's fleet made a brief sortie, before retreating safely behind the protective fortifications. Annebault landed a force near Newhaven, during which Camber Castle may have fired on the French fleet, and on 23 July they landed four detachments on the Isle of Wight, including a party that took the site of Sandown Castle, which was still under construction", ". The French expedition moved further on along the coast on 25 July, bringing an end to the immediate invasion threat. Meanwhile, on 22 July the French had carried out a raid at Seaford, and Camber Castle may have seen action against the French fleet. A peace treaty was agreed in June 1546, bringing an end to the war. By the time that Henry died the following year, in total the huge sum of £376,000 had been spent on the Device projects.", "Architects and engineers", "Some of the Device Forts were designed and built by teams of English engineers. The master mason John Rogers was brought back from his work in France and worked on the Hull defences, while Sir Richard Lee, another of the King's engineers from his French campaigns, may have been involved in the construction of Sandown and Southsea; the pair were paid the substantial sums of £30 and £36 a year respectively", ". Sir Richard Morris, the Master of Ordnance, and James Needham, the Surveyor of the King's Works, led on the defences along the Thames. The efforts of the Hampton Court Palace architectural team, under the leadership of the Augustinian canon, Richard Benese, contributed to the high-quality construction and detailing seen in many of Henry's Device projects.", "Henry himself took a close interest in the design of the fortifications, sometimes overruling his technical advisers on particular details. Southsea Castle, for example, was described by the courtier Sir Edmund Knyvet as being \"of his Majesty's own device\", which typically indicated that the King had taken a personal role in its design. The historian Andrew Saunders suspects that Henry was \"probably the leading and unifying influence behind the fortifications\".", "England also had a tradition of drawing on expert foreign engineers for military engineering; Italians were particularly sought after, as their home country was felt to be generally more technically advanced, particularly in the field of fortifications", ". One of these foreign engineers, Stefan von Haschenperg from Moravia, worked on Camber, Pendennis, Sandgate and St Mawes, apparently attempting to reproduce Italian designs, although his lack of personal knowledge of such fortifications impacted poorly on the end results", ". Technical treatises from mainland Europe also influenced the designers of the Device Forts, including Albrecht Dürer's which described contemporary methods of fortification in Germany, published in 1527 and translated into Latin in 1535, and Niccolò Machiavelli's , published in 1521, which also described new Italian forms of military defences.", "Architecture \n\nThe Device Forts represented a major, radical programme of work; the historian Marcus Merriman describes it as \"one of the largest construction programmes in Britain since the Romans\", Brian St John O'Neil as the only \"scheme of comprehensive coastal defence ever attempted in England before modern times\", while Cathcart King likened it to the Edwardian castle building programme in North Wales.", "Although some of the fortifications are titled as castles, historians typically distinguish between the character of the Device Forts and those of the earlier medieval castles. Medieval castles were private dwellings as well as defensive sites, and usually played a role in managing local estates; Henry's forts were organs of the state, placed in key military locations, typically divorced from the surrounding patterns of land ownership or settlements", ". Unlike earlier medieval castles, they were spartan, utilitarian constructions. Some historians such as King have disagreed with this interpretation, highlighting the similarities between the two periods, with the historian Christopher Duffy terming the Device Forts the \"reinforced-castle fortification\".", "The forts were positioned to defend harbours and anchorages, and designed both to focus artillery fire on enemy ships, and to protect the gunnery teams from attack by those vessels. Some, including the major castles, including the castles of the Downs in Kent, were intended to be self-contained and able to defend themselves against attack from the land, while the smaller blockhouses were primarily focused on the maritime threat", ". Although there were extensive variations between the individual designs, they had common features and were often built in a consistent style.", "The larger sites, such as Deal or Camber, were typically squat, with low parapets and massively thick walls to protect against incoming fire. They usually had a central keep, echoing earlier medieval designs, with curved, concentric bastions spreading out from the centre. The main guns were positioned over multiple tiers to enable them to engage targets at different ranges. There were far more gunports than there were guns held by the individual fortification", ". There were far more gunports than there were guns held by the individual fortification. The bastion walls were pierced with splayed gun embrasures, giving the artillery space to traverse and enabling easy fire control, with overlapping angles of fire. The interiors had sufficient space for gunnery operations, with specially designed vents to remove the black powder smoke generated by the guns", ". Moats often surrounded the sites, to protect against any attack from land, and they were further protected by what the historian B. Morley describes as the \"defensive paraphernalia developed in the Middle Ages\": portcullises, murder holes and reinforced doors. The smaller blockhouses took various forms, including D-shapes, octagonal and square designs. The Thames blockhouses were typically protected on either side by additional earthworks and guns.", "These new fortifications were the most advanced in England at the time, an improvement over earlier medieval designs, and were effective in terms of concentrating firepower on enemy ships. They contained numerous flaws, however, and were primitive in comparison to their counterparts in mainland Europe. The multiple tiers of guns gave the forts a relatively high profile, exposing them to enemy attack, and the curved surfaces of the hollow bastions were vulnerable to artillery", ". The concentric bastion design prevented overlapping fields of fire in the event of an attack from the land, and the tiers of guns meant that, as an enemy approached, the number of guns the fort could bring to bear diminished.", "Some of these issues were addressed during the second Device programme from 1544 onwards. Italian ideas began to be brought in, although the impact of Henry's foreign engineers seems to have been limited, and the designs themselves lagged behind those used in his French territories. The emerging continental approach used angled, \"arrow-head\" bastions, linked in a line called a , to provide supporting fire against any attacker", ". Sandown Castle on the Isle of Wight, constructed in 1545, was a hybrid of traditional English and continental ideas, with angular bastions combined with a circular bastion overlooking the sea. Southsea Castle and Sharpenode Fort had similar, angular bastions. Yarmouth Castle, finished by 1547, was the first fortification in England to adopt the new arrow-headed bastion design, which had further advantages over a simple angular bastion", ". Not all the forts in the second wave of work embraced the Italian approach however, and some, such as Brownsea Castle, retained the existing, updated architectural style.", "Logistics", "The costs of building the fortifications varied with their size. A small blockhouse cost around £500 to build, whereas a medium-sized castle, such as Sandgate, Pendennis or Portland, would come to approximately £5,000. The defensive line of Deal, Sandown and Walmer castles cost a total £27,092, while the work at Hull Castle and its two blockhouses came to £21,056", ". Various officials were appointed to run each of the projects, including a paymaster, a comptroller, an overseer and commissioners from the local gentry. A few fortifications were built by local individuals and families; St Catherine's Castle, for example, was reportedly paid for by the town and local gentry, and the Edgcumbe family built Devil's Point Artillery Tower to protect Plymouth Harbour.", "Much of the expenditure was on the construction teams, called \"crews\", who built the forts. The numbers of workers varied during the course of the project, driven in part by seasonal variation, but the teams were substantial: Sandgate Castle, for example, saw an average of 640 men on the site daily during June 1540, and the work at Hull required a team of 420", ". A skilled worker was paid between 7 and 8 pence a day, a labourer between 5 and 6 pence, with trades including stonemasons, carpenters, carters, lime burners, sawyers, plumbers, scavelmen, dikers and bricklayers. Finding enough workers proved difficult, and in some cases men had to be pressed into service unwillingly. Labour disputes broke out, with strikes over low pay at Deal in 1539 and at Guisnes in 1541; both were quickly suppressed by royal officials.", "Large amounts of raw materials were also needed for the work, including stone, timber and lead and many other supplies. Camber, for example, probably required over 500,000 bricks, Sandgate needed 44,000 tiles, while constructing a small blockhouse along the Thames was estimated by contemporaries to require of chalk just to enable the manufacture of the lime mortar. Some materials could be sourced locally, but coal was shipped from the north of England and prefabricated items were brought in from London.", "Most of the money for the first phase of Device works came from Henry's dissolution of the monasteries a few years before, and the revenues that flowed in from the Court of Augmentations and First Fruits and Tenths as a result. In addition, the dissolution had released ample supplies of building materials as the monastic buildings were pulled down, and much of this was recycled", ". Netley Castle, for example, was based on an old abbey and reused many of its stones, East Tilbury Blockhouse reused parts of St Margaret's Chantry, Calshot Castle took the lead from nearby Beaulieu Abbey, East and West Cowes castles stone from Beaulieu and Quarr, and Sandwich had the stone from the local Carmelite friary. Milton Blockhouse was constructed on land that had recently been confiscated from Milton Chantry", ". Milton Blockhouse was constructed on land that had recently been confiscated from Milton Chantry. By the second phase of the programme, however, most of the money from the dissolution had been spent, and Henry instead had to borrow funds; government officials noted that at least £100,000 was needed for the work.", "Garrisons", "The garrisons of the Device Forts comprised relatively small teams of men who typically lived and worked in the fortifications. The garrisons would maintain and care for the buildings and their artillery during the long periods of peacetime and, in a crisis, would be supplemented by additional soldiers and the local militia. The size of the garrisons varied according to the fortification; Camber Castle had a garrison of 29, Walmer Castle 18, while the West Tilbury Blockhouse only held 9 men", ". The ordinary soldiers would have lived in relatively basic conditions, typically on the ground floor, with the captains of the fortifications occupying more elaborate quarters, often in the upper levels of the keeps. The soldiers ate meat and fish, some of which might have been hunted or caught by the garrison.", "The garrisons were well organised, and a strict code of discipline was issued in 1539; the historian Peter Harrington suggests that life in the forts would have usually been \"tedious\" and \"isolated\". Soldiers were expected to provide handguns at their own expense, and could be fined if they failed to produce them", ". There were only around 200 gunners across England during the 1540s; they were important military specialists, and the historians Audrey Howes and Martin Foreman observe that \"an air of mystery and danger\" surrounded them.", "The rates of pay across the defences were recorded in 1540, showing that the typical pay of the garrisons was 1 or 2 shillings a day for a captain; his deputy, 8 pence; porters, 8 pence; with soldiers and gunners receiving 6 pence each. In total, 2,220 men were recorded as receiving pay that year, at a cost to the Crown of £2,208", ". In total, 2,220 men were recorded as receiving pay that year, at a cost to the Crown of £2,208. Although most garrisons were paid for by the Crown, in some cases the local community also had a role; at Brownsea, the local town was responsible for providing a garrison of 6 men, and at Sandsfoot the village took up the responsibility for supporting the castle garrison, in exchange for an exemption from paying taxes and carrying out militia service.", "Armament", "The artillery guns in the Device forts were the property of the Crown and were centrally managed by the authorities in the Tower of London. The Tower moved them between the various fortifications as they felt necessary, often resulting in complaints from the local captains. Various surviving records record the armaments held by individual forts on particular dates, and between 1547 and 1548 a complete inventory was made of the Crown's possessions, detailing the weapons held by all of the forts", ". The number of guns varied considerably from site to site; in the late 1540s, heavily armed forts such as Hurst and Calshot held 26 and 36 guns respectively; Portland, however, had only 11 pieces. Some forts had more guns than the level of their regular, peacetime garrison; for example, despite only having an establishment of 13 men, Milton Blockhouse had 30 artillery pieces.", "A variety of artillery guns were deployed, including heavier weapons, such as cannons, culverins and demi-cannons, and smaller pieces such as sakers, minions and falcons. Some older guns, for example slings and bases, were also deployed, but were less effective than newer weapons such as the culverin. With sites equipped with several tiers of weapons, the heaviest guns would typically be placed higher up in the fortification, with the smaller weapons closer to the ground", ". It is uncertain how far the guns of the period would have reached; analysis carried out in the 16th and 17th century on the ranges of artillery suggested that the largest weapons, such as a culverin, could hit a target up to between away.", "The forts were typically equipped with a mixture of brass and iron artillery guns. Guns made of brass could fire more quickly—up to eight times an hour—and were safer to use than their iron equivalents, but were expensive and required imported copper (tin could be sourced from Cornwall and Devon). In the 1530s Henry had established a new English gun-making industry in the Weald of Kent and London, staffed by specialists from mainland Europe", ". This could make cast-iron weapons, but probably initially lacked the capacity to supply all of the artillery required for the Device forts, particularly since Henry also required more guns for his new navy. A technical breakthrough in 1543, however, led to the introduction of vertical casting and a massive increase in Henry's ability to manufacture iron cannons", ". Few guns from this period have survived, but during excavations in 1997 an iron portpiece was discovered on the site of the South Blockhouse in Kingston on Hull. The weapon, now known as \"Henry's Gun\", is one of only four such guns in the world to have survived and is displayed at the Hull Museums.", "In addition to artillery, the Device Forts were equipped with infantry weapons. Handguns, typically an early form of matchlock arquebus, would have been used for close defence; these were long and supported on tripods. Many forts also held supplies of bows, arrows and polearms, such as bills, pikes and halberds", ". Many forts also held supplies of bows, arrows and polearms, such as bills, pikes and halberds. Longbows were still in military use among English armies in the 1540s, although they later declined quickly in popularity, and these, along with the polearms, would have been used by the local militia when they were called out in a crisis.", "Later history\n\n16th century", "After Henry's death there was a pause in the conflict with France, during which many of the new fortifications were allowed to deteriorate. There was little money available for repairs and the garrisons were reduced in size. East Cowes was abandoned around 1547 and fell into ruin, while the bulwarks along the Downs were defaced and their guns removed; they were formally removed from service in 1550. In 1552 the Essex fortifications were decommissioned, and several were subsequently pulled down", ". In 1552 the Essex fortifications were decommissioned, and several were subsequently pulled down. The expense of maintaining the fortifications in Hull led the Crown to agree a deal with the town authorities to take over management of them. Milton and Higham were demolished between 1557 and 1558. Mersea Fort was temporarily decommissioned, before being brought back into active service.", "The strategic importance of south-east England declined after peace was declared with France in 1558. Military attention instead shifted towards the Spanish threat to the increasingly prosperous south-west of the country; tensions grew and war finally broke out in 1569. The new threat led to improvements being made to Pendennis and St Mawes castles in Cornwall, and repairs to Calshot, Camber and Portland along the south coast", ". In 1588 the Spanish armada sailed for England and the Device Forts were mobilised in response. As part of this work, West Tilbury was brought back into service and supported by a hastily raised army, which was visited by Queen Elizabeth I, and further enlargement followed under the direction of the Italian engineer, Federigo Giambelli", ". Gravesend was improved and several of the Essex fortifications were temporarily brought back into use; there were discussions about enhancing the defences at Hull and Milford Haven, but no work was actually carried out.", "Despite the destruction of the Armada, the Spanish threat continued; the castles in Kent were kept ready for action throughout the rest of Elizabeth's reign. In 1596 a Spanish invasion fleet carrying reportedly 20,000 soldiers set out for Pendennis, which was then garrisoned with only 500 men. The fleet was forced to turn back due to bad weather, but Elizabeth reviewed the defences and significantly expanded Henry's original fortifications with more up-to-date bastions, designed by the engineer Paul Ive", ". By the end of the century, however, most of the Device Forts were typically out of date by European standards.", "17th century", "James I came to the English throne in 1603, resulting peace with both France and Spain. His government took little interest in the coastal defences and many of the Device Forts were neglected and fell into disrepair, with their garrisons' wages left unpaid. Castles such as Deal and blockhouses like Gravesend were all assessed as needing extensive repairs, with Sandgate reported to be in such a poor condition that \"neither habitable or defensible against any assault, nor any way fit to command the roads\"", ". Lacking ammunition and powder, and with only a handful of its guns in adequate repair, Hurst was unable to prevent Flemish ships from passing along the Solent. Pendennis's garrison's pay was two years in arrears, reportedly forcing them to gather limpets from the shoreline for food", ". Some of the forts fell out of use; Camber Castle, whose original function of protecting the local anchorage had by now been made redundant by the changing shoreline, was decommissioned by King Charles I in 1637, while Sharpenrode Bulwark lay in ruins by the 1620s.", "First English Civil War", "Civil war broke out across England in 1642 between the supporters of King Charles I and Parliament. Fortifications and artillery played an important role in the conflict, and most of the Device Forts saw service. The south and east of England were soon largely controlled by Parliament. The blockhouses at Gravesend and Tilbury were garrisoned by Parliament and used to control access to London", ". The castles along the Sussex and Kentish coastline were seized by Parliament in the opening phase of the war, Camber Castle then being decommissioned to prevent it being used by the enemy, the remainder continuing to be garrisoned. The royal fleet, which had been positioned in the Downs anchorage, sided with Parliament.", "The Device Forts along the Solent also fell into Parliamentary hands early in the conflict. Calshot was garrisoned throughout, as was Brownsea, which was strengthened and equipped with additional guns. West Cowes was rapidly taken after firing on a nearby Parliamentary ship, and the Royalist commander at Yarmouth quickly negotiated a surrender of his tiny garrison. The heavily outnumbered garrison at Southsea Castle was stormed by Parliamentary forces in a night attack", ". Like Camber, St Andrew's and Netley were rapidly occupied and then decommissioned by Parliament. In the north-east, Hull also sided with Parliament, and its castle and blockhouses were used as part of the town's defences during multiple sieges.", "Much of the south-west sided with the King; Device Forts such as St Catherine's were held by the Royalists from the beginning of the conflict. The Royalists invaded Parliamentary-controlled Dorset in 1643, taking Portland and Sandsfoot. The flow of the war turned against the King, and the Dorset forts were besieged in 1644 and 1645, with Sandsfoot falling to Parliament. By March 1646, Thomas Fairfax had entered Cornwall with a substantial army", ". By March 1646, Thomas Fairfax had entered Cornwall with a substantial army. The captain of the castle was invited to retreat to the stronger fortress of Pendennis, but he surrendered immediately without putting up resistance. Pendennis was bombarded from the land and blockaded by a flotilla of ships. The captain, Sir John Arundell, agreed to an honourable surrender on 15 August, and around 900 survivors left the fort, some terminally ill from malnutrition", ". Pendennis was the penultimate Royalist fortification to hold out in the war, followed by Portland Castle which finally surrendered in April 1646.", "Second English Civil War", "After a few years of unsteady peace, in 1648 the Second English Civil War broke out, this time with Charles' Royalist supporters joined by Scottish forces. The Parliamentary navy was based in the Downs, protected by the nearby Henrician castles, but by May a Royalist insurrection was underway across Kent. Sandown Castle declared for the King, and the soldier and former naval captain Major Keme then convinced the garrisons at Deal and Walmer to surrender", ". Sandgate Castle probably joined the Royalists as well. With both the coastal fortresses and the navy now under Royalist control, Parliament feared that foreign forces might be landed along the coast, or military aid sent to the Scots.", "Essex also rose in rebellion in June and the town of Colchester was taken by the Royalists. Sir Thomas Fairfax placed it under siege, and Mersea Fort was taken by Parliamentary forces and used to cut off any assistance reaching the town by river. Meanwhile, Parliament defeated the Kentish insurgency at the Battle of Maidstone at the start of June and then sent a force under the command of Colonel Rich to deal with the castles of the Downs.", "Walmer Castle was the first to be besieged and surrendered on 12 July. An earthwork fort was then built between Sandown and Deal, who each may have been defended by around 150 men each. Deal, which had been resupplied by the Royalists from the sea, was besieged in July. A Royalist fleet bombarded the Parliamentary positions and temporarily landed a force 1,500 Flemish mercenaries in support of the revolt, but a shortage of money forced their return to the Continent", ". The fleet, under the command of Prince Charles, attempted to landed a fresh force in August, but despite three attempts the operation failed and suffered heavy losses. Deal surrendered on 25 August, followed by Sandown on 5 September.", "Interregnum and the Restoration", "Unlike many castles, the Device Forts avoided being slighted – deliberately damaged or destroyed – by Parliament during the years of the Interregnum. Many of the forts remained garrisoned with substantial numbers of men due to fears of a Royalist invasion, overseen by newly appointed governors; Netley was brought back into service due to the threat. Many were used to hold prisoners of war or political detainees, including Hull, Mersea, Portland, Southsea and West Cowes", ". During the First Anglo-Dutch War between 1652 and 1654, castles such as Deal were reinforced with earthworks and soldiers. Portland saw action during a three-day long naval battle between English and Dutch forces in the Portland Roads. Some sites fell out of use: Little Dennis Blockhouse – part of the complex of defences at Pendennis – and Mersea were decommissioned between 1654 and 1655, and Brownsea Castle was sold off into private hands.", "Charles II was restored to the throne in 1660 and reduced both the size and the wages of the garrisons across the kingdom. The Device Forts initially remained at the heart of the defences along the south coast, but their design was by now badly antiquated. Deal continued to play an important role in defending the Downs during the Second and Third Dutch Wars, supported by local trained bands, and castles such as Hurst, Portland and Sandgate remained garrisoned", ". Others, however, were decommissioned with Sandsfoot closing in 1665 following a dispute over the control of the defences, and Netley being abandoned to fall into ruin.", "Concerns about the Dutch threat were intensified after an unexpected naval raid along the Thames in 1667, during which Gravesend and Tilbury prevented the attack reaching the capital itself. In response, Charles made extensive improvements to his coastal defences. As part of this investments were made to Pendennis, Southsea and Yarmouth, while Tilbury was hugely expanded with an updated system of ramparts, bastions and moats at considerable cost", ". In the final phases of Charles's work, the castle and southern blockhouse at Hull were incorporated into a massive new fortification called the Citadel during the 1680s.", "Some of the Device Forts played a role in the Glorious Revolution of 1688 against Charles' brother, King James II. The townsfolk of Deal seized their local castle in support of William of Orange, and took steps to defend the Downs against a feared Irish invasion which never materialised. Southsea Castle was held by the King's illegitimate son, James FitzJames, the Duke of Berwick, who was pressurised into surrendering as his father's cause collapsed", ". Yarmouth was controlled by Robert Holmes, a supporter of James, but was prevented from actively supporting the loyalist cause by the local inhabitants and his garrison, who sided with William.", "18th–19th centuries\n\n1700–1791", "The military significance of the Device Forts declined during the 18th century. Some of the fortifications were redesigned to provide more comfortable housing for their occupants. Cowes Castle was partially rebuilt in 1716 to modernise its accommodation, demolishing much of the keep and adding residential wings and gardens over the landward defences, and Brownsea Castle began to be converted into a country house from the 1720s onwards", ". Walmer became the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Lionel Sackville, the Duke of Dorset, carried out extensive work there after 1708. There was probably some rivalry between Sackville and the naval officer Sir John Norris, who redeveloped nearby Deal Castle during the same period, creating comfortable wood-panelled quarters for himself there overlooking the sea.", "Criticisms were levelled at the defences of the Device Forts, which often had minimal garrisons and had been left to fall into disrepair. Southsea Castle, for example, was only garrisoned by \"an old sergeant and three or four men who sell cakes and ale\" according to one contemporary account, and proposals were put forward to abandon the site altogether", ". Portland suffered badly from coastal erosion and, protected only by a caretaker garrison, was reportedly not repaired for many years, and a 1714 survey found the long-neglected Pendennis Castle to be \"in a very ruinous condition\". The French military dismissed Deal, Walmer and Sandown as being highly vulnerable to any potential attack, describing them in 1767 as \"very old and little more than gun platforms\"", ". Mersea Fort and East Tilbury fell into ruin and were abandoned, the latter being submerged by the Thames. Some limited investments were made in the fortifications, however, with the defences of Pendennis Castle being modernised in the 1730s, and those of Calshot in the 1770s.", "1792–1849", "The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries led to some of the castles being re-garrisoned and improved, as part of the development of a range of gun batteries around key locations. Some of the fortifications such as Sandgate, Southsea, Hurst and Pendennis, protected strategic locations and these were extensively modernised. Hurst, for example, was redesigned with batteries of heavier 36-pounder () weapons, and Pendennis was equipped with up to 48 guns", ". Sandgate's keep was rebuilt to form a Martello tower as part of a wider programme of work along the south coast. New gun batteries were constructed at Deal, Sandown in Kent and Tilbury, while Fort Mersea was brought back into service complete with a new battery as well. Calshot Castle was renovated, and Southsea's defences were extensively modernised, as were those in Hull, with the castle and the south blockhouse being refitted.", "Some of the Device Forts worked in conjunction with the volunteer units raised during the wars to counter the threat of a French invasion. Walmer Castle was used by its captain William Pitt the Younger – then both prime minister and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports – as the base for volunteer cavalry unit and a fleet of 35 armed fishing boats called luggers", ". Nearby Deal also had units of infantry and cavalry, called fencibles and in 1802 units of bombardiers recruited by Pitt carried out military exercises at the castle. Calshot was used to store munitions for nearby Sea Fencibles. Pendennis held a new volunteer artillery unit, which was used to train other garrisons across Cornwall.", "The government coastguard used some of the fortifications as bases to combat smuggling. Calshot was a good location for interception vessels to lie in wait and, by the middle of the century, two officers and forty-two men were stationed there; Sandown Castle in Kent was also used by the coastguard for anti-smuggling operations. In the coming decades some forts were declared obsolete and put to new uses; Portland was disarmed after the war and converted into a private house", ". Gravesend was superseded by the New Tavern Fort and demolished in 1844. Meanwhile, the ruins of Netley Castle were transformed into a Gothic-styled house from 1826 onwards.", "1850–1899", "From the mid-19th century onwards, changes in military technology repeatedly challenged the value and composition of Britain's coastal defences. The introduction of shell guns and steam ships created a new risk that the French might successfully attack along the south coast, and fears grew of a conflict in the early 1850s. Southsea Castle and St Mawes were extended with new gun batteries, Pendennis was re-equipped with heavier guns, and Hurst was extensively redeveloped", ". There were discussions about rearming Calshot, but these were rejected, in part due to concerns about the suitability of the 16th-century walls in modern warfare. The Crimean War sparked a fresh invasion scare and in 1855 the south coast of England was refortified. New guns were installed at St Catherine's and Yarmouth in 1855. The remains of the West Blockhouse were destroyed by a new fortification, the West Blockhouse Fort, designed to deal with the French threat.", "Fresh worries about France, combined with the development of rifled cannon and iron-clad warships, led to the Royal Commission on the Defence of the United Kingdom being established in 1859, and expressing fears about the security of the south coast. In response, Sandgate was re-equipped with heavier guns in 1859, and extensive work was carried out on Southsea", ". Hurst was fitted with two huge batteries of heavy rifled breech-loading guns, protected by iron armour plate, intended for use against fast-moving enemy warships. Tilbury Blockhouse was demolished to make way for heavier guns at the fort after 1868. Portland was readopted by army as a garrison base in 1869 in response to fears of an invasion, but it was not rearmed.", "A fresh wave of concerns about France followed in the 1880s, accompanied by the introduction of still more powerful naval artillery and fast warships and torpedo boats, resulting in a fresh wave of modernisation. An electronically operated minefield was laid across Carrick Roads in 1885, jointly controlled from St Mawes and Pendennis. New, quick-firing guns were installed at Hurst to enable the castle to engage the newer vessels", ". New, quick-firing guns were installed at Hurst to enable the castle to engage the newer vessels. Calshot was brought back into service as a coastal fort, with a new battery of quick-firing guns protecting a boom across the estuary. The original 16th-century parts of fortifications such as Southsea and Calshot were too small and unsuitable for modern weapons, however, and were instead used for mounting searchlights, range and direction finding; in some cases their fabric was left to slowly decline.", "Some other sites were no longer considered viable at all. West Cowes was decommissioned in 1854 and became the club house of the Royal Yacht Squadron", ". West Cowes was decommissioned in 1854 and became the club house of the Royal Yacht Squadron. Sandown Castle in Kent, suffering badly from coastal erosion, began to be demolished from 1863 onwards; Hull Citadel and its 16th-century fortifications were demolished in 1864 to make way for docks; Yarmouth was decommissioned in 1885, becoming a coastguard signalling station; and Sandgate, also suffering from coastal erosion, was sold off to the South Eastern Railway company in 1888.", "20th–21st centuries\n\n1900–1945", "By the start of the 20th century, developments in guns and armour had made most of the Device Forts that remained in service too small to be useful. Modern weapons systems and their supporting logistics facilities such as munitions stores could not fit within the 16th-century designs", ". A 1905 review of the Falmouth defences concluded that the naval artillery at St Mawes had become superfluous, as the necessary guns could be mounted at combination of Pendennis and newer sites along the coast, and the castle was disarmed. A review in 1913 concluded that keeping naval artillery at Calshot was also unnecessary, and the site was turned into an experimental seaplane station instead.", "Meanwhile, concerns had been growing about the unsympathetic treatment of historic military buildings by the War Office; for its part, the War Office was concerned that it might find itself financially supporting these properties from its own budget. Yarmouth Castle was passed to the Commissioners of Woods and Forests in 1901, with parts of it were leased to the neighbouring hotel", ". The War Office concluded that Walmer and Deal had no remaining military value and agreed to transfer the castles to the Office of Works in 1904, who opened both former fortifications to visitors. Portland Castle was placed onto what was known as the Schedule C list, which meant that the Army would continue to use and manage the historic property, but would receive advice on the suitability of repairs from the Office of Works.", "With the outbreak of the First World War, naval operations were mainly focused along the south-east and southern coasts. The defences of Pendennis were reinforced, while Southsea, with the addition of anti-Zeppelin guns, formed part of the Fortress Portsmouth plan for defending the Solent. Calshot formed a base for anti-submarine warfare, and the remaining castles of the Downs were used to support the activities of the Dover Patrol", ". St Mawes and Portland were used as barracks, and Walmer became a weekend retreat for the Prime Minister, Asquith, exploiting its good communication links with the front line in France.", "During the Second World War, Britain's coastal defences depended on extensive barriers constructed along the shores, combined with large numbers of small defensive artillery positions supported by air cover. Several of the Device Forts were brought back into service in this way. Pendennis, St Catherine's, St Mawes and Walmer were equipped with naval gun batteries, Calshot and Hurst were rearmed with naval guns and anti-aircraft defences, and Sandsfoot was used as an anti-aircraft battery", ". Southsea continued in service, and was involved in Operation Grasp, which seized the French fleet in 1940. Others were used as support facilities; Yarmouth was requisitioned for military use; Portland was used for accommodation, offices and as an ordnance store, and West Cowes used as a naval headquarters for part of the D-Day landings. Camber was used as an early warning and decoy site to distract raids from nearby Rye", ". Camber was used as an early warning and decoy site to distract raids from nearby Rye. Early in the war a German bomber destroyed much of the captain's quarters at Deal, forcing William Birdwood to move to Hampton Court Palace. The Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was appointed as the captain of Walmer Castle during the war, but declined to use it as a residence, noting that it was too expensive for him to maintain, and that it lay within the range of German artillery.", "1946 – 21st century \n\nAfter the war, coastal defences became increasingly irrelevant as nuclear weapons came to dominate the battlefield. The remaining Device Forts still in military use were initially garrisoned with reservist units and then closed as military establishments. St Catherine's and Portland were decommissioned in the late 1940s, Hurst, Pendennis and Yarmouth in the 1950s, Southsea in 1960 and, after, the closure of its air base, Calshot followed in 1961.", "Widespread restoration work was then carried out; at Calshot, Deal, Hurst, Pendennis, Portland, St Catherine's and Southsea, the more modern additions to the fortifications were destroyed in an attempt to recreate the appearance of the castles at earlier periods of their history, ranging from the 16th to the 19th centuries", ". There was extensive research into the forts during this period, commencing in 1951 with a long-running research project commissioned by the Ministry of Works into the Device Forts, which in turn led to heightened academic interest in their histories during the 1980s.", "A range of the fortifications were opened to the public in the post-war years. Deal, Hurst, Pendennis and Portland opened in the 1950s, and Southsea in 1967. Calshot followed in the 1980s, Camber after a long period of restoration work in 1994, and Sandsfoot reopened following repair work in 2012. Visitor numbers vary across the sites; Southsea Castle, for example, received over 90,000 visitors in 2011–12", ". Other forts were put to different uses: Netley was first used a nursing home, and then converted into private flats; Brownsea became a corporate hotel for the employees of the John Lewis Partnership; and Sandgate was restored in the 1970s to form a private home.", "By the 21st century many of the Device Forts had been damaged by, or in some cases lost entirely, to coastal erosion; the problem had existed at some locations since the 16th century and still persists, for example at Hurst. East Cowes Castle and East Tilbury Fort have been entirely lost, while the East Blockhouse, Mersea and Sandsfoot have been badly damaged, a third of Sandgate and most of St Andrews have been washed away", ". Other sites were demolished, built upon or simply eroded over time; almost no trace remains of the bulwarks along the Downs, for example. The remaining sites are protected by UK conservation law, either as scheduled monuments or listed buildings.", "See also \n\nCastles in Great Britain and Ireland\nList of castles in England\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \nCoastal fortifications\n1539 establishments in England" ]
Toni Braxton
[ "Toni Michele Braxton (born October 7, 1967) is an American R&B singer, songwriter, actress and television personality. She has sold over 70 million records worldwide and is one of the best-selling female artists in history. Braxton has won seven Grammy Awards, nine Billboard Music Awards, seven American Music Awards, and numerous other accolades. In 2011, Braxton was inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. In 2017 she was honored with the Legend Award at the Soul Train Music Awards.", "In the late 1980s, Braxton began performing with her sisters in a music group known as The Braxtons; the group was signed to Arista Records. After attracting the attention of producers Antonio \"L.A.\" Reid and Kenneth \"Babyface\" Edmonds and being signed to LaFace Records, Braxton released her self-titled debut studio album in 1993. The album reached number one on the Billboard 200 chart and sold 10 million copies worldwide", ". The album reached number one on the Billboard 200 chart and sold 10 million copies worldwide. In addition, the singles \"Another Sad Love Song\" and \"Breathe Again\" became international successes. The album brought Braxton three Grammy Awards, including the Grammy for Best New Artist.", "Braxton experienced continued success with the albums Secrets (1996), which included the U.S. #1 hit singles \"You're Makin' Me High/Let It Flow\" and \"Un-Break My Heart\"; and The Heat (2000), which opened at #2 on the Billboard 200 and included the U.S. #2 hit single \"He Wasn't Man Enough\". Braxton's subsequent studio albums, More Than a Woman (2002), Libra (2005) and Pulse (2010), were released amid contractual disputes and health issues", ". In 2014, Braxton and longtime collaborator Babyface released a duet album entitled Love, Marriage & Divorce that earned the duo a Grammy Award for Best R&B Album in 2015. Further label changes saw the release of Sex & Cigarettes (2018) under Def Jam/Universal and Spell My Name (2020) under Island.", "Braxton is also a television executive producer and personality. She competed in the seventh season of the reality competition series Dancing with the Stars. She has executive produced and starred in Braxton Family Values, a reality television series that aired on We TV from 2011 to 2020. Braxton was also an executive producer of Tamar & Vince, a spinoff reality TV series starring her younger sister, Tamar.", "Early life\nToni Michele Braxton was born in Severn, Maryland, on October 7, 1967. Her father, Michael Conrad Braxton Sr., was a Methodist clergyman and power company worker, and her mother, Evelyn Jackson, a native of South Carolina, was a former opera singer and cosmetologist, as well as a pastor. Braxton's maternal grandfather was also a pastor.", "Braxton is the eldest of six siblings. She has a younger brother Michael Jr. (born 1968) and four younger sisters Traci Renee (1971 - 2022), Towanda Chloe (born 1973), Trina Evette (born 1974), and Tamar Estine (born 1977). They were raised in a strict religious household, and Braxton's first performing experience was singing in her church choir.", "Braxton attended Bowie State University to obtain a teaching degree, but decided to sing professionally after she was discovered by William E. Pettaway Jr., who reportedly heard her singing to herself while pumping gas.", "On her appearance May 24, 2014, broadcast of NPR's Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!, she stated that she was not singing to herself at the gas station. Pettaway, working as an attendant at the Annapolis service station where she was refueling, recognized her from local performances and introduced himself, saying he wanted to produce her. Although skeptical, Braxton decided to, in her words, \"take a chance\" and accepted.\n\nCareer\n\n1989–1995: The Braxtons, Toni Braxton and breakthrough", "Braxton and her four sisters Traci, Towanda, Trina, and Tamar began performing as The Braxtons in the late 1980s and were signed to Arista Records in 1989. Their first single, \"Good Life\", was released in 1990. Though the song was not successful, it attracted the attention of record executive Antonio \"L.A.\" Reid and record producer Kenneth \"Babyface\" Edmonds", ".A.\" Reid and record producer Kenneth \"Babyface\" Edmonds. Reid and Babyface recruited her to record a demo of \"Love Shoulda Brought You Home\", a song that they had written for Anita Baker for the soundtrack of Eddie Murphy's film, Boomerang. Baker, who was pregnant at the time, did not record the song but suggested that Braxton record it. Her recording was later included on the soundtrack along with \"Give U My Heart\", a duet by Braxton and Babyface", ". Braxton, meanwhile, was signed to Reid and Edmonds' Arista-distributed imprint, LaFace Records, and immediately began recording her solo debut album.", "In July 1993, LaFace released Braxton's self-titled debut album. Primarily produced by Reid, Babyface, and Daryl Simmons, it peaked at number one on the US Billboard 200 and entered the top ten of the albums chart in Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. The first single, \"Another Sad Love Song\", peaked at number seven and number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and R&B Singles charts respectively", ". The album's second single, \"Breathe Again\", peaked in the top five of both the Hot 100 and R&B singles charts and no 2 in the UK. More singles from Toni Braxton were released in 1994, including \"You Mean the World to Me\", \"Seven Whole Days\", and \"I Belong to You/How Many Ways\".", "Braxton's debut album won her several awards, including three Grammy Awards (for Best New Artist and two consecutive awards for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance in 1994 and 1995). She won two American Music Awards (for Favorite Soul/R&B New Artist and Favorite New Adult Contemporary Artist) in 1994 and another one in 1995 (for Favorite Soul/R&B Album). Toni Braxton was certified 8× platinum in USA and has sales of over 10 million worldwide.", "1996–1999: Secrets and financial issues", "In June 1996, Braxton released her second album Secrets. Motivated \"to include a little bit of everything,\" Braxton reteamed with Babyface, but also worked with R. Kelly, Tony Rich, and David Foster on the album, which she co-produced. A major success, it peaked at number two on the Billboard 200 and reached the top ten on most international charts. After 92 weeks in the charts, Secrets was certified 8× platinum, becoming Braxton's second straight 8 million-seller", ". Internationally, Secrets sold more than 15 million copies, further cementing Braxton's superstar status. The album's first single, \"You're Makin' Me High\", marked Braxton's first number-one hit on the US Billboard Hot 100, while follow-up \"Un-Break My Heart\", a ballad written and composed by Diane Warren, became the biggest hit of Braxton's career yet. It spent eleven consecutive weeks at number one on the Hot 100 and enjoyed worldwide top five success.", "As a result, Braxton topped several of Billboards year-end charts, and won two Grammy Awards; one for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for \"Un-Break My Heart\" and Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for \"You're Makin' Me High\" as well as two American Music Awards for Favorite Female Soul/R&B Artist and Favorite Soul/R&B Album. Still waiting on her financial rewards, Braxton eventually launched an unsuccessful lawsuit against Arista and LaFace Records. Soon after, she filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy", ". Soon after, she filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Public reaction to these events was very harsh, having been expressed most clearly in an interview on The Oprah Winfrey Show.", "Braxton has appeared in two Disney Broadway shows: She made her Broadway debut as Belle in Beauty and the Beast beginning September 9, 1998, when she replaced Kim Huber. During her run in the show Alan Menken wrote and composed a new song for the musical, titled \"A Change in Me\", which he specially wrote and composed for Braxton, and was still being used in the musical as of late July 2014. She left the production on February 28, 1999, and was succeeded by Andrea McArdle", ". She left the production on February 28, 1999, and was succeeded by Andrea McArdle. Her role in Beauty and the Beast marked the first (and only) time a black woman commanded the leading role of Belle on Broadway. (In the UK, Michelle Gayle played the role in the West End.) It also marked the first time a black woman would star in a Disney musical on Broadway", ".) It also marked the first time a black woman would star in a Disney musical on Broadway. In 1999, the lawsuit against LaFace Records was settled and Braxton was given back all her possessions, giving her time to record The Heat, her first album in four years.", "2000–2002: The Heat, More Than a Woman, and acting debut", "After her three-year-long dispute with LaFace and Arista had been settled, Braxton signed a new $20 million contract. In April 2000, her third studio album, The Heat was released. Braxton took a more hands-on approach, co-writing and co-producing a handful of the tracks which saw her adapting a more urban sound. It opened at number two on the US Billboard 200 with 199,000 copies sold in its first week, eventually going double platinum in the United States, while selling over 4 million copies worldwide", ". Additionally, the album was nominated for Best R&B Album at the 2001 Grammy Awards, while uptempo lead single \"He Wasn't Man Enough\", a worldwide top ten hit, won for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance and was nominated for Best R&B Song.", "In 2001, Braxton made her movie acting debut in director Doug McHenry's comedy film Kingdom Come opposite an ensemble also starring LL Cool J, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Whoopi Goldberg A modest box-office success, it grossed $23.4 million worldwide. The same year, Braxton recorded and released the Christmas album Snowflakes which consisted R&B–led original songs co-penned with Keri Lewis and Babyface as well as several remixes and cover versions of Christmas standards and carols", ". It received a mixed reception by critics, many of whom compared its nature to Braxton's other work but found the stylized production and original material too contemporary to conjure images of Christmas, and failed to reach the upper half of the Billboard 200, eventually going gold in the United States.", "In 2002, while gearing up for the release of her fourth studio album, Braxton discovered she was pregnant with her second child. Knowing that she would be unable to promote the album properly, she unsuccessfully lobbied Arista Records to get the label to postpone its release until after she was to give birth. In November 2002, More Than a Woman was released. Opening to an instant commercial disappointment, the album peaked at number 13 on the US Billboard 200, but was less successful internationally", ". The first single \"Hit the Freeway\" failed to impact, resulting in lackluster sales in general and the release of no further singles. More Than a Woman was eventually certified gold in the United States and sold more than 800,000 copies worldwide.", "2003–2007: Libra and Las Vegas residency", "In April 2003, Braxton abruptly left Arista Records, having been there for 14 years, and immediately signed with Blackground Records, headed by Barry Hankerson, her manager at the time. She then starred in Aida as Aida beginning June 30, 2003, when she replaced actress Simone, until she left the cast on November 16, 2003. In April 2005, Braxton's new label, Blackground/Universal, released \"Please\", the first single from her fifth album, Libra", ". The album was originally planned for a June release, but it was pushed back several times and was finally issued on September 27. Libra peaked at number four on the US Billboard 200, selling 114,593 copies in the first week, and peaked at number two on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. The album was certified gold in late 2005 and has since sold 679,000 copies worldwide.", "In May 2005, Braxton made an appearance on the season finale of American Idol 5, where she performed Elvis Presley's \"In the Ghetto\" with soon-to-be winner Taylor Hicks. A month later, \"The Time of Our Lives\", a duet with classical crossover vocal group Il Divo, was released as a single, serving as the official 2006 FIFA World Cup anthem. Braxton performed the song, which entered the top ten in Switzerland, at the opening ceremony in Berlin on June 9, 2005", ". In August 2006, Braxton replaced singer Wayne Newton as the Flamingo Las Vegas's new headlining act. The show, entitled Toni Braxton: Revealed, was to be performed six nights a week and was scheduled to run through to March 2007. Braxton later confirmed that she was extending her show through to August 2007", ". Braxton later confirmed that she was extending her show through to August 2007. Due to its success, it was reported that Braxton would extend her show through to August 2008, though the show was later cancelled in order for Braxton to focus on her health after being diagnosed with microvascular angina.", "On January 12, 2007, Braxton filed a $10 million lawsuit against her former manager Barry Hankerson, alleging \"fraud, deception and double dealing\", in addition to mismanaging her relationship with Arista Records", ". According to Braxton's lawsuit, Hankerson placed his personal financial interests ahead of hers by using 'double-talk' to compromise the relationship between Braxton and her former label, with Hankerson allegedly telling Arista that \"Braxton no longer wanted to record for Arista,\" and telling Braxton that \"Arista was not interested in working with her anymore\"", ". The suit was settled with Braxton being forced to return a $375,000 advance to Hankerson, who would also receive a percentage of the sales of her next album, and Hankerson releasing Braxton from her contract with him. The settlement also temporarily limited the companies with which Braxton could sign. Hankerson claimed that the problems initially arose due to a number of disputes with Braxton and her wish to include her husband in her music.", "2008–2012: Pulse and television", "Following the abrupt cancellation of her Toni Braxton: Revealed show, Braxton experienced financial difficulties when insurance agency Lloyd's of London refused to honor her policy that she purchased for upwards of $70,000 that included financial compensations for financial losses. Lloyd's responded with a counter-suit seeking damages against her because of an unrelated heart condition that the company was not made aware of at the time the application was filed", ". When Braxton acknowledged that she did not disclose her full medical history at the time, she got on the hook for all damages because of the cancelled shows, being sued by multiple companies, and had to once again file for bankruptcy. In September 2008, Braxton appeared on the seventh season of American dance competition series Dancing with the Stars; her partner was Alec Mazo. They were voted off in the fifth week of the competition.", "In 2009, Braxton signed to Atlantic Records and began work on her next studio album. In February 2010, she was part of the supergroup Artists for Haiti who recorded \"We Are the World 25 for Haiti\", a remake of the 1985 hit \"We Are the World\", to help benefit the people of Haiti following the magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake. Three months later, Pulse, her seventh studio album, was released", ".0 Mw earthquake. Three months later, Pulse, her seventh studio album, was released. A collection of up-tempo songs and R&B ballads with production varying from smooth to dance-based styles, it debuted at number nine on the US Billboard 200, selling 54,000 copies in its first week, and topped the R&B/Hip-Hop Albums, becoming Braxton's fifth US top-ten album. A moderate chart success elsewhere, it reached the top ten in Switzerland, and the top 20 in Germany and Greece", ". While critical reception of Pulse was generally positive, its singles \"Yesterday\", \"Hands Tied\" and \"Make My Heart\" achieved moderate chart success.", "In 2011, Braxton signed with WE tv for a reality series, Braxton Family Values. Chronicling the lives of Braxton and her sisters Tamar, Traci, Towanda, and Trina, plus their mother Evelyn, the series debuted on April 12, 2011. It received favorable reviews from critics who recognized it as a \"guilty pleasure\" and spawned several seasons and spin-offs", ". In September 2011, Braxton parted ways with her long-time manager Vincent Herbert, husband of sister Tamar, and signed a new management deal with Los Angeles-based entertainment/production company The Collective. In March 2012, she released the standalone single \"I Heart You\", a dance-pop, EDM and house song that peaked at number one on the US Dance Club Songs", ". Also that year, Braxton played Rosalie Rosebud, a singer with an over-the-top personality, in the children's musical adventure comedy film The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure alongside Jaime Pressly and Cloris Leachman, and began filming a lead role in the Lifetime Movie Network film Twist of Faith which premiered the following year.", "2013–2014: Love, Marriage and Divorce, Broadway return, and biographical film", "In 2013, Braxton and longtime creative music partner Babyface began work on their collaborative studio album Love, Marriage & Divorce which was released in February 2014 under Motown Records. It received favorable reviews from music critics, who labeled it as \"high-quality R&B\", and debuted at number 4 on the Billboard 200 and the top of the R&B/Hip-Hop Albums with first-week sales of 67,000 copies", ". Love, Marriage & Divorce was nominated for World's Best Album at the 2014 World Music Awards and won for Best R&B Album at the 57th Grammy Awards. Lead single \"Hurt You\" reached number one on the US Adult R&B Songs, becoming Braxton's first song to do so since her 2000 release \"Just Be a Man About It\". The song also hit number 16 on Billboard Hot R&B/ Hip Hop Airplay chart.", "Braxton, alongside Babyface, made her return to Broadway in the musical After Midnight in March 2014. The third in rotation in the role of \"Special Guest Star\" following Fantasia Barrino and KD Lang, they performed from March 18 to 31, 2014 at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre. In May 2014, Braxton published a memoir, Unbreak My Heart: A Memoir, through Harper Collins Publishers", ". In it, Braxton discusses her career success and struggles and the self-healing she took charge of after her own diagnosis with the auto-immune disease lupus and her son's diagnosis with autism. In October 2015, Toni along with The Braxtons released the holiday album Braxton Family Christmas on Def Jam Recordings. Comprising cover versions of Christmas standards and carols as well as several original songs, it debuted and peaked at number 27 on the US Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Albums.", "Lifetime premiered the biographical film Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart, based on Braxton's memoir, in January 2016; actress Lex Scott Davis portrayed Braxton in the film. The biopic's premiere generated 3.6 million viewers. In July, Braxton announced that she would embark on a concert tour, titled The Hits Tour, that October. She was hospitalized on October 3, five days before the tour was scheduled to begin, due to complications with lupus, resulting in the cancellation of the tour's first two dates", ". Braxton was admitted to hospital again on October 15, leading to another tour date cancellation, which was later rescheduled. In December, she announced that the January 2017 concert dates had been canceled.", "2017–2019: Sex & Cigarettes, touring, and other ventures", "In January 2018, Braxton starred in the Lifetime film Faith Under Fire. In March, her eighth studio album Sex & Cigarettes, her first solo album in eight years, was released on Def Jam Recordings. An adult contemporary R&B album with production from Fred Ball, Babyface, Dapo Torimiro, and Tricky Stewart, it debuted at number 22 on the US Billboard 200 and number one on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart", ". Sex & Cigarettes received mainly positive reviews from music critics, and was nominated for Best R&B Album at the 61st Annual Grammy Awards. Second single \"Long as I Live\" topped the US Adult R&B Songs, becoming Braxton's eighth chart topper, while breaking a tie with singers Maxwell and R. Kelly to give her sole possession of the second-most number-one's in the chart's 24-year history. It also received Grammy Award nomination for Best R&B Performance and Best R&B Song.", "Also in 2018, Braxton and Uncle Bud's Hemp products created a joint marketing campaign for the latter's products, which Braxton noted as helpful in her battle against lupus. In April 2018, Braxton and her sisters Trina and Towanda appeared on their sister Traci's single \"Broken Things\". In November, Braxton and Towanda appeared in the holiday film Every Day is Christmas, which premiered on Lifetime", ". The same month, she announced her As Long as I Live Tour, a joint concert tour with SWV, which took her to South Africa and the United Kingdom. In June 2019, Braxton headlined the 2019 Pittsburgh Pride festival.", "2020–present: New record label and Spell My Name\nIn April 2020, it was announced that Braxton had signed with Island Records. She released the single, \"Do It\", her first song under the new deal on April 6, 2020. In May, Braxton released a remix EP for her second single \"Dance\". On June 26, 2020, Missy Elliott appeared on the official remix to the single \"Do It\".", "Elliott co-produced the track alongside Hannon Lane. On August 4, 2020, Braxton released the music video for \"Dance\", directed by Mike Ho. On August 27, 2020, Braxton released the song \"Nothin'\". Braxton's tenth studio Spell My Name was released on August 28, 2020. On October 23, 2020, Braxton released a video for her song \"Gotta Move On\".", "In 2021, Braxton competed on season six of The Masked Singer as \"Pufferfish\". She was the third to be eliminated during the two-night premiere alongside Dwight Howard as \"Octopus\" and Vivica A. Fox as \"Mother Nature\". Despite being unmasked, Braxton kept on a glittered KN95 cloth face mask over her mouth due to her lupus condition. Braxton is an executive producer and star in the 2022 Lifetime movie The Fallen Angels Murder Club.", "Artistry", "Braxton has been recognized for her distinctive contralto voice. Her voice has been called \"husky, sultry, elegant and sexy.\" Due to the huskiness of her voice, Braxton often used male singers such as Michael McDonald, Luther Vandross and Stevie Wonder as vocal style models. Chaka Khan and Anita Baker were two of the few female singers that she could stylize", ". Chaka Khan and Anita Baker were two of the few female singers that she could stylize. Steve Huey of AllMusic cites a key to Braxton's success is the versatility of her voice, which he states as being \"soulful enough for R&B audiences, but smooth enough for adult contemporary; sophisticated enough for adults, but sultry enough for younger listeners; strong enough in the face of heartbreak to appeal to women, but ravishing enough to nab the fellas.\" In 2023, Rolling Stone ranked Braxton at No", ".\" In 2023, Rolling Stone ranked Braxton at No. 48 on their list of the 200 Greatest Singers of All Time.", "Braxton began her career singing traditional R&B and soft rock ballads and love songs on her debut and second albums. However, hip-hop soul and dance music elements begun to get spun into her sound on The Heat, More Than a Woman, and Pulse. She also showcased her classical training while performing in Broadway plays Beauty and the Beast and Aida as well as her duet with Il Divo, \"The Time of Our Lives\".", "Legacy", "Toni Braxton became an R&B superstar after the release of her first album. LA Reid stated during an interview with VH1: \"We called her the first lady of LaFace. She was our Diva. Clive had Whitney, Tommy had Mariah and we had Toni.\" BBC called the album \"spiritedly, mature soul at its best – and just urban enough to make it the bedroom album for the hip hop generation.\" Over the span of her career Braxton has sold over 70 million records, including 40 million albums, worldwide", ". Her hit \"Un-Break My Heart\", the Diane Warren-penned ballad, spent 11-weeks at number 1. Bob McCann, author of Encyclopedia of African American Actresses in Film and Television (2010), considered it \"simply one of the most haunting R&B records ever made.\" Reviewer Mark Edward Nero named it one of the best R&B break-up songs and considered it Braxton's \"finest moment\". He further commented, \"damn, this song is so sad it can make people cry for hours at a time", ". He further commented, \"damn, this song is so sad it can make people cry for hours at a time.\" Braxton is a recipient of seven Grammy Awards, seven American Music Awards, and nine Billboard Music Awards. She has been cited as an influence by various artists, such as Beyoncé, sister Tamar Braxton, Billie Godfrey, Kelly Clarkson, Leela James, Keyshia Cole, Teyana Taylor, Kehlani, Sevyn Streeter, Ari Lennox and Anja Nissen.", "Braxton's career, she made several impacts on fashion, mostly for her high splits in her dresses. In 2011, Braxton topped the list for the Grammy Award's best dressed of the decade. \"I've always gone a little risque with all my other award show outfits.\" In 2012, Braxton made the list for VH1's 50 Greatest Women in Music. Braxton's 2000 performance at Super Bowl XXXIV is ranked as one of the most memorable Super Bowl performances", ". Braxton is featured alongside other R&B and pop divas as a primary character on the popular web parody Got 2B Real: The Diva Variety Show. With her Las Vegas residency Toni Braxton: Revealed, she became the first African American performer in Las Vegas to have her act enter the top ten Vegas shows charting. Braxton also made headlines for her Giantto Million Dollar Microphone that she performed every show with. Braxton said: \"I think it's a great element to the show", ". Braxton said: \"I think it's a great element to the show. You have to have a little sprinkle of Liberace and this is my little sprinkle of that.\" Braxton's prop was made up of white gold and encrusted with 650 karats of diamonds. The microphone reportedly cost $1 million.", "Braxton has also been seen as a gay icon, with some of her songs becoming gay anthems, such as \"Un-Break My Heart\", \"He Wasn't Man Enough\" and \"Make My Heart\". The singer stated that after the release of \"Un-Break My Heart\", she \"recognized all the support. And it was really wonderful.\" When asked about her gay fans, Braxton said \"I love my boys because my boys help me be a better girl. My choreographer and my video director are gay, and they've been my best friends since I started in the industry", ". They're my favorite part of the whole industry\".", "Personal life", "Relationships", "Braxton met musician Keri Lewis when his group, Mint Condition, opened for her on tour; they married on April 21, 2001. In December 2001, she gave birth to their first child, a son named Denim Cole Braxton-Lewis. In 2002, while gearing up for the release of her fourth studio album, Braxton discovered she was pregnant with her second child; the complicated pregnancy confined her to bed rest. The couple's second son, Diezel Ky Braxton-Lewis, was born in March 2003", ". The couple's second son, Diezel Ky Braxton-Lewis, was born in March 2003. As Diezel has been diagnosed with autism, Braxton has become involved with Autism Speaks, serving as their International Spokesperson. In November 2009, Braxton announced that she and her husband had separated. The couple later divorced in July 2013.", "In her early 30s, Braxton had an abortion after discovering she was pregnant by then-boyfriend Keri Lewis. In her memoir Unbreak my Heart, Braxton discusses her abortion and guilt, saying that her son Diezel's autism was \"God's payback\".", "In an October 2006 concert at the Flamingo Las Vegas, Braxton broke down in tears while announcing to the audience that just before the concert began she had been told that her son, Diezel, had been diagnosed with autism. Braxton has been outspoken regarding her doctor's failure to diagnose Diezel's condition earlier, contending that if he had been diagnosed earlier he could have received treatment earlier", ". As well as becoming a spokeswoman for Autism Speaks, she is also a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association.", "On July 8, 2015, Braxton's attorney, Antavius Weems, announced that Braxton had settled her contentious child support case with her former husband, Keri Lewis. On June 2, 2016, the city and county officials of Atlanta, Georgia, named June 2 as Toni Braxton Day.", "Braxton began dating rapper Birdman in May 2016, and the couple announced their engagement in February 2018. In January 2019, the couple called off the engagement. However, in April 2019, both Braxton and Birdman confirmed that they were still together. But since at least 2022, Braxton has made several television appearances, where she has declared herself single and on the dating scene, which indicates that her relationship with Birdman has ceased.", "Health problems", "In August 2007, rumors surfaced that Braxton had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She stated to Access Hollywood that the breast cancer rumors were false and that her health was very good. However, in 2008, she had a benign lump removed from her breast. On April 8, 2008, near the end of her two-year run at the Flamingo Hotel, Braxton was briefly hospitalized and the remaining dates on the show, which was scheduled to end on August 23, 2008, were cancelled", ". Later, while appearing on Season 7 of Dancing with the Stars, she stated, that she has been diagnosed with microvascular angina (small vessel disease).", "On November 18, 2010, Braxton revealed to CBS News that she had been diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease.\n\nBraxton's uncle died of complications from lupus. While taping her reality series Braxton Family Values, she went into hospital for surgery. Braxton was hospitalized in Los Angeles in December 2012 because of \"minor health issues\" related to lupus.\n\nDiscography", "Discography\n \n\nStudio albums\n Toni Braxton (1993)\n Secrets (1996)\n The Heat (2000)\n Snowflakes (2001)\n More Than a Woman (2002)\n Libra (2005)\n Pulse (2010)\n Sex & Cigarettes (2018)\n Spell My Name (2020)\n\nCollaborative albums\n Love, Marriage & Divorce (with Babyface) (2014)\n\nTours and residencies\nHeadlining\n Secrets Tour (1996–97)\n Libra Tour (2006)\n 2013 Summer Tour (2013)\n The Hits Tour (2016)\n As Long as I Live Tour (2019)\n\nResidencies\n Toni Braxton: Revealed (2006–08)\n\nAwards and nominations", "Residencies\n Toni Braxton: Revealed (2006–08)\n\nAwards and nominations\n\nFilmography\n\nFilm\n\nTelevision\n\nMusic videos\n\nSee also \n\n Honorific nicknames in popular music\n List of artists who reached number one in the United States\n List of artists who reached number one on the U.S. dance chart\n List of best-selling music artists\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links", "1967 births\n20th-century African-American women singers\n20th-century Methodists\n21st-century African-American women singers\n21st-century Methodists\nActivists from California\nActresses from Maryland\nAfrican-American activists\nAfrican-American actresses\nAfrican-American record producers\nAfrican-American television personalities\nAfrican-American women singer-songwriters\nAmerican contemporary R&B singers\nAmerican contraltos\nAmerican female dancers\nAmerican women hip hop musicians\nAmerican film actresses", "American female dancers\nAmerican women hip hop musicians\nAmerican film actresses\nAmerican health activists\nAmerican hip hop dancers\nAmerican hip hop record producers\nAmerican hip hop singers\nAmerican soul singers\nAmerican women pop singers\nAmerican women record producers\nAmerican women television personalities\nArista Records artists\nAtlantic Records artists\nAutism activists\nBallad musicians\nBowie State University alumni\nGrammy Award winners\nLiving people\nMethodists from Maryland\nNew jack swing musicians", "Grammy Award winners\nLiving people\nMethodists from Maryland\nNew jack swing musicians\nParticipants in American reality television series\nPeople from Severn, Maryland\nMusicians from the Las Vegas Valley\nPeople with lupus\nSinger-songwriters from Maryland\nSinger-songwriters from Nevada\nThe Braxtons members\nWomen hip hop record producers" ]
List of birds of Indiana
[ "This list of birds of Indiana includes species documented in the U.S. state of Indiana and accepted by the Indiana Bird Records Committee (IBRC) of the Indiana Audubon Society. As of January 2022, there were 422 species included in the official list. Of them, 133 are classed as rare, 10 have been introduced to North America, three are extinct, and three have been extirpated.", "This list is presented in the taxonomic sequence of the Check-list of North and Middle American Birds, 7th edition through the 62nd Supplement, published by the American Ornithological Society (AOS). Common and scientific names are also those of the Check-list, except that the common names of families are from the Clements taxonomy because the AOS list does not include them.", "Unless otherwise noted, all species listed below are considered to occur regularly in Indiana as permanent residents, summer or winter visitors, or migrants. The following tags are used to designate some species:", "(R) - Rare - a species whose report is reviewable by the IBRC\n (I) - Introduced - a species introduced to North America by humans, either directly or indirectly\n (X) - Extinct - a recent species that no longer exists\n (E) - Extirpated - a species formerly found in Indiana which still exists elsewhere\n\nDucks, geese, and waterfowl\n\nOrder: AnseriformesFamily: Anatidae", "Ducks, geese, and waterfowl\n\nOrder: AnseriformesFamily: Anatidae\n\nThe family Anatidae includes the ducks and most duck-like waterfowl, such as geese and swans. These birds are adapted to an aquatic existence with webbed feet, bills which are flattened to a greater or lesser extent, and feathers that are excellent at shedding water due to special oils. Forty-two species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Black-bellied whistling-duck, Dendrocygna autumnalis (R)\nFulvous whistling-duck, Dendrocygna bicolor (R)\nSnow goose, Anser caerulescens\nRoss's goose, Anser rossii\nGreater white-fronted goose, Anser albifrons\nBrant, Branta bernicla (R)\nBarnacle goose, Branta leucopsis (R)\nCackling goose, Branta hutchinsii\nCanada goose, Branta canadensis\nMute swan, Cygnus olor (I)\nTrumpeter swan, Cygnus buccinator\nTundra swan, Cygnus columbianus\nWood duck, Aix sponsa\nBlue-winged teal, Spatula discors", "Tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus\nWood duck, Aix sponsa\nBlue-winged teal, Spatula discors\nCinnamon teal, Spatula cyanoptera (R)\nNorthern shoveler, Spatula clypeata\nGadwall, Mareca strepera\nEurasian wigeon, Mareca penelope (R)\nAmerican wigeon, Mareca americana\nMallard, Anas platyrhynchos\nMottled duck, Anas fulvigula (R)\nAmerican black duck, Anas rubripes\nNorthern pintail, Anas acuta\nGreen-winged teal, Anas crecca\nCanvasback, Aythya valisineria\nRedhead, Aythya americana\nRing-necked duck, Aythya collaris", "Canvasback, Aythya valisineria\nRedhead, Aythya americana\nRing-necked duck, Aythya collaris\nGreater scaup, Aythya marila\nLesser scaup, Aythya affinis\nKing eider, Somateria spectabilis (R)\nHarlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus (R)\nSurf scoter, Melanitta perspicillata\nWhite-winged scoter, Melanitta deglandi\nBlack scoter, Melanitta americana\nLong-tailed duck, Clangula hyemalis\nBufflehead, Bucephala albeola\nCommon goldeneye, Bucephala clangula\nBarrow's goldeneye, Bucephala islandica (R)", "Common goldeneye, Bucephala clangula\nBarrow's goldeneye, Bucephala islandica (R)\nHooded merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus\nCommon merganser, Mergus merganser\nRed-breasted merganser, Mergus serrator\nRuddy duck, Oxyura jamaicensis", "New World quail\nOrder: GalliformesFamily: Odontophoridae\n\nThe New World quails are small, plump terrestrial birds only distantly related to the quails of the Old World, but named for their similar appearance and habits. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nNorthern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus\n\nPheasants, grouse, and allies\nOrder: GalliformesFamily: Phasianidae", "Pheasants, grouse, and allies\nOrder: GalliformesFamily: Phasianidae\n\nPhasianidae consists of the pheasants and their allies. These are terrestrial species, variable in size but generally plump with broad relatively short wings. Many species are gamebirds or have been domesticated as a food source for humans. Five species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo\nRuffed grouse, Bonasa umbellus\nGreater prairie-chicken, Tympanuchus cupido (E)\nGray partridge, Perdix perdix (I) (E)\nRing-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus (I)\n\nGrebes\nOrder: PodicipediformesFamily: Podicipedidae\n\nGrebes are small to medium-large freshwater diving birds. They have lobed toes and are excellent swimmers and divers. However, they have their feet placed far back on the body, making them quite ungainly on land. Five species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Pied-billed grebe, Podilymbus podiceps\nHorned grebe, Podiceps auritus\nRed-necked grebe, Podiceps grisegena\nEared grebe, Podiceps nigricollis\nWestern grebe, Aechmorphorus occidentalis\n\nPigeons and doves\nOrder: ColumbiformesFamily: Columbidae\n\nPigeons and doves are stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy cere. Seven species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Rock pigeon, Columba livia (I)\nBand-tailed pigeon, Patagioenas fasciata (R)\nEurasian collared-dove, Streptopelia decaocto (I)\nPassenger pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius (X)\nCommon ground dove, Columbina passerina (R)\nWhite-winged dove, Zenaida asiatica (R)\nMourning dove, Zenaida macroura\n\nCuckoos\nOrder: CuculiformesFamily: Cuculidae", "Cuckoos\nOrder: CuculiformesFamily: Cuculidae\n\nThe family Cuculidae includes cuckoos, roadrunners, and anis. These birds are of variable size with slender bodies, long tails, and strong legs. Three species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nGroove-billed ani, Crotophaga sulcirostris (R)\nBlack-billed cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus\nYellow-billed cuckoo, Coccyzus americanus\n\nNightjars and allies\n\nOrder: CaprimulgiformesFamily: Caprimulgidae", "Nightjars and allies\n\nOrder: CaprimulgiformesFamily: Caprimulgidae\n\nNightjars are medium-sized nocturnal birds that usually nest on the ground. They have long wings, short legs, and very short bills. Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long pointed wings. Their soft plumage is cryptically colored to resemble bark or leaves. Three species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Common nighthawk, Chordeiles minor\nChuck-will's-widow, Antrostomus carolinensis\nEastern whip-poor-will, Antrostomus vociferus\n\nSwifts\nOrder: ApodiformesFamily: Apodidae\n\nThe swifts are small birds which spend the majority of their lives flying. These birds have very short legs and never settle voluntarily on the ground, perching instead only on vertical surfaces. Many swifts have very long, swept-back wings which resemble a crescent or boomerang. One species has been recorded in Indiana.", "Chimney swift, Chaetura pelagica\n\nHummingbirds\nOrder: ApodiformesFamily: Trochilidae\n\nHummingbirds are small birds capable of hovering in mid-air due to the rapid flapping of their wings. They are the only birds that can fly backwards. Six species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Mexican violetear, Colibri thalassinus (R)\nRuby-throated hummingbird, Archilochus colubris\nBlack-chinned hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri (R)\nAnna's hummingbird, Calypte anna (R)\nCalliope hummingbird, Selasphorus calliope (R)\nRufous hummingbird, Selasphorus rufus\n\nRails, gallinules, and coots\n\nOrder: GruiformesFamily: Rallidae", "Rallidae is a large family of small to medium-sized birds which includes the rails, crakes, coots, and gallinules. The most typical family members occupy dense vegetation in damp environments near lakes, swamps, or rivers. In general they are shy and secretive birds, making them difficult to observe. Most species have strong legs and long toes which are well adapted to soft uneven surfaces. They tend to have short, rounded wings and tend to be weak fliers. Eight species have been recorded in Indiana.", "King rail, Rallus elegans\nVirginia rail, Rallus limicola\nSora, Porzana carolina\nCommon gallinule, Gallinula galeata\nAmerican coot, Fulica americana\nPurple gallinule, Porphyrio martinicus (R)\nYellow rail, Coturnicops noveboracensis (R)\nBlack rail, Laterallus jamaicensis (R)\n\nCranes\nOrder: GruiformesFamily: Gruidae", "Cranes\nOrder: GruiformesFamily: Gruidae\n\nCranes are large, long-legged, and long-necked birds. Unlike the similar-looking but unrelated herons, cranes fly with necks outstretched, not pulled back. Most have elaborate and noisy courting displays or \"dances\". Four species have been recorded in\nIndiana.\n\nSandhill crane, Antigone canadensis\nCommon crane, Grus grus (R)\nHooded crane, Grus monacha (R)\nWhooping crane, Grus americana (R) (E)\n\nStilts and avocets\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Recurvirostridae", "Stilts and avocets\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Recurvirostridae\n\nRecurvirostridae is a family of large wading birds which includes the avocets and stilts. The avocets have long legs and long up-curved bills. The stilts have extremely long legs and long, thin, straight bills. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBlack-necked stilt, Himantopus mexicanus\nAmerican avocet, Recurvirostra americana\n\nPlovers and lapwings\n\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Charadriidae", "Plovers and lapwings\n\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Charadriidae\n\nThe family Charadriidae includes the plovers, dotterels, and lapwings. They are small to medium-sized birds with compact bodies, short thick necks, and long, usually pointed, wings. They are found in open country worldwide, mostly in habitats near water. Nine species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Black-bellied plover, Pluvialis squatarola\nAmerican golden-plover, Pluvialis dominica\nKilldeer, Charadrius vociferus\nLesser sand-plover, Charadrius mongolus (R)\nSemipalmated plover, Charadrius semipalmatus\nPiping plover, Charadrius melodus\nWilson's plover, Charadrius wilsonia (R)\nSnowy plover, Charadrius nivosus (R)\nMountain plover, Charadrius montanus (R)\n\nSandpipers and allies\n\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Scolopacidae", "Scolopacidae is a large diverse family of small to medium-sized shorebirds including the sandpipers, curlews, godwits, shanks, tattlers, woodcocks, snipes, dowitchers, and phalaropes. The majority of these species eat small invertebrates picked out of the mud or soil. Different lengths of legs and bills enable multiple species to feed in the same habitat, particularly on the coast, without direct competition for food. Thirty-eight species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Upland sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda\nWhimbrel, Numenius phaeopus (R)\nEskimo curlew, Numenius borealis (X)\nLong-billed curlew, Numenius americanus (R)\nBlack-tailed godwit, Limosa limosa (R)\nHudsonian godwit, Limosa haemastica\nMarbled godwit, Limosa fedoa\nRuddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres\nRed knot, Calidris canutus (R)\nRuff, Calidris pugnax (R)\nSharp-tailed sandpiper, Calidris acuminata (R)\nStilt sandpiper, Calidris himantopus\nCurlew sandpiper, Calidris ferruginea (R)", "Stilt sandpiper, Calidris himantopus\nCurlew sandpiper, Calidris ferruginea (R)\nRed-necked stint, Calidris ruficollis (R)\nSanderling, Calidris alba\nDunlin, Calidris alpina\nSharp-tailed sandpiper, Calidris acuminata (R)\nPurple sandpiper, Calidris maritima (R)\nBaird's sandpiper, Calidris bairdii\nLeast sandpiper, Calidris minutilla\nWhite-rumped sandpiper, Calidris fuscicollis\nBuff-breasted sandpiper, Calidris subruficollis\nPectoral sandpiper, Calidris melanotos\nSemipalmated sandpiper, Calidris pusilla", "Pectoral sandpiper, Calidris melanotos\nSemipalmated sandpiper, Calidris pusilla\nWestern sandpiper, Calidris mauri\nShort-billed dowitcher, Limnodromus griseus\nLong-billed dowitcher, Limnodromus scolopaceus\nAmerican woodcock, Scolopax minor\nWilson's snipe, Gallinago delicata\nSpotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius\nSolitary sandpiper, Tringa solitaria\nLesser yellowlegs, Tringa flavipes\nWillet, Tringa semipalmata\nSpotted redshank, Tringa erythropus (R)\nGreater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca", "Spotted redshank, Tringa erythropus (R)\nGreater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca\nWilson's phalarope, Phalaropus tricolor\nRed-necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus\nRed phalarope, Phalaropus fulicarius (R)", "Skuas and jaegers\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Stercorariidae\n\nSkuas and jaegers are in general medium to large birds, typically with gray or brown plumage, often with white markings on the wings. They have longish bills with hooked tips and webbed feet with sharp claws. They look like large dark gulls, but have a fleshy cere above the upper mandible. They are strong, acrobatic fliers.", "Pomarine jaeger, Stercorarius pomarinus (R)\nParasitic jaeger, Stercorarius parasiticus (R)\nLong-tailed jaeger, Stercorarius longicaudus (R)\n\nAuks, murres, and puffins\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Alcidae\n\nThe family Alcidae includes auks, murres, and puffins. These are short-winged birds that live on the open sea and normally only come ashore for breeding. Three species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Thick-billed murre, Uria lomvia (R)\nLong-billed murrelet, Brachyramphus perdix (R)\nAncient murrelet, Synthliboarmphus antiquus (R)\n\nGulls, terns, and skimmers\n\nOrder: CharadriiformesFamily: Laridae\n\nLaridae is a family of medium to large seabirds and includes jaegers, skuas, gulls, terns, kittiwakes, and skimmers. They are typically gray or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They have stout, longish bills and webbed feet. Thirty-one species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla (R)\nSabine's gull, Xema sabini (R)\nBonaparte's gull, Chroicocephalus philadelphia\nBlack-headed gull, Chroicocephalus ridibundus (R)\nLittle gull, Hydrocoleus minutus (R)\nRoss's gull, Rhodostethia rosea (R)\nLaughing gull, Leucophaeus atricilla\nFranklin's gull, Leucophaeus pipixcan\nBlack-tailed gull, Larus crassirostris (R)\nShort-billed gull, Larus brachyrhynchus (R)\nRing-billed gull, Larus delawarensis\nCalifornia gull, Larus californicus", "Ring-billed gull, Larus delawarensis\nCalifornia gull, Larus californicus\nHerring gull, Larus argentatus (R)\nIceland gull, Larus glaucoides (R)\nLesser black-backed gull, Larus fuscus\nSlaty-backed gull, Larus schistisagus (R)\nGlaucous gull, Larus hyperboreus (R)\nGreat black-backed gull, Larus marinus (R)\nKelp gull, Larus dominicanus (R)\nSooty tern, Onychoprion fuscatus (R)\nLeast tern, Sternula antillarum (R)\nGull-billed tern, Gelochelidon nilotica (R)\nCaspian tern, Hydroprogne caspia", "Gull-billed tern, Gelochelidon nilotica (R)\nCaspian tern, Hydroprogne caspia\nBlack tern, Chlidonias niger\nWhite-winged tern, Chlidonias leucopterus (R)\nRoseate tern, Sterna dougallii (R)\nCommon tern, Sterna hirundo\nArctic tern, Sterna paradisaea (R)\nForster's tern, Sterna forsteri\nRoyal tern, Thalasseus maximus (R)\nBlack skimmer, Rynchops niger (R)", "Loons\nOrder: GaviiformesFamily: Gaviidae\n\nLoons are aquatic birds the size of a large duck, to which they are unrelated. Their plumage is largely gray or black, and they have spear-shaped bills. Loons swim well and fly adequately, but are almost hopeless on land, because their legs are placed towards the rear of the body. Four species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nRed-throated loon, Gavia stellata\nPacific loon, Gavia pacifica\nCommon loon, Gavia immer\nYellow-billed loon, Gavia adamsii (R)", "Northern storm-petrels\nOrder: ProcellariiformesFamily: Hydrobatidae\n\nThe storm petrels are the smallest seabirds, relatives of the petrels, feeding on planktonic crustaceans and small fish picked from the ocean's surface, typically while hovering in bat-like flight. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBand-rumped storm-petrel, Hydrobates castro (R)\n\nStorks\nOrder: CiconiiformesFamily: Ciconiidae", "Band-rumped storm-petrel, Hydrobates castro (R)\n\nStorks\nOrder: CiconiiformesFamily: Ciconiidae\n\nStorks are large, heavy, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long stout bills and wide wingspans. They lack the powder down that other wading birds such as herons, spoonbills and ibises use to clean off fish slime. Storks lack a pharynx and are mute. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nWood stork, Mycteria americana (R)\n\nFrigatebirds\nOrder: SuliformesFamily: Fregatidae", "Frigatebirds\nOrder: SuliformesFamily: Fregatidae\n\nFrigatebirds are large seabirds usually found over tropical oceans. They are large, black, or black-and-white, with long wings and deeply forked tails. The males have colored inflatable throat pouches. They do not swim or walk and cannot take off from a flat surface. Having the largest wingspan-to-body-weight ratio of any bird, they are essentially aerial, able to stay aloft for more than a week. One species has been recorded in Indiana.", "Magnificent frigatebird, Fregata magnificens (R)\n\nBoobies and gannets\nOrder: SuliformesFamily: Sulidae\n\nThe sulids comprise the gannets and boobies. Both groups are medium-large coastal seabirds that plunge-dive for fish. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBrown booby, Sula leucogaster (R)\nNorthern gannet, Morus bassanus (R)\n\nAnhingas\nOrder: SuliformesFamily: Anhingidae", "Anhingas\nOrder: SuliformesFamily: Anhingidae\n\nAnhingas, also known as darters or snakebirds, are cormorant-like water birds with long necks and long, straight beaks. They are fish eaters, diving for long periods, and often swim with only their neck above the water, looking rather like a water snake.\n\nAnhinga, Anhinga anhinga (R)\n\nCormorants and shags\nOrder: SuliformesFamily: Phalacrocoracidae", "Anhinga, Anhinga anhinga (R)\n\nCormorants and shags\nOrder: SuliformesFamily: Phalacrocoracidae\n\nCormorants are medium-to-large aquatic birds, usually with mainly dark plumage and areas of colored skin on the face. The bill is long, thin, and sharply hooked. Their feet are four-toed and webbed. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nDouble-crested cormorant, Nannopterum auritum\nNeotropic cormorant, Nannopterum brasilianum (R)\n\nPelicans\n\nOrder: PelecaniformesFamily: Pelecanidae", "Pelicans\n\nOrder: PelecaniformesFamily: Pelecanidae\n\nPelicans are very large water birds with a distinctive pouch under their beak. Like other birds in the order Pelecaniformes, they have four webbed toes. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nAmerican white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos\nBrown pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis (R)\n\nHerons, egrets, and bitterns\n\nOrder: PelecaniformesFamily: Ardeidae", "Herons, egrets, and bitterns\n\nOrder: PelecaniformesFamily: Ardeidae\n\nThe family Ardeidae contains the herons, egrets, and bitterns. Herons and egrets are medium to large wading birds with long necks and legs. Bitterns tend to be shorter necked and more secretive. Members of Ardeidae fly with their necks retracted, unlike other long-necked birds such as storks, ibises, and spoonbills. Twelve species have been recorded in Indiana.", "American bittern, Botaurus lentiginosus\nLeast bittern, Ixobrychus exilis\nGreat blue heron, Ardea herodias\nGreat egret, Ardea alba\nSnowy egret, Egretta thula\nLittle blue heron, Egretta caerulea\nTricolored heron, Egretta tricolor (R)\nReddish egret, Egretta rufescens (R)\nCattle egret, Bubulcus ibis\nGreen heron, Butorides virescens\nBlack-crowned night-heron, Nycticorax nycticorax\nYellow-crowned night-heron, Nyctanassa violacea\n\nIbises and spoonbills\nOrder: PelecaniformesFamily: Threskiornithidae", "Ibises and spoonbills\nOrder: PelecaniformesFamily: Threskiornithidae\n\nThe family Threskiornithidae includes the ibises and spoonbills. They have long, broad wings. Their bodies tend to be elongated, the neck more so, with rather long legs. The bill is also long, decurved in the case of the ibises, straight and distinctively flattened in the spoonbills. Four species have been recorded in Indiana.", "White ibis, Eudocimus albus (R)\nGlossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus (R)\nWhite-faced ibis, Plegadis chihi (R)\nRoseate spoonbill, Platalea ajaja (R)\n\nNew World vultures\nOrder: CathartiformesFamily: Cathartidae", "New World vultures\nOrder: CathartiformesFamily: Cathartidae\n\nThe New World vultures are not closely related to Old World vultures, but superficially resemble them because of convergent evolution. Like the Old World vultures, they are scavengers, however, unlike Old World vultures, which find carcasses by sight, New World vultures have a good sense of smell with which they locate carcasses. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBlack vulture, Coragyps atratus\nTurkey vulture, Cathartes aura", "Black vulture, Coragyps atratus\nTurkey vulture, Cathartes aura\n\nOsprey\nOrder: AccipitriformesFamily: Pandionidae\n\nPandionidae is a monotypic family of fish-eating birds of prey, possessing a very large, powerful hooked beak for tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs, powerful talons, and keen eyesight. There is one species worldwide, which occurs in Indiana.\n\nOsprey, Pandion haliaetus\n\nHawks, eagles, and kites\nOrder: AccipitriformesFamily: Accipitridae", "Osprey, Pandion haliaetus\n\nHawks, eagles, and kites\nOrder: AccipitriformesFamily: Accipitridae\n\nAccipitridae is a family of birds of prey, which includes hawks, eagles, kites, harriers, and Old World vultures. These birds have very large powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs, powerful talons, and keen eyesight. Fifteen species have been recorded in Indiana.", "White-tailed kite, Elanus leucurus (R)\nSwallow-tailed kite, Elanoides forficatus (R) (E)\nGolden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos\nNorthern harrier, Circus hudsonius\nSharp-shinned hawk, Accipiter striatus\nCooper's hawk, Accipiter cooperii\nAmerican goshawk, Accipiter atricapillus\nBald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus\nMississippi kite, Ictinia mississippiensis\nRed-shouldered hawk, Buteo lineatus\nBroad-winged hawk, Buteo platypterus\nSwainson's hawk, Buteo swainsoni (R)\nRed-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis", "Swainson's hawk, Buteo swainsoni (R)\nRed-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis\nRough-legged hawk, Buteo lagopus\nFerruginous hawk, Buteo regalis (R)", "Barn-owls\nOrder: StrigiformesFamily: Tytonidae\n\nBarn owls are medium to large owls with large heads and characteristic heart-shaped faces. They have long strong legs with powerful talons. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBarn owl, Tyto alba\n\nOwls\nOrder: StrigiformesFamily: Strigidae", "Barn owl, Tyto alba\n\nOwls\nOrder: StrigiformesFamily: Strigidae\n\nTypical owls are small to large solitary nocturnal birds of prey. They have large forward-facing eyes and ears, a hawk-like beak, and a conspicuous circle of feathers around each eye called a facial disk. Eight species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Eastern screech-owl, Megascops asio\nGreat horned owl, Bubo virginianus\nSnowy owl, Bubo scandiacus\nBurrowing owl, Athene cunicularia (R)\nBarred owl, Strix varia\nLong-eared owl, Asio otus\nShort-eared owl, Asio flammeus\nNorthern saw-whet owl, Aegolius acadicus\n\nKingfishers\nOrder: CoraciiformesFamily: Alcedinidae\n\nKingfishers are medium-sized birds with large heads, long, pointed bills, short legs, and stubby tails. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBelted kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon", "Belted kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon\n\nWoodpeckers\nOrder: PiciformesFamily: Picidae\n\nWoodpeckers are small to medium-sized birds with chisel-like beaks, short legs, stiff tails, and long tongues used for capturing insects. Some species have feet with two toes pointing forward and two backward, while several species have only three toes. Many woodpeckers have the habit of tapping noisily on tree trunks with their beaks. Eight species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Red-headed woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus\nRed-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus\nYellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius\nBlack-backed woodpecker, Picoides arcticus (R)\nDowny woodpecker, Dryobates pubescens\nHairy woodpecker, Dryobates villosus\nNorthern flicker, Colaptes auratus\nPileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus\n\nFalcons and caracaras\nOrder: FalconiformesFamily: Falconidae", "Falcons and caracaras\nOrder: FalconiformesFamily: Falconidae\n\nFalconidae is a family of diurnal birds of prey, notably the falcons and caracaras. They differ from hawks, eagles, and kites in that they kill with their beaks instead of their talons. Six species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nCrested caracara, Caracara plancus (R)\nAmerican kestrel, Falco sparverius\nMerlin, Falco columbarius\nGyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus (R)\nPeregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus\nPrairie falcon, Falco mexicanus (R)", "New World and African parrots\nOrder: PsittaciformesFamily: Psittacidae\n\nParrots are small to large birds with a characteristic curved beak. Their upper mandibles have slight mobility in the joint with the skull and they have a generally erect stance. All parrots are zygodactyl, having the four toes on each foot placed two at the front and two to the back. Most of the more than 150 species in this family are found in the New World. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Monk parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus (I) (R)\nCarolina parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis (X)\n\nTyrant flycatchers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Tyrannidae", "Tyrant flycatchers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Tyrannidae\n\nTyrant flycatchers are Passerine birds which occur throughout North and South America. They superficially resemble the Old World flycatchers, but are more robust and have stronger bills. They do not have the sophisticated vocal capabilities of the songbirds. Most, but not all, are rather plain. As the name implies, most are insectivorous. Eighteen species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Great crested flycatcher, Myiarchus crinitus\nGreat kiskadee, Pitangus sulphuratus (R)\nWestern kingbird, Tyrannus verticalis (R)\nEastern kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus\nGray kingbird, Tyrannus dominicensis (R)\nScissor-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus (R)\nFork-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus savana (R)\nOlive-sided flycatcher, Contopus cooperi\nWestern wood-pewee, Contopus sordidulus (R)\nEastern wood-pewee, Contopus virens\nYellow-bellied flycatcher, Empidonax flaviventris\nAcadian flycatcher, Empidonax virescens", "Yellow-bellied flycatcher, Empidonax flaviventris\nAcadian flycatcher, Empidonax virescens\nAlder flycatcher, Empidonax alnorum\nWillow flycatcher, Empidonax traillii\nLeast flycatcher, Empidonax minimus\nEastern phoebe, Sayornis phoebe\nSay's phoebe, Sayornis saya (R)\nVermilion flycatcher, Pyrocephalus rubinus (R)", "Vireos, shrike-babblers, and erpornis\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Vireonidae\n\nThe vireos are a group of small to medium-sized passerine birds. They are typically greenish in color and resemble wood-warblers apart from their heavier bills. Seven species have been recorded in Indiana.", "White-eyed vireo, Vireo griseus\nBell's vireo, Vireo bellii\nYellow-throated vireo, Vireo flavifrons\nBlue-headed vireo, Vireo solitarius\nPhiladelphia vireo, Vireo philadelphicus\nWarbling vireo, Vireo gilvus\nRed-eyed vireo, Vireo olivaceus\n\nShrikes\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Laniidae", "Shrikes\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Laniidae\n\nShrikes are passerine birds known for their habit of catching other birds and small animals and impaling the uneaten portions of their bodies on thorns. A shrike's beak is hooked, like that of a typical bird of prey. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nLoggerhead shrike, Lanius ludovicianus\nNorthern shrike, Lanius borealis\n\nCrows, jays, and magpies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Corvidae", "Crows, jays, and magpies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Corvidae\n\nThe family Corvidae includes crows, ravens, jays, choughs, magpies, treepies, nutcrackers, and ground jays. Corvids are above average in size among the Passeriformes, and some of the larger species show high levels of intelligence. Six species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata\nWoodhouse's scrub-jay, Aphelocoma woodhouseii (R)\nBlack-billed magpie, Pica hudsonia (R)\nAmerican crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos\nFish crow, Corvus ossifragus (R)\nCommon raven, Corvus corax (R)\n\nTits, chickadees, and titmice\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Paridae\n\nThe Paridae are mainly small stocky woodland species with short stout bills. Some have crests. They are adaptable birds, with a mixed diet including seeds and insects. Four species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Carolina chickadee, Poecile carolinensis\nBlack-capped chickadee, Poecile atricapilla\nBoreal chickadee, Poecile hudsonica (R)\nTufted titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor\n\nLarks\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Alaudidae\n\nLarks are small terrestrial birds with often extravagant songs and display flights. Most larks are fairly dull in appearance. Their food is insects and seeds. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nHorned lark, Eremophila alpestris\n\nSwallows\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Hirundinidae", "Horned lark, Eremophila alpestris\n\nSwallows\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Hirundinidae\n\nThe family Hirundinidae is a group of passerines characterized by their adaptation to aerial feeding. These adaptations include a slender streamlined body, long pointed wings, and short bills with a wide gape. The feet are adapted to perching rather than walking, and the front toes are partially joined at the base. Seven species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Bank swallow, Riparia riparia\nTree swallow, Tachycineta bicolor\nNorthern rough-winged swallow, Stelgidopteryx serripennis\nPurple martin, Progne subis\nBarn swallow, Hirundo rustica\nCliff swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota\nCave swallow, Petrochelidon fulva (R)\n\nKinglets\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Regulidae", "Kinglets\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Regulidae\n\nThe kinglets are a small family of birds which resemble the titmice. They are very small insectivorous birds. The adults have colored crowns, giving rise to their names. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nRuby-crowned kinglet, Carthylio calendula\nGolden-crowned kinglet, Regulus satrapa\n\nWaxwings\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Bombycillidae", "Waxwings\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Bombycillidae\n\nThe waxwings are a group of passerine birds with soft silky plumage and unique red tips to some of the wing feathers. In the Bohemian and cedar waxwings, these tips look like sealing wax and give the group its name. These are arboreal birds of northern forests. They live on insects in summer and berries in winter. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus (R)\nCedar waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum", "Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus (R)\nCedar waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum\n\nNuthatches\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Sittidae\n\nNuthatches are small woodland birds. They have the unusual ability to climb down trees head first, unlike other birds which can only go upwards. Nuthatches have big heads, short tails, and powerful bills and feet. Two species and a species pair have been recorded in Indiana.", "Red-breasted nuthatch, Sitta canadensis\nWhite-breasted nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis\nPygmy nuthatch/brown-headed nuthatch, Sitta pygmaea/Sitta pusilla (R)\n\nTreecreepers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Certhiidae", "Treecreepers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Certhiidae\n\nTreecreepers are small woodland birds, brown above and white below. They have thin pointed down-curved bills, which they use to extricate insects from bark. They have stiff tail feathers, like woodpeckers, which they use to support themselves on vertical trees. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nBrown creeper, Certhia americana\n\nGnatcatchers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Polioptilidae", "Brown creeper, Certhia americana\n\nGnatcatchers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Polioptilidae\n\nThese dainty birds resemble Old World warblers in their structure and habits, moving restlessly through the foliage seeking insects. The gnatcatchers are mainly soft bluish gray in color and have the typical insectivore's long sharp bill. Many species have distinctive black head patterns (especially males) and long, regularly cocked, black-and-white tails. One species has been recorded in Indiana", "Blue-gray gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea\n\nWrens\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Troglodytidae\n\nWrens are small and inconspicuous birds, except for their loud songs. They have short wings and thin down-turned bills. Several species often hold their tails upright. All are insectivorous. Seven species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Rock wren, Salpinctes obsoletus (R)\nHouse wren, Troglodytes aedon\nWinter wren, Troglodytes hiemalis\nSedge wren, Cistothorus platensis\nMarsh wren, Cistothorus palustris\nCarolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus\nBewick's wren, Thryomanes bewickii (R)\n\nMockingbirds and thrashers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Mimidae", "Mockingbirds and thrashers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Mimidae\n\nThe mimids are a family of passerine birds which includes thrashers, mockingbirds, tremblers and the New World catbirds. These birds are notable for their vocalization, especially their remarkable ability to mimic a wide variety of birds and other sounds heard outdoors. The species tend towards dull grays and browns in their appearance. Four species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Gray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis\nBrown thrasher, Toxostoma rufum\nSage thrasher, Oreoscoptes montanus\nNorthern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos\n\nStarlings\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Sturnidae", "Starlings\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Sturnidae\n\nStarlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds. They are medium-sized passerines with strong feet. Their flight is strong and direct and they are very gregarious. Their preferred habitat is fairly open country, and they eat insects and fruit. Plumage is typically dark with a metallic sheen. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nEuropean starling, Sturnus vulgaris (I)\n\nThrushes and allies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Turdidae", "European starling, Sturnus vulgaris (I)\n\nThrushes and allies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Turdidae\n\nThe thrushes are a group of passerine birds that occur mainly but not exclusively in the Old World. They are plump, soft plumaged, small to medium-sized insectivores or sometimes omnivores, often feeding on the ground. Many have attractive songs. Ten species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Eastern bluebird, Sialia sialis\nMountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides (R)\nTownsend's solitaire, Myadestes townsendi (R)\nVeery, Catharus fuscescens\nGray-cheeked thrush, Catharus minimus\nSwainson's thrush, Catharus ustulatus\nHermit thrush, Catharus guttatus\nWood thrush, Hylocichla mustelina\nAmerican robin, Turdus migratorius\nVaried thrush, Ixoreus naevius\n\nOld World flycatchers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Muscicapidae", "Old World flycatchers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Muscicapidae\n\nThe Old World flycatchers are a large family of small passerine birds. These are mainly small arboreal insectivores, many of which, as the name implies, take their prey on the wing. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nNorthern wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe (R)\n\nOld World sparrows\n\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Passeridae", "Old World sparrows\n\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Passeridae\n\nOld World sparrows are small passerine birds. In general, sparrows tend to be small plump brownish or grayish birds with short tails and short powerful beaks. Sparrows are seed eaters, but they also consume small insects. Two species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nHouse sparrow, Passer domesticus (I)\nEurasian tree sparrow, Passer montanus (I) (R)\n\nWagtails and pipits\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Motacillidae", "Wagtails and pipits\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Motacillidae\n\nMotacillidae is a family of small passerine birds with medium to long tails. They include the wagtails, longclaws, and pipits. They are slender ground-feeding insectivores of open country. One species has been recorded in Indiana.\n\nAmerican pipit, Anthus rubescens\n\nFinches, euphonias, and allies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Fringillidae", "Finches, euphonias, and allies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Fringillidae\n\nFinches are seed-eating passerine birds, that are small to moderately large and have a strong beak, usually conical and in some species very large. All have twelve tail feathers and nine primaries. These birds have a bouncing flight with alternating bouts of flapping and gliding on closed wings, and most sing well. Eleven species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Brambling, Fringilla montifringilla (R)\nEvening grosbeak, Coccothraustes vespertinus\nPine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator (R)\nHouse finch, Haemorhous mexicanus (native to the southwestern U.S.; introduced to the east)\nPurple finch, Haemorhous purpureus\nCommon redpoll, Acanthis flammea\nHoary redpoll, Acanthis hornemanni (R)\nRed crossbill, Loxia curvirostra\nWhite-winged crossbill, Loxia leucoptera\nPine siskin, Spinus pinus\nAmerican goldfinch, Spinus tristis", "Longspurs and snow buntings\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Calcariidae\n\nThe Calcariidae are a group of passerine birds that had been traditionally grouped with the New World sparrows, but differ in a number of respects and are usually found in open grassy areas. Four species have been recorded in Indiana.\n\nLapland longspur, Calcarius lapponicus\nSmith's longspur, Calcarius pictus\nThick-billed longspur, Rhynchophanes mccownii (R)\nSnow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis", "New World sparrows\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Passerellidae\n\nUntil 2017, these species were considered part of the family Emberizidae. Most of the species are known as sparrows, but these birds are not closely related to the Old World sparrows which are in the family Passeridae. Many of these have distinctive head patterns. Twenty-six species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Cassin's sparrow, Peucaea cassinii (R)\nBachman's sparrow, Peucaea aestivalis (R) (E)\nGrasshopper sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum\nLark sparrow, Chondestes grammacus\nLark bunting, Calamospiza melanocorys (R)\nChipping sparrow, Spizella passerina\nClay-colored sparrow, Spizella pallida\nField sparrow, Spizella pusilla\nFox sparrow, Passerella iliaca\nAmerican tree sparrow, Spizelloides arborea\nDark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis\nWhite-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys\nHarris's sparrow, Zonotrichia querula", "White-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys\nHarris's sparrow, Zonotrichia querula\nWhite-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis\nVesper sparrow, Pooecetes gramineus\nLeConte's sparrow, Ammospiza leconteii\nNelson's sparrow, Ammospiza nelsoni\nHenslow's sparrow, Centronyx henslowii\nSavannah sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis\nSong sparrow, Melospiza melodia\nLincoln's sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii\nSwamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana\nGreen-tailed towhee, Pipilo chlorurus (R)\nSpotted towhee, Pipilo maculatus (R)", "Green-tailed towhee, Pipilo chlorurus (R)\nSpotted towhee, Pipilo maculatus (R)\nEastern towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus", "Yellow-breasted chat\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Icteriidae\n\nThis species was historically placed in the wood-warblers (Parulidae) but nonetheless most authorities were unsure if it belonged there. It was placed in its own family in 2017.\n\nYellow-breasted chat, Icteria virens\n\nTroupials and allies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Icteridae", "Yellow-breasted chat, Icteria virens\n\nTroupials and allies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Icteridae\n\nThe icterids are a group of small to medium-sized, often colorful passerine birds restricted to the New World and include the grackles, New World blackbirds, and New World orioles. Most species have black as a predominant plumage color, often enlivened by yellow, orange, or red. Thirteen species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Yellow-headed blackbird, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus\nBobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus\nEastern meadowlark, Sturnella magna\nWestern meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta\nOrchard oriole, Icterus spurius\nBullock's oriole, Icterus bullockii (R)\nAudubon's oriole, Icterus graduacauda (R)\nBaltimore oriole, Icterus galbula\nRed-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus\nBrown-headed cowbird, Molothrus ater\nRusty blackbird, Euphagus carolinus\nBrewer's blackbird, Euphagus cyanocephalus\nCommon grackle, Quiscalus quiscula", "Brewer's blackbird, Euphagus cyanocephalus\nCommon grackle, Quiscalus quiscula\nGreat-tailed grackle, Quiscalus mexicanus (R)", "New World warblers\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Parulidae\n\nThe wood-warblers are a group of small often colorful passerine birds restricted to the New World. Most are arboreal, but some like the ovenbird and the two waterthrushes, are more terrestrial. Most members of this family are insectivores. Thirty-nine species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapilla\nWorm-eating warbler, Helmitheros vermivorum\nLouisiana waterthrush, Parkesia motacilla\nNorthern waterthrush, Parkesia noveboracensis\nGolden-winged warbler, Vermivora chrysoptera\nBlue-winged warbler, Vermivora cyanoptera\nBlack-and-white warbler, Mniotilta varia\nProthonotary warbler, Protonotaria citrea\nSwainson's warbler, Limnothlypis swainsonii (R)\nTennessee warbler, Leiothlypis peregrina\nOrange-crowned warbler, Leiothlypis celata\nNashville warbler, Leiothlypis ruficapilla", "Orange-crowned warbler, Leiothlypis celata\nNashville warbler, Leiothlypis ruficapilla\nConnecticut warbler, Oporornis agilis\nMourning warbler, Geothlypis philadelphia\nKentucky warbler, Geothlypis formosa\nCommon yellowthroat, Geothlypis trichas\nHooded warbler, Setophaga citrina\nAmerican redstart, Setophaga ruticilla\nKirtland's warbler, Setophaga kirtlandii (R)\nCape May warbler, Setophaga tigrina\nCerulean warbler, Setophaga cerulea\nNorthern parula, Setophaga americana\nMagnolia warbler, Setophaga magnolia", "Northern parula, Setophaga americana\nMagnolia warbler, Setophaga magnolia\nBay-breasted warbler, Setophaga castanea\nBlackburnian warbler, Setophaga fusca\nYellow warbler, Setophaga petechia\nChestnut-sided warbler, Setophaga pensylvanica\nBlackpoll warbler, Setophaga striata\nBlack-throated blue warbler, Setophaga caerulescens\nPalm warbler, Setophaga palmarum\nPine warbler, Setophaga pinus\nYellow-rumped warbler, Setophaga coronata\nYellow-throated warbler, Setophaga dominica\nPrairie warbler, Setophaga discolor", "Yellow-throated warbler, Setophaga dominica\nPrairie warbler, Setophaga discolor\nBlack-throated gray warbler, Setophaga nigrescens (R)\nTownsend's warbler, Setophaga townsendi (R)\nBlack-throated green warbler, Setophaga virens\nCanada warbler, Cardellina canadensis\nWilson's warbler, Cardellina pusilla", "Cardinals and allies\nOrder: PasseriformesFamily: Cardinalidae\n\nThe cardinals are a family of robust seed-eating birds with strong bills. They are typically associated with open woodland. The sexes usually have distinct plumages. Eleven species have been recorded in Indiana.", "Summer tanager, Piranga rubra\nScarlet tanager, Piranga olivacea\nWestern tanager, Piranga ludoviciana (R)\nNorthern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis\nRose-breasted grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus\nBlack-headed grosbeak, Pheucticus melanocephalus (R)\nBlue grosbeak, Passerina caerulea\nIndigo bunting, Passerina cyanea\nLazuli bunting, Passerina amoena (R)\nPainted bunting, Passerina ciris (R)\nDickcissel, Spiza americana\n\nSee also\nList of birds\nLists of birds by region\nList of North American birds\n\nNotes", "See also\nList of birds\nLists of birds by region\nList of North American birds\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nIndiana Audubon Society\n\nIndiana\nbirds" ]
List of Church of England Measures
[ "This is a list of Church of England Measures, which are the legislation of the Church of England. Some of these measures may have been repealed. Since 1970, Measures have been made by the General Synod; prior to then they were made by its predecessor, the Church Assembly. Under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 (9 & 10 Geo. 5 c. 76), Measures have the same force as an Act of Parliament.\n\n indicates that a Measure is available to view at legislation.gov.uk.\n\nChurch of England Measures", "|-\n| {{|Union of Benefices Measure 1921|church|3|17-08-1921|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to continue the operation of the Union of Benefices Act, 1919, for a further period of two years.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Representation of the Laity (Amendment) Measure 1922|church|1|12-04-1922|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Rules for the Representation of the Laity contained in the Schedule to the Constitution of the National Assembly of the Church of England.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Pluralities Act 1838 (Amendment) Measure 1922|church|2|04-08-1922|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to repeal Sections 52 and 53 of the Pluralities Act, 1838.}}\n|-\n| {{|Revised Tables of Lessons Measure 1922|church|3|04-08-1922|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Law relating to the Tables of Lessons contained in the Prayer Book.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices Act 1898 (Amendment) Measure 1923|note1=|church|1|14-07-1924|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Law relating to the Patronage of Benefices and to amend the Benefices Act, 1898.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Union of Benefices Measure 1923|note1=|church|2|14-07-1924|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make provision for Unions of Benefices outside the City of London, for disunions, alteration of boundaries and other purposes, and for matters incidental thereto.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measure 1923|note1=|church|3|14-07-1924|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Law with regard to Ecclesiastical Dilapidations, and for other purposes.}}\n|-\n| {{|Bishopric of Blackburn Measure 1923|note1=|church|4|14-07-1924|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the foundation of a Bishopric of Blackburn.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Diocese of Southwell (Division) Measure 1923|note1=|church|5|14-07-1924|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the Division of the Diocese of Southwell, the Foundation of a Bishopric of Derby, for the transfer of certain patronages to the Bishop of Southwell, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Diocese of Winchester (Division) Measure 1923|note1=|church|6|01-08-1924|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the division of the Diocese of Winchester, and for the Foundation of Bishoprics of Portsmouth and of Guildford.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Interpretation Measure 1925|church|1|28-05-1925|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the construction of the Constitution of the National Assembly of the Church of England referred to in the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, and for the construction and proof of Measures passed under that Act.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Bishopric of Leicester Measure 1925|church|2|31-07-1925|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the foundation of a Bishopric of Leicester.}}\n|-\n| {{|Diocesan Boards of Finance Measure 1925|church|3|22-12-1925|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make provision for the Powers, Duties and Constitution of Diocesan Boards of Finance.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Brislington Parishes (Transfer) Measure 1926|church|1|26-03-1926|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to transfer the parishes of Brislington Saint Luke and Brislington Saint Anne from the Diocese of Bath and Wells to the Diocese of Bristol, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Rural Deaneries of Pontefract and Hemsworth (Transfer) Measure 1926|church|2|26-03-1926|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to transfer the Rural Deaneries of Pontefract and Hemsworth from the Diocese of York to the Diocese of Wakefield, to provide for additional honorary canonries in the Cathedral Church of Wakefield, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Parish of Manchester Division Act 1850 (Amendment) Measure 1926|church|3|29-04-1926|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to sever the canonries in the Cathedral Church of Manchester from the benefices annexed thereto, and otherwise to amend the Parish of Manchester Division Act, 1850.}}\n|-", "| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners Measure 1926|church|4|15-07-1926|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Acts, 1840 and 1841, and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act, 1840, Amendment Act, 1885, and to make further provision for the augmentation of archdeaconries, for aiding the endowment funds of new bishoprics, for bishops' costs of legal proceedings, for the maintenance of Lambeth Palace", ", for bishops' costs of legal proceedings, for the maintenance of Lambeth Palace, and the repair of other Episcopal Residences", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|First Fruits and Tenths Measure 1926|church|5|15-07-1926|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the extinguishment or redemption of first fruits and tenths.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions Measure 1926|church|6|04-08-1926|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish a system of Pensions for the Clergy (other than Diocesan Bishops), to provide for the transition from the Incumbents Resignation Acts, 1871 and 1887, to such system, and to effect changes in the constitution and management of the Clergy Pensions Institution.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Episcopal Pensions Measure 1926|church|7|15-12-1926|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for Bishops' Pensions.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Ecclesiastical Duties) Measure 1926|church|8|15-12-1926|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate and amend the law relating to the due performance of the Ecclesiastical Duties of Benefices, and to make provision for the Stipends of Curates appointed under the Measure and in certain other cases.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Indian Church Measure 1927|church|1|23-11-1927|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the dissolution of the legal union between the Church of England and the Church of England in India, and to make provisions consequential thereon.}}\n|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1927|church|2|23-11-1927|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Clergy Pensions Measure, 1926.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|New Dioceses (Transitional Provisions) Measure 1927|church|3|23-11-1927|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make temporary provision for representation in the House of Laity and the constitution of Diocesan Conferences upon the foundation of new bishopricks, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Provision for Unbeneficed Clergy) Measure 1928|church|1|02-07-1928|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act, 1840.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Tithe (Administration of Trusts) Measure 1928|church|2|03-08-1928|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to regulate the administration of the trusts affecting tithe rent-charge and other rent-charges, rents and payments in lieu of tithe vested in Queen Anne's Bounty in trust for incumbents of benefices, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1928|church|3|03-08-1928|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Clergy Pensions Measure, 1926.}}\n|-\n| {{|Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1929|church|1|10-05-1929|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the better care of Parochial Registers and other Records in Ecclesiastical custody, and the establishment of Diocesan Record Offices.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Representation of the Laity Measure 1929|church|2|10-05-1929|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Rules for the Representation of the Laity contained in the Schedule to the Constitution.}}\n|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Dilapidations (Amendment) Measure 1929|church|3|10-05-1929|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measure, 1923.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Westminster Abbey Measure 1929|church|4|10-05-1929|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision as to the apportionment of the income of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster.}}\n|-\n| {{|Parsonages Measure 1930|church|1|20-03-1930|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate and amend the Law relating to the sale, purchase and improvement of Parsonage Houses.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Archdeaconry of Surrey Measure 1930|church|2|20-03-1930|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the disannexation from the Archdeaconry of Surrey of the Canonry in Winchester Cathedral now annexed thereto; for the suspension of the said Canonry; and for the foundation of Canonries in the Cathedral Churches of Guildford and Portsmouth and the endowment thereof out of the corporate property of the Dean and Chapter of Winchester.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Marriage Measure 1930|church|3|20-03-1930|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable marriages to be solemnized in any church which is the usual place of worship of the persons to be married or of either of them.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Pensions of Church Estates Commissioners) Measure 1930|church|4|15-04-1930|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable pensions to be granted to certain of the Church Estates Commissioners.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Sodor and Man) Measure 1930|church|5|15-04-1930|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to make additional provision for the Cure of Souls in parishes in the Diocese of Sodor and Man.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Older Incumbents) Measure 1930|church|6|04-06-1930|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish a system of Pensions for Older Incumbents, and for that purpose to amend the Incumbents Resignation Acts, 1871 and 1887, and the Clergy Pensions Measures, 1926 to 1928.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Pluralities Measure 1930|church|7|01-08-1930|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the law relating to the holding of benefices in plurality, and for that purpose to extend the powers exerciseable under the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Transfer of Rights of Patronage) Measure 1930|church|8|01-08-1930|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to regulate the transfer of the Rights of Patronage of Benefices.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Episcopal Pensions (Sodor and Man) Measure 1931|church|1|27-03-1931|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to extend the Episcopal Pensions Measure, 1926, with modifications to the bishopric of Sodor and Man, and to make consequential provisions.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Loans for Church Training Colleges) Measure 1931|church|2|27-03-1931|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to make or guarantee loans for purposes in connection with Church of England Training Colleges.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Exercise of Rights of Presentation) Measure 1931|church|3|08-07-1931|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to regulate the exercise of rights of presentation to benefices.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Channel Islands (Church Legislation) Measure 1931|church|4|08-07-1931|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision for the application to the Channel Islands of Measures passed by the Church Assembly.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Channel Islands (Representation) Measure 1931|church|5|08-07-1931|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the representation of the Channel Islands in the House of Laity and in the Diocesan Conference of the Diocese of Winchester.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Provision for Unbeneficed Clergy) Measure 1928 (Amendment) Measure 1931|church|6|08-07-1931|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Provision for Unbeneficed Clergy) Measure, 1928.}}\n|-", "| {{|Cathedrals Measure 1931|church|7|08-07-1931|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish and to define the functions, powers, and duties of the Cathedral Commissioners for England, to make provision with respect to the constitutions, the property and revenues, the statutes of cathedral churches and the patronage of the canonries therein, and in certain cases with respect to the election of bishops by the chapters thereof", ", and in certain cases with respect to the election of bishops by the chapters thereof, to enable the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to make grants for the benefit of cathedral churches, and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Diocesan Boards of Patronage) Measure 1932|church|1|16-06-1932|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish Diocesan Boards of Patronage.}}\n|-\n| {{|Benefices (Purchase of Rights of Patronage) Measure 1933|church|1|29-03-1933|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Parochial Church Councils to purchase rights of patronage in certain cases.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Wythenshawe Parishes (Transfer) Measure 1933|church|2|28-06-1933|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to transfer the parish of Northenden and parts of the parishes of Baguley and Timperley from the Diocese of Chester to the Diocese of Manchester, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Parish of Manchester Revenues Measure 1933|church|3|28-07-1933|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to allocate the Revenues of the Dean and Canons of the Cathedral or Collegiate and Parish Church of Manchester and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Sequestrations) Measure 1933|church|4|17-11-1933|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision with regard to the administration of the property of vacant benefices and to confer certain powers upon sequestrators appointed under the Benefices (Ecclesiastical Duties) Measure, 1926.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clerical Disabilities Act 1870 (Amendment) Measure 1934|church|1|22-06-1934|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Clerical Disabilities Act, 1870, by enabling clerks in Holy Orders who have availed themselves of that Act to resume the position of officiating ministers.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Banns of Marriage Measure 1934|church|2|31-07-1934|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend and declare the law relating to the publication of Banns of Marriage and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-\n| {{|Cathedrals (Amendment) Measure 1934|church|3|31-07-1934|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the law relating to Cathedral Churches.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Diocese of Southwell (Transfer) Measure 1935|church|1|02-08-1935|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to transfer the Diocese of Southwell from the Province of Canterbury to the Province of York.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Farnham Castle Measure 1935|church|2|02-08-1935|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the transfer to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners of so much of Farnham Castle as has been provided for an episcopal house of residence for the Bishopric of Guildford and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1936|church|1|29-05-1936|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Clergy Pensions Measures, 1926 to 1928.}}\n|-\n| {{|Union of Benefices (Amendment) Measure 1936|church|2|29-05-1936|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Widows and Dependants) Measure 1936|church|3|29-05-1936|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish a scheme of pensions for the widows and dependants of the Clergy, and for that purpose to amend the Clergy Pensions Measures, 1926 to 1936.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Cathedrals (Houses of Residence) Measure 1936|church|4|29-05-1936|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the disposal by sale and otherwise of houses of residence of Deans and Canons of Cathedral Churches or for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Powers) Measure 1936|church|5|29-05-1936|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to confer upon the Ecclesiastical Commissioners temporary power to give financial help for the provision of churches and other buildings for religious worship", ", and power to make better provision for the endowment of certain bishoprics: to amend and extend the provisions of the Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts: and to amend the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Measure, 1926, as to payment by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners of costs of certain legal proceedings", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Queen Anne's Bounty (Powers) Measure 1937|church|1|18-02-1937|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish a system of quarterly payments of income payable by Queen Anne's Bounty to incumbents of benefices, and to provide for the transfer to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners of funds held by Queen Anne's Bounty for the benefit of ecclesiastical corporations, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|House of Laity (Co-opted Members) Measure 1937|church|2|06-05-1937|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the House of Laity to co-opt certain persons to be members of that House.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Southwark Cathedral Measure 1937|church|3|01-07-1937|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish a Constitution and Statutes for the Cathedral Church of Saint Saviour, Southwark, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Marriage (Licensing of Chapels) Measure 1938|church|1|13-04-1938|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to remove doubts as to the power of bishops to license chapels in certain districts for the solemnization therein of certain marriages.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Guildford Cathedral Measure 1938|church|2|13-04-1938|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to transfer the dignity and status of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Guildford from the Church of the Holy Trinity in Guildford to the Church of the Holy Spirit in Guildford and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Parsonages Measure 1938|church|3|23-06-1938|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate and amend the law relating to the sale, purchase and improvement of parsonage houses and of other property belonging to benefices.}}\n|-", "| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Powers) Measure 1938|church|4|23-06-1938|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to confer upon the Ecclesiastical Commissioners power to establish and fix parochial tables of fees for the performance of church offices and matters incidental thereto: to amend the Glebe Lands Act, 1888", ", 1888, and to make applicable to future sales under that Act the provisions of the Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts as to improvement of annual value: to give additional powers to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners as to the application of money arising from the sale of property of a benefice under the Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts or the Glebe Lands Act, 1888, and to enable them to rearrange charges on endowment of a benefice in favour of another benefice: to remove a doubt arising under the Union of Benefices Act", ", 1860: to enable to Ecclesiastical Commissioners to withdraw certain curate grants: to make provision for payment to the incumbents of benefices by regular quarterly instalments of such part of the income of their respective benefices as is received by them from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners: to give additional powers to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in relation to funds available for the endowment of benefices and in relation to curate funds: and to amend section two of the Ecclesiastical", "of benefices and in relation to curate funds: and to amend section two of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act", ", 1850, as to the salaries payable to the Church Estates Commissioners", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Liverpool City Churches Act 1897 (Amendment) Measure 1938|church|5|13-07-1938|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Liverpool City Churches Act, 1897.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Faculty Jurisdiction Measure 1938|church|6|13-07-1938|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the law relating to the issue of faculties out of ecclesiastical courts; to make better provision for giving effect to faculties so issued; to authorise the sale of books in certain parochial libraries under a faculty; to authorise archdeacons to issue certificates in certain cases; and for other purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Queen Anne's Bounty (Powers) Measure 1939|church|1|28-04-1939|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to confer upon Queen Anne's Bounty additional powers relating to the application of augmentation moneys and securities, the abatement and extinguishment of charges upon benefices, and other matters connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Officers Remuneration Measure 1939|church|2|28-04-1939|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the establishment of tables of the fees to be taken by ecclesiastical officers as remuneration for the performance of their duties, including any duties imposed by Measures.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy (National Emergency Precautions) Measure 1939|church|3|28-07-1939|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to make regulations for the more effective exercise of the cure of souls in the event of war, and to enable the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and Queen Anne's Bounty to make financial provision in respect thereof.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|House of Laity (Postponement of Election) Measure 1939|church|1|14-12-1939|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to postpone the election of members of the House of Laity due to be held in the year 1940.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefice Buildings (Postponement of Inspections and Repayment of Loans) Measure 1940|church|2|17-07-1940|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable Diocesan Dilapidations Boards to postpone quinquennial inspections of benefice buildings and repayment of loans during a period of emergency and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Dilapidations (Chancel Repairs) Measure 1940|church|3|17-07-1940|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable Diocesan Authorities at the request of Parochial Church Councils and with the consent of Queen Anne's Bounty to apply capital moneys in certain cases to the immediate repairs of chancels.}}\n|-", "| {{|Diocesan Reorganisation Committees Measure 1941|church|1|29-07-1941|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the appointment of Diocesan Reorganisation Committees and to define their powers and duties; to provide for deferring the restoration of damaged churches and parsonage houses, and for suspending the exercise of rights of presentation in certain cases; and to enable the Diocesan Boards of Finance to receive payments under the War Damage Act", ", 1941", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Powers) Measure 1942|church|1|29-04-1942|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to empower the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to pay certain grants on the sole authority of a resolution of the Commissioners.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Loans (Postponement of Repayment) Measure 1942|church|2|06-08-1942|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to give Queen Anne's Bounty power during a period of emergency to postpone the repayment of principal moneys of loans made by them under certain Acts and Measures and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|New Parishes Measure 1943|church|1|04-02-1943|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate with amendments the New Parishes Acts, 1843 to 1884, to repeal such of the provisions of the Church Building Acts, 1818 to 1884, as authorise the formation of new ecclesiastical districts or as are obsolete, and to re-enact with amendments other provisions of the last mentioned Acts, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "| {{|Episcopal Endowments and Stipends Measure 1943|church|2|04-02-1943|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make provision for empowering the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to take over the endowments and property of any see, to pay to the bishop of the diocese an appropriate stipend, to provide for him a suitable residence", ", to provide for him a suitable residence, to accept responsibility in respect of certain stipends and other official expenses and to deal with any existing house of residence belonging to the see", ".}}", "|-", "| {{|Diocesan Education Committees Measure 1943|church|3|11-11-1943|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the appointment of diocesan education committees and to define their powers and duties; to provide for the consultation and co-operation of such committees with the trustees or owners and managers of church schools in regard to such schools; to make provision for the application of moneys received for war damage to church schools; and for purposes", "provision for the application of moneys received for war damage to church schools; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-", "| {{|Reorganisation Areas Measure 1944|church|1|21-03-1944|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to authorise the making of new arrangements for the pastoral supervision of areas which have suffered war damage, or in which, by reason of causes attributable to the war or as a result of planning schemes, material changes in the number or situation of the population have occurred, or are likely to occur", ", or are likely to occur, and to amend in certain respects the Diocesan Reorganisation Committees Measure, 1941", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Emergency Legislation Measure 1944|church|1|21-12-1944|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to the present national emergency.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Episcopal Pensions Measure 1945|church|2|15-06-1945|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to establish a pension scheme for suffragan bishops; to provide for increased pension contributions by diocesan bishops; to enable provision to be made for the widows of bishops; and to amend in certain respects the existing Measures relating to clergy and episcopal pensions.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Incumbents (Disability) Measure 1945|church|3|15-06-1945|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make provision for the cure of souls when through disability arising from age or infirmity (whether bodily or mental) an incumbent of a benefice is unable to discharge adequately the duties attaching thereto and to make provision for payment for the discharge of such duties and for the pension of such incumbent.}}\n|-", "| {{|Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Curate Grants) Measure 1946|church|1|22-05-1946|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make provision for the transfer to diocesan boards of finance of the administration of sums from the common fund of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners allocated for payments towards the stipends of curates assistant clergy deaconesses and lay helpers", ", and in connexion therewith to authorise the termination of existing grants payable for the purposes aforesaid", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Supplementary Pensions) Measure 1946|church|2|22-05-1946|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the payment of supplementary pensions to certain persons in receipt of pensions under the Clergy Pensions Measures, 1926 to 1936, and the Clergy Pensions (Older Incumbents) Measure, 1930.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Suspension of Presentation) Measure 1946|church|3|22-05-1946|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the filling of vacancies in benefices to be postponed for certain periods and to make provision for the performance of the ecclesiastical duties, the use of the houses of residence, the management of the property, and the application of the income of the benefices during those periods.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Incumbents (Discipline) Measure 1947|church|1|18-02-1947|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the law for the enforcement of Church discipline in the case of incumbents.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church Commissioners Measure 1947|church|2|02-04-1947|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to promote the more efficient and economical administration of the resources of the Church of England by uniting the Corporation of the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the augmentation of the maintenance of the poor clergy, founded by charter under the Great Seal in the year 1704", ", founded by charter under the Great Seal in the year 1704, and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England originally established in the year 1836 by the statute 6 and 7 William the Fourth, chapter 77", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Parsonages (Amendment) Measure 1947|church|3|31-07-1947|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Parsonages Measure, 1938, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions Measure 1948|church|1|24-03-1948|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate with amendments, the Clergy Pensions Measures, 1926 to 1946, to limit the application of those Measures to clergy already ordained, to establish a new scheme of pensions for clergy hereafter ordained and their widows and children and to amend the Clergy Pensions (Older Incumbents) Measure, 1930 and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church Dignitaries (Retirement) Measure 1949|church|1|14-07-1949|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make provision for the retirement of deans, provosts, archdeacons, canons, prebendaries and other church dignitaries if incapacitated by age or physical or mental infirmity, or if guilty of unbecoming conduct or neglect of duty, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Parochial Church Councils (Powers) (Amendment) Measure 1949|church|2|14-07-1949|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to the powers of Parochial Church Councils under the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure, 1921, and to provide for related matters.}}\n|-", "| {{|Pastoral Reorganisation Measure 1949|church|3|14-07-1949|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make better provision for the cure of souls by simplifying the procedure for the union of benefices and the holding of benefices in plurality, to restrict temporarily the exercise of rights of patronage in certain cases, to provide for the partial diversion of the endowment income of certain benefices, to amend the Pluralities Act, 1838", ", to amend the Pluralities Act, 1838, and the Reorganisation Areas Measure, 1944, and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Suspension of Presentation) Measure 1946 (Amendment) Measure 1949|church|4|16-12-1949|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Benefices (Suspension of Presentation) Measure, 1946.}}\n|-\n| {{|Reorganisation Areas Measure 1944 (Amendment) Measure 1949|church|5|16-12-1949|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Reorganisation Areas Measure, 1944.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Incumbents (Discipline) Measure 1947 (Amendment) Measure 1950|church|1|28-07-1950|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Incumbents (Discipline) Measure, 1947.}}\n|-\n| {{|Diocesan Education Committees Measure 1943 (Amendment) Measure 1951|church|1|21-03-1951|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Diocesan Education Committees Measure, 1943.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Bishops (Retirement) Measure 1951|church|2|26-04-1951|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make provision for the voluntary or compulsory retirement of bishops if incapacitated by physical or mental disability, for voluntary retirement if a change of administration is desirable, and for temporary suspension, censure, or compulsory retirement in case of unbecoming conduct or neglect of duty, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measures 1923 to 1929 (Amendment) Measure 1951|church|3|22-06-1951|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measures, 1923 to 1929, by enabling Diocesan Dilapidations Boards to postpone inspections of benefice buildings and to simplify the procedure for authorising payments in respect of repairs in certain cases.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Cathedrals (Appointed Commissions) Measure 1951|church|4|22-06-1951|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to empower the Church Commissioners to make payments towards the expenses of commissions appointed pursuant to section 17 of the Cathedrals Measure, 1931.}}\n|-", "| {{|Benefices (Stabilization of Incomes) Measure 1951|church|5|22-06-1951|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to stabilize income derived by benefices from certain endowments by providing for the transfer of such endowments to the general fund of the Church Commissioners, appropriating sums of money in lieu of the endowments so transferred and charging the general fund of the Commissioners in favour of the benefices concerned; and to amend the Glebe Lands Act", ", 1888", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Church of England Pensions Board (Powers) Measure 1952|church|1|30-04-1952|archived=n|A Measure passed by The National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to the powers of the Church of England Pensions Board and to confer on the Board the status of a housing association and of a trust corporation.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Union of Benefices (Disused Churches) Measure 1952|church|1|16-12-1952|archived=n|A Measure passed by The National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Diocesan Stipends Funds Measure 1953|church|2|26-03-1953|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision in relation to diocesan stipends funds established by the Reorganisation Areas Measure, 1944, and the Pastoral Reorganisation Measure, 1949, and for that purpose to amend those Measures and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Incumbents (Discipline) and Church Dignitaries (Retirement) Amendment Measure 1953|church|3|06-05-1953|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Incumbents (Discipline) Measure, 1947, and the Church Dignitaries (Retirement) Measure, 1949, in relation to proceedings under those Measures in respect of social or political activities.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Archdeaconries (Augmentation) Measure 1953|church|4|14-07-1953|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Church Commissioners to augment archdeaconries by annual sums payable out of their general fund and to repeal the provisions under which archdeaconries may be endowed out of canonries or benefices.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Suspension of Presentation) Measure 1953|church|5|29-10-1953|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to extend the duration of the provisions of the Benefices (Suspension of Presentation) Measures, 1946 and 1949, and to consolidate those Measures with amendments and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|New Housing Areas (Church Buildings) Measure 1954|church|1|18-03-1954|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Church Commissioners to make grants or loans in respect of church buildings in certain areas, having regard to recent housing development in those areas and the absence or insufficiency of suitable church buildings therein.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Reorganisation Areas Measure 1944 (Amendment) Measure 1954|church|2|18-03-1954|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the provisions of the Reorganisation Areas Measures, 1944 and 1949, by extending the period of restriction of the exercise of patronage and the period within which proposals for reorganisation schemes may be received.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Cathedrals (Grants) Measure 1954|church|3|18-03-1954|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable grants to be made directly to deans, provosts and canons residentiary under section twenty of the Cathedrals Measure, 1931.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions Measure 1954|church|4|30-07-1954|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for making the general fund of the Church Commissioners the source of pensions to Clergy and thereby increasing such pensions, and making them no longer contributory where they have been so, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Inspection of Churches Measure 1955|church|1|29-03-1955|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the establishment of schemes for the inspection of churches by architects at least once in every five years; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Diocesan Education Committees Measure 1955|church|1|21-12-1955|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate with amendments certain provisions of the Diocesan Education Committees Measure, 1943, and the Diocesan Education Committees Measure, 1943 (Amendment) Measure, 1951; to provide for the validation and continuance of orders made under the provisions of those Measures and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Representation of the Laity Measure 1956|church|2|05-07-1956|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Rules for the Representation of the Laity, and in particular, to enlarge the subject matter of the Rules in certain respects.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956|church|3|05-07-1956|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate with amendments certain enactments relating to parochial church councils and parochial charities.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Channel Islands (Church Legislation) Measure 1931 (Amendment) Measure 1957|church|1|17-07-1957|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Channel Islands (Church Legislation) Measure, 1931.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church Funds Investment Measure 1958|church|1|20-02-1958|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make better provision for the investment of certain funds of or connected with the Church of England.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church Schools (Assistance by Church Commissioners) Measure 1958|church|2|20-02-1958|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Church Commissioners to make payments for the provision of financial assistance for certain church schools; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Truro Cathedral Measure 1959|church|1|25-03-1959|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision for the government of the Cathedral Church of Truro, to repeal the Truro Chapter Act, 1878, and to repeal the Truro Bishopric and Chapter Acts Amendment Act, 1887, and to re-enact with amendments certain of its provisions.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Vacancies in Sees Measure 1959|church|2|25-03-1959|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the guardian of the spiritualities of a see to act during a vacancy thereof in place of the bishop for the purposes of certain enactments and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Guildford Cathedral Measure 1959|church|3|25-03-1959|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to transfer the dignity and status of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Guildford from the Church of the Holy Trinity in Guildford to the Church of the Holy Spirit in Guildford, to constitute a Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church, to make provision for the government of the Cathedral Church and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1960|church|1|13-04-1960|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Parsonages Measure, 1938, and the New Parishes Measure, 1943", ", 1938, and the New Parishes Measure, 1943, and to make further provision as to church land; to make further provision as to grants and payments by the Church Commissioners; to provide for the distribution of the tithe maintenance fund; to alter the title of the Church Estates Commissioner appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury", ", to transfer to the Church Commissioners the property and certain functions of the Church Estates Commissioners and to make provision as to the pensions of the Church Estates Commissioners; to enable certain suffragan bishops to receive augmentation from the Clergy Pensions Institution; to provide for the transfer of rights of patronage within twelve months from the last institution or admission to the benefice; to abolish certain restrictions in respect of assurances of property to diocesan authorities;", "to abolish certain restrictions in respect of assurances of property to diocesan authorities; to dispense with the publication in the London Gazette of Orders in Council confirming schemes of the Church Commissioners; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Farnham Castle Measure 1961|church|1|02-03-1961|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to vest part of Farnham Castle in the Church Commissioners and to make provision for their powers in relation to the whole of Farnham Castle.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Baptismal Registers Measure 1961|church|2|03-08-1961|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the annotation of parochial registers of baptisms in cases of persons legitimated after baptism, and for the issue of short certificates of baptism in certain cases, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "| {{|Clergy Pensions Measure 1961|church|3|03-08-1961|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to consolidate with amendments the Acts of Parliament and Measures of the Church Assembly relating to pensions for clergy and their widows and dependants and to the powers of the Church of England Pensions Board; to provide for increases in the pensions payable to clergy and for making the pensions payable to bishops no longer contributory; to provide for pensions", "and for making the pensions payable to bishops no longer contributory; to provide for pensions which are not contributory for certain widows of clergy; to confer on the Church of England Pensions Board power to provide homes of residence for retired church workers and their wives and for the widows and dependants of deceased church workers; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1962|church|1|03-07-1962|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision for the establishment of tables of ecclesiastical fees, to relieve certain clerks in Holy Orders from the liability to pay certain fees and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963|church|1|31-07-1963|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by The National Assembly of the Church of England to reform and reconstruct the system of ecclesiastical courts of the Church of England, to replace with new provisions the existing enactments relating to ecclesiastical discipline, to abolish certain obsolete jurisdictions and fees, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Cathedrals Measure 1963|church|2|31-07-1963|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to replace with new provisions the Cathedral Measures 1931 and 1934, and other enactments relating to cathedral churches; to repeal certain obsolete provisions relating to cathedral churches or to churches which are or have been collegiate churches; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church Commissioners (Loans for Theological Colleges and Training Houses) Measure 1964|church|1|27-02-1964|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Church Commissioners to make or guarantee loans to defray capital expenditure in connection with establishments for the training of men for the Ministry and of women for work in connection with the cure of souls.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Incumbents and Churchwardens (Trusts) Measure 1964|church|2|27-02-1964|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to vest certain real and personal property held, acquired or administered upon charitable ecclesiastical trusts by incumbents and churchwardens jointly or severally and certain ecclesiastical corporations, in the diocesan authority and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "| {{|Churchwardens (Appointment and Resignation) Measure 1964|church|3|27-02-1964|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to regulate the number and qualifications of, and the time and manner of choosing", ", and the time and manner of choosing, churchwardens of parishes; to regulate their admission to office; to provide for the resignation of churchwardens and for their vacating their offices in certain events; to regulate the qualifications of churchwardens of Guild Churches in the City of London; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Holy Table Measure 1964|church|4|15-04-1964|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable the Holy Table in a Church or Chapel to be immovable and to be made of any suitable material.}}\n|-", "| {{|Faculty Jurisdiction Measure 1964|church|5|15-04-1964|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to enable ecclesiastical courts to vest privately owned parts of churches in the persons in whom the churches are vested; to amend the law relating to the issue of faculties out of such courts concerning the demolition of churches and works affecting monuments in private ownership; to empower bishops to make certain licensed chapels subject to the faculty", "in private ownership; to empower bishops to make certain licensed chapels subject to the faculty jurisdiction of such courts; to declare the law relating to the jurisdiction of such courts over the curtilage of churches; to limit the duration of rights of sepulture; to make better provision for the enforcement of orders as to costs and expenses; to repeal and re-enact the Faculty Jurisdiction Measure 1938", ", with amendments; and for other purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Clergy (Ordination and Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1964|church|6|10-06-1964|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the law relating to the qualifications for Holy Orders and to the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Consecrating Bishops, Priests and Deacons; and to amend the law relating to the revocation of licences granted to Ministers and to the occupations of Ministers.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Vestures of Ministers Measure 1964|church|7|31-07-1964|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to regulate the vestures to be worn by Ministers at the times of their ministrations.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church Commissioners Measure 1964|church|8|31-07-1964|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Church Commissioners Measure 1947 and certain other provisions relating to the Estates and Finance Committee and the Church Estates Commissioners.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Prayer Book (Alternative and Other Services) Measure 1965|church|1|23-03-1965|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to authorise the use by way of experiment of alternative forms of Service deviating from the Book of Common Prayer and the use of forms of Service for use on special occasions; and to authorise minor variations in public prayer and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices (Suspension of Presentation) (Continuance) Measure 1965|church|2|02-06-1965|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to extend the duration of section 1 of the Benefices (Suspension of Presentation) Measure 1953.}}\n|-", "| {{|Prayer Book (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1965|church|3|05-08-1965|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to authorise the approval of days of Special Observance; to enable a Bishop to authorise a Minister to dispense with the reading of Morning and Evening Prayer on certain days; to amend the rubrics at the beginning and end of the Communion Service in the Book of Common Prayer; and to extend the right to use the Book of Common Prayer in Latin to all", "the Book of Common Prayer; and to extend the right to use the Book of Common Prayer in Latin to all universities and certain other places of learning", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Prayer Book (Versions of the Bible) Measure 1965|church|4|22-12-1965|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to permit the use of any version of the Bible authorised by the Convocations with the concurrence of the House of Laity for portions of Scripture appointed to be read, said or sung in the Book of Common Prayer, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1967|church|1|22-03-1967|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Extra-Parochial Ministry Measure 1967|church|2|14-07-1967|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to authorise the Minister of a parish to exercise his ministry outside the parish for the benefit of persons on the electoral roll of the parish: and for licensing a Minister to exercise his ministry at or for the benefit of an institution without the consent of and without being subject to the control of the Minister of the parish.}}\n|-", "| {{|Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967|church|3|14-07-1967|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make better provision for permitting overseas clergymen and certain other clergymen to exercise their ministry in the provinces of Canterbury and York, for enabling overseas bishops and certain other bishops to exercise episcopal functions in the said provinces, for the ordination of clergymen for ministry overseas", ", for the ordination of clergymen for ministry overseas, and for matters connected with the matters aforesaid", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Pastoral Measure 1968|church|1|30-05-1968|archived=n|A Measure passed by The National Assembly of the Church of England to make better provision for the cure of souls and for the use, preservation or disposal of redundant churches, to amend the law relating to pluralities, to enable certain pastoral functions of bishops relating to property to be delegated, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Prayer Book (Further Provisions) Measure 1968|church|2|18-12-1968|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to make further provision for amending the Book of Common Prayer and certain enactments relating to that Book and to the burial service.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1969|church|1|25-07-1969|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to amend the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961 in respect of the entitlement to pension and rate of pension of clerks in Holy Orders who retire before the retiring age.}}\n|-", "| {{|Synodical Government Measure 1969|church|2|25-07-1969|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by The National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the vesting by Canon of the functions, authority, rights and privileges of the Convocations of Canterbury and York in the General Synod of the Church of England", ", and for the modification by Canon of the functions of the said Convocations when sitting separately for their provinces; to rename and reconstitute the Church Assembly as the General Synod, and to make further provision for the synodical government of the Church of England, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Collegiate Churches (Capital Endowments) Measure 1970|church|1|24-03-1970|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide capital endowments for the Collegiate Churches of St. Peter in Westminster and St. George, Windsor.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Sharing of Church Buildings Measure 1970|church|2|24-03-1970|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by The National Assembly of the Church of England to extend the Pastoral Measure 1968 for the purpose of authorising sharing agreements in respect of consecrated churches and parsonage houses, and to provide for other matters arising out of the sharing of church buildings by the Church of England.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church Commissioners Measure 1970|church|3|17-12-1970|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to provide for the appointment of Church Commissioners as additional members of the General Purposes Committee and the Assets Committee of the Church Commissioners.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Synodical Government (Special Majorities) Measure 1971|church|1|17-02-1971|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to authorise the General Synod of the Church of England to require special majorities for a scheme for a constitutional union or a permanent and substantial change of relationship between the Church of England and another Christian body, and for the exercise of powers to suspend the Standing Orders of the General Synod.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Admission to Holy Communion Measure 1972|church|1|10-02-1972|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to provide for admission to the Holy Communion.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure 1972|church|2|10-02-1972|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to provide for the repair of parsonage houses by Parsonages Boards and for the repair of other buildings belonging to a benefice; to make other provision for repairs and other works and matters relating to church buildings and land; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Benefices Measure 1972|church|3|10-02-1972|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to provide an additional ground for refusing to institute or admit a presentee to a benefice, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Deaconesses and Lay Ministry Measure 1972|church|4|09-08-1972|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable further provision to be made by Canon with respect to the ministry of deaconesses, licensed lay workers, readers and other lay persons.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure 1972|church|5|09-08-1972|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to Amend the Clergy Pensions Measures 1961 to 1969.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Synodical Government (Amendment) Measure 1974|church|1|09-07-1974|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for the amendment of the Constitutions of the Convocations of Canterbury and York; to amend Article 8 of the Constitution of the General Synod of the Church of England; and to make further provision with respect to the manner of voting in the General Synod.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Amendment) Measure 1974|church|2|09-07-1974|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by The General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Worship and Doctrine) Measure 1974|church|3|12-12-1974|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable provision to be made by Canon with respect to worship in the Church of England and other matters prescribed by the Book of Common Prayer", ", and with respect to the obligations and forms of assent or subscription to the doctrine of the Church of England; to repeal enactments relating to the matters aforesaid; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Church Commissioners (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1975|church|1|01-08-1975|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for empowering the Church Commissioners to make payments towards the stipend and expenses of the Bishop of Sodor and Man and to make further provision with respect to the pensions of Church Estates Commissioners and their widows.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Offices (Age Limit) Measure 1975|church|2|01-08-1975|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision with respect to the age limit for the holding of certain ecclesiastical offices.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Cathedrals Measure 1976|church|1|25-03-1976|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make fresh provision with respect to the revision of the constitution and statutes of cathedral churches; and to amend section 42 of the Cathedrals Measure 1963.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Judges and Legal Officers Measure 1976|church|2|25-03-1976|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to regulate the age of retirement from the office of judge of an ecclesiastical court; to make provision for limiting the number of chancellorships to be held by one person; to make fresh provision with respect to the other legal officers of the Church of England; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1976|church|3|15-11-1976|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable provision to be made by Canon with respect to certain declarations made and subscribed and other matters required on ordination and admission to office in the Church of England and to repeal the enactments relating to those matters; to enable provision to be made by Canon with respect to licensing of assistant curates for fixed", "to enable provision to be made by Canon with respect to licensing of assistant curates for fixed terms; to replace section 85 of the Pastoral Measure 1968; to dispense with periodical episcopal visitations of cathedrals; to amend section 1 of the Benefices (Sequestrations) Measure 1933; to amend the law relating to the burial of certain persons in parish burial grounds; to repeal section 13 of the Burnley Rectory Act 1890; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid", ".}}", "|-", "| {{|Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976|church|4|22-11-1976|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make fresh provision with respect to the means by which the clergy and certain lay persons engaged in the cure of souls are remunerated; to transfer glebe land to Diocesan Boards of Finance; to make provision with respect to the powers and duties of such Boards in relation to such land; to restrict the letting of parts of parsonage houses and to make other", "in relation to such land; to restrict the letting of parts of parsonage houses and to make other provision with respect to such houses; to amend the Diocesan Stipends Funds Measure 1953; to amend the law relating to sequestrations; to amend the law relating to the liability to repair certain chancels; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Incumbents (Vacation of Benefices) Measure 1977|church|1|30-06-1977|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision, including provision for the vacation of the benefice, where there has been a serious breakdown of the pastoral relationship between an incumbent and his parishioners or where an incumbent is unable by reason of age or infirmity to discharge adequately the duties attaching to his benefice, and for purposes connected therewith.}}", "|-", "| {{|Dioceses Measure 1978|church|1|02-02-1978|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for enabling alterations to be made in the diocesan structure of the provinces of Canterbury and York; to make further provision for enabling certain functions of diocesan bishops to be discharged by suffragan bishops; to abolish the power to commission suffragan bishops; to make provision for constituting separate synods for areas of a diocese; to make", "bishops; to make provision for constituting separate synods for areas of a diocese; to make further provision with respect to the nomination of suffragan bishops; to make provision with respect to the discharge of the functions of certain diocesan bodies; and for purposes connected with those matters", ".}}", "|-", "| {{|Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978|church|2|02-02-1978|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to consolidate with amendments certain enactments relating to the registration of baptisms and burials and to repeal some of those enactments without re-enactment; to make fresh provision in place of the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1929 with respect to diocesan record offices", ", the deposit therein of certain parochial registers and other records in ecclesiastical custody and the care of such registers and records; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1978|church|3|30-06-1978|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to the special majorities required for the final approval of certain Measures; to make further provision with respect to the continuance in certain offices of persons in office at the commencement of the Ecclesiastical Offices (Age Limit) Measure 1975; to make provision for altering the financial year", "Ecclesiastical Offices (Age Limit) Measure 1975; to make provision for altering the financial year of the Church Commissioners; to amend Schedule 1 to the Church Commissioners Measure 1947; to provide for an additional member of diocesan boards of finance; to amend section 20 of the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978; to extend section 17 of the New Parishes Measure 1943; to make provision for facilitating the conveyance of ecclesiastical property in certain circumstances; to make provision for", "the conveyance of ecclesiastical property in certain circumstances; to make provision for extending the Inspection of Churches Measure 1955 and schemes made thereunder; to amend section 43 of the Cathedrals Measure 1963 and sections 3 and 43 of the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976; to repeal so much of section 21 of the Queen Anne's Bounty Act 1714 as requires certain documents to be enrolled in the High Court", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Deaconesses and Lay Workers (Pensions) Measure 1980|church|1|20-03-1980|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to empower the Church Commissioners to make payments for the provision or augmentation of pensions and related benefits for deaconesses, lay workers, their dependants and widows; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "| {{|Diocese in Europe Measure 1980|church|2|30-06-1980|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for the representation in the General Synod of the Church of England of the diocese of Gibraltar in Europe when established; to amend Article 8 of the Constitution of the General Synod in relation to the said diocese; to empower the Church Commissioners to pay to the bishop and any suffragan bishop of the said diocese when established a stipend and", "to pay to the bishop and any suffragan bishop of the said diocese when established a stipend and his official expenses and to provide or assist with the provision of suitable residences for such bishops; to confer pension rights on bishops and other clergy who perform ecclesiastical service in the said diocese after its establishment; to extend the Deaconesses and Lay Workers (Pensions) Measure 1980 to the said diocese; and to amend the Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Pastoral (Amendment) Measure 1982|church|1|23-07-1982|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Pastoral Measure 1968 and make provision for enabling that Measure to be extended to the Isle of Man, to make provision for enabling a new body to be established to replace the Advisory Body for Redundant Churches and the Redundant Churches Fund and to amend section 5(3) of the Parsonages Measure 1938.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Pension (Amendment) Measure 1982|church|2|23-07-1982|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend sections 17 and 26 of the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961; to make further provision with respect to the membership of pensions schemes for church workers and with respect to the investment of moneys comprised in certain pension funds established by the Church of England Pensions Board; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Pastoral Measure 1983|church|1|09-05-1983|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by The General Synod of The Church of England to consolidate with minor amendments the Pastoral Measure 1968, the Pastoral (Amendment) Measure 1982 and related enactments, which are designed to make better provision for the cure of souls.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1983|church|2|09-05-1983|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by The General Synod of the Church of England to amend the New Parishes Measure 1943, the Parsonages Measure 1938, the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956, the Ecclesiastical Judges and Legal Officers Measure 1976", ", the Ecclesiastical Judges and Legal Officers Measure 1976, and the Bishops (Retirement) Measure 1951; to make further provision with respect to the discharge of the functions of a bishop or archdeacon and the constitution of an Appeal Tribunal for the compensation of clergy; and to make provision for transferring a house and muniment room in Lichfield from the Registrar of Lichfield to the Diocesan Board of Finance; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Bishops (Retirement) Measure 1986|church|1|18-03-1986|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make fresh provision with respect to the resignation or retirement of archbishops and bishops and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986|church|2|18-03-1986|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to ecclesiastical fees and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-\n| {{|Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986|church|3|18-07-1986|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the law relating to patronage of benefices.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Deacons (Ordination of Women) Measure 1986|church|4|07-11-1986|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for the ordination of women as deacons, and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Legal Aid and Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1988|church|1|09-02-1988|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision concerning legal aid; to enable marriages of housebound and detained persons to be solemnized by persons licensed under the Extra-Parochial Ministry Measure 1967; to make provision for the change of name of a see; to enable further provision to be made by Canon with respect to licences granted to", "name of a see; to enable further provision to be made by Canon with respect to licences granted to ministers", ", deaconesses, lay workers and readers; to make provision with respect to the appointment of organists and choirmasters; to amend section 31 of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967, section 7 of the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956, section 7 of the Church Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1960, and section 3 of the Pastoral Measure 1983; to amend provisions of the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961 relating to the Clergy (Widows and Dependants) Fund; and for connected purposes", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Church Commissioners (Assistance for Priority Areas) Measure 1988|church|2|03-05-1988|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by The General Synod of the Church of England to extend the power of the Church Commissioners to make grants or loans in respect of church buildings in certain areas which are not sufficiently supplied with suitable church buildings and to enable the Church Commissioners to make grants or loans to the Church Urban Fund.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England (Ecumenical Relations) Measure 1988|church|3|29-07-1988|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable provision to be made by Canon with respect to local co-operation between the Church of England and other Churches; to modify in certain cases restrictions imposed by the Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England (Pensions) Measure 1988|church|4|27-10-1988|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Clergy Pensions Measures 1961 to 1982, and for connected purposes.}}\n|-\n| {{|Clergy (Ordination) Measure 1990|church|1|22-02-1990|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the law relating to impediments to admission into Holy Orders.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990|church|2|26-07-1990|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision for the care and conservation of cathedral churches.}}\n|-", "| {{|Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991|church|1|25-07-1991|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision as to the care of churches and the lands and articles appertaining thereto and of documents of historic interest to the Church of England; to amend the law relating to the inspection of churches; to amend the law relating to ecclesiastical courts, commissions", ", commissions, judges and registrars; to make further provision as to the grant of faculties; to enable bishops to remove the legal effects of consecration; to repeal section 4 of the Parish Notices Act 1837; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 1991|church|2|25-07-1991|note3=|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision as to Diocesan Boards of Education.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1992|church|1|06-03-1992|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the law relating to sequestration; to make further provision with respect to the appointment of new patrons; to make further provision with respect to the conduct of funeral services and rights of burial; to enable parochial church councils to hold advowsons; to amend the law relating to the resignation of incumbents; to amend the", "to hold advowsons; to amend the law relating to the resignation of incumbents; to amend the law relating to the tenure of office of diocesan chancellors and registrars; to clarify the law relating to archdeacons' visitations; to clarify the law relating to the appointment of rural deans; to amend the law relating to the appointment of canons in cathedral churches; to amend section 27 of the Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847", ", section 11 of the Benefices Act 1898, sections 13, 16 and 17 of the New Parishes Measure 1943, section 5 of and the First Schedule to the Church Commissioners Measure 1947, sections 4 and 5 of the Diocesan Stipends Funds Measure 1953, section 12 of the Cathedrals Measure 1963, sections 55 and 56 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963, section 1 of the Benefices Measure 1972, sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Cathedrals Measure 1976, sections 20, 23, 24 and 38 of the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976", ", sections 20, 23, 24 and 38 of the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976, the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978, section 2 of the Dioceses Measure 1978, sections 29, 54 and 68 of and Schedules 4, 6 and 7 to the Pastoral Measure 1983, section 9 of and Schedule 2 to the Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986 and section 5 of the Church of England (Ecumenical Relations) Measure 1988; to repeal certain enactments which are no longer of practical utility; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Incumbents (Vacation of Benefices) (Amendment) Measure 1993|church|1|27-07-1993|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Incumbents (Vacation of Benefices) Measure 1977.}}\n|-\n| {{|Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure 1993|church|2|05-11-1993|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for the ordination of women as priests, and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ordination of Women (Financial Provisions) Measure 1993|church|3|05-11-1993|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision as to the relief of hardship incurred by persons resigning from ecclesiastical service by reason of opposition to the ordination of women as priests, and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "| {{|Pastoral (Amendment) Measure 1994|church|1|24-03-1994|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Pastoral Measure 1983, in so far as it relates to redundant buildings and land annexed or belonging thereto, in connection with financial matters, with the removal of the legal effects of consecration", ", in connection with financial matters, with the removal of the legal effects of consecration, with the discharge and modification of covenants and with the annual report of the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches; and to provide a new name for the Redundant Churches Fund", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Care of Cathedrals (Supplementary Provisions) Measure 1994|church|2|21-07-1994|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision in connection with the care and conservation of cathedral churches.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England (Legal Aid) Measure 1994|church|3|21-07-1994|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to consolidate with amendments the provisions concerning legal aid contained in the Church of England (Legal Aid and Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1988.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Team and Group Ministries Measure 1995|church|1|28-06-1995|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to team and group ministries.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1995|church|2|19-07-1995|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make it lawful for Church of Ireland ministers to officiate in England; to provide for the appointment of lay canons in the Cathedral Church of Christ in Oxford; to enable the designation of archdeacon emeritus to be conferred; to amend the law relating to the resignation of deans", ", residentiary canons and archdeacons; to amend section 27 of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act 1840, section 6 of the Church Commissioners Measure 1947, the Schedule to the Church Funds Investment Measure 1958, section 21 of the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961, sections 2, 3 and 27 of and Schedule 1 to the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963, section 20 of the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978, sections 9, 44, 51 and 87 of and Schedule 1 to the Pastoral Measure 1983", ", sections 9, 44, 51 and 87 of and Schedule 1 to the Pastoral Measure 1983, section 8 of the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1983 and section 6 of the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991; to amend certain enactments in connection with the procedure of the General Synod; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Pensions Measure 1997|church|1|21-03-1997|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision in relation to pensions and related benefits for certain persons who are or have been in the service of the Church of England and their widows, widowers and dependants.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|National Institutions Measure 1998|church|1|02-07-1998|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make better provision for the establishment and functions of the national institutions of the Church of England and for the management of the assets thereof; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Cathedrals Measure 1999|church|1|30-06-1999|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to the constitution, statutes and administration of cathedrals.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Care of Places of Worship Measure 1999|church|2|30-06-1999|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision in relation to the care of certain buildings used for or in connection with worship; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2000|church|1|28-07-2000|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to transfer certain functions of the Church Commissioners to diocesan bodies; to make provision for the performance of a rural dean's functions during a vacancy", ", absence or illness; to enable dioceses to re-name rural deans as area deans; to amend section 1 of the Consecration of Churchyards Act 1867; to amend section 12(10) of the City of London (Guild Churches) Act 1952; to amend the Schedule to the Church Funds Investment Measure 1958; to amend section 8 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963; to amend section 21 of the Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure 1972; to amend section 4 of the Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986; to amend section 3 of the", "Measure 1972; to amend section 4 of the Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986; to amend section 3 of the Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986; to amend section 6 of the Church of England (Legal Aid and Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1988; to repeal certain enactments which are no longer of practical utility; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Churchwardens Measure 2001|church|1|10-04-2001|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make fresh provision with respect to churchwardens in the Church of England.}}\n|-\n| {{|Synodical Government (Amendment) Measure 2003|church|1|06-03-2003|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the law relating to synodical government and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England (Pensions) Measure 2003|church|2|06-03-2003|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for a General Purposes Fund of the Church of England Pensions Board and to amend the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961 and the Pensions Measure 1977; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Clergy Discipline Measure 2003|church|3|10-07-2003|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the law relating to ecclesiastical discipline, to amend section 3 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963 and section 5(5) of the Ecclesiastical Judges and Legal Officers Measure 1976, and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Stipends (Cessation of Special Payments) Measure 2005|church|1|24-03-2005|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to provide for the cessation of guaranteed annuities payable by the Church Commissioners to incumbents and certain other payments made to dioceses; to provide for the application of sums made available in consequence thereof; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Care of Cathedrals (Amendment) Measure 2005|church|2|24-03-2005|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990 and the Cathedrals Measure 1999; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2005|church|3|24-03-2005|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Parsonages Measure 1938; to amend sections 6 and 11 of the Church Commissioners Measure 1947; to repeal section 7 of the Diocesan Stipends Funds Measure 1953; to amend section 8 of the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956; to amend section 20 of the Church Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1960; to amend", "1956; to amend section 20 of the Church Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1960; to amend the Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure 1972; to amend the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976; to amend the Pastoral Measure 1983; to make provision for the appointment of diocesan secretaries; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2006|church|1|11-07-2006|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Parsonages Measure 1938; to amend the Church Commissioners Measure 1947; to amend the Diocesan Stipends Funds Measure 1953; to amend section 2 of the Church Funds Investment Measure 1958; to amend section 7 of the Church Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1960; to make new provision for the powers of the Church", "(Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1960; to make new provision for the powers of the Church Commissioners relating to Farnham Castle; to amend the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963; to amend Schedule 2 to the Synodical Government Measure 1969; to amend the Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure 1972; to amend the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976; to amend section 8 of the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1978; to amend the Pastoral Measure 1983; to amend the National Institutions", "Provisions) Measure 1978; to amend the Pastoral Measure 1983; to amend the National Institutions Measure 1998; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Pastoral (Amendment) Measure 2006|church|2|11-07-2006|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable leases to be granted of parts of churches and of land belonging or annexed to a church and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "| {{|Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007|church|1|30-10-2007|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to further the mission of the Church of England and, in particular, to make new provision, in place of the Dioceses Measure 1978 and section 8 of the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1983, for reviewing the provincial and diocesan structure of the Church of England and for making reorganisation schemes, for the change of name of sees", ", for the change of name of sees, and for the creation and filling of suffragan sees, for the nomination of suffragan bishops and the delegation of functions to them and to other persons in episcopal orders and for the discharge of functions of certain diocesan bodies; to amend the Pastoral Measure 1983 in respect of the making of pastoral schemes and orders and of schemes for the closure of churches for regular public worship; to enable a diocesan bishop, by order", ", by order, to endorse and make provision for mission initiatives; to make new provision for mission and pastoral committees; to replace the Council for the Care of Churches with a body named the Church Buildings Council and make new provision for it; to make provision for the description of assistant curates and for their functions; to make other amendments to the Pastoral Measure 1983; and for connected purposes", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Church of England Marriage Measure 2008|church|1|22-05-2008|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable persons to be married in a place of worship in a parish with which they have a qualifying connection; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure 2009|church|1|02-04-2009|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make new provision for the terms of service of the holders of ecclesiastical offices; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England Pensions (Amendment) Measure 2009|church|2|02-04-2009|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to extend from 31st December 2011 to 31st December 2018 the expiry of the period within which the Church Commissioners may make capital payments towards the cost of lump sums and pensions due to be paid or payable under certain pension and superannuation schemes; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2010|church|1|18-03-2010|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure to amend the New Parishes Measure 1943; to amend section 6 of the Church Commissioners Measure 1947; to amend section 2 of the Church Funds Investment Measure 1958; to amend section 21 of the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961; to amend section 2 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963; to amend the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976; to amend section 69 of the Pastoral Measure 1983; to", "amend the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976; to amend section 69 of the Pastoral Measure 1983; to amend Schedule 1 to the National Institutions Measure 1998; to amend section 24 of the Commons Act 2006; to make provision for gifts made to or for the benefit of the Church of England; to make provision for the status of corporate bodies of cathedrals and new provision with respect to canons in Christ Church cathedral; and for purposes connected therewith", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Vacancies in Suffragan Sees and Other Ecclesiastical Offices Measure 2010|church|2|18-03-2010|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure to amend the law with respect to the appointment of suffragan bishops; and with respect to appointments to fill vacancies in certain ecclesiastical offices to which Her Majesty has the right of presentation.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Crown Benefices (Parish Representatives) Measure 2010|church|3|18-03-2010|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure to make provision for the appointment of lay parish representatives to approve the selection of incumbents of certain Crown benefices.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011|church|1|24-05-2011|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to consolidate, with corrections and minor improvements, the Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990, the Care of Cathedrals (Supplementary Provisions) Measure 1994 and the Care of Cathedrals (Amendment) Measure 2005, and related enactments.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Fees (Amendment) Measure 2011|church|2|24-05-2011|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision with respect to ecclesiastical fees; to amend the constitution of the Fees Advisory Commission and the provisions for certain annual fees; and for purposes connected therewith.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011|church|3|24-05-2011|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to consolidate with corrections and minor improvements the Pastoral Measure 1983 and Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 and section 61 of the Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007, and related enactments which are designed to make better provision for the cure of souls.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England Marriage (Amendment) Measure 2012|church|1|19-12-2012|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Church of England Marriage Measure 2008 to widen the conditions for establishing the qualifying connections of persons intending to be married in certain cases and to provide for the form of banns of matrimony where the form set out in the Book of Common Prayer is not used and for the time of the publication of banns; and for", "out in the Book of Common Prayer is not used and for the time of the publication of banns; and for connected purposes", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Diocese in Europe Measure 2013|church|1|26-03-2013|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make further provision for the Diocese in Europe.}}\n|-\n| {{|Clergy Discipline (Amendment) Measure 2013|church|2|26-03-2013|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2014|church|1|14-05-2014|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend section 67 of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Act 1840; to amend section 25 of the Burial Act 1857; to amend section 5 of the Episcopal Endowments and Stipends Measure 1943; to amend the Church Commissioners Measure 1947; to amend the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956; to amend the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961; to", "the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956; to amend the Clergy Pensions Measure 1961; to amend sections 2 and 3 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963; to amend section 3 of the Faculty Jurisdiction Measure 1964; to amend the Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967; to amend the Synodical Government Measure 1969; to amend the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976; to amend the Incumbents (Vacation of Benefices) Measure 1977; to amend the Patronage (Benefices) Measure", "the Incumbents (Vacation of Benefices) Measure 1977; to amend the Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986; to amend the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991; to amend the Cathedrals Measure 1999; to confer power on chancellors to determine fees; to extend the powers of the General Cemetery Company; to make provision for Christ Church", ", Oxford; to make provision for the tenure of office of vicars general and surrogates; to amend the Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007; to make minor and consequential amendments to other enactments; and for connected purposes", ".}}", "|-\n| {{|Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure 2014|church|2|23-10-2014|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for the consecration of women as bishops and for the continuation of provision for the ordination of women as priests; to repeal the Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure 1993; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Amendment) Measure 2015|church|1|12-02-2015|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1991 and the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Property Measure 2015|church|2|12-02-2015|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend the law relating to certain ecclesiastical land and personal property held for ecclesiastical purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England (Pensions) (Amendment) Measure 2015|church|3|12-02-2015|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to extend until 31 December 2025 the period within which the Church Commissioners may make capital payments towards the cost of lump sums and pensions due to be paid or payable under certain pension and superannuation schemes; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016|church|1|16-03-2016|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision about safeguarding children and vulnerable adults; and to amend the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Diocesan Stipends Funds (Amendment) Measure 2016|church|2|16-03-2016|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable the capital account of a diocesan stipends fund to be invested on a total return basis.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Statute Law (Repeals) Measure 2018|church|1|10-05-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to repeal certain enactments of ecclesiastical law which (except in so far as their effect is preserved) are no longer of practical utility.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Pensions (Pre-consolidation) Measure 2018|church|2|10-05-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make amendments of provisions relating to Church of England pensions designed to facilitate, or which are otherwise desirable in connection with, the consolidation of the legislation on that subject.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018|church|3|10-05-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to consolidate with corrections and minor improvements certain enactments relating to ecclesiastical jurisdiction and the care of churches and other places of worship.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Mission and Pastoral etc. (Amendment) Measure 2018|church|4|10-05-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to amend and simplify certain provisions of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976 and the Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986; to make minor clarificatory amendments; and for connected purposes.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Legislative Reform Measure 2018|church|5|10-05-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable provision to be made for the purpose of removing or reducing burdens resulting from ecclesiastical legislation; and to enable provision to be made for the purpose of facilitating consolidations of ecclesiastical legislation.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Ecumenical Relations Measure 2018|church|6|20-12-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision about ecumenical relations.}}\n|-\n| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2018|church|7|20-12-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make miscellaneous provision relating to matters concerning the Church of England.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church Property Measure 2018|church|8|20-12-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to consolidate with corrections and minor improvements the Parsonages Measure 1938, the New Parishes Measure 1943, the Parsonages (Amendment) Measure 1947, certain provisions of the Church Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 1960 and the Endowments and Glebe Measure 1976 and certain other provisions relating to Church property.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England Pensions Measure 2018|church|9|20-12-2018|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to consolidate with corrections and minor improvements certain enactments relating to Church of England pensions.}}\n|-\n| {{|Church Representation and Ministers Measure 2019|church|1|04-07-2019|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision about Church representation and ministers.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2020|church|1|16-03-2020|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make miscellaneous provision relating to matters concerning the Church of England.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Channel Islands Measure 2020|church|2|22-07-2020|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for enabling the attachment of the Channel Islands to the diocese of Salisbury; to make further provision for the application of Church Measures to the Channel Islands; and to make further provision for Church representation for the Channel Islands}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|General Synod (Remote Meetings) (Temporary Standing Orders) Measure 2020|church|3|04-11-2020|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision enabling remote meetings of the General Synod.}}\n|-\n| {{|Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021|church|1|29-04-2021|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision about Diocesan Boards of Education.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Cathedrals Measure 2021|church|2|29-04-2021|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision about the governance, management, property and financial affairs of cathedrals.}}\n|-\n| {{|Safeguarding (Code of Practice) Measure 2021|church|3|20-10-2021|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to make provision for a code of practice on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.}}\n|-", "|-\n| {{|Diocesan Stipends Funds (Amendment) Measure 2023|church|1|29-06-2023|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the General Synod of the Church of England to enable money from the income account of a diocesan stipends fund to be given to other dioceses.}}\n}}", "See also\nList of Church of England Instruments\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n Chronological Table of the Statutes\n The Public General Acts and Church Assembly Measures (exact title varies) (various years)\n\nExternal links\n Measures of the General Synod", "External links\n Measures of the General Synod\n \n\n{{|Convocations of the Clergy Measure 1920|church|1|23-12-1920|maintained=y|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England declaring the Power of each of the Convocations of Canterbury and York to Amend the Constitution of the Lower House thereof.}}", "{{|Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1921|church|1|01-07-1921|archived=n|A Measure passed by the National Assembly of the Church of England to confer powers on Parochial Church Councils and to amend the law relating to the parochial organisation of the Church of England, and for other purposes connected therewith.}}\n\nChurch of England ecclesiastical polity\nChurch of England legislation\nChurch of England lists\nMarriage, unions and partnerships in England" ]
Juan Manuel de Rosas
[ "Juan Manuel José Domingo Ortiz de Rosas (30 March 1793 – 14 March 1877), nicknamed \"Restorer of the Laws\", was an Argentine politician and army officer who ruled Buenos Aires Province and briefly the Argentine Confederation. Although born into a wealthy family, Rosas independently amassed a personal fortune, acquiring large tracts of land in the process", ". Rosas enlisted his workers in a private militia, as was common for rural proprietors, and took part in the disputes that led to numerous civil wars in his country. Victorious in warfare, personally influential, and with vast landholdings and a loyal private army, Rosas became a caudillo, as provincial warlords in the region were known. He eventually reached the rank of brigadier general, the highest in the Argentine Army, and became the undisputed leader of the Federalist Party.", "In December 1829, Rosas became governor of the province of Buenos Aires and established a dictatorship backed by state terrorism. In 1831, he signed the Federal Pact, recognising provincial autonomy and creating the Argentine Confederation. When his term of office ended in 1832, Rosas departed to the frontier to wage war on the indigenous peoples. After his supporters launched a coup in Buenos Aires, Rosas was asked to return and once again took office as governor", ". Rosas reestablished his dictatorship and formed the repressive Mazorca, an armed parapolice that killed thousands of citizens. Elections became a farce, and the legislature and judiciary became docile instruments of his will. Rosas created a cult of personality and his regime became totalitarian in nature, with all aspects of society rigidly controlled.", "Rosas faced many threats to his power during the late 1830s and early 1840s. He fought a war against the Peru–Bolivian Confederation, endured a blockade by France, faced a revolt in his own province and battled a major rebellion that lasted for years and spread to five northern Argentine provinces. Rosas persevered and extended his influence in the provinces, exercising effective control over them through direct and indirect means", ". By 1848, he had extended his power beyond the borders of Buenos Aires and was ruler of all of Argentina. Rosas also attempted to annex the neighbouring nations of Uruguay and Paraguay. France and Great Britain jointly retaliated against Argentine expansionism, blockading Buenos Aires for most of the late 1840s, but were unable to halt Rosas, whose prestige was greatly enhanced by his string of successes.", "When the Empire of Brazil began aiding Uruguay in its struggle against Argentina, Rosas declared war in August 1851, starting the Platine War. This short conflict ended with Rosas being defeated and absconding to Britain. His last years were spent in exile living as a tenant farmer until his death in 1877. Rosas garnered an enduring public perception among Argentines as a brutal tyrant", ". Rosas garnered an enduring public perception among Argentines as a brutal tyrant. Since the 1930s, an authoritarian, anti-Semitic, and racist political movement in Argentina called Revisionism has tried to improve Rosas's reputation and establish a new dictatorship in the model of his regime. In 1989, his remains were repatriated by the government in an attempt to promote national unity, seeking to rehabilitate Rosas and the 1970s military dictatorship", ". Rosas remains a controversial figure in Argentina in the 21st century.", "Early life\n\nBirth", "Juan Manuel José Domingo Ortiz de Rosas was born on 30 March 1793 at his family's town house in Buenos Aires, the capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. He was the first child of León Ortiz de Rosas and Agustina López de Osornio. León Ortiz was the son of an immigrant from the Spanish Province of Burgos. A military officer with an undistinguished career, León Ortiz had married into a wealthy Criollo family", ". The young Juan Manuel de Rosas's character was heavily influenced by his mother Agustina, a strong-willed and domineering woman who derived these character traits from her father Clemente López de Osornio, a landowner who died defending his estate from an Indian attack in 1783.", "As was common practice at the time, Rosas was schooled at home until the age of 8, and then enrolled in what was regarded the best private school in Buenos Aires. Though befitting the son of a wealthy landowner, his education was unremarkable. According to historian John Lynch, Rosas' education \"was supplemented by his own efforts in the years that followed. Rosas was not entirely unread, though the time, the place, and his own bias limited the choice of authors", ". He appears to have had a sympathetic, if superficial, acquaintance with minor political thinkers of French absolutism.\"", "In 1806, a British expeditionary force invaded Buenos Aires. A 13-year-old Rosas served distributing ammunition to troops in a force organised by Viceroy Santiago Liniers to counter the invasion. The British were defeated in August 1806, but returned a year later. Rosas was then assigned to the Caballería de los Migueletes (a militia cavalry), although he was probably barred from active duty during this time due to illness.\n\nEstanciero", "After the British invasions had been repelled, Rosas and his family moved from Buenos Aires to their estancia (ranch). His work there further shaped his character and outlook as part of the Platine region's social establishment. In the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, owners of large landholdings (including the Rosas family) provided food, equipment and protection for families living in areas under their control. Their private defence forces consisted primarily of labourers who were drafted as soldiers", ". Their private defence forces consisted primarily of labourers who were drafted as soldiers. Most of these peons, as such workers were called, were gauchos.", "The landed aristocracy of Spanish descent considered the illiterate, mixed-race gauchos, who comprised the majority of the population, to be ungovernable and untrustworthy. The gauchos were tolerated because there was no other labour force available, but were treated with contempt by the landowners. Rosas got along well with the gauchos in his service, despite his harsh, authoritarian temperament", ". Rosas got along well with the gauchos in his service, despite his harsh, authoritarian temperament. He was known to dress like them, joke with them, take part in their horse-play, and pay them well, but he never allowed them to forget that he was their master rather than their equal. Shaped by the colonial society in which he lived, Rosas was conservative, an advocate of hierarchy and authority, like the other great landowners in the region.", "Rosas acquired a working knowledge of administering ranch lands and, beginning in 1811, took charge of his family's estancias. In 1813, he married Encarnación Ezcurra, daughter of a wealthy family from Buenos Aires. He soon afterwards sought to establish a career for himself, leaving his parents' estate. He produced salted meat and acquired landholdings in the process", ". He produced salted meat and acquired landholdings in the process. As the years passed he became an estanciero (rancher) in his own right, accumulating land while establishing a successful partnership with second cousins from the politically powerful Anchorena clan. His hard work and organisational skills in deploying labour were key to his success, rather than creating new or applying nontraditional approaches to production.", "Rise to power\n\nCaudillo", "The May Revolution of 1810 marked the early stage of a process which later led to the disintegration of Spain's Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, independence and the eventual formation of Argentina. Rosas, like many landowners in the countryside, was suspicious of a movement advanced primarily by merchants and bureaucrats in the city of Buenos Aires. Rosas was specially outraged by the execution of Viceroy Santiago de Liniers at the hands of the revolutionaries", ". Rosas felt nostalgic about colonial times, seeing them as stable, orderly and prosperous.", "When the Congress of Tucumán severed all remaining ties with Spain in July 1816, Rosas and his peers accepted independence as an accomplished fact. Independence resulted in a breakup of the territories that had formed the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. The province of Buenos Aires fought a civil war with the other provinces over the degree of autonomy which the provincial governments were to have", ". The Unitarian Party supported the preeminence of Buenos Aires, while the Federalist Party defended provincial autonomy. A decade of strife over the issue destroyed the ties between capital and provinces, with new republics being declared throughout the country. Efforts by the Buenos Aires government to quash these independent states were met with determined local resistance", ". In 1820 Rosas and his gauchos, all dressed in red and nicknamed \"Colorados del Monte\" (\"Reds of the Mount\"), enlisted in the army of Buenos Aires as the Fifth Regiment of Militia. They repulsed invading provincial armies, saving Buenos Aires.", "At the end of the conflict, Rosas returned to his estancias having acquired prestige for his military service. He was promoted to cavalry colonel and was awarded further landholdings by the government. These additions, together with his successful business and fresh property acquisitions, greatly boosted his wealth. By 1830, he was the 10th largest landowner in the province of Buenos Aires (in which the city of the same name was located), owning 300,000 cattle and of land", ". With his newly gained influence, military background, vast landholdings and a private army of gauchos loyal only to him, Rosas became the quintessential caudillo, as provincial warlords in the region were known.", "Governor of Buenos Aires", "National unity crumbled under the weight of a continuous round of civil wars, rebellions and coups. The Unitarian–Federalist struggle brought perennial instability while caudillos fought for power and laid waste to the countryside. By 1826, Rosas had built a power base, consisting of relatives, friends and clients, and joined the Federalist Party. He remained a strong advocate of his native province of Buenos Aires, with little concern for political ideology", ". In 1820, Rosas fought alongside the Unitarians because he saw the Federalist invasion as a menace to Buenos Aires. When the Unitarians sought to appease the Federalists by proposing to grant the other provinces a share in the customs revenues flowing through Buenos Aires, Rosas saw this as a threat to his province's interests. In 1827, four provinces led by Federalist caudillos rebelled against the Unitarian government", ". In 1827, four provinces led by Federalist caudillos rebelled against the Unitarian government. Rosas was the driving force behind the Federalist takeover of Buenos Aires and the election of Manuel Dorrego as provincial governor that year. Rosas was awarded with the post of general commander of the rural militias of the province of Buenos Aires on 14 July, which increased his influence and power.", "In December 1828 Juan Lavalle, the Unitarian governor of Buenos Aires had Dorrego seized and executed without trial. With Dorrego gone, Rosas filled the vacant Federalist leadership and rebelled against the Unitarians. He allied with Estanislao López, caudillo and ruler of Santa Fe Province, and they defeated Lavalle at the Battle of Márquez Bridge in April 1829", ". When Rosas entered the city of Buenos Aires in November of that year, he was hailed both as a victorious military leader and as the head of the Federalists. Rosas was considered a handsome man, standing tall with blond hair and \"piercing blue eyes\". Charles Darwin, who met Rosas during the Beagle survey expedition, assessed him as \"a man of extraordinary character\"", ". British diplomat Henry Southern said that in \"appearance Rosas resembles an English gentleman farmer—his manners are courteous without being refined. He is affable and agreeable in conversation, which however nearly always turns on himself, but his tone is pleasant and agreeable enough. His memory is stupendous: and his accuracy in all points of detail never failing.\"", "On 6 December 1829, the House of Representatives of Buenos Aires elected Rosas governor and granted him facultades extraordinarias (extraordinary powers). This marked the beginning of his regime, described by historians as a dictatorship. He saw himself as a benevolent dictator, saying: \"For me the ideal of good government would be paternal autocracy, intelligent, disinterested and indefatigable ... I have always admired the autocratic dictators who have been the first servants of their people", "... I have always admired the autocratic dictators who have been the first servants of their people. That is my great title: I have always sought to serve the country.\" He used his power to censor his critics and banish his enemies. He later justified these measures, stating: \"When I took over the government I found the government in anarchy, divided into warring factions, reduced to pure chaos, a hell in miniature ...\"", "Desert Campaign", "Rosas' early administration was preoccupied with the severe deficits, large public debts and the impact of currency devaluation which his government inherited. A great drought that began in December 1828, which would last until April 1832, greatly impacted the economy. The Unitarians were still at large, controlling several provinces that had banded together in the Unitarian League", ". The capture of José María Paz, the main Unitarian leader, in March 1831 resulted in the end of the Unitarian–Federalist civil war and the collapse of the Unitarian League. Rosas was content, for the moment, to agree to recognize provincial autonomy in the Federal Pact. In an effort to alleviate the government's financial problems, he improved revenue collection while not raising taxes and curtailed expenditure.", "By the end of his first term, Rosas was generally credited with having staved off political and financial instability, but he faced increased opposition in the House of Representatives. All members of the House were Federalists, as Rosas had restored the legislature that had been in place under Dorrego, and which had subsequently been dissolved by Lavalle. A liberal Federalist faction, which accepted dictatorship as a temporary necessity, called for the adoption of a constitution", ". Rosas was unwilling to govern constrained by a constitutional framework and only grudgingly relinquished his dictatorial powers. His term of office ended soon after, on 5 December 1832.", "While the government in Buenos Aires was distracted with political infighting, ranchers began moving into territories in the south inhabited by indigenous peoples. The resulting conflict with native peoples necessitated a government response. Rosas steadfastly endorsed policies which supported this expansion. During his governorship he granted lands in the south to war veterans and to ranchers seeking alternative pasture lands during the drought", ". Although the south was regarded as a virtual desert at the time, it had great potential and resources for agricultural development, particularly for ranching operations. The government gave Rosas command of an army with orders to subdue the Indian tribes in the coveted territory. Rosas was generous to those Indians who surrendered, rewarding them with animals and goods. Although he personally disliked killing Indians, he relentlessly hunted those who refused to yield", ". Although he personally disliked killing Indians, he relentlessly hunted those who refused to yield. The Desert Campaign lasted from 1833 to 1834, with Rosas subjugating the entire region. His conquest of the south opened many possibilities for further territorial expansion, which led him to state: \"The fine territories, which extend from the Andes to the coast and down to the Magellan Straits are now wide open for our children.\"", "Second governorship\n\nAbsolute power", "While Rosas was away on the Desert Campaign in October 1833, a group of Rosistas (Rosas's supporters) laid siege to Buenos Aires. Inside the city, Rosas's wife, Encarnación, assembled a contingent of associates to aid the besiegers. The Revolution of the Restorers, as the Rosista coup came to be known, forced the provincial governor Juan Ramón Balcarce to resign. In quick succession, Balcarce was followed by two others who presided over weak and ineffective governments", ". The Rosismo (Rosism) had become a powerful faction within the Federalist Party, and pressured other factions to accept a return of Rosas, endowed with dictatorial powers, as the only way to restore stability. The House of Representatives yielded, and on 7 March 1835, Rosas was reelected governor and invested with the suma del poder público (sum of public power).", "A plebiscite was held to determine whether the citizens of Buenos Aires supported Rosas's reelection and resumption of dictatorial powers. During his governorship from 1829 to 1832, Rosas had reduced the election process to a farce. He had installed loyal associates as justices of the peace, powerful officeholders with administrative and judicial functions who were also charged with tax collection, leading militia and presiding over elections", ". Through the exclusion of voters and intimidation of the opposition, the justices of the peace delivered any result Rosas favored. Half of the members of the House of Representatives faced reelection each year, and the opposition to Rosas had quickly been eliminated through rigged elections, allowing him to control the legislature. Control over finances had been stripped from the legislature, and its approval of legislation turned into a rubber stamp to preserve a semblance of democracy", ". The result of the 1835 election was a predictable 99.9 per cent \"yes\" vote.", "Rosas believed that the manipulation of elections were necessary for political stability, because most of the country's population was illiterate. He acquired absolute power over the province with the assent and support of most estancieros and businessmen, who shared his views. The estancia formed the power base on which Rosas relied. Lynch said that there \"was a great deal of group cohesion and solidarity among the landed class. Rosas was the center of a vast kinship group based on land", ". Rosas was the center of a vast kinship group based on land. He was surrounded by a closely knit economic and political network linking deputies, law officers, officials, and military who were also landowners and related among themselves or with Rosas.\"", "Totalitarian regime", "Rosas's authority and influence spread far beyond the House of Representatives. He exercised tight control over the bureaucracy as well as his cabinet, stating: \"Do not imagine that my Ministers are anything but my Secretaries. I put them in their offices to listen and report, and nothing more.\" His supporters were rewarded with positions within the state apparatus, and anyone he deemed a threat was purged. Opposition newspapers were burned in public squares", ". Opposition newspapers were burned in public squares. Rosas created an elaborate cult of personality, presenting himself as an almighty and fatherlike figure who protected the people. His portraits were carried in street demonstrations and placed on church altars to be venerated. Rosismo was no longer a mere faction within the Federalist ranks; it had become a political movement", ". As early as 1829, Rosas had confided to an Uruguayan diplomatic envoy: \"I tell you I am not a Federalist, and I have never belonged to that party.\" During his governorship, he still claimed to have favoured Federalism against Unitarianism, although in practice Federalism had by that time been subsumed into the Rosismo movement.", "Rosas established a totalitarian regime, in which the government sought to dictate every aspect of public and private life. It was mandated that the slogan \"Death to the Savage Unitarians\" be inscribed at the head of all official documents. Anyone on the state payroll—from military officers, priests, to civil servants and teachers—was obliged to wear a red badge with the inscription \"Federation or Death\". Every male was required to have a \"federal look\", i.e", ". Every male was required to have a \"federal look\", i.e., to sport a large moustache and sideburns, leading many to wear false moustaches. The red colour—symbol of both the Federalist Party and of Rosismo—became omnipresent in the province of Buenos Aires. Soldiers wore red chiripás (blankets worn as trousers), caps and jackets, and their horses sported red accoutrements. Civilians were also required to wear the colour", ". Civilians were also required to wear the colour. A red waistcoat, red badge and red hat band were required for men, while women wore ribbons in that colour and children donned school uniforms based upon Rosismo paradigms. Building exteriors and interiors were also decorated in red.", "Most Catholic clergy in Buenos Aires willingly backed Rosas' regime. The Jesuits, the only ones who refused to do so, were expelled from the country. The lower social strata in Buenos Aires, which formed the vast majority of its populace, experienced no improvement in the conditions under which they lived. When Rosas slashed expenditures, he cut resources from education, social services, general welfare and public works", ". None of the lands confiscated from Indians and Unitarians were turned over to rural workers, including gauchos. Black people did not experience any improvement in their conditions either. Rosas was a slave-owner, and helped revive the slave trade. Despite doing little to promote their interests, he remained popular among blacks and gauchos. He employed blacks, patronized their festivities and attended their candombles", ". He employed blacks, patronized their festivities and attended their candombles. The gauchos admired his leadership and willingness to fraternize with them to some extent.", "State terrorism", "In addition to purges, banishments and censorship, Rosas took measures against the opposition and anyone else he deemed a threat that historians have considered state terrorism. Terror was a tool used to intimidate dissident voices, to shore up support among his own partisans and to exterminate his foes. His targets were denounced, sometimes inaccurately, as having ties to Unitarians. Those victimised included members of his government and party who were suspected of being insufficiently loyal", ". If actual opponents were not at hand, the regime found other targets that were punished to make an example. A climate of fear was used to create unquestioning conformity to Rosas' dictates.", "State terrorism was carried out by the Mazorca, an armed parapolice unit of the Sociedad Popular Restauradora political organization. The Sociedad Popular Restauradora and the Mazorca were creations of Rosas, who retained tight control over both. The tactics of the mazorqueros included neighborhood sweeps in which houses would be searched and occupants intimidated. Others who fell into their power were arrested, tortured and killed. Killings were generally by shooting, lance-thrusting or throat-slitting", ". Killings were generally by shooting, lance-thrusting or throat-slitting. Many were castrated, or had their beards scalped or their tongues cut out. Modern estimates report around 2,000 people were killed from 1829 until 1852.", "Although a judicial system still existed in Buenos Aires, Rosas removed any independence the courts might have exercised, either by controlling appointments to the judiciary, or by circumventing their authority entirely. He would sit in judgement over cases, issuing sentences which included fines, service in the army, imprisonment, or execution. The exercise of state terror as a tool of intimidation was restricted to Rosas himself; his subordinates had no control over it", ". It was used against specific targets, rather than randomly. Terrorism was orchestrated rather than a product of popular zeal, was targeted for effect rather than indiscriminate. Anarchic demonstrations, vigilantism and disorderliness were antithetical to a regime touting a law and order agenda. Foreigners were exempted from abuses, as were people too poor or inconsequential to serve as effective examples. Victims were selected for their usefulness as tools of intimidation.", "Struggle for dominance\n\nRebellions and foreign threat", "Throughout the late 1830s and early 1840s, Rosas faced a series of major threats to his power. The Unitarians found an ally in Andrés de Santa Cruz, the ruler of the Peru–Bolivian Confederation. Rosas declared war against the Peru–Bolivian Confederation on 19 March 1837, joining the War of the Confederation between Chile and Peru–Bolivia. The Rosista army played a minor role in the conflict, which resulted in the overthrow of Santa Cruz and the dissolution of the Peru–Bolivian Confederation", ". On 28 March 1838, France declared a blockade of the Port of Buenos Aires, eager to extend its influence over the region. Unable to confront the French, Rosas increased internal repression to forestall potential uprisings against his regime.", "The blockade caused severe damage to the economy across all the provinces, as they exported their goods through the port of Buenos Aires. Despite the 1831 Federal Pact, all provinces had long been discontent with the de facto primacy that Buenos Aires province held over them. On 28 February 1839, the province of Corrientes revolted and attacked both Buenos Aires and Entre Ríos provinces. Rosas counterattacked and defeated the rebels, killing their leader, the governor of Corrientes", ". Rosas counterattacked and defeated the rebels, killing their leader, the governor of Corrientes. In June, Rosas uncovered a plot by dissident Rosistas to oust him from power in what became known as the Maza conspiracy. Rosas imprisoned some of the plotters and executed others. Manuel Vicente Maza, president of both the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court, was murdered by Rosas's Mazorca agents within the halls of the parliament on the pretext that his son was involved in the conspiracy", ". In the countryside, estancieros, including a younger brother of Rosas, revolted, beginning the Rebellion of the South. The rebels attempted to ally with France, but were easily crushed, many losing their lives and properties in the process.", "In September 1839, Juan Lavalle returned after ten years in exile. He allied with the governor of Corrientes, which revolted once again, and invaded Buenos Aires province at the head of Unitarian troops armed and supplied by the French. Emboldened by Lavalle's actions, the provinces of Tucumán, Salta, La Rioja, Catamarca and Jujuy formed the Coalition of the North and also rebelled against Buenos Aires. Great Britain intervened on behalf of Rosas, and France lifted the blockade on 29 October 1840", ". Great Britain intervened on behalf of Rosas, and France lifted the blockade on 29 October 1840. The struggle with his internal enemies was hard-fought. By December 1842, Lavalle had been killed and the rebellious provinces subdued, except for Corrientes, which was only defeated in 1847. Terrorism was also employed on the battlefield, as the Rosistas refused to take prisoners. The defeated men had their throats cut and their heads put on display.", "Ruler of Argentina", "Around 1845, Rosas managed to establish absolute dominance over the region. His subordinates dominated all of Uruguay, with the exception of Montevideo. He offered help to the separatists of Ragamuffin War in order to seize the situation and possibly obtain control over the former Misiones Orientales territory. He exercised complete control over all aspects of society with the solid backing of the army. Rosas was raised from colonel to brigadier general (the highest army rank) on 18 December 1829", ". Rosas was raised from colonel to brigadier general (the highest army rank) on 18 December 1829. On 12 November 1840 he declined the newly created and higher rank of grand marshal (gran mariscal), which had been bestowed on him by the House of Representatives. The army was led by officers who had backgrounds and values similar to his", ". The army was led by officers who had backgrounds and values similar to his. Confident of his power, Rosas made some concessions by returning confiscated properties to their owners, disbanding the Mazorca and ending torture and political assassinations. The inhabitants of Buenos Aires still dressed and behaved according to the set of rules Rosas had imposed, but the climate of constant and widespread fear greatly diminished.", "When Rosas was elected governor for the first time in 1829, he held no power outside the province of Buenos Aires. There was no national government or national parliament. The former Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata had been succeeded by the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, which by 1831, following the Federal Pact and officially from 22 May 1835, had increasingly been known as the Argentine Confederation, or simply, Argentina", ". Rosas's victory over the other Argentine provinces in the early 1840s turned them into satellites of Buenos Aires. He gradually put in place provincial governors who were either allied or too weak to have real independence, which allowed him to exercise dominance over all the provinces. By 1848, Rosas began calling his government the \"government of the confederacy\" and the \"general government\", which would have been inconceivable a few years before", ". The next year, with acquiescence of the provinces, he named himself \"Supreme Head of the Confederacy\" and became the indisputable ruler of Argentina.", "As Rosas aged and his health declined, the question of who would succeed him became a growing concern among his supporters. His wife Encarnación had died in October 1838 after a long illness. Although devastated by his loss, Rosas exploited her death to raise support for his regime. Not long after, at the age of 47, he began an affair with his fifteen-year-old maid, María Eugenia Castro, with whom he had five illegitimate children", ". From his marriage to Encarnación, Rosas had two children: Juan Bautista Pedro and Manuela Robustiana. Rosas established a hereditary dictatorship, naming the children from his marriage as his successors, stating that \"[t]hey are both worthy children of my beloved Encarnación, and if, God willing, I die, then you will find that they are capable of succeeding me.\" It is unknown whether Rosas was a closet monarchist", ".\" It is unknown whether Rosas was a closet monarchist. Later during his exile, Rosas declared that Princess Alice of the United Kingdom would be the ideal ruler for his country. Nonetheless, in public he stated that his regime was republican in nature.", "Apogee and downfall\n\nAnglo-French blockade", "The breakup of the old Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata during the 1810s eventually resulted in the emergence of independent nations of Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay in the northern portion of the Viceroyalty, while its southern territories coalesced into the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. Rosas planned to restore, if not all, at least a considerable part of the former borders of the old Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata", ". He never recognized the independence of Paraguay and regarded it a rebel Argentine province that would inevitably be reconquered. He sent an army under Manuel Oribe who invaded Uruguay and conquered most of the country, except for its capital Montevideo that endured a long siege starting in 1843. When pressed by the British, Rosas declined to guarantee Uruguayan independence", ". When pressed by the British, Rosas declined to guarantee Uruguayan independence. In South America, all potential foreign threats to Rosas's plans of conquest collapsed, including Gran Colombia and the Peru–Bolivian Confederation, or were troubled by internal turmoil, as was the Empire of Brazil. To reinforce his claims over Uruguay and Paraguay, and maintain his dominance over the Argentine provinces, Rosas blockaded the port of Montevideo and closed the interior rivers to foreign trade.", "The loss of trade was unacceptable to Britain and France. On 17 September 1845 both nations established the Anglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata and enforced the free navigation in the Río de la Plata Basin (or Platine region). Argentina resisted the pressure and fought back to a standstill. This undeclared war caused more economic harm to France and Britain than to Argentina", ". This undeclared war caused more economic harm to France and Britain than to Argentina. The British faced increasing pressure at home once they realised that the access gained to the other ports within the Platine region did not compensate for the loss of trade with Buenos Aires. Britain ended all hostilities and lifted the blockade on 15 July 1847, followed by France on 12 June 1848", ". Rosas had successfully resisted the two most powerful nations on Earth; his standing, and Argentina's, increased among Hispanic American nations. The Venezuelan humanist Andrés Bello, summarizing the prevailing opinion, considered Rosas among \"the leading ranks of the great men of America\".", "Although his prestige was on the rise, Rosas made no serious attempts to further liberalise his regime. Every year he presented his resignation and the pliant House of Representatives predictably declined, claiming that maintaining him in office was vital for the nation's welfare. Rosas also allowed exiled Argentines to return to their homeland, but only because he was so confident of his control and that no one was willing to risk defying him", ". The execution in August 1848 of the pregnant Camila O'Gorman, charged with a forbidden romance with a priest, caused a backlash throughout the continent. Nonetheless, it served as a clear warning that Rosas had no intention of loosening his grip.", "Platine War", "Rosas failed to realize that discontent was steadily growing throughout the country. Throughout the 1840s he became increasingly secluded in his country house in Palermo, some miles away from Buenos Aires. There he ruled and lived under heavy protection provided by guards and patrols. He declined to meet with his ministers and relied solely on secretaries. His daughter Manuela replaced his wife at his right hand and became the link between Rosas and the outside world", ". The reason for Rosas's increasing isolation was given by a member of his secretariat: \"The dictator is not stupid: he knows the people hate him; he goes in constant fear and always has one eye on the chance to rob and abuse them and the other on making a getaway. He has a horse ready saddled at the door of his office day and night\".", "Meanwhile, Brazil, now ascendant under Emperor Dom Pedro II, provided support to the Uruguayan government that still held out in Montevideo, as well as to the ambitious Justo José de Urquiza, a caudillo in Entre Ríos who rebelled against Rosas. Once one of Rosas' most trusted lieutenants, Urquiza now claimed to fight for a constitutional government, although his ambition to become head of state was barely disguised. In retaliation, Rosas declared war on Brazil on 18 August 1851, beginning the Platine War", ". In retaliation, Rosas declared war on Brazil on 18 August 1851, beginning the Platine War. The army under Oribe in Uruguay surrendered to Urquiza in October. With arms and financial aid given by Brazil, Urquiza then marched through Argentine territory heading to Buenos Aires.", "Uncharacteristically, Rosas remained passive throughout the conflict. The Argentine ruler lost heart once he realized that he had fallen into a trap. Even if he defeated Urquiza, his forces would probably be weakened enough to prevent him from challenging the Brazilian army that was ready to invade Argentina. With no other alternative, Rosas remarked: \"There is no other way; we have to play for the high stakes and go for everything. Here we are, and from here there is no retreat", ". Here we are, and from here there is no retreat.\" After an unsuccessful battle against Urquiza on 3 February 1852, Rosas fled to Buenos Aires. Once there, he disguised himself and boarded a ship that took him to Britain to live in exile. Embittered, he remarked: \"It is not the people who have overthrown me. It is the monkeys, the Brazilians.\"", "Later years\n\nExile and death", "Rosas arrived in Plymouth, Great Britain, on 26 April 1852. The British gave him asylum, paid for his travel and welcomed him with a 21-gun salute. These honours were granted because, according to the British Foreign Secretary James Harris, 3rd Earl of Malmesbury, \"General Rosas was no common refugee, but one who had shown great distinction and kindness to the British merchants who had traded with his country\"", ". Months before his fall, Rosas had arranged with the British chargé d'affaires Captain Robert Gore for protection and asylum in the event of his defeat. Both his children by Encarnación followed him into exile, although Juan Bautista soon returned with his family to Argentina. His daughter Manuela married the son of an old associate of Rosas, an act which the former dictator never forgave. A domineering father, Rosas wanted his daughter to remain devoted to him alone", ". A domineering father, Rosas wanted his daughter to remain devoted to him alone. Although he forbade her from writing or visiting, Manuela remained loyal to him and maintained contact.", "The new Argentine government confiscated all of Rosas' properties and tried him as a criminal, later sentencing him to death. Rosas was appalled that most of his friends, supporters and allies abandoned him and became either silent or openly critical of him. Rosismo vanished overnight. \"The landed class, supporters and beneficiaries of Rosas, now had to make their peace—and their profits—with his successors. Survival, not allegiance, was their politics\", argued Lynch", ". Survival, not allegiance, was their politics\", argued Lynch. Urquiza, a one-time ally and later an enemy, reconciled with Rosas and sent him financial assistance, hoping for political support in return—although Rosas had scant political capital left. Rosas followed Argentina's developments while in exile, always hoping for an opportunity to return, but he never again insinuated himself into Argentine affairs.", "In exile Rosas was not destitute, but he lived modestly amid financial constraints during the remainder of his life. A very few loyal friends sent him money, but it was never enough. He sold one of his estancias before the confiscation and became a tenant farmer in Swaythling, near Southampton. He employed a housekeeper and two to four labourers, to whom he paid above-average wages", ". He employed a housekeeper and two to four labourers, to whom he paid above-average wages. Despite constant concern over his shortage of funds, Rosas found joy in farm life, once remarking: \"I now consider myself happy on this farm, living in modest circumstances as you see, earning a living the hard way by the sweat of my brow\"", ". A contemporary described him in final years: \"He was then eighty, a man still handsome and imposing; his manners were most refined, and the modest environment did nothing to lessen his air of a great lord, inherited from his family.\" After a walk on a cold day, Rosas caught pneumonia and died at 07:00 on the morning of 14 March 1877. Following a private mass attended by his family and a few friends, he was buried in the town cemetery of Southampton.", "Legacy", "Serious attempts to reassess Rosas's reputation began in the 1880s with the publication of scholarly works by Adolfo Saldías and Ernesto Quesada. Later, a more blatant \"Revisionist\" movement would flourish under Nacionalismo (Nationalism). Nacionalismo was a political movement that appeared in Argentina in the 1920s and reached its apex in the 1930s. It was the Argentine equivalent of the authoritarian ideologies that arose during the same period, such as Nazism, Fascism and Integralism", ". Argentine Nationalism was an authoritarian, anti-Semitic, racist and misogynistic political movement with support for racially based pseudo-scientific theories such as eugenics. Revisionismo (Revisionism) was the historiographical wing of Argentine Nacionalismo. The main goal of Argentine Nacionalismo was to establish a national dictatorship. For the Nacionalismo movement, Rosas and his regime were idealized and portrayed as paragons of governmental virtue", ". Revisionismo served as a useful tool, as the main purpose of the revisionists within the Nacionalismo agenda was to rehabilitate Rosas's image.", "Despite a decades-long struggle, Revisionismo failed to be taken seriously. According to Michael Goebel, the revisionists had a \"lack of interest in scholarly standards\" and were known for \"their institutional marginality in the intellectual field\". They also never succeeded in changing mainstream views regarding Rosas", ". They also never succeeded in changing mainstream views regarding Rosas. William Spence Robertson said in 1930: \"Among the enigmatical personages of the 'Age of Dictators' in South America none played a more spectacular role than the Argentine dictator, Juan Manuel de Rosas, whose gigantic and ominous figure bestrode the Plata River for more than twenty years. So despotic was his power that Argentine writers have themselves styled this age of their history as 'The Tyranny of Rosas'", ".\" In 1961, William Dusenberry said: \"Rosas is a negative memory in Argentina. He left behind him the black legend of Argentine history—a legend which Argentines in general wish to forget. There is no monument to him in the entire nation; no park, plaza, or street bears his name.\"", "In the 1980s, Argentina was a fractured, deeply divided nation, having faced military dictatorships, severe economic crises and a defeat in the Falklands War. President Carlos Menem decided to repatriate Rosas's remains and take advantage of the occasion to unite the Argentines. Menem believed that if the Argentines could forgive Rosas and his regime, they might do the same regarding the more recent and vividly remembered past", ". On 30 September 1989, an elaborate and enormous cortege organized by the government was held, after which the remains of the Argentine ruler were interred in his family vault at La Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires. Closely allied with neorevisionists, Menem (and his fellow Peronist presidential successors Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner) have honoured Rosas on banknotes, postage stamps and monuments, causing mixed reactions among the public", ". Rosas remains a controversial figure among Argentines, who \"have long been fascinated and outraged\" by him, as historian John Lynch noted.", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nExternal links\n\n \nGovernors of Buenos Aires Province\nArgentine brigadiers\nFederales (Argentina)\nArgentine Roman Catholics\nArgentine people of Spanish descent\nPeople from Buenos Aires\nPoliticians from Buenos Aires\nBurials at La Recoleta Cemetery\n1793 births\n1877 deaths" ]
[ "Orthotics () is a medical specialty that focuses on the design and application of orthoses, sometimes known as braces or calipers. An is \"an externally applied device used to influence the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal systems.\" Orthotists are professionals who specialize in designing these braces.\n\nClassification", "Classification \n\nOrthotic devices are classified into four areas of the body according to the international classification system (ICS): orthotics of the lower extremities, orthotics of the upper extremities, orthotics for the trunk, and orthotics for the head. Orthoses are also classified by function: superdomis orthoses, common orthoses, and hard braces.", "Under the International Standard terminology, orthoses are classified by an acronym describing the anatomical joints they support. Some examples include: KAFO, or knee-ankle-foot orthoses, which span the knee, ankle, and foot; TLSO, or thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthoses, supporting the thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions of the spine", ". Use of the International Standard is promoted as to reduce the widespread variation in the description of orthoses, which is often a barrier to the interpretation of research studies.", "The transition from an orthosis to a prosthesis can be fluid. An example of this is compensating for a leg length discrepancy, which is equivalent to replacing a missing part of a limb. Another example is the replacement of the forefoot after a forefoot amputation. This treatment is often made from a combination of a prosthesis to replace the forefoot and an orthosis to replace the lost muscular function (orthoprosthesis).\n\nOrthotist", "Orthotist \n\nAn orthotist is a specialist responsible for the customising, manufacture, and repair of orthoses. The manufacture of modern orthoses requires both artistic skills in modeling body shapes and manual skills in processing traditional and innovative materials— CAD/CAM, CNC machines and 3D printing are involved in orthotic manufacture. Orthotics also combines knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, biomechanics and engineering.", "In the United States, while orthotists require a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider, physical therapists are not legally authorized to prescribe orthoses. In the U.K., orthotists will often accept referrals from doctors or other healthcare professionals for orthotic assessment without requiring a prescription.\n\nPrescription and manufacturing", "Orthoses are offered as:", "Custom-fabricated products – they are in the foreground of an optimal supply and are individually manufactured. If the physical examination of a patient is carried out precisely, the clinical picture often shows a combination of several functional deviations. Each functional deviation can be slight or severe. The combination of the functional deviation and its characteristics leads to a detailed indication", ". The combination of the functional deviation and its characteristics leads to a detailed indication. A major advantage of custom-made products is that the various necessary orthotic functions when doing the configuration of the orthotics can be optimally matched to the determined functional deviations. Another advantage of custom-made products is that each orthosis is made to fit the individual body shape of the patient", ". Custom-fabricated products were traditionally made by following a trace of the extremity with measurements to assist in creating a well-fitted device. Subsequently, the advent of plastics and later even more modern materials such as carbon fiber composites and aramid fibers as materials of choice for construction necessitated the idea of creating a plaster of Paris mold of the body part in question. This method is still extensively used throughout the industry", ". This method is still extensively used throughout the industry. By introducing composite materials made of carbon fiber materials and aramid fibers embedded in an epoxy resin matrix, the weight of modern orthoses is extremely reduced. With this technique, modern orthoses can achieve perfect stiffness in the areas where this is necessary (e.g., the connection between the ankle and knee joint) and flexibility in the areas where flexibility is required (e.g", ".g., in the area of the forefoot on the foot part of an orthosis).", "Semi-finished products – they are used for fast supply in the case of diseases that occur frequently. They are manufactured industrially and in some cases can be adapted to the anatomical body conditions. Semi-finished products are also referred to as prefabricated products and custom fitted products, but in these cases it is not custom-fabricated.", "Finished products – these include short-term orthoses or bandages for a limited duration of therapy and are manufactured industrially. Finished products are also referred to as off-the-shelf products.", "Both custom-fabricated products and semi-finished products are used in long-term care and are manufactured or adapted by the orthotist or by trained orthopedic technicians according to the prescription. In many countries the physician or clinician defines the functional deviations in his prescription, e.g. paralysis (paresis) of the calf muscles (M. Triceps Surae) and derives the indication from this, e.g. orthotic to restore safety when standing and walking after a stroke", ".g. orthotic to restore safety when standing and walking after a stroke. The orthotist creates another detailed physical examination and compares it with the prescription from the physician. The orthotist describes the configuration of the orthosis, which shows which orthotic functions are required to compensate for the functional deviation of the neuromuscular or skeletal system and which functional elements must be integrated into the orthosis for this", ". Ideally, the necessary orthotic functions and the functional elements to be integrated are discussed in an interdisciplinary team between physician, physical therapist, orthotist and patient.", "Lower limb orthoses \n\nAll orthoses that affect the foot, the ankle joint, the lower leg, the knee joint, the thigh or the hip joint belong to the category of orthoses for the lower extremities.", "Paralysis orthoses \nParalysis orthoses are used for partial or complete paralysis, as well as complete functional failure of muscles or muscle groups, or incomplete paralysis (paresis). They are intended to correct or improve functional limitations or to replace functions that have been lost as a result of the paralysis. Functional leg length differences caused by paralysis can be compensated for by using orthosis.", "For the quality and function of a paralysis orthosis, it is important that the orthotic shell is in total-contact with the patient's leg to create an optimal fit, which is why a custom-made orthotic is often preferred. As reducing the weight of an orthosis significantly lessens the energy needed to walk with it, the use of light weight and highly resilient materials such as carbon fiber, titanium and aluminum is indispensable for the manufacture of a custom-made orthosis.", "The production of a custom-made orthotic also allows the integration of orthotic joints, which means the dynamics of the orthotic can be matched exactly with the pivot points of the patient's anatomical joints. As a result, the dynamics of the orthosis take place exactly where dictated by the patient's anatomy", ". Since the dynamics of the orthosis are executed via the orthotic joints, it is possible to manufacture the orthotic shells as stable and torsion-resistant, which is necessary for the quality and function of the orthosis. The orthosis thus offers the necessary stability to regain the security that has been lost due to paralysis when standing and walking.", "In addition, an orthosis can be individually configured through the use of orthosis joints. In this way, the combination of the orthotic joints and the adjustability of the functional elements can be adjusted to compensate for any existing functional deviations that have resulted from the muscle weakness", ". The goal of a high-quality orthotic fitting is to adjust the functional elements so precisely that the orthosis provides the necessary support while restricting the dynamics of the lower extremities as little as possible to preserve the remaining functionality of the muscles.", "Determination of strength levels for physical examination \nIn the case of paralysis due to disease or injury to the spinal/peripheral nervous system, a physical examination is needed to determine the strength levels of the six major muscle groups of the affected leg and the necessary functions of the orthosis. \n The dorsiflexors move the foot through concentric muscle work around the axis of the ankle in the direction of dorsiflexion and control the plantar flexion through eccentric muscle work.", "The plantar flexors contribute significantly to being able to stand upright by actuating the forefoot lever and thereby increasing the standing area when standing. This group of muscles moves the foot in the direction of plantar flexion.\n The knee extensors extend the knee in the direction of the knee extension.\n The knee flexors bend the knee in the direction of the knee flexion.\n The hip flexors bend the hip joint in the direction of the hip flexion.", "The hip flexors bend the hip joint in the direction of the hip flexion.\n The hip extensors stretch the hip joint in the direction of the hip extension and at the same time extend the knee in the direction of the knee extension.", "A muscle function test according to Vladimir Janda is carried out to determine the strength levels. The degree of paralysis is given for each muscle group on a scale from 0 to 5, with the value 0 indicating complete paralysis (0%) and the value 5 indicating normal strength (100%). The values between 0 and 5 indicate a percentage reduction in muscle function. All strength levels below 5 are referred as muscle weakness.", "The combination of strength levels of the muscle groups determines the type of orthosis (AFO or KAFO), and the functional elements necessary to compensate for restrictions caused by the reduced muscular strength levels.", "Physical examination for paralysis due to diseases or injuries to the spinal cord and/or the peripheral nervous system \nParalysis may be caused by injury to the spinal or peripheral nervous system after spinal cord injury, or by diseases such as spina bifida, poliomyelitis and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. In these patients, knowledge of the strength levels of the large muscle groups is necessary to configure the orthotic for the necessary functions.", "Physical examination for paralysis due to diseases or injuries to the central nervous system", "Paralysis caused by diseases or injuries to the central nervous system (e.g. cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and multiple sclerosis) can cause incorrect motor impulses that often result in clearly visible deviations in gait. The usefulness of muscle strength tests is therefore limited, as even with high degrees of strength, disturbances to the gait pattern can occur due to the incorrect control of the central nervous system.", "Cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injury \n\nIn ambulatory patients with paralysis due to cerebral palsy or traumatic brain injury, the gait pattern is analysed as part of the physical examination in order to determine the necessary functions of an orthosis.", "One way of classifing gait is according to the \"Amsterdam Gait Classification\", which describes five gait types. To assess the gait pattern, the patient is viewed directly, or via a video recording, from the side of the leg being assessed. At the point when the leg is mid-stance the knee angle and the contact of the foot with the ground are assessed. The five gait types are:\nType 1, the knee angle is normal and foot contact is complete.", "Type 1, the knee angle is normal and foot contact is complete.\nType 2, the knee angle is hyperextended and the foot contact is complete.\nType 3, the knee angle is hyperextended and foot contact is incomplete (only on the forefoot).\nType 4, the knee angle is flexed and foot contact is incomplete (only on the forefoot).\nType 5, the knee angle is flexed and foot contact is complete, this is also known as crouch gait.", "Patients with paralysis due to cerebral palsy or traumatic brain injury are usually treated with an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO). Although in these patients the muscles are not paralyzed but being sent the wrong impulses from the brain, the functional elements used in the orthotics are the same for both groups", ". The compensatory gait is an unconscious reaction to the lack of security when standing or walking that usually worsens with increasing age; if the right functional elements are integrated into the orthosis to counter this, and maintain physiological mobility, the right motor impulses are sent to create new cerebral connections. The goal of an orthotic is the best possible approximation of the physiological gait pattern.", "Stroke", "In the case of paralysis after a stroke, rapid care with an orthosis is necessary. Often areas of the brain are affected that contain \"programs\" for controlling the musculoskeletal system. With the help of an orthosis, physiological standing and walking can be relearned, preventing long term health consequences caused by an abnormal gait pattern", ". According to Vladimir Janda, when configuring the orthotic it is important to understand that the muscle groups are not paralyzed, but are controlled by the brain with wrong impulses, and this is why a muscle function test can lead to incorrect results when assessing the ability to stand and walk.", "An important basic requirement for regaining the ability to walk is that the patient trains early on to stand on both legs safely and well balanced. An orthosis with functional elements to support balance and safety when standing and walking can be integrated into physical therapy from the first standing exercises, and this makes the work of mobilizing the patient at an early stage easier", ". With the right functional elements that maintain physiological mobility and provide security when standing and walking, the necessary motor impulses to create new cerebral connections can occur. Clinical studies confirm the importance of orthoses in stroke rehabilitation.", "Patients with paralysis after a stroke are often treated with an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), as after a stroke stumbling can occur if only the dorsiflexors are supplied with incorrect impulses from the central nervous system. This can lead to insufficient foot lifting during swing phase of walking, and in these cases, an orthosis that only has functional elements to support the dorsiflexors can be helpful. Such an orthosis is also called drop foot orthosis", ". Such an orthosis is also called drop foot orthosis. When configuring a foot lifter orthosis, adjustable functional elements for setting the resistance can be included, which make it possible to adapt the passive lowering of the forefoot (plantar flexion) to the eccentric work of the dorsal flexors during loading response.", "In cases where the muscle group of the plantar flexors is supplied with wrong impulses from the central nervous system, which leads to uncertainty when standing and walking, an unconscious compensatory gait can occur. When configuring an orthosis functional elements that can restore safety when standing and walking must be used in these cases; a foot lifter orthosis is not suitable as it only compensates for the functional deviations caused by weakness of the dorsiflexors.", "Patients with paralysis after stroke who are able to walk have the option of analysing the gait pattern in order to determine the optimal function of an orthosis. One way of assessing is the classification according to the \"N.A.P. Gait Classification\", which is a physiotherapeutic treatment concept. According to this classification, the gait pattern is assessed in the mid-stance phase and described as one of four possible gait types.", "This assessment is a two step process, in the first step, the patient is viewed from the side of the leg to be assessed, either directly or via a video recording. In gait type 1 the knee angle is hyperextended, while in type 2 the knee angle is flexed. In the second step the patient is viewed from the front to determine if the foot is inverted, if it is the letter \"a\" is added to the gait. This is associated with a varus deformity of the knee", ". This is associated with a varus deformity of the knee. If instead the patient stands on the inner edge of the foot (eversion), which is associated with a valgus deformity of the knee, the letter \"b\" is added to the gait type. Patients are thus classified as gait types 1a, 1b, 2a or 2b. The goal of orthotic fitting for patients who are able to walk is the best possible approximation of the physiological gait pattern.", "Multiple sclerosis (MS)", "In the case of paralysis due to multiple sclerosis, the degree of strength of the six major muscle groups of the affected leg should be determined as part of the physical examination in order to determine the necessary functions of an orthosis, just as in the case of diseases or injuries to the spinal/peripheral nervous system. However, patients with multiple sclerosis may experience muscular fatigue as well", ". However, patients with multiple sclerosis may experience muscular fatigue as well. The fatigue can be more or less pronounced and, depending on the severity, can lead to considerable restrictions in everyday life. Persistent stress, such as from walking, causes a deterioration in muscle function and has a significant effect on the spatial and temporal parameters of walking, for example by significantly reducing the cadence and walking speed. Fatigue can be measured as muscle weakness", ". Fatigue can be measured as muscle weakness. When determining the strength levels of the six major muscle groups as part of the patient's medical history, fatigue can be taken into account by using a standardized six-minute walking test. According to Vladimir Janda the muscle function test is carried out in combination with the six-minute walk test in the following steps:", "First muscle function test (without muscular fatigue)\n Six-minute walk test directly followed by\n Second muscle function test (with muscular fatigue)\n\nThis sequence of muscle function test and six-minute walk test is used to determine whether muscular fatigue can be induced. If the test reveals muscular fatigue, the strength levels and measured fatigue should be included in the planning of an orthosis, and when determining the functional elements.", "Functional deviations in the case of paralysis of large muscle groups", "Paralysis of the dorsiflexors – weakness of the dorsiflexors results in a drop foot. The patient's foot cannot be sufficiently lifted during the swing phase while walking, as the necessary concentric work of the dorsiflexors can not be activated. There is a risk of stumbling, and the patient cannot influence the shock absorption when walking (gait phase, loading response), as the eccentric work of the dorsiflexors is limited", ". After initial heel contact the forefoot either slaps too quickly on the floor via the heel rocker, which creates an audible noise, or the foot does touch the floor with forefoot first, which disrupts gait development.", "Paralysis of the plantar flexors – If the plantar flexors are weak, the muscles of the forefoot lever are either inadequately activated or not activated at all. The patient has no balance when standing and has to support themself with aids such as crutches. The forefoot lever required for energy-saving walking in the gait phases from mid-stance to pre-swing cannot be activated by the plantar flexors", ". This leads to excessive dorsiflexion in the ankle joint in terminal stance and a loss of energy while walking. The center of gravity of the body lowers towards the end of the stance phase and the knee of the contralateral leg is flexed excessively. With each step, the center of gravity must be raised above the leg by straightening the excessively flexed knee. Since the plantar flexors originate above the knee joint, they also have a knee-extension effect in the stance phase.", "Paralysis of the knee extensors – if the knee extensors are weak, there is an increased risk of falling when walking, as between loading response to the mid-stance the knee extensors control knee flexion inadequately, or not at all", ". To control the knee, the patient develops compensatory mechanisms that lead to an incorrect gait pattern, for example by exaggerated activation of the plantar flexors, leading into hyperextension of the knee, or when initial contact is with the forefoot and not the heel in order to prevent the knee-flexing effect of the heel rocker.", "Paralysis of the knee flexors – if the knee flexors are weak, it is more difficult to flex the knee in pre-swing.\n\nParalysis of the hip flexors – if the hip flexors are weak, it is more difficult to flex the knee in pre-swing.\n\nParalysis of the hip extensors – the hip extensors help control of the knee against unwanted flexion when walking between loading response and mid-stance.", "Functional elements in paralysis of large muscle groups \nThe functional elements of an orthosis ensure the flexion and extension movements of the ankle, knee and hip joints. They correct and control the movements and secure the joints against undesired incorrect movements, and help avoid falls when standing or walking.", "Functional elements in paralysis of the dorsiflexors – if the dorsiflexors are weak, an orthosis should lift the forefoot during the swing phase in order to reduce the risk of the patient stumbling. An orthosis that has only one functional element for lifting the forefoot in order to compensate for a weakness in the dorsiflexors is also known as a drop foot orthosis", ". An AFO of the drop foot orthosis type is therefore not suitable for the care of patients with weakness in other muscle groups, as these patients require additional functional elements to be taken into account. Initial contact with the heel should be achieved by lifting the foot through the orthosis, and if the dorsiflexors are very weak, control of the rapid drop of the forefoot should be taken over by dynamic functional elements that allow for adjustable resistance of plantar flexion", ". Orthoses should be adapted to the functional deviation of the dorsiflexors in order to correct the shock absorption of the heel rocker lever during loading response, but should not block plantar flexion of the ankle joint as this leads to excessive flexion in the knee and hip and an increase in the energy needed for walking. This is why static functional elements are not recommended when there are newer technical alternatives.", "Functional elements in paralysis of the plantar flexors – in order to compensate for a weakness of the plantar flexors, the orthosis has to transfer large forces that the strong muscle group would otherwise take over. These forces are transmitted in a similar way to a ski boot during downhill skiing via the functional elements of the foot part, ankle joint and lower leg shell", ". Dynamic functional elements are preferable for the ankle joint as static functional elements would completely block the dorsiflexion, which would have to be compensated for by the upper body, resulting in an increased energy cost when walking. The functional element's resistance to protect against unwanted dorsiflexion should be able to be adapted according to the weakness of the plantar flexors", ". In the case of very weak plantar flexors, the functional element's resistance against undesired dorsiflexion must be very high in order to compensate for the functional deviations this causes. Adjustable functional elements allow the resistance to be adjusted exactly to the weakness of the muscle, and scientific studies recommend adjustable resistance in patients with paralysis or weakness of the plantar flexors.", "Functional elements in paralysis of knee extensors and hip extensors – in the case of weak knee extensors or hip extensors, the orthosis must take over the stability and stance phase control when walking. Different knee-securing functional elements are needed depending on the weakness of these muscles", ". Different knee-securing functional elements are needed depending on the weakness of these muscles. In order to compensate for functional deviations with slightly weakness of these muscle groups, a free moving mechanical knee joint with the mechanical pivot point behind the anatomical knee pivot point can be sufficient", ". In the case of significant weakness, knee flexion when walking must be controlled by functional elements that mechanically secure the knee joint during the early stance phases between loading response and mid stance. Stance phase control knee joints which lock the knee in the early stance phases and release it for knee flexion during the swing phase can be used here, with these joints, a natural gait pattern can be achieved despite mechanically securing against unwanted knee flexion", ". In these cases, locked knee joints are often used, and while they have a good safety function, the knee joint remains mechanically locked during the swing phase while walking. Patients with locked knee joints have to manage the swing phase with a stiff leg, which only works if the patient develops compensatory mechanisms, such as by raising the body's center of gravity in the swing phase (Duchenne limping) or by swinging the orthotic leg to the side (circumduction)", ". Stance phase control knee joints and locked joints can both be mechanically \"unlocked\" so the knee can be flexed to sit down.", "Ankle–foot orthoses (AFO) in the field of paralysis orthoses \n\nAFO is the abbreviation for ankle-foot orthoses, which is the English name for an orthosis that spans the ankle and foot. In the treatment of paralyzed patients, they are mainly used when there is a weakness of the dorsiflexors or plantar flexors.", "Through the use of modern materials, such as carbon fibers and aramid fibers, and new knowledge about processing these materials into composite materials, the weight of orthotics has been reduced significantly. In addition to the weight reduction, these materials and technologies have created the possibility of making some areas of an orthosis so rigid that it can take over the forces of the weakened muscles (e.g", ".g. the connection from the ankle joint to the frontal contact surface on the shin), while at the same time leaving areas requiring less support very flexible (e.g. the flexible part of the forefoot).", "It is now possible to combine the required rigidity of the orthotic shells with the dynamics in the ankle, with this, other new technologies, and the possibility of producing lightweight but rigid orthoses, new demands have been made of orthotics:", "Despite the necessary rigidity, the orthoses should not block the mobility of the ankle.\n Despite the necessary rigidity, the orthoses should not block the functionality of the muscles, but rather promote it.\n Despite the necessary rigidity, contractures and spasticity should not be stimulated.", "A custom-made AFO can compensate for functional deviations of muscle groups, it should be configured according to the patient data through a function and load calculation so that it meets the functional and load requirements. In calculating or configuring an AFO, variants are optimally matched to individual requirements for the functional elements of the ankle joint, for the stiffness of the foot shell, and for the shape of the lower leg shell", ". The size of these components is selected by matching their resilience to the load data.", "An ankle joint based on new technology is the connection between the foot shell and the lower leg shell and at the same time contains all the necessary adjustable functional elements of an AFO.", "Depending on the combination of the degree of paralysis of the dorsiflexors or plantar flexors, different functional elements to compensate for their weakness can be integrated into the ankle joint; if both muscle groups are affected, the elements should be integrated into one orthotic joint", ". The necessary dynamics and resistance to movements in the ankle can be adapted via adjustable functional elements in the ankle joint of the orthosis, which allows it to compensate for muscle weaknesses, provide safety when standing and walking, and still allow as much mobility as possible. For example, adjustable spring units with pre-compression can enable an exact adaptation of both static and dynamic resistance to the measured degree of muscle weakness", ". Studies show the positive effects of these new technologies. It is of great advantage if the resistances for these two functional elements can be set separately.", "An AFO with functional elements to compensate for a weakness of the plantar flexors can also be used for slight weakness of the knee-securing muscle groups, the knee extensors and the hip extensors.", "A drop foot orthosis is an AFO that only has one functional element for lifting the forefoot in order to compensate for a weakness in the dorsiflexors. If other muscle groups, such as the plantar flexors, are weak, additional functional elements must be taken into account, making a drop foot orthosis unsuitable for patients with weakness in other muscle groups.", "In 2006, before these new technologies were available, the International Committee of the Red Cross published in its 2006 Manufacturing Guidelines for Ankle-Foot Orthoses, with the aim of providing people with disabilities worldwide standardized processes for the production of high-quality, modern, durable and economical devices.", "Because new technologies are not widely used, AFOs are often made from polypropylene-based plastic, mostly in the shape of a continuous \"L\" shape, with the upright part behind the calf and the lower part under the foot, however, this only offers the rigidity of the material. AFOs made of polypropylene are still called \"DAFO\" (dynamic ankle-foot orthosis), \"SAFO\" (solid ankle-foot orthosis) or \"Hinged AFO\"", ". DAFOs are not stable enough to transfer the high forces required to balance the weak plantar flexors when standing and walking, and SAFOs block the mobility of the ankle joint. A \"Hinged AFO\" only allowed for the compensation that could be achieved with the orthotic joints of the time, for example, they commonly block plantar flexion, as the joints cannot simultaneously transmit the large forces that are required to compensate for muscle deviations while also offering the necessary dynamics.", "While there was a multitude of AFOs with differing designs in clinical practice, there was also a clear lack of details regarding the design and the materials used for manufacture, leading Eddison and Chockalingam to call for a new standardization of the terminology. With a focus on caring for children with cerebral palsy there is a recommendation to investigate the potential for gait pattern improvement via the design and manufacture of orthotics made of polypropylene", ". On the other hand, integrating orthotic joints with modern functional elements into the production of older technologies using polypropylene is unusual because the orthotic shells made of polypropylene either could not transfer the high forces or would be too soft.", "New studies now show the better possibilities for improving the gait pattern through the new technologies.", "The International Committee of the Red Cross published its manufacturing guidelines for ankle–foot orthoses in 2006, and, unfortunately, today's terminologies are still based those guidelines and therefore require a particularly high level of explanation. The intent was to provide standardized procedures for the manufacture of high-quality modern, durable and economical devices to people with disabilities throughout the world", ". However, with the new technologies available, the main types mentioned are in need of revision today.", "Knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) in the field of paralysis orthoses \n\nKAFO is the abbreviation for knee-ankle-foot orthoses, which spans the knee, ankle and foot. In the treatment of paralyzed patients, a KAFO is used when there is a weakness of the knee or hip extensors. They have two orthotic joints: an ankle joint between the foot and lower leg shells and a knee joint between the lower leg and thigh shells.", "KAFOs can be roughly divided into three variants, depending on whether the mechanical knee joint is: locked, unlocked or locked and unlocked.", "KAFO with locked knee joint - The mechanical knee joint is locked both when standing and also when walking (in both the stance and swing phases) in order to achieve the necessary stability. To sit, the user can unlock the knee joint. When walking with a locked knee joint it is difficult for the user to swing the leg forward and, in order to not stumble, the leg must be swung forward and out in a circular arc (circumduction) or the hip must be raised unnaturally to swing the stiff leg", ". Each of these incorrect gait patterns can lead to secondary diseases in the bone and muscle system, and such compensatory movement patterns lead to increased energy consumption when walking. The film Forrest Gump impressively shows how the main character Forrest Gump is additionally hindered in his urge to move by such orthoses. For centuries, KAFOs were built with mechanical knee joints that stiffened the knee of the paralyzed leg, and even today, such orthotic fittings are still common", ". Typical designations for a KAFO with a locked knee joint include \"KAFO with Swiss lock\" or \"KAFO with drop lock lock\".", "KAFO with unlocked knee joint - An unlocked knee joint can move freely both when standing and when walking, both in the stance phase and in the swing phase. In order for the leg to swing through without stumbling, knee flexion of approximately 60° is allowed; the user does not need to unlock the knee joint to sit", ". As a KAFO with an unlocked knee joint can provide only minor compensation for paralysis-related issues while standing and walking, an orthotic knee joint with a rearward displacement of the pivot point can be installed in order to increase safety. However, even with this, a KAFO with a non-locked knee joint should only be used in cases of minor paralysis of the knee and hip extensors. With more severe paralysis and low levels of strength in these muscle groups, there is a significant risk of falling", ". A typical designation for a KAFO with a unlocked knee joint is, among other things, \"KAFO with knee joint for movement control\".", "KAFO with locked and unlocked knee joint - The mechanical knee joint of a KAFO with locked and unlocked knee joint is locked when walking in the stance phase, providing the necessary stability and security for the user. The knee joint is then automatically unlocked in the swing phase, allowing the leg to be swung through without stumbling", ". In order to be able to walk efficiently, without stumbling, and without compensating mechanisms, the joint should allow knee flexion of approximately 60° in the swing phase. The first promising developments of automatic knee joints, or stance phase locking knee joints, emerged in the 1990s", ". In the beginning there were automatic mechanical constructions that took over the locking and unlocking, now automatic electromechanical and automatic electrohydraulic systems are available that make standing and walking safer and more comfortable. Various terms are used for a KAFO with a locked and unlocked knee joint. Typical designations are \"KAFO with automatic knee joint\" or \"KAFO with stance phase control knee joint\"", ". In scientific articles, the English term Stance Control Orthoses SCO is often used, but as this term differs from the ICS classification, one of the first two terms is preferable.", "Different functional elements to compensate for weakness of the dorsiflexors or plantar flexors can be integrated into the ankle joint of the orthosis depending on the degree of paralysis of the two muscle groups. It is of great advantage if the resistances for these two functional elements can be set separately", ". The functional elements to compensate for paralysis of the knee-securing muscle groups of the knee and hip extensors are integrated into the knee joint of the orthosis via knee-securing functional elements", ". A KAFO can use a variety of combinations of different variants in the stiffness of the foot shell, the different variants of the functional elements of a dynamic ankle joint, the variants in the shape of the lower leg shell, and the functional elements of a knee joint to compensate for the user's limitations.", "Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis (HKAFO) in the field of paralysis orthoses \nHKAFO is the abbreviation for hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses; which is the English name for an orthosis that spans the hip, the knee, the ankle and the foot. In the treatment of paralyzed patients, a HKAFO is used when there is a weakness of the pelvic stabilizing trunk muscles.", "Relief orthoses \nRelief Orthoses are used when there's degeneration to a joint (from \"wear and tear\" for example) or after an injury such as a torn ligament. Relief orthoses are also used after operations such as operations on the joint ligaments, other bony, muscular structures, or after a complete replacement of a joint.", "Relief orthosis may also be used to:\n Control, guide, limit and/or immobilize an extremity, joint or body segment for a particular reason\n Restrict movement in a given direction\n Assist movement generally\n Reduce weight-bearing forces for a particular purpose\n Aid rehabilitation from fractures after the removal of a cast\n Otherwise correct the shape and/or function of the body, to provide easier movement capability or reduce pain", "Ulcer healing orthoses (UHO)", "A custom-made ankle/foot orthosis can be used for the treatment of patients with foot ulcers, it is a rigid L-shaped support member with a rigid anterior support shell on an articulated hinge. The plantar portion of the L-shaped member has at least one ulcer-protecting hollow to allow the user to transfer their weight away from the ulcer to facilitate treatment", ". The anterior support shell is designed with a lateral hinged attachment to take advantage of the medial tibial flare structure to enhance the weight-bearing properties of the orthosis. A flexible, polyethylene hinge attaches the support shell to the L-shaped member and straps securely attach the anterior support shell to the user's lower leg.", "Foot orthoses (FO)", "Foot orthoses (commonly called orthotics) are devices inserted into shoes to provide support for the foot by redistributing ground reaction forces acting on the foot joints while standing, walking or running. They may be either pre-moulded (also called pre-fabricated) or custom made according to a cast or impression of the foot. They are used by everyone from athletes to the elderly to accommodate biomechanical deformities and a variety of soft tissue conditions", ". Foot orthoses are effective at reducing pain for people with painful high-arched feet, and may be effective for people with rheumatoid arthritis, plantar fasciitis, first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint pain or hallux valgus (bunions). For children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) custom-made and pre-fabricated foot orthoses may also reduce foot pain. Foot orthoses may also be used in conjunction with properly fitted orthopedic footwear in the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers", ". A real-time weight bearing orthotic can be created using a neutral position casting device and the Vertical Foot Alignment System VFAS.", "Ankle–foot orthoses (AFO) in the field of relief orthoses", "An AFO can also be used to immobilize the ankle and lower leg in the presence of arthritis or a fracture. Ankle–foot orthoses are the most commonly used orthoses, making up about 26% of all orthoses provided in the United States. According to a review of Medicare payments from 2001 to 2006, the base cost of an AFO was about $500 to $700", ". A recent study looked at the prescription practices among clinical practitioners in the United Kingdom to explore the material used, the thickness of the material, positive cast rectification, AFO reinforcement, footplate design, padding, strapping system, and the height of an AFO. This study found that there is a consensus in practice.", "Knee orthoses (KO) in the field of relief orthoses", "A knee orthosis (KO) or knee brace extends above and below the knee joint and is generally worn to support or align the knee. In the case of diseases causing neurological or muscular impairment of muscles surrounding the knee, a KO can prevent flexion, extension, or instability of the knee. If the ligaments or cartilage of the knee are affected, a KO can provide stabilization to the knee by replacing their functions", ". For instance, knee braces can be used to relieve pressure from diseases such as arthritis or osteoarthritis by realigning the knee joint. In this way a KO may help reduce osteoarthritis pain, however, there is no clear evidence about the most effective orthosis or the best approach to rehabilitation. A knee brace is not meant to treat an injury or disease on its own, but is used as a component of treatment along with drugs, physical therapy and possibly surgery", ". When used properly, a knee brace may help an individual to stay active by enhancing the position and movement of the knee or reducing pain.", "Prophylactic, functional and rehabilitation braces \nProphylactic braces are used primarily by athletes participating in contact sports. Evidence indicates that prophylactic knee braces, like the ones football linemen wear that are often rigid with a knee hinge, are ineffective in reducing anterior cruciate ligament tears, but may be helpful in resisting medial and lateral collateral ligament tears.", "Functional braces are designed for use by people who have already experienced a knee injury and need support while recovering from it, or to help people who have pain associated with arthritis. They are intended to reduce the rotation of the knee, support stability, reduce the chance of hyperextension, and increase the agility and strength of the knee. The majority of these are made of elastic. They are the least expensive of all braces and are easily found in a variety of sizes.", "Rehabilitation braces are used to limit the movement of the knee in both medial and lateral directions, these braces often have an adjustable range of motion, and can be used to limit flexion and extension following ACL reconstruction. They are primarily used after injury or surgery to immobilize the leg and are larger in size than other braces, due to their function.\n\nSoft braces", "A soft brace, sometimes called soft support or a bandage, belong to the field of orthoses and are supposed to protect the joints from excessive loads.", "Soft braces are also classified according to regions of the body. In sport, bandages are used to protect bones and joints, and prevent and protect injuries. Bandages should also allow proprioception. They mostly consist of textiles, some of which have supportive elements. The supporting functions are low compared to paralysis and relief orthoses, though they are sometimes used prophylactically or to optimize performance in sport", ". At present, the scientific literature does not provide sufficient high quality research to allow for strong conclusions on their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.", "Upper limb orthoses", "Upper-limb (or upper extremity) orthoses are mechanical or electromechanical devices applied externally to the arm, or segments of it, in order to restore or improve function or structural characteristics of the arm segments enclosed in the device. In general, musculoskeletal problems that may be alleviated by the use of upper limb orthoses include those resulting from trauma or disease (arthritis for example)", ". They may also benefit individuals who have a neurological impairment from a stroke, spinal cord injury, or peripheral neuropathy.", "Types of upper-limb orthoses \nUpper-limb orthoses\nClavicular and shoulder orthoses\nArm orthoses\nFunctional arm orthoses\nElbow orthoses\nForearm-wrist orthoses\nForearm-wrist-thumb orthoses\nForearm-wrist-hand orthoses\nHand orthoses\nUpper-extremity orthoses (with special functions)\n\nSpinal orthoses", "Spinal orthoses \n\nScoliosis, a condition describing an abnormal curvature of the spine, may in certain cases be treated with spinal orthoses, such as the Milwaukee brace, Boston brace, Charleston bending brace, or Providence brace. As scoliosis most commonly develops in adolescent females who are undergoing their adolescent growth spurt, compliance is hampered by patient concerns about appearance and movement restrictions caused by the brace.", "Spinal orthoses may also be used in the treatment of spinal fractures. A Jewett brace, for instance, may be used to aid healing of an anterior wedge fracture involving the T10 to L3 vertebrae, and a body jacket may be used to stabilize more involved fractures of the spine. There are several types of orthoses for managing cervical spine pathology", ". There are several types of orthoses for managing cervical spine pathology. The halo brace is the most restrictive cervical thoracic orthosis in use, it is used to immobilize the cervical spine, usually following fracture, and was developed by Vernon L. Nickel at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in 1955.", "Orthoses for the head \nHelmets are an example of orthoses for the head.\n\nSee also \n\nOrthotist\nCognitive orthotics\nComparison of orthotics\nDental braces\nOrthotic horseshoes\nNeuromechanics of orthoses\nCervical collar\nOrthopedic cast\nBack brace\nPet orthotics\n\nReferences", "References\n\nExternal links \nInternational Society of Prosthetists and Orthotists\nAmerican Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists\nBritish Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists\nThe Orthotics & Prosthetics Virtual Library\nPFA Footcare Association (Canadian Chapter)\n\nMuscular system\nOrthopedic braces\nOrthopedics\nPodiatry\nRehabilitation team\nSkeletal system" ]
Grissom Air Reserve Base
[ "Grissom Air Reserve Base is a United States Air Force base, located about north of Kokomo in Cass and Miami counties in Indiana. The facility was established as a U.S. Navy installation, Naval Air Station Bunker Hill, in 1942 and was an active Air Force installation, Bunker Hill Air Force Base from 1954 to 1968, and Grissom Air Force Base from 1968 to 1994. Pursuant to a BRAC 1991 decision, the installation was downsized to an Air Force Reserve installation and renamed Grissom Air Reserve Base.", "Since then it has been a joint-use civil airport/military base. Approximately 1700 acres plus the runway and taxiways comprise the current military installation, with the Grissom Aeroplex comprising the civilian aviation activities providing general aviation and charter service.", "Originally named Bunker Hill Air Force Base, the base was renamed Grissom Air Force Base in 1968 in memory of astronaut and Indiana native Lieutenant Colonel Virgil I. \"Gus\" Grissom, USAF, who, along with fellow astronauts Lieutenant Colonel Ed White, USAF, and Lieutenant Commander Roger Chaffee, USN, perished in the Apollo 1 fire at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 34 on 27 January 1967.", "It is home to the largest KC-135R Stratotanker wing in the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC), plus units from the United States Army Reserve and also the US Marine Corps Reserve. The host unit is the 434th Air Refueling Wing (434 ARW), the \"Hoosier Wing\", which consists of three major groups and a variety of squadrons and flights", ". The wing develops and maintains the operational capability of its units and trains reservists for worldwide duty, with the wing operationally-gained by the Air Mobility Command (AMC). Training consists of flight operations, deployments, and weekday and weekend training.", "Other organizations located at Grissom ARB include the U.S. Army Reserve's Company A, 1st Battalion, 330th Regiment; 316th Psychological Operations Company (Tactical); Detachment 1, 855th Quartermaster Company; the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve's Marine Corps Reserve Center Grissom and Detachment 1, Communications Company, 4th Marine Logistics Group.\n\nHistory", "Background", "On 18 March 1942, the Bureau of Yards and Docks (BuDocks) sent out a letter to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy (JAG), Rear Admiral Walter Browne Woodson, for the acquisition of land near Peru, Indiana, with the intention of constructing a Naval Reserve Aviation Base. The following day, the Shore Station Development Board sent a letter of recommendation to the US Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), Frank Knox, estimating the cost of the project, including land acquisition, at $7,000,000", ". On 21 March 1942, the Chief of Naval Operations, Fleet Admiral Ernest King, concurred with BuDocks and also sent a letter to SECNAV. Secretary Knox sent a letter the same day to JAG Woodson approving the base.", "On 27 March 1942, Russell B. Moore Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, signed contract NOy-5485, for the architectural and engineering services for Naval Reserve Aviation Base at Peru, Indiana. Two other firms had been considered; Walter W. Ahlschlager & Associates, Chicago, Illinois, and Phelps & Peck, Michigan City, Indiana.", "On 3 April 1942, contract NOy-5475, for the construction of a Naval Reserve Aviation Base at Peru, Indiana, with Captain R.D. Spalding, USN, the Officer-in-Charge, was sent out. The contract included Projects 1 to 47, with a fee of $4,965,500. Changes \"A\" through \"M\", were added over the next several months, adding Projects 48 to 77, and 501, and on 19 November 1942, Purchase Order 4057 authorized Projects 78 to 87, with manual instruction authorizing Project 88.", "Four contractors were considered for the project; James T. Barnes Construction Company, Logansport, Indiana; Sollitt Construction Company, Inc., South Bend; William P Jungclaus Company, Indianapolis; and a joint venture between J.L. Simmons Company, Inc., Indianapolis, and United Construction Company, Winona, Minnesota. The bid was given to J.L. Simmons Company, Inc. and United Construction Company, and signed on 16 April 1942.\n\nConstruction", "Construction\n\nPreliminary plans for the base were issued 20 April 1942. The base was commissioned on 1 July 1942, with a contingent of Naval personnel moving in on 15 July 1942. Actual construction wasn't finished until 12 April 1943, with 99.5% field work completed. The final cost was $13,064,424.43.", "The design called for a Naval Air Station, occupying , with the facilities and equipment to house and train 1,200 naval aviation cadets. This would include the housing and other necessary facilities needed for a total of 3,200 officers and men", ". Station facilities would include four runways of long and wide; a square landing mat with sides long (); taxiways, warm-up aprons, and approaches; 77 buildings with of floor space, water supply, heating; and sewage disposal plants; of paved streets and of sidewalks. The training facilities included 25 auxiliary fields, within a radius, with a combined area of .", "Of the 2,158 acres, approximately were of dense timber that needed to be cleared. Other obstructions included, houses, barns, boulders, and county and state roads. The main base was, and still is, located approximately south of Peru, Indiana, on US Route 31; north of Kokomo; Logansport to the northwest; and Wabash 20 mi to the northeast. Indianapolis, Indiana's capitol, is south; Fort Wayne 64 mi northeast, South Bend north, and Chicago northwest.", "The Site Selection Board selected this site because it was centrally located with ready accessibility from several large cities. The land is level for miles around, which afforded many possibilities for auxiliary fields. It was out of the flight routes of commercial airlines. The soil type was satisfactory with gravel being locally available for concrete", ". The soil type was satisfactory with gravel being locally available for concrete. It could be serviced by the Pennsylvania Railroad, with a station only away and construction of a switch track easily possible; also paved highways and bus lines nearby. Electrical power available from Peru. Satisfactory climate conditions, as indicated by Weather Bureau Reports. Water treatment for the steam boilers seemed to be the only draw back.", "Upon receiving the Letter of Intent on 28 March 1942, Russell B. Moore Company established a temporary headquarters and moved personnel and necessary drafting, surveying and office equipment and supplies to an old schoolhouse at Bunker Hill, which they occupied until completion of the Construction Engineering Office on the site 13 May 1942. Surveying the site started 1 April 1942. J.L. Simmons Company, Inc", ". Surveying the site started 1 April 1942. J.L. Simmons Company, Inc. and United Construction Company received their Letter of Intent 4 April 1942, and immediately began moving equipment in to clear the site, including removal of buildings, trees, and grading as soon as elevations for the finished grade had been determined", ". Temporary structures were built, including a cement warehouse, a large general warehouse, , time office, a large number of movable, built on skids for easy removal, tool storage sheds and small storehouses. All construction material was delivered by truck until the completion of the spur track on 10 June 1942, after which a large portion of the construction material came in by rail", ". Peak days of traffic volume were as follows: 129 freight carloads of paving material received via the spur track on 30 October 1942, and 1755 truck loads of paving material received on 25 October 1942.", "In addition to the previously mentioned builds, a combined saw mill and carpenter shop was constructed, and equipped with wood working machinery. A temporary building was built and equipped as a restaurant, in which lunches were served to all persons on site at a moderate cost. A combination garage and repair shop was constructed and equipped to keep equipment in operating condition. A first aid building, staffed by two nurses was built", ". A first aid building, staffed by two nurses was built. Night lighting, so paving operations could continue at night, was provided by electric floodlights. One large diesel powered permanent type generator with overhead distribution wiring, and several portable gasoline powered generators produced the electricity.", "Many of the buildings utilized standard BuDocks plans and specifications for standard air station buildings. Specialized buildings were designed by the Moore Company. Most of the buildings were of a light, temporary type, designed to only be used for a limited time.", "The safety record during construction was: one serious fire at Subsistence Building 26, 4,043 first aid cases, with 465 of those needing services of a physician. On the night of 3 August 1942, building 26 caught fire while it was about 90% complete, damage was estimated at 53% of its value.\n\nDue to cost overruns, some of the projects were moved to contracts NOy 5938 and NOy 5958.\n\nRunways and warming-up platforms", "Initially the four runways were to be long and constructed of macadam with asphalt topping, along with the landing mat. On 30 October 1942, Change \"G\", ordered the runways lengthened to 5000 ft, and to now be constructed of concrete. Each runway was thick and not reinforced. The runways ran northeast to southwest, northwest to southeast, east to west, and north to south. Lights were located every along the length of three runways, with the northwest to southeast runway being spaced at intervals", ". The ends of the runways were separately marked with two, three, four, and five lights. There was a temporary landing field built for official visits during construction of the base.", "The Warming-up Platform consisted of thick unreinforced concrete lanes , with a total area of , with 2800 steel mooring eyes located in the concrete.", "Barracks\nBuildings 29A–29H consisted of eight B1 Type Barracks for the enlisted men. These barracks were two-story, \"H\" shaped framed buildings . The second floor ceilings were insulated and the exterior wall finish was cement asbestos shingles. Each building housed 230 men, and were . The students were housed in similar B1 Type Barracks, buildings 30A, 30B, 30G, and 30H, but with only a capacity for 200 men.", "Buildings 31A and 31B, Junior Bachelor Officers' Quarters, did not utilize standard construction plans. They were two-story rectangular frame buildings ×, with partial basements enclosing the heater rooms that were ×. They each contained 42 rooms for officers, with recreation rooms, screened porch, showers, and toilets. Each building could house 84 officers and had .", "Building 31E was the Bachelor Officers' Quarters with Messing Facilities. An irregular shaped, two-story frame building, , with a partial, basement. The first floor contained a lounge, mess hall, galley, office, vestibule, officers' quarters and toilets; second floor, officers' quarters, lounge, toilets and showers, and dormitory for help. The galley contained electrical cooking equipment.", "There was a drill field between the barracks, with a , , portion stabilized with water-bound macadam for use in all types of weather.", "Mess halls\nBuildings 26 and 26A, were S2 Type Subsistence buildings. They were single story, irregular shaped frame buildings ; two partial basements for transformers, each ×. They had a seating copacity of 912 men with . The cadets' mess, buildings 27 and 27A, were S1 Type Subsistence buildings, which were smaller, at ; one partial basement, ×. The seating capacity was 456 men with .", "Training buildings\nBuildings 4A and 4B were the Instruction buildings. These were used to instruct cadets in physics, radio, mathematics, theory of flight, navigation, aerology, and gunnery. The buildings were two-story \"H\" shaped with the same dimensions as the B1 Type barrack. The first floor contained class rooms in the wings with a study room in the central portion, while the second floor had a plane and ship recognition room and an assembly room that was .", "Building 39 was the Link Trainer building. It was a one-story rectangular frame building, , which contained two trainer rooms, with a capacity of 16 trainers, along with offices and toilets. This building was air conditioned.", "Commons buildings\nBuilding 22, the Dispensary, with 109 beds, contained two wards, operating suite, sick officers' quarters, pharmacy, diet kitchen, x-ray rooms, physiotherapy, solarium, showers, and toilets. It was an irregularly shaped, , height , with a partial basement , that contained the morgue and storage rooms. The x-ray rooms had sheet lead lined walls. The floor area was .", "Building 23, Auditorium and Recreation building, was a partial two-story, \"T\" shaped frame building, . Three partial basements, , , and ×, contained heater, compressor, pump room, transformer and lockers. The auditorium roof used wood arch trusses which allowed a clear height of in the center, and measured", ". The first floor of the auditorium contained a stage, two dressing rooms, lounge, soda fountain, cafeteria, canteen, Ships Service store, billiard room, barber shop, cobbler shop, tailor shop, showers and toilets. The second floor had a lounge, library, reading and writing rooms, Chaplain's office, CPO recreation rooms, showers, and toilets. The main floor had a seating capacity of 1,500 men with another 280 in the balcony. Total floor area was .", "Building 24 was the Water Survival Training Pool. The building was a rectangular, , two-story building, with a partial basement. The basement contained a boiler room, ×, which housed two K-44-S14-LPS boilers; fan/blower room, ×; coagulation basin and filter room, both measuring ×; and a coal bin and transformer room of unknown dimension. The building was of a Quonset style with a radius of curvature on the roof. At the time of its construction it was touted as the second largest indoor pool in the world", ". At the time of its construction it was touted as the second largest indoor pool in the world. It was intended to be used for lifeboat and abandon ship training. The pool itself was with upper galleries. The galleries lead to two platforms of wooden boards supported by pipe scaffolding bolted to the laminated arches and to the ceiling, at the deep end of the pool", ". These platforms were approximately high with pipe fences surrounding them, they simulated the height of an aircraft carrier and were used for practicing lifeboat drills and abandon ship maneuvers. There were three diving boards at the north end of the pool, with the center diving board above the water, and the outer two above the water. There were also three ladders on the east and west sides of the pool for ingress and egress. The first floor also contained lockers, toilets, and towel issue stations.", "Building 36 was the Armory. This was a , one story building with racks in two rooms with a capacity for 3,836 guns, along with toilet facilities. Building 33 was the Small Arms Magazine. A one-story, , reinforced concrete building, windowless, with a floor level below grade level. The building was covered in a mound of earth with a ventilation duct extending to the top of the mound.", "Building 44 was originally earmarked for a Brig, but was changed to a Reception Center. It was a one-story rectangular frame building, , with a partial, , basement that contained an oil fired steam boiler.", "Administration buildings\nBuilding No. 1 was the Administration building. The two-story \"U\" shaped building was , with a partial basement, , that contained the heater room. The general administrative offices of the Station were on the first floor, while the second floor had the Commanding Officers' and Executive Officer's suites, communications and record offices. The total floor area was .", "Buildings 2E and 2W were the Squadron Administration buildings. These were utilized by the cadets for flight preparation. Each building contained a squadron Commander's room, flight control room, parachute and flying gear issue rooms, cadet ready room and a locker room. The buildings were rectangular, , one story structures with of floor space.", "Building 3 was the Gatehouse, this also included the security fence. The gatehouse was a one-story, building located on an island in the center of the entrance roadway. There was a boiler in the basement of the gatehouse that provided steam for heat. The security fence was a chain link fence surmounted with barbed wire, with seven locking gates that extended at a minimum of within the property line of the base, along State Highway 218. Building 3A was the Guardhouse", ". Building 3A was the Guardhouse. This was a one-story, , building with a wide porch on two sides.", "Flight operations buildings", "Building 6 was the Operations building. All flight operations were controlled from an air conditioned observation room in the control tower of this building, which had windows overlooking the runway and landing mat areas. Signalling, radio sending and receiving equipment, and switches controlling the electric lighting of the runways were operated from this room", ". Communications, radio and weather reporting offices were located on the second floor, with offices of the operating personnel, aerology department and record department on the first floor. The building was \"L\" shaped, , containing the reinforced concrete control tower, that was by high. Two small partial basements enclosed pump and heater rooms. There was also a motor driven electric beacon and meteorological instruments.", "Buildings 7E and 7F were temporary hangars. They were rectangular by high; of wood construction; roof supported by wood trusses, with span, on wood columns; wood doors, high, that rolled on steel tracks providing clear openings of when opened. One end of each hangar had a two-story lean-to which contained offices, shops, and toilets on the first floor, and a mezzanine, , divided into offices, parts and storage rooms. Each hangar had a total floor area of .", "Building 8 was the Assembly and Repair Shop. The two-story building was rectangular, , with a one-story wing on each end. The center section, for final assembly, had a clear area, unobstructed by columns, , with a overhead crane. Other portions of the first floor were divided into wing and engine overhaul, starter and accessory overhaul, carburetor shop, machine shop, piston and cylinder repair, and tear down shops. General and small offices were located on the second floor balcony.", "Building 9 was the Parachute building with a tower. A one-story rectangular building, , for parachute storage, repairing, packing and issue, with a parachute cleaning shower and drying tower, by high. A partial basement, , contained pump and fan rooms. The building had an electric powered air conditioning unit and electric driven sewing machines.", "Building 11 was the Paint and Dope Spray Booth. This was a two-story building with a one-story section, ×. The building contained Bink's Paint Spraying and Air Washing Equipment, including blowers, air washing and purifying devices, and exhaust fans, installed to minimize danger of explosions and inhalation of fumes. Building 8 was the Paint, Oil and Dope Storage Building. It was an one story rectangular building. The building was divided into three rooms for engine oil, oil storage, and dope storage.", "Building 13 housed the engine test stand. This was a one-story concrete block wall and partition building, with reinforced concrete floor and flat roof slab, ×. It contained six engine test stands; three engine test cells; engine and embalming room; toilets and boiler room.\n\nBuilding 38 was the General and Aircraft Storage. It was a one-story, , rectangular building. There was a monitor skylight running down the center of the building and one large and two small offices with toilets at one end.", "Facilities buildings\nBuilding 14 was the storehouse, a rectangular, one-story, building, with offices at one end.\n\nBuilding 17 was the garage. It was a one-story, rectangular, building with a partial basement, , for the heater and pump room. The first floor contained a parts room, locker room, offices, stock room, toilets, and a balcony at one end that contained offices.", "Building 15 was the Heating Plant. This one-story, rectangular, reinforced concrete building, was and stood tall. A mezzanine balcony contained a toilet, shower, and wash room. The building was equipped with four oil fired steam generating boilers, each able to of steam per hour at pressure, and the additional equipment needed, oil burners, pumps, and water heaters", ". The building also contained three secondary concrete fuel oil storage tanks with a capacity of that were connected to the main storage tank. Structures 16 and 43 were for fuel oil storage. Fuel oil would be unloaded at the fuel oil transfer house, building 43, a ×, reinforced concrete building, from railroad tank cars. Three tank cars could be unload simultaneously, the oil being pumped to a 275,000 gal", ". Three tank cars could be unload simultaneously, the oil being pumped to a 275,000 gal. pre-stressed reinforced concrete storage tank, building 16, diameter and high tank buried below grade and covered with earth. A small gauge and apparatus room adjoined the tank. Oil flowed by gravity from the tank to the heating plant in steam heated pipes to prevent coagulation", ". With the exception of a few buildings equipped with separate boilers, all buildings on Station were supplied with of steam through a welded underground steam distribution supply and return mains. The steam was used for both heating and hot water heating.", "Buildings 48–1 through 48–5 were transformer houses. The city of Peru provided a 33,000 volt transmission line that fed a sub-station at the northeast corner of the base. The sub-station had three 500KVA step down transformers that took the voltage from 33,000 volt, 3 phase, 3 wire to 12,500 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire. Primary distribution was then by aerial or underground transmission to secondary distribution locations", ". There were of overhead line, with of bare copper wire; and of underground line, with of lead covered cable, of fiber conduit encased in concrete and 58 manholes. To further step down the voltage for use in buildings, 18 transformer banks were utilized, with 67 oil insulated, air cooled transformers in transformer vaults and transformer houses, with a total capacity of 3,119 KVA volts. Standby emergency electricity was supplied by two generators connected to two 12 cylinder gasoline engines.", "Building 40 was the Fire Station. This was a one-story, rectangular building, . It had an apparatus room, office, toilets, dormitory, and a hose tower that was by tall.", "Water and Fire Protection were provided by building 21 and Well Houses 42–1 and 42–2. Two deep wells provided water for the base. The well houses had pumps capable of that transferred the water through an line to the treatment plant, building 21. Building 21 was a partial two-story reinforced concrete building adjoining an underground concrete emergency reservoir for treated water", ". The building contained electric motor driven pumps, tanks, chlorinators, dry chemical feeders, and filters for purifying and softening the water. of cast iron pipe, diameter, distributed the water under pressure to 46 fire hydrants and 2,405 water fixtures on the station.", "Structures 19A–D were for gasoline storage and distribution. Delivered by tank car at four unloading points on a special railroad siding, and by gasoline trucks at four additional points, the gasoline was stored in four underground pre-stressed reinforced concrete tanks that were lined with Thiokol. Three of the tanks had capacity and were used for 73 octane gasoline. The other was a tank used for 100 octane gasoline", ". The other was a tank used for 100 octane gasoline. The fuel was pumped to distribution points through two separate piping systems, one for 73 octane and one for 100 octane, by two submerged type multiple stage centrifugal, , pumps at each tank; each pump powered with a electric motor", ". Distribution points for 73 octane gasoline consisted of a tank truck filling stand, 200 gpm, and 56 gasoline servicing pits for fuelling planes directly, located at the warmup aprons, with capacity to fuel 48 planes simultaneously at the rate of per plane. The 100 octane gasoline, the tank truck filling stand was capable of , and four planes could be fueled at a rate of . The system included of diameter welded steel pipe", ". The system included of diameter welded steel pipe. The 100 octane system was actually used for 87 octane gasoline with 100 octane being provided by a later contract.", "A main railroad spur, long, connected the station to the Pennsylvania Railroad under a revocable agreement. Additional spurs for unloading gasoline branched off the main with an additional of track.", "World War II Navy service\nNaval Reserve Air Base Peru, as the base was named when commissioned, was built to train United States Navy, United States Marine Corps and United States Coast Guard pilots. The base would go through several names just during WWII. On 1 January 1943, the name was changed to Naval Air Station Peru (NAS Peru), and only three months later on 1 March 1943, the name changed again, this time to Naval Air Station Bunker Hill (NAS Bunker Hill), which it kept for the rest of the war.", "Pilots would study for 12 weeks in a pre-flight school, then transfer to Bunker Hill for an additional 12 weeks of flight training, after which, they would transfer to intermediate aviation training stations such as Naval Air Station Pensacola. During the course of their training at Bunker Hill cadets would study celestial and dead-reckoning navigation, radio communication, care and repair of engines, physical fitness training that included boxing, wrestling, hand-to-hand fighting, and swimming", ". The base trained 5,997 American Naval Aviation Cadets, of which 4,568 qualified to advance to Intermediate Flight Training, while 854 were sent to Naval Station Great Lakes for reclassification. In addition to the American cadets, Bunker Hill trained 701 British Royal Navy cadets.", "By 31 March 1945, there were 407 N2S-3 Kaydet trainers, nearly one-quarter of the U.S. Navy's inventory.\n\nOne of the most famous alumni of Bunker Hill was former major league baseball player Ted Williams. He received training as a Marine Corps Naval Aviator at NAS Bunker Hill.\n\nAfter World War II the base area reverted to farming use, with a civilian crew of government caretakers maintaining the military buildings.", "Transfer to the United States Air Force\nThe United States Air Force obtained right of entry to 25 buildings from United States Navy on 16 November 1951, and used the base under United States Air Force Storage Branch. Still in inactive status, it was transferred from the Navy to the Air Force on 31 March 1954.", "323d Fighter-Bomber Wing and 319th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron", "In the wake of the Korean War, the Air Force reopened the installation as Bunker Hill Air Force Base on 22 June 1954, and assigned it to Tactical Air Command. The base began to host the 4433d Air Base Squadron and the 323d Fighter-Bomber Wing and the 323d Air Base Group coming under TAC's Ninth Air Force", ". Initially training with North American F-86Fs, these were quickly upgraded to the North American F-86H Sabre and then to the North American F-100A/D in 1956 to become proficient in tactical air operations. The wing's aircraft wore a band on the tail, and around the nose edged with small black checkers. In 1955, the 319th Fighter Interceptor Training Squadron of the Air Defense Command joined forces at the base, reporting to the 4706th Air Defense Wing at K. I. Sawyer AFB, Michigan", ". I. Sawyer AFB, Michigan. Initially operating the F-89 Scorpion interceptor, the mission of the 319th FIS was the air defense of the southern Great Lakes and Chicago-Gary-Central Indiana region. It was later upgraded to the F-94 Starfire. The ADC interceptors remained until 1 January 1959.", "Strategic Air Command\nStrategic Air Command (SAC) assumed operational control of Bunker Hill Air Force Base from Tactical Air Command on 1 September 1957, with the 8th Air Force assuming jurisdiction of the base; the Air Force then inactivated the 323d Fighter-Bomber Wing, and the 4041st Air Base Group arrived that day. The Air Force began to station the new Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker on the base in 1957.\n\n305th Bombardment Wing, Medium", "305th Bombardment Wing, Medium\n\nOn 1 June 1959, Strategic Air Command moved the 305th Bombardment Wing, Medium, (305 BMW) from MacDill Air Force Base in Florida to Bunker Hill Air Force Base. At the time, the wing flew the Boeing B-47 Stratojet; later, the supersonic Convair B-58 Hustler began replacing the B-47s. Starting in 1960, the Air Force equipped the 319th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron with the F-106 Delta Dart until the squadron departed on 1 March 1963.", "Nuclear accident", "On 8 December 1964, a B-58 carrying five nuclear weapons, including a 9-megaton thermonuclear bomb, slid off an icy runway and caught fire during a training mission. While taxiing it was caught in the jet blast from the aircraft in front of it while turning onto the runway and applying power of its own. This caused the bomber to lose control and slide off the left hand side of the taxiway", ". This caused the bomber to lose control and slide off the left hand side of the taxiway. The left main landing gear passed over a flush mounted taxiway light fixture, further the landing gear grazed the left edge of a concrete light base. After traveling another 10 ft the left main landing gear struck an electrical manhole box which caused it to collapse, rupturing a fuel tank. The aircraft then caught fire.", "The aircraft commander, Leary Johnson, and defensive system operator, Roger Hall, were able to escape with minor injuries. However, the navigator, Manuel \"Rocky\" Cervantes, ejected in his escape capsule, which landed from the bomber; he did not survive. The five nuclear weapons on board were burned, causing contamination of the crash area", ". The five nuclear weapons on board were burned, causing contamination of the crash area. The Air Force claimed that the crash site was cleaned of contamination, however, it was discovered that the aircraft and some of the soil from the area were only removed to another site on the base and reburied", ". The burned bombs were shipped to Atomic Energy Commission facilities at Clarksville, Tennessee, Medina Base, Texas, Rocky Flats, Colorado, Miamisburg, Ohio, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where it was determined that none of the plutonium from the weapons was released. A 1996 survey found that the area of the crash were still contaminated and required further remediation of the site.", "Apollo 1 disaster – renaming base\n\nOn 27 January 1967, the cabin of the Apollo 1 spacecraft caught fire during a pre-launch preparation at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 34, killing United States Air Force astronaut Lieutenant Colonel Virgil I. \"Gus\" Grissom, a Mitchell, Indiana, native and Purdue University graduate. The Air Force officially renamed Bunker Hill Air Force Base as Grissom Air Force Base in his honor on 12 May 1968.", "305th Air Refueling Wing", "With the retirement of the B-58 in 1970, the Air Force redesignated the 305th Bombardment Wing, Medium, as the 305th Air Refueling Wing (305 ARW) on 1 January 1970. The Air Force transferred the 70th Air Refueling Squadron from another wing at Little Rock Air Force Base to the 305th Air Refueling Wing in 1970. From the early 1970s, the 305th Air Refueling Wing deployed KC-135 aircraft to Europe, Alaska, Greenland, and the Pacific to support worldwide tanker task forces", ". Meanwhile, with the closing of Bakalar Air Force Base, near Columbus, the 931st Air Refueling Wing arrived on 15 January 1970.", "In June 1972, the 305th Air Refueling Squadron deployed elements to Korat Air Base, Thailand, as the 4104th Air Refueling Squadron (Provisional). Later in 1972 the 4104th ARS (P) was relocated to U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airfield.\n\nCombined active duty and reserve operations", "The Air Force Reserve joined the Grissom personnel complement in the early 1970s with the activation of the 434th Special Operations Wing (434 SOW) and their Cessna A-37 Dragonfly aircraft to the base on 15 January 1971. On 1 October 1973, the Air Force Reserve redesignated the 434th Special Operations Wing as the 434th Tactical Fighter Wing, with the 434th later transitioning from the A-37 to the A-10 Thunderbolt II as the latter aircraft entered the USAF inventory..", "In 1975, the Air Force inactivated the 3d Post Attack Command and Control System of the 305th Air Refueling Wing and transferred specialized Boeing EC-135s to the 70th Air Refueling Squadron of the 305th Air Refueling Wing. The 931st Air Refueling Group (931 ARG) departed on 1 July 1975. The United States Army Reserve began its presence at Grissom in the 1970s.", "On 1 February 1978, the Air Force renamed the 305th Air Refueling Wing as the 305th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy. The Air Force activated the 931st Air Refueling Group at the base on 1 July 1978 as the second group of Air Force Reservists. The base also served as the home of one active duty wing and two reserve wings, using 60 KC-135 Stratotanker and 18 A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter aircraft", ". The 72d Air Refueling Squadron of the Air Force Reserve began operating its KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft from Grissom in 1978.", "The 305th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy, provided tanker refueling support to units involved in the invasion of Grenada in October 1983. The 931st Air Refueling Group departed Grissom on 1 July 1987. The Air Force Reserve on 1 July 1978 redesignated the 434th Tactical Fighter Wing as the 434th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy, giving it a similar mission to that of the 305th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy.", "The 305th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy, provided tanker support to units involved in the United States invasion of Panama in December 1989. From August 1990 to June 1991, deployed 305th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy, personnel and aircraft provided refueling support for air operations in southwest Asia as part of Operation Desert Storm. The 305th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy, also delivered food to the Kurds in Northern Iraq from April to May 1991", ". The Air Force redesignated the wing as 305th Air Refueling Wing on 1 September 1991.", "The end of the Cold War led to a downsizing of the military. The Base Realignment and Closure Commission of 1991 recommended closure of Grissom Air Force Base. On 1 February 1992, the Air Force Reserve redesignated the 434th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy, as the 434th Air Refueling Wing and that year activated the 74th Air Refueling Squadron within the 434th Air Refueling Wing to operate the KC-135 Stratotanker", ". The Air Force inactivated Strategic Air Command (SAC) and realigned the 305th Air Refueling Wing to the newly established Air Mobility Command (AMC) on 15 June 1992. The Air Mobility Command merged air refueling aircraft from Strategic Air Command with strategic airlift aircraft (e.g., C-5, C-141 and tactical theater airlift aircraft (e.g., C-130) from the concurrently disestablishing Military Airlift Command (MAC)", ".g., C-130) from the concurrently disestablishing Military Airlift Command (MAC). The Air Force Reserve renamed the 434th Air Refueling Wing as the 434th Wing on 1 August 1992. The Base Realignment and Closure Commission of 1993 directed realignment of Grissom Air Force Base to the Air Force Reserve (AFRES).", "The 305th Air Refueling Wing phased out operations and ended its presence on base on 30 September 1994, when the Air Force inactivated it. The Air Force then immediately reactivated a new 305th Air Refueling Wing with different personnel and equipment at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey", ". The Air Force inactivated the KC-135Rs of the 70th Air Refueling Squadron of the 305th Air Refueling Wing; this squadron transferred to Travis Air Force Base in California, joined another wing, and used a different aircraft. The Air Force also retired the Boeing EC-135G/L radio relay aircraft as part of the demise of the Post Attack Command and Control System.", "Air Force Reserve era", "Effective 1 October 1994, Grissom Air Force Base ceased active-duty operations, and the active Air Force transferred nearly half of the former base, including the runway, to the Air Force Reserve as Grissom Air Reserve Base. The Air Force Reserve (AFRES) redesignated the 434th Wing as the 434th Air Refueling Wing (434 ARW), and activated the 434th Mission Support Group", ". The 434th Air Refueling Wing operates two KC-135 Stratotanker air refueling squadrons, operationally within the Air Mobility Command (AMC).", "Because of the inactivation of the installation's active duty KC-135 wing due to BRAC, the Air Force reassigned Grissom Air Force Base in 1994 to the Air Force Reserve which later became the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) in 1997. The base added Marine Corps Reserve units in 2001 and United States Navy Reserve units in 2002", ". The base added Marine Corps Reserve units in 2001 and United States Navy Reserve units in 2002. In 2005, in an effort to consolidate Navy Reserve activities and units, the Navy Reserve transferred all its Grissom units to the Navy Operational Support Center at Heslar Naval Armory in Indianapolis, Indiana.", "In 2008, Grissom Air Reserve Base entered into a joint-use agreement and opened its runway to civilian operations. Miami County Aviation manages the day-to-day civil operations at Grissom Air Reserve Base. The extremely long runway and instrument navigation facilities make Grissom Air Reserve Base especially well suited to business jets as a refueling stop for long cross-country flights. Civilian air traffic controllers also staff a radar approach control facility at the airport.", "Until the retirement of the Space Shuttle on 21 July 2011, Grissom was also listed as one of the emergency landing sites due to its 12,500-foot runway.", "In 2015, it was announced that the Grissom was in the running for a squadron of the new KC-46A Pegasus. In October, it was announced that the base would not be receiving the aircraft, which instead was allocated to the 916th Air Refueling Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Grissom was also in competition with Westover Air Reserve Base and Tinker Air Force Base for basing of the KC-46A.\n\nPrevious names", "Previous names \n\n Established as Naval Reserve Air Base Peru, 1 July 1942\n Renamed Naval Air Station Peru, 1 January 1943\n Renamed Naval Air Station Bunker Hill, 1 March 1943\n Deactivated and used for farming, 1946–1951\n Reestablished as United States Air Force Storage Branch, 16 November 1951\n Reestablished as Bunker Hill Air Force Base, 22 June 1954\n Renamed Grissom Air Force Base, 12 May 1968\n Renamed Grissom Air Reserve Base, 1 October 1994–present\n\nMajor commands to which assigned", "Major commands to which assigned\n\n Tactical Air Command, 22 June 1954\n Strategic Air Command, 1 September 1957\n Air Mobility Command, 1 June 1992\n Air Force Reserve Command, 1 October 1994\n\nPrevious base operating units", "Previous base operating units\n\n 4433d Air Base Squadron, 1 April 1955\n 323d Air Base Group, 8 August 1955\n319th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, 1 November 1955 – 1 March 1963\n 4041st Air Base Group, 1 September 1957\n 305th Combat Support Group, 1 June 1959\n931st Air Refueling Group, 15 January 1970 – 1 July 1975; 1 July 1978 – 1 July 1987.\n\nMajor units assigned", "Major units assigned\n\n323d Fighter-Bomber Wing, 8 August 1955 – 1 September 1957\n 319th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 1 November 1955 – 1 January 1959 (Air Defense Command)\n305th Bombardment Wing (later 305th Air Refueling Wing), 1 June 1959 – 30 September 1994\n 434th Air Refueling Wing (previously 434th Special Operations Wing and 434th Tactical Fighter Wing), 15 January 1971 – Present\n\nAircraft assigned (Strategic Air Command)", "Aircraft assigned (Strategic Air Command)\n\nBoeing B-47 Stratojet (bomber)\nConvair B-58 Hustler (supersonic bomber)\nBoeing KC-135 (air refueling tanker)\nBoeing EC-135 (LOOKING GLASS, post-attack SAC Airborne Command Post)", "Role and operations\nThe host wing for Grissom Air Reserve Base is the 434th Air Refueling Wing (434 ARW) of the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC). As a result of previous post-Vietnam War base realignments and post-Cold War BRAC realignments, AFRC currently controls four former active duty Air Force Bases in the United States that have been re-designated as Air Reserve Bases (e.g., Grissom ARB, IN; Homestead ARB, FL; March ARB, CA; Westover ARB, MA).", "Grissom ARB also hosts Army Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve units.", "The base has a combined workforce consisting of both military personnel and civilians and ranked as the largest employer in Miami County and the third-largest employer in north-central Indiana in 2012. Grissom claims an economic impact of over $130 million per year, and is involved in community activities, like the Marine Corps Reserve's annual \"Toys for Tots\". The National Arbor Day Foundation designated the base as a \"Tree City\"", ". The National Arbor Day Foundation designated the base as a \"Tree City\". In 2017, Grissom Air Reserve Base became home to the Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club, Chapter 109, an official chapter of the Green Knights International Military Motorcycle Club. The club promotes motorcycle safety for both military and civilian personnel and is open to all active, reserve, and guard military members, DoD Civilians, DoD Contractors, and Retirees.", "Based units\nFlying and notable non-flying units based at Grissom Air Reserve Base.\n\nUnits marked GSU are Geographically Separate Units, which although based at Grissom are subordinate to a parent unit based at another location.\n\nUnited States Air Force \nAir Force Reserve Command (AFRC)", "Fourth Air Force\n 434th Air Refueling Wing (Host Wing)\n 434th Aerospace Medicine Squadron\n 434th Operations Group\n 72nd Air Refueling Squadron – KC-135R Stratotanker\n 74th Air Refueling Squadron – KC-135R Stratotanker\n 434th Operations Support Squadron\n 434th Maintenance Group\n 434th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron\n 434th Maintenance Operations Squadron\n 434th Maintenance Squadron\n 434th Mission Support Group\n 49th Aerial Port Squadron\n 434th Civil Engineer Squadron\n 434th Communications Squadron", "49th Aerial Port Squadron\n 434th Civil Engineer Squadron\n 434th Communications Squadron\n 434th Force Support Squadron\n 434th Logistics Readiness Squadron\n 434th Operational Contracting Flight\n 434th Security Forces Squadron", "United States Marine Corps \nUS Marine Corps Reserve\n\n 4th Marine Logistics Group\n Combat Logistics Regiment 45\n Communications Company\n Detachment 1 (GSU)\n\nUnited States Army \nUS Army Reserve", "United States Army \nUS Army Reserve\n\n US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne)\n 2nd Psychological Operations Group\n 16th Psychological Operations Battalion\n 316th Tactical Psychological Operations Company (GSU)\n 377th Sustainment Command\n 310th Sustainment Command\n 643rd Regional Support Group\n 766th Transportation Battalion\n 855th Quartermaster Company\n Detachment 1 (GSU)\n 108th Training Command\n 95th Training Division\n 4th Brigade \n 330th Regiment\n 1st Battalion (GSU)", "Environmental problems\nIn 2015, groundwater at about 20 feet below the surface was found to be contaminated with perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) at two former fire-training areas. PFCs are found in fire-suppressing foam used to extinguish petroleum-driven aircraft fires. The drinking-water wells near the base go much deeper, at 150 to 180 feet below the surface. At around 14 other sites on or near the base pollutants, like vinyl chloride, in soil or water are also being investigated.", "In September 2015, four water wells closest to the former firefighter training areas tested negative for PFC's as did the in-flow and out-flow points at the nearby city of Peru's municipal water treatment plant with levels below the EPA health advisory limits.", "The Air Force has been testing 82 former and active installations nationwide for PFC's. In 2015, PFCs were found in groundwater at the former Naval Air Station Brunswick and well water at Pease Air National Guard Base.\n\nGeography\nGrissom Air Reserve Base is located at , about 12 miles (19 km) north of Kokomo in Cass and Miami counties in Indiana. The nearby city of Peru is about 70 miles north of Indianapolis.", "The base is listed by the United States Census Bureau as the \"Grissom AFB\" census-designated place (CDP), with an area of , all land. As of the 2020 census, the population living on the base was 3,009, down from 5,537 in 2010.\n\nDemographics", "Demographics\n\nAs of the census of 2000, there were 1,652 people, 581 households, and 431 families residing in the CDP. The population density was 151.9/km2 (393.6/mi2). There were 1,091 housing units at an average density of 100.3/km2 (259.9/mi2). The racial makeup of the CDP was 86.7% White, 7.6% African American, 0.5% Native American, 0.7% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 1.5% from other races, and 3.0% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.2% of the population.", "There were 581 households, out of which 51.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 54.7% were married couples living together, 12.6% had a female householder with no husband present, and 25.8% were non-families. 19.1% of all households were made up of individuals, and 1.4% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.84 and the average family size was 3.27.", "In the CDP the population was spread out, with 36.4% under the age of 18, 9.1% from 18 to 24, 39.6% from 25 to 44, 12.8% from 45 to 64, and 2.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 27 years. For every 100 females there were 100.7 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.8 males.", "The median income for a household in the CDP was $45,000, and the median income for a family was $44,939. Males had a median income of $34,286 versus $21,447 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $15,869. About 8.6% of families and 8.9% of the population were below the poverty line, including 13.5% of those under age 18 and none of those age 65 or over.", "For the period 2007–2011, the estimated median annual income for a household in the CDP was $42,105, and the median income for a family was $42,857. Males had a median income of $35,819 versus $27,857 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $15,423. About 19.3% of families and 16.5% of the population were below the poverty line, including 23.7% of those under age 18 and none of those age 65 or over.", "In popular culture\nGrissom appears in the video game Tom Clancy's EndWar as a possible battlefield.\n\nGrissom is also mentioned in the movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon as a base used before the attack on Chicago.\n\nGrissom is also mentioned in \"flight of the intruder\"\n\nSee also\n\n Grissom Air Museum\n List of United States Air Force Aerospace Defense Command Interceptor Squadrons\n\nNotes \n\nCitations\n\nBibliography", "Further reading\n Maurer, Maurer. Air Force Combat Units of World War II. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office 1961 (republished 1983, Office of Air Force History, ).\n Ravenstein, Charles A. Air Force Combat Wings Lineage and Honors Histories 1947–1977. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Office of Air Force History 1984. .\n Mueller, Robert, Air Force Bases Volume I, Active Air Force Bases Within the United States of America on 17 September 1982, Office of Air Force History, 1989", "A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization 1946 – 1980, by Lloyd H. Cornett and Mildred W. Johnson, Office of History, Aerospace Defense Center, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado", "External links\n\n Grissom Air Reserve Base, official site\n Grissom Air Museum\n\nInstallations of the United States Air Force in Indiana\nBuildings and structures in Miami County, Indiana\nInstallations of Strategic Air Command\nCensus-designated places in Miami County, Indiana\nCensus-designated places in Cass County, Indiana\nInstallations of the United States Air National Guard\nTransportation buildings and structures in Miami County, Indiana" ]
Timeline of the Sinai insurgency
[ "The following is a chronological timeline of fatal incidents during the ongoing Sinai insurgency, which was invigorated by a period of relative instability and political turmoil in Egypt, beginning with the 2011 uprising against former autocrat Hosni Mubarak. Insurgent attacks, however, intensified significantly following the July 2013 coup that ousted Muslim Brotherhood-backed president Mohamed Morsi and subsequent crackdown on his supporters.", "2011\n 30 July 2011 - 6 Egyptian security forces killed.\n 14 August–September 2011, Operation Eagle: 1 Islamist militant and 2 civilians killed.\n 15 August 2011 - 1 Islamist militant killed, 6 captured.\n 17 August 2011 - 2 Bedouins killed in unclear circumstances.\n 18 August 2011 - 6 Israeli civilians and two soldiers and 5 Egyptian soldiers killed, as well as 10 attackers.\n\n2012\n\nMarch \n 27 March 2012 - 2 smugglers killed.\n\nApril \n 15 April 2012 - 2 policemen killed.", "2012\n\nMarch \n 27 March 2012 - 2 smugglers killed.\n\nApril \n 15 April 2012 - 2 policemen killed.\n\nMay \n 2 May 2012 – 1 policeman killed.\n 19 May 2012 – 1 tribe chief killed.\n\nJune \n 4 June 2012 – one policeman killed.\n 18 June 2012 – one Israeli civilian killed and two wounded by an attack on Israeli-Egyptian border fence.", "August \n 5 August 2012 - 16 Egyptian soldiers and 8 militants killed.\n 7 August 2012, Operation Sinai (2012) - 32 militants and suspects killed, 38 arrested; 2 civilians killed (by early September 2012).\n 8 August 2012 – 20 militants killed in Sinai.\n 12 August 2012 – 7 suspected militants killed.\n 13 August 2012 – Armed men shot dead tribal leader Khalaf Al-Menahy and his son.", "13 August 2012 – Armed men shot dead tribal leader Khalaf Al-Menahy and his son.\n 29 August 2012 – Egyptian Army tanks and helicopters attack Jihadi cells, resulting in 11 dead militants and 23 more taken prisoner with no reported military casualties.", "September \n 16 September 2012 - 1 Egyptian soldier killed.\n 21 September 2012 - 1 Israeli soldier and 3 militants killed.\n\nNovember \n 3 November 2012 - 3 policemen killed.\n\n2013\n\nApril\n 16 April 2013 - 1 policeman killed.\n\nMay\n 7 May 2013 - 1 civilian killed.\n 21 May 2013 - 1 militant killed.", "July\n June–July 2013 - 1 Egyptian soldier and 20 gunmen killed in clashes.\n 3 to 15 July 2013 - Following the ouster of President Morsi, 8 policemen, 2 Christians, one a priest, and five civilians have been killed in attacks by Islamist militants in the Sinai peninsula.\n 16–17 July 2013 - 10 militants killed.\n 17 July 2013 - 3 policemen killed.\n 18 July 2013 - 1 policeman killed.\n 19 July 2013 - 2 civilians killed.\n 21 July 2013 - 2 civilians, 2 officers, and 2 policemen killed.", "21 July 2013 - 2 civilians, 2 officers, and 2 policemen killed.\n 22 July 2013 - 1 civilian killed.\n 24 July 2013 - 2 soldiers and 3 jihadists killed.\n 26 July 2013 - 1 civilian killed.\n 27–28 July 2013 - 10 militants killed.\n 28 July 2013 - 1 officer killed.\n 29 July 2013 - 4 soldiers killed.\n 30 July 2013 - 1 soldier killed.", "August\n 2 August 2013 - 1 policeman killed.\n 5 August 2013 - 1 soldier killed.\n 7 August 2013 - 1 civilian killed.\n 9 August 2013 - 4 militants killed.\n 11 August 2013 - 12 militants killed.\n 14 August 2013 - 2 policemen and 1 army colonel killed.\n 15 August 2013 - 8 soldiers killed by insurgents near Arish.\n 17 August 2013 - 6 people killed.\n 18 August 2013 - 1 soldier killed.\n 19 August 2013 - 25 off service unarmed Central Security Forces soldiers were ambushed and executed by insurgents.", "30 August 2013 - 3 militants, 2 policemen and one police chief were killed in separate attacks.", "September\n 3 September 2013 - 15 militants killed.\n 4 September 2013 - 2 conscripts killed.\n 7 September 2013 - At least 31 militants killed.\n 11 September 2013 - 6 soldiers killed.\n 30 September 2013 - 3 policemen, 1 soldier, and 1 civilian killed.", "October\n 7 October 2013 - A car bomb killed three police officers in southern Sinai, hours after masked gunmen shot dead six soldiers in a patrol car outside the Suez Canal city of Ismailiya.\n 10 October 2013 - A suicide bomber rammed his explosives-laden car into a checkpoint outside the city of al-Arish in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, killing three soldiers and a policeman.\n 17 October 2013 - 6 militants killed.\n 18 October 2013 - 1 policeman killed.\n 21 October 2013 - 1 civilian killed.", "18 October 2013 - 1 policeman killed.\n 21 October 2013 - 1 civilian killed.\n 22 October 2013 - One officer and a civilian driver killed.\n 23 October 2013 - 1 soldier killed.", "November\n 6 November 2013 - 1 soldier killed and 3 Islamist militants killed.\n 7 November 2013 - 8 militants killed.\n 13 November 2013 - 2 militants killed.\n 14 November 2013 - 3 militants and two policeman killed.\n 15 November 2013 - 1 policeman killed.\n 16 November 2013 - 1 police officer shot dead in North Sinai.\n 20 November 2013 - 11 soldiers killed near el-Arish.\n 30 November 2013 - 3 militants killed.", "December\n 9 December 2013 - Leading member of Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, Abu Suhaib, killed while shooting at police, 22 suspected militants captured.\n 10 December 2013 - Wanted Ansar Bait al-Maqdis militant, Abdulrahman Salama Salem Abu Eita captured.\n 13 December 2013 - Wanted Islamist militant, Ahmed Ahmeed Abu Sreig, killed.\n 15 December 2013 - Wanted Islamist militant, Nesar Sabah Robaa Saleh, killed in Al-Arish, 40 suspected captured.", "16 December 2013 - Wanted militant named Abu Khaled was killed, 7 wanted militants and 20 suspected militants captured.\n 17 December 2013 - Wanted Islamist killed in Sinai.\n 18 December 2013 - 2 militants killed, 12 militants captured.\n 19 December 2013 - Two militants killed.\n 20 December 2013 - Two soldiers and 3 militants killed.\n 22 December 2013 - 4 militants killed and 4 suspected militants captured.", "22 December 2013 - 4 militants killed and 4 suspected militants captured.\n 24 December 2013 - 14 police officers and 2 civilians killed in an attack on a major police station.", "2014", "January\n 4 January 2014 - 1 soldier killed.\n 13 January 2014 - 2 militants killed by their own bomb; approximately 5 militants killed in unclear circumstances.\n 16 January 2014 - 1 militant killed.\n 17 January 2014 - 13 militants killed.\n 18 January 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 19 January 2014 - 1 militant killed.\n 25 January 2014 - 5 soldiers killed in attack on helicopter.\n 26 January 2014 - 4 soldiers killed.\n 29 January 2014 - 10 militants killed.", "26 January 2014 - 4 soldiers killed.\n 29 January 2014 - 10 militants killed.\n 30 January 2014 - 7 militants and one police officer killed.\n 31 January 2014 - 13 militants killed.", "February\n 1 February 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 3 February 2014 - 30 militants killed.\n 7 February 2014 - 20 militants killed.\n 9 February 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 16 February 2014 - 4 civilians (including 3 South Koreans) killed in the 2014 Taba bus bombing.\n 20 February - 10 militants killed.\n 21–23 February - 14 militants killed.", "March\n 1 March - 10 militants killed.\n 6 March - 1 policeman killed.\n 11 March - 7 militants killed.\n 17 March - 3 militants killed.\n 24 March - 3 militants killed.\n 30 March 2014 - 1 soldier killed.", "April\n 1 April 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 3 April 2014 - 1 CSF officer killed.\n 5 April 2014. - 4 militants killed.\n 11 April 2014 - 1 militant killed.\n 13 April 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 16 April 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 24 April 2014 - 6 militants killed.\n 27 April 2014 - 1 militant killed.\n 29 April 2014 - 3 militants killed.", "May\n 1 May 2014 - 5 militants killed.\n 2 May 2014 - 2 killed in suicide bombing in El-Tor; 1 killed in suicide bombing near Sharm el-Sheikh.\n 11 May 2014 - 1 army conscript killed in shooting in Sheikh Zuweid.\n 14 May 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 20 May 2014 - 6 militants killed.\n 22 May 2014 - 3 militants killed by suspected tribesmen.\n 23 May 2014 - 1 CSF officer killed.\n 28 May 2014 - 1 soldier killed.", "June\n 5 June 2014 - 7 militants killed.\n 8 June 2014 - 1 civilian killed.\n 11 June 2014 - 1 soldier killed.\n 16 June 2014 - 8 extremists killed.\n 21 June 2014 - 8 militants killed.\n 22 June 2014 - 19 militants killed.\n 28 June 2014 - Militants killed four members of the Central Security Forces. Armed assailants shot at a police officer in his car in Al-Arish. Two men accompanying the officer were killed while he survived unscathed.", "July\n 3 July 2014 - A raid carried out by the Egyptian army in North Sinai killed 17 Islamic militants.\n 9 July 2014 - 1 soldier killed.\n 14 July 2014 - 1 soldier and 7 civilians, including two children, were killed in two separate mortar attacks.\n 15 July 2014 - 7 militants and one soldier killed.\n 18 July 2014 - 1 police officer killed.\n 21 July 2014 - 2 tribal leaders killed.\n 22 July 2014 - 1 security guard killed.\n 23 July 2014 - 2 militants killed.", "22 July 2014 - 1 security guard killed.\n 23 July 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 24 July 2014 - 3 militants killed including Khaled el-Manaei brother of Shadi el-Manaei.\n 25 July 2014 - 2 CSF officers killed.\n 26 July 2014 - 12 militants were killed during an Egyptian Army raid near Sheikh Zuweid, while 4 children were killed in Rafah due to a rocket attack by suspected militants.\n 27 July 2014 - 14 militants killed by Egyptian security forces during raids on their hideouts in Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah.", "29 July 2014 - A girl was killed by a rocket.", "August\n 3 August 2014 - 5 militants killed in a military operation, during which security forces managed to destroy many of the militants' vehicles. A six-year-old boy was killed when a rocket that was meant to target a security convoy hit his house, injuring four others.\n 4 August 2014 - 11 militants were killed during a military raid in several districts of North Sinai near the border with Israel. Three tunnels and a number of vehicles were destroyed in the process.\n 8 August 2014 - 11 militants killed.", "8 August 2014 - 11 militants killed.\n 11 August 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 12 August 2014 - 9 alleged militants were killed by Egyptian army troops in North Sinai.\n 12 August 2014 - Two militants killed.\n 14 August 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n approximately 18 August 2014 - 4 civilians killed.\n 19 August 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 20 August 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 24 August 2014 - 14 militants killed.", "20 August 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 24 August 2014 - 14 militants killed.\n 31 August 2014 - 2 militants and one civilian killed. One of the militants was Fayez Abu-Sheta the key suspect in the kidnapping of a number of security personnel last year.", "September\n 1 September 2014 - 6 militants killed.\n 2 September 2014 - 11 policemen and 7 militants killed.\n 3 September 2014 - 1 policeman killed.\n 5 September 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 8 September 2014 - 1 police officer killed.\n 9 September 2014 - 2 militants and one civilian killed.\n 11 September 2014 - 1 civilian killed.\n 12 September 2014 - 1 army conscript killed.\n 13 September 2014 - 6 militants killed.\n 14 September 2014 - 4 militants killed.\n 16 September 2014 - 6 police killed.", "14 September 2014 - 4 militants killed.\n 16 September 2014 - 6 police killed.\n 19 September 2014 - A decapitated man was found in Sheikh Zuweid.\n 20 September 2014 - 1 militant killed.\n 21 September 2014 - 1 police officer killed.\n 22 September 2014 - 7 militants killed.\n 23 September 2014 - 4 militants killed.\n Approximately 26 September 2014 - 1 civilian killed.\n 27 September 2014 - 18 militants killed.", "October\n 1 October 2014 - 7 militants killed.\n 2 October 2014 - 1 militant commander killed.\n 3 October 2014 - 2 militants killed.\n 5 October 2014 - Three people beheaded and one shot to death by Ansar Bait al-Maqdis.\n 6 October 2014 - A 13-year-old boy was killed by an IED.\n 7 October 2014 - 17 militants killed.\n 9 October 2014 - 15 militants killed.\n 10 October 2014 - Shehata Farhan a top member of Ansar Bait al-Maqdis was killed.\n 12 October 2014 - 3 dead bodies found south of Al Arish city.", "12 October 2014 - 3 dead bodies found south of Al Arish city.\n 16 October 2014 - 3 policemen killed in a RPG attack.\n 17 October 2014 - Ansar Bait al-Maqdis leader captured in Arish and 3 killed in an IED attack.\n 18 October 2014 - 2 militants killed. 3 officers killed while destroying a tunnel.\n 19 October 2014 - 7 army officers killed.\n 21 October 2014 - 1 civilian killed.\n 22 October 2014 - 2 Israeli soldiers injured.\n 24 October 2014 - 33 security personnel killed.", "22 October 2014 - 2 Israeli soldiers injured.\n 24 October 2014 - 33 security personnel killed.\n 26 October 2014 - 7 militants killed.\n 30 October 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 31 October 2014 - 7 military personnel injured and 1 civilian killed.", "November\n 3 November 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 6 November 2014 - 4 civilians killed.\n 7 November 2014 - 5 militants killed.\n 8 November 2014 - 8 militants killed.\n 13 November 2014 - 3 soldiers and 2 police killed.\n 14 November 2014 - 5 militants killed.\n 15 November 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 18 November 2014 - 7 civilians and 3 militants killed.\n 21 November 2014 - 2 militants killed in an explosion, while 5 other militants were killed in security raids.\n 22 November 2014 - 10 militants killed.", "22 November 2014 - 10 militants killed.\n 23 November 2014 - 11 militants and 1 policeman killed.\n 25 November 2014 - 5 militants killed.\n 26 November 2014 - 3 policemen and 9 militants killed.\n 27 November 2014 - 3 civilians found dead.\n 28 November 2014 - 6 army personnel injured.", "December\n 2 December 2014 - 6 civilians found dead.\n 4 December 2014 - 2 civilians found dead.\n 10 December 2014 - 5 militants killed.\n 12 December 2014 - 17 militants killed.\n 14 December 2014 - 2 police officers killed.\n 15 December 2014 - 3 militants killed.\n 17 December 2014 - 5 militants killed.\n 18 December 2014 - 9 militants killed.\n 19 December 2014 - 1 militants killed.\n 20 December 2014 - 6 militants killed.\n 21 December 2014 - 7 militants and 4 civilians killed.", "20 December 2014 - 6 militants killed.\n 21 December 2014 - 7 militants and 4 civilians killed.\n 25 December 2014 - 1 militant killed.\n 26 December 2014 - 2 army personnel killed.\n 28 December 2014 - 2 militants killed.", "2015", "January\n 2 January 2015 - 1 militant killed.\n 4 January 2015 - 1 soldier killed.\n 10 January 2015 - 2 civilians found dead.\n 12 January 2015 - 7 civilians found dead.\n 13 January 2014 - Kidnapped police officer found dead. and 5 civilians killed.\n 14 January 2015 - 7 militants killed.\n 15 January 2015 - 1 army officer and 3 civilians killed.\n 16 January 2015 - 1 civilian killed.\n 19–20 January 2015 - 4 militants killed.\n 26 January 2015 - 3 militants killed and 3 civilians found dead.", "26 January 2015 - 3 militants killed and 3 civilians found dead.\n 29 January 2015 - 44 killed including 24 soldiers, 14 civilians and 6 policemen; 1 civilian found dead; 2 militants killed.\n 30 January 2015 - 2 civilians and 3 militants killed.", "February\n 1 February 2015 - 3 civilians killed.\n 2 February 2015 - 1 civilian killed.\n 3 February 2015 - 8 militants killed.\n 5 February 2015 - 1 conscript killed.\n 6 February 2015 - 47 militants killed and 1 civilian killed.\n 9 February 2015 - 1 civilian killed.\n 10 February 2015 - 15 militants killed.\n 11 February 2015 - 3 militants killed.\n 13 February 2015 - 18 militants killed.\n 16 February 2015 - 6 militants killed.\n 18 February 2015 - 5 militants killed and 1 civilian killed.", "18 February 2015 - 5 militants killed and 1 civilian killed.\n 25 February 2015 - 38 militants killed.\n 28 February 2015 - 28 militants killed and 1 civilian killed.\nAccording to an official army spokesman statement, a total of 173 militants were killed in February 2015.", "March \n 2 March 2015 - 8 militants killed.\n 3 March 2015 - 11 militants killed.\n 5 March 2015 - 15 militants killed.\n 6 March 2015 - 10 militants killed.\n 7 March 2015 - 15 militants killed.\n 9 March 2015 - 3 policemen killed.\n 10 March 2015 - 1 army officer and 1 civilian killed in two separate attacks; 9 militants killed.\n 11 March 2015 - 1 army officer killed and 11 militants killed.\n 12 March 2015 - 5 civilians found dead.\n 13 March 2015 - 19 militants killed.\n 16 March 2015 - 3 civilians found dead.", "13 March 2015 - 19 militants killed.\n 16 March 2015 - 3 civilians found dead.\n 17 March 2015 - 9 militants killed and 1 civilian found dead.\n 19 March 2015 - 28 militants killed.\n 20 March 2015 - 8 militants killed.\n 21 March 2015 - 10 militants killed.\n 22 March 2015 - 7 militants killed.\n 24 March 2015 - 2 soldiers and a policeman killed.\n 25 March 2015 - 7 militants killed.\n 28 March 2015 - 3 militants killed.\n 30 March 2015 - 6 militants killed.\n 31 March 2015 - 3 militants killed.", "April \n 2 April 2015 - 16 soldiers, 2 civilians and 15 militants killed.\n 4 April 2015 - 35 militants killed.\n 8 April 2015 - 10 militants, 2 policemen and 11 civilians killed.\n 12 April 2015 - 6 soldiers, 5 policemen and 1 civilian killed.\n 13 April 2015 - 1 conscript killed.\n 16 April 2015 - 1 soldier and 3 militants killed.\n 17 April 2015 - 10 militants killed.\n 20 April 2015 - 3 policemen, 2 civilians killed.\n 26 April 2015 - 17 militants killed.", "May \nAccording to an official army spokesman statement, a total number of 141 militants were killed in May 2015.\n\n 2 May 2015 - 29 militants killed.\n 6 May 2015 - 21 militants killed.\n 7 May 2015 - 2 policemen killed.\n 13 May 2015 - 4 soldiers and 3 civilians killed.\n 16 May 2015 - 4 civilians, including 3 judges, killed.\n 19 May 2015 - 5 militants killed.\n 25 May 2015 - 1 soldier killed.\n 27 May 2015 - 1 policeman killed.", "June \n 10 June 2015 - 16 militants and 1 soldier killed.\n 17 June 2015 - 7 militants and 1 soldier killed.\n 22 June 2015 - 22 militants killed.", "July \n On 6 July 2015, an Egyptian army statement claimed that 241 militants were killed during anti-terror operation between 1 and 5 July.\n 1 July 2015 - 17 soldiers and 100 militants killed.\n 2 July 2015 - 22 militants killed.\n 3 July 2015 - The Wilayah Sinai group claimed to have shot 3 grad rockets on 3 July 2015 from Sinai to southern Israel near the Gaza Strip. Two rocket hits were confirmed in Eshkol, which did not result in any injury or property damage. Israel did not respond to the attack.", "4 July 2015 - 3 civilians killed.\n 5 July 2015 - 29 militants killed.\n 15 July 2015 - 20 militants killed.\n On 16 July 2015, the group claimed responsibility for a rocket attack at an Egyptian Navy patrol boat along the northern coast of Sinai, close to the Gaza Strip.\n 18 July 2015 - 3 soldiers and 59 militants killed.\n Egypt's military announced in a statement on 2 August 2015, that 88 militants were killed between 20 and 31 July.\n 23 July 2015 - 4 soldiers killed.\n 24 July 2015 - 12 militants killed.", "23 July 2015 - 4 soldiers killed.\n 24 July 2015 - 12 militants killed.\n 31 July 2015 - 20 militants killed.", "August \n 1 August 2015 - 1 militant, Selim Suleiman Al-Haram, identified by the Egyptian army as one of the top leaders of Wilayat Sinai, was killed during an exchange of fire between him and soldiers who surrounded his residence.\n 9 August - 2 police officer were killed by militant in the northeastern province of Suez.", "September \n Operation Martyr's Right:\n 11 September 2015 - 4 soldiers, 2 civilians killed.\n 12 September 2015 - 98 militants killed.\n 15 September 2015 - 55 militants, 2 soldiers killed\n 17 September 2015 - 1 officer killed.\n 26 September 2015 - 2 officers killed.", "October \n 14 October 2015 - A suspected ISIL attack on a security checkpoint in North Sinai Governorate, Egypt, leaves at least 12 Egyptian military personnel and 15 terrorists dead.\n 15 October 2015 - Egyptian government airstrikes on jihadist targets in North Sinai Governorate, leave at least 100 terrorists killed and 40 others wounded.", "31 October 2015 - The group claimed responsibility for bringing down Russian aircraft Metrojet Flight 9268, carrying 224 passengers. It was flying to Saint Petersburg from Sharm-el-Sheikh when it broke up over Hasna (Egypt), killing all on board. Data obtained from the airplane black boxes gives credence to the idea that there was a bomb attack.", "November \n 10 November 2015 - one of the group's leaders, Ashraf Ali Hassanein Gharabali, was shot and killed in a shoot-out with Egyptian security forces in Cairo. The Egyptian Interior Ministry linked Gharabali to a string of attacks including an assassination attempt on the Interior Minister.\n 17 November 2015 - Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that a bomb attack brought down the Russian aircraft Metrojet Flight 9268.", "December \n 8 December 2015 - a bomb in Rafah killed four soldiers and injured four others.\n\n2016\n\nJanuary \n 7 January 2016 - The group claimed responsibility for an attack on the Arab gas pipeline.\n\nFebruary\n\nMarch \n 19 March 2016 - an attack on a checkpoint in Arish killed 13 policemen.\n\nApril \n 7 April 2016 - an attack killed 15 soldiers and two civilians.\n\nMay \n 30 May 2016 - 88 militants were killed and many supply caches were destroyed in an air attack on Jabal Halal.", "June \n 28 June 2016 - A series of air strikes killed 33 ISIS fighters and injured 50 others.\n\nJuly\n\nAugust \n 4 August 2016 - Egyptian military spokesperson said that Abu Doaa Al-Ansari, the leader of the North Sinai-based group that is affiliated with ISIS, was killed along with 45 other militants in air strikes in the south and south-west of El-Arish.\n\nSeptember \n 4 September 2016 - The army reported another 40 militants killed by airstrikes in September.", "October \n 1 October 2016 - 5 police conscripts killed.\n 14 October 2016 - 12 soldiers and 15 militants killed.\n 17 October 2016 - Clashes in North Sinai Governorate left 3 soldiers and 18 insurgents dead.\n 30 October 2016 - A military operation in North Sinai Governorate left 4 soldiers and 6 insurgents dead.", "November \n 5 November 2016 - In North Sinai Governorate Egyptian soldiers killed at least 11 terrorist.\n 10 November 2016 - Soldiers killed at least 6 insurgents in North Sinai Governorate\n\nDecember\n\n2017", "December\n\n2017\n\nJanuary\n 16 January - Bombing left one dead and 2 injured in Arish.\n 17 January - Insurgents kills at least 8 police in New Valley governorate.\n 20 January - Terrorist shoot dead a civilian in the city of Arish.\n 23 January - Insurgents kills at least 5 Egyptian soldiers.\n 25 January - Soldiers kills at least 3 terrorists.", "February\n 9 February - ISIL-linked operatives launched four Grad rockets from Egyptian territory in Sinai peninsula on the Israeli southernmost city of Eilat, prompting Israeli Iron Dome system to intercept three of the rockets, with no physical casualties or damage reported, though 11 civilians were brought to Eilat Josephtal Hospital to be treated for shock.", "March\n 9 March - Two police officers were killed and four wounded after an IED exploded near a security convoy in Arish.\n 18 March - Egyptian military killed 18 militants during recent air raids in North Sinai province.\n 20 March - Three people were killed and 11 others injured in two attacks across Sinai province, according to a local security source. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks.", "23 March - Ten Egyptian soldiers and two policemen have been killed by two car bomb explosions in central Sinai during an operation against militants. Fifteen militants were also killed and seven others arrested, the military said in a statement.\n 26 March - Army forces thwarted an ambush by militants in Rafah city, killing eight militants.\n 27 March - An army soldier was killed when gunmen opened fire on a military checkpoint in Sheikh Zuweid. No group claimed responsibility for the attack.", "April\n 3 April - A police officer was injured when he thwarted a terrorist attack on a security checkpoint in Arish.\n 18 April - A suicide bomber detonated at a checkpoint near a church in Southern Sinai, killing an officer and wounding four others.\n 21 April - It was reported on 21 April 2017 that an Egyptian air raid killed 19 ISIL fighters, including three unnamed leaders.\n 27 April - An Islamic State suicide bomber killed four members of a Bedouin tribe and wounded others in Rafah.", "May\n 20 May - Two civilians were abducted and beheaded in Rafah and Arish, a security source said. In another incident, seven gunmen were killed by army shelling in southern Rafah.\n\nJune\n\nJuly\n 22 July - 30 militants killed and four vehicles destroyed in airstrikes in Arish, Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah in the northern Sinai peninsula.\n\nAugust\n\nSeptember \n 12 September - At least 18 Egyptian policemen killed and three injured in an attack near Arish claimed by Islamic State.\n\nOctober", "October\n\nNovember \n 24 November 2017 - In bir al-Abed attack jihadists killed 311 people and injured at least 122.\n\nDecember \n 19 December 2017 - one officer was killed and two were injured in a failed assassination attempt on the Minister of Interior Magdi Abdel-Ghaffar and the minister of defense Sedki Sobhy.\n 20 December 2017 - 5 ISIS militants were killed and an army captain was killed.\n\n2018", "2018\n\nJanuary\n 3 January - Bomb leaves one police officer dead in North Sinai.\n 4 January - Three police officers and one civilian killed in an ambush outside of el-Arish.\n 9 January - Egyptian forces kill 8 suspected militants in a shootout in el-Arish.\n 17 January - Egyptian army kills one suspected terrorist and arrests 22 others in North Sinai.\n 23 January - Egyptian army kills two suspected militants in raids on hideouts in North Sinai.", "February\n 1 February - A Central Security Forces conscript is killed and another wounded after militants opened fire on a police checkpoint in south el-Arish.\n 4 February - Roadside bomb kills two Egyptian security officials just south of el-Arish.", "4 February - Roadside bomb kills two Egyptian security officials just south of el-Arish.\n 11 February - Egyptian military says 16 militants were killed and four arrested in a major security operation, and that 66 targets, arms depots and SUVs and motor-bikes used by militants were destroyed in raids focused mainly in Sinai, but also including parts of the Nile Delta and the western desert.", "19 February - 3 Egyptian soldiers and four militants affiliated with Islamic State killed in Sinai during government operation.\n 27 February - Two Egyptian soldiers and one officer killed while fighting militants in northern Sinai.", "March \n 4 March - 4 Egyptian soldiers and ten militants killed in el-Arish.\n 11 March - 2 Egyptian soldiers and 16 militants killed during military operation.\n 19 March - 4 Egyptian soldiers and 36 militants killed.\n 31 March - 2 Egyptian soldiers and 6 militants reported killed in northern Sinai.\n\nApril \n 14 April - 8 Egyptian troops killed and 15 wounded, 14 militants dead after attack on a military base in central Sinai.\n 25 April - Egyptian army reports 30 militants and 3 soldiers killed.", "May \n 29 May - 8 militants and 2 soldiers killed in crackdown on Sinai's western border.\n\nJune\n\nJuly\n\nAugust \n 19 August - A car bomb kills one military officer and wounds 4 conscripts south of el-Arish.\n25 August - 4 soldiers and 4 militants killed in clashes at a chechttps://www.arabnews.com/node/1527531/middle-eastkpoint in el-Arish city, another 10 soldiers reported wounded.", "September \n 7 Sept - A car bomb detonates during vehicle inspection, killing a colonel at Jabal al Halal. Another car bomb detonates and injures a soldier near Sheikh Zuweld.\n 29 Sep - Ambush on Egyptian security forces leaves 7 soldiers and one civilian dead", "October \n 20 October - Militants open fire on workers building a security wall in el-Arish, killing 3 workers and a fourth worker injured, counter-terrorism operations afterwards resulted in 6 militants dead.\n 25 October - A roadside bomb strikes workers building a security wall in el-Arish, killing 3 workers and injuring 10 more. The attack is blamed on the Islamic State.\n\nNovember", "November\n\nDecember\n 28 December - An explosion hits a bus near the Giza pyramids kills 3 Vietnamese tourists and an Egyptian guide and 11 others wounded. No-one claimed responsibility.\n\n2019\n\nJanuary\n\nFebruary\n\nMarch\n\nApril\n\nMay\n 27 May - Egyptian army claims 47 militants and 5 Egyptian soldiers killed during Egypt's ongoing military offensive in Sinai. The announcement did not specify when the deaths took place.\n\nJune\n 5 June - Militants kill at least 8 Egyptian policemen at a checkpoint in Sinai.", "June\n 5 June - Militants kill at least 8 Egyptian policemen at a checkpoint in Sinai.\n\nJuly \n\n18 July - Bombing in Sheikh Zuwaid kills 2, including security officer and injures another.\n\nAugust\n\nSeptember \n\n 14 September - Militants open fire on a checkpoint in El Arish, killing 3 security forces and injuring 2 others; 3 militants are also killed in the attack.\n 27 September - An ambush in Bir el-Abed leaves at least 7 soldiers and 1 civilian dead, and 2 soldiers wounded.\n\nOctober", "October \n\n 29 October - 2 soldiers killed in an ambush in Sheikh Zuwaid\n\nNovember\n\nDecember\n\n2020\n\nJanuary", "4 January - ISIL-SP released photos documenting the execution of two “agents” who worked for the Egyptian army, south of Bir al-Abd.\n 9 January - An IED was activated against an Egyptian army bulldozer near the Al-Ahrash camp in western Rafah. The bulldozer was put out of commission. An RPG rocket was launched at an Egyptian army tank near a checkpoint in western Rafah. The tank was put out of commission.", "12 January - An RPG rocket was launched at an Egyptian army tank near a checkpoint west of Rafah. The tank was put out of commission.\n 15 January - ISIL-SP Militants executed a person they claimed was an \"agent\" of the Egyptian military in the Sheikh Zuweid area of North Sinai Governorate.", "25 January - An Egyptian soldier was killed after being targeted by sniper fire near a checkpoint south of Rafah. Acting on intelligence from the attack, Egyptian security forces west of Al-Arish carried out an operation against ISIL-SP operatives who were planning to carry out an attack. The forces killed 12 ISIL-SP forces and wounded several others.", "February \n\n 2 February - ISIL-SP militants bombed a gas pipeline east of the city of Bir al-Abd, near the village of Amouriya, with flames rising high above the site.\n 5 February - Five Egyptian conscripts were shot dead after ISIL-SP militants stopped their taxi in central Sinai.\n 9 February - Seven soldiers were killed and another seven injured in attacks by ISIL-SP on three army checkpoints in North Sinai.\n\nMarch", "March \n\n 15 March - One Egyptian policeman was killed in a terrorist attack in Al-Arish, North Sinai during an attempt to kill a security officer.\n\nApril \n\n 7 April - Seven people, including three civilians, were killed and 26 civilians were injured in a suicide bombing near a marketplace in the North Sinai city of Sheikh Zuwayed.\n 30 April - Egypt took 10 casualties in a blast by ISIL-SP targeting an armoured vehicle in the northern Sinai.\n\nMay", "May \n\n 2 May - 18 suspected armed group members were killed in North Sinai in a firefight with security forces.\n 22 May - Egypt killed 21 suspected terrorists when police stormed two hideouts in the northern Sinai.\n 30 May - The Egyptian military killed at least 19 fighters during security operations in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula, which also resulted in five casualties among troops.\n\nJuly", "4 July - ISIL-SP militants approached the home of Shaaban al-Ergani, who is union head Ibrahim al-Ergani’s brother. In the ensuing clashes with tribal fighters, one member of Ergani’s security detail was killed and two others were injured.\n 6 July - A group of ISIL-SP militants attacked the village of Abou Tawila and killed three government-aligned Union of Sinai Tribes fighters and injured two others. One of the ISIL militants were killed.", "21 July - ISIL-SP occupied the villages of Aqtia, Al-Jenain, Rabi’a, Qatia, Iqtiya, Ganayen, Merih, and Al-Marih. They also attacked an Egyptian military camp in the village of Rabea and killed one civilian and claim to kill 40 troops. And claim to wounded 60 troops and three civilians. Egypt pursued the militants to a nearby farm and several deserted houses, killing 18 of them. Two soldiers were also killed in the attack", ". Two soldiers were also killed in the attack. The militants set up checkpoints at the entrance to Qatiya and killed a non-commissioned military officer.", "August \n\n 26 August - The Egyptian army retook the villages of Aqtia, al-Jenain, and Rabi’a from ISIL-SP.\n 28 August - The Egyptian army retook the villages of Al-Marih and Qatia from ISIL-SP killing 73 ISIL militants from the 26 to 28 August.\n\nSeptember", "September \n\n 23 September - Armed operatives ambushed an Egyptian army force near Jabal Halal, in northern Sinai. Two soldiers were killed and five others were wounded.\n 26 September - An Egyptian army officer and soldier were killed in the explosion of an IED on the Al-Arish highway.\n\nOctober", "11 October - Two women were killed and a man was wounded when an IED went off in their house after just having returning to it after fleeing the village of Qatia on 21 July. A woman and her daughter were also killed by an IED in the village of Al-Janain. Finally three women and a two-year-old were killed when an IED went off in their car.", "14 October - Lieutenant colonel Mohammad Salah Riad was killed and four of his wounded when an IED went off against them. An IED activated in the village of Al-Marh left one dead and two others were wounded.\n 30 October - ISIL-SP killed a man in Sheikh Zuweid for alleged collaboration with the army.", "November", "1 November - An IED damaged an Egyptian army mine sweeping vehicle near a roadblock southwest of Sheikh Zuweid.\n 2 November - An IED destroyed an Egyptian army bulldozer near a roadblock east of Sheikh Zuweid.\n 3 November - An army vehicle was attacked in the area of Rafah killing 2 soldiers.\n 4 November - The Egyptian army took an unknown number of casualties when an Egyptian army bulldozer hit an IED south of Sheikh Zuweid.", "7 November - The passengers of an Egyptian army armored vehicle were killed when an IED was activated against it in the village of Aqtia.\n 8 November - Three unknown armed men abducted a civilian in the city of Bir al-Abd.\n 9 November - Several soldiers were killed or wounded when an IED was activated against an Egyptian army armored vehicle near the village of Aqtia.\n 13 November - Three RPG rockets accurately hit an Egyptian army roadblock near the village of Fallujah.", "13 November - An ISIL-SP sniper killed an Egyptian soldier at a roadblock west of Rafah.\n 14 November - One Egyptian soldier was killed and others were wounded after taking machine gun fire south of Rafah.\n 15 November - An army observation tower's thermal camera was destroyed, after taking sniper fire at a roadblock near Sheikh Zuweid beach.", "2021", "1 January - A roadside bomb killed two members of Egypt's security forces and wounded five others near Bir al-Abd in the northern Sinai Peninsula.\n 9 February - ISIL-SP fighters ambushed tribal militias in central Sinai killing six and abducting one.\n 22 February - ISIS operatives fired at an Egyptian army patrol south of Sheikh Zuweid, near a roadblock. One soldier was killed and two others were wounded.", "27 February - IS operatives exploded an IED targeting an Egyptian foot patrol. The explosion killed 3 Egyptian soldiers including a colonel, Ahmad Abdel Mohsen. One other soldier was also wounded.\n 11 March — IS claimed responsibility for killing a father and his son who they said were 'collaborating' with Egyptian authorities.\n 22 March — Egyptian and Bedouin forces kill ISIS-SP leader, Salim Salma Said Mahmoud al-Hamadin, during clashes near Al-Barth, south of Rafah.", "2022 \n\n 7 May - ISIS attacked a water lifting station on the bank of the Suez canal resulting in at least 11 deaths among Egyptian security forces.\n\nReferences \n\nConflicts in 2011\nConflicts in 2012\nConflicts in 2013\nConflicts in 2014\nConflicts in 2015\nConflicts in 2016\n\nLists of armed conflicts in the 21st century\nSinai insurgency" ]
Union Jack
[ "The Union Jack, or Union Flag, is the de facto national flag of the United Kingdom. Although no law has been passed making the Union Flag the official national flag of the United Kingdom, it has effectively become such through precedent. The Union Flag was also used as the official flag of several British colonies and dominions before they adopted their own national flags. The flag continues to have official status in Canada, by parliamentary resolution, where it is known as the Royal Union Flag.", "It is sometimes asserted that the term Union Jack properly refers only to naval usage, but this assertion was dismissed by the Flag Institute in 2013 after historical investigations. The origins of the earlier flag of Great Britain date from 1606. King James VI of Scotland had inherited the English and Irish thrones in 1603 as James I, thereby uniting the crowns of England, Scotland, and Ireland in a personal union, although the three kingdoms remained separate states", ". On 12 April 1606, a new flag to represent this regal union between England and Scotland was specified in a royal decree, according to which the flag of England, a red cross on a white background, known as St George's Cross, and the flag of Scotland, a white saltire (X-shaped cross, or St Andrew's Cross) on a blue background, would be joined, forming the flag of England and Scotland for maritime purposes.", "The present design of the Union Flag dates from a royal proclamation following the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. The flag combines aspects of three older national flags: the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England, the white saltire of St Andrew for Scotland and the red saltire of St Patrick to represent Ireland. Although the Republic of Ireland is no longer part of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland is", ". Although the Republic of Ireland is no longer part of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland is. There are no symbols representing Wales in the flag, making Wales the only home nation with no direct representation, as at the time of the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542 (creating legal union with England) the concept of national flags was in its infancy. The Welsh Dragon was however adopted as a supporter in the royal coat of arms of England used by the Tudor dynasty from 1485.", "The flags of British Overseas Territories, as well as certain sovereign states and regions that were previously British possessions, incorporate the Union Flag into their own flag designs or have official flags that are derived from the Union Jack. Many of these flags are blue or red ensigns with the Union Flag in the canton and defaced with the distinguishing arms of the territory", ". The governors of British Overseas Territories and the Australian states, as well as the lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia also have personal standards that incorporate the Union Flag in their design.", "Terminology\nThe terms Union Jack and Union Flag are both used historically for describing the national flag of the United Kingdom. Whether the term Union Jack applies only when used as a jack flag on a ship is a matter of debate.", "According to the website of the Parliament of the United Kingdom: \"Until the early 17th century England and Scotland were two entirely independent kingdoms (Wales had been annexed into the Kingdom of England under the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542.). This changed dramatically in 1603 on the death of Elizabeth I of England. Because the Queen died unmarried and childless, the English crown passed to the next available heir, her cousin James VI, King of Scotland", ". England and Scotland now shared the same monarch under what was known as a union of the crowns.\" Each kingdom had its own national flag for ships, but in 1606 James VI and I introduced a combined national flag. The UK Parliament website states \"The result was the Union Jack, Jack being a shortening of Jacobus, the Latin version of James\".", "The etymology of jack in the context of flagstaffs reaches back to Middle German. The suffix -kin was used in Middle Dutch and Middle German as a diminutive. Examples occur in both Chaucer and Langland though the form is unknown in Old English. John is a common male forename (going back to the Bible), appearing in Dutch as Jan. Both languages use it as a generic form for a man in general. The two were combined in the Middle Dutch , whence Middle French and Middle English", ". The two were combined in the Middle Dutch , whence Middle French and Middle English . Jack came to be used to identify all manner of particularly small objects or small versions of larger ones. The OED has definition 21 \"Something insignificant, or smaller than the normal size\" and gives examples from 1530 to 2014 of this usage. Further examples in the compounds section at 2b illustrate this", ". Further examples in the compounds section at 2b illustrate this. The original maritime flag use of jack was \"A ship's flag of a smaller size than the ensign, used at sea as a signal, or as an identifying device\"", ". The jack was flown in the bows or from the head of the spritsail mast to indicate the vessel's nationality: \"You are alsoe for this present service to keepe in yor Jack at yor Boultspritt end and yor Pendant and yor Ordinance\" The Union Flag when instantiated as a small jack became known as the \"Union Jack\" and this later term transferred to more general usage of the Union Flag.", "Also later a short flagpole was placed in the bows of a ship to fly the jack, this became known as the jackstaff.", "According to the Flag Institute, a membership-run vexillological charity, \"the national flag of the United Kingdom, the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories is the Union Flag, which may also be called the Union Jack.\" The institute has also stated: Notwithstanding Their Lordships' circular of 1902, by 1913 the Admiralty described the \"Union Flag\" and added in a footnote that 'A Jack is a Flag to be flown only on the \"Jack\" Staff'.", "However, the authoritative A Complete Guide to Heraldry published in 1909 by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies uses the term \"Union Jack\".\n\nThe term \"Union Flag\" is used in King Charles I's 1634 proclamation:\n\n and in King George III's proclamation of 1 January 1801 concerning the arms and flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland:", "When the first flag representing Britain was introduced on the proclamation of King James I in 1606, it became known simply as the \"British flag\" or the \"flag of Britain\". The royal proclamation gave no distinctive name to the new flag. At the funeral of King James in 1625 the flag was called the \"Banner of the Union of the two Crosses of England and Scotland\". The word jack was in use before 1600 to describe the maritime bow flag. By 1627 a small Union Jack was commonly flown in this position", ". By 1627 a small Union Jack was commonly flown in this position. One theory goes that for some years it would have been called just the \"Jack\", or \"Jack flag\", or the \"King's Jack\", but by 1674, while formally referred to as \"His Majesty's Jack\", it was commonly called the \"Union Jack\", and this was officially acknowledged.", "A proclamation issued by King George III at the time of the Union of 1801 concerned flags at sea and repeatedly referred to \"Ensigns, Flags, Jacks, and Pendants\" and forbade merchant vessels from wearing \"Our Jack, commonly called the Union Jack\" nor any pendants or colours used by the King's ships. Reinforcing the distinction the King's proclamation of the same day concerning the arms and flag of the United Kingdom (not colours at sea) called the new flag \"the Union Flag\".", "The size and power of the Royal Navy internationally at the time could also explain why the flag was named the \"Union Jack\"; considering the navy was so widely utilised and renowned by the United Kingdom and colonies, it is possible that the term jack occurred because of its regular use on all British ships using the jackstaff (a flag pole attached to the bow of a ship)", ". The name may alternatively come from the 'jack-et' of the English or Scottish soldiers, or from the name of James I who originated the first union in 1603. Even if the term Union Jack does derive from the jack flag, after three centuries, it is now sanctioned by use and has appeared in official use, confirmed as the national flag by Parliament and remains the popular term.", "Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945, referred to the flag of the United Kingdom as the Union Jack. In March 1899, Churchill wrote to his mother from India about her plans to produce a new trans-Atlantic magazine, to be called The Anglo-Saxon Review", ". The drawing at the end of this letter was deliberately facetious, teasing her for going down-market, and in the accompanying letter he wrote, \"Your title 'The Anglo Saxon' with its motto 'Blood is thicker than water' only needs the Union Jack & the Star Spangled Banner crossed on the cover to be suited to one of Harmsworth's cheap Imperialist productions.\"", "More recently, Reed's Nautical Almanac (1990 edition) unambiguously stated: \"The Union Flag, frequently but incorrectly referred to as the Union Jack, ...\" and later: \"8. The Jack – A small flag worn on a jackstaff on the stem of Naval Vessels. The Royal Navy wears the Union Flag ... This is the only occasion when it correct to describe the flag as the Union Jack\". However, this assertion does not appear in any Reed's Nautical Almanac since 1993", ". However, this assertion does not appear in any Reed's Nautical Almanac since 1993. In the 2016 Reed's Nautical Almanac, the only entry where this might appear, section 5.21, covering Flag Etiquette, does not include this statement. Within the Almanac, neither the Union Flag nor the Union Jack are included pictorially or mentioned by name.", "For comparison with another anglophone country with a large navy, the Jack of the United States specifically refers to the flag flown from the jackstaff of a warship, auxiliary or other U.S. governmental entity.", "The Butcher's Apron is a pejorative term for the flag, common among Irish republicans, citing the blood-streaked appearance of the flag and referring to atrocities committed in Ireland and other countries under British colonial rule. In 2006, Sandra White, a Member of the Scottish Parliament, caused a furore when the term was used in a press release under her name. It was later blamed on the actions of a researcher, who resigned yet claimed that the comment had been approved by White", ". The Irish folk band the Wolfe Tones has a song entitled \"The Butcher's Apron\" which makes reference to the term.", "In the Chinese language, the flag has the nickname Rice-Character Flag (; Mandarin Pinyin: , Cantonese Jyutping: ), since the pattern looks like the Chinese character for \"rice\" ().\n\nDesign", "Design \n\nThe current flag's design has been in use since 1801. Its original blazon, as decreed by George III of the United Kingdom on 1 January 1801, reads: \n\"the Union flag shall be azure, the crosses-saltires of St. Andrew and St. Patrick quartered per saltire counter changed argent and gules; the latter fimbriated of the second [viz., argent]; surmounted by the cross of St. George of the third [viz., gules], fimbriated as the saltire [viz., argent].\"", "Specification\nThe Union Jack is normally twice as long as it is tall, a ratio of 1:2. In the United Kingdom, land flags are normally a ratio of 3:5; the Union Jack can also be made in this shape, but is 1:2 for most purposes. In 2008, MP Andrew Rosindell proposed a Ten Minute Rule bill to standardise the design of the flag at 3:5, but the bill did not proceed past the first reading.", "The three-component crosses that make up the Union Flag are sized as follows:\n The red St George's Cross width is of the flag's height with a flag height fimbriation\n The white diagonal St Andrew's Cross width is of the flag's height, visible on either side of the St Patrick's Cross in diagonals of and of the flag's height, respectively.", "The red diagonal St Patrick's Cross width is of the flag's height. It is offset by of the flag's height in an anti-clockwise direction. According to the official blazon of 1801, the white diagonal St Andrew's Cross is in fact counterchanged with the red diagonal of St Patrick's Cross. In this interpretation, the width of both saltires is of the flag's height, with fimbriations of of the flag's height on either side of the red saltire.", "The crosses and fimbriations retain their thickness relative to the flag's height whether they are shown with a ratio of 3:5 or 1:2. Height here is the distance from top to bottom which in vexillology is termed width or breadth.\n\nRatios", "Ratios\n\nThe Admiralty in 1864 settled all official flags at proportions of 1:2, but the relative widths of the crosses remained unspecified, with the above conventions becoming standardised in the 20th century. In the 19th century, the Union flag was defined by the same blazon but could vary in its geometrical proportions.", "Although the most common ratio is 1:2, other ratios exist. The Royal Navy's flag code book, BR20 Flags of All Nations, states that both 1:2 and 3:5 versions are official. The 3:5 version In this version, the innermost points of the lower left and upper right diagonals of the St Patrick's cross are cut off or truncated. The Garter King of Arms also suggests a ratio of 3:5 as the suitable proportion for a Union Flag flown on land.", "The Queen's Harbour Master's flag, like the Pilot Jack, is a 1:2 flag that contains a white-bordered Union Flag that is longer than 1:2. The jacks of ships flying variants of the Blue Ensign are square and have a square Union Flag in the canton. The Queen's Colours of Army regiments are ; on them, the bars of the cross and saltire are of equal width; so are their respective fimbriations, which are very narrow.", "In South Africa, the Union Jacks flown alongside the National Flag between 1928 and 1957 were 2:3 flags.\n\nColours\nThe colour specifications for the colours blue, red, and white are:", "Colours\nThe colour specifications for the colours blue, red, and white are:\n\nAll HEX, CMYK and RGB specifications for the Pantone colours are taken from the official Pantone website on the webpages of the corresponding colours. Although the colour schemes are official, not all of the colours are completely congruent. This is due to different specifications for different types of media (for example, screen and print).\n\nFlying", "The flag does not have reflection symmetry due to the slight pinwheeling of the St Patrick's and St Andrew's crosses, technically the counterchange of saltires. Thus, there is a correct side up. The flag does have two-fold rotational symmetry, though. The original specification of the Union Flag in the royal proclamation of 1 January 1801 did not contain a drawn pattern or express which way the saltires should lie; they were simply \"counterchanged\" and the red saltire fimbriated", ". Nevertheless, a convention was soon established which accords most closely with the description. The flag was deliberately designed with the Irish saltire slightly depressed at the hoist end to reflect the earlier union with Scotland, giving as it were seniority to the Saint Andrew's cross.", "When statically displayed, the hoist is on the observer's left. To fly the flag correctly, the white of St Andrew is above the red of St Patrick in the upper hoist canton (the quarter at the top nearest to the flag-pole). This is expressed by the phrases wide white top and broadside up. An upside-down flag must be turned over to be flown correctly; rotating it 180 degrees will still result in an upside-down flag.", "The first drawn pattern for the flag was in a parallel proclamation on 1 January 1801, concerning civil naval ensigns, which drawing shows the red ensign (also to be used as a red jack by privateers). As it appears in the London Gazette, the broad stripe is where expected for three of the four quarters, but the upper left quarter shows the broad stripe below.", "It is often stated that a flag upside down is a form of distress signal or even a deliberate insult. In the case of the Union Flag, the difference is subtle and is easily missed by the uninformed. It is often displayed upside down inadvertently—even on commercially-made hand waving flags.", "On 3 February 2009, the BBC reported that the flag had been inadvertently flown upside-down by the UK government at the signing of a trade agreement with Chinese premier Wen Jiabao. The error had been spotted by readers of the BBC News website who had contacted the BBC after seeing a photograph of the event.", "History", "In 1603, James VI of Scotland inherited the Kingdom of England (and the newly created client state, the Kingdom of Ireland) as James I, thereby uniting the crowns in a personal union", ". With Wales annexed into the Kingdom of England under the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542, James now ruled over all of the island of Great Britain, which he frequently described as a unified kingdom (though the parliaments of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland did not actually unify until the Kingdom of Great Britain was formed in 1707)", ". In the wake of the 1603 personal union, several designs for a new flag were drawn up, juxtaposing the Saint George's Cross and the St Andrew's Saltire, but none were acceptable to James:", "Various other designs for a common flag were drawn up following the union of the two Crowns in 1603, but were rarely, if ever, used. One version showed St George's cross with St Andrew's cross in the canton, and another version placed the two crosses side by side. A painted wooden ceiling boss from Linlithgow Palace, dated to about 1617, depicts the Scottish royal unicorn holding a flag where a blue Saltire surmounts the red cross of St. George.\n\n1606–1801", "1606–1801\n\nOn 12 April 1606, a new flag to represent the regal union between England and Scotland was specified in a royal decree, according to which the flag of England (a red cross on a white background, known as St George's Cross), and the flag of Scotland (a white saltire on a blue background, known as the saltire or St Andrew's Cross), would be joined together, forming the flag of Great Britain and first union flag:", "This royal flag was, at first, to be used only at sea on civil and military ships of both England and Scotland, whereas land forces continued to use their respective national banners. Flying the national flag at the mainmast had signified the Admiral of the Narrow Seas (the English Channel) and confusion arose. In 1634, King Charles I restricted its use to Royal Navy ships", ". In 1634, King Charles I restricted its use to Royal Navy ships. After the Acts of Union 1707, the flag gained a regularised status as \"the ensign armorial of the Kingdom of Great Britain\", the newly created state. It was then adopted by land forces as well, although the blue field used on land-based versions more closely resembled that of the blue of the flag of Scotland.", "Various shades of blue have been used in the saltire over the years. The ground of the current Union Flag is a deep \"navy\" blue (Pantone 280), which can be traced to the colour used for the Blue Ensign of the Royal Navy's historic \"Blue Squadron\". (Dark shades of colour were used on maritime flags on the basis of durability", ". (Dark shades of colour were used on maritime flags on the basis of durability.) In 2003 a committee of the Scottish Parliament recommended that the flag of Scotland use a lighter \"royal\" blue (Pantone 300) (the Office of the Lord Lyon does not detail specific shades of colour for use in heraldry).", "A thin white stripe, or fimbriation, separates the red cross from the blue field, in accordance with heraldry's rule of tincture where colours (like red and blue) must be separated from each other by metals (like white, i.e. argent or silver). The blazon for the old union flag, to be compared with the current flag, is azure, the cross saltire of St Andrew argent surmounted by the Cross of St George gules, fimbriated of the second.", "The Kingdom of Ireland, which had existed as a personal union with England since 1541, was unrepresented in the original versions of the Union Jack. However, the flag of the Protectorate from 1658 to 1660 was inescutcheoned with the arms of Ireland. These were removed at the Restoration, because Charles II disliked them.", "The original flag appears in the canton of the Commissioners' Ensign of the Northern Lighthouse Board. This is the only contemporary official representation of the pre-1801 Union Jack in the United Kingdom and can be seen flying from their George Street headquarters in Edinburgh.", "This version of the Union Jack is also shown in the canton of the Grand Union Flag (also known as the Congress Flag, the First Navy Ensign, the Cambridge Flag and the Continental Colours), the first widely used flag of the United States, slowly phased out after 1777.", "Lord Howe's action, or the Glorious First of June, painted in 1795, shows a Union flying from on the \"Glorious First of June\" 1794. The actual flag, preserved in the National Maritime Museum, is a cruder approximation of the proper specifications; this was common in 18th and early 19th century flags.", "The flag is also flown beside Customs House in Loftus Street, Sydney, to mark the approximate location at which Captain Phillip first raised the Union Jack, and claimed New South Wales in 1788. On the plaque it is referred to as the \"Jack of Queen Anne\".", "The British Army's flag is the Union Jack, but in 1938, a \"British Army Non-Ceremonial Flag\" was devised, featuring a lion on crossed blades with the St Edward's Crown on a red background. This is not the equivalent of the ensigns of the other armed services but is used at recruiting and military or sporting events, when the army needs to be identified but the reverence and ceremony due to the regimental flags and the Union Jack would be inappropriate.\n\nScottish Union Flag", "In objecting to the design of the Union Flag adopted in 1606, whereby the cross of Saint George surmounted that of Saint Andrew, a group of Scots took up the matter with John Erskine, 19th Earl of Mar, and were encouraged by him to send a letter of complaint to James VI, via the Privy Council of Scotland, which stated that the flag's design \"will breid some heit and miscontentment betwix your Majesties subjectis, and it is to be feirit that some inconvenientis sail fall oute betwix thame", ", and it is to be feirit that some inconvenientis sail fall oute betwix thame, for our seyfaring men cannot be inducit to resave that flage as it is set down\"", ". Although documents accompanying this complaint which contained drafts for alternative designs have been lost, evidence exists, at least on paper, of an unofficial Scottish variant, whereby the Scottish cross was uppermost. There is reason to think that cloth flags of this design were employed during the 17th century for unofficial use on Scottish vessels at sea", ". This flag's design is also described in the 1704 edition of The Present State of the Universe by John Beaumont, which contains as an appendix The Ensigns, Colours or Flags of the Ships at Sea: Belonging to The several Princes and States in the World.", "On land, evidence confirming the use of this flag appears in the depiction of Edinburgh Castle by John Slezer, in his series of engravings entitled Theatrum Scotiae, c. 1693. Appearing in later editions of Theatrum Scotiae, the North East View of Edinburgh Castle engraving depicts the Scotch (to use the appropriate adjective of that period) version of the Union Flag flying from the Palace block of the Castle. On The North Prospect of the City of Edenburgh engraving, the flag is indistinct.", "On 17 April 1707, just two weeks prior to the Acts of Union coming into effect, and with Sir Henry St George, the younger, the Garter King of Arms, having presented several designs of flag to Queen Anne and her Privy Council for consideration, the flag for the soon to be unified Kingdom of Great Britain was chosen", ". At the suggestion of the Scots representatives, the designs for consideration included that version of Union Jack showing the Cross of Saint Andrew uppermost; identified as being the \"Scotts union flagg as said to be used by the Scotts\". However, the Queen and her Council approved Sir Henry's original effort, numbered \"one\".", "A manuscript compiled in 1785 by William Fox and in possession of the Flag Research Center includes a full plate showing \"the scoth union\" flag. This could imply that there was still some use of a Scottish variant before the addition of the cross of St Patrick to the Union Flag in 1801.\n\nAfter 1801", "The current and second Union Jack dates from 1 January 1801 with the Act of Union 1800, which merged the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The new design added a red saltire, the cross of Saint Patrick, for Ireland. This is counterchanged with the saltire of St Andrew, such that the red always follows the white clockwise", ". The arrangement has introduced a requirement to display the flag \"the right way up\" (see specifications for flag use above). As with the red cross, so too the red saltire is separated by a white fimbriation from the blue field. This fimbriation is repeated for symmetry on the white portion of the saltire, which thereby appears wider than the red portion. The fimbriation of the cross of St George separates its red from the red of the saltire.", "Apart from the Union Jack, Saint Patrick's cross has seldom been used to represent Ireland, and with little popular recognition or enthusiasm; it is usually considered to derive from the arms of the powerful FitzGerald family rather than any association with the saint.", "Flag speculation after Irish Free State establishment\nWhen the Anglo-Irish Treaty was concluded on 6 December 1921 and the creation of the new Irish Free State was an imminent prospect, the question arose as to whether the cross of Saint Patrick should remain in the Union Jack. The New York Times reported that on 22 January 1922:\n \n\nThere was some speculation on the matter in British dominions also, with one New Zealand paper reporting that:", "However, the fact that it was likely that Northern Ireland would remain in the United Kingdom gave better grounds for keeping the cross of St. Patrick in the Union Jack. In this regard, Sir James Craig, the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland remarked in December 1921 that he and his government were \"glad to think that our decision [to remain part of United Kingdom] will obviate the necessity of mutilating the Union Jack", ".\" Though remaining within the United Kingdom, the new government of Northern Ireland dispensed with the St Patrick's Saltire in favour of a new flag derived from the coat-of-arms of the Burkes, Earls of Ulster, and quite similar to England's St George's Cross.", "Ultimately, when the British home secretary was asked on 7 December 1922 (the day after the Irish Free State was established) whether the Garter King of Arms was \"to issue any Regulations with reference to the national flag consequent to the passing of the Irish Free State Constitution Act\", the response was no and the flag has never been changed.", "A Dáil question in 1961 mooted raising the removal of the cross of St Patrick with the British government; Frank Aiken, the Irish Minister for External Affairs, declined to \"waste time on heraldic disputations\".", "21st century\nIn 2003, a private individual started a campaign – dubbed \"reflag\" or \"Union Black\" – to introduce black stripes in the Union Jack in order to represent the increasing diversity in the United Kingdom. The proposal was universally met with opposition and was denounced by MSP Phil Gallie as \"ridiculous tokenism [that] would do nothing to stamp out racism\".", "The lack of any Welsh symbol or colours in the flag is a result of Wales having been considered an integral part of the Kingdom of England at the time the flag of Great Britain was created in 1606. Since there is no Welsh element in the Union Jack, Wrexham's Labour MP Ian Lucas proposed on 26 November 2007 in a House of Commons debate that the Union Flag be combined with the Welsh flag to reflect Wales's status within the UK, and that the red dragon be added to the Union Flag's red, white, and blue pattern", ". He said the Union Jack currently only represented the other three UK nations, and Minister for Culture, Creative Industries and Tourism Margaret Hodge conceded that Lucas had raised a valid point for debate. She said, \"the Government is keen to make the Union Flag a positive symbol of Britishness reflecting the diversity of our country today and encouraging people to take pride in our flag.\" This development sparked design contests with entries from all over the world.", "In the run-up to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, various non-official suggestions were made for how the flag could be redesigned without the St Andrew's Cross if Scotland left the Union. However, as Scotland voted against independence, the issue did not arise.\n\nStatus in the United Kingdom", "Status in the United Kingdom\n\nThe Union Jack is used as a jack by commissioned warships and submarines of the Royal Navy, and by commissioned army and Royal Air Force vessels. When at anchor or alongside, it is flown from the jackstaff at the bow of the ship. When a ship is underway, the Union Jack is only flown from the jackstaff when the ship is dressed for a special occasion, such as the King's official birthday.", "The Union Flag is worn at the masthead of a ship to indicate the presence of the sovereign or an Admiral of the Fleet. The Union Flag may also be flown from the yardarm to indicate that a court-martial is in progress, though these are now normally held at shore establishments.", "No law has been passed making the Union Jack the national flag of the United Kingdom: it has become one through precedent. Its first recorded recognition as a national flag came in 1908, when it was stated in Parliament that \"the Union Jack should be regarded as the National flag\". A more categorical statement was made by Home Secretary Sir John Gilmour, in 1933 when he stated that \"the Union Flag is the national flag and may properly be flown by any British subject on land.\"", "Civilian use is permitted on land, but use of the unmodified flag at sea is restricted to military vessels. Unauthorised use of the flag in the 17th century to avoid paying harbour duties – a privilege restricted to naval ships – caused James's successor, Charles I, to order that use of the flag on naval vessels be restricted to His Majesty's ships \"upon pain of Our high displeasure", ".\" It remains a criminal offence under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 to display the Union Flag (other than the \"pilot jack\" – see below) from a British ship. Naval ships will fly the white ensign, merchant and private boats can fly the red ensign, others with special permission such as naval yacht clubs can fly the blue ensign. All of the coloured ensigns contain the union flag as part of the design.", "The Court of the Lord Lyon, which has legal jurisdiction in heraldic matters in Scotland, confirms that the Union Jack \"is the correct flag for all citizens and corporate bodies of the United Kingdom to fly to demonstrate their loyalty and their nationality.\"", "On 5 February 2008, Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) Andrew Rosindell introduced the 'Union Flag Bill' as a private member's bill under the 10 Minute Rule in the House of Commons. The Bill sought to formalise the position of the Union Flag as the national flag of the UK in law, to remove legal obstacles to its regular display. The Bill did not receive its second reading by the end of that parliamentary session", ". The Bill did not receive its second reading by the end of that parliamentary session. The Bill stated \"Union flag (commonly known as the Union Jack)\" in subsection 1(1), but otherwise uses the term \"Union Flag\".", "Flag days", "In July 2007, then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown unveiled plans to have the Union Flag flown more often from government buildings. While consultation on new guidelines was under way, the decision to fly the flag could be made by each government department", ". In March 2021, the UK government published new guidance for the Union Flag to be flown all year round on UK government buildings, unless another flag is being flown – such as another national flag of the UK, or a county flag, or other flags to mark civic pride.", "Previously, the flag was generally only flown on public buildings on days marking the birthdays of members of the royal family, the wedding anniversary of the monarch, Commonwealth Day, Accession Day, Coronation Day, the monarch's official birthday, Remembrance Sunday, and on the days of the State Opening and prorogation of Parliament. Non-government organisations were (and are) permitted to fly the Union Flag whenever they choose.", "The last specified set of flag days where the Union Flag should be flown from government buildings throughout the UK were:", "9 January (Birthday of The Princess of Wales)\n 20 January (Birthday of The Duchess of Edinburgh)\n 19 February (Birthday of The Duke of York)\n Second Monday in March (Commonwealth Day)\n 10 March (Birthday of The Duke of Edinburgh)\n 9 April (The King and Queen's Wedding Anniversary)\n 6 May (Anniversary of the coronation of the King)\n Second Saturday in June (The King's Official Birthday)\n 21 June (Birthday of The Prince of Wales)\n 17 July (Birthday of The Queen)", "21 June (Birthday of The Prince of Wales)\n 17 July (Birthday of The Queen)\n 4 August (Birthday of The Duchess of Sussex)\n 15 August (Birthday of The Princess Royal)\n 8 September (Anniversary of the accession of The King)\n 15 September (Birthday of The Duke of Sussex)\n Second Sunday in November (Remembrance Sunday)\n 14 November (The King's Birthday)", "In addition, the Union Flag was to be flown on the following days in specified areas:\n\n 1 March (Wales only, for St David's Day)\n 17 March (Northern Ireland only, for St Patrick's Day)\n 23 April (England only, for St George's Day)\n The Day of the Opening of a Session of the Houses of Parliament, Greater London only\n The day of the prorogation of a Session of the Houses of Parliament, Greater London only", "The Union Flag is flown at half mast from the announcement of the death of the sovereign (save for Proclamation Day), or upon command of the sovereign.", "On 30 November, (St Andrew's Day), the Union Flag can be flown in Scotland only where a building has more than one flagpole—on this day the Saltire will not be lowered to make way for the Union Flag if there is only one flagpole. This difference arose after Members of the Scottish Parliament complained that Scotland was the only country in the world that could not fly its national flag on its national day", ". However, on 23 April, St George's Day, it is the Union Flag of the United Kingdom that is flown over UK government offices in England.", "Usage and disposal\nThe Union Flag has no official status in the United Kingdom, and there are no national regulations concerning its use or prohibitions against flag desecration. In Northern Ireland, the Flags Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 provide for the flying of the flag on government buildings on certain occasions, when it is flown half-mast, and how it is displayed with other flags.", "The Flags and Heraldry Committee, an all-party parliamentary group lobbying for official standards, cooperated with the Flag Institute in 2010 to publish a set of recommended guidelines for the flag's display and use as a symbol.\n\nThere is no specific way in which the Union Flag should be folded as there is with the United States Flag. It is usually folded rectilinearly, with the hoist on the outside, to be easily reattached to the pole.", "Royal Navy Stores Duties Instructions, article 447, dated 26 February 1914, specified that flags condemned from further service use were to be torn up into small pieces and disposed of as rags (ADM 1/8369/56), not to be used for decoration or sold. The exception was flags that had flown in action: these could be framed and kept on board, or transferred to a \"suitable place\", such as a museum (ADM 1/8567/245).\n\nPosition of Honour", "Position of Honour \n\nAccording to the UK Flag Protocol, the order of precedence of flags in the United Kingdom is: the Royal Standards, the Union Flag, the flag of the host country (England, Scotland and Wales etc.), the flags of other nations (in English alphabetical order), the Commonwealth Flag, the county flags, the flags of cities or towns, the banners of arms, and the house flags.\n\nBritish Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies", "The Union Jack is the national flag of the British Overseas Territories, which are parts of the British realm with varying degrees of local autonomy. Most populated administrative regions and territories of the United Kingdom have been granted a unique flag for the locality, usually the Blue ensign or Red ensign defaced with the distinguishing arms of the territory. All fly the Union Jack in some form, with the exception of Gibraltar (other than the government ensign).", "The Crown Dependencies, unlike the British Overseas Territories, are legally not part of the United Kingdom, and the Union Jack is not an official flag there. Outside the UK, the Union Jack is usually part of a special ensign in which it is placed in the upper left hand corner of a blue field, with a signifying crest in the bottom right. When the Union Jack and the territorial flag are flown together, the national flag is always arranged to take precedence over the territorial flag.", "Status outside the United Kingdom\n\nAustralia\n\nThe Union Flag was used as a flag of Australia until 1953, although the Australian blue ensign saw use as a governmental flag of Australia, and an informal national flag of the country since the early 20th century. From 1911 to 1956, schools in South Australia were required to fly the Union Jack for the \"national salute\".", "In 1953, the Australian blue ensign was named the national flag of Australia, through the Flags Act 1953. Although the Australian blue ensign replaced the Union Jack as the flag of Australia, Australian prime minister Robert Menzies told Australians that the Union Flag would be flown together with the Australian national flag \"on notable occasions\"", ". Section 8 of that Flag Act also specified that the formalization of the Australian blue ensign as the national flag did \"not affect the right or privilege of a person to fly the Union Jack.\" The Union Jack continued to see informal use as a flag of Australia for a period thereafter, although by the 1980s, the majority of Australians viewed the Australian blue ensign as the national flag as opposed to the Union Jack.", "Canada\n\nThe Union Jack was the official national flag of Canada until 1965 when it was replaced in that role by the Maple Leaf flag. Since 1965, the Union Jack in Canada is used as an authorised symbol to represent Canada's \"membership in the Commonwealth of Nations and its allegiance to the Crown\".", "History\nThe Union Jack has been used in a variety of colonies in British North America since its official adoption in 1707, In 1867, the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Canada were united to form the Canadian Confederation; with the Union Jack being retained as the official flag of the new \"confederation\".", "In addition to the Union Jack, during the late 19th century, a red ensign defaced with the arms of Canada was also used as an informal flag of Canada. The defaced red ensign, later known as the Canadian Red Ensign, was eventually authorised for official use as the country's civil ensign in 1892. Although the Canadian Red Ensign was only formally authorised as a civil ensign, it was also viewed as a de facto national flag, as it was a uniquely Canadian symbol.", "In 1964, Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson introduced plans to replace the Union Flag with a new national flag, spurring the Great Canadian flag debate. A new national flag, the Maple Leaf, was approved by the parliament of Canada on 17 December 1964", ". A new national flag, the Maple Leaf, was approved by the parliament of Canada on 17 December 1964. However, on the following day, the Canadian parliament passed another resolution that designated the Union Flag as the Royal Union Flag and authorised its official use as the symbol of the country's membership in the Commonwealth of Nations and its allegiance to the Crown. The move was a concession given to those who preferred to adopt the Canadian Red Ensign as a formal national flag", ". On 15 February 1965, the maple leaf flag formally replaced the Union Flag as the flag of Canada following an official proclamation by Elizabeth II, with the Royal Union Flag becoming an official ceremonial flag.", "The Union Flag was also the formal flag for the Dominion of Newfoundland, a separate dominion of the British Empire from 1907 to 1949. Newfoundland retained the Union Flag as the province's official flag after it joined the Canadian confederation in 1949. In 1980, the flag of Newfoundland was adopted as the new provincial flag, with the design for the new flag of Newfoundland being derived from the Union Flag.", "Protocol\nThe parliamentary resolution passed on 18 December 1964 assigned two purposes for the Royal Union Flag: a flag representing the United Kingdom and an official ceremonial flag of Canada. When used to represent the United Kingdom, the flag takes precedence before the flag of a Canadian province or territory. However, when the flag is used as a ceremonial flag of Canada, the flag of a Canadian province or territory takes precedence before the Royal Union Flag.", "The parliamentary resolution requires the Royal Union Flag to be flown alongside the national flag of Canada (if there are at least two flag poles available) on federal properties on Commonwealth Day, Victoria Day (the monarch's official birthday in Canada), 11 December (the anniversary of the enactment of the Statute of Westminster, 1931), and when otherwise instructed to do so by the National Defence Headquarters", ". The Royal Union Flag may also be formally flown alongside the flag of Canada at federal locations in Canada for ceremonies, anniversaries, and other events relating to the Canadian Armed Forces or other forces in the Commonwealth.", "Items and properties that the parliamentary resolution applies to includes buildings operated by the federal government, military installations, federally-operated airports, at the masthead of Royal Canadian Navy ships within Canadian waters, and other appropriate establishments. The requirement for federal properties to fly the Royal Union Flag applies only when there are two or more flagpoles on the property, to ensure that the national flag of Canada is not taken down in place of the Royal Union Flag.", "New Zealand", "The Union Flag became the flag of New Zealand after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in February 1840, replacing the flag used by the United Tribes of New Zealand. The issue of flying the flag of the United Tribes alongside the Union Jack, as a symbol of their equal standing with the colonial government, served as a factor that led to the Flagstaff War, led by Ngāpuhi chief Hōne Heke. British maritime flags were used by New Zealand vessels until 1865", ". British maritime flags were used by New Zealand vessels until 1865. After the passage of the Colonial Naval Defence Act 1865, vessels of the New Zealand government used a defaced blue ensign issued by the colonial government.", "The current national flag of New Zealand was given official standing under the New Zealand Ensign Act in 1902, replacing the Union Flag. However, the Union Flag continued to see tandem use with the national flag of New Zealand into the 1950s.", "South Africa\nThe Union Jack was used as the flag of a variety of colonies in South Africa since 1795. The Union Jack was retained as the official flag of the Union of South Africa after its formation in 1910. In addition to the Union Jack, from 1910 to 1928, the South African Red Ensign was also treated as an unofficial flag of the union.", "Proposals to adopt a national flag were made during the 1920s. In 1927, the Union Nationality and Flag Act was passed by the Parliament of South Africa, which named both the Union Jack and the flag of South Africa as the flags of the union, both co-equal in status. The flag also incorporated the Union Jack in its design, alongside the flag of the Orange Free State and the flag of the South African Republic", ". The Union Jack was to be flown alongside the at principal government buildings in the capitals, at Union ports, on government offices abroad, and at such other places as the government might determine. The act went into effect on 31 May 1928.", "Instructions issued in 1931 confirmed the places where both flags were to be flown. In addition to those already mentioned, they were the Union Buildings in Pretoria, the head offices of the four provincial administrations, the supreme courts, certain magistrates' courts, customs houses, and three buildings in Durban (the general post office, the railway station, and the local military district headquarters). Under these arrangements, the Union Jack was subordinate to the", ". Under these arrangements, the Union Jack was subordinate to the . As the two flags had to be the same size, it meant that the Union Jack was made in the ratio 2:3 rather than the usual 1:2.", "This dual arrangement continued until 1957, when the Flags Amendment Act was passed naming the as the sole flag of South Africa. The was replaced by the flag of South Africa in 1994 as the country's national flag.", "Use outside the Commonwealth\nSeveral individuals residing in countries not a part of the Commonwealth of Nations have adopted the Union Flag as a flag of protest. After the British referendum on membership of the European Union resulted in a vote to leave, the Union Flag had become a symbol of euroscepticism in Italy. In August 2016, many local businesses along the Italian riviera hoisted the flags as a protest against the implementation of the Services in the Internal Market Directive 2006.", "Hong Kong", "The Union Flag was formerly used in Hong Kong when it was a British Dependent Territory. Official use of the Union Flag and the British colonial Hong Kong flag ceased following the handover of Hong Kong to China in July 1997. In the 2010s, the Union Flag, along with the colonial flag of Hong Kong began to see use by supporters of the pro-democracy camp during the 2014 Hong Kong protests, and the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests", ". The flag has been displayed at other pro-democracy events in Hong Kong, including the new year marches and the 1 July marches. Members of the Hong Kong Autonomy Movement, the Hong Kong independence movement and Hong Kong localists have been seen wielding the Union Flag or the colonial flag of Hong Kong.", "However, the meaning behind the use of the flags by pro-democracy protestors, including the Union Flag, remains disputed with protestors citing a variety of reasons for flying it. Some pro-democracy protestors that flew foreign flags, including the Union Flag, did so in an effort to attract international media attention to the protests, while others did so in an effort to irritate the central government of China", ". The Union Flag, in addition to other foreign flags, were also used by some protestors to illustrate their desire for Hong Kong to be an \"international city\"; whereas others used the flag simply as a generic symbol of freedom.", "Some specifically flew the Union Flag and the colonial flag of Hong Kong, nostalgic of the \"values\" of the previous colonial government, namely \"personal freedoms, rule of law, [and] clean governance\". Other pro-democracy protestors choose to use the Union Flag and the colonial flag of Hong Kong in an effort to call upon the British government to declare that China had failed to uphold the Sino-British Joint Declaration", ". Several Hongkongers that hold British National (Overseas) passports who used the flag during the protests were doing so as a call to the British government to grant British National (Overseas) the right to abode in the United Kingdom. Although a small number of Hongkongers seek direct British intervention into the matter, the majority of those that used the Union Flag or the colonial flag of Hong Kong during the protests do not hold such beliefs.", "The use of foreign flags at the protests, including the Union Flag, has been cited multiple times by the central government of China as evidence for their claim that foreign interference is steering the protests in Hong Kong against the central government. Conversely, several protestors in the pro-democracy camp have also been criticized the use of foreign flags, who view their use as reinforcing the claims made by the central government of China.\n\nUse in other flags\n\nNational and regional flags", "As the national flag of the entire British Realm, the Union Flag was found in the canton (upper flagpole-side quarter) of the flags of many colonies of Britain, while the field (background) of their flags was the colour of the naval ensign flown by the particular Royal Navy squadron that patrolled that region of the world", ". Nations and colonies that have used the Union Flag at some stage have included Aden, Basutoland (now Lesotho), Barbados, Bechuanaland (now Botswana), Borneo, Burma, Canada, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Cyprus, Dominica, British East Africa (Kenya Colony), Gambia, Gold Coast (Ghana), Grenada, Guiana, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Labuan (Malaysia), Lagos, Malta, Mauritius, Nigeria, Palestine, Penang (Malaysia), Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somaliland, South Africa, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan", ", Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somaliland, South Africa, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Pre-partitioned India (present-day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar), Tanganyika, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, the United States, and Weihaiwei", ". As former British Empire nations were granted independence, these and other versions of the Union Flag were decommissioned. The most recent decommissioning of the Union Flag came on 1 July 1997, when the former Dependent Territory of Hong Kong was handed over to the People's Republic of China.", "Four former British colonies in Oceania which are now independent countries incorporate the Union Jack as part of their national flags: Australia, New Zealand and Tuvalu, which have retained the monarchy; and Fiji, which abolished the monarchy in 1987.", "In former British colonies, the Union Jack was used interchangeably with informal flags of the territory for significant parts of their colonial early history. The Union Flag was used as the flag of Canada until it was re-adopted as a ceremonial flag, and the Maple Leaf flag made the official national flag in 1965. In addition to being an official ceremonial flag, the Union Flag also defaces the flags of a number of Canadian provinces, including British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario", ". Newfoundland and Labrador uses a flag that was derived from the Union Flag, with the Union Jack serving as the flag of Newfoundland until 1980. The Union Flag, and flags defaced with the Union Flag in its canton, like the Canadian Red Ensign, continue to see use in Canada in a private capacity. The pre-1801 Union Flag also sees limited use by private organizations, most notably the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada.", "Along with the national flag, many other Australian flags retain the use of the Union Jack, including the Royal Australian Navy Ensign (also known as the Australian White Ensign), the Royal Australian Air Force Ensign, the Australian Red Ensign (for use by merchant and private vessels), and the Australian Civil Aviation Ensign. The flags of all six Australian States retain the Union Jack in the canton, as do some regional flags such as the Upper and Lower Murray River Flags", ". The Vice-Regal flags of the State Governors also use the Union Jack. While the Flags Act 1953 states that Australians still have the \"right or privilege\" to fly the Union Jack after the introduction of the Australian National Flag, usage of the Union Jack by itself is unusual.", "The Basque Country's flag, the Ikurriña, is also loosely based on the Union Jack, reflecting the significant commercial ties between Bilbao and Britain at the time the Ikurriña was designed in 1894. The Miskito people sometimes use a similar flag that also incorporates the Union Jack in its canton, due to long periods of contact in the Mosquito Coast.", "The Union Jack was used by the United States in its first flag, the Grand Union Flag. This flag was of a similar design to the one used by the British East India Company. Hawaii, a state of the United States but located in the central Pacific, incorporates the Union Jack in its state flag. According to one story, the King of Hawaii asked the British mariner, George Vancouver, during a stop in Lahaina, what the piece of cloth flying from his ship was", ". Vancouver replied that it represented his king's authority. The Hawaiian king then adopted and flew the flag as a symbol of his own royal authority not recognising its national derivation. Hawaii's flag represents the only current use of the Union Jack in any American state flag.", "Also in the United States, the Union Flag of 1606 is incorporated into the flag of Baton Rouge, the capital city of Louisiana. Baton Rouge was a British colony from the time of the Seven Years' War until the end of the American Revolutionary War, when it was captured by Spanish forces. Symbols from the colonial powers France and Spain are also incorporated into the Baton Rouge flag. Taunton, Massachusetts, uses a flag with the old style Union Flag by a resolution on 19 October 1974", ". Likewise, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, has been known to fly a flag containing the King's Colours since 1973.", "The Union Jack also appeared on both the 1910–1928 and 1928–1994 flags of South Africa. The 1910–1928 flag was a Red Ensign with the Union coat of arms in the fly. The 1928–1994 flag, based on the Prinsenvlag and commonly known as the oranje-blanje-blou (orange-white-blue), contained the Union Jack as part of a central motif at par with the flags of the two Boer republics of the Orange Free State and Transvaal", ". To keep any one of the three flags from having precedence, the Union Jack is spread horizontally from the Orange Free State flag towards the hoist; closest to the hoist, it is in the superior position but since it is reversed it does not precede the other flags.", "The flag of the Municipal Council of Shanghai International Settlement in 1869 contained multiple flags to symbolize the countries have participated in the creation and management of this enclave in the Chinese city of Shanghai. The Union Jack was contained as part of top left hand shield and close to the flags of the United States and France, there was also contained the flag of Prussia nearby, but it was removed around 1917.", "The flag of the Chilean city of Coquimbo features the Union Jack, owing to its historical commercial links to Britain.\n\nEnsigns", "The Union Flag can be found in the canton of several of the ensigns flown by vessels and aircraft of the United Kingdom and its overseas territories. These are used in cases where it is illegal to fly the Union Flag, such as at sea from a ship other than a British warship. Normal practice for British ships is to fly the White ensign (Royal Navy), the Red ensign (Merchant and private boats) or the Blue ensign (government departments and public corporations)", ". Similar ensigns are used by other countries (such as New Zealand and Australia) with the Union Flag in the canton. Other Commonwealth countries (such as India and Jamaica) may follow similar ensign etiquette as the UK, replacing the Union Flag with their own national flag.", "Others", "The flag in a white border occasionally seen on merchant ships was sometimes referred to as the Pilot Jack. It can be traced back to 1823 when it was created as a signal flag, but not intended as a civil jack. A book issued to British consuls in 1855 states that the white bordered Union Flag is to be hoisted for a pilot", ". Although there was some ambiguity regarding the legality of it being flown for any other purpose on civilian vessels, its use as an ensign or jack was established well in advance of the 1864 Act that designated the Red Ensign for merchant shipping", ". In 1970, the white-bordered Union Flag ceased to be the signal for a pilot, but references to it as national colours were not removed from the current Merchant Shipping Act and it was legally interpreted as a flag that could be flown on a merchant ship, as a jack if desired. This status was confirmed to an extent by the Merchant Shipping (Registration, etc", ". This status was confirmed to an extent by the Merchant Shipping (Registration, etc.) Act 1993 and the consolidating Merchant Shipping Act 1995 which, in Section 4, Subsection 1, prohibits the use of any distinctive national colours or those used or resembling flags or pendants on Her Majesty's Ships, \"except the Red Ensign, the Union flag (commonly known as the Union Jack) with a white border\", and some other exceptions permitted elsewhere in the Acts", ". However, Section 2 regards the \"British flag\", and states that \"The flag which every British ship is entitled to fly is the Red Ensign (without any defacement or modification) and, subject to (a warrant from Her Majesty or from the Secretary of State, or an Order of Council from her Majesty regarding a defaced Red Ensign), no other colours.\" The Flag Institute listed the white bordered Union Flag as \"Civil Jack\".", "The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) was one of a few non-government institutions using the Union Jack in part of the flag. HBC rival North West Company had a similar flag as well. The HBC Red Ensign is no longer in use in 1965 and replaced with a corporate flag featuring the company's coat of arms.", "An unofficial flag for the British Empire was created around 1910 due to a belief that the Union Jack itself no longer sufficiently represented dominions such as Canada, which were beginning to adopt their own unique symbols. The flag was similar in design to a White Ensign, which features the Union Jack in the canton. In the other quadrants were the coats of arms of Canada, Australia, and South Africa", ". In the other quadrants were the coats of arms of Canada, Australia, and South Africa. The four stars forming the Crux over Saint George's Cross represented New Zealand, and the Star of India was featured prominently in the middle. Civilians often flew Empire flags for patriotic events such as coronations, Empire Day, and the British Empire Exhibition. It is still flown on special occasions at the Dangarsleigh War Memorial.", "The Union Jack is the third quarter of the 1939 coat of arms of Alabama, which is used on the flag of the governor of Alabama, representing British sovereignty over the state prior to 1783. The version used is the modern flag, whereas the 1707 flag would have been used in colonial Alabama.\n\nIn the former International Settlement of Kulangsu the Kulangsu Municipal Police had a badge contained multiple flags, including the Union Flag. Then the badge is incorporated in their police flag.\n\nIn popular culture", "The Union Jack remains one of the most instantly-recognisable flags in the world. This is chiefly due not only to its iconic and unusual design, but the influence of British culture across the globe as a result of the British Empire, and its resulting presence in several Commonwealth nations' flags and heraldry", ". While most of the former colonies of the British Empire have chosen to omit the Union Jack in their national flags, some countries such as Australia and New Zealand have chosen to keep the Union Jack as a symbol of their British heritage.", "The Union Flag has been a prominent symbol in the sphere of fashion since the British Invasion movement of the 1960s, in a similar manner to the American Stars and Stripes flag, and came back into fashion in the mid-1990s 'Cool Britannia' era, notably Spice Girl Geri Halliwell's iconic Union Jack dress of the 1997 Brit Awards", ". A notable increase in popularity was seen in Cuba following the 2012 London Olympics, with clothing, nail decoration, tattoos, and hairstyles in youths being observed featuring the pattern.", "Subsumation in corporate branding", "Commonly the Union Flag is used on computer software and Internet pages as an icon representing a choice of the English language where a choice among multiple languages may be presented to the user, though the American flag is also sometimes used for this purpose. The flag has been embroidered on various Reebok equipment as a mark of the brand's British origin, and the Reebok Union Jack has been referred to as a brand icon", ". Many music artists have used the Union Jack, ranging from rock artists the Rolling Stones, the Who, the Jam, Sex Pistols, the Stone Roses, David Bowie, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Freddie Mercury, Morrissey, Oasis, Iron Maiden, and Def Leppard, to the pop girl group the Spice Girls.", "British Airways painted a cropped Union Flag on their tail fins until 1984, from 1997 on, they started painting a stylised, fluttering Union flag on tail fins, nicknamed Chatham Dockyard Union Flag. The coat of arms of British Airways also features the escutcheon cropped from the Union Flag. British Airways used the coat of arms on their aircraft via the Landor livery between 1984–1997 and added back in 2011, also used as cap badge for pilots or in advertisements.", "The BMW Mini tail lights are shaped after the Union Jack.\n\nGallery\n\nUnion Flag variants 1606–1801\n\nUnion Flag in folk art\n\nSee also\n\n Cross\n List of British flags\n Northern Ireland flags issue\n Star of India (flag)\n Union Jack Club\n Union mark of Norway and Sweden\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links", "Union Jack at the Royal Family website\n Union Flag: approved designs at the College of Arms website\n Union Flag protocol at the College of Arms website \n British flags during The Protectorate and the Commonwealth of England – see external link\n BBC page for 400th anniversary of flag\n Monochrome Union Flag not flown to avoid controversy\n How to draw the Union Jack\n Union Jack Flag Infographic\n History of the Union Jack video\n UK Flag Protocol", "Union Jack Flag Infographic\n History of the Union Jack video\n UK Flag Protocol\n Poll asks if Welsh element to Union flag idea is a flyer. BBC News. Published 26 September 2014.", "British Empire\n \nFlags of Northern Ireland\nNational symbols of the United Kingdom\nUnionism in the United Kingdom\nJacks (flags)\n1801 establishments in the United Kingdom\nFlags introduced in 1801" ]
Rio de Janeiro bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics
[ "Rio 2016 was a successful bid to host the Games of the XXXI Olympiad and the XV Paralympic Games, respectively. It was submitted on September 7, 2007, and recognized as an Applicant city by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) one week after. On June 4, 2008, the IOC Executive Board shortlisted Rio de Janeiro with three of the six other Applicant cities—Chicago, Madrid and Tokyo; over Baku, Doha and Prague—becoming a Candidate city during the 2008 SportAccord Convention in Athens, Greece.", "Rio de Janeiro was shortlisted receiving a 6.4 score, according to a study of its Application File delivered to the IOC Working Group on January 14, 2008. As a Candidate city, Rio de Janeiro submitted its Candidature File to the IOC on February 11, 2009. The dossier was analyzed by the IOC Evaluation Commission, which arrived in the city on April 27, 2009, to assess the quality of the bid", ". Between April 29 and May 2, the Commission attended technical presentations and made inspections in all the existing venues across the city, giving a favorable assessment in its final report.", "The Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) chose Rio de Janeiro as its bidding city to host the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, during its Annual Assembly on September 1, 2006. This was the city's first bid that proceeded to the Candidature phase, after three failed attempts to host the Games in 1936, 2004 and 2012. The lengthy and intensive bidding process was concluded with the election of Rio de Janeiro as the host city during the 121st IOC Session, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 2, 2009", ". It is the first city in South America to host the Games.", "Rio de Janeiro planned to organize the Games at a cost of US$14.4 billion, being able to hold all sport events (excepting football) inside the city. There will be 30 competition venues in four Olympic zones—Barra, Copacabana, Deodoro, and Maracanã—apart from venues for golf and rugby union, which were added to the Olympic program after the election. Football matches were held in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Salvador and São Paulo", ". Football matches were held in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Salvador and São Paulo. The proposed dates ranged from August 5 to 21 for the Olympic Games, and September 7 to 18 for the Paralympic Games.", "Bid process", "Rio de Janeiro's bidding process began on July 28, 2006, when the Executive Council of the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB in the Portuguese acronym) met to consider the possibility of nominating a Brazilian city to host the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. This meeting was prompted by the fact that several cities in the world demonstrated interest around the election, some having already announced their bidding intention", ". Then a technical analysis was commissioned by COB to evaluate the conditions of the city, unveiled on August 25, 2006. A week later, on September 1, 2006, the COB's Annual Assembly decided by acclamation that Rio de Janeiro would be the Brazilian representative seeking to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016", ". The Assembly felt it was the only city in Brazil and South America which would possess Olympic-level facilities ready for an Olympic and Paralympic bid, a legacy of its upcoming hosting of the XV Pan American Games in 2007, later considered to be the best in history. Another positive aspect was that Rio de Janeiro could host all Olympic sports within the city limits, although the Olympic football tournament is hosted by multiple cities. The Brazilian government immediately expressed its support to the bid", ". The Brazilian government immediately expressed its support to the bid. Carlos Arthur Nuzman, president of COB, and César Maia, then Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, approved the decision, thus making the bid official.", "The International Olympic Committee (IOC) officially launched the bid process for the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics on May 16, 2007. All then 203 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) were invited to submit the name of a city within their jurisdiction until September 13, 2007. On September 14, the IOC recognized seven cities—Baku, Chicago, Doha, Madrid, Prague, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo—which had been put forward by their respective NOCs to bid", ". On October 1, 2007, the Rio de Janeiro bid committee paid the required fee of US$150,000 to the IOC and signed the Candidature Acceptance Procedure. Soon after, from October 15 to 19, Rio officials attended the 2016 Applicant cities' Seminar organized by the IOC at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland, where they learnt more about technical areas that would be analyzed throughout the application process", ". On January 14, 2008, the seven Applicant cities returned documents, known as the Application Files, containing the answers and guarantees requested by the 2016 Candidature Acceptance Procedure, which provided to the IOC an overview of each city's project", ". The responses were studied by the IOC Working Group for months and served as the basis to the shortlist of Chicago, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Madrid on June 4, 2008, becoming Candidate cities during a meeting of the IOC Executive Board at the 2008 SportAccord Convention in Athens, Greece.", "Rio de Janeiro bid to host the 1936, 2004 and the 2012 Games, but failed on every occasion; missing the shortlist in the two latest attempts, while the bidding process for 1936 did not follow the current standards. For the first time in the Candidature phase, the official bid flag was raised during a ceremony held at the Palácio da Cidade (English: City's Palace) on June 23, 2008, celebrating the Olympic Day", ". On July 3, 2008, the Rio de Janeiro bid committee paid a fee of US$500,000 to the IOC and signed the Candidature Procedure, reconfirming its acceptance of the rules. Then, Rio officials participated in the Olympic Games Observers Program from August 8 to 24, during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China; and attended the IOC Official Debriefing of the Beijing Games from November 24 to 27, in London, United Kingdom", ". On February 11, 2009, the Rio de Janeiro bid committee delivered its Candidature File to the IOC in Lausanne and, eight days later, to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in Bonn, Germany; containing the responses to the 2016 Candidature Procedure and Questionnaire, as well as guarantees and undertakings. The Candidature File had three volumes containing 568 pages of detailed answers to 300 technical questions, divided into 17 themes", ". Finally, on June 17, 2009, the IOC organized the 2016 Candidate Cities Briefing to 93 of its members at the Olympic Museum, being the first such meeting in its history and the most important before the election. Rio officials came out stronger after a presentation of 45 minutes, considered to be exceptional, followed by a session of 16 questions.", "Throughout the campaign, the Rio de Janeiro bid committee introduced its plans to the General Assemblies of all Associations of National Olympic Committees (ANOC), making the bid's first official presentation on October 11, 2008, to the Pan American Sports Organization (PASO), in Acapulco, Mexico. On October 21, the vision was presented to the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) in Bali, Indonesia, followed by the European Olympic Committees (EOC) on November 21, in Istanbul, Turkey", ". On March 26, 2009, Rio officials made a praised presentation during the 2009 SportAccord Convention in Denver, United States. For the first time, a world map of the past Olympic host cities was displayed, subsequently becoming an icon of Rio's campaign due to the void in South America", ". On March 31, 2009, the Rio de Janeiro bid committee made its plea to the Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) in Queenstown, New Zealand; and on July 7, to the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) in Abuja, Nigeria", ". The bid committee also attended many sporting events, such as the Australian and European Youth Olympic Festivals, the Commonwealth Youth Games, the Asian Youth Games and the Mediterranean Games, as well as the Aquatics, Athletics, Rowing and Judo World Championships", ". The three-year campaign culminated with the beginning of the 13th Olympic Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, which was officially opened in a ceremony held at the city's Opera House, and after a lunch offered by Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, to the heads of state of the four Candidate cities at the Amalienborg Palace.", "Evaluation", "Rio de Janeiro was primarily evaluated during the Applicant phase, accurately on March 14, 2008, when the IOC Working Group released its report after four days of meetings, giving a weighted-average score of 6.4 to the bid. It was based on a thorough technical analysis of the projects presented on the Application File, which was developed by the Rio de Janeiro bid committee after having access to the Olympic Games Knowledge Management database as well as the official IOC Technical Manuals", ". The Working Group composed of several experts assessed the city's potential for staging successful Olympic Games according to eleven criteria presented in the Application File. Rio de Janeiro's highest score came from Government support, legal issues and public opinion due to the strong government commitment, and its lowest from Safety and security due to the city's chronic problems of violence", ". Experience in major events also yielded good scores, while a shortage in the number of required hotel rooms undermined the accommodation theme. The Working Group also gave an 8.3 score to Tokyo, 8.1 to Madrid, 7.0 to Chicago, 6.9 to Doha, 5.3 to Prague and 4.3 to Baku; being the basis for the selection to the Candidature phase. On September 18, 2008, after the shortlist which concluded the Application phase, the IOC announced the composition of its Evaluation Commission", ". The commission inspected the four Candidate cities under the leadership of Nawal El Moutawakel, who also chaired the Evaluation Commission for the bid process of the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.", "The IOC Evaluation Commission arrived in Rio de Janeiro on April 27, 2009, to assess the quality of the bid, stating that the welcoming activities prepared by the city had been the best. Unlike the first evaluation, the committee did not assign scores, but analyzed the probability of execution of the plans. During the first two days of the visit, the Evaluation Commission held internal meetings at Copacabana Palace, the host hotel", ". Between April 29 and 30, the Commission attended technical presentations in a large ballroom equipped with lighting and multi-media resources, where it participated in question-and-answer sessions about each of the seventeen themes presented in the Candidature File. May Day was marked by the inspectors' visits to all existing venues across the city. On May 2, 2009, the Evaluation Commission made a press conference to highlight the main points of the visit", ". According to El Moutawakel, the Commission was very impressed with the unity of government support, the quality of the presentations and the level of integration of the Games in the country's long-term development plan. After seven days of inspections involving 300 professionals, the thirteen members of the IOC Evaluation Commission left Rio de Janeiro on May 3, 2009, on the way to Madrid", ". One month before the election, on September 2, 2009, Rio officials welcomed the released of the 2016 Evaluation Commission Report. It gave a very positive assessment to the city and described the documents submitted by Rio de Janeiro as \"of a very high quality\".", "Election", "The election of the host city took place at Bella Center on October 2, 2009, in Copenhagen, during the 121st IOC Session. Rio de Janeiro was the third city to present plans to the IOC members, entering the Hall A of Bella Center at 12:05 (CEST) with a delegation of 60 people, among bid leaders, government authorities and athletes. João Havelange made the opening speech and invited everyone to celebrate his centenary in Rio de Janeiro in 2016", ". Carlos Arthur Nuzman was the next speaker, talking about experiences of the Olympic movement, and who introduced the iconic map of past Olympic host cities. Governor Sérgio Cabral then spoke about projects related to security and transportation, followed by Henrique Meirelles, who explained the economic situation of Brazil", ". Mayor Eduardo Paes was responsible for presenting the venues plan alongside Carlos Roberto Osório, while they were complemented by Olympic sailor Isabel Swan, who stated that the project had been made thinking on athletes. Swan cited the other athletes present in the plenary: former football player Pelé, Paralympic swimmer Daniel Dias and junior athlete Bárbara Leôncio", ". After that, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva made a plea to bring the Games for the first time to South America, saying that was \"time to light the Olympic cauldron in a tropical country\". Nuzman returned and concluded the presentation, which included a short film (called Unity) by Academy Award nominated director Fernando Meirelles, and a music video (called Celebration) with an English version of \"Aquele Abraço\" by Gilberto Gil.", "After the presentation, the session was opened for questions. Nuzman clarified doubts by Arne Ljungqvist about doping legislation; Osório and Cabral answered two questions by Prince Albert of Monaco about accommodation and the project's legacy, respectively; and the President of Brazil himself responded to a question by Austin Sealy about organization risks. Following the presentations by the four Candidate cities, Nawal El Moutawakel presented the report of the Evaluation Commission to the Session", ". From a total of 106 eligible IOC members, 95 were available to vote in the first round. Members from the four bidding countries were not allowed to vote until their city was eliminated. Alpha Ibrahim Diallo, Kun Hee Lee, Saku Koivu and the IOC president were eligible members who did not vote. Chicago fell in the first round with 18 votes, while Tokyo received 22, Rio 26, and Madrid 28. In the second round, Tokyo was eliminated with 20 votes, while Madrid received 29 and Rio 46", ". In the second round, Tokyo was eliminated with 20 votes, while Madrid received 29 and Rio 46. Rio de Janeiro was elected in the final round with 66 votes over 32 for Madrid. The winning city was revealed by Jacques Rogge at 6:30 (CEST) during an announcement ceremony hosted by Lillian Gjerulf Kretz and Jonathan Edwards. Nearly 100,000 people celebrated the victory on Copacabana beach while watching the live broadcast", ". Nearly 100,000 people celebrated the victory on Copacabana beach while watching the live broadcast. Following the announcement, Richard Carrión, Rogge, Nuzman and Paes signed the Host City Contract and officialized Rio de Janeiro as the host of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games.", "Bid concept", "According to the Rio de Janeiro bid committee, the bid's concept was based on four principles—technical excellence, experience of a lifetime, transformation, and supporting the Olympic and Paralympic Movements—highlighting the city's celebration lifestyle, as seen on its promotional video (called Passion)", ". The 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics will embed the Games in society as a catalyst for social integration, through programs for job generation, education, community outreach, volunteerism, training and up-skilling initiatives. The campaign also focused on youth and the fact that South America never hosted the Olympic Games, considering it to be a \"self affirmation\" of the Brazilian people", ". Rio de Janeiro integrated economic, environmental and social elements into its \"Green Games for a Blue Planet\" vision and planted 2386 seedlings to offset 716 tons of carbon emitted over the two years of campaign. Athletes and spectators will enjoy good climatic conditions in Rio de Janeiro, where mild southern hemisphere winter with absence of heavy rainfall provides favorable atmosphere for athletic performance", ". Average midday temperature of is predicted during the proposed dates for the Games, with temperatures ranging from to and humidity levels of 66.4%.", "The visual identity of the candidature consisted of a logo and a slogan, which were applied in marketing moves during the campaign. Designed by Ana Soter and selected among four finalists by a special jury, the logo was unveiled during the 2007 Brazilian Olympic Awards, held at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, on December 17, 2007. The Sugarloaf Mountain was chosen to be the symbol as one of the city's most famous landmarks", ". The Sugarloaf Mountain was chosen to be the symbol as one of the city's most famous landmarks. According to the Rio de Janeiro bid committee, the design as a whole conveys a heart shape, representing Brazilian passion and enthusiasm for sports. First with only the inscription \"Applicant city\", the logo received the Olympic rings and the label \"Candidate city\" after being shortlisted", ". At midnight on January 1, 2009, the bid's slogan \"Live your passion\" was launched as part of the New Year's celebrations, which was attended by nearly two million people. According to the Rio de Janeiro bid committee, the slogan reflected the Brazilian's way of getting passionately involved in whatever they do. It was projected onto the Rio de Janeiro 2016-themed Ferris wheel after the countdown to the beginning of 2009", ". The structure erected on Copacabana beach to promote the candidature was high, weighed and had 24 gondolas for 144 people.", "Rio de Janeiro previously hosted major sporting, business and cultural events. On the sporting front, these events included World Cups and World Championships in many Olympic sports, as well as regional championships. From July 13 to July 29, 2007, the city successfully staged the 15th and largest ever edition of the Pan American Games (over 5,650 athletes competing in 34 sports) and the accompanying Parapan American Games (over 1,150 athletes competing in 10 sports)", ". Rio de Janeiro hosted the 1950 FIFA World Cup and recently hosted the 2014 FIFA World Cup, just two years before the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which includes upgrades to security, telecommunications and tourism infrastructure. The 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup will also be organised by Brazil and used as a test event for the 2014 FIFA World Cup", ". The proposed competition schedule spreads medals across the entire program with two peaks at the weekends, being similar to the 2008 Summer Olympics program. The period proposed by the Rio de Janeiro bid committee to stage the 2016 Summer Olympics is from Friday, August 5, to Sunday, August 21, 2016. It is also proposed that the 2016 Summer Paralympics begin on the Independence Day of Brazil, Wednesday, September 7, and last until Sunday, September 18.", "Politics", "The Rio de Janeiro bid committee was an incorporated non-profit entity under the leadership of an Honorary Council and an Executive Board, both chaired by Carlos Arthur Nuzman. At the highest level, the Honorary Council comprised the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro Sérgio Cabral, the Mayor of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes, and the two Brazilian IOC members: Nuzman and João Havelange", ". At the executive level, the Executive Board was divided in four departments—Government Coordination Commission, Business Council, Legacy Committee and Athletes' Commission—being responsible for the main operations of the campaign. The Board also included representations from the three levels of Government with the specific authority to make commitments on behalf of their respective Governments", ". Technical aspects of the bid were supported by various Councils and Committees composed of a professionals staff, and supplemented by a team of domestic and international experts; which were coordinated by Carlos Roberto Osório, Secretary General of the bid committee. Mike Lee, former Director of Communications and Public Affairs for the London bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics, was the lead advisor to the bid of Rio de Janeiro", ". His company, Vero Campaigning Communications, was responsible for planning the bid's advertising campaign strategy, presentation scripts, visual support development and international media relations, as well as international press conferences.", "Rio de Janeiro had full political backing from the three levels of the Government of Brazil—Federal, State and City—providing all guarantees and covenants required by the IOC, as well as some additional undertakings. All levels government, as well as all major political parties in the country, pledged complete support for the bid and endorsed the conduct of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brazil", ". On June 23, 2008, the Brazilian president formed the Government Action Management Committee, under the patronage of the Minister of Sport Orlando Silva, which coordinated Federal government actions during the bid process. Another act created the Olympic Development Authority (ODA) on January 17, 2009, to coordinate public services and infrastructure delivery for eventual Games in Rio de Janeiro, based in the pioneer model developed by Sydney for the 2000 Summer Olympics and Paralympics", ". Under legal aspects, the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG) would be the entity responsible for planning and staging the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. According to the IOC, the existing legislation was sufficient to enable the organization of the Games and would be amended or modified to suit the Olympic Charter if needed. The Ministry of External Relations and the Ministry of Labor guaranteed the entry, exit and working arrangements for Games personnel", ". People in possession of a valid passport and an Olympic or Paralympic Identity and Accreditation Card, in lieu of a visa, will be able to enter the Brazilian territory.", "Controversies", "The IOC's decision to shortlist Rio de Janeiro over Doha generated criticism, as the Doha bid committee accused the IOC of \"closing the door on the Arab world\" and of making a political decision rather than judging on technical grounds. Doha outperformed Rio de Janeiro in the majority of the categories assessed, but according to the IOC, Doha's desire to stage the Olympics in October because of high temperatures was the reason the bid was rejected", ". On May 3, 2009, the Rio de Janeiro bid committee accused the Madrid bid committee of sending a spy to Rio de Janeiro during the visit of the Evaluation Commission, and considered filing a formal ethics complaint with the IOC. Simon Walsh, who claimed to be a reporter working for EFE, omitted the fact that he was a paid consultant of the Madrid bid committee and was stripped of his media accreditation. Madrid officials denied the accusations", ". Madrid officials denied the accusations. On June 14, 2009, the American television network NBC aired the episode \"The Glory That Was...\" from the series Law & Order: Criminal Intent, in which a security company, interested in millionaire contracts with the possibility of hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil, bought votes of members of the \"Olympic Site Selection Committee\" for Rio de Janeiro and murdered a member of the Belgian Olympic Committee", ". When aired by AXN in Brazil on September 3, 2009, the episode received much criticism. Eduardo Paes called the show \"ridiculous and pathetic\", while the Rio de Janeiro bid committee condemned the \"irresponsible and reckless use\" of the city's image.", "Ahead of the election, the Rio de Janeiro bid committee lodged an official complaint against Madrid with the IOC Ethics Commission about comments made on September 30, 2009, by , vice president of the Spanish Olympic Committee (SOC); and considered doing it against Chicago due to comments by Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago, on September 21, 2009", ". Daley, Mayor of Chicago, on September 21, 2009. Odriozola called Rio de Janeiro \"the worst of the four candidates\", while Rio officials believe that Daley implied that the city was incapable of hosting the Olympics when he said it was \"not the same as hosting the [2014] FIFA World Cup\". Mercedes Coghen apologised for Odriozola's comments on behalf of the Madrid bid committee. According to the IOC rules, rival cities are not allowed to directly criticise other bidders", ". According to the IOC rules, rival cities are not allowed to directly criticise other bidders. After the conclusion of the bid process, Shintarō Ishihara, Governor of Tokyo, blamed \"invisible dynamics\" and political deals for Tokyo's failure. Rio officials repudiated \"the inappropriate statements\" and sent a formal notification to the IOC on October 6, 2009. On November 30, 2009, the Hollywood actor Robin Williams caused embarrassment due to humorous comments made in an interview with David Letterman", ". During the Late Show with David Letterman, broadcast by CBS, Williams said that Rio de Janeiro was elected as host city because it sent \"50 strippers and a pound of blow\" to compete with Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey, from Chicago. The comments were widely criticized by the Brazilian media and government authorities.", "Bid project", "Rio de Janeiro proposed to hold all sporting events within the city limits—apart from the football (soccer) tournaments which would be held in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Salvador and São Paulo—making the Games more compact and technically feasible", ". The competition venues will be located in four Olympic zones—Barra, Copacabana, Deodoro, and Maracanã—and divided in seven Olympic clusters—Barra, Copacabana, Deodoro, Flamengo, João Havelange, Lagoa and Maracanã—with four Olympic precincts—Maracanã, Olympic Park, Riocentro and X Park", ". The Olympic and Paralympic Village, the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) and the Main Press Centre (MPC) will be located at the Barra zone, which is the core of the project and includes the largest number of competition venues. A television tower will be built at the IBC/MPC complex to complement broadcasting operations and provide panoramic studios. There will be a media-exclusive hotel within the complex, accessible directly from the IBC/MPC", ". There will be a media-exclusive hotel within the complex, accessible directly from the IBC/MPC. The Olympic and Paralympic Village complex will include an Olympic Village Training Center, an Olympic Village Park, an Olympic Beach and direct access to the Olympic Park, in addition to the 8,856 rooms to accommodate over 17,770 athletes and team officials, including accredited additional officials.", "Rio de Janeiro's competition venues meet the International Federation's (IFs) technical requirements and both IOC and IPC standards, and align with the City Master Plan and legacy strategy. Most venues are already operational, recently developed or renovated. According to the Rio de Janeiro 2016 bid committee, there are ten (29%) existing venues with no permanent works required and eight (24%) venues requiring reforms, while nine (26%) new permanent venues and seven (21%) temporary venues will be built", ". In total there will be 34 competition venues alongside 29 training venues, as part of the training venues strategy. The most significant legacy project from the bid is the Olympic Training Center (OTC) program and facilities with its headquarters located in Barra zone", ". Furthermore, the Rio de Janeiro 2016 bid committee recognized the possibility of new sports being added to the Olympic Program and, following detailed analysis for each of the seven potential sports—baseball, golf, karate, roller sports, rugby, softball and squash—confirmed its capability to accommodate any of them in respect to venues, transport and other operational or logistical aspects", ". In addition, Rio de Janeiro and the four proposed cities to hold football (soccer) competitions—Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Salvador and São Paulo—were chosen to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup.", "Rio de Janeiro will build the Summer Paralympics, upon the experience of hosting the III Parapan American Games—considered \"the best ever\" by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the Americas Paralympic Committee (APC)—as well as many other international competitions for athletes with disabilities. For this purpose, the organizing committee will include representatives of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (BPC) and create a specific department responsible for supervising the Games", ". Another element that will bring the Paralympics up to par with their Olympic counterpart is the reuse of twenty Olympic competition venues for the equivalent Paralympic sports. Promotion of accessibility-friendly measures by the hospitality and tourism industries will also be encouraged and recognized by the government.", "Infrastructure", "Rio de Janeiro's infrastructure, systems, management structures and staff readiness will be tested during the 2014 FIFA World Cup and during dedicated test events for the transport network in 2015. There will be 49,750 rooms to meet IOC requirements, of which some 1,700 are located in apartment hotels in the city and more than 13,000 in hotels throughout Rio de Janeiro and the football tournament host cities", ". Rio de Janeiro proposed the use of cruise ships and condominium apartments to overcome a possible shortage in the number of hotel rooms. Six modern cruise ships will provide more than 8,500 cabins. Media would be accommodated in a combination of media villages and hotels. Rio de Janeiro plans to implement of Olympic lanes connecting the four Olympic zones and the Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport", ". An existing corridor of high-capacity rail and metro systems as well as motorways and major roads links three of the four Olympic zones, and with the development of the western corridor, all four zones will be connected. A bus rapid transit (BRT) system is going to be the main solution to the city's topography. Security and disaster-related risks for the event will be mitigated by the implementation of a comprehensive security operation", ". Crime in parts of Rio de Janeiro was considered to be an issue for the safety of people attending the Games. Rio de Janeiro's experience in mounting security structures around highly mediatized and crowd-attracting events is a positive aspect. The Federal Government will be responsible for the security of the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.", "Finance", "The three levels of Brazilian government assured the free provision of a range of services to the bid, including security, medical services, customs, transport, immigration, and other governmental services and support. Rio de Janeiro also approved funding of US$240 billion from the Program for Growth Acceleration (PAC) of the federal government. Other revenue-generating activities include sponsorship sales, ticketing program, licensing and merchandising", ". These revenues will be supplemented by IOC-secured commercial and broadcast contributions. Capital expenditure on infrastructure by the government or the private sector includes already committed and ongoing investments of US$3.9 billion on projects such as airport and subway expansions and construction of the metropolitan road arc", ". The OCOG budget does not assume any capital contributions to the construction of permanent or legacy venues, other than for Games overlay, including the construction of temporary venues. The balance of OCOG expenditures will be funded by the public sector, involving a combination of government commitments from Federal, State and Municipal levels. The OCOG budget and operating expenses are projected at US$2", ". The OCOG budget and operating expenses are projected at US$2.8 billion, with its Olympic-related budget, including capital investments in transportation, sports venues and incremental costs being US$11.6 billion. The government submitted guarantees to cover any potential shortfall. The bid expenses for both Applicant and Candidature phases were of R$85,792 million, as released during the official closing of the campaign on November 11, 2009.", "References\n\nExternal links \n\nOfficial videos\n\n .\n .\n .\n .\n\nOfficial documents\n\n2016 Summer Olympics bids\nSport in Rio de Janeiro (city)\nSport in Rio de Janeiro (state)\nPolitics of Rio de Janeiro (state)" ]
2020 Queen's Birthday Honours (Australia)
[ "The 2020 Queen's Birthday Honours for Australia were announced on 8 June 2020 by the Governor-General, David Hurley.\n\nThe Birthday Honours are appointments by some of the 16 Commonwealth realms of Queen Elizabeth II to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of those countries. The Birthday Honours will be awarded as part of the Queen's Official Birthday celebrations during the month of June.\n\nOrder of Australia\n\nCompanion of the Order of Australia (AC)", "General Division\n The Honourable Tony Abbott – For eminent service to the people and Parliament of Australia, particularly as Prime Minister, and through significant contributions to trade, border control, and to the Indigenous community.\n Belinda Jane Hutchinson – For eminent service to business, to tertiary education and scientific research, and through philanthropic endeavours to address social disadvantage.", "Naomi Gay Milgrom – For eminent service to the community through philanthropic leadership and support for the promotion of the arts, architecture, design excellence and cultural exchange, and to business.", "Officer of the Order of Australia (AO)", "General Division\n Alexander William Auldist – For distinguished service to paediatric medicine as a surgeon, educator and mentor of young physicians, and to professional organisations.\n The Honourable Michael Bruce Baird – For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of New South Wales, particularly as Premier, and to the community.\n Professor Graeme Laurence Barnes – For distinguished service to medicine, particularly to child gastrointestinal health, and to medical research.", "Emeritus Professor Perry Francis Bartlett – For distinguished service to neuroscience research, and to people living with dementia, motor neurone disease, and spinal cord injury.\n Colin David Beckett – For distinguished service to business in the energy, gas and oil production and infrastructure sectors, and to tertiary education.\n The Honourable Bronwyn Kathleen Bishop – For distinguished service to the Parliament of Australia, to the people of New South Wales, and to women in politics.", "The Honourable Ronald Leslie Boswell – For distinguished service to the Parliament of Australia, to the people of Queensland, and to fisheries research and development.\n Emeritus Professor Garry Leslie Brown – For distinguished service to aerospace and mechanical engineering, to education and research, and as a mentor of young scientists.", "Andrew James Burnes – For distinguished service to business, particularly through a range of travel industries, to professional tourism organisations, and to the community.\n William McFadyen Campbell – For distinguished service to public administration, and to international legal practice, through senior counsel and advisory roles.\n Professor Bruce James Chapman – For distinguished service to higher education, particularly in the field of economics and public policy, and to professional societies.", "Christine Christian – For distinguished service to the financial and investment sectors, to women in business, and through support for emerging entrepreneurs.\n Michael John Clarke – For distinguished service to cricket as a player at the national and international level, through leadership roles, and to the community.\n Professor Marcello Costa – For distinguished service to higher education, and to medical research, in the field of neurophysiology, and to professional scientific bodies.", "Emeritus Professor Suzanne Mary Crowe – For distinguished service to health and aged care administration, to clinical governance, biomedical research, and to education.\n Sean Christopher Dorney – For distinguished service to Australia-Papua New Guinea relations, to the broadcast media as a journalist, and as an author.\n Ralph John Lancaster Evans – For distinguished service to international trade and investment, to business and venture capital endeavours, and to the community.", "Professor Simon Robert Finfer – For distinguished service to intensive care medicine, to medical research and education, and to global health institutes.\n Dr Catherine Patricia Foley – For distinguished service to research science, to the advancement of women in physics, and to professional scientific organisations.\n Denise Carol Goldsworthy – For distinguished service to business, particularly to technological innovation and research in the mining and manufacturing sectors.", "Diane Jennifer Grady – For distinguished service to the community through business and advisory roles, to the advancement of women and girls, and to charitable initiatives.\n Lucy Mary Guerin – For distinguished service to contemporary dance as a choreographer, and as a mentor and advocate for emerging artists and new works.\n Professor Ian Ross Harper – For distinguished service to education in the field of economics, and to public and monetary policy development and reform.", "Professor Gregory James Elliott Hill – For distinguished service to education, particularly the development of tertiary facilities in regional areas, and to the community.\n David Watherston Hills – For distinguished service to community health for people in rural and remote areas through aeromedical care organisations, and to business.\n Patrick Terence Jackman – For distinguished service to the community through support for educational and medical research organisations, and to tourism and business.", "Professor Marcia Lynne Langton – For distinguished service to tertiary education, and as an advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.\n Dr Colin James Limpus, – For distinguished service to environmental science, particularly to the conservation of sea turtles, and as a mentor of young scientists.\n Professor Georgina Venetia Long – For distinguished service to medicine, particularly to melanoma clinical and translational research, and to professional medical societies.", "Ronald Brown Manners – For distinguished service to the minerals and mining sectors, and to youth through philanthropic support for educational initiatives.\n Allan Donald McCallum – For distinguished service to primary industry, particularly to grain, seafood and medicinal plant production, and to professional organisations.\n Professor Isabella Caroline McMillen – For distinguished service to medical science, and to tertiary education, to the community of South Australia, and to social equity.", "Robert Lewis Milne – For distinguished service to community health through contributions to, and support for, medical research, and to the construction industry.\n Greta Richmond Moran – For distinguished service to the visual arts through philanthropic initiatives, as an advocate for Australian art and artists, and to the aged care sector.\n Simon David Mordant – For distinguished service to the visual arts at the national and international level, to emerging artists, and to philanthropy.", "Professor Graham Lorimer Moseley – For distinguished service to medical research and science communication, to education, to the study of pain and its management, and to physiotherapy.\n The Honourable Dr Denis Vincent Napthine – For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, particularly as Premier, to veterinary science, and to the community.", "Robyn Anne Nevin – For distinguished service to the performing arts as an acclaimed actor and artistic director, and as a mentor and role model.\n Julien William O'Connell – For distinguished service to community health in the aged care sector through executive roles, and to higher education.\n Emeritus Professor Ronald Kim Oates – For distinguished service to paediatric medicine, as an advocate for child health and welfare, to medical education, and to professional societies.", "Michael Pezzullo – For distinguished service to public administration through leadership roles in the areas of national security, border control and immigration.\n The Honourable Justice Derek Michael Price – For distinguished service to the law, and to the judiciary, in New South Wales, and through contributions to professional legal organisations.", "The Honourable Graham Frederick Richardson – For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of Australia, to the media as a political commentator, and through philanthropic support for a range of community organisations.\n The Honourable Philip Maxwell Ruddock – For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of Australia, and to local government.\n Jan Vittorio Sardi – For distinguished service to the film and television industries as a screenwriter and director, and to professional guilds.", "Professor Bryant Allan Stokes , – For distinguished service to public health care governance and standards in Western Australia through leadership and advisory roles.\n Ryan Kerry Stokes – For distinguished service to business, particularly in the media, mining and construction sectors, to cultural institutions, and to mental health and sporting groups.", "Francis John Sullivan – For distinguished service to the community, particularly through social justice and legislative reform initiatives, and to health and aged care.\n Dr George Arthur Werther – For distinguished service to medicine, to paediatric endocrinology and research, and to professional medical organisations.\n Professor Ingrid Margaret Winship – For distinguished service to medicine, particularly to clinical genetics and research, to cancer prevention, and as a role model and mentor.", "Military Division\nNavy\n Rear Admiral Jonathan Dallas Mead – For distinguished service to the Royal Australian Navy in senior management and command roles.\n\nArmy\n Major General Simon Andrew Stuart – For distinguished service and exceptional leadership as Force Commander, Multinational Force and Observers, Operation MAZURKA.\n\nAir Force\n Air Marshal Warren George McDonald – For distinguished service in responsible positions as Deputy Chief of Air Force and Chief of Joint Capabilities.", "Member of the Order of Australia (AM)", "General Division\n The Honourable Jane Lesley Aagaard – For significant service to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory, and to the community.\n Dr Jennifer Anne Abbey – For significant service to the health of aged persons, particularly to pain care management.\n Stefan Ackerie – For significant service to business, and through support for charitable organisations.\n David Charles Airey – For significant service to the real estate industry, and to professional institutes.", "Ian Bell Allen – For significant service to the community through support for a range of organisations, and to cancer survivorship programs.\n Gregory Arthur Allum – For significant service to surf lifesaving, to international federations, and to the community.\n Jeanette Miller Anictomatis – For significant service to the people of the Northern Territory through representational roles, and to youth through Guides.", "The Honourable Justice Peter David Applegarth – For significant service to the law, and to the judiciary, and to social justice.\n Penelope Jane Armytage – For significant service to public administration in Victoria, and to the community.\n Dr Arumugam Alagappa Arumugam – For significant service to medicine, to psychiatric health care, and to professional groups.\n Yvonne Audette – For significant service to the visual arts as an abstract painter.", "Yvonne Audette – For significant service to the visual arts as an abstract painter.\n Charles Morland Bailes – For significant service to the law, to professional legal societies, and to the community.\n Professor Barbara Jane Bain – For significant service to medicine, and to medical education, particularly to haematology.\n Dr Christopher Stuart Baker – For significant service to medicine, to dermatology, and to professional medical colleges.", "Gary Eric Baldwin – For significant service to oenology as a wine maker, consultant and judge, and to professional associations.\n Martin Bartfeld – For significant service to the law, to legal education and reform, and as a mentor.\n Dr Robert John Bartlett – For significant service to orthopaedic medicine, and to national and international medical associations.\n Professor Kaye Enid Basford – For significant service to tertiary education, to the biomedical sciences, and to scientific academies.", "Jennifer Jane Batrouney – For significant service to the law, to the legal profession, and to women lawyers.\n Emeritus Professor Robert Charles Baxter – For significant service to medical research, to endocrinology, and to tertiary education.\n Dr Denver Edward Beanland – For significant service to the people and Parliament of Queensland, and to archival and historical organisations.\n Margie Beck – For significant service to Australia-Timor Leste relations through teacher education roles.", "Jay Annette Bonnington – For significant service to the community through support for charitable organisations, and to business.\n Glenn Bourke – For significant service to sailing at the elite level as a competitor, coach and administrator.\n Malcolm Stuart Boyd – For significant service to civil engineering, to tertiary education, and as a role model.\n John Richard Brew – For significant service to the rail transport and logistics industry, and to education.", "Sarah Louise Brown – For significant service to community health, to remote area nursing, and to the Indigenous community.\n Dr Neil Lyall Bryans – For significant service to science and defence capability technology through radar and telecommunications research.\n Michael John Burge – For significant service to community mental health, to advocacy, and to education.\n Bede Michael Burke – For significant service to the egg production industry, and to the community of Tamworth.", "Dr John Craig Byrne – For significant service to people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to social justice.\n Ainslie June Cahill – For significant service to people living with arthritis, and to community health groups.\n Dr Rosemary Anne Callingham – For significant service to mathematics education, to teacher development, and to the community.\n Emeritus Professor Michael Francis Capra – For significant service to tertiary education, particularly to workplace health and safety science.", "Michael James Carlton – For significant service to the print and broadcast media, and to naval history.\n Michel-Henri Ernest Carriol – For significant service to Australia-France relations, to business, and to the community.\n Frances M. Cassidy – For significant service to Australia-United States of America cultural and business relations.\n Dr Gabrielle Afifee Cehic – For significant service to medicine, to nuclear oncology, and to professional medical groups.", "Eric James Chalmers – For significant service to the community through child accident prevention and road safety organisations.\n Professor Esther Ruth Charlesworth – For significant service to architecture, to education, and to the community of the Asia-Pacific region.\n Elizabeth (Libby) Patricia Christie – For significant service to performing arts administration, and to women in business.", "Judith Ann Clarkson – For significant service to business through child and aged care projects, and to the community.\n Dr Russell John Corlett – For significant service to plastic and reconstructive medicine, and to the community of the Asia-Pacific region.\n The late Dr Michele Cotton – For significant service to veterinary science, to education, and to professional organisations.\n Dr Jackie Craig – For significant service to science and technology research in the defence capability field.", "Brigadier Alison Margaret Creagh – For significant service to veterans and their families, and to rowing.\n Perry Cross – For significant service to people living with a spinal cord injury, and as a role model.\n Brian (Bruno) Cullen – For significant service to the banking and credit union sector, to rugby league, and to the community.\n Dr John Henry Curotta – For significant service to medicine as an ear, nose and throat surgeon, and to Indigenous health.", "Dr Austin Mark Curtin – For significant service to medicine, and to health outcomes in regional communities.\n Professor Tamara Maree Davis – For significant service to astrophysical science, to education, and to young astronomers.\n Andrew Robert De Fégely – For significant service to the forestry industry through business and advisory roles.\n Margot Alison De Groot – For significant service to the law, to professional legal bodies, and to women in business.", "The Honourable John Joseph Della Bosca – For significant service to public health, particularly in the disability and drug support sectors, and to the Parliament of New South Wales.\n Michael Anthony Dillon – For significant service to the pharmacy profession, and to the community.\n Professor Neil Murray Drew – For significant service to tertiary education, to behavioural science, and to Indigenous health.", "Dr Katarzyna Magdalena Dziegielewska – For significant service to tertiary education, to anatomy and neurobiology, and as a mentor.\n Kevin John Edwards – For significant service to the legal profession, and to aged care and sporting organisations.\n Peter James Eveille – For significant service to the care and welfare of veterans and their families.\n Associate Professor Seamus Joseph Fagan – For significant service to tertiary education, particularly to English language teaching.", "Dr David Geoffrey Fahey – For significant service to emergency response organisations, and to medicine in the field of anaesthesia.\n Norman Harold Farmer – For significant service to life saving at the national and international level, and to water safety initiatives.\n The Honourable Alan Baird Ferguson – For significant service to the Parliament of Australia, and to the community of South Australia.", "Professor Nicholas Maxwell Fisk – For significant service to tertiary education, and to maternal-fetal medicine.\n Julie Fitzgerald – For significant service to netball as a coach, and as a mentor of sportswomen.\n Atticus Richard Fleming – For significant service to the conservation of endangered wildlife and habitats.\n Philippa Anne Forrester – For significant service to the tourism and hospitality sectors, and to the community.", "Professor Susan (Lesley) Forster – For significant service to tertiary education, to rural public health, and to medical administration.\n Renita Maree Garard – For significant service to hockey at the elite level, and to the community of Townsville.\n Professor Stephen Robert Garton – For significant service to tertiary education administration, and to history.\n Dr Karen Rae George – For significant service to history preservation and research, and to professional associations.", "Ian Andrew Gillespie – For significant service to motoring associations, to the cooperatives and mutual sector, and to motor sport.\n Professor Matthew Todd Gillespie – For significant service to tertiary education administration, and to medical research.\n Dr Jennifer (Jill) Gordon – For significant service to psychological medicine, and to professional medical bodies.\n Barbara Jean Green – For significant service to tertiary education, particularly to university colleges.", "Debbie Grove – For significant service to softball through umpiring development roles at the elite level.\n John Alan Hall – For significant service to community mental health, and to business.\n Margaret Halsmith – For significant service to the law, and to dispute resolution organisations.\n Emeritus Professor John Mackenzie Ham – For significant service to medical education, and to professional organisations.", "Dr Bruce Fairgray Harris – For significant service to higher education, to veterans, and to the community.\n Susan Ida Harris – For significant service to the community through philanthropic endeavours.\n Marilyn Frances Havini – For significant service to the international communities of Papua New Guinea and Bougainville.\n Margaret Lynne Hinton – For significant service to education, to philosophy, and to professional associations.", "Hugh James Hiscutt – For significant service to the people and Parliament of Tasmania, and to the community of West Devon.\n Dr Phoebe Joy Ho – For significant service to medical research, to haematology, and to professional bodies.\n Kathryn Terese House – For significant service to the community through charitable initiatives.\n Frank Richard Howarth – For significant service to the visual arts through the museums and galleries sector.", "James Anthony Hutchison – For significant service to amateur radio, particularly to satellite and space communication.\n Elizabeth Marie Jameson – For significant service to business, and to the community.\n Andrew Jaspan – For significant service to the print and digital media, and to tertiary education.\n Dr Rebecca Nicole Johnson – For significant service to wildlife forensic science, and to young women scientists.", "Emeritus Professor Rhondda Elizabeth Jones – For significant service to tertiary education administration, to science, and to tropical health.\n Dr Sara Louise Jones – For significant service to medical education, to podiatry, and to professional groups.\n Dr Anthony Phillip Joseph – For significant service to emergency medicine, to medical colleges, and to education.\n Ian Lindsay Kaye-Eddie – For significant service to medical administration, and to community health.", "David St Leger Kelly – For significant service to the law, to legal reform, and to tertiary education.\n Vincent Anthony (Tony) Kelly – For significant service to business, particularly to the natural resource supply industry.\n The late Glenys Kendrea Kendall – For significant service to lacrosse through administrative roles, and as a player.\n The Honourable Justice Susan Coralie Kenny – For significant service to the law, and to the judiciary, particularly to the Federal Court of Australia.", "Professor Cheryl Kickett-Tucker – For significant service to tertiary education, and to the Indigenous community.\n Antoinette Annette Kimmitt – For significant service to business, and to gender equality and inclusion.\n Marie Joan Kormendy – For significant service to people who are deaf or hard of hearing through humanitarian assistance programs.\n Dr David Ian Kram – For significant service to the performing arts, to opera and chamber choirs, and to education.", "Eddie Kutner – For significant service to the property development and financial sectors, and to science.\n Kate Lamont – For significant service to the tourism and hospitality sectors in Western Australia.\n Peter Andrew Lancken – For significant service to business, to the equipment hire and rental industry, and to the community.\n Ian Langford-Brown – For significant service to youth through Scouts, and to the community of the North Shore.", "Lynette Ann Larsen – For significant service to cricket as a player, selector, manager and coach at the elite level.\n Ross Edward Ledger – For significant service to the accounting profession, to wildlife conservation, and to the community.\n Professor Jeffrey Lipman – For significant service to medicine, to anaesthesiology and critical care, and to education.\n Kris Lloyd – For significant service to the artisan cheese making industry, to education, and to tourism.", "Emeritus Professor William Stewart Logan – For significant service to tertiary education, and to cultural heritage research.\n Ming Long – For significant service to the financial and real estate sectors, and to diversity and inclusion.\n Emeritus Professor John William Longworth – For significant service to tertiary education, and to the agricultural sciences.\n Dr Sue Margaret Lopez Atkinson – For significant service to early childhood education, and to the Indigenous community.", "Dr Douglas William Lording – For significant service to medicine, to endocrinology and andrology, and to the community.\n Dr John Robert Macpherson – For significant service to people with a disability, and to access and inclusion.\n Kenneth Ian Macpherson – For significant service to public administration, particularly through executive legal roles.\n Professor Rhonda Pearl Marriott – For significant service to tertiary education, to Indigenous health, and to nursing.", "The Honourable Justice Shane Raymond Marshall – For significant service to the law, and to the judiciary, to industrial relations, and to mental health.\n Dr John Edward Matthews – For significant service to dentistry through professional associations, and to education.\n Dr Susan Jane Mayes – For significant service to physiotherapy, particularly to professional ballet dancers.", "John Francis McKenzie – For significant service to the law, to the legal profession, and to social justice for the Indigenous community.\n Judith Louise Meppem – For significant service to nursing administration, and to community health.\n Elizabeth Ruth Mohle – For significant service to industrial relations, to the nursing profession, and to the superannuation sector.\n Denis Sean Moriarty – For significant service to the community, to social welfare, and to public administration.", "Professor Philip Leo Patrick Morris – For significant service to psychiatry, to medical education, and to professional health organisations.\n Dr Richard Walter Morris – For significant service to medicine, and to emergency and disaster medical response.\n Jane Ellen Mottley – For significant service to the law, to the judiciary, and to professional legal bodies.\n David Alexander Muir – For significant service to the community through welfare, social justice and charitable organisations.", "Philip Munz – For significant service to the community through philanthropic initiatives, to medical research, and to business.\n Professor Nicholas Martin Nakata – For significant service to tertiary education, and to learning outcomes for Indigenous students.\n Dr Susan Josephine Neuhaus – For significant service to medicine, to community health, and to veterans and their families.\n Mark Opitz – For significant service to the performing arts, particularly to music production.", "Mark Opitz – For significant service to the performing arts, particularly to music production.\n Genevieve Mary Overell – For significant service to the community through roles with a range of organisations.\n Gretel Lees Packer – For significant service to the community, to the visual and performing arts, and to conservation.\n Cecilia Noel Padgham-Purich – For significant service to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory, and to the community through a range of roles.", "Mario Guiseppe Pennisi – For significant service to the biomedical sector, to commercialisation initiatives, and to research.\n Emeritus Professor Roger James Pepperell – For significant service to medical education, particularly to obstetrics and gynaecology.\n Elizabeth Diana Perry – For significant service to tertiary education, to business, and to the community.\n Professor Christine Phillips – For significant service to medical education, to migrant and refugee health, and to medicine.", "Timothy Charles Henry Piper – For significant service to industry and manufacturing, to skills training, and to multicultural youth.\n Emeritus Professor William Raymond Purcell – For significant service to tertiary education, to business, and to Australia-Japan relations.\n Jerril Samantha Rechter – For significant service to community health, to sports administration, and to the arts.", "The Honourable Robert Frank Redlich – For significant service to the law, and to the judiciary, to professional groups, and to the community.\n Dr Michael John Redmond – For significant service to medicine, to neurosurgery, and to medical organisations.\n Elizabeth Jane Reid – For significant service to people with a disability, to youth, and to social inclusion.\n Professor Sheena Reilly – For significant service to tertiary education, to medical research, and to paediatric speech pathology.", "Professor Andrew Warwick Roberts – For significant service to medical research, to haematology, and to cancer organisations.\n Bess Rosen – For significant service to women's sport, particularly hockey, to business, and to the community.\n Scott Anthony Saddler – For significant service to public administration, and as a supporter and mentor of Indigenous youth.\n Dr Ian Richard Sare – For significant service to science and technology, to research, and to national security.", "David Christopher Savage – For significant service to Lions Club International, and to rugby union.\n Professor Susan Margaret Sawyer – For significant service to tertiary education, to adolescent health, and to international groups.\n Abe Schneider – For significant service to bicycle motocross, particularly to sports administration.\n Dr David John Schultz – For significant service to veterinary medicine, to zoological societies, and to philanthropy.", "The Honourable Bruce Craig Scott – For significant service to the people and Parliament of Australia, and to the community of South West Queensland.\n Peter John Scott – For significant service to the investment banking sector, and to medical research organisations.\n William James Scott – For significant service to the pharmacy profession at the state and national level.\n The Honourable Kay Patricia Setches – For significant service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, and to women in politics.", "Ross Harry Shardlow – For significant service to the visual arts as a painter, and to maritime history.\n Donna Shepherd – For significant service to children through international humanitarian aid organisations.\n David Glen Slater – For significant service to the community through social welfare and arts organisations.\n Dr Bryan Hamilton Smith – For significant service to the minerals and mining research and exploration sector.", "The Reverend Dr Elizabeth Joyce Smith – For significant service to the Anglican Church of Australia, and to liturgical scholarship.\n Dr Paul Nathaniel Smith – For significant service to orthopaedic medicine as a surgeon, and to medical administration.\n Rosemary Smithson – For significant service to youth, who are homeless, through charitable initiatives.\n Anthony John Snell – For significant service to politics in Victoria, to the community, and to the law.", "The Honourable Lawrence James Springborg – For significant service to the Parliament of Queensland, and to the community of the Southern Downs.\n Ricky John Stephen – For significant service to the tourism and hospitality sectors, particularly as a chef.\n The late Lady Valery Mary Stephen – For significant service to the people of Australia, and to a range of multicultural, cancer support and social welfare organisations.", "Christopher David Stoltz – For significant service to engineering, and to charitable and emergency medical organisations.\n Joan Mabel Stone – For significant service to aged persons through advocacy roles with a range of organisations.\n Antonia Syme – For significant service to visual arts administration, and to maritime archaeology.\n Dr Allan Geoffrey John Terrett – For significant service to the chiropractic profession, to the community of Ballarat, and to archery.", "Professor Ranjeny Thomas – For significant service to medical education and research, and to rheumatology.\n Professor Elizabeth McIntyre Tudor – For significant service to veterinary science, to tertiary education, and to animal welfare.\n Dr Alastair George Tulloch – For significant service to medicine, to urology, and to the community of Claremont.\n Peter John Turnbull – For significant service to business administration, and to corporate governance institutes.", "Charalambos Andrea Vatiliotis – For significant service to musical instrument making as a luthier.\n David John Joseph Vaux – For significant service to the community through charitable initiatives, and to business.\n John Adrian Vogels – For significant service to the Parliament of Victoria, and to the community of the Western Province.\n Dr Richard George Walsh – For significant service to medicine, to anaesthesia and perfusion, and to professional societies.", "Bronwyn Watkins – For significant service to the performing arts through dance administration.\n Dr Jeanette Esther Watson – For significant service to marine science and ecology, and to professional associations.\n Andrew Noel Weidemann – For significant service to primary industry, particularly to the grain producing sector.\n Shlomo Werdiger – For significant service to the Jewish community, and as a philanthropist.", "Shlomo Werdiger – For significant service to the Jewish community, and as a philanthropist.\n Terence Carl Wetherall – For significant service to business and commerce, to the superannuation sector, and to the community.\nHerbert Morsley Wharton – For significant service to the literary arts, to poetry, and to the Indigenous community.\n Dr Lyndall Joan White – For significant service to medicine, to psychiatry, and to perinatal and infant mental health.", "Robert John Whitfield – For significant service to the banking and finance sector, and to public administration.\n Raymond Laurence Whitten – For significant service to the law, particularly to legal reform and consumer protection.\n Innes Willox – For significant service to business, particularly to industry, and to the community.\n Antony Harold Curties Windsor – For significant service to the Parliaments of Australia and New South Wales, and to the community of New England.", "Councillor Arron Richard Wood – For significant service to local government, to the environment, and to the community of Melbourne.\n Catherine Maria Wood – For significant service to the superannuation sector, to women, and to trade unions.\n Mike Wood – For significant service to environmental conservation, and to recreation initiatives.\n Distinguished Professor Patricia Yates – For significant service to tertiary education, to cancer and palliative care nursing, and to medical research.", "Professor Jeanine Young – For significant service to tertiary education, to medical research, and to nursing.\n Emeritus Professor Peter Julius Rice Zelas – For significant service to medicine, to health administration, and to humanitarian medical initiatives.", "Military Division\nNavy\n Commodore Richard John Boulton – For exceptional performance of duty as the Director General Military Strategic Commitments and the Director of Navy International Engagement.\n Captain Anthony Paul Rayner – For exceptional performance of duty in the fields of Amphibious Capability and Safety Management in Fleet Command.\n Rear Admiral Sarah Edith Sharkey – For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in the management of health care.", "Army\n Brigadier Shane Leslie Gabriel – For exceptional service to the development and modernisation of Australian Army capability as Director General Modernisation – Army, Chief of Staff Special Operations Command and as the Military Attaché, Washington.\n Colonel Steven Raymond Gaunt – For exceptional service as Commanding Officer of the 13th Combat Service Support Battalion, Senior Medical Officer, and Deputy Commander of the 13th Brigade.", "Colonel Richard William Parker – For exceptional performance of duties in the fields of international engagement and combined arms training.\n Brigadier Isaac Alexander Gregory Seidel – For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in health executive leadership.", "Air Force\n Air Commodore Graham John Edwards – For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in aerospace acquisition and sustainment, and organisational capability development.\n Group Captain Jennifer Marie Fantini – For exceptional service in aerospace maintenance reform, maintenance productivity improvements, and aircraft maintenance interoperability strategy development for the Royal Australian Air Force.", "Air Commodore Andrew Craig Heap – For exceptional service in aerospace capability management, operational support, and organisational development for the Australian Defence Force.\n Group Captain Karon Millett – For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in communications engineering, personnel coaching and Cyberspace Workforce development.\n Group Captain Jane Margaret Wheaton – For exceptional service in workforce development for the Australian Defence Force.", "Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)", "General Division\n Dr Walter Patrick Leopold Abhayaratna – For service to medicine in the Australian Capital Territory. \n Dr Edmond Arthur Adler – For service to dentistry, and to professional organisations. \n Rose Adler – For service to the community of Murrumburrah-Harden. \n John Leslie Ainsworth – For service to electrical engineering. \n Alison Irene Aitken – For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory. \n Gary John Aitken – For service to the community of the Wimmera.", "Gary John Aitken – For service to the community of the Wimmera. \n Ronald Maynard Alexander – For service to local government, and to the community of Greater Bendigo. \n Dimitrios Alexopoulos – For service to the Greek community of Victoria. \n Fay Patricia Alford – For service to children. \n Valma Mary Allaway – For service to performing arts administration. \n Rosemary Joy Allen – For service to music education, and to the community.", "Rosemary Joy Allen – For service to music education, and to the community. \n Colin Jeffrey Anderson – For service to sport through a range of roles. \n Sandy June Anderson – For service to cancer prevention, and to Aboriginal women's health. \n Bianca Jane Appleford – For service to people living with autism. \nAlbert Silvio Apponyi – For service to the visual arts as a sculptor.\n Peter Thomas Arnold – For service to rugby league. \n Robert Arthur Arnold – For service to the community.", "Robert Arthur Arnold – For service to the community. \n Anne Louise Atkin – For service to people living with Parkinson's disease. \n Mervyn John Bailey – For service to cricket, and to the community of Charters Towers. \n Michael John Bailey – For service to rugby league, and to the community. \n Fay May Baker – For service to choral music. \n Krzysztof Balcerak – For service to the Polish community. \n Cyril Baldock – For service to surf lifesaving.", "Cyril Baldock – For service to surf lifesaving. \n Dr Michael Ralph Banyard – For service to veterinary science. \n Dr Peter Gerard Barker – For service to medicine. \n Alan Ross Barnes – For service to veterans and their families. \n Jillian Dorothy Barton – For service to the welfare of equine animals. \n Bernard John Basevi – For service to the community of the Eurobodalla. \n Scott James Beasley – For service to the Australian community in Iraq.", "Scott James Beasley – For service to the Australian community in Iraq. \n Raymond Silas Beebe – For service to youth through Scouts, and to the community. \n Dr Jenine Peta Beekhuyzen – For service to information technology, and to women. \n Dr David Robert Bell – For service to medicine, and to professional organisations. \n Robert Leslie Bensley – For service to the community of Inverell. \n Rita Bentley – For service to the environment, and to hobby prospecting and small scale mining.", "Rita Bentley – For service to the environment, and to hobby prospecting and small scale mining. \n Machiel Johan Berghuis – For service to the community through music. \n Marie Joy Billington – For service to early childhood education and therapy. \n The late Ernest Anthony Bilson – For service to the restaurant and catering industry. \n Melvyn Geoffrey Blachford – For service to the pharmacy profession, and to jazz music. \n Lorraine Norma Blair – For service to the community.", "Lorraine Norma Blair – For service to the community. \n Dr George Wright Blenkhorn – For service to the community of Pakenham. \n Maria Rosaleen Boland – For service to nursing. \n Greig Kingsley Bolderrow – For service to the broadcast media, and to the community of the Fraser Coast. \n Patrick Joseph Bollen – For service to the community, and to sailing. \n John Henry Bonwick – For service to caving and karsting. \n Dr Margaret Helen Bowering – For service to higher education.", "Dr Margaret Helen Bowering – For service to higher education. \n Rodney Eric Bramich – For service to the community of Port Sorell. \n Kerry Anne Bray – For service to running, and to the community. \n The Honourable Lynette Ruth Breuer – For service to the Parliament of South Australia, and to local government. \n Gary Frederick Briggs – For service to the manufacturing sector in Queensland. \n Dr Arthur Michael Briner – For service to the Jewish community, and to ophthalmology.", "Dr Arthur Michael Briner – For service to the Jewish community, and to ophthalmology. \n Kenneth James Broadhead – For service to the community. \n Robert Darrell Brown – For service to veterans and their families. \n Rosemary Helen Brown – For service to the community of Queenscliff. \n Walter Henry Brown – For service to the international community of Phuket. \n William Thomas Brown – For service to the community of Queenscliff.", "William Thomas Brown – For service to the community of Queenscliff. \n Kim Michelle Buckingham – For service to the community of the Northern Beaches. \n Christopher Francis Bulmer – For service to the building and construction industry. \n Raymond Peter Burgess – For service to the entertainment industry, and to the community. \n Maxwell Oliver Burnside – For service to community history. \n Neville John Burrows – For service to the Uniting Church in Australia, and to the community.", "Neville John Burrows – For service to the Uniting Church in Australia, and to the community. \n Nyurpaya Kaika Burton – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n Craig Kingston Bush – For service to conservation, and to the community of East Gippsland. \n Yvonne Cains – For service to the community of Port Macquarie. \n Kevan Izod Carroll – For service to cricket. \n David John Carruthers – For service to the community. \n Kristine Julie Carter – For service to women, and to the community.", "Kristine Julie Carter – For service to women, and to the community. \n Peter Frederick Chadwick – For service to the community. \n Anne Chater – For service to the community of Theodore. \n Stefanos Christofis – For service to the Greek Orthodox community of Darwin. \n Neville John Clark – For service to veterans and their families. \n Sister Margaret Mary Cleary – For service to the Catholic Church of Australia. \n Margaret Ethel Cliff – For service to netball.", "Margaret Ethel Cliff – For service to netball. \n Jennifer Ann Coleman – For service to community mental health. \n John Alfred Coles – For service to the real estate finance sector, and to public administration. \n Sister Kate Conley RSM – For service to the Catholic Church of Australia, and to women. \n Dr Peter Conrad – For service to vascular medicine, and to professional organisations. \n Dr David Rolla Cooke – For service to medicine, and to aviation.", "Dr David Rolla Cooke – For service to medicine, and to aviation. \n Maxwell Herbert Cooper – For service to dentistry, and to the community of Dubbo. \n Patricia Olive Cooper – For service to the community. \n Margaret McRae Cornwell – For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory. \n Peter Costantini – For service to business, particularly to education and training. \n John Coutis – For service to the community, and to sport. \n Keith Mervyn Cowen – For service to arts administration.", "Keith Mervyn Cowen – For service to arts administration. \n Denise Patricia Craig – For service to people living with dementia and their support networks. \n The Reverend Dr Peter Campbell Crawford – For service to the Anglican Church of Australia, and to the community. \n Professor Julia Louise Crilly – For service to emergency care nursing. \n Josie Crisara – For service to education, and to professional associations. \n Jennifer Louise Cross – For service to children and families impacted by dyslexia.", "Jennifer Louise Cross – For service to children and families impacted by dyslexia. \nNicole Jane Cumpston – For service to the museums and galleries sector, and to Indigenous art.\n Janice Grace Cunningham – For service to Australia-United States Military Commemorations. \n Philip Cunningham – For service to medical research, and to sexual health medicine. \n Ronald Edward Cussen – For service to the community, and to the building and construction industry.", "John Douglas D'Arcy – For service to the performing arts, particularly to music. \n Gordon Barry Dahl – For service to lawn bowls. \n Annabelle Juliet Daniel – For service to women through social welfare initiatives. \n Dr John Louis Daniels – For service to Indigenous health. \n Ekaterina (Katya) Danova – For service to the broadcast and print media, and to the Russian community. \n Geoffrey Allan Dare – For service to veterans, and to military historical research.", "Geoffrey Allan Dare – For service to veterans, and to military historical research. \n Sue Davenport – For service to the Indigenous communities of the Western Desert. \n Joseph Henry Davidson – For service to the community of the Illawarra. \n Graham John Davis – For service to sport in South Australia. \n The late Dr Ian Richard Davis – For service to people living with Motor Neurone Disease, and to medicine. \n Graham Peter Colliver Day – For service to the livestock industry.", "Graham Peter Colliver Day – For service to the livestock industry. \n John William Deacon – For service to the performing arts, and to education. \n Vera Frances Deacon – For service to community history, and to conservation.\n Lorraine Debreczeni – For service to seniors. \n Brian William Debus – For service to primary education. \n Margaret Anne Dent – For service to the community. \n Carol Buck Dettmann – For service to the community, and to publishing.", "Carol Buck Dettmann – For service to the community, and to publishing. \n Robyn Louise Devenish – For service to the international community of Cambodia. \n Dr Frances Maree Devlin-Glass – For service to education, and to the Irish community. \n Dom Bartholomew Dimattina – For service to the community of Melbourne through a range of roles. \n Mary Patricia Dittmar – For service to the community through social welfare initiatives. \n James Robert Doak – For service to the community of the Illawarra.", "James Robert Doak – For service to the community of the Illawarra. \n Rae Winsome Doak – For service to the community of the Illawarra. \n Claire Jean Mary Doherty – For service to physiotherapy. \n Maria Antonietta Donato – For service to the Italian community of South Australia. \n Michel Doueihi – For service to the Lebanese community. \n Carolyn Dianne Douglas – For service to the law, and to the judiciary. \n Julie Elizabeth Dowleans – For service to the community of Wee Waa.", "Julie Elizabeth Dowleans – For service to the community of Wee Waa. \n John Robartson Down – For service to the community of Mudgeeraba. \n Caroline Isobel Downer – For service to the visual and performing arts through a range of roles. \n Maree Louise Duffield – For service to the community of Hobsons Bay. \n Robin Elizabeth Dunham – For service to the community of Wagin. \n Dr Kim Frances Dunphy – For service to community health through dance movement therapy.", "Dr Kim Frances Dunphy – For service to community health through dance movement therapy. \n Christine Dunstan – For service to the performing arts as a producer and mentor. \n Peta Louise Edebone – For service to softball as an athlete and coach. \n Isabella Fay Edgoose – For service to the community, and to education. \n Colin Rex Edwards – For service to the preservation of the Heysen Trail. \n Meredith Lee Edwards – For service to education.", "Meredith Lee Edwards – For service to education. \n David John Ellis – For service to seafarers through charitable initiatives, and to the community. \n The late Jill Bernadette Emberson – For service to people living with ovarian cancer. \n Professor Adrian Hellier Evans – For service to legal education, and to the law. \n Frank Stuart Evans – For service to the international community of Timor Leste. \n Dr Barry Samuel Fatovich – For service to medicine, and to professional organisations.", "Dr Barry Samuel Fatovich – For service to medicine, and to professional organisations. \n Lillian Judith Fawcett – For service to the community of Clunes. \n Patricia June Fennell – For service to women's health in rural and remote Queensland. \n John Charles Ferguson – For service to local government, and to the community of the Bulloo Shire. \n Dr Ray Gwynne Ferguson – For service to veterinary science. \n Toni Frances Field – For service to netball, and to the community.", "Toni Frances Field – For service to netball, and to the community. \n Raymond William Finn – For service to the community. \n Tammy Maree Flett – For service to the community of Albany. \n Greg Wallace Fordham – For service to the aviation transport industry. \n Peter John Foster – For service to community history. \n Rosslyn Marie Fox – For service to the performing arts. \n James Alexander Freeman – For service to the community through fundraising initiatives. \n Maxwell John Friend – For service to children.", "Maxwell John Friend – For service to children. \n Rebecca Jane Frizelle – For service to the automotive sector, and to rugby league. \n Grazia Gammaldi – For service to the community of Melbourne. \n Saki George Ganella – For service to education. \n Dr Ben Ami Gelin – For service to music, and to the community of Bathurst. \n Lynette Margaret George – For service to the engineering and manufacturing sectors. \n Leo Anthony Geraghty – For service to the community of Murgon.", "Leo Anthony Geraghty – For service to the community of Murgon. \n Laszlo Gescheit – For service to the Jewish community of Melbourne. \n Scott Lee Gibbons – For service to the community through charitable organisations. \n Bruce Cater Gibson-Wilde – For service to the community of Townsville. \n Thomas John George Gilmore – For service to local government, and to the community of Mareeba. \n Simon Gipson – For service to secondary education. \n Helen Grace Gobbi – For service to community history.", "Helen Grace Gobbi – For service to community history. \nCaroline Tottie Goldsmith – For service to the community, and to the performing arts.\n Colleen Monica Goodwin – For service to the community. \n David Paul Graham – For service to the community. \n Prue Gregory – For service to the law, and to the community. \n Janice Grice – For service to the community of Darwin. \n Donald Griffin – For service to the accounting profession, and to athletics. \n Noel Griffith – For service to music, and to the community.", "Noel Griffith – For service to music, and to the community. \n Gloria Dawn Grocott – For service to the community. \n Michael John Gusterson – For service to marine seismic surveying. \n Associate Professor Hadia Haikal-Mukhtar – For service to medicine, and to the Lebanese community. \n Amara Hamid – For service to women, and to the multicultural community of Melbourne. \n Christopher Ian Hammond – For service to the community of Wanneroo. \n Thomas Graham Hampton – For service to veterans.", "Thomas Graham Hampton – For service to veterans. \n Bevin Hardy – For service to the community of Bomaderry, and to youth through Scouts. \n Kevin Charles Hardy – For service to rugby league. \n William David Hardy – For service to the wine industry. \n Frances Lynette Harrison – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n Merinda Harrison-Drake – For service to Indigenous health in Gippsland.", "Merinda Harrison-Drake – For service to Indigenous health in Gippsland. \n Brother Nicholas Patrick Harsas – For service to education, and to the Catholic Church of Australia. \n Ralph David Hartland – For service to the community. \n Margaret Frances Harvison – For service to the performing arts. \n Dr Brian Richard Hassett – For service to medicine, and to the community of Ballarat. \n Michael John Hawke – For service to community mental health.", "Michael John Hawke – For service to community mental health. \n Lennie Ian Hayes – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n Manfred Ernst Heide – For service to native animal welfare and conservation. \n Robin Patricia Henderson – For service to the community through charitable initiatives. \n William Eric Henderson – For service to community and military history. \n Elizabeth Fay Hern – For service to the community of Boonah.", "Elizabeth Fay Hern – For service to the community of Boonah. \n Douglas Albert Hewitt – For service to the communities of Armidale and Nambucca Heads. \n Michael Edward Hickey – For service to veterans and their families, and to the community. \n Lieutenant Colonel James Glen Hislop (Retd) – For service to veterans and their families. \n Noel Hoffman – For service to the conservation of native orchids. \n Gary Peter Hollindale – For service to the community of Beenleigh.", "Gary Peter Hollindale – For service to the community of Beenleigh. \n Thomas Herbert Holmes – For service to surf lifesaving, and to the community. \n Jeffrey Charles Horn – For service to the road freight transport industry. \n Beverley June Horwood – For service to the community of Ballarat, and to swimming. \n Mark Charles Hoskinson AFSM – For service to primary industry, and to the community. \n Walter Neville Howell – For service to rowing. \n George Leslie Hulse – For service to veterans.", "Walter Neville Howell – For service to rowing. \n George Leslie Hulse – For service to veterans. \n Bruce Malcolm Hunt – For service to the community of Gladstone. \n Kevin Henry Hurman – For service to veterans and their families. \n June Rosemary Hutchison – For service to the community of Fremantle. \n Dr Judy Hyde – For service to clinical psychology, and to professional associations. \n Claudia Hyles – For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory.", "Claudia Hyles – For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory. \n Kevin Baxter Ingram – For service to rugby league, particularly through administrative roles. \n Francis Richard Ireland – For service to the community of Cairns through a range of roles. \n The late Wendy Iris Ireland – For service to music education. \n Donald Stewart Ives – For service to music, and to the community. \n Dr Kenneth James Jackson – For service to horticultural research.", "Dr Kenneth James Jackson – For service to horticultural research. \n Dalma Myra Jacobs – For service to women in tertiary education. \n Helen Edith James – For service to the community. \n Ronald Raymond James – For service to veterans and their families. \n Keith Ross Jamieson – For service to country music, and to the community. \n Peter Johnson – For service to the Indigenous communities of the Western Desert. \n Rick Johnson – For service to the community, and to motorcycling.", "Rick Johnson – For service to the community, and to motorcycling. \n The late John Johnston – For service to the community through a range of roles. \n Christopher David Jones – For service to the community of Hobart. \n Olwyn Joy Jones – For service to ex-prisoners of war and their families. \n Patricia Arthea Jones – For service to women, and to the community. \n Donald Sherwood Juers – For service to powerlifting, and to the community. \n Marjorie Kathleen Kable – For service to the community of Finley.", "Marjorie Kathleen Kable – For service to the community of Finley. \n Aaron Kearney – For service to the broadcast media as a radio presenter. \n Norman Lyle Keats – For service to lawn bowls. \n Karen Lee Kemp – For service to nursing, and to the community. \n Donald Edward Kennedy – For service to veterans, and to the community. \n Keith Charles Kent – For service to the community through a range of roles. \n Debra Leigh Keogh – For service to softball. \n Diane Lesley Kershaw – For service to the visual arts.", "Diane Lesley Kershaw – For service to the visual arts. \n Christine Killinger – For service to the community of the Blue Mountains. \n Michael Anthony King – For service to the project management sector. \n Professor Natalie Rebecca King – For service to the contemporary visual arts. \n Trevor King – For service to youth through Scouts, and to the community. \n Stephen Kinmond – For service to the community through complaint investigation and resolution roles.", "Arthur George Knee – For service to the community of Tatura. \n Betty Lurline Knee – For service to the community of Tatura. \n Robert Francis Kneipp – For service to the community through a range of roles. \n Rosanna Kobiela-Horn – For service to table tennis. \n Pauline Andrea Kontelj – For service to the community of Geelong. \n Robert Nicholas Korotcoff – For service to the community. \n Monika Laczofy – For service to music education. \n Noel Geoffrey Lake – For service to veterans and their families.", "Noel Geoffrey Lake – For service to veterans and their families. \n Josephine Kamshan Lam – For service to the Chinese community, and to education. \n Catherine Larkins – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n John Larter – For service to softball. \n Brian Lasky – For service to golf. \n Bruce Sun-You Lew – For service to the Chinese community of Melbourne. \n Sheena McCallum Liley – For service to the community of Toowoomba.", "Sheena McCallum Liley – For service to the community of Toowoomba. \n Julie Anne Limbach – For service to the community through social welfare initiatives. \n Professor Adrian Matthew Linacre – For service to forensic science. \n Graeme Ellwood Litster – For service to water polo. \n Graham Keith Lockwood – For service to the community through a range of roles. \n Susan May Lockwood – For service to education. \n Dr Burt Gerard Look – For service to geotechnical engineering.", "Dr Burt Gerard Look – For service to geotechnical engineering. \n Georgina Catherine Loughnan – For service to people living with Prader-Willi Syndrome. \n Dr John Allan Lowndes – For service to the law, and to the judiciary. \n Geena Desiree Luckin – For service to the community. \n Graham Manson Ludecke – For service to the community of Sandringham. \n Ruby May Luder – For service to the community, and to veterans. \nAngela Lyris – For service to education.", "Angela Lyris – For service to education. \n Aileen Jeanne MacDonald – For service to the community of Guyra. \n Emeritus Professor Roy Malcolm Macleod – For service to education, particularly to history. \n Andrew James Macneill – For service to tennis, and to the accountancy profession. \n Mario Magris – For service to boxing. \n Helen Esther Mahemoff – For service to Holocaust education and remembrance.", "Helen Esther Mahemoff – For service to Holocaust education and remembrance. \n Gregory Raymond Malavey – For service to people with a disability, and to the community of the Eurobodalla. \n Luz (Lucy) Oscar Marin – For service to the health and rehabilitation of refugees. \n William Henry Marklew – For service to industrial relations, particularly to trade unions. \n Dr Jennifer Martin – For service to emergency medicine.", "Dr Jennifer Martin – For service to emergency medicine. \n James Thomas Massey – For service to the community through emergency response organisations. \n Dr Emily Helene Matters – For service to education, and to professional associations. \n William Raymond McArthur – For service to local government, and to the community of the Golden Plains shire. \n Patrick Gregory McCabe – For service to hockey. \n Alfred William McCarthy – For service to the community of Yass.", "Alfred William McCarthy – For service to the community of Yass. \n Donald Allen McClements – For service to the community of Pinjarra. \n Kerrith McDermott – For service to public administration in Queensland. \n Professor Graham McDowell – For service to the dairy industry, and to education. \n Colleen Mavis McGann – For service to community health in Tasmania. \n Janice Dorothea McGlinn – For service to seniors through wellbeing programs. \n Nancy Ellen McGregor – For service to the community of Young.", "Nancy Ellen McGregor – For service to the community of Young. \n Helen McIntyre – For service to animal welfare. \n David Charles McKenzie – For service to community health, and to federal and local government. \n Janice Elaine McLellan – For service to the community of Bordertown. \n Felix Gerald Meagher – For service to celtic music and dance. \n Dr Sarah Elizabeth Medland – For service to medical research in the field of genetics.", "Dr Sarah Elizabeth Medland – For service to medical research in the field of genetics.\n Dr Safwat Sobhy Mesiha – For service to the Coptic Orthodox Church, and to the community. \n Bruce Harrison Meyer – For service to local government, and to the community of West Wimmera. \n Dr Wendy Faye Michaels – For service to women, and to the dramatic arts. \n Ian Houghton Miffling – For service to local government, and to the community of Collie.", "Ian Houghton Miffling – For service to local government, and to the community of Collie. \n Amanda Milledge – For service to the community through charitable foundations. \n Bruce James Miller – For service to veterans and their families. \n Julie Millowick – For service to the visual arts, particularly to photography. \n Joyce Mills – For service to the community of Koo Wee Rup. \n Florence Ellen Monaghan – For service to netball.", "Florence Ellen Monaghan – For service to netball. \n Dr Joseph Ken Montarello – For service to medicine, particularly to cardiology. \n John Nimon Mooney – For service to education, and to professional organisations. \n The Reverend Rodney Victor Moore – For service to the community through chaplaincy roles in corrective institutions. \n Barbara Susan Morgan – For service to the Jewish community of Victoria. \n Jeffrey Bruce Morgan – For service to the visual arts, and to the community.", "Jeffrey Bruce Morgan – For service to the visual arts, and to the community. \n The late Susan A Morse – For service to children's health, particularly through speech pathology. \n The late Carolyn Edith Moule – For service to education, and to mathematics. \n The late John Mathew Muir – For service to the community through a range of roles. \n Lisa Mumbin – For service to the Indigenous community of the Northern Territory. \n James Grant Mumme – For service to conservation and the environment.", "James Grant Mumme – For service to conservation and the environment. \n Peter Mungkuri – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n Bruce John Murphy – For service to the community of the Shoalhaven. \n Dr Gerald Roy Murphy – For service to medicine. \n Robyn Jean Murray – For service to the community. \n Ken Neil Murtagh – For service to youth, and to education. \n Vincent Namatjira – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community.", "Vincent Namatjira – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n Noel Henry Nancarrow – For service to local government, and to the community of the Murray shire. \n Wendy Mildred Naylor – For service to veterans and their families. \n Leanne Neal – For service to youth, and to nursing. \n Barry Colin Need – For service to the Uniting Church in Australia. \n Dr Joanna Eliza Newton – For service to agriculture through scientific research.", "Dr Joanna Eliza Newton – For service to agriculture through scientific research. \n Dr John Vincent Newton – For service to medicine, particularly to plastic surgery. \n Kenneth Nimmo – For service to the community. \n Daniel Luke O'Brien – For service to veterans and their families. \n Peter Maurice Olde – For service to Australian native flora. \n Ian Hamilton Orchard – For service to the community. \n Bruce George Page – For service to the communities of Peachester and Beerwah.", "Bruce George Page – For service to the communities of Peachester and Beerwah. \n Janet May Page – For service to the community, and to education. \n Ross Mervyn Paine – For service to the community. \n Brenda Palmer – For service to the community of Malvern. \n Scott Pape – For service to the community, and to financial education. \n Dr Ann Elizabeth Parker – For service to medicine, and to the community. \n Bruce Robert Parker – For service to the community, and to the automotive industry.", "Bruce Robert Parker – For service to the community, and to the automotive industry. \n Bede Parkes – For service to the community of Helensburgh. \n Dr Mulavana Santhadevi Parvathy – For service to medicine, and to medical education. \n Gregory David Paterson – For service to the performing arts, particularly to music. \n Jillian Ruth Paterson – For service to the community of Meningie. \n William Robert Paterson – For service to the community of Meningie, and to natural resource conservation.", "Simon Francis Patmore – For service to snowboarding as a Gold Medallist at the Pyeongchang 2018 Paralympic Games. \n The late Ian Gordon Paton – For service to the community of Wynyard. \n Anne Christine Payne – For service to the community of Blackburn. \n Robert Stephen Peak – For service to Australian rules football, and to sports administration. \n Geoffrey Denham Penley – For service to the building and construction industry. \n Edna Florence Pennicott – For service to the community of Kingborough.", "Edna Florence Pennicott – For service to the community of Kingborough. \n Robert Henry Perkins – For service to film and television production and set design. \n Adriaan Johannes Peschar – For service to the community of Newcastle. \n Mark Anthony Peters – For service to sports administration, and to baseball. \n George Petrou – For service to the visual arts, and to veterans. \n Fran Pfeiffer – For service to the community. \n Lola Mary Phillips – For service to women, and to the community of Sorell.", "Lola Mary Phillips – For service to women, and to the community of Sorell. \n Billie Pidwell – For service to sport, particularly to baseball. \n Andrew Robert Pierce – For service to the community, and to accountancy. \n Dr Roger Hugh Pillemer – For service to community health through medical advisory roles. \n Georgina May Pinkas – For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory. \n Alison Plain – For service to the international community of Indonesia through eye health programs.", "Graeme Maxwell Plumridge – For service to veterans and their families, and to the community. \n Philia Angela Polites – For service to people with a disability, and to the community. \n Darryl John Pope – For service to surf lifesaving, and to music education. \n Marjorie Maude Porter – For service to the community of Numurkah. \n Lakshman Prasad-Alluri – For service to the Indian community of the Australian Capital Territory. \n Gerard Joseph Price – For service to cricket, and to the community.", "Gerard Joseph Price – For service to cricket, and to the community. \n Anna Kristina Prosser – For service to women, and to the community of the Australian Capital Territory. \n Phyllis Eva Proud – For service to the community of Perth. \n Iva Annette Quarisa – For service to primary industry, particularly to irrigation management. \n Fariborez Rameshfar – For service to remote communities in Far North Queensland. \n Valerie Adeline Randell – For service to dancesport.", "Valerie Adeline Randell – For service to dancesport. \n Dr Rama Rao – For service to Indian music and dance. \n Bruce John Raymond – For service to music, particularly to brass bands. \n Kenneth Rayner – For service to horticulture as a mango breeder. \n Christopher Mark Reardon – For service to youth. \n Katrina Elizabeth Reynen – For service to education. \n Daphne May Rich – For service to the community of the Blackall region.", "Daphne May Rich – For service to the community of the Blackall region. \n Dr Kenneth Rigby – For service to education, and to the well-being of young people. \n Andrew James Rindfleish – For service to softball. \n Catherine Marie Rogers – For service to chamber music. \n Colonel Michael James Romalis (Retd) – For service to veterans and their families. \n Wayne John Rose – For service to boxing. \n Douglas John Roser – For service to the community, and to engineering.", "Douglas John Roser – For service to the community, and to engineering. \n Fran Rowe – For service to the rural community of New South Wales. \n John Cliveden William Rudd – For service to veterans and their families, and to accountancy. \n Jenetta Helen Russell – For service to the community, and to business. \n Darren James Rutherford – For service to the community, and to business. \n Saara Sandra Sabbagh – For service to women, and to the Muslim community of Victoria.", "Saara Sandra Sabbagh – For service to women, and to the Muslim community of Victoria. \n Sivaganga Sahathevan – For service to the Indian community of Victoria, and to music. \n James Michael Scaysbrook – For service to motorcycling. \n Barry McGown Scott – For service to animal conservation, and to the community. \n Dr Sithamparapillai Thava Seelan – For service to medicine, and to professional colleges. \n Shobha Sekhar – For service to Indian music and dance.", "Shobha Sekhar – For service to Indian music and dance. \n Malcolm Henry Seymour – For service to agriculture through roles with a range of associations. \n Yvonne Margaret Shakes – For service to the community of Adelaide. \n George Henry Shales – For service to surf lifesaving. \n Harold Sharp – For service to the community, and to charitable initiatives. \n Robert John Shaw – For service to the community of Whyalla. \n Murray Theodore Sherwell – For service to the community of the Limestone Coast.", "Murray Theodore Sherwell – For service to the community of the Limestone Coast. \n Hardy Chi-Fong Shum – For service to the Chinese community of Manningham. \n Dr Heather Gaynor Simmons – For service to medicine, particularly to women's health. \n Dr Ivan Joseph Simmons – For service to medicine, particularly to dermatology. \n Dr Jaelea Skehan – For service to community mental health and wellbeing. \n Hugh Alexander Small – For service to surf lifesaving, and to athletics.", "Hugh Alexander Small – For service to surf lifesaving, and to athletics. \n Michael Alan Smith – For service to journalism, and to the public relations sector. \n Valerie Catherine Smith-Orr – For service to the international community through nursing. \n Gary Andrew Somerville – For service to cricket, and to the community. \n Dr Harold Paul Spiro – For service to paediatric ophthalmology. \n Marie Evelyn Standen – For service to refugees, and to the community of the Blue Mountains.", "Marie Evelyn Standen – For service to refugees, and to the community of the Blue Mountains. \n Anthony Athol Stevenson – For service to veterans and their families. \n Miles Stephen Stewart – For service to triathlon, and to sports administration. \n Chaplain Gary John Stone – For service to veterans and their families. \n Marion Joyce Stott – For service to the community of Mooroolbark. \n Jacqueline Suares – For service to people with a disability.", "Jacqueline Suares – For service to people with a disability. \n Ronald Maxwell Sullivan – For service to the community through social welfare organisations. \n Gwen Swadling – For service to veterans and their families. \n Jenny Taing – For service to the financial and investment sectors, and to the community. \n Robert Stuart Tait – For service to aviation education. \n Domenica Mimi Tamburrino – For service to the community of Moreland, and to the Australian Labor Party.", "Tjunkaya Tapaya – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n Alo Tapim – For service to the Indigenous community of the Torres Strait. \n Muuki Taylor – For service to the Indigenous communities of the Western Desert. \n Elizabeth Jane Telford – For service to people living with polio, and to the community. \n David Colin Teufel – For service to youth through Scouts. \n Robyn Chaille Teufel – For service to youth through Scouts.", "Robyn Chaille Teufel – For service to youth through Scouts. \n Richard John Thomson – For service to the conservation of Australian native orchids. \n David Stanley Thurley – For service to local government, and to the community of Albury. \n Peter Francis Toon – For service to rowing. \n Phuoc Thang Tran – For service to the Indo-Chinese community of New South Wales. \n Dr Peter Tregear – For service to music education, and to professional organisations.", "Dr Peter Tregear – For service to music education, and to professional organisations. \n Diane Trestrail – For service to people living with Parkinson's, and to the community. \n Olive Patricia Trevor – For service to horticulture through the cultivation of bromeliads. \n Dr William Huyliem Trinh – For service to international humanitarian medical programs, and to optometry. \n Tashi Tsering – For service to Buddhism, and to education.", "Tashi Tsering – For service to Buddhism, and to education. \n The late Lynette Irene Vaak – For service to the community, particularly to women and young girls. \n Mona Ann Vagg – For service to the community of Ivanhoe. \n Dr John Edward Vaughan – For service to medicine, and to surf lifesaving. \n Anthony Maxwell Venn-Brown – For service to the LGBTIQ community. \n Lena Vicary – For service to the community of Echuca. \n Peter Ross Wadewitz – For service to the organic recycling industry.", "Peter Ross Wadewitz – For service to the organic recycling industry. \n Conjoint Professor Paul Walker – For service to paediatric medicine, and to professional organisations. \n Alison Garry Walpole – For service to the community of Whorouly. \n Anne Francis Walsh – For service to people with an intellectual disability. \n Maryanne Elizabeth Walsh – For service to education. \n Dr Laurie Scott Warfe – For service to medicine, and to the community.", "Dr Laurie Scott Warfe – For service to medicine, and to the community. \n Robyn Ann Waters – For service to the real estate industry, and to the community. \n David Peter Watson – For service to public administration, particularly to courts of law. \n Colin Watts – For service to the harness racing industry. \n Desmond Watts – For service to the tourism accommodation sector. \n Lee Webb – For service to veterans and their families.", "Lee Webb – For service to veterans and their families. \n Diane Westaway – For service to women's sport and recreation, and to charitable initiatives. \n Marcus Westbury – For service to the contemporary arts. \n Colin Ernest Weston – For service to the Uniting Church in Australia, and to the community. \n Karen Jane Williams – For service to Indigenous education through literacy programs. \n Corporal Matthew James Williams – For service to the community through brain cancer awareness initiatives.", "The late Mumu Mike Williams – For service to Indigenous visual art, and to the community. \n Joanne Manintja Willmot – For service to the Indigenous community of South Australia. \n Jean Gladys Wilmot – For service to sailing, and to dance education. \n The late John Roger Wilson – For service to the community through a range of roles. \n Naomi Kate Wilson – For service to the people and Parliament of Queensland. \n Rex Croydon Wilson – For service to education, and to the community of Tasmania.", "Rex Croydon Wilson – For service to education, and to the community of Tasmania. \n Vicki Louise Wilson – For service to the community of Bathurst. \n Stuart Andrew Woodward – For service to the banking and finance sector, and to the Uniting Church in Australia. \n Margaret Anne Wortley – For service to the community of Naracoorte. \n Bruce Edward Wright – For service to the community of Tumbarumba. \n Nola Younghusband – For service to education.", "Nola Younghusband – For service to education. \n Elizabeth Anne Zachulski – For service to aged care, and to nursing. \n Rachael Zaltron – For service to children and young people. \n Paul John Zammit – For service to the parliaments of Australia and New South Wales, and to the community.", "Military Division\nNavy\n Warrant Officer Stephen Gregory Cheeseman – For meritorious performance of duty in the fields of Naval Aviation and personnel mentoring and management in the Royal Australian Navy.\n Lieutenant Commander Wayne Terance Richards – For meritorious service in the field of Navy marine and port services support.\n Chief Petty Officer Bradley Gary Walsh – For meritorious performance of duty in the field of Navy training in particular Physical Training and Leadership Development.", "Captain Allen Mark Whittaker – For meritorious service in the field of Navy aviation capability development.", "Army\n Warrant Officer Class One Brian James Buskell – For meritorious service to the Australian Army in leadership, cultural reform and tactical expertise.\n Warrant Officer Class One Michael Stephen Clarke – For meritorious performance of duty as a Regimental Sergeant Major in the Australian Army.\n Warrant Officer Class One Tony Lionel Kennedy – For meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force in personnel management, training and leadership.", "Warrant Officer Class One David Graeme McBean – For meritorious service as the Artificer Sergeant Major of Forces Command and the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, and the Senior Technical Advisor Small Arms at the Land Engineering Agency.\n Warrant Officer Class One Faith Marie Miller – For meritorious service in enhancing Army's contribution to Indigenous employment and logistics training.\n Captain Ross Geoffrey Pringle – For meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force as a Regimental Quartermaster.", "Major Ian Markham Tibbits – For meritorious performance of duty in the field of Australian Army Cadets.", "Air Force\n Wing Commander Steven Charles Parsons – For meritorious performance of duties in Very Important Persons Operations at the Air Mobility Control Centre; and in the provision of airbase support and cultural reform as Commanding Officer of Number 13 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force.\n Warrant Officer Paul Robert Shepherd – For meritorious service in the field of airborne electronic warfare development.\n\nMeritorious Service\n\nPublic Service Medal (PSM)", "Commonwealth\n Jennifer Patricia Carlson – For outstanding public service in supporting the Cabinet.\n Mark Anthony Coffey – For outstanding public service to complex policy development and delivery of significant reforms, improving program outcomes for people in northern Australia.\n Alan Paul Davidson – For outstanding public service through innovative program digitisation and development for Welfare Payment Infrastructure.", "Leo James Hardiman – For outstanding public service through the provision of legal services to the Commonwealth.\n Cheryl Anne Jenkins – For outstanding public service through the delivery of social work programs and services to people affected by disasters.\n Deborah Lee McGuire – For outstanding public service to high level delivery of whole-of-government security risk management for special events.", "James Douglas Passmore – For outstanding public service in complex policy development and facilitation of Australia's engagement in infrastructure development in the Pacific region.\n Dr Lisa Strelein – For outstanding public service to improving awareness across the Australian Public Service of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, and to the debate on native title.", "Norman Leslie Wotherspoon – For outstanding public service in leading the provision of Centrelink services to the Western Downs region of Queensland.", "Australian Capital Territory\n Coralie Anne McAlister – For outstanding public service to education in the Australian Capital Territory.", "New South Wales\n Dr Geoffrey Laurence Allan – For outstanding public service to New South Wales, and to aquaculture science.\n Natalie Camilleri – For outstanding public service to infrastructure projects in New South Wales.\n Eric Claussen – For outstanding public service to the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.\n Melinda Anne Commens – For outstanding public service to education in New South Wales, particularly to families of children with disabilities.", "Anthony (Tony) Gerard Donoghue – For outstanding public service to local government in New South Wales.\n John Joseph Morahan – For outstanding public service to the New South Wales Police Force.\n Noelani Verina Reardon – For outstanding public service to road safety in New South Wales.\n Jane Elizabeth Simmons – For outstanding public service to education in New South Wales.\n Joanne Lee Wallace – For outstanding public service to Corrective Services in New South Wales.", "Joanne Lee Wallace – For outstanding public service to Corrective Services in New South Wales.\n Jane Amelia Wynter – For outstanding public service to the visual arts and cultural sector in New South Wales.", "Queensland\n Desmond Allen Howard – For outstanding public service to local government in Queensland.\n Rachel Hunter – For outstanding public service to the community of Queensland through a range of roles.\n Michael John Walsh – For outstanding public service to the health sector in Queensland.\n Zijian Zhang – For outstanding public service to the trade and investment sector in Queensland.", "South Australia\n Jacqueline Costanzo – For outstanding public service to the communities of the APY Lands in South Australia.\n Erik Dahl – For outstanding public service to natural and cultural heritage preservation and conservation in South Australia.\n David Paul Engelhardt – For outstanding public service to the education sector in South Australia.", "Victoria\n Hakan Akyol – For outstanding public service to multicultural policy design and program delivery in Victoria.\n Christina Asquini – For outstanding public service to innovative policy design and service delivery in Victoria.\n Dr Graeme John Emonson – For outstanding public service to local government in Victoria.\n Moira Findlay – For outstanding public service to education in Victoria.", "Moira Findlay – For outstanding public service to education in Victoria.\n Dallas John Reilly – For outstanding public service to policy and program delivery in support of community safety in Victoria.", "Western Australia\n Michael Anthony Barnes – For outstanding public service to state government finances in Western Australia.\n Heather Gaye Brayford – For outstanding public service to legislative reform and policy development in Western Australia.\n John Frederick Fischer – For outstanding public service to the community of Western Australia through a range of roles.\n\nAustralian Police Medal (APM)\n\nFederal\n Detective Inspector Stephen Douglas Ladd\n Senior Constable Mark-Alan Lim", "Federal\n Detective Inspector Stephen Douglas Ladd\n Senior Constable Mark-Alan Lim\n\nNew South Wales\n Chief Inspector Nicole Louise Bruce\n Detective Superintendent Daniel Robert Doherty\n Sergeant Jeffrey Ronald Farmer BM\n Detective Chief Inspector Peter Faux\n Superintendent Stephen Gregory Hegarty BM\n Chief Inspector John Klepczarek\n Sergeant Ian Cameron Miller\n Detective Superintendent Murray James Reynolds\n Detective Chief Inspector Gregory James Thomas", "Northern Territory\n Detective Senior Sergeant Robert Colin Jordan\n Commander David Proctor\n\nQueensland\n Inspector Tracy Lee Dale\n Senior Sergeant Nicole Leesa Fox\n Sergeant Ian John Leavers\n Inspector Wayne David Rasmussen\n Senior Sergeant David James Rutherford\n Inspector Phillip Allan Stevens\n Sergeant Karlene Louise Trezise\n\nSouth Australia\n Detective Senior Sergeant Michelle Lisa Cahalan\n Senior Sergeant First Class Trevor Lindsay Milne\n Detective Chief Superintendent Craig William Patterson", "Tasmania\n Inspector Glen Gordon Ball", "Victoria\n Superintendent Belinda Lee Bales\n Detective Senior Sergeant Karen Bennett\n Inspector Wayne Frederick Cheesman\n Assistant Commissioner Michael John Grainger\n Detective Senior Sergeant Gary Kenneth Marks\n Detective Senior Sergeant Stephen William McIntyre\n Leading Senior Constable Joanne Wendy Mutsaerts\n Detective Leading Senior Constable Kathleen Anne Squire\n Assistant Commissioner Glenn Weir\n Inspector Peter Francis Wheeler\n Superintendent Jenny Lorraine Wilson", "Western Australia\n Detective Sergeant Alan Millar\n Sergeant Siobhan Collett O'Loughlin\n Inspector Shane Sadler\n Superintendent Valdo Sorgiovanni\n\nAustralian Fire Service Medal (AFSM)\n\nAustralian Capital Territory\n Christopher John Zeitlhofer\n\nNew South Wales\n Frank Austin\n Morgan James Cook\n Mark Steven Dobson\n Kenneth Mark Eglington\n John Andrew Foster\n Dennis Wayne Henry\n David John Hitchcock\n Terrence John Job\n Peter Stanley Miranda\n Michael Bernard Neyland\n Christopher Allen Sharp", "Northern Territory\n Darrin Thomas Weetra\n\nQueensland\n Malcolm Eric Stacey\n Michelle Christine Young\n\nSouth Australia\n Matthew Paul Davis\n Kenneth James Hall\n John Stanley Mudge\n\nVictoria\n Russell Pardew\n Robin Noel Parsons\n Ian Ronald Symons\n\nWestern Australia\n James Palmiro Armanasco\n Warren John Day\n Peter Crosby Sutton\n\nAmbulance Service Medal (ASM)\n\nNew South Wales\n Peter Ian Elliott\n Steven Alan Lobley\n Alan John Morrison\n\nQueensland\n Ian Trevor Richter\n Lynette Yvonne Richter", "Queensland\n Ian Trevor Richter\n Lynette Yvonne Richter\n\nSouth Australia\n Michael Berden\n John Laurence Shute\n\nEmergency Services Medal (ESM)\n\nNew South Wales\n Michelle Elizabeth Jenkins\n Glenn Martin Sullivan\n Ross Constable\n Ronald James Calman \n\nQueensland\n Nicole Monica Bradley\n Edward Conrad Cowie\n\nSouth Australia\n Dermot Barry\n\nVictoria\n John Leitch Hennessy\n Darren Martin McLeod\n Eileen Adrienne Murray\n\nWestern Australia\n Danny Goodlad\n David Jason Price\n\nAustralian Corrections Medal (ACM)", "Western Australia\n Danny Goodlad\n David Jason Price\n\nAustralian Corrections Medal (ACM)\n\nNew South Wales\n Louisa Emmy Van Mal\n Marty Van Vegchel\n Andrew Clive Child\n\nNorthern Territory\n Mandy Crow\n\nQueensland\n Darryll Graham Fleming\n Gabrielle Elizabeth Payne\n\nSouth Australia\n James Edward Rutter\n\nVictoria\n Nolene Elizabeth McDougall\n Michael Francis Cullinan\n Patrick Anthony McCormick\n Mario Nuzzo\n\nDistinguished and Conspicuous Service", "Distinguished and Conspicuous Service\n\nSecond Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal (DSM and Two Bars)\nArmy\nLieutenant Colonel L – For distinguished command and leadership in warlike operations as the Commander Special Operations Task Group 632 while deployed on Operation OKRA.\n\nDistinguished Service Medal (DSM)", "Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)\n\nArmy\n Captain M – For distinguished leadership in warlike operations as the Special Forces Advisory Team Commander, within Special Operations Task Group 632, Operation OKRA.\n Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Troy Smith – For distinguished leadership in warlike operations as Commanding Officer Training Task Unit, Task Group Taji VIII in Iraq from December 2018 to July 2019.\n\nCommendation for Distinguished Service", "Army\n Corporal C – For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Fusion Analysis Support Cell Manager Intelligence Operations while deployed with the Special Operations Task Group 632 during Operation OKRA from December 2018 to June 2019.\n Lieutenant Colonel Mark Alexander Gilchrist – For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Chief of Intelligence Plans, Headquarters RESOLUTE SUPPORT, while force assigned to Operation HIGHROAD, from July 2018 to May 2019.", "Colonel Jason Stuart Groat – For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Commander Task Group Taji VIII on Operation OKRA in Iraq from November 2018 to June 2019.\n Warrant Officer Class Two M – For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the senior Sergeant within the Special Forces Advisory Team during Operation OKRA.", "Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Kenneth Treble – For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Chief of Future Operations for Train Advise Assist Command, South, Operation HIGHROAD from October 2018 to July 2019.", "Air Force\n Squadron Leader Richard Michael Letts – For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Combined Joint Operations Centre, Train Advise Assist Command – Air Liaison Officer from September 2018 to March 2019 while deployed on Operation HIGHROAD.\n\nBar to the Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC and Bar)\n\nArmy\n Colonel Bede Thomas Galvin – For outstanding achievement in the design and execution of Army and Australian Defence Force collective training.", "Air Force\n Air Commodore Jennifer Karen Lumsden – For outstanding achievement in Specialist Reserve health services for the Australian Defence Force.\n\nConspicuous Service Cross (CSC)", "Navy\n Warrant Officer Raymond John Beasy – For outstanding devotion to duty in the field of Navy gunnery and force protection training.\n Chief Petty Officer Luke Ray Brewer – For outstanding devotion to duty as the Chief Petty Officer Fire Command and Control and Sensors Supervisor in HMAS Hobart.\n Commander Richard Eric Brickacek – For outstanding achievement as Commanding Officer HMAS Gascoyne.", "Commander Barry John Carmichael – For outstanding achievement as Commanding Officer HMAS Farncomb from April to June 2018.\n Captain Paul Andrew Johnson – For outstanding achievement as Commanding Officer HMAS Ballarat on Operation MANITOU from November 2018 and June 2019.\n Commander Casey Jayne Scully-O'Shea – For outstanding achievement in the field of Defence Force Recruiting.", "Army\n Corporal A – For outstanding devotion to duty as a Special Operations Command Liaison Officer.\n Colonel Mark Edward Baldock – For outstanding achievement as Director Logistics, Headquarters Forces Command.\n Lieutenant Colonel James Lachlan Bryant – For outstanding achievement as the Recruiting Liaison Officer – Army.\n Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Ellsmore – For outstanding achievement modernising and streamlining Army capabilities in digital communications and career management.", "Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Andrew Jenkins – For outstanding achievement in the provision of non-lethal effects, joint fires and effects coordination capabilities within the Australian Defence Force.\n Lieutenant Colonel Caroline Lee Kelly – For outstanding devotion to duty as Staff Officer Grade Two Diversity and Inclusion, Army People Capability Branch.\n Lieutenant Colonel Clare Louise O'Niell – For outstanding achievement in the field of Professional Military Education and strategic engagement.", "Lieutenant Colonel Neil Graham Peake – For outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of the 10th Force Support Battalion.\n The late Colonel Robert Andrew Sanders – For outstanding devotion to duty and achievement as Director Land, Army Headquarters\n Lieutenant Colonel Richard Nimitra Thapthimthong – For outstanding achievement as the Brigade Major of the 7th Combat Brigade.", "Lieutenant Colonel Ruth Janine Weir – For outstanding achievement as the Current Plans Operations Officer at Headquarters 1st Division and Deployable Joint Force Headquarters during the period 2018 to 2019.\n Colonel Mark Christopher Welburn – For outstanding achievement as the Chief of Staff of the 2nd Division.", "Air Force\n Wing Commander Wayne Robert Bradley – For outstanding achievement in the recruitment and retention of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders in the Royal Australian Air Force.\n Squadron Leader David William Bywater – For outstanding achievement in aeronautical life support equipment regulatory reform, rapid acquisition, and organisational development for the Australian Defence Force.", "Group Captain Paul Francis Deighton – For outstanding achievement in language training reform, development and delivery as Commanding Officer of the Defence Force School of Languages.\n Flight Sergeant Stewart Hume Hassall – For outstanding achievement in P 8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft maintenance and in the development of technical personnel at Number 11 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force.", "Air Vice-Marshal Vincent Joseph Iervasi – For outstanding achievement as the Commander Joint Task Force 633 on Operations OKRA and HIGHROAD from January to June 2019.\n Squadron Leader Jasper John Downey McCaldin – For outstanding achievement in the creation of integrated tactical procedures to maximise air combat effectiveness for the Royal Australian Air Force.\n Corporal Tobias Benjamin O'Niell – For outstanding achievement in cyber warfare at Number 462 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force.", "Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM)", "Navy\n Petty Officer Jonathon Richard Booth – For meritorious devotion to duty in Navy technical and leadership positions at sea and ashore.\n Lieutenant Commander Amy Cecilia Bulters – For meritorious achievement in the field of NavyMeteorological and Oceanographic operational support.\n Chief Petty Officer Noel Michael Rex Christoffel – For meritorious achievement in whole-ship leadership and performance of duty as a senior sailor in HMAS Harman from January 2017 to June 2019.", "Lieutenant Commander Matthew Robert Eglen – For meritorious devotion to duty in the field of Marine Engineering during the retirement of the Adelaide Class Frigates and introduction of the Hobart Class Destroyers.\n Commander Patricia Jane Kemp – For meritorious achievement in the field of Navy Health Services.\n Chief Petty Officer Nicolle Renee Palmer – For meritorious achievement in the field of Minor War Vessel Communications and Information Systems.", "Leading Seaman Patrick Georgen Palmer – For meritorious achievement of duty in the field of Navy information and communications technology.\n Commander David Andrew Rendell – For meritorious achievement in the field of information technology specifically the implementation of robotic process automation.\n Lieutenant Commander Siobhan Ann Sturdy – For meritorious achievement as the Marine Engineering Officer in HMAS Sheean.", "Leading Seaman Imogen Kate Vincent – For meritorious achievement as the Boatswains Mate Assistant Workgroup Manager at the Directorate of Naval Workforce Management.", "Army\n Lance Corporal A – For meritorious achievement in developing Information Warfare capability.\n Sergeant B – For meritorious devotion to duty as a Special Operations Advisor.\n Warrant Officer Class Two Shane Paul Cox – For meritorious achievement as an Indigenous Recruiting Specialist within Defence Force Recruiting.\n Lieutenant Colonel Andrew James Deacon – For meritorious devotion to duty as Deputy Director of the Defence Response Unit.", "Corporal Vikrant Vijayrao Deokar – For meritorious devotion to duty as an Information System Detachment Commander within 511 Signal Troop, 1st Signal Regiment during the period 2018 to 2019.\n Major Leonora Mary Dunn – For meritorious achievement as Staff Officer Grade Two Indigenous Projects – Army People Capability Branch.\n Captain Lachlan David Joseph – For meritorious achievement as the Current Operations Officer at Headquarters 3rd Brigade.", "Major Paul Anthony Lambert – For meritorious achievement as the Officer Commanding, 138 Signal Squadron.\n Sergeant Dale Mackenzie MacAskill – For meritorious achievement championing the Army Combatives Program within the Australian Army.", "Corporal N – For meritorious achievement in developing and implementing counter terrorism capability Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin David SHAW For meritorious achievement as the Principal Logistics Staff Officer at Headquarters Joint Task Force 633 in the Middle East from September 2018 to July 2019.\n Captain Kieran Shaw – For meritorious devotion to duty in the development of Joint Special Effects and Capabilities within the Australian Defence Force.", "Captain Christopher David Simpson – For meritorious achievement as an instructor at the Defence Force School of Intelligence.\n Chaplain Damian Hugh Styles – For meritorious devotion to duty as the Coordinating Chaplain of the 1st Brigade.\n Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Patrick Warner – For meritorious achievement as the Staff Officer Grade One, Individual Training, of the Headquarters 2nd Division.", "Air Force\n Group Captain Matthew Charles Barnett – For meritorious achievement as a Joint Operations Command domestic and Counter Terrorism Planning team leader.\n Wing Commander Julie Helen Canterbury – For meritorious achievement in project management of upgrades to the C-130J Hercules air transport capability for the Australian Defence Force.", "Group Captain Paul Copeland Carpenter – For meritorious achievement in joint air operations planning and force generation of command and control personnel for the Royal Australian Air Force.\n Squadron Leader Lisa June Hubbard – For meritorious achievement in logistic support of the C-27J Spartan battlefield airlifter capability.", "Wing Commander Andrew James Miller – For meritorious achievement in intelligence capability development as the inaugural Commanding Officer of the Air Intelligence Training Unit, Royal Australian Air Force.\n Corporal Daniel-Scott William Zaniol – For meritorious achievement in the maintenance and development of specialised electronic test equipment in support of the Australian Defence Force's air combat electronic warfare capability.", "References \n\n2020 awards\nOrders, decorations, and medals of Australia\n2020 awards in Australia" ]
History of the petroleum industry in Canada (oil sands and heavy oil)
[ "Canada's oil sands and heavy oil resources are among the world's great petroleum deposits. They include the vast oil sands of northern Alberta, and the heavy oil reservoirs that surround the small city of Lloydminster, which sits on the border between Alberta and Saskatchewan. The extent of these resources is well known, but better technologies to produce oil from them are still being developed.", "Because of the cost of developing these resources (they tend to be capital intensive), they tend to come on stream later in the cycle of petroleum resource development in a given producing region. This is because oil companies tend to extract the light, high-value oils first. The more difficult-to-extract resources are developed later, generally during periods of high commodity prices, such as the extended period of higher prices which began in the early 1970s.", "As has often been the case, the oil sands were different. The resources were so huge that experimentation began at about the same time as drilling for conventional petroleum in western Canada. Although the promise of the oil sands deposits has been clear for more than a century, oil production from the Suncor and Syncrude oil sands plants did not become profitable until well after the 1979 energy crisis", ". Despite comparatively high oil prices in world markets, for political reasons government kept prices for oil from these technological pioneers at artificially low levels until well into the 1980s.", "In recent years, oil sands and heavy oil development have been so successful that these resources now account for more than half of Canada's crude oil production.\n\nDefining the resources", "A Matter of Gravity", "Much of Canada's petroleum effort has focused on producing oil from the oil sands (sometimes called \"tar sands\") of northern Alberta. To appreciate these resources, it is important to understand a simple concept from chemistry and physics: the \"gravity\" of crude oil and natural gas liquids. The oil industry measures the weight of oil on terms of an artificial scale known as API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity. Ten degrees API is the gravity of water. Light oils use a higher API number", ". Ten degrees API is the gravity of water. Light oils use a higher API number. Generally heavier than water, bitumen typically has an API of 8-10 degrees API.", "Gravity refers to the weight spectrum of hydrocarbons, which increases with the ratio of hydrogen to carbon in a chemical compound's molecule. Methane () - the simplest form of natural gas - has four hydrogen atoms for every carbon atom. It has light gravity, and takes the form of a gas at normal temperatures and pressures. The next heavier hydrocarbon, ethane, has the chemical formula C2H6 and is a slightly denser gas. Gases, of course, have no gravity at atmospheric temperatures and pressures.", "Organic compounds combining carbon and oxygen are many in number. Those with more carbon atoms per hydrogen atom are heavier and denser. Most hydrocarbons are liquid under standard conditions, with greater viscosity associated with greater gravity.", "Heavy oil and bitumen, which have far more carbon mass than hydrogen, are heavy, black, sticky and either slow-pouring or so close to being solid that they will not pour at all unless heated. Although the dividing line is fuzzy, the term heavy oil refers to slow-pouring heavy hydrocarbon mixtures. Bitumen refers to mixtures with the consistency of cold molasses that pour at room temperatures with agonizing slowness. Oils with high viscosity and heavy gravity do not float on water, but sink.", "In the oil sands, this thick, black gunk is mixed with sand and many chemical impurities such as sulfur; these must be separated from the bitumen for the oil to be useful. This can be done by surface mining and processing and by underground in situ techniques.", "It is difficult to grasp the immensity of Canada's oil sands and heavy oil resource. Fields in northern Alberta include four major deposits which underlie almost 70,000 square kilometres of land. The volume of bitumen in those sands dwarfs the light oil reserves of the entire Middle East. One of those deposits, the Athabasca oil sands, is the world's largest known crude oil resource.\n\nFirst explorers", "The first recorded mention of Canada's bitumen deposits goes back to June 12, 1719. According to an entry in the York Factory journal, on that day Cree Indian Wa-Pa-Sun brought a sample of oil sand to Henry Kelsey of the Hudson's Bay Company. When fur trader Peter Pond travelled down the Clearwater River to Athabasca in 1778, he saw the deposits and wrote of \"springs of bitumen that flow along the ground", ".\" A decade later, Alexander Mackenzie saw Chipewyan Indians using oil from the oil sands to caulk their canoes. Despite the fascination of the early explorers, however, the existence of the sands did not excite commercial interests for more than a century.", "In 1875, John Macoun of the Geological Survey also noted the presence of the oil sands. Later reports by Dr. Robert Bell and later by D.G. McConnell, also of the Geological Survey, led to drilling some test holes. In 1893, Parliament voted $7,000 for drilling. This first commercial effort to exploit the oil sands probably hoped to find free oil at the base of the sands, as drillers had in the gum beds of southern Ontario a few decades earlier", ". Although the Survey's three wells failed to find oil, the second was noteworthy for quite another reason.", "Drilled at a site called Pelican Portage, the well blew out at 235 metres after encountering a high-pressure gas zone. According to drilling contractor A.W. Fraser,", "Fraser's crew unsuccessfully tried to kill the well by casing it, then abandoned the well for that year. They returned in 1898 to finish the job, but again they failed. In the end, they simply left the well blowing wild. Natural gas flowed from the well at a rate of some 250,000 cubic metres per day until 1918. In that year a crew led by geologist S.E. Slipper and C.W. Dingman finally shut in the well.", "These wells helped establish that the bitumen resource in the area was huge. There was now clear recognition of the commercial potential of the oil sands, and a long period of exploration and experimentation followed. The point of this research was to find a method of getting oil out of the oil sands at a reasonable price.", "Alfred Hammerstein, who claimed to be a German count (historically there are barons von Hammerstein, but not counts), was one of the colourful early players in the oil sands. He said he encountered Fort McMurray-area bitumen deposits en route to the Klondike, but stayed and turned his interest from gold to the oil sands. In 1906 he drilled at the mouth of the Horse River, but struck salt instead of oil", ". In 1906 he drilled at the mouth of the Horse River, but struck salt instead of oil. He continued working in the area, however, in 1907 Hammerstein made a celebrated presentation to a Senate committee investigating the potential of the oil sands.", "Hammerstein (1870–1941), who arrived in the region in 1897, promoted the Athabaska tar sands for over forty years, taking photos with descriptive titles such as \"Tar Sands and Flowing Asphaltum in the Athabasca District,\" that are now in the National Library and National Archives Canada", ". Photos of the Athabaska tar sands were also featured in Canadian writer and adventurer, Agnes Deans Cameron's, best-selling book entitled The New North: Being Some Account of a Woman’s Journey through Canada to the Arctic which recounted her 10,000 mile-round trip to the Arctic Ocean. Following this journey and the publication of her book, she travelled extensively as lecturer, with magic lantern slides of her Kodak images, promoting immigration to western Canada at Oxford, Cambridge, St", ". Andrew's University and the Royal Geographical Society. Her photographs were reproduced in 2011–2012 in an exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Ottawa, Canada. Cameron was particularly enthusiastic about the Athabaska region and the Athabaska tar sands which included photos of Hammerstein's oil drill works along the Athabasca River. \"While the Count was unsuccessful drilling for \"elephant pools of oil,\" Cameron's book and its images... made her a media celebrity", "... made her a media celebrity.\" \"In all Canada there is no more interesting stretch of waterway than that upon which we are entering. An earth-movement here has created a line of fault clearly visible for seventy or eighty miles along the river-bank, out of which oil oozes at frequent intervals. [...] Tar there is [...] in plenty. [...] It oozes from every fissure, and into some bituminous tar well we can poke a twenty-foot pole and find no resistance.", "Surface extraction", "In 1913, Dr. S.C. Ells, an engineer with the federal department of mines, began investigating the economic possibilities of the oils sands. It was then that the idea of using the sands as road paving material was born. In 1915, Dr. Ells laid three road surfaces on sections of 82nd Street in Edmonton. Materials used included bitulithic, bituminous concrete and sheet asphalt mixtures. A report, ten years later, by a city engineer stated that the surface remained in excellent condition", ". McMurray asphalt also saw use on the grounds of the Alberta Legislature, on the highway in Jasper Park and elsewhere in Alberta.", "Although private contractors also mined oil sand as a paving material, the proposition was not economic. Fort McMurray (the community closest to the near-surface deposits) was small and far from market, and transportation costs were high.", "Pioneers\nResearchers began to look for ways to extract the bitumen from the sand. The Alberta Research Council set up two pilot plants in Edmonton and a third at the Clearwater River. These plants were part of a successful project (led by the Research Council's Dr. Karl A. Clark) to develop a hot water process to separate the oil from the sands. In 1930, the Fort McMurray plant actually used the process to produce three car loads of oil.", "Abasand: At about that time two American promoters, Max Ball and B.O. Jones from Denver, entered the oil sands scene. They reportedly had a secret recovery method known as the McClay process, and they claimed substantial financial backing. They negotiated leases with the federal and Alberta governments and also bought the McMurray plant of the Alberta Research Council. In 1935, Abasand Oils Limited, Ball's American-backed operating company, started construction of a new plant west of Waterways.", "Under the agreement with the government, the plant was to be in operation by September 1, 1936. But forest fires and failure of equipment suppliers to meet delivery dates delayed completion. The agreement called for mining 45,000 tonnes of sands in 1937 and 90,000 tonnes each year after 1938. The 1,555-hectare lease carried a rental of $2.47 per hectare per year. There was to be royalties of $0.063 per cubic metre on production for the first five years, and $0.31 per cubic metre thereafter.", "Mining at the Abasand plant began May 19, 1941. By the end of September, 18,475 tonnes of oil sand had produced 2,690 cubic metres of oil, but in November fire destroyed the plant. Rebuilt on a larger scale, it was fully operational in June 1942.", "In 1943, the federal government decided to aid oil sands development, and took over the Abasand plant. The federal researchers concluded that the hot water process was uneconomic because of the extensive heat loss and proposed a \"cold\" water process. But work at the plant came to an end with a disastrous fire in 1945. In July 1943, International Bitumen Company reorganized as Oil Sands Limited.", "Bitumount: Between 1930 and 1955, the International Bitumen Company Limited under R.C. Fitzsimmons and later Lloyd Champion operated a small-scale plant at Bitumount. When the Alberta government became disenchanted with federal efforts in the oil sands and decided to build its own experimental plant at Bitumount, the province engaged Oil Sands Limited to construct the plant.", "The company agreed to buy the plant within a period of ten years for the original investment of $250,000. The cost of the plant was $750,000, however. A legal claim against Oil Sands Limited resulted in the province taking possession of the plant and property at Bitumount. The plant consisted of a separation unit, a dehydrating unit and a refinery", ". The plant consisted of a separation unit, a dehydrating unit and a refinery. The plant conducted successful tests using the Clark hot water process in 1948/49 then closed, partly because the recent Leduc discoveries had lessened interest in the oil sands.", "Great Canadian Oil Sands", "In 1962, Great Canadian Oil Sands Limited (GCOS) received approval from the Alberta government to build and operate a 10,000 cubic metre per day plant near Fort McMurray. The plant was to produce 240 tonnes of sulfur and 900 tonnes of coke per day as by-products. Because at that time the industry was having difficulties marketing its oil, the provincial government established a policy that would limit oil sands production", ". According to this policy, synthetic oil from the oil sands could supplement conventional oil sales, but could not displace it. Oil from the plant could not exceed 5 per cent of total volumes in markets already supplied by conventional Alberta oil.", "Financial difficulties delayed construction of the GCOS plant until a new investor - Sun Oil Company's Canadian subsidiary, today known as Suncor - was found. The capacity of the proposed plant increased to 7,500 cubic metres per day and the cost escalated from $122 to $190 million. The larger plant received approval in 1964 and went into commercial production in September 1967. The final cost: $250 million.", "During the opening ceremonies for the plant, Sun Oil Company chairman J. Howard Pew (a legendary industrialist, then 85 years old) made remarks which still ring true:", "The Suncor plant was a landmark in oil sands development. It pioneered technology for bitumen extraction and upgrading, and it was the world's first large-scale commercial plant. In the early years it was not particularly profitable, but the plant was nonetheless able to cover operating expenses from the sale of its own production. And in 1979, when federal policy permitted the company to charge world price for its oil, the plant finally became a money-making asset to Suncor", ". The plant found solutions to the problems of extracting a commercial grade of oil from the sands - problems that had been the concern of financiers, chemists, petroleum engineers, metallurgists, mining engineers, geologists, physicists and many other scientists and pseudo-scientists for many decades.", "Syncrude", "In 1962 (the same year the Great Canadian Oil Sands proposal went up for approval) Cities Service Athabasca Inc. proposed a 16,000 cubic metre per day plant at the site of its Mildred Lake pilot project. Including a pipeline to Edmonton, the plant was to cost $56 million, with construction beginning in 1965 and completion in 1968. However, the Oil and Gas Conservation Board had concerns about competition between synthetic oil and conventional oil for limited markets", ". It therefore decided not to bring too many oil sands plants on stream at once, and rejected the Cities Service proposal in favor of the GCOS project.", "Cities Service later reapplied for a much larger plant, and the proposal received approval in late 1969. The Syncrude plant which resulted went on production in 1978, exactly two centuries after Peter Pond's first sighting of the oil sands. But before the plant shipped its first barrel of oil, the project went through many trials.", "The reason for the long gap between approval and completion was an alarming escalation of costs that beset all major North American projects in the 1970s. High inflation multiplied budgets for practically every aspect of the Syncrude project.", "Reviewing project costs in late 1973, the Syncrude consortium found that costs had more than doubled, from $1 billion to $2.3 billion. In December 1974, Atlantic Richfield (whose American parent needed cash to develop its Prudhoe Bay interests) withdrew its 30 per cent participation in the project. A few days later, the three remaining partners informed the Alberta government that the maximum risk they were willing to take on the project was $1 billion", ". They would need to find another $1 billion of risk capital if the project were to go on. The alternative - shutting down the project - would have cost the four partners (Including Atlantic Richfield) an estimated $250 million.", "By this time the world was in the thralls of an energy crisis. Beginning in 1973, the members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries had taken advantage of tight world oil supplies to rapidly and regularly increase prices. Policy-makers in the oil consuming countries therefore considered it a matter of national urgency to develop stable, secure energy supplies. Because the resource was so large and development was clearly possible, the oil sands looked like Canada's best bet", ". As a result, the prospect that the Syncrude project would collapse was a matter of both political and economic concern.", "An executive group representing the remaining partners invited the other governments of Canada to participate as commercial partners in the project. The province also reviewed the cost estimate given by the oil companies. When it found that the consortium's cost estimates were not out of line, the governments of Canada, Alberta and Ontario participated in a historic meeting in Winnipeg in February, 1975. That meeting salvaged the project.", "The federal government took a 15 per cent interest, Alberta 10 per cent and Ontario five per cent. The private partners - Cities Service Canada, Gulf Oil Canada and Imperial Oil - agreed to retain their $1.4 billion interest in the project, but gave Alberta the option to convert a $200 million loan to Gulf and Cities Service into ownership interests. Alberta also took full ownership in the no-risk pipeline and electrical utility which the plant needed.", "The plant went into operation in the summer of 1978 and produced of oil within a year. World oil prices leaped skyward in 1979-80 and remained high for the first half of the 1980s. This helped Syncrude become successful financially as well as technically. Syncrude now meets about 14 per cent of Canada's oil requirements, mostly in the form of synthetic oil. The plant has produced nearly of this oil.\n\nShell in the oil sands", "Shell in the oil sands\n\nIn 2003, Shell Canada and its partners began producing from the Muskeg River Mine, located 75 kilometres north of Fort McMurray. Known as the Athabasca Oil Sands Project, the entire complex consists of Muskeg River, Shell's Scotford Upgrader located near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, and supporting facilities.", "Four years later, by which time Shell Canada had been wholly acquired by its parent, Royal Dutch Shell, the company applied to build a massive oil sands upgrading complex at the site of its Edmonton refinery. The project, which could cost as much as $27-billion, would be built in four stages. Like its existing upgrader, Shell's new facility would process bitumen from the Athabasca Oil Sands Project, as well as bitumen from steam-driven in situ oil sands projects.\n\nIn situ recovery", "In situ recovery\n\nThe oilsands projects just described are unique in the world: They exploit near-surface bitumen from open-pit mines. The industry has also spent decades experimenting with ways to recover bitumen from deeper deposits. The only way to develop petroleum resources underground is through in situ production techniques.", "In situ means \"in place,\" and refers to recovery techniques which apply heat or solvents to oil reservoirs beneath the earth. There are several varieties of in situ technique, but the ones that work best in the oil sands use heat.", "The first in situ experiment in Alberta took place in 1910, when a Pittsburgh-based outfit, the Barber Asphalt Paving Company, drilled a bore hole into the bitumen and pumped in steam to liquefy the oil. The experiment failed. In the early 1920s, other in situ experiments also took place, but none were commercially successful.", "Jacob Owen Absher: In the mid-1920s, a remarkable and persistent experimenter named Jacob Owen Absher incorporated the Bituminous Sand Extraction Company. In 1926, Absher received a Canadian patent for his in situ experiments, and he carried on numerous experiments over the following five years - efforts that drew the interest of oil sands pioneers Sidney Ells and Karl Clark. Absher not only used steam to melt the bitumen, but also tried igniting fires within his wells", ". Absher not only used steam to melt the bitumen, but also tried igniting fires within his wells. In the end, however, he was unable to produce oil from the oil sands. His activities ended as the Great Depression raged.", "While Absher has been largely forgotten as a pioneer in the oil sands business, others have realized his dream of using heat to release oil from the sands. Today, some commercial projects pipe high-pressure steam into the oil sands reservoir. Other projects actually ignite the oil underground, then pump air below the surface to keep combustion going. These techniques effectively melt the oil, which pumps then bring to the surface.", "Thermonuclear thinking: The most dramatic proposal for in situ production from deep oil sand deposits came from Richfield Oil Company. In 1959 Richfield suggested an experimental plan to release liquid hydrocarbons from the sand through the expedient of an underground nuclear explosion. The company proposed detonating a 9-kiloton explosive device below the oil sands at a site 100 kilometres south of Fort McMurray. Thermonuclear heat would create a large cavern and simultaneously liquefy the oil", ". Thermonuclear heat would create a large cavern and simultaneously liquefy the oil. The cavern could serve as a collection point for the now-fluid oil, enabling the company to produce it.", "This idea came remarkably close to reality. Project Oilsand received federal approval in Canada, and the United States Atomic Energy Commission agreed to provide the device. But before the experiment could take place, public pressure for an international ban on nuclear testing had mounted. The provincial government withheld approval and thus killed the plan.", "In situ bitumen production: Many companies experimented with thermal techniques to produce heavy oil from the oilsands, especially in the Cold Lake oilsands deposit, in the 1970s and 1980s. Bearing such field-hand monikers as \"steam flood\", \"fire flood\" and \"huff and puff\" techniques, these extraction methods - like the Barber Asphalt and Paving Company's 1910 experiment - essentially apply heat to the underground reservoir", ". This melts the oil - that is, decreases its viscosity - so it can be pumped to the surface. An increasingly successful system now in use is steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD).", "SAGD was initially tested at the Underground Test Facility (UTF), ah experimental bitumen mining project funded by AOSTRA and officially opened on June 29, 1987. The magnitude of the UTF is hard to imagine. Sinking the shafts was done with a drill bit almost four metres in diameter, weighing 230 tonnes. The two shafts below the oil sand reservoirs were 223 metres deep and neither one deviated from the vertical by more than 25 mm", ". As a safety measure, AOSTRA constructed two parallel tunnels through the limestone under the oil sand reservoir. More than a kilometre in length, each tunnel was five metres wide by four metres high.", "From the tunnels the researchers drilled wells up into the reservoir to conduct two sets of tests. The Phase A pilot involved three well pairs 70 metres in length, each with 40–50 metres of exposure to the McMurray formation. Phase B involved another three well pairs, 70 metres apart, each with 500 to 550 metres of direct contact with the oil sand reservoir. The results were excellent, and the petroleum industry soon began producing bitumen through SAGD well pairs drilled and operated from the surface.", "The largest single plant in Canada to use in situ production is Imperial Oil's Cold Lake oil sand plant. This plant uses a technique called cyclic steam injection. Using this method, the company pumps high-pressure steam into a section of the underground reservoir for a week or so, then pumps the liquid oil out for as long as several months. Imperial also uses steam-assisted gravity drainage. In its SAGD production system, Imperial drills two horizontal wells, one five metres above the other", ". Steam injected through the upper well reduces the viscosity of the oil, which is recovered through the lower borehole. This plant produces more than of bitumen per day.", "The first Asian-owned company involved in the oil sands was JACOS, which in 1978 began participating in experiments at a pilot project in the Athabasca area. Like Imperial at Cold Lake, from 1984 to 1994 JACOS and its partners also experimented with a cyclic steam stimulation pilot project on the Hangingstone Lease. Since then the company has developed SAGD production on that lease. It is also constructing a demonstration plant using solvent-based in situ bitumen extraction.\n\nHeavy oil", "Heavy oil\n\nHeavy crude oil is a sister resource to bitumen. It is lighter than bitumen and its reservoirs are much smaller than the great oil sands deposits. Like the oil sands, only a small percentage of Canada's large heavy oil resource is producible.", "Often called conventional heavy oil, this low-density oil can be recovered by conventional drilling techniques or by waterflood, a technique of injecting water into the reservoir to increase pressure, thus forcing the oil toward the well bore. When these techniques work, heavy oil is like the more commercially attractive lighter grades of oil. But heavy oil can also be quite viscous. It can need some form of heat or solvent and pressure before it can flow into a well bore to be produced", ". When heavy oil requires these techniques to go into production, it is known as non-conventional heavy oil.", "The first heavy oil discoveries came with the pursuit of conventional light and medium crude oil. Because much of western Canada's heavy oil is in pools close to the surface, early explorers using older rigs discovered many of those pools before they came upon the deeper light oil reservoirs.", "One of the first finds was in the Ribstone area near Wainwright, Alberta in 1914. The province's first significant production of heavy oil came from the Wainwright field in 1926. Producers drew almost of heavy oil from the field in that year. A small-scale local refinery distilled the heavy goo into usable products.", "Elsewhere in Alberta, petroleum explorers made other heavy oil finds as they pursued the elusive successor to the Turner Valley oil field. They developed production from many of these fields, but only in small volumes. The recovery techniques of the day combined with the low price of oil and the nature and size of the finds meant that most of the oil remained undeveloped.\n\nHusky", "Husky\n\nThe most important exception was at Lloydminster. While the first discovery occurred in 1938, serious development did not begin until Husky Oil moved into the area after the second world war.", "Husky Oil was born during the Depression through the efforts of Glenn Nielson, an Alberta farmer driven to bankruptcy when the bank called a loan on his farm. Nielson had moved to Cody, Wyoming, by the time he founded Husky as a refining operation. He turned his attention back to Canada after the second world war, and decided to set up a refinery at Lloydminster. Steel was scarce, so Husky dismantled a small Wyoming refinery constructed during the war to provide bunker fuel to the American Navy", ". It loaded the pieces onto 40 gondola cars and shipped them north by railway.", "The company began reassembling the 400 cubic metre per day facility in 1946, and the refinery went on production the following year. Strategically located between the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National railroad tracks in Lloydminster, the refinery soon began to get contracts for locomotive bunker fuel. The company also found a strong market for asphalt for road building.", "Husky's move into the area spurred drilling and production. Within two years of Husky's arrival, there were oversupplies of heavy oil and shortages of storage space. Producers solved the problem by storing the oil in earthen pits holding up to 16,000 cubic metres each. For a while Husky bought the oil by weight rather than volume since it was clogged with earth, tumbleweed and jackrabbits. The company had to strain and remeasure the stuff before it could begin refining.", "Husky began producing heavy oil from local fields in 1946, and by the 1960s was easily the biggest regional producer. In 1963 the company undertook another in a series of expansions to the refinery. To take advantage of expanding markets for Canadian oil, it also began a program to deliver heavy oil to national and export markets.", "The key to the $35 million project was the construction of a reversible pipeline which could move the viscous heavy oil into the marketplace. The 116-kilometre \"yo-yo\" pipeline - the first in the world - brought condensate from the Interprovincial Pipe Line station at Hardisty, Alberta. The company began mixing this very light hydrocarbon with heavy oil, enabling it to flow more easily. The company then pumped the blend through its pipeline (hence the nickname \"yo-yo\") back to Hardisty", ". From there the Interprovincial took it eastward to market.", "These developments made heavy oil for the first time more than a marginal resource. Within five years, area production had increased fivefold to nearly 2,000 cubic metres per day. By the early 1990s, production from the heavy oil belt was some 40,000 cubic metres per day, and Husky was still one of Canada's biggest heavy oil producers.", "Upgraders\nHeavy crude feedstock needs pre‐processing before it is fit for conventional refineries.\nThis is called 'upgrading,' the key components of which include 1) removal of water, sand, physical waste and lighter products; 2) catalytic purification (hydrodemetallization, hydrodesulfurization and\nhydrodenitrogenation; and 3) hydrogenation though carbon rejection or catalytic hydrocracking.\nSince carbon rejection is generally inefficient and wasteful, catalytic hydrocracking is preferred in most cases.", "Catalytic purification and hydrocracking are together known as hydroprocessing. The big challenge in hydroprocessing is to deal with the impurities found in heavy crude, as they poison the catalysts over time. Many efforts have been made to deal with this to ensure high activity and long life of a catalyst. Catalyst materials and pore size distributions need to be optimized to deal with these challenges.", "Figuratively speaking, technological improvements and new infrastructure cause heavy oil reservoirs to grow. Enhanced recovery techniques are urging a higher percentage of the reservoirs' oil to the surface. Research and development are creating technologies which have increased the amount producers can extract. Small improvements in technology applied to such a huge resource could mean enormous additions to Canada's recoverable crude oil reserves.", "Few Canadian refineries can process more than small amounts of heavy oil, so production has traditionally gone to United States asphalt plants. This changed in the 1980s, however, with the announcement that construction would begin on two heavy oil upgraders. Like the plants at Syncrude, Suncor and Shell's Scotford facility near Edmonton, these refinery-like operations turn heavy oil and bitumen into lighter and lower-sulfur, more desirable crude.", "In the late 1970s, a group of heavy oil producers (Gulf, Husky, Shell, PetroCanada and SaskOil) proposed the Plains Upgrader. This facility would have cost $1.2 billion and upgraded of oil per day. Gradually, however, consortium members pulled out of the project as they concluded that the high cost of upgrading would make the project uneconomic. In the end, only PetroCanada and Saskoil - both Crown corporations - remained.", "The private sector partners pulled out of the Plains Upgrader because upgrading heavy oil at that time was a risky financial proposition. To be economic, these projects rely on substantial differences in pricing (\"differentials\") between light and heavy crude oil. Heavy oil is worth less than light oil; the question is, How much less? Unless upgraded oil fetched considerably more per barrel than the less attractive heavy oil, the upgrader would not make money on processing the stuff.", "While the Plains partnership collapsed, the idea survived.\n\nCo-op Upgrader\n\nTheir partners gone, SaskOil suggested reducing upgrader costs by integrating with the Consumers' Cooperative Refinery in Regina. This would eliminate duplication in facilities and infrastructure by taking advantage of existing land, processing units, storage and pipeline facilities, technical and operating staff and management.", "The Co-op refinery was a product of the Co-operative movement, which began in Britain in the mid-19th century. Frequently expanded and modernized, the Co-op plant (first constructed in 1935) was a small but modern refinery when talk about a refinery/upgrader complex began in the early 1980s. Both the federal and Saskatchewan governments had forbidden their Crown corporations to participate in the project, yet both took part themselves", ". The province had a particular interest, since an upgrader would increase the market for heavy oil from Saskatchewan's fields. This would give the provincial oil industry an important boost. The federal government saw the project as an opportunity to move the nation one small step towards the stated goal of crude oil self-sufficiency. For its part, the Co-op wanted an assured supply of crude oil for its refinery.", "Accordingly, Saskatchewan took a 20 per cent equity position and guaranteed loans equal to 45 per cent of the project. In exchange, it became a 50 per cent partner in the combined operation with Consumers' Co-op, which committed its existing refinery (valued at $500 million) to the project. The federal government guaranteed loans equal to 35 per cent of the project. Repayment on the principal of the loans would not begin until late 1992.", "On stream in 1988, the Consumers' Co-op refinery/upgrader complex was a facility. The $700 million upgrader provided upgraded oil as refinery feedstock.\n\nHusky Upgrader", "Husky Upgrader\n\nThe company with the most extensive experience in the heavy oil belt was the one to propose - and eventually develop - Canada's other heavy oil upgrader. Husky began to prepare for the upgrader by building a new refinery next to the old plant. This facility - which processed heavy oil into asphalt and simultaneously provided light oils for refining into high-end products like gasoline - was completed in 1983.", "After a series of false starts, in 1988 Husky and its three partners announced a firm agreement to construct the Bi-Provincial Upgrader - today better known as the Husky Upgrader. Located just east of Lloydminster, this $1.6 billion upgrader received most of its funding from government. Originally budgeted at $1.2 billion, the federal, Alberta and Saskatchewan governments owned 31.67 per cent, 24.16 per cent and 17.5 per cent each. The balance belonged to Husky, which has since acquired the entire facility", ".5 per cent each. The balance belonged to Husky, which has since acquired the entire facility.", "Under the terms of the original agreement, Husky would receive 50 per cent of the plant's net revenue plus a 10 per cent return on investment until Husky recovered that investment. The balance of plant profit would go proportionally to Husky's partners. A wrinkle in this arrangement occurred as the project neared completion, however, when Saskatchewan's newly installed NDP government refused to pay its share of $190 million in cost overruns", ". The other players eventually agreed to pay Saskatchewan's share, but would withhold returns to that province until they had recovered Saskatchewan's arrears.", "The upgrader went on stream in mid-1992, but required debottlenecking before it could reach design capacity of . The plant upgrades Lloydminster-area heavy oil and Cold Lake bitumen, making still more of those resources available for central Canadian and American markets.", "Heavy oil differentials explain the large cost discrepancies between the Husky Upgrader ($1.6 billion for capacity) and the Co-op upgrader ($600 million for .) The Husky facility was designed to process heavier grades of oil than the Co-op upgrader, and its output was more desirable. This critical difference meant Husky would pay less for its feedstock and receive more for its output than the Co-op plant", ". From the beginning, forecasts about these differentials were vital factors in economic calculations for the two projects, each of which has since undergone major expansions.", "Metric conversions\nOne cubic metre of oil = 6.29 barrels.\nOne cubic metre of natural gas = 35.49 cubic feet.\nOne kilopascal = 1% of atmospheric pressure (near sea level).", "Canada's oil measure, the cubic metre, is unique in the world. It is metric in the sense that it uses metres, but it is based on volume so that Canadian units can be easily converted into barrels. In the rest of the metric world, the standard for measuring oil is the tonne. The advantage of the latter measure is that it reflects oil quality. In general, lower grade oils are heavier.\n\nSee also\n\n Energy policy of Canada\n List of articles about Canadian tar sands\n\nReferences", "Further reading\n Beaton, Jim, and Eleanor Meek. Offshore Dream: A History of Nova Scotia's Oil and Gas Industry (2010) \n Peter McKenzie-Brown, Bitumen: the people, performance and passions behind Alberta's oil sands, CreateSpace \n \n J. Joseph Fitzgerald, Black Gold with Grit, Gray's Publishing, Victoria, British Columbia; 1978\n Robert Bott, Our Petroleum Challenge: Sustainability into the 21st Century, Canadian Centre for Energy Information, Calgary; Seventh edition, 2004", "Chastko, Paul, Developing Alberta's Oil Sands: From Karl Clark to Kyoto, University of Calgary Press, Calgary; Second Printing, 2007.", "External links\n Canada's Oil Sands. Broad industry site with open forum and debate on specific issues\n\nCanada\nPetroleum industry in Canada\nBituminous sands of Canada" ]
Epeli Ganilau
[ "Brigadier-General Ratu Epeli Ganilau, MC, MSD, (10 October 1951 – 23 March 2023) was a Fijian military officer and politician. His career previously encompassed such roles as Commander of the Fiji Military Forces and Chairman of the Bose Levu Vakaturaga (Great Council of Chiefs). On 15 January 2007 he was sworn in as Minister for Fijian Affairs in the interim Cabinet formed in the wake of the 2006 Fijian coup d'état which deposed the Qarase government on 5 December 2006.\n\nEarly life", "Early life\n\nGanilau was educated at Wanganui Collegiate School, in New Zealand, from 1965. He later graduated from the University of the South Pacific and from the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, England, and the Royal New Zealand Air Force Staff College.\n\nMilitary career", "He enlisted in the Royal Fiji Military Forces in June 1972, and attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the UK. He had served several tours of duty with the UN forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and with the Multinational Force & Observers (MFO) in Sinai, Egypt", ". In 1979, as a company commander with the Fijian battalion serving with UN forces in Lebanon (1st Battalion, Fiji Infantry Regiment) Ganilau was awarded the Military Cross (MC) for his leadership on operations at a time when UN forces and the Fijian battalion in particular, was being frequently attacked by armed groups in southern Lebanon. He attended the RNZAF Staff College in Auckland, NZ, and rose through the ranks to attain the rank of Brigadier", ". In July 1991, he was appointed Commander of the Military, succeeding Sitiveni Rabuka. He held this office for eight years, retiring in 1999 to pursue a career in politics.", "First foray into politics\n\nIn 1998, he helped to found the Christian Democratic Alliance, which won three seats in the House of Representatives in the 1999 election, although he personally was not elected. He chose not to run in the 2001 elections. He also contested the traditional title of Tui Cakau in 2001 which was vacant at the time. Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu succeeded to the title of Tui Cakau, the Paramount Chief of the Tovata Confederacy which encompasses the provinces of Cakaudrove and Lau.", "Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs", "Ganilau was appointed to the Bose Levu Vakaturaga (Great Council of Chiefs) in 1999 as one of six representatives of the Fijian government. Ganilau was elected chairman on 3 May 2001 after his predecessor, Sitiveni Rabuka, stepped down amid accusations that he (Rabuka) may have been involved in the George Speight-led ethno-nationalist coup that deposed Fiji's elected government in May 2000", ". The Bose Levu Vakaturaga was a formal assembly of Fijian hereditary chiefs, along with a number of specially qualified commoners, chosen mainly by Fiji's provincial councils. The Council of Chiefs also had a constitutional role in functioning as an electoral college to elect the President of the Republic of Fiji, the Vice-President of Fiji, as well as 14 of the 32 Senators.", "As chairman, Ganilau took a strong stand for law and order, and supported the prosecution of persons implicated in the 2000 coup. On 11 April 2003, he was quoted as saying that the ethnic politics promoted by nationalist politicians had resulted in coups that caused immense damage to the country. He spoke in support of Commodore Frank Bainimarama, who was then becoming increasingly vocal in his criticism of the Qarase government's ethno-nationalist leanings and sympathies for the 2000 coupists.", "Both Ganilau and Army Commander, Frank Bainimarama, viewed Qarase's appeals to the primordial instincts of indigenous Fijians with deep suspicion. They saw Qarase's affirmative action policies and his subtle use of imagined threats to indigenous Fijian interests as polarising society along ethnic lines. They resented Qarase's use of ethnicity as a device to mobilise indigenous Fijian support", ". They resented Qarase's use of ethnicity as a device to mobilise indigenous Fijian support. As far as Ganilau and Bainimarama were concerned, Fiji under Qarase was sliding headlong down a slippery slope towards a divided society with the spectre of a failed state looming large on the horizon. More importantly, it was a view shared by the Army.", "On 6 August that year, Ganilau said that all persons implicated in that coup should be brought to justice, regardless of their position in the community. Culture and tradition should not, he said, impede the investigation of chiefs who had participated in the George Speight coup. He also rejected a call from Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, a Cabinet Minister and the Paramount Chief of the Tovata Confederacy, for the Great Council of Chiefs to replace the Senate as the upper house of the legislature", ". Ganilau argued that the chiefly system with its class distinctions and quasi-feudal values was incompatible with the democratic values underpinning modern representative government. To merge the two would create further confusion in the minds of indigenous Fijians who were already subject to two different administrative systems i.e", ".e. the laws and regulations of the central government viz a viz the laws regulating indigenous Fijian society under the Fijian Affairs Act (administered by the Ministry of i'Taukei Affairs).", "Ganilau held the chairmanship until 21 July 2004 when Prime Minister Qarase did not renew Ganilau's membership on the Council and replaced him with Ratu Ovini Bokini, a former deputy chairman and the chief of Tavua.\n\nHe was a government appointee to the Council and the government decision not to renew his membership effectively removed him from that body.", "The Qarase government gave no reason for its decision not to reappoint Ganilau but there were strained relations between Ganilau and the ethno-nationalists in Qarase's Cabinet who did not agree with Ganilau's multiracial agenda. Information Minister and staunch nationalist, Simione Kaitani, had criticised Ganilau for calling for the resignation of Vice-President Ratu Jope Seniloli, who in 2004 was on trial for his involvement in the 2000 ethno-nationlist coup led by George Speight", ". Defending Seniloli, Kaitani argued that Seniloli was legally entitled to a presumption of innocence until proven guilty and until such guilt was proven, Seniloli should remain as President. Kaitani went on to accuse Ganilau of hypocrisy, saying that he (Ganilau) was involved in the forced resignation of his father-in-law, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, as President on 29 May 2000.", "There were also accusations that Ganilau was undermining the so-called political neutrality of the Bose Levu Vakaturaga with his calls for a revival of the defunct Alliance Party, the multi-racial political party founded by Ratu Mara, which governed Fiji from 1967 to 1987. Ganilau's call received support from a number of political factions, including the Indo-Fijian-dominated National Federation Party, but received a cold reception from Prime Minister Qarase's Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua", ". They saw Ganilau's multiracial agenda as an unwelcome threat to the nationalist i'taukei vote they required to remain in power. Ganilau had hinted that he himself would play a role in reviving the proposed Alliance with its focus on multiracialism. The decision to oust Ganilau from the leadership of the Great Council of Chiefs was widely seen as a move by Qarase to prevent Ganilau from using the Council as a platform to advance his (Ganilau) political agenda", ". Clearly, Qarase regarded Ganilau as a threat and had set a course to neutralise him.", "Both Qarase and Ganilau held visions of Fiji that were incompatible. Ganilau had ideas of a united multiracial Fiji that was modelled on Ratu Mara's Alliance government that governed the Dominion of Fiji from 1970 to 1987. In that set up the chiefs played an important mediating role among the various races in Fiji. Ganilau yearned for a return to those heady days when leadership was respected, political power was in the hands of respected Fijian high chiefs and race relations were stable", ". But in 1987 Mara and his chiefs lost power and indigenous Fijian paramountcy was restored through the Rabuka coup. After the coup of 1987, race and racial issues dominated the political discourse. Indigenous Fijian ethno-nationalism ran rampant. It divided Fiji society along racial lines. Ethnic minorities were marginalised. The Indo-Fijian community in particular was targeted. Many of them were thrown off the land they leased. Displaced Indo-Fijians congregated in refugee camps in some of the major towns", ". Displaced Indo-Fijians congregated in refugee camps in some of the major towns. For the first time refugee camps were established in Fiji; indeed the whole South Pacific region. Thousands migrated overseas depriving Fiji of valuable human capital. This was the spectre that haunted Ganilau and other moderates like him who represented the silent majority in Fiji. They saw first hand the cost of racial politics and undertook to guard against its re-emergence", ". They saw first hand the cost of racial politics and undertook to guard against its re-emergence. These issues provided the context for Ganilau's multiracial vision. It was a vision that competed against the primordialism pursued by Qarase and the ethno-nationalists behind him.", "Founder of the National Alliance Party", "On 18 January 2005, Ganilau formally registered the National Alliance Party of Fiji. Joining him were university lecturer Meli Waqa as party secretary, and Manu Korovulavula as treasurer. Ganilau said the party would be multiracial and would pursue national reconciliation, something he had attempted without success as Chairman of the Bose Levu Vakaturaga", ". \"I was quite outspoken about the need to respect the rights all citizens in Fiji during my role as chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs,\" he said, \"but that did not go down well with some. That is why I decided it was best to continue the fight on a political platform.\"", "In a speech to the Fiji Institute of Accountants on 28 April 2005, Ganilau called for a sense of national unity to be built by an emphasis on common values, shared by Indo-Fijians as well as indigenous Fijians", ". These values should, he said, include a vision of the kind of society Fiji should be – \"a Fiji where people of different ethnicities, religions and cultures can live and work together for the good of all, can differ without rancour, govern without violence and accept responsibility as reasonable people intent on serving the best interest of all\". He called racism \"a primary force of evil designed to destroy good men,\" and asked all Fijian citizens to learn from the past to build a better future", ". \"I would like to make the point that we cannot undo the past but we can learn from it, and we cannot predict the future but we can shape and build it,\" Ganilau said.", "On 3 May 2005, Ganilau strongly criticised Prime Minister Qarase for his calls for ethnic Fijians to unite politically to provide stable national leadership. Ganilau said this policy was \"divisive and a travesty of good governance and responsible leadership in a multiracial country like Fiji.\" He called on his fellow-chiefs to take a stand against what he considered a move to pit indigenous Fijians against other races", ". Ganilau also spoke of the importance of chiefly institutions, saying that chiefs provided permanent leadership for the Fijian people, unlike politicians who could be dismissed at the ballot box and were susceptible to the temptation to appeal to voters' racist sympathies to win power. \"Very often, to remain in power the easiest option for them would be to play the racist card, drum up fears of marginalisation and extinction of other ethnic groups,\" he said", ". He said the country would prosper if all political leaders would support the role of chiefly leaders and make \"a serious effort\" to bring together all the people of Fiji.", "In a speech to the Lautoka Rotary Club on 13 May 2005, Ganilau called for better pay for professional and skilled workers, and also attacked racial discrimination in the employment, saying that it was socially and economically harmful and resulted in second rate replacements for talented people. \"When we leave out people on the grounds of ethnicity we limit our options, he said", ". \"When we leave out people on the grounds of ethnicity we limit our options, he said. \"As such, we become poorer because we are not making optimum use of our human resources, thereby depriving us of the returns and full benefit of our capabilities.\"", "Domestic policies", "Ganilau was an outspoken but moderate chief and politician, who opposed the divisive and inflammatory statements of political leaders. He was an idealist in many respects with a vision for a united, multicultural Fiji. Perhaps his greatest error as a politician lay in his underestimation of the strength and persistence of ethnic politics in Fiji. In opposition, Laisenia Qarase, advocated for policies to benefit indigenous Fijians, who are the majority population compared to the ethnic Indian minority.", "Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Unity Bill", "Ganilau spoke against the plans of the Qarase government to establish a Reconciliation and Unity Commission, with the power to grant amnesty to perpetrators of the 2000 coup and compensation to its victims. Ganilau first aired his opposition to the bill on 4 May 2005, saying that it was an unwarranted interference in the judicial process and represented a naïve and uncaring attitude to people who had suffered as a result of the coup", ". On 18 May he went further, saying that he saw \"nothing reconciliatory about the bill\" and that \"To use the word reconciliation is a gross violation of the rights of everyone in this nation.\"", "On 16 June, Ganilau continued his attack on the legislation. He said that there was a widespread belief in Fiji that it was designed to provide for the freeing of coup perpetrators, a belief supported by the Tui Vaturova, Ratu Ilisoni Rokotuibua who said early in June that it would allow members of the Counter Revolutionary Warfare Unit, who had been jailed for mutiny, to be released", ". Having built up such expectations, Ganilau said, the government had better be prepared for a strong backlash if they are not fulfilled. He criticised Qarase for expecting the people, as ordinary mortals, to do as only God could do by legislating forgiveness and freeing people from the consequences of their actions.", "On 23 June, Ganilau accused the Prime Minister of having committed a \"monumental deception\" by asking church leaders to support the legislation without honestly explaining its real purpose to them. He was reacting to revelations from Roman Catholic Archbishop Petero Mataca and other church leaders that at a meeting with the Prime Minister on 2 May, they had been told of the reconciliation and compensation provisions of the legislation, but not about its amnesty provisions", ". \"It does not say much about the credibility of the Prime Minister for him to be saying publicly that the Christian churches support the bill after these deliberate acts of deception.\" Ganilau said. He called on churches to join with other religions to put together an alternative blueprint to the government's reconciliation proposals.", "Law and order, moral values", "Speaking at the Crime Prevention/Reconciliation Sports Day in Flagstaff on 4 June 2005, Ganilau called on the older generation to instill basic moral values in their children. \"Increasing lawlessness and criminal activity can be interpreted as discourteous behaviour and lack of respect for other people and their property. So what we need to do if we want to salvage the situation is to go back to the basics,\" he said", ". So what we need to do if we want to salvage the situation is to go back to the basics,\" he said. The same day, he strongly criticised the country's leadership, saying that they were taking Fiji in the wrong direction, \"spreading their gospel of fear and hate and not doing anything to help the ordinary people put bread on their table for their families.\" He warned against retaliation, however: \"I believe we must not fight fire with fire, we will be burnt", ".\" The only way extremist ethno-nationalists could be stopped from destroying the nation, he said, was to deny them the opportunity to control the destiny of the nation. This was seen as an oblique reference to the ethno-nationalists in Qarase's cabinet. He also called on people to respect one another, saying that it was the only way for lasting unity and reconciliation.", "At the 80th birthday celebration of Satya Sai Baba at Lautoka's Girmit Centre on 23 November 2005, Ganilau called for more religious programs to promote morality in private and public life. Most politicians were selfish and lacked moral values, he claimed. Teaching young people good values at home and at school would be \"useless\" if adults and political leaders were doing what children were taught not to do, he declared", ". He said that the country had strayed from spiritual values and had lost its way, with bribery, extortion, misuse of public funds, abuse of office, and racism having become common place at all levels of government. He claimed that the number of beggars and unschooled children was increasing while politicians were engaged in \"egotistical pursuits.\"", "In the same address, Ganilau also declared that all religions have the same essential teaching about the unity of divinity and the cultivation of universal love, and condemned those he considered responsible for creating \"confusion\" and \"chaos\" by \"fragmenting divinity\". \"How often have we seen the bigotry of the religious fanaticisms and intolerance that have occurred in Fiji?\" he asked", ". \"Temples have been desecrated, places of worship are destroyed, all in the prejudice view that one religion is the true one and others are not.\"", "Ethnic relations", "Ganilau was a guest speaker at the Lautoka conference of the Fiji Labour Party, with which his own party subsequently formed a coalition to contest the general election scheduled for 2006, on 30 July 2005", ". Calling for changes in the attitudes of indigenous Fijians to allow everyone born in Fiji to be classified as \"Fijian,\" he said that the country could not afford to remain fragmented and polarised on racial lines, and that racially based measures enacted by the present government were shortening the fuse on a time bomb. \"Government seems unaware that the more race-based measures it tries to put in place the faster that time bomb burns to detonation point,\" Ganilau said", ". He said that until Fiji Islanders got out of their ethnic boxes and embraced multiculturalism, Fiji's future as a nation would not be secure. He expressed disbelief that after a century and a quarter of sharing the land, the level of cultural interaction between the major racial groups was so low.", "Speaking at the launch in Rakiraki of his own party's campaign for the 2006 election on 6 August 2005, Ganilau said that the future of the nation's children would not be secure unless the people freed themselves from what he called \"the comfort zone of our race.\" He said it was important to break down the imaginary ethnic wall separating the people", ".\" He said it was important to break down the imaginary ethnic wall separating the people. \"We should not allow ourselves, individually or our ethnic communities to become easy tools for politics of race that will continue to segregate us mentally and emotionally,\" he said. He strongly criticised recent moves to form an ethnic Fijian electoral block, saying that would be divisive and would never lead to national unity. He accused \"unscrupulous politicians\" of promoting racially divided visions for Fiji.", "He continued his attack on racially divisive politics with a number of speeches and interviews in the last week of August. He condemned Senator Apisai Tora for saying that indigenous Fijians would not accept a non-indigenous Prime Minister, and charged the government with fostering ethnic tensions to distract the public from its own \"non-performance\"", ". He also accused the government of handling its relations with Opposition parties in a \"crude and amateurish way\" which prevented any cross-party agreement on land reform, necessary for obtaining the two-thirds parliamentary majority for amending the Constitution. This would create a mess for the next government to clean up after the 2006 election, Ganilau said on 27 August.", "Chiefs and the political order", "On 4 September, Ganilau strongly criticised Prime Minister Qarase for comments made at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in Nadi on 29 August. Qarase had said that while Fiji \"accepted\" western-style democracy, it was an alien concept and certain aspects of it clashed with Fijian traditions, in which chiefs were at the apex by virtue of their birth and rank", ". Ganilau ridiculed Qarase's speech, saying that Fiji's political and judicial institutions were firmly rooted in western democracy and that the Fijian people should not be \"misled\" by the Prime Minister's claims that democracy was alien to the country. \"Mr Qarase should answer whether he wants the western system of governance which allows him to be Prime Minister, or the Fijian tradition which requires the chiefs to rule by virtue of their birthright and rank", ". Otherwise, he is just being hypocritical to save face,\" Ganilau said.", "Ganilau spoke out on 16 September to dismiss claims that most of Fiji's problems were being caused by the \"disrespect\" of Indo-Fijians and other non-indigenous communities towards the country's chiefs. Making a parliamentary submission on controversial Unity Bill, Masi Kaumaitotoya had declared that the jailing of chiefs on coup-related offences was a clear sign of disrespect, and that indigenous Fijians were being taken advantage of by others", ". In response, Ganilau said as the former Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs that he believed that the chiefs were well respected by all communities. He also called on his fellow chiefs to play a greater role in promoting national unity by serving all citizens in their district or confederacy, regardless of race. Chiefs who had participated in the 2000 coup should not get preferential treatment, he added.", "The AIDS crisis\n\nThere was a spike in AIDS cases in Fiji, jumping from only 10 cases in the year 2000 to 111 in 2003, with indigenous Fijians making up 80% of cases. Ganilau signed an agreement with the UN AIDS Pacific in 2004, and planned follow up meetings to determine how to combat the spread of the virus. Fiji's Great Council of Chiefs hosted a week-long workshop called 'Accelerating Action Against Aids in the Pacific' that was also sponsored by UNAIDS.", "Speaking at the Pan Pacific HIV/AIDS Conference in Auckland, New Zealand in late October 2005, Ganilau called for strong leadership to confront HIV/AIDS, saying that it was a global war which threatened the very future of Pacific Islands nations. \"We can only ignore this battle at the cost of being regarded by future generations of Pacific Islanders as lacking the will, the foresight, the understanding to tackle this issue, which threatens our very future,\" he told the delegates.", "Criticism of affirmative action", "Launching the Lautoka branch of his party on 24 November 2005, Ganilau said that affirmative action in favour of indigenous Fijians had not benefited ordinary Fijians, but had served only to facilitate the survival of the government in power and acted as a cover-up for the lack of effective policies. Instead of affirmative action, he said, the government should do more to assist Fijian landowners to develop their land commercially, and to improve educational and economic opportunities for ordinary people.", "The politicisation of the military", "In an interview with Australian ABC Television's Asia Pacific Focus programme on 27 November 2005, Ganilau regretted the way the military had become politicised since the 1987 coups. People including former failed politicians with no military training whatsoever were rewarded for their political support of Rabuka by being commissioned as officers", ". These included senior NCOs who were promoted beyond their competence to commissioned rank thus leaving a yawning gap at the NCO level that resulted in a loss of capability. The high standards of professionalism of the Fijian military was seriously compromised. Its reputation as an apolitical professional military organisation was in tatters. It would take several years, he said, before the military could regain its professional standards and the respect it previously enjoyed from the community.", "2006 election\n\nThe National Alliance Party announced on 17 March 2006 that Ganilau would lead the party into the election scheduled for 6–13 May, and that he would contest the Suva City Open Constituency. The attempt was unsuccessful; neither Ganilau nor any of his party's candidates were elected.\n\n2006 coup d'état", "Months of tension between the government and the Republic of Fiji Military Forces culminated in a military coup on 5 December 2006. Citing alleged governmental corruption, Ganilau told Fiji Television that he supported the \"cause\" of the military, but not its method, and denied public rumours that he had been a party to the planning of the coup. He called on his fellow-chiefs, however, to accept the \"reality\" of the Military takeover and work to move the country forward", ". He also claimed that he had been asked to mediate between the Great Council of Chiefs and the Military, as a former head of both bodies, but the council chairman, Ratu Ovini Bokini, angrily denied making any such request. \"I never made a request to meet the commander. Whoever said that is lying. I don't intend to see the commander. He has to make a request to me if he wants to meet me,\" Bokini declared", ". He has to make a request to me if he wants to meet me,\" Bokini declared. In making that statement Bokini regarded the Great Council of Chiefs as remaining above secular politics as well as the various institutions of government, including the Army. It was an unrealistic and erroneous notion given the history of chiefly support for the ethno-nationalist coups of 1987 and 2000.", "In the interim government that was formed after the coup, Ganilau served for one year as Minister of Defense, at the request of President Ratu Josefa Iloilo, but resigned a year later when it became clear that the interim government was not delivering on its promise to hold elections.\n\nGanilau was the Minister of Defense under Bainimarama, but resigned in 2010.\n\n2013 Constitution", "Frank Bainimarama and those behind him had ideas to create another Constitution that would purportedly assuage ethic Fijian fears and form the basis of a united, multicultural Fiji. The drawing up of a new Constitution was a complicated process that needed time. Indeed, it was not until 2014 that national elections under a new (2013) Constitution took place. Critics of the 2013 Constitution of Fiji say it should have been put to a referendum to give it credibility", ". They say it was foisted upon the people without their consent. For the Bainimarama government the elections of 2014 and 2018 gave legitimacy to the Constitution.", "The unfettered powers the Bainimarama government enjoyed during its term as an unelected military government (2006-2014) led it to retain some of the draconian laws and decrees it had introduced during its tenure. It retained the modus operandi of maintaining a very close watch over the population where dissenters and potential dissenters were victimised. New rules and regulations covering virtually every activity in society led some to complain that Fiji was a small country with so many rules", ". Those who disagreed with the decisions of government were soon marginalised. Fijians living overseas including academics who were critical of government policy were banned from ever returning to Fiji. Senior public servants who did not toe the government line were soon pushed out to pasture and investigated by the government's 'anti corruption\" watchdog. The security forces exceeded their powers in the bashing of dissenters. It created a climate of fear. Government was accused of paranoia.", "Democracy was a facade,the critics argued. Real power was being exercised by two men backed by the Army and Police: viz the inarticulate Prime Minister reading from prepared scripts written for him by hired US publicity agents QORVIS; backed by his ambitious Indo-Fijian Attorney General and Deputy Prime Minister who saw things in black and white and who micro-managed all aspects of government policy and administration", ". He was regarded as the 'real prime minister' making decisions behind the scenes for his bumbling leader. He was a man not to be crossed, a highly polarising figure.", "The i'Taukei (indigenous population) felt their rights were being eroded and their identity disrespected. The results of the 2018 elections confirmed the polarisation of races. The noble aims of the 2013 Constitution existed only in theory. At the practical level, the personal attacks and mudslinging against the indigenous leaders and those opposed to government served to galvanise political unity within the indigenous population against the Bainimarama government", ". Group identity and solidarity in the face of perceived threats was being emphasised by the Opposition. Ironically, the political behaviour of the Bainimarama government towards its political opponents compelled the latter to play upon the primordial instincts of indigenous Fijians. Backed into a corner the Opposition had no other choice. They were between a rock and a hard place.", "Ratu Epeli Ganilau was named a presidential candidate in 2015, but the position was won by Jioji Konrote. Konrote was not a member of the Council of Chiefs. This election was the first secret ballot cast under the 2013 Fijian Constitution.", "In the November 2018 elections, the governing Fiji First Party was returned with a very much reduced majority securing just over 50% of the votes and losing six seats in the process. A strategic shift in voting patterns against the Fiji First government had taken place. In the face of perceived threats to its identity indigenous Fijian group interests increasingly came to determine their political choices", ". Whether this trend will gain sufficient momentum over the next four years to bring about a change of government in 2022 remains to be seen. Ni sa moce.", "Personal life", "Ganilau hailed from the village of Somosomo, in Taveuni. He was the son of the late Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, the first President of the Republic of Fiji (1987–1993). Like his late father, Ratu Epeli was a member of the same Mataqali Valelevu (the tribal landowning unit) of which the Tui Cakau is the head", ". Originally they were a migrant tribe who referred to themselves as the Ai Sokula who settled and subsequently merged with their host society, the Cakaudrove people on the south coast of Vanua Levu near the village of Vunisavisavi. The Ai Sokula led by their chief, the Tui Cakau, achieved ascendancy over others through conquest. They subsequently moved to Taveuni and later occupied the village site of Somosomo which became the seat of the Tui Cakau and the Vanua of Lalagavesi", ". Ratu Epeli was a member of the Ai Sokula (the term refers to the chiefs of the Vanua of Lalagavesi). He was a relative of the current Tui Cakau (Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu). Ratu Epeli Ganilau was married to Adi Ateca Mara, the eldest daughter of Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, the founding father of modern Fiji. Adi Ateca died in November 2018. They had two sons and two daughters. Ganilau also had nine grandchildren. His hobbies included rugby, boxing, and shooting.", "Ganilau died on 23 March 2023, at the age of 71.\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Ganilau's speech at the launch of the NAP, 8 April 2005 archived from the original here.", "1951 births\n2023 deaths\nAi Sokula\nChildren of presidents\nFijian chiefs\nFijian soldiers\nFijian military leaders\nRecipients of the Military Cross\nUniversity of the South Pacific alumni\nPeople educated at Whanganui Collegiate School\nGraduates of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst\nChristian Democratic Alliance (Fiji) politicians\nNational Alliance Party of Fiji politicians\nFijian Methodists\nPoliticians from Taveuni\nGovernment ministers of Fiji" ]
White nationalism
[ "White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity. Many of its proponents identify with the concept of a white ethnostate.", "White nationalists say they seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white states. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost in these countries. Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race.", "Analysts describe white nationalism as overlapping with white supremacism and white separatism. White nationalism is sometimes described as a euphemism for, or subset of, white supremacism, and the two have been used interchangeably by journalists and analysts. White separatism is the pursuit of a \"white-only state\", while supremacism is the belief that white people are superior to nonwhites and should dominate them, taking ideas from social Darwinism and Nazism", ". Critics argue that the term \"white nationalism\" is simply a \"rebranding\", and ideas such as white pride exist solely to provide a sanitized public face for \"white supremacy\", which white nationalists allegedly avoid using because of its negative connotations, and that most white nationalist groups promote racial violence.", "History and usage\nAccording to Merriam-Webster, the first documented use of the term \"white nationalist\" was 1951, to refer to a member of a militant group which espouses white supremacy and racial segregation. Merriam-Webster also notes usage of the two-word phrase as early as 1925. According to Dictionary.com, the term was first used in the title of a 1948 essay by South African writer and ecologist Thomas Chalmers Robertson titled Racism Comes to Power in South Africa: The Threat of White Nationalism.", "According to Daryl Johnson, a former counterterrorism expert at the Department of Homeland Security, the term was used to appear more credible while also avoiding negative stereotypes about white supremacists. Modern members of racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan generally favor the term and avoid self-describing as white supremacist.", "Some sociologists have used white nationalism as an umbrella term for a range of white supremacist groups and ideologies, while others regard these movements as distinct. Analysis suggests that two groups largely overlap in terms of membership, ideology, and goals. Civil rights groups have described the two terms as functionally interchangeable", ". Civil rights groups have described the two terms as functionally interchangeable. Ryan Lenz of the Southern Poverty Law Center has said \"there is really no difference\", and Kristen Clarke of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law has said \"There is no defensible distinction that can be drawn between white supremacy, white nationalism or white separatism in society today.\" News reports will sometimes refer to the a group or movement by one term or the other, or both interchangeably.", "Views", "White nationalists claim that culture is a product of race, and advocate for the self-preservation of white people. White nationalists seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white nations. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in mainly-white countries, maintain their dominance of its political and economic life, and that their culture should be foremost", ". Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, mass immigration of non-whites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race, and some argue that it amounts to white genocide.", "Political scientist Samuel P. Huntington described white nationalists as arguing that the demographic shift in the United States towards non-whites would bring a new culture that is intellectually and morally inferior. White nationalists claim that this demographic shift brings affirmative action, immigrant ghettos and declining educational standards. Most American white nationalists say immigration should be restricted to people of European ancestry.", "White nationalists embrace a variety of religious and non-religious beliefs, including various denominations of Christianity, generally Protestant, although some specifically overlap with white nationalist ideology (Christian Identity, for example, is a family of white supremacist denominations), Germanic neopaganism (e.g. Wotanism) and atheism.", "Definitions of whiteness", "Most white nationalists define white people in a restricted way. In the United States, it often—though not exclusively—implies European ancestry of non-Jewish descent. Some white nationalists draw on 19th-century racial taxonomy. White nationalist Jared Taylor has argued that Jews can be considered \"white\", although this is controversial within white nationalist circles", ". Many white nationalists oppose Israel and Zionism, while some, such as William Daniel Johnson and Taylor, have expressed support for Israel and have drawn parallels between their ideology and Zionism. Other white nationalists such as George Lincoln Rockwell exclude Jews from the definition but include Turks, who are a transcontinental ethnicity.", "White nationalist definitions of race are derived from the fallacy of racial essentialism, which presumes that people can be meaningfully categorized into different races by biology or appearance. White nationalism and white supremacy view race as a hierarchy of biologically discrete groups. This has led to the use of often contradictory obsolete racial categories such as Aryanism, Nordicism, or the one-drop rule", ". Since the second half of the 20th century, attempts to categorize humans by race have becoming increasingly seen as largely pseudoscientific.", "Regional movements\n\nAustralia\n \nThe White Australia policy was semi-official government policy in Australia until the mid twentieth century. It restricted non-white immigration to Australia and gave preference to British migrants over all others.", "The Barton government, which won the first elections following the Federation of Australia in 1901, was formed by the Protectionist Party with the support of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). The support of the Labor Party was contingent upon restricting non-white immigration, reflecting the attitudes of the Australian Workers' Union and other labor organizations at the time, upon whose support the Labor Party was founded", ". The first Parliament of Australia quickly moved to restrict immigration to maintain Australia's \"British character\", passing the Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901 and the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 before parliament rose for its first Christmas recess", ". The Immigration Restriction Act limited immigration to Australia and required a person seeking entry to Australia to write out a passage of 50 words dictated to them in any European language, not necessarily English, at the discretion of an immigration officer. Barton argued in favour of the bill: \"The doctrine of the equality of man was never intended to apply to the equality of the Englishman and the Chinaman", ".\" The passage chosen for the test could often be very difficult, so that even if the test was given in English, a person was likely to fail. The test enabled immigration officials to exclude individuals on the basis of race without explicitly saying so. Although the test could theoretically be given to any person arriving in Australia, in practice it was given selectively on the basis of race. This test was later abolished in 1958.", "Australian Prime Minister Stanley Bruce supported the White Australia policy, and made it an issue in his campaign for the 1925 Australian federal election.", "It is necessary that we should determine what are the ideals towards which every Australian would desire to strive. I think those ideals might well be stated as being to secure our national safety, and to ensure the maintenance of our White Australia Policy to continue as an integral portion of the British Empire. We intend to keep this country white and not allow its peoples to be faced with the problems that at present are practically insoluble in many parts of the world.", "At the beginning of World War II, Prime Minister John Curtin (ALP) expressed support for White Australia policy: \"This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race.\"", "Another (ALP) Leader of the Labor Party from 1960 to 1967 Arthur Calwell supported the White European Australia policy. This is reflected by Calwell's comments in his 1972 memoirs, Be Just and Fear Not, in which he made it clear that he maintained his view that non-European people should not be allowed to settle in Australia. He wrote:", "I am proud of my white skin, just as a Chinese is proud of his yellow skin, a Japanese of his brown skin, and the Indians of their various hues from black to coffee-coloured. Anybody who is not proud of his race is not a man at all. And any man who tries to stigmatize the Australian community as racist because they want to preserve this country for the white race is doing our nation great harm... I reject, in conscience, the idea that Australia should or ever can become a multi-racial society and survive.", "He was the last leader of either the Labour or Liberal party to support it.", "Canada", "The Parliament of Canada passed the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 to bar all Chinese from coming to Canada with the exception of diplomats, students, and those granted special permission by the Minister of Immigration. Chinese immigration to Canada had already been heavily regulated by the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 which required Chinese immigrants to pay a fifty dollar fee to enter the country (the fee was increased to one hundred dollars in 1900 and to five hundred dollars in 1903)", ". Groups such as the Asiatic Exclusion League, which had formed in Vancouver, British Columbia, on 12 August 1907 under the auspices of the Trades and Labour Council, pressured Parliament to halt Asian immigration. The Exclusion League's stated aim was \"to keep Oriental immigrants out of British Columbia.\"", "The Canadian government also attempted to restrict immigration from British India by passing an order-in-council on 8 January 1908. It prohibited immigration of persons who \"in the opinion of the Minister of the Interior\" did not \"come from the country of their birth or citizenship by a continuous journey and or through tickets purchased before leaving their country of their birth or nationality", ".\" In practice, this applied only to ships that began their voyages in India, because the great distance usually necessitated a stopover in either Japan or Hawaii. These regulations came at a time when Canada was accepting massive numbers of immigrants (over 400,000 in 1913 alone—a figure that remains unsurpassed to this day), almost all of whom came from Europe. This piece of legislation has been called the \"continuous journey regulation\".", "Germany", "The Thule Society developed out of the \"Germanic Order\" in 1918, and those who wanted to join the Order in 1917 had to sign a special \"blood declaration of faith\" concerning their lineage: \"The signer hereby swears to the best of his knowledge and belief that no Jewish or coloured blood flows in either his or in his wife's veins, and that among their ancestors are no members of the coloured races", ".\" Heinrich Himmler, one of the main perpetrators of the Holocaust, said in a speech in 1937: \"The next decades do in fact not mean some struggle of foreign politics which Germany can overcome or not... but a question of to be or not to be for the white race..", "... but a question of to be or not to be for the white race...\" As the Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg said on 29 May 1938 on the Steckelburg in Schlüchtern: \"It is however certain that all of us share the fate of Europe, and that we shall regard this common fate as an obligation, because in the end the very existence of White people depends on the unity of the European continent.\"", "At the same time Nazi Party subdivided white people into groups, viewing the Nordics as the \"master race\" (Herrenvolk) above groups like Alpine and Mediterranean peoples. Slavic peoples, such as Russians and Poles, were considered Untermenschen (subhumans) instead of Aryan. Adolf Hitler's conception of the Aryan Herrenvolk (\"Aryan master race\") explicitly excluded the vast majority of Slavs, regarding the Slavs as having dangerous Jewish and Asiatic influences", ". The Nazis, because of this, declared Slavs to be Untermenschen. Hitler described Slavs as \"a mass of born slaves who feel the need of a master\". Hitler declared that because Slavs were subhumans that the Geneva Conventions were not applicable to them, and German soldiers in World War II were thus permitted to ignore the Geneva Conventions in regard to Slavs. Hitler called Slavs \"a rabbit family\" meaning they were intrinsically idle and disorganized", ". Hitler called Slavs \"a rabbit family\" meaning they were intrinsically idle and disorganized. Nazi Germany's propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels had media speak of Slavs as primitive animals who were from the Siberian tundra who were like a \"dark wave of filth\"", ". The Nazi notion of Slavs being inferior was part of the agenda for creating Lebensraum (\"living space\") for Germans and other Germanic people in Central and Eastern Europe that was initiated during World War II under , millions of Germans and other Germanic settlers would be moved into conquered territories of Eastern Europe, while the original Slavic inhabitants were to be exterminated and enslaved", ". Nazi Germany's ally the Independent State of Croatia rejected the common conception that Croats were primarily a Slavic people and claimed that Croats were primarily the descendants of the Germanic Goths. However the Nazi regime continued to classify Croats as \"subhuman\" in spite of the alliance", ". However the Nazi regime continued to classify Croats as \"subhuman\" in spite of the alliance. Even among European cultures and people that were considered Aryan, the Nazis considered the Nordic race and German culture to be superior to other Aryan races and cultures, thus making them far less Pan-European than groups that identify themselves as White Nationalist.", "Hungary", "Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated in 2018 that \"we do not want to be diverse and do not want to be mixed: we do not want our own colour, traditions and national culture to be mixed with those of others.\" In 2022, he stated that \"we do not want to become peoples of mixed-race,\" praising The Camp of the Saints and referring specifically to the admixture of Europeans and non-European migrants, commenting that racially mixed countries \"are no longer nations", ".\" Two days later in Vienna, he clarified that he was talking about cultures and not about race. Laura Barrón-López of PBS described his ideology as white nationalist. White nationalists of the American alt-right and the European identitarian movements enthusiastically support Orbán's policies. Some have personally migrated there and collaborated with the political party Jobbik.", "New Zealand", "Following the example of anti-Chinese poll taxes enacted by California in 1852 and by Australian states in the 1850s, 1860s and 1870s, John Hall's government passed the Chinese Immigration Act 1881. This imposed a £10 tax per Chinese person entering the Colony of New Zealand, and permitted only one Chinese immigrant for every 10 tons of cargo. Richard Seddon's government increased the tax to £100 per head in 1896, and tightened the other restriction to only one Chinese immigrant for every 200 tons of cargo", ".", "The Immigration Restriction Act of 1899 prohibited the entry of immigrants who were not of British or Irish parentage and who were unable to fill out an application form in \"any European language\". The Immigration Restriction Amendment Act 1920 aimed to further limit Asian immigration into the Dominion of New Zealand by requiring all potential immigrants not of British or Irish parentage to apply in writing for a permit to enter the country", ". The Minister of Customs had the discretion to determine whether any applicant was \"suitable\". Prime Minister William Massey asserted that the act was \"the result of a deep seated sentiment on the part of a huge majority of the people of this country that this Dominion shall be what is often called a 'white' New Zealand.\"", "One case of a well known opponent of non-European immigration to New Zealand is that of white supremacist Lionel Terry who, after traveling widely to South Africa, British Columbia and finally New Zealand and publishing a book highly critical of capitalism and Asian immigration, shot and killed an elderly Chinese immigrant in Wellington. Terry was convicted of murder in 1905 and sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted to life incarceration in New Zealand psychiatric institutions.", "A Department of External Affairs memorandum in 1953 stated: \"Our immigration is based firmly on the principle that we are and intend to remain a country of European development. It is inevitably discriminatory against Asians—indeed against all persons who are not wholly of European race and colour. Whereas we have done much to encourage immigration from Europe, we do everything to discourage it from Asia.\"", "Paraguay\nIn Paraguay, the New Australian Movement founded New Australia, a utopian socialist settlement in 1893. Its founder, William Lane, intended the settlement to be based on a \"common-hold\" instead of a commonwealth, life marriage, teetotalism, communism and a brotherhood of Anglophone white people and the preservation of the \"colour-line\". The colony was officially founded as Colonia Nueva Australia and comprised 238 adults and children.", "In July 1893, the first ship left Sydney, Australia for Paraguay, where the government was keen to get white settlers, and had offered the group a large area of good land. The settlement had been described as a refuge for misfits, failures and malcontents of the left wing of Australian democracy. Notable Australian individuals who joined the colony included Mary Gilmore, Rose Summerfield and Gilbert Stephen Casey. Summerfield was the mother of León Cadogan, a noted Paraguayan ethnologist.", "Due to poor management and a conflict over the prohibition of alcohol, the government of Paraguay eventually dissolved New Australia as a cooperative. Some colonists founded communes elsewhere in Paraguay but others returned to Australia or moved to England. , around 2,000 descendants of the New Australia colonists still lived in Paraguay.\n\nSouth Africa", "In South Africa, white nationalism was championed by the National Party starting in 1914, when it was established as a political party to represent Afrikaners after the Second Boer War by J. B. M. Hertzog in 1914. It articulated a policy promoting white \"civilised labour\" above African \"swart gevaar,\" and some radical nationalist movements such as the Afrikaner Broederbond, D. F. Malan's Purified National Party, and Oswald Pirow's New Order openly sympathized with Nazi Germany", ". Malan's Purified National Party, and Oswald Pirow's New Order openly sympathized with Nazi Germany. In 1948, the Reunited National Party under Malan won the South African general election against the more moderate United Party and implemented the segregationist social system known as apartheid.", "The Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act, 1959 established homelands (sometimes pejoratively referred to as Bantustans) for ten different black African tribes. The ultimate goal of the National Party was to move all Black South Africans into one of these homelands (although they might continue to work in South Africa as \"guest workers\"), leaving what was left of South Africa (about 87 percent of the land area) with what would then be a White South African majority, at least on paper", ". As the homelands were seen by the apartheid government as embryonic independent nations, all Black South Africans were registered as citizens of the homelands, not of the nation as a whole, and were expected to exercise their political rights only in the homelands. Accordingly, the three token parliamentary seats that had been reserved for White representatives of black South Africans in Cape Province were scrapped", ". The other three provinces—Transvaal, the Orange Free State, and Natal—had never allowed any Black representation.", "Coloureds were removed from the Common Roll of Cape Province in 1953. Instead of voting for the same representatives as white South Africans, they could now only vote for four White representatives to speak for them. Later, in 1968, the Coloureds were disenfranchised altogether. In the place of the four parliamentary seats, a partially elected body was set up to advise the government in an amendment to the Separate Representation of Voters Act.", "During the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s, the government implemented a policy of \"resettlement\", to force people to move to their designated \"group areas\". Millions of people were forced to relocate during this period", ". These removals included people relocated due to slum clearance programs, labour tenants on White-owned farms, the inhabitants of the so-called \"black spots\", areas of Black owned land surrounded by White farms, the families of workers living in townships close to the homelands, and \"surplus people\" from urban areas, including thousands of people from the Western Cape (which was declared a \"Coloured Labour Preference Area\") who were moved to the Transkei and Ciskei homelands", ". The best-publicised forced removals of the 1950s occurred in Johannesburg, when 60,000 people were moved to the new township of Soweto, an abbreviation for South Western Townships.", "Until 1955, Sophiatown had been one of the few urban areas where Blacks were allowed to own land, and was slowly developing into a multiracial slum. As industry in Johannesburg grew, Sophiatown became the home of a rapidly expanding black workforce, as it was convenient and close to town. It could also boast the only swimming pool for Black children in Johannesburg", ". It could also boast the only swimming pool for Black children in Johannesburg. As one of the oldest black settlements in Johannesburg, Sophiatown held an almost symbolic importance for the 50,000 Blacks it contained, both in terms of its sheer vibrancy and its unique culture. Despite a vigorous African National Congress protest campaign and worldwide publicity, the removal of Sophiatown began on 9 February 1955 under the Western Areas Removal Scheme", ". In the early hours, heavily armed police entered Sophiatown to force residents out of their homes and load their belongings onto government trucks. The residents were taken to a large tract of land, thirteen miles (19 km) from the city center, known as Meadowlands (that the government had purchased in 1953). Meadowlands became part of a new planned Black city called Soweto. The Sophiatown slum was destroyed by bulldozers, and a new White suburb named Triomf (Triumph) was built in its place", ". This pattern of forced removal and destruction was to repeat itself over the next few years, and was not limited to people of African descent. Forced removals from areas like Cato Manor (Mkhumbane) in Durban, and District Six in Cape Town, where 55,000 coloured and Indian people were forced to move to new townships on the Cape Flats, were carried out under the Group Areas Act 1950. Ultimately, nearly 600,000 coloured, Indian and Chinese people were moved in terms of the Group Areas Act", ". Some 40,000 White people were also forced to move when land was transferred from \"White South Africa\" into the Black homelands.", "Before South Africa became a republic, politics among white South Africans was typified by the division between the chiefly Afrikaans-speaking pro-republic conservative and the largely English-speaking anti-republican liberal sentiments, with the legacy of the Boer War still constituting a political factor for sections of the white populace. Once South Africa's status as a republic was attained, Hendrik Verwoerd called for improved relations and greater accord between the two groups", ". He claimed that the only difference now was between those who supported apartheid and those who stood in opposition to it. The ethnic divide would no longer be between white Afrikaans-speakers and English-speakers, but rather White and Black South Africans. Most Afrikaners supported the notion of unanimity of White people to ensure their safety. Anglophone white South Africans voters were divided. Many had opposed a republic, leading to a majority \"no\" vote in Natal", ". Many had opposed a republic, leading to a majority \"no\" vote in Natal. Later, however, some of them recognized the perceived need for White unity, convinced by the growing trend of decolonization elsewhere in Africa, which left them apprehensive. Harold Macmillan's \"Wind of Change\" pronouncement lead the Anglophone white South African population to perceive that the British government had abandoned them", ". The more conservative Anglophones gave support to Verwoerd; others were troubled by the severing of ties with Britain and remained loyal to the Crown. They were acutely displeased at the choice between British and South African nationality. Although Verwoerd tried to bond these different blocs, the subsequent ballot illustrated only a minor swell of support, indicating that a great many Anglophones remained apathetic and that Verwoerd had not succeeded in uniting the White population in South Africa.", "The Black Homeland Citizenship Act of 1970 was a denaturalization law passed during the apartheid era of South Africa that changed the status of the inhabitants of the Bantustans (Black homelands) so that they were no longer citizens of South Africa. The aim was to ensure that white South Africans came to make up the majority of the de jure population.\n\nUnited States", "The Naturalization Act of 1790 () provided the first rules to be followed by the United States government in granting national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were \"free white persons\" of \"good moral character.\" In 1856, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision that free blacks descended from slaves could not hold United States citizenship even if they had been born in the country", ". Major changes to this racial requirement for US citizenship did not occur until the years following the American Civil War. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed to grant birthright citizenship to black people born in the US, but it specifically excluded untaxed Indians, because they were separate nations. However, citizenship for other non-whites born in the US was not settled until 1898 with United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S", ". Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, which concluded with an important precedent in its interpretation of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This racial definition of American citizenship has had consequences for perceptions of American identity.", "Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, racial definitions of the American nation were still common, resulting in race-specific immigration restrictions, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act", ". Groups such as the Asiatic Exclusion League, formed on 14 May 1905 in San Francisco, California, by 67 labor unions and supported by labor leaders (and European immigrants) Patrick Henry McCarthy of the Building Trades Council of San Francisco, Andrew Furuseth and Walter McCarthy of the Sailor's Union, attempted to influence legislation restricting Asian immigration.", "During the controversy surrounding the All of Mexico Movement, Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina stated \"We have never dreamt of incorporating into our Union any but the Caucasian race—the free white race... Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race.\"", "Following the defeat of the Confederate States of America and the abolition of slavery in the United States at the end of the American Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was founded as an insurgent group with the goal of maintaining the Southern racial system throughout the Reconstruction Era. The creation of this group was able to instill fear in African Americans while, in some cases, filling white Americans with pride in their race and reassurance in the fact that they will stay 'on top'", ". The message they gave to people around them was that, even though the Confederate States did not exist anymore, the same principle remained in their minds: whites were superior", ". Although the first incarnation of the KKK was focused on maintaining the Antebellum South, its second incarnation in the 1915-1940s period was much more oriented towards white nationalism and American nativism, with slogans such as \"One Hundred Percent Americanism\" and \"America for Americans\", in which \"Americans\" were understood to be white and Protestant", ". The 1915 film The Birth of a Nation is an example of an allegorical invocation of white nationalism during this time, and its positive portrayal of the first KKK is considered to be one of the factors which led to the emergence of the second KKK.", "The second KKK was founded in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1915 and, starting in 1921, it adopted a modern business system of recruiting. The organization grew rapidly nationwide at a time of prosperity. Reflecting the social tensions of urban industrialization and vastly increased immigration, its membership grew most rapidly in cities and spread out of the South to the Midwest and West. The second KKK called for strict morality and better enforcement of prohibition", ". The second KKK called for strict morality and better enforcement of prohibition. Its rhetoric promoted anti-Catholicism and nativism. Some local groups took part in attacks on private houses and carried out other violent activities. The violent episodes were generally in the South.", "The second KKK was a formal fraternal organization, with a national and state structure. At its peak in the mid-1920s, the organization claimed to include about 15% of the nation's eligible population, approximately 4 to 5 million men. Internal divisions, criminal behavior by leaders, and external opposition brought about a collapse in membership, which had dropped to about 30,000 by 1930. It faded away in the 1940s.", "Starting in the 1960s, white nationalism grew in the US as the conservative movement developed in mainstream society. Samuel P. Huntington argues that it developed as a reaction to a perceived decline in the essence of American identity as European, Anglo-Protestant and English-speaking", ". The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 had opened entry to the US to immigrants other than traditional Northern European and Germanic groups, and as a result it would significantly, and unintentionally, alter the demographic mix in the US.", "The slogan \"white power\" was popularized by American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell, who used the term in a debate with Stokely Carmichael of the Black Panther Party after Carmichael issued a call for \"black power\". Rockwell advocated a return to white control of all American institutions, and violently opposed any minority advancement. He rejected the Nazi idea of \"master race\", however, and accepted all white European nationalities in his ideology, including Turks.", "One influential white nationalist in the United States was William Luther Pierce, who founded the National Alliance in 1974.\n\nIn the United States a movement calling for white separatism emerged in the 1980s. Leonard Zeskind has chronicled the movement in his book Blood and Politics, in which he argues that it has moved from the \"margins to the mainstream\".", "During the 1980s the United States also saw an increase in the number of esoteric subcultures within white nationalism. According to Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, these movements cover a wide variety of mutually influencing groups of a radically ethnocentric character which have emerged, especially in the English-speaking world, since World War II", ". These loose networks use a variety of mystical, occult or religious approaches in a defensive affirmation of white identity against modernity, liberalism, immigration, multiracialism, and multiculturalism. Some are neo-fascist, neo-Nazi or Third Positionist; others are politicised around some form of white ethnic nationalism or identity politics, and a few have national anarchist tendencies. One example is the neo-tribalist paganism promoted by Else Christensen's Odinist Fellowship", ". One example is the neo-tribalist paganism promoted by Else Christensen's Odinist Fellowship. Especially notable is the prevalence of devotional forms and esoteric themes, so these subcultures often have the character of new religious movements.", "Included under the same umbrella by Goodrick-Clarke are movements ranging from conservative revolutionary schools of thought (Nouvelle Droite, European New Right, Evolian Traditionalism) to white supremacist and white separatist interpretations of Christianity and paganism (Christian Identity, Creativity, Nordic racial paganism) to neo-Nazi subcultures (Esoteric Hitlerism, Nazi Satanism, National Socialist black metal).", "In the 2010s, the alt-right, a broad term covering many different far-right ideologies and groups in the United States, some of which endorse white nationalism, gained traction as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in its national politics. The comic book super hero Captain America, in an ironic co-optation, has been used for dog whistle politics by the alt-right in college campus recruitment in 2017.", "North Idaho state Rep. Heather Scott—who in 2015 had paraded with a Confederate battle flag—in 2017 attempted to distinguish \"white supremacy\" from \"white nationalism\", claiming that the former was characterized by \"extreme racism\" and \"violent acts\" while the latter was merely nationalism by people who happen to be white, i.e. in her personal use of the term, a white nationalist is \"no more than a Caucasian who for the Constitution and making America great again", ".\" Scott's interpretation of the term was rejected as \"incorrect\" by University of Idaho sociology professor Kristin Haltinner and as \"patently false\" by Vanderbilt University sociology professor Sophie Bjork-James.", "In 2019, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 to study whether it would be possible to screen military enlistees for \"white nationalist\" beliefs. However, the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate eliminated those words before passing the bill, expanding the wording to \"extremist and gang-related activity\", rather than specifically referencing white nationalism.", "In 2020, it was reported that white nationalist groups leaving flyers, stickers, banners and posters in public places more than doubled from 1,214 in 2018 to 2,713 in 2019.", "In a July 2021 Morning Consult Poll found that among Republican-leaning male voters, 23 percent responded that they have a favorable view of white nationalist groups. Eleven percent of Republican men surveyed said they have a \"very favorable\" view while 12 percent said they are only \"somewhat\", With Democrat men it was 17 percent who said they have some form of \"favorable\" view of white nationalist groups.", "Also in 2021 a poll found that in the state of Oregon. Nearly four in 10 Oregonians strongly or somewhat agree with statements that reflect core arguments of white nationalism. In 2018, 31 percent believed that America had to protect or preserve its White European heritage, while in 2021 it went up to 40 percent.", "Relationships with black separatist groups", "In February 1962 George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the American Nazi Party, spoke at a Nation of Islam (NOI) rally in Chicago, where he was applauded by Elijah Muhammad as he pronounced: \"I am proud to stand here before black men. I believe Elijah Muhammed is the Adolf Hitler of the black man!\" Rockwell had attended, but did not speak at, an earlier NOI rally in Washington, D.C., in June 1961, and once, he even donated $20 to the NOI", ".C., in June 1961, and once, he even donated $20 to the NOI. In 1965, after breaking with the Nation of Islam and denouncing its separatist doctrine, Malcolm X told his followers that the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad had made secret agreements with the American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan.", "Rockwell and other white supremacists (e.g. Willis Carto) also supported less well-known black separatist groups, such as Hassan Jeru-Ahmed's Blackman's Army of Liberation, in reference to which Rockwell told Los Angeles Times reporter Michael Drosnin in 1967 that if \"Any Negro wants to go back to Africa, I'll carry him piggy-back.\"", "Tom Metzger, a former Ku Klux Klan leader from California, spoke at a NOI rally in Los Angeles in September 1985 and donated $100 to the group. In October of that same year, over 200 prominent white supremacists met at former Klan leader Robert E. Miles's farm to discuss an alliance with Louis Farrakhan, head of the NOI", ". Miles's farm to discuss an alliance with Louis Farrakhan, head of the NOI. In attendance were Edward Reed Fields of the National States' Rights Party, Richard Girnt Butler of the Aryan Nations, Don Black, Roy Frankhouser, and Metzger, who said that \"America is like a rotting carcass. The Jews are living off the carcass like the parasites they are. Farrakhan understands this.\"", "2016 Trump presidential campaign", "From the outset of his campaign, Donald Trump was endorsed by various white nationalist and white supremacist movements and leaders. On 24 February 2016, David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon, expressed vocal support for Trump's campaign on his radio show. Shortly thereafter in an interview with Jake Tapper, Trump repeatedly claimed to be ignorant of Duke and his support", ". Republican presidential rivals were quick to respond on his wavering, and Senator Marco Rubio stated the Duke endorsement made Trump unelectable. Others questioned his professed ignorance of Duke by pointing out that in 2000, Trump called him a \"Klansman\". Trump later blamed the incident on a poor earpiece he was given by CNN. Later the same day Trump stated that he had previously disavowed Duke in a tweet posted with a video on his Twitter account", ". On 3 March 2016, Trump stated: \"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years. I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK.\"", "On 22 July 2016 (the day after Trump's nomination), Duke announced that he will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate election in Louisiana. He commented, \"I'm overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues that I've championed for years.\" A spokesperson for the Trump campaign said Trump \"has disavowed David Duke and will continue to do so.\"", "On 25 August 2016, Hillary Clinton gave a speech saying that Trump is \"taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party.\" She identified this radical fringe with the \"alt-right\", a largely online variation of American far-right that embraces white nationalism and is anti-immigration. During the election season, the alt-right movement \"evangelized\" online in support of racist and anti-semitic ideologies", ". Clinton noted that Trump's campaign chief executive Stephen Bannon described his Breitbart News Network as \"the platform for the alt-right\". On 9 September 2016, several leaders of the alt-right community held a press conference, described by one reporter as the \"coming-out party\" of the little-known movement, to explain their goals. They affirmed their racialist beliefs, stating \"Race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity", ".\" Speakers called for a \"White Homeland\" and expounded on racial differences in intelligence. They also confirmed their support of Trump, saying \"This is what a leader looks like.\"", "Richard B. Spencer, who ran the white nationalist National Policy Institute, said, \"Before Trump, our identity ideas, national ideas, they had no place to go\". The editor of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer stated, \"Virtually every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign.\" Rocky Suhayda, chairman of the American Nazi Party said that although Trump \"isn't one of us\", his election would be a \"real opportunity\" for the white nationalist movement.", "The Southern Poverty Law Center monitored Trump's campaign throughout the election and noted several instances where Trump and lower-level surrogates either used white nationalist rhetoric or engaged with figures in the white nationalist movement.", "Criticism\nNumerous individuals and organizations have argued that ideas such as white pride and white nationalism exist merely to provide a sanitized public face for white supremacy. Kofi Buenor Hadjor argues that black nationalism is a response to racial discrimination, while white nationalism is the expression of white supremacy. Other critics have described white nationalism as a \"...somewhat paranoid ideology\" based upon the publication of pseudo-academic studies.", "Carol M. Swain argues that the unstated goal of white nationalism is to appeal to a larger audience, and that most white nationalist groups promote white separatism and racial violence. Opponents accuse white nationalists of hatred, racial bigotry, and destructive identity politics. White supremacist groups have a history of perpetrating hate crimes, particularly against people of Jewish and African descent. Examples include the lynching of black people by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).", "Some critics argue that white nationalists—while posturing as civil rights groups advocating the interests of their racial group—frequently draw on the nativist traditions of the KKK and the National Front. Critics have noted the anti-semitic rhetoric used by some white nationalists, as highlighted by the promotion of conspiracy theories such as Zionist Occupation Government.\n\nNotable organizations", "Notable organizations\n\nWhite nationalist movements have achieved prominence around the world. Several have achieved representation in the governments of their country, and three have led governments: \n South African National Party during most of the 20th century\n Rhodesian Front from 1965 to 1979\n German Nazi Party from 1933 to 1945\nOther notable organisations are:", "Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging\n American Freedom Party\n American Front\n American Renaissance\n Aryan Guard\n Aryan Nations\n Australia First Party\n Australian Protectionist Party\n Antipodean Resistance (Australia)\n Atomwaffen Division\n Black Legion (political movement)\n British National Party\n British People's Party\n Canadian Heritage Alliance\n Council of Conservative Citizens\n Creativity Alliance\n Creativity Movement\n Dutch People's Union\n European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)", "Creativity Movement\n Dutch People's Union\n European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)\n German American Bund\n Golden Dawn (former parliamentary representation)\n Hammerskins\n Heathen Front\n Identity Evropa\n Ku Klux Klan\n League of the South\n Les Identitaires/Generation Identity\n The III. Path\n National Alliance (United States)\n National Democratic Party of Germany\n National Front (UK)\n National Policy Institute\n National Rebirth of Poland\n National Socialist League", "National Policy Institute\n National Rebirth of Poland\n National Socialist League\n National Socialist Movement (disambiguation)\n National Vanguard\n Nationalist Alliance\n Nationalist Front\n Nationalist Party of Canada\n Nordic Resistance Movement\n Patriotic Alternative\n Patriotic Youth League\n Patriot Front\n Russian Imperial Movement\n Russian National Unity\n Silver Legion of America\n Socialist Reich Party (former parliamentary representation)\n Traditionalist Workers Party\n The Order/Bruder Schweigen", "Traditionalist Workers Party\n The Order/Bruder Schweigen\n Vanguard America\n Vigrid\n Volksfront\n White Aryan Resistance\n White Aryan Resistance (Sweden)\n White Nationalist Party", "Notable individuals", "Andrew Auernheimer\n Andrew Anglin\n Richard Girnt Butler\n Theodore G. Bilbo\n Don Black\n Peter Brimelow\n Thomas W. Chittum\n Craig Cobb\n Harold Covington\n Ian Stuart Donaldson\n Aleksandr Dugin\n David Duke\n Millard Fillmore\n Paul Fromm (white supremacist)\n Nick Fuentes\n Matthew F. Hale\n Matthew Heimbach\n Hinton Rowan Helper\n Adolf Hitler\n Andrew Jackson\n Andrew Johnson\n William Daniel Johnson\n James Keegstra\n Ben Klassen\n August Kreis III\n Kris Kobach\n Alex Linder\n Lana Lokteff\n Kevin Macdonald\n Tom Metzger", "August Kreis III\n Kris Kobach\n Alex Linder\n Lana Lokteff\n Kevin Macdonald\n Tom Metzger\n Nikolaos Michaloliakos\n William Dudley Pelley\n Merlin Miller\n Revilo P. Oliver\n William Dudley Pelley – founder of the Silver Legion of America\n William Luther Pierce\n Thomas Robb\n George Lincoln Rockwell\n Jeff Schoep\n Saga\n Richard B. Spencer\n Gerald L. K. Smith\n J. B. Stoner\n Kevin Alfred Strom\n Tomislav Sunić\n Wesley A. Swift\n Jared Taylor\n Eugène Terre'Blanche\n Hal Turner\n Hendrik Verwoerd\n Varg Vikernes", "Wesley A. Swift\n Jared Taylor\n Eugène Terre'Blanche\n Hal Turner\n Hendrik Verwoerd\n Varg Vikernes\n George Wallace\n Kayne West\n James Wickstrom", "Notable media\n\n American Renaissance\n Candour\n The Daily Stormer\n Info-14\n Metapedia\n National Vanguard\n Occidental Observer\n Podblanc\n The Political Cesspool\n Redwatch\n Stormfront\n Vanguard News Network\n Gab\n Voat\n\nSee also\n\n List of white nationalist organizations\n Blood and Soil\n Criticism of multiculturalism\n Identitarian movement\n Know Nothing\n National-Anarchism\n Neo-nationalism\n Pan-European nationalism\n The Passing of the Great Race\n\nReferences\nNotes\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links", "References\nNotes\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links\n\n \nPolitics and race\nSeparatism in the United States" ]
Troupes de marine
[ "The (TDM, ) is a corps of the French Army that includes several specialities: infantry, artillery, armoured, airborne, engineering, and transmissions (Signals). \nDespite its name, it forms part of the Army, not the Navy. Intended for amphibious and overseas operations, the Troupes de marine have been, and still are, in all the fights of the French army. It has gradually become professionalized since 1970.\n\nHistory", "History \n\nThe were formerly known as the , with origins dating back to the (in reference to Troupes of La Marine). The French colonies were under the control of the (the equivalent of the British Admiralty), accordingly, marines defended the colonies.\n\nAncien Régime", "Origin", "Renamed then during the dismantling of the French Union (1958), their origin can actually be found in the () (Ordinary Sea Companies), created in 1622 by Cardinal Richelieu. These companies were used to embark on royal naval ships to serve the naval artillery and participate in the boarding of enemy ships. These companies were also in charge of guarding the various sea ports", ". These companies were also in charge of guarding the various sea ports. Despite the fact that the artillery of the marines was limited in numbers compared to those of the infantry marines (fusiliers and grenadiers), the ship's marine artillerymen were the determining factor for the , being in charge of displacing and mounting the naval guns under the orders of the respective marine artillery officer in charge", ". In the 18th century, they constituted the who essentially spread to (particularity: these marines were recruited in Europe, with marine officers recruited then on the spot due to an excellent knowledge of the local environment). Since then the anchor has been with the Troupes as the official symbol because of the former links to the Royal Navy.", "Decimated along with the rest of the Marines during the Seven Years' War, these troops were transferred to the French Army under the Choiseul ministries, and after their emancipation at the end of 1760, they retained a large number of officers issued from the Ministère de la Guerre, which would reproduce and compensate for the losses endured assisting the colonies during the American Revolutionary War", ". An evolution in the mentality of the troops and an increasingly pronounced separation between the marines and their officers followed. A tentative close-up merger was attempted by two naval ship corps and their troops in 1786 with the companies of naval gunners assigned to ships of the Navy; however, the experiment came to little conclusion.", "Ordinary Sea Companies and Troupes de la marine (1622–1673) \n \nThe separate companies of the and the founded by Colbert were based in Dunkerque, Le Havre, Brest, Rochefort and Toulon. They wore an off-white/grey uniform with blue facings .", "The 1670s saw significant changes in the organisation of the new corps, administered by Ministers Colbert and François-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois, respectively Naval State Secretary and the Secretary of State of War. The four regiments of the la marine were transferred from the secretariat of La Marine to that of the secretariat of La Guerre. The regiments were no longer directly part of the French Navy although the designation was retained", ". During the Revolution, the La Marine, Royal-Marine, Royal-Vaisseux, and the ( re-baptized ) regiments were integrated definitively into the French Army, becoming respectively, the 11e, 60e, 43e and 61e regiments of de Ligne in 1791.", "The Marine Royale was a substantial force in 1671, consisting of 196 naval vessels. Colbert decided to create 100 companies of \"guardian-soldiers\" intended to form part of the crews of the larger naval vessels (). However, these men were redirected towards the French Army by Louvois in 1673. Starting from this date, senior naval and marine officers were obliged to separately recruit crews and marines for each ship", ". Using a system of «levées» (selective conscription) in the various sea ports, similar to the « marine press », the naval and marine officers were able to man their ships. However, the system reached its limitations quickly. The recruits often lacked discipline and experience, and were discharged or deserted following their first voyage, wasting months of training. Until 1682 there was a serious shortage of experienced sailors and soldiers in the French Navy.", "Free Marine Companies and Marine Artillery Corps (1690–1761)", "The Marine units were recreated at the end of the 17th century by re-organization of the infantry units dedicated to guarding military harbors (the Warden-Soldiers Companies or , created in 1671) and the artillery units dedicated to coastal battery service (Bomb Companies or , created in 1689), naval artillery training (Apprentice Gunner Companies or , created in 1689) and naval artillery administration (Artillery Commissaries or , created in 1631).", "(Free Marine Companies) created in 1690. Each company was tasked to guard a military harbor and its immediate coastline. Beginning in 1695, the Companies were organized in battalions around the major harbors (Brest, Rochefort, Toulon). The Marine Companies and Battalions were dissolved in 1761.\n (Marine Artillery Corps), created in 1692 to oversee the training and use of coastal artillery. The Corps was disbanded in 1761.", "Royal Marine Corps (1769–1786) \nThe infantry and marine artillery units were briefly merged into a single marine corps in 1769. Some colonial units were created at the same time, organized along the same lines of artillery and infantry units.", "(Royal Marine Artillery and Infantry Corps), created in 1769. Its name was changed in 1772 to (Royal Marine Corps). The Corps was organized in eight regiments, each centered on a harbor: (Bayonne, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre, Marseille, Rochefort, Saint-Malo and Toulon). The corps was broken down in 1774, in line with Antoine de Sartine's reform of the navy.", "(\"Royal Marine Infantry Corps), created in 1774 with the infantry units of the Royal Marine Corps, organized in three divisions centered on the only three military harbors remaining: Brest, Rochefort and Toulon. The Corps' name was changed to in 1782, but it remained an infantry-only unit. The corps was disbanded in 1786.", "(Marine Artillery), created in 1774 with the artillery units of the Royal Marine Corps, organized in three divisions centered on the same three military harbors: Brest, Rochefort and Toulon. The Marine Artillerymen were tasked to serve aboard Navy ships as well as manning the coastal batteries. The commanding officers of the Marine Artillery were naval officers. The corps was dispanded in 1786.\n Colonial Regiments\n \"Cap\", created 1766, became the 106th Infantry Regiment", "Colonial Regiments\n \"Cap\", created 1766, became the 106th Infantry Regiment\n \"Pondichéry\", set up 1772, became the 107th Infantry Regiment\n \"Martinique et Guadeloupe\", created 1772, became the 109th Infantry Regiment\n \"Port-au-Prince\", created 1773, became 110th Infantry Regiment", "Revolution and First French Empire (1786–1816) \nAfter 1786, the Marine units were often reduced to artillery units, except for some short-lived infantry regiments (1792–1794). \n (Royal Sailors-Gunners Corps), created on 1 January 1786. The was an early attempt to use sailors for duties previously done by marines – soldiers specializing in naval and amphibious combat. This naval artillery corps was suppressed in 1792 and its duties transferred to a new marine unit.", "(Marine Artillery and Infantry Corps), created in 1792. The Corps had four infantry regiments, two artillery regiments, two engineer companies and two training companies. The infantry units were transferred to the Army in 1794.", "(Marine Artillery Corps), created in 1794 from the artillery units of the Artillery and Infantry Corps. It was organized in seven half-brigades and re-organized in four regiments in 1803. The Corps gained the title Impérial at Napoléon I's coronation (1804) and Royal at Louis XVIII's return (1814 and 1815).", "These units fought for France during the French Revolutionary Wars and in all the Napoleonic Wars.\n\n19th century \nThe colonial expansion of the 19th century saw the extensive use of French sailors and marines serving together in Southeast Asia, the Pacific, and West Africa. The were tasked with insuring the French presence in its Asian, African, and American colonies.", "The revolutionary period saw a definite division in 1792 between the reconstituted and the ships of the navy. Under Napoleon, the were used primarily as line infantry. Following the disbandment of the Imperial Guard, under the Restoration, separate marine artillery () and marine infantry () units were created as part of a reorganization between 1818 and 1822. These two corps were popularly known as « bigors » and « marsouins » respectively", ". These two corps were popularly known as « bigors » and « marsouins » respectively. Starting in 1831, these two arms ceased to serve on board naval ships and were exclusively armed with regular army equipment and weapons. Their role was now to serve on land in the new French colonial territories, as well as defending the large naval ports and bases in France itself.", "The diverse colonial or exterior operations administered by the July Monarchy, essentially conducted by the Marines and their troops, led to the rehabilitation and the increase of the latter in 1846. The revolution of 1848 led to a draconian reduction in size", ". The revolution of 1848 led to a draconian reduction in size. The Crimean War saw them, along with the equipment of naval vessels of the fleet, illustrating their capability during the Siege of Sevastopol while aiding the heavy artillery pieces ( to constitute a siege artillery ) to disembark from the naval vessels under the orders of Admiral Charles Rigault de Genouilly.", "Honored since 1855, with the return of their staff of 1846, the marines demonstrated their capability during the expeditions of the Second French Empire.\n\nIn 1870, marine artillery and infantry were for the first time regrouped in a grand unit: Blue Division of general Élie de Vassoigne, named after the blue uniforms worn by the soldiers to differentiate them from the line troops. Following the Franco-Prussian War, the marines participated to the construction of the second colonial empire of France.", "Marine Infantry and Marine Artillery Regiments (1816–1900)", "The 21 February 1816, royal ordinance of Louis XVIII re-establishing authorized two regiments. This was increased to three regiments in 1838 and four in 1854. The 1st Regiment was located in Cherbourg, the 2nd in Brest, the 3rd in Rochefort and the 4th in Toulon. In 1890, was increased to eight regiments. , created in 1793, was formed into a single regiment in 1814. A second was added on 8 July 1893", ". , created in 1793, was formed into a single regiment in 1814. A second was added on 8 July 1893. Battles fought in this era included Bomarsund (1854) in the Baltic, Sea of Azoff and the Crimea (1855-56), Ki Hoa in China (1860), and the Battle of Puebla in Mexico (1863). Their most famous battle was Bazeilles (1870) in the Franco-Prussian War.", "The fought in the Sino-French War (August 1884 to April 1885) and during the period of undeclared hostilities in Tonkin (northern Vietnam) that preceded it. Between June 1883 and April 1886 the Tonkin Expeditionary Corps included several marine infantry battalions and marine artillery batteries", ". These units saw service in the Sơn Tây Campaign (December 1883), the Bắc Ninh Campaign (March 1884), the Capture of Hưng Hóa (April 1884), the Bắc Lệ ambush (June 1884), the Keelung Campaign (October 1884 to June 1885), the Battle of Yu Oc (November 1884), the Battle of Núi Bop (January 1885), the Lạng Sơn Campaign (February 1885) and the Pescadores Campaign (March 1885)", ". In March 1885 the two marine infantry battalions in Lieutenant-Colonel Ange-Laurent Giovanninelli's 1st Brigade suffered heavy casualties storming the Chinese trenches at the Battle of Hòa Mộc", ". The French victory at Hòa Mộc relieved the Siege of Tuyên Quang, and was commemorated thereafter in an annual ceremony at Tuyên Quang in which a soldier of the French Foreign Legion (representing the besieged garrison) and a marine infantryman (representing the relief column) solemnly presented arms on the anniversary of the relief of the beleaguered French post.", "The French Navy itself, due to the trouble it was having in obtaining naval infantry detachments from the Ministry of the Navy, established the Fusiliers Marins in 1856. The were initially composed of sailors, senior rates and naval officers who undertook special infantry training to form the \"marine\" detachments aboard ships and conduct small scale landings. Unlike their anglophone contemporaries, they are graded by naval rates rather than adopting army ranks.\n\nTransformation to Troupes Coloniales", "Transformation to Troupes Coloniales \n\nIn 1890 the Ministry of Colonies was separated from that of the Ministère de la Marine. This raised the question of to which authority the , who only now served in the colonies, should be responsible. By a decree dated 7 July 1900 the renamed troops were placed under the and were thus rebadged, now as part of the French Army, under one name – the , retaining the anchor badge as a reminder of their naval heritage.", "The were composed of two distinct corps. One was the colonial forces in metropolitan France, composed of Europeans who had voluntarily enlisted for successive service engagements of five years duration. These regulars (as opposed to conscripts) were assigned in small contingents to undertake tours of duty in the various French colonies outside North Africa", ". There they served either in (all white) units, or were employed as officers and NCOs in the recruitment, training and leadership of locally recruited indigenous troops (tirailleurs, cipayes etc.). The proportion of European to \"native\" colonial troops were progressively reduced as additional locally recruited units were created during the late 19th and earlier 20th centuries.", "One problem of this system was the differences between the training and equipment required for colonial and European warfare. Service conditions in turn would differ between the various colonial territories in Africa and South East Asia. The two types of colonial troupes were however successfully employed in World War I and World War II, as well as the Indochina War and the Algerian War.", "The Construction Service of the marine artillery (which designed and engineered the naval artillery guns in the metropolitan arsenals), became an integral part of the colonial artillery following the reorganisation of 1900", ". In 1909 those colonial artillery officers who specialised in artillery design and manufacture work were transferred into the newly created \"Engineers of Naval Artillery\"; a newly created corps of the French Navy which subsequently merged with the Naval Engineer Corps (responsible for the construction of naval ships) during the Second World War.", "In 1905, the strength of the stationed in (the 19 military districts of metropolitan) France was marked at 2,123 officers and 26,581 other ranks. The strength maintained in the colonies amounts to 1,743 officers, 21,516 European troops and 47,868 native soldiers.", "Troupes Coloniales (1900–1958)", "By the time the Troupes were transferred to the Army the unit names changed from \"Marine\" to \"Colonial\" while the remained part of the French Navy. The were still used in occasional amphibious landings but this was because of the ready availability of units normally based near naval embarkation ports or in colonial garrisons", ". In the World War I Gallipoli campaign in the Dardanelles, the Corps expéditionnaire d'Orient was more than two-thirds including the 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th Colonial Infantry Regiments and Colonial Artillery. (The artillery element at Gallipoli did not contain any artillery units from the .) The were however far more likely to see action in African or Asian land campaigns or, during both World Wars, in France itself.", "In World War II, one Colonial unit did have \"Marine\" in its title – The Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine du Pacifique (BIMP). Two divisions of the were trained in amphibious tactics by the Americans and performed amphibious landings at Corsica (6th Moroccan Mountain Division) and Elba (9th Colonial Infantry Division – 9e DIC). Both these divisions also landed in southern France in the follow-on echelons of Operation Dragoon", ". Both these divisions also landed in southern France in the follow-on echelons of Operation Dragoon. The French wanted the United States to transport these two divisions to the Pacific to fight against the Japanese and later retake French Indochina, but transport was a problem.", "The distinguished themselves in both World Wars. The most decorated regimental colors of the French Armed Forces are those of the Colonial Infantry Regiment of Morocco (RICM) and the regimental colors of the 2nd Marine Infantry Regiment 2e RIMa. After 1945 the decolonization wars involved the colonial troops in Indochina, Algeria, and Madagascar", ". Following 1962, operations in Africa were undertaken by the again renamed and the Légion étrangère which were the only units mainly or entirely composed of \"engaged\" (non-conscript) soldiers. This was also the case in Tchad and in Lebanon and the former Yugoslavia before metropolitan troops started also to recruit volunteer soldiers. The cessation of obligatory military service after 2001 permitted the deployment of the remainder of the French Army in overseas operations.", "End of Troupes Coloniales and recreation of Troupes de Marine\n\nTroupes de Marine (1958– present)", "With France divesting itself of its colonies, on 1 December 1958 the title of (Overseas Troops) replaced that of . Finally, on 4 May 1961, the historic designation of \"Troupes de marine\" was readopted, this time for all the . They became a major component in France's . In July 1963 the 9th Marine Infantry Brigade (9e Brigade d'Infanterie de Marine) (9e BIMa) of the was formed a French", ". It was named after and carried the insignia of the 9th Colonial Infantry Division (9e DIC) that had performed a successful amphibious assault on Elba in World War II. The remaining overseas became part of the . In 1964 the was expanded by adding two airborne brigades and one motorized brigade and formed into the 11th , which became the 11th Parachute Division in 1971", ". The were removed from this division in 1976 to form a separate intervention force, and the was expanded on 1 January 1976 to form the (9e DIMa). This division was the amphibious component of the Force d'Intervention, which was renamed the Force d'Action Rapide (FAR) in 1983.", "Because of their overseas heritage and their use in the , the were mostly volunteer regulars, as in France, draftees are legally exempt from overseas duty. The conversion of the French Army into a smaller professional force led to the French Army's decision to make the brigade its largest formation and the was reduced in size on 1 July 1999 and became the 9th Light Armoured Marine Brigade (France) () and then back to the 9th Marine Infantry Brigade () in 2016.", "The are one of the \"\" (corps) of the French Army, which includes specialties associated with other corps (artillery, cavalry, signals, armour, paratroopers) but with overseas deployment as a specialisation.\n\nGallery\n\nNicknames \n soldiers are known in French as (\"Harbour porpoise\"), allegedly because, like porpoises, they accompany ships without really being part of the crew.", "Marine Gunners are known as , a nickname whose origin is disputed. It could come from which was the order given for loading the guns on a ship. It could also come from (winkle in English), either due to their toughness and unwillingness to desert their positions in combat or because their duties usually had them stuck on coastal rocks.", "Composition \nThe include:\n Infanterie de Marine\n Infantry (, abbreviation: -IMa)\n Light Cavalry (, abbreviation: -IMa). The cavalry units of use the military ranks of the infantry, unlike the rest of the Army cavalry. In military slang, they don't refer to themselves as cavalry but as \"armored colonials\" ().\n Airborne Infantry (, abbreviation: -PIMa)\n \n Artillery (, abbreviation: -AMa)", "Airborne Infantry (, abbreviation: -PIMa)\n \n Artillery (, abbreviation: -AMa)\n Recently, an engineer corps regiment became the first engineer regiment to inherit from Marine traditions. It's the 6ème Régiment du Génie.", "Uniform \nThe modern uniform is the same as for other units of the French Army (light beige, plain green or woodland or desert camouflage according to circumstances). Distinctive features are a gold metal fouled anchor badge on a dark blue beret (Marine paratroopers wear red berets and their badge is a composite of the gold metal anchor and the silver wing of airborne units). This is worn either on the beret or embroidered on the front of the kepi.", "The modern full dress includes a dark blue kepi, yellow fringed epaulettes (official colour name is daffodil) and a navy blue cravat (scarf worn around the neck). A red waist sash is also sometimes worn by certain units with a history of colonial service in Africa and Indo-China.", "Historically, the uniform consisted of a blue kepi with red piping, double breasted navy blue tunic, lighter blue trousers, and yellow epaulettes. Worn by all ranks until 1914, the blue uniform was reissued for regular personnel in 1930 and is still worn by bandsmen. This traditional uniform gave the nickname of \"the Blue Division\" to the units involved in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War", ". The pith helmet was worn overseas during the colonial period, with blue, khaki or white uniforms according to circumstances. Until the early 1960s a dark blue (forage/side cap) with red piping and anchor badge was the usual distinction of the .", "Gallery", "Kepi and traditional epaulettes", "The modern kepi is presented to new recruits in a solemn ceremony. It is worn by officers and non-commissioned officers when another headdress is not prescribed. The kepi is entirely dark blue – a very dark blue, often mistaken for black – with a red (privates and corporals) or gold (non-commissioned officers and officers) trimming. All kepis display the anchor insignia of the Marines. When not being worn the kepi is expected to be positioned so that the anchor is always visible.", "The \"traditional\" epaulettes used by the TdM are gold for officers and NCOs and wool of \"daffodil\" yellow for other ranks. This colour and pattern is derived from the historic epaulettes of the light infantry formations in mainland France.", "Golden Spurs", "The officers of marine \"mounted\" units (that is to say those formerly using horses, or currently armored vehicles) have the privilege of wearing gold spurs for certain occasions. This differs from the usual French cavalry practice of wearing silver spurs", ". This differs from the usual French cavalry practice of wearing silver spurs. Tradition has it that Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom requested this distinction for the marine troops from Emperor Napoleon III to honor the branch after the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimea (1854) where marine infantry saved British troops from destruction.", "Sword \nThe officers and senior non-commissioned-officer can wear, in special circumstances, a sword as a part of their dress uniform. This sword has a straight-edge blade, in contrast to other Army Corps' curved sabers and thus similar to those of the Royal Marines and the rest of the British Armed Forces. Since the Second World War, the sword is very rarely used.\n\nRed Beret", "Red Beret \n\nThe armored, artillery and infantry regiments of the Marines wear dark blue berets with golden anchor insignia. The parachute regiments of the Marines (1e RPIMa, 2e RPIMa, 3e RPIMa, 8e RPIMa) wear a red beret with anchor and wing insignia, except the 1e RPIMa, a Special Forces regiment, where soldiers wear a purple beret.", "The red beret was first introduced to the Free French Paratroopers of the SAS in August 1944, at the 2e RCP during a parade on 11 November 1944, this regiment for a first time dressed this beret with the insignia of the SAS. However, these paratroopers then belonged to the Air Force. In Indochina, the Infantry Metropolitan SAS Demi-Brigade retained the practice, which was readopted by the 1st SAS Parachute Demi-Brigade in 1948", ". The red beret, which was officially introduced as the standard uniform headdress on all Paratroopers in Indochina in 1952 by Général Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (except for the Legion), became the norm for all airborne contingents of the French Army in 1957, with legionnaires paratroopers retaining their traditional green beret, and the 1e RPIMa which transitioned to a purple beret in 2015.", "Marsouins, Bigors and Biffins \nThe nickname used by Marsouins and Bigors for the other branches of the French Army is biffins (slang for ragmen). The name originated in the nineteenth century when sailors of the Fleet and Marine Infantry and Artillerymen, proud of their own smart appearance, accused the soldiers of the Army of being slovenly by comparison. The Legion is excused this nickname, probably reflecting a special relation between Marsouins and legionnaires.", "Traditions", "The Feast of the Marines: in the name of God, long live the colonials! This expression is believed to have originated with the famous missionary Charles de Foucauld who, when rescued by colonial troops, exclaimed \"In the name of God, the great colonials!\". Annual ceremonies celebrating the marine troops take place on 31 August and 1 September – the anniversary of the Blue Division. On 31 August detachments of all marine units parade at Fréjus where the Museum of Marine Troops is located", ". On 1 September veterans hold a ceremony at Bazeilles in Ardennes.", "The anchor of gold \nAs a naval symbol since ancient times, the anchor appeared on the uniforms of French sailors from the late eighteenth century. The Marine Infantry and Artillery troops adopted this insignia at the same time and it remains the modern symbol of the .\n 1772: a royal ordinance provides for the port anchor badge on the uniforms of the French Royal Navy, including the Marine Regiment.\n 1900: the anchor is carried by the Colonial Infantry with their transfer to the Army.", "1900: the anchor is carried by the Colonial Infantry with their transfer to the Army.\n 1916: the Colonial Troops adopt the badge of an anchor over a flaming grenade (the latter being a traditional distinction of elite troops).\n 1919: All officers of the Colonial Troops adopt a gold anchor on their kepis.\n 1920: an anchor entwined with a cable becomes the common badge of Colonial Troops.\n 1933: Colonial Artillery gunners no longer wear the grenade insignia.", "1933: Colonial Artillery gunners no longer wear the grenade insignia.\n 1935: the anchor insignia appears alone on the armbands worn by Staff officers of the Colonial Troops.\n 1939: the anchor no longer to be worn with an entwined cable.\n 1945: the anchor officially sanctioned to be worn on all the attributes (including headgear and uniforms) of the Colonial Troops.\n 1953: approval of a \"traditional\" anchor design for the CT.", "1953: approval of a \"traditional\" anchor design for the CT.\n 1962: introduction of the TDM beret, regulated by the Corps, with the gold anchor badge as the DUI (Distinctive unit insignia). \n 1985: \"traditional\" anchor now permitted to be carried on pennants and guidons as a badge.", "Location \nThe particular role of this branch of the French Army is to consolidate various specialties: infantry, artillery, cavalry (armored), parachute forces, signals and engineers. These specialties, which are consolidated in the branch, form separate arms in the rest of the Army.", "Current units \nThe État-major spécialisé pour l'outre-mer et l'étranger (EMSOME), the Specialized Staff for Overseas and Foreign Operations, functions as the Troupes de marine headquarters, and also directs Foreign Legion forces overseas. The General commanding the EMSOME is nicknamed the \"Father of the Marine Corps\" (le Père de l'Arme des TDM).", "Régiment de Marche du Tchad in Meyenheim (mechanized infantry)\n Régiment d'infanterie-chars de marine (RICM) in Poitiers (light armoured)\n 1er Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPIMa) in Bayonne (airborne/special forces)\n 3e Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine} (3e RPIMa) in Carcassonne (airborne infantry)\n 8e Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine (8e RPIMa) in Castres (airborne infantry)", "8e Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine (8e RPIMa) in Castres (airborne infantry)\n 1er Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RIMa) in Angoulême (light armoured)\n (2e RIMa) in Le Mans (infantry)\n (3e RIMa) in Vannes (infantry)\n (21e RIMa) in Fréjus (infantry)\n (1er RAMa) in Châlons-en-Champagne (artillery)\n (3e RAMa) in Canjuers (artillery)\n (11e RAMa) in Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier (artillery)\n 6e Régiment du Génie – (Marine Sappers) in Angers (engineers)\n Overseas:", "6e Régiment du Génie – (Marine Sappers) in Angers (engineers)\n Overseas:\n (2e RPIMa) in Pierrefonds (Réunion) (airborne infantry)\n (5e RIAOM) in Djibouti\n (6e BIMa) in Libreville (Gabon) (infantry)\n (9e RIMa) in Cayenne (French Guiana) (infantry)\n (33e RIMa) in Fort-de-France (Martinique) (infantry)\n – (RIMaP-NC) in Nouméa New Caledonia (infantry)\n (RIMaP-P) in Papeete (infantry)", "Dissolved units with their traditions trusted to other units\n\nOther Parachute Marine units dissolved \n\n Battalions and Colonial Parachute Groups (B.C.C.P, G.C.C.P & B.P.C)\n (5e RPIMa)\n (6e RPIMa)\n (7e RPIMa)\n\nAnthem \n(traditional)", "This song is sung at a brisk pace to marching music\n In battle or storm,\n The chorus of male songs, (repeat)\n Our soul always ready to danger,\n Brave and lightning guns.\n Men of iron that nothing weary\n We look death in the face,\n In the roaring storm or rough fight. Forward!\n To make a soldier of Marine\n You need in the chest\n The heart of a sailor and that of a soldier.\n Often in the torrid zone,\n The tooth tiger or lion\n Fever or ball homicide\n Just decimate our battalions.\n So to the motherland,", "Fever or ball homicide\n Just decimate our battalions.\n So to the motherland,\n We see, contorted with agony,\n In a supreme effort to turn our front. Forward!\n And we regret unanimous\n Dear France, O sublime country!\n This is for you to have one life to give.", "Be proud soldier in the Navy,\n Love thy victory bugles\n And your face illuminated by burnished,\n The brilliance of great deeds.\n From the Bosphorus to Martinique,\n From Senegal to the Pacific\n We see your flag colors shine. Forward!\n The glory took you under his wing,\n For the honor always faithful,", "You die in battle or you come back victorious.\n In every battle in the Crimea,\n We too have taken part\n De Malakoff under fire,\n We were climbing the walls.\n At the sight of our uniforms,\n That the fire or sword deforms,\n The enemy turned pale, stepped back many times. Forward!\n And on our foreheads that shines,\n We can see the triple crown\n The laurels of Podor, of Inkerman and Alma.\n When Prussia inundating France,\n About Us unleashed its fury,\n At his balls as his spears\n We have opposed our hearts.", "About Us unleashed its fury,\n At his balls as his spears\n We have opposed our hearts.\n And when the battle roared,\n Our forehead, wounded by shrapnel,\n Bloody, but untamed, defied the winners. Forward!\n A Bazeilles The Cluze and Neuville,\n When fighting against one hundred thousand,\n The success betrays us but we kept the honor.", "Constantly ready for any fight;\n Valiant soldiers of our major ports,\n No nothing can kill you\n Who do you count your dead point\n You reduce Chinese, Kanaka,\n In Madagascar you, Annam and Tonkin. Forward!\n Also under the sky its dome\n Joined still halo\n Son-Tay and Nouméa, Tamatave and Beijing", "A day will come, dear hope,\n Where the ardent call of bugles,\n Will rise to our France\n Avengers ... and we will.\n So for us, oh what a feast!\n We will give younger sisters,\n For the victories of Jena, Auerstadt, Stettin. Forward!\n Yes we love the holy wars\n For the blood of heroes, our fathers,\n In our blood on fire, do not flow in vain", "Values of the Marine Troops \nFormed initially to be deployed for service on France's overseas territories to maintain French interests, the marine troops have acquired a culture of openness. In addition, foreign missions have required the weapon it covers areas of varied specialties (combat infantry and armor, fire support, communications ...) the exercise of which, today, reinforces a long history of professionalism.", "Transcending the concept of mastering military equipment and technologies, the marine troops unite around a single symbol, the traditional golden anchor, that for those who serve marks a unique style whose main features are:\n A brotherhood of gun mindset maintained by simple and warm human relationships between comrades in arms;\n An ability to adapt to the most unusual situations, a true lifestyle product of history and operational experience repeated;", "A \"military humanism\", perpetuating culture of others including the ability to make contacts with the most diverse populations and to gain their trust. This military humanism embodied by the tradition of multiculturalism are today carried on by the Specialised Headquarters for Overseas and Foreign Units (État-major spécialisé pour l’outre-mer et l’étranger).", "These high values of identity give meaning to the commitment of the Marsouin and Bigord and always based natural vocation of the marine troops serving both in the French overseas territories and abroad.\n\nSee also \n\n Marine corps\n Tirailleur\n French colonial flags\n French colonial empire\n List of French possessions and colonies\n Moroccan Division", "Sources \n , Paris: Charles-Lavauzelle, 1991, or .\n Serge Saint-Michel & Rene Le Honzec, \n CEHD (), , Paris, Lavauzelle, 2001, 444 p., \n , Paris, H. Charles-Lavauzelle, 1903.\n Louis Beausza, , Paris, L. Fournier et cie., 1939.\n Marcel Vigneras, Rearming the French, Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1957\n John C. Cornelius, Richard J. Sommers, Michael Winey, The Military Forces of France, Washington, GPO, 1977.", "Anthony Clayton, France, Soldiers and Africa, London; Washington: Brassey's Defence Publishers, 1988, or .\n Comité national des traditions des troupes de marine, , Paris:C. Lavauzelle, 1995, or .", "References\n\nExternal links \n \n Unofficial site (managed by the national federation of veterans of oversea and marine troops)\n \n Website of the in Fréjus\n \n\nFrench Army\nArms of the French Army\nMilitary units and formations established in 1622\n1622 establishments in France\nCardinal Richelieu" ]
[ "Kalākaua (David Laʻamea Kamananakapu Mahinulani Naloiaehuokalani Lumialani Kalākaua; November 16, 1836 – January 20, 1891), sometimes called The Merrie Monarch, was the last king and penultimate monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi, reigning from February 12, 1874, until his death in 1891. Succeeding Lunalilo, he was elected to the vacant throne of Hawaiʻi against Queen Emma. Kalākaua had a convivial personality and enjoyed entertaining guests with his singing and ukulele playing", ". At his coronation and his birthday jubilee, the hula, which had hitherto been banned in public in the kingdom, became a celebration of Hawaiian culture.", "During Kalākaua's reign, the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 brought great prosperity to the kingdom. Its renewal continued the prosperity but allowed United States to have exclusive use of Pearl Harbor. In 1881, Kalākaua took a trip around the world to encourage the immigration of contract sugar plantation workers. He wanted Hawaiians to broaden their education beyond their nation. He instituted a government-financed program to sponsor qualified students to be sent abroad to further their education", ". Two of his projects, the statue of Kamehameha I and the rebuilding of ʻIolani Palace, were expensive endeavors but are popular tourist attractions today.", "Extravagant expenditures and Kalākaua's plans for a Polynesian confederation played into the hands of annexationists who were already working toward a United States takeover of Hawaiʻi. In 1887, Kalākaua was pressured to sign a new constitution that made the monarchy little more than a figurehead position. After his brother William Pitt Leleiohoku II died in 1877, the king named their sister Liliʻuokalani as heir-apparent. She acted as regent during his absences from the country", ". She acted as regent during his absences from the country. After Kalākaua's death, she became the last monarch of Hawaiʻi.", "Early life and family", "Kalākaua was born at 2:00 a.m. on November 16, 1836, to Caesar Kaluaiku Kapaʻakea and Analea Keohokālole in the grass hut compound belonging to his maternal grandfather ʻAikanaka, at the base of Punchbowl Crater in Honolulu on the island of Oʻahu. Of the aliʻi class of Hawaiian nobility, his family was considered collateral relations of the reigning House of Kamehameha, sharing common descent from the 18th-century aliʻi nui Keaweʻīkekahialiʻiokamoku", ". From his biological parents, he descended from Keaweaheulu and Kameʻeiamoku, two of the five royal counselors of Kamehameha I during his conquest of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. Kameʻeiamoku, the grandfather of both his mother and father, was one of the royal twins alongside Kamanawa depicted on the Hawaiian coat of arms", ". However, Kalākaua and his siblings traced their high rank from their mother's line of descent, referring to themselves as members of the \"Keawe-a-Heulu line\", although later historians would refer to the family as the House of Kalākaua. The second surviving child of a large family, his biological siblings included his elder brother James Kaliokalani, and younger siblings Lydia Kamakaʻeha (later renamed Liliʻuokalani), Anna Kaʻiulani, Kaʻiminaʻauao, Miriam Likelike and William Pitt Leleiohoku II.", "Given the name Kalākaua, which translates into \"The Day [of] Battle\", the date of his birth coincided with the signing of the unequal treaty imposed by British Captain Lord Edward Russell of the Actaeon on Kamehameha III. He and his siblings were hānai (informally adopted) to other family members in the Native Hawaiian tradition. Prior to birth, his parents had promised to give their child in hānai to Kuini Liliha, a high-ranking chiefess and the widow of High Chief Boki", ". However, after he was born, High Chiefess Haʻaheo Kaniu took the baby to Honuakaha, the residence of the king. Kuhina Nui (regent) Elizabeth Kīnaʻu, who disliked Liliha, deliberated and decreed his parents to give him to Haʻaheo and her husband Keaweamahi Kinimaka. When Haʻaheo died in 1843 she bequeathed all her properties to him. After Haʻaheo's death, his guardianship was entrusted to his hānai father, who was a chief of lesser rank; he took Kalākaua to live in Lāhainā on the island of Maui", ". Kinimaka would later marry Pai, a subordinate Tahitian chiefess, who treated Kalākaua as her own until the birth of her own son.", "Education", "At the age of four, Kalākaua returned to Oʻahu to begin his education at the Chiefs' Children's School (later renamed the Royal School). He and his classmates had been formally proclaimed by Kamehameha III as eligible for the throne of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. His classmates included his siblings James Kaliokalani and Lydia Kamakaʻeha and their thirteen royal cousins including the future kings Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V and Lunalilo", ". They were taught by American missionaries Amos Starr Cooke and his wife, Juliette Montague Cooke. At the school, Kalākaua became fluent in English and the Hawaiian language and was noted for his fun and humor rather than his academic prowess. The strong-willed boy defended his less robust elder brother Kaliokalani from the older boys at the school.", "In October 1840, their paternal grandfather Kamanawa II requested his grandsons to visit him on the night before his execution for the murder of his wife Kamokuiki. The next morning the Cookes allowed the guardian of the royal children John Papa ʻĪʻī to bring Kaliokalani and Kalākaua to see Kamanawa for the last time. It is not known if their sister was also taken to see him", ". It is not known if their sister was also taken to see him. Later sources, especially in biographies of Kalākaua indicated that the boys witnessed the public hanging of their grandfather at the gallows. Historian Helena G. Allen noted the indifference the Cookes' had toward the request and the traumatic experience it must have been for the boys.", "After the Cookes retired and closed the school in 1850, Kalākaua briefly studied at Joseph Watt's English school for native children at Kawaiahaʻo and later joined the relocated day school (also called Royal School) run by Reverend Edward G. Beckwith. Illness prevented him from finishing his schooling and he was sent back to Lāhainā to live with his mother.", "Following his formal schooling, he studied law under Charles Coffin Harris in 1853. Kalākaua would appoint Harris as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Hawaiʻi in 1877.", "Political and military careers", "Kalākaua's various military, government and court positions prevented him from fully completing his legal training. He received his earliest military training under the Prussian officer, Major Francis Funk, who instilled an admiration of the Prussian military system. In 1852, Prince Liholiho, who would later reign as Kamehameha IV, appointed Kalakaua as one of his aide-de-camp on his military staff. The following year, he commissioned Kalākaua as brevet captain in the infantry", ". The following year, he commissioned Kalākaua as brevet captain in the infantry. In the army, Kalākaua served as first lieutenant in his father Kapaʻakea's militia of 240 men and later worked as military secretary to Major John William Elliott Maikai, the adjutant general of the army. He was promoted to major and assigned to the personal staff of Kamehameha IV when the king ascended to the throne in 1855. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in 1858.", "He became a personal associate and friend of Prince Lot, the future Kamehameha V, who instilled his mission of \"Hawaiʻi for Hawaiians\" in the young Kalākaua. In the fall of 1860, when he was Chief Clerk of the kingdom's Department of the Interior, Kalākaua accompanied Prince Lot, high chief Levi Haʻalelea and Hawaii's Consul for Peru, Josiah C. Spalding, on a two-month tour of British Columbia and California", ". Spalding, on a two-month tour of British Columbia and California. They sailed from Honolulu aboard the yacht Emma Rooke, on August 29, arriving on September 18 in Victoria, British Columbia where they were received by the local dignitaries of the city. In California, the party visited San Francisco, Sacramento, Folsom and other local areas where they were honorably received.", "In 1856, Kalākaua was appointed a member of the Privy Council of State by Kamehameha IV. He was also appointed to the House of Nobles, the upper body of the Legislature of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi in 1858, serving there until 1873. He served as 3rd Chief Clerk of the Department of the Interior in 1859 under Prince Lot who was Minister of the Interior before becoming king in 1863. He held this position until 1863", ". He held this position until 1863. On June 30, 1863, Kalākaua was appointed Postmaster General and served until his resignation on March 18, 1865. In 1865, he was appointed the King's Chamberlain and served until 1869 when he resigned to finish his law studies. In 1870, he was admitted to the Hawaiian bar and was hired as a clerk in the Land Office, a post he held until he came to the throne. He was decorated a Knight Companion of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I in 1867.", "American writer Mark Twain, working as a traveling reporter for the Sacramento Daily Union, visited Hawaiʻi in 1866 during the reign of Kamehameha V. He met the young Kalākaua and other members of the legislature and noted:\n\nMarriage", "Kalākaua was briefly engaged to marry Princess Victoria Kamāmalu, the younger sister of Kamehameha IV and Kamehameha V. However, the match was terminated when the princess decided to renew her on-and-off betrothal to her cousin Lunalilo. Kalākaua would later fall in love with Kapiʻolani, the young widow of Bennett Nāmākēhā, the uncle of Kamehameha IV's wife Queen Emma", ". A descendant of King Kaumualiʻi of Kauai, Kapiʻolani was Queen Emma's lady-in-waiting and Prince Albert Edward Kamehameha's nurse and caretaker. They married on December 19, 1863, in a quiet ceremony conducted by a minister of the Anglican Church of Hawaiʻi. The timing of the wedding was heavily criticized since it fell during the official mourning period for King Kamehameha IV. The marriage remained childless.", "Political ascendancy\n\n1873 election\nKing Kamehameha V, died on December 12, 1872, without naming a successor to the throne. Under the 1864 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi, if the king did not appoint a successor, a new king would be appointed by the legislature to begin a new royal line of succession.", "There were several candidates for the Hawaiian throne including Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who had been asked to succeed to the throne by Kamehameha V on his deathbed but had declined the offer. However, the contest was centered on the two high-ranking male aliʻi, or chiefs: Lunalilo and Kalākaua. Lunalilo was more popular, partly because he was a higher-ranking chief than Kalākaua and was the immediate cousin of Kamehameha V", ". Lunalilo was also the more liberal of the two—he promised to amend the constitution to give the people a greater voice in the government. According to historian Ralph S. Kuykendall, there was an enthusiasm among Lunalilo's supporters to have him declared king without holding an election. In response, Lunalilo issued a proclamation stating that, even though he believed himself to be the rightful heir to the throne, he would submit to an election for the good of the kingdom", ". On January 1, 1873, a popular election was held for the office of King of Hawaiʻi. Lunalilo won with an overwhelming majority while Kalākaua performed extremely poorly receiving 12 votes out of the more than 11,000 votes cast. The next day, the legislature confirmed the popular vote and elected Lunalilo unanimously. Kalākaua conceded.", "1874 election", "Following Lunalilo's ascension, Kalākaua was appointed as colonel on the military staff of the king. He kept politically active during Lunalilo's reign, including leadership involvement with a political organization known as the Young Hawaiians; the group's motto was \"Hawaiʻi for the Hawaiians\". He had gained political capital with his staunch opposition to ceding any part of the Hawaiian islands to foreign interests", ". During the ʻIolani Barracks mutiny by the Royal Guards of Hawaiʻi in September 1873, Kalākaua was suspected to have incited the native guards to rebel against their white officers. Lunalilo responded to the insurrection by disbanding the military unit altogether, leaving Hawaiʻi without a standing army for the remainder of his reign.", "The issue of succession was a major concern especially since Lunalilo was unmarried and childless at the time. Queen Dowager Emma, the widow of Kamehameha IV, was considered to be Lunalilo's favorite choice as his presumptive heir. On the other hand, Kalākaua and his political cohorts actively campaigned for him to be named successor in the event of the king's death. Among the other candidates considered viable as Lunalilo's successor was the previously mentioned Bernice Pauahi Bishop", ". She had strong ties to the United States through her marriage to wealthy American businessman Charles Reed Bishop who also served as one of Lunalilo's cabinet ministers. When Lunalilo became ill several months after his election, Native Hawaiians counseled with him to appoint a successor to avoid another election. However he may have personally felt about Emma, he never put it in writing. He failed to act on the issue of a successor, and died on February 3, 1874, setting in motion a bitter election", ". While Lunalilo did not think of himself as a Kamehameha, his election continued the Kamehameha line to some degree making him the last of the monarchs of the Kamehameha dynasty.", "Pauahi chose not to run. Kalākaua's political platform was that he would reign in strict accordance with the kingdom's constitution. Emma campaigned on her assurance that Lunalilo had personally told her he wanted her to succeed him. Several individuals who claimed first-hand knowledge of Lunalilo's wishes backed her publicly. With Lunalilo's privy council issuing a public denial of that claim, the kingdom was divided on the issue", ". British Commissioner James Hay Wodehouse put the British and American forces docked at Honolulu on the alert for possible violence.", "The election was held on February 12, and Kalākaua was elected by the Legislative Assembly by a margin of thirty-nine to six. His election provoked the Honolulu Courthouse riot where supporters of Queen Emma targeted legislators who supported Kalākaua; thirteen legislators were injured. The kingdom was without an army since the mutiny the year before and many police officers sent to quell the riot joined the mob or did nothing", ". Unable to control the mob, Kalākaua and Lunalilo's former ministers had to request the aid of American and British military forces docked in the harbor to put down the uprising.", "Reign", "Given the unfavorable political climate following the riot, Kalākaua was quickly sworn in the following day, in a ceremony witnessed by government officials, family members, foreign representatives and some spectators. This inauguration ceremony was held at Kīnaʻu Hale, the residence of the Royal Chamberlain, instead of Kawaiahaʻo Church, as was customary. The hastiness of the affair would prompt him to hold a coronation ceremony in 1883", ". The hastiness of the affair would prompt him to hold a coronation ceremony in 1883. Upon ascending to the throne, Kalākaua named his brother, William Pitt Leleiohoku, Leleiohoku II, as his heir-apparent. When Leleiohoku II died in 1877, Kalākaua changed the name of his sister Lydia Dominis to Liliuokalani and designated her as his heir-apparent.", "From March to May 1874, he toured the main Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, Maui, Hawaiʻi Island, Molokai and Oahu and visited the Kalaupapa Leprosy Settlement.\n\nReciprocity Treaty of 1875 and its extension", "Within a year of Kalākaua's election, he helped negotiate the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875. This free trade agreement between the United States and Hawaiʻi, allowed sugar and other products to be exported to the US duty-free. He led the Reciprocity Commission consisting of sugar planter Henry A. P. Carter of C. Brewer & Co., Hawaiʻi Chief Justice Elisha Hunt Allen, and Minister of Foreign Affairs William Lowthian Green. Kalākaua became the first reigning monarch to visit America", ". Kalākaua became the first reigning monarch to visit America. The state dinner in his honor hosted by President Ulysses S. Grant was the first White House state dinner ever held.", "Many in the Hawaiʻi business community were willing to cede Pearl Harbor to the United States in exchange for the treaty, but Kalākaua was opposed to the idea. A seven-year treaty was signed on January 30, 1875, without any Hawaiian land being ceded. San Francisco sugar refiner Claus Spreckels became a major investor in Hawaiʻi's sugar industry. Initially, he bought half of the first year's production; ultimately he became the plantations' major shareholder", ". Spreckels became one of Kalākaua's close associates.", "When it expired, an extension of the treaty was negotiated, giving exclusive use of Pearl Harbor to the United States. Ratifications by both parties took two years and eleven months, and were exchanged on December 9, 1887, extending the agreement for an additional seven years.", "Over the term of Kalākaua's reign, the treaty had a major effect on the kingdom's income. In 1874, Hawaiʻi exported $1,839,620.27 in products. The value of exported products in 1890, the last full year of his reign, was $13,282,729.48, an increase of 722%. The export of sugar during that period grew from 24,566,611 pounds to 330,822,879 pounds.\n\nEducation of Hawaiian Youths Abroad", "The Education of Hawaiian Youths Abroad was a government-funded educational program during Kalākaua's reign to help students further their education beyond the institutions available in Hawaiʻi at that time. Between 1880 and 1887, Kalākaua selected 18 students for enrollment in a university or apprenticeship to a trade, outside the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. These students furthered their education in Italy, England, Scotland, China, Japan and California", ". These students furthered their education in Italy, England, Scotland, China, Japan and California. During the life of the program, the legislature appropriated $100,000 to support it. When the Bayonet Constitution went into effect, the students were recalled to Hawaiʻi.", "Trip around the world\n\nKing Kalākaua and his boyhood friends William Nevins Armstrong and Charles Hastings Judd, along with personal cook Robert von Oelhoffen, circumnavigated the globe in 1881. The purpose of the 281-day trip was to encourage the importation of contract labor for plantations. Kalākaua set a world record as the first monarch to travel around the world. He appointed his sister and heir-apparent Liliuokalani to act as Regent during his absence.", "Setting sail on January 20, they visited California before sailing to Asia. There they spent four months opening contract labor dialogue in Japan and China, while sightseeing and spreading goodwill through nations that were potential sources for workers. They continued through Southeast Asia, and then headed for Europe in June, where they stayed until mid-September", ". Their most productive immigration talks were in Portugal, where Armstrong stayed behind to negotiate an expansion of Hawaiʻi's existing treaty with the government.", "President James A. Garfield in Washington, D.C., had been assassinated in their absence. On their return trip to the United States, Kalākaua paid a courtesy call on Garfield's successor President Chester A. Arthur.\nBefore embarking on a train ride across the United States, Kalākaua visited Thomas Edison for a demonstration of electric lighting, discussing its potential use in Honolulu.", "They departed for Hawaiʻi from San Francisco on October 22, arriving in Honolulu on October 31. His homecoming celebration went on for days. He had brought the small island nation to the attention of world leaders, but the trip had sparked rumors that the kingdom was for sale. In Hawaiʻi there were critics who believed the labor negotiations were just his excuse to see the world. Eventually, his efforts bore fruit in increased contract labor for Hawaiʻi.", "Thomas Thrum's Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1883 reported Kalākaua's tour expense appropriated by the government as $22,500, although his personal correspondence indicates he exceeded that early on.\n\nʻIolani Palace", "'Iolani Palace is the only royal palace on US soil. The first palace was a coral and wood structure which served primarily as office space for the kingdom's monarchs beginning with Kamehameha III in 1845. By the time Kalākaua became king, the structure had decayed, and he ordered it destroyed to be replaced with a new building. During the 1878 session of the legislature Finance Chairman Walter Murray Gibson, a political supporter of Kalākaua's, pushed through appropriations of $50,000 for the new palace.", "Construction began in 1879, with an additional $80,000 appropriated later to furnish it and complete the construction. Three architects worked on the design, Thomas J. Baker, Charles J. Wall and Isaac Moore. December 31, 1879, the 45th birthday of Queen Kapiʻolani, was the date Kalākaua chose for the ceremonial laying of the cornerstone. Minister of Foreign Affairs John Mākini Kapena delivered the ceremony's formal address in Hawaiian", ". Minister of Foreign Affairs John Mākini Kapena delivered the ceremony's formal address in Hawaiian. As Master of the Freemason Lodge Le Progres de L'Oceanie, Kalākaua charged the freemasons with orchestrating the ceremonies. The parade preceding the laying of the cornerstone involved every civilian and military organization in Hawaiʻi. The Pacific Commercial Advertiser noted it was \"one of the largest seen in Honolulu for some years\"", ". A copper time capsule containing photographs, documents, currency, and the Hawaiian census was sealed inside the cornerstone. After speeches had been made, the freemasons presented the king with \"the working tools of a mason\", a plumb bob, level, square tool, and a trowel.", "In between the laying of the cornerstone and the finishing of the new palace, Kalākaua had seen how other monarchs lived. He wanted ʻIolani to measure up to the standards of the rest of the world. The furnishing and interiors of the finished palace were reflective of that. Immediately upon completion, the king invited all 120 members of Lodge Le Progres de L'Oceanie to the palace for a lodge meeting", ". Kalākaua had also seen during his visit to Edison's studio how effective electric lighting could be for the kingdom. On July 21, 1886, ʻIolani Palace led the way with the first electric lights in the kingdom, showcasing the technology. The monarch invited the public to attend a lighting ceremony on the palace grounds, attracting 5,000 spectators. The Royal Hawaiian Band entertained, refreshments were served, and the king paraded his troops around the grounds", ". The total cost of building and furnishing the new palace was $343,595.", "1883 coronation", "Kalākaua and Kapiʻolani had been denied a coronation ceremony in 1874 because of the civil unrest following the election. Under Finance Chairman Gibson, the 1880 legislature appropriated $10,000 for a coronation. Gibson was believed to be the main proponent behind the event. On October 10, 1882, the Saturday Press indicated that not all the public was in favor of the coronation", ". By this point, Gibson's role in the kingdom's finances and his influence on Kalākaua were beginning to come under scrutiny: \"Our versatile Premier ... is pulling another string in this puppet farce.\" At the same time, the newspaper rebuked many of the recent actions and policies not only of Gibson but of the King's cabinet in general.", "The coronation ceremony and related celebratory events were spread out over a two-week period. A special octagon-shaped pavilion and grandstand were built for the February 12, 1883, ceremony. Preparations were made for an anticipated crowd exceeding 5,000, with lawn chairs to accommodate any overflow. Before the actual event, a procession of 630 adults and children paraded from downtown to the palace. Kalākaua and Kapiʻolani, accompanied by their royal retinue, came out of the palace onto the event grounds", ". The coronation was preceded by a choir singing and the formal recitation of the King's official titles. The news coverage noted, \"The King looked ill at ease.\" Chief Justice of Hawaiʻi's Supreme Court Albert Francis Judd officiated and delivered the oath of office to the king. The crown was then handed to Kalākaua, and he placed it upon his head. The ceremony ended with the choir singing, and a prayer. A planned post-coronation reception by Kalākaua and Kapiʻolani was cancelled without advance notice", ". Today, Kalākaua's coronation pavilion serves as the bandstand for the Royal Hawaiian Band.", "Following the ceremony, Kalākaua unveiled the Kamehameha Statue in front of Aliiolani Hale, the government building, with Gibson delivering the unveiling speech. This statue was a second replica. Originally intended for the centennial of Captain James Cook's landing in Hawaiʻi, the statue, which was the brainchild of Gibson, had been cast by Thomas Ridgeway Gould but had been lost during shipment off the Falkland Islands", ". By the time the replica arrived, the intended date had passed, and it was decided to unveil the statue as part of the coronation ceremony. Later, the original statue was salvaged and restored. It was sent to Kohala, Hawaiʻi, Kamehameha's birthplace, where it was unveiled by the king on May 8. The legislature had allocated $10,000 for the first statue and insured it for $12,000", ". The legislature had allocated $10,000 for the first statue and insured it for $12,000. A further $7,000 was allocated for the second statue with an additional $4,000 from the insurance money spent to add four bas relief panels depicting historic moments during Kamehamena's reign.", "That evening, the royal couple hosted a state dinner, and there was a luau at a later day. The hula was performed nightly on the palace grounds. Regattas, horse races and a number of events filled the celebration period. Due to weather conditions, the planned illumination of the palace and grounds for the day of the coronation happened a week later, and the public was invited to attend. Fireworks displays lit up the sky at the palace and at Punchbowl Crater. A grand ball was held the evening of February 20", ". A grand ball was held the evening of February 20.", "Although exact figures are unknown, historian Kuykendall stated that the final cost of the coronation exceeded $50,000.\n\nKalākaua coinage", "The Kalākaua coinage was minted to boost Hawaiian pride. At this time, United States gold coins had been accepted for any debt over $50; any debt under $50 was payable by US silver coins. In 1880, the legislature passed a currency law that allowed it to purchase bullion for the United States mint to produce Hawaiʻi's own coins. The design would have the King's image on the obverse side, with Hawaiʻi's coat of arms and motto \"Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono\" on the reverse", ". In a deal with Claus Spreckels, he sponsored the minting by purchasing the required silver. In return, he was guaranteed an equal amount of six percent gold bonds, thereby giving him a guaranteed profit.", "When Hawaiʻi's silver coins began circulating in December 1883, the business community was reluctant to accept them, fearing they would drive US gold coins out of the market. Spreckels opened his own bank to circulate them. Business owners feared economic inflation and lost faith in the government, as did foreign governments. Political fallout from the coinage led to the 1884 election-year shift towards the Kuokoa (independent) Party in the legislature", ". It passed the Currency Act to restrict acceptance of silver coins as payment for debts under $10. Exchange of silver for gold at the treasury was then limited to $150,000 a month. In 1903, the Hawaiʻi silver coins were redeemed for US silver and melted down at the San Francisco Mint.", "Birthday Jubilee, November 15–29, 1886", "Kalākaua's 50th birthday on November 16, 1886, was celebrated with a two-week jubilee. Gibson had by this time joined the King's cabinet as prime minister of Hawaiʻi. He and Minister of the Interior Luther Aholo put forth a motion for the legislature to form a committee to oversee the birthday jubilee on September 20. The motion was approved, and at Gibson's subsequent request, the legislature appropriated $15,000 for the jubilee", ". An announcement was made on November 3 that all government schools would be closed the week of November 15.", "Gifts for the king began arriving on November 15. At midnight, the jubilee officially began with fireworks at the Punchbowl Crater. At sunrise, the kingdom's police force arrived at ʻIolani Palace to pay tribute, followed by the king's Cabinet, Supreme Court justices, the kingdom's diplomats, and officials of government departments. School student bodies and civic organizations also paid tribute. The Royal Hawaiian Band played throughout the day", ". The Royal Hawaiian Band played throughout the day. In the afternoon, the doors of the palace were opened to all the officials and organizations, and the public. In the evening, the palace was aglow with lanterns, candles and electric lighting throwing \"a flood of radiance over the Palace and grounds\". The evening ended with a Fireman's Parade and fireworks", ". The evening ended with a Fireman's Parade and fireworks. Throughout the next two weeks, there was a regatta, a Jubilee ball, a luau, athletic competitions, a state dinner, and a marksmanship contest won by the Honolulu Rifles. Harper's Weekly reported in 1891 that the final cost of the jubilee was $75,000.", "Military policy", "During the early part of his reign, Kalākaua restored the Household Guards which had been defunct since his predecessor Lunalilo abolished the unit in 1874. Initially, the king created three volunteer companies: the Leleiohoku Guard, a cavalry unit; the Prince's Own, an artillery unit; and the Hawaiian Guards, an infantry unit", ". By the latter part of his reign, the army of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi consisted of six volunteer companies including the King's Own, the Queen's Own, the Prince's Own, the Leleiohoku Guard, the Mamalahoa Guard and the Honolulu Rifles, and the regular troops of the King's Household Guard. The ranks of these regiments were composed mainly of Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian officers with a few white officers including his brother-in-law John Owen Dominis", ". Each unit was subject to call for active service when necessary. The king and the governor of Oahu also had their own personal staff of military officers with the ranks of colonel and major.", "On October 1, 1886, the Military Act of 1886 was passed which created a Department of War and a Department of the Navy under the Minister of Foreign Affairs who would also serve as Secretary of War and of the Navy. Dominis was appointed lieutenant general and commander-in-chief and other officers were commissioned while the king was made the supreme commander and generalissimo of the Hawaiian Army", ". Around this time, the government also bought and commissioned His Hawaiian Majesty's Ship (HHMS) Kaimiloa, the first and only vessel of the Hawaiian Royal Navy, under the command of Captain George E. Gresley Jackson.", "After 1887, the military commissions creating Dominis and his staff officers were recalled for economic reasons and the Military Act of 1886 was later declared unconstitutional. The Military Act of 1888 was passed reducing the size of the army to four volunteer companies: the Honolulu Rifles, the King's Own, the Queen's Own, the Prince's Own, and the Leleiohoku Guard. In 1890, another military act further restricted the army to just the King's Royal Guards.\n\nPolynesian confederation", "The idea of Hawaiʻi's involvement in the internal affairs of Polynesian nations had been around at least two decades before Kalākaua's election, when Australian Charles St Julian volunteered to be a political liaison to Hawaiʻi in 1853. He accomplished nothing of any significance. Kalākaua's interest in forming a Polynesian coalition, with him at the head, was influenced by both Walter M. Gibson and Italian soldier of fortune Celso Caesar Moreno", ". Gibson and Italian soldier of fortune Celso Caesar Moreno. In 1879 Moreno urged the king to create such a realm with Hawaiʻi at the top of the empire by \" ... uniting under your sceptre the whole Polynesian race and make Honolulu a monarchical Washington, where the representatives of all the islands would convene in Congress.\"", "In response to the activities of Germany and Great Britain in Oceania, Gibson's Pacific Commercial Advertiser urged Hawaiʻi's involvement in protecting the island nations from international aggression. Gibson was appointed to Kalākaua's cabinet as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1882. In 1883, he introduced the approved legislation to convey in writing to foreign governments that Hawaiʻi fully supported the independence of Polynesian nations", ". The subsequent \"Hawaiian protest\" letter he drafted was mostly ignored by nations that received it. The Daily Bulletin in Honolulu issued its own response, \"Hawaiʻi's true policy is to confine her attention to herself, ...\". The Hawaiian Gazette criticized Gibson's character and mockingly referred to the proposed venture as the \"Empire of the Calabash\".", "In 1885, Gibson dispatched Minister to the United States Henry A. P. Carter to Washington, D.C., and Europe to convey Hawaiʻi's intentions towards Polynesia. Carter made little headway with Gibson's instructions. He pushed for direct intervention into a political upheaval in Samoa, where the German Empire backed rebels under their leader Tamasese in an attempt to overthrow King Malietoa Laupepa", ". In an effort to keep him in power, Gibson convinced the 1886 legislature to allocate $100,000 to purchase the steamship Zealandia, $50,000 for its operating expenses, and $35,000 for foreign missions. United States special commissioner to Samoa, George H. Bates advised Kalākaua that Hawaiʻi should mind its own business and stay out of Samoan affairs. Instead, Hawaiʻi sent a delegation headed by John E", ". Instead, Hawaiʻi sent a delegation headed by John E. Bush to Samoa, where Samoan King Malietoa Laupepa signed a Samoan-Hawaiian confederation treaty on February 17, 1887. Bush also presented Malietoa with the Royal Order of the Star of Oceania, which Kalakaua had created to honor the monarchs and chiefs of the Polynesian confederation. The government sent HHMS Kaimiloa for Bush's use in visiting the chiefs of the other islands of Polynesia.", "The United States and Great Britain joined with Germany in expressing their disapproval of the treaty. Germany warned the United States and Great Britain, \"In case Hawaiʻi ... should try to interfere in favor of Malietoa, the King of the Sandwich Islands would thereby enter into [a] state of war with us.\" When German warships arrived in Samoan waters, Malietoa surrendered and was sent into exile. The Kaimiloa and Bush's delegation were recalled to Honolulu after the ousting of the Gibson administration", ". Kalākaua's later explanation of Hawaiʻi's interference in Samoa was, \"Our Mission was simply a Mission of phylanthropy [sic] more than any thing, but the arogance [sic] of the Germans prevented our good intentions and . . . we had to withdraw the Mission.\"", "1887 Bayonet Constitution", "In Memoirs of the Hawaiian Revolution, Sanford B. Dole devoted a chapter to the Bayonet Constitution. He stated that King Kalākaua appointed cabinet members not for their ability to do the job, but for their ability to bend to his will. Consequently, according to Dole, appropriated funds were shifted from one account to another, \"for fantastic enterprises and for the personal aggrandizement of the royal family", ".\" Dole placed much of the blame on Gibson, and accused Kalākaua of taking a bribe of $71,000 from Tong Kee to grant an opium license, an action done via one of the king's political allies Junius Kaʻae.", "Despite his own personal opposition, Kalākaua signed a legislative bill in 1886 creating a single opium vending and distribution license. Kaʻae had suggested to rice planter Tong Kee, also known as Aki, that a monetary gift to the king might help him acquire it. Aki took the suggestion and gave thousands of dollars to the king. Another merchant, Chun Lung, made the government an offer of $80,000.00 which forced Aki to raise even more cash", ".00 which forced Aki to raise even more cash. The license was eventually awarded to Chun who withheld his payment until the license was actually signed over to him on December 31, 1886. Kalākaua admitted that he had been overruled by his cabinet who were friendly with Chun. After the reform party took control of the government, the opium license debt remained unpaid. Kalākaua agreed to make restitution for his debts via revenues from the Crown Lands", ". Kalākaua agreed to make restitution for his debts via revenues from the Crown Lands. However, other liabilities and outstanding debt forced him to sign his debt over to trustees who would control all of Kalākaua's private estates and Crown Land revenues. When trustees refused to add the opium debt, Aki sued. Although the court ruled, \"The king could do no wrong\", the trustees were found liable for the debt.", "The Hawaiian League was formed to change the status quo of government \"by all means necessary\", and had joined forces with the Honolulu Rifles militia group. Anticipating a coup d'état, the king took measures to save himself by dismissing Gibson and his entire cabinet on June 28. Fearing an assassination was not out of the question, Kalākaua barricaded himself inside the palace. The Hawaiian League presented a June 30 resolution demanding the king's restitution for the alleged bribe", ". Also known as the \"committee of thirteen\", it was composed of: Paul Isenberg, William W. Hall, James A. Kennedy, William Hyde Rice, Captain James A. King, E. B. Thomas, H. C. Reed, John Mark Vivas, W. P. A. Brewer, Rev. W. B. Oleson, Cecil Brown, Captain George Ross and Joseph Ballard Atherton.", "The newly appointed cabinet members were William Lowthian Green as prime minister and minister of finance, Clarence W. Ashford as attorney general, Lorrin A. Thurston as minister of the interior, and Godfrey Brown as minister of foreign affairs.", "A new constitution was drafted immediately by the Hawaiian Committee and presented to Kalākaua for his signature on July 6. The next day he issued a proclamation of the abrogation of the 1864 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. The new constitution was nicknamed the Bayonet Constitution because of the duress under which it was signed. His sister Liliuokalani stated in Hawaii's Story that her brother was convinced that if he did not sign, he would be assassinated", ". She wrote that he no longer knew who was friend or foe. He felt betrayed by people he once trusted and had told her that everywhere he went he was under constant surveillance.", "The Bayonet Constitution allowed the King to appoint his cabinet but placed that cabinet under the sole authority of the legislature. It required any executive actions of the monarch to be approved by the cabinet. Previous suffrage (voting rights) was restricted to male subjects of the kingdom regardless of race", ". The new constitution restricted suffrage only to Hawaiian, American or European men residing in Hawaii, if they were 21 years old, literate with no back unpaid taxes, and would take an oath to support the law of the land. By placing a new minimum qualifier of $3,000 in property ownership and a minimum income of $600 for voters of the House of Nobles, the new constitution disqualified many poor Native Hawaiians from voting for half of the legislature", ". Naturalized Asians were deprived of the vote for both houses of the legislature.", "Gibson was arrested on July 1 and charged with embezzlement of public funds. The case was soon dropped for lack of evidence. Gibson fled to California on July 12, and died there 6 months later on January 21, 1888.", "When the new constitution went into effect, state-sponsored students studying abroad were recalled. One of those was Robert William Wilcox who had been sent to Italy for military training. Wilcox's initial reaction to the turn of events was advocating Liliuokalani be installed as Regent. On July 30, 1889, however, he and Robert Napuʻuako Boyd, another state-sponsored student, led a rebellion aimed at restoring the 1864 constitution, and, thereby, the king's power", ". Kalākaua, possibly fearing Wilcox intended to force him to abdicate in favor of his sister, was not in the palace when the insurrection happened. The government's military defense led to the surrender of the Wilcox's insurgents.", "Death and succession", "Kalākaua sailed for California aboard the USS Charleston on November 25, 1890. Accompanying him were his trusted friends George W. Macfarlane and Robert Hoapili Baker. There was uncertainty about the purpose of the king's trip. Minister of Foreign Affairs John Adams Cummins reported the trip was solely for the king's health and would not extend beyond California. Local newspapers and British commissioner Wodehouse worried the king might go farther east to Washington, D.C", ".C., to negotiate a continued cession of Pearl Harbor to the United States after the expiration of the reciprocity treaty or possible annexation of the kingdom. His sister Liliʻuokalani, after unsuccessfully dissuading him from departing, wrote he meant to discuss the McKinley Tariff with the Hawaiian ambassador to the United States HenryA.P.Carter in Washington. She was again appointed to serve as regent during his absence.", "Upon arriving in California, the party landed in San Francisco on December 5. Kalākaua, whose health had been declining, stayed in a suite at the Palace Hotel. Traveling throughout Southern California and Northern Mexico, he suffered a minor stroke in Santa Barbara and was rushed back to San Francisco. He was placed under the care of George W. Woods, surgeon of the United States Pacific Fleet. Against the advice of Dr", ". Woods, surgeon of the United States Pacific Fleet. Against the advice of Dr. Woods, Kalākaua insisted on going to his initiation at the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S.) on January 14. He was given a tonic of Vin Mariani that got him on his feet, and was accompanied to the rites by an escort from the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. The ceremonies did not take long, and he was returned to his suite within an hour. Two days before his death, he lapsed into a coma", ". Two days before his death, he lapsed into a coma. Kalākaua died at 2:35 pm on Tuesday, January 20, 1891. US Navy officials listed the official cause of death as Bright's Disease (inflammation of the kidneys).", "His last words were, \"Aue, he kanaka au, eia i loko o ke kukonukonu o ka maʻi!,\" or \"Alas, I am a man who is seriously ill.\" The more popular quote, \"Tell my people I tried\", attributed as his last words, was actually invented by novelist Eugene Burns in his 1952 biography of Kalākaua, The Last King of Paradise. Shortly before his death, his voice was recorded on a phonograph cylinder, which is now in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum.", "The news of Kalākaua's death did not reach Hawaiʻi until January 29 when the Charleston returned to Honolulu with the king's remains. As his designated heir-apparent, Liliuokalani ascended to the throne the same day.", "After a state funeral in California and a second one in Honolulu, the king's remains were buried in the Royal Mausoleum at Mauna ʻAla on February 15, 1891. In a ceremony officiated by his sister Liliʻuokalani on June 24, 1910, his remains, and those of his family, were transferred to the underground Kalākaua Crypt after the main mausoleum building had been converted into a chapel.", "Legacy\nKalākaua's reign is generally regarded as the first Hawaiian Renaissance, for both his influence on Hawaiʻi's music, and for other contributions he made to reinvigorate Hawaiian culture. His actions inspired the reawakening Hawaiian pride and nationalism for the kingdom.", "During the earlier reign of Christian convert Kaʻahumanu, dancing the hula was forbidden and punishable by law. Subsequent monarchs gradually began allowing the hula, but it was Kalākaua who brought it back in full force. Chants, meles and the hula were part of the official entertainment at Kalākaua's coronation and his birthday jubilee. He issued an invitation to all Hawaiians with knowledge of the old mele and chants to participate in the coronation, and arranged for musicologist A", ". Marques to observe the celebrations. Kalākaua's cultural legacy lives on in the Merrie Monarch Festival, a large-scale annual hula competition in Hilo, Hawaiʻi, begun in 1964 and named in his honor. A composer of the ancient chants or mele, for the first time Kalākaua published a written version of the Kumulipo, a 2,102-line chant that had traditionally been passed down orally. It traces the royal lineage and the creation of the cosmos", ". It traces the royal lineage and the creation of the cosmos. He is also known to have revived the Hawaiian martial art of Lua, and surfing.", "The Hawaiian Board of Health (different from the governmental Board of Health) passed by the 1886 legislature consisted of five Native Hawaiians, appointed by Kalākaua, who oversaw the licensing and regulation of the traditional practice of native healing arts. He also appointed Emma Kaili Metcalf Beckley Nakuina as the first Native Hawaiian curator of the Hawaiian National Museum and increased funding for the institution.", "In 1886, Kalākaua had his Privy Council license the ancient Hale Nauā Society for persons of Hawaiian ancestry. The original Hale Naua had not been active since Kamehameha I, when it had functioned as a genealogical research organization for claims of royal lineage. When Kalākaua reactivated it, he expanded its purpose to encompass Hawaiian culture as well as modern-day arts and sciences and included women as equals", ". The ranks of the society grew to more than 200 members, and was a political support for Kalākaua that lasted until his death in 1891. In 2004, the National Museum of Natural History displayed Kalākaua's red-and-yellow feathered Hale Naua ʻahuʻula and feathered kāhili as part of its Hawaiian special exhibit.", "Kalākaua's sponsorship of and a brief career in the Hawaiian language press gave him the additional epithet of the \"Editor King\". From 1861 to 1863, Kalākaua with G. W. Mila, J. W. H. Kauwahi and John K. Kaunamano co-edited Ka Hoku o ka Pakipika (The Star of the Pacific), the first Hawaiian language newspaper solely written by Native Hawaiians without the influence of American missionaries. This nationalist paper focused on Hawaiian topics especially traditional folklore and poetry", ". This nationalist paper focused on Hawaiian topics especially traditional folklore and poetry. In 1870 he also edited the daily newspaper Ka Manawa (Times), which concerned itself with international news, local news and genealogies but only lasted for two months. He also sponsored the literary journal, Ka Hoku o Ke Kai (The Star of the Sea), which ran from 1883 to 1884.", "The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame honored Kalākaua and his brother and sisters as Na Lani ʻEhā (\"The Heavenly Four\") for their patronage and enrichment of Hawaiʻi's musical culture and history. \"Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī\" was officially designated the Hawaiʻi state anthem in 1967. Originally titled \"Hymn to KamehamehaI\", Henri Berger, leader of the Royal Hawaiian Band, wrote the instrumental melody in 1872, influenced by the Prussian anthem \"Heil dir im Siegerkranz\"", ". Kalākaua added the lyrics in 1874, and the Kawaiahaʻo Church Choir sang it on his birthday that year. In 1876, it became the official anthem of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi until the overthrow of the monarchy. Other works by the king include \"Sweet Lei Lehua\", \"ʻAkahi Hoʻi\", \"E Nihi Ka Hele\", \"Ka Momi\", and \"Koni Au I Ka Wai\". Seven of his songs were published in Ka Buke O Na Leo Mele Hawaii (1888) using the pseudonym \"Figgs\". He generally wrote only the lyrics for most of his surviving works.", "He established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Serbia and was awarded the Order of Cross of Takovo.", "The ukulele was introduced to the Hawaiian islands during the reign of Kalākaua, by Manuel Nunes, José do Espírito Santo, and Augusto Dias, Portuguese immigrants from Madeira and Cape Verde. The king became proficient on the instrument", ". The king became proficient on the instrument. According to American journalist Mary Hannah Krout and Hawaiʻi resident Isobel Osbourne Strong, wife of artist Joseph Dwight Strong and stepdaughter of Robert Louis Stevenson, he would often play the ukulele and perform meles for his visitors, accompanied by his personal musical group Kalākaua's Singing Boys (aka King's Singing Boys). Strong recalled the Singing Boys as \"the best singers and performers on the ukulele and guitar in the whole islands\"", ". Kalākaua was inducted into the Ukulele Hall of Fame in 1997.", "Kalākaua Avenue was created in March 1905 by the House and Senate of the Hawaiʻi Territorial Legislature. It renamed the highway known as Waikiki Road, \"to commemorate the name of his late Majesty Kalākaua, during whose reign Hawaiʻi made great advancement in material prosperity\".", "The King David Kalakaua Building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975 under its former name U.S. Post Office, Customhouse, and Courthouse. Located at 335 Merchant Street in Honolulu, it was once the official seat of administration for the Territory of Hawaiʻi. The building was renamed for Kalākaua in 2003.", "In 1985, a bronze statue of Kalākaua was donated to the City and County of Honolulu to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the arrival of the first Japanese laborers after the king's visit to Japan. It was commissioned by the Oahu Kanyaku Imin Centennial Committee on behalf of the Japanese-American community of Hawaiʻi. The statue was designed and created by musician Palani Vaughan, architect Leland Onekea and Native Hawaiian sculptor Sean Kekamakupaa Kaonohiokalani Lee Loy Browne", ". It is located at the corner of Kalākaua and Kuhio avenues in Waikiki.", "In 1988, a cast bronze statue titled \"King David Kalākaua\" was placed in Kalakaua Park in Hilo, Hawai'i (57\" H). It was created by Hawaiian artist Henry Bianchini. \n\nA Hawaiian song about Kalākaua can be heard in the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch when Lilo is introduced in the movie. The mele was written as a mele inoa, its original title being \"He Inoa No Kalani Kalākaua Kulele\" (a namesong for the chief, Kalākaua). On the Lilo & Stitch soundtrack, it was retitled as \"He Mele No Lilo\".", "Notable published works \n Na Mele Aimoku, Na Mele Kupuna, a Me Na Mele Ponoi O Ka Moi Kalākaua I. Dynastic Chants, Ancestral Chants, and Personal Chants of King Kalākaua I. (1886). Hawaiian Historical Society, Honolulu, 2001.\n The Legends and Myths of Hawaii: The Fables and Folk-lore of a Strange People. (1888). C.E. Tuttle Company, New York, 1990.\n\nHonours\n\nAncestry\n\nSee also \n Coins of the Hawaiian dollar\n Kalākaua's Cabinet Ministers\n Kalākaua's Privy Council of State\n Kalākaua's 1881 world tour\n\nNotes", "Notes\n\nFootnotes\n\nCitations\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links \n\n \n \n\n A guide to the Rough log and journal, 1880–1881, 1891\n \n \n\nMonarchs of the Hawaiian Islands\nNative Hawaiian writers\nKalakaua, David\n1836 births\n1891 deaths\n19th-century monarchs in Oceania\nHula\nHouse of Kalākaua", "Hawaiian adoptees (hānai)\nHawaiian Kingdom chamberlains\nHawaiian Kingdom postmasters general\nNational Party (Hawaii) politicians\nHawaiian songwriters\nMembers of the Hawaiian Kingdom House of Nobles\nMembers of the Hawaiian Kingdom Privy Council\nHawaiian Kingdom military officers\nHawaiian Kingdom Anglicans\nNational anthem writers\nProtestant monarchs\nRoyal School (Hawaii) alumni\nDeaths from kidney disease\nKnights Grand Cross of the Order of St Gregory the Great", "Deaths from kidney disease\nKnights Grand Cross of the Order of St Gregory the Great\nKnights Grand Cross of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus\nRecipients of the Order of the Netherlands Lion\nGrand Crosses of the Order of Franz Joseph\nGrand Crosses of the Order of the Dannebrog\nKnights Grand Cross of the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa\nKnights Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic\nHonorary Knights Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George", "Honorary Knights Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George\nGrand Crosses of the Order of Vasa\nGrand Cross of the Legion of Honour\nGrand Crosses of the Order of Saint-Charles\nRecipients of the Order of the Cross of Takovo" ]
Peter Barlow (Coronation Street)
[ "Peter Barlow is a fictional character from the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street, played by Chris Gascoyne from 2000 to 2023. The character of Peter was born on screen during an episode broadcast on 5 April 1965, he was born along with his twin sister Susan (Katie Heanue, Wendy Jane Walker, Suzy Patterson, Joanna Foster) to parents Ken (William Roache) and Valerie Barlow (Anne Reid). Gascoyne made his first appearance in the role during the 40th anniversary live episode airing on 8 December 2000", ". Gascoyne left the role in 2003 and returned in 2007 for a brief stint before returning full-time in 2008. In January 2014 it was confirmed that Gascoyne would be leaving once again. His final scenes aired on 14 November 2014. In April 2015, it was announced that Gascoyne would reprise the role for two episodes for the funeral of Deirdre Barlow (Anne Kirkbride) and Peter returned on 15 July 2015 and left once again the following day", ". In July 2016, it was announced that Peter would be returning as a regular character, with his return airing on 17 October 2016. Gascoyne is to take an extended break in 2023, with producers confirming the doors are left open for Gascoyne to return.", "Peter's storylines have included a number of affairs, alcoholism and a custody battle involving his son Simon Barlow (Alex Bain). Peter became involved in a bigamy storyline when he married Rovers barmaid Shelley Unwin (Sally Lindsay) and florist Lucy Richards (Katy Carmichael). Having been discovered, Peter was left alone and fled Weatherfield. He returned briefly in 2007 when his adoptive sister Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Charlie Stubbs (Bill Ward)", ". He returned for good in 2008 with five-year-old Simon, whom he had by Lucy; who had since died from breast cancer. Peter began a relationship with Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) and they married during the 50th anniversary episode; however, they separated after Peter's affair with Carla Connor (Alison King) was discovered. Peter later went on to marry Carla, and then had an affair with much younger Tina McIntyre (Michelle Keegan)", ". Peter was framed for Tina's murder by Rob Donovan (Marc Baylis) and upon his release from prison, his marriage to Carla broke down and he left Weatherfield.", "When he returned in 2016, it was revealed he had begun a relationship with Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor), which they agreed to keep secret from a pregnant Leanne, in order to not affect her pregnancy. Simon and Leanne's sister Eva Price (Catherine Tyldesley) soon discovered this, followed by Leanne, and he and Toyah subsequently purchased The Rovers Return, from Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson)", ". He and Toyah soon begin family planning, with them beginning surrogacy, as Toyah had multiple failed IVF treatments in the past and was unable to conceive naturally. Their baby son was stillborn, and Toyah and Eva secretly agreed to pretend that Eva and Aidan's daughter, Susie, is Peter's daughter, as Eva does not want to be a mother, but Toyah tells Peter after Eva has a change of heart, resulting in their split", ". Afterwards, Peter buys 50% of the Underworld factory from Alya Nazir (Sair Khan), partnering with Carla, and supports Simon after he is the victim of bullying by former friend Tyler Jefferies (Will Barnett), which results in Peter being shot with a paint gun. Peter also sleeps with Abi Franklin (Sally Carman) and supports Carla after the factory collapses after it is sabotaged by builder Gary Windass (Mikey North), which sees Carla blamed for the death of Rana Habeeb (Bhavna Limbachia)", ". Carla has a mental breakdown before the couple reunite into another relationship before later getting remarried in 2021. In October 2023, Peter killed serial killer Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) by purposely running him over in a final showdown with the residents, Peter along with Stephen's family watch on as Stephen dies as a result of the crash.", "Storylines\n\n1965–1986\nPeter and his twin sister Susan were born to Ken (William Roache) and Valerie Barlow (Anne Reid). Ken and Val planned to emigrate to Jamaica with the twins as Ken had been offered a teaching post there. While Val was getting ready for a leaving party in the Rovers Return Inn for them, she was electrocuted and killed by a faulty hairdryer. Ken then sent the twins to Glasgow to live with Val's parents; he saw them only sporadically as they grew up.", "Peter did not attend Ken's wedding to Deirdre Langton (Anne Kirkbride) in 1981 as he had joined the navy after leaving school, but he visited when Susan (Wendy Jane Walker) married Mike Baldwin (Johnny Briggs). As Ken refused to go to the wedding due to the feud he and Mike had, Peter made an emotional appeal, saying that he and Susan had barely seen their father and that he always assumed Ken would step up if his children needed him and he was able to help. Ken reconsiders and attends the wedding.", "2000–2003", "Peter returned in December 2000 after leaving the Navy and the collapse of his marriage to Jessica Midgeley, who left him for another man. He accidentally let it be known that Susan had a teenage son, Adam Barlow (Iain De Caestecker), fathered by Mike. Deirdre told Dev Alahan (Jimmi Harkishin), who then told Mike. Susan (now played by Joanna Foster), who had been visiting at the time, attempted to flee when Mike threatened legal action and she was killed in a car crash", ". Peter was devastated, blaming himself and Deirdre for Susan's death. He started dating barmaid, Shelley Unwin (Sally Lindsay), but when Peter's old Navy friend, Ciaran McCarthy (Keith Duffy), visited, he made a pass at Shelley, causing a temporary rift between the couple. Peter later met florist, Lucy Richards (Katy Carmichael), while buying flowers for Shelley. He was attracted to her and a brief affair occurred but Peter chose to marry Shelley.", "Lucy, unknown to Peter, hired his stepsister, Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford), to work for her, covering her maternity leave. Tracy informed Peter that her employer was pregnant and Peter realised that he was the child's father. He offered to marry Lucy while still engaged to Shelley, promising her that his other relationship was over. Lucy gave birth to a son, Simon (Oscar and Jake Hartley). When she discovered that Peter was still seeing Shelley, she threw him out and banned him from seeing Simon", ". Peter was torn between his son and Shelley, but eventually married her, thus committing bigamy. When both women discover Peter's secret, Shelley threw him out and the two women temporarily took over his betting shop. Lucy told Peter that she and Simon would emigrate to Australia alone, threatening to expose his crime if he contested her decision. Peter resigned himself to the situation and moved back to Portsmouth.", "2007–2023\nPeter returns to Weatherfield after Ken contacts him in regards to Tracy's stormy relationship with her boyfriend, Charlie Stubbs (Bill Ward). Tracy later kills Charlie, supposedly in self-defence, and Peter decides to stay when she is charged with murder. Peter later has a brief fling with Maria Sutherland (Samia Ghadie), however, once Tracy is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, Peter returns to Portsmouth, taking Adam with him, and ending his relationship with Maria.", "Lucy dies from ovarian cancer and Peter is given custody of five-year-old Simon (now played by Alex Bain). Due to his business in Portsmouth failing, Peter brings Simon back to Weatherfield, seeking Ken and Deirdre's help but Ken suspects, correctly, that Peter plans to leave Simon with him. Peter changes his mind when he learns that Lucy had left her estate to him, providing that he used it for Simon's benefit. He buys the local bookmakers and renames it \"Barlow's Bookies\"", ". He buys the local bookmakers and renames it \"Barlow's Bookies\". Peter begins a relationship with Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson). Peter and Leanne decide to open a bar, but Ken is hesitant about the venture because of Peter's alcoholism. On the opening night of the bar, Peter falls off the wagon and gets drunk and is forced to go to rehab", ". Peter and Leanne get engaged, but Peter feels threatened by the return of Leanne's ex-husband, Nick Tilsley (Ben Price), until Leanne convinces him that Nick is just a friend. Nick decides to open the bar and offers Leanne a job as bar manager. Feeling guilty for ruining her previous venture, Peter persuades her to take the job and starts mentoring Leanne's friend, Carla Connor (Alison King), when he realises that she also has a drink problem", ". Carla begins to lean on Peter emotionally for support and she later attempts to seduce him. Peter then tells Carla that he cannot see her anymore.", "Peter celebrates his stag do at his and Leanne's former bar, The Joinery, owned by Nick in December 2010. The premises is destroyed by an explosion caused by a problem with the gas supply. Following the explosion, a tram derails and crashes into the street. The bar is destroyed, and Peter is trapped inside. Peter is rushed to hospital with crush injuries to his legs and trauma to his lower back and chest and suffers a cardiac tamponade", ". Aware that he is unlikely to survive, he marries Leanne in his hospital bed and goes into cardiac arrest moments after the ceremony has concluded. Fortunately, he survives and leaves hospital in a wheelchair.", "Peter supports Carla again after her mother dies, and this makes Leanne, who knows about Carla's feelings for Peter, feel insecure and causes several arguments between the two women. Carla is subsequently raped by crooked businessman Frank Foster (Andrew Lancel) and Peter lends much emotional support, to the annoyance of Leanne. Peter begins drinking again and goes to Carla's flat, telling her that she was the woman he loved and that he would leave Leanne for her", ". He and Carla sleep together that night and have an affair. Leanne finds out about the affair but offers to forgive him and try to work on fixing their marriage, but Peter tells her that he loves Carla. Leanne leaves in a taxi with a tearful Simon running after the car, begging her to stay. Simon then starts misbehaving with Peter as he blames him and Carla for Leanne's departure", ". Simon then starts misbehaving with Peter as he blames him and Carla for Leanne's departure. When Leanne returns, she fights Peter for custody of Simon and Leanne eventually wins a residency order, at the same time reconciling with Nick. Peter and Carla later get engaged.", "Peter begins an affair with Simon's nanny, Tina McIntyre (Michelle Keegan). Carla later finds out that she is pregnant and confides in Michelle Connor (Kym Marsh) that she isn't ready to be a mother. She almost has a termination but cannot go through with it. Carla informs Peter that she is pregnant, and on the same day, Tina also tells Peter that she might be pregnant. Tina's pregnancy scare is later discovered to be a false alarm and Peter vows to stand by Carla and raise their child", ". Tina asks Peter to move away with her to a new life away from Weatherfield. Peter initially agrees, but after realising how much he loved Carla, he decides to stay in Weatherfield. Upset and angry, Tina threatens to tell Carla about their affair and viciously attacks Peter scratching him on the face. Peter leaves and decides to come clean to Carla about the affair before Tina can tell her. He tells her in the Rovers back room and Carla is devastated by his betrayal", ". He tells her in the Rovers back room and Carla is devastated by his betrayal. At the same time, Carla's brother Rob Donovan (Marc Baylis) visits Tina and begs her not to tell Carla about the affair but Tina refuses and following a confrontation, falls from the balcony of the builder's yard. When she comes round and threatens Rob, he attacks her with a metal pipe. Peter is devastated when Tina is found seriously injured and hospitalised", ". Peter is devastated when Tina is found seriously injured and hospitalised. Carla throws him out the following day, and he is questioned by the police over Tina's attack. He denies being responsible and is released on bail. Tina later dies of her injuries and Peter finds out when he comes into the pub drunk and begs Carla for another chance. She gives him a bottle of wine and tells him to drink himself to death. Carla later suffers a miscarriage and Rob swears revenge on Peter, blaming him for everything.", "The Street turns on Peter in the aftermath of Tina's death, with everyone believing him to be responsible for her murder. A bracelet belonging to Steph Britton (Tisha Merry) that Rob had stolen from the flat to make it look like a burglary, is discovered in the Barlows' garden shed where Rob had accidentally dropped it. Peter is arrested after his fingerprints are discovered on the bracelet, after he had moved it into the kitchen. Peter is charged with Tina's murder and remanded in custody", ". Peter is charged with Tina's murder and remanded in custody. In prison, Peter discovers that Jim McDonald (Charles Lawson), who is serving a sentence in the same prison for armed robbery, is running an illegal alcohol side venture; hence his nickname \"the Landlord\". Peter later finds Jim's stash in the prison kitchen, drinks it all and is hospitalised. When he regains consciousness, he asks to see Carla and she comes to visit him", ". When he regains consciousness, he asks to see Carla and she comes to visit him. Thinking he is going to die; Peter tells Carla that he believes that she killed Tina and that he will take the blame for her and take her secret to the grave. Carla then realises that Peter is innocent if he genuinely believed her to be guilty. Peter recovers and goes on trial. Whilst giving evidence, Carla tells the court that she believes that Peter is innocent", ". Whilst giving evidence, Carla tells the court that she believes that Peter is innocent. Despite this, Peter is found guilty of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of fifteen years before he can apply for parole. Carla eventually discovers that Rob is the killer and reports him to the police. He is arrested and Peter is released from prison with his conviction overturned", ". He is arrested and Peter is released from prison with his conviction overturned. He begs Carla for another chance, but she refuses, Peter decides to leave Weatherfield and move back to Portsmouth and Simon begs him not to go but Peter convinces him that it is for the best. Peter briefly returned to attend stepmother Deirdre's funeral and briefly sees his ex-wife Carla, before leaving once again.", "In October 2016, Peter arrived back on the street, surprising Ken and Tracy. However, when Ken becomes suspicious about his real intentions for returning, an almighty argument ensues between the pair, resulting in Ken suffering a severe stroke. Peter informs the doctors of the argument and worries that this may have contributed to Ken's stroke, however he is assured that the stroke occurred due to Ken's age", ". He is adamant for Tracy not to find out, however, she does so when the nurse informs the Barlows of Ken's progress, and so Tracy orders Peter to leave Weatherfield. As he prepared to leave, Peter bumped into his long-time friend Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson), who invites him to stay at The Rovers Return. In 2017, Peter buys The Rovers from Steve and his mother Liz (Beverley Callard), after Steve is ordered to sell up as part of Michelle's divorce settlement", ". Peter makes his new girlfriend Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor) the landlady, with Peter acting as pub landlord. In 2018, Peter and Toyah are delighted when they are informed that their surrogate has fallen pregnant with their baby, however, Toyah later decides not to tell Peter when she learns that the surrogate has miscarried. Instead, she and Leanne's secretly pregnant half-sister Eva Price (Catherine Tyldesley) decide to pass her baby off as Peter and Toyah's, as Eva decides she does not want the baby", ". After the baby is born and named after Peter's deceased twin sister Susan, however, Toyah decides to reveal all to Peter, who therefore breaks up with Toyah. He sells The Rovers to Johnny (Richard Hawley) and Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) and moves back in with Ken. With the money from the Rovers, he goes into partnership with Carla at Underworld, however, after 2 months, he sells his shares to Carla's ex Nick", ". Peter then buys the snooker hall as his new business, however, after playing a game of snooker with Carla, he backs out. Whilst spending New Year's Eve with Carla, Peter confesses to still loving Carla, in which she tells him that she loves him but nothing can happen.", "The next day, he wakes up to find that Carla has bought him a boat as a present and he puts it outside Underworld to fix up. Peter enlists Abi to help and eventually sleeps with her. The boat catches fire with Simon inside and this leads to him believing it was Abi who started it, however, it was revealed to be Roy and he chooses not to press charges. Peter then leaves for Southampton with Ken but on the way is stopped by Carla, who confesses she wants to start a relationship again but he turns her down", ". Not long after, Peter receives a call from Daniel, saying the factory roof has fallen down and a concerned Peter goes back to the street.", "As he arrives back, he finds Carla curled up on the floor of the cafe. Peter comforts her before she tells him that she knew the roof was unsafe and after Peter convinced Gary to keep quiet for £10000, he and Carla go back to Southampton to sell the boat. This is soon short-lived as Robert reveals that Carla knew that the roof was unsafe and she moves in with him as Roy tells her to leave. Peter supports her as her mental health deteriorates and during a visit to the medical centre, Carla runs off", ". As a desperate Peter struggles to find her, he breaks down and drinks, however he is stopped by Ken, and he sobers up before going to rehab. To the annoyance of Ken, he returns sooner and moves back to Roy’s with Carla when she is found but after she attempts to throw herself off the fire escape, he and Simon go to Carlisle whilst she receives professional help.", "They return a few months later and after Carla gifts her shares to the staff, she takes a job at the Bistro. Concerned about what this will do to her health, Peter creates a group chat to keep an eye on her but after Carla finds out, Peter gets kicked out but they soon reconcile. In late 2020 after cracks start showing in his relationship he starts helping Abi however when being offered booze after getting mugged he falls of the wagon again", ". After returning home Carla finds out about Peter drinking and he pushes her away resulting in her sleeping with his nephew Adam. He soon proposes but after finding out about her and Adam Peter falls into a downward spiral hitting his dad and rejecting Carla. him and Carla reconcile a few mouths later though soon finds out he has liver failure. He soon gets put on the transplant list and remarries Carla in April 2021", ". He soon gets put on the transplant list and remarries Carla in April 2021. A few months later a liver is found but when it is revealed it’s not a match and Peter gets punched and taken of the list. This is soon changed though as Peter then gets put back on transplant list and shortly after moving into the Street Cars flat a new liver is found and he emotionally says goodbye to Carla.", "Creation\n\nCasting", "Robert Heanue was the first actor to portray the character from 1965 to 1970. Chris Dormer played the role from 1970 to 1972 when the 7-year-old actor was written out of the soap due to his parents' emigration to Canada. He did not continue to act and reflected on his time as the young Peter in 2001, \"I really enjoyed the Street. I remember Pat Phoenix and Julie Goodyear kissing and tickling me because they thought I was cute. Most of the actors were nice, but some weren't", ". Most of the actors were nice, but some weren't. Violet Carson, who played Ena Sharples, was very grumpy. She didn't like children and really scared me.\" On-screen Peter and his sister Susan were written out of the soap to live with their grandparents when their mother Valerie Barlow was killed off.", "One of the seven actors who has portrayed the character is Linus Roache, the real-life son of William Roache who portrays Peter's father, Ken Barlow in the programme. Linus returned to the show in 2010, playing Lawrence Cunningham, another son of Ken Barlow.\n\nCharacterisation", "Upon the character's return to the show in October 2008, Chris Gascoyne spoke of his character's destructive personality in an interview with Digital Spy, he stated, \"He's been trying against the odds to sort his life out, but he can't. And when it doesn't work and it all goes wrong for him, he has a drink. There are hurdles in his way all the time. He's stubborn and resents people telling him what to do", ". There are hurdles in his way all the time. He's stubborn and resents people telling him what to do. He'll listen to advice, but he won't take any notice if he thinks the person giving it isn't in a place to do so. That happens a lot with Ken.\"", "Development\n\nLeanne Battersby", "Peter returns to Weatherfield with his recently discovered son, Simon Barlow (Alex Bain), and Leanne helps Peter as he struggles with fatherhood. Leanne is still \"reeling\" after her ex-boyfriend, Dan, ends their relationship. Peter returns to Weatherfield a \"broken man\" and finds fatherhood difficult. Gascoyne told Digital Spy that Peter has not thought about how his relationship with Leanne is progressing", ". Gascoyne explained that Peter is taking it \"step by step\", saying \"Peter knows that Leanne gets on really well with Simon and I think Peter's nicely surprised by that. Leanne kind of has the upper hand on him and in a strange way, Leanne's a moral voice.\"", "In December 2008, Gascoyne revealed that an upcoming storyline would see Peter enter a rehabilitation facility for his alcohol dependence. Leanne tells Peter's family that she is going to reconcile with him rather than accept a job offer from her friends in Leeds. However, a woman named Christina (Sarah-Jayne Steed) arrives and claims that she met Peter on her father's yacht recently and decided to visit him. Leanne discovers that Peter left rehab early and she decides to leave", ". Leanne discovers that Peter left rehab early and she decides to leave. The story arc was implemented to facilitate Danson's temporary departure from the show to take maternity leave. Digital Spy reported that Leanne becomes \"fed up\" with Peter taking her for granted and finds employment in a restaurant in Leeds. Peter attempts to prevent Leanne from leaving by getting Simon to beg her to stay. Despite this, Leanne leaves for Leeds. Leanne's departure was broadcast on 9 March 2009", ". Despite this, Leanne leaves for Leeds. Leanne's departure was broadcast on 9 March 2009. Leanne made her full-time return on 11 September 2009 when Peter finds her in Leeds. Peter and Leanne later reunite their relationship.", "After Peter becomes disabled, Gascoyne said that Peter will be unable to be a proper husband to Leanne. Leanne and Peter's wedding day is coming closer, and Leanne is still having an affair with Nick. When asked to sum up Peter and Leanne's twelve months of marriage, Gascoyne said: \"It's been very rocky to say the least. There was the stuff with Nick, Peter was very ill and had to get back on his feet, and there was all the guilt of Ashley dying, so it started off badly and carried on badly", ". And Peter says he's forgiven Leanne for Nick, but in his heart, it still niggles him.\" Danson said: \"It's not been the best, has it! They had the blessing, where Peter found out about Nick, and then her mother turned up and they argued over that, then she got pregnant and had about half an episode of happiness, and then she lost her baby. And in the middle of all this, Carla's been hovering in the wings...\" It was announced in September 2010 that Peter's father, Ken, will catch Leanne in bed with Nick", "...\" It was announced in September 2010 that Peter's father, Ken, will catch Leanne in bed with Nick. An insider commented: \"Leanne is wracked with guilt over the affair,\" a source told the paper. \"She loves Peter, she loves his son Simon and they've been through a lot together – but Nick was her first love and she never got over that.\" It was later revealed that Peter will find out from his sister Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) that Leanne is sleeping with Nick.", "Alcoholism\n\nIn an interview with ITV Chris Gascoyne said, \"Drink is becoming an issue and his self-esteem is low. He can’t see a way out and he can’t imagine doing this for the rest of his life (fatherhood).\" During the storyline he described his character as being seen as a coward, adding, \"He has the potential to be a very good dad but at the minute he feels like everything is conspiring against him and he hasn’t got the confidence or the self-esteem to cope.\"\n\nCarla Connor", "In September 2010, it was reported that Carla Connor (Alison King) would fall for Peter. These events happened on screen in November 2010. It was reported that the pair apparently grow closer as Peter helps Carla overcome her boozing and comes to her aid when she is arrested for drink driving. A source said: \"Carla is feeling vulnerable and Peter is there,\" a source told the paper. \"They soon become more than friends. He's stunned when she tells him she hasn't felt like this about anyone since Liam", ". He's stunned when she tells him she hasn't felt like this about anyone since Liam.\" Asked what is attracting Carla to Peter, King replied: \"In Peter she has found someone who understands what she is going through.\" Carla's best friend Leanne (Jane Danson) who is in a relationship with Peter would tell Carla that she is in love with her ex-husband Nick Tilsley (Ben Price), \"This storyline will really put the cat among the pigeons,\" the source added.", "Alison King later told Inside Soap that she wants Carla's friendship with Peter to develop even further as he helps her to battle an alcohol addiction. King said: \"I think she should definitely get her claws into Peter. They've got a nice friendship and some good banter going on. They're equals, and I think it's the first time Carla's felt that way with someone since Liam died. They could be a great coupling – but it would turn into a nightmare if they both fell off the wagon.\"\n\nTina McIntyre", "It was announced in September 2013 that Peter would begin an affair with Tina McIntyre (Michelle Keegan) following his marriage to Carla Connor (Alison King), and will go on until her exit in the summer of 2014. Producer Stuart Blackburn told Inside Soap: \"Tina's had a hideous old year with the surrogacy drama and losing Tommy – but she's no saint. She's capable of making mistakes and falling in love with the wrong person. She'll start a feud with Tracy and Rob, before falling into Peter's arms", ". She'll start a feud with Tracy and Rob, before falling into Peter's arms. Unfortunately for Tina, she'll find herself in a place where both Tracy and Carla have reasons to hate her!\" Speaking about the story, Gascoyne told TV Times: \"Peter is really lustful for Tina. I think he almost sees a younger Carla in her. He found it really exciting when she put up a fight against Tracy. He admired her spirit and started to see her in a different light. Peter adores Carla, but he feels a bit neglected", ". Peter adores Carla, but he feels a bit neglected. He even tells Tina that, despite everything Carla has done for him, he's still not happy. Peter knows it's not a good idea to be around Tina, but he really doesn't want to stop seeing her.\" Gascoyne added: \"Put it this way, Peter Barlow and a wedding is bound to spell disaster. It certainly won't be dull. Whatever happens, it will be brilliant. Peter's had a good go at weddings – this will be his fifth. That tells you something", ". Peter's had a good go at weddings – this will be his fifth. That tells you something.\" Michelle Keegan revealed that Tina's fling with Peter could be her most passionate relationship yet. Speaking to TV Times about the story, Keegan explained: \"Peter had never been on Tina's radar, but suddenly she feels completely out of control. She's never felt like this about anyone before. She didn't really have a passionate relationship with Tommy, but she can see herself having one with Peter", ".\" She continued: \"Tina is troubled by her feelings because she really likes Carla and she's not the sort of girl to do that to another woman. It's hard because she finds herself weakening whenever Peter is around. It gets to a point where Tina tells Peter that it might be best if she stops looking after Simon because she feels so out of control around him.\" As the story progresses, Tina begins to hope that Peter will not go through with his wedding to Carla", ". Keegan added: \"If he does, I'm not sure Tina will enjoy sticking around to watch the marriage unfold. The thought of being 'the other woman' pains her.\"", "Departure", "In December 2013, it was rumoured that Gascoyne may take a break from the soap. Gascoyne said: \"I've signed a new contract that takes me to August 2014 – and at this moment I don't know what will happen beyond then, Maybe I will take a break. The character loses something by being here all the time and being ordinary. I'd like to do other stuff", ". I'd like to do other stuff. It's like anything – we can get stuck in one place, and that's not necessarily a bad place, but it's not always good for us, is it?\" he went on to say: \"\"I took a four-month sabbatical from the show last summer and spent some time at a Buddhist retreat – and that was a big changing point in my life,\" he added. \"Peter can be a very negative character – and although the storylines were fantastic, I lost myself", ". Having that break made me realise I can do the same job and still be happy.\" Gascoyne announced his exit in January 2014 and left in November 2014, he made a guest appearance in July 2015 for Deirdre's funeral.", "Reintroduction (2016) and break (2023)\nIn July 2016, it was confirmed that new executive producer Kate Oates would be reintroducing Peter, which again would be on a permanent basis. His half-brother, Daniel Osbourne, now portrayed Rob Mallard, was announced to also be returning, as well as his nephew, Adam Barlow, with Sam Robertson reprising his role. Peter returned to the programme during the episode broadcast on 17 October 2016.", "On 10 July 2023, Digital Spy confirmed that Gascoyne will leave the show at the end of the year. The show confirmed that the door will be left open for a return in the future.", "Reception\nAhead of the fire storyline in March 2009, the fire minister Sadiq Khan said: \"I would like to thank Coronation Street for highlighting this very important issue. Peter Barlow's actions show how dangerous it is to go to sleep while smoking, putting not only his but his son Simon's life at risk too\". The episode in which the fire was screened drew in 10.3 million viewers (42.6% audience share) in March 2009.", "In February 2011, Gascoyne was nominated for Best Actor at the 2011 All About Soap Bubbles Awards for his portrayal of Peter. He was nominated in the category of \"Best Actor\" at the 2011 British Soap Awards. In 2012, Gascoyne was again nominated for Best Actor at The British Soap Awards.\n\nSarah Ellis of Inside Soap said that Peter was great to watch when he is with Carla. She also opined that the pair are \"like a car crash waiting to happen\".", "See also\n List of Coronation Street characters (1965)\n List of soap opera villains\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Peter Barlow at itv.com", "References\n\nExternal links\n Peter Barlow at itv.com\n\nCoronation Street characters\nFictional alcohol abusers\nFictional bartenders\nFictional bookmakers\nFictional sailors\nFictional businesspeople\nFictional twins\nMale villains\nFictional criminals in soap operas\nTelevision characters introduced in 1965\nFictional taxi drivers\nFictional prisoners and detainees\nBritish male characters in television\nBarlow family\nConnor family (Coronation Street)" ]
Pursuit to Haritan
[ "The Pursuit to Haritan occurred between 29 September and 26 October 1918 when the XXI Corps and Desert Mounted Corps of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) pursued the retreating remnants of the Yildirim Army Group advanced north from Damascus after that city was captured on 1 October during the final weeks of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of the First World War", ". The infantry and corps cavalry advanced from Haifa and Acre to capture the Mediterranean ports at Beirut and Tripoli between 29 September and 9 October. These captures enabled the inland pursuit to be supplied when the Desert Mounted Corps' 5th Cavalry Division resumed the pursuit on 5 October. The cavalry division occupied one after the other, Rayak, Homs, Hama", ". The cavalry division occupied one after the other, Rayak, Homs, Hama. Meanwhile, Prince Feisal's Sherifial Force which advanced on the cavalry division's right flank, attacked and captured Aleppo during the night of 25/26 October after an unsuccessful daytime attack. The next day the 15th (Imperial Service) Cavalry Brigade charged a retreating column and attacked a rearguard during the Charge at Haritan near Haritan which was at first reinforced but subsequently withdrew further north.", "Following the victory at the Battle of Megiddo on 25 September the Yildirim Army Group was forced to withdraw towards Damascus. The commander of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force General Edmund Allenby ordered Lieutenant General Henry Chauvel's Desert Mounted Corps to pursue these retreating columns", ". Followed by the 5th Cavalry Division, the Australian Mounted Division pursuit took them via Kuneitra and the 4th Cavalry Division pursuit took them inland to the Hejaz railway where they joined forces with Prince Feisal's Sherifial Force after their captured Deraa. Several rearguards were attacked and captured at Irbid by the 4th Cavalry Division Jisr Benat Yakub, Kuneitra, Sa'sa', Kaukab, the Barda Gorge by the Australian Mounted Division and Kiswe by the 5th Cavalry Division", ". After Damascus was captured the remnant Yildirim Army Group were pursued along the road to Homs and attacked by light horsemen at the Charge at Khan Ayash.", "While the Yildirim Army Group was retreating back their lines of communication were shortened facilitating supply while Desert Mounted Corps was getting further away from their base and their lines of communication had to be extended. The pursuit north from Damascus began with the advance along the Mediterranean coast by the XXI Corps north from Haifa and Acre to capture the ports at Beirut and Tripoli through which supplies could be transported to support Desert Mounted Corps advance", ". While the Australian Mounted Division continued to garrison Damascus the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions continued the pursuit towards Rayak and Baalbek as the advance along the coast was progressing", ". From Baalbek the 4th Cavalry Division could not continue due to sickness and remained to garrison the area while the 5th Cavalry Division, was reorganised into two columns and reinforced by a number of armoured cars continued the pursuit with Prince Feisal's Sherifial Force covering their right flank to Homs and Hama. By 22 October the armoured cars were south of Aleppo with the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade catching up on 25 October just before Sherifial forces captured Aleppo", ". Early in the morning of 26 October the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade continued the pursuit to Haritan where they charged Ottoman rearguards which proved too strong. By that evening, the 14th Cavalry Brigade had arrived and the strong Ottoman rearguard withdrew as a result. On 27 October the Australian Mounted Division was ordered to advance to Aleppo. They had reached Homs, when the Armistice of Mudros was announced, ending the war in the Sinai and Palestine theatre of the First World War.", "Background", "In southern Lebanon lived four varieties of Christians; the Maronite, Greek Uniats, Greek and Syrian Orthodox (Jacobite) lived alongside many Protestants, Druzes and Metawala. In the Southern Bukaa Valley and on the western slope of Mount Hermon, were more Druses, while in the Bukaa, Metawala and Syrian Orthodox Christians lived. In the Northern Lebanon, besides the same sects of Christians as in the south, more Metawala and an exclusive sect of Shiahs, the Ismailiyah lived", ". North of Damascus many Syrian Christians lived, and to both the north and the south some Metawala. Villages north to the Lake of Homs were Christian and Arab, while the city was mainly Moslem with a Christian minority of mainly Greek Orthodox. To the east of all these peoples, were the nomadic Bedouin Arabs of the Beni Khalid and Nueim tribes, who according to a British Army report came \"from the steppe hills and desert east of Homs and Anti-Lebanon\", to spend the summer in Bukaa.", "Following the comprehensive success of the Battle of Megiddo, Sir Henry Wilson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CIGS) at the War Office encouraged Allenby with the idea that the EEF could do anything: \"There is much talk here of the usual kind some saying you could go to Petrograd and some saying that all your force should now be transported to France, and some again who would like to see you march east to Baghdad", "!\" He continued: \"Your success being so complete, I should like you to consider the possibility of a cavalry raid on Aleppo, to be supported by infantry or not as the situation developed and as opportunities offered", ".\" He added that the War Cabinet was prepared to take full responsibility for any unsuccessful outcomes.", "The War Office desired a quick cavalry raid on Aleppo away. Allenby's EEF at Damascus was already away from its main supply base and he was prepared to advance only in stages as supply and geography dictated. However, the difficult problem of supplying even a small force as far north as Aleppo from base would need to be solved", ". Before either Damascus or Beirut had been captured, Allenby explained to Wilson that a raid on Aleppo \"did not seem feasible unless supported by large-scale military and naval operations at Alexandretta.\"", "Prelude\n\nYildirim Army Group concentrate at Rayak \n\nLiman von Sanders had seen the Eighth Army destroyed and its headquarters dissolved and the loss of most of the Yildirim Army Group's artillery.\n\nThe surviving 300 German and Ottoman soldiers who had formed the Haifa garrison arrived at Beirut on 26 September and were ordered to continue on to Rayak.", "Liman ordered von Oppen's Asia Corps (formerly part of the Eighth Army) to withdraw by train from Deraa at 05:30 on 27 September; he was delayed nine hours by a break in the line long north of Deraa, to arrive at Damascus the following morning; travelling straight on to Rayak where he was to establish a defensive line.", "Liman von Sanders transferred his headquarters to Baalbek on 29 September and Mustapha Kemal Pasha, commander of the Seventh Army, arrived at Kiswe with his army's leading troops. He was also ordered to Rayak to take over command of that sector, Jemal Pasha, commander of the Fourth Army also took command of the Tiberias Group defending Damascus while Jevad Pasha and the Eighth Army staff had been sent back to Constantinople. The 146th Regiment was the last formation to leave Damascus on 30 September", ". The 146th Regiment was the last formation to leave Damascus on 30 September. After hearing the Barada Gorge was closed von Hammerstein left Damascus by the Homs road, following the III Corps, the 24th Division and the 3rd Cavalry Division to Rayak where even remnants of the 43rd Division of the Second Army which had not been involved in fighting, were \"infected with panic.\"", "About 19,000 Ottoman soldiers had retreated northwards by 1 October, no more than 4,000 of whom were equipped and able to fight. \"Successive defeats in adverse conditions meant that their morale and physical condition were generally poor, they had no artillery support and transport was virtually non–existent ... they were unlikely to be able to offer much solid resistance to a determined British cavalry force operating north of Damascus.\"", "Only von Oppen's force which had travelled by train to Rayak before the Barda Gorge was closed and the 146th Regiment marching to Homs remained \"disciplined formations\" by 2 October.\n\nEEF advance from Haifa \nAllenby's plan outlined to Henry Wilson, CIGS at the War Office on 25 September, included an advance to Beirut at the same time as the advance to Damascus:", "However, the 7th (Meerut) Division (XXI Corps) with the 102nd Brigade Royal Garrison Artillery and did not arrive at Haifa until 29 September while the XXI Corps Cavalry Regiment which was attached, was at Acre. They were unable to leave until 3 October when the 54th (East Anglian) Division took over garrison duties in the Haifa area.", "The 7th (Meerut) Division began their march to Beirut in three columns. The leading column consisted of the Corps Cavalry Regiment, one company of infantry and the 2nd Light Armoured motor Battery. The second column consisted of the 3rd and 4th Companies Sappers and Miners, the 121st Pioneers with the 53rd Sikhs and 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment (28th Brigade)", ". The remainder of the 28th Brigade with the 19th and 28th Brigades of infantry, the 261st, 262nd and 264th Brigades of Royal Field Artillery (RFA) and the 522nd Field Coy, RE completed the 7th (Meerut) Division.", "The poorly maintained road along the coast was in places only wide with a one in five gradient as it passed over the Ladder of Tyre. The second column began work to improve this narrow track cut over the cliff face. It took three days to blast the rock and build a surface suitable for wheeled transport.", "Meanwhile, the XXI Corps Cavalry Regiment comprising one squadron Duke of Lancashire Yeomanry and two squadrons of 1/1st Hertfordshire Yeomanry were able to advance without waiting for the road works to be completed. They moved quickly along the road to arrive in Tyre also known as Es Sur on 4 October.", "During the advance to Tyre they encountered \"few if any Turkish troops.\" Three days supplies were delivered by sea to Tyre, for the three columns to pick up on their way north. By 6 October the leading column had entered Sidon also known as Saida, where more supplies arrived, again by ship.\n\nOccupation of Beirut", "Occupation of Beirut \n\nBeirut, a largely Christian city with a population of 190,000 before the war, was strategically important due to its \"great port\", located south of Nahr el Kelb (or Dog River). The Ottoman 43rd Division which had arrived early in October had been assigned the defence of Beirut.", "The first British Empire forces to arrive at Beirut were an armoured car reconnaissance from Rayak or Zahle by the 5th Cavalry Division on 7 October. They found Ottoman forces had already evacuated the city and an Arab government under Shukri Pasha Ayubi had been installed. A French destroyer and five French vessels were also in Beirut harbour.", "The XXI Corps Cavalry Regiment with attached infantry company and the 2nd Light Armoured Motor Battery arrived at Beirut on 8 October. The city was occupied without opposition when 600 prisoners were captured. The remainder of the infantry division and artillery followed when the road enabled the movement of wheeled vehicles. Private Norman F. Rothon, a mule driver with the 13th Mountain Howitzer Battery, 8th Brigade RGA, 7th (Meerut) Division, arrived at Beirut on the evening of 9 October", ". He and his unit had marched since 19 September; of that total were marched between 8 and 9 October. Rothon wrote in his diary, \"if I was asked how I felt when we arrived I should say like a cripple and fairly doubled up and I hope I shall never experience another march like it the men tramping along with hollow cheeks and staring eyes, nothing to eat but the awful Bouilli & Biscuits and lots of the men go without as their stomachs cannot stand the awful repetition (we have had 3 weeks of it)", ". My inside yearns for some ordinary food & vegetables.\"", "Lieutenant General E. S. Bulfin, commander of the XXI Corps, established his headquarters in the city's main hotel, to oversea devolution of the city's administration to the French following the terms of the Sykes–Picot Agreement. He appointed Colonel de Piépape, commander of the infantry Détachment Français de Palestine et de Syrie, military governor at Beirut. He also appointed French military governors to Sidon and Tyre", ". He also appointed French military governors to Sidon and Tyre. When detachments of French troops arrived from Haifa by sea to garrison the three towns, they found some unrest caused by disappointed Arab Sherifial representatives. The infantry Détachment Français de Palestine et de Syrie arrived at Beirut on 20 October, and the cavalry Regiment Mixte de Marche de Palestine et Syrie, detached from the 5th Light Horse Brigade, arrived on 24 October", ". The 54th (East Anglian) Division arrived at Beirut on 31 October 1918.", "On 11 October Allenby reported to the War Office:\n\nChauvel recalled in 1929:\n\nOccupation of Tripoli \nOn 9 October Allenby issued orders for the speedy occupation of Tripoli by the 7th (Meerut) Division. The town and the port of El Mina were strategically important because supplies could be unloading at the port and quickly transported inland to Homs on the main road to Aleppo. The capture of Tripoli would vastly improve the lines of communication supporting the pursuit.", "Tripoli was occupied unopposed on 13 October by the 7th (Meerut) Division led once again by the XXI Corps Cavalry Regiment and the 2nd Light Armoured Motor Battery following Bulfin's orders for the continuation of the coastal advance northwards. The leading column was followed by the 19th Infantry Brigade Group commanded by Brigadier General W. S. Leslie which arrived on 18 October. The remainder of the 7th (Meerut) Division arrived not long after", ". The remainder of the 7th (Meerut) Division arrived not long after. Rothon arrived in Tripoli on 18 October, after a march over mountain passes and sand. \"Felt absolutely done up when we got here and at times felt like lying down and giving in as I feel as if my very life blood is being drawn from me in these long marches, in addition to which we are only at half strength which means double work for us all.\" He was hospitalised in Tripoli shortly after and was still there at the end of the month.", "The 5th Cavalry Division was ordered on 9 October to advance to Homs, where they could be supplied overland, along the fairly good road from Tripoli, as a direct result of that town, with its small port of jetties \"suitable for landing stores in fine weather\", being occupied. On 22 October a casualty clearing station was landed at Tripoli to evacuate 5th Cavalry Division sick and wounded.\n\nPursuit from Damascus", "Pursuit from Damascus\n\nYildirim Army Group withdraw from Rayak \nAfter an RAF attack on Rayak, Liman von Sanders withdrew the Rayak force on 2 October sending most of his troops including Colonel von Oppen's Asia Corps under the command of Mustapha Kemal to Aleppo, to prepare a defence. This force retreated to Homs via Ba'albek on their way to Aleppo; the first place offering the possibility of a strong defence, while the remnant Fourth Army prepared a rearguard defence of Homs.", "The Seventh Army's III Corps' 1st and 11th Divisions and XX Corps and the 48th Infantry Division, were still intact and conducting a fighting retreat by 6 October. The 1st and 11th Divisions had been reorganised into the new XX Corps, which included one complete Turkish regiment.\n\n4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions' pursuit", "The country north from Damascus, with its grand mountains and fertile valley and slopes, was described as being more beautiful than that to the south of the city. The Nahr el Litani or Leontes river flowing south between the parallel ranges of the Lebanon and the Anti-Lebanon enters the sea between Tyre and Sidon. Along the valley cattle, sheep and goats grazed and barley and wheat were grown with oats in the north", ". The only breaks in the north-south Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon mountain ranges occur from Damascus to Beirut and from Homs to Tripoli.", "On 5 October the advance north was resumed although supply would be difficult. Allenby anticipated capturing the ports of Beirut and Tripoli, which would improve supplying rations to Desert Mounted Corps. \"Nevertheless his decision [to continue the pursuit] was born of rare ambition and resolution.\" It would be a \"bold move\" as the British Empire troops would be well beyond range of support from the rest of the EEF.", "Allenby briefed Chauvel on his Aleppo campaign plans at Chauvel's new headquarters in a former Yilderim Army Group building in the south–western suburbs during his day-trip to Damascus on 3 October. The Australian Mounted Division commanded by H. W. Hodgson was to garrison Damascus, while the 5th Cavalry Division commanded by Major General Henry Macandrew and the 4th Cavalry Division commanded by Major General G. de S", ". de S. Barrow advanced to Rayak northwest of Damascus, to establish a new forward line to stretch east to Beirut.", "The 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions left Damascus together on 5 October without wheeled transport and guns which rejoined at Khan Maysalun from Damascus and above sea-level after passing through the city. The Sherwood Rangers regiment which had been on the lines of communication at Kuneitra rejoined the 14th Cavalry Brigade, 5th Cavalry Division. The 12th Light Armoured Motor Battery and the 7th Light Car Patrol also joined the divisions.", "From Khan Meizelun the 4th Cavalry Division moved to Zebdani on the railway between Damascus and Rayak while the 5th Cavalry Division moved towards Rayak by the main road through Shtora. On the march towards Shtora, \"A violent storm, lasting several hours, burst as soon as bivouac was reached and lasted the greater part of the night. This did not improve matters as regards the malaria outbreak, which was by then almost at its height.\"", "Occupation of Rayak \nThey advanced next day to Rayak; towards the railway junction of the main railway from Constantinople with the railways from Beirut and Damascus which branched at Rayak away. Rayak was reported to be occupied by about 1,000 Ottoman and German soldiers. During the night of 5/6 October, a report was received that the Ottomans had withdrawn from Rayak.", "The 5th Cavalry Division and 14th Brigade arrived in Rayak on 6 October to find considerable destruction caused by an RAF air-raid on 2 October and captured some prisoners, railway rolling stock and military equipment. Here the remains of 32 German aircraft were found, \"including some of the latest type, [which] had been either abandoned or burnt by the enemy.\" Military equipment, engineers' stores, several locomotives and rail trucks were captured at Rayak", ".\" Military equipment, engineers' stores, several locomotives and rail trucks were captured at Rayak. The 14th Cavalry brigade also captured 177 prisoners and some guns when they occupied Zahle a few miles north of Rayak, also without opposition.", "Beirut reconnaissance \nOn 7 October armoured cars attached to the 5th Cavalry Division made a reconnaissance to Beirut, without opposition being encountered. They arrived about noon to find Ottoman forces had withdrawn from the city.\n\nOccupation of Baalbek \nOn 9 October Allenby ordered the continuation of their advance to Homs following the railway.\n\nBaalbek was occupied unopposed on 10 October by a light armoured car reconnaissance.\n\nEnd of 4th Cavalry Division's campaign", "End of 4th Cavalry Division's campaign \n\nThe EEF was still in vastly superior strength to the enemy in the area when Allenby made the initial decision to push the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions as far as the Rayak to Beirut line. Desert Mounted Corps numbers, however dropped dramatically each day as increasing numbers of men became ill, weakening the corps' effectiveness.", "On 14 October, the 4th Cavalry Division moved to Shtora , in the Rayak Valley. Maunsell described the scene in the following passage: \"This was magnificent, very fertile, and with many fruit trees. It was also a great grain–growing area. There were many wine factories at Shtora. The slopes of the Lebanon were covered with vineyards. The Anti–Lebanon, that is the range on the Damascus side of the valley, are pretty bare and resemble the Indian Frontier. At Shtora the surplus horses were left behind", ". At Shtora the surplus horses were left behind. They far outnumbered the men and it was with the utmost difficulty that they could be moved about. One man was leading five horses in Jacob's Horse, and the British units had to drive animals like herds.\"", "On 16 October, the 4th Cavalry Division arrived at Baalbek on the plain between the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon mountains, where the days were hot and the nights cool. Here was found a good supply of water and tibben (bhoosa), but the division was \"immobilised by losses through sickness\" when a particularly virulent epidemic of malaria (malignant tertian) and influenza suddenly broke out. The division evacuated almost 80 per cent of the troopers; 3,600 were sick of whom 400 died", ". The division evacuated almost 80 per cent of the troopers; 3,600 were sick of whom 400 died. Allenby and Chauvel spent some days visiting the troopers while the division was at Ba'albek with a brigade at Lebwe. According to Maunsell, \"the Middlesex Yeomanry were down to twenty-six officers and men, while Jacob's Horse had an average of twenty-five men per squadron only. The difficulty of looking after the horses can be imagined and we had to have numbers of Turk prisoners to help.\"", "The 5th Cavalry Division began their advance to Aleppo on 20 October, when the 4th Cavalry Division, reduced to 1,200 through the effects of sickness, was to move north to garrison Homs. But Falls notes that it was unable to do so \"still less to support the 5th in case of need at Aleppo.\" Thus, Maunsell writes, \"the Great War, so far as the 4th Cavalry Division was concerned, was ended.\"", "Reorganisation of 5th Cavalry Division", "At Baalbek, General MacAndrew reorganised his 5th Cavalry Division into two columns; the lead unit Column \"A\" consisted of the divisional headquarters, 24 cars in three batteries of armoured cars, and three light car patrols armed with machine guns, supported by the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade (less the Hyderabad Lancers on the line of communications). The country was \"fairly flat\" with a good surface for the cars to negotiate and with their heavy machine–gun fire they were a strong raiding force", ".", "5th Cavalry Division and Sherifial Force pursuit", "The 5th Cavalry Division had not been so badly affected by sickness and was able to continue the pursuit as it had garrisoned Afulah and Nazareth well away from the mosquito infested areas along the Jordan River. Nor were they involved in the fighting at Jisr Benat Yakub, when they were in reserve to the Australian Mounted Division", ". Allenby now ordered the 5th Cavalry Division to advance to Homs while the 4th Cavalry Division, which barely had enough men to carry out normal camp duties, remained to garrison the Zahle-Rayak-Baalbek area.", "The 5th Cavalry Division was organised into two columns for the pursuit to Homs. The leading column consisted of the 13th Cavalry Brigade commanded by Brigadier General G. A. Weir (who succeeded P. J. V. Kelly), \"B\" Battery HAC and armoured cars, with the remainder of the division in the rear column, a day's march behind", ". Chauvel ordered them to advance up the Nahr el Litani valley between the Lebanon and Anti Lebanon mountain ranges, while 1,500 regular Hejaz soldiers commanded by Nuri Bey part of the Sharif of Mecca's Sherifial Force commanded by Prince Feisal, covered the cavalry's right flank by advancing north along the main Damascus to Homs road", ". The leading column of the cavalry reached Lebwe on 13 October, El Qa'a on 14 October and El Quseir on 15 October a total of passing through the fertile plain of the Nahr el Litani valley where bread, meat and grain was easily requisitioned at each place.", "Occupation of Homs \n\nThe Fourth Army commanded by Djemal Kuchuk had been ordered to form a rearguard to hold Homs for as long as possible, while von Oppen's Asia Corps (formerly part of the Eighth Army) continued on to Aleppo where Mustapha Kemal and the remnants of his Seventh Army were preparing defenses. On 16 October the headquarters of the Fourth Army at Homs was encircled and captured although it had been reported for some days that Homs had been evacuated.", "The armoured cars, 13th Cavalry Brigade and Nuri Bey's Sherifial Force arrived in the city of 70,000 with its crusader castle, on 16 October. By then the 7th (Meerut) Division had captured Beirut and Tripoli on the Mediterranean coast, anticipated rearguards from fresh Ottoman reinforcements had not been encountered and the RAF reported Hama, north of Homs, unoccupied. On 18 October Allenby ordered Chauvel to prepare to push the 5th Cavalry Division north on 20 October and to capture Aleppo by 26 October", ". Allenby had ordered the 2nd Light Car Patrol and the 2nd Light Armoured Motor Battery which had been attached to the 7th (Meerut) Division (XXI Corps) to join the 5th Cavalry Division at Homs.", "The 5th Cavalry Division's fighting strength of 2,500 included the strongest column of armoured cars so far employed in the theatre. These included the 2nd, 11th and 12th Light Armoured Motor Batteries and the 1st (Australian), 2nd and 7th Light Car Patrols.", "The 4th Cavalry Division was to advance to Homs in support. When Chauvel reported the 4th Cavalry Division unable to move, Allenby decided not to risk the 5th Cavalry Division against Aleppo . He considered the city too remote an objective, with the increasing threat of encountering effective rearguards the further north they rode, and he ordered the pursuit to stop at Hama.\n\nOccupation of Hama", "Occupation of Hama \n\nThe remaining soldiers in the 48th Infantry Regiment which had been part of the 16th Division, Asia Corps (formerly Eighth Army) at the beginning of the Battle of Megiddo on 19 September, set up a rearguard at Hama. However, the rearguard was eventually forced to withdraw on 19 October as Desert Mounted Corps approached.", "Allenby had ordered the 5th Cavalry Division to continue the pursuit from Homs 120 miles (190 km) north to Aleppo on 20 October, with the 4th Cavalry Division advancing to occupy Homs, in support. However, the 4th Cavalry Division had been reduced by sickness to a strength of 1,200 by 20 October and was unable to move. The pursuit was to be reinforced by Feisal, who \"promised to despatch 1,500 troops from Homs under Sherif Nasir, and hoped to raise some thousands more of local Arabs on his march", ".\" This was in addition to the 1,500 regular Hejaz Sherifial Force commanded by Nuri Bey already guarding the right flank of the cavalry division.", "However, when Allenby heard the 4th Cavalry Division could not support the pursuit, he decided not to risk a division against remote objectives, which could become vulnerable to capture the further north they rode, and ordered the pursuit stopped. The 5th Cavalry Division was to remain to occupy Hama a city of 60,000 which had already been captured before 20 October by Feisal's Sherifial Force.", "The order to stop the pursuit reached Macandrew, commanding the 5th Cavalry Division, after his first day's march from Homs towards Hama, in the evening of 20 October. His reply reads:\n\nChauvel asked for clarification from Allenby after receiving Macandrew's message. Allenby changed his mind, approving the advance to Aleppo on 21 October 1918.", "The retreating Yildirim Army Group had blown up the bridge over the Orontes River at Er Rastan north of Homs. The 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade (5th Cavalry Division) with the 5th Field Squadron R. E. arrived to repair the span of the bridge on 19 October", ". E. arrived to repair the span of the bridge on 19 October. Repairs were complete by 06:00 on 21 October and by that afternoon the 5th Cavalry Division's headquarters, the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade (less the Hyderabad Lancers on the lines of communication south of Damascus) and the armoured cars arrived at Hama.", "Pursuit continues towards Aleppo \nColumn \"A\" of Macandrew's 5th Cavalry Division continued the pursuit on 21 October to reach north of Hama.", "The armoured cars conducted an extended reconnaissance on 22 October to reach Ma'arit el Na'aman, away at noon without sighting the enemy. They continued their journey another towards Aleppo to arrive near Khan Sebil, north of Hama and half way to Aleppo, at 14:30. Here \"they sighted some enemy armoured cars and armed motor lorries.\" A running battle was fought between the mobile forces of one German armoured car and six lorries and the 5th Cavalry Division's armoured cars", ". The \"German armoured car, two armed lorries, and thirty–seven prisoners\" were subsequently captured.", "The 5th Cavalry Division's armoured cars eventually reached Zor Defai from Hama and only south of Aleppo, in the late afternoon of 22 October before they turned back to just north of Khan Seraikin, where they bivouacked at Seraqab from Khan Sebil and from Aleppo. The 15th (Imperial Service) Cavalry Brigade reached Khan Shaikhun late in the afternoon of 22 October.\n\nAir support", "Air support \n\nBristol Fighters of No. 1 Squadron moved their base forward from Ramleh to Haifa and by mid October were required to patrol and reconnoitre an exceptionally wide area of country, sometimes between , flying over Rayak, Homs, Beirut, Tripoli, Hama, Aleppo, Killis and Alexandretta in support of the pursuit by the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade and the armoured cars of Desert Mounted Corps.", "They conducted aerial reconnaissances and bombing raids, bombing the German aerodromes at Rayak on 2 October where 32 German machines, were seen three hours later by two Bristol Fighters to have been abandoned or burnt. On 9 October five Bristol Fighters attacked with bombs and machine–guns, troops getting on trains at Homs railway station. A similar attack took place on 16 October when trains at Hama station were the target", ". A similar attack took place on 16 October when trains at Hama station were the target. On 19 October the first German aircraft seen in the air since the aerial fighting over Deraa, a D.F.W. two–seater was forced to land. The aircraft was destroyed on the ground by firing a Very light into the aircraft after the German pilot and observer had moved to safety", ". The Mouslimie railway junction of the Baghdad and Palestine railways north of Aleppo, was bombed on 23 October and at noon five Australian aircraft bombed the city and Aleppo railway station.", "Sherifial Force captures Aleppo \n\nThe ancient city of Aleppo, which had been incorporated into the Ottoman Empire in 1516 with a population by the beginning of the First World War of 150,000, is north of Damascus and a few miles south of the strategically important railway junction of the Palestine and the Mesopotamian railway systems at Mouslimie Junction. Mustapha Kemal, commander of the Seventh Army, and Nihat Pasha, commander of the Second Army, organised the 6,000 to 7,000 soldiers to defend Aleppo.", "When the armoured cars attached to the 5th Cavalry Division reached the southern defences on 23 October, the commander of the 7th Light Car Patrol under a flag of truce demanded Mustapha Kemal surrender Aleppo, which was rejected.", "While an attack was planned by the commander of the armoured cars to take place on 26 October, Sherifial forces commanded by Colonel Nuri Bey and Sherif Nasir following an unsuccessful daylight attack on 25 October proceed that night with a successful attack. They captured Aleppo after fierce hand-to-hand fighting through the city streets which lasted most of the night.\n\nAdvance to Haritan", "After the capture of Aleppo, the remnant of the Seventh Army commanded by Mustapha Kemal which had withdrawn from Damascus, was now deployed to the north and northwest of that city. The Second Army of about 16,000 armed troops commanded by Nihad Pasha was deployed to the west in Cilicia and the Sixth Army with another 16,000 armed troops commanded by Ali Ihsan which had been withdrawn from Mesopotamia was to the northeast around Nusaybin", ". These Ottoman forces grossly outnumbered the 15th Imperial Service Brigade.", "However, on 26 October the Jodhpore and Mysore lancer regiments of the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade without artillery support, but with a subsection of the 15th Machine Gun Squadron, as part of Macandrew's preempted attack on Aleppo, advanced over a ridge to the west of the city to cut the Alexandretta road. They continued their advance north west of Aleppo towards Haritan.", "A strong Ottoman column was seen retiring north of Aleppo along the Alexandretta road by the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade. The Mysore Lancers advanced at the charge; three squadrons in line of squadron columns, the fourth squadron in support to capture a rearguard position held by 150 Ottoman soldiers armed with rifles and artillery. About 50 survived and 20 were taken prisoner", ". About 50 survived and 20 were taken prisoner. The Jodhpur and Mysore Lancers made a second unsuccessful charge after the position had been strong reinforced by as many as 2,000 soldiers commanded by Mustapha Kemal. Fighting continued throughout the day until at about 23:00 when the 14th Cavalry Brigade (5th Cavalry Division) arrived and the Ottoman force withdrew ending the last engagement of the war in the Middle East.", "During the 38 days between 19 September and 28 October, the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade had ridden and the 5th Cavalry Division had fought six actions, with the loss of 21 percent of its horses.\n\n5th Cavalry Division operations", "While the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade withdrew to the Aleppo area, the remainder of the 5th Cavalry Division; the 14th Cavalry Brigade which had arrived at 23:00 on 26 October and the 13th Cavalry Brigade conducted a reconnaissance on 27 October when a rearguard position was encountered north of Haritan. The next day armoured cars reported the rearguard had withdrawn to Deir el Jemal", ". The next day armoured cars reported the rearguard had withdrawn to Deir el Jemal. On 29 October, Sherifial Arabs occupied Muslimiya Station; the junction of the Baghdad and Palestine railways, cutting communications between Constantinople and Mesopotamia, ending Ottoman control of of territory. By 30 October the rearguard position at Deir el Jemal had not withdrawn and to the north a new long defensive line, in part crossing the Alexandretta road had been established", ". This line was defended by a force six times greater than Macandrew's, made up of the newly created XX Corps' 1st and 11th Divisions with between 2,000 and 3,000 soldiers sourced from drafts and a reinforcement of one complete regiment, and the 24th and 43rd Divisions commanded by Mustapha Kemal Pasha who had his headquarters at Katma. The 5th Cavalry Division kept this line under observation while waiting to be reinforced by the Australian Mounted Division.", "Australian Mounted Division advance \nThe Australian Mounted Division was ordered to advance to reinforce Macandrew's 5th Cavalry Division at Aleppo. Chauvel ordered Major General H. W. Hodgson's Australian Mounted Division to advance to Aleppo away. The division marched out of Damascus on 27 October riding through Duma and Nebk east of the Anti-Lebanon range to reach Homs on 1 November; where they learned the war against the Ottoman Empire was finished.", "Four regiments of the division, along with the 4th Light Horse Brigade headquarters had been deployed at Kuneitra on the lines of communication since 28 September. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade had been deployed in the Damascus area along with the 4th and 12th Light Horse Regiments on guard duty. The 10th Light Horse Regiment had been deployed to Kaukab and placed in charge of the prisoner of war camp there until 30 October when they too moved out for Homs.", "The advance of the Australian Mounted Division began on 25 October when the garrison at Kuneitra moved out leaving the Hyderabad Lancers to continue guard duties. They joined the division at El Mezze at 15:30 on 26 October when the 4th and 12th Light Horse Regiments rejoined their 4th Light Horse Brigade. The ration strength of the division on 26 October was 4,295 soldiers. Orders to advance to Homs were received on 27 October and they left Damascus the next day.", "After reveille at 05:00 the 12th Light Horse Regiment marched out at 10:30 on 28 October to join the 4th Light Horse Brigade at 12:00 before marching through Damascus to Khan Kussier where they arrived at 17:00. After reveille at 05:30 and watering at 07:00 on 29 October, the march resumed at 09:00 arriving at Kuteife at 13:15 to bivouac", ". After reveille at 04:00 the march was resumed at 06:00 on 30 October, arriving at Kustul at 12:00 where they halted 1 hour and 15 minutes before proceeding on to Nebk where they arrived at 15:55 and bivouacked for the night. At 07:45 on 31 October the march was resumed, arriving at Kara at 11:30 where they lunched and the horses were watered before resuming the march at 13:15 to arrive at Hassie at 19:00 to bivouac for five hours", ". At 23:00 the march was resumed to Homs where they arrived at 08:30 on 1 November 1918 \"all weary & tired.\" The 12th Light Horse Regiment suffered 58 casualties during this advance. The 4th Light Horse Brigade evacuated 60 soldiers to the 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance during the march from Damascus to Homs.", "They had ridden in four days to reach the small village of Jendar south of Homs at 21:00 on 31 October, or near Hassie at 16:00 on 31 October, when Hodgson received news of the armistice by wireless. The armistice was concluded on 31 October. Wavell noted that this was \"three years almost to a day since Turkey had entered the war,\" while Jones highlighted the fact that it was \"a year to the day after the charge at Beersheba", ".\" As there was no water in the area the Australian Mounted Division continued their march to arrive at Homs at 08:00 on 1 November having ridden during their last advance.", "On 3 November, the Armistice with the Austria-Hungarian Empire was concluded and the Australian Mounted Division (less the 5th Light Horse Brigade which remained at Homs) began their last ride. The rode from Homs to Tripoli on the Mediterranean coast, where they remained until being shipped back to Egypt at the end of February 1919. The 4th Light Horse Brigade was still at Homs the next day when Chauvel visited their camp and inspected the men and horses.", "Aftermath \nGeneral Wavell's figures of 75,000 prisoners and 360 guns captured by the EEF between 18 September and 31 October were also quoted in the Turkish official history of the campaign. In 38 days of fighting of Ottoman Empire territory had been occupied by the EEF along with more than 100,000 prisoners and unknown casualties.", "According to Falls, \"the thoroughness of the Turkish defeat is almost without a parallel in modern military history.\" This successful campaign resulted from \"careful planning and bold execution. Combined and coordinated use of artillery, infantry, the RAF and cavalry were all essential aspects of the plan", ". However, what transformed the battle from a successful penetration of the 8th Turkish army's front into a great battle of annihilation that ended in the total destruction of three armies was the adroit and bold use of cavalry ... by two cavalry generals, Allenby and Chauvel.\"", "The EEF had suffered the loss of 782 killed and 4,179 wounded soldiers. Between 19 September and 31 October the casualties totalled 5,666; Desert Mounted Corps suffering 650 of these. The total battle casualties of the Suez Canal, the Sinai, the Levant and the Jordan campaigns; from January 1915 totalled 51,451.\n\nTuesday 16 December was selected as a day of thanksgiving for victory throughout the EEF when religious services were held during the morning with games and sports organised for the afternoon.", "Yildirim Army Group \n\nLiman von Sanders was recalled to Constantinople on 30 October when Ahmet Izzet Pasa, the Ottoman Minister of War appointed Mustafa Kemal Pasa to command the Yildirim Army Group headquartered at Adana. Here Mustafa Kemal began to plan the defense of Anatolia with the Ottoman Army still \"in the field.\"", "The force Mustapha Kemal commanded \"would have met the fate of the rest within a few weeks, when a frontal attack would have been combined with a landing at Alexandretta.\" It was saved by the Armistice.", "Armistice \nThese enormous losses and the threat from the EEF were not alone responsible for the armistice; General Milne's army was advancing towards Thrace and Constantinople to threaten Anatolia. In addition, Erickson argues that \"the Salonika beachhead created a strategic crisis for which there was no answer.\"", "The Ottoman Empire's highest-ranking British prisoner, Major General CharlesTownshend, was sent to Lesbos where he announced the Ottoman Empire's \"intention to seek an armistice.\" Negotiations took place at Mudros and, as Erickson recounts, the \"armistice was signed on the deck of the battleship Agamemnon on October 30, 1918.\"", "Writing in 1920, Dinning described how the news was received amongst the troops around Baalbek: \"We parked outside the lights of Baalbek ... The news of the Turkish Armistice, beginning this midday, had just come through. I think the dinner was a sort of thanksgiving meal. There was most excellent good soup, a roast pigeon each, some sweets and savoury, and flagon after flagon of cocoa – good for this nipping and eager air, for this is the opening of winter", ". The alternative to this had been bully beef and jam.", "Chauvel was in Aleppo when the armistice with the Ottoman Empire was announced. Eleven days later the war in Europe also came to an end.\n\nImplementation of the armistice \n\nThere are other views of the armistice and its implementation:\n\nThe terms of the Armistice required the Ottoman Empire:\n\nChauvel, from his GHQ at Homs recommended the removal of Mustapha Kemal who subsequently lost command of the Seventh Army.", "No. 1 Squadron AFC \nAfter the armistice No. 1 Squadron AFC moved back to Ramleh in December 1918 and Kantara in February 1919.\n\nOn 19 February Allenby addressed the squadron:\n\nOccupation", "According to Bruce, the \"success of the Allied campaign in the Middle East between 1914 and 1918, which helped to bring down an empire, was never matched by its political outcomes.\" On 23 October, Allenby reported to the War Office that he had appointed Major General Sir A. W", ".\" On 23 October, Allenby reported to the War Office that he had appointed Major General Sir A. W. Money chief British administrator of Palestine, the Occupied Enemy Territory South, Colonel de Piépape to administer the future French Zone Occupied Enemy Territory North and General Ali Pasha el Rikabi to administer the Occupied Enemy Territory East", ". Northforce commanded by Major General Barrow and consisting of the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions and two divisions of infantry took over administration of the captured territory. They garrisoned places up the coast to Smyrna, and administered the Baghdad Railway from Constantinople to the railhead east of Nisibin in Mesopotamia until the administration of northern Syria was given to the French.", "Allenby was informed on 27 October that he was to be the sole intermediary on political and administrative questions to do with the Arab Government.\n\nWingate wrote to Allenby on 2 November:", "Wingate wrote to Allenby on 2 November:\n\nThe objectives of peace in the region were declared on 7 November 1918. Falls writes, \"the goal aimed at by France and Great Britain in their conduct in the East of a war unchained by German ambition is the complete and definite freedom of the peoples so long oppressed by the Turks, and the establishment of national governments and administrations deriving their authority from the initiative and free choice of the native population.\"", "At Versailles, however, France demanded the enforcement of the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Arab zone was divided in two; the southern portion became the Transjordan with French Syria in the north. According to Bruce, \"in Palestine it became clear that the price of a permanent imperial presence was likely to be high, as violence flared soon after the end of the war.\"", "Anti-British and anti-Armenian demonstrations led Allenby to order Chauvel to occupy the towns of Marash, Urfa, Killis and Aintab and dismiss the Ottoman commander of the Sixth Army, Ali Ihsan", ". To carry out these orders required Desert Mounted Corps to move to Aleppo and be reinforced by an infantry brigade, but there was some delay in the remainder of the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions moving north and Allenby \"went to Constantinople by battleship, interviewed the Turkish ministers for Foreign Affairs and the Army and demanded the acceptance of his conditions and the removal of Ali Ihsan without discussion ... his terms were accepted.\"", "In the aftermath, conflict in the region continued. Bruce notes that \"the conflicting claims of Jews and Arabs eventually led to the development of open warfare between them in 1937 and was to lead to the ending of the British mandate in 1948. The territorial claims of the two groups still remain unreconciled and their relationship continues to be characterized by sporadic violence and discord.\"\n\nNotes\n\nCitations\n\nReferences", "Conflicts in 1918\n1918 in Ottoman Syria\n1918 in Mandatory Syria\nBattles of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign\nBattles of World War I involving Australia\nBattles of World War I involving New Zealand\nBattles of World War I involving the United Kingdom\nBattles of World War I involving British India\nBattles of World War I involving France\nBattles of World War I involving the Ottoman Empire\nBattles of World War I involving Germany\nMiddle Eastern theatre of World War I\nOctober 1918 events", "Battles of World War I involving Germany\nMiddle Eastern theatre of World War I\nOctober 1918 events\nBattles of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk" ]
[ "Corrosion is a natural process that converts a refined metal into a more chemically stable oxide. It is the gradual deterioration of materials (usually a metal) by chemical or electrochemical reaction with their environment. Corrosion engineering is the field dedicated to controlling and preventing corrosion.", "In the most common use of the word, this means electrochemical oxidation of metal in reaction with an oxidant such as oxygen, hydrogen or hydroxide. Rusting, the formation of iron oxides, is a well-known example of electrochemical corrosion. This type of damage typically produces oxide(s) or salt(s) of the original metal and results in a distinctive orange coloration", ". Corrosion can also occur in materials other than metals, such as ceramics or polymers, although in this context, the term \"degradation\" is more common. Corrosion degrades the useful properties of materials and structures including mechanical strength, appearance, and permeability to liquids and gases.", "Many structural alloys corrode merely from exposure to moisture in air, but the process can be strongly affected by exposure to certain substances. Corrosion can be concentrated locally to form a pit or crack, or it can extend across a wide area, more or less uniformly corroding the surface. Because corrosion is a diffusion-controlled process, it occurs on exposed surfaces", ". Because corrosion is a diffusion-controlled process, it occurs on exposed surfaces. As a result, methods to reduce the activity of the exposed surface, such as passivation and chromate conversion, can increase a material's corrosion resistance. However, some corrosion mechanisms are less visible and less predictable.", "The chemistry of corrosion is complex; it can be considered an electrochemical phenomenon. During corrosion at a particular spot on the surface of an object made of iron, oxidation takes place and that spot behaves as an anode", ". The electrons released at this anodic spot move through the metal to another spot on the object, and reduce oxygen at that spot in presence of H+ (which is believed to be available from carbonic acid () formed due to dissolution of carbon dioxide from air into water in moist air condition of atmosphere. Hydrogen ion in water may also be available due to dissolution of other acidic oxides from the atmosphere). This spot behaves as a cathode.", "Galvanic corrosion", "Galvanic corrosion occurs when two different metals have physical or electrical contact with each other and are immersed in a common electrolyte, or when the same metal is exposed to electrolyte with different concentrations. In a galvanic couple, the more active metal (the anode) corrodes at an accelerated rate and the more noble metal (the cathode) corrodes at a slower rate. When immersed separately, each metal corrodes at its own rate", ". When immersed separately, each metal corrodes at its own rate. What type of metal(s) to use is readily determined by following the galvanic series. For example, zinc is often used as a sacrificial anode for steel structures. Galvanic corrosion is of major interest to the marine industry and also anywhere water (containing salts) contacts pipes or metal structures.", "Factors such as relative size of anode, types of metal, and operating conditions (temperature, humidity, salinity, etc.) affect galvanic corrosion. The surface area ratio of the anode and cathode directly affects the corrosion rates of the materials. Galvanic corrosion is often prevented by the use of sacrificial anodes.\n\nGalvanic series", "In any given environment (one standard medium is aerated, room-temperature seawater), one metal will be either more noble or more active than others, based on how strongly its ions are bound to the surface. Two metals in electrical contact share the same electrons, so that the \"tug-of-war\" at each surface is analogous to competition for free electrons between the two materials", ". Using the electrolyte as a host for the flow of ions in the same direction, the noble metal will take electrons from the active one. The resulting mass flow or electric current can be measured to establish a hierarchy of materials in the medium of interest. This hierarchy is called a galvanic series and is useful in predicting and understanding corrosion.", "Corrosion removal \n\nOften it is possible to chemically remove the products of corrosion. For example, phosphoric acid in the form of naval jelly is often applied to ferrous tools or surfaces to remove rust. Corrosion removal should not be confused with electropolishing, which removes some layers of the underlying metal to make a smooth surface. For example, phosphoric acid may also be used to electropolish copper but it does this by removing copper, not the products of copper corrosion.", "Resistance to corrosion \nSome metals are more intrinsically resistant to corrosion than others (for some examples, see galvanic series). There are various ways of protecting metals from corrosion (oxidation) including painting, hot-dip galvanization, cathodic protection, and combinations of these.\n\nIntrinsic chemistry", "Intrinsic chemistry \n\nThe materials most resistant to corrosion are those for which corrosion is thermodynamically unfavorable. Any corrosion products of gold or platinum tend to decompose spontaneously into pure metal, which is why these elements can be found in metallic form on Earth and have long been valued. More common \"base\" metals can only be protected by more temporary means.", "Some metals have naturally slow reaction kinetics, even though their corrosion is thermodynamically favorable. These include such metals as zinc, magnesium, and cadmium. While corrosion of these metals is continuous and ongoing, it happens at an acceptably slow rate. An extreme example is graphite, which releases large amounts of energy upon oxidation, but has such slow kinetics that it is effectively immune to electrochemical corrosion under normal conditions.\n\nPassivation", "Passivation refers to the spontaneous formation of an ultrathin film of corrosion products, known as a passive film, on the metal's surface that act as a barrier to further oxidation. The chemical composition and microstructure of a passive film are different from the underlying metal. Typical passive film thickness on aluminium, stainless steels, and alloys is within 10 nanometers", ". Typical passive film thickness on aluminium, stainless steels, and alloys is within 10 nanometers. The passive film is different from oxide layers that are formed upon heating and are in the micrometer thickness range – the passive film recovers if removed or damaged whereas the oxide layer does not. Passivation in natural environments such as air, water and soil at moderate pH is seen in such materials as aluminium, stainless steel, titanium, and silicon.", "Passivation is primarily determined by metallurgical and environmental factors. The effect of pH is summarized using Pourbaix diagrams, but many other factors are influential. Some conditions that inhibit passivation include high pH for aluminium and zinc, low pH or the presence of chloride ions for stainless steel, high temperature for titanium (in which case the oxide dissolves into the metal, rather than the electrolyte) and fluoride ions for silicon", ". On the other hand, unusual conditions may result in passivation of materials that are normally unprotected, as the alkaline environment of concrete does for steel rebar. Exposure to a liquid metal such as mercury or hot solder can often circumvent passivation mechanisms.", "Corrosion in passivated materials", "Passivation is extremely useful in mitigating corrosion damage, however even a high-quality alloy will corrode if its ability to form a passivating film is hindered. Proper selection of the right grade of material for the specific environment is important for the long-lasting performance of this group of materials", ". If breakdown occurs in the passive film due to chemical or mechanical factors, the resulting major modes of corrosion may include pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking.", "Pitting corrosion", "Certain conditions, such as low concentrations of oxygen or high concentrations of species such as chloride which compete as anions, can interfere with a given alloy's ability to re-form a passivating film. In the worst case, almost all of the surface will remain protected, but tiny local fluctuations will degrade the oxide film in a few critical points. Corrosion at these points will be greatly amplified, and can cause corrosion pits of several types, depending upon conditions", ". While the corrosion pits only nucleate under fairly extreme circumstances, they can continue to grow even when conditions return to normal, since the interior of a pit is naturally deprived of oxygen and locally the pH decreases to very low values and the corrosion rate increases due to an autocatalytic process", ". In extreme cases, the sharp tips of extremely long and narrow corrosion pits can cause stress concentration to the point that otherwise tough alloys can shatter; a thin film pierced by an invisibly small hole can hide a thumb sized pit from view. These problems are especially dangerous because they are difficult to detect before a part or structure fails", ". Pitting remains among the most common and damaging forms of corrosion in passivated alloys, but it can be prevented by control of the alloy's environment.", "Pitting results when a small hole, or cavity, forms in the metal, usually as a result of de-passivation of a small area. This area becomes anodic, while part of the remaining metal becomes cathodic, producing a localized galvanic reaction. The deterioration of this small area penetrates the metal and can lead to failure. This form of corrosion is often difficult to detect due to the fact that it is usually relatively small and may be covered and hidden by corrosion-produced compounds.", "Weld decay and knifeline attack", "Stainless steel can pose special corrosion challenges, since its passivating behavior relies on the presence of a major alloying component (chromium, at least 11.5%). Because of the elevated temperatures of welding and heat treatment, chromium carbides can form in the grain boundaries of stainless alloys. This chemical reaction robs the material of chromium in the zone near the grain boundary, making those areas much less resistant to corrosion", ". This creates a galvanic couple with the well-protected alloy nearby, which leads to \"weld decay\" (corrosion of the grain boundaries in the heat affected zones) in highly corrosive environments. This process can seriously reduce the mechanical strength of welded joints over time.", "A stainless steel is said to be \"sensitized\" if chromium carbides are formed in the microstructure. A typical microstructure of a normalized type 304 stainless steel shows no signs of sensitization, while a heavily sensitized steel shows the presence of grain boundary precipitates. The dark lines in the sensitized microstructure are networks of chromium carbides formed along the grain boundaries.", "Special alloys, either with low carbon content or with added carbon \"getters\" such as titanium and niobium (in types 321 and 347, respectively), can prevent this effect, but the latter require special heat treatment after welding to prevent the similar phenomenon of \"knifeline attack\". As its name implies, corrosion is limited to a very narrow zone adjacent to the weld, often only a few micrometers across, making it even less noticeable.\n\nCrevice corrosion", "Crevice corrosion \n\nCrevice corrosion is a localized form of corrosion occurring in confined spaces (crevices), to which the access of the working fluid from the environment is limited. Formation of a differential aeration cell leads to corrosion inside the crevices. Examples of crevices are gaps and contact areas between parts, under gaskets or seals, inside cracks and seams, spaces filled with deposits, and under sludge piles.", "Crevice corrosion is influenced by the crevice type (metal-metal, metal-non-metal), crevice geometry (size, surface finish), and metallurgical and environmental factors. The susceptibility to crevice corrosion can be evaluated with ASTM standard procedures. A critical crevice corrosion temperature is commonly used to rank a material's resistance to crevice corrosion.", "Hydrogen grooving", "In the chemical industry, hydrogen grooving is the corrosion of piping at grooves created by the interaction of a corrosive agent, corroded pipe constituents, and hydrogen gas bubbles. For example, when sulfuric acid () flows through steel pipes, the iron in the steel reacts with the acid to form a passivation coating of iron sulfate () and hydrogen gas (). The iron sulfate coating will protect the steel from further reaction; however, if hydrogen bubbles contact this coating, it will be removed", ". Thus, a groove can be formed by a travelling bubble, exposing more steel to the acid, causing a vicious cycle. The grooving is exacerbated by the tendency of subsequent bubbles to follow the same path.", "High-temperature corrosion", "High-temperature corrosion is chemical deterioration of a material (typically a metal) as a result of heating. This non-galvanic form of corrosion can occur when a metal is subjected to a hot atmosphere containing oxygen, sulfur (\"sulfidation\"), or other compounds capable of oxidizing (or assisting the oxidation of) the material concerned", ". For example, materials used in aerospace, power generation, and even in car engines must resist sustained periods at high temperature, during which they may be exposed to an atmosphere containing the potentially highly-corrosive products of combustion.", "Some products of high-temperature corrosion can potentially be turned to the advantage of the engineer. The formation of oxides on stainless steels, for example, can provide a protective layer preventing further atmospheric attack, allowing for a material to be used for sustained periods at both room and high temperatures in hostile conditions", ". Such high-temperature corrosion products, in the form of compacted oxide layer glazes, prevent or reduce wear during high-temperature sliding contact of metallic (or metallic and ceramic) surfaces. Thermal oxidation is also commonly used to produce controlled oxide nanostructures, including nanowires and thin films.", "Microbial corrosion", "Microbial corrosion, or commonly known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), is a corrosion caused or promoted by microorganisms, usually chemoautotrophs. It can apply to both metallic and non-metallic materials, in the presence or absence of oxygen. Sulfate-reducing bacteria are active in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic); they produce hydrogen sulfide, causing sulfide stress cracking", ". In the presence of oxygen (aerobic), some bacteria may directly oxidize iron to iron oxides and hydroxides, other bacteria oxidize sulfur and produce sulfuric acid causing biogenic sulfide corrosion. Concentration cells can form in the deposits of corrosion products, leading to localized corrosion.", "Accelerated low-water corrosion (ALWC) is a particularly aggressive form of MIC that affects steel piles in seawater near the low water tide mark. It is characterized by an orange sludge, which smells of hydrogen sulfide when treated with acid. Corrosion rates can be very high and design corrosion allowances can soon be exceeded leading to premature failure of the steel pile. Piles that have been coated and have cathodic protection installed at the time of construction are not susceptible to ALWC", ". For unprotected piles, sacrificial anodes can be installed locally to the affected areas to inhibit the corrosion or a complete retrofitted sacrificial anode system can be installed. Affected areas can also be treated using cathodic protection, using either sacrificial anodes or applying current to an inert anode to produce a calcareous deposit, which will help shield the metal from further attack.", "Metal dusting", "Metal dusting is a catastrophic form of corrosion that occurs when susceptible materials are exposed to environments with high carbon activities, such as synthesis gas and other high-CO environments. The corrosion manifests itself as a break-up of bulk metal to metal powder. The suspected mechanism is firstly the deposition of a graphite layer on the surface of the metal, usually from carbon monoxide (CO) in the vapor phase", ". This graphite layer is then thought to form metastable M3C species (where M is the metal), which migrate away from the metal surface. However, in some regimes no M3C species is observed indicating a direct transfer of metal atoms into the graphite layer.", "Protection from corrosion \n\nVarious treatments are used to slow corrosion damage to metallic objects which are exposed to the weather, salt water, acids, or other hostile environments. Some unprotected metallic alloys are extremely vulnerable to corrosion, such as those used in neodymium magnets, which can spall or crumble into powder even in dry, temperature-stable indoor environments unless properly treated to discourage corrosion.", "Surface treatments \nWhen surface treatments are used to deter corrosion, great care must be taken to ensure complete coverage, without gaps, cracks, or pinhole defects. Small defects can act as an \"Achilles' heel\", allowing corrosion to penetrate the interior and causing extensive damage even while the outer protective layer remains apparently intact for a period of time.\n\nApplied coatings", "Plating, painting, and the application of enamel are the most common anti-corrosion treatments. They work by providing a barrier of corrosion-resistant material between the damaging environment and the structural material. Aside from cosmetic and manufacturing issues, there may be tradeoffs in mechanical flexibility versus resistance to abrasion and high temperature", ". Platings usually fail only in small sections, but if the plating is more noble than the substrate (for example, chromium on steel), a galvanic couple will cause any exposed area to corrode much more rapidly than an unplated surface would. For this reason, it is often wise to plate with active metal such as zinc or cadmium. If the zinc coating is not thick enough the surface soon becomes unsightly with rusting obvious. The design life is directly related to the metal coating thickness.", "Painting either by roller or brush is more desirable for tight spaces; spray would be better for larger coating areas such as steel decks and waterfront applications. Flexible polyurethane coatings, like Durabak-M26 for example, can provide an anti-corrosive seal with a highly durable slip resistant membrane. Painted coatings are relatively easy to apply and have fast drying times although temperature and humidity may cause dry times to vary.", "Nowadays, organic coatings made using petroleum based polymer are being replaced with many renewable source based organic coatings. Among various vehicles or binders, polyurethanes are the most explored polymer in such an attempts.", "Reactive coatings", "If the environment is controlled (especially in recirculating systems), corrosion inhibitors can often be added to it. These chemicals form an electrically insulating or chemically impermeable coating on exposed metal surfaces, to suppress electrochemical reactions. Such methods make the system less sensitive to scratches or defects in the coating, since extra inhibitors can be made available wherever metal becomes exposed", ". Chemicals that inhibit corrosion include some of the salts in hard water (Roman water systems are known for their mineral deposits), chromates, phosphates, polyaniline, other conducting polymers and a wide range of specially designed chemicals that resemble surfactants (i.e. long-chain organic molecules with ionic end groups).", "Anodization \n\nAluminium alloys often undergo a surface treatment. Electrochemical conditions in the bath are carefully adjusted so that uniform pores, several nanometers wide, appear in the metal's oxide film. These pores allow the oxide to grow much thicker than passivating conditions would allow. At the end of the treatment, the pores are allowed to seal, forming a harder-than-usual surface layer. If this coating is scratched, normal passivation processes take over to protect the damaged area.", "Anodizing is very resilient to weathering and corrosion, so it is commonly used for building facades and other areas where the surface will come into regular contact with the elements. While being resilient, it must be cleaned frequently. If left without cleaning, panel edge staining will naturally occur. Anodization is the process of converting an anode into cathode by bringing a more active anode in contact with it.", "Biofilm coatings\nA new form of protection has been developed by applying certain species of bacterial films to the surface of metals in highly corrosive environments. This process increases the corrosion resistance substantially. Alternatively, antimicrobial-producing biofilms can be used to inhibit mild steel corrosion from sulfate-reducing bacteria.\n\nControlled permeability formwork", "Controlled permeability formwork \n\nControlled permeability formwork (CPF) is a method of preventing the corrosion of reinforcement by naturally enhancing the durability of the cover during concrete placement. CPF has been used in environments to combat the effects of carbonation, chlorides, frost and abrasion.\n\nCathodic protection", "Cathodic protection \n\nCathodic protection (CP) is a technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. Cathodic protection systems are most commonly used to protect steel pipelines and tanks; steel pier piles, ships, and offshore oil platforms.\n\nSacrificial anode protection", "For effective CP, the potential of the steel surface is polarized (pushed) more negative until the metal surface has a uniform potential. With a uniform potential, the driving force for the corrosion reaction is halted. For galvanic CP systems, the anode material corrodes under the influence of the steel, and eventually it must be replaced. The polarization is caused by the current flow from the anode to the cathode, driven by the difference in electrode potential between the anode and the cathode", ". The most common sacrificial anode materials are aluminum, zinc, magnesium and related alloys. Aluminum has the highest capacity, and magnesium has the highest driving voltage and is thus used where resistance is higher. Zinc is general purpose and the basis for galvanizing.", "A number of problems are associated with sacrificial anodes. Among these, from an environmental perspective, is the release of zinc, magnesium, aluminum and heavy metals such as cadmium into the environment including seawater. From a working perspective, sacrificial anodes systems are considered to be less precise than modern cathodic protection systems such as Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems", ". Their ability to provide requisite protection has to be checked regularly by means of underwater inspection by divers. Furthermore, as they have a finite lifespan, sacrificial anodes need to be replaced regularly over time.", "Impressed current cathodic protection \nFor larger structures, galvanic anodes cannot economically deliver enough current to provide complete protection. Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems use anodes connected to a DC power source (such as a cathodic protection rectifier). Anodes for ICCP systems are tubular and solid rod shapes of various specialized materials. These include high silicon cast iron, graphite, mixed metal oxide or platinum coated titanium or niobium coated rod and wires.", "Anodic protection \n\nAnodic protection impresses anodic current on the structure to be protected (opposite to the cathodic protection). It is appropriate for metals that exhibit passivity (e.g. stainless steel) and suitably small passive current over a wide range of potentials. It is used in aggressive environments, such as solutions of sulfuric acid. Anodic protection is an electrochemical method of corrosion protection by keeping metal in passive state\n\nRate of corrosion", "Rate of corrosion\n\nThe formation of an oxide layer is described by the Deal–Grove model, which is used to predict and control oxide layer formation in diverse situations. A simple test for measuring corrosion is the weight loss method. The method involves exposing a clean weighed piece of the metal or alloy to the corrosive environment for a specified time followed by cleaning to remove corrosion products and weighing the piece to determine the loss of weight. The rate of corrosion (R) is calculated as", "where k is a constant,\nW is the weight loss of the metal in time t, A is the surface area of the metal exposed, and ρ is the density of the metal (in g/cm3).\n\nOther common expressions for the corrosion rate is penetration depth and change of mechanical properties.\n\nEconomic impact", "In 2002, the US Federal Highway Administration released a study titled \"Corrosion Costs and Preventive Strategies in the United States\" on the direct costs associated with metallic corrosion in the US industry. In 1998, the total annual direct cost of corrosion in the US was ca. $276 billion (ca. 3.2% of the US gross domestic product). Broken down into five specific industries, the economic losses are $22.6 billion in infrastructure; $17.6 billion in production and manufacturing; $29", ".6 billion in infrastructure; $17.6 billion in production and manufacturing; $29.7 billion in transportation; $20.1 billion in government; and $47.9 billion in utilities.", "Rust is one of the most common causes of bridge accidents. As rust displaces a much higher volume than the originating mass of iron, its build-up can also cause failure by forcing apart adjacent components. It was the cause of the collapse of the Mianus River Bridge in 1983, when support bearings rusted internally and pushed one corner of the road slab off its support. Three drivers on the roadway at the time died as the slab fell into the river below", ". Three drivers on the roadway at the time died as the slab fell into the river below. The following NTSB investigation showed that a drain in the road had been blocked for road re-surfacing, and had not been unblocked; as a result, runoff water penetrated the support hangers. Rust was also an important factor in the Silver Bridge disaster of 1967 in West Virginia, when a steel suspension bridge collapsed within a minute, killing 46 drivers and passengers who were on the bridge at the time.", "Similarly, corrosion of concrete-covered steel and iron can cause the concrete to spall, creating severe structural problems. It is one of the most common failure modes of reinforced concrete bridges. Measuring instruments based on the half-cell potential can detect the potential corrosion spots before total failure of the concrete structure is reached.", "Until 20–30 years ago, galvanized steel pipe was used extensively in the potable water systems for single and multi-family residents as well as commercial and public construction. Today, these systems have long ago consumed the protective zinc and are corroding internally, resulting in poor water quality and pipe failures", ". The economic impact on homeowners, condo dwellers, and the public infrastructure is estimated at 22 billion dollars as the insurance industry braces for a wave of claims due to pipe failures.", "Corrosion in nonmetals", "Most ceramic materials are almost entirely immune to corrosion. The strong chemical bonds that hold them together leave very little free chemical energy in the structure; they can be thought of as already corroded. When corrosion does occur, it is almost always a simple dissolution of the material or chemical reaction, rather than an electrochemical process", ". A common example of corrosion protection in ceramics is the lime added to soda-lime glass to reduce its solubility in water; though it is not nearly as soluble as pure sodium silicate, normal glass does form sub-microscopic flaws when exposed to moisture. Due to its brittleness, such flaws cause a dramatic reduction in the strength of a glass object during its first few hours at room temperature.", "Corrosion of polymers", "Polymer degradation involves several complex and often poorly understood physiochemical processes. These are strikingly different from the other processes discussed here, and so the term \"corrosion\" is only applied to them in a loose sense of the word. Because of their large molecular weight, very little entropy can be gained by mixing a given mass of polymer with another substance, making them generally quite difficult to dissolve", ". While dissolution is a problem in some polymer applications, it is relatively simple to design against.", "A more common and related problem is \"swelling\", where small molecules infiltrate the structure, reducing strength and stiffness and causing a volume change. Conversely, many polymers (notably flexible vinyl) are intentionally swelled with plasticizers, which can be leached out of the structure, causing brittleness or other undesirable changes.", "The most common form of degradation, however, is a decrease in polymer chain length. Mechanisms which break polymer chains are familiar to biologists because of their effect on DNA: ionizing radiation (most commonly ultraviolet light), free radicals, and oxidizers such as oxygen, ozone, and chlorine. Ozone cracking is a well-known problem affecting natural rubber for example. Plastic additives can slow these process very effectively, and can be as simple as a UV-absorbing pigment (e.g", ".g. titanium dioxide or carbon black). Plastic shopping bags often do not include these additives so that they break down more easily as ultrafine particles of litter.", "Corrosion of glass \n\nGlass is characterized by a high degree of corrosion-resistance. Because of its high water-resistance it is often used as primary packaging material in the pharma industry since most medicines are preserved in a watery solution. Besides its water-resistance, glass is also robust when exposed to certain chemically aggressive liquids or gases.", "Glass disease is the corrosion of silicate glasses in aqueous solutions. It is governed by two mechanisms: diffusion-controlled leaching (ion exchange) and hydrolytic dissolution of the glass network. Both mechanisms strongly depend on the pH of contacting solution: the rate of ion exchange decreases with pH as 10−0.5pH whereas the rate of hydrolytic dissolution increases with pH as 100.5pH.", "Mathematically, corrosion rates of glasses are characterized by normalized corrosion rates of elements NRi (g/cm2·d) which are determined as the ratio of total amount of released species into the water Mi (g) to the water-contacting surface area S (cm2), time of contact t (days) and weight fraction content of the element in the glass fi:\n\n.", "The overall corrosion rate is a sum of contributions from both mechanisms (leaching + dissolution) NRi=NRxi+NRh.", "Diffusion-controlled leaching (ion exchange) is characteristic of the initial phase of corrosion and involves replacement of alkali ions in the glass by a hydronium (H3O+) ion from the solution. It causes an ion-selective depletion of near surface layers of glasses and gives an inverse square root dependence of corrosion rate with exposure time. The diffusion-controlled normalized leaching rate of cations from glasses (g/cm2·d) is given by:", ",\n\nwhere t is time, Di is the i-th cation effective diffusion coefficient (cm2/d), which depends on pH of contacting water as Di = Di0·10–pH, and ρ is the density of the glass (g/cm3).\n \nGlass network dissolution is characteristic of the later phases of corrosion and causes a congruent release of ions into the water solution at a time-independent rate in dilute solutions (g/cm2·d):\n\n,", ",\n\nwhere rh is the stationary hydrolysis (dissolution) rate of the glass (cm/d). \nIn closed systems the consumption of protons from the aqueous phase increases the pH and causes a fast transition to hydrolysis. However, a further saturation of solution with silica impedes hydrolysis and causes the glass to return to an ion-exchange, e.g. diffusion-controlled regime of corrosion.", "In typical natural conditions normalized corrosion rates of silicate glasses are very low and are of the order of 10−7–10−5 g/(cm2·d). The very high durability of silicate glasses in water makes them suitable for hazardous and nuclear waste immobilisation.\n\nGlass corrosion tests", "Glass corrosion tests \n\nThere exist numerous standardized procedures for measuring the corrosion (also called chemical durability) of glasses in neutral, basic, and acidic environments, under simulated environmental conditions, in simulated body fluid, at high temperature and pressure, and under other conditions.", "The standard procedure ISO 719 describes a test of the extraction of water-soluble basic compounds under neutral conditions: 2 g of glass, particle size 300–500 μm, is kept for 60 min in 50 mL de-ionized water of grade 2 at 98 °C; 25 mL of the obtained solution is titrated against 0.01 mol/L HCl solution. The volume of HCl required for neutralization is classified according to the table below.", "The standardized test ISO 719 is not suitable for glasses with poor or not extractable alkaline components, but which are still attacked by water, e.g. quartz glass, B2O3 glass or P2O5 glass.\n\nUsual glasses are differentiated into the following classes:\n\nHydrolytic class 1 (Type I):\n\nThis class, which is also called neutral glass, includes borosilicate glasses (e.g. Duran, Pyrex, Fiolax).", "Glass of this class contains essential quantities of boron oxides, aluminium oxides and alkaline earth oxides. Through its composition neutral glass has a high resistance against temperature shocks and the highest hydrolytic resistance. Against acid and neutral solutions it shows high chemical resistance, because of its poor alkali content against alkaline solutions.\n\nHydrolytic class 2 (Type II):", "Hydrolytic class 2 (Type II):\n\nThis class usually contains sodium silicate glasses with a high hydrolytic resistance through surface finishing. Sodium silicate glass is a silicate glass, which contains alkali- and alkaline earth oxide and primarily sodium oxide and Calcium oxide.\n\nHydrolytic class 3 (Type III):\n\nGlass of the 3rd hydrolytic class usually contains sodium silicate glasses and has a mean hydrolytic resistance, which is two times poorer than of type 1 glasses.", "Acid class DIN 12116 and alkali class DIN 52322 (ISO 695) are to be distinguished from the hydrolytic class DIN 12111 (ISO 719).\n\nSee also\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\n \n\n \nGlass chemistry\nMetallurgy" ]
Ram Loevy
[ "Ram Loevy (Hebrew: רם לוי, born August 1, 1940) is an Israeli television director and screenwriter. He has written and directed and documentary films that challenge the status quo on such issues as class conflict, torture, the prison system, and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. In 1993, Loevy was awarded the Israel Prize in Communication, Radio and Television in 1993 for his life's work.\n\nLoevy is Professor Emeritus of Cinema and Television at Tel Aviv University.", "Biography", "Ram Loevy was the son of Theodor Loevy, a journalist and his wife Elisa, originally from Poland. His father was the editor of the Danziger Echo, a prominent Jewish newspaper in the Free City of Danzig, who had been jailed for publishing anti-Nazi articles in his paper. Upon his release he fled to Poland, but that country later expelled him in the months leading up to World War II, under pressure from the authorities in Nazi Germany", ". He and his wife arrived in Palestine just three months before Ram Loevy was born.", "Loevy grew up in Tel Aviv, where he attended the Carmel School and Municipal High School A. As a boy, he was active in the Scouts and in the paramilitary Gadna program, in which high school age boys and girls undergo paramilitary training in preparation for military service. It was in the Scouts that he met his wife Zipora. Upon being drafted to the Israel Defense Forces, he served in a Nahal unit that combined military training with agricultural work on a kibbutz", ". He was sent to Kibbutz Gal'ed in northern Israel, near the large Israeli Arab town of Umm al-Fahm. He later worked on Kibbutz Sde Boker in the Negev.", "Upon completing his military service, Loevy majored in Economics and Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. At the same time, he dabbled in theater by participating in student productions, and worked at the national Voice of Israel radio station as a program editor, actor, producer, director, and skit-writer.. In 1967, upon completing his degree, he traveled to London to attend the London Film School (then known as the London School of Film Technique)", ". Loevy's stay in London was cut short by the Six-Day War. Loevy returned to Israel to serve in the army. Soon after the war, he returned to London to continue his studies and worked as an assistant director at Elstree Studios for the British espionage/science fiction adventure series The Champions. At the same time, he was also an announcer for the BBC's Hebrew-language department.", "Media career\nLoevy made his first foray into film as the assistant director for a documentary film, Sand Screen by Baruch Dinar, with American journalist Drew Pearson. This was immediately followed by work on the documentary I Ahmad (1966), directed by Avshalom Katz, for which he served as the executive producer and co-screenwriter. The film told the story of an Arab laborer's journey from the Triangle to Tel Aviv.", "In 1968, while in London, Loevy proposed to create a documentary film about the many rifts in Israeli society. Though the BBC expressed interest in the project, Loevy abandoned it in order to return to Israel and help the Israel Broadcasting Authority launch the country's first attempt at television broadcasting, Channel 1, which began broadcasting on 2 May 1968. In addition to his work on the new channel's weekly shows, he also directed a number of documentary films for it:", "Barricades (1969), which examined the Arab-Israel conflict from the perspective of two families, one Jewish and one Palestinian.\n Israel in the '80s, (2 films, 1971), speculating on the future of Israeli education.\n Don't Think Twice, (1972), about preparations by the Habima Theatre for a new stage production by Nisim Aloni. The film was nominated for the prestigious Prix Italia for Radio and Television.\n Time Out (1975), on encounters between young Arabs and Jews.", "Already in these early works, Loevy focused on two themes that would dominate his laterprojects: the tense relationship between Arabs and Jews in Israel, and the role of education and art in shaping a society. His next documentary would introduce another key theme: the inequities of class disparity and discrimination between Jews and Arabs in Israel, and between Jewish Israelis.\n Second Generation Poor, (1976), was a two-part series that offered a chilling look at the effects of poverty in Israel.", "In 1971, he directed seven short films based on the poetry of Yiddish writer Kadya Moldovsky.", "First features for television\nThese films can be divided into two groups: two films released in 1972, and two released in 1975. They are:", "Rose Water from Port Said (1972), based on a story by Gideon Talpaz, tells of a landlady who runs a boarding house in Jerusalem at the time of the British Mandate. One day, she receives a Black slave from the Sudan as a gift. Though the film was set in the relatively distant past, in 1932, this first attempt at drama already hints at two of the major themes that appear throughout Loevy's later work: class distinctions and ethnic differences.", "The Fifth Hand, also from 1972, breaks from the serious nature of Loevy's themes to tell the story of a group of people addicted to the game of bridge. Nevertheless, his insights into the role that leisure activities play in people's lives would be echoed over thirty years later in one of his most riveting documentaries, Sakhnin, My Life, about the Bnei Sakhnin football club from the Arab town of Sakhnin.", "The Bride and the Butterfly Hunter (1974) is a quirky, surrealistic film version of a play by Nisim Aloni about a bride who flees her wedding and a clerk who flees his humdrum existence by escaping to the park every Wednesday afternoon to hunt—and release—butterflies. The encounter between the two takes place in a park, where political propaganda is broadcast over a loudspeaker system", ". Though this is not integral to the story, it indicates that even in the most whimsical encounters it is impossible to escape the overbearing presence of political forces exploiting the conflicts in Israel for their own advantage. This film was selected to represent Israel at the Prix Italia.", "Stella (1975) is a love story about an affair between a piano teacher and a messenger boy. It was also selected to represent Israel at the Prix Italia.", "Khirbet Khize", "In 1978, Loevy was propelled into the spotlight for his dramatization of the novella Khirbet Khize (חרבת חיזעה) by S. Yizhar. The story, written in May 1949, tells of how Israeli soldiers expelled the Palestinian inhabitants of the fictional village of Khirbet Khize from their homes toward the end of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Though controversial, the story was well-known, and had been incorporated into the Israeli curriculum. S", ". S. Yizhar was a highly respected author, a recipient of the Israel Prize, and served in the Knesset from 1949 to 1967.", "Loevy first proposed the dramatization of the story in 1972, but was rejected by the Israel Broadcasting Authority. He submitted the proposal again in 1977, this time with a script by Daniella Carmi, hoping that the film would be used to mark Israel's 30th Independence Day. This time the film was approved, and he was given a budget of IL700,000, an enormous sum at the time. He filmed in the West Bank and completed the film in August of that year", ". He filmed in the West Bank and completed the film in August of that year. There was some debate over whether the film should be screened because of its controversial nature, but after a screening before the board of the IBA, it was decided to go ahead", ". In 1977, while the film was being produced, a new government headed by Menachem Begin was voted into power, Anwar Sadat visited Jerusalem, and people from across the political spectrum began to question whether it should be screened, given the sensitivity of potential peace negotiations. Khirbet Khize was originally planned to be aired on 16 January 1978, but on that day the joint Israeli-Egyptian Political Committee first met in Jerusalem, and it was deemed inappropriate", ". When the talks broke down in February, it was decided to screen the film in the context of a political talk show to enable a public debate. A decision was made to reconvene the IBA board to make a final decision, as two members were opposed, but in the end, Minister of Education Zevulon Hammer stepped in and blocked the film from being aired at all.", "This prompted a bitter debate in Israel, with Knesset member Yossi Sarid of the Labor Party declaring that \"Freedom of expression in Israel has been brought to half mast!\". Some reports even claimed that Begin himself was stunned that the film was being censored", ". Some reports even claimed that Begin himself was stunned that the film was being censored. In protest at the ministerial decision, IBA employees decided to black out the broadcast for 48 minutes during the night that Khirbet Khize was to be screened (February 6, 1978) to protest the IBA's decision to allow the government to intervene in television broadcasting. The next week, the Board of the IBA decided to screen the film", ". The next week, the Board of the IBA decided to screen the film. It aired on 13 February 1978, and Ram Loevy earned the reputation of an iconoclast who was willing and able to fight a deeply politicized system. This was a turning point in his career, and his later films continued to challenge the established mythology of modern Israel.", "Loevy then made two documentary films about the theatre and its role in society. It was a theme he had addressed in Don't Think Twice, but these films highlighted the role he believed theatre plays in the political discourse.", "Playing Devils, Playing Angels (1979) followed a Haifa theatre troupe to the development town of Kiryat Shmona on the tense northern border with Lebanon. The border town had been the site of a massacre of eighteen people (including nine children) in 1974, and had long been the target of Katyusha rocket attacks from across the border", ". What distinguished this film however, was its depiction of the encounter between volunteers from the relatively affluent cities and what became known as the \"Second Israel\": impoverished Mizrahi Jews of Middle Eastern and North African descent. Attitudes toward this underclass would emerge as a major theme in Loevy's work.", "Nebuchadnezzar in Caesarea (1980), about a performance of Giuseppe Verdi's opera Nabucco by the Deutsche Oper Berlin at the ancient Roman amphitheatre in Caesarea. The opera tells the story of Nebuchadnezzar, who destroyed the biblical Kingdom of Judah", ". The opera tells the story of Nebuchadnezzar, who destroyed the biblical Kingdom of Judah. It was performed in a theatre built by the Romans, who destroyed Judah's successor state, the Hasmonean kingdom of Judea, by the successor generation of Nazi Germany, which perpetrated the Holocaust against the Jewish people, successors of Judah and Judea, in their own, newly established homeland. The nationalist aria \"Va, pensiero!\"—a highlight of the opera—had especial significance for the audience", ". The line O mia patria, si bella e perduta (\"O my country, so lovely and so lost\"), sung by Jewish exiles, particularly resonated with the audience. In another poignant scene, the opera's German producer apologized to a group of Jewish extras for asking them to play Babylonians, while German performers played persecuted Jews.", "Indian in the Sun (1981) was based on a short story by Israeli journalist and author Adam Baruch, with a script by Dita Guery (with Micha Levtov and Ram Loevy). In Playing Devils, Playing Angels, Loevy examined the relationship between affluent, urban Israelis and the \"Second Israel\" as a documentarian. In this film, he dramatized the conflicts and similarities between the two groups", ". In this film, he dramatized the conflicts and similarities between the two groups. The story revolves around Laufer (played by Doron Nesher), an Israeli soldier from the wealthy suburbs of northern Tel Aviv, who is ordered to accompany another soldier, known only as \"the Indian (played by Haim Gerafi)\", to prison. \"The Indian\" was a dark-skinned Cochin Jew and a moshavnik (though Gerafi himself was an Ethiopian Jew), and the film highlights the patronizing attitude that Laufer has to his charge", ". Over time, however, and as the driver (played by Moshe Ivgy) watches, the two realize that they share a common enemy in the Establishment, and Laufer even offers to help the Indian escape. All the while, the driver watches in trepidation as two extremes of the Israeli social spectrum find that they have more in common than they thought, and begin to forge an alliance between them", ". The film won the Harp of David Award for the best Israeli television production of the year, as well as the Israeli Broadcasting Authority Award.", "Loevy spent 1983 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He had more than anyone shaped the direction of Israeli television as a medium addressing the country's major social issues, and for this he was awarded a Nieman Fellowship by Harvard University. Among the other fellows with whom he studies was Alex Jones, winner of the 1987 Pulitzer Prize", ". Among the other fellows with whom he studies was Alex Jones, winner of the 1987 Pulitzer Prize. During his year in Harvard, he studied what he called \"epic television\", and wrote about how a single night of watching American television—(Family Business, the news, and The Love Boat, plus commercials) could be compared to a three-act drama by Bertolt Brecht. He bemoaned the idea of a politically neutral medium of television, and concluded \"Television was almost never neutral", ". On the rare occasions when it took a stand, (McCarthy, the Vietnam War, Watergate), it helped bring a significant change.\"", "Upon returning to Israel, Loevy made a series of four documentary films for Israel TV, PBS, and England's Channel 4:\n The End of the Bathing Season (1983, for Israel TV), about the present, as seen by archeologists of the future.\n The Buck Stops in Brazil (1983, for PBS), about Brazil's national debt.\n Between the River and the Sea (1984, Channel 4) about Rafik Halabi, then a Druze television correspondent in Israel.", "The Million Dollar Scan (1985, PBS/Israel TV coproduction), about the Israeli company Elscint and its magnetic resonance imaging equipment. In 1972 Elscint was the first Israeli company to have an initial public offering on NASDAQ, but in the 1980s, the company suffered a series of severe financial losses that required a government bailout.", "At the same time, he was preparing to embark on the project for which he is best known today, a drama about the Second Israel that would shake the country to its core.\n\nBread (Lehem)", "A few years before Loevy left for Harvard, Israel Television commissioned two young scriptwriters, Gilad Evron and Meir Doron, to write a story about the \"Second Israel.\" Loevy had begun to explore this topic in his earlier works such as Indian in the Sun, and when he returned to Israel, he was presented with the first draft of their script", ". He and the writers spent two years rewriting the script and visiting the development towns of Yeruham, Dimona, and Sderot to meet with the local residents whose stories they wanted to tell, and producing sixteen more drafts until the story was finalized.", "In an interview, Loevy later explained the significance of these encounters to him:", "The gap between rich and poor is enormous in a country that was once the most egalitarian nation in the world. In the youth movements, Zionism was seen as the Jewish way of achieving social justice that would encompass the whole world. That ideal has been shattered. Now we have the pretension of being an open and attentive socialist welfare state, but in fact, that message only comes from a single direction. The system only responds to those who shout. Those who are silent remain on the outside", ". The system only responds to those who shout. Those who are silent remain on the outside. The basic human element has disappeared from the system.", "Loevy was determined to tell the story of the silenced masses, and he was determined to do it not by shouting but by silence. At a 2006 retrospective of his work, Loevy was introduced as an artist who \"creates a silent scream in a soft but overwhelming voice.\" The result was his film Bread (לחם).", "The film tells the story of a Job-like character, Shlomo Elmaliach (played by Rami Danon), who loses his job at his town's local bakery when it is forced to close. Rather than join the other unemployed protesters, Elmaliach locks himself in his home and launches a very personal hunger strike. At first people come to visit him at home, and there's even a rumor that television reporters might show up (quickly dismissed by Elmaliach's friend Zaguri, \"They only come when there's a ruckus", ".\") Gradually, even Elmaliach's friends abandon him, and he ends up dragging his family down with him. A son (played by Moshe Ivgy) seeks radical solutions to poverty, a daughter (played by Etti Ankri) who escaped to Tel Aviv to study returns home and takes a job on a production line, and Elmaliach's wife (played by Rivka Bechar) takes a job as a seamstress. At the end of the film, the factory is reopened as a result of all the protests, but by then it is too late for Shlomo Elmaliach.", "When Bread was aired in 1986, unemployment was skyrocketing in Israel after a period of relative affluence, and even the Israel Broadcasting Authority had just fired all of its contractors. The social impact was of the film was felt throughout the country, with one critic calling it a \"punch in the stomach.\" That year it was awarded the Prix Italia for television fiction. According to the prize's jury:", "Bread is more than the story of a family on the fringes of the Israeli society. It is a commentary on the universal problems of unemployment, pride, stress, and the nature of human life.", "Loevy examined the role of music and film in society in two documentary films:\n Voice of the Multitude (1987) looked at the role that popular choirs had played in defining the national soundtrack.\n In the Seventh Sky (1991), more properly described as a training film, produced for Israel's Ministry of Education and Culture, offered a glimpse into how films are created by combining methods, tools, and human emotions to create an illusion of reality.", "Rather than tackle literature the same way, Loevy chose instead to adapt major literary works to the medium of television. In each of these, the works themselves tackled major issues facing Israeli society. In these cases, Loevy saw himself as a conduit by which he could bring the work of leading Israeli authors and playwrights and the issues they tackled to a broader public.", "Winter Games (1988) was based on a story by Yitzhak Ben-Ner, adapted to the screen by Dita Guery (together with Meir Doron, Gilad Evron, and Ram Loevy, who had earlier collaborated on Bread). Ostensibly the story of the Jewish underground movement fighting against the British in Mandatory Palestine as seen from the perspective of a young boy, it is also a classic Bildungsroman about a boy transitioning into manhood with all the responsibilities that this entails", ". At the same time, however, it can also be seen as a metaphor for the State of Israel and its transition from youthful idealism of its founders' generation to the recognition of the stark realities facing a nation in its forties.", "Crowned (1989) tackles a similar theme, but from the perspective of the founding fathers. The film, based on a play by author Yaakov Shabtai (adapted by Ephraim Sidon and Ram Loevy), is an intense comedy based on the final days of the biblical King David. As his life approaches its end, he faces the most difficult task of his forty-year reign—giving up his crown to the next generation. Or perhaps he might even find a way to keep the crown for himself", ". Or perhaps he might even find a way to keep the crown for himself. The fact that this film was aired when Israel was itself forty years old was not lost on its audience.", "Butsche (1992), based on a play by Yosef Bar-Yosef (script by Gilad Evron) tackles the religious divide within Israeli society in much the same way that Bread tackled the socio-economic divide. It is the story of an ultra-Orthodox man who returns home to his family in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem after being expelled by his father twelve years earlier for committing adultery", ". A reviewer wrote of the film that \"Levy undermines what the secular think they know about the haredim, what haredim perhaps think they know about the secular....\"", "One final film in this period was an original work scripted by Daniella Carmi. The Woman Who Stopped Eating (1991) is the story of a troubled scriptwriter who wants to write a feature film about a woman who stops eating. She turns to a film director who is also going through a crisis in his life, and together they begin to weave a story about this imaginary woman", ". The tension soon erupts, however, because the screenwriter wants to keep her story in the realm of the imaginary, while the director struggles to adopt a more realistic approach to the storyline. In some way, the story reflected the tensions marking Loevy's own career as both a documentarian and a dramatist.", "Israel Prize", "In 1993, when Loevy was at work on a documentary, he received the news that he had been awarded the Israel Prize for his lifework. It was the most prestigious honor that the Israeli government awards to its citizens, given annually to people from a wide range of fields who have made a significant contribution to Israeli culture, the sciences, or the country in general", ". It was only the second time that the prize was awarded to an individual for his contributions to television (the other was Moti Kirschenbaum), though in 1985, the country's Arabic-language television broadcasts also received the award. According to the jury that awarded the prize,", "\"On the one hand, a prominent feature of his work in film is the desire to bring to a wider public of viewers an inner understanding and empathy for the way of life, the outlook on the world, and the motives that govern the actions of those known as \"the fringe of society\"—the homeless, the inhabitants of development towns, the Arabs, and the ultra-Orthodox.", "The newspaper Yediot Ahronot reported that, \"Israel Prize Winner Making Film about the Secret Service's 'Torture Chambers.'\" Loevy's project, The Film that Wasn't, was a two-part documentary on interrogation methods in Israel, both within the Green Line (Episode 1) and in the Occupied Territories (Episode 2). In 1987, an official commission headed by the former President of the Supreme Court Moshe Landau ruled that \"moderate physical pressure\" might sometimes be necessary as an interrogation tool", ". What the second episode really investigated was what was being defined as \"moderate physical pressure.\" The two episodes were scheduled to be aired one week apart in October–November 1993.", "While the first episode aired as planned, Kirschenbaum, then Director-General of the Israel Broadcasting Authority, was reluctant to screen the second episode until all three groups that interrogated prisoners—the police, the Shin Bet, and the military—responded to the allegations against them. Both the police and the Shin Bet did, but the IDF refused to respond to the charges of an anonymous young reservist, who claimed on camera to have been involved in the physical and mental abuse of prisoners", ". Even when it finally agreed to respond, it refused to ensure that the whistleblower's anonymity would be protected. The second episode finally aired almost eight months after the first, on 14 June 2004.", "Some people claimed that Loevy should have been denied the Israel Prize. Others came to his defense, with one critic writing: \"The Israeli establishment had no choice but to embrace Loevy and grant him the Israel Prize in 1993, but even this did not succeed in silencing his penetrating voice and lightening his uncompromising perspective on Israeli society.\"\n\nThis view was also echoed in the citation of the jury explaining why it selected Loevy:", "\"Equally worthy of special mention is his persistent struggle to show themes regarded as 'unacceptable,' though they touch on fundamental truths about Israeli society.... Given this context, his work is marked by boldness and at the same time a great sense of responsibility. Two films that he made [Barricades and Khirbet Khize] had their first television screening delayed...", ".... In his struggle to bring these films before the viewer despite the fact that they treated controversial topics—a struggle which more than once led to the impugning of his personal and professional credibility—Loevy proved that he was not merely a maker of documentary films but first and foremost an artist with a point of view which he strives to bring before the viewer for him to grapple with.\"", "Over the next few years, Loevy was embarked on four major projects. The first of these was The Child Dreams (1994), an adaptation of a new play (1993) by noted Israeli playwright Hanoch Levin. The play itself was a remarkable achievement, inspired originally by the saga of the Saint Louis, but transformed over time into an \"operatic\" metaphor about death and the loss of faith in messianic redemption that transcends any historical setting", ". In the words of theater critic Michael Handelzaltz, \"It is a moving play, evoking compassion and identification. It is shocking, farcical, warped, grotesque, and amazing.\"", "This was followed by Loevy's adaptation of Mr. Mani, a best-selling epic saga by Israeli author A.B. Yehoshua, with a script by longtime collaborator Gilad Evron. The novel is based on five conversations that tell the story of five generations of a Turkish–Greek-Jewish family, but in a larger sense, it is the story of Jewish and Israeli identity over the past two centuries. Originally, Loevy was hesitant about adapting the book for television, and asked the author: \"You already have a book", ". Why do you need a movie?\"", "In the book, five distinct \"mono-dialogues\", a term Loevy himself used in personal correspondence, are used to tell the story of the family to an assumed listening partner, who is neither seen nor heard. Each of these mono-dialogues is different, and given by different people in different languages or period-appropriate forms of Hebrew. Loevy captured this in the film, creating a new television vocabulary", ". Loevy captured this in the film, creating a new television vocabulary. The \"mono-dialogue\" technique eliminated the \"fourth wall\" taboo of television and film, according to which the audience absolves itself of traditional neutrality and assumes the role of a character in the story. In Loevy's own words, \"Television demands text, but the television viewer is used to getting the complete text. Every question has an answer....\" In Mr", ". Every question has an answer....\" In Mr. Mani, the role of respondent is filled by the camera and, by extension, the audience itself. \"As soon as the speaker turns to the camera—in other words, to the audience, speaking directly to it in a way that demands an answer, it is as if the speaker stepped out of the screen, almost like in Woody Allen's The Purple Rose of Cairo. The viewer is shaken up. The artificial nature of the situation itself in Mr. Mani screams its presence.\"", ". The artificial nature of the situation itself in Mr. Mani screams its presence.\". Like the characters in Luigi Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author, the characters cease being the subjects of scrutiny by some external viewer. The external viewer, i.e., the audience, becomes a partner in dialogue with the actors and an active participant in the story.", "Loevy later said that, \"As the person responsible for the artistic aspect of the production, I was eulogized on one hand and derided on the other. Since it was first screened in 1996, Mr. Mani has won considerable acclaim for the way that it redefined the medium of television by transforming the viewer into an active participant. Mr. Mani was a critical success, and represented Israel at INPUT (the International Public Television Screening Conference) 1998.", "In 1999 Loevy expanded his scope to tackle a new issue that was rising to the forefront of Israeli consciousness: environmentalism. Fourteen Footnotes to a Garbage Mountain was a documentary film about the Hiriya, once Israel's national garbage dump, on the outskirts of Tel Aviv. To Israelis, however, the Hiriya is more than a dumpsite. It is a physical landmark—a flat-topped mountain (87 m)—towering over the heavily urbanized coastal plain and the Ayalon River", ". Loevy succeeded in capturing the world of the Hiriya in its final days, as it was transformed from a dump to a recycling center and national park. He documented life around the site, and the art that sprouted up from its role—once mocked—as a national compost heap.", "Loevy's next documentary film, Letters in the Wind (2001), was a tribute to noted Israeli actor Yossi Banai, one of the country's most noted performers and scion of a well-established theatrical family. Banai was particularly close to Nisim Aloni, whose plays featured prominently in Loevy's early films, and he was also close friends with Yaakov Shabtai (Crowned) and Hanoch Levin (The Child Dreams), two artists whose work Loevy also adapted for the screen", ". By making this film about Banai, it was as if Loevy had captured the artistic pulse of an entire generation that had dominated Israeli theater.", "Banai, however, was also known as a singer, and his interpretations of the chansons of Jacques Brel and especially Georges Brassens in Hebrew (translated by Naomi Shemer) had endeared him to an even wider public. Banai's music featured prominently in the film, so that the pulse it captured turned into what one reviewer termed \"a metronome of Yossi Banai's life.\"", "Three television dramas", "Shortly before Letters in the Wind, Loevy directed a miniseries, Policeman (2000), based on a script by Galia Oz and Ofer Mashiach. In 1997, Loevy approached Moti Kirschenbaum with plans to direct a miniseries about a murder that took place in a fictional television station, Channel 66. Kirschenbaum approved of the project, but the following year Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to replace Kirschenbaum with Uri Porat", ". Porat had previously served as Director-General of the Israel Broadcasting Authority from 1984 to 1989, and was Director-General when Loevy produced Bread. Porat, however, was also closely aligned with the rightwing of the Israeli political spectrum, and had even referred to one of Hanoch Levin's anti-militaristic early plays as \"theatrash\". The problem with Loevy's project, he claimed, was the plot and budgetary constraints", ". The problem with Loevy's project, he claimed, was the plot and budgetary constraints.<ref name=Kupfer>See Ruta Kupfer, \"Murder on Channel 66 in Haaretz, 10 December 2001.</ref>", "Loevy denies that the script for Murder in Television House (2001) was a critique of Israeli public television. He had enlisted Batya Gur, a popular writer of detective fiction, to tell the story of a murder that took place in Channel 66, a fictional commercial television station. Some critics, however, considered the story to be a settling of accounts with Channel 1", ". Some critics, however, considered the story to be a settling of accounts with Channel 1. The film revolves around several plot axes, one of which is the story of a veteran director who wants to make a film about the story \"Ido and Einam\" by the Nobel laureate Shmuel Yosef Agnon, but has the project rejected by the petty authorities who manage the station. The director decides to make the film anyway, but his girlfriend, the set designer is soon murdered, initiating a chain of murders at the station", ". Two factors adding to the complexity of the story is the fact that the murdered woman is also the ex-wife of the director's close friend, the station's senior programming manager, and the Agnon story that he is filming is also a story about a love triangle.", "When he rejected the film, Porat reportedly said, \"People will think that there really are murders taking place here. In fact, the film opens with the line, \"All of the events described in this film are fictional—except for one\", leading the audience to wonder which one it is. That is not, however, the only reference to real events in Israeli television", ". The Hebrew name of the film, רצח, מצלמים (Retzach, metzalmim, literally, \"Murder, we're filming\"), is a play on the name of a popular TV show, שקט, מצלמים (Sheket, metzalmim, or \"Quiet, we're filming\"), and among the subplots are a news story about striking workers (a continuation of the story Loevy began in Bread) (other news stories being covered throughout the film include tensions between religious and secular, men and women, the unemployed and the wealthy, Arabs and Jews", ", men and women, the unemployed and the wealthy, Arabs and Jews, and new immigrants—the detective investigating the murders is a Russian immigrant, who once served in the KGB and the FBI)", ".", "What makes the film most shocking, however, is the final discovery that the roots of the murder date back to an incident the Six Day War, when a group of Israeli soldiers massacred 52 Egyptian prisoners at Ras Sudar in the Sinai. Loevy later admitted that this was the one incident in the plot that was not fictional. It was based on an account he had heard from a participant in 1970, while he was serving in the reserves", ". He went on to report the incident to the military authorities and, in consequence, was removed from his unit. He had long wanted to make a film about the incident, but lacked the evidence to prove conclusively what had happened. Loevy later said:", "\"When the Six Day War ended, everyone thought that the 'mother of all wars' was over and we won. I was terrified and thought to myself, 'What would happen to our prisoners there if this story gets out?' Nevertheless, I feel that we must not be silent.... People say that these things happen in wartime and that there is loyalty to the army and loyalty among the troops, which causes these things to disappear beneath the carpet", ". But I believe that we are betraying our real responsibility, which is to take these skeletons out of the closet, even if we think that the enemy has more skeletons than us. We must not be silent. We are all part of this terrible conspiracy of silence, and it is eating us up inside.\"", "When Porat refused to produce the story, Loevy resigned from Channel 1. It was the end of a 31-year relationship. Channel 2 bought the rights to the series and Loevy directed it for them. Nevertheless, Loevy insists, \"I had no intention of settling accounts with Channel 1. I love them like family.\" But the underlying story behind Murder in Television House had haunted him almost since he began working at Israeli television. It was a story that he needed to tell, and it made no difference where he told it.", "Since then, Loevy made one more television drama, Skin (2005), written by Shoham Smith, about a former stripper who works in the Diamond Exchange District in Ramat Gan, gets involved in a murder. Throughout most of the decade, however, his work focused on documentary films.\n\nThe 2000s", "Over the remainder of the decade, Loevy directed seven documentary films:\n Close, Closed, Closure (also known as Gaza, L'enfermement, 2002) is a chilling account of life in the Gaza Strip, a place that Loevy describes as \"a prison with one million inmates.\" An Israeli-French coproduction, it was one of very few Israeli films screened in the Arab world, airing on SOREAD in Morocco and on three separate occasions on Al Arabiya television in the United Arab Emirates.", "Genifa, Genifa (2003) is the story of an Israeli reserve unit that served during the Yom Kippur War.\n May I Hug You (2004) addresses the issue of homelessness through the story of a theater company that is producing a play about the phenomenon.", "Sakhnin, My Life (2006), also an Israeli-French coproduction, is a sports story about the Bnei Sakhnin football club from the Arab town of Sakhnin, the first team from an Arab town to win the State Cup in football, Israel's most popular sport.", "Enter the Devil Drummer (2007) is an account of a group of young Israelis that travels to a small village in Mali to learn to play the djembe, and ends up learning more about themselves.", "Barks (2007) is, ostensibly, the story of Israel as seen through the eyes of its dogs, though it is more about its owners than the pets themselves. Loevy explained that the inspiration for the film was the dog Dooby that he grew up with as a child, and a scene he once witnessed in an affluent neighborhood in Tel Aviv. It was there that he first encountered a dog with an electric collar, which would deliver a shock every time the animal barked", ". Though this never appears in the film, the incident eventually made him think about how Israelis are usually so kind to their dogs, even though they can act so cruelly to others. \"The film is about Israeli society\", he said, \"about our racism.\"", "In The Games They Play (2009) Loevy returns to the world of sport to document an international student basketball tournament that endeavors to promote peace between nations.", "In 2007, Loevy also served as producer for the film The Woman From The Bubble about a young woman who translates sign language. It was an emotional project for Ram Loevy, not least because the film's director, Netta Loevy, was his daughter.", "Loey's first full length film, The Dead of Jaffa'', is being written by his longtime collaborator Gilad Evron and produced by director-producer Eran Riklis. It is an intimate look at Arab life in the city of Jaffa both in 1947 and today. In an interview, Loevy said: \"'I want to make a film for the big screen, but I am also afraid, because television is so human. It has human dimensions. It's there in the living room. Film has a mythical dimension to it. Its characters are distant gods, larger than life.\"", "See also\nList of Israel Prize recipients\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nFaculty page at Tel Aviv University\n\nLiving people\nIsraeli film directors\nIsraeli Jews\nIsraeli people of Polish-Jewish descent\nIsraeli male screenwriters\nIsrael Prize in communication recipients\n1940 births" ]
Los Bastardos
[ "Precious Hearts Romances Presents: Los Bastardos ({{Literal translation|The Bastards}}) is a 2018 Philippine drama television series under Precious Hearts Romances loosely based on the Filipino pocket book novel Cardinal Bastards by Vanessa, starring Ronaldo Valdez, Jake Cuenca, Marco Gumabao, Albie Casiño, Joshua Colet, Joseph Marco (seasons 2-3), Diego Loyzaga (season 1), and Gloria Diaz", ". The series premiered on ABS-CBN's Kapamilya Gold afternoon block and worldwide via The Filipino Channel from October 15, 2018 to September 27, 2019, replacing Precious Hearts Romances Presents: Araw Gabi and was replaced by Sandugo. The series was inspired by Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov.", "Plot summary\n\nBook One\nLos Bastardos is based on the Cardinal Bastards series of Precious Hearts Romances Presents. The story follows the lives of five brothers struggling with one another for their rightful place in their father's heart. The root of their conflict stems from betrayals and secrets surrounding the individuals surrounding Don Roman Cardinal.", "Don Roman is the illegitimate son of Don Ismael Cardinal, a wealthy sugar cane plantation owner of the fictitious region of Victorino in the rural outskirts of Manila, Philippines. He reunites with his father as an adult, eventually inherits his father's hacienda and starts a life with his small family when tragedy strikes and he loses his wife Soledad and son, Roman Jr.", "Despite the tragedy, Don Roman pursues their dreams to expand and diversify the Hacienda and build a liquor distillery using ingredients from his sugar cane produce.", "Throughout his unhappy and lonely life, Don Roman builds a successful empire and sires five sons from four different women. All his sons inherit his handsome physique, tenacity, superior physical strength and astuteness that serves them well in their respective fields, but two sons do not benefit from his inherent kindness because of the family environment they grow up in.", "Roman Jr, later known as Isagani, is Don Roman's legitimate firstborn son with his wife Soledad, his true love. Don Roman and the town folks fear his young family perished in the mudslide. In fact, Soledad slips him into a passing produce truck. She pins her wedding ring on his shirt praying it would lead him to his father someday, but fails to get on the truck as it picks up speed to escape the oncoming mudslide. The child is raised by the farmers who discover the infant in their truck", ". The child is raised by the farmers who discover the infant in their truck. Isagani Esperanza inherits his father's good qualities of kindness, compassion and bravery, as well as his father's physical strength, entrepreneurship and unique taste buds, essential for developing fine brandy. He formulates an arrack he calls Coco Brandy, when he was a student in Manila. Isagani buys a small coconut farm to set up his own distillery", ". Isagani buys a small coconut farm to set up his own distillery. He has the opportunity to realize his dreams when he is sought after by two major distilleries to partner with: the Cardinals and Silverios. Isagani chooses to partner up with the Cardinals because he admires Roman's kindness and fairness. A bond forms between Roman and Isagani though neither are aware of their kinship.", "Joaquin is Alba Santillan's son. Alba is a spoiled heiress obsessed with Roman but fails to win his affection. She gets rid of Soledad and her infant by pushing them off the cliff. While grieving for Soledad, she seduces him one night and then tells him she is pregnant with his second son, Joaquin. In truth, she is already pregnant by her parents' gardener, Enrico. Roman loves the infant like his firstborn, and brings Alba and their son to live in his estate where he is raised as Roman's natural son", ". He never marries Alba but allows her to live as the mistress of the mansion for the sake of their son. Among the five brothers, Joaquin is the only son who grows up under his care. Joaquin has a strong and loving relationship with his father and inherits his father's fairness and kindness. Joaquin does not have the malevolent and selfish traits of his mother. He grows up to lead the management team of Cardinal Distillery, loved by all", ". He grows up to lead the management team of Cardinal Distillery, loved by all. Alba tries her best to poison Joaquin's mind against Isagani, but Joaquin's innate goodness prevails and he decides not to listen to his mother. He leaves for America to sort out his feelings, but tragedy struck when Joaquin died in a plane crash on ill-fated flight of LAKAN AIRLINES LAK271 or Flight 271 on his return. Alba's liaisons with the gardener is revealed at his memorial services", ". Alba's liaisons with the gardener is revealed at his memorial services. Despite the revelation Roman mourns Joaquin's passing and sends Alba away.", "Matteo is Maddie Asuncion Silverio's son. Maddie is the emotionally abused socialite wife of Menandro Silverio and sole heiress of the Asuncion fortune. Drawn to the lonely Don Roman, their affair produces a son, Matteo, but she ends their relationship and raises the child as a Silverio, business rivals of the Cardinals; Aware of his wife's and Roman's betrayal, Menandro uses Matteo as his secret pawn for revenge against them", ". He raises the child to fear him, devoid of character and moral values, encourage his greed and teaches him to despise the Cardinals. Matteo yearns for his father's approval but never gets it as his father is abusive to his children and wife. Matteo grows up in a household filled with cruelty, hatred and fear.", "Connor is Pilar's son, Roman's childhood friend who became a prostitute. Roman tries to save her from this life, and in their loneliness, they have a relationship. When Alba learns that Pilar is pregnant with Connor, Alba confronts her, and successfully taunts Pilar into leaving Roman for a wealthy client in Japan. Disillusioned with her life, she takes her pain out on Connor and abuses him", ". Disillusioned with her life, she takes her pain out on Connor and abuses him. She tries to sell him to a stranger for sex but is rescued by Fausto, a con artist, who raises Connor along the same path. The trauma of his mother's rejection changes Connor, his longing for a family is replaced with hatred towards his father who he believes abandoned him.", "And finally there is Lucas, Sita's son. Sita is an orphan raised in the Santillan household. She grows up as Alba's personal maid and witnesses Alba's duplicitous actions to ensnare Roman. In love with Roman herself, they have a brief affair and produce Lucas. When Alba discovers their relationship, she threatens to take Joaquin away", ". When Alba discovers their relationship, she threatens to take Joaquin away. As a concession, Roman agrees not to acknowledge Lucas as his natural son but is firm that Lucas and his mother live in the estate where Lucas is raised as companion to his son Joaquin. As a result, Lucas grows up in the Cardinal household, treated like family but never knowing the man he serves is his own father. Roman loves Lucas and treats him with respect. He also teaches Joaquin to treat Lucas like a younger brother", ". He also teaches Joaquin to treat Lucas like a younger brother. Lucas inherits his father's leadership skills, and his mother's patience and gentle nature. He later learns about his paternity, and though conflicted at first, steps into his role as a Cardinal with strength and grace and serves his father well.", "Ultimately, the five brothers’ lives collide as they learn who their true father is.", "Connor is the first son to discover his father's identity. Renowned in the criminal underworld as the best con artist, he makes it his personal mission to bring his father down, believing his mother's lies that Don Roman abandoned them. He ingratiates himself with Isagani and Lucas to get close to Don Roman", ". He ingratiates himself with Isagani and Lucas to get close to Don Roman. Isagani and Lucas expose his dubious activities prompting Connor to admit his true identity, but surprisingly, he gains the protection of Roman Cardinal, who is more than happy to reconcile with his son. Connor bides his time to win his father's trust. His ulterior motive is to gain access to all of the Cardinals’ bank accounts, which he intends to transfer to his secret account. But his agenda changes after several attempts fail", ". But his agenda changes after several attempts fail. He softens towards his father as he learns to trust and believe his father's unconditional love and acceptance of Connor, who always wanted a family to belong to.", "Matteo, motivated at first to please his father Menandro, learns the truth that Roman is his real father. His keen astuteness allows him to swiftly figure out Menandro's real agenda. Furious over Menandro's treachery, he promptly strips him of his power and takes over the Silverio machinery, when he becomes the sole beneficiary of his mother's wealth. His hatred for Menandro equals his hatred for Don Roman, who he blames is the root of his miserable life", ". He plans to destroy him and take over the Cardinal empire.", "Soon after Roman learns about his three sons, he discovers his lost first born son Roman Jr is Isagani Esperanza. The news is welcomed by Lucas but not by Matteo and Connor who realize Isagani is the legitimate son and another barrier to their evil plans.\n\nAlthough they come from different worlds, the discovery that they are siblings affects each of the sons who carry the baggage of their fatherless youths.", "Unlike Isagani and Lucas who embrace their kinship, Connor and Matteo blame their miserable lives on their father.\n\nBut as Roman attempts to reunite his sons, the greedy and vengeful individuals in his life make sure he fails: Menandro Silverio is determined to use Matteo to destroy him; and Roman's two former lovers - Alba and Pilar are equally set on seizing the Cardinal wealth.", "Book Two\nWhile Don Roman tries to get his four sons to reconcile, a wealthy young man in Los Angeles is preparing for a trip to the Philippines. Lorenzo Cuevas wants to destroy Roman Cardinal too. He is Don Roman's second son with Soledad.", "Flashback to a few years ago, his adoptive father reveals to him on his deathbed the truth that his real father is Don Roman Cardinal, the powerful ’’Hacendero’’ (landlord) of the Cardinal Plantation and Cardinal Distillery.", "Don Pablo Cuevas tells Lorenzo of coming across Soledad a few days after typhoons and mudslides devastate the southern region of the Philippines, wandering the countryside, distraught, disheveled, with no memory of who she is or where she comes from. A few weeks pregnant, she suffers bruises and serious injuries sustained from a violent assault. He cares for her and search for her family but initially, no information surfaces.", "Suffering from memory loss as a result of her traumatic escape, unaware of the full facts about Alba's attempts on her life, Don Pablo Cuevas assumes she is running away from an abusive relationship. Upon investigating further, he traces her former husband to the powerful hacendero (or Hacienda owner, plantation owner) Don Roman Cardinal, who by now is living with a new family (Alba and a their infant son)", ". Believing she is in danger and seeking to protect her, he takes the pregnant Soledad away from the Philippines and they move to California to start a new life. He renames her Consuelo and gives her and Lorenzo his surname. Consuelo recovers from her physical injuries, but her memory of her life with Don Roman and her first born son remains buried. Lorenzo believes Don Pablo Cuevas' story about Don Roman's abusive treatment towards his mother and seeks to avenge her.", "He conducts an investigation of the Cardinals and learns about his four other brothers. He arrives in the Philippines and arranges to meet his father and his brothers under the pretext of a business partnership with his own multinational hotel and resort corporation. He ingratiates himself with them through his previous business deals with Joaquin while the latter was in America.", "Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, Soledad decides to return to the Philippines to join her son. As she arrives in Victorino, the scenic drive down the countryside gives her a sense that it was a part of her past. Unknown to all including herself, Consuelo Cuevas is the true matriarch of the Cardinals. Soledad Cardinal returns to Victorino.", "Inside the Silverios' crumbling empire, Matteo decides to use his sister Dulce to get Lorenzo to partner with them. Lorenzo, on the other hand, uses Dulce to undermine Isagani, to make it easier for him to destroy his siblings and ultimately Roman.", "As Consuelo gets acquainted with Victorino and San Jovita, she is inexplicably surprised by its familiarity and happy with the peacefulness and beauty of its surroundings. She tells Lorenzo that she sees herself retiring there. She meets new friends and discovers a Nipa hut which she finds vaguely familiar. The caretaker tells her it is uninhabited but maintained by Don Roman Cardinal, a name that doesn't mean anything to her yet.", "In the meantime, Connor begins to self destruct. Drowning in his anger towards his father and jealous of his brothers' better stations in life, he drives himself into a downward spiral. In a drunken stupor, he attempts to rape Isay who is on her way home, but his partner Lupita intercepts him, renders him unconscious, and forcibly removes him from the site. Isagani finds her on the roadside and as he tries to get help, Matteo drives by and side swipes him off the ravine", ". This is how Consuelo Cuevas, on her way home from a day of sightseeing, finds him. Alarmed at his condition, she instructs her driver to pick him up and brings him to the Cuevas resort to be treated.", "News of the unconscious man rescued by Consuelo reach the Esperanzas who rush to the Ashton Resort, overjoyed to see Isagani. Consuelo remembers Irma from the Carinderia (Filipino term for a roadside cafeteria) where she enjoyed a delicious Ginata-án a visit stirring a pleasant yet still unknown memories.", "Alba is busy planning to get rid of Soledad again. She kills Enrico whose extortion attempts were distracting her, and joins forces with Menandro and Pilar, who share the same goal to destroy the Cardinals and steal their wealth.\n\nMeanwhile, Consuelo's and the Cardinals’ worlds become smaller as their orbits grow closer. She is equally puzzled over her overwhelming emotions when Isagani shows her a photograph of Don Roman.", "Certain that Consuelo would come face to face with Don Roman soon, Lorenzo steps up his plans for revenge. He rejects the business merger with the Cardinals and join forces with the Silverios.\n\nMeanwhile, Consuelo seeks the help of specialists in Manila, certain her dreams are related to her past.", "Alba's mental illness declines further, plagued by nightmares of Enrico and other heinous crimes she committed. Isagani witnesses her hallucinating a conversation with Joaquin, as she confesses of Enrico's murder.", "Meanwhile, Roman is trying to piece things together, determined to get answers as to why Lorenzo is bent on keeping Consuelo away from the Cardinalsas. When he catches up to the woman interested in Soledad's Bahay Kubo, he is shocked when he recognizes Soledad! He tries to catch up with her at the Resort, where he is first denied entry. His imposing personality intimidates the security and staff as he goes in unchallenged", ". His imposing personality intimidates the security and staff as he goes in unchallenged. Searching every room in the resort, he finds her photograph with Lorenzo, and recognizes Soledad, his long lost wife", ". As Lorenzo and Isagani follow after him, Lorenzo reveals the truth that he is Soledad's second son, and that his adoptive father told him that his real father is Don Roman Cardinal, the abusive husband of Soledad Cardinal, who thought he killed her and then quickly took another woman and son to live with him", "While Don Roman tells him the real truth, he receives a call from Alba who has Soledad as hostage. Alba wants Roman to find her so she can kill him. Soledad tries to escape from Alba when she recognizes Alba as the woman who tried to kill her and her infant son decades back. She knocks down Alba with a large dead branch and renders her unconscious.", "Meanwhile, Roman and his two sons reach Alba's home and find Soledad. She immediately recognizes Don Roman and they are reunited. Alba awakens from her unconsciousness but loses her balance, falls off the cliff and is impaled on a dead tree trunk.", "Reunited at last, Soledad and Lorenzo move into the mansion, and the brothers make an effort to adapt to the new family dynamics. Soledad accepts Roman's illegitimate sons and plans to get them together as a family. But their first family dinner is a disaster when Lorenzo and Matteo comes to blows after Lorenzo terminates their business partnership.", "Meanwhile, Gigi who is still reeling from Matteo's rejection, joins forces with Menandro to bring down the Cardinals and ultimately take revenge on Matteo. Gigi runs the illegal gambling den and leads the hardcore criminals and the underworld.", "Soon after the family dinner, Lorenzo hosts an Ashton Resorts' grand opening with members of the business and social community attending, everyone except Matteo. Unfazed, Matteo hires an assassin to bomb the resort to create chaos and mayhem. His instructions were to plant the bomb outside the building, ensuring no one gets hurt.", "Menandro takes this opportunity to derail Matteo. He overrides Matteo's instructions and pays the bomber-assassin to shed blood, maim the victims and then point the blame on Matteo.\n\nThat evening, Matteo arrives at the resort, gleefully anticipating to witness the commotion caused by the bomb. He catches the bomber on his way out and realizes the bomber planted the weapon inside. Matteo rushes in and tries to warn people away but it is too late for many guests, especially Sita.", "While everyone enjoys the festivities, Sita notices a man leaving hastily and as she tries to get closer to him, notices a glowing contraption he left in a flower bush. At the same time she sees Matteo from the upstairs window waving her away and realizes the presence of a bomb near her. Though she tries to run away to warn everyone, it detonates, hitting her with shrapnel and knocks her down.", "Sita dies soon after she is rushed to the hospital, but not before she is able to speak to Roman and Soledad, entrusting Lucas to them. She also gets to say goodbye to Lucas, who is devastated. Her death changes Lucas.", "Although the police are gathering evidences surrounding the bombing, Lorenzo and Connor suspect Matteo is involved so they investigate on their own. Lucas also suspects Matteo since he saw him at the resort. To avenge his mother's death, Lucas joins the criminal underworld of Gigi where he learns how to fight. Lucas successfully captures Matteo, tortures him in an abandoned mine and plants a bomb and detonating device to kill him", ". As his siblings find him, Matteo accidentally trips the detonator and a large explosion seals the cave entrance. He escapes and leaves his siblings trapped inside. They are rescued by Connor.", "Fully recovered, it's business as usual for Lorenzo who takes over the Silverio Distillery angering Menandro and kicks him out.\n\nLucas, meanwhile, tormented over his mother's death, succumbs to Gigi and her dark criminal world. Lucas turns his back against his family.\n\nElsewhere, Matteo is in danger as the Silverio mansion is set on fire by Menandro and Pilar. Don Roman orders Lorenzo and Connor to rescue Matteo.", "Don Roman and Soledad, decide to take Matteo into their home. He pretends to get into their good graces but continues his sinister plans to destroy the Cardinals.\n\nMeanwhile, Isagani asks Connor to help him infiltrate Gigi's gambling den where Lucas is. Isagani enters the gambling den and confronts Lucas, but gets a brutal beating by Lucas before escaping the premises. Don Roman decides to call the authorities with Matteo's assistance and Gigi is captured.", "While attempting to rescue Lucas, Don Roman is shot, damaging his liver. It turns out Lucas is the only match for Roman's liver transplant.\n\nGigi is shot and killed by a mysterious assassin in the presence of Lupita and Fausto. Lucas, Fausto and Lupita flee the scene. Menandro and Pilar discuss the shooting but are unaware who did it. The mysterious shooter turns out to be Catalina Silverio's henchmen. Catalina is Menandro's lost sister, also seeking revenge against Don Roman.", "Matteo attempts to kill Soledad but is foiled by his siblings. Matteo escapes to hide in an old Silverio vacation home to regroup and recuperate from his injuries.\n\nIn the midst of all the conflict, Isagani proposes to Isay who accepts.\n\nLucas vows to change and rejoin the family and also donates part of his liver to save Roman.", "Book Three\nA new enemy emerges: Doña Catalina Silverio Pacheco. Her father was one of the bandits who ambushed Roman and Soledad early on, was sent to prison for it and later killed in a prison brawl. Her father's death leaves her and older brother Menando Silverio orphans. Menandro sells her to Eduardo Pacheco, a wealthy criminal boss, who marries and abuses Catalina. She loses her child, but poisons him and inherits all his wealth upon his demise. She blames Soledad and Roman Cardinal for her misery.", "When Menandro fails to destroy the Cardinals, Catalina takes over, arriving with her army of female assassins.\n\nAlthough Lorenzo and Lucas want Matteo to pay for his crimes, Don Roman wants to give him a chance to return into their fold. Hence, the brothers continue to search for Matteo with mixed feelings.\n\nMeanwhile, we learn that Dulce is the infant taken from Catalina by her husband and given to Menandro to kill. Unable to kill his infant niece, Menandro legally adopts her as a Silverio.", "Catalina locates and ingratiates herself to Dulce, gains her trust, and uses her as a pawn in her revenge plan. She easily manipulates Dulce to turn against the Cardinals. Jealous of Isay and Isagani's happiness and upcoming engagement, Catalina pushes Dulce to separate the young lovers. Dulce urges Matteo to gate crash Isagani and Isay's 'Pamanhikan', an engagement dinner when the bridegroom's parents ask for her hand.", "At the Engagement dinner, Matteo arrives and announces that Connor was Isay's rape assailant. Furious that Isay was placed in peril, Nante believes that Isagani covered it up to protect his brother. Nante calls off the engagement, instructing Isay to cut ties with the Cardinals, and files attempted rape charges against Connor and obstruction of justice against Isagani. The relationship between Isay's father and the Cardinals and Esperanzas quickly deteriorates. The wedding plans are canceled.", "Don Roman banishes Matteo. As a result, the brothers gather all their evidence and file multiple charges against Matteo who is arrested and incarcerated.\n\nWhile the Fiscal office finds Nante's charges against the Cardinal brothers without merit, Nante plans to take Isay to Catbalogan. Meanwhile, Catalina befriends Soledad and Roman and manipulates Dulce, now estranged from the Cardinals. Her toxic influence quickly transforms Dulce from a good doctor into an enemy of the Cardinals.", "Unaware of Dulce's duplicity, Isay turns to her trusted friend, who urges her to choose her father. To Dulce's frustration, Isagani refuses to give up on their love, convincing Isay to elope, have a church wedding and then face Nante's ire together. Isay confides in Dulce, who wastes no time warning Nante, foiling their marriage plans once again.", "Back in jail, Matteo enacts a fake attempt on his life following a plan hatched by Catalina and Dulce, to get him confined into a mental institution where Catalina is a major benefactress and can control the environment.", "Elsewhere at the resort, Diane gets wasted after being stood up on her blind date. Three men try to take advantage of her inebriation, but Lorenzo rescues her from their aggressive advances and has security kick them off the premises. As he tries to knock some sense into Diane, they become intimate and end up sleeping together. This affects their working relationship soon after as both are confused and awkward with each other. Lorenzo tries to admit his real feelings but is confused about it.", "Meantime, Nante has a change of heart when an attempt is made on Isay's life by Catalina's assassin. He witnesses the Cardinals risk their own lives to rescue his daughter. Nante gives his blessings for their wedding.\n\nMeanwhile, Don Roman is shocked to see Matteo's deteriorating mental state and tries to have him transferred. Unknown to everyone, Matteo is being slowly drugged with powerful psychotic drugs by medical staff under Catalina's orders.", "By this time, Catalina's unusual interest in Soledad and Roman arouse their sons' suspicions. The Cardinals uncover the connection between Menandro and Catalina, and confirm she is the shadowy Señora referred to by criminals. Lucas also overhears Menandro boasting that the bomb exploding inside the resort that killed his mother, was his idea - \"Matteo simply wanted to scare, but I wanted to maim and kill", ".\" Isagani also discovers that Catalina has been visiting Matteo in the mental facility on several occasions. When Don Roman tries to have him transferred, Dulce refuses and instead demands the Cardinals to stay away from Matteo, threatening a restraining order.", "Dulce's transformation from a kind, and compassionate doctor into a jealous and unreasonably scorned woman, is complete. She tries to poison Isay and almost kills Isagani. Distraught, she calls Catalina who reveals that she is her mother. From this point, Dulce blindly obeys her mother.", "Earlier at Catalina's island, Señora advises Lupita and Fausto that they cannot leave until they complete their next assignment. Lupita wants out but Catalina holds Fausto hostage. Catalina recognizes Lupita's superior skills and intends to gain her loyalties so she can serve as her eyes and ears in Menandro's gambling world. Lupita plays along.", "Meanwhile, the Cardinal brothers obtain evidence of Catalina's shadowy world and her using Matteo's mental illness to harm the Cardinals. Connor also discovers Lupita in Menandro's illegal gambling den. She helps him escape and tries to convince her to escape with him but she won't abandon Fausto. The Cardinals hatch a plan to capture Catalina and Menandro, and rescue Lupita and Fausto.", "Knowing her cover is blown after an acrimonious heart to heart between Soledad and Catalina turns ugly, lines are drawn. Catalina arranges for Matteo to leave the facility and calls Dulce, Matteo and Menandro to her secret base in Santa Jovita where she reads them the riot act on the final destruction the Cardinals. She is unaware that Soledad has her sons following Menandro, Dulce and Matteo, and the four brothers witness the meeting.", "Dulce tries one last time to win Isagani back and fails. As planned, the Cardinals follow her as she unsuspectingly leads them to the Silverios' new gambling den. Carolina comforts the distraught and near-hysterical Dulce. Isay is saddened over Dulce's deception. The Cardinals have the gambling den raided and closed, effectively shutting off Catalina's main source of cash liquidity. The Silverios go into hiding.", "While a nationwide search is conducted by the police, the Cardinal wedding ceremony goes without incident, although the brothers intercept a sniper assassin hired by Menandro to massacre the bride and groom and as many guests as possible. The couple learn about the attempt after they return from their honeymoon. Connor was alerted by Lupita who is determined to protect Connor and the Cardinals.", "The Cardinals continue to pursue the Silverios, gathering as much evidence to bring them to court. They learn that Matteo is released from the mental institution but they do not know where he is hiding. Fact is, he is brought to Catalina's secure island fortress, where she incarcerates Menandro for his failure to stop the Cardinal wedding. Matteo is Catalina's chief weapon to use against Roman, who is not giving up on his wayward son. Dulce, on the other hand, has a revenge plan of her own", ". Dulce, on the other hand, has a revenge plan of her own. Furious over her mother's failure to stop the wedding, she secretly leaves the island on several trips to follow Isagani to his new home with Isay.", "Isagani built Isay a beautiful matrimonial bungalow and the newlyweds are enjoying their first weeks as man and wife. Unknown to them, Dulce watches and plans her next move, even entering their home while Isay tends to her household chores.", "In the meantime, Lorenzo realizes he is in love with Dianne but her familiarity with Connor makes him jealous. Things come to a head when he comes across Connor and Dianne in an embrace. Though it was a brotherly hug, Lorenzo's jealousy erupts into a fight with Connor. Furious, Dianne confronts him where he finally admits he is in love with her. Diane refuses to believe Lorenzo's sincere feelings for her.\n\nFinale", "Finale\n\nAnother tragedy hits the Cardinals when Catalina ambush and assassinate Bert and Irma Esperanza.\n\nThe ambush occurs on route to Irma's surprise birthday party. Lorenzo, following as escort behind the van, is overpowered by Catalina's men. During the altercation, Catalina arrives and shoots the couple in cold blood. Isagani's parents die in each other's arms, and that is how Isagani finds them.", "The deaths of his adoptive parents affect Isagani who embarks on a murderous rampage for justice. The Cardinals once again cast their safety net and fight to get Isagani back into their fold.\n\nThe Cardinals learn that Menandro and Pilar are working with Catalina. To trap Catalina, Isagani pretends to forsake Isay and his family in a ploy to penetrate Catalina's hideout. The plan works and Pilar recruits him for Catalina.", "Catalina tests Isagani's loyalty, ordering him to kill Isay, and then instructs Dulce to accompany him to make sure she is dead. Isagani poisons his wife and she succumbs to the toxin, but Connor brings the antidote in time to revive her. The plan works as Catalina brings Isagani into her force as her assassin.", "Their plan unravels when Matteo discovers Isagani with Isay and his brothers. He finds Menandro hiding in Isagani's hideout, traps and kills Menandro in the burning house, and returns to tell Catalina.", "Meanwhile, out to settle her score against Catalina, Nina discovers that Lupita is working against Catalina, captures her and brings her back to the Island to claim back her position as Catalina's right hand. Both Lupita and Fausto are tortured. They are saved by the arrival of the Cardinal brothers and the authorities. Catalina escapes with Nina and Mateo but blows up the island. Connor saves Lupita by switching the bomb jacket. The boat explodes and Connor is missing, feared dead.", "While the Cardinals and the authorities search the surrounding areas for Connor, Lupita and Fausto are rushed to the hospital. Dulce is among Catalina's army captured during the raid. With plans to escape, she shoots herself so they bring her to the hospital instead of prison.\n\nMeanwhile, her army diminishing into a handful, Catalina hides in her childhood home. Matteo is her only weapon remaining as she fuels his anger with a psychotic drug.", "As the Cardinals escalate their raids on Catalina's criminal network, Catalina's key henchmen are captured, including the mayor who provides her safe passage, her lawyer and Nina. They cooperate with authorities to catch Catalina.\n\nMeanwhile, Dulce escapes from the hospital but is captured by Pilar. Matteo obtains crucial information on the Cardinals' vulnerability: the Cardinal women. Catalina orders her remaining army to kidnap the Cardinal women, offering the last of her gold bars as reward.", "The Cardinals learn the source of Catalina's hatred towards them: she blames Roman & Soledad for the death of her father, a bandit they had fought off and sent to jail long ago. The Cardinal successfully rescue their girlfriends, but are blindsided by the home invasion of the Cardinal Estate by Matteo, Dulce and Catalina. Roman & Soledad are taken hostage. As the Cardinal brothers rush to their parents, their girlfriends rescue Connor.", "The brothers are captured and reunited with Roman and Soledad who are strapped with a bomb. An argument ensues between Catalina and the Cardinals, Matteo is surprised that his brothers and his father continue to fight for his right as a family member. Roman suffers a heart episode which requires his medication, asking Matteo to retrieve it, which he does. This enrages Dulce, and as the siblings get into a violent argument, the Cardinal brothers, free their parents and hide inside the large mansion.", "Catalina breaks up the fight between Dulce and Matteo. She recaptures the Cardinal brothers, and orders Matteo to kill them. He refuses, further infuriating Catalina who decides to take matters into her hands and detonates the bombs her henchmen planted throughout the mansion. Fortunately, Connor and the Cardinal women successfully detonate the bombs a few minutes earlier. Horrified that her mother is bent on killing them all, Dulce tries to escape, but is overpowered by Lupita and the Cardinal women.", "Matteo, battling the demons exacerbated by the drugs Catalina feeds him with, begins to doubt his hatred towards the Cardinals. As he hesitates finishing off his brothers, Roman comes forward to embrace his wayward son. Mad out of her mind, Catalina fires at Roman but Matteo takes the bullet and pushes Catalina off the stair rails.", "Despondent, Matteo goes to the mansion's balcony and attempts suicide as he recalls how he has lost everything, including his mother. Roman and his brothers plead with him to not kill himself. Each ask him to forgive them for their misjudgments and lack of compassion, and the sins they committed against him. Remembering Sita's words to him about forgiveness, as she tended to him on the road, Matteo forgives his brothers.", "He is sent to a mental institution for rehabilitation. Dulce is sentenced to life imprisonment, and Catalina survives the fall and committed to the psych ward in a mental institution. She lives the rest of her life in a straight jacket, losing her mind completely over imagined rats surrounding her bed.", "With the Silverios finally defeated, the Cardinals finally live in peace, marrying their loved ones and have children. At Lucas' and Coralyn's wedding, Isagani learns that Isay is pregnant again, while Lorenzo and Dianne have three children. The last scene shows the entire family eating lunch al fresco celebrating another milestone: Matteo is finally released from the mental hospital fully rehabilitated. He begins rebuilding his relationship with his brothers, their wives, his father and Soledad.", "Cast and characters\n\nMain\nDon Roman Cardinal, Sr.\n Played by: Ronaldo Valdez and Geoff Eigenmann (young)\n-The Cardinal patriarch, and the father of Cardinal boys, who is an illegitimate child of Don Ismael Cardinal. He married Soledad, but because he believed that his wife and son are dead after the mudslide accident, he had an affair to three another women that gave him another child aside from Roman, Jr.", "Doña Consuelo Cuevas / Doña Soledad de Jesus-Cardinal\n Played by: Gloria Diaz and Cristine Reyes (young)\n-The Cardinal matriarch, the mother of Roman, Jr. (Isagani) and Lorenzo and also Don Roman's first love. After the mudslide she lost her memory and renamed as Consuelo. But unknown to Roman, she is pregnant with their second son, Lorenzo when accident happens. When her memory comes back, she acts as a kind and loving stepmother to three illegitimate sons of Roman.", "Isagani \"Gani\" Esperanza / Roman De Jesus-Cardinal, Jr.\n Played by Jake Cuenca\n-Roman's and Soledad's first child, He was adopted by Bert and Irma and renamed as Isagani. He is kind, compassionate, brave and he also has his father's physical strength, entrepreneurship skills and unique taste buds which is essential for developing fine brandy. He is Lorenzo's oldest brother. He is the fourth Cardinal who discover his real identity.", "Lorenzo \"Enzo\" Cuevas / Lorenzo De Jesus-Cardinal\n Played by: Joseph Marco\n-The second son of Soledad to Roman who is a successful businessman. He wants to revenge to Don Roman at first because he believes that he and his mother, Soledad abandoned them until he realize that Alba assaulted Soledad when he was inside his mother's womb. He is Isagani's \"full\" brother.", "Matteo Asuncion-Silverio / Matteo Asuncion-Cardinal\n Played by: Marco Gumabao \n-The son of Don Roman to Madeleine, Menandro raised him as his own, but unknown to Matteo, he is only using by Menandro to revenge on Cardinals especially to Roman. He is the second Cardinal who discover his real identity.", "Connor Perez-Davide / Connor Perez-Cardinal\n Played by: Joshua Colet\n-Roman's son to his childhood friend name Pilar who is a prostitute. He was maltreated by her mother at his young age and sold him to a foreigner. Fausto rescued him and make Connor a con artist like him. He is the first one to discover that he is a true-blooded Cardinal.", "Lucas Aguilar-Cardinal\n Played by: Albie Casiño\n-Roman's son to Alba's personal maid named Sita. He inherit his father's leadership skills and his mother's patience and gentle nature. His mother's death changed him to a vengeful person that leads to his decision to join on criminal underworld of Gigi to give justice on her mother's death. He is the third Cardinal who discover his real identity.\n \nJoaquin Santillian-Matias / Joaquin Santillian-Cardinal\n Played by: Diego Loyzaga", "Joaquin Santillian-Matias / Joaquin Santillian-Cardinal\n Played by: Diego Loyzaga\n- He is Alba's son who grow with Don Roman. He inherit Don Roman's fairness and kindness but not his mother's malevolent and selfish traits. He grows up to lead the management team of Cardinal Distillery. But unknown to him, he is not a true blooded Cardinal instead he is the son of Alba from her gardener named Enrico. He was killed in a plane crash.", "The Cardinal Ladies\nDiane Liwanag-Cardinal\n Played by: Ritz Azul\n-She works as Executive Secretary of Joaquin, Lucas & Don Roman at Cardinal Distillery. She is also Connor's friend and Lorenzo's love interest after Joaquin died.\n\nFrancesca Elizabeth \"Isay\" Navarro-Cardinal\n Played by: Maxine Medina and Yesha Camile (young)\n-Nante and Belen's daughter and also Isagani's childhood friend-turned-love interest and wife.", "Coralyn Montesevilla-Cardinal\n Played by: Mary Joy Apostol \n-Lucas' childhood friend and love interest. She and Lucas were married in the finale.\n\nLupita Bermudez-Cardinal\n Played by: Mica Javier\n-She has good combat skills and works for Senyora. Unknown to them, she is spying them to give information to the Cardinals. She is Connor's love interest.", "The Silverios\nMenandro \"Manding\" Silverio\n Played by: Lito Pimentel and Angelo Ilagan (young)\n-The Silverio patriarch and owner of Silverio Distillery, he adopt Matteo to use him as pawn to avenge to the Cardinals. He sold his sister Catalina to a rich criminal named Eduardo in exchange of money. He killed his own wife Madeleine. Menandro was also responsible for the bombing of Lorenzo's resort that killed Sita, mother of Lucas. He died after Matteo left him in a burning house.", "Madeleine \"Maddie\" Asuncion-Silverio\n Played by: Joyce Ann Burton and Cindy Miranda (young)\n-Matteo's mother. She is an abused socialite wife of Menandro. She is the sole heiress of Asuncion fortune. She was killed by Menandro in front of Matteo.", "Dulce Rodriguez / Dulce Silverio\n Played by: Kylie Verzosa\n-Catalina's daughter from another man and the niece of Menandro. Eduardo asked Menandro to kill her but he adopted her instead. She liked Isagani very much. She is a kind and compassionate doctor at first but she became a jealous and unreasonably scorned woman after Isagani falls in love with his childhood friend, Isay. She end up in jail and sentenced lifetime imprisonment.", "Catalina \"Senyora\" Silverio-Pacheco / Catalina Rodriguez\n Played by: Jean Saburit and Claire Ruiz (young)\n-Dulce's biological mother and Menandro's sister. On her young age, Menandro sold her to Eduardo in exchange of money. She create her own organization with female assassins. She despises Roman because he killed her father and her estranged brother Menandro for his bad experience after he sold her to Eduardo.", "Supporting cast\nPilar Perez\n Played by: Pinky Amador and Danita Paner (young)\n-Connor's mother and also Roman's childhood friend who is a prostitute. She maltreated Connor and sold him to a foreigner. Like Alba, she has ambition to get the wealth of the Cardinals. She ended up in jail.", "Fausto Davide\n Played by: Jeffrey Santos and Alex Castro (young)\n-He saved Connor after his mother sold him to a foreigner, he trained Connor to become a con artist like him. He became a father to Connor until the latter discovered his true identity.\n\nMarta Evangelista\n Played by: Perla Bautista \n-a household worker of the Cardinal residence. She act as grandmother to Connor that makes the latter to trust the Cardinals.", "Enrico Matias\n Played by: Jeric Raval and Jerome Ponce (young)\n-A gardener of Santillian family, He is also the biological father of Joaquin. He extort money from Alba in exchange of his silence about Joaquin's real identity. He was killed by Alba.", "Teresita \"Sita\" Aguilar\nPlayed by: Ana Abad Santos and Mara Lopez (young)\n-Lucas' mother, and Alba's personal maid. On her younger age, she express her feelings to Roman that produce Lucas. She also knows the fact that Joaquin is not a Cardinal. Her death in resort bombing organized by Menandro changed Lucas.\n\nGigi Octavio\n Played by: Jane Oineza\n-the owner of gambling den and the leader of criminal underworld where Lucas joined. She likes Matteo very much. She was killed by Catalina's assassin.", "Alba Santillan\n Played by: Isabel Rivas and Roxanne Barcelo (young)\n-Joaquin's mother. She uses Joaquin to get the wealth of the Cardinals. When Soledad was lost, she stayed at the mansion as mistress for Joaquin's sake but Roman refused to marry her. She gets impaled by a trunk and died after falling in a cliff.\n\nAlberto \"Bert\" Esperanza\n Played by: Efren Reyes and Alex Medina (young)\n-The foster father of Isagani. He and his wife, Irma were killed by Catalina in the ambush.", "Irma Esperanza\n Played by: Rosanna Roces and Katya Santos (young)\n-the foster mother of Isagani. She and her husband, Bert were killed by Catalina in the ambush.\n\nReynante \"Nante\" Navarro\n Played by: Jun Nayra\n-Isay's father. He is against Isagani and Isay marriage at first because Connor sexually assaulted his daughter. But when Isay was kidnapped by Catalina's men, he saw the willingness of Cardinal brothers to risk their lives for his daughter, he gave his blessing to Isagani marry his daughter.", "Guest cast\nJamil Muñoz\n Played by: Luis Hontiveros\n-Lucas' person under Gigi's organization.\n\nEduardo Pacheco\n Played by: Toby Alejar\n-a criminal rich man who buy Catalina from Menandro.\n\nBelen Navarro\n Played by: Isay Alvarez\n-Isay's mother.\n\nNina\nPlayed by: Sarah Jane Abad\n-Senyora's right hand on her organization. She despises Lupita because she consider her as a threat to her status in the organization.", "MM Gigante as France\n Alvin Anson as Mr. Chan\n Teroy Guzman as Mr. Cuevas\n Alex Calleja as Danilo\n Mike Lloren as Menandro and Catalina's father\n Manuel Chua as Ernesto\n\nSpecial participation\nDon Ismael Cardinal\n Played by: Dante Rivero\n- The previous Cardinal patriarch who owns a wealthy sugar cane plantation owner of the fictitious region of Victorino. He has illegitimate son named Roman. He only met him when he was an adult.\n\nBroadcast\nLos Bastardos premiered on October 15, 2018.\n\nReception", "Broadcast\nLos Bastardos premiered on October 15, 2018.\n\nReception\n\nSee also\nList of programs broadcast by ABS-CBN\nList of ABS-CBN drama series\nList of programs broadcast by Jeepney TV\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links", "ABS-CBN drama series\nPhilippine telenovelas\nPhilippine romance television series\nPhilippine crime television series\nPhilippine action television series\nPhilippine thriller television series\nPhilippine mystery television series\nTelevision shows based on books\n2018 Philippine television series debuts\n2019 Philippine television series endings\nFilipino-language television shows\nTelevision shows set in the Philippines\nTelevision series set in 1984\nTelevision series set in 1986\nTelevision series set in 1988", "Television series set in 1984\nTelevision series set in 1986\nTelevision series set in 1988\nTelevision series set in 1989\nTelevision series set in the 1980s\nTelevision series set in the 1990s\nTelevision series set in 1990\nTelevision series set in 1991\nTelevision series set in 1993\nTelevision series set in 1996" ]
Clinton Morrison
[ "Clinton Hubert Morrison (né Chambers; born 14 May 1979) is a former professional footballer and sports pundit.\n\nAs a player, he was a forward. He notably played in the Premier League for both Crystal Palace and Birmingham City. He also played in the Football League for Coventry City, Sheffield Wednesday, Milton Keynes Dons, Brentford, Colchester United and Exeter City. He also played non-league football for Long Eaton United, Redditch United and Mickleover Sports.", "Born in England, he represented the Republic of Ireland 36 times at full international level, scoring 9 goals, and made their squad for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. He is now a regular reporter and occasional pundit on Sky Sports Soccer Saturday.\n\nClub career", "Club career\n\nFirst spell at Crystal Palace\nBorn in Tooting, London, Morrison joined Crystal Palace as a trainee on 1 August 1997. Morrison was previously at Tottenham Hotspur before they let him go at sixteen. He began his career at Crystal Palace of the Premier League, making his debut on 10 May 1998 as an 82nd-minute substitute for Neil Shipperley, and scoring the injury-time winner over opponents Sheffield Wednesday.", "At the start of the 1998–99 season, Morrison appeared in the second leg of the UEFA Intertoto Cup third round against Samsunspor, eventually losing 4–0 on aggregate. He then scored two goals against Bury in two separate matches on 23 September 1998 and 30 September 1998. Morrison quickly became a first team regular for the club, becoming Crystal Palace's first choice striker. He later scored three braces on three separate occasions as the 1998–99 season progressed", ". He later scored three braces on three separate occasions as the 1998–99 season progressed. In his first full year-long tenure at the club he scored 13 goals, while Palace were struggling both on and off the pitch. Whilst they were in administration, Morrison agreed to play for the club for free.", "In 1999–00 season, Morrison's goal scoring form continued, totalling six goals in the first two months to the season. However, he suffered an injury that kept him for the rest of the year. Following his return, Morrison's goal scoring form continued for the rest of the 1999–2000 season, including his only brace of the season at Swindon Town", ". Financial difficulties meant that Crystal Palace were unable to make new signings for the 1999–2000 season and relied on youngsters such as Morrison and Hayden Mullins and veterans such as Andy Linighan as they successfully battled against relegation from the First Division. At the end of the 1999–00 season, he played more than 30 games, and scored 14 goals, making him the club's top scorer once again.", "At the start of the 2000–01 season, Morrison, however, was placed on a transfer list by new Manager Alan Smith despite signing a four–year contract with Crystal Palace. Nevertheless, he continued to establish himself in the striker position, forming a partnership with either Dougie Freedman and Mikael Forssell. Having only scored three goals by mid–October, Morrison began to score six goals in five appearances between 28 October 2000 and 18 November 2000, including a brace against Wolverhampton Wanderers", ". His goal scoring form continued throughout December, scoring a total of six. His performance at the club attracted interests from Premiership clubs. Amid the transfer speculation, he scored in the first leg of the semi-final of the League Cup, winning 2–1 against Liverpool, but the club eventually lost 5–0 in the return leg, eliminating Crystal Palace from the tournament. Following this, however, Morrison's goal scoring form soon dipped, only scoring three more goals", ". Following this, however, Morrison's goal scoring form soon dipped, only scoring three more goals. Nevertheless, his involvement in the first team helped the club narrowly escaped relegation. At the end of the 2000–01, he went on to score 19 goals, making him Crystal Palace's top scorer for the third season in a row.", "At the start of the 2001–02 season, Morrison's goal scoring form continued to go well when he scored eight goals in the first two months to the season. His performance in a number of matches was praised by Manager Steve Bruce. Morrison continued to regain his first team place as Crystal Palace's first choice striker throughout the 2001–02 season. He then scored five goals, including a brace against Bradford City and Norwich City throughout October. Morrison later added three goals by the end of the year", ". Morrison later added three goals by the end of the year. In the first three months of 2002, he added more goals to his tally by scoring five times, including a brace against Gillingham on 16 January 2002. His performance was praised by new Manager Trevor Francis. The following month, Morrison scored a total of three goals in five appearances", ". The following month, Morrison scored a total of three goals in five appearances. Despite being sidelined with injuries during the 2001–02 season, Morrison finished the season, making forty–nine appearances and scoring twenty–four times, making him Crystal Palace's top scorer for the fourth time in a row. For his performance, he finished second place behind Freedman for the club's Player of the Year.", "Birmingham City", "Over the summer transfer of 2002, Morrison was linked a move away from Crystal Palace, with Premier League clubs, including Birmingham City, were interested in signing him. But Manager Trevor Francis was willing to sell the player if the club signed a replacement, although Simon Jordan objected to this. With a tricky relationship becoming clear between Morrison and Trevor Francis, then Palace manager, it was Birmingham City who fought and won his signature, for £4.25 million, in exchange for Andrew Johnson", ".25 million, in exchange for Andrew Johnson.", "However, his start to his Birmingham City's career suffered a setback when he sustained a groin injury during the club's pre–season that saw him miss two matches. Morrison made his debut for Birmingham City, coming on as an 81st-minute substitute, in a 1–1 draw against Everton on 28 August 2002. It wasn't until on 11 September 2002 when he scored his first goals, in a 2–2 draw against Liverpool", ". This was followed up by scoring his third goal for the club against Aston Villa, their first win in 16 years following their return to the top flight, during a 3–0 victory at St. Andrews. His fourth goal for Birmingham City came on 23 November 2002, in a 1–0 win against Sunderland", ". His fourth goal for Birmingham City came on 23 November 2002, in a 1–0 win against Sunderland. During a 1–0 win against Fulham on 15 December 2002, in which Morrison set up the only goal of the game, he was involved in an argument with Rufus Brevett that his mother got involved following the match, though both clubs said the incident never happened. After missing one match due to injury, he scored on two weeks after his return from injury, in a 4–2 loss against Bolton Wanderers on 1 February 2003", ". Three weeks later, Morrison scored for the second time this season against Liverpool on 23 February 2003, in a 2–1 win. However, he dislocated his shoulder during a 1–0 win against West Bromwich Albion on 22 March 2003 and was sidelined for the rest of the 2002–03 season. In his first season at Birmingham City, Morrison became a first team regular, becoming the club's first choice striker but struggled somewhat in the top league, scoring only six goals in twenty–nine appearances.", "Morrison made his first appearance of the 2003–04 season, coming on as an 81st-minute substitute, in a 0–0 draw against Southampton on 23 August 2003. Since returning to the first team, he found himself behind the pecking order and played as Birmingham City's second striker. It wasn't until on 13 December 2003 when Morrison scored his first goal of the season, in a 2–0 win against Leicester City", ". He later scored four more goals, including scoring two goals in two consecutive matches against Charlton Athletic and Wolverhampton Wanderers. Despite not able to produce goals as done before, Morrison's commitment and hard work were praised by his teammates. At the end of the 2003–04 season, he made thirty–seven appearances and scoring five times in all competitions.", "At the start of the 2004–05 season, Morrison was sidelined with a knee injury while on international duty and was sidelined for a month. It wasn't until on 28 August 2004 when he returned to the first team, coming on as a 72nd-minute substitute, in a 1–0 loss against Tottenham Hotspur. Since returning from injury, Morrison rotated in and out of the starting line–up, but around the same time, he began to form a decent strike partnership with Emile Heskey", ". It wasn't until on 21 September 2004 when Morrison scored his first goal of the season, in a 3–1 win against Lincoln City in the third round of the League Cup. However, he suffered a knee injury while on international duty and was sidelined for a month. It wasn't until on 21 November 2004 when Morrison returned to the starting line–up against Blackburn Rovers and played 65 minutes before being substituted, as Birmingham City drew 3–3", ". In a follow–up match against Norwich City, he scored his second goal of the season, in a 1–1 draw. He then scored three goals in three consecutive matches between 12 December 2004 and 26 December 2004. Following a 2–1 loss against Bolton Wanderers on 4 January 2005, Morrison was charged by the FA for his improper conduct and was expected to serve a one match suspension; instead, he was fined and warned of the conduct. On 14 January 2005, Morrison began talks with Birmingham City over a new contract", ". On 14 January 2005, Morrison began talks with Birmingham City over a new contract. Following this, he continued to rotate in and out of the starting line–up as the 2004–05 season progressed. At the end of the 2004–05 season, Morrison made twenty–nine appearances and scoring five times in all competitions.", "Due to pressure for first team places, Morrison wanted to leave Birmingham City to get first team football. As a result, he was linked with a move away from the club, as Norwich City and Southampton were interested in signing him. Amid the transfer speculation, Morrison made his only appearance of the 2005–06 season, in a 0–0 draw against Fulham in the opening game of the season.", "Return to Crystal Palace\nMorrison left Birmingham on 24 August 2005 to return to Crystal Palace after they agreed a £2 million fee for the 26-year-old. He claimed that a large part of his decision to return (besides his love for the club) was, ironically, due to being able to play alongside Andrew Johnson, the man Birmingham had originally swapped to get Morrison.", "Morrison made his second Crystal Palace debut, coming on as a 75th-minute substitute, in a 2–0 win against Stoke City on 27 August 2005. He then scored in the next two matches against Hull City and Reading. Morrison went on to score six goals by the end of the year, including two braces on two separate occasions. Since returning to the club, Morrison had a successful first season back at Crystal Palace, alternating with former strike-partner Dougie Freedman in playing alongside Johnson", ". He then made his 200th appearance for the club, starting the match and played 82 minutes before being substituted, in a 1–1 draw against Wolverhampton Wanderers on 10 December 2005. Morrison later scored five more goals later in the 2005–06 season. Having aimed at personal target to get back to the Premier League, he later helped Crystal Palace qualify for the Championship Play–Offs despite missing one match, due to a broken jaw", ". However, Morrison only played in the first leg of the play–offs, as the club lost 3–0 on aggregate against Watford. In his first season back at Crystal Palace, he made forty–four appearances and scoring twelve times in all competitions. Throughout the 2005–06 season, there were reports over claims that Morrison was involved in a bust up with Manager Iain Dowie. Your Local Guardian said that \"We haven't seen the best from Morrison due to the lack of games he has been given, but Clinton is Mr Crystal Palace", ". He love this club and when AJ leaves us it'll be the partnership of Morrison and Freedman who will be firing us back into the Premiership.\"", "At the start of the 2006–07 season, Morrison scored his first goal of the season, in a 1–0 win against Leeds United on 13 August 2006. After the match, Manager Peter Taylor praised his performance despite lacking fitness that saw him placed on the substitute bench. His second goal of the season came a month later on 23 September 2006, in a 1–0 win against Coventry City. However, he found himself in a rift with Manager Peter Taylor that saw him placed on the substitute bench", ". But Crystal Palace's chairman Simon Jordan responded to the claims that the pair had not fallen out, with Taylor having dealt with Morrison over their differences. He then managed to regain his first team place, making a number of starts as the club's first choice striker for the rest of the 2006. Morrison then added four more goals by the end of the year", ". Morrison then added four more goals by the end of the year. This lasted until January when he found himself placed on the substitute bench, appearing in the club's four out of the club's six matches during the month. By February, Morrison regained his first team place as Crystal Palace's first choice striker once again. Towards the end of the 2006–07 season, Morrison scored six more goals, including three goals in two consecutive matches against Luton Town and Burnley", ". Despite failing to help the club reach the play–offs, he expressed his desire to stay at Crystal Palace. At the end of the 2006–07 season, Morrison went on to make forty–four appearances and scoring twelve times in all competitions, making him as the club's top scorer for the fifth time in his Crystal Palace's career.", "Ahead of the 2007–08 season, Morrison was given a number ten shirt at the club once again, having wore the number shirt in his first career at the club. He started the season brightly scoring twice in the first three games, taking himself to 99 goals in his Palace career. However, Morrison's target to score his 100th goal in his Crystal Palace's career became an albatross round his neck, and manager Peter Taylor dropped him from the starting line-up for several games", ". It was under new manager Neil Warnock that Morrison eventually scored his 100th Crystal Palace goal in the London derby against Queens Park Rangers (a club he has a knack for scoring against) on 10 November 2007, with an 88th-minute equaliser, making him the eighth player in the club's history to reach this milestone. Two years ago, Morrison said his aim was to score 100 goals for Crystal Palace", ". Two years ago, Morrison said his aim was to score 100 goals for Crystal Palace. He was given a Special Achievement Award to mark this feat at the end of the season's \"Player of the Year\" ceremony. Despite suffering a knee injury, Morrison quickly recovered and scored a brace, in a 2–1 win against Colchester United on 24 November 2007. After breaking the 100th goal deadlock for the club, Morrison hit a purple patch of scoring, including five goals by the end of 2007", ". He then scored three goals in three consecutive matches between 1 January 2008 and 19 January 2008 against Norwich City, Wolverhampton Wanderers and Bristol City. His performance was praised by Warnock. He later finished his Crystal Palace's career with 113 goals in all competitions for the club, the fifth-highest of any player in the Crystal Palace's history", ". He scored on the final day of the 2007–08 season in a 5–0 win over Burnley that confirmed the club's play-off place, meaning that he had scored in his first and last league games for Crystal Palace. Morrison played in both legs of the Championship play–offs against Bristol City, as the club lost 4–2 on aggregate", ". At the end of the 2007–08 season, he went on to make forty–seven appearances and scoring sixteen times in all competitions, making , making him as Crystal Palace's top scorer for the sixth time in his club career.", "This was Morrison's last season at Crystal Palace, with his contract expiring at the end of the season. Morrison wanted to stay at Palace but manager Neil Warnock said that he would have to fight for his place in the starting line-up. Morrison then took a higher wage offer to move to Coventry City after the club withdrew the contract offer for him.", "Coventry City\nIn July 2008, Morrison trained with Coventry City and accompanied them on their pre-season tour of Switzerland. He signed a two-year deal with the club on 7 August 2008. Upon joining Coventry City, Morrison wore the number 19 shirt during the 2008–09 season with a plus sign between the 1 and 9 (appearing on the back of his shirt as 1+9). The reason for this being that 1+9 equals 10, which was the number Morrison played with whilst at Palace.", "Initially, Morrison suffered an injury while training but quickly recovered. He made his debut for the club in the opening game of the season against Norwich City and set up the second goal of the game, in a 2–0 win. Morrison followed up by scoring two goals in the League Cup matches against Aldershot Town and Newcastle United. Since joining Coventry City, Morrison quickly became a first team regular for the side, forming a partnership with Freddy Eastwood.", "Having failed to score for the club for the next two months, he scored three goals in three consecutive matches between 25 October 2008 and 3 November 2008 against Derby County, Southampton and Birmingham City. Having expressed confidence of scoring more goals, Morrison scored five more goals by the end of the year. As the 2008–09 season progressed, he also captained the club in a number of matches in the absence of Scott Dann and given full time by April", ". Despite only scoring two more goals, Morrison remained Coventry City's top scorer at the end of the 2008–09 season with thirteen times. Although he missed one match during the season, Morrison made fifty–two appearances in all competitions.", "Initially, Morrison wanted the number ten shirt ahead of the 2009–10 season. Instead, he changed to wearing number eleven shirt. Morrison started the season well when he scored twice against Ipswich Town and once against Barnsley. A month later, Morrison scored three consecutive goals between 15 September 2009 and 26 September 2009 against Sheffield United, Preston North End and Middlesbrough", ". Since the start of the 2009–10 season, he continued to regain his first team place as Coventry City's first choice striker. By December, Morrison found his playing time, mostly coming from the substitute bench and proved to have worked, as he scored three goals between 26 December 2009 and 16 January 2010 to end his goal drought. However, Morrison expressed his concerns over his reputation as a super sub. He later scored two more goals in the 2009–10 season.", "Despite suffering from an injury along the way, he appeared in every league match, making forty–nine appearances and scoring eleven times in all competitions, making him the top scorer once again. At the end of the 2009–10 season, Morrison said he was keen to sign a new contract with the club, but Coventry City told him he was surplus to requirements and he was subsequently released.", "Sheffield Wednesday\nOn 12 July 2010, Morrison signed a two-year contract with Sheffield Wednesday, newly relegated to League One.", "Morrison scored on his league debut for the Owls in a 2–0 win over Dagenham & Redbridge in the opening game of the season. His second goal for the club came on 28 August 2010, in a 5–0 win against Hartlepool United. Since joining the Owls, he has been involved in the first team, becoming the club's first choice striker despite facing new competitions along the way. Morrison went on to score five more goals by the end of the year, including a brace against Southport on 7 November 2010", ". By the second half of the season, he added four more goals, including another brace against Hereford United on 29 January 2011. However, Morrison struggled to keep his place in the team towards the end of the season after new manager Gary Megson arrived, as Gary Madine and loan signing Neil Mellor kept him out of the side. At the end of the 2010–11 season, he went on to make forty–three appearances and scoring eleven times in all competitions.", "At the start of the 2011–12 season, Morrison continued to remain involved in the first team, starting in eight out of the eleven matches for Sheffield Wednesday. He then scored two goals for the club, coming against Blackburn Rovers and Charlton Athletic. Morrison also contributed two assists, coming against Notts County and Milton Keynes Dons (which he ironically joined). Despite his involvement, Manager Megson placed him on a transfer list and expected the player to leave", ". But following his return from a loan spell at Milton Keynes Dons, Morrison made his first appearance for Sheffield Wednesday for the first time in a month, against Wycombe Wanderers on 29 October 2011, coming on as a 76th-minute substitute, as the club won 2–1. He then set up goal for Chris O'Grady to score the only goal of the game against West Ham United to send Sheffield Wednesday through to the next round", ". Three weeks later on 28 January 2012, Morrison scored his third goal for the club, in a 1–1 draw against Blackpool in the fourth round of the FA Cup. However, he continued to have his playing time from the substitute bench. At the end of the 2011–12 season, Morrison made twenty–six appearances and scoring three times for Sheffield Wednesday in all competitions.", "It was announced on 16 May 2012 that Sheffield Wednesday released Morrison at the end of the 2011–12 season. He previously waive his right to a new contract in order to help the club win promotion.", "Loan Spells from Milton Keynes Dons", "On 24 September 2011, Morrison signed for Milton Keynes Dons on a one-month emergency loan. On the same day, he made his debut for the club, coming on as 58th-minute substitute, in a 0–0 draw against Bury. On his third appearance for the Dons, Morrison scored his first goal for the club, against Notts County on 1 October 2011, as well as making one assist. This was followed up by scoring in the next two matches against Oldham Athletic and Bournemouth", ". This was followed up by scoring in the next two matches against Oldham Athletic and Bournemouth. Despite keen on staying at Milton Keynes Dons, Morrison returned to his parent club after they demanded more money from Dons in order to allow him to stay further. By the time he left the club, he made six appearances and scoring three times for the side.", "Morrison joined League One club Brentford on 24 March 2012 on loan until the end of the season. He made his debut for the club two days later, coming on as an 82nd-minute substitute, in a 2–0 win against Rochdale. Morrison later made eight appearances for Brentford.\n\nColchester United\nOn 16 July 2012, Morrison signed a two-year deal with League One side Colchester United following his release from Sheffield Wednesday. Upon joining the club, he was given a number nine shirt for the new season.", "Morrison went on to make his debut for the U's in a 3–0 League Cup defeat away at Yeovil Town, before leading the line to begin the new Football League season four days later in a 0–0 draw at Deepdale against Preston North End. His first goal for Colchester arrived towards the end of August in the third game of the season, as his late equaliser salvaged a 1–1 draw for the U's; their third successive draw to start the season", ". He celebrated the goal by running the length of the pitch with his hands cupped behind his ears to taunt the Sheffield United fans who, throughout the game, had been doing likewise to the striker for his connections with their city rivals, Wednesday. Joe Dunne took over as the U's boss at the end of September and immediately brought in Jabo Ibehre on loan from Milton Keynes Dons, with the loanee displacing Morrison from the starting eleven and consigning him to the bench", ". Dunne's fourth game in charge was a Football League Trophy defeat to Northampton Town where Morrison was handed a start, but he was dismissed for violent conduct in the closing stages of the game which would suspend the striker for three matches after the club decided against appealing his ban. The impressive form of Ibehre ensured that Morrison only started four more games for the U's until March, when injury to Freddie Sears created a hole in attack", ". This was coupled with Ibehre receiving a three-match suspension and Morrison went on to spearhead the U's attack once more, providing crucial experience in Colchester's bid for League One survival. In his fourth successive start, he notched his second U's goal in a 2–1 win away at Bury; a vital match-winning goal in a crunch relegation fixture. The club went on secure safety on the final day of the season with a 2–0 win at Carlisle United finishing in 20th place", ". At the end of the 2012–13 season, Morrison went on to make thirty–five appearances and scoring two times in all competitions.", "However at the start of the 2013–14 season, injuries and competitions limited Morrison's first team opportunities. Following the absence of Ibehre, he began to appear in the starting eleven in a number of matches for Colchester United, while also trying to score goals on a regular basis. Despite not able to score as expected, his performance was praised nevertheless by Manager Dunne", ". Despite not able to score as expected, his performance was praised nevertheless by Manager Dunne. Morrison registered his first goal of the 2013–14 campaign on 30 November, scoring an injury-time consolation goal against Tranmere Rovers at Prenton Park to bring his U's tally to three goals in 50 appearances in all competitions. He scored his second of the season late-on during a 3–0 win against Gillingham on 11 January 2014", ". He scored his second of the season late-on during a 3–0 win against Gillingham on 11 January 2014. As the 2013–14 season progressed, Morrison continued to remain involved in the first team despite being placed on the substitute bench. He played his final game for the U's in their 1–0 away victory over Walsall on 3 May 2014. At the end of the 2013–14 season, Morrison made thirty–six appearances and scoring two times in all competitions.", "Morrison announced in the latter stages of the season that he would leave Colchester once his contract expired in the summer.\n\nLater career\nMorrison played three matches for Long Eaton United in the Midland League, scoring once himself and also dummying Lye Town's goalkeeper into letting a backpass into the net, before signing for League Two club Exeter City in November 2014 on non-contract terms.", "Morrison made his Exeter City debut, coming on as a 67th-minute substitute, in a 1–1 draw against Burton Albion on 6 December 2014. On 15 January 2015, it was announced that he would stay at the club for the rest of the 2014–15 season. Since joining Exeter City, he found his playing time, mostly from the substitute bench. Despite this, his starts in attacks at the starting eleven saw him assisted five times, including two consecutive separate assists", ". Morrison played 25 league matches in what remained of the season, and was then released, but rejoined the club on a short-term deal ahead of the 2015–16 campaign.", "Following his three appearances at the start of the season, Morrison's with stay at Exeter City was extended beyond its initial one-month period. He then contributed four assists, including a brace against Accrington Stanley on 19 September 2015. A month later on 11 October 2015, Morrison scored his first goal for the club, in a 3–3 draw against Stevenage", ". A month later on 8 November 2015, he scored his second goal for Exeter City, as well as, setting up one of the club's goals, in a 3–0 win against Didcot Town in the FA Cup match. It was announced on 31 December 2015 that Morrison signed a contract extension with Exeter City until the end of the season. However, his first team appearances was later restricted to the substitute bench, resulting in making twenty–five appearances and scoring two times in all competitions", ". Morrison was released by Exeter City at the end of the 2015–16 season and duly signed for Southern Premier Division side Redditch United in June 2016.", "In September 2016, Morrison joined Mickleover Sports. He made his debut for the club, starting a match and played 79 minutes before being substituted, in a match against Stourbridge. A year later, Morrison joined the club as their first team coach, having earned himself a UEFA B license coaching badge. In doing so, he quietly announced his retirement from professional football.", "International career\nApart from England, the country of his birth, Morrison was also eligible to represent Jamaica and the Republic of Ireland. Initially interested to play for England, he chose to play for Ireland, qualifying for that country because his grandmother was from Dublin.\n\nIn May 2001, Morrison was called up to the Republic of Ireland U21 squad for the first time. He went on to make two appearances for the U21 side.", "Republic of Ireland", "In August 2001, Morrison was called up to the senior team squad for the first time. Morrison made his debut for Ireland in a 2–2 draw on 15 August 2001 against Croatia; he entered the game as a 52nd-minute substitute and scored the national side's second goal of the game. Morrison then played in the second leg of World Cup Play–Off against Iran, coming on as a 75th-minute substitute, as Ireland went on to win 2–1 on aggregate to qualify for the World Cup", ". He later describe playing in Iran as \"one of the craziest atmospheres he ever played in\".", "Morrison then scored his second national goal, in a 3–0 win against Denmark on 27 March 2002 when \"his pace and directness continued to cause the Danish defence problems and, in injury time Colin Healy and David Connolly combined to leave him a chance which he side-footed in\". He was selected by Mick McCarthy as part of the Republic of Ireland squad for the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan. However, he did not play", ". However, he did not play. Morrison's international career began to gain momentum during his time at Birmingham City. He scored his first competitive international goal in a 4–2 European Championship qualifying defeat to Russia in Moscow in September 2002. The next two years saw Morrison scored two more goals for Republic of Ireland in a friendly match against Scotland and Australia.", "Morrison later became a key part of the side as the Republic of Ireland competed for a place at World Cup 2006. He scored three goals in the qualifying campaign, but Brian Kerr's side finished fourth in a tight group that included Switzerland, France and Israel. At one point during the qualifying campaign, Morrison accused Alexander Frei of making a racist comment to him during the Switzerland and Republic of Ireland match on 9 September 2004", ". Frei refuted Morrison's claim, and no sanctions were levied against Frei.", "Despite scoring in 11 out of 14 games for Palace, Morrison was not called into the Ireland squad to face Brazil in a friendly in February 2008. However, his continued good form with Palace led to him being recognised by Ireland coach Giovanni Trapattoni in his first provisional 40-man squad, though he did not make it to the 28-man squad. Following this, Morrison was never featured in the national team squad and ended his international career, making thirty–six appearances and scoring nine times.", "Media career\nMorrison did some media work as a pundit on Sky Sports and Football League Tonight on Channel 5.\n\nIn September 2020, Sky Sports announced Morrison as their new pundit for Soccer Saturday.", "Personal life\nGrowing up, Morrison supported Tottenham Hotspur, but idolised Ian Wright. However, Morrison revealed in an interview with The Guardian that he \"grew up in a broken home in south London\" with his mother and sister. Morrison was known as Clinton Chambers before changing his surname when he was 15. The impetus for the change was his father walking out on the family when Morrison was seven years old, leaving his mother to raise two children alone.", "Morrison later credited his mother for being a big influence in his life, saying: \"She did everything for me, my Mum. Everything. She kept me in school when I didn't want no lessons, she brought me to games, she kept my chin up. I don't think I would have turned bad, doing crimes and that. It's not me, not the way I am, but in the same way I don't know what would have happened. There was a lot of crime going on", ". There was a lot of crime going on.\" Clinton is a father to two boys; one of whom is following in his footsteps and is signed to Nottingham Forest Academy. He since resided in Long Eaton, while also working in broadcasting.", "Morrison has been involved in campaigning against racism in English football, having experienced racism himself. During his professional football career he was a mentor to some footballers, including Patrick van Aanholt.\n\nIn August 2003, Morrison was questioned by police on suspicion of illegal drug possession but did not face charges after questioning.\n\nCareer statistics\n\nClub\n\nInternational\n\nScores and results list Ireland's goal tally first, score column indicates score after each Morrison goal.", "See also\n List of Republic of Ireland international footballers born outside the Republic of Ireland\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links", "1979 births\nLiving people\nFootballers from Tooting\nEnglish men's footballers\nIrish people of Jamaican descent\nSportspeople of Jamaican descent\nRepublic of Ireland men's association footballers\nRepublic of Ireland men's under-21 international footballers\nRepublic of Ireland men's international footballers\nMen's association football forwards\nCrystal Palace F.C. players\nBirmingham City F.C. players\nCoventry City F.C. players\nSheffield Wednesday F.C. players\nMilton Keynes Dons F.C. players", "Coventry City F.C. players\nSheffield Wednesday F.C. players\nMilton Keynes Dons F.C. players\nBrentford F.C. players\nColchester United F.C. players\nLong Eaton United F.C. players\nExeter City F.C. players\nRedditch United F.C. players\nMickleover F.C. players\nEnglish Football League players\nPremier League players\nMidland Football League players\nNorthern Football League players\nSouthern Football League players\n2002 FIFA World Cup players\nEnglish sportspeople of Jamaican descent\nEnglish people of Irish descent", "English sportspeople of Jamaican descent\nEnglish people of Irish descent\nBlack British sportsmen\nIrish people of Afro-Caribbean descent\nBlack Irish sportspeople\nAssociation football commentators\nEnglish association football commentators" ]
Josephine Baker
[ "{{Infobox person\n| name = Josephine Baker\n| image = File:Baker Harcourt 1940 2.jpg\n| caption = Baker in 1940\n| birth_name = Freda Josephine McDonald\n| birth_date = \n| birth_place = St. Louis, Missouri, US\n| death_date = \n| death_place = Paris, France\n| resting_place = Monaco Cemetery \n| nationality = American (renounced)French (1937–1975)", "| nationality = American (renounced)French (1937–1975)\n| occupation = Vedette, singer, dancer, actress, civil rights activist, French Resistance agent\n| years_active = 1921–1975\n| spouse = \n| partner = Robert Brady (1973–1975)", "| spouse = \n| partner = Robert Brady (1973–1975)\n| children = 12; Jean-Claude Baker presented himself as her foster son (contested by the Baker children<ref>[https://www.sudouest.fr/dordogne/sarlat-la-caneda/je-lui-dois-bien-plus-que-ca-9224950.php Sud ouest, « Je lui dois bien plus que ça », 03/24, 2012]</ref>)\n| signature = Signature de Joséphine Baker - Archives nationales (France).png\n| module = \n}}", "Freda Josephine Baker (; June 3, 1906 – April 12, 1975), naturalised as Joséphine Baker, was an American-born French dancer, singer and actress. Her career was centered primarily in Europe, mostly in France. She was the first black woman to star in a major motion picture, the 1927 silent film Siren of the Tropics, directed by and .", "During her early career, Baker was among the most celebrated performers to headline the revues of the in Paris. Her performance in the revue in 1927 caused a sensation in the city. Her costume, consisting of only a short skirt of artificial bananas and a beaded necklace, became an iconic image and a symbol both of the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties.", "Baker was celebrated by artists and intellectuals of the era, who variously dubbed her the \"Black Venus\", the \"Black Pearl\", the \"Bronze Venus\", and the \"Creole Goddess\". Born in St. Louis, Missouri, she renounced her U.S. citizenship and became a French national after her marriage to French industrialist Jean Lion in 1937. She raised her children in France.", "She aided the French Resistance during World War II. After the war, she was awarded the Resistance Medal by the French Committee of National Liberation, the by the French military, and was named a Chevalier of the by General Charles de Gaulle. Baker sang: \"I have two loves, my country and Paris.\"", "Baker refused to perform for segregated audiences in the United States and is noted for her contributions to the civil rights movement. In 1968, she was offered unofficial leadership in the movement in the United States by Coretta Scott King, following Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. After thinking it over, Baker declined the offer out of concern for the welfare of her children.", "On November 30, 2021, she was inducted into the Panthéon in Paris, the first black woman to receive one of the highest honors in France. As her resting place remains in Monaco Cemetery, a cenotaph was installed in vault 13 of the crypt in the Panthéon.\n\n Early life", "Freda Josephine McDonald was born on June 3, 1906, in St. Louis, Missouri. Her mother Carrie, was adopted in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1886 by Richard and Elvira McDonald, both of whom were former slaves of African and Native American descent. Baker's estate and some other sources identify vaudeville drummer Eddie Carson as her natural father, whilst other sources dispute this", ". Baker's foster son Jean-Claude Baker wrote a biography, published in 1993, titled Josephine: The Hungry Heart, in which he discusses at length the circumstances surrounding Baker's birth based on his research, concluding that Baker's father was white, and that Baker knew that Carson was not her father", ". Academic Bennetta Jules-Rosette, author of Josephine Baker in Art and Life: The Icon and the Image (2007) wrote about the difficulty of establishing the truth of Baker's early life, given \"the factual and counterfactual reworkings of her numerous biographers\" and Baker's own \"numerous and often contradictory reworkings of the story, which frequently lacked coherence\".", "Josephine McDonald spent her early life on 212 Targee Street (known by some St. Louis residents as Johnson Street) in the Chestnut Valley neighborhood of St. Louis, a racially mixed low-income neighborhood near Union Station, consisting mainly of rooming houses, brothels, and apartments without indoor plumbing. She was poorly dressed, hungry as a child, and developed street smarts playing in the railroad yards of Union Station.", "Her mother married Arthur Martin, \"a kind but perpetually unemployed man\", with whom she had a son and two more daughters. She took in laundry to wash to make ends meet, and at eight years old, Josephine began working as a live-in domestic for white families in St. Louis. One woman abused her, burning Josephine's hands when the young girl put too much soap in the laundry.", "In 1917, when she was 11, a terrified Josephine McDonald witnessed racial violence in East St. Louis. In a speech years later, she recalled what she had seen:I can still see myself standing on the west bank of the Mississippi looking over into East St. Louis and watching the glow of the burning of Negro homes lighting the sky. We children stood huddled together in bewilderment ..", ". We children stood huddled together in bewilderment ... frightened to death with the screams of the Negro families running across this bridge with nothing but what they had on their backs as their worldly belongings... So with this vision I ran and ran and ran....", "By age 12, she had dropped out of school. At 13, she worked as a waitress at the Old Chauffeur's Club at 3133 Pine Street. She also lived as a street child in the slums of St. Louis, sleeping in cardboard shelters, scavenging for food in garbage cans, making a living with street-corner dancing. It was at the Old Chauffeur's Club where Josephine met Willie Wells, and subsequently married him at age 13; however, the marriage lasted less than a year", ". Following her divorce from Wells, she found work with a street performance group called the Jones Family Band.", "In her teen years she struggled to have a healthy relationship with her mother, who did not want her to become an entertainer and scolded her for not tending to her second husband, William Howard Baker, whom she married in 1921 at the age of 15.Uncertainty about her career and her need for love and respectability made her consider marrying Pepito on whom she could depend, and who loved her", ". However, she was still married to Willie Baker, which didn't prevent the \"couple\" from announcing to the press that they had wed in June 1927. She left him when her vaudeville troupe was booked into a New York City venue, and divorced in 1925; it was during this time she began to see significant career success, and she continued to use his last name professionally for the rest of her life", ". Though Baker traveled, she would return with gifts and money for her mother and younger half-sister, but larger career opportunities pushed her to make a trip to France.", "Career \n Early career", "Baker's consistent badgering of a show manager in her hometown led to her being recruited for the St. Louis Chorus vaudeville show. At the age of 13, she headed to New York City during the Harlem Renaissance, and performed at the Plantation Club, Florence Mills' old stomping ground", ". After several auditions, she secured a role in the chorus line of a touring production of the groundbreaking and hugely successful Broadway revue Shuffle Along, (1921) that helped bring to the public's attention Florence Mills, Paul Robeson, and Adelaide Hall.", "In Shuffle Along, Baker was a dancer positioned at the end of a chorus line. Fearing she might be overshadowed by the other dancers, she used her position to introduce a hint of comedy into her routine, thereby making her stand out from the other dancers. She first entered Shuffle Along 1922 in one of the U.S. touring companies. Once she became of age, she was transferred to the Broadway production where she remained for several months up until the show ended in 1923", ". The next revue Baker was cast in was The Chocolate Dandies, which opened on September 1, 1924. Again, she was cast in the chorus line. The show ran for 96 performances and closed in November 1925.", "Pre War Paris and rise to fame", "Baker sailed to Paris in 1925, and opened on October 2 in at Théâtre des Champs-Élysées. Baker was aged 19 at the time. In a 1974 interview with The Guardian, Baker explained that she obtained her first big break in the bustling city. \"No, I didn't get my first break on Broadway. I was only in the chorus in Shuffle Along and Chocolate Dandies. I became famous first in France in the twenties. I just couldn't stand America and I was one of the first colored Americans to move to Paris", ". I just couldn't stand America and I was one of the first colored Americans to move to Paris. Oh yes, Bricktop was there as well. Me and her were the only two, and we had a marvelous time. Of course, everyone who was anyone knew Bricky. And they got to know Miss Baker as well.\"", "In Paris, she became an instant success for her erotic dancing, and for appearing practically nude onstage. After a successful tour of Europe, she broke her contract and returned to France in 1926 to star at the Folies Bergère, setting the standard for her future acts.", "Baker performed the \"Danse Sauvage\" wearing a costume consisting of a skirt made of a string of artificial bananas. Her success coincided (1925) with the Exposition des Arts Décoratifs, which gave birth to the term \"Art Deco\", and also with a renewal of interest in non-Western forms of art, including African. Baker represented one aspect of this fashion. In later shows in Paris, she was often accompanied on stage by her pet cheetah \"Chiquita,\" who was adorned with a diamond collar", ". The cheetah frequently escaped into the orchestra pit, where it terrorized the musicians, adding another element of excitement to the show.", "After a while, Baker was the most successful American entertainer working in France. Ernest Hemingway called her \"the most sensational woman anyone ever saw\". The author spent hours talking with her in Paris bars. Picasso drew paintings depicting her alluring beauty. Jean Cocteau became friendly with her and helped vault her to international stardom. Baker endorsed a \"Bakerfix\" hair gel, bananas, shoes, and cosmetics amongst other products.", "In 1929, Baker became the first African-American star to visit Yugoslavia, while on tour in Central Europe via the Orient Express. In Belgrade, she performed at Luxor Balkanska, the most luxurious venue in the city at the time. She included Pirot kilim into her routine, as a nod to the local culture, and she donated some of the show's proceeds to poor children of Serbia. In Zagreb, she was received by adoring fans at the train station", ". In Zagreb, she was received by adoring fans at the train station. However, some of her shows were cancelled, due to opposition from the local clergy and morality police.", "During her travels in Yugoslavia, Baker was accompanied by \"Count\" Giuseppe Pepito Abatino. At the start of her career in France, Baker had met Abatino, a Sicilian former stonemason who passed himself off as a count, and who persuaded her to let him manage her. Abatino was not only Baker's manager but her lover as well. The two could not marry because Baker was still married to her second husband, Willie Baker.", "During this period, she released her most successful song, \"J'ai deux amours\" (1931). The song expresses the sentiment that \"I have two loves, my country and Paris.\" In a 2007 book, Tim Bergfelder, Sue Harris and Sarah Street claimed that \"by the 1930's, Baker's assimilation into French popular culture had been completed by her association with the song\". Baker starred in four films which found success only in Europe: the silent film Siren of the Tropics (1927), Zouzou (1934) and Princesse Tam Tam (1935)", ". She starred in Fausse Alerte in 1940. Bergfelder, Harris and Street wrote that the silent film Siren of the Tropics \"rehearses the 'primitive-to-Parisienne' narrative that would become the staple of Baker's cinema career, and exploited in particular her comic stage persona based on loose-limbed athleticism and artful clumsiness.\" The sound films Zouzou (1934) and Princesse Tam Tam were both star vehicles for Baker.", "Under the management of Abatino, Baker's stage and public persona, as well as her singing voice, were transformed. In 1934, she took the lead in a revival of Jacques Offenbach's opera La créole, which premiered in December of that year for a six-month run at the Théâtre Marigny on the Champs-Élysées of Paris. In preparation for her performances, she went through months of training with a vocal coach. In the words of Shirley Bassey, who has cited Baker as her primary influence, \"..", ". In the words of Shirley Bassey, who has cited Baker as her primary influence, \"... she went from a petite danseuse sauvage with a decent voice to la grande diva magnifique ... I swear in all my life I have never seen, and probably never shall see again, such a spectacular singer and performer.\"", "Despite her popularity in France, Baker never attained the equivalent reputation in America. Her star turn in a 1936 revival of Ziegfeld Follies on Broadway was not commercially successful, and later in the run she was replaced by Gypsy Rose Lee. Time magazine referred to her as a \"Negro wench ... whose dancing and singing might be topped anywhere outside of Paris\", while other critics said her voice was \"too thin\" and \"dwarf-like\" to fill the Winter Garden Theatre. She returned to Europe heartbroken", ". She returned to Europe heartbroken. This contributed to Baker's becoming a legal citizen of France and giving up her American citizenship.", "Baker returned to Paris in 1937, married the French industrialist Jean Lion, and became a French citizen. They were married in the French town of Crèvecœur-le-Grand, in a wedding presided over by the mayor, Jammy Schmidt.\n\nBetween 1933 and 1937 Baker was a guest at the start of the Tour de France on four occasions.\n\n World War II", "In September 1939, when France declared war on Germany in response to the invasion of Poland, Baker was recruited by the Deuxième Bureau, the French military intelligence agency, as an \"honorable correspondent\". Baker worked with Jacques Abtey, the head of French counterintelligence in Paris.", "She socialised with the Germans at embassies, ministries, night clubs, charming them while secretly gathering information. Her café-society fame enabled her to rub shoulders with those in the know, from high-ranking Japanese officials to Italian and Vichy bureaucrats, reporting to Abtey what she heard. She attended parties and gathered information at the Italian embassy without raising suspicion.", "When the Germans invaded France, Baker left Paris and went to the Château des Milandes, her home in the Dordogne département in the south of France. She housed people who were eager to help the Free French effort led by Charles de Gaulle and supplied them with visas. As an entertainer, Baker had an excuse for moving around Europe, visiting neutral nations such as Portugal, as well as some in South America", ". She carried information for transmission to England, about airfields, harbors, and German troop concentrations in the West of France. Notes were written in invisible ink on Baker's sheet music. As written in Jazz Age Cleopatra, \"She specialized in gatherings at embassies and ministries, charming people as she had always done, but at the same time trying to remember interesting items to transmit.\"", "Later in 1941, she and her entourage went to the French colonies in North Africa. The stated reason was Baker's health (since she was recovering from another case of pneumonia) but the real reason was to continue helping the Resistance. From a base in Morocco, she made tours of Spain. She pinned notes with the information she gathered inside her underwear (counting on her celebrity to avoid a strip search). She met the Pasha of Marrakech, whose support helped her through a miscarriage (the last of several)", ". After the miscarriage, she developed an infection so severe it required a hysterectomy. The infection spread and she developed peritonitis and then sepsis. After her recovery (which she continued to fall in and out of), she started touring to entertain British, French, and American soldiers in North Africa. The Free French had no organized entertainment network for their troops, so Baker and her entourage managed for the most part on their own. They allowed no civilians and charged no admission.", "After the war, Baker was awarded the Resistance Medal by the French Committee of National Liberation, the by the French military, and was named a Chevalier of the by General Charles de Gaulle.\n\nBaker's last marriage, to French composer and conductor Jo Bouillon, ended around the time she adopted her 11th child.\n\n Post War", "In 1949, a reinvented Baker returned in triumph to the Folies Bergère. Bolstered by recognition of her wartime heroism, Baker the performer assumed a new gravitas, unafraid to take on serious music or subject matter. The engagement was a rousing success and reestablished Baker as one of Paris' pre-eminent entertainers. In 1951, Baker was invited back to the United States for a nightclub engagement in Miami", ". In 1951, Baker was invited back to the United States for a nightclub engagement in Miami. After winning a public battle over desegregating the club's audience, Baker followed up her sold-out run at the club with a national tour. Rave reviews and enthusiastic audiences accompanied her everywhere, climaxed by a parade in Harlem in honor of her new title: NAACP's \"Woman of the Year\".", "In 1952, Baker was hired to crown the Queen of the Cavalcade of Jazz for the famed eighth Cavalcade of Jazz concert held at Wrigley Field in Los Angeles, which was produced by Leon Hefflin, Sr. on June 1. Also featured to perform that day were Roy Brown and His Mighty Men, Anna Mae Winburn and Her Sweethearts, Toni Harper, Louis Jordan, Jimmy Witherspoon and Jerry Wallace.", "An incident at the Stork Club in October 1951 interrupted and overturned her plans. Baker criticized the club's unwritten policy of discouraging Black patrons, then scolded columnist Walter Winchell, an old ally, for not rising to her defense. Winchell responded swiftly with a series of harsh public rebukes, including accusations of Communist sympathies (a serious charge at the time)", ". The ensuing publicity resulted in the termination of Baker's work visa, forcing her to cancel all her engagements and return to France. It was almost a decade before U.S. officials allowed her back into the country.", "In January 1966, Fidel Castro invited Baker to perform at the Teatro Musical de La Habana in Havana, Cuba, at the seventh-anniversary celebrations of his revolution. Her spectacular show in April broke attendance records. In 1968, Baker visited Yugoslavia and made appearances in Belgrade and in Skopje. In her later career, Baker faced financial troubles. She commented, \"Nobody wants me, they've forgotten me\"; but family members encouraged her to continue performing", ". In 1973 she performed at Carnegie Hall to a standing ovation.", "The following year, she appeared in a Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium, and then at the Monegasque Red Cross Gala, celebrating her 50 years in French show business. Advancing years and exhaustion began to take their toll; she sometimes had trouble remembering lyrics, and her speeches between songs tended to ramble. She still continued to captivate audiences of all ages.", "Civil rights activism", "Although based in France, Baker supported the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s. When she arrived in New York with her husband Jo, they were refused reservations at 36 hotels because of racial discrimination. She was so upset by this treatment that she wrote articles about the segregation in the United States. She also began traveling into the South", ". She also began traveling into the South. She gave a talk at Fisk University, a historically black college in Nashville, Tennessee, on \"France, North Africa and the Equality of the Races in France\".", "She refused to perform for segregated audiences in the United States, although she was offered $10,000 by a Miami club; the club eventually met her demands. Her insistence on mixed audiences helped to integrate live entertainment shows in the Las Vegas Valley. After this incident, she began receiving threatening phone calls from people claiming to be from the Ku Klux Klan but said publicly that she was not afraid of them.", "In 1951, Baker made charges of racism against Sherman Billingsley's Stork Club in Manhattan, where she had been refused service. Actress Grace Kelly, who was at the club at the time, rushed over to Baker, took her by the arm and stormed out with her entire party, vowing never to return (although she returned on 3 January 1956 with Prince Rainier of Monaco). The two women became close friends after the incident.", "When Baker was near bankruptcy, Kelly—by then the princess consort—offered her a villa and financial assistance. (During his work on the Stork Club book, author and New York Times reporter Ralph Blumenthal was contacted by Jean-Claude Baker, one of Baker's sons. He indicated that he had read his mother's FBI file and, using comparison of the file to the tapes, said he thought the Stork Club incident was overblown.)", "Baker also worked with the NAACP. Her reputation as a crusader grew to such an extent that the NAACP had Sunday, May 20, 1951, declared \"Josephine Baker Day\". She was presented with life membership with the NAACP by Nobel Peace Prize winner Ralph Bunche. The honor she was paid spurred her to further her crusading efforts with the \"Save Willie McGee\" rally. McGee was a black man in Mississippi convicted of raping a white woman in 1945 on the basis of dubious evidence, and sentenced to death", ". Baker attended rallies for McGee and wrote letters to Fielding Wright, the governor of Mississippi, asking him to spare McGee's life. Despite her efforts, McGee was executed in 1951. As the decorated war hero who was bolstered by the racial equality she experienced in Europe, Baker became increasingly regarded as controversial; some black people even began to shun her, fearing that her outspokenness and racy reputation from her earlier years would hurt the cause.", "In 1963, she spoke at the March on Washington at the side of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Baker was the only official female speaker. While wearing her Free French uniform emblazoned with her medal of the Légion d'honneur, she introduced the \"Negro Women for Civil Rights\". Rosa Parks and Daisy Bates were among those she acknowledged, and both gave brief speeches", ". Rosa Parks and Daisy Bates were among those she acknowledged, and both gave brief speeches. Not everyone involved wanted Baker present at the March; some thought her time overseas had made her a woman of France, one who was disconnected from the Civil Rights issues going on in America. In her speech, one of the things Baker said:", "I have walked into the palaces of kings and queens and into the houses of presidents. And much more. But I could not walk into a hotel in America and get a cup of coffee, and that made me mad. And when I get mad, you know that I open my big mouth. And then look out, 'cause when Josephine opens her mouth, they hear it all over the world ...", "After King's assassination, his widow Coretta Scott King approached Baker in the Netherlands to ask if she would take her husband's place as leader of the Civil Rights Movement. After many days of thinking it over, Baker declined, saying her children were \"too young to lose their mother\".\n\n Personal life \n Relationships", "Baker's first marriage was to American Pullman porter Willie Wells when she was only 13 years old. The union was reportedly very unhappy, and the couple divorced soon after marrying. Another short-lived marriage followed in 1921, to William Howard Baker. Because her career was already taking off under that last name, she retained it after the divorce. Although she ultimately had four marriages to men, Jean-Claude Baker wrote that Josephine was bisexual and had several relationships with women.", "In 1925, she began an extramarital relationship with the Belgian novelist Georges Simenon. On an ocean liner, in 1929, en route from South America to France, Baker had an affair with the Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret). In 1937, Baker married Frenchman Jean Lion, but they separated in 1940. She married French composer and conductor Jo Bouillon in 1947, and their union lasted 14 years before also ending in divorce", ". Later, she was involved with the artist Robert Brady for a time, but they never married. Speculation exists that Baker was also involved in sexual liaisons, if not relationships, with blues singer Clara Smith, Ada \"Bricktop\" Smith, French novelist Colette, and Frida Kahlo.", "Children", "During her participation in the civil rights movement, Baker began to adopt children, forming a family which she often referred to as \"The Rainbow Tribe\". Baker wanted to prove that \"children of different ethnicities and religions could still be brothers\". She often took the children with her cross-country, and when they were at Château des Milandes, she arranged tours so visitors could walk the grounds and see how natural and happy the children were in \"The Rainbow Tribe\"", ". Her estate featured hotels, a farm, rides, and the children singing and dancing for the audience. She charged an admission fee to visitors who entered and partook in the activities, which included watching the children play.", "She created dramatic backstories for them, picking them with clear intent in mind: at one point, she wanted and planned to adopt a Jewish baby, but she settled for a French one. She also raised them in different religions in order to further her model for the world, taking two children from Algeria and raising one child as a Muslim and raising the other child as a Catholic. One member of the Tribe, Jean-Claude Baker, said: \"She wanted a doll.\"", "Baker raised two daughters, French-born Marianne and Moroccan-born Stellina, and 10 sons, Japanese-born Janot (born Teruya) and Akio, Colombian-born Luis, Finnish-born Jari (now Jarry), French-born Jean-Claude, Noël, and Moïse, Algerian-born Brahim (later Brian), Ivorian-born Koffi, and Venezuelan-born Mara. Later on, Josephine Baker would become the legal guardian of another boy, also named Jean-Claude, and considered him an unofficial addition to the Rainbow Tribe", ". For some time, Baker lived with her children and an enormous staff in the château in Dordogne, France, with her fourth husband, Jo Bouillon. Bouillon claimed that Baker bore one child, though it was stillborn in 1941, an incident that precipitated an emergency hysterectomy.", "Baker forced Jarry to leave the château and live with his adoptive father, Jo Bouillon, in Argentina, at the age of 15, after discovering that he was gay. Moïse died of cancer in 1999, and Noël was diagnosed with schizophrenia and is in a psychiatric hospital as of 2009. Jean-Claude Baker committed suicide in 2015, aged 71.", "Later years and death \nIn her later years Baker converted to Catholicism. In 1968, Baker lost her château owing to unpaid debts; afterwards Princess Grace offered her an apartment in Roquebrune, near Monaco.", "Baker was back on stage at the Olympia in Paris in 1968, in Belgrade and at Carnegie Hall in 1973 and at the Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium and at the Gala du Cirque in Paris in 1974. On April 8, 1975, Baker starred in a retrospective revue at the Bobino in Paris, Joséphine à Bobino 1975, celebrating her 50 years in show business. The revue, financed by Prince Rainier, Princess Grace, and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, opened to rave reviews", ". Demand for seating was such that fold-out chairs had to be added to accommodate spectators. The opening-night audience included Sophia Loren, Mick Jagger, Shirley Bassey, Diana Ross and Liza Minnelli.", "Four days later, Baker was found lying peacefully in her bed surrounded by newspapers with glowing reviews of her performance. She was in a coma after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage. She was taken to Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, where she died, aged 68, on April 12, 1975.", "Baker received a full Catholic funeral at L'Église de la Madeleine, attracting more than 20,000 mourners. The only American-born woman to receive full French military honors at her funeral, Baker's funeral was the occasion of a huge procession. After a family service at Saint-Charles Church in Monte Carlo, Baker was interred at Monaco's Cimetière de Monaco.\n\nBaker was a Freemason.", "Baker was a Freemason.\n\n Legacy Place Joséphine Baker () in the Montparnasse Quarter of Paris was named in her honor. She has also been inducted into the St. Louis Walk of Fame, and on March 29, 1995, into the Hall of Famous Missourians. St. Louis's Channing Avenue was renamed Josephine Baker Boulevard, and a wax sculpture of Baker is on permanent display at The Griot Museum of Black History.", "In 2015, she was inducted into the Legacy Walk in Chicago, Illinois. The Piscine Joséphine Baker is a swimming pool along the banks of the Seine in Paris named after her.", "Writing in the on-line BBC magazine in late 2014, Darren Royston, historical dance teacher at RADA, credited Baker with being the Beyoncé of her day, and bringing the Charleston to Britain. Two of Baker's sons, Jean-Claude and Jarry (Jari), grew up to go into business together, running the restaurant Chez Josephine on Theatre Row, 42nd Street, New York City. It celebrates Baker's life and works.", "Château des Milandes, a castle near Sarlat in the Dordogne, was Baker's home where she raised her twelve children. It is open to the public and displays her stage outfits including her banana skirt (of which there are apparently several). It also displays many family photographs and documents as well as her Legion of Honour medal", ". It also displays many family photographs and documents as well as her Legion of Honour medal. Most rooms are open for the public to walk through including bedrooms with the cots where her children slept, a huge kitchen, and a dining room where she often entertained large groups. The bathrooms were designed in art deco style but most rooms retained the French chateau style.", "Baker continued to influence celebrities more than a century after her birth. In a 2003 interview with USA Today, Angelina Jolie cited Baker as \"a model for the multiracial, multinational family she was beginning to create through adoption\". Beyoncé performed Baker's banana dance at the Fashion Rocks concert at Radio City Music Hall in September 2006.", "Writing on the 110th anniversary of her birth, Vogue described how her 1926 \"danse sauvage\" in her famous banana skirt \"brilliantly manipulated the white male imagination\" and \"radically redefined notions of race and gender through style and performance in a way that continues to echo throughout fashion and music today, from Prada to Beyoncé.\"", "On June 3, 2017, the 111th anniversary of her birth, Google released an animated Google Doodle, which consists of a slideshow chronicling her life and achievements.\n\nOn Thursday, November 22, 2018, a documentary entitled Josephine Baker: The Story of an Awakening, directed by Ilana Navaro, premiered at the Beirut Art Film Festival. It contains rarely seen archival footage, including some never before discovered, with music and narration.", "In August 2019, Baker was one of those inducted in the Rainbow Honor Walk, a walk of fame in San Francisco's Castro District noting LGBTQ people who have \"made significant contributions in their fields\".\n\n Panthéon in Paris", "In May 2021, an online petition was set up by writer Laurent Kupferman asking that Joséphine Baker be honoured by being reburied at the Panthéon in Paris or being granted Panthéon honours, which would make her only the sixth woman at the mausoleum alongside Simone Veil, Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz, Marie Curie, Germaine Tillion, and Sophie Berthelot", ". In August 2021 the French President, Emmanuel Macron, announced that Baker's remains would be reburied at the Panthéon in November 2021, following the petition and continued requests from Baker's family since 2013. Her son Claude Bouillon-Baker, however, told Agence France-Presse that her body would remain in Monaco and only a plaque would be installed at the Panthéon. It was later announced that a symbolic casket containing soil from various locations where Baker had lived, including St", ". Louis, Paris, the South of France and Monaco, would be carried by the French Air and Space Force in a parade in Paris before a ceremony at the Panthéon where the casket was interred. The ceremony took place on Tuesday 30 November 2021, and Baker thus became the first black woman to be honored in the secular temple to the \"great men\" of the French Republic.", "Works portraying or inspired by Baker", "Film and television \n Diana Ross portrayed Baker in her Tony Award-winning Broadway and television show An Evening with Diana Ross. When the show was made into an NBC television special entitled The Big Event: An Evening with Diana Ross, Ross again portrayed Baker.", "In 1991, Baker's life story, The Josephine Baker Story, was broadcast on HBO. Lynn Whitfield portrayed Baker, and won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Special – becoming the first Black actress to win the award in this category.\n A German submariner mimics Baker's Danse banane in the 1981 film Das Boot.\n In the 1997 animated musical film Anastasia, Baker appears with her cheetah during the musical number \"Paris Holds the Key (to Your Heart)\".", "In 2002, Baker was portrayed by Karine Plantadit in the biopic Frida.\n A character who is based on Baker (topless, wearing the famous \"banana skirt\") appears in the opening sequence of the 2003 animated film The Triplets of Belleville (Les Triplettes de Belleville).\n Her influence upon and assistance to the careers of the husband and wife dancers Carmen De Lavallade and Geoffrey Holder are discussed and illustrated in rare footage in the 2005 Linda Atkinson/Nick Doob documentary, Carmen and Geoffrey.", "In 2011, Sonia Rolland portrayed Baker in the film Midnight in Paris.\n In February 2017, Tiffany Daniels portrayed Baker in the Timeless television episode \"The Lost Generation\".\n In May 2020, Astrid Jones portrayed Baker in the El ministerio del tiempo television episode \"La memoria del tiempo (The memory of time)\".\n Baker is portrayed by actress Carra Patterson in the seventh episode, entitled \"I Am.\", of HBO’s television series Lovecraft Country.", "A biopic about the life of Josephine Baker was announced in November 2022. It will be directed by French director Maïmouna Doucouré and produced by French production company Studiocanal.", "Stage", "In 1986, Helen Gelzer portrayed Baker on the concept album Josephine – \"a musical version of the life and times of Josephine Baker\" with book, lyrics and music by Michael Wild. The musical director was Paul Maguire. The album was produced in conjunction with Baker's longtime friend Jack Hockett and Premier Box Office. A West End stage production of Josephine was premiered at the Fortune Theatre on June 4, 1989", ". A West End stage production of Josephine was premiered at the Fortune Theatre on June 4, 1989. It was produced by Ian Liston and financed in conjunction with Jack Hockett and Premier Box Office. Sadly, Jack Hockett passed away in 1988 before the show was staged. Heather Gillespie played the lead role of Josephine Baker, and Baker’s husband Pepito was played by Roland Alexander. Peggy Phango played Bricktop.", "In 2006, Jérôme Savary produced a musical, A La Recherche de Josephine – New Orleans for Ever (Looking for Josephine), starring Nicolle Rochelle. The story revolved around the history of jazz and Baker's career.\n In 2006, Deborah Cox starred in the musical Josephine at Florida's Asolo Theatre, directed and choreographed by Joey McKneely, with a book by Ellen Weston and Mark Hampton, music by Steve Dorff and lyrics by John Bettis.", "In July 2012, Cheryl Howard opened in The Sensational Josephine Baker, written and performed by Howard and directed by Ian Streicher at the Beckett Theatre of Theatre Row on 42nd Street in New York City, just a few doors away from Chez Josephine.\n In July 2013, Cush Jumbo's debut play Josephine and I premiered at the Bush Theatre, London. It was re-produced in New York City at The Public Theater's Joe's Pub from 27 February to 5 April 2015.", "In June 2016, Josephine, a burlesque cabaret dream play starring Tymisha Harris as Josephine Baker premiered at the 2016 San Diego Fringe Festival. The show has since played across North America and had a limited off-Broadway run in January–February 2018 at SoHo Playhouse in New York City.", "In late February 2017, a new play about Baker's later years, The Last Night of Josephine Baker by playwright Vincent Victoria, opened in Houston, Texas, starring Erica Young as \"Past Josephine\" and Jasmin Roland as \"Present Josephine\".\n Actress DeQuina Moore portrayed Baker in a biographic musical titled Josephine Tonight at The Ensemble Theatre in Houston, Texas, from June 27 to July 28, 2019.", "In September 2021, Theatre Royal, Bath, in conjunction with Oxford Playhouse and Wales Millennium Centre produced a UK touring production of Josephine co-written by Leona Allen and Jesse Briton who also directed the show. It toured the UK and featured Ebony Feare in the lead role as Josephine Baker.", "Since 2016 Dynamite Lunchbox Entertainment of Orlando Florida has been touring \"Josephine, a burlesque cabaret dream play\", co-created by and starring Tymisha Harris, to Fringe Festivals around Canada and the U.S. It played at the Montreal Fringe Festival in 2022. It is part of the 2022-2023 official season at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts in Montreal (spring 2023) as Josephine, A Musical Cabaret.", "Literature", "Baker appears in her role as a member of the French Resistance in Johannes Mario Simmel's 1960 novel, Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein (C'est pas toujours du caviar). The 2004 erotic novel Scandalous by British author Angela Campion uses Baker as its heroine and is inspired by Baker's sexual exploits and later adventures in the French Resistance. In the novel, Baker, working with a fictional Black Canadian lover named Drummer Thompson, foils a plot by French fascists in 1936 Paris", ". Baker was heavily featured in the 2012 book Josephine's Incredible Shoe & The Blackpearls by Peggi Eve Anderson-Randolph. In his novel Noire, la neige, Marseille, Editions Parenthèses, , Pascal Rannou evokes the relationship between Valaida Snow and Josephine Baker, who is one of the main characters of this story.", "Music \n The Italian-Belgian francophone singer composer Salvatore Adamo pays tribute to Baker with the song \"Noël Sur Les Milandes\" (album Petit Bonheur – EMI 1970).\n The British band Sailor paid tribute on their 1974 self-titled debut album Sailor with the Georg Kajanus song \"Josephine Baker\" who \"...stunned the world at the Folies Bergere...\"\n The title track of the 1987 Premiata Forneria Marconi album Miss Baker was written in honor of the American dancer Josephine Baker.", "British singer-songwriter, Al Stewart wrote a song about Josephine Baker. It appears on the album Last days of the century from 1988.", "Beyoncé Knowles has portrayed Baker on various occasions. During the 2006 Fashion Rocks show, Knowles performed \"Dejá Vu\" in a revised version of the Danse banane costume. In Knowles's video for \"Naughty Girl\", she is seen dancing in a huge champagne glass à la Baker. In I Am ... Yours: An Intimate Performance at Wynn Las Vegas, Beyoncé lists Baker as an influence of a section of her live show.\n In 2010, Keri Hilson portrayed Baker in her single \"Pretty Girl Rock\".", "In 2010, Keri Hilson portrayed Baker in her single \"Pretty Girl Rock\".\n In January 2022, Laquita Mitchell sang the title role in the New Orleans Opera production of Josephine by Tom Cipullo.", "Artworks \n In 1927, Alexander Calder created Josephine Baker (III), a wire sculpture of Baker, which is now displayed at the Museum of Modern Art.", "A nude portrait of Baker by Jean de Botton was the \"cynosure for all eyes\" when it was shown at the Salon d'Automne in Paris in 1931. When auctioned in Paris in 2021 the painting set a world record (EUR 179,200) for the artist.Two drawings by de Botton depicting Josephine Baker, also from 1931, are conserved at the Musée franco-américain du château de Blérancourt.\n Henri Matisse created a mural-sized cut paper artwork titled La Négresse (1952–1953), possibly inspired by Baker.", "Hassan Musa depicted Baker in a 1994 series of paintings called Who needs Bananas? Film credits", "Documentaries \n Joséphine Baker. Black Diva in a White Mans World. Film by Annette von Wangenheim, about Baker's life and work from a perspective that analyses images of Black people in popular culture, WDR/3sat, 2006\n\n “Josephine Baker: The Story of an Awakening,”'' directed by Ilana Navaro, premiered at the Beirut Art Film Festival in 2018.\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links", "(self)\n \n \n \n The electric body: Nancy Cunard sees Josephine Baker (2003) – review essay of dance style and contemporary critics\n Collection: Josephine Baker papers at Houghton Library, Harvard University\n \n Norwood, Arlisha. \"Josephine Baker\". National Women's History Museum. 2017.\n Josephine Baker papers, 1931–1968 at the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library\n Finding aid to the Josephine Baker collection at Columbia University. Rare Book & Manuscript Library.", "1906 births\n1975 deaths\n20th-century African-American women singers\n20th-century French actresses\n20th-century French women singers\nActresses from St. Louis\nAfrican-American Catholics\nAmerican emigrants to France\nAmerican female erotic dancers\nAmerican burlesque performers\nArticles containing video clips\nBlack French actors\nBurials in Monaco\nCabaret singers\nKnights of the Legion of Honour\nColumbia Records artists\nConverts to Roman Catholicism\nFrench anti-racism activists", "Columbia Records artists\nConverts to Roman Catholicism\nFrench anti-racism activists\nFemale recipients of the Croix de Guerre (France)\nFemale resistance members of World War II\nFemale wartime spies\nFrench buskers\nFrench female erotic dancers\nFrench film actresses\nFrench-language singers of the United States\nFrench people of African-American descent\nFrench Resistance members\nFrench Roman Catholics\nFrench spies\nFrench vedettes\nFrench women in World War II\nHarlem Renaissance\nMercury Records artists", "French vedettes\nFrench women in World War II\nHarlem Renaissance\nMercury Records artists\nMusic hall performers\nNaturalized citizens of France\nPeople from St. Louis\nPeople who renounced United States citizenship\nRCA Victor artists\nRecipients of the Croix de Guerre 1939–1945 (France)\nRecipients of the Resistance Medal\nRoman Catholic activists\nTraditional pop music singers\nVaudeville performers\nFrench Freemasons\nRoman Catholic Freemasons\nAmerican Freemasons" ]
Investment in post-invasion Iraq
[ "Investment in post-2003 Iraq refers to international efforts to rebuild the infrastructure of Iraq since the Iraq War in 2003. Along with the economic reform of Iraq, international projects have been implemented to repair and upgrade Iraqi water and sewage treatment plants, electricity production, hospitals, schools, housing, and transportation systems. Much of the work has been funded by the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund, and the Coalition Provisional Authority.", "A significant event for aid or investment in post-2003 Iraq was the Madrid Conference on Reconstruction on 23 October 2003, which was attended by representatives from over 25 nations. Funds assembled at this conference and from other sources have been administered by the United Nations and the World Bank under the umbrella of the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq.", "While reconstruction efforts have produced some successes, problems have arisen with the implementation of internationally funded Iraq reconstruction efforts. These include inadequate security, pervasive corruption, insufficient funding and poor coordination among international agencies and local communities. Many suggest that the efforts were hampered by a poor understanding of Iraq on the part of the international community assisting with the reconstruction.\n\nPre-2003 status of Iraq infrastructure", "During the 1970s Iraq made extensive investment in the water sector and other infrastructure using the proceeds of oil revenue. This investment slowed during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980 to 1988, but left Iraq in 1990 with a relatively modern electrical, water supply and sewerage system. During the Gulf War of 1991 aerial bombardment caused severe damage to the electric grid that operated the pumping stations and other facilities for potable water delivery and sewage treatment", ". The sanctions imposed by the UN at the conclusion of the Gulf War exacerbated these problems by banning the importation of spare parts for equipment and chemicals, such as chlorine, needed for disinfection. As a result of the war and sanctions, delivery of water dropped precipitously. For example, UNICEF estimates that before 1991, 95% of urban dwellers and 75% of rural dwellers were served by modern water supply systems that delivered treated water to homes and businesses", ". By 1999, urban coverage had dropped to 92% and rural coverage to 46%. Individual water availability showed greater changes. Between 1990 and 2000, the daily per capita share of potable water went from 330 litres to 150 litres in Baghdad, 270 to 110 in other urban areas, and 180 to 65 in rural areas.", "The March 2003 invasion of Iraq produced further degradation of Iraq's water supply, sewerage and electrical supply systems. Treatment plants, pumping stations and generating stations were stripped of their equipment, supplies and electrical wiring by looters. The once-capable cadre of engineers and operating technicians were scattered or left the country. Reconstruction efforts faced a nation with a severely degraded infrastructure.", "Assessing reconstruction needs", "In preparation for the October 2003 Madrid Donor Conference, the joint United Nations/World Bank team conducted an assessment of funding needs for reconstruction in Iraq during the period 2004-2007. The resulting report identified 14 sectors and associated funding needs as shown in the Table below", ". In addition to this US$36 billion, the Coalition Provisional Authority estimated an additional US$20 billion in need including US$5 billion for security and police and US$8 billion for oil industry infrastructure.", "In 2007 the Government of Iraq and the United Nations created the International Compact with Iraq a visioning and planning entity which identified reconstruction as an essential element for meeting human needs and economic development.", "Administration of Iraq reconstruction\nFunds for Iraq reconstruction are disbursed to Iraqi ministries, non-Iraqi government agencies and various non-governmental groups. These entities then supervise the acquisition of materials and reconstruction work which is conducted by both foreign and Iraqi contractors.", "Funds held by the United Nations Development Group are disbursed through United Nations agencies such as the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the UN Development Program. These UN agencies directly contract with equipment suppliers and construction companies. Disbursement of funds by the UN began in June 2004. Funds held by the World Bank are disbursed directly to Iraqi government agencies including the Municipality of Baghdad and national ministries", ". Granting of funds to Iraqi agencies began in December 2004.", "A series of US agencies have managed funds held by the US-operated Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund. Beginning in May 2003, the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) began oversight of reconstruction efforts in Iraq. Within the CPA the Project Management Office (PMO) was created to manage reconstruction projects. Both the CPA and PMO were divisions of the US Department of Defense. On June 28, 2004, the CPA was dissolved and the Iraqi interim government took power", ". On June 28, 2004, the CPA was dissolved and the Iraqi interim government took power. At this time, the management of reconstruction projects was transferred to the Iraq Reconstruction and Management Office (IRMO), a division of the US Department of State, and the Project and Contracting Office (PCO), a division of the Department of Defense, both under the oversight of the US State Department Mission to Baghdad", ". On December 4, 2005 the PCO was merged with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Gulf Region Division. Since October 2004, contracting support for Iraq reconstruction has also been provided by the Joint Contracting Command-Iraq/Afghanistan. Other U.S. Government agencies, including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department, have also issued contracts funded by the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund.", "Funds from the US-operated IRRF are largely disbursed through contracts to private firms. Several US companies have been particularly prominent in receiving Iraq reconstruction funds. Bechtel of San Francisco, USA has been awarded over $2.4 billion for infrastructure rehabilitation through USAID contracts. Flour AMEC, LLC, Greenville, South Carolina, USA has been awarded nearly $1 billion for water, sewer of solid waste management systems. Parsons Corporation of Pasadena, California has been awarded $1", ". Parsons Corporation of Pasadena, California has been awarded $1.3 billion for construction services. Washington Group International of Boise, Idaho, USA has received awards of $580 million for water resource reconstruction projects. Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR), a subsidiary of Halliburton of Houston, Texas has received awards of $580 million. Another $1.2 billion has been distributed to Iraqi contractors", ". Another $1.2 billion has been distributed to Iraqi contractors. In 2005/2006 Symbion Power of the US were awarded $250 million of competitively bid new fixed price electrical infrastructure work throughout the country. Symbion Power is a privately owned engineering firm with an ownership structure that involves a security company Hart Security. The dollar figures provided here are as of July 2006.", "Progress of Iraq reconstruction", "Reconstruction efforts have been plagued by poor management, mishandling of reconstruction funds, inadequate coordination with Iraqis and widespread attacks on construction sites and contractors as documented by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR). In October, 2004, the U.S. Congress created SIGIR which is charged with oversight of the use and potential misuse of the IRRF", ". Congress created SIGIR which is charged with oversight of the use and potential misuse of the IRRF. The SIGIR conducts audits, investigations and inspections and issues quarterly reports to Congress. The SIGIR reports and U.S. Congressional testimony of Stuart Bowen, the Inspector General, are a primary source of information on U.S. funded Iraq reconstruction's overall status. The rate of disbursement of funds administered by the United Nations and World Bank has been slow", ". The rate of disbursement of funds administered by the United Nations and World Bank has been slow. Iraqi agencies and ministries are often unable to receive or process funds. Many United Nations agencies have had great difficulty operating in Iraq due to the poor security situation.", "Reprogramming reconstruction funds", "The original allocation of IRRF funds to the various sectors has undergone a series of reassignments. These allocation changes have occurred in September and December, 2004 and March and December, 2005 and generally involved shifting money from water resources and sanitation and electricity sectors to meet security needs and to provide training and operating funds for facilities already rehabilitated under IRRF funding", ". The table below shows the changes that occurred in allocations (billions of $US) between September 2004 and December 2005. While the administrative expenses are listed as separate category, an additional $0.60 billion, spread across sectors, was spent on administrative costs in fiscal years 2004 and 2005.", "Reconstruction gap", "In October, 2005 the SIGIR introduced the concept of the \"reconstruction gap\" which was defined as the difference between the reconstruction planned and that which is actually delivered. As of February 2006, the SIGIR reported that only 36% of water sector projects originally planned will be completed and only 70% of the originally-planned electricity sector projects will be completed", ". This shortfall is attributed to IRRF reprogramming of funds from these sectors to meet security needs, poor cost estimates in the original reconstruction plan, increased material costs and lack of administrative oversight. Estimates of the funds required to close the reconstruction gap are difficult to obtain because there is inadequate information on the cost-to-complete projects already in progress", ". In addition to funds for reconstruction, SIGIR recommends that funds be allocated to sustain the reconstructed infrastructure. Without funding for supplies, technicians and fuel, the facilities that have been completed may fall into disuse.", "Security of international aid workers", "International NGOs (INGOs) have found operating in Iraq highly dangerous to their staff, as between March 2003 and March 2008 94 aid workers were killed, 248 injured, 24 arrested or detained and 89 kidnapped or abducted. This has led to INGOs to either completely unwind their operations, or else go undercover and try to make their activities as low profile as possible", ". INGOs are not treated as neutral parties by large sections of the population due to their beginning operations alongside the invasion and receiving security and funding from the multinational force and the governments that it consists of. The security situation has also led to much of the management of aid programmes to take place abroad, thus lowering the effectiveness of the programmes and creating a fragmented response", ". Researchers at the Overseas Development Institute have discussed the importance of using local organisations and also understanding the violence not a single insurmountable challenge, but understanding various acts of violence more individually, sharing the knowledge between agencies and responding more appropriately - the formation of the NGO Coordination Committee in Iraq is a step in this direction.", "Attacks on construction activities", "Attacks, murders, bombings and armed vandalism are routine threats to reconstruction contractors. Since reconstruction began in March 2003 and as of July 30, 2009, at least 1395 workers on U.S. funded projects have died according to the U.S. Departments of Labor and State. The table below shows the number of worker deaths in each quarter starting with the first reporting by SIGIR. In addition, there have been thousands of insurance claims by construction workers for injuries sustained in attacks", ". The figures are probably mis-reported, especially among Iraqi contractors. Intimidation of workers has delayed projects and reduced the availability of non-Iraqi expert technicians. It is estimated that 25% of reconstruction funds have been used to provide security to construction workers and job sites.", "Attacks and vandalism have also affected completed projects including sabotage of oil pipelines and high-voltage electricity towers. However, the Commander of the Multi-National Force-Iraq, General David Petraeus, announced in May, 2008 that oil and electricity production have exceeded pre-war levels as the \"surge\" and enlistment of local Iraqis in security forces has brought calm to many areas of the nation.", "Corruption\nIt has been alleged that large amounts of American tax dollars and seized Iraqi revenues were lost by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). One audit put the total number as high as $8.8 billion. Fraudulent contractors such as Philip Bloom often bribed CPA officials in exchange for contracts that were never performed.", "An article in the New York Times describes \"irregularities including millions of reconstruction dollars stuffed casually into footlockers and filing cabinets, an American soldier in the Philippines who gambled away cash belonging to Iraq, and three Iraqis who plunged to their deaths in a rebuilt hospital elevator that had been improperly certified as safe", ".\" While the US government has begun the process of prosecuting contractors that stole American tax dollars, the Iraqi government currently has no means of reacquiring Iraqi assets that were stolen by US contractors. This is partially due to a decree passed by the CPA that gives civilian contractors in Iraq immunity from all Iraqi jurisdiction.", "As part of reconstruction, no-bid contracts have been awarded to large American corporations including Halliburton and Bechtel. In particular, Halliburton has been singled out for receiving what is perceived to be government favoritism for doing a shoddy job of rebuilding Iraq's oil infrastructure. When the Pentagon's own auditors determined that about $263 million of a Halliburton subsidiary's costs were potentially excessive, the Army still paid the company all but $10.1 million of the disputed costs.", "Bechtel Corp. became the first major U.S. contractor to announce that it was pulling out of Iraq in Fall 2006.", "Some say that the reconstruction would have been both much more efficient and inexpensive if more contracts were granted to local Iraqi firms, many of whom were shut out of the process due to the fact that they were state-owned. Congressman Henry Waxman was once told by members of the Iraqi governing council that paying Iraqi companies to rebuild Iraq instead of American ones would save American tax payers 90% of the costs.", "By Summer of 2008, oil and electricity levels returned to pre-invasion (i.e. pre-March, 2003) levels.", "In 2012 the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reported that in the prior two years 70 American individuals and companies had won up to USD8 billion in contracts for post-war Iraq and Afghanistan, all of which donated to the successful presidential campaigns of US former president George W. Bush and were led by Dick Cheney before he was picked as Bush's running mate and subsequently elected vice president.", "There have also been reports of pressure from the US government on the Iraqi administration regarding the latter's public procurement bids. In April 2019 German conglomerate Siemens was on the verge to win a USD 14 billion contract to rebuild Iraq's war-damaged infrastructure, according to then prime minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, which reportedly angered Siemens rival, American conglomerate General Electric and caused the Trump administration to lobby for GE", ". Additionally in 2018 Iraqi officials said the Trump administration had been heavily pressuring the country to pick GE over Siemens which eventually happened later that year.", "Current status of reconstruction\nThe United States Special Inspector General along with many Iraqi leaders judged the program to be a miserable failure.\n\nElectricity", "General Petraeus noted in May, 2008 that electricity levels have exceeded pre-war production; however, this statistic is misleading. The estimated hours per day of electricity availability has shifted. During the Saddam rule, Baghdad received electricity for between 16 and 24 hours per day with 4 to 8 hours received outside of the capital", ". Information from the Brookings Institution (early 2007) indicates that Baghdad now receives electricity from 4 to 8 hours per day with the remainder of the nation receiving from 8 to 12 hours of electricity per day. Current electricity levels of about 4000 MW have not yet reached the stated goal of nationwide production of 6000 MW.", "Much of the efforts to rebuild Iraq's electrical infrastructure has been largely dependent on the repair and construction of transmission lines and substations by global engineering firms willing to work in hostile territories.", "As of September 2013, the electricity ministry said approaching self-sufficiency and this year will mark the end of the crisis, and that hours in Baghdad and other provinces ranged from 24 hours during these days, as are eight provinces with 24 hours of electricity are Kirkuk and Babil, Najaf, Karbala, Missan, Thiqar and Muthana, along with exception of Kadhimiya City Holy walaazmet of outage.", "Food and humanitarian aid\nIn relation to food and humanitarian aid, Iraq seems to have underscored in different ways. The Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (OHRA) was for example, established with the aim of restoring the basic services with in the Iraqi people. Very little has been achieved however, in relation to the socio-economic rehabilitation. Iraqi people have sustained much more suffering prior to the invasion.", "In May 2006, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) concluded its most recent food security survey.", "It found that 15 percent of the total Iraqi population (just over 4 million people) is food insecure and in dire need of different types of humanitarian assistance, including food, despite the rations they are receiving from the Public Distribution System (PDS). This is an increase from the estimated 11 percent (2.6 million people) deemed to be extremely poor in WFP's first survey in September 2004. The May 2006 survey also indicated that a further 8", ". The May 2006 survey also indicated that a further 8.3 million people would be rendered food insecure if they were not provided with a PDS ration, compared to 3.6 million people in the previous survey. An earlier survey, conducted in July 2005, found that acute malnutrition rates for children was nine percent overall, but with rates for children between 6 and 12 months old reaching 13 percent and 12 percent for those aged between one and two years.", "In 2007, the WFP continues to provide emergency food provisions to about 1.1 million Iraqis. WFP has assisted in the establishment of a Food Security Unit, located in the Iraq Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, which collects food security information. The PDS is still a major contributor in stabilizing the food supply in Iraq. For the poor and food insecure, the PDS represents by far the single most important food source in their diet.", "Water, sanitation and solid waste", "As of January 2007, IRRF funded projects have resulted in the construction or rehabilitation of 21 potable water treatment facilities and 200 smaller water systems. Major projects include the Nassriya Water Treatment Plant which will produce 240,000 cubic meters per day. A new water canal to supply clean water to Basrah and Thi Qar was completed in April 2006. These projects have provided capacity to supply water to approximately 5.4 million people (1.67 million cubic meters per day)", ".4 million people (1.67 million cubic meters per day). This compares with the target capacity, at the completion of all IRRF funded water projects, of 2.37 million cubic meters per day needed to provide for 8.4 million people. The water that actually reaches Iraqi citizens is difficult to determine because of significant water losses in the distribution systems.", "A modern landfill, built to international environmental standards, is planned for southwest Baghdad, with the capacity to handle 2,230 cubic meters of waste per day. The construction was halted prior to completion in November 2005, due to security concerns. There has been some limited utilization of the landfill, however full utilization has not yet been implemented.", "Recent reports on waste collection, note that being a garbage collector may be one of the most dangerous jobs in Iraq. Most of the 500 municipal workers who have been killed in Baghdad since 2005 have been waste collectors. There are inadequate waste collection vehicles with only 380 presently in service. Before the invasion there were 1200 working trucks. Most of the vehicles were destroyed or lost in the looting that seized the capital after the American invasion", ". The deputy mayor of Baghdad estimates the city needs 1,500 waste collection vehicles.", "Oil\nBefore the 2003 invasion, Iraqi crude oil production was about (BPD). In 2006 Iraqi crude oil production averaged 2.12 million BPD. In mid-2006, the Iraqi oil minister, said that \"he expected output to rise to approximately 4 m BPD by 2010, increasing to 6 m BPD by 2012.\"", "The situation has been characterized by some Oil Ministry officials as chaotic, with one official stating \"We do not know the exact quantity of oil we are exporting, we do not exactly know the prices we are selling it for, and we do not know where the oil revenue is going to.\"", "In Summer, 2008, the nation's Parliament still had not produced a comprehensive \"hydrocarbon law\" (oil law) apportioning revenue between local governorates and the central government. While oil production in early 2008 exceeded pre-war levels and continued to climb, disagreements remained among oil-rich regions, oil-poor regions, and the national government over contracting rights and revenue-sharing.\n\nHealthcare", "Until the early 1990s, Iraq's healthcare system was considered one of the most advanced in the Middle East. Following the Gulf War, it began to deteriorate. Prior to the Iraq War, healthcare spending amounted to 50 cents (US) per Iraqi per year. Today, the Iraqi healthcare system has regressed to a chronic and smoldering condition. Infections are widespread, the infant mortality rate has surged, and medical shortages all threaten the once functioning medical system", ". US based NGO, Giving Children Hope, has an ongoing healthcare development program in Iraq that equips hospitals and clinics with needed supplies and equipment in conjunction with the US military.", "However, the situation in Iraqi Kurdistan is quite different. Due to their better stability as well as autonomy, the Kurdistan region enjoys health care superior to that under Saddam. Health workers have not left the provinces for neighboring counties, as they have in sectarian Iraq, and new programs for continuing professional education in major Iraqi Kurdish cities reflect the optimism of the area.", "With the primarily Sunni Al Anbar governorate to the west experiencing increased stability due to the U.S. troop surge and the Sunni rejection of Al Qaeda in Iraq, International Health analysts hope to see improved health care there, as well. It remains to be seen whether non-governmental organizations and the Shiite-dominated central Iraqi government will take advantage of the enhanced security to enact sustainable services and other improvements", ". Local initiatives in June 2008 included contracting with the International Medical Corps for a comprehensive Anbar continuing medical education program, rights of return for expatriate health professionals, and an overhaul of nursing, with innovative programs paralleling the \"diploma\" nursing track of the West, and a goal of attracting women to nursing as a career (70% of Iraqi nurses are male).", "Until late 2007, the Ministry of Health had been apportioned by the new Shiite majority to politicians aligned with Moqtada Al Sadr, a minority Shiite party leader and head of a sect prominent in East Baghdad slums. Allegations abounded of abductions of Sunni patients, and Iraqi Security Force (Army and Police) patients, from their hospital beds", ". The Inspector General was prosecuted for corruption, and the Facilities Protective Service (FPS) commander was dismissed for running a Mafia-like organization, contributing weapons and manpower to terrorist and other gangs.", "At the close of 2007, a new Minister of Health, Saleh Al-Hasnawi, was appointed and began ministerial reforms. The Inspector General was replaced and a new openness was encouraged. In June, 2008, the Minister of Health convened a National Strategic Planning Conference in Baghdad", ". In June, 2008, the Minister of Health convened a National Strategic Planning Conference in Baghdad. At this conference, attended by professionals, NGOs and Provincial Reconstruction Teams from all over Iraq, he announced that Iraq would direct its own health reconstruction, funding it with Iraqi money according to Iraqi priorities. Although there is still a place for external expert advice, the determination of the Iraqis to direct their own health development was clear.", "There are sparse data on the role of private practice in Iraq. Estimates range as high as 70% of outpatient visits, compared to approximately 30% before the war. Iraq has included health care as a constitutional right; as government-sponsored care becomes more accessible, the future of private practice will likely change, but it is an ingrained feature of the Iraqi healthcare fabric.", "Postal code system\nIn 1991 and 2003, Iraq developed a postal code system which was not widely utilized. Both attempts tried to identify the street or delivery address, along with the province and post office. Unfortunately, both of these attempts had built-in limitations that would not allow for expansion and were much more complex than necessary.", "In 2004, Iraq's Postmaster General, Mr. Ibraheem Hussien Ali, and CPA/MoC postal advisors initiated an effort to correct and modernize the Iraqi postal code system.\n\nPrivate sector development", "Proposed Baghdad Renaissance Plan", "Some private sector developments have also been proposed. One of these, The Proposed Baghdad Renaissance Plan , is a 25-year scheme, designed by architect Hisham N. Ashkouri to transform 9 km² of silt deposits into \"an up-market commercial and residential neighborhood\" astride the Tigris River in central Baghdad, as well as nearby Tahrir Square. Tahrir Square was originally part of Baghdad's central business district, and Phase I of the plan focuses on the redevelopment of this area.", "When finished, the \"commerce, banking, medical, housing, broadcast and IT, exhibition, conventions and cultural centers\" of which the plan is comprised would be occupied by up to one-half million people. The project received encouragement by the U.S. Department of Commerce as well as other US and Middle East organizations. A smaller-scale proposal of Dr. Ashkouri's is the Sindbad Hotel Complex and Conference Center, a high-rise hotel and movie theater complex which would be Baghdad's first skyscraper.", "Prevailing views are that political and social instability in the region are making such developments unduly risky, despite a high projected return on investment. Security concerns during the survey and construction phases are currently a cost-prohibitive factor.\n\nSee also", "See also\n\nHistory of Iraqi insurgency\nPost-invasion Iraq, 2003–2011\n2003 Iraq war timeline\nDevelopment Fund for Iraq\nNew Iraqi Army\nEconomy of Iraq\nIraq oil law (2007)\nIraq sanctions\nInternational Compact with Iraq\nTask Force for Business and Stability Operations\nReconstruction of Afghanistan\n\nReferences", "Links to Iraq reconstruction agencies\nInternational Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq Updates on reconstruction activities by the United Nations and World Bank.\nTask Force to Improve Business and Stability Operations - Iraq\nU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Weekly updates on Iraq reconstruction.\nUSAID Assistance to Iraq Homepage Updates and financial summaries on USAID managed reconstruction projects in Iraq.", "Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Watchdog for fraud, waste, and abuse of U.S. funds intended for Iraq reconstruction. Quarterly updates and expenditure progress.\nIraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) Assistance to the private sector for reconstruction and business opportunities.\nInternational Committee of the Red Cross Operational updates for ICRC activities in Iraq.", "International Committee of the Red Cross Operational updates for ICRC activities in Iraq.\nInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Updates on activities of the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.", "External articles and references\n Baghdad Invest - Iraq Investment Research - Investment News\n The Ground Truth Project—A series of exclusive, in-depth interviews and other resources with Iraqis, aid workers, military personnel and others who have spent significant time working to rebuild Iraq from the inside.\nIraq Inter-Agency Information & Analysis Unit Reports, Maps and Assessments of Iraq from the UN Inter-Agency Information & Analysis Unit\n Map of Iraq- High resolution maps of Iraq.", "Map of Iraq- High resolution maps of Iraq.\n Defend America: U.S. Department of Defense News About the War on Terrorism\n Measuring Stability and Security: U.S. Department of Defense Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq Quarterly Reports\n Fact Sheet on Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)\n * Kenneth M. Pollack, \"After Saddam: Assessing the Reconstruction of Iraq\". From foreignaffairs.org - author update, January 12, 2004.", "Iraq Analysis Economic Development Page Comprehensive information source listings on reconstruction of Iraq\nDahar Jamail, \"Iraq: The Devastation\", AlterNet\nIraq reconstruction funds missing\n Video Seminar on Iraq Coalition Politics: April 20, 2005, sponsored by the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security at the University of Illinois.\n Baghdad Renaissance Plan\nUAE Investors Keen On Taking Part In Baghdad Renaissance Project\nMan With A Plan: Hisham Ashkouri", "UAE Investors Keen On Taking Part In Baghdad Renaissance Project\nMan With A Plan: Hisham Ashkouri\nRenaissance Plan In The News\nARCADD, Inc.\nSymbion Power", "Civil affairs\n21st century in Iraq\nIraqi insurgency (2003–2011)\nPolitical scandals\nPolitics of Iraq" ]
Be Here Now (album)
[ "Be Here Now is the third studio album by English rock band Oasis, released on 21 August 1997 by Creation Records. The album was recorded at multiple recording studios in London, including Abbey Road Studios, as well as Ridge Farm Studio in Surrey. Although most tracks retain the anthemic quality of previous releases, the songs on Be Here Now are longer and contain many guitar overdubs. Noel Gallagher said this was done to make the album sound as \"colossal\" as possible", ". Noel Gallagher said this was done to make the album sound as \"colossal\" as possible. The album cover features a shot of the band members at Stocks House in Hertfordshire. It is the last Oasis studio album to feature founding members guitarist Paul \"Bonehead\" Arthurs and bassist Paul \"Guigsy\" McGuigan as the two left in 1999.", "Following the worldwide success of their first two albums, Definitely Maybe (1994) and (What's the Story) Morning Glory? (1995), the album was highly anticipated. Oasis' management company, Ignition, were aware of the dangers of overexposure, and before release sought to control media access to the album. The campaign included limiting pre-release radio airplay and forcing journalists to sign gag orders", ". The tactics alienated the press and many industry personnel connected with the band and fuelled large-scale speculation and publicity within the British music scene.", "Preceded by the lead single \"D'You Know What I Mean?\", Be Here Now was an instant commercial success, becoming the fastest-selling album in British chart history and topping the albums chart in 15 countries. It was the biggest selling album of 1997 in the UK, with 1.47 million units sold that year. As of 2016, the album has sold eight million copies worldwide. It has been certified 6× Platinum in the UK and Platinum in the US, being Oasis' third and final Platinum album in the country.", "According to co-producer Owen Morris, the recording sessions were marred by arguments and drug abuse, and the band's only motivations were commercial. While initial reception for Be Here Now was overwhelmingly positive, retrospective reviews have been more negative, with many calling it bloated and over-produced", ". The band members have had differing views of the album, with Noel severely criticising it and Liam Gallagher highly praising it and even declaring it as his favourite Oasis album in a 2017 interview. Critic Jon Savage would later pinpoint the album as the end of the Britpop movement. In 2016, the album was reissued with bonus tracks, including a new remix of \"D'You Know What I Mean?\".", "Background\nBy the summer of 1996, Oasis were widely considered, according to guitarist Noel Gallagher, \"the biggest band in the world ... bigger than, dare I say it, fucking God.\" The commercial success of their previous two albums had resulted in media frenzy in danger of leading to a backlash.", "Earlier that year, Oasis members holidayed with Johnny Depp and Kate Moss in Mick Jagger's villa in Mustique. During their last stay on the island, Noel wrote the majority of the songs that would make up Be Here Now. He had suffered from writer's block during the previous winter, and said he wrote only a single guitar riff in the six months following the release of (What's the Story) Morning Glory?", ". Eventually, he disciplined himself to a routine of songwriting where he would go \"into this room in the morning, come out for lunch, go back in, come out for dinner, go back in, then go to bed.\" Noel said \"most of the songs were written before I even got a record deal, I went away and wrote the lyrics in about two weeks.\" Oasis producer Owen Morris joined Gallagher later with a TASCAM 8-track recorder, and they recorded demos with a drum machine and a keyboard.", "In August 1996, Oasis performed two concerts before crowds of 250,000 at Knebworth House, Hertfordshire; more than 2,500,000 fans had applied for tickets. The dates were to be the zenith of Oasis's popularity, and both the music press and the band realised it would not be possible for the band to equal the event. By this time, infighting had broken out in the band", ". By this time, infighting had broken out in the band. On 23 August 1996, vocalist Liam Gallagher refused to sing for an MTV Unplugged performance at London's Royal Festival Hall, pleading a sore throat. He attended the concert and heckled Noel from the upper balcony. Four days later, Liam declined to participate in the first leg of an American tour, complaining that he needed to buy a house with his then-girlfriend Patsy Kensit", ". He rejoined the band a few days after for a key concert at the MTV Video Music Awards in New York, but intentionally sang off-key and spat beer and saliva during the performance.", "Amongst much internal bickering, the tour continued to Charlotte, North Carolina, where Noel finally lost his patience with Liam and announced he was leaving the band. He said later: \"If the truth be known, I didn't want to be there anyway. I wasn't prepared to be in the band if people were being like that to each other.\" Noel rejoined Oasis a few weeks later, but the band's management and handlers were worried", ".\" Noel rejoined Oasis a few weeks later, but the band's management and handlers were worried. With an album's worth of songs already demoed, the Gallaghers felt that they should record as soon as possible. Their manager, Marcus Russell, said in 2007 that \"in retrospect, we went in the studio too quickly. The smart move would have been to take the rest of the year off. But at the time it seemed like the right thing to do", ". But at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. If you're a band and you've got a dozen songs you think are great, why not go and do it.\"", "In 2006, Noel agreed that the band should have separated for a year or two instead of going into the studio. However, Morris later wrote: \"It was a mistake on everyone's part, management very much included, that we didn't record Be Here Now in the summer of 1996. It would have been a much different album: happy probably.\" He described the Mustique demos as \"the last good recordings I did with Noel\", and said his relationship soured following the Knebworth concert.\n\nRecording and production", "Recording began on 7 October 1996 at EMI's Abbey Road Studios in London. Morris described the first week as \"fucking awful\", and suggested to Noel that they abandon the session: \"He just shrugged and said it would be all right. So on we went.\" Liam was under heavy tabloid focus at the time, and on 9 November 1996 was arrested and cautioned for cocaine possession at the Q Awards. A media frenzy ensued, and the band's management made the decision to move to a studio less readily accessible to paparazzi", ". Sun showbiz editor Dominic Mohan recalled: \"We had quite a few Oasis contacts on the payroll. I don't know whether any were drug dealers, but there was always a few dodgy characters about.\"", "Oasis's official photographer Jill Furmanovsky felt the media's focus, and was preyed upon by tabloid journalists living in the flat upstairs from her: \"They thought I had the band hiding in my flat.\" In paranoia, Oasis cut themselves off from their wider circle. According to Johnny Hopkins, the publicist of Oasis's label Creation Records, \"People were being edged out of the circle around Oasis. People who knew them before they were famous rather than because they were famous", ". People who knew them before they were famous rather than because they were famous.\" Hopkins likened the situation to a medieval court, complete with kings, courtiers and jesters, and said: \"Once you're in that situation you lose sight of reality.\"", "On 11 November 1996, Oasis relocated to the rural Ridge Farm Studio in Surrey. Though they reconvened with more energy, the early recordings were compromised by the drug intake of all involved. Morris recalled that \"in the first week, someone tried to score an ounce of weed, but instead got an ounce of cocaine. Which kind of summed it up.\" Noel was not present during any of Liam's vocal track recordings", ". Which kind of summed it up.\" Noel was not present during any of Liam's vocal track recordings. Morris thought that the new material was weak, but when he voiced his opinion to Noel he was cut down: \"[So] I just carried on shovelling drugs up my nose", ".\" Morris had initially wanted to just transfer the Mustique demo recordings and overdub drums, vocals, and rhythm guitar, but the 8-track mixer he had employed required him to bounce tracks for overdubs, leaving him unable to remove the drum machine from the recordings.", "Noel, wanting to make the album as dense and \"colossal\" feeling as possible, layered multiple guitar tracks on several songs. In many instances he dubbed ten channels with identical guitar parts, in an effort to create a sonic volume. Creation's owner Alan McGee visited the studio during the mixing stage; he said, \"I used to go down to the studio, and there was so much cocaine getting done at that point ... Owen was out of control, and he was the one in charge of it. The music was just fucking loud", "... Owen was out of control, and he was the one in charge of it. The music was just fucking loud.\" Morris responded: \"Alan McGee was the head of the record company. Why didn't he do something about the 'out of control' record producer\"? Obviously, the one not in control was the head of the record company.\" He said that he and the band had been dealing with personal difficulties the day and night before McGee visited the studio.", "Songs", "As with Oasis' previous two albums, the songs on Be Here Now are generally anthemic. The structures are traditional, and largely follow the typical verse – chorus – verse – chorus – middle eight – chorus format of guitar-based rock music", ". Reviewing for Nude as the News, Jonathan Cohen noted that the album is \"virtually interchangeable with 1994's Definitely Maybe or its blockbuster sequel, (What's the Story) Morning Glory?\", while Noel had previously remarked that he would make three albums in this generic style", ". Yet the songs on Be Here Now differ in that they are longer than previous releases; an extended coda brings \"D'You Know What I Mean?\" to almost eight minutes, while \"All Around the World\" contains three key changes and lasts for a full nine minutes. When \"D'You Know What I Mean?\" was released as the album's first single, Noel Gallagher expected to be asked to reduce the length of the song by two minutes. However, nobody had the courage.", "The tracks are more layered and intricate than before, and each contains multiple guitar overdubs. While Morris had previously stripped away layers of overdubs on the band's debut Definitely Maybe, during the production of Be Here Now he \"seemed to gleefully encourage\" such excess; \"My Big Mouth\" has an estimated thirty tracks of guitar overdubbed onto the song. A Rolling Stone review described the guitar lines as composed of \"elementary riffs\".", "There was some experimentation: \"D'You Know What I Mean?\" contains a slowed down loop from N.W.A's \"Straight Outta Compton\", while \"Magic Pie\" features psychedelically arranged vocal harmonies and a mellotron. According to Noel, \"All I did was run my elbows across the keys and this mad jazz came out and everyone laughed", ".\" The album's production is dominated by top-end high frequency tones, and according to Uncuts Paul Lester, its use of treble is reminiscent of both late 1980s Creation Records bands such as My Bloody Valentine, and the Stooges' famously under-produced Raw Power (1973).", "The vocal melodies continue Noel's preference for \"massed-rank sing-alongs\", although Paul Du Noyer concedes that not all are of the \"pub-trashing idiot kind\" of previous releases. At the time of release, Qs Phil Sutcliffe summarised the lyrics of Be Here Now as a mixture of \"hookline optimism, a swarm of Beatles and other '60s references, a gruff love song to Meg, and further tangled expressions of his inability/unwillingness to express profound emotions", ".\" David Fricke found the numerous Beatles references, including the line \"The Fool on the Hill and I Feel Fine\" from \"D'You Know What I Mean?\" and \"Sing a song for me, one from Let It Be\" on the title track as lazy songwriting from Noel. Reviewers have also found Beatles references in the music, on tracks such as \"All Around the World\", which has been compared to the sing-along qualities of \"Hey Jude\" and \"All You Need Is Love\".", "The lyrics were elsewhere described as \"[running] the gamut from insightful to insipid\", although Du Noyer admitted that Noel is \"[to go by his lyrics] something of a closet philosopher ... and often romantic to the point of big girl's blousedom.\" While the tracks \"Don't Go Away\" and \"The Girl in the Dirty Shirt\" were described as unabashedly sentimental, Du Noyer went on to observe that \"there is compassion and sensitivity in these tracks that is not the work of oafs", ".\" Du Noyer conceded that Noel often tied himself up in \"cosmic knots\", but had \"written words that sound simple and true, and are therefore poetic without trying to be.\" Lester read song titles such as \"Stand by Me\" and \"Don't Go Away\" as a series of demands, both to members of his private life and his public audience.", "Du Noyer praised Liam's vocal contributions and described his \"Northern punk whine\" as \"the most distinctive individual style of our time.\" Lester alluded to Liam as Noel's \"mouthpiece\", although he qualified that Liam is the \"voice of every working-class boy with half a yen to break out and make it big.\"\n\nAlbum cover", "Album cover\n\nThe cover image was shot in April 1997 at Stocks House in Hertfordshire, the former home of Victor Lownes, head of the Playboy Clubs in the UK until 1981. It shows the band standing by the swimming pool outside the hotel, surrounded by various props. For the photo shoot, a white 1972 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow was lowered into the swimming pool and half submerged in the water.", "Photographer Michael Spencer Jones said the original concept involved shooting each band member in various locations around the world, but when the cost proved prohibitive, the shoot was relocated to Stocks House. Spencer remarked that the shoot \"degenerated into chaos\", adding that \"by 8 pm, everyone was in the bar, there were schoolkids all over the set, and the lighting crew couldn't start the generator. It was Alice in Wonderland meets Apocalypse Now", ". It was Alice in Wonderland meets Apocalypse Now.\" Critics have tried to read into the selection of the cover props, but Johns said Gallagher simply selected items from the BBC props store he thought would look good in the picture. Two props considered were an inflatable globe (intended as a homage to the sleeve of Definitely Maybe) and the Rolls-Royce, suggested by Arthurs.", "Jones has said that the partially submerged Rolls-Royce was in reference to Keith Moon's oft-fabled sinking of a Lincoln Continental into a hotel swimming pool in 1967. The release date in each region was commemorated on the calendar pictured on the sleeve; Harris said the dating \"[encouraged] fans to believe that to buy a copy on the day it appeared was to participate in some kind of historical event.\" The album cover also spurred controversy from a legal viewpoint. In the case of Creation Records Ltd v", ". In the case of Creation Records Ltd v. News Group Newspapers Ltd, the court decided that the collection of objects brought together for the album cover was insufficient in creating an artwork that could be protected by copyright.", "Release", "Promotion", "When Alan McGee, Creation's publicist Johnny Hopkins, and marketing executive Emma Greengrass first heard Be Here Now at Noel Gallagher's house, each had their doubts about its artistic value, but kept their doubts to themselves. One Creation employee recalled \"a lot of nodding of heads, a lot of slapping of backs.\" McGee later admitted to having strong misgivings at first: \"I heard it in the studio and I remember saying 'We'll only sell seven million copies' ... I thought it was too confrontational", "... I thought it was too confrontational.\" However, in an interview with the music press a few days later he predicted the album would sell twenty million copies. McGee's hyperbole alarmed both Oasis and their management company Ignition, and both immediately excluded him from involvement in the release campaign. Ignition's strategy from that point on centred on an effort to suppress all publicity, and withheld access to both music and information from anybody not directly involved with the album's release", ". Fearful of the dangers of over-hype and bootlegging, their aim was to present the record as a \"regular, everyday collection of tunes.\" To this end they planned a modest marketing budget, to be spent on subdued promotional activities such as street posters and music press adverts, while avoiding mainstream instruments such as billboard and TV advertising. According to Greengrass \"We want to keep it low key. We want to keep control of the whole mad thing.\"", "However, the extent that Ignition were willing to go to control access to the album generated more hype than could normally have been expected, and served to alienate members of both the print and broadcast media, as well as most Creation staff members. When \"D'You Know What I Mean?\" was planned as the first single, Ignition decided on a late release to radio so as to avoid too much advance exposure. However, three stations broke the embargo, and Ignition panicked", ". However, three stations broke the embargo, and Ignition panicked. According to Greengrass: \"we'd been in these bloody bunker meetings for six months or something, and our plot was blown. 'Shit, it's a nightmare'.\" BBC Radio 1 received a CD containing three songs ten days before the album's release, on condition that disc jockey Steve Lamacq talked over the tracks to prevent illegal copies being made by listeners", ". The day after Lamacq previewed the album on his show, he received a phone call from Ignition informing him that he would not be able to preview further tracks because he didn't speak enough over the songs. Lamacq said, \"I had to go on the air the next night and say, 'Sorry, but we're not getting any more tracks.' It was just absurd.\" According to Creation's head of marketing John Andrews, \"[The campaign] made people despise Oasis within Creation", ". You had this Oasis camp that was like 'I'm sorry, you're not allowed come into the office between the following hours. You're not allowed mention the word Oasis.' It was like a fascist state.\" One employee recalled an incident \"when somebody came round to check our phones because they thought The Sun had tapped them.\"", "When Hopkins began to circulate cassette copies of the album to the music press a few weeks later, he required that each journalist sign a contract containing a clause requiring that the cassette recipient, according to Select journalist Mark Perry, \"not discuss the album with anyone—including your partner at home. It basically said don't talk to your girlfriend about it when you're at home in bed.\" Reflecting in 1999, Greengrass admitted: \"In retrospect a lot of the things we did were ridiculous", ". We sit in [Oasis] meetings today and we're like 'It's on the Internet. It's in Camden Market. Whatever'. I think we've learned our lesson.\" According to Perry: \"It seemed, particularly once you heard the album, that this was cocaine grandeur of just the most ludicrous degree. I remember listening to \"All Around the World\" and laughing—actually quite pleasurably—because it seemed so ridiculous. You just thought: Christ, there is so much coke being done here.\"", "Commercial performance", "Be Here Now was released in the UK on 21 August 1997. The release date had been brought forward out of Ignition's fear that import copies of the album from the United States would arrive in Britain before the street date. Worrying that TV news cameras would interview queuing fans at a traditional midnight opening session, Ignition forced retailers to sign contracts pledging not to sell the record earlier than 8:00am. However, the cameras arrived regardless, just in time to record the initially slow trade", ". However, the cameras arrived regardless, just in time to record the initially slow trade. It was not until lunch time that sales picked up. By the end of the first day of release, Be Here Now sold over 424,000 units and by the end of business on Saturday that week sales had reached 663,389, making it based on first seven days sales, the fastest-selling album in British history. The album became their highest charting release in the US by debuting at number two on the Billboard 200 chart", ". However, its first week sales of 152,000—below expected sales of 400,000 copies—were considered a disappointment.", "Be Here Now was the biggest selling album of 1997 in the UK, with 1.47 million units sold that year. By the end of 1997, Be Here Now had sold eight million units worldwide. However, most sales came from the first two weeks of release, and once the album was released to UK radio stations the turnover tapered off. Buyers realised that the album was not another (What's the Story) Morning Glory?, and by 1999, Melody Maker reported that it was the album most sold to second-hand record stores", ". It has been certified 7× Platinum in the UK and Platinum in the US, being Oasis' third and final Platinum album in the country. As of 2016, the album had sold over eight million copies worldwide. Four of the album's 12 tracks were released as singles: \"D'You Know What I Mean?\", \"Stand By Me\", \"All Around the World\" and \"Don't Go Away\". In 2016, following the album's reissue and the release of the documentary Oasis: Supersonic, the album topped the UK Vinyl Albums Chart, 19 years after its original release", ".", "Critical reception\n\nInitial response", "Initial reviews of Be Here Now were, in John Harris's words, unanimous with \"truly amazing praise\". According to Harris, \"To find an album that had attracted gushing notices in such profusion, one had to go back thirty years, to the release of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.\" While Q described the album as \"cocaine set to music\", most early reviews praised the record's length, volume and ambition, including Charles Shaar Murray, who called it the \"Oasis World Domination Album\" in Mojo", ". David Fricke of Rolling Stone complimented the song formula throughout the album, writing that it \"pays off\". However, as a whole, he felt the album was \"music built for impact, not explanation\". Dele Fadele of Vox describes it as \"a veritable rock'n'roll monsoon of an album; a giant jigsaw puzzle, an elemental force, a monster that cannot and will not be contained.\"", "Reviews in the British music press for (What's the Story) Morning Glory? had been generally negative. When it went on to become, in the words of Select editor Alexis Petridis, \"this huge kind of zeitgeist-defining record\", the music press was \"baffled\". Petridis believed the initial glowing reviews of Be Here Now were a concession to public opinion. In America, reviews were equally positive", ". In America, reviews were equally positive. Reviewing for the Chicago Sun-Times on release, Jae-Ha Kim considered the album as good as its two predecessors, writing: \"The 12 tracks on Be Here Now aren't as immediately accessible as Oasis' earlier hits \"Wonderwall\" or \"Live Forever\". But the pop songs are mesmerising in their intense delivery and clean execution", ". But the pop songs are mesmerising in their intense delivery and clean execution.\" Elysa Gardner offered similar in the Los Angeles Times, finding that with Be Here Now, the band grew more ambitious and succeeded without losing ground, although Gardner noted the \"taut pop craftsmanship\" that distinguished the band's two predecessors was \"less prominent\".", "Nevertheless, the album did receive some mixed reviews on release. In Entertainment Weekly, David Browne stated: \"Much of the album is a messy, mucky keg o' sound that constantly threatens to spill over and drown Noel's innately melodic songs.\" He further criticised the overtly-cluttered mix and overlong songs. Nevertheless, he concluded: \"They sound more ferocious and confident than ever, yet less intimate, more distanced.\" Similarly, Simon Williams called it \"one of the daftest records ever made\" in NME", ".\" Similarly, Simon Williams called it \"one of the daftest records ever made\" in NME. Likewise, Chris Norris criticised the lyrical content in Spin magazine, calling most of the lyrics on the record \"meaningless\". Ryan Schreiber of Pitchfork favourably compared the record to its two predecessors, finding that instead of \"unforgettable three- to- four minute pop slices\", there are now \"six- to- ten minute long epics", ".\" Be Here Now proved divisive among Planet Sound readers, who voted the album their \"most loathed\" of 1997, as well as their second-favourite of the year.", "Retrospective appraisal", "Retrospectively, reception to Be Here Now has been more negative, with many calling it bloated and over-produced. Reviewing in 2002, Stephen Thompson of The A.V. Club felt that although there were good tracks present, naming \"My Big Mouth\", \"Don't Go Away\" and \"Stand By Me\", the majority suffered from \"cumbersome overlength\", feeling that the band's attempt to make a \"grand, career-defining statement\" backfired", ". In The Rolling Stone Album Guide (2004), Rob Sheffield described the record as \"a concept album about how long all the songs were\", comparing it to Elton John's Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy (1975). Although he offered praise to the title track and \"It's Getting Better (Man!!)\", he considered the album to be the work of a songwriter who has \"turn[ed] his brain [in]to cocaine crispies\"", ". In a more positive review, Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic calls Be Here Now a \"triumphant\" record that \"steamrolls over any criticism\", praising Liam's vocal performances as his finest up to that point, as well as the songs as \"intensely enjoyable\" and \"impossibly catchy\". However, he felt that Noel's songwriting wasn't innovative compared to its predecessors. In 2020, Luke Holland of The Guardian described the album as a \"flawed masterpiece\".", "The album's 2016 reissue attracted a number of reviews, with most continuing to criticise the album's production and song lengths. Laura Snapes of Pitchfork calls Be Here Now \"one of the most agonizing listening experiences in pop music\", amplified by the \"bloated and indulgent\" remaster. Snapes further panned Noel's decision to only remix \"D'You Know What I Mean?\", concluding that there was no point in reissuing the album if its creators didn't care enough", ". She ultimately states, \"this turgid collection is the ultimate expression of Be Here Now: as bloated and indulgent as the record itself, the music a secondary concern to the product's status\". In Drowned in Sound, Andrzej Lukowski felt that when compared to the band's earlier work, Be Here Now lacked \"aspirational rock 'n' roll swagger\" besides a few tracks. Lukowski also agreed that a complete remix of the album would have been beneficial, considering \"D'You Know What I Mean?\" needed it \"the least\"", ". In Clash magazine, Clarke Geddes was more positive, agreeing that although the album was bloated and over-produced, it still offered highlights, naming \"I Hope, I Think, I Know\". He also positively appraised the bonus tracks in the box set, believing fans will be satisfied with the extra material.", "Legacy", "In the 2003 John Dower-directed documentary Live Forever: The Rise and Fall of Brit Pop, music critic Jon Savage pinpointed Be Here Now as the moment where the Britpop movement ended. Savage said that while the album \"isn't the great disaster that everybody says\", he noted that \"[i]t was supposed to be the big, big triumphal record\" of the period", ". Q expressed similar sentiments, writing, \"So colossally did Be Here Now fall short of expectations that it killed Britpop and ushered in an era of more ambitious, less overblown music.\" Irish Times journalist Brian Boyd wrote: \"Bloated and over-heated (much like the band themselves at the time), the album has all that dreadful braggadocio that is so characteristic of a cocaine user", ".\" Reflecting in 2007, Garry Mulholland said: \"The fact that nothing could have lived up to the fevered expectations that surrounded its release doesn't change the facts. The third Oasis album is a loud, lumbering noise signifying nothing.\" When reviewing in 2016, Lukowski wrote that although Oasis as a band would continue, Oasis as a legend died with Be Here Now", ". He further states that while other Britpop bands such as Pulp and Blur moved on from the genre, Oasis continued attempting to revisit the success of their first two albums, effectively becoming a \"nostalgia act\" after 1997.", "The Gallagher brothers hold differing opinions about the album. In July 1997, Noel was describing the production as \"bland\" and some tracks as \"fucking shit\". He later said: \"Just because you sell lots of records, it doesn't mean to say you're any good. Look at Phil Collins.\" In Live Forever: The Rise and Fall of Brit Pop, he dismissed the album, and said that drugs and the band's indifference during recording led to the album having faults", ". In the same documentary, Liam defended the record, and said that \"at that time we thought it was fucking great, and I still think it's great. It just wasn't Morning Glory.\" In 2006, Liam said of Noel, \"If he didn't like the record that much, he shouldn't have put the fucking record out in the first place ... I don't know what's up with him but it's a top record, man, and I'm proud of it—it's just a little bit long", ".\" In 2018, the BBC included it in their list of \"the acclaimed albums that nobody listens to any more.\" Noel has observed that many Oasis fans still hold the album in high regard, as do prominent musicians such as Marilyn Manson. In 2017, Liam ranked the album as his favourite release by Oasis.", "The album was reissued in several limited-edition formats, including silver-coloured double heavyweight vinyl, a double picture disc and cassette, on 19August 2022 to celebrate its 25th anniversary. The reissue was promoted with new lyric videos for \"D'You Know What I Mean? (NG's 2016 Rethink)\" and \"Stand by Me\".\n\nTrack listing", "Track listing\n\n2016 reissue\nAs part of a promotional campaign entitled Chasing the Sun, the album was re-released on 14 October 2016. The three-disc deluxe edition includes remastered versions of the album and seven B-sides from the album's three UK singles. Bonus content includes demos, the Mustique sessions, live tracks, and a 2016 remix of \"D'You Know What I Mean?\" Noel Gallagher was supposed to remix the entire album but later decided against it.\n\nPersonnel\nAlbum credits per the album's liner notes.", "Personnel\nAlbum credits per the album's liner notes.\n\nCharts\n\nWeekly charts\n\nYear-end charts\n\nCertifications\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n Cavanagh, David. The Creation Records Story: My Magpie Eyes Are Hungry for the Prize. London: Virgin Books, 2000. \n Harris, John. Britpop!: Cool Britannia and the Spectacular Demise of English Rock. London: Da Capo Press, 2004.\n\nNotes\n\nExternal links\n\nBe Here Now at YouTube (streamed copy where licensed)", "Notes\n\nExternal links\n\nBe Here Now at YouTube (streamed copy where licensed)\n\n1997 albums\nAlbums produced by Owen Morris\nCreation Records albums\nEpic Records albums\nOasis (band) albums" ]
Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752
[ "Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 (PS752/AUI752) was a scheduled international civilian passenger flight from Tehran to Kyiv, operated by Ukraine International Airlines. On 8January 2020, the Boeing 737-800 flying the route was shot down by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shortly after takeoff, killing all nine members of the crew and 167 passengers aboard.", "Missiles were fired at the aircraft by the IRGC amidst heightened tensions between Iran and the United States. The incident occurred five days after the United States carried out the assassination of Qasem Soleimani and some hours after Iran retaliated with Operation Martyr Soleimani, in which the IRGC fired dozens of ballistic missiles on American-led coalition forces; both the assassination and the missile strikes took place in Iraq.", "Iranian authorities initially denied having any responsibility for the aircraft's destruction, but investigations by various intelligence agencies from the Western world as well as by the Iranian public later revealed that it had been struck by two surface-to-air missiles. On 11 January 2020, the Iranian government admitted that the IRGC had targeted Flight 752 after mistakenly identifying it as an American cruise missile", ". The announcement triggered another wave of Iranian anti-government protests (part of the larger 2019–2020 Iranian protests), with some Iranians calling for the removal of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.", "Background", "The disaster occurred amid a heightened political crisis in the Persian Gulf, four hours after the Iranian military launched retaliatory ballistic missile strikes towards U.S. military airbases in Iraq in response to the assassination of Major General Qasem Soleimani by the U.S. The U.S. previously threatened Iran and was initially expected to retaliate for the Iranian attack", ". The U.S. previously threatened Iran and was initially expected to retaliate for the Iranian attack. Iran was on the highest state of defensive alert and, according to Commander of the Aerospace Force of the IRGC Amir Ali Hajizadeh, was \"totally prepared for a full-fledged war\".", "In response to the Iranian missile attack, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), in a notice to airmen (NOTAM), banned all American civil aircraft from flying over Iran, Iraq, the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. Although the FAA NOTAMs are not binding on non-U.S. airlines, many airlines take them into consideration when making safety decisions, especially after the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in 2014", ". Several airlines, including Austrian Airlines, Singapore Airlines, KLM, Air France, Air India, SriLankan Airlines, Qantas and Vietnam Airlines began to reroute their flights. Other airlines, such as Lufthansa, Emirates, Flydubai, and Turkish Airlines cancelled some flights to airports in Iran and Iraq, making further operational changes as necessary.", "Aircraft \n\nThe aircraft was a Boeing 737-8KV, serial number 38124, registration UR-PSR. It was three-and-a-half years old when it was shot down, having first flown on 21 June 2016. It was delivered to UIA on 19 July 2016, the first 737 Next Generation aircraft purchased by the airline. The aircraft was well maintained, with the airline saying it had been inspected just two days before the crash.\n\nFlight and crash", "Flight and crash \n\nThe flight was operated by Ukraine International Airlines, flag carrier and largest airline of Ukraine, on a scheduled flight from Iranian capital Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport to Boryspil International Airport in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. The aircraft was carrying 176 people, including 9 crew members and 15 children.", "Flight 752 took off from Runway 29R an hour behind schedule, at 06:12:08 local time (UTC+3:30), and was expected to land in Kyiv at 08:00 local time (UTC+2:00). Between 06:14:17 and 06:14:45 the airplane turned from the take-off heading of 289° to heading 313°, following its regular route.", "According to the data, the last recorded altitude of the aircraft was above mean sea level with a ground speed of . The airport is above mean sea level and the terrain around Parand and the crash site lies approximately higher at . The flight was climbing at just under when the flight data recorder abruptly ended over the open ground near the northern end of Enqelab Eslami Boulevard in Parand.", "Analysis of several videos by The New York Times showed that the aircraft was hit almost immediately by the first of two short-range missiles (which knocked out its transponder) launched 30 seconds apart by the IRGC, and with the aircraft having maintained its track, by the second missile 23 seconds later, after which it veered right and could be seen on fire before disappearing from view", ". Ukrainian investigators believed the pilots were killed instantly by shrapnel from the missile which exploded near the cockpit. However, an analysis of the cockpit voice recorder indicated that for at least 19 seconds after the first missile strike, all three cockpit crew members continued to attempt to fly the aircraft, and there was no indication of injury or adverse health effects during that time.", "The final ADS-B data received was at 06:14:57, less than three minutes after departure,\nafter which the aircraft's track was recorded by primary radar only. Its last seconds were captured in several video recordings. The aircraft crashed on a park and fields on the edge of the village of Khalajabad, north-west of the airport, and about ENE of the last missile strike, about six minutes after takeoff. There were no casualties on the ground.", "Shortly after the crash, emergency responders arrived in 22 ambulances, 4 bus ambulances, and a helicopter, but intense fires prevented a rescue attempt. The wreckage was strewn over a wide area, with no survivors found at the crash site. The aircraft was completely destroyed on impact.", "All 176 passengers and crew were killed. It is the deadliest flight in terms of fatalities involving the Boeing 737 Next Generation fleet, and the second deadliest of the entire Boeing 737 family behind Lion Air Flight 610.\n\nPassengers and crew", "Passengers and crew \n\nThere were 167 passengers and 9 crew members on the flight. According to Iranian officials, 146 passengers used Iranian passports to leave Iran, 10 used Afghan passports, 5 used Canadian ones, 4 used Swedish ones, and 2 used Ukrainian passports. There is some disagreement with other sources over this accounting of nationalities, possibly because some passengers were nationals of more than a single country.", "According to Ukrainian foreign minister Vadym Prystaiko and a flight manifest released by UIA, out of the 167 passengers, 82 were confirmed to be Iranian citizens, 63 were Canadian, 3 were British, 4 were Afghan, 10 were Swedish, and 3 were German. Eleven Ukrainians were also on board, nine of them crew members. The German Foreign Ministry denied any Germans were aboard; the three people in question were Afghan nationals who lived in Germany as asylum seekers", ". According to Iranian nationality law, the Iranian government considers dual citizens to be solely Iranian citizens.", "Of the 167 passengers, 138 were travelling to Canada via Ukraine. Many of the Iranian Canadians were affiliated with Canadian universities, as students or academics who had travelled to Iran during the winter break. The crash was the largest loss of Canadian lives in aviation since the 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182. On January 15, 2020, Canadian Transport Minister Marc Garneau said 57 Canadians died in the crash.", "In addition to six flight attendants, the crew consisted of Captain Volodymyr Gaponenko (11,600 hours on Boeing 737 aircraft, including 5,500 hours as captain), instructor pilot Oleksiy Naumkin (12,000 hours on Boeing 737s, including 6,600 as captain), and first officer Serhiy Khomenko (7,600 hours on Boeing 737).\n\nInvestigation", "Investigation \n\nThe Civil Aviation Organization of Iran (CAOI) reported shortly after the incident that a team of investigators had been sent to the crash site. On the same day, the Ukrainian government said it would send experts to Tehran to assist with the investigation. President Volodymyr Zelensky instructed the Ukrainian General Prosecutor to open a criminal investigation into the crash. The Ukrainian government sent 45 investigators to assist with the inquiry into the shootdown of the airliner.", "Under standard International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) rules, according to Annex 13 of the Chicago Convention, the United States National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) would participate in the investigation, as they represented the state of the manufacturer of the aircraft. France's Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA) would participate as representatives of the state of manufacture of the aircraft's engines (a U.S", ".S.–France joint venture) and Ukraine's Ministry of Infrastructure would participate as representatives of the state in which the aircraft was registered. Given that there were tensions between these nations and Iran as part of the 2019–2021 Persian Gulf crisis, it was not known how these investigative organizations would be involved, although it was reported that Iran had said American, French and Ukrainian authorities would be involved.", "The head of the commission for accidents in the CAOI said they received no emergency message from the aircraft before the crash. It was reported that the aircraft's black boxes (the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) and flight data recorder (FDR)) had been recovered, but the CAOI said it was not clear to which country the recorders would be sent so the data could be analyzed. The association said it would not hand over the black boxes to Boeing or to U.S. authorities", ". The association said it would not hand over the black boxes to Boeing or to U.S. authorities. On 9January, the black boxes were reported, by Iranian investigators, to have been damaged and that some parts of their memory may have been lost. Mary Schiavo, a former U.S. Department of Transportation inspector general, said no automated distress messages had been sent from the aircraft or by its crew.", "On 9 January, the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority and Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) were officially invited by the investigation team to participate in the probe on the crash. The NTSB, Ukraine, and Boeing were also invited to participate in the investigation. Due to American economic sanctions placed on Iran, U.S. investigators would need a special licence from the Treasury and the State Departments to travel there.", "On 9 January, media reports showed bulldozers being used to clear the crash site. Some aircraft investigation experts expressed concerns about disturbing and damaging the crash site before a thorough investigation could be conducted. Iran denied bulldozing the evidence. On 10 January, the Iranian government granted Ukrainian investigators permission to investigate the flight recorders and Ukrainian investigators visited the crash site, with plans to download the recorders in Tehran", ". On 14 January, the head of the TSB, Kathy Fox, said there were signs that Iran would allow the TSB to participate in the downloading and analysis of data from the airplane's flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. On 23 January, the TSB announced that they had been invited by Iran to help with the flight recorders.", "On 2 February, Ukrainian public TV aired a leaked recording of the information exchange between the Iranian pilot of an Aseman Airlines flight and an Iranian air traffic controller. The pilot stated in Persian that he saw \"a series of flares like that of a missile\" and later an explosion. Following the leak, Zelensky said the new evidence proved Iran was well aware from the very first moments that the Ukraine passenger airplane was brought down by a missile", ". The following day Iran ceased co-operation with Ukraine in its investigation into the disaster. Iran resumed co-operation on 15 February. In the final report about the crash, Iranian authorities gave a more complete transcript of the communication.", "Flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder\n\nOn 20 January, Iran asked for assistance from France and the United States to recover the data from the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. On 5 February, Canada urged Iran to send the recorders to France. Iran denied the request.\n\nOn 12 March, Iran agreed to hand over the recorders to Ukraine. However, the COVID-19 pandemic delayed this action. During this time, impatience began to mount from Ukraine, Canada, and ICAO.", "On 11 June, Iran announced that the flight recorders would be sent directly to the Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA) in France. Canadian officials urged Iran to complete this action \"as soon as possible\", citing the previous delays in handing over the recorders. This statement was further reinforced 11 days later, when Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif commented on this intention during a phone call with Canadian foreign minister François-Philippe Champagne.", "On 20 July, the examination of the recorders started in Paris.\n\nCause of the crash", "Cause of the crash \n\nOn 8 January, Iran's Road and Transportation Ministry released a statement that the aircraft burst into flames after a fire started in one of its engines, causing the pilot to lose control and crash into the ground. The airline opined that pilot error was impossible to be cited as the cause of the crash as the pilots had exclusively been trained for the Tehran flights for years, noting that Tehran Airport was \"not a simple airport\".", "Iranian and Ukrainian government sources initially blamed mechanical issues aboard the aircraft for its crash. The Ukrainian government later retracted its statement and said anything was possible, refusing to rule out that the aircraft was hit by a missile. Zelensky said there should not be any speculation about the cause of the crash.", "On 9 January, U.S. intelligence and defence officials said they believed the aircraft had been shot down by an Iranian Tor missile (NATO reporting name SA-15 \"Gauntlet\"), based on evidence from reconnaissance satellite imagery and radar data. Ukrainian authorities said a shootdown was one of the \"main working theories\", while Iranian authorities denied this, stating that allegations of a missile hit were \"psychological warfare\". British defence officials agreed with the American assessment of a shootdown", ". British defence officials agreed with the American assessment of a shootdown. Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said evidence from multiple sources, including Canadian intelligence, suggested the aircraft was shot down by an Iranian missile. He added that \"this may well have been unintentional\". Iranian media described it as \"an American lie\", \"a wrongful scenario by CIA and the Pentagon\", and \"an attempt to prevent Boeing stock from a free fall\".", "On 11 January, the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran admitted they had shot down the airplane, having erroneously identified it as a hostile target. According to an early IRGC statement, when the airplane seemed to head toward a \"sensitive military centre\" of the IRGC, controllers mistook it for a \"hostile target\" and shot it down. Iran's Civil Aviation Organization disputed this timeline, arguing that the airplane was on the correct course all the time and there was no proven flight deviation", ". The CAOI's viewpoint was also supported by a Radio Canada International article that used public ADS-B flight tracking data. Iranian Brigadier general Amir Ali Hajizadeh of the IRGC Aerospace Defense said a missile operator in Bidganeh had acted independently, mistook the airplane for a U.S. cruise missile and shot it down. Hajizadeh also said the airplane was on-track and \"made no mistake\".", "Western experts had previously noted that Flight 752 was flying near several sensitive Iranian ballistic missile facilities, including the Shahid Modarres missile base at Bidganeh near Malard, which the Iranians could have believed would be targets of retaliation for their attack a few hours earlier.\n\nThe flight had been delayed by more than an hour because the captain had decided to offload some luggage as the aircraft was over its certified takeoff weight.", "On 11 July 2020, the CAOI reported that Iran now blamed the missile strike that downed PS752 on \"bad communication\" and \"poor alignment\". According to the Iranians, the missile battery \"had been relocated and was not properly reoriented\" and the guilty parties did not include the higher-ranking chain of command officers", ". On 20 July, Canadian foreign minister François-Philippe Champagne rejected the finding by the CAOI that \"human error\" caused the launch of the missiles which destroyed the aircraft: \"It cannot just be the result of a human error. There is no circumstance under (which) a civilian aircraft can be downed just by the result of human error in this day and age... All the facts and circumstances point to more than just a human error, so certainly we will continue to pursue vigorously the investigation.\"", "Analyses based on social media", "On 9 January, the Instagram account Rich Kids of Tehran published a video captioned: \"The actual footage from the moment the #Ukrainian flight was shot down by a Russian-made Tor-M1 missile just moments after takeoff from #Tehran's Airport\". The video was published at the same time the Iranian authorities were claiming technical problems for the crash", ". Qassem Biniaz, a spokesman for Iran's Road and Transportation Ministry, said the pilot \"lost control of the plane\" after a fire broke out in one of its engines, denying the Ukrainian plane was hit by a missile.", "On 9 January, a video was posted on a public Telegram channel showing what was, according to Bellingcat, apparently a mid-air explosion. The New York Times contacted the person who filmed the video and confirmed its authenticity. An investigation team from Bellingcat carried out an analysis of this video and geolocated it to a residential area in Parand, a suburb west of the airport", ". Bellingcat also examined photos from an unknown source and said these images of a missile nose cone had yet to be verified, despite claims from several sources. The Tor missile's warhead is located in its midsection, meaning its nose may not be destroyed in an explosion. Similar photographs of fragments have been taken in eastern Ukraine, but none have been found to be the same as those attributed to the recent incident.", "USA Today reported that the firm IHS Markit reviewed photographs showing the guidance section of a missile and \"assesses them to be credible\". Aviation monitoring group Opsgroup said: \"We would recommend the starting assumption to be that this was a shootdown event, similar to MH17—until there is clear evidence to the contrary\" asserting that photographs \"show obvious projectile holes in the fuselage and a wing section\".\n\nSubsequent developments", "Subsequent developments \n\nOn 9 January, President Trump said the airplane \"was flying in a pretty rough neighbourhood, and somebody could have made a mistake.\" He said the U.S. had no involvement in the incident and that he did not believe a mechanical issue had anything to do with the crash. U.S. intelligence sources informed U.S. media outlets they were \"confident that Iran painted the Ukrainian airliner with radar and fired two surface to air missiles that brought down the aircraft.\"", "Also on 9 January, at a news conference in Ottawa, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the airliner was likely brought down by an Iranian missile, citing intelligence from Canadian and other sources, and said the incident \"may well have been unintentional\".", "On 10 January, during an interview with Sky News, Iran's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hamid Baeidinejad, rejected video footage obtained by American media that showed bulldozers clearing the crash site as \"absurd\". Baeidinejad further denied that an Iranian missile had brought down the airplane, and said that \"[p]lane accidents are a very technical issue, I cannot judge, you cannot judge, reporters on the ground cannot judge. Nobody can judge", ". Nobody can judge. A foreign minister or a prime minister cannot judge on this issue.\"", "On 11 January, Iran admitted it had shot down the Ukrainian jet by \"accident\", the result of human error. General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the IRGC's Aerospace Force, said his unit accepts \"full responsibility\" for the shootdown. In an address broadcast by state television, he said that when he learned about the downing of the airplane, \"I wished I was dead.\" Hajizadeh said that, with his forces on high alert, an officer mistook it for a hostile missile and made a \"bad decision\".", "On 14 January, the Rich Kids of Tehran Instagram account published a new video, showing two missiles hitting the aircraft. The security camera footage, verified by The New York Times, shows two missiles, fired 30 seconds apart. On 20 January, the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran also admitted that the country's IRGC had fired two Russian-made Tor-M1 missiles at the aircraft.", "On 8 January 2021, the first anniversary of the shootdown, Ukraine and several other countries made a joint statement calling on Iran for a thorough investigation and reiterated for them to prosecute anyone involved, and provide full compensation.", "Final report \nOn 17 March 2021, CAOI released the final report on the crash, which states the following:\nA contributing factor was:", "A contributing factor was: \nUkraine's Vice Prime Minister Dmytro Kuleba rejected the findings and criticized the report as \"a collection of manipulations, the goal of which is not to establish the truth, but to whitewash the Islamic Republic of Iran.\" The Transportation Safety Board of Canada also criticized the report, saying that it did not provide an exact reason to why the IRGC fired its missiles at Flight 752.", "Legal \nOn 10 August 2020, IRGC officer Gholamreza Soleimani, commander of Basij forces, said that Iran would not compensate Ukraine International Airlines for the shootdown because the \"plane is insured by European companies in Ukraine and not by Iranian companies\". The countries were expected to negotiate on compensation again in October.", "In February 2020, a proposed class action claim was filed in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice against Iran, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and various branches of the Iranian military, among others. Lawyers of the families of Canadian victims were seeking compensation of at least billion.", "In April 2020, families of the victims formed The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to follow the case through legal avenues. The association's president and spokesman, Hamed Esmaeilion, said the association's aim is, \"to bring the perpetrators of the crime to justice, including those who ordered it\"", ". In July 2020, Esmaeilion was outraged that the ICAO had yet to condemn the incident, and pointed out that the ICAO needed only three months to adopt a unanimous resolution condemning in the strongest terms the destruction and alleged murders of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.", "On 30 December 2020, Iran unilaterally announced that it had allocated $150,000 for each victim's family. Ukraine was critical, stating that the compensation should be set through talks after establishing the causes of the crash, and that \"the Ukrainian side expects from Iran a draft technical report on the circumstances of the aircraft shooting down\".", "On 20 May 2021, Justice Belobaba of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice released a decision finding that \"The shooting down of Flight 752 by the defendants (Islamic Republic of Iran) was an act of terrorism and constitutes \"terrorist activity\" under the SIA (State Immunity Act), the JVTA (Justice For Victims of Terrorism Act) and the provisions of the Criminal Code.\" The defendants were not represented or in attendance in court and the case resulted in a default judgment", ". Iran's foreign ministry denounced the court's verdict as political, stating \"This verdict has no basis and does not consist of any objective reasoning or documentation ... This behaviour of the Canadian judge, by following orders and political cliches, is shameful for a country which claims to follow the rule of law", ".\" Leah West, an assistant professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University said that the \"judge contorted the law by cherry-picking his way to finding the aircraft was destroyed in an act of terrorism.\" She concluded \"While his motivations for doing all that may be noble, that's dangerous for the rule of law\"", ". The lawyer for the plaintiffs indicated that, depending on the amounts awarded, he would move to have Iranian assets in Canada or internationally seized, including oil tankers. As of 3 January 2022, the Ontario Superior Court has awarded more than C$107M to families of six victims after ruling the shootdown was \"an intentional act of terrorism\"", ". It is unclear how any of the plaintiffs will collect their settlements from the government of Iran and legal experts have indicated that a diplomatic solution for compensation may be the only realistic route available, since Iran views the court ruling as illegitimate.", "On 8 January 2022, Deputy Prosecutor General Gyunduz Mamedov stated that the names of some of the attackers had already been identified", ". In particular, it is necessary to check for involvement in the commission of the crime lower-level servicemen of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including Captain Mehdi Khosravi, commander of the M-1 TOR, First Lieutenant Meysam Kheirollahi, operator, Third Lieutenant Seyed Ahmad Miri, First Lieutenant Mohammad Majid Eslam Doost, Captain Sajjad Mohammadi, Major Hamed Mabhout, Second Brigadier General Ibrahim Safaei Kia", ", Captain Sajjad Mohammadi, Major Hamed Mabhout, Second Brigadier General Ibrahim Safaei Kia, Brigadier General Ali Akbar Seydoun and Iranian Army Colonel Mostafa Farati, who are charged with negligence, recklessness and improper performance of duty and other related offences", ".", "In July 2022, UIA announced it would sue Iran and the IRGC for $1 billion over the incident. They are seeking damages for the loss of life and baggage of passengers and crew as well as derivative claims of surviving family members. In 2023 the ICJ (International Court of Justice) said that \"Canada and three allies filed proceedings against Iran\"", ". Ukraine, Sweden, Canada and Britain stated that Iran did not \"conduct an impartial, transparent and fair criminal investigation\" but rather \"withheld or destroyed evidence\" and threatened families of victims.", "On 5 July 2023, the four affected countries of Canada, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Sweden referred the case of the downing of flight PS752 to the International Court of Justice. The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims independently filed a claim before the ICJ in support of the four affected countries' referral.\n\nReactions\n\nAir traffic", "Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) suspended flights to Tehran indefinitely shortly after the incident, with flights after the day of the crash no longer available. The suspension also complied with a prohibition issued by State Aviation Administration of Ukraine for flights in Iran's airspace for all Ukrainian registered aircraft. Since the crash, additional airlines, Air Astana and SCAT Airlines also re-routed flights that overflew Iran", ". This followed a recommendation by the Kazakhstan Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, issued to Kazakhstani air companies after the crash, to avoid flying over Iran airspace and/or to cancel flights to Iran. Air Canada rerouted its Toronto-Dubai flight to fly over Egypt and Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq.", "Iran\n\nGovernment and IRGC \n\nIran declared 9 January a national day of mourning both for the victims of Flight 752 and for those killed in a stampede at Qasem Soleimani's funeral.", "On 11 January, the Iranian IRGC said they had shot down the aircraft after erroneously identifying it as a hostile target. President Rouhani called the incident an \"unforgivable mistake\". Foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif apologized for the disaster and added that the preliminary conclusion of the armed forces' internal investigation was \"human error\".", "On 17 January, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, in his first Friday sermon in eight years, referred to the incident as a bitter accident. His sermon came as public anger mounted against the government for their handling of the incident.", "In April, an Iranian MP, the spokesman for the Iranian parliament's legal and judicial committee, said the Iranian military \"carried out their duties well\", adding that \"the movement of the plane was very suspicious\" and that no arrests had been made in relation to the incident.\n\nAnti-government protests", "On 11 January, in response to the government's admission, thousands of protesters poured into the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities such as Isfahan, Shiraz, Hamadan and Urmia. Video clips on Twitter showed protesters in Tehran chanting \"Death to the dictator\", a reference to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. In Tehran, hundreds of protesters took to the streets to vent anger at officials, calling them liars for having denied the shootdown", ". Protests took place outside at least two universities: students and protesters gathered at Sharif University, Amirkabir University and Hafez Overpass in Tehran, initially to pay respect to the victims. Protests turned angry in the evening. President Trump tweeted support for the protests. The mourning Iranians called Qasem Soleimani a murderer and tore up pictures of him, shattering the appearance of national solidarity that had followed his death.", "On 12 January, in Tehran and in several other cities protesters chanted slogans against the leadership and clashed with security forces and Iran's Basiji Force firing tear gas at the protesters. The protesters chanted that they needed more than just resignations, but prosecutions of those responsible as well", ". Tehran residents told Reuters that police were out in force in the capital on 12 January, with dozens of protesters in Tehran chanting \"They are lying that our enemy is America, our enemy is right here,\" and scores of demonstrators gathered in other cities.", "Amnesty International reported that on 11 and 12 January Iranian security forces used tear gas, pointed pellets and pepper spray against peaceful demonstrators. On 13 January, the Los Angeles Times reported that Iranian security forces fired both live ammunition and tear gas to disperse demonstrators.", "Iran's exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi said the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was responsible for the downing. Iranian reformist newspaper Etemad ran the banner headline \"Apologize and resign\", and commented on the \"people's demand\" for the removal of those responsible for the shootdown.", "A Khamenei representative in the elite Revolutionary Guards told a gathering of Khamenei's representatives in Iranian universities that the Assembly of Experts, the clerical body that chose Khamenei, \"... do not appoint the Supreme Leader, rather they discover him and it is not that they would be able to remove him any time they wish so. In the Islamic system, the office and the legitimacy of the Supreme Leader comes from God, the Prophet and the Shi'ite Imams\".", "Funerals \nIran's Radio Farda reported that according to Zeytoun (a Persian website based outside of Iran), Iranian intelligence agents forced families of the victims to give interviews on state TV, declaring their support for the Iranian government or else the government would not deliver the bodies of the victims.", "Iran's security forces were on alert not to let people turn funerals of the plane crash victims into demonstrations. Nevertheless, in some Iranian cities such as Isfahan and Sanandaj, participants in these funerals have shown their anger and shouted anti-government slogans. The supreme leader Ali Khamenei praised the country's armed forces and described the protesters as those deceived by foreign media.\n\nArrests", "On 14 January 2020, Iran's judiciary announced that several arrests had been made over \"the accidental shooting down of the aircraft\". The spokesman, Gholamhossein Esmaili, did not name any suspect or say how many had been held. In a televised speech, President Rouhani said the judiciary would assemble a special court with a high-ranking judge and tens of experts to oversee the investigation", ". The same day, it was announced that Iranian authorities had arrested the person who had published a video of the aircraft being shot down. An Iranian journalist based in London who initially posted the footage insisted his source was safe and that the Iranian authorities had arrested the wrong person. According to Tasnim News Agency and the semi-official Fars News Agency, Iranian authorities were looking for the person(s) who distributed the video.", "On 6 April 2021, Iran indicted 10 officials over the shooting down of the aircraft. The outgoing military prosecutor for Tehran province said that \"necessary decisions will be taken in court.\"\n\nUkraine", "President Zelenskyy expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims and cut short his diplomatic visit in Oman. He later added that several aircraft had been prepared in Kyiv to travel to Tehran to transport the dead. He declared 9January a national day of mourning, with Ukrainian flags flying at half-mast on government buildings. He also announced unscheduled inspections on every airliner in the country and asked Ukrainians to refrain from visiting Iran and Iraq for the time being", ". On 11 January Zelenskyy said, \"Ukraine insists on a full admission of guilt. We expect Iran to bring those responsible to justice, return the bodies, pay compensation and issue an official apology. The investigation must be full, open and continue without delays or obstacles.\"", "On 13 January, Ukraine's Foreign Minister, Vadym Prystaiko, said five of the countries that had citizens on board the airliner—Canada, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Sweden and the UK—would meet in London on 16 January to discuss possible legal action.", "On 19 January, the bodies of 11 Ukrainian citizens, who died in the crash, were returned to Ukraine in a solemn ceremony at the Boryspil International Airport. The coffins, which were each draped in a Ukrainian flag, were carried one by one from a Ukrainian Il-76 military plane of the 25th Transport Aviation Brigade", ". President Zelensky, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov, Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytro Razumkov, and other officials and military servicemen participated in the commemoration.", "Canada", "With the large loss of Canadian life, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne and Transport Minister Marc Garneau both expressed sympathy for the victims. Champagne announced that he was in touch with the Ukrainian government, and Garneau announced that Canada was offering assistance in the investigation. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau insisted on transparency and justice for the families and loved ones of the victims", ". On 14 January, Trudeau said tensions and escalation between Iran and the United States were responsible for the shootdown. On 17 January, the Canadian government announced that it would provide to the relatives of each of the 57 Canadian citizens and permanent residents who were killed in the crash. The funds were to help cover immediate needs, like funeral and travel expenses. However, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also said that it holds Iran financially responsible.", "On 31 March 2020, Ralph Goodale was appointed as Special Advisor to the Government of Canada; Goodale will \"examine lessons learned\" from Flight 752, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, Air India Flight 182 and other air disasters and \"develop a framework to guide Canada's responses to international air disasters.\"\n\nOn 23 December 2020, Trudeau announced that the Government of Canada will designate 8 January of every year as the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Air Disasters.", "On 24 June 2021, an official report from Canada placed the blame on the downing of the plane on Iranian \"recklessness, incompetence, and wanton disregard for human life\".\n\nOn 7 October 2022, Trudeau announced the Iranian regime, including the IRGC and its top leaders – more than 10,000 officers and senior members – would be listed as inadmissible to Canada for their engagement in terrorism and systemic and gross human rights violations.\n\nUnited Kingdom", "United Kingdom \n\nPrime Minister Boris Johnson called for the repatriation of the bodies of the dead and pledged to work with Canada and Ukraine.", "Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iran, Robert Macaire was arrested on 11 January 2020 during protests in Tehran but released shortly afterwards. The ambassador was detained on suspicion that he had joined demonstrations against the government; he denied this and clarified that he had attended an event advertised as a vigil, to pay respects to the victims, and had left five minutes after people started chanting. The British government called his arrest a \"flagrant violation of international law\"", ". The British government called his arrest a \"flagrant violation of international law\". Macaire had been arrested 30 minutes after leaving the vigil he said he had attended, according to The Guardian. The following day Macaire was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order to explain his presence during the protest. The U.S", ". The U.S. has urged the Iranian government to issue the British ambassador a formal apology for disregarding his rights and to reiterate that all the rights of diplomats should be respected.", "In popular culture \nBabak Payami's documentary film 752 Is Not a Number premiered at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival.\n\nSee also", "The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims\nList of airliner shootdown incidents\nIran Air Flight 655, incident involving the shoot down of an Iranian passenger plane by the United States in 1988\nKorean Air Lines Flight 007, incident involving the shoot down of a South Korean passenger plane by a Soviet interceptor in 1983\nMalaysia Airlines Flight 17, incident involving the shoot down of a Malaysian passenger plane in 2014 by a surface-to-air missile over eastern Ukraine.", "Siberia Airlines Flight 1812, incident involving the shoot down of a Russian passenger plane in 2001 by the Ukrainian Air Force\nList of Iranian aviation accidents and incidents\nList of accidents and incidents involving commercial aircraft\n2019–2020 Iranian protests\n2020 in Iran\nIslamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nInformation from Ukraine International Airlines\nA visual guide \n\nCAOI Preliminary Report (in Persian and English)\nCAOI Preliminary Report #2 - 21 Jan 2020 (in Persian and English) (Alternate (only in English))\nCAOI Factual Report - 11 July 2020 (in Persian and English) \nCAOI PS752 Flight Recorder Read-out\nCAOI PS752 Final Report - 17 March 2021 (in Persian and English) (Alternate Alternate #2 (only in English))\nAttachments to final report (Alternate)", "2020 controversies in Iran\n2020 disasters in Iran\nAftermath of the assassination of Qasem Soleimani\n2020 in international relations\n2020 scandals\n21st century in Tehran\n2020 in Ukraine\n2020 in Canada\nAccidents and incidents involving the Boeing 737 Next Generation\nAirliner shootdown incidents\nAviation accidents and incidents in 2020\nAviation accidents and incidents in Iran\nHistory of Tehran Province\nIran–Ukraine relations\nCanada–Iran relations\nFilmed killings\nJanuary 2020 events in Iran", "Iran–Ukraine relations\nCanada–Iran relations\nFilmed killings\nJanuary 2020 events in Iran\n21st-century aircraft shootdown incidents\nMilitary scandals\nIslamic Republic of Iran Army\nIslamic Revolutionary Guard Corps\nMass murder in 2020" ]
Marley Hill
[ "Marley Hill is a former colliery village about six miles to the south west of Gateshead, near the border between Tyne and Wear and County Durham. It has been part of the Metropolitan Borough of Gateshead since 1974. Prior to this it was part of Whickham Urban District. It lies within the Whickham South & Sunniside electoral ward of the Blaydon parliamentary constituency.", "Neighbouring towns and villages include Burnopfield (2 miles away); Sunniside, Gateshead (about half a mile away); Byermoor (just under a mile away). Marley Hill, Sunniside, Burnopfield and Byermoor all share Whickham's \"NE16\" postcode prefix, despite Burnopfield sitting just over the border in County Durham. The actual area considered to be Marley Hill for postal purposes etc", ". The actual area considered to be Marley Hill for postal purposes etc. is actually much larger than it would first appear, as there were originally more houses to the south and south east, nearer the colliery. Birkheads Cottages and Hedley Hall Farm are the farthest properties away from the village itself, these being about a mile to the south-east", ". Hedley Hall Farm's address is anomalously listed as \"Hedley Lane, Sunniside\", despite actually being further away from Sunniside than Birkheads Cottages, whose addresses read \"Birkheads Lane, Marley Hill\".", "Housing", "The village consists of several rows of terraced houses, along with a number of detached and semi-detached properties. The oldest existing properties are the former vicarage, the school house, three large detached houses on St. Cuthbert's Road, two stone-built cottages (accessed by a lane leading off to the north-east from St. Cuthbert's Road) and the five rows of houses which form Glamis Terrace, Cuthbert Street and Church Street", ". The majority of the properties on Cuthbert Street and Church street were built as two up-two downs, and at one time had outside toilets and tin baths which would have been placed in front of the fire. During the 1960s, the houses were modernised and had indoor bathroom/toilets installed. Some of the outside toilets with their adjoining coal houses remain, but a number have been demolished, or have had the toilet removed and are used as sheds", ". The houses on Glamis Terrace were intended for colliery officials, and are therefore fewer in number and considerably larger than the others, with gardens at both the front and rear. It is named Glamis because the Bowes-Lyons, the Earls of Strathmore, who were ancestors of the Queen (Glamis Castle was the childhood home of the Queen Mother) owned the colliery and the surrounding land, including the Gibside estate. Church Street and Cuthbert Street are named after St", ". Church Street and Cuthbert Street are named after St. Cuthbert's Church, which stands at the corner of St. Cuthbert's Road, opposite the former Miners Welfare Institute (now a community centre housing a nursery and a performing arts school) and the aged miner's cottages.", "Church Street is part of the A692 to Consett and forms the main road through the village. The south side of Church Street differs slightly in that the houses all have front gardens, and (with the exception of the first house on the row) are slightly larger, with three bedrooms, and the presence of extra chimney pots indicating that they have additional fireplaces in the kitchen and one of the rear bedrooms", ". These larger houses also mostly have two narrow windows side by side in the living room and front bedroom, although some have been altered and had larger single windows installed. The bathrooms of these properties occupy a small extension on the back of the house, as opposed to the smaller properties, whose bathrooms were created by partitioning the rear bedroom", ". Aside from this, the houses are similar in appearance to those on the north side of the road and on Cuthbert Street, which have single windows, and fireplaces in the front rooms only. The only house on these three rows which differs significantly from the others is the first house on the north side of Church street, which is the only three-bedroom property on that side and at a glance appears to be two houses which have been knocked through into one property, but was actually just built slightly larger", ". There is no vehicular access to the front of the properties on Cuthbert Street, with a grassed area occupying the space between the two rows of houses.", "The village also had a number of prefab houses, which occupied the large grassed area at the top of Cuthbert Street. These were known as Noble Street and Raby Street. They seem to have been built at some time in the 1950s, and can be seen on the 1960 and 1966 OS maps, but were demolished in 1968 and no longer show on the 1970 map. The section of road which continues past the rear of Cuthbert Street is actually the eastern end of Raby Street", ". The junction where Noble Street began can be clearly seen at the point where two concrete bollards now stand opposite the top of Cuthbert Street. During very dry weather, the outline of the road becomes clearly visible as a wide strip of lighter coloured grass, running in a westerly direction from the bollards towards Blackamoor Hill. The original concrete surface of Raby Street is still in situ, and runs parallel to Noble Street, beside the hedge", ". In the exceptionally dry summer of 2018, the outlines of these long-demolished properties reappeared after 40 years. Large numbers of this type of house were built all over the country as a temporary measure to replace housing stock lost during German bombing raids, the vast majority being demolished once replacement housing had been built, but some remain", ". Examples can be seen locally on Valley Drive in Swalwell, and on The Drive and Southfield Road near the junction with Washingwell lane on the Watergate Estate in Whickham", ". The field adjacent to the area formerly occupied by the prefabs is now used for cattle grazing, but was at some point used as a rubbish tip, evidence of which can be seen in the form of the old bottles, jars and clay pipes which can sometimes be found poking out of the ground, as well as the presence in the soil of large quantities of ash from coal fires. To increase wartime coal production, the government introduced opencast mining all over the country", ". One such mine was located in the field immediately to the west the rubbish tip, and appears on the 1951 OS map.", "The newer properties in the village are those in the St. Cuthbert's Park estate and Sandygate Mews, which are accessed from St. Cuthbert's road. St. Cuthbert's Park consists of a mixture of detached and semi-detached properties, and was built in the 1990s, as was Sandygate Mews. Sandygate Mews consists of five large detached properties built on the site of a former market garden. These, along with the vicarage and The Grange, which stands across St", ". These, along with the vicarage and The Grange, which stands across St. Cuthbert's Road from the church, are some of the largest houses in the village. The former church hall opposite the entrance to Sandygate Mews has also been converted into a house, and there are another two large properties just to the south of the school. One of these is relatively new, while the other one, Redlands, appears on the 1921 OS map. A building marked \"mission room\" on the site of the church hall also appears on this map", ". A building marked \"mission room\" on the site of the church hall also appears on this map. The building which presently occupies the site does not appear to be old enough to have been built before 1921, but was presumably built to replace an earlier structure of similar dimensions. After falling into disuse, the hall stood empty for a number of years, before finally being bought by a property developer", ". Although the general outline of the structure has not been altered, its conversion into a home has otherwise rendered it considerably different in appearance.", "As of 2018, the original school building is being converted into two properties after standing empty for eight years, while the more modern extension and portacabins that housed the main hall, some additional classrooms and the kitchens have been demolished and 22 houses are being built on the site of these and the former playing field. These will be known as Marley View.", "Sport, leisure, transport and amenities", "Sports and leisure facilities consist of a small park with play equipment and basketball hoops situated at the bottom of Cuthbert Street, along with two tennis courts and a bowling green behind the aged miner's cottages, and a football pitch with a small hut containing a changing room to the rear of Cuthbert Street. There was a cricket ground on the south side of the road, just past Redlands, but this disappeared some time in the 1950s", ". There are also a number of allotments, some beside the road at the top of Church Street, and more occupying the land between the rear of Glamis Terrace and St. Cuthbert's Park. The only shop in the village is The Crafts House, a gift and craft shop situated at the top of Church Street, opposite the allotments. This building served as the post office for a time, after the closure of the post office at Old Marley Hill", ". Although Sunniside and Burnopfield are the nearest shops where groceries can be bought, a mobile shop operating out of a converted police incident support vehicle served Marley Hill and Byermoor up until around the end of 2011. This also served the Lintz Estate in Burnopfield and was mainly patronised by some of the more elderly residents. The Co-op, post office, and other shops at Sunniside are also within easy walking distance", ". The Co-op, post office, and other shops at Sunniside are also within easy walking distance. Marley Hill has never had a pub, the nearest pubs being in Sunniside and Burnopfield, and the only licensed premises in the village is the community centre. The community centre is still referred to as the \"choot\" (a contraction of institute) by some of the older residents, and the main hall serves as the village's polling station during local and general elections. There is a post box on St", ". There is a post box on St. Cuthbert's Road, another outside the shop and a public telephone box outside the community centre.", "The primary school was opened in August 1895 by Sir Charles Palmer, the MP for Jarrow (who had at one time been the manager of the colliery, becoming a partner in 1842), and finally closed over a century later at the beginning of the 2010 Christmas Holidays. At the time of writing the school buildings remain in situ. They are still owned by Gateshead Council and there have been calls to ensure that they are retained for public use. The Sacred Heart R.C", ". The Sacred Heart R.C. school in the neighbouring village of Byermoor was also under threat of closure, with the intention that the pupils would join those from Marley Hill at other schools in the area, mainly Clover Hill and Washingwell primaries in Whickham, although this decision was subsequently reversed. Prior to closure, two wooden-bodied mine tubs from the colliery stood outside the front of the school for many years", ". These had gradually fallen into a state of disrepair, and were subsequently removed for restoration. This having been completed, they were unveiled during a small ceremony on 6 October 2011 by Gateshead's Mayor, Councillor Joe Mitchison, in a new position on the grassed area in front of the aged miner's cottages, with the area's three Liberal Democrat councillors (who had secured the funding to have them restored) in attendance", ". The event was recorded by Councillor Jonathan Wallace, and the footage uploaded to YouTube. The sound quality on the video is affected as a result of the prevailing westerly winds which frequently buffet the village due to its exposed location.", "The village is served by several bus routes, with Go North East service 6 connecting it with Newcastle via Whickham and the MetroCentre, and Durham via a change at Stanley. This service is replaced by service 6A on evenings and Sundays. Prior to the introduction of the 6 and 6A, connections to the MetroCentre were via services 43 and 44, which also provided a direct route to Durham. Services X70 and X71 from Consett also serve the village, reaching Newcastle via Gateshead", ". Services X70 and X71 from Consett also serve the village, reaching Newcastle via Gateshead. Service 70 originally replaced these two services on evenings and Sundays, but has been discontinued, with service X71 now running seven days a week", ". Prior to the opening of the new transport interchange at the Metrocentre (which saw a number of services that reached Newcastle via Dunston Bank or Lobley Hill and Gateshead replaced by routes using the new facility) and Go North East's introduction of branded routes in 2004, stops in the village were served for many years by services 705-8, X36, 794, 933 and 770. The latter featured on the \"100 Years of British Buses\" series of stamps issued by Royal Mail in 2001", ". The only services which survived this change were services 933, which is a twice daily works service between Rowlands Gill and the Team Valley Trading Estate, and service 794 between Stanley and the government office complex at Longbenton: these run through the village in the morning, with a return journey in the evening", ". Although the Department of Social Security technically ceased to exist in 2001 (with the site now being jointly occupied by its replacement, the Department for Work & Pensions and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), it is still stated as \"DSS Longbenton\" on the timetable. As of August 2011, this service continues to Balliol Business Park, where HMRC have more offices", ". As of August 2011, this service continues to Balliol Business Park, where HMRC have more offices. There are three bus stops for Newcastle-bound services: one near Longfield Farm, one opposite the allotments, and one at the bottom of Church Street, by the aged miner's cottages. There were four on the opposite side of the road, one outside the church, one opposite the shop, one outside the school and one near the farm", ". Both stops near the farm are seldom used due to their isolated location, and the stop outside the school became redundant with the closure of the school. The busy nature of the road necessitated a crossing patrol for the children, and a Lollipop lady was stationed near the shop. This also became unnecessary after the school closed.", "Old Marley Hill, collieries, railways and associated industry", "Marley Hill Colliery and the adjoining coke works were situated in the area known as Old Marley Hill, further along St. Cuthbert's Road (which is closed to vehicles beyond a large metal gate just past St", ". Cuthbert's Road (which is closed to vehicles beyond a large metal gate just past St. Cuthbert's Park), and at one time most of the village, including houses, a shop, the original post office and two Chapels (Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist, the latter being situated at the end of one of the rows of colliery houses, reputedly earning it the nickname \"Ranter's Row\") was centred around the colliery itself", ". There was also a row of very basic houses which was originally called Fen House Row, after a large house which stood in the field behind them, but came to be known simply as \"The Hole\" or \"The Valley.\" Heading towards the pit, these were on the right hand side of St. Cuthbert's road, just beyond the gate. The houses backed onto the steep hillside along the pit road, and some of them were flattened by a landslide around the turn of the 20th century. The rest were demolished in 1920", ". The rest were demolished in 1920. There were also three terraces nearer the A6076 which runs from Sunniside to Stanley; Bowes Terrace, Gibraltar Row, and Marley Hill Terrace. These were known collectively as Andrews Houses. Bowes terrace is visible on the 1938 OS map, but appears to have been demolished by 1951", ". Bowes terrace is visible on the 1938 OS map, but appears to have been demolished by 1951. Gibraltar Row and Marley Hill terrace last appear on the 1966 map but some of the houses were certainly still extant as late as 1973, albeit in a derelict condition, as they appear in the background of a photograph taken that year.", "Bowes Bridge MPD (a sub-shed of Gateshead MPD) on the North Eastern Railway's Tanfield Branch was also in this area, and the disused Turntable pit and coaling stage for the locomotives are still extant alongside the Tanfield Railway, whose car park now occupies the site of Gibraltar Row and Marley Hill Terrace", ". Bowes Terrace occupied the high ground on the opposite side of the Tanfield Branch, overlooking Marley Hill engine shed, (reputed to be the world's oldest working example) which is still in use by the Tanfield Railway for the storage and maintenance of its locomotives", ". A number of additional buildings have been constructed around the shed in the years since the site became a heritage railway, including sheds for the storage of out-of use locomotives and rolling stock, a shed for the restored carriages used on the passenger services, as well as a number of workshops. The mine tubs from outside the school were restored in the railway's woodwork shop", ". The mine tubs from outside the school were restored in the railway's woodwork shop. Marley Hill shed was actually on the Bowes Railway, which crossed the Tanfield Branch on the level beside the signal box and was owned by the National Coal Board after nationalisation in 1947, whereas the Tanfield branch (by this time part of the London & North Eastern Railway) came under the control of British Railways", ". There are bus stops either side of the road here, which would have originally been used by the occupants of Andrews Houses. These are now used mainly by visitors to the Tanfield Railway, and are served by Go North East routes X30 and X31 from Stanley, except Sundays, when only X31 operates", ". Both terminate at Newcastle, but X31 follows the same route previously used by the X30, via Lobley Hill and Gateshead, while the X30 now deviates from this at Sunniside, following a similar route to that of the old 706 via Sunniside Road, Whickham Highway and Dunston Bank. The majority of the houses in this area were very basic, and were in an extremely poor condition by the time they were demolished", ". Some were of a similar design to the houses in the pit village at the nearby Beamish Museum, and others were built as back-to-backs, a type common in Yorkshire (large numbers remain in Leeds), Lancashire and the Midlands but rarely seen in the north-east. The Bowes Railway ran through a cutting east of the signal box, and the Stanley road crossed it on a bridge", ". After the closure of the line, this bridge was no longer necessary, and the cutting was backfilled, although the western end of it is still visible adjacent to the box, forming the headshunt of the shed yard. There was also another colliery in this area; [ Andrews House Colliery, which was served by a spur from the Bowes Railway, part of which is still in existence", ". This is the section of track which crosses the entrance to the shed yard and passes behind the shed, beneath the former coal drops, and continues a short distance to the rear of the site.", "Coal was also mined from Blackburn Fell Drift, on the other side of the Stanley road, which was served by the Bowes Railway. It had a relatively short life compared to the deep mine, being driven in 1937 and closing in 1979, with the men transferring to Marley Hill", ". In contrast to those of its neighbours, the surface buildings of this mine (including stables for the pit ponies) survived in a derelict condition for over twenty years, and the partially blocked entrance to the drift itself, (with tub lines emerging from it) was still visible beneath one of them right up until they were finally removed in the early 21st century", ". Although the main surface structures are gone, a small hut made from the yellow bricks characteristic of many local colliery buildings stands on the hill overlooking the site of the drift, on the opposite side of Birklands Lane. Its windows and door have been bricked up, and a small chimney-like structure which appears to be some kind of vent projects from the roof at one end", ". Looking from the point where the drift emerged, (and assuming the drift ran in a relatively straight line) this structure appears to sit directly above the main roadway. It is therefore a possibility that it housed pumps or an emergency access shaft, or both. This structure does not appear on the 1921 OS map, but is visible on the map from 1951 (the area is not covered on the 1938–39 map), so it is probably safe to assume that it is in some way associated with the drift", ". The trackbed of the Bowes Railway on this side of the Stanley road is now a cycle path, and continues from the site of the drift's screens, past Birkheads Cottages and the adjoining Birkheads Secret Gardens] and on to Kibblesworth, where the next colliery on the line was situated.", "Andrews House Colliery closed in 1920. The coke works closed in 1937, with coke production transferred to the newly constructed Monkton Coke Works at the other end of the Bowes Railway near Hebburn, which would eventually become the last operational battery of coke ovens in the area, finally closing in 1991. Many of the men formerly employed at the Marley Hill ovens found work in the newly opened Blackburn Fell Drift", ". In later years, the coal produced at the colliery was removed in diesel-hauled sets of tubs via the Clockburn Drift, which opened in 1952 and connected underground with the Marley Hill workings. This emerged about two miles from the shafts, on the south bank of the River Derwent. Upon exiting the drift, the tubs of coal immediately crossed the river on a bridge just upstream of the Butterfly Bridge at Winlaton Mill", ". The coal was then screened and washed, and taken either to Derwenthaugh Staiths at the confluence of the Derwent and the Tyne, or was used at Derwenthaugh Coke Works", ". The sites of the railway sidings serving the drift, the coke ovens, and the associated coal preparation plant, power station and chemical works have been decontaminated and extensively landscaped, with the only obvious piece of evidence that mining has taken place nearby being the iron-stained water issuing from the ground above the buried drift entrance as a result of the drift acting as a drainage adit for the colliery workings.", "At the end of the 1970s there were very few collieries left in the area, and with the closure of Eden Colliery in 1980, Marley Hill, which had for some time been the last colliery in Gateshead, became one of the only three remaining colliers in the west of the coalfield. Although most of the seams were relatively thin, and therefore did not lend themselves easily to mechanisation, the high quality coking coal they yielded had ensured the colliery's longevity", ". However, a number of factors proved to be the colliery's undoing. The stationary engines which had powered the line shafting in workshops and factories had been ousted by the arrival of smaller and more efficient electric motors, and electric pumps had almost completely replaced large beam engines at water works", ". (Ironically, the coal mining industry had been one of the earliest to spot the potential advantages of electricity as a source of power- using it for everything from lighting to pumping to powering locomotives, thereby nurturing the technology that would one day play a significant part in its downfall.) British Rail's huge fleet of steam locomotives had gone by the end of the 1960s, and by the late 70s even the NCB's locomotive fleet consisted almost entirely of diesels", ". The decline of the steel industry greatly reduced the demand for coke and the exploitation of the North Sea oil and gas reserves and the resulting changeover of the domestic gas supply virtually eliminated any demand for coal gas. At around the same time, the gradual transition from coal and coke fires to gas central heating for domestic purposes was well under way, further reducing demand for coal", ". Although power stations still had an enormous appetite for coal, this could be easily met by the massive undersea mines in the east of the coalfield, as well as the large opencast sites in Northumberland. The writing was on the wall for smaller collieries like Marley Hill.", "Closure finally came in 1983, shortly followed by Bearpark in 1984 and Sacriston in 1985. Ten years after the last coals were drawn from Marley Hill, the closure of the coastal collieries (including Wearmouth Colliery) in Sunderland, to which a number of Marley Hill miners had transferred after their own pit closed, saw deep mining in the Durham coalfield finally come to an end, leaving Ellington Colliery in Northumberland as the only north-east pit to survive into the new millennium.", "Deep mining was (and still is), a dangerous undertaking, and although it was never the scene of a major disaster like that at the nearby Burns Pit, Marley Hill Colliery was no stranger to the accidents which plagued the industry. In total, around thirty-nine miners lost their lives at the colliery during its one hundred and forty-two years of operation. Some of those killed are buried in St. Cuthbert's churchyard", ". In addition to the various fatalities which occurred underground, one man was killed when a boiler exploded, and the proximity of the various railway lines and sidings to the houses (with the shunting of wagons taking place day and night) yielded tragic results on at least two occasions: firstly in 1888, when a four-year-old girl called Elizabeth Langdon was knocked down and killed by a locomotive while walking on the branch that served the original beehive coke ovens which gave Coke Row its name", ", and again fifty-four years later, when a Mr", ". John Mitchell was struck by a locomotive while walking home from the colliery at the end of a shift. The date of this particular incident (7 Dec 1942) suggests that he may have been walking in the dark under wartime blackout conditions. A possible explanation as to how the collision was not avoided is that Mr. Mitchell and the driver of the locomotive simply did not see each other in the dark", ". Mitchell and the driver of the locomotive simply did not see each other in the dark. Steam locomotives would have presented a unique threat under such conditions because, unlike diesels, when not working particularly hard they can move remarkably quietly. The noisy environment of a colliery yard, with the constant rattle of unbraked wagons being shunted could no doubt quite easily mask the sound of a locomotive approaching in the dark. Even if Mr", ". Even if Mr. Mitchell had heard the locomotive, (and assuming it was in fact dark at the time) it is quite possible that it would have been difficult to pinpoint its exact location on the maze of points and sidings by sound alone.", "Although a return to traditional deep mining methods in Marley Hill and the surrounding area is extremely unlikely, substantial reserves of coal remain. However, these reserves remain largely untapped as they would need to be obtained by opencast mining", ". This has already proven to be controversial, with a planning application to extract 480,000 tonnes of coal and 100,000 tonnes of fireclay on an area of farmland at Skon's Park, just north of Burnopfield coming up against strong local objection, particularly from Derwent Residents Against Mining Application (DRAMA), led by Burnopfield resident Eddie Stringer, who were supported by former miner and Labour MP Dave Anderson, several Liberal Democrat councillors and the National Trust", ". These objections centred primarily on the potential issues of noise and dust, large numbers of heavy goods vehicles travelling through Marley Hill, Byermoor and Sunniside, as well as the proposed mine's close proximity to the Gibside Estate. The National Trust eventually bought the 150 acres of land in question for £500,000 to prevent further mining applications", ". As of July 2011, another application, to mine coal in an area adjacent to Birkland Lane near Hedley Hall Farm (to the south-east of the site of Blackburn Fell Drift) has been submitted to Gateshead Council's planning department", ". Although Liberal Democrat councillor Jonathan Wallace immediately voiced concerns, this application has a greater likelihood of being approved than the proposed Skon's Park site, as this area has a much smaller population, does not lie near the Gibside Estate and an opencast mine was operating nearby relatively recently.", "After closure, the headgears and other machinery at Marley Hill Colliery were scrapped and the buildings levelled. A hole was knocked into the wall of the square building which enclosed the top of the upcast shaft, and the rubble from the rest of the buildings tipped in to backfill it. This process having been completed, the building was demolished and a large concrete cap placed over the mouth of each shaft. There appear to be only two remaining buildings directly associated with the colliery", ". There appear to be only two remaining buildings directly associated with the colliery. One of these is an airlock above a backfilled ventilation shaft from the Clockburn Drift, hidden away in Clockburn Wood near Whickham. The shaft was known as the Hollinside Shaft and actually pre-dates the drift as it was originally part of Axwell Park Colliery, which was situated roughly a mile to the north-east", ". This colliery closed in 1954 after men from Marley Hill began working its remaining reserves beneath Hollinside and Gibside via the drift, at which point the NCB installed a fan to aid ventilation, these workings being some distance from the Shafts at Marley Hill Colliery itself. The other remaining structure is a curious rendered brick hut with double-walled construction and heavy steel doors, which stands in the middle of a field to the south of St. Cuthbert's Park", ". Cuthbert's Park. It is best to consult Google Earth to pinpoint the location. This is the colliery's former powder magazine, where explosives for use underground were stored. It was presumably constructed sometime in the first couple of years of the 20th century, as the bricks used, which bear the name \"Blythe & Sons, Birtley Station\" along with the letters ER (Edward VII) and the date 1901, are of the same type (stamped 1903 and 1904) used to construct Church Street, Cuthbert Street and Glamis Terrace", ". It has evidently been designed to direct the force of any explosion upwards, with its isolated location meaning that the resulting debris would not land on the surrounding houses or colliery buildings. It is (for unknown reasons) sometimes referred to locally as \"the butterfly chambers\" and fell out of use some time before the colliery closed, with one former Marley Hill miner recalling playing in it as a child", ". A new explosives store was built to replace it, this building being situated near the pit head baths.", "The land on which the original village and the pit itself stood (along with the site of the cokeworks, Andrews House Colliery and Bowes Bridge MPD) has lain empty since the colliery was demolished, although the foundations of a number of buildings, a few old concrete lamp-posts, some of the tub lines, and the concrete caps covering the backfilled shafts are still clearly visible", ". The upcast shaft is on top of the hill overlooking the yard of the Tanfield Railway, and the two caps covering the coal-drawing shafts can be found in a gully just to the north of it, hidden among the trees. Until around 2010, the metal floor tiles of the pit head baths were still in situ, but have since been removed by scrap thieves. The stables are easily identifiable, with drainage channels running down the centre, and post-holes where the stalls would have been", ". The steps leading up to the door of the colliery's office block are still in situ, and Peruvian Lilies can still be found where the flower beds at the front of the building were. Considerable numbers of Crocosmia and Lupins can also be found growing in the area where the screens and headgear of the coal-drawing shafts once stood, most likely as a result of somebody tipping garden waste. The NCB sign which stood at the entrance to the colliery yard is now on display in the Tanfield Railway's carriage shed", ". Almost thirty years after closure, nature has largely reclaimed the site, with an abundance of wildlife having taken up residence, and the area is well known locally for the rich pickings to be had when blackberries are in season. However, the entire area remains covered in spoil from the two collieries (as does the site of Byermoor Colliery) and there is still a considerable amount of junk, such as steel toe-capped wellingtons, compressed air hoses and ventilation ducting lying around in the undergrowth", ". Fly tipping has also been a problem, with a notable incident occurring on the Tanfield Railway's coal train day in October 1998, when a vast heap of tyres which had been dumped in the gill adjacent to the site of the cokeworks was set alight. The fire destroyed a number of trees, and was visible from trains on the incline between Bobgins Crossing and Andrews House Station. The land is now owned by UK Coal, and a sign by the gate on St", ". The land is now owned by UK Coal, and a sign by the gate on St. Cuthbert's Road bearing the company's former name (RJB Mining) warns against fly-tipping.", "Despite most of the area now being covered in trees and shrubs, very little vegetation other than patchy grass and a few scrubby trees grows on the site of the cokeworks and associated chemical works, indicating the presence of the very high levels of ground contamination associated with such industries (some of the miners recall working in an area directly beneath the works' former tar beds and being able to smell tar which had seeped down into the coal seams", ", while contaminants such as a cyanide containing compound known as \"blue billy\" have also been detected in the soil)", ". On 29 May 2012, a public consultation was held at the community centre to discuss proposals by UK Coal to remove 900,000 tonnes of high quality coal (described as being \"like rocket fuel\" compared to the \"rough coal\" being mined at the Potland Burn and Butterwell sites in Northumberland) from beneath the area by opencast mining, as part of a four-year scheme to reclaim the heavily contaminated site", ". Part of the proposals, should planning permission be granted are to extend the Tanfield Railway along the former route of the Bowes Railway to Byermoor. Presumably any services to Byermoor would either run from Andrews House, or bring the disused Marley Hill Station just to the north of the shed back into use.", "High Marley Hill", "The summit of the high ground between the Tyne, Derwent and Team valleys is to the West of the village, about halfway between Byermoor and Marley Hill itself and is surmounted by an outcrop known as Blackamoor Hill. This area is known as High Marley Hill", ". This area is known as High Marley Hill. It consists of three cottages beside the road, a large house which is accessed via School House Lane, Longfield Farm, a pallet works which occupies the former High Marley Hill School buildings, and several buildings surrounding a large radio antenna currently operated by Arquiva", ". This sits on top of Blackamoor Hill, from where it is able to broadcast signals across a considerable area (from the rear of Cuthbert Street on a clear day it is possible to see as far as the mouth of the Tyne, and as far North as the RAF's radar station at Brizlee Wood near Alnwick, and from ground level at High Marley Hill the visible area stretches into the North Pennines and East as far as Penshaw Hill near Sunderland)", ". The existing mast replaced an earlier 140 foot mast that was part of the network known as the Medium Frequency Regional Scheme that provided police radio broadcasts between the early 1940s and '50s and covered the area between North Yorkshire and the Scottish border. This was decommissioned when the more modern system using two-way radios was introduced", ". This was decommissioned when the more modern system using two-way radios was introduced. In early 1942 a Hawker Hurricane crashed in poor weather into an orchard across the road from mast, killing its Royal Canadian Air Force pilot, 24 year old Sergeant James D'Arcy Lees Graham. There is a plaque commemorating the incident in the community centre.", "There was an anti-aircraft battery near High Marley Hill during World War II, and a drift mine which closed in the 1960s, as did the nearby Byermoor Colliery. The 1951 OS map shows an opencast mine in the field beside the road, near the farm (marked on the map as Longfield House) and there is an embankment which runs parallel to School House Lane, from the site of the drift to the remains of a large retaining wall", ". This was presumably a loading point on the Bowes Railway, the trackbed of which is still visible, running alongside St. Cuthbert's Road. The presence of a large flat area of waste ground on the opposite side of the road to the wall is a possible indication there were railway sidings here. It is not known whether this loading point also handled the output of the opencast. The 1951 map also shows a terrace called Waggonway Row just beside the retaining wall", ". The 1951 map also shows a terrace called Waggonway Row just beside the retaining wall. The outline of these houses can be seen from the air and is visible on Google Maps. The large house on School House Lane has several outbuildings which appear to have been associated with the drift. This would explain the presence of a sign on the wall of the building nearest the road which reads \"UK Coal Monitoring Station.\" Exactly what this is monitoring is unclear, although it is likely to be mine water or gas", ".\" Exactly what this is monitoring is unclear, although it is likely to be mine water or gas. School House Lane forms the southern end of St. Cuthbert's Road, and vehicular access beyond the large house is prevented by a large concrete block which has been placed in the centre of the lane.", "References\n\nVillages in Tyne and Wear" ]
203rd Military Intelligence Battalion
[ "The 203rd Military Intelligence Battalion (Technical Intelligence) is the sole technical intelligence (TECHINT) collection and foreign material exploitation unit of the United States Department of Defense and a battalion in the United States Army Reserve", ". The 203rd obtains and exploits captured enemy materials, maintains one of the premier test and evaluation inventories of adversary equipment and weaponry in the US military, and supports specialized tasking including counter-terrorism, special reconnaissance, and direct action missions. Much of the units work is conducted in close collaboration with the National Ground Intelligence Center", ". The battalion's intelligence products provide TECHINT support to INSCOM, the Defense Intelligence Enterprise, the broader US Intelligence Community (IC), the Five Eyes, NATO, and foreign allies and partners.", "With a lineage tracing back to World War II, the unit has deployed detachments in every major ground conflict involving the United States since 1982. During contingency operations, the battalion is operationally gained as a theater-level asset, and can report directly to any command or echelon assigned. From 1998 to 2011, the 203rd was one of a small number of multi-component units combining regular army and reserve companies in one battalion", ". As of 2023, the unit is composed of around 300 soldiers from 48 different occupational specialties, and is headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground in northern Maryland. In 2022, the unit was awarded for achieving the highest standard of training and readiness of any battalion in the Army Reserve or National Guard.", "Role", "The role of the 203rd is unique in the Army and DoD as a whole, operating in a joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational capacity, producing predictive and tailored intelligence using captured enemy materiel to provide US forces with an better understanding of foreign capabilities", ". According to Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 2–0, Intelligence, the 203rd is tasked to \"prevent technological surprise, assess foreign scientific and technical capabilities, and develop countermeasures designed to neutralize an adversary's technological advantages", ".\" The unit accomplishes this assignment through conduct of sensitive site exploitation (SSE) and exploit of reconnaissance capabilities, equipment, weapons systems, munitions, documents and materials (DOMEX), forensic evidence, biometric data, and other materiel of foreign origin which is captured, recovered, or otherwise acquired", ". During a conflict, one of the units primary tasks is establishing the Captured Material Exploitation Center as a hub to cache, evaluate, and process all captured materials in theater.", "The units intelligence products closely support and collaborate with civilian and military partners within the Intelligence Community, counterparts within the Five Eyes, as well as allies and partners such as South Korea.", "The 203rd is tasked as an \"always available\" unit, meaning it must be prepared at all times to deploy in support of Overseas Contingency Operations. As a result, the unit is oriented toward operational support to maintain unit readiness. Beyond the intelligence gathering mission, the unit also develops and provides training and certifications on foreign weapons, vehicles and other equipment, and conducts emergency technical intelligence missions in support of any TECHINT requirement of overseas operations.", "The 203rd is also tasked with maintaining the following abilities specified in Field Manual (FM) 2–0, Intelligence:", "Establish and operate the Captured Materiel Exploitation Center (CMEC).\n Conduct TECHINT collection and reporting in support of validated S&TI.\n Act as the HQDA executive agent for foreign materiel used for training purposes.\n Conduct TECHINT training for DoD and reserve component TECHINT personnel.\n Support INSCOM's foreign materials acquisition and exploitation operations as directed.\n Analyze and exploit foreign captured enemy documents, equipment, weapon systems, and other war materiel.", "Report on the capabilities and limitations of enemy combat materiel.\n Provide reports alerting the command to the tactical threat posed by technical advances in new or recently discovered foreign or enemy materiel.\n Provide countermeasures to any enemy technical advantage.\n Provide foreign or enemy equipment for troop familiarization and training.\n Provide recommendations on the reuse of captured exploited material\n Supervise the evacuation of TECHINT items from the conflict zone", "Supervise the evacuation of TECHINT items from the conflict zone\n Provide battlefield TECHINT teams to support a subordinate command's TECHINT effort.", "Organization", "The unit is under the organization of Military Intelligence Readiness Command's Theater Support Command (TSC), but is closely aligned with INSCOM's National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC), which previously had control of the unit. The battalion is garrisoned at the Army's center of test and evaluation, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland", ". Its headquarters is co-located with NGIC's Foreign Materiel Operations Division, whose foreign material archives are populated predominantly by materials recovered by the 203rd. Command of the battalion is a lieutenant colonel's billet. Most members of the 203rd are reservists who report for duty one weekend a month and two weeks a year, while a cadre of full time soldiers and civilians provide day-to-day operational, logistical and administrative continuity", ". The battalion's approximately 300 soldiers are organized into a headquarters company (HHC) and four line companies:", "Headquarters & Headquarters Company (HHC): The HHC conducts mission command, provides and coordinates support for the battalion on all functions and other basic requirements to ensure the success of the unit; includes the S1, S2, S3, and S6 sections for support.\n\nA, B & C Companies: Conduct TECHINT operations; foreign vehicle exploitation, foreign weapons exploitation, site exploitation, Weapons Technical Intelligence (WTI), IED identification, and Foreign System Familiarization.", "D Company: Exploitation and Warehousing—Maintains accountability of captured materiel, creates target packages on Captured Exploitation Materiel (CEM) for TECHINT teams, analyzes and exploits CEM to determine new/special capabilities; receives, tracks and stores CEM for shipment to scientific exploitation centers; and supports exploitation efforts conducted by other organizations with subject matter experts. Their analytical cell provides battlefield intelligence analysis to TECHINT teams", ". Their analytical cell provides battlefield intelligence analysis to TECHINT teams. Develops and prioritizes national level and combatant commanders TECHINT requirements. A significant portion of the equipment and materials processed by D Company are maintained and secured within NGIC facilities.", "History\n\nOrigins", "The 203rd traces its lineage to the Army's reputed Ordnance Technical Intelligence Teams of World War II, established in 1943. After American forces struggled with considerable losses at the hands of the German technological surprises in North Africa, G.I.s fighting Axis forces began to receive issues of the \"well-illustrated and plainly-worded\" intelligence bulletins which provided advice for identifying or rendering inoperable a variety of enemy weaponry and equipment", ". The unit's concept was revived for the Korean War and later the Vietnam War, where for the first time a designated Captured Materiel Exploitation Center was set up in-country to streamline materials analysis and exploitation, a task which would become a core competency of the 203rd. The foreign material exploitation unit concept was finally formalized at Fort Bragg, North Carolina as Delta Company, 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, XVIII Airborne Corps", ". During both wars, the unit's bulletins emerged as a reputed source among allied units with interest in the capabilities of the enemy's newly introduced RPG-7 and Soviet PT-76 amphibious tanks.", "In 1975, the Army conducted the Intelligence Organization and Stationing Study, which recommended significant changes to Army intelligence, including the 203rd. At the same time, the military had a growing need for analysis and exploitation of a flood of material captured by Israeli intelligence, which in turn had been sold to the United States", ". The findings led to the inactivation of D Company at Fort Bragg, and the reorganization of the unit as the 11th Military Intelligence Company, stood up 30 September 1978, at Aberdeen Proving Ground, under the command of LTC Dwight W. Galda. During the period of 1975 to 1988, the unit operated out of old wooden WWII-era buildings on the base", ". The newly independent company was assigned to the Army's Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center, and tasked additionally with providing assistance to the Army's Opposing Forces (OPFOR) Support mission, operating Soviet equipment and weaponry in full scale mock battles at Fort Irwin National Training Center, California. As a result of the Army's increasing demands, the unit grew in size, redesignated the 11th Military Intelligence Battalion (Provisional), 29 February 1980, with LTC James A", ". Bartlette assuming command. After the transition, the OPFOR mission was tasked to Company C, a detachment permanently located at Ft. Irwin. In 1996, Charlie Detachment grew to a company and would continue to provide support to the NTC OPFOR until the late 2000s (approx. 2004) when it was inactivated.", "Battalion constituted", "In 1982, a major reorganization of military intelligence lead to the creation of the 513th Military Intelligence Group, (loosely comparable with a brigade) which was given command of three new battalions in support of the Army component of CENTCOM: the 201st, 202nd, and 203rd Military Intelligence Battalions. The 203rd was officially constituted 2 October 1982 in the Regular Army as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 203rd Military Intelligence Battalion (Provisional)", ". It immediately assumed command of the 11th Military Intelligence Company, which remained in existence subordinate to the battalion, along with the detachment at Ft. Irwin, and during periods of conflict, additional command of the 364th MI Company (TECHINT) at Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts.", "Reorganization", "On 1 October 1986, INSCOM activated the Foreign Materiel Intelligence Group as a TDA unit at Aberdeen Proving Ground. The 203rd was subordinated to the FMIG immediately following the activation. In the process, the 203rd lost 23 percent of its personnel, and was stripped of the global TECHINT mission in favor of a more tactical intelligence mission set. The lost responsibilities were reassigned to the larger FMIG, which reported directly to INSCOM", ". The lost responsibilities were reassigned to the larger FMIG, which reported directly to INSCOM. The intent was to reorient military technical intelligence efforts nearly entirely toward tactical intelligence, with the intelligence production mission reassigned to the Army Intelligence Agency, INSCOM planned to orient operations around requirements that field commanders may face", ". The FMIG was designated a non-deployable unit, and tasked with interfacing with scientific, civilian intelligence, and other military TECHINT components. In 1987, the Group absorbed several smaller MI companies. On 16 October 1988, it activated A Company to incorporate the additional personnel.", "Subordination and deactivation \nIn a ceremony at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, 16 October 1989, the Foreign Materiel Intelligence Group was reorganized, consolidated down to a battalion size unit, and combined with its subordinate – the 203rd – and the resulting unit was redesignated the Foreign Materiel Intelligence Battalion. At the conclusion of the consolidation the battalion had 191 personnel, and was subordinated to the 513th Power Projection Brigade, Fort Gordon, Georgia.", "Inactivity \nWhile temporarily deactivated for seven years, the 203rd remained in existence in form and function contiguously from its inactivation in 1989 to its later reactivation, with the 11th MI company remaining in existence under the FMIB during the 203rd's inactivation.", "Reactivation", "Towards the end of operations in Panama, structural changes at INSCOM lead to the 203rd's reactivation. Stateside, the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) was upgraded from its previous provisional status to a permanent unit, and the 513th Ml Brigade was witnessing substantial reconfiguration. The FMIB was discontinued and its mission, personnel, and assets assumed by a provisional form of the 203rd already in place", ". On 15 October 1996, almost exactly a year later, the battalion's longest running contiguous component, the 11th Military Intelligence Company, was inactivated. The following day, the 203rd shed its provisional status and was fully reactivated at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland as the tactical arm of the National Ground Intelligence Center.", "Multi-component unit", "On 13 July 1999, the 203rd was instructed to begin transitioning to a multi-component unit (multicompo or MCU), incorporating active duty and reserve soldiers in one unit. The change was intended to support both day-to-day collection and analysis of materiel with the capability to quickly bring in and deploy additional assets as required by real world situations", ". Changes were myriad, with the 203rd absorbing two reserve MI companies, the 383rd and 372nd, shedding the number of active duty soldiers by 75 percent, and shifting to Army reserve command while retaining direct mission tasking from the National Ground Intelligence Center. When mobilized, the unit was to be subordinated to whichever active duty headquarters was listed in its mobilization orders, regardless of echelon, whether brigade or field army", ". When the transition was complete 16 June 2001, the 203rd was left with five companies - the battalion commander, along with primary staff officers and two of its line companies were reservists. Headquarters and A Company were active duty troops. Three companies were based at Aberdeen, with one detachment at Fort Irwin, California, and one at Fort Devens, Massachusetts", ". From the beginning of the Iraq war through 2004, the battalion was subordinate to the 513th Military Intelligence Brigade in Iraq Reserve command", "In 2005, the battalion came under operational control of FORSCOM and the new Military Intelligence Readiness Command (MIRC), the intelligence functional command of United States Army Reserve. During this time the battalion was briefly under the operational control of the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, until the effects of the Abu Ghraib scandal caused a significant reorganization of that brigade", ". During this time the unit remained under the administrative control of NGIC, which itself was under a part of INSCOM, with operational control split between INSCOM and the civilian Defense Intelligence Agency. In 2009 the unit was moved from the administrative control of INSCOM to MIRC. Despite the shift to reserve administrative control, the battalion remained a combination of active duty and reserve companies.", "Full reserve unit \nThe unit reached its current configuration in late 2011 when the battalion became fully a reserve component, losing its active duty companies, and 96-hour deployment capability. Until 2022, the unit was subordinated to MIRC's National Intelligence Support Group, whose units primarily support uncommon or one-off missions. In 2022 the unit was transferred to MIRC's Theater Support Command.\n\nActive duty battalion (1980–2000)\n\nFunctions", "During the 1980s, the unit grew from a company size to a battalion, taking on a range of new assignments at several points in time. Throughout much of the decade, the 203rd played a key role in educating candidate Foreign Service Officers as a component of the State Department's training and indoctrination course. The battalion taught differences in equipment, weapons and doctrine between NATO and Warsaw Pact governments", ". As time went on the unit established a consistent presence in alliance maintenance operations, with heavy involvement in training and integration of foreign partner forces. In October 1995, components of the 513th Military Intelligence Brigade, including much of the 203rd as well as the 372nd MI Company deployed to the Republic of Korea to participate in exercise Foal Eagle 95, on a large scale simulated combined TECHINT mission with counterparts from the ROK Armed Forces.", "Deployments", "Grenada", "Following US forces inserting into Grenada 25 October 1983, large quantities of foreign military equipment were discovered requiring TECHINT support. Two elements of the 203rd MI Battalion, 513th MI Group, were deployed to Grenada. Five days after Operation Urgent Fury began, five soldiers from the 203rd participated as members of a Defense Intelligence Agency team formed at the request of the Commander in Chief Atlantic Fleet, operational commander of Urgent Fury", ". The first element arrived in Grenada on 31 October 1983 and was tasked to identify, sort, and provide approximate inventories of foreign material and to establish priorities for shipment to the US. Nineteen other soldiers established the 203rd MI Battalion (Forward) on 6 November, and operated a modified CMEC. Together the soldiers classified material, developed inventories; assisted combat units in searches for materiel; operated a collection point for materials, and shipped important items to the US.", "Panama \nIn 1990 the Battalion deployed soldiers in support of Operation Just Cause, identifying and cataloging more than 25,000 foreign material items and weapons evacuated from Panama.\n\nGulf War", "As tensions flared and Iraq pushed into Kuwait, the 513th Military Intelligence Brigade, including the 203rd, arrived in-theatre in October 1990 to support US Central Command. By the time Congress authorized the use of force against Iraq on 12 January 1991, the 203rd was already analyzing Iraq's capabilities", ". The following day the 203rd deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of XVIII Airborne Corps, and established the JCMEC there on 15 January, supported by staff from the Defense Intelligence Agency, Army Intelligence Agency, and allied TECHINT experts in the Royal Air Force, Canadian Army, and others. Subsequently combined JCMEC (C/JCMEC) TECHINT teams were stood up, and deployed into Iraq. Members of the 203rd were in teams 2 and 3, which supported MARCENT and VII Corps.", "By 17 January, materials were being recovered from the first engagement of the war, the battle of Khafji. Among the materials recovered from the city was an Iraqi T-55 Enigma, a variant of the Soviet main battle tank given to Iraqi battalion commanders which was upfitted with indigenous non-explosive reactive armor that resisted light and medium-strength anti-tank weapons", ". After analyzing the armor in coordination with NGIC weapons experts, the 203rd developed a method with which American forces could counter its effect. Only a handful of this variant of the T-55 are known to remain in existence, one remains with the 203rd at Aberdeen. The C/JCMEC also served a critical role when allied forces tracked down the remains of three Scud missiles", ". The 203rd examined the fragments, and helped designer Raytheon and the Army develop changes to the Patriot air defense system which improved its effectiveness against the Soviet-made ballistic missile. In total during Operation Desert Storm, the 203rd was responsible for having obtained six out of one US intelligence agency's \"top 10\" list of desired foreign materiel items. It captured 207 additional items new to American intelligence.", "During the conflict, US forces ability to detect biological weapons in the field was extremely limited, consisting only of experimental sampling systems and laboratory testing undertaken by a small group responsible for the whole theater of operation. Compared to the sophisticated chemical weapons detection regime in place, the military was concerned about being caught off guard", ". The FMIB stepped in to solve the problem, taking command of the 9th Chemical Detachment of the 9th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington, providing operations, rations, administrative, training, personnel, and logistical support to enable a vast expansion of operations. The detachment consisted of a headquarters section, seven three-man biological detection teams and five chemical/biological detection teams. With them came a detachment from the US Army Technical Escort Unit", ". With them came a detachment from the US Army Technical Escort Unit. On 1 February 1991, sampling teams dispatched to locations across the theater, including Riyadh, Dhahran, Kuwait City, Nasiriyah, and several locations across Southern Iraq. No biological warfare agents or munitions were ultimately detected", ". No biological warfare agents or munitions were ultimately detected. For much of the war, the contingent of the unit based in Saudi Arabia was located near Dhahran at Khobar Towers, which later became a nickname for the Battalion's barracks back at Aberdeen, until the towers were bombed in 1996 by Hezbollah Al-Hejaz.", "Somalia", "In 1992, the 203rd deployed a TECHINT liaison team as part of Operation Restore Hope within United Nations Operation in Somalia II, embedded with US special operations units. On 16 December 1992, the 203rd deployed a detachment in support of II Marine Expeditionary Force, the core headquarters for Joint Task Force (JTF) Somalia, and established operations at the US Embassy compound in southwest Mogadishu on 18 December", ". On 21 December, the detachment accompanied a delegation from JTF Somalia headquarters on a tour of compounds controlled by rival warlords in Mogadishu. During the 5 to 10 minutes the group was inside of each of the five compounds, personnel compiled lists of the foreign and US weapons, equipment, and ordnance controlled by the warlords. This order of battle (OB) intelligence was key in planning the eventual US forces attack against one of those compounds", ". After determining there was no theater-wide plan for the collection and processing of captured enemy materials, the detachment established a Centralized Weapons Collection Center (CWCC). In conjunction with explosive ordnance disposal personnel, the CWCC processed, screened for intelligence value, and disposed of tens of thousands of captured weapons and rounds of ammunition. On 6 January, several SA-7 man-portable SAMs were captured in the Mogadishu area", ". On 6 January, several SA-7 man-portable SAMs were captured in the Mogadishu area. In conjunction with EOD personnel, and with input from the US Missile and Space Intelligence Center, the detachment reported that the missiles were functional. This intelligence prompted a change in the air defense artillery threat status and flight operations in Somalia. On 14 January, several French MILAN antitank missiles were captured in the Mogadishu area", ". On 14 January, several French MILAN antitank missiles were captured in the Mogadishu area. The unit conducted testing and evaluation with personnel from the French contingent. The missiles proved to be key intelligence, determined to be functional and capable of defeating all but the heaviest armor in the conflict.", "Haiti", "In September 1994, the battalion deployed a 14-soldier TECHINT contingency support detachment (CSD) and a 2-soldier liaison element to Haiti in support of US Operation Restore Democracy. The CSD established the forward JCMEC in Port-au-Prince, subsequently retrieving, identifying, and storing more than 10,000 foreign weapons, including those received as part of a \"Cash for Guns\" program. The CSD screened, processed, and inventoried over 10,000 weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition by hand", ". The resulting database provided analysts a tool for assessing the threat to US forces as well as the success of the \"Cash for Guns\" program. Additionally, the inventory was organized by serial number and forwarded to law enforcement agencies to aid in arms smuggling investigations. At the time of redeployment, CSD personnel had accomplished all TECHINT collection requirements, and played key roles in several signals intelligence (SIGINT) and human intelligence (HUMINT) operations.", "Bosnia", "The 203rd deployed personnel to Bosnia with the NATO Implementation Force (IFOR) two days before Thanksgiving in 1996. The unit touched down in the region as part of Operation Joint Endeavor just as the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia began in earnest, with highly publicized arrest warrants for senior figures in the conflict including Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić", ". While deployed, the unit identified and documented more than 300 novel pieces of ordnance, and inspected combat vehicles and manufacturing plants. Five times the units reporting prompted fundamental shifts in force protection posture for all deployed NATO forces. The 203rd's work on the ground in Bosnia continued through the transition of the NATO stabilization mission to SFOR, continuing through at least March 2000", ". The battalion suffered one casualty in Bosnia, when in July 1997 a specialist died at a British field hospital following a motor vehicle accident north of Donji Vakuf, in the British-controlled Multi-National Division (South-West) area of operation.", "War on terror\n\nIraq War\n\nPreparation", "In October 2002, members of the battalion staff were briefed on the Coalition Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC) vision of the 203rd's role in upcoming operations in Iraq. The two active duty companies of the battalion were ready to deploy, but the four reserve companies were woefully underprepared in personnel, equipment, and training. Upon discovering this, INSCOM leaders ruthlessly gutted the battalion, quickly and involuntarily transferring select soldiers to the 203rd from across the Army", ". By the time the reserve companies and part of headquarters company deployed at the end of April, a full two-thirds of their personnel had not been members of the battalion the prior October. The battalion commander, executive officer, S3, and one company commander were new to the battalion, and all of the company commanders were new to their positions. On 26 December 2002, the 203rd's A Company (an active duty company) received orders to deploy to Kuwait by 22 January 2003", ". Arriving in theater after transportation delays 30 January, the company staged at Camp Udairi, Kuwait. On 4 February, the reserve component of the battalion was mobilized. On 19 March 2003, the remaining 218 members of the unit's reserve companies were officially recalled to active duty.", "Invasion", "After training for three months in the austere northern Kuwaiti desert, A Company crossed the berm into Iraq with V Corps and 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) 5 and 6 April 2003, while the remainder of the battalion was staging in several locations in theater, including Udairi and Camp Doha, Kuwait. On 29 April (incidentally also Saddam's birthday), B Company entered Iraq by convoy from Udairi, escorted by Special Forces", ". By 5 May battalion commander LTC James \"Boe\" Young reported to families back home that the entirety of the battalion was moving into Iraq within the following week. HHC and B Company arrived in Kuwait without their equipment, which was coming by sea, while C Company flew with their equipment. The battalion would either have to wait in Udairi for the equipment to arrive, or borrow equipment to move into Iraq and begin collecting", ". Worse still, the 203rd's doctrine was designed for conventional conflicts, in which the 203rd would 'bring up the rear' sifting through material safely once an area was secured. The unit lacked training and weapons to operate in the semi-permissive environment that suddenly existed in Iraq. The battalion commander described his decision at the time:First, the sooner we get started, the sooner we will finish", ". Second, the security situation is reasonable now but may deteriorate over time as the resistance elements get more organized. Third, the looting is severe and any equipment that is out there and on our collection list could well be lost two months from now. I gave the group about four days to get used to the heat and the time change before moving into Iraq. One of my fellow battalion commanders is a friend from Georgia. His unit has spent the entire war at Udairi and is anxious to help in any way", ". His unit has spent the entire war at Udairi and is anxious to help in any way. He agreed to loan us about 15 vehicles and trailers and a mobile kitchen until our equipment arrives. I also got the [513th MI] Brigade to agree to provide me 54 of their long-range surveillance (LRS) platoon soldiers—all excellent infantrymen—to serve as security elements during movement and missions", ". This is the first of many handshake deals with friends that will prove to make up the backbone of our logistical support going forward.\"", "– LTC James V. \"Boe\" Young Jr.The LRS soldiers from H Company (Long Range Surveillance), 221st MI Battalion, were utilized extensively, accompanying almost every JCMEC collection mission.", "On 11 and 12 May, B Company and Headquarters Company moved to Tallil Air Base to establish the C/JCMEC. Its mission was to pack and ship the captured materials concentrated there by British and US Navy TECHINT units that had already moved forward to Baghdad International Airport. B Company, 3d Platoon (responsible for warehousing) was the primary element that carried out this mission, while its 2d Platoon (tasked with exploitation) conducted local collection and exploitation missions", ". After accompanying the move to Tallil, the battalion commander, portions of the operations and intelligence staffs, and C Company established the C/JCMEC Forward at Baghdad International Airport. The 203rd collocated with the British TECHINT experts already there", ". The 203rd collocated with the British TECHINT experts already there. The 203rd then began planning and coordinating the task fell of evaluating hundreds of weapons cache sites in the immediate Baghdad area, including the arduous task of assessing and prioritizing equipment and sites to visit based on potential TECHINT value.", "A Company performed more than 100 missions from bases at Al Hillah, Al Kut, Balad, and Baghdad. Typical collection mission involved clearing sites of unexploded ordnance and booby-traps before conducting site exploitation procedures. The team photographed each site and gathered measurements and specifications of the equipment found. Specific reports, called complementary technical intelligence reports, were compiled to send to higher echelons and requesting national agencies.", "By 1 June nearly the entire battalion had moved into Iraq, with Bravo Company and most of headquarters encamped at Tallil Air Base, near Nasiriyah, and A and C company as well as the command group in Baghdad, waiting for the entire Battalion to consolidate at their position where they had stockpiled captured materials in \"two or three main storage areas around Baghdad", ".\" In his 1 June letter, Young reported having conducted over 100 joint missions in the greater Baghdad area with coalition partners from the UK and Australia, as well as elements from the Defense Intelligence Agency and security from a group of clandestine long-range surveillance (LRS) infantry", ". Of the geographically separated detachments, he reported the group in Tallil had exploited over 300 pieces of enemy equipment, while a detachment in Doha, Qatar was positioning equipment and processing foreign materials shipments out of Iraq. June 2003 was a significant month for the 203rd and the C/JCMEC, within the month both were consolidated at Baghdad International Airport, and the combined element came under command of the newly formed Iraq Survey Group (ISG)", ". On 25 June, LTC Young reported the 203rd's first direct enemy attack of the war in the form of a roadside IED, which caused minor shrapnel injuries to some members of the LRS team. By that time, the units work in Iraq had already become the largest technical intelligence collection effort since WWII.", "Operation Avarice", "Since the start of the war, the Iraq Survey Group had been working to collect and catalog weapons of mass destruction throughout Iraq. In 2005, a collaborative effort with the Central Intelligence Agency Baghdad station and Army HUMINT yielded an Iraqi source in possession of remnant chemical weapon stockpiles and munitions dating to the countries abandoned weapons program", ". Materials exploitation specialists from the 203rd as well as chemical specialists and ordnance disposal units were assigned the task of assessing and aiding the destruction of recovered weapons. Ultimately, at least 400 Borak rockets designed for use with the Soviet BM-21 Grad were acquired, evaluated, and destroyed", ". Many of the shells were in poor condition, and some were empty or held nonlethal liquid, but some of the weapons analyzed contained the toxic nerve agent Sarin in far higher concentration than analysts had expected given their age. As they processed the munitions, the 203rd held some shells back from the stockpile slated for destruction for dissection and evaluation, which they conducted with a cast iron bathtub and a drill on the premises of the Iraq Survey Group headquarters at Camp Slayer.", "Buried Iraqi fighter jets", "In early July 2003, 1st Platoon, Charlie Company of the 203rd was investigating whether weapons of mass destruction were located at Al-Taqaddum Air Base, 75 miles west of Baghdad. During the search of the facility, a soldier spotted the vertical stabilizer of an aircraft poking out of a sand dune. The group excavated the site, and in turn located several buried MiG-25R and Su-25 aircraft. One MiG became known for a photograph taken as it was extricated from the sand", ". One MiG became known for a photograph taken as it was extricated from the sand. In it, members of the 203rd were towing the aircraft with an M1070 tractor that had let's roll, the last reported words of United Airlines Flight 93 victim Todd Beamer, written on the cab. That aircraft, identifiable by its missing wings which were never recovered, was later restored by the National Museum of the United States Air Force for display at their facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio", ". According to the museum, part way through the excavation the site was abandoned for a night because of particularly severe heat, and upon returning the following day, the wings were gone.", "Losses \nThe 203rd lost several servicemembers in Iraq from causes including attacks by roadside bomb and rocket propelled grenade, as well as noncombat related deaths including a HMMVW rollover.\n\nBurn pits \n\nSome members of the 203rd developed cancer or other illnesses following their service with the battalion in Iraq which they and their families have attributed to exposure to hazardous materials in Iraq. No conclusive link between the claims and activities specific to the 203rd has been established.", "War in Afghanistan \nIn 2009, eight Soldiers from the 203rd deployed to Afghanistan to conduct Document and Media Exploitation attached to undisclosed units including US special operations, deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.\n\nThe unit deployed to Afghanistan from 19 January 2011 to 10 November 2011 in support of the Weapons Intelligence Team mission.", "2009 presidential inauguration \nOn 20 January 2009, members of the 203rd marched with MIRC in the parade ceremonies of the 56th presidential inauguration before newly sworn in president Barack Obama.\n\nUnit awards\n\nCampaign streamers\n\nUnit citations \nCharlie Company is additionally entitled to display:\n\nOther awards \n\n Walter T. Kerwin, Jr. Readiness Award – 2022\n\nInsignia", "Development", "The 203rd's insignia is a slightly irregular circle, inconsistent with most US Army unit insignia. Likewise, its coat of arms reflects elements of the circular insignia placed unusually within the bare outline of a French-style escutcheon (shield). This was a result of the history of the 203rd, in which it developed its heraldic achievement in reverse order. Typically distinctive unit insignia are derived from the lower escutcheon portion of a units coat of arms", ". However, the 203rd evolved from a company size unit, and spent time subordinate to other groups and battalions throughout its history. Army Regulation 840-10 clarifies that company size units are not authorized a coat of arms, but may develop a distinctive unit insignia. When the 203rds insignia was approved 2 August 1982, the 203rd was a company, so it did not have a coat of arms, and thus the design did not incorporate an escutcheon derived from one", ". Decades later, the Army Institute of Heraldry made an effort to assign a coat of arms to battalions which were lacking, and the 203rd was designated its coat of arms 18 July 2002", ". However, distinctive unit insignia are permanent and unalterable, so as a result, the escutcheon portion of the coat of arms was made to incorporate the existing circular design of the distinctive unit insignia, rather than the insignia being derived from an existing escutcheon of a coat of arms, that would have given it a shield-like shape.", "Distinctive unit insignia\n\nBlazon \nA silver color metal and enamel device in height overall consisting of a silver gear bearing a black helmet with silver details, face forward, all centered upon a light blue disc with silver gridlines encircled by a silver scroll inscribed \"TECHNICIANS FOR VICTORY\" in red letters and in base two sprigs of green laurel.\n\nSymbolism", "Oriental blue and silver gray are the colors traditionally associated with Military Intelligence units. The gridlined sphere represents the unit's worldwide mission and the gear refers to the technical aspect of their responsibilities. The helmet has been adapted from the device of the 513th Military Intelligence Group alluding to the unit's parentage and symbolizing covert vigilance and preparedness. The laurel, a traditional symbol of achievement exemplifies the motto \"Technicians for Victory.\"", "Coat of arms\n\nBlazon \nArgent, above two sprigs of laurel Proper, a globe Celeste (Oriental Blue) gridlined and surmounted by a gear wheel of the field, thereon a close helmet affronté Sable garnished Argent. That for the regiments and separate battalions of the Army Reserve: From a wreath Argent and Celeste (Oriental Blue), the Lexington Minute Man Proper. The statue of the Minute Man, Captain John Parker (sculpted by H.H. Kitson), stands on the common in Lexington, Massachusetts.", "Symbolism", "Oriental blue is one of the colors traditionally associated with Military Intelligence units. The gridlined sphere represents the unit's worldwide mission and the gear refers to the technical aspect of their responsibilities. The helmet has been adapted from the device of the 513th Military Intelligence Group alluding to the unit's parentage and symbolizing covert vigilance and preparedness. The laurel, a traditional symbol of achievement, exemplifies the motto \"Technicians for Victory", ". The laurel, a traditional symbol of achievement, exemplifies the motto \"Technicians for Victory.\" The crest is that of the US Army Reserve.", "List of commanders\n\nNotable members \n\n Thomas J. Hennen, astronaut\n Irene M. Zoppi, first Puerto Rican Army Reserve General Officer\n James V. Young Jr., Chief of Staff of the United States Army Reserve\n\nNotable equipment \n\n Type 69\n\nPanhard AML-90\n\nHeckler & Koch MP5K Operational Briefcase", "Notable equipment \n\n Type 69\n\nPanhard AML-90\n\nHeckler & Koch MP5K Operational Briefcase\n\n 2K22 Tunguska\n2S3 Akatsiya\n BM-21 Grad 9P138\nBMD-1, 2 and 3\nBMP-2\nBRDM-2\nBTR-50, 60, 70, and 80\n D-20\nMil Mi-2\nMT-55\nMT-LBu\nT-34/85 (x2)\nT-54\nT-54A (captured during Desert Storm)\nT-55\nT-55 Enigma (Iraqi-designed explosive reactive armor kit)\nT-62\nT-64 (hull only)\nT-72\n T-72BA\n T-80U, obtained from the United Kingdom\n\n T-80UD Bereza, obtained from Ukraine in 2003\n\n BVP M-80\n\nNational Museum of American History", "T-80UD Bereza, obtained from Ukraine in 2003\n\n BVP M-80\n\nNational Museum of American History \n\nAn unspecified 7.62mm machine gun from the 203rd has been donated to the Smithsonian Institution and is housed in the non-display archives of the National Museum of American History.\n\nSee also", "See also \n\n 492nd Special Operations Wing\n Missile and Space Intelligence Center\n National Air and Space Intelligence Center\n National Center for Medical Intelligence\n National Ground Intelligence Center\n Farragut Technical Analysis Center\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links", "Contemporary history of the 203rd and interview with members, Small Arms Review, 2014\n History of the Weapons Intelligence Teams, pp. 51, Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 2009\n History of the unit's activity in Iraq, pp. 42 Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 2005\n Unit website dating from the initial invasion of Iraq, 2003\n Declassified INSCOM history featuring the 203rd, 1994\n Early history and origins of the 203rd, pp. 9, INSCOM Journal, 1986\n Unit casualties in Iraq", "Early history and origins of the 203rd, pp. 9, INSCOM Journal, 1986\n Unit casualties in Iraq\n Video of the 203rd demonstrating several Soviet-era vehicles, 2012\n Library of Congress Veterans History Project video narrative account of David Brian Matthew who served with the 203rd in Iraq", "Publications \n\nPKM Machine gun operators manual produced by the 203rd\n T-62 Tank operators manual produced by the 203rd", "Military Intelligence battalions of the United States Army\nMilitary units and formations of the United States Army Reserve\nMilitary units and formations of the United States in the Cold War\nMilitary units and formations of the United States in the Gulf War\nMilitary units and formations of the Iraq War\nUnits and formations of the United States in the War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)\nMilitary units and formations established in 1982\nMilitary units and formations disestablished in 1989", "Military units and formations disestablished in 1989\nMilitary units and formations established in 1996\nMilitary units and formations in Maryland\nOrganizations based in Maryland" ]
Dodge Viper
[ "The Dodge Viper is a sports car that was manufactured by Dodge (by SRT for 2013 and 2014), a division of American car manufacturer FCA US LLC from 1992 until 2017, having taken a brief hiatus in 2007, and from 2010 to 2012. Production of the two-seat sports car began at New Mack Assembly Plant in 1991 and moved to Conner Avenue Assembly Plant in October 1995.", "Although Chrysler considered ending production because of serious financial problems, on September 14, 2010, then-chief executive Sergio Marchionne announced and previewed a new model of the Viper for 2012. In 2014, the Viper was named number 10 on the \"Most American Cars\" list, meaning 75% or more of its parts are manufactured in the U.S. The Viper was eventually discontinued in 2017 after approximately 32,000 were produced over the 26 years of production.", "The 0- time on a Viper varies from around 3.5 to 4.5 seconds. Top speed ranges from to over , depending on variant and year.", "Development history", "The Viper was initially conceived in late 1988 at Chrysler's Advanced Design Studios. The following February, Chrysler president Bob Lutz suggested to Tom Gale at Chrysler Design Center that the company should consider producing a modern Cobra, and a clay model was presented to Lutz a few months later. Produced in sheet metal by Metalcrafters, the car appeared as a concept at the North American International Auto Show in 1989", ". Public reaction was so enthusiastic that chief engineer Roy Sjoberg was directed to develop it as a standard production vehicle. But then Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca delayed approving the $70 million needed to put the sports car into production, saying it was a lot to spend without assurance of financial return.", "Sjoberg selected 85 engineers to be \"Team Viper\", with development beginning in March 1989. The team asked the then-Chrysler subsidiary Lamborghini to cast a prototype aluminum block for the sports car to use in May. The production body was completed in Fall 1989, with a chassis prototype running in December. Though a V8 engine was first used in the test mule called White Mule, the V10 engine, which the production car was meant to use, was ready in February 1990", ". Official approval from Iacocca came in May 1990. By auto industry standards $70 million was not a lot of money but the potential in improved image was fantastic. One year later, Carroll Shelby piloted a pre-production car as the pace vehicle in the Indianapolis 500 race. In November 1991, the car was released to reviewers with the first retail shipments beginning in January 1992.", "The powerful two-seater, which sold for $52,000, sparked immediate interest in the Dodge brand among enthusiasts and the automotive press. Lutz hoped it would raise the spirits of the designers and engineers who were discouraged by the homely, unpopular cars that they had been commanded to produce. The popularity of the Viper overshadowed the recent failure of Iacocca's pet car, the TC, which had cost five times as much to develop.\n\nModels\n\nFirst generation (SR I; 1991–1995)", "Models\n\nFirst generation (SR I; 1991–1995) \n\nThe first prototype was tested in January 1989. It debuted in 1991 with two pre-production models as the pace car for the Indianapolis 500 when Dodge was forced to substitute it in place of the Japanese-built Dodge Stealth, because of complaints from the United Auto Workers, and went on sale in January 1992 as the RT/10 Roadster.", "Lamborghini (then owned by Chrysler Corporation) helped with the design of the V10 engine for the Viper, which was based on the Chrysler's LA V8 engine. A major contributor to the Viper since the beginning was Dick Winkles, the chief power engineer, who had spent time in Italy overseeing the development of the engine.", "Originally engineered to be a performance car, the Viper had no exterior-mounted door handles or key cylinders and no air conditioning (however, this was added as an option for the 1994-95 models, and climate controls featured a \"snowflake\" icon, which indicated a potential setting for the A/C). The roof was made from canvas, and the windows were made from vinyl using zippers to open and close, much like the Jeep Wrangler", ". However, the Viper was still equipped with some domestic features, including manually-adjustable leather-trimmed sport bucket seats with lumbar support, an AM/FM stereo cassette player with clock and high fidelity sound system, and interior carpeting. Aluminium alloy wheels were larger in diameter due to the larger brakes. A lightweight fiberglass hard roof option on later models was also available to cover the canvas soft roof, and was shipped with each new car", ". There were also no airbags, in the interest of weight reduction. Adjustable performance suspension was also an available option for most Vipers.", "The engine weighs and is rated at at 4,600 rpm and of torque at 3,600 rpm. Due to the long-gearing allowed by the engine, it provides fuel economy at a United States Environmental Protection Agency-rated in the city and on the highway. The body is a tubular steel frame with resin transfer molding (RTM) fiberglass panels. The car has a curb weight of and lacks modern driver aids such as traction control and anti-lock brakes. The SR I can accelerate from in 4.2 seconds, in 9", ". The SR I can accelerate from in 4.2 seconds, in 9.2 seconds, can complete the quarter mile in 12.6 seconds at the speed of and has a maximum speed of approximately . Its large tires allow the car to average close to one lateral g in corners. However, the car proves tricky to drive at high speeds, particularly for the unskilled driver.", "Second generation (SR II, 1996–2002)", "The second-generation Viper, codenamed \"SR II\" was introduced in 1996. The exposed side exhaust pipes on the RT/10 roadster were relocated to a single muffler at the rear exiting via two large central tailpipes during the middle of the model year, which reduced back pressure, and therefore increased the power to . Torque would also increase by to . A removable hardtop was now available along with a sliding glass window", ". A removable hardtop was now available along with a sliding glass window. Some steel suspension components were replaced by aluminum, resulting in a weight reduction.", "Later in the 1996 model year, Dodge introduced the Viper GTS, a new coupé version of the Viper RT/10. Dubbed the “double bubble”, the roof featured slightly raised sections that looked like bubbles to accommodate the usage of helmets and taking design cues from the Shelby Daytona designed by Pete Brock. More than 90% of the GTS was new in comparison to the RT/10 despite similar looks. The GTS would come with the same V10 engine but power would be increased to at 5,200 rpm and of torque at 3,700 rpm", ". The 1996 GTS would be the first Viper to be equipped with airbags and also included air conditioning, power windows and power door locks as standard equipment. The Viper GTS would be chosen as the pace car for the 1996 Indianapolis 500.", "Minor updates would continue in 1997 and 1998. In 1997, the RT/10 would receive a power increase to 450 hp along with airbags and power windows. In 1998, both of the versions of the Viper were equipped with second-generation airbags, revised exhaust manifolds (saving over the previous cast iron components) along with a revised camshaft.", "In 2000, the engine was updated to use lighter hypereutectic pistons and the car received factory frame improvements. While the hypereutectic pistons provided less expansion, the forged pistons were preferred by customers for the supercharged and turbocharged aftermarket packages. TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) recalls (998 and 999) were done at local dealerships to repair the 1996 to 1999 Viper frames by adding gussets with rivets near the steering box", ". The 2001 models saw the addition of an anti-lock braking system.", "The RT/10 was replaced by the SRT-10 roadster in 2003, and the GTS was replaced in 2006 by the SRT-10 coupé.\n\nThird generation (ZB I, 2003–2006)", "The Dodge Viper underwent a major redesign in 2002, courtesy of DaimlerChrysler's Street and Racing Technology group, taking cues from the Dodge Viper GTS-R concept presented in 2000. The new Viper SRT-10, which replaced both the GTS and the RT/10, was heavily restyled with sharp, angled bodywork. The engine's displacement was increased to , which, with other upgrades, increased the maximum power output to at 5,600 rpm and of torque at 4,200 rpm", ". Despite the power increase, the engine weight was reduced to about . The chassis was also improved, becoming more rigid and weighing approximately less than the previous model.", "An even lighter and stronger aluminum space frame chassis was in development for the next generation model, but the project was shelved because of parent company Chrysler's financial crisis. The still born project, created by Mercedes in the first place, was used as a basis by Daimler for the development of the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG.", "The initial model introduced was a convertible. In 2004, Dodge introduced a limited-edition Mamba package; Mamba-edition cars featured black interiors, with red stitching and trim, price increased by about $3,000. 200 cars with the Mamba package were produced.", "The Viper SRT-10 Coupé was introduced at the 2005 Detroit Auto Show as a 2006 model. It shares many of its body panels with the convertible, but borrows its side and rear styling from the Competition Coupé concept. The coupé looks much like the previous Viper GTS and retains the \"double-bubble\" roof shape of the original along with the original GTS' tail lights, as well as retaining the original GTS Blue with white stripes paint scheme on the initial run of First Edition cars like the original Viper coupé", ". The engine is SAE-certified to be rated a maximum power output of at 5,600 rpm and of torque at 4,200 rpm. Unlike the original coupé, the chassis was not modified.", "No cars were produced for the 2007 model year; instead, Chrysler extended production of the 2006 model while preparing the updated 2008 model.\n\nFourth generation (ZB II, 2008–2010)", "In 2008, with the introduction of the V10 engine, the power output was raised from to at 6,100 rpm and of torque at 5,000 rpm. The engine also received better flowing heads with larger valves, MECADYNE cam-in-cam variable valve timing on the exhaust cam lobes, and dual electronic throttle bodies. The rev limit could be increased by 300 rpm due to the improved valvetrain stability from both the new camshaft profiles and valve springs", ". The engine was developed with some external assistance from McLaren Automotive and Ricardo Consulting Engineers. Electronic engine control was developed by Continental AG; the controller can monitor the crankshaft and cylinder position up to six times during each firing and has 10 times more processing power than the previous unit.", "Changes outside of the engine were less extreme, but a distinction between the third and fourth generation of the Viper is the vented engine cover. The Tremec T56 transmission was replaced with a new Tremec TR6060 with triple first-gear synchronizers and doubles for higher gears. The Dana M44-4 rear axle from the 2003–2006 model now had a GKN ViscoLok speed-sensing limited-slip differential that greatly helps the tires in getting grip under acceleration", ". Another performance upgrade was the removal of run-flat tires; the new Michelin Pilot Sport 2 tires increased grip and driver feedback and, along with revised suspension (springs, anti-roll bars, and shock valving), made the Viper more neutral in cornering.", "Another notable change was the reworked exhaust system; previous third-generation cars had their exhaust crossover under the seats which resulted in a large amount of heat going into the cockpit, which was done initially to help improve the car's exhaust note, since the first two generations of the Viper, which had no crossover, were criticized for their lackluster exhaust notes. The car now featured a new exhaust system with no crossover, reducing the heat that entered the cockpit.", "The electrical system was completely revised for 2008. Changes included a 180-amp alternator, twin electric cooling fans, electronic throttles, and completely new VENOM engine management system. CAN bus architecture had been combined with pre-existing systems to allow for regulatory compliance. The fuel system was upgraded to include a higher-capacity fuel pump and filtration system.", "The Viper ACR made a return for the ZB II generation and was put through its paces at the Nürburgring clocking in a record time of 7:22.1. Kuno Wittmer piloted a street legal 2010 Dodge Viper ACR to a record lap of 1:59.995 at Miller Motorsports Park in Tooele, Utah, on Monday, April 11, breaking the 2-minute mark for the first time in a production car on the 3.048-mile Outer Course configuration.", "On November 4, 2009, Dodge Brand President and CEO Ralph Gilles announced that the Viper would end production in the summer of 2010.\n\nDuring an event hosted by Dodge and the Viper Club of America on July 1, 2010, the final production ZB II Viper, which was given a gold finish and accentuated by contrasting orange stripes, rolled off the assembly line and was presented before attendees of the ceremony.\n\nFifth generation (VX, 2013–2017)", "Fifth generation (VX, 2013–2017) \n\nAt a dealer conference on September 14, 2010 in Orlando, Florida, the then Chrysler Group and Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne was reported to have concluded his remarks by unveiling a rolling 2012 Dodge Viper prototype.", "The Viper was also on display for one night only in Salt Lake City, UT at the 11th Viper Owners Invitational or VOI 11 from to . Ralph Gilles was in attendance and gathered feedback from potential customers about the exterior design of the car. The Generation-5 badge was unveiled as well at this event on each dining table in the hall.\n\nIn Autumn of 2011, Ralph Gilles announced that the next generation of the Viper would debut at the New York Auto Show in April 2012.", "The 2013 SRT Viper was unveiled at the 2012 New York Auto Show.", "Preliminary specifications include the following:\n All-aluminum V10 engine rated at at 6,150 rpm and of torque at 4,950 rpm.\n Tremec TR6060 six-speed manual transmission with final drive ratio of 3.55. 50 percent improvement in torsional stiffness over previous model.", "Electronic stability control, traction control, 4-channel anti-lock brake system (ABS), carbon fiber and aluminum skin with 0.364 drag coefficient (Cd), Pirelli P Zero Z-rated tires, 4-piston Brembo brakes with fixed-aluminum calipers with vented 355x32mm diameter rotors.\n 20 mm lower seating position, 7-inch full-color customizable instrument cluster, Uconnect RA3 or RA4 Access in-vehicle connectivity system with optional SiriusXM Travel Link and a Harman Kardon audio system.", "Bi-xenon projector headlamps with white light-emitting diode (LED) daytime running lamps and LED turn signals, LED taillamps with integrating stop-and-turn illumination and snakeskin texture lens.\n A maximum speed of 332 km/h (206 mph) and a 0–100 km/h (0-62 mph) acceleration time of 3.50 seconds.", "The only notable change for the 2014 model year was the addition of a third traction control mode for improved performance during rain.\n\nSales of the Viper for 2013 and 2014 were poor. In October 2013, production was reduced by 1/3 due to low sales and growing inventory. In April 2014, production ceased for over two months due to slow sales. Dodge addressed the issue by reducing the price of unsold 2014 models by US$15,000 and announced the 2015 models would carry the new, lower price tag.", "In 2015, the SRT Viper was renamed the Dodge Viper and the engine received an extra 5 HP, raising the maximum power output to . There was also an improved highway fuel economy of 20mpg.", "In October 2015, Fiat Chrysler group announced that the Viper would end production in 2017. Initially, Fiat Chrysler cited poor sales as a reason for discontinuing the Viper; however, other sources have stated the car was discontinued because the Viper was unable to comply with FMVSS 226 safety regulation, which requires side-curtain air bags. In July 2017, Fiat Chrysler announced they would be permanently closing the Conner Assembly Plant on August 31, 2017.", "European market \nThe SR l and SR II Viper were exported to Europe and sold as a Chrysler.\n\nThe ZB I Viper was sold in Europe during 2005–2006. It was the first model to be sold as a Dodge, as part of Chrysler's new sales strategy for the European market. In the United Kingdom it is referred to as a Viper, but was sold as the Dodge SRT-10, as the Viper name is a registered trademark in the UK.\n\nSpecial variants\n\nRoad packages\n\nViper ACR \nSR II:", "Special variants\n\nRoad packages\n\nViper ACR \nSR II:\n\nThe American Club Racing (ACR) variant was first introduced as a package on the 1999 Viper GTS (Phase SR II).", "The ACR used the same K&N air filter and smooth tubes from the GT2 for the power gains along with the BBS rims. A new 5-point harness with the ACR logo was installed for both the driver and passenger. For the 1999 model year, Koni adjustable shocks were installed and changed to Dynamics later in the 2000 model year. Lastly, the spring rates were increased. The ACR was available in solid color or with stripes with the color choices changing yearly along with ACR badging", ". The ACR came standard with air conditioning and radio deleted, but could be added back in as a $10,000 option.", "ZB II:", "The ACR made a come back to the Viper line-up after the 2008 model year. Its upgrades were more drastic than the original, including street-legal racing tires (Michelin Pilot Sport Cups which Michelin describes as \"Ultra-High Performance Sport tires\"), two-piece brake rotors, adjustable suspension, and significant aerodynamic enhancements that included a front splitter, canards and a carbon fiber adjustable rear wing", ". The engine received no modifications, so power and torque remain at and as in the standard SRT-10. The ACR is street-legal, and is similar to the MOPAR Viper that Dodge displayed at various auto shows. Weight was also decreased by by using the \"Hardcore Package\", that deletes the A/C, radio, speakers, amplifier, trunk carpet, hood pad and tire-inflator. Its aerodynamic upgrades produce up to 1,000 pounds (4", ". Its aerodynamic upgrades produce up to 1,000 pounds (4.45 kN) of downforce at , or roughly 10 times the downforce the standard Viper SRT-10 can produce at the same speed. The interior was upgraded only by the addition of a beacon-tripped lap timer (Hardcore Edition Only).", "The Viper ACR was built alongside the standard SRT-10 at the Conner Avenue plant in Detroit. The aerodynamic components were produced by Plasan Carbon Composites and assembled to the vehicle by Prefix Corporation located in Rochester Hills, Michigan.", "On September 14, 2011, on the Nürburgring, a 2010 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR completed the sixth fastest production, street-legal car lap ever recorded with a 7:12.13 elapsed time. Chrysler's press release claimed a new production car lap record, although three faster laps had been recorded more than two years earlier, albeit by very specialized low production vehicles.\n\nVX I:", "VX I:\n\nAt SEMA 2014, Dodge presented a Viper ACR concept car based on the new VX I platform. After many rumors and speculations, the car was eventually introduced in 2015 for the 2016 model year. The base price of the 2016 ACR was US$121,395 in the United States and CA$159,995 in Canada.", "The 2016 Dodge Viper ACR came installed with an all-new aerodynamic body kit made from carbon fiber, that included a new front splitter and a fixed carbon fiber rear wing, altogether producing a total of of downforce at corners. The Viper V10 engine generated the same power output at 6,200 rpm and of torque at 5,000 rpm as in all other Viper trims. The brakes were from Brembo, with discs and calipers built specifically for the car. The discs were now carbon ceramic, a first for the Viper series", ". The discs were now carbon ceramic, a first for the Viper series. The braking system contains discs with 6-piston calipers up front, and discs with 4-piston calipers down the rear. The tires were from Kumho, using a set of tires called the Kumho Ecsta V720 ACR, a variant of the V720 specifically built for the ACR. The front tires are P295/25R19Z, slightly smaller than the regular Viper, and P355/30R19Z at the rear", ". Suspension system is manufactured by Bilstein, which has 10 settings for rebound and compression tuning for the dampers.", "The options for the car are very diverse, like all of the other Viper trims. One example is the ACR Extreme Aero Package, which was the same package used to help the car break a total of 14 track lap records. The package included the addition of a removable extended front splitter extension, a new adjustable dual-element rear wing, four dive planes, six removable diffuser strakes, removable brake ducts, and removable hood louvers, and if removed, will reveal a hood gap", ". This helped the car produce an extra of downforce at corners, for a total of . With this package, the top speed was reduced at instead of because of the massive downforce produced by the car. At top speed, the car produces of downforce, the most of any production car.", "In October 2015, the ACR set a 7:01.67 lap time at the Nürburgring Nordschleife with the Extreme Aero Package, which was run by SRT, and lapped by their test driver Dominik Farnbacher. Unfortunately, the lap was unofficial according to SRT.", "A crowdfund attempt started by volunteer Russ Oasis in 2017 on the GoFundMe funding platform began collecting funds to reclaim the lap record on the Nürburgring. Crowdfunding ended up being as high as $198,000. He eventually found himself supported by 377 people, and sponsorship and assistance from Kumho Tire (tire supplier), Prefix Performance (formally known as Arrow Performance) (logistics and parts supplier), ViperExchange (car loaners), and Fox Pro Films (lap filming)", ". SRT test driver, racing driver, and former Nürburgring record holder Dominik Farnbacher returned to the track to help the group retake the record. Racing drivers Luca Stolz, Mario Farnbacher, and Lance David Arnold came in as well. Their target was the second position car in street legal vehicles, the Lamborghini Huracán Performante, which set a 6:52.01 lap record. The group went through three attempts, with the lap times of 7:03.45 (set by Dominik Farnbacher), 7:03.23 (set by Mario Farnbacher), and 7:01", ".45 (set by Dominik Farnbacher), 7:03.23 (set by Mario Farnbacher), and 7:01.30 (set by Lance David Arnold), respectively. Their three-day trip to Nürburg, Germany ended with a crashed Viper ACR.", "Despite the failure of surpassing the Huracán Performante, the team was still able to make the Viper ACR the fastest American, rear-wheel driven (with no additional assistance), and manual transmission equipped car to go around the track. Their lap time also brought the car to fifth position for street legal vehicles.\n\nViper GTC (Phase VX I only) \nThe GTC model was introduced in 2015, and was only featured in the VX I phase Vipers.", "The 2015–2017 Dodge Viper GTC had a customization program that offered 8,000 colors and 24,000 hand-painted stripes, 10 wheel choices, 16 interior trims, 6 aero options, and an undisclosed amount of standalone options to choose from. There are a total of 25 million possible build combinations.", "Ordering a GTC enrolled a customer in a unique VIP program called Viper Concierge, which according to Dodge, \"offers an exclusive point of contact throughout the custom Viper build process.\" The Concierge process started with the ordering stage, which included Dodge sending customers a paint chip confirming the owner's choice. Shortly thereafter, Dodge sent buyers a 1:18-scale \"speed-form\" replica in their chosen custom colors, to confirm or deny the build", ". Once the buyer's color and option selection is locked-in, that car becomes a one-of-one Viper for that year – no other buyer would be permitted to build a Viper to the same specifications.", "Viper TA (phase VX I only) \n\nThe Time Attack (TA) model was introduced in 2013 and was only featured in the VX I phase Vipers.", "The TA model had two variants, 1.0 and 2.0, each variant different from the other. The number of 2015–2017 TA package 1.0 and 2.0 cars produced is unknown but the numbers are relatively low. To add to the confusion, the full TA 1.0 or 2.0 package could be added to the GTC one of one configuration. Also, besides the original run of 2014 TA 1.0 with the production number being stated as xx/33 (or xx/93 for the orange TA 1.0). The TAs built from 2015 to 2017 were numbered in sequence", ".0). The TAs built from 2015 to 2017 were numbered in sequence. For example, #11 was built in 2015 and #22 in 2016.", "The 1.0 was sold by SRT and was made as a small enhancement for the Viper GTS.\n\nPower stays the same as the standard car, and , but the top speed drops to because of the car's aerodynamic additions.", "The car now had the addition of the Advanced Aerodynamic Package (two-piece front corner splitters and a rear decklid spoiler made from carbon fiber), lightweight Sidewinder II wheels finished in matte-black, Pirelli P Zero Corsa tires, two-mode (Street and Race) Bilstein DampTronic suspension adapted from the GTS, but with firmer levels of damping and a smaller spread between modes, shock dampers, increased spring rates and thicker anti-roll bars", ", shock dampers, increased spring rates and thicker anti-roll bars, carbon fiber underhood X-brace (instead of the aluminium brace in all other models), carbon fiber rear tail light applique from the Exterior Carbon Fiber Accent Package, two-piece Brembo brake rotors with wider brake annulus, black-anodized Brembo brake calipers painted with the Viper logo in TA Orange, TA logos behind both front wheels and a Stryker decal instead of the standard badge on the hood (TA Orange on the Venom Black cars", ", black on the TA Orange and Venom White cars), black interior with TA Orange accent stitching on the ballistic cloth seats, instrument panel & cowl, center stack, console, hand brake, shifter boot, and door panels", ". The aerodynamic package adds 200 pounds (90.72 kg) of downforce at 100 mph (160.93 km/h). The car's mileage is 12 mpg in city, and 19 mpg on the highway.", "On March 18, 2013 Motor Trend tested the SRT Viper TA in Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, setting the production car lap record in 1:33.62, besting the previous lap time holder Chevrolet Corvette ZR1's 1:33.70.\n\nEven with the release of the TA 2.0, the 1.0 was still available as a package.\n\nThe TA edition returned for the 2015 model year called the TA 2.0 (but the TA 1.0 was still available up to and including the last model year, 2017). This model was sold by Dodge.", "The 2.0 part of the moniker refers to the updated aero package, which incorporates a bigger rear wing, new front dive planes, and a new carbon-fiber front splitter. The package improves downforce to 400 pounds at 150 mph versus the 2014 Viper TA's 278 pounds at 150 mph. The internal parts have also been improved, with a much better suspension setup, new two-piece Brembo rotors, and improved shocks, dampers, springs, and stabilizer bars. The car also has an improved X-brace.", "The car's power output also stays the same like the 1.0. However, the data is based on the Dodge version of the Viper, not the SRT version. Unlike the 1.0, the car is able to keep the top speed. The car's mileage is improved in the 2.0 version, with 13 mpg in city, and 20 mpg on the highway.\n\nGT2 Champion Edition", "GT2 Champion Edition \n\nIn 1998, the GT2 Champion Edition was introduced. With the FIA GT2 Team and Driver series wins in October 1997, Team Viper set forth with the development of a unique Viper model called the GT2 Champion Edition to commemorate the race wins (contrary to popular belief, the GT2 Champion Edition was not built to meet any homologation effort, as the race car came first). Only 100 were made.", "The team started working on the concept in November 1997 with design concept approved in January 1998, prototype parts in February 1998, pricing approval of $85,200 in April 1998, and production from June 16 to July 7, 1998. The vehicles were the first to be built in VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) sequential order with the first having 001 as its last three on the VIN and the last being 100.", "The GT2's exterior is best known for its white with blue stripes paint, large rear wing, front dive planes and splitter, side sills, American flag, BBS rims, and GTS-R badging, which caused many to refer to the vehicle as the GTS-R. However, the GTS-R was the race version of the Viper and not street legal. The GT2 also features an Oreca 5-point racing harness, and the center dash plaque with the vehicle's unique production number.", "Power increased by 10 horsepower to with the use of K&N air filter and smooth tubes connecting the filter to the intake manifold. Torque was also increased to .\n\nRacing editions", "Viper ACR-X", "To commemorate the end of the Phase ZB II Viper and mend the gap from the car's production end until the release of the new car, Dodge offered an improved version of the ACR specifically designed to run in the Dodge Viper Cup Series. This car, named Viper ACR-X, added to the basic ACR , a new set of downforce-enhancing front canards, long tube headers from American Racing Headers, and new materials that, along with a stripped interior, reduced weight to", ". It is a purpose-built race car, and is not street-legal. According to Dodge, the car beat the regular record-holding ACR around Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca by about three seconds (1:33.9 to 1:31). Price increased by US$12,000, to $110,000. Production was planned for the spring of 2010. In February 2012, the Viper ACR-X posted a lap time of 7:03.058 around the Nürburgring, which was more than 9 seconds faster than the regular Viper ACR upon which it is based.", "Viper-based vehicles\n\nAlfa Romeo Zagato TZ3 Stradale \n\nThe Alfa Romeo Zagato TZ3 Stradale is the road version of the TZ3 manufactured by Alfa Romeo and designed by Zagato.", "The TZ3 Stradale is the fourth model in Zagato's TZ line and serves as Zagato's tribute to the 100th anniversary of Alfa Romeo. The car itself is based on the Viper ACR-X but with a new carbon fiber body. As planned, only 9 vehicles were built. Not only is the chassis and powertrain from the ZB II Viper, but the interior remains mostly the same as well.\n\nBristol Fighter", "Bristol Fighter \n\nThe Bristol Fighter is an English sports car by Bristol Cars, and is the first sports car made in 40 years after the company was revived.\n\nThe car shares many components with the Viper, including the 8.4L V10 engine, that produces in the regular trim, and in the S trim. The weight of the car is . The power is delivered to the rear wheels through a 6-speed manual transmission, which is also Viper-derived.\n\nOnly 13 cars were ever produced from its 2004–2011 production run.\n\nDevon GTX", "Only 13 cars were ever produced from its 2004–2011 production run.\n\nDevon GTX \n\nThe Devon GTX is an American sports car manufactured Devon Motorworks, which was intended to enter production but was denied by Chrysler since it didn't reach the construction goal of US$10 million, which meant the car remained a concept.", "The GTX is based almost entirely on the Viper, albeit with a few changes. The exhaust system has been changed into Devon's own stainless steel variant, along with a revised intake system, a new one-piece carbon fiber superstructure, carbon fiber body panels, new cast-aluminum unequal-length front and rear suspension wishbones, new coil-over shocks, and StopTech race-inspired aftermarket brakes. The GTX was also intended to produce at 6,100 rpm from the Viper-derived 8.4-liter V10 engine.", "Prefix Viper Medusa Roadster \nThe Prefix Viper Medusa Roadster is a convertible conversion package available for the VX I generation Viper.", "Prefix unveiled the Viper Medusa Roadster at a private event at their Prefix Coatings facility in Auburn Hills, Michigan on July 19, 2014. Created under their latest division named Prefix Performance, the Medusa is a conversion of the VX I Viper that was never offered as a roadster. The initial run was limited to 10 custom numbered vehicles at a price of $35,000 on top of the price of the vehicle.\n\nVLF Force 1 V10", "VLF Force 1 V10 \n\nThe VLF Force 1 is a premium sports car manufactured by VLF Automotive, a company formed by Bob Lutz and Gilbert Villareal, who were later joined by Henrik Fisker as lead designer.\n\nThe Force 1 is heavily based on the Dodge Viper, using its chassis and engine, and also has a similar design language. The car's Viper-derived V10 engine generates . According to the company, it can accelerate from in a 3.0 seconds and can attain a maximum speed of .\n\nConcept vehicles\n\nViper GTS-R Concept", "Ten years after the first Viper Concept was revealed, the 2000 GTS-R concept was shown. Osamu Shikado was responsible for the vehicle's exterior which is 3 inches lower and 2 inches wider than the production Viper at the time. Shikado used race-inspired lines with an aggressive stance. Most of these design cues were adapted to the 2003 ZB I generation Viper along with the interior. These included a higher belt line, a side gill, 'bump-up' rear fender shape, and a more defined side crease", ". Viewed from above, the front-to-rear stripe now is tapered.", "Unlike most concepts, the 2000 Viper Concept was made as a complete car. It features a complete functional interior with air conditioning, adjustable pedals, and a premium sound system. Only one was ever made featuring a dry-sump V10 engine producing , fifty more than the then outgoing model, and of torque. The body is a single moulded carbon-fiber shell, with some subtle changes compared with the then outgoing model", ". An inch and a half has been taken out between the sill and the roof, which together with a chassis sitting two inches lower, gives the car a lower profile. Three inches have been added to the wheelbase and two inches to the track. The doors have also been lengthened, which combined with the longer wheelbase makes entry and exit from the car easier. Brakes are 14-inch ventilated discs with four-piston calipers", ". Brakes are 14-inch ventilated discs with four-piston calipers. The front has the 19-inch wheels with P285/30 ZR Goodyear tires up and 20-inch rear wheels with P335/30 ZR tires.", "Mopar Concept Coupé \n\nA prototype 2008 Mopar Viper coupé, with , appeared at the 2007 North American International Auto Show, but was not planned for production. The concept appeared to have been a sneak peek at the then upcoming ZB II Viper ACR. Performance parts from this car are sold by Mopar.", "SRT-10 Carbon", "For the 2003 SEMA show, Chrysler displayed a highly tuned Viper SRT-10 in coupé body style. The vehicle's name comes from the carbon fiber used to reduce the weight by 150 lbs bringing the total to 3,200 lbs. However, even more significant were the engine modifications, which increased power to ; no torque or RPM figures were given", ". Along with the carbon fiber hardtop, a front splitter and rear wing were added; however those parts were not nearly as significant as those on the later SRT-10 ACR, and no downforce/drag information was provided to show that they were even functional. The car was only a concept.", "This car was used as a test mule for the development for the Generation V SRT Viper. The car is no longer a show car, and most of its specialty parts were taken off during development for the new Generation V SRT Viper.\n\nFirepower \n\nThe Chrysler Firepower was a grand touring concept based on the Viper chassis that would have been equipped with the Hemi V8 engine coupled with an automatic transmission. Price would have been slightly lower than other models.\n\nCopperhead", "Copperhead \n\nThe Dodge Copperhead was a concept car based on the Viper platform that was intended as a cheaper, more agile car. It was powered by Chrysler's 2.7 L LH V6 engine instead of the Viper's V10, which produced . It never reached production. Dodge produced a limited-production Copperhead Edition Dodge Viper, with copper-colored paint similar to the concept car and other changes.\n\nSEMA Concept", "The SEMA concept car is a version of the 2013 SRT Viper coupe demonstrating Mopar products for SRT Viper", ". Changes include yellow body colour, carbon fiber parts at underhood, exposed carbon fiber performance cross X-Brace trimmed in a satin finish, a decal-cut Viper \"Stryker\" logo in the center of X-Brace, engine cover in carbon fiber and aluminum with the SRT logo, prototype aluminum oil filler cap with the SRT logo, a carbon fiber aero package, Mopar coil springs, full black interior with yellow accents, Sabelt hard-shell seats with a six-point safety harness", ", full black interior with yellow accents, Sabelt hard-shell seats with a six-point safety harness, seat edging in black Katzkin leather with yellow accents in the perforations, Mopar billet aluminum shift knob, billet aluminum HVAC bezels and controls, carbon fiber bulkhead satchel with a universal integrated quick-release camera mount, polished chrome door-sill guards with the Viper logo, race-inspired sand-blasted aluminum Mopar bright pedal kit with the Viper logo etched in the pedals", ", footrest pedal with \"Stryker\" logo, optional \"Track Pack\" wheels finished in hyperblack, a front tow hook and an LED fog lamp kit", ".", "The vehicle was unveiled in the 2012 SEMA show.\n\nThe Mopar performance parts found in the SEMA concept car were sold as 2013 SRT Viper components.\n\nMedia\n\nViper television series (1994–1998)", "Chrysler launched a TV series called Viper in 1994 to serve as a promotional tool for the Viper. The show ran until 1998 with 1 NBC season and 3 syndicated follow-up seasons. Viper is a TV series about a special task force set up by the federal government to fight crime in the fictional city of Metro City, California that is perpetually under siege from one crime wave after another", ". The weapon used by this task force is a grey assault vehicle known as The Defender that masquerades as a Dodge Viper RT/10 roadster (and later, the Viper GTS coupe). The series takes place in \"the near future\". The primary brand of vehicles driven in the show were Chrysler or subsidiary companies. The series ran on NBC for one season in 1994 before being revived two years later for three more seasons of first-run syndication. Reruns of the series have appeared on Sci-Fi Channel and USA Network.", "The Viper Defender \"star car\" was designed by Chrysler Corporation engineers unlike most Hollywood Film/TV cars that are usually customized by film picture designers. The car was built on a heavily modified RT/10 Chassis and is a completely functional prototype. Only 14 Defenders were made. The exterior design of the car was produced by Chrysler stylist Steve Ferrerio.", "The Defender is a fictional assault vehicle that is said to be a highly sophisticated vehicle (contrary to the normal Viper's spartan nature) that can, at the flick of a switch, transform from a red RT/10 (later a blue GTS) into a grey/silver weaponized armored coupe.\n\nViper-themed video games \n\nThe Dodge Viper (SR II) is featured exclusively in the 3D game Viper Racing, produced in 1998 by Monster Games Incorporated (MGI) and Sierra On Line. In 1998, Sega Pinball released, Viper Night Drivin.\n\nMotorsport", "Motorsport\n\nPhase SR II \n\nIn 1996, a race car based on the Viper was built, and was called the Chrysler Viper GTS-R (in American races, was named the Dodge Viper GTS-R). The construction was done by Chrysler and by the teams Reynard Motorsport and Oreca. The numbers the car used were vast, with numbers like #91, #51, #2, #92, and #52.", "The car was unveiled in 1996 at the IMSA GT Championship, with the team Canaska Southwind, which competed in the GTS-1 class, the highest for GTS classes. Its first race was at the 24 Hours of Daytona and managed to finish at the 29th position, but fortunately the team would improve greatly, finishing 12th position in the 12 Hours of Sebring. The car wasn't able to reach much further however, which meant the team had to switch to GTS-2", ". The car wasn't able to reach much further however, which meant the team had to switch to GTS-2. Oreca had planned for racing in the 24 Hours of Le Mans with their own GTS-R.", "Both teams appeared at the Le Mans each with two entries. Three of those four cars managed to finish with Canaska Southwind earning the best result in tenth place. The two teams returned to their respective series afterwards. Oreca finished the year with three races in the BPR Global GT Series getting an eighth place at Brands Hatch, ninth at Spa, and sixth at Nogaro. Canaska Southwind concluded the season by finishing second in class at Mosport and sixth overall.", "For the later years 1999 and 2000, the efforts made by Oreca had expanded, racing in both the ALMS and FIA GT Championship respectively, earning them nine wins, and one by the racing team Paul Belmondo. Another team named Chamberlain had improved to finish second overall in the FIA GT. Back at ALMS, Oreca had taken the title, with six wins. Later at Le Mans, Oreca would go on to win their second consecutive win, with the top six positions in every class being taken by various GTS-Rs", ". The GTS-R had made its first appearance in the FFSA GT Championship, and saw the first overall win for Zakspeed in the 24 Hours of Nürburgring. Oreca left the FIA GT in 1999 to focus on ALMS, leaving the privateers to race there, and got 11 races out of it for Oreca. They did lose to the then-new Corvette factory racing team, but still won the championship. Back at the FIA GT, the Viper racing teams won four races, but were outrun by the Lister Storm racing teams, with them winning five races for them", ". This let them settle for second and third. In the FFSA, the three teams DDO, ART, and MMI teams would win a total of eight victories.", "The Oreca racing team had left competition to focus on Le Mans Prototype racing for 2001. The rest of the teams left at later years, and the Viper GTS-R began fading by 2004, then left completely by 2010.\n\nIn 2006, a modified Dodge Viper GTS-ACR driven by Greg Crick under the team Crickcars.com entered the Australian GT Championship and won it, with 713 points in total.\n\nPhase ZB I", "A new race car called the Viper Competition Coupe took the GTS-R's place for the second phase. The Viper Competition Coupe had the same 8.3-liter V10 engine as the road legal Viper, but increased power to , and of torque. The Competition Coupe had a carbon fiber composite body on a tubular steel frame with no interior trim and an FIA-legal roll cage. The exterior design of the Competition Coupe was based on the Viper GTS-R concept from 2000", ". The exterior design of the Competition Coupe was based on the Viper GTS-R concept from 2000. Modifications to the mechanicals of the Viper included a 27-gallon fuel cell, differential cooler, ducted brakes, improved driver and engine cooling, trap door oil pan, low-inertia flywheel, an improved double-wishbone suspension system, new spherical bearing control arm attachments, two-way adjustable coil over dampers, and a driver-adjustable blade-type rear anti-roll bar", ". The anti-lock braking system added a distribution control system. The initial price of the car is around $100,000.", "The Viper Competition Coupe was initially built for use in the Viper Challenge Championship one-make series starting in 2003. The Competition Coupe was later adapted for use in the Group GT3 instituted by the FIA, allowing its use in a variety of series in Europe and North America. French racing team Oreca made further modifications to the car, to allow it to race in Group GT2", ". French racing team Oreca made further modifications to the car, to allow it to race in Group GT2. Privateer teams used these cars to compete for certain series, with Racing Box in Europe for the International GT Open and Woodhouse Racing and Primetime Race Group in the United States carrying out independent programs in the American Le Mans Series.", "Phase VX I\n\nSRT Viper GTS-R \n\nThe GTS-R returned in competition, but this time as an LM GTE class race car and instead, was constructed and designed by SRT Motorsports and Riley Technologies. It includes Michelin GT tires. The car retained the number #91 but had a new number for it called #93.", "The vehicle was unveiled at the 2012 New York Auto Show, and it made its racing debut at the 2012 Mid-Ohio Sports Car Challenge where two GTS-Rs, driven by Kuno Wittmer and Dominik Farnbacher with car #91, and Marc Goossens and Tommy Kendall with car #93, finished 10th and 12th in the GT class, which was 23rd and 25th overall.\n\nThe racing team entering 2012 ALMS included Dominik Farnbacher, Marc Goossens, Ryan Hunter-Reay, Tommy Kendall, Jonathan Bomarito, and Kuno Wittmer.", "The two GTS-Rs of SRT Motorsports finished 3rd in the GT class championship. The car made its debut at the Le Mans 24 Hours in 2013, where it finished eighth in class and 24th overall. Balance-of-performance regulations encouraged the car to run an unusually low rev limit of 4,700 rpm at Le Mans, taking advantage of the large V10 engine's low-end torque.", "In 2014, with the ALMS folding and merging with the Rolex Sports Car Series, SRT soon entered the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship GTLM class. In the opening round, the 2014 24 Hours of Daytona, SRT took 3rd and 6th in class (12th and 27th overall, completing 675 and 653 laps respectively). Both cars were repainted at Watkins Glen in the red and white livery used in the late 1990s to early 2000s. The No", ". The No. 93 Viper won class at Indianapolis Motor Speedway Brickyard Grand Prix in July 2014, after both cars took podium positions in the previous races at The Glen and Mosport.", "In March 2014, Chrysler announced that it was withdrawing the Vipers from the 2014 24 Hours of Le Mans. The Vipers ended the season at Petit Le Mans with a team championship and driver's championship by Kuno Wittmer. Following the end of the 2014 season, Chrysler discontinued the factory program by SRT Motorsports.\n\nSRT Viper GT3-R", "SRT Viper GT3-R \n\nThe Viper GT3-R was made available for race teams in the later half of 2013 at an estimated cost of $459,000. The car shares many technologies with the GTE race car but it is built to Group GT3 regulations.", "The GT3 car was jointly developed by SRT Motorsports and Riley Technologies and the car features the same 8.4 L engine from the road car and is capable of producing unrestricted. However actual output will be near to due to balance of performance employed in GT3 championships. The car weighs in at 1,295 kg (2855 lbs) which is inside the 1,300 kg limit for GT3 cars.", "The first win for the GT3-R spec Viper came on July 13, 2014 in the Tudor United SportsCar Championship at Mosport followed by a win in the Pirelli World Challenge at the Streets of Toronto in the second race on July 20, 2014. Dutch Supercar Challenge squad Team RaceArt won the 2014 and 2015 Super GT class championship in a Viper GT3-R.", "Official lap records \nSince the debut of the ACR series, the ACR has been setting records all around the world, with most of them in the US. 28 of the 29 lap records have each been set by the ACR, with the last one made by the TA 1.0.\n\nPhase SR II lap times \nThe first Viper ACR (Phase SR II) had only set just one lap record, in Willow Springs. This particular lap time was taken in 2008, in which it didn't make the fastest overall lap.", "Phase ZB II lap times \nThe Viper SRT-10 ACR originally set 13 lap records back in its day. These laps were set by Gary Thomason and SRT drivers Dominik Farnbacher and Chris Winkler.", "Phase VX I lap times \nThe Viper ACR (Phase VX I) originally held 14 lap records. The Nürburgring Nordschleife lap was specific to records for American-made, manual transmission, and rear-wheel drive cars. The lap times were set by racing drivers Randy Pobst, Tommy Kendall, Lance David Arnold, and SRT vehicle dynamics and development engineer Chris Winkler.\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links \n\nViper Production Details", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links \n\nViper Production Details\n\nViper\nViper\n1990s cars\n2000s cars\n2010s cars\nSports cars\nCars introduced in 1992" ]
[ "The Kalmyks (Kalmyk: , ; ; ; archaically anglicised as Calmucks) are a Mongolic ethnic group living mainly in Russia, whose ancestors migrated from Northern Xinjiang region of Northwestern China. They created the Kalmyk Khanate from 1635 to 1779 in the south of the European part of Russia territory. Today they form a majority in Kalmykia, located in the Kalmyk Steppe, on the western shore of the Caspian Sea.", "They are the only traditionally Buddhist people who are located within Europe. Through emigration, small Kalmyk communities have been established in the United States, France, Germany, and the Czech Republic.\n\nOrigins and history\n\nEarly history of the Oirats", "The Kalmyks are a branch of the Mongolian Oirats, whose ancient grazing-lands spanned present-day parts of Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia and China. After the fall of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty of China in 1368, the Oirats emerged as a formidable foe against the Khalkha Mongols, the Han-led Ming dynasty and the Manchu-led Qing dynasty. For 400 years, the Oirats conducted a military struggle for domination and control over both Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia", ". The struggle ended in 1757 with the defeat of the Oirats of the Dzungar Khanate against the Qing Empire, in the Dzungar–Qing Wars; they were the last of the Mongol groups to resist vassalage to Qing.", "At the start of this 400-year era, the Western Mongols designated themselves as the Four Oirat. The alliance comprised four major Western Mongol tribes: Khoshut, Choros, Torghut and Dörbet. Collectively, the Four Oirat sought power as an alternative to the Mongols, who were the patrilineal heirs to Genghis Khan", ". The Four Oirat incorporated neighboring tribes or splinter groups at times, so there was a great deal of fluctuation in the composition of the alliance, with larger tribes dominating or absorbing the smaller ones. Smaller tribes belonging to the confederation included the Khoits, Zakhchin, Bayids and Khangal.", "Together, these nomadic tribes roamed the grassy plains of western Inner Asia, between Lake Balkhash in present-day eastern Kazakhstan and Lake Baikal in present-day Russia north of central Mongolia. They pitched their yurts and kept herds of cattle, flocks of sheep, horses, donkeys and camels.", "Paul Pelliot translated the name \"Torghut\" as garde de jour. He wrote that the Torghuts owed their name either to the memory of the guard of Genghis Khan or, as descendants of the Keraites, to the old garde de jour. This was documented among the Keraites in The Secret History of the Mongols before Genghis Khan took over the region (Pelliot, 1930:30).\n\nPeriod of open conflict", "The Four Oirat was a political entity formed by the four major Oirat tribes. During the 15–17th centuries, they established under the name \"10 tumen Mongols\", a cavalry unit of 10,000 horsemen, including four Oirat tumen and six tumen composed of other Mongols. They reestablished their traditional pastoral nomadic lifestyle during the end of the Yuan dynasty. The Oirats formed this alliance to defend themselves against the Khalkha Mongols and to pursue the greater objective of reunifying Mongolia.", "Until the mid-17th century, when bestowal of the title of Khan was transferred to the Dalai Lama, all Mongol tribes recognized this claim and the political prestige attached to it. Although the Oirats could not assert this claim prior to the mid-17th century, they did in fact have a close connection to Genghis Khan by virtue of the fact that Genghis Khan's brother, Qasar, was in command of the Khoshut tribe.", "In response to the Western Mongols' self-designation as the Four Oirat, the Eastern Mongols began to refer to themselves as the \"Forty Mongols\", or the \"Forty and Four\". This means that the Khalkha Mongols claimed to have forty tümen to the four tümen maintained by the Four Oirat.", "The Oirat alliance was decentralized, informal and unstable. For instance, the Four Oirat did not have a central location from which it was governed, and it was not governed by a central figure for most of its existence. The four Oirats did not establish a single military or a unified monastic system. Lastly, it was not until 1640 that the Four Oirat adopted uniform customary laws.", "As pastoralist nomads, the Oirats were organized at the tribal level, where each tribe was ruled by a noyon or prince who also functioned as the chief taishi \"chieftain\". The chief taishi governed with the support of lesser noyons, who were also called taishi. These minor noyons controlled divisions of the tribe (ulus) and were politically and economically independent of the chief tayishi", ". Chief taishis sought to influence and dominate the chief taishis of the other tribes, causing intertribal rivalry, dissension and periodic skirmishes.", "Under the leadership of Esen, Chief Taishi of the Choros, the Four Oirat unified Mongolia for a short period. After Esen's death in 1455, the political union of the Dörben Oirat dissolved quickly, resulting in two decades of Oirat-Eastern Mongol conflict. The deadlock ended during the reign of Batmunkh Dayan Khan, a five-year-old boy in whose name the loyal Eastern Mongol forces rallied", ". Mandukhai Khatun and Dayan Khan took advantage of Oirat disunity and weakness and brought Oirats back under Mongolian rule. In doing so, he regained control of the Mongol homeland and restored the hegemony of the Eastern Mongols.", "After the death of Dayan in 1543, the Oirats and the Khalkhas resumed their conflict. The Oirat forces thrust eastward, but Dayan's youngest son, Geresenz, was given command of the Khalkha forces and drove the Oirats to Uvs Lake in northwest Mongolia", ". In 1552, after the Oirats once again challenged the Khalkha, Altan Khan swept up from Inner Mongolia with Tümed and Ordos cavalry units, pushing elements of various Oirat tribes from Karakorum to the Khovd region in northwest Mongolia, reuniting most of Mongolia in the process (Grousset, 1970:510).", "The Oirats would later regroup south of the Altai Mountains in Dzungaria. But Geresenz's grandson, Sholoi Ubashi Khuntaiji, pushed the Oirats further northwest, along the steppes of the Ob and Irtysh Rivers. Afterwards, he established a Khalkha Khanate under the name, Altan Khan, in the Oirat heartland of Dzungaria.", "In spite of the setbacks, the Oirats would continue their campaigns against the Altan Khanate, trying to unseat Sholoi Ubashi Khuntaiji from Dzungaria. The continuous, back-and-forth nature of the struggle, which defined this period, is captured in the Oirat epic song \"The Rout of Mongolian Sholoi Ubashi Khuntaiji\", recounting the Oirat victory over the Altan Khan of the Khalkha in 1587.\n\nResurgence of Oirat power", "Resurgence of Oirat power\n\nAt the beginning of the 17th century, the First Altan Khan drove the Oirats westward to present-day eastern Kazakhstan. The Torghuts became the westernmost Oirat tribe, encamped in the Tarbagatai Mountains region and along the northern stretches of the Irtysh, Ishim and Tobol Rivers.", "Further west, the Kazakhs – a Turco-Mongol people – prevented the Torghuts from sending its trading caravans to the Muslim towns and villages located along the Syr Darya river. As a result, the Torghuts established a trading relationship with the newly established outposts of the Tsarist government whose expansion into and exploration of Siberia was motivated mostly by the desire to profit from trade with Asia.", "The Khoshut, by contrast, were the easternmost Oirat, encamped near the Lake Zaysan area and the Semey region along the lower portions of the Irtysh River, where they built several steppe monasteries. The Khoshut were adjacent to the Khalkha khanates of Altan Khan and Dzasagtu Khan. Both khanates prevented the Khoshut and the other Oirat from trading with Chinese border towns", ". Both khanates prevented the Khoshut and the other Oirat from trading with Chinese border towns. The Khoshut were ruled by Baibagas Khan and then Güshi Khan, who were the first Oirat leaders to convert to the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism.", "Locked in between both tribes were the Choros, Dörbet Oirat and Khoid, collectively known as the \"Dzungar people\", who were slowly rebuilding the base of power they enjoyed under the Four Oirat. The Choros were the dominant Oirat tribe of that era. Their leader, Erdeni Batur, attempted to follow Esen Khan in unifying the Oirats to challenge the Khalkha.", "Under the dynamic leadership of Erdeni Batur, the Dzungars stopped the expansion of the first Altan Khan and began planning the resurrection of the Four Oirat under the Dzungar banner. In furtherance of such plans, Erdeni Batur designed and built a capital city called Kubak-sari on the Emil River near the modern city of Tacheng. During his attempt to build a nation, Erdeni Batur encouraged diplomacy, commerce and farming", ". During his attempt to build a nation, Erdeni Batur encouraged diplomacy, commerce and farming. He also sought to acquire modern weaponry and build small industry, such as metal works, to supply his military with weapons.", "The attempted unification of the Oirat caused dissension among the tribes and their Chief Tayishis who were independent minded but also highly regarded leaders themselves. This dissension reputedly caused Kho Orluk to move the Torghut tribe and elements of the Dörbet tribe westward to the Volga region where his descendants formed the Kalmyk Khanate", ". In the east, Güshi Khan took part of the Khoshut to the Tsaidam and Qinghai regions in the Tibetan Plateau, where he formed the Khoshut Khanate to protect Tibet and the Gelug from both internal and external enemies. Erdeni Batur and his descendants, by contrast, formed the Dzungar Khanate and came to dominate Central Eurasia.", "Torghut migration", "In 1618, the Torghut and a small contingent of Dörbet Oirats (200,000–250,000 people) chose to migrate from the upper Irtysh River region to the grazing pastures of the lower Volga region south of Saratov and north of the Caspian Sea on both banks of the Volga River. The Torghut were led by their taishi, Kho Orluk. They were the largest Oirat tribe to migrate, bringing along nearly the entire tribe. The second-largest group was the Dörbet Oirats under their taishi, Dalai Batur", ". The second-largest group was the Dörbet Oirats under their taishi, Dalai Batur. Together they moved west through southern Siberia and the southern Ural Mountains, avoiding the more direct route that would have taken them through the heart of the territory of their enemy, the Kazakhs. En route, they raided Russian settlements and Kazakh and Bashkir encampments.", "Many theories have been advanced to explain the reasons for the migration. One generally accepted theory is that there may have been discontent among the Oirat tribes, which arose from the attempt by Kharkhul, taishi of the Dzungars, to centralize political and military control over the tribes under his leadership", ". Some scholars, however, believe that the Torghuts sought uncontested pastures as their territory was being encroached upon by the Russians from the north, the Kazakhs from the south and the Dzungars from the east. The encroachments resulted in overcrowding of people and livestock, thereby diminishing the food supply. Lastly, a third theory suggests that the Torghuts grew weary of the militant struggle between the Oirats and the Altan Khanate.", "Kalmyk Khanate\n\nPeriod of self rule, 1630–1724", "Upon arrival to the lower Volga region in 1630, the Oirats encamped on land that was once part of the Astrakhan Khanate but was now claimed by the Tsardom of Russia. The region was lightly populated, from south of Saratov to the Russian garrison at Astrakhan and on both the east and the west banks of the Volga River", ". The Tsardom of Russia was not ready to colonize the area and was in no position to prevent the Oirats from encamping in the region, but it had a direct political interest in ensuring that the Oirats would not become allied with its Turkic-speaking neighbors. The Kalmyks became Russian allies and a treaty to protect the southern Russian border was signed between the Kalmyk Khanate and Russia.", "The Oirats quickly consolidated their position by expelling the majority of the native inhabitants, the Nogai Horde. Large groups of Nogais fled southeast to the northern Caucasian plain and west to the Black Sea steppe, lands claimed by the Crimean Khanate, itself a vassal or ally of the Ottoman Empire. Smaller groups of Nogais sought the protection of the Russian garrison at Astrakhan. The remaining nomadic tribes became vassals of the Oirats.", "The Kalmyks battled the Karakalpaks. The Mangyshlak Peninsula was overtaken in 1639 by Kalmyks.", "At first, an uneasy relationship existed between the Russians and the Oirats. Mutual raiding by the Oirats of Russian settlements and by the Cossacks and the Bashkirs, Muslim vassals of the Russians, of Oirat encampments was commonplace. Numerous oaths and treaties were signed to ensure Oirat loyalty and military assistance. Although the Oirats became subjects of the Tsar, such allegiance by the Oirats was deemed to be nominal.", "In reality, the Oirats governed themselves pursuant to a document known as the \"Great Code of the Nomads\" (Iki Tsaadzhin Bichig). The Code was promulgated in 1640 by them, their brethren in Dzungaria and some of the Khalkha who all gathered near the Tarbagatai Mountains in Dzungaria to resolve their differences and to unite under the banner of the Gelug school. Although the goal of unification was not met, the summit leaders did ratify the Code, which regulated all aspects of nomadic life.", "In securing their position, the Oirats became a borderland power, often allying themselves with the Russian Empire against the neighboring Muslim population. During the era of Ayuka Khan, the Oirats rose to political and military prominence as the Russian Empire sought the increased use of Oirat cavalry in support of its military campaigns against the Muslim powers in the south, such as Safavid Iran, the Ottoman Empire, the Nogais, the Tatars of Kuban and the Crimean Khanate", ". Ayuka Khan also waged wars against the Kazakhs, subjugated the Turkmens of the Mangyshlak Peninsula, and made multiple expeditions against the highlanders of the North Caucasus. These campaigns highlighted the strategic importance of the Kalmyk Khanate which functioned as a buffer zone, separating Russia and the Muslim world, as Russia fought wars in Europe to establish itself as a European power.", "To encourage the release of Oirat cavalrymen in support of its military campaigns, the Russian Empire increasingly relied on the provision of monetary payments and dry goods to the Oirat Khan and the Oirat nobility. In that respect, the Russian Empire treated the Oirats as it did the Cossacks. The provision of monetary payments and dry goods, however, did not stop the mutual raiding, and, in some instances, both sides failed to fulfill its promises (Halkovic, 1985:41–54).", "Another significant incentive the Russian Empire provided to the Oirats was tariff-free access to the markets of Russian border towns, where the Oirats were permitted to barter their herds and the items they obtained from Asia and their Muslim neighbors in exchange for Russian goods. Trade also occurred with neighboring Turkic tribes under Russian control, such as the Tatars and the Bashkirs. Intermarriage became common with such tribes", ". Intermarriage became common with such tribes. This trading arrangement provided substantial benefits, monetary and otherwise, to the Oirat tayishis, noyons and zaisangs.", "Fred Adelman described this era as the \"Frontier Period\", lasting from the advent of the Torghut under Kho Orluk in 1630 to the end of the great khanate of Kho Orluk's descendant, Ayuka Khan, in 1724, a phase accompanied by little discernible acculturative change:", "During the era of Ayuka Khan, the Kalmyk Khanate reached its peak of military and political power. The Khanate experienced economic prosperity from free trade with Russian border towns, China, Tibet and with their Muslim neighbors. During this era, Ayuka Khan also kept close contacts with his Oirat kinsmen in Dzungaria, as well as the Dalai Lama in Tibet.\n\nFrom Oirat to Kalmyk", "Historically, Oirat identified themselves by their respective sub-group names. In the 15th century, the three major groups of Oirat formed an alliance, adopting \"Dörben Oirat\" as their collective name. In the early 17th century, a second great Oirat Confederation emerged, which later became the Dzungar Empire", ". While the Dzungars (initially Choros, Dörbet and Khoit tribes) were establishing their empire in Central Eurasia, the Khoshuts were establishing the Khoshut Khanate in Tibet, protecting the Gelugpa sect from its enemies, and the Torghuts formed the Kalmyk Khanate in the lower Volga region.", "After encamping, the Oirats began to identify themselves as \"Kalmyk.\" This named was supposedly given to them by their Muslim neighbors and later used by the Russians to describe them. The Oirats used this name in their dealings with outsiders, viz., their Russian and Muslim neighbors. But they continued to refer to themselves by their tribal, clan, or other internal affiliations.", "The name Kalmyk, however, wasn't immediately accepted by all of the Oirat tribes in the lower Volga region. As late as 1761, the Khoshut and Dzungars (refugees from the Manchu Empire) referred to themselves and the Torghuts exclusively as Oirats. The Torghuts, by contrast, used the name Kalmyk for themselves as well as the Khoshut and Dzungars. (Khodarkovsky, 1992:8)", "Generally, European scholars have identified all western Mongolians collectively as Kalmyks, regardless of their location (Ramstedt, 1935: v–vi). Such scholars (e.g. Sebastian Muenster) have relied on Muslim sources who traditionally used the word \"Kalmyk\" to describe western Mongolians in a derogatory manner and the western Mongols of China and Mongolia have regarded that name as a term of abuse (Haslund, 1935:214–215). Instead, they use the name Oirat or they go by their respective tribal names, e.g", ". Instead, they use the name Oirat or they go by their respective tribal names, e.g., Khoshut, Dörbet, Choros, Torghut, Khoit, Bayid, Mingat, etc. (Anuchin, 1914:57).", "Over time, the descendants of the Oirat migrants in the lower Volga region embraced the name \"Kalmyk\" irrespective of their locations, viz., Astrakhan, the Don Cossack region, Orenburg, Stavropol, the Terek and the Ural Mountains. Another generally accepted name is Ulan Zalata or the \"red-buttoned ones\" (Adelman, 1960:6).\n\nReduction in autonomy, 1724–1771", "By the early 18th century, there were approximately 300–350,000 Kalmyks and 15,000,000 Russians. After the death of Ayuka Khan in 1724, the political situation among the Kalmyks became unstable as various factions sought to be recognized as Khan. The Russian Empire also gradually chipped away at the autonomy of the Kalmyk Khanate. These policies, for instance, encouraged the establishment of Russian and German settlements on pastures the Kalmyks used to roam and feed their livestock", ". In addition, the Tsarist government imposed a council on the Kalmyk Khan, thereby diluting his authority, while continuing to expect the Kalmyk Khan to provide cavalry units to fight on behalf of Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church, by contrast, pressured many Kalmyks to adopt Eastern Orthodoxy. By the mid-18th century, Kalmyks were increasingly disillusioned with settler encroachment and interference in its internal affairs.", "In January 1771 the oppression of Tsarist administration forced the larger part of Kalmyks (33 thousand households, or approximately 170,000–200,000 people) to migrate to Dzungaria.", "Ubashi Khan, the great-grandson of Ayuka Khan and the last Kalmyk Khan, decided to return his people to their ancestral homeland, Dzungaria, and restore the Dzungar Khanate and Mongolian independence. As C.D Barkman notes, \"It is quite clear that the Torghuts had not intended to surrender the Chinese, but had hoped to lead an independent existence in Dzungaria.\"", "Ubashi sent 30,000 cavalry in the first year of the Russo-Turkish War (1768–74) to gain weaponry before the migration. The 8th Dalai Lama was contacted to request his blessing and to set the date of departure. After consulting the astrological chart, he set a return date, but at the moment of departure, the weakening of the ice on the Volga River permitted only those Kalmyks (about 200,000 people) on the eastern bank to leave", ". Those 100,000–150,000 people on the western bank were forced to stay behind and Catherine the Great executed influential nobles from among them.", "Approximately five-sixths of the Torghut followed Ubashi Khan. Most of the Khoshut, Choros, and Khoid also accompanied the Torghut on their journey to Dzungaria. The Dörbet Oirat, in contrast, elected not to go at all.", "Catherine the Great asked the Russian army, Bashkirs, and Kazakh Khanate to stop all migrants. Beset by Kazakh raids, thirst and starvation, approximately 85,000 Kalmyks died on their way to Dzungaria. After failing to stop the flight, Catherine abolished the Kalmyk Khanate, transferring all governmental powers to the governor of Astrakhan. The title of Khan was abolished", ". The title of Khan was abolished. The highest native governing office remaining was the Vice-Khan, who also was recognized by the government as the highest ranking Kalmyk prince. By appointing the Vice-Khan, the Russian Empire was now permanently the decisive force in Kalmyk government and affairs.", "After seven months of travel, only one-third (66,073) of the original group reached Balkhash Lake, the western border of Qing China. This migration became the topic of The Revolt of the Tartars, by Thomas De Quincey.", "The Qing shifted the Kalmyks to five different areas to prevent their revolt and influential leaders of the Kalmyks soon died. The migrant Kalmyks became known as Torghut in Qing China. The Torghut were coerced by the Qing into giving up their nomadic lifestyle and to take up sedentary agriculture instead as part of a deliberate policy by the Qing to enfeeble them.", "Life in the Russian Empire", "After the 1771 exodus, the Kalmyks that remained part of the Russian Empire continued their nomadic pastoral lifestyle, ranging the pastures between the Don and the Volga Rivers, wintering in the lowlands along the shores of the Caspian Sea as far as Sarpa Lake to the northwest and Lake Manych-Gudilo to the west. In the spring, they moved along the Don River and the Sarpa lake system, attaining the higher grounds along the Don in the summer, passing the autumn in the Sarpa and Volga lowlands", ". In October and November they returned to their winter camps and pastures (Krader, 1963:121 citing Pallas, vol. 1, 1776:122–123).", "Despite their great loss in population, the Torghut still remained numerically superior, dominating the Kalmyks. The other Kalmyks in Russia included Dörbet Oirats and Khoshut. Elements of the Choros and Khoit also were present but were too few in number to retain their ulus (tribal division) as independent administrative units. As a result, they were absorbed by the ulus of the larger tribes.", "The factors that caused the 1771 exodus continued to trouble the remaining Kalmyks. In the wake of the exodus, the Torghuts joined the Cossack rebellion of Yemelyan Pugachev in hopes that he would restore the independence of the Kalmyks. After Pugachev's Rebellion was defeated, Catherine the Great transferred the office of the Vice-Khan from the Torghut tribe to the Dörbet, whose princes supposedly remained loyal to the government during the rebellion", ". Thus, the Torghut were removed from their role as the hereditary leaders of the Kalmyk people. The Khoshut could not challenge this political arrangement due to their smaller population size.", "The disruptions to Kalmyk society caused by the exodus and the Torghut participation in the Pugachev Rebellion precipitated a major realignment in Kalmyk tribal structure. The government divided the Kalmyks into three administrative units attached, according to their respective locations, to the district governments of Astrakhan, Stavropol and the Don and appointed a special Russian official bearing the title of \"Guardian of the Kalmyk People\" for purposes of administration", ". The government also resettled some small groups of Kalmyks along the Ural, Terek and Kuma rivers and in Siberia.", "The redistricting divided the now dominant Dörbet tribe into three separate administrative units. Those in the western Kalmyk Steppe were attached to the Astrakhan district government. They were called Baga (Lesser) Dörbet. By contrast, the Dörbets who moved to the northern part of the Stavropol province were called Ike (Greater) Dörbet even though their population was smaller. Finally, the Kalmyks of the Don became known as Buzava", ". Finally, the Kalmyks of the Don became known as Buzava. Although they were composed of elements of all the Kalmyk tribes, the Buzava claimed descent from the Torghut tribe. Their name is derived from two tributaries of the Don River: Busgai and Busuluk. In 1798, Tsar Paul I recognized the Don Kalmyks as Don Cossacks. As such, they received the same rights and benefits as their Russian counterparts in exchange for providing national military services (Bajanowa, 1976:68–71)", ". At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, Kalmyk cavalry units in Russian service entered Paris.", "Over time, the Kalmyks gradually created fixed settlements with houses and temples, in place of transportable round felt yurts. In 1865, Elista, the future capital of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was founded. This process lasted until well after the October Revolution of 1917.\n\nRussian Revolution and Civil War", "Russian Revolution and Civil War\n\nIn the aftermath of the February Revolution, Kalmyk leaders believed that the Russian Provisional Government, which replaced the Tsarist government, would allow greater autonomy and freedom with respect to their culture, religion and economy. This enthusiasm, however, would soon dissolve after the Bolsheviks took control of the national government during the second revolution in November 1917.", "After the Bolsheviks took control, various political and ethnic groups opposed to Communism organized in a loose political and military coalition known as the White movement. A volunteer \"White Army\" was raised to fight the Red Army, the military arm of the Bolshevik government. Initially, this army was composed primarily of volunteers and Tsarist supporters but were later joined by the Cossacks, including Don Kalmyks, many of whom resisted the Bolshevik policy of decossackization.", "The second revolution split the Kalmyk people into opposing camps. Many were dissatisfied with the Tsarist government for its historic role in promoting the colonization of the Kalmyk steppe and in encouraging the russification of the Kalmyk people. But others also felt hostility towards Bolshevism for two reasons: (1) the loyalty of the Kalmyk people to their traditional leaders (i.e", ".e., nobility and clergy) – sources of anti-Communism – was deeply ingrained; and (2) the Bolshevik exploitation of the conflict between the Kalmyks and the local Russian peasants who seized Kalmyk land and livestock (Loewenthal, 1952:4).", "The Astrakhan Kalmyk nobility, led by Prince Danzan Tundutov of the Baga Dörbets and Prince Sereb-Djab Tiumen of the Khoshuts, expressed their anti-Bolshevik sentiments by seeking to integrate the Astrakhan Kalmyks into the military units of the Astrakhan Cossacks. But before a general mobilization of Kalmyk horsemen could occur, the Red Army seized power in Astrakhan and in the Kalmyk steppe thereby preventing the mobilization from occurring.", "After the capture of Astrakhan, the Bolsheviks engaged in savage reprisals against the Kalmyk people, especially against Buddhist temples and the Buddhist clergy (Arbakov, 1958:30–36). Eventually the Bolsheviks would draft as many as 18,000 Kalmyk horsemen in the Red Army to prevent them from joining the White Army (Borisov, 1926:84). This objective, however, failed to prevent many Red Army Kalmyk horsemen from defecting to the White side.", "The majority of the Don Kalmyks also sided with the White Movement to preserve their Cossack lifestyle and proud traditions. As Don Cossacks, the Don Kalmyks first fought under White army General Anton Denikin and then under his successor, General Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel", ". Because the Don Cossack Host to which they belonged was the main center of the White Movement and of Cossack resistance, the battles were fought on Cossack lands and were disastrous for the Don Cossacks as villages and entire regions changed hands repeatedly in a fratricidal conflict in which both sides committed terrible atrocities. The Don Cossacks, including the Don Kalmyks, experienced heavy military and civilian losses, either from the fighting itself or from starvation and disease induced by the war", ". Some argue that the Bolsheviks were guilty of the mass extermination of the Don Cossack people, killing an estimated 70 percent (or 700,000 persons) of the Don Cossack population (Heller and Nekrich, 1988:87).", "By October 1920 the Red Army smashed General Wrangel's resistance in the Crimea, forcing the evacuation of some 150,000 White army soldiers and their families to Constantinople, Turkey. A small group of Don Kalmyks managed to escape on the British and French vessels. The chaos at the Russian port city of Novorossiysk was described by Major H.N.H. Williamson of the British Military Mission to the Don Cossacks as follows:", "From there, this group resettled in Europe, primarily in Belgrade (where they established the fourth Buddhist temple in Europe), Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and France where its leaders remained active in the White movement. In 1922, several hundred Don Kalmyks returned home under a general amnesty. Some returnees, including Prince Dmitri Tundutov, were imprisoned and then executed soon after their return.", "Formation of the Kalmyk Soviet Republic \nThe Soviet government established the Kalmyk Autonomous Oblast in November 1920. It was formed by merging the Stavropol Kalmyk settlements with a majority of the Astrakhan Kalmyks. A small number of Don Kalmyks (Buzava) from the Don Host migrated to this Oblast. The administrative center was Elista, a small village in the western part of the Oblast that was expanded in the 1920s to reflect its status as the capital of the Oblast.", "In October 1935, the Kalmyk Autonomous Oblast was reorganized into the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The chief occupations of the Republic were cattle breeding, agriculture, including the growing of cotton and fishing. There was no industry.", "Collectivization and revolts \nOn 22 January 1922 Mongolia proposed to migrate the Kalmyks during famine in Kalmykia but Russia refused. 71–72,000 Kalmyks died during the famine. The Kalmyks revolted against Russia in 1926, 1930 and 1942–1943. In March 1927, Soviet deported 20,000 Kalmyks to Siberia, tundra and Karelia. Soviet scientists attempted to convince the Kalmyks and Buryats that they were not Mongols during the 20th century under the demongolization policy.", "In 1929, Joseph Stalin ordered the forced collectivization of agriculture, forcing the Astrakhan Kalmyks to abandon their traditional nomadic pastoralist lifestyle and to settle in villages. All Kalmyk herdsmen owning more than 500 sheep were deported to labor camps in Siberia.\n\nWorld War II and exile", "In June 1941 the German army invaded the Soviet Union, ultimately taking (some) control of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In December 1942, however, the Red Army in their turn re-invaded the Republic. On 28 December 1943, the Soviet government accused the Kalmyks of collaborating with the Germans and deported the entire population, including Kalmyk Red Army soldiers, to various locations in Central Asia and Siberia", ". Within 24 hours the population transfer occurred at night during winter without notice in unheated cattle cars.", "According to N. F. Bugai, the leading Russian expert on deportations, 4.9% of the Kalmyk population died during the first three months of 1944; 1.5% in the first three months of 1945; and 0.7% in the same period of 1946. From 1945 to 1950, 15,206 Kalmyks died and 7843 were born.", "The Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was quickly dissolved. Its territory was divided and transferred to the adjacent regions, viz., the Astrakhan and Stalingrad Oblasts and Stavropol Krai. Since no Kalmyks lived there any longer the Soviet authorities changed the names of towns and villages from Kalmyk names to Russian names. For example, Elista became Stepnoi.\n\nReturn from Siberian exile", "Return from Siberian exile\n\nAround half of (97–98,000) Kalmyk people deported to Siberia died before being allowed to return home in 1957. The government of the Soviet Union forbade teaching Kalmyk Oirat during the deportation. The Kalmyks' main purpose was to migrate to Mongolia. Under the Law of the Russian Federation of April 26, 1991, \"On Rehabilitation of Exiled Peoples\", repressions against Kalmyks and other peoples were qualified as an act of genocide.", "In 1957, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev permitted the Kalmyk people to return to their home. Upon return, however, the Kalmyks found their homeland had become settled by Russians and Ukrainians, many of whom chose to remain. On January 9, 1957, Kalmykia once again became an autonomous oblast, and on 29 July 1958, an autonomous republic within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.", "In the following years bad planning of agricultural and irrigation projects resulted in widespread desertification. In addition, industrial plants were constructed without an analysis of the economic viability of such plants.", "In 1992, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Kalmykia chose to remain an autonomous republic of the successor government, the Russian Federation. The dissolution, however, facilitated the collapse of the economy at both the national and the local level, causing widespread economic and social hardship. The resulting upheaval caused many young Kalmyks to leave Kalmykia, especially in the rural areas, for economic opportunities in and outside the Russian Federation.", "The local Supreme Soviet decided in 1992 to change the name of the republic to Khalmg Tangch. In June 1993, the Kalmyk authorities laid claim to the of the Volga delta that were not returned to Kalmyks when the Kalmyk ASSR was recreated in 1957. The Kalmyk authorities claimed that under the terms of the 1991 law On the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples, the lands, currently in the Astrakhan Oblast and Dagestan, would formally belong to Kalmykia with effect from July 1, 1993", ". The long-standing dispute over the delineation of Kalmykia's borders with Astrakhan oblast and Dagestan resurfaced in 2005, but no border changes were made.", "The Kalmyks' ability to maintain a mostly homogeneous existence contrasts with the Russian admixture with other similar people, \"as there is evidence for Russian admixture with Yakuts,\" for example. Thus far, genetic analysis of the Kalmyks supports their Mongol roots that also shows that entire families of Kalmyks moved to the Volga region and not simply males as is generally the case with most nomadic tribal groups:\n\nIn modern times, Kalmykia has friendly diplomatic and cultural ties with Mongolia.", "In modern times, Kalmykia has friendly diplomatic and cultural ties with Mongolia.\n\nEtymology \n\nMongolians name Kalmyks as Halimag. It means \"the people moving away\". The verb \"Halih\" in Mongolian means leakage, seepage or overpour. So, the name \"Halimag\" is given, because they were the people who leaked from Mongolians and Mongolian land.", "The name \"Kalmyk\" is a word of Turkic origin that means \"remnant\" or \"to remain\". Turkic tribes may have used this name as early as the thirteenth century. Arab geographer Ibn al-Wardi is documented as the first person to use the term in referring to the Oirats in the fourteenth century (Khodarkovsky, 1992:5, citing Bretschneider, 1910:2:167). The khojas of Kashgaria applied the name to Oirats in the fifteenth century (Grousset, 1970:506)", ". The khojas of Kashgaria applied the name to Oirats in the fifteenth century (Grousset, 1970:506). Russian written sources mentioned the name \"Kolmak Tatars\" as early as 1530, and cartographer Sebastian Muenster (1488–1552) circumscribed the territory of the \"Kalmuchi\" on a map in his Cosmographia, which was published in 1544. The Oirats themselves, however, did not accept the name as their own.", "Subgroups\nThere are these main ethnic subgroups of Kalmyks: Baatud, Dörbet, Khoid, Khoshut, Olot, Torghut and Buzava. The Torghuts and Dörbets are numerically dominant. The Buzavs are a small minority and are considered to be the most russified Kalmyks.\n\nDemographics\n\nThese statistics below detail the demographics of the Kalmyks in the Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Russian Federation:\n\nLocation", "Location \n\nThe Kalmyks live primarily in the Republic of Kalmykia, a federal subject of Russia. Kalmykia is located in the southeast European part of Russia, between the Volga and the Don rivers. It has borders with the Republic of Dagestan in the south; the Stavropol Krai in the southwest; and the Rostov Oblast and the Volgograd Oblast in the west and the northwest, respectively. Its eastern border is the Astrakhan Oblast. The southeast border is the Caspian Sea.", "After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a large number of Kalmyks, primarily the young, moved from Kalmykia to larger cities in Russia, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, and to the United States. The move was precipitated by the desire of these Kalmyks to pursue better educational and economic opportunities and continues today.", "Currently, Kalmyks form a majority of the population in Kalmykia. According to the 2021 Russian census, there was a total of 159,138 Kalmyks who resided within Kalmykia. This represented 62.5% of the total population of the republic in 2021. In addition, Kalmyks have a much higher fertility rate than Russians and the other Slavic peoples, while the median age of the Kalmyk population is much lower than Russians. This ensures that the Kalmyk population will continue to grow for the foreseeable future.", "Religion \n\nThe Kalmyks are the only inhabitants of Europe whose national religion is Buddhism. They embraced Buddhism in the early part of the 17th century and belong to the Tibetan Buddhist sect known as the Gelugpa (Virtuous Way). The Gelugpa are commonly referred to as the Yellow Hat sect. The religion is derived from the Indian Mahayana form of Buddhism. In the West, it was formerly referred to as Lamaism, from the name of the Tibetan monks, the lamas.", "Historically, Kalmyk clergy received their training either on the steppe or in Tibet. The pupils who received their religious training on the steppe joined Kalmyk monasteries, which were active centers of learning. Many of these monasteries operated out of felt tents, which accompanied the Kalmyk tribes as they migrated. The Oirats maintained tent monasteries throughout present-day eastern Kazakhstan and along the migratory route they took across southern Siberia to the Volga", ". They also maintained tent monasteries around Lake Issyk Kul in present-day Kyrgyzstan.", "The Oirats also built stone monasteries in the regions of eastern Kazakhstan. For instance, the remains of stone Buddhist monasteries have been found at Almalik and at Kyzyl-Kent (See image to the right). In addition, there was a great Buddhist monastery in Semipalatinsk (seven palaces), which derives its name from that seven-halled Buddhist temple", ". Further, remains of Buddhist monasteries have been found at Ablaiket near Ust Kamenogorsk and at Talgar, near Almaty, and at Sumbe in the Narynkol region, bordering China.", "Upon completion of training, Kalmyk clergy dispensed not only spiritual guidance but also medical advice. As clergymen, the Kalmyk lamas enjoyed great political influence among the nobility and held a strong influence over the general tribal population. For many commoners, the only path to literacy and prestige was to join the Kalmyk monastic system.", "As a matter of policy, the Tsarist government and the Russian Orthodox Church sought to gradually absorb and convert any subject of another creed or nationality. The aim of the policy was to eliminate foreign influence and to entrench newly annexed areas. The baptized indigenous population would then become loyal to the Russian empire and would agree to be governed by Russian officials.", "In the 1700s some Kalmyks converted to Roman Catholicism, however their numbers were insignificant compared to Kalmyk converts to Islam who were more numerous. One group of Kalmyk Muslims were known as the Tomuts who were formed as the offspring of mixed marriages between Kalmyk women and Kazakh and Bashkir communities who lived among the Kalmyks and by the end of the 1730s they numbered around 600 tents", ". Another group of Kalmyk Muslims was known as the Sherets, they consisted of 120 tents and in 1733 they fled from the Derbet tayishi Cheter and settled near Azov. Later they were transferred to Crimea where they converted to Islam. In 1744, 233 Kalmyk men and 413 Kalmyk women were converted to Islam by the Astrakhan Tatars. Today, Sart Kalmyks living in Kyrgyzstan are predominantly Sunni Muslims.", "A small percentage of Kalmyk-Cossack families in Belarus converted to Judaism in the early 19th century.", "The Kalmyks migrated to territory annexed by the Tsarist government and were subject to this policy as long as they remained in this territory. At first, the policies contributed to the conversion of the Kalmyk nobility. One of the earliest converts were the children of Donduk-Ombo, the sixth Khan of the Kalmyks who reigned between 1737 and 1741, and his Circassian-born wife (See Dondukov family)", ". Another important convert was Baksaday-Dorji, the grandson of Ayuka Khan who adopted the Christian name, Peter Taishin. Each conversion was motivated by political ambition to become the Kalmyk Khan. Kalmyk Tayishis, by contrast, were given salaries and towns and settlements were established for them and their ulus (Khodarkovsky, 1992:39).", "Later on, the Tsarist government policy of encouraging Russian and German settlements along the Volga indirectly pressured Kalmyks to convert for economic reasons. The settlers took the most fertile land along the river, leaving barren lands for the Kalmyks to graze their herds. The resulting reduction of herds led to impoverishment for Kalmyk Tayishis, some of whom led their ulus to Christianity to obtain economic benefits.", "To discourage the monastic lifestyle, the government required the building of permanent structures at government determined construction sites while imposing Russian architects (Pozdneev, 1914). This policy resulted in the suspension of Lamaist canonical regulations governing monastery construction and in Kalmyk temples resembling Russian Orthodox churches. For example, the Khosheutovsky khurul is modeled after the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia.", "Other policies the Tsarist government implemented sought to gradually weaken the influence of the lamas. For instance, the government limited Kalmyk contact with Tibet. In addition, the Tsar began appointing the Šajin Lama (title of the High Lama of the Kalmyks). Further, the economic crises that resulted from settler encroachment forced many monasteries and temples to close and lamas to adopt a secularized lifestyle", ". The success of this policy is borne out by the decrease in the number of Kalmyk monasteries in the Volga region during the 19th century (Loewenthal, 1952 citing Riasanovsky, 1929).", "{| class=\"wikitable\"\n|+Number of Kalmyk monasteries in the Volga region\n|-\n! Year || Number\n|-\n| early 19th century\n| style=\"text-align:center;\"|200\n|-\n| 1834\n| style=\"text-align:center;\"|76\n|-\n| 1847\n| style=\"text-align:center;\"|67\n|-\n| before 1895\n| style=\"text-align:center;\"|62\n|-\n| before 1923\n| style=\"text-align:center;\"|60+\n|}", "Like the Tsarist government, the Communist regime was aware of the influence the Kalmyk clergy held over the general population. In the 1920s and the 1930s, the Soviet government implemented policies to eliminate religion through control and suppression", ". Towards that end, Kalmyk khuruls (temples) and monasteries were destroyed and property confiscated; the clergy and many believers were harassed, killed, or sent to labor camps; religious artifacts and books were destroyed; and young men were prohibited from religious training.", "In the 1920s and 1930s Buddhist temples and monasteries were destroyed and almost all of the spiritual leaders were arrested. By 1940 all Kalmyk Buddhist temples were either closed or destroyed and the clergy systematically oppressed. Dr. Loewenthal writes that the policies were so enforced that the Kalmyk clergy and Buddhism were not mentioned in the work by B. Dzhimbinov, \"Sovetskaya Kalmykiya,\" published in 1940", ". Dzhimbinov, \"Sovetskaya Kalmykiya,\" published in 1940. In 1944, the Soviet government exiled all Kalmyks not fighting in the Soviet army to Central Asia and Siberia, accusing them of collaborating with Nazi Germany. Upon rehabilitation in 1957, the Kalmyks were permitted to return home from exile, but all attempts by them to restore their religion and to build a temple failed.", "By the 1980s, the Soviet campaign against religion was so successful that a majority of the Kalmyks had never received any formal spiritual guidance. By the late 1980s, however, the Soviet government reversed course and implemented policies favoring the liberalization of religion. As a result, the first Buddhist community was organized in 1988. By 1995, there were 21 Buddhist temples, 17 places of worship for various Christian denominations, and 1 mosque in the Republic of Kalmykia (Grin, 2000:7).", "On December 27, 2005, a new khurul opened in Elista, the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia. The khurul was named \"Burkhan Bakshin Altan Sume\". It is the largest Buddhist temple in Europe. The government of the Republic of Kalmykia sought to build a magnificent temple of a monumental scale in hopes of creating an international learning center for Buddhist scholars and students from all over the world. More significantly, the temple is a monument to the Kalmyk people who died in exile between 1944 and 1957", ".", "The Kalmyks of Kyrgyzstan live primarily in the Karakol region of eastern Kyrgyzstan. They are referred to as \"Sart Kalmyks.\" The origin of this name is unknown. Likewise, it is not known when, why and from where this small group of Kalmyks migrated to eastern Kyrgyzstan. Due to their minority status, the Sart Kalmyks have adopted the Turkic language and culture of the majority Kyrgyz population. As a result, nearly all now belong to the Muslim faith.", "Although Sart Kalmyks are Muslims, Kalmyks elsewhere by and large remain faithful to the Gelugpa Order of Tibetan Buddhism. In Kalmykia, for example, the Gelugpa Order with the assistance of the government has constructed numerous Buddhist temples. In addition, the Kalmyk people recognize Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama as their spiritual leader and Erdne Ombadykow, a Kalmyk American, as the supreme lama of the Kalmyk people. The Dalai Lama has visited Elista on a number of occasions", ". The Dalai Lama has visited Elista on a number of occasions. Buddhism and Christianity have been given the status of state religions. In November 2004 the 14th Dalai Lama visited Kalmykia. In October 2022, Erdne Ombadykow, the Supreme Lama of Kalmykia, condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and fled Russia to Mongolia. In January 2023, he was recognized in Russia as a foreign agent.", "Language \n\nEthnologue classifies Kalmyk Oirat as a member of the Eastern branch of the Mongolic languages: \"Mongolic, Eastern, Oirat-Khalkha, Oirat-Kalmyk-Darkhat\". This places Standard Mongolian – which is essentially Khalkha Mongolian – and Kalmyk Oirat fairly close together.", "Other linguists, such as Nicholas Poppe, have classified Kalmyk Oirat as belonging to the Western branch of the Mongolian language division and thus more distant from Khalkha and Standard Mongolian as spoken in modern Mongolia, since the language group developed separately and is distinct. Moreover, Poppe contends that, although there is little phonetic and morphological difference, Kalmyk and Oirat are two distinct languages. The major distinction is in their lexicons", ". The major distinction is in their lexicons. The Kalmyk language, for example, has adopted many words of Russian origin. Consequently, mainly on lexical grounds, Kalmyk is classified as a distinct language (Poppe 1970).", "By population, the major dialects of Kalmyk are Torghut, Dörbet and Buzava (Bormanshinov 1990). Minor dialects include Khoshut and Olöt. The Kalmyk dialects vary somewhat, but the differences are insignificant. Generally, the Russian language less influenced the dialects of the pastoral nomadic Kalmyk tribes of the Volga region.", "In contrast, the Dörbets (and later on, Torghuts) who migrated from the Volga region to the of the Don Host Oblast took the name Buzava (or Don Kalmyks). The Buzava dialect developed from their close interaction with Russians. In 1798 the Tsarist government recognized the Buzava as Don Cossacks, both militarily and administratively. As a result of their integration into the Don Host, the Buzava dialect incorporated many words of Russian origin. (Anon. 1914: 653–660)", "In 1938 the Kalmyk literary language started using Cyrillic script.\nDuring World War II, all Kalmyks not fighting in the Soviet Army were forcibly exiled to Siberia and Central Asia, where they were dispersed and not permitted to speak Kalmyk in public places. As a result, the Kalmyk language was not formally taught to the younger generation of Kalmyks.", "Upon return from exile in 1957, the Kalmyks spoke and published primarily in Russian. Consequently, the younger generation of Kalmyks primarily speak Russian and not their own native language. This is a subject of popular concern. In recent years, the Kalmyk government has made attempts to revive the Kalmyk language. Some laws have been passed regarding the usage of Kalmyk on shop signs; for example, on entrance doors, the words 'Entrance' and 'Push-Pull' appear in Kalmyk.", "According to UNESCO's 2010 edition of the Red Book of Endangered Languages, the Kalmyk language classified as definitely endangered.\n\nWriting system", "Writing system \n\nIn the 17th century, Zaya Pandita, a Khoshut Buddhist monk, devised a writing system, Clear Script, based on the classical vertical Mongol script in order to phonetically capture the Oirat language. In the later part of the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries, Clear Script fell into disuse until the Kalmyks abandoned it in 1923 and introduced the Cyrillic script. In 1930, Kalmyk language scholars introduced a modified Latin alphabet, but it was not used for long.", "List of notable Kalmyks\n\nMaria Kirbasova, Russian human rights activist who founded the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia\n\nPolitical figures\n Kirsan Ilyumzhinov - 1st President of Kalmykia, former President of FIDE\n Vladimir Lenin (Possibly up to 1/4th Kalmyk) - Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist\n Ilya Ulyanov (1/2 Kalmyk)\n Oka Gorodovikov - Red Army cavalry general\n Lavr Kornilov - Imperial Russian Army general, commander of the anti-Bolshevik Volunteer Army", "Khans of the Kalmyk Khanate\n\n Kho Orluk\n Shukhur Daichin — 1654-1661\n Puntsug (Monchak) — 1661-1669\n Ayuka Khan — 1669-1724\n Tseren Donduk Khan — 1724-1735\n Donduk Ombo Khan — 1735-1741\n Donduk Dashi Khan — 1741-1761 \n Ubashi Khan — 1761-1771\n\nAthletes\n Sanan Sjugirov\n Batu Khasikov\n Mingiyan Semenov\n Sandje Ivanchukov\n Jean Djorkaeff (1/2 Kalmyk)\n Youri Djorkaeff (1/4 Kalmyk)\n Oan Djorkaeff (1/8 Kalmyk)\nLiudmila Bodnieva\n\nReferences", "Bibliography \n Adelman, Fred. Kalmyk Cultural Renewal, PhD Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1960.\n Anonymous. Donskaia Oblast, Donskoi Pervyi Okrug, Donskoi Vtoroi Okrug (translation: The Don Region, First Don District, Second Don District), Novyi Entsliklopedicheskii Solvar, XVI, 1914.\n Anuchin, D. \"Kalmyki\", Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar Brokgauz-Efrona, XIV, St. Petersburg, 1914.", "Anuchin, D. \"Kalmyki\", Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar Brokgauz-Efrona, XIV, St. Petersburg, 1914.\n Arbakov, Dorzha. Genocide in the USSR, Chapter II, Complete Destruction of National Groups as Groups, The Kalmyks, Nikolai Dekker and Andrei Lebed, Editors, Series I, No. 40, Institute for the Study of the USSR, Munich, 1958.\n Borisov, T.K. Kalmykiya: A historic-political and socio-economic survey, Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.", "Borisov, T.K. Kalmykiya: A historic-political and socio-economic survey, Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.\n Bormanshinov, Arash. The Kalmyks: Their Ethnic, Historical, Religious, and Cultural Background, Kalmyk American Cultural Association, Occasional Papers Number One, 1990.\n Bretschneider, E.V. Medieval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources, 2 vols., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1910.", "Dzhimbinov, B. Sovetskaia Kalmykiia, Moscow, 1940.\n Grin, François. Kalmykia: From Oblivion to Assertion, European Center or Minority Issues, ECMI Working Paper #10, 2000.\n Grousset, René. The Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia, Rutgers University Press, 1970.\n Halkovic, Jr., Stephen A. THE MONGOLS OF THE WEST, Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series, Volume 148, Larry Moses, Editor, Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1985.", "Haslund, Henning. MEN AND GODS IN MONGOLIA, National Travel Club, New York, E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1935.\n Heller, Mikhail and Nekrich, Aleksandr M. Utopia in Power: The History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Present, Summit Books, 1988.\n Krader, Lawrence. Social Organization of the Mongol-Turkic Pastoral Nomads, Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series, Vol. 20., 1963.", "Khodarkovsky, Michael. Where Two Worlds Met: The Russian State and the Kalmyk Nomads 1600–1771, Cornell University Press, 1992.\n Boris Malyarchuk, Miroslava Derenko, Galina Denisova, Sanj Khoyt, Marcin Wozniak, Tomasz Grzybowski and Ilya Zakharov. Y-chromosome diversity in the Kalmyks at the ethnical and tribal levels", "Loewenthal, Rudolf. THE KALMUKS AND OF THE KALMUK ASSR: A Case in the Treatment of Minorities in the Soviet Union, External Research Paper No. 101, Office of Intelligence Research, Department of State, September 5, 1952.", "Pallas, Peter Simon. , 2 vols., St. Petersburg: Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1776.\n Pelliot, Paul. Notes sur le Turkestan, T'oung Pao, XXVII, 1930.\n Poppe, Nicholas N. The Mongolian Language Handbook, Center for Applied Linguistics, 1970.\n Pozdneev, A.M. Kalmytskoe Verouchenie, Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar Brokgauz-Efrona, XIV, St. Petersburg, 1914.\n Riasanovsky, V.A. Customary Law of the Mongol Tribes (Mongols, Buriats, Kalmucks), Harbin, 1929.", "Riasanovsky, V.A. Customary Law of the Mongol Tribes (Mongols, Buriats, Kalmucks), Harbin, 1929.\n Ulanov, Mergen; Badmaev, Valeriy and Holland, Edward. Buddhism and Kalmyk Secular Law in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries, Inner Asia 19(2), 2017, pp. 297–314. URL: http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/22105018-12340092", "Williamson, H.N.H. FAREWELL TO THE DON: The Russian Revolution in the Journals of Brigadier H.N.H. Williamson, John Harris, Editor, The John Day Company, New York, 1970.\n Wang Jinglan, Shao Xingzhou, Cui Jing et al. Anthropological survey on the Mongolian Tuerhute tribe in He shuo county, Xinjiang Uigur autonomous region // Acta anthropologica sinica. Vol. XII, No. 2. May, 1993. pp. 137–146.", "Санчиров В. П. О Происхождении этнонима торгут и народа, носившего это название // Монголо-бурятские этнонимы: cб. ст. – Улан-Удэ: БНЦ СО РАН, 1996. C. 31–50.\n Galushkin S.K., Spitsyn V.A., Crawford M.H. Genetic Structure of Mongolic-speaking Kalmyks // Human Biology, December 2001, v.73, no. 6, pp. 823–834.", "Хойт С.К. Генетическая структура европейских ойратских групп по локусам ABO, RH, HP, TF, GC, ACP1, PGM1, ESD, GLO1, SOD-A // Проблемы этнической истории и культуры тюрко-монгольских народов. Сборник научных трудов. Вып. I. Элиста: КИГИ РАН, 2009. с. 146–183.\n Хойт С.К. [hamagmongol.narod.ru/library/khoyt_2008_r.htm Антропологические характеристики калмыков по данным исследователей XVIII–XIX вв.] // Вестник Прикаспия: археология, история, этнография. No. 1. Элиста: Изд-во КГУ, 2008. с. 220–243.", "Хойт С.К. [hamagmongol.narod.ru/library/khoyt_2012_r.htm Калмыки в работах антропологов первой половины XX вв]. // Вестник Прикаспия: археология, история, этнография. No. 3, 2012. с. 215–245.\n Хойт С.К. Этническая история ойратских групп. Элиста, 2015. 199 с. (Khoyt S.K. Ethnic history of oyirad groups. Elista, 2015. 199 p). (in Russian)", "Хойт С.К. Данные фольклора для изучения путей этногенеза ойратских групп // Международная научная конференция «Сетевое востоковедение: образование, наука, культура», 7-10 декабря 2017 г.: материалы. Элиста: Изд-во Калм. ун-та, 2017. с. 286–289.", "External links\nMinorityrights.org\n The Construction of a Yurt\n Khoshotovsky Monastery Reconstruction Project\n \"Carte de Tartarie,\" by Guillaume de L'Isle (1675–1726). From the Map Collection of the Library of Congress\n Kalmyk-Oirat: A Language of Russia (Europe)\n BBC News Regions and Territories: Kalmykia\n Kalmyk-Oirat: A Language of China\n Kalmyk-Oirat: A Language of Mongolia\n Prayer Profile: The Kalmyk of Russia\n Kalmyk. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 7, 2006.", "Kalmyk. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 7, 2006.\n History of Kalmykia. Retrieved from Official Web Site of the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia \n Трагедия Великой Степи (Tragedy of Great Steppe) \n Genetic Evidence for the Mongolian Ancestry of Kalmyks, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 126 (2005)\n ibid., p7.\n Official Web Site of the Embassy of Republic of Kalmykia at the President of the Russian Federation.", "Dge-lugs-pa. (2006). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 6, 2006.\n Tibetan Buddhism. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001–05. Retrieved March 6, 2006.\n History of Buddhism in West Turkistan\n Europe's biggest Buddhist temple opens in Kalmykia\n Linguistic Lineage for Kalmyk-Oirat\n Kalmyk News Agency\n The proof of business life of Kalmykia\n The Kalmyk between China and Russia\n Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI)'s Centre for Russian Studies Kalmykiya page", "Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI)'s Centre for Russian Studies Kalmykiya page\n Kalmyk Buddhist Temple in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1929–1944);\n US Library of Congress Country Studies: Russia, The North Caucasus\n Web-Portal of the Interregional Not-for-Profit Organization \"The Leaders of Kalmykia\"\n Kalmyk Brotherhood Society, Philadelphia, PA\n Kalmyk American Society\n Kalmuck Mongolian Buddhist Center, Howell, NJ \n Kalmyk tales in Kalmyk language \n Kalmyk names", "Ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan\nKalmyk people\nBuddhism in Russia\nMongol diaspora in Europe\nEthnic groups in Russia\nEast Asian diaspora" ]
Algernon Thomas
[ "Sir Algernon Phillips Withiel Thomas (3 June 1857 – 28 December 1937) was a New Zealand university professor, geologist, biologist and educationalist. He was born in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England in 1857 and died in Auckland, New Zealand in 1937", ". He was born in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England in 1857 and died in Auckland, New Zealand in 1937. He is best known for his early research (1880–83) into the life cycle of the sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), a discovery he shared with the German zoologist Rudolf Leuckart, his report on the eruption of Tarawera (1888) and his contribution to the development of New Zealand pedagogy.", "Background and education", "Thomas was born in Birkenhead, Cheshire, on 3 June 1857, the sixth child and second son of Edith Withiell Phillips (1826–1909) and her husband John Withiell Thomas (1823–1909), an accountant and, later, senior partner in the Manchester practice Thomas, Wade, Guthrie & Co. Both his parents came from Redruth in Cornwall", ". Both his parents came from Redruth in Cornwall. His elder brother Ernest Chester Thomas, (1850–1892), a Gray's Inn barrister by profession, obtained early recognition as Librarian of the Oxford Union (1874) and, subsequently, for his work as secretary of the Library Association of the United Kingdom (1878–1890) and for his 1888 edition of The philobiblon of Richard de Bury", ". Two of his elder sisters, Clara Irene Thomas (1852–1919) and Lilias Landon Thomas (1854–1929), actively promoted secondary education for women, notably as foundation headmistresses respectively of Sydenham High School (1887) and Edgbaston Church of England College for Girls (1886).", "In 1861, Thomas' family moved to Manchester where he was educated privately before being sent as a boarder to Ockbrook School in Derby. He subsequently followed his brother to Manchester Grammar School. Inclined to scientific studies from an early age, Thomas profited from his attendance at Manchester Grammar during the regime of its reforming high master, Frederick Walker who had a reputation for ensuring that his pupils achieved the highest academic distinctions", ". Awarded a Brackenbury Natural Science Scholarship by Balliol College, he matriculated at Oxford on 20 October 1874, aged 17. Studying under Robert Clifton (physics), Henry Smith (mathematics), Joseph Prestwich (geology), Walter Fisher (chemistry), Henry Acland (human anatomy) and George Rolleston (biology), he obtained a second in mathematical honour moderations in 1876 and a first in natural sciences in the honour finals in 1877, taking his BA in 1878", ". In 1879 he was awarded a Burdett-Coutts scholarship in geology, undertaking post-graduate study in Italy (Stazione Zoologica, Naples), France, Switzerland and Germany (Philipps-Universität Marburg). He took his MA in 1881.", "In late 1879, Rolleston, the Linacre professor of anatomy and physiology, appointed Thomas junior demonstrator in human and comparative anatomy at the University Museum, Oxford, in succession to Edward Bagnall Poulton. His responsibilities included practical teaching of microscopic preparations, dissecting and practical classes in embryology as well as lecturing; his pupils included Frank Beddard (1858–1925) and Halford Mackinder (1861–1947)", ". Under Rolleston's somewhat erratic supervision – his health was failing – Thomas was commissioned by the Royal Agricultural Society to investigate the sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), a parasite flatworm that in the winter of 1879–80 had caused the loss of some three million sheep in England. Thomas' preliminary results, which, critically, established the basic life cycle of the parasite, were published in 1881 and 1882, with his analysis and conclusions appearing in 1883", ". He was elected a fellow of the Linnean Society of London in 1882.", "Emigration to New Zealand", "Notwithstanding his father's relative wealth, his academic success and the overt support of Acland and the master of Balliol, Benjamin Jowett, Thomas was unclear as to where he might gain more remunerative employment subsequent to his appointment to the museum. In October 1882, following a number of disappointments, he applied successfully for the professorship of natural science at the soon-to-be-formed Auckland University College (AUC), a constituent college of the University of New Zealand", ". Selected on the recommendations of Thomas Huxley and Archibald Geikie, he delivered his first professorial lecture, 'a special discourse \"On the Liver-parasite in Sheep\"' alongside Acland at the University of Oxford in February 1883. Thomas, accompanied by his younger sister Lucie Vernon Thomas (1862-1932), departed from London on 8 March 1883 on the SS Orient", ". Transferring to the SS Rotomahana in Melbourne, they arrived in Auckland on 1 May 1883 to find that, contrary to what Thomas had been led to believe at his interview, facilities were somewhat less than rudimentary. Until 1885 when Parliament passed the Auckland University College Reserves Act, AUC was the only university college in New Zealand without either an endowment or a dedicated campus", ". As well as having to establish a new department encompassing geology, botany and zoology in - to quote Beatrice Webb - 'quaint ramshackle wooden buildings', Thomas was also required to teach mathematics following the drowning of George Walker, the professor of mathematics", ". Not only was Auckland the physical and intellectual antithesis of Oxford but there was also considerable antagonism to the very existence of the college among Auckland's dominant commercial class with the Auckland Chamber of Commerce calling for its funding to be diverted to more profitable purposes on the grounds that 'a University is for the few and that consequently its usefulness is circumscribed.'", "Aside from having to lecture and research, the scientific professorial staff were also required to locate suitable premises, assemble books, specimen, apparatus and teaching materials, establish laboratories, undertake fieldwork and, notwithstanding the absence of any support staff, administer their departments. Thomas was also elected chair of the Professorial Board and in that capacity delivered the inaugural address at the opening of AUC on 21 May 1883", ". In addition, there was an expectation that they would also examine secondary students, give public lectures, provide reports on scientific matters to various branches of government and be active participants in the city's intellectual life. Thomas joined the Auckland Institute and Museum in June 1883, and was elected to its council in 1884 and its presidency in 1886, a position he held again in 1895 and between 1903 and 1905", ". In his first year of membership he delivered two lectures at the Institute: 'Remarks on specimens from the Naples Zoological Station' and 'Remarks on Mr Caldwell's researches on the development of the lower mammals of Australia' and for the next decade he continued to deliver up to three lectures a year", ". Subsequently, he was appointed chairman of the Trustees of the Museum and, in that position, played a significant role both in establishing the museum's scientific reputation and in ensuring it was suitably housed and maintained.", "In the summer vacation following his arrival, between January and March 1884, Thomas travelled throughout New Zealand meeting colleagues at the other two university establishments, notably Thomas Jeffery Parker (1850–1897), professor of biology and curator of the University Museum at the University of Otago and Frederick Hutton (1836–1905), professor of biology at Canterbury University College", ". The visit both enabled him to assess the status of science in the country and provided him with the empirical basis on which he developed a teaching programme best suited to the needs of his students. It also opened up an informal network of local scientific researchers; he became particularly close to Parker with whom he initiated a research project focussing on the embryology of the Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus).", "While Thomas had good relations with his peers, his connection with the New Zealand scientific establishment, as embodied by James Hector, director of both the Colonial Museum and the New Zealand Geological Survey, manager of the New Zealand Institute and editor of its Transactions, was less congenial. Hector seems to have avoided meeting Thomas during his first visit to Wellington, leaving Thomas to observe merely that the Colonial Museum was 'old-fashioned' in appearance", ". The influential Hector, a medical doctor by training, distrusted university-trained natural scientists recently arrived from the metropolis, such as Thomas and Parker", ". It was a view shared by James McKerrow, the surveyor general and a protégé of Hector's, who observed of Thomas and his colleague Frederick Douglas Brown, the professor of chemistry at AUC, that 'They are I fancy like some other learned men I have seen from Home, who have to unlearn a good deal after they come to the colony, and get quit of a deal of self-complacency", ". A very common notion of new arrivals, is, that Colonials are a sort of unkempt inferior race which it is the privilege and duty of them – the learned men – to make stepping stones of.' For their part, Parker, Thomas and Brown were not so much keen to step on 'colonials', but rather unimpressed by the descriptive, unanalytical, nature of the prevailing scientific methodology and sceptical of the rigour of its practitioners, many of them self-trained", ". Hector's animus against the academic scientists is suggested by his failure to publish many of the papers submitted to him in his capacity as editor of the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute.", "These tensions coalesced in June 1886 when the largest volcanic event in modern New Zealand history occurred at Mount Tarawera, 24 kilometres south east of Rotorua in the North Island. Following the eruption, the government commissioned Hector to provide a scientific report on the occurrence and its consequences. Undertaking a fleeting visit around the site he produced a report arguing that the eruption was, essentially, non-volcanic and of little scientific interest", ". As R F Keam remarks, 'No geologist today would accept Hector's model of the occurrence' and, even then, the deficiencies of the Hector report aroused criticism. In an effort to defuse the matter William Lanarch, the minister of mines, commissioned Hutton, Thomas and Brown to further report on the eruption", ". While Hutton evinced a degree of impatience in promulgating his opinion, Thomas was more circumspect and thorough in his fieldwork and his report, published two years later and separately from that of Hutton, was, in Keam's opinion, 'the polished product of meticulous research'; he further notes that 'Thomas would have been glad that he had distanced himself from Hutton's ideas on the matter'.", "Research and teaching", "Notwithstanding the topicality of and his interest in geological matters, the wide scope of Thomas's academic responsibilities made it impossible for him to specialise. Almost immediately after his arrival he was requested by both colonial and municipal authorities to undertake investigations into a diverse range of biological and geological subjects ranging from parasitic diseases affecting rabbits in the Wairarapa district and the life history of flounder to analyses of water quality in Auckland", ". In a discussion of Thomas' report on the rabbit control problem, Paul Star notes that while he 'did not find a satisfactory disease, ... the publication of his reports introduced many colonists to a scientific approach'. Thomas' lack of specialisation has led some New Zealand historians, such as Keith Sinclair, to assert that he was not a researcher of any significance", ". Much of this argument is anachronistic and demonstrates a failure either to comprehend the aims, purpose and function of applied scientific research at the end of the nineteenth century or to understand the circumstances under which Thomas would have been able to research at the level he had become accustomed to in Europe", ". Nonetheless, Thomas did produce significant research outputs, particularly during his first two decades at the university; between 1883 and 1903 he published thirteen scientific papers ranging in scope from observations on volcanic rocks of the Taupo district, notes on Tuatara embryology and an account of the prothallium of Phylloglossum", ". Although not present for the preliminary meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) held in Sydney in November 1886 he was a foundation member and in 1888 was elected an ordinary member of the Association's ruling body and, with Parker, Honorary Local Secretary for New Zealand", ". At the AAAS conference held in Melbourne in 1890 he presided over the biological section, delivering an address lamenting the deficient state of scientific pedagogy, particularly at secondary level, the need for public scientific research and the failure of museums in some of the Australasian colonies to recognise their public role noting that 'It is over 30 years since Darwin pointed out how important and intimate were the relations of living beings to their environment", ". His teaching infused new life into the study of Biology but the enthusiasm does not seem to have extended to museums. One would think that the Origin of Species had never entered the doors of a museum. Most museums seem to be arranged chiefly, though most inadequately, with regard to the wants of the specialist, and the general public are scarcely thought of. It was, effectively, a statement of what Thomas hoped to achieve in his work in New Zealand.", "Thomas' primary focus at AUC was on teaching and his research clearly informed his pedagogy. While University of New Zealand degrees were initially set and examined in the United Kingdom, he developed courses in both biology and geology that focussed on the local condition and emphasised fieldwork. His early students effectively developed those areas in which he had undertaken preliminary research. Thomas appears to have been an inspiring teacher", ". Thomas appears to have been an inspiring teacher. Alan Mason notes with respect to his teaching of geology that he was responsible 'for an explosion of talent, noting that, nationally, of the six senior scholars in geology between 1894 and 1903, five of them were from Auckland. Moreover, 'the Auckland achievement becomes even greater when we realise that of the three colleges in existence ... the Auckland college was the smallest and the poorest. The success came from a student base of less than forty i.e", ". The success came from a student base of less than forty i.e. an average of four first year students entering the department each year. Furthermore, in contrast to his southern counterparts, Thomas was the sole teacher of botany, zoology and geology.'", "Thomas's success as a teacher was not restricted to geology. His zoology students included Richard William Allen, MA (1899), Wooldridge Memorial Scholar in Physiology (1902) at Guy's Hospital, gold medalist material medica, University of London (1902), Gull student in pathology (1904), MB BS University of London (1905), who became 'a brilliant Harley Street specialist' and author of Vaccine therapy; its theory and practice (1910)", ". In botany, John Ernest Holloway FRS, MSc (1905), DSc (1917) developed and extended Thomas's initial investigation into primitive ferns; and Kathleen Maisey Curtis, BA (1913) was the first New Zealand woman to win an 1851 Scholarship for study at the University of London where she was awarded a DSc in 1919. A mycologist at the Cawthorn Institute in Nelson, she was the first female fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand", ". Other students who distinguishing themselves included Elsie Mary Griffin, MA (1906), subsequently a key figure in the YWCA in both New Zealand and Australia. Writing to Thomas in 1912, Griffin observed that while he might think her 'a horrid \"suffragette\"' indulging in 'all kinds of bold & \"unwomanly\" things', she found her 'scientific training of immense value' in her work.", "Conservation and horticulture", "Thomas' pragmatic approach to his teaching anticipated the development of an understanding of New Zealand's natural environment based on scientific method rather than on the fragmented observation of phenomena", ". Moreover, Thomas was not averse to criticising the focus of the British-set examinations conducted under the aegis of the University of New Zealand, arguing for example with A H Green, Prestwich's successor as professor of geology at Oxford, that while a general knowledge of British geology was useful for New Zealand students of the subject, the focus should be on the geology of their own country", ". Thomas' recognition of the unique qualities of New Zealand biota paved the way for his advocacy of environmental conservation measures; while far from being the first to propose the preservation of the country's indigenous fauna and flora, his methodological approach laid the foundation for more scientific assessments of what had hitherto been proposed for preservation on the basis of 'natural curiosities'", ". As early as 1886 he was among those arguing at the Auckland Institute the necessity of introducing measures to conserve the rapidly diminishing indigenous bird population.", "In 1891, Thomas moved a resolution at the Christchurch meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, seconded by G M Thomson, encouraging the preservation of the native fauna and flora of New Zealand. His motion declared the need for 'the formation of one or more Reserves where the fauna (and also the flora) could be protected from the destruction which, it is well known, is overtaking so many of the rare and more interesting species'", ". After considerable legislative inertia, his lobbying led to the formation of a conservation reserve on Hauturu-o-Toi (Little Barrier Island) in October 1894 'as a reserve for birds in time of peace, and for defence purposes in time of fighting'", ". In April 1894, emboldened by the success of this move, he advocated the preservation of the native flora and fauna of the nearby Waitākere Ranges and subsequently was the chief speaker in a delegation that sought to persuade the Auckland City Council to acquire the region as a scenic reserve. He was supporter and later chairman of the Auckland Scenery Preservation Society (1899), one of the earliest conservation pressure groups in the country.", "On taking up his appointment at AUC, Thomas initiated a scheme where, in the absence of any such facility in Auckland, the college grounds – such as they were – would be developed as a precursor botanical garden of indigenous flora", ". This engagement with applied science prompted an interest in horticulture and in 1890 he acquired a denuded ten acre (4 hectares) section in the Auckland suburb of Epsom which he and his wife Emily developed into an extensive garden while retaining its key geological feature, a remnant lava field of the nearby Maungawhau volcanic cone", ". Thomas designed a garden that with its winding paths, lookouts and naturalistic arrangement, while echoing the form and structure of gardens he had observed in southern Italy during his 1879 visit, was planted primarily with New Zealand flora. It seems probable that this was among the first pakeha gardens to employ indigenous flora as the dominant feature of a horticultural landscape", ". Thomas' initiative in reintroducing indigenous planting was emulated by a number of his neighbours, such as the surgeon Sir Carrick Robertson and the businessman Sir William Goodfellow, and encouraged the preservation of the remnant Almorah lava forest, named for a nearby street. Thomas was also responsible for designing the grounds of the nearby Auckland Grammar School (1916) and, most probably, was involved in the design of the grounds of Auckland's other grammar schools", ". As a development of his interest in applied botany, Thomas also became interested in the hybridisation of daffodils for which he gained both local and international recognition.", "Educational developments", "From the time of his arrival in Auckland, Thomas evinced a particular interest in educational issues outside of his college responsibilities. He was keenly interested in technical education matters, notably agricultural science", ". He was keenly interested in technical education matters, notably agricultural science. In 1888 he addressed these issue in a series of provocative lectures and articles published in newspapers throughout the country in which he argued that given its dependence on mining and agriculture, New Zealand could only benefit from the proper teaching of agricultural botany and chemistry at primary, secondary and tertiary levels", ". His articles in the New Zealand Herald suggest both an awareness of the work of Arthur Acland's educational reform lobby group, the National Association for the Promotion of Technical and Secondary Education and a recognition that this work had significant relevance to New Zealand", ". The association was an Oxford creation – Acland himself was an honorary fellow of Balliol College – and many of those involved with it had served as lecturers with the university extension programme at Toynbee Hall in London's East End. In a statement that retains contemporary significance, Thomas opined that 'The true way ..", ". In a statement that retains contemporary significance, Thomas opined that 'The true way ... to protect the interests of the working classes is to afford them opportunities of acquiring such knowledge and skill as will enable them to hold their own in competition with the rest of the world.'", "Perhaps surprisingly given its conservative ideology, the Herald editorialised its support for Thomas' progressive proposals, observing that 'Professor Thomas is distinctly of the present and of the future, as indeed his colleagues are, and it is on the fact that our professors have thoroughly caught the temper of the times, and have brought themselves in touch with the onward spirit of colonial life", ", and have brought themselves in touch with the onward spirit of colonial life, that the best hopes are based that our University institutions will prove to be the most influential and valuable of our educational agencies", ".' He also initiated a series of lectures on agricultural science at the AUC specifically aimed at teachers and farmers. For some years after, in the absence of any official activity, he provided advice and delivered lectures on agricultural matters to a wide range of agricultural organisations throughout the country. Thomas, along with Brown, was also behind an ultimately successful move to establish a school of mines at AUC in 1906", ". By 1910 the AUC school had morphed into what Sinclair describes as 'a covert School of Engineering', a move that despite opposition from the University of New Zealand became official in 1923.", "Thomas's educational concerns prompted his election by the Senate of the University of New Zealand to the Auckland Grammar School Board in 1899, chaired by George Maurice O'Rourke who was also chairman of the AUC council. He was immediately elected vice-chairman and, in 1916, chairman in which position he served until his death in 1937 making him the second longest-serving chairman in Auckland Grammar’s history", ". Thomas' chairmanship of the board coincided with the last six years of James Tibbs' long period as headmaster of Auckland Grammar School. The younger Thomas had been a contemporary of Tibbs at Oxford and, given that both took mathematics honours, they were probably acquainted. But where Tibbs chafed under the provisions of the 1914 Education Act, Thomas seems to have relished the opportunity it provided to develop the Grammar Schools as intellectual powerhouses", ". Under Thomas' dominant influence the Board expanded the number of schools under its control from one, housed on an inadequate inner-city site, to five, all housed in new, well-equipped premises: Auckland Girls' Grammar School (1909); Auckland Grammar School (1915); Epsom Girls' Grammar School (1917); Mt Albert Grammar School (1922); and Takapuna Grammar School (1927)", ". In contrast to his successors as chair of the Auckland Grammar School Board, Thomas played a highly visible role in the activities of the schools until his death. He was a vice-chairman of the Dilworth Trust Board, the body responsible for Dilworth School, between 1906 and 1937 and a member of the Auckland Teachers' Training College Committee of Advice between 1906 and 1914.", "Thomas was a member of the Senate of the University of New Zealand between 1899 and 1903 and, again, between 1921 and 1933. He was also a member of the AUC council between 1919 and 1925. He was the Bishop of Waiapu's nominated member of the St John's Theological College Board of Governors between 1910 and 1911.", "Public science", "In October 1913, a newly elected Reform government introduced legislation into the New Zealand Parliament creating a governmental scientific advisory body, the Board of Science and Art. Ross Galbreath asserts that the government intended that the board's primary function was to manage the Dominion (formerly Colonial) Museum and to publish scientific journals and reports, but its members appear to have had greater ambitions", ". Along with six others, Thomas was appointed to the board by an Order in Council in 1915. He appears to have played a significant role in galvanising its activities, notably in calling for 'a central advisory board' for science and industry. But early moves to establish a scientific advisory body modelled on the British Department of Scientific and Industrial Research failed due to the absence of any significant political support", ". It was only with the visit in 1926 of Frank Heath, permanent secretary of the British DSIR, along with a decision by the British Empire Marketing Board to fund agricultural research in New Zealand, that a body to advise on the promotion of science in industry, also known as the DSIR, was formed.", "Personal life", "Notwithstanding the suggestion of Francis Dillon Bell, the New Zealand Agent General in London 'that a Mrs Professor would be a very great addition to the colony', Thomas arrived in New Zealand a bachelor although there are indications he had an unsuccessful shipboard romance on the outward voyage. He was accompanied by his younger sister Lucie Vernon Thomas (1862–1932) who would act as his hostess and housekeeper until February 1885", ". Soon after his arrival, he purchased a villa at Narrow Neck on Auckland's North Shore. On 19 November 1887 he married Emily Sarah Nolan Russell (1867–1950), the third of six daughters of Mary Ann Nolan (1834–1931) and her husband John Benjamin Russell (1834–1894), an Auckland solicitor.", "The Russells were a well-connected Auckland family: J B Russell's practice, Russell & Campbell, was – and, as Russell McVeagh, remains – one of Auckland's leading legal firms; his eldest brother was the lawyer, politician and financier Thomas Russell. Emily Thomas was a well-educated, travelled, woman of progressive ideas; in 1895 she was nominated unsuccessfully by the Auckland, Devonport and Ponsonby Schools Committees for a seat on the Auckland Education Board", ". Unfortunately in 1905 and, again, in 1908 she experienced a specific acute reactive disorder that led to her being admitted to Ashburn Hall, a private asylum in Dunedin. She remained there until March 1950 when she was transferred to Kingseat Hospital near Auckland, shortly before her death. Thomas, a lifelong cigarette smoker, died suddenly in Auckland on 28 December 1937", ". Thomas, a lifelong cigarette smoker, died suddenly in Auckland on 28 December 1937. The Thomases had four children: three sons, Acland Withiel (1888–1962), Norman Russell Withiel (1891–1969), Arthur Edward Withiel (1904–1992); and a daughter, Mary Wynfrida Withiel (1893–1974).", "Honours", "Besides being a fellow of the Linnean Society of London (FLS, 1882), Thomas was a fellow of the Geological Society (FGS, 1888), a fellow of the New Zealand Institute (1905), and after its transmogrification from an Institute into a royal society, an original fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, (FRSNZ, 1919) and an honorary fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Horticulture (1936)", ". Following his resignation from the chair of biology and geology at Auckland University College in 1913 he was made professor emeritus by the college senate. He was awarded the King George V Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935. In the 1937 George VI Coronation Honours Thomas was made Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG) for services to education, a then extraordinary distinction for a New Zealander", ". Pallbearers at his funeral included the Hon Peter Fraser, minister of education and later prime minister in the first Labour administration.", "The Austrian naturalist and explorer Andreas Reischek named New Zealand's westernmost lake in Fiordland (45°59'14.3\"S 166°30'09.8\"E) after Thomas in 1887. Following his death, the executors of his estate gifted 100 acres (42 hectares) of land at Piha to the Auckland City Council; this was supplemented in 1963 by the gift of Lion Rock (Te Piha), an eroded 16-million-year-old volcanic neck, that was acquired by two of his sons, Acland and Norman, from Te Kawerau in 1941", ". These gifts were commemorated in 2008 with the naming of a part of the gift as the Sir Algernon Thomas Green. In 1968, largely on the initiative of Sir Douglas Robb, chancellor of the University of Auckland, the university's new biological sciences building was named in his honour", ". Following the subdivision of his garden, a road formed through the property (primarily through what had been his 'cow paddock') was named Withiel Drive in his memory, as was a reserve donated to the Auckland City Council in 1949 by his son Norman, which was based on a remnant of the Maungawhau lava field that he had preserved, Withiel Thomas Park.", "Select publications", "Reports \n 'Report on parasitic diseases in sheep in New Zealand', in Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives (1886), 3, H-23.\n Report on the eruption of Tarawera and Rotomahana, NZ (Wellington: Government Printer, 1888).\n 'Interim report on parasitic diseases affecting rabbits in the Wairarapa district', in Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives, (1888), 3, H-18.", "'Report on parasitic diseases affecting rabbits in the Wairarapa district', in Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives, (1889), 1, H-4.\n The grass grub pest (Wellington: Government Printer, 1913).", "Papers \n 'Report of experiments on the development of the liver-fluke (Fasciola hepatica)', Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 17:1, (1881), 1–29.\n 'The rot in sheep, or the life-history of the liver-fluke', Nature, 26: 677, (1882), 606–608.\n 'Second report of experiments on the development of the liver-fluke (Fasciola hepatica)', Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 18:2, (1882), 439–455.", "'The life history of the liver-fluke (Fasciola hepatica), Quarterly Journal of Microscopal Science, NS 23, (1883), 99–133.\n 'The natural history of the liver-fluke and the prevention of rot', Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 19:1, (1883), 276–305.\n 'Journey to Rotomahana and Tarawera', Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 19, (1886), 602 [notice].", "'Notes on the volcanic rocks of the Taupo district and King Country', Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, 20, (1887), 306–311.\n 'Notes on the rocks of the Kermadec Islands', Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 20, (1887), 311–315.\n 'Notes on the geology of Tongariro and the Taupo district', Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 21, (1888), 338–353.", "'Presidential address in section D Biology', in Report of the second meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Melbourne, ed by W Baldwin Spencer (Sydney: the Association, 1890), 100–109.\n 'Preliminary note on the development of the Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatum)', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 48:292–295 (1890), 151–156.\n 'On the preservation of the native fauna and flora of New Zealand', New Zealand Journal of Science, 1:2 (1891),", "'Preliminary account of the prothallium of Phylloglossum, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 69:451–458, (1901), 285–291.\n 'On the prothallium of Phylloglossum''', Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 34 (1901), 402–408.\n 'The affinity of Tmesipteris with the Spenophyllales, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 69:451–458, (1901), 343–350.\n 'An alga-like fern prothallium', Annals of Botany, OS16: 61, (1902), 165–170.", "'An alga-like fern prothallium', Annals of Botany, OS16: 61, (1902), 165–170.\n 'Report on the fossils of the Manaia Hill Beds (Coromandel)', in C Fraser and J Adams, 'The geology of the Coromandel subdivision, Hauraki, Auckland', Bulletin of the New Zealand Geological Survey'', 4 (1907), 49–50.", "References\n\nExternal links\n University of Auckland Library record for Algernon Thomas papers.\nLibrary Search University of Auckland Library record for Algernon Thomas geology field notebooks and lecture notes, 1873–1914.\nSir Algernon Phillips Withiel Thomas - Papers, 1879-1978 collections online record at Auckland War Memorial Museum.", "1857 births\n1937 deaths\nNew Zealand Knights Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George\nPeople from Birkenhead\nBritish emigrants to the Colony of New Zealand\nNew Zealand biologists\nPeople educated at Manchester Grammar School\nAlumni of Balliol College, Oxford\nFellows of the Linnean Society of London\nFellows of the Geological Society of London\nFellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand\nAcademic staff of the University of Auckland\nNew Zealand people of Cornish descent" ]
Fremantle Football Club drafting and trading history
[ "Fremantle Football Club's drafting and trading history is often cited as a reason for their poor on-field record; the club took eight years to reach a final, and won their first final in 2006. In recent years, however, they have been successful in finding good players with late round and rookie list selections.", "Phil Smart was the recruiting manager at Fremantle from when they were formed in 1994 until 2008, remaining at the club until the end of 2009 as their draft manager, with Brad Lloyd being appointed the national recruitment manager. Smart was the Claremont Football Club colts (under 19) coach in 1994, and wasn't appointed until near the end of the 1994 WAFL season on 1 September 1994, just 2 months before the team started training", ". He had also never seen a game outside WA, something that would factor in the trade of future Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee Andrew McLeod to Adelaide, considered one of the worst trades the Dockers have ever made.", "1994/95 off season", "Fremantle's initial squad of 50 players was compiled from a mixture of uncontracted players from other AFL clubs (maximum of 12 over two years), players who had previously nominated for the AFL draft but not been selected (unlimited from the WAFL, two each from the SANFL, VFL and TFL), up to ten delisted AFL players, trades with any other AFL club, unlimited selections from their four \"aligned\" WAFL clubs and selections 1, 4 and then the first two selections in each round of the 1994 AFL draft.", "The McLeod trade\nFremantle had flown the 18-year-old McLeod and his father to Perth for an interview, but none of the coaching or recruiting staff had actually seen him play, despite McLeod having played in a premiership for Port Adelaide Football Club in the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) a few weeks earlier.", "McLeod was puzzled and insulted when Fremantle coach Gerard Neesham asked him to stand up to see how tall he was. The result of this short meeting was that he was traded to Adelaide in return for promising centre half-forward Chris Groom, who they also hadn't see play. McLeod went on to play over 300 games, whilst Groom played only seven for Fremantle before being delisted at the end of the 1995 season.", "Fremantle made similar trades with Melbourne to obtain Phil Gilbert and North Melbourne to obtain Troy Polak, trading away Jeff Farmer and Glenn Freeborn respectively.\n\nUncontracted players", "Uncontracted players\n\nAttracting uncontracted players from other AFL clubs would prove to be very difficult, except for some West Australian players willing to move back to Perth. The AFL also awarded compensation selections to any club that lost a player to Fremantle, of a 16-year-old player, which had the effect of reducing the available talent in the following year's draft, with Fremantle the only club who would be unable to recruit these 16-year-old players.", "Prior to the 1994 draft, Fremantle arranged a deal with Essendon where they would recruit three players, all originally from Western Australia, and agree not to recruit any uncontracted players from any team that finished below Essendon in 1994. This would ensure that Essendon would have the first choice of the 16-year-olds in the compensation draft. Officially Todd Ridley was recruited as the uncontracted player, with Tony Delaney and Dale Kickett being traded for later picks", ". Whilst Kickett had a long and distinguished career at Fremantle, becoming the first player to play 100 games for the club and winning the Doig Medal in 1997, Delaney and Ridley weren't as successful. Essendon, however, recruited Matthew Lloyd with the 16-year-old compensation selection and Scott Lucas with the 4th selection, who would each play 270 games and kick a combined total of 1397 goals.", "Fremantle also recruited its inaugural captain, Ben Allan and three of their first four best and fairest award winners, Peter Mann, Stephen O'Reilly and Jason Norrish through the uncontracted player process. Only one of the uncontracted players recruited, Andrew Wills, was not originally from Western Australia. In contrast to the outstanding career of Lloyd, the careers of the other compensation selections was mixed", ". Whilst West Coast's Chad Morrison and Geelong's Steven King had long and successful careers, and North Melbourne's Stuart Cochrane and Geelong's Adam Houlihan each played around 100 AFL games, Hawthorn's selection of David McEwan didn't play an AFL game and Melbourne's David Cockatoo-Collins only played two games.", "Traded to Fremantle\n Dale Kickett (Essendon) for selection #39\n Tony Delaney (Essendon) for selection #4\n Phil Gilbert (Melbourne) for Jeff Farmer\n Chris Groom (Adelaide) for Andrew McLeod\n Scott Watters (Sydney) for selection #21\n Troy Polak (North Melbourne) for Glenn Freeborn and selection #55\n Pick 42 for Darryl Wakelin (St Kilda)", "1994 National draft:\n1: Jeff White (Southern U18)\n22: Winston Abraham (Perth)\n42: Douglas Headland (Perth)\n56: Ryan Smith (West Perth)\n72: Dean Grainger (Northern U18)\n73: Sam McFarlane (Subiaco)\n\nPre-season draft:\n2: Greg Madigan (Hawthorn)", "Pre-season draft:\n2: Greg Madigan (Hawthorn)\n\nPre-draft selections:\n Daniel Bandy (Perth)\n Jay Burton (Subiaco)\n Brad Cassidy (Ballarat Rebels)\n Antony Ljubic (Gippsland Power)\n Neil Mildenhall (West Perth)\n Peter Miller (East Perth)\n Nathan Mourish (Perth)\n David Muir (North Melbourne)\n Craig Nettelbeck (Sydney)\n Shane Parker (Subiaco)\n Luke Toia (Subiaco)", "Foundation Selections\n Peter Bell (South Fremantle)\n Craig Burrows (East Fremantle)\n Matthew Burton (Subiaco)\n Craig Callaghan (Swan Districts)\n Darren Capewell (East Fremantle)\n Scott Chisholm (Claremont)\n Gary Dhurrkay (East Fremantle)\n Scott Edwards (Claremont)\n Mark Gale (Claremont)\n Scott Gooch (Subiaco)\n Anthony Jones (Claremont)\n Quenton Leach (Claremont)\n Andrew McGovern (Claremont)\n Shaun McManus (East Fremantle)\n Jamie Merillo (Claremont)\n Brendon Retzlaff (Swan Districts)", "Shaun McManus (East Fremantle)\n Jamie Merillo (Claremont)\n Brendon Retzlaff (Swan Districts)\n Leigh Wardell-Johnson (Claremont)\n Brad Wira (Claremont)", "Zone selections:\n Travis Edmonds (Swan Districts)\n Kingsley Hunter (Claremont)\n John Hutton (Claremont)\n Todd Menegola(Swan Districts)\n Clinton Wolf (Claremont)", "Uncontracted player selections:\n Todd Ridley (Essendon): compensation selection - Matthew Lloyd\n Ben Allan (Hawthorn): compensation selection - David McEwan\n Jason Norrish (Melbourne): compensation selection - David Cockatoo-Collins\n Peter Mann (North Melbourne): compensation selection - Stuart Cochrane\n Andrew Wills (Geelong): compensation selection - Adam Houlihan\n Brendan Krummel (West Coast): compensation selection - Chad Morrison\n Stephen O'Reilly (Geelong): compensation selection - Steven King", "Delisted before season started:\n Dean Grainger\n Douglas Headland\n Sam McFarlane\n Troy Polak\n\n1995/96 off season", "Traded to Fremantle\n David Hynes (West Coast) for Phillip Matera and selection #3\n1995 National draft:\n1: Clive Waterhouse (Port Adelaide)\n7: Ben Edwards (Claremont)\n13: Brad Rowe (Collingwood)\n23: Jay Burton (redrafted)\nPre-draft selection:\n Daniel Parker (Subiaco)\nZone selections:\n James Clement (South Fremantle)\n Steven Koops (West Perth)\n Trent Carroll (Claremont)\n Greg Harding (Claremont)\n Gavin Mitchell (Claremont)\n Michael Brown (Swan Districts)\n Michael Clark (Swan Districts)", "Gavin Mitchell (Claremont)\n Michael Brown (Swan Districts)\n Michael Clark (Swan Districts)\n Brendon Feddema (East Fremantle)\n Martin Whitelaw (West Perth)\nPre-season draft (uncontracted player selection):\n Tony Godden (West Coast): compensation selection: David Wirrpanda", "Delisted\n Peter Bell\n Jay Burton (was delisted and then redrafted in the national draft)\n Darren Capewell\n Brad Cassidy\n Travis Edmonds\n Ben Edwards (was drafted and then delisted in the same off-season)\n Chris Groom\n John Hutton\n Brendan Krummel\n Antony Ljubic\n Todd Menegola\n Neil Mildenhall\n Peter Miller\n Nathan Mourish\n Craig Nettelbeck\n Brendon Retzlaff\n Ryan Smith\n Leigh Wardell-Johnson\n Clinton Wolf\nTraded Away\n Brad Wira for selection #13\n\n1996/97 off season", "1996/97 off season\n\n1996 National draft:\n12: Heath Black (Oakleigh Chargers)\n31: Jess Sinclair (Eastern Ranges)\n46: Matthew Clucas (East Fremantle)\nRookie draft:\n4: Cameron Venables (Subiaco)\n19: Matthew Richter (Claremont)\n34: Rupert Betheras (East Perth)\n49: Scott Gooch (redrafted)\n64: Gavin Milentis (Claremont)\n\nRetired\n Scott Edwards\nDelisted:\n Phil Gilbert\n Todd Ridley\n Brad Rowe\n David Muir\n Jay Burton\n Scott Gooch (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\n\n1997/98 off season", "Traded to Fremantle\n Adrian Fletcher (Brisbane Lions) with selection #26 for selection #5\n Daniel Hargraves (Western Bulldogs) for selection #18\n Stuart Anderson (Kangaroos) for Winston Abraham\n Chris Bond (Richmond) with selection #5 for selection #2\n1997 National draft:\n6: James Walker (North Ballarat Rebels)\n21: Clem Michael (South Fremantle)\n26: Brodie Holland (Tassie Mariners)\n32: Troy Johnson (South Fremantle)\nRookie draft:\n5: Brad Dodd (East Fremantle)\n21: Paul Maher (Perth)", "Rookie draft:\n5: Brad Dodd (East Fremantle)\n21: Paul Maher (Perth)\n37: Cameron Jackson (Central U18)\n53: John Neesham (East Fremantle)", "Retired\n Ben Allan\n Scott Watters\n Greg Madigan\nDelisted\n Craig Burrows\n David Hynes\n Jamie Merillo\n Rupert Betheras (rookie)\n Gavin Milentis (rookie)\n Matthew Richter (rookie)\n Cameron Venables (rookie)\nTraded Away\n Gavin Mitchell to St Kilda for selection #32\n Jeff White to Melbourne for selection #21\n Winston Abraham to Kangaroos for Stuart Anderson\n\n1998/99 off season", "Traded to Fremantle\n Tony Modra (Adelaide) for selections #29 and #34\n Brad Wira (Western Bulldogs) for Kingsley Hunter\n1998 National draft:\n2: Justin Longmuir (West Perth)\n18: Daniel Schell (Central District)\n49: Garth Taylor (Swan Districts)\n64: Andrew Shipp (Springvale)\nPre-season draft:\n2: Ashley Prescott (Richmond)\nRookie draft:\n2: Darren Bolton (Peel Thunder)\n17: Ashley Clancy (Subiaco)\n31: Antoni Grover (Subiaco)\n45: Andrew Smith (Subiaco)\nRookie Elevation:\n Brad Dodd\n Paul Maher", "Delisted\n Gary Dhurrkay\n Tony Godden\n Quenton Leach\n Brendon Feddema\n Cameron Jackson (rookie)\n Martin Whitelaw\n Troy Johnson\n John Neesham (rookie)\nTraded Away\n Kingsley Hunter to Western Bulldogs for Brad Wira\n Scott Chisholm to Melbourne for selection #29\n\n1999/2000 off season", "Traded to Fremantle\n Troy Cook (Sydney) for selection #34\n Brendon Fewster (West Coast) for selection #16\n Troy Longmuir (Melbourne) for selections #19 and #63\n1999 National draft:\n2: Paul Hasleby (East Fremantle)\n4: Matthew Pavlich (Woodville-West Torrens)\n5: Leigh Brown (Gippsland Power)\n46: Adam Butler (Murray Bushrangers)\n49: Ben Cunningham (Claremont)\nPre-season draft:\n2: Brad Bootsma (South Fremantle)\nRookie draft:\n2: Nathan Carroll (Claremont)\n18: Robbie Haddrill (Perth)\n34: Luke Newick (Subiaco)", "Rookie draft:\n2: Nathan Carroll (Claremont)\n18: Robbie Haddrill (Perth)\n34: Luke Newick (Subiaco)\n49: Dale Walkingshaw (Peel Thunder)\nRookie Elevation:\n Darren Bolton\n Antoni Grover\n Ashley Clancy", "Retired\n Chris Bond (retired after he was delisted)\n Stuart Anderson\n Andrew McGovern\n Peter Mann\nDelisted\n Matthew Burton\n Andrew Wills\n Daniel Parker\n Daniel Hargraves\n Tony Delaney\n Michael Brown\n Darren Bolton\n Michael Clark\nTraded Away\n Stephen O'Reilly for selections #16 and #46\n\n2000/01 off season", "Traded to Fremantle\n Peter Bell (North Melbourne) for Jess Sinclair and selections #6, 8 & 37\n Matthew Carr (St Kilda) for Craig Callaghan\n Daniel Metropolis (West Coast) for Greg Harding\n Dwayne Simpson (Sydney) for selection #52\n2000 National draft:\n39: Adam McPhee (Dandenong Stingrays)\n51: Dion Woods (Perth)\n66: Scott Thornton (Sandringham Dragons)\nPre-season draft:\n4: Simon Eastaugh (Essendon)\nRookie draft:\n5: Keren Ugle (South Fremantle)\n21: Roger Hayden (South Fremantle)", "Rookie draft:\n5: Keren Ugle (South Fremantle)\n21: Roger Hayden (South Fremantle)\n36: Daniel Haines (Peel Thunder)\n49: Andrew Siegert (Geelong)\nRookie elevation:\n None", "Delisted\n Mark Gale\n Paul Maher\n Matthew Clucas\n Trent Carroll\n Dale Walkingshaw\n Garth Taylor\n Luke Newick\n Nathan Carroll\n Andrew Smith\nTraded Away\n Craig Callaghan for Matthew Carr\n James Clement with Holland for selections #8 and #39\n Brodie Holland with Clement for selections #8 and #39\n Greg Harding for Daniel Metropolis and selection #51\n Jess Sinclair with selection #6, #8 & #37 for Peter Bell\n\n2001/02 off season", "The Croad trade", "After a disastrous 2001 season during which Fremantle sacked coach Damian Drum mid-year and only won 2 games, Fremantle then became only the second club to trade away the first selection in the national draft (after Sydney Swans in 1992), which it received in addition to selection 4 as a priority draft pick due to their poor performance", ". In what would end up being considered one of the strongest drafts ever, Fremantle traded its first three draft selections for Hawthorn's key forward Trent Croad, along with injury prone former East Fremantle junior Luke McPharlin. Two of those selections were used by Hawthorn to draft four time premiership players and club captains Luke Hodge (#1 selection) and Sam Mitchell (#36)", ". Fremantle had not yet appointed a coach, so the recruitment was led by the chief executive officer (CEO) Cameron Schwab, who also had only recently been hired.", "Schwab is quoted as saying that it didn't matter if they traded draft pick 1 or 4, they still would have drafted Western Australian key position player Graham Polak with their first selection, ahead of the three Victorian midfielders that were chosen in the actual draft, Hodge, Luke Ball and Chris Judd. \"It didn't matter whether we could take him (Polak) at No 1 or 4 — the issue was that we ranked the wrong player number one\"", ". Part of the reason for choosing three tall players in Croad, McPharlin and Polak was that they were concerned that Matthew Pavlich could leave Fremantle to return to Adelaide the following year, and they had no other key position players in their squad.", "Croad would only stay at Fremantle for two years, leading Fremantle's goalkicking in 2002, before being traded back to Hawthorn at the end of the 2003 season. He then played mainly in defence for Hawthorn and was a key member of their 2008 AFL Grand Final winning team. Polak played over 100 games for Fremantle before he was traded to Richmond in 2006, whilst McPharlin has played over 200 games for Fremantle and was named in the 2012 All-Australian team", ". Pavlich didn't return to Adelaide and remained at Fremantle to become the club's longest serving captain, games and goal scoring record holder, 6-time All-Australian and 6-time Doig Medalist and in 2014 became the first Western Australian based player to play over 300 AFL games.", "Traded to Fremantle\n Trent Croad (Hawthorn) with McPharlin for selections #1, #20 and #36\n Luke McPharlin (Hawthorn) with Croad for selections #1, #20 and #36\n Jeff Farmer (Melbourne) for selection #17\n Troy Simmonds (Melbourne) for Daniel Bandy\n2001 National draft:\n4: Graham Polak (East Fremantle)\n52: Andrew Browne (Claremont)\n56: Paul Medhurst (Claremont)\nRookie Draft:\n1: Luke Webster (East Perth)\n17: Josh Head (South Fremantle)\n33: Aaron Sandilands (East Fremantle)\nRookie Elevation:\n Daniel Haines", "33: Aaron Sandilands (East Fremantle)\nRookie Elevation:\n Daniel Haines\n Robbie Haddrill", "Retired\n Tony Modra\n Ashley Prescott\nDelisted\n Adam Butler\n Ashley Clancy\n Adrian Fletcher\n Dwayne Simpson\n Keren Ugle\n Brad Wira\nTraded Away\n Daniel Bandy in a three-way trade with Troy Simmonds and Craig Ellis\n Heath Black for selection #17\n Daniel Schell for selection #56\n\n2002/03 off season", "2002/03 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n Des Headland (Brisbane Lions) for Adam McPhee, selections #3 & 19\n2002 National draft:\n13: Byron Schammer (West Adelaide)\n48: Greg Edgcumbe (Eastern Ranges)\n55: Ryan Crowley (Calder Cannons)\n63: Brett Doswell (NSW/ACT Rams)\nRookie draft:\n4: Ricky Mott (Sydney)\n20: Ben Colreavy (Claremont)\n35: Daniel Gilmore (South Fremantle)\n51: Steven Dodd (East Fremantle)\nRookie elevation:\n Roger Hayden\n Andrew Siegert\n Aaron Sandilands", "Retired\n Dale Kickett\n Jason Norrish\n Daniel Metropolis\n Clem Michael (retired November 2001)\n Simon Eastaugh\n Brad Bootsma\nDelisted:\n Brendon Fewster\n Brad Dodd\n Andrew Shipp\nTraded away:\n Leigh Brown for selection #13\n Adam McPhee for selection #55, Des Headland to Fremantle, Blake Caracella to Brisbane\n\n2003/04 off season", "2003/04 off season\n\n2003 National draft:\n10: Ryley Dunn (Murray Bushrangers)\n12: Ryan Murphy (Gippsland Power)\n19: David Mundy (Murray Bushrangers)\n27: Adam Campbell (North Ballarat Rebels)\n43: Brett Peake (East Fremantle, Father-son selection)\nRookie Draft\n9: Paul Duffield (South Fremantle)\n26: Dylan Smith (North Melbourne)\n41: Michael Warren (Claremont)\n55: Ben Colreavy (redrafted) \nPre Season Draft\n8: Michael Johnson (Perth)\nRookie Elevation:\n Daniel Gilmore\n Luke Webster", "Delisted\n Ben Colreavy (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\n Josh Head\n Anthony Jones\n Ricky Mott\n Luke Toia\nTraded Away\n Trent Croad to Hawthorn for selection #10\n Steven Koops to Western Bulldogs for #19\n\n2004/05 off season", "2004/05 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n Josh Carr (Port Adelaide) for selections #11, #27 and # 45.\n Heath Black (St Kilda) three-way deal with Troy Simmonds and Aaron Fiora.\n2004 National draft:\n59: Benet Copping (Sturt)\n67: Toby Stribling (North Adelaide)\n69: Daniel Haines (redrafted)\nPre-season draft:\n5: Jarrad Schofield (Port Adelaide)\nRookie draft:\n8: Joseph Krieger (Sandringham Dragons)\n24: Jack Juniper (Glenelg)\n39: Ryan Crowley (redrafted)\nRookie elevation:\n Steven Dodd\n Dylan Smith", "Delisted:\n Ben Colreavy\n Ryan Crowley (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\n Ben Cunningham\n Brett Doswell\n Greg Edgcumbe\n Daniel Haines (was redrafted in the national draft)\n Clive Waterhouse\nTraded away:\n Troy Simmonds to Richmond, three-way deal with Heath Black and Aaron Fiora.\n Troy Longmuir to Carlton for selection #67\n\n2005/06 off season", "2005/06 off season\n\n2005 National draft:\n10: Marcus Drum (Murray Bushrangers)\n26: Garrick Ibbotson (East Fremantle)\n42: Robert Warnock (Sandringham Dragons)\nRookie draft:\n8: Paul Duffield (redrafted)\n23: Toby Stribling (redrafted)\nRookie elevated:\n Ryan Crowley\n Michael Warren\n\nDelisted: \n Dion Woods\n Andrew Siegert\n Dylan Smith\n Toby Stribling (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\n Paul Duffield (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\nTraded away:\n No trades\n\n2006/07 off season", "2006/07 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n Chris Tarrant (Collingwood) for Paul Medhurst and draft selection #8\n Dean Solomon (Essendon) plus draft selection #52 for draft selections #42 and #47\n\n2006 National draft:\n31: Clayton Collard (South Fremantle)\n52: Brock O'Brien (Peel Thunder)\n77: Calib Mourish (Towns Football Club, Geraldton)\nRookie draft:\n13: Chris Smith (Mt Gravatt)\n28: Andrew Foster (East Fremantle)\n42: Darren Rumble (Subiaco)\n52: Benet Copping (redrafted)\nRookie elevated:\n Paul Duffield", "Retired\n Jarrad Schofield\nDelisted: \n Benet Copping (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\n Daniel Haines\n Jack Juniper\n Joseph Krieger\n Toby Stribling\n Michael Warren\n\nTraded away:\n Graham Polak plus draft selections #13 and #63 for draft selections #8 and #42 from Richmond\n Paul Medhurst plus draft selection #8 for Chris Tarrant\n\n2007/08 off season", "2007/08 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n None\n2007 National draft:\n7: Rhys Palmer (East Fremantle)\n24: Clayton Hinkley (North Ballarat Rebels)\n40: Chris Mayne (Perth)\n55: Mark Johnson (Essendon)\n69: Kepler Bradley (Essendon)\nPre-season draft\n6: Josh Head (South Fremantle)\nRookie draft:\n6: Brent Connelly (Gippsland Power)\n22: Luke Pratt (Swan Districts)\n37: Calib Mourish (East Fremantle)\n50: Ryley Dunn (East Fremantle)\nRookie elevated:\n Andrew Foster", "Retired\n Troy Cook\n Shane Parker\n Justin Longmuir\nDelisted: \n Clayton Collard\n Benet Copping\n Ryley Dunn (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\n Robbie Haddrill\n Calib Mourish (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\n Darren Rumble\n James Walker\nTraded away:\n None\n\n2008/09 off season", "Traded to Fremantle\n None\n2008 National draft\n3: Stephen Hill (West Perth)\n21: Hayden Ballantyne (Peel Thunder)\n24: Nick Suban (North Ballarat Rebels)\n37: Zac Clarke (Oakleigh Chargers)\n53: Michael Walters (Swan Districts)\n56: Ben Bucovaz (Geelong Falcons)\n68: Tim Ruffles (North Ballarat Rebels)\n77: Chris Hall (Woodville West Torrens)\nPre-season draft\n None\nRookie draft:\n3: Casey Sibosado (Oakleigh Chargers)\n19: Matt de Boer (Claremont)\n34: Hamish Shepheard (East Perth)\n48: Clancee Pearce (Swan Districts)", "19: Matt de Boer (Claremont)\n34: Hamish Shepheard (East Perth)\n48: Clancee Pearce (Swan Districts)\n62: Jay van Berlo (West Perth)\n74: Greg Broughton (Subiaco)", "Rookie elevated:\n None\n\nRetired\nPeter Bell\nHeath Black\nMatthew Carr\nJeff Farmer\nMark Johnson\nShaun McManus\nLuke Webster\n\nDelisted: \nJosh Carr\n Ryley Dunn (rookie)\n Chris Smith(rookie)\n Calib Mourish (rookie)\nTraded away:\n Robert Warnock with selection 65 to Carlton for selections 24, 56 & 68\n\n2009/10 off season", "2009/10 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n None\n2009 National draft:\n4: Anthony Morabito (Peel Thunder)\n20 Nathan Fyfe (Claremont)\n36: Joel Houghton (Perth)\n48: Jesse Crichton (North Launceston)\n49: Dylan Roberton (Dandenong Stingrays)\n52: Justin Bollenhagen (South Adelaide)\n68: Pass\n79: Greg Broughton (rookie elevation)\nPre-season draft\n3: Adam McPhee (Essendon)\nRookie draft:\n8: Michael Barlow (Werribee)\n24: Alex Silvagni (Casey Scorpions)\n\nRetired\nAndrew Browne", "Retired\nAndrew Browne\n\nDelisted: \nAdam Campbell\nAndrew Foster\nDaniel Gilmore\nJosh Head\nLuke Pratt (rookie)\nBrent Connelly (rookie)\n\nTraded away:\n Brett Peake (to St Kilda) for selection 48\n Marcus Drum (to Geelong) for selection 49\n\n2010/11 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nPeter Faulks (Williamstown) and pick #61 from Gold Coast for pick #56\nTendai Mzungu (Perth) and pick #45 for pick #39\nJonathon Griffin (Adelaide) for pick #61", "2010 National draft\n20: Jayden Pitt (Geelong Falcons)\n44: Viv Michie (Oakleigh Chargers)\n56: Josh Mellington (Murray Bushrangers)\n72: Pass\n87: Michael Barlow (rookie elevation)\n100: Matt de Boer (rookie elevation)\n109: Alex Silvagni (rookie elevation)\n112: Jay van Berlo (rookie elevation)\n\nPre-season draft\n6: Jack Anthony ()\n\nRookie draft:\n20: Gavin Roberts (Norwood)\n37: Nick Lower (Norwood)\n53: Ben Bucovaz (redrafted)\n68: Tim Ruffles (redrafted)", "Retired\nDean Solomon\nScott Thornton\nPaul Hasleby\nDes Headland\n\nDelisted: \nChris Hall\nBen Bucovaz (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\nTim Ruffles (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\nBrock O'Brien\nSteven Dodd\nRyan Murphy\n\nTraded away:\nChris Tarrant (to Collingwood) with pick #45 for #44 and #56\n\n2011/12 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n Pick 20 for End of Round One Compensation Pick with Greater Western Sydney Giants\n Picks 29,58 & 71 for Picks 38 & 56 with Hawthorn", "2011 National draft\n16: Tom Sheridan (Calder Cannons)\n20: Hayden Crozier (Eastern Ranges)\n29: Alex Forster (Norwood)\t\n58: Lachie Neale (Glenelg)\n71: Cameron Sutcliffe (Woodville-West Torrens)\n83: Nick Lower, (rookie elevation)\n\nPre-season draft\n10: Zac Dawson (St Kilda)\n\nRookie draft:\n8: Lee Spurr (Central District)\n26: Haiden Schloithe (South Fremantle)\n44: Sam Menegola (Hawthorn)\n61: Jordan Wilson-King (North Adelaide)\n75: Clancee Pearce (redrafted)\n\nRetired\nByron Schammer\nRoger Hayden", "Retired\nByron Schammer\nRoger Hayden\n\nDelisted: \nClayton Hinkley\nJoel Houghton\nBen Bucovaz\nTim Ruffles\nHamish Shepheard\nJustin Bollenhagen\nClancee Pearce (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\nCasey Sibosado\n\nUncontracted player\n Rhys Palmer to \n\nTraded away:\n Nil\n\n2012/13 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nPick 36 for Greg Broughton and pick 58\n\nFree agent recruits:\n Danyle Pearce (Port Adelaide)", "Free agent recruits:\n Danyle Pearce (Port Adelaide)\n\n2012 National draft\n17: Josh Simpson (East Fremantle)\n36: Tanner Smith (North Ballarat Rebels)\n39: Max Duffy (East Fremantle)\n78: Clancee Pearce (rookie elevation)\n93: Lee Spurr (rookie elevation)\n\nPre-season draft\n8: Jack Hannath (Central District)\n14: Jesse Crichton (redrafted)\n\nRookie draft:\n11: Matt Taberner (Murray Bushrangers)\n25: Alex Howson (East Fremantle)\n\nCategory B Rookie selection\n46: Craig Moller (NSW AFL Scholarship)", "Category B Rookie selection\n46: Craig Moller (NSW AFL Scholarship)\n \n\nRetired\nAntoni Grover\nAdam McPhee\nDelisted: \nJay van Berlo\nDylan Roberton\nNick Lower\nJesse Crichton (redrafted)\nJack Anthony\nGavin Roberts\nJordan Wilson-King\n\nUncontracted players/Free agents\nNil\n\nTraded away:\n Greg Broughton (to Gold Coast) and Pick #58\n\n2013/14 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nPick 58 for Viv Michie\nScott Gumbleton (Essendon) for pick 55\n\nFree agent recruits:\nColin Sylvia (Melbourne)", "Free agent recruits:\nColin Sylvia (Melbourne)\n\n2013 National draft\n17: Michael Apeness (Eastern Ranges)\n37: Alex Pearce (Ulverstone/Devonport)\n58: Brady Grey (Burnie Dockers)\n73: Matt Taberner (rookie elevation)\n\nPre-season draft\nNone\n\nRookie draft:\n16: Michael Wood (Subiaco)\n32: Tom Vandeleur ()\n47: Jacob Ballard (Northern Blues)\n\nRetired\nJayden Pitt\nDelisted: \nJesse Crichton\nPeter Faulks\nAlex Forster\nAlex Howson\nJosh Mellington\nHaiden Schloithe\n\nUncontracted players/Free agents lost\nNone", "Uncontracted players/Free agents lost\nNone\n\nTraded away:\n Viv Michie (to Melbourne)\n Pick 55\n\n2014/15 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nNone\nFree agent recruits:\nNone\n2014 National draft\n13: Lachie Weller (Southport/Broadbeach)\t\t\n34: Connor Blakely\t(Swan Districts)\n54: Ed Langdon (Sandringham Dragons)\n68: Josh Deluca (Subiaco)\nRookie elevation:\nNone\nPre-season draft\nNone\nRookie draft:\n13:Ethan Hughes (Swan Districts)\n31:Tanner Smith (redrafted)\n48:Sean Hurley (Kildare GAA, Ireland)", "Retired\nKepler Bradley\nScott Gumbleton\nDelisted: \nSam Menegola\nMichael Wood\nJosh Simpson\nTanner Smith (was redrafted in the rookie draft)\nUncontracted players/Free agents lost\nNone\nTraded away:\nNone\n\n2015/16 off season", "2015/16 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nHarley Bennell (Gold Coast) (with #22 & #61)\nFree agent recruits\nNone\n2015 National draft\n27: Darcy Tucker (North Ballarat Rebels, TAC Cup)\t\t\n38: Harley Balic\t(Sandringham Dragons, TAC Cup)\n55: Sam Collins (, VFL)\n61: Shane Yarran (Subiaco, WAFL)\nRookie elevation\n Ethan Hughes\nPre-season draft\n\nRookie draft\n16: Matt Uebergang (Redland, NEAFL)\n34: Ryan Nyhuis (Nightcliff, NTFL)\n50: Anthony Morabito (redrafted)\n60: Josh Deluca (redrafted)", "Retired\nColin Sylvia\nLuke McPharlin\nPaul Duffield\nDelisted\nJacob Ballard\nRyan Crowley\nJosh Deluca (redrafted in the rookie draft)\nMax Duffy\nCraig Moller\nAnthony Morabito (redrafted in the rookie draft)\nTom Vandeleur\nUncontracted players/Free agents lost\nNone\nTraded away\n Picks #16, #56 & 2016 2nd Round\n\n2016/17 off season", "2016/17 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n Cam McCarthy () with picks #7, #35 & #73 for pick #3\n Bradley Hill () for pick #23\nJoel Hamling () with picks #40 & #63 for picks #35, #43 & #61\nShane Kersten () for pick #63\n\n2016 National draft\n8: Griffin Logue ()\n38: Sean Darcy (Geelong Falcons)\n41: Brennan Cox ()\n66: Luke Ryan ()\n\nRookie draft\n3: Taylin Duman (Oakleigh Chargers)\n21: Luke Strnadica ()\n38: Brady Grey (Redrafted)\n50: Josh Deluca (Redrafted)", "Retired\nMatthew Pavlich\nDelisted\nSean Hurley\nTanner Smith\nAnthony Morabito\nMatt de Boer\nJack Hannath\nClancee Pearce\nTendai Mzungu\nBrady Grey (redrafted in the rookie draft)\nJosh Deluca (redrafted in the rookie draft)\nMichael Barlow\nAlex Silvagni\n\nUncontracted players/Free agents lost\n Chris Mayne (to ), compensation: pick #23 \nTraded away\nPick #3 for McCarthy, picks #7, #35 & #73\n\nPick swap\nSent pick #73 and a 2017 second-round pick to Gold Coast, received picks #35, #71 and a 2017 fourth-round selection", "2017/18 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nNathan Wilson (Greater Western Sydney) and pick #71 for picks #57 and 2018 2nd round\nBrandon Matera (Gold Coast) for 2018 3rd round pick\n\n2017 National draft\n2: Andrew Brayshaw (Sandringham Dragons)\n5: Adam Cerra (Eastern Ranges)\n44: Hugh Dixon (Kingborough Tigers)\n59: Mitch Crowden (Sturt)\n65: Tom North (Eastern Ranges)\n69: Lloyd Meek (Greater Western Victoria Rebels)\n73: Sam Switkowski (Box Hill Hawks)\n75: Scott Jones (East Perth)\n\t\nRookie elevation\n Brady Grey", "Rookie draft\n5: Bailey Banfield (Claremont)\n21: Stefan Giro (Norwood)\n\nDelisted\nZac Clarke\nSam Collins\nJosh Deluca\nJonathon Griffin\nMatt Uebergang\nNick Suban\nRetired\nShane Yarran\nGarrick Ibbotson\nZac Dawson\nTraded away\nLachie Weller (to Gold Coast) with pick #41, for pick #2\nHayden Crozier (to Western Bulldogs) with 2018 4th round pick, for picks #40 and #82\nHarley Balic (to Melbourne) for pick #66\n\n2018/19 off season\n\nFree agent recruits\nReece Conca (Richmond)", "2018/19 off season\n\nFree agent recruits\nReece Conca (Richmond)\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nJesse Hogan (Melbourne)\nRory Lobb (Greater Western Sydney)\nTravis Colyer (Essendon)\n\n2018 National draft\n17: Sam Sturt (Dandenong Stingrays, TAC Cup)\n32: Luke Valente (, SANFL)\n57: Lachie Schultz (Williamstown, VFL)\n59: Brett Bewley (Williamstown, VFL)\n\nRookie elevation\n Taylin Duman\n Bailey Banfield", "Rookie elevation\n Taylin Duman\n Bailey Banfield\n\nRookie draft\n5: Ethan Hughes (redrafted)\n22: Tobe Watson (Swan Districts, WAFL)\n37: Ryan Nyhuis (redrafted)\nCategory B rookie nomination\n Jason Carter (Next Generation Academy, Kimberley)\n\nDelisted\nCameron Sutcliffe\nTom Sheridan\nBrady Grey\nLuke Strnadica\nEthan Hughes (redrafted)\nRyan Nyhuis (redrafted)\n\nRetired\nDanyle Pearce\nMichael Johnson\nLee Spurr\nMichael Apeness\n\nTraded away\nLachie Neale (to Brisbane Lions)\n\n2019/20 off season", "Traded away\nLachie Neale (to Brisbane Lions)\n\n2019/20 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nBlake Acres (St Kilda)\nJames Aish (Collingwood)\n\n2019 National draft\n7: Hayden Young (Dandenong Stingrays, NAB League)\n8: Caleb Serong (Gippsland Power, NAB League)\n9: Liam Henry (Next Generation Academy, Derby, Claremont, WAFL)\n61: Michael Frederick (Woodville-West Torrens, SANFL)", "Rookie elevation\n Stefan Giro\nRookie draft\n6:Jarvis Pina (Peel Thunder, WAFL)\n20:Tom North (redrafted)\n30:Hugh Dixon (redrafted)\nCategory B rookie nomination\nIsaiah Butters (Next Generation Academy, Halls Creek, Claremont, WAFL)\nLeno Thomas (Next Generation Academy, Warmun, Claremont, WAFL)\n\nDelisted\nHarley Bennell\nScott Jones\nShane Kersten\nRyan Nyhuis\nTom North (redrafted)\nHugh Dixon (redrafted)\n\nRetired\nHayden Ballantyne\nAaron Sandilands\n\nTraded away\nBradley Hill (to St Kilda)\nEd Langdon (to Melbourne)", "Traded away\nBradley Hill (to St Kilda)\nEd Langdon (to Melbourne)\n\n2020/21 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nNone\n2020 National draft\n14: Heath Chapman ()\n27: Nathan O'Driscoll ()\n50: Brandon Walker ()\n54: Joel Western ()\n\nRookie elevation\nNone\nMoved to rookie list\nLachie Schultz\nBrett Bewley\n\nRookie draft\n7: Josh Treacy (Bendigo Pioneers)\n18: Bailey Banfield (redrafted)\n\nCategory B rookie nomination\nNone", "Category B rookie nomination\nNone\n\nDelisted\nBrandon Matera\nCam McCarthy\nHugh Dixon (rookie)\nTom North (rookie)\nDillon O'Reilly (rookie)\nJarvis Pina (rookie)\nIsaiah Butters (category B rookie)\nJason Carter (category B rookie)\nBailey Banfield (to be redrafted)\nRetired\nNone\nTraded away\nJesse Hogan (to Greater Western Sydney)\n\n2021/22 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nWill Brodie ()\nJordan Clark ()\n\n2021 National draft\n8: Jye Amiss ()\n10: Neil Erasmus ()\n21: Matthew Johnson ()\n54: Roy Benning ()", "2021 National draft\n8: Jye Amiss ()\n10: Neil Erasmus ()\n21: Matthew Johnson ()\n54: Roy Benning ()\n\nRookie elevation\n Ethan Hughes\n\nRookie draft\n8: Karl Worner (Oakleigh Chargers)\n25: Mitch Crowden (redrafted)\n34: Connor Blakely (redrafted)\n\n Mid-season rookie draft\n15: Sebit Kuek ()\n\nCategory B rookie nomination\nUltan Kelm (Ireland, deferred due to injury)", "Category B rookie nomination\nUltan Kelm (Ireland, deferred due to injury)\n\nDelisted\nLeno Thomas (category B rookie)\nReece Conca\nBrett Bewley (rookie)\nTaylin Duman\nStefan Giro\nTobe Watson (rookie)\nConnor Blakely (to be redrafted)\nMitch Crowden (to be redrafted)\n\nRetired\nStephen Hill\nLuke Valente\n\nTraded away\nAdam Cerra\n\n2022/23 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nJosh Corbett ()\nLuke Jackson ()\nJaeger O'Meara ()", "2022/23 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\nJosh Corbett ()\nLuke Jackson ()\nJaeger O'Meara ()\n\n2022 National draft\n33: Hugh Davies ()\n41: Tom Emmett ()\n42: Max Knobel (Gippsland Power)\n57: Corey Wagner ()\n\nRookie elevation\n Lachie Schultz\n\nRookie draft\n13: Liam Reidy ()\n\nCategory B rookie nomination\nJosh Draper (), Next Generation Academy selection (Indigenous)\nConrad Williams (), Next Generation Academy selection (Indigenous)\n\n Mid-season rookie draft\n8: Ethan Stanley ()", "Mid-season rookie draft\n8: Ethan Stanley ()\n\nDelisted\nConnor Blakely \nJoel Western\nMitch Crowden\n\nRetired\nDavid Mundy\n\nTraded away\nBlake Acres ()\nGriffin Logue ()\nDarcy Tucker ()\nRory Lobb ()\nLloyd Meek ()\n\n2023/24 off season\n\nTraded to Fremantle\n\n2023 National draft\n\nRookie elevation\n\nRookie draft\n\nCategory B rookie nomination\n\nMid-season rookie draft\n\nDelisted\nTravis Colyer\nNathan Wilson\nRoy Benning\n\nRetired\nNone\n\nTraded away\nLachie Schultz\nLiam Henry\n\nFree agent\nJoel Hamling", "Retired\nNone\n\nTraded away\nLachie Schultz\nLiam Henry\n\nFree agent\nJoel Hamling\n\nSee also\nList of Fremantle Football Club players\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n \n \n \n \n \n\nDrafting and Trading History\nAustralian Football League draft" ]
Ed Miliband
[ "Edward Samuel Miliband (born 24 December 1969) is a British politician serving as Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero since 2021. He has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Doncaster North since 2005. Miliband was Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition between 2010 and 2015. Alongside his brother, Foreign Secretary David Miliband, he served in the Cabinet from 2007 to 2010 under Prime Minister Gordon Brown.", "Miliband was born in the Fitzrovia district of Central London to Polish Jewish immigrants Marion Kozak and Ralph Miliband, a Marxist intellectual and native of Brussels who fled Belgium during World War II. He graduated from Corpus Christi College, Oxford and later from the London School of Economics", ". He graduated from Corpus Christi College, Oxford and later from the London School of Economics. Miliband became first a television journalist, then a Labour Party researcher and a visiting scholar at Harvard University, before rising to become one of Chancellor Gordon Brown's confidants and chairman of HM Treasury's Council of Economic Advisers. He was elected to the House of Commons in 2005 and Prime Minister Tony Blair made him Minister for the Third Sector in May 2006", ". When Brown became Prime Minister in 2007, he appointed Miliband Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Miliband was subsequently promoted to the new post of Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, a position he held from 2008 to 2010.", "After the Labour Party was defeated at the 2010 general election, Brown resigned as Leader of the Labour Party; in September 2010, Miliband was elected to replace him. His tenure as Labour leader was characterised by a leftward shift in his party's policies under the \"One Nation Labour\" branding, and by opposition to the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition government's cuts to the public sector", ". Miliband also abolished the electoral college system to elect the leader and deputy leader of the Labour Party, and replaced it with a \"one member, one vote\" system in 2014. He led his party into several elections, including the 2014 European Parliament election.", "Following Labour's defeat by the Conservative Party at the 2015 general election, Miliband resigned as leader on 8 May 2015. He was succeeded following a leadership election by Jeremy Corbyn. On 6 April 2020, Corbyn's successor Keir Starmer appointed Miliband Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, succeeding Rebecca Long-Bailey. He became Shadow Secretary of State for Climate Change and Net Zero in the November 2021 British shadow cabinet reshuffle.", "Early life and education", "Born in University College Hospital in Fitzrovia, London, Miliband is the younger son of immigrant parents. His mother, Marion Kozak, a human rights campaigner and early CND member, is a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust thanks to being protected by Catholic Poles. His father, Ralph Miliband, was a Belgian-born Polish Jewish Marxist academic whose father fled with him to England during the Second World War. The family lived on Edis Street in Primrose Hill, London", ". The family lived on Edis Street in Primrose Hill, London. His elder brother, David Miliband, still owns the house as of 2010.", "Ralph Miliband left his academic post at the London School of Economics in 1972 to take up a chair at the University of Leeds as a Professor of Politics. His family moved to Leeds with him in 1973; Miliband attended Featherbank Infant School in Horsforth between 1974 and 1977, during which time he became a fan of Leeds United.", "Owing to his father's later employment as a roving teacher, Miliband spent two spells living in Boston, Massachusetts, one year when he was seven and one middle school term when he was twelve. Miliband remembered his time in the US as some of his happiest, during which he became a fan of American culture, watching Dallas and following the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots.", "Between 1978 and 1981, Ed Miliband attended Primrose Hill Primary School, near Primrose Hill, in Camden and then from 1981 to 1989, Haverstock Comprehensive School in Chalk Farm. He learned to play the violin while at school, and as a teenager, he reviewed films and plays on LBC Radio's Young London programme as one of its fortnightly \"Three O'Clock Reviewers\". After completing his O-levels, he worked as an intern to family friend Tony Benn, the MP for Chesterfield.", "In 1989, Miliband gained four A Levels—in Mathematics (A), English (A), Further Mathematics (B) and Physics (B)—and then read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. In his first year, he was elected JCR President, leading a student campaign against a rise in rent charges. In his second year he dropped philosophy, and was awarded an upper second class Bachelor of Arts degree. He went on to graduate from the London School of Economics with a Master of Science in Economics.", "Early political career\n\nSpecial Adviser\nIn 1992, after graduating from the University of Oxford, Miliband began his working career in the media as a researcher to co-presenter Andrew Rawnsley in the Channel 4 show A Week in Politics. In 1993, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Harriet Harman approached Rawnsley to recruit Miliband as her policy researcher and speechwriter. At the time, Yvette Cooper also worked for Harman as part of Labour's Shadow Treasury team.", "In 1994, when Harriet Harman was moved by the newly elected Labour Leader Tony Blair to become Shadow Secretary of State for Employment, Miliband stayed on in the Shadow Treasury team and was promoted to work for Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown. In 1995, with encouragement from Gordon Brown, Miliband took time out from his job to study at the London School of Economics, where he obtained a master's degree in Economics", ". After Labour's 1997 landslide victory, Miliband was appointed as a special adviser to Chancellor Gordon Brown from 1997 to 2002.", "Harvard", "On 25 July 2002, it was announced that Miliband would take a 12-month unpaid sabbatical from HM Treasury to be a visiting scholar at the Center for European Studies of Harvard University for two semesters. He spent his time at Harvard teaching economics, and stayed there after September 2003 for an additional semester teaching a course titled \"What's Left? The Politics of Social Justice\"", ". During this time, he was granted \"access\" to Senator John Kerry and reported to Brown on the presidential hopeful's progress. After Miliband returned to the UK in January 2004 Gordon Brown appointed him Chairman of HM Treasury's Council of Economic Advisers as a replacement for Ed Balls, with specific responsibility for directing the UK's long-term economic planning.", "Parliament\n\nIn early 2005, Miliband resigned his advisory role to HM Treasury to stand for election. Kevin Hughes, then the Labour MP for Doncaster North, announced in February of that year that he would be standing down at the next election due to being diagnosed with motor neurone disease. Miliband applied for selection to be the candidate in the safe Labour seat and won, beating off a close challenge from Michael Dugher, then a SPAD to Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon.", "Gordon Brown visited Doncaster North during the general election campaign to support his former adviser. Miliband was elected on 5 May 2005, with 55.5% of the vote and a majority of 12,656. He made his maiden speech in the House of Commons on 23 May, responding to comments made by future Speaker John Bercow. In Tony Blair's frontbench reshuffle in May 2006, he was made Minister for the Third Sector, with responsibility for voluntary and charity organisations.\n\nCabinet", "Cabinet\n\nOn 28 June 2007, the day after Gordon Brown became Prime Minister, Miliband was sworn of the Privy Council and appointed Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, being promoted to the cabinet. This meant that he and his brother, Foreign Secretary David Miliband, became the first brothers to serve in a British cabinet since Edward and Oliver Stanley in 1938. He was additionally given the task of drafting Labour's manifesto for the 2010 general election.", "On 3 October 2008, Miliband was promoted to become Secretary of State for the newly created Department of Energy and Climate Change in a cabinet reshuffle. On 16 October, Miliband announced that the British government would legislate to oblige itself to cut greenhouse emissions by 80% by 2050, rather than the 60% cut in carbon dioxide emissions previously announced.", "In March 2009, while Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Miliband attended the UK premiere of climate change film The Age of Stupid, where he was ambushed by actor Pete Postlethwaite, who threatened to return his OBE and vote for any party other than Labour if the Kingsnorth coal-fired power station were to be given the go-ahead by the government", ". A month later, Miliband announced to the House of Commons a change to the government's policy on coal-fired power stations, saying that any potential new coal-fired power stations would be unable to receive government consent unless they could demonstrate that they would be able to effectively capture and bury 25% of the emissions they produce immediately, with a view to seeing that rise to 100% of emissions by 2025", ". This, a government source told the Guardian, effectively represented \"a complete rewrite of UK energy policy for the future\".", "Miliband represented the UK at the 2009 Copenhagen Summit, from which emerged a global commitment to provide an additional US$10 billion a year to fight the effects of climate change, with an additional $100 billion a year provided by 2020. The conference was not able to achieve a legally binding agreement. Miliband accused China of deliberately foiling attempts at a binding agreement; China explicitly denied this, accusing British politicians of engaging in a \"political scheme\".", "During the 2009 parliamentary expenses scandal, Miliband was named by the Daily Telegraph as one of the \"saints\" of the scandal, due to his claiming one of the lowest amounts of expenses in the House of Commons and submitting no claims that later had to be paid back.\n\nLeadership of the Labour Party\n\nLeadership election", "Following the formation of the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition government on 11 May 2010, Gordon Brown resigned as Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party with immediate effect. Deputy Leader Harriet Harman took over as Acting Leader and became Leader of the Opposition. On 14 May, Miliband announced that he would stand as a candidate in the forthcoming leadership election. He launched his campaign during a speech given at a Fabian Society conference and was nominated by 62 fellow Labour MPs", ". The other candidates were left-wing backbencher Diane Abbott, Shadow Education Secretary Ed Balls, Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham and Miliband's elder brother, Shadow Foreign Secretary David Miliband.", "On 23 May, former Labour leader Neil Kinnock announced that he would endorse Ed Miliband's campaign, saying that he had \"the capacity to inspire people\" and that he had \"strong values and the ability to 'lift' people\". Other senior Labour figures who backed the younger Miliband included Tony Benn and former deputy leaders Roy Hattersley and Margaret Beckett", ". By 9 June, the deadline for entry into the leadership election, Miliband had been nominated by just over 24% of the Parliamentary Labour Party, double the threshold. By September, Miliband had received the support of six trade unions, including both Unite and UNISON, 151 of 650 Constituency Labour Parties, three affiliated socialist societies, and half of Labour MEPs.", "Ed Miliband subsequently won the election, the result of which was announced on 25 September 2010, after second, third and fourth preferences votes were counted, achieving the support of 50.654% of the electoral college, defeating his brother by 1.3%. In the fourth and final stage of the redistribution of votes after three candidates had been eliminated, Ed Miliband led in the trade unions and affiliated organisations section of the electoral college (19.93% of the total to David's 13", ".93% of the total to David's 13.40%), but in both the MPs and MEPs section (15.52% to 17.81%), and Constituency Labour Party section (15.20% to 18.14%), came second. In the final round, Ed Miliband won with a total of 175,519 votes to David's 147,220 votes.", "Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition\n\nOn becoming Leader of the Labour Party on 25 September 2010, Miliband also became Leader of the Opposition. At 40, he was the youngest leader of the party ever. At his first Prime Minister's Questions on 13 October 2010, he raised questions about the government's announced removal of a non-means tested child benefit. In December, he appointed Tom Baldwin as his director of communications.", "During the 2011 military intervention in Libya, Miliband supported UK military action against Muammar Gaddafi. Miliband spoke at a large \"March for the Alternative\" rally held in London on 26 March 2011 to protest against cuts to public spending, though he was criticised by some for comparing it to the anti-apartheid and American civil rights movements.", "A June 2011 poll result from Ipsos MORI put Labour 2 percentage points ahead of the Conservatives, but Miliband's personal rating was low, being rated as less popular than Iain Duncan Smith at a similar stage in his leadership. The same organisation's polling did find that Miliband's personal ratings in his first full year of leadership were better than David Cameron's during his first full year as Conservative leader in 2006.", "In July 2011, following the revelation that the News of the World had paid private investigators to hack into the phones of Milly Dowler, as well as the families of murder victims and deceased servicemen, Miliband called for News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks to resign, urged David Cameron to establish a public, judge-led inquiry into the scandal, and announced that he would force a Commons vote on whether to block the News International bid for a controlling stake in BSkyB", ". He also called for the Press Complaints Commission to be abolished – a call later echoed by Cameron and Nick Clegg – and called into question Cameron's judgement in hiring former News of the World editor Andy Coulson to be his director of communications. Cameron later took the unusual step of saying that the government would back Miliband's motion that the BSkyB bid be dropped, and an hour before Miliband's motion was due to be debated, News International announced that it would withdraw the bid.", "Following the riots in England in August 2011, Miliband called for a public inquiry into the events, and insisted society had \"to avoid simplistic answers\". The call for an inquiry was rejected by David Cameron, prompting Miliband to say he would set up his own. In a BBC Radio 4 interview shortly after the riots, Miliband spoke of an irresponsibility that applied not only to the people involved in the riots, but \"wherever we find it in our society. We've seen in the past few years..", ". We've seen in the past few years...MPs' expenses, what happened in the banks\". Miliband also said Labour did not do enough to tackle moral problems during its 13 years in office. In December 2011 Miliband appointed Tim Livesey, a former adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to be his full-time chief of staff.", "In his first speech of 2012, Miliband said that if Labour won the 2015 general election times would be difficult economically, but Labour was still the only party capable of delivering \"fairness\". He also said he would tackle \"vested interests\", citing energy and rail companies", ". He also said he would tackle \"vested interests\", citing energy and rail companies. Following the announcement in late January 2012 that the chief executive officer of the nationalised Royal Bank of Scotland, Stephen Hester, would receive a bonus worth £950,000, Miliband called the amount \"disgraceful\", and urged David Cameron to act to prevent the bonus", ". Cameron refused, saying it was a matter for the RBS board, leading Miliband to announce that Labour would force a Commons vote on whether or not the government should block it. Hester announced that he would forego his bonus, and Miliband said Labour would carry on with a Commons vote regardless, focusing instead on the bonuses of other RBS executives", ". Following George Galloway's unexpected win in the March by-election in Bradford West, Miliband announced he would lead an inquiry into the result, saying that it \"could not be dismissed as a one-off\".", "In April 2012, in the midst of a debate about the nature of political party funding, Miliband called on David Cameron to institute a £5,000 cap on donations from individuals and organisations to political parties, after it had been suggested that the government favoured a cap of £50,000. On 14 July 2012, Miliband became the first Leader of the Labour Party to attend and address the Durham Miners' Gala in 23 years", ". In the same month, Miliband became the first British politician to be invited to France to meet the new French President, François Hollande.", "On 23 January 2013, Miliband stated that he was against holding a referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union because of the economic uncertainty that it would create. On 18 March 2013, Miliband reached a deal with both Cameron and Nick Clegg on new press regulation laws following the Leveson Inquiry, which he said \"satisfied the demands of protection for victims and freedom of the press\"", ". In August 2013, following the recall of Parliament to discuss an alleged chemical attack in Syria, Miliband announced that Labour would oppose any military intervention on the basis that there was insufficient evidence. David Cameron had been in favour of such action but lost the ensuing vote, making it the first time that a British prime minister had been prevented from instigating military action by parliament since 1956.", "At the Labour conference in September 2013, Miliband highlighted his party's stance on the NHS and announced if elected Labour would abolish the bedroom tax. The conference included several 'signature' policies, such as strengthening the minimum wage, freezing business rates, building 200,000 houses a year, lowering the voting age to 16, and the provision of childcare by primary schools between 8am and 6pm", ". The policy that attracted the most attention was the commitment to help tackle the 'cost-of-living crisis' by freezing gas and electricity prices until 2017 to give time to 'reset the market' in favour of consumers", ". In January 2014, Miliband extended the concept of reform to include the 'big five' banks, in addition to the 'big six' utility companies, and discussed the impact of the cost-of-living on the 'squeezed middle', saying \"the current cost-of-living crisis is not just about people on tax credits, zero-hour contracts and the minimum wage. It is about the millions of middle-class families who never dreamt that life would be such a struggle\".", "Throughout 2014, Miliband changed Labour's policy on immigration, partly in response to UKIP's performance in the European and local elections in May, and the close result in the Heywood and Middleton by-election in October. Miliband committed to increase funding for border checks, tackle exploitation and the undercutting of wages, require employers who recruit abroad to create apprenticeships, and ensure workers in public-facing roles have minimum standards of English", ". In November 2014, Labour announced plans to require new EU migrants wait two years before claiming benefits.", "Miliband campaigned in the Scottish independence referendum with the cross-party Better Together campaign, supporting Scotland's membership of the United Kingdom. Opinion polls showed solid leads for the 'no' campaign, with a 20 point-lead on 19 August. However, by the end of the month, the lead had fallen to just 6 points, with YouGov analysis showing a big shift in support among Labour supporters", ". Miliband made an unplanned visit to Lanarkshire to draw a contrast between a Labour and Conservative future for Scotland within the UK. A poll on 7 September showed a 2-point lead for the 'yes' campaign, leading to a joint commitment by Miliband, Cameron and Clegg for greater devolution to Scotland through a version of home rule. The results on 19 September showed victory for the 'no' campaign, 55.3% to 44.7%.", "The day after the referendum, Cameron raised the issue of 'English votes for English laws', with Miliband criticising the move as a simplistic solution to a complex problem, eventually coming out in favour for a constitutional convention to be held after the general election.", "The Labour party conference in Manchester on 21–24 September occurred days after the Scottish referendum result. Miliband's conference speech was criticised, particularly after he failed to deliver sections on the deficit and immigration, after attempting to deliver the speech without notes. At the conference, Miliband pledged to focus on six national goals for Britain until 2025, including boosting pay, apprenticeships and housing; a mansion tax and levy on tobacco companies to fund £2", ".5 billion a year 'time to care' fund for the NHS; a commitment to raise the minimum wage to £8 or more by 2020; and a promise to lower the voting age to 16 ready for elections in 2016.", "In February 2015, Labour pledged to reverse the privatisation of the railways by getting rid of the franchising system, after previously saying that they would allow the public sector to bid for franchises.\n\nShadow Cabinet", "The first election to the Shadow Cabinet that took place under Miliband's leadership was on 7 October 2010. Ending days of speculation, David Miliband announced that he would not seek election to the Shadow Cabinet on 29 September, the day nominations closed, saying he wanted to avoid \"constant comparison\" with his brother Ed. The three other defeated candidates for the Labour leadership all stood in the election, though Diane Abbott failed to win enough votes to gain a place", ". Following the election, Miliband unveiled his Shadow Cabinet on 8 October 2010. Among others, he appointed Alan Johnson as Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Yvette Cooper was chosen as Shadow Foreign Secretary, and both defeated Labour leadership candidates Ed Balls and Andy Burnham were given senior roles, becoming Shadow Home Secretary and Shadow Education Secretary respectively. Burnham was also given responsibility for overseeing Labour's election co-ordination.", "Sadiq Khan, who managed Miliband's successful leadership campaign, was appointed Shadow Justice Secretary and Shadow Lord Chancellor, and continuing Deputy Leader Harriet Harman continued to shadow Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, as well as being made Shadow International Development Secretary", ". Alan Johnson would later resign, stepping down for \"personal reasons\" on 20 January 2011, necessitating Miliband's first reshuffle, in which he made Balls Shadow Chancellor, Cooper Shadow Home Secretary and Douglas Alexander Shadow Foreign Secretary.", "On 24 June 2011, it was reported that Miliband was seeking to change the decades-old rule that Labour's Shadow Cabinet would be elected every two years, instead wanting to adopt a system where he alone had the authority to select its members. Miliband later confirmed the story, claiming that the rule represented \"a legacy of Labour's past in opposition\"", ". On 5 July, Labour MPs voted overwhelmingly by a margin of 196 to 41 to back the rule change, paving the way for NEC and conference approval, which was secured in September 2011. This made Miliband the first Labour leader to have the authority to pick his own Shadow Cabinet.", "`", "On 7 October 2011, Miliband reshuffled his Shadow Cabinet. John Denham, John Healey and Shaun Woodward announced that they were stepping down, while Meg Hillier, Ann McKechin and Baroness Scotland also left the Shadow Cabinet. Veteran MPs Tom Watson, Jon Trickett, Stephen Twigg and Vernon Coaker were promoted to the Shadow Cabinet, as were several of the 2010 intake, including Chuka Umunna, Margaret Curran and Rachel Reeves, with Liz Kendall and Michael Dugher given the right to attend Shadow Cabinet", ". Lord Wood and Emily Thornberry were also made Shadow Cabinet attendees.", "On 15 May 2012, Miliband appointed Owen Smith to replace Peter Hain – who retired from frontline politics – as Shadow Welsh Secretary, and also promoted Jon Cruddas to the Shadow Cabinet, putting him in charge of overseeing Labour's ongoing policy review with a view to draft Labour's manifesto for the next election. On 4 July 2013, Miliband effectively sacked Tom Watson from the Shadow Cabinet after allegations of corruption over the selection of a parliamentary candidate for Falkirk", ". Watson had offered his resignation, but when Miliband was asked by a journalist specifically whether he had sacked Watson, he replied, \"...I said it was right for him to go, yes.\"", "On 7 October 2013, Miliband reshuffled his Shadow Cabinet for the third time, saying that this would be the last reshuffle before the general election. In a move similar to his 2011 reshuffle, several MPs from the 2010 intake were promoted, while more long-serving MPs were moved. Tristram Hunt and Rachel Reeves received promotions, while Liam Byrne and Stephen Twigg were among those demoted.", "Miliband conducted a final mini-reshuffle ahead of the 2015 general election in November 2014, when Jim Murphy resigned as Shadow International Development Secretary to become Leader of the Scottish Labour Party.\n\nLocal and European elections", "Miliband's first electoral tests as Labour Leader came in the elections to the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and various councils across England, excluding London, on 5 May 2011. The results for Labour were described as a \"mixed bag\", with the party performing well in Wales – falling just one seat short of an overall majority and forming the next Welsh Government on its own – and making large gains from the Liberal Democrats in northern councils, including Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester.", "Results were less encouraging in the south of England, and results in Scotland were described as a \"disaster\", with Labour losing nine seats to the SNP, which went on to gain the Parliament's first ever majority. Miliband said that following the poor showings in Scotland \"lessons must still be learnt\".", "Miliband launched Labour's campaign for the 2012 local elections with a speech in Birmingham, accusing the coalition government of \"betrayal\", and claiming that it \"lacked the values\" that Britain needed. The Labour results were described as a success, with the party building on its performance the previous year in the north of England and Wales, consolidating its position in northern cities and winning control of places such as Cardiff and Swansea", ". Labour performed well in the Midlands and South of England, winning control of councils including Birmingham, Norwich, Plymouth and Southampton. Labour was less successful in Scotland than England and Wales, but retained control of Glasgow despite predictions it would not. Overall, Labour gained over 800 councillors and control of 22 councils.", "In April 2013, Miliband pledged ahead of the upcoming county elections that Labour would change planning laws to give local authorities greater authority to decide what shops can open in their high streets. He also said that Labour would introduce more strenuous laws relating to pay-day lenders and betting shops. Labour subsequently gained nearly 300 councillors, as well as control of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire County Councils.", "In May 2014, Miliband led Labour through the European Parliament elections, where the party increased its number of Members of the European Parliament from 13 to 20. Labour came second with 24.4% of the vote, finishing ahead of the Conservatives but behind the UKIP. This was the first time since the 1984 that the largest opposition party had failed to win the most seats in European elections", ". On the same day, Labour polled ahead of all other parties at the local elections, winning 31% of the vote and taking control of six additional councils.", "2015 general election and resignation", "On 30 March 2015, the Parliament of the United Kingdom dissolved and a general election was called for 7 May. Miliband began his campaign by launching a \"manifesto for business\", stating that only by voting Labour would the UK's position within the European Union be secure", ". Miliband subsequently unveiled five pledges at a rally in Birmingham which would form the focus of a future Labour government, specifically identifying policies on deficit reduction, living standards, the NHS, immigration controls and tuition fees. He included an additional pledge on housing and rent on 27 April. On 14 April, Labour launched its full manifesto, which Miliband said was fully funded and would require no additional borrowing. During this time an online campaign began known as Milifandom.", "Throughout the campaign for the 7 May elections, Miliband insisted that David Cameron should debate him one on one as part of a televised election broadcast in order to highlight differences in policies between the two major parties, but this was never to happen, with the pair instead being interviewed separately by Jeremy Paxman as part of the first major televised political broadcast of the election involving multiple parties.", "Despite opinion polls leading up to the general election predicting a tight result, Labour decisively lost the 7 May general election to the Conservatives. Although gaining 22 seats, Labour lost all but one of its MPs in Scotland and ended up with a net loss of 26 seats, failing to win a number of key marginal seats that it had expected to win comfortably. After being returned as MP for Doncaster North, Miliband stated that it had been a \"difficult and disappointing\" night for Labour", ". Following David Cameron's success in forming a majority government, Miliband resigned as Leader of the Labour Party on 8 May, with Harriet Harman becoming acting leader while a leadership election was initiated. Jeremy Corbyn succeeded Miliband as leader.", "Post-leadership\n\nBackbencher \nAs a backbencher, Miliband spoke about the need to tackle inequality and in favour of the Paris climate change agreement. In May 2016, he appeared on the BBC's Question Time, speaking in favour of Remain in the UK's EU referendum and he subsequently campaigned for a Remain vote.", "In the aftermath of the referendum result, Miliband said that, although he had supported Jeremy Corbyn since his election as leader, he had \"reluctantly reached the conclusion his position [was] untenable\", calling for Corbyn to step down in June 2016. In the ensuing contest, Miliband supported leadership challenger Owen Smith. Miliband later admitted that he was \"clearly wrong\" to call for Corbyn's resignation", ". Miliband later admitted that he was \"clearly wrong\" to call for Corbyn's resignation. In September 2016, Miliband joined the editorial board of The Political Quarterly journal, an unremunerated role.", "Renewing his previous stance on the issue in 2011, Miliband criticised Rupert Murdoch's bid to takeover telecommunications company Sky in December 2016, subsequently supporting an inquiry by Ofcom.\n\nMiliband held his seat at the 2019 general election with an extremely reduced majority. Following the election, it was announced that Miliband would sit on a panel of party figures to overview and investigate the electoral failure.", "Return to Shadow Cabinet \nOn 6 April 2020, Keir Starmer appointed Miliband to his new Shadow Cabinet, after winning the contest to become leader of the Labour Party two days before. Miliband assumed the role of Shadow Business Secretary in the new cabinet.\n\nIn September 2020, Miliband faced Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a debate on the UK Internal Market Bill, in a speech accusing him of \"legislative hooliganism\".", "On 27 October 2021, Miliband took Prime Minister's Questions after the October 2021 budget on behalf of Keir Starmer, who had contracted COVID-19.\n\nPolicies and views\n\nSelf-described views\nMiliband described himself as a new type of Labour politician, looking to move beyond the divisiveness of Blairism and Brownism, and calling for an end to the \"factionalism and psychodramas\" of Labour's past. He also repeatedly spoke of the need for a \"new politics\".", "During the Labour leadership campaign, he described himself as a socialist, and spoke out against some of the actions of the Blair ministry, including criticising its record on civil liberties and foreign policy. Though he was not yet an MP at the time of the 2003 vote, Miliband was a strong critic of the Iraq War. He backed UK military action and intervention in Afghanistan and Libya respectively.", "Miliband called for \"responsible capitalism\" when Google's Eric Schmidt commented on his corporation's non-payment of tax. He also supported making the UK's 50% top rate of tax permanent, as well as the institution of a new financial transaction tax, mutualising Northern Rock, putting limits on top salaries, scrapping tuition fees in favour of a graduate tax, implementing a living wage policy and the scrapping of the ID cards policy, and spoke in favour of a \"National Care Service\".", "Miliband worked closely with the think tank Policy Network on the concept of predistribution as a means to tackle what he described as 'the growing crisis in living standards'. His announcement that predistribution would become a cornerstone of the UK Labour Party's economic policy was jokingly mocked by Prime Minister David Cameron during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons.", "Though Labour remained officially neutral, he in a personal capacity supported the failed \"Yes to AV\" campaign in the Alternative Vote referendum on 5 May 2011, saying that it would benefit Britain's \"progressive majority\". In September 2011, Miliband stated that a future Labour Government would immediately cut the cap on tuition fees for university students from £9,000 per year to £6,000, though he also stated that he remained committed to a graduate tax in the long-run", ". Together with Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls, Miliband also promoted a \"five-point plan for jobs and growth\" aimed at helping the UK economy, involving extending the bonus tax on banks pioneered by Alistair Darling, bringing forward planned long-term investment to help reduce unemployment, cutting the rate of VAT from 20% back to 17.5%, cutting VAT on home improvements to 5% for a temporary one-year period, and instigating a one-year National Insurance break to encourage employers to hire more staff.", "Miliband also endorsed the Blue Labour trend in the Labour Party, founded by Maurice Glasman. This was seen to have influenced his 2011 conference speech, signalling \"predatory and productive capitalism\".", "Miliband is progressive in regard to issues of gender and sexuality. He publicly identifies as a feminist. In March 2012, Miliband pledged his support for same sex marriage. As he signed an 'equal marriage pledge', he said, \"I strongly agree gay and lesbian couples should have an equal right to marry and deserve the same recognition from the state and society as anyone else.\"", "In June 2014, while speaking to the Labour Friends of Israel, Miliband stated that if he became Prime Minister he would seek \"closer ties\" with Israel and opposed the boycott of Israeli goods, saying that he would \"resolutely oppose the isolation of Israel\" and that nobody in the Labour Party should question Israel's right to exist. He also stated that, as a Jew and a friend of Israel, he must criticise Israel when necessary, opposing the \"killing of innocent Palestinian civilians\"", ". Miliband criticised Israel for its conduct during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict.", "Since the end of his leadership of the Labour Party, Miliband has expressed regret for not having been \"radical enough\" in his manifesto, and has described himself as \"not following the normal route, which is to become more right wing as you get older\", but instead becoming \"more left wing\".\n\nOn 30 April 2019, Miliband joined Caroline Lucas and Laura Sandys in calling for a Green New Deal in the UK.\n\nComments on other politicians", "Comments on other politicians\n\nDuring his time as Labour leader, Miliband criticised the Conservative Leader and Prime Minister David Cameron for \"sacrificing everything on the altar of deficit reduction\", and has accused him of being guilty of practising \"old politics\", citing alleged broken promises on areas such as crime, policing, bank bonuses, and child benefit.", "Miliband was also particularly critical of former Liberal Democrat Leader and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg following the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition agreement, accusing him of \"betrayal\" and of \"selling-out\" his party's voters. In 2010, he stated that he would demand Clegg's resignation before any Labour–Liberal Democrat coalition under his leadership", ". In the 2011 Alternative Vote referendum campaign he refused to share a platform with Clegg, stating that he had become \"too toxic\" a brand and that he would harm the \"Yes to AV\" campaign. He shared platforms during the campaign with former Liberal Democrat Leaders Lord Ashdown and Charles Kennedy, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Simon Hughes, the Green Party Leader Caroline Lucas and Business Secretary Vince Cable, among others", ". As Labour leader, Miliband made speeches aimed at winning over disaffected Liberal Democrats, identifying a difference between \"The Orange Book\" Lib Dems, who were closer to the Conservatives, and Lib Dems on the centre-left, offering the latter a role in helping Labour's policy review at that time.", "Following the death of former Prime Minister and Conservative Leader Margaret Thatcher in 2013, Miliband spoke in a House of Commons sitting specially convened to pay tributes to her. He noted that, although he disagreed with a few of her policies, he respected \"what her death means to the many, many people who admired her\". He also said that Thatcher \"broke the mould\" in everything she had achieved in her life, and that she had had the ability to \"overcome every obstacle in her path\"", ". He had previously praised Thatcher shortly before the Labour Party Conference in September 2012 for creating an \"era of aspiration\" in the 1980s.", "Miliband has previously spoken positively of his brother David, praising his record as Foreign Secretary, and saying that \"his door was always open\" following David's decision not to stand for the Shadow Cabinet in 2010", ". Upon David's announcement in 2013 that he would resign as a Labour MP and move to New York to head the International Rescue Committee, Miliband said that British politics would be \"a poorer place\" without him, and that he thought David \"would once again make a contribution to British public life.\"", "When asked to choose the greatest British Prime Minister, Miliband answered with Labour's post-war Prime Minister and longest-serving Leader, Clement Attlee. He has also spoken positively of his two immediate predecessors as Labour leader, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, praising their leadership and records in government.", "Media portrayal", "Miliband was portrayed during Labour's 2015 election campaign as being genuine in his desire to improve the lives of working people and to display progression from New Labour, but was unable to defeat interpretations of him as being ineffectual, or even cartoonish in nature", ". Political illustrators perceived a resemblance to Wallace of the British animation Wallace and Gromit and greatly exaggerated this in caricatures; various images circulated in the press and online media of Miliband performing day-to-day activities such as eating a bacon sandwich, donating money to a beggar, and giving a kiss to his wife, all while displaying apparently awkward facial expressions", ". In a March 2015 Newsnight election debate, he was challenged by Jeremy Paxman as to whether or not he was 'tough enough' to be Prime Minister, responding, \"Hell yes, I'm tough enough\", in reference to his reluctance to support air strikes against extremist targets in Syria.", "Personal life\nMiliband is married to Justine Thornton, a High Court Judge. The couple met in 2002 and lived together in north London before becoming engaged in March 2010 and wed in May 2011. They have two sons, Daniel, born 2009, and Samuel, born 2010.", "Miliband is of Jewish heritage — the first ethnically Jewish leader of the Labour Party — and describes himself as a Jewish atheist. After marrying Thornton in a civil ceremony on 27 May 2011, he paid tribute to his Jewish heritage by following the tradition of breaking a glass. In 2012, Miliband wrote, \"Like many others from Holocaust families, I have a paradoxical relationship with this history. On one level I feel intimately connected with it – this happened to my parents and grandparents", ". On one level I feel intimately connected with it – this happened to my parents and grandparents. On another, it feels like a totally different world.\"", "Styles\nMr. Edward Samuel Miliband (1969–2005)\nMr. Edward Samuel Miliband MP (2005–2007)\nThe Right Honourable Edward Samuel Miliband MP (2007–present)\n\nOther works\n\nIn June 2017, Miliband guest-presented Jeremy Vine's BBC Radio 2 show.\n\nMiliband co-hosts a popular podcast, entitled Reasons to be Cheerful, with radio presenter Geoff Lloyd. In November 2017, Miliband and Lloyd appeared as joint guests on Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast.\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nSources", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nFurther reading\nHasan, Mehdi, Macintyre, James (2011) \"Ed: The Milibands and the making of a Labour leader\" Biteback,\n\nExternal links\n\nProfile at Labour.org.uk (archived)\n\nEd Miliband collected news and commentary at The Telegraph\n\n|-\n\n|-\n\n|-\n\n|-\n\n|-\n\n|-\n\n|-\n\n|-\n\n|-", "1969 births\nLiving people\nAlumni of Corpus Christi College, Oxford\nAlumni of the London School of Economics\nAtheist feminists\nBritish people of Belgian-Jewish descent\nBritish Secretaries of State\nChancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster\nEnglish atheists\nEnglish feminists\nEnglish people of Belgian descent\nEnglish people of Polish-Jewish descent\nEnglish socialists\nFellows of Corpus Christi College, Oxford\nJewish atheists\nJewish British politicians\nJewish feminists\nJewish socialists", "Jewish atheists\nJewish British politicians\nJewish feminists\nJewish socialists\nLabour Party (UK) MPs for English constituencies\nLeaders of the Labour Party (UK)\nMale feminists\nMembers of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom\nPeople from the London Borough of Camden\nPolitics of Doncaster\nEnglish socialist feminists\nUK MPs 2005–2010\nUK MPs 2010–2015\nUK MPs 2015–2017\nUK MPs 2017–2019\nUK MPs 2019–present\n20th-century atheists\n21st-century atheists" ]
Dassault Rafale
[ "The Dassault Rafale (, literally meaning \"gust of wind\", or \"burst of fire\" in a more military sense) is a French twin-engine, canard delta wing, multirole fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation. Equipped with a wide range of weapons, the Rafale is intended to perform air supremacy, interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, ground support, in-depth strike, anti-ship strike and nuclear deterrence missions. The Rafale is referred to as an \"omnirole\" aircraft by Dassault.", "In the late 1970s, the French Air Force and French Navy were seeking to replace and consolidate their existing fleets of aircraft. In order to reduce development costs and boost prospective sales, France entered into an arrangement with the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain to produce an agile multi-purpose \"Future European Fighter Aircraft\" (which would become the Eurofighter Typhoon). Subsequent disagreements over workshare and differing requirements led to France's pursuit of its own development programme", ". Dassault built a technology demonstrator which first flew in July 1986 as part of an eight-year flight-test programme, paving the way for the go-ahead of the project. The Rafale is distinct from other European fighters of its era in that it is almost entirely built by one country, involving most of France's major defence contractors, such as Dassault, Thales and Safran.", "Many of the aircraft's avionics and features, such as direct voice input, the RBE2 AA active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and the optronique secteur frontal infra-red search and track (IRST) sensor, were domestically developed and produced for the Rafale programme. Originally scheduled to enter service in 1996, the Rafale suffered significant delays due to post-Cold War budget cuts and changes in priorities", ". There are three main variants: Rafale C single-seat land-based version, Rafale B twin-seat land-based version, and Rafale M single-seat carrier-based version.", "Introduced in 2001, the Rafale is being produced for both the French Air Force and for carrier-based operations in the French Navy. The Rafale has been marketed for export to several countries, and was selected for purchase by the Egyptian Air Force, the Indian Air Force, the Qatar Air Force, the Hellenic Air Force, the Croatian Air Force, the Indonesian Air Force and the United Arab Emirates Air Force. The Rafale has been used in combat over Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria.\n\nDevelopment", "Background", "In the mid-1970s, the French Air Force (Armée de l'Air) and French Navy (Marine Nationale) had separate requirements for a new generation of fighters to replace those in or about to enter service. Because their requirements were similar, and to reduce cost, both services issued a common request for proposal. In 1975, the country's Ministry of Aviation initiated studies for a new aircraft to complement the upcoming and smaller Dassault Mirage 2000, with each aircraft optimized for differing roles.", "The Rafale aircraft development programme was the end product of efforts by various European countries for a common fighter aircraft. In 1979, Dassault-Breguet (later Dassault Aviation) joined the MBB/BAe \"European Collaborative Fighter\" project which was renamed the \"European Combat Aircraft\" (ECA). The company contributed the aerodynamic layout of a prospective twin-engine, single-seat fighter; however, the project collapsed in 1981 due to differing operational requirements of each partner country", ". In 1983, the \"Future European Fighter Aircraft\" (FEFA) programme was initiated, bringing together France, Italy, Spain, West Germany and the United Kingdom to jointly develop a new fighter, although the latter three had their own aircraft developments. French officials envisioned a lightweight, multirole aircraft that—in addition to fulfilling both air force and naval roles—it was believed, would be attractive on the export fighter market", ". This was in contrast to the British requirement for a heavy long-range interceptor. France also demanded a lead role, with the commensurate technical and industrial primacy, whereas the other countries were accepting of a more egalitarian programme structure.", "There was little common ground between France and the other members of this project, but by 1983, the five countries had agreed on a European Staff Target for a future fighter. Nevertheless, differences persisted, and so France withdrew from the multilateral talks in July 1985 to preserve the technological independence of its fighter aircraft industry. West Germany, the UK and Italy opted out and established a new European Fighter Aircraft (EFA) programme", ". In Turin, on 2 August 1985, West Germany, the UK and Italy agreed to go ahead with the EFA, and confirmed that France, along with Spain, had chosen not to proceed as a member of the project. Despite pressure from France, Spain rejoined the EFA project in early September 1985. The four-nation project eventually resulted in the Eurofighter Typhoon's development.", "In France, the government proceeded with its own programme. The Ministry of Defence required an aircraft capable of air-to-air and air-to-ground, all-day and adverse weather operations. As France was the sole developer of the Rafale's airframe, avionics, propulsion system and armament, the resultant aircraft was to replace a multitude of aircraft in the French Armed Forces", ". The Rafale would perform roles previously filled by an assortment of specialised platforms, including the Jaguar, Mirage F1C/CR/CT, Mirage 2000C/-5/N in the French Air Force, and the F-8P Crusader, Étendard IVP/M and Super Étendard in French Naval Aviation.", "Demonstration", "At the same time as the multinational talks were occurring, Dassault-Breguet had been busy designing its Avion de Combat Experimental (ACX). During late 1978, prior to France's joining of the ECA, Dassault received contracts for the development of project ACT 92 (Avion de Combat Tactique, meaning \"Tactical Combat Airplane\"). The following year, the National Office for Aviation Studies and Research began studying the possible configurations of the new fighter under the codename Rapace (\"Bird of Prey\")", ". By March 1980, the number of configurations had been narrowed down to four, two of which had a combination of canards, delta wings and a single vertical tail-fin. The ACX project was given political impetus when the French government awarded a contract for two (later reduced to one) technology demonstrator aircraft on 13 April 1983. The government and industry would each provide half of the development cost, with first flight to take place in 1986", ". At the time, there was no guarantee that the effort would result in a full-scale development programme, and the aircraft remained a purely \"proof-of concept\" test vehicle. In an effort to harmonize design specifics with the requirements of other countries while collaboration talks were being held, Dassault sized the ACX aircraft in the 9.5 tonne range. After France decided to pull out of the multilateral talks, designers focused on a more compact size, as specified by the Air Force", ". The ACX programmed was renamed Rafale (\"squall\") in April 1985.", "Construction of the Rafale A (ACX) technology demonstrator started in 1984. It had a length of , a wingspan of , and a empty weight. The austere aircraft lacked in major subsystems, and had the minimal cockpit systems and a fly-by-wire flight control system for the validation of the design's basic airframe-engine layout", ". The company desired to use the Rafale A to continue the company approach of risk reduction through incremental improvement and to test the aerodynamically unstable delta wing-canard configuration. The aircraft was Dassault's 92nd prototype in 40 years. At the time of its construction, the aircraft had two General Electric F404 engines that were then in service with the F/A-18 Hornet, pending the availability of the Snecma M88 turbofan engines", ". It was rolled out in December 1985 at Saint-Cloud, and on 4 July 1986, made its first flight from the company's Istres test facility in southern France, piloted by Guy Mitaux-Maurouard. During the one-hour flight, the aircraft reached an altitude of and a speed of Mach 1.3. The aircraft participated in the Farnborough air show the following month.", "The aircraft participated in an intensive flight test programme that saw it simulate air force and naval operations. The test vehicle flew approaches to the carrier , and also tested for coordination with . By 1987, the aircraft had been flown by Air Force, Navy and CEV test pilots. Its port-side F404 engine was replaced with the M88 in early 1990, and the aircraft flew under the updated powerplant configuration in May 1990. The aircraft thereafter attained a speed of Mach 1", ". The aircraft thereafter attained a speed of Mach 1.4 without the use of engine reheat, thereby demonstrating supercruise. The Rafale A was used until January 1994, and was retired after 867 sorties.", "The early successful demonstration programme increased French industry and government confidence in the viability of a full-scale development programme for the Rafale. In June 1987, French prime minister Jacques Chirac declared that the government would proceed with the project. A contract for four pre-production aircraft (one Rafale C, two Rafale Ms and one Rafale B) was awarded on 21 April 1988 for a test and validation programme", ". There was nevertheless government uncertainty in the programme, as it was expected to cost some Ffr120 billion (1988 francs) in total development and procurement costs. Prime minister Michel Rocard was concerned about the state of the project and the failure of the previous government to secure cooperation with other countries, but stated that, \"It is inconceivable that we should not be able to build the weapons necessary for our independence\"", ". France had earlier entered unsuccessful talks with Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway, about the possible collaboration on the project.", "Testing", "To meet the various roles expected of the new aircraft, the Air Force required two variants: the single-seat Rafale C (chasseur, meaning \"fighter\") and the Rafale B (biplace, \"two-seater\"). Its first flight on 19 May 1991 occurred at the company's test facility in Istres. This signalled the start of a test programme which primarily aimed to test the M88-2 engines, man-machine interface and weapons, and expand the flight envelope", ". Due to budgetary constraints, the second single-seat prototype was never built. The aircraft differed significantly from the Rafale A demonstrator. Although superficially similar to the heavier test vehicle, the aircraft was smaller, with a length of and a wingspan of . Its was less detectable by radar due to the canopy being gold-plated and the addition of radar-absorbent materials; Dassault had also removed the dedicated airbrake", ". The sole Rafale B two-seat preproduction aircraft, B01, made its first flight on 30 April 1993, and served as a platform for testing of weapons and fire-control systems, including the RBE2 radar and the SPECTRA electronic warfare suite.", "The first of two Rafale M (maritime, \"naval\") prototypes, M01, made its maiden flight on 12 December 1991, followed by the second on 8 November 1993. These aircraft differed from the air force variants in having reinforced structure to allow the aircraft to operate aboard ships, and provision for a tail hook and an in-built ladder, which increased the weight of the Rafale M by over other production variants", ". Since France has no land-based catapult test facility, catapult trials were carried out in mid-1992 and early 1993 at the United States Navy facility at NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey. The aircraft then carried out shipboard trials aboard Foch in April 1993. The aircraft conducted landings and launches from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in July 1999. Testing showed that the aircraft had the ability to land with significant loads of unexpended ordnance.", "Production", "The Rafale B was initially expected to be just a trainer, but the Gulf War showed that a second crew member was invaluable on strike and reconnaissance missions. The Air Force therefore switched its preferences towards the two-seater, and planned that the variant would constitute 60 percent of the Rafale fleet. The service originally planned to order 250 Rafales, later reduced to 234 aircraft, 95 \"C\" and 139 \"B\" models\", and then to 212 aircraft", ". The Navy originally planned to order 86 Rafales, which was reduced to 60 by to budget cuts, 25 M single-seaters and 35 two-seat Ns. The two-seater was later cancelled.", "The ACX and subsequent production Rafale was designed in a \"virtual\" format. Dassault used the experience and technical expertise of its sister company Dassault Systèmes, which had invented the CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) system, a three-dimensional computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) software suite that became standard across the industry", ". CATIA enabled digitization and efficiency improvements throughout the programme, as it implemented recently developed processes such as digital mockup and product data management (PDM). Engineers worked directly with computers in generating 3D models of the aircraft, and took advantage of the design software in facilitating machine-tool preparation. The system consisted of 15GB databases of each of the Rafale's components, assisting with various aspects of the design, manufacture and through-life support", ". The computer-aided arrangement also simplified routine maintenance.", "Production of the first aircraft series formally started in December 1992, but was suspended in November 1995 due to political and economic uncertainty, and resumed in January 1997 after the Ministry of Defence and Dassault agreed on a 48-aircraft (28 firm and 20 options) production run with delivery between 2002 and 2007. A further order of 59 F3 Rafales was announced in December 2004", ". A further order of 59 F3 Rafales was announced in December 2004. In November 2009 the French government ordered an additional 60 aircraft to take the total order for the French Air Force and Navy to 180.", "The Rafale is manufactured almost entirely in France, except for some imported non-sensitive components. Different components are produced in various plants across the country, including the fuselage in Paris, wings in Martignas, and fins in Biarritz, with final assembly taking place in Merignac near Bordeaux. Dassault carries out 60% of the work, its partner Thales 25%, and its other partner Safran 15%", ". Dassault carries out 60% of the work, its partner Thales 25%, and its other partner Safran 15%. The three companies rely on a network of 500 subcontractors, many of which are small and medium enterprises, providing work for 7,000 direct and indirect employees. , each fighter took 24 months to manufacture, with an annual production rate of eleven aircraft.", "The Rafale was originally planned to enter service in 1995. The aircraft's development proceeded on time, on budget, and without major difficulties. However, the project needed to compete with other defense acquisition programmes for a dwindling national defense budget. This occurred in a political environment in which the chief security threat, the Soviet Union, no longer existed", ". The French government consequently reduced Rafale orders, which Dassault and other companies involved claimed impeded production management and led to higher costs, and delayed the entry of the aircraft into service. At one stage, French naval authorities investigated the possibility of acquiring used F/A-18s to replace the obsolete F-8 for its carriers, but the French government intended an all-Rafale fleet, and did not go ahead with the plan", ". Deliveries of the Rafale M were subsequently given a high priority to replace the Navy's aged F-8 fighters. In the words of a naval official, \"Although we lost the battle for the F/A-18s, I guess you could say that we had at least some success by 'persuading' the government to give us initial delivery priority\". The first production Rafale B took its first flight on 24 November 1998, followed by the first Rafale M for the French Navy on 7 July 1999.", "Upgrades and replacement", "The Rafale has been designed with an open software architecture that facilitates straightforward upgrades. Dassault and its industry partners have therefore undertaken continuous tests and development primarily aimed at progressively improving the aircraft's sensors and avionics, and to allow additional armament integration. In 2011, upgrades under consideration included a software radio and satellite link, a new laser-targeting pod, smaller bombs and enhancements to the aircraft's data-fusion capacity", ". In July 2012, fleetwide upgrades of the Rafale's battlefield communications and interoperability capabilities commenced.", "At one stage, French officials were reportedly considering equipping the Rafale to launch miniaturised satellites.\n\nIn January 2014, the defence ministry announced that funds had been allocated towards the development of the F3R standard. The standard includes the integration of the Meteor BVR missile, among other weapons and software updates. The standard was validated in 2018.", "Development work started on the F4 standard in 2019. The design received radar and sensor upgrades that facilitate the detection of airborne stealth targets at long range, as well as improved capabilities in the helmet-mounted display. With improved communications equipment, it is also more effective in network-centric warfare. Flight tests were conducted starting in 2021 and the first F4-standard aircraft was delivered in 2023", ". Previous aircraft will be upgraded to the standard, with a further 30 aircraft to be ordered in 2023.", "The total programme cost, as of FY2013, was around €45.9 billion, which translated to a unit programme cost of approximately €160.5 million. This figure takes in account improved hardware of the F3 standard, and which includes development costs over a period of 40 years, including inflation. The unit flyaway price was €101.1 million for the F3+ version.", "The Rafale is planned to be the French Air and Space Force's primary combat aircraft until at least 2040. In 2018, Dassault announced the successor to the Rafale as the New Generation Fighter. This fighter aircraft, under development by Dassault Aviation and Airbus Defence and Space, is to replace France's Rafale, Germany's Eurofighter Typhoon, and Spain's F/A-18 Hornet in the 2030–2040 timeframe.\n\nDesign", "Overview", "The Rafale was developed as a modern jet fighter with a very high level of agility; Dassault chose to combine a delta wing with active close-coupled canard to maximize manoeuvrability. The aircraft is capable of withstanding from −3.6g to 9g (10.5g on Rafale solo display and a maximum of 11g can be reached in case of emergency). The Rafale is an aerodynamically unstable aircraft and uses digital fly-by-wire flight controls to artificially enforce and maintain stability", ". The aircraft's canards also act to reduce the minimum landing speed to ; while in flight, airspeeds as low as have been observed during training missions. According to simulations by Dassault, the Rafale has sufficient low speed performance to operate from STOBAR-configured aircraft carriers, and can take off using a ski-jump with no modifications.", "The Rafale M features a greatly reinforced undercarriage to cope with the additional stresses of naval landings, an arrestor hook, and \"jump strut\" nosewheel, which only extends during short takeoffs, including catapult launches. It also features a built-in ladder, carrier-based microwave landing system, and the new fin-tip Telemir system for syncing the inertial navigation system to external equipment. Altogether, the naval modifications of the Rafale M increase its weight by compared to other variants", ". The Rafale M retains about 95 percent commonality with Air Force variants including, although unusual for carrier-based aircraft, being unable to fold its multi-spar wings to reduce storage space. The size constraints were offset by the introduction of , France's first nuclear-powered carrier, which was considerably larger than previous carriers, Foch and Clemenceau.", "Although not a full-aspect stealth aircraft, the cost of which was viewed as unacceptably excessive, the Rafale was designed for a reduced radar cross-section (RCS) and infrared signature", ". In order to reduce the RCS, changes from the initial technology demonstrator include a reduction in the size of the tail-fin, fuselage reshaping, repositioning of the engine air inlets underneath the aircraft's wing, and the extensive use of composite materials and serrated patterns for the construction of the trailing edges of the wings and canards. Seventy percent of the Rafale's surface area is composite. Many of the features designed to reduce the Rafale's visibility to threats remain classified.", "Cockpit\nThe Rafale's glass cockpit was designed around the principle of data fusion—a central computer selects and prioritises information to display to pilots for simpler command and control.", "For displaying information gathered from a range of sensors across the aircraft, the cockpit features a wide-angle holographic head-up display (HUD) system, two head-down flat-panel colour multi-function displays (MFDs) as well as a central collimated display. These displays have been strategically placed to minimise pilot distraction from the external environment. Some displays feature a touch interface for ease of human–computer interaction (HCI)", ". Some displays feature a touch interface for ease of human–computer interaction (HCI). A head-mounted display (HMD) remains to be integrated to take full advantage of its MICA missiles. The cockpit is fully compatible with night vision goggles (NVG). The primary flight controls are arranged in a hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS)-compatible configuration, with a right-handed side-stick controller and a left-handed throttle", ". The seat is inclined rearwards at an angle of 29° to improve g-force tolerance during manoeuvring and to provide a less restricted external pilot view.", "Great emphasis has been placed on pilot workload minimisation across all operations. Among the features of the highly digitised cockpit is an integrated direct voice input (DVI) system, allowing a range of aircraft functions to be controlled by spoken voice commands, simplifying the pilot's access to many of the controls. Developed by Crouzet, the DVI is capable of managing radio communications and countermeasures systems, the selection of armament and radar modes, and controlling navigational functions", ". For safety reasons, DVI is deliberately not employed for safety-critical elements of the aircraft's operation, such as the final release of weapons.", "In the area of life support, the Rafale is fitted with a Martin-Baker Mark 16F \"zero-zero\" ejection seat, capable of operation at zero speed and zero altitude. An on-board oxygen generating system, developed by Air Liquide, eliminates the need to carry bulky oxygen canisters. The Rafale's flight computer has been programmed to counteract pilot disorientation and to employ automatic recovery of the aircraft during negative flight conditions", ". The auto-pilot and autothrottle controls are also integrated, and are activated by switches located on the primary flight controls. An intelligent flight suit worn by the pilot is automatically controlled by the aircraft to counteract in response to calculated g-forces.", "Avionics and equipment", "The Rafale core avionics systems employ an integrated modular avionics (IMA), called MDPU (modular data processing unit). This architecture hosts all the main aircraft functions such as the flight management system, data fusion, fire control, and the man-machine interface. The total value of the radar, electronic communications and self-protection equipment is about 30 percent of the cost of the entire aircraft", ". The IMA has since been installed upon several upgraded Mirage 2000 fighters, and incorporated into the civilian airliner, the Airbus A380. According to Dassault, the IMA greatly assists combat operations via data fusion, the continuous integration and analysis of the various sensor systems throughout the aircraft, and has been designed for the incorporation of new systems and avionics throughout the Rafale's service life.", "The Rafale features an integrated defensive-aids system named SPECTRA, which protects the aircraft against airborne and ground threats, developed as a joint venture between Thales and MBDA. Various methods of detection, jamming, and decoying have been incorporated, and the system has been designed to be highly reprogrammable for addressing new threats and incorporating additional sub-systems in the future", ". Operations over Libya were greatly assisted by SPECTRA, allowing Rafales to perform missions independently from the support of dedicated Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (SEAD) platforms.", "The Rafale's ground attack capability is heavily reliant upon sensory targeting pods, such as Thales Optronics's Reco New Generation/Areos reconnaissance pod and Damocles electro-optical/laser designation pod. Together, these systems provide targeting information, enable tactical reconnaissance missions, and are integrated with the Rafale's IMA architecture to provide analysed data feeds to friendly units and ground stations, as well as to the pilot", ". Damocles provides targeting information to the various armaments carried by the Rafale and is directly integrated with the Rafale's VHF/UHF secure radio to communicate target information with other aircraft. It also performs other key functions such as aerial optical surveillance and is integrated with the navigation system as a FLIR.", "The Damocles designation pod was described as \"lacking competitiveness\" when compared to rivals such as the Sniper and LITENING pods; so work began on an upgraded pod, designated Damocles XF, with additional sensors and added ability to transmit live video feeds. A new Thales targeting pod, the Talios, was officially unveiled at the 2014 Farnborough Air Show and is expected to be integrated on the Rafale by 2018", ". Thales' Areos reconnaissance pod is an all-weather, night-and-day-capable reconnaissance system employed on the Rafale, and provides a significantly improved reconnaissance capability over preceding platforms. Areos has been designed to perform reconnaissance under various mission profiles and condition, using multiple day/night sensors and its own independent communications datalinks.", "Radar and sensors", "The Rafale was first outfitted with the Thales RBE2 passive electronically scanned multi-mode radar. Thales claims to have achieved increased levels of situational awareness as compared to earlier aircraft through the earlier detection and tracking of multiple air targets for close combat and long-range interception, as well as real-time generation of three-dimensional maps for terrain-following and the real-time generation of high resolution ground maps for navigation and targeting", ". In early 1994, it was reported that technical difficulties with the radar had delayed the Rafale's development by six months. In September 2006, Flight International reported the Rafale's unit cost had significantly increased due to additional development work to improve the RBE2's detection range.", "The RBE2 AA active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar now replaces the previous passively scanned RBE2. The RBE2 AA is reported to deliver a greater detection range of 200 km, improved reliability and reduced maintenance demands over the preceding radar. A Rafale demonstrator began test flights in 2002 and has totaled 100 flight hours . By December 2009, production of the pre-series RBE2 AA radars was underway", ". By December 2009, production of the pre-series RBE2 AA radars was underway. In early October 2012, the first Rafale equipped with an RBE2 AA radar arrived at Mont-de-Marsan Air Base for operational service (the development was described by Thales and Dassault as \"on time and on budget\"). By early 2014, the first Air Force front-line squadron were supposed to receive Rafales equipped with the AESA radar, following the French Navy which was slated to receive AESA-equipped Rafales starting in 2013.", "To enable the Rafale to perform in the air supremacy role, it includes several passive sensor systems. The front-sector electro-optical system or Optronique Secteur Frontal (OSF), developed by Thales, is completely integrated within the aircraft and can operate both in the visible and infrared wavelengths", ". The OSF enables the deployment of infrared missiles such as the MICA at beyond visual range distances; it can also be used for detecting and identifying airborne targets, as well as those on the ground and at sea. Dassault describes the OSF as being immune to jamming and capable of providing covert long-range surveillance. In 2012, an improved version of the OSF was deployed operationally.", "Armament and standards", "Initial deliveries of the Rafale M were to the F1 (\"France 1\") standard, which were equipped for the air-to-air interceptor combat duties, but lacked any armament for air-to-ground operations. The F1 standard became operational in 2004. Later deliveries were to the \"F2\" standard, which added the capability for conducting air-to-ground operations; the first F2 standard Rafale M was delivered to the French Navy in May 2006", ". Starting in 2008 onwards, Rafale deliveries have been to the nuclear-capable F3 standard that also added reconnaissance with the Areos reconnaissance pod, and it has been reported that all aircraft built to the earlier F1 and F2 standards are to be upgraded to become F3s.", "F3 standard Rafales are capable of undertaking many different mission roles with a range of equipment, namely air defence/superiority missions with Mica IR and EM air-to-air missiles, and precision ground attacks typically using SCALP EG cruise missiles and AASM Hammer air-to-surface missiles. In addition, anti-shipping missions could be carried out using the AM39 Exocet sea skimming missile, while reconnaissance flights would use a combination of onboard and external pod-based sensor equipment", ". Furthermore, the aircraft could conduct nuclear strikes when armed with ASMP-A missiles. In 2010, France ordered 200 MBDA Meteor beyond-visual-range missiles which greatly increases the distance at which the Rafale can engage aerial targets.", "The F4 standard program was launched on 20 March 2017 by the French ministry of defence. The first F4.1 standard test aircraft was delivered in March 2023.", "For compatibility with armaments of varying types and origins, the Rafale's onboard store management system is compliant with MIL-STD-1760, an electrical interface between an aircraft and its carriage stores, thereby simplifying the incorporation of many of their existing weapons and equipment", ". The Rafale is typically outfitted with 14 hardpoints (only 13 on Rafale M version), five of which are suitable for heavy armament or equipment such as auxiliary fuel tanks, and has a maximum external load capacity of nine tons. In addition to the above equipment, the Rafale carries the 30 mm GIAT 30 revolver cannon and can be outfitted with a range of laser-guided bombs and ground-attack munitions", ". According to Dassault, the Rafale's onboard mission systems enable ground attack and air-to-air combat operations to be carried out within a single sortie, with many functions capable of simultaneous execution in conjunction with another, increasing survivability and versatility.", "Engines\n\nThe Rafale is fitted with two Snecma M88 engines, each capable of providing up to of dry thrust and with afterburners. The engines feature several advances, including a non-polluting combustion chamber, single-crystal turbine blades, powder metallurgy disks, and technology to reduce radar and infrared signatures. The M88 enables the Rafale to supercruise while carrying four missiles and one drop tank.", "Qualification of the M88-2 engine ended in 1996 and the first production engine was delivered by the end of the year. Due to delays in engine production, the Rafale A demonstrator was initially powered by the General Electric F404 engine. In May 2010, a Rafale flew for the first time with the M88-4E engine, an upgraded variant with lower maintenance requirements than the preceding M88-2", ". The engine is of a modular design for ease of construction and maintenance and to enable older engines to be retrofitted with improved subsections upon availability, such as existing M88-2s being upgraded to M88-4E standard. There has been interest in more powerful M88 engines by potential export customers, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE). , a thrust vectoring variant of the engine designated as M88-3D was also under development.", "Operational history\n\nFrance\n\nFrench Naval Aviation", "In December 2000, the French Naval Aviation (Aéronavale), the air arm of the French Navy, received its first two Rafale M fighters. On 18 May the following year, the squadron Flottille 12F, which had previously operated the F-8 Crusader, became the first squadron to operate the Rafale after it was officially re-activated prior to the delivery of the sixth Rafale. Flottille 12F immediately participated in Trident d'Or aboard the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle with warships from ten other nations", ". During the maritime exercise, the Navy tested the Rafale's avionics during simulated interceptions with various foreign aircraft, in addition to carrier take-offs and landings. After almost four years of training, the Rafale M was declared operational with the French Navy in June 2004.", "The Rafale M is fully compatible with US Navy aircraft carriers and some French Navy pilots have qualified to fly the aircraft from US Navy flight decks. On 4 June 2010, during an exercise on , a French Rafale became the first jet fighter of a foreign navy to have its engine replaced on board an American aircraft carrier.", "In 2002, the Rafales were first deployed to a combat zone; seven Rafale Ms embarked aboard Charles de Gaulle of the French Navy during \"Mission Héraclès\", the French participation in \"Operation Enduring Freedom\". They flew from the aircraft carrier over Afghanistan, but the F1 standard precluded air-to-ground missions and the Rafale did not see any action. In March 2002, the aircraft carrier was stationed in the Gulf of Oman, where its complement of Rafales undertook training operations", ". In June 2002, while Charles de Gaulle was in the Arabian Sea, Rafales conducted several patrols near the India-Pakistan border.", "In 2016, Rafales operating from Charles de Gaulle struck targets associated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (IS).", "In December 2015, American and French military officials reportedly discussed the possibility of French naval Rafale Ms flying combat missions from a US Navy as soon as January 2017. This would enable continued French Navy operations against ISIL while Charles de Gaulle undergoes its year-and-a-half-long major refit, scheduled to begin in early 2017. Although Rafales have launched and landed on U.S", ". Although Rafales have launched and landed on U.S. carriers to demonstrate interoperability, it would be the first time they would fly combat missions from one. As many as 18 Rafale Ms could be deployed on a carrier, although some room would have to be made for French Navy support crews familiar with maintaining the Rafale, as well as for spare parts and munitions", ". Operation Chesapeake, a test of this interoperability, was conducted in May 2018, when 12 Rafales of Flottilles 11F, 12F, and 17F, along with nearly 350 support personnel embarked aboard USS George H.W. Bush for two weeks of carrier qualifications and exercises after conducting a month of shore based training at Naval Air Station Oceana.", "French Air and Space Force", "In April 2005, the Air Force received its first three F2 standard Rafale Bs at the Centre d'Expériences Aériennes Militaires (CEAM, i.e. the Military Air Experiment Centre) at Mont-de-Marsan, where they were tasked to undertake operational evaluation and pilot conversion training", ". By this time, it was expected that Escadron de Chasse (Fighter Squadron) 1/7 at Saint-Dizier would receive a nucleus of 8–10 Rafale F2s during the summer of 2006, in preparation for full operational service (with robust air-to-air and stand off air-to-ground precision attack capabilities) starting from mid-2007 (when EC 1/7 would have about 20 aircraft, 15 two-seaters and five single-seaters).", "In 2007, a \"crash program\" upgrade on six Rafales enabled the use of laser-guided bombs in readiness for action in Afghanistan. Three of these aircraft of the Air Force were deployed to Dushanbe in Tajikistan, while the three others were Rafale Marine of the Navy on board Charles De Gaulle. The first mission occurred on 12 March 2007, and the first GBU-12 was launched on 28 March in support of embattled Dutch troops in Southern Afghanistan, marking the operational début of the Rafale", ". Between January 2009 and December 2011, a minimum of three Rafales were stationed at Kandahar International Airport to conduct operations in support of NATO ground forces.", "On 19 March 2011, French Rafales began conducting reconnaissance and strike missions over Libya in Opération Harmattan, in support of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973; initial targets were artillery pieces laying siege around the rebel city of Benghazi. The Rafale could operate in Libya without the support of SEAD aircraft, using the onboard SPECTRA self-defence system instead", ". On 24 March 2011, it was reported that a Rafale had destroyed a Libyan Air Force G-2/Galeb light attack/trainer aircraft on the runway. During the deployment, Rafale destroyed multiple SAM systems of Libyan military using its geolocation feature and with a mix of different ammunition. Unlike other allied aircraft, the Rafale did not require any dedicated EW/EA aircraft for escort.", "Rafales typically conducted six-hour sorties over Libyan airspace, armed with four MICA air-to-air missiles, four or six AASM \"Hammer\" bombs, a Thales Damoclès targeting pod and two drop tanks. Each sortie needed multiple aerial refuelling operations from coalition tanker aircraft. The AASM precision-guidance weapon system allowed the Rafale to conduct high-altitude bombing missions using bombs weighing between", ". Reportedly, Rafale crews preferred to use GPS-guided munitions with greater reliability and range. SCALP weapons were deployed on only one or two sorties, such as against a Libyan airbase at Al-Jufra. In 2011, aviation journalist Craig Hoyle speculated that the Rafale's Libyan performance is likely to impact export sales, noting that the Rafale had maintained a high operational rate throughout", ". Hoyle also noted that the conflict had led to several urgent operational requirements, including a lighter ground-attack munition and AASM modifications for close air support.", "In January 2013, the Rafale took part in \"Opération Serval\", the French military intervention in support to the government of Mali against the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa. The first mission was carried out on 13 January, when four Rafales took off from an airbase in France to strike rebel training camps, depots and facilities in the city of Gao in eastern Mali", ". Subsequent airstrikes in the following days by Rafale and Mirage fighters were reportedly instrumental in the withdrawal of Islamist militant forces from Timbuktu and Douentza. Both Rafale and Mirage 2000D aircraft used in the conflict have been based outside of North Africa, making use of aerial refuelling tanker aircraft to fly long range sorties across Algerian airspace and into Mali.", "In August 2013, it was proposed that France may halve the number of Rafales to be delivered over the next six years for a total of 26 aircraft to be delivered during this period; foreign export procurements have been viewed as critical to maintain production under this proposal. While production would be slowed, France would still receive the same number of Rafales overall.", "In September 2014, Rafales started reconnaissance missions over Iraq for Opération Chammal, France's contribution to the international effort to combat IS militants. Six Rafales were initially tasked with identifying IS positions in support of US airstrikes, flying from Al Dhafra Air Base, UAE. On 18 September, Rafales joined American attack operations, launching four strikes near the Northern Iraqi town of Zummar that destroyed a logistics depot and killed dozens of IS fighters", ". In April 2018, during the Syrian Civil War, five Rafale Bs from the Escadron de Chasse 1/4 Gascogne participated in the 2018 missile strikes against Syria. Each was loaded with two SCALP EG missiles.", "Egypt\nIn November 2014, Egypt was reportedly in negotiations with France to purchase 24 to 36 Rafales, subject to a financing agreement. By February 2015, the two countries were negotiating a loan from France's export credit agency to reach an export agreement for up to 24 Rafales. Egypt aimed for the deal's quick completion as to have them on display at the inauguration of the Suez Canal expansion in August 2015.", "On 16 February 2015, Egypt became the Rafale's first international customer when it officially ordered 24 Rafales, as part of a larger deal, including a FREMM multipurpose frigate and missiles, worth US$5.9 billion (€5.2 billion). The order comprised 8 single-seat models and 16 two-seaters. In July 2015, a ceremony marking Egypt's acceptance of its first three Rafales, was held at Dassault's flight test center in Istres. In January 2016, Egypt received three more Rafales", ". In January 2016, Egypt received three more Rafales. All six aircraft are two-seat models (Rafale DM) diverted from French Air Force deliveries. Egypt received the third batch of three Rafales flown by Egyptian pilots from France in April 2017; this was included the first single-seat model (Rafale EM) to be delivered to the Egyptian Air Force. Egypt took delivery of the fourth batch of two Rafale EMs in July 2017", ". Egypt took delivery of the fourth batch of two Rafale EMs in July 2017. The fifth batch, comprising the last 3 Rafale EMs, was delivered in November 2017, increasing the number in service to 14 Rafales.", "In June 2016, Egypt begun negotiations with Dassault to acquire 12 additional Rafales, intending to exercise an option of the first contract. An Egyptian delegation visited France in November 2017 for negotiations. In May 2021, Egypt ordered 30 more Rafales in a contract worth $4.5bn. On 15 November 2021, Egypt confirmed that it will receive 30 Rafale F3R between 2024 and 2026. The Egyptian Air Force is interested in buying the Rafale F4 variant once Dassault prepares it for foreign buyers.", "Analysts view the relatively quick series of 84 orders from Egypt and Qatar as being influenced by the Arab Spring and uncertainty of US involvement in the Middle East.\n\nQatar", "The Qatar Emiri Air Force evaluated the Rafale alongside the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, the Boeing F-15E, the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II to replace its Dassault Mirage 2000-5 fleet. In June 2014, Dassault claimed it was close to signing a contract with Qatar for 72 Rafales. On 30 April 2015, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani announced to French President François Hollande that Qatar would order 24 Rafale with an option to buy 12 more aircraft. On 4 May, a €6", ". On 4 May, a €6.3 billion ($7.02 billion) contract for 24 Rafales was finalised; additionally, the contract included the provision of long-range cruise missiles and Meteor missiles as well as the training of 36 Qatari pilots and 100 technicians by the French military and several Qatari intelligence officers; thus, the price can be viewed as €M for each aircraft.", "On 7 December 2017, the option for 12 more Rafales was exercised for €1.1 billion (or €M each) while adding an additional option for 36 further fighters. The first Qatari Rafale was delivered in February 2019.\n\nIndia", "The Rafale was one of the six aircraft competing in the Indian MRCA competition for 126 multirole fighters. Originally, the Mirage 2000 had been considered for the competition, but Dassault withdrew it in favour of the Rafale. In February 2011, French Rafales flew demonstrations in India, including air-to-air combat against Su-30MKIs. In April 2011, the Indian Air Force (IAF) shortlisted the Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon for the US$10.4 billion contract", ".4 billion contract. On 31 January 2012, the IAF announced the Rafale as the preferred bidder. It was proposed that 18 Rafales would be supplied to the IAF by 2015 in fly-away condition, while the remaining 108 would be manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in India under transfer of technology agreements. The contract for 126 Rafales, services, and parts may have been worth up to US$20 billion.", "The deal stalled due to disagreements over local production; Dassault refused responsibility for the 108 HAL-manufactured Rafales, holding reservations over HAL's ability to accommodate the complex manufacturing and technology transfers; instead, Dassault said it would have to negotiate two separate production contracts by both companies. The Indian Defence Ministry instead wanted Dassault to be solely responsible for the sale and delivery of all 126 aircraft", ". In May 2013, The Times of India reported that negotiations were \"back on track\", with plans for the first 18 Rafales to be delivered in 2017. In March 2014, the two sides reportedly agreed that the first 18 Rafales would be delivered to India in flying condition and that the remaining 108 would be 70 percent built by HAL. By December 2014, India and France reportedly expected to sign a contract by March 2015.", "In April 2015, during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Paris, India requested the swift delivery of 36 Rafales in a fly-away condition. India withdrew the MMRCA tender on 30 July 2015. Then, India and France missed a July target to finalise the 36-aircraft deal", ". Then, India and France missed a July target to finalise the 36-aircraft deal. The previously agreed-upon terms in April totaled US$8 billion for 36 aircraft costing $200 million each, with an offset requirement of 30 percent of the deal's value to be reinvested in India's defence sector and infrastructure for Rafale operations", ". India insisted on a 50 percent offset and two bases, which France said would increase costs and require separate infrastructure and two sets of maintenance, training and armament storage facilities. In January 2016, the Indian government directed the Indian Navy to be briefed by Dassault on the navalised Rafale for its aircraft carriers, promoting logistics and spares commonalities between the Navy and IAF. Dassault CEO Eric Trappier stated that the Indian Navy may order up to 57 Rafales", ". Dassault CEO Eric Trappier stated that the Indian Navy may order up to 57 Rafales. On 23 September 2016, Defence Minister Parrikar and his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian signed a €7.8 billion contract for 36 fly-away Rafales with an option for 18 more. Initial deliveries were expected by 2019, and all 36 within six years. The deal included spares and weapons such as Meteor missiles.", "The Indian National Congress raised an issue over Dassault partnering with Anil Ambani's Reliance Defence, now known as Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited (R-Naval), a private company with no aviation experience, instead of the state owned HAL. Allegedly, Dassault lacked any choice and was compelled to select Reliance Defence as its partner. Rahul Gandhi alleged that it was favouritism and corruption", ". Rahul Gandhi alleged that it was favouritism and corruption. Both the French government and Dassault issued a press release stating it was Dassault's decision to choose Reliance Defence. Party spokesperson Manish Tewari asked for the agreement's details to be made public and questioned if there was an escalation of per-aircraft cost from ₹7.15 billion to ₹16 billion. In November 2018, Congress alleged that procurement procedures were bypassed", ". In November 2018, Congress alleged that procurement procedures were bypassed. A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) case was filed in the Supreme Court for an independent probe into the Rafale procurement. On 14 December 2018, the Apex Court dismissed all petitions, stating it found no irregularities; Reliance Defence reportedly was set to receive just over 3 per cent of the of offsets, contrary to the impression that it was to be the biggest beneficiary of the deal.", "Around August 2017, India considered ordering 36 more Rafales amid tensions with China.", "Ahead of the first Rafale's formal handover on 8 October 2019, IAF Day, the IAF accepted it at Dassault's Bordeaux facility in an event attended by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and his French counterpart, Florence Parly; it had tail number \"RB-001\" to mark IAF chief-designate Air Chief Marshal R. K. S. Bhadauria's role in the buy. The first five Rafales were delivered on 27 July 2020. The last Rafale arrived in April 2022.", "Greece\nIn August 2020, the government of Greece announced the acquisition of 18 Rafales. Initial reports stated that ten would be the new Rafale C variant in F3-R standard with eight older Rafale in F1 and F2 standard in use with the French Air and Space Force that would be given to Greece.", "In January 2021, the Hellenic Parliament ratified the agreement with Dassault for the purchase of six new built and 12 used F3-R aircraft formerly used by the Armée de l'Air at a total cost of €2.4 billion, including armaments and ground support. The inter-governmental agreement was signed on 25 January 2021 by the Defense Ministers of Greece and France. This was followed by an additional contract in March 2022 to buy the six additional Rafales, to be delivered from mid-2024", ". The first aircraft, a Rafale B two-seater, was delivered on 21 July 2021. On 19 January 2022, the first six Rafales landed at Tanagra Air Base where a welcoming ceremony was held. The type officially entered service in September 2023.", "Future operators", "Croatia", "Croatia received a proposal for 12 used Rafales F3Rs in September 2020 as part of a bid to replace the Croatian Air Force's MiG-21s. The total package offered costs €1 billion (including weapon systems, spare parts, logistics and training), and competed with new F-16V Block 70, Israeli used F-16C/D Barak raised to ACE configuration, and Saab Gripen", ". On 28 May 2021, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković announced the purchase of 12 used Rafales F3-R C/B on order, 10x single-seater C F3-R and 2x two-seater Rafale B F3Rs. The contract was signed on 25 November 2021.", "The first six were scheduled to be delivered in Q2 2024 (2 B + 4 C) and the remaining 6 single-seaters in 2025.\n\nCroatia received the first of 12 Dassault Rafale combat aircraft from France on 2 October, during a ceremony at the French Air and Space Force (Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace: AAE) base at Mont-de-Marsan Air Base.", "Indonesia", "In January 2020, the Indonesian government expressed interest in buying up to 48 Rafales to modernise the Indonesian Air Force. In February 2021, Indonesia's Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto announced that the purchase of 36 units, as part of a large procurement programme including A330 tankers and complementary American products, was planned and that funds had been secured for its finalization. On 7 June 2021, Indonesia signed a letter of intent to buy 36 Rafales and associated weapons and support.", "On 20 January 2022, Prabowo Subianto confirmed, that Indonesia completed the negotiation of the contract pending activation of the formal agreement by France. On 10 February 2022, Dassault stated that Indonesia had officially signed an order for 42 Rafale F4, consisting of 30 single-seat and 12 double-seat.", "The first tranche for six Rafales came into force in September 2022. On 10 August 2023, Dassault Aviation announced that a contract covering a second tranche of 18 Rafale fighters for Indonesia had come into force that day, bringing the total under contract to 24.", "United Arab Emirates", "In 2009, the United Arab Emirates Air Force was interested in an upgraded Rafale with more powerful engines and radar, and advanced air-to-air missiles. In October 2011, Dassault was confident that a US$10 billion deal for up to 60 Rafales would be signed. However, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Union Defence Force, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, in November 2011 called the French offer \"uncompetitive and unworkable\"; In 2010, France allegedly asked the UAE to pay US$2", ".6 billion of the total cost of Rafale upgrades. Consequently, the UAE explored a purchase of the Eurofighter Typhoon or the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. The newspaper La Tribune reported in February 2012, that the UAE was still considering the US$10-billion deal for 60 Rafales. Interoperability among the Gulf air forces had renewed Qatari and Kuwaiti interest in the Rafale. In January 2013, President Hollande stated that he would discuss the Rafale during an official visit to the UAE", ". In December 2013, the UAE reportedly chose not to proceed with a deal for defence and security services, including the supply of Typhoons.", "In September 2014, it was reported that the UAE could acquire 40 Rafales in addition to upgrading its existing Mirage 2000s. In November 2015, Reuters reported that Major General Ibrahim Nasser Al Alawi, commander of the UAE Air Force and Air Defence, had confirmed that the UAE was in final negotiations to purchase 60 Rafales. In 2019 a series of Rafale F3-R trials were conducted at Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE", ". In 2019 a series of Rafale F3-R trials were conducted at Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE. On 3 December 2021, Dassault announced that the UAE had signed an order for 80 Rafale F4 in a government-to-government deal, which made the UAE the largest Rafale operator in the region and second to France. The deal makes the United Arab Emirates Air Force the first user of the Rafale F4 standard outside France.", "Potential operators\n\nBangladesh \nIn March 2020, La Tribune reported that France's Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, promoted the Rafale's performance to Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is also Minister of Defense.", "Colombia", "In June 2022, La Tribune reported Dassault made an offer for 15 fighters and 9 in option for the Colombian Air Force. Colombia was interested in used ones, but France denied, taking into consideration it already sold 24 jets to Croatia and Greece. On December 21, 2022, the Colombian government announced that they had shortlisted the Rafale for a potential 16 aircraft order to replace their aging Kfir", ". Nevertheless, on January 3, 2023, Colombia and Dassault explained they could not come to an agreement, mainly because of the high price-tag of the planes. On April 1, Colombia issued a new RFP for new planes, with the Rafale, the Gripen and the F16 as favorites", "Iraq\nIn November 2020, Iraqi Defence Minister Jumaa Adnan stated that Iraq plans to buy Rafales for the Iraqi Air Force. In February 2022, Iraq reportedly intends to acquire 14 Rafale F4s, payable in crude oil.", "Malaysia", "The Rafale was a contender for the replacement of the Royal Malaysian Air Force's (RMAF) Mikoyan MiG-29s, with a requirement to equip three squadrons with 36 to 40 fighters with an estimated budget of RM6 billion to RM8 billion (US$1.84 billion to US$2.46 billion). Other competitors were the Eurofighter Typhoon, Boeing F/A-18/F Super Hornet and Saab JAS 39 Gripen", ". In July 2017, acquisition efforts were suspended with the RMAF looking instead to buy new maritime patrol aircraft and advanced trainers with light attack capabilities to confront the growing threat of Islamist militants in the Southeast Asian region.", "Saudi Arabia\nIn February 2022, La Tribune reported that Saudi Arabia is interested in the Rafale, then reported in December 2022 that Saudi Arabia would need between 100 and 200 fighters. In October 2023, Saudi Arabian authorities officially asked the French company Dassault Aviation to send a quote and a proposed delivery schedule for 54 Rafale F4 combat aircraft.", "Serbia \nThe President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated on 24 December 2021 that Serbia is interested in buying new Rafales to strengthen the Serbian Air Force and Air Defence. La Tribune reported in April 2022 that Serbia and Dassault are negotiating for 12 Rafales.", "Failed bids", "The Rafale has been marketed for export to various countries. Various commentators and industry sources have highlighted the high cost of the aircraft as detrimental to the Rafale's sales prospects. Its acquisition cost is roughly US$100 million (2010), while its operational cost hovers around US$16,500 (2012) for every flight-hour. The Saab JAS 39 Gripen, in comparison, costs only US$4,700 per flight-hour to operate", ". The Saab JAS 39 Gripen, in comparison, costs only US$4,700 per flight-hour to operate. According to a 2009 article by the Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis, unlike the American government and its relationship with Boeing and Lockheed Martin, the lack of communication between the French government and Dassault has hampered a worldwide cooperative sales effort, as demonstrated by the case with Morocco in 2007.", "Belgium", "In 2009, Belgium suggested that they may buy F-35s in the 2020s to replace Belgium's 34 F-16A/B MLU fleet. An article published in Belgian newspaper L'Avenir on 19 April 2015 speculated that, if the nuclear strike role via Belgium's Nuclear sharing policy were retained in the request for proposals, Belgium would be almost forced to buy the F-35 as to maintain this role", ". Belgium officially launched its F-16 replacement program in March 2017, issuing requests for proposals to three European and two US manufacturers: Boeing Defense, Space & Security, Lockheed Martin, Dassault, Eurofighter GmbH and Saab Group, offering the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, F-35 Lightning II, Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon and Saab JAS 39 Gripen respectively", ". On 25 October 2018, Belgium officially selected the offer for 34 F-35As; government officials stated that it had come down to price, and that \"The offer from the Americans was the best in all seven evaluation criteria\". The total purchasing price for the aircraft and support until 2030 totaled €4 billion, €600 million cheaper than the budgeted €4.6 billion. In April 2020, the first F-35 contract was signed, with deliveries to begin in 2023.", "Brazil", "In June 2008, the Brazilian Air Force issued a request for information on the following aircraft: F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, F-16 Fighting Falcon, Rafale, Su-35, Gripen NG and Eurofighter Typhoon. In October 2008, the service selected three finalists for F-X2 – Dassault Rafale, Gripen NG and Boeing F/A-18E/F. On 5 January 2010, media reports stated that the final evaluation report by the Brazilian Air Force placed the Gripen ahead of the other two contenders based on unit and operating costs", ". In February 2011, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff had reportedly decided in favour of the F/A-18. After Edward Snowden’s revelation that the NSA had been intercepting Rouseff's private communications, in December 2013 and her ensuing fury, the Brazilian government selected the Gripen NG in a US$5 billion deal to equip the air force.", "Canada", "The Rafale was amongst various fighters proposed to replace the Royal Canadian Air Force's McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet. In 2005, a report compiled by Canada's Department of Defence reviewing aircraft noted concerns over the Rafale's interoperability with US forces; Dassault had also been unable to confirm engine performance during cold weather conditions", ". In July 2010, the Canadian government announced the F-35 as the CF-18's replacement; the nation was already a partner in the Joint Strike Fighter program since 1997 and a Tier 3 partner for the F-35 since 2002. In December 2012, the Canadian government announced that the F-35 buy had been abandoned due to cost rises and that a fresh procurement process would begin. In January 2013, Dassault responded to Canada's request for information. Various aircraft were considered, including the F-35", ". Various aircraft were considered, including the F-35. In January 2014, Dassault offered a contract with full technology transfer, allowing Canada to perform its own support and upgrades, thereby lowering long-term service costs. In November 2018, Dassault withdrew from the competition, reportedly over interoperability and intelligence sharing requirements, particularly with the US, complicated by France's lack of involvement in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing group.", "Finland", "In June 2015, a working group set up by the Finnish MoD proposed starting the HX Fighter Program to replace the Finnish Air Force's current fleet of F/A-18 Hornets. The group recognises five potential types: Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II and Saab JAS 39 Gripen E/F", ". In December 2015, the Finnish MoD informed Great Britain, France, Sweden and the US informing them of the launch of the HX Fighter Program to replace the Hornet fleet, which will be decommissioned by 2025, with multi-role fighters; the Rafale is mentioned as a potential fighter. The request for information was sent in early 2016; five responses were received in November 2016", ". The request for information was sent in early 2016; five responses were received in November 2016. In December 2021, the Finnish newspaper Iltalehti reported that several foreign and security policy sources had confirmed the Finnish Defense Forces' recommendation of the F-35 as Finland's next fighter due to its \"capability and expected long lifespan\".", "Kuwait", "In February 2009, French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced that Kuwait was considering buying up to 28 Rafales. In October 2009, during a visit to Paris, the Kuwaiti Defence Minister expressed interest in the Rafale and said that he was awaiting Dassault's terms. Islamist lawmakers in the Kuwaiti national assembly threatened to block such a purchase, accusing the Defence Minister of lack of transparency and being manipulated by business interests", ". In January 2012, the French Defence Minister said that both Kuwait and Qatar were waiting to see if the UAE first purchased the Rafale and that Kuwait would look to buy 18–22 Rafales. However, on 11 September 2015, Eurofighter announced that an agreement had been reached with Kuwait to buy 28 Typhoons.", "Singapore", "In 2005, the Republic of Singapore Air Force launched its Next Generation Fighter (NGF) programme to replace its ageing A-4SU Super Skyhawks. Several options were considered and the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA) conducted a detailed technical assessment, simulations and other tests to determine the final selection. This reduced the list of competitors to the Rafale and the F-15SG Strike Eagle. In December 2005, Singapore ordered 12 F-15SGs", ". In December 2005, Singapore ordered 12 F-15SGs. According to Defense Industry Daily, key reasons for the selection were that, despite the Rafale's superior aerodynamics, it had insufficient range, weapons, and sensor integration.", "Switzerland", "In February 2007, Switzerland was reportedly considering the Rafale and other fighters to replace its ageing Northrop F-5 Tiger IIs. A one-month evaluation started in October 2008 at Emmen Airforce Base, consisting of approximately 30 evaluation flights; the Rafale, along with the JAS 39 Gripen and the Typhoon, were evaluated", ". Although a leaked Swiss Air Force evaluation report revealed that the Rafale won the competition on technical grounds, on 30 November 2011, the Swiss Federal Council announced plans to buy 22 Gripen NGs due to its lower acquisition and maintenance costs. Due to a referendum, this purchase never happened.", "In March 2018, Swiss officials named contenders in its Air 2030 program: The Rafale, Saab Gripen, Eurofighter Typhoon, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin F-35. In October 2018, the Swiss Air Force was reportedly limited to buying a single-engine fighter for budgetary reasons. In May 2019, the Rafale performed demonstration flights at Payerne Air Base for comparison against other bids", ". On 30 June 2021, the Swiss Federal Council proposed to Parliament the acquisition of 36 F-35As at a cost of up to 6 billion Swiss francs (US$6.5 billion), citing the aircraft's cost- and combat-effectiveness. However, it was later confirmed that the costs are capped for a period of just 10 years. The Liberal Greens have promised to examine the F-35's environmental impact", ". The Liberal Greens have promised to examine the F-35's environmental impact. The Swiss anti-military group GSoA intended to contest the purchase in another national referendum supported by the Green Party of Switzerland and the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (which previously managed to block the Gripen). In August 2022, they registered the initiative, with 120,000 people having signed in less than a year (with 100,000 required).", "On 15 September 2022 the Swiss National council gave the Federal council permission to sign the purchase deal, with a time limit for signing of March 2023. The deal to buy 36 F-35A was signed on 19 September 2022, with deliveries to commence in 2027 and conclude by 2030, bypassing the popular initiative.\n\nOther bids\nIn 2002, the Republic of Korea Air Force chose the F-15K Slam Eagle over the Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon and Sukhoi Su-35 for its 40 aircraft F-X Phase 1 fighter competition.", "In January 2007, the French newspaper Journal du Dimanche reported that Libya sought 13 to 18 Rafales \"in a deal worth as much as US$3.24 billion\". In December 2007, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi declared Libya's interest in the Rafale, but no order was placed. French Rafales later attacked targets in Libya as part of the international military intervention during the 2011 Libyan civil war.", "In late 2007, La Tribune reported that a prospective US$2.85 billion sale to Morocco had fallen through, the government selecting the F-16C/D instead. While French Defense Minister Hervé Morin labelled it as overly sophisticated and too costly, defense analysists have said that miscalculations of the DGA's offer price and hesitations over financing were detrimental to the negotiations.", "In February 2009, France offered Rafales to Oman to replace its ageing fleet of SEPECAT Jaguars. In December 2012, Oman placed an order for 12 Typhoons.\n\nVariants", "Rafale A Technology demonstrator, first flew in 1986.\nRafale D Dassault used this designation (D for discrète) in the early 1990s to emphasise the new semi-stealthy design features.\nRafale B Two-seater version for the French Air and Space Force.\nRafale C Same as Rafale B but single-seat version for the French Air and Space Force.", "Rafale M Similar to Rafale C, but with modifications to allow operations from CATOBAR - equipped aircraft carriers. For carrier operations, the M model has a strengthened airframe, longer nose gear leg to provide a more nose-up attitude, larger tailhook between the engines, and a built-in boarding ladder. Consequently, the Rafale M weighs about more than the Rafale C", ". Consequently, the Rafale M weighs about more than the Rafale C. It is the only non-US fighter type cleared to operate from the decks of US carriers, using catapults and their arresting gear, as demonstrated in 2008 when six Rafales from Flottille 12F integrated into the Carrier Air Wing interoperability exercise.", "Rafale N Originally called the Rafale BM, was a planned missile-only two-seater version for the Aéronavale. Budgetary constraints have been cited as grounds for its cancellation.\nRafale R Proposed reconnaissance-oriented variant.\nRafale DM Two-seater version for the Egyptian Air Force.\nRafale EM Single-seat version for the Egyptian Air Force.\nRafale DH Two-seater version for the Indian Air Force.\nRafale EH Single-seat version for the Indian Air Force.", "Rafale EH Single-seat version for the Indian Air Force.\nRafale DQ Two-seater version for the Qatar Emiri Air Force.\nRafale EQ Single-seat version for the Qatar Emiri Air Force.", "Operators\n\nCurrent operators", "Egyptian Air Force – 54 ordered with 24 Rafales in service .\n A total of 180 have been ordered out of a planned 286, with an option for another 9. Approximately 152 are confirmed to be delivered by 2018. , 149 had been delivered. In 2018 three Rafale will be delivered, and then in 2024 all the 28 remaining out of the 180 ordered will be delivered.\n French Air and Space Force – 102; flying units include:\n Saint-Dizier – Robinson Air Base\n Escadron de Chasse 2/4 La Fayette (2018–present) nuclear strike", "Saint-Dizier – Robinson Air Base\n Escadron de Chasse 2/4 La Fayette (2018–present) nuclear strike\n Escadron de Chasse 1/7 Provence (2006–2016) multirole fighter\n Escadron de Chasse 1/4 Gascogne (2009–present) nuclear strike\n Escadron de Transformation Rafale 3/4 Aquitaine (October 2010–present, Rafale Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) jointly operated by French Air and Space Force and French Naval Aviation)\n Mont-de-Marsan Air Base\n Escadron de Chasse 2/30 Normandie-Niemen (2012–present) multirole fighter", "Mont-de-Marsan Air Base\n Escadron de Chasse 2/30 Normandie-Niemen (2012–present) multirole fighter\n Escadron de Chasse 3/30 Lorraine (2016–present) multirole fighter\n Escadron de chasse et d'expérimentation 1/30 Côte d'Argent (2004–present) tactics development and evaluation\n Al Dhafra Air Base, UAE\n Escadron de Chasse 3/30 Lorraine (2010–2016) multirole fighter\n Escadron de Chasse 1/7 Provence (2016–present) multirole fighter\n French Navy – 46 delivered, 41 active\n Naval Air Base Landivisiau", "French Navy – 46 delivered, 41 active\n Naval Air Base Landivisiau\n Flottille 11F (2011–present) multirole carrier fighter\n Flottille 12F (2001–present) multirole carrier fighter\n Flottille 17F (2016–present) multirole carrier fighter", "Hellenic Air Force – Greece ordered 18 Rafales in 2020, and an additional six in 2021, bringing the total order number to 24. The first was delivered on 21 July 2021. A total of 15 have been delivered to the Hellenic Air Force as of June 2023.\n Tanagra Air Base\n 332nd All Weather Squadron (Hawks)", "Indian Air Force – 36 (28 single-seat and 8 dual-seat) aircraft ordered. with 2 kept for training missions in France. By July 2022, all 36 Rafales had been delivered.\nAmbala AFS\n No. 17 Squadron (Golden Arrows)\n Hasimara AFS\n No. 101 Squadron (Falcons)\n Indian Navy – 26 Rafale M planned.", "Qatar Emiri Air Force – 36 ordered, all delivered. Qatar ordered 24 of the fighters in 2015, and ordered 12 more in 2018. It also has an option to order 36 more. , 27 were delivered. As of 2023, all aircraft were delivered.\n Dukhan / Tamim Airbase\n 1st Fighter Squadron 'Al Adiyat'", "Future operators\n\t\n Croatian Air Force – 12 used C/B F3-R Rafales on order, 10x single-seater C F3-R and 2x two-seater B F3-R. The first 6 were scheduled to be delivered in Q2 2024 (2 B + 4 C) and the remaining 6 single-seaters in 2025. In October 2023, Croatia officially acquired the first aircraft during a ceremony at Mont-de-Marsan Air Base.\n\n Indonesian Air Force – 42 Rafale F4s on order.\n\n United Arab Emirates Air Force – 80 Rafale F4s on order", "Notable accidents\n On 6 December 2007, a French Air Force twin-seat Rafale crashed during a training flight. The pilot, who suffered from spatial disorientation, died in the accident.\n On 24 September 2009, after unarmed test flights, two French Navy Rafales returning to the aircraft carrier , collided in mid-air about from the town of Perpignan in southwest France. One test pilot, identified as François Duflot, died in the accident, while the other was rescued.", "On 28 November 2010, a Rafale from the carrier Charles de Gaulle crashed in the Arabian Sea. This aircraft was supporting Allied operations in Afghanistan. The pilot ejected safely and was rescued by a rescue helicopter from the carrier. Later reports said the engines stopped after being starved of fuel due to confusion by the pilot in switching fuel tanks.", "On 2 July 2012, during a joint exercise, a Rafale from the carrier Charles de Gaulle plunged into the Mediterranean Sea. The pilot ejected safely and was recovered by an American search and rescue helicopter from the carrier .", "Specifications\n\nSee also\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links\n\n \n \n\nRafale\nCanard aircraft\nCarrier-based aircraft\nDelta-wing aircraft\n1980s French fighter aircraft\nTwinjets\nRelaxed-stability aircraft\nAircraft first flown in 1986\n4.5-generation jet fighters" ]
Trapped in the Closet
[ "Trapped in the Closet is a musical soap opera series by American R&B singer, songwriter and producer R. Kelly, with 33 \"chapters\" released sporadically from 2005 to 2012. Written, produced, and directed by Kelly, the series tells a story of a one-night stand that sets off a chain of events, gradually revealing a greater web of lies, sex and deceit. The music follows a distinct E major pattern, and most chapters feature the same melodic theme.", "Background\nThe first five chapters of Trapped in the Closet originally appeared as the final tracks on Kelly's album TP.3 Reloaded. R. Kelly wrote and produced all five chapters, and they were recorded by Andy Gallas. The first chapter was released as the lead single from the album in 2005 by Jive Records. Kelly and Jive Records promoted the songs by releasing each of the first five chapters to radio stations one at a time.", "Following the success and popularity of the Trapped in the Closet song series, R. Kelly lip synched a \"new chapter\" at an appearance at the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards. In November 2005, Jive Records released a DVD titled Trapped in the Closet, which included seven new chapters in addition to the first five from TP.3 Reloaded, bringing the total number of chapters to twelve", ".3 Reloaded, bringing the total number of chapters to twelve. The material previewed by Kelly at the MTV Video Music Awards revealed an early version of some parts of the twelfth chapter in the series.", "Nearly two years later, in August 2007, Kelly and Jive released ten more chapters on another Trapped in the Closet DVD.", "In December 2007, the first 22 chapters were released in a DVD entitled The Big Package, which included a \"commentary remix\" with a preview of chapter 23. On December 21, 2011, Kelly told TMZ that he had written thirty-two more chapters, and was seeking investors in order to continue the saga. IFC announced in October 2012 that it would show new chapters of Trapped in the Closet on November 23, 2012.", "When asked about the writing of the song, Kelly said: \"I don't know how to explain how I wrote it. It just keeps rhyming and rhyming.\" He stated that Trapped in the Closet had taken on \"a life, mind and body of its own\", and called the series an \"alien\", crediting “the aliens” with its creation. Kelly claimed that the song's dark and moody instrumental was influenced by his frustrations and depression following his removal from the ill-fated Best of Both Worlds tour with Jay-Z in October 2004.", "Plot\nEach chapter follows a storyline that continues throughout the series. Kelly voices the role of the song's protagonist, Sylvester (Kelly's middle name), who wakes up after a one-night stand with a woman. As he prepares to leave, however, the woman's husband returns and Sylvester is forced to hide in a closet. This sets off an escalating series of events.\n\nVideo synopsis: Chapters 1–12", "Video synopsis: Chapters 1–12\n\nChapter 1\nSylvester wakes up in bed with a woman who is not his wife. As he prepares to leave, the woman tells him her husband is coming up the stairs and tells Sylvester to hide in the closet. The couple begins making love when Sylvester's cell phone rings, prompting the husband to investigate. After searching elsewhere, he slowly approaches the closet. Sylvester, prepared for a confrontation, takes out his Beretta pistol.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"Now he's opening the closet....\"", "Chapter 2", "Having discovered Sylvester in his wife's closet, the husband nearly attacks him but stops because Sylvester is armed. He tells Sylvester that he is a pastor and not prone to violence. When Sylvester tries to leave, the husband tells him to stay because he wants to reveal a \"secret\". He then calls someone he calls \"baby\" and says to \"turn the car around\". Sylvester is anxious about what the husband is about to reveal and becomes threatening, but then someone knocks on the door", ". The husband opens the door and the person turns out to be another man—revealing the husband (Rufus) to be bisexual.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"I can't believe it's a man.....\"", "Chapter 3", "A shocked and confused Sylvester prepares to leave but the wife asks him to stay. She then argues with her husband, Rufus, over his own infidelity. When Sylvester demands more explanation, the other man, Chuck, begins explaining how their affair came about. Rufus calls his wife Cathy, which shocks Sylvester, who thought her name was Mary. Rufus, Cathy, and Chuck all begin yelling at each other, prompting Sylvester to shoot his gun in the air to quiet them", ". Sylvester then calls home but is stunned when another man answers the phone. He quickly bolts out of the apartment.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"Call up my home and a man picks up the phone....\"", "Chapter 4", "Sylvester is seen rushing home, angered and belligerent, but is pulled over by a police officer, who gives him a ticket for speeding. He breaks in his own back door and surprises his wife in the shower only to find her alone. She reminds Sylvester that her brother Twan was coming home that day, and he answered the phone. Sylvester apologizes, and they begin making love", ". Sylvester apologizes, and they begin making love. In the middle of it, however, Sylvester's wife, Gwendolyn, discreetly covers something on the bed and then jumps on top of Sylvester and begins to go wild. When Gwendolyn finally climaxes and rolls off him, Sylvester flips the bed cover to find the used condom that she had tried to hide.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"Oh, my God, a rubber!\"", "The video for chapter four has since been revised to better match chapter six. The original actor for the officer AKA James, Rondolo Bryce, was changed to current actor, Michael Kenneth Williams. And the line \"I said 'This is some bullshit!', as he gave me the ticket\" was changed to \"He flicks his cigarette and then gives me the ticket", ".\" And \"He said no except you were doing 85 in 60 miles zone\" Change to \"60 in the 40 miles zone\" and \"I turned my radio on and did 70 all the way home\" changed to \"and did 55 all the way home\"", "Chapter 5", "Chapter five starts with Sylvester demanding answers about the condom. They argue, and Gwendolyn retorts with her own knowledge of Sylvester's infidelity, saying she saw Sylvester in the club the night before. He ignores that and demands she name names. She begins talking about friends of hers named Tina and Roxanne and also mentions Chuck and Rufus, which confuses Sylvester", ". She then explains that she and Cathy were friends in high school, and it was Cathy who introduced Gwendolyn to the police officer that stopped Sylvester, confirming that the police officer was her secret lover.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"She introduced me to the policeman that stopped you.\"", "Chapter 6", "Sylvester and Gwendolyn begin laughing at the entire situation. She admits that the cop she slept with is really the one who answered the phone. And he explains the events of earlier in the morning. Meanwhile, the cop-lover turns his car back around, concerned for Gwendolyn's safety. He sees the back door broken in and mistakes the laughter for abuse and bursts into the bedroom, gun drawn. Sylvester pulls his gun on the cop, whose name is revealed to be James", ". Sylvester pulls his gun on the cop, whose name is revealed to be James. Gwendolyn pleads with Sylvester, and he puts his gun down. But then James winks and smiles, and Sylvester rushes him. They wrestle over the gun, which inadvertently discharges.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"Goin' all around the room, both hands on the gun, then all of a sudden, pow.\"", "Chapter 7", "This chapter reveals it was Twan, Gwendolyn's brother who was just released from prison, who was the one who was shot. After realizing who it was, Sylvester and James argue at who was at fault with the shooting, with Sylvester blaming the entire incident on the cop. Twan is presumed to be dead, but in the middle of Sylvester, James and Gwendolyn arguing, Twan coughs, assuring them he is okay and that he was only non-fatally shot in the shoulder", ". As Twan recovers in the bathroom, Sylvester begins telling him what caused the incident when someone knocks on the door. After being hesitant with answering the door, Sylvester grabs his gun and aims it at the door, Twan joins him, snatching James' gun. At the count of three, Twan opens the door and it is revealed to be the next door neighbor, Rosie, who is shown with a spatula in her hand", ". A relieved Sylvester and Gwendolyn invite Rosie in while James snatches his gun back from a bewildered Twan's hands and leaves.", "Ending cliffhanger-outro line: \"...With a spatula in her hand...like that's gon' do something against them guns, it's Rosie, the nosy neighbor.\"", "Chapter 8", "In this chapter, a tired and frustrated James drives back to his house and calls up his wife Bridget (Kelly sings all of Bridget's lines with a Southern accent). James tells a concerned Bridget that he was heading home, to which Bridget happily tells him she had baked him a cherry pie. Meanwhile, at Sylvester's house, Rosie, the next door neighbor, tells Sylvester, Twan and Gwendolyn that she could not stand the cop that just left their house causing Gwendolyn, Sylvester and Twan to laugh", ". Back at James' house, he pulls up to the garage. A panicked Bridget rushes to the door and kisses James. When James asks her why she looked jittery, Bridget excuses it as \"may be that time of the month\". The \"may be\" makes James suspicious. Bridget laughs it off, saying \"you know what I mean\". Bridget tries getting him upstairs, or enticing him with fresh pears, but James insists on heating some leftover chicken. Bridget's nervous breakdown finally leads to James demanding a straight answer from Bridget", ". Bridget's nervous breakdown finally leads to James demanding a straight answer from Bridget. James then starts to wonder if Bridget had also cheated on him. Unbeknownst to him and from the looks of a nervous Bridget, it becomes clear another man is still in the house.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"But little does he know that somebody is still right there in his home!\"", "Chapter 9", "James starts investigating his house for any possible intruders. When he hears a noise, he begins to search all over the kitchen while a panicked Bridget stands over by the dishes. After James checks the oven and looks behind the fridge, he notices the cherry pie with a slice cut out. When he realizes that Bridget is allergic to cherries, he turns to her and moves slowly to a scared Bridget", ". After demanding Bridget to move from her spot, which she eventually does, he sees the cabinet and slowly approaches it. Just as he opens it, the video suddenly stops and the narrator exits out of the kitchen pantry and, breaking the fourth wall, tells the audience that the man, hiding in the cabinet, is a midget.", "Ending un-cliffhanger line: \"Now, pause the movie, 'cause what I'm about to say to y'all is so damn twisted—not only is there a man in his cabinet, but the man is a midget! Midget! Midget! Midget!\"", "Chapter 10", "In this chapter, the midget jumps out of the cabinet and fights with James. After James' constant roughing up on the midget, Bridget runs upstairs where she pulls out a number from her purse. Meanwhile, back downstairs, James puts the midget on the table and demands to know why he was at his house. The midget continues telling him that he was paid not to tell, which only angers James, who pulls his gun on him. When he does, the midget defecates", ". When he does, the midget defecates. Back at Sylvester's house, he, Twan and Gwendolyn are playing cards when the phone rings. When Gwendolyn answers it, she hears a panicked Bridget, who tells her she found her number in James' pocket. After a minute, Gwendolyn hangs up and gives Sylvester and Twan the address to the house, presumably to stop the fight. Back at James' house, James and the midget continue fighting until Bridget comes back to the kitchen with a double-barreled shotgun", ". When James points his gun at Bridget, the midget takes his inhaler out. A few seconds later, Sylvester and Twan burst through the door and Sylvester points his gun at James. Sylvester and Twan notice a peculiar odor in the house. Due to Sylvester and Twan's entrance, the midget faints on the table.", "Ending cliffhanger-outro line: \"Ohhh, while Twan and Sylvester are sniffin' around, tryin' to figure out what's that smell—as they turn and look at each other like, 'What the hell?\"", "Chapter 11", "In this chapter, the midget wakes up peculiar to seeing three guns and tries to get out of the situation. Sylvester then begs Bridget and James to put their guns down, to which they adamantly refuse. Bridget then tells Sylvester she will drop the gun if James does not hurt the midget, whose name is revealed as \"Big Man\", a stripper at a club called Dixie's. When Sylvester asks why he was named that, the midget points down to his pants and tell him he is \"blessed", ".\" After seeing Sylvester and Big Man communicating, James shuts them up calling them \"Chuck and Rufus\", which confuses Sylvester, who demands to know how James knew of them, though James acts bewildered to Sylvester's question. Just as James looks as if he was going to answer, Bridget starts getting sick. It is then revealed that Bridget is three months pregnant, presumably with James' baby", ". It is then revealed that Bridget is three months pregnant, presumably with James' baby. After James' constant prompts to Sylvester, Twan and Big Man with his gun to leave, Bridget stops him and admits paying Big Man and even admitted that she knew that James had been cheating on her with Gwendolyn, saying that she had followed him around", ". When James demands to know what Bridget is really telling him, Bridget says that Big Man is her baby's father, which negates her previous excuse from chapter 8 as being \"that time of the month\". Big Man again faints at the news.", "Kelly switches from first person (as Sylvester) to third person narrative in the middle of this chapter as the focus fades away from his character.\n\n Ending cliffhanger-outro line: \"The midget faints again, while Twan and Sylvester is trippin. The midget's the baby's daddy. Woo!\"\n\nChapter 12", "Back at Cathy's house, she, Rufus and Chuck get up from the floor. After Cathy closes the door, she and Rufus argue about the reasons why Sylvester almost shot at them in Chapter 3, with Cathy angered about Rufus \"creeping\" around with Chuck, who is the deacon of Rufus' church, telling him \"ain't no telling what I've got\", referring to sexually transmitted diseases. Chuck gets angry at this and threatens Cathy with a knife, which prompts Cathy to force him to do it", ". Rufus then calms them down and tries to resolve the matter but neither Cathy or Chuck listen, as they continue arguing, even as the phone rings. When it rings a second time, Cathy answers it and it is Gwendolyn and she begins telling Cathy about the drama that had gone on. When Gwendolyn mentions that she saw Sylvester in Paje's club with \"some crusty wig-wearing ass ho\", Cathy realizes the man she had slept with that night was Sylvester", ". When Cathy tries telling her who the \"ho\" was, Gwendolyn stops her and tells her more about James and his situation. When an angry Rufus demands Cathy to finish their conversation, Cathy shuts Gwendolyn up and tells her she was the \"ho\" that had been with Sylvester.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"I'm sorry, girl, but that ho was me....\"\n\nIn the original version of Chapter 12 (which was originally going to be Chapter 6), Rufus said he was going to take back Cathy. This idea was later incorporated into the later chapters. Also, Gwen never called Cathy so Gwen would've never known Cathy was the one that slept with Sylvester.\n\nVideo synopsis: Chapters 13–22", "Chapter 13", "The chapter initially starts with Sylvester and Twan in Sylvester's car though it is not clear at first where they are going. When Sylvester tells Twan to be on his best behavior and reminds Twan about how he got sent to jail, Twan says it \"was because of Roxanne and that bitch Tina\", which makes Sylvester remember his wife mentioning their names in chapter five. The scene soon cuts to Rosie the nosy neighbor and her husband Randolph (played by R. Kelly), who argue over Rosie spying on other neighbors", ". Kelly), who argue over Rosie spying on other neighbors. The argument ends when the scene cuts back to Sylvester explaining to Twan that he has to collect money from someone. He tells Twan to leave the car in drive and be on the lookout and enters a restaurant. An hour goes by with no sign of Sylvester.", "Ending line: \"(Time goes by) it's now one hour later....\"", "Chapter 14", "In chapter fourteen, it is revealed that apparently Sylvester and Cathy, who shows up in a blond wig and black dress, made a deal for Sylvester to get caught by her pastor husband Rufus but the deal had apparently backfired, not only by Cathy's realization that Sylvester and her best friend Gwendolyn were married but also due to Cathy not wanting to end her marriage to Rufus, with Cathy later admitting she had changed her mind on the deal", ". When Sylvester threatens to leave, Cathy tries to explain the reasons why. A waitress comes by and offers them drinks. Sylvester looks at the waitress thinking to himself that she looks familiar. Meanwhile, outside at Sylvester's car, Twan gets a call from a friend (only shown by a close-up of his mouth) about Tina, telling him Tina had stopped being a prostitute and was working at a \"legit\" place. He later tells Twan that Tina was working at the same restaurant where Sylvester is meeting Cathy", ". He later tells Twan that Tina was working at the same restaurant where Sylvester is meeting Cathy. Back at the restaurant, Sylvester notices the waitress but can't think from where he knows her, until he sees her name tag which says \"Tina.\" Sylvester then says he wants to talk to her but she gets scared and calls for her friend/co-worker Roxanne, who runs out with a frying pan", ". After Tina breaks a beer bottle and makes karate-styled moves saying to Sylvester that she and Roxanne take Tae Bo classes, Cathy and the rest of the patrons leave quickly, leaving Sylvester alone with Tina and Roxanne. Just as Tina and Roxanne are about to attack, Twan comes busting through the door threatening them.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"I will kill both of y'all knucklehead asses...!\"\n\nChapter 15", "With Twan, Sylvester, Tina and Roxanne in the now-empty restaurant, Twan seeks revenge on Tina and Roxanne on his arrest three years ago. Sylvester tries calming Twan down reminding him he's on house arrest and that a violent outburst would lead to a more serious time in prison. After convincing Twan to let him talk to them, Sylvester approaches the two ladies and ask them what had happened on the day of his arrest", ". Tina and Roxanne explain that they were on a \"simple operation\" describing a \"trip\" to Atlanta. Roxanne tells Sylvester that a high Twan was swerving on the road and cutting up on the both of them, even turning his music loud playing \"Mary Jane\" and screaming \"I'm Rick James, bitch!\" Tina explains that as soon as that happened, they heard not only police squad cars but also a helicopter. Twan's car breaks down and all three are eventually arrested", ". Twan's car breaks down and all three are eventually arrested. In the interrogation room, the police tell the women that Twan blamed the drug deal on them in order to save his own skin. Roxanne tells Twan that that is when she turned him in. Roxanne says Tina protected him because Tina was pregnant with Twan's baby at the time.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"Because at the time I was pregnant by you, T.\"\n\nIndie folk musician Will Oldham makes a cameo in this chapter as one of the police officers in the interrogation.", "Chapter 16", "Sylvester, stunned at first at the news of Tina having Twan's child, congratulates Twan on the news but Twan is not convinced, accusing Tina of lying to him. This makes Tina's eye twitch, which had started when Sylvester had first approached her near the end of chapter 14. When Sylvester asks Roxanne about it, Roxanne explains a pimp had hit Tina in the eye a year ago and that she's had bad nerves ever since", ". Twan then pulls Sylvester to the side and begins wondering if he is really the father of Tina's child. Sylvester convinces him that a child would calm him down. When Twan tells Tina that he wants to make this work, Roxanne kisses Tina and reveals they are lovers.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"I'm fucking her now....\"\n\nIn the commentary remix on the Trapped in the Closet DVD, Kelly tells the audience that in the upcoming chapters he will probably give Tina about three chapters to explain her nervous eye twitch.", "Chapter 17\nStunned at the news of Roxanne and Tina being lovers, a frustrated Sylvester points his gun at the both of them, but soon stops because of his tolerance to lesbians, while Twan kept egging him to shoot them. Sylvester tries to get Twan to leave the restaurant. It's only after Twan threatens Tina and Roxanne that he will buy a gun and come back for them later that Sylvester finally convinces Twan to leave.\n\nEnding line: \"Give me my motherfuckin' coat!\"", "Chapter 18", "Back at the car as they drive away, Twan is still angry over seeing Roxanne and Tina together, despite Sylvester's efforts to calm him down. Around this time, Sylvester gets a phone call from Gwendolyn, who tells him that his father Dale had been drinking and cursing people out, and his mother Myrna had Dale put in jail. The scene then shifts to Rufus' church where he is leading the worship song, \"Jesus Will Work It Out\", with Reverend Mosley James Evans and the Peace Within Choir", ". When the song reaches a climax, Rufus gets a phone call and excuses himself to his office. It's Chuck, who's crying and upset over not seeing Rufus since the incident in the earlier chapters. Rufus and Chuck argue when Cathy walks in Rufus' office. When Cathy asks Rufus who was on the phone, Chuck, who can be heard accidentally on speaker phone, cries out for Rufus, which angers Cathy and the two argue before Rufus sends Cathy out to deal with the situation", ". Rufus then tries to let Chuck come see him so they can talk but Chuck refuses. Rufus then tells Chuck that he wants to stay married because he loves his wife and is a Pastor as the reason he doesn't want to see Chuck anymore. This angers Chuck, who threatens to reveal their relationship. When Rufus again tries to get Chuck to come see him, Chuck reveals he is in a hospital.", "Ending \"cliffhanger\" line: Chuck coughs and says \"Because I'm in the hospital....\"", "Chapter 19\nReverend Mosley James Evans and the Peace Within Choir attempt to persuade Pimp Lucius, a pimp with a severe stuttering problem, to stop pimping and to turn his life around. As the choir sings \"you can do it Pimp Lucius\", Lucius pretends to accept the offer and leaves the church. However, he then tells his pimpin' partner, Bishop Craig, that he is never going to \"stop p-p-p-p-p-pimpin'\", because \"p-p-p-pimpin's the life\". Then he tells Bishop Craig \"now let's get this mmm-mmmm-money.\"", "Ending scene: Pimp Lucius points to the choir and says, \"CHURCH! Church!\" He becomes embarrassed and overwhelmed by being on the altar, looks around, and accidentally blurts out \"SHIT!\" He then says \"oops\", and leaves the church with Bishop Craig and his \"escorts\".", "Chapter 20", "This chapter shows Rosie the Nosy Neighbor's house where Rosie is seen in her chair reading the Bible when her husband Randolph comes in shouting, \"he's got the package!\" to Rosie. Unwilling to listen to reason, when Randolph tells her he has news on the pastor (Rufus), she demands to know what was going on with him. After some bickering, Randolph tells Rosie the story: while working as a janitor for the church, Randolph hears Rufus coming into the office", ". Randolph hid in the closet and unintentionally overheard the conversation seen in chapter eighteen among Chuck, Rufus and Cathy. After relaying the story, Rosie asks Randolph why he had said the pastor had \"the package\", Randolph says that Chuck told him he was at the hospital. Rosie immediately decides to inform the masses, despite Randolph's protests. The chapter ends with Randolph sitting on the couch, falling asleep.", "Ending line: \"Now don't go tellin' ev'rybody ’round town, Rosie, with your big-mouthed ass!\"\n\n\"The Package\" is implied to be HIV/AIDS because of the slang term the whole package, defined as prison slang for the disease. Given the large-scale interconnecting relationships in the series, this is a serious issue affecting most if not all of the characters.", "Chapter 21", "Sylvester and Twan go to visit an apparent mobster named Joey. Sylvester informs Joey of some job that could get them a lot of money. While there, Joey accuses Twan of being a cop, as well as calling him \"LL Fool J\", deeply offending Twan. Sylvester, trying to defuse the situation, asks Twan to wait outside the office while he and Joey discuss business. As Twan leaves the room, he remarks, \"I'll be listening from the outside.\" Joey replies, \"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Mama said knock you out, fuck outta here", ".\" Joey replies, \"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Mama said knock you out, fuck outta here.\" While waiting outside, Twan has a nightmare of Sylvester and him in the same situation, being pointed at with guns. In the end, Sylvester wakes Twan up, then Joey and Sylvester say their goodbyes, and Joey asks Sylvester to tell Gwendolyn he says hello, as their deal is sealed.", "Ending line: \"This guy!\"\n\nChapter 22", "The scene opens to 'ol' Dale and Myrna's' voicemail and eventually fades into the middle of the voicemail box where the narrator (Kelly) says, \"and now the rumor\". Throughout a series of phone conversations among all of the original characters from Chapters 1–12 and those introduced in Chapter 13–22, rumors of \"The Package\" circulate. Because Chuck has it, it has possibly been passed to Rufus, to his wife Cathy, to Sylvester, and to Gwendolyn", ". In addition, Bridget realizes that James knows both Chuck and Rufus, though he tried to hide it from her earlier, suggesting he may be on the \"down-low\" with Chuck as well. Gwendolyn also cheated on Sylvester with James. However, she used a condom as revealed in Chapter 4. This would still put Bridget, Big Man, and James at serious risk. Lastly, Pimp Lucius gets a similar concerned call from an unidentified woman.", "Closing scene: The screen fades to black with the words \"To be continued\".", "Video synopsis: Chapters 23–33", "Chapter 23\nThis chapter starts off with Sylvester and Gwendolyn watching TV and getting a mysterious phone call. Then it goes over to Cathy and Rufus, who decided to go shopping downtown. Cathy's phone rings and she exclaims its 'those people' again. Rufus tells her to hang up. Bridget gets an offer that might make her famous, Twan is proffered money in exchange for an unknown service, and most of the rest of the cast also get a mysterious phone call.", "Ending line: \"But there was no luck when it came to getting in touch with Chuck. Where are you, Chuck?\"", "Chapter 24\nThe chapter starts off with Twan winning a bet during a sports game at the local barber shop. Meanwhile, outside, Pimp Lucius is yelling at his prostitutes over a lack of money that's been coming in. He then states if he doesn't get his money soon he'll start hitting the girls, and it is revealed that he is responsible for Tina's nervous twitch. Sylvester and Twan come outside where after a comical encounter with Lucius, they attempt to walk away ending the chapter.", "Ending line: \"...Sylvester you real funny.\"", "Chapter 25\nThe chapter begins directly after the previous as Pimp Lucius calls Sylvester over to ask him for a couple of \"racks\". He then says that he'll pay Sylvester back on the first chance he gets. Sylvester tells Lucius he needs to go and see his parents, and then Sylvester and Twan depart from the scene, frustrating Lucius more.\nEnding line: \"...Now just stop it! Go get the car! Go!\"", "Chapter 26\nThis chapter contains Cathy's confessional for Out of the Closet with Larry and her ultimatum for her husband, Rufus.", "The chapter switches to a pan on the door of Doctor William T. Perry, a marriage counselor. The doctor is getting off the phone as Rufus and an impatient Cathy walk into the room. Rufus is at first reluctant and asks the doctor not to record their session. Cathy then breaks down and begins to cry over the fact that Rufus loves a man over her. Rufus then pronounces that he is confused and still loves Chuck.\nEnding cliffhanger line: \"...What have I done?\"", "Chapter 27", "This chapter begins with Rufus getting on his knees and praying to God to change his ways. Meanwhile, Doctor Perry tries to convince Cathy to go back inside the room and console Rufus as well as make amends. He details a past couple that had a relationship that he was upset never got fixed, and pleads for Cathy to not do that to her own relationship. Back in the office, Rufus calls out to God asking how God was going to help him", ". Back in the office, Rufus calls out to God asking how God was going to help him. Just as he does this, Cathy comes back in the room and forgives Rufus—saying she's willing to work it out.", "The chapter then switches over to Rufus' confessional. Rufus was tricked into coming on the show by the staff; he believed he was there to talk about the church and the community but he is bombarded by questions about his personal life. After an insinuation by an off-screen director, he leaves the set.\nEnding line: \"...Does Chuck have AIDS? Is that what the Package is?! Sir? Sir are you gonna answer the question?\"", "Chapter 28", "Rosie and Randolph are the central characters in this chapter. Randolph can't sleep and wakes Rosie up, and asks if she meant it when she called him Mr. Can't-Get-It-Up in Chapter 13. She tries to leave the conversation but Randolph begins dancing around, taunting her and saying he's going to take off his pajamas and flash her. The doorbell rings, interrupting their shenanigans, and Randolph goes to answer the door", ". The doorbell rings, interrupting their shenanigans, and Randolph goes to answer the door. The scene switches to Rosie in her confessional, she calls Randolph 89 and insinuates that he has a tiny penis. Then it goes to Randolph's confessional. He attempts to defend himself from Rosie's insinuations; she comes on the set and two begin to fight comically. The off-screen director is yelling for them to stop, but they only continue.", "Ending line: \"...Oh, you want some of this don't ya?\"", "Chapter 29", "The chapter starts off with Reverend Mosley James Evans in an advertisement about his new book, Trapped in the Closet. He dances around and compares his book to the Bible. The scene changes to Roxanne talking about the Preacher to Tina and saying that the man is a con artist. Tina tells Roxanne not to say those things about the Reverend. A fight ensues and Tina ends up dumping Roxanne and saying she's going to go find Twan", ". A fight ensues and Tina ends up dumping Roxanne and saying she's going to go find Twan. The chapter then goes to Tina's confessional where she says she appreciated Roxanne for taking her in but she says it's time for her to find her own identity. She also states she will be coming onto the Out of the Closet show. The scene then switches to Roxanne's confessional, where she talks about how ungrateful Tina is being and that the argument isn't over.", "Ending line: \"...Twan? She crazy if she thinking she's leaving me for his gorilla-body having ass.\"", "Chapter 30", "This chapter starts off with Sylvester and Twan in a private garage going over their plans for a future meeting with an unknown gangster. Twan lifts his shirt up and shows Sylvester that he bought a gun, Sylvester takes it from him until after the deal. Sylvester warns him one more time about the delirious mobster they're about to meet. The two of them then get into the car. The chapter then switches to the simultaneous confessionals of Sylvester and Twan", ". The chapter then switches to the simultaneous confessionals of Sylvester and Twan. Twan starts off by saying that Sylvester never lets him have fun. Sylvester then informs the viewers that Twan likes to talk a lot but can't really back it up. He then informs him that true thugs move in silence. After a comical dialogue, the chapter ends with them laughing.", "Ending line: \"...Man, you gotta love this man.\"", "Chapter 31\nThe chapter involves Pimp Lucius going home to see his parents, who turn out to be Randolph and Rosie. Randolph is at first angry and doesn't want to let Lucius in but Rosie insists he come in. Rosie gets mad at Randolph and calls him by his middle name, Douglas. The chapter continues with Lucius explaining the mysterious phone calls he's getting and his need for money and a place to sleep. It ends with Randolph answering the door again to find Lucius' prostitutes whom he compares to En Vogue.", "Ending line: \"...It's En Vogue, with a new lead singer.\"", "Chapter 32", "Pimp Lucius chews out his prostitutes in this chapter trying to find out why they didn't stay in the car while he talked to his parents. The girls say the blind prostitute got worried and asked them to go up to the door to find out if Lucius was okay. Pimp Lucius doesn't believe them and sends them back to the car. Lucius then reflects as the girls walk away. The chapter then goes over to the dramatic confessional of Pimp Lucius alongside his four prostitutes", ". He talks about his father denying him money and a place to sleep. He wonders why his father could have done something like this to him, considering the fact that he is family.", "Ending line: \"...Call me a pimp, a thug, I'm still his blood. How could he do this to me? Church!\"", "Chapter 33", "The last chapter involves Sylvester and Twan meeting up with the mobster, Beeno. The conclusion of Part 3 begins with the character Bankhead opening the door, at first reluctant to let the men in. He warns and threatens them and then guides the men to Beeno. Beeno is eating sunflower seeds aggressively and listens to Sylvester as he makes his proposal. Something seems to be bothering Beeno's throat and he reveals that Joey shot him in the neck during a past deal", ". Beeno doesn't much care for Sylvester's humor and tells his men to kill them after revealing that he is aware of Sylvester making deals with the Italians. Twan saves the day and takes Bankhead's gun and the two flee, but not before Beeno has promised Sylvester and Twan that their families and friends \"won't live to see the weekend\". Then the melody changes to an upbeat one, as Bankhead and his crew chase Sylvester and Twan. The two men run and end up hiding behind a garbage bin", ". The two men run and end up hiding behind a garbage bin. After assuring that they weren't followed, Sylvester reveals to Twan that they're standing outside of the back entrance to the show that the cast has been doing confessionals for, Out of the Closet with Larry. The two men walk inside and the chapter ends as the show is about to begin.", "Ending cliffhanger line: \"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Out of the Closet show. Now give it up for your host, Larry!\"", "Cast\n\nIntroduced in Part 1\n R. Kelly as Sylvester and the narrator\n LeShay Tomlinson as Cathy Longs\n Rolando A. Boyce as Rufus Longs\n Malik S. Middleton as Chuck\n Michael Kenneth Williams as Sgt. James\n Cat Wilson as Gwendolyn\n Eric Lane as Twan\n La Donna Tittle as Rosie, The Nosy Neighbor\n Rebecca Field as Bridget\n Drevon Cooks as \"Big Man\"", "Introduced in Part 2\n R. Kelly as Randolph, Rev. Mos and Pimp Lucius\n Tracey Bonner as Tina\n Erika Ringor as Roxanne\n Will Oldham as Sgt. Platoon\n Greg Hollimon as Det. Tom\n Brian \"Wildcat\" Smith as Bishop Craig\n Pierre Maurey as Church Man\n Brendan Averett as Henchman #1\n Gino Crededio as Henchman #2\n Dominic Capone III as Joey\n Katherine Mitchell as Myrna\n Alan Donovan as Desk Sergeant\n Heather Zagone as Dixie attendant", "Introduced in Part 3\n R. Kelly as Dr. William T. Perry, Beeno\n Javon \"Faz\" Johnson as Bankhead\n Larry\n\nLegacy\nThe first chapter of Trapped in the Closet was ranked by VH1 as the #41 best song of the 2000s.\n\nParodies and derivatives\n\nTrapped in the Closet has inspired numerous parodies and derivatives.", "In July 2005, a parody titled Harry Potter: Trapped in the Closet Under the Stairs was aired in five parts (each part for the first 5 Harry Potter books) on Q100 radio based in Atlanta, Georgia.", "On July 15, 2005, Jimmy Kimmel made a parody of the song cycle, called \"The Pizza\", on his show Jimmy Kimmel Live! on ABC. This parody was aired in six installments, in July, November and December 2005. The series documents Jimmy Kimmel and his quest to have a slice of pizza. A seventh episode was broadcast in October 2007, following the release of chapters 13 through 22 of Trapped in the Closet.\n In August 2005, website Something Awful released a CliffsNotes style analysis of the first five chapters.", "In August 2005, website No Film School released Out of the Closet, a guerrilla remix of the first five chapters. \"Out of the Closet\" tells a completely different story than Trapped in the Closet — all using R. Kelly's own words and original vocals, as well as parts of a Dave Chappelle parody.\n In September 2005, Tichina Arnold, Tisha Campbell and Duane Martin performed a live parody at the BET Comedy Awards.", "On October 2, 2005, MADtv aired a parody called \"Trapped in the Cupboard\", featuring R. Kelly (spoofed by Jordan Peele) and his wife battling over breakfast cereal.\n Computer Games Magazine reports of a group who has recreated the first five chapters using The Sims 2 animation engine.\n On November 9, 2005, website Something Awful released a CliffsNotes-style analysis of the next seven chapters.", "On November 11, 2005, Eric Appel hosted a panel discussion about the song and video at the New York City chapter of the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. The panel featured Aziz Ansari, Anthony King, Brian Berrebbi, Eugene Mirman, Rob Huebel, and Brett Gelman.", "On November 16, 2005, a South Park episode named \"Trapped in the Closet\" aired. The plot proceeds around Stan being thought of as the second coming of L. Ron Hubbard by Scientologists and Tom Cruise locking himself in Stan's closet. As the incident receives news coverage, Kelly appears and sings about the situation, and is eventually used to coax Cruise out of the closet before going inside it himself.", "On November 19, 2005, a Saturday Night Live episode parodied the song, featuring Kelly fighting with his wife who turns out to be seeing an alien who also turns out to be Kelly's father.", "In January 2006, Aziz Ansari and Paul Scheer took Eric Appel's panel show to the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in Los Angeles. Special guest panelists have included Patton Oswalt, David Cross, Paul F. Tompkins, Drevon Cooks (\"Big Man\") and others. Since then, it has been performed regularly at the UCB Theatre on both coasts.", "On the May 11, 2006, episode of Eve, which was the episode's last before UPN ceased operations in the cliffhanger episode, Nick (Brian Hooks) and J.T. (Jason George) hide in a closet, which Jamal (Darius McCrary) opens. Eve was also cancelled due to merger of UPN and The WB. \n In September 2006, \"Weird Al\" Yankovic released \"Trapped in the Drive-Thru\" for his album Straight Outta Lynwood.", "In a 2013 episode of the sketch comedy Loiter Squad, a sketch featured a parody of Trapped in the Closet titled \"Trapped with Tyler\", in which cast members Tyler the Creator and Jasper Dolphin, dressed as Sylvester and Bishop Craig, respectively, walk through a busy street and sing an auto-tuned parody of the song. Its lyrical content consists of mockery of other peoples' fashion sense, as well as rude insinuations about other peoples' personal lives.", "A 2016 episode of Crazy Ex Girlfriend features a parody titled \"Stuck in the Bathroom\".\n In a sixth-season episode of the animated series Celebrity Deathmatch, R. Kelly teams up with Kelly Clarkson to defeat Ludacris and Criss Angel in a fight. At random intervals, Kelly pauses to narrate his actions during the fight in a similar manner to Trapped in the Closet, including mention of Bridget's affair with Big Man. Clarkson eventually does similar, causing Kelly to express annoyance.", "On May 23, 2016, American Dad! aired an episode titled \"Criss-Cross Applesauce: The Ballad of Billy Jesusworth\" featuring the character Steve Smith doing a parody of Trapped in the Closet called \"Trapped in the Locker\".", "Reception\nRoger Cormier wrote that \"when journalists write about...Trapped in the Closet, they tend to throw out a high-brow literary reference\", but then described it as \"a subtlety free, it's-so-dumb-it's-brilliant work of art\" comparable to \"Laurence Sterne's 18th-century novel The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman \".\n\nWriting for Flagpole, Hillary Brown linked Trapped in the Closet to the Renaissance concept of sprezzatura and compared it to the work of Stendhal and John Ashbery.", "John Lichman warned \"once you start watching Trapped in the Closet, whether out of curiosity or because you think it's a joke, you will find yourself sucked down a hole into something more obsession-friendly than Arrested Development when it comes to jokes, plot twists and fan-service.\"", "Chuck Klosterman writing for The Guardian called it a cult classic and wrote: \"Describing Trapped in the Closet to anyone who hasn't seen it themselves is virtually impossible, simply because there's no other art to compare it with (it falls somewhere between a parody of musical theatre, a soap opera from the late 1970s, and a BET version of the Red Shoe Diaries).\"", "Writing for Pitchfork, Jen Pelly stated \"If you haven't seen Trapped in the Closet before... stop what you're doing and watch all of it right now. It is truly mind-blowing.\"", "VEVO release", "Prior to Kelly's conviction of sexual abuse in 2021, the first 22 chapters of the Trapped in the Closet series were released via VEVO, where they appeared for free ad-supported viewing. By May 2012, the series had averaged 7,000,000 views for the first 22 chapters on the website itself, and a further average of 7,000,000 views on Kelly's VEVO YouTube page. However, chapters 3, 5, 6, and 13 were cut short. Days after Kelly was found guilty on September 27, 2021, his YouTube channel was terminated.", "Charts\n\nChapter 1\n\nWeekly charts\n\nRelease history\n\nOther projects\nR. Kelly stated in an interview with Rap-Up TV that he was, at the time, working on a movie version of Trapped in the Closet that would have been released to theaters. The movie was rumored to be called Trapped in the Closet: The Movie. The movie has most likely been cancelled due to the allegations against Kelly.", "Trapped in the Closet: The Book is a yet-to-be-released book by Kelly. The book was set to be released sometime in 2018 alongside the Broadway debut of Trapped in the Closet, however neither of these projects were released to the public. The book is about what happened before the characters actually meet in the musical. The book has been shown in the latest chapters of the show in 2012, Chapters 23–33. R. Kelly dubbed it \"the prequel meeting the sequel\".\n\nSee also\n \"I Admit\"\n\nReferences", "See also\n \"I Admit\"\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n Trapped in the Closet videos on IFC.com\n\n \nR. Kelly songs\nSongs written by R. Kelly\nFilm serials\nLGBT-related songs\nSong recordings produced by R. Kelly\n\nRap operas\n2000s English-language films" ]
List of Wentworth characters
[ "The following is a list of characters from the Australian television series Wentworth.\n\nMain characters\n\nBea Smith", "Bea Smith (Danielle Cormack) (seasons 1–4) came to be an inmate after attempting to murder her husband, Harry, after she had endured years of domestic violence. After entering the facility she is coveted by both Franky Doyle and Jacs Holt in their fight for \"Top Dog\" of the prison. Bea struggles adjusting to her new life in prison as well as trying to keep up with her daughter, Debbie, and her husband while they are on the outside world", ". After Bea's daughter is murdered on the order of Jacs Holt, Bea kills her by jabbing a pen into her neck and is charged with manslaughter. After believing that Debbie committed suicide, it is later revealed to Bea that Debbie was murdered by Brayden Holt, Jacs' son. Hellbent on revenge, Bea concocts a plan to escape Wentworth and kill Brayden for killing Debbie", ". Hellbent on revenge, Bea concocts a plan to escape Wentworth and kill Brayden for killing Debbie. After a bloody fight with Franky, Bea slices her own wrists, as sliced wrists cannot be cuffed, and is transferred to hospital where she escapes after being treated. Bea finds Brayden and holds him hostage in his mechanic shop where she gets him to confess to killing Debbie, after which she kills him. Bea is charged with murder and returns to Wentworth as the new \"Top Dog\"", ". Bea is charged with murder and returns to Wentworth as the new \"Top Dog\". She maintains a tough anti-drug trafficking policy with inmates. During a fire started by Ferguson, after killing Jess, Bea saves Doreen's baby and Franky. Bea is serving life without parole. Loneliness, the loss of Debbie and the stress of being \"Top Dog\" over time takes its toll on Bea", ". Loneliness, the loss of Debbie and the stress of being \"Top Dog\" over time takes its toll on Bea. Season four widely focuses on Bea discovering a side of herself she never believed to be there after falling in love with new inmate Allie Novak. In the finale of season 4, Bea believes Allie to be dead after she was given a hotshot (a lethal amount of illicit drugs) by Joan Ferguson. As Joan is walking out of the prison following her release, Bea confronts her with a screwdriver", ". As Joan is walking out of the prison following her release, Bea confronts her with a screwdriver. After a struggle ensues between the two, Joan gains control of the screwdriver and Bea impales herself onto it 8 times followed by a further 5 stab wounds from Joan herself, which cause Bea's death and ensure that Joan cannot be released from Wentworth and will be forced to remain in custody until her trial.", "Franky Doyle\n\nFrancesca \"Franky\" Doyle (Nicole da Silva) (seasons 1–6; 7) is an inmate at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Franky was sent to Wentworth after she was charged with assault for throwing boiling oil on a television presenter of a cooking show that she was participating on for criticizing her food. Franky is a lesbian who has had relationships with some of the inmates and staff at Wentworth. Franky has been paroled and is in a relationship with forensic psychologist, Bridget Westfall.", "Vera Bennett", "Vera Bennett (Kate Atkinson) (seasons 1–8) is the former Deputy Governor at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Vera is shown as a timid and shy individual who has difficulty forming friendships and relationships due to having to take care of her mother. Rather than confiding in her colleagues about her mother, Vera lies about having a boyfriend named Adam. Vera forms a relationship with her co-worker, Matthew \"Fletch\" Fletcher, however their relationship ends after Vera reads Fletch's journal", ". In season 2, Vera becomes the project of governor Joan Ferguson where she changes her personality into one that is much stronger and not so much of a shy pushover.", "In the season 4 premiere, Vera is appointed the new Prison Governor of Wentworth after Joan is charged with the murder of former inmate Jess Warner and is remanded in custody awaiting sentencing.", "Doreen Anderson\nDoreen Anderson (Shareena Clanton) (seasons 1–5) is an inmate at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Doreen was charged with reckless endangerment for losing her unborn baby after having a car accident due to heavily drinking and drug use.\n\nDuring season two Doreen gets pregnant by Nash, an inmate from Walford, during the construction of the greenhouse.", "Liz Birdsworth", "Elizabeth \"Liz\" Birdsworth (Celia Ireland) (seasons 1–7) is an inmate at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Liz is a recovering alcoholic, who was first sent to Wentworth for the manslaughter of her mother-in-law. While under the influence of alcohol, Liz drove a tractor over a party setup for her mother-in-law's birthday after stressing that it was not going to be good enough. To avoid running over her daughter, Liz turned the tractor but accidentally ran over and killed her mother-in-law", ". Liz was the peer worker of the prison, dealing with inmates and the staff if there was an issue. However, Liz lost the right to be peer worker after she relapsed into her alcoholism. Since then Liz has been on and off with her addiction. Eventually, Liz makes parole and tries to start her life anew once on the outside. Liz tries to reconnect with her children but is too scared to do so. Liz later returns to Wentworth after having broken the conditions of her parole.", "Fletch", "Matthew \"Fletch\" Fletcher (Aaron Jeffery) (seasons 1–3) is a correctional officer at Wentworth. Fletcher is shown to have previously been a soldier who served in various war zones, including East Timor. His experience with a young girl being shot leaves him with PTSD and nightmares, and he is shown to easily lose his temper under stress", ". He attempts to have a relationship with fellow corrections officer Vera Bennett, but it ends after she reads a journal filled with expressions of rage as part of his therapy. He has a contentious relationship with Officer Will Jackson, and it is later revealed that he had a brief affair with Will's wife Meg Jackson; she became pregnant with his child and had an abortion just weeks before her death in the prison. This leads to the two having a brawl in the boiler room during a prison riot", ". This leads to the two having a brawl in the boiler room during a prison riot. He is also shown as being transphobic towards Maxine when she arrives at Wentworth.", "He has doubts and reservations about Governor Ferguson and suspects her abuse but is initially unable to prove it. During Ferguson's attempt to remove drugs from the prison, Franky implicates Fletch as a potential source for smuggling, causing him to fight with Franky in her cell. At the end of season 2, during Bea's plan to escape and take revenge on Brayden Holt, Jess seduces Fletch in the shower, enabling Bea to steal his access card and gather supplies", ". A distraught Fletch takes his concerns to Channing after Ferguson attempts to transfer him out, but the investigation is shut down when Ferguson uncovers evidence of Channing's prostitution ring and blackmails him", ". After encountering an inmate who was previously tortured by Ferguson at Blackmoor Prison, he learns of her involvement with an inmate named Jianna and vendetta against Will Jackson and plans to report it to the board, however en route to Will's house he is struck by a speeding van driven by Ferguson's accomplice and nearly killed.", "During season 3, Fletcher spends his time recovering from his attack, which leaves him both physically injured and with severe mental damage and amnesia. Will visits to finally put their past behind them. Vera also comes to visit him during his rehab, which is later discovered by Ferguson. After a severe bout of depression and alcoholism, Vera gives him advice that helps him start to get back on track, and Ferguson and Channing offer him his job back in an attempt to discover what he still remembers", ". Seeing Bea's drawing of Ferguson's henchman triggers his memory and he finally pieces together what happened to him. He allies himself with Bea and Vera to finally take Ferguson down by using their knowledge of her past against her.", "Will Jackson", "Will Jackson (Robbie Magasiva) (seasons 1–8) is a correctional officer at Wentworth. Will is a former social worker who transferred to corrections. Will was married to the previous governor, Meg Jackson. After Meg was killed during a riot at the prison Will spiralled into a depression that he tried to cure with alcohol and drugs. At one point, Will overdosed but Fletch managed to save him", ". At one point, Will overdosed but Fletch managed to save him. Will had numerous high profile storylines, and in series 7 was promoted to acting governor, which later he is promoted to governor", "Jacs Holt", "Jacqueline \"Jacs\" Holt (Kris McQuade) (season 1) was an inmate at Wentworth. Jacs was serving fourteen years for the manslaughter of an associate of her husband, Vinnie Holt. Jacs was in a competition for \"Top Dog\" with Franky Doyle, often insulting Franky's sexuality and ordering hits to try and take her out of the running", ". Jacs attempts to befriend Bea Smith when she was new to the prison, often alluding to how horrible it would be if something were to happen to Bea's daughter, Debbie, if Bea was not going to co-operate with Jacs wishes. After Bea siding with Franky, Jacs orders her son, Brayden to kill Debbie by heroin overdose. Jacs is confronted by Bea after she hears the news about Debbie's death, and Bea stabs a pen into Jacs neck, killing her.", "Boomer", "Sue \"Boomer\" Jenkins (Katrina Milosevic) (seasons 1–8) is an inmate at Wentworth who is serving time for grievous bodily harm and drug trafficking. Boomer is best friends with Franky Doyle and serves as her muscle. Boomer is often portrayed as a slow and sometimes mentally challenged individual but, it is revealed that she has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder as a result of her mother ingesting alcohol while she was pregnant with Boomer", ". This brain based disability is the reason that she struggles with many cognitive issues.", "Erica Davidson\nErica Davidson (Leeanna Walsman) (season 1) was the Governor of Wentworth after Meg Jackson. Before becoming the governor, Erica was a prisoner advocate, and an acquaintance of Franky Doyle. Although engaged, Erica explores her feelings for Franky, hinting that she is bisexual but always denies it.", "Meg Jackson\nMeg Jackson (Catherine McClements) (season 1) was the Governor of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Meg was married to Will Jackson, an officer at Wentworth. She also had an affair with Fletcher which led to an abortion two weeks before the riot. Meg died during a riot at the prison after being stabbed in the chest with a shiv. It is later revealed that Meg was killed by Franky Doyle accidentally.\n\nJoan Ferguson", "Joan Ferguson\n\nJoan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) (seasons 2–8) became the Governor of Wentworth after Erica Davidson. Before being the governor, Ferguson was a correctional officer at Blackmoor Prison, where she shared a special bond with an inmate named Jianna, who was pregnant. She becomes a prisoner in season 4. She appears as hallucinations in season 6. She appeared briefly in the season 7 finale where it was teased that she would return for season 8.\n\nKaren Proctor", "Karen Proctor\n\nKaren \"Kaz\" Proctor (Tammy MacIntosh) (seasons 3–7) is an inmate at Wentworth and the leader of the Red Right Hand. She also acts as a maternal figure for Allie which adds to tension between her and Bea.\n\nIn episode 4 of season 7 Kaz is murdered by an unknown assailant, it is later revealed that corrupt prison officer Sean Brody killed Kaz to silence her as she knew about Marie's escape plan.\n\nAllie Novak", "Allie Novak\n\nAllie Novak (Kate Jenkinson) (seasons 4–8) is an inmate at Wentworth and a member of the Red Right Hand. She is a former prostitute and drug addict until she met Kaz, who got her out of that life. She is loyal to Kaz but later falls in love with Bea, becoming devastated at her death and wanting revenge on Ferguson. In season 6 she falls in love with Ruby Mitchell, but also begins to doubt Kaz after her former lover, Marie Winter, is arrested and incarcerated at Wentworth.", "Bridget Westfall\nBridget Westfall (Libby Tanner) (seasons 3–6) is a forensic psychologist who works with the inmates at Wentworth. Bridget identifies as a lesbian, and has feelings for Franky Doyle, which Franky reciprocates. Bridget's feelings for Franky develops far enough where Bridget decides to quit because of the suspicion from other prisoners and staff. When Franky gets out of prison she goes to live with Bridget.\n\nMaxine Conway", "Maxine Conway (Socratis Otto) (seasons 2–5) is a transgender inmate at Wentworth. Maxine was sent to Wentworth after stabbing her boyfriend, Gary, with scissors after he cut off her hair as a result of Maxine's gender reassignment surgery. Maxine is seen as the muscle in the prison, often affiliated with Bea Smith as her second in command. Upon Maxine's entry into Wentworth she was trumped with transphobic insults and bets as to whether she had a penis or vagina", ". After Maxine's adjustment to prison life, her boyfriend's brother comes to visit her and leaves her male looking clothes and a visitors pass that Maxine uses to try and escape the prison. Vera, upon finishing her shift, noticed that Maxine was trying to escape and called out to Will to stop Maxine from leaving. After being taken back into the prison, Vera refuses to give Maxine her wig back. In season 4, Maxine is diagnosed with breast cancer", ". In season 4, Maxine is diagnosed with breast cancer. In season 5, after having a double mastectomy, Maxine is transferred to Barnhurst prison as they have a better treatment facility to help with her chemotherapy.", "Jake Stewart\nJake Stewart (Bernard Curry) (seasons 4–8) is a senior officer who served as a guard at Walford Prison before being transferred to Wentworth, Stewart shared a sexual relationship with guard Sean Brody. Stewart serves as acting deputy governor when Will is suspended for drugs, and is the father of Vera's baby Grace.", "Sonia Stevens", "Sonia Stevens (Sigrid Thornton) (seasons 4–6) made her first appearance during the fourth series episode \"Divide and Conquer\", broadcast on 14 June 2016. Thornton appeared in the original Prisoner television series as Roslyn Coulson, making her the second actress to star in both Prisoner and Wentworth. The character was partly inspired by Prisoner's Sonia Stevens, who was played by Tina Bursill. Thornton's Sonia is \"a wealthy but self-made dynamo behind a cosmetics empire", ". Thornton's Sonia is \"a wealthy but self-made dynamo behind a cosmetics empire.\" She is accused of murdering a missing woman and sent to Wentworth prison on remand. Sonia was killed by Kaz Proctor, pushing her off the roof.", "Rita Connors\nRita Connors (Leah Purcell) (seasons 6–8) is an inmate at Wentworth, and the older sister of Ruby Mitchell. She is a member of a biker gang. It is later revealed that Connors is not actually her last name, and she is an undercover cop.", "Ruby Mitchell\nRuby Mitchell (Rarriwuy Hick) (seasons 6–8) is an inmate at Wentworth, and the younger sister of Rita Connors. She was a prodigy, but suffered brain damage following a car accident Rita was involved in. She is a boxer, and is revealed to have accidentally killed the son of Marie Winter. She is one of five inmates transferred to H block at the beginning of season 6. She later forms a relationship with Allie Novak. A sheet of paper on her cell door in season 7 spells her name \"Roobi\".", "Marie Winter\nMarie Winter (Susie Porter) (seasons 6–8) is an inmate at Wentworth, a businesswoman, and the co-owner of a brothel along with Derek Channing. She once had a relationship with Allie Novak, which led Allie to drugs and prostitution until Kaz stopped it. She has an affair with Will Jackson, and was arrested for assaulting a doctor who was unable to save her son. In season 7 she is elected Top Dog following the death of Kaz Proctor.", "Lou Kelly", "Lou Kelly (Kate Box) (season 8) is a new inmate at Wentworth who has been there before. She is in a relationship with Reb Keane, a transgender man who has not yet had his gender reassignment surgery. She was at Wentworth before, as Top Dog, and her trademark justice was to amputate fingers with a cigar cutters. She is told to take charge of the protection prisoners after their unit is shut down. After Allie is stabbed and put in a wheelchair, she takes the role of Top Dog", ". After Allie is stabbed and put in a wheelchair, she takes the role of Top Dog. After Reb is killed, her motivation is to take revenge on those she holds responsible.", "Reb Keane\nReb Keane (Zoe Terakes) (season 8) is Lou Kelly's boyfriend. A transgender man who has not yet had his gender reassignment surgery, he is arrested with her and placed in the same unit. He is scared of prison, and Marie tries to protect him, seeing him as a surrogate son. After Sheila arrives and meets him and Lou, he becomes upset, and she eventually drugs him and garottes him in his sleep to get revenge on Lou.", "Judy Bryant", "Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) (season 8) is a hacker who is suspected of terrorism, and is despised by Ann Reynolds, the new general manager, for this, as her daughter died in a terrorist attack. She befriends Allie, Ruby and Boomer, but is only out for herself, also assaulting Ann and stealing Lou and Reb's money to stall her extradition, and eventually stabs Allie and turns her into a paraplegic because of Allie's reaction to her assaulting Ann", ". When her treachery is discovered, they report her to Lou, who nearly kills her before she offers an escape involving a bomb. Lou agrees, but only wants revenge on the officers. Ann, knowing the authorities are tracking the movements of her accomplices on the outside and that Judy was involved with those who killed her daughter, has Judy moved to an area near the site the bomb will go off to prevent her escape, and Judy is killed in the explosion.", "Ann Reynolds", "Ann Reynolds (Jane Hall) is the new general manager of Wentworth following Derek Channing's dismissal and arrest. She attempts to save money by shutting down the protection unit, enlisting Lou Kelly to take care of the prisoners there, and manipulates Vera into supporting her by revealing her daughter was killed in a terrorist attack. She dislikes Will, and despises Judy. She also hooks up with Jake a couple of times", ". She dislikes Will, and despises Judy. She also hooks up with Jake a couple of times. She is made aware of Lou and Judy's bomb threat, and is persuaded to let it continue until the authorities find evidence of Judy's involvement. On the day the bomb goes off, she arranges for Judy to be moved to an area near the site the bomb will go off at", ". After the explosion, Vera finds her destroying evidence of her arranging Judy's death, and she attempts to kill Vera, but they are found by Joan, who kills her and carries Vera out.", "Recurring characters\n\nInmates", "Kim Chang", "Kim Chang (Ra Chapman) (seasons 1–5) is an inmate at Wentworth. Kim was Franky's friend with benefits inside the prison. Kim was often seen as Franky's weakness when she was Top Dog, which other inmates would try to exploit. Kim makes parole and leaves on bad terms with Franky, as Kim goes back to her boyfriend once outside. Kim later breaks the conditions of her parole and is sent back to Wentworth", ". Kim later breaks the conditions of her parole and is sent back to Wentworth. Kim reveals that she did it on purpose to be with Franky because she loves her, but is angered when Franky has moved on. Later on, she becomes a drug user and joins the Asian crew as Tina's drug mule.", "Toni Goodes", "Toni Goodes\nToni Goodes (Jada Alberts) (seasons 1-2) is a drug-addicted inmate at Wentworth, and the mother of Kaiya, who Doreen cares for. After Toni is put in solitary again for using drugs, Doreen sends Kaiya to live with her grandmother. After she is released from solitary, Jacs forces her to claim Franky gave her the drugs, and she is put into protection until her release. In season 2, she has gotten clean, and visits Doreen to give her a pregnancy test, later sending Liz a package which Bea picks up.", "Ronnie Katsis\nRonnie Katsis (Louise Harris) (season 1) is an inmate returning to Wentworth when Bea Smith is arrested. She blows a guard in exchange for cigarettes, and is a member of Jacs' crew. Later she uses her daughter to smuggle drugs, but this fails when she passes out, and she is discovered and shunned by the inmates. Due to this she is moved into protection and never seen again.\n\nPhilipa Turner\nPhilipa \"Pip\" Turner (Rondah Dam) (season 1) was one of Jacs' henchmen in the first season.", "Simmo", "Simone \"Simmo\" Slater (Ally Fowler) (seasons 1–3) was an inmate at Wentworth. Simmo was one of Jacs Holt's henchmen, and had connections with Jacs' family and business on the outside world. Simmo was a recovering heroin addict, until her husband ordered her to kill Bea Smith at the request of Vinnie Holt to avenge the murder of his wife, Jacs. Simmo refuses to kill Bea and goes to Franky for drugs, with which she intended to use to kill herself but Bea Smith discovered her in time", ". After Simmo recovers, she again refuses to kill Bea. Later, Bea discovers Simmo in her room after dying of a heroin overdose. It is later discovered that Governor Ferguson gave Simmo a hot shot of Pink Dragon heroin.", "Roz Jago\nRosalind \"Roz\" Jago (Benne Harrison) (seasons 1–2) was one of Jacs' henchmen, and later Simmo's friend and muscle source. After being framed for painting graffiti mocking Ferguson, she and the other members of Jacs' gang, except Simmo, are transferred to another block.", "Megan Summers\nMegan \"Meg\" Summers (Melitta St Just) (seasons 1-2) was one of Jacs' henchmen, and later Simmo's friend and muscle source. After Roz Jago, another member of Jacs' crew, is framed for painting graffiti mocking Ferguson, she and the other members of Jacs' gang, except Simmo, are transferred to another block.", "Sky Pierson\nSky Pierson (Kathryn Beck) (season 2) is an inmate at Wentworth. Sky is heavily addicted to heroin and one of Franky's henchmen. Sky is shown constantly trying to score heroin and even threatens to cut it out of the stomach of a new inmate after she was arrested for drug trafficking. Sky only appears in the second season, her fate is currently unknown.\n\nJess Warner", "Jess Warner\n\nJess Warner (Georgia Chara) (seasons 2–3) was an inmate at Wentworth. Jess was serving a five-year sentence for the murder of a baby.", "Kat\nKat (Elissa Stephens) (season 2) is an inmate who arrived at Wentworth at the same time as Maxine Conway and Jess Warner. She had a cast on her leg and was arrested for trying to rob a convenience store. Later she is revealed to be a hitman sent to kill Bea by Vinnie Holt, and to be hiding a knife in her cast. She attacks Bea but is stopped by Maxine, and moved into protection with attempted murder added to her record.", "Sophie Donaldson\nSophie Donaldson (Edwina Samuels) (seasons 2–3) is an inmate at Wentworth and Liz Birdsworth's daughter. Sophie was sent to prison for driving under the influence of alcohol on a suspended license and hit a cyclist. She bonds with Franky, but takes a while to reconnect with Liz. In season 4 she is mentioned to have been transferred to Barnhurst.", "Kelly Bryant\nKelly Bryant (Christen O'Leary) (seasons 2–3) was a prisoner at Blackmoor, the prison Ferguson was a guard at before Wentworth. She is transferred to Wentworth in late season 2, but after Ferguson finds out she is there, she has her transferred to Barnhurst, though Fletch manages to interrogate her about Ferguson's past.", "Jianna Riley\nJianna Riley (Tasia Zalar) (seasons 2-3) was a prisoner at Blackmoor, who had a relationship with Joan Ferguson, and was pregnant. Will Jackson, at that point a social worker, took the baby away from her after it was born. Jianna was later found in her cell hanged. Ferguson believes she hanged herself due to losing the baby, and blames Will, but Will later reveals the other prisoners lynched her for her relationship with Ferguson.", "Su-Yun Lee\nSu-Yun Lee (Hany Lee) (season 2) is a new prisoner arrested for drug trafficking. She does not speak English. When Liz uses Kim to translate for her, they find she swallowed two heroin packets, which she has kept down too long to vomit up. They try to help her, but she eventually dies when the packets break inside her.\n\nSarah Briggs\nSarah Briggs (Katherine Halliday) (season 2) is a kitchen worker at Wentworth, and a member of Franky's drug crew.", "Lindsay Coulter\nLindsay Coulter (Kasia Kaczmarek) (seasons 2–3) is a kitchen worker at Wentworth, and a member of Franky's drug crew. Kasia Kaczmarek is the daughter of Marta Kaczmarek, another actress on the show.", "Marge Novak\nMarge Novak (Marta Kaczmarek) (seasons 2, 5) is a long-serving inmate at Wentworth. Bea finds out she takes medication to thicken her blood, which she uses as part of her plan to kill Brayden Holt. Later, she dies of a heart attack while looking at the green wall. Despite sharing a surname with Allie Novak, no relationship is specified or implied. Marta Kaczmarek is the mother of Kasia Kaczmarek, another actress on the show.", "Jodie Spiteri\nJodie Spiteri (Pia Miranda) (season 3) is a kitchen worker at Wentworth, and a member of Franky's drug crew. After Bea finds out about Franky's drugs, she frames Jodie for possession. Ferguson tortures her into stabbing Bea, and when Bea and Franky try to get her to retaliate, Ferguson stops them and manipulates Jodie into self-harming even more, causing her to be moved to the psychiatric ward.", "Lucy Gambaro\nLucy \"Juice\" Gambaro (Sally-Anne Upton) (seasons 3–6) is an inmate at Wentworth. She and her crew are often predatory towards new or young prisoners and are known to gang-rape victims. \"Juice\" has Hepatitis-C and pricks Vera with an infected needle while holding her hostage. In season 5, she has her tongue cut out by Joan Ferguson. She returns in season 6, as a member of Vicky Kosta's gang.", "Latham", "Latham (Sarah Howett) (seasons 1-7) is an inmate at Wentworth. She is seen in the background throughout the show. In season 1, she helps Franky get revenge on Jacs. In season 3, she is one of Lucy Gambaro's henchwomen, along with Stella Radic. In season 5, she helps hold Linda Miles hostage in Ferguson's \"kangaroo court\". In season 6, she is part of Vicky Kosta's fight club, where she fights and loses to Ruby. In season 7, she is one of Kaz' supporters in dealing with the drug problem", ". In season 7, she is one of Kaz' supporters in dealing with the drug problem. Interestingly, in \"Coup De Grace\", Vera calls her Latham, but in season 6, her supporters in the fight club call her Greenslade.", "Tina Mercado\nTina Mercado (Charlie Tjoe) (seasons 3–5)\nTina is the leader of one of Wentworth's drug trafficking groups. She and her followers don't follow Bea's rules, which often results in Tina getting bashed by Maxine. In season 6, she is mentioned to have given an alibi for the murder Franky is accused of, exonerating Franky.", "Cindy Lou\nCindy Lou (Miles Paras) (season 3)\nCindy Lou is a non-English speaking member of Tina Mercado's gang. She at first appears to be the leader, having Tina translate for her to avoid suspicion. She is also a drug user. After the group intimidates Franky, she gets help from Lucy Gambaro and her gang and outs Tina as the leader. She later dies from an overdose of drugs brought in by Kim Chang after she returns to Wentworth.", "Mel Barrett\nMel Barrett (Sophia Katos) (seasons 4–5) is a member of the Red Right Hand. She appears to be Kaz's right-hand woman. During the election for Top Dog she, Liz and Sonia count the votes.\n\nCarly\nCarly (Carly Baker) (seasons 4-8) is a member of the Red Right Hand. She is often shown supporting Kaz, and later Allie.\n\nSoz\nSoz (Leonie Bolton) (seasons 4-8) is a member of the Red Right Hand. She is often shown supporting Kaz, and later Allie.", "Tasha Goodwin", "Tasha Goodwin (Frankie Adams) (season 4) is a new, young inmate at Wentworth. She is arrested for stealing from a convenience store and assaulting the owner. After Joan directs Lucy Gambaro to rape her, she pushes the panic button and gets Lucy thrown into solitary. Maxine refuses to punish her for this, and Bea is forced to brand her as a lagger to prevent Lucy and her gang from inflicting a worse punishment", ". Due to being ostracized for this, she attempts suicide, but is saved by Joan and moved into the psych ward.", "Stella Radic\nStella Radic (Bessie Holland) (season 2–6) is Lucy Gambaro's right hand. The most notable member of \"the boys\" gang. Bleached blonde hair that is always styled differently. In season 6 she and Lucy have joined Vicky Kosta's gang.\n\nDana Malouf\nDana Malouf (Daniielle Alexis) (season 5) was a featured extra in the Red Right Hand gang.", "Iman Farah", "Iman Farah (Zahra Newman) (season 5) is a new inmate in season 5, arrested for assault. She is nearly assaulted by Lucy Gambaro, but saved by Franky. She finds out Franky is a paralegal, and asks for her help in appealing her conviction. It is later revealed that she was in a relationship with Mike Pennisi, and killed him because he was obsessed with Franky, but framed her for this believing she was the true reason for his death, and got herself arrested to get to Franky", ". After admitting this to Franky, she is killed by Ferguson, who frames Franky for her murder.", "Hutch\nJen \"Hutch\" Hutchins (Sarah Hallam) (seasons 5–7) is an inmate with long blonde hair. She defends Ferguson in \"Coup De Grace\", insisting \"it was self defense Franky\" when Franky accuses Joan of murder. In season 6 she has become a member of Vicky Kosta's gang, and records the fights on a phone. In season 7 she appears to be Vicky Kosta's right-hand woman.", "Mon Alston\nMon Alston (Emily Havea) (seasons 6–8) is a member of the Red Right Hand. She appears to be Kaz's right-hand woman following Mel Barrett's disappearance. In \"Ascension\" she accuses Marie of having killed Kaz, and attempts to murder her, before being stopped by Allie.", "Vicky Kosta", "Victoria \"Vicky\" Kosta (Artemis Ioannides) (seasons 6–7) is a gang leader in Wentworth. In season 6, she, along with Ruby, Cherry Li, Spike Baxter and Sharon Gilmour are transferred from another block to H block. In addition to being the main drug dealer following Tina Mercado's disappearance, she also organizes a fight club in which inmates fight and place bets. Her gang in season 6 includes Hutch, Cherry Li, Lucy Gambaro and Stella Radic", ". Her gang in season 6 includes Hutch, Cherry Li, Lucy Gambaro and Stella Radic. In season 7 she attempts to become Top Dog after Kaz's death, but is framed for her murder by Marie, though later cleared. In the finale, she is among those taken hostage, and is shot and killed by Sean Brody.", "Drago\nZara \"Drago\" Dragovich (Natalia Novikova) (season 6) is Marie Winter's business associate and right-hand woman. After Rita gives information on a deal Marie is doing, she and others are arrested for sex trafficking. She distrusts Rita, despite Marie's skepticism, and tries to prove her a rat. Eventually she finds out that Ruby killed Marie's son, and tries to kill her in the fight club, where Rita kills her to protect Ruby.", "Cherry Li", "Cherry Li (Sun Park) (season 6) is a member of Vicky Kosta's gang. She and Kosta, along with Ruby, Spike Baxter and Sharon Gilmour are transferred to H block at the beginning of season 6. She once worked as a prostitute at a brothel owned by Marie, which she was fired from after being scarred. She tries to kill Marie for this after her arrest, only to be stopped by Rita. Later she defeats Boomer in the fight club", ". Later she defeats Boomer in the fight club. After Drago suspects Rita of being the rat, the police plant evidence suggesting Cherry is the rat, and Drago attacks her, turning her into a quadriplegic. Boomer is initially blamed for this due to the fight club, but Rita later tells the police the truth.", "Spike Baxter", "Spike Baxter (Kate Elliot) (season 6) is a violent inmate originally from J block, who is in a relationship with Sharon Gilmour. She and her girlfriend, along with Ruby, Kosta and Cherry Li, are transferred to H block at the beginning of season 6. She is possessive of her girlfriend. After Sonia kills Sharon, mistaking her for Liz, she frames Spike by planting the murder weapon in her cell. Liz later tells Spike what Sonia did", ". Liz later tells Spike what Sonia did. After Spike is released from solitary, she attacks Sonia, but is stopped and transferred back to J block.", "Sharon Gilmour\nSharon Gilmour (Catherine Larcey) (season 6) is Spike Baxter's girlfriend. She and Spike, along with Ruby, Kosta and Cherry Li, are transferred to H block at the beginning of season 6. Spike is possessive of her. Sonia later kills her, mistaking her for Liz, and frames Spike. Liz tells Spike, and later tricks Sonia into confessing to the murder while being recorded.", "Taylah Bullock\nTaylah Bullock (Marny Kennedy) (season 6) is a young inmate used by Marie to bring heroin into the prison. Kaz stops her and gets her sent to the infirmary, later intimidating her into revealing where the rest of it is.", "May Jenkins\nMay Jenkins (Anni Finsterer) (season 7) is Boomer's abusive mother. She is an alcoholic. She sponsors Boomer for her day release, but later gets them both arrested for shoplifting. She is remanded to Wentworth, where she continues to bully her daughter. Liz eventually helps Boomer stand up to her. In the finale, after Boomer attempts to end the siege by taking Marie hostage, Brody kills May as punishment.", "Routh\nRouth (Cindy Rella) (seasons 3-7) is an inmate often seen in the background. She helps Latham hold Linda Miles hostage during Ferguson's kangaroo court in \"Coup De Grace\". Her name is revealed when she is offered a fight in Vicky Kosta's fight club in season 6.", "Kylee Webb\nKylee Webb (Geraldine Hakewill) (season 7) is a new, drug-addicted inmate at Wentworth. When her drugs are confiscated and destroyed by Kaz, she goes into withdrawal and eventually attacks Vera, but is calmed down by Dr. Miller and later transferred to the psych ward.", "Narelle Stang\nNarelle Stang (Morgana O'Reilly) (season 7) is the sister of a man who was assaulted by the Red Right Hand, leaving him mentally handicapped. He was assaulted for something he didn't do. Narelle is arrested for assault, and finds out that Kaz is in Wentworth as well. She also knows Rita under the name \"Rita Harris\", and knows she is an undercover cop. She blackmails Rita to kill Kaz with this information, but Ruby eventually stops this by confessing to Narelle's crime.", "Sheila Bausch", "Sheila Bausch (Marta Dusseldorp) (season 8) is a new inmate who knows Lou and Reb from the same clinic Reb was sent to. She is charged with murder. It is later revealed that she was convinced by the doctor that her \"urges\" were wrong, and loved him for it, and that Lou committed the murders she is accused of. To get revenge, she uses drugs from Marie to incapacitate Lou and Reb, and garottes Reb while they sleep together, taking away the person Lou loved most", ". When Lou finds out, she forces Sheila to drink strychnine. When Marie finds them, Sheila is not dead yet due to the dose being too low, and Marie persuades Lou to help mercy kill her.", "Eve Wilder\nEve Wilder (Tina Bursill) (season 8) is a new inmate, a former nanny who knows Ferguson due to having been incarcerated at Blackmoor while she worked there. After she finds out Joan is faking her amnesia, they bond over their beliefs and past crimes as Joan tries to manipulate her to kill Jake. After she realizes this, she attempts to kill Joan, who fights back and removes her eye. Having emotionally unraveled, Eve is sent to a mental institution.", "Cynthia Rattray\nCynthia Rattray (Alexandra Schepisi) (season 8) is an inmate in the protection unit. She joins Lou's crew after Ann Reynolds shuts down the unit. She later attacks Reb, but is injured by Marie when she defends him. Reb eventually tells the truth about Rattray's injuries, and Rattray is transferred to another block.", "Zaina Saad\nZaina Saad (Louisa Mignone) (season 8) is an inmate who has access to a cell phone, which Lou eventually takes to use for herself. She also enters a relationship with Ruby while trying to help Boomer.", "Mandy Frost\nMandy Frost (Jenny Vuletic) (season 8) is a long-serving inmate who has been at Wentworth since Lou was in the first time. She joins Lou's crew after she and Reb return to Wentworth, and serves as her right-hand woman. She is often called \"Mullet\". She later takes the blame for a murder committed by Lou. She is killed in the explosion in the finale.", "Zheng\nZheng (Fanny Hanusin) (season 8) is a kitchen worker at Wentworth. She takes Joan under her wing, claiming she is \"good with a knife\" and later assigns her to show Eve how to fold towels.\n\nStaff", "Linda Miles", "Linda Miles (Jacquie Brennan) (seasons 1–8) is an officer at Wentworth. Miles has a gambling problem and is corruptible. Linda is nicknamed \"Smiles\" for her cold demeanor, Linda does favours for prisoners and during season 7 is promoted to acting deputy governor as Will is promoted to acting governor as Vera steps back from her duties. Linda racks up debt of $20,000 and is taken hostage during the Wentworth Siege. In series 8 Linda suffers from PTSD after the siege, Linda survives the prison explosion.", "Derek Channing\nDerek Channing (Martin Sacks) (seasons 1–6) is the former regional director for Wentworth. He is a member of the board of directors who regularly checks in on the facility, Channing ends up arrested for the murder of Brenda Murphy and cops the blame for the attempted murder of Joan Ferguson.", "Greg Miller", "Greg Miller (David de Lautour) (seasons 7-8) is the new psychologist at Wentworth following Bridget Westfall resigning. He helps the inmates with their psychological issues. He befriends Vera, and Jake becomes jealous, believing they have feelings for each other, but eventually realizes they are just friends. He prescribes Liz psuldrycin to help with her dementia, but is forced to take her off it after he fails to document that it caused occasional freak outs, though continues to prescribe it illicitly", ". In season 8 he diagnoses Joan as actually suffering amnesia, only for her to confess she was playing him, forcing him to go along with the ruse.", "Rose Atkins\nRose Atkins (Maggie Naouri) (seasons 2–3) is a nurse who works in the medical centre at Wentworth. Has a relationship with Will Jackson. Disappears after season 3, for unknown reasons.", "Lee Radcliffe", "Nurse Lee Radcliffe (Maddy Jevic) (seasons 4–6) is another nurse. Her nickname is \"Nurse Ratshit\". She appears after Rose Atkins leaves. She isn't sympathetic toward the prisoners unlike her predecessor. She has a brief relationship with Jake Stewart, which information is later used to blackmail her. Vera discovers this in Season 6, and later fires her for this. She uses the excuse that some drugs were missing and she couldn't account for them", ". She uses the excuse that some drugs were missing and she couldn't account for them. These drugs were discreetly given to Jake because he had \"trouble sleeping\". Jake lied to her, the drugs were actually for Will due to his guilt over having buried Ferguson alive.", "Shen\nNurse Shen (Chloe Ng) (seasons 6-8) is another nurse. After Nurse Radcliffe is fired, she is the nurse for the remainder of the series.", "Brenda Murphy", "Brenda Murphy (Katerina Kotsonis) (seasons 5-6) is a former guard at Wentworth. She is a smoker. After Ferguson kills Bea outside the prison, Vera frames Murphy for neglecting her duty and allowing it to happen, and forces her to resign. Jake later tracks her down, now working security at a supermarket, and learns the truth may be in the backup files, which he uses to protect himself against Vera", ". When Vera, Will and Jake are blackmailed over Ferguson's escape, it is revealed Murphy is the blackmailer, and has photos of them at the grave site. They agree to pay her, but when she comes to collect from Vera she is shot and killed by Derek Channing. In season 8, it is revealed that she helped Ferguson escape after Will buried her alive.", "Sean Brody\nSean Brody (Rick Donald) (season 7) was a former officer of Walford Prison who shared a sexual relationship with guard Jake Stewart. Brody comes to Wentworth and when he does he brings trouble with him. He manages to manipulate everyone, he puts Linda into debt, lets Kosta take the fall for Kaz's death and gets Jake suspended. Brody takes the prison hostage in order to get Marie Winter out but his plan fails and he is shot and killed by Allie Novak.", "Anna Deng\nAnna Deng (Cecilia Low) (seasons 6-8) was a guard at Wentworth. She is taken prisoner during the siege at the end of season 7. She is one of the casualties in the explosion at the end of season 8.", "Chris Bakula\nChris Bakula (Scott Parmeter) (seasons 1-3) was a former guard at Wentworth. He is immediately shown to be corrupt when he gives cigarettes to returning inmate Ronnie Katsis in exchange for a blowjob. He later gives Will illicit access to camera footage in an attempt to find Meg's killer. In the season 3 finale he is killed by Jess Warner after she seduces him to kidnap Joshua.", "Green\nOfficer Green (Lee Beckhurst) (season 8) is a new guard at Wentworth. He is corrupt, and Linda offers him extra money to perform an illegal strip search on Boomer to find the camera, though Boomer stops him. He later gives Lou illicit information, including that her phone privileges were suspended after Will spoke to Rita.", "Steven Phelps\nSteven Phelps (Lawrence Mooney) (season 1) is a teacher of one of the programs at Wentworth. After Toni Goodes is caught with drugs, he admits to Erica he gave them to her. Erica promises she will suppress Toni if she rats him out, but demands he resign, which he does.\n\nOther characters", "Alan Doyle", "Alan Doyle (Richard Sutherland) (seasons 1, 4-6) is Franky Doyle's father, who works as a plumber. He abandoned her and her mother when she was a child, leading to her having anger issues. In his first appearance he visits her in prison, regretful of his past actions, to try to reconcile with her, but she refuses, though he claims he will not give up. After her release, he visits her again, revealing that he has another daughter, and asking Franky to meet her", ". Franky is reluctant, but does so, and they come to have a good relationship. After Franky is arrested again, he visits her, and she asks him to help her by smuggling a walkie talkie into the prison for her escape plan, which he does. After Franky is released, she and Bridget meet him and her half-sister at a park.", "Tess Doyle\nTess Doyle (Milla Cormack) (seasons 4-6) is Franky Doyle's half-sister, in kindergarten. After their father informs Franky of her existence, they meet, and she comes to look up to Franky. After Franky is arrested and sent back to Wentworth, pictures of her are taken and sent to Franky to intimidate her into not implicating Ferguson for Iman Farah's murder. After Franky's charges are dropped, she meets Tess and their father at a park.", "Vinnie Holt\nVinnie Holt (John Bach) (season 1) is Jacs Holt's husband and Brayden Holt's father. Before her death he asks Jacs for a divorce shortly before her death in order to marry one of his mistresses. He later orders a \"hit\" on Bea Smith, which isn't seen through. It is later discovered that he has died of a heart attack after his son's funeral.\n\nRita Bennett\nRita Bennett (Lynette Curran) (seasons 1–2) is Vera Bennett's mother, who is later killed by Vera via morphine overdose.", "Kaiya\nKaiya Goodes (Tanika Fry) (season 1) is Toni's daughter, who lives in the prison with her, though Doreen takes care of her to the point where others see her as her real mother. After Bea loses track of her in a riot and Toni is put in solitary for using drugs, Doreen sends Kaiya out of Wentworth to live with her grandmother. Later, after Toni's release, she tells Doreen during a visit that she is able to visit Kaiya.", "Debbie Smith\nDebbie Smith (Georgia Flood) (seasons 1–2, 4) is Bea Smith's daughter. She is killed by Brayden Holt via drug overdose.\n\nBrayden Holt\nBrayden Holt (Reef Ireland) (seasons 1–2) the son of Jacs and Vinnie Holt. He murdered Debbie Smith under the orders of his mother. Brayden is later killed by Bea (who escaped from the hospital after a fight with Franky Doyle to do so), via a gun shot to the head.", "Harry Smith\nHarry Smith (Jake Ryan) (season 1–3) is Bea's ex-husband and father of Debbie Smith. Will Jackson was accused of his murder, but it was revealed later that he was killed by one of Ferguson's accomplices.", "Artie Donaldson\nArtie Donaldson (Louis Corbett) (season 7) is Liz's son, and Sophie's brother. He became sick after drinking some of Liz's alcohol as a boy. When Liz suffers from dementia, she contacts him, hoping to reconnect before it becomes too late. He visits, and eventually does manage to come to terms with her. Afterward, she tells him not to come back, as she has dementia, and wants him to remember her the way she is.", "Oliver Donaldson\nOliver Donaldson (Andrew Blackman) (season 1) is Liz's ex-husband and Sophie and Artie's father. He divorces Liz after she is arrested for accidentally killing his mother Celeste, and later marries another woman.", "Celeste Donaldson\nCeleste Donaldson (Anne Charleston) (season 1) is Liz's mother-in-law, who she accidentally killed by running over with a tractor after drinking alcohol having struggled to plan her birthday party. Charleston appeared in the original Prisoner television series as Lorraine Watkins and Diedre Kean.", "Mike Pennisi\nMike Pennisi (Paul McDermott, Felix Williamson) (seasons 1, 5) is a former chef who was severely burned by Franky after insulting her food, which sent her to Wentworth. After her release, he meets her, and after one chat where she tells him about her kite necklace, begins stalking her. Eventually he is murdered, and she is arrested for it. Franky initially suspects Ferguson, but realizes later it wasn't, eventually discovering the real killer was new inmate Iman Farah, who was his girlfriend.", "Mark Pearson\nMark Pearson (Damon Gameau) (season 1) is Erica Davidson's fiance.\n\nManda Katsis\nManda Katsis (Carla Bonner) (season 1) is Ronnie Katsis' sister, who takes care of her daughter Amy while Ronnie is in prison. She is in on the plan to use Amy to smuggle heroin.", "Amy Katsis\nAmy Katsis (Virginia Cashmere) (season 1) is Ronnie Katsis' daughter, who she uses to smuggle heroin into the prison. She collapses after being unable to excrete the heroin, and is caught, causing Ronnie to be harassed by the other prisoners and placed in protection.", "Craig Norton\nCraig Norton (Hugh Sexton) (season 1) is a drug dealer used by Franky to smuggle drugs into Wentworth. Franky has him visit Bea and kiss her to put heroin in her mouth, but she is caught, though refuses to implicate him or Franky.", "Malcolm Spitz\nMalcolm Spitz (John Brumpton) (season 2) is Simmo Slater's husband and their daughter's father, who works as the driver for Vinnie Holt. He informs her that the Holts want her to kill Bea after she attacks Brayden, and that they have threatened to kill him if she doesn't. He is also the father of their daughter, Carly.", "Carly Slater\nCarly Slater (Nicole Gulasekharam) (season 2) is Simmo and Malcolm's daughter, who occasionally comes to see her mother. Bea uses the idea of Brayden getting close to her to make Simmo paranoid. Later, when Bea escapes, she finds Brayden and Carly about to do drugs together.", "Kay Donaldson\nKay Donaldson (Davini Malcolm) (season 2) is Oliver's new wife, and Artie and Sophie's stepmother. After Liz appears at the house to give them letters while on parole, she tells Liz it may be weird to encounter them after so long.\n\nTrina Jenkins\nTrina Jenkins (Maria Angelico) (season 2) is Boomer's sister, who visits her and reveals she and Boomer's ex-boyfriend Daz are now together.", "Rachel Sanger\nRachel Sanger (Annie Jones) (season 2) is a parole officer who has an affair with Derek Channing, which Ferguson uses to blackmail her into giving her information, allowing her to discover Channing's ownership of illegal brothels.", "Graham Dalby\nGraham Dalby (Tony Rickards) (season 2) is a lawyer who represents Franky after she stabs Bates. He later visits Bea to inform her of her options, but she only requested he visit so she could be in the visitor's center at the same time as Brayden Holt.\n\nSteve Faulkner\nSteve Faulkner (Tony Briggs) (season 2) is a guard at Walford. He brings the male inmates involved in the garden project to Wentworth and helps supervise the work.", "Colin Bates\nColin Bates (Steve Le Marquand) (season 2) ruthless rapist serving time in Walford Prison, who ends up being stabbed in the crotch by Franky after he refused to honour their drug deal.\n\nNash Taylor\nNash Taylor (Luke McKenzie) (seasons 2–5) is a former inmate at Walford Prison and the father of Doreen Anderson's baby. He also has another daughter with a former girlfriend.", "Ivan Ferguson\nIvan Ferguson (Alex Manglet, Jarrah Cocks) (seasons 2-3, 8) is Joan Ferguson's father, ex-military and a fencing master. He appears training Joan while she is the governor of Wentworth, but is later revealed to be a hallucination. In season 8 it is revealed he murdered Joan's mother. Alex Manglet appeared in the original Prisoner television series as Ray Proctor.", "Nils Jesper", "Nils Jesper (Tony Nikolakopoulos) (seasons 2-4) is a former convicted felon who later works as Ferguson's hitman. He is used by Ferguson to gain information and to assault people who attempt to cause problems for her. Eventually she has him run over Fletch, but this doesn't kill him. Later he attacks Bea, and his DNA is left under her fingernails, which Bea gives to Kaz to identify him", ". When Ferguson orders him to kill Fletch, he is surprised and defeated, and arrested, also revealed as the one who killed Harry Smith. He agrees to testify that Ferguson ordered him to do it, but on the way to the courthouse his transport is hijacked by Jake, who kills him.", "Martin Tucker\nMartin Tucker (Syd Brisbane) (seasons 2, 4) is Maxine's ex-boyfriend's brother, who has feelings for Maxine. He helps her try to escape prison, and later delivers her sperm in an attempt to help her have a baby with Boomer.\n\nDetective Michael Mears\nDetective Michael Mears (Damien Richardson) (season 3) is a detective investigating Will Jackson for the murder of Harry Smith.", "Lily Anderson\nLily Anderson (Maurial Spearim) (season 3) is Doreen's sister, who Doreen asks to take care of Josh while she is in prison. She comes to pick up Josh, but Doreen is unable to give him up.\n\nDaz\nDarren (Tom Budge) (season 4) often called Daz, is Boomer's ex-boyfriend, now dating her sister, he comes to see her in conjugal after she tempts him, but after he realizes she is trying to get pregnant, he leaves.", "Jim Proctor\nJim Proctor (Kevin Kiernan-Molloy) (season 4) is Kaz Proctor's father, who abused her when she was a child. He later dies from his smoking habit.\n\nFaith Proctor\nFaith Proctor (Debra Lawrence, Rebecca Bower) (season 4) is Kaz Proctor's mother, who visits her in prison to inform her of her father's death, but doesn't believe he was abusive to her.", "Miranda\nMiranda (Janine Atwill) (season 4) is Nash's ex-girlfriend, and mother of his first child. She allows him to move in with her after he is released from prison, and helps him care for Josh after Doreen gives him custody. After a paranoid Doreen nearly gets him beaten by the Red Right Hand, she kicks him out, forcing him to find other accommodations too far away to bring Josh for regular visits.", "Gary Tucker\nGary Tucker (Simon Maiden) (season 4) is Maxine's ex-boyfriend, who she stabbed with a pair of scissors after he cut her hair in her sleep. He preferred her as a gay man rather than a woman.\n\nImogen Fessler\nImogen Fessler (Rachael Maza) (seasons 4–5) is Franky's boss at the legal clinic she works at following her release from Wentworth. Franky hires her as her lawyer after she is arrested for Mike Pennisi's murder.", "Shayne Butler", "Shayne Butler (Hunter Page-Lochard) (seasons 4-5) is the son of Jianna Riley, Ferguson's lover, and a foster child after being taken out of Blackmoor prison as a baby by Will. He gets into trouble, but is helped by Franky after Ferguson offers him a place to live. Later Ferguson persuades him to kill a witness against her with a gun in the house but Franky talks him out of it and disposes of the gun", ". After Franky is arrested for killing Mike Pennisi with the same gun, she tells her lawyer where it came from, and Shayne offers to tell the police despite knowing his parole may be ruined. Franky initially accepts, but after realizing Ferguson didn't have Pennisi killed, she tells him not to.", "Frosty\nFrosty (Bart Welch) (season 4) is Shayne Butler's friend. Shayne took the blame for stealing a car which was actually done by Frosty, as Frosty is of age and Shayne is not.", "Detective Don Kaplan", "Detective Don Kaplan (Steve Bastoni) (seasons 4-5) is a detective investigating Sonia Stevens for the murder she supposedly committed. He enlists Liz Birdsworth's help to do so, and eventually seduces her into lying and claiming Sonia confessed to her, promising she will be released after. When Liz is caught in the lie, he claims he will try to help her but is revealed to actually have been working with Sonia to get her exonerated", ". However, he also asks that Sonia reveal what actually happened to her husband. Sonia tries to kill him, but he anticipates this and tricks her, escaping with all her money after providing proof that she killed her husband, sending her back to Wentworth. He is later caught and all his cases are considered tainted, causing Sonia's murder charge and Liz' perjury charge to be dropped. Bastoni appeared in the original Prisoner television series as Peter McCormack.", "Turk", "Gregory \"Turk\" Turkell (Andy McPhee) (seasons 4-6) is a drug dealer who sells Jake drugs to transfer into Wentworth. Jake later gets into debt with him and demands he pay him back in full. When Jake does, he tries to get out, but Turk refuses to abandon the deal, as Wentworth is lucrative. Later, no longer in debt, Jake stops, but Turk later tracks him down and threatens him after Ferguson's escape, asking why the police want to talk to him. Jake is saved by Will, who suspected Turk of being his accomplice", ". Jake is saved by Will, who suspected Turk of being his accomplice.", "Helen Masters\nHelen Masters (Heather Lythe) (season 5) is Sonia Stevens' friend, who knew she killed her husband. She tried to blackmail Sonia for money to treat her sister's cancer, but Sonia killed her.\n\nDetective Ayoub\nDetective Ayoub (Maria Mercedes) (seasons 5–6) is a detective investigating Liz Birdsworth for perjury against Sonia Stevens. She believes Liz colluded with someone to incite false testimony. Mercedes appeared in the original Prisoner television series as Irene Zervos and Yemil Bakarta.", "Lukas\nLukas (Phoenix Raei) (seasons 6-7) is Drago's associate on the outside. After Drago and others are arrested, he tries to find out who the snitch is. After Drago's death, he tells Marie he worked for Drago, not her, and no one is looking for her son's killer anymore. He later kills Ray as payback for Drago, and the Conquerors discover this. His fate is unknown following this.", "Danny Winter\nDanny Winter (Charles Terrier, Angus Hopkinson, Charles Roland) (seasons 6, 8) is Marie Winter's son. He rapes Ruby's girlfriend, and is attacked by Ruby and put into a coma where he later dies. When Marie is sent to Wentworth she tries to find his killer. When she discovers who it is, she tries to kill Ruby a few times and eventually attempts suicide. When doing so, she sees a vision of Danny and finally makes peace with his death.", "Shelley Hayes\nShelley Hayes (Alinta Chidzey) (season 6) is Ruby Mitchell's ex-girlfriend, who was raped by Danny Winter, resulting in Ruby putting him into a coma, and his death later. When she visits Ruby, Ruby tells her not to say anything about it.\n\nDetective Sutton\nDetective Sutton (Maria Theodorakis) (season 6) is a detective investigating Sonia Stevens for the murder of Sharon Gilmour.", "Detective Lee\nDetective Lee (Cameron Moore) (season 6) is a detective investigating Sonia Stevens for the murder of Sharon Gilmour.", "Detective Jones", "Detective Jones (Nick Farnell) (seasons 6, 8) is a detective in the undercover unit, he and his partner are Rita's handlers. They try to have her bring down Marie Winter, but erase her files and abandon her after she kills Drago. After Ruby and Rita give their statements, they are suspended from duty, and later kidnap Ruby while she is on day release to force her to retract it. Rita finds them, and in the struggle, his partner is killed, though he escapes and spins the story as them being the victims", ". Later he visits Marie and tells her Rita is a cop, which she records. The recording is later used by Lou Kelly to turn the prison against Rita, but Allie later recovers it to prove Jones corrupt.", "Detective Paul Morelli", "Detective Paul Morelli (Patrick Harvey) (seasons 6, 8) is a detective in the undercover unit, he and his partner Jones are Rita's handlers. They try to have her bring down Marie Winter, but erase her files and abandon her after she kills Drago. After Ruby and Rita give their statements, they are suspended from duty, and later kidnap Ruby while she is on day release to force her to retract it", ". Rita finds them, and in the struggle, Morelli is killed, though Jones escapes and spins the story as them being the victims. Rita is later charged with his murder.", "Eddie Romano\nEddie Romano (Paul Moder) (seasons 6, 8) is Ruby's boxing trainer. Ruby tells him she will have money when she gets out. Later Jones and Morelli threaten him into giving them Ruby. Rita persuades him to tell this to the police after she finds out, but he is later found dead of a \"drug overdose\".", "Blair Mitchell\nBlair Mitchell (Gregory J. Fryer) (seasons 6, 8) is Rita and Ruby's father. He visits Ruby when he is dying of cancer, and she tells him the truth about Rita. Rita later visits him as he dies and puts Ruby on the phone while it happens, his last words being to ask her to look after Ruby.\n\nDetective Collins\nDetective Collins (Ian Bliss) (seasons 6, 8) is the senior detective investigating the escape of Franky Doyle and Joan Ferguson.", "Detective Hydari\nDetective Hydari (Carolyn Block) (seasons 6, 8) is Detective Collins' partner investigating the escape of Franky Doyle and Joan Ferguson.", "Ray Houser", "Ray Houser (Shane Connors) (seasons 6-7) is a high ranking member of the Conquerors motorcycle club, who is dating Rita. Rita met him as part of her deep cover assignment, and he is in love with her. He worries about her being in prison, and eventually manages to settle a problem with another gang called the Butchers, which Rita ruins to maintain her cover. After Rita kills Drago, he has forgiven her and tries to get her to marry him, even after she confesses that she is an undercover cop", ". She eventually agrees, but when he arrives at the prison, he is shot by Drago's associate as revenge on Rita.", "Chocco\nChocco (Nathaniel Dean) (season 7) is a member of the Conquerors motorcycle club. He visits Rita after Ray's murder, and she tells him the Butchers did it. He later visits her again, telling her the member of the Butchers involved actually went rogue, and the killer was an associate of Drago, killing Ray as payback for her death.", "Rodney Gavin\nRodney Gavin (Bert LaBonte) (seasons 6-7) is Marie Winter's lawyer. He informs her she will be charged with manslaughter after the doctor she assaulted dies of a brain bleed. Later she has him leak information on Derek Channing. Afterward, when Marie's protector attempts to kill her to prevent information from coming out, it is revealed he has already killed Rodney and staged it as a suicide.", "Michael Heston", "Michael Heston (David Downer) (seasons 7-8) is the former Attorney General. He initially supported Derek Channing when he was accused of murder, but retracted this when Channing's ownership of multiple brothels was leaked by Marie. He is later revealed to be Marie Winter's protector, though only because she has sensitive information on him, and is a mentor to Sean Brody, who is loyal to him", ". He has Marie's lawyer killed, and attempts to do the same to Marie, only for her to claim the information will be released if she dies. He is blackmailed into helping her escape, but Will and Rita discover the evidence against him, photographs showing that he is a pedophile, and he is arrested. Marie later agrees to testify against him with evidence not in the photos to reduce her sentence, but this falls through after he commits suicide in prison.", "Anton\nAnton (Meyne Wyatt) (season 7) is an associate of Sean Brody who disguises himself as a guard to help him break Marie Winter out. During the siege, he is shot in the shoulder, and later tricked into heading to the roof with most of the hostages, and is arrested.", "Wes Condi\nWes Condi (David Serafin) (season 7) is an associate of Sean Brody who disguises himself as a guard to help him break Marie Winter out. During the siege, he is tricked into heading to the roof with most of the hostages, and is arrested.", "Rachel Marsh\nRachel Marsh (Nicki Wendt) (season 7) is a SWAT team leader who is brought to deal with the siege caused by Sean Brody. She and her team try to help the hostages, but are overruled by Heston. Later, she is present when Will provides photographs of Heston's pedophilia, and her team later catches Allie, Rita, Ruby and Marie after Sean is killed.", "Vince Spencer\nVince Spencer (Steve Nation) (season 7) is a male prostitute who is brought in by Sean Brody and Linda Miles to give Liz one last time before her dementia gets too bad. They have sex, but he dies of a heart attack afterward. Sean leaves his body, fully clothed, in a park, and he is believed to have died of natural causes.", "Gavin Thompson", "Gavin Thompson (Huw Higginson) (season 8) is a man who Boomer calls as part of the call center program. She lies to him about herself and he asks to meet her after finding out she is in prison. When they meet, neither is what they claimed to be, but they later meet again, and he reveals he runs a prison porn website and was hoping to meet someone like her through the call center", ". Boomer agrees to write for his website, and later has him bring a camera in through conjugal, though only agrees to provide material if he gives her sperm to make her pregnant. When he comes to retrieve the camera they make love, but he is caught leaving with it and is arrested, though later released. After Boomer tells him she is pregnant, he promises to be there for her and the child.", "Alex Maher\nAlex Maher (Justin Smith) (season 8) is Judy Bryant's lawyer, who interviews her and Allie about fighting Judy's extradition.\n\nFran Mitchell\nFran Mitchell (Elaine Cromby) (season 8) is Rita and Ruby's aunt. She takes care of their father in his final days. She is present when he dies, and when the police take Rita away.", "Travis Kelly\nTravis Kelly (Jackson Gallagher) (season 8) is Lou Kelly's brother. He smuggles testosterone in for Reb when his treatment is cut off, and later manages their funds on the outside. Later, Rita threatens to have him beaten by the Conquerors, but this is a bluff to get Lou to reveal the recordings proving her innocence.", "Ron Bryant\nRon Bryant (Christopher Kirby) (season 8) is Judy Bryant's father. He is a high ranking government official, and refuses to see her or fight her extradition, believing her to be an embarrassment. Later, he visits her, and tells her it was proven that the evidence against her was planted.\n\nTony Cockburn\nTony Cockburn (Peter O'Brien) (season 8) is an NSO agent in charge of investigating Judy Bryant's terrorism charges. He is later revealed to have planted the evidence against her.", "Dale Langdon", "Dale Langdon (Gary Sweet) (season 8) is an NSO agent who takes over the investigation into Judy Bryant following the revelation that the evidence against her was planted. He quickly uncovers that Lou and Judy are planning a bomb to go off at Wentworth, but allows it to continue as the evidence they have only implicates Lou, not Judy. He persuades Ann to allow it by revealing Judy has ties to the group that killed her daughter", ". He persuades Ann to allow it by revealing Judy has ties to the group that killed her daughter. Eventually, the bomb gets to Wentworth, and he assumes they are trying to escape, and gets to the van containing the bomb just as it goes off, killing him and his team.", "Joe Hoxton\nJoe Hoxton (Dion Mills) (season 8) is a homeless man who was a friend of Kath Maxwell, whose identity Joan Ferguson stole after killing her. He notices Joan using her name and approaches her, but she claims she just \"has one of those faces\", though he realizes she is lying. He attacks her, giving her a blow to the head, and robs her, for which he is arrested, though the blow to her head gives her amnesia.", "Emile Frazer\nEmile Frazer (Dave Lawson) (season 8) is an associate of Judy Bryant, who is instructed to bring a bomb to Wentworth to allow her and Lou to break out. Lou changes the order to a bomb massive enough to destroy a wing. After making the bomb, he brings it to Wentworth disguised as a guard, then escapes through the visitor's center after changing to look like a civilian.\n\nSee also\n List of Wentworth episodes\n\nReferences", "See also\n List of Wentworth episodes\n\nReferences\n\nLists of drama television characters\nLists of Australian television series characters\nCharacters" ]
Lord of the World
[ "Lord of the World is a 1907 dystopian science fiction novel by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson that centres upon the reign of the Antichrist and the end of the world. It has been called prophetic by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI.", "Background\n[[File:Benson 35.jpg|thumb|left|Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, at the time of Lord of the World'''s 1907 publication.]]\nMonsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a former High Church Anglican Vicar, began writing Lord of the World two years after his conversion to Catholicism rocked the Church of England in 1903.", "The youngest son of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Edward White Benson, and the society hostess Mary Sidgwick Benson, Robert was descended from a very long line of Anglican clergymen. He had also read the litany at his father's 1896 funeral at Canterbury Cathedral and was widely expected to one day take his father's place as the most senior clergyman in the Anglican Communion", ". After a crisis of faith described in his 1913 memoir Confessions of a Convert, however, Benson was received into the Catholic Church on September 11, 1903.", "According to Joseph Pearce, \"The press made much of the story that the son of the former Archbishop of Canterbury had become a Catholic, and the revelation rocked the Anglican establishment in a way reminiscent of the days of the Oxford Movement and the conversion of Newman.\"", "The former Vicar found himself inundated with hate mail from Anglican clergy, men, women, and even children. Benson found himself accused of being \"a deliberate traitor\", \"an infatuated fool\", and of bringing dishonor upon his father's name and memory. Although he replied scrupulously to every letter, Benson was deeply hurt", ". Although he replied scrupulously to every letter, Benson was deeply hurt. He later wrote that he received considerable solace in the words that an Anglican Bishop had spoken to his mother, \"Remember that he has followed his conscience after all, and what else could his father wish for him than that?\"", "After his ordination as a Catholic priest at Rome in 1904, Fr. Benson was assigned as a Catholic Chaplain at Cambridge University. It was during his stay at Cambridge Rectory that Lord of the World was conceived and written.", "Inception\nAccording to his biographer Fr. Cyril Martindale, the idea of a novel about the Antichrist was first suggested to Fr. Benson by his friend and literary mentor Frederick Rolfe in December 1905. It was Rolfe who also introduced Mgr. Benson to the writings of the French Utopian Socialist Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon.", "According to Fr. Martindale, as Benson read Saint-Simon's writings, \"A vision of a dechristianised civilisation, sprung from the wrecking of the old régime, arose before him and he listened to Mr. Rolfe's suggestion that he should write a book on Antichrist.\"", "Writing during the pontificate of Pope Pius X and before the First World War, Monsignor Benson accurately predicted interstate highways, weapons of mass destruction, the use of aircraft to drop bombs on both military and civilian targets, and passenger air travel in advanced Zeppelins called \"Volors\". Writing in 1916, Fr. Martindale compared Mgr. Benson's ideas for future technology with those of legendary French science fiction novelist Jules Verne.", "However, Mgr. Benson also presumed the survival of European colonialism in Africa, the continued expansion of Imperial Japan, and that predominant travel would continue to be by railway. Like many other Catholics of the era in which he wrote, Monsignor Benson believed in Masonic conspiracy theories and shared the political and economic views of G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc.\n\nSynopsis", "Synopsis\n\nPrologue\nIn early 21st century London, two priests, the white-haired Father Percy Franklin and the younger Father John Francis, are visiting the subterranean lodgings of the elderly Mr. Templeton. A Catholic and former Conservative Member of Parliament who witnessed the marginalisation of his religion and the destruction of his party, Mr. Templeton describes to the two priests the last century of British and world history.", "Since the Labour Party took control of the British Government in 1917, the British Empire has been a single party state. The British Royal Family has been deposed, the House of Lords has been abolished, Oxford and Cambridge universities have been closed down, and all their professors sent into internal exile in Ireland. Marxism, atheism, and secular humanism, which Templeton describes as the tools of Freemasonry, dominate culture and politics", ". The Anglican Communion has been disestablished since 1929 and, like all forms of Protestantism, is almost extinct. The world now has only three main religious forces: Catholicism, secular humanism, and \"the Eastern religions\".", "Nationalism has been destroyed by Marxist internationalism and the world has been divided into three power-blocs. The first, which is generally marked in red on maps, is a European Confederation of Marxist one-party states and their colonies in Africa that use Esperanto for a world language. The second, marked in yellow, is \"the Eastern Empire\", whose Emperor, the \"Son of Heaven\", descends from the Japanese and Chinese Imperial Families", ". The third, the blue marked, \"the American Republic\", consists of North and South America.", "In a move that almost toppled Marxism in the Confederation during the 1970s and '80s, the Eastern Empire invaded, annexed, and now rules India, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as all of Russia east of the Ural Mountains. For this and other reasons, Mr. Templeton explains, the Confederation and the Eastern Empire are now on the brink of a global war.\n\nAfter Mr. Templeton completes his story, Fathers Franklin and Francis return to their spartan apartments at Westminster Cathedral.\n\nBook I: The Advent", "Book I: The Advent\n\nOliver Brand, an influential Labour MP from Croydon, listens as his secretary, Mr. Phillips, describes the seemingly inevitable rush toward war between Europe and the Eastern Empire. He mentions that a mysterious Senator Felsenburgh has unexpectedly taken charge of the American Republic's peace delegation. Felsenburgh is tirelessly crisscrossing the Empire, delivering speeches to rapt audiences. The Senator shows a remarkable fluency in the languages of his listeners.", "In conversation with his wife, Mabel, Oliver comments that war between Europe and the Empire will be \"Armageddon with a vengeance\", and expresses hope that Senator Felsenburgh will save the day. Although Mabel Brand appears concerned, her husband responds, \"My dear, you must not be downhearted. It may pass as it all passed before. It is a great thing that we are listening to America at all. And this Mr. Felsenburgh seems to be on the right side.\"", "Over breakfast, Oliver frets about his upcoming trip to Birmingham, where the outraged population is again demanding the right to trade freely with the American Republic. As his mind returns to the possible war against the Empire, Brand ponders that the real problem is the survival of religious belief in the Eastern Empire—Buddhism, Islam, Sufism, Confucianism, and Pantheism", ". In Great Britain, only Catholicism remains in \"a few darkened churches\" and \"with hysterical sentimentality\" in Westminster Cathedral. He ponders with disgust how, against his opposition, Ireland was granted Home Rule and \"opted for Catholicism.\" Furthermore, the city of Rome was \"given up wholly\" in exchange for all church property in Italy to Pope John XXIV, who has transformed it into a Hong Kong-style enclave where \"mediaeval darkness\" reigns supreme", ". He recalls with outrage how the Italian Republic moved its capital to Turin. As he departs to catch a volor to Birmingham, Oliver looks out at \"the grey haze of London, really beautiful, this vast hive of men and women who had learned at least the primary lesson of the gospel that there was no God but man, no priest but the politician, and no prophet but the schoolmaster.\"", "As she prepares to board a train to Brighton, Mabel Brand witnesses a Government volor crash into the station. As the Government's Ministers of Euthanasia arrive and begin to finish off the wounded, maimed and dying, Mrs. Brand witnesses Father Percy Franklin arrive. She is stunned to see the priest open his coat, pull out his crucifix and give the Last Rites to the dying Catholic lying next to her", ". After she returns home, deeply moved and traumatised by what she has witnessed, Mabel tells Oliver that both Father Franklin and the dying man seemed to believe in what they were doing.", "While deeply grieved that his wife has witnessed the horrors of the accident, Oliver explains Catholic doctrine about the Afterlife, which he mocks as a ridiculous belief that a person's mind can survive despite their brain being dead. According to Brand, for Father Franklin, the soul of the man is either \"in a sort of smelting works being burned\", or if \"that piece of wood took effect\" he is \"somewhere beyond the clouds\" with the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, and the Communion of Saints", ". He explains that \"that kind of thing may be nice, but it isn't true.\" Impressed by her husband's explanation of the fallacy of religion, Mabel relaxes.", "At the residence of the Cardinal-Protector near Westminster Cathedral, Father Percy Franklin finishes writing his Latin language report to Rome about the mass defections taking place among English Catholics and the recent conversions from the crumbling Anglican Communion. As he walks toward the elevator, Father Franklin finds that Father John Francis, whom he has been attempting to nurse through his mounting doubts, has lost his faith and decided to leave the priesthood", ". In a last-ditch effort to prevent this, Father Franklin explains that Christianity \"may be untrue\", but it cannot be absurd and false as long as educated and intelligent people continue to believe in its teachings. Unmoved, Father Francis rebuffs Father Franklin's argument and, with bottomless self-pity, asks whether they can remain friends. Father Franklin responds, \"What kind of friends could we be?\" An infuriated Fr. Francis leaves in a huff.", "After saying his prayers before the Eucharist in the Tabernacle, Father Franklin joins his fellow priests as they discuss Felsenburgh over dinner. Later, as he ponders the disintegration of Catholicism throughout the world, Father Franklin decides that what the Church needs most is a new religious order, which will help the Faith to survive and spread in the catacombs.", "While giving a speech at Trafalgar Square (where Nelson's Column has been replaced with statues of prominent socialists), Oliver Brand is wounded in the arm by a Catholic layman armed with a pistol. After the would-be assassin is beaten to death by the assembled crowd, Oliver informs Mabel of the news. Senator Felsenburgh is crisscrossing the East delivering multiple speeches, possibly on the behalf of the Emperor, trying to disperse the warmongering Eastern Convention (vaguely associated with the Sufis)", ". Even so, Oliver explains that he must travel to Paris to prepare armaments for expected war. He explains that an explosives manufacturer named Benninschein has developed weapons of mass destruction and sold them to both power blocs. Therefore, a war will leave at least one power bloc completely annihilated.", "Hours later, a glowing Oliver returns from Paris and tells Mabel that, due to Felsenburgh, all chances of war have evaporated. It will soon be announced, and Oliver urges Mabel to come with him at once. Felsenburgh, he explains, will be there.", "As the Brands depart for their meeting with Felsenburgh, Oliver's secretary, Mr. Phillips arrives at the flat of Father Percy Franklin. Explaining that Oliver Brand's elderly mother used to be a Catholic, Phillips explains that she wishes to return to the Church before her imminent death. Although he knows it might be a setup, Father Franklin feels that he cannot refuse. After having what he expects to be his last Confession heard, he walks to London Victoria Station to catch a train to Croydon", ". To his shock, Father Franklin encounters cheering crowds and electrified letters announcing the dispersal of the Eastern Convention, the calling off of the expected war, the establishment of \"universal brotherhood\", and Felsenburgh's imminent arrival in London. After secretly arriving at the Brands' home, Fr. Franklin is met by Mrs. Brand and, realising that she is completely sincere, he receives her back into the Catholic Church.", "The Brands return home an hour earlier than expected. Enraged that a priest would visit his home, Oliver is utterly infuriated that his mother would actually request such a thing. Despite his outraged demands, Father Franklin refuses to reveal who acted as the go-between. To Oliver's shock, Mabel urges Father Franklin to leave in peace. She explains that he will see Felsenburgh and the overflowing joy that his arrival has occasioned in England", ". This is why, Mabel explains, she is no longer afraid of him or of others like him. Deeply surprised that he will not be arrested, Father Franklin leaves into the summer night.", "As he returns to Victoria Station, Father Franklin encounters a rally being addressed by Senator Felsenburgh. For a brief moment, the Senator's hypnotic powers of persuasion cause the priest to believe in him, but Father Franklin's doubts about the Catholic Faith are soon overcome.\n\nBook II: The Encounter", "Book II: The Encounter\n\nAs Oliver Brand reads Mabel an account of Felsenburgh's arrival in England in the Marxist newspaper New People, it is revealed that the Senator, who speaks all languages with equal fluency, has been hailed as the Mahdi throughout the Islamic World. It boasts that his background has nothing \"that convicts him of sin\", in contrast to the corrupt practices that have \"made the sister continent what she is today\".", "It adds, however, \"Of his actual words we have nothing to say. So far as we are aware, no reporter made notes at the moment; but the speech, delivered in Esperanto, was a very simple one; and very short. It consisted of a brief announcement of the great fact of Universal Brotherhood, a congratulation to all who were yet as live to witness this consummation of history; and at the end, an ascription of praise to the Spirit of the World whose incarnation was now accomplished.\"", "The article proceeds to mock the supernatural as dead. It announces that a new and enlightened age has come and that mankind is finally ready for world peace.", "Meanwhile, as her son is away with Felsenburgh, Mrs. Brand takes a sudden turn for the worse. Ignoring Mabel's sermons about how Christianity has divided the human race and caused nothing but terrible violence, Mrs. Brand pleads for Father Franklin to be summoned. When Oliver returns home that day, a weeping Mabel informs him that his mother died an hour before. Clutching her rosary, Mrs. Brand had continued to scream for a priest as long as she was able to speak", ". Brand had continued to scream for a priest as long as she was able to speak. Mabel explains, however, that she had had her mother-in-law involuntarily euthanised, knowing that her husband would desire it. Although moved to tears by his mother's passing, Oliver tells Mabel that she did the right thing.", "Meanwhile, Father Franklin, who has been summoned to Rome by Pope John XXIV, arrives in Paris to board a volor connection to Italy. As he waits at the main volor station in the former Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Montmartre, Father Franklin ponders how the England that he is leaving behind is beginning to resemble an earthly Hell. Upon his arrival in Rome, Father Franklin is greeted by the Cardinal Protector of England and informed that the Pope will receive him at eleven o'clock.", "Upon being shown into the presence of His Holiness, Father Franklin explains his ideas for the Church's survival under the rule of Julian Felsenburgh. The answer must be increasing standardisation and centralisation", ". The answer must be increasing standardisation and centralisation. After recounting the previous steps taken towards centralisation, such as the forced merging of all religious orders, the abolition of the Eastern Catholic Churches, and the forced residence of all members of the College of Cardinals in Rome, Father Franklin recommends that violence must never be used – the Mass and the rosary must be the primary weapon against the coming persecution", ". In conclusion, Father Franklin recommends the forming of a new religious order, with no habit or badge, \"freer than the Jesuits, poorer than the Franciscans, more mortified than the Carthusians: men and women alike – the three vows for their Church; each Bishop responsible for their sustenance; a lieutenant in each country.... And Christ Crucified for their patron.\"", "After the audience, Father Franklin is assigned as an assistant to the ailing Cardinal Protector of England. His duties are to offer daily Mass in the Cardinal's Oratory and to read and summarise all reports from England. During his free hours, Father Franklin takes long walks through the city. He ponders how the Eternal City, which the Pope has divided into four national quarters, now represents a microcosm of the world.", "Towards the end of August, as Father Franklin walks toward the celebration of the Pope's Name Day – significantly, the Pope is named John, so the feast in question is the rather unusual choice of the Decapitation, not the more popular Nativity, of St. John the Baptist -, he passes the yoked carriages of the deposed Crowned Heads of Europe", ". John the Baptist -, he passes the yoked carriages of the deposed Crowned Heads of Europe. As he recognises the British Royal Family, the German House of Hohenzollern, the House of Romanov, the Spanish and French Houses of Bourbon, and scores of \"lesser powers\", Father Franklin ponders the \"appalling danger\" their presence constitutes \"in a democratic world", ".\" The world, he knows, affects \"to laugh at the desperate play-acting of Divine Right on the part of fallen and despised families\", but he shudders to think what could happen if that sentiment ever turns to anger.", "Half an hour later, Father Franklin follows the Pope in a procession through the streets of Rome and ponders the contrast between the Church and the World. \"The two Cities of Augustine lay for him to choose. The one was that of a world self-originated, self-organized and self sufficient, interpreted by such men as Marx and Herve, socialists, materialists, and, in the end, hedonists, summed up at last by Felsenburgh", ". The other lay displayed in the sight he saw before him, telling of a Creator and of a creation, of a Divine purpose, a redemption, and a world transcendent and eternal from which all sprang and moved. Of the two, John and Julian, was the Vicar, and the other the Ape, of God... And Percy's heart in one more spasm of conviction made its choice...\"", "As the Pope, the College of Cardinals, and the deposed royals assemble in the Vatican, Father Franklin's heart quickens as he watches the Papal Mass that follows, in which the former monarchs serve the Pope at the Altar.", "As Pope John Elevates the Host, Father Franklin ponders that here lies the one hope of the world's dwindling Catholics, \"as mighty and little as once within the manger. There was none other that fought for them but only God.\" He realises that if God cannot be moved from His silence by the persecution of the Faithful, how could He not respond to the reenactment of His Son's Passion and Death, which pleads now within an \"island of Faith amid a sea of laughter and hatred\"?", "After the Mass, as an exhausted Father Franklin finally sits down, the heartbroken Cardinal-Protector of England arrives and informs him that Julian Felsenburgh is now President of Europe. As they examine the dispatches late into the night, it soon becomes clear that the news is true. After each of the Great Powers offered him the Presidency and was repeatedly refused, a Convention of Powers offered Felsenburgh a unified proposal", ". Felsenburgh was to \"assume a position hitherto undreamed of in democracy\"—a House of Government in every Capital, a final veto lasting three years on every motion submitted to him, legal power granted to every motion he submits on three consecutive years, and the title President of Europe.", "The narration reads, \"...all this, Percy saw very well, involved the danger of a unified Europe increased tenfold. It involved all of the stupendous force of Socialism directed by a brilliant individual. It was a combination of the strongest characteristics of the two methods of Government. The offer had been accepted by Felsenburgh after eight hours silence.\"", "Tossing and turning through a sleepless night, Father Franklin ponders \"the madness that had seized upon the nations; the amazing stories that had poured in that day of the men in Paris, Who, raving like Bacchantes, had stripped themselves naked in the Place de la Concorde, and stabbed themselves to the heart, crying to thunders of applause that life was too enthralling to be endured... of the crucifixion of the Catholics that morning in the Pyrenees, and the apostasy of three bishops in Germany..", "...\" Heartsick, Father Franklin ponders how God can make no sign and speak no word.", "As morning breaks, the Cardinal-Protector arrives and announces that he is terminally ill. When he dies, Pope John has decided that it will be Father Franklin who will succeed him.", "The following day, Father Franklin arrives for a Papal Allocution. Fully expecting Pope John to issue another Anathema against both Marxism and Freemasonry—the ideological pillars of Felsenburgh's new order— Father Franklin silently laments that the world will simply ignore it. Instead, he is stunned as the Pope instead announces that he is creating an Order of Christ Crucified to spread the Faith in the face of persecution.", "Meanwhile, President Felsenburgh has instructed the Parliaments of Europe to institute weekly Humanist ceremonies, inspired by the rituals of Freemasonry, in all the cathedrals and churches which are not in Catholic hands. Attendance is to be optional except for the four annual festivals of Maternity, Life, Sustenance, and Paternity. Those who refuse to attend are threatened with dire consequences.", "As Oliver Brand, now Minister of Public Worship, plans the upcoming festival of the Maternity with ex-priest John Francis, he learns to his dismay that the Cardinal-Protector of England has died and that Father Percy Franklin has taken his place. In conversation with Mabel, Oliver expresses contempt for the Pope's new religious order and calls it the most foolish thing that the Catholic Church could ever have done.", "Meanwhile, in Rome, Cardinal Franklin arrives at his offices and reads reports of the new Humanist rituals. He recalls with dismay that John Francis was only recently offering the Mass at Catholic Altars. He ponders that Felsenburgh's rituals are \"Positivism of a kind, Catholicism without Christianity, Humanity worship without its inadequacy.\"", "With a deep sense of pessimism, the Cardinal recalls the outrage which these decrees have caused among the world's Catholics and how, in a recent Audience, he and Cardinal Hans Steinmann of Germany urged Pope John to issue \"a stringent decree... forbidding acts of violence on the part of Catholics.\" The faithful are to be encouraged to be patient, to quietly avoid Humanist worship, to say nothing unless arrested and questioned, and to gladly suffer persecution for Christ's sake", ". As the Pope considers their proposal, Cardinal Franklin learns that Mr. Phillips—Oliver Brand's now disgraced Secretary—urgently wishes to see him. He gives orders that Mr. Phillips is to arrive in January.", "As Advent proceeds to Christmas, Cardinal Franklin witnesses the new Order of Christ Crucified go forward \"with almost miraculous success.\" Practically the entirety of Rome has enrolled, including the deposed monarchs. From throughout the world, long lists arrive of new members drawn up by their Bishops, \"...but better than all this was the tidings of victory in another sphere. In Paris forty of the new-born Order had been burned alive in one day in the Latin Quarter, before the Government intervened", ". From Spain, Holland, and Russia had come in other names. In Düsseldorf, eighteen men and boys, taken by surprise at the singing of Prime in the Church of St. Lawrence, had been cast down one by one into the city sewer, each chanting as he vanished: Christi Fili Dei vivi miserere nobis, and from the darkness had come the same broken song until it was silenced with stones. Meanwhile, German prisons were thronged with the first batches of recusants", ". Meanwhile, German prisons were thronged with the first batches of recusants. The world shrugged its shoulders, and declared that they had brought it on themselves, while it yet deprecated mob violence, and requested the attention of the authorities and the decisive repression of this new conspiracy of superstition. And within St", ". And within St. Peter's Church the workmen were busy at the long rows of new altars, affixing to the stone diptychs the brass-forged names of those who had already fulfilled their vows and gained their crowns. It was the first word of God's reply to the world's challenge.\"", "When Mr. Phillips arrives in Rome on New Year's Day, his news horrifies Cardinal Franklin—English and German Catholics are plotting a suicide bombing against the Abbey where Felsenburgh's inner circle meets. Cardinal Franklin informs Pope John, who immediately dispatches him and the Cardinal Steinmann of Germany, to their respective homelands to try to prevent the bombing. As their volor flies over the Alps, the two Cardinals encounter an enormous squadron of volors heading south from England and Germany", ". Having also learned of the plot through Mr. Phillips, President Felsenburgh has ordered the Dresden-style destruction of Rome in retaliation.", "Using Benninschein's new explosives, the Anglo-German volors systematically firebomb the entire city of Rome, killing Pope John, all the assembled Cardinals, and countless unarmed men, women, and children. Meanwhile, news of the plot triggers anti-Christian pogroms to spread throughout the world. In London, Mabel Brand witnesses mobs of militant Atheists crucifying Christian men, women, and children and lynching priests before her very doors", ". Having believed that only religious belief could incite such violence, Mabel's faith in Felsenburgh is left deeply shaken.", "Upon his return home, Oliver Brand attempts to console his wife. He explains that the pogrom has happened because the people of England have not yet been purged from the residue of Christianity. When Mabel asks why the riots were not obstructed by the police, however, Brand admits that the police have been ordered to stand down. Although she admits that she has been contemplating suicide, Mabel relaxes when informed that Felsenburgh will soon be arriving. Oliver reminds her, ominously, that it is over", ". Oliver reminds her, ominously, that it is over. Rome has already been destroyed and that he co-signed the orders. Devastated, Mabel dissolves in tears.", "The following day, Oliver Brand reads news reports of the riots. According to the Marxist newspaper New People, Westminster Cathedral has been sacked and every altar overthrown. A priest managed to consume the Eucharist moments before being seized and throttled. The Archbishop, two bishops, and eleven priests have been lynched in the sanctuary. Thirty-five convents have been destroyed and St George's Cathedral, Southwark, has been burned to the ground", ". It is alleged that for the first time since the introduction of Christianity to England that there is not a single functioning church.", "That afternoon, the Brands and all the people of London enter St. Paul's Cathedral for the Feast of Maternity, over which Felsenburgh will preside. After procession with incense and a few opening remarks by turncoat Mr. John Francis, Felsenburgh enters the Cathedral dressed in the red and black robes of a British High Court judge. As the crowd listens with rapt admiration, Felsenburgh speaks of the destruction of Rome and the recent pogroms against Christians", ". He explains that future generations of men must flush with shame to remember that mankind had once turned its back on the risen light.", "Then, a curtain is torn aside, revealing a statue of a naked mother and child. Felsenburgh leads all the assembled worshipers in prayer to the \"Mother of us all.\" All those present hail the statue as Queen and Mother. The chapter ends with the words, \"Then in the heavenly light, to the crash of drums, above the screaming of the women and the battering of feet, in one thunder peal of worship ten thousand voices hailed Him Lord and God.\"\n\nBook III: The Victory", "Book III: The Victory\n\nAfter the destruction of Rome, Cardinals Franklin and Steinmann travelled to the deathbed of the only other survivor of the College of Cardinals — the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. They held an impromptu Papal Conclave, which resulted in the election of Cardinal Franklin as Pope Sylvester III. Soon after, the Latin Patriarch died and Cardinal Steinmann returned to Berlin, where he was promptly lynched.", "Pope Sylvester has since reorganised the Church so that it will survive the global persecution under Felsenburgh's Government. He has secretly rebuilt the College of Cardinals, but his actual name and location (Nazareth) are known only to the members of the college.", "Meanwhile, Felsenburgh has ordered the \"Test Act\"—all the world's people must either formally disavow the existence of God or be executed without trial. While large numbers of religious believers refuse and are slaughtered, many others agree without any qualms. Mr Philipps, who states that he cannot disavow the existence of God and cannot either confess to Him, is granted a week to make up his mind.", "With the last remnant of her faith shattered, Mabel Brand secretly leaves her husband and checks into a voluntary euthanasia clinic. All of Oliver's attempts to find her are in vain. After the eight-day waiting period required by law, Mabel writes a suicide letter to her husband and voluntarily suffocates herself using a provided gas mask. As her life fades away, Mabel finds, \"something resembling sound or light, something she knew in an instant to be unique, tear across her vision", ". Then she saw, and understood...\"", "Due to an informer—Cardinal Dolgorovski of Moscow—the President has learned of the new Pope and his plans for a secret meeting of remaining Cardinals in Nazareth. The President demands the British Cabinet to join in a volor-bombing attack to wipe out the Church, while allowing the inhabitants of the village to escape. He further suggests that Cardinal Dolgorovski should be executed to prevent him from \"relapse\" and taking over the remnants of the Catholic Church", ". Oliver Brand and the Cabinet give the President their unanimous assent.", "In Nazareth, Pope Sylvester is told that Cardinal Dolgorovski has refused a direct order to attend. He realises that Dolgorovski has been turned and that Nazareth is about to be destroyed. He gives orders to warn the city's residents to flee and then offers Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration.", "As Felsenburgh personally flies in the volor-squadron, the narration states, \"He was coming now, swifter than ever, the heir of temporal ages and exile of eternity, the final piteous Prince of rebels, the creature against God, blinder than the sun which paled and the earth which shook; and, as He came, passing even then through the last material stage to the thinness of a spirit fabric, the floating circle swirled behind Him, tossing like phantom birds in the wake of a phantom ship...", ".... He was coming, and the earth, rent once again in its allegiance, shrank and reeled in the agony of divided homage....\"", "As volor firebombs begin to rain down on Nazareth, Pope Sylvester and the Cardinals calmly continue to chant the Pange Lingua before a Host exposed in a Monstrance on the altar. The last words of the novel are: \"Then this world passed, and the glory of it.\" (Sic transit gloria mundi).\n\nInfluences\nMonsignor Benson drew upon history, other works of science fiction, and current events to create a fictional universe.", "Literature\nFrederick Rolfe's anti-Modernist satirical novel Hadrian VII inspired numerous aspects of Lord of the World, including the introductory first chapter.", "According to his biographer, Fr. Cyril Martindale, Mgr. Benson's depiction of the future was in many ways an inversion of the science fiction novels of H. G. Wells. Like many other Christians of the era, Benson was sickened by Wells' belief that Atheism, Marxism, World Government, and Eugenics would lead to an earthly utopia. Due to his depiction of a Wellsian future as a murderous global police state, Benson's novel has been called one of the first modern works of dystopian science fiction.", "History\nA further source of inspiration was Mgr. Benson's interest in history.", "Fr. Percy Franklin's constant fear of arrest while carrying out his priestly ministry in London is inspired by Mgr. Benson's research into the aftermath of the English Reformation—indeed, Benson would later write a historical novel, Come Rack! Come Rope! (1912), set during that time. Fr. Franklin's suspicion that Fr. Francis may have become a police informant and his belief that Mrs", ". Franklin's suspicion that Fr. Francis may have become a police informant and his belief that Mrs. Brand's request for a priest is a trap to ensnare him are reminiscent of the tactics used by Elizabethan Era priest hunters like Sir Richard Topcliffe.", "Julian Felsenburgh's leadership style was modelled after that of Napoleon Bonaparte, whose mistakes he was intended to correct. In one of the three notebooks he kept while writing Lord of the World, Mgr. Benson wrote that while Napoleon's weakness was \"his soft heart: he forgave,\" Felsenburgh, \"never forgives: for political crime he strips of position, making the man incapable of holding office; for treachery to himself he drops them out of his councils", ".\" He further described the Anti-Christ as \"complete hardness, and kindness\".", "The number of former priests and bishops who reject Catholicism are inspired by the priests who took an oath rejecting the authority of the Holy See following the French Revolution. All were excommunicated by the Pope and became employees of the First French Republic following the Civil Constitution of the Clergy.", "The word, \"Recusants\", which Fr. Franklin uses to describe Catholics who absent themselves from compulsory Humanist worship, dates from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The word was originally used to describe both Catholics and Puritans who, despite heavy fines and imprisonment, refused to attend weekly Anglican services.", "The conspiracy to suicide bomb President Felsenburgh and its grisly aftermath are inspired by the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in which a small group of English Catholic noblemen led by Robert Catesby planned to blow up King James I of England during an address before Parliament. Like its fictional counterpart, the Gunpowder Plot was exploited for propaganda and used to justify a campaign to completely and permanently destroy Catholicism.", "The scene in which President Julian Felsenburgh leads an enormous congregation in the worship of a mother goddess inside St. Paul's Cathedral is inspired by the worship of the Goddess of Reason inside Notre Dame Cathedral during the Reign of Terror.\n\nAs acknowledged in the text, the character of Cardinal Dolgorovski of Moscow is inspired by Judas Iscariot.Benson (2011), pages 240–244.", "The word Test Act for Felsenburgh's legislative means to root out Catholicism is no invention of his or of his author, but there actually have been Test Acts in England.\n\nCurrent events\nFurther inspiration was gleaned from Mgr. Benson's following of current events.\n\nThe fear among Europeans of the Eastern Empire and its ruler, the Son of Heaven, is inspired by the shock that greeted the territorial expansion of the Japanese Empire before, during, and after the Russo-Japanese War.", "The dystopian Marxist Government of Britain is inspired by the events of the British general election of 1906. Prior to the election, a large number of small Marxist political parties consolidated to form a unified bloc called the Labour Party, which won 29 seats in the House of Commons", ". The first chapter, which describes the overthrow of the British royal family, the abolition of the House of Lords, the disestablishment of the Church of England, and the closing of the universities is inspired by the Labour Party's platform at the time the novel was written.", "The Marxist uprising that topples the Son of Heaven is inspired by the Russian Revolution of 1905, which Mgr. Benson was following in the newspapers.", "Julian Felsenburgh's sermon at St. Paul's and the emotional reaction of his listeners are inspired by press reports of the Reverend Evan Roberts and the 1904-1905 Welsh Revival. Rev. Roberts was similarly able to provoke public displays of emotion in his listeners and is regarded as the inventor of Pentecostalism. He was also the focus of a cult of personality which scandalised more traditional churches. At the height of his ministry, Rev", ". At the height of his ministry, Rev. Roberts' denunciations of literary and cultural societies, competitive sports, and alcohol consumption temporarily caused a sea change in Welsh culture. Countless rugby teams and literary societies were voluntarily disbanded. In Welsh coal mining towns, pubs closed down for lack of business and the National Eisteddfod of Wales was almost deserted. Rev", ". Rev. Roberts, however, eventually came to believe that his ministry was not of God, voluntarily left the public eye, and spent the remaining years of his life resisting efforts to draw him back to the revival circuit. He died, a virtual recluse, in 1951.", "The Anti-Catholic riots that follow the discovery of the planned suicide bombing are inspired by Anti-Jewish Pogroms in the Russian Empire, which also took place with the collusion of senior Government officials and policemen.", "Composition\nBenson first mentioned his ideas in a letter to his mother on 16 December 1905, \"Yes, Russia is ghastly. Which reminds me that I have an idea for a book so vast and tremendous that I daren't think about it. Have you ever heard of Saint-Simon? Well, mix up Saint-Simon, Russia breaking loose, Napoleon, Evan Roberts, the Pope and Antichrist; and see if any idea suggests itself. But I'm afraid it is too big. I should like to form a syndicate on it, but that is an idea, I have no doubt at all.\"", "In a letter to Mr. Rolfe on 19 January 1906, Benson wrote, \"Anti-Christ is beginning to obsess me. If it is ever written, it will be a BOOK. How much do you know about the Freemasons? Socialism? I am going to avoid scientific developments, and confine myself to social. This election seems to hold vast possibilities in the direction of Anti-Christ's Incarnation – I think he will be born of a virgin. Oh! If I dare to write all that I think! In any case, it will take years.\"", "According to Father Martindale, the gradual evolution of Lord of the World can be charted through three of Monsignor Benson's notebooks. The first two reveal that Benson based the physical appearances of Fr. Percy Franklin and President Julian Felsenburgh on \"a rather prominent socialist politician\" whose name Father Martindale does not disclose. Mgr. Benson's notebooks also reveal that Pope Sylvester was originally \"made to take refuge and confront Antichrist in Ireland.\"", "On 16 May 1906, Benson wrote in his diary, \"Anti-Christ is going forward; and Rome is about to be destroyed. Oh, it is hard to keep it up! It seems to me that I am getting terser and terser until finally the entire story will end in a gap, like a stream disappearing in sand. It is such a fearful lot that one might say, that every word seems irrelevant.\"", "On 28 June 1906, Benson again wrote in his diary, \"I HAVE FINISHED ANTI-CHRIST. And really there is no more to be said. Of course I am nervous about the last chapter – it is what one may call just a trifle ambitious to describe the End of the World. (No!) But it has been done.\"", "In a 28 January 1907 letter, Lord of the World was praised by Frederick Rolfe. Commenting on Benson's decision to satirise him as \"Chris Dell\" in The Sentimentalists, Rolfe wrote, \"You are worrying yourself most unnecessarily about me, I assure you... I am laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing though I must confess that I was rather amazed when I heard that everybody recognized me in Chris. It was rather a blow to my amour propre..", ". It was rather a blow to my amour propre... You will, I hope, reap a rich harvest of shekels from the transaction, and the world will forget The Sentimentalists when it stands wondering before The Lord of the World.\"", "Textual error in modern editions\n\nMost modern editions of Lord of the World contain an error in Book III, Chapter Five, Section III, carried forward from a printer's error in the American edition of the book. A sentence in the second paragraph of Section III began as follows, in the British first edition:", "“In short, it seemed that he could do no good by remaining in England, and the temptation to be present at the final act of justice in the East by which those who had indirectly been the cause of his tragedy were to be wiped out…”\n\nIn the corrupted text found in most modern editions, the passage reads (erroneous portion in italics):", "\"In short, it seemed that he could do no good by remaining in England, and the temptation to be present at the final act of justice in the East by which land, and, in fact, it was more than likely that if she were to be wiped out…”", "Release and reception\nUpon its 1907 publication, Lord of the World caused an enormous stir among Catholics, non-Catholics, and even among non-Christians. Mgr. Benson was therefore kept busy answering letters from both readers and literary critics. Mgr. Benson's reading of these letters helped inspire his novel The Dawn of All.", "In reply to a critic who expressed a belief that Mabel Brand condemned herself to Hell by committing suicide, Mgr. Benson wrote, \"I think Mabel was alright, really. Honestly, she had no idea that suicide was a sin; and she did pray as well as she knew how at the end.\"Note that during Benson's lifetime, until the passing of the Suicide Act 1961 it was also then illegal to attempt suicide.", "In a 16 December 1907 letter to Mgr. Benson's brother, British physicist Sir Oliver Lodge wrote, \"The assumption that there can be no religion except a grotesque return to Paganism, short of admitting the supremacy of Mediaeval Rome, is an unexpected contention to find in a modern book... I am wondering what the leaders of the Church think of it. Perhaps Pius X may approve; but it is difficult to suppose that it can meet with general approbation. If it does, it is very instructive.\"", "Some critics and readers misinterpreted the novel's last sentence as meaning, \"the destruction, not of the world, but of the Church.\" Some Marxists were reportedly \"delighted\" by the ending and one non-Catholic reader wrote that Lord of the World had, \"struck heaven out of my sky, and I don't know how to get it back again.\"", "Other readers were more admiring. Although \"grave exception\" was taken there to Mgr. Benson's \"sympathetic treatment\" of Mabel Brand's suicide, Lord of the World was enthusiastically received in France.", "In a letter to Mgr. Benson, Jesuit priest Fr. Joseph Rickaby wrote, \"I have long thought that Antichrist would be no monster, but a most charming, decorous, attractive person, exactly your Felsenburgh. This is what the enemy has wanted, something to counteract the sweetness of Christmas, Good Friday, and Corpus Christi, which is the strength of Christianity", ". The abstruseness of Modernism, the emptiness of Absolutism, the farce of Humanitarianism, the bleakness (so felt by Huxley and Oliver Lodge) of sheer physical science, that is what your Antichrist makes up for. He is, as you have made him, the perfection of the Natural, away from and in antithesis to God and His Christ.... As Newman says, a man may be near death and yet not die, but still the alarms of his friends are each time justified and are finally fulfilled; so of the approach of Antichrist.\"", "Shortly after Mgr. Benson's novel was published, British historian and future Catholic convert Christopher Dawson paid a visit to Imperial Germany. While there, Dawson witnessed the increasing de-Christianisation of German culture and the rapid growth of the Marxist Social Democratic Party. In response, Dawson called the Kaiser's Germany \"a most soul-destroying place\", and complained that German intellectuals, \"examine Christianity as if it were a kind of beetle", ".\" Dawson further lamented that his stay in that \"most dreadful\" country reminded him of \"the state of society in Lord of the World.\"", "Furthermore, despite Mgr. Benson's subtle contempt for \"Greek Christianity\", Mother Catherine Abrikosova, a Byzantine Catholic Dominican nun, former Marxist, and future martyr in Joseph Stalin's concentration camps, translated Lord of the World from English to Russian shortly before the Bolshevik Revolution.\n\nLegacy\n\nCatholic intellectuals", "Legacy\n\nCatholic intellectuals\n\nAlthough it is not as well known as the dystopian writings of Evgeny Zamyatin, George Orwell, Ray Bradbury and Aldous Huxley, Lord of the World continues to have many admirers—especially among Conservative and Traditionalist Catholics.", "Reviewer Mary Whitebrough noted: \"It is commonly believed than Benson wrote Lord of the World at least partly in response to the writings of H.G.Wells with their vision of a technologically-advanced secularized future in store for humanity. But it is also possible that Wells, a veteran of numerous debates with Catholics, may have returned the favor. Wells' own The Shape of Things to Come takes up the basic plot element of Lord of the World and turns it upside down", ". In Things to Come, too, a secularized World Government embarks on a head-on confrontation with the Catholic Church and eventually destroys it - but for Wells, the World Secularists are the Good Guys and destroying the Church is a necessary, positive act. (...) To be sure, Wells' World Government is far less brutal than the one predicted by Benson", ". (...) To be sure, Wells' World Government is far less brutal than the one predicted by Benson. In Wells' version The Pope and Cardinals are simply dosed with sleeping gas, rather than being firebombed, and Catholics are mainly educated out of their reactionary ways rather than persecuted into martyrdom.(..", ".(...) It is amusing to note that the Catholic Benson and the Secularist Wells were at one in dismissing the Protestants' power of resistance and seeing only the Catholic Church as a worthy opponent for Secularism.\"", "In a 2005 essay, Joseph Pearce wrote that, while Orwell and Huxley's novels are \"great literature\", they \"are clearly inferior works of prophecy.\" Pearce explains that while \"the political dictatorships\" that inspired Huxley and Orwell \"have had their day\", \"Benson's novel-nightmare... is coming true before our very eyes.\"", "Pearce elaborates, The world depicted in Lord of the World is one where creeping secularism and godless humanism have triumphed over traditional morality. It is a world where philosophical relativism has triumphed over objectivity; a world where, in the name of tolerance, religious doctrine is not tolerated. It is a world where euthanasia is practiced widely and religion hardly practiced at all", ". It is a world where euthanasia is practiced widely and religion hardly practiced at all. The lord of this nightmare world is a benign-looking politician intent on power in the name of \"peace\", and intent on the destruction of religion in the name of \"truth\". In such a world, only a small and shrinking Church stands resolutely against the demonic \"Lord of the World\".", "EWTN talk show host and American Chesterton Society President Dale Ahlquist has also praised Monsignor Benson's novel and said that it deserves a wider audience.\n\nMichael D. O'Brien's has cited it as an influence on his Apocalyptic series Children of the Last Days.\n\nPapal statements", "Papal statements\n\nOn February 8, 1992, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger criticised U. S. President George H. W. Bush's recent speech calling for \"a New World Order\" in a speech of his own at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. In his discourse, the future Pope explained that Monsignor Benson's novel described \"a similar unified civilization and its power to destroy the spirit. The anti-Christ is represented as the great carrier of peace in a similar new world order.\"", "Cardinal Ratzinger proceeded to quote from Pope Benedict XV's 1920 encyclical Bonum sane: \"The coming of a world state is longed for, by all the worst and most distorted elements. This state, based on the principles of absolute equality of men and a community of possessions, would banish all national loyalties. In it no acknowledgement would be made of the authority of a father over his children, or of God over human society", ". If these ideas are put into practice, there will inevitably follow a reign of unheard-of terror.\"", "In a sermon in November, 2013, Pope Francis praised Lord of the World as depicting \"the spirit of the world which leads to apostasy almost as if it were a prophecy.\"", "In early 2015, Pope Francis further revealed Benson's influence upon his thinking, speaking to a plane load of reporters. At first apologising for making \"a commercial\", Pope Francis further praised Lord of the World, despite its being \"a bit heavy at the beginning\". Pope Francis elaborated, \"It is a book that, at that time, the writer had seen this drama of ideological colonization and wrote that book... I advise you to read it. Reading it, you'll understand well what I mean by ideological colonization.\"", "In March 2023, Pope Francis again mentioned that he \"always recommends\" Lord of the World during an interview with the Argentinian newspaper La Nación", ". He referenced the book within the context of \"ideological colonization\" and in response to a question about non-binary gender options appearing on government forms, saying that such a phenomenon reminded him of the Benson's \"futuristic\" world, “in which differences are disappearing and everything is the same, everything is uniform, a single leader of the whole world.”", "See also\n\n The Last Word (Greene short story)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \"Hopes and Fears: Robert Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World\" by Colin O’Brien, in the Dappled Things Quarterly", "Further reading\n Ahlquist, Dale (2012). \"The End of the World,\" The American Chesterton Society, March 12.\n \n Cuddy, Denis L. (2005). \"Lord of the World,\" News with Views, April 20.\n Martindale, C.C. (1916). The Life of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, Vol. 2. London: Longmans, Green & Co.\n McCloskey, Fr. John. \"Introduction to Benson's 'Lord of the World',\" Catholic City, [n.d.].\n Rutler, Fr. George W. (2008). \"The One We Were Waiting For,\" National Review, November 3.", "Rutler, Fr. George W. (2008). \"The One We Were Waiting For,\" National Review, November 3.\n Schall, Rev. James V. (2012). \"The Lord of the World,\" Crisis Magazine, July 10.\n Wood. Joseph (2009). \"Lord of the World,\" The Catholic Thing'', March 31.", "External links\n \"Lord of the World\" complete text online at Authorama.com – public domain books\n \"Lord of the World\" complete text from Project Gutenberg.\n \"Lord of the World\", Dood, Mead & Company, 1908 1917, from Internet Archive.\n \"Lord of the World\", Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1918, from Hathi Trust.", "1907 science fiction novels\n1907 British novels\nAnti-Marxism\nAnti-Masonry\nDodd, Mead & Co. books\nDystopian novels\nEnglish science fiction novels\nNovels about the Antichrist\nNovels about totalitarianism\nNovels by Robert Hugh Benson\nCatholicism in fiction\nCatholic novels\nApocalyptic novels\nNovels set in the future\nNovels set in the 21st century" ]
Saffron Revolution
[ "The Saffron Revolution () was a series of economic and political protests and demonstrations that took place during August, September, and October 2007 in Myanmar. The protests were triggered by the decision of the national military government to remove subsidies on the sales prices of fuel", ". The national government is the only supplier of fuels and the removal of the price subsidy immediately caused diesel and petrol prices to increase by 66–100% and the price of compressed natural gas for buses to increase 500% in less than a week.", "The various protests were led by students, political activists, including women, and Buddhist monks and took the form of a campaign of nonviolent resistance, sometimes also called civil resistance.", "In response to the protests, dozens of protesters were arrested or detained. Starting in September 2007 the protests were led by thousands of Buddhist monks, and those protests were allowed to proceed until a renewed government crackdown in late September 2007. Some news reports referred to the protests as the Saffron Revolution, or ().", "The exact number of casualties from the 2007 protests is not known, but estimates range from 13 to 31 deaths resulting from either the protests or reprisals by the government. Several hundred people were arrested or detained, many (but not all) of whom were released.\nIn the event, Senior General Than Shwe remained in power until he retired in 2011 at age 78.\n\nTerminology", "The phrase \"Saffron Revolution\" connects the protests against Myanmar's military dictatorship to the saffron-coloured robes which are widely associated with Buddhist monks, who were at the forefront of the demonstrations. The robes of Burmese monks are similar to the color of whole saffron", ". The robes of Burmese monks are similar to the color of whole saffron. While similar terms for protests (see colour revolution) had been used elsewhere for the process of gradual or peaceful revolution in other nations, this seems to be the first time it has been associated with a particular protest as it was unfolding, and the international press seized upon the term in reporting on the Burmese protests", ". However, the idea that the monkhood is connected to specifically Burmese ideas about revolution has been argued by British academic Gustaaf Houtman, partly in critique of an alternative view held by a political scientist, that Gen. Ne Win's 1962 revolution was the only successful revolution in Burma. Burmese concepts of \"revolution\", however, have a much longer history and are also employed in many but not all monastic ordinations.", "The military government of Burma was called the State Peace and Development Council or the \"SPDC\" from 1988 to 2011.\n\nHistory", "Background", "Prior to the 2007 summer protests, there had been growing unease in the population regarding the economic situation due to stagnant economic growth and its ranking among the 20 poorest countries in the world according to the United Nations. Many, including the United Nations have blamed the economic problems on the leadership of the military junta and the proportion of national income spent on the armed forces", ". In late 2006, the cost of basic commodities began rising sharply in Burma with rice, eggs, and cooking oil increasing by 30–40%. According to the UN, one in three children is chronically malnourished, government spending on health and education is among the lowest anywhere in the world, and the average income is below $300 a year", ". Living a privileged, parallel existence, Burma's military forces appear virtually a \"state within a state\", free from the economic insecurity that afflicts the rest of the country. Many of the high ranking army generals have become immensely rich; as witnessed in the video of the wedding of senior general Than Shwe's daughter, who is shown wearing diamonds worth many millions of dollars.", "According to the BBC, on 22 February 2007, a small group of individuals protested the current state of consumer prices in the country. While the protest was small and careful not to be seen as directed at the military junta, officials jailed nine of the protesters. It was the first street protest seen in Rangoon for at least a decade", ". It was the first street protest seen in Rangoon for at least a decade. According to Jeff Kingston, in his article \"Burma's Despair\" stated that \"Despair and fear are immobilizing a people who yearn for a better life and have fruitlessly risked much for a better government.\" This shows how afraid the Burmese were to take action in 2007", ".\" This shows how afraid the Burmese were to take action in 2007. Not only that but Kingston also states that \"The earlier brutal crackdown of 1988-when at least three thousand protesters were killed and thousands more imprisoned and tortured-has burned a place in the collective memory.\"", "Some of the prominent or symbolic individuals who figured in these events included:\n Senior General Than Shwe, Commander in Chief of the Myanmar Armed forces\n Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese opposition figure and Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1991,\n Kenji Nagai, Japanese photojournalist who was killed during the protests,\n Zarganar, Burmese comedian and protester\n U Gambira, a leader of the Buddhist monks in opposition.", "April 2007", "The military junta detained eight people on Sunday, 22 April 2007, who took part in a rare demonstration in a Yangon suburb amid a growing military crackdown on protesters. A group of about ten protesters carrying placards and chanting slogans staged the protest Sunday morning in Yangon's Thingangyun township, calling for lower prices and improved health, education and better utility services", ". The protest ended peacefully after about 70 minutes, but plainclothes police took away eight demonstrators as some 100 onlookers watched. The protesters carried placards with slogans such as \"Down with consumer prices\". Some of those detained were the same protesters who took part in a downtown Yangon protest on 22 February 2007. That protest was one of the first such demonstrations in recent years to challenge the junta's economic mismanagement rather than its legal right to rule", ". The protesters detained in the February rally had said they were released after signing an acknowledgment of police orders that they should not hold any future public demonstrations without first obtaining official permission.", "The military government stated its intention to crack down on these human rights activists, according to a 23 April 2007, report in the country's official press. The announcement, which comprised a full page of the official newspaper, followed calls by human rights advocacy groups, including London-based Amnesty International, for authorities to investigate recent violent attacks on rights activists in the country.", "Two members of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters, Maung Maung Lay, 37, and Myint Naing, 40, were hospitalised with head injuries following attacks by more than 50 people while the two were working in Hinthada township, Irrawaddy Division in mid-April. On Sunday, 22 April 2007, eight people were arrested by plainclothes police, members of the pro-junta Union Solidarity and Development Association, and the Pyithu Swan Arr Shin (a paramilitary group) while demonstrating peacefully in a Yangon suburb", ". The eight protesters were calling for lower commodity prices, better health care and improved utility services. Htin Kyaw, 44, one of the eight who also took part in an earlier demonstration in late February in downtown Yangon, was beaten by a mob, according to sources at the scene of the protest.", "Reports from opposition activists emerged saying that authorities have directed the police and other government proxy groups to deal harshly with any sign of unrest in Yangon. \"This proves that there is no rule of law [in Burma],\" the 88 Generation Students group said in a statement. [Mon 23 April 2007] \"We seriously urge the authorities to prevent violence in the future and to guarantee the safety of every citizen.\"", "August 2007 – Removal of fuel subsidies\nOn 15 August 2007 the government removed subsidies on fuel causing a rapid and unannounced increase in prices. The government, which has a monopoly on fuel sales, raised prices from about $1.40 to $2.80 a gallon, and boosted the price of natural gas by about 500%. This increase in fuel prices led to an increase in food prices. Soon afterwards, protesters took to the streets to protest the current conditions.", "While the International Monetary Fund and World Bank had been recommending the lifting of subsidies for some time to allow for a free market to determine fuel prices, these organisations did not recommend removing all of the subsidies unannounced. The fuel is sold by Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, a state-owned fuel company.", "August 2007 – Initial demonstrations", "In response to the increase in fuel prices, citizens protested in demonstrations beginning on 19 August. In response to the protests, the government began arresting and beating demonstrators. The government arrested 13 prominent Burmese dissidents including Min Ko Naing, Ko Ko Gyi, Min Zeya, Ko Jimmy, Pyone Cho, Arnt Bwe Kyaw and Ko Mya Aye", ". The government newspaper New Light of Myanmar reported that these individual's actions caused civil unrest that \"was aimed at undermining peace and security of the State and disrupting the ongoing National Convention", ".\" The United States condemned the arrest of these dissidents on 22 August with the State Department's acting spokesman stating \"The United States calls for the immediate release of these activists and for an end of the regime's blatant attempt to intimidate and silence those who are engaged in peaceful promotion of democracy and human rights in Burma..", "...We call on the regime to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the leaders of Burma's democracy movement and ethnic minority groups and to make tangible steps toward a transition to civilian democratic rule.\"", "On 21–22 August 2007, participants of the protests on 19 August were detained by local authorities. Their houses were searched without a warrant. These demonstrators could have been charged with up to one year in prison; under the 5/96 Law, that is used to condemn those who disrupt the stability of the state.", "September 2007 – Escalation", "On 5 September 2007, Burmese troops forcibly broke up a peaceful demonstration in Pakokku and injured three monks. It was further reported that one monk was killed. This report however was never confirmed but quoted as a reason for the monks' protests starting on September 18. Document 6.1 The next day, younger monks in Pakokku briefly took several government officials hostage in retaliation. They demanded an apology by the deadline of 17 September but the military refused to apologise", ". They demanded an apology by the deadline of 17 September but the military refused to apologise. This sparked protests involving increasing numbers of monks in conjunction with the withdrawal of religious services for the military. Their role in the protests was significant due to the reverence paid to them by the civilian population and the military. After these events, protests began spreading across Myanmar, including Yangon (also known as Rangoon), Sittwe, Pakokku and Mandalay.", "On 22 September around two thousand monks marched through Yangon and ten thousand through Mandalay, with other demonstrations in five townships across Myanmar. Those marching through the capital chanted the \"Myitta Thote\" (the Buddha's words on loving kindness) marching through a barricade on the street in front of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. Although still under house arrest, Suu Kyi made a brief public appearance at the gate of her residence to accept the blessings of the Buddhist monks.", "In Mandalay, estimated to have 200 monasteries, monks were said to have told people not to join the protests, which ended peacefully.", "As of 22 September 2007, the Buddhist monks were reported to have withdrawn spiritual services from all military personnel in a symbolic move that was seen as very powerful in such a deeply religious country as Burma. The military rulers seemed at a loss as to how to deal with the demonstrations by the monks as using violence against monks would incense and enrage the people of Burma even further, almost certainly prompting massive civil unrest and perhaps violence", ". However, the longer the junta allowed the protests to continue, the weaker the regime could look. The danger is that eventually the military government will be forced to act rashly and doing so will provoke the citizenry even more. Some international news agencies are referring to the uprising as a 'Saffron Revolution'.", "On 23 September, 150 nuns joined the protests in Yangon. On that day, some 15,000 Buddhist monks and laymen marched through the streets of Yangon in the sixth day of escalating peaceful protests against the Burmese military regime. The Alliance of All Burmese Buddhist Monks vowed to continue the protests until the Burmese military junta is deposed.\n\n24 September 2007", "On 24 September eyewitnesses reported between 30,000 and 100,000 people demonstrating in Yangon, making the event the largest Burmese anti-government protest in twenty years. The BBC reported that two locally well-known actors, comedian Zargana and film star Kyaw Thu, went to Yangon's golden Shwedagon Pagoda early on Monday to offer food and water to the monks before they started their march. The marches occurred simultaneously in at least 25 cities across Myanmar, with columns of monks stretching up to", ". At the end of the march approximately 1,000 monks arrived to greet Aung San Suu Kyi's home but were denied access by police. They chanted prayers before peacefully moving off. Later that day, the military junta's Minister for Religion, Brigadier General Thura Myint Maung, warned the Buddhist monks leading the protests not to go beyond their \"rules and regulations\".", "Meanwhile, President George W. Bush introduced unilateral sanctions against the Burmese leaders during his speech to the UN General Assembly and encouraged other countries to follow its lead. The Dalai Lama also gave his blessing to the monks in their bid for greater freedom and democracy.\n\n25 September 2007", "On 25 September the junta threatened demonstrators with military force and placed army trucks at Shwedagon Pagoda, the assembly point for monks leading the protests. Witnesses said 5,000 monks and laypeople marched into the Shwedagon. Civilians were forming a human shield around the monks; Reuters quotes one eyewitness: \"They are marching down the streets, with the monks in the middle and ordinary people either side – they are shielding them, forming a human chain.\"", ".\". Vehicles mounted with loudspeakers toured central Yangon, blaring warnings of military action. \"People are not to follow, encourage or take part in these marches. Action will be taken against those who violate this order,\" the broadcasts said, invoking a law allowing the use of military force to break up illegal protests", ". Reuters reported that the detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi had been moved to the Insein Prison on Sunday, a day after she appeared in front of her house to greet marching monks.", "Effective 26 September Myanmar's junta imposed dusk-till-dawn curfews on the country's two largest cities of Yangon and Mandalay. Additionally, gatherings of more than five people were prohibited. Meanwhile, truckloads of armed soldiers and riot police were sent into Yangon.\n\nJunta crackdown", "26 September 2007", "On 26 September, pro-democracy figure Win Naing was arrested at his home in Yangon around 2:30 a.m. after being seen providing food and water to the protesting monks but was released from jail after one night, according to an anonymous friend and Western diplomat. He had been arrested on 8 March for holding a press conference with Burmese demonstrators against the national economic hardships. Prominent Burmese comedian Zargana was also arrested overnight", ". Prominent Burmese comedian Zargana was also arrested overnight. Troops barricaded Shwedagon Pagoda and attacked a group of 700 protesters with batons and tear gas. The police, beating their shields with batons, chased some of the monks and some 200 supporters, while others tried to remain in place near the eastern gate of the pagoda complex. Troops then sealed off the area around the pagoda, attempting to prevent the monks from making further protests", ". This failed to stop the marches, with up to 5,000 monks progressing through Yangon, some wearing masks in anticipation of tear gas being used.", "Later in the day there were reports of at least three Buddhist monks and one woman confirmed killed in the firing by security forces in Yangon when thousands of people led by Buddhist monks continued their protest against the military junta. A doctor in Yangon's general hospital confirmed that three injured monks had been admitted to the hospital after they were beaten up severely by the riot police at Shwedagon pagoda", ". The Swedish National Radio correspondent in Yangon reported that more than 300 people, many of whom were monks, were detained. He also reported a new sentiment in Yangon: \"People come up to me quite spontaneously and voice their opinion in a way they never did before.\" ... \"People feel great admiration for the brave monks\"", ".\" ... \"People feel great admiration for the brave monks\". The Burma Campaign UK said its sources had reported the junta ordering large numbers of maroon monastic robes and telling soldiers to shave their heads, possibly to infiltrate the monks.", "27 September 2007", "On 27 September, the junta security forces began raiding monasteries across the country to quell the protests, arresting at least 200 monks in Yangon and 500 more in the northeast. Simultaneously, the army raided four other monasteries in parts of Yangon and arrested several monks", ". Sources confirmed that the army had raided the six-storied Religious Science Monastery in Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda, Moe Kaung Monastery in Yan Kin township, Maggin Monastery in Thingankyun township, and Thein Phyu monastery in Thein Phyu area and arrested several monks. An anonymous diplomat also said the junta claimed soldiers now had the monks \"under control\" and \"would now turn their attention to civilian protesters\".", "Up to 50,000 protesters took to the streets in Yangon. Protesters bleeding from beatings by security forces were seen scattering and fleeing in Sule. Security forces were reported to be preparing to use insect spray to crack down on protesters. Eyewitnesses said fire engines and insect spray carrier trucks were seen near Theingyi market in downtown Yangon. The BBC received unconfirmed reports that fire crews were ordered to fill their machines with insecticide.", "According to several news media, the armed forces gave the protesters 10 minutes to disperse or face extreme action. The radio station Democratic Voice of Burma reported that nine civilians, including Japanese photographer Kenji Nagai, had been shot and killed by the armed forces. Nagai was working for APF Tsushin, a media company based in Tokyo. The Japanese embassy in Myanmar later confirmed Nagai's death. Amateur video showing Nagai apparently being deliberately shot was aired on Japanese television", ". Amateur video showing Nagai apparently being deliberately shot was aired on Japanese television. Later footage also showed a Burmese soldier taking Nagai's video camera.", "Soldiers fired both into the air and directly at students marching toward a high school in Tamwe township in Yangon. Unconfirmed eyewitness reports say 100 people were shot. Up to 300 of the students outside were arrested after a military truck rammed into the crowd.\n\nSome 50,000 protesters are reported to have demonstrated peacefully in Akyab while soldiers were stationed at seven key places, including government buildings, Lawkanada temple, and Akyi Tong Kong temple.", "In the evening, the Burmese state television reported that nine people had been killed in a force crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Yangon. It added that eleven demonstrators and 31 soldiers had been injured.", "At the end of the day, it was reported that the junta had formed new regiments to crack down on protesters. According to sources close to the military, Senior General Than Shwe took direct command after several commanders refused to use force to crack down on protesters", ". The newspaper The Guardian published a report of a letter received by Burmese exiles in Thailand, allegedly written by disgruntled military officers, expressing support for the protests and stating, \"On behalf of the armed forces, we declare our support for the non-violent action of the Buddhist monks and members of the public and their peaceful expression...\". The letter also announced the formation of a group called the Public Patriot Army Association", "...\". The letter also announced the formation of a group called the Public Patriot Army Association. The Guardian was unable to confirm the authenticity of the letter itself before the story was published.", "There were unconfirmed reports that Than Shwe's family fled the country. A chartered Air Bagan flight carrying eight passengers landed in Vientiane, Laos, at 6 p.m. (local time). Air Bagan is owned by Than Shwe's ally Tay Za.\n\nThe United Nations' special envoy to Myanmar, Ibrahim Gambari, was allowed into the country after the Burmese authorities bowed to international pressure. He was sent to Myanmar after the Security Council convened in New York over the crisis to call for restraint.", "28 September 2007", "On 28 September, Yangon was emptier than the previous days, as people were afraid of violent reprisals from the army, though many still took to the streets chanting such phrases as \"wrongdoers who kill monks\" as well as \"the military science given by general Aung San is not supposed to kill the people\" (i.e. the military isn't supposed to kill the people). The President of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal Arroyo urged Myanmar to take steps toward democracy", ". The Philippine President warned Myanmar that the Philippines would stop its financial help to Myanmar if opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was not released. US envoys called on China to use its influence with Myanmar.", "The Myanmar government attempted to dampen public awareness and communications around the protests by cutting Internet access. Troops specifically targeted those caught carrying cameras and beat them. On 28 September, after the killing of Japanese photographer Kenji Nagai by the junta, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said he regretted the killing and demanded a full explanation of his death", ". The Association of Southeast Asian Nations was urged to join the push for a UN mission to Myanmar, while the United Nations Security Council urged restraint from the government.", "There were reports that Burmese troops from central Myanmar had started to march towards Yangon. The troops were from the Central Command based in Taungoo and the South East Command. It was not clear if the troops were marching to reinforce or to challenge the troops in Yangon for shooting the Buddhist monks.", "Vice Senior-General Maung Aye, Than Shwe's second-in-command and the commander in chief of the army, \"reportedly disagreed with the violent approach taken against protesters\", and was scheduled to meet with Aung San Suu Kyi, who was reportedly taken to Yemon Military Camp on the outskirts of Yangon", ". Another report claimed Maung Aye had staged a coup against Than Shwe, that his troops were guarding Aung San Suu Kyi's home, and that diplomatic sources said that Aung San Suu Kyi had been moved to a police academy compound outside Yangon; although no independent confirmation has been made on the report.", "Helfen ohne Grenzen (Help without Frontiers) reported that soldiers from the 66th LID (Light Infantry Division) had turned their weapons against other government troops and possibly police in North Okkalappa township in Yangon and were defending the protesters. While soldiers from 33rd LID in Mandalay were also reported to have refused orders to take actions against protesters, other reports state many soldiers remained in their barracks", ". Later reports stated that soldiers from the 99th LID were being sent in to confront them.", "29 September 2007", "A report warned that the military would attempt to trick UN envoys by asking their followers to carry out a set-up protest – protesting against the genuine demonstrations, with SPDC followers forcing civilians to join in. The same source stated that attendance of one person per family in some parts of the town was being demanded", ". In view of the Internet blackout, a group of \"88-generation activists\" urged the United Nations, along with the United States and United Kingdom embassies in Yangon, to open a one-page Web service via Wi-Fi access to the general public just to submit news photos. The blog site confirmed from different sources that soldiers and police were officially ordered not to shoot at the crowd.", "It was also reported that the UN envoys would meet Lieutenant Senior General Maung Aye, the second chief of the junta.", "The BBC reported that several hundred people had gathered in Yangon and that eyewitness reports said demonstrators were surrounded by security forces and pro-military vigilante groups. United Nations Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari arrived in Yangon and was due to fly immediately to Naypyidaw to talk with the junta generals. Eyewitnesses told the BBC that over 1,000 people were demonstrating against the government", ". Eyewitnesses told the BBC that over 1,000 people were demonstrating against the government. There were fresh reports of new violence; the French news agency AFP stated that security forces charged a group of around 100 protesters on the Pansoedan bridge in central Yangon.", "Approximately 5,000 people gathered to demonstrate in Mandalay. The military was reported to have put most monasteries under guard to prevent egress. People gathered at 80th, 84th, 35th, and 33rd Streets, before joining together; three military trucks followed them and tried to break up the demonstrators, arresting one student who attempted to cross the road in front of them", ". The military forced monks from outside Mandalay to return to their native towns, the military keeping the homes of NLD Party leaders under guard. Peaceful demonstrations were reported in Mandalay. The Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery in South Okkalarpa which was subject to a raid some days earlier was under repair, some suggested, in an effort to eliminate evidence. A dedicated group of anti-riot troops was reported to have been formed within Brigate-77 led by Col", ". Thein Han under Minister Aung Thaung and General Htay Oo's supervision. Agricultural Minister General Maung Oo and Minister of Information Brig. General Kyaw Hsan was said to be in charge of arresting monks at night.", "Only an hour after his scheduled arrival at Yangon, it was reported that Ibrahim Gambari, the UN Secretary-General's special adviser on Myanmar, had arrived in Naypyidaw to talk with the junta leaders. White House National Security Council Spokesman Gordon Johndroe stated \"We have concerns that Mr. Gambari was swiftly moved from Rangoon (Yangon) to the new capital in the interior, far from population centres\" and urged the junta to allow Gambari wide access to people, religious leaders and Aung San Suu Kyi", ". When asked if he expected to meet Suu Kyi, Gambari said: \"I expect to meet all the people that I need to meet.\"", "An early report indicated that the junta denied Gambari a meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi. In addition, the army, late at night, set up a machine-gun nest outside her house.", "An audio message from inside Myanmar said that crying crematorium workers claimed that they were forced by soldiers to burn injured protesters and civilians to death in YaeWay crematorium on the outskirts of Yangon. The Times Online later reported that it was \"widely accepted that the cremations began on the night of Friday, 28 September\", but the reports of people being burned alive were being \"treated with extreme caution by independent observers and have not been verified\"", ". In Yangon, soldiers rerouted the Sule bus stop to Thamada Cinema in an effort to keep people away from Sule pagoda. Some bus drivers were not informed of this change, and passengers getting off at the old stop were beaten upon dismounting. In Mandalay, non-monk prisoners were taken to a field and a barber was asked to shave their heads so that they could be dressed as monks and forced to create confusion and mistrust of real monks.", "Monks and civilians were reported to have called diplomats to state that troops had arrived at three monasteries but had been prevented from entering by local residents who had massed outside. Making threats of returning in larger numbers, the soldiers then departed.", "Mizzima news reported that in Mandalay, the NLD divisional organising committee member Win Mya Mya was arrested by police sub-Inspector Tun Lwin Naung at 11 p.m. last night at her home. \"She seemed to know in advance of her imminent arrest. She is prepared and took her clothes with her,\" her sister Tin Win Yee, told reporters, \"I am worried about her. This month is the period of Ramadan and she is being treated for her injury sustained in the Depayin incident\".", "Citizens in Myitkyina and other townships in northern Myanmar were coerced into joining pro-government rallies designed to manufacture a show of support for a national convention, though most of the speeches were simply condemnations from junta leaders of the uprisings. Two people from each household were required to attend. \"We were warned that we would be punished if we didn't come to the rally. So we attended it because we were afraid,\" said one resident.", "Ngwe Kyar Yan Monastery in Rangoon, where some 200 monks were detained in the early morning two days earlier, was reported to have been looted by soldiers. Everything of value was said to have been removed, including forty or more Buddha statues and the head of one of the largest Buddhas which contains valuable jewels.", "The largest demonstration in the country at Kyaukpadaung, Mandalay Division, numbered about 30,000 and was led by around 1,000 monks. The demonstrators marched peacefully despite heavy presence by security forces and military troops.", "Some 10,000 farmers in Wra Ma, 30 miles north of Taungup, southern Rakhine State, were reported to have joined hands to protest against the government. The demonstrators were said to have been angry at the government's action against monks in Yangon. The report stated that the authorities in Taungup sent a platoon of police to the village soon after they received the information about the demonstration.", "30 September 2007\nContrary to earlier reports, UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari was allowed to meet with Aung San Suu Kyi. The two spoke for ninety minutes at the State guest house in Yangon after Gambari returned from talks with the junta in Naypyidaw. Gambari met with acting Prime Minister Thein Sein, Culture Minister Khin Aung Myint and Information Minister Kyaw Hsan, but was not given an audience with senior general Than Shwe.", "The Premier of the People's Republic of China, Wen Jiabao, announced: \"China hopes all parties concerned in Myanmar show restraint, resume stability through peaceful means as soon as possible, promote domestic reconciliation and achieve democracy and development\". Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, urged China to lean harder on Myanmar", ". Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, urged China to lean harder on Myanmar. Mark Canning, the United Kingdom's ambassador in Myanmar, told the BBC of the deep underlying political and economic reasons for the demonstrations, which he said would not go away easily; \"The cork has been put in the bottle, but the pressures are still there.\"", "Colonel Hla Win, a central member of the military junta, was reportedly seeking political asylum in Norway. The colonel was said to be in hiding in the jungle with rebels of the Karen people. The colonel defected after being ordered to raid two monasteries and detain hundreds of monks. According to the colonel, these monks were to be killed and dumped in the jungle.", "An eyewitness in Yangon says a monastery on Wei-za-yan-tar Road was raided early in the morning. Monks studying inside were ordered out, and one by one had their heads bashed against the brick wall of the monastery. Their robes were torn off and they were thrown into trucks and driven away. The head monk is confirmed to have died later that day. Only 10 of 200 remained afterwards, hiding inside, and the ground was covered with blood", ". Only 10 of 200 remained afterwards, hiding inside, and the ground was covered with blood. Many civilians who had gathered to help were held back by the military with bayonets.", "The Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka, in Myanmar because of the death of Kenji Nagai, arrived in Naypyidaw to speak to government leaders.", "1 October 2007\nThe barricades around the Shwedagon Pagoda were removed, witnesses told Reuters, but soldiers were still stationed at the four entrances. Monks said that at least five of their number had been killed during the clashes with security forces. Eyewitnesses said that troops and police were still positioned at many street corners and key locations around Yangon, making it impossible for demonstrators to gather.", "Mark Canning, the British ambassador to Myanmar, said that China was pushing hard for Gambari's mission to be as long and as far-reaching as possible.\n\nThousands of heavily armed soldiers were reported to be patrolling the streets of Yangon, and there were no signs of protests against the junta. The troops were stopping pedestrians and car drivers and searching them for cameras. The internet and mobile phone networks were still largely disrupted.", "Around 4,000 monks were said to have been rounded up by the military during the previous week in an attempt to stamp out the protests. They were being held at a disused race course. A BBC report said that sources from a government-sponsored militia stated they would soon be moved away from Yangon, and that the monks have been disrobed and shackled", ". The Democratic Voice of Burma, the banned opposition broadcaster, published a photograph which they said showed the body of a monk floating near the mouth of the Yangon river.", "5,000 protesters were reported to have gathered in the town of Man Aung, Rakhine State, in the morning. They marched while holding two banners displaying their demands; for the release of all political prisoners, a reduction in commodity prices, and national reconciliation.\n\nThree people were arrested at a protest in Sanchaung Township in Yangon a report in The Irrawaddy stated.", "2 October 2007\nIbrahim Gambari met with Aung San Suu Kyi for a second time, just hours after returning from talks with Than Shwe in Naypyidaw, where he conveyed concerns over the violent crackdown.\n\nA report about imprisoned monks in Myanmar stated they were refusing to touch food given them by the military, and by doing so symbolically maintain their boycott of the regime.", "Myanmar prime minister General Soe Win, reportedly died of leukaemia in Rangoon Defense Hospital, Mingladon, Yangon. But other sources claimed the rumours were false.\n\nThe United Nations Human Rights Council met and discussed the situation in Myanmar during a special session, and passed a resolution deploring the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, and urging the release of all those arrested during the demonstrations.", "3 October 2007\nA BBC report stated that Gambari was in Singapore for a meeting with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, but had not spoken with journalists. He was to prepare a report on his talks with Burma's leaders and brief the UN Security Council later in the week.", "Reports from Yangon stated that some 25 monks were arrested by security forces in a raid on a temple overnight. As a result of the military crackdown on anti-government protests, \"scores of monks\" were said to be trying to leave Yangon, although some bus drivers refused to carry them as passengers, fearing they would not be allowed petrol. Military vehicles fitted with loudspeakers patrolled Rangoon's streets blaring: \"We have photographs. We are going to make arrests", ". We are going to make arrests.\" Some 80 monks and 149 women thought to be nuns, who had been detained during part of the military's crackdown on protesters, were freed, Reuters reported.", "Riot police and soldiers were reported to be scouring Yangon with photographs to identify and arrest participants in last week's protests.", "A report about nightly actions against demonstrators quoted one resident who said: \"The repression is continuing every night. When there are no more witnesses, they drive through the suburbs at night and kill the people.\" The report stated that there is hunger and misery, many of the monks who demonstrated last week came from Okalapa Township and after suppressing Yangon centre on 29 September troops turned their attention to that township the following day.", "4 October 2007", "The body of the Japanese journalist, Kenji Nagai, was returned to Japan. An autopsy would be carried out; Japanese officials said that he was not shot accidentally as Burmese authorities have said, but was shot at close range. APF News, who employed Nagai, demanded that the camera he held when he was killed be returned; to that date only his second camera, thought to be a back-up, had been returned", ". Toru Yamaji, the head of APF News, said: \"Our biggest task now is to confirm and report on what's in his camera and what he wanted to tell the people on his last day\".", "Another report stated that up to 10,000 people, many of them monks who led the protests, had been \"rounded up for interrogation in recent days\". United States diplomats who visited 15 monasteries found them empty, while others were being barricaded and guarded by soldiers, the report said.\n\n5 October 2007", "5 October 2007\n\nThe opposition rejected the junta's conditional offer of talks with Aung San Suu Kyi. Shari Villarosa, the United States top diplomat in Myanmar, was invited to talk with the military leaders. The envoy was to 'clearly convey Washington's condemnation of last week's bloody repression' a US spokesperson said. The invitation followed a state television broadcast stating that nearly 2,100 people had been arrested over the last week and some 700 had been freed.", "Reuters reported that protesters who applauded the demonstrations could face two to five years in jail, while the leaders could face 20 years. The Democratic Voice of Burma forwarded reports of some 50 students who demonstrated in Mandalay who had been sentenced to five years hard labour.\n\nSome 60 troops from a battalion based in Akyab were reported to have been sent to the town of Man Aung, on Man Aung Island, to deal with demonstrations that continued for three days, ending on 2 October.", "After meeting with many of the parties involved Ibrahim Gambari returned to New York and briefed the Security Council about his visit. The ambassador from Myanmar said of his country that had it had \"indeed experienced a daunting challenge. However, we have been able to restore stability. The situation has now returned to normalcy", ". However, we have been able to restore stability. The situation has now returned to normalcy. Currently, people all over the country are holding peaceful rallies within the bounds of the law to welcome the successful conclusion of the national convention, which has laid down the fundamental principles for a new constitution, and to demonstrate their aversion to recent provocative demonstrations.\"", "8 October 2007\nYangon residents were reported to be \"keeping up a low-key resistance\", harassing troops by tossing rocks at them. In response, security forces detained some of the rock throwers. The retired General, U Aung Kyi, currently serving as Deputy Minister of Labor, was appointed as an official go-between for talks between Aung San Suu Kyi and the military junta on 8 October 2007.", "9 October 2007\nYe Min Tun, a foreign ministry official for ten years, told the BBC how \"appalling\" treatment of Buddhist monks during the previous month's protests had forced him to resign from the military regime. Asked whether he thought the pro-democracy movement was now finished, the diplomat said: \"I think it's not the end. I think it's just the beginning of the revolution.\"", "South African president Nelson Mandela withdrew an invitation to Gary Player to host a fundraising golf tournament because of the former British Open champion's business links with Burma.", "10 October 2007", "There were reports that a Win Shwe, a member of the National League for Democracy, died during interrogation in the central Myanmar region of Sagaing. He and five colleagues had been arrested on 26 September. White House foreign affairs spokesman Gordon Johndroe said \"The United States strongly condemns the atrocities committed by the junta and calls for a full investigation into the death of Win Shwe during his detention in Burma", ". The junta must stop the brutal treatment of its people and peacefully transition to democracy or face new sanctions from the United States.\" Witnesses claim that security forces were raiding houses in search of anyone whom they suspected of having been involved in the protests.", "The body of Win Shwe was not released, Thailand-based Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said. \"His body was not sent to his family and the interrogators indicated that they had cremated it instead.\" Fears were expressed for others still held in police custody.", "Sources claimed that five military generals and more than 400 soldiers of Sikai Division near Mandalay had been jailed for refusing to shoot and beat monks and civilians during the protests. Many civil servants were also staying away from work to show their disapproval of the junta's action.", "Rolls-Royce also made an official statement that it was ceasing all business dealings with the junta. It said it would cease aircraft engine repair work and terminate a contract involving the lease of an aircraft to a Burmese airline. A spokesman said \"At that point, Rolls-Royce will have no further involvement in Burma.\"", "11 October 2007", "The Security Council met and issued a statement and reaffirmed its \"strong and unwavering support for the Secretary-General's good offices mission\", especially the work by Ibrahim Gambari", ". It also \"strongly deplored the use of violence against peaceful demonstrations in Myanmar\", welcomed the Human Rights Council of 2 October 2007, and emphasised the importance of the \"early release of all political prisoners and remaining detainees\", as well as urging the junta to prepare for a \"genuine dialogue\" with democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi", ". Although a statement does not have the power of a resolution, it requires the consent of all its members and has been seen as a shift in position of China. Official media in Burma called the UN statement \"regrettable,\" and stated that more than half of those arrested during the protests have since been released.", "12 October 2007\nMilitary rulers arrested what was thought to be the last four known leaders, part of the \"88 Students Generation\" activists of the 1988 pro-democracy uprising. Those detained included prominent woman activist Thin Thin Aye (also known as Mie Mie), Aung Htoo and Htay Kywe. Amnesty International issued a statement expressing grave concern for their safety and for others still being held.", "Thousands attended a \"pro-government\" rally in Rangoon organised by the junta, many allegedly under coercion. Burmese dissident groups claimed that the numbers who attended the rally was much smaller than the government's figures. They also claimed that people were bussed to the rallies by the junta. AFP news agency also reported that every factory in the city's industrial zone had each been obliged to send 50 participants to the rally.", "13 October 2007\nAmnesty International issued a revised statement saying that six dissidents had been arrested in Yangon over the weekend. They said: \"Continued arrests fly in the face of the promises made this week by the Myanmar authorities to cooperate with the United Nations.\"", "15 October 2007", "Gambari arrived in Thailand and issued a statement describing the latest arrests in Yangon as \"extremely disturbing\" [and] \"counter to the spirit of mutual engagement\" between the UN and Burma. The UN hoped that his meeting with military officials in Burma scheduled in mid November could be brought forward", ". Meanwhile, United Kingdom PM Gordon Brown urged the EU to propose tougher sanctions on Burma ahead of an EU meeting in Luxembourg at which the banning of imports of gemstones, timber and metals was already proposed for discussion.", "The EU announced an agreement for further sanctions against the military junta but some have conceded that its leverage with Burma is limited and sanctions have so far controversially steered clear of its energy sector of which French oil giant Total is a major investor.", "16 October 2007", "Japan has cancelled funding of more than $4.7 m for a human resources centre based in Rangoon University. Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said that the decision was made in response to the military action in Burma. A White House spokesman said that the US was considering toughening its own existing sanctions. Meanwhile, ASEAN said it will not consider suspending Myanmar as a member, and rejected any proposal for economic sanctions. (As of 2004 Myanmar chaired a great number of Asean-sub-summits", ". (As of 2004 Myanmar chaired a great number of Asean-sub-summits.) On 16 October 2007 Burma said it had arrested approximately 100 monks in the protests and that only 10 people had died, but widespread opinion held the real figures to be higher.", "17 October 2007", "Three high-profile demonstrators were released by the Burmese government; Zargana, a prominent comedian, along with actor Kyaw Thu, and his wife. In a published statement the junta stated: \"Those who led, got involved in and supported the unrest which broke out in September are being interrogated\" and \"Some are still being called in for questioning and those who should be released will be", ".\" Officials claimed that a total of 2,927 people had been detained and nearly 500 were still being held, an increase of almost 800 since the previous official figures released on 8 October. Those released had been asked to sign a \"pledge\" first.", "Reports in the Democratic Voice of Burma claimed that the NLD party chairman U Kyaw Khine, and secretary Ko Min Aung, have both been sentenced to seven and a half years imprisonment. U Htun Kyi and U Than Pe, two members of the NLD organising committee in Sandoway township, were sentenced to four and half years, while another party member from Gwa township, U Sein Kyaw, is standing trial", ". A total of around 280 party members were arrested, including 50 members in Kyaukse township in Mandalay Division, while others are reportedly on the run. Whilst reporting the same news, The Irrawaddy added a report about U Indriya, a monk from Sait-Ta-Thuka monastery, who is said to be one of the leaders of a peaceful demonstration in Sittwe. As a result, he has been sentenced to seven and a half years imprisonment.", "18 October 2007", "Two former schoolteachers, Tin Maung Oo and Ni Ni Mai, appeared in court after they spoke out against a pro-government rally in Paung Tal township, Bago division. On 16 October at about 5 am, a pro-government group were marching past the teachers house, shouting slogans denouncing the monk-led demonstrations and supporting the National Convention. The protestors stopped at seeing a sign hung outside by Maung Oo, which denounced those who tortured and killed monks and civilians", ". Ni Ni Mai stood in the doorway and asked the protestors if 'they really agreed with the killing of monks and civilians in Rangoon' at which the protestors stopped chanting slogans and some of them dropped their placards. A leader of the government protest is reported to have taken photographs of the couple and their house; later that day the township police chief and two female police officers came to arrest them. The couple are due to appear in court for sentencing on 30 October.", "19 October 2007", "President Bush has announced further sanctions against the Burmese military. He has tightened export controls and frozen more financial assets held by the junta and urged China and India to apply more pressure. In a White House statement he said: \"Monks have been beaten and killed. Thousands of pro-democracy protesters have been arrested\". \"Burma's rulers continue to defy the world's just demand to stop their vicious persecution\"", ". \"Burma's rulers continue to defy the world's just demand to stop their vicious persecution\". \"We are confident that the day is coming when freedom's tide will reach the shores of Burma.\"", "A senior British diplomat told the BBC that some 2,500 people are still being held by the military. British officials also received first-hand accounts of grim conditions under which many detainees are still being held. Night raids are said to be continuing with hundreds being arrested.", "20 October 2007\nBurma's military announced the lifting of a curfew in two main cities, Mandalay and Yangon. The statement is being widely seen as a sign that the government is confident that it has now gained control of the recent dissent. However it is unclear whether the recent government ban on assemblies of more than five people had also been lifted.", "22 October 2007", "It has been announced that the United Nations special rapporteur for Human Rights in Burma, Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, is to be allowed to visit Burma. Burmese Foreign Minister Nyan Win wrote to the UN stating that Pinheiro could arrive before mid-November. This will be the first visit by Pinheiro in four years; previously the military junta has refused to give their permission", ". Pinheiro welcomed news of his invitation, telling Reuters news agency that it was \"an important sign that the government wants to engage again in constructive dialogue with the UN and the Human Rights Council\". The BBC's Laura Trevelyan reports from the UN that the timing of the invitation is significant, a summit of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) is due to open on 17 November. The regime may believe that the move could reduce further criticism from members of Asean.", "24 October 2007", "Rights groups report that hundreds of ethnic minority tribespeople are fleeing Burma into the border state of Mizoram, India to escape the military regime. They claim that they are being forced to join pro-government rallies, in some cases at gunpoint, and if they refuse they face fines of up to 10,000 kyats ($7), while others have been arrested including Christian pastors", ". Many of the exodus are from the Christian minority ethnic Chin people who say they have been persecuted by the junta for being Christians and non-ethnic Burmese. Although they were initially welcomed in Mizoram after the 1988 military crackdown they now face threats of a pushback, as the Mizos (who are ethnic cousins of Chins) are now strongly opposing \"unrestricted migration from the Chin State\" for fear that they may one day be outnumbered by them.", "Meanwhile, India has been accused of allowing its strategic and business interests to prevail in Burma, and for failing to put pressure on the generals.", "26 October 2007", "Hundreds of riot police and government troops armed with rifles and teargas launchers are said to be back on the streets of Rangoon (Yangon). They have surrounded the Shwedagon and Sule Pagodas, the two main focal points of peaceful demonstrations led by Buddhist monks in September. There are also said to be large coils of barbed wire present, in readiness to block streets", ". There are also said to be large coils of barbed wire present, in readiness to block streets. The troop presence coincides with the end of Buddhist Lent, and is thought to be aimed at preventing new protests, though according to Reuters there are no new protest developments. It also comes a day after detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi met with a military officer for talks", ". State Councilor for China Tang Jiaxuan told Gambari of the UN, who is expected to return to Burma in early November that words were the way forward. \"The Myanmar issue, after all, has to be appropriately resolved by its own people and government through their own efforts of dialogue and consultation.\"", "31 October 2007", "More than 100 Buddhist monks marched through the central town of Pakokku, northwest of Yangon. This was the first time they have returned to the streets since the crackdown by the junta in September. One monk who was on the march told the Democratic Voice of Burma, a Norway-based radio station run by dissident journalists: \"We are continuing our protest from last month as we have not yet achieved any of the demands we asked for", ". Our demands are for lower commodity prices, national reconciliation and immediate release of [pro-democracy leader] Aung San Suu Kyi and all the political prisoners.\" Thai-based director of the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma, Aung Nyo Min, said \"This is very significant... we are very encouraged to see the monks are taking up action and taking up peaceful demonstrations in Burma.\"", "2 November 2007", "The Burma government is to expel the United Nations' top diplomat in the country, UN officials have said. The military regime told UN's Burma country chief, Charles Petrie, his mandate was not going to be renewed. It is not clear when he will have to leave", ". It is not clear when he will have to leave. Mr Petrie is known to have voiced concerns over the junta's violent break-up of peaceful demonstrations in September: \"The events clearly demonstrated the everyday struggle to meet basic needs and the urgent necessity to address the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the country,\" Mr Petrie's statement said, 24 October, United Nations Day. The US called the expulsion an outrage and an insult.", "7 November 2007\nBurma's military rulers have given a date for United Nations human rights envoy Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro to begin a five-day visit on 11 and 15 November. Pinheiro, known officially as the UN's special rapporteur on human rights in Burma, has warned: \"If they don't give me full co-operation, I'll go to the plane, and I'll go out.\" Pinheiro had been refused entry since 2003. His visit comes before a meeting of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean).\n\nSeptember 2008", "September 2008\n\nOne year after the protests started, small acts of defiance continued. In particular, a 'stop sign' (the palm of a raised hand inside a circle) is being stamped onto banknotes and other places as a reminder of the protests. Several bomb attacks also took place at Yangon throughout the month which the junta blamed was carried out by the NLD.", "October 2008", "On 19 October 2008, a bomb exploded in the Htan Chauk Pin quarter of the Shwepyitha Township of Yangon, near the office of the military junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Association killing one. According to the New Light of Myanmar, the victim was identified as Thet Oo Win, a former Buddhist monk who participated in the Saffron Revolution, was killed while improvising the bomb at his own residence", ". The junta blamed the National League for Democracy party of planting that bomb, but experts believed at the time that the opposition was not in a position to carry out such acts amidst the tightly controlled security environment.", "Casualties\n\nThe number of casualties is not yet clear. According to ABC, the military crackdown claimed hundreds of lives. The official toll remains at 13 killed. Kenji Nagai, a Japanese photo journalist, is believed to currently be the only foreign casualty of the unrest. However, it is possible that the death toll may be many times greater than officially reported.", "Speaking before the UN General Assembly, the UN Human Rights Council's Special Rapporteur Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro said that independent sources reported 30 to 40 monks and 50 to 70 civilians killed as well as 200 beaten.", "Democratic Voice of Burma puts the number of deaths at 138, basing their figure on a list compiled by the 88 Student Generation group in Myanmar. The Executive Director of the DVB, Aye Chan Naing, told the Associated Press that \"[t]his 138 figure is quite credible because it is based on names of victims, I also think the figure is accurate because of the pictures coming from inside Burma. The way they were shooting into the crowds with machine guns means dozens of people could have died.\"", "Australia's The Age reports that, after two non-protesters were shot in northwest Yangon, \"the army came back, gave the families 20,000 kyat (~$20) each and took away the corpses.\"\n\nReports forwarded by Times Online stated that the abbot of Ngwe Kyar Yan monastery in north west Yangon was so severely beaten by soldiers \"that he died on the spot\"; the soldiers had been lining monks up against a wall and smashing each of their heads against the wall in succession before throwing them into trucks.", "The final death toll still remained 31 confirmed by the UN human rights envoy to Burma, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro.", "Arrests and releases", "On 7 October Al Jazeera News reported that at least 1,000 people had been arrested. This figure was provided by Burma's state-run media, the New Light of Myanmar. On 11 October state media reported new figures – that 2,100 people have been arrested and 700 already released. In contrast, foreign sources claim that more than 6,000 people are being held. London-based business news agency Reuters reported about 80 monks and 149 women (believed to be Buddhist nuns) were released by the junta on 3 October 2007.", "On 11 November 2008, a court in Insein Prison sentenced 14 88 Generation Students Group members (Arnt Bwe Kyaw, Kyaw Kyaw Htwe aka Marky, Kyaw Min Yu aka Jimmy, Mar Mar Oo, Min Zeya, Nilar Thein, Pannate Tun, Sanda Min aka Shwee, Than Tin aka Kyee Than, Thet Thet Aung, Thin Thin Aye aka Mie Mie, Thet Zaw, Zaw Zaw Min and Zay Ya aka Kalama) arrested during the anti-government protests to 65 years in prison", ". The government used a variety of laws including the foreign exchange act and the video and electronics act which prohibit Burmese nationals from holding foreign currency or from owning electronic and video equipment without a permit. 26 other activists, including five monks from the Ngwe Kyar Yan monastery in Yangon, were given prison sentences ranging from 6 to 24 years", ". U Gambira was sentenced to 68 years in prison, at least 12 years of which will be hard labour; other charges against him are still pending.", "Internet control", "The government attempted to block all websites and services that could carry news or information about Myanmar, barring access to web-based email. However protesters were able to access the Internet anyway and as a result the protests received a never before seen level of international news coverage. Bloggers in Yangon succeeded in circumventing the censors, posting pictures and videos on blogs almost as soon as the protests began", ". Many of these images were picked up by mainstream news organisations, because bloggers had managed to capture images that no one else was able to get. When Aung San Suu Kyi stepped outside her home in Yangon to greet marching monks and supporters on Saturday, the only pictures of the landmark moment were posted on blogs. Mizzima News, an India-based news group run by exiled dissidents, picked up one of the photos of Aung San Suu Kyi and said more than 50,000 people accessed their website that day.", "Some Burmese internet users are trying to use internet forums to obtain outside information uncontrolled by the government about their situation. On 28 September it was reported that the government had blocked all access to the Internet. The official explanation is that maintenance is being carried out but Sky News reports that all Internet cafés have also been closed.", "By at least midnight local time on 6 October, internet access had been restored to Yangon. Sources in Burma said on 6 October that the internet seems to be working from 22:00 to 05:00 local time.\n\nInternational reactions\n\nWhile many countries expressed support for protests and urged the Junta to implement far-reaching reforms, some key countries, such as the People's Republic of China and India, maintained commitment to the notion of noninterference.", "Sanctions\nThe United States, European Union, and Canada have imposed a number of sanctions on the junta, including a freeze on bank accounts and restrictions on imports of gems and timber.", "The United States Department of the Treasury announced sanctions against 14 senior officials of Myanmar. Among those targeted for the sanctions are the junta leader, Senior Gen. Than Shwe, and Deputy Senior Gen. Maung Aye. The action by Treasury will freeze any assets that the individuals targeted have in US banks or other financial institutions under US jurisdiction. The order also prohibits any US citizens from doing business with the designated individuals.", "On 27 September the European Union began considering \"targeted reinforced sanctions\" against the military junta, with current sanctions already including an arms embargo, asset freezes, and visa and trade bans. Their aim was to back sanctions that did not harm the population.", "Prime Minister John Howard of Australia, confirmed reports that the Australian Government would deliver targeted financial sanctions against members of the military junta, as well as possibly introducing other measures to further restrict the military leaders.", "Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu urged to intervene in the ongoing protests in Myanmar. \"China, you have leverage – tell those brutal men to stop their brutality,\" Tutu said at the Goteborg Book Fair in Sweden. Archbishop Emeritus Tutu said that if China did not take a stance against the military rulers in Myanmar he would \"join a campaign to boycott the Beijing Olympics\" next year.", "Calls for a boycott of the 2008 Summer Olympics grew around the world, as more people began to say that increased pressure on the Chinese government was the best way to support the Burmese people.", "Campaigns", "Activists and campaign organisations worldwide, including Burma Campaign UK and the US Campaign for Burma along with members of the Support the Monks' Protest in Burma Facebook group (later the Burma Global Action Network), called for 6 October to be designated a Global Day of Action for Burma from 12:00 noon. This event was also held in Sydney (Australia), Montreal, Ottawa, Kitchener and Vancouver (Canada); New York, Washington D.C", ".C., San Diego (United States); Dublin (Ireland), Hong Kong and Norway in their consecutive days.", "International Bloggers' Day for Burma, a campaign for bloggers to not post to their blogs, was to be on 4 October. Instead they are being asked to put up a banner, underlined with the words Free Burma!.", "A worldwide action by bloggers originating in Italy will set a signpost for peace and support the people of Myanmar through the internet. On 4 October 2007 all bloggers and website owners worldwide were called upon to support the \"free Burma\" campaign by adding a graphic to their website frontdoors and blog only about Myanmar related topics. An internet action likewise has not been reported so far.", "A Facebook users group, \"Support the Monks' protest in Burma\", was formed immediately following the first network reports of monks marching past Aung San Suu Kyi's house. The group grew to over 380,000 members by 9 October and 440,000 at its peak. Some members of the group, who later formed into an official organisation called Burma Global Action Network joined the call for a Global Day of Action for Burma through public demonstrations on 6 October in cities and towns worldwide.", "Wired magazine noted the significance of the grassroots effort in an article asking whether Facebook has given birth to 'open-source politics.'", "A campaign labelled \"Panties for Peace\" began on 16 October; focussing on the superstitions of Burma's generals, particularly junta chief Than Shwe, that views contact with any item of women's wear as depriving them of their power, women throughout the world have been sending packages to Burmese embassies containing panties; the campaign has spread to Australia, Europe, Singapore and Thailand", ". People in Burma also began to hang pictures of Than Shwe around the necks of stray dogs, as it is a very strong insult in Burmese tradition to be associated with a dog, and began to spray anti-junta graffiti in bus and train stations, with slogans such as \"killer Than Shwe\".", "In Australia, James Mathison from Australian Idol has lent his support, hosting a Free Burma rally on 10 November in Sydney.", "While local protests at French oil giant Total Oil's garages were taking place from October on, the first global consumers' boycott of Total Oil (which also owns ELF and FINA) and US-based Chevron (which also owns Texaco", ", Caltex and Unocal) was called for on 16 November 2007 because the corporations to be able to exploit Yadana natural gas pipeline in southern Burma are paying to the junta an estimated $450million/year and are now lobbying in the US and Europe against government measures to support a democratic transition in Burma", ". To protect Total's interests, the government has become an obstacle to any serious strengthening of EU measures against Burma. The French government has pushed for the junta to be admitted into international associations, defending Total's investments. The global online initiative hosted by Avaaz", ". The global online initiative hosted by Avaaz.org \"to refuse to buy fuel from any Total, Chevron, ELF, FINA, Texaco or Caltex station in our home countries and wherever we travel\" was signed by 20,255 people with the aim of delivering 40,000 signatures to the top management of the corporations.", "Although Chevron and Total Oil claim that their presence benefits the Burmese population, Aung San Suu Kyi said in Le Monde that \"Total has become the main supporter of the Burmese military regime.\" already in 2005.", "See also\n All Burma Monks' Alliance\n Buddhism in Myanmar\n Burma VJ – Reporting from a closed country. Documentary made up of footage taken from the revolution.\n Energy crisis\n Impact of the Arab Spring#Burma/Myanmar – attempts to copy the methods of the 2011 Egyptian revolution\n Myanmar protests (2021–present)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links", "The Group Protesting the Murder of Mr. Nagai by the Army of Myanmar\n Burma-Myanmar Genocide 2007, aggregating news about current ongoing events, providing translations into English from Burmese blogs from within the country\n Burma News International\n Burma Archive: an aggregation effort by SOAS academics, UK.", "Burma News International\n Burma Archive: an aggregation effort by SOAS academics, UK.\n Mae Tao Clinic (Dr Cynthia's Clinic) The Mae Tao Clinic provides medical care in a Burmese refuge camp across the border in Thailand to 150,000 refugees, it trains medics to return to Burma to provide health care and it treats injured or sick Burmese refugees searching for health care.\n Myanmar and the World from On Point\n U.S. Campaign for Burma", "Myanmar and the World from On Point\n U.S. Campaign for Burma \n Myanmar, Minorities, and the Military David I. Steinberg, Foreign Policy in Focus, 10 October 2007\n MyanmaThadin Myanmar (Burma) News & Community Hub", "Photos\n In pictures: Burma protests (BBC)\n Free Burma Australian Campaign Pictures and news from Protests in Australia.\n\nVideos\n Protests, 26 September (video) (WMV) Mizzima News\n\n \n \n \n\n2007 in Myanmar\n2007 protests\n2007 riots\nBurmese democracy movements\nEnergy crises\nFuel protests\nInternal conflict in Myanmar\nMass murder in 2007\nMassacres in Myanmar\nPolitics of Myanmar\nProtests in Myanmar\n2000s political riots" ]
Luca (2021 film)
[ "Luca is a 2021 American animated coming-of-age fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film was directed by Enrico Casarosa in his feature directorial debut, produced by Andrea Warren and written by Jesse Andrews and Mike Jones from a story by Casarosa, Andrews, and Simon Stephenson", ". It stars the voices of Jacob Tremblay and Jack Dylan Grazer, with Emma Berman, Saverio Raimondo, Marco Barricelli, Maya Rudolph, Jim Gaffigan, Peter Sohn, Lorenzo Crisci, Marina Massironi, and Sandy Martin in supporting roles", ". Set on the Italian Riviera, the film centers on Luca Paguro (Tremblay), a young sea monster boy with the ability to assume human form while on land, who explores the town of Portorosso with his new best friends, Alberto Scorfano (Grazer) and Giulia Marcovaldo (Berman), experiencing a life-changing summer adventure.", "Luca draws inspiration from Casarosa's childhood in Genoa, Italy. Several Pixar artists were sent to the Italian Riviera gathering research from Italian culture and environment to create Portorosso, the primary setting. The sea monsters, a \"metaphor for feeling different\", were loosely based on old Italian regional myths and folklore. As with La Luna (2011), the design and animation were inspired by hand-drawn and stop motion works and Hayao Miyazaki's style", ". Casarosa described the result as a film that \"pays homage to Federico Fellini and other classic Italian filmmakers, with a dash of Miyazaki in the mix too\". Development on Luca lasted for five years, with production being done remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dan Romer composed the film's musical score.", "Luca premiered at the Aquarium of Genoa on June 13, 2021, and was released direct-to-streaming on Disney+ in the United States on June 18, 2021 in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It was also released in theaters in countries without the streaming service and given a simultaneous one-week theatrical run at Hollywood's El Capitan Theatre, from 18 to 24 June 2021", ". It received generally positive reviews from critics, with praise for its animation, nostalgic atmosphere and design of the Italian Riviera.", "The film was the most-viewed streaming movie of 2021, with over 10.6 billion minutes watched. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature Film at the 79th Golden Globe Awards and the 94th Academy Awards. A related short film starring Alberto, titled Ciao Alberto, was released on Disney+ on November 12, 2021.\n\nPlot", "In the summer circa 1959, timid sea monster child Luca Paguro herds goatfish off the coast of the Italian town of Portorosso. His parents forbid him to approach the surface, fearing that he might be hunted by humans. One day, Luca meets Alberto Scorfano, a fellow sea monster child who lives alone in an abandoned tower on land. Alberto teaches Luca that sea monsters can turn into humans, as long as they stay dry", ". Alberto teaches Luca that sea monsters can turn into humans, as long as they stay dry. Luca begins sneaking out to meet Alberto, and they become friends, wishing to own a Vespa and travel around the world.", "Upon discovering their son's actions, Luca's parents decide to send him to live in the deep with his uncle Ugo. In retaliation, Luca runs away from home with Alberto to hide out in Portorosso. The boys run afoul of Ercole Visconti, the local bully and five-time champion of the Portorosso Cup, a triathlon of swimming, pasta-eating, and biking. When Ercole tries to soak Luca in a fountain, Giulia Marcovaldo, a young girl, stops him", ". When Ercole tries to soak Luca in a fountain, Giulia Marcovaldo, a young girl, stops him. In hopes of winning the money needed for a Vespa, the boys team up with Giulia for the triathlon.", "Giulia invites them to stay at her house and introduces her fisherman father, Massimo, who is prejudiced against sea monsters. Meanwhile, Luca's parents infiltrate the town to find their son. Giulia and Luca bond over their love of learning, making Alberto jealous. When Luca shows interest in attending school, Alberto intentionally reveals his sea monster form to Giulia to prevent it", ". Unwilling to give himself up, Luca feigns shock at the transformation, and a betrayed Alberto flees as Ercole's gang arrives to hunt him. Heartbroken, Alberto trashes everything in his hiding place. Shortly after, Giulia finds out that Luca is a sea monster as well, and sends him away for his safety.", "Luca heads to Alberto's hiding place in an effort to reconcile with him, and learns that Alberto was abandoned by his father long ago. Though Alberto declines to participate in the triathlon, Luca promises to win the Vespa to rebuild their friendship. The triathlon begins with Luca and Giulia competing separately. Luca successfully completes the swimming race (in a diving suit) and the pasta-eating contest without revealing himself, but rain begins during the bike race", ". Alberto shows up to give Luca an umbrella, but Ercole knocks it away, exposing Alberto's sea monster form and shocking the audience. Luca rescues Alberto, revealing his own true form, and the two bicycle towards the finish.", "Giula deliberately collides with Ercole's bike to stop him from harpooning Luca and Alberto, who unintentionally cross the finish line before turning back to help Giulia. When Ercole and the other townsfolk confront the boys, Massimo stands up for them and insists that they have won. A few of the townsfolk reveal that they are sea monsters as well, and Luca is finally reunited with his family", ". Most of the humans welcome the sea monsters; however, Ercole refuses to let go of his prejudice, and is thrown into a fountain by his much-abused henchmen.", "Luca and Alberto buy an old Vespa, but Alberto sells it to get a train ticket for Luca, allowing him to go to school in Genoa with Giulia. Luca's family, Massimo, and Alberto see Luca and Giulia off at the train station, where they all promise to stay in touch. During the credits, Luca meets Giulia's mother and attends school with Giulia, while Massimo adopts Alberto as his son.\n\nVoice cast", "Jacob Tremblay as Luca Paguro, a 12-year-old Italian boy and Alberto's best friend who is curious about the world above the sea. He lives in the waters next to the Italian coast, in a farm where he herds goatfish with his parents. Although he has been warned his whole life that the human world is a dangerous place, he longs for something beyond his quiet farm life, so when Alberto takes him to explore Portorosso, his eyes open up to a whole world of possibilities", ". He and all other sea monsters take on human form when they are dry. Paguro means \"hermit crab\" in Italian.", "Jack Dylan Grazer as Alberto Scorfano, a 14-year-old Italian boy and Luca's best friend who is enthusiastic to explore the human world. He is a free-spirited, expressive and gregarious boy who is \"all about having fun\". Despite his outgoing and free-spirited nature, he secretly hates living alone, as it is revealed that his only parent figure abandoned him in an island tower, leading him to feel lonely and insecure. Scorfano means \"redfish\" or \"scorpionfish\" in Italian.", "Emma Berman as Giulia Marcovaldo, a 13-year-old Italian girl who is an outcast in Portorosso and befriends Luca and Alberto. She is an \"outgoing and charming adventurer with a love of books and learning\". To prepare for the role, Berman did some research by visiting a local Italian restaurant in San Francisco and met with an Italian waiter working there, who taught her how to speak Italian through some Zoom sessions.", "Saverio Raimondo as Ercole Visconti, an 18-year-old who is a cowardly bully. A repeat champion of the town's Portorosso Cup race despite many people pointing out he is too old for it, he is \"a Vespa-owning, pompadoured blowhard who believes that everyone loves him and enjoys watching him eat sandwiches\". He has two followers, Ciccio and Guido, who are ready to do his bidding. Voicing him, Raimondo was partly inspired by Giuseppe Anatrelli's performance as Luciano Calboni in the Fantozzi film series", ". Raimondo reprised his role in the Italian-language dubbing of the movie.", "Maya Rudolph as Daniela Paguro, a sea monster, Grandma Paguro's daughter, Lorenzo's wife, and Luca's mother who is determined to keep her son safe.\n Marco Barricelli as Massimo Marcovaldo, an Italian fisherman, cook and Giulia's father. He is an imposing and tattooed man born with only one arm. Despite Luca and Alberto being intimidated by his big size and skill with a knife, Massimo has a soft heart, especially for his daughter.", "Jim Gaffigan as Lorenzo Paguro, a sea monster, Ugo's brother, Daniela's husband, and Luca's father, a \"well-meaning, but sometimes distracted dad who's very passionate about raising his prize-winning crabs\"; Gaffigan based his performance on his own parenting skills.\n Peter Sohn and Lorenzo Crisci as Ciccio and Guido, Ercole's cronies.\n Marina Massironi as Mrs. Marsigliese, a lady who runs the Portorosso Cup race and its sponsor. Massironi reprised her role in the Italian-language dubbing of the movie.", "Sandy Martin as Grandma Paguro, a sea monster who is Daniela's mother and Luca's grandmother. Grandma knows that breaking some rules is a part of growing up and she is a little too happy to look the other way if Luca's rebellious side should emerge.\n Sacha Baron Cohen as Ugo Paguro, an anglerfish-like sea monster, Luca's uncle, and Lorenzo's brother who lives in the depths of the ocean and has a see-through torso.", "Giacomo Gianniotti and Gino La Monica voice Giacomo and Tommaso respectively, two local fishermen (they reprised their roles in the Italian-language dubbing of the movie). Elisa Gabrielli and Mimi Maynard play Concetta and Pinuccia Aragosta, two elderly women who are later revealed to be sea monsters. Francesca Fanti voices a female police officer that gets annoyed with Ercole's antics. Jonathan Nichols voices Don Eugenio, a local priest (voiced by Gino D'Acampo in the British version). Jim Pirri voices Mr", ". Jim Pirri voices Mr. Branzino, a sea monster who is the Paguro family's neighbor. Casarosa voices an angry fisherman and a Scopa player.", "Production\n\nDevelopment", "On July 30, 2020, Pixar announced a new film titled Luca as an \"Italy-set coming-of-age story\", with Enrico Casarosa directing and Andrea Warren producing. It is the feature-length directorial debut of Casarosa, who has previously directed the 2011 Academy Award-nominated short film La Luna. It is the first Pixar film to be made almost exclusively at crew members' homes because of the closing of Pixar campus in Emeryville, California, due to the COVID-19 pandemic", ". However, Casarosa stated it took five years to complete the development of Luca.", "Casarosa has described Luca as a \"deeply personal story\", being inspired by his childhood in Genoa, Italy, with the title character based on himself and Alberto on his best friend Alberto Surace (who voices a fisherman in the Italian dub version). Casarosa has stated: \"my summers were spent on beaches ... I met my best friend when I was 11. I was really shy and I found this troublemaker of a kid who had a completely different life", ". I was really shy and I found this troublemaker of a kid who had a completely different life. I wanted to make a movie about those kinds of friendships that help you grow up.\"", "He also declared that the film's core is a celebration of friendship:\n\nAccording to Casarosa, the result is a film that \"pays homage to Federico Fellini and other classic Italian filmmakers, with a dash of Miyazaki in the mix too\". In addition of Fellini and Miyazaki's works, the films La Terra Trema (1948), Stromboli (1950) and Stand by Me (1986) were also cited as source of inspiration, and Aardman Animations and Wes Anderson's stop-motion films influenced Casarosa's artistic sensibilities.", "To prepare for the film, Pixar sent several of the film's artists to the Italian Riviera for a research trip, during which they took photos of the area's landscape and peoples. The film is rooted in the 50s and 60s, that Casarosa has described as a \"golden age that feels timeless\", with the music and designs inspired from that period \"to capture a little bit of this timelessness of summer.\"", "The sea monsters featured in the film were pulled from Italian myths and regional folklore, including the Tellaro octopus and local \"little legends about sea dragons, creatures that either come to help or get into trouble\". Casarosa said: \"I always found the old sea monsters on maps really fascinating. The mystery of the sea was so represented in the weird creatures that we used to draw. And that area has a lot of wonderful myths\"", ". And that area has a lot of wonderful myths\". Production designer Daniela Strijleva stated: \"We were really inspired by old sea maps. Some design details that carried through to the final film are things like the shapes of the fins of the sea monsters, how decorative their scales are, and the curves of their tails.\" Casarosa also stated that the sea monster is a \"metaphor for feeling different\".", "Disney filed for copyright registry of the names \"Portorosso\" and \"Isola del mare\" (\"Sea island\"). In the final film, Luca's surname is Paguro (Italian for \"Hermit crab\"), while Portorosso is the name of the village in which the film is set.\n\nAnimation and design", "Animation and design\n\nTo create the setting of the movie, Portorosso, the studio sent several of the film's artists to the Italian Riviera for a research trip, including on the Cinque Terre, during which they took photos of the area's landscape and peoples. During the research trip, Deanna Marsigliese, the film's art director, noted that they were watched by curious onlookers and chose to incorporate that into the character designs. Isola del mare is inspired by the Italian island Tino.", "According to production designer Daniela Strijleva, it took a year to design Luca because they wanted to get to know him: \"Enrico always wanted Luca to be a bit of an introvert and someone who was curious, but it took us a bit longer to figure out that Luca is a dreamer. He has a strong imagination and a really evolved inner life. That's when the character came to life for me.\" A clay figure of sea monster Luca was sculpted to assist with the design process for the character.", "Casarosa described the characters' transformation scenes as \"a big effort\" due to the many iterations done. He also stated that another big effort was finding a different look: \"So, you're using the same tools roughly and you're not completely reinventing, but you're trying to bring some warmth, some texture, some imperfection. The computer naturally kind of wants to be a little bit realistic and perfect", ". The computer naturally kind of wants to be a little bit realistic and perfect. So, for me, it was like, why don't we bring some painterly vibes to our pictures? How do we bring texture so that it's a little more imperfect? And watercolor paper", ". I love to draw and I love to see the hand of the artist showing through and being a little bit expressive – in the world, because we were also wanting to take people to [see] Italy in this wonderfully enhanced and stylized way, but also in performances and the characters, wanting to make them feel a little bit handmade\".", "Animation supervisor Mike Venturini stated: \"Enrico, as a director and as an artist, was inspired in his youth largely by Miyazaki's film library, starting with one of his first projects ... Future Boy Conan. That was one of Enrico's favorite things as a kid. So, initially, we watched a lot of episodes of that show. And they use a multi-limb style; it's boys being silly with a really broad physicality. He really liked that and hoped we could be influenced by that in some way", ". He really liked that and hoped we could be influenced by that in some way. Then we kind of expanded our universe into the rest of Miyazaki's film library, which a lot of the animators on the show were already familiar with. So, on a larger feature film scale, we were looking at what were some of Miyazaki's characteristics. That's what inspired us to try things", ". That's what inspired us to try things.\" In addition of Miyazaki's works, Casarosa stated that Aardman and Anderson's stop-motion movies also influenced his artistic sensibilities: \"Some of that ends up in my drawings, that sketchy and expressive style. We wanted to bring that to the film because it felt like this is a kid's world. This is a playful world. And it felt true to the story to go in that direction. I love the immersion of 3D, but I sometimes I feel it can go towards coldness", ". I love the immersion of 3D, but I sometimes I feel it can go towards coldness. So, I wanted to bring the warmth of imperfection. That's why some of the silly drawings made us laugh when we started boarding them and then put them on a screen.\"", "Casarosa and the team began testing new animation concepts, hoping to bring playful silliness to the characters by taking away some of the typically large amount of detail. Areas of immediate focus were using a more 2D pose style, wider mouths with rounded, rather than angled corners, and multi-limb motions that brought a sillier feel to character movement. Referring to the multi-limb motion, Casarosa said: \"It's an old-fashion cartoon technique in some ways ..", "... It came out of the drawings, the essence of someone running extremely fast. We wanted to use the multi-limb technique in areas of the film where the characters were doing extreme physicality, where it would add to the personality of the silliness of the moment. There were only so many chances to use it. I wish there were more. But it was so much fun to use it when we could.\"", "Writing\nOn July 30, 2020, Jones announced that he would co-write the screenplay with Andrews, and that he was proud of it.\n\nIt is the first Pixar film to involve Andrews, while Jones had previously co-written Soul (2020) and is also credited as a Senior Story and Creative Artist at the studio.", "Jones stated: \"To force a writing partnership is not an easy thing. Jesse and I ended up having a really great meeting of the minds about what we really wanted to say with this movie. Jesse had been on it for two years before me. He had really put in the time. This is about the greatest summer in these two boys lives and Jesse's voice with both of those boys was just so wonderful and hilarious and special and emotional", ". I felt in many ways that I'm just helping Jesse 'plus' that by trying to kind of apply a little bit more of story foundation.\"", "Casting\n\nOn February 25, 2021, with the release of the teaser trailer and poster, Tremblay, Grazer, Berman, Rudolph, Barricelli, Raimondo (it) and Gaffigan were announced as part of the cast. Martin and Gianniotti were announced on April 28 after the official trailer and poster were released.", "Tremblay voices the title character; Casarosa stated that working with him was \"such a pleasure\", and \"I love how earnest and innocent he is naturally. And he's playful and he's not afraid to try stuff so it was so much fun to improvise with him ... he's actually one of the few actors we had time to work with before the pandemic, so there it was so much fun.\" According to Tremblay: \"[Luca] really wants to explore the world and I can really relate to that, especially now", ". I really want to get back out there and just learn about different cultures, just like Luca. He really wants to go to this town in Italy and learn about their culture and become part of it.\"", "Casarosa stated that Grazer, who voiced Alberto, brings \"a natural confidence and vulnerability\" to the character, \"who's a free-spirited teen sea monster with unbridled enthusiasm for the human world.\" Giulia, an \"outsider, misfit girl\", is voiced by newcomer Berman. Rudolph and Gaffigan, playing Daniela and Lorenzo, did get the chance to improvise, with Casarosa highlighting the depth and warmth they bring to the roles: \"She's a stern mother", ". She's a difficult and very controlling mother, but there's this other warmth to her that balances it.\"", "Luca'''s supporting cast includes actual Italian actors: Raimondo voices Ercole; Barricelli, who has a \"booming voice\", voices Massimo; Gianniotti voices Giacomo; Lorenzo Crisci voices Guido; Massironi voices Mrs. Marsigliese; Gino La Monica voices Tommaso; and Francesca Fanti voices a cop.", "Raimondo was chosen by Casarosa after seeing his Netflix stand-up comedy show Saverio Raimondo: Il satiro parlante. Raimondo compared Ercole to the character Odd Henderson from the short story The Thanksgiving Visitor, and voicing him he was inspired by Giuseppe Anatrelli's performance as Luciano Calboni from the Fantozzi film series.", "Tremblay stated that the relationship between Luca and Alberto \"is gonna bring back a lot of memories when people watch this and I'm hoping that when people watch this, they'll be able to forget about COVID [...] It's so cool I get to be part of someone else's childhood. I think especially now the story is really special because, for me, I haven't really been able to see my friends because of COVID, of course, and this movie is all about friendship", ". So, when people see it in theaters, I hope they'll be able to remember hanging out with friends during summer vacation and just having a blast.\"", "Themes and inspirations", "Casarosa stated that the movie is a celebration of friendship, and \"a love letter to the summers of our youth – those formative years when you're finding yourself\", inspired by his childhood in Genoa. The title character is based on Casarosa himself, while Alberto on his best friend of the same name, Alberto Surace, to whom the film is dedicated and who also voices a fisherman in the Italian dub", ". Casarosa stated: \"My best friend Alberto was a bit of a troublemaker, [while] I was very timid and had a bit of a sheltered life — we couldn't have been more different ... Alberto pushed me out of my comfort zone, and pushed me off many cliffs, metaphorically and not. I probably would not be here if I didn't learn to chase my dreams from him. It's these types of deep friendships that I wanted to talk about in Luca, and that is what's at the heart of this film.\"", "The sea monsters, based on old Italian myths and regional folklore, were defined by Casarosa as a \"metaphor for feeling different\", explaining: \"We were also a bit of 'outsiders', so it felt right to use sea monsters to express the idea that we felt a little different and not cool as kids\". Casarosa stated: \"I always found the old sea monsters on maps really fascinating. The mystery of the sea was so represented in the weird creatures that we used to draw. And that area has a lot of wonderful myths\"", ". And that area has a lot of wonderful myths\". Producer Andrea Warren expanded: \"We always liked the idea that the metaphor of being a sea monster can apply to so many different things. There is a theme of openness, showing oneself and self-acceptance, as well as community acceptance. Confronting the idea that there's more to sea monsters than they realized", ". Confronting the idea that there's more to sea monsters than they realized. You know that they've only seen it through one perspective, one lens, and so I think that that's a wonderful theme in the film, which is that those ideas weren't right and that there's more to learn.\" Casarosa agreed: \"We hope that 'sea monster' could be a metaphor for all [manners] of feeling different — like being a teen or even pre-teen — any moment where you feel odd", ". It felt like a wonderful way to talk about that and having to accept ourselves first, whatever way we feel different.\"", "Some have seen Luca and Alberto hiding their true sea monster identities as an allegory for people who are members of the LGBTQ+ community, feeling as though they need to hide their true selves in order to be accepted", ". Casarosa said this was unintentional and that his original vision for the film was to explore the time in a child's life before romance, but he has welcomed the interpretation after the film's release, also stating: \"While I identify with pronouns he/him and I am a straight man, the themes of diversity, acceptance and inclusion in our movie are dear to my heart\".", "Casarosa has stated that some people have interpreted the story as being a metaphor for refugees and immigrants as well. While he admitted that this was unintentional too, he was welcome to all interpretations: \"We were aware making the movie that this was a wonderful journey of owning your own identity, and coming out with it – whichever that identity is. I thought that everyone would bring their own identity to it.\"", "Casarosa later admitted that the film was intended to be a metaphor for race and while romance was only briefly discussed, it was never meant to be a focal point to the story; \"some people seem to get mad that I'm not saying yes or no, but I feel like, well, this is a movie about being open to any difference.\"\n\nMusic", "On April 1, 2021, Dan Romer was revealed to be the film's composer. Romer influenced Italian and folk-pop music genre from the 1950s and 1960s, while scoring for the film, and a wide range of instruments were used while recording the score. It was composed during July 2020 and recorded mid-March 2021, adhering to strict safety guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions", ". The film features songs by Mina, Edoardo Bennato, Gianni Morandi, Rita Pavone and Quartetto Cetra, and excerpts from operas by Giacomo Puccini and Gioachino Rossini. The soundtrack album was released by Walt Disney Records on June 18, 2021.", "Marketing", "In November 2020, some concept art of the film and the clay figure of sea monster Luca were shown in the second episode of Inside Pixar. In December 2020, an early look to the film was screened at Disney Investor Day, and the clips and some screenshots were later leaked online. On January 18, 2021, the first official image from the film was released by Empire", ". On January 18, 2021, the first official image from the film was released by Empire. On January 19, a promotional still was released on the cover of Italian magazine Il Venerdì di Repubblica, featuring Luca, Alberto, and Giulia on a Vespa in one of the scenic backdrops from the film.", "A series of books based on the film was published on May 14, 2021. Funko produced a line of Funko Pops based on the characters of the film. A line of action figures and toy packs by Mattel was released on July 1, 2021. In June 2021, Trenitalia unveiled their Luca-themed livery for a Caravaggio train.\n\nTo promote the film's release, McDonald's launched its promotional campaign by including one of eight toys free with the purchase of a Happy Meal.", "A month after the release of the film, the world builder video game Disney Magic Kingdoms included a limited time \"Luca Event\", including Luca, Alberto, Giulia, Ercole and Machiavelli as playable characters, in addition to attractions based on locations of the film.", "Release", "Theatrical and streamingLuca was originally set to be theatrically released in the United States on June 18, 2021, by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. However, on March 23, 2021, Disney announced the cancellation of the film's theatrical release, and it instead was released worldwide on Disney+ in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on the same date. The film also played a one-week theatrical engagement at Hollywood's El Capitan Theatre from June 18–24, 2021", ". In international markets where Disney+ is not available, it was released theatrically.", "The film premiered on June 13, 2021, in Italy at the Aquarium of Genoa, with a three-day run by the non-profit organization MediCinema to raise funds for the Istituto Giannina Gaslini and other entities in the Ligurian territory.\n\nHome media\nOn July 1, 2021, it was announced that Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment would release Luca on Ultra HD Blu-ray, Blu-ray, DVD and Digital on August 3, 2021, in the United States, and August 23, 2021, in the United Kingdom.", "Reception\n Audience viewership", "According to Nielsen ratings, following its opening weekend, Luca topped all original movies in its first days on streaming, with 1.573 billion minutes of viewing time. Nielsen reported that the movie topped the weekly streaming Top 10 list for the June 14–20 week, and ranking at No. 2 on the overall streaming rankings after the TV series Manifest on Netflix. The film continued to play well in subsequent weeks, logging 1.15 billion minutes of viewership between July 21–27 (equal to about 1", ".15 billion minutes of viewership between July 21–27 (equal to about 1.2 million total watches), the second-most for an original film behind The Tomorrow War. Luca was the most-watched streaming film of 2021, with over 10.6 billion minutes viewed.", "Box office\nBy December 2021, the film had grossed $49.8 million worldwide, with its largest markets being China ($14 million), Russia ($8.2 million), Poland ($3.6 million), Hong Kong ($3.6 million), South Korea ($3 million), the United Arab Emirates ($2.1 million), and Romania ($1.02 million). The film was released during the COVID-19 pandemic.", "Critical response\nOn the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of based on reviews, with an average rating of . The website's critics consensus reads, \"Slight but suffused with infectious joy, the beguiling Luca proves Pixar can play it safe while still charming audiences of all ages.\" Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 71 out of 100 based on 52 critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\".", "Alonso Duralde of the TheWrap wrote: \"Luca is sweet and affecting, capturing the bond that strangers can build over a summer, and how that friendship can endure. And like its shape-shifting protagonists, it's got plenty going on beneath the surface.\" From The Hollywood Reporter, David Rooney said that \"the real magic of Luca is its visuals. The character designs are appealing both in the marine world and on land, and the richness of the settings in both realms is a constant source of pleasure", ". The play of light on the gloriously blue water's surface is almost photorealistic at times, while a sunset spreading its orange glow over rocks on the shoreline makes you yearn to be there.\"", "Charlie Ridgely, writing for ComicBook.com praised the film for its uniqueness, feeling that it highly deviated from Pixar's usual narrative formula and clichés but it didn't make it \"lesser\" than other of the company's classics like Toy Story and Up, highlighting the animation, the design of the Italian Riviera, the score and the story.", "Conversely, Phil De Semlyen, writing for Time Out, branded the film a \"letdown\", writing \"Charming but slight, Luca definitely isn't Pixar firing on all cylinders. The studio's trademark daring, pin sharp sight gags, and big ideas are missing from a fishy coming-of-age yarn that's a little damp around the edges.\"\n\nTheme park attractions\nDue to the success of the film a new dining area themed to Luca opened at the Pizzeria Bella Notte restaurant in Fantasyland at Disneyland Paris.\n\nAccolades\n\nShort film", "Accolades\n\nShort film\n\nA short film titled Ciao Alberto was released on Disney+ on November 12, 2021. It is written and directed by McKenna Jean Harris and produced by Matt DeMartini with Enrico Casarosa on board as executive producer. It focuses on Alberto as he continues to grow accustomed to working with Massimo; eventually accepting him as a father figure.", "Future", "The cast expressed interest in returning for a sequel, and presented different ideas of what it would be about, among which was the joking suggestion they frequently made of giving Uncle Ugo a spin-off series. Casarosa expressed interest in doing a sequel that would be similar to The Parent Trap, which would center upon Luca and Giulia's attempt to reunite Massimo and his wife", ". Shortly after the film's release, Disney+ sent a survey to subscribers asking about their opinion of the movie and asked \"how likely would each household member [want] to watch another movie involving the characters and world of Luca if it became available,\" implying that the studio is considering producing a sequel at some point.", "In October 2022, Casarosa stated that there were no present plans for a sequel to Luca'', but that he was developing a new, original film, presumably for Pixar.", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n \n \n \n Official screenplay", "2020s American animated films\n2020s English-language films\n2020s monster movies\n2020s teen comedy films\n2021 computer-animated films\n2021 directorial debut films\n2021 films\nAmerican 3D films\nAmerican animated comedy films\nAmerican animated fantasy films\nAmerican animated feature films\nAmerican coming-of-age comedy films\nAmerican computer-animated films\nAmerican fantasy comedy films\nAmerican teen comedy films\nAnimated coming-of-age films\nAnimated films about families\nAnimated films about friendship", "Animated coming-of-age films\nAnimated films about families\nAnimated films about friendship\nAnimated films about shapeshifting\nAnimated films set in Italy\nAnimated films set on islands\nAnimated teen films\nCycling films\nDisney+ original films\nFilms about competitions\nAnimated films about legendary creatures\nFilms directed by Enrico Casarosa\nFilms impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic\nFilms scored by Dan Romer\nAnimated films set in the 1950s\nFilms set in the Mediterranean Sea\nFilms with underwater settings", "Animated films set in the 1950s\nFilms set in the Mediterranean Sea\nFilms with underwater settings\nPixar animated films\nTriathlon films\nWalt Disney Pictures animated films\nAnimated films about children" ]
Román Alís
[ "Román Alís (1931 – 2006) was a Spanish composer. He was born in Palma de Mallorca on August 24, 1931, and died in Madrid on 29 October 2006.", "Education and training", "Román Alís' interest in music emerged in Barcelona in 1947, encouraged by the cultural movement in that city, absent in other populations in which his life had developed earlier. While pursuing his musical studies at the Conservatorio Superior Municipal de Música in Barcelona, alongside instructors such as Luis Maria Millet, John Gibert Camins, John Pich Santasusana, Joachim Zamacois and Eduard Toldrá, popular music became very important in his early career", ". Performer, conductor, arranger, and composer worked for big bands, publishers, record labels, and radio. This certainly would not have been possible without his spontaneous ease of creation, which made him compose a large number of works from the start.", "Career", "After moving to Seville in 1960, he obtained the following year the First Place Grand Prize for Composition in the Divonne-Les-Bains International Contest held in Paris. There he was honoured by the organization, the jury, the press and the French Radiotelevisión, and was able to meet personally with musicians such as Olivier Messiaen, René Leibowitz, Jean Rivier and Louis Aubert", ". A few months later he retired to Divonne-les-Bains, a town very close to Geneva (Switzerland), and launched the Symphonie de Chambre, Op 27 (1962) for chamber orchestra. Later, in his time as a professor at Contrapunto y Fuga del Conservatorio in Seville, he was recognized as an important figure in the Sevillian musical life where he debuted a large number of works.", "Biography\n{| Valign=top\n|-\n| 1931 || Born on August 24, in Palma de Mallorca.\n|-\n| 1940 || Because of his father's job, moved to Vigo, where he started his baccalaureate with the Marist Sisters. He discovered the piano. \n|-\n| 1944 || Moved in Residences in Zaragoza, where he continues his baccalaureate. He started to compose his first piano pieces. \n|-\n| 1947 || Moved to Barcelona, finishing his baccalaureate.\n|-", "|-\n| 1947 || Moved to Barcelona, finishing his baccalaureate.\n|-\n| 1948-59 || Román studied music at the Superior Municipal Conservatory of Music in Barcelona, with Rafael Gálvez, Luis María Millet, Juan Gibert Camins, Juan Pich Santasusana, Joaquín Zamacois, and Eduard Toldrá. He then graduated in Piano, Composition, and Orchestra Conducting. He started to come out as a pianist during those years. \n|-\n| 1950 || Moved to the city of Mataró.\n|-", "|-\n| 1950 || Moved to the city of Mataró.\n|-\n| 1951 || Arranger, pianist and director of Big bands. Premiered his first compositions at the Maresma Radio.\n|-\n| 1952 || Made military service in Ceuta; founded and directed the Coral Transfer. \nCollaborated with the Conservatory of Ceuta.\n|-\n| 1954 || Resumed his musical studies and professional activities.\n|-", "|-\n| 1954 || Resumed his musical studies and professional activities.\n|-\n| 1955 || He settled in Barcelona and continued his training, acting as accompanist in chamber groups and national radio stations in Barcelona and other Catalan cities.\n|-\n| 1956 || Was musical director of ballets at Francesc Moragas and Esbart Verdaguer and at the Chamber Orchestra of the Caixa. Premiered at the Palau de la Musica Catalana in Barcelona his first ballets. Worked with the Vocal Musical Youth Barcelona.\n|-", "|-\n| 1957 || Orchestra Manager at Protest Art Association in the National Palace of Montjuic. Offered several lectures in Barcelona and other Catalan towns. \nDebuted in Palma de Mallorca Print Op 6 (1952) for violin and piano.\n|-\n| 1958 || Acted and presented his work at the International Courses of Cultural Extension of the Principality of Andorra and the Ateneo of Barcelona.\n|-\n| 1960 || Moved to Seville. Collaborated as a compositor, arranger with the Fiesta publishers in Seville and Dakotam.\n|-", "|-\n| 1961 || Obtained the First Great International Composition Prize of Divonne-Les-Bains, held in Paris, and his work was interpreted at the Salle Gaveau in the French capital, where he met composers such as Olivier Messiaen, Bacarisse Salvador, Pierre Colombo, among others, who were members of the jury. \nTribute and reception of the Embassy of Spain in Paris, Patrons and Jury held at Maxim's in Paris.", "To be continued\n|}", "Catalog of works\n{| class=\"wikitable\" border=\"0\" style=\"background:#ffffff\" align=\"top\" class=\"sortable wikitable\"\n|+ style=\"background-color: #e0e0e0; text-align:center;\" | Catalogue of works by Román Alís\n|-\n! width=\"60 px\"|Year\n! width=\"60 px\"|Opus\n! Work\n! width=\"200 px\"|Type of Work\n! width=\"60 px\"|Length\n|-\n| 1947 || (f.c.)* || La danza de los muñecos for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1947 || (f.c.) || Pequeña pieza for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1947 || (f.c.) || Pequeña pieza for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || Sonata for two pianos. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || Sonatina for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || 2nd Sonatina for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || Waltz for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || Opus 001 || Eu so nunca sospiro, Op. 1 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-", "| 1948 || Opus 001 || Eu so nunca sospiro, Op. 1 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || Barcarola for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || Prelude for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || 2nd Sonata for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || Opus 002 || Suite for piano, Op. 2 || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || 2nd Waltz for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1948 || (f.c.) || 2nd Waltz for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1950 || (f.c.) || 8 lessons for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1950 || Opus 004 || Pentacordos, Op. 4 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1950 || (f.c.) || Kyrie for voces u organ. || Voice music (organ) ||\n|-\n| 1950 || (f.c.) || Nocturno for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1950 || Opus 003 || Sola..., Op. 3 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano)||\n|-", "|-\n| 1950 || Opus 003 || Sola..., Op. 3 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano)||\n|-\n| 1950 || (f.c.) || 3rd Sonata for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1950 || Opus 005 || Teño medo, Op. 5 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano)||\n|-\n| 1951 || (f.c.) ||1st Fantasía for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1951 || (f.c.) || 2nd Fantasía for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1951 || (f.c.) || 3rd Fantasía for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1951 || (f.c.) || 3rd Fantasía for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1951 || (f.c.) || 3rd Waltz for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || 2 pieces for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || Opus 005 || Impresión, Op. 6 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || Meditación for trumpet, celesta, harp and string. || Instrumental music ||\n|-", "| 1952 || (f.c.) || Meditación for trumpet, celesta, harp and string. || Instrumental music ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || Meditación symphony for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and strings. || Instrumental music ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || 2nd Nocturno for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || 3rd Nocturno for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || Sol de la mañana for soprano and piano. || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || Sol de la mañana for soprano and piano. || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || 4th Sonata for piano. || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || Sonata for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || 1st Toccata for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || 2nd Toccata for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || 2nd Toccata for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1952 || (f.c.) || Trio for flute, violin and piano. || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1953 || (f.c.) || 5 corals «spiritualities» for choir. || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1953 || Opus 006bis || Impresión no. 2, Op. 6 bis for flute and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1953 || (f.c.) || La mare de deu d’agosto for choir. || Choir music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1953 || (f.c.) || La mare de deu d’agosto for choir. || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1953 || (f.c.) || Voces del alma no I for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|- \n| 1954 || Opus 007 || O toque da alba, Op. 7 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1954 || (f.c.) || Pequeña pieza for clarinet and piano. || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1954 || (f.c.) || Symphonic poem for voices and orchestra. ||\n|-\n| 1953 || - || Poems for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1953 || - || Poems for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1954 || (f.c.) || Voces del alma no 2 for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1955 || Opus 009 || Agora, Op. 9 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1955 || Opus 008 || Huacca-China, Op. 8 for soprano and musical ensemble [Ciudad durmiente - El sueño del caimán] || ||\n|-\n| 1955 || (f.c.) || Jardiner de la reina for contralto and piano. || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1955 || (f.c.) || Jardiner de la reina for contralto and piano. || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1955 || (f.c.) || Trio for violin, cello and piano. || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1955 || (f.c.) || Un tiempo de quartet for string quartet. || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1955 || (f.c.) || Voces del alma no. 3 for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1956 || - || Ball de Garlandes for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1956 || - || L’Esquerrana for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1956 || - || L’Esquerrana for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1956 || Opus 011 || Meu pensamento, Op. 11 for soprano and piano || Música vocal (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1951 || Opus 010 || No eres, Op. 10 for voice and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1956 || (f.c.) || Voces del alma nº 4 for violin and piano. || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1957 || Opus 013 || Adiós, Op. 13 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1957 || - || Contrapás for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1957 || - || Contrapás for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1957 || - || Cuadro de mar for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1957 || Opus 012 || Cuatro piezas breves, Op. 12 for piano || Solo Music (piano) || \n|-\n| 1957 || - || Majorales for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1957 || - || Pere Galleri for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1957 || - || Pitulineta for cobla || Cobla Music || \n|-\n| 1957 || - || Xatulineta for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1957 || - || Xatulineta for cobla || Cobla Music ||\n|-\n| 1958 || Opus 015 || Cada noite, Op. 15 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1958 || Opus 014 || El mariner, Op. 14 for voice and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1958 || Opus 016 || Noemi, Op. 16 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1958 || Opus 018 || Poems from Baja Andalucía, Op. 18 for piano [Niños - Nubes - Fiesta - Siesta - Canción] || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1958 || Opus 017 || Poesía de estío, Op. 17 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1958 || Opus 020 || Al lado de mi cabaña, Op. 20 for voice and piano ||\n|-\n| 1959 || Opus 019 || Alleluia, Op. 19 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1959 || Opus 021 || Pater noster, Op. 21 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1960 || Opus 022 || string quartet, Op. 22 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1960 || Opus 023 || Pastorcito que te vas, Op. 23 for voice and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1961 || Opus 024 || Music for ten instruments, Op. 24 || ||\n|-\n| 1961 || Opus 025 || Poems from la seguiriya gitana, Op. 25 for voice and piano [Paisaje - Sorpresa - Baladilla de los tres ríos] || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1961 || Opus 026 || Sonatina, Op. 26 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1961 || Opus 026 || Sonatina, Op. 26 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1962 || Opus 027 || Symphonie de chambre, Op. 27 for chamber orchestra (E: VIII Divonne-les-Bains International Chamber music Festival, Teatro del Parque, Divonne-les-Bains (Francia) – 2.7.1962 – orchestra de Cámara de Genève, dir Pierre ColomboG: RSR. Encargo del Festival de Divonne-les-Bains. A Fleury Creton, Louis-Bernard Levy y Maurice Werner.) || Orchestral music || 20:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1962 || Opus 028 || Sonata for flute and piano, Op. 28 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1962 || Opus 031 || Variaciones breves, Op. 31 for orchestra (E: Teatro Lope de Vega, Sevilla – 16.12.1962 – Agrupación de Cámara de Sevilla, dir Luis Izquierdo. A Luis Izquierdo. The work has 42 variations.) || Orchestral music ||\n|-\n| 1963 || Opus 038 || Hacia Belem, Op. 38 for the mixed choir to three voices (Ist version) || Choir music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1963 || Opus 036 || Nocturnos de la luna gitana, Op. 36 for soprano and instrumental ensemble [Allegro del verde viento - Andante, quasi preludio del alba - Lento de la pena morena] ||\n|-\n| 1963 || Opus 034 || Preludio y cante, Op. 34 for flute || Solo Music (flute) ||\n|-\n| 1963 || Opus 032 || Sonata for guitar, Op. 32 || Solo Music (guitar) ||\n|-\n| || Opus 035 || Espejismos Sonoros, Op. 35, for guitar || Solo Music (guitar) ||\n|-", "|-\n| || Opus 035 || Espejismos Sonoros, Op. 35, for guitar || Solo Music (guitar) ||\n|-\n| || Opus 037 || Salmo XXI de David, Op. 37 for choir and instrumental ensemble || Choir music (instruments) ||\n|-\n| 1963 || Opus 039 || Tres corales de estío, Op. 39 for mixed choir [Recuerdas - Aguas puras de tu amor - Cavaré...] || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1964 || Opus 040 || Canciones de mirador, Op. 40 for voice and piano [Marina - Molinos de viento - Campo y cielo] ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1964 || Opus 044 || Coral, tema e imitación, Op. 44 for organ || Solo Music (organ) ||\n|-\n| 1964 || Opus 041 || Cuatro imágenes playeras, Op. 41 for piano [Amanecer de estío - Mar andaluza - Orilla marismeña - Nocturno de luna marinera] || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1964 || Opus 047 || Two movements for strings, Op. 47 for string orchestra [1. Lento dolcissimo – 2. Allegro vivo e con brio](E: Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona – 7.3.1965 – orchestra de Cámara de Barcelona, dir Antoni Ros Marbá. Antoni Ros Marbá. I Premio Alemany i Vall de Juventudes Musicales de Barcelona.)|| Orchestral music || 14:00 \n|-\n| 1964 || Opus 048 || Fum, fum, fum, Op. 48 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| || Opus 049 || Four Pieces for Sax, Op. 49 || Solo Music ||\n|-", "|-\n| || Opus 049 || Four Pieces for Sax, Op. 49 || Solo Music ||\n|-\n| 1964 || Opus 046 || Sinfonietta, Op. 46 for orchestra (1. Allegro con allegreza – 2. Andante un poco lento quasi adagio – 3. Allegro con brio)(E: Teatro Lope de Vega, Sevilla – 8.9.1964 – orchestra Filarmónica de Sevilla, dir Luis IzquierdoG: RNE \"A Albertina Domínguez, mi futura esposa\".) || Orchestral music || 21:00\n|-\n| 1964 || Opus 045 || Sonata for piano, Op. 45 || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1964 || Opus 045 || Sonata for piano, Op. 45 || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1964 || Opus 042 || Tema con variaciones, Op. 42 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1964 || Opus 043 || Trio for violin, cello and piano, Op. 43 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1966 || Opus 056 || Estudio I for violin and piano, Op. 56 || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1966 || Opus 058 || Estudio for trompa and piano, Op. 58 || Chamber music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1966 || Opus 058 || Estudio for trompa and piano, Op. 58 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1966 || Opus 057 || Estudio for viola and piano, Op. 57 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1966 || Opus 052 || Opus cámara, Op. 52 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1966 || Opus 054 || Sonata for clarinet and piano, Op. 54 || Chamber music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1966 || Opus 054 || Sonata for clarinet and piano, Op. 54 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1966 || Opus 050 || Suite for orchestra, Op. 50 [1. Fanfarria – 2. Allemande – 3. Courante – 4. Zarabanda – 5. Giga] (E: Teatro San Fernando, Sevilla – 6.3.1966 – orchestra Filarmónica de Sevilla, dir Román Alís) || Orchestral music || 17:00\n|-\n| 1967 || Opus 059 || Estudio II for violin and piano, Op. 59 || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1967 || Opus 062 || Estudio for double bass and piano, Op. 62 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1967 || Opus 061 || Estudio for cello and piano, Op. 61 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1967 || Opus 064 || Misa simple, Op. 64 for mixed choir y organ [Kyrie - Agnus - Credo - Sanctus - Gloria] || ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1967 || Opus 060 || Music for un Festival en Sevilla, Op. 60 for orchestra [1. Sonatina del alba – 2. Cantares a la siesta del estío – 3. Nocturnos de fiestas] (E: XIII Festival de Sevilla, Festivales de España, Teatro Lope de Vega, Sevilla – 22.9.1967 – orchestra Filarmónica de Sevilla, dir Luis Izquierdo G: RNE) Premio de Arte de la Excelentísima Diputación de Sevilla (1967).) || Orchestral music || 15:00\n|-\n| 1967 || Opus 065 || Preludio, fantasía y tocata, Op. 65 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||", "|-\n| 1967 || Opus 065 || Preludio, fantasía y tocata, Op. 65 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1968 || Opus 071 || Atmósferas, Op. 71 for clarinet and piano || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1968 || Opus 069 || Frase, Op. 69 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1968 || Opus 070 (f.c.) || Sintonía, Op. 70 for orchestra (El original se halla extraviado en los archivos de RTVE.) || Orchestral music ||\n|-\n| 1968 || Opus 066 || Tocata a la fuga de un ritmo gitano, Op. 66 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1968 || Opus 067 || Tres piezas for organ, Op. 67 || Solo Music (organ) ||\n|-\n| 1969 || Opus 072 || Los días de la semana, Op. 72 for piano [Lunes (la Luna) - Martes (Marte) - Miércoles (Mercurio) - Jueves (Júpiter) - Viernes (Venus) - Sábado (Saturno) - Domingo (el Sol) ] || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1969 || Opus 080 || Los salmos cósmicos, Op. 80. Superposiciones coral-symphonies about a song to the universe. (Lyrics by Román Alís based on an interpretation of the Psalms). 4 mixed choirs and orchestra. Commissioned by the Juan March Foundation. The original manuscript of the work is in the Library of Contemporary Music of the Juan March Foundation in Madrid.) || Orchestral music || 50:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1969 || Opus 077 || Eight popular Spanish songs, Op. 77 for piano [Ya se van los pastores (Leonesa) - Romance de ciego (Gallega) - Morito, pititón (Burgalesa) - Mi abuelo tenía un huerto (Asturiana) - La pastorcita (Catalana) - El marinero (Catalana) - El ermitaño (Leonesa) - Canción de Olivareros (Mallorquina)] || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1969 || Opus 073 || Suite for guitar, Op. 73 || Solo Music (guitar) ||\n|-\n| 1969 || Opus 079 || Variaciones melódicas for oboes, Op. 79 || Solo Music (oboe) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1969 || Opus 079 || Variaciones melódicas for oboes, Op. 79 || Solo Music (oboe) ||\n|-\n| 1970 || Opus 083 || El cant de Lorelei, Op. 83 for soprano and piano [Deliri - Image - La nit morta] || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1970 || Opus 085 || Reverberaciones, Op. 85 for orchestra (E: Teatro Real, Madrid – 18.10.1970 – orchestra Symphony de la Radiotelevisión Española (OSRTVE), dir Enrique García Asensio - G: RNE) «A Enrique García Asensio».) || Orchestral music || 13:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1970 || Opus 081 || Rima, Op. 81 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1971 || Opus 091 || Discantus atonalis, Op. 91 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1971 || Opus 093 || Dodecafonías, Op. 93 for flute and piano || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1971 || Opus 090 || Fuente clara, Op. 90 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1971 || Opus 088 || La cuarta palabra de Cristo en la cruz, Op. 88 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1971 || Opus 087 || Series sobre anillos, Op. 87 for string quartet || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1972 || Opus 098 || Cuatro piezas for dos violas, Op. 98 [Fabordón - Gymel - Discantus - Organum] ||\n|-\n| 1972 || Opus 095 || Espoir, Op. 95 for mezzo-soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1972 || Opus 097 || Quien tanto veros desea, Op. 97 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1973 || Opus 099 || Campus stellae, Op. 99 for musical ensemble || Instrumental music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1973 || Opus 099 || Campus stellae, Op. 99 for musical ensemble || Instrumental music ||\n|-\n| 1973 || Opus 101 || El Sommi, Op. 101 for soprano and musical ensemble || Voice music (instrumental)\n|-", "| 1973 || Opus 100 || Epitafios cervantinos, Op. 100 for soprano, contralto, tenor, bass, choir and orchestra (Miguel de Cervantes) (1. Al caballero mal andante y a Sancho su escudero – 2. A Dulcinea rolliza y fea – 3. Al hidalgo loco y cuerdo.)(E: Semanas Cervantinas de Alcalá de Henares, Capilla de San Ildefonso de la Universidad, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid – 26.4.1973 – Elvira Padín, Vida Bastos, José Foronda, Jesús Zazo, Madrid Orchestra Symphony (OSM), dir Vicente Spiteri", ".G: RNE) Commissioned by the Commissioner General of music intended for Cervantes Weeks in Alcalá de Henares. \"At Antonio Iglesias.\" There is a bound copy in the collection of the Cervantes Municipal Music Library in Madrid.) || Choir music || 39:00", "|-\n| 1974 || Opus 102 || La flor de la cañada, Op. 102 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1975 || Opus 104 || Dilataciones, Op. 104 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1975 || Opus 103 || El sueño de un poeta, Op. 103 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1975 || Opus 108 || Juguetes, Op. 108 for piano [La ratita saltarina - La muñeca andarina - El gatito dormilón - El osito blanco - El viejo mago - El caballo de cartón - El pequeño bebé] || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1976 || Opus 112 || Cántico for organ and orchestra, Op. 112 (E: Catedral, Sevilla – 6.12.1976 – José Ayarra, orchestra Filarmónica de Sevilla, dir Luis Izquierdo. Encargo de la Caja de Ahorros San Fernando de Sevilla.) || Orchestral music || 16:00\n|-\n| 1977 || Opus 116 || Balada de las cuatro cuerdas, Op. 116 for viola and piano || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1977 || Opus 115 || Rondó de danzas breves, Op. 115 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1977 || Opus 115 || Rondó de danzas breves, Op. 115 for piano || Solo Music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1977 || Opus 117 || Tres canciones amorosas for Contxa, Op. 117, for voz and piano [Otoño - Plenitud - Encuentro] || ||\n|-\n| 1978 || Opus 120 || Aleluyas a la Resurección de Cristo, Op. 120 for mixed choir y conjunto musical [Aleluya de la Tierra - Aleluya de los Cielos - Aleluya de los Hombres - Aleluya de los Muertos - Aleluya del Universo] || ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1978 || Opus 124 || Meeres Stille, Op. 124 for voice and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1978 || Opus 121 || Salauris, Op. 121 for orchestra (E: Festival de Chamber music, Cambrils, Tarragona – 6.7.1978 – orchestra del Festival de Cambrils, dir Román Alís.) Encargo del festival de Cambrils)|| Orchestral music || 14:00\n|-", "| 1978 || Opus 118 || Todos los niños cantan y bailan, Op. 118 Ballet infantil basado en temas populares de carácter infantil, for cuerpo de baile, coro de niños y orchestra infantil (melódica, 4 flutes de pico, 2 violines, carillón soprano y alto, xilófono soprano, alto y bajo, 2 percusionistas, piano, 2 guitars) {1. Introducción – 2. Antón pirulero – 3. Qué hermoso pelo tienes – 4. La viudita del Conde Laurel – 5. Tengo una muñeca – 6. Mambrú se fue a la guerra – 7. Que llueva – 8", ". Tengo una muñeca – 6. Mambrú se fue a la guerra – 7. Que llueva – 8. El patio de mi casa – 9. Cucú cantaba la rana – 10. Quisiera ser tan alta...}(E: Centro Cultural de la Villa, Madrid – 18.2.1978 – Ballet infantil de Ana Lázaro, Agrupación Coral-instrumental de Juventudes Musicales de Alcalá de Henares, dir Ángel Manzanal, encargo de Ana Lázaro.) || Ballet || 120:00", "|-\n| 1979 || Opus 128 || Concert for recorder and strings, Op. 128 [I. Moderato tranquilo –2. Allegretto expresivo] (E: Festival Internacional de Música de Cambrils, Pinaret de Carles Roig, Cambrils, Tarragona – 21.7.1979 – Mariano Martín, orchestra del Festival (Strings section), dir Román Alís. - G: RNE) || || 11:00\n|-", "| 1979 || Opus 127 || María de Mágdala, Op. 127. Oratorio for soprano, recitador, corno inglés, mixed choir and orchestra de cuerda. (Texto de Román Alís) [1. Al alba del Yon Rischom – 2. La Noemi del valle – 3. La colina de la calavera] (E: XVIII Semana de la Música Religiosa de Cuenca, Iglesia de San Miguel, Cuenca – 12.4", ".4.1979 – María Orán, Antonio Medina, Jesús María Corral, Coro de la Agrupación Española de Cámara de Madrid, dir Odón Alonso (choir dir Pascual Ortega) - G: RNE) Encargo de la XVIII Semana de Música Religiosa de Cuenca.) || Oratorio || 36:00", "|-\n| 1980 || Opus 130 || Cántico de las soledades, Op. 130 for orchestra (E: Teatro Real, Madrid – 29.2.1980 – orchestra Nacional de España (ONE), dir Antoni Ros Marbá.) «A Laura Negro». Commissioned by National Orchestra of Spain (ONE).) || Orchestral music || 26:00\n|-\n| 1981 || Opus 132 || Tañimiento, Op. 132 for guitar || Solo Music (guitar) ||\n|-\n| 1981 || Opus 131 || Tres hojitas madre, Op. 131 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1981 || Opus 131 || Tres hojitas madre, Op. 131 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1982 || Opus 135 || Ámbitos, Op. 135 for loud saxophone || Solo Music (sax) ||\n|-\n| 1982 || Opus 136 || Arriba Galán, Op. 136 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1982 || Opus 133 || Tierra del alba, Op. 133 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-", "| 1983 || Opus 138 || Canços de la Roda del Temps, Op. 138. (Salvador Espriu) Ciclo de canciones for soprano, harp and string orchestra. [I. Cançó d'albada – II. Cançó de la mort a l'alba – III. Cançó de la plenitud del mati – IV. Cançó del mati encalmat – V. Cançó de la mort resplendet – VI. Cançó de la vinguda de la tarda – VII. Cançó de pas de la tarda – VIII. Cançó del capvespre – IX. Cançó de la mort callada – X. Cançó del triomf de la nit – XI. Per a ser cantada en la meva nit – XII", ". Cançó del triomf de la nit – XI. Per a ser cantada en la meva nit – XII. Just abans de laudes] (Existe una reducción for voice and piano) (E: Iglesia de Santo Tomás, Avilés, Asturias – 11.4.1984 – Carmen Bustamante, orchestra Symphony de Asturias, dir Víctor Pablo Pérez - G: RNE (3, 8, 9 y 12) – LP) Encargo privado. Existe una reducción for soprano and piano realizada por el author) || Voice music || 21:00", "|-\n| 1983 || Opus 137 || Cantiga de aldeanus, Op. 137 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1983 || Opus 140 || Melody, Op. 140 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1983 || Opus 139 || Tú, Op. 139 for voice and piano (There is a version for cello and piano with the title Canción) ||\n|-\n| 1984 || Opus 142 || Septentrión, Op. 142 for instrumental ensemble [Alfa - Beta - Delta - Eta - Epsilon - Gamma - Zeta] || ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1984 || Opus 144 || Sonad campanitas, Op. 144 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-", "| 1985 || Opus 145 || Cantiga astur, Op. 145 for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra (Popular lyrics). (1. Allegro mosso e con brio – 2. Añada. Moderato tierno y expresivo, un poco rubato – 3. Vivo con brío y muy rítmico)E: Solemne Acto de Entrega de los Premios Príncipe de Asturias, Teatro Campoamor, Oviedo – 5.10", ".10.1985 – Josefina Arsegui, Coro de la Fundación Principado de Asturias, orchestra Symphony de Asturias, dir Víctor Pablo Pérez (dir coro Víctor Pablo Pérez) Encargo de la Fundación Príncipe de Asturias. Dedicada al Excelentísimo Señor Don Pedro Masaveu.) || ||35:00", "|-", "| 1985 || Opus 141 || Jesucristo en el desierto, Op. 141 oratorio for barítono mixed choir and orchestra (Texto de las Sagradas Escrituras). (E (1st word): VII Semana de Música de Avilés, iglesia de Santo Tomás, Avilés, Asturias – 11.4.1984 – Gregorio Poblador, Capilla Polifónica Ciudad de Oviedo, Asturias Symphony Orchestra, dir Víctor Pablo Pérez - E (integral): VII Semana de Música de Avilés, Catedral, Oviedo, Asturias – 27.3", ".3.1985 – Alfonso Echevarría, Oviedo University Choir, Asturias Symphony Orchestra, dir Víctor Pablo Pérez (choir dir Miguel A. Campos). Encargo de la Semana de Música de Áviles. || Oratorio || 47:00", "|-\n| 1985 || Opus 143 || Les chalumeaux gracieux, Op. 143 for dos clarinets [Divertimento - Canon - Fughetta - Motivo - Ostinato - Waltz- Final] || ||\n|-\n| 1985 || Opus 146 || Melody, Op. 146 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1986 || Opus 147 || Melody, Op. 147 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1986 || Opus 148 || Melody, Op. 148 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1987 || Opus 149 || Homenatge an Antoni Gaudí, Op. 149 for orchestra. Cantic simfonic (E: Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona – 4.4.1987 – Ciutat de Barcelona orchestra (OCB), dir Víctor Pablo PérezG: RNE) Encargo de la Orquestra Ciutat de Barcelona.) || Orchestral music || 19:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1987 || Opus 150|| Homage to Federico Mompou, Op. 150 for orchestra (E: Teatro Campoamor, Oviedo – 12.11.1987 – orchestra Symphony de Asturias, dir Víctor Pablo PérezG: RNE Commissioned by the Asturias Symphony Orchestra.) || Orchestral music || 25:00\n|-\n| 1988 || Opus 151 || Melody, Op. 151 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1989 || Opus 152 || Autol, Op. 152. 42'; Cuatro estampas symphonies for orchestra [1. Amanecer. El río Cidacos y el desfiladero – 2. La ermita de la Virgen de Nieva – 3. La leyenda del viejo castillo – 4. El picuezo y la picueza] (Estreno: Auditorio Municipal, Logroño – 9.6.1989 – orchestra Symphony de Euskadi, dir Manuel Galduf. Encargo de la Asociación Promúsica Fermín Gurbindo. «A la memoria de Fermín Gurbindo».) || Orchestral music|| 42:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1989 || Opus 155 || Concierto for piano y orchestra de cuerda, Op. 155 [I. Adaggietto affecttuoso – 2. Allegrissimo spiritoso – 3. Allegro moderato e con brío] (E: Teatro Principal, Alicante – 29.11.1991 – José Ortiga, orchestra de la Comunidad de Madrid, dir Miguel Groba. Encargo de la ONCE. «A José Ortiga».)|| Orchestral music|| 34:00\n|-\n| 1989 || Opus 153 || Fantasía for guitar, Op. 153 || Solo Music (guitar) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1989 || Opus 153 || Fantasía for guitar, Op. 153 || Solo Music (guitar) ||\n|-\n| 1989 || Opus 038 || Hacia Belem, Op. 38 for mixed choir a cuatro voces (2ª versión) || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1989 || Opus 154 || Himno de la Liga Naval Española, Op. 154 for male choir and band ||\n|-\n| 1989 || Opus 156 || Sonata for two violins, Op. 156 || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1990 || Opus 158 || Discantus Sobre el Salmo XLVI de David, Op. 158 for female choir || Choir music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1990 || Opus 160 || Melody, Op. 160 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1991 || Opus 161 || Aria y danza, Op. 161 for orchestra [1. Aria – 2. Danza] (E: Auditorio Nacional, Madrid – 11.4.1991 – orchestra Nacional de España (ONE), dir Luis Aguirre.) «A Laura Negro» || Orchestral music || 12:00\n|-", "| 1991 || Opus 163 || Estampas del Madrid goyesco, Op. 163 (Andrés Ruiz Tarazona) for mixed choir and orchestra [I. Pórtico. Ronda de Seguidillas. Baile de majas en el Manzanares – II. Camino del Pardo. El Majo de la guitar – III. Trocha de la insurrección. The May 3 shoutings in the Príncipe Pío mountains] (Preestreno): Ermita de San Marcos, San martín de la Vega, Madrid, Madrid Community Choir, dir Miguel Groba - E: Auditorio Nacional de Música, Madrid – 2.5", ".5.1991 – Madrid Community Choir, dir Miguel Groba - G: CD – MC). Commissioned by the Madrid Community.) || Choir music || 30:00", "|-\n| 1991 || Opus 165 || Evocando al poeta... Rubén Darío, Op. 165. Cuatro canciones for soprano y orchestra. (Texto de Rubén Darío) [I. Dice mía. – II. ¡Aleluya!. – III. Vésper – IV. Pájaros de las islas] (Existe una versión for soprano and piano) (E: Auditorium, Palma de Mallorca – 30.1.199 – Enriqueta Tarrés, Baleares Symphony Orchestra, dir Anthony Moors Commissioned by the Baleares Symphony Orchestra.) || Voice music (orchestral) || 30:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1991 || Opus 166 || Melody, Op. 166 for violin and piano || Chamber music (violin and piano) ||\n|-\n| 1991 || Opus 164 || Variaciones ornamentales, Op. 164 for violin ||\n|-\n| 1992 || Opus 167 || Sonata for loud sax and piano, Op. 167 ||\n|-\n| 1993 || Opus 171 || Canción de la vanidad, Op. 171 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1993 || Opus 170 || Para Ángela, Op. 170 for piano || ||\n|-\n| 1993 || Opus 168 || Passaglia for trumpet and organ, Op. 168 ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1993 || Opus 168 || Passaglia for trumpet and organ, Op. 168 ||\n|-\n| 1994 || Opus 172 || Tres bagatelas, Op. 172 for loud saxophone and piano ||\n|-\n| 1995 || Opus 173 || Canciones visnavas, Op. 173 for soprano, flute and piano [Esta mañana - Saki] || Voice music (instrumental) ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1995 || Opus 175 || Sis remembranças Eduard Toldrá, Op. 175, for violin and string orchestra [I. Sol ixent (vilanova i la Geltrú) – 2. La renaixença (Barcelona) 3. La noia que semblava una melody de Schumann (Castelló d'Empuries) – 4. La casona d'estiu (Cantallops) – 5. La Ciseta – 6. Sol ponent] (E: Concierto Homenaje an Eduard Toldrá, Sala Cultural de Caja Madrid, Barcelona – 26.10.1995 – Manuel Villuendas, orchestra de Cámara Eduard Toldrá, dir Manuel Villuendas - G: RNE) || || 34:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1996 || Opus 176 || Adagietto, Op. 176 for string quartet ||\n|-\n| 1996 || || Canción for cello and piano || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1996 || Opus 180 || Resonancias de la Antequeruela alta, Op. 180 for clave ||\n|-\n| 1996 || Opus 133 || Tierra del alba, Op. 133 for string quartet || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| 1997 || Opus 184 || Accordaos, Op. 184 for soprano and piano || Voice music (piano) ||\n|-\n| 1997 || Opus 186 || Céfiros al alba de Sunion, Op. 186 for large mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-", "| 1997 || Opus 186 || Céfiros al alba de Sunion, Op. 186 for large mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1997 || Opus 182 || Introducció a mort de dama, Op. 182 [El barri antic - Els gats - A l’altre cap de la ciutat] ||\n|-\n| 1997 || Opus 187 || La noche santa, Op. 187 for mixed choir || Choir music ||\n|-\n| 1997 || Opus 181 || Saxoxas, Op. 181 for loud saxophone and piano || || \n|-\n| 1997 || Opus 185 || Tres morfologías, Op. 185 for violin and cello || ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1997 || Opus 185 || Tres morfologías, Op. 185 for violin and cello || ||\n|- \n| 1997 || Opus 183 || Trio for flute, clarinet and piano, Op. 183 || Chamber music ||\n|-", "|-\n| 1998 || Opus 188 || Reverie, Op. 188. Ensueño sinfónico for orchestra (E: XIV Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea de Alicante, Teatro Principal, Alicante – 24.9.1998 – orchestra Nacional de Oporto, dir Manuel Ivo CruzG: RNE Encargo del Centro for la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea (CDMC) del Ministerio de Cultura for el Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea de Alicante, 1998. «A Laura Negro») || Orchestral music || 13:00\n|-", "|-\n| 1999 || Opus 190 || Divertimento, Op. 190 for saxophone quartet || Chamber music ||\n|-\n| || - || orchestración de Eduardo Toldrá: Music for six Sonnets for violin and string orchestra || Orchestral music||\n|-\n| || - || Music for the movie La Espuela. || Cinema music ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for the movie La petición. || Cinema music ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for the movie Melodrama Infernal. || Cinema music ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for the movie Vera, un Cuento Cruel. || Cinema music ||\n|-", "|-\n| || - || Music for the movie Vera, un Cuento Cruel. || Cinema music ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for Ciclo Grifith (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for Cine Mudo (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for El Camino (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for El Hada Rebeca (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for Especial Charlie Rivel (television). || Music for television ||\n|-", "|-\n| || - || Music for Especial Charlie Rivel (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for La Mocedad del Mío Cid (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for La Mujer y el Deporte (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for La Promesa (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for La Prudente Venganza (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for La Rama Seca (television). || Music for television ||\n|-", "|-\n| || - || Music for La Rama Seca (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for Rosaura a las 10 (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for Sombras Recobradas (television). || Music for television ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for the theatrical work El Cómic Cómico Ruidoso de Don Roberto. || Theater music ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for the theatrical work Motín de Brujas. || Theater music ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for the theatrical work Ondina. || Theater music ||\n|-", "|-\n| || - || Music for the theatrical work Ondina. || Theater music ||\n|-\n| || - || Music for El Mosaico. (radio) ||\n|}\n(*) (f.c.) means outside or withdrawn from Catalogue.", "References\n\n1931 births\n2006 deaths\nSpanish composers\nSpanish male composers\n20th-century Spanish musicians\n20th-century Spanish male musicians" ]
Elwood Haynes
[ "Elwood Haynes (October 14, 1857 – April 13, 1925) was an American inventor, metallurgist, automotive pioneer, entrepreneur and industrialist. He invented the metal alloy stellite and independently co-discovered martensitic stainless steel along with Englishman Harry Brearley in 1912 and designed one of the earliest automobiles made in the United States", ". He is recognized for having created the earliest American design that was feasible for mass production and, with the Apperson brothers, he formed the first company in the United States to produce automobiles profitably. He made many advances in the automotive industry.", "Early in his career, while serving as a field superintendent at gas and oil companies during Indiana's gas boom, Haynes invented several devices important to the advance of the natural gas industry. When working for the Indiana Natural Gas and Oil Company, he oversaw the construction of the first long-distance natural gas pipeline in the United States, connecting Chicago with the Trenton Gas Field away", ". He began to formulate plans for a motorized vehicle in the early 1890s; he successfully road tested his first car, the Pioneer, on July 4, 1894—eight years after the first automobile was patented in Germany. He formed a partnership with Elmer and Edgar Apperson in 1896 to start Haynes-Apperson for the commercial production of automobiles. He renamed it Haynes Automobile Company in 1905, following the loss of his partners.", "Working in his laboratory to develop new corrosion-resistant metals for auto parts, Haynes discovered that mixing tungsten with chromium, steel and iron resulted in the formation of strong and lightweight alloys that were impervious to corrosion, and could endure high temperatures.", "In 1912, he formed Haynes Stellite Company to produce one of the new alloys, and received lucrative contracts during World War I, making Haynes a millionaire in 1916. He sold his patent for stainless steel to the American Stainless Steel Company in exchange for enough stock to gain a seat at the company's board of directors, a position he held for 12 years. He merged the Haynes Stellite company with Union Carbide in 1920", ". He merged the Haynes Stellite company with Union Carbide in 1920. After passing through different owners, the company was renamed and is now called Haynes International. Haynes returned his focus to his automotive company, but in the economic recession of the 1920s the business went bankrupt and was liquidated.", "An outspoken advocate of prohibition, he made substantial donations to the Prohibition Party and Indiana's prohibitionist leader Frank Hanly. Haynes ran an unsuccessful campaign in Indiana for the U.S. Senate in 1916 as a prohibition candidate and remained active in the party until prohibition became law. Later, he became a philanthropist and served two terms as president of the YMCA, five years on the Indiana Board of Education, and was an active member of the Presbyterian church", ". After his death from complications arising from influenza, his Kokomo mansion was converted into the Elwood Haynes Museum and is open to the public where many of his original inventions and automobiles are on display.", "Early life\n\nFamily and background", "Haynes was born on October 14, 1857, in Portland, Indiana, the fifth of ten children of Jacob M. Haynes and Hilinda S. Haines Haynes. His family was of English descent; he was a ninth-generation descendant of Walter Haynes who immigrated from Wiltshire, England to Sudbury, Massachusetts in 1638. His father was Jay County's school commissioner, a lawyer, Whig politician, and a judge of the Jay and Randolph County common pleas court", ". Both of Haynes' parents were dedicated Presbyterians and outspoken prohibitionists and educated their children from a young age to avoid liquor. His mother was the founder of a local Women's Temperance Movement Union. His paternal grandfather Henry Haynes was a gunsmith and mechanic, and tutored Haynes about metallurgy", ". In 1866, the family moved from their two-room house in Portland into the countryside outside of town where they purchased a larger home to better accommodate their growing number of children.", "At age 12, Haynes built his first vehicle from scrap railroad car parts and operated it on the county's railroad tracks. The local railroad foreman did not approve and later seized the vehicle and destroyed it. As a child, Haynes had an interest in chemistry and metallurgy and when he was 15 he built a smelting furnace and began working with copper, bronze, and iron. Haynes was also interested in nature and spent considerable time in the forest cataloging and observing plants, insects, and animals", ". Because he spent so much time there, his family nicknamed him \"Wood\", a nickname they used for most of his life. As he grew older, he became an avid reader of books, including Principles of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry by William Wells. His early experiments and studies interested him in the fundamental properties of matter, and he was intrigued by how mixing compounds could create completely different alloys.", "Education", "Haynes attended public schools through eighth grade and received a basic education. He had not determined a career path for himself and his parents often criticized him for lacking ambition; they insisted that he seek employment. He began by working as a custodian at a local church and later for the railroad, hauling ballast to construction sites. At the church, he joined the choir where he met and began to court Bertha Lanterman", ". At the church, he joined the choir where he met and began to court Bertha Lanterman. When Portland's first public high school was opened in 1876, Haynes returned to school at age 19 and completed two more years. Bertha and her family moved to Alabama during the spring of 1877, and Haynes began a regular correspondence with her. During the summer of that year, a series of revival meetings were held in Indiana by Francis Murphy, a leader of a national temperance organization known as the Murphy Movement", ". Haynes attended the meetings, probably at his parents' urging, and became interested in temperance. He took two of Murphy's pledge cards and carried one for most of his life; the other he mailed to Bertha.", "Haynes' father attended the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 where he learned of a school that would fit his son's interests. Using the money he had saved, Haynes decided to attend the college and enrolled in the Worcester Technical Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts, in September 1878. The school was revolutionary for its time, combining technical training with a classical liberal arts education", ". Although he easily passed the difficult entrance exam, he found that he was ill-prepared for some of his college courses, and he struggled with mathematics. To earn an income while away from home, he worked as a custodian and night guard at the local public library. He cleaned the building overnight and used his spare time to read books and study", ". He cleaned the building overnight and used his spare time to read books and study. During his final year at the school, boarding rates were increased beyond what Haynes could afford so with no other option, he lived in the library for several months. He could not afford to return home during his stay at the institute, so during the holidays he spent time with his family and friends in New England.", "During his first term, he was required to receive a grade of 60 to remain in the school. Although he only achieved a 59.2 after completing his final exams, he was permitted to remain because of his \"recent progress.\" Older than the other students in his class, he often spoke out against their use of alcohol. In his final year he took courses in metallurgy, ore analysis and assaying, and participated in a research project developing razors", ". His graduation thesis was entitled \"The effects of Tungsten on Iron and Steel\". It laid out the basic principles of what would later become his two greatest advances in metallurgy. Haynes spent many hours in the institute's laboratory working with tungsten and other metals before graduating in 1881; he was fourteenth out of twenty-one graduates—twenty did not pass.", "Haynes took a job teaching at the Jay County public school after returning home. Soon his income allowed him to buy a home near Portland High School where he worked and was promoted to principal in 1882. That summer he took a week-long trip to visit Bertha in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he became sick with a cold and spent most of his time in bed nursed by Bertha, learning that her family would be returning to live in Portland in 1883", ". After returning from the trip, he continued saving money and in 1884 he decided to continue his education by enrolling at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He chose the school because, as it was only eight years old, it had one of the most modern laboratories available. He took courses in chemistry and biology and learned advanced metallurgic techniques", ". He took courses in chemistry and biology and learned advanced metallurgic techniques. His mother died in May 1885 and he decided to leave the university without completing his second year, as he was not working to attain a degree but only taking courses of interest. After he had returned home again, he took a position at the newly established Eastern Indiana Normal School and Commercial College (now Ball State University) and served as the head of the chemistry department.", "Gas boom", "Natural gas was first found in Indiana in 1876 but it was not until 1886 that the magnitude of the discovery was known; the Trenton Gas Field was the largest deposit of natural gas discovered in the 19th century and the first giant oil reserve found in the United States. As a professor at a university in the Trenton Field, Haynes offered his services to the drillers and worked to analyze soil samples, determine well pressure, and give estimates on the amount of energy that could be created by the gas", ". He delivered several lectures to large crowds about the importance of the gas discovery and the many possible applications of this new source of fuel. He began a petition to have the local citizens create a corporation to pump the fuel from the ground and pipe it to area homes and businesses. His promotion was successful and Portland Natural Gas and Oil Company was formed; Haynes' father was named to the new company's board of directors.", "In the fall of 1886, the board hired Haynes as superintendent to manage the company and oversee the creation of wells and piping. The company was one of the first in the Trenton Field, and many of the others which soon followed modeled themselves on the Portland company. As a fuel and industry, natural gas was in its earliest stages. Haynes invented several devices that became important to the success of the industry", ". Haynes invented several devices that became important to the success of the industry. One of his first inventions was a device capable of measuring the amount of gas being pumped from wells. Haynes' reputation as an industry leader grew out of his operations at Portland and the Kokomo Democrat referred to him as \"the only infallible authority on natural gas in eastern Indiana\" in an 1889 article.", "Haynes married Bertha Lanterman in October 1887 after a ten-year relationship. The ceremony was held at her parents' Portland home and the couple honeymooned in Cincinnati. Their first child, Marie, was born on January 28, 1889, but she soon succumbed to illness and died when six months old. Their second child, a son born in 1890, also died in infancy. The deaths saddened the family and caused them to turn more to their religion", ". The deaths saddened the family and caused them to turn more to their religion. Haynes became increasingly active in the Presbyterian church and became an elder. In December 1892, the Haynes' third child, Bernice, was born. A second son, March, was born 1896. The two children were well educated and grew up to assist their father in his enterprises.", "A primary pipeline was laid between Portland and a neighboring town during 1889. Haynes oversaw construction of the ten-mile (16 km) long pipeline and the creation of the wells for pumping the gas. During his numerous buggy rides between the two towns, he first began to conceive of a novel form of motorized transportation. His thoughts on the topic were spurred by his need to regularly change horses because of their inability to endure the long distances and sandy roads he frequently traveled", ". He theorized that a motorized vehicle would be more economical than horse-and-buggy transportation, and could potentially move at a faster speed.", "The Indiana Natural Gas and Oil Company, headquartered in Chicago, hired Haynes as their field superintendent in 1890 after the company's board of directors \"discovered that Elwood Haynes knew more about natural gas than anyone in the state\". He and his wife moved to Greentown where he oversaw the construction of the company's first pumping wells", ". The company planned to construct a natural gas line from eastern Indiana to Chicago, a distance of over , which would be the first long-distance natural gas pipeline built in the United States. Haynes supervised the design and construction phases of the project. Because of the length of the line and the temperature changes between the two points, moisture in the natural gas condensed on the pipe, and during colder times would freeze the pipes in some locations", ". The problem was a significant setback to the operation, which had to stop pumping during the winter months. Haynes solved the problem by creating a refrigeration device that would cause the moisture (which was a diluted form of gasoline) to condense, freeze, and fall into a reservoir. These devices were installed between the main lines and pumping stations and effectively removed all the moisture from the natural gas before it was pumped into the lines", ". This prevented water buildup in the pipes and allowed the pipes to be used year-round. The concept was a significant advance in early refrigeration technology and was further developed by others in later years.", "Haynes was offered a higher ranking position within Indiana Gas at the Chicago headquarters, but by then he had become aware of the business's connection to the corrupt and disgraced monopolist Charles T. Yerkes. A deeply religious man who feared involvement in any corruption, Haynes entertained the offer only briefly; Bertha's advice to refuse the position persuaded him and he declined the offer and instead sought a position more removed from the company's Chicago leadership", ". After the pipeline became fully operational in 1892, Haynes moved to Kokomo where he was made a supervisor of the Indiana Gas's local operations. The Indiana General Assembly began attempts to regulate the gas industry and accused the field operations of various companies of gross waste; Indiana Gas became the primary target of scathing reports. Haynes helped the company compile reports and offered opinions on the validity of their claims", ". Haynes helped the company compile reports and offered opinions on the validity of their claims. He was disturbed to find that many of the claims proved true, and advocated that the gas be used more conservatively. He specifically recommended that the flambeaus (the flames fed by natural gas to show that the gas was flowing) be extinguished, as they were found to be the largest source of waste", ". He calculated that the company daily wasted $10,000 ($ in 2009 chained dollars) worth of gas by burning flambeaus, a figure that shocked the company's leaders. Despite his support of the governmental anti-waste regulations, he was steadfastly against other rules that regulated pressure and hindered productivity. He personally filed lawsuits against the regulations a month after their passage, claiming that the government had no right to regulate artificial increases in well pressure", ". The court case continued until 1896, when the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that the regulations were unconstitutional. The entire set of regulations was repealed, including the anti-waste measures. The gross waste continued among other companies and the field's wells began to run dry by 1905—modern experts estimate as much as 90% of the one trillion cubic feet (30 km3) of natural gas in the field was lost into the atmosphere or misused.", "Enterprises\n\n1894 First Haynes car", "According to Haynes, he began laying out \"plans for the construction of a mechanically propelled vehicle for use on highways\" in 1891. His first idea was for a steam-powered vehicle, but after careful consideration he decided the use of a furnace on the device would be too dangerous. His second plan was to use electrical power, but after research he found that no practical means existed to store the electricity required for operation", ". He continued to develop his plans until the summer of 1893 when he attended the Chicago World's Fair, where he first witnessed a gasoline engine. The demonstration of the newly invented engine inspired him to decide that an internal combustion engine would be the most practical method to propel his vehicle", ". A gasoline-powered European automobile built by German inventor Karl Benz (who patented the first automobile in 1886) also was on display during the fair, although it is unknown if Haynes witnessed this vehicle during his visit.", "Haynes ordered a one-horsepower marine upright, two-cycle engine from Sintz Gas Engine Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan for $225. Although the engine was intended for use on a small boat, Haynes believed it could be adapted for his purposes. The engine arrived in the fall of 1893. Haynes soon had the device attached to a carriage he built in his kitchen", ". Haynes soon had the device attached to a carriage he built in his kitchen. He found when he started the engine that its vibrations were too severe for the harness it was in, and before he could stop the engine it had done considerable damage to the carriage and the floor of his kitchen, and filled the room with smoke.", "Haynes decided he needed a different facility to continue the experiment after his wife told him she would not abide his destruction of the family kitchen. He contacted Elmer Apperson, the operator of the Riverside Machine Works, and arranged to use a space in his shop for the continued development. He agreed to work on his vehicle only after-hours, pay 40 cents per hour for the help of Elmer and his brother Edgar, and to not hold them responsible should his project fail", ". He started building a new carriage, this time with a heavier steel harness. He described the appearance of the vehicle as a \"small truck\". The wheel axles were also made of steel and the entire front axle was constructed to swivel. A central column was built of steel and laid across the axles in such a way as to allow it move in all directions within a small radius to accommodate any sudden movements by the motor or vehicle.", "Because the traction of rubber tires was unknown, Haynes completed a series of tests with a bicycle on paved roads. He used a wagon built to the weight of his automobile and a horse to pull a device that would cause the wheels to turn, thereby providing traction. With this, he was able to determine the ratio of weight to gear sizes needed to enable the tires to provide sufficient traction for propulsion. Once completed, his vehicle weighed about .", "He named his car the Pioneer and first test drove the vehicle on July 4, 1894. The Apperson brothers had notified the Kokomo townspeople of the test drive and a crowd gathered to witness the event. Haynes was concerned that his vehicle could injure someone in the crowd, so he had the vehicle towed by a horse and buggy to Pumpkinvine Pike, away from the crowd. The car started with Haynes driving and Elmer Apperson riding as a passenger, and traveled at 7 mph (11 km/h)", ". He traveled for and then stopped the vehicle to manually turn it around with Elmer's help. He proceeded to drive it several more miles back into town without stopping. His trip convinced him that the vehicle was worthwhile and could become a valuable enterprise, although he was disappointed in the vehicle's handling and decided he needed to improve the steering system and find a way to divert the motor's exhaust smoke away from the carriage.", "Haynes' car is believed to be the second gasoline-engine powered vehicle successfully road tested in the United States, according to its exhibit information at the Smithsonian Institution. It was built two years before Henry Ford's Quadricycle, and preceded only by Charles Duryea's Motorized Wagon less than a year earlier", ". Unlike Duryea's car, which was an adapted buckboard wagon that was designed to run under its own power but still able to be pulled by horse, Haynes' car was designed only to run on its own. Some automotive historians use this difference to determine that Haynes' car was the first true American automobile", ". The Sintz company continued to be intrigued by Haynes' use of their motor and sent representatives to photo his vehicle and published the images as an advertisement for one of their engine's possible uses. The publicity spurred the creation of numerous other automobiles across the American midwest.", "Haynes continued to drive his car as he added improvements to the vehicle, and constructed the Pioneer II in 1895 to incorporate his improved steering designs and an exhaust pipe. He built the new car with the intention of running it in the 1895 Chicago Times-Herald Race, the first automobile race in the United States. Although over seventy-five cars were entered in the race, most of their owners did not have them completed in time for race so only three cars and six early motorcycles showed up", ". While driving to the race, Haynes had a confrontation with a Chicago policeman who insisted that Haynes had no right to drive his vehicle on public roads, forcing him to requisition a horse to pull the car the rest of the way. Similar incidents happened with the other race's entries so the city passed an ordinance a few days later to clear up any ambiguity in the laws and allow automobiles equal access to the city streets, allowing the postponed race to take place", ". While giving his car a ride around the town on the following day Haynes was involved in what is believed to be the first automobile accident after swerving to miss a street car and striking a sharp curb, busting a tire and damaging the axle. Without a spare tire, Haynes was unable to run in the race. The race was held on November 28, and thousands of spectators turned out. Duryea's car won first place and a German Benz came in second", ". Duryea's car won first place and a German Benz came in second. Another contest was held in which Haynes won a prize for most intuitive design.", "Haynes-Apperson", "Haynes continued to perfect his auto design, and in late 1895 he began his work to create a new hard alloy for use as a crankcase and other auto parts. His intent was to make a metal that would be resistant to rusting. He experimented with the use of aluminum and found that when used, it significantly deadened the noise produced by the engine parts. As his designs progressed, he decided to form a partnership for the manufacture of his vehicles", ". As his designs progressed, he decided to form a partnership for the manufacture of his vehicles. At the end of 1894, Haynes joined with Elmer and Edgar Apperson to create an automobile company and began producing cars that year. Their company is recognized as being the first viable automotive company in the United States, and the second company to produce autos commercially. The Duryea Motor Wagon Company had formed a year earlier, but went out of business after producing only thirteen vehicles", ". Haynes became involved in a dispute with the Duryea company over the advertisements Haynes-Apperson ran, claiming to have created the first automobile. The Haynes-Apperson advertisement was clearly false, but after Duryea's company went bankrupt in 1898, there was no one to continue to dispute the claim. \"America's First Car\" remained the company's motto for the rest of its existence.", "By 1896, the company produced one new car every two to three weeks and built vehicles on order for $2,000. As the orders increased, the company formally incorporated as Haynes-Apperson on May 5, 1898, with $25,000 in capital from stock issued to Portland and Kokomo businessmen. At the end of that year the company relocated to a large factory it had built in Kokomo. Two new models were designed and the workforce expanded as production increased", ". Two new models were designed and the workforce expanded as production increased. Haynes-Apperson ran advertisements in area newspapers and demonstrated cars at county fairs and other exhibitions. Demand for the vehicles grew rapidly from five cars produced in 1898 to thirty in 1899, 192 in 1900, and 240 in 1901. The work kept the factory open 24 hours a day, and two shifts totaling more than 350 workers were needed to keep the factory running at capacity by 1902. Sales totaled over $400,000 that year.", "Haynes-Apperson automobiles were known for their long-distance running capability. The company's cars regularly competed and won prizes in endurance races that demonstrated the distance and terrain over which the cars could travel. Haynes had soon designed superior methods of achieving traction and his car could climb hills easier than his competitors in the early races. The last model designed under the Haynes-Apperson name had three speeds and was capable of 24 mph on pneumatic tires", ". In 1901, a Haynes car was entered in the first Long Island Non-Stop endurance race. The Haynes car took first place in the race, adding to the company's publicity and helping to feed a large jump in sales.", "Another event to gain the company significant publicity was the sale of a car to Dr. Ashley A. Webber in New York City. Webber refused to buy any car unless the seller could prove the car's endurance by driving it to his home. Haynes and Edgar Apperson readily agreed to the demand and drove the car from Kokomo to Webber's New York home, the first time an automobile traveled over . The trip took over a month; after driving several days in the rain, the two decided to install a roof on future models.", "Haynes began to have disagreements with the Apperson brothers for reasons that were never made public but were probably over money and design plans. Haynes wanted to produce luxury cars because much of the company's early clientele was wealthy, while the Appersons wanted to produce utilitarian vehicles that could be marketed to businesses. The disagreement led the two brothers to split from Haynes and start a company of their own in 1902", ". The loss of his partners necessitated that Haynes leave his position at Indiana Gas to devote more time to his growing business. Haynes was most interested in working on development, and turned over daily management to Victor Minich in 1903. Haynes spent most of his research efforts developing metals in an attempt to discover lighter and stronger alloys for automobile parts", ". He also investigated other areas and published a 1906 paper on the impurities in gasoline and recommended that the sulfur content in the fuel be lowered to increase engine performance.", "Haynes Automobile Company", "In 1905, three years after the Apperson brothers split from Haynes, Haynes-Apperson was renamed the Haynes Automobile Company and Haynes launched a series of publicity campaigns. A parade of 2,000 cars was organized in New York City during 1908 and Haynes, whom many recognized as the inventor of the American automobile, led the parade down Broadway riding in the Pioneer. He was followed by ten Haynes cars, a model from each year to display the advancement in technology", ". On his way to the parade, Haynes was unaware of the city's newly established speeding laws and was arrested for driving too fast—in a car with a top speed of —and taken to jail. He was soon able to see a magistrate who released him after learning that he was Elwood Haynes and had come to lead the parade. The celebration was intended to be a ten-year commemoration of the invention of the automobile, although earlier self-vehicles dated back nearly twenty years in Europe", ". Haynes donated the Pioneer to the United States Government in 1910 to be placed in the Smithsonian Institution where it is still on display in the National Museum of American History as the second oldest motorized vehicle in the United States.", "Haynes' Model L was his most popular vehicle. First designed in 1905, the three-speed car could travel at and carry four passengers; the company sold over 4,300. Haynes expanded the company significantly in 1908 to accommodate ever-increasing sales. More stock was issued and more capital raised to build a new and larger factory. By 1909 the company was producing 650 cars annually with models priced between $2,500 and $5,500", ". By 1909 the company was producing 650 cars annually with models priced between $2,500 and $5,500. In 1910, Haynes Auto became the first company to build a car with a roof, windshield, headlights, and a speedometer as standard on each vehicle to continue their goal of producing the best luxury vehicles.", "More than 1,000 autos were built by Haynes Automobile Company in 1910 and the company continued to experience growth, until a devastating fire swept the company factory in 1911 and killed one employee. Recovery from the blaze was slow, and it was not until 1913 that the company was able to resume its growth. To continue the promotion of his cars, Haynes organized a trip in which he crossed the country by automobile in 1914", ". The trip gained considerable attention from the press and gave his company publicity and a much needed sales boost in the wake of the fire. Almost every town he visited printed newspaper stories on his invention and many hailed him as the \"Father of the Automobile\".", "Haynes Stellite Company", "Haynes continued his research into ways to produce corrosion resistant metals. While working on alloys for use in spark plugs, he created a metal he named stellite. Realizing the value of his discovery, he patented his first version in 1907. The metal was very resistant to corrosion and had immediate application in tool making and numerous other implementations", ". He continued to experiment with it until 1910 when he published his findings in a paper to the International Congress of Applied Chemistry and the American Institute of Metals, where he held memberships. His final version was completed in 1912 and his patent issued on June 20.", "He applied for another patent on an alloy he called stainless steel, now known as martensitic stainless steel. The Patent Office rejected his application saying that it was not a new alloy. Haynes conceded their point, but submitted a second application and supplied a sample showing the stainlessness of his alloy when created using his exact proportions of metals, and it was granted. At the urging of his wife, he created the first set of stainless steel silverware for her personal use", ". The first piece of stainless steel was forged by Homer Dan Farmer in Haynes laboratory. It was a large meat knife and was donated to the Haynes Museum by the family of Dan Heflin, grandson of Homer Dan Farmer. In later years he claimed to have created stainless steel because she did not enjoy polishing their silver tableware. British metallurgist Harry Brearley independently produced an identical alloy around the same time and applied for an American patent and found that one already existed", ". Brearley had also created other innovations for the metal, but they were of little value without the stainless steel patent. He sought out Haynes and the two decided to pool their findings in a single company to produce the alloy. Haynes sold his stainless steel patent in 1918 to the American Stainless Steel Company, a company Brearley had created with the assistance of investors in Pennsylvania. In exchange he and his estate received royalties on its production until the patent expired in 1930", ". The stock he received as payment allowed him to gain a seat among the company's board of directors and he installed his son, March, to represent him. The income from the transaction led Haynes to begin the accumulation of a large fortune.", "Seeing stellite as a far more valuable metal, he decided to keep its patent for himself and founded the Haynes Stellite Company in Kokomo to produce the metal in September 1912. Many of his initial requests for the metal were from medical tool manufacturers who saw the alloy as the best for surgical tools", ". Because his company could not produce enough of the metal to satisfy demand, Haynes issued licenses to several companies in the United States, Canada, and Europe to produce the alloy and pay him royalties. Haynes strictly controlled production, and did not permit the other licensees to sell stellite in its raw form, but to only sell it as specific finished products. In that way, he remained the only vendor who could sell sheets of the metal", ". In that way, he remained the only vendor who could sell sheets of the metal. As World War I broke out, his company received large government contracts for use of the material. Stellite was found to have excellent applications in airplanes, and because it was non-corrosive and could protect its contents indefinitely, it proved to be the best metal available for ammunition casing. In 1916 alone, the company registered $1.3 million in sales", ". In 1916 alone, the company registered $1.3 million in sales. The rapid growth of the business made Haynes increasingly wealthy and he became a millionaire that year. Despite his large income, he refused to provide his employees a year-end bonus, causing a significant stir in the factory. When a foreman demanded to know the reason that their wages were not raised, he told him, \"It doesn't pay to give the working man too much money—it makes him too independent", ".\" His statement was widely repeated and, although he claimed to have made it in jest, it alienated a large part of his workforce and began a period of labor problems.", "After the war, Haynes Stellite moved to producing tableware, jewelry, and pocket knives. The employees of the company unionized and began to demand wage increases beyond what Haynes believed was fair. The threat of labor strikes and Haynes' desire to avoid the problem led him to sell the company to Union Carbide on April 10, 1920, in exchange for 25,000 shares of Union Carbide stock valued at $2 million. He later made an additional half million from dividends", ". He later made an additional half million from dividends. Other details of the deal were never made public, and Haynes may have made as much $4 million on the sale. After a series of owners, the company is now called Haynes International and is again independent.", "Later life\n\nProhibition", "Haynes was an avid supporter of prohibition and spoke several times on behalf of prohibitionist leader Frank Hanly, lending him both personal and financial support. Hanly advocated the passage of a local option law that allowed most of Indiana to ban liquor sales in 1909. He continued in his support of the Prohibition Party and donated it thousands of dollars and an automobile nicknamed the \"Prohibition Flyer\"", ". He became increasingly involved in the organization and in 1916 he ran for the United States Senate on the prohibition ticket, making many speeches and stumping across the state. He was overwhelmingly defeated, receiving only 15,598 votes out of nearly one million cast. Harry Stewart New, the Republican candidate narrowly won the election by plurality, and Haynes was accused of costing Incumbent Democratic Senator John W. Kern's re-election", ". Kern's re-election. Despite his personal electoral failure, liquor sales were completely banned in Indiana by a 1918 law that went into effect in 1919. With his goals achieved, Haynes switched to join the Republican Party, but was significantly less active in politics thereafter.", "Although Haynes was a prohibitionist, he was a critic of the Indiana Branch of the Ku Klux Klan, which was in the height of its power during the 1910s and 1920s. In letters to friends and fellow prohibitionists, he ridiculed the organization for using violent and illegal tactics to achieve prohibition, and accused them of hypocrisy for supporting many anti-prohibition Democratic politicians", ". Kokomo politics was dominated by the Klan during that period and it is unknown if Haynes spoke publicly against the organization.", "Philanthropy\n\nHaynes purchased a new home on Webster Street in Kokomo in 1915. The home, known as the Haynes Mansion, was large enough to house a personal laboratory for Haynes to work in. As he grew older and became less involved in his businesses, Haynes became increasingly philanthropic. He made regular large donations to the Presbyterian church and became a patron of the Worcester Institute he had attended, providing scholarships and donating funds for expansion.", "He funded the formation of a Young Men's Christian Association in Kokomo where he and his son became active. Haynes taught swimming classes and regularly took underprivileged young boys to movies and bought them dinners. After several years of active membership at the local level, he was elected president of the national YMCA in 1919 and served two one-year terms. His primary focus during his tenure was the launching of several successful membership drives", ". His primary focus during his tenure was the launching of several successful membership drives. In 1920, he was appointed to the Indiana State Board of Education by Governor James P. Goodrich where he advocated increased state funding for vocational education.", "The United States economy went into a recession in the early 1920s and automobile sales decreased. Coupled with increasing competition, Haynes Automobile Company began running into debt problems. Haynes had to use his personal savings to rescue the company in 1921 and pay off some outstanding accounts. A bond drive was launched to raise $1 million to help fund the company through the period, but it fell significantly short of raising enough money. Haynes was the primary purchaser of the bonds", ". Haynes was the primary purchaser of the bonds. Unlike the other large auto companies like Ford and General Motors, Haynes Auto did not have the widespread dealership agreements that were able to sustain their companies through the hard times; his company relied on customer's ordering directly from the factory. Haynes Auto sales quickly began to slip from a peak of nearly 6,000 cars sold in 1922. In 1923 sales dropped to 4,300, and 1,500 in 1924", ". In 1923 sales dropped to 4,300, and 1,500 in 1924. The situation continued to be bleak for the company, and it was forced to declare bankruptcy in October 1924. Haynes sought a merger with multiple other auto companies, including Henry Ford, but partners were not forthcoming and Haynes was forced to agree to a liquidation in 1925. He was held personally responsible for about $95,000 of the company's debt", ". He was held personally responsible for about $95,000 of the company's debt. In addition, he lost $335,700 in stock he held in the company and a substantial amount in investment bonds. In total, the loss cost Haynes an estimated quarter of his net worth.", "Death and legacy", "On January 6, 1925, Haynes, the Apperson brothers, and other automotive pioneers were awarded gold medals by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce at a New York City auto exhibition for their contributions to the industry. On his return trip home, he contracted influenza and his health began to deteriorate rapidly. In March, he asked his son to take over his business interests while he traveled to Florida to seek rest in the warmer climate", ". His condition steadily worsened, causing him to cancel his planned trip to Cuba and return to Kokomo. He remained in his home, attended by his personal physician and a nurse until his death from congestive heart failure on April 13, 1925. Haynes' funeral was held in Kokomo before his interment at the city's Memorial Park cemetery.", "Haynes' fortune had shrunk considerably with the collapse of his auto company. He still held an estimated $2.85 million ($35 million in 2009 chained dollars) in stocks, bonds, and other assets, but almost all of his cash savings were gone. He had already been forced to borrow money using future dividends and royalties as collateral, leaving his family with some difficulty in coming up with funds to maintain his home", ". Haynes' estate was left to his wife who continued to live in the family mansion until her own death from a stroke in August 1933. The family assets were distributed between Bernice and March who separately oversaw their portion of the family's interests. March inherited the family mansion, but sold it in 1957 to Martin J. Caserio, General Manager of the Delco Electronics Division of the General Motors Company who lived there until he was transferred to Detroit in 1964", ". General Motors purchased the house from Caserio at that time so that he could purchase a home in Detroit. GM maintained ownership for about a year (it was vacant) and then sold the mansion in 1965 to Bernice, who donated it to the city of Kokomo. The city converted it into the Elwood Haynes Museum and it has been open to the public since 1967. In January 1944 the SS Elwood Haynes, a Liberty Ship built during World War II, was named in Haynes' honor.", "Haynes is remembered as a pioneer of the American automobile, and as the creator of the first automobile design viable for mass production. He is credited as being one of those primarily responsible for the rapid growth of the natural gas industry in Indiana, a boom that made northern Indiana one of the leading industrial regions of the United States. He is also remembered for his development of stainless steel and stellite, materials that are commonly used across the world today", ". Stellite remains an important metal, as its ability to withstand high temperatures has made it a component in American spacecraft. In July 2015, he was inducted into the 75th class of the Automotive Hall of Fame in Detroit, Michigan.", "Haynes is the grandfather of Margaret Hillis, founder and director of the Chicago Symphony Chorus, and Elwood Hillis, an eight term Congressman representing Indiana's 5th District.\n\nSee also\nElwood Haynes Museum\nHistory of the automobile\nCharles Duryea, also credited with first gasoline auto\n\nReferences\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links", "External links\n\n1857 births\n1925 deaths\nPeople from Kokomo, Indiana\nPeople from Greentown, Indiana\nPeople from Portland, Indiana\nAmerican manufacturing businesspeople\n19th-century American inventors\n20th-century American inventors\nAmerican automotive pioneers\nAmerican Presbyterians\nIndiana Prohibitionists\nInfectious disease deaths in Indiana\nJohns Hopkins University alumni\nPhilanthropists from Indiana\nWorcester Polytechnic Institute alumni\nYMCA leaders\nDeaths from influenza\nInventors from Indiana" ]
Financial crisis
[ "A financial crisis is any of a broad variety of situations in which some financial assets suddenly lose a large part of their nominal value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crises include stock market crashes and the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults", ". Financial crises directly result in a loss of paper wealth but do not necessarily result in significant changes in the real economy (for example, the crisis resulting from the famous tulip mania bubble in the 17th century).", "Many economists have offered theories about how financial crises develop and how they could be prevented. There is no consensus, however, and financial crises continue to occur from time to time.\n\nTypes\n\nBanking crisis", "When a bank suffers a sudden rush of withdrawals by depositors, this is called a bank run. Since banks lend out most of the cash they receive in deposits (see fractional-reserve banking), it is difficult for them to quickly pay back all deposits if these are suddenly demanded, so a run renders the bank insolvent, causing customers to lose their deposits, to the extent that they are not covered by deposit insurance", ". An event in which bank runs are widespread is called a systemic banking crisis or banking panic.", "Examples of bank runs include the run on the Bank of the United States in 1931 and the run on Northern Rock in 2007. Banking crises generally occur after periods of risky lending and resulting loan defaults.\n\nCurrency crisis", "A currency crisis, also called a devaluation crisis, is normally considered as part of a financial crisis. Kaminsky et al. (1998), for instance, define currency crises as occurring when a weighted average of monthly percentage depreciations in the exchange rate and monthly percentage declines in exchange reserves exceeds its mean by more than three standard deviations", ". Frankel and Rose (1996) define a currency crisis as a nominal depreciation of a currency of at least 25% but it is also defined as at least a 10% increase in the rate of depreciation. In general, a currency crisis can be defined as a situation when the participants in an exchange market come to recognize that a pegged exchange rate is about to fail, causing speculation against the peg that hastens the failure and forces a devaluation.", "Speculative bubbles and crashes", "A speculative bubble exists in the event of large, sustained overpricing of some class of assets. One factor that frequently contributes to a bubble is the presence of buyers who purchase an asset based solely on the expectation that they can later resell it at a higher price, rather than calculating the income it will generate in the future", ". If there is a bubble, there is also a risk of a crash in asset prices: market participants will go on buying only as long as they expect others to buy, and when many decide to sell the price will fall. However, it is difficult to predict whether an asset's price actually equals its fundamental value, so it is hard to detect bubbles reliably. Some economists insist that bubbles never or almost never occur.", "Well-known examples of bubbles (or purported bubbles) and crashes in stock prices and other asset prices include the 17th century Dutch tulip mania, the 18th century South Sea Bubble, the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the Japanese property bubble of the 1980s, the crash of the United States housing bubble during 2006-2008. The 2000s sparked a real estate bubble where housing prices were increasing significantly as an asset good.\n\nInternational financial crisis", "When a country that maintains a fixed exchange rate is suddenly forced to devalue its currency due to accruing an unsustainable current account deficit, this is called a currency crisis or balance of payments crisis. When a country fails to pay back its sovereign debt, this is called a sovereign default", ". When a country fails to pay back its sovereign debt, this is called a sovereign default. While devaluation and default could both be voluntary decisions of the government, they are often perceived to be the involuntary results of a change in investor sentiment that leads to a sudden stop in capital inflows or a sudden increase in capital flight.", "Several currencies that formed part of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism suffered crises in 1992–93 and were forced to devalue or withdraw from the mechanism. Another round of currency crises took place in Asia in 1997–98. Many Latin American countries defaulted on their debt in the early 1980s. The 1998 Russian financial crisis resulted in a devaluation of the ruble and default on Russian government bonds.\n\nWider economic crisis", "Wider economic crisis\n\nNegative GDP growth lasting two or more quarters is called a recession. An especially prolonged or severe recession may be called a depression, while a long period of slow but not necessarily negative growth is sometimes called economic stagnation.", "Some economists argue that many recessions have been caused in large part by financial crises. One important example is the Great Depression, which was preceded in many countries by bank runs and stock market crashes. The subprime mortgage crisis and the bursting of other real estate bubbles around the world also led to recession in the U.S. and a number of other countries in late 2008 and 2009.", "Some economists argue that financial crises are caused by recessions instead of the other way around, and that even where a financial crisis is the initial shock that sets off a recession, other factors may be more important in prolonging the recession", ". In particular, Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz argued that the initial economic decline associated with the crash of 1929 and the bank panics of the 1930s would not have turned into a prolonged depression if it had not been reinforced by monetary policy mistakes on the part of the Federal Reserve, a position supported by Ben Bernanke.", "Causes and consequences\n\nStrategic complementarities in financial markets\n\nIt is often observed that successful investment requires each investor in a financial market to guess what other investors will do. George Soros has called this need to guess the intentions of others 'reflexivity'. Similarly, John Maynard Keynes compared financial markets to a beauty contest game in which each participant tries to predict which model other participants will consider most beautiful.", "Furthermore, in many cases, investors have incentives to coordinate their choices. For example, someone who thinks other investors want to heavily buy Japanese yen may expect the yen to rise in value, and therefore has an incentive to buy yen, too. Likewise, a depositor in IndyMac Bank who expects other depositors to withdraw their funds may expect the bank to fail, and therefore has an incentive to withdraw, too. Economists call an incentive to mimic the strategies of others strategic complementarity.", "It has been argued that if people or firms have a sufficiently strong incentive to do the same thing they expect others to do, then self-fulfilling prophecies may occur. For example, if investors expect the value of the yen to rise, this may cause its value to rise; if depositors expect a bank to fail this may cause it to fail. Therefore, financial crises are sometimes viewed as a vicious circle in which investors shun some institution or asset because they expect others to do so.\n\nLeverage", "Leverage, which means borrowing to finance investments, is frequently cited as a contributor to financial crises. When a financial institution (or an individual) only invests its own money, it can, in the very worst case, lose its own money. But when it borrows in order to invest more, it can potentially earn more from its investment, but it can also lose more than all it has. Therefore, leverage magnifies the potential returns from investment, but also creates a risk of bankruptcy", ". Since bankruptcy means that a firm fails to honor all its promised payments to other firms, it may spread financial troubles from one firm to another (see 'Contagion' below).", "The average degree of leverage in the economy often rises prior to a financial crisis. For example, borrowing to finance investment in the stock market (\"margin buying\") became increasingly common prior to the Wall Street Crash of 1929.\n\nAsset-liability mismatch", "Another factor believed to contribute to financial crises is asset-liability mismatch, a situation in which the risks associated with an institution's debts and assets are not appropriately aligned. For example, commercial banks offer deposit accounts that can be withdrawn at any time and they use the proceeds to make long-term loans to businesses and homeowners", ". The mismatch between the banks' short-term liabilities (its deposits) and its long-term assets (its loans) is seen as one of the reasons bank runs occur (when depositors panic and decide to withdraw their funds more quickly than the bank can get back the proceeds of its loans). Likewise, Bear Stearns failed in 2007–08 because it was unable to renew the short-term debt it used to finance long-term investments in mortgage securities.", "In an international context, many emerging market governments are unable to sell bonds denominated in their own currencies, and therefore sell bonds denominated in US dollars instead. This generates a mismatch between the currency denomination of their liabilities (their bonds) and their assets (their local tax revenues), so that they run a risk of sovereign default due to fluctuations in exchange rates.\n\nUncertainty and herd behavior", "Uncertainty and herd behavior\n\nMany analyses of financial crises emphasize the role of investment mistakes caused by lack of knowledge or the imperfections of human reasoning. Behavioural finance studies errors in economic and quantitative reasoning. Psychologist Torbjorn K A Eliazon has also analyzed failures of economic reasoning in his concept of 'œcopathy'.", "Historians, notably Charles P. Kindleberger, have pointed out that crises often follow soon after major financial or technical innovations that present investors with new types of financial opportunities, which he called \"displacements\" of investors' expectations", ". Early examples include the South Sea Bubble and Mississippi Bubble of 1720, which occurred when the notion of investment in shares of company stock was itself new and unfamiliar, and the Crash of 1929, which followed the introduction of new electrical and transportation technologies", ". More recently, many financial crises followed changes in the investment environment brought about by financial deregulation, and the crash of the dot com bubble in 2001 arguably began with \"irrational exuberance\" about Internet technology.", "Unfamiliarity with recent technical and financial innovations may help explain how investors sometimes grossly overestimate asset values. Also, if the first investors in a new class of assets (for example, stock in \"dot com\" companies) profit from rising asset values as other investors learn about the innovation (in our example, as others learn about the potential of the Internet), then still more others may follow their example, driving the price even higher as they rush to buy in hopes of similar profits", ". If such \"herd behaviour\" causes prices to spiral up far above the true value of the assets, a crash may become inevitable. If for any reason the price briefly falls, so that investors realize that further gains are not assured, then the spiral may go into reverse, with price decreases causing a rush of sales, reinforcing the decrease in prices.", "Regulatory failures\n\nGovernments have attempted to eliminate or mitigate financial crises by regulating the financial sector. One major goal of regulation is transparency: making institutions' financial situations publicly known by requiring regular reporting under standardized accounting procedures. Another goal of regulation is making sure institutions have sufficient assets to meet their contractual obligations, through reserve requirements, capital requirements, and other limits on leverage.", "Some financial crises have been blamed on insufficient regulation, and have led to changes in regulation in order to avoid a repeat. For example, the former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has blamed the financial crisis of 2007–2008 on 'regulatory failure to guard against excessive risk-taking in the financial system, especially in the US'. Likewise, the New York Times singled out the deregulation of credit default swaps as a cause of the crisis.", "However, excessive regulation has also been cited as a possible cause of financial crises. In particular, the Basel II Accord has been criticized for requiring banks to increase their capital when risks rise, which might cause them to decrease lending precisely when capital is scarce, potentially aggravating a financial crisis.", "International regulatory convergence has been interpreted in terms of regulatory herding, deepening market herding (discussed above) and so increasing systemic risk. From this perspective, maintaining diverse regulatory regimes would be a safeguard.", "Fraud has played a role in the collapse of some financial institutions, when companies have attracted depositors with misleading claims about their investment strategies, or have embezzled the resulting income. Examples include Charles Ponzi's scam in early 20th century Boston, the collapse of the MMM investment fund in Russia in 1994, the scams that led to the Albanian Lottery Uprising of 1997, and the collapse of Madoff Investment Securities in 2008.", "Many rogue traders that have caused large losses at financial institutions have been accused of acting fraudulently in order to hide their trades. Fraud in mortgage financing has also been cited as one possible cause of the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis; government officials stated on 23 September 2008 that the FBI was looking into possible fraud by mortgage financing companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, and insurer American International Group", ". Likewise it has been argued that many financial companies failed in the because their managers failed to carry out their fiduciary duties.", "Contagion\n\nContagion refers to the idea that financial crises may spread from one institution to another, as when a bank run spreads from a few banks to many others, or from one country to another, as when currency crises, sovereign defaults, or stock market crashes spread across countries. When the failure of one particular financial institution threatens the stability of many other institutions, this is called systemic risk.", "One widely cited example of contagion was the spread of the Thai crisis in 1997 to other countries like South Korea. However, economists often debate whether observing crises in many countries around the same time is truly caused by contagion from one market to another, or whether it is instead caused by similar underlying problems that would have affected each country individually even in the absence of international linkages.", "Interest rate disparity and capital flows", "The nineteenth century Banking School theory of crises suggested that crises were caused by flows of investment capital between areas with different rates of interest. Capital could be borrowed in areas with low interest rates and invested in areas of high interest. Using this method a small profit could be made with little or no capital. However, when interest rates changed and the incentive for the flow was removed or reversed sudden changes in capital flows could occur", ". The subjects of investment might be starved of cash possibly becoming insolvent and creating a credit crunch and the loaning banks would be left with defaulting investors leading to a banking crisis. As Charles Read has pointed out, the modern equivalent of this process involves the Carry Trade, see Carry (investment).", "Recessionary effects", "Some financial crises have little effect outside of the financial sector, like the Wall Street crash of 1987, but other crises are believed to have played a role in decreasing growth in the rest of the economy. There are many theories why a financial crisis could have a recessionary effect on the rest of the economy. These theoretical ideas include the 'financial accelerator', 'flight to quality' and 'flight to liquidity', and the Kiyotaki-Moore model", ". Some 'third generation' models of currency crises explore how currency crises and banking crises together can cause recessions.", "Theories\n\nAustrian theories\n\nAustrian School economists Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek discussed the business cycle starting with Mises' Theory of Money and Credit, published in 1912.\n\nMarxist theories", "Recurrent major depressions in the world economy at the pace of 20 and 50 years have been the subject of studies since Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi (1773–1842) provided the first theory of crisis in a critique of classical political economy's assumption of equilibrium between supply and demand. Developing an economic crisis theory became the central recurring concept throughout Karl Marx's mature work", ". Marx's law of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall borrowed many features of the presentation of John Stuart Mill's discussion Of the Tendency of Profits to a Minimum (Principles of Political Economy Book IV Chapter IV). The theory is a corollary of the Tendency towards the Centralization of Profits.", "In a capitalist system, successfully-operating businesses return less money to their workers (in the form of wages) than the value of the goods produced by those workers (i.e. the amount of money the products are sold for). This profit first goes towards covering the initial investment in the business", ". This profit first goes towards covering the initial investment in the business. In the long-run, however, when one considers the combined economic activity of all successfully-operating business, it is clear that less money (in the form of wages) is being returned to the mass of the population (the workers) than is available to them to buy all of these goods being produced", ". Furthermore, the expansion of businesses in the process of competing for markets leads to an abundance of goods and a general fall in their prices, further exacerbating the tendency for the rate of profit to fall.", "The viability of this theory depends upon two main factors: firstly, the degree to which profit is taxed by government and returned to the mass of people in the form of welfare, family benefits and health and education spending; and secondly, the proportion of the population who are workers rather than investors/business owners", ". Given the extraordinary capital expenditure required to enter modern economic sectors like airline transport, the military industry, or chemical production, these sectors are extremely difficult for new businesses to enter and are being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.", "Empirical and econometric research continues especially in the world systems theory and in the debate about Nikolai Kondratiev and the so-called 50-years Kondratiev waves. Major figures of world systems theory, like Andre Gunder Frank and Immanuel Wallerstein, consistently warned about the crash that the world economy is now facing", ". World systems scholars and Kondratiev cycle researchers always implied that Washington Consensus oriented economists never understood the dangers and perils, which leading industrial nations will be facing and are now facing at the end of the long economic cycle which began after the oil crisis of 1973.", "Minsky's theory\nHyman Minsky has proposed a post-Keynesian explanation that is most applicable to a closed economy. He theorized that financial fragility is a typical feature of any capitalist economy. High fragility leads to a higher risk of a financial crisis. To facilitate his analysis, Minsky defines three approaches to financing firms may choose, according to their tolerance of risk. They are hedge finance, speculative finance, and Ponzi finance. Ponzi finance leads to the most fragility.", "for hedge finance, income flows are expected to meet financial obligations in every period, including both the principal and the interest on loans.\n for speculative finance, a firm must roll over debt because income flows are expected to only cover interest costs. None of the principal is paid off.", "for Ponzi finance, expected income flows will not even cover interest cost, so the firm must borrow more or sell off assets simply to service its debt. The hope is that either the market value of assets or income will rise enough to pay off interest and principal.", "Financial fragility levels move together with the business cycle. After a recession, firms have lost much financing and choose only hedge, the safest. As the economy grows and expected profits rise, firms tend to believe that they can allow themselves to take on speculative financing. In this case, they know that profits will not cover all the interest all the time. Firms, however, believe that profits will rise and the loans will eventually be repaid without much trouble", ". More loans lead to more investment, and the economy grows further. Then lenders also start believing that they will get back all the money they lend. Therefore, they are ready to lend to firms without full guarantees of success.", "Lenders know that such firms will have problems repaying. Still, they believe these firms will refinance from elsewhere as their expected profits rise. This is Ponzi financing. In this way, the economy has taken on much risky credit. Now it is only a question of time before some big firm actually defaults. Lenders understand the actual risks in the economy and stop giving credit so easily. Refinancing becomes impossible for many, and more firms default", ". Refinancing becomes impossible for many, and more firms default. If no new money comes into the economy to allow the refinancing process, a real economic crisis begins. During the recession, firms start to hedge again, and the cycle is closed.", "Banking School theory of crises \nThe Banking School theory of crises describes a continuous cycle driven by varying interest rates. It is based on the work of Thomas Tooke, Thomas Attwood, Henry Thornton, William Jevons and a number of bankers opposed to the Bank Charter Act 1844.", "Starting at a time when short-term interest rates are low, frustration builds up among investors who search for a better yield in countries and locations with higher rates, leading to increased capital flows to countries with higher rates. Internally, short-term rates rise above long-term rates causing failures where borrowing at short term rates has been used to invest long-term where the funds cannot be liquidated quickly (a similar mechanism was implicated in the March 2023 failure of SVB Bank)", ". Internationally, arbitrage and the need to stop capital flows, which caused bullion drains in the gold standard of the nineteenth century and drains of foreign capital later, bring interest rates in the low-rate country up to equal those in the country which is the subject of investment.", "The capital flows reverse or cease suddenly causing the subject of investment to be starved of funds and the remaining investors (often those who are least knowledgeable) to be left with devalued assets. Bankruptcies, defaults and bank failures follow as rates are pushed high. After the crisis governments push short-term interest rates low again to diminish the cost of servicing government borrowing which has been used to overcome the crisis", ". Funds build up again looking for investment opportunities and the cycle restarts from the beginning.", "Coordination games", "Mathematical approaches to modeling financial crises have emphasized that there is often positive feedback between market participants' decisions (see strategic complementarity). Positive feedback implies that there may be dramatic changes in asset values in response to small changes in economic fundamentals", ". For example, some models of currency crises (including that of Paul Krugman) imply that a fixed exchange rate may be stable for a long period of time, but will collapse suddenly in an avalanche of currency sales in response to a sufficient deterioration of government finances or underlying economic conditions.", "According to some theories, positive feedback implies that the economy can have more than one equilibrium. There may be an equilibrium in which market participants invest heavily in asset markets because they expect assets to be valuable. This is the type of argument underlying Diamond and Dybvig's model of bank runs, in which savers withdraw their assets from the bank because they expect others to withdraw too", ". Likewise, in Obstfeld's model of currency crises, when economic conditions are neither too bad nor too good, there are two possible outcomes: speculators may or may not decide to attack the currency depending on what they expect other speculators to do.", "Herding models and learning models\n\nA variety of models have been developed in which asset values may spiral excessively up or down as investors learn from each other. In these models, asset purchases by a few agents encourage others to buy too, not because the true value of the asset increases when many buy (which is called \"strategic complementarity\"), but because investors come to believe the true asset value is high when they observe others buying.", "In \"herding\" models, it is assumed that investors are fully rational, but only have partial information about the economy. In these models, when a few investors buy some type of asset, this reveals that they have some positive information about that asset, which increases the rational incentive of others to buy the asset too", ". Even though this is a fully rational decision, it may sometimes lead to mistakenly high asset values (implying, eventually, a crash) since the first investors may, by chance, have been mistaken. Herding models, based on Complexity Science, indicate that it is the internal structure of the market, not external influences, which is primarily responsible for crashes.", "In \"adaptive learning\" or \"adaptive expectations\" models, investors are assumed to be imperfectly rational, basing their reasoning only on recent experience. In such models, if the price of a given asset rises for some period of time, investors may begin to believe that its price always rises, which increases their tendency to buy and thus drives the price up further", ". Likewise, observing a few price decreases may give rise to a downward price spiral, so in models of this type large fluctuations in asset prices may occur. Agent-based models of financial markets often assume investors act on the basis of adaptive learning or adaptive expectations.", "Global financial crisis \n\nAs the most recent and most damaging financial crisis event, the Global financial crisis, deserves special attention, as its causes, effects, response, and lessons are most applicable to the current financial system.\n\nHistory", "A noted survey of financial crises is This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly , by economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, who are regarded as among the foremost historians of financial crises", ". In this survey, they trace the history of financial crisis back to sovereign defaults – default on public debt, – which were the form of crisis prior to the 18th century and continue, then and now causing private bank failures; crises since the 18th century feature both public debt default and private debt default. Reinhart and Rogoff also class debasement of currency and hyperinflation as being forms of financial crisis, broadly speaking, because they lead to unilateral reduction (repudiation) of debt.", "Prior to 19th century\n\nReinhart and Rogoff trace inflation (to reduce debt) to Dionysius I rule in Syracuse and begin their \"eight centuries\" in 1258; debasement of currency also occurred under the Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire. A financial crisis in 33 A.D. caused by a contraction of money supply had been recorded by several Roman historians.", "Among the earliest crises Reinhart and Rogoff study is the 1340 default of England, due to setbacks in its war with France (the Hundred Years' War; see details). Further early sovereign defaults include seven defaults by the Spanish Empire, four under Philip II, three under his successors.", "Other global and national financial mania since the 17th century include:\n 1637: Bursting of tulip mania in the Netherlands – while tulip mania is popularly reported as an example of a financial crisis, and was a speculative bubble, modern scholarship holds that its broader economic impact was limited to negligible, and that it did not precipitate a financial crisis.", "1720: Bursting of South Sea Bubble (Great Britain) and Mississippi Bubble (France) – earliest of modern financial crises; in both cases the company assumed the national debt of the country (80–85% in Great Britain, 100% in France), and thereupon the bubble burst. The resulting crisis of confidence probably had a deep impact on the financial and political development of France.", "Crisis of 1763 - started in Amsterdam, begun by the collapse of Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky and Leendert Pieter de Neufville's bank, spread to Germany and Scandinavia.\n Crisis of 1772 – in London and Amsterdam. 20 important banks in London went bankrupt after one banking house defaulted (bankers Neal, James, Fordyce and Down)", "France's Financial and Debt Crisis (1783–1788)- France severe financial crisis due to the immense debt accrued through the French involvement in the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) and the American Revolution (1775-1783).\n Panic of 1792 – run on banks in US precipitated by the expansion of credit by the newly formed Bank of the United States\n Panic of 1796–1797 – British and US credit crisis caused by land speculation bubble", "19th century\n Danish state bankruptcy of 1813\n Financial Crisis of 1818 - in England caused banks to call in loans and curtail new lending, draining specie out of the U.S.\n Panic of 1819: pervasive USA economic recession w/ bank failures; culmination of U.S.'s 1st boom-to-bust economic cycle\n Panic of 1825: pervasive British economic recession in which many British banks failed, & Bank of England nearly failed\n Panic of 1837: pervasive USA economic recession w/ bank failures; a 5-year depression ensued", "Panic of 1837: pervasive USA economic recession w/ bank failures; a 5-year depression ensued\n Panic of 1847: a collapse of British financial markets associated with the end of the 1840s railway boom. Also see Bank Charter Act of 1844\n Panic of 1857: pervasive USA economic recession w/ bank failures. The world economy was also more interconnected by the 1850s, which also made the Panic of 1857 the first worldwide economic crisis.\n Panic of 1866: the Overend Gurney crisis (primarily British)", "Panic of 1866: the Overend Gurney crisis (primarily British)\n Black Friday (1869): aka Gold Panic of 1869\n Panic of 1873: pervasive USA economic recession w/ bank failures, known then as the 5 year Great Depression & now as the Long Depression\n Panic of 1884: a panic in the United States centred on New York banks\n Panic of 1890: aka Baring Crisis; near-failure of a major London bank led to corresponding South American financial crises", "Panic of 1893: a panic in the United States marked by the collapse of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing which set off a series of bank failures\n Australian banking crisis of 1893\n Panic of 1896: an acute economic depression in the United States precipitated by a drop in silver reserves and market concerns on the effects it would have on the gold standard", "20th century\n Panic of 1901: limited to crashing of the New York Stock Exchange\n Panic of 1907: pervasive USA economic recession w/ bank failures\n Panic of 1910–1911\n1910: Shanghai rubber stock market crisis\n1914: The Great Financial Crisis (see Aldrich-Vreeland Act)\n Wall Street Crash of 1929, followed by the Great Depression: the largest and most important economic depression in the 20th century\n 1937-1938: an economic downturn that occurred during the Great Depression.", "1937-1938: an economic downturn that occurred during the Great Depression.\n 1973: 1973 oil crisis – oil prices soared, causing the 1973–1974 stock market crash\n Secondary banking crisis of 1973–1975: United Kingdom\n 1980s: Latin American debt crisis – beginning in Mexico in 1982 with the Mexican Weekend\n 1980s-1990: Savings and loan crisis \n Bank stock crisis (Israel 1983)\n 1987: Black Monday (1987) – the largest one-day percentage decline in stock market history\n 1988–1992 Norwegian banking crisis", "1988–1992 Norwegian banking crisis\n 1989–1991: United States Savings & Loan crisis\n 1990: Japanese asset price bubble collapsed\n Early 1990s: Scandinavian banking crisis, Swedish banking crisis, Finnish banking crisis of 1990s\n Early 1990s recession\n 1991: 1991 Indian economic crisis\n 1992–1993: Black Wednesday – speculative attacks on currencies in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism\n 1994–1995: Economic crisis in Mexico – speculative attack and default on Mexican debt", "1994–1995: Economic crisis in Mexico – speculative attack and default on Mexican debt\n 1997–1998: 1997 Asian Financial Crisis – devaluations and banking crises across Asia\n 1998: Russian financial crisis", "21st century\n 2000–2001: 2001 Turkish economic crisis\n 2000: Early 2000s recession\n 1999–2002: Argentine economic crisis (1999-2002)\n 2001: Bursting of dot-com bubble\n 2007–2008: Global financial crisis of 2007–2008\n 2008–2011: Icelandic financial crisis\n 2008–2014: Spanish financial crisis\n 2009–2010: European debt crisis\n 2010–2018: Greek government-debt crisis\n 2013–: Ongoing Venezuelan economic crisis\n 2014: 2014 Brazilian economic crisis\n 2014–2016: Russian financial crisis", "2014: 2014 Brazilian economic crisis\n 2014–2016: Russian financial crisis\n 2018–: Ongoing Turkish currency and debt crisis\n 2019–: Ongoing Sri Lankan currency and debt crisis\n 2019–: Ongoing Lebanese liquidity crisis\n 2020: 2020 stock market crash (especially Black Monday and Black Thursday)\n 2022: Russian financial crisis\n 2022–: Ongoing Pakistani currency and debt crisis", "See also\n\n Bailout\n Bank run\n Credit crunch\n Financial stability\n Flight-to-liquidity\n Global debt levels\n Kondratiev waves\n Lender of last resort\n Liquidity crisis\n Macroprudential policy\n Nikolai Kondratiev\n Real estate bubble\n\nSpecific:\n\n 2000s energy crisis\n 2007–2008 world food price crisis\n Great Depression\n Subprime mortgage crisis\n America's Great Depression\n Great Trade Collapse\n\nLiterature", "General perspectives\n Walter Bagehot (1873), Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market.\n Charles P. Kindleberger and Robert Aliber (2005), Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 ).\n Gernot Kohler and Emilio José Chaves (Editors) \"Globalization: Critical Perspectives\" Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers . With contributions by Samir Amin, Christopher Chase Dunn, Andre Gunder Frank, Immanuel Wallerstein", "Hyman P. Minsky (1986, 2008), Stabilizing an Unstable Economy.\n \n \n Joachim Vogt (2014), Fear, Folly, and Financial Crises – Some Policy Lessons from History, UBS Center Public Papers, Issue 2, UBS International Center of Economics in Society, Zurich.", "Banking crises\n \n Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale (2007), Understanding Financial Crises.\n Charles W. Calomiris and Stephen H. Haber (2014), Fragile by Design: The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.\n Jean-Charles Rochet (2008), Why Are There So Many Banking Crises? The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation.\n R. Glenn Hubbard, ed., (1991) Financial Markets and Financial Crises.", "R. Glenn Hubbard, ed., (1991) Financial Markets and Financial Crises.\n \n Luc Laeven and Fabian Valencia (2008), 'Systemic banking crises: a new database'. International Monetary Fund Working Paper 08/224.\n Thomas Marois (2012), States, Banks and Crisis: Emerging Finance Capitalism in Mexico and Turkey, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK.", "Bubbles and crashes\n Dutton, Roy (2010), Financial Meltdown 2010 (Hardback). Infodial. \n Charles Mackay (1841), Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds\n Didier Sornette (2003), Why Stock Markets Crash, Princeton University Press.\n Robert J. Shiller (1999, 2006), Irrational Exuberance.\n Markus Brunnermeier (2008), 'Bubbles', New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed.\n Douglas French (2009) Early Speculative Bubbles and Increases in the Supply of Money", "Douglas French (2009) Early Speculative Bubbles and Increases in the Supply of Money\n Markus K. Brunnermeier (2001), Asset Pricing under Asymmetric Information: Bubbles, Crashes, Technical Analysis, and Herding, Oxford University Press. .", "International financial crises\n Acocella, N. Di Bartolomeo, G. and Hughes Hallett, A. [2012], ‘Central banks and economic policy after the crisis: what have we learned?’, ch. 5 in: Baker, H.K. and Riddick, L.A. (eds.), ‘Survey of International Finance’, Oxford University Press.\n Paul Krugman (1995), Currencies and Crises.\n Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo (2008), 'Currency crisis models', New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed.", "Maurice Obstfeld (1996), 'Models of currency crises with self-fulfilling features'. European Economic Review 40.\n Stephen Morris and Hyun Song Shin (1998), 'Unique equilibrium in a model of self-fulfilling currency attacks'. American Economic Review 88 (3).\n Barry Eichengreen (2004), Capital Flows and Crises.\n Charles Goodhart and P. Delargy (1998), 'Financial crises: plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose'. International Finance 1 (2), pp. 261–87.", "Jean Tirole (2002), Financial Crises, Liquidity, and the International Monetary System.\n Guillermo Calvo (2005), Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil: Bad Luck or Bad Policy?\n Barry Eichengreen (2002), Financial Crises: And What to Do about Them.\n Charles Calomiris (1998), 'Blueprints for a new global financial architecture'.", "The Great Depression and earlier banking crises\n Murray Rothbard (1962), The Panic of 1819\n Murray Rothbard (1963), America`s Great Depression.\n Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz (1971), A Monetary History of the United States.\n Ben S. Bernanke (2000), Essays on the Great Depression.\n Robert F. Bruner (2007), The Panic of 1907. Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm.", "Recent international financial crises\n Barry Eichengreen and Peter Lindert, eds., (1992), The International Debt Crisis in Historical Perspective.\n Lessons from the Asian financial crisis / edited by Richard Carney. New York, NY : Routledge, 2009. (hardback) (hardback) (ebook) (ebook)\n Robertson, Justin, 1972– US-Asia economic relations : a political economy of crisis and the rise of new business actors / Justin Robertson. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2008. (hbk.) (ebook)", "2007–2012 financial crisis\n Robert J. Shiller (2008), The Subprime Solution: How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do About It. .\n JC Coffee, ‘What went wrong? An initial inquiry into the causes of the 2008 financial crisis’ (2009) 9(1) Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1\n \n Markus Brunnermeier (2009), 'Deciphering the liquidity and credit crunch 2007–2008'. Journal of Economic Perspectives 23 (1), pp. 77–100.", "Paul Krugman (2008), The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. .\n \"The myths about the economic crisis, the reformist left and economic democracy\" by Takis Fotopoulos, The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, vol 4, no 4, Oct. 2008.", "United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law. Working families in financial crisis : medical debt and bankruptcy : hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, 17 July 2007. Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 2008. 277 p. :", "References\n\nExternal links\n Financial Crises: Lessons from History. BBC.\n\nCrisis\n \nSystemic risk\nEconomic bubbles" ]
Marcelo H. del Pilar
[ "Marcelo Hilario del Pilar y Gatmaitán (; ; August 30, 1850July 4, 1896), commonly known as Marcelo H. del Pilar and also known by his nom de plume Pláridel, was a Filipino writer, lawyer, journalist, and freemason. Del Pilar, along with José Rizal and Graciano López Jaena, became known as the leaders of the Reform Movement in Spain.", "Del Pilar was born and brought up in Bulakan, Bulacan. He was suspended at the Universidad de Santo Tomás and imprisoned in 1869 after he and the parish priest quarreled over exorbitant baptismal fees. In the mid-1880s, he expanded his anti-friar movement from Malolos to Manila. He went to Spain in 1888 after an order of banishment was issued against him. Twelve months after his arrival in Barcelona, he succeeded López Jaena as editor of the La Solidaridad (Solidarity)", ". Publication of the newspaper stopped in 1895 due to lack of funds. Losing hope in reforms, he grew favorable of a revolution against Spain. He was on his way home in 1896 when he contracted tuberculosis in Barcelona. He later died in a public hospital and was buried in a pauper's grave.", "On November 15, 1995, the Technical Committee of the National Heroes Committee, created through Executive Order No. 5 by former President Fidel V. Ramos, recommended del Pilar along with the eight Filipino historical figures to be National Heroes. The recommendations were submitted to Department of Education Secretary Ricardo T. Gloria on November 22, 1995. No action has been taken for these recommended historical figures. In 2009, this issue was revisited in one of the proceedings of the 14th Congress.", "Biography\n\nEarly life (1850–1880)", "Marcelo H. del Pilar was born at his family's ancestral home in sitio Cupang, barrio San Nicolás, Bulacán, Bulacan, on August 30, 1850. He was baptized as \"Marcelo Hilario\" on September 4, 1850, at the Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion in Bulacán. Fr. D. Tomas Yson, a Filipino secular priest, performed the baptism, and Lorenzo Alvir, a distant relative, acted as the godfather. \"Hilario\" was the original paternal surname of the family", ". \"Hilario\" was the original paternal surname of the family. The surname of Marcelo's paternal grandmother, \"del Pilar\", was added to comply with the naming reforms of Governor-General Narciso Clavería in 1849.", "Marcelo's parents belonged to the principalía. Both owned vast tracks of rice and sugarcane farms, fish ponds, and an animal-powered mill. Marcelo's father, Julián Hilario del Pilar (1812-1906), was the son of José Hilario del Pilar and María Roqueza. Don Julián was a famous Tagalog grammarian, writer, and speaker. In the municipality of Bulacán, he served as a \"three-time\" gobernadorcillo of the town's pueblo (1831, 1854, 1864-1865) and later held the position of oficial de mesa of the alcalde mayor", ". In the early 1830s, Julián met and married Blasa Gatmaitán (1814-1872?), a descendant of an ancient Tagalog nobility. Known as \"Doña Blasica\", she was the daughter of Nicolas Gatmaitan and Cerapia De Torres. Don Julián and Doña Blasica had ten children: Toribio (priest, deported to the Mariana Islands in 1872), Fernando (father of Gregorio del Pilar), Andrea, Dorotea, Estanislao, Juan, Hilaria (married to Deodato Arellano), Valentín, Marcelo, and María.", "From an early age, del Pilar learned the violin, the piano, and the flute. He also mastered the palasan or rattan cane. In the mid-1850s, del Pilar received early education from his paternal uncle Alejo del Pilar. He pursued his segunda enseñanza at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran under the tutelage of Sr. Mamerto Natividad. The subjects he took there were: Poetry, Doctrina Christiana, Spanish grammar, Latin grammar, Elements of Rhetoric, and Principles of Urbanidad", ". From July 8, 1865 to January 12, 1866, del Pilar studied under Sr. José Flores in Binondo. Afterward, he enrolled at the Universidad de Santo Tomás to study Philosophy. There, del Pilar earned: (1867-1868) Psychology, Fair; Logic, Fair; Moral Philosophy, Fair; Natural History, Good; Arithmetic, Notablemente; Algebra, Very Good; (1868-1869) Metaphysics 1, Very Good; (1869-1870) Metaphysics 2, Very Good; (1870-1871) Physics, Good.", "In 1869, del Pilar quarreled with the parish priest of San Miguel over exorbitant baptismal fees. Shortly after the incident, the judge, Sr. Félix García Gavieres, sent del Pilar to Carcel y Presidio Correccional. He was released after thirty days. Afterward, he resumed his studies at the Universidad de Santo Tomás. He obtained his Bachiller en Filosofía on February 16, 1871. Four and a half months later, on July 2, 1871, del Pilar pursued law.", "In late 1871, del Pilar joined a group of intellectuals in Manila. They gathered at Sr. Enrique Genato's almacén, where they frequently talked about the friars, affairs of the Philippines, liberty of nations, fall of the Carlists, insurrections, and wars.", "On the night of January 20, 1872, the Cavite Mutiny broke out at the arsenal of Fort San Felipe. Del Pilar was living with Fr. Mariano V. Sevilla, a Filipino priest who supported the secularization movement in the 1860s and early 1870s. Del Pilar knew that Fr. Sevilla was associated with the Gomburza. To protect Fr. Sevilla from possible arrest and deportation, del Pilar burned all the letters of the former in his quarters. However, some of Fr. Sevilla and Fr", ". However, some of Fr. Sevilla and Fr. Toribio's letters were found in the quarters of Fr. José Burgos. This resulted in the arrest of both priests on February 21, 1872. As a punishment, Fr. Toribio was tortured and dragged from Malolos to Bulacán. Del Pilar begged the authorities to allow his brother to see their sick mother. As expected, they ignored del Pilar and continued with their barbaric actions. On March 14, 1872, Fr. Toribio and Fr", ". On March 14, 1872, Fr. Toribio and Fr. Sevilla were deported to the Mariana Islands along with other Filipino patriots.", "Out of school, del Pilar worked as oficial de mesa in Pampanga (1874–1875) and Quiapo (1878–1879). In 1876, he resumed his law studies at the Universidad de Santo Tomás. He obtained his licenciado en jurisprudencia, equivalent to a Bachelor of Laws, on March 4, 1881", ". In law school, del Pilar earned: (1871-1872) Canon Law 1, Fair; Roman Law 1, Very Good; (1873-1874) Canon Law 2, Fair; Roman Law 2, Excellent; (1876-1877) Civil and Mercantile Law, Very Good; (1877-1878) Extension of Civil Law and Spanish Civil Codes, Very Good; Penal Law, Very Good; (1878-1879) Public Law, Fair; Administrative Law, Fair; Colonial Legislation, Fair; Economics, Fair; Political and Statistics, Fair; (1879-1880) Judicial Procedures, Excellent; Practice and Oratory Forensics 1", ", Fair; (1879-1880) Judicial Procedures, Excellent; Practice and Oratory Forensics 1, Excellent; Elements of General Literature and Spanish Literature, Excellent", ". No grades were recorded for the years 1880-1881 as del Pilar took six months leave.", "From 1882 to 1887, del Pilar worked as a defense counselor for the Real Audiencia de Manila. During this time he became active in exposing the existing conditions of the Philippines. Del Pilar attended many events such as funeral wakes, baptismal parties, weddings, town fiestas, and cockfights in the cockpits. Using the Tagalog language, he would talk to different kinds of people like laborers, farmers, fishermen, professionals, and businessmen", ". In his house in Trozo, Tondo, del Pilar preached nationalistic and patriotic ideas to the young students of Manila. Mariano Ponce, a high school student at the time, was one of his active listeners. Other listeners who would later become his disciples were Briccio Pantas, Numeriano Adriano, and Apolinario Mabini.", "Anti-friar activities in the Philippines (1880–1888)\nDel Pilar was one of the leading figures of the Philippine anti-friar movement in the late 19th century. After the deportation of his brother in 1872, he worked to destroy the friars' authority and influence on the country's affairs. In La Soberanía Monacal en Filipinas (Monastic Supremacy in the Philippines), del Pilar explained how the friars dominated the economic and political life of the colony:", "Del Pilar, together with Basilio Teodoro Morán and Pascual H. Poblete, founded the short-lived Diariong Tagalog (Tagalog Newspaper) on June 1, 1882. Diariong Tagalog was the first bilingual newspaper in the Philippines and was financed by the wealthy Spanish liberal Francisco Calvo y Múñoz. Del Pilar became the editor of the Tagalog section. José Rizal's essay, El Amor Patrio, was featured in the Diariong Tagalog on August 20, 1882", ". José Rizal's essay, El Amor Patrio, was featured in the Diariong Tagalog on August 20, 1882. Del Pilar translated it into Tagalog language, Ang Pagibig sa Tinubúang Lupà (Love for the Native Land). Diariong Tagalog later experienced financial difficulties and on October 31, 1882, the newspaper ceased publication.", "In early 1884, an election for the gobernadorcillo position was held in the city of Malolos. With the support of the liberal Spanish officials of the town, del Pilar and his group managed to elect their candidate, Mariano Crisóstomo, against the candidates supported by the friar-curate. On March 6 of the same year, a Royal Decree which called for the abolition of the tributo was issued", ". The people who collected the tributes, the cabezas de barangay, were the ones who suffered from this unjust taxation system. They were forced to follow the inaccurate and bloated parochial lists of the friars. They were also obliged to pay for the excess individuals in the mentioned lists. As a result, most of the cabezas became penniless. On June 30 of the same year, another tax reform was introduced in the Philippines. Sr", ". On June 30 of the same year, another tax reform was introduced in the Philippines. Sr. Chinchilla, the intendant of finance, proposed a set of regulations (Articles 52 and 53) which prohibited the friars from altering the tax lists of the cabezas de barangay. Despite the massive support it received, its implementation did not last long. Sr. Chinchilla, after leaving his office, was immediately replaced by Sr. Luna, a pro-friar. The citizens of Malolos, particularly del Pilar, denounced Sr", ". Luna, a pro-friar. The citizens of Malolos, particularly del Pilar, denounced Sr. Luna's measures, and shortly after the latter canceled Sr. Chinchilla's regulations, the whole townsfolk protested. Not much later, del Pilar and the cabezas de barangay of Bulacan confronted a parish priest on the list of taxpayers. The cabezas interpreted the term asesorar / confrontar as cotejar - that is, to correct any inaccuracies by \"comparing\" their tax lists with the parish priest's parochial list. Fr", ". Fr. Felipe García, another friar, did not agree with their interpretation; he declared asesorar / confrontar as copiar (to copy). Refusing \"to copy\" the parochial lists, the cabezas appealed to Vicente Pardo y Bonanza, the alcalde mayor. Sr. Pardo rejected their plea, and like Sr. Luna, took the side of the friars. Despite these setbacks, del Pilar and his group managed to expand their anti-friar activities to Manila and nearby provinces.", "In 1887, during the upcoming fiesta of Our Lady of the Rosary in Binondo, a conflict arose between the gremio de naturales (Native guild), the gremio de chinos (Chinese guild), and the gremio de mestizos de sangley (Chinese mestizo guild). The gobernadorcillo de naturales (native governor) of Binondo, Timoteo Lanuza, wanted the friar-curate of Binondo, Fr. José Hevía de Campomanes, to prioritize the natives over the Chinese in the fiesta. Fr", ". José Hevía de Campomanes, to prioritize the natives over the Chinese in the fiesta. Fr. Hevía, who sided with the Chinese, did not allow Lanuza's request. According to Fr. Hevía, the Chinese and the mestizos should lead the fiesta, because of their past contributions to the construction of the Binondo Church", ". On September 30, 1887, Lanuza, with the secret assistance of del Pilar and José Centeno García (the civil governor of Manila), wrote a petition to Governor-General Emilio Terrero, demanding the natives' right to manage the fiesta. Terrero, a liberal and anti-clerical, approved the petition. He decreed that the gobernadorcillos de naturales should lead all public functions in the country. Embittered by Terrero's decision, Fr. Hevía did not attend the celebration", ". Embittered by Terrero's decision, Fr. Hevía did not attend the celebration. Most of the attendees of the fiesta were the natives and the gobernadorcillos de naturales of Manila. Insulted by Fr. Hevía's action, Terrero removed him as friar-curate of Binondo. All the gobernadorcillos of the Chinese and the mestizos were also removed. The organizer of the fiesta, Juan Zulueta, relied on the instructions of del Pilar.", "In October 1887, during a deadly cholera epidemic, another tension arose between del Pilar's group and the friars. To limit the spread of the epidemic, Benigno Quiroga y López Ballesteros had issued a ban against the entry of cadavers into the churches. The ban took effect on October 18, 1887. In Malolos, gobernadorcillo Manuel Crisóstomo announced Quiroga's decree by means of a bellman. Fr", ". Fr. Felipe García, the friar-curate of Malolos, violated the ban, purportedly because of the fees which the church earned from the funeral wakes. In protest, he paraded through the streets of Malolos the corpse of a cholera victim. The authorities and citizens of Malolos were displeased by Fr. García's action; shortly after the parade, a riot almost broke out. To control the situation, Crisóstomo sought advice from del Pilar", ". To control the situation, Crisóstomo sought advice from del Pilar. Afterward, Crisóstomo reported to the office of Manuel Gómez Florio, the Spanish governor of Bulacan. Gómez Florio, an ally of del Pilar and the Malolos reformists, ordered the arrest of Fr. García. Other friars who violated the ban were reprimanded by the authorities.", "In early 1888, the friars' power was again challenged by the anti-friar forces. On January 21 that year, a memorial to establish a school of \"Arts, Trades, and Agriculture\" was forwarded by del Pilar to the gobernador civil of Bulacan. Signed by the residents of the pueblos of the province, this was supported by liberal officials like Terrero, Quiroga, Centeno, Gómez Florio, and Julio Galindo (the captain of the Guardia Civil)", ". In 1883, the original plan was to establish an orphan asylum managed by the Augustinian friars and financed by the government. When the plan was revised to a school of \"Arts, Trades, and Agriculture\", the Augustinians protested. Quiroga then warned the Augustinians that the project will be managed by the government and not by the church. This angered the Augustinians and the archbishop of Manila even more and they planned to boycott the school's establishment", ". Despite their efforts, the school of agriculture opened in Manila the following year. This incident was another victory for del Pilar and his group.", "In 1887 and 1888, del Pilar wrote a series of anti-friar petitions to the colonial authorities and the Queen Regent. On November 20 and 21, 1887, he wrote the complaints of two Navotas residents, that of Mateo Mariano and the gobernadorcillo de naturales of Navotas, to the civil governor. Del Pilar also prepared, on February 20, 1888, the petition of the gobernadorcillos and residents of Manila to the Governor-General", ". On March 1, 1888, the residents of the districts of Manila and the nearby provinces, led by Doroteo Cortés and José Anacleto Ramos, marched to the office of Centeno. They presented a manifesto addressed to the Queen Regent. This manifesto, entitled Viva España! Viva el Rey! Viva el Ejército! Fuera los Frailes! (Long live Spain! Long live the King! Long live the Army! Throw the friars out!), was believed to be written by Cortés and del Pilar", ". It demanded the friars' expulsion from the Philippines including Manila Archbishop Pedro P. Payo.{{efn|Most of the signers of the anti-friar petition did not know how to read and write Spanish.<ref>Retana, Avisos y profecias, 164</ref>}} A few days later, Centeno resigned as civil governor of Manila. Governor-General Terrero's term also ended the following month", ". Governor-General Terrero's term also ended the following month. General Antonio Moltó, Terrero's successor, ordered the arrest of the organizers of the anti-friar demonstration, abolished Quiroga's decree on funerals, and pardoned Fr. Hevía for his previous offenses. These measures, however, did not affect del Pilar and his group. They continued their anti-friar activities in Malolos where they managed to elect Vicente Gatmaitán as Manuel Crisóstomo's successor.", "Fr. José Rodríguez, an Augustinian parish priest, authored a pamphlet entitled ¡Caiñgat Cayó!: Sa mañga masasamang libro,t, casulatan (Beware!: of bad books and writings, 1888). The friar warned the Filipinos that in reading Rizal's Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not) they commit \"mortal sin\". On August 3 of the same year, del Pilar wrote Caiigat Cayó (Be as Slippery as an Eel) under the pen name Dolores Manapat. It was a reply to Fr. Rodríguez's ¡Caiñgat Cayó!...", "Valeriano Weyler succeeded Moltó as the Governor-General of the Philippines. Known as The Butcher, Weyler ordered the arrest and deportation of the participants of the anti-friar demonstration. Even Spanish officials were not spared. A few days after Weyler's arrival, Manuel Gómez Florio, the Spanish governor of Bulacan, was removed from his position. An arrest warrant was issued against del Pilar, accusing him of being a filibustero and heretic", ". An arrest warrant was issued against del Pilar, accusing him of being a filibustero and heretic. Upon the advice of his friends and relatives, del Pilar left Manila for Spain on October 28, 1888.The night before he left the country, del Pilar stayed at the house of his fellow Bulaqueño, Pedro Serrano y Lactao. Together with Rafael Enriquez, they wrote the Dasalan at Tocsohan (Prayers and Mockeries), a mock-prayer book satirizing the Spanish friars.", ".. They also wrote the Pasióng Dapat Ipag-alab nang Puso nang Tauong Babasa sa Calupitán nang Fraile (The Passion that Should Inflame the Hearts of Those Who Read About the Cruelty of the Friars).. Gregorio del Pilar, del Pilar's nephew, helped distribute these pamphlets in the churches. There was one incident in Malolos, where Gregorio stole copies of Fr. José Rodríguez's Cuestiones de Sumo Interes (Questions of Supreme Interest) from Fr", ". José Rodríguez's Cuestiones de Sumo Interes (Questions of Supreme Interest) from Fr. Felipe García, who had a habit of distributing counter-revolutionary materials after mass. These books were set to be distributed after the mass. Gregorio removed the book covers of Cuestiones de Sumo Interes and pasted Marcelo's pamphlets inside before distributing them after.", "Shortly before his departure, del Pilar formed the Caja de Jesús, María y José. Its objective was to continue propaganda and provide education to indigent children.Filipinos in History: Volume II, National Historical Institute, 1990, p", ".Filipinos in History: Volume II, National Historical Institute, 1990, p. 100 He managed it with the help of compatriots Mariano Ponce, Gregorio Santillán, Mariano Crisóstomo, Pedro Serrano y Lactao, José Gatmaitán, Briccio Pantas, Teodoro Sandiko, Apolinario Mabini, Numeriano Adriano, Doroteo Cortés, Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista, Domingo Franco, Mamerto Natividad, Mariano Alejandrino, Marcelino Santos, Modesto Español, Juan Zulueta, Graciano Bautista, Pedro Dandan, and Fr", ". Rafael Canlapán (the coadjutor of Malolos from 1885 to 1893).. Caja de Jesús, María y José was later discontinued and replaced by Comité de Propaganda (Committee of Propaganda) in Manila.", "Propaganda movement in Spain (1888–1895)", "Del Pilar arrived in Barcelona on January 1, 1889. He headed the political section of the Asociación Hispano-Filipina de Madrid (Hispanic Filipino Association of Madrid), an organization of Filipino and Spanish liberals. On February 17, 1889, del Pilar wrote a letter to Rizal, praising the young women of Malolos for their bravery.Marcelo H. del Pilar letter to José Rizal dated February 17, 1889, in Spanish, in Epistolario Rizalino, vol. 2, ed. Teodoro M", ". 2, ed. Teodoro M. Kalaw (Manila, Philippines: Bureau of Printing), 119–121 These twenty-one young women asked the permission of Governor-General Weyler to allow them to open a night school where they could learn to read and write Spanish. With Weyler's approval and over the objections of Fr. Felipe García, the night school opened in 1889. Del Pilar urged Rizal to write a letter in Tagalog to \"las muchachas de Malolos,\" adding that it would be \"a help for our champions there and in Manila", ".\" In his reply to del Pilar, Rizal shared the handwritten manuscript of the letter he wrote to \"las malolesas.\"", "On April 16, 1889, del Pilar met Miguel Morayta y Sagrario in Barcelona. Morayta, an anticlerical and follower of Emilio Castelar, was one of the Spanish liberals who supported the Filipino cause. He was the History Professor of Rizal at the Universidad Central de Madrid and Grand Master of Masons of the Gran Oriente Español. On April 25, 1889, a banquet honoring Morayta was held by del Pilar and other Filipinos in Spain.", "In the mid-1889, to further damage the friars' influence and authority in the Philippines, del Pilar and his associates sponsored Fr. Nicolás Manrique Alonso Lallave, an ex-Dominican friar (now a Protestant pastor) assigned in Urdaneta, Pangasinan. Governor-General Rafael Izquierdo deported Lallave to Spain after the latter supported the 1870 decree of Segismundo Moret", ". In 1872, Lallave wrote an inflammatory pamphlet, entitled Los Frailes en Filipinas (The Friars in the Philippines), wherein he exposed the atrocities of the friars and asked for the termination of the religious orders. He returned to the Philippines in 1889 to establish a Protestant chapel in Manila. Del Pilar wanted to help Lallave through Serrano y Lactao and Sandiko, but before help arrived, the priest died of an illness on June 5, 1889. Some scholars believed that the friars poisoned Lallave.", "On December 15, 1889, del Pilar succeeded Graciano López Jaena as editor of the La Solidaridad.. Under his editorship, the aims of the newspaper expanded. Using propaganda, it pursued the desires for: assimilation of the Philippines as a province of Spain; removal of the friars and the secularization of the parishes; freedom of assembly and speech; equality before the law; and Philippine representation in the Cortes, the legislature of Spain", ". A tireless editor, del Pilar wrote under several pseudonyms: Pláridel, Dolores Manapat, Piping Dilat, Siling Labuyo, Cupang,. Maytiyaga, Patos, Carmelo, D.A. Murgas, L.O. Crame, Selong, M. Calero, Felipeno, Hilario, Pudpoh, Gregoria de Luna, Dolores Manaksak, M. Dati, and VZKKQJC.", "In February 1890, del Pilar met a former Diariong Tagalog colleague, Francisco Calvo y Múñoz. Calvo y Múñoz was one of the Spanish liberals who helped del Pilar in the campaign for the Philippine representation. Calvo y Múñoz's first efforts were on March 3, 1890. At the time he presented to the members of the Cortes an amendment to Article 25 of the Spanish Universal Suffrage Bill.", ".. Signed by six deputies, Calvo y Múñoz's amendment called for the restoration of the Philippine parliamentary representation and the election of three deputies from the Philippines. Famous Spanish politicians and liberals were present during Calvo y Múñoz's presentation: Manuel Becerra, the overseas minister under Práxedes Mateo Sagasta; and Antonio Ramos Calderón, a member of Sagasta's Liberal Party. Both spoke after Calvo y Múñoz's presentation", ". Both spoke after Calvo y Múñoz's presentation. They praised Calvo y Múñoz's intention to restore the Philippine parliamentary representation; however, the two rejected the amendment's early implementation. Despite their statements and judgements, del Pilar, with the help of the Asociación Hispano-Filipina de Madrid, held banquets in honor of Calvo y Múñoz, Becerra, and Ramos Calderón. Del Pilar also featured their speeches in the next issue of La Solidaridad", ". Del Pilar also featured their speeches in the next issue of La Solidaridad. In a letter dated April 29, 1890, del Pilar said that if Agustín de Burgos y Llamas will succeed Weyler as Governor-General, he may appoint Calvo y Múñoz as the new Director-General of Civil Administration but first the latter should introduce the bill on Philippine representation to the Cortes. Calvo y Múñoz agreed with del Pilar's advice and proposed a more considerate bill the next month.", ". Calvo y Múñoz agreed with del Pilar's advice and proposed a more considerate bill the next month.. While Calvo y Múñoz was away, del Pilar talked to many deputies to assist in the approval of the bill. On July 3, 1890, the bill's passage was halted after the liberal Sagasta was replaced by the conservative Antonio Cánovas del Castillo as Prime Minister of Spain.. Del Pilar maintained good relations with the Liberals despite the fell of Sagasta.", "In the late 1890, a rivalry developed between del Pilar and Rizal. This was mainly due to the difference between del Pilar's editorial policy and Rizal's political beliefs. On January 1, 1891, about 90 Filipinos gathered in Madrid. They agreed that a Responsable (leader) be elected. Camps were drawn into two, the Pilaristas and the Rizalistas. The first voting for the Responsable started on the first week of February 1891", ". The first voting for the Responsable started on the first week of February 1891. Rizal won the first two elections but the votes counted for him did not reach the needed two-thirds vote fraction. After Mariano Ponce, instructed by del Pilar, pleaded to the Pilaristas, Rizal was elected Responsable. Rizal, knowing the Pilaristas did not like his political beliefs, respectfully declined the position and transferred it to del Pilar. He then packed up his bags and boarded a train leaving for Biarritz, France", ". He then packed up his bags and boarded a train leaving for Biarritz, France. Inactive in the Reform Movement, Rizal ceased his contribution of articles on La Solidaridad.", "After the incident, del Pilar wrote a letter of apology to Rizal. Rizal responded and said that he stopped writing for La Solidaridad for reasons: first, he needed time to work on his second novel El filibusterismo (The Reign of Greed); second, he wanted other Filipinos in Spain to work also; and lastly, he could not lead an organization without solidarity in work. Del Pilar and Rizal continued to correspond until the latter's exile to Dapitan in July 1892.", "In his later years, del Pilar rejected the assimilationist stand. Writing to his brother-in-law Deodato Arellano on March 31, 1891, he explained his ultimate goal:", "On December 11, 1892, Sagasta returned as Prime Minister of Spain with Antonio Maura as the new overseas minister. On December 15, 1892, and January 15, 1893, del Pilar published two articles on La Solidaridad, entitled Ya es tiempo (Is it About Time!) and Insistimos (We Insist), wherein he reminisced the Liberals' pledges and the amendment introduced by Calvo y Múñoz in 1890. Months later, Maura passed two decrees in the Philippines, all put into effect in 1895", ". Months later, Maura passed two decrees in the Philippines, all put into effect in 1895. The first decree, The Royal Decree of May 19, 1893, was a law that laid the basic foundations for municipal government in the Philippines. It established tribunales, municipales and juntas provinciales. The second decree, The Royal Decree of February 13, 1894, was known as the Maura Act and grew out of a proposal made in the 1820s by Manuel Bernaldez, a long-serving colonial official", ". Its preamble declared that it would \"insure to the natives, in the future, whenever it may be possible, the necessary land for cultivation, in accordance with traditional usages.\". Despite the passage of these laws, talks regarding the Philippine representation were not entertained. In March 1894, Maura resigned as overseas minister and was replaced by Becerra. Becerra, however, became less sympathetic on the representation of the Philippines and the reforms he proposed", ". Knowing this, del Pilar approached Emilio Junoy, a friendly deputy and editor-in-chief of La Publicidad. On February 21, 1895, Junoy presented to the Cortes a petition bearing seven thousand signatures.. Two weeks later, on March 8, 1895, Junoy delivered a speech to the Spanish Congress wherein he discussed a proposed bill representing the Philippines. On March 23, 1895, Cánovas del Castillo replaced Sagasta again as Prime Minister of Spain thus ending the chances of the bill to be implemented.", "After years of publication from 1889 to 1895, funding of the La Solidaridad became scarce. Comité de Propaganda's contribution to the newspaper stopped and del Pilar funded the newspaper almost on his own. Advised by Mabini,. del Pilar stopped the publication of La Solidaridad on November 15, 1895, with 7 volumes and 160 issues. In del Pilar's farewell editorial, he said:", "Later years, illness, and death (1895–1896)", "Del Pilar contracted tuberculosis in the spring of 1895. The following year, he decided to return to the Philippines to lead a revolution. His illness worsened that he had to cancel his journey. On June 20, 1896, he was taken to the Hospital de la Santa Cruz in Barcelona. Del Pilar died at 1:15 a.m. on July 4, 1896, over a month before the Cry of Pugad Lawin.", ". Del Pilar died at 1:15 a.m. on July 4, 1896, over a month before the Cry of Pugad Lawin.. According to Mariano Ponce's account of his death, his last words were: \"Please tell my family that I was not able to say goodbye, but that I died with my true friends around me… Pray to God for the good fortune of our country. Continue with your work to attain the happiness and freedom of our beloved country.\" He was buried the following day in a borrowed grave at the Cementerio del Sub-Oeste (Southwest Cemetery)", ". Before dying, del Pilar retracted from Masonry and received the sacraments of the church.", "Reactions after death\n\n On July 15, 1896, La Politica de España en Filipinas paid tribute to del Pilar by calling him \"the greatest journalist ever produced by the purely Filipino race.\" \n In 1897, former Governor-General Ramón Blanco declared del Pilar as \"the most intelligent leader, the real soul of the separatists, very superior to Rizal.\" \n In La Independencia (1898), Mariano Ponce described del Pilar as \"a tireless propagandist\" whose powerful intelligence was respected \"even by his enemies.\"", "Return of del Pilar's remains and final interment", "In 1920, Norberto Romuáldez was commissioned to locate del Pilar's remains. With the help of Joaquín Pellicena y Camacho, the body was exhumed and placed in an urn. Alicante, the ship carrying del Pilar's remains, arrived in Manila on December 3, 1920. From Pier 3 the body was transferred to the Funeraria Nacional. It was taken to Malolos, Bulacan on December 6, 1920. The following day, it was transferred to del Pilar's birthplace in Bulakan, Bulacan", ". The following day, it was transferred to del Pilar's birthplace in Bulakan, Bulacan. On December 11, 1920, the body lay in state at the Manila Grand Opera House. A necrological service was held at the Salon de Marmol on December 12, 1920. Filipino officials who attended the service were: Manuel C. Briones, representative from Cebu's 1st District; Rafael Palma, senator of the Philippines from the 4th Senatorial District; Teodoro M", ". Kalaw, secretary of the interior and local government; del Pilar's colleagues in Barcelona and Madrid, Trinidad Pardo de Tavera and Dominador Gómez; Victorino M. Mapa, 2nd Chief Justice of the Philippines; Manuel L. Quezon, senate president of the Philippines; and Sergio Osmeña, 1st Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives. Del Pilar's wife and two daughters were present during the ceremony", ". Del Pilar's wife and two daughters were present during the ceremony. After the service, del Pilar was interred at the Mousoleo de los Veteranos de la Revolución in the Manila North Cemetery.", "Del Pilar's remains were transferred to his birthplace on August 30, 1984. His remains were laid to rest under his monument.\n\nPersonal life", "Marriage, children, and grandchildren", "In February 1878, del Pilar married his second cousin Marciana (Chanay) in Tondo. The couple had seven children, five girls and two boys: Sofía, José, María Rosario, María Consolación, María Concepción, José Mariano Leon, and Ana (Anita). Sofía and Anita, the oldest and youngest child, survived to adulthood. On March 12, 1912, Anita married Vicente Marasigan Sr., a businessman from Taal, Batangas. She and her husband had six children: Leticia, Vicente, Benita, Josefina, Antonia, and Marcelo.", "Hardships in Spain", "Del Pilar's last years in Spain saw his descent into extreme poverty. In a letter to his wife Marciana on August 17, 1892, he wrote: \"For my meals, I have to approach friends for loans, day after day. To be able to smoke, I have gone to the extreme of picking up cigarette butts in the streets", ". To be able to smoke, I have gone to the extreme of picking up cigarette butts in the streets.\" In another letter to his wife on August 3, 1893, he told her about his frequent nightmares: \"I always dream that I have Anita on my lap and Sofía by her side; that I kiss them by turns and that both tell me: 'Remain with us, papá, and don't return to Madrid'. I awake soaked in tears, and at this very moment that I write this, I cannot contain the tears that drop from my eyes", ".\" In June 1893, del Pilar's relatives were able to send money so that he could return to the Philippines. However, his friends (Regidor, Torres, Blumentritt, Morayta, and Quiroga) advised him to stay in Spain. In a letter to his wife on December 21, 1893, he said: \"I am afraid of being too hasty, because in view of my present situation, a wrong step on my part will injure many persons, and even if I should pass out of this life, my compatriots would continue to accuse me of imprudence", ". Note that an error of Rizal's did harm to many (the 1887 Calamba trouble).\"", "Health\nDel Pilar's health was declining before contracting tuberculosis in 1895. He suffered from insomnia, dengue, influenza, rheumatism, and neck tumor..\n\nConnection with the Katipunan", "Some historiansArturo Ma. Misa, Del Pilar and the Katipunan (Manila: The Philippines Free Press, 1959). believe that del Pilar had a direct hand in the Katipunan and its organization because of his role in the Propaganda Movement and his eminent position in Philippine Masonry; most of the Katipunan's founders and members were freemasons. The Katipunan had initiation ceremonies that were copied from masonic rites. It also had a hierarchy of rank that was similar to that of freemasonry.", "Rizal's Spanish biographer Wenceslao Retana and Filipino biographer Juan Raymundo Lumawag saw the formation of the Katipunan as del Pilar's victory over Rizal: \n\nIn the Revista Filipina, Epifanio de los Santos explained del Pilar's role in the validation of the Katipunan statutes: \n\nBonifacio was also guided by the letters of del Pilar, considering them as \"sacred relics\" of the revolution.\n\nAlleged testimonies of some Katipuneros", "Alleged testimonies of some Katipuneros\n\nSome Katipuneros have testified that del Pilar instigated the Katipunan. Dr. Jim Richardson, however, questioned the validity of their declarations.\n\nPío Valenzuela\nOn September 3, 1896, Pío Valenzuela said that del Pilar had been the President of the Associates of the Katipunan living in Spain.", "José Dizon\nWhen the Katipunan was uncovered, José Dizon was among the hundreds who were arrested for rebellion. On September 23, 1896, Dizon was interrogated by Spanish authorities. When asked who carried the instructions for the establishment of the Katipunan, Dizon replied, \"Moisés Salvador, he carried with him the instructions of Marcelo H. del Pilar from Madrid... Salvador forwarded the instructions to Deodato Arellano and Andrés Bonifacio\".", "Águedo del Rosario\nOn June 28, 1908, Águedo del Rosario said that del Pilar had initiated the formation of the Katipunan. Del Pilar, at the time of the Katipunan's founding, was living in Barcelona.", "Historical remembrance\n\"Father of Philippine Journalism\"\nFor his 150 essays and 66 editorials mostly published in La Solidaridad and various anti-friar pamphlets, del Pilar is widely regarded as the \"Father of Philippine Journalism.\"Samahang Plaridel, an organization of veteran journalists and communicators, was founded in October 2003 to honor del Pilar's ideals. It also promotes mutual help, cooperation, and understanding among Filipino journalists.\n\n\"Father of Philippine Masonry\"", "\"Father of Philippine Masonry\"\n\nDel Pilar was initiated into Freemasonry in 1889. He became an active member of the lodge Revolución in Barcelona. Other members of the lodge were Celso Mir Deas, Ponce, José María Panganiban, López Jaena, Justo Argudin, and Juan José Cañarte. On December 10, 1889, del Pilar joined the revived lodge Solidaridad No. 53 in Madrid. He became its second venerable master, replacing Julio A. Llorente.", "Del Pilar worked for the establishment of Filipino Masonic lodges. In 1891, he sent Serrano y Lactao to the Philippines to establish Nilad, the first Filipino Masonic lodge. In 1893, del Pilar also formed the Gran Consejo Regional de Filipinas, the first national organization of Filipino Masons. With these, he earned recognition as the \"Father of Philippine Masonry.\"\n\nThe Masonic Grand Lodge of the Philippines, located at 1440 San Marcelino Street in Ermita, Manila, is named Plaridel Masonic Temple.", "Historical commemoration", "The Marcelo H. del Pilar Shrine was erected in honor of del Pilar. At the center of the 4,027 square meter site is his 10 feet high monument, made by local sculptor Apolinario Bulaong. At the back of the stadium and the monument stands the mausoleum of the del Pilar family. A two-storey museum library constructed in 1998 can be found at the back of the site. Currently, the shrine is under the management of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.", "Monuments erected in his honor can be found in Malolos, Paombong, Malate, and Parañaque.\n In 1969, a bronze bust of del Pilar was modelled by classical realist sculptor Anastacio Caedo.\n One of the Plaza Miranda's four corners, \"Plaridel Corner\", was named after del Pilar. The commemorative plaque, written in Filipino language, bears the following quotation attributed to Voltaire.\n Quingua, a 1st class municipality in the province of Bulacan, was renamed as \"Plaridel\" in honor of del Pilar.", "A 3rd class municipality in the province of Misamis Occidental was named \"Plaridel\" in honor of del Pilar.\n A 5th class municipality in the province of Quezon was named \"Plaridel\" in honor of del Pilar.\n A north–south street connecting Ermita and Malate districts is named Marcelo H. del Pilar Street. It was formerly known as Calle Real (Spanish for \"royal street\") which served as an arterial road that linked the southern provinces with Manila. In 1921, it was renamed after del Pilar.", "North Luzon Expressway (NLEX), an limited-access toll expressway that links the provinces of Central Luzon to Metro Manila, was formerly known as the Marcelo H. del Pilar Superhighway.\n One of the streets in Silay City, Negros Occidental is named \"Plaridel Street\". The Angel Araneta Ledesma Ancestral House is located along the street.\n Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School, a secondary school located in Malolos, is named in honor of del Pilar.", "The building which houses the Graduate School in Polytechnic University of the Philippines was named after del Pilar.\n The building which houses the College of Mass Communication in UP Diliman is named Plaridel Hall in his memory.\n Del Pilar was the inspiration for the U.P. Gawad Plaridel awarded by the College of Mass Communication to outstanding Filipino media practitioners.\n Marcelo H. del Pilar was featured on obverse of the Philippine fifty centavo coin in 1967–72 and again in 1983–94.", "Del Pilar and Graciano López Jaena appear on the obverse side of a five peso Philippine banknote circulated between 1951 and 1974.\nA 5 centavo postage stamp featuring del Pilar was released on March 3, 1952.\nOn April 13, 2022, President Rodrigo Duterte signed Republic Act No. 11699, declaring del Pilar's birth date as National Press Freedom Day, a working holiday.", "Del Pilar in popular culture\n Portrayed by John Arcilla in the 1996 TV Series Bayani. \n Portrayed by Dennis Marasigan in the Filipino film José Rizal (1998).\n Portrayed by Mike Liwag in the TV series Ilustrado (2014).\n Del Pilar was featured in the Philippine television news magazine show iJuander.\n\nNotable works", "Published during del Pilar's lifetime\n Ang Pagibig sa Tinubúang Lupà (Love for the Native Land, Tagalog translation of Rizal's El Amor Patrio published in the Diariong Tagalog, August 20, 1882)\n La Solídaridad (various articles and essays published under the pen names Pláridel, Carmelo, Patós, D.A. Murgas, and L.O. Crame)\n En Filipinas Quien Manda? (Who is the Master in the Philippines?, published in La Publicidad, December 23, 1887)", "El Monaquismo en Filipinas (Monasticism in the Philippines, published in El Diario under the pen name Piping Dilat, January 12, 1888)\n Viva España! Viva el Rey! Viva el Ejército! Fuera los Frailes! (Long live Spain! Long live the King! Long live the Army! Throw the friars out!, 1888)\n Caiigat Cayó (Be as Slippery as an Eel, published under the pen name Dolores Manapat, August 3, 1888) \n Ang Cadaquilaan nang Dios (The Greatness of God, 1888).", "Ang Cadaquilaan nang Dios (The Greatness of God, 1888).\n Noli Me Tángere. Ante el Odio Monacal. (Noli Me Tangere. The Hatred of the Monks., published in La Publicidad under the pen name Pláridel, July 10, 11, 12 and 13, 1888)\n Filipinas Ante la Opinion (The Philippines and Public Opinion, published in El Diluvio, July 27, 1888)\n La Soberanía Monacal en Filipinas (Monastic Supremacy in the Philippines, published under the pen name MH. Pláridel, 1888)", "Dasalan at Tocsohan (Prayers and Mockeries, published under the pen name Dolores Manaksak, 1888)\n Pasióng Dapat Ipag-alab nang Puso nang Tauong Babasa sa Calupitán nang Fraile (The Passion that Should Inflame the Hearts of Those Who Read About the Cruelty of the Friars, 1888)\n Relegacion Gubernativa (Governmental Relegation, published in El Diluvio under the pen name Piping Dilat, January 24, 1889)", "La Asociación Hispano-Filipina (The Asociacion Hispano-Filipina, published in La Publicidad under the pen name Pláridel, January 30, 1889)\n La Frailocracía Filipina (Friarocracy in the Philippines, published under the pen name MH. Pláridel, 1889)\n Sagót nang España sa Hibíc nang Filipinas (Spain's Reply to the Cry of the Philippines, 1889)\n El Triunfo de la Remora en Filipinas (The Triumph of the Enemies of Progress in the Philippines, published in El País under the pen name Pláridel, February 28, 1890)", "Prologo (Prologue of Filipinas en las Cortes, 1890)\n Arancel de los Derechos Parroquiales en las Islas Filipinas publicado con su traduccion tagala (Tagalog translation of Arancel de los Derechos Parroquiales en las Islas Filipinas, 1890)\n Exposicion de la Asociación Hispano-Filipina (Memorial of the Asociacion Hispano-Filipina, February 1, 1892)\n Para Rectificar (A Correction, published in La Justicia, February 11, 1892)", "Para Rectificar (A Correction, published in La Justicia, February 11, 1892)\n Otro Peligro Colonial (Another Colonial Danger, published in El Globo, January 19, 1895)\n Canal Bashi (The Bashi Channel, published in El Globo, January 26, 1896)\n Ministerio dela República Filipina (Ministry of the Philippine Republic, 1896)\n La Patria (The Fatherland, 1896)", "Published posthumously\n Dupluhan... Dalits... Bugtongs (A Poetical Contest in Narrative Sequence, Psalms, Riddles, 1907).\n Pagina Especial Para la Mujer Filipina (Special Page for the Filipino Woman, published in El Renacimiento, August 28, 1909)", "Unpublished works\n Sa Bumabasang Kababayan Discurso en El Meeting del Teatro Martin de Madrid (Speech at the Meeting in the Teatro Martin, Madrid)\n Esbozos de Un Codigo Internacional (Spanish translation of David Dudley Field's Outlines of an International Code)\n Proyecto de Estatutos de la Sociedad Financiera de Socorros Mutuos, Titulada la Paz (Proposed by-Laws of the Sociedad Financiera de Socorros Mutuos, Titulada la Paz)\n Reglas de Sintaxis Inglesa (Spanish translation of Rules of English Syntax)", "Reglas de Sintaxis Inglesa (Spanish translation of Rules of English Syntax)\n Progreso del Jefe Gomez: Rapida y Prontamente el Rebelde Principal Trastorna Todas las Combinaciones Españoles (The Progress of Chief Gomez: The Principal Rebel Leader Rapidly and Promptly Upsets All Spanish Combinations'')", "See also\nGawad Pláridel Award\nKatipunan\nLa Solidaridad\nPhilippine Revolution\nPropaganda Movement\n\nReferences\n\nNotes\n\nCitations\n\nBibliography\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links\n\n BAYANIart: Marcelo del Pilar Biography\n PLARIDEL: Hindi lang propagandista, siya ang utak ng Katipunan\n Bulacan, Philippines: Tourism: Marcelo H. del Pilar Shrine \n ¡Caiñgat Cayo!\n Philippine History – Plaridel\n The Philippine Revolution: La Solidaridad", "1850 births\n1896 deaths\nColegio de San Juan de Letran alumni\n19th-century deaths from tuberculosis\n19th-century Filipino writers\nClerks\nPeople of the Philippine Revolution\nPeople from the Spanish East Indies\nFilipino exiles\nExpatriates in Spain\nFilipino Freemasons\nFilipino journalists\n19th-century Filipino lawyers\nFilipino nationalists\nFilipino Resistance activists\nFilipino writers\nTagalog people\nTuberculosis deaths in Spain\nWriters from Bulacan\nSpanish-language writers of the Philippines", "Tuberculosis deaths in Spain\nWriters from Bulacan\nSpanish-language writers of the Philippines\nTagalog-language writers\nUniversity of Santo Tomas alumni\n19th-century journalists\nMale journalists\n19th-century male writers\nFilipino newspaper editors\nFilipino propagandists" ]
List of EastEnders characters (2011)
[ "The following are characters who first appeared, or returned, in the BBC soap opera EastEnders during 2011 listed by order of first appearance. New characters were introduced by Bryan Kirkwood, executive producer.", "The first main character to be announced was Eddie Moon, played by singer David Essex, who would be the father of Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd). Poppy Meadow (Rachel Bright) was introduced in January 2011 as the best friend of Jodie Gold (Kylie Babbington), and Rob Grayson (Jody Latham) joined the series in February, as did Shenice Quinn (Lily Harvey). Ashley Chubb (Colin Mace) was introduced in March as the father of established character Fatboy (Ricky Norwood)", ". In April, Janine Butcher's (Charlie Brooks) maternal grandmother, Lydia Simmonds (Margaret Tyzack/Heather Chasen), and Tanya Branning (Jo Joyner) and Rainie Cross' (Tanya Franks) mother, Cora Cross (Ann Mitchell), both joined the series and Martin (Alasdair Harvey) was introduced as the new love interest for Jane Beale (Laurie Brett)", ". Eddie's sons Tyler (Tony Discipline) and Anthony Moon (Matt Lapinskas) were announced in May along with Dot Branning's (June Brown) half-sister, Rose Cotton (Polly Perkins) and her son Andrew (Ricky Grover). Lola Pearce (Danielle Harold), the granddaughter of Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) and Julie Perkins (Cathy Murphy), was announced in June along with Norman Simmonds (George Layton), Lydia's son", ". A fourth Moon brother was introduced in September, Craig (Elliot Rosen), as well as Faith Olubunmi (Modupe Adeyeye), the younger sister of Mercy Olubunmi (Bunmi Mojekwu). In October, Syed (Marc Elliott) and Amira Masood's (Preeya Kalidas) daughter Yasmin arrives and Mark Garland (Chris Simmons) was introduced as a new love interest for Kat Moon (Jessie Wallace).", "Poppy Meadow", "Poppy Meadow, played by Rachel Bright, was introduced by executive producer Bryan Kirkwood on 11 January 2011 as the best friend of established character Jodie Gold (Kylie Babbington) in scenes filling in for those cut from a controversial baby-swap storyline. Poppy returned to the series in June 2011 as a supporting character and comedy element, in a move that was generally welcomed by the tabloid press; her storylines focused on her friendship with Jodie and their intertwined love lives", ". Both Jodie and Poppy left the series on 14 November 2011, but the possibility was left open for Poppy to return in the future. In June 2012 Bright reprised her role as Poppy, quickly moving into Walford and resuming her employment at the local beauty salon. Bright filmed her final scenes before Christmas 2013 and Poppy departed in the last week of January 2014.", "Rob Grayson\n\nRob Grayson, played by Jody Latham, is a pimp who exploits Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) for financial gain. His first appearance was on 22 February 2011, and he appeared until a special Comic Relief episode on 18 March 2011. He made a short return from 19 August 2011 until 26 August 2011.", "He first appears when he witnesses Whitney attempting to pickpocket a man but ending up with cuts on her face. Rob rescues her from the situation, and buys her a meal. He gives her his number so she can contact him any time she needs to get away from Walford, before taking her home. They stay in contact and Rob is seen showing a friend a photo of Whitney. When Whitney either rejects or is rejected by all her friends and family, she contacts Rob and he takes her to stay with him", ". After Whitney has been missing for several days, Lauren Branning (Jacqueline Jossa) tries to phone her, leaving several messages. When she finally gets a voicemail back, it is from Rob saying if she calls again, there will be trouble.", "Lauren tracks Whitney down to Dartford, but Whitney insists she is fine with Rob, and that they are in love. Rob meets Lauren at their bedsit and invites her out with them, but Lauren leaves. Rob then leaves Whitney alone with Chris (Richard Simons) and it is revealed that Rob is using Whitney to pay off his debts. Rob meets Lauren in a café and again invites her out and calls her beautiful. He then threatens her, saying he does not want to see her again", ". He then threatens her, saying he does not want to see her again. When Rob returns to the bedsit, Whitney is there with Janine Malloy (Charlie Brooks), who says she is taking Whitney home. Whitney refuses to go and Rob ejects Janine from the building. Rob then tells Whitney they are going out immediately, and drags her to the car as she refuses to go. Lauren and Janine watch as Rob drives away with Whitney. Rob takes Whitney to a house where she meets Chloe (Georgia Henshaw), another girl being exploited", ". Rob takes Whitney to a house where she meets Chloe (Georgia Henshaw), another girl being exploited. Whitney realises she is there to have sex with men, so asks Rob if she can leave. Rob says to either be nice to his friends or he will hurt her. He grabs her and locks her in a room. She is unable to open the windows so when she hears people outside the door, she smashes a window, jumps to the ground and runs away with Rob calling after her. She then stops a car and asks for help", ". She then stops a car and asks for help. She later returns to Walford after being arrested for shoplifting. Whitney's half-brother Ryan Malloy (Neil McDermott) learns of what happened and wants to find Rob but Whitney says he has moved.", "When Whitney starts a relationship with a man named Lee (Mitchell Hunt), it is revealed that he is a friend of Rob's, and when Whitney agrees to meet Lee by text, Rob takes control of Lee's mobile phone. Whitney goes to meet Lee and is shocked to see Rob instead. She is taken in by his charm until she texts Lee not to come, and then sees the message on Rob's phone", ". She allows Rob to take her home but then tells him to wait outside while she escapes through the back door and hitches a lift to Southend-on-Sea with friends. She leaves Rob a voicemail message not knowing that he has followed her. He finds her in her hotel room and tells her how much he loves her, but when Fatboy (Ricky Norwood) comes in, Rob attacks him, so Whitney tells him to leave. Fatboy calls Ryan, who comes to Southend to look for Rob", ". Fatboy calls Ryan, who comes to Southend to look for Rob. When he finds him, they fight and fall over the edge of the pier. A body is recovered from the sea, and is later revealed to be Rob's.", "Development", "In January 2011, it was announced that Whitney would be part of the sexual exploitation storyline. She is left alone and vulnerable, and falls for Rob, who then exploits her. EastEnders worked alongside charity Comic Relief on the storyline, which started planning in 2010. The storyline culminated during Red Nose Day 2011 on 18 March 2011, in a special 10-minute episode", ". The storyline culminated during Red Nose Day 2011 on 18 March 2011, in a special 10-minute episode. Gilly Green, Head of UK Grants at Comic Relief, said: \"It is vital that we continue to alert young people to the dangers if we are to stop them being exploited and the opportunity to work with EastEnders will make a huge audience aware of this issue", ". We have been working with the EastEnders script writers and some of the young women from projects we support to ensure the story reflects the reality of young people caught up in sexual exploitation.\" Kevin Cahill, Chief Executive of Comic Relief, added \"We have worked over many years with EastEnders in all kinds of ways", ". It's been a real pleasure this year to work together on a piece of serious drama, in the best traditions of public service, which will highlight an important issue and also, because it occurs on the night of Comic Relief, actually help raise crucial funds to help young women caught up in it.\" An EastEnders insider spoke of the storyline leading up to Rob's arrival: \"Janine's a terrible influence and is soon dragging Whitney into all sorts of shady schemes", ". Given that Janine used to be a prostitute, it makes sense that she's part of Whitney's journey. Whitney has no idea what she's letting herself in for. Janine is only part of the problem though. It's when she meets Rob—a deeply unscrupulous man—that her life starts to fall apart in a terrifying way.\" Rob has been called \"evil\" by The People and by executive producer Bryan Kirkwood, a \"nasty piece of work\" by Orange, and \"sinister\" by Daniel Kilkelly from Digital Spy.", "McGarty hoped the storyline would raise awareness of the issue for young people, and explained that the storyline would be a continuing one, as \"Whitney will live in fear that Rob and his gang are going to come after her when she escapes. That's what these people do. They don't just leave you to get on with your life. In their mind they own you.\" She also added that she hopes that the storyline will lead to better conviction rates as she said that they aren't 'good enough'", ". Latham revealed after his stint that he hoped to return, saying, \"I always say it's better to play the bad guy—everyone remembers the bad guy. They get the best endings. I had an absolutely great time on EastEnders. It was a breath of fresh air. [...] Judging from the way it was left, the door is wide open, so you never know. I would love to come back and cause some trouble.\"", "On 1 May 2011 it was reported by the Daily Star that Latham would return to EastEnders in a couple of weeks time to film the conclusion to the storyline. A source said, \"Whitney will not be going back on the streets but the writers felt the storyline needed to be tied up so Jody is coming back for a couple of episodes. Whitney is currently having to come to terms with everything that she did while under Rob's spell and she's not coping very well", ". She's trying to move on but, with everyone knowing that she worked as a prostitute, she's finding it all very difficult. The writers decided it would be good for her to come face to face with Rob again once she's strong enough to do so. They've written the conclusion to her storyline and Jody will be back to film the dramatic ending in a couple of weeks time. Rob is set to finally get his .\" An EastEnders spokesperson confirmed this", ". Rob is set to finally get his .\" An EastEnders spokesperson confirmed this. Kirkwood said that Rob would return when Whitney is at her most vulnerable, following the reveal of her brother Ryan's affair with her best friend Lauren. Scenes were filmed in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, for Rob's return, after Ryan tracks Rob down and finds Whitney with him. Ryan and Rob had a massive showdown on the pier, and Ryan murdered Rob as revenge for forcing Whitney into prostitution", ". Ryan then went on the run from the police, not wanting to get caught for murdering Rob.", "Latham had received criticism from viewers who struggled to understand his Burnley accent. He said, \"I'm sorry people are having difficulty with my accent. I'm sure the great fans of EastEnders will get used to it!\" The storyline reportedly received criticism from fans. The BBC issued a statement, saying:", "Speaking about how members of the public reacted to the storyline, Latham told OK!, \"Considering Rob makes Phil Mitchell look like a field mouse, I've got to be quite grateful. I've not had a tin of baked beans chucked at me in Asda by some nice old lady. It's just a bit of banter off the public, which I relish. I've not had anyone threaten to beat me up yet, which is a plus point!\"\n\nShenice Quinn", "Shenice Quinn, played by nine-year-old (at the time of casting) Lily Harvey, is the daughter of Martina Quinn (Tamara Wall), who is an old friend of Kat Moon's (Jessie Wallace) from Spain. Martina reported Kat and her husband Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) to the police in Spain, leading to some animosity between Kat and Martina. Martina and Shenice arrive at The Queen Victoria public house, and Kat immediately throws water over Martina", ". However, she reveals that her bar was smashed up by the police and she was worried that she would lose Shenice if she did not tell the truth. Alfie bonds with Shenice, and Martina tells Kat that she has lost her bar and has nothing left, so Kat allows them to stay with her and Alfie at The Queen Vic. After a night out with Kat, Martina spends the day in bed. Kat later finds Shenice wearing her clothes and makeup", ". Kat later finds Shenice wearing her clothes and makeup. Kat shouts at Shenice to take the clothes off, and Shenice flinches thinking Kat is going to hit her. The next day, Shenice is caught trying to steal cigarettes from the local shop, which Kat chastises a drunken Martina for. Martina calls her daughter useless before going to bed, and Shenice tells Kat and Alfie that Martina says things she does not mean when she is drunk", ". The next day, Martina tells Kat that she is back with her boyfriend and she will get some money so she and Shenice can move out. Kat and Alfie organise a birthday party for Shenice as Martina has forgotten and Shenice takes a disliking to Tiffany Butcher (Maisie Smith) as they are wearing the same outfit. Shenice has to leave halfway through the party as Martina finds a place to live, and they move out, leaving Kat and Alfie distraught.", "Kat and Alfie holiday in Spain and return with Shenice. Shenice and Tiffany become friends again but Shenice grows bored as Kat cannot take her and Tiffany out anywhere because of Kat's baby son Tommy. Shenice bonds with Kat's relative Jean Slater (Gillian Wright) after helping her plant some window boxes. When Shenice is due to go back to Spain, she begs to stay in Walford and Alfie agrees. Shenice is then enrolled at Walford Primary School. Martina allows Shenice to spend Christmas with Kat and Alfie", ". Martina allows Shenice to spend Christmas with Kat and Alfie. When Jean is questioned for benefit fraud, it sparks off another bipolar episode. This results in Jean believing that Shenice is an angel sent from her daughter Stacey Branning (Lacey Turner). Jean tries to take Shenice ice skating whilst dressed in pyjamas. Shenice manages to escape and runs back to The Queen Vic to alert Kat and Alfie", ". Shenice manages to escape and runs back to The Queen Vic to alert Kat and Alfie. Jean's mental health improves, and though Shenice is wary of her for a time, she allows Jean to become her honorary grandma. Shenice goes to visit Martina in Spain, and on 7 September 2012 Kat reveals to Alfie that she is not coming back.", "Development", "Harvey is the real-life sister of Lacey Turner, who played Stacey Slater, and first appears on screen on 28 February 2011. Producers were unaware that Harvey and Turner were related until after the casting was made. Executive producer Bryan Kirkwood explained: \"I sat down and watched a tape of a very talented young girl and it was only after we decided to cast [Harvey] that I was told [she] was [Turner]'s sister. [Harvey] got the role entirely on her own merits", ". [Harvey] got the role entirely on her own merits.\" In April 2011 it was announced that Harvey would be reprising the role. She made her return on 1 August 2011.", "In July 2012, Harvey was nominated in the Best Young Actor category at the 2012 Inside Soap awards for her portrayal of Shenice.\n\nAshley Chubb", "Ashley Chubb, played by Colin Mace, is the father of established character Fatboy (Ricky Norwood). He is mentioned in the episode broadcast on 14 March 2011 when Fatboy says his parents have split up because Ashley has lost his job. Ashley arrives in Walford two weeks later, needing a place to stay. Fatboy invites him to stay with his friend, Mercy Olubunmi (Bunmi Mojekwu), and her grandmother, Grace Olubunmi (Ellen Thomas), but has to sneak him in so Grace does not find out", ". Ashley then rents a room at the local bed and breakfast, run by Kim Fox (Tameka Empson). He asks Fatboy for money, saying he has a job interview out of town but spends it on alcohol, telling Kim that he has done a one-off job for a friend. Fatboy discovers that Ashley is simply drinking away the money he lent him, and Kim leaves, telling Ashley not to stress about the rent", ". Fatboy tells Ashley that he is in love with Mercy but she has a boyfriend, so to help Fatboy, he reports Mercy to the border agency for having an expired visa, which Fatboy told him about. Ashley then leaves Walford and two days later the UK Border Agency talk to Mercy and deport her. Before she leaves, Fatboy proposes.", "It was announced on 23 January 2011 that EastEnders producers were planning to expand Fatboy's family due to his popularity, and were in the process of casting his father. The part was cast to Mace, who filmed five episodes. Ashley is said to be a wheeler-dealer like his son. Ashley's arrival is reported to be due to difficulties in his personal life", ". Ashley's arrival is reported to be due to difficulties in his personal life. An EastEnders insider is reported to have said \"Fatboy has been a real hit with viewers and the bosses have decided that it's now time to bring in his dad so people can see what Fatboy is really all about.\" Ashley has been described as \"dishevelled\"", ".\" Ashley has been described as \"dishevelled\". Although Ashley only makes a guest appearance, Norwood expressed a hope for the character to return so the relationship between father and son could be further explored, adding, \"There's great chemistry between Ashley and Fatboy\". Ashley appeared in episodes between 31 March and 21 April 2011. He returned on 31 May 2011.", "Lydia Simmonds", "Lydia Simmonds, initially played by Margaret Tyzack and then by Heather Chasen, is the maternal grandmother of Ricky (Sid Owen) and Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks). She made her first appearance on 5 April 2011. She left the series on 13 June 2011. Described as twisted, manipulative, damaged and \"[a] lady of class and dignity\", Lydia's backstory states that she loved her daughter June but hated the man June married, Frank Butcher (Mike Reid), so she grew old alone and lived a life of solitude", ". Lydia and Janine were estranged for years and Janine is shocked to have her grandmother back in her life. The character and casting were announced on 15 February 2011, and of her casting, Tyzack said \"I am delighted to be joining a great British tradition and a fine company of actors\", and Executive Producer Bryan Kirkwood said: \"What a coup to have Margaret Tyzack starring in EastEnders. She is an actress of incredible class and talent", ". She is an actress of incredible class and talent. Lydia has endless possibilities as a character, and I can't wait to see Janine meet her match.\"", "Cora Cross", "Cora Cross, played by Ann Mitchell, is the mother of Tanya Branning (Jo Joyner) and Rainie Cross (Tanya Franks). Cora initially appeared from 11 to 15 April 2011, and returned as a regular character on 28 July. Cora and her casting were announced on 21 March 2011, when she was described as having \"a brash, outspoken attitude and does not care who she offends. She also quickly puts Tanya under scrutiny, believing that success has turned her into a snob\"", ". She also quickly puts Tanya under scrutiny, believing that success has turned her into a snob\". It was said that she secretly wants to heal the rift between Tanya and Rainie. She has also been described as a \"bolshie battleaxe\". Mitchell said of her casting \"As a lifelong fan of EastEnders, I am thrilled to join the cast. I am a great fan of June Brown's [who plays Dot Branning] and am looking forward to sharing some scenes with her.\" Cora initially appeared from 11 to 15 April 2011", ".\" Cora initially appeared from 11 to 15 April 2011. On 31 May 2011, it was confirmed that Cora would be returning to EastEnders as a regular character. Kirkwood said, \"We all love Cora here—actress Ann Mitchell could be one of the Walford greats. She'll be returning late in the summer and is here to stay.\" Kirkwood added that he was keen to establish the Cross women.", "Daniel Kilkelly from Digital Spy said, \"During her brief stay on Albert Square, Cora quickly became known for her brash attitude and outspoken ways.\" Kate White of Inside Soap praised the character saying \"All hail the new queen of soap – fabulous Cora is everything the discerning viewer could ever want.\" White added she could watch Mitchell acting \"her socks off\" all day long.\n\nMartin", "Martin, played by Alasdair Harvey, is a love interest for Jane Beale (Laurie Brett), who appears between 26 April and 3 May 2011. He first appears when he is seen sitting at the bar of The Queen Victoria public house and Jane asks him to join her pub quiz team. Afterwards, Martin asks Jane to invite him next time. Martin passes his number to Jane via her brother Christian Clarke (John Partridge), asking her to call him. On Jane's 40th birthday, he turns up at the pub and goes over to Jane", ". On Jane's 40th birthday, he turns up at the pub and goes over to Jane. They both lie about their lives and jobs, but as they are about to kiss, Martin says he cannot keep lying as he likes Jane too much, and says he's divorced with a child and lives in a pokey flat. Jane also tells the truth and stops Martin leaving, saying her house is not pokey and they can go there", ". They kiss as they enter the house but are surprised by Jane's husband Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) and his son Bobby (Alex Francis), throwing her a surprise dinner. The next day, Jane tries to end their brief relationship, but he kisses her, which Ian sees through the window, though Jane dumps him.", "The Daily Star reported that Jane will have a one-night stand with Martin and viewers would be left wondering if she would confess to her husband, Ian. However, an EastEnders source told Digital Spy, \"It doesn't go as far as a one-night stand, but Jane is flattered by the attention, they exchange phone numbers, there's some flirting and a couple of kisses.\" Martin has been described as a \"hunk\".\n\nMarta Demboski", "Marta Demboski, played by Magdalena Kurek, is a Polish carer interviewed and subsequently hired by Dot Branning (June Brown), who appears from 6 to 24 May 2011. When she starts working, Dot is strict and wants everything done a certain way. Marta tells Dot's friend Edward Bishop (Frank Barrie) that nothing she does is right in Dot's eyes. Dot later finds out that Marta is working nights as well, and Marta explains that her husband drinks and lost his job", ". She begs Dot not to tell the agency, and Dot allows her to continue working for her. When Marta returns a week later, Dot says she does not need any help and makes Marta look after her husband, Jim Branning (John Bardon), but Marta protests that that is not her job. The following day, Marta arrives late, annoying Dot. While Dot is looking through her purse, she finds a £10 note which she drops on the floor", ". While Dot is looking through her purse, she finds a £10 note which she drops on the floor. She leaves the room, but comes back having lost the cash and accuses Marta of stealing it, thinking she put it on the table; Marta is fired by Dot. Dot later finds the money on the floor and regrets sacking Marta.", "After Marta was seen smoking an electronic cigarette, it was reported that some viewers who smoked had switched from real cigarettes. The electronic cigarettes were supplied by E-Lites, and Adrian Everett, one of the company's founders and directors, said: \"[W]e were delighted to be asked to supply E-Lites to the makers of EastEnders as part of a new storyline", ". The fact that electronic cigarettes were featured in an everyday scene is a fantastic example of how our products are being accepted by the wider population. More people are becoming aware of E-Lites every day and this is yet another big step forward.\"", "Jimmie Broome\n\nJimmie Broome, played by Samuel James, is Phil Mitchell's (Steve McFadden) lawyer. He appeared between 17 May 2011 and 13 December 2012, before returning on 12 May 2017.", "He first appears after being hired by Phil to represent Jane Beale (Laurie Brett) in her divorce hearing with Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt). In November, he is hired again to help Phil's cousin Roxy Mitchell (Rita Simons) regain custody of her daughter Amy Mitchell (Amelie Conway) from the father, Jack Branning (Scott Maslen). He suggests that Roxy dig up as much dirt on Jack and his family as she can", ". He suggests that Roxy dig up as much dirt on Jack and his family as she can. Roxy does this, deciding to use Jack's brother Derek Branning's (Jamie Foreman) criminal past against Jack, as Derek is staying with him, but this fails and a court grants custody to Jack. Phil then sacks Jimmie, though his relative Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) asks Jimmie for advice on his pregnant granddaughter, Lola Pearce (Danielle Harold), whose baby could be taken into care once it is born", ". Jimmie advises Billy to apply for a Special Guardianship Order, which would grant him legal responsibility for the child. He returns on 9 February 2012 at Amy's custody case, after which Roxy gains custody of her. On 23 October 2012, apparently re-hired, Jimmie speaks to Phil about gaining custody of Lola's baby Lexi Pearce, as she has been taken into care and is actually Phil's granddaughter. Jimmie says that Phil would have a better chance of gaining custody if he is in a stable relationship", ". Jimmie later tells Phil that his son Ben's (Joshua Pascoe) murder charge has been dropped and he will be tried for manslaughter, and that Ben has agreed to a visit from Phil. When Jimmie advises Phil that he needs to find a way to prove to the court that he has a good support network for Lexi, Phil secretly orders Jimmie to put Sharon's name down on the application as his fiancée. Jimmie helps Phil to become Lexi's foster father, while Lola is allowed three access visits a week.", "In 2017, Jack hires Jimmie when Charlie Cotton (Declan Bennett), father of Matthew Mitchell Cotton, who is the son of Jack's deceased wife, Ronnie Branning (Samantha Womack), wants residence of Matthew.\n\nEddie Moon", "Eddie Moon, played by David Essex, is the father of Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd), Tyler Moon (Tony Discipline) and Anthony Moon (Matt Lapinskas). On 24 January 2011, it was announced that Essex had been cast in the role of Eddie, Michael's father. It was stated that Eddie's other children would arrive after him, and his \"fractured\" relationship with Michael would be explored", ". Eddie's sons, Tyler and Anthony, were announced on 10 May 2011, and Kirkwood said that the Moon family were \"on their way to becoming an established family in the Square.\" Kirkwood later said, \"[Essex] is a legend in his own right. I can't wait for the audience reaction when he hits the screens in a few weeks. I'm hoping viewers come to love him.\"", "Eddie is described as a \"loveable rogue\" who is cheeky, likeable and charismatic. The EastEnders website says he has a dark past that he is trying to escape, and calls him a polite gentleman who makes friends for life, and is popular with the ladies. Essex said that when Eddie was younger, he would have been a \"mirror image\" of Michael, but has since become more philosophical, and is less hot headed than Michael. Essex told Digital Spy that Eddie is \"a strong character\", who is an ex-boxer", ". Essex told Digital Spy that Eddie is \"a strong character\", who is an ex-boxer. Essex said Eddie's chequered past would unfold and opined that \"He's not a bad guy\". He also explained that Eddie is separated from his wife, and that Tyler and Anthony are Michael's half brothers. Eddie works as an antiques dealer and also has a daughter, Francesca, referred to as Frankie in the series.", "Shameem\n\nShameem, played by Seeta Indrani, is the sister-in-law of Yusef Khan (Ace Bhatti) and aunt of Afia Khan (Meryl Fernandes). She appears on 21 and 23 June 2011.", "She appears when she arrives for Afia's mehndi to Tamwar Masood (Himesh Patel). She arrives before the mehndi to help out, at Kim Fox's (Tameka Empson) bed and breakfast. Yusef introduces her to everyone, and Shameem takes an instant dislike to Kim and her sister, Denise Fox (Diane Parish). Shameem is a witty and confident woman who is willing to drink in moderation despite her religion however she is also shown to be haughty and arrogant with a vicious tongue", ". She insults Denise in her own home and accuses her of wanting seduce Yusef. She is also annoyed at Afia for not doing a proper Muslim mehndi ceremony, though later agrees to it. She attends the mehndi and whilst she is outside, she overhears Yusef and his ex-wife Zainab Masood (Nina Wadia) talking about their history. She suspects they are having an affair, and tells all the guests at the mehndi, leaving everyone shocked", ". When Zainab tries to prove that she is not having an affair, her husband, Masood Ahmed (Nitin Ganatra) punches Yusef.", "When it was reported that Shameem would suspect that Yusef and Zainab are having an affair, a source said, \"The whole day turns into a disaster. When Shameem sees Yusef and Zainab together she automatically thinks they're having an affair. Everyone struggles to come to terms with what they have just heard. Afia is devastated and demands answers from her dad Yusef. He assures her it is all lies before leaving to find Zainab. It's one hell of a fall-out.\"\n\nTyler Moon", "Tyler Moon, played by Tony Discipline, is the son of Eddie Moon (David Essex), half brother of Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd), brother of Anthony Moon (Matt Lapinskas) and cousin of Alfie Moon (Shane Richie). The character was announced on 10 May 2011, along with Anthony, and made his first appearance on 27 June 2011. Discipline heard about the part in November 2010 from his agent, so decided to audition and returned two weeks later for a workshop", ". At the workshop, there were six actors shortlisted to play Tyler and six shortlisted to play Anthony. The actors were paired off, and Discipline was paired with Lapinskas. A month later, Discipline attended a screen test, and after a further screen test, he found out he had got the part", ". The younger of the brothers, Tyler was described as having a short fuse and \"quick to use his fist to sort things out\", and the two new brothers are said to be \"a couple of likely lads who are more than likely to cause a stir in Albert Square.\" Discipline described Tyler as \"very sparky and very charismatic! He can be quick to snap at certain people sometimes if they get on the wrong side of him, but he's a lovely guy", ". He's also very flirty when it comes to the women! He's a bit of a chap to say the least! It's not because he's seedy or he's horrible or anything like that—he genuinely enjoys chatting to women and chasing them. Even if they turned him down, it's all part of the chase and that's fun for Tyler. You can expect a lot of flirting, a lot of girls and maybe some arguments. We shall see!\" Daniel Kilkelly from Digital Spy added that the character has a lot of energy.", "Norman Simmonds\n\nNorman Simmonds, played by George Layton, is the estranged son of Lydia Simmonds (Heather Chasen). He is first mentioned in the episode broadcast on 9 June, when Lydia calls him a waste of space and says he will get nothing in her will. He arrives in Walford on 5 July, as an \"unexpected guest\" at his mother's funeral. Norman left EastEnders on 27 October 2011. Norman returned for a single episode on 2 January 2012.", "Norman goes to Pat Evans' (Pam St Clement) house and they recognise each other, and he mentions that he is widowed again, having been married five times. Norman's niece, Janine Malloy (Charlie Brooks) is angry with him because he never bothered with his mother while she was alive. A week later, Pat calls him and asks him to contest the will against Janine who is the sole beneficiary. The next day, Norman phones up Pat, and asks her to visit him in hospital after he stepped on a rake", ". Pat tries to persuade Norman not to contest the will after all, and he later agrees. It is clear that Norman likes Pat, but she is oblivious to this. Jean Slater (Gillian Wright) takes a liking to Norman and asks him to dress as a Pearly King to help with her campaign to stop the community centre closing. Jean hopes that she can be his Pearly Queen, but he asks Pat to do it instead, and she reluctantly agrees.", "Norman asks Pat out but she rejects him, while Jean's liking of Norman intensifies. Jean agrees to go to a skiffle event with him. However, she misunderstands, as he is actually giving her both tickets and not going with her. Jean's relative Kat Moon (Jessie Wallace) confronts Norman for playing games but he insists he was never planning to go with Jean. This causes an argument between Kat, Pat and Janine, and Janine tells Norman that Pat used to be a prostitute", ". Norman tells Janine he is ashamed to be related to her. Jean soon becomes obsessed with Norman, constantly sending him text messages. She invites him to dinner, but he says no, saying he would not want to make a habit of it. Jean then mistakenly thinks Norman wants to live with her. He is shocked at this, and asks Kat's husband Alfie (Shane Richie) for help. Alfie makes things worse though, so Norman is forced to tell Jean that they should just be friends, as he feels she is too good for him.", "When Pat discovers that her son, Simon Wicks (Nick Berry), who lives in New Zealand, is going to lose his home, she fails to get a loan because of her age. Norman offers to help and organises a loan for her. After speaking to her great-grandson Liam Butcher (James Forde), Pat decides she likes Norman and they kiss, she also asks him to stay. However, the next day Norman tells Patrick Trueman (Rudolph Walker) that he regularly earns commission for organising loans for people", ". Patrick then warns Pat about this, and once Pat finds out that the terms of the loan mean if she misses a payment she could lose her house, she rejects Norman, tells him to leave and says she never wants to see him again.", "In January 2012, Norman returns to Walford, saying he has raised enough money to help Pat with the loan. However, Pat has since died from pancreatic cancer, so he goes to the Butchers' house to pay his respects.", "Digital Spy reported that \"sparks fly\" when Norman runs into Pat Evans and he develops a soft spot for her. The character and casting were announced on 12 June 2011. Norman is described as \"hapless, clumsy and unlucky in life.\" Of his casting, Layton said \"I am thrilled to be joining such a wonderful cast and crew—Norman is a great part and I'm excited to play him. I can't wait to get stuck into life in Albert Square—and hopefully the odd tipple or three in the Queen Vic!\"\n\nLola Pearce", "Lola Pearce, played by Danielle Harold, is the 15-year-old granddaughter of Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) and Julie Perkins (Cathy Murphy). The character of Lola was announced on 7 June 2011 and she was created as an extension of the established Mitchell family. As she meets her grandparents for the first time, Lola quickly forms a bond with them as she has been deserted by everyone else in her life. Eighteen-year-old Harold was cast in the role and she said \"I am so excited to be joining EastEnders", ". I have watched the show all my life and I never thought that one day I could be in Albert Square. It feels strange to be walking round Walford with people I have grown up watching—I still have to pinch myself.\". EastEnders is Harold's first acting job and she was given the role following her first audition, which shocked her", ". Harold told Daybreak, \"It was my first audition that I'd ever had, so I was really nervous and I was thinking, 'I'm never going to get it – I'm just going to have fun while I'm there'. I was just shocked to even get the casting for it, so I was over the moon when I actually got the part.\" Harold previously starred in Jamie Oliver's Channel 4 reality show Jamie's Dream School and got into an acting school because of the show", ". Harold said she had always wanted to be an actress and was grateful to be given a great character in Lola. Lola made her first appearance on 12 July 2011.", "Anthony Moon", "Anthony Moon, played by Matt Lapinskas, is the son of Eddie Moon (David Essex), half brother of Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd), brother of Tyler Moon (Tony Discipline), and cousin of Alfie Moon (Shane Richie). The character made his first appearance in the episode broadcast on 25 July 2011. Anthony, along with brother Tyler, were both announced as new characters in May 2011 being played by Lapinskas and Discipline respectively, though Tyler made his debut at an earlier date", ". Described as someone who \"will rely on his brains and natural wit to find a more sensitive solution to any conflict\", it is shown that Anthony has a gambling problem before his arrival, which is later a focus of a storyline. Lapinskas said of his relationship with half brother Michael that Anthony \"idolises\" him and that Michael \"corrupted\" Anthony. When Eddie leaves, Anthony takes charge of his antiques business.", "Lee\n\nLee, played by Mitchell Hunt, is a friend of Rob Grayson (Jody Latham), who lures his ex, Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty), back into Rob's hands. He appears between 15 August and 29 August 2011.", "Lee approaches Whitney in Walford's café, where she refuses to let him pay for her. Later, he apologises and says he will go for a drink with her if he buys something from her market stall. She calls him a pervert and tells him to leave. He later talks to her again and asks for her phone number. Whitney is eventually convinced to do so. Lee takes Whitney bowling, and afterwards they kiss", ". Whitney is eventually convinced to do so. Lee takes Whitney bowling, and afterwards they kiss. When Whitney texts Lee that she wants to meet again, it is revealed that Lee is a friend of Rob, who previously forced Whitney into prostitution, and Lee hands his phone to Rob. After Rob is killed in a fight with Whitney's brother Ryan Malloy (Neil McDermott), Lee visits Whitney and tells her not to get his name involved as police have visited him", ". She tells him to leave, deliberately causing a scene, and he leaves.", "Speaking of his time on EastEnders, Hunt said in an interview, \"It was great. It was my first job out of drama school, as I only finished a few weeks before. I had to jump straight into it, but everyone was so nice. The cast and crew really are just like one big family. Everything moves so fast. There are four cameras on you at any one time, so there is no room for error.\" Hunt also hoped for a return for Lee, saying, \"Well, my character doesn't die, so there's always hope!\"\n\nRose Cotton", "Rose Cotton\n\nRose Cotton, played by Polly Perkins, is the estranged half-sister of Dot Branning (June Brown). On 18 May 2012, Daniel Kilkelly of Digital Spy confirmed Perkins was leaving EastEnders. Rose's last episode was on 19 July 2012.", "She is first seen when Dot goes to visit her in Southend-on-Sea where she lives, as she has decided to make amends before she dies. Dot sees Rose in a bar, drinking and flirting with a group of men, and leaves without speaking to her. She later follows her to an address, and Rose lies that she is well off and her husband has died. Dot leaves but returns when she realises she has left something behind. She finds that the dead man is alive and Rose has lied about everything", ". She finds that the dead man is alive and Rose has lied about everything. Dot goes to her actual home and Rose admits she did not want Dot to think bad of her. Dot tells Rose she may not have long to live and did not want to die before making amends. They start to bond, and Dot meets Rose's son Andrew (Ricky Grover), and there is animosity between mother and son. Before Dot is due to leave, Rose asks to spend some more time with her", ". Before Dot is due to leave, Rose asks to spend some more time with her. Dot says as they are both lonely, Rose should live with her in Walford, and Rose agrees. Andrew drives them there but reveals his last name is Cotton, and Rose is forced to admit that Andrew's father is Dot's first husband Charlie Cotton (Christopher Hancock), who had a bigamous marriage with Rose. Dot kicks Rose out but she later returns, saying she does not want to lose her sister again.", "Rose moves in and Dot urges her to earn money. When Dot gossips to her about Jean Slater (Gillian Wright) and her family, Rose uses this information to make Jean think she is psychic, and Jean pays her for her services. She then gets a trial working for Dr. Yusef Khan (Ace Bhatti) as his receptionist. She gets the job and appears to enjoy it, although her constant pining over Yusef appears to irritate him somewhat", ". Rose reveals to Dot that she is behind with the paperwork at the surgery while Yusef has been away. Dot helps Rose sort through her workload, but they discover that Rose has misplaced some test results for a patient who has since died. Rose fears her oversight resulted in the patient's death, but Reverend Stevens (Michael Keating) tells her the patient died of a bee sting. A relieved Rose then flirts with Reverend Stevens, much to the chagrin of Dot", ". A relieved Rose then flirts with Reverend Stevens, much to the chagrin of Dot. A few days later, Dot reveals Rose's shady past to Reverend Stevens. However, the Reverend is intrigued, and he and Rose share a drink at The Queen Victoria public house, as he wants to know more about her life. Rose brings alcohol to a church social event, which Dot is against, but Reverend Stevens thanks Dot for making it the best so far", ". Rose and Reverend Stevens grow closer at the event, resulting in him asking for Dot's blessing to date Rose. Rose later has sex with Patrick Trueman (Rudolph Walker) upsetting Reverend Stevens. Cora finds this funny but Dot kicks Cora out for laughing. Rose later apologises to Dot for embarrassing her and forgives Dot for the things she said, however, Dot asks Rose to move back to Southend. Dot also discovers Rose's passport which reveals Rose had remarried again and had the surname of Beauchamp", ". When Dot confronts her, Rose reveals that the marriage was abusive. Dot then allows Rose to move back in with her. Rose later does some card readings with Jean, Kim Fox (Tameka Empson) and Denise Fox (Diane Parish). In December 2011 Andrew comes back to Walford in December, and promises to stay for Christmas, much to the delight of Rose and Dot.", "In January 2012, Abi Branning (Lorna Fitzgerald) finds a love note in the charity shop and finds out the book the note was in belongs to her maternal grandmother, Cora Cross (Ann Mitchell). However, Abi sees Rose reading the same note, leaving Abi confused. Cora then discovers the letter Rose is reading and asks why is anybody writing to her, leaving the two ladies to have an argument. When Rose receives more love letters, Dot and Cora rummage through her things to try and discover who the mystery man is", ". They are horrified when they learn he is serving a life sentence in prison, although Rose seems unfazed by this. Dot then attempts to put a stop to it by writing on Rose's behalf, but reveals her real name and address, not realising that Rose used a false name and a PO Box address.", "Andrew announces that he is to marry Heather Trott (Cheryl Fergison). Rose is unhappy at Andrew's choice of bride, and tries to undermine Heather. Heather eventually stands up to Rose, saying she is bullying her, and Rose later realises that she is just jealous and does not want to lose her son. Rose then helps dot arrange the wedding. However, on Heather's hen party, Rose gets drunk and leaves early. At home, she tries on Heather's wedding dress. Andrew discovers her, gets angry and rips the dress", ". At home, she tries on Heather's wedding dress. Andrew discovers her, gets angry and rips the dress. It is also revealed that Andrew has spent time in prison for assaulting Rose's abusive husband. Dot and Rose hastily repair Heather's wedding dress on the night before the wedding, but are distraught when they learn that Heather has been murdered. The police arrest Andrew, and Patrick finds the burnt remains of a hoodie worn by members of Andrew's stag-party", ". Desperate to prove Andrew's innocence, Rose, Dot and Cora break into the R&R nightclub where he worked and find Andrew's hoodie, which they hand to the police. Andrew is released from custody. In May 2012, Dot leaves to spend a few months with her granddaughter Dotty (Molly Conlin). Rose then becomes lonely, and is jealous of the friendship between Cora and Patrick. Andrew calls Dot, who invites Rose to stay with her, and Rose leaves Walford.", "In 2022 and upon Dot's death, Rose is mentioned by Sonia Fowler (Natalie Cassidy) as not being able to attend the funeral as she and Andrew are stuck on a cruise", "Development", "The casting of Perkins in the role was announced on 27 May 2011 and the character first appeared on screen on 22 August 2011. She is described as \"flighty, fun and not one to age gracefully\". Rose and Dot have been estranged for most of their lives, since Rose had an affair with Dot's first husband, Charlie Cotton. Dot decides to track Rose down after suffering a bout of hypochondria, feeling it is time to put things right, however, Rose is not pleased to see Dot again after so many years", ". Perkins said of her casting, \"I am thrilled to be joining the cast of EastEnders, the show is a real British institution with an extraordinary creative team. I'm really looking forward to working with June again, who I have been friends with for over 30 years.\" Perkins and Brown were pictured filming scenes on a beach in Thorpe Bay in Essex. A spokesperson said \"All I'll say is we are filming some big episodes, which we plan to broadcast later this summer", ". It's not our policy to comment on episodes like this so early.\"", "Andrew Cotton\n\nAndrew Cotton, played by Ricky Grover, is a love interest for Heather Trott (Cheryl Fergison) who first appears on 22 August 2011 until 26 August. He returned on 13 December. He departed on 24 August 2012.", "Andrew is first seen when Heather and her friend Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) go to a 1980s festival in Southend-on-Sea, though Heather has not told Shirley it is for couples. Shirley walks out but when she returns, it is too late for them to go in but Andrew, who is working on the door, lets them in anyway. Heather tells Andrew that she and Shirley are lesbians as the event is for couples, but he thinks Heather is lying, and she admits it", ". When Andrew talks to Shirley, she says Heather is not interested and Heather thinks Andrew is more interested in Shirley. Eventually, Shirley tells Heather that Andrew likes her, but did not tell her in case it was purely for a bet. This upsets Heather, who tells Andrew the bet is off. Heather soon realises she was wrong and meets Andrew in the restaurant of the hotel where she is staying", ". Heather's friend Dot Branning (June Brown) arrives with her half sister Rose Cotton (Polly Perkins) and it is revealed that Andrew is Rose's son and they do not get on. Andrew and Rose trade insults at the table and he and Heather decide to leave. Heather tells Andrew he should not speak to his mother that way and decides to leave. Andrew finds out Rose has decided to live with Dot and will be left on his own", ". Andrew finds out Rose has decided to live with Dot and will be left on his own. He drives them to Walford and finds Heather, and she says she will find him next time she is in Southend. He tells her his name as Andrew Cotton, revealing to Dot that his father is her first husband Charlie Cotton (Christopher Hancock), and that he had a third bigamous marriage. Andrew then returns to Southend.", "Andrew returns to Walford in December and promises to stay for Christmas, much to Rose and Dot's delight. He meets Heather again, and vows to her that he will make up for his past mistakes with her. Heather initially rejects him, but then they share a kiss. He later asks to spend Christmas with her, and she agrees. Andrew starts working as a doorman at the R&R nightclub. Heather is upset when he chooses to work instead of spending the night with her", ". Heather is upset when he chooses to work instead of spending the night with her. Andrew leaves Heather several messages, explaining he was scared and he will wait in the café until she arrives. However, he is asked to leave because he is taking up a seat and he refuses. In his anger, he pushes a table over, which Heather witnesses. She forgives him, and the couple soon admit their love for each other. They attend a dance class with Kim Fox (Tameka Empson) and Heather is impressed with Andrew's dance moves", ". He also picks up a poster about gastric band surgery, which Rose finds and confronts Heather about. He tells Heather he is fixing Dot's tap but Heather thinks he is having the surgery, but he reveals he was looking for an engagement ring. He proposes and Heather accepts and they have sex for the first time. Andrew soon notices that Heather spends more time with Shirley than with him, and gets angry with Heather. Heather and Andrew settle their differences and spend more time together.", "At Heather's hen night, Andrew's temper emerges again when he almost hits Shirley and it is revealed that Andrew went to prison for assaulting Rose's husband. Heather stays with Andrew as he explains that Rose's husband regularly abused her. Sick of the interference in their wedding, Andrew suggests to Heather that they elope. Heather is unsure, so he gives her two train tickets and tells her to meet him at The Queen Victoria public house by 6 pm if she wants to elope with him", ". Heather does not arrive, so Andrew gets drunk, leaves the pub and considers leaving Walford. He is persuaded to stay by a homeless man, Gerry (Michael Elliott), and returns to Heather's flat, only to find that Heather has been murdered. Andrew is arrested by the police, as he doesn't have an alibi for where he was when Heather died and they suspect him as he cannot prove that a tramp stole Heather's money from him. However, he is eventually released without charge", ". However, he is eventually released without charge. Shirley confronts Andrew and publicly accuses him of murdering Heather. However, when it is suggested that Andrew should leave Walford, he declares that he plans to stay. Dot doubts Andrew's innocence but when Andrew opens up to Dot about his feelings for Heather, Dot changes her mind. This leads to Shirley banning Andrew and Dot from Heather's funeral", ". This leads to Shirley banning Andrew and Dot from Heather's funeral. However, Shirley later finds the train tickets that Andrew gave Heather the night she died and realises he is innocent. She later admits that she wanted him to be the killer as she was jealous and the pair agree to unite to find Heather's real killer. Dot and Rose eventually leave Walford, leaving Andrew with no family there. Heather's killer is eventually revealed to be Ben Mitchell (Joshua Pascoe) after he confesses to the police", ". When Jay Mitchell (Jamie Borthwick) is released on bail charged with perverting the course of justice for protecting Ben, Andrew accuses Shirley of protecting them as they were living with her. When he sees Jay, he attacks him in The Queen Vic by pushing him onto a table. The next day, Andrew realises that he will never be able to move on as long as he stays in Walford because of the memories and decides to leave. In 2022, he cannot attend Dot's funeral as he is on a cruise with Rose.", "Creation and development", "In November 2011, executive producer Bryan Kirkwood told Inside Soap that Andrew would be returning to EastEnders to woo Heather. In March 2012, Grover said that Andrew will be staying with EastEnders, despite Heather's departure. Speaking to Inside Soap, Grover said: \"EastEnders have asked me to stay on as a more regular character, so I'm hoping to be involved for another year or so", ".\" He added that it was a lovely compliment as Andrew was originally intended for four episodes only and that it was a shock to hear that Fergison would be leaving the show. Grover revealed in April 2012 that he initially turned down the role of Andrew up to five times, before being persuaded to accept the role. Grover said he was scared of being branded a \"silly fat couple\" as both Andrew and Heather are overweight", ". He said he spoke to Steve McFadden (who plays Phil Mitchell), who is a friend of his and he told Grover that he can play the role how he wants so eventually accepted it. Speaking about his introduction, Grover added that Heather and Andrew were \"hitting it off\" and it is like he and Fergison have been working together for years. Grover also added that when he is filming, he \"makes it sound authentic\".", "Fergison commented on Heather feelings when Andrew proposes to her, saying that Heather \"couldn't be happier\". Fergison told All About Soap: \"He tells Heather he has to go and fix Dot's leaky tap, but she discovers he's lying. Her mind goes into overdrive and she's convinced he must be involved in dodgy dealings. She's been let down so many times before, and her initial reaction is to fly off the handle. In the end, he proposes with a plastic washer from Dot's tap,\" she continued", ". In the end, he proposes with a plastic washer from Dot's tap,\" she continued. \"Heather's thrilled, though, and couldn't be happier – the ring could have been from a lucky-dip bag and she'd have still said yes. She can't believe her luck.\" Fergison also added that Heather and Andrew are likely to have a budget wedding if it goes ahead. She continued: \"It will all be done on a shoestring, but they'll want it to look like the whole William-and-Kate affair,\" she said", ". \"As for her dress, I'm sure with Mrs Branning and Mrs Cotton interfering, it could be anything from a lacy number to a meringue. Whatever they pick, it won't be very Heather-ish and it'll be completely out of her hands. She won't mind — as long as the family pull together to make it a special day, she'll be happy.\"", "Fergison said that there will be tension between Andrew and Heather's best friend Shirley Carter, played by Linda Henry. In an interview with Inside Soap, Fergison commented: \"Heather has put her trust in Andrew in a very short period of time. Recently she walked into the café to see Andrew turn over a table in anger, so she knows he has a temper. But Heather really wants things to work out", ". But Heather really wants things to work out. She's aware there are alarm bells ringing, and whereas in the past she would have totally ignored them, she's more wary these days. But when better things override that and he's her lovely Andrew again, it's all fine.\" Speaking about Shirley's take on the situation, she continued: \"There has always been friction between Shirley and whichever man Heather gets involved with. I think she was even jealous of baby George when he was born", ". I think she was even jealous of baby George when he was born. That means there'll be serious sparks as the friction between Andrew and Shirley grows. We're talking fire and brimstone! And that's going to bring out this other side of Andrew once more.\"", "Faith Olubunmi", "Faith Olubunmi, played by Modupe Adeyeye, is the younger sister of Mercy Olubunmi (Bunmi Mojekwu). Faith is one of three main characters in the third series of EastEnders spin-off EastEnders: E20, and the only one to appear in EastEnders as well. She appears in EastEnders from 13 September 2011, before appearing in the spin-off", ". She appears in EastEnders from 13 September 2011, before appearing in the spin-off. Faith was sent to Nigeria by her grandmother Grace Olubunmi (Ellen Thomas) \"to get back on the straight and narrow, but she is back and worse than ever!\" She arrives in Walford to tell Mercy's husband Fatboy (Ricky Norwood) that she has had the marriage annulled and asks for his wedding ring so she can sell it. She stays with Grace and attends a party where she kisses several men", ". She stays with Grace and attends a party where she kisses several men. Faith later holds a party at Grace's house and she has sex with Fatboy but they are caught by Grace. The next day, when Faith returns home drunk, Grace slaps her and kicks her out of the house. In EastEnders: E20, she is unable to find anywhere to live so starts squatting with Donnie Lester (Samuell Benta) and Ava Bourne (Sophie Colquhoun). They attempt to feed themselves by stealing from local business", ". They attempt to feed themselves by stealing from local business. When there is no hot water, Faith has sex with Fatboy to get a hot shower. Faith is placed in emergency care by Grace, and the three discover that their squat is to become their hostel. While there, Faith and Donnie have sex, and Faith discovers that Donnie is illiterate but offers to help him learn to read. She is then rejected by both Donnie and Fatboy", ". She is then rejected by both Donnie and Fatboy. She discovers that Ava was involved in an arson attack when she was younger and is using a new identity, and calls a newspaper to tell them this. Ava then tells Faith that she was raped by their keyworker, Richard. Donnie overhears this and Richard is arrested. Journalists arrive but Faith tells them she lied. She ends up soaking their new keyworker, Theresa", ". Journalists arrive but Faith tells them she lied. She ends up soaking their new keyworker, Theresa. Faith distracts the press by wearing a bikini and confronting them on her doorstep, whilst Donnie and Ava seek out another entrance.", "Faith is described as someone who can be \"an incredible amount of fun and excitement, and she has a cheekiness that charms most people. But she's not nearly as bright as she thinks she is—she can sometimes be reckless and downright dangerous. When Faith runs into [E20 characters] Donnie and Ava, she sees it as her chance to cause even more mischief!\" Faith also has a profile on Twitter. In September, Adeyeye told Digital Spy that she had finished filming for EastEnders.\n\nCraig Moon", "Craig Moon\n\nCraig Moon, played by Elliot Rosen, is the long-lost brother of Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd), and son of Eddie Moon (David Essex).", "The character and casting was announced on 24 July 2011 and Craig first appeared on 16 September 2011. EastEnders worked closely with the Down's Syndrome Association whilst devising the storyline and were praised for \"Presenting people with Down's Syndrome living successful lives.\" A spokesperson for the show added they were committed to raising issues such as Down's syndrome.\n\nYasmin Masood", "Yasmin Masood\nis the daughter of Syed Masood (Marc Elliott) and Amira Masood (Preeya Kalidas). Yasmin is mentioned in two extra scenes available on BBC Online and BBC Red Button, called Amira's Secret, on 6 and 8 September 2011, when Amira reveals that no man will want her any more, as she has Yasmin. Yasmin appears in the second scene. Yasmin made her first appearance in EastEnders on 10 October 2011 and left the show on 12 November 2012. Yasmin made another one off appearance on 19 May 2014.", "Amira leaves Walford after finding out Syed is having an affair with Christian Clarke (John Partridge), though she is carrying a baby, which he does not know about. When Amira returns to Walford over a year later, she meets Yusef Khan (Ace Bhatti), who believes she has come to discuss getting divorced. However, Amira reveals that she wants Syed to meet his daughter. Yusef tries to persuade her she is doing the wrong thing and that Syed will want custody of Yasmin", ". Yusef tries to persuade her she is doing the wrong thing and that Syed will want custody of Yasmin. However, Amira goes to Syed and Christian's engagement party and tells Syed he has a daughter but she does not want Christian to have anything to do with Yasmin but Syed refuses to visit without Christian. However, he later meets Amira and Yasmin in the park. Amira tries to manipulate Syed into spending more time with her and Yasmin", ". Amira tries to manipulate Syed into spending more time with her and Yasmin. Amira lies, saying that Yasmin has swallowed her ring, leading to Yasmin going for an unnecessary trip to the hospital. Yusef, trying to tear the Masood family apart, tells Christian that Syed may not be Yasmin's father so he and Christian get a paternity test done, taking a hair from each of them. However, Yusef, who is the local GP, swaps Syed's hair sample for one of his own", ". However, Yusef, who is the local GP, swaps Syed's hair sample for one of his own. The test results then show that Syed is not Yasmin's father, causing consternation for those involved, though Yusef's falsification is subsequently exposed. When Amira leaves Walford, she leaves Yasmin with Syed and Christian.", "When Christian enters Yasmin into a \"beautiful baby\" competition, Syed becomes angry and refers to Yasmin as his daughter, not his and Christian's, leading to an argument between them. Amira returns a few months later as she wants Yasmin to live with her and her new fiancé in Birmingham. Syed eventually agrees but when Christian finds out, he tries to stop her. Syed tells him that it is for the best and after agreeing to stay in touch, Amira and Yasmin leave after a tearful goodbye", ". However, Syed and Christian soon leave Walford to move nearer to Yasmin. In May 2014, Yasmin appears when Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) visits Christian at his home in Birmingham, following the death of his daughter Lucy (Hetti Bywater). Christian is looking after Yasmin whilst Syed is at work and Ian is affected by seeing Yasmin, telling Christian the sort of things to expect with having a daughter, and when she grew up.", "Development", "In August 2011, it was revealed that Amira had \"[gone] ahead with the pregnancy and will come back with a little girl\", and Kalidas promised a lot of drama. Kalidas said Amira still loves Syed after what he did, and that Amira wants to get back with Syed as she \"doesn't want her daughter to grow up without knowing her father\". She said that Amira cannot move on from Syed, as Yasmin is a constant reminder of him", ". She said that Amira cannot move on from Syed, as Yasmin is a constant reminder of him. Nina Wadia, who plays Syed's mother Zainab, said of the storyline, \"I can't wait for Syed's baby to come. I think it will help Zainab and Syed get closer as she'll want her grandchild and it may make her feel like her son is a proper man.\" Elliott said in May 2010 that Amira being pregnant was \"a real shocker\".", "Mark Garland", "Mark Garland, played by Chris Simmons, is a love interest for Kat Moon (Jessie Wallace). He first appears on 14 October 2011, when he is delivering alcohol to The Queen Victoria public house, of which Kat is a landlady. Mark tries to flirt with Kat but she tells him she is married. Mark later appears in the local nightclub, R&R, where he tries to chat up Kat, this time succeeding and they have a one-night stand", ". The next day, he returns at The Queen Vic and reminds her about the previous night and Kat refuses to serve him and makes Mark leave. The next day, Mark continues to phone Kat, but she rejects his calls.", "It was reported that Kat faces temptation from Mark when she goes through marriage problems with her husband, Alfie Moon (Shane Richie), after he accuses her of having an affair. A source from EastEnders said, \"A delivery driver who calls at The Queen Vic makes a big play for Kat—and soon she's facing serious temptation\". Despite Kat and Mark flirting, it is unknown whether she will succumb to his charms. The Metro described him as \"hunky\" and \"good looking\". Inside Soap called him \"creepy\".\n\nOthers", "Others\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n2011\n, EastEnders\n2011 in British television" ]
Hurricane Dorian
[ "Hurricane Dorian was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Category 5 Atlantic hurricane, which became the most intense tropical cyclone on record to strike the Bahamas, and is tied with the 1935 Labor Day hurricane for the strongest landfall in the Atlantic basin in terms of maximum sustained winds. The 2019 cyclone is regarded as the worst natural disaster in the Bahamas' recorded history", ". The 2019 cyclone is regarded as the worst natural disaster in the Bahamas' recorded history. With winds peaking at , it was also one of the most powerful hurricanes recorded in the Atlantic Ocean in terms of 1-minute sustained winds, and the strongest since Wilma in 2005. Dorian was the fourth named storm, second hurricane, the first major hurricane, and the first Category 5 hurricane of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season", ". Dorian struck the Abaco Islands on September 1 with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph (295 km/h), tying with the 1935 Labor Day hurricane for the highest wind speeds of an Atlantic hurricane ever recorded at landfall. Dorian went on to strike Grand Bahama at similar intensity, stalling just north of the territory with unrelenting winds for at least 24 hours", ". The resultant damage to these islands was catastrophic; most structures were flattened or swept to sea, and at least 70,000 people were left homeless. After it ravaged through the Bahamas, Dorian proceeded along the coasts of the Southeastern United States and Atlantic Canada, leaving behind considerable damage and economic losses in those regions.", "Dorian developed from a tropical wave on August 24 over the Central Atlantic. The storm moved through the Lesser Antilles and became a hurricane north of the Greater Antilles on August 28. Dorian proceeded to undergo rapid intensification over the following days, before reaching its peak as a Category 5 hurricane with one-minute sustained winds of 185 mph (295 km/h) and a minimum central pressure of by September 1", ". It made landfall in the Bahamas in Elbow Cay, just east of Abaco Island, and again on Grand Bahama several hours later, where it remained nearly stationary for the next day or so. After weakening considerably, Dorian began moving northwestward on September 3, parallel to the east coast of Florida. Dwindling in strength, the hurricane turned to the northeast the next day and made landfall on Cape Hatteras at Category 2 intensity on September 6", ". Dorian transitioned into an extratropical cyclone on September 7, before striking first Nova Scotia and then Newfoundland with hurricane-force winds on the next day. The storm finally dissipated near Greenland on September 10.", "From August 26 to August 28, the storm affected several parts of the northernmost Lesser Antilles. Damaging winds primarily affected the Virgin Islands where gusts reached . Extensive precautionary measures were taken to mitigate damage, especially in Puerto Rico, where one person died. Elsewhere in the Lesser Antilles, impacts from the storm were relatively minor", ". Elsewhere in the Lesser Antilles, impacts from the storm were relatively minor. In preparation for the storm, the states of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia all declared a state of emergency and many coastal counties from Florida to North Carolina issued mandatory evacuation orders", ". Damage in the Bahamas was catastrophic due to the prolonged and intense storm conditions, including heavy rainfall, high winds and storm surge, with thousands of homes destroyed and at least 77 direct deaths recorded, 74 of which occurred in the Bahamas. The true death toll is unknown, with 245 people still missing as of August 2020. Dorian is the costliest disaster in Bahamian history, estimated to have left behind $3.4 billion (2020 USD) in damage in that country, while causing a total of $5", ".4 billion (2020 USD) in damage in that country, while causing a total of $5.1 billion in damage overall. Due to the damage and loss of life, the name Dorian was later retired from the Atlantic rotating naming lists by the World Meteorological Organization.", "Meteorological history", "On August 19, 2019, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) identified a tropical wave—an elongated trough of low air pressure—within a monsoon trough over Guinea and Senegal in western Africa. Convective activity associated with the wave was limited by an abundance of Saharan dust in the region. Propagating west over the tropical Atlantic Ocean, the system remained disorganized for several days. On August 23, a defined area of low pressure consolidated at the surface and thunderstorm activity increased", ". The system acquired sufficient organized convection to be classified as Tropical Depression Five at 15:00 UTC on August 24. At this time the system was situated 805 mi (1,300 km) east-southeast of Barbados. A deep ridge imparted continued westward movement of the depression, steering it toward the Lesser Antilles. A small cyclone, it soon developed a defined inner core with a 12 mi (18 km) wide eye-like feature", ". A small cyclone, it soon developed a defined inner core with a 12 mi (18 km) wide eye-like feature. This marked the system's intensification into a tropical storm, at which time it was assigned the name Dorian by the NHC. Thereafter, moderate wind shear and surrounding dry air limited further organization. Rainbands gradually wrapped more around Dorian on August 25–26, though convection remained inconsistent.", "Dorian continued moving west and made landfall at 01:00 UTC on August 27 in Barbados, bringing tropical storm-force winds and heavy rain. It then started moving northwestward toward Saint Lucia. At 11:00 UTC of the same day, Dorian made landfall on the island of Saint Lucia as a tropical storm, briefly disrupting the core of the storm, before entering the Caribbean Sea", ". The storm underwent a center relocation further north, to the west of Martinique, causing the island to experience tropical storm-force winds as well. Dorian had been predicted to travel northwest and pass over or near the Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico, possibly allowing their mountainous terrain to weaken the tropical storm. At that time, dry air and wind shear were expected to prevent Dorian from attaining hurricane status—although just barely", ". However, Dorian took a more northerly track than expected, causing it to pass to the east of Puerto Rico and hit the US Virgin Islands. On August 28, Dorian intensified into a Category 1 hurricane as it approached the US Virgin Islands, where hurricane-force winds were recorded; at 15:30 UTC that day, Dorian became a hurricane and made landfall in Saint Croix and a few hours later, at 18:00 UTC, Dorian made landfall on Saint Thomas at a slightly higher intensity", ". However, the hurricane's small size prevented mainland Puerto Rico from experiencing hurricane- or tropical storm-force winds, although this was not the case for the Spanish Virgin Islands.", "Once the system moved north past the Virgin Islands, the storm entered a more favorable environment. On the next day, the system started to rapidly intensify, reaching Category 2 status early on August 30. Rapid intensification continued, and the storm eventually reached major hurricane status several hours later, on the same day. This strengthening trend came to a halt for the remainder of the day, but soon resumed", ". This strengthening trend came to a halt for the remainder of the day, but soon resumed. The system continued strengthening, and on August 31, Dorian attained Category 4 major hurricane status. Dorian reached Category 5 intensity on the following day. On the morning of September 1, a dropsonde deployed by a NOAA aircraft measured a wind gust of at the surface", ". With one-minute sustained winds of 180 mph (285 km/h) and a minimum pressure of , the NHC noted that Dorian was the strongest hurricane in modern records to affect the northwestern Bahamas.", "At 16:40 UTC on September 1, Dorian made landfall on Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas, with one-minute sustained winds of , wind gusts over , and a central barometric pressure of , as Dorian reached its peak intensity during landfall. Storm chaser Josh Morgerman observed a pressure of in Marsh Harbour. Dorian's forward speed decreased around this time, slowing to a westward crawl of", ". Dorian's forward speed decreased around this time, slowing to a westward crawl of . At 02:00 UTC on September 2, Dorian made landfall on Grand Bahama near the same intensity, with the same sustained wind speed. Afterward, Dorian's forward speed slowed to just , as the Bermuda High that was steering the storm westward weakened", ". Later that day, the storm began to undergo an eyewall replacement cycle to the north of Grand Bahama; the Bermuda High to the northeast of Dorian also collapsed, causing Dorian to stall just north of Grand Bahama. Around the same time, the combination of the eyewall replacement cycle and upwelling of cold water caused Dorian to begin weakening, with Dorian dropping to Category 4 status at 15:00 UTC. Due to the absence of steering currents, Dorian stalled north of Grand Bahama for about a day", ". Due to the absence of steering currents, Dorian stalled north of Grand Bahama for about a day. Dorian subsequently weakened to a Category 2 storm on September 3, before beginning to move northwestward at 15:00 UTC, parallel to the east coast of Florida, with Dorian's wind field expanding during this time.", "While moving northwestward, Dorian gradually reorganized. At 06:00 UTC on September 5, Dorian moved over the warm waters of the Gulf Stream and completed its eyewall replacement cycle, reintensifying into a Category 3 hurricane off the coast of South Carolina. However, several hours later, Dorian encountered high wind shear, causing the storm to weaken to a Category 2 hurricane early on September 6", ". Then, at 12:35 UTC that day, Dorian made landfall in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina as a Category 2 hurricane, with 1-minute sustained winds of 100 mph (160 km/h) and a minimum central pressure of . Afterward, Dorian began to transition into an extratropical cyclone as it quickly moved northeastward, completing its transition on September 7. The storm maintained its intensity, due to baroclinic processes, generating Category 2 hurricane-equivalent winds. Several hours later, at 7:05 p.m", ". Several hours later, at 7:05 p.m. AST on September 7 (23:05 UTC on September 7), Dorian made landfall on Sambro Creek, Nova Scotia, as a Category 1-equivalent extratropical storm, before making its fourth and final landfall on the northern part of Newfoundland several hours later. By 11:00 p.m. AST on September 8 (03:00 UTC on September 9), Dorian had moved into the Labrador Sea, 375 miles off the coast, moving northeastward at , with wind speeds of , maintaining tropical storm-strength winds", ". As Dorian no longer posed a threat to Atlantic Canada at that time, the NHC issued their final advisory on the storm. On September 10, Dorian's extratropical remnant dissipated off the coast of southern Greenland.", "Preparations\n\nCaribbean", "Prior to Dorian's arrival in the Lesser Antilles, local governments issued various tropical cyclone warnings and watches across the islands. LIAT cancelled multiple flights across the Lesser Antilles due to the storm and airports across the Virgin Islands temporarily suspended operations. Many of the threatened islands suffered devastating impacts in 2017 from Hurricanes Irma and Maria, lending to greater vigilance", ". In Barbados, thirty-eight shelters opened island-wide, with 103 residents seeking refuge in them. All public services were suspended for the duration of the storm. Homeless persons were transported to shelter by emergency personnel. On August 26, St. Lucia prime minister Allen Chastanet announced that the nation would \"shut down\" for the duration of Dorian. In Dominica, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit ordered all public sector workers to remain home and prepare for the storm", ". The Ministry of Public Works mobilized heavy machinery and the police were placed on high alert.", "Puerto Rico Wanda Vázquez Garced declared a state of emergency for the territory on August 27. The following day, the Puerto Rico National Guard was activated to support any relief operations related to the storm. Fears centered around the still-unstable power grid which was largely destroyed by Maria; hundreds of utility workers were deployed to quickly fix any outages. In some areas, power lines remained affixed to palm trees. An estimated 30,000 homes still had damaged roofs from the 2017 hurricane", ". An estimated 30,000 homes still had damaged roofs from the 2017 hurricane. Territory-wide, 360 shelters with a collective capacity of 48,500 persons opened; 24,000 cots were distributed to these shelters. A state of emergency was declared for the United States Virgin Islands on August 28. Curfews were enacted for the British and United States Virgin Islands for the duration of the hurricane.", "Bahamas", "A warning to take immediate cover was issued by the NHC Twitter account, at 11a.m. EDT on September 1, 2019, as Dorian made landfall in Elbow Cay, Bahamas, at 16:40 UTC as a Category 5 hurricane. Samuel Butler, the Royal Bahamas Police Force assistant commissioner with responsibility for Grand Bahama and the Northern Region (Abaco, Bimini and the Berry Islands), told residents \"if you do not heed to the warning [..", "...] we know that the end could be fatal\" and Don Cornish, the administrator with the City of Freeport told others seeking shelter at Old Bahama Bay Hotel \"that is not a good idea [...] reconsider that decision\".", "Mainland United States", "Florida", "On August 28, Florida governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for 26 counties in the hurricane's expected path. This later expanded to the entire state on August 29. First responders distributed sandbags in many counties. Residents began stocking up on supplies throughout the state. In Brevard County, locals worked to trim large tree branches to protect power lines", ". In Brevard County, locals worked to trim large tree branches to protect power lines. The University of Central Florida, Stetson University, Rollins College, and Daytona State College cancelled classes between August 30 and September 3", ". In addition, the Florida Institute of Technology, University of North Florida, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida Atlantic University, University of South Florida, Florida International University and the University of Miami cancelled classes for at least one day on top of the three-day Labor Day weekend.", "When it became apparent that Dorian would near the Florida coastline, a tropical storm watch was issued for the Florida east coast from Deerfield Beach to Sebastian Inlet on August 31. It was upgraded to a tropical storm warning a few hours later. A hurricane watch was issued for the area north of Deerfield Beach on September 1, and it was upgraded to a hurricane warning later that day", ". On the night of September 1, a hurricane watch was issued for Volusia and Broward counties, which was later upgraded to a hurricane warning and extended down the coast.", "The Florida State League and Gulf Coast League of Minor League Baseball both cancelled the remainder of the regular season and the playoffs due to the hurricane. In college football, the game between the Florida State Seminoles and the Boise State Broncos originally scheduled for 7p.m. on August 31 in Jacksonville was moved to 12:00 p.m. on August 31 in Tallahassee to move the game out of the path of the storm", ".m. on August 31 in Tallahassee to move the game out of the path of the storm. The Orlando Pride of the National Women's Soccer League postponed their game against the Washington Spirit from August 31 to October 5.", "Kay Ivey, Governor of Alabama, announced that the Alabama National Guard would be sending up to fifty support personnel to Florida to aid in recovery efforts. On September 1, Governor DeSantis said that 4,500 members of the United States National Guard had been activated to help aid those affected by Dorian, saying that the hurricane is \"way too close for comfort.\" On Sunday, September 1, Jacksonville, Florida, announced mandatory evacuations for Monday, September 2, taking effect at 8a.m", ".m. The city bridges closed when wind speeds of were recorded. Emergency shelters opened at 10a.m. on Monday. Broward County Public Schools will be closed Tuesday; all city and government offices, as well as all Duval County Public Schools, St. Johns County Public Schools, and Brevard Public Schools will be closed for Tuesday and Wednesday. Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and Atlantic Beach will closed Sunday night. On September 2, a curfew was set in place for Flagler County that will start at 7p.m", ". On September 2, a curfew was set in place for Flagler County that will start at 7p.m. Tuesday until further notice. Legoland Florida and parts of Walt Disney World were closed on Tuesday. The parts not closed stayed open until either 2p.m or 3p.m. EDT. It was announced on Tuesday that Walt Disney World would fully open back up for Wednesday. Uber started offering fee waivers on roundtrip rides to and from shelters for up to $20", ". Uber started offering fee waivers on roundtrip rides to and from shelters for up to $20. Comcast started offering free Wi-Fi to everyone in Florida, Verizon provided unlimited calling, data, and texting for customers, and AT&T waived data overage charges for residents. On September 3, 115 general shelters and 48 special needs shelters were open across the state of Florida.", "Georgia", "On August 28, Georgia governor Brian Kemp declared a state of emergency for coastal counties of Georgia that are in the forecast path of the hurricane, including Brantley, Bryan, Camden, Charlton, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Pierce and Wayne counties. Governor Kemp added several more counties on Wednesday, September 4, bringing the total number of counties under emergency to 21. Atlanta Motor Speedway opened their campgrounds free of charge to evacuees of Hurricane Dorian", ". Atlanta Motor Speedway opened their campgrounds free of charge to evacuees of Hurricane Dorian. The Georgia State Park System waived parking and pet fees at their parks and made many campgrounds available for evacuees. Georgia State University offered free tickets to their September 7 football game to any evacuees. The College of Coastal Georgia announced campus closures for both Tuesday and Wednesday following Labor Day. Savannah State University also cancelled classes Tuesday", ". Savannah State University also cancelled classes Tuesday. The Georgia coast began experiencing tropical storm force wind gusts and Dorian's outer rain on Wednesday, September 4.", "On September 2, a hurricane watch was issued for the south coast of Georgia as Dorian neared. It was later extended to include the whole coast. A tropical storm warning was issued for the entire coast as well.\n\nSouth Carolina\n\nOn August 31, South Carolina governor Henry McMaster declared a state of emergency for the entire state after the path of Dorian shifted to affect South Carolina as a strong hurricane.", "On September 1, during a news conference, Governor McMaster announced that mandatory evacuations for Jasper, Beaufort, Colleton, Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester, Georgetown, and Horry counties will go into effect on Monday, September 2, at noon. State government offices and schools in the counties previously mentioned will be closed until further notice, starting Tuesday", ". Due to the evacuations, many colleges including College of Charleston and Coastal Carolina University were closed from Tuesday until further notice.", "On September 2, as Dorian's track shifted, a hurricane watch was issued for the entire coast. This was later upgraded to a warning as Dorian's expected track took it near the coast.", "North Carolina\nOn August 30, North Carolina governor Roy Cooper declared a state of emergency for the entire state, due to the hurricane. Charlotte Motor Speedway opened their campgrounds free of charge to evacuees of Hurricane Dorian. In Durham, a large statewide hurricane shelter opened inside the former Sears store at the Northgate Mall.", "The University of North Carolina at Wilmington cancelled classes for the week of September 3 and issued a mandatory evacuation of the campus. Over the Labor Day weekend, several school districts announced plans to close ahead of expected evacuations. New Hanover County, Pender County and Brunswick County, all in the Cape Fear region, cancelled public schools on September 4–5, as did several private schools and community colleges.", "Early voting for most counties in the special election in North Carolina's 3rd congressional district and for some counties in the special election for the 9th congressional district was also temporarily halted after Wednesday, September 4 as a result, until the North Carolina State Board of Elections could decide what action to take", ". Ultimately, Karen Brinson Bell, the Board's Executive Director, would opt to use her emergency powers to extend early voting hours for the 9th district through Saturday, September 7, but only in four harder-hit counties that actually closed polling sites, and to have other counties further inland which did not close polling sites end early voting on Friday, September 6, as originally prescribed under state law, in order to make the most of the district's resources", ". Likewise, the Board extended early voting hours through Saturday for 11 counties in the 3rd district, but not for 6 other affected counties suffering from \"power outages, poor conditions or a lack of workers.\"", "Further north, along the Outer Banks in Dare County a mandatory evacuation order was given on September 2, 2019. Visitors and tourists were required to evacuate by noon on September 3, while residents were required to evacuate by 6:00 a.m. on September 4. The state's ports were closed starting at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4, until further notice. On September 3, Governor Cooper activated more than 300 members of the North Carolina National Guard to help aid in recovery efforts.", "On September 3, a hurricane watch was issued for the entire coastline. It was later upgraded to a warning just a few hours later.\n\nVirginia\nOn September 2, Virginia governor Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency ahead of Dorian's anticipated impact on coastal Virginia.\n\nOn September 3, a tropical storm watch was issued for the Delmarva Peninsula. This was upgraded to a warning a day later as Dorian's track became more apparent.", "Maryland and Delaware", "On September 4, as Dorian's large size was expected to potentially bring tropical storm conditions to southern Maryland and Delaware, in correspondence with the upgrading of the tropical storm watch in effect for the Delmarva to a warning, a tropical storm watch was issued for areas south of Fenwick Island, and areas of the Tidal Potomac River south of Cobb Island, as well as areas south of Drum Point", ". In Ocean City, Maryland, officials closed the seawall and removed items from the beach and boardwalk; swimming restrictions were also put into place. In Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, swimming restrictions were also put into place, while the portion of the weekend Sandcastle Contest to take place on September 6 was cancelled. Larry Hogan also authorized Maryland's Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team to help with NC rescue.", "New England \nAs Dorian was pulled to the northeast by a passing cold front, the storm passed just 150 miles (240 km) offshore of New England. As a result of this near-miss, a tropical storm watch was issued on September 5 from Woods Hole to Sagamore Beach, including Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, in Massachusetts. It was upgraded to a warning later the same day. On September 6, a tropical storm warning was issued for the northern coast of Maine from Bar Harbor to Eastport.", "Elsewhere \nIn Tennessee, Bristol Motor Speedway opened one of their campgrounds free of charge to evacuees of Hurricane Dorian. Along the Jersey Shore in New Jersey, officials in Margate City prepared sandbags in case of flooding from the storm while officials in Brigantine removed lifeguard stands and boats from the beach.", "In advance of Dorian, Airbnb offered free housing to evacuees in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and the Carolinas, valid from August 31 through September 16. AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile waived charges and/or provided unlimited data to customers within affected states. The American Red Cross Utah Region deployed members to the Southeast U.S. For days in advance of the storm, experts at U.S. Geological Survey warned of the likelihood of rip currents and beach erosion along the Southeast U.S. shoreline", ".S. shoreline. The organization deployed at least 150 storm-tide sensors and 22 other instruments to track the hurricane's effects along the coast.", "Alabama controversy", "On September 1, President Donald Trump tweeted that multiple states, including Alabama, \"will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.\" By that date, no weather forecaster was predicting that Dorian would impact Alabama, and the eight National Hurricane Center forecast updates over the preceding 24 hours showed Dorian steering well away from Alabama and moving up the Atlantic coast. Trump was apparently relying on information that was several days old", ". Trump was apparently relying on information that was several days old. Twenty minutes later, the Birmingham, Alabama office of the National Weather Service (NWS) issued a tweet that appeared to contradict Trump, saying that Alabama \"will NOT see any impacts from Dorian\". Over the following days Trump insisted repeatedly that he had been right about the hurricane threatening Alabama.", "On September 4 in the Oval Office, Trump displayed a modified version of the National Hurricane Center's August 29 diagram of Dorian's projected track. The modification was done with a black Sharpie marker to extend the cone of uncertainty of the hurricane's possible path into southern Alabama. Trump said he did not know how the map came to be modified. The incident resulted in the hashtag \"Sharpiegate\" trending on Twitter", ". The incident resulted in the hashtag \"Sharpiegate\" trending on Twitter. Later the same day, Trump tweeted a map dated August 28, showing numerous projected paths of Dorian. Trump falsely asserted \"almost all models\" showed Dorian hitting Alabama, even though the map showed most predicted paths would not enter Alabama.", "On September 6, NOAA published an unsigned statement which supported Trump's initial claim that Alabama was a target of the storm and criticized the Birmingham NWS office for denying it. It was later revealed that NOAA had been ordered to issue such a statement by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, and that he had been told by Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to get NOAA to support Trump's original statement that Alabama was threatened", ". This direct White House involvement raised questions about political influence over NOAA, and is under investigation by multiple agencies including NOAA's acting chief scientist, the inspector general of the Commerce Department, and the House of Representatives committee which oversees NOAA.", "Atlantic Canada", "As Dorian approached Atlantic Canada, hurricane and tropical storm warnings were issued for Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. On September 6, the Halifax Regional Municipality encouraged residents living along the eastern shores of Nova Scotia to evacuate, citing expected high winds, heavy rainfall, and waves up to in height", ". The Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office implored residents to secure easily dislodged objects to prevent high winds from turning them into projectiles, drawing comparisons to Hurricane Juan in 2003. Nova Scotia Power set up an emergency operations center and mobilized 1,000 personnel, including forestry crews, damage assessors, as well as power line technicians from adjacent provinces, to prepare for Dorian's impacts", ". WestJet, Air Canada, and Porter Airlines issued travel advisories for the weekend and waived rebooking fees for flights to and from affected areas.", "Impacts\n\nCaribbean", "From August 26 to 29, Dorian produced damaging winds and heavy rain across the eastern Caribbean. In Barbados, winds reached , downing trees and power lines. Isolated interruptions to power occurred on St. Lucia; no damage occurred otherwise in the nation. In Martinique, heavy rains—peaking at in Rivière-Pilote—and winds up to caused some damage, though overall damage was negligible. Heavy showers in Dominica left multiple communities without power and water", ". Heavy showers in Dominica left multiple communities without power and water. Rainfall extended north to Guadeloupe were accumulations reached in Matouba. Striking the Virgin Islands as an intensifying hurricane, Dorian brought strong winds and heavy rains to the region. Buck Island, just south of Saint Thomas, experienced sustained winds of and a peak gust of . Wind gusts on Saint Thomas reached", ". Wind gusts on Saint Thomas reached . Island-wide blackouts occurred on Saint Thomas and Saint John, while 25,000 customers lost power on Saint Croix. The high winds downed trees across the islands. Along the coast, multiple boats broke from their moorings and washed ashore. Some flooding occurred on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. Downed trees knocked out power to some residences on Virgin Gorda", ". Downed trees knocked out power to some residences on Virgin Gorda. Because the hurricane moved farther northeast than initially anticipated, its effects in Puerto Rico were relatively limited. A man in Bayamón died when he fell off his roof trying to clean drains in advance of the storm.", "Bahamas", "Increased tides were experienced in the Bahamas ahead of the storm, with rip currents occurring as well. On September 1, 2019, hurricane conditions arrived in some of the Abaco Islands. A few hours later, destructive conditions arrived, with Hurricane Dorian making landfall as a Category 5 hurricane at 16:40 UTC, becoming the strongest hurricane in modern records to strike the northwestern Bahamas. Around 12:30pm AST, Category 5 winds arrived at the Bahamas with the eyewall. Gusts of over also occurred", ". Gusts of over also occurred. Devastating storm surge of up to 23 feet swept away many buildings and submerged a large part of the affected areas. At 7:00 (UTC) on September 2, 2019, Grand Bahama International Airport was underwater. Minister of Agriculture Michael Pintard reported an estimated storm tide of at his home on Grand Bahama. The Bahamas prime minister, Hubert Minnis, said \"This is a deadly [...] monster storm\".", "Marsh Harbour received \"catastrophic damage\", according to an ABC News team. Over 75% of the homes had been damaged, Marsh Harbour International Airport's runway was underwater, there was significant flooding on streets and beaches, damage to trees and with some home's roofs ripped off entirely. The scene was described by an ABC reporter as \"pure hell\". An eight-year-old boy drowned in the storm surge, while the boy's sister was also reported to be missing", ". Four other people, along with the eight-year-old boy, were confirmed dead on the Abaco Islands, the prime minister told reporters on Monday. By Wednesday, the death toll had been raised to twenty, according to the prime minister. This soon increased to forty-three by Saturday. However, a Bahamas newspaper suggested that the actual death toll could be over 3,000.", "The local animal shelters were hit hard by the storm with the Humane Society of Grand Bahama's experiencing stronger storm surges than expected. Workers had attempted to help the animals before retreating to the attic crawl space but almost half of the 190 dogs in their care died in the flooding and some of the 85 cats died as well. The numbers of animals has varied with earlier reports claiming that there were 135 dogs and 155 cats in the shelters care, with 80 cats and 90 dogs surviving.", "It is feared that the Bahama nuthatch may have been wiped out by Dorian, as it caused catastrophic damage to the Bahamian pineyards. A 2020 post-hurricane assessment by the IUCN Red List still entertains the probability of the species being extant, although likely having a maximum population size of only 50 individuals and likely well below that, and indicates that extensive surveys for the species will be needed to confirm its status.", "The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) reported that as many as 13,000 homes were damaged or destroyed on Abaco Island. Extensive flooding is also believed to have caused water wells to be contaminated with seawater, creating an urgent need for clean water. Total damage in the country reached $3.4 billion. Property damage accounted for $2", ". Total damage in the country reached $3.4 billion. Property damage accounted for $2.5 billion; the nation suffered $717 million in economic losses; and $221 million was required for debris removal and cleaning a large oil spill.", "Around 11:24 UTC on September 2, 2019, total power was lost on the island of New Providence, the following day at 1:50 (UTC) 40% of power had been restored.\n\nTropical storm conditions continued into Monday, September 2. At 2p.m. EDT, a sustained wind of and a gust of at a NOAA Coastal Marine observing site at Settlement Point on the west end of Grand Bahama Island.", "On September 3, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis stated, \"Our urgent task will be to provide food, water, shelter, safety and security. Additional food will be delivered by NEMA tomorrow.\" He went on to say that Dorian was \"the greatest national crisis in our country's history.\" The United Nations projected that as of Saturday, September 7, at least 70,000 people had been left homeless on Grand Bahama and the Abaco Islands.", "On Thursday, September 12, over 1,300 people were missing or unaccounted for in the Bahamas, a number which plummeted from 2,500 over the previous two weeks. On September 26, the number of people missing in the Bahamas dropped to 600, while the official death toll rose to 56. By February 2020, the death toll rose to 74; including 63 in Abaco and 11 in Grand Bahama, with 282 people still reported as missing.", "Mainland United States\nThe National Centers for Environmental Information estimated total damage in the United States to be in excess of $1.2 billion.\n\nFlorida", "Florida\n\nOn September 2, Florida began experiencing tropical storm-force winds. At 18:00 UTC (2 p.m. EDT), the pier in Juno Beach recorded a wind gust of . One death occurred in the central coast barrier island town of Indiatlantic, when a man fell three stories while boarding up his home. During September 3 and 4, tropical storm force winds continued to move up the east coast of Florida, with the storm's eye staying about 100 miles away from landfall.", "Many areas along the Atlantic coast reporting gusts of over tropical storm force, especially at Cape Canaveral. At 8am EDT on September 4 at St. Augustine Beach, a sustained wind of and a gust of was reported. In Jacksonville, the city experienced tropical storm force winds on September 4 which blew around debris and knocked out power. A lifeguard rescued a woman pulled out by a rip current in Jacksonville Beach while other swimmers were ordered out of the water", ". Hurricane Dorian also caused three indirect deaths in Florida. A landscaper was electrocuted to death while trimming trees at a hotel in Naples, while two other people died during preparations for storm.", "The Carolinas", "A fatality occurred in North Carolina on September 2, when an 85-year-old man fell off a ladder while boarding up his home, and another was confirmed dead on September 6, a 65-year-old man after he, too, fell off a ladder. On September 5, several tornadoes spawned by Dorian were sighted in Onslow County. At around 9a.m. EST that day a tornado touched down in the town of Emerald Isle, causing severe damage to a recreational vehicle park and some mobile homes", ". In total, 25 tornadoes were spawned by Dorian in North Carolina. Flooding from the storm washed out a road in Sampson County. On the same day, tropical-storm force winds had arrived in South Carolina. Dorian also produced some flooding, especially in Charleston. Over 160,000 buildings lost power. Two confirmed tornadoes were spawned in South Carolina by Dorian, including a tornado that was reported in Little River that damaged trees, roofing, and lifted a car", ". At the same day another tornado was reported in Myrtle Beach. On the next day, Dorian made landfall in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina as a Category 2 storm. Several people on Ocracoke Island were trapped in their attics by flooding from the storm surge, requiring rescue by boats. People were airlifted off the island to shelters on the mainland while food and water were brought in to residents on the island. NC 12 along Ocracoke Island suffered damage from flooding", ". NC 12 along Ocracoke Island suffered damage from flooding. More than 190,000 people in North Carolina lost power from the storm. The National Park Service Incident Management Team also reported that wave erosion from Dorian reshaped parts of the barrier islands in the Outer Banks. High waves swept away a herd of cows from Cedar Island; three cows survived after being carried away to Core Banks", ". A third fatality occurred on September 7 when a man died from injuries sustained in a chainsaw accident while he was trying to clear a fallen tree.", "Elsewhere", "55 aircraft from military installations in Virginia and the Carolinas were evacuated to Pensacola in order to avoid the hurricane. Waves from the hurricane caused erosion to the beaches in Delaware. In Bethany Beach, the waves narrowed the beaches and also damaged dune fencing. The Jersey Shore saw gusty winds and rough waves from the storm. The State of Alabama received no rainfall or wind effects from Hurricane Dorian during its track up the continental coast", ". More than of rain fell in parts of Down East Maine. Gusts reached in coastal areas of the state, leaving hundreds of homes and businesses without power. Acadia National Park closed Sand Beach and Thunder Hole as a precaution and warned people to keep their distance from the waves.", "Atlantic Canada", "On September 7, 2019, at 5p.m. EDT, Nova Scotia started to experience hurricane-force winds. By 7p.m. EDT, the center of the storm passed over Halifax, while tropical storm conditions were being felt in Prince Edward Island. By September 8, approximately 412,000 customers in Nova Scotia lost power, accounting for approximately 80 percent of the province, as well as 80,000 customers in New Brunswick", ". Flooding was reported, roofs were torn off buildings, and a crane collapsed onto a building being constructed. The collapse led to local evacuations for some residents and businesses. First responders evacuated 31 persons from a campground in Prince Edward Island early Sunday morning, on September 7, as it was inundated by storm surge. Though Dorian was post-tropical on arrival, winds off the coast of Nova Scotia were estimated to reach , equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane", ". Rainfall totals were highest in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, which received of rain. Various stations across Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island recorded rainfall amounts in excess of . Several stations recorded winds higher than , with the highest gusts recorded in Grand Étang, Nova Scotia, at . In the Cavendish area of Prince Edward Island National Park, 80 percent of trees suffered damage from the high winds, and storm surge caused of coastal erosion", ". Winds of also affected the Magdalen Islands of Quebec in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Seven thousand customers were without power there at one point, representing nearly all customers on the islands. On the night of September 7, a buoy off the coast of Newfoundland detected a rogue wave, which had been generated by Dorian's winds. Insurance damage across the region was estimated at C$105 million (US$78", ". Insurance damage across the region was estimated at C$105 million (US$78.9 million), with power grid damage in Nova Scotia alone accounting for $39 million (Canadian) by Nova Scotia Power, making it the costliest storm in Nova Scotia Power's history.", "Aftermath", "Bahamian prime minister Hubert Minnis praised the United States for \"assisting us with all of our needs.\" President Donald Trump assured the Bahamian prime minister of help in relief efforts. In September 2019, President Donald Trump stated that his administration is planning to extend temporary protected status to immigrants from the hurricane-hit Bahamas", ". There was confusion with the statement however, with the acting Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan stating that the US would \"...accept anyone on humanitarian reasons...\". Shortly after his statement Trump stated that no one would be allowed in without proper documentation, claiming \"...the Bahamas had some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas that weren't supposed to be there\" and the need to protect the US against gang members and drug dealers.", "The Bahamas Paradise, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, and Carnival cruise lines started sending water bottles and meals to the Bahamas. The Grand Celebration offered to give a chance for evacuees to evacuate to Florida free of charge, given they have the proper documentation. On September 7, the Grand Celebration helped bring more than 1,100 evacuees to Florida", ". On September 7, the Grand Celebration helped bring more than 1,100 evacuees to Florida. The company stated in a press release that \"the cruise line spent nearly a full day clearing potential evacuees, including vetting their visa and passport documentation.\" The Royal Caribbean International also helped deliver more than 43,000 water bottles and 10,000 meals to the Bahamas.", "The United States branch of the Jehovah's Witnesses also participated in the relief efforts, delivering 100+ tons of relief supplies and 700 volunteer workers to the affected areas.", "The evacuation process was not without confusion as many evacuees who had boarded the Balearia Caribbean, were not told until the vessel had almost departed that anyone traveling to the United States without a visa must disembark. This caused many, including families with children to disembark", ". This caused many, including families with children to disembark. Blame for the confusion was placed on US Customs and Border Protection by the vessel who claimed to have been told that visa's were not necessary, and on the vessel by the US Customs and Border Protection who stated the vessel did not coordinate properly.", "As the hurricane had damaged or destroyed a majority of the Humane Society of Grand Bahama and killed many of the animals in its care, a GoFundMe was created in order to help renovate and aid the organization's locations. Surviving animals were airlifted to the United States in order to disperse them to other shelters while the organization was stabilized.", "About 300 military personnel from the Canadian Armed Forces were deployed to the Halifax area to assist with recovery. Parks Canada estimated that 80 per cent of the trees in the western, Cavendish segment of Prince Edward Island National Park were downed by the storm, as well as causing of coastal erosion. All public schools in Nova Scotia were closed on September 9 and 10. Public schools were closed across Prince Edward Island on the 9th, and most re-opened the next day.", "News reports stated that the Bahama nuthatch has been wiped out by Dorian as it caused impact on the Bahamian pineyards.\n\nRecords\n\nWith sustained winds of 185 mph (295 km/h), Dorian is the strongest hurricane on record to strike the Bahamas since records began in 1851.", "Dorian is tied with the 1935 Labor Day hurricane for the highest sustained winds at landfall in an Atlantic hurricane; by the same metric, it is also the strongest Atlantic hurricane since Wilma in 2005. By central pressure, it was the fifth lowest pressure of a hurricane at landfall. Dorian is one of only two Category 5 hurricanes to make landfall on the Abaco Islands, the other having occurred in 1932, and is the only such storm on record to have impacted Grand Bahama", ". With Dorian, 2019 became the fourth consecutive year to produce at least one Category 5 hurricane in the North Atlantic.", "Additionally, Dorian featured the highest sustained winds in an Atlantic hurricane recorded at latitude (26.6°N), and was the strongest Atlantic-basin hurricane ever detected outside of the tropics, surpassing Hurricane Irma. Dorian also tracked the least distance in a 24-hour period recorded for an Atlantic major hurricane since Hurricane Betsy in 1965", ". The storm impacted a single land area as a Category 5 hurricane for the longest duration recorded in the Atlantic basin, with portions of Dorian's eyewall striking Great Abaco Island and Grand Bahama with Category 5 winds for about 22 hours.", "Retirement", "Due to the disastrous effects of Dorian, particularly in the Bahamas, the name was originally expected to be retired in the Spring of 2020. However, the 2020 World Meteorological Organization meeting was online and shortened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in insufficient amount of time for discussing potential retirements and replacements of tropical cyclone names", ". During the following year's meeting, Dorian was retired due to the damages and deaths it caused, and will never be used again for another Atlantic hurricane. It will be replaced with Dexter for the 2025 season.", "See also", "List of Category 5 Atlantic hurricanes\n List of Canada hurricanes\n Tropical cyclones in 2019\n Timeline of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season\n 1928 Okeechobee hurricane – passed through the Lesser Antilles and the Bahamas as a major hurricane in September 1928, before curving northwards over Florida\n Hurricane Andrew (1992) – took a similar track and struck the Bahamas and south Florida as a Category 5 hurricane\n Hurricane Floyd (1999) – took a similar track and affected the Bahamas and the US East Coast", "Hurricane Floyd (1999) – took a similar track and affected the Bahamas and the US East Coast\n Hurricane Joaquin (2015) – A Category 4 hurricane that also stalled over The Bahamas\n Hurricane Matthew (2016) – formed near Barbados and affected the Windward Islands, Grand Bahama, Florida and the Outer Banks in late September 2016\n Hurricane Isaias (2020) – affected similar areas\n Hurricane Nicole (2022) – affected similar areas", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nThe National Hurricane Center:\n Archived 5-day Forecasts Track and Watch/Warnings Graphic\n Advisory archive on Hurricane Dorian", "Dorian\n2019 in the Caribbean\nDorian (2019)\nAugust 2019 events in North America\nDorian\nDorian\nDorian\nDorian\nDorian\nDorian\nDorian\nDorian\nDorian\n2019 natural disasters\nDorian\nCategory 5 Atlantic hurricanes\nArticles containing video clips\nDorian\nDorian\nHistory of Halifax, Nova Scotia\nNatural disasters in Nova Scotia\nNatural disasters in Prince Edward Island\n2019 disasters in Canada\nDorian\nDorian" ]
[ "Nationally television broadcasts of National Basketball Association (NBA) games first aired on ABC from 1965 to 1973. In 2002, NBA games returned to ABC as part of a contract signed with the league, along with cable sister network ESPN. After the ABC Sports division was merged into ESPN Inc. by parent company Disney in 2006, broadcasts have since been produced by ESPN, and have primarily used the NBA on ESPN branding and graphics instead of the NBA on ABC branding.", "ABC's regular season schedule typically starts on Christmas Day, and continues with slates of NBA Saturday Primetime games and NBA Sunday Showcase afternoon games on selected weekends from mid-January through early-April. ABC then airs selected games during the first five weeks of the NBA playoffs, and is the exclusive broadcaster of the NBA Finals.\n\nHistory", "ABC gains the NBA for the first time (1965–1973)", "ABC first signed a deal with the NBA to become the league's primary television partner in 1964; the network's first game telecast aired on January 3, 1965 (a game between the Boston Celtics and Cincinnati Royals). ABC's initial alliance with the NBA first came about due to ABC Sports head Roone Arledge's search for live programming that could diminish the ratings of CBS Sports Spectacular, and ABC's own anthology program, Wide World of Sports a boost with sponsors", ". ABC initially paid the NBA only $650,000 for the rights annually.", "For much of the 1960s, ABC only televised Sunday afternoon games, including during the NBA Playoffs. This meant that ABC did not have to televise a potential NBA Finals deciding game if it were played on a weeknight. In 1969, ABC did televise Game 7 of the Los Angeles Lakers–Boston Celtics series in prime time on a weeknight. The following season, ABC aired the 1970 NBA Finals in its entirety, making it the first Finals series to have all games televised nationally.", "Commentators for the original NBA on ABC included play-by-play announcers Keith Jackson and Chris Schenkel, and analysts Jack Twyman, Bob Cousy and Bill Russell. On April 8, 1967, a strike by the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) forced ABC Sports producer Chuck Howard and director Chet Forte to call Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Finals between Boston Celtics and Philadelphia 76ers, as its regular announcing team were members of the union", ". Curt Gowdy also served on play-by-play for half of the 1967–68 season.", "The first nationally televised Christmas Day NBA broadcast occurred in , when ABC broadcast a game between the Los Angeles Lakers and San Diego Rockets from the then-San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego. Jerry Gross and Jack Twyman called that particular broadcast for the network. ABC would continue to televise Christmas games through . The remainder of these broadcasts were based from Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix", ". The remainder of these broadcasts were based from Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix. Chris Schenkel did play-by-play for ABC during this period with the exception of , when Keith Jackson held that responsibility. Jack Twyman remained as color commentator for the broadcasts up until , when the position was assumed by Bill Russell.", "By 1969, ABC's NBA contract worth only $3 million. To put things into proper perspective, in 1969, Major League Baseball's television contract with NBC was worth $16.5 million while the National Football League cost CBS about $22 million. What that meant is that ABC had made a bargain in purchasing the television rights to the NBA, considering the league's steady ratings. To give you a better idea, ABC's ratings for the NBA rose from a 6.0 in 1965 to an 8.2 in 1968.", "ABC was by this time, coming increasingly under fire for what perceived to be a less than spectacular presentation of the NBA. Sports Illustrateds Frank Deford in particular, singled ABC out for their coverage of the 1971 NBA Finals. Deford felt that ABC was making a mistake in trying to cover the NBA the same way that they covered a football game, because they were two different games. On that end, Deford wrote that neither ABC's announcers nor cameras were able to isolate the important phases of the game", ". He added that replays were used only to second-guess officials rather than \"capture the grace and precision of the performers\". Meanwhile, Deford also criticized play-by-play man Chris Schenkel in regards to his failure to appreciate the nuances of the game and their halftime shows, which Deford saw not innovative or imaginative.", "ABC lost the broadcast rights to the NBA to CBS after the 1972–73 season, with the network's initial tenure with the league ending with its last NBA Finals game on May 10, 1973. ABC filled the void left by losing the NBA by counterprogramming Wide World of Sports on Sundays against CBS' NBA coverage.", "The dark years (1973–2002)\nOn December 15, 1973, ABC aired what is considered to be the first telecast of a regular season college basketball game by a major broadcast network (between UCLA and North Carolina State in St. Louis). ABC televised this game using its former NBA announcing crew of Keith Jackson and Bill Russell.", "Bill Russell also provided color commentary for ABC's coverage of basketball at the Summer Olympics in 1972 and 1976. Russell worked alongside Frank Gifford, Bill Flemming (who (filled in for Gifford while he did wrestling in 1972), and Curt Gowdy.", "And then in the 1977–78 NCAA Division I men's season, C.D. Chesley (who controlled the rights to the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) at the time) wanted NBC to televise select ACC games as part of its national package as it had done the previous few years. However, NBC wanted to feature intersectional games. This action greatly upset Chesley, who wound up selling the rights to the ACC Tournament final to ABC. ABC would televise the 1978 ACC Tournament final as part of Wide World of Sports", ". ABC would televise the 1978 ACC Tournament final as part of Wide World of Sports. The game, called by Jim Lampley and Bill Russell, marked the first time Duke University's Blue Devils basketball team played on national television.", "For ABC's final Summer Olympics to date, which were the 1984 games from Los Angeles, Keith Jackson provided the play–by–play alongside Digger Phelps (men) and Ann Meyers (women).", "ABC wouldn't begin broadcasting college basketball on a more regular basis until January 18, 1987. In the early years of ABC's regular college basketball coverage, Keith Jackson and Dick Vitale were the primary announcing crew, while Gary Bender was the secondary play-by-play announcer behind Jackson. Meanwhile, Al Michaels did regional games during this period.", "Also beginning in 1987 and continuing through 1989, ABC broadcast the McDonald's Open. Gary Bender and Dick Vitale provided the commentary for ABC's broadcasts. Supplemental coverage was provided by TBS.\n\nABC Radio's coverage (1984–1990) \nFrom the 1984–85 through 1989–90 seasons, the ABC Radio Network was the official, national radio broadcaster of NBA games, succeeding the Mutual Broadcasting System. ABC Radio was in return, supplanted by Public Interest Affiliates' (or PIA's) NBA Radio Network.", "Commentators included Fred Manfra on play-by-play and Oscar Robertson (from 1984 to 1985 through 1985–86), Dick Vitale (from 1986–87 through 1989–90) and Earl Monroe (from 1988–89 through 1989–90) on color commentary. Other announcers included Marv Albert (1989 All-Star Game) and Chick Hearn (1988 All-Star Game) on play-by-play and Rod Hundley (1987 and 1989 All-Star Games), Johnny Most (1988 All-Star Game), and Dave Barnett (1986 All-Star Game) on color commentary.", "ESPN outbids NBC for the NBA contract (2002–present)", "On January 22, 2002, the NBA signed a six-year deal with The Walt Disney Company and Turner Sports, which renewed an existing deal with TNT and allowed ABC and ESPN to acquire the rights to air the league's games. ABC and ESPN reportedly paid an average of about US$400 million a season", ". ABC and ESPN reportedly paid an average of about US$400 million a season. Technically, ESPN pays the NBA for its broadcast rights and \"buys\" time on ABC to air select games (this is noted in copyright tags during the end credits at the conclusion of the telecasts, saying \"The preceding program has been paid for by ESPN, Inc.\")", ".\"). As part of the agreement, ABC acquired the rights to the NBA Finals, at least 5 other NBA Playoffs games, 15 regular season games (mostly on sunday afternoons), and NBA Inside Stuff on Saturday mornings.", "For the 2006–07 NBA season, ABC's sports operations were fully integrated into ESPN (rebranding the sports division as ESPN on ABC). In June 2007, and again in January 2014, the NBA renewed its television agreement with ESPN, as well as TNT, with the current contract extending through the 2024–25 season.", "ABC expanded its coverage beginning in the 2015–16 season when ESPN announced that ABC would add a series of eight of Saturday night games to its slate of broadcasts. As a result of this change, ABC will no longer have regular Sunday doubleheaders. Expansion continued in 2021 when ABC began airing coverage of the NBA draft. On October 2, 2023, ESPN announced that ABC would add a series of Wednesday night games during January for the 2023–24 NBA season", ". The move was made due to the 2023 Hollywood labor disputes. The games were previously scheduled to air on ESPN.", "Coverage\n\nOverview \nABC's NBA regular season coverage has typically began with Christmas Day games, followed by NBA Saturday Primetime and NBA Sunday Showcase on selected weekends starting in mid-January and February, respectively. In and , ABC's schedule instead began with a Saturday Primetime game on the second Saturday in December.", "When ABC took over the broadcast television deal in , it originally continued NBC's tradition of televising doubleheaders on Christmas. In and , ABC instead only aired one Christmas game. From to , the network also insisted on carrying a Christmas game between the Miami Heat and the Los Angeles Lakers, featuring their respective players Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant", ". In , ABC's coverage began featuring a music video featuring Mariah Carey performing her hit 1994 single \"All I Want for Christmas Is You.\" In , Carey was also featured singing \"Oh Santa!\" From to , ABC had a tripleheader on Christmas Day. In , all five Christmas Day games were simulcast across both ABC and ESPN, as an attempt to counterprogram the NFL's scheduling of a Christmas Day tripleheader across CBS, Fox, and NBC", ". With Christmas Day falling on a Monday in , ABC will instead have an NBA doubleheader followed by Monday Night Football.", "The number of Sunday afternoon regular season games that ABC normally covers is significantly lower than what NBC broadcast during its tenure with the league. In its first season of coverage, ABC aired 14 regular-season games, in comparison to NBC's yearly average of 33 games. That number increased to 18 games in the next two seasons ( and ), and 20 games in the season. For , ABC decreased the number of game telecasts it aired during the season to 19", ". For , ABC decreased the number of game telecasts it aired during the season to 19. In a 2002 interview with Jim Rome, NBA commissioner David Stern commented about the number of league games broadcast on ABC:", "By contrast to Stern's assessment, media analysts and many fans found that the cable-heavy television deal made many games unavailable and, in addition, devalued the league. Starting with the second round of the playoffs, TNT's NBA coverage becomes exclusive, meaning that no locally produced league broadcasts can compete against the TNT telecasts (though commensurate with the move to sports rights to cable, few over-the-air local stations currently carry NBA coverage)", ". Because of this, fans of teams in the playoffs who do not have a cable television subscription are unable to watch most playoff games. In addition, ABC's coverage is always exclusive, including during the regular season. If an ongoing game airs opposite one televised by ABC, it cannot be televised in the local market, which has the side effect of causing some games to not be aired on television at all", ". Sports Business Daily quoted Houston Chronicle writer Jonathan Feigen regarding the structuring of the NBA's deal with ABC:", "On July 17, 2015, ESPN announced that ABC would add a series of eight of Saturday night games to its slate of broadcasts in the . The first NBA Saturday Primetime game aired on January 23, 2016. As a result of this change, ABC did not have regular Sunday doubleheaders until 2021 (due to the length of the NBA Sunday Showcase schedule being reduced)", ". On January 28, 2023, ABC aired its first non-Christmas NBA tripleheader, starting with the Denver Nuggets at Philadelphia 76ers, followed by the New York Knicks at Brooklyn Nets and the Los Angeles Lakers at Boston Celtics.", "Also under the cable-heavy television deals, TNT was awarded the rights to the NBA All-Star Game instead of ABC, in addition to renewing its deal for the events of All-Star weekend. The All-Star Game has not aired on over-the-air television since NBC's coverage of the 2002 game.", "Furthermore, ABC only airs selected games during the first three rounds of the playoffs. During the first and second rounds, ABC's schedule includes primetime playoff games, but they usually are only on Friday or Saturday nights. However, since 2019, Friday night first round playoff games on ABC are considered non-exclusive and may co-exist with broadcasts of regional sports networks of the teams involved", ". In 2005, ABC aired the first non-cable Memorial Day game in three years, when the Phoenix Suns and San Antonio Spurs battled in Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals. Under NBC's previous deal, Memorial Day playoff games were a yearly tradition on over-the-air television.", "ABC also rarely televises either of the NBA Conference Finals series outside of a Game 1, with coverage instead primarily on ESPN and TNT. ESPN airs one Conference Final exclusively each year, the Eastern Conference Finals in 2003 and every even-numbered year since 2004 and the Western Conference Finals in every odd-numbered year since 2005, while TNT gets the other. ABC typically only airs Conference Final matches – whichever one to which ESPN holds the rights in a given year – held on weekends", ". Due to the checkerboard schedule of the Conference Finals in which each conference plays every other day, ABC is typically only scheduled a weekend Game 1, and then a weekend sixth or seventh game (if necessary). However, Conference Finals series do not often reach a sixth or seventh game. In 2004, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2019, and 2020, ABC's playoff schedule was scaled back and the network did not air any Conference Finals games at all.", "Conversely, ABC carries over NBC's tradition of exclusively airing the NBA Finals on over-the-air television.\n\nPregame show\n\nStatistics\n\nGraphics", "In its first year of coverage, ABC used the same graphics package as partner network ESPN, with the \"score bug\" being the only difference between the two networks' packages. This habit had already been put into practice by the network in regards to its NHL and college basketball coverage. However, ABC did utilize its own graphics (though they were similar in resemblance to ESPN's at the time) for college football and other sports broadcasts", ". For the 2003–04 season, ABC established new graphics for its NBA broadcasts, in an effort to differentiate its telecasts from ESPN's. On February 5, 2006, ABC established another new graphics package, including a horizontal scoreboard (similar to that introduced the previous fall for its final season of Monday Night Football) for the network's NBA telecasts.", "ESPN, along with partner network ABC, began using graphics packages inherited by ESPN's Monday Night Football broadcast starting in 2006, featuring a score banner with an oblique red and white design. The graphics were later replaced in April 2009 with a more compact grey design, with panel-like lower thirds and a permanent \"stats bar\" located underneath the score and time", ". This was replaced in 2010 with an updated appearance based on another redesign adopted by Monday Night Football in late 2009, featuring a more metallic appearance that would later be adopted by other ESPN properties, along with the addition of yellow lights beneath a team's name to indicate remaining timeouts", ". At the start of the 2011–12 season, an updated version of the design was adopted with a more translucent appearance, and the addition of a \"BONUS\" indicator under a team's score if they have reached enough fouls to initiate the Bonus situation. Starting with the 2013 Western Conference Finals, a newly designed banner featuring 3-dimensional renditions of the team logos were used. During the 2015 NBA Finals, the graphics were updated with gold coloring, patterned backgrounds, and a modern, unified font", ". At the start of the 2015–16 season, however, ESPN reverted to the banner used since 2013. On May 17, 2016, the aforementioned updated graphics package from the previous year's NBA Finals returned for the 2016 Eastern Conference Finals and again for the 2016 NBA Finals.", "Beginning with the 2016 NBA preseason on October 4, 2016, the graphics were updated again; this time, they are formatted for the full 16:9 letterbox presentation. The score bar, which is significantly larger than the previous one (used since the 2013 Western Conference Finals), was given a complete overhaul, with a numerical representation of timeouts replacing the \"lights\" used since the 2010–11 season and a permanent \"stats bar\" being moved to the right side of the score bar", ". The new, co-branded NBA on ESPN logo is now seen as an overlay on the upper left hand corner of the 16:9 screen. As was the case the previous two years, the gold coloring and patterned backgrounds were used again for the 2017 NBA Finals. Notably, this is the first time that both ESPN and ABC have used the full 16:9 frame for its graphics in the networks' NBA coverage.", "Starting with Saturday Primetime in 2017, live NBA game action no longer shows the ESPN identification on screen. Previously under ESPN on ABC (since 2006–07), the ESPN logo was part of the score banner, while the ABC logo was separately floating on the right side of the screen, remaining on screen during replays", ". The version of the new 2016–17 graphics package used on ABC replaces the ESPN logo in the score banner with several stars, while the ABC logo (still constantly on screen) anchors the right side of the banner; however for the 2017–18 season, the ESPN logo was reintroduced onto a revised version of the score banner with the ABC logo still located to the right. In addition, commercial transitions for ABC games now contain the ABC logo", ". In addition, commercial transitions for ABC games now contain the ABC logo. It is the first time NBA games on ABC don't have ESPN identification during live action since the 2006 NBA Finals.", "For the 2017–18 season, the stat bar is only shown at the beginning of the game and after commercial breaks.", "Criticisms \nOne common complaint about NBA coverage on ABC is the use of unconventional camera angles, including the Floorcam and Skycam angles, used by the network throughout its coverage. Other complaints are of camera angles that appear too far away, colors that seem faded and dull, and the quieting of crowd noise so that announcers can be heard clearly (by contrast to NBC, which allowed crowd noise to sometimes drown out their announcers).", "Some complaints have concerned the promotion, or perceived lack thereof, of NBA telecasts. The 2003 NBA Finals received very little fanfare on ABC or corporate partner ESPN; while subsequent Finals were promoted more on both networks, NBA-related advertisements on ABC were still down significantly from promotions on NBC", ". NBA promos took up 3 minutes and 55 seconds of airtime on ABC during the week of May 23, 2004 according to the Sports Business Daily, comparable to 2 minutes and 45 seconds for the Indianapolis 500. Promotions for the Indianapolis 500 outnumbered promotions for the NBA Finals fourteen-to-nine between the hours of 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. during that week.", "The network was also criticized for focusing its coverage on a select number of teams, particularly the decision to broadcast a Lakers-Heat game on its Christmas Day schedule for three consecutive years. However, for 2007, ABC decided to break this tradition by instead having the Heat, for the fourth straight time, appear on Christmas Day facing the 2007 Eastern Conference Champions, the Cleveland Cavaliers", ". In 2008, the Boston Celtics replaced the Heat on the Christmas Day schedule, and faced the Los Angeles Lakers; and in 2009, the Cavaliers played the Lakers on Christmas Day. However, the Heat-Lakers Christmas Day special would make its return in the 2010–11 NBA season, as a result of LeBron James' recent move from the Cleveland franchise to Miami. For the 2011–12 NBA season, the Lakers and Heat played again on Christmas Day, but against separate opponents", ". The Lakers played the Chicago Bulls, while the Heat played the Dallas Mavericks in a rematch of the 2011 NBA Finals; both the Bulls and Mavericks made their ABC Christmas Day debuts, which also acted as the league's opening day that season due to the 2011 NBA lockout delaying the start of the season. In the case of the latter, ABC aired the pre-game championship ring and banner ceremony for the Mavericks, which marked the first time in NBA history a national broadcast network televised the ceremony.", "Music", "After the 1990s (when the NBA arguably reached its highest point in terms of popularity) many hardcore and casual fans began to associate the league with NBC, and more accurately, the network's theme music, \"Roundball Rock\". After ABC took over the NBA coverage from NBC, \"Roundball Rock\" composer John Tesh offered his iconic theme song to the new rightsholder, but ABC turned it down and told Tesh that they wanted a completely different song", ". Whereas NBC used \"Roundball Rock\" for all twelve years of its coverage, ABC ended up using at least nine themes in its first four years", ". Three of the themes were traditional sports themes, while six of them ('We Got Hoops\" by Robert Randolph and the Family Band, \"Can't Get Enough\" by Justin Timberlake, \"Let's Get It Started\" by The Black Eyed Peas, \"Lose My Breath\" by Destiny's Child, \"This Is How A Heart Breaks\" by Rob Thomas and \"Runnin' Down a Dream\" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) were contemporary pieces by known artists.", "For the 2006–07 NBA season, ESPN began using \"Fast Break\", the theme music used for ABC's NBA broadcasts since 2004, as the theme for its own NBA games. Because of the reorganization of ABC Sports under the oversight of ESPN, and its 2006 rebranding as ESPN on ABC (which calls for all sporting events aired on ABC to utilize the same production elements as ESPN's sports telecasts), this means that games broadcast on ABC will use the same theme music from previous years", ". In addition, ABC selected pop group The Pussycat Dolls to perform \"Right Now\" as the new introduction for NBA games.", "For the 2008 season, \"Nine Lives\" by Def Leppard and Tim McGraw was used as the new intro song for ABC's game broadcasts, and was also used by ESPN during the playoffs prior to the start of each game. For the 2012 NBA Playoffs, the revised version of the 1972–73 theme was introduced, incorporating features of the current NBA players from going back from the previous year to years past during the network's tenure with the NBA.", "For the 2011 NBA postseason, ESPN used an updated composition of the \"Fast Break\" theme music for the postseason, yet the original composition was still used for the regular season through the 2015-16 NBA season.", "For the 2016-17 NBA season, ESPN used another updated composition of the \"Fast Break\" theme music. This time, for the regular season, replacing the original composition that was first used by ABC since the 2004–05 season and by ESPN two seasons later. Adding Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly's \"Before I Let Go\" to start the court side play by play commentary.", "Team appearances", "In its first three years of coverage, ABC televised 40 playoff games, whereas NBC aired 35 in 2002 alone. The San Antonio Spurs have appeared on ABC 36 times as of 2013, the most of any other team", ". The San Antonio Spurs have appeared on ABC 36 times as of 2013, the most of any other team. The second iteration of the Charlotte Hornets are the only team to have not appeared on ABC for a regular-season game (their 2016 Game 7 loss to Miami was broadcast on ABC) during the length of the current contract, whereas the San Antonio Spurs, Detroit Pistons, Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks have appeared on the network every year since 2002", ". The Atlanta Hawks did appear on ABC during the network's coverage in the 1960s and 1970s, including a Christmas Day game against the Phoenix Suns in 1970. The network did not air a game involving that team until Game 7 of the 2008 1st Round Playoffs, against the Boston Celtics. The Utah Jazz's appearances have all occurred during the playoffs, with the exception of a doubleheader game that occurred on April 2, 2017, against the Spurs.", "The Los Angeles Lakers had appeared in ABC's featured Christmas Day game every season from 2002 to 2016 (against the Sacramento Kings in 2002, the Houston Rockets in 2003, the Miami Heat in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2010, the Phoenix Suns in 2007, the Boston Celtics in 2008, Cleveland Cavaliers in 2009, the Chicago Bulls in 2011 and 2014, and the Los Angeles Clippers in 2015 and 2016)", ". After the Miami Heat, which have four Christmas Day appearances on ABC, the Sacramento Kings and the Boston Celtics are the only other teams to have had repeat appearances on the holiday.", "WNBA on ABC \n\nIn the early years, two women's-oriented networks, Lifetime and Oxygen, also broadcast games including the first game of the WNBA. NBC showed games from 1997 to 2002 as part of their NBA on NBC coverage before the league transferred the rights to ABC/ESPN.", "In June 2007, the WNBA signed a contract extension with ESPN. The new television deal ran from 2009 to 2016. A minimum of 18 games would be broadcast on ABC, ESPN, and ESPN2 each season; the rights to broadcast the first regular-season game and the All-Star Game were held by ABC. Additionally, a minimum of 11 postseason games would be broadcast on any of the three stations. Along with this deal, came the first-ever rights fees to be paid to a women's professional sports league", ". Over the eight years of the contract, \"millions and millions of dollars\" would be \"dispersed to the league's teams\".", "Announcers", "Brad Nessler era (2002–2003)", "After obtaining the NBA broadcast rights, ABC courted two main announcers from the NBA on NBC, Bob Costas and Marv Albert. After Costas (who was reportedly offered a generous deal which also included offers to do play-by-play for ESPN's Major League Baseball telecasts and feature reports for ABC News) elected to remain with NBC, and Albert signed a six-year deal with TNT, the network went with veteran broadcaster Brad Nessler to be the lead play-by-play announcer for its NBA broadcasts", ". Nessler, who prior to that point had not been the main voice for any professional sport on television, received a call from Marv Albert's agent, soon after getting the job. On the call, Nessler said in an interview with the Internet Movie Database:", "Nessler was initially joined on the broadcasts by color commentator Bill Walton and lead sideline reporter Michele Tafoya. The team of Nessler and Walton did two broadcasts together before ABC decided that Walton needed a partner (much like he had at NBC with Steve Jones) and assigned pre-game analyst Tom Tolbert to join the team. Nessler, Walton and Tolbert called most regular season games, and every network playoff game. Other games were called by the team of Brent Musburger and Sean Elliott", ". Other games were called by the team of Brent Musburger and Sean Elliott. After suffering the worst ratings in NBA Finals history for the 2003 series, low ratings overall, and harsh criticism, ABC decided to retool the team", ". More to the point, during this particular period, Brad Nessler was accused by media analysts (among them, New York Times columnist Richard Sandomir) of not knowing game strategy well, lacking rhythm and enthusiasm in his game call, not bringing out the best in his partners, too often ignoring the score and his tendency to stammer.", "This was also the only year that ABC broadcast both the NBA and the Stanley Cup Finals involving teams from one market in the same year, as both the New Jersey Nets and the New Jersey Devils were in their respective league's finals", ". During ABC's broadcast of Game 3 between the San Antonio Spurs and the Nets in New Jersey on June 8, Nessler said that ABC was in a unique situation getting ready for both that game and Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals between the Devils and the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim the following night. ESPN and ABC’s lead NHL voice Gary Thorne mentioned this the following night, and thanked Nessler for promoting ABC's broadcast of Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals.", "Al Michaels era (2003–2005)", "After disastrous ratings for the 2003 Finals, ABC decided to completely revamp its lead NBA broadcast team. Brad Nessler was demoted to the secondary broadcast team, where he was joined by Sean Elliott and Dan Majerle. Tom Tolbert was relegated to pre-game show duties only, and Bill Walton was removed from the network's NBA coverage altogether (however, he would remain with ESPN)", ". Meanwhile, longtime Monday Night Football commentator Al Michaels was hired to replace Nessler as the network's lead NBA play-by-play announcer; Michele Tafoya remained as its lead sideline reporter.", "Doc Rivers, a critically acclaimed analyst when he worked with Turner Sports for TNT's NBA broadcasts, became available after a 1–10 start by his Orlando Magic led to his firing as the team's coach. Rivers was hired weeks before ABC's Christmas Day season opener. He and Michaels worked that game together, one of only six they did together during the regular season (all other games Rivers worked were with Brad Nessler)", ". During the playoffs, Michaels and Rivers worked every single telecast, including the 2004 NBA Finals, which saw significant ratings improvement.", "During the 2004 NBA Playoffs, Doc Rivers was hired as head coach of the Boston Celtics. Though Rivers continued to work games with Al Michaels throughout the rest of the playoffs, ABC was forced to search for a new lead analyst for the 2004–05 season. In addition, the network dropped Brad Nessler from all NBA coverage, and did not retain Sean Elliott or Dan Majerle.", "Early in the 2004–2005 season, Memphis Grizzlies coach Hubie Brown, a broadcasting legend with CBS, TBS and TNT, was forced into retirement due to health issues and was soon after hired to replace Doc Rivers as Al Michaels' broadcast booth partner. Brown called his first ABC game with Michaels on Christmas Day 2004, working the highly anticipated a Heat-Lakers game pitting those team's respective star players Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant", ". After that game, the two did not do a game together again until March 2005. Michaels began covering NBA games sporadically, doing two games in early March and three additional games in April. Meanwhile, Brown worked every week of ABC's coverage, broadcasting some games with veteran broadcaster Mike Breen. Michele Tafoya served as lead sideline reporter for all of the network's game broadcasts.", "In addition to Hubie Brown, ABC added other known analysts to its NBA coverage. Jim Durham and Dr. Jack Ramsay both worked several games during the regular season, while Brent Musburger, John Saunders, Len Elmore and Mark Jackson were involved with others. Breen and Ramsay were the first secondary broadcast team to work a playoff game for ABC. Breen called three playoff games for the network in 2005, the most notable being Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals with Hubie Brown.", "Al Michaels was criticized by the New York Post for not broadcasting the game and seeming uninterested in the NBA in general. Barry Horn of The Dallas Morning News said that Michaels was simply \"not a basketball guy\"", ". Barry Horn of The Dallas Morning News said that Michaels was simply \"not a basketball guy\". Meanwhile, Bill Simmons said during the 2005 Finals that Michaels \"shows up for these games, does his job, then drives home thinking, 'Only five weeks to the [NFL] Hall of Fame Game, I'm almost there!'\" Another criticism that Michaels received was that he too often found himself making tediously long-winded explanations", ". In return, he would tend to talk over two or three possessions in a row (which Michaels seemed to be better suited for football and baseball broadcasts, for which he's better known for). The end result was that he would hardly have time to comment on the action viewers were seeing because he was so hung up on a prior subplot or storyline that he felt the audience just had to know about", ". Michaels was also accused of apparently lacking the kind of enthusiasm and confidence (for instance, Michaels initially reacted to Amar'e Stoudemire's block of Tim Duncan's shot during the 2005 playoffs by calling it a \"great, great contested shot\") expected of a main play-by-play voice.", "Michaels, who by the end of his tenure on the NBA on ABC only called a total of 37 NBA games overall with ABC (a combined thirteen regular season games), did return for the NBA Finals, which scored its second-lowest rating of all time (despite the fact that it was the first Finals in eleven years to go to a seventh game)", ". From March 7, 2004 to April 17, 2005 – including playoff games – each game Michaels called involved either the Los Angeles Lakers (whose home city Michaels resides when not broadcasting sports events) or Sacramento Kings, a total of 21 consecutive games. Game 7 of the 2005 NBA Finals would end up being Michaels' last with the NBA on ABC.", "For the 2005–06 season, Al Michaels and Hubie Brown were slated to remain as ABC's main broadcast team. The duo worked that year's Christmas Day game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat and were expected to work the NBA Finals together as well. However, that plan did not come to fruition", ". However, that plan did not come to fruition. In 2005, the National Football League (NFL) signed a contract with NBC for the rights to the Sunday night football (a package previously held by ESPN), which in turn resulted in Monday Night Football, which Al Michaels had been broadcasting for nearly 20 years, ending its run on ABC after the league's 2005 season.", "Speculation arose that Michaels would leave ABC for NBC; however, he subsequently signed a deal to remain on Monday Night Football, when it moved to ESPN in 2006. However, in the weeks leading up to Super Bowl XL, it was widely speculated that Michaels was attempting to get out of his contract with ESPN to join John Madden (who worked alongside Michaels for the previous four years on Monday Night Football as an analyst) at NBC", ". Michaels added fuel to the fire by refusing to state his future plans, and he could not \"respond to rumors... because that would become a distraction.\" On February 8, 2006, ESPN announced that its Monday Night Football team would consist of Mike Tirico on play-by-play, with football analyst Joe Theismann and Tony Kornheiser as analysts", ". ESPN explicitly stated that Michaels would not return to either Monday Night Football broadcasts or ABC's NBA broadcasts, all but assuring Michaels' departure from ABC after 30 years, and joining Madden at NBC.", "Mike Breen era (2006–present)", "Michaels was replaced by Mike Breen, who became the lead broadcaster for an over-the-air NBA package for the first time in his career. Breen worked the 2006 Eastern Conference Finals and 2006 NBA Finals with Hubie Brown for both ESPN and ABC, as well as all the main games ABC broadcast that year. The promotion of Breen gave ABC its first consistent lead broadcaster since Brad Nessler, as Breen worked games every week", ". Breen previously had worked the Eastern Conference Finals for NBC in 2001 and 2002, as well as the Western Conference Finals for ESPN in 2005.", "Many sportswriters and sports media analysts praised Breen, some for his explosive voice and excited calls on game-deciding and game-winning shots and others for the fact that, unlike his predecessor Al Michaels, he was already very familiar with broadcasting basketball games (prior to NBC and ABC, he is also working New York Knicks games on MSG Network) and was essentially a basketball lifer", ". Despite that, he faced some criticism from those who complained that they would prefer a more established voice, such as Marv Albert or Kevin Harlan. Hubie Brown faced criticism from writers (most notably Richard Sandomir of The New York Times) as well as bloggers and viewers.", "Lisa Salters also served as the lead sideline reporter for ABC's regular-season game coverage and the NBA Finals that season, filling in for Michele Tafoya while she was on maternity leave. Salters returned to her role as its secondary sideline reporter when Tafoya returned the following year. For the secondary broadcast team, ABC reunited Bill Walton and Steve Jones for game coverage", ". For the secondary broadcast team, ABC reunited Bill Walton and Steve Jones for game coverage. Walton and Jones worked the Christmas Day 2005 broadcast between the San Antonio Spurs and Detroit Pistons for ABC, the first game they called together since Game 4 of the 2002 NBA Finals for NBC (NBC's last NBA telecast to date). The pair worked their first broadcast with Mike Breen, and worked the remainder of the season with Brent Musburger, Jim Durham and Mike Tirico", ". That team, along with the Breen-Brown duo, now often does ESPN's Wednesday or Friday game coverage, which the previous ABC announce teams rarely did.", "ABC also used several SportsCenter reporters, including Tom Rinaldi, Rachel Nichols and Jeremy Schaap, for pregame and halftime features during 2006.", "For the 2006–07 NBA season, ABC's sports operations were fully integrated into ESPN (rebranding the sports division as ESPN on ABC). As a result, Mark Jackson replaced Hubie Brown as ABC's lead analyst (Brown would still pair with Mike Breen on ESPN's primary broadcast team and Mike Tirico on ABC's secondary team)", ". ABC's pre-game show, which Jackson was a part of, also began to be broadcast from the site of the main game each week (much as was the case during first season of the network's current NBA deal in 2003).", "Additionally, Michele Tafoya returned as a sideline reporter, after sitting out the 2005–06 season on maternity leave. Lisa Salters returned to her role as its secondary sideline reporter the following year as Tafoya returned to her old role.", "On July 9, 2007, it was announced by Dan Patrick that he would be leaving ESPN after 18 years with the network. Stuart Scott hosted ABC's pregame show for the 2007–08 season along with analysts Bill Walton and Michael Wilbon. Jeff Van Gundy also joined Mike Breen and Mark Jackson full-time, starting Christmas Day. After Walton had back problems in February, Jon Barry replaced him for the rest of the season.", "Michele Tafoya left her role as NBA sideline reporter for ABC after the 2007–08 season to spend more time with her family; however, she continued to work for ESPN, primarily serving as a sideline reporter for Monday Night Football (before leaving for NBC in 2011 to serve that same position for Sunday Night Football). Doris Burke, who already served as an analyst for ESPN's NBA telecasts, replaced Tafoya as lead sideline reporter on the ABC broadcasts.", "Lisa Salters serves as a substitute for Burke in the event she is on assignment or is slated to handle analyst duties for the NBA on ESPN, with Heather Cox filling in as part of the secondary announcing team for Salters, when she is working within the primary broadcast team. Cox took over the secondary role in 2012 after Salters became a full-time sideline reporter for Monday Night Football, with either Chris Broussard, J. A", ". A. Adande or Holly Rowe serving as the secondary reporter whenever Cox was assigned as the lead reporter.", ", the main broadcast team currently consists of Mike Breen, Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy, while the secondary broadcast team consists of Mike Tirico and Hubie Brown, with either Mark Jones, Ryan Ruocco or Dave Pasch filling in when Tirico has other commitments. The NBA Countdown studio team consists of host Sage Steele, and analysts Jalen Rose and Doug Collins", ". ABC's second team of Tirico and Brown also comprise the lead team for NBA Finals coverage on ESPN Radio, with Kevin Calabro subbing in for Tirico on some occasions.", "Jackson briefly left the broadcast booth to serve as head coach of the Golden State Warriors from 2011 to 2014. Prior to the 2011–12 season, ABC reassigned Stuart Scott to another role while the studio team worked without a main host in a more free-flowing approach. This experiment ended prior to the 2013–14 season, when Sage Steele became the lead host of Countdown. Magic Johnson, Jon Barry, Michael Wilbon, Bill Simmons, and Chris Broussard have previously served as analysts for NBA Countdown.", "For the 2016–17 season, Mark Jones replaced Mike Tirico as part of the secondary broadcast team with Hubie Brown as Tirico left for NBC. Also, Doug Collins left NBA Countdown and joined ESPN's roster of game analysts, returning to a position he previously held while working with NBC and TNT. Steele was replaced as host by Michelle Beadle during the season.", "For the 2019–20 season, ABC's pregame show was completely revamped. ESPN decided to drop Beadle, who had been granted a buyout at the company, and Chauncey Billups, though he would remain with ESPN as a regular game analyst until he left the company to take a coaching job with the Los Angeles Clippers. Beadle's role would end up being split between Maria Taylor, who works ABC's college football game of the week, and Rachel Nichols, host of the popular ESPN show The Jump", ". Richard Jefferson and Jay Williams were brought in to replace Billups, with the network retaining Jalen Rose and Paul Pierce. Nichols will also be ABC's pregame host for the NBA Finals. ESPN also decided to replace NBA Countdown with The Jump for their NBA Saturday Primetime pregame show. NBA Countdown will remain the main pregame show for NBA Sunday Showcase.", "Those plans did not continue as planned after March 8, as the NBA suspended play due to the coronavirus pandemic. Because of that, Nichols resorted to the NBA Bubble at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL, where the NBA restarted their season and held the Playoffs, where she eventually took Doris Burke's spot as sideline reporter for the Finals, meaning Taylor was elevated to host the NBA Finals on ABC, and Countdown being restored as ABC's pregame show.", "For the 2020–21 season, Nichols was tapped to serve as sideline reporter for NBA Saturday Primetime, meaning Taylor was promoted to Nichols' spot as host, with Countdown being restored as pregame show. After he was part of an inappropriate Instagram video, ESPN quietly dropped Pierce on April 6, without replacement for the remainder of the season", ". Prior to the 2021 NBA Finals, Nichols was removed in favor of Malika Andrews after a video revealed of Nichols uttering racially insensitive comments towards black colleague Taylor. Soon after, Taylor departed to join NBC Sports, and Nichols was removed from all ESPN programming.", "For the 2021–22 season, Lisa Salters replaced Nichols as the primary sideline reporter, and Mike Greenberg replaced Taylor on NBA Countdown along with returning analysts Michael Wilbon, Stephen A. Smith, Jalen Rose and Magic Johnson.\n\nMike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy missed Game 1 of the 2022 NBA Finals due to COVID-19 protocols, and Mark Jones filled in for Breen. Jones, Mark Jackson and Lisa Salters made history in Game 1 as the first all-African American broadcast team to cover an NBA Finals game.", "In Game 5 of the 2023 NBA Finals, Breen called his 100th NBA Finals game, becoming the first national TV play-by-play voice to reach the milestone, and the third overall following former Lakers announcer Chick Hearn and former Celtics announcer Johnny Most. However, that game would be Jeff Van Gundy and Mark Jackson's last assignments on the network, as both were laid off on June 30 and July 31, respectively", ". Van Gundy and Jackson were then replaced by Doris Burke and Doc Rivers, the latter returning as a lead analyst for the first time since 2004. The secondary team was also revamped, now featuring Ryan Ruocco, JJ Redick and Richard Jefferson.", "Television ratings", "Between 2012 and 2019, the NBA lost 40 to 45 percent of its viewership. While some of it can be attributed to \"cable-cutting\", other professional leagues, like the NFL and MLB have retained stable viewership demographics. The opening game of the 2020 Finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat brought in only 7.41 million viewers to ABC, according to The Hollywood Reporter", ".41 million viewers to ABC, according to The Hollywood Reporter. That is reportedly the lowest viewership seen for the Finals since at least 1994, when total viewers began to be regularly recorded and is a 45 percent decline from Game 1 between the Golden State Warriors and Toronto Raptors, which had 13.51 million viewers a year earlier", ".51 million viewers a year earlier. Some attribute this decline to the political stances the league and its players are taking, while others consider load management, the uneven talent distribution between the conferences and the cord-cutting of younger viewers as the main reason for the decline.", "References\n\nExternal links \nESPN's official website for coverage of the NBA\nNBA.com's website for ABC's broadcast schedule\nThe NBA on ABC -- Then and Now\nNBA News & Videos - ABC News", "1965 American television series debuts\n1973 American television series endings\n2002 American television series debuts\n1960s American television series\n1970s American television series\n2000s American television series\n2010s American television series\n2020s American television series\nAmerican Broadcasting Company original programming\nABC Sports\nABC Radio Sports\nBlack-and-white American television shows\nABC\nAmerican television series revived after cancellation\nABC\n1980s American radio programs", "ABC\nAmerican television series revived after cancellation\nABC\n1980s American radio programs\nAmerican sports radio programs\nABC radio programs" ]
Howard Gable
[ "Howard Gable is a New Zealand-born Australian record producer who is best known for his work as an A&R manager and house producer for EMI's Columbia pop label in Australia in the late 1960s and early 1970. He was also for some years married to New Zealand born pop/country singer and former Australian 'Queen of Pop' Allison Durbin.", "Gable began his career with EMI's HMV label in New Zealand before relocating to Australia ca. 1968. He worked with Durbin from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s and produced most of her successful recordings of the early 1970s. He is best known for his work with John Farnham, producing five studio albums with the Australian singer as well as the Charlie Girl soundtrack of which Farnham was the lead", ". Other notable productions for EMI Australia in this period include the hit singles \"5:10 Man\" and \"Turn Up Your Radio\" by The Masters Apprentices; and \"I'll Be Gone\", the debut single by progressive rock group Spectrum, which was a number one hit in Australia in 1970.", "Discography\n\nHoward Gable\n\nMusic Production Credits\n\n1966\n\nThe Dallas Four – That Man's Got No Luck\n\nLa Gloria Records – GSP084\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side That Man's Got No Luck (Benson) 2:38\n\nB Side I'm So Lonely 2:35\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\n1967\n\nMr Lee Grant – Mr Lee Grant\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – CSDM6250", "1967\n\nMr Lee Grant – Mr Lee Grant\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – CSDM6250\n\nVinyl LP Album Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Havah Hagilah (Traditional)\n\n Musical Director – Garth Young\n\n2 You Can Have Her (Cook)\n\n Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett\n\n3 The Real Thing (Armstead, Sanford, Simpson)\n\n Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett\n\n4 Some Kind Of Magic (Kornfield, Ross, ReNew Zealandetti)\n\n Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett", "Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett\n\n5 Coloured Lights (Mason, Reed )\n\n Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett\n\n6 Opportunity (Marascalco, Harvshman, Joyner )\n\n Musical Director – Garth Young\n\nB Side.\n\n1 Yo Yo ( J. South)\n\n Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett\n\n2 Take My Hand ( Dick Addrissi-Don Addrisi)\n\n Musical Director – Garth Young\n\n3 Love ( Art Christopher Jnr, R. Bernard)", "Musical Director – Garth Young\n\n3 Love ( Art Christopher Jnr, R. Bernard)\n\n Musical Director – Garth Young\n\n4 The Coalman ( B M & R Gibb)\n\n Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett\n\n5. Spicks And Specks (B. Gibb)\n\n Musical Director – Garth Young\n\n6. Thanks To You (Van Dyke)\n\n Musical Director – Jimmy Sloggett\n\nCredits\n\n· Design – Peter Burge\n\n· Liner Notes – Pete Sinclair\n\n· Photography – Sal Criscillo", "· Design – Peter Burge\n\n· Liner Notes – Pete Sinclair\n\n· Photography – Sal Criscillo\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nTom Thumb – Whatcha Gonna Do About It\n\nLabel: La Gloria Records – GSP085\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single\n\nA Side Whatcha Gonna Do About It (Samwell Marriott Lane) 2:26\n\nB Side You're Gonna Miss Me (Rocky Erikson) 2:05\n\nCredits", "Credits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nMr Lee Grant – Thanks To You\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – HR296\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Thanks To You (Van Dyke)\n\nB Side The Real Thing (Armstead, Sanford, Simpson)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Jimmy Sloggett\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\n 1968\n\n The Simple Image – Spinning, Spinning, Spinning\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – HR315\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Spinning, Spinning, Spinning (Boetteher, Friedman)\n\nB Side Shy Boy (Hopkins, Burgess)\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand", "· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nThe Simple Image – Spinning, Spinning, Spinning\n\nLabel: Regal – SREG30042\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Spinning, Spinning, Spinning (Boettecher, Friedman)\n\n2 Love Of The Common People (J. Hurley, R. Wilkins)\n\n3 Hold Me Tight (Johnny Nash)\n\n4 I Don't Want To Love You (D.& P. Everly)\n\n5 Walk On (Dees, Orbison)\n\n6 The Little Bell That Cried (G. Bua)\n\nB Side", "5 Walk On (Dees, Orbison)\n\n6 The Little Bell That Cried (G. Bua)\n\nB Side\n\n1 Bring It On Home (S. Cooke)\n\n2 Something Happened To Me (Moorehouse, Rees, Nandelli)\n\n3 Take Me To Tomorrow (Denver)\n\n4 Treat Her Like A Lady (Crewe, Knight)\n\n5 Brand New Woman (Crick-Feather)\n\n6 Tomorrow Is Another Day (Ford)\n\n7 Hawaii (B. Wilson)\n\nCredits\n\n· Artwork – Des Bovey\n\n· Photography – Barry Clothier", "Credits\n\n· Artwork – Des Bovey\n\n· Photography – Barry Clothier\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nThe Simple Image, - The Little Bell That Cried\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice - HR332\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side The Little Bell That Cried (Gene Bua)\n\nB Side I Wanna Go To Heaven (Flowerdew)\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "Credits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nSimple Image, The – Hold Me Tight\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice (NZ) Limited - HR338\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Hold MeTight\n\nB Side Tomorrow Is Another Day\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nZoot – One Times Two Times Three Times Four", "Zoot – One Times Two Times Three Times Four\n\n(Beeb Birtles, Darryl Cotton, Rick Brewer, Rick Springfield)\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO8605\n\nVinyl 7\", Single\n\nA Side One Times, Two Times, Three Times, Four (Britten)\n\nB Side Sailing (Britten)\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nMr Lee Grant – Mr Lee In London\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – CSDM6268\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\n A Side", "Mr Lee Grant – Mr Lee In London\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – CSDM6268\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\n A Side\n\n1 Tabatha Twitchit\n\n2 To Make A Big Man Cry\n\n3 Stop In The Name Of Love\n\n4 Walkin' With My Angel\n\n5 Maria\n\n6 Why Or Where Or When\n\nB Side\n\n1 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me\n\n2 Big Man\n\n3 The Wanderer\n\n4 Tossin' And Turnin'\n\n5 Do You Mind\n\n6 Big Boots\n\nCredits\n\n· Photography – Sal Criscillo", "5 Do You Mind\n\n6 Big Boots\n\nCredits\n\n· Photography – Sal Criscillo\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nMr. Lee Grant – Bless You\n\nLabel : His Master's Voice – HR322\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Bless You (Mann-Weil) 2:07\n\n Arranged by – Jimmy Sloggett\n\nB Side The Wanderer (Marasco)\n\n Arranged by – Garth Young", "B Side The Wanderer (Marasco)\n\n Arranged by – Garth Young\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nMr. Lee Grant – The River Runs Dry\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – HR314\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side The River Runs Dry\n\n Arranged by - Jimmy Sloggett 2:07\n\nB Side Walking With My Angel (Goffin-King)", "B Side Walking With My Angel (Goffin-King)\n\n Arranaged by - Garth Young 2:07\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nMr. Lee Grant - Movin' Away\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice - HR304\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Movin' Away (Wackett, Lynch)\n\n Backing Vocals – The Gaynotes, The Lost Souls", "Backing Vocals – The Gaynotes, The Lost Souls\n\nB Side Lovers Are Always The Same (Cara, Spencer)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranger - Garth Young\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nMr. Lee Grant - Why Or Where Or When\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice - HR310\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Why Or Where Or When (Dunstall, Hill)\n\n Arranger - Don Richardson", "Arranger - Don Richardson\n\nB Side Hava Nagila (Traditional)\n\n Arranger - Garth Young\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nThe Twilights, – Lotus\n\nMembers:\n\nGlenn Shorrock, John Bywaters, Laurie Pryor (2), Paddy McCartney, Peter Brideoake, Terry Britten\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO8602\n\nVinyl 7\" Single", "Label: Columbia – DO8602\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Lotus (Terry Britten) 2:48\n\nB Side Sand In The Sandwiches (Terry Britten) 2:10\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nNick Nicholson And The Neketini Brass – Neketini Brass\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice (NZ) Limited - CSDM 6264\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Mehe Manuhere", "Vinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Mehe Manuhere\n\n2 Haere Mai\n\n3 Tekau Wai Wai Riki\n\n4 Karu\n\n5 Te Haere Ki Te Taone-O-Ata\n\n6 Tararua Tramp\n\nB Side\n\n1 Hoki Hoki Tonu Mai\n\n2 Neketini Mambo\n\n3 Hine E Hine\n\n4 Hoki Mai Ki Au\n\n5 Pokarekare Ana\n\n6 Po Ata Rau\n\nCredits\n\n· Design, Photography – Sal Criscillo\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock", "· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nQuincy Conserve - I'm So Proud\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice - HR325\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side I'm So Proud\n\nB Side I've Been Lovin' You Baby\n\nCredits\n\n· Bass – Dave Orams\n\n· Drums – Raice McLeod\n\n· Keyboards – Rufus Rehu\n\n· Vocals, Guitar – Malcolm Hayman\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nAllison Durbin – I Have Loved Me A Man\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – HR328\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side I Have Loved Me A Man (Janice Weaver)\n\nB Side Sand - and Mike Parkinson (Lee Hazlewood)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by - Wayne Senior\n\n· Engineer – Peter ''Knobs'' Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "· Engineer – Peter ''Knobs'' Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\n· and Stebbing Studios – Auckland, New Zealand\n\nAllison Durbin – Don't Come Any Closer\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice (NZ) Limited - HR333\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Don't Come Any Closer (C. Blackwell)\n\nB Side One More Tear (Bob Crewe, Hutch Davie)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Don Richardson\n\n· Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "· Arranged by – Don Richardson\n\n· Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nAllison Durbin – Games People Play\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice (NZ) Limited - HR344\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Games People Play\n\nB Side 1 You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling\n\nB Side 2 Soul And Inspiration\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Don Richardson\n\n· Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "· Arranged by – Don Richardson\n\n· Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nAllison Durbin – I Have Loved Me A Man\n\nLabel: Decca SKL-R 4996\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 I Have Loved Me A Man (Weaver)\n\n2 River Deep Mountain High (Spector, Greenwich & Barry)\n\n3 Working On A Groovy Thing (Sedaka, Atkins)\n\n4 Morning Dew (Dobson, Rose)", "4 Morning Dew (Dobson, Rose)\n\n5 Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart (Cook-Greenaway)\n\n6 Don't Come Any Closer (Blackwell)\n\nB Side\n\n1 A Woman Needs Love (Smith, Hill)\n\n2 This Is My Song (Chaplin)\n\n3 This Girl's In Love (Bacharach, David)\n\n4 One More Tear (Crewe, Davie)\n\n5 Angel Of The Morning (Taylor)", "5 Angel Of The Morning (Taylor)\n\n6 Sha-La-La-La-Lee (Lynch, Shuman)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by - Garth Young\n\n· Photography – John Buckley\n\n· Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nFourmyula – Come With Me\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice - HR331\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Come With Me\n\nB Side Honey Chile\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock", "B Side Honey Chile\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nFourmyula - Alice Is There\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice - HR334\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Alice Is There (Richardson, Mason)\n\nB Side I Dig Your Act (L. Harper, Richard Poindexter, Robert Poindexter)\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "Credits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Peter Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nFourmyula – The Fourmyula\n\nAli Richardson, Carl Evenson, Chris Parry, Martin Hope, Wayne Mason\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – CSDM6283\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nFront Side\n\n1 The Dodo Song (Mason)\n\n2 Alice Is There (Richardson, Mason)\n\n3 I Can Show You (Lynton)\n\n4 Mr. Whippy (Richardson, Mason)", "3 I Can Show You (Lynton)\n\n4 Mr. Whippy (Richardson, Mason)\n\n5 Just Round The Corner (Richardson, Mason)\n\n6 Toffee Apple Sunday (Reed, Thorburn)\n\n7 Have You Heard The News (Richardson, Mason)\n\nBack Side\n\n1 Try Me (Simmons McAllister Vail)\n\n2 Go Now (Felder, Keith)\n\n3 As Long As I Got You (Barge, Lee)\n\n4 Hitch It To The Horse (James)\n\n5 Watcha Gonna Do (Dixon)\n\n6 Something You've Got (Kenner)", "5 Watcha Gonna Do (Dixon)\n\n6 Something You've Got (Kenner)\n\n7 Honey Chile (Maurie, Moy)\n\nCredits\n\n· Photography – Barry ''Snap'' Clothier\n\n· Artwork – Lyn ''Brushes'' Bergquist\n\n· Engineer – Peter ''Knobs'' Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nFourmyula – Green B Holiday\n\nAli Richardson, Carl Evenson, Chris Parry, Martin Hope, Wayne Mason\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side", "Label: His Master's Voice\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Green 'B' Holiday\n\n2 Mr Harris Garage\n\n3 Dedicated To Mr Cook\n\n4 Bang On Harry\n\n5 Hampden Tennis Club\n\n6 My Mama George\n\nB Side\n\n1 Mummy Told Me\n\n2 Fortune\n\n3 Cosy Picture Theatre\n\n4 Sally's Line\n\n5 Fun\n\n6 Home\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – Peter ''Knobs'' Hitchcock\n\n· Orchestral Arrangements by Don Richardson\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "· Orchestral Arrangements by Don Richardson\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\n1969\n\nFourmyula – Home\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice (NZ) Limited - HR 342\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Home (Mason, Richardson)\n\nB Side Tell Me No Lies (Mason, (Richardson)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – Peter ''Knobs'' Hitchcock\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nJohnny Farnham - One / Mr Whippy", "· Recorded at HMV Studios – Wellington, New Zealand\n\nJohnny Farnham - One / Mr Whippy\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia - DO-8827\n\nVinyl 7\" Single 45 RPM\n\nA Side One (Harry Nilsson) 2:43\n\nB Side Mr Whippy (Ali Richardson, Wayne Mason)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by John Hawker\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nJohnny Farnham - Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head\n\nLabel: ColumbJia - DO-8965", "Johnny Farnham - Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head\n\nLabel: ColumbJia - DO-8965\n\nVinyl, 7\" Single 45 RPM\n\nA Side Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head ( Bacharach - David) 2:30\n\nB Side Two (Farnham)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by Peter Jones\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nJohnny Farnham - Comic Conversation\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia -DO-9234\n\nVinyl 7\" Single 45 RPM", "Johnny Farnham - Comic Conversation\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia -DO-9234\n\nVinyl 7\" Single 45 RPM\n\nA Side Comic Conversation (John Bromley) 3:20\n\nB Side Pretty Things (Johnny Farnham)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by Geoff Hales\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nJohnny Farnham - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus\n\nLabel : EMI Columbia - DO-8604\n\nVinyl 7\" Single 45 RPM", "Label : EMI Columbia - DO-8604\n\nVinyl 7\" Single 45 RPM\n\nA Side I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Tommie Connor) 2:03\n\nB Side The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot (Leach, Carr, Connor)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by Geoff Hales\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nThe Master's Apprentices - Linda Linda\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO-8677\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single", "The Master's Apprentices - Linda Linda\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO-8677\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single\n\nA Side Linda Linda (Ford, Keays)\n\nB Side Merry Go Round (Ford, Keays)\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nThe Master's Apprentices - 5.10 Man\n\nLabel: Columbia - DO-8826\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single\n\nA 5.10 Man (Ford, Keays) 2:18", "Vinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single\n\nA 5.10 Man (Ford, Keays) 2:18\n\nB How I Love You (Ford, Keays)\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nMaster's Apprentices, The – Turn Up Your Radio\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO-9104\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single\n\nA Side Turn Up Your Radio ( Ford, Keays) 3:32", "Vinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single\n\nA Side Turn Up Your Radio ( Ford, Keays) 3:32\n\nB Side Jam It Up (Burgess, Ford, Wheatley, Keays)\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nThe Musick Express - Jackie's Thing\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO-9242\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Jackie's Thing (Trevor McNamara) 3:20\n\nB Side How Does Paternity Suit You 2:40", "B Side How Does Paternity Suit You 2:40\n\nCredits\n\n· Recording Engineer – Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nAllison Durbin - Golden Days \n\nLabel : EMI Columbia - DO-9077\n\nVinyl 7\" Single 45 RPM\n\nA Side Golden Days (Goffin-King)\n\nB Side Make The Feeling Go Away (Poor)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by Peter Jones\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "· Engineer – Roger Savage, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nAllison Durbin – Soft & Soulful\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice - CSDM 6323\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Letter To Bill\n\n2 Didn't We\n\n3 A Man & A Woman\n\n4 Loneliness Remembers What Happiness Forgets\n\n5 This Is The First Time\n\n6 Change Of Heart\n\n7 Tonight I'll Say A Prayer\n\nB Side\n\n1 Holy Man", "6 Change Of Heart\n\n7 Tonight I'll Say A Prayer\n\nB Side\n\n1 Holy Man\n\n2 Watch Out Love\n\n3 Just Ain't No Love\n\n4 Tra La La La La\n\n5 When I'm Gone\n\n6 Am I The Same Girl\n\n7 Heaven\n\nCredits\n\n· Photography by - Mary Thompson\n\n· Recording Engineers – Ern Rose, John Sayers, Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nJohnny Farnham and Allison Durbin – Together", "Johnny Farnham and Allison Durbin – Together\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – OCSD 7682\n\nVinyl LP Album Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Baby, Without You 2:22\n\n2 The Green Green Grass Is Dying\n\n3 You're Alright With Me\n\n4 Stay Awhile\n\n5 I Don't Mind The Rain\n\n6 Singing Our Song\n\nB Side\n\n1 That's Old Fashioned 3:08\n\n2 Come On Round To My Place\n\n3 Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing", "2 Come On Round To My Place\n\n3 Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing\n\n4 Nobody Knows\n\n5 Better Put Your Love Away\n\n6 Get Together\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nThe Groove – Relax Me\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia DO 8658\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Relax Me\n\nB Side Dance To The Music\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "Credits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZOOT – \"1x2x3x4\"\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia DO 8605\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side \"1x2x3x4\"\n\nB Side Sailing\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZOOT – It's About Time\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia DO 8930\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side It's About Time", "Label: EMI Columbia DO 8930\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side It's About Time\n\nB Side Sha Laa Laa\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n1970\n\nZOOT – Hey Pinky\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia DO 9169\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Hey Pinky\n\nB Side Strange Things\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia", "· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZOOT – Eleanor Rigby\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia DO 9317\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Eleanor Rigby\n\nB Side Turn Your Head\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZOOT – Evil Child\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia DO 9434\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Evil Child\n\nB Side The Freak\n\nCredits", "Vinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Evil Child\n\nB Side The Freak\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZOOT - Just Zoot\n\nLabel: Columbia SCXO-7916\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nSide A\n\n1 It's About Time (Brian Cadd-Don Mudie)\n\n2 Feelings\n\n3 Flying (Springfield)\n\n4 Hey Mr Songwriter (Springfield)\n\n5 Monty & Me (Poulsen-Woodley)\n\n6 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 (Britten)\n\nSide B", "5 Monty & Me (Poulsen-Woodley)\n\n6 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 (Britten)\n\nSide B\n\n1 Sailing (Britten)\n\n2 Sha La La (Springfield)\n\n3 Shake a Feather\n\n4 She's Alright (Britten)\n\n5 Who's Afraid of You\n\n6 Yes I'm Glad (Britten)\n\nAllison Durbin - Don't Make Me Give In\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia - DNZ 121\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Don't Make Me Give In (Young)\n\nB Side World Of Music\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by Peter Jones", "B Side World Of Music\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by Peter Jones\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nAllison Durbin – He's Bad Bad Bad\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia – DNZ 119\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side He's Bad Bad Bad\n\nB Side Am I The Same Girl\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by John Farrar\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "Credits\n\n· Arranged by John Farrar\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nJohnny Farnham – Looking Through A Tear\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia – SCXO-7920\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 One ( Harry Nilsson) 2:49\n\n2 I've Been Rained On (Dallas Frazier) 2:22", "3 Mirror Of My Mind (Douglas, Flynn) 2:15\n\n4 The World Goes Round And Round (M. Kunze, R. Siegel Jr.) 3:55\n\n5 All Night Girl (B. Mason, L. Stirling, S. Whittingham) 2:06\n\n6 You're Breaking Me Up (Roy Wood) 2:28\n\n7 Two (Johnny Farnham) 2:29\n\nB Side", "B Side\n\n1 Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head (Burt Bacharach, Hal David) 4:42\n\n2 Looking Through A Tear (A. Resnick, B. Scott) 3:40\n\n3 Visions Of Sugarplums (G. Campbell, J. Fuller) 2:12\n\n4 What Can I Do (Johnny Farnham) 2:43\n\n5 In A Moment Of Madness (J. McHugh, R. Freed) 2:48", "5 In A Moment Of Madness (J. McHugh, R. Freed) 2:48\n\n6 Ain't Society Great (Bobby Russell) 2:34\n\n7 1432 Franklin Pike Circle Hero (Bobby Russell) 3:58\n\nCredits\n\n· Artwork By – Andrew Bokor\n\n· Photography – Rod Vickers\n\n· Engineer – Roger Savage, John Sayers, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia", "· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZoot – Hey Pinky\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO-9169\n\nVinyl, 7\" 45 RPM\n\nA Side Hey Pinky (R.Springfield) 3:50\n\nB Side Strange Things (R.Springfield) 3:30\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZoot – Eleanor Rigby\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO-9317\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single", "Zoot – Eleanor Rigby\n\nLabel: Columbia – DO-9317\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM Single\n\nA Eleanor Rigby (Lennon-McCartney) 4:39\n\nB Turn Your Head (Rick Springfield) 4:54\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nRussell Morris – Rachel\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia – DO- 9102\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM\n\nA Side Rachel (R.Foggart)", "Label: EMI Columbia – DO- 9102\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM\n\nA Side Rachel (R.Foggart)\n\nB Side Slow Joey (Morris)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nRussell Morris – Mr. America\n\nLabel: EMI Columbia – DO-9314\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM\n\nA Side Mr. America (Morris) 3:43\n\nB Side Stand Together (Morris)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Ern Rose", "B Side Stand Together (Morris)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nRussell Morris – Sweet Sweet Love\n\nLabel: HMV – EA-9539\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM\n\nA Side Sweet Sweet Love (Morris)\n\nB Side Jail Jonas Daughter (Morris)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nYvonne Barrett - LU", "· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nYvonne Barrett - LU\n\nLabel: Columbia DO-9062\n\nVinyl 7” 45 RPM\n\nA Side \"Lu\" (Laura Nyro)\n\nB Side \"Picture Me Gone\"\n\n· Arranged by John Farrar\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n1971\n\nRussell Morris – Bloodstone\n\nLabel: EMI – OCSD 7679\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 O Helley (Morris)\n\n2 Jail Johan's Daughter (Morris)", "Vinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 O Helley (Morris)\n\n2 Jail Johan's Daughter (Morris)\n\n3 Saints And Sinners (Morris)\n\n4 Our Hero Is Dead (Morris)\n\n5 Heaven Shines (Morris)\n\nB Side\n\n1 The Cell (Morris)\n\n2 The Gambler's Lament (Morris)\n\n3 Goodbye (Morris)\n\n4 Ride Your Chariot (Morris)\n\n5 Lay In The Graveyard (Morris)\n\n6 Sweet Sweet Love (Morris)\n\nCredits\n\n· Guitars – Phil Manning, Rick Springfield", "6 Sweet Sweet Love (Morris)\n\nCredits\n\n· Guitars – Phil Manning, Rick Springfield\n\n· Harmonica – Matt Taylor\n\n· Piano – Brian Cadd, Warren Morgan, Ian Mason, Peter Jones\n\n· Bass – Barry Sullivan, Mike Clarke, Bob Arrowsmith\n\n· Drums – Barry Harvey, Mark Kennedy\n\n· Engineers – John French, John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n· and TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nRussell Morris – Live With Friends", "· and TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nRussell Morris – Live With Friends\n\nLabel: HMV – EA-9824\n\nVinyl 7\" 45 RPM\n\nA Side Live With Friends (Morris-Cadd)\n\nB Side Alcohol Farm (Morris)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nSpectrum – I'll Be Gone\n\nLabel: Harvest – HAR-9329\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side I'll Be Gone (Rudd) 3:28", "A Side I'll Be Gone (Rudd) 3:28\n\nB Side Launching Place, Part II (Rudd)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nZOOT - Zoot Out\n\nLabel: Columbia SOEX 9842\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nSide A\n\n1 Eleanor Rigby (Lennon-McCartney)\n\n2 Evil Child (Springfield)\n\n3 Flying (Springfield)\n\n4 The Freak (Springfield)", "3 Flying (Springfield)\n\n4 The Freak (Springfield)\n\n5 Hey Pinky (Springfield)\n\n6 Monty & Me (Hans Poulsen-Bruce Woodley)\n\nSide B\n\n1 It's About Time (Brian Cadd-Don Mudie)\n\n2 Mr Songwriter (Springfield)\n\n3 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 (Terry Britten)\n\n4 Strange Things (Springfield)\n\n5 Turn Your Head (Springfield)\n\n6 You Better Get Going Now (Jackie Lomax)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Roger Savage, Ern Rose", "Credits\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers, Roger Savage, Ern Rose\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Produced by Ian Meldrum (side A, track 6)\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nSpectrum – Spectrum Part One\n\nLabel: Harvest – SHVL 601\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\n ASide\n\n1 Make Your Stash (Ross Wilson) 4:08\n\n2 Fiddling Fool (Mike Rudd) 12:32\n\nB Side", "B Side\n\n1 Super Body (Mike Rudd) 9:11\n\n2 Drifting (Mike Rudd) 3:24\n\n3 Mumbles I Wonder Why (Mike Rudd, Ross Hanaford) 5:56\n\nCredits\n\n· Guitar, Vocals, Recorder, harmonica – Michael Rudd\n\n· Bass – Bill Putt\n\n· Drums, Percussion – Mark Kennedy\n\n· Organ, Piano, Vocals – Lee Neale\n\n· Black & White Photography by – Chris Watt", "· Organ, Piano, Vocals – Lee Neale\n\n· Black & White Photography by – Chris Watt\n\n· Layout, Colour Photography by – Michael Rudd\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nSpectrum – Milesago\n\nLabel: Harvest – SHDW 50/51-D, EMI – SHDW 50/51-D\n\n2 × Vinyl LP Stereo\n\nSide 1\n\n1 But That's All Right 4:20", "Side 1\n\n1 But That's All Right 4:20\n\n2 Love's My Bag 4:14\n\n3 Your Friend And Mine 7:22\n\n4 Untitled 4:30\n\nSide 2\n\n1 Play A Song That I Know 3:45", "Side 2\n\n1 Play A Song That I Know 3:45\n\n2 What The World Needs (Is A New Pair Of Socks) 7:30\n\n3 Virgin's Tale 3:30\n\n4 A Fate Worse Than Death 4:42\n\n5 Tell Me Why 1:47\n\nSide 3\n\n The Sideways Saga", "Side 3\n\n The Sideways Saga\n\n1a The Question 1:06\n\n1b The Answer 2:14\n\n1c Do The Crab 4:55\n\n1d Everybody's Walking Sideways 2:42\n\n2 Trust Me 6:05", "2 Trust Me 6:05\n\n3 Don't Bother Coming Round 3:23\n\nSide 4\n\n1 Fly Without Its Wings 10:07\n\n2 Mama, Did Jesus Wear Make Up? 2:10\n\n3 Milesago 7:14\n\nCredits\n\n· Vocals, Guitar, Recorder – Michael Rudd", "Credits\n\n· Vocals, Guitar, Recorder – Michael Rudd\n\n· Bass – Bill Putt\n\n· Drums, Percussion, Vocals – Ray Arnott\n\n· Piano, Keyboards, Vocals – Lee Neale\n\n· Engineer – John Sayers\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nSherbet – You've Got The Gun\n\nLabel: Infinity – K-6570\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side You've Got The Gun\n\nB Side Rock Me Gently\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable", "Credits\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nLa De Das, The – Gonna See My Baby Tonight\n\nLabel: His Master's Voice – EA-9638\n\nVinyl 7\" Single\n\nA Side Gonna See My Baby Tonight (Borich)\n\nB Side Fare Thee Well (Roberts, Key)\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n 1972\n\nBlackfeather – Boppin' The Blues", "· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n 1972\n\nBlackfeather – Boppin' The Blues\n\nLabel: Infinity – INL 34731\n\nVinyl LP Album\n\nA Side\n\n1 Pineapple 3:58\n\n2 Gee Willikers 6:45\n\n3 Own Way Of Living 8:03\n\n4 Red Head Rag 6:29\n\nB Side\n\n1 Mama Roll 5:01\n\n2 Get It On 3:00\n\n3 Boppin' The Blues 6:34\n\n4 Lay Down Lady 5:58\n\nCredits", "3 Boppin' The Blues 6:34\n\n4 Lay Down Lady 5:58\n\nCredits\n\n· Recorded At – Melbourne Town Hall\n\n· Recorded At – Kew Club\n\n· Remixed At – T.C.S. Studios\n\n· Produced by Howard Gable\n\nDennis Garcia – Jive To Stay Alive\n\nLabel: Indigo – DG/IN 001\n\nVinyl LP Album Gatefold\n\nA Side\n\n1 Crystal Balls 3:35\n\n2 Electrons, Neutrons, Protons & Morons 2:02", "2 Electrons, Neutrons, Protons & Morons 2:02\n\n3 You Can Be Anything 4:38\n\n4 Moroccan Roll 3:23\n\nB Side\n\n1 Door To Dimension 4 4:14\n\n2 If You Wanna Dance 3:44\n\n3 Don't Lay Your Trip On Me 3:20", "3 Don't Lay Your Trip On Me 3:20\n\n4 I.B.M. Boogie 3:59\n\nCredits\n\n· All Compositions by Dennis Garcia\n\n· Synthsizer sequencing and Computer programming by Dennis Garcia\n\n· Engineers – Graham Owens, John French\n\n· Producer Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nCARSON\n\n\"Boogie, Part I\" / \"Boogie, Part II\"\n\nEMI Harvest HAR-9965\n\nVinyl 7” Single\n\nCredits", "CARSON\n\n\"Boogie, Part I\" / \"Boogie, Part II\"\n\nEMI Harvest HAR-9965\n\nVinyl 7” Single\n\nCredits\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n1973\n\nAllison Durbin – Three Times A Lady\n\nLabel: Hammard – HAM 033\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Silver Threads And Golden Needles\n\n2 Here You Come Again\n\n3 Harper Valley P.T.A.\n\n4 It's A Heartache", "3 Harper Valley P.T.A.\n\n4 It's A Heartache\n\n5 We'll Sing In The Sunshine\n\n6 Thank God I'm A Country Girl\n\n7 Queen Of The House\n\n8 Rose Garden\n\nB Side\n\n1 A Little Bit More\n\n2 Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue\n\n3 Help Me Make It Through The Night\n\n4 Blue Bayou", "3 Help Me Make It Through The Night\n\n4 Blue Bayou\n\n5 I Don't Want To Play House\n\n6a Sometimes When We Touch\n\n6b Three Times A Lady\n\n7 How Deep Is Your Love\n\n8 You Light Up My Life\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Peter Sullivan\n\n· Design – Peter Ewers & Associates\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable", "· Design – Peter Ewers & Associates\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nAllison Durbin – Bright Eyes\n\nLabel: Hammard – HAM 043\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Lotta Love\n\n2 Sharing The Night Together\n\n3 If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me\n\n4 Some Girls\n\n5 Darlin'\n\n6 Sweet Dream People\n\n7 You Make Me Feel Like Dancin'\n\nB Side", "6 Sweet Dream People\n\n7 You Make Me Feel Like Dancin'\n\nB Side\n\n1 Bright Eyes\n\n2 My Eyes Adored You\n\n3 Behind Closed Doors\n\n4 You Needed Me\n\n5a You Are So Beautiful\n\n5b When I Need You\n\n6 On The Inside\n\n7 Lost In Love\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Peter Sullivan\n\n· Design – Peter Ewers & Associates\n\n· Engineer – John French\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n1974", "· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n1974\n\nKush (16) – Presents Snow White... And The Eight Straights\n\nLabel: Warner Bros. Records – 600,007\n\nVinyl LP Stereo\n\nA Side\n\n1 Wait Overture (Herzog, Duff)\n\n2 Easy Street (Steve Ball)\n\n3 All Right In The City (Dunn, McCashen)\n\n4 McArthur Park (Jim Webb)\n\n5 Wait (Herzog, Duff)\n\nB Side", "5 Wait (Herzog, Duff)\n\nB Side\n\n1 Satanic Deity (Herzog, Duff)\n\n2 Christopher John (Herzog)\n\n3 Klue (Herzog, Duff)\n\nCredits\n\n· Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone – John Ellis\n\n· Arranged by – Kush\n\n· Backing Vocals – Cookies, The (tracks: A5)\n\n· Bass – Rob Matthews\n\n· Cover, Artwork – Timotheous Fiske\n\n· Drums – Nick Lister\n\n· Flute – Ron Anderson (tracks: B2)\n\n· Guitar – David Herzog", "· Drums – Nick Lister\n\n· Flute – Ron Anderson (tracks: B2)\n\n· Guitar – David Herzog\n\n· Keyboards – Steve Ball\n\n· Percussion, Lead Vocals – Geoff Duff\n\n· Photography by – Franz Scharwenka\n\n· Tenor Saxophone, Flute – Bill Harrower\n\n· Trumpet – Ian Hellings, John Santos (4)\n\n· Engineers – Ian McKenzie, Roger Savage, Ross Cockle\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nAllison Durbin – Are You Lonesome Tonight", "Allison Durbin – Are You Lonesome Tonight\n\nLabel: Hammard – HAM 017\n\nVinyl LP Stereo Gatefold\n\nA Side\n\nA1 Love Letters ( Hayman, Young)\n\nA2 Go Away Little Girl (Goffin/King)\n\nA3 Crying In The Rain (King, Greenfield)\n\nA4 I'm Sorry (Allbritten, Self)\n\nA5 Make The World Go Away (Cochran)\n\nA6 The Rhythm Of The Rain (Gummoe)\n\nA7 The End Of The World (Kent, Bee)", "A7 The End Of The World (Kent, Bee)\n\nA8 They Remind Me Too Much Of You (Robertson)\n\nB Side\n\nB1 Blue On Blue (David/Bacharach)\n\nB2 She'll Have To Go (J & A Allison)\n\nB3 It's All In The Game (Sigman, Dawes)\n\nB4 Are You Lonesome Tonight (Handman, Turk)\n\nB5 All Alone Am I (Altman, Hadjidakis)\n\nB6 If You Leave Me Now (P. Cetera)", "B6 If You Leave Me Now (P. Cetera)\n\nB7 The Way We Were (M. Hamlisch)\n\nB8 Dream Lover (Bobby Darin)\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Douggie Reece (tracks: A3, A5, A7, A8, B4, B5, B7, B8),\n\nPeter Jones (tracks: A1, A2, B3, B6), Peter Sullivan (tracks: A4, A6, B1, B2)\n\n· Engineers – Graham Owens, Tony Buettel\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nSally Boyden – The Littlest Australian", "· Recorded at TCS Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\nSally Boyden – The Littlest Australian\n\nLabel: Hammard – HAM 008\n\nVinyl LP STEREO Gatefold\n\nA Side\n\n Medley:\n\n1a Getting To Know You\n\n1b I Whistle A Happy Tune\n\n1c Spoonful Of Sugar\n\n2 Happy Birthday Baby\n\n3 Tan Shoes And Pink Shoe Laces\n\n4 The Unicorn\n\n5 Magic\n\n6 One More Kiss\n\n7 Nobody's Child\n\n8 I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door\n\n Medley:", "7 Nobody's Child\n\n8 I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door\n\n Medley:\n\n1a Thumbellina\n\n1b I'm Late\n\n1c Teddy Bear's Picnic\n\n1d Bippity Boppity Boo\n\n2 What A Wonderful World\n\n3 Cruisin' Down The River\n\n4 Mama\n\n5 I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing\n\n6 Four & Twenty Hours\n\n7 My Mother's Eyes\n\n8 The Lord's Prayer\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Peter Sullivan", "8 The Lord's Prayer\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Peter Sullivan\n\n· Engineers – Ian McKenzie, Roger Savage, Ross Cockle\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n1977\n\nSally Boyden – A Day In A Life\n\nLabel: Hammard – HAM 018\n\nVinyl LP Stereo Gatefold\n\nA Side\n\n1 Happy Birthday Sweet 16\n\n2 Simon Says\n\n3 Boom Sha La La Lo\n\n4 Do You Want To Know A Secret\n\n5 The Bare Necessities\n\n6 Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da", "5 The Bare Necessities\n\n6 Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da\n\n7 Mornington Ride\n\n Wizard Of Oz Medley:\n\n8a Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead\n\n8b Follow The Yellow Brick Road\n\n8c We're Off To See The Wizard\n\nB Side\n\n1 Zipa-Dee-Doo-Dah\n\n2 Sing C'est La Vie\n\n3 Talk To The Animals\n\n4 Oom Pah Pah\n\n5 Catch A Falling Star\n\n6 Do Re Mi\n\n7 The Candy Man\n\n8 Imagine\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Peter Sullivan", "7 The Candy Man\n\n8 Imagine\n\nCredits\n\n· Arranged by – Peter Sullivan\n\n· Engineers – Ian McKenzie, Roger Savage, Ross Cockle\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Armstrongs Studios, Melbourne, Australia\n\n 1978\n\nDaly Wilson Big Band – Too Good For A One Night Stand\n\nLabel: Hammard – HAM 027\n\nVinyl LP Gatefold\n\nA Side\n\n1 Star Wars (Williams) 3:40\n\n Arranged by – C. Hull", "Arranged by – C. Hull\n\n2 Charlie's Angels (Ferguson, Elliot) 3:31\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly Organ Solo – Col Nolan\n\n3 Lady Madonna (Lennon-McCartney) 3:27\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly Guitar Solo – Mick Reid\n\n4 Song For Sarah (Ed Wilson) 3:10\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly Guitar Solo – Mick Reid", "Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly Guitar Solo – Mick Reid\n\n Saxophone Tenor, Solo – David Glyde\n\n5 Car Wash (N. Whitfield) 3:33\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly\n\n Flute Solo – Doug Foskett, Guitar Solo – Mick Reid\n\n6 Gonna Fly Now (Rocky) (Robbins, Conti, Connors) 2:38\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly, Guitar Solo – Mick Reid\n\nB Side", "Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly, Guitar Solo – Mick Reid\n\nB Side\n\n1 Doctor Sunshine ( Written-By – Hull, Wilson, Daly) 2:59\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly\n\n2 Baretta (Grusin, Ames) 3:15\n\n Arranged by – C. Hull\n\n3 Tribute To A Czar (Ed Wilson) 2:45\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly", "Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly\n\n4 Timepiece ( C. Hull) 2:45\n\n Arranged by - C. Hull\n\n5 Carnival (D.C. Santana, T. Coster)\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly\n\n6 The Greatest Love Of All (G. Goffin, M. Masser)\n\n Arranged by – E. Wilson, W. Daly\n\nCredits\n\n· Alto Saxophone – Doug Foskett, Graeme Jesse\n\n· Baritone Saxophone – John Mitchell (9)\n\n· Bass – John Coca", "· Baritone Saxophone – John Mitchell (9)\n\n· Bass – John Coca\n\n· Clarinet – David Glyde, Doug Foskett, Errol Buddle, Graeme Jesse, John Mitchell\n\n· Congas, Bongos, Performer [Chocola] – Barry Sutton\n\n· Drums, Timbales, Tambourine, Drums [Electric Syndrums], Bells [Bell Tree], Bells [Go-go], Performer [Match Tree] – Warren Daly\n\n· Flute – David Glyde, Doug Foskett, Errol Buddle, Graeme Jesse, John Mitchell\n\n· Flute [Alto] – Doug Foskett\n\n· Guitar – Mick Reid", "· Flute [Alto] – Doug Foskett\n\n· Guitar – Mick Reid\n\n· Harp [Blues] – Greg Foster\n\n· Lyricon – Doug Foskett\n\n· Organ [Hammond] – Col Nolan\n\n· Piano, Electric Piano, Synthesizer [Strings], Clavinet – Charles Hull\n\n· Soprano Saxophone – David Glyde, Doug Foskett, Graeme Jesse\n\n· Tenor Saxophone – David Glyde, Errol Buddle\n\n· Trombone [Bass] – Steve Powell\n\n· Trombone [Tenor] – Ed Wilson, Steve Powell\n\n· Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Don Raverty, Miles Harris, Norm Harris", "· Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Don Raverty, Miles Harris, Norm Harris\n\n· Engineer – Graham Owens\n\n· Producer – Howard Gable\n\n· Recorded at Trafalgar Studios, Sydney\n\n Tracks Produced By: Howard Gable\n\nReferences\n\nYear of birth missing (living people)\nLiving people\nNew Zealand record producers\nNew Zealand expatriates in Australia\nAustralian record producers" ]
New Zealand government response to the COVID-19 pandemic
[ "The New Zealand Government responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand in various ways. In early February 2020, the Government imposed travel restrictions on China in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic originating in Wuhan and also repatriated citizens and residents from Wuhan. Following the country's first case which originated in Iran, the Government imposed travel restrictions on Iran.", "In response to rising cases, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern closed the country's borders to non-citizens and non-residents on 19 March 2020. On 21 March, the Government introduced a four-tier alert level system, which placed much of the country's population and economy into lockdown from 25 March. Due to the success of the Government's elimination strategy in reducing the spread of COVID-19, most lockdown and social distancing restrictions were lifted by 8 June 2020", ". However, border restrictions remained in force. On 13 May, the Government passed the controversial COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 which entrenched the Government's lockdown restrictions.", "On 11 August 2020, the Government reinstated lockdown restrictions in Auckland following a second outbreak of community transmissions. Due to successful efforts to reduce community transmissions, lockdown restrictions were eliminated by 7 October. In early November, the Government required travellers entering New Zealand to book a place in managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) prior to travelling to the country", ". In mid-December 2020, the Government announced plans to establish travel bubbles with the Cook Islands and Australia in 2021.", "Following a new community outbreak in Auckland in August 2021, the NZ Government reinstated Alert Level 4 restrictions on 17 August 2021. Due to rising cases in Auckland and parts of the North Island, the Government abandoned its elimination strategy while accelerating the country's vaccination rollout. The \"alert level system\" was subsequently replaced by the COVID-19 Protection Framework (\"traffic light system\"), which came into force on 3 December 2021", ". In addition, the Government launched a COVID-19 vaccination pass system, which came into effect on 16 November 2021. On 23 November, the Government passed the COVID-19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021, which provided a legal framework for the \"traffic light system\" and vaccine mandates for certain occupations.", "On 17 January 2022, the Government launched its vaccination rollout for children aged between five and 12 years. In late January, the Government also launched a three-stage plan to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant based on contact tracing, testing and self-isolation. On 3 February, the Government also launched a five-stage plan to reopen New Zealand's borders throughout 2022", ". On 23 March, the Government eased several \"traffic light\" restrictions including limits on public gatherings, vaccine pass requirements, vaccine mandates for most occupations, and NZ COVID Tracer QR code scanning requirements. In May 2022, the Government also accelerated the reopening of the border for various work, visitor and student visa classes", ". In mid September 2022, the Government abolished the \"traffic light system,\" ending most remaining COVID-19 mask, vaccine, and close contact isolation mandates and restrictions.", "Timeline\n\nJanuary 2020\nThe Ministry of Health set up the National Health Coordination Centre (NHCC) on 28 January in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. On 30 January, an \"Infectious and Notifiable Diseases\" came into effect, which required health practitioners to report any suspected cases under the Health Act 1956.", "February 2020", "On 3 February, the New Zealand Government barred entry to foreign travellers who have left China, permitting only New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and family entry into the country. Universities asked for the Government to exempt Chinese students travelling to study in New Zealand. Foreigners who left China and spent at least 14 days in another country were permitted to enter New Zealand. On 24 February, the Government extended travel restrictions on China by an additional eight days.", "On 7 February, the Health Ministry also set up a dedicated Healthline freephone number (0800 358 5453) for COVID-19-related calls. In addition, a Government–chartered Air New Zealand flight evacuated 193 passengers (including 55 New Zealanders and 44 permanent residents) from Wuhan in early February. Following the country's first recorded case on 28 February resulting from overseas travel, the Government extended the country's travel restrictions to include travellers coming from Iran.", "March 2020", "On 14 March, ahead of the first anniversary of shootings at a Christchurch mosque which resulted in the deaths of 51 people, a national remembrance service was cancelled out of concerns over the virus. Jacinda Ardern said the decision was a pragmatic one, adding, \"We're very saddened to cancel [it], but in remembering such a terrible tragedy, we shouldn't create the risk of further harm being done.\" An Auckland festival celebrating Pacific culture was also cancelled", ".\" An Auckland festival celebrating Pacific culture was also cancelled. Ardern announced that, effective 01:00 on 16 March, all travellers arriving in or returning to New Zealand from outside of the country must self-isolate for 14 days. This applies to all travellers, even if they are New Zealand citizens, but excludes travel from the Pacific islands unless the traveller is symptomatic", ". In addition, restrictions were placed on travel to the Pacific islands from New Zealand, barring travel to the region by those showing signs of coronavirus symptoms, as well as close contacts of coronavirus patients. Cruise ships will be prohibited from docking in New Zealand until 30 June. Ardern described these as being among the \"widest ranging and toughest border restrictions of any country in the world\".", "On 16 March, Ardern called for a halt to public gatherings of more than 500 people and warned that the outbreak could lead to a recession greater than the 2008 global financial crisis.", "On 17 March, Health Minister David Clark announced that the Government would deport foreign tourists who flout self-quarantine restrictions. That same day, Immigration New Zealand placed two foreign tourists into forced quarantine for defying Government requirements to self-quarantine for two weeks. The tourists were ordered to leave New Zealand following their quarantine. Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced a $12.1 billion COVID-19 business package that included $8", ".1 billion COVID-19 business package that included $8.7 billion for businesses and jobs, $2.8 billion for income support, $500 million for health, and $600 million for the aviation sector and to support supply chains (this did not include any support for Air New Zealand).", "On 18 March, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) urged all New Zealanders travelling overseas to return home. In addition, Ardern announced that the New Zealand and Australian Governments would be cancelling Anzac Day services scheduled to be held at Gallipoli in Turkey in response to travel restrictions and the coronavirus outbreak.", "On 19 March, the Government required the cancellation of indoor gatherings of more than 100 people. This did not apply to workplaces, schools, supermarkets or public transport. Ardern announced the closure of New Zealand's borders to all but New Zealand citizens and residents, with effect after 11:59 pm that night. Unlike the previous travel restrictions, this ban also includes Pacific Islanders. Returning New Zealanders are required to self-isolate for 14 days upon entry", ". Returning New Zealanders are required to self-isolate for 14 days upon entry. The partners, legal guardians or any dependent children travelling with returning New Zealand can return but will need to self-isolate as well. However, Samoan and Tongan citizens travelling to New Zealand for essential reasons, \"essential health workers\", and those seeking to enter the country for humanitarian reasons are exempt from the travel ban.", "On 21 March, Ardern introduced a country-wide alert level system to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, similar to the existing fire warning systems. There are four levels, with 1 being the least risk of infection and 4 the highest. The Alert Level was set to 2 and people over 70 years old and those with compromised immune systems were asked to stay at home.", "On 22 March, Associate Health and Whānau Ora Minister Peeni Henare announced that the Government would invest $56.4 million in funding to aid Māori communities and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes investing $30 million to directly support Māori health workers, $15 million to supporting to Whānau Ora commissioning agencies, and $10 million to support the community outreach.", "On 23 March, Ardern raised the Alert Level to 3 and announced the closure of all schools, beginning that day. She also announced that the Alert Level would rise to 4 at 11:59pm on 25 March, instituting a nationwide lockdown. All sports matches and events as well as non-essential services such as pools, bars, cafes, restaurants, playgrounds were required to close in 48 hours, while essential services such as supermarkets, petrol stations, and health services would remain open.", "On 24 March, the Government announced that Parliament would adjourn for five weeks beginning on 27 March. Prior to its closure, Parliament passed three bills with cross-party support including:\n the \"Imprest Supply (Third for 2019/20) Bill\", which invests $52 billion into emergency spending;\n the \"COVID-19 Response (Taxation and Social Assistance Urgent Measures) Bill\", which allows the Inland Revenue Department to remit interest on tax owing after 14 February; and", "\"COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Legislation Bill\", which allows local authorities to meet remotely, the Government to take over schools, and prevents no-cause evictions and freezes rents for six months.", "That same day, the Finance Minister announced that the Government was negotiating with banks to ensure that nobody would lose their homes as a result of defaulting on mortgage payments during the pandemic. The Ministry of Social Development's Work and Income NZ division, which deals with welfare payments, switched from face-to-face services to online and phone services, and implemented shift work at its contact and processing centres to facilitate physical distancing.", "On 25 March, the Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard announced that Leader of the Opposition Simon Bridges would chair a cross-party committee called the Epidemic Response Committee to scrutinise the Government's response to COVID-19. Two-thirds of members will be from the opposition National and ACT parties while the remaining third will come from the governing Labour, New Zealand First, and Green parties", ". Known members include New Zealand First deputy leader Fletcher Tabuteau, Greens Co-Leader Marama Davidson, and ACT Party leader David Seymour. That same day, Civil Defence Minister Peeni Henare declared a national state of emergency for seven days, that was to coincide with the country's entry into lockdown at 11:59 pm.", "On 26 March, Ardern announced that the Government would give $27 million to social service providers such as the Salvation Army and Women's Refuge to help the vulnerable cope with the lockdown. Finance Minister Robertson also announced that the Government had paid $1.5 billion to more than 240,000 workers as part of its Wage Subsidy scheme in response to the pandemic.", "On 29 March the New Zealand Police launched a new online form on their website for people to report COVID-19 Alert Level 4 restriction breaches including isolation breaches and businesses operating illegally.\n\nOn 31 March the Government extended the state of national emergency by seven days, which is separate from the four-week COVID-19 Alert Level 4 lockdown. On 7 April, Civil Defence Minister Peeni Henare extended the state of emergency by another seven days, until 14 April 2020.\n\nApril 2020", "April 2020\n\nOn 1 April 2020 the Government set up an Infrastructure Industry Reference Group to seek out 'shovel-ready' infrastructure projects to reduce the economic impact of COVID-19. Local government responded with proposals over the following weeks. Other groups, such as the construction industry, Greenpeace, and the Green Party also put forward their preferences.", "On 5 April, the Queen of New Zealand addressed the Commonwealth in a televised broadcast, in which she asked people to \"take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return\". She added, \"we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again\".", "On 8 April, Ardern and Education Minister Chris Hipkins announced that the Government was introducing a $87.7 million distance learning package including two education television channels hosted by Suzy Cato, one English and the other Māori, improved Internet access and devices, and educational materials including online resources for parents, handheld devices, and hard copy packs of material for different year levels.", "Discussions continue on the possibility of using mobile phone apps to trace contacts (and thus track potential virus spread) – as (for example) in Singapore.\n( New Zealand had 111.1 mobile connections per 100 citizens,\nas opposed to Singapore's 150.1.\nPopulation density and geography also differ.)", "On 8 April, New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced providing $4 million worth of funds to help the government tackle the health, economic, and social impacts of the COVID-19. It also stated plans of providing $1 million to the Tongan Ministry of Health to help it continue fighting the virus.", "On 14 April, the New Zealand Treasury released figures suggesting that the unemployment rate could be kept under 10% if the Government provided extra financial support to help society during the lockdown. Treasury also projected that the country could experience an unemployment rate of 13.5% if the country remains in lockdown for four weeks. Treasury also projected that the unemployment rate could rise between 17.5% and 26% (roughly 750,000) if the lockdown was extended beyond four weeks", ".5% and 26% (roughly 750,000) if the lockdown was extended beyond four weeks. Finance Minister Grant Robertson has vowed that the Government will keep the unemployment rate below 10%. That same day, the Civil Defence Minister Peeni Henare announced that the Government was extending New Zealand's national state of emergency for another seven days until 21 April.", "On 14 April, Ardern announced a $130 million support package for tertiary students including increasing the student loan amount for course-related costs for full-time students to $2,000 temporarily, continuing support payments for students unable to study online for up to eight weeks, and making sure that students whose studies have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic's eligibility for student loans and Fees Free study will not be affected.", "On 15 April, Ardern announced that all government ministers and public sector chief executives would take a 20 percent pay cut. Opposition Leader Simon Bridges has also confirmed that he will take a 20 percent pay cut.", "On 16 April, Ardern outlined the rules and guidelines for the Government's Alert Level 3. Key policies have included allowing people to swim and fish while banning boating; reopening early childhood; and schools up to Year 10 on a voluntary basis; easing work restrictions; allowing ten people to attend funerals, weddings, and tangi; and allowing food eateries to provide take away services", ". In response, the New Zealand Principals' Federation has expressed concern that the Level 3 rules for schools would create confusion.", "On 20 April, Ardern extended New Zealand's Alert Level 4 by another week. Ardern justified the extension on the basis that New Zealand needed to \"lock in the gains\" made so far in the fight against the coronavirus. The Alert Level 4 will end at 11:59 pm on 27 April with the country entering into Alert Level 3 on 28 April for the duration of two weeks. Ardern also announced that schools and early childhood centres can prepare to reopen on 29 April with 28 April being designated as a teachers' only day.", "On 23 April, Broadcasting Minister Kris Faafoi announced that the Government would be investing $50 million into media relief package to support the New Zealand media. This package includes $20.5m to eliminate TV and Radio transmission fees for six months; $16.5m to reduce media organisations' contribution fees to New Zealand On Air for the 2020/21 financial year; $11.1 million in specific targeted assistance to companies; $1", ".1 million in specific targeted assistance to companies; $1.3 million to purchase central government news media subscriptions; and $600,000 to completely cut Radio New Zealand's AM transmission fees for six months. Faafoi also confirmed that the proposed Radio New Zealand and TVNZ merger had been delayed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic's economic fallout.", "May 2020 \nOn 1 May 2020, the New Zealand Parliament unanimously passed a $23 billion omnibus tax support package. Its provisions include a $3 billion tax relief package for businesses, $25 million for further business support in 2021, a $NZ10 billion wage subsidy scheme, $4.27 billion to support 160,000 small businesses, and $1.3 billion for 8,900 medium-sized businesses.", "On 6 May, ahead of the announcement on 11 May about when the country would move down to Alert Level 2, Ardern gave information on how the country would function at Alert Level 2, with several changes from the original outline in March. The new Level 2 guidelines described \"a safer version of normal\", with the return of recreational activities and businesses with enforced physical distancing, hygiene and customer registration methods, and no more than 100 people per gathering.", "On 7 May, Sport and Recreation Minister Grant Robertson announced that professional sports would be able to resume domestically under Alert Level 2 if the necessary public health measures were in place.", "On 11 May, it was announced that New Zealand would enter Alert Level 2 from 11:59 pm on 13 May, lifting lockdown restrictions while maintaining physical distancing in public and for private gatherings with more than ten people. Schools could reopen on Monday 18 May, while bars (defined as on-licence premises that primarily serve beverages) could reopen on 21 May. The decision of whether to increase the limit of a gathering without physical distancing from ten is set to be made on 25 May.", "On 13 May, the Government passed the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 which gives police and other \"enforcement officers\" the power to enter homes and other premises without a warrant in order to enforce the Alert Level 2 lockdown. The Bill was opposed by the opposition National and ACT parties, and the Human Rights Commission.", "On 20 May, the Health Ministry launched a contact tracing app called NZ COVID Tracer, which is available on App Store and Google Play. The app allows users to scan their QR codes at businesses, public buildings and other organisations to track where they have been for contract tracing purposes. While it was formally launched on 20 May, some people were able to download it on App Store on 19 May. During its initial launch, several users encountered difficulties with logging into the app or using it.", "On 25 May, Ardern raised the limits on social gatherings including religious services, weddings, and funerals to 100, which came into effect at 12pm on 29 May 2020. Previously, there had been a ten-person limit on religious services and weddings, and a 50-person limit on funerals and tangihanga. Ardern also announced that Cabinet would consider a decision to move into Alert Level 1 on 8 June, with 22 June set as the tentative date for moving into Alert Level 1", ". That same day, Finance Minister Grant Robertson introduced a new 12-week relief payment scheme for New Zealand citizens and residents, which comes into effect on 8 June. It will pay $490 per week for those who lost full-time work and $250 for part-time workers including students.", "On 29 May, Ardern announced that the Government would be giving the arts and culture sector a multi-million dollar boost in response to the economic impact of COVID-19. This includes $25 million for Creative New Zealand, $1.4m for the Antarctic Heritage Trust, $11.364m to Heritage New Zealand, $18m for the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, $2 million for Te Papa's Hardship Fund, $31.8m for Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision to preserve its audio and visual collection, $2", ".8m for Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision to preserve its audio and visual collection, $2.03m for the Royal New Zealand Ballet, and $4 million for the", "$4m for the Waitangi National Trust Board.", "In May 2020, Grant Robertson announced $265 million to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on sports industry. The Minister of Finance said that the funding and revenue had drastically fallen for all sports organisations and that they were under “immense strain”. “We are providing the support needed to sports at all levels to remain viable, get stronger and adapt,” his post-budget statement said.", "June 2020 \nOn 3 June, Ardern clarified that Alert Level 1 would involve the elimination of social distancing restrictions on shops, restaurants, public transportation and public gatherings including religious services, funerals, weddings, and community sports events. However, event organisers would have to ensure contact tracing. Ardern also outlined the ten \"golden rules\" for Alert Level 1:\n If you are sick, stay home.\n If you have cold or flu-like symptoms get tested.", "If you are sick, stay home.\n If you have cold or flu-like symptoms get tested.\n Wash your hands, Wash your hands, Wash your hands.\n Sneeze and cough into your elbow and regularly disinfect shared surfaces.\n If you are told by health authorities to self isolate you must do so immediately.\n If concerned about your wellbeing or you have underlying health conditions consult with your GP.\n Keep track of where you've been and who you've seen so we can use that for contact tracing if needed.", "Businesses should help with rule seven by displaying a QR code.\n Stay vigilant\n Be kind to others and yourself.", "That same day, the opposition National Party claimed that a leaked cabinet paper suggested that New Zealand could move into Alert Level 1 straight away. The Government contended that the paper represented \"one strand of decision making\" and that any move into Alert Level 1 was \"predicated upon having eliminated chains of transmission and there having been no new cases from community transmission for at least 28 days.\"", "On 8 June, Ardern announced that New Zealand would be entering into Alert Level 1 at midnight on 9 June after it was reported that the country's last remaining active case had recovered. Under Alert Level 1, there will be no restrictions on daily life, business activities, mass gatherings, and public transportation. However, the country's borders would remain closed to most international travel.", "On 9 June, Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield announced that people quarantined at the border would no longer be able to apply for an exemption to attend funerals and tangihanga. Instead, people who had been quarantined would be allowed to apply for an exemption to gather with a small group of loved ones to mourn. Previously, the Health Ministry had allowed 142 people in mandatory quarantine to attend funerals and tangihanga.", "On 16 June, Clark suspended compassionate exemptions for travellers after two women who had visited the country in June to attend a funeral tested positive for COVID-19. The suspension remains in force until the Government is satisfied with the Health Ministry's procedures.", "On 17 June, Ardern announced that the New Zealand Defence Force's Assistant Chief of Defence Air commodore Darryn Webb would oversee the country's border and quarantine isolation facilities in response to the recent outbreak reported on 16 June. On 18 June, Bloomfield announced that all travellers on trans-Tasman flights will be required to wear face masks in response to the three recent cases resulting from overseas travel.", "On 19 June, Housing Minister Megan Woods was given joint responsibility with Air Commodore Darryn Webb for overseeing isolation and quarantine facilities for travellers entering New Zealand.", "On 22 June, Ardern announced that the Government would be amending its health order to require people to test negative for COVID-19 before leaving quarantine. The Government also extended the ban on cruise ships beyond 30 June. While exceptions will be made for cargo ships and fishing vessels, any ship crew arriving in New Zealand would need to spend 14 days in quarantine if they had not been on the vessel for 28 days prior to docking.", "On 23 June, Woods indicated that the Government was considering getting returnees to pay part of the costs of the managed isolation and quarantine process due to rising costs. That same day, Clark announced that border staff, air crew, and quarantine workers would receive priority for COVID-19 testing.", "On 24 June, Clark and Bloomfield admitted that 51 of the 55 people who had left managed isolation early on compassionate leave had not been tested for COVID-19. Of the 55 granted compassionate leave, 39 had tested negative while seven won't be tested for medical reasons or were children. One was wrongly counted because their leave application was withdrawn. Of the remaining eight, four are awaiting test results while four have not yet been tested", ". Of the remaining eight, four are awaiting test results while four have not yet been tested. Opposition leader Todd Muller described the Health Ministry's procedural lapse as a \"national disgrace\".", "On 27 June, the Health Ministry acknowledged that 2,159 people had left managed isolation facilities between 9 and 16 June. Of these, 1,288 had tested negative for COVID-19 and that a further 367 were awaiting testing. The Ministry also acknowledged that it was still trying to contact 427 people who had left managed isolation. 137 people were not eligible for testing for various reasons including being a child under six months, being part of repositioning crew, and currently being overseas", ". 79 people have refused to be tested.", "On 29 June, Clark announced that it was investing $150 million in personal protective equipment from their $50 billion COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund unveiled in the 2020 New Zealand budget. In addition, returnees in isolation facilities are also required to wear face masks.", "July 2020", "On 2 July, Clark resigned from his portfolio following criticism over his leadership and actions during the pandemic. He stated that he \"was becoming a distraction in the Government's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand and health reforms.\" Ardern appointed Chris Hipkins as interim Health Minister until the 2020 New Zealand general election, which at that time was scheduled for 19 September. Megan Woods took on responsibility for Border Management (Covid response and Quarantine).", "On 7 July, the Government asked Air New Zealand and Singapore Airlines to manage international bookings to New Zealand over the next three weeks to ensure that quarantine facilities are not overwhelmed by the volume of returnees. Air New Zealand said that 5,500 people were booked to travel back to New Zealand with the airline over the next three weeks.", "On 15 July, Ardern released the Government's COVID-19 response framework, which would involve localised lockdowns in the event there was another community-wide outbreak of COVID-19. The framework is based on similar localised lockdown policies in Victoria, New South Wales, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea.", "On 21 July, Health Minister Hipkins announced that the Government would be investing $302 million into health services, including $150 million over two years for Pharmac, $30 million into the National Close Contact Service, $23 million into a National Immunisation Solution, $35 million for more ventilators and respiratory equipment, $50 million for personal protective equipment supplies, and $14.6 million for telehealth services.", "On 29 July, Housing Minister Megan Woods announced that some travellers entering New Zealand would have to pay for their 14-day stay in managed isolation. The isolation stays will cost $3,100 ($2,050) for the first adult in each hotel room, $950 for each additional adult and $475 for each child sharing the room", ". Travellers affected by the new ruling include New Zealanders who have left the country after the rules came into effect, those who intend to stay in New Zealand for less than 90 days, and most temporary visa holders with the exception of family members of citizens who were not liable, diplomats, or those here for the Christchurch mosque trial. However, New Zealanders returning home permanently will be exempt from these charges.", "August 2020 \nOn 9 August, The Ministry of Health confirmed that New Zealand had gone 100 days with no known community spread of COVID-19.", "On 11 August, four cases of community transmission were discovered in Auckland. They were all from the same family, who had no link to overseas travel or quarantine measures in the country. Ardern announced that the entire Auckland Region would move back up to Alert Level 3 from 12:00 on 12 August until 23:59 on 14 August. The rest of the country would move up to Alert Level 2 for the same period", ". The rest of the country would move up to Alert Level 2 for the same period. On 14 August, Ardern announced that the lockdown settings would be extended by 12 days until 11:59 pm on 26 August, and that the Government would be extending the wage subsidy scheme to support businesses and protect jobs in response to the new outbreak.", "On 16 August, Health Minister Hipkins issued a statement condemning the use of social media to spread personal attacks on the family at the centre of the recent community transmissions and conspiracy theories around COVID-19. He urged New Zealanders to be supportive of those being tested, saying, \"People are not the problem here, the virus is the problem. People are the solution.\"", "On 17 August, Ardern, following consultation with other political parties and the Electoral Commission, rescheduled the general election from 19 September to 17 October 2020 due to the recent outbreaks. In addition, the New Zealand Parliament's dissolution was delayed until 6 September.", "On 19 August, it became compulsory for all businesses to display the Government's NZ COVID Tracer QR codes at their doors or reception areas. By 18 August, more than 234,000 QR posters had been generated. That same day, Ardern announced the deployment of 500 soldiers to replace private security guards at quarantine facilities and border areas", ". This would take the number of New Zealand Defence Force personnel supporting New Zealand's COVID-19 response to 1,200, making it the largest deployment force since New Zealand's peacekeeping deployment in Timor Leste during the early 2000s.", "On 20 August, Hipkins issued a statement reassuring the Māori and Pasifika communities that Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children was not taking children away from people who tested positive for COVID-19 in response to rumours circulating among the community and social media.", "On 24 August, Ardern announced that Auckland would remain under a Level 3 lockdown until 11:59 pm on 30 August, when the city would move to Level 2 restrictions. In addition, public gatherings in Auckland would be limited to ten people while a 50-person limit would be in place for funerals and weddings. The rest of New Zealand would remain on a Level 2 restrictions until at least 6 September. It will be compulsory for people using public transport to wear face masks while the alert level is 2 or higher.", "On 26 August, Hipkins announced that it would be compulsory for all public transport providers including buses, trains, ferries, ride-share vehicles and train operators to provide Covid Tracer QR codes for passengers from 11:59 pm on 3 September. On 27 August, he announced that the Government would be distributing three million masks nationally. He also clarified that it would be compulsory for everyone aged 12 and over to wear face masks on flights and on public transport", ". However, masks are not be required on exemptions will be granted for health, disability, and practicality reasons, and are not required on school buses or on Cook Strait ferry services. Violators face a $300 infringement notice or a court-imposed fine of up to $1,000.", "On 30 August, Ardern confirmed that Auckland would enter into \"Alert Level 2.5\" from 11:59pm on Sunday night while the rest of the country would remain on Level 2. Under Level 2.5, all social gatherings including birthday parties will be limited to ten people; masks will be mandatory for all Aucklanders using public transportation; and aged care facilities will be operating under strict conditions", ". The only public gatherings allowed in Auckland are funerals and tangihanga, which will be limited to 50 people. That same day, the Prime Minister apologised after a post on the Government's \"Unite against COVID-19\" Facebook page called on all people living in South and West Auckland to get tested.", "September 2020", "On 4 September, Ardern announced that New Zealand would remain on Alert Level 2 while Auckland would remain on Alert Level 2.5 for at least ten more days. The New Zealand Cabinet would review them again on 14 September, when they would decide whether to adjust them at 11.59 pm on 16 September. That same day, Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi extended the visas of visitors due to expire before the end of October by five months", ". In addition, temporary migrants unable to leave due to international travel restrictions were granted a new two-month COVID-19 short-term visa.", "On 6 September, the Government introduced a new order requiring all border workers to undergo testing for COVID-19, which came into effect at midnight on 7 September.", "On 14 September, the Government extended the Alert Level 2.5 rating in Auckland and the Level 2 rating in the rest of the country by one week. Ardern indicated that the Government would consider easing restrictions the following week. While the Government's decision was supported by Cabinet, New Zealand First leader and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters disagreed with the extension of lockdown restrictions and invoked the \"Agree to Disagree\" provision", ". In addition, the Government relaxed social distancing restrictions on public transportation including buses and planes.", "On 21 September, Ardern announced that Auckland would move into Alert Level 2 on 23 September at 11:59pm while the rest of New Zealand would move into Alert Level 1 on 21 September at 11:59pm. Under Auckland's Alert Level 2 status, public gatherings of 100 people were allowed but a 50-person cap remained on funerals and tangihanga.", "October 2020", "On 2 October, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that Australia had formalised a deal allowing New Zealanders \"one-way quarantine-free travel\" into New South Wales and the Northern Territory from 16 October as part of steps to establish a trans-Tasman \"travel bubble\" between the two countries. However, Ardern ruled out facilitating \"quarantine-free travel\" for Australians in order to keep New Zealanders safe from COVID-19, having resisted calls to do so from the opposition National Party", ". National Party leader Judith Collins stated that the travel restrictions and quarantine requirements for Australians would hurt the New Zealand tourism industry.", "On 5 October, Ardern announced that Auckland would shift to Alert Level 1 at 11:59 pm on 7 October, bringing the region in line with the rest of the country. Under Level 1, restrictions on social gatherings were eliminated while wearing masks on public transportation was no longer be compulsory but encouraged.", "On 28 October, Newsroom journalist Marc Daalder reported that Cabinet had been aware of the lack of capacity for testing staff working at managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facilities, airports, and ports prior to the August outbreak. Health authorities were still preparing the country's national testing strategy.", "November 2020", "From 3 November, New Zealand returnees will not be able to board flights to New Zealand without having pre-booked hotel vouchers for staying at a managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facility. 1 News reported that 30,000 people have already pre-booked their isolation stay over the next three months, with the Christmas holiday season completely booked out", ". That same day, Ardern ruled out raising Christchurch's alert level following the detection of a new community transmission linked to a managed isolation facility hosting Russian and Ukrainian fishermen, stating that the Government's systems were adequate.", "On 13 November, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed that Auckland would remain at Alert Level 1 and that Auckland's CBD would reopen after a recent community transmission was genomically linked to a Defence Force worker who had been infected in a quarantine hospital. Hipkins also announced that he would seek Cabinet's permission to make it compulsory to wear masks on Auckland public transportation as well as flights in and out of the city.", "On 16 November, Ardern and COVID-19 Response Minister Hipkins announced that face masks will be mandatory on public transportation in Auckland and on all domestic flights from 19 November.\n\nOn 26 November, the Government announced in its Speech from the Throne that the COVID-19 vaccine would be free as part of its goal of keeping New Zealanders safe from COVID-19.", "December 2020\nOn 7 December, the Ministry of Health announced that it would be reducing the frequency of its regular COVID-19 updates from once a day to four days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. The Ministry also stated that any \"significant developments\" such as community transmissions would be reported sooner if required.", "On 12 December, Ardern and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown announced that a travel bubble between New Zealand and the Cook Islands would be established next year, allowing two-way quarantine-free travel between the two countries.", "On 14 December, Ardern announced that the New Zealand Cabinet had agreed to establish a quarantine-free travel bubble with Australia during the first quarter of 2021. The date would be confirmed next year after more arrangements had been made between the New Zealand and Australian Cabinets", ". In response, the Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt described the proposed travel bubble as the \"first step\" in normalising international travel and expressed the Australian Government's support for granting the necessary approvals.", "January 2021", "On 3 January, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has announced that travellers entering the country from the United Kingdom and United States would be required to take pre-departure tests before entering New Zealand from 15 January 2021. Under this new requirement, travellers will have to produce a written form certified by a laboratory or another form of evidence showing a negative test result in the 72 hours prior to departing for New Zealand. Microbiologist Dr", ". Microbiologist Dr. Siouxsie Wiles had raised concerns that the new pre-departure test requirements would create \"unfair barriers\" for New Zealanders trying to return home. National Party COVID-19 Response spokesperson Chris Bishop welcomed the tests but called for them to be extended to visitors from all countries.", "On 11 January, COVID-19 Response Minister Hipkins announced that the Government will introduce new border protection changes requiring most international travellers with the exception of those from Australia, Antarctica and some Pacific Island states to produce a negative COVID-19 test before travelling to New Zealand. Children under the age of two will be exempt from pre-departure testing.", "On 15 January, Ardern announced that Cook Islanders would be able to enter New Zealand without quarantine from 21 January due to the associated state's COVID free status and strict health and border protocols. However, these arrangements do not apply to New Zealanders seeking to travel to the Cook Islands, who will have to go into quarantine.", "On 19 January, COVID-19 Response Minister Hipkins announced that pre-departure testing requirements would come into force from 11:59pm on 25 January 2021. Travellers from Australia, Antarctica and most Pacific Island states including Fiji, Samoa, Tokelau, Tuvalu and Vanuatu are exempt from the pre-departure test requirement. From 8 February, anyone failing to show proof of a negative test will be fined NZ$1,000.", "On 25 January, Ardern stated that New Zealand would not be completely closing its borders in response to a COVID-19 case in Northland linked to managed isolation.\n\nOn 26 January, Ardern announced that New Zealand's borders would remain closed to most non-citizens and non-residents until New Zealand citizens have been \"vaccinated and protected\", a process that will not start until mid-2021.", "February 2021\nOn 5 February, Immigration New Zealand confirmed that New Zealand's refugee resettlement programme, which had been suspended in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic would resume. The Government plans to resettled 210 refugees by 30 June 2021, with refugees undergoing the mandatory two-week stay in managed isolation.", "On 8 February, the Government announced the launch of the Short-Term Absence Payment (STAP) initiative on 9 February, which allows self-isolating employees to receive a lump sum of NZ$350 from their employers if they are unable to work from home.\n\nOn 10 February, the New Zealand Government formally authorised the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for use in New Zealand. The vaccine will be limited to people over the age of 16 years.", "On 14 February, Ardern announced that Auckland would move into an Alert Level 3 lockdown from 11:59pm that night for a period of three days. The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2 for the same time period. The three-day lockdown is meant for the Government to get more information about a new community outbreak in Papatoetoe, South Auckland. Under Level 3, people are encouraged to stay at home and work remotely. Schools and daycare centers will be open to the children of essential workers", ". Schools and daycare centers will be open to the children of essential workers. Public gatherings are limited to ten people and public venues are closed. In addition, travel restrictions have been imposed around Auckland. Under Level 2, gatherings are restricted to 100 people and travel to Auckland is restricted. That same day, anyone attending or working at Papatoetoe High School, which was attended by one of the community cases, was advised to seek a COVID-19 test.", "On 17 February, Jacinda Ardern announced that Auckland's lockdown level would end, and the alert level would be downgraded to Level 2 since testing suggested that it was a small chance of transmission. Meanwhile, the rest of the country would move down to Level 1.\n\nOn 22 February, Ardern announced that Auckland would be downgraded to Level 1 at midnight. However, it will still be compulsory to wear face masks on public transportation throughout the country.", "On 28 February, the Government placed Auckland under an Alert Level 3 lockdown for the next seven days after the older sibling of a Papatoetoe High School casual plus contact tested positive for COVID-19. In addition, the rest of the country entered to Alert Level 2.", "March 2021\nOn 5 March, Ardern announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 from Alert Level 3, with the rest of New Zealand moving down to Alert Level 1, at 6am, on the 7th of March. The Ardern cabinet will review the alert level of Auckland at the start of the weekend coming after the downgrade to Level 2.\n\nOn 12 March, the Government announced that Auckland would move to Alert Level 1 from Alert Level 2 at midday, lifting social distancing and public gathering restrictions in the city.", "On 13 March, Ardern and Premier of Niue Dalton Tagelagi announced that travellers from Niue can resume quarantine free travel into New Zealand from 24 March 2021.\n\nApril 2021", "On 1 April, the Government confirmed that it would loosen rules for securing emergency spots in managed isolation; with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) stating that 100 more places in MIQ will be available each fortnight", ". The relaxation of rules applies to New Zealand citizens and residents applying to enter the country to see relatives with terminal illnesses and less than six months to live; citizens and residents who had travelled overseas to visit terminally ill relatives; citizens and residents of Pacific Islands countries requiring time-critical medical treatment in New Zealand that they can't receive at home; and those facing risks to their health and safety overseas.", "On 6 April, Ardern and COVID-19 Response Minister Hipkins announced that a quarantine-free travel bubble between New Zealand and Australia would come into force at 11:59 pm on 18 April 2021. To be eligible for quarantine-free travel, people must not have tested positive for COVID-19 in the preceding 14-day period, or be waiting on a COVID-19 test result.", "On 8 April, Ardern announced that the Government would be temporarily suspending travel from India between 4pm on 11 April (Sunday) and 28 April due to rising cases in that country. This temporary travel ban will also affect New Zealand citizens and residents travelling from India. According to statistics released by the Health Ministry, there were 117 imported cases from India in managed isolation since the start of February, compared with 17 from the United States and 11 from the United Kingdom", ". In response, Indian community leader and Indian Workers Association coordinator Mandeep Bela criticised the Government's decision for singling out India, claiming that the United States and Brazil were reporting more cases than India. Christchurch Indian Social and Cultural Club spokesman Thomas Kurian raised concerns about family members being separated but understood the Government's decision.", "On 16 April, Ardern announced that New Zealand would donate 1.6 million COVID-19 vaccine doses through an international vaccine sharing programme. These vaccines will be enough to vaccinate 800,000 people, many of whom will be health workers and vulnerable people in the Pacific Islands.", "On 23 April, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins announced the creation of a new category of \"very high risk\" countries including India, Brazil, Pakistan, and Papua New Guinea. Criteria include countries where there have been more than 50 cases of COVID-19 per 1000 arrivals to New Zealand in 2021, and where there are more than 15 travellers on average per month. Under new travel restrictions, only New Zealand citizens and their immediate family will be allowed to travel to New Zealand.", "May 2021\nThe Health Ministry has advised travellers who visited two locations at Brisbane International Airport in 29 April to self-isolate and seek a COVID-19 test after a traveller who had travelled from Papua New Guinea and mingled with New Zealand-bound travellers tested positive for COVID-19.", "In early March, the New Zealand High Commission in India drew criticism and media attention after they tweeted a request to the youth wing of the opposition Indian National Congress party seeking an oxygen tank. The High Commission subsequently apologised for not going through the official diplomatic and government channels. On 3 May, The New Zealand Herald reported that seven staff members at the New Zealand High Commission in New Delhi had tested positive for COVID-19 in the past weeks.", "On 3 May, the New Zealand and Cook Island governments agreed to establish a travel bubble between the two territories commencing 17 May. Travelers have to be present for at least 14 days in either NZ or the Cook Islands to be eligible to participate in the travel bubble.", "On 6 May, the New Zealand Government paused the quarantine-free travel bubble with the Australian state of New South Wales for 48 hours from 11:59 pm on 6 May following a community outbreak in Sydney and its environs. On 8 May, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed that the bubble would be lifted at 11:59 pm on 9 May subject to no further significant developments in New South Wales.", "On 10 May, the Government announced that 500 spaces a fortnight will be allocated over the next ten months for skilled and critical workers. This will include places for agricultural and horticulture workers under the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme and construction workers for the Auckland City Rail Link and Wellington's Transmission Gully Motorway", ". In addition, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said the travel bubble with Australia would allow more places in managed isolation to be allocated to skilled and critical workers.", "On 18 May, the Health Minister Andrew Little announced that the Government would seek an urgent amendment to Section 23 of the Medicines Act 1981 after the High Court Judge Rebecca Ellis ruled in favour of the Ngai Kaitiaki Tuku Ihu Medical Action Society's contention that the Government's approval of the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine exceeded the powers of the Medicines Act", ". The Medical Action Society had argued that this action would have undermined public trust in the vaccine and wasted vaccine stock already in use in New Zealand.", "June 2021\nOn 9 June, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins announced that New Zealand would receive 1 million doses of the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in July, bringing the total number of doses to more than 1.9 million.\n\nOn 21 June, Ardern announced that Medsafe had given provisional approval for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to be given to 12 to 15-year-olds.", "On 23 June, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins and Bloomfield announced that the Wellington region including the Wairarapa and the Kāpiti Coast would enter into an Alert Level 2 lockdown at 6pm after a Sydney man travelled to the region while infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant. The Wellington regional lockdown is scheduled to last until 11:59 pm on 27 June.", "On 26 June, the New Zealand Government paused quarantine-free travel with all Australian states and territories from 10:30 pm until 11:59 pm on 29 June 2021 in response to multiple cases and outbreaks in Australia at varying levels.\n\nOn 27 June, Cabinet extended Wellington's Alert Level 2 lockdown for 48 hours until 11:59 pm on 29 June. On 29 June, Wellington moved down to level 1 at 11:59 pm.", "July 2021\nArdern confirmed that the transtasman travel bubble pause with Australia would be lifted for Western Australia and the Northern Territory from 11:59 pm on 9 July but would remain in place for Queensland and New South Wales. New Zealanders stranded in Australia would be able to return to New Zealand from 11:59 pm on 9 July provided they meet a range of travel requirements.", "On 19 July, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed that the travel bubble pause with the Australian state of Victoria would be extended until at least 21 July after the state confirmed 13 new community cases and extended its lockdown. That same day, Hipkins confirmed that a shipment of more than 370,000 Pfizer vaccines had arrived in New Zealand, allowing the rollout to begin ramping up after slowing down over the past month.", "On 23 July, Ardern confirmed that the transtasman travel bubble with Australia would be suspended from 11:59 pm that night for eight weeks due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in several Australian cities and states. New Zealanders who return home from parts of Australia other than New South Wales before 11:59 pm on 30 July would not have to go into managed isolation; those returning later have to go into managed isolation.", "August 2021\nOn 11 August, the New Zealand Government designated Fiji and Indonesia as \"very high risk\" countries, restricting travel to New Zealand citizens, their partners and children, and parents of dependent children who are New Zealand citizens.", "On 12 August, Ardern confirmed that New Zealand would continue its elimination strategy indefinitely with plans for a \"cautious, phased, reopening\" of the country. In addition, the Government announced plans to boost its vaccine rollout efforts and to allow vaccinated travellers from low-risk countries to skip quarantine and enter New Zealand in 2021.", "On 17 August, Ardern announced that New Zealand would move to Alert Level 4 at 11:59 pm after a single community case was confirmed in Auckland. Under Alert Level 4, people are required to stay at home except for exercises and to access essential services like supermarkets, dairies, and healthcare. The country is expected to be at Level 4 for a minimum of three days, while Auckland and the Coromandel Peninsula remain on lockdown for seven days", ". Health authorities also identified 23 locations of interest: 13 in the Coromandel and 10 in Auckland.", "On 18 August, Ardern announced that it would be compulsory for everyone above the age of 12 to wear masks while using essential services such as supermarkets, pharmacies, dairies, service stations, buses, and taxies from 11:59 pm that night. She described wearing a mask as \"an act of care to the people around you.\"", "On 20 August, Ardern announced that the whole country would remain at Alert Level 4 for seven days, until the end of Tuesday 24 August. This development came in response to 11 new community cases in Auckland and Wellington.", "On 23 August 2021, Ardern announced that all of New Zealand will remain on Alert Level 4 until 11:59 pm on 27 August while Auckland will remain on Alert Level 4 until 11:59 pm on 31 August. The Government will review alert level settings for the country on 27 August while alert settings for Auckland will be reviewed on 30 August.", "That same day, the Government temporarily suspended the sitting of the New Zealand Parliament for one week on the advice of Bloomfield. Select committees will continue online. The suspension of Parliament was criticised by National Party leader Judith Collins and ACT Party leader David Seymour as undemocratic and an \"overreach of power", ".\" Labour, the Greens and the opposition Māori Party proposed a virtual Zoom Parliament and Question Time but this was opposed by National COVID-19 spokesperson Chris Bishop who argued that Parliament should be able to go ahead if the Prime Minister was able to hold press conferences at Level 4. Bishop also claimed that a Zoom Parliament would not provide the \"democratic accountability\" provided by Parliament sitting.", "On 24 August, Finance Minister Grant Robertson confirmed that 128,000 businesses had applied wage subsidies, with NZ$484 million being paid out to date. The Government has also given the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) discretion to give businesses extra time to pay provisional tax payments due to the August community outbreak. The Government has also not ruled out reviving last year's Covid Income Relief Payment (Cirp) scheme.", "On 27 August, Ardern confirmed that New Zealand will remain on Alert Level 4 until 11:59 pm on 31 August. While Auckland and the Northland Region will remain on Alert Level 4 for at least two more weeks, the rest of the country will move into Alert Level 3 from 1 September 2021.\n\nOn 30 August, the Government hinted that the Northland Region's alert level could be lowered to Alert Level 3 at 11:59 pm on 2 September 2021 if wastewater testing confirmed no traces of COVID-19.", "In late August, Speaker Trevor Mallard confirmed that Parliament would continue meeting under Alert Level 4 conditions with only ten MPs and a small number of staff attending the debating chamber. While Labour, National, the ACT, and Green parties agreed to send MPs, the Māori Party stated that it would not since it was unsafe.", "September 2021\nOn 6 September, Ardern confirmed that all of New Zealand except Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 at 11:59pm on 7 September. However, new Level 2 restrictions will be introduced including mandatory mask wearing at most public venues, recommended mask wearing for school students above the age of 12 years, a 50 person limit and two-metre space at indoor venues, and a 100 person limit at outdoor venues.", "On 13 September, Ardern confirmed that Auckland would remain on Alert Level 4 until 11:59 pm at 21 September. In addition, the rest of New Zealand would remain on Alert Level 2 until at least 21 September.\n\nOn 17 September, Education Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed that there would be no changes to end of the year school holiday dates across the country including Auckland.", "On 20 September, Ardern confirmed that Auckland would move down to Alert Level 3 at 11:59 pm on 21 September while the rest of the country will remain on Alert Level 2. Event limit restrictions were also relaxed for areas under Level 2, with 100 people being allowed in indoor hospitality venues. In addition, a \"bespoke\" lockdown requirement was established in Whakatīwai, Waikato due to recent community cases there", ". In addition, Ardern also reiterated the Government's commitment to maintaining an elimination strategy.", "On 22 September, Bloomfield confirmed that the Whakatīwai region would be moving into Alert Level 3 with the rest of Auckland due to the high level of testing and negative community cases within that region.", "On 27 September, Ardern announced that the Government would be launching a home isolation trial for 150 selected travellers. Participants must be New Zealand residents. In addition, Ardern confirmed that the quarantine-free travel for Pacific Recognised Seasonal Employer workers from Vanuatu, Samoa, and Tonga would resume in early October to address the agricultural and horticultural sectors' demand for migrant workers over the 2021–2022 summer period.", "On 27 September, Health Minister Little announced a NZ$400,000 funding boost for youth mental health services, with priority being given to the Auckland and Northland regions due to stress and anxiety among young people caused by the Delta community outbreak the previous month.\n\nOctober 2021\nOn 3 October, Ardern reinstated Alert Level 3 lockdown restrictions in several parts of Waikato including Raglan, Huntly, Ngāruawāhia and Hamilton commencing midnight 4 October after two community cases were detected.", "On 4 October, Ardern confirmed that New Zealand's elimination strategy would be phased out in favour of a new model that takes into account the country's vaccination rates. That same day, Ardern unveiled the Government's three-stage strategy to move Auckland out of lockdown, which involved a gradual relaxation of restrictions on physical gatherings and economic activities subject to mask-wearing and social distancing requirements.", "On 7 October, COVID-19 Response Minister Hipkins extended the Waikato Level 3 boundary extension to include more parts of the region including Waitomo (including Te Kuiti), Waipa, Ōtorohanga, Mōkau, the northern Pureora Forest Park, Te Awamutu, Karapiro and Cambridge.\n\nOn 8 October, Alert Level 3 restrictions were reinstated in the Northland Region after an Auckland woman who tested positive for COVID-19 used false information to obtain travel documents and spent several days in the region.", "On 11 October, Auckland's Level 3 lockdown was extended for another week, with students being asked not to return to class the following week. The Government has indicated that Alert level restrictions in Waikato and Northland will be lowered from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 2 on 14 October at 11:59 pm", ". That same day, the Government announced that health and disability workers will have to fully vaccinated by 1 December 2021 while all school and early childhood workers will have to be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022.", "On 22 October, the Government formally outlined its new COVID-19 Protection Framework (also known as the \"Traffic Light Framework\"), which consists of red, orange and green levels. This Protection Framework involves lowering public gathering and gathering distancing restrictions in accordance with national vaccination rates.", "On 26 October, Ardern and Workplace Relations Minister Michael Wood announced a new vaccine mandate requiring all workers in hospitality businesses, gyms, barbers, and hairdressers to get vaccinated within four weeks.", "On 28 October, COVID-19 Response Minister Hipkins announced that international arrivals will only have to isolate for seven days from 14 November in an effort to free up about 1,500 rooms a month. From 8 November, fully vaccinated travellers from low risk Pacific Island countries such as the Cook Islands will also be eligible for quarantine-free travel.", "November 2021\nOn 1 November, Ardern announced that the Waikato region would move down to step 2 of Alert Level 3 at 11:59 pm on 2 November. This allowed retailers to operate, with face masks and physical distancing; increased the limit of people at outdoor gatherings to 25; and removed the two-household restriction. Auckland would move down to step 2 of Alert Level 3 at 11:59pm on 9 November.", "On 2 November, COVID-19 Response Minister Hipkins placed the northern part of the Northland Region under an Alert Level 3 lockdown after authorities were unable to find any epidemiological links for two community cases. Far North District Mayor John Carter supported the lockdown, urging people to get tested and vaccinated.", "On 8 November, Ardern announced that Auckland would move down to step 2 of Alert Level 3 from 10 November. The Far North District, which was put into level 3 in the middle of the previous week, would move down to alert level 2 on 12 November. Ardern indicated that Cabinet expected to move Auckland into the COVID Protection Framework from 29 November 2021.", "On 9 November, Economic and Regional Development Minister Stuart Nash announced that the Government would subsidise the costs of big events over the 2021–2022 summer break under its event transition support scheme.\n\nOn 10 November, the Education Minister Hipkins announced that all students in Auckland and Waikato would be able to return to school from 17 November. Year 9 and 10 students would return on a fulltime basis while most students in Years 1–8 would return on a part-time basis.", "On 16 November, Hipkins launched the Government's \"My Vaccine Pass,\" which can be used as a vaccine certificate for various public events, hospitality, community, sport and faith-based gatherings. That same day, Ardern announced that New Zealand will enter the \"traffic light system\" from 29 November and that the Auckland boundary will open to vaccinated or tested people from 15 December.", "On 22 November, Ardern confirmed that the entire country would enter the \"traffic light system\" from 3 December, ending the previous \"alert level system\". Auckland and areas with low vaccination will start on Red setting while the rest of the country will start on the Orange setting. In addition, hairdressers and barbers in Auckland will be allowed to reopen from 25 November.", "On 24 November, Hipkins announced that the \"Very High-Risk\" classification for Indonesia, Fiji, India, Pakistan, and Brazil would be eliminated from December 2021; allowing travellers from these countries to enter New Zealand on the same basis as other international travellers. Papua New Guinea will continue to be classified as \"Very High-Risk,\" limiting direct travel to New Zealand citizens and residents", ". In addition, Hipkins confirmed that managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) restrictions would be eased in three stages throughout 2022. From 17 January, all fully vaccinated New Zealanders and other eligible travellers from Australia will be exempt from MIQ. From 14 February, all fully vaccinated New Zealanders and other eligible travellers from all other countries will be exempt from MIQ. From 30 April, all fully vaccinated travellers will be exempt from MIQ", ". From 30 April, all fully vaccinated travellers will be exempt from MIQ. That same day, the Government's COVID-19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021 passed its third reading, allowing businesses to fire employees who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19.", "On 27 November, the Government imposed travel restrictions on South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, Seychelles, Malawi and Mozambique in response to the spread of the Omicron variant. Hipkins also announced that entry is restricted to New Zealand citizens, who will have to undergo managed isolation for two weeks.", "December 2021\nOn 1 December, Covid-19 Response Minister Hipkins announced that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine would be available for children aged 5 to 11 years from late January 2022.", "On 13 December, Prime Minister Ardern has announced that Auckland and all other \"red\" regions excluding Northland will move to the \"orange\" setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework at 11.59pm on 30 December. This announcement came following a Cabinet meeting whether any regions would move to a different setting under the \"traffic light system", ".\" That same day, Digital Economy and Communications Minister David Clark announced that 600 information technology workers and 290 agricultural workers (including mobile plant machinery workers, shearers, and wool handlers) would be granted border exemptions from early 2022 to fill skills shortages in the New Zealand economy.", "On 21 December 2021, Hipkins announced several changes in order to bolster New Zealand's response to the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, including:\n Reducing the interval between the second dose and the booster shot from six months to four months; making 82% of vaccinated New Zealanders eligible for a booster by late February 2022.\n Requiring all eligible border and health workers to get a booster shot.\n Reducing the pre-departure test requirement to enter New Zealand from 72 hours to 48 hours before travel.", "Delaying the phased border reopening to the end of February 2022.\n Increasing the length of stay at Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) facilities to ten days for all travellers, with no self-isolation component.\n Treating everyone on an international flight with a positive case as a close contact.\n Removing all countries from the \"Very High-Risk country list.\"\n Rolling out paediatric doses of the Pfizer vaccine to children between the ages of 5 and 11 years from 17 January 2022.", "The New Zealand Cabinet also confirmed that the COVID-19 Protection Framework (\"traffic light system\") would be used to manage outbreaks. In the event of Omicron outbreaks, affected areas will move into the red traffic light setting.", "January 2022\nOn 17 January, Ardern announced that New Zealand would move to a red traffic light setting if Omicron was spreading in the community. That same day, the Government launched its vaccination of children aged between five and 11 years old; with 120,000 doses being distributed at clinics.", "On 18 January, Hipkins postponed the next MIQ lottery due to a tenfold increase in imported Omicron cases entering the country. The Government's decision was criticised by Grounded Kiwis member and Australian–based expatriate Maxine Strydom who stated that many New Zealand expatriates were facing emotional and metal stress due to travel restrictions, expiring visas and job losses", ". While health economist Professor Paula Lorgelly expressed disappointment with the suspension, she said that she understood the Government's decision, describing it as \"a short-term pain for what I perceive to be quite a long-term gain.\"", "On 20 January, Ardern moved the Northland Region into the orange traffic light setting at 11:59 pm that night due to a surge of local vaccination rates.\n\nOn 23 January, the Government moved New Zealand into the red traffic light setting at 11:59 pm that night in response to recent community cases of the Omicron variant in the Nelson, New Zealand–Marlborough Region.", "On 25 January, Ardern announced that the Government would require any worker covered by the vaccine mandate to wear surgical-grade or N95 face masks instead of cloth face masks. In addition, ad-hoc masks such as scarfs, bandannas, and improved T-shirts would no longer be accepted at public venues such as restaurants, cafes, and gyms. These changes come into effect in nine days' time.", "On 26 January, the Government asked suppliers Abbott Laboratories, Roche, and Siemens to give the Government priority in accessing rapid antigen tests. Ardern also confirmed that the Government had ordered tens of millions of rapid antigen tests. In response, several private companies and representative bodies including the Health Works Group, the Food and Grocery Council, and InScience criticised the Government for allegedly commandeering their orders", ". In response to criticism, Health Director-General Bloomfield denied that the Government was requisitioning their orders but was merely asking suppliers to consolidate forward orders of rapid antigen tests. The opposition National and ACT parties accused the Government of requisitioning rapid antigen tests from the private sector to hide its alleged incompetence.", "On 26 January, the Government announced its three phase public health response plan to combat Omicron. Phase One consists of maintaining contact tracing, isolation and ensuring testing for asymptomatic individuals. The objective will be to keep cases as low as possible and to facilitate the vaccination of both adults and eligible children. Phase Two focuses on slowing the spread of Omicron and protecting vulnerable communities", ". Phase Two focuses on slowing the spread of Omicron and protecting vulnerable communities. Key responses include reducing isolation periods from ten to seven days, notifying cases and close contacts by text messaging, and allowing asymptomatic contacts in critical workforces to work if they can return a negative rapid antigen test. Phase Three comes into force when cases reach the thousands, with the definition of contacts to household and household-like contacts only", ". Rapid antigen testing and a self-service tool for identifying high risk contacts will be used to respond to the high volumes of Omicron cases.", "February 2022\nOn 3 February, Prime Minister Ardern announced a five stage plan for reopening the country's borders. These are the following stages:\n 11.59pm, 27 February: Self-isolation opens for New Zealanders and eligible travellers coming from Australia. The self isolation period would last for ten days.", "11.59pm, 13 March: Open to New Zealanders and eligible travellers from the rest of the world; skilled workers earning at least 1.5x median wage; working holiday visa holders. The self isolation period would last for seven days.\n 11.59pm, 12 April: Offshore temporary visa holders who still meet visa requirements; 5,000 international students; consideration of class exemptions for critical workers who do not meet the 1.5x median wage test. The self isolation period would last for seven days.", "July: Anyone from Australia; visa-waiver travel; the introduction of new Accredited Employer Work Visa, and the phasing out of skilled worker exemptions.\n October: Border reopens to the rest of the world including all visa categories.", "October: Border reopens to the rest of the world including all visa categories.\nUnder this arrangement, vaccinated New Zealanders and eligible travellers would be able to go into self-isolation and undergo testing on arrival rather than having to go into managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facilities. Unvaccinated travellers would still be required to go into MIQ facilities. The Government plans to maintain a core quarantine capacity in the form of a National Quarantine Service.", "On 14 February, Ardern announced that New Zealand would move to Phase Two of the Government's Omicron plan at 11.59pm on 15 February. Under Phase Two, the self-isolation period for cases is reduced from 14 to 10 days and 10 to seven days for contacts. Household members will also be required to go into self-isolation. In addition, critical workers will be allowed to resume work if they return daily rapid antigen tests", ". In addition, fully vaccinated New Zealanders returning from Australia will only need to spend seven days in isolation from late February 2022.", "On 14 February, the NZ Government removed Tonga from its quarantine free travel list due to rising cases in the island country. Tongans entering NZ from 15 February will have to undergo rapid antigen testing (RATS) while those entering the country from 22 February will be required to self-isolate for seven days and to take rapid antigen testing.", "On 24 February, Hipkins announced that New Zealand would move into \"phase three\" of the Omicron response at 11:59 pm on 24 February in response to rising case numbers, which exceed 6,000 that day. Under phase three, only confirmed cases and their household contacts will be required to isolate. These cases and their contacts will be expected to isolate at home and take care of themselves", ". These cases and their contacts will be expected to isolate at home and take care of themselves. In addition, rapid antigen testing will replace polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing as the main form of COVID-19 diagnosis.", "On 25 February, Hipkins announced that unvaccinated children and teenagers would be allowed to participate in school sports and extracurricular activities under phase 3 of the country's Omicron response plan. He also clarified that the vaccine pass and vaccine requirement would not be required for those participating school organised activities.", "On 28 February, the New Zealand Cabinet accelerated the reopening of the country's borders:\n From 11:59 pm on 2 March, vaccinated travelers entering the country will no longer need to self-isolate.\n From 11:59 pm on 4 March, New Zealanders and other eligible critical workers will be able to enter the country.\n From 13 March, temporary visa holders including working holiday visa and Recognised Seasonal Employer workers will be able to enter New Zealand without having to self-isolate.", "March 2022\nOn 9 March, Hipkins announced that the isolation period for COVID-19 positive cases and household contacts would be reduced from ten days to seven days, which came into effect at 11:59pm on 11 March.\n\nOn 10 March, Hipkins announced that all but four of New Zealand's 32 Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) hotels would revert back to being hotels by late June 2022.", "On 16 March, the Government announce plans to allow fully-vaccinated tourists from Australia to enter the country from 11:59pm on 12 April 2022 without having to undergo into managed or self-isolation.", "On 23 March, Ardern announced that the Government would ease several of the COVID-19 Protection Framework's \"red light\" setting restrictions including:\n Lifting all outdoor gathering restrictions from 11:59pm on 25 March.\n Raising the indoor gathering limit from 100 to 200 from 11:59pm on 25 March.\n Eliminating My Vaccine Pass requirements from 11:59pm on 4 April.\n Ending vaccine mandates for education, Police, and Defence Force staff as well as businesses using vaccine passes from 11:59pm on 4 April.", "Lifting the NZ COVID Tracer app QR code scanning requirements.", "While the National Party welcomed the elimination of the vaccine pass system, the Green Party described the easing of COVID-19 protection policies as \"premature\" and claimed it would have an adverse impact on the vulnerable and immunocompromised people.", "April 2022\nOn 13 April, Hipkins announced that the entire country would shift to the orange setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework at 11:59 pm that night. Capacity limits on public gatherings were eliminated. Facemasks will no longer be compulsory at schools and most gatherings, events and businesses with the exception of \"close proximity\" businesses.", "May 2022", "On 3 May 2022, Hipkins announced that unvaccinated visa holders, permanent residents, and Australian citizens who are normally resident in New Zealand would be able to travel to and from New Zealand without entering Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ). Hipkins justified the New Zealand Government's decision due to the lower health risks of overseas transmission and New Zealand's high vaccination rate", ". That same day, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment confirmed that the country's four remaining MIQ facilities in Auckland and Christchurch would close by August 2022 due to the low number of people using them.", "On 3 May, Hipkins acknowledged that the Government was spending NZ$10 million a month paying COVID-19 contact tracers despite phasing out contact tracing several months earlier. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government had contracted two telehealth companies including Whakarongorau to provide contract tracing services. Hipkins stated that the contact tracers were supporting people with COVID-19 in the community. One contact tracer claimed that they were being paid despite doing minimal work", ". One contact tracer claimed that they were being paid despite doing minimal work. In response, ACT Party leader David Seymour described the Government's decision to continuing funding contact tracing services as a waste of taxpayer money.", "On 11 May, Ardern announced that the New Zealand border's reopening would be moved forward by two months:\n 16 May: Visitors from the Pacific Islands can apply for visitor visas\n 4 July: All work visas\n 31 July: All visitor and student visa and cruise ships on 31 July.", "During the 2022 New Zealand budget release on 19 May, the Government confirmed that it would close down the COVID-19 Recovery and Relief Fund (CRRF) and allocate the remaining NZ$3.2 billion to other areas. NZ$1.2 billion would be retained for immediate COVID-19 public health needs. In addition, the Government allocated a total of NZ$473 from the 2002 budget for purchasing and distributing a possible fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.", "June 2022\nOn 16 June, Covid-19 Response Minister Dr. Ayesha Verrall announced that pre-departure COVID-19 test requirements for all travellers would be lifted from 20 June 2022. However, travellers would still be required to test on the first and fifth days after arriving in New Zealand.", "On 30 June, Verrall confirmed that New Zealand would remain at the Orange setting of the COVID-19 \"traffic light\" system due to rising case numbers. The COVID-19 surge was also complicated by the seasonal flu, which together placed a strain on the country's hospitals.", "July 2022\nOn 14 July, Verrall announced that the Government would provide free masks and rapid antigen test kits to anyone requesting them. In addition, the Government would make it easier for higher risk patients including the elderly to access drugs including paxlovid, molnupiravir, and remdesivir. Tourists are now allowed back into New Zealand but only if vaccinated.", "August 2022\nOn 22 August, Radio New Zealand reported that Cabinet papers published on 19 August had shown that the Government had approved plans in July 2021 to reunite families separated by border restrictions. According to these papers, 14,000 people not covered by other border exemptions would have been eligible for the program. However, the Government had later abandoned these family reunification plans.", "September 2022", "On 8 September, The New Zealand Herald reported that the Government would consider a proposal on 12 September to scrap the entire \"traffic light system\" rather than tweak its settings or move to \"Green", ".\" If the proposal is adopted, the \"traffic light system\" and other COVID-19 protection orders including mask mandates could be scrapped on 14 September when the Epidemic Preparedness (Covid-19) Notice 2020, the main legal instrument under which the Covid-19 orders are issued, is due to expire if Cabinet decides not to renew it.", "On 12 September, Ardern announced that the \"traffic light system\" would be abolished at 11:59 pm that night; eliminating most remaining COVID-19 rules and restrictions:\n Only people who test positive for COVID-19 would be required to isolate for seven days. Household contacts do not have to isolate unless they test positive but are encouraged to take a rapid antigen test every five days.", "Face mask requirements will be eliminated in most public spaces and transportation except certain healthcare facilities like hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and aged care facilities. Workplaces and marae are free to set mask requirements.\n Vaccine and testing requirements for all travellers entering New Zealand will end at 11:59 pm on 12 September. Overseas visitors will still receive free RAT tests.", "The Government's vaccine mandate for health and disability workers will end at 11:59 pm on 26 September. Some employers may require employees to be vaccinated due to health and safety legislative requirements.\n Anti-viral medicines will be made freely available to all New Zealanders aged 65 years and above who test positive for COVID-19. For Māori and Pasifika, the minimum age requirement will be 50 years and over.", "October 2022", "On 18 October 2022, Hipkins, acting on behalf of COVID-19 response minister Verrall, announced that the Government would scrap several of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020's provisions including its powers to implement lockdowns, managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ), border closures, vaccine passes and mandates", ". The Government however opted to retain the Act's provisions for seven-day isolation periods, mask use and border entry requirements until Parliament passed newer, general pandemic legislation. In addition, the Government announced that travellers would not need to fill out the New Zealand Traveller Declaration from 20 October. Hipkins also announced that the Government had revoked the Epidemic Notice, signalling a shift from emergency management to long-term management of COVID-19.", "That same day, Hipkins confirmed that the Government had plans to hold a Royal Commission of Inquiry into its COVID-19 responses. The opposition National and ACT parties had previously called for Royal Commissions into the Government's pandemic response.\n\nNovember 2022\nOn 8 November, COVID-19 Response Minister Verrall admitted that the Government currently did not have plans to launch an annual COVID-19 vaccine booster but was consulting with experts.", "December 2022", "On 5 December, Ardern and Verrall formally announced that the Government would be holding a Royal Commission of Inquiry into its COVID-19 pandemic response. The inquiry will be chaired by Australian-based epidemiologist Tony Blakely, former National Party cabinet minister Hekia Parata, and former Treasury secretary John Whitehead. The inquiry is expected to be launched on 1 February 2023 and finish in mid-2024", ". The inquiry is expected to be launched on 1 February 2023 and finish in mid-2024. It will cover the overall pandemic response including the health response, border management, community care, isolation, quarantine, and the economic response including monetary policy. The inquiry will not look at decisions made by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's Monetary Policy Committee as well as how government policies applied to individual cases", ". While epidemiologist Michael Baker welcomed the inquiry as a means of preparing for the next pandemic, the Green and National parties regarded the inquiry's scope as too narrow and called for a separate review into its economic impact.", "January 2023", "On 4 January, the New Zealand Government confirmed that it would not require travellers from China to produce a negative COVID-19 test. By contrast, several countries including the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States have imposed COVID-19 test requirements for travellers from China in response to the World Health Organization's concern about China's lack of information sharing around its COVID-19 cases", ". COVID-19 Response Minister Verrall confirmed that health authorities would be conducting voluntary tests on travellers from China for information gathering purposes.", "April 2023\nOn 11 April, Prime Minister Hipkins and Health Minister Verrall confirmed that the Government would retain the few remaining COVID-19 restrictions such as the seven-day mandatory isolation period for positive cases and mask wearing requirements at hospitals for at least two months.", "On 27 April, the Health Ministry abandoned its long-awaited survey of COVID-19 infections, stating that it was no longer needed since the virus was now endemic in New Zealand. It concluded that the survey was unlikely to alter the public health response since the only two remaining COVID-19 mandates were mask wearing at healthcare facilities and for positive cases to isolate for seven days.", "July 2023\nBy 2 July 2023, the Ministry of Social Development had received about NZ$780 million in voluntary repayments from businesses for COVID-19 wage subsidies. It had also referred 36 cases of non-repayment to court. In early July 2023, Christchurch millionaires and philanthropists Grant and Marilyn Nelson organised a petition urging the Ministry to recover COVID-19 wage subsidies, which attracted about 10,000 signatures.", "August 2023\nOn 14 August, Verrall announced that the Government would scrap the facemask requirement for healthcare facilities and the seven day isolation requirement for positive cases effective midnight on 15 August. COVID positive individuals are still encouraged to isolate for five days if unwell.", "October 2023", "On 3 October, Radio New Zealand reported that the Ministry of Social Development had prosecuted Uatesonin Filimoehala for defrauding taxpayers through the Government's COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme. Filimoehala was jailed for 27 months after pleading guilty to submitting several fraudalent wage subsidy applications for his construction company 42 Construction, receiving a total of NZ$126,532.80", ".80. In addition, Bay of Plenty resident Emma Martinson was sentenced to seven months' home detention for defrauding the Wage Subsidy Scheme of the sum of NZ$14,059.20.", "References\n\nExternal links\n covid19.govt.nz, Main New Zealand Government website\n COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), New Zealand Ministry of Health\n\n \n2020 in New Zealand\n2021 in New Zealand\nCOVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand\nGovernment of New Zealand" ]
Saint-Georges-du-Bois, Sarthe
[ "Saint-Georges-du-Bois () is a commune, located in the department of Sarthe in Pays de la Loire region in northwestern France.", "Located southwest of Le Mans and southwest of Paris as the crow flies\nor 55 minutes by train on TGV Atlantique. It is crossed by the county road 309 that connects Le Mans to Sablé-sur-Sarthe. A few kilometers away, the interchange Le Mans Sud on the highway A11 allows quick access to major cities in the west (Angers, Nantes, Tours or Rennes). The area only has one small stream, the Orne Champagne.", "Saint-Georges-du-Bois had a population of 1781 in 2006. Residents are called 'Boisgeorgiens'. The population was stagnant until the mid-1960s, with less than 500 inhabitants. The arrival of the drinking water network in 1956 has allowed new home construction and the town to expand.\n\nGeography", "Geography\n\nLocation\nLocated in the region of Pays de la Loire and the Department of Sarthe in the arrondissement of Le Mans and the canton of Le Mans-7 (since March 2015), Saint-Georges-du-Bois is located in the center of the department of Sarthe (), southwest of Le Mans and southwest of Paris as the crow flies or 55 minutes by train on TGV Atlantique from Paris Montparnasse station.\n\nHaving a small area (), Saint-Georges-du-Bois is traversed in the south by the Le Mans–Angers railway.", "The boundaries of the municipalities have slightly changed over the centuries. It seems that the farms of Grand Beauvais and Cherelles, were attached to the parish of Fay until the mid-eighteenth century, when Fay as redistricted removing Pruillé-le-Chétif and Saint-Georges-du-Bois. Also, in January 1991, some of the streets in Allonnes were redistricted, becoming boisgeorgiens.", "Two geodetic points, listed by IGN, are located in the municipality. These are the two high points, and visible from a great distance (several miles), which are used: the spire of the church and the water tower. There are also eleven benchmarks spread throughout the town.", "Geology and terrain\nThe lowest point of the municipality, , is between the farm of Herpinière and the railway (), while the highest point, is between the Grand Beauvais farm and Petite brosse farm (). The front of the church is at an altitude of .", "The geology of Saint-Georges-du-Bois is almost entirely composed of sand and sandstone of Maine, dating from the Cenomanian era. Two areas of exceptions along the Orne Champagne are alluvial deposits (sands, silts and peats) and between the Libroreau farm and the railroad, composed of Glauconite clay, used in iron ore, date back to the lower Cenomanian. This clay is also found around the alluvium along the river.\n\nHydrology", "Hydrology\n\nThere is only one water course of consequence through the town: the Orne champagne. This is a direct tributary of the Sarthe. It is a small river, with an average rate of per second. It bypasses the town to the north and crosses the Souligné-Flacé road at the Gué Perroux bridge. This is where the communal washhouse of 1855 stood in 1956 ().", "Two small streams that flow through the town empty into the Orne champenoise at Étival-lès-le-Mans: Liboreau Creek (south-west of the town) () and the Beaumerie stream (located west of the town) ().", "Water has always been a big problem for the town, strongly hindering its expansion until 1956, date of creation of the drinking water system. Until then, the town had as a sole water source Orne champenoise (located a few hundred meters from the village), a pool (located at the end of the current impasse of the pond), often dry and seven springs, six of which were private or reserved for a certain population (clergy, municipal employees)", ". These fountains still exist in the current street fountains and on the back of the church.", "Ecology\n\nZNIEFF natural area\n\nAn area of Saint-Georges-du-Bois is listed as \"natural area of ecological interest, flora and fauna – Second Generation\" number 004161 by Regional Directorate of the Environment. Described in 1999, the registration was validated in 2005. This area, with an area of 6 hectare, is part of the Gué Perroux woods located on the road to Souligné-Flacé ().\n\nThe criteria for the regional management of the environment for the inclusion of this area are", "The criteria for the regional management of the environment for the inclusion of this area are \n\nBitter cress grows in very moist, shady places. This plant is edible and tastes like watercress.", "Bitter cress grows in very moist, shady places. This plant is edible and tastes like watercress.\n\nSustainable development\nLike most French communes, Saint-Georges-du-Bois works towards a better environment and follows the recommendations of Grenelle Environnement. Thus, a proactive plan to reduce power consumption of streetlights is in progress; while gradually renewing the old lights and using low energy light bulbs or other renewable energy sources.", "The commissioning of a new wastewater treatment plant in 2009, after more than 2 years of work, has significantly reduced usage that is now well below current and future standards. Plans are to become more efficient with biological and chemical treatment of phosphorus, removal of nitrates in water output and a no bad smells from the sludge storage in sealed tanks.", "Since 2002, the establishment, the community of communes of Bocage Cenomani, the sorting and valuation allows the community to offer many solutions to people: individual recycling bins, buckets for green waste, bins for large volumes, individual composters. The results are in: /capita/year of household waste and /person/year of recyclables or /capita/year while the estimated average by French Eco-Packaging is /person/year.", "Since March 2010, at the request of the municipality, Sarthe Habitat 1st manager of social housing for Sarthe built the first social BBCs (bâtiment de basse consommation (low consumption buildings)) consisting of 20 houses with reinforced insulation, condensing, hot water by solar panels. The second phase is in progress, starting October 2009, with the launch of a study to create an ecodistrict: energy producing homes, ecologically sound roads, and intensive recycling", ". A third step started with the construction of 19 Habitat Sarthe BBC rental housing in the town. This work should start in 2012.", "The construction of the school cafeteria, which opened on 13 October 2007, follows the concepts of HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale (High Environmental Quality)) with a frame and wood cladding, solar panels for production of hot water, tanks for rainwater collection, and a choice of materials and energy used conforming with the logic of sustainable development.", "Climate\nThe climate of Saint-Georges-du-Bois is an oceanic climate. At this distance, the influence of the ocean is still noticeable, but weakened. The rainfall is weaker than in areas near the ocean. The city has about 54 days of frost a year, 1824 hours of sunshine with 249 hours in July and 57 hours in December. This area has 114 days of precipitation which is cumulative, ten snow days, sixteen days with thunderstorm and fifty-one days with fog.", "The coldest temperature record was on 29 December 1964 while the hottest record temperature was on 6 August 2003.\n\nChannels of Communication and transport\n\nCurrent Main Roads\n\nSaint-Georges-du-Bois is one of many French towns that grew beside a main roadways. For Saint-Georges-du-Bois, this is the county road 309. The main road was renamed several times: \n County road 1 by imperial decree of 16 December 1811\n National Road 768 from 1933 until 1973\n County road 309 (or CD 309) since.", "Another road connects to county road 309 in the town center. This is county road 22 (the road to Souligné-Flacé) originally called arterial highway 10 by imperial decree. It was laid out in 1840 and the bridge crossing the Orne champenoise since 1852.\n\nGeorges-du-Bois in 1809. The first road signs were implemented in 1860, while the signs with the names of localities were installed over 100 years later, in 1968. Finally, the house numbers were assigned in April 1977.\n\nOld roadways", "Old roadways\n\nThe Sarthe departmental archives have uncovered the ancient names of other roads in the county.\n\nArterial highways: \nNo. 10: currently provincial road 22 to Souligné-Flacé \nNo. 11: currently route of the \"cinq routes\" (five roads) passing by the train station\nNo. 26: currently path of chemin de Bel-Air\n\nMajor roads\nNo. 4: currently road to Étival-lès-le-Mans in Saint-Georges-du-Bois (connecting to the \"cinq routes\")", "Local roads: \nNo. 2: currently rue de la Croix Sainte-Apolline\nNo. 2: currently chemin de Montgré to Allonnes \nNo. 2: currently route du Pavillon laid out in 1874. Bureaucrats having given us the joy of having, in history, three paths No. 2 in different places of the town.", "Byways:\nNo. 2: currently road from Saint-Georges-du-Bois to cinq routes (which was also called arterial highway No.11)\nNo. 3: currently rue des Fouillées\nNo. 4: currently route of Étival-lès-le-Mans to Allonnes laid out in 1871\nNo. 6: currently chemin de Cherelles", "Rural roads:\n No. 1: currently rue des Fontaines laid out in 1892\n No. 2: chemin de La Locherie\n No. 3: currently road of Pruillé-le-Chétif laid out in 1902\n No. 5: chemin du Gué Perroux to Pruillé-le-Chétif (probably chemin de la fosse aux loups) \n No. 8: currently chemin des cinq routes to Génetay (which was also named arterial highway No. 10)\n No. 15: chemin des Hayes au Parc\n No. 18: chemin de la Foret at Montgré\n No. 20: chemin du petit Pin au Grand Liboreau", "No. 18: chemin de la Foret at Montgré\n No. 20: chemin du petit Pin au Grand Liboreau\n No. 23: from la croix Sainte-Apolline to Allonnes (by Piraudiere)\n No. 24: chemin de La Locherie to the carrefour de la Chanière\n No. 25: currently chemin de la Cheminée\n No. 26: chemin de la Ferme des Roches to carrefour de la Chanière", "Finally, in the course of history, some streets names have changed:\n Rue de la mare: currently impasse de la Mare\n Chemin des Sablons: currently rue des Fouillées\n Street Pruillé: street no longer exists across from rue des Fouillées\n Rue de derrière: street no longer exists along the city hall and going down to the bottom of town.\n\nRail", "Rail\n\nThe Le Mans–Angers railway passes through the town. This railway is currently, among others, borrowed by the Atlantic TGV (see the train station ). It was created in 1863 by Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'Ouest.", "A train station was requested in August 1864, and repeatedly refused. A railway stop was built at railroad crossing No. 5 (named Genetay) and inaugurated by the prefect on 12 August 1900 to serve Allonnes, Étival-lès-le-Mans and Saint-Georges-du-Bois. Trains stopped in Saint-Georges-du-Bois until September 1971.", "The railroad crossing number No. 5 was removed in October 1979. This is the only point of direct passage for the residents of the south end of the town, who must henceforth make a big detour (about to reach the town.", "Many railway projects were proposed that also affected the town, but none came to pass:\n In August 1876, there was a streetcar project from Le Mans to Loué which would have crossed the town,\n In August 1882, the initial streetcar project from Le Mans to Saint-Denis-d'Orques through the town. The draft was amended and finally took the route of Lava", "In July 1891, the town required a slight detour to the future course of streetcar from Le Mans to Cérans-Foulletourte which makes a stop at de la croix Sainte Apolline. The route was changed and no longer passed through the town,\n In June 1997, the proposed Brittany high-speed line considering a move north of the town. This project has since been changed.", "Public transportation\nSaint-Georges-du-Bois is served by Transports interurbain de la Sarthe (TIS). The bus line 8 (Sablé-sur-Sarthe – Le Mans) makes two stops in the town during its eight daily passages.\n\nSeveral lines of school buses take students to Allonnes to Marin college at John Fitzgerald Kennedy college or high school André Malraux. Another line leads to the St. Joseph Lorraine school group of Pruillé-Chétif.\n\nCity planning", "City planning\n\nUrban morphology\nAlthough the town is small (723 hectare), it includes numerous farms. Thus, There are no less than 76 localities that are still identifiable.", "Between the road to Le Mans (CD 309) and the road to Pruillé-Chétif (CR 3) are: Ardriers (Les), Bel-Air, Boulaie (La), Champfleury, Chaussumerie (La), Cheminée (La), Chevrons (Les), Forge (La), Fouillés (Les), Grande Gate (La), Kledy, Poulardière (La), Roche (La), Rosiers (Les), Sablière (La), Tamaris (Les), Vallée (La) and Vivier (Le).", "Between the road of Pruillé-Chétif (CR 3) and the road to Souligné-Flacé (CD 22) are: Bruyère (La), Champ du Cormier (Le), Champ Mignerai (Le), Chérelle, Fleuprie (La), Grand Beauvais (Le), Grande Locherie (La), Gué Perroux (Le), Liard (Le), Magnolias (Les), Mésangère (La) and Petite Locherie (La).\n\nBetween the road of Souligné-Flacé (CD 22) and the road to Étival-lès-le-Mans (CD 309), we find: Cantinière (La), Champ des Bruyères (Le), Maison du Gué (La), Petite Saulerie (La) and Pièce du Milieu (La).", "Between the road of Étival-lès-le-Mans (CD 309) and chemin des cinq routes (VC 2 and VC 8) includes: Basses Garandières (Les), Blanchardière (La), Chaleries (Les), Champs des Landes (Le), Croix (La), Garandières (Les), Genetay (Le), Grand Jardin (Le), Grand Libroreau (Le), Hautes Garandières (Les), Hayes (Les), Herpinière (La), Petit Liboreau (Le), Petit Pin (Le), Petite Lande (La), Petit Parc (Le), Raserie (La) and Yuccas (Les).", "Between the chemin des cinq routes(VC 2 and VC 8) and the route to Le Mans (CD 309), we find: Alourdes (Les), Bideaudière (La), Boissières (Les), Bourgeons (Les), Champ du Poirier (Le), Cytises (Les), Floralies (Les), Grandes Alourdes (Les), Haute Forge (La), Joyères (Les), Lande Du Pavillon (La), Landes (Les), Lilas (Les), Maison Neuve, Montgré, Noyers (Les), Pastorale (La), Petit Chanteloup (Le), Piraudière (La), Point du Jour (Le), Quatre Ventes (Les), Sapinière Du Pavillon (La) and Tournes (Les).", "Over the years, some differences were swallowed by the development of the town or have simply disappeared. Thus, the Courroye is the house at the corner of Le Mans and the Rue du Château d'Eau, Le Bassetin mansion is located on ue de Souligné, of Trompe-Souris, there are only a few ruins on the edge of the chemin du Calvaire (), Fouillet is the hangar at the edge of the town (left) on the road to Pruillé-Chétif ().\n\nHousing", "Housing\n\nMatching the growth in population, housing has increased significantly in the last 40 years. From 193 homes in 1968, the number rose to 888 in 2017, 847 of which are primary residences. The vast majority, 95.8% (850 houses) are single family homes.", "Of the 821 principal residences (in 2015), 9.3% (77 houses) predate 1945. These are mainly small village homes or isolated farms. Most houses (44.6%) were built between 1971 and 1990, and 21.1% between 2006 and 2014. 61.5% of the homes have five rooms and more.", "Since the early 2000s, construction resumed in the town, with the main aim to stabilize the population and school enrollment. These include the subdivisions of Bassetin (fifty-three houses), Trompe-Souris (seven houses), Pasteur (seven apartments and eight houses) and Clos des cèdres 1 and 2 with fourteen houses. Finally, since 2007, the subdivision of Park Hayes has emerged, with 156 homes completed", ". Finally, since 2007, the subdivision of Park Hayes has emerged, with 156 homes completed. Twenty are housing intended for homeowners (delivered in 2011), and nineteen are apartments located in 4 small groups (start of construction planned for in 2012). Fifty homes were completed as of 19 September 2011.", "Improvement projects\n\nThere are several current development projects, but only one can be considered as a major project:: the PLU. The current POS (land use plan), which dates from 2002, will soon expire and new studies will be started in 2014 for the next PLU. Effectively, the SRU and the Grenelle Environment impose new rules that will require that certain planning issues be managed in the PLU. Nevertheless, there is sufficient developable land in the town to sustain several years of development.", "Other projects are of lesser importance. Following the relocation of the library in January 2011, releasing the ground floor of the Town Hall for use, the redevelopment of the Town Hall is being studied.", "A project farther in the future is the creation or modification of footpaths: elimination of the current portions of roads and creation of protected paths connecting different parts of the town, creating a secure way to access parc de la Rivière (River park), creating a green belt around the town (much of which already exists) and linking with Green Boulevard of Le Mans.", "The master plan of the Le Mans regional plan of 2001 provides a draft belt road which will connect Allonnes to Université du Mans (Le Mans University) serving in the peri-urban area west of Le Mans, namely Saint-Georges-du-Bois. However, this project is currently stalled due to the refusal of the town of Rouillon to allow this blet road across its area.\n\nToponymy", "Toponymy\n\nThe town is named after the patron saint of the parish and its former location in the woods. St. George was a forest, cut by a small road (currently Sablé-sur-Sarthe road).", "According to the book Noms de personne sur le territoire de l'ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe siècle (Personal names in the territory of ancient Gaul from the sixth to the twelfth century), Volume 3, \"traces of the existence of the town date from 1131. The town was then called 'Sanctus Georgius de Nemore' or 'Seu de Bosco', then in 1289, 'Seint Jorge'.", "Despite the fact that many municipalities have Saint-Georges or bois in their names, there are few towns named Saint-Georges-du-Bois. Three exist in France, and one abroad: San Giorgio in Bosco in Italy.\n\nSince then, the town has been known by at least three different French names.", "Since then, the town has been known by at least three different French names.\n\nThe oldest name found in the departmental archives of the Sarthe is Saint Georges le Grand (Saint George the Great) (or Saint George Le Grand on Cassini maps). This name was used on the oldest parish registers in 1671 and it seems to officially change in 1692. However, on the handwritten pages of records, this name was still used in the middle of the eighteenth century.", "Le Grand Saint Georges is regarded as the customary usage of the time. Indeed, this name was used when installing road signposts in October 1860, but it was never an official name; it is not used in any official document. However, it is found on handwritten portions of the parish registers for over a hundred years.\n\nThe official name of the town is Saint-Georges-du-Bois, from the creation of the commune during the French Revolution.\n\nHistory\n\nHéraldique, logotype et devise", "History\n\nHéraldique, logotype et devise\n\nThis coat of arms of Saint-Georges-du-Bois is still in use today, and was described by its author Jean-Claude Molinier, on request of the city council in October 1999:\n\nBlue with silver wood, the head of which is charged with a cross of Gules.", "The blue symbolizes the Orne champenoise River which crosses the common area, the trees represents part of the village name. The head is in the colors of St George who is represented in many ways, as he slays the dragon, the dragon alone, or else the red cross on a silver background, reprising the design on his shield, and is the symbol of England of which he is the patron saint", ". The ornaments represent wheat as a reminder of the importance of agricultural activity, and the crown of towers is the symbol of communes.", "Former Coat of Arms of St Georges du Bois\n\nGules, a gold crossdocked in dexter a palm of the same, and sinister a silver palm.\n\nA trace of the old coat of arms of the town still exists in the town. It is in the church, in the center of the railing of the platform. As the town has two martyrs for patrons, it is gules (red) to the gold staff (as a reminder that the abbess of the Prado is presenting the cure), with the right of the gold palm for St. George and, a palm silver palm for St. Apollonia.", "From the Cenomani to the Revolution \n\nThe history of Saint-Georges-du-Bois is fairly recent.\n\nHowever, traces of stone Roman cupola furnaces were found during excavation of new subdivisions (Parc des Hayes) (). [Radiocarbon dating] of 2000–2300 years show the human presence in the town since the Iron Age.", "Research by Marie-Thérèse Morlet for her book Noms de personne sur le territoire de l'ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe siècle (Names of persons on the territory of ancient Gaul from the sixth to the twelfth century), Volume 3, \"indicate the first written records of the existence of the town about 1131\".\n\nAccording to Le Patrimoine des Communes de la Sarthe .", "The late eighteenth century was very active in Saint-Georges-du-Bois. Indeed, during the Chouannerie, Saint-Georges-du-Bois was a usual place of rendezvous of the insurgents. Two main facts are stated in the works of the nineteenth century. On 25 December 1795, 500 chouans attacked a military detachment of 45 Republicans to release six defendants accused of rape and murder. The battle lasted several hours between Saint-Georges-du-Bois and Souligné-Flacé and cause many deaths and injuries", ". On 12 October 1799, the main army of the Chouans arrived at La Suze-sur-Sarthe and stopped at Saint-Georges-du-Bois to prepare, in peace, the attack on the Le Mans in coordination with the troops arriving by Pontlieue and the road Laval]. The army, under the command of Count Bourmont between 13 October 1799 in Le Mans and returned in the evening at his camp in Saint-Georges-du-Bois", ". The next day, a column of 1,500 men returned to Le Mans with the Knight Tercier, but the commander in chief, the Earl of Bourmont, who was tired, rested at the camp. The army chouans remained, in total, three days in Saint-Georges-du-Bois before moving to other cities.", "19th century \n\nThe nineteenth century saw the middle-class population grow until 1850, then go down in the second half of this century. The causes seem to be, according to the records of municipal councils, problems of water supply, financial, and sometimes disease.", "In 1816, the town bought a fountain to give public access: this is the first resource and reliable public water in the municipality. There would be no other source 140 years. Studies to install a laundry on the banks of the Orne champenoise were initiated in 1855. The laundry was built in 1858; a dam is installed in 1861. The laundry and the dam are repeatedly destroyed by flooding.", "It was not until 1840 the arterial highway No. 10 (currently Souligné-Flacé Road) was laid out, going to Loué. Then, in 1852, the bridge over the Orne champenoise was set up, ending the middle-class part of this axis. The route of the local road No. 2 was opened in 1874 (current route to Pavillon between Saint-Georges-du-Bois Allonnes)", ". 2 was opened in 1874 (current route to Pavillon between Saint-Georges-du-Bois Allonnes). The end of the century saw an acceleration of roadworks with the construction of many trails, roads or highways to crisscross the town and facilitate access between farms and the village.", "The year 1848 saw the launch of major changes in the district. First, the cemetery changed location. Until then the cemetery was in front of the church, to Sablé-sur-Sarthe, its current location. The wall is built in 1851 and former displaced in 1855 graves. Then, using the free space, and despite a chronic lack of funds, the town launched a major project in 1854: the expansion of the church", ". The work is completed in 1859, but many defects and delays forced on the municipality numerous studies (frozen stone, rotten belfry). \\", "In 1851, the town rented a home (to Miss Rose Hulot) to create the elementary school for boys. It also hosted girls 1852. Through imperial subsidies, this house is purchased in 1862. Then, in 1866, the school became too small, the town rented a new building to establish a second school in Saint-Georges-du-Bois for girls. Finally, in 1883, the town bought the land at 26 rue de Sable (in Molière) to build a school for girls. It was opened after much long talk in 1889.", "In 1863, the Le Mans–Angers railway crossed the south of the town, but it was not until 36 years later that one could take the train at the station of Saint-Georges-du-Bois.\n\nIn March 1898, a public truck scale was installed on the church square.\n\nThe year 1900 ended with a bang ending the nineteenth century.\n\nIndeed, in February, the city council agreed to the connections at the departmental telephone network; but it was not until September 1944 the phone system was installed at the town hall.", "Another important event for the year 1900, the train stop, being anticipated for 36 years, was inaugurated by the prefect of the Sarthe on 12 August 1900. The stop at this station was discontinued September 1971 and the railroad crossing in Genetay in October 1979. The Boisgeorgiens living behind the railway must now make a big detour to reach the village ().", "20th century \nThe year 1908 saw the creation of a postal office in the town. The post office was purchased February 1921 then rebuilt by the municipality. A true Post Office opened April 1923.\n\nThe communal pool of Homond, located at impasse de la Mare, which had dried up years before, was sold in August 1910. The water tower was built in 1956, providing, finally, the drinking water and running water in the commune. A few months later, the laundry, on the Orne champenoise, was removed.", "Eleven years after the investigation of public lighting concession, the town joined syndicat intercommunal électrique du nord du Mans (the electric municipal association Le Mans north) and extensions in 1924. Municipal buildings are electrified during June 1932, while street lighting was installed in January 1935. The town began to electrify the outer parts of the village during August 1949, initially with: a Grande Locherie.", "The first paved road from the town was the main communication road No. 26 (current path of Bel-Air) in March 1928. This likely became the entrance to the town by Pruillé-le-Chétif road.", "In January 1936, Mrs. Devaux donated a clock to the church. Unfortunately, the tower was bombed on 18 June 1940 and the clock stopped working. This clock is now in the City Council Chambers, completely renovated by Didier Choplin, restorer of old clocks from Chaufour-Notre-Dame. Funny detail: since the cock of the church was in very poor condition, the city council decided on 11 December 1950 to put it out of its misery with one shot. The rectory, which was almost destroyed, is completely renovated", ". The rectory, which was almost destroyed, is completely renovated. The grand opening took place on 22 September 1996, by Mr. François Fillon.", "In the sad aftermath of the First World War, a memorial was erected in front of the church in May 1920, with dozens of deaths recorded for this small town of less than 500 inhabitants. It was moved in March 1997 to the back of the church during the redevelopment of the site. The end of World War II in Saint-Georges-du Bois, took place on 8 August 1944", ". The end of World War II in Saint-Georges-du Bois, took place on 8 August 1944. On the way between Château-Gontier and Le Mans, the town was liberated by the French 2nd Armored Division led by General Leclerc which liberated Le Mans in stride and Alençon four days later.", "The Girls School (now part of the old kindergarten) was built in 1952. Many works ensuing to expand the two schools (boys and girls) until 1963 The new kindergarten was completed in July 1976. Central heating was installed at the same time on the old part. The new elementary school opened in 1981.\n\nThe truck scale was installed in 1898 in Town Hall Square, unused for years, was sold to Mr. Leffray of Étival-lès-le-Mans in February 1960.", "The first sewers were installed in town in August 1965, making a house collapse. The wastewater treatment plant, built with Étival-lès-le-Mans, was inaugurated in June 1974. A major part of the work continued in the spring 1988, with the arrival of gas mains in the village. In May 1993, the new City Hall was opened. It is still located in the old school, which became too small and required extensive repairs. The decision to rebuild was then preferred.", "The first newspaper, the News Bulletin, a quarterly at the time, appeared in May 1977.\n\n21st century \n\nThe twenty-first century is still in its early years. Also, it is not really easy to have a perspective on the important events of these 10 years.", "Until 2003, it bothered no on that the school of Saint-Georges-du-Bois had no name. Following a suggestion by the school council, the school was named Groupe scolaire Trompe-Souris (Trompe-Souris School group) on 13 February 2003, the name of the farm that worked the fields where the school is located. Then, after many years of study and financial research, the new cafeteria was built in compliance with the High Environmental Quality (HEQ) standards", ". At the same time, much work was done on the school grounds: the kindergarten as renovated, a new playground, a new preschool. While this is finally dedicated on 13 October 2007 by François Fillon (French prime minister), Roland du Luart (President of the ), Marc Joulaud (MP in the French National Assembly), Michel Camux (prefect of Sarthe).", "In the area of infrastructure, in June 2004, Saint-Georges-du-Bois was linked to the digital world. The Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) was received with difficulty (petition, meeting) by the town. But at the same time, the post office closed its doors on 31 December 2006 as a result of a unilateral decision by the management of the French Post Office. A communal postal agency was created in the offices of the mayor and opened on 2 January 2007.", "Over the last 30 years, there has been grocery stores in the town. These shops, at first independent, were supported and assisted by the town several times. Changing owners many times, managers and teachers (the town even purchased the walls rented to the merchant). Despite this, the store closed its doors in 2005. Also, the opening, on 22 August 2007, a convenience store of finally restored the grocery trade.", "Under construction throughout the year 2009, the town center is undergoing a profound change. The networks that were renovated or replaced: rainwater, drinking water, sanitation, landfill, electricity and telephone networks. Then, during the study for the repair of roads and pavements, a security section was decided on 20 July 2009: creating a 30 km/h zone, changing priorities, an area of quiet operation of vehicles, and disabled access", ". The second phase, in 2010, extended this project over several hundred meters.", "Finally, the last major project of the city: the new waste-water treatment plant. Since its inception, the plant treats the water for remediation of Commons' s Étival-lès-le-Mans and Saint-Georges-du-Bois. Reached saturation, and not respecting the future European standards, is fully modified and effluents from below of future standards. The station was inaugurated on 19.", "18: the analog television stopped broadcasting in the Loire valley, including Saint-Georges-du-Bois. Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, [Secretary of State for Forward Planning and Development of the Digital economy, after visiting the call center of All Digital located in Le Mans, came to Saint-Georges-du-Bois to see concrete actions", ". Saint-Georges-du-Bois was chosen by the Minister for the actions that the municipality has implemented to help the elderly or those having trouble with the Télévision numérique terrestre française (TNT).", "Intercommunalities", "The town is part of: \n The communauté de communes du Bocage Cénomans CCBC (Community of Communes du Bocage Cenomani)\n The SIVOM des Hayes Assainissement (SIVOM Hayes Sanitation) created with Étival-lès-le-Mans to manage the inter-municipal sewage treatment plant\n The Syndicat du Parc de la Rivière (Union River Park) created with Étival-lès-le-Mans to manage the water of the River, created pm 26 February 2009\n The Syndicat des eaux de la région mancelle SIDERM (Union waters of the Le Mans region).", "And via the CCBC: \n The Pays du Mans (Joint Union of the Le Mans region)\n The SDIREM Syndicat mixte du schéma directeur de la Région mancelle (Joint Association of the Master Plan of the Le Mans Region)\n The Syndicat mixte pour le Stationnement des Gens du Voyage de la Région Mancelle (Joint Association for the parking of Travellers of Mancelle Region)\n The Syndicat mixte des Portes Cénomanes (CDR) (Joint Union Entries to Cénomanes (CRD)\n The Syndicat de l'Orne champenoise (Union for Orne champenoise),", "The Syndicat de l'Orne champenoise (Union for Orne champenoise),\n L'association Ceinture verte (Green Belt Association),\n The Permanence d'accueil, d'information et d'orientation (PAIO) (Office of hospitality, information and guidance).", "Since 31 May 2008, an inter-commission (between Saint-Georges-du-Bois and Étival-lès-le-Mans) is working on all areas of collaboration between the two towns, with the only rule enacted by the mayors at its foundation: \"Do you suppress anything, do not limit your suggestions, or your thoughts.\"\n\nJudicial and administrative bodies \n\nThere are no judicial or administrative authorities in the town.", "There are no judicial or administrative authorities in the town.\n\nBut in Le Mans, there is a High Court, a Labor Court, a Business Court at Allonnes, a house of justice and law and Angers in the French Court of Appeal.", "National competition of towns and villages \nFollowing a national competition organized by the Association of Mayors of France and Dexia, on 16 June 1998, the town was awarded a trophy for quality of the renovation of its rectory. In very poor condition, its destruction was even proposed, but Building Services of France refused in October 1994. The renovated rectory was dedicated on 22 September 1996 by M. François Fillon, Deputy Minister for Post, Telecommunications and Space.", "Road safety trophy \nOn 20 September 2006, the ACO (Automobile Club of the West) presented the road safety trophy to the town for the accommodations made over CD 309: chicanes, speed bumps, pedestrian pathways and crosswalks.", "Grand prize for sustainable development", "The General Council of Sarthe organizes the annual Grand Prize of sustainable development. The theme for 2009 was the rational management of water. Saint-Georges-du-Bois applied citing the new educational garden of the school. The project of the town was awarded 2nd prize in the \"local\" category with the project \"Awareness program for children in water conservation. Creating an educational garden at the school, following the construction of the new school cafeteria (two citations HQE)", ". The gardens are watered with rainwater. Each child is responsible for a block of the garden.\"", "Sister cities \n Saint Bartholoma since March 2001. In March 1990, after the deposition of Nicolae Ceausescu, a Sister City committee was created as a project to be a sister city with a Romanian village. This project did not succeed.", "In September 1998, a boisgeorgienne delegation was received by Saint Bartholoma. Then, in March 2001, the municipalities of Saint-Georges-du-Bois and Saint Bartholoma region of Styria near Austria formalized their relationship. After some discussion, the sister city committee is now dormant.\n\nPeople and society", "Demographics", "The population of Saint-Georges-du-Bois stagnated for decades. Lack of clean water is probably the reason as it can be noted that the increase in population comes with the arrival of the so-called water on the town in 1956. The population then exploded in the 1970s, with the creation of numerous subdivisions south of the town (Bideaudière, Croix Sainte-Apolline, Jardin de la Petite Pièce, l'Écoté) and north of the town (Panorama, Pré de la Vigne, Pré du Pain)", ". The recent creation of new subdivisions (Bassetin, Clos des Cèdres) barely makes up for the departure of the children from earlier subdivisions. Parc des Hayes (ongoing since 2008) should reverse this trend (over 140 lots, rental houses, apartments) and restarting the upwardly mobile population.", "Demographic trends 1793–2017 \nIn 2017, the town had 2,121 residents, and its population density was 293 /km2. Since 2004, census surveys in municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants are held every five years (2008, 2013, 2018, etc. to Saint-Georges-du-Bois) and numbers of other legal municipal population years are estimates.\n\nEducation \nSaint-Georges-du-Bois is located in the Academy of Nantes.", "Education \nSaint-Georges-du-Bois is located in the Academy of Nantes.\n\nSchools \nA public school (for boys only) existed in Saint-Georges-du-Bois before 1849, as shown in accounts of local councils. Due to weak finances, the municipality leased space until 1862, when a grant from the Department of Public Instruction allowed the purchase of the school building.", "Following the Falloux Laws, the town opened, in a rented house, a public girls' school in 1852, although this was not mandatory. It moves to a new location in 1866, then in 1882, the municipality launched a project to build a school for girls, at 26 rue de Sable. Finances slowed the project, which was completed in 1889. The school has grown from one floor in 1952.\n\nThe town went even further in 1882 by introducing classes for adults.", "The town went even further in 1882 by introducing classes for adults.\n\nThe school was available, but not free, at least until 1877, the date of refusal of the council to follow the request of the prefect of making the schools free.\n\nIn 1946, a school cafeteria was created in Hotel Martineau (probably the current café), then in 1953, a municipal school cafeteria was set up for 30 children.", "The oldest part of the existing nursery school dates from 1951 and has grown since 1952 to have a third class. The new part was built in 1976, and extended the central heating into the old part.\n\nThe sports field created in 1958 and enlarged 1960.", "The sports field created in 1958 and enlarged 1960.\n\nThere were big changes in 1981: the construction of a primary school with six classes used to group boys and girls in suitable, dedicated premises. The boys' school was also used for the town hall, and the girls' school was very small. The girls' school then served as home to the school principal, then in 1986 to the extended day program.", "Thanks to a strong commitment from the Community of Municipalities Bocage Cenomani, the schools are computerized. Thus, for Saint-Georges-du-Bois, there are 23 computers (for 170 students).\n\nIn May 2003, following a request by the school council, the school was named: Groupe scolaire Trompe-Souris (named after an old farmhouse near school).", "After four years of study, the new cafeteria was built according to HQE standards, and was to be dedicated by Mr. François Fillon (Prime Minister), on 13 October 2007.\n\nThe old cafeteria, released and renovated, since May 2007 houses the extended day program and the library since January 2011.", "The school board is decorated with large frescoes. Created by Typhaine and Anne of the cooperative 'Clés en main 72' (Turnkey 72) in 2008 and 2009. They depict the theme linked to the name of the school group: Trompe-Souris.", "Since the beginning of 2012, the town is exploring the possibility of remodeling the primary school. Indeed, built in 1981, the thermal insulation is very poor (or non-existent), the roof is leaking in many places, the classrooms are too small, and the storage spaces are too small", ". Also, after several meetings with parents and teachers to discover the requirements, the town is working with a research firm on three possibilities: building a new school and destruction of the present school, enlargement of the school and renovation of the current building, or just the renovation of the current building. For these three choices, the price criterion is not decisive because all three projects are about the same price: around EUR 2 million.", "Cultural celebrations and events \nSaint-Georges-du-Bois is no longer the head of communal celebrations for several years, even decades. However, there is a story about a festival.", "In 1841, two annual festivals enlivened the small town of St. George: one was on Sunday after St. George's day (23 April), the second on Sunday after St. Apollonia (9 February). Then, in February 1873, the City Council adopted the creation of a new congregation on the Sunday after 7 Sep, but the mystery remains for the choice of this date. This assembly was moved to the 4th Sunday of September in February 1875 to spread the festive dates between neighboring municipalities.", "Since 24 May 1959, the welfare office became Centre communal d'action sociale (Municipal Social Welfare Centre), was organizing a meal for the aged Since this meal for the aged was held the first Sunday after Saint George's da. It was offered each year to all Boisgeorgiens over 65 years of age.", "Other firsts: \n First illumination of town for the holiday season in December 1965\n First contest of home gardens in July 1978\n The first and only presence of the Tour de France on 6 July 1984\n First agricultural show held in 1988,\n First Christmas concert offered to residents in December 1995. On 16 December 2012 the 18th concert was held.\n First fireworks, together with Étival-lès-le-Mans, on 13 July 2009. The fourth display was held on 13 July 2012.", "Each year the Fédération des conseils de parents d'élèves (Local Council of Parents) organized on the first Saturday of the spring a carnival for children and parents alike, filling the town with music, parade floats, and other amusements. The finale takes place on the school grounds and includes the lighting of a bonfire.", "Health \nSaint-Georges-du-Bois for many years has had a health outreach. Even in 1878, the town had established a commission of charity to help the needy. In 1895, a medical assistance service which is transformed into charity office in 1911.", "A medical office was established in 1982, with three general practitioners. It was rebuilt in 2001 and includes three GPs, a physiotherapist/osteopath, a dentist, and a podiatrist / chiropodist. The departure and arrival of two general practitioners was planned for the end of first half of 2012. The pharmacy, attached to the medical office, is located in the town since 1983, and was expanded in 2001.", "For other health services (hospitals, clinics, specialty hospitals ...), on must go to the Le Mans located within .", "In addition, an outreach office of ADAPEI (Association departmental assistance for handicapped children) (Foyer des Cèdres), for people with mental disabilities, was opened in the town on 25 October 2005. It hosts 25 disabled people. Nursing facilities are available. This home was opened by Marc Joulaud (MP), Marcel-Pierre Cleach (Senator), and Yvon Luby (General Counsel of the Sarthe). Finally, a project to install a home for the elderly is underway", ". Finally, a project to install a home for the elderly is underway. After several private projects were canceled since November 1989, a public project supported by Sarthe-Habitat was being considered as of May 2012.", "Sports \nExcellent sports facilities are in place for schools.", "In 1958, the village installed a sports field on a space adjacent to the schools, the field was expanded in March 1960. But it took more than ten years until in November 1969, before trying to create a sports club. A project to create a soccer field with the municipalities of Pruillé-Chétif and Rouillon was conceived with the aim of using the sports field grass. The club was started in January 1970, but with the villages of Étival-lès-le-Mans and Fay", ". The club was started in January 1970, but with the villages of Étival-lès-le-Mans and Fay. This sports association would survive almost six years until October 1975, when Étival-lès-le-Mans decided to create its own soccer field. However, the Soccer club is still called today 'Entente sportive Saint-Georges-du-Bois.", "In September 1978, the village moved by , the football field to its current location, then in September 1980, added prefabricated changing rooms for the soccer club, remodeled in June 1990. In July 1988, a complete soccer training field with equipment was completed. It was refurbished in May 1993. The club has, since February 2004 moved to more spacious and brighter locker rooms, the old locker rooms are no used for storing old equipment and the snack bar.", "The former soccer field was then redeveloped for playing school sports: a track, long jump and high jump pits, and a handball court. In May 1994, the Fédération Française de Basket-Ball provided backboards to complete the school equipment. The track was used for several years by a roller skate sports club.", "In June 1982, two tennis courts were constructed next to the soccer field. Détente Loisir Plein Air (Relaxing Outdoor Recreation), a multi-activity organization of the town, then created a tennis group. This group was dissolved in March 1987 to create a new association dedicated to this sport: \"Tennis Club de Saint-Georges-du-Bois\". It was also during this period that a local installed courts near the sports field for tennis players.", "The village does not have a mult-purpose room for the practice of indoor sports. However, a building project near the soccer field project was being considered in June 1985, but was abandoned because the costs were too high for local finances. Similar projects were also planned in November 1986 and November 1993 with the same result.", "In June 1990, a recreation area began emerging around the soccer fields including a BMX track and a large bowling green. The track was converted into a BMX track in June 1999. Finally, each neighborhood (or so) has a bowling green. To date, seven smaller field and three multi-use fields are available that regularly come alive.", "Sports clubs \nLacking a sports hall, the range of practical sports in Saint-Georges-du-Bois is necessarily reduced. Here's the list:\n circus school (wire walking, ball, stilts, juggling) by 'les p'tits loups' (Wolf Cubs) in the community hall\n Soccer by \"Entente Sportive Saint-Georges-du-Bois\" on two soccer fields – the first team plays in the second departmental division,\n Aerobics by \"Saint-Georges Bien Être\" in community hall\n Jazz dance by \"Familles rurales\" in community hall", "Jazz dance by \"Familles rurales\" in community hall\n Hiking by \"Détente Loisir Plein Air\" (DLPA) on the many hiking trails in the region,\n Step aerobics by \"Familles rurales\" in community hall\n Tennis by the \"Tennis Club de Saint-Georges-du-Bois\" on the two tennis courts.", "Media \nOne newspaper is directly associated with the town, bulletin municipal (news bulletin).\n\nIt was printed for some time as a quarterly since May 1977. Stopped for a few years, it appeared first in black and white and quarterly from June 1995. It was switched to color January 2000. The latest copies are available on the website of la Communauté de Communes du Bocage Cénomans.\n\nThe legal deposit is in the municipal library of Angers.", "The legal deposit is in the municipal library of Angers.\n\nReligions \nThe only religion practiced in the town is the Catholic faith with one church and the cemetery.\n\nEconomy\n\nIncome and taxes \nIn 2017, median household income was €23,320. 64% of households are taxed on income.", "Jobs \nIn 2017, the total active population of the village was 941 inhabitants. The unemployment rate was 4.4%, which is much lower than the national average (10.3%). There were 10.5% retired, 9.6% of young people in school and 4.1% of people without activity.", "Businesses and shops \nOn 31 December 2015, 80 companies were based in the town, including four industrial, five construction, 50 commercial, and 17 public service. These enterprises employed (as of 31 December 2015) 136 people (of which 75 are inhabitants).\n\nFurthermore, the curve for farmers follows the national curve. There were twenty-seven farms in 1988, which dropped to nine in 2008 a decrease of 67%. And the decline is likely to continue because 25% of farmers are 55 years or older.", "Side trade has had, since 2006, an increase of retailers and now includes a bakery/chocolate shop, a bar tabac presse, a beauty salon, a bar, a restaurant, a hairdresser and a supermarket with including a service station. Finally, late each Wednesday afternoon, the village offerings are diversified with a small farmers' market. Currently comprising a pizzeria, a deli, a vegetable stall and a cheese merchant since 2011.\n\nLocal culture and heritage", "Local culture and heritage\n\nPlaces and monuments \nNumerous archival documents speak of a royal abbey of Saint-Georges-du-Bois in Sarthe. In fact this abbey does not concern this village but Saint-Martin-des-Bois in Loir et Cher.\n\nThere is also mention of a priory at a place called Le Grand Beauvais (), but it seems that it was more of a lordship. No further information has yet been found.\n\nChurch", "Church \n \n\nThe church as built in the fourteenth century and fifteenth century, and enlarged in the mid-nineteenth century. It was under the [Abbey of Saint-Julien du Pré in Le Mans, which, it seems, also has a priory in the town.", "The walls are stone and limestone, while the roof is covered with small flat tiles. Currently undergoing renovation, traces of paint from the sixteenth century were recently discovered under many layers of paint applied over the centuries. The interior is white plaster, decorated with fleur-de-lis in brick color, while the ceiling is oak plank.", "The next phase of the renovation addresses stained glass. The village has chosen a particular operation for this: the church had eight white glass windows, to be replaced with real stained glass. With the support of the General Council, Boisgeorgiens were to choose the new windows that will ornament the church. The secret ballot was held on 11 March 2010 and the windows of Marie-Laure Mallet-Melchior were chosen", ". The old windows (in the choir) will be dismantled, refurbished and replaced by ephemeral windows during the renovation.", "The church also has many statues of which is listed on the lists of historic buildings:\n Madonna and Child: This is the oldest, dating from the fourteenth century and is therefore contemporary with the construction of the church. It remains in excellent condition despite the mutilation suffered during the French Revolution. This is the only heritage listed in the town, listed as of 16 March 1976 as a historical monument.", "The Great Martyr Barbara: dates from the seventeenth century is in polychrome terracotta.\n Saint George: as the patron saint of the town, it must be present in the church. The statue dates from the seventeenth century.\n The Our Lady of Mercy: it dates from the seventeenth century, is in polychrome terracotta and has been completely restored (2009).", "St. Francis of Assisi, attributed to the sculptor Michel Chevallier Mans, dating from the first half of the seventeenth century and has been completely restored (late 2007). It is made of plaster.\n The Great Martyr Barbara: its date and origin are, at present, unknown. Awaiting renovation, it is in very poor condition.\n Saint Sebastian: dates from the seventeenth century or eighteenth century.", "Saint Sebastian: dates from the seventeenth century or eighteenth century.\n Saint Stephen dates from the nineteenth century. The latter work is very heavy, suggesting that it is full, which is quite rare.\n Another statue, lost, Joan of Arc dated 1942. It was sculpted by Ernest Hiron.", "Its bells are also quite old:\n The first information about the bells of the church dates from 19 August 1722, but there others. This bell was dedicated by Father Leblanc, Head Priest of the Society of the Oratory of Jesus, appointed by the Right Reverend Berhingen, Lady Abbess Pre, Anne Marie Madeleine Therese, and by Charles Tallement, parish priest of Saint-Georges-du-Bois. The research fails to show what happened to this bell.\n The Francoise Julienne bell cast in 1830, was restored in late 2008).", "The Francoise Julienne bell cast in 1830, was restored in late 2008).\n The bell Renée cast in 1830.\n The bell Joan of Arc was cast in 1913. It was a gift of Father Motay offering this third bell at the church. It was dedicated, among others, by the Bishop of La Porte, bishop of Le Mans. Weighing , it was cast by Amédée Bollée on 5 August 1913.", "For the furniture of the church, there are eight wooden pews from the seventeenth century, and a pew-chest dating from the eighteenth century. The history of the church does not stop there: on 18 June 1940, a German bomb severely damaged the bell tower. Since 2005, the church is under complete renovation (façades, steeple, walls, statues, stained glass). Completion was scheduled for the second half of 2010. The spire is one of two geodetic benchmarks of the village.\n\nThe mystery of the church", "The mystery of the church \n\n During renovations of the interior walls of the church in the fall of 2009, a discovery was made: a stone with a lock-like hole at its center. Despite the research, the meaning or function of the stone remains a mystery. It seems to have been salvaged from another building, for use in the construction of the church. Small detail: it is hollow.\n\nThe cross of St. Apollonia", "The cross of St. Apollonia \n\nThis cross, made of wrought iron, dates from the early nineteenth century. It appears on the surveys of 1844 but its origin is unknown. It is located at the entrance of the village on the side towards Le Mans (). A procession of boisgeorgiens parishioners went there once a year until the early twentieth century, probably until the Second World War.", "Calvary (Souligné-Flacé Road) \nCalvary is located on the road to Souligné-Flacé, outside of the town, near the subdivision of Trompe-Souris (). Installed on a mound of stone and concrete, the cross measures four feet high and supports a Christ of metal. Installation seems to be fairly recent since at the back of it says: \"E.Blossier – FECM – 1952\"", "The cross (Pruillé-Chétif Road) \nThis cross is on the road to Pruillé-Chétif, at the intersection of rue des Fouillées and la Grande Locherie (). Made of wrought iron, with a height of about one meter, it represents a virgin praying. At its base lies a crown (honorary or mortuary?). Its origin and dating are, for the moment, unknown.", "River park \nLocated on the edge of the town of Saint-Georges-du-Bois, in Étival, the park is currently limited to a pond and surrounding land. It depends on the Castle River one hundred meters away (). The purchase of this pond is an old project. In the year 1995, the purchase almost happened. Then bought by someone from Brittany, who used it as a pool for his friends or for vacations, thanks to stocking it with very large fish (see below). Not until July 2008 did he decide to sell it.", "After consultation with residents of the two towns, it was purchased with the town of Étival-lès-le-Mans using Syndicat intercommunal du Parc de la Rivière, created for this purpose in February 2009. Covering an area of 2.8 ha of water and 2 ha of forest land, the initial goal was to reopen to the pond to the public, redeveloping its banks, securing access and cleaning the grounds. This is done for the grand opening on 13 July 2009 to over 1,500 people (4,000 living in the two municipalities)", ". Since then have added parking, plenty of benches, tables, trash cans, glass collectors and games to make the most of this space for resting and walking. In 2010, Plans are to construct a fishing dock for the disabled, the planting of fruit trees, and walking paths between the two municipalities.", "In the longer term (20–30 years), there are plans to build a park of thirty acres on the space between the two towns (separated by only for sustainable development. Part of this park would be used for a positive energy habitat.\n\nThe current fishing records since the reopening to the public are and for catfish and for carp.\\\n\nIndustry", "Water tower \nAfter nine years of consideration (since April 1947), six years after participating in the creation of the Syndicat pour l'alimentation en eau potable des communes de la région du Mans (Union for the supply of drinking water to municipalities in the region of Le Mans) in September 1950, the water tower was constructed in 1956 (). It marks a major turning point in the history of the town, because until then, the only source of drinking water were the fountains, which were mostly private.", "The water tower, high, is the only visible part of the project. In 1956 it was connected to the drinking water system, and the first 196 homes were served. It allowed the development of the town. The water tower is still in operation and is managed by the SIDERM (Syndicat des eaux de la région mancelle, Union for water of the Le Mans region). It is one of two geodetic points of the town.\n\nWindmill", "A former windmill is south of the town, along the country road No. 2 (road from Saint-Georges-du-Bois at the junction of cinq routes) (). At a height of about , it is made of rusty iron. It is equipped with a hydraulic pump used to raise water from the water table nearby. The origin of this windmill is not yet determined, but the pump was manufactured by Dragor in Le Mans, which reduces the manufacture time to between 1923 and 1959", ". As for the windmill, it seems (the painton the blades being very damaged) to be branded Le Mistral.", "The council is considering renovation and development of the ancient windmill located at the edge of a reserved area to create a walking path.", "Cell tower \nA cell tower for mobile phones is found to the west of the town, on the municipal site Blanchardière (). Two antennas were initially scheduled for June 2000 at the request of Bouygues Telecom, but the project was reduced to a single antenna in November 2000. The tower measures high. Three suppliers currently operate this antenna:\n Since 24 November 2000, Bouygues Telecom, ID number: 200038\n Since 21 October 2011, Free Mobile ID number: 780256", "Since 21 October 2011, Free Mobile ID number: 780256\n Since 3 December 2004 Société Française du Radiotéléphone (SFR), ID number: 360229", "Information about the cell tower is found on the website of the ANFR (Agence nationale des fréquences) with the identifications number 731,062.", "Seven fountains \nThe seven fountains represent a large part of the history of Saint-Georges-du-Bois (). Indeed, until 1956 and the arrival of clean drinking water, this network was the only source of water for Boisgeorgiens. And it was not easy to have a fountain in the town as there were several fatal accidents due to landslides that occurred during the excavations.", "Before the fountains, there were since ancient times, three small ponds that collect the seeping water. Only in the early nineteenth century, a pool was reserved (walled and gated with a door) to representatives of the hospice Savigné-l'Évêque, owner of the adjoining land. A second was filled by a landslide. This left only one pool for about 500 people.", "Work was carried out in 1814 to transform the second fountain basin. This fountain, privately owned, was bought by the town in order to make the first public fountain. In 1894, a fountain was initially created for the exclusive use of the priest and the teachers and all other employees.\n\nSince then, the town gradually bought all the fountains in order to develop them. The acquisition of three fountains in October 2007, bringing to five the number of purchased fountains.", "Another well is located at the rear of the church. Originally reserved for the clergy and teachers, it was widened in 1830. To give an idea of the risks at the time to dig a well in the sand and clay: It is , the water table being from the surface. This has not been used since 1951.\n\nCultural heritage", "Cultural heritage\n\nLibrary \nThe first information on the creation of a library in Saint-Georges-du-Bois dates to August 1862. But budgets are so swallowed up by the work of the church and school management that council refused to authorize it.", "There is no other information about a library for more than 100 years. It was only in November 1973 that we learn from the minutes of the city council that the library was going to be a reality. Thanks to the remodeling of the Town Hall, which opened on 13 March 1993, the library was able to be created. The ground floor of the Town Hall, originally planned as a meeting room and for local youth meetings, housed the library", ". Following an agreement signed with the General Council of Sarthe to create a repository of the county library, the organization was created in April 1997 to manage it. The opening took place after a few weeks of work and setting up on 4 October 1997.", "A second library is in town, but is reserved for students in kindergarten. It opened in May 1999.\n\nHiking trails \nThe paths in the town have history going way back. Indeed, the first path is created in 1892: This is the Path of Fountains (now rue des Fontaines). Many others followed, crisscrossing the woods. Today, the idea is to link each farm to all its neighbors, or from a farm to the village directly.", "For about thirty years (until World War I), many paths were created, whether communal or private. The arrival of cars and asphalt most of the paths obsolete, which are forgotten and in brambles. Also, between 1962 and 1975, a lot of the paths were symbolically sold to adjacent landowners.\n\nThen came another use for paths: hiking.", "Then came another use for paths: hiking.\n\nThe start of this hobby in Saint-Georges-du-Bois, dates from May 1976 with the request to M. Lorillier to create footpaths. Détente loisirs Plein Air (DLPA) (Relaxing Outdoor Recreation) was then formed whose primary purpose was the maintenance of these paths. In September 1992, the path of Bel Air was transferred to the hiking departmental plan.", "Since then, three circuits , and wander through the countryside. Starting from the town hall, they take old country roads to traverse woods, sunken roads (sometimes lower by several meters), woods, views and history of the town. All of these paths are interconnected with the footpaths of Pruillé-Chétif, adding to the paths.", "Two other projects are in progress or planned:\n A greenbelt to go around the town almost exclusively by hiking trails. Missing two portions of to complete this belt which will then be .\n A path connecting the village to the lake of the river. With a length of , it will fork at an existing path and allow for interconnection to over of paths at Étival-lès-le-Mans.\n Planned for 2014, access to greenbelt of Le Mans will come to town and connect with walking paths.", "Ironically: the paths given away 40 years ago must be repurchased.\n\nPersonalities linked to the town\n\nCharles VI \nOne of the major events in the history of France is the folly of Charles VI of France.", "This madness started in 1392, in the forest of Le Mans. This forest is now almost completely gone. The historian :fr:Julien Remy Pesche has no doubt that this forest was west of Le Mans. Indeed, numerous localities confirm this hypothesis by name. Charles VI was to go to Brittany. Beginning at Le Mans, he went through Saint-Georges-du-Plain, la Croix Georgette then Teillais woods", ". This place still exists on the edge of Saint-Georges-du-Bois and Alonnes, but another also exists between Saint-Georges-du-Bois and Souligné-Flacé. It is relatively certain from JR Pesche, that the King had lost his mind in the area, very close to Saint-Georges-du-Bois.", "Reyol \nReyol, \"the thief of souls of Saint-Georges-du-Bois\".\n\nReyol, who inverted his birth name Guy Loyer, is a painter, born in Le Mans on 19 January 1939. After attending, from age 6, art classes, then attending Le Mans Graduate School of Fine Arts, Reyol had his first exhibition in 1958–1959 in Le Mans.", "His paintings all have a very special story. He likes to photograph an expression, an emotion and then created his paintings in his studio at home. His main subjects are women, villages, but also memories of traveling around the world: Europe, Morocco, Russia, Thailand, China or recently in Brazil and Bolivia. His artistic identity makes use of warm colors: orange, yellow, ocher, and cold blue, gray.", "Exhibiting in France and abroad (including New York or Ghent) Reyol sold to date 1,500 paintings which earned him an international reputation. Many books, French and foreign, discuss his work.", "Sources \n Archives of Saint-Georges-du-Bois (before 1903) – Departmental archives of Sarthe preserved on microfilm in the series 156.\n Archives of Saint-Georges-du-Bois (since 1903) – Preserved in the archives of the Town Hall.\n Proceedings of municipal councils (since 1903) – Preserved in the archives of the Town Hall.\n\nBibliography\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nCommunes of Sarthe" ]
Olaf Swenson
[ "Olaf Swenson ( December 16, 1883 – August 23, 1938) was a Seattle-based fur trader and adventurer active in Siberia and Alaska in the first third of the 20th century. His career intersected with activities of notable explorers of the period, and with the Russian Civil War. He is credited with leading the rescue of the Karluk survivors from Wrangel Island in 1914. According to historian Thomas C. Owen, Swenson's \"practicality and zest for adventure made him an ideal entrepreneur on the arctic frontier...\"", "Born and raised in Michigan, Swenson first reached the far north as a Nome prospector in 1901. The next year he signed on for a prospecting venture in Siberia, spending two summers and one winter on the Chukchi Peninsula. He returned to Siberia in 1905, this time with his wife and their infant son. His introduction to trading came when their ship was wrecked and he contracted to salvage cargo on a share basis. He continued to trade at Anadyr until 1911. In 1913, Swenson and C.L", ". He continued to trade at Anadyr until 1911. In 1913, Swenson and C.L. Hibbard of Seattle formed the Hibbard-Swenson Company which operated trading schooners and steamers on the Siberian coast, buying furs and ivory and trading a variety of general merchandise until 1921. Swenson continued this business as Olaf Swenson & Co. until 1923 when the Bolshevik victory led to seizure of his business", ". until 1923 when the Bolshevik victory led to seizure of his business. Two years of negotiations led to a contract with the Soviet government to supply goods on a cost-plus basis and buy furs. This arrangement persisted through 1930. The difficulties of getting furs and personnel out of the Siberian Arctic led to the first commercial flights across the Bering Strait. The fourth such flight crashed in a Siberian winter storm, killing aviation pioneer Carl Ben Eielson and his mechanic in 1929", ". Swenson's memoir Northwest of the World contains observations on commerce, conditions, and native life in northeast Siberia and won critical praise for its direct style and vivid description.", "Early life\nOlaf Swenson was born in Manistee, Michigan, the second son of Nils and Amelia (née Peterson or Petersen) Swenson. Nils was a Swedish emigrant and at that time a prosperous hotel and saloon keeper. Amelia died in childbirth when Olaf was six years old, and the baby died shortly afterward. Another sister died accidentally in childhood. Nils never remarried, and the two boys were raised in the home of their grandparents, Ole and Sophie Petersen.", "Prospecting for gold in Alaska and Siberia", "Nils and Olaf went to Nome, Alaska, in 1901 to prospect for gold. Finding little success, they signed on to help work a claim on shares. This was a paying proposition but nobody got rich, and Olaf and his father returned to Seattle for the winter. The next spring they returned to Nome and signed on for a prospecting expedition to the Chukchi Peninsula of northeastern Siberia sponsored by the Northeastern Siberian Company, Limited", ". They spent two summers and one winter in Siberia, mostly on the Arctic coast, but found no exploitable gold and returned to Seattle in the fall of 1903. Returning Northeastern Siberian Company prospectors reported promising signs including colors in every stream panned and graphite deposits. Some still thought exploitable placer gold would eventually be found. However, the Deseret News quoted Nels [sic] and Olaf Swenson as expecting that the wealth would come from [gold-bearing] quartz deposits.", "Family\n\nAfter returning from Siberia, Swenson worked in Seattle for American Biscuit Company for a year and a half. In May 1904 he married Emma Charlotte Johnson in Seattle. Charlotte, as she preferred to be known, had immigrated from Sweden in 1903. They had at least one son and two daughters. Their son died in Nome in 1910 of diphtheria contracted on board ship from Seattle. Their daughter Marion was born about 1912 and Marjorie (sometimes spelled Marguery or Margery) about 1918.", "Trading in the Anadyr region of Siberia", "In 1905, Swenson set out on another prospecting expedition for the Northeastern Siberian Company, this time bringing along his wife and their six-month-old son. In Hanford's account, Swenson was the organizer and by implication the leader of this expedition. Their ship, the gasoline schooner Barbara Hernster, struck a reef near Providence Bay, Siberia, July 28, 1905, and the family reached shore by boat through heavy surf", ". The ship was subsequently refloated and beached, and Swenson contracted to salvage the cargo in exchange for a share. Subsequently the group and their cargo were picked up and transported to Anadyr, where Swenson set up a trading station selling the salvaged supplies. These found a ready market, since the Russo-Japanese War had disrupted normal supply channels.", "Swenson is sometimes credited with the first discovery of gold in northeastern Siberia; he credits a group of prospectors headed by Luke Nadeau, part of the same expedition he was on. Swenson was dispatched to Nome with $8,000 worth of gold in 1906. His family went with him. Swenson returned to Anadyr with more trade goods while Charlotte and their son returned \"to civilization\".", "Swenson's trading station of this period is described as lying on St. Nicholas Bay (not named on modern maps), from Russian Spit (Russkaya Koshka, the northern spit delimiting the outer Anadyr estuary) and from mountains. Since there are no mountains sufficiently close on the south side of the estuary and no nearby bays north of the estuary, this puts the likely location on the northern mainland shore of the estuary", ". Swenson (though he does not explicitly say so) was trading under the Northeastern Siberian Company concession. In 1908 the steamer Corwin landed freight and miners at the Northeastern Siberian Company's trading station on the north shore of Anadyr Bay; the current from the river was strong at this location.", "Swenson traveled by dogsled at least as far as Cape Navarin and Korfa Bay to trade. Trade goods were packed in parcels of roughly uniform value, sized to fit on Chukchi sleds. Swenson also brought some American-style retail practices including premiums and credit sales. The credit extended to trappers could take the form of both operating supplies and household goods against next year's fur harvest or a later delivery. Swenson spent alternate winters in Anadyr through 1910-1911.", "1910 was a year of transition for the Northeastern Siberian Company. The Russian government declined to renew its concession, its president resigned, and it was absorbed by a Russian-French partnership. Swenson went into a Montana cattle ranching venture with his father in 1911, but the venture did not last long; Olaf did not like ranching much, and when his father died in 1912 he sold the ranch", ". Swenson made a short trading voyage to the Siberian coast in a chartered schooner in 1911 and a longer trip in 1912 in the motor schooner Polar Bear. This second voyage was a partnership with the Hibbard-Stewart company of Seattle and Captain L.L. Lane.", "Business of the Hibbard-Swenson and Olaf Swenson companies\n\nHibbard-Swenson Company\n\nThis partnership was formed in 1913 with the purchase of the steam bark Belvedere (formerly an arctic whaler) and lasted through 1921. It eventually expanded to include multiple ships trading from the Sea of Okhotsk to the north coast of Siberia.", "Operations", "The Hibbard-Swenson company bought furs, whalebone, and walrus and mammoth ivory for cash as well as barter; furs included squirrel, ermine, sable, red fox, white fox, cross fox, wolf, wolverine, deer, hair seal, brown bear, and polar bear. The pattern of the trade was to spend the winter purchasing and packaging trade goods. April through August was spent picking up furs on the Siberian coast", ". April through August was spent picking up furs on the Siberian coast. The fall included walrus hunting and sometimes whaling, and miscellaneous shipping with stops in Alaska and Siberia. Turnover was about $1 million per year in the early 1920s.", "Operations in Kamchatka are described by Sten Bergman, who was in Kamchatka 1920-1922: \"Klutchi....is the seat of the Kamchatkan fur trade, and several fur-trading firms have their depots here. The biggest of them are the Hudson's Bay Company and the Olaf Swenson Company — the latter is the concern of a Swedish American of that name. His name is known and esteemed in every dwelling throughout the entire peninsula", ". His name is known and esteemed in every dwelling throughout the entire peninsula. Every spring Swenson comes over from Seattle with his steamer, which is laden with everything imaginable that Kamchatka can stand in need of.\"", "Swenson described financing local agents prior to the Bolshevik victory: \"It had been our custom to pick out a local spot, put a good man in charge there, and finance him against the business he would do for us, letting him operate in his own name and extend credit according to his own judgment.\" According to a Soviet source, Swenson had 16 personal agents and provided financing to an additional 14 independent traders, with a total annual turnover in excess of $1 million.", "In the period before the Bolshevik victory, trade goods included \"foodstuffs, canned milk, canned fruit, clothing of every kind (including frilly things for women), hardware of all kinds, toys for children, a great many luxuries which many of them had never known before", ".\" Trade goods mentioned at other locations in Swenson's narrative include flour, wieners (in barrels), oranges, sugar, tea, tobacco, pilot bread, eggs, calico, dishes, needles, thread, knives, pots, pans, chamber pots, firearms and ammunition, motor launches, gasoline, kerosene, Mackinaws and other waterproof clothing, boots, caps, heavy woolen clothing, and corduroy breeches with lacings on the legs. Customers included Russians as well as natives. Alcohol is not mentioned in his lists of trade goods.", "Impact of the Russian Revolution and civil war", "In June 1920, the New York Times reported that Bolshevik partisans had attacked, seized, and looted the Anadyr post of the Hibbard-Swenson Company the preceding January. The leader of the Anadyr Bolsheviks was misidentified as a Seattle seaman named Mikoff, possibly a confusion of the Bolshevik leader Montikoff and a German-American seaman Walter Ahrns who was also involved", ". According to a report collected in 1922 by Lieutenant John Marie Creighton, USN, from Swenson's local manager John Lampe, the store was seized but not looted and was eventually reclaimed, though not before Lampe found it necessary to flee temporarily. Lampe also managed to maintain a position of neutrality between the first Revcom headed by Montickoff and the group of traders who violently deposed it. (For a synopsis of events as reported by Soviet sources, see P. Gray.)", "For a brief period in 1921 and 1922, the White forces were resurgent in the Russian Far East and maintained a tenuous control along the coast. This development had its advantages and its disadvantages. As Swenson put it, Kamchatka was \"full of Russians who had come up with the Whites\" and they all wanted American clothing and gear. However, \"the revolution didn't care much about the importance of the fur traffic and was constantly getting in our way", ".\" At one point Swenson's ship was required to evacuate ninety White troops, disarmed at Swenson's insistence, from Okhotsk to Ola. This period also let Swenson get to know several White officers including Colonels Bochkarev [Swenson writes Bochkarov] and Fielkovsky at Gizhiga. Some of these associations would cause him trouble later.", "Hibbard-Swenson Company dissolved early in 1922. C.L. Hibbard withdrew from Asian ventures, but Swenson wanted to continue. He formed Olaf Swenson & Company in March 1922 to take over the assets and trading network. Backers included Bryner & Company of Vladivostok, a major trading house in the Russian Far East, Denbigh and Company of Japan and Vladivostok, which had interests in Kamchatka fishing, and other Russian firms. Swenson was President and Treasurer.", "The Red Army took Vladivostok in October 1922, and the Soviet government began to consolidate its control of the Northeast. In early 1923 the Soviets seized four trading schooners at East Cape, Siberia, including one owned by Olaf Swenson & Company (the Blue Sea) and one chartered to Swenson, on charges of trafficking alcohol", ". (The New York Times article suggested that competition with the Hudson's Bay Company could have been a factor, since that company's country manager was the brother of the Soviet governor). Swenson does not discuss this seizure or charge specifically. Later that year the Yakut Revolt was suppressed and the last organized White force under Anatoly Pepelyayev was defeated at Ayan (a port village on the Sea of Okhotsk) on June 17, 1923. In October 1923, G.G. Suddock, Agent for Olaf Swenson Co", ". In October 1923, G.G. Suddock, Agent for Olaf Swenson Co. at Ayan, arriving in Seattle from Ayan by way of Japan, confirmed to a reporter for the Prescott (AZ) Evening Courier that the Bolshevik victory was complete and there was no more White resistance.", "Adapting to the Bolshevik victory", "With the Bolshevik victory, Swenson found not just two schooners but his entire Siberian business and stock impounded and a warrant out for his arrest. The issues besides alcohol (if that was really an issue) were taxes and his perceived close association with the Whites. He briefly discusses allegations of selling guns to the Whites, suggesting they were inflated, and attributes some allegations to disgruntled competitors. (Hunting arms and ammunition were a regular part of his business", ". (Hunting arms and ammunition were a regular part of his business.) He does not mention an allegation of a check for $500,000 found in the pocket of an executed White officer. Swenson reports he declined an offer from a former White officer to raid the coast and recover the furs by force. Instead he and R.S. Pollister (Vice President of Olaf Swenson & Co.) went to China to obtain a Soviet visa and began a long slow process of negotiation to release the furs, trading stock, and books", ". The ultimate resolution was a contract entered in 1925 to deliver goods in Siberia to Moscow's specification on a cost-plus basis and export furs. This contract was renewed for five years in 1926 and expanded in 1928 after negotiations with the head of the Soviet fur trust in London. Other associates in this venture were Maurice Cantor and Irving W. Herskovits of New York. In this period, the business name often appears as Swenson Trading Company or Swenson Fur Trading Company", ". Local trade was handled by a Soviet government trading organization which specified the goods and set fur prices. Swenson reports prices paid to the trappers were reduced in this period and the range of trade goods narrowed to necessities.", "The contract appears not to have been renewed after 1930. Swenson spent time in Russia in 1931, 1932, and 1933 settling accounts, attending fur sales, and winding up affairs.\n\nShipping losses\nThe companies operated multiple vessels at various times. This list of losses may be incomplete.\n\nBelvedere\nThis former whaler, the company's first ship, sank off the Russian coast, September 16, 1919. The ship was forced into ice near shore by a storm and holed or crushed. All 30 crew and 3 passengers survived.", "Kolyma\nThis power schooner was stranded and wrecked on Sledge Island July 22, 1920, driven ashore in a storm after having left Nome to take shelter in the lea of the island. The vessel was a total loss. All the crew reached safety.", "Kamchatka\nThe Hibbard-Swenson Company diesel auxiliary schooner Kamchatka (formerly the whaling bark Thrasher) was lost to fire in the Bering Sea April 14, 1921. The crew, including Swenson, escaped without loss of life and reached Alaska in a motor launch and a whaleboat. They had no water and subsisted on wieners and oranges from the cargo, running the launch's engine on distillate due to a lack of gasoline.", "The office of Hibbard-Swenson company's Japanese affiliate was destroyed by fire the same night the Kamchatka was lost.", "Elisif", "The Elisif, captained by Edwin Larson, was frozen in on the Arctic coast during the winter 1928-9. Resupplied by the Nanuk, she attempted to reach Kolyma with R.S. Pollister aboard as supercargo and A.P. Jochimsen as ice pilot. The ship was punctured by floating ice and beached to prevent sinking. The ship's company evacuated in boats. They initially reached Uelen and planned to wait there for pickup", ". They initially reached Uelen and planned to wait there for pickup. However a fierce storm came up and when they tried to move their boats to a safer location, they were unable to land again. They made for Little Diomede Island, landed there, and were picked up by the Coast Guard cutter Northland and taken to Nome.", "Involvement with the Canadian Arctic Expedition\n\nIcebound ships and a trek with news", "Belvedere, with Stephen Cottle as her captain and Olaf Swenson on board, became stuck in the ice off the north coast of Alaska in the fall of 1913 while carrying supplies for Vilhjalmur Stefansson's Canadian Arctic Expedition to the transfer point at Herschel Island. The expedition ship Karluk was frozen in about offshore and subsequently was carried away by moving ice. The whaler Elvira under Captain C.T", ". The whaler Elvira under Captain C.T. Pedersen was frozen in, damaged by the ice and further damaged in a storm, requiring her crew to transfer to the Belvedere. Swenson and Pedersen (accompanied by Enuk, a north-slope Iñupiaq, and later also by Peter, an Indian from the Chandlar lake area) traveled to Circle City and then Fairbanks by foot and dogsled to carry news and arrange relief supplies. They left Icy Reef October 21 and reached Fairbanks November 15, covering an estimated distance of", ". Their route initially took them up the Kongakut River. They lost their compass in deep snow during a storm and thereafter navigated by topography alone, adding considerable distance to their planned route. They eventually crossed over the divide, reaching what they believed to be the head of the Salmon River. From there they went overland to Chandlar Lake, and thence to Fort Yukon and Circle by old trails. The final leg to Fairbanks used the Government winter mail trail.", "Karluk rescue 1914", "In 1914 Hibbard-Swenson Company chartered the newly built motor schooner King & Winge to carry relief supplies to the Belvedere and complete the normal trading run. King & Winge became stuck in the ice near Point Barrow and bent her propeller. The ship was extricated by the revenue cutter Bear on August 22. They met the Belvedere at Point Barrow, delivered the supplies, took on some crewmen from the Elvira, and subsequently put into at Nome August 30", ". Bear arrived the same day and reported that its attempt to rescue the crew of the Karluk from Wrangel Island off the northeast Siberian coast had been thwarted by bad weather, ice and low fuel. Stefansson's former secretary Burt McConnell then requested that King & Winge attempt a rescue; this request was reiterated by Captain Bartlett of the Karluk. Swenson set out for Wrangel Island in the King & Winge with A.P. Jochimsen as Master", ". Swenson set out for Wrangel Island in the King & Winge with A.P. Jochimsen as Master. They stopped at East Cape, Siberia, and picked up an umiak and a party of natives to man it, in case they had to cross ice interspersed with open water. As they approached the beach in the umiak, the native crew was alarmed to see one of the Karluk survivors vigorously pumping a rifle, but Swenson reassured them in their language. They removed a total of twelve expedition survivors from two separate camps", ". They removed a total of twelve expedition survivors from two separate camps. The survivors included an Inupiaq couple and their two children. The survivors were later transferred to the Bear.", "The H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest gives a somewhat different account, with Swenson returning to Seattle and C.L. Hibbard on the King & Winge with Jochimsen. McCurdy's does not list sources; the origin of this account is unknown. It conflicts with both contemporary and later sources listed for the preceding paragraph.\n\nNorth Cape to Irkutsk trek 1928-9", "North Cape to Irkutsk trek 1928-9\n\nIn the fall of 1928, Swenson was frozen in off North Cape, Siberia (now Cape Schmidt) in the M.S. Elisif. Impatient to get back to Seattle and hungry for adventure, Swenson decided on an overland trek to Irkutsk, which was served by the Trans-Siberian Railway.", "The first stage employed dogsleds, leaving North Cape October 19, 1928. The route proceeded along the coast, cutting inland on either side of Chaunskaya Bay, to the Kolyma River. Then the party went up the river to Srednekolymsk, arriving December 4. They left Srednekolmysk cutting west overland on an old Government trail through flat, forested country dotted by lakes. They switched from dogsleds to reindeer sleds at a village he records as Solgutter.", "Much of the ensuing leg of the trip employed an established relay network of reindeer teams and drivers. They crossed the Indigirka River at Zashiversk and then proceeded through Abbi (this is presumably Abyy but if so they seem to have taken a circuitous route) to reach Verkhoyansk January 6, 1929. Heading south for Yakutsk, they were asked to carry the mail; this improved their access to reindeer teams but involved traveling day and night", ". The route to Yakutsk went over Tukulan Pass with a spectacular, precipitous descent into the valley of the Aldan River. At the foot of the pass they switched to horse sleighs and proceeded to Yakutsk. They arrived in Yakutsk January 16. Swenson was held up in Yakutsk four days due to visa problems and then proceeded to Irkutsk, arriving February 9. A dispatch from Moscow to the New York Times, datelined March 5, reports his trip. The entire trek amounted to over .", "The New York Times dispatch also disclosed plans for airplane service between Alaska and the Siberian coast, for which Swenson had just secured permission from the Soviet government. These plans were soon realized when Noel Wien flew $150,000 in furs from the Elisif on March 8. Three further flights were planned but the Soviet government withdrew permission.", "Eielson plane crash near North Cape", "The Nanuk was frozen in for the winter of 1929-30 at North Cape, with Swenson and his 17-year-old daughter Marion aboard. Swenson contracted with Alaskan Airways, headed by the noted arctic flyer and explorer Carl Ben Eielson, to fly out furs and crew members. After one successful round trip, Eielson was delayed by a search for a downed plane in Alaska", ". After one successful round trip, Eielson was delayed by a search for a downed plane in Alaska. Resuming after the delay, Eielson and his mechanic Frank Borland flew into a fierce storm over the Siberian coast and crashed, flying into terrain with the throttle wide open. A faulty altimeter may have been a contributing factor. A major search ensued, using both aircraft (American, Canadian, and Soviet) and dogsleds", ". A major search ensued, using both aircraft (American, Canadian, and Soviet) and dogsleds. The fate of both the plane and the ship (with a high-school girl aboard) captured the public's imagination. The New York Times arranged for Marion Swenson to send regular dispatches on the progress of the search. The downed plane was found January 24, 1930, by Joe Crossan and Harold Gillam, and the first body was discovered February 13 by Soviet searchers from the ship Stavropol, Mavriky Slepnyov, and Joe Crossan", ". Gillam arrived in the evening and identified Borland. Four days later the body of Eielson was found. Swenson and his daughter were flown out February 7 by T.M. (Pat) Reid. The Nanuk returned successfully to Nome and then Seattle, arriving in early August 1930.", "Sled dogs", "Swenson is sometimes erroneously credited with introducing the Siberian Husky to the United States. He was an enthusiastic dogsledder who regularly used sled dogs in his work and made at least two long treks. He wrote about selecting dogs for enthusiasm and stamina and about the characteristics of a good lead dog. It is not clear whether Swenson's favorite lead dog Billkoff ever reached the United States. There were Siberian sled dogs in Alaska since 1908 and the early importers are known", ". There were Siberian sled dogs in Alaska since 1908 and the early importers are known. Swenson imported Chukchi dogs for Leonhard Seppala in 1927 and for Seppala's collaborator Elizabeth (Peg) Ricker in 1930. These dogs are believed to have been the last Siberian sled dogs exported for many years. The Ricker dogs were used a working team by the crew of the Nanuk in 1929-30.", "Death\nSwenson died August 23, 1938 (age 54) in Seattle of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The reports in the New York Times and the Polar Times mentioned the possibility of an accident while cleaning the newly purchased gun.<ref>New York Times, August 25, 1938</ref>", "Writings\nFour short nonfiction pieces by Olaf Swenson in Blue Book magazine 1938-39 are listed in a web database.Northwest of the World was published by Dodd Mead, New York, in 1944. An English edition with different pagination was published by Hale, London in 1951. A French edition was published under the title Au Pays du Renard Blanc in 1953 and 1957. There were also Swedish and Norwegian editions. The book has been cited by historians of Siberia and Alaska.\n\nNotes and references\nNotes\n\nReferences", "Notes and references\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nSources", "Associated Press. \"Home From the Arctic Wastes\" Photograph showing Olaf and Marion Swenson being greeted by family members on their return from the Arctic; the caption identifies Mrs. Swenson and Marion's younger sister Marguery (in some papers including the New London Day, Mar 6, 1930 p 16) or Margery (in the Hartford Courant Mar 6, 1930 p3).", "Bartlett, Robert A. and Hale, Ralph T. (1916) The last voyage of the Karluk : flagship of Vilhjalmar Stefansson's Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913-16 McClelland, Toronto pp 312–323. accessed April 29, 2009. \n Bergman, Sten. (1927) Through Kamchatka by Dog Sled and Skis, London, Seeley, Service & Co., 1927 p 106. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.c005358112&seq=9\n Boston Evening Transcript Sept 1, 1914, p 7. \"Fails to get Karluk crew. Cutter Bear runs short of coal and is returning to Nome.\"", "Bureau of Navigation, US Dept. of Commerce. Annual list of merchant vessels of the United States Loss of American Vessels Reported during Fiscal Year 1906, p 385.\n \n Crow, John, Anastasia Yarzuktina, and Oksana Kolomiets \"American traders and the native people of Chukotka in the early 20th Century\" 2010 International Conference on Russian America, Sitka, AK August 18–22.\n Deseret News, Oct 29, 1903 \"Prospectors return from northeastern Siberia and report favorably on its minerals\".", "Duranty, Walter (1929) \"Travels 4,375 miles in coldest Siberia\" New York Times March 6 p 6. accessed May 2, 2009.\n Fairbanks Daily Times Nov 16, 1913 p 4 \"Two Traders Return from Arctic and Report Fears That Are Felt for Steamship Karluk\" (OCR text; image requires registration.)\n Forsyth, James (1994) A History of the Peoples of Siberia: Russia's North Asian Colony 1581-1990. Cambridge University Press, 1994 \n Fur Trade Review 49 (8) May 1922 New Siberian-American trading company formed pp 126–128", "Fur Trade Review 49 (8) May 1922 New Siberian-American trading company formed pp 126–128\n Galactic Central magazine database accessed April 2009, May 2011, November 2016. This link goes out of date periodically as the database grows; see Swenson, Olaf in the site's author index.\n Gay, James Thomas. \"Some Observations of Eastern Siberia, 1922\" The Slavonic and East European Review 54 (2) 1976, pp. 248–261", "Gleason, Robert J. Icebound in the Siberian Arctic: The Story of the Last Cruise of the Fur Schooner Nanuk and the International Search for Famous Arctic Pilot Carl Ben Eielson Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1977 \n Gray, David. Canada's little arctic navy. The ships of the CAE. Canadian Museum of Civilization\n Gray, Patty A. The Predicament of Chukotka's Indigenous Movement: Post-Soviet Activism in the Russian Far North Cambridge University Press, 2005 pp 88–90", "Hanford, Cornelius Holgate (1924) Seattle and environs, 1852–1924, v. 3 Pioneer Historical Pub. Co., 1924, p 541.\n Hunt, William R. (1986) Stef: A Biography of Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Canadian Arctic Explorer University of British Columbia Press, 1986 accessed May 3, 2009.\n Hunt, William R. (1975) Arctic Passage. The Turbulent History of the Land and People of the Bering Sea 1697-1975. Charles Scribner's Sons, NY.", "Jones, Preston (2007) Empire's Edge: American Society in Nome, Alaska, 1898-1934. University of Alaska Press, 2007 \n Lofgren, Svante (1947) \"Some Swedish business pioneers in Washington Yearbook American Swedish Historical Museum p65.\n Marine Review v 52 May 1922 \"From the Northwest\" p 222\n McConnell, Burt M. (1914) \"Got Karluck's men as hope was dim\", New York Times September 15 p 7. accessed April 29, 2009.", "McKinlay, William Laird (1999) The last voyage of the Karluk: a Survivor's Memoir of Arctic Disaster Macmillan .\n Mills, William James (2003) Exploring Polar Frontiers: a Historical Encyclopedia ABC-CLIO, 2003 \"Bartlett, Bob\" pp67–70. Accessed April 29, 2009.\n Minerals Management Service, U.S. Department of Interior. \"Shipwrecks off Alaska's coast.\" accessed April 26, 2009 (a) query Elvira 1913 (b) query Kamchatka 1921 Updated link:Shipwrecks off Alaska's Coast", "Negenblya I.E. Above the Arctic limitless. Yakutsk. 1997. pp. 157–159\n New York Times, July 28, 1902, \"To mine gold in Siberia\" p 1\n New York Times, October 30, 1903. \"Siberian mineral wealth\" p 1\n New York Times, March 13, 1916 \"Goes to meet Stefansson; Captain Olaf Swenson will do some hunting in the arctic\" p 3.\n New York Times, June 22, 1920 \"Trade post looter known. Mikoff, Reputed Leader of Anadyr Rising ...\" p 7.", "New York Times, July 24, 1921 \"Gets fur concessions; American Skipper Says Siberian Soviet Government Has Granted Them\" p2\n New York Times, June 20, 1923 \"3 American ships seized by Soviets\"\n New York Times, June 21, 1923 \"Ships Soviets seized had liquor cargoes\" p 30.\n New York Times, July 31, 1923 \"Report cruelty in Siberia; Crew of Released American...\"\n New York Times, August 14, 1929 \"Crew taken off wrecked schooner\" p47.", "New York Times, August 14, 1929 \"Crew taken off wrecked schooner\" p47.\n New York Times, March 9, 1930 \"Tragedy of the arctic snows\" (photo section; one photo shows Marion Swenson with her parents and sister).\n New York Times, January 9, 1931 \"Captain Jochimsen, arctic hero, dead\" p 20. accessed April 29, 2009.\n New York Times, August 25, 1938 \"Arctic trader shot dead\" p5.\n Niven, Jennifer (2001) The Ice Master: The Doomed 1913 Voyage of the Karluk. Hyperion, , pp336–350. accessed May 2, 2009", "Owen, Thomas C. (2008) \"Chukchi gold: American enterprise and Russian xenophobia in the Northeastern Siberia Company\". Pacific Historical Review 77 (1), pp 49–85.\n Prescot [AZ] Evening Courier Oct 31, 1923 \"Last of Russ White forces are defeated\" p 1.\n San Francisco Call \"Schooner hits a reef in fog\" August 8, 1905, p 5\n San Francisco Call \"Tramps through the snows of bleak siberia\" December 24, 1905 p8", "San Francisco Call \"Tramps through the snows of bleak siberia\" December 24, 1905 p8\n Saul, Norman E. (2006) Friends or foes?: the United States and Soviet Russia, 1921-1941 University Press of Kansas, pp104–105\n Slepnyov M.T. \"Tragedy in Long Strait\" Soviet Arctic (Moscow). 1937. p.10\n Stephan, John J. (1996) The Russian Far East: A History Stanford University Press, , p 168\n Szurovy, Géza (2004) Bushplanes Zenith Press (MBI Publishing) St. Paul, MN.", "Szurovy, Géza (2004) Bushplanes Zenith Press (MBI Publishing) St. Paul, MN.\n Swenson, Olaf (1944) Northwest of the World. Dodd Mead, NY online edition at Hathi Trust\n Swenson, Marion \"Eielson's throttle found wide open; height misjudged\" New York Times January 28, 1930.\n Spokane Daily Chronicle, Nov. 15, 1937 \"Miss Swenson wed Thursday\" mentions great-grandmother Sophie Peterson.", "Tacoma Public Library (a), \"Ships and Shipping Database\"; query Elvira accessed April 28, 2009. This source quotes Gordon Newell, \"Maritime Events of 1913,\" H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, p. 230.\n Tacoma Public Library (b), \"Ships and Shipping Database\"; query King & Winge accessed April 29, 2009. This source quotes Gordon Newell, \"Maritime Events of 1914,\" H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, pp 242–3.", "Tacoma Public Library (c), \"Ships and Shipping Database\"; query Elisif accessed April 30, 2009. This source quotes Gordon Newell, \"Maritime Events of 1929-1930,\" H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, p. 403.\n Tacoma Public Library (d), \"Ships and Shipping Database\"; query Nanuk accessed April 30, 2009. This source quotes Gordon Newell, \"Maritime Events of 1933,\" H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, p. 423.", "The Polar Times October 1938 p 17 \"Swenson, '14 hero of arctic, is found slain\"\n Thomas, Bob. (2001) \"Where did they come from and what did they look like? Part II\" The International Siberian Husky Club, NEWS, September/October.\n Thrapp, Dan L., (1991) \"Eielson, Carl Ben(jamin)\" Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography: A-F, U of Nebraska Press, , p456.\n Tichotsky, John (2000) Russia's diamond colony: the republic of Sakha Routledge, p 72", "Tichotsky, John (2000) Russia's diamond colony: the republic of Sakha Routledge, p 72\n United States Census 1880, 1900, Manistee, Michigan at Familysearch.org", "Washington digital archives. http://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/ (a) query Washington death records, Olaf Swenson, 1938. (b) query Washington death records, Marion Ferguson, 1951. Accessed April 10, 2009. (c) query King County marriage records, Olaf Swenson, 1904, accessed Jan 21, 2010. (d) query marriage records under \"Detailed Search\" Thomas Ferguson, Marion Swenson; accessed March 1, 2013. Wedding was Nov. 11, 1937 and Marjorie Swenson was a witness.", "West, Ellsworth Luce (1965) as told to Eleanor Ransom Mayhew. Captain's papers: a log of whaling and other sea experiences; Barre Publishers, Barre, MA", "Further reading\n Yarzutkina, Anastasia A. Trade on_the_Icy_Coasts. The management of_American traders in the settlements of Chukotka Native Inhabitants. Terra Sebus: Acta Musei Sabesiensis Special issue. Russian Studies. From the early Middle Ages to the Present Day. Sorin Armire, Cristian Ioan Popa, Maxim Trushin, eds. 2014, pp. 361-381", "Sablin, Ivan. Interactions and Elites in Late Pre-Soviet and Early Soviet Chukotka, 1900–1931 Social Evolution & History. 12(1) March 2013 (not a direct link; search title)\n Rytkheu, Yuri, trans. by Ilona Yazhbin Chavasse (fiction) A Dream in Polar Fog (Archipelago Books, 2006). \n Crichton, Clarke. Frozen-in! (Putnam, 1930) account of the 1929-30 voyage of the Nanuk\n Swenson, Olaf. Northwest of the world; forty years trading and hunting in northern Siberia (Dodd, Mead & Company, 1944 )", "External links\nAlaska archives photo of Marion and Olaf Swenson, North Cape, 1930 The accompanying caption lists this as March 1930 but it is either earlier or not at North Cape or both. The New York Times has Marion Swenson back in Seattle March 1.\nMaps useful in identifying locations in Northwest of the World:\n\nMap showing tribal locations with discussion of languages, Alaska and northeastern Siberia.\n\nNorthern Yakutsk map 1882\n\nSiberia map 1908", "Northern Yakutsk map 1882\n\nSiberia map 1908\n\n1883 births\n1938 deaths\nAmerican fur traders\n20th-century American memoirists\nAmerican people of Swedish descent\nAmerican people of Norwegian descent\nDog mushers from Alaska\nHistory of the Arctic\nHistory of the Russian Far East\nPeople of the Alaska Territory\nPeople from Manistee, Michigan\nBusinesspeople from Seattle\nShipwreck survivors\n20th-century American businesspeople\nDeaths by firearm in Washington (state)\nAmerican expatriates in the Russian Empire" ]
List of common misconceptions
[ "Each entry on this list of common misconceptions is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. These entries are concise summaries of the main subject articles, which can be consulted for more detail.", "A common misconception is a viewpoint or factoid that is often accepted as true but which is actually false. They generally arise from conventional wisdom (such as old wives' tales), stereotypes, superstitions, fallacies, a misunderstanding of science, or the popularization of pseudoscience. Some common misconceptions are also considered to be urban legends, and they are often involved in moral panics.\n\nArts and culture", "Business\n Federal legal tender laws in the United States do not state that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept cash for payment, though it must be regarded as valid payment for debts when tendered to a creditor.\n \n Adidas is not an acronym for \"All day I dream about sports\", \"All day I dream about soccer\", or \"All day I dream about sex\". The company was named after its founder Adolf \"Adi\" Dassler in 1949. The backronyms were jokes published in 1978 and 1981.", "The common image of Santa Claus (Father Christmas) as a jolly old man in red robes was not created by The Coca-Cola Company as an advertising gimmick. Santa Claus had already taken this form in American popular culture and advertising by the late 19th century, long before Coca-Cola used his image in the 1930s.", "The Chevrolet Nova sold very well in Latin American markets; General Motors did not need to rename the car. While no va does mean \"it doesn't go\" in Spanish, nova was easily understood to mean \"new\".\n Netflix was not founded after its co-founder Reed Hastings was charged a $40 late fee by Blockbuster. Hastings made the story up to summarize Netflix's value proposition, and Netflix's founders were actually inspired by Amazon.", "PepsiCo never owned the \"6th most powerful navy\" in the world after a deal with the Soviet Union. In a 1989 deal, estimated to be around 3 million dollars worth of Pepsi were bartered for 20 decommissioned warships which were immediately sold for scrap.", "Food and cooking\n Searing does not seal moisture in meat; in fact, it causes it to lose some moisture. Meat is seared to brown it, to affect its color, flavor, and texture.\n Twinkies, an American snack cake generally considered to be \"junk food\", have a shelf life of around 45 days, despite the common claim (usually facetious) that they remain edible for decades. Twinkies, with only sorbic acid as an added preservative, normally remain on a store shelf for 7 to 10 days.", "With the exception of some perishables, properly stored foods can safely be eaten past their \"expiration\" dates. The vast majority of expiration dates in the United States are regulated by state governments and refer to food quality, not safety; the \"use by\" date represents the last day the manufacturer warrants the quality of their product.", "Seeds are not the spicy part of chili peppers. In fact, seeds contain a low amount of capsaicin, one of several compounds which induce the hot sensation (pungency) in mammals. The highest concentration of capsaicin is located in the placental tissue (the pith) to which the seeds are attached.\n Turkey meat is not particularly high in tryptophan, and does not cause more drowsiness than other foods. Drowsiness after holiday meals such as Thanksgiving dinner generally comes from overeating.", "Banana-flavored candy was not intended to mimic the taste of a formerly popular variety of banana. It tastes different from bananas because it is mainly flavored with only one of the many flavors a banana has, isoamyl acetate.", "Food history\n \n Fortune cookies are not found in Chinese cuisine, despite their ubiquity in Chinese restaurants in the United States and other Western countries. They were invented in Japan and introduced to the US by the Japanese. In China, they are considered American, and are rare.", "Hydrox is not a knock-off of Oreos. Hydrox, invented in 1908, predates Oreos by four years and outsold it until the 1950s, when Oreos raised prices and the name \"Hydrox\" became increasingly unappealing due to sounding like a laundry detergent brand.", "George Washington Carver was not the inventor of peanut butter. Peanut butter was used by the Aztecs and Incans as early as the 15th century, and the first peanut butter-related patent was filed by John Harvey Kellogg in 1895. Carver did compile hundreds of uses for peanuts, soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes to promote his system of crop rotation. An opinion piece by William F. Buckley Jr. may have been the source of the misconception.", "Potato chips were not invented by a frustrated George Speck in response to a customer, sometimes given as Cornelius Vanderbilt, constantly complaining that his French fries were too thick and not salty enough. Recipes for potato chips existed in cookbooks as early as 1817. The misconception was popularized by a 1973 advertising campaign by the St. Regis Paper Company.", "Spices were not used in the Middle Ages to mask the flavor of rotten meat before refrigeration. Spices were an expensive luxury item; those who could afford them could afford good meat, and there are no contemporaneous documents calling for spices to disguise the taste of bad meat.\n Steak tartare was not invented by Mongol warriors who tenderized meat under their saddles. The dish originated in the early 20th century, in Europe, as a variation on the German-American Hamburg steak.", "Whipped cream was not invented by François Vatel at the Château de Chantilly in 1671; the recipe is attested at least a century earlier in Italy, but the name crème chantilly was only popularized in the 19th century.\n Catherine de' Medici and her entourage did not introduce Italian foods to the French royal court and thus create French haute cuisine.", "Microwave ovens\n Microwave ovens are not tuned to any specific resonance frequency for water molecules in the food, but rather produce a broad spectrum of frequencies, cooking food via dielectric heating of polar molecules, including water. Several absorption peaks for water lie within the microwave range, and while it is true that these peaks are caused by quantization of molecular energy levels corresponding to a single frequency, water absorbs radiation across the entire microwave spectrum.", "Microwave ovens do not cook food from the inside out. 2.45 GHz microwaves can only penetrate approximately into most foods. The inside portions of thicker foods are mainly heated by heat conducted from the outer portions.", "Microwave ovens do not cause cancer, as microwave radiation is non-ionizing and therefore does not have the cancer risks associated with ionizing radiation such as X-rays. No studies have found that microwave radiation causes cancer, even with exposure levels far greater than normal radiation leakage.\n Microwaving food does not reduce its nutritive value and may preserve it better than other cooking processes due to shorter cooking times.", "Film and television", "Ronald Reagan was never seriously considered for the role of Rick Blaine in the 1942 film classic Casablanca, eventually played by Humphrey Bogart. This belief came from an early studio press release announcing the film's production that used his name to generate interest in the film, but, by the time it had come out, Warner Bros. knew that Reagan was unavailable for any roles in the foreseeable future since he was no longer able to defer his entry into military service", ". Studio records show that producer Hal B. Wallis had always wanted Bogart for the part.", "Although it is considered the first modern zombie film, George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead did not identify the undead as zombies. Instead they were referred to as \"ghouls\". However, the undead were explicitly called \"zombies\" in the 1978 sequel Dawn of the Dead.", "Walt Disney Studios' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was not the first animated film to be feature-length. El Apóstol, a lost 1917 Argentine silent film that used cutout animation, is considered the first. The confusion comes from Snow White being the first animated feature-length film to use cel animation, which is what most animated films were made with following its release, and from El Apóstol'''s screenings being limited to select theaters in Buenos Aires.", "Language", "The pronunciation of coronal fricatives in Spanish did not arise through imitation of a lisping king. Only one Spanish king, Peter of Castile, is documented as having a lisp, and the current pronunciation originated two centuries after his death.\n Sign languages are not the same worldwide. Aside from the pidgin International Sign, each country generally has its own native sign language, and some have more than one.", "Eskimos do not have a disproportionate number of words representing snow in their languages. The myth comes from a misconstruction of Franz Boas' original statement noting that Eskimos had a variety of words for various snow-related concepts; Boas noted that the same was true to a lesser extent for English (see, for example, \"blizzard,\" \"flurry\" and \"squall\"). However, Eskimo languages do have many more root words for \"snow\" than English does", ". However, Eskimo languages do have many more root words for \"snow\" than English does.David Robson, New Scientist 2896, December 18 2012, Are there really 50 Eskimo words for snow?, \"Yet Igor Krupnik, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center in Washington DC believes that Boas was careful to include only words representing meaningful distinctions", ". Taking the same care with their own work, Krupnik and others have now charted the vocabulary of about 10 Inuit and Yupik dialects and conclude that there are indeed many more words for snow than in English (SIKU: Knowing Our Ice, 2010). Central Siberian Yupik has 40 such terms, whereas the Inuit dialect spoken in Nunavik, Quebec, has at least 53, including matsaaruti, wet snow that can be used to ice a sleigh's runners, and pukak, for the crystalline powder snow that looks like salt", ". For many of these dialects, the vocabulary associated with sea ice is even richer.\"", "The Hopi people do in fact have a concept of time, and the Hopi language does have ways of expressing temporal concepts, though they are organized differently from those in Western languages.", "The Chinese word for \"crisis\" (危机) is not composed of the symbols for \"danger\" and \"opportunity\"; the first does represent danger, but the second instead means \"inflection point\" (the original meaning of the word \"crisis\").a. \"The Straight Dope: Is the Chinese word for \"crisis\" a combination of \"danger\" and \"opportunity\"?\"\nb. The myth was perpetuated mainly by a campaign speech from John F. Kennedy.", "The word \"gringo\" did not originate during the Mexican–American War (1846–1848), the Venezuelan War of Independence (1811–1823), the Mexican Revolution (1910–1920), or from the American Old West (1865–1890) as a corruption of the English lyrics \"green grow\" in either \"Green Grow the Lilacs\" (Irish folk song) or \"Green Grow the Rushes, O\" (English folk song), as sung by US soldiers or cowboys; nor did it originate during any of these times as a corruption of \"Green, go home", "!\", in reference to either the green uniforms of American troops or the color of the U", ".S. dollar. The word originally simply meant \"foreigner\", and is probably a corruption of the Spanish word griego for \"Greek\" (along the lines of the idiom \"It's Greek to me\").", "English language", "Irregardless is a word.\"Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century... The most frequently repeated remark about it is that \"there is no such word.\" There is such a word, however.\" Merriam Webster Dictionary Nonstandard, slang, or colloquial terms used by English speakers are sometimes alleged not to be real words, despite appearing in numerous dictionaries", ". All words in English became accepted by being commonly used for a certain period of time; thus, there are many vernacular words currently not accepted as part of the standard language, or regarded as inappropriate in formal speech or writing, but the idea that they are not words is a misconception. Other examples of words that are sometimes alleged not to be words include burglarize, licit, and funnest which appear in numerous dictionaries as English words.", "African American Vernacular English speakers do not simply replace \"is\" with \"be\" across all tenses, with no added meaning. In fact, AAVE speakers use \"be\" to mark a habitual grammatical aspect not explicitly distinguished in Standard English.", "\"420\" did not originate from the Los Angeles police or penal code for marijuana use. California Penal Code section 420 prohibits the obstruction of access to public land. The use of \"420\" started in 1971 at San Rafael High School, where a group of students would go to smoke at 4:20 pm.", "The word crap did not originate as a back-formation of British plumber Thomas Crapper's aptronymous surname, nor does his name originate from the word crap. The surname \"Crapper\" is a variant of \"Cropper\", which originally referred to someone who harvested crops. The word crap ultimately comes from Medieval Latin crappa.", "The use of the word faggot as a pejorative for homosexual men was not derived from the burning of homosexuals at the stake with a bundle of sticks. Homosexuality was never punished with immolation in either England or its colonies. The actual etymology is unknown; it may come from an insult for unpleasant old women, or from British slang for a student that does errands for their superior.", "The word fuck did not originate in the Middle Ages as an acronym for either \"fornicating under consent of king\" or \"for unlawful carnal knowledge\", either as a sign posted above adulterers in the stocks, or as a sign on houses visible from the road during the Black Death. Nor did it originate as a corruption of \"pluck yew\" (an idiom falsely attributed to the English for drawing a longbow)", ". It is most likely derived from Middle Dutch or other Germanic languages, where it either meant \"to thrust\" or \"to copulate with\" (fokken in Middle Dutch), \"to copulate\" (fukka in Norwegian), or \"to strike, push, copulate\" or \"penis\" (focka and fock respectively in Swedish). Either way, these variations would have been derived from the Indo-European root word -peuk, meaning \"to prick\".", "The expression \"rule of thumb\" did not originate from an English law allowing a man to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb, and there is no evidence that such a law ever existed. The false etymology has been broadly reported in media including Time magazine (1983), The Washington Post (1989) and CNN (1993). The expression originates from the seventeenth century from various trades where quantities were measured by comparison to the width or length of a thumb.", "The word the was never pronounced or spelled \"ye\" in Old or Middle English. The confusion, seen in the common stock phrase \"ye olde\", derives from the use of the character thorn (þ), which in Middle English represented the sound now represented in Modern English by \"th\". Early printing presses often lacked types for the letter þ, meaning that \"þͤ\" () and \"þe\" were substituted with the visually similar \"yͤ\" and \"ye\", respectively.", "The anti-Italian slur wop did not originate from an acronym for \"without papers\" or \"without passport\"; it is actually derived from the term guappo (roughly meaning thug or \"dandy\"), from Spanish guapo.", "Xmas did not originate as a secular plan to \"take the Christ out of Christmas\". X represents the Greek letter chi, the first letter of Χριστός (Christós), \"Christ\" in Greek, as found in the chi-rho symbol ΧΡ since the 4th century. In English, \"X\" was first used as a scribal abbreviation for \"Christ\" in 1100; \"X'temmas\" is attested in 1551, and \"Xmas\" in 1721.", "Law, crime, and military\n It is not necessary to wait 24 hours before filing a missing person report. When there is evidence of violence or of an unusual absence, it is important to start an investigation promptly. The UK government advises \"You do not have to wait 24 hours before contacting the police.\" Criminology experts say the first 72 hours in a missing person investigation are the most critical.", "Twinkies were not claimed to be the cause of San Francisco mayor George Moscone's and supervisor Harvey Milk's murders. In the trial of Dan White, the defense successfully argued White's diminished capacity as a result of severe depression. While eating Twinkies was cited as evidence of this depression, it was never claimed to be the cause of the murders.", "The US Armed Forces have generally forbidden military enlistment as a form of deferred adjudication (that is, an option for convicts to avoid jail time) since the 1980s. US Navy protocols discourage the practice, while the other four branches have specific regulations against it.", "The United States does not require police officers to identify themselves as police in the case of a sting or other undercover work, and police officers may lie when engaged in such work. Claiming entrapment as a defense instead focuses on whether the defendant was induced by undue pressure (such as threats) or deception from law enforcement to commit crimes they would not have otherwise committed.", "Crime in the United States decreased between 1993 and 2017. The violent crime rate fell 49% in that period, and the number of gun homicides had decreased during that same time period.", "The First Amendment to the United States Constitution generally prevents only government restrictions on the freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, or petition, not restrictions imposed by private individuals or businesses unless they are acting on behalf of the government. Other laws may restrict the ability of private businesses and individuals to restrict the speech of others.", "It is not illegal in the US to shout \"fire\" in a crowded theater. Although this is often given as an example of speech that is not protected by the First Amendment, it is not now nor has it ever been the law of the land. The phrase originates from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919, which held that the defendant's speech in opposition to the draft during World War I was not protected free speech", ". However, that case was not about shouting \"fire\" and it was later overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969.", "Neither the Mafia nor other criminal organizations regularly use or have used cement shoes to drown their victims. There are only two documented cases of this method being used in murders: one in 1964 and one in 2016 (although, in the former, the victim had concrete blocks tied to his legs rather than being enclosed in cement). The French Army did use cement shoes on Algerians killed in death flights during the Algerian War.", "In the United States, a defendant may not have their case dismissed simply because they were not read their Miranda rights at the time of their arrest. Miranda warnings cover the rights of a person when they are taken into custody and then interrogated by law enforcement.Imwinkelried and Blinka, Criminal Evidentiary Foundations, 2d ed. (Lexis 2007) at 620", ".Imwinkelried and Blinka, Criminal Evidentiary Foundations, 2d ed. (Lexis 2007) at 620. If a person is not given a Miranda warning before the interrogation is conducted, statements made by them during the interrogation may not be admissible in a trial. The prosecution may still present other forms of evidence, or statements made during interrogations where the defendant was read their Miranda rights, to get a conviction.", "Chewing gum is not punishable by caning in Singapore. Although importing and selling chewing gum has been illegal in Singapore since 1992, and corporal punishment still being an applicable penalty for certain offenses in the country, the two facts are unrelated; chewing gum-related offenses have always been only subject to fines, and the possession or consumption of chewing gum itself is not illegal.", "Employees of the international police organization Interpol cannot conduct investigations, arrest criminals or use fake passports. They only provide support for international communication between law enforcement agencies of sovereign states.\n Chalk outlines in crime scenes are rare in modern investigations, despite being a popular trope in fiction.", "Literature", "Many quotations are incorrect or attributed to people who never uttered them, and quotations from obscure or unknown authors are often attributed to more famous figures. Commonly misquoted individuals include Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, William Shakespeare, Confucius, Sun Tzu, and the Buddha.", "Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein is named after the fictional scientist Victor Frankenstein, who created the sapient creature in the novel, not the creature itself, which is never named and is called Frankenstein's monster. However, as later adaptations started to refer to the monster itself as Frankenstein, this usage became well-established, and some no longer regard it as erroneous.", "Ernest Hemingway did not author the flash fiction story \"For sale: baby shoes, never worn\". The story existed as early as 1906, and it was not attributed to him until decades after he died.", "Music", "Classical music\n The musical interval tritone was never thought to summon the devil, was not banned by the Catholic Church, and was not associated with devils during the Middle Ages or Renaissance. Early medieval music used the tritone in Gregorian chant for certain modes. Guido of Arezzo () was the first theorist to discourage the interval, while rock musicians popularized this myth to justify their use of the tritone.", "Mozart did not die from poisoning, and was not poisoned by his colleague Antonio Salieri or anyone else. The false rumor originated soon after Salieri's death and was dramatized in Alexander Pushkin's play Mozart and Salieri (1832), and later in the 1979 play Amadeus by Peter Shaffer and the subsequent 1984 film Amadeus.", "The minuet in G major by Christian Petzold is commonly attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach, although the piece was identified in the 1970s as a movement from a harpsichord suite by Petzold. The misconception stems from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach, a book of sheet music by various composers (mostly Bach) in which the minuet is found. Compositions that are doubtful as works of Bach are cataloged as \"BWV Anh", ". Compositions that are doubtful as works of Bach are cataloged as \"BWV Anh.\", short for \"Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis Anhang\" (\"Bach works catalogue annex\"); the minuet is assigned to BWV Anh. 114.", "Listening to Mozart or classical music does not enhance intelligence (or IQ). A study from 1993 reported a short-term improvement in spatial reasoning., p. 611 defines the term as \"Slight and transient improvement in spational[sic] reasoning skills detected in normal subjects as a result of exposure to the music of Mozart, specifically his sonata for two pianos (K448)", ".\" However, the weight of subsequent evidence supports either a null effect or short-term effects related to increases in mood and arousal, with mixed results published after the initial report in Nature.", "The \"Minute Waltz\" takes, on average, two minutes to play as originally written. Its name comes from the adjective minute, meaning \"small\", and not the noun spelled the same.", "Popular music\n \"Edelweiss\" is not the national anthem of Austria, but an original composition created for the 1959 musical The Sound of Music. The Austrian national anthem is \"Land der Berge, Land am Strome\" (\"Land of the Mountains, Land on the River [Danube]\"). The edelweiss is also a national symbol of Austria.\n The Monkees did not outsell the Beatles' and the Rolling Stones' combined record sales in 1967. Michael Nesmith originated the claim in a 1977 interview as a prank.", "The Rolling Stones were not performing \"Sympathy for the Devil\" at the 1969 Altamont Free Concert when Meredith Hunter was stabbed to death by a member of the local Hells Angels chapter that was serving as security. While the incident began while the band was performing the song, prompting a brief interruption before the Stones finished it, the actual stabbing occurred later as the band was performing \"Under My Thumb\". The misconception arose from mistaken reporting in Rolling Stone.", "Concept albums did not begin with rock music in the 1960s. The format had already been employed by singers such as Frank Sinatra in the 1940s and 1950s.\n Phil Collins did not write his 1981 hit \"In the Air Tonight\" about witnessing someone drowning and then confronting the person in the audience who let it happen. According to Collins himself, it was about his emotions when divorcing from his first wife.", "Religion\nBuddhism\n The historical Buddha is not known to have been fat. The chubby monk known as the \"fat Buddha\" or \"laughing Buddha\" in the West is a 10th-century Chinese Buddhist folk hero by the name of Budai.", "Christianity\n Jesus was most likely not born on December 25, when his birth is traditionally celebrated as Christmas. It is more likely that his birth was in either the season of spring or perhaps summer. Although the Common Era ostensibly counts the years since the birth of Jesus, it is unlikely that he was born in either AD 1 or 1 BC, as such a numbering system would imply. Modern historians estimate a date closer to between 6 BC and 4 BC.", "The Bible does not say that exactly three magi came to visit the baby Jesus, nor that they were kings, or rode on camels, or that their names were Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, nor what color their skin was. Three magi are inferred because three gifts are described, but the Bible says only that there was more than one magus. Quote from Commentary on Matthew 2:1–6Ashby, Chad. \"Magi, Wise Men, or Kings? It's Complicated.\" Christianity Today, December 16, 2016.", "The idea that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute before she met Jesus is not found in the Bible or in any of the other earliest Christian writings. It has been a disputed doctrine in several theological traditions whether Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany (who anoints Jesus' feet in ), and the unnamed \"sinful woman\" who anoints Jesus' feet in were the same woman.", "Paul the Apostle did not change his name from Saul. He was born a Jew, with Roman citizenship inherited from his father, and thus carried both a Hebrew and a Greco-Roman name from birth, as mentioned by Luke in : \"...Saul, who also is called Paul...\".", "The Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception is unrelated to the Christian doctrine that Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus while remaining a virgin. The Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was free of original sin from the moment of her own conception. A less common mistake is to think that the Immaculate Conception means that Mary herself was conceived without sexual intercourse.Hopko, Thomas. The Winter Pascha Chapter 9, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America", "Roman Catholic dogma does not say that the pope is either sinless or always infallible. Catholic dogma since 1870 does state that a dogmatic teaching contained in divine revelation that is promulgated by the pope (deliberately, and under certain very specific circumstances; generally called ex cathedra) is free from error, although official invocation of papal infallibility is rare. Most theologians state that canonizations meet the requisites", ". Most theologians state that canonizations meet the requisites. Otherwise, even when speaking in his official capacity, dogma does not hold that he is always free from error.", "St. Peter's Basilica is not the mother church of Roman Catholicism, nor is it the official seat of the Pope. These equivalent distinctions belong to the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, which is located in Rome outside of Vatican City but over which the Vatican has extraterritorial jurisdiction. This also means that St. Peter's is not a cathedral in the literal sense of that word. St. Peter's is, however, used as the principal church for many papal functions.", "Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) no longer practice polygamy. However, a widower may be \"sealed\" to another wife, and is considered a polygamist in the hereafter. Currently, the LDS Church excommunicates any members who practice \"living\" polygamy within the organization. Some Mormon fundamentalist sects do practice polygamy.", "Saint Augustine did not say \"God created hell for inquisitive people\". He actually said: \"I do not give the answer that someone is said to have given (evading by a joke the force of the objection), 'He was preparing hell for those who pry into such deep subjects.' ... I do not answer in this way. I would rather respond, 'I do not know,' concerning what I do not know than say something for which a man inquiring about such profound matters is laughed at, while the one giving a false answer is praised", ".\" So Augustine is saying that he would not say this and that he does not know the answer to the question.", "The First Council of Nicaea did not establish the books of the Bible. The Old Testament had likely already been established by Hebrew scribes before Christ. The development of the New Testament canon was mostly completed in the third century before the Nicaea Council was convened in 325; it was finalized, along with the deuterocanon, at the Council of Rome in 382.", "Islam", "Most Muslim women do not wear a burqa (also transliterated as burka or burkha), which covers the body, head, and face, with a mesh grille to see through. Many Muslim women cover their hair and face (excluding the eyes) with a niqāb, or just their hair with a hijab and many Muslim women wear neither face nor head coverings of any kind.", "A fatwa is a non-binding legal opinion issued by an Islamic scholar under Islamic law; it is therefore commonplace for fatwā from different authors to disagree. The misconception that it is a death sentence stems from a fatwā issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran in 1989 where he said that the author Salman Rushdie had earned a death sentence for blasphemy.", "The word \"jihad\" does not always mean \"holy war\"; literally, the word in Arabic means \"struggle\". While there is such a thing as \"jihad bil saif\", or jihad \"by the sword\", Islamic scholars and texts say that it implies any effort or struggle of a spiritual kind", ". Seeking knowledge, performing good deeds to parents, children, or spouse, inviting others to Islam, and behaving gently towards animals and plants are all considered Jihad because they are efforts carried out in accordance with spiritual teachings.", "The Quran does not promise martyrs 72 virgins in heaven. It does mention that virgin female companions, houri, are given to all people, martyr or not, in heaven, but no number is specified. The source for the 72 virgins is a hadith in Sunan al-Tirmidhi by Imam Tirmidhi. Hadiths are sayings and acts of the prophet Muhammad as reported by others, not part of the Quran itself.", "Judaism\n\n The forbidden fruit mentioned in the Book of Genesis is never identified as an apple, as widely depicted in Western art. The original Hebrew texts mention only tree and fruit.\n While tattoos are forbidden by the Book of Leviticus, Jews with tattoos are not barred from being buried in a Jewish cemetery, just as violators of other prohibitions are not barred.", "Sports\n The name golf is not an acronym for \"Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden\". It may have come from the Dutch word kolf or kolve, meaning \"club\", or from the Scottish word goulf or gowf meaning \"to strike or cuff\".\n Baseball was not invented by Abner Doubleday, nor did it originate in Cooperstown, New York. It is believed to have evolved from other bat-and-ball games such as cricket and rounders and first took its modern form in New York City.", "The black belt in martial arts does not necessarily indicate expert level or mastery. It was introduced for judo in the 1880s to indicate competency at all of the basic techniques of the sport. Promotion beyond 1st dan (the first black belt rank) varies among different martial arts.", "The use of triangular corner flags in English football is not a privilege reserved for those teams that have won an FA Cup in the past as depicted in a scene in the film Twin Town. The Football Association's rules are silent on the subject, and often the decision over what shape flag to use has been up to the individual club's groundskeepers.", "India did not withdraw from the 1950 FIFA World Cup because their squad played barefoot, which was against FIFA regulations. In reality, India withdrew because the country's managing body, the All India Football Federation (AIFF), was insufficiently prepared for the team's participation and gave various reasons for withdrawing, including a lack of funding and prioritizing the Olympics.", "Video games\n There is no definitive proof that violent video games cause people to become violent. Some studies have found no link between aggression and violent video games, and the popularity of gaming has coincided with a decrease in youth violence. The moral panic surrounding video games in the 1980s through to the 2020s, alongside several studies and incidents of violence and legislation in many countries, likely contributed to proliferating this idea.", "The so-called \"Nuclear Gandhi\" glitch, in which peaceful leader Mahatma Gandhi would become unusually aggressive if democracy was adopted, did not exist in either the original Civilization game or Civilization II. The games' designer Sid Meier attributed the origins of the rumor to both a TV Tropes thread and a Know Your Meme entry, while Reddit and a Kotaku article helped popularize it", ". Gandhi's supposed behavior did appear in the 2010 Civilization V as a joke, and in 2016's VI as a reference to the legend.", "The Japanese government did not pass a law banning Square Enix from releasing the Dragon Quest games on weekdays due to its causing too many schoolchildren to cut class. The only extent of the government's involvement was that the National Diet held hearings over rises in muggings caused by the release of Dragon Quest III.", "The release of Space Invaders in 1978 did not cause a shortage of ¥100 coins in Japan. Production of ¥100 coins was unusually low that year and silver speculators hoarded or imported them for their high silver mix. Both an advertising campaign by Taito Corporation and an erroneous 1980 article in New Scientist is the source of this claim.", "History\nAncient", "The Pyramids of Egypt were not constructed with slave labor. Archaeological evidence shows that the laborers were a combination of skilled workers and poor farmers working in the off-season, the latter likely recruited for national service, with the participants paid in high-quality food and tax exemption status", ". The idea that slaves were used originated with the writings of ancient Greek historian Herodotus, and the idea that Israelite slaves were specifically used arose centuries after the pyramids were constructed.", "Ancient Greek and Roman sculptures were originally painted with colors; they appear white today only because the original pigments have deteriorated. Some well-preserved statues still bear traces of their original coloration.\n Tutankhamun's tomb is not inscribed with a curse on those who disturb it. This was a media invention of 20th-century tabloid journalists.", "The ancient Greeks did not use the word \"idiot\" () to disparage people who did not take part in civic life or who did not vote. An was simply a private citizen as opposed to a government official. Later, the word came to mean any sort of non-expert or layman, then someone uneducated or ignorant, and much later to mean stupid or mentally deficient.", "The Roman salute, in which the arm is fully extended forwards or diagonally with palm down and fingers touching, was not used in ancient Rome. The gesture was first associated with ancient Rome in the 1784 painting The Oath of the Horatii by the French artist Jacques-Louis David, which inspired later salutes, most notably the Nazi salute.", "Vomiting was not a regular part of Roman dining customs. In ancient Rome, the architectural feature called a vomitorium was the entranceway through which crowds entered and exited a stadium, not a special room used for purging food during meals.\n Scipio Aemilianus did not sow salt over the city of Carthage after defeating it in the Third Punic War.", "Julius Caesar was not born via caesarean section. Such a procedure would have been fatal to the mother at the time, and Caesar's mother was still alive when Caesar was 45 years old. The name \"caesarean\" probably comes from the Latin verb caedere 'to cut'.", "Middle Ages", "The Middle Ages were not \"a time of ignorance, barbarism and superstition\"; the Church did not place religious authority over personal experience and rational activity; and the term \"Dark Ages\" is rejected by modern historians.", "While modern life expectancies are much higher than those in the Middle Ages and earlier, adults in the Middle Ages did not die in their 30s or 40s on average. That was the life expectancy at birth, which was skewed by high infant and adolescent mortality. The life expectancy among adults was much higher; a 21-year-old man in medieval England, for example, could expect to live to the age of 64.", "There is no evidence that Viking warriors wore horns on their helmets; this would have been impractical in battle.\n Vikings did not drink out of the skulls of vanquished enemies. This was based on a mistranslation of the skaldic poetic use of ór bjúgviðum hausa (branches of skulls) to refer to drinking horns.", "Vikings did not name Iceland \"Iceland\" as a ploy to discourage others from settling it. Naddodd and Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson both saw snow and ice on the island when they traveled there, giving the island its name. Greenland, on the other hand, was named in the hope that it would help attract settlers.", "In the tale of King Canute and the tide, the king did not command the tide to reverse in a fit of delusional arrogance. According to the story, his intent was to prove a point to members of his privy council that no man is all-powerful, and that all people must bend to forces beyond their control, such as the tides.", "Marco Polo did not import pasta from China, a misconception that originated with the Macaroni Journal, published by an association of food industries to promote the use of pasta in the United States. Marco Polo describes a food similar to \"lasagna\" in his Travels, but he uses a term with which he was already familiar.", "There is no evidence that iron maidens were used for torture, or even yet invented, in the Middle Ages. Instead they were pieced together in the 18th century from several artifacts found in museums, arsenals and the like to create spectacular objects intended for commercial exhibition.", "Spiral staircases in castles were not designed in a clockwise direction to hinder right-handed attackers. While clockwise spiral staircases are more common in castles than anti-clockwise, they were even more common in medieval structures without a military role, such as religious buildings.", "The plate armor of European soldiers did not stop soldiers from moving around or necessitate a crane to get them into a saddle. They would routinely fight on foot and could mount and dismount without help. However, armor used in tournaments in the late Middle Ages was significantly heavier than that used in warfare, which may have contributed to this misconception.", "Whether chastity belts, devices designed to prevent women from having sexual intercourse, were invented in medieval times is disputed by modern historians. Most existing chastity belts are now thought to be deliberate fakes or anti-masturbatory devices from the 19th and early 20th centuries.", "Medieval European scholars did not believe the Earth was flat. Scholars have known the Earth is spherical since at least 500 BCE.", "Medieval cartographers did not regularly write \"here be dragons\" on their maps. The only maps from this era that have the phrase inscribed on them are the Hunt-Lenox Globe and the Ostrich Egg Globe, next to a coast in Southeast Asia for both of them. Maps instead were more likely to have \"here are lions\" inscribed. Maps in this period did occasionally have illustrations of mythical beasts like dragons and sea serpents, as well as exotic animals like elephants, on them.", "Christopher Columbus' efforts to obtain support for his voyages were not hampered by belief in a flat Earth, but by valid worries that the East Indies were farther than he realized. In fact, Columbus grossly underestimated the Earth's circumference because of two calculation errors. The myth that Columbus proved the Earth was round was propagated by authors like Washington Irving in A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.", "Christopher Columbus was not the first European to visit the Americas: Leif Erikson, and possibly other Vikings before him, explored Vinland, which is presumably both Newfoundland and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence as far as northeastern New Brunswick. Ruins at L'Anse aux Meadows prove that at least one Norse settlement was built in Newfoundland, confirming a story in the Saga of Erik the Red", ". Further, Columbus never reached mainland North America, only mainland South America (1498–1500) and various American islands.", "Early modern\n The Mexica people of the Aztec Empire did not mistake Hernán Cortés and his landing party for gods during Cortés' conquest of the empire. This notion came from Francisco López de Gómara, who never went to Mexico and concocted the myth while working for the retired Cortés in Spain years after the conquest.", "The early settlers of the Plymouth Colony in North America usually did not wear all black, and their capotains (hats) were shorter and rounder than the widely depicted tall hat with a buckle on it. Instead, their fashion was based on that of the late Elizabethan era. The traditional image was formed in the 19th century when buckles were a kind of emblem of quaintness. (The Puritans, who also settled in Massachusetts near the same time, did frequently wear all black.)", "The familiar story that Isaac Newton was inspired to research the nature of gravity when an apple fell on his head is almost certainly apocryphal. All Newton himself ever said was that the idea came to him as he sat \"in a contemplative mood\" and \"was occasioned by the fall of an apple\".", "People accused of witchcraft were not burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. Of the accused, nineteen people convicted of witchcraft were executed by hanging, at least five died in prison, and one man was pressed to death by stones while trying to extract a confession from him.", "Marie Antoinette did not say \"let them eat cake\" when she heard that the French peasantry were starving due to a shortage of bread. The phrase was first published in Rousseau's Confessions, written when Marie Antoinette was only nine years old and not attributed to her, just to \"a great princess\". It was first attributed to her in 1843.", "George Washington did not have wooden teeth. His dentures were made of lead, gold, hippopotamus ivory, the teeth of various animals, including horse and donkey teeth, and human teeth, possibly bought from slaves or poor people.", "The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence did not occur on July 4, 1776. After the Second Continental Congress voted to declare independence on July 2, the final language of the document was approved on July 4, and it was printed and distributed on July 4–5. However, the actual signing occurred on August 2, 1776.", "Benjamin Franklin did not propose that the wild turkey be used as the symbol for the United States instead of the bald eagle. While he did serve on a commission that tried to design a seal after the Declaration of Independence, his proposal was an image of Moses. His objections to the eagle as a national symbol and preference for the turkey were stated in a 1784 letter to his daughter in response to the Society of the Cincinnati's use of the former; he never expressed that sentiment publicly.", "There was never a bill to make German the official language of the United States that was defeated by one vote in the House of Representatives, nor has one been proposed at the state level. In 1794, a petition from a group of German immigrants was put aside on a procedural vote of 42 to 41, that would have had the government publish some laws in German", ". This was the basis of the Muhlenberg legend, named after the Speaker of the House at the time, Frederick Muhlenberg, who was of German descent and abstained from this vote.", "Modern", "Napoleon Bonaparte was not especially short for a Frenchman of his time. He was the height of an average French male in 1800, but short for an aristocrat or officer. After his death in 1821, the French emperor's height was recorded as 5 feet 2 inches in French feet, which in English measurements is . There are competing explanations for why he was nicknamed le Petit Caporal (The Little Corporal), one possibility being that the moniker was used as a term of endearment", ". Napoleon was often accompanied by his imperial guard, who were selected for their height, and this may have contributed to a perception that he was comparatively short.", "The nose of the Great Sphinx of Giza was not shot off by Napoleon's troops during the French campaign in Egypt (1798–1801); it has been missing since at least the 10th century. \n Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, but the celebration of the Mexican Army's victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Mexico's Declaration of Independence from Spain in 1810 is celebrated on September 16.", "Victorian-era doctors did not invent the vibrator to cure female \"hysteria\" by triggering orgasm.", "Albert Einstein did not fail mathematics classes in school. Einstein remarked, \"I never failed in mathematics.... Before I was fifteen I had mastered differential and integral calculus.\" Einstein did, however, fail his first entrance exam into the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School (ETH) in 1895, when he was two years younger than his fellow students, but scored exceedingly well in the mathematics and science sections, and then passed on his second attempt.", "Alfred Nobel did not omit mathematics in the Nobel Prize due to a rivalry with mathematician Gösta Mittag-Leffler, as there is little evidence the two ever met, nor was it because Nobel's spouse had an affair with a mathematician, as Nobel was never married. The more likely explanation is that Nobel believed mathematics was too theoretical to benefit humankind, as well as his personal lack of interest in the field. (See also: Nobel Prize controversies)", "Grigori Rasputin was not assassinated by being fed cyanide-laced cakes and wine, shot multiple times, and then thrown into the Little Nevka river when he survived the former two. A contemporary autopsy reported that he was just killed with gunshots. A sensationalized account from the memoirs of co-conspirator Prince Felix Yusupov is the only source of this story.", "The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini did not \"make the trains run on time\". Much of the repair work had been performed before he and the Fascist Party came to power in 1922. Moreover, the Italian railways' supposed adherence to timetables was more propaganda than reality.", "There is no evidence of Polish cavalry mounting a brave but futile charge against German tanks using lances and sabers during the German invasion of Poland in 1939. This story may have originated from German propaganda efforts following the charge at Krojanty.", "The Nazis did not use the term \"Nazi\" to refer to themselves. The full name of the Nazi Party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party), and members referred to themselves as Nationalsozialisten (National Socialists) or Parteigenossen (party comrades). The term \"Nazi\" was in use prior to the rise of the Nazis as a colloquial and derogatory word for a backwards farmer or peasant", ". Opponents of the National Socialists abbreviated their name as \"Nazi\" for derogatory effect and the term was popularized by German exiles outside of Germany.", "During the occupation of Denmark by the Nazis during World War II, King Christian X of Denmark did not thwart Nazi attempts to identify Jews by wearing a yellow star himself. Jews in Denmark were never forced to wear the Star of David. The Danish resistance did help most Jews flee the country before the end of the war.", "Leon Trotsky was not killed with an ice pick (a small, awl-like tool for chipping ice), but with an ice axe (a larger tool used for mountaineering).", "US President John F. Kennedy's words \"\" are standard German for \"I am a Berliner (citizen of Berlin).\" It is not true that by using the indefinite article ein, he changed the meaning of the sentence from the intended \"I am a citizen of Berlin\" to \"I am a Berliner\", a Berliner being a type of German pastry, similar to a jelly doughnut, amusing Germans. Furthermore, the pastry, which is known by many names in Germany, was not then — nor is it now — commonly called \"Berliner\" in the Berlin area.", "Although popularly known as the \"red telephone\", the Moscow–Washington hotline was never a telephone line, nor were red phones used. The first implementation of the hotline used teletype equipment, which was replaced by facsimile (fax) machines in 1988. Since 2008, the hotline has been a secure computer link over which the two countries exchange email. Moreover, the hotline links the Kremlin to the Pentagon, not the White House.", "The Irish Northern Aid Committee, better known as NORAID, based in the United States, was routinely accused of being majorly responsible for the terrorism financing of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) in Northern Ireland and England during the Troubles (1969–1998)", ". However, there is little to no evidence to support this, and much of the IRA's funding actually came from criminal and semi-legitimate activities in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland throughout the conflict (see Paramilitary finances in the Troubles).", "Not all skinheads are white supremacists; many skinheads identify as left-wing or apolitical, and many oppose racism, such as the Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Originating from the 1950s British working class, many of its initial adherents were black and West Indian; it became associated with white supremacy in the 1970s as a result of far-right groups like the National Front recruiting from the subculture for grassroot support.", "United States\n\n Betsy Ross did not design or make the first official U.S. flag, although it is widely known as the Betsy Ross flag. The claim was first made by her grandson a century later.", "The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves in the United States, nor did it make slavery illegal in the United States; the Proclamation applied in the ten states that were still in rebellion in 1863, and thus did not cover the nearly five hundred thousand slaves in the slaveholding border states (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland or Delaware) that had not seceded", ". Various exemptions in the Proclamation for Tennessee, Virginia, and Louisiana left an additional three hundred thousand slaves unemancipated. Such slaves were freed later by separate state and federal actions.Harrison (2001), Lawfulness of the Reconstruction Amendments, p. 390. (See also: Abolition of slavery timeline)", "Likewise, June 19 or \"Juneteenth\" is the anniversary of the announcement that the Union army would be enforcing the Emancipation Proclamation on June 19, 1865, freeing slaves in Texas, not the United States at large. The Thirteenth Amendment, ratified and proclaimed in December 1865, was the article that made slavery illegal in the United States nationwide.", "Abraham Lincoln did not write his Gettysburg Address speech on the back of an envelope on his train ride to Gettysburg. The speech was substantially complete before Lincoln left Washington for Gettysburg.", "The Alaska Purchase was generally viewed as positive or neutral in the United States, both among the public and the press. The opponents of the purchase who characterized it as \"Seward's Folly\", alluding to William H. Seward, the Secretary of State who negotiated it, represented a minority opinion at the time.", "Cowboy hats were not initially popular in the Western American frontier, with derby or bowler hats being the typical headgear of choice. Heavy marketing of the Stetson \"Boss of the Plains\" model in the years following the American Civil War was the primary driving force behind the cowboy hat's popularity, with its characteristic dented top not becoming standard until near the end of the 19th century.", "The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 was not caused by Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicking over a lantern. A newspaper reporter later admitted to having invented the story to make colorful copy.", "There is no evidence that Frederic Remington, on assignment to Cuba in 1897, telegraphed William Randolph Hearst: \"There will be no war. I wish to return,\" nor that Hearst responded: \"Please remain. You furnish the pictures, and I'll furnish the war\". The anecdote was originally included in a book by James Creelman and probably never happened.", "The electrocution of Topsy the Elephant was not an anti-alternating current demonstration organized by Thomas A. Edison during the war of the currents. Edison was never at Luna Park, and the electrocution of Topsy took place ten years after the war of currents. This myth may stem from the fact that the recording of the event was produced by the Edison film company.", "Immigrants' last names were not Americanized (voluntarily, mistakenly, or otherwise) upon arrival at Ellis Island. Officials there kept no records other than checking ship manifests created at the point of origin, and there was simply no paperwork that would have let them recast surnames, let alone any law. At the time in New York, anyone could change the spelling of their name simply by using that new spelling. These names are often referred to as an \"Ellis Island Special\".", "Prohibition did not make drinking alcohol illegal in the United States. The Eighteenth Amendment and the subsequent Volstead Act prohibited the production, sale, and transport of \"intoxicating liquors\" within the United States, but their possession and consumption were never outlawed.", "Distraught stockbrokers did not jump to their deaths after the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The source of this myth seems to be Winston Churchill's account of a man jumping off the Savoy-Plaza Hotel, just one floor below where Churchill was staying. In fact, he was a German tourist, and his fall was reported as accidental.\n The 1930 painting American Gothic depicts a father and adult daughter, not a husband and wife as is commonly believed.", "There was no widespread outbreak of panic across the United States in response to Orson Welles' 1938 radio adaptation of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds. Only a very small share of the radio audience was listening to it, but newspapers played up isolated reports of incidents and increased emergency calls being eager to discredit radio as a competitor for advertising", ". Both Welles and CBS, which had initially reacted apologetically, later came to realize that the myth benefited them and actively embraced it in later years.", "American pilot Kenneth Arnold did not use the term flying saucer when describing a 1947 UFO sighting at Mount Rainier, Washington. Kenneth frequently maintained he was misquoted, and The East Oregonian, the first newspaper to report on the incident, merely quoted him as saying the objects \"flew like a saucer\" and were \"flat like a pie pan\"", ". The attribution may have come from a reporter at the United Press International misinterpreting his descriptions, with newspapers and news agencies like the Associated Press subsequently using \"flying saucers\" in sensationalist headlines.", "U.S. Senator George Smathers never gave a speech to a rural audience describing his opponent, Claude Pepper, as an \"extrovert\" whose sister was a \"thespian\", in the apparent hope they would confuse them with similar-sounding words like \"pervert\" and \"lesbian\". Smathers offered US$10,000 to anyone who could prove he had made the speech; it was never claimed.", "Rosa Parks was not sitting in the front (\"white\") section of the bus during the event that made her famous and incited the Montgomery bus boycott. Rather, she was sitting in the front of the back (\"colored\") section of the bus, where African Americans were expected to sit, and rejected an order from the driver to vacate her seat in favor of a white passenger when the \"white\" section of the bus had become full.", "The African-American intellectual and activist W. E. B. Du Bois did not renounce his U.S. citizenship while living in Ghana shortly before his death.a. \nb.", "b. \nc. In early 1963, his membership in the Communist Party and support for the Soviet Union led the U.S. State Department not to renew his passport while he was already in Ghana. After leaving the embassy, he stated his intention to renounce his citizenship in protest, but while he took Ghanaian citizenship, he never actually renounced his American citizenship.", "When Kitty Genovese was murdered outside her apartment in 1964, there were not 37 neighbors standing idly by and watching who failed to call the police until after she was dead, as was initially reported to widespread public outrage that persisted for years and even became the basis of a theory in social psychology. In fact, witnesses only heard brief portions of the attack and did not realize what was occurring, and only six or seven actually saw anything", ". One witness, who had called the police, said when interviewed by officers at the scene, \"I didn't want to get involved\", an attitude later attributed to all the neighbors.", "While it was praised by one architectural magazine before it was built as \"the best high apartment of the year\", the Pruitt–Igoe housing project in St. Louis, Missouri, considered to epitomize the failures of urban renewal in American cities after it was demolished in the early 1970s, never won any awards for its design. The architectural firm that designed the buildings did win an award for an earlier St. Louis project, which may have been confused with Pruitt–Igoe.", "There is little contemporary documentary evidence for the notion that US Vietnam veterans were spat upon by anti-war protesters upon return to the United States. This belief was detailed in some biographical accounts and was later popularized by films such as Rambo.", "Women did not burn their bras outside the Miss America contest in 1969 as a protest in support of women's liberation. They did symbolically throw bras in a trash can, along with other articles seen as emblematic of women's position in American society such as mops, make-up, and high-heeled shoes. The myth of bra burning came when a journalist hypothetically suggested that women may do so in the future, as men of the era burned their draft cards.", "Despite popularizing the phrase \"drinking the Kool-Aid\", Kool-Aid was not used for the potassium cyanide-fruit punch mix ingested as part of the Jonestown massacre. A similar product, Flavor-Aid, was used instead.", "Science, technology, and mathematics", "Astronomy and spaceflight\n There is no scientific evidence that the motion of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies influences the fates of humans, and astrology has repeatedly been shown to have no explanatory power in predicting future events.", "Astronauts in orbit are weightless because they are in free fall around the Earth, not because they are so far away from the Earth that its gravitational pull is negligible. For example, on the International Space Station the Earth's gravity is nearly 90% as strong as at the surface. Objects orbiting in space would not remain in orbit if not for the gravitational force, and gravitational fields extend even into the depths of intergalactic space.\"The G's in the Machine\" , NASA, see \"Editor's note #2\"", "The \"dark side of the Moon\" receives about the same amount of light from the Sun as does the near side of the Moon. Describing the far side of the Moon as \"dark\" does not mean that it never receives light, but rather that it had never been seen until humans sent spacecraft around the Moon, since the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth due to tidal locking.", "Black holes have the same gravitational effects as any other equal mass in their place. They will draw objects nearby towards them, just as any other celestial body does, except at very close distances to the black hole; comparable to its Schwarzschild radius. If, for example, the Sun were replaced by a black hole of equal mass, the orbits of the planets would be essentially unaffected", ". A black hole can pull in a substantial inflow of surrounding matter, but only if the star from which it formed was already doing so.", "Seasons are not caused by the Earth being closer to the Sun in the summer than in the winter, but by the effects of Earth's 23.4-degree axial tilt. Each hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun in its respective summer (July in the Northern Hemisphere and January in the Southern Hemisphere), resulting in longer days and more direct sunlight, with the opposite being true in the winter", ". Earth reaches the point in its orbit closest to the Sun in January, and it reaches the point farthest from the Sun in July, so the slight contribution of orbital eccentricity opposes the temperature trends of the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. Orbital eccentricity can influence temperatures, but on Earth, this effect is small and is more than counteracted by other factors.", "When a meteor or spacecraft enters the atmosphere, the heat of entry is not primarily caused by friction, but by adiabatic compression of air in front of the object.\n Egg balancing is possible on every day of the year, not just the vernal equinox, and there is no relationship between any astronomical phenomenon and the ability to balance an egg.", "The Fisher Space Pen was not commissioned by NASA at a cost of millions of dollars, while the Soviets used pencils. It was independently developed by Paul C. Fisher, founder of the Fisher Pen Company, with $1 million of his own funds. NASA tested and approved the pen for space use, then purchased 400 pens at $6 per pen. The Soviet Union subsequently also purchased the Space Pen for its Soyuz spaceflights.", "Tang, Velcro, and Teflon were not spun off from technology originally developed by NASA for spaceflight, though many other products (such as memory foam and space blankets) were.\n The Sun is actually white rather than yellow. It is atmospheric scattering that causes the Sun to look yellow, orange, or red at sunrise and sunset.", "The Great Wall of China is not the only human-made object visible from space or from the Moon. None of the Apollo astronauts reported seeing any specific human-made object from the Moon, and even Earth-orbiting astronauts can see it only with magnification. City lights, however, are easily visible on the night side of Earth from orbit.", "The Big Bang model does not fully explain the origin of the universe. It does not describe how energy, time, and space were caused, but rather it describes the emergence of the present universe from an ultra-dense and high-temperature initial state.", "Biology", "Biologists currently recognize more than twenty kingdoms of life. Although it has traditionally been taught that there are three, four, five, six, or eight kingdoms of life, modern molecular evidence shows that there are a large number of high-level divisions in the tree of life, and that kingdoms like plants and animals are not among the highest biological ranks. Some taxonomists have moved away from using kingdoms altogether, since some traditional kingdoms are no longer seen as natural groups.", "Vertebrates\n Old elephants near death do not leave their herd to go to an \"elephants' graveyard\" to die.", "Bulls are not enraged by the color red, used in capes by professional matadors. Cattle are dichromats, so red does not stand out as a bright color. It is not the color of the cape, but the perceived threat by the matador that incites it to charge.", "Lemmings do not engage in mass suicidal dives off cliffs when migrating. The scenes of lemming suicides in the 1958 Disney documentary film White Wilderness, which popularized this idea, were completely fabricated. The misconception itself is much older, dating back to at least the late 19th century, though its exact origins are uncertain.", "Dogs do not sweat by salivating. Dogs actually do have sweat glands and not only on their tongues; they sweat mainly through their footpads. However, dogs do primarily regulate their body temperature through panting. (See also: Dog regulation)", "Dogs do not consistently age seven times as quickly as humans. Aging in dogs varies widely depending on the breed; certain breeds, such as giant dog breeds and English bulldogs, have much shorter lifespans than average. Most dogs age consistently across all breeds in the first year of life, reaching adolescence by one year old; smaller and medium-sized breeds begin to age more slowly in adulthood.", "The phases of the Moon have no effect on the vocalizations of wolves, and wolves do not howl at the Moon. Wolves howl to assemble the pack usually before and after hunts, to pass on an alarm particularly at a den site, to locate each other during a storm, while crossing unfamiliar territory, and to communicate across great distances.", "There is no such thing as an \"alpha\" in a wolf pack. An early study that coined the term \"alpha wolf\" had only observed unrelated adult wolves living in captivity. In the wild, wolf packs operate like families: parents are in charge until the young grow up and start their own families, and younger wolves do not overthrow an \"alpha\" to become the new leader.", "Bats are not blind. While about 70% of bat species, mainly in the microbat family, use echolocation to navigate, all bat species have eyes and are capable of sight. In addition, almost all bats in the megabat or fruit bat family cannot echolocate and have excellent night vision.", "Contrary to the apologue about the boiling frog, frogs die immediately when cast into boiling water, rather than leaping out; furthermore, frogs will attempt to escape cold water that is slowly heated past their critical thermal maximum.\n The memory span of goldfish is much longer than just a few seconds. It is up to a few months long.. 2004 season, Episode 12. MythBusters. Discovery.com. February 22, 2004.", "Sharks can get cancer. The misconception that sharks do not get cancer was spread by the 1992 book Sharks Don't Get Cancer, which was used to sell extracts of shark cartilage as cancer prevention treatments. Reports of carcinomas in sharks exist, and current data do not support any conclusions about the incidence of tumors in sharks.", "Great white sharks do not mistake human divers for seals, nor other pinnipeds. When attacking pinnipeds, the shark surfaces quickly and attacks violently. In contrast, attacks on humans are slower and less violent: the shark charges at a normal pace, bites, and swims off. Great white sharks have efficient eyesight and color vision; the bite is not predatory, but rather for identification of an unfamiliar object.", "Snake jaws cannot unhinge. The posterior end of the lower jaw bones contains a quadrate bone, allowing jaw extension. The anterior tips of the lower jaw bones are joined by a flexible ligament allowing them to bow outwards, increasing the mouth gape.", "Tomato juice and tomato sauce are ineffective at neutralizing the odor of a skunk; it only appears to work due to olfactory fatigue. For dogs that get sprayed, the Humane Society of the United States recommends using a mixture of dilute hydrogen peroxide (3%), baking soda, and dishwashing liquid.\n Porcupines do not shoot their quills. They can detach, and porcupines will deliberately back into attackers to impale them, but their quills do not project.", "Mice do not have a special appetite for cheese, and will eat it only for lack of better options; they actually favor sweet, sugary foods. The myth may have come from the fact that before the advent of refrigeration, cheese was usually stored outside and was therefore an easy food for mice to reach.", "There is no credible evidence that the candiru, a South American parasitic catfish, can swim up a human urethra if one urinates in the water in which it lives. The sole documented case of such an incident, written in 1997, has been heavily criticized upon peer review, and this phenomenon is now largely considered a myth.", "Pacus, South American fish related to piranhas, do not attack or feed on human testicles. This myth originated from a misinterpreted joke in a 2013 report of a pacu being found in Øresund, the strait between Sweden and Denmark, which claimed that the fish ate \"nuts\".", "Piranhas do not eat only meat but are omnivorous, and they only swim in schools to defend themselves from predators and not to attack. They very rarely attack humans, only when under stress and feeling threatened, and even then, bites typically only occur on hands and feet.\n The hippopotamus does not produce pink milk. Hipposudoric acid, a red pigment found in hippo skin secretions, does not affect the color of their milk, which is white or beige.", "The Pacific tree frog is the only frog species that makes a \"ribbit\" sound. The misconception that all frogs, or at least all those found in North America, make this sound comes from its extensive use in Hollywood films.", "A human touching or handling eggs or baby birds will not cause the adult birds to abandon them. The same is generally true for other animals having their young touched by humans as well, with the possible exception of rabbits (as rabbits will sometimes abandon their nest after an event they perceive as traumatizing).", "Rice does not cause birds to die by inflating their stomachs until they burst. Birds do eat wild rice, though some species avoid it. This common misconception has often led to weddings using millet, confetti, or other materials to shower the newlyweds as they leave the ceremony, instead of the throwing of rice that is traditional in some places.", "The bold, powerful cry commonly associated with the bald eagle in popular culture is actually that of a red-tailed hawk. Bald eagle vocalizations are much softer and chirpier, and bear far more resemblance to the calls of gulls.", "Ostriches do not stick their heads in the sand to hide from enemies or to sleep. This misconception's origins are uncertain but it was probably popularized by Pliny the Elder (23–79 CE), who wrote that ostriches \"imagine, when they have thrust their head and neck into a bush, that the whole of their body is concealed\".", "A duck's quack actually does echo, although the echo may be difficult to hear for humans under some circumstances. Despite this, a British panel show compiling interesting facts has been given the name Duck Quacks Don't Echo.", "60 common starlings were released in 1890 into New York's Central Park by Eugene Schieffelin, but there is no evidence that he was trying to introduce every bird species mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare into North America. This claim has been traced to an essay in 1948 by naturalist Edwin Way Teale, whose notes appear to indicate that it was speculation.\n The skin of a chameleon is not adapted solely for camouflage purposes, nor can a chameleon change its skin colour to match any background.", "Invertebrates\n Not all earthworms become two worms when cut in half. Only a limited number of earthworm species are capable of anterior regeneration.\n Houseflies have an average lifespan of 20 to 30 days, not 24 hours. The misconception may arise from confusion with mayflies, which, in one species, have an adult lifespan of as little as 5 minutes.", "The daddy longlegs spider (Pholcidae) is not the most venomous spider in the world. Their fangs are capable of piercing human skin, but the tiny amount of venom they carry causes only a mild burning sensation for a few seconds. Other species such as harvestmen, crane flies, and male mosquitoes are also called daddy longlegs in some regional dialects, and share the misconception of being highly venomous but unable to pierce the skin of humans.", "People do not swallow large numbers of spiders during sleep. A sleeping person makes noises that warn spiders of danger. Most people also wake up from sleep when they have a spider on their face.\n\n Female praying mantises do not always eat the males during mating, which is a practice rarely observed in the wild.", "It is not true that aerodynamic theory predicts that bumblebees should not be able to fly; the physics of insect flight is quite well understood. The misconception appears to come from a calculation based on a fixed-wing aircraft mentioned in a 1934 book.", "Earwigs are not known to purposely climb into external ear canals, though there have been anecdotal reports of earwigs being found in the ear. The name may be a reference to the appearance of the hindwings, which are unique and distinctive among insects, and resemble a human ear when unfolded.", "While certainly critical to the pollination of many plant species, European honey bees are not essential to human food production, despite claims that without their pollination, humanity would starve or die out \"within four years\". In fact, many important crops need no insect pollination at all. The ten most important crops, accounting for 60% of all human food energy, all fall into this category.", "Ticks do not jump or fall from trees onto their hosts. Instead, they lie in wait to grasp and climb onto any passing host or otherwise trace down hosts via, for example, olfactory stimuli, the host's body heat, or carbon dioxide in the host's breath.\n Though they are often called \"white ants\", termites are not ants, nor are they closely related to ants. Termites are actually highly derived eusocial cockroaches.", "Cockroaches would not be the only organisms capable of surviving in an environment contaminated with nuclear fallout. While cockroaches have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates, they are not immune to radiation poisoning, nor are they exceptionally radiation-resistant compared to other insects. \n Applying urine to jellyfish stings does not relieve pain. A centuries-old old wives' tale, the idea may have been popularized by an episode of Friends.", "Plants\n Carnivorous plants do survive without food. Catching insects, however, supports their growth.\n Poinsettias are not highly toxic to humans or cats. While it is true that they are mildly irritating to the skin or stomach, and may sometimes cause diarrhea and vomiting if eaten, they rarely cause serious medical problems.", "Sunflowers do not always point to the Sun. Flowering sunflowers face a fixed direction (often east) all day long, but do not necessarily face the Sun. However, in an earlier developmental stage, before the appearance of flower heads, the immature buds do track the Sun (a phenomenon called heliotropism), and the fixed alignment of the mature flowers toward a certain direction is often the result.", "Mushrooms, molds, and other fungi are not plants, despite similarities in their morphology and lifestyle. The historical classification of fungi as plants is defunct, and although they are still commonly included in botany curricula and textbooks, modern molecular evidence shows that fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants.", "Evolution and paleontology", "The word theory in \"the theory of evolution\" does not imply scientific doubt regarding its validity; the concepts of theory and hypothesis have specific meanings in a scientific context. While theory in colloquial usage may denote a hunch or conjecture, a scientific theory is a set of principles that explains an observable phenomenon in natural terms. \"Scientific fact and theory are not categorically separable\", and evolution is a theory in the same sense as germ theory or the theory of gravitation.", "The theory of evolution does not attempt to explain the origin of life or the origin and development of the universe. The theory of evolution deals primarily with changes in successive generations over time after life has already originated. The scientific model concerned with the origin of the first organisms from organic or inorganic molecules is known as abiogenesis, and the prevailing theory for explaining the early development of the universe is the Big Bang model.", "Evolution is not a progression from inferior to superior organisms, and it also does not necessarily result in an increase in complexity. Evolution through natural selection only causes organisms to become more fit for their environment. A population can evolve to become simpler or to have a smaller genome, and atavistic ancestral genetic traits can reappear after having been lost through evolutionary change in previous generations", ". Biological devolution or de-evolution is a misnomer, not only because it implies that organisms can only evolve backward or forward, but also because it implies that evolution may cause organisms to evolve in the \"wrong\" direction. see also biological devolution.", "The phrase \"survival of the fittest\" refers to biological fitness, not physical fitness. Biological fitness is the quantitative measure of individual reproductive success, e.g. the tendency of lineages containing individuals that produce more offspring in a particular environment to persist and thrive in that environment", ". Further, while the related concepts of \"survival of the fittest\" and \"natural selection\" are often used interchangeably, they are not the same: natural selection is not the only form of selection that determines biological fitness (see sexual selection, fecundity selection, viability selection, and artificial selection).Hartl, D. L. (1981) A Primer of Population Genetics", "Evolution does not \"plan\" to improve an organism's fitness to survive. This misconception is encouraged as it is common shorthand for biologists to speak of a purpose as a concise form of expression (sometimes called the \"metaphor of purpose\"); it is less cumbersome to say \"Dinosaurs may have evolved feathers for courtship\" than \"Feathers may have been selected for when they arose as they gave dinosaurs a selective advantage during courtship over their non-feathered rivals\".", "Mutations are not entirely random, nor do they occur at the same frequency everywhere in the genome. Certain regions of an organism's genome will be more or less likely to undergo mutation depending on the presence of DNA repair mechanisms and other mutation biases. For instance, in a study on Arabidopsis thaliana, biologically important regions of the plant's genome were found to be protected from mutations, and beneficial mutations were found to be more likely, i.e", ".e. mutation was \"non-random in a way that benefits the plant\".", "Although the word dinosaur can be used pejoratively to describe something that is becoming obsolete due to failing to adapt to changing conditions, non-avian dinosaurs themselves did not go extinct due to an inability to adapt to environmental change as was initially theorized. Moreover, not all dinosaurs are extinct (see below).", "Birds are theropod dinosaurs, and consequently dinosaurs are not extinct. The word dinosaur is commonly used to refer only to non-avian dinosaurs, reflecting an outdated conception of the ancestry of avian dinosaurs, the birds. The evolutionary origin of birds was an open question in paleontology for over a century, but the modern scientific consensus is that birds evolved from small feathered theropods in the Jurassic", ". Not all dinosaur lineages were cut short at the end of the Cretaceous during the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, and some avian theropods survive as part of the modern fauna.", "Mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and other aquatic Mesozoic diapsids were not dinosaurs. Despite their many cultural depictions as \"swimming dinosaurs\", mosasaurs were actually lizards, and ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs were even more distantly related to dinosaurs. Though some dinosaurs were or are semiaquatic, (Hesperornis, Spinosaurus, auks, penguins), none are known to have been fully marine.", "Dimetrodon is often mistakenly called a dinosaur or considered to be a contemporary of dinosaurs in popular culture, but it became extinct some 40 million years before the first appearance of dinosaurs. Being a synapsid, Dimetrodon is actually more closely related to mammals than to dinosaurs, birds, lizards, or other diapsids.", "Pterosaurs (sometimes referred to using the informal term pterodactyls) are often called \"flying dinosaurs\" by popular media and the general public, but while pterosaurs were closely related to dinosaurs, dinosaurs are defined as the descendants of the last common ancestor of the Saurischia and the Ornithischia, which excludes the pterosaurs.", "Humans and avian dinosaurs currently coexist, but humans and non-avian dinosaurs did not coexist at any point. The last of the non-avian dinosaurs died million years ago in the course of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, whereas the earliest members of the genus Homo (humans) evolved between 2.3 and 2.4 million years ago. This places a 63-million-year expanse of time between the last non-avian dinosaurs and the earliest humans", ". Humans did coexist with woolly mammoths and saber-toothed cats: extinct mammals often erroneously depicted alongside non-avian dinosaurs.", "Fossil fuels do not originate from dinosaur fossils. Petroleum is formed when algae and zooplankton die and sink in anoxic conditions to be buried on the ocean floor without being decomposed by aerobic bacteria, and only a tiny amount of the world's deposits of coal contain dinosaur fossils; the vast majority of coal is fossilized plant matter.", "Mammals did not evolve from any modern group of reptiles; rather, mammals descend from a Reptiliomorph, \"reptile-like,\" ancestor. The term reptile is problematic, since its conventional usage unnaturally excludes birds and mammals, and the modern consensus is that the reptiles are not a natural group", ". After the first fully terrestrial tetrapods evolved, one of their lineages split into the synapsids (the line leading to mammals) and the diapsids (the line leading to crocodiles, birds and other dinosaurs, tuatara, lizards, and snakes). The synapsids and the diapsids diverged about 320 million years ago, in the mid-Carboniferous period. Only later, in the Triassic, did the modern diapsid groups (the lepidosaurs and the archosaurs) emerge and diversify", ". The mammals themselves are the only survivors of the synapsid line.", "Humans and other apes are Old World monkeys. The word monkey is often used colloquially to describe only those simians which possess tails, thus excluding Barbary apes and true apes, but this distinction is taxonomically invalid. While apes were traditionally thought to be a sister group to monkeys, modern paleontological and molecular evidence shows that apes are deeply nested within the monkey family tree", ". Old World monkeys like baboons are more closely related to all apes than they are to all New World monkeys, and extinct Old World monkeys like Aegyptopithecus predate the split between apes and all other extant Old World monkeys.a.", "b. \nc. \nd. \ne. \nf. There is a concerted social and religious effort to deny evidence which connects humans to their simian ancestors, but there is no way to naturally define the monkeys while excluding humans and other apes.", "Humans did not evolve from either of the living species of chimpanzees (common chimpanzees and bonobos) or any other living species of apes. Humans and chimpanzees did, however, evolve from a common ancestor.William H. Calvin, 2002. \"A Brain for All Seasons: Human Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change.\" University of Chicago Press. Chicago. This most recent common ancestor of living humans and chimpanzees would've lived between 5 and 8 million years ago", ". Extinct great apes such as Graecopithecus and Sahelanthropus tchadensis have been proposed as candidates for the chimpanzee–human last common ancestor (CHLCA), however, no fossil has yet conclusively been identified as the CHLCA.", "Humans are animals, despite the fact that the word animal is colloquially used as an antonym for human.", "Chemistry and materials science\n Glass does not flow at room temperature as a high-viscosity liquid. Although glass shares some molecular properties with liquids, it is a solid at room temperature and only begins to flow at hundreds of degrees above room temperature. Old glass which is thicker at the bottom than at the top comes from the production process, not from slow flow; no such distortion is observed in other glass objects of similar or even greater age.", "Most diamonds are not formed from highly compressed coal. More than 99% of diamonds ever mined have formed in the conditions of extreme heat and pressure about below the earth's surface. Coal is formed from prehistoric plants buried much closer to the surface, and is unlikely to migrate below through common geological processes. Most diamonds that have been dated are older than the first land plants, and are therefore older than coal.", "Diamonds are not infinitely hard, and are subject to wear and scratching: although they are the hardest known material on the Mohs Scale, they can be scratched by other diamonds and worn down even by much softer materials, such as vinyl records.\n Neither \"tin\" foil nor \"tin\" cans still use tin as a primary material. Aluminum foil has replaced tin foil in almost all uses since the 20th century; tin cans now primarily use steel or aluminum as their main metal.", "Although the core of a wooden pencil is commonly referred to as \"lead\", wooden pencils do not contain the chemical element lead, nor have they ever contained it; \"black lead\" was formerly a name of graphite, which is commonly used for pencil leads.", "Computing and the Internet \n The macOS and Linux operating systems are not immune to malware such as trojan horses or computer viruses. Specialized malware designed to attack those systems do exist. However, the vast majority of viruses are developed for Microsoft Windows.", "The deep web is not primarily full of pornography, illegal drug trade websites, and stolen bank details. This information is primarily found in a small portion of the deep web known as the \"dark web\". Much of the deep web consists of academic libraries, databases, and anything that is not indexed by normal search engines.", "Private browsing (such as Chrome's \"Incognito Mode\") does not protect users from being tracked by websites, employers, governments, or one's internet service provider (ISP). Such entities can still use information such as IP addresses and user accounts to uniquely identify users. Private browsing also does not provide additional protection against viruses or malware.", "Submerging a phone in rice after it has suffered from water damage has not been shown to be effective in repairing them. Even if submerging them in a desiccant were more effective than leaving them to dry in open air, common desiccants such as silica gel or cat litter are better than rice.", "Economics", "The total number of people living in extreme absolute poverty globally, by the widely used metric of $1.00/day (in 1990 U.S. dollars) has decreased over the last several decades, but most people surveyed in several countries incorrectly think it has increased or stayed the same. However, this depends on the poverty line calculation used", ". However, this depends on the poverty line calculation used. For instance, if the metric used is instead one that prioritizes meeting a standard life expectancy that no longer significantly rises with additional consumption enabled by income, the number of individuals in poverty has risen by nearly 1 billion.", "Human population growth is decreasing and the world population is expected to peak and then begin falling during the 21st century. Improvements in agricultural productivity and technology are expected to be able to meet anticipated increased demand for resources, making a global human overpopulation scenario unlikely.", "For any given production set, there is not a set amount of labor input (a \"lump of labor\") to produce that output. This fallacy is commonly seen in Luddite and later, related movements as an argument either that automation causes permanent, structural unemployment, or that labor-limiting regulation can decrease unemployment. In fact, changes in capital allocation, efficiency, and economies of learning can change the amount of labor input for a given set of production.", "Income is not a direct factor in determining credit score in the United States. Rather, credit score is impacted by the amount of unused available credit, which is in turn affected by income. Income is also considered when evaluating creditworthiness more generally.\n The US public vastly overestimates the amount spent on foreign aid.", "In the US, an increase in gross income will never reduce one's post-tax earnings (net income) due to putting one in a higher tax bracket. The tax brackets only indicate the marginal tax rate, as opposed to the total income tax rate; only the additional income earned in the higher tax bracket is taxed at the elevated rate. An increase in gross income can reduce one's net income in a welfare cliff, however, when benefits are suddenly withdrawn when passing a certain income threshold.", "In real estate economics, the \"supply skepticism\" misconception leads the majority of the US public to incorrectly predict the effect of increasing the supply of housing on reducing the cost of renting or of buying a home. Researchers found that this misconception was unique to the housing market, and did not apply to other categories of goods. Constructing new housing decreases the cost of rent or of buying a home in both the immediate neighborhood and in the city as a whole.", "Earth and environmental sciences", "Contemporary global warming is driven by human activities, despite claims that it is not occurring, does not have strong scientific consensus, or that warming is mostly caused by non-human factors. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with the decades-old, near-complete scientific consensus on climate change", ". Global warming is primarily a result of the increase in atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations (like CO2 and methane) via the burning of fossil fuels as well as other human activities such as deforestation, with secondary climate change feedback mechanisms (such as the melting of the polar ice increasing the Earth's absorption of sunlight) assisting to perpetuate the change.", "Global warming is not caused by the hole in the ozone layer. Ozone depletion is a separate problem caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which have been released into the atmosphere. However, CFCs are strong greenhouse gases.", "Cooling towers in power stations and other facilities do not emit smoke or harmful fumes; they emit water vapor and do not contribute to climate change.\n Nuclear power is one of the safest sources of energy, resulting in orders of magnitude fewer deaths than conventional power sources per unit of energy produced. Extremely few people are killed or injured due to nuclear power on a yearly basis. (See also: Radiophobia)", "Lightning can, and often does, strike the same place twice. Lightning in a thunderstorm is more likely to strike objects and spots that are more prominent or conductive. For instance, lightning strikes the Empire State Building in New York City on average 23 times per year.\n Heat lightning does not exist as a distinct phenomenon. What is mistaken for \"heat lightning\" is usually ordinary lightning from storms too distant to hear the associated thunder.", "The Yellowstone Caldera is not overdue for a supervolcano eruption.", "The Earth's interior is not molten rock. This misconception may originate from a misunderstanding based on the fact that the Earth's mantle convects, and the incorrect assumption that only liquids and gases can convect. In fact, a solid with a large Rayleigh number can also convect, given enough time, which is what occurs in the solid mantle due to the very large thermal gradient across it. There are small pockets of molten rock in the upper mantle, but these make up a tiny fraction of the mantle's volume", ". The Earth's outer core is liquid, but it is liquid metal, not rock.", "The Amazon rainforest does not provide 20% of Earth's oxygen. This is a misinterpretation of a 2010 study which found that approximately 34% of photosynthesis by terrestrial plants occurs in tropical rainforests (so the Amazon rainforest would account for approximately half of this). Due to respiration by the resident organisms, all ecosystems (including the Amazon rainforest) have a net output of oxygen of approximately zero", ". The oxygen currently present in the atmosphere was accumulated over billions of years.", "Geography\n\n \n The Cape of Good Hope is not the southern tip of Africa, which is actually Cape Agulhas, about to the east-southeast.\n Rivers do not predominantly flow from north to south. Rivers flow downhill in all compass directions, often changing direction along their course. Indeed, many major rivers flow northward, including the Nile, the Yenisey, the Ob, the Rhine, the Lena, and the Orinoco.\n\nHuman body and health", "Sleeping in a closed room with an electric fan running does not result in \"fan death\", as is widely believed in South Korea.\n Waking up a sleepwalker does not harm them. Sleepwalkers may be confused or disoriented for a short time after awakening, but the health risks associated with sleepwalking are from injury or insomnia, not from being awakened.", "Drowning is often inconspicuous to onlookers. In most cases, the instinctive drowning response prevents the victim from waving or yelling (known as \"aquatic distress\"), which are therefore not dependable signs of trouble; indeed, most drowning victims undergoing the response do not show prior evidence of distress.", "Human blood in veins is not actually blue. Blood is red due to the presence of hemoglobin; deoxygenated blood (in veins) has a deep red color, and oxygenated blood (in arteries) has a light cherry-red color. Veins below the skin can appear blue or green due to subsurface scattering of light through the skin, and aspects of human color perception. Many medical diagrams also use blue to show veins, and red to show arteries, which contributes to this misconception.", "Exposure to a vacuum, or experiencing all but the most extreme uncontrolled decompression, does not cause the body to explode or internal fluids to boil (although the fluids in the mouth and lungs will indeed boil at altitudes above the Armstrong limit); rather, it will lead to a loss of consciousness once the body has depleted the supply of oxygen in the blood, followed by death from hypoxia within minutes.", "Exercise-induced delayed onset muscle soreness is not caused by lactic acid build-up. Muscular lactic acid levels return to normal levels within an hour after exercise; delayed onset muscle soreness is thought to be due to microtrauma from unaccustomed or strenuous exercise.\n Stretching before or after exercise does not reduce delayed onset muscle soreness.", "Stretching before or after exercise does not reduce delayed onset muscle soreness.\n Swallowing gasoline does not generally require special emergency treatment, as long as it goes into the stomach and not the lungs, and inducing vomiting can make it worse.\n Urine is not sterile, not even in the bladder.", "Urine is not sterile, not even in the bladder.\n Sudden immersion into freezing water does not typically cause death by hypothermia, but rather from the cold shock response, which can cause cardiac arrest, heart attack, or hyperventilation leading to drowning.", "Cremated remains are not ashes in the usual sense. After the incineration is completed, the dry bone fragments are swept out of the retort and pulverized by a machine called a cremulator (essentially a high-capacity, high-speed blender) to process them into \"ashes\" or \"cremated remains\".", "The lung's alveoli are not tiny balloons that expand and contract under positive pressure following the Young–Laplace equation, as is taught in some physiology and medical textbooks. The tissue structure is more like a sponge with polygonal spaces that unfold and fold under negative pressure from the chest wall.", "Half of body heat is not lost through the head, and covering the head is no more effective at preventing heat loss than covering any other portion of the body. Heat is lost from the body in proportion to the amount of exposed skin. The head accounts for around 7–9% of the body's surface, and studies have shown that having one's head submerged in cold water only causes a person to lose 10% more heat overall", ". This myth likely comes from a flawed United States military experiment in 1950, involving a prototype Arctic survival suit where the head was one of the few body parts left exposed. The misconception was further perpetuated by a 1970 military field manual that claimed \"40–45%\" of heat is lost through the head, based on the 1950 study.", "Adrenochrome is not harvested from living people and has no use as a recreational drug. Hunter S. Thompson conceived a fictional drug of the same name in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, apparently as a metaphor and unaware that a real substance by that name existed; it is Thompson's fictional adrenochrome, and not the real chemical compound, that is the source of numerous conspiracy theories revolving around human trafficking to harvest the fictional drug.", "Men and women have the same number of ribs: 24, or 12 pairs. The erroneous idea that women have one more rib than men may stem from the biblical creation story of Adam and Eve.\n The use of cotton swabs (aka cotton buds or Q-Tips) in the ear canal has no associated medical benefits and poses definite medical risks.", "The idea that a precise number of stages of grief exist is not supported in peer-reviewed research or objective clinical observation, let alone the five stages of grief model. The model was originally based on uncredited work and originally applied to the terminally ill instead of the grieving or bereaved.", "Although bananas contain naturally occurring radioactive isotopes, particularly potassium-40 (40K), which emit ionizing radiation when undergoing radioactive decay, the levels of such radiation are far too low to induce radiation poisoning, and bananas are not a radiation hazard. It would not be physically possible to eat enough bananas to cause radiation poisoning, as the radiation dose from bananas is non-cumulative.a.", "b. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (1999), Federal Guidance Report 13, page 16: \"For example, the ingestion coefficient risk for 40K would not be appropriate for an application to ingestion of 40K in conjunction with an elevated intake of natural potassium", ". This is because the biokinetic model for potassium used in this document represents the relatively slow removal of potassium (biological half-time 30 days) that is estimated to occur for typical intakes of potassium, whereas an elevated intake of potassium would result in excretion of a nearly equal mass of natural potassium, and hence of 40K, over a short period.\"", "c. . Attributes the title statement to Geoff Meggitt, former UK Atomic Energy Authority. (See also: Banana equivalent dose)", "Radiation is not always dangerous. Radiation is ubiquitous on Earth's surface, and humans are adapted to survive at normal Earth radiation levels. Everything is safely non-toxic at sufficiently low doses, even deadly poisons and high-energy forms of radiation, and everything becomes toxic at sufficiently high doses, even water and oxygen", ". Indeed, the relationship between dose and toxicity is often non-linear, and many substances that are toxic at high doses have neutral or positive health effects, or are biologically essential, at moderate or low doses. There is some evidence to suggest that this is true for ionizing radiation; normal levels of ionizing radiation may serve to stimulate and regulate the activity of DNA repair mechanisms.a.", "b. \nc. Nancy Trautmann: The Dose Makes the Poison--Or Does It?, Bioscience 2005, American Institute of Biological Sciences", "Disease and preventive healthcare", "The common cold and the common flu are caused by viruses, not cold temperature, although cold temperature may somewhat weaken the immune system, and someone already infected with a cold or influenza virus but showing no symptoms can become symptomatic after they are exposed to low temperatures. Viruses are more likely to spread during the winter for a variety of reasons such as dry air, less air circulation in homes, people spending more time indoors, and lower vitamin D levels in humans.", "Antibiotics will not cure a cold; they treat bacterial diseases and are ineffectual against viruses. However, they are sometimes prescribed to prevent or treat secondary infections. \n There is little to no evidence that any illnesses are curable through essential oils or aromatherapy. Fish oil has not been shown to cure dementia, though there is evidence to support the effectiveness of lemon oil as a way to reduce agitation in patients with dementia.", "In those with the common cold, the color of the sputum or nasal secretion may vary from clear to yellow to green and does not indicate the class of agent causing the infection. The color of the sputum is determined by immune cells fighting an infection in the nasal area.", "Vitamin C does not prevent or treat the common cold, although it may have a protective effect during intense cold-weather exercise. If taken daily, it may slightly reduce the duration and severity of colds, but it has no effect if taken after the cold starts.", "Humans cannot catch warts from toads or other animals; the bumps on a toad are not warts. Warts on human skin are caused by human papillomavirus, which is unique to humans.\n Neither cracking one's knuckles nor exercising while in good health causes osteoarthritis.\n In people with eczema, bathing does not dry the skin as long as a moisturizer is applied soon after. If moisturizer is not applied after bathing, then the evaporation of water from the skin can result in dryness.", "There have never been any programs in the US that provide access to dialysis machines in exchange for pull tabs on beverage cans. This rumor has existed since at least the 1970s, and usually cites the National Kidney Foundation as the organization offering the program. The Foundation itself has denied the rumor, noting that dialysis machines are primarily funded by Medicare.", "High dietary protein intake is not associated with kidney disease in healthy people. While significantly increased protein intake in the short-term is associated with changes in renal function, there is no evidence to suggest this effect persists in the long-term and results in kidney damage or disease.", "Rhinoceros horn in powdered form is not used as an aphrodisiac in traditional Chinese medicine as Cornu Rhinoceri Asiatici (犀角, xījiǎo, \"rhinoceros horn\"). It is prescribed for fevers and convulsions, a treatment not supported by evidence-based medicine.", "Leprosy is not auto-degenerative as commonly supposed, meaning that it will not (on its own) cause body parts to be damaged or fall off. Leprosy causes rashes to form and may degrade cartilage and, if untreated, inflame tissue. In addition, leprosy is only mildly contagious, partly because 95% of those infected with the mycobacteria that causes leprosy do not develop the disease", ". Tzaraath, a Biblical disease that disfigures the skin is often identified as leprosy, and may be the source of many myths about the disease.", "Rust does not cause tetanus infection. The Clostridium tetani bacterium is generally found in dirty environments. Since the same conditions that harbor tetanus bacteria also promote rusting of metal, many people associate rust with tetanus. C. tetani requires anoxic conditions to reproduce and these are found in the permeable layers of rust that form on oxygen-absorbing, unprotected ironwork.", "Quarantine has never been a standard procedure for those with severe combined immunodeficiency, despite the condition's popular nickname (\"bubble boy syndrome\") and its portrayal in films. A bone marrow transplant in the earliest months of life is the standard course of treatment", ". A bone marrow transplant in the earliest months of life is the standard course of treatment. The exceptional case of David Vetter, who indeed lived much of his life encased in a sterile environment because he would not receive a transplant until age 12 (the transplant, because of failure to detect mononucleosis, instead killed Vetter), was one of the primary inspirations for the \"bubble boy\" trope.", "Gunnison, Colorado, did not avoid the 1918 flu pandemic by using protective sequestration. The implementation of protective sequestration did prevent the virus from spreading outside a single household after a single carrier came into the town while it was in effect, but it was not sustainable and had to be lifted in February 1919. A month later, the flu killed five residents and infected dozens of others.", "Statements in medication package inserts listing the frequency of side effects describe how often the effect occurs after taking a drug, but are not making any assertion that there is a causal connection between taking the drug and the occurrence of the side effect. In other words, what is being reported on is correlation, not necessarily causation.\n A dog's mouth is not cleaner than a human's mouth. A dog's mouth contains almost as much bacteria as a human mouth.", "There is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence that crystal healing has any effect beyond acting as a placebo.Spellman, Frank R; Price-Bayer, Joni. (2010). In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters. The Scarecrow Press. p. 81. \"There is no scientific evidence that crystal healing has any effect. It has been called a pseudoscience. Pleasant feelings or the apparent successes of crystal healing can be attributed to the placebo effect or cognitive bias—a believer wanting it to be true.\"", "There is a scientific consensusSee also:", "And contrast: \nand that currently available food derived from genetically modified crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food.", "Nutrition, food, and drink\n Diet has little influence on the body's detoxification, and there is no evidence that detoxification diets rid the body of toxins.a. \nb. Toxins are removed from the body by the liver and kidneys.", "b. Toxins are removed from the body by the liver and kidneys.\n Drinking milk or consuming other dairy products does not increase mucus production. As a result, they do not need to be avoided by those with the flu or cold congestion. However, milk and saliva in one's mouth mix to create a thick liquid that can briefly coat the mouth and throat. The sensation that lingers may be mistaken for increased phlegm.", "Drinking eight glasses (2–3 liters) of water a day is not needed to maintain health. The amount of water needed varies by person, weight, diet, activity level, clothing, and the ambient heat and humidity. Water does not actually need to be drunk in pure form, and can be derived from liquids such as juices, tea, milk, soups, etc., and from foods including fruits and vegetables.", "Drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages does not cause dehydration for regular drinkers, although it can for occasional drinkers.", "Sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children. Double-blind trials have shown no difference in behavior between children given sugar-full or sugar-free diets, even in studies specifically looking at children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or those considered sensitive to sugar. A 2019 meta-analysis found no positive effect of sugar consumption on mood but did find an association with lower alertness and increased fatigue within an hour of consumption, known as a sugar crash.", "Eating nuts, popcorn, or seeds does not increase the risk of diverticulitis. These foods may actually have a protective effect.\n Eating less than an hour before swimming does not increase the risk of experiencing muscle cramps or drowning. One study shows a correlation between alcohol consumption and drowning, but not between eating and stomach cramps.", "Vegan and vegetarian diets can provide enough protein for adequate nutrition. In fact, typical protein intakes of ovo-lacto vegetarians meet or exceed requirements. It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful. However, a vegan diet does require supplementation of vitamin B12, and vitamin B12 deficiency occurs in up to 80% of vegans that do not supplement their diet", ". Consuming no animal products increases the risk of deficiencies of vitamins B12 and D, calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and sometimes iodine. Vegans are also at risk of low bone mineral density without supplementation for the aforementioned nutrients.", "Swallowed chewing gum does not take seven years to digest. In fact, chewing gum is mostly indigestible, and passes through the digestive system at the same rate as other matter.\n Monosodium glutamate (MSG) does not trigger migraine headaches or other symptoms of so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome, nor is there evidence that some individuals are especially sensitive to MSG. There is also little evidence it impacts body weight.", "Spicy food or coffee do not have a significant effect on the development of peptic ulcers.\n The beta carotene in carrots does not enhance night vision beyond normal levels for people receiving an adequate amount, only in those with a deficiency of vitamin A. The belief that it does may have originated from World War II British disinformation meant to explain the Royal Air Force's improved success in night battles, which was actually due to radar and the use of red lights on instrument panels.", "Spinach is not a particularly good source of dietary iron. While it does contain more iron than many vegetables such as asparagus, Swiss chard, kale, or arugula, it contains only about one-third to one-fifth of the iron in lima beans, chickpeas, apricots, or wheat germ. Additionally, the non-heme iron found in spinach and other vegetables is not as readily absorbed as the heme iron found in meats and fish.", "Most cases of obesity are not related to slower resting metabolism. Resting metabolic rate does not vary much between people. Overweight people tend to underestimate the amount of food they eat, and underweight people tend to overestimate. In fact, overweight people tend to have faster metabolic rates due to the increased energy required by the larger body.\n Eating normal amounts of soy does not cause hormonal imbalance.", "Alcoholic beverages\n Alcoholic beverages do not make the entire body warmer. Alcoholic drinks create the sensation of warmth because they cause blood vessels to dilate and stimulate nerve endings near the surface of the skin with an influx of warm blood. This can actually result in making the core body temperature lower, as it allows for easier heat exchange with a cold external environment.", "Alcohol does not necessarily kill brain cells. Alcohol can, however, lead indirectly to the death of brain cells in two ways. First, in chronic, heavy alcohol users whose brains have adapted to the effects of alcohol, abrupt ceasing following heavy use can cause excitotoxicity leading to cellular death in multiple areas of the brain", ". Second, in alcoholics who get most of their daily calories from alcohol, a deficiency of thiamine can produce Korsakoff's syndrome, which is associated with serious brain damage.", "The order in which different types of alcoholic beverages are consumed (\"Grape or grain but never the twain\" and \"Beer before liquor never sicker; liquor before beer in the clear\") does not affect intoxication or create adverse side effects.", "Absinthe has no hallucinogenic properties, and is no more dangerous than any other alcoholic beverage of equivalent proof. This misconception stems from late-19th- and early-20th-century distillers who produced cheap knockoff versions of absinthe, which used copper salts to recreate the distinct green color of true absinthe, and some also reportedly adulterated cheap absinthe with poisonous antimony trichloride, reputed to enhance the louching effect.", "Sexuality and reproduction\n It is not possible to get pregnant from semen released in a commercial swimming pool without penetration. The sperm cells would be quickly killed by the chlorinated water and would not survive long enough to reach the vagina.", "Lack of a visible hymen is not a reliable indicator that a female has had penetrative sex, because the tearing of the hymen may have been the result of some other event, and some women are born without one. 1800s historical virginity tests, such as the \"two-finger\" test, are widely considered to be unscientific.\n Hand size and foot size do not correlate with human penis size, but finger length ratio may.", "While pregnancies from sex between first cousins do carry a slightly elevated risk of birth defects, this risk is often exaggerated. The risk is 5–6% (similar to that of a woman in her early 40s giving birth), compared with a baseline risk of 3–4%. The effects of inbreeding depression, while still relatively small compared to other factors (and thus difficult to control for in a scientific experiment), become more noticeable if isolated and maintained for several generations.", "Having sex before a sporting event or contest is not physiologically detrimental to performance. In fact it has been suggested that sex prior to sports activity can elevate male testosterone levels, which could potentially enhance performance for male athletes.\n There is no definitive proof of the existence of the vaginal G-spot, and the general consensus is that no such spot exists on the female body.", "Closeted or latent homosexuality is not correlated with internalized homophobia. A 1996 study claiming a connection in men has not been verified by subsequent studies, including a 2013 study that found no correlation.\n The menstrual cycles of people who live together do not tend to synchronize. A 1971 study made this claim, but subsequent research has not supported it.", "Skin and hair\n Water-induced wrinkles are not caused by the skin absorbing water and swelling. They are caused by the autonomic nervous system, which triggers localized vasoconstriction in response to wet skin, yielding a wrinkled appearance.\n A person's hair and fingernails do not continue to grow after death. Rather, the skin dries and shrinks away from the bases of hairs and nails, giving the appearance of growth.", "Shaving does not cause terminal hair to grow back thicker or darker. This belief is thought to be due to the fact that hair that has never been cut has a tapered end, so after cutting, the base of the hair is blunt and appears thicker and feels coarser. That short hairs are less flexible than longer hairs contributes to this effect.", "MC1R, the gene mostly responsible for red hair, is not becoming extinct, nor will the gene for blond hair do so, although both are recessive alleles. Redheads and blonds may become rarer but will not die out unless everyone who carries those alleles dies without passing their hair color genes on to their children.\n Acne is mostly caused by genetics, and is not caused by a lack of hygiene or eating fatty foods, though certain medication or a carbohydrate-rich diet may worsen it.", "Dandruff is not caused by poor hygiene, though infrequent hair-washing can make it more obvious. The exact causes of dandruff are uncertain, but they are believed to be mostly genetic and environmental factors.", "Inventions", "James Watt did not invent the steam engine, nor were his ideas on steam engine power inspired by a kettle lid pressured open by steam", ". Watt improved upon the already commercially successful Newcomen atmospheric engine (invented in 1712) in the 1760s and 1770s, making certain improvements critical to its future usage, particularly the external condenser, increasing its efficiency, and later the mechanism for transforming reciprocating motion into rotary motion; his new steam engine later gained huge fame as a result.", "Although the guillotine was named after the French physician Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, he neither invented nor was executed with this device. He died peacefully in his own bed in 1814.", "Thomas Crapper did not invent the flush toilet. A forerunner of the modern toilet was invented by the Elizabethan courtier Sir John Harington in the 16th century, and in 1775 the Scottish mechanic Alexander Cumming developed and patented a design for a toilet with an S-trap and flushing mechanism. Crapper, however, did much to increase the popularity of the flush toilet and introduced several innovations in the late 19th century, holding nine patents, including one for the floating ballcock", ". The word crap is also not derived from his name (see the Words, phrases and languages section above).", "Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb. He did, however, develop the first practical light bulb in 1880 (employing a carbonized bamboo filament), shortly prior to Joseph Swan, who invented an even more efficient bulb in 1881 (which used a cellulose filament).", "Henry Ford did not invent either the automobile or the assembly line. He did improve the assembly line process substantially, sometimes through his own engineering but more often through sponsoring the work of his employees, and he was the main person behind the introduction of the Model T, regarded as the first affordable automobile. Karl Benz (co-founder of Mercedes-Benz) is credited with the invention of the first modern automobile, and the assembly line has existed throughout history.", "Al Gore never said that he had \"invented\" the Internet. What Gore actually said was, \"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet\", in reference to his political work towards developing the Internet for widespread public use", ". Gore was the original drafter of the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991, which provided significant funding for supercomputing centers, and this in turn led to upgrades of a major part of the already-existing early 1990s Internet backbone, the NSFNet, and development of NCSA Mosaic, the browser that popularized the World Wide Web. (See also: Al Gore and information technology)", "Mathematics", "The Greek philosopher Pythagoras was not the first to discover the equation expressed in the Pythagorean theorem, as it was known and used by the Babylonians and Indians centuries before him. Pythagoras may have been the first to introduce it to the Greeks, but the first record of it being mathematically proven as a theorem is in Euclid's Elements which was published some 200 years after Pythagoras.", "There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks deliberately designed the Parthenon to match the golden ratio. The Parthenon was completed in 438 BCE, more than a century before the first recorded mention of the ratio by Euclid. Similarly, Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man makes no mention of the golden ratio in its text, although it describes many other proportions.", "The repeating decimal commonly written as 0.999... represents exactly the same quantity as the number one. Despite having the appearance of representing a smaller number, 0.999... is a symbol for the number 1 in exactly the same way that 0.333... is an equivalent notation for the number represented by the fraction .", "The p-value is not the probability that the null hypothesis is true, or the probability that the alternative hypothesis is false; it is the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the results actually observed under the assumption that the null hypothesis was correct, which can indicate the incompatibility of results with the specific statistical model assumed in the null hypothesis", ". This misconception, and similar ones like it, contributes to the common misuse of p-values in education and research.", "If one were to flip a fair coin five times and get heads each time, it would not be any more likely for a sixth flip to come up tails. Phrased another way, after a long and/or unlikely streak of independently random events, the probability of the next event is not influenced by the preceding events. Humans often feel that the underrepresented outcome is more likely, as if it is due to happen", ". Humans often feel that the underrepresented outcome is more likely, as if it is due to happen. Such thinking may be attributed to the mistaken belief that gambling, or even chance itself, is a fair process that can correct itself in the event of streaks.", "Physics", "The lift force is not generated by the air taking the same time to travel above and below an aircraft's wing. This misconception, sometimes called the equal transit-time fallacy, is widespread among textbooks and non-technical reference books, and even appears in pilot training materials. In fact, the air moving over the top of an aerofoil generating lift is always moving much faster than the equal transit theory would imply, as described in the incorrect and correct explanations of lift force.", "Blowing over a curved piece of paper does not demonstrate Bernoulli's principle. Although a common classroom experiment is often explained this way, Bernoulli's principle only applies within a flow field, and the air above and below the paper is in different flow fields. The paper rises because the air follows the curve of the paper and a curved streamline will develop pressure differences perpendicular to the airflow.a. \nb.", "b. \n The Coriolis effect does not cause water to consistently drain from basins in a clockwise/counter-clockwise direction depending on the hemisphere. The common myth often refers to the draining action of flush toilets and bathtubs. In fact, rotation is determined by whatever minor rotation is initially present at the time the water starts to drain, as the magnitude of the coriolis acceleration is negligibly small compared to the inertial acceleration of flow within a typical basin.", "Neither gyroscopic forces nor geometric trail are required for a rider to balance a bicycle or for it to demonstrate self-stability. Although gyroscopic forces and trail can be contributing factors, it has been demonstrated that those factors are neither required nor sufficient by themselves.", "A penny dropped from the Empire State Building would not kill a person or crack the sidewalk. A penny is too light and has too much air resistance to acquire enough speed to do much damage since it reaches terminal velocity after falling about 50 feet. Heavier or more aerodynamic objects could cause significant damage if dropped from that height.", "Using a programmable thermostat's setback feature to limit heating or cooling in a temporarily unoccupied building does not waste as much energy as leaving the temperature constant. Using setback saves energy (5–15%) because heat transfer across the surface of the building is roughly proportional to the temperature difference between its inside and the outside.", "It is not possible for a person to completely submerge in quicksand, as commonly depicted in fiction, although sand entrapment in the nearshore of a body of water can be a drowning hazard as the tide rises.\n Quantum nonlocality caused by quantum entanglement does not allow faster-than-light communication or imply instant action at a distance, despite its common characterization as \"spooky action at a distance\". Rather, it means that certain experiments cannot be explained by local realism.", "The slipperiness of ice is not due to pressure melting. While it is true that increased pressure, such as that exerted by someone standing on a sheet of ice, will lower the melting point of ice, experiments show that the effect is too weak to account for the lowered friction. Materials scientists still debate whether premelting or the heat of friction is the dominant cause of ice's slipperiness.", "Psychology and neuroscience", "A small number of young children have eidetic memory, where they can recall an object with high precision for a few minutes after it is no longer present. True photographic memory (the ability to remember endless images, particularly pages or numbers, with such a high degree of precision that the image mimics a photo) has never been demonstrated to exist in any individual", ". Many people have claimed to have a photographic memory, but those people have been shown to have high precision memories as a result of mnemonic devices rather than a natural capacity for detailed memory encoding. There are rare cases of individuals with exceptional memory, but none of them have a memory that mimics that of a camera.", "The phase of the Moon does not influence fertility, cause a fluctuation in crime, or affect the stock market. There is no correlation between the lunar cycle and human biology or behavior. However, the increased amount of illumination during the full moon may account for increased epileptic episodes, motorcycle accidents, or sleep disorders.", "Mental disorders\n Vaccines do not cause autism. There have been no successful attempts to reproduce the fraudulent research by British ex-doctor Andrew Wakefield. Wakefield's research was ultimately shown to have been manipulated.", "Dyslexia is not defined or diagnosed as mirror writing or reading letters or words backwards. Mirror writing and reading letters or words backwards are behaviors seen in many children (dyslexic or not) as they learn to read and write. Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder of people who have at least average intelligence and who have difficulty in reading and writing that is not otherwise explained by low intelligence.", "Self-harm is not generally an attention-seeking behavior. People who engage in self-harm are typically very self-conscious of their wounds and scars and feel guilty about their behavior, leading them to go to great lengths to conceal it from others. They may offer alternative explanations for their injuries, or conceal their scars with clothing.", "There is no evidence that a chemical imbalance or neurotransmitter deficiency is the sole factor in depression and other mental disorders, but rather a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.", "Schizophrenia is characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis. Major symptoms include hallucinations (typically hearing voices), delusions, paranoia, and disorganized thinking. Other symptoms include social withdrawal, decreased emotional expression, and apathy. The term was coined from the Greek roots schizein and phrēn, \"to split\" and \"mind\", in reference to a \"splitting of mental functions\" seen in schizophrenia, not a splitting of the personality", ". It does not involve split or multiple personalities—a split or multiple personality is dissociative identity disorder.", "Brain\n Broad generalizations are often made in popular psychology about certain brain functions being lateralized, or more predominant in one hemisphere than the other. These claims are often inaccurate or overstated.", "The human brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, does not reach \"full maturity\" at any particular age (e.g. 18, 21, or 25 years of age). Changes in structure and myelination of gray matter are recorded to continue with relative consistency all throughout adult life. Some mental abilities peak and begin to decline around high school graduation while others do not peak until much later (i.e. 40s or later).", "Humans do not generate all of the brain cells they will ever have by the age of two years. Although this belief was held by medical experts until 1998, it is now understood that new neurons can be created after infancy in some parts of the brain into late adulthood.", "People do not use only 10% of their brains. While it is true that a small minority of neurons in the brain are actively firing at any one time, a healthy human will normally use most of their brain over the course of a day, and the inactive neurons are important as well. The idea that activating 100% of the brain would allow someone to achieve their maximum potential and/or gain various psychic abilities is common in folklore and fiction, but doing so in real life would likely result in a fatal seizure", ". This misconception was attributed to late 19th century leading thinker William James, who apparently used the expression only metaphorically.", "Although Phineas Gage's brain injuries, caused by a several-foot-long tamping rod driven completely through his skull, caused him to become temporarily disabled, many fanciful descriptions of his aberrant behavior in later life are without factual basis or contradicted by known facts.", "Senses\n Infants can and do feel pain.", "All different tastes can be detected on all parts of the tongue by taste buds, with slightly increased sensitivities in different locations depending on the person; the tongue map showing the contrary is fallacious.\n There are not four primary tastes, but five: in addition to bitter, sour, salty, and sweet, humans have taste receptors for umami, which is a \"savory\" or \"meaty\" taste. Fat does interact with specific receptors in taste bud cells, but whether it is a sixth primary taste remains inconclusive.", "Humans have more than the commonly cited five senses. The number of senses in various categorizations ranges from 5 to more than 20. In addition to sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, which were the senses identified by Aristotle, humans can sense balance and acceleration (equilibrioception), pain (nociception), body and limb position (proprioception or kinesthetic sense), and relative temperature (thermoception)", ". Other senses sometimes identified are the sense of time, echolocation, itching, pressure, hunger, thirst, fullness of the stomach, need to urinate, need to defecate, and blood carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.", "The human sense of smell is not weak or underdeveloped. Humans have similar senses of smell to other mammals, and are more sensitive to some odors than rodents and dogs.", "Transportation\n The Bermuda Triangle does not have any more shipwrecks or mysterious disappearances than most other waterways.", "Toilet waste is never intentionally jettisoned from an aircraft. All waste is collected in tanks and emptied into toilet waste vehicles. Blue ice is caused by accidental leakage from the waste tank. Passenger train toilets, on the other hand, have indeed historically flushed onto the tracks; modern trains in most developed countries usually have retention tanks on board and therefore do not dispose of waste in such a manner.", "Automotive batteries stored on a concrete floor do not discharge any faster than they would on other surfaces, in spite of worry among Americans that concrete harms batteries. Early batteries with porous, leaky cases may have been susceptible to moisture from floors, but for many years lead–acid car batteries have had impermeable polypropylene cases", ". While most modern automotive batteries are sealed, and do not leak battery acid when properly stored and maintained, the sulfuric acid in them can leak out and stain, etch, or corrode concrete floors if their cases crack or tip over or their vent-holes are breached by floods.", "See also\n\n Legends and myths regarding the Titanic\n List of cognitive biases\n List of conspiracy theories\n List of fallacies\n List of topics characterized as pseudoscience\n List of urban legends\n Outline of public relations\n Pseudodoxia Epidemica QI''\n Superseded theories in science\n The Straight Dope\n False memory\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nFurther reading", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links\n List of children's misconceptions about science\n Misconceptions taught by science textbooks\n Bad Science\n Bad Chemistry\n Snopes – Urban Legend Reference\n\n \nCommon misconceptions" ]
History of cryptography
[ "Cryptography, the use of codes and ciphers to protect secrets, began thousands of years ago. Until recent decades, it has been the story of what might be called classical cryptography — that is, of methods of encryption that use pen and paper, or perhaps simple mechanical aids", ". In the early 20th century, the invention of complex mechanical and electromechanical machines, such as the Enigma rotor machine, provided more sophisticated and efficient means of encryption; and the subsequent introduction of electronics and computing has allowed elaborate schemes of still greater complexity, most of which are entirely unsuited to pen and paper.", "The development of cryptography has been paralleled by the development of cryptanalysis — the \"breaking\" of codes and ciphers. The discovery and application, early on, of frequency analysis to the reading of encrypted communications has, on occasion, altered the course of history. Thus the Zimmermann Telegram triggered the United States' entry into World War I; and Allies reading of Nazi Germany's ciphers shortened World War II, in some evaluations by as much as two years.", "Until the 1960s, secure cryptography was largely the preserve of governments. Two events have since brought it squarely into the public domain: the creation of a public encryption standard (DES), and the invention of public-key cryptography.\n\nAntiquity", "Antiquity \n\nThe earliest known use of cryptography is found in non-standard hieroglyphs carved into the wall of a tomb from the Old Kingdom of Egypt circa 1900 BC. These are not thought to be serious attempts at secret communications, however, but rather to have been attempts at mystery, intrigue, or even amusement for literate onlookers.", "Some clay tablets from Mesopotamia somewhat later are clearly meant to protect information—one dated near 1500 BC was found to encrypt a craftsman's recipe for pottery glaze, presumably commercially valuable. Furthermore, Hebrew scholars made use of simple monoalphabetic substitution ciphers (such as the Atbash cipher) beginning perhaps around 600 to 500 BC.", "In India around 400 BC to 200 AD, Mlecchita vikalpa or \"the art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way\" was documented in the Kama Sutra for the purpose of communication between lovers. This was also likely a simple substitution cipher. Parts of the Egyptian demotic Greek Magical Papyri were written in a cypher script.", "The ancient Greeks are said to have known of ciphers. The scytale transposition cipher was used by the Spartan military, but it is not definitively known whether the scytale was for encryption, authentication, or avoiding bad omens in speech", ". Herodotus tells us of secret messages physically concealed beneath wax on wooden tablets or as a tattoo on a slave's head concealed by regrown hair, although these are not properly examples of cryptography per se as the message, once known, is directly readable; this is known as steganography. Another Greek method was developed by Polybius (now called the \"Polybius Square\"). The Romans knew something of cryptography (e.g., the Caesar cipher and its variations).", "Medieval cryptography \n\nDavid Kahn notes in The Codebreakers that modern cryptology originated among the Arabs, the first people to systematically document cryptanalytic methods. Al-Khalil (717–786) wrote the Book of Cryptographic Messages, which contains the first use of permutations and combinations to list all possible Arabic words with and without vowels.", "The invention of the frequency analysis technique for breaking monoalphabetic substitution ciphers, by Al-Kindi, an Arab mathematician, sometime around AD 800, proved to be the single most significant cryptanalytic advance until World War II", ". Al-Kindi wrote a book on cryptography entitled Risalah fi Istikhraj al-Mu'amma (Manuscript for the Deciphering Cryptographic Messages), in which he described the first cryptanalytic techniques, including some for polyalphabetic ciphers, cipher classification, Arabic phonetics and syntax, and most importantly, gave the first descriptions on frequency analysis", ". He also covered methods of encipherments, cryptanalysis of certain encipherments, and statistical analysis of letters and letter combinations in Arabic. An important contribution of Ibn Adlan (1187–1268) was on sample size for use of frequency analysis.", "In early medieval England between the years 800–1100, substitution ciphers were frequently used by scribes as a playful and clever way to encipher notes, solutions to riddles, and colophons. The ciphers tend to be fairly straightforward, but sometimes they deviate from an ordinary pattern, adding to their complexity, and possibly also to their sophistication. This period saw vital and significant cryptographic experimentation in the West.", "Ahmad al-Qalqashandi (AD 1355–1418) wrote the Subh al-a 'sha, a 14-volume encyclopedia which included a section on cryptology. This information was attributed to Ibn al-Durayhim who lived from AD 1312 to 1361, but whose writings on cryptography have been lost. The list of ciphers in this work included both substitution and transposition, and for the first time, a cipher with multiple substitutions for each plaintext letter (later called homophonic substitution)", ". Also traced to Ibn al-Durayhim is an exposition on and a worked example of cryptanalysis, including the use of tables of letter frequencies and sets of letters which cannot occur together in one word.", "The earliest example of the homophonic substitution cipher is the one used by Duke of Mantua in the early 1400s. Homophonic cipher replaces each letter with multiple symbols depending on the letter frequency. The cipher is ahead of the time because it combines monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic features.", "Essentially all ciphers remained vulnerable to the cryptanalytic technique of frequency analysis until the development of the polyalphabetic cipher, and many remained so thereafter. The polyalphabetic cipher was most clearly explained by Leon Battista Alberti around AD 1467, for which he was called the \"father of Western cryptology\". Johannes Trithemius, in his work Poligraphia, invented the tabula recta, a critical component of the Vigenère cipher. Trithemius also wrote the Steganographia", ". Trithemius also wrote the Steganographia. The French cryptographer Blaise de Vigenère devised a practical polyalphabetic system which bears his name, the Vigenère cipher.", "In Europe, cryptography became (secretly) more important as a consequence of political competition and religious revolution. For instance, in Europe during and after the Renaissance, citizens of the various Italian states—the Papal States and the Roman Catholic Church included—were responsible for rapid proliferation of cryptographic techniques, few of which reflect understanding (or even knowledge) of Alberti's polyalphabetic advance", ". \"Advanced ciphers\", even after Alberti, were not as advanced as their inventors/developers/users claimed (and probably even they themselves believed). They were frequently broken. This over-optimism may be inherent in cryptography, for it was then – and remains today – difficult in principle to know how vulnerable one's own system is. In the absence of knowledge, guesses and hopes are predictably common.", "Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and secret-agent/courier betrayal featured in the Babington plot during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I which led to the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots. Robert Hooke suggested in the chapter Of Dr. Dee's Book of Spirits, that John Dee made use of Trithemian steganography, to conceal his communication with Queen Elizabeth I.", "The chief cryptographer of King Louis XIV of France was Antoine Rossignol; he and his family created what is known as the Great Cipher because it remained unsolved from its initial use until 1890, when French military cryptanalyst, Étienne Bazeries solved it. An encrypted message from the time of the Man in the Iron Mask (decrypted just prior to 1900 by Étienne Bazeries) has shed some, regrettably non-definitive, light on the identity of that real, if legendary and unfortunate, prisoner.", "Outside of Europe, after the Mongols brought about the end of the Islamic Golden Age, cryptography remained comparatively undeveloped. Cryptography in Japan seems not to have been used until about 1510, and advanced techniques were not known until after the opening of the country to the West beginning in the 1860s.\n\nCryptography from 1800 to World War I", "Although cryptography has a long and complex history, it wasn't until the 19th century that it developed anything more than ad hoc approaches to either encryption or cryptanalysis (the science of finding weaknesses in crypto systems). Examples of the latter include Charles Babbage's Crimean War era work on mathematical cryptanalysis of polyalphabetic ciphers, redeveloped and published somewhat later by the Prussian Friedrich Kasiski", ". Understanding of cryptography at this time typically consisted of hard-won rules of thumb; see, for example, Auguste Kerckhoffs' cryptographic writings in the latter 19th century. Edgar Allan Poe used systematic methods to solve ciphers in the 1840s. In particular he placed a notice of his abilities in the Philadelphia paper Alexander's Weekly (Express) Messenger, inviting submissions of ciphers, most of which he proceeded to solve. His success created a public stir for some months", ". His success created a public stir for some months. He later wrote an essay on methods of cryptography which proved useful as an introduction for novice British cryptanalysts attempting to break German codes and ciphers during World War I, and a famous story, The Gold-Bug, in which cryptanalysis was a prominent element.", "Cryptography, and its misuse, were involved in the execution of Mata Hari and in Dreyfus' conviction and imprisonment, both in the early 20th century. Cryptographers were also involved in exposing the machinations which had led to the Dreyfus affair; Mata Hari, in contrast, was shot.", "In World War I the Admiralty's Room 40 broke German naval codes and played an important role in several naval engagements during the war, notably in detecting major German sorties into the North Sea that led to the battles of Dogger Bank and Jutland as the British fleet was sent out to intercept them", ". However, its most important contribution was probably in decrypting the Zimmermann Telegram, a cable from the German Foreign Office sent via Washington to its ambassador Heinrich von Eckardt in Mexico which played a major part in bringing the United States into the war.", "In 1917, Gilbert Vernam proposed a teleprinter cipher in which a previously prepared key, kept on paper tape, is combined character by character with the plaintext message to produce the cyphertext. This led to the development of electromechanical devices as cipher machines, and to the only unbreakable cipher, the one time pad.\n\nDuring the 1920s, Polish naval-officers assisted the Japanese military with code and cipher development.", "Mathematical methods proliferated in the period prior to World War II (notably in William F. Friedman's application of statistical techniques to cryptanalysis and cipher development and in Marian Rejewski's initial break into the German Army's version of the Enigma system in 1932).\n\nWorld War II cryptography", "World War II cryptography \n\nBy World War II, mechanical and electromechanical cipher machines were in wide use, although—where such machines were impractical—code books and manual systems continued in use. Great advances were made in both cipher design and cryptanalysis, all in secrecy. Information about this period has begun to be declassified as the official British 50-year secrecy period has come to an end, as US archives have slowly opened, and as assorted memoirs and articles have appeared.", "Germany", "The Germans made heavy use, in several variants, of an electromechanical rotor machine known as Enigma. Mathematician Marian Rejewski, at Poland's Cipher Bureau, in December 1932 deduced the detailed structure of the German Army Enigma, using mathematics and limited documentation supplied by Captain Gustave Bertrand of French military intelligence acquired from a German clerk. This was the greatest breakthrough in cryptanalysis in a thousand years and more, according to historian David Kahn", ". Rejewski and his mathematical Cipher Bureau colleagues, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk Zygalski, continued reading Enigma and keeping pace with the evolution of the German Army machine's components and encipherment procedures for some time", ". As the Poles' resources became strained by the changes being introduced by the Germans, and as war loomed, the Cipher Bureau, on the Polish General Staff's instructions, on 25 July 1939, at Warsaw, initiated French and British intelligence representatives into the secrets of Enigma decryption.", "Soon after the invasion of Poland by Germany on 1 September 1939, key Cipher Bureau personnel were evacuated southeastward; on 17 September, as the Soviet Union attacked Poland from the East, they crossed into Romania. From there they reached Paris, France; at PC Bruno, near Paris, they continued working toward breaking Enigma, collaborating with British cryptologists at Bletchley Park as the British got up to speed on their work breaking Enigma", ". In due course, the British cryptographerswhose ranks included many chess masters and mathematics dons such as Gordon Welchman, Max Newman, and Alan Turing (the conceptual founder of modern computing) made substantial breakthroughs in the scale and technology of Enigma decryption.", "German code breaking in World War II also had some success, most importantly by breaking the Naval Cipher No. 3. This enabled them to track and sink Atlantic convoys. It was only Ultra intelligence that finally persuaded the admiralty to change their codes in June 1943. This is surprising given the success of the British Room 40 code breakers in the previous world war.", "At the end of the War, on 19 April 1945, Britain's highest level civilian and military officials were told that they could never reveal that the German Enigma cipher had been broken because it would give the defeated enemy the chance to say they \"were not well and fairly beaten\".", "The German military also deployed several teleprinter stream ciphers. Bletchley Park called them the Fish ciphers; Max Newman and colleagues designed and deployed the Heath Robinson, and then the world's first programmable digital electronic computer, the Colossus, to help with their cryptanalysis", ". The German Foreign Office began to use the one-time pad in 1919; some of this traffic was read in World War II partly as the result of recovery of some key material in South America that was discarded without sufficient care by a German courier.", "The Schlüsselgerät 41 was developed late in the war as a more secure replacement for Enigma, but only saw limited use.", "Japan", "A US Army group, the SIS, managed to break the highest security Japanese diplomatic cipher system (an electromechanical stepping switch machine called Purple by the Americans) in 1940, before the attack on Pearl Harbour. The locally developed Purple machine replaced the earlier \"Red\" machine used by the Japanese Foreign Ministry, and a related machine, the M-1, used by Naval attachés which was broken by the U.S. Navy's Agnes Driscoll", ".S. Navy's Agnes Driscoll. All the Japanese machine ciphers were broken, to one degree or another, by the Allies.", "The Japanese Navy and Army largely used code book systems, later with a separate numerical additive. US Navy cryptographers (with cooperation from British and Dutch cryptographers after 1940) broke into several Japanese Navy crypto systems. The break into one of them, JN-25, famously led to the US victory in the Battle of Midway; and to the publication of that fact in the Chicago Tribune shortly after the battle, though the Japanese seem not to have noticed for they kept using the JN-25 system.", "Allies\nThe Americans referred to the intelligence resulting from cryptanalysis, perhaps especially that from the Purple machine, as 'Magic'. The British eventually settled on 'Ultra' for intelligence resulting from cryptanalysis, particularly that from message traffic protected by the various Enigmas. An earlier British term for Ultra had been 'Boniface' in an attempt to suggest, if betrayed, that it might have an individual agent as a source.", "Allied cipher machines used in World War II included the British TypeX and the American SIGABA; both were electromechanical rotor designs similar in spirit to the Enigma, albeit with major improvements. Neither is known to have been broken by anyone during the War. The Poles used the Lacida machine, but its security was found to be less than intended (by Polish Army cryptographers in the UK), and its use was discontinued. US troops in the field used the M-209 and the still less secure M-94 family machines", ". US troops in the field used the M-209 and the still less secure M-94 family machines. British SOE agents initially used 'poem ciphers' (memorized poems were the encryption/decryption keys), but later in the War, they began to switch to one-time pads.", "The VIC cipher (used at least until 1957 in connection with Rudolf Abel's NY spy ring) was a very complex hand cipher, and is claimed to be the most complicated known to have been used by the Soviets, according to David Kahn in Kahn on Codes. For the decrypting of Soviet ciphers (particularly when one-time pads were reused), see Venona project.", "Role of women\nThe UK and US employed large numbers of women in their code-breaking operation, with close to 7,000 reporting to Bletchley Park", "and 11,000 to the separate US Army and Navy operations, around Washington, DC. By tradition in Japan and Nazi doctrine in Germany, women were excluded from war work, at least until late in the war. Even after encryption systems were broken, large amounts of work were needed to respond to changes made, recover daily key settings for multiple networks, and intercept, process, translate, prioritize and analyze the huge volume of enemy messages generated in a global conflict", ". A few women, including Elizabeth Friedman and Agnes Meyer Driscoll, had been major contributors to US code-breaking in the 1930s and the Navy and Army began actively recruiting top graduates of women's colleges shortly before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Liza Mundy argues that this disparity in utilizing the talents of women between the Allies and Axis made a strategic difference in the war.", "Modern cryptography", "Encryption in modern times is achieved by using algorithms that have a key to encrypt and decrypt information. These keys convert the messages and data into \"digital gibberish\" through encryption and then return them to the original form through decryption. In general, the longer the key is, the more difficult it is to crack the code. This holds true because deciphering an encrypted message by brute force would require the attacker to try every possible key", ". To put this in context, each binary unit of information, or bit, has a value of 0 or 1. An 8-bit key would then have 256 or 2^8 possible keys. A 56-bit key would have 2^56, or 72 quadrillion, possible keys to try and decipher the message. With modern technology, cyphers using keys with these lengths are becoming easier to decipher. DES, an early US Government approved cypher, has an effective key length of 56 bits, and test messages using that cypher have been broken by brute force key search", ". However, as technology advances, so does the quality of encryption. Since World War II, one of the most notable advances in the study of cryptography is the introduction of the asymmetric key cyphers (sometimes termed public-key cyphers). These are algorithms which use two mathematically related keys for encryption of the same message. Some of these algorithms permit publication of one of the keys, due to it being extremely difficult to determine one key simply from knowledge of the other.", "Beginning around 1990, the use of the Internet for commercial purposes and the introduction of commercial transactions over the Internet called for a widespread standard for encryption. Before the introduction of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), information sent over the Internet, such as financial data, was encrypted if at all, most commonly using the Data Encryption Standard (DES)", ". This had been approved by NBS (a US Government agency) for its security, after public call for, and a competition among, candidates for such a cypher algorithm. DES was approved for a short period, but saw extended use due to complex wrangles over the use by the public of high quality encryption. DES was finally replaced by the AES after another public competition organized by the NBS successor agency, NIST", ". Around the late 1990s to early 2000s, the use of public-key algorithms became a more common approach for encryption, and soon a hybrid of the two schemes became the most accepted way for e-commerce operations to proceed. Additionally, the creation of a new protocol known as the Secure Socket Layer, or SSL, led the way for online transactions to take place. Transactions ranging from purchasing goods to online bill pay and banking used SSL", ". Transactions ranging from purchasing goods to online bill pay and banking used SSL. Furthermore, as wireless Internet connections became more common among households, the need for encryption grew, as a level of security was needed in these everyday situations.", "Claude Shannon", "Claude E. Shannon is considered by many to be the father of mathematical cryptography. Shannon worked for several years at Bell Labs, and during his time there, he produced an article entitled \"A mathematical theory of cryptography\". This article was written in 1945 and eventually was published in the Bell System Technical Journal in 1949. It is commonly accepted that this paper was the starting point for development of modern cryptography", ". Shannon was inspired during the war to address \"[t]he problems of cryptography [because] secrecy systems furnish an interesting application of communication theory\". Shannon identified the two main goals of cryptography: secrecy and authenticity. His focus was on exploring secrecy and thirty-five years later, G.J. Simmons would address the issue of authenticity", ".J. Simmons would address the issue of authenticity. Shannon wrote a further article entitled \"A mathematical theory of communication\" which highlights one of the most significant aspects of his work: cryptography's transition from art to science.", "In his works, Shannon described the two basic types of systems for secrecy. The first are those designed with the intent to protect against hackers and attackers who have infinite resources with which to decode a message (theoretical secrecy, now unconditional security), and the second are those designed to protect against hackers and attacks with finite resources with which to decode a message (practical secrecy, now computational security)", ". Most of Shannon's work focused around theoretical secrecy; here, Shannon introduced a definition for the \"unbreakability\" of a cipher. If a cipher was determined \"unbreakable\", it was considered to have \"perfect secrecy\". In proving \"perfect secrecy\", Shannon determined that this could only be obtained with a secret key whose length given in binary digits was greater than or equal to the number of bits contained in the information being encrypted", ". Furthermore, Shannon developed the \"unicity distance\", defined as the \"amount of plaintext that… determines the secret key.\"", "Shannon's work influenced further cryptography research in the 1970s, as the public-key cryptography developers, M. E. Hellman and W. Diffie cited Shannon's research as a major influence. His work also impacted modern designs of secret-key ciphers. At the end of Shannon's work with cryptography, progress slowed until Hellman and Diffie introduced their paper involving \"public-key cryptography\".", "An encryption standard", "The mid-1970s saw two major public (i.e., non-secret) advances. First was the publication of the draft Data Encryption Standard in the U.S. Federal Register on 17 March 1975. The proposed DES cipher was submitted by a research group at IBM, at the invitation of the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST), in an effort to develop secure electronic communication facilities for businesses such as banks and other large financial organizations", ". After advice and modification by the NSA, acting behind the scenes, it was adopted and published as a Federal Information Processing Standard Publication in 1977 (currently at FIPS 46-3). DES was the first publicly accessible cipher to be 'blessed' by a national agency such as the NSA. The release of its specification by NBS stimulated an explosion of public and academic interest in cryptography.", "The aging DES was officially replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in 2001 when NIST announced FIPS 197. After an open competition, NIST selected Rijndael, submitted by two Belgian cryptographers, to be the AES. DES, and more secure variants of it (such as Triple DES), are still used today, having been incorporated into many national and organizational standards", ". However, its 56-bit key-size has been shown to be insufficient to guard against brute force attacks (one such attack, undertaken by the cyber civil-rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation in 1997, succeeded in 56 hours.) As a result, use of straight DES encryption is now without doubt insecure for use in new cryptosystem designs, and messages protected by older cryptosystems using DES, and indeed all messages sent since 1976 using DES, are also at risk", ". Regardless of DES' inherent quality, the DES key size (56-bits) was thought to be too small by some even in 1976, perhaps most publicly by Whitfield Diffie. There was suspicion that government organizations even then had sufficient computing power to break DES messages; clearly others have achieved this capability.", "Public key", "The second development, in 1976, was perhaps even more important, for it fundamentally changed the way cryptosystems might work. This was the publication of the paper New Directions in Cryptography by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. It introduced a radically new method of distributing cryptographic keys, which went far toward solving one of the fundamental problems of cryptography, key distribution, and has become known as Diffie–Hellman key exchange", ". The article also stimulated the almost immediate public development of a new class of enciphering algorithms, the asymmetric key algorithms.", "Prior to that time, all useful modern encryption algorithms had been symmetric key algorithms, in which the same cryptographic key is used with the underlying algorithm by both the sender and the recipient, who must both keep it secret. All of the electromechanical machines used in World War II were of this logical class, as were the Caesar and Atbash ciphers and essentially all cipher systems throughout history", ". The 'key' for a code is, of course, the codebook, which must likewise be distributed and kept secret, and so shares most of the same problems in practice.", "Of necessity, the key in every such system had to be exchanged between the communicating parties in some secure way prior to any use of the system (the term usually used is 'via a secure channel') such as a trustworthy courier with a briefcase handcuffed to a wrist, or face-to-face contact, or a loyal carrier pigeon", ". This requirement is never trivial and very rapidly becomes unmanageable as the number of participants increases, or when secure channels aren't available for key exchange, or when, as is sensible cryptographic practice, keys are frequently changed. In particular, if messages are meant to be secure from other users, a separate key is required for each possible pair of users. A system of this kind is known as a secret key, or symmetric key cryptosystem", ". A system of this kind is known as a secret key, or symmetric key cryptosystem. D-H key exchange (and succeeding improvements and variants) made operation of these systems much easier, and more secure, than had ever been possible before in all of history.", "In contrast, asymmetric key encryption uses a pair of mathematically related keys, each of which decrypts the encryption performed using the other. Some, but not all, of these algorithms have the additional property that one of the paired keys cannot be deduced from the other by any known method other than trial and error. An algorithm of this kind is known as a public key or asymmetric key system. Using such an algorithm, only one key pair is needed per user", ". Using such an algorithm, only one key pair is needed per user. By designating one key of the pair as private (always secret), and the other as public (often widely available), no secure channel is needed for key exchange. So long as the private key stays secret, the public key can be widely known for a very long time without compromising security, making it safe to reuse the same key pair indefinitely.", "For two users of an asymmetric key algorithm to communicate securely over an insecure channel, each user will need to know their own public and private keys as well as the other user's public key. Take this basic scenario: Alice and Bob each have a pair of keys they've been using for years with many other users. At the start of their message, they exchange public keys, unencrypted over an insecure line", ". At the start of their message, they exchange public keys, unencrypted over an insecure line. Alice then encrypts a message using her private key, and then re-encrypts that result using Bob's public key. The double-encrypted message is then sent as digital data over a wire from Alice to Bob. Bob receives the bit stream and decrypts it using his own private key, and then decrypts that bit stream using Alice's public key", ". If the final result is recognizable as a message, Bob can be confident that the message actually came from someone who knows Alice's private key (presumably actually her if she's been careful with her private key), and that anyone eavesdropping on the channel will need Bob's private key in order to understand the message.", "Asymmetric algorithms rely for their effectiveness on a class of problems in mathematics called one-way functions, which require relatively little computational power to execute, but vast amounts of power to reverse, if reversal is possible at all. A classic example of a one-way function is multiplication of very large prime numbers. It's fairly quick to multiply two large primes, but very difficult to find the factors of the product of two large primes", ". Because of the mathematics of one-way functions, most possible keys are bad choices as cryptographic keys; only a small fraction of the possible keys of a given length are suitable, and so asymmetric algorithms require very long keys to reach the same level of security provided by relatively shorter symmetric keys. The need to both generate the key pairs, and perform the encryption/decryption operations make asymmetric algorithms computationally expensive, compared to most symmetric algorithms", ". Since symmetric algorithms can often use any sequence of (random, or at least unpredictable) bits as a key, a disposable session key can be quickly generated for short-term use. Consequently, it is common practice to use a long asymmetric key to exchange a disposable, much shorter (but just as strong) symmetric key. The slower asymmetric algorithm securely sends a symmetric session key, and the faster symmetric algorithm takes over for the remainder of the message.", "Asymmetric key cryptography, Diffie–Hellman key exchange, and the best known of the public key / private key algorithms (i.e., what is usually called the RSA algorithm), all seem to have been independently developed at a UK intelligence agency before the public announcement by Diffie and Hellman in 1976. GCHQ has released documents claiming they had developed public key cryptography before the publication of Diffie and Hellman's paper", ". Various classified papers were written at GCHQ during the 1960s and 1970s which eventually led to schemes essentially identical to RSA encryption and to Diffie–Hellman key exchange in 1973 and 1974. Some of these have now been published, and the inventors (James H. Ellis, Clifford Cocks, and Malcolm Williamson) have made public (some of) their work.", "Hashing", "Hashing is a common technique used in cryptography to encode information quickly using typical algorithms. Generally, an algorithm is applied to a string of text, and the resulting string becomes the \"hash value\". This creates a \"digital fingerprint\" of the message, as the specific hash value is used to identify a specific message. The output from the algorithm is also referred to as a \"message digest\" or a \"check sum\". Hashing is good for determining if information has been changed in transmission", ". Hashing is good for determining if information has been changed in transmission. If the hash value is different upon reception than upon sending, there is evidence the message has been altered. Once the algorithm has been applied to the data to be hashed, the hash function produces a fixed-length output. Essentially, anything passed through the hash function should resolve to the same length output as anything else passed through the same hash function", ". It is important to note that hashing is not the same as encrypting. Hashing is a one-way operation that is used to transform data into the compressed message digest. Additionally, the integrity of the message can be measured with hashing. Conversely, encryption is a two-way operation that is used to transform plaintext into cipher-text and then vice versa. In encryption, the confidentiality of a message is guaranteed.", "Hash functions can be used to verify digital signatures, so that when signing documents via the Internet, the signature is applied to one particular individual. Much like a hand-written signature, these signatures are verified by assigning their exact hash code to a person. Furthermore, hashing is applied to passwords for computer systems. Hashing for passwords began with the UNIX operating system. A user on the system would first create a password", ". A user on the system would first create a password. That password would be hashed, using an algorithm or key, and then stored in a password file. This is still prominent today, as web applications that require passwords will often hash user's passwords and store them in a database.", "Cryptography politics", "The public developments of the 1970s broke the near monopoly on high quality cryptography held by government organizations (see S Levy's Crypto for a journalistic account of some of the policy controversy of the time in the US). For the first time ever, those outside government organizations had access to cryptography not readily breakable by anyone (including governments). Considerable controversy, and conflict, both public and private, began more or less immediately, sometimes called the crypto wars", ". They have not yet subsided. In many countries, for example, export of cryptography is subject to restrictions. Until 1996 export from the U.S. of cryptography using keys longer than 40 bits (too small to be very secure against a knowledgeable attacker) was sharply limited. As recently as 2004, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, testifying before the 9/11 Commission, called for new laws against public use of encryption.", "One of the most significant people favoring strong encryption for public use was Phil Zimmermann. He wrote and then in 1991 released PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), a very high quality crypto system. He distributed a freeware version of PGP when he felt threatened by legislation then under consideration by the US Government that would require backdoors to be included in all cryptographic products developed within the US", ". His system was released worldwide shortly after he released it in the US, and that began a long criminal investigation of him by the US Government Justice Department for the alleged violation of export restrictions. The Justice Department eventually dropped its case against Zimmermann, and the freeware distribution of PGP has continued around the world. PGP even eventually became an open Internet standard (RFC 2440 or OpenPGP).", "Modern cryptanalysis", "While modern ciphers like AES and the higher quality asymmetric ciphers are widely considered unbreakable, poor designs and implementations are still sometimes adopted and there have been important cryptanalytic breaks of deployed crypto systems in recent years", ". Notable examples of broken crypto designs include the first Wi-Fi encryption scheme WEP, the Content Scrambling System used for encrypting and controlling DVD use, the A5/1 and A5/2 ciphers used in GSM cell phones, and the CRYPTO1 cipher used in the widely deployed MIFARE Classic smart cards from NXP Semiconductors, a spun off division of Philips Electronics. All of these are symmetric ciphers", ". All of these are symmetric ciphers. Thus far, not one of the mathematical ideas underlying public key cryptography has been proven to be 'unbreakable', and so some future mathematical analysis advance might render systems relying on them insecure. While few informed observers foresee such a breakthrough, the key size recommended for security as best practice keeps increasing as increased computing power required for breaking codes becomes cheaper and more available", ". Quantum computers, if ever constructed with enough capacity, could break existing public key algorithms and efforts are underway to develop and standardize post-quantum cryptography.", "Even without breaking encryption in the traditional sense, side-channel attacks can be mounted that exploit information gained from the way a computer system is implemented, such as cache memory usage, timing information, power consumption, electromagnetic leaks or even sounds emitted. Newer cryptographic algorithms are being developed that make such attacks more difficult.", "See also\n:Category:Undeciphered historical codes and ciphers\nEncryption by date\nJapanese cryptology from the 1500s to Meiji\nList of cryptographers\nNSA encryption systems\nSteganography\nTimeline of cryptography\nTopics in cryptography\nWorld War I cryptography\nWorld War II cryptography\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Helger Lipmaa's cryptography pointers\n Timeline of cipher machines\n\nzh-yue:密碼學史\n\n \nClassical cryptography\nMilitary communications\nHistory of telecommunications" ]
Vogue (magazine)
[ "Vogue (stylized in all caps) is an American monthly fashion and lifestyle magazine that covers various topics, including haute couture fashion, beauty, culture, living, and runway. Based at One World Trade Center in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, Vogue began in 1892 as a weekly newspaper before becoming a monthly magazine years later. Since its founding, Vogue has featured numerous actors, musicians, models, athletes, and other prominent celebrities", ". The largest issue published by Vogue magazine was the September 2012 edition, containing 900 pages.", "The British Vogue, launched in 1916, was the first international edition, while the Italian version Vogue Italia has been called the top fashion magazine in the world. As of today, there are 28 international editions.\n\nHistory", "History\n\n1892–1905: early years\nArthur Baldwin Turnure (1856–1906), an American businessman, founded Vogue as a weekly newspaper based in New York City, sponsored by Kristoffer Wright, with its first issue on December 17, 1892. The first issue was published with a cover price of 10 cents ().", "Turnure's intention was to create a publication that celebrated the \"ceremonial side of life\"; one that \"attracts the sage as well as debutante, men of affairs, as well as the belle\". From its inception the magazine intended to target the New York upper class by \"recounting their habits, their leisure activities, their social gatherings, the places they frequented, and the clothing they wore... and everyone who wanted to look like them and enter their exclusive circle\"", "... and everyone who wanted to look like them and enter their exclusive circle\". The magazine at this time was primarily concerned with fashion, with coverage of sports and social affairs included for its male readership.", "1905–1920: Condé Nast", "Condé Montrose Nast purchased Vogue in 1909, three years after Turnure's death. He gradually developed the nature of the publication. Nast changed it to a women's magazine, and he started Vogue editions overseas in the 1910s. Its price was also raised. The magazine's number of publications and profit increased dramatically under Nast's management. It continued to target an upscale audience and expanded into the coverage of weddings", ". It continued to target an upscale audience and expanded into the coverage of weddings. According to Condé Nast Russia, when the First World War made deliveries in the Old World impossible, printing began in England. The decision to print in England proved successful, causing Nast to release the first issue of French Vogue in 1920.", "1920–1970: expansion\nThe magazine's number of subscriptions surged during the Great Depression, and again during World War II. During this time, noted critic and former Vanity Fair editor Frank Crowninshield served as its editor, after moving from Vanity Fair by publisher Condé Nast.", "In July 1932, American Vogue placed its first color photograph on the cover of the magazine. The photograph was taken by photographer Edward Jean Steichen and portrayed a woman swimmer holding a beach ball in the air. Laird Borrelli notes that Vogue led the decline of fashion illustration in the late 1930s, when it began to replace its illustrated covers, by artists such as Dagmar Freuchen, with photographic images. Nast was responsible for introducing color printing and the \"two-page spread\"", ". Nast was responsible for introducing color printing and the \"two-page spread\". He has been credited with turning Vogue into a \"successful business\" and the \"women's magazine we recognize today\", having substantially increased sales volumes until his death in 1942.", "In the 1950s, the decade known as the magazine's \"powerful years\", Jessica Daves became editor-in-chief. As Rebecca C. Tuite has noted, \"Daves led a quiet charge for excellence during one of the most challenging, transformative, and rich decades in the magazine's history.\" Daves believed that \"taste is something that can be taught and learned\", and she edited Vogue as \"a vehicle to educate public taste\"", ". While fashion coverage remained a priority, Daves also elevated the written content of American Vogue, particularly championing more robust arts and literature features.", "The Daves era of Vogue came to an end in 1962, when Diana Vreeland joined the magazine (first as associate editor, and then, following Daves's departure in December 1962, as editor-in-chief). The pair had opposed approaches to editing Vogue, and critics said that this led the magazine to a period of \"extravagance, and luxury and excess\".", "In the 1960s, Diana Vreeland was editor-in-chief, and the magazine began to appeal to the youth of the sexual revolution by focusing on contemporary fashion and editorial features that openly discussed sexuality. Vogue extended coverage to include East Village boutiques, such as Limbo on St. Mark's Place, and it included features of personalities like Andy Warhol's \"Superstars\"", ". Mark's Place, and it included features of personalities like Andy Warhol's \"Superstars\". Vogue also continued making household names out of models, a practice that continued with Suzy Parker, Twiggy, Jean Shrimpton, Lauren Hutton, Veruschka, Marisa Berenson, Penelope Tree, and others.", "In 1973, Vogue became a monthly publication. Under editor-in-chief Grace Mirabella, the magazine underwent extensive editorial and stylistic changes in response to changes of its target audience. Mirabella states that she was chosen to change Vogue, because \"women weren't interested in reading about or buying clothes that served no purpose in their changing lives.\" She was selected to make the magazine appeal to \"the free, working, \"liberated\" woman of the seventies", ". The magazine changed in terms of interviews, arts coverage, and articles. When this stylistic change fell out of favor in the 1980s, Mirabella was fired.", "Well-known fashion photographers for the magazine include:\n Erwin Blumenfeld (1897–1969)\n Cecil Beaton (1904–1980)\n Horst P. Horst (1906–1999)\n Regina Relang (1906–1989)\n Irving Penn (1917–2009)\n Henry Clarke (1917–1996)\n Richard Avedon (1923–2004)\n Peter Lindbergh (1944–2019)", "1988–present: Anna Wintour leadership", "In July 1988 and after Vogue had begun to lose ground to Elle, Anna Wintour was named editor-in-chief. Noted for her trademark bob cut and sunglasses, Wintour attempted to revitalize the brand by making it feel younger and more approachable; she directed the focus towards new and accessible concepts of \"fashion\" for a wider audience. Wintour's influence allowed the magazine to maintain its high circulation, while staff discovered new trends that a broader audience could conceivably afford.", "Throughout her reign at Vogue, Wintour accomplished her goals to revitalize the magazine and oversaw production of some of its largest editions. The September 2012 edition measured 916 pages, which was the highest ever for a monthly magazine. Wintour continues to be American Vogues editor-in-chief.", "The contrast of Wintour's vision with that of her predecessors was noted as striking by observers, both critics and defenders. Amanda Fortini, fashion and style contributor for Slate, argues that her policy has been beneficial for Vogue, delivering it from what some critics had termed its boring \"beige years\".\n Although she has had a strong impact on the magazine, Wintour has been pinned as being cold and difficult to work with.", "Features \nTen men have been featured on the cover of the American edition:\n Richard Gere, with Cindy Crawford in November 1992\n George Clooney, with Gisele Bündchen in June 2000\n LeBron James, with Gisele Bündchen in April 2008\n Ryan Lochte, with Hope Solo and Serena Williams in June 2012\n Kanye West, with Kim Kardashian in March 2014\n Ben Stiller, with Penélope Cruz in February 2016\n Ashton Eaton, with Gigi Hadid in August 2016\n Zayn Malik, with Gigi Hadid in August 2017", "Ashton Eaton, with Gigi Hadid in August 2016\n Zayn Malik, with Gigi Hadid in August 2017\n Justin Bieber, with Hailey Baldwin in March 2019\n Harry Styles, in December 2020", "Noteworthy Vogue covers\n December 1892: The first cover of the magazine features a debutante at her début.\n July 1932: The first cover with a color photograph, featuring Edward Steichen's image of a swimmer holding a beach ball.\n August 1933: The cover features model Toto Koopman who is both bisexual and biracial. She portrays a woman that readers during the Great Depression would dream to be like.\n September 1944: USA Tent Hospital in France. Lee Miller as war correspondent for Vogue USA.", "September 1944: USA Tent Hospital in France. Lee Miller as war correspondent for Vogue USA.\n May 1961: Sophia Loren covers the magazine, and is one of the first celebrities to do so.\n August 1974: Beverly Johnson becomes the first black woman to cover American Vogue.\n November 1988: Anna Wintour's first cover features Israeli model Michaela Bercu.", "November 1988: Anna Wintour's first cover features Israeli model Michaela Bercu.\n May 1989: Under Wintour's control, Madonna became the first singer she put on a Vogue magazine, something that was considered \"controversial\", after an old-time-focus of models on their covers.", "April 1992: Vogues 100th anniversary cover featuring 10 supermodels namely Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington, Tatjana Patitz, Karen Mulder, Yasmeen Ghauri, Niki Taylor, Elaine Irwin,& Claudia Schiffer, and is the highest-selling issue ever.\n November 1992: Richard Gere becomes the first male to appear on the cover, alongside then-wife Cindy Crawford.\n December 1998: Hillary Clinton becomes the first American first lady to cover the magazine.", "December 1998: Hillary Clinton becomes the first American first lady to cover the magazine.\n September 2012: Lady Gaga graced the cover of the largest edition of Vogue in history, weighing in at 4.5 pounds and 916 pages.", "April 2014: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West appear on the cover in one of the most controversial cover shoots for Vogue. Kardashian is the first reality television star on the cover and West is the first rapper on the cover. They are also the first interracial couple to appear on the cover of the magazine.\n August 2017: Zayn Malik appears on the cover, making him the first male Muslim to be on the cover of the magazine.", "September 2018: Beyoncé is given \"unprecedented\" total editorial control of the magazine's cover and feature. She hires 23-year-old black photographer Tyler Mitchell to shoot the cover, making him the first black photographer to shoot a cover for Vogue in its 126-year history.\n December 2020: Harry Styles becomes the first male to appear by himself on the cover of Vogue.", "December 2020: Harry Styles becomes the first male to appear by himself on the cover of Vogue.\n February 2021: Kamala Harris becomes the first female vice president to cover Vogue. She is the highest-ranking female elected official in U.S. history, and the first African American and first Asian American vice president.\n November 2021: Adele becomes the first person to simultaneously cover the American and British editions of Vogue.", "February 2022: Hoyeon Jung becomes the first Asian to appear by herself on the cover of Vogue.\n August 2022: Emma Corrin becomes the first non-binary person to cover Vogue.", "Healthy body initiative\nMay 2013 marked the first anniversary of a healthy body initiative that was signed by the magazine's international editors—the initiative represents a commitment from the editors to promote positive body images within the content of Vogue's numerous editions. Vogue Australia editor Edwina McCann explained:", "In the magazine we're moving away from those very young, very thin girls. A year down the track, we ask ourselves what can Vogue do about it? And an issue like this [June 2013 issue] is what we can do about it. If I was aware of a girl being ill on a photo shoot I wouldn't allow that shoot to go ahead, or if a girl had an eating disorder I would not shoot her.", "The Australian edition's June 2013 issue was entitled Vogue Australia: \"The Body Issue\" and featured articles on exercise and nutrition, as well as a diverse range of models. New York-based Australian plus-size model Robyn Lawley, previously featured on the cover of Vogue Italia, also appeared in a swimwear shoot for the June issue.", "Jonathan Newhouse, Condé Nast International chairman, states that \"Vogue editors around the world want the magazines to reflect their commitment to the health of the models who appear on the pages and the wellbeing of their readers.\" Alexandra Shulman, one of the magazine's editor, comments on the initiative by stating \"as one of the fashion industry's most powerful voices, Vogue has a unique opportunity to engage with relevant issues where we feel we can make a difference.\"\n\nStyle and influence", "Style and influence\n\nThe word vogue means \"style\" in French. Vogue was described by book critic Caroline Weber in a December 2006 edition of The New York Times as \"the world's most influential fashion magazine\": The publication claims to reach 11 million readers in the US and 12.5 million internationally. Furthermore, Anna Wintour was described as one of the most powerful figures in fashion.", "Technological\nGoogle partnered with Vogue to feature Google Glass in the September 2013 issue, which featured a 12-page spread. Chris Dale, who manages communications for the Glass team at Google, stated:\n\n In the September 2015 issue, technology such as Apple Music, Apple Watch, and Amazon Fashion were all featured within the issues 832 pages.", "Economic", "Wintour's \"Fashion Night\" initiative was launched in 2009 with the intention of kickstarting the economy following the financial crisis of 2007–2008, by drawing people back into the retail environment and donating proceeds to various charitable causes. The event was co-hosted by Vogue in 27 cities around the US and 15 countries worldwide, and included online retailers at the beginning of 2011", ". Debate occurred over the actual profitability of the event in the US, resulting in a potentially permanent hiatus in 2013; however, the event continues in 19 other locations internationally. Vogue also has the ability to lift the spirits of readers during tough times and revels that \"even in bad times, someone is up for a good time.\" The article states that Vogue \"make[s] money because they elevate the eye and sometimes the spirit, take the reader someplace special", ".\" These fantasy tomes feel a boost during economic distress—like liquor and ice cream and movie ticket sales.\"", "Political", "In 2006, Vogue acknowledged salient political and cultural issues by featuring the burqa, as well as articles on prominent Muslim women, their approach to fashion, and the effect of different cultures on fashion and women's lives. Vogue also sponsored the \"Beauty Without Borders\" initiative with a US$25,000 donation that was used to establish a cosmetology school for Afghan women", ". Wintour stated: \"Through the school, we could not only help women in Afghanistan to look and feel better but also give them employment.\" A documentary by Liz Mermin, entitled The Beauty Academy of Kabul, which highlighted the proliferation of Western standards of beauty, criticized the school, suggesting that \"the beauty school could not be judged a success if it did not create a demand for American cosmetics.\"", "Leading up to the 2012 US presidential election, Wintour used her industry clout to host several significant fundraising events in support of the Obama campaign. The first, in 2010, was a dinner with an estimated US$30,000 entry fee. The \"Runway To Win\" initiative recruited prominent designers to create pieces to support the campaign.", "In October 2016, the magazine stated that \"Vogue endorses Hillary Clinton for president of the United States\". This was the first time that the magazine supported as a single voice a presidential candidate in its 120 years of history.", "Social", "The Met Gala is an annual event that is hosted by Vogue to celebrate the opening of the Metropolitan Museum's fashion exhibit. The Met Gala is the most coveted event of the year in the field of fashion and is attended by A-list celebrities, politicians, designers and fashion editors. Vogue has hosted the themed event since 1971 under editor-in-chief Diana Vreeland", ". Vogue has hosted the themed event since 1971 under editor-in-chief Diana Vreeland. Since 1995, Anna Wintour, who is Vogue's chief content officer and global editorial director, served as chairwoman of the Met Gala, and is the woman behind the coveted event's top-secret guest list. In 2013, Vogue released a special edition of Vogue entitled Vogue Special Edition: The Definitive Inside Look at the 2013 Met Gala", ". Vogue has produced about 70 videos about this event for YouTube exclusively, that includes pre-coverage, live reporting and post-event analysis. Met-related video content generated 902 million views, a 110% increase from 2021.", "Music", "In 2015, Vogue listed their \"15 Roots Reggae Songs You Should Know\"; and in an interview with Patricia Chin of VP Records, Vogue highlighted an abbreviated list of early \"reggae royalty\" that recorded at Studio 17 in Kingston, Jamaica which included Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Gregory Isaacs, Dennis Brown, Burning Spear, Toots and the Maytals, The Heptones, and Bunny Wailer", ". In addition to their coverage of historically significant artists, Vogue is a source for contemporary music news on artists such as Jay-Z, Eminem, Tom Petty, and Taylor Swift, as well as being an influencer that introduces new artists to the scene such as Suzi Analogue in 2017.", "Criticism", "As Wintour came to personify the magazine's image, both she and Vogue drew critics. Wintour's one-time assistant at the magazine, Lauren Weisberger, wrote a roman à clef entitled The Devil Wears Prada. Published in 2003, the novel became a bestseller and was adapted as a highly successful, Academy Award-nominated film in 2006. The central character resembled Weisberger, and her boss was a powerful editor-in-chief of a fictionalized version of Vogue", ". The novel portrays a magazine ruled by \"the Antichrist and her coterie of fashionistas, who exist on cigarettes, Diet Dr Pepper, and mixed green salads\", according to a review in The New York Times. The editor is described by Weisberger as being \"an empty, shallow, bitter woman who has tons and tons of gorgeous clothes and not much else\". However, despite the slight defamation of Wintour and Vogue magazine in general, the image of both editor and high-class magazine were not diminished", ". The success of both the novel and the film brought new attention from a wide global audience to the power and glamour of the magazine, and the industry it continues to lead.", "In 2007, Vogue drew criticism from the anti-smoking group \"Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids\", for carrying tobacco advertisements in the magazine. The group claims that volunteers sent the magazine more than 8,000 protest emails or faxes regarding the ads", ". The group also claimed that in response, they received scribbled notes faxed back on letters that had been addressed to Wintour stating, \"Will you stop? You're killing trees!\" In response, a spokesperson for Condé Nast released an official statement: \"Vogue does carry tobacco advertising. Beyond that we have no further comment.\"", "In April 2008, American Vogue featured a cover photo by photographer Annie Leibovitz of Gisele Bündchen and the basketball player LeBron James. This was the third time that Vogue featured a male on the cover of the American issue (the other two men were actors George Clooney and Richard Gere), and the first in which the man was black. Some observers criticized the cover as a prejudicial depiction of James because his pose with Bündchen was reminiscent of a poster for the film King Kong", ". Further criticism arose when the website Watching the Watchers analyzed the photo alongside the World War I recruitment poster titled Destroy This Mad Brute. However, James reportedly liked the cover shoot.", "In February 2011, just before the 2011 Syrian protests unfolded, Vogue published a controversial piece by Joan Juliet Buck about Asma al-Assad, wife of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. A number of journalists criticized the article as glossing over the poor human rights record of Bashar al-Assad. According to reports, the Syrian government paid the U.S. lobbying firm Brown Lloyd James US$5,000 per month to arrange for and manage the article.", "In October 2018, Vogue published a photoshoot starring Kendall Jenner who had an afro-like style hairstyle which drew criticisms.\n\nMedia\n\nDocumentaries", "In 2009, the feature-length documentary The September Issue was released; it was an inside view of the production of the record-breaking September 2007 issue of U.S. Vogue, directed by R. J. Cutler. The film was shot over eight months as Wintour prepared the issue, and included testy exchanges between Wintour and her creative director Grace Coddington", ". The issue became the largest ever published at the time; over 5 pounds in weight and 840 pages in length, a world record for a monthly magazine Since then, that record has been broken by Vogues 2012 September issue, which came in at 916 pages.", "Also in 2012, HBO released a documentary entitled In Vogue: The Editor's Eye, in conjunction with the 120th anniversary of the magazine. Drawing on Vogues extensive archives, the film featured behind-the-scenes interviews with longtime Vogue editors, including Wintour, Coddington, Tonne Goodman, Babs Simpson, Hamish Bowles, and Phyllis Posnick", ". Celebrated subjects and designers in the fashion industry, such as Nicole Kidman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Linda Evangelista, Vera Wang, and Marc Jacobs, also appear in the film. The editors share personal stories about collaborating with top photographers, such as Leibovitz, and the various day-to-day responsibilities and interactions of a fashion editor at Vogue. The film was directed and produced by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato", ". The film was directed and produced by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato. In October 2012, Vogue also released a book titled Vogue: The Editor's Eye to complement the documentary.", "Video channel\nIn 2013, Vogue launched the Vogue video channel that can be accessed via their website. The channel was launched in conjunction with Conde Nast's multi-platform media initiative. Mini-series that have aired on the video channel include Vogue Weddings, The Monday Makeover, From the Vogue Closet, Fashion Week, Elettra's Goodness, Jeanius, Vintage Bowles, The Backstory, Beauty Mark, Met Gala, Voguepedia, Vogue Voices, Vogue Diaries, CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund, and Monday's with Andre.", "Books\nBooks published by Vogue include In Vogue: An Illustrated History of the World's Most Famous Fashion Magazine, Vogue: The Covers, Vogue: The Editor's Eye, Vogue Living: House, Gardens, People, The World in Vogue, Vogue Weddings: Brides, Dresses, Designers, and Nostalgia in Vogue.", "Voguepedia\nLaunched in 2011 by Condé Nast Digital, Voguepedia is a fashion encyclopedia that also includes an archive of every issue of Vogues American edition since 1892. Only Vogue staff are permitted to contribute to the encyclopedia, unlike the VogueEncyclo—hosted by Vogue Italia—that receives contributions from anyone. As of May 9, 2013, the site was not fully functional; code still showed in search results and only certain search terms yielded results.", "Website \nVogue has also created an easily navigable website that includes six different content categories for viewers to explore. The website includes an archive with issues from 1892 forward for those whom subscribe for the website. The magazines online are the same as those that were printed in that time and are not cut or shortened from the original content.", "Podcast", "Vogue launched the teaser for its podcast series on September 10, 2015. The magazine announced that star André Leon Talley would host the podcasts, and the inaugural twenty-one-minute podcast was released on September 14, 2015, featuring Anna Wintour", ". Talley commented that he had \"been a longtime storyteller at Vogue and it's just another format for telling stories—as at Vogue, we love to tell the story of style, fashion, and what is absolutely a part of the culture at the moment\", hence why the magazine has decided to create podcasts.", "Vogue App", "The app was introduced on April 26, 2016, as a way for the magazine to become more mobile friendly. The Vogue app displays content on mobile devices and gives people the ability to view the magazine content wherever they go. The app has new content every day and people can choose to receive content recommended just for their taste. In addition, the app allows one to save stories for later and or read offline", ". In addition, the app allows one to save stories for later and or read offline. Lastly, the app provides notifications for fashion outbreaks and for new stories that are published pertaining to that viewer's particular taste.", "Vogue Business \nThe online fashion industry publication was launched in January 2019. The new property aims at offering a global perspective on the fashion industry with industry insights. Although sharing the Vogue brand name, Vogue Business is operated as a separate business entity with an independent editorial team.", "In June 2019, Vogue Business launched the Vogue Business Talent, a platform that promotes vacancies from international fashion brands and companies with the goal to match professionals with their job opportunities.", "Other editions\nIn 2005, Condé Nast launched Men's Vogue. The magazine ceased publication as an independent publication in October 2008, the December/January 2009 edition being its last issue. It was intended to be published as a supplement of Vogue, the Spring 2009 edition being the last issue of the magazine altogether.", "Condé Nast also publishes Teen Vogue, a version of the magazine for teenage girls in the United States. South Korea and Australia publish a Vogue Girl magazine (currently suspended from further publication), in addition to the Vogue Living and Vogue Entertaining + Travel editions.\n\nVogue Hommes International is an international men's fashion magazine based in Paris, France, and L'uomo Vogue is the Italian men's version. At the beginning of 2013 the Japanese version, Vogue Hommes Japan, ended publication.", "Until 1961, Vogue was also the publisher of Vogue Patterns, a home sewing pattern company. It was sold to Butterick Publishing, which also licensed the Vogue name. In 2007, an Arabic edition of Vogue was rejected by Condé Nast International.", "On March 5, 2010, 16 international editors-in-chief of Vogue met in Paris to discuss the 2nd Fashion's Night Out", ". Present in the meeting were the 16 international editors-in-chief of Vogue: Wintour (American Vogue), Emmanuelle Alt (French Vogue), Franca Sozzani (Italian Vogue), Alexandra Shulman (British Vogue), Kirstie Clements (Australian Vogue), Aliona Doletskaya (Russian Vogue), Angelica Cheung (Chinese Vogue), Christiane Arp (German Vogue), Priya Tanna (Indian Vogue), Rosalie Huang (Taiwanese Vogue), Paula Mateus (Portuguese Vogue), Seda Domaniç (Turkish Vogue), Yolanda Sacristan (Spanish Vogue)", ", Paula Mateus (Portuguese Vogue), Seda Domaniç (Turkish Vogue), Yolanda Sacristan (Spanish Vogue), Eva Hughes (Mexican and Latin American Vogue), Mitsuko Watanabe (Japanese Vogue), and Daniela Falcao (Brazilian Vogue)", ".", "International editions", "British Vogue became the first international edition in 1916. The magazine celebrated its centenary issue in 2016 with a cover of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, in her first-ever magazine cover shoot. On January 25, 2017, it was announced that the editor-in-chief, Alexandra Shulman, was to leave the magazine in June 2017, after 25 years. On April 10, 2017, it was announced that Edward Enninful will become the new editor-in-chief of British Vogue, the first male editor of the magazine in 100 years.", "Vogue Paris became the second international edition in 1920. The magazine celebrated its centenary with the release of their October 2021 issue, an archive-centric special, delayed a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The magazine also opened a \"Vogue 1920–2020\" exhibition at the Palais Galliera. It also marked the last issue under Emmanuelle Alt, who exited the magazine in summer 2021. On September, it was announced that Eugenie Trochu became the Head of Editorial Content", ". On September, it was announced that Eugenie Trochu became the Head of Editorial Content. In November, the magazine rebranded as Vogue France.", "Vogue New Zealand became the third (fourth overall) international edition in 1957. During its first years, it was edited from the British edition and in their later years from the Australian edition. It was published until 1968.\n\nVogue Australia became the fourth (fifth overall) international edition in 1959. In May 2012, editor-in-chief Kirstie Clements was fired and replaced with Edwina McCann.", "Vogue Italia became the fifth international edition in 1964. On January 20, 2017, it was officially announced that Emanuele Farneti will become the new editor-in-chief, after the unexpected passing of long-time editor, Franca Sozzani in December 2016. In late July 2021, Emanuele Farneti, editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia announced his departure from the magazine after the September issue for 2021. In September, Francesca Ragazzi was announced as the magazine's Head of Editorial Content.", "Vogue Brasil became the sixth (seventh overall) international edition in 1975.\n\nVogue Korea became the ninth (tenth overall) international edition in 1996.\n\nVogue Taiwan became the tenth (eleventh overall) international edition in 1996. It has been led by editor-in-chief Leslie Sun since 2020.", "Vogue Mexico was published for the first time in 1980, becoming the sixth international edition, the Mexican edition last until 1994 when has to close because of the economic crisis, five years later, in 1999 it was relaunched under the name of Vogue México and Latinoamérica. In January 2012, it was announced that Kelly Talamas was the new editor-in-chief replacing Eva Hughes, when Hughes was named CEO of Condé Nast Mexico and Latin America.", "Vogue Greece became the thirteenth (fifteenth overall) international edition in 2000. It became the twenty-fourth edition when relaunched in 2019. In September 2018, it was announced that seven years after its closure, a rebooted Greek edition was in preparation, with Thaleia Karafyllidou as the youngest-ever editor-in-chief in the history of Vogue. Vogue Greece debuted on March 31, 2019, and is published under license agreement with Kathimerines Ekdoseis SA.", "Vogue Portugal became the fourteenth (sixteenth overall) international edition in 2002.\n\nVogue China became the fifteenth (seventeenth overall) international edition in 2005. In November 2020, it was reported that Angelica Cheung, the founding editor of Vogue China, will leave the magazine on December 8 after 15 years. In February 2021, it was announced that Margaret Zhang was appointed as the editor-in-chief of Vogue China, at 27, the youngest editor of Vogue.", "Vogue India became the sixteenth (eighteenth overall) international edition in 2007. In early May 2021, it was announced that Priya Tanna, the founding editor of Vogue India, will leave the magazine after 15 years. In September 2021, Megha Kapoor was announced as the magazine's Head of Editorial Content.\n\nVogue Turkey became the seventeenth (nineteenth overall) international edition in 2010.", "Vogue Arabia became the twentieth (twenty-third overall) international edition in 2016. In July 2016, the launch of Vogue Arabia was announced, first as a dual English and Arabic language website, then with a print edition to follow in spring 2017. On April 13, 2017, it was revealed that Vogue Arabia'''s first editor-in-chief, Deena Aljuhani, was fired, and a new editor was set to be announced.Vogue Poland became the twenty-first (twenty-fourth overall) international edition in 2018", ".Vogue Poland became the twenty-first (twenty-fourth overall) international edition in 2018. In June 2017, it was announced that the Polish edition, Vogue Polska, was in preparation, with Filip Niedenthal as editor-in-chief. The local publisher, Visteria, signed a licence deal with Condé Nast. The printed magazine and its website launched on February 14, 2018.Vogue Czechoslovakia became the twenty-second (twenty-fifth overall) international edition in 2018", ".Vogue Czechoslovakia became the twenty-second (twenty-fifth overall) international edition in 2018. In February 2018, the Czech-language edition was announced. It premiered in August 2018 under license with V24 Media, and titled Vogue CS, it covers the Czech and Slovak markets.Vogue Hong Kong became the twenty-third (twenty-sixth overall) international edition in 2019. In October 2018, the Hong Kong edition was announced. It premiered on March 3, 2019, under a license agreement with Rubicon Media Ltd", ". It premiered on March 3, 2019, under a license agreement with Rubicon Media Ltd., with digital and print presence.Vogue Scandinavia became the twenty-sixth (twenty-seventh overall) international edition in 2021.Vogue Philippines will become the twenty-seventh (twenty-eighth overall) international edition. In January 2022, Condé Nast partnered with Philippines-based publishing company One Mega Group to launch the edition of the magazine in the country. The first issue will be released in September", ". The first issue will be released in September. The magazine appointed Bea Valdes as its editor-in-chief.", "Germany (1975–present) \nThe magazine became the third international edition and was first published from 1928 to 1929. It became the sixth edition when relaunched in 1979. In December 2020, it was also announced that Christiane Arp will exit Vogue Germany after 17 years, after joining the title in 2003. In October 2021, Kerstin Weng was announced as the magazine's Head of Editorial Content.", "Spain (1988–present) \nThe magazine became the seventh (eight overall) international edition in 1988. On January 11, 2017, it was announced that Eugenia de la Torriente will become the new editor-in-chief. In December 2020, it was announced that de la Torriente will step down from the magazine after three years. In September 2021, Inés Lorenzo was announced as the magazine's Head of Editorial Content.", "Russia (1998–2022) Vogue Russia became the tenth (twelfth overall) international edition in 1998. In July 2010, it was reported that Victoria Davydona will assume as editor-in-chief following Aliona Doletskaya's resignation. Davydova's appointment is effective immediately. On March 8, 2022, Condé Nast announced the suspension of all of its publishing operations in Russia, including the publication of Vogue Russia, as a reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.", "Japan (1999–present) \nThe magazine became the eleventh (thirteenth overall) international edition in 1999. In May 2021, it was announced that Mitsuko Watanabe will exit Vogue Japan at the end of the year, after thirteen years as the editor-in-chief, and that a successor has yet to be to be named. In January 2022, Tiffany Godoy was announced as the magazine's Head of Editorial Content.", "Thailand (2013–present) \nThe magazine became the eighteenth (twenty-first overall) international edition in 2013. The first issue of the magazine sold-out. Editor-in-chief, Kullawit Laosuksri was the only male editor at the helm of Vogue at the time.", "Ukraine (2013–present) \nIt became the nineteenth (twenty-second overall) international edition in 2013. In June 2012, it was reported that Ukraine will be publishing Vogue the next year. With Condé Nast International chairman and CEO Jonathan Newhouse saying, \"Kiev is booming, and there is a strong market demand for luxury products and the experience Vogue can offer the reader.\"", "Singapore (2020–present)", "The magazine became the eighth (ninth overall) international edition in 1994. It became the twenty-fifth edition when relaunched in 2020. In March 1994, there were initial reports of Condé Nast planning to launch the first Asian edition of Vogue magazine in Singapore beginning in September, with the magazine being edited and designed by Vogue's Australia office in Sydney. It became the first Asian edition", ". It became the first Asian edition. It had an initial print run of 35,000 copies for distribution in Singapore, plus 10,000 for Malaysia and 1,000 each for Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. It was published between September 1994 and February 1998.", "In January 2020, it was reported that Condé Nast will be launching Vogue in Singapore via a license agreement with publisher Indochine Media. It was also reported that the launch will be in the fall of the same year with an English-language print issue, a website and presences on all relevant social platforms, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with an editor-in-chief to be announced", ". The magazine officially relaunched in September 2020 with both print and digital versions of the publication will feature scannable QR codes, as well as AR and VR content. The inaugural print issue features three collectible covers, capturing Asian cover stars including Singaporean model, Diya Prabhakar; Chinese supermodel, Jū Xiǎowén; and Japanese actress, Nana Komatsu.", "Scandinavia (2020–present) \nThe magazine became the twenty-sixth (twenty-eighth overall) international edition with its launch in June 2020. It was also confirmed that the magazine would be published in English, to be accessible worldwide, with Martina Bonnier being its Editor-in-Chief. In order to be more sustainable, the magazine announced to be published in an online form. In August 2021, Greta Thunberg appeared on the first issue of the magazine.", "Netherlands (2022–present)", "The magazine became the eighteenth (twentieth overall) international edition in 2012. It became the twenty-sixth edition when relaunched in 2022. In November 2011, the magazine was confirmed to debut in 2012 with Karin Swerink assuming the editor-in-chief role. In early July 2021, in an Instagram post to the publication's official account, Vogue Nederland editor-in-chief Rinke Tjepkema announced that the Dutch magazine would be shutting down, after almost 10 years", ". However, in October 2021, it was reported that the magazine would return to the Dutch market in February 2022.", "Editors of international editions\n\nThe following highlights circulation dates as well as individuals who have served as editor-in-chief of Vogue:\n\n Head of Editorial Content \nAfter a consolidation at Condé Nast, the publisher will put its largest titles (including Vogue'') under global and regional leadership. The role of editor-in-chief was replaced in some international editions for the new role of Head of Editorial Content.\n\nSee also\n Didier Guérin, executive in charge of new releases\n The Big Four", "See also\n Didier Guérin, executive in charge of new releases\n The Big Four\n\nCover models\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n \n Archived issues at HathiTrust", "Magazines published in New York City\nMagazines established in 1892\n1892 establishments in the United States\nMen's fashion magazines\nWomen's magazines published in the United States\nEnglish-language magazines\nSpanish-language magazines\nGerman-language magazines\nTurkish-language magazines\nDutch-language magazines\nItalian-language magazines\nMonthly magazines published in the United States\nLifestyle magazines published in the United States\nWomen's magazines published in Australia", "Lifestyle magazines published in the United States\nWomen's magazines published in Australia\nWomen's magazines published in Germany\nMagazines published in Korea\nMagazines published in Thailand\nMultilingual magazines\nWomen's fashion magazines\nWomen's magazines published in France\nFashion magazines" ]
Hong Kong action cinema
[ "Hong Kong action cinema is the principal source of the Hong Kong film industry's global fame. Action films from Hong Kong have roots in Chinese and Hong Kong cultures including Chinese opera, storytelling and aesthetic traditions, which Hong Kong filmmakers combined with elements from Hollywood and Japanese cinema along with new action choreography and filmmaking techniques, to create a culturally distinctive form that went on to have wide transcultural appeal", ". In turn, Hollywood action films have been heavily influenced by Hong Kong genre conventions, from the 1970s onwards.", "The first Hong Kong action films favoured the wuxia style, emphasizing mysticism and swordplay, but this trend was politically suppressed in the 1930s and replaced by kung fu films that depicted more down-to-earth unarmed martial arts, often featuring folk heroes such as Wong Fei Hung. Post-war cultural upheavals led to a second wave of wuxia films with highly acrobatic violence, followed by the emergence of the grittier kung fu films for which the Shaw Brothers studio became best known.", "Hong Kong action cinema peaked from the 1970s to the 1990s. The 1970s saw a resurgence in kung fu films during the rise and sudden death of Bruce Lee. He was succeeded in the 1980s by Jackie Chan—who popularized the use of comedy, dangerous stunts, and modern urban settings in action films—and Jet Li, whose authentic wushu skills appealed to both eastern and western audiences", ". The innovative work of directors and producers like Tsui Hark and John Woo introduced further variety, with genres such as heroic bloodshed and gun fu films, and themes such as triads and the supernatural. However, an exodus by many leading figures to Hollywood in the 1990s coincided with a downturn in the industry.", "Early martial arts films (early 20th century)", "The signature contribution to action cinema from the Chinese-speaking world is the martial arts film, the most famous of which were developed in Hong Kong. The genre emerged first in Chinese popular literature. The early 20th century saw an explosion of what were called wuxia novels (often translated as \"martial chivalry\"), generally published in serialized form in newspapers. These were tales of heroic, sword-wielding warriors, often featuring mystical or fantasy elements", ". These were tales of heroic, sword-wielding warriors, often featuring mystical or fantasy elements. This genre was quickly seized on by early Chinese films, particularly in the movie capital of the time, Shanghai. Starting in the 1920s, wuxia titles, often adapted from novels (for example, 1928's The Burning of the Red Lotus Monastery and its eighteen sequels) were hugely popular and the genre dominated Chinese film for several years.", "The boom came to an end in the 1930s, caused by official opposition from cultural and political elites, especially the Kuomintang government, who saw it as promoting superstition and violent anarchy. Wuxia filmmaking was picked up in Hong Kong, at the time a British colony with a highly liberal economy and culture and a developing film industry. The first martial arts film in Cantonese, the dominant Chinese spoken language of Hong Kong, was The Adorned Pavilion (1938).", "Post-war martial arts cinema (1940s to early 1960s)", "By the late 1940s, upheavals in mainland China—the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese Civil War, and the victory of the Chinese Communist Party—had shifted the centre of Chinese language filmmaking to Hong Kong. The industry continued the wuxia tradition in Cantonese B movies and serials, although the more prestigious Mandarin-language cinema generally ignored the genre", ". Animation and special effects drawn directly on the film by hand were used to simulate the flying abilities and other preternatural powers of characters; later titles in the cycle included The Six-Fingered Lord of the Lute (1965) and Sacred Fire, Heroic Wind (1966).", "A counter-tradition to the wuxia films emerged in the kung fu movies that were also produced at this time. These movies emphasized more \"authentic\", down-to-earth and unarmed combat over the swordplay and mysticism of wuxia", ". The most famous exemplar was real-life martial artist Kwan Tak Hing; he became an avuncular hero figure to at least a couple of generations of Hong Kongers by playing historical folk hero Wong Fei Hung in a series of roughly one hundred movies, from The True Story of Wong Fei Hung (1949) through to Wong Fei Hung Bravely Crushing the Fire Formation (1970)", ". A number of enduring elements were introduced or solidified by these films: the still-popular character of \"Master Wong\"; the influence of Chinese opera with its stylized martial arts and acrobatics; and the concept of martial arts heroes as exponents of Confucian ethics.", "\"New School\" wuxia (late 1960s to early 1970s)", "In the second half of the 1960s, the era's biggest studio, Shaw Brothers, inaugurated a new generation of wuxia films, starting with Xu Zenghong's Temple of the Red Lotus (1965), a remake of the 1928 classic. These Mandarin productions were more lavish and in colour; their style was less fantastical and more intense, with stronger and more acrobatic violence", ". They were influenced by imported samurai movies from Japan and by the wave of \"New School\" wuxia novels by authors like Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng that started in the 1950s.", "The New School wuxia wave marked the move of male-oriented action films to the centre of Hong Kong cinema, which had long been dominated by female stars and genres aimed at female audiences, such as romances and musicals", ". Even so, during the 1960s female action stars like Cheng Pei-pei and Connie Chan Po-chu were prominent alongside male stars, such as former swimming champion Jimmy Wang Yu, and they continued an old tradition of female warriors in wuxia storyte directors of the period were Chang Cheh with One-Armed Swordsman (1967) and Golden Swallow (1968) and King Hu with Come Drink with Me (1966)", ". Hu soon left Shaw Brothers to pursue his own vision of wuxia with independent productions in Taiwan, such as the enormously successful Dragon Inn (1967, a.k.a. Dragon Gate Inn) and A Touch of Zen which was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 1975 Cannes Film Festival. Chang stayed on and remained the Shaws' prolific star director into the early 1980s.", "Kung fu wave (1970s)", "The early 1970s saw wuxia giving way to a new, grittier and more graphic (and Mandarin-speaking) iteration of the kung fu movie, which came to dominate through the decade and into the early 1980s. Seriously trained martial artists such as Ti Lung and Gordon Liu became some of the top stars as increasing proportions of running times were devoted to combat set-pieces. Chinese Boxer (1970), starring and directed by Jimmy Wang Yu, is widely credited with launching the kung fu boom", ". But remaining at the vanguard, at least initially, were Shaw Brothers and director Chang Cheh. Chang's Vengeance (1970) was another of the first trendsetters and his dozens of contributions included The Boxer from Shantung (1972), Heroes Two (1974), Five Deadly Venoms (1978) and Crippled Avengers (1979)", ". Kung fu cinema was particularly influenced by Chang's concern with his vision of masculine values and male friendship; the female warrior figures who had been prominent in late 1960s wuxia work were sidelined, with prominent exceptions such as the popular Angela Mao.", "Chang's only competitor as the genre's most influential filmmaker was his long-time action choreographer, Lau Kar Leung (a.k.a. Liu Chia Liang in Mandarin). Lau began directing his own movies for the Shaw brothers in 1975 with The Spiritual Boxer, a progenitor of the kung fu comedy", ". In subsequent titles like Executioners from Shaolin (1977), The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978), and Legendary Weapons of China (1982), Lau emphasized the traditions and philosophy of the martial arts and strove to give onscreen fighting greater authenticity and ever greater speed and intricacy.", "The kung fu boom was partly fueled by enormous international popularity, and not just in East Asia. In the West, kung fu imports, dubbed and often recut and retitled, shown as \"B\" films in urban theaters and on television, made Hong Kong film widely noticed, although not widely respected, for the first time", ". African-Americans particularly embraced the genre (as exemplified by the popular hip-hop group, the Wu-Tang Clan) perhaps as an almost unprecedented source of adventure stories with non-white heroes, who furthermore often displayed a strong streak of racial and/or nationalistic pride.", "The popularity of these movies in North America would continue into the 1980s when ninja movies were introduced. In popular culture, the films of this era were colloquially known as Kung Fu Theater or Black Belt Theater, names that many independent stations used for their weekly airing slot.", "The Brothers (1979), a Shaw Brothers production, was a significant departure from the kung fu films the studio was known for. The Brothers was an action crime-drama, about two brothers on opposing sides of the law. It was a remake of the Indian crime drama Deewaar (1975), written by Salim–Javed. In turn, The Brothers laid the foundations for the heroic bloodshed genre of 1980s Hong Kong cinema, inspiring John Woo's breakthrough film A Better Tomorrow (1986).\n\nBruce Lee", "No single figure was more responsible for this international profile than Bruce Lee, an American-born, Hong Kong-raised martial artist and actor. Lee completed just four movies before his death at the age of 32: The Big Boss (1971), Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon (both 1972), and Enter the Dragon (1973). Eastern film historian Patrick Macias ascribes his success to \"(bringing) the warrior spirit of old into the present day... developing his own fighting style... and possessing superhuman charisma\"", "... developing his own fighting style... and possessing superhuman charisma\". His first three movies broke local box office records and were successful in much of the world. Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon went on to gross an estimated and worldwide, respectively.", "The English-language Enter the Dragon, the first-ever US-Hong Kong co-production, grossed an estimated worldwide, making it the most internationally successful film from the region. Furthermore, his decision at the outset to work for young, upstart studio Golden Harvest, rather than accept the Shaws' notoriously tightfisted standard contract, was a factor in Golden Harvest's meteoric rise and Shaw's eventual decline.", "Jackie Chan and the kung fu comedy", "The only Chinese performer who has ever rivalled Bruce Lee's global fame is Jackie Chan. Like many kung fu performers of the day, Chan came out of training in Peking opera and started in film as a stuntman, notably in some of Lee's vehicles. He was groomed for a while by The Big Boss and Fist of Fury director Lo Wei as another Lee clone, in several movies including New Fist of Fury (1976), with little success", ". But in 1978, Chan teamed up with action choreographer Yuen Woo Ping on Yuen's directorial debut, Snake in the Eagle's Shadow. The resulting blend of physical comedy and kung fu action provided Chan with his first hit and the rudiments of what would become his signature style. Chan's follow-up movie with Yuen, Drunken Master (also 1978), and his directorial debut, The Fearless Hyena (1979), were also giant hits and cemented his popularity.", "Although these films were not the first kung fu comedies, they launched a vogue that helped reinvigorate the waning kung fu genre. Especially notable in this regard were two of Chan's childhood Peking Opera School classmates, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, who also made careers of this specialty, sometimes co-starring with Chan", ". Hung, noted for the seeming paradox of his overweight physique and physical agility, also made a name for himself as a director and action choreographer from early on, with titles like Enter the Fat Dragon (1978).", "Reinventing action cinema (1980s to early 1990s) \nChan's clowning may have helped extend the life of the kung fu wave for several years. Nevertheless, he became a star towards the end of the boom, and would soon help move the colony towards a new type of action. In the 1980s, he and many colleagues would forge a slicker, more spectacular Hong Kong pop cinema that would successfully compete with the post-Star Wars summer blockbusters from America.\n\nJackie Chan and the modern martial arts stunt action film", "In the early 1980s, Jackie Chan began experimenting with elaborate stunt action sequences in films such as The Young Master (1980) and especially Dragon Lord (1982), which featured a pyramid fight scene that holds the record for the most takes required for a single scene, with 2900 takes, and the final fight scene in which he performs various stunts, including one where he does a back flip off a loft and falls to the lower ground", ". By 1983, Chan branched out into action films which, though they still used martial arts, were less limited in scope, setting and plot, with an emphasis on elaborate yet dangerous stunt sequences. His first film in this vein, Project A (1983), saw the official formation of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team and added elaborate, dangerous stunts to the fights and typical slapstick humor (at one point, Chan falls from the top of a clock tower through a series of fabric canopies)", ". The new formula helped Project A gross over in Hong Kong, and significantly more in other Asian countries such as Japan, where it grossed and became one of the highest-grossing films of 1984. Winners and Sinners (1983) also featured an elaborate action sequence that involves Chan skating along a busy high road, including a risky stunt where he slides under a truck.", "Chan continued to take the approach – and the budgets – to new heights in hits like Police Story (1985), which is considered one of the greatest action films of all time. Here was Chan dangling from a speeding bus, destroying large parts of a hillside shantytown, fighting in a shopping mall while breaking many glass panes, and sliding down a pole covered with exploding light bulbs. The latter is considered one of the greatest stunts in the history of action cinema", ". The latter is considered one of the greatest stunts in the history of action cinema. The 1988 sequel called for explosions on a scale similar to many Hollywood movies and seriously injured leading lady Maggie Cheung – an occupational risk Chan had already grown used to. Thus Jackie Chan created the template for the contemporary urban action-comedy of the 1980s, combining cops, kung fu and all the body-breaking potential of the modern city with its glass, metal and speeding vehicles.", "Tsui Hark and Cinema City", "Chan's move towards larger-scale action films was paralleled by work coming out of Cinema City, the production company established in 1980 by comedians Raymond Wong, Karl Maka and Dean Shek. With movies like the spy spoof Aces Go Places (1982) and its sequels, Cinema City helped make modern special effects, James Bond-type gadgets and big vehicular stunts part of the industry vernacular", ". Director/producer Tsui Hark had a hand in shaping the Cinema City style while employed there from 1981–1983 but went on to make an even bigger impact after leaving. In such movies as Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain (1983) and A Chinese Ghost Story (1987, directed by Ching Siu-tung), he kept pushing back the boundaries of Hong Kong special effects. He led the way in replacing the rough and ready camera style of 1970s kung fu with glossier and more sophisticated visuals and ever more furious editing.", "John Woo and the \"heroic bloodshed\" and \"gun fu\" triad films", "As a producer, Tsui Hark facilitated the creation of John Woo's epoch-making heroic bloodshed movie A Better Tomorrow (1986). Woo's saga of cops and the triads (Chinese gangsters) combined fancifully choreographed (and extremely violent) gunplay (called gun fu) with heightened emotional melodrama, sometimes resembling a modern-dress version of 1970s kung fu films by Woo's mentor Chang Cheh. The formula broke another all-time box office record", ". The formula broke another all-time box office record. It also jump-started the faltering career of co-star Chow Yun-fat, who overnight became one of the colony's most popular idols and Woo's favorite leading man.", "For the remainder of the 1980s and into the early 1990s, a deluge of films by Woo and others explored similar territory, often with a similar visual style and thematic bent. They were usually marked by an emphasis on the fraternal bonds of duty and affection among the criminal protagonists. The most notable other auteur of these themes was Ringo Lam, who offered a less romanticized take in such films as City on Fire, Prison on Fire (both 1987), and Full Contact (1992), all starring Chow Yun-Fat", ". The genre and its creators were accused in some quarters of cravenly glorifying real-life triads, whose involvement in the film business was notorious.", "The wire-work wave", "As the triad films petered out in the early 1990s, period martial arts returned as the favored action genre. But this was a new martial arts cinema that took full advantage of technical strides as well the higher budgets that came with Hong Kong's dominance of the region's screens. These lavish productions were often adapted from the more fantastical wuxia novels, which featured flying warriors in mid-air combat", ". Performers were trussed up on ultrathin wires to allow them to conduct gravity-defying action sequences, a technique known by Western fans, sometimes disparagingly, as wire fu.", "As so often, Tsui Hark led the way. He produced Swordsman (1990), which reestablished the wuxia novels of Jin Yong as favorite big-screen sources (television adaptations had long been ubiquitous). He directed Once Upon a Time in China (1991), which resurrected oft-filmed folk hero Wong Fei Hung. Both films were followed by sequels and a raft of imitations, often starring Mainland wushu champion Jet Li", ". He went on to receive a special award for a mainland China person at the 1995 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. The other signature star of the subgenre was Taiwanese-born actress Brigitte Lin. She made an unlikely specialty of androgynous woman-warrior types, such as the villainous, sex-changing eunuch in The Swordsman 2 (1992), epitomizing martial arts fantasy's often-noted fascination with gender instability.", "International impact\n\nFirst wave: kung fu craze (1970s–1980s)", "Hong Kong's international impact initially came in the form of martial arts films, especially 1970s kung fu films and most notably those of Bruce Lee. His earliest attempts at introducing his brand of Hong Kong martial arts cinema to the West came in the form of American television shows, such as The Green Hornet (1966 debut) and Kung Fu (1972 debut). The \"kung fu craze\" began in 1973, with the unprecedented success of Hong Kong martial arts films at the North American box office", ". King Boxer (Five Fingers of Death) starring Indonesian-born actor Lo Lieh was the first Hong Kong film to top the US box office, paving the way for Bruce Lee's breakthrough with The Big Boss (Fists of Fury) topping the US box office. In May 1973, Hong Kong action cinema made US box office history, with three foreign films holding the top three spots for the first time: Fists of Fury, Lady Whirlwind (Deep Thrust), and Five Fingers of Death", ". Lee continued his success with Fist of Fury (The Chinese Connection), which also topped the US box office the following month.", "Kung fu film releases in the United States initially targeted Asian American audiences, before becoming a breakout success among larger African-American and Hispanic audiences, and then among white working-class Americans. Kung fu films also became a global success, across Asia, Europe and the third world. This eventually paved the way for Lee's posthumous Hollywood film breakthrough with the Hong Kong and US co-production Enter the Dragon (1973)", ". Hong Kong martial arts cinema subsequently inspired a wave of Western martial arts films and television shows throughout the 1970s–1990s (launching the careers of Western martial arts stars such as Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal and Chuck Norris), as well as the more general integration of Asian martial arts into Western action films and television shows by the 1990s.", "Sascha Matuszak of Vice said Enter the Dragon \"is referenced in all manner of media, the plot line and characters continue to influence storytellers today, and the impact was particularly felt in the revolutionizing way the film portrayed African-Americans, Asians and traditional martial arts", ".\" Kuan-Hsing Chen and Beng Huat Chua cited fight scenes in Hong Kong films such as Enter the Dragon as being influential for the way they pitched \"an elemental story of good against evil in such a spectacle-saturated way\".", "In Japan, the manga and anime franchises Fist of the North Star (1983–1988) and Dragon Ball (1984–1995) were influenced by Hong Kong martial arts films, particularly 1970s kung fu films such as Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon and Jackie Chan's Drunken Master (1978). In turn, Fist of the North Star and especially Dragon Ball are credited with setting the trends for popular shōnen manga and anime from the 1980s onwards.", "Similarly in India, Hong Kong martial arts films had an influence on Bollywood masala films. After the success of Bruce Lee films (such as Enter the Dragon) in India, Deewaar (1975) and later Bollywood films incorporated fight scenes inspired by 1970s Hong Kong martial arts films up until the 1990s. Bollywood action scenes emulated Hong Kong rather than Hollywood, emphasising acrobatics and stunts and combining kung fu (as perceived by Indians) with Indian martial arts such as pehlwani.", "Hong Kong martial arts films such as Enter the Dragon were the foundation for fighting games. The Street Fighter video game franchise (1987 debut) was inspired by Enter the Dragon, with the gameplay centered around an international fighting tournament, and each character having a unique combination of ethnicity, nationality and fighting style. Street Fighter went on to set the template for all fighting games that followed", ". Street Fighter went on to set the template for all fighting games that followed. The early beat 'em up game Kung-Fu Master (1984) was also based on Bruce Lee's Game of Death (1972) and Jackie Chan's Wheels on Meals (1984).", "The success of Bruce Lee's films helped popularize the concept of mixed martial arts (MMA) in the West via his Jeet Kune Do system. In 2004, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) founder Dana White called Lee the \"father of mixed martial arts\". Parkour was also influenced by the acrobatic antics of Jackie Chan in his Hong Kong action films, as well as the philosophy of Bruce Lee.\n\nSecond wave: modern action films (1990s–2000s)", "Hong Kong action cinema's innovative developments in the 1980s had not only established Hong Kong as the dominant cinema in East Asia, but reawakened Western interest. By the 1990s, there was a second \"Asian invasion\" from Hong Kong action cinema, heavily influencing and revitalizing Hollywood action cinema", ". There was a significant crossover of Hong Kong stars, filmmakers and action choreographers from Hong Kong to Hollywood, in addition to the wide adoption of Hong Kong action filmmaking techniques in Hollywood. The wide adoption of Hong Kong action film conventions was referred to as the \"Hong Kongification\" of Hollywood.", "Building on the reduced but enduring kung fu movie subculture, Jackie Chan and films like Tsui Hark's Peking Opera Blues (1986) were already building a cult following when Woo's The Killer (1989) had a limited but successful release in the U.S. and opened the floodgates", ".S. and opened the floodgates. In the 1990s, Westerners with an eye on \"alternative\" culture became common sights in Chinatown video shops and theaters, and gradually the films became more available in the mainstream video market and even occasionally in mainstream theaters. Western critics and film scholars also began to take Hong Kong action cinema seriously and made many key figures and films part of their canon of world cinema.", "From here, Hong Kong came to define a new vocabulary for worldwide action cinema, with the aid of a new generation of North American filmmakers. Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs (1992) drew inspiration from City on Fire and his two-part Kill Bill (2003–04) was in large part a martial arts homage, borrowing Yuen Woo-Ping as fight choreographer and actor. Robert Rodriguez's Desperado (1995) and its 2003 sequel Once Upon a Time in Mexico aped Woo's visual mannerisms", ". The Wachowski sisters' The Matrix trilogy (1999–2003) of science-fiction-action blockbusters borrowed from Woo and wire fu movies, and also employed Yuen behind the scenes. A number of Hollywood action stars also adopted the Hong Kong practice of training in martial arts and performing their own stunts, such as Keanu Reeves, Uma Thurman and Jason Statham. Martin Scorsese's crime film The Departed (2006) was a remake of the Infernal Affairs trilogy (2002–2003) by Andrew Lau and Alan Mak.", "Influence of heroic bloodshed and gun fu films", "The heroic bloodshed genre had a considerable impact on world cinema, especially Hollywood. The action, style, tropes and mannerisms established in 1980s Hong Kong heroic bloodshed films were later widely adopted by Hollywood in the 1990s, reshaping the way Hollywood action films were made. Lam's City on Fire (1987) inspired Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs (1992); Tarantino was an admirer of the heroic bloodshed genre. The Killer also heavily influenced Luc Besson's Léon: The Professional (1994)", ". The Killer also heavily influenced Luc Besson's Léon: The Professional (1994). Eventually, John Woo himself introduced his brand of heroic bloodshed to Hollywood in the 1990s. By the late 1990s, Woo's style of cinema had become firmly established in Hollywood.", "Exit of many leading figures (late 1990s to early 2000s) \nDue to the new-found international awareness of Hong Kong films during the 1980s and early 1990s and a downturn in the industry as the 1990s progressed, many of the leading lights of Hong Kong cinema left for Hollywood, which offered budgets and pay which could not be equalled by Hong Kong production companies.", "John Woo left for Hollywood after his 1992 film Hard Boiled. His 1997 film Face/Off was the breakthrough that established his unique style in Hollywood. This effort was immensely popular with both critics and public alike (it grossed over US$240 million worldwide). Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) grossed over US$560 million worldwide. Since these two films, Woo has struggled to revisit his successes of the 1980s and early 1990s.", "After over fifteen years of success in Hong Kong cinema and a couple of attempts to crack the U.S. market, Jackie Chan's 1995 film Rumble in the Bronx finally brought him recognition in the U.S. Since then, he has made several highly successful films for U.S. studios including Rush Hour (1998), Shanghai Noon (2000), and their respective sequels Rush Hour 2 (2001), Shanghai Knights (2003), and Rush Hour 3 (2007). Between his films for U.S", ". Between his films for U.S. studios, he still makes films for Hong Kong studios, sometimes in English (Mr. Nice Guy and Who Am I?), often set in western countries like Australia or the Netherlands, and sometimes in Cantonese (2004's New Police Story and 2006's Rob-B-Hood). Because of his enormous U.S. popularity, these films are usually released in the U.S., a rarity for Hong Kong films, and generally attract respectable audience numbers.", "Jet Li has reduced his Hong Kong output since 1998's Hitman concentrating on Hollywood instead. After a minor role in Lethal Weapon 4 (1998), he has gone on to star in several Hollywood films which have performed respectably and made a name for him with American audiences. So far, he has returned to Chinese cinema for only two films: Hero (2002) and Fearless (2006). He claimed Fearless would be his last traditional kung fu film.", "Chow Yun-fat has also moved to Hollywood. After his 1995 film Peace Hotel, he has made a handful of films in Hollywood which have not seen as much success as those of the aforementioned figures'. These include The Replacement Killers (1998), The Corruptor (1999), Anna and the King (1999) and Bulletproof Monk (2003). He returned to China for 2000's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and 2006's Curse of the Golden Flower.", "Recent trends (late 1990s to present) \nThe Hong Kong film industry has been in a severe slump since the mid-1990s. The number of local films produced, and their box office takings, are dramatically reduced; American imports now dominate in a way they had not for decades, or perhaps ever. This crisis and increased contact with Western cinema have probably been the biggest recent influences on Hong Kong action cinema.", "Luring local and regional youth audiences away from Hollywood is a constant concern. Action movies are now generally headlined by babyfaced Cantonese pop music idols, such as Ekin Cheng and Nicholas Tse, enhanced with wires and digital effects – a trend also driven by the waning of a previous generation of martial arts-trained stars", ". The late 1990s witnessed a fad for Cantopop stars in high-tech, more American-styled action pictures such as Downtown Torpedoes (1997), Gen-X Cops and Purple Storm (both 1999).", "Andrew Lau's wuxia comic-book adaptation The Storm Riders (1998) earned a record-breaking gross and ushered in an era of computer-generated imagery, previously little used in Hong Kong film. Tsui Hark's lavish CGI-enhanced efforts Time and Tide (2000) and The Legend of Zu (2001), however, were surprisingly unsuccessful", ". Comedy megastar and director Stephen Chow used digital effects to push his typical affectionate parody of martial arts conventions to cartoonish levels in Shaolin Soccer (2001) and Kung Fu Hustle (2004), each of which also set a new box office record.", "Striking a different note were a series of crime films more restrained and actor-driven than the earlier, John Woo-inspired examples. The Milkyway Image production company was at the vanguard with examples like Patrick Yau's Expect the Unexpected (1998), Johnnie To's The Mission (1999) and Running Out of Time (1999). Andrew Lau and Alan Mak's blockbuster Infernal Affairs trilogy (2002–2003) has set off a mini-trend of brooding police thrillers.", "Collaboration with other industries, particularly that of Mainland China, is another increasingly common survival and recovery strategy. Hong Kong stars and other personnel have been involved in international wuxia successes like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), Hero (2002) and House of Flying Daggers (2004).\n\nSee also \n\n Cinema of the world\n hkmdb.com\n\nNotes", "References \n Brady, Terrence J. Alexander Fu Sheng: Biography of the Chinatown Kid. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2018. .\n Bordwell, David. Planet Hong Kong: Popular Cinema and the Art of Entertainment. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000. .\n Chan, Jackie, with Jeff Yang. I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action. New York: Ballantine, 1998. .", "Chute, David, and Cheng-Sim Lim, eds. Heroic Grace: The Chinese Martial Arts Film. Los Angeles: UCLA Film and Television Archive, 2003. (Film series catalog; no ISBN.)\n \n Logan, Bey. Hong Kong Action Cinema. Woodstock, NY: The Overlook Press, 1995. .\n Teo, Stephen. Hong Kong Cinema: The Extra Dimensions. London: British Film Institute, 1997. .\n Teo, Stephen. \"Shaw's Wuxia Films\" in Ain-Ling, W. (2003) The Shaw Screen, Hong Kong Film Archive.", "Teo, Stephen. \"Shaw's Wuxia Films\" in Ain-Ling, W. (2003) The Shaw Screen, Hong Kong Film Archive.\n Yang, Jeff. Once Upon a Time in China: A Guide to Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Mainland Chinese Cinema. New York: Atria, 2003. .", "External links \n\n The Rise and Fall of the House of Shaw – Essay charting the history of Shaw Brothers Studios.\n\nAction cinema\n \n \nTheatrical combat\n1970s in film\n1980s in film\n1990s in film" ]
Prostitution in Africa
[ "The legal status of prostitution in Africa varies widely. It is frequently common in practice, partially driven by the widespread poverty in many sub-Saharan African countries, and is one of the drivers for the prevalence of AIDS in Africa. (36.9% in sub-Saharan Africa) Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire permit the operations of brothels. In other countries, prostitution may be legal, but brothels are not allowed to operate. In some countries where prostitution is illegal, the law is rarely enforced.", "Transactional sexual relationships are particularly common in sub-Saharan Africa, where they often involve relationships between older men and younger women or girls. In many cases, the woman in a transactional sexual relationship may remain faithful to her boyfriend, while he may have multiple sexual partners. In both of these cases, transactional sex presents an increased risk of HIV infection. As a result, transactional sex is a factor involved in the spread of AIDS in Africa.", "This page uses the UN system of subregions.\n\nCentral Africa\n\nAngola", "Central Africa\n\nAngola\n\nProstitution in Angola is illegal and prevalent since the 1990s. Prostitution increased further at the end of the civil war in 2001. Prohibition is not consistently enforced. Many women engage in prostitution due to poverty. It was estimated in 2013 that there were about 33,00 sex workers in the country. Many Namibian women enter the country illegally, often via the border municipality of Curoca, and travel to towns such as Ondjiva, Lubango and Luanda to work as prostitutes.", "Cameroon\n\nProstitution in Cameroon is illegal but tolerated, especially in urban and tourist areas. In the capital, Yaoundé the main area of prostitution is the neighbourhood of Mini Ferme. UNAIDS estimate there are 110,000 sex workers in the country.", "Cameroon attracts sex tourism from the West, especially for child prostitution. The Cameroonian government has attempted to stop this trade by agreeing to multilateral agreements such as charters against sex tourism, like signing up with the Universal Federation of Travels Agents Associations (UFTAA).\n\nCentral African Republic", "Central African Republic\n\nProstitution is legal and common in the Central African Republic. Procuring or profiting off the prostitution of others is illegal, as is coercing people into prostitution. Punishment is a fine and up to one year in prison, or 5 years if the case involves a minor.", "Human trafficking and Child prostitution is a problem in the country. A study published in 2017 found that about two thirds of the prostitutes in the capitol, Bangui, worked part-time to supplement their income or to pay school and college fees. Some of the full-time prostitutes visit hotels, bars and nightclubs looking for wealthy clients, especially French men. They are known as \"pupulenge\" (dragonflies) or \"gba moundjou\" (look at the white)", ". They are known as \"pupulenge\" (dragonflies) or \"gba moundjou\" (look at the white). Those who work in the poorer neighbourhoods are known as \"kata\".", "Chad\n\nProstitution in Chad is illegal, but common, especially in the urban centres and the south of the country. UNAIDS estimates there are 1,200 prostitutes in the country. Many are from Cameroon.\n\nLike many Sub-Saharan African countries, HIV is a problem in Chad. Sex workers are one of the high risk groups. Lack of understanding of the infection, low usage of condoms and poor access to healthcare contribute to a HIV prevalence rate of 20%. This figure is likely to be higher in the Lake Chad area.", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Prostitution in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is legal but the Congolese penal code punishes pimping, running a bawdy house or brothel, the exploitation of debauchery or prostitution, as well as forced prostitution. Activities that incite minors or promote the prostitution of others have been criminalised. UNAIDS estimated there are 2.9 million sex workers in the country. Many Congolese prostitutes are from abroad or homeless children who have been accused of witchcraft.", "During the colonial era and the years that followed independence, the Ministry of Health issued calling cards identifying professional sex workers and provided them with medical health checks. However, this system was abandoned in the 1980s. Public order laws are sometimes used against sex workers. Street prostitutes report harassment, violence and extortion from the police.\n\nEquatorial Guinea", "Equatorial Guinea\n\nProstitution in Equatorial Guinea is illegal. UNAIDS estimate there to be about 6,000 prostitutes in the country. Sex trafficking is a problem in the country.\nSome Chinese women engage in prostitution in Equatorial Guinea.\n\nGabon\n\nProstitution in Gabon is illegal. UNAIDS estimate there to be about 400 prostitutes in the country. Sex trafficking is a problem Gabon.", "During his trial in Paris in 1995, Italian fashion designer Francesco Smalto admitted providing the then President of Gabon, Omar Bongo with Parisian prostitutes to secure a tailoring business worth $600000 per year.\n\nRepublic of the Congo\n\nProstitution in the Republic of the Congo is illegal but commonplace. The government doesn't enforce the prohibition effectively.\n\nSex trafficking is a problem in the country.\n\nEast Africa\n\nBurundi", "Sex trafficking is a problem in the country.\n\nEast Africa\n\nBurundi\n\nProstitution in Burundi is illegal but is commonplace and on the rise. Prostitution is prevalent in all areas of the country, and especially in the largest city and former capital, Bujumbura, and prior to the security crisis in 2015, the tourist areas around Lake Tanganyika. UNAIDS estimate there are 51,00 prostitutes in Burundi. Many women have turned to prostitution due to poverty.", "Previously law enforcement made little effort to curb prostitution. Political pressures, including from the mayor of Bujumbura, Freddy Mbonimpa, have led to crackdowns all over the country.\n\nHIV, sex trafficking and child prostitution are problems in the country.\n\nComoros\n\nProstitution in Comoros is illegal. It is openly practices in the hotels frequented by foreign nationals. UNAIDS estimate there are 200 prostitutes on the islands.", "Comoros is a source country for children subjected to sex trafficking within the country. Women and girls are reportedly subjected to sex trafficking in Comoros. Comorians may be particularly vulnerable to transnational trafficking due to a lack of adequate border controls, corruption within the administration, and the existence of international criminal networks involved in human smuggling.\n\nDjibouti", "Djibouti\n\nProstitution in Djibouti is illegal, but tolerated. UNAIDS estimate there are 2,900 prostitutes in the country. Many work from bars and nightclubs. There is a red-light district in Djibouti City.", "Due to its strategic position, troops from United States, China, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Italy. Russia, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom are stationed in bases in Djibouti. The presence of these troops increases the demand for prostitution. During an investigation in 2015, it was found almost half of the Engineering Department of the Tennessee Army National Guard had used prostitutes whilst stationed in Djibouti.\n\nEritrea", "Eritrea\n\nProstitution in Eritrea is legal and regulated. Official figures state there are around 2,000 prostitutes in the country, who are not allowed to operate near schools, hospitals, and churches. According to the 2009 Human Rights Reports, security forces occasionally follow women engaged in prostitution and arrest those who had spent the night with a foreigner. Some women enter prostitution due to poverty.\n\nProstitutes are known locally as \"shermuta\" in Arabic, or \"mnzerma\" and \"me'amn\" in Tigrinya.", "Prostitutes are known locally as \"shermuta\" in Arabic, or \"mnzerma\" and \"me'amn\" in Tigrinya.\n\nEthiopia\n\nProstitution in Ethiopia is legal, but procuring (operating brothels, benefiting from prostitution, etc.) is illegal according to Article 634 of the Ethiopian Penal Code, as revised May 2005. Many feel it has contributed to the increased incidence of AIDS. UNAIDS estimate there are over 29,358 prostitutes in the major cities.\n\nEthiopia has become a magnet for sex tourism, including child sex tourism.", "Ethiopia has become a magnet for sex tourism, including child sex tourism.\n\nIn 2015, Ethiopian scriptwriter and film director, Hermon Hailay, directed the film Price of Love, which was inspired by her experiences growing up close to prostitutes.\n\nKenya", "Kenya\n\nProstitution in Kenya is widespread. The legal situation is complex. Although prostitution is not criminalised by National law, municipal by-laws may prohibit prostitution. (Nairobi banned all sex work in December 2017). It is illegal to profit from the prostitution of others, and to aid, abet, compel or incite prostitution. (Sections 153 and 154 of the Penal Code).", "Many foreign men and women take part in sex tourism, which is thriving at resorts along Kenya's coast. Thousands of girls and boys are involved in full-time child prostitution due to poverty in the region.\n\nMadagascar", "Prostitution in Madagascar is legal and common, especially in tourist areas. Related activities such as soliciting, procuring, living off the earnings of prostitution or keeping a brothel are prohibited. Public Order laws are also used against prostitutes. There are recent laws against \"consorting with female prostitutes\". People caught paying for sex with children under 14 can face criminal penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment. This is strictly enforced against foreign tourists", ". This is strictly enforced against foreign tourists. As well as in the tourist areas, prostitution also occurs around the mining towns of the interior such as Ilakaka and Andilamena. It was estimated that there were 167,443 sex workers in the country in 2014.", "Malawi\n\nProstitution in Malawi is legal and prevalent around hotels and bars in urban and tourist areas. Living off the proceeds of prostitution is illegal. In 2015, it was estimated there were 20,000 sex workers in the country.\n\nProstitution occurs around the logging centres of Luwawa, Nthungwa, Raiply and Kalungulu. The prostitutes work from small shacks around the villages in the forests.\n\nHuman trafficking, HIV and child prostitution are problems in the country.\n\nMauritius", "Human trafficking, HIV and child prostitution are problems in the country.\n\nMauritius\n\nProstitution in Mauritius is illegal but practised in parts of Port Louis and other towns. Many turn to prostitution through poverty. UNAIDS estimate there to be 6,223 prostitutes in the country.\n\nThe country is a destination for sex tourism, especially child sex tourism.\n\nMayotte", "The country is a destination for sex tourism, especially child sex tourism.\n\nMayotte\n\nProstitution in Mayotte occurs on the ring road and in the villages of Mtsapere and Kaweni in the commune of Mamoudzou. Many of the prostitutes are illegal immigrants from Madagascar and Comoros, who are transported to the islands at night in kwassa-kwassa boats. An area in Passamainty, also part of the Mamoudzou commune, used for drugs and prostitution, was destroyed by locals in July 2016.\n\nMozambique", "Mozambique\n\nProstitution in Mozambique is legal and widely practised, and the country also contains illegal brothels. The majority of the population remains below the poverty line, a situation which provides fertile soil for the development of prostitution.", "The arrival of peacekeepers operating under the auspices of the UN resulted in an increase in the prostitution industry. In 1992, prostitution in Mozambique had reached such proportions that the post of mediator was created between the military on the one hand and pimps and prostitutes on the other", ". The problem of prostitution in Mozambique came under international discussion for the first time in the mid 1990s, when the deputy head of the UN mission Behrouz Sadri accused UN peacekeepers of buying sex from underage prostitutes.", "Réunion\n\nFollowing the French law prohibiting \"passive soliciting\" in 2003, street prostitution in Réunion was greatly reduced. Many prostitutes now use classified advertisements in newspapers such as \"Clicanoo\" (Journal de l'île de La Réunion) and the internet. Some students at the University of La Réunion use prostitution to fund their way through university.\n\nRwanda", "Rwanda\n\nProstitution is illegal in Rwanda. in all aspects. Prostitutes, clients and any involved third parties (such as pimps and brothel keepers) are criminalised by the Penal Code. However, a draft of a new Penal code that doesn't prohibit prostitution was presented for debate in the Rwandan Parliament in December 2017.", "Due to the immense poverty in the country, many women have been forced into prostitution to make money. In 2012 it was estimated that there were 12,278 sex workers in the country. It is thought that 45.8% of sex workers in Rwanda are HIV positive.\n\nSeychelles\n\nProstitution in Seychelles is illegal but remains prevalent. Police generally do not apprehend prostitutes unless their actions involved other crimes. Many of the estimated 586 prostitutes on the islands are foreign.\n\nSomalia", "Somalia\n\nProstitution in Somalia is illegal. Although forced marriages exist in areas under insurgent control, there is generally little voluntary prostitution and pre-marital sex in the country according to the African Medical Research and Education Foundation (AMREF). UNAIDS estimated there were 1957 sex workers in Somalia in 2016.\n\nSex trafficking and child prostitution are problems in the country.\n\nSouth Sudan", "Sex trafficking and child prostitution are problems in the country.\n\nSouth Sudan\n\nProstitution in South Sudan is legal but related activities such as soliciting or brothel-keeping are illegal.", "Since independence from Sudan in July 2011, prostitution has expanded considerably, mainly due to an influx of prostitutes from nearby African countries. In the capital, Juba, the number of prostitutes rose from a few thousand at the time of independence to an estimated 10,000 in 2014. Juba has a large percentage of foreign residents including aid workers and UN personnel. Many of these are single men, or married men living away from home", ". Many of these are single men, or married men living away from home. Their relative wealth has attracted women and girls from within South Sudan and also from Kenya, Congo, Uganda, and Khartoum.", "Sex workers are subject to police harassment and brutality.\n\nTanzania\n\nProstitution in Tanzania is illegal but widespread. Many women and young girls are forced into prostitution due to poverty, lack of job opportunities, culture, and the disintegration of the family unit. Many university students have to turn to prostitution for economic reasons.\n\nSex trafficking and child prostitution are a major problems in Tanzania.", "Sex trafficking and child prostitution are a major problems in Tanzania.\n\nThe country is a destination for sex tourism, including female and child sex tourism, especially in the coastal resorts and Zanzibar.\n\nUganda", "Uganda\n\nProstitution in Uganda is illegal according to Uganda's 1950 Penal Code, but is widespread despite this. Many turn to prostitution because of poverty and lack of other opportunities. A study of Kampala teachers in 2008 showed that teachers were turning to prostitution to increase their income. A sex worker can earn around 1.5 million Ugandan shillings (£439) per month, whereas this would be a yearly wage for a secondary school teacher. There are many Kenyan prostitutes in the country.", "Sex trafficking, HIV, and Child prostitution are problems in the country.\n\nZambia\n\nProstitution in Zambia is legal and common. Related activities such as soliciting and procuring are prohibited. UNAIDS estimate there are 9,285 prostitutes in the capital, Lusaka. Many women turn to prostitution due to poverty. Sex workers report law enforcement is corrupt, inconsistent and often abusive.\n\nIn Lusaka, some prostitutes enrol in colleges to obtain a campus room to work from.", "In Lusaka, some prostitutes enrol in colleges to obtain a campus room to work from.\n\nZambia has a huge problem relating to child prostitution. There is a mistaken belief that having intercourse with a virgin will cure AIDS. HIV and sex trafficking are also problems in the country.\n\nZimbabwe\n\nProstitution in Zimbabwe and related acts, including solicitation, procuring, and keeping a brothel, are illegal\nbut thriving. \nZimbabwe's dire economic situation has forced many women into sex work.", "In 1983 there was a major effort to eliminate sex work in post-independence Zimbabwe by rounding up hundreds of women and detaining them until they could prove they were not involved in the trade, otherwise they were sent to resettlement camps. A number of women's groups supported this as strengthening marriage.\n\nNorthern Africa\n\nAlgeria\n\nProstitution in Algeria is legal but most related activities such as brothel keeping and solicitation are criminalised.", "As a result of Arabization of the country, the rise of Islamism and the civil unrest following the economic downturn caused by the 1980s oil glut, brothels were banned in 1982. This forced many of the prostitutes to work on the streets. There are however two brothels that continue to operate under the former French occupation rules of registration and medical examination with the complicity of the Algerian authorities.\n\nEgypt", "Egypt\n\nProstitution in Egypt is illegal. Police department officially combats prostitution but, like almost all other countries, prostitution exists in Egypt. The prostitutes in Egypt are Egyptian, Russian, and of many other nationalities.", "Prostitutes in Ancient Egypt were respected and even considered sacred as the first institutions where prostitution flourished were the temples of the Gods. The god Amun indulged in sexual activity with many women under a religious guise. Families often gave their most beautiful daughters to the priests of his temple. As soon as they grew too old for the tastes of the priests they were allowed to leave. Many practised prostitution until they were married.\n\nLibya", "Libya\n\nProstitution in Libya is illegal, Since the \"Popular Revolution\" in 1973, laws based on Sharia's zina are used against prostitutes; the punishment can be 100 lashes. Exploitation of prostitutes, living off the earnings of prostitution or being involved in the running of brothels is outlawed by Article 417 of the Libyan Penal Code. Buying sexual services isn't prohibited by law, but may contravene Sharia.", "Many of the sex workers are from Nigeria (over 1,000 in 2015). There are also sex workers from other sub-Saharan African countries such as Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Desperate to flee the poverty of their countries, they have often been trafficked to Libya with the promise of a job in Italy. Some are working as prostitutes in Libya to pay off debt bondage in the hope of travelling on to Italy.\n\nMorocco", "Morocco\n\nProstitution has been illegal in Morocco since the 1970s. In 2015 the Moroccan Health Ministry estimated there were 50,000 prostitutes in Morocco, the majority in the Marrakech area.", "Many children are vulnerable as adoption laws in Morocco are very rigid and difficult. Morocco's increasing reputation for attracting foreign pedophiles made it sign various international treaties to deal with the problem. Male prostitution exists but is stigmatised. Health services for Moroccan sex workers include OPALS.\n\nSudan\n\nProstitution in Sudan is illegal but widespread. UNAIDS estimate there to be 212,493 prostitutes in the country.\n\nTunisia", "Tunisia\n\nProstitution was legal and regulated until 2022 when it was banned by the government.\n\nSouthern Africa\n\nBotswana", "Prostitution in Botswana is not illegal per se, but laws such as public disorder, vagrancy, loitering and state recognised religious provisions are used to prosecute prostitutes. Related activities such as soliciting and brothel keeping are illegal. Botswana has made proposals to make prostitution legal to prevent the spread of AIDS. However, there has been mass opposition to it by the Catholic Church", ". However, there has been mass opposition to it by the Catholic Church. Prostitution is widespread and takes place on the street, bars, hotels, brothels and the cabs of long-distance trucks.", "The Gaborone West shopping complex and the streets surrounding it, are the main area of prostitution in the capital, Gaborone. The Itekeng ward of Francistown (locally known as 'Doublers') is the main area of prostitution in the city. The majority of the prostitutes in both cities are from Zimbabwe.\n\nEswatini", "Eswatini\n\nProstitution in Eswatini is illegal, the anti-prostitution laws dating back to 1889, when Swaziland was a protectorate of South Africa. Law enforcement is inconsistent, particularly near industrial sites and military bases. Police tend to turn a blind eye to prostitution in clubs. There are periodic clamp-downs by the police.", "Senator Thuli Mswane and NGOs Swaziland AIDS Support Organisation (SASO), Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) and Mpumalanga Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) have recommended that prostitution be legalised in Swaziland, in order to allow it to be regulated to reduce harm to the prostitutes and limit the spread of HIV.\n\nSex trafficking, child prostitution and HIV are problems in the country.\n\nLesotho", "Sex trafficking, child prostitution and HIV are problems in the country.\n\nLesotho\n\nProstitution in Lesotho is legal but solicitation and 3rd party involvement are criminalised by section 55 of the Penal Code. There are estimated to be 6,300 prostitutes in Maseru and the Leribe District.\n\nHIV is endemic in the country, especially amongst sex workers, who are estimated to have an HIV prevalence of 71.9%.\n\nNamibia", "Namibia\n\nProstitution in Namibia is legal and a highly prevalent common practice. Related activities such as solicitation, procuring and being involved in the running of a brothel are illegal. A World Bank study estimated there were about 11,000 prostitutes in Namibia.", "Prostitution takes place all over the country, particularly in border areas, transport corridors, Walvis Bay and the capital Windhoek. Most prostitutes are Namibian, but there are also a significant number from Zambia, Botswana and Angola. Most women work independently and few have pimps.", "Most prostitutes in Namibia meet their clients either on the street or in bars. Bars often have a room on the premises for the prostitutes to use, and brothels usually have a bar, so the line between a bar and a brothel is often blurred. Some, more up-market, sex workers are contacted by cell phone or the internet and work in high-end clubs and hotels.\n\nSouth Africa", "South Africa\n\nProstitution is illegal in South Africa for both buying and selling sex, as well as related activities such as brothel keeping and pimping However, it remains widespread. Law enforcement is poor.\n\nIn 2013 it was estimated that there were between 121,000 and 167,000 prostitutes in South Africa.\n\nHIV, child prostitution (including sex tourism) and human trafficking are problems in the country.\n\nWestern Africa\n\nBenin", "Prostitution in Benin is legal but related activities such as brothel keeping and benefiting from the prostitution of others are illegal. UNAIDS estimates there to be about 15,000 prostitutes in the country. Most of these are migrants from neighbouring countries, mainly Nigeria, Togo and Ghana. Only 15% of the prostitutes are Beninese. Prostitution occurs on the streets, in bars, restaurants, hotels and brothels. With advent of the smartphone, many prostitutes use apps to make arrangements with clients.", "Many women enter prostitution for economic reasons. Some young Beninese women learn English so they can go to Nigeria to work as prostitutes as Nigeria has a thriving sex industry.", "In rural areas widows will discretely turn to prostitution to support her family. This is a cultural and social tradition that is not regarded as prostitution by the community, but is regarded as a method of preserving the family name. Any children born from these liaisons take the dead husband's name. It's not uncommon for a widow to have five children after her husband has died.\n\nBurkina Faso", "Burkina Faso\n\nProstitution in Burkina Faso is not specifically prohibited by the law, but soliciting and pimping are illegal. Burkinabe society only accepts sexual intercourse within marriage. In 2009, Voice of America reported that the number of prostitutes in Burkina Faso had increased as a result of the country's poverty. The increase in prostitution has given rise to fears of an increase in the number of Burkinabés infected with HIV and AIDS.", "In the capital, Ouagadougou, the main area of prostitution is in the Dapoya district.\n\nAlthough homosexuality is illegal in the country, male prostitution takes place, especially in the tourist areas.\n\nCape Verde", "Cape Verde\n\nProstitution in Cape Verde is legal and commonplace. There are no prostitution laws on the islands except for those concerning trafficking and child prostitution. UNAIDS estimate there are 1,400 prostitutes in Cape Verde, many were from Ghana and Senegal before being expelled by the police. Some turn to prostitution through poverty.", "Sex tourism, including child sex tourism, is a major occurrence in Cape Verde, especially in Santa Maria and the tourist beach resorts on the Cape Verdian island of Sal. The islands are also a destination for female sex tourism.\n\nCôte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)", "In Côte d'Ivoire, prostitution itself (exchanging sex for money) is legal, but associated activities, such as soliciting, pandering or running brothels, are illegal. Sex workers report law enforcement is sparse and corrupt. Police sometimes harass sex workers and demand bribes or sexual favours. Transgender prostitutes are often targeted by police and soldiers and subjected to violence. It was estimated in 2014 that there were 9,211 prostitutes in the country", ". It was estimated in 2014 that there were 9,211 prostitutes in the country. The civil war has left many women in need for wages, so some have resorted to prostitution, as there is high unemployment.", "In the capital, Abidjan, most of the prostitutes come from Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Mali, Senegal and other West African states, the largest group being from Ghana.\n\nThe Gambia", "The Gambia\n\nProstitution in the Gambia is widespread but illegal. Most of the prostitutes in the Gambia are from Senegal. Prostitution takes place on the beach, in bars and hotels on the coast. Away from the coast, prostitution mainly takes place in bars. The bars are frequently raided and the foreign prostitutes deported. They often return within a few days.\n\nThe HIIV infection rate for prostitutes is high.\n\nGhana", "The HIIV infection rate for prostitutes is high.\n\nGhana\n\nProstitution in Ghana is illegal but widespread, so much so that many Ghanaians are unaware that it's prohibited. There are growing problems of sex tourism, child prostitution and human trafficking. High rates of unemployment and poverty in Ghana are believed to be causing a growth in the sex industry. Unemployment is a reason teenage workers engage in sex work. A high percentage of sex workers are vulnerable to HIV.", "Some prostitutes in Ghana are campaigning for the sex trade to be legalised, and discussions have taken place.\n\nGuinea\n\nProstitution in Guinea is illegal. There are estimated to be 8,357 prostitutes in the country.\n\nAccording to the 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report, Women from Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese are also forced prostitution in Guinea.\n\nGuinea-Bissau", "Guinea-Bissau\n\nProstitution in Guinea-Bissau is common and there are no prostitution laws. In 2016 it was estimated there were 3,138 prostitutes in the country. Often it is associated with other crimes: Many pimps are also reported to be drug dealers. Poverty leads many women to be tempted into prostitution and cocaine addiction.", "Many of the prostitutes in Bissau and other towns in Guinea-Bissau are Manjako women from Caio in the Cacheu Region. They tend to be over 30 and wait in designated rooms in their houses for clients. Occasionally they will go to a local bar in search of clients. Prostitutes from Caio also travel to Ziguinchor in Senegal and Banjul in The Gambia to work.\n\nLiberia", "Liberia\n\nProstitution is illegal but widespread in Liberia. There are estimated to be 1,822 prostitutes in the country. Like its neighbor, Sierra Leone, child prostitution has seen an increase in the aftermath of civil war.\n\nMali\n\nProstitution is legal in Mali, but third party activities such as procuring are illegal. Prostitution is common in Malian cities. UNAIDS estimate there to be 35,900 prostitutes in the country. Prostitution is on the rise, many having turned to prostitution because of poverty.", "In the capital, Bamako, a large number of the prostitutes are from Nigeria and other West African countries. In July and August there is an influx of students from various areas of West Africa who work as prostitutes during the summer vacation. There are also many Chinese bars in the country where prostitution occurs. It is estimated that the Chinese sex workers send 2 billion Cfa back to China annually. Many Nigerian prostitutes work in the area around the Morila Gold Mine.\n\nMauritania", "Mauritania\n\nProstitution in Mauritania is illegal. There are estimated to be 315 prostitutes in the country. in the capital, Nouakchott, there is a red-light district in the El Mina district. Law enforcement is ineffective and corrupt.\n\nNiger\n\nProstitution in Niger is illegal but common in the cities, near mines and around military bases. UNAIDS estimate there are 46,630 sex workers in the country. Many have turned to prostitution because of poverty.", "Some Nigerian prostitutes ply their trade on the Niger border as many prostitutes are persecuted in their homeland and Niger is perceived as being more amiable and less likely to prosecute them for their trade. Nigerian men prefer to cross the border to seek sex as the punishment in Islamic Nigeria is 50 lashes for \"procuration of woman\".\n\nIn 2017 the government ordered a clampdown on prostitution throughout the country.\n\nNigeria", "Nigeria\n\nProstitution in Nigeria is illegal in all Northern States that practice Islamic penal code. In Southern Nigeria, the activities of pimps or madams, underage prostitution and the operation or ownership of brothels are penalised under sections 223, 224, and 225 of the Nigerian Criminal Code. Even though Nigerian law does not legalize commercial sex work, it is vague if such work is performed by an independent individual who operates on his or her own accord without the use of pimps or a brothel.", "Nigeria has become a major exporter of women for prostitution. Deputy president of Senate Ike Ekweremadu has proposed a bill to legalise prostitution.\n\nSão Tomé and Príncipe\n\nProstitution in São Tomé and Príncipe is illegal. UNAIDS report there are 89 prostitutes in the capital, São Tomé. When the islands were settled on by the Portuguese in 1493 under Álvaro Caminha, prostitutes were amongst the degredados sent to the colony.\n\nSenegal", "Prostitution in Senegal is legal and regulated. Prostitutes must be at least 21 years of age, register with the police, carry a valid sanitary card, and test negative for sexually transmitted infections. It has been legal since 1969 to sell sex as long as prostitute has registered, over 21 years old, has a regular medical check-up, and can present an up-to-date medical report card to the police upon request according to Under Senegal's Penal Code (articles 318 to 327 bis)", ". The average age for a sex worker in Senegal is 28 years old and female. Senegal has the distinction of being the only country in Africa to not only legalise prostitution but regulate it. The only condition that it is done discreetly. Prostitution was first legalised in 1966.", "Sierra Leone\n\nProstitution in Sierra Leone is legal and commonplace. Soliciting and 3rd party involvement are prohibited by the Sexual Offences Act 2012. UNAIDS estimate there are 240,000 prostitutes in the country. They are known locally as 'serpents' because of the hissing noise they use to attract clients.", "Since the end of the ten-year civil war in Sierra Leone, there has been an increase in child prostitution, especially among children who are struggling to survive. This has happened in spite of the fact that child prostitution is illegal in the country.\n\nTogo\n\nProstitution in Togo is legal and commonplace. Related activities such as solicitation, living off the earnings of prostitution or procuring are prohibited. Punishment is up to 10 years imprisonment if minors or violence is involved.", "In 2014, it was estimated there were 10,284 sex workers in the country. A 2011 survey found 51% worked in bars and 26% in brothels. About half of the country's sex workers are in Lomé. According to research published in 2015, between 2005 and 2015, prostitution in the country increased 180%, and that three quarters of the prostitutes are Togolese, and Ghanaian women 15%. It is not uncommon for prostitutes travel between Togo and neighbouring countries to find work.", "See also\nTransactional sex\nProstitution in South Africa\nProstitution in Cape Town, South Africa During the Late Victorian Era\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\nThe History of Prostitution in Ethiopia, RICHARD PANKHURST, Journal of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2 (JULY 1974), pp. 159–178\n\n \nSexuality-related lists" ]
2019–2020 vaping lung illness outbreak
[ "An outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) started in 2019 among users of illegal, unregulated cannabis vaping products, almost exclusively in the United States. The first cases of this particular outbreak were identified in Illinois and Wisconsin in April 2019; as of 18 February 2020, a total of 2,807 hospitalized cases, including 68 deaths, have been confirmed. According to the U.S", ". According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), \"Vitamin E acetate is strongly linked to the EVALI outbreak...Evidence is not sufficient to rule out the contribution of other chemicals of concern, including chemicals in either THC or non-THC products, in some of the reported EVALI cases\".", "Cases peaked in September 2019, and have slowly declined since. The CDC stopped reporting on EVALI cases in February 2020, due to the decline in cases, but as of December 2020, continues to monitor cases that may arrive in emergency departments. Some states continue to record new EVALI cases. As of January 2022, the state of California has reported at least 40 cases on their update page, that were diagnosed after February 2020", ". According to an article in the Radiological Society of North America news published in March 2022, EVALI cases continue to be diagnosed. \"EVALI has by no means disappeared,\" Dr. Kligerman said. \"We continue to see numerous cases, even during the pandemic, many of which are initially misdiagnosed as COVID-19.\" There have been at least 73 cases diagnosed in Utah after the last CDC update of February 2020.", "CDC investigators identified direct exposure to chemicals present in illegal cannabis vaping products as a likely culprit for the outbreak, but the CDC did not rule out other chemicals in nicotine vapes as possible causes", ". Vitamin E acetate is a very strong culprit of concern in the lung illnesses related to THC-based vaping products but according to the CDC, \"No specific e-cigarette device or substance has been linked to all cases, and e-cigarettes include a variety of chemical and additives; consumers may not know what these products contain.\" Though patients have reported using vaping products containing THC, nicotine, or both types, 84% of patients studied by the CDC admitted THC use", ". The majority of those affected were young adults aged 18–34, which is the group with the greatest prevalence of cannabis use in the U.S.", "Nicotine-containing products are regulated in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which has not approved any vape product for sale; THC products are illegal under federal law, but allowed and regulated by many states. Prior to the outbreak, vitamin E acetate was used in low concentrations, lower than 20% of the formula in vape cartridges, as a thickening agent", ". As a result of a limited availability of cannabis in California, as well as high demand, illicit sellers had used about 50% or higher of diluent thickeners in their formulas to bulk up tiny potency vape cartridges to create the illegal and dangerous products, and vitamin E acetate is a common choice because it resembles THC oil", ". Some jurisdictions took action to restrict the sale of products containing vitamin E acetate and other chemicals in response to the outbreak, but THC products in states where it is illegal are produced unlawfully (and sometimes obtained illegally in jurisdictions where legal, by uninformed consumers).", "In 2021, researchers at Johns Hopkins University analyzed the vape aerosols of popular brands such as Juul and Vuse, and found \"nearly 2,000 chemicals, the vast majority of which are unidentified.\" The CDC has not ruled out nicotine vapes as a possible additional cause of some cases of EVALI.", "Public health recommendations", "The CDC recommends that the public should consider not using any vaping products during their investigation, particularly those containing THC from informal sources like friends, family, or in-person or online dealers as of 20 November 2019. The U.S. FDA considers it prudent to avoid inhaling vitamin E acetate. On 6 September 2019, the U.S", ".S. FDA considers it prudent to avoid inhaling vitamin E acetate. On 6 September 2019, the U.S. FDA stated that because consumers cannot be sure whether any THC vaping products may contain vitamin E acetate, consumers are urged to avoid buying vaping products on the street, and to refrain from using THC oil or modifying/adding any substances to products purchased in stores. The CDC recommends that e-cigarette, or vaping, products should never be used by youths, young adults, or women who are pregnant", ". Adults who do not currently use tobacco products should not start using e-cigarettes or vaping products, according to the CDC.", "Background", "According to a systematic review article, \"Initial case reports of vaping-related lung injury date back to 2012, but the ongoing outbreak of EVALI began in the summer of 2019...\" At least 19 cases of vaping-associated pulmonary injuries had been reported worldwide prior to 2019. The first case of e-cigarettes inducing lipid pneumonia was documented in the medical literature in 2012, though the causative agent was identified as glycerin, not vitamin E acetate", ". Glycerin was long thought to be a safe additive in e-cig liquid. However, the carcinogen formaldehyde is known as a product of propylene glycol and glycerol vapor degradation, and these ingredients may also cause lung inflammation.", "Lipid pneumonia is known to cause lung inflammation, with exogenous and endogenous factors that cause this disease.\n\nUnited States", "Cases involved in the outbreak of severe vaping-associated pulmonary injury were first identified in Illinois and Wisconsin in April 2019. As of 18 February 2020, a total of 2,807 hospitalized cases of lung illness associated with the use of vaping products have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 50 states, the District of Columbia, and two US territories (Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands)", ". The potential cases of severe lung illness have been associated with the use of vaping products such as devices, liquids, refill pods, and cartridges. On 12 September 2019, the CDC no longer reported possible cases. The CDC changed its reporting methodology from counting possible cases, to reporting probable and confirmed cases where patients recently vaped, developed a breathing illness, and either had some tests that were performed to rule out infection, or testing did not show an infection", ". The CDC stated the possible cases are still under investigation at the state level.", "As of 3 December 2019, the CDC is only reporting hospitalized vaping-associated lung illness cases and vaping-associated lung illness deaths, regardless of hospitalization status. As of 15 October 2019, the CDC has reported on 1,358 people with data on age and gender: 70% of people are male. The median age of persons is 24 years, and ages range from 13 to 75 years. 79% of persons are under 35 years old", ". 79% of persons are under 35 years old. Prevalence of lung disease attributable to vaping is likely under reported, as cases brought to the CDC are some of the most severe.", "Symptoms typically develop over a period of days, but can sometimes manifest over several weeks. In many cases, patients reported a gradual start of symptoms, including: breathing difficulty, shortness of breath, and/or chest pain before being admitted to a hospital for more deliberate treatment by professional medical experts", ". Based on reports from several states, patients have experienced respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain), while some have also experienced gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea) or non-specific symptoms (fatigue, fever, or weight loss).", "Some cases reported mild to moderate gastrointestinal illness. Some patients have reported that their symptoms developed over a few days, while others have reported that their symptoms developed over several weeks. Some patients have reported that their gastrointestinal symptoms began before their respiratory symptoms. Fever, elevated heart rate, and elevated white blood cell count have been reported, even though no infectious disease has been identified", ". Many patients sought medical care in ambulatory settings, sometimes over several visits, before they were admitted to the hospital.", "Many patients have required medical treatment with supplemental oxygen, including some who required assisted ventilation. Some patients have been treated with corticosteroids with demonstrated improvement. Evidence does not suggest an infectious disease is the cause of the severe pulmonary disease. Antibiotic therapy alone has not consistently been associated with clinical improvement. A handful of individuals have been re-admitted for clinical care after discharge for lung injury", ". A handful of individuals have been re-admitted for clinical care after discharge for lung injury. The CDC does not know whether individuals who were re-admitted continued or restarted use. The range of time that the CDC is aware of for these re-admissions ranges from approximately five days after discharge, to 55 days after discharge.", "As of 5 September 2019, the New York State Department of Health reported 34 cases of severe lung illness in patients who were reportedly using different vaping products. Tests conducted by the Wadsworth Center found exceedingly high amounts of vitamin E acetate in most of the cannabis e-cigarette products. \"At least one vape product containing vitamin E acetate has been linked to each patient who submitted a product for testing,\" the New York State Department of Health stated", ". None of the nicotine-based product samples contained vitamin E acetate.", "In the reports from Illinois and Wisconsin, the onset of respiratory findings appeared to have occurred over several days to several weeks before hospitalization. As of 5 September 2019, the Illinois Department of Public Health reported 42 cases of lung illness, seven that were still being investigated, and one death. Severe lung illness among young adults and youth who used vaping products required hospitalization in 11 cases in Wisconsin, and others were being investigated in August 2019", ". Symptoms were difficulty breathing, tiredness, chest pain, cough, and reduced weight. Some required assistance to breathe.", "On 9 August 2019, the California Department of Public Health issued a statement regarding a cluster of seven healthy adults in Kings County, California, all of whom required hospitalization. Since June 2019, at least seven cases of severe acute pulmonary illness in previously healthy adults were reported from a hospital in Kings County, California. Cases were among residents of multiple counties", ". Cases were among residents of multiple counties. The patients presented with progressive respiratory distress, sometimes initially diagnosed with pneumonia or bronchitis, and some with preceding fevers and gastrointestinal symptoms. All cases failed to respond to an initial course of antibiotic treatment.", "All patients required admission to the hospital with significant respiratory support, including high-flow oxygen, bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP), or intubation with mechanical ventilation. Diagnoses included pneumonitis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Several cases of vaping-associated pulmonary injury (VAPI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in California were connected to vaping cannabis products that were traced back to pop-up retailers", ". Patients have improved with systemic steroids. Evaluation for infectious etiologies has been negative to date in all patients. All patients reported vaping in the weeks prior to hospital admission, and a reported common exposure among these patients is that they have been vaping cannabis or CBD oils.", "Deaths", "As of 18 February 2020, there were a recorded number of 68 deaths", ". Many of these deaths have been linked to illegal (black market) cannabis vaping products, which have been confirmed in 27 states and the District of Columbia: Alabama, California (4), Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia (3), Illinois (5), Indiana (4), Kansas (2), Louisiana, Massachusetts (3), Michigan, Minnesota (3), Mississippi, Missouri (2), Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York (2), Oregon (2), Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee (2), Texas, Utah", ", New York (2), Oregon (2), Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee (2), Texas, Utah, and Virginia", ". The median age of deceased persons was 51 years, and ranged from 15 to 75 years, as of 14 January 2020.", "Canada \n\nOn 18 September 2019, a case of severe lung illness associated with vaping in Canada was reported. A high school student in Ontario needed to be put on life support. The person had been vaping every day. His health improved and he was released from the hospital. This case has not been confirmed, as 27 September 2019. He vaped intensively, adding THC to his devices.", "He initially showed symptoms aligning with bronchiolitis, but many patients that have vape-related illnesses in the United States have experienced damage to the pulmonary alveoli; this type of injury was not found. Instead, his case aligned more with an injury called popcorn lung, an ailment most commonly seen in factory workers of microwave popcorn plants more than 20 years ago.", "On 27 September 2019, the first confirmed case of a vaping-related lung illness was announced in Canada. A Montreal resident in Quebec in their 50s was admitted to a hospital with breathing difficulties. The person had been vaping to help them give up smoking. Chief Public Health Officer of Canada announced on 11 October 2019, that they are aware of the initial cases of vaping-associated lung illness, and they stated that a few other occurrences are being investigated", ". Three probable cases have been reported in British Columbia as of 7 November 2019, and other cases are under investigation in British Columbia. Two probable cases have been reported in New Brunswick as of 16 October 2019.", "A case in Newfoundland and Labrador was reported as a probable case of a lung illness tied to vaping in January 2020. A person became sick in late 2019 following the routine use of a cannabis product, and has since been released from the hospital. As of 4 February 2020, 17 cases of lung injuries have been reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Reported cases were from Alberta (1), British Columbia (3), New Brunswick (2), Newfoundland and Labrador (1), Ontario (4), and Quebec (6)", ". 14 people required hospitalization.", "Other countries \n\nWhat has occurred in the United States has not occurred in other places where vaping is frequent, such as the UK. In European countries such as France, there is no evidence of an outbreak of the vaping-associated lung illness that occurred in the US.\n\nInvestigation", "Investigation \n\nInvestigators from multiple states in the US are collaborating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) to determine the cause of the lung illnesses associated with the use of vaping products.", "On 6 September 2019, Dr. Dana Meaney-Delman, serving as the incident manager of CDC's response to this outbreak, said that \"Based on the clinical and laboratory evidence to date, we believe that a chemical exposure is likely associated with these illnesses. However, and I really want to stress this, more information is needed to determine which specific products or substances are involved", ". We are aware that some laboratories have identified vitamin E acetate in product samples, and we have connected those laboratories with the FDA Forensic laboratories to compare results. At this time, no one device, product, or substance has been linked to all cases. Continued investigation is needed to better understand if a true relationship exists between any specific product or substance and the illnesses observed in patients", ". To find the answer we will need to combine information about e-cigarette use, and product sample testing and the clinical information from patients.\"", "Many patients have acknowledged recent use of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing e-cigarette products while speaking to healthcare personnel, or in follow-up interviews by health department staff. On 6 September 2019, The New England Journal of Medicine reported that \"Information on product use is based on reports by the patients, and patients may be reluctant to report illicit drug use", ".\" On 2 October 2019, The New England Journal of Medicine reported that the histologic evidence suggests that the \"vaping-associated lung injury represents a form of airway-centered chemical pneumonitis from one or more inhaled toxic substances rather than exogenous lipoid pneumonia as such, but the agents responsible remain unknown.\" They also stated that this \"finding should be interpreted with caution", ".\" They also stated that this \"finding should be interpreted with caution.\" On 17 October 2019, the American Journal of Clinical Pathology reported that lung biopsies from eight patients with vaping-associated lung injury show acute lung injury patterns, not exogenous lipoid pneumonia.", "Of the 2,506 reported cases, information is available in the three months prior to symptom onset for 1,782 of them as of 3 December 2019. 80% reported THC use, 35% reported exclusive THC use, about 54% reported using nicotine-containing products, and 13% reported exclusive use of nicotine-containing products. The CDC reported that their findings suggest vaping products containing THC, particularly those obtained off the street or from other informal sources (e.g", ".g. friends, family members, or illicit dealers), are linked to most of the cases, and play a major role in the outbreak.", "On 8 November 2019, Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC, said, \"for the first time we have detected a potential toxin of concern — Vitamin E acetate — in biologic samples from patients with lung injuries associated with the use of e-cigarette or vaping products.\" The sample types were bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid samples (fluid samples collected from the lungs). The chemical was found in samples collected from ten different states, from the lungs of 29 patients with the disease", ". \"These findings provide direct evidence of Vitamin E acetate at the primary site of injury within the lungs,\" said Dr. Schuchat.", "The CDC tested for a wide range of substances that might be found in e-cigarette or vaping products including plant oil, petroleum distillates like mineral oil, medium-chain triglyceride oils – or MCT oils – and terpenes which are compounds found in or added to THC products. No other potential toxicants were detected in the testing conducted so far. The CDC did not rule out other possible compounds or ingredients that may be causing the lung injuries", ". No one compound or ingredient has emerged as the cause of these illnesses so far; and it may be that there is more than one cause of this outbreak.", "Many of the samples tested by the states or by the US FDA, as part of the 2019 investigation, have been identified as vaping products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (or THC, a psychoactive component of the cannabis plant) and further, most of those samples with THC tested also contained significant amounts of vitamin E acetate. Vitamin E acetate is a substance present in topical consumer products or dietary supplements, but data is limited about its effects after inhalation", ". While the US FDA does not have enough data presently to conclude that vitamin E acetate is the cause of the lung injury in these cases, the agency believes it is prudent to avoid inhaling this substance. The US FDA's Forensic Chemistry Center serves as the FDA's national laboratory, and is playing a critical role in fact-gathering and analysis for the incidents of lung illnesses following vaping product use.", "Illicit vaping", "Inhalation of chemicals or substances is considered to be the main cause of the lung illnesses. Counterfeit cannabis cartridges are being sold to users at a reduced cost. Dank Vapes is an illicit brand that uses a cartridge. There is no singular company that owns Dank Vapes", ". There is no singular company that owns Dank Vapes. Dank Vapes appears to be the most prominent in a class of largely counterfeit brands, with common packaging that is easily available online, and that is used by distributors to market THC-containing cartridges with no obvious centralized production or distribution. Some of the vaping products that contained exceedingly high amounts of vitamin E acetate include Chronic Carts and Dank Vapes.", "Illicit vape brands have been sold across multiple states in the US. As of 27 August 2019, the most frequently used product reported by patients experiencing respiratory, gastrointestinal, and/or constitutional symptoms in Illinois and Wisconsin was the THC product called Dank Vapes. Dank Vapes was the most commonly reported product brand used by patients nationwide, although there are regional differences", ". While Dank Vapes was most commonly reported in the Northeast and South, TKO and Smart Cart brands were more commonly reported by patients in the West, and Rove was more common in the Midwest. The composition of THC based oils is, to a large extent, unknown.", "Public health recommendations", "The CDC recommends that the public should consider not using any vaping products during their investigation, particularly those containing THC from informal sources like friends, or family, or in-person or online dealers as of 20 November 2019. The US FDA considers it prudent to avoid inhaling vitamin E acetate", ". The US FDA considers it prudent to avoid inhaling vitamin E acetate. On 6 September 2019, the US FDA stated that because consumers cannot be sure whether any THC vaping products may contain vitamin E acetate, consumers are urged to avoid buying vaping products on the street, and to refrain from using THC oil or modifying/adding any substances to products purchased in stores. The CDC recommends that e-cigarette, or vaping, products should never be used by youths, young adults, or women who are pregnant", ". Adults who do not currently use tobacco products should not start using e-cigarette, or vaping, products, according to the CDC.", "Various diluent thickening products were sold online via wholesale suppliers. There has been an increase in attention to companies that sell diluent products that are made with vitamin E acetate. A lot of speculation has focused on Honey Cut. Honey Cut, used as a diluent thickener, became widely used in Los Angeles' vape pen manufacturing plants in late 2018", ". After Honey Cut became widely used in THC vape cartridges many other similar products from other companies were introduced into the market in early 2019.", "The maker of Honey Cut's product is not known, and the only way to purchase the product was from the company's website. In early September 2019, the Honey Cut website went offline and Honey Cut told sellers in the Toy District, Los Angeles area to discontinue offering its products for sale. Counterfeit products from China that look like Honey Cut products were being sold, which increased the confusion in regard to which products people may have been vaping.", "The company Floraplex in Michigan has shutdown the buyers page for their Uber Thick brand. The diluent products called Clear Cut were sold by Connoisseur Concentrates from Tigard, Oregon. Clear Cut is no longer available from the company's website. The company acknowledged the products contained vitamin E acetate. The company stated that it began selling the products in May 2019 and was reviewed by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission", ". As of 10 September 2019, Mass Terpenes' Pure Thickener diluent is no longer available on its website. A cache of the product on its website stated, \"a proprietary formula composed simply of flavorless terpenes and a derivative of Vitamin E (to preserve color and consistency).\"", "Aaron Riley, CEO of CannaSafe, stated that likely about 75-80% of illicit vapes use some type of diluent agent. Drew Jones of Mr Extractor stated in September 2019 that as high as 70% of illicit cannabis vape cartridges in the US contain vitamin E acetate. It is estimated that at least 40 companies in the US sold a cutting agent containing vitamin E acetate. Thickening agents have been sold online as a less costly and safer substitute.", "Thickening agents were used to water down and bulk up vape oils. Thickening agents were used mostly in THC vape products. Vitamin E acetate was used to cut THC oil to dilute it. Vitamin E acetate dilutes vape oil without making it look like the oil was watered down. Previously, vitamin E was used in low concentrations, or lower than 20% of the formula in vape cartridges", ". As a result of a limited availability of cannabis in California as well as high demand, illicit sellers had used about 50% or higher of diluent thickeners in their formulas to bulk up tiny potency vape cartridges. Thomas Whitten, a consultant at WeedRAR, said to Rolling Stone that \"there's so much cutting agent even the people who made the cutting agent didn't expect it to be cut that much.\" Some cannabis laboratories began making arrangements in September 2019 to provide testing services for vitamin E.", "Regulations in legal markets for cannabis use allow the use of many additives such as tocopherols (various forms of vitamin E). However, regulators may be considering banning such substances in the near future, as of September 2019. As of December 2019, Washington state has now banned vape products containing vitamin E acetate, thought to be linked to illness", ". Although the substance is not banned in the United States and has not been officially declared as a deadly substance, many states are making advances to ban the use of the chemical in vape products. States like Massachusetts are considering a ban on flavored tobacco and vape products, and in New York, Manhattan is expected to become the largest city to ban all vaping flavors except tobacco. Other states that have already banned the use of vitamin E acetate in vape products include Colorado and Ohio.", "Legal proceedings\n\nSubpoenas", "In September 2019, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo instructed the state health department to issue subpoenas against three sellers of thickening agents used in illicit vaping products. The subpoenas are being served against Honey Cut Labs in Santa Monica, California, for its Honey Cut product; Floraplex Terpenes in Ypsilanti, Michigan, for its Uber Thick product; and Mass Terpenes in Amherst, Massachusetts, for its product. All three firms sell a product used as a thickener in vape liquids", ". All three firms sell a product used as a thickener in vape liquids. The thickeners from all three firms were found to contain mostly vitamin E acetate, according to test results from the Wadsworth Center.", "Criminal cases", "On 5 September 2019, Tyler Huffhines and Jacob Huffhines were arrested. Search warrants were served on a house at their place of residence and at a leased condominium", ". Search warrants were served on a house at their place of residence and at a leased condominium. In September 2019, an investigation in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, is underway to determine whether a major operation ran by the Huffhines brothers for purportedly making illicit THC vape cartridges, which were packed in containers to resemble candy and were thought to have been marketed to youth, could be related to a series of vaping-induced lung illness and deaths in the US", ". The purportedly candy-themed containers used names such as Sour Patch. In January 2018, Tyler Huffhines purportedly began the operation. The vape cartridges purportedly contained as high as 1,000 milligrams of THC, when the packaging stated it was just 5 milligrams. Roughly $1.5 million worth of THC products were seized during the raid. 57 mason jars containing THC oil were also seized during the raid. Each jar was worth about $6,000.", "An initial appearance in Kenosha County court was held for both brothers on 16 September 2019. Tyler Huffhines is facing multiple drug-related charges including possession with intent to deliver THC. Jacob Huffhines is facing charges including being a felon in possession of a firearm and possession of THC. Bond for Tyler Huffhines was set $500,000. Bond for Jacob Huffhines was set at $50,000. Both are scheduled to return to court on 26 September 2019", ". Both are scheduled to return to court on 26 September 2019. The Huffhines brothers pleaded not guilty on 23 October 2019.", "Courtney Huffhines, the mother of Jacob and Tyler Huffhines, was charged with assisting her sons run the illegal THC vape operation. A woman was arrested in connection with the THC vape operation. On 3 October 2019, Hannah Curty was charged with making THC, as a party to an offense against the law. She is scheduled to return to court on 11 October 2019. Courtney Huffhines and Hannah Curty were in court on 11 October 2019. Both women are due to return to court on 23 October 2019", ". Both women are due to return to court on 23 October 2019. Courtney Huffhines and Hannah Curty pleaded not guilty on 23 October 2019.", "On 17 October 2019, 22-year-old Jordan Lynam was charged with making THC vape cartridges in relation to the Huffhines's purportedly illicit vaping operation.\n\nDaniel Graumenz, Wesley Webb, and Tarail King are facing charges in relation to the illicit vaping operation.\n\nCivil lawsuits", "On 23 September 2019, a product liability lawsuit, Charles Wilcoxson v. Canna Brand Solutions LLC et al., was filed in Superior Court of Pierce County, Washington, against makers of THC vape cartridges. Wilcoxson, a peace officer, had used THC vape products between January 2018 and September 2019. He bought cannabis products that included Conscious Cannabis, Rainbows Aloft, Leafwerx, MFused, and Jane's Garden, and a Canna Brand Solutions vaporizer, all of which were cited as defendants", ". The plaintiff was hospitalized for three days in September 2019 with wheezing and lipoid pneumonia as a result of his vaping, according to the complaint.", "In September 2019, 35-year-old Erin Gilbert from Virgin Islands filed a lawsuit against Just CBD in a Broward County, Florida court, contending that her sickness was the result of a CBD vape oil containing mango flavor that she had purchased from a merchant in Saint Croix. After just a few days of using the vape oil, she had severe respiratory problems, multiple organ failure, and deficient supply of oxygen, resulting in necrosis of her legs, both of which had to be amputated.", "In May 2019, a 21-year-old was hospitalized for more than two weeks due to fluid in his lungs and was in a medically induced coma for 8 days. He had purportedly developed an addiction to Juul mint pods, which he had been using since age 19. In October, the patient sued Juul, complaining the company did not disclose the dangers of its pod system and deceptively advertised its products as being safer than combustible cigarettes", ". The suit also claimed Juul aimed to intentionally entice underage individuals and young adults with their product, as well as individuals who had never been smokers in the firm place.", "In September 2019, a lawsuit was brought on behalf of an 18-year-old from Illinois who had been hospitalized with lung damage from vaping. The plaintiff charged Juul with targeting teens with false marketing of a dangerous product, and a gas station for allowing him to buy vaping products as a minor.", "On 29 October 2019, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest district in the nation filed a class action suit against Juul for creating an epidemic of youth vaping that impedes student learning and endangers the health and safety of more than 600,000 students in the Los Angeles School District. As of January 2020, a total of 10 California school districts have filed a lawsuit against Juul Labs, Inc", ". The suit seeks injunctive relief and abatement remedy to fight against the vaping epidemic in California school districts.", "Responses\n\nE-cigarette industry", "The e-cigarette industry is placing the blame on illicit vaping liquids for the lung injuries. \"Each day of this crisis brings more evidence that street vapes containing THC or other illegal drugs are responsible for these illnesses, not nicotine vaping products,\" said Gregory Conley of the American Vaping Association, in August 2019. \"Like any health-related events reportedly associated with the use of vapor products, we are monitoring these reports,\" Juul Labs stated to Reuters in August 2019", ". The company also stated that some news agencies report that several cases of lung illness are associated with vaping THC, found in cannabis, \"a Schedule 1 controlled substance that we do not sell.\"", "However recent research using commercially sourced JUUL nicotine vape products has documented harms from these devices. A February 2022 research article on vape aerosol from JUUL products showed \"Profound pathological changes to upper airway, lung tissue architecture, and cellular structure,\" of mice exposed for as little as 9 weeks. \"This vaping-induced pulmonary injury model demonstrates mechanistic underpinnings of vaping-related pathologic injury.\"\n\nUnited States", "The CDC recommends that people should not use e-cigarette, or vaping, products that contain THC, particularly from informal sources like friends, or family, or in-person or online dealers. Until the relationship of vitamin E acetate and lung health is better understood, vitamin E acetate should not be added to e-cigarette, or vaping, products", ". People should not add any substance to e-cigarette or vaping products that are not intended by the manufacturer, including products purchased through retail establishments. CDC recommends that people should not modify or add any substances such as vitamin E acetate to e-cigarette, or vaping, products that are not intended by the manufacturer, including products purchased through retail establishments", ". According to the CDC, if you are an adult using e-cigarettes, or vaping, products, to quit smoking, do not return to smoking cigarettes. Adults addicted to nicotine using e-cigarettes should weigh all risks and benefits, and consider utilizing FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapies.", "The US FDA considers it prudent to avoid inhaling vitamin E acetate. On 6 September 2019, the US FDA stated that because consumers cannot be sure whether any THC vaping products may contain vitamin E acetate, consumers are urged to avoid buying vaping products on the street, and to refrain from using THC oil or modifying/adding any substances to products purchased in stores", ". On 4 October 2019, the US FDA strengthened its warning to consumers to stop using vaping products containing THC amid more than 1,000 reports of lung injuries—including some resulting in deaths—following the use of vaping products.", "\"The legal vapes have been actively regulated by FDA since Aug 2017. FDA has conducted thousands of inspections of manufacturers and vape stores, published manufacturing guidance, sought product removals etc. These tragedies point to illegal vapes and THC,\" former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb tweeted in August 2019. During an interviewed on CNBC's Squawk Box on 9 September 2019, Gottlieb said that \"the current belief is the illnesses are linked to illegal vapes containing vitamin E oil", ".\" He also stated that cannabis products in the US should be regulated.", "\"The e-cigarette-related lung illnesses currently sweeping across the country reaffirm our belief that the use of e-cigarettes and vaping is an urgent public health epidemic that must be addressed. We must not stand by while e-cigarettes continue to go unregulated. We urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to speed up the regulation of e-cigarettes and remove all unregulated products from the market", ". We also call on the FDA to immediately ban flavors, as well as marketing practices, that enhance the appeal of e-cigarette products to youth,\" Patrice A. Harris, the president of the American Medical Association, stated on 9 September 2019. On 19 November 2019, the American Medical Association urged for a complete ban on all types of vaping products that are not approved by the US FDA as quitting smoking aids.", "Various states have banned vitamin E acetate in vaping products, including Colorado, Ohio, and Washington.", "The governor of Massachusetts declared a public health emergency on 24 September 2019, and ordered a 4-month moratorium on the sale of all vaping products, both for nicotine and THC. After courts determined it had sole jurisdiction over THC products, the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission quarantine all THC vape products until they could be screened for vitamin E acetate and other chemicals", ". A Massachusetts testing lab offering tests to consumers found vitamin E acetate was widespread in unlicensed products but not in licensed products. The nicotine vaping ban was also challenged and ended early, but prompted the state legislature to ban flavored nicotine products to reduce underage vaping, among other new measures.", "The federal government has been criticized for instituting bans on flavored products rather than passing caps on nicotine concentrations and establishing accountability measures for negligent marketing.\n\nCanada", "Health Canada, the responsible government agency, responded to the US cases of potentially deadly lung illness by issuing a warning on 4 September 2019. They advise that Canadians consider not using vaping products, monitor for symptoms, get a medical attention quickly if they have concerns, tell their doctor if and what they vape or have vaped, avoid the illegal and unregulated markets, avoid modifying vaping products, report adverse reactions, and monitor their advisory for updates", ". They stated for those who are vaping to watch for symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain. On 11 October 2019, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada recommended to Canadians to consider holding back from vaping. Health Canada started a $766,000 advertisement campaign to curb underage vaping in part in response to the US and Canadian outbreak.", "Europe \n\n\"What little we know of recent reports from the U.S. is that the devices used appear to be linked to 'home brews' of illicit drugs and not legitimate vaping products,\" Martin Dockrell, overseer of tobacco control at Public Health England, stated in September 2019.\n\nAustralia \n\nAs a result of a potential link between vaping and lung illness in the US, the Australian Medical Association stated on 18 September 2019, that they reiterate a precautionary approach for the use of vaping products.\n\nIndia", "India \n\nFollowing a string of deaths tied to vaping in the US, India has banned the sales of vaping products in September 2019.\n\nWorld Health Organization", "World Health Organization \n\nDr. Vinayak Prasad, overseer of tobacco control at World Health Organization, told CNN on 12 September 2019, that WHO was observing the events in the US and abroad and will provide information to governments at the appropriate time. Prasad also stated that its member states have not made any announcements of lung illnesses that resemble those that were observed in the US.\n\nHospitalized patients", "News media featured hospitalized lung vaping illness patients in narratives including the following:\n Dehydration from nausea, multifocal pneumonia, sepsis, acute respiratory failure with hypoxemia, and blood clots, necessitating a medically induced coma and removal of fluid from the lungs.\n Vomiting, coughing up blood, and lipid pneumonia\n Nausea, chest pains, shortness of breath, and acute respiratory distress syndrome necessitating extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)", "Shoulder and back pain, double lung collapse \n Vomiting, fever, sweating, painful coughing, bronchitis, and double pneumonia in a patient who had vaped THC\n Vomiting up food, oil and water in the lungs, requiring supplemental oxygen for daily activities\n Severe pain in the side, lung collapse, \"black spots\" on the lungs in a patient using about half a Juul mint pod a day for about 18 months.\n Chest and back pain from recurrent pneumothoraces (air in the chest outside of the lungs)", "Chest and back pain from recurrent pneumothoraces (air in the chest outside of the lungs)\n Trouble breathing, necessitating a ventilator and medically induced coma. The 18-year-old patient says she bought vaping products from a smoke shop that did not ask for her ID card, enabling her to lie and claim that she was 22. \n Dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, necessitating supplemental oxygen.\n Breathing problems mistaken for the flu or stomach virus, eventually requiring ECMO", "Breathing problems mistaken for the flu or stomach virus, eventually requiring ECMO\n Difficulty breathing, requiring supplemental oxygen and steroids, diagnosed as popcorn lung.\n Dizziness and vomiting, problems breathing diagnosed as pneumonitis\n Patient discovered unresponsive in bedroom, mucus and blood coming from lungs, cardiac arrest\n Double lung transplant for a 17-year-old from Michigan on 15 October 2019, believed to be the first such procedure due to vaping", "Criticism of vaping bans", "Critics of vaping bans state that vaping is a much safer alternative to smoking tobacco products and that vaping bans incentivize people to return to smoking cigarettes. For example, critics cite the British Journal of Family Medicine in August 2015 which stated, \"E-cigarettes are 95% safer than traditional smoking", ".\" San Francisco's chief economist, Ted Egan, when discussing the San Francisco vaping ban stated the city's ban on e-cigarette sales will increase smoking as vapers switch to combustible cigarettes. Critics of smoking bans stress the absurdity of criminalizing the sale of a safer alternative to tobacco while tobacco continues to be legal.", "In 2022, after two years of review, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied Juul's application to keep its tobacco and menthol flavored vaping products on the market. Critics of this denial note that research published in Nicotine and Tobacco Research found that smokers who transitioned to Juuls in North America were significantly more likely to switch to vaping than those in the United Kingdom who only had access to lower-strength nicotine products", ". This happens as the Biden administration seeks to mandate low-nicotine cigarettes which, critics note, is not what makes cigarettes dangerous. They note that vaping does not contain many of the components that make smoking dangerous such as the combustion process and certain chemicals that are present in cigarettes that are not present in vape products.", "In 2022, Brian King, the head of the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products, has stated, \"We do know that e-cigarettes — as a general class — have markedly less risk than a combustible cigarette product.\" When asked by Reason whether the FDA is going to commit any resources to correct misperceptions about e-cigarettes, King responded with \"I can't commit to any specific actions.\"\n\nSee also \n Adverse effects of electronic cigarettes\n Safety of electronic cigarettes\nJuul", "See also \n Adverse effects of electronic cigarettes\n Safety of electronic cigarettes\nJuul\n\nNotes \nThe 2019 September EVALI cases are now being reinvestigated as potential and more likely early covid19 cases. The stay home order started march 2020.\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links", "References\n\nExternal links \n\n \n\n2019 disease outbreaks\n2020 disease outbreaks\n2019 controversies in the United States\n2020 controversies in the United States\n2019 disasters in the United States\n2020 disasters in the United States\nElectronic cigarettes\nUnited States lawsuits\nDisease outbreaks in the United States\nProduct safety scandals\nVaping lung illness outbreak\nArticles containing video clips" ]
List of minor planets: 177001–178000
[ "177001–177100", "|-bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177001 || || — || January 5, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || CLO || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=002 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177002 || || — || January 5, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.2 km || \n|-id=003 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177003 || || — || January 7, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=004 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177004 || || — || January 7, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=005 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=005 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177005 || || — || January 14, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.0 km || \n|-id=006 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177006 || 2003 BO || — || January 24, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.9 km || \n|-id=007 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177007 || || — || January 23, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=008 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177008 || || — || January 25, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=009 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=009 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177009 || || — || January 26, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=010 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177010 || || — || January 26, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || JLI || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=011 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177011 || || — || January 26, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=012 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177012 || || — || January 25, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.8 km || \n|-id=013 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=013 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177013 || || — || January 26, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || TEL || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=014 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177014 || || — || January 27, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=015 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177015 || || — || January 26, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=016 bgcolor=#FFC2E0\n| 177016 || || — || January 31, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || APO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.39\" | 390 m ||", "|-id=017 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177017 || || — || January 26, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=018 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177018 || || — || January 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=019 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177019 || || — || January 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=020 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177020 || || — || January 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || ALA || align=right | 6.8 km || \n|-id=021 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=021 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177021 || || — || January 30, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=022 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177022 || || — || January 29, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || LAU || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=023 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177023 || || — || January 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || EOS || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=024 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177024 || || — || January 31, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || H || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.84\" | 840 m ||", "|-id=025 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177025 || || — || January 30, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=026 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177026 || || — || January 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=027 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177027 || || — || January 30, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=028 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177028 || || — || January 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=029 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=029 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177029 || || — || January 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=030 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177030 || || — || January 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=031 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177031 || || — || January 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=032 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177032 || || — || February 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NEM || align=right | 4.8 km || \n|-id=033 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=033 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177033 || || — || February 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.4 km || \n|-id=034 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177034 || || — || February 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=035 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177035 || || — || February 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.8 km || \n|-id=036 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177036 || || — || February 1, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=037 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=037 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177037 || || — || February 3, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=038 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177038 || || — || February 4, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=039 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177039 || || — || February 19, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || YAK || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=040 bgcolor=#FA8072\n| 177040 || || — || February 23, 2003 || Campo Imperatore || CINEOS || H || align=right | 1.0 km ||", "|-id=041 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177041 || || — || February 23, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=042 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177042 || || — || February 25, 2003 || Campo Imperatore || CINEOS || CRO || align=right | 5.8 km || \n|-id=043 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177043 || || — || February 19, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=044 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177044 || || — || February 28, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=045 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=045 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177045 || || — || February 22, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || HYG || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=046 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177046 || || — || March 5, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=047 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177047 || || — || March 5, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.6 km || \n|-id=048 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177048 || || — || March 6, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=049 bgcolor=#FFC2E0", "|-id=049 bgcolor=#FFC2E0\n| 177049 || || — || March 8, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || APOPHA || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.39\" | 390 m || \n|-id=050 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177050 || || — || March 6, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=051 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177051 || || — || March 6, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=052 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177052 || || — || March 6, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.8 km ||", "| 177052 || || — || March 6, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=053 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177053 || || — || March 6, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=054 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177054 || || — || March 7, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || THM || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=055 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177055 || || — || March 8, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.8 km || \n|-id=056 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=056 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177056 || || — || March 8, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=057 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177057 || || — || March 7, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.2 km || \n|-id=058 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177058 || || — || March 11, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 6.9 km || \n|-id=059 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177059 || || — || March 11, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=060 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=060 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177060 || || — || March 11, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.5 km || \n|-id=061 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177061 || || — || March 12, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || EUP || align=right | 7.6 km || \n|-id=062 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177062 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.84\" | 840 m || \n|-id=063 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177063 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=064 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=064 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177064 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUP || align=right | 8.5 km || \n|-id=065 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177065 Samuelnoah || || || March 30, 2003 || Wrightwood || J. W. Young || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=066 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177066 || || — || March 30, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 7.2 km || \n|-id=067 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177067 || || — || March 23, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=068 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=068 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177068 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || THM || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=069 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177069 || || — || March 25, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 6.5 km || \n|-id=070 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177070 || || — || March 23, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=071 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177071 || || — || March 25, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 6.9 km || \n|-id=072 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=072 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177072 || || — || March 23, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || THM || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=073 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177073 || || — || March 23, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=074 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177074 || || — || March 23, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.1 km || \n|-id=075 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177075 || || — || March 23, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=076 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=076 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177076 || || — || March 23, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=077 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177077 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=078 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177078 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=079 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177079 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=080 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=080 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177080 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.2 km || \n|-id=081 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177081 || || — || March 25, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 6.4 km || \n|-id=082 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177082 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.7 km || \n|-id=083 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177083 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=084 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=084 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177084 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=085 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177085 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=086 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177086 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 6.0 km || \n|-id=087 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177087 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=088 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=088 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177088 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=089 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177089 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || URS || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=090 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177090 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || ALA || align=right | 6.2 km || \n|-id=091 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177091 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || EOS || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=092 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=092 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177092 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || THB || align=right | 5.9 km || \n|-id=093 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177093 || || — || March 27, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.8 km || \n|-id=094 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177094 || || — || March 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=095 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177095 || || — || March 28, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.6 km || \n|-id=096 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=096 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177096 || || — || March 29, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || EOS || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=097 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177097 || || — || March 29, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 6.2 km || \n|-id=098 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177098 || || — || March 29, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || LIX || align=right | 6.4 km || \n|-id=099 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177099 || || — || March 30, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.8 km ||", "| 177099 || || — || March 30, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.8 km || \n|-id=100 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177100 || || — || March 30, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|}", "177101–177200", "|-bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177101 || || — || March 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=102 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177102 || || — || March 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.5 km || \n|-id=103 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177103 || || — || March 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=104 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177104 || || — || March 31, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.4 km || \n|-id=105 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=105 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177105 || || — || March 25, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 5.1 km || \n|-id=106 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177106 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=107 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177107 || || — || March 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || THM || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=108 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177108 || || — || March 22, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=109 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=109 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177109 || || — || April 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.1 km || \n|-id=110 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177110 || || — || April 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.1 km || \n|-id=111 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177111 || || — || April 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || HYG || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=112 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177112 || || — || April 3, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || TIR || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=113 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=113 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177113 || || — || April 1, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || LIX || align=right | 7.8 km || \n|-id=114 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177114 || || — || April 2, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || ARM || align=right | 6.6 km || \n|-id=115 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177115 || || — || April 3, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=116 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177116 || || — || April 6, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=117 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=117 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177117 || || — || April 7, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=118 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177118 || || — || April 7, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUP || align=right | 7.6 km || \n|-id=119 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177119 || || — || April 7, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=120 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177120 Ocampo Uría || || || April 1, 2003 || Kitt Peak || M. W. Buie || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=121 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=121 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177121 || || — || April 6, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 6.2 km || \n|-id=122 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177122 || || — || April 24, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=123 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177123 || || — || April 21, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=124 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177124 || || — || April 25, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=125 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=125 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177125 || || — || April 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=126 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177126 || || — || April 25, 2003 || Campo Imperatore || CINEOS || — || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=127 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177127 || || — || April 24, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 6.1 km || \n|-id=128 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177128 || || — || April 25, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || SAN || align=right | 2.3 km ||", "| 177128 || || — || April 25, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || SAN || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=129 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177129 || || — || April 28, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || VER || align=right | 5.5 km || \n|-id=130 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177130 || || — || April 29, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=131 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177131 || || — || April 30, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=132 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=132 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177132 || || — || April 24, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.5 km || \n|-id=133 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177133 || || — || May 2, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=134 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177134 || || — || May 7, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 5.2 km || \n|-id=135 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177135 || || — || May 25, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=136 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=136 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177136 || || — || May 26, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=137 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177137 || || — || August 4, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.90\" | 900 m || \n|-id=138 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177138 || || — || August 18, 2003 || Campo Imperatore || CINEOS || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m || \n|-id=139 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=139 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177139 || || — || August 22, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAS || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=140 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177140 || || — || August 22, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=141 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177141 || || — || August 22, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=142 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177142 || || — || August 22, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=143 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=143 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177143 || || — || August 23, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.94\" | 940 m || \n|-id=144 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177144 || || — || August 23, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=145 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177145 || || — || August 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || ERI || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=146 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177146 || || — || August 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km ||", "| 177146 || || — || August 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=147 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177147 || || — || August 25, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right | 1.00 km || \n|-id=148 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177148 Pätzold || || || August 24, 2003 || Cerro Tololo || M. W. Buie || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=149 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177149 || || — || August 30, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=150 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=150 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177150 || 2003 RR || — || September 2, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=151 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177151 || || — || September 2, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=152 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177152 || || — || September 15, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.88\" | 880 m || \n|-id=153 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=153 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177153 || || — || September 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=154 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177154 || || — || September 17, 2003 || Goodricke-Pigott || R. A. Tucker || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=155 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177155 || || — || September 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=156 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=156 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177156 || || — || September 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.81\" | 810 m || \n|-id=157 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177157 || || — || September 18, 2003 || Piszkéstető || K. Sárneczky, B. Sipőcz || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.86\" | 860 m || \n|-id=158 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177158 || || — || September 16, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.94\" | 940 m || \n|-id=159 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=159 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177159 || || — || September 16, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=160 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177160 || || — || September 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.93\" | 930 m || \n|-id=161 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177161 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m || \n|-id=162 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=162 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177162 || || — || September 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=163 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177163 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=164 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177164 || || — || September 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m || \n|-id=165 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177165 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km ||", "| 177165 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=166 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177166 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=167 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177167 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=168 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177168 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=169 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=169 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177169 || || — || September 21, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.00 km || \n|-id=170 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177170 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=171 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177171 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=172 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177172 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || EUN || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=173 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=173 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177173 || || — || September 20, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=174 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177174 || || — || September 23, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=175 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177175 || || — || September 21, 2003 || Uccle || T. Pauwels || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=176 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177176 || || — || September 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km ||", "| 177176 || || — || September 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=177 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177177 || || — || September 22, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=178 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177178 || || — || September 27, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=179 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177179 || || — || September 25, 2003 || Bergisch Gladbach || W. Bickel || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=180 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=180 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177180 || || — || September 26, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.89\" | 890 m || \n|-id=181 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177181 || || — || September 26, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.92\" | 920 m || \n|-id=182 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177182 || || — || September 26, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=183 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=183 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177183 || || — || September 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=184 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177184 || || — || September 28, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.00 km || \n|-id=185 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177185 || || — || October 3, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=186 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177186 || || — || October 14, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.86\" | 860 m ||", "|-id=187 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177187 || || — || October 15, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m || \n|-id=188 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177188 || || — || October 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.00 km || \n|-id=189 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177189 || || — || October 17, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || PHO || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=190 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=190 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177190 || || — || October 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.69\" | 690 m || \n|-id=191 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177191 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Emerald Lane || L. Ball || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=192 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177192 || || — || October 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=193 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=193 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177193 || || — || October 16, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=194 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177194 || || — || October 17, 2003 || Črni Vrh || Črni Vrh || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=195 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177195 || || — || October 23, 2003 || Kvistaberg || UDAS || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=196 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177196 || || — || October 17, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=197 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=197 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177197 || || — || October 16, 2003 || Uccle || T. Pauwels || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m || \n|-id=198 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177198 || || — || October 16, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || NYS || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=199 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177199 || || — || October 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.90\" | 900 m || \n|-id=200 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=200 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177200 || || — || October 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|}", "177201–177300", "|-bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177201 || || — || October 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=202 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177202 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=203 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177203 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || FLO || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=204 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177204 || || — || October 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || FLO || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=205 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=205 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177205 || || — || October 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=206 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177206 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=207 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177207 || || — || October 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=208 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=208 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177208 || || — || October 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.85\" | 850 m || \n|-id=209 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177209 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=210 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177210 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=211 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177211 || || — || October 17, 2003 || Campo Imperatore || CINEOS || FLO || align=right | 1.5 km ||", "|-id=212 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177212 || || — || October 18, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=213 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177213 || || — || October 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=214 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177214 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=215 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=215 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177215 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.86\" | 860 m || \n|-id=216 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177216 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=217 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177217 || || — || October 20, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.99\" | 990 m || \n|-id=218 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=218 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177218 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.96\" | 960 m || \n|-id=219 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177219 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=220 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177220 || || — || October 22, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=221 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177221 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km ||", "| 177221 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=222 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177222 || || — || October 22, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=223 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177223 || || — || October 22, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.91\" | 910 m || \n|-id=224 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177224 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.91\" | 910 m ||", "|-id=225 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177225 || || — || October 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=226 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177226 || || — || October 22, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=227 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177227 || || — || October 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=228 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177228 || || — || October 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=229 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=229 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177229 || || — || October 22, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=230 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177230 || || — || October 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=231 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177231 || || — || October 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=232 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177232 || || — || October 25, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=233 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=233 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177233 || || — || October 26, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=234 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177234 || || — || October 26, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=235 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177235 || || — || October 25, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=236 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177236 || || — || October 27, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=237 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=237 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177237 || || — || October 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=238 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177238 || || — || October 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=239 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177239 || || — || October 29, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m || \n|-id=240 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177240 || || — || October 29, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km ||", "| 177240 || || — || October 29, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=241 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177241 || || — || October 29, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=242 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177242 || || — || October 30, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=243 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177243 || || — || October 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.78\" | 780 m || \n|-id=244 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=244 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177244 || || — || November 5, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=245 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177245 || 2003 WB || — || November 17, 2003 || Wrightwood || J. W. Young || EUN || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=246 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177246 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || FLO || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=247 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=247 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177247 || || — || November 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.82\" | 820 m || \n|-id=248 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177248 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=249 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177249 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.93\" | 930 m || \n|-id=250 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=250 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177250 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=251 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177251 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=252 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177252 || || — || November 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=253 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177253 || || — || November 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=254 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=254 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177254 || || — || November 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=255 bgcolor=#FFC2E0\n| 177255 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || AMO +1km || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=256 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177256 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=257 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177257 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km ||", "| 177257 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=258 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177258 || || — || November 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || ERI || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=259 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177259 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=260 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177260 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=261 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=261 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177261 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=262 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177262 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || ERI || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=263 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177263 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=264 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177264 || || — || November 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=265 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=265 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177265 || || — || November 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.81\" | 810 m || \n|-id=266 bgcolor=#FA8072\n| 177266 || || — || November 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=267 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177267 || || — || November 18, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=268 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=268 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177268 || || — || November 19, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.97\" | 970 m || \n|-id=269 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177269 || || — || November 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.89\" | 890 m || \n|-id=270 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177270 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=271 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=271 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177271 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=272 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177272 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.93\" | 930 m || \n|-id=273 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177273 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=274 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=274 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177274 || || — || November 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.91\" | 910 m || \n|-id=275 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177275 || || — || November 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=276 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177276 || || — || November 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=277 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177277 || || — || November 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 1.9 km ||", "| 177277 || || — || November 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=278 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177278 || || — || November 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=279 bgcolor=#FA8072\n| 177279 || || — || November 21, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=280 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177280 || || — || November 23, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=281 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=281 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177281 || || — || November 24, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=282 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177282 || || — || November 28, 2003 || Sandlot || G. Hug || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=283 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177283 || || — || November 28, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.75\" | 750 m || \n|-id=284 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177284 || || — || November 26, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || PHO || align=right | 2.0 km ||", "| 177284 || || — || November 26, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || PHO || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=285 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177285 || || — || November 26, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=286 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177286 || || — || November 30, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=287 bgcolor=#FA8072\n| 177287 || || — || November 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=288 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=288 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177288 || 2003 XF || — || December 3, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=289 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177289 || || — || December 1, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.93\" | 930 m || \n|-id=290 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177290 || || — || December 1, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.97\" | 970 m || \n|-id=291 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=291 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177291 || || — || December 3, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=292 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177292 || || — || December 14, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=293 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177293 || || — || December 14, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.8 km || \n|-id=294 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177294 || || — || December 15, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=295 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=295 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177295 || || — || December 14, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=296 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177296 || || — || December 15, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=297 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177297 || || — || December 1, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.81\" | 810 m || \n|-id=298 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177298 || || — || December 1, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km ||", "| 177298 || || — || December 1, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=299 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177299 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=300 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177300 || || — || December 16, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|}", "177301–177400", "|-bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177301 || || — || December 16, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.80\" | 800 m || \n|-id=302 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177302 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=303 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177303 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=304 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177304 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || NYS || align=right | 1.00 km ||", "|-id=305 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177305 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=306 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177306 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=307 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177307 || || — || December 16, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=308 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177308 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=309 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=309 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177309 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=310 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177310 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=311 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177311 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=312 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177312 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=313 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=313 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177313 || || — || December 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=314 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177314 || || — || December 16, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=315 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177315 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=316 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177316 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=317 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=317 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177317 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=318 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177318 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=319 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177319 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || MAS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=320 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177320 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HEN || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=321 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=321 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177321 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=322 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177322 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=323 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177323 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=324 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177324 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAR || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=325 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=325 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177325 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=326 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177326 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=327 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177327 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=328 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177328 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.90\" | 900 m ||", "|-id=329 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177329 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=330 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177330 || || — || December 20, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=331 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177331 || || — || December 21, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || HNS || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=332 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177332 || || — || December 21, 2003 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=333 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=333 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177333 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.86\" | 860 m || \n|-id=334 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177334 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=335 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177335 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=336 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177336 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right | 1.1 km ||", "| 177336 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=337 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177337 || || — || December 19, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=338 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177338 || || — || December 22, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=339 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177339 || || — || December 25, 2003 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=340 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=340 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177340 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=341 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177341 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || RAF || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=342 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177342 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=343 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177343 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=344 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=344 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177344 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=345 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177345 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=346 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177346 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || GEF || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=347 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177347 || || — || December 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=348 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=348 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177348 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=349 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177349 || || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=350 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177350 || || — || December 28, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=351 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177351 || || — || December 29, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=352 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=352 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177352 || || — || December 16, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=353 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177353 || || — || December 17, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=354 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177354 || || — || December 18, 2003 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=355 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177355 || || — || January 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=356 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=356 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177356 || || — || January 13, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || V || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=357 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177357 || || — || January 13, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=358 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177358 || || — || January 15, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=359 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177359 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || MAS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=360 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=360 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177360 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || NYS || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=361 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177361 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=362 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177362 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || MAS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=363 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177363 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=364 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=364 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177364 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=365 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177365 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=366 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177366 || || — || January 17, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=367 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177367 || || — || January 18, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=368 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=368 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177368 || || — || January 19, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=369 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177369 || || — || January 18, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=370 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177370 || || — || January 19, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=371 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177371 || || — || January 19, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=372 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=372 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177372 || || — || January 19, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=373 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177373 || || — || January 19, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=374 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177374 || || — || January 21, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || JUN || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=375 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177375 || || — || January 21, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=376 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=376 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177376 || || — || January 22, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=377 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177377 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=378 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177378 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=379 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177379 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=380 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=380 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177380 || || — || January 21, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAS || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=381 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177381 || || — || January 21, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=382 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177382 || || — || January 22, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=383 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177383 || || — || January 22, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=384 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=384 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177384 || || — || January 22, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=385 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177385 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=386 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177386 || || — || January 24, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || ADE || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=387 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177387 || || — || January 24, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUT || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=388 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=388 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177388 || || — || January 24, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=389 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177389 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=390 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177390 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || EUN || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=391 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177391 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=392 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=392 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177392 || || — || January 24, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=393 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177393 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=394 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177394 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || ADE || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=395 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177395 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=396 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=396 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177396 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=397 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177397 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=398 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177398 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=399 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177399 || || — || January 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=400 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=400 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177400 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|}", "177401–177500", "|-bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177401 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=402 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177402 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || BRU || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=403 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177403 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || HNS || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=404 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177404 || || — || January 28, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=405 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=405 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177405 || || — || January 30, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=406 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177406 || || — || January 21, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=407 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177407 || || — || January 22, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=408 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177408 || || — || January 22, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=409 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=409 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177409 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=410 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177410 || || — || January 26, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=411 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177411 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=412 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177412 || 2004 CK || — || February 2, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || JUN || align=right | 1.4 km ||", "|-id=413 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177413 || || — || February 12, 2004 || Desert Eagle || W. K. Y. Yeung || EUN || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=414 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177414 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || HNS || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=415 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177415 Queloz || || || February 9, 2004 || Vicques || M. Ory || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=416 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177416 || || — || February 10, 2004 || Nogales || Tenagra II Obs. || MAS || align=right | 1.0 km ||", "|-id=417 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177417 || || — || February 10, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=418 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177418 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=419 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177419 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || MAS || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=420 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177420 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=421 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=421 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177421 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || MAR || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=422 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177422 || || — || February 10, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=423 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177423 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || NYS || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=424 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177424 || || — || February 12, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || MAS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=425 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=425 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177425 || || — || February 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=426 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177426 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=427 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177427 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || GEF || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=428 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177428 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=429 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=429 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177429 || || — || February 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=430 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177430 || || — || February 13, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=431 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177431 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=432 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177432 || || — || February 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=433 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=433 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177433 || || — || February 13, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=434 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177434 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=435 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177435 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=436 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177436 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || MAS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=437 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=437 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177437 || || — || February 14, 2004 || Haleakala || NEAT || HNS || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=438 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177438 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || MAS || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=439 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177439 || || — || February 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=440 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177440 || || — || February 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || ADE || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=441 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=441 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177441 || || — || February 14, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=442 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177442 || || — || February 14, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=443 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177443 || || — || February 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=444 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177444 || || — || February 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.7 km || \n|-id=445 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=445 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177445 || || — || February 14, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || MAR || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=446 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177446 || || — || February 14, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=447 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177447 || || — || February 11, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=448 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177448 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.0 km ||", "| 177448 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=449 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177449 || || — || February 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=450 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177450 || || — || February 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=451 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177451 || || — || February 16, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=452 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=452 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177452 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=453 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177453 || || — || February 18, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=454 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177454 || || — || February 16, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || V || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=455 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177455 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=456 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=456 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177456 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=457 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177457 || || — || February 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=458 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177458 || || — || February 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=459 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177459 || || — || February 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=460 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=460 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177460 || || — || February 18, 2004 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=461 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177461 || || — || February 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=462 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177462 || || — || February 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=463 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177463 || || — || February 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=464 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=464 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177464 || || — || February 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=465 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177465 || || — || February 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=466 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177466 || || — || February 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || MIS || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=467 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177467 || || — || February 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAR || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=468 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=468 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177468 || || — || February 26, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=469 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177469 || || — || February 26, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=470 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177470 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAR || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=471 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177471 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=472 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=472 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177472 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=473 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177473 || || — || February 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HEN || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=474 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177474 || || — || March 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || ADE || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=475 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177475 || || — || March 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=476 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=476 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177476 || || — || March 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || MIS || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=477 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177477 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=478 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177478 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Desert Eagle || W. K. Y. Yeung || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=479 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177479 || || — || March 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=480 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=480 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177480 || || — || March 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=481 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177481 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=482 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177482 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || INO || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=483 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177483 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=484 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=484 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177484 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=485 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177485 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=486 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177486 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=487 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177487 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=488 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=488 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177488 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=489 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177489 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=490 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177490 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=491 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177491 || || — || March 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.1 km || \n|-id=492 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=492 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177492 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=493 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177493 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=494 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177494 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=495 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177495 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=496 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=496 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177496 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=497 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177497 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=498 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177498 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=499 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177499 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.99\" | 990 m || \n|-id=500 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=500 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177500 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || WAT || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|}", "177501–177600", "|-bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177501 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=502 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177502 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=503 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177503 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || GEF || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=504 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177504 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=505 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=505 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177505 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || RAF || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=506 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177506 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=507 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177507 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=508 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177508 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=509 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=509 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177509 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.8 km || \n|-id=510 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177510 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || INO || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=511 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177511 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || KRM || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=512 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177512 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=513 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=513 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177513 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=514 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177514 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=515 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177515 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=516 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177516 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=517 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=517 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177517 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=518 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177518 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=519 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177519 || || — || March 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || GER || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=520 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177520 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=521 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=521 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177521 || || — || March 14, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || CHA || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=522 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177522 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || AER || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=523 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177523 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=524 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177524 || || — || March 15, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=525 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=525 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177525 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=526 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177526 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Goodricke-Pigott || R. A. Tucker || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=527 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177527 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=528 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177528 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || TIN || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=529 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=529 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177529 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=530 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177530 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || AGN || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=531 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177531 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=532 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177532 || || — || March 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=533 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=533 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177533 || || — || March 17, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAR || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=534 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177534 || || — || March 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || WIT || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=535 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177535 || || — || March 27, 2004 || Bergisch Gladbach || W. Bickel || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=536 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177536 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || RAF || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=537 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=537 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177537 || || — || March 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=538 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177538 || || — || March 18, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || MAR || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=539 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177539 || || — || March 18, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=540 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177540 || || — || March 20, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || NEM || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=541 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=541 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177541 || || — || March 20, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=542 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177542 || || — || March 18, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=543 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177543 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=544 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177544 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=545 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=545 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177545 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || GEF || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=546 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177546 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=547 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177547 || || — || March 20, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=548 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177548 || || — || March 20, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=549 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=549 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177549 || || — || March 20, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.8 km || \n|-id=550 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177550 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=551 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177551 || || — || March 16, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=552 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177552 || || — || March 18, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=553 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=553 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177553 || || — || March 18, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=554 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177554 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || MAR || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=555 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177555 || || — || March 21, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=556 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177556 || || — || March 22, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=557 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=557 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177557 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=558 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177558 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=559 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177559 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || NEM || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=560 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177560 || || — || March 19, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=561 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=561 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177561 || || — || March 24, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || HNS || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=562 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177562 || || — || March 25, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=563 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177563 || || — || March 20, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=564 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177564 || || — || March 24, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || NEM || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=565 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=565 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177565 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=566 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177566 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=567 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177567 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=568 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177568 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=569 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=569 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177569 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=570 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177570 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=571 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177571 || || — || March 27, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=572 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177572 || || — || March 27, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=573 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=573 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177573 || || — || March 23, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HEN || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=574 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177574 || || — || March 26, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=575 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177575 || || — || March 29, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=576 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177576 || || — || March 17, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=577 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=577 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177577 || || — || March 30, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=578 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177578 || || — || March 17, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || KAR || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=579 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177579 || || — || March 18, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=580 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177580 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=581 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=581 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177581 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=582 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177582 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || NEM || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=583 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177583 || || — || April 10, 2004 || Kvistaberg || UDAS || MAR || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=584 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177584 || || — || April 13, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=585 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=585 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177585 || || — || April 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || JUN || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=586 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177586 || || — || April 13, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=587 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177587 || || — || April 10, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.5 km || \n|-id=588 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177588 || || — || April 10, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || EUN || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=589 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=589 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177589 || || — || April 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.9 km || \n|-id=590 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177590 || || — || April 14, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || AEO || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=591 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177591 || || — || April 14, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || DOR || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=592 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177592 || || — || April 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=593 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=593 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177593 || || — || April 15, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=594 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177594 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || CLO || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=595 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177595 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=596 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177596 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=597 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=597 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177597 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=598 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177598 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=599 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177599 || || — || April 14, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || AGN || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=600 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177600 || || — || April 12, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|}", "177601–177700", "|-bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177601 || || — || April 14, 2004 || Bergisch Gladbach || W. Bickel || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=602 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177602 || || — || April 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=603 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177603 || || — || April 14, 2004 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=604 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177604 || || — || April 15, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=605 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=605 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177605 || || — || April 9, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=606 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177606 || || — || April 13, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=607 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177607 || || — || April 19, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || BRU || align=right | 6.0 km || \n|-id=608 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177608 || || — || April 16, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=609 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=609 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177609 || || — || April 16, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=610 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177610 || || — || April 17, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=611 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177611 || || — || April 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || AGN || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=612 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177612 || || — || April 16, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=613 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=613 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177613 || || — || April 16, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=614 bgcolor=#FFC2E0\n| 177614 || || — || April 21, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || APO +1kmPHA || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=615 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177615 || || — || April 21, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=616 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177616 || || — || April 22, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || GEF || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=617 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=617 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177617 || || — || April 22, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=618 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177618 || || — || April 22, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || TIN || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=619 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177619 || || — || April 24, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=620 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177620 || || — || April 22, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || KOR || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=621 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=621 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177621 || || — || April 25, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=622 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177622 || || — || April 25, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=623 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177623 || || — || April 25, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=624 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177624 || || — || April 28, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=625 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=625 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177625 Dembicky || 2004 JD || || May 8, 2004 || Wrightwood || J. W. Young || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=626 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177626 || || — || May 9, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=627 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177627 || || — || May 13, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=628 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177628 || || — || May 13, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=629 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=629 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177629 || || — || May 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || LIX || align=right | 6.4 km || \n|-id=630 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177630 || || — || May 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || HYG || align=right | 5.0 km || \n|-id=631 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177631 || || — || May 15, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=632 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177632 || || — || May 13, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=633 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=633 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177633 || || — || May 10, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HOF || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=634 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177634 || || — || May 16, 2004 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=635 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177635 || || — || June 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.6 km || \n|-id=636 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177636 || || — || June 13, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=637 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=637 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177637 || || — || June 11, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || EUN || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=638 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177638 || || — || June 13, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || EOS || align=right | 5.4 km || \n|-id=639 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177639 || || — || June 14, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=640 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177640 || || — || July 10, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || HIL3:2 || align=right | 12 km || \n|-id=641 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=641 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177641 || || — || July 14, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || HYG || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=642 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177642 || || — || July 11, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 6.4 km || \n|-id=643 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177643 || || — || July 16, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=644 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177644 || || — || August 11, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || EUP || align=right | 6.7 km || \n|-id=645 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=645 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177645 || || — || August 9, 2004 || Campo Imperatore || CINEOS || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=646 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177646 || || — || September 8, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=647 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177647 || || — || September 6, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.99\" | 990 m || \n|-id=648 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177648 || || — || September 10, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.0 km ||", "| 177648 || || — || September 10, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=649 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177649 || || — || October 6, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=650 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177650 || || — || November 4, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.92\" | 920 m || \n|-id=651 bgcolor=#FFC2E0\n| 177651 || || — || December 10, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || APO +1km || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=652 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=652 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177652 || || — || December 15, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || H || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.88\" | 880 m || \n|-id=653 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177653 || || — || December 12, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=654 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177654 || || — || December 16, 2004 || Catalina || CSS || H || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=655 bgcolor=#C2FFFF\n| 177655 || || — || January 11, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || L5 || align=right | 19 km ||", "| 177655 || || — || January 11, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || L5 || align=right | 19 km || \n|-id=656 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177656 || || — || February 2, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || H || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=657 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177657 || || — || February 2, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=658 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177658 || || — || February 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=659 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=659 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177659 Paolacel || || || February 9, 2005 || La Silla || A. Boattini, H. Scholl || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=660 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177660 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=661 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177661 || || — || March 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.87\" | 870 m || \n|-id=662 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=662 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177662 || || — || March 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.90\" | 900 m || \n|-id=663 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177663 || || — || March 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=664 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177664 || || — || March 2, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=665 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177665 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km ||", "| 177665 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=666 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177666 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.83\" | 830 m || \n|-id=667 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177667 Schieven || || || March 3, 2005 || Jarnac || Jarnac Obs. || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=668 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177668 || || — || March 2, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || H || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=669 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=669 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177669 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || NYS || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=670 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177670 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.86\" | 860 m || \n|-id=671 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177671 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=672 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=672 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177672 || || — || March 4, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.84\" | 840 m || \n|-id=673 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177673 || || — || March 7, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=674 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177674 || || — || March 7, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=675 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177675 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.96\" | 960 m ||", "|-id=676 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177676 || || — || March 9, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m || \n|-id=677 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177677 || || — || March 9, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=678 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177678 || || — || March 12, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=679 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=679 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177679 || || — || March 12, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.94\" | 940 m || \n|-id=680 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177680 || || — || March 8, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.85\" | 850 m || \n|-id=681 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177681 || || — || March 12, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.74\" | 740 m || \n|-id=682 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=682 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177682 || || — || March 10, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=683 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177683 || || — || March 10, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=684 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177684 || || — || March 11, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=685 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177685 || || — || March 13, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || ERI || align=right | 2.1 km ||", "| 177685 || || — || March 13, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || ERI || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=686 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177686 || || — || March 13, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=687 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177687 || || — || March 14, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=688 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177688 || || — || March 10, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.87\" | 870 m || \n|-id=689 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=689 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177689 || || — || March 11, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.90\" | 900 m || \n|-id=690 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177690 || || — || March 16, 2005 || Goodricke-Pigott || R. A. Tucker || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.94\" | 940 m || \n|-id=691 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177691 || || — || April 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=692 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=692 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177692 || || — || April 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.70\" | 700 m || \n|-id=693 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177693 || || — || April 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.71\" | 710 m || \n|-id=694 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177694 || || — || April 1, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.93\" | 930 m || \n|-id=695 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=695 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177695 || || — || April 2, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=696 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177696 || || — || April 1, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=697 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177697 || || — || April 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=698 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177698 || || — || April 2, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || FLO || align=right | 1.0 km ||", "| 177698 || || — || April 2, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || FLO || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=699 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177699 || || — || April 4, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.77\" | 770 m || \n|-id=700 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177700 || || — || April 2, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.99\" | 990 m || \n|}", "177701–177800", "|-bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177701 || || — || April 2, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=702 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177702 || || — || April 4, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=703 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177703 || || — || April 4, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=704 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177704 || || — || April 4, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=705 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=705 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177705 || || — || April 6, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=706 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177706 || || — || April 6, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m || \n|-id=707 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177707 || || — || April 6, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=708 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=708 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177708 || || — || April 9, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.83\" | 830 m || \n|-id=709 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177709 || || — || April 6, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || MAS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=710 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177710 || || — || April 10, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.94\" | 940 m || \n|-id=711 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=711 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177711 || || — || April 9, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=712 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177712 || || — || April 12, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.76\" | 760 m || \n|-id=713 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177713 || || — || April 14, 2005 || Reedy Creek || J. Broughton || — || align=right | 2.8 km || \n|-id=714 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=714 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177714 || || — || April 11, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.92\" | 920 m || \n|-id=715 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177715 || || — || April 9, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=716 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177716 || || — || April 12, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.96\" | 960 m || \n|-id=717 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=717 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177717 || || — || April 13, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=718 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177718 || || — || April 13, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=719 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177719 || || — || April 11, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=720 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177720 || || — || April 14, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m ||", "|-id=721 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177721 || || — || April 5, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=722 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177722 Pelletier || || || April 11, 2005 || Kitt Peak || M. W. Buie || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.99\" | 990 m || \n|-id=723 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177723 || || — || April 7, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.99\" | 990 m || \n|-id=724 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=724 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177724 || || — || April 12, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=725 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177725 || || — || April 16, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=726 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177726 || || — || April 30, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=727 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177727 || 2005 JP || — || May 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || MAS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=728 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=728 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177728 || || — || May 3, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=729 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177729 || || — || May 3, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=730 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177730 || || — || May 3, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=731 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177731 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.85\" | 850 m || \n|-id=732 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=732 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177732 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || KOR || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=733 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177733 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.87\" | 870 m || \n|-id=734 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177734 || || — || May 1, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=735 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177735 || || — || May 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m ||", "|-id=736 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177736 || || — || May 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=737 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177737 || || — || May 3, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=738 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177738 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.94\" | 940 m || \n|-id=739 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177739 || || — || May 6, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=740 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=740 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177740 || || — || May 6, 2005 || Haleakala || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=741 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177741 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=742 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177742 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=743 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177743 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=744 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=744 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177744 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=745 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177745 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=746 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177746 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=747 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177747 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=748 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=748 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177748 || || — || May 4, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=749 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177749 || || — || May 7, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=750 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177750 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=751 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177751 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=752 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=752 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177752 || || — || May 9, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m || \n|-id=753 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177753 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.69\" | 690 m || \n|-id=754 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177754 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || MAS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m || \n|-id=755 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=755 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177755 || || — || May 11, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || FLO || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=756 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177756 || || — || May 11, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=757 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177757 || || — || May 11, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=758 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177758 || || — || May 11, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=759 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=759 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177759 || || — || May 12, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=760 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177760 || || — || May 12, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || ADE || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=761 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177761 || || — || May 10, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=762 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=762 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177762 || || — || May 11, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.83\" | 830 m || \n|-id=763 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177763 || || — || May 11, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=764 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177764 || || — || May 12, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || NYS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=765 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177765 || || — || May 12, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.2 km ||", "| 177765 || || — || May 12, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=766 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177766 || || — || May 12, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || RAF || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=767 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177767 || || — || May 13, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m || \n|-id=768 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177768 || || — || May 13, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=769 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=769 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177769 || || — || May 13, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=770 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177770 Saulanwu || || || May 8, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=771 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177771 Bretz || || || May 10, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=772 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=772 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177772 || || — || May 8, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=773 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177773 || || — || May 12, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=774 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177774 || || — || May 16, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=775 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177775 || || — || May 16, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || V || align=right | 1.1 km ||", "|-id=776 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177776 || || — || May 18, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.96\" | 960 m || \n|-id=777 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177777 || || — || May 18, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.87\" | 870 m || \n|-id=778 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177778 || || — || May 19, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || NYS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=779 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=779 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177779 || || — || May 18, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=780 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177780 || || — || May 29, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || NYS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=781 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177781 || || — || May 22, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=782 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177782 || || — || June 3, 2005 || Reedy Creek || J. Broughton || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m ||", "|-id=783 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177783 || || — || June 2, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m || \n|-id=784 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177784 || || — || June 2, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || ERI || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=785 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177785 || || — || June 5, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.97\" | 970 m || \n|-id=786 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=786 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177786 || || — || June 5, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.97\" | 970 m || \n|-id=787 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177787 || || — || June 6, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=788 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177788 || || — || June 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=789 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177789 || || — || June 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.3 km ||", "| 177789 || || — || June 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.3 km || \n|-id=790 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177790 || || — || June 5, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=791 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177791 || || — || June 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.97\" | 970 m || \n|-id=792 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177792 || || — || June 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=793 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=793 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177793 || || — || June 6, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=794 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177794 || || — || June 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=795 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177795 || || — || June 9, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=796 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177796 || || — || June 10, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=797 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=797 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177797 || || — || June 11, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=798 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177798 || || — || June 13, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || MIS || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=799 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177799 || || — || June 13, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=800 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177800 || || — || June 11, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m ||", "|}", "177801–177900", "|-bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177801 || || — || June 11, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=802 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177802 || || — || June 13, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || NYS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=803 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177803 || || — || June 13, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=804 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177804 || || — || June 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km ||", "| 177804 || || — || June 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=805 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177805 || || — || June 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=806 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177806 || 2005 MU || — || June 17, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=807 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177807 || || — || June 17, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || EOS || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=808 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=808 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177808 || || — || June 16, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || GEF || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=809 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177809 || || — || June 17, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || MAR || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=810 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177810 || || — || June 28, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.2 km || \n|-id=811 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177811 || || — || June 28, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || HYG || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=812 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=812 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177812 || || — || June 27, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=813 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177813 || || — || June 27, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.8 km || \n|-id=814 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177814 || || — || June 27, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || THM || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=815 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177815 || || — || June 30, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=816 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=816 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177816 || || — || June 30, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=817 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177817 || || — || June 30, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=818 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177818 || || — || June 30, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=819 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177819 || || — || June 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=820 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=820 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177820 || || — || June 29, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=821 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177821 || || — || July 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || TIR || align=right | 5.1 km || \n|-id=822 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177822 || || — || July 4, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || EOS || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=823 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177823 || || — || July 4, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=824 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=824 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177824 || || — || July 6, 2005 || Junk Bond || D. Healy || MAS || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=825 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177825 || || — || July 2, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HEN || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=826 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177826 || || — || July 4, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || HYG || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=827 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177827 || || — || July 4, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 3.1 km ||", "|-id=828 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177828 || || — || July 6, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=829 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177829 || || — || July 5, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || EOS || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=830 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177830 Rubenhagen || || || July 9, 2005 || Jarnac || Jarnac Obs. || — || align=right | 6.1 km || \n|-id=831 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177831 || || — || July 7, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=832 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=832 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177832 || || — || July 6, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=833 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177833 || || — || July 10, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || NYS || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=834 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177834 || || — || July 11, 2005 || RAS || A. Lowe || THB || align=right | 5.6 km || \n|-id=835 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177835 || || — || July 9, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=836 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=836 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177836 || || — || July 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || KOR || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=837 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177837 || || — || July 4, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || VER || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=838 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177838 || || — || July 4, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || EOS || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=839 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177839 || || — || July 8, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=840 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=840 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177840 || || — || July 10, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=841 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177841 || || — || July 10, 2005 || Reedy Creek || J. Broughton || EOS || align=right | 3.3 km || \n|-id=842 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177842 || || — || July 7, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=843 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177843 || || — || July 5, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=844 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=844 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177844 || || — || July 12, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=845 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177845 || || — || July 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.8 km || \n|-id=846 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177846 || || — || July 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.2 km || \n|-id=847 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177847 || || — || July 30, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=848 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=848 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177848 || || — || July 28, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=849 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177849 || || — || July 30, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=850 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177850 || || — || July 30, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=851 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177851 || || — || July 28, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=852 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=852 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177852 || || — || July 30, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=853 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177853 Lumezzane || || || August 5, 2005 || Lumezzane || M. Micheli, G. P. Pizzetti || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=854 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177854 || || — || August 4, 2005 || Kingsnake || J. V. McClusky || — || align=right | 5.0 km || \n|-id=855 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177855 || || — || August 5, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.5 km ||", "| 177855 || || — || August 5, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=856 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177856 || || — || August 5, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || HOF || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=857 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177857 || || — || August 5, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=858 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177858 || 2005 QX || — || August 22, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || EOS || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=859 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=859 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177859 || || — || August 24, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=860 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177860 || || — || August 24, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || EOS || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=861 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177861 || || — || August 25, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || HYG || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=862 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177862 || || — || August 24, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=863 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=863 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177863 || || — || August 25, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || EOS || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=864 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177864 || || — || August 25, 2005 || Campo Imperatore || CINEOS || TEL || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=865 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177865 || || — || August 26, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 2.8 km || \n|-id=866 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177866 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Vicques || M. Ory || HOF || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=867 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=867 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177867 || || — || August 24, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || HYG || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=868 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177868 || || — || August 25, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || KOR || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=869 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177869 || || — || August 26, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || URS || align=right | 5.9 km || \n|-id=870 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177870 || || — || August 26, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=871 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=871 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177871 || || — || August 26, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.2 km || \n|-id=872 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177872 || || — || August 25, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || HYG || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=873 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177873 || || — || August 29, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || EOS || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=874 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177874 || || — || August 29, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=875 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=875 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177875 || || — || August 25, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=876 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177876 || || — || August 29, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.3 km || \n|-id=877 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177877 || || — || August 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=878 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177878 || || — || August 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || EOS || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=879 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=879 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177879 || || — || August 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || 7:4 || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=880 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177880 || || — || August 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || CHA || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=881 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177881 || || — || August 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=882 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177882 || || — || August 27, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=883 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=883 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177883 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=884 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177884 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=885 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177885 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 4.0 km || \n|-id=886 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177886 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.9 km ||", "| 177886 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.9 km || \n|-id=887 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177887 || || — || August 29, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.7 km || \n|-id=888 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177888 || || — || August 30, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 7.2 km || \n|-id=889 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177889 || || — || August 26, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.1 km || \n|-id=890 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=890 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177890 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Siding Spring || SSS || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=891 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177891 || || — || August 28, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.8 km || \n|-id=892 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177892 || || — || August 30, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=893 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177893 || || — || August 29, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.0 km || \n|-id=894 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=894 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177894 || || — || August 31, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || HYG || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|-id=895 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177895 || || — || August 29, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || 7:4 || align=right | 6.0 km || \n|-id=896 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177896 || || — || September 6, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.2 km || \n|-id=897 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177897 || || — || September 7, 2005 || Altschwendt || Altschwendt Obs. || — || align=right | 5.6 km ||", "|-id=898 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177898 || || — || September 8, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || 3:2 || align=right | 6.8 km || \n|-id=899 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177899 || || — || September 9, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=900 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177900 || || — || September 11, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|}", "177901–178000", "|-bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177901 || || — || September 3, 2005 || Mauna Kea || C. Veillet || VER || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=902 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177902 || || — || September 6, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || EOS || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=903 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177903 || || — || September 12, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=904 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177904 || || — || September 23, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 5.8 km ||", "| 177904 || || — || September 23, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 5.8 km || \n|-id=905 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177905 || || — || September 23, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 4.2 km || \n|-id=906 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177906 || || — || September 25, 2005 || Calvin-Rehoboth || Calvin–Rehoboth Obs. || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=907 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177907 || || — || September 27, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.5 km || \n|-id=908 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=908 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177908 || || — || September 24, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || KAR || align=right | 1.9 km || \n|-id=909 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177909 || || — || September 25, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.9 km || \n|-id=910 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177910 || || — || September 27, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=911 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177911 || || — || September 28, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.0 km || \n|-id=912 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=912 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177912 || || — || September 29, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=913 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177913 || || — || September 25, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.5 km || \n|-id=914 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177914 || || — || September 25, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=915 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177915 || || — || September 26, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.5 km || \n|-id=916 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=916 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177916 || || — || September 28, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.0 km || \n|-id=917 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177917 || || — || September 29, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=918 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177918 || || — || September 29, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=919 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177919 || || — || September 29, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || VER || align=right | 6.7 km ||", "|-id=920 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177920 || || — || September 29, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || 7:4 || align=right | 6.5 km || \n|-id=921 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177921 || || — || September 30, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=922 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177922 || || — || September 30, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || EOS || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=923 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=923 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177923 || || — || September 30, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || THM || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=924 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177924 || || — || September 30, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 4.4 km || \n|-id=925 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177925 || || — || September 24, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 6.6 km || \n|-id=926 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177926 || || — || September 23, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || EOS || align=right | 2.7 km ||", "| 177926 || || — || September 23, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || EOS || align=right | 2.7 km || \n|-id=927 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177927 || || — || September 25, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || EOS || align=right | 4.1 km || \n|-id=928 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177928 || || — || September 23, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || EOS || align=right | 2.5 km || \n|-id=929 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177929 || || — || October 1, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || MRX || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=930 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=930 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177930 || || — || October 5, 2005 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=931 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177931 || || — || October 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=932 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177932 || || — || October 7, 2005 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 5.2 km || \n|-id=933 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177933 || || — || October 3, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.6 km || \n|-id=934 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=934 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177934 || || — || October 7, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=935 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177935 || || — || October 7, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || HYG || align=right | 3.8 km || \n|-id=936 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177936 || || — || October 21, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.8 km || \n|-id=937 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177937 || || — || October 23, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 6.9 km || \n|-id=938 bgcolor=#d6d6d6", "|-id=938 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177938 || || — || October 24, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=939 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177939 || || — || October 25, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 3.4 km || \n|-id=940 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177940 || || — || October 26, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || SHU3:2 || align=right | 7.6 km || \n|-id=941 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177941 || || — || October 27, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || 3:2 || align=right | 6.7 km ||", "| 177941 || || — || October 27, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || 3:2 || align=right | 6.7 km || \n|-id=942 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177942 || || — || November 4, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 5.6 km || \n|-id=943 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177943 || || — || November 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || SHU3:2 || align=right | 10 km || \n|-id=944 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177944 || || — || November 1, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 3.7 km ||", "|-id=945 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177945 || || — || November 25, 2005 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 4.7 km || \n|-id=946 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177946 || || — || November 25, 2005 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 4.9 km || \n|-id=947 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177947 || || — || May 1, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=948 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177948 || 2006 KV || — || May 18, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.91\" | 910 m ||", "|-id=949 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177949 || || — || May 25, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=950 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177950 || || — || May 25, 2006 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.92\" | 920 m || \n|-id=951 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177951 || || — || May 24, 2006 || Catalina || CSS || H || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=952 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177952 || || — || May 25, 2006 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.1 km ||", "| 177952 || || — || May 25, 2006 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.1 km || \n|-id=953 bgcolor=#FA8072\n| 177953 || || — || June 20, 2006 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=954 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177954 || 2006 OA || — || July 16, 2006 || Eskridge || D. Tibbets, G. Hug || EUN || align=right | 1.8 km || \n|-id=955 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177955 || || — || July 21, 2006 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 4.6 km || \n|-id=956 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=956 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177956 || || — || July 19, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || FLO || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=957 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177957 || || — || July 21, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=958 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177958 || || — || August 14, 2006 || Reedy Creek || J. Broughton || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=959 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177959 || || — || August 12, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.78\" | 780 m ||", "|-id=960 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177960 || || — || August 12, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=961 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177961 || || — || August 13, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=962 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177962 || || — || August 15, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.5 km || \n|-id=963 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177963 || || — || August 15, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=964 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=964 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177964 || || — || August 13, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.84\" | 840 m || \n|-id=965 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177965 || || — || August 14, 2006 || Siding Spring || SSS || V || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=966 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177966 || || — || August 15, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.00 km || \n|-id=967 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=967 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177967 Chouchihkang || || || August 15, 2006 || Lulin Observatory || H.-C. Lin, Q.-z. Ye || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.89\" | 890 m || \n|-id=968 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177968 || || — || August 14, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=969 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177969 || || — || August 14, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=970 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=970 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177970 || || — || August 14, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=971 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177971 || 2006 QC || — || August 17, 2006 || Hibiscus || S. F. Hönig || — || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=972 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177972 || || — || August 17, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.9 km || \n|-id=973 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177973 || || — || August 18, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.0 km || \n|-id=974 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=974 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177974 || || — || August 19, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.97\" | 970 m || \n|-id=975 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177975 || || — || August 17, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || MAR || align=right | 1.7 km || \n|-id=976 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177976 || || — || August 18, 2006 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 1.6 km || \n|-id=977 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177977 || || — || August 18, 2006 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.2 km ||", "| 177977 || || — || August 18, 2006 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.2 km || \n|-id=978 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177978 || || — || August 19, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=979 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177979 || || — || August 17, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || XIZ || align=right | 2.4 km || \n|-id=980 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177980 || || — || August 20, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=981 bgcolor=#fefefe", "|-id=981 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177981 || || — || August 21, 2006 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=982 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177982 Popilnia || || || August 17, 2006 || Andrushivka || Andrushivka Obs. || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.96\" | 960 m || \n|-id=983 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177983 || || — || August 17, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.3 km || \n|-id=984 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177984 || || — || August 17, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km ||", "| 177984 || || — || August 17, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=985 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177985 || || — || August 17, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.96\" | 960 m || \n|-id=986 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177986 || || — || August 18, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || MAS || align=right | 1.4 km || \n|-id=987 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177987 || || — || August 18, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.82\" | 820 m ||", "|-id=988 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177988 || || — || August 19, 2006 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 2.8 km || \n|-id=989 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177989 || || — || August 20, 2006 || Palomar || NEAT || V || align=right | 1.2 km || \n|-id=990 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177990 || || — || August 21, 2006 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=991 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177991 || || — || August 21, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.98\" | 980 m ||", "|-id=992 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177992 || || — || August 21, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || DOR || align=right | 3.6 km || \n|-id=993 bgcolor=#d6d6d6\n| 177993 || || — || August 24, 2006 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 9.1 km || \n|-id=994 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177994 || || — || August 24, 2006 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 1.3 km || \n|-id=995 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177995 || || — || August 28, 2006 || Socorro || LINEAR || H || align=right | 1.0 km || \n|-id=996 bgcolor=#E9E9E9", "|-id=996 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177996 || || — || August 21, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || \n|-id=997 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177997 || || — || August 27, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.5 km || \n|-id=998 bgcolor=#fefefe\n| 177998 || || — || August 24, 2006 || Socorro || LINEAR || FLO || align=right data-sort-value=\"0.95\" | 950 m || \n|-id=999 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 177999 || || — || August 27, 2006 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 2.0 km ||", "| 177999 || || — || August 27, 2006 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 2.0 km || \n|-id=000 bgcolor=#E9E9E9\n| 178000 || || — || August 27, 2006 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.1 km || \n|}", "References\n\nExternal links \n Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (175001)–(180000) (IAU Minor Planet Center)\n\n0177" ]
City Football Group
[ "City Football Group Limited (CFG) is a holding company that administers association football clubs. The group is owned by three organisations; of which 81% is majority owned by Abu Dhabi United Group, 18% by the American firm Silver Lake, and 1% by Chinese firms China Media Capital and CITIC Capital.", "The group derives its name from Manchester City, its flagship football club, and acts as the club's parent company. CFG also owns stakes in clubs in the United States, Australia, India, Japan, Spain, Brazil, Uruguay, China, Belgium, France and Italy.\n\nHistory", "Founded in 2013, City Football Group is the realisation of a business vision by former Barcelona Economy Vice President Ferran Soriano. Soriano first conceived of the ideal of a global football entity while at the Catalan club, beginning with the creation of Barca-branded overseas academies", ". Soriano contacted Major League Soccer Commissioner Don Garber about creating a Barcelona-branded MLS franchise, and the pair progressed as far as looking into several locations to place the team, but ultimately these plans were curtailed when Soriano and seven other members of Barcelona's board chose to resign in protest of then-President Joan Laporta's leadership.", "After a four-year break from football management, Soriano was hired in late 2012 to replace Garry Cook as CEO of Manchester City following the latter's resignation. Soriano revived his ambitions of creating a global football business entity, beginning by resuming dialogues with Garber. Their discussions resulted in the announcement of New York City as MLS' 20th expansion side less than one year later in May 2013", ". In the process of managing the creation of a second football team City Football Group was created, designed to be the holding company to which both Manchester City and NYCFC belonged. CFG expanded at the start of 2014 when it partnered with Rugby league side Melbourne Storm to acquire a controlling stake in A-League franchise Melbourne Heart for 12 million Australian dollars", ". The club would subsequently be rebranded to Melbourne City, and their badge changed as part of CFG's early attempts to synergise their investments with Manchester City as a brand, and the club's colours would slowly be changed to sky blue with their red-and-white stripes retained as away colours.", "In the weeks following their purchase of Melbourne City, CFG indicated their intentions of investing in women's football by rebranding Manchester City's female affiliate as Manchester City Women's Football Club, and successfully lobbied for the team to be added to the top tier of the FA Women's Super League, promising to invest in women's football on a scale never before seen in England", ". Later the following year, CFG would grow again with the purchase of a 20% in Japanese side Yokohama F Marinos, the traditional company team of group sponsor Nissan.", "In April 2017, after a near three-year pause in its expansion, City Football Group announced the Uruguayan second-tier side Club Atletico Torque, who would later be renamed Montevideo City Torque. Several months later, Torque would be followed in by Spanish second division club Girona, a club with ownership links to incumbent Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola.", "2019 saw the beginning of an increase in CFG's activity. The purchase of Chinese third division club Sichuan Jiuniu was followed towards the end of the year by a second venture in Asia, when the group bought a controlling stake in Indian Super League franchise Mumbai City", ". 2020 similarly would see two club purchases in European football, first of Lommel of Belgium and then of Troyes of France, with both moves notably seeing the purchased clubs rescued from financial difficulties and linked to the economic damages wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic", ". In the same year they would also expand their business interests by taking sole control of US-based five-a-side football business Goals Soccer Centers, a business they had previously invested in, following the near-collapse of the company's owners due to an internal scandal.", "In March 2022, Dutch second-tier side NAC Breda announced that following an investigation into the best bidders to sell the club's shares, the shareholders of the club had agreed to a sale to CFG. In response, the club's fans held protests both in Breda and also Manchester and Lommel. A month later, a group of shareholders with key voting rights announced that, in light of the backlash, they had elected instead to sell their shares to a local consortium.", "Principles and interests", "Since its inception, commenters have drawn parallels between City Football Group and Ferran Soriano's ideas spelled out in his 2011 book Goal: The Ball Doesn't Go In By Chance, in which Soriano remarked that the natural evolution of club brands was to expand globally, and that doing so could include the creation of franchise clubs in foreign leagues", ". His book continued to expound upon the notion that appealing to foreign fans who had no strongly-ingrained non-domestic allegiances was an important facet of business growth of sporting brands, and that giving those fans a domestic side to support alongside and affiliated to their European club could encourage more loyalty from them. This idea would be termed \"Disneyfication\" by Professor Simon Chadwick, an expert in Eurasian sport at Emlyon Business School and himself a confidant of Soriano.", "Branding and player development", "Early growth in the group focused on teams sharing a common identity and an associated brand, which aligned with the traditional identity of Manchester City and was viewed as a key way of helping the Manchester club build up its foreign support", ". This also matched Soriano's well-reported interest in placing City Football Group as a lynchpin in the opening-up of national markets in which association football has not previously been able to secure a strong presence, through the operation of and investment in franchises in those countries.", "The first entity to join CFG was the newly created New York City, with the club announcing that they would sport the familiar sky blue kit with white shorts which Manchester City have traditionally been associated with, and the rebranded Melbourne City (originally named Melbourne Heart) similarly switched to sky blue after defeating challenges from fellow A-League club Sydney", ". With the purchase of Mumbai City and the renaming of Club Atletico Torque to Montevideo City Torque, five teams in the group feature the word \"City\" in their name, and similarly all five wear sky blue kits. NYCFC's circular badge style would also be mimicked by Manchester City, Melbourne City, Mumbai City and Torque. Following from these changes, it was reported that the company's aim was to own a team on each continent with the \"City\" brand in its name.", "Developments within Manchester City's academy would ultimately lead to a shift in strategy and focus of the group. Efforts to continue their success in bringing through youth talent led to the buying of promising players in the early teenage years, many of whom would go on to be sold for a large profit", ". This prompted Soriano and CFG's executive management to change their ambitions to put more emphasis on purchasing smaller clubs in strong existing football markets, with the intention of turning them into specialists centres for acquiring and training future stars from their local areas. As a result, the emphasis on clubs sharing kit colours and having discernibly similar badges and names has been reduced", ". Outside of Manchester, the European clubs within CFG in particular have not seen any change to their identities beyond the use of sky blue as a change strip colour in Girona. Similar is true of Asian clubs Yokohama F. Marinos and Sichuan Jiuniu.", "Collaboration between clubs", "One of the core philosophies of City Football Group since its inception has been the mutual supporting of clubs through combined scouting and player sharing. While virtually all large European clubs operate an international scouting network, financial demands make it impossible to access local knowledge in foreign countries to the same extent as a domestic club could", ". CFG clubs therefore provide invaluable services to each other by using their own local scouting networks to share information on players between clubs. With their combined knowledge, the group advertises that it has extensive information on half a million players around the world", ". Possessing such a network then allows the local clubs to sign players early in their development, safe in the knowledge that the range of clubs CFG owns means that they can be placed at any of a number of sides as their development continues and the need for other challenges arises", ". The player-sharing element of the City network was first advertised with the high-profile transfer of Aaron Mooy from Melbourne City to Manchester City – an early case of utilising the network to support revenue generation – with the 2020–21 season seeing Manchester City send 14 foreign-sourced youth players out on loan, predominantly to other group clubs.", "In addition to internal player movements, CFG has also sought to foster movements of coaching staff within their network also; among the most notable relocations are French manager Eric Mombaerts, who has worked with Yokohama F. Marinos, Melbourne City and Troyes, Manchester City Women manager Nick Cushing transferring to New York and English coach Liam Manning transferring from the NYCFC academy to take over management of Lommel's first team.", "The second of CFG's core philosophies regarding club collaboration is on- and off-pitch technical information sharing", ". Based around the tactics of Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola – long coveted for the Manchester job by Ferran Soriano and Txiki Begiristain after their experience working with him in Barcelona – all of City Football Group's clubs are given access to extensive databases of Manchester City's tactics and coaching methods, enabling them all to follow the group directive to use the same style of football, a style occasionally referred to as \"the City Way\"", ". This synergy of tactical style extends beyond their first teams to the academies and women's sections. In addition to this, the clubs also share other information, such as medical, performance monitoring and player management.", "Investment in women's football", "Four of City Football Group's ten clubs sport women's teams, with Montevideo City Torque expected to launch a women's team in 2021 and New York City having previously held discussions about an affiliation with Sky Blue in 2014. In both Manchester and Melbourne, CFG (re)launched new women's sides in 2014 and 2015, promising to invest in women's football in unprecedent ways", ". In both cities, the women's teams would ultimately be given bespoke facilities which, in contrast to the standard for football clubs, shared training locations with their affiliated men's teams", ". Similarly, both cities would see returns for their investment, with Manchester City Women repeatedly finishing amongst the top two and winning a series of domestic trophies while Melbourne City's unprecedented investment in Australian women's football – an area which had previously been underfunded and largely forgotten in the country – earned the side plaudits for their forward-thinking and would see their female side crowned Grand Final winners four times in five seasons.", "Esports \nLooking to capitalise on the growth of esports, and for City Football Group to be seen as always being at the forefront of innovation, CFG made their first venture into digital gaming in June 2016 when they signed Kieran \"Kez\" Brown to represent Manchester City at FIFA tournaments and fan events, as well as to make digital content for their social media profiles.", "Over the following years, CFG expanded their esports footprint as most of their clubs signed players to represent them in FIFA tournaments, with most clubs keeping one PlayStation player and one Xbox player on their books to represent them at all times. By early 2021, CFG would have a total of 16 professional esports players across their various clubs. In 2021, Manchester City became the first CFG club to expand beyond FIFA when they signed Aiden \"Threats\" Mong to represent them in Fortnite tournaments", ". Unlike the other CFG teams, Manchester City would also go on to create separate esports teams in China and South Korea to compete in Asia-localised tournaments.", "In addition to having their own esports players, CFG have also collaborated with existing teams. In 2019, Manchester City announced a partnership with FaZe Clan which would see the two run various esports competitions and merchandising lines, as well as allowing City's and FaZe's FIFA players to share facilities and train together. In 2022, CFG announced that it was sponsoring Blue United eFC, in a move which would see Blue United wear CFG-style sky blue shirts at competitive events.\n\nCFG-owned clubs", "CFG-owned clubs\n\nManchester City", "Manchester City trace their origins back to 1880, taking their present name in the year 1894. The club was one of the founding members of the Football League Second Division in 1892 and first gained promotion to the top division of English football in 1899, in the process becoming the first team in history to be promoted via automatic promotion. They are ranked as one of the top ten clubs in England for most seasons spent in the English top flight, and top five for most major honours won", ". Their first trophy came in the 1904 FA Cup Final; in total, at the point of their acquisition by City Football Group, they had won two top flight league titles, four FA Cups, two League Cups, one UEFA Cup Winners' Cup and three FA Community Shields.", "After its takeover, Manchester City launched into a complete overhaul of all departments, intent on rising to the top as fast as possible", ". On the pitch, the following seasons saw the team replaced under the management of Mark Hughes and then a second time under Roberto Mancini as the lobbying of established UEFA Champions League clubs in the Premier League forced the Manchester team to act quickly in order to achieve Champions League status before the newly implemented Financial Fair Play Regulations made it unviable for teams to spend outside of their earnings in an attempt to move up the table", ". Meanwhile, off the pitch City spent £10 million on revamping their Platt Lane academy base as they formulated plans to produce a £100m training and academy facility on land opposite their stadium, studying training facilities around the world in an attempt to create the world's foremost development in its field. This came in conjunction with the announcement in 2014 that they had received planning permission to increase their stadium capacity", ". Further investment came in the field of fan engagement, where City committed themselves to a policy of winning the global popularity contest with a mass display of social media. Since the start of the 2016–17 season, Manchester City have been coached by former Barcelona and Bayern Munich coach Pep Guardiola.", "Under City Football Group, Manchester City Football Club have lifted the 2010–11 FA Cup, 2011–12 Premier League, 2012 FA Community Shield, 2013–14 Football League Cup, 2013–14 Premier League, 2015–16 Football League Cup, 2017–18 EFL Cup, 2017–18 Premier League, 2018 FA Community Shield, 2018–19 EFL Cup, 2018–19 Premier League, 2018–19 FA Cup, 2019 FA Community Shield, 2019–20 EFL Cup, 2020–21 EFL Cup, 2020–21 Premier League, 2021–22 Premier League, 2022–23 Premier League, 2022–23 FA Cup", ", 2020–21 Premier League, 2021–22 Premier League, 2022–23 Premier League, 2022–23 FA Cup, 2022–23 UEFA Champions League and the 2023 UEFA Super Cup", ".", "In April 2022, a report from Der Spiegel, based on leaked internal documents", ", claimed that the Abu Dhabi owners had previously made payments into the club disguised as sponsorship payments by Emirati companies like Etihad and Etisalat (the same claim that the club had successfully defended at CAS in 2020); Sheikh Mansour's Abu Dhabi United Group had allegedly indirectly paid for underage players to sign with the club; and that the club had allegedly used a fictitious contract between Roberto Mancini and Mansour's Al Jazira to pay large compensation fees to the former manager", ", in addition to his salary", ". The three cases were under investigation by the Premier League for the last three years. In response, the club dismissed these claims as untrue, where sources close to the club said the report was a continuation of an “orchestrated campaign” and part of “an endless attempt to damage us”.", "Manchester City Women", "Although Manchester City Women had existed since 1988 (previously under the name Manchester City Ladies), they existed solely as an external affiliate of the club until August 2012, with few shared resources and with CFG enjoying no control over the club's management. Four years after the purchase of Manchester City, an agreement was signed in which the affiliated women's team would come under full control of Manchester City, and would effectively become a department of the same organisation.", "Shortly after taking control of the club, the side was relaunched as Manchester City Women's Football Club, and applied successfully to join the top tier of English women's football – the recently created FA Women's Super League", ". When the new Manchester City training ground was constructed, it was specifically designed to include the women's team as equal partners, and the encouragement of the women's team to have access to the same sports science and analysts as the men's teams was considered pioneering at the time", ". They won their first major in the 2014 FA WSL Cup, and they have become one of the most successful sides in the professional era of women's football in England, with a total of one league title, three Women's FA Cups and four FA WSL Cups.", "New York City", "Founded in 2013, New York City joined the American Major League Soccer as the 20th expansion team; their first season of actual competition was in 2015, alongside Orlando City. To date, they are the only team built from scratch by City Football Group. CFG own 80% of NYCFC, with the remaining 20% owned by Yankee Global Enterprises, the parent company of the New York Yankees, at whose home stadium they play their matches", ". The club's first employee was former Manchester City and US national team player Claudio Reyna, who was appointed as Director of Football, and undertook much of the initial building of the club, before moving on in 2019.", "Building on their work in Manchester, City Football Group announced the creation of a bespoke training facility, using the name \"City Football Academy\", as would become standard across the group, in Orangeburg, New York, just outside of the city limits: it opened in 2018. New York City's first season results were modest, but since their second season they have made the MLS Cup Playoffs in every season. They lifted the MLS Cup for the first time in 2021.\n\nNew York City II", "New York City II \n\nIn late 2021, MLS announced the creation of a new division, which the USSF recognised as a third-tier league in the US football league pyramid. NYCFC were announced to be one of the 21 clubs which would enter it as a founder-member. To this end, they launched a development team, called New York City II (frequently referred to as NYCFC II or NYCFC2).\n\nMelbourne City", "One of seven expansion sides in the A-League Men, Melbourne City originally joined their league as a new franchise in 2010 under the name of Melbourne Heart. In so doing, they became the first club to join the league in a city where the A-League already had a presence, instantly creating a rivalry with founder member Melbourne Victory in what is now known as the Melbourne derby", ". Although Melbourne Heart won the first Melbourne derby, their early performances in the league were poor, qualifying for the playoffs only once in the first four seasons and finishing in last place in the 2013–14 season.", "City Football Group's purchase of Melbourne Heart was announced on 23 January 2014, in a deal worked out with a consortium of businessmen related to local rugby league club Melbourne Storm. Under the new ownership, they changed their name to Melbourne City in June of the same year, with the club switching to sky blue jerseys in 2017 – their previous red and white stripes would be retained as their away colours, however", ". In 2015, they opened a new City Football Academy facility at La Trobe University, based on the designs and principles of the Manchester training ground of the same name, and began construction of a larger base in the south of the city in 2021. In 2016, the club won their first major honour by beating Sydney in the final of the Australia Cup (then known as the FFA Cup), while they claimed their first league trophies by winning both the A-League Premier's Plate and the A-League Champions Trophy in 2021.", "Melbourne City Youth \n\nAs part of the expansion of the National Premier Leagues Victoria 1 (now known as NPL Victoria 2), Melbourne City had an application accepted to field a team based around their now-defunct Youth side in the competition along with five additional new entrants. On 6 December 2014, they announced the creation of their NPL team, which began competition in the 2015 season.", "Although Melbourne City have seen much success in the junior age categories, they have not repeated this at the professional level, with no trophy wins. In 2019, when NPL Victoria 2 was split in half to create a new, lower, third tier NPL division, Melbourne City were one of the teams relegated to the lower level.\n\nMelbourne City Women", "Melbourne City Women \n\nFollowing the success of their investment in Manchester City's women's team, CFG announced their continued support of women's football with the creation of a women's department in Melbourne in 2015, which was accepted as an expansion team in the W-League.", "Since its inception, the W-League had seen low levels of financial support from clubs into their female sides, with teams rarely spending even half of their budget cap. In this environment, Melbourne City were able to sweep the board in their first season, going undefeated all season to win both the league and the playoff trophies and setting a number of records. In total, Melbourne City have won the Premiership twice (in 2015–16 and 2019–20) and the championship four times (in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020).", "Yokohama F. Marinos", "As with many clubs in Japan, Yokohama F. Marinos were founded as a factory team of car manufacturing giant Nissan, and originally played under the name Nissan Motors F.C. Though the club changed its name to Yokohama Marinos when they turned professional in 1993, throughout their history they have remainder under Nissan's majority ownership", ". In 1999, the club merged with local rivals Yokohama Flugels, after the Flugels went into insolvancy – the combination of the two teams resulted in the current name Yokohama F. Marinos. Over their history, they have been one of Japan's more successful clubs, winning the Japanese top division league title on six occasions, along with twelve domestic cups and two continental trophies.", "On 20 May 2014, it was announced that City Football Group had invested in a minority share of Yokohama F. Marinos, creating a partnership with both the football club and car manufacturer Nissan. Through their contacts in the game, CFG would bring several managers in succession to Yokohama. Australian Ange Postecoglou would be the most successful, winning the 2019 J1 League, the club's first league title for 15 seasons", ". At the same time, pundits noted that Yokohama's switch to playing a CFG-inspired possession game had influenced the way that football was played in Japan, with many other teams copying their style.", "Montevideo City Torque", "Montevideo City Torque were first created as Club Atlético Torque in 2007. The club adopted the moniker \"Torque\" as one of its founders was an electromechanic, and collectively the founders liked the concept of torque as a relationship between power and movement", ". Starting from the third tier – at that time the lowest level of the Uruguayan football league system – the club made steady progress, earning promotion to the Segunda División in 2011, achieving finishes in the top half of the Segunda División table by 2015.", "On 5 April 2017, CFG announced that it had acquired Club Atletico Torque, a club in Montevideo currently playing in the Uruguayan Primera División. That season, the club won the Segunda División by nine points, being promoted to the Primera División for the first time", ". Though they came close to winning the Torneo Intermedio – which would have qualified them for the Copa Sudamericana – they would at the end of the season fall foul of the Primera División relegation rules, which saw the bottom three teams relegated based on a two-year rolling average of points per game. Nevertheless, they would win the Segunda División again in 2019 to return to the top flight again", ". Nevertheless, they would win the Segunda División again in 2019 to return to the top flight again. In 2020 the club would also rename itself to Montevideo City Torque and alter the club badge, simultaneously announcing the creation of a training facility and academy system intended to be one of the best in South America.", "On December 2019, City purchased Rincon City.", "Montevideo City Torque Femenino", "In 2021, Montevideo City Torque announced that they were creating a women's team, borne from City Football Group's desire to support and grow women's football; they recruited both a senior team and an under-19 side from a group of 100 trialists. The team was formed quickly enough to contest in the 2021 season of the Campeonato Femenino B, the second tier of women's football in Uruguay", ". In their first season, they won all seven of their First Phase games, but performed less well in the Promotion Phase, missing out on the chance to ascend to the top division at the first attempt.", "Girona", "On 23 August 2017, it was announced that the City Football Group had acquired 44.3% of La Liga side Girona. Another 44.3% was held by the Girona Football Group, led by Pere Guardiola, brother of Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola. Girona had previously been loaned a number of players by Manchester City while they were in the Segunda División, in what was seen by some as an attempt to attract Pep Guardiola to Manchester City. In August 2018, Girona had two loanees, both 21 years old, from Manchester City", ". In August 2018, Girona had two loanees, both 21 years old, from Manchester City.", "Girona B", "In line with the Spanish standard of major teams operating B-teams as development squads for younger players, Girona owns a subsidiary team named simply Girona B, following the incorporation in 2011 of the formerly independent side Riudellots. At the time of the purchase of Girona by CFG, the club operated in the Segona Catalana division, the sixth level of football in Spain", ". As an official B-team, Girona B is ineligible for promotion to a higher division than any other Girona-affiliated side above them in the leagues - nor is it eligible to play in any cup competition in which Girona themselves already compete.", "Girona additionally operated a primary B-team – Peralada – although this team was merely in partnership with Girona and neither Girona nor CFG had any ownership stake in the club. In 2019, the affiliation with Peralada was terminated as they were relegated to the Tercera División.\n\nGirona FC Femení A", "Girona FC Femení A \n\nThough they had operated a women's side since 2017, Girona Femení A only came into being in 2020, when Girona purchased the women's section of local club Sant Pere Pescador, renaming them to match the club's identity.\n\nGirona FC Femení B", "Although Girona operated a senior women's team for a number of years, financial constraints had forced them to cease operations at the senior level in 2013 and by 2017 the Catalan club operated just three junior teams with a total of 41 youth players in their system. Barely two months before CFG bought into the ownership of Girona, the club announced an expansion of its female set-up, including the restoration of the senior women's team, to start competing in the fifth tier of women's football in Spain.", "Sichuan Jiuniu \n\nOn 20 February 2019, it was announced that the City Football Group as well as UBTECH and China Sports Capital had acquired Sichuan Jiuniu\n\nMumbai City", "Mumbai City \n\nCity Football Group was announced as majority stakeholder of Mumbai City on Thursday 28 November 2019, after acquiring 65% of the club. Mumbai City is a professional football club based in Mumbai, competing in the Indian Super League. Since CFG’s takeover of Mumbai City, the club saw its initial success by being the first team to win both premiership and championship in a single season in 2020-21, and then winning the premiership again in the 2022-23 season\n\nMumbai City Reserves", "Mumbai City Reserves \n\nMumbai City Reserves were announced to be competing for the first time in the I-League 2nd Division, the third tier of Indian football.\n\nLommel \n\nCity Football Group was announced as majority stakeholder of Lommel on Monday 11 May 2020, acquiring the majority (unspecified) of the shares of the club. Lommel is a professional football club based in Lommel, competing in the Belgian First Division B (second tier).\n\nTroyes", "Troyes \n\nOn 3 September 2020, City Football Group announced that they had purchased the shares of the former owner of Ligue 2 club Troyes from Daniel Masoni, making them the majority shareholder. The club won the championship and was promoted to Ligue 1 at the end of the 2020–2021 season.\n\nTroyes Reserves \n\nThe development side of Troyes, known variously as Troyes Reserves and Troyes 2, play in Group F (Grand Est) of the Championnat National 3, the fifth tier of the French football league system.", "Troyes Féminine \n\nTroyes are represented in the women's game by Troyes Féminine, a senior side who compete in Grand Est Regional 1 (the third tier of women's football in France), having been denied promotion to Division 2 Féminine by the early closing of the 2019–20 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic.\n\nPalermo \n\nIn July 2022, CFG acquired a 80% majority stake of Italian Serie B club Palermo.\n\nBahia \n\nOn December 3, 2022, City Football Group acquired 90% of Bahia. The deal was finalized on May 4 2023.", "Honours achieved under CFG ownership \nThe following senior-level and some youth trophies have been won by City Football Group teams while under the ownership and control of the group. Trophies won before the inclusion in the City Football Group are not listed in this section:\n\nList by club\n\nGirona \nSegunda División\n Play-off Winners (1): 2021–22\nSupercopa de Catalunya\n Winners (1): 2019\n\nGirona B \nPrimera Catalana\n Winners (1): 2019–20\nSegona Catalana\n Winners (1): 2017–18", "Girona B \nPrimera Catalana\n Winners (1): 2019–20\nSegona Catalana\n Winners (1): 2017–18\n\nManchester City \nPremier League\n Winners (7): 2011–12, 2013–14, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23\nFA Cup\n Winners (3): 2010–11, 2018–19, 2022–23\nEFL Cup\n Winners (6): 2013–14, 2015–16, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21\nFA Community Shield\n Winners (3): 2012, 2018, 2019\nUEFA Champions League\n Winners (1): 2022–23\nUEFA Super Cup\n Winners (1): 2023", "Manchester City Women \n FA WSL 1:\n Winners (1): 2016\n FA Women's Cup:\n Winners (3): 2016–17, 2018–19, 2019–20\n FA WSL Continental Cup:\n Winners (4): 2014, 2016, 2018–19, 2021–22\n\nMelbourne City \n A-League Club Championship\n Winners (2) : 2021–22, 2022-23\n A-League Men\n A-League champions (1): 2020–21\n A-League premiers (3): 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23\n Australia Cup\n Winners (1): 2016", "Melbourne City Women \n A-League Women:\n W-League champions (4): 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18, 2019–20\n W-League premiers (2): 2015–16, 2019–20\n\nMontevideo City Torque \n Segunda División\n Winners (2): 2017, 2019\n\nMontevideo City Torque Femenino \n Segunda Division \n Winners (1): 2022\n Torneo Segunda Division Apertura\n Winners (1): 2022\n Torneo Segunda Division Clausura\n Winners (1): 2022\n\nMumbai City \n Indian Super League\n Champions (1): 2020–21\n Premiers (2): 2020–21, 2022–23", "Mumbai City \n Indian Super League\n Champions (1): 2020–21\n Premiers (2): 2020–21, 2022–23\n\nNew York City \n Campeones Cup\n Winners (1): 2022\nMLS Cup\n Winners (1): 2021\n Eastern Conference (Playoff)\n Title Winners: 2021\n\nTroyes \n Ligue 2\n Winners (1): 2020–21\n\nTroyes feminine\n División 3\n Winners (1): 2022–23\n Coupe Du Grand Est Feminine\n Winners (1): 2022–23\n\nBahia \nCampeonato Baiano\n Winners (1): 2023\n\nBahia Femenino\nCampeonato Baiano Femenino\n Winners (1): 2023", "Bahia Femenino\nCampeonato Baiano Femenino\n Winners (1): 2023\n\nClub Bolivar \nDivisión de Fútbol Profesional \nWinners (1): 2022-A\n\nSichuan Jiuniu \nChina League One \nWinners (1): 2023\n\nYokohama F. Marinos \n J1 League\n Winners (2): 2019, 2022\nJapanese Super Cup\nWinners (1): 2023\n\nAwards \n World Football Summit \n Best internationalization Strategy 2023\n Ballon d'Or\nClub Of The Year (1): 2022 (Man City)\nMen's Club Of The Year (1): 2023 (Man City)", "Esport \nEA Sport FC\n ePremier League\n Winners (1):2021 (Man City)\neMLS Series 1\nWinners (1) : 2021 (New York City FC)\neMLS Series 2\nWinners (1) : 2021 (New York City FC)\neMLS Final Series \nWinners (1) : 2021 (New York City FC)\n eChampions League Invitational\n Winners (1): 2019 (New York City FC)\n\nFIFA Online 4 \nFIFA Online 4 Star League Season 12 Winners (Man City China)\n\nFortnite\n Dream Hack San Diego 2023 (Man City)\n\nTable of honours won", "1 Includes lower league titles plus any cups not available to top division clubs, but does not include cups considered non-competitive for statistics purposes (such as pre-season competitions or local FA tournaments habitually contested by reserve sides).\n2 Includes titles won while under control of City Football Group personnel, but before the creation of the company itself.", "3 Girona were acquired by CFG in 2017 and have operated a women's team for the whole of their time in CFG. However, the Femení A team only came into existence in 2020 when local team FC Sant Pere Pescador sold their women's team to Girona, allowing Girona to operate a women's team at a more professional level.\n4 Although MCWFC have been affiliated to Manchester City since their creation in the 1980s, they only came under CFG control when the two clubs merged in 2014.", "5 Although the EDS have operated as Manchester City's reserve team for considerably longer than CFG have owned the club, they only began competing in a senior competition in 2017–18 when they were given a place in the EFL Trophy.\n6 In the 2019–20 season, ISL teams were invited to enter reserve teams into the I-League 2nd Division, a second-tier competition. The season was cut short in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in subsequent seasons reserve teams were not eligible to participate.", "Intra-CFG matches \nThough City Football Group has existed for a number of years, competing schedules and priorities have limited the number of occasions on which CFG teams have been able to contest matches against each other. The following record lists the games played between CFG teams while both have been under common ownership:\n\nCFG partner clubs\n\nClub Bolivar", "Club Bolivar \n\nIt was announced on 12 January 2021 that Club Bolivar had become the first partner club for the group. Club Bolivar is the most successful Bolivian club, having won 30 domestic titles since it was founded in La Paz on 12 April 1925. The owner of the club, Marcelo Claure, is also part of the ownership group of Inter Miami alongside David Beckham, as well as being COO of SoftBank Group with Masayoshi Son (CEO of Softbank) as well as Jorge Mas and Jose Mas from MasTec respectively.", "Honours after partnership :\n\nDivisión de Fútbol Profesional (1): 2022-A\n\nVannes \n\nIt was announced on 17 February 2021 that French fourth tier side Vannes had become the latest partner club for the group. The two clubs were already linked after Vannes' President Maxime Ray had joined CFG to become a minority shareholder in Troyes as part of the 2020 purchase, though he agreed to have no operational role at Troyes as part of the takeover.\n\nGeylang International", "Geylang International \n\nIt was announced on 1 February 2023 that Singapore Premier League club Geylang International had become the first Southeast Asian partner club for the group. The agreement is set to be an initial, highly targeted collaboration between both entities with the potential to evolve into a broader, more comprehensive strategic partnership in the future.\n\nBusinesses", "Goals Soccer Centers \nOn 25 July 2017, City Football Group signed a joint venture partnership with Goals Soccer Centres, a 5-a-side football pitch operator, to invest capital into the US operations of the company in order to expand across North America. On 3 February 2020, CFG purchased the remaining 50% to take full ownership of the joint venture – operating under the Americanised name Goals Soccer Centers – following the near-collapse of their partner as a result of historic fraud allegations.", "See also \n Manchester City F.C. ownership and finances\n\nReferences \n\n \nHolding companies established in 2014\nCompanies based in Manchester\n2014 establishments in England\nBritish companies established in 2014\nSports holding companies\nSports companies of the United Kingdom\nAssociation football companies" ]
2013–14 Sheffield Wednesday F.C. season
[ "During the 2013–14 football season, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club competed in three professional football competitions. Sheffield Wednesday competed in the 2013–14 Football League Championship, 2013–14 FA Cup, and the 2013–14 Football League Cup. It was the Owls' second consecutive season in the Football League Championship having secured promotion from League One in the 2011–12 season and then securing Championship safety on the last day of the 2012–13 season", ". The Football League season kicked-off at the beginning of August, along with the League Cup in the same month. Meanwhile, with Sheffield Wednesday being within the top two-tiers of the English football league system the club did not enter the FA Cup until the beginning of January 2014 where they entered at Round 3 of the competition.", "Review", "Pre-season", "Following the end of the 2012–13 football league season, Jérémy Hélan, Danny Pugh, Seyi Olofinjana, Leroy Lita and Steve Howard all returned to their parent clubs following their loans at Sheffield Wednesday. Many players were out of contract in the summer of 2013 and therefore many decisions had to be made on players' futures at the club within May and June", ". The first transfer of the new pre-season was confirmed just a few days after the end of the 2012–13 football season as development squad player Bastien Héry signed for Rochdale. Sheffield Wednesday youth players Ayo Obileye, Emmanuel Dieseruvwe and Johnny Fenwick soon all signed their first professional contracts with the club, all lasting one-year", ". On 16 May 2013, the club announced their retained list, with Player of the Year Lewis Buxton, Stephen Bywater, Giles Coke, Jermaine Johnson, Miguel Llera and David Prutton being the senior players to re-sign, while Adam Hinchliffe and Hayden White (who was rumoured to be signing for Bolton Wanderers) were offered their first professional contract. Nicky Weaver and Julian Bennett were released along with youth players Matthew Fletcher and Harry Grant", ". Also, out-of-favour midfielder Nejc Pečnik left by mutual consent. On 19 June 2013, the first transfer in relation to Sheffield Wednesday was revealed, with Chris O'Grady joining Yorkshire rivals Barnsley for an undisclosed fee, rumoured to be around £300,000. The week after the O'Grady departure, two players had decided whether their futures still lay with Sheffield Wednesday. Promising youth player Hayden White rejected an offer to sign with the team and went with Bolton Wanderers", ". White had been heavily followed the previous season with his impressive performances for the Owls' youth team and was linked with a possible move to Manchester United at one point. Elsewhere, senior player Stephen Bywater had also rejected signing and went with Millwall on a free transfer for a two-year contract. Bywater played a major part in the side's promotion in the 2011–12 season where he was signed permanently in January of that season", ". A day after these departures it was confirmed that David Prutton had signed to stay for the next season. Prutton is the second senior player to re-sign after Lewis Buxton signed later that month. 24-hours after Prutton's contract confirmation, Sheffield Wednesday's first signing of the season was confirmed. The signing was Jacques Maghoma from Burton Albion. He has signed a two-year contract after scoring 18 goals in League Two last season from the wing", ". He has signed a two-year contract after scoring 18 goals in League Two last season from the wing. Another player committed his future at Sheffield Wednesday on 27 June when Miguel Llera signed a new one-year contract at the club, having been a key player in defence over the last two-seasons. Another senior player yet to confirm where his future lay was Giles Coke, but he also chose to commit his future to Wednesday by signing a two-year contract at the club a day after Llera had signed his", ". Into July and nearly a week after Coke signed with the team, Jermaine Johnson was the last remaining senior player to be offered a contract that he signed to stay for the following season. He is one of the longest playing team players having made over 200 appearances having since joined the club in 2007 Later that day, it was confirmed that the club's midfielder Chris Lines had left by mutual consent", ". Lines was signed in the summer of 2011 and in the 2011–12 season he made the majority of his 53 appearances and scored all of his 4 goals.", "Sheffield Wednesday's first pre-season fixtures were announced on 15 May; the club confirmed that the first pre-season game would be away to Scunthorpe United on 13 July and then the side would, like the previous season, play two pre-season fixtures in Portugal, this time against Hull City in the second game in Portugal on 20 July, while the first game in the country was later confirmed to be Sporting Braga on 16 June 2013", ". A day later Chesterfield were confirmed to be friendly opponents on 27 July at their ground. Scottish giants Rangers was confirmed at the end of May to be the only pre-season friendly that will be at home, with the game due to take place mid-week on 24 July. The Owls played in their first pre-season friendly on 6 July 2013 with a \"behind-closed-doors\" friendly. The game was hosted at St George's Park National Football Centre, where the team played Romanian first-tier champions Steaua București", ". It ended in a 1–1 draw with goals either side of the half with Miguel Llera scoring for Wednesday in the second-half. Tuesday, 9 July saw Sheffield Wednesday play in a friendly-testimonial game against Stockport County. The game was a testimonial for Rodger Wylde, whose first club was Sheffield Wednesday and his last Stockport County, between his career spanning 1972–1989", ". Wednesday took the lead within 43 seconds when Michail Antonio scored for the Owls, Martin Taylor scored after 12-minutes and the game was wrapped up when Chris Maguire scored a penalty at the stroke of half-time. There were no further goals in the game but ex-Wednesday players Chris Waddle and David Hirst made appearances in the last 15 minutes of the game for the Owls", ". Three days after this game, one of last season's loanees signed on a permanent-basis: Jérémy Hélan signed on a four-year contract, making it the longest current contract at the club. The weekend after Hélan's signing, Sheffield Wednesday faced Scunthorpe United away in a friendly. It was a first-half strike by new signing Hélan that gave the Owls a 1–0 victory in this pre-season friendly", ". Similarly to last season's pre-season Sheffield Wednesday flew to a training camp in Portugal, where they would play two games in just under a week. The first game was against top Portuguese side Sporting Braga, whom although were trailing by one goal thanks to a Martin Taylor's header after nineteen minutes, scored twice in the last five-minutes of the first half and then also scored in the second to win the game 3–1", ". Although it was Sheffield Wednesday's first loss of their pre-season it was still seen as a good workout. Wednesday's second and last game in Portugal was against newly promoted Hull City, the game was fairly even and the Owls's best chance fell after great work by Michail Antonio in the middle of the park led to a pass threading through to Jérémy Hélan, who rounded the goalkeeper and had his shot cleared off the line", ". Meanwhile, Hull's best chance was when they scored, though the goal was disallowed for offside. Another pre-season workout was completed, but this time finished in a goalless draw. Sheffield Wednesday returned from their trip to Portugal in the week commencing 22 July, where they prepared for their final two pre-season friendlies against Rangers and Chesterfield", ". The Rangers game was the only home friendly of pre-season for the Owls and Rangers brought 6,000 fans to the game, selling out the away stand at Hillsborough Stadium, just for a friendly match. Although the away support was as if the game was a competitive fixture, the match was still played like a friendly. Both sides were fairly evenly matched and when Wednesday got a corner on 12-minutes Michail Antonio's shot bounced off the ground a looped into the goal to give Sheffield Wednesday the lead", ". And that was the only goal of the game, giving Sheffield Wednesday their third win of pre-season. Under 24-hours after the Rangers game and Sheffield Wednesday signed their third player of the new season, European striker Atdhe Nuhiu. Nuhiu has played in the top-league of Austria for the most of his career and signed on a three-year contract on a free transfer from Rapid Wien. Two-days later and Nuhiu played in Sheffield Wednesday's final pre-season fixture, this being away to Chesterfield", ". Although the Owls dominated the first half, it was Chesterfield who were leading at half-time thanks to a goal from Hamza Bencherif on 29 minutes. Wednesday deservedly equalised though late in the second-half with just two-minutes of normal time as Chris Maguire scored from 20-yards. Sheffield Wednesday's pre-season was over after seven pre-season friendlies in preparation for the upcoming season, with the first game a week away against Queens Park Rangers.", "August", "On the day before the first game of the season, Sheffield Wednesday signed central defender Kamil Zayatte on a free transfer on a two-year-long contract. Zayatte had been on trial with the Owls throughout pre-season and impressed enough to earn himself a deal. Later on that same day and Wednesday winger Danny Mayor went out on loan to League Two side Bury for the entire season", ". On Saturday 3 August, the first day of the season, Sheffield Wednesday couldn't really ask for harder opponents on the first day with Queens Park Rangers being favourites for promotion and having a high quality in-depth squad with most players being used to playing in the Premier League. Manager Dave Jones gave débuts to new signings Kamil Zayatte and Atdhe Nuhiu, who both had just managed to gain international clearance before the game", ". The game kicked off at Loftus Road in front of a full house and Rangers were soon on the upper hand with Andrew Johnson having an effort from distance just go wide and volley well saved as well. Once the game settled down, Wednesday got their fair share of chances with Atdhe Nuhiu's volley and shot inside the box being saved and going wide respectively", ". Then on nineteen-minutes Nuhiu wiggled his way out of two defenders' challenges cut inside and hit a shot that sailed into the bottom corner, giving the Owls the lead and a début goal for the 6-foot 6-inch striker Atdhe Nuhiu. Although the game continued to be evenly matched, Rangers were the ones who were creating the chances. Junior Hoilett got his shot over the bar from close range and then Bobby Zamora was denied by a save from Chris Kirkland", ". Soon after, a long ball by David Prutton over the top sent Michail Antonio through on goal, who was clipped from behind by the opposing defender in the box, but the referee waved away the penalty claims. If a penalty had been given, it would surely have been a red card as well as the opposing defender was the last man", ". Two minutes later when QPR gained a corner and took it quickly, Sheffield Wednesday were asleep and not aware of the danger, Junior Hoilett cut inside, took a shot that was going wide until the ball was passed into the net by Nedum Onuoha to put the game level. After the goal Queens Park Rangers had the momentum and the Owls were just looking to hang on for five minutes until half-time", ". However, three minutes later a Joey Barton header was saved by Kirkland and the rebound was volleyed in by Andrew Johnson, and the Owls were behind. Dave Jones was very frustrated at half-time, and in the second half, Hoilett continued to run riot and had another opportunity excellently saved by Chris Kirkland", ". Soon after, Jermaine Johnson and Michail Antonio found themselves two-on-one when the Owls pounced on the counter-attack, and when the ball was slid to Antonio with the goal gaping at his mercy he hit the ball over the bar. Then substitute Jacques Maghoma (also making his début) was taken down in the box by Joey Barton (who had just been booked), the referee stopped play but only to book Maghoma for diving", ". Replays revealed that the penalty should have been given with Barton being sent off in a result of this. Then to add to Maghoma and Wednesday's woes, he went on to hit the post. The first game of the season ended in a 2–1 loss against the promotion favourites.", "With hours to go before the League Cup, Round 1 fixture against local rivals Rotherham United kicked off and it was confirmed that Portuguese left-back Rafael Floro had signed for the club having spent all pre-season impressing while playing for the Owls. Rafael Floro is yet to play in a professional competitive fixture, although is likely to make an appearance on the day of his signing for the club, with Wednesday currently without any full-backs due to injury", ". And Floro did make his first career appearance hours later as he was one of three changes for the League Cup clash. The game was delayed by 15 minutes due to crowd congestion, but when the game did kick-off it was all Rotherham United who were taking the game to the Owls. And when a long throw-in was launched into the box, it bounced all the way to the other side of the box where Rotherham midfielder Ben Pringle volleyed into the far top corner of the net", ". Rotherham United continued to be the better side but soon after when Wednesday got a free-kick 35 yards out, Rhys McCabe stepped up, and with the help of a small deflection, hit the ball into the far corner of the net to put the game level again", ". Although the game did even out slightly after this, it was still Rotherham United who played as the better side and when another long thrown-in was cleared just to the outside of the box, it was Lee Frecklington who managed to find some space and strike the ball from distance into the net and Rotherham were in front again", ". Into the second half and chances were few and far, but the main talking point was when Wednesday substitute Jermaine Johnson lost his cool and head-butted an opposition player in an off-the-ball incident. The officials were aware of this and Jermaine Johnson got a straight red-card, earning himself a three-match suspension on top of the already many injuries to the side", ". That was the last main piece of action and it was Rotherham United who went through to the next round, while earning themselves 'bragging rights' with Sheffield Wednesday losing and falling at the first hurdle of the competition. The weekend following the League Cup defeat and Sheffield Wednesday faced Burnley in the first home game of the season. Further injuries had hit the squad by the game, stretching the squad to its limit", ". Further injuries had hit the squad by the game, stretching the squad to its limit. The first opportunity of the game was when a shot was deflected into a cross and went into Sam Vokes's path, but he was unable to convert due to a good Chris Kirkland save. As Wednesday got into the game it was them who had more of the chances, with Jérémy Hélan's shot from distance just going wide and Jacques Maghoma's accurate free-kick being well-saved by the opposition goalkeeper", ". Also another chance was when Michail Antonio's cross fell to David Prutton whose shot hit the side netting. Maghoma's clever cross was nearly deflected to an own goal, but when Burnley broke on the Owls, a cross was failed to be closed down by new-boy and youngster Rafael Floro and unfortunately the cross fell to Danny Ings who headed home comfortably to give Burnley the lead", ". Then just five-minutes later near enough exactly the same thing happened: Floro failed to close down the cross and Sam Vokes headed pass the keeper to put Burnley two in front. Wednesday had been the better side in the first-half but poor defending had led to them being 2–0 down. Sheffield Wednesday came out fighting in the second half and Atdhe Nuhiu's header seemed destined for the far top-corner but span just wide. Nuhiu then had another head well saved and the follow-up by Antonio was also blocked", ". Nuhiu then had another head well saved and the follow-up by Antonio was also blocked. With around 20-minutes to go and the Owls got what they deserved, a goal. Liam Palmer's first time cross met the head of Prutton to pull a goal back for Wednesday. Youngster Caolan Lavery came off the bench for his début for the club, but was unable to help his side equalise and Sheffield Wednesday fell to another frustrating 2–1 loss.", "The next game in Wednesday's fixture list was against local rivals Leeds United, just three weeks in to the new season. The game saw comebacks from first-team full-backs Lewis Buxton and Réda Johnson (who eventually came off the bench in the second-half). At 12:15, the game kicked off and it started fairly evenly and the first chance of the game came for Sheffield Wednesday. When a corner was curled into the box Atdhe Nuhiu's header was stopped just on the line by the keeper", ". However, Leeds almost capitalised when Jérémy Hélan lost the ball just outside his own area, but David Prutton came sliding in to stop a Leeds player from striking the ball in a very good position. With just under ten-minutes to go until half-time and the Owls won another corner, this was whipped in to the far post by Hélan, where Michail Antonio headed the ball across goal to see Kamil Zayatte loop a header into the net, scoring his first goal for the club and giving the Owls the lead", ". Sheffield Wednesday continued to trouble Leeds from corner's but the home team managed to hang on until half-time. Into the second half and Leeds United came out looking for an equaliser and on the 58th-minute Ross McCormack picked up the ball just passed the half-way line in the Owls' half, ran at the defence, fooled Zayatte as he ran round him with the ball going the other way and slotted the ball past the on-rushing Chris Kirkland", ". A great goal saw the game level at 1–1 again (similarly to the last two encounters, although Leeds went on to win the last 2–1). The game continued to be a tight and scrappy Yorkshire derby, but Antonio's solo effort and shot nearly gave Wednesday the lead if it wasn't for a good save by the opposition goalkeeper and ex-Sheffield United player Paddy Kenny", ". Sheffield Wednesday continued to create the better chances though and a long throw-in by Antonio was flicked on by Zayatte where Jacques Maghoma swivelled and took the shot on which was blocked by two Leeds players (one of which blocked partially with an arm but was too close to the ball for a penalty to be given) and bounced in front of goal line where several players launched themselves in to get a foot on the ball, but it was a Leeds United players' foot that got the ball away", ". That was the last main piece of action of the game and it ended all square at Elland Road, giving Sheffield Wednesday their first point of the season.", "A day before Sheffield Wednesday's second home fixture of the season against Millwall, the Owls signed young Swiss striker Andelko Savić from Italian side Sampdoria on a season-long loan. Savić will most likely feature in the team's Development Squad for at least the first half of the season. 24-hours later and the home game against Millwall had just kicked off, with Millwall quite bizarrely having to wear Wednesday's away kit for the first-half having forgotten their own", ". Millwall without even a point so far this season got off to a great start just five-minutes into the game, soon after Chris Kirkland had already had to make one great stop, he failed to make another as a cross hit Owls' player Kamil Zayatte 2-yards out and bounced into the net, scoring his second goal in two games, however this one was unfortunately in his own net", ". Their lead didn't last long though, not even 2 minutes as a long ball from a free-kick was sent in by Lewis Buxton and was fumbled by the opposition goalkeeper, then failed to be cleared and Réda Johnson jumped highest to head home and put the scores level again. Then fifteen-minutes later good work by Atdhe Nuhiu saw Jérémy Hélan set himself up for the shot outside the area and coolly finish into the bottom corner, Wednesday were now ahead", ". Into the second half and Réda Johnson scored again; however it was ruled out for a foul on the opposition goalkeeper. Millwall should have equalised when a cross found the free-head of a Millwall striker whose header went wide of the goal", ". But with three-minutes to go a corner for Millwall was taken and the ball bounced away from the centre of the area, it was chased down by a Millwall player who went down very easily under a challenge by Hélan and this was quite extraordinarily given as a penalty by the referee. To make things worse Millwall scored the penalty and the game ended all square at 2–2, leaving Wednesday very frustrated.", "With the Owls continuing to struggle at the back due to injuries, and Lewis Buxton having been sidelined yet again through injury, West Ham United defender Jordan Spence was signed on a 28-day emergency loan deal and was eligible to play for the game against Middlesbrough that very day", ". He made his début that very day in a game that started with Middlesbrough dominating the first ten-minutes and as Wednesday gradually got into the game it was they who was creating more chances and with ten-minutes to go until half-time a corner swung in to the box and was headed down in front of goalkeeper by Kamil Zayatte but Michail Antonio managed to swing his boot at the ball sending it into the roof of the net giving the Owls the lead", ". Chris Kirkland was tested on a few occasions before the break but the score remained the same. Into the second half and Middlesbrough similarly to the first-half started on top and when a Middlesbrough player beat Zayatte to the ball before he could clear it away, it left an open gap for Middlesbrough to cross and Mustapha Carayol to tap in the equaliser", ". Although the game went on to be relatively even, Middlesbrough nearly doubled their lead when Lukas Jutkiewicz hit the bar with his fierce first-time shot from the edge of the box. The game finished level meaning another draw for Sheffield Wednesday. During the first half of this game, Captain Anthony Gardner had to be stretchered off the pitch, looking to what could be a serious injury, leaving the Owls without another defender and mainly another key player to their team.", "September\nTransfer deadline day this year fell on Monday 2 September and Sheffield Wednesday were one of the most inactive teams during the day as they were not involved in any transfers what so ever. The weekend before the international break and Wednesday's worst fears of Anthony Gardner were confirmed as it was revealed that he had torn his Achilles tendon, usually meaning a player will be sidelined for around 5-months.", "Dave Jones had already revealed that he planned to bring players in and take players out of the club during the emergency loan window which opened a week after the closure of the transfer window. It had already been known that Sheffield Wednesday will have to let players go out before anyone comes in due to the tight wage budget and finances at the club. Martin Taylor was the first player to go out on loan as he joined Brentford for a month", ". Martin Taylor was the first player to go out on loan as he joined Brentford for a month. Back at Hillsborough Stadium after the international break and Sheffield Wednesday faced newly promoted Yeovil Town, with the Owls looking to gain their first win of the season. Both teams started fairly evenly and it was Yeovil who had the first key chance when they forced Kamil Zayatte into making a goal line clearance", ". However, as the Owls continued to push, a long ball over the top, saw the linesman put the offside flag up for Atdhe Nuhiu who seemed to be going for the ball, however the referee didn't blow his whistle as Michail Antonio picked up the ball instead as he was in an on side position, therefore the referee had over-ruled the linesman with the game continuing to go on", ". Yeovil momentarily paused waiting for the whistle, while Michail Antonio went through on goal and passed the ball square to Atdhe Nuhiu who passed the ball into the net. A controversial goal followed many Yeovil complaints, with the referee discussing the matter with the linesman and eventually decided to give the goal. Replays after the game showed that the referee had made the correct decision", ". Replays after the game showed that the referee had made the correct decision. As Yeovil felt hard done by the contest fell into a scrappy, rough affair with strong challenges going in, mainly from the Yeovil Town players. And on 41-minutes, just after Nuhiu had a header just miss the back of the net, Yeovil defender Byron Webster was caught in a rough tangle with Nuhiu which led to both players falling to the ground and Byron Webster seeming to throw a punch at Nuhiu while tussling on the ground", ". Byron Webster saw a straight red card for the incident and the Owls couldn't have gone in much better at half-time. Into the second half and although it was the Owls in the lead and having the extra man advantage, it was Yeovil who were the better side and somehow pushing for the equaliser. Yeovil Town's Joe Ralls gave his team what they deserved with 25-minutes to go when he took a great first-touch outside the area and finished nicely on the volley into the far corner", ". After this both sides gave it their all and Sheffield Wednesday now looked the more likely team to score and the fans thought they was about to do just that as a cross found Antonio who volleyed towards the goal where the opposition goalkeeper saved the shot, but also fumbled it, and as the ball rolled and hit the inside of the post, Nuhiu and Réda Johnson raced to tap the ball home but the keeper pounced upon the loose ball just in the time", ". Sheffield Wednesday were left with another draw, this one though more disappointing than the others due to the position they were in at half-time and arguably should have gone on to win the game.", "A day after the Yeovil result and Wednesday signed Roger Johnson on loan from Wolverhampton Wanderers for three-months with the Owls in desperate need of another centre-back. Later on in the week and it was confirmed that ex-Cardiff City midfielder and free-agent Stephen McPhail had signed for the club until mid-January. McPhail went on to start the away game against Birmingham City two-days later", ". McPhail went on to start the away game against Birmingham City two-days later. The team and McPhail started the game brightly and although Michail Antonio went close, it was Birmingham's first real attack of the game that led to the first goal. Chris Burke's shot was saved well but the rebound was tapped in by Jesse Lingard, scoring on his début for Birmingham having joined them on loan from Manchester United earlier on in the week", ". After this goal and Birmingham had the momentum and dominated, and it wasn't long until they doubled their lead. Again it was new loan signing Lingard whom dribbled and dodged in and out of defender's in the box before slotting home his second of the afternoon. And it was only two-minutes later after this goal when it was game over. Jesse Lingard shot from outside the area found the bottom corner to complete his hat-trick", ". Jesse Lingard shot from outside the area found the bottom corner to complete his hat-trick. 3–0 at half-time and the main objective really for the Owls was not to concede any more. However, Birmingham continued to create chances after the break and just six-minutes into the second-half Burke and Lingard linked up with each other for Jesse Lingard to score yet another goal", ". Wednesday did create a few chances before the end of the game, one of which they scored, when a corner was whipped in and headed in for a late consolation goal by Kamil Zayatte. After the goal and Shane Ferguson nearly made it 5 when he went through on goal but Chris Kirkland kept the player at bay.", "As the Owls prepared for the derby game against Doncaster Rovers, it was confirmed that Matty Fryatt had joined the team on loan from Hull City for 1-month. Fryatt started the following game at Hillsborough Stadium on the bench. The derby game was a tight and scrappy affair, but it was Sheffield Wednesday whom created the most chances in a very dull first-half. Atdhe Nuhiu's shot went just wide after the mistake from the Doncaster defence. Jérémy Hélan also had a tame effort from distance comfortably saved", ". Jérémy Hélan also had a tame effort from distance comfortably saved. That was all to be noted in the first-half, but the second-half continued to be a tight and scrappy affair but more chances were created. Doncaster had one half-chance from a corner, while Nuhiu's header from a cross was just cleared off the line by ex-Owl Rob Jones. Soon after and Miguel Llera also had his header cleared off the line by an excellent save from Doncaster Rovers goalkeeper Ross Turnbull", ". Doncaster's first main chance of the game came midway through the second half as new loan signing Federico Macheda, another loan signing by an opposing club from Manchester United, managed to take on two defenders before his finished was well-saved by Chris Kirkland at the near post. Doncaster's second main chance though was a cross where Macheda out-jumped Llera and headed the ball on-target...and into the net", "...and into the net. Doncaster up to this point had been second-best in the game, but after the goal Wednesday did well to not concede a second. Chris Kirkland was forced into a double save after a free-kick led to two shots by the same player. Boos echoed Hillsborough as the full-time whistle blew, with the Owls still without a win this season.", "October", "The very first day of October landed on a Tuesday where the Owls faced Brighton & Hove Albion down at the south coast. Brighton had the first major chance of the game as a ball over the Owls' defence saw Ashley Barnes go through on goal, but keeper Kirkland made an excellent save to keep the scores level. Chris Kirkland continued to make some good saves and Brighton nearly had a penalty given as Kazenga LuaLua was brought down in the box by Lewis Buxton", ". However, the referee waved away the protests in which replays revealed it would have been a fairly 'soft' penalty to give. Although it was Brighton who were creating more chances it was Sheffield Wednesday who took the lead three-minutes before the break. Great work by Jérémy Hélan saw him take on two players before crossing low in the box, where loanee Matty Fryatt touched and swivelled before blasting the ball home into the back of the net", ". Into the second half and Ashley Barnes was so close to scoring for Brighton again, after his shot from a cross went just wide of the post. Wednesday continued to somehow keep Brighton at bay, even when Keith Andrews' volley also went just wide. Into the last-minute with the game ticking down to the Owls' first victory of the season, a cross from Brighton was then headed across goal where Keith Andrews tapped in at the far post", ". Wednesday had failed to hold on to their first victory of the season with the game finishing level at 1–1. Just before the following weekend started the Owls' club striker Gary Madine verdict of his trial was announced. Gary Madine is to face an 18-month jail sentence after two separate assaults in night clubs. Ipswich Town were the next team that Wednesday faced that following weekend", ". Ipswich Town were the next team that Wednesday faced that following weekend. Sheffield Wednesday went out looking for their first win of the season and nearly took the lead early on when Atdhe Nuhiu's shot was well saved by the opposing goalkeeper. However, twelve-minutes in and a long ball over the top set Ipswich on the counter where a cross found Paul Anderson who comfortably took on the shot and scored", ". Two-minutes later and a cross by Wednesday this time saw Nuhiu head across goal where Michail Antonio then headed into the back of the net and the scores were all level again. The Owls continued to press for the lead at Hillsborough and Matty Fryatt's clear cut volley was unfortunately straight at the keeper, who palmed the ball over for a corner. Into the second half and Réda Johnson also came close with a header, before Kirkland saved an opposing shot well at the near post", ". Kirkland then had to make another save, this one excellently, as Paul Anderson nearly doubled his tally for the afternoon as his shot took a slight deflection and seemed to be heading into the near corner before it was palmed out for a corner. And then as the game entered the last quarter of its time Jermaine Johnson dribbled inwards from the left-hand side and had fierce shot from 25-yards out that seemed to be destined for the top corner of the goal, only to be denied by the bar", ". Another draw and another game without a win came as the full-time whistle blew soon after.", "On 15 October 2013, Arsenal's young goalkeeper Emiliano Martínez joined the club on loan to give more competition to Chris Kirkland. Martínez was on the bench for Wednesday's next game against Bolton Wanderers at the Reebok Stadium and it was the Owls whom started the lot brighter, especially when Matty Fryatt came close after great link up play with Giles Coke", ". Two-minutes after this chance though and good link up play by two of the opposition players saw Jermaine Beckford take on a fantastically sliced shot and score against the run of play with 16-minutes gone on the clock. Just 10-minutes later and Wednesday were deservedly back on level terms as Jérémy Hélan's cross instead found the head Alex Baptiste whose diving header bounced on the ground and went into the net, therefore scoring an own goal", ". The game was fairly evenly matched up to half-time and the second-half started similarly as the first did with the Owls on top. Jérémy Hélan created the first goal and very nearly scored the second as he took on his man in the box and his shot was well saved by the opposing goalkeeper. Halfway through the second-half with Sheffield Wednesday still on top, they managed to win a free-kick just outside and to the right-hand corner of the box", ". Stephen McPhail whipped the ball in, which was punched away only to find Kamil Zayatte whose resultant header looped up and into the back of the net giving the Owls the lead. Or that's what they thought until they realised that the assistant referee had her flag up", ". Or that's what they thought until they realised that the assistant referee had her flag up. The goal was given as offside as when Zayatte's looping header was on its way to the back of the net, Réda Johnson went for the ball from being in an offside position, he jumped and attempted to flick on the ball and even though he didn't touch the ball, the officials felt that Réda Johnson was interfering with play when being from an offside position", ". Into the last five-minutes with Wednesday on the front foot and looking to win the game, José Semedo went in with a strong but fair challenge on an opposing player where he won the ball. However, the referee blew his whistle and without much hesitation showed Semedo a red card. Protests to the referee by the Sheffield Wednesday players were unsuccessful and José Semedo left the field in tears", ". Down to ten men and the game had spun itself on its head and it was now Bolton who were looking to win the game, even though they had been second best throughout the 90-minutes. Into stoppage-time and a Bolton corner led to a header where Chris Kirkland made an excellent save to keep the scores level", ". Two more corners in stoppage time later and another header was directed towards goal and Kirkland made an even better save to ensure the Owls didn't leave empty handed as the referee blew his whistle with the scores locked at 1–1.", "José Semedo's red card appeal the following week was unsuccessful which meant he missed the next 3 games, including the next one which was the derby day visit to Barnsley. Hours before the game and it was confirmed that free-agent Seyi Olofinjana had joined the club on a short-term contract. The midfielder had joined the club on a short loan spell at the end of last season as well where he helped the team survive from relegation", ". An early kick-off at Oakwell and both relegation threatened teams started well but it was the Owls' away faithful that had thought they had scored when loanee Roger Johnson's header hit the side netting. Seven-minutes later and Réda Johnson was tackled while in possession of the ball at the back, leading Barnsley to quickly counterattack", ". Marcus Pedersen decided to quickly shoot from outside the area and his fierce shot hit the post so hard it came back out to around 30-yards from goal where the ball was passed, in the air, straight back to Marcus Pedersen whose touch set him up for a fantastic volley inside the area that riffled into the top of the net giving Chris Kirkland no chance", ". Jérémy Hélan soon came close to putting the Owls back level though, as he took on a player but his shot was so close to being on target, but instead hit the side netting. Just before the break and Barnsley's Paddy McCourt managed to take on three players while dribbling with the ball from wide on the touchline to inside the box, and his final shot trickled along the front of the goal and out past the far post for a goal kick", ". Barnsley had been the better side in the first-half, but all changed in the second and it started first when Atdhe Nuhiu's shot was well saved by the opposition keeper", ". Coming up to the hour mark and the ball was cleared out from a Wednesday corner all the way to the halfway line where Jérémy Hélan touched and volleyed the ball back towards goal and all the players up field, the ball hit and span off Réda Johnson's leg and found Matty Fryatt with acres of space and the keeper on-rushing, but he volleyed home first time sweetly leading to eruption in the away end", ". After the goal and Sheffield Wednesday were relentless and the opposition goalkeeper somehow kept out Michail Antonio's free open shot from just three yards out. Matty Fryatt's follow-up then went over the bar. Barnsley though looked dangerous on the counter-attack and nearly scored when a cross was whipped in front of goal but the out-stretching leg of a Barnsley attacker couldn't make contact with the ball", ". Antonio's shot over the bar soon after this was the last piece of action in the game meaning Sheffield Wednesday had still not won all season after 12 games and had drawn all their games in 1–1 November. However, there was good news before the month was up as it was confirmed that Matty Fryatt had extended his deal at the club for a further month.", "November", "More good news in terms of signings came on the first day of November when a loanee from the end of last season re-joined the club on a youth loan. This was Sunderland striker Connor Wickham. Wickham started alongside Matty Fryatt the following weekend as the Owls faced recently relegated (from the Premier League) Reading at Hillsborough Stadium. Reading were looking for more likely to score in the early exchanges as they had a couple of half chances saved and go wide", ". But it was on 18-minutes when a fantastic long-ball by Kamil Zayatte found Michail Antonio in the box whom waited on the touchline, pulled back for Matty Fryatt to smash the ball home to give Wednesday the lead. 7-minutes later and Seyi Olofinjana found Antonio just inside Reading's area, Antonio flicked the ball over the opposition defender ran towards the goal and let fly just outside the area and the ball curled into the far corner, giving the Owls a surprise 2–0 lead", ". However, soon after and Reading were back in the game as a cross found the free head of Pavel Pogrebnyak whose header went in off the post. The first-half seemed full of goals as just six-minutes after Reading's goal back, a mistake at the back by Reading saw Antonio set Connor Wickham free whose shot went straight at the keeper but bounced onto the opposition player chasing Wickham down and rolled into the back of the net for an own goal, Sheffield Wednesday went into the break two goals to the good", ". Could Sheffield Wednesday finally win their first game of the season? It looked doubtful at the beginning of the second half as Reading started again as the better side as they again went close with two-chances, one from long and one from short distance. However, just before the hour mark Antonio did a volley/cross into the box, just keeping the ball in play in the process, and the ball deflected up to Wickham who chest controlled the ball and volleyed into the top corner of the net", ". Unbelievably, Wednesday were 4–1 up with half an hour to play. And it just got better five-minutes later as Matty Fryatt was set through on goal and he chipped the ball over the keeper to score his second of the game. Adam Le Fondre score from a penalty that shouldn't have been in stoppage time, but it was only a consolation as the Owls finally got their first win of the season... And it was a big win", "... And it was a big win. Unfortunately, Sheffield Wednesday then went on a three-game losing streak to end November, losing to Derby County, Huddersfield Town and Blackpool. This led to Sheffield Wednesday being six points behind relegation.", "Players\n\nFirst-team squad\n\nOut on loan\n\nDevelopment squad\n\nAcademy\n\nInternational Call-Ups\n\nSquad information\n\nPlayer Debuts\nPlayers making their first team Sheffield Wednesday début in a fully competitive match.\n\nDébut Goals\nPlayers scoring their first goal while playing their first game for Sheffield Wednesday in a competitive fixture.\n\nTransfers\n\nIn\n\nOut\n\nLoan in\n\nLoan out\n\nContracts\n\nFixtures and Results\n\nPre-season\n\nFootball League Championship", "Out\n\nLoan in\n\nLoan out\n\nContracts\n\nFixtures and Results\n\nPre-season\n\nFootball League Championship\n\nLast updated: 3 May 2014 Source: Note: Championship fixtures not listed due to copyright.\n\nFootball League Cup\n\nFA Cup\n\nSquad statistics\n\nAppearances and goals\n\n|-\n|colspan=\"14\"|Players for Sheffield Wednesday who are currently out on loan:\n\n|-\n|colspan=\"14\"|Sheffield Wednesday players from this season that are no longer at the club:\n\n|}\n\nTop Goal Scorers\n\nDisciplinary record\n\nCompetitions\n\nOverall", "|}\n\nTop Goal Scorers\n\nDisciplinary record\n\nCompetitions\n\nOverall\n\nChampionship\n\nClassification\n\nResults summary\n\nResults by round\n\nAwards\n\nPFA Player in the Community Award\n\nWise Old Owls Award\n\nSheffield Wednesday Community Champion\n\nSheffield Wednesday Academy Player of the Year\n\nThe IV Northern Programme Club Merit Award\n\nThe Football League Family Excellence Award\n\nStudent Employer of the Year\n\nLMA Performance of the Week\n\nSky Bet Football League Team of the Week\n\nThe 72 Championship Team of the Week", "Sky Bet Football League Team of the Week\n\nThe 72 Championship Team of the Week\n\nLeague Football Education Goal of the Month\n\nReferences\n\n2013-14\n2013–14 Football League Championship by team" ]
[ "is a style of karate originating in Japan. It is a full-contact style of stand-up fighting and is rooted in a philosophy of self-improvement, discipline, and hard training.", "Kyokushin Kaikan is the martial arts organization founded in 1964 by Korean-Japanese , officially the International Karate Organization. Previously, this institution was known as the Oyama Dojo. Since 1964, the style has continued to spread to more than 120 countries, becoming one of the largest martial arts organizations in the world, and in Japan itself.\n\nHistory\n\nFounding", "Initially, Masutatsu Oyama opened his first official dōjō - the Oyama Dojo - in 1953, in a small building behind Rikkyo University to teach Goju-ryu style of traditional Karate. Subsequently, Oyama's Karate theory would deviate from Goju-ryu and would form his own style. His instruction was distinguished by goals improving the strength in the actual battle by performing a kumite that directly hits the opponent's body with a thrust or kick. This was unlike the other schools of Karate at the time", ". This was unlike the other schools of Karate at the time. Over the next ten years, Oyama built his organization and demonstrated his karate around the world to spread it.", "Around 1956, Oyama would rename his school the \"Oyama Dojo\". In early days of the dojo, Oyama would not take the duty of teaching newer students. Instead, (a Shotokan teacher from Gakushuin University Karatedo Club), Masashi Ishibashi, Ichiro Minamimoto (both Goju-ryu practitioners from Karatedo Club of Nihon University) and others would teach the newcomers to Oyama's dojo. Later, Kenji Kurosaki also became a teacher in the school.", "On December 6, 1959, was the first person to practice at the Oyama Dojo that was granted a black belt (first dan), and was listed as the first in the official yearly promotion register of the Kyokushin Kaikan.", "In April 1964, Mas Oyama established the 'International Karate Organization Kyokushin kaikan' (commonly abbreviated to IKO or IKOK) under the umbrella of the Kyokushin Scholarship Foundation. Upon formation, Eisaku Sato acted as chairman and Matsuhei Mori as the vice chairman, with Oyama as the director (later president). Oyama directed the organization through a period of expansion. In June of the same year, the headquarters dojo (later the general headquarters) was completed in Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo.", "Oyama hand-picked instructors who displayed ability in marketing the style and gaining new members. Oyama would choose an instructor to open a new dojo. The instructor would move to that town and demonstrate his karate skills in public places. After that, word of mouth would spread through the local area until the dojo had a dedicated core of students", ". Kyokushin sought to expand its presence with contact with other martial arts disciples, interaction with other groups, matches, assimilation of martial arts technique.", "Oyama also sent instructors to other countries such as the Netherlands (Kenji Kurosaki), Australia (Mamoru Kaneko and Shigeo Kato), the United States (Miyuki Miura, Tadashi Nakamura, Shigeru Oyama and Yasuhiko Oyama), Great Britain Bob Boulton, later joined by (Steve Arneil), Canada (Tatsuji Nakamura) and Brazil (Seiji Isobe) to spread Kyokushin in the same way. Many students, including Steve Arneil, Jon Bluming, and Howard Collins, traveled to Japan to train with Oyama directly", ". Kyokushin also sought to develop a close connection with VIPs and celebrities, focusing on a mass media strategy to increase fans and gain students.", "In 1969, Oyama staged The First All-Japan Full Contact Karate Open Championships and Terutomo Yamazaki became the first champion. All-Japan Championships have been held at every year. In 1975, The First World Full Contact Karate Open Championships were held in Tokyo.\n\nKyokushin Karate would develop notoriety as \"Kenka Karate\" or \"Brawling Karate\", a moniker Oyama disliked.", "At its peak, Oyama was alive in the 1990s, with branches set up in each prefecture, with more than 1,000 official branch dojos in 123 countries around the world, and a scale of 12 million members.", "Splintering organizations \nEven before Mas Oyama's death in 1994, there have been several organizations that broke off from Oyama's IKO. In 1980, the Dutch Kyokushin instructor Jon Bluming would exit the IKO organization to establish the BKK (Budo Kai Kan) in 1980. In 1991, Steve Arneil lead exodus of British Karate Kyokushinkai from IKO, to establish IFK - the International Federation of Karate.\n\nThe IKO crisis", "The IKO crisis \n\nIn April 1994, Oyama died of lung cancer at the age of 70 without naming a successor, leaving Akiyoshi Matsui in charge of the IKO. This has brought much political and economic turmoil to the Kyokushin worldwide, leading to fragmentation of the organization at the national and international level.", "After Mas Oyama's death, the International Karate Organization (IKO) split into two groups, primarily due to personal conflicts over who should succeed Oyama as chairman. One group led by Shokei Matsui became known as IKO-1, and a second group led by Yukio Nishida and Sanpei became was known as IKO-2. The will was proven to be invalid in the family Court of Tokyo in 1995.", "There were claims that near the end of his life, Oyama named Matsui (then ranked 5th dan, and clearly junior in rank to several senior instructors) to succeed him in leading the IKO. However this claim has been disputed with Oyama's family and Matsui himself.\n\nAt present there are now several IKO organizations, such as IKO1 (Shokei Matsui), IKO2 Shinkyokushinkai (Kenji Midori), IKO3 (Y. Matsushima), IKO4 (T. Tezuka).", "Techniques and training \nKyokushin Karate training consists of three main elements: technique, forms, and sparring. These are sometimes referred to as the three \"K's\" after the Japanese words for them: kihon (basics), kata (formalized sequences of combat techniques), and kumite (sparring).\n\nKata", "Kata \n\nKata is a form of ritualized self-training in which patterned or memorized movements are done in order to practice a form of combat maneuverings. According to a highly regarded Kyokushin text, \"The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama\" by Cameron Quinn, long time interpreter to Oyama, the kata of Kyokushin are classified into Northern and Southern Kata.", "The northern kata stems from the Shuri-te tradition of karate, and are drawn from Shotokan karate which Oyama learned while training under Gichin Funakoshi. The southern kata stems from the Naha-te tradition of karate, and are mostly drawn from Goju-ryu karate, which Oyama learned while training under So Nei Chu and Gogen Yamaguchi. One exception may be the kata \"Yantsu\" which possibly originates with Motobu-ha Shito-ryu", ". One exception may be the kata \"Yantsu\" which possibly originates with Motobu-ha Shito-ryu. There is also Ura Kata - Several kata are also done in \"ura\", which essentially means all moves are done in mirrored form. The ura, or 'reverse' kata, were developed by Oyama as an aid to developing balance and skill in circular techniques against multiple opponents.", "Sparring (kumite) \nSparring, also called kumite, is used to train the application of the various techniques within a fighting situation. Sparring is usually an important part of training in most Kyokushin organizations, especially at the upper levels with experienced students.", "In most Kyokushin organizations, hand and elbow strikes to the head or neck are prohibited. However, kicks to the head, knee strikes, punches to the upper body, and kicks to the inner and outer leg are permitted. In some Kyokushin organizations, especially outside of a tournament environment, gloves and shin protectors are worn. Children often wear headgear to lessen the impact of any kicks to the head", ". Children often wear headgear to lessen the impact of any kicks to the head. Speed and control are instrumental in sparring and in a training environment it is not the intention of either practitioner to injure his opponent as much as it is to successfully execute the proper strike. Tournament fighting under knockdown karate rules is significantly different as the objective is to down an opponent", ". Full-contact sparring in Kyokushin is considered the ultimate test of strength, endurance, techniques and spirit.", "Self-defense", "Also known as Goshin Jitsu, the specific self-defense techniques of the style draw much of their techniques and tactics from Mas Oyama's study of Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu under Yoshida Kotaro. These techniques were never built into the formal grading system, and as karate itself grew increasingly sport-oriented, the self-defense training started to fall into obscurity. Today it is only practiced in a limited number of dojos", ". Today it is only practiced in a limited number of dojos. However, the proper Kyokushin Karate techniques are extremely effective when it comes to self-defense in any type of fight due to its full body contact fighting style.", "Grading \nColored belts have their origin in Judo, as does the training 'gi', or more correctly in Japanese, 'dōgi' or 'Keikogi'. The example below uses the rank structure used by Kyokushin Karate's West Los Angeles Branch although the order of belt colors does vary between Kyokushin groups. For example, 10th & 9th kyus in most groups wear orange belts, while in other groups in rare cases they wear red belts instead. \nKyu ranks\n\nDan Ranks\n\nCompetition formats", "Dan Ranks\n\nCompetition formats \n\nNumerous tournaments are arranged by several Kyokushin organizations. Some of the most prestigious tournaments are: \n Kyokushin World Tournament Open \n Kyokushin World Cup in Weight Categories \n Kyokushin All Japan Openweight Tournament\n Kyokushin All Japan Open in Weight Categories\n Kyokushin European Openweight Championships\n Kyokushin European Championships in Weight Categories\n\nInternationally", "Internationally \n\nThe style has international appeal with practitioners have over the last 40 years numbered more than 12 million.\n\nUnited States\nBobby Lowe opened the first Kyokushin dojo outside of Japan in Hawaii in 1957. After Lowe, Oyama ordered Miyuki Miura, Tadashi Nakamura, Shigeru Oyama and Yasuhiko Oyama to establish Kyokushin Dojos in mainland United States.", "United Kingdom\nKyokushin Karate was introduced to United Kingdom by Steve Arneil. Originally from Republic of South Africa, Arneil initially intended to establish his Kyokushin Dojo there, but was requested by Mas Oyama to go to the United Kingdom to help establish Kyokushin karate there. Subsequently, he and his wife traveled to London in 1965.", "British Kyokushinkai Karate was founded in 1965 after the return of Steve Arneil and Bob Boulton from Japan, where they studied Kyokushinkai in the Tokyo Hombu. Thanks to the deep knowledge and efforts of Shihan Steve Arneil (now 10th dan), the British organization has achieved great success.", "Canada\nKyokushin was introduced to Canada by Tats Nakamura in 1992 at Vancouver, British Columbia. There have been practitioners in Vancouver, BC, Canada since the late 70s/early 80s where it was referred to as Kyokushinkai and operated independently. Some known black belts are Tom Blaney, Andy Puuseppä, Shawn Ho, and Georges Saint-Pierre.\n\nShihan Stuart Corrigal (7th degree black belt) is the current representative in Canada for Kyokushin Karate.", "Australia \nKyokushin was introduced Mamoru Kaneko and Shigeo Kato.", "Netherlands\nKyokushin was introduced to Netherlands by Jon Bluming and Kenji Kurosaki. On January 2, 1962, Jon Bluming, on behalf of Masutatsu Oyama, creates the first European karate association, called the NKA (Netherlands Karate Association). Under his leadership, the new school quickly gained strength and popularity. In the late 1970s, Jon Bluming leaves the leadership of the organization to his students, and he himself creates a new organization, Kyokushin Budokai Karate.", "Kyokushin is integral part of Dutch martial arts scene, as it laid foundation for \"Dutch-style Kickboxing\", advocated by entities like Mejiro Gym and Chakuriki Gym.", "Germany\nThere are various associations at national level in Germany today, including the KKD (Kyokushinkai Karate Germany) and the DKO (German Kyokushin Organization) and the IKOK-D (International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan Germany). These are not automatically in the IKO1 on an international level, so the IKOK-D is in the IKO1 (Kyokushinkaikan Honbu) and the DKO in the WKO/IKO2 (Midori).\n\nSwitzerland", "Switzerland\n\nSwitzerland is significant for being the homeland of Andy Hug, regarded as one of the best Kyokushin fighters of all time.\n\nBrazil\nKyokushin was introduced to Brazil by Seiji Isobe. Isobe had been operating a Kyokushin Dojo in Fukui, established on September 20, 1972 - when Mas Oyama offered Isobe the mission of promoting and setting up a dojo network in South America. That same year, Seiji Isobe permanently moved to Brazil and became the head of Kyokushin in South America.", "IKO1 (headed by Shokei Matsui, in which Isobe represents Brazil at international level) and Seiwakai Karate (headed by Ademir da Costa) are the most prominent styles of Knockdown Karate in Brazil.", "Poland", "Andrzej Drewniak is credited for bringing Kyokushin to Poland. Fascinated by karate, he founded the first Polish Karate Kyokushin section at AZS in Krakow in 1972. In 1974 he became the Polish middleweight champion in kyokushin karate. In the same year he went to a training camp in the Netherlands, where he passed the 1st dan exam, becoming the first Polish holder of a black belt and the title of Kyokushin karate sensei", ". In 1979, he became a co-founder of the Polish Karate Association, of which he has been a long-term vice-president.", "Thanks to the support of Loek Hollander, the president of the European Karate Kyokushinkai Organization, he received an annual scholarship and an invitation to Japan, but only after six years, secretly from the political and sports authorities, he managed to go to Tokyo. At the end of his stay in Japan, he obtained the 4th dan, after 15 months of training under Sosai Masutatsu Ōyama, where he was the only Polish uchideshi.", "Most Kyokushin karate clubs, regardless of their affiliation to world organizations, are also concentrated in the Kyokushin Commission of the Polish Karate Association (KK PZK / Komisji Kyokushin Polskiego Związku Karate) under which inter-organizational competitions of the rank of the Polish Championships and the Macro-region Championships are held.", "The \"World Oyama Karate\"-style, founded by Shigeru Ōyama (10th dan) - has its largest concentration of practitioners in Poland, with largest number of clubs in the world. After Shigeru Ōyama retired from the leadership of the organization, hanshi Jan Dyduch (8th dan) from Krakow became the director of the organization (OYAMA International Karate Federation), who is also the leader of the Polish organization.", "Hungary\nIn Hungary, István Adámy and Kálmán Furkó are credited for establishing Kyokushin in the country. In 1977, István Adámy received the 1st Dan Black in Kyokushin and was appointed branch leader of Hungary by IKO. Kálmán Furkó obtained his first dan degree in 1978 and became a shihan in Szolnok in 1984.", "The development of domestic Kyokushin started in 1976. By the mid-1980s, there were nearly ten thousand practitioners of Kyokushin Karate in Hungary.\nSince then, Kyokushin has been one of the most popular karate styles in Hungary. István Adámy and Kálmán Furkó worked together until the political problems in IKO, following death of Mas Oyama. Since then, they have been on separate paths, but working towards the same goal.", "Hungary is particular for hosting the Ibutz Oyama Cup, which was held three times between 1983 and 1986 at the National Sports Arena in Budapest. The tournament was held in three different weight classes. Kyokushin founder Masutatsu Ōyama first visited Hungary in 1983 and was also involved in overseeing the next two tournaments.\n\nRomania", "Russia", "The founder of Kyokushinkai karate in the USSR is . While in Poland on a business trip, Tanyushkin met Andrzej Drewniak in Krakow and began to practice karate with him. After some time, having learned about the existence of Kyokushinkai style karate, Tanyushkin and Drewnyak wrote a letter to Masutatsu Oyama and, on his instructions, began to cooperate with the President of the European Kyokushinkai Organization, Loek Hollander", ". Tanyushkin opened the first section of Kyokushinkai in the USSR in Moscow in 1973. By the end of the 1970s, a school had formed in the country with representatives in all major regions.", "After the almost 10-year ban on karate was lifted in 1989, Tanyushkin established the Kyokushinkai Federation of the USSR. The creation of such a federation was a huge step forward for the development of martial arts in the USSR.", "During the period of work of the national organization, Kyokushinkai karate entered the country's sports classification system as an official sport (1990), and development reached the international level. In 1993, the Kyokushinkai Federation of Russia was one of the first to join the new International Karate Federation (IFK), headed by Hansi Steve Arneil (now 10th dan)", ". On behalf of IFK, on the basis of the Russian national organization, the Eurasian Committee (EAC) was created, representing IFK in the territory of the former USSR. It was headed by S. Stepanov (now 5 dan Kyokushin-kan). The Committee existed until 1998, having held 6 international class \"A\" tournaments during this time.", "After the death of Masutatsu Oyama in 1994 and the split of the Kyokushinkai, from the late 90s, other Kyokushin Federations began to develop in Russia, representing various international organizations. Now in Russia they are working:\n Federation of Kyokushin Karate of Russia (FKKR), representing the World Shinkyokushinkai Organization, WKO, led by Kenji Midori\n Russian National Federation of Kyokushinkai Karate (RNFKK), representing the International Kyokushinkai Organization, IKO, led Shokei Matsui", "Federation of Kyokushinkaikan of Russia (FKR), representing the International Kyokushinkai Organization, IKO, led by Shokei Matsui (until 2013 - Federation of Kyokushinkai Karate of Russia)\n Russian Kyokushinkai Federation (FKR), representing the International Kyokushinkai Federation, IFK, led by Steve Arneil л\n Federation of Kyokushinkan Karate of Russia (FKKR), representing the International Organization of Kyokushinkau, KI, led by Hatsuo Royama", "These five Federations are united in the Kyokushin Association of Russia, accredited by the Ministry of Sports and headed by Yu. P. Trutnev (currently Vice Prime Minister of the Government of Russia, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East).", "Some of these organizations (in particular, the Kyokushin Federation of Russia, the Russian Kyokushinkaikan Karate Union, etc.) are members of the All-Style Karate Federation of Russia. In addition, some of these organizations (in particular, the Russian Kyokushin Association, the Russian Kyokushin Karate Federation, the Russian Kyokushin Karate-do Federation, the Russian Kyokushin Federation, the Russian Kyokushin Federation, etc.) are members of the Russian Union of Martial Arts.", "Lithuania\nLarge majority of Kyokushin Clubs in Lithuania belong to Kenji Midori's WKO Shin-Kyokushin (formerly IKO-2) organization. Currently, there are two IKO-1 clubs Samurajus in Marijampolė and IchiGeki Sports Club in Vilnius.\n\nBulgaria\n\nBulgaria is well known in the KYOKUSHIN KARATE world since two Bulgarian karatekas had proven their quality in a numerous international, European and world championships.", "Zahari Damyanov: 4 times European and absolute world champion. \nIvanka Popova: Absolute European champion.\n\nSpain\n\nSingapore and SEA\nKyokushin was introduced to Singapore and of most of South East Asia by Shihan Peter Chong. Chong had established the first Kyokushin Dojo in Singapore in 1968, which was not registered with the Singapore Karate Association at the time.", "Iran\nIranian Kyokushin fighters have been successful in top-level competition. In particular, Iran is highly successful in Kyokushin World Tournament Open hosted by IKO3 / Matsushima Group.\n\nKyokushin organizations and derivative styles\n\nKyokushin organizations\nAfter Oyama's death, several different Kyokushin organizations began to emerge in Japan and beyond.\n\nInternational Karate Organization\nInternationally, the name of the original organization is/has been carried by multiple organizations:", "IKO Sosai Kyokushinkaikan was renamed KWO (Kyokushin World Organization) Mas Oyama in 2020[] - This organization is run by the Oyama family who inherited it from the late Mas Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Kaikan. , the third daughter of Mas. Oyama is the current Custodian of his estate. Hanshi Flemming Jinzen Schrøter (8th dan), from Denmark is the Kaicho (President) of the organization and Shihan Aleksandr Anferov (6th dan) of Russia is the Fuko Kaicho (Vice-President).[]", "IKO Kyokushinkaikan / Kyokushin Matsui Group (IKO-1) – Immediately following Mas Oyama's passing they were the largest of the Kyokushin organizations. Shokei Matsui (then 5th dan) was named by Sosai as his successor in his will, just days before his passing. Many questioned why someone who was junior to many other more senior members, and young (he was only 39 at the time) would be put in charge. These questions among others led to the will being challenged and later found invalid by the Japanese courts", ". In the years since, many high-level disciples of Oyama left to form their own organization. Because of that, the IKO-1 has lost much of the influence they once wielded. They are known in Kyokushin circles for their refusal to cooperate with or recognize other Kyokushin organizations, treating them as illegitimate. Founder and current CEO is Kancho Shokei Matsui (8th dan)", ". Founder and current CEO is Kancho Shokei Matsui (8th dan). The chairman of the international committee is Shihan (9th dan), members of the committee are also Seiji Isobe (8th dan) from Brazil, Kenny Uytenbogaardt (8th dan) from South Africa, and Katsuhito Gorai (7th dan) from USA.", "IKO Matsushima (IKO-3) – established in 1998, it is led by . \n Kyokushin Karate Tezuka Group (IKO-4) - founded by Toru Tezuka, led by Yoshimichi Mori.\n All Japan Kyokushin Union / Kyokushin Rengōkai (IKO-5 Kyokushinkaikan) – a union of independent organizations, dojos, schools of individual shihan and sensei. Currently, the chairman of the organization is (8th Dan) from Japan, with Shigeru Tabata (8th Dan) as his deputy.", "IKO Kyokushinkaikan Sakamoto Group – established by . Currently, it does not belong to any organization, and is conducting its own activities in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Tochigi, Gunma, Fukui in Japan, and overseas in Vietnam, Iran, Pakistan, India, Chile, etc.\n IKO Kyokushinkaikan World So-Kyokushin (shortened to \"So-Kyokushin\") – led by \n IKO World Kyokushin Kaikan - is a general incorporated association established in 2018 by the Kyokushin Kaikan in the Kyushu area. Led by \n IKO World Zen-Kyokushin – led by", "Other major Japanese organizations\nOther Japanese Kyokushin organizations that do not use the official name \"IKO\" and \"Kyokushinkaikan\".\n NPO World Karate Organization Shinkyokushinkai (aka \"WKO\", also formerly IKO2) – led by Kenji Midori.The second biggest organization.\n IBMA (International Budo-Man Association) Kyokushin Karate Masuda Dojo – headed by Akira Masuda.", "KWU (Kyokushin World Union) – an organization founded on October 12, 2011. It was established to replace the Kyokushin-Kan Alliance founded by Hatsuo Royama. The original Kyokushin-kan was established by Hatsuo Royama following his displeasure with Shokei Matsui's leadership of IKO1. With the help of Hiroto Okazaki and others, Royama established the Kyokushin-kan International Honbu in December 2002. The goal of the organization is to follow \"Kyokushin's original spirit which Oyama envisioned.\"", "Kyokushin Budo Karate Organization Kyokushin Kenbukai – led by Masahiro Kaneko.", "Major organizations outside Japan\n IFK (International Federation of Karate) – Established by Steve Arneil and British Karate Kyokushinkai (BKK) in 1991, following an exodus from Oyama's IKO.", "KWF (Kyokushin World Federation) – founded by Shihan Loek Hollander (10th dan) from the Netherlands, serving as the honorary president of KWF for years, who died on February 16, 2020. The current president of the organization is shihan Antonio Pinero (9th dan) from Spain, and the vice president is Hristo Traikov (7th dan) from Bulgaria.", "IBK (International Budokai Kan) – founded by former IKO member Jon Bluming. Originally BKK (Budo Kai Kan) from 1980, the name was changed to IBK in 1996. Advocates \"Kyokushin Budokai\", which focuses on self-defense, with emphasis on judo-like throws. \n Internationale Budo Kai – headed by Gerard Gordeau (9th dan), in Poland as the Polish Federation Budokai Karate Institute (IBK) – headed by shihan Artur Więzowski (6th dan) from Ciechanowiec.", "IKAK (International Karate Alliance KyokushinRyu), founded by Peter Chong.\n IKU (International Kyokushin Union), founded by former IKO member David Farzinzad. \n IKA (International Kyokushinkai Association), founded by former IKO member Carlos Costa.\n IKKF (International Kyokushinkai Karate Federation), founded by former IKO member Teyub Azizov.\n WKB (World Kyokushin Budokai), an organization that complies with IBK rules, is led by Pedro Roiz.", "WKB (World Kyokushin Budokai), an organization that complies with IBK rules, is led by Pedro Roiz.\n IBKO (International Budo Karate Organization), an organization founded on November 21, 2011, led by Tomokichi Anzai.\n KKFI (Kyokushin Karate Foundation of India), an organization founded in 2013, led by Vasant Kumar Singh.", "Derivative styles\nKyokushin has had an influence on many other styles:\n Ashihara Karate – founded by Hideyuki Ashihara. Places emphasis on self-defense and Tai Sabaki.\n Enshin Karate – competitive variant of Ashihara Karate, founded by Jōkō Ninomiya.", "Seidokaikan - traditional full contact karate derived from Kyokushin by Kazuyoshi Ishii. Seidokaikan organized the first professional full contact karate tournament named the Karate World Cup. The Karate World Cup had special extension rounds; if the judge's decision was deadlocked after an extension round, the rules then allowed face strikes with fighters donning boxing gloves (kickboxing). The founder would later establish the Professional Kickboxing promotion K-1.", "Seidō juku – founded by Tadashi Nakamura, the main dojo is located in New York, USA.", "Satojuku – established by Katsuaki Sato in 1977. It is a similar style to Kyokushin, but emphasizes precise knockdown techniques over techniques designed to injure or \"knock-out\" one's opponent. Describing his art in 1987, Satō wrote, \"Odo means the way champions must behave. It is based on humane feelings and courtesy, on being honorable, on being devoid of selfishness or bias. It is the antithesis of any martial art that relies only on force to conquer an opponent.\"\n Shidōkan – founded by Yoshiji Soeno.", "Shidōkan – founded by Yoshiji Soeno.\n Seiwakai – founded by Ademir da Costa, this style style is mainly based in Brazil. Seiwakai is characterized as an aggressive style, with a fighting strategy aimed at achieving victory by knockout.", "World Oyama – established by Shigeru Oyama in the United States. The entity is currently headed by his younger brother, Yasuhiko Oyama, who operates out of Birmingham, Alabama. Has a significant presence in Poland, where the organization is headed by Hanshi Jan Dyduch (8th Dan).", "Sei Budokai – headed by Hanshi Leonardo Voinescu (8th dan Sei Budokai, 4th dan Judo) from Romania. The honorary president is hanshi Dave Jonkers (9th dan Sei Budokai, 9th dan Ashihara Karate, 5th dan judo) from the Netherlands, and the honorary technical director is shihan Semmy Schilt (6th dan Ashihara Karate, 6th dan Sei Budokai) from Netherlands, and still growing in America, Europe and Asia.", "Kokondo is derived from Kyokushin, albeit without a strong focus on competition with the emphasis rather on realistic goshin-jutsu (self-defense). Some styles originating in Kyokushin (Jushindo, Kūdō, Zendokai) have changed to mixed martial arts rules.\n\nInfluence", "Influence \n\nKyokushin has influenced other styles, especially the knockdown karate competition format. Karate styles that originated in Kyokushin, such as Ashihara Karate, Budokaido, Godokai, Enshin Karate, Seidō juku, Musokai, Shidōkan, World Oyama and Seidokaikan, are also knockdown styles and use slight variations of the competition rules.", "Many top kickboxers such as Andy Hug, Francisco Filho and Masahiro Yamamoto- have started in knockdown karate. The influence of Kyokushin can be seen in the K-1 kickboxing tournament that originated out of the Seidokaikan karate organization, which is an offshoot from Kyokushin.\n\nKyokushin is the basis of glove karate, a knockdown karate format wearing boxing gloves and allowing punches to the head. Glove karate rules are used in Kyokushin Karate Iran.\n\nIn popular culture", "Kyokushin Karate has featured in following videogames:\n The move sets of Ryu and Ken from Capcom's Street Fighter franchise are based on Kyokushin. Both characters are based on notable Kyokushin practitioners from late 60s/early 70s, with Ryu based on Yoshiji Soeno and Ken on Terutomo Yamazaki. The characters are influenced by the real-life counterparts' depictions in manga Karate Baka Ichidai.", "In Namco's Tekken series, Jin Kazama uses Kyokushin Karate as his fighting style, starting from Tekken 4 and subsequent titles.\n Shotaro Kadonashi and his disciples from Namco's Urban Reign use the art of Kyokushinkai.\n Hitomi from the Dead or Alive (franchise) series uses karate where many moves have roots originating from Kyokushin.", "Matsuo Shozan's Hokushinkan Karate School and his disciples' fighting style in PS2 games Garouden Breakblow (2005) and Garouden Breakblow Fist or Twist (2007) are heavily based on Kyokushinkaikan and its founder Oyama Masutatsu 'Sosai'.\n Jean Kujo, from the Virtua Fighter series, practices varied forms of full-contact karate, including Kyokushin Karate.\n Solara from Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects is said to practice Kyokushin.", "Kyokushin Karate has served as the basis for the Kyokugenryu Karate, a fictional martial art from SNK Playmore's Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, and King of Fighters series. Kyokugenryu (lit. \"the extreme style\") and Kyokushin are similar sounding names, and the family patriarch Takuma Sakazaki is modelled after Kyokusin founder Mas Oyama. Besides Takuma, characters Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki and Marco Rodriguez/Khushnood Butt use this style.", "Torao Onigawara in the arcade game The Fallen Angels (video game) is a master of Kyokushin Karate.\n Ichigeki: Hagane no Hito is a 3D fighting game for the PlayStation that focuses on the International Karate Organization (also known as IKO 1). The game even features real life Kyokushin athletes of the 90's including Francisco Filho, Kazumi Hajime, Nicholas Pettas and even live video segments of IKO head Shokei Matsui.", "Karate Master Knock Down Blow a recent game from Crian Soft that is heavily based on Kyokushin Karate.", "A trilogy of films starring Sonny Chiba and directed by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi were produced in Japan between 1975 and 1977: Champion of Death, Karate Bearfighter and Karate for Life. Chiba plays Master Oyama, who also appears in two of the films.", "The James Bond movie You Only Live Twice, starring Sean Connery, was filmed largely in Japan and featured a karate demonstration by a number of well-known Kyokushin students, including Shigeo Kato (who introduced Kyokushin to Australia and was the original teacher of Shokei Matsui) and Akio Fujihira.\n\nKyokushin was featured on Fight Quest on Discovery Channel as the Japanese Martial Arts Style.", "Kyokushin was featured on Fight Quest on Discovery Channel as the Japanese Martial Arts Style.\n\nIn the Korean manhwa The God of High School, Han Daewi is known for having practiced Kyokushin, and Mas Oyama appears as Oyama Sugihara's Borrowed Power.\n\nNotable practitioners", "Notable practitioners\n\nLiterature \n Masutatsu Oyama. What Is Karate? HarperCollins (1966) ISBN 0-87040-147-5\n Masutatsu Oyama. Vital Karate. Japan Publications Trading company. Tokyo, San Francisco. 1967–1974. ISBN 0-87040-143-2\n Masutatsu Oyama. This Is Karate. Japan Publications. (1973) ISBN 0-87040-254-4\n Masutatsu Oyama. Advanced Karate. Japan Publications (2000) ISBN 0-87040-001-0\n B. Lowe. Mas Oyama's Karate. ISBN 0-668-01140-8\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nSee also\n\n Comparison of karate styles", "Notes\n\nReferences\n\nSee also\n\n Comparison of karate styles\n\nFull contact karate\nKorean culture\nKorean martial arts\nMixed martial arts styles" ]
List of moths of North America (MONA 6089–7648)
[ "North American moths represent about 12,000 types of moths. In comparison, there are about 825 species of North American butterflies. The moths (mostly nocturnal) and butterflies (mostly diurnal) together make up the taxonomic order Lepidoptera.", "This list is sorted by MONA number (MONA is short for Moths of America North of Mexico). A numbering system for North American moths introduced by Ronald W. Hodges et al. in 1983 in the publication Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico. The list has since been updated, but the placement in families is outdated for some species.", "This list covers America north of Mexico (effectively the continental United States and Canada). For a list of moths and butterflies recorded from the state of Hawaii, see List of Lepidoptera of Hawaii.\n\nThis is a partial list, covering moths with MONA numbers ranging from 6089 to 7648. For the rest of the list, see List of moths of North America.", "Pterophoridae\n6089 – Agdistis americana\n6090 – Sphenarches ontario\n6090.1 – Sphenarches anisodactylus\n6090.2 – Leptodeuterocopus neales\n6091 – Geina periscelidactylus, grape plume moth\n6091.1 – Geina sheppardi, Sheppard's plume moth\n6092 – Geina tenuidactyla, Himmelman's plume moth\n6093 – Geina buscki\n6094 – Capperia ningoris\n6095 – Capperia evansi\n6096 – Capperia raptor\n6097 – Oxyptilus delawaricus\n6098 – Buckleria parvulus, sundew plume moth\n6099 – Trichoptilus potentellus\n6099.1 – Exelastis pumilio", "6099 – Trichoptilus potentellus\n6099.1 – Exelastis pumilio\n6099.2 – Exelastis rhynchosiae\n6099.3 – Exelastis montischristi\n6100 – Dejongia californicus\n6101 – Trichoptilus pygmaeus\n6102 – Dejongia lobidactylus\n6103 – Michaelophorus indentatus\n6104 – Megalorhipida leucodactylus\n6105 – Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla, rose plume moth\n6106 – Platyptilia tesseradactyla\n6107 – Gillmeria pallidactyla\n6108 – Platyptilia johnstoni\n6109 – Platyptilia carduidactylus, artichoke plume moth", "6108 – Platyptilia johnstoni\n6109 – Platyptilia carduidactylus, artichoke plume moth\n6110 – Platyptilia percnodactylus\n6111 – Platyptilia comstocki\n6112 – Platyptilia williamsii\n6113 – Platyptilia ardua\n6114 – Platyptilia washburnensis\n6115 – Platyptilia albicans\n6116 – Gillmeria albertae\n6117 – Anstenoptilia marmarodactyla\n6118 – Amblyptilia pica, geranium plume moth\n6119 – Lantanophaga pusillidactylus, lantana plume moth\n6120 – Lioptilodes albistriolatus\n6121.1 – Stenoptilodes taprobanes", "6120 – Lioptilodes albistriolatus\n6121.1 – Stenoptilodes taprobanes\n6122 – Stenoptilodes brevipennis\n6123 – Stenoptilodes antirrhina\n6124 – Paraplatyptilia grandis\n6125 – Paraplatyptilia carolina\n6125.1 – Paraplatyptliia atlantica\n6126 – Paraplatyptilia immaculata\n6127 – Paraplatyptilia auriga\n6127.1 – Paraplatyptilia albui\n6127.2 – Paraplatyptilia glacialis\n6127.3 – Paraplatyptilia sabourini\n6127.4 – Paraplatyptilia watkinsi\n6128 – Paraplatyptilia edwardsii\n6129 – Paraplatyptilia baueri", "6127.4 – Paraplatyptilia watkinsi\n6128 – Paraplatyptilia edwardsii\n6129 – Paraplatyptilia baueri\n6130 – Paraplatyptilia albiciliatus\n6131 – Paraplatyptilia lutescens\n6132 – Paraplatyptilia albidus\n6133 – Paraplatyptilia shastae\n6134 – Paraplatyptilia nana\n6135 – Paraplatyptilia albidorsellus\n6136 – Paraplatyptilia fragilis\n6137 – Paraplatyptilia maea\n6138 – Paraplatyptilia cooleyi\n6139 – Paraplatyptilia xylopsamma\n6140 – Paraplatyptilia modestus\n6141 – Paraplatyptilia bifida", "6139 – Paraplatyptilia xylopsamma\n6140 – Paraplatyptilia modestus\n6141 – Paraplatyptilia bifida\n6142 – Paraplatyptilia petrodactylus\n6143 – Stenoptilia pterodactyla\n6144 – Stenoptilia zophodactylus\n6145 – Stenoptilia pallistriga\n6146 – Stenoptilia mengeli\n6147 – Amblyptilia bowmani\n6148 – Stenoptilia exclamationis\n6149 – Stenoptilia coloradensis\n6150 – Stenoptilia columbia\n6151 – Stenoptilia grandipuncta\n6153 – Singularia walsinghami\n6154 – Pselnophorus belfragei, Belfrage's plume moth", "6153 – Singularia walsinghami\n6154 – Pselnophorus belfragei, Belfrage's plume moth\nno number yet – Pselnophorus chihuahuaensis\nno number yet – Pselnophorus hodgesi\nno number yet – Pselnophorus kutisi\n6155 – Adaina bipunctatus\n6155.1 – Adaina simplicius\nNo number yet – Adaina primulacea\n6156 – Adaina zephyria\n6156.1 – Adaina thomae\n6156.2 – Adaina perplexus\n6157 – Adaina montanus\n6158 – Adaina cinerascens\n6159 – Emmelina buscki\n6160 – Adaina ambrosiae, ambrosia plume moth\n6161 – Oidaematophorus occidentalis", "6160 – Adaina ambrosiae, ambrosia plume moth\n6161 – Oidaematophorus occidentalis\n6162 – Oidaematophorus balsamorrhizae\n6163 – Oidaematophorus cretidactylus\n6164 – Oidaematophorus downesi\n6165 – Oidaematophorus guttatus\n6166 – Oidaematophorus mathewianus\n6167 – Hellinsia fishii\n6168 – Oidaematophorus eupatorii, eupatorium plume moth\n6169 – Oidaematophorus rogenhoferi\n6170 – Oidaematophorus phaceliae\n6171 – Oidaematophorus grisescens\n6172 – Oidaematophorus cineraceus\n6173 – Oidaematophorus rileyi", "6171 – Oidaematophorus grisescens\n6172 – Oidaematophorus cineraceus\n6173 – Oidaematophorus rileyi\n6174 – Oidaematophorus lindseyi\n6175 – Oidaematophorus baroni\n6176 – Oidaematophorus castor\nNo number yet – Hellinsia habecki\n6177 – Hellinsia pollux\n6178 – Hellinsia mizar\n6179 – Hellinsia meyricki\n6180 – Hellinsia gratiosus\n6181 – Hellinsia fieldi\n6182 – Hellinsia confusus\n6183 – Hellinsia citrites\n6184 – Hellinsia brucei\n6185 – Hellinsia albilobata\n6186 – Hellinsia inquinatus\n6187 – Hellinsia eros", "6185 – Hellinsia albilobata\n6186 – Hellinsia inquinatus\n6187 – Hellinsia eros\n6188 – Hellinsia pan\n6189 – Hellinsia phoebus\n6190 – Hellinsia thor\n6191 – Hellinsia triton\n6192 – Hellinsia integratus\n6193 – Hellinsia auster\n6194 – Hellinsia medius\n6195 – Hellinsia linus\n6196 – Hellinsia cadmus\n6197 – Hellinsia iobates\n6198 – Hellinsia cochise\n6199 – Hellinsia ares\n6200 – Hellinsia tinctus\n6201 – Hellinsia thoracica\n6202 – Hellinsia helianthi\n6203 – Hellinsia homodactylus\n6204 – Hellinsia elliottii", "6202 – Hellinsia helianthi\n6203 – Hellinsia homodactylus\n6204 – Hellinsia elliottii\n6206 – Hellinsia pectodactylus\n6207 – Hellinsia paleaceus\n6208 – Hellinsia venapunctus\n6209 – Hellinsia luteolus\n6210 – Hellinsia balanotes, baccharis borer plume moth\n6211 – Hellinsia grandis, coyote brush borer plume moth\n6212 – Hellinsia kellicottii, goldenrod borer plume moth\n6212.1 – Hellinsia chlorias\n6213 – Hellinsia lacteodactylus\n6214 – Hellinsia glenni\n6215 – Hellinsia subochraceus", "6213 – Hellinsia lacteodactylus\n6214 – Hellinsia glenni\n6215 – Hellinsia subochraceus\n6216 – Hellinsia sulphureodactylus\n6217 – Hellinsia serenus\n6218 – Hellinsia australis\n6219 – Hellinsia costatus\n6220 – Hellinsia falsus\n6221 – Hellinsia varius\n6222 – Hellinsia varioides\n6223 – Hellinsia corvus\n6224 – Hellinsia perditus\n6225 – Hellinsia simplicissimus\n6226 – Hellinsia unicolor\n6227 – Hellinsia inconditus\n6228 – Hellinsia caudelli\n6229 – Hellinsia rigidus\n6230 – Hellinsia contortus", "6228 – Hellinsia caudelli\n6229 – Hellinsia rigidus\n6230 – Hellinsia contortus\n6231 – Hellinsia catalinae\n6232 – Hellinsia arion\n6233 – Hellinsia longifrons\n6234 – Emmelina monodactyla, morning-glory plume moth", "Drepanoidea\n6235 – Habrosyne scripta, lettered habrosyne moth\n6236 – Habrosyne gloriosa, glorious habrosyne moth\n6237 – Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides, tufted thyatirid moth\n6238 – Thyatira mexicana\n6239 – Thyatira lorata\n6240 – Euthyatira pudens, dogwood thyatirid moth\n6241 – Euthyatira semicircularis\n6242 – Ceranemota improvisa\n6243 – Ceranemota fasciata\n6244 – Ceranemota crumbi\n6245 – Ceranemota semifasciata\n6246 – Ceranemota tearlei\n6248 – Ceranemota albertae, Alberta lutestring moth", "6246 – Ceranemota tearlei\n6248 – Ceranemota albertae, Alberta lutestring moth\nno number – Ceranemota partida\nno number – Ceranemota amplifascia\n6250 – Bycombia verdugoensis\n6251 – Drepana arcuata, arched hooktip moth\n6252 – Drepana bilineata, two-lined hooktip moth\n6253 – Eudeilinia herminiata, northern eudeilinea moth\n6255 – Oreta rosea, rose hooktip moth", "Geometridae\n6256 E – Archiearis infans, infant moth\n6256.1 E – Boudinotiana hodeberti\n6257 E – Leucobrephos brephoides, scarce infant moth\n6258 E – Alsophila pometaria, fall cankerworm moth\n6259 E – Ametris nitocris, seagrape spanworm moth\n6260 E – Almodes terraria\n6261 E – Heliomata cycladata, common spring moth\n6261.1 E – Heliomata scintillata\n6263 E – Heliomata infulata, rare spring moth\n6266 W – Protitame subalbaria\n6270 B – Protitame virginalis, virgin moth", "6266 W – Protitame subalbaria\n6270 B – Protitame virginalis, virgin moth\n6271.1 E – Mellilla xanthometata, orangewing moth\n6272 E – Eumacaria madopata, brown-bordered geometer moth\n6273 E – Speranza pustularia, lesser maple spanworm moth\n6274 E – Speranza ribearia, currant spanworm moth\n6276 W – Speranza flavicaria\n6277 W – Speranza helena\n6278 E – Speranza evagaria, drab angle moth\n6279 E – Speranza occiduaria\n6280 E – Speranza andersoni\n6281 W – Speranza simplex", "6279 E – Speranza occiduaria\n6280 E – Speranza andersoni\n6281 W – Speranza simplex\n6282 E – Speranza argillacearia, mousy angle moth\n6283 B – Speranza sulphurea, sulphur angle moth\n6284 W – Speranza amboflava\n6285 E – Speranza inextricata\n6285.1 E – Speranza exonerata\n6286 E – Speranza brunneata\n6287 E – Speranza anataria\n6287.1 B – Speranza boreata\n6288 W – Speranza quadrilinearia\n6289 W – Speranza coloradensis\n6290 E – Speranza loricaria\n6291 W – Speranza semivolata\n6292 E – Speranza exauspicata", "6290 E – Speranza loricaria\n6291 W – Speranza semivolata\n6292 E – Speranza exauspicata\n6293 W – Speranza umbriferata\n6294 E – Speranza abruptata\n6295 W – Speranza confederata\n6296 W – Speranza plumosata\n6298 W – Speranza extemporata\n6299 E – Speranza coortaria, four-spotted angle moth\n6299.1 W – Speranza hesperata\n6299.2 W – Speranza prunosata\n6300 W – Speranza perornata\n6301 W – Speranza guenearia\n6301.1 W – Speranza austrinata\n6302 W – Speranza trilinearia\n6303 E – Speranza subcessaria, barred angle moth", "6302 W – Speranza trilinearia\n6303 E – Speranza subcessaria, barred angle moth\n6304 E – Speranza bitactata, split-lined angle moth\n6304.1 E – Speranza wauaria\n6305 W – Speranza denticulodes\n6306 W – Speranza decorata\n6308 W – Speranza colata\n6309 W – Speranza benigna\n6310 W – Speranza schatzeata\n6311 W – Speranza graphidaria\n6312 W – Speranza deceptrix\n6314 E – Speranza varadaria, southern angle moth\n6315 W – Speranza grossbecki\n6315.1 W – Speranza saphenata\n6316 W – Speranza simpliciata", "6315 W – Speranza grossbecki\n6315.1 W – Speranza saphenata\n6316 W – Speranza simpliciata\n6317 W – Speranza pallipennata\n6321 B – Epelis truncataria, black-banded orange moth\n6323 W – Speranza marcescaria\n6324 W – Speranza lorquinaria, Lorquin's angle moth\n6325 W – Letispe metanemaria\n6326 B – Macaria aemulataria, common angle moth\n6326.1 W – Macaria juglandata\n6328.1 W – Psamatodes atrimacularia\n6328.2 E – Psamatodes rectilineata\n6330 E – Macaria notata, birch angle moth", "6328.2 E – Psamatodes rectilineata\n6330 E – Macaria notata, birch angle moth\n6331 E – Macaria promiscuata, promiscuous angle moth\n6332 W – Psamatodes abydata, dot-lined angle moth\n6332.1 E – Psamatodes trientata\n6333 W – Psamatodes everiata\n6334 E – Macaria carpo\n6335 E – Macaria aequiferaria, woody angle moth\n6336 E – Macaria distribuaria, southern chocolate angle moth\n6337 E – Macaria sanfordi\n6338 W – Macaria adonis\n6338.1 W – Macaria ponderosae\n6339 E – Macaria transitaria, blurry chocolate angle moth", "6338.1 W – Macaria ponderosae\n6339 E – Macaria transitaria, blurry chocolate angle moth\n6340 E – Macaria minorata, minor angle moth\n6341 B – Macaria bicolorata, bicolored angle moth\n6342 B – Macaria bisignata, red-headed inchworm moth\n6342.1 B – Macaria masquerata\n6343 E – Macaria sexmaculata, six-spotted angle moth\n6344 E – Macaria signaria, pale-marked angle moth\n6346 W – Macaria unipunctaria\n6347 E – Macaria pinistrobata, white pine angle moth\n6348 E – Macaria fissinotata, hemlock angle moth", "6348 E – Macaria fissinotata, hemlock angle moth\n6349 E – Macaria marmorata\n6350 E – Macaria submarmorata\n6351 E – Macaria oweni\n6352 E – Macaria granitata, granite moth\n6353 E – Macaria multilineata, many-lined angle moth\n6354 W – Psamatodes pallidata\n6355 W – Digrammia sublacteolata\n6357 E – Digrammia eremiata, three-lined angle moth\n6357.1 E – Digrammia equivocata\n6358 E – Digrammia ordinata\n6359 W – Taeniogramma quadrilinea\n6360 E – Trigrammia quadrinotaria, four-spotted angle moth", "6359 W – Taeniogramma quadrilinea\n6360 E – Trigrammia quadrinotaria, four-spotted angle moth\n6362 B – Digrammia continuata, curve-lined angle moth\n6363 W – Digrammia excurvata\n6363.1 W – Digrammia pallorata\n6363.2 W – Digrammia cinereola\n6364 W – Digrammia setonana\n6365 W – Digrammia pertinata\n6366 W – Digrammia napensis\n6366.1 W – Digrammia imparilata\n6368 W – Digrammia atrofasciata\n6368.1 W – Digrammia modocata\n6370 B – Digrammia curvata\n6371 W – Digrammia nubiculata\n6371.1 W – Digrammia palodurata", "6370 B – Digrammia curvata\n6371 W – Digrammia nubiculata\n6371.1 W – Digrammia palodurata\n6372 W – Digrammia pictipennata\n6372.1 W – Digrammia terramalata\n6373 B – Digrammia denticulata\n6374 W – Digrammia delectata\n6374.1 W – Digrammia ubiquitata\n6376 W – Digrammia burneyata\n6377 W – Digrammia muscariata\n6377.1 W – Digrammia extenuata\n6380 W – Digrammia californiaria, Californian granite moth\n6381 W – Digrammia colorata, creosote moth\n6383 W – Digrammia pervolata\n6385 W – Digrammia triviata", "6381 W – Digrammia colorata, creosote moth\n6383 W – Digrammia pervolata\n6385 W – Digrammia triviata\n6386 E – Digrammia ocellinata, faint-spotted angle moth\n6387 W – Digrammia aliceata\n6387.1 W – Digrammia sexpunctata, six-spotted digrammia moth\n6389 B – Digrammia decorata, decorated granite moth\n6389.1 W – Digrammia plemmelata\n6391 B – Digrammia spinata\n6392 W – Digrammia indeterminata\n6393 W – Digrammia yavapai\n6394 B – Digrammia rippertaria\n6394.1 W – Digrammia hebetata\n6395 W – Digrammia irrorata", "6394 B – Digrammia rippertaria\n6394.1 W – Digrammia hebetata\n6395 W – Digrammia irrorata\n6396 B – Digrammia neptaria, dark-bordered granite moth\n6397 E – Digrammia mellistrigata, yellow-lined angle moth\n6399 B – Digrammia subminiata\n6400 W – Digrammia gilletteata\n6402 W – Digrammia fieldi\n6403 W – Digrammia minuta\n6404 W – Digrammia puertata\n6405 E – Digrammia gnophosaria, hollow-spotted angle moth\n6406 W – Rindgea parcata\n6406.1 E – Rindgea disparcata\n6407 W – Rindgea nigricomma\n6408 W – Rindgea piccoloi", "6406.1 E – Rindgea disparcata\n6407 W – Rindgea nigricomma\n6408 W – Rindgea piccoloi\n6409 E – Rindgea stipularia\n6409.1 B – Rindgea prolificata\n6410 E – Digrammia pallidata\n6411 W – Rindgea maricopa\n6412 W – Rindgea flaviterminata\n6413 B – Rindgea subterminata\n6414 W – Rindgea s-signata, signate looper moth\n6415 W – Rindgea cyda, mesquite looper moth\n6416 W – Rindgea ballandrata\n6417 W – Rindgea hypaethrata\n6419 E – Isturgia dislocaria, pale-veined isturgia moth", "6417 W – Rindgea hypaethrata\n6419 E – Isturgia dislocaria, pale-veined isturgia moth\n6420 W – Fernaldella fimetaria, green broomweed looper moth\n6420.1 E – Fernaldella georgiana\n6421 W – Fernaldella stalachtaria\n6422 W – Protitame cervula\n6423 W – Taeniogramma octolineata\n6424 W – Taeniogramma mendicata\n6425 W – Taeniogramma tenebrosata\n6426 W – Dasyfidonia avuncularia, red-winged wave moth\n6427 W – Dasyfidonia macdunnoughi\n6428 E – Orthofidonia tinctaria\n6429 E – Orthofidonia exornata", "6427 W – Dasyfidonia macdunnoughi\n6428 E – Orthofidonia tinctaria\n6429 E – Orthofidonia exornata\n6430 E – Orthofidonia flavivenata, yellow-veined geometer moth\n6431 E – Hesperumia sulphuraria, sulphur moth\n6432 W – Hesperumia fumosaria\n6433 W – Hesperumia latipennis\n6434 W – Hesperumia fumida\n6435 W – Neoalcis californiaria, brown-lined looper moth\n6436 E – Ematurga amitaria, cranberry spanworm moth\n6437 E – Hypomecis luridula\n6438 E – Hypomecis buchholzaria\n6439 E – Hypomecis umbrosaria, umber moth", "6438 E – Hypomecis buchholzaria\n6439 E – Hypomecis umbrosaria, umber moth\n6439.1 E – Hypomecis longipectinaria\n6440 E – Hypomecis gnopharia\n6441 W – Pimaphera percata\n6442 E – Pimaphera sparsaria\n6443 E – Glenoides texanaria, Texas gray moth\n6444 E – Glenoides lenticuligera\n6445 W – Glena grisearia\n6446 W – Glena furfuraria\n6447 W – Glena arcana\n6448 W – Glena nigricaria\n6449 E – Glena cribrataria, dotted gray moth\n6450 B – Glena cognataria, blueberry gray moth\n6450.1 – Glaucina incognitaria", "6450 B – Glena cognataria, blueberry gray moth\n6450.1 – Glaucina incognitaria\n6451 W – Glena interpunctata\n6452 B – Glena plumosaria, dainty gray moth\n6453 W – Glena quinquelinearia, five-lined gray moth\n6454 W – Glena macdunnougharia\n6455 W – Stenoporpia pulchella\n6456 W – Stenoporpia margueritae\n6457 W – Stenoporpia asymmetra\n6458 W – Stenoporpia dionaria\n6459 B – Stenoporpia polygrammaria\n6460 W – Stenoporpia mediatra\n6461 W – Stenoporpia dissonaria\n6462 W – Stenoporpia anastomosaria", "6460 W – Stenoporpia mediatra\n6461 W – Stenoporpia dissonaria\n6462 W – Stenoporpia anastomosaria\n6463 B – Stenoporpia pulmonaria\n6464 W – Stenoporpia purpuraria\n6465 W – Stenoporpia vernata\n6466 W – Stenoporpia vernalella\n6467 W – Stenoporpia insipidaria\n6468 W – Stenoporpia anellula\n6469 W – Stenoporpia badia\n6470 W – Stenoporpia macdunnoughi\n6471 W – Stenoporpia blanchardi\n6472 W – Stenoporpia glaucomarginaria\n6473 B – Stenoporpia separataria\n6474 B – Stenoporpia excelsaria\n6475 W – Stenoporpia larga", "6473 B – Stenoporpia separataria\n6474 B – Stenoporpia excelsaria\n6475 W – Stenoporpia larga\n6476 W – Stenoporpia graciella\n6477 W – Stenoporpia lea\n6478 E – Exelis pyrolaria, fine-lined gray moth\n6479 E – Exelis dicolus\n6480 B – Exelis ophiurus\n6481 B – Tornos punctata\n6482 B – Tornos hoffmanni\n6483 W – Tornos benjamini\n6484 W – Tornos erectarius\n6485 E – Tornos cinctarius\n6486 E – Tornos scolopacinaria, dimorphic gray moth\n6487 E – Tornos abjectarius\n6488 W – Glaucina erroraria\n6489 W – Glaucina biartata", "6487 E – Tornos abjectarius\n6488 W – Glaucina erroraria\n6489 W – Glaucina biartata\n6490 W – Glaucina utahensis\n6491 W – Glaucina cilla\n6492 W – Glaucina macdunnoughi\n6493 W – Glaucina epiphysaria\n6494 W – Glaucina baea\n6495 W – Glaucina escaria\n6496 W – Glaucina eupetheciaria\n6496.1 W – Glaucina lucida\n6497 W – Glaucina elongata\n6498 W – Glaucina golgolata\n6499 W – Glaucina magnifica\n6500 W – Glaucina ampla\n6501 W – Glaucina bifida\n6502 W – Glaucina interruptaria\n6503 W – Glaucina spaldingata", "6501 W – Glaucina bifida\n6502 W – Glaucina interruptaria\n6503 W – Glaucina spaldingata\n6504 W – Glaucina gonia\n6505 W – Glaucina platia\n6506 W – Glaucina nephos\n6507 W – Glaucina infumataria\n6508 W – Glaucina ignavaria\n6509 W – Glaucina lowensis\n6510 W – Glaucina dispersa\n6511 W – Glaucina denticularia\n6512 W – Glaucina imperdata\n6513 W – Glaucina mayelisaria\n6514 W – Glaucina nota\n6515 W – Glaucina eureka\n6515.1 W – Glaucina agnesae\n6516 W – Glaucina ochrofuscaria\n6517 W – Glaucina loxa", "6515.1 W – Glaucina agnesae\n6516 W – Glaucina ochrofuscaria\n6517 W – Glaucina loxa\n6518 W – Glaucina anomala\n6519 W – Synglochis perumbraria\n6520 W – Eubarnesia ritaria\n6521 W – Paraglaucina hulstinoides\n6522 B – Nepterotaea diagonalis\n6523 W – Nepterotaea marjorae\n6524 E – Nepterotaea ozarkensis\n6525 W – Nepterotaea dorotheata\n6526 – Nepterotaea furva\n6527 W – Nepterotaea memoriata\n6528 W – Nepterotaea obliviscata\n6529 W – Chesiadodes simularia\n6530 W – Chesiadodes cinerea\n6531 W – Chesiadodes morosata", "6529 W – Chesiadodes simularia\n6530 W – Chesiadodes cinerea\n6531 W – Chesiadodes morosata\n6532 W – Chesiadodes tubercula\n6533 W – Chesiadodes polingi\n6534 W – Chesiadodes bicolor\n6535 W – Chesiadodes coniferaria\n6536 W – Chesiadodes fusca\n6537 W – Chesiadodes curvata\n6538 W – Chesiadodes longa\n6539 W – Chesiadodes dissimilis\n6540 W – Hulstina formosata\n6541 W – Hulstina imitatrix\n6542 W – Hulstina tanycraeros\n6543 W – Hulstina aridata\n6544 W – Hulstina xera\n6545 W – Hulstina grossbecki", "6543 W – Hulstina aridata\n6544 W – Hulstina xera\n6545 W – Hulstina grossbecki\n6546 W – Hulstina exhumata\n6547 W – Hulstina wrightiaria, Wright's hulstina moth\n6548 W – Pterotaea crickmeri\n6549 W – Pterotaea crinigera\n6549.1 – Pterotaea depromaria\n6550 W – Pterotaea sperryae\n6551 W – Pterotaea leuschneri\n6552 W – Pterotaea plagia\n6553 W – Pterotaea lamiaria\n6554 W – Pterotaea campestraria\n6555 W – Pterotaea succurva\n6556 W – Pterotaea glauca\n6557 W – Pterotaea cavea\n6558 W – Pterotaea miscella", "6556 W – Pterotaea glauca\n6557 W – Pterotaea cavea\n6558 W – Pterotaea miscella\n6559 W – Pterotaea systole\n6560 W – Pterotaea euroa\n6561 W – Pterotaea lira\n6562 W – Pterotaea obscura\n6563 W – Pterotaea comstocki\n6564 W – Pterotaea macrocercos\n6565 W – Pterotaea powelli\n6566 W – Pterotaea albescens\n6567 W – Pterotaea melanocarpa\n6568 W – Pterotaea cariosa\n6569 W – Pterotaea newcombi\n6570 E – Aethalura intertexta, four-barred gray moth\n6571 E – Iridopsis cypressaria\n6572 W – Iridopsis jacumbaria", "6571 E – Iridopsis cypressaria\n6572 W – Iridopsis jacumbaria\n6573 W – Iridopsis dataria\n6574 W – Iridopsis angulata\n6575 W – Iridopsis clivinaria, mountain mahogany looper moth\n6575.1 W – Iridopsis profanata\n6576 W – Iridopsis sanctissima\n6577 W – Iridopsis obliquaria, oblique looper moth\n6578 W – Iridopsis providentia\n6579 W – Iridopsis sancta\n6580 E – Iridopsis pergracilis, cypress looper moth\n6581 B – Iridopsis perfectaria\n6582 E – Iridopsis vellivolata, large purplish gray moth", "6581 B – Iridopsis perfectaria\n6582 E – Iridopsis vellivolata, large purplish gray moth\n6583 E – Iridopsis ephyraria, pale-winged gray moth\n6584 E – Iridopsis humaria, small purplish gray moth\n6585 W – Iridopsis fragilaria\n6586 E – Iridopsis defectaria, brown-shaded gray moth\n6587 – Iridopsis gemella\n6587.1 – Iridopsis pseudoherse\n6588 E – Iridopsis larvaria, bent-line gray moth\n6589 W – Iridopsis emasculatum\n6590 B – Anavitrinella pampinaria, common gray moth", "6589 W – Iridopsis emasculatum\n6590 B – Anavitrinella pampinaria, common gray moth\n6591 W – Anavitrinella atristrigaria, Gulf Coast gray moth\n6592 W – Anavitrinella addendaria\n6593 W – Anavitrinella ocularia\n6594 E – Cleora sublunaria, double-lined gray moth\n6595 E – Cleora projecta, projecta gray moth\n6596 W – Gnophos macguffini\n6597 E – Ectropis crepuscularia, small engrailed moth\n6598 E – Protoboarmia porcelaria, porcelain gray moth\n6599 E – Epimecis hortaria, tulip-tree beauty moth", "6599 E – Epimecis hortaria, tulip-tree beauty moth\n6600 E – Epimecis subaustralis\n6601 E – Epimecis matronaria\n6602 E – Epimecis anonaria\n6603 E – Epimecis fraternaria\n6604 E – Epimecis detexta, avocado spanworm moth\n6605 W – Mericisca gracea\n6606 W – Mericisca perpictaria\n6607 W – Mericisca scobina\n6608 W – Parapheromia cassinoi\n6609 W – Parapheromia lichenaria\n6610 – Parapheromia ficta\n6611 W – Parapheromia configurata\n6612 W – Parapheromia falsata\n6613 W – Prionomelia spododea", "6611 W – Parapheromia configurata\n6612 W – Parapheromia falsata\n6613 W – Prionomelia spododea\n6614 W – Prionomelia ceraea\n6615 W – Tracheops bolteri\n6616 E – Melanochroia chephise, white-tipped black moth\n6617 E – Melanochroia geometroides\n6618 W – Melanolophia imitata, western carpet moth\n6619 W – Melanolophia centralis\n6620 E – Melanolophia canadaria, Canadian melanolophia moth\n6621 E – Melanolophia signataria, signate melanolophia moth\n6622 E – Melanolophia imperfectaria", "6621 E – Melanolophia signataria, signate melanolophia moth\n6622 E – Melanolophia imperfectaria\n6623 W – Carphoides setigera, green carphoides moth\n6624 W – Carphoides incopriarius\n6625 W – Carphoides inconspicuaria\n6626 W – Antiphoides errantaria\n6627 W – Galenara consimilis\n6628 W – Galenara lallata\n6629 W – Galenara glaucaria\n6630 W – Galenara lixaria\n6631 W – Galenara lixarioides\n6632 W – Galenara stenomacra\n6633 W – Galenara olivacea\n6634 W – Vinemina perdita\n6635 W – Vinemina opacaria", "6633 W – Galenara olivacea\n6634 W – Vinemina perdita\n6635 W – Vinemina opacaria\n6636 W – Vinemina catalina\n6637 E – Eufidonia convergaria\n6638 E – Eufidonia notataria, powder moth\n6639 E – Eufidonia discospilata, sharp-lined powder moth\n6639.1 W – Astalotesia bucurvata\n6640 B – Biston betularia, peppered moth\n6641 W – Biston multidentata\n6642 W – Cochisea rigidaria\n6643 – Cochisea barnesi\n6644 W – Cochisea undulata\n6645 W – Cochisea paula\n6646 W – Cochisea unicoloris\n6647 W – Cochisea sonomensis", "6645 W – Cochisea paula\n6646 W – Cochisea unicoloris\n6647 W – Cochisea sonomensis\n6648 W – Cochisea recisa\n6649 W – Cochisea curva\n6650 W – Cochisea sinuaria\n6651 B – Lycia ursaria, stout spanworm moth\n6652 E – Lycia ypsilon, woolly gray moth\n6653 B – Lycia rachelae, twilight moth\n6654 E – Hypagyrtis unipunctata, one-spotted variant moth\n6655 E – Hypagyrtis esther, Esther moth\n6656 E – Hypagyrtis piniata, pine measuringworm moth\n6657 E – Hypagyrtis brendae, Brenda's hypagyrtis moth", "6657 E – Hypagyrtis brendae, Brenda's hypagyrtis moth\n6658 E – Phigalia titea, half-wing moth\n6659 E – Phigalia denticulata, toothed phigalia moth\n6660 E – Phigalia strigataria, small phigalia moth\n6661 W – Phigalia plumogeraria, walnut spanworm moth\n6662 B – Paleacrita vernata, spring cankerworm moth\n6663 B – Paleacrita merriccata, white-spotted cankerworm moth\n6664 W – Paleacrita longiciliata\n6665 B – Erannis tiliaria, linden looper moth\n6665.1 W – Erannis vancouverensis", "6665 B – Erannis tiliaria, linden looper moth\n6665.1 W – Erannis vancouverensis\n6666 B – Lomographa semiclarata, bluish spring moth\n6667 E – Lomographa vestaliata, white spring moth\n6668 E – Lomographa glomeraria, gray spring moth\n6669 W – Lomographa elsinora\n6669.1 – Molybdogompha polymygmata\n6670 E – Phrygionis auriferaria, golden-winged palyas moth\n6671 E – Phrygionis paradoxata, jeweled satyr moth\n6671.2 – Phrygionis privignaria\n6672 W – Sericosema juturnaria, bordered fawn moth", "6671.2 – Phrygionis privignaria\n6672 W – Sericosema juturnaria, bordered fawn moth\n6673 W – Sericosema immaculata\n6674 W – Sericosema wilsonensis\n6675 W – Sericosema simularia\n6676 B – Cabera exanthemata\n6677 E – Cabera erythemaria, yellow-dusted cream moth\n6678 E – Cabera variolaria, vestal moth\n6679 E – Cabera borealis\n6680 E – Cabera quadrifasciaria, four-lined cabera moth\n6681 W – Eudrepanulatrix rectifascia\n6682 W – Drepanulatrix unicalcararia, spurred wave moth\n6683 W – Drepanulatrix hulstii", "6682 W – Drepanulatrix unicalcararia, spurred wave moth\n6683 W – Drepanulatrix hulstii\n6684 W – Drepanulatrix bifilata\n6685 W – Drepanulatrix quadraria\n6686 W – Drepanulatrix foeminaria\n6686.1 W – Drepanulatrix garneri\n6687 W – Drepanulatrix nevadaria\n6688 W – Drepanulatrix carnearia\n6689 W – Drepanulatrix falcataria\n6690 W – Drepanulatrix secundaria\n6691 W – Drepanulatrix baueraria\n6692 W – Drepanulatrix monicaria\n6693 E – Apodrepanulatrix liberaria\n6694 W – Apodrepanulatrix litaria", "6693 E – Apodrepanulatrix liberaria\n6694 W – Apodrepanulatrix litaria\n6695 W – Ixala desperaria\n6696 W – Ixala proutearia\n6697 W – Ixala klotsi\n6698 W – Ixala adventaria\n6699 E – Numia terebintharia\n6700 W – Chloraspilates bicoloraria, bicolored chloraspilates moth\n6701 W – Chloraspilates minima\n6702 E – Erastria decrepitaria\n6703 W – Erastria viridirufaria\n6704 E – Erastria coloraria, broad-lined erastria moth\n6705 E – Erastria cruentaria, thin-lined erastria moth\n6706 W – Pterospoda nigrescens", "6705 E – Erastria cruentaria, thin-lined erastria moth\n6706 W – Pterospoda nigrescens\n6707 W – Pterospoda opuscularia\n6708 W – Pterospoda kunzei\n6709 W – Stergamataea inornata\n6710 W – Stergamataea delicatum\n6711 E – Ilecta intractata, black-dotted ruddy moth\n6712 E – Thysanopyga proditata\n6713 E – Episemasia solitaria\n6714 B – Episemasia cervinaria\n6715 B – Aspitates aberrata\n6716 E – Aspitates forbesi\n6716.1 – Aspitates ochrearia\n6717 E – Aspitates orciferaria\n6718 E – Aspitates conspersarius", "6716.1 – Aspitates ochrearia\n6717 E – Aspitates orciferaria\n6718 E – Aspitates conspersarius\n6719 W – Aspitates taylori\n6720 E – Lytrosis unitaria, common lytrosis moth\n6721 E – Lytrosis sinuosa, sinuous lytrosis moth\n6722 B – Lytrosis heitzmanorum\n6723 E – Lytrosis permagnaria\n6724 E – Euchlaena serrata, saw-wing moth\n6725 E – Euchlaena muzaria, muzaria euchlaena moth\n6726 E – Euchlaena obtusaria, obtuse euchlaena moth\n6727 W – Euchlaena silacea\n6728 E – Euchlaena effecta, effective euchlaena moth", "6727 W – Euchlaena silacea\n6728 E – Euchlaena effecta, effective euchlaena moth\n6729 E – Euchlaena johnsonaria, Johnson's euchlaena moth\n6730 W – Euchlaena mollisaria\n6731 E – Euchlaena madusaria, scrub euchlaena moth\n6732 E – Euchlaena deplanaria\n6733 E – Euchlaena amoenaria, deep yellow euchlaena moth\n6734 E – Euchlaena marginaria, ochre euchlaena moth\n6735 E – Euchlaena pectinaria, forked euchlaena moth\n6736 W – Euchlaena manubiaria\n6737 B – Euchlaena tigrinaria, mottled euchlaena moth", "6736 W – Euchlaena manubiaria\n6737 B – Euchlaena tigrinaria, mottled euchlaena moth\n6738 E – Euchlaena milnei\n6739 E – Euchlaena irraria, least-marked euchlaena moth\n6740 E – Xanthotype urticaria, false crocus geometer moth\n6741 W – Xanthotype barnesi\n6742 E – Xanthotype rufaria, rufous geometer moth\n6743 E – Xanthotype sospeta, crocus geometer moth\n6744 E – Xanthotype attenuaria\n6745 E – Cymatophora approximaria, giant gray moth\n6746 E – Stenaspilatodes antidiscaria", "6745 E – Cymatophora approximaria, giant gray moth\n6746 E – Stenaspilatodes antidiscaria\n6747 B – Pero meskaria, Meske's pero moth\n6748 B – Pero ancetaria, Hübner's pero moth\n6749 W – Pero radiosaria\n6750 W – Pero inviolata\n6751 W – Pero flavisaria\n6752 E – Pero zalissaria\n6753 E – Pero honestaria, honest pero moth\n6755 E – Pero morrisonaria, Morrison's pero moth\n6756 W – Pero giganteus\n6757 W – Pero mizon\n6758 W – Pero macdunnoughi\n6759 W – Pero modestus\n6760 W – Pero behrensaria", "6757 W – Pero mizon\n6758 W – Pero macdunnoughi\n6759 W – Pero modestus\n6760 W – Pero behrensaria\n6761 W – Pero occidentalis\n6762 E – Pero nerisaria\n6762.1 W – Pero pima\n6762.2 W – Pero catalina\n6762.3 – Pero lastima\n6763 E – Phaeoura quernaria, oak beauty moth\n6764 W – Phaeoura cristifera\n6765 W – Phaeoura kirkwoodi\n6766 B – Phaeoura mexicanaria\n6767 W – Phaeoura belua\n6768 W – Phaeoura perfidaria\n6769 W – Phaeoura utahensis\n6770 W – Phaeoura aetha\n6771 W – Phaeoura cana\n6772 – Thyrinteina arnobia", "6770 W – Phaeoura aetha\n6771 W – Phaeoura cana\n6772 – Thyrinteina arnobia\n6773 W – Holochroa dissociarius\n6774 W – Aethaloida packardaria\n6775 – Hemimorina dissociata\n6776 W – Hemnypia baueri\n6777 W – Parexcelsa ultraria\n6778 W – Ceratonyx arizonensis\n6779 W – Ceratonyx permagnaria\n6780 E – Ceratonyx satanaria\n6781 W – Gabriola dyari\n6782 W – Gabriola sierrae\n6783 W – Gabriola minima\n6784 W – Gabriola minor\n6785 W – Gabriola regularia\n6786 W – Yermoia perplexata\n6787 W – Yermoia glaucina", "6785 W – Gabriola regularia\n6786 W – Yermoia perplexata\n6787 W – Yermoia glaucina\n6788 W – Animomyia smithii\n6789 W – Animomyia dilatata\n6790 B – Animomyia hardwicki\n6791 W – Animomyia morta\n6792 W – Animomyia turgida\n6793 W – Animomyia nuda\n6794 W – Animomyia minuta\n6795 – Colotois pennaria\n6796 B – Campaea perlata, pale beauty moth\n6797 E – Ennomos magnaria, maple spanworm moth\n6797.1 W – Ennomos alniaria, canary-shouldered thorn moth\n6798 E – Ennomos subsignaria, elm spanworm moth", "6798 E – Ennomos subsignaria, elm spanworm moth\n6799 B – Spodolepis substriataria\n6800 E – Sphacelodes vulneraria\n6801 E – Sphacelodes haitiaria\n6802 W – Philedia punctomacularia\n6803 E – Petrophora divisata, common petrophora moth\n6804 E – Petrophora subaequaria, northern petrophora moth\n6805 E – Tacparia zalissaria\n6806 E – Tacparia atropunctata\n6807 E – Tacparia detersata, pale alder moth\n6808 W – Thallophaga taylorata\n6809 W – Thallophaga hyperborea\n6810 W – Thallophaga nigroseriata", "6808 W – Thallophaga taylorata\n6809 W – Thallophaga hyperborea\n6810 W – Thallophaga nigroseriata\n6811 E – Homochlodes lactispargaria\n6812 E – Homochlodes fritillaria, pale homochlodes moth\n6813 E – Homochlodes disconventa\n6815 E – Gueneria similaria\n6816 W – Slossonia rubrotincta\n6817 E – Selenia alciphearia, northern selenia moth\n6818 E – Selenia kentaria, Kent's geometer moth\n6819 B – Metanema inatomaria, pale metanema moth\n6820 E – Metanema determinata, dark metanema moth", "6819 B – Metanema inatomaria, pale metanema moth\n6820 E – Metanema determinata, dark metanema moth\n6821 B – Metarranthis warneri, Warner's metarranthis moth\n6822 E – Metarranthis duaria, ruddy metarranthis moth\n6823 E – Metarranthis angularia, angled metarranthis moth\n6824 E – Metarranthis amyrisaria\n6825 B – Metarranthis indeclinata, pale metarranthis moth\n6826 E – Metarranthis hypochraria, common metarranthis moth\n6827 E – Metarranthis refractaria, refracted metarranthis moth", "6827 E – Metarranthis refractaria, refracted metarranthis moth\n6828 E – Metarranthis homuraria, purplish metarranthis moth\n6829 E – Metarranthis lateritiaria\n6830 E – Metarranthis pilosaria\n6831 E – Metarranthis apiciaria\n6832 E – Metarranthis obfirmaria, yellow-washed metarranthis moth\n6833 E – Metarranthis mollicularia\n6834 E – Cepphis decoloraria, dark scallop moth\n6835 E – Cepphis armataria, scallop moth\n6836 B – Plagodis pulveraria, American barred umber moth", "6835 E – Cepphis armataria, scallop moth\n6836 B – Plagodis pulveraria, American barred umber moth\n6837 B – Probole alienaria, alien probole moth\n6838 B – Probole amicaria, friendly probole moth\n6839 E – Probole nepiasaria, heath probole moth\n6840 E – Plagodis serinaria, lemon plagodis moth\n6841 E – Plagodis kuetzingi, purple plagodis moth\n6842 E – Plagodis phlogosaria, straight-lined plagodis moth\n6843 E – Plagodis fervidaria, fervid plagodis moth\n6844 E – Plagodis alcoolaria, hollow-spotted plagodis moth", "6844 E – Plagodis alcoolaria, hollow-spotted plagodis moth\n6845 W – Philtraea elegantaria\n6846 W – Philtraea utahensis\n6847 W – Philtraea surcaliforniae\n6848 W – Philtraea latifoliae\n6849 W – Philtraea albimaxima\n6850 W – Philtraea paucimacula\n6851 E – Philtraea monillata\n6852 W – Eriplatymetra coloradaria\n6853 W – Eriplatymetra lentifluata\n6854 W – Eriplatymetra grotearia\n6855 W – Melemaea magdalena\n6856 W – Melemaea virgata\n6857 W – Lychnosea helveolaria\n6858 E – Lychnosea intermicata", "6856 W – Melemaea virgata\n6857 W – Lychnosea helveolaria\n6858 E – Lychnosea intermicata\n6859 W – Neoterpes ephelidaria\n6860 W – Neoterpes trianguliferata\n6861 W – Neoterpes edwardsata\n6862 W – Neoterpes graefiaria\n6863 E – Caripeta divisata, gray spruce looper moth\n6864 E – Caripeta piniata, northern pine looper moth\n6865 W – Caripeta aequaliaria, red girdle moth\n6865.1 W – Caripeta suffusata\n6866 W – Caripeta interalbicans\n6867 E – Caripeta angustiorata, brown pine looper moth\n6868 E – Caripeta latiorata", "6867 E – Caripeta angustiorata, brown pine looper moth\n6868 E – Caripeta latiorata\n6869 E – Caripeta aretaria, southern pine looper moth\n6870 W – Caripeta pulcherrima\n6871 W – Caripeta hilumaria\n6872 W – Caripeta canidiaria\n6873 W – Caripeta ocellaria\n6874 W – Caripeta macularia\n6875 W – Snowia montanaria\n6876 W – Nemeris speciosa\n6876.1 W – Nemeris percne\n6876.2 W – Nemeris sternitzkyi\n6877 W – Meris paradoxa\n6878 W – Meris suffusaria\n6879 W – Meris patula\n6879.1 – Meris alticola\n6879.2 – Meris cultrata", "6878 W – Meris suffusaria\n6879 W – Meris patula\n6879.1 – Meris alticola\n6879.2 – Meris cultrata\n6880 W – Destutia flumenata\n6881 W – Destutia novata\n6882 W – Destutia oblentaria\n6883 W – Destutia excelsa\n6884 E – Besma endropiaria, straw besma moth\n6885 B – Besma quercivoraria, oak besma moth\n6886 W – Besma rubritincta\n6887 W – Besma sesquilinearia\n6888 B – Lambdina fiscellaria, hemlock looper moth\n6889 E – Lambdina pultaria, southern oak looper moth\n6890 W – Lambdina flavilinearia\n6891 W – Lambdina laeta", "6890 W – Lambdina flavilinearia\n6891 W – Lambdina laeta\n6892 E – Lambdina pellucidaria, yellow-headed looper moth\n6893 E – Lambdina canitiaria\n6894 E – Lambdina fervidaria, curve-lined looper moth\n6895 W – Lambdina vitraria\n6896 W – Lambdina phantoma\n6897 W – Evita hyalinaria\n6898 E – Cingilia catenaria, chain-dotted geometer moth\n6899 W – Nepytia umbrosaria\n6900 W – Nepytia regulata\n6901 W – Nepytia disputata\n6902 W – Nepytia janetae\n6903 W – Nepytia juabata\n6904 W – Nepytia lagunata", "6902 W – Nepytia janetae\n6903 W – Nepytia juabata\n6904 W – Nepytia lagunata\n6905 W – Nepytia swetti\n6906 E – Nepytia canosaria, false hemlock looper moth\n6907 W – Nepytia phantasmaria, phantom hemlock looper moth\n6908 E – Nepytia semiclusaria, pine conelet looper moth\n6909 E – Nepytia pellucidaria\n6910 W – Nepytia freemani\n6911 B – Sicya crocearia\n6912 B – Sicya macularia, sharp-lined yellow moth\n6913 W – Sicya laetula\n6914 W – Sicya pergilvaria\n6915 W – Sicya morsicaria\n6916 W – Sicya olivata", "6913 W – Sicya laetula\n6914 W – Sicya pergilvaria\n6915 W – Sicya morsicaria\n6916 W – Sicya olivata\n6916.1 – Sicyopsis blanchardata\n6917 W – Euaspilates spinataria\n6918 W – Eucaterva variaria\n6919 W – Eucaterva bonniwelli\n6920 W – Acanthotoca graefi\n6921 W – Plataea calcaria\n6921.1 – Plataea blanchardaria\n6922 W – Plataea personaria\n6923 W – Plataea ursaria\n6924 W – Plataea californiaria\n6925 W – Plataea diva\n6926 W – Plataea trilinearia, sagebrush girdle moth\n6927 W – Eusarca falcata", "6925 W – Plataea diva\n6926 W – Plataea trilinearia, sagebrush girdle moth\n6927 W – Eusarca falcata\n6928 W – Eusarca terraria\n6929 W – Eusarca argillaria\n6930 W – Eusarca galbanaria\n6931 W – Eusarca detractaria\n6932 W – Eusarca lutzi\n6933 E – Eusarca fundaria, dark-edged eusarca moth\n6934 E – Eusarca subflavaria\n6935 – Eusarca distycharia\n6936 B – Eusarca packardaria, Packard's eusarca moth\n6937 W – Eusarca venosaria\n6938 W – Eusarca subcineraria\n6939 W – Eusarca geniculata\n6940 W – Eusarca tibiaria", "6938 W – Eusarca subcineraria\n6939 W – Eusarca geniculata\n6940 W – Eusarca tibiaria\n6941 B – Eusarca confusaria, confused eusarca moth\n6942 W – Eusarca graceiaria\n6943 W – Somatolophia desolata\n6944 W – Somatolophia montana\n6945 W – Somatolophia ectrapelaria\n6946 W – Somatolophia pallescens\n6947 W – Somatolophia haydenata\n6948 W – Somatolophia incana\n6948.1 W – Somatolophia vatia\n6948.2 W – Somatolophia petila\n6948.3 W – Somatolophia simplicius\n6948.4 W – Somatolophia cuyama\n6949 W – Pherne placeraria", "6948.3 W – Somatolophia simplicius\n6948.4 W – Somatolophia cuyama\n6949 W – Pherne placeraria\n6950 W – Pherne parallelia\n6951 W – Pherne sperryi\n6952 W – Pherne subpunctata\n6953 W – Tetracis fuscata\n6954 W – Tetracis jubararia, October thorn moth\n6954.1 W – Tetracis montanaria\n6955 W – Tetracis pallulata\n6956 W – Tetracis cervinaria\n6956.1 W – Tetracis australis\n6957 W – Caripeta triangulata\n6958 W – Tetracis formosa\n6959 W – Tetracis barnesii\n6960 W – Tetracis hirsutaria\n6960.1 W – Tetracis pallidata", "6959 W – Tetracis barnesii\n6960 W – Tetracis hirsutaria\n6960.1 W – Tetracis pallidata\n6961 W – Tetracis mosesiani\n6962 W – Metanema brunneilinearia\n6963 E – Tetracis crocallata, yellow slant-line moth\n6964 E – Tetracis cachexiata, white slant-line moth\n6965 E – Eugonobapta nivosaria, snowy geometer moth\n6966 E – Eutrapela clemataria, curve-toothed geometer moth\n6967 E – Oxydia vesulia, spurge spanworm moth\n6968 E – Oxydia cubana, Cuban spanworm moth\n6969 E – Oxydia gueneei\n6970 E – Oxydia nimbata", "6968 E – Oxydia cubana, Cuban spanworm moth\n6969 E – Oxydia gueneei\n6970 E – Oxydia nimbata\n6971 W – Oxydia mundata\n6972 E – Oxydia masthala\n6973 W – Phyllodonta peccataria\n6973.1 W – Phyllodonta sarukhani\n6974 E – Patalene olyzonaria, juniper geometer moth\n6975 E – Patalene epionata\n6976 – Patalene nicoaria\n6977 W – Prochoerodes truxaliata\n6978 W – Prochoerodes amplicineraria\n6979 W – Prochoerodes accentuata\n6980 – Prochoerodes nonangulata\n6981 W – Prochoerodes forficaria", "6979 W – Prochoerodes accentuata\n6980 – Prochoerodes nonangulata\n6981 W – Prochoerodes forficaria\n6982 B – Prochoerodes lineola, large maple spanworm moth\n6983 – Prochoerodes olivata\n6984 W – Pityeja ornata\n6985 E – Nepheloleuca politia\n6986 E – Nepheloleuca floridata\n6987 E – Antepione thisoaria, variable antepione moth\n6990 W – Antepione imitata\n6992 W – Pionenta ochreata\n6994 E – Sericoptera virginaria\n6995 W – Sabulodes aegrotata\n6996 W – Sabulodes dissimilis\n6997 W – Sabulodes sericeata", "6995 W – Sabulodes aegrotata\n6996 W – Sabulodes dissimilis\n6997 W – Sabulodes sericeata\n6998 W – Sabulodes huachuca\n6999 W – Sabulodes mabelata\n7000 W – Sabulodes niveostriata\n7001 W – Sabulodes olifata\n7002 W – Sabulodes duoangulata\n7003 W – Sabulodes spoliata\n7004 W – Sabulodes edwardsata\n7005 W – Enypia venata, variable girdle moth\n7006 W – Enypia griseata, mountain girdle moth\n7007 W – Enypia packardata, Packard's girdle moth\n7008 W – Enypia coolidgi\n7009 E – Ligdia wagneri", "7007 W – Enypia packardata, Packard's girdle moth\n7008 W – Enypia coolidgi\n7009 E – Ligdia wagneri\n7010 B – Nematocampa resistaria, horned spanworm moth\n7010.1 E – Nematocampa baggettaria, Baggett's spanworm moth\n7011 W – Nematocampa brehmeata\n7011.1 – Tesiophora entephros\n7011.2 – Anavinemia acomos\n7012 W – Chlorosea nevadaria\n7013 W – Chlorosea banksaria\n7014 W – Chlorosea margaretaria\n7015 W – Chlorosea roseitacta\n7016 W – Nemoria pulcherrima\n7017 W – Nemoria mutaticolor", "7015 W – Chlorosea roseitacta\n7016 W – Nemoria pulcherrima\n7017 W – Nemoria mutaticolor\n7018 B – Nemoria unitaria, single-lined emerald moth\n7019 W – Nemoria latirosaria\n7020 W – Nemoria aemularia\n7021 W – Nemoria arizonaria\n7022 W – Nemoria daedalea\n7023 W – Nemoria viridicaria\n7024 W – Nemoria subsequens\n7025 W – Nemoria diamesa\n7026 W – Nemoria albaria\n7027 W – Nemoria pistaciaria\n7028 E – Nemoria extremaria\n7029 E – Nemoria elfa, cypress emerald moth\n7030 E – Nemoria tuscarora", "7028 E – Nemoria extremaria\n7029 E – Nemoria elfa, cypress emerald moth\n7030 E – Nemoria tuscarora\n7031 E – Nemoria catachloa\n7032 E – Nemoria outina\n7033 E – Nemoria lixaria, red-bordered emerald moth\n7034 E – Nemoria saturiba\n7035 W – Nemoria darwiniata, Columbian emerald moth\n7036 W – Nemoria zelotes\n7037 W – Nemoria obliqua\n7038 W – Nemoria splendidaria\n7039 W – Nemoria strigataria\n7040 W – Nemoria zygotaria\n7041 W – Nemoria leptalea\n7042 W – Nemoria caerulescens\n7043 W – Nemoria intensaria", "7041 W – Nemoria leptalea\n7042 W – Nemoria caerulescens\n7043 W – Nemoria intensaria\n7044 W – Nemoria festaria\n7044.1 – Nemoria albilineata\n7045 E – Nemoria bifilata, white-barred emerald moth\n7046 E – Nemoria bistriaria, red-fringed emerald moth\n7047 E – Nemoria rubrifrontaria, red-fronted emerald moth\n7048 E – Nemoria mimosaria, white-fringed emerald moth\n7049 W – Nemoria glaucomarginaria\n7050 W – Nemoria rindgei\n7051 E – Phrudocentra centrifugaria\n7052 W – Phrudocentra neis", "7050 W – Nemoria rindgei\n7051 E – Phrudocentra centrifugaria\n7052 W – Phrudocentra neis\n7053 E – Dichorda iridaria, showy emerald moth\n7054 W – Dichorda consequaria\n7055 W – Dichorda illustraria\n7056 W – Dichorda rectaria\n7057 W – Dichordophora phoenix, phoenix emerald moth\n7058 B – Synchlora aerata, wavy-lined emerald moth\n7059 B – Synchlora frondaria, southern emerald moth\n7060 E – Synchlora xysteraria\n7060.1 E – Synchlora gerularia\n7061 E – Synchlora herbaria\n7062 W – Synchlora irregularia", "7060.1 E – Synchlora gerularia\n7061 E – Synchlora herbaria\n7062 W – Synchlora irregularia\n7063 W – Synchlora noel\n7064 E – Synchlora cupedinaria\n7065 W – Synchlora bistriaria, oblique-striped emerald moth\n7066 W – Synchlora pectinaria\n7067 W – Synchlora faseolaria\n7068 W – Synchlora graefiaria\n7069 W – Lophochorista lesteraria\n7070 E – Eueana niveociliaria\n7071 E – Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria, blackberry looper moth\n7072 W – Chlorochlamys triangularis\n7073 W – Chlorochlamys appellaria", "7072 W – Chlorochlamys triangularis\n7073 W – Chlorochlamys appellaria\n7074 W – Chlorochlamys phyllinaria, thin-lined chlorochlamys moth\n7075 E – Chloropteryx tepperaria, angle-winged emerald moth\n7076 W – Chloropteryx nordicaria\n7077 E – Chloropteryx paularia\n7078 W – Xerochlora viridipallens\n7079 W – Xerochlora inveterascaria\n7080 W – Xerochlora martinaria\n7081 W – Xerochlora masonaria\n7082 W – Xerochlora mesotheides\n7083 W – Hemithea aestivaria, common emerald moth", "7082 W – Xerochlora mesotheides\n7083 W – Hemithea aestivaria, common emerald moth\n7084 E – Hethemia pistasciaria, pistachio emerald moth\n7085 B – Mesothea incertata, day emerald moth\n7086 E – Eumacrodes yponomeutaria\n7087 W – Euacidalia sericearia\n7088 W – Euacidalia puerta\n7089 W – Euacidalia quakerata\n7090 E – Euacidalia brownsvillea\n7091 – Euacidalia nigridaria\n7092 W – Protoproutia rusticaria\n7093 W – Protoproutia laredoata\n7094 B – Lobocleta ossularia, drab brown wave moth", "7093 W – Protoproutia laredoata\n7094 B – Lobocleta ossularia, drab brown wave moth\n7095 W – Lobocleta granitaria\n7096 W – Lobocleta quaesitata\n7097 B – Lobocleta plemyraria, straight-lined wave moth\n7098 W – Lobocleta lanceolata\n7099 W – Lobocleta griseata\n7100 B – Lobocleta peralbata\n7101 E – Idaea minuta\n7102 B – Idaea bonifata\n7103 W – Idaea nibseata\n7104 E – Idaea microphysa\n7105 E – Idaea scintillularia, diminutive wave moth\n7106 E – Idaea insulensis\n7107 E – Idaea pervertipennis", "7106 E – Idaea insulensis\n7107 E – Idaea pervertipennis\n7108 B – Idaea furciferata, notch-winged wave moth\n7109 E – Idaea celtima\n7110 W – Idaea basinta, red-and-white wave moth\n7111 W – Idaea skinnerata\n7112 B – Idaea productata\n7113 – Idaea miranda\n7114 E – Idaea demissaria, red-bordered wave moth\n7115 B – Idaea eremiata, straw wave moth\n7116 W – Idaea gemmata\n7117 W – Idaea occidentaria\n7117.1 W – Idaea asceta\n7118 E – Idaea hilliata, Hill's wave moth\n7119 E – Idaea micropterata", "7117.1 W – Idaea asceta\n7118 E – Idaea hilliata, Hill's wave moth\n7119 E – Idaea micropterata\n7120 E – Idaea violacearia\n7121 E – Idaea ostentaria, showy wave moth\n7122 E – Idaea tacturata, dot-lined wave moth\n7123 B – Idaea obfusaria, rippled wave moth\n7124 E – Idaea retractaria\n7125 E – Idaea rotundopennata\n7126 B – Idaea dimidiata, single-dotted wave moth\n7127 W – Paota fultaria\n7128 W – Arcobara multilineata\n7129 W – Arcobara perlineata\n7130 B – Odontoptila obrimo\n7131 – Ptychamalia dorneraria", "7129 W – Arcobara perlineata\n7130 B – Odontoptila obrimo\n7131 – Ptychamalia dorneraria\n7132 B – Pleuroprucha insulsaria, common tan wave moth\n7133 E – Pleuroprucha asthenaria, asthene wave moth\n7134 E – Cyclophora culicaria\n7135 W – Cyclophora dataria\n7136 E – Cyclophora packardi, Packard's wave moth\n7137 E – Cyclophora myrtaria, waxmyrtle wave moth\n7138 E – Cyclophora benjamini\n7139 E – Cyclophora pendulinaria, sweetfern geometer moth\n7140 B – Cyclophora nanaria\n7141 – Semaeopus ella", "7140 B – Cyclophora nanaria\n7141 – Semaeopus ella\n7142 – Semaeopus gracilata\n7143 – Semaeopus cantona\n7144 – Semaeopus caecaria\n7145 – Semaeopus marginata\n7146 E – Haematopis grataria, chickweed geometer moth\n7147 E – Timandra amaturaria, cross-lined wave moth\n7148 E – Acratodes suavata\n7149 E – Scopula lautaria, small frosted wave moth\n7150 – Scopula eburneata\n7151 E – Scopula aemulata\n7152 E – Scopula compensata\n7153 W – Scopula apparitaria\n7154 B – Scopula plantagenaria\n7155 – Scopula benitaria", "7153 W – Scopula apparitaria\n7154 B – Scopula plantagenaria\n7155 – Scopula benitaria\n7156 E – Scopula umbilicata, swag-lined wave moth\n7157 E – Scopula cacuminaria, frosted tan wave moth\n7158 E – Scopula purata, chalky wave moth\n7159 E – Scopula limboundata, large lace-border moth\n7160 E – Scopula timandrata\n7161 E – Scopula ordinata\n7162 B – Scopula ancellata, angled wave moth\n7163 W – Scopula fuscata\n7164 B – Scopula junctaria, simple wave moth\n7164.1 E – Scopula quinquelinearia", "7164 B – Scopula junctaria, simple wave moth\n7164.1 E – Scopula quinquelinearia\n7165 E – Scopula quadrilineata, four-lined wave moth\n7166 E – Scopula frigidaria, frigid wave moth\n7167 W – Scopula siccata\n7168 W – Scopula septentrionicola\n7169 B – Scopula inductata, soft-lined wave moth\n7170 W – Scopula luteolata\n7171 W – Scopula sideraria\n7172 E – Scopula sentinaria\n7173 E – Leptostales pannaria, pannaria wave moth\n7174 E – Leptostales crossii, Cross's wave moth\n7175 E – Leptostales hepaticaria", "7174 E – Leptostales crossii, Cross's wave moth\n7175 E – Leptostales hepaticaria\n7176 E – Leptostales rubrotincta\n7177 B – Leptostales laevitaria, raspberry wave moth\n7178 E – Leptostales oblinataria\n7179 B – Leptostales rubromarginaria, dark-ribboned wave moth\n7180 E – Leptostales ferruminaria\n7181 E – Lophosis labeculata, stained lophosis moth\n7181.1 – Cambogia tegularia\n7182 B – Dysstroma citrata, dark marbled carpet moth\n7183 W – Dysstroma hewlettaria\n7184 W – Dysstroma sobria", "7183 W – Dysstroma hewlettaria\n7184 W – Dysstroma sobria\n7185 E – Dysstroma suspectata\n7186 W – Dysstroma ochrofuscaria\n7187 B – Dysstroma truncata, marbled carpet moth\n7188 B – Dysstroma walkerata, orange-spotted carpet moth\n7189 E – Dysstroma hersiliata, orange-barred carpet moth\n7190 W – Dysstroma rutlandia\n7191 B – Dysstroma formosa, Formosa carpet moth\n7192 W – Dysstroma colvillei\n7193 W – Dysstroma rectiflavata\n7194 B – Dysstroma brunneata\n7195 W – Dysstroma mancipata", "7193 W – Dysstroma rectiflavata\n7194 B – Dysstroma brunneata\n7195 W – Dysstroma mancipata\n7196 E – Eulithis diversilineata, lesser grapevine looper moth\n7197 E – Eulithis gracilineata, greater grapevine looper moth\n7198 W – Eulithis luteolata\n7199 E – Eulithis propulsata\n7199.1 E – Eulithis prunata\n7200 E – Eulithis populata\n7201 E – Eulithis testata, chevron moth\n7202 E – Eulithis mellinata\n7203 E – Eulithis molliculata, dimorphic eulithis moth\n7204 E – Eulithis destinata\n7205 E – Eulithis flavibrunneata", "7204 E – Eulithis destinata\n7205 E – Eulithis flavibrunneata\n7206 E – Eulithis explanata, white eulithis moth\n7207 W – Eulithis xylina\n7208 E – Eulithis serrataria, serrated eulithis moth\n7209 W – Eurhinosea flavaria\n7210 E – Eustroma semiatrata, black-banded carpet moth\n7211 W – Eustroma fasciata\n7212 W – Eustroma atrifasciata\n7213 B – Ecliptopera silaceata, small phoenix moth\n7214 – Ecliptopera atricolorata, dark-banded geometer moth\n7215 W – Colostygia turbata", "7214 – Ecliptopera atricolorata, dark-banded geometer moth\n7215 W – Colostygia turbata\n7216 B – Plemyria georgii, George's carpet moth\n7217 E – Thera juniperata, juniper carpet moth\n7218 E – Thera contractata, early juniper carpet moth\n7219 W – Thera otisi\n7220 W – Thera latens\n7221 W – Ceratodalia gueneata\n7222 W – Hydriomena tuolumne\n7223 E – Hydriomena exculpata\n7224 W – Hydriomena expurgata\n7225 W – Hydriomena shasta\n7226 W – Hydriomena borussata\n7227 W – Hydriomena henshawi\n7228 W – Hydriomena irata", "7226 W – Hydriomena borussata\n7227 W – Hydriomena henshawi\n7228 W – Hydriomena irata\n7229 B – Hydriomena perfracta, shattered hydriomena moth\n7230 W – Hydriomena charlestonia\n7231 W – Hydriomena marinata\n7232 W – Hydriomena edenata\n7233 W – Hydriomena furtivata\n7234 W – Hydriomena johnstoni\n7235 E – Hydriomena divisaria, black-dashed hydriomena moth\n7236 E – Hydriomena renunciata, renounced hydriomena moth\n7237 E – Hydriomena transfigurata, transfigured hydriomena moth\n7238 E – Hydriomena bistriolata", "7237 E – Hydriomena transfigurata, transfigured hydriomena moth\n7238 E – Hydriomena bistriolata\n7239 E – Hydriomena pluviata, sharp green hydriomena moth\n7240 W – Hydriomena obliquilinea\n7241 W – Hydriomena rita\n7242 W – Hydriomena arizonata\n7243 W – Hydriomena albimontanata\n7244 W – Hydriomena sierrae\n7245 W – Hydriomena nevadae\n7246 W – Hydriomena californiata\n7247 W – Hydriomena crokeri\n7248 W – Hydriomena glaucata\n7249 W – Hydriomena muscata\n7250 W – Hydriomena chiricahuata", "7248 W – Hydriomena glaucata\n7249 W – Hydriomena muscata\n7250 W – Hydriomena chiricahuata\n7251 W – Hydriomena modestata\n7252 E – Hydriomena mississippiensis\n7253 W – Hydriomena feminata\n7254 B – Hydriomena ruberata, ruddy highflyer moth\n7255 W – Hydriomena macdunnoughi\n7256 W – Hydriomena septemberata\n7257 E – Hydriomena furcata, July highflyer moth\n7258 W – Hydriomena quinquefasciata\n7259 W – Hydriomena catalinata\n7260 W – Hydriomena costipunctata\n7261 W – Hydriomena albifasciata", "7259 W – Hydriomena catalinata\n7260 W – Hydriomena costipunctata\n7261 W – Hydriomena albifasciata\n7262 W – Hydriomena cochiseata\n7263 W – Hydriomena speciosata\n7264 W – Hydriomena morosata\n7265 W – Hydriomena barnesata\n7266 W – Hydriomena cyriadoides\n7267 W – Hydriomena sperryi\n7268 W – Hydriomena bryanti\n7269 W – Hydriomena clarki\n7270 W – Hydriomena magnificata\n7271 W – Hydriomena gracillima\n7272 W – Hydriomena regulata\n7273 W – Hydriomena furculoides\n7274 W – Hydriomena peratica", "7272 W – Hydriomena regulata\n7273 W – Hydriomena furculoides\n7274 W – Hydriomena peratica\n7275 W – Hydriomena similaris\n7276 W – Hydriomena nubilofasciata, oak winter highflier moth\n7277 W – Hydriomena manzanita\n7278 W – Hymenodria mediodentata\n7279 W – Ersephila indistincta\n7280 W – Ersephila grandipennis\n7281 W – Carptima hydriomenata\n7282 W – Cyclica frondaria\n7283 W – Grossbeckia semimaculata\n7284 W – Eutrepsia inconstans\n7285 B – Triphosa haesitata, tissue moth\n7286 E – Triphosa affirmata", "7284 W – Eutrepsia inconstans\n7285 B – Triphosa haesitata, tissue moth\n7286 E – Triphosa affirmata\n7287 W – Triphosa californiata\n7288 W – Triphosa bipectinata\n7289 W – Monostoecha semipectinata\n7290 B – Coryphista meadii, barberry geometer moth\n7291 B – Rheumaptera undulata\n7292 E – Rheumaptera prunivorata, Ferguson's scallop shell moth\n7293 E – Rheumaptera hastata, spear-marked black moth\n7294 B – Rheumaptera subhastata, white-banded black moth\n7295 W – Archirhoe neomexicana\n7296 W – Archirhoe indefinata", "7295 W – Archirhoe neomexicana\n7296 W – Archirhoe indefinata\n7297 W – Archirhoe associata\n7298 W – Archirhoe multipunctata\n7299 E – Pterocypha floridata\n7300 E – Entephria aurata\n7300.1 W – Entephria beringiana\n7300.2 E – Entephria bradorata\n7300.3 W – Entephria kidluitata\n7301 W – Entephria multivagata\n7302 W – Entephria takuata\n7303 W – Entephria lagganata\n7303.1 W – Entephria lynda\n7305 W – Entephria inventaraia\n7306 B – Entephria polata\n7306.1 W – Entephria punctipes\n7306.2 E – Entephria separata", "7306 B – Entephria polata\n7306.1 W – Entephria punctipes\n7306.2 E – Entephria separata\n7307 E – Mesoleuca ruficillata, white-ribboned carpet moth\n7308 W – Mesoleuca gratulata, western white-ribboned carpet moth\n7309 W – Spargania viridescens\n7310 W – Spargania aurata\n7311 W – Spargania bellipicta\n7312 E – Spargania magnoliata, double-banded carpet moth\n7313 E – Spargania luctuata\n7314 B – Hammaptera parinotata\n7315 W – Psaliodes fervescens\n7316 E – Perizoma basaliata, square-patched carpet moth", "7315 W – Psaliodes fervescens\n7316 E – Perizoma basaliata, square-patched carpet moth\n7317 W – Perizoma grandis\n7318 W – Perizoma alaskae\n7319 W – Perizoma actuata\n7320 E – Perizoma alchemillata, small rivulet moth\n7321 W – Perizoma interrupta\n7322 W – Perizoma ochreata\n7323 W – Perizoma oxygramma\n7324 W – Perizoma curvilinea\n7325 W – Perizoma costiguttata\n7326 W – Perizoma epictata\n7327 W – Perizoma ablata\n7328 W – Perizoma custodiata\n7329 E – Anticlea vasiliata, variable carpet moth", "7328 W – Perizoma custodiata\n7329 E – Anticlea vasiliata, variable carpet moth\n7330 B – Anticlea multiferata, many-lined carpet moth\n7331 W – Anticlea switzeraria\n7332 W – Anticlea pectinata\n7333 E – Stamnodes gibbicostata, shiny gray carpet moth\n7334 W – Stamnodes blackmorei\n7335 W – Stamnodes albiapicata\n7336 W – Stamnodes reckseckeri\n7337 W – Stamnodes affiliata\n7338 W – Stamnodes delicata\n7339 W – Stamnodes mendocinoensis\n7340 W – Stamnodes annellata\n7341 W – Stamnodes coenonymphata", "7339 W – Stamnodes mendocinoensis\n7340 W – Stamnodes annellata\n7341 W – Stamnodes coenonymphata\n7342 W – Stamnodes eldridgensis\n7343 W – Stamnodes marinata\n7344 W – Stamnodes splendorata\n7345 W – Stamnodes apollo\n7346 W – Stamnodes artemis\n7347 W – Stamnodes formosata\n7348 W – Stamnodes lampra\n7349 E – Stamnodes topazata\n7350 W – Stamnodes franckata\n7351 W – Stamnodes modocata\n7352 W – Stamnodes cassinoi\n7353 W – Stamnodes seiferti\n7354 W – Stamnodes fervefactaria\n7355 W – Stamnodes deceptiva", "7353 W – Stamnodes seiferti\n7354 W – Stamnodes fervefactaria\n7355 W – Stamnodes deceptiva\n7356 W – Stamnoctenis morrisata\n7357 W – Stamnoctenis pearsalli\n7358 W – Stamnoctenis rubrosuffusa\n7359 W – Stamnodes ululata\n7360 W – Stamnodes costimacula\n7361 W – Stamnodes similis\n7362 W – Stamnoctenis vernon\n7363 W – Stamnodes marmorata\n7364 W – Stamnodes tessellata\n7365 W – Stamnodes watsoni\n7366 W – Stamnodes animata\n7367 – Heterusia atalantata\n7368 E – Xanthorhoe labradorensis, Labrador carpet moth", "7367 – Heterusia atalantata\n7368 E – Xanthorhoe labradorensis, Labrador carpet moth\n7369 E – Xanthorhoe packardata\n7370 B – Xanthorhoe abrasaria\n7371 E – Xanthorhoe iduata\n7372 W – Xanthorhoe macdunnoughi\n7373 E – Xanthorhoe ramaria\n7374 W – Xanthorhoe incursata\n7375 W – Xanthorhoe reclivisata\n7376 E – Xanthorhoe baffinensis\n7377 W – Xanthorhoe dodata\n7378 E – Xanthorhoe algidata\n7379 W – Xanthorhoe pontiaria\n7380 W – Xanthorhoe fossaria\n7381 W – Xanthorhoe montanata\n7382 W – Xanthorhoe marinensis", "7380 W – Xanthorhoe fossaria\n7381 W – Xanthorhoe montanata\n7382 W – Xanthorhoe marinensis\n7383 W – Xanthorhoe spaldingaria\n7384 B – Xanthorhoe decoloraria\n7385 W – Xanthorhoe alticolata\n7386 W – Xanthorhoe defensaria\n7387 W – Xanthorhoe offensaria\n7388 E – Xanthorhoe ferrugata, red twin-spot moth\n7389 – Xanthorhoe borealis\n7389.1 W – Xanthorhoe clarkeata\n7390 E – Xanthorhoe lacustrata, toothed brown carpet moth\n7391 W – Xanthorhoe dentilinea\n7392 W – Xanthorhoe mirabilata\n7393 – Xanthorhoe columelloides", "7391 W – Xanthorhoe dentilinea\n7392 W – Xanthorhoe mirabilata\n7393 – Xanthorhoe columelloides\n7394 E – Epirrhoe alternata, white-banded toothed carpet moth\n7395 W – Epirrhoe plebeculata\n7396 E – Epirrhoe sperryi\n7397 W – Epirrhoe medeifascia\n7398 W – Euphyia swetti\n7399 B – Euphyia intermediata, sharp-angled carpet moth\n7400 W – Euphyia implicata\n7401 W – Euphyia minima\n7402 W – Enchoria osculata\n7403 W – Enchoria lacteata\n7404 W – Enchoria herbicolata\n7405 – Loxofidonia acidaliata", "7403 W – Enchoria lacteata\n7404 W – Enchoria herbicolata\n7405 – Loxofidonia acidaliata\n7406 B – Zenophleps lignicolorata\n7407 W – Zenophleps pallescens\n7408 B – Zenophleps alpinata\n7409 W – Zenophleps obscurata\n7410 W – Psychophora sabini\n7411 E – Psychophora phocata\n7412 E – Psychophora suttoni\n7413 E – Psychophora immaculata\n7414 B – Orthonama obstipata, gem moth\n7415 E – Orthonama evansi\n7416 B – Costaconvexa centrostrigaria, bent-line carpet moth\n7417 E – Disclisioprocta stellata, somber carpet moth", "7417 E – Disclisioprocta stellata, somber carpet moth\n7418 W – Herreshoffia gracea\n7419 E – Hydrelia lucata, light carpet moth\n7420 E – Hydrelia condensata\n7421 – Hydrelia terraenovae\n7422 E – Hydrelia inornata, unadorned carpet moth\n7423 E – Hydrelia albifera, fragile white carpet moth\n7424 W – Hydrelia brunneifasciata\n7425 E – Venusia cambrica, Welsh wave moth\n7426 W – Venusia duodecemlineata\n7427 W – Venusia obsoleta\n7428 E – Venusia comptaria, brown-shaded carpet moth", "7427 W – Venusia obsoleta\n7428 E – Venusia comptaria, brown-shaded carpet moth\n7429 W – Venusia pearsalli, Pearsall's carpet moth\n7430 E – Trichodezia albovittata, white-striped black moth\n7431 – Trichodezia albofasciata\n7432 W – Trichodezia californiata\n7433 B – Epirrita autumnata, autumnal moth\n7434 W – Epirrita undulata\n7435 W – Epirrita pulchraria, whitelined looper moth\n7436 E – Operophtera brumata, winter moth\n7437 B – Operophtera bruceata, bruce spanworm moth\n7439 W – Operophtera danbyi", "7437 B – Operophtera bruceata, bruce spanworm moth\n7439 W – Operophtera danbyi\n7439.1 – Tescalsia giulianiata\n7439.2 – Tescalsia minata\n7440 B – Eubaphe mendica, beggar moth\n7440.1 – Eubaphe medea\n7441 E – Eubaphe meridiana, little beggar moth\n7442 – Eubaphe helveta\n7443 W – Eubaphe rotundata\n7444 W – Eubaphe unicolor\n7445 B – Horisme intestinata, brown bark carpet moth\n7446 B – Horisme incana\n7447 – Horisme rectilineata\n7448 – Horisme gillettei\n7449 E – Eupithecia palpata, small pine looper moth", "7448 – Horisme gillettei\n7449 E – Eupithecia palpata, small pine looper moth\n7451 E – Eupithecia slossonata\n7452 W – Eupithecia albimontanata\n7453 E – Eupithecia peckorum, Peck's pug moth\n7454 B – Eupithecia longidens\n7455 B – Eupithecia ornata\n7456 W – Eupithecia monacheata\n7457 W – Eupithecia terrestrata\n7458 W – Eupithecia karenae\n7459 E – Eupithecia columbiata\n7460 W – Eupithecia maestosa\n7461 W – Eupithecia subvirens\n7462 W – Eupithecia castellata\n7463 W – Eupithecia chiricahuata", "7461 W – Eupithecia subvirens\n7462 W – Eupithecia castellata\n7463 W – Eupithecia chiricahuata\n7464 W – Eupithecia insolabilis\n7465 W – Eupithecia catalinata\n7466 W – Eupithecia edna\n7467 W – Eupithecia owenata\n7468 W – Eupithecia longipalpata\n7469 W – Eupithecia sabulosata\n7470 W – Eupithecia macrocarpata\n7471 W – Eupithecia placidata\n7472 W – Eupithecia unicolor\n7473 W – Eupithecia pseudotsugata\n7474 B – Eupithecia miserulata, common eupithecia moth\n7475 – Eupithecia chlorofasciata", "7474 B – Eupithecia miserulata, common eupithecia moth\n7475 – Eupithecia chlorofasciata\n7476 B – Eupithecia misturata\n7478 W – Eupithecia bivittata\n7479 W – Eupithecia pygmaeata\n7479.1 – Eupithecia broui\n7480 W – Eupithecia bryanti\n7481 E – Eupithecia coloradensis\n7482 W – Eupithecia cretata\n7483 B – Eupithecia regina\n7484 B – Eupithecia undata\n7485 B – Eupithecia borealis\n7486 E – Eupithecia jejunata\n7487 – Eupithecia subfuscata, grey pug moth\n7488 E – Eupithecia tripunctaria\n7489 – Eupithecia luteata", "7488 E – Eupithecia tripunctaria\n7489 – Eupithecia luteata\n7490 W – Eupithecia harrisonata\n7491 E – Eupithecia fletcherata\n7492 E – Eupithecia casloata\n7494 E – Eupithecia sheppardata\n7495 E – Eupithecia affinata\n7496 W – Eupithecia rotundopuncta\n7497 W – Eupithecia sierrae\n7498 W – Eupithecia litoris\n7499 W – Eupithecia quakerata\n7500 W – Eupithecia bolterii\n7501 W – Eupithecia palmata\n7502 W – Eupithecia piccata\n7503 W – Eupithecia pretansata\n7504 W – Eupithecia neomexicana\n7505 W – Eupithecia alpinata", "7503 W – Eupithecia pretansata\n7504 W – Eupithecia neomexicana\n7505 W – Eupithecia alpinata\n7506 W – Eupithecia prostrata\n7507 W – Eupithecia persimulata\n7508 – Eupithecia exudata\n7509 B – Eupithecia herefordaria, Hereford's eupithecia moth\n7509.1 B – Eupithecia matheri\n7510 W – Eupithecia cazieri\n7512 W – Eupithecia macdunnoughi\n7513 W – Eupithecia nabokovi\n7514 W – Eupithecia biedermanata\n7515 W – Eupithecia cupressata\n7516 E – Eupithecia albigrisata\n7518 E – Eupithecia intricata", "7515 W – Eupithecia cupressata\n7516 E – Eupithecia albigrisata\n7518 E – Eupithecia intricata\n7519 W – Eupithecia uinta\n7520 E – Eupithecia satyrata\n7520.3 E – Eupithecia dodata\n7522 E – Eupithecia nimbicolor\n7523 E – Eupithecia strattonata\n7524 E – Eupithecia cimicifugata\n7526 E – Eupithecia russeliata\n7527 B – Eupithecia ammonata\n7530 E – Eupithecia swettii\n7531 E – Eupithecia indistincta\n7532 W – Eupithecia zygadeniata\n7533 B – Eupithecia cretaceata\n7534 W – Eupithecia nimbosa", "7532 W – Eupithecia zygadeniata\n7533 B – Eupithecia cretaceata\n7534 W – Eupithecia nimbosa\n7535 W – Eupithecia behrensata\n7536 W – Eupithecia multiscripta\n7537 – Eupithecia sewardata\n7537.1 E – Eupithecia sharronata\n7538 E – Eupithecia gelidata\n7539 W – Eupithecia multistrigata\n7540 E – Eupithecia perfusca\n7543 B – Eupithecia annulata, larch pug moth\n7544 – Eupithecia vinsullata\n7546 W – Eupithecia olivacea\n7547 W – Eupithecia cognizata\n7548 W – Eupithecia lachrymosa\n7548.1 W – Eupithecia lafontaineata", "7547 W – Eupithecia cognizata\n7548 W – Eupithecia lachrymosa\n7548.1 W – Eupithecia lafontaineata\n7548.2 E – Eupithecia lariciata, larch pug moth\n7551 B – Eupithecia interruptofasciata, juniper looper moth\n7552 W – Eupithecia niphadophilata\n7553 W – Eupithecia subcolorata\n7554 W – Eupithecia appendiculata\n7554.1 E – Eupithecia assimilata\n7555 W – Eupithecia zelmira\n7555.1 – Eupithecia vicksburgi\n7555.2 – Eupithecia fredericki\n7556 W – Eupithecia vitreotata\n7557 W – Eupithecia segregata", "7555.2 – Eupithecia fredericki\n7556 W – Eupithecia vitreotata\n7557 W – Eupithecia segregata\n7558 W – Eupithecia pinata\n7559 W – Eupithecia tenuata\n7560 W – Eupithecia phyllisae\n7561 W – Eupithecia agnesata\n7562 W – Eupithecia huachuca\n7563 W – Eupithecia woodgatata\n7564 B – Eupithecia stellata\n7565 E – Eupithecia bowmani\n7566 W – Eupithecia niveifascia\n7567 W – Eupithecia joanata\n7568 W – Eupithecia flavigutta\n7568.1 W – Eupithecia sonora\n7569 W – Eupithecia sperryi\n7570 E – Eupithecia johnstoni", "7568.1 W – Eupithecia sonora\n7569 W – Eupithecia sperryi\n7570 E – Eupithecia johnstoni\n7571 W – Eupithecia dichroma\n7572 W – Eupithecia rindgei\n7573 E – Eupithecia cocoata\n7574 B – Eupithecia albicapitata\n7575 E – Eupithecia mutata, spruce cone looper moth\n7576 W – Eupithecia helena\n7578 W – Eupithecia spermaphaga\n7579 W – Eupithecia purpurissata\n7580 W – Eupithecia mystiata\n7581 W – Eupithecia gilvipennata\n7583 W – Eupithecia scabrogata\n7584 W – Eupithecia hohokamae\n7585 W – Eupithecia adequata", "7583 W – Eupithecia scabrogata\n7584 W – Eupithecia hohokamae\n7585 W – Eupithecia adequata\n7586 W – Eupithecia acutipennis\n7586.1 B – Eupithecia absinthiata\n7587 W – Eupithecia subapicata\n7588 W – Eupithecia shirleyata\n7589 W – Eupithecia sinuata\n7590 W – Eupithecia redingtonia\n7591 W – Eupithecia gilata\n7592 W – Eupithecia plumasata\n7593 W – Eupithecia jamesi\n7594 B – Eupithecia anticaria\n7595 W – Eupithecia pertusata\n7596 W – Eupithecia tricolorata\n7597 W – Eupithecia carneata", "7595 W – Eupithecia pertusata\n7596 W – Eupithecia tricolorata\n7597 W – Eupithecia carneata\n7598 W – Eupithecia classicata\n7600 W – Eupithecia graefii\n7601 W – Eupithecia nevadata\n7602 W – Eupithecia implorata\n7603 W – Eupithecia cestata\n7604 W – Eupithecia cestatoides\n7605 B – Eupithecia ravocostaliata, tawny eupithecia moth\nno number yet – Eupithecia macfarlandi\nno number yet – Eupithecia nonanticaria\nno number yet – Eupithecia penablanca\n7606 W – Nasusina inferior\n7606.1 W – Nasusina vallis", "no number yet – Eupithecia penablanca\n7606 W – Nasusina inferior\n7606.1 W – Nasusina vallis\n7607 W – Nasusina vaporata\n7608 W – Nasusina mendicata\n7609 W – Nasusina minuta\n7610 W – Prorella emmedonia\n7611 W – Prorella gypsata\n7612 W – Prorella discoidalis\n7613 W – Prorella leucata\n7614 W – Prorella albida\n7615 W – Prorella ochrocarneata\n7616 W – Prorella irremorata\n7617 W – Prorella tremorata\n7618 W – Prorella remorata\n7619 W – Prorella desperata\n7620 W – Prorella artestata\n7621 W – Prorella mellisa", "7619 W – Prorella desperata\n7620 W – Prorella artestata\n7621 W – Prorella mellisa\n7622 W – Prorella insipidata\n7623 W – Prorella opinata\n7624 – Prorella protoptata\n7625 E – Pasiphila rectangulata, green pug moth\n7626 E – Carsia sororiata\n7627 B – Aplocera plagiata, treble-bar moth\n7628 W – Lithostege rotundata\n7629 W – Lithostege fuscata\n7630 – Lithostege marcata\n7631 W – Lithostege elegans\n7632 W – Lithostege angelicata\n7633 W – Lithostege deserticola\n7634 W – Scelidacantha triseriata", "7632 W – Lithostege angelicata\n7633 W – Lithostege deserticola\n7634 W – Scelidacantha triseriata\n7635 E – Acasis viridata, olive-and-black carpet moth\n7636 W – Trichopteryx veritata\n7637 B – Cladara limitaria, mottled gray carpet moth\n7638 E – Cladara anguilineata, angle-lined carpet moth\n7639 E – Cladara atroliturata, scribbler moth\n7640 E – Lobophora nivigerata, powdered bigwing moth\n7641 W – Lobophora montanata\n7642 W – Lobophora simsata\n7643 W – Lobophora magnoliatoidata\n7644 W – Lobophora canavestita", "7642 W – Lobophora simsata\n7643 W – Lobophora magnoliatoidata\n7644 W – Lobophora canavestita\n7645 E – Heterophleps refusaria, three-patched bigwing moth\n7646 – Heterophleps morensata\n7647 E – Heterophleps triguttaria, three-spotted fillip moth\n7648 E – Dyspteris abortivaria, badwing moth", "See also\nList of butterflies of North America\nList of Lepidoptera of Hawaii\nList of moths of Canada\nList of butterflies of Canada\n\nExternal links\nChecklists of North American Moths" ]
Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation
[ "The Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation or Borneo confrontation (also known by the Indonesian and Malay name was an armed conflict from 1963 to 1966 that stemmed from Indonesia's opposition to the creation of the state of Malaysia from the Federation of Malaya. After Indonesian president Sukarno was deposed in 1966, the dispute ended peacefully.", "The creation of Malaysia was a merger of the Federation of Malaya (now Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore and the British crown colonies of North Borneo and Sarawak (collectively known as British Borneo, now East Malaysia) in September 1963. Vital precursors to the conflict included Indonesia's policy of confrontation against Dutch New Guinea from March–August 1962 and the Indonesia-backed Brunei revolt in December 1962. Malaysia had direct military support from the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand", ". Malaysia had direct military support from the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Indonesia had indirect support from the USSR and China, thus making it an episode of the Cold War in Asia.", "The conflict was an undeclared war with most of the action occurring in the border area between Indonesia and East Malaysia on the island of Borneo (known as Kalimantan in Indonesia). The conflict was characterised by restrained and isolated ground combat, set within tactics of low-level brinkmanship. Combat was usually conducted by company- or platoon-sized operations on either side of the border", ". Combat was usually conducted by company- or platoon-sized operations on either side of the border. Indonesia's campaign of infiltrations into Borneo sought to exploit the ethnic and religious diversity in Sabah and Sarawak compared to that of Malaya and Singapore, with the intent of unravelling the proposed state of Malaysia.", "During Konfrontasi from 1963 to 1966, there was fighting between the Indonesian, Malaysian and Commonwealth forces along the long land border that Malaysia shared with Indonesia in East Malaysia. Many soldiers spent months patrolling the border, including Singaporean and Australian soldiers in Sarawak.", "The jungle terrain of Borneo and the lack of roads straddling the Malaysia–Indonesia border forced both Indonesian and Commonwealth forces to conduct long foot patrols. Both sides relied on light infantry operations and air transport, although Commonwealth forces enjoyed the advantage of better helicopter deployment and resupply to forward operating bases. Rivers were also used as a method of transport and infiltration", ". Rivers were also used as a method of transport and infiltration. Although combat operations were primarily conducted by ground forces, airborne forces played a vital support role and naval forces ensured the security of the sea flanks", ". The British provided most of the defensive effort, although Malaysian forces steadily increased their contributions, and there were periodic contributions from Australian and New Zealand forces within the combined Far East Strategic Reserve stationed then in West Malaysia and Singapore.", "Initially, Indonesian attacks on East Malaysia relied heavily on local volunteers trained by the Indonesian Army. Over time, infiltration forces became more organised with the inclusion of a more substantial component of Indonesian forces. To deter and disrupt Indonesia's growing campaign of infiltrations, the British responded in 1964 by launching their own covert operations into Indonesian Kalimantan under the code name Operation Claret", ". Coinciding with Sukarno announcing a 'year of dangerous living' and the 1964 race riots in Singapore, Indonesia launched an expanded campaign of operations into West Malaysia on 17 August 1964, albeit without military success. A build-up of Indonesian forces on the Kalimantan border in December 1964 saw the UK commit significant forces from the UK-based Army Strategic Command. Australia and New Zealand deployed roulement combat forces from West Malaysia to Borneo in 1965–66", ". Australia and New Zealand deployed roulement combat forces from West Malaysia to Borneo in 1965–66. The intensity of the conflict began to subside following the coup d'état of October 1965 and Sukarno's loss of power to General Suharto. A round of serious peace negotiations between the two sides began in May 1966, and a final peace agreement was signed on 11 August 1966 with Indonesia formally recognising Malaysia.", "Background", "Political situation", "Before Konfrontasi, Sukarno sought to develop an independent Indonesian foreign policy, focused on the annexation of Dutch New Guinea as a conclusion of the Indonesian National Revolution, and establishing Indonesia's credentials as a notable international power supporting its own agenda distinct from those of the First and Second World. Indonesia was an important country in developing the Non-Aligned Movement, hosting the Bandung Conference in 1955", ". Indonesia had relentlessly pursued its claim to Dutch New Guinea during the period 1950–1962, despite facing multiple setbacks in the UN General Assembly in getting its claim recognised by the international community.", "Following the Indonesian crisis in 1958, which had included the Permesta rebellion in eastern Indonesia and the declaration of the PRRI, a rebel revolutionary government based in Sumatra; Indonesia had emerged as a notable and rising military power in Southeast Asia. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), primarily through its Taiwan-based subsidiary Civil Air Transport (CAT), had been covertly providing support to rebels on remote islands, seeking to weaken, if not outright oust President Sukarno's regime", ". Beginning in 1957, the CIA was increasing contact with military leaders in Sumatra and Sulawesi critical of the regime. By late 1957, the transport of weapons and ammunition to Sumatra by merchant ships and night submarines had become increasingly common, but the Americans believed that for their clandestine assistance to be truly effective, such operations required the use of British facilities in Singapore to refuel and support CAT missions launched in Bangkok, Taiwan, or the Philippines", ". With the influx of Soviet arms aid, Indonesia was able to advance its diplomatic claims to Dutch New Guinea more forcefully. The diplomatic dispute reached its climax in 1962 when Indonesia launched a substantial campaign of airborne and seaborne infiltrations into Dutch New Guinea. While the infiltration forces were soundly defeated by Dutch and Papuan forces, Indonesia was able to lend credence to the threat of an Indonesian invasion of Dutch New Guinea", ". The Dutch, facing mounting diplomatic pressure from the Indonesians, but also the Americans, who were anxious to keep Indonesia from becoming Communist aligned, yielded and agreed to a diplomatic compromise, allowing the Indonesians to gain control of the territory in exchange for pledging to hold a self-determination plebiscite (the Act of Free Choice) in the territory by 1969", ". Thus by the close of 1962, Indonesia had achieved a considerable diplomatic victory, which possibly emboldened its self-perception as a notable regional power. It was in the context of this recent diplomatic victory that Indonesia cast its attention to the British proposal for a unified Malaysian state.", "Before the British government announced the East of Suez policy in 1968, it had already begun re-evaluating their commitment to maintaining a presence in the Far East as early as the late-1950s. As a part of its withdrawal from its Southeast Asian colonies, the UK moved to combine its colonies in North Borneo with the Federation of Malaya (which had become independent from Britain in 1957), and Singapore (which had become self-governing in 1959)", ". In May 1961, the UK and Malayan governments proposed a larger federation called Malaysia, encompassing the states of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, Brunei, and Singapore. Initially, Indonesia was mildly supportive of the proposed federation, although the PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia — Indonesian Communist Party) was firmly opposed to it.", "In Brunei, it was unclear whether the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III would support Brunei joining the proposed Malaysian state because of the implied reduction of his political office, and Brunei's oil revenues ensured Brunei's financial viability were it to choose independence. Furthermore, a Brunei politician, Dr. AM Azahari bin Sheikh Mahmud, while supporting a unified North Borneo, also opposed a wider Malaysian federation", ". In 1961, he had sounded out Indonesia about possible aid in training Borneo recruits; General Abdul Nasution hinted at moral support, and Soebandrio, the Indonesian foreign minister and head of intelligence, hinted at supplying more substantial aid. Azahari was a leftist who had fought in Indonesia in their war for independence. Following these meetings, Indonesia began training in Kalimantan a small volunteer force, the North Kalimantan National Army (TNKU).", "On 8 December 1962, the TNKU staged an insurrection—the Brunei revolt. The insurrection was an abject failure, as the poorly trained and equipped forces were unable to capture key objectives such as the Sultan of Brunei, the Brunei oil fields, or European hostages. Within hours of the insurrection being launched, British forces based in Singapore were mobilised for a prompt response", ". The failure of the insurrection was evident within 30 hours when Gurkha troops airlifted from Singapore secured Brunei town and ensured the Sultan's safety.", "The degree of Indonesian support for the TNKU remains a subject of debate. While Indonesia at the time denied direct involvement, it did sympathise with the TNKU's objectives to destabilise the proposed Malaysian state. Following the TNKU's military setback in Brunei, on 20 January 1963 Indonesian Foreign Minister Subandrio announced that Indonesia would pursue a policy of Konfrontasi with Malaysia, reversing Indonesia's previous policy of compliance with the British proposal", ". This was followed by the first recorded infiltration of Indonesian forces on 12 April 1963 when a police station in Tebedu, Sarawak, was attacked.", "People and terrain \nIn 1961, the island of Borneo was divided into four separate states. Kalimantan, comprising four Indonesian provinces, was located in the south of the island. In the north, separated from Kalimantan by a border some 1000 miles long, were the Sultanate of Brunei (a British protectorate) and two colonies of the United Kingdom (UK)—British North Borneo (later renamed Sabah) and Sarawak.", "The three UK territories totalled some 1.5 million people, about half of them Dayaks. Sarawak had a population of about 900,000, while Sabah's was 600,000 and Brunei's was around 80,000. Among Sarawak's non-Dayak population, 31% were Chinese, and 19% were Malay. Among non-Dayaks in Sabah, 21% were Chinese, and 7% were Malay; Brunei's non-Dayak population was 28% Chinese and 54% Malay", ". There was a large Indonesian population in Tawau in southern Sabah and a large and economically active Chinese one in Sarawak. Despite their population size, Dayaks were spread through the country in village longhouses and were not politically organised.", "Sarawak was divided into five administrative divisions. Sabah, whose capital city was Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu) on the north coast, was divided into several Residencies; those of the Interior and Tawau were on the border.", "Apart from either end, the border generally followed a ridgeline throughout its length, rising to almost 2,500 metres in the Fifth Division. In the First Division, there were some roads, including a continuous road from Kuching to Brunei and around to Sandakan on the east coast of Sabah. There were no roads in the Fourth and Fifth Divisions or the Interior Residency, and in Third Division, there was only the coast road, which was some 150 miles from the border", ". Mapping was generally poor, as British maps of the country only showed tiny topographic detail. Indonesian maps were worse; veterans recall \"a single black and white sheet for all of Kalimantan torn from a school textbook\" in 1964.", "Kalimantan was divided into four provinces, of which East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan face the border. The capital of the West is Pontianak on the west coast, about from the border, and the capital of the East is Samarinda on the south coast, some from the border. There were no roads in the border area other than some in the west, and no road existed linking West and East Kalimantan.", "The lack of roads and tracks suitable for vehicles on both sides of the border meant that movement was limited to foot tracks mostly unmarked on any map, as well as water and air movement. There were many large rivers on both sides of the border, and these were the primary means of movement, including hovercraft by the UK. There were also quite a few small grass airstrips suitable for light aircraft, as dropping zones for parachuted supplies, and helicopters.", "The equator lies about 100 miles south of Kuching, and most of northern Borneo receives over 3000 mm of rain each year. Borneo is naturally covered by tropical rainforests. This covers the mountainous areas cut by many rivers with very steep-sided hills and hilltop ridges often only a few metres wide. The high rainfall means large rivers; these provide a principal means of transport and are formidable tactical obstacles", ". Dense mangrove forest covering vast tidal flats intersected with numerous creeks is a feature of many coastal areas, including Brunei and either end of the border. There are cultivated areas in valleys and around villages. In the vicinity of abandoned and current settlements are areas of dense secondary regrowth.", "Sarawakian opposition \nThe end of the Second World War had brought an end to the Brooke Dynasty rule in Sarawak. Believing it to be in the best interest of the people of Sarawak, Charles Vyner Brooke ceded the state to the British Crown. Sarawak became a Crown colony, ruled from the Colonial Office in London, which in turn dispatched a governor for Sarawak.", "The predominantly Malay anti-cession movement, which rejected the British takeover of Sarawak in 1946 and had assassinated Duncan Stewart, the first British High Commissioner of Sarawak, may have been the forerunner of the subsequent anti-Malaysia movement in Sarawak, headed by Ahmad Zaidi Adruce.", "According to Vernon L. Porritt and Hong-Kah Fong, left-wing and communist cell groups had been present among Sarawak's urban Chinese communities since the 1930s and 1940s. Some of the earliest Communist groups in Sabah included the Anti-Fascist League, which later became the Races Liberation Army, and the Borneo Anti-Japanese League, which was made up of the North Borneo Anti-Japanese League and the West Borneo Anti-Japanese League", ". The latter was led by Wu Chan, who was deported by the Sarawak colonial government to China in 1952. Other Communist groups in Sarawak included the Overseas Chinese Youth Association, which was formed in 1946, and the Liberation League along with its youth wing, the Advanced Youth Association, which emerged during the 1950s. These organisations became the nuclei for two Communist guerrilla movements: the anti-Malaysia North Kalimantan People's Army (PARAKU) and the Sarawak People's Guerrillas (PGRS)", ". These various Communist groups were designated by various British and other Western sources as the Clandestine Communist Organisation (CCO) or the Sarawak Communist Organisation (SCO).", "The Sarawak Communist Organisation was predominantly dominated by ethnic Chinese but also included Dayak supporters. However, the Sarawak Communist Organisation had little support from ethnic Malays and other indigenous Sarawak peoples. At its height, the SCO had 24,000 members. During the 1940s and 1950s, Maoism had spread among Chinese vernacular schools in Sarawak", ". During the 1940s and 1950s, Maoism had spread among Chinese vernacular schools in Sarawak. Following the Second World War, Communist influence also penetrated the labour movement and the predominantly Chinese Sarawak United People's Party, the state's first political party which was founded in June 1959. The Sarawak Insurgency began after the Brunei Revolt in 1962 and SCO would fight alongside the Bruneian rebels and Indonesian forces during the Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation (1963–1966).", "The Sarawak Communist Organisation and the Bruneian rebels supported and propagated the unification of all British Borneo territories to form an independent leftist North Kalimantan state. This idea was originally proposed by A. M. Azahari, leader of the Parti Rakyat Brunei (Brunei People's Party), who had forged links with Sukarno's nationalist movement, together with Ahmad Zaidi, in Java in the 1940s", ". However, the Brunei People's Party was in favour of joining Malaysia on the condition it was as the unified three territories of northern Borneo with their own sultan, and hence was strong enough to resist domination by Malaya, Singapore, Malay administrators or Chinese merchants.", "The North Kalimantan (or Kalimantan Utara) proposal was seen as a post-decolonisation alternative by local opposition against the Malaysia plan. Local opposition throughout the Borneo territories was primarily based on economic, political, historical and cultural differences between the Borneo states and Malaya, as well as the refusal to be subjected under peninsular political domination. Both Azahari and Zaidi went into exile in Indonesia during the confrontation", ". Both Azahari and Zaidi went into exile in Indonesia during the confrontation. While the latter returned to Sarawak and had his political status rehabilitated, Azahari remained in Indonesia until his death on 3 September 2002.", "In the aftermath of the Brunei Revolt, the remnants of the TNKU reached Indonesia. Possibly fearing British reprisals (which never eventuated), many Chinese communists, possibly several thousand, also fled Sarawak. Their compatriots remaining in Sarawak were known as the CCO by the UK but called the PGRS—Pasukan Gelilya Rakyat Sarawak (Sarawak People's Guerrilla Force) by Indonesia", ". Soebandrio met with a group of their potential leaders in Bogor, and Nasution sent three trainers from Resimen Para Komando Angkatan Darat (RPKAD) Battalion 2 to Nangabadan near the Sarawak border, where there were about 300 trainees. Some three months later, two lieutenants were sent there.", "The PGRS numbered about 800, based in West Kalimantan at Batu Hitam, with a contingent of 120 from the Indonesian intelligence agency and a small cadre trained in China. The PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) was firmly in evidence and led by an ethnic Arab revolutionary, Sofyan. The PGRS ran some raids into Sarawak but spent more time developing their supporters in Sarawak. The Indonesian military did not approve of the leftist nature of the PGRS and generally avoided them.\n\nConflict", "Beginning of hostilities", "Sukarno's motives for beginning the Confrontation are contested. Former Indonesian Foreign Minister Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung argued years later that Sukarno intentionally muted Indonesia's opposition to the proposed Malaysian state while Indonesia was preoccupied with advancing its claim to West New Guinea. Following Indonesia's diplomatic victory in the West New Guinea dispute, Sukarno may have been emboldened to extend Indonesia's dominance over its weaker neighbours", ". Conversely, Sukarno may have felt compelled by the ongoing pressure of the PKI and the general instability of Indonesian politics to divert attention towards a new foreign conflict.", "In the late 1950s, Sukarno argued that Malaysia was a British puppet state, a neo-colonial experiment and that any expansion of Malaysia would increase British control over the region, with implications for Indonesia's national security. Sukarno strongly opposed the British decolonisation initiative involving the formation of the Federation of Malaysia that would comprise the Malay Peninsula and North Borneo", ". Sukarno accused the new nation of Malaysia of being a British puppet state aimed at establishing neo-imperialism and neo-colonialism in Southeast Asia, and also at containing Indonesian ambition to be the regional hegemonic power.", "However, it was also suggested that Sukarno's campaign against the formation of Malaysia was actually motivated by a desire to unite the Malay Peninsula and the whole island of Borneo under Indonesian rule and to complete the previously abandoned idea of Greater Indonesia or Greater Malay, a concept that aims to unite the Malay race created by Sukarno and Kesatuan Melayu Muda, Ibrahim Yaacob.", "Similarly, the Philippines claimed eastern North Borneo, arguing that the Borneo colony had historical links with the Philippines through the Sulu archipelago.", "However, while Sukarno made no direct claims to incorporate northern Borneo into Indonesian Kalimantan, he saw the formation of Malaysia as an obstacle to the Maphilindo, a non-political, irredentist union spanning Malaya, Philippines and Indonesia. President of the Philippines Diosdado Macapagal initially did not oppose the concept and even initiated the Manila Accord. However, while the Philippines did not engage in hostilities, it did defer recognising Malaysia as the successor state to Malaya", ". Consequently, Malaysia severed diplomatic ties with the Philippines.", "Indonesia argued that the establishment of Malaysia allowed the United Kingdom to maintain her unique privileges regarding the use of the Singapore base and keep close ties to British defense needs in South-East Asia constituted an implied threat", ". Subandrio, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, was careful to explain to Jones that confrontation policy was concerned with Malaya not Malaysia and represented reaction to Malayan and British anti-Djakarta, pro-rebel activity in 1958, and promotion of program to split off Sumatra as diplomatic efforts to settle the Malaysian dispute picked up steam in the summer of 1963 through ministerial and summit level talks in Manila.", "In April 1963, the first recorded infiltration and attack occurred in Borneo. An infiltration force training at Nangabadan was split in two and prepared for its first operation. On 12 April 1963, one infiltration force attacked and seized the police station at Tebedu in the 1st Division of Sarawak, about 40 miles from Kuching and 2 miles from the border with Kalimantan. The other group attacked the village of Gumbang, South West of Kuching, later in the month. Only about half returned", ". Only about half returned. The Confrontation could be said to have started from a military perspective with the Tebedu attack.", "Before Indonesia's declaration of Confrontation against the proposed Malaysian state on 20 January 1963, the Cobbold Commission in 1962 had reported on the viability of a Malaysian state, finding that there was sufficient support in the Borneo colonies for the creation of a larger Malaysian state. However, due to hardening Indonesian and Philippine opposition to the Malaysia proposal, a new round of negotiations was proposed to hear the Indonesian and Philippine points of opposition", ". To resolve the dispute the would-be member states of Malaysia met representatives of Indonesia and the Philippines in Manila for several days, starting on 30 July 1963. Just days before the summit, on 27 July 1963, President Sukarno had continued his inflammatory rhetoric, declaring that he was going to \"crush Malaysia\" ()", ". At the Manila meeting, the Philippines and Indonesia formally agreed to accept the formation of Malaysia if a majority in North Borneo and Sarawak voted for it in a referendum organised by the United Nations. While the fact-finding mission by the UN was expected to begin on 22 August, Indonesian delaying tactics forced the mission to start on 26 August. Nevertheless, the UN expected the report to be published by 14 September 1963.", "Before the Manila meeting, the Malayan Government had set 31 August as the date on which Malaysia would come into existence (coinciding with Malaya's independence day celebrations of 31 August). However, at the Manila negotiations, it was persuaded by the Indonesian and Philippine Governments to postpone Malaysia's inauguration until 15 September 1963 by which time a UN mission was expected to report on whether the two Borneo colonies supported the Malaysia proposal", ". However, following the conclusion of the Manila talks, the Malayan Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman announced that the proposed Malaysian state would come into existence on 16 September 1963, apparently irrespective of the latest UN report.", "North Borneo and Sarawak, anticipating a pro-Malaysian UN report, declared their independence as part of Malaysia on the sixth anniversary of Merdeka Day, 31 August 1963, even before the UN report had been published. On 14 September the UN report was published, once again providing general endorsement of the proposed Malaysian state. Malaysia was formally established on 16 September 1963. Indonesia immediately reacted by expelling the Malaysian Ambassador from Jakarta", ". Indonesia immediately reacted by expelling the Malaysian Ambassador from Jakarta. Two days later, rioters organised by the PKI burned the British embassy in Jakarta. Several hundred rioters ransacked the Singapore embassy in Jakarta and the homes of Singaporean diplomats. In Malaysia, Indonesian agents were captured, and crowds attacked the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur.", "Ongoing campaign of infiltrations", "Even as peace talks progressed and stalled, Indonesia maintained its campaign of infiltrations. On 15 August, a headman reported an incursion in the 3rd Division and a follow-up indicated they were about 50 strong. A series of contacts ensued as 2/6 Gurkhas deployed patrols and ambushes, and after a month, 15 had been killed and three captured. The Gurkhas reported that they were well trained and professionally led, but their ammunition expenditure was high, and their fire discipline broke down", ". The prisoners reported 300 more invaders within a week and 600 in a fortnight. The Battle of Long Jawai was the first major incursion for the centre of the 3rd Division, directed by an RPKAD Major Mulyono Soerjowardojo, who had been sent to Nangabadan earlier in the year. The proclamation of Malaysia in September 1963 meant that Malaysian Army units deployed to Borneo (now East Malaysia).", "The deliberate attack by Indonesian forces on Malaysian troops did not enhance Sukarno's \"anti-imperialist\" credentials, although the Indonesian government tried blaming their Navy Commando Corps (, KKO) as enthusiastic idealists acting independently. They also produced Azahari, who claimed that Indonesian forces were playing no part in active operations. Sukarno next launched a peace offensive and, in late January, declared he was ready for a ceasefire (despite having denied direct Indonesia involvement)", ". Talks started in Bangkok, but border violations continued, and the talks soon failed. They resumed mid-year in Tokyo and failed within days but allowed time for a Thai mission to visit Sarawak and witness smart, well-equipped Indonesian soldiers withdrawing across the border, which they had crossed a short distance away earlier in the day.", "Meanwhile, the Indonesian armed forces led by Lt. General Ahmad Yani became increasingly concerned with the worsening domestic situation in Indonesia and began to secretly contact the Malaysian government, while managing to obstruct the confrontation, reducing it to a minimal level", ". This was implemented to preserve an already exhausted army which had recently conducted Operation Trikora in Western New Guinea, while also maintaining its political position in Indonesian politics, especially against the Communist Party of Indonesia, the ardent supporters of the confrontation.", "Expansion of the conflict to the Malaysian Peninsula", "While the hostility keep raging, on 3 May 1964, Sukarno proclaimed the People's Dual Command or Dwi Komando Rakyat (Dwikora). The Dwikora contained Sukarno's call to defend the Indonesian Revolution and support revolutions in Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah to destroy Malaysia", ". Co-ordinated to coincide with Sukarno's announcement of the 'Year of Living Dangerously' during the Indonesian Independence Day celebrations, Indonesian forces began a campaign of airborne and seaborne infiltrations of the Malaysian Peninsula on 17 August 1964. On 17 August 1964, a seaborne force of about 100, composed of air force Rapid Response Troop (, PGT) paratroopers, KKO and about a dozen Malaysian communists, crossed the Malacca Straits by boat, landing at Pontian in three parties in the night", ". Instead of being greeted as liberators, however, they were contained by various Commonwealth forces, and all but four of the infiltrators were captured within a few days.", "On 2 September, three Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft set off from Jakarta for Peninsular Malaysia, flying low to avoid detection by radar. The following night, two of the C-130 managed to reach their objective with their onboard PGT paratroopers, who jumped off and landed around Labis in Johore (about 100 miles north of Singapore). The remaining C-130 crashed into the Malacca Straits while trying to evade interception by an RAF Javelin FAW 9 launched from RAF Tengah", ". Due to a lightning storm, the drop of 96 paratroopers was widely dispersed. This resulted in them landing close to 1/10 Gurkhas, who were joined by 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (1 RNZIR) stationed near Malacca with 28 (Commonwealth) Brigade. Operations were commanded by four Malaysian Brigade, but it took a month for the security forces to capture or kill 90 of the 96 parachutists, for the loss of two men killed during the action.", "Indonesia's expansion of the conflict to the Malaysian Peninsula sparked the Sunda Straits Crisis, involving the anticipated transit of the Sunda Strait by the British aircraft carrier HMS Victorious and two destroyer escorts. Commonwealth forces were readied for airstrikes against Indonesian infiltration staging areas in Sumatra if further Indonesian infiltrations of the Malaysian Peninsula were attempted. A tense three-week standoff occurred before the crisis was peacefully resolved.", "By the concluding months of 1964, the conflict once again appeared to have reached a stalemate, with Commonwealth forces having placed in check for the moment Indonesia's campaign of infiltrations into Borneo, and more recently, the Malaysian Peninsula", ". However, the fragile equilibrium looked likely to change once again in December 1964 when Commonwealth intelligence began reporting a build-up of Indonesian infiltration forces in Kalimantan opposite Kuching, which suggested the possibility of an escalation in hostilities. Two additional British battalions were subsequently deployed to Borneo", ". Two additional British battalions were subsequently deployed to Borneo. Meanwhile, due to the landings in Malaysia and Indonesia's continued troop build-up, Australia and New Zealand also agreed to begin deploying combat forces to Borneo in early 1965.", "Operation Claret", "Operation Claret was a long-running series of secretive cross-border raids conducted by British Commonwealth forces in Borneo from June 1964 to early 1966. These raids were undertaken by special forces—including the British Special Air Service, Australian Special Air Service Regiment, and New Zealand Special Air Service—as well as regular infantry", ". During the early phases of the conflict, British Commonwealth and Malaysian troops had attempted only to control the border and to protect population centres from Indonesian attacks. However, by 1965 they had decided to take more aggressive action, crossing the border to obtain information and in \"hot pursuit\" of withdrawing Indonesian infiltrators. First approved in May 1965, later they were expanded to include cross-border ambushing in July.", "These patrols—which were highly classified at the time—often involved small reconnaissance teams crossing the border from the Malaysian states of Sarawak or Sabah into Indonesian Kalimantan in order to detect Indonesian forces about to enter East Malaysia. Initially, penetration was limited to but was later extended to , and again to after the Battle of Plaman Mapu in April 1965", ". Conventional follow-up forces of platoon and company size were then directed into position to ambush the Indonesians, either as they crossed the border or often while they were still in Kalimantan. Such operations were to be \"deniable\" and were conducted under a policy of \"aggressive defence\"", ". Such operations were to be \"deniable\" and were conducted under a policy of \"aggressive defence\". Given the sensitivity of these operations and the potential consequences if they were exposed, they were controlled at the highest level and conducted within strict parameters known as the \"Golden Rules\", while the participants were sworn to secrecy.", "Claret was largely successful in gaining the initiative for the British Commonwealth forces before being suspended late in the war, inflicting significant casualties on the Indonesians and keeping them on the defensive on their side of the border. The operations were only publicly disclosed by Britain in 1974, while the Australian government did not officially acknowledge its involvement until 1996.\n\nEasing of tensions", "On the night of 30 September 1965, an attempted coup took place in Jakarta. Six senior Indonesian military leaders were killed, while General Nasution narrowly escaped from his would-be captors. In the ensuing confusion, Sukarno agreed to allow Suharto to assume emergency command and control of Jakarta and the armed forces stationed there", ". Blame for the failed coup was attributed to the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), and in the following weeks and months a campaign of imprisonment and lynching of PKI members and sympathisers broke out across Jakarta and Indonesia. With Suharto's grip on power in Jakarta and Indonesia delicately poised, the scale and intensity of Indonesia's campaign of infiltrations into Borneo began to ease", ". The train of events set off by the failed coup led to Suharto's gradual consolidation of power and marginalisation of Sukarno. At the same time, the anti-communist purge spread throughout Indonesia. Suharto's steady consolidation of power after 30 September events allowed him to form a new government and in March 1967 Suharto was able to form a new cabinet that excluded Sukarno.", "On 28 May 1966, at a conference in Bangkok, the Malaysian and Indonesian governments declared the conflict was over. However, it was unclear if Suharto was in full control of Indonesia (rather than Sukarno), and vigilance in Borneo could not be relaxed. With Suharto's co-operation a peace treaty was signed on 11 August and ratified two days later.", "During Suharto's rise to power Claret operations continued and, in March 1966, a Gurkha battalion was involved in some of the fiercest fighting of the campaign during two raids into Kalimantan. Minor action by Indonesian forces continued in the border area, including an attempt at counter-battery fire against a 105 mm gun position in Central Brigade (reports from locals said the British return fire had turned over the Indonesian gun, thought to be 76 mm).", "At the beginning of 1966, with Indonesia's political hiatus beginning to stabilise (it had stopped a major RPKAD operation to capture a British prisoner), the RPKAD linked up with PGRS to establish guerrilla forces in Sabah and Sarawak. The Sabah effort never crossed the border; however, two groups entered Sarawak in February and May and obtained support from local sympathisers. The first group, despite losses in several contacts, lasted until June and exfiltrated on hearing about the end of Konfrontasi", ". Survivors of the second, after contact with Australian troops, also made it back to Indonesia. However, the final Indonesian incursion was in May and June. Signs of a substantial force were found crossing into Central Brigade. This was some 80 strong, mostly volunteers, led by Lt Sombi (or Sumbi) and a team from 600 Raider Company. They moved fast towards Brunei with 1/7 Gurkhas pursuing and ambushing them; almost all were accounted for", ". In response to this, a final Claret operation was launched, which was an artillery ambush by 38 Light Battery.", "Counter-measures\n\nCommand arrangements", "In early January 1963, the military forces in northern Borneo, having arrived in December 1962 in response to the Brunei Revolt, were under the command of Commander British Forces Borneo (COMBRITBOR), Major General Walter Walker, who was Director of Borneo Operations (DOBOPS) based on Labuan Island and reported directly to the Commander in Chief Far East Forces, Admiral Sir David Luce. Luce was routinely replaced by Admiral Sir Varyl Begg in early 1963", ". Luce was routinely replaced by Admiral Sir Varyl Begg in early 1963. In the middle of 1963, Brigadier Pat Glennie, normally the Brigadier General Staff in Singapore, arrived as Deputy DOBOPS.", "Politico-military authority lay with the Emergency Committees in Sarawak and North Borneo, including their Governors, who were the Commanders in Chief for their colonies. In Brunei, there was a State Advisory Council answerable to the Sultan. After independence, supreme authority changed to the Malaysian National Defence Council in Kuala Lumpur with State Executive Committees in Sabah and Sarawak", ". Military direction was from the Malaysian National Operations Committee jointly chaired by the Chief of the Malaysian Armed Forces Staff, General Tunku Osman, and the Inspector General of Police, Sir Claude Fenner. The British Commander in Chief Far East Forces was a member. DOBOPS regularly attended its meetings.", "Commonwealth order of battle", "British forces in Borneo included Headquarters (HQ) 3 Commando Brigade in Kuching with responsibility for the western part of Sarawak, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions, and HQ 99 Gurkha Infantry Brigade in Brunei responsible for the East, 4th and 5th Divisions, Brunei and Sabah. These HQs had deployed from Singapore in late 1962 in response to the Brunei Revolt", ". These HQs had deployed from Singapore in late 1962 in response to the Brunei Revolt. The ground forces were initially limited to just five UK and Gurkha infantry battalions usually based in Malaya, Singapore and Hong Kong, and an armoured car squadron. The police also deployed several light infantry of Police Field Force companies", ". The police also deployed several light infantry of Police Field Force companies. However, as additional resources became available the size of the force available to Walker expanded, and by the end of 1964 British forces had grown to approximately 14,000 troops organised into three brigades (increased to four in 1965). The naval effort, under DOBOPS command, was primarily provided by minesweepers used to patrol coastal waters and larger inland waterways around Wallace Bay", ". A guardship – a frigate or destroyer – was stationed off Tawau.", "Before Confrontation, no British military units had been stationed in Sabah or Sarawak. As Confrontation developed increasing numbers of troops were required. There were three types of British Army deployment:\nUnits stationed in the Far East for two years did a single 4-month tour (this applied to Australian and NZ);\nGurkha units (all permanently stationed in the Far East) did 6 month tours, generally once every twelve months;", "UK based units (from Army Strategic Command) did 12 month tours including 6 weeks jungle warfare training in West Malaysia.", "The initial air component based in Borneo consisted of detachments from squadrons stationed in Malaya and Singapore. These included Twin Pioneer and Single Pioneer transport aircraft, probably two or three Blackburn Beverley and Handley Page Hastings transports, and about 12 helicopters of various types", ". One of Walker's first \"challenges\" was curtailing the RAF's centralised command and control arrangements and insisting that aircraft tasking for operations in Borneo was by his HQ, not by the RAF Air Command Far East HQ in Singapore. Other aircraft of many types stationed in Malaya and Singapore provided sorties as necessary, including routine transport support into Kuching and Labuan. Rotary wing support included 60 naval and air force troop-lift helicopters and another 40 smaller army variants.", "Patrols within Malaysia were supplied while in the field by RN Wessex and RAF Whirlwind helicopters, initially dropping supplies to the patrols from low level, and later after the patrols had cleared a landing area in the dense jungle, by landing. A test Joint Service deployment of a Westland SR.N5 hovercraft at Tawau was also trialled under Major John Simpson.", "In addition to the ground and air force units, between 1963 and 1966 there were up to 80 ships from the Royal Navy, Royal Australian Navy, Royal Malay Navy, Royal New Zealand Navy and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary. Most of these were patrol craft, minesweepers, frigates and destroyers patrolling the coast-line to intercept Indonesian insurgents", ". One of the two Commando Carriers, HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark, was also committed throughout Confrontation usually in their transport role for troops, helicopters and army aircraft between Singapore and Borneo.", "In the early stages of the conflict, Indonesian forces were under the command of Lieutenant General Zulkipli in Pontianak, on the coast of West Kalimantan about from the border. The Indonesian irregulars, led by Indonesian officers, were thought to number about 1500, with an unknown number of regular troops and local defence irregulars. They were deployed the entire length of the border in eight operational units, mostly facing the 1st and 2nd Divisions", ". The units had names such as \"Thunderbolts\", \"Night Ghosts\" and \"World Sweepers\". However, as the conflict developed, the poorly trained and equipped 'volunteers' had been replaced by regular units. Indonesian forces deployed along the border in Kalimantan increased significantly towards the end of 1964, with estimates of between 15,000 and 30,000 men, up from around 2,500 men in mid-1964.", "Intelligence", "A useful factor in the containment of the Indonesian forces was the use of intelligence. The Royal Signals were able to intercept the Indonesian military communications. The cyphers were decrypted by the Intelligence Corps based at Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) listening stations in Singapore, one of which was RAF Chia Keng which was linked directly to the RAF Far East Air Force headquarters at RAF Changi", ". Intelligence from this may have been used in planning some aspects of Claret cross-border operations.", "British tactics \nSoon after assuming command in Borneo, General Walker issued a directive listing the ingredients for success, based on his experience in the Malayan Emergency:\n Unified operations (army, navy and air force operating fully together)\n Timely and accurate information (the need for continuous reconnaissance and intelligence collection)\n Speed, mobility and flexibility\n Security of bases\n Domination of the jungle", "Speed, mobility and flexibility\n Security of bases\n Domination of the jungle\n Winning the hearts and minds of the people (this was added several months later).", "Walker recognised the difficulties of limited forces and a long border and, in early 1963, was reinforced with an SAS squadron from the UK, which rotated with another mid-year. When the SAS temporarily adopted 3-man instead of 4-man patrols, they could not closely monitor the border. Increasing the capability of the infantry to create a surveillance network was also considered essential.", "Walker raised the Border Scouts, building on Harrison's force of Kelabits, who had mobilised to help intercept the fleeing TNKU forces from the Brunei Revolt. He also utilised the experience of the Royal Marines as well as knowledge of the skill and usefulness of the Sarawak Rangers in the Malayan Emergency. This was approved by the Sarawak government in May as \"auxiliary police\". Walker selected Lieutenant Colonel John Cross, a Gurkha officer with immense jungle experience, for the task", ". A training centre was established in a remote area at Mt. Murat in the 5th Division and staffed mainly by SAS. Border Scouts were attached to infantry battalions and evolved into an intelligence-gathering force by using their local knowledge and extended families. In addition, the Police Special Branch, which had proved so effective during the Malayan Emergency in recruiting sources in the communist organisation, was expanded.", "British jungle tactics were developed and honed during the Malayan Emergency against a clever and elusive enemy. They emphasised travelling lightly, being undetectable and going for many days without resupplying. Being undetectable meant being silent (hand signals, no rattling equipment) and 'odour free'—perfumed toiletries were forbidden (they could be detected a kilometre away by good jungle fighters), and sometimes eating food cold to prevent cooking smells.", "In about 1962, at the end of National Service, British infantry battalions had reorganised into three rifle companies, a support company and an HQ company with logistic responsibilities. Battalion HQ included an intelligence section. Each rifle company was composed of 3 platoons of 32 men each, equipped with light machine guns and self-loading rifles", ". The support company had a mortar platoon with six medium mortars (3-inch mortar until replaced by 81-mm mortar around the end of 1965) organised into three sections, enabling a section to be attached to a rifle company if required. Similarly organised was an anti-tank platoon; there was also an assault pioneer platoon. The machine gun platoon was abolished, but the impending delivery of the 7.62 mm GPMG, with sustained fire kits held by each company, was to provide a medium machine gun capability", ". In the meantime, the Vickers machine gun remained available. The innovation in the new organisation was the formation of the battalion reconnaissance platoon, in many battalions a platoon of \"chosen men\". In Borneo, mortars were usually distributed to rifle companies, and some battalions operated the rest of their support company as another rifle company.", "The basic activity was platoon patrolling; this continued throughout the campaign, with patrols being deployed by helicopter, roping in and out as necessary. Movement was usually single file; the leading section rotated but was organised with two lead scouts, followed by its commander and then the remainder in a fire support group. Battle drills for \"contact front\" (or rear), or \"ambush left\" (or right) were highly developed", ". Battle drills for \"contact front\" (or rear), or \"ambush left\" (or right) were highly developed. Poor maps meant navigation was important; however, the local knowledge of the Border Scouts in Borneo compensated for the poor maps. So tracks were sometimes used unless ambush was considered possible, or there was the possibility of mines. Crossing obstacles such as rivers was also handled as a battle drill. At night, a platoon harboured in a tight position with all-round defence.", "Contact while moving was always possible. However, offensive action usually took two forms: either an attack on a camp or an ambush. The tactic for dealing with a camp was to get a party behind it then charge the front. However, ambushes were probably the most effective tactic and could be sustained for many days. They targeted tracks and, particularly in parts of Borneo, waterways. Track ambushes were close range, , with a killing zone typically long, depending on the expected strength of the target", ". The trick was to remain undetected when the target entered the ambush area and then open fire all together at the right moment.", "Fire support was limited for the first half of the campaign. A commando light battery with 105 mm Pack Howitzers had deployed to Brunei at the beginning of 1963 but returned to Singapore after a few months when the mopping-up of the Brunei Revolt ended", ". Despite the escalation in Indonesian attacks after the formation of Malaysia, little need was seen for fire support: the limited range of the guns (), the limited availability of helicopters and the size of the country meant that having artillery in the right place at the right time was a challenge. However, a battery from one of the two regiments stationed in Malaysia returned to Borneo in early to mid-1964. These batteries rotated until the end of the confrontation", ". These batteries rotated until the end of the confrontation. In early 1965, a complete UK-based regiment arrived. The short-range and substantial weight of the 3-inch mortars meant they were of minimal use.", "Artillery had to adopt new tactics. Almost all guns were deployed in single gun sections within a company or platoon base. The sections were commanded by one of the battery's junior officers, warrant officers or sergeants. Sections had about ten men and did their own technical fire control. They were moved underslung by Wessex or Belvedere helicopters as necessary to deal with incursions or support operations", ". Forward observers were in short supply, but it seems that they always accompanied normal infantry Claret operations and occasionally special forces ones. However, artillery observers rarely accompanied patrols inside Sabah and Sarawak unless they were in pursuit of a known incursion and guns were in range. Observation parties were almost always led by an officer, but only two or three men strong.", "Communications were a problem; radios were not used within platoons, only rearwards. Ranges were invariably beyond the capability of manpack VHF radios (A41 and A42, copies of AN/PRC 9 and 10), although the use of relay or rebroadcast stations helped where they were tactically possible. Patrol bases could use the World War II vintage HF No 62 Set (distinguished by having its control panel labelled in English and Russian)", ". Until the manpack A13 arrived in 1966, the only lightweight HF set was the Australian A510, which did not provide voice, only Morse code.", "British psychological operations \nThe role of the United Kingdom's Foreign Office and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) during the confrontation was brought to light in a series of exposés by Paul Lashmar and Oliver James in The Independent newspaper beginning in 1997 and has also been covered in journals on military and intelligence history.", "The revelations included an anonymous Foreign Office source stating that the decision to unseat President Sukarno was made by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and then executed under Prime Minister Harold Wilson. According to the exposés, the UK had already become alarmed with the announcement of the \"Konfrontasi\" policy. It has been claimed that a Central Intelligence Agency memorandum of 1962 indicated that Macmillan and US President John F", ". Kennedy were increasingly alarmed by the possibility of the Confrontation with Malaysia spreading, and agreed to \"liquidate President Sukarno, depending on the situation and available opportunities\".", "To weaken the regime, the UK Foreign Office's Information Research Department (IRD) coordinated psychological operations (psyops) in concert with the British military, to spread black propaganda casting the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), Chinese Indonesians, and Sukarno in a bad light. These efforts were to duplicate the successes of the British psyop campaign in the Malayan Emergency.", "These efforts were coordinated from the British High Commission in Singapore, where the BBC, Associated Press, and The New York Times filed their reports on the Crisis in Indonesia", ". According to Roland Challis, the BBC correspondent who was in Singapore at the time, journalists were open to manipulation by IRD due to Sukarno's stubborn refusal to allow them into the country: \"In a curious way, by keeping correspondents out of the country Sukarno made them the victims of official channels, because almost the only information you could get was from the British ambassador in Jakarta.\"", "These manipulations included the BBC reporting that communists were planning to slaughter the citizens of Jakarta. The accusation was based on a forgery planted by Norman Reddaway, a propaganda expert with the IRD. He later bragged in a letter to the British ambassador in Jakarta, Sir Andrew Gilchrist, that it \"went all over the world and back again\", and was \"put almost instantly back into Indonesia via the BBC\"", ". Gilchrist himself informed the Foreign Office on 5 October 1965: \"I have never concealed from you my belief that a little shooting in Indonesia would be an essential preliminary to effective change.\"", "In April 2000, Denis Healey, Secretary of State for Defence at the time of the war, confirmed that the IRD was active during this time. He officially denied any role by MI6, and denied \"personal knowledge\" of the British arming of the Army's right-wing faction, though he did comment that if there were such a plan, he \"would certainly have supported it\".", "Although the British MI6 is strongly implicated in this scheme by the use of the Information Research Department (seen as an MI6 office), any role by MI6 itself is officially denied by the UK government, and papers relating to it have yet to be declassified by the Cabinet Office.\n\nBritish Army", "One squadron of the British Army's 22 Special Air Service regiment was deployed to Borneo in early 1963 in the aftermath of the Brunei Revolt to gather information in the border area about Indonesian infiltration. There was a British Army presence until the end of the campaign. Faced with a border of 971 miles, they could not be everywhere, and, at this time, 22 SAS had only three squadrons. Also present were the Special Boat Service (SBS) of the Royal Marine Commandos", ". Also present were the Special Boat Service (SBS) of the Royal Marine Commandos. They had two sections based in Singapore. Tactical HQ of 22 SAS deployed to Kuching in 1964 to take control of all SAS and SBS operations. The shortage of SAS and SBS personnel was exacerbated by the need for them in South Arabia, in many ways, a far more demanding task in challenging conditions against a cunning and aggressive opponent.", "The solution was to create new units for Borneo. The first to be employed in Borneo were the Pathfinder Platoon of the Guards Independent Parachute Company, which already existed as the pathfinder force of 16th Parachute Brigade. Next, the Gurkha Independent Parachute Company was raised. Sections of the SBS were also used, but mostly for amphibious tasks. Finally, the Parachute Regiment battalions formed patrol companies (C in the 2nd and D in the 3rd)", ". Finally, the Parachute Regiment battalions formed patrol companies (C in the 2nd and D in the 3rd). The situation eased in 1965 when the Australian and New Zealand governments agreed that their forces could be used in Borneo, enabling both Australian and New Zealand SAS squadrons to rotate through Borneo.", "SAS activities were mostly covert reconnaissance and surveillance patrols by four-person teams. However, some larger scale raiding missions took place, including amphibious ones by the SBS. Once Claret operations were authorised, most missions were inside Kalimantan, although they conducted operations over the border before Claret from about early 1964.\n\nAftermath", "Aftermath \n\nThe conflict lasted nearly four years; however, following General Suharto's replacement of Sukarno, Indonesian interest in pursuing the war with Malaysia declined, and combat eased. Peace negotiations were initiated during May 1966 before a final peace agreement was ratified on 11 August 1966.", "Although the Indonesians had conducted a few amphibious raids and an airborne operation against Malaya, the war remained limited throughout its duration and remained largely a land conflict. For either side to have escalated to large scale air or naval attacks \"would have incurred disadvantages greatly outweighing the marginal military effect that they might have produced\"", ". The UK Secretary of State for Defence at the time, Denis Healey, described the campaign as \"one of the most efficient uses of military forces in the history of the world\". British Commonwealth forces peaked at 17,000 deployed in Borneo, with another 10,000 more available in Malaya and Singapore.", "Casualties", "Total British Commonwealth military casualties were 280 killed and 180 wounded, the greatest number of them were British. Gurkha losses were 43 killed and 83 wounded, losses among other British armed forces were 19 killed and 44 wounded. Australian casualties were 16 killed, of whom 7 were killed in action, and 9 wounded. New Zealand casualties were 7 killed and another 7 wounded or injured. The remaining casualties were that of the Malaysian military, police, and Border Scouts", ". The remaining casualties were that of the Malaysian military, police, and Border Scouts. A significant number of British casualties occurred during helicopter accidents, including a Belvedere crash that killed several SAS commanders and a Foreign Office official, possibly a member of MI6. A Wessex collision also killed several men from 2nd Parachute Battalion, and a Westland Scout crash, on 16 July 1964, near Kluang airfield, killed the two crewmen from 656 Sqn AAC", ". Finally, in August 1966, there remained two British and two Australian soldiers missing and presumed dead, with the Australians (both from the SASR) probably drowned while crossing a swollen river. The remains of a Royal Marine were recovered some 20 years later. Altogether, 36 civilians were killed, 53 wounded and 4 captured, with most being local inhabitants.", "Indonesian casualties were estimated at 590 killed, 222 wounded and 771 captured.\n\nAwards \nA number of British Commonwealth soldiers awarded gallantry awards for actions during the campaign. No Distinguished Flying Cross or naval awards were made.\n\nAll Indonesian military or police personnel involved in the conflict are given Northern Borneo Military Campaign Medal (). And two Indonesian marines (Usman and Harun) were honoured as National Heroes of Indonesia.\n\nGallery", "See also \n British military history\n Brunei Revolt\n Communist insurgency in Sarawak\n Operation Claret\n Cold War in Asia\n Combat operations in 1963 during the Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation\n Combat operations in 1964 during the Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation\n Combat operations in 1965 during the Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation\n Far East Strategic Reserve\n History of Brunei\n History of Indonesia\n History of Malaysia\n Military history of New Zealand in Malaysia", "History of Indonesia\n History of Malaysia\n Military history of New Zealand in Malaysia\n Indonesia–New Zealand relations#The Sukarno Era\n MacDonald House bombing", "References \n\nNotes\n\nBibliography\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Poulgrain, G. J. (2014). The genesis of konfrontasi: Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia, 1945–1965.\n\nFurther reading", "Further reading \n\n General Assembly 15th Session – The Trusteeship System and Non-Self-Governing Territories (pages:509–510)\n General Assembly 18th Session – the Question of Malaysia (pages:41–44)\n Anonymous. 1964. Gelora Konfrontasi Mengganjang Malaysia. Djakarta: Departemen Penerangan. (Contains Joint Statements of the Manila Agreements, Indonesian presidential decrees and all transcripts of Sukarno's public speeches from July 1963 to May 1964 pertaining the Konfrontasi)\n\nExternal links", "External links\n\n Britain's Small Wars – Borneo\n Scourge of Sukarno: the Gurkhas in Borneo\n\n \n20th-century conflicts\nGuided Democracy in Indonesia\nMilitary history of Indonesia\nMilitary history of Singapore\nHistory of Borneo\nHistory of the Royal Marines\nProtests in Malaysia\nProxy wars\nSukarno\nWars involving Indonesia\nWars involving Australia\nWars involving New Zealand\nWars involving Malaysia\nWars involving the United Kingdom\nWars involving the United States\nArticles containing video clips" ]
List of Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland
[ "This is a list of Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, from its first session in 1921 to suspension in 1972.\n\nThe short titles for these Acts were distinguished from those passed by the Westminster parliament by the insertion of the bracketed words \"Northern Ireland\" between the word \"Act\" and the year. Thus Police Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 was an Act passed by the Parliament of Northern Ireland, whereas the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998 was passed at Westminster.", "As with UK legislation, Northern Ireland's Acts of Parliament were traditionally cited using the regnal year(s) of the parliamentary session in which they became law, though in 1954 this was retrospectively changed to calendar years beginning with 1943. Note that by convention \"(N.I.)\" is also added after the chapter number so as to avoid confusion with Westminster legislation.\n\n\n\n1921–1929\n\n1921", "1921–1929\n\n1921\n\nAppropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1921\n Exchequer and Audit Act (Northern Ireland) 1921 c. 2 (N.I.) [12 Geo. 5]\nLocal Government (Emergency Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1921\nMinistries of Northern Ireland Act (Northern Ireland) 1921 c.6 (N.I.)\nSalaries of Ministerial Offices Act (Northern Ireland) 1921\nSpeaker of the House of Commons Act (Northern Ireland) 1921\nSpeaker of the Senate Act (Northern Ireland) 1921", "1922\nAppropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nAppropriation (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\n Church Temporalities Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 13 (N.I.)\nCivil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 5 (N.I.) [12 & 13 Geo. 5]\nConstabulary Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 8 (N.I.) [12 & 13 Geo. 5]\nExpiring Laws Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 21 (N.I.) [12 & 13 Geo. 5]\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 18 (N.I.)", "Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 18 (N.I.)\nJoint Nursing and Midwives Council Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 10 (N.I.)\nLive Stock Breeding Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 12 (N.I.)\nLoans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nLocal Authorities (Elections and Constitution) (Northern Ireland) Act 1922\nLocal Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nLondonderry Bridge Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nMotor Vehicle Races Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nNational Health Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1922", "National Health Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nReferees and Arbitrators (Procedure) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nSolicitors Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\nUnemployment Insurance (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922\n Uniformity of Laws Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 c. 20 (N.I.)", "1923", "Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nAppropriation (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nBangor Gas Provisional Order Confirmation Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nBasil McCrea Endowments Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nBelfast Water Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nBelfast Corporation Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nCanals (Continuance of Charging Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nCompanies (Reconstitution of Records) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 6 (N.I.)", "Companies (Reconstitution of Records) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 6 (N.I.)\nConsolidated Fund and Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nConstabulary Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nCriminal Evidence Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 13 & 14 Geo. 5 c. 9 (N.I.)\nCriminal Law Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 8 (N.I.)\nDouble Taxation Relief Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 14 (N.I.)\nEducation Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 21 (N.I.)\nElectricity and Gas (Expenses) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923", "Electricity and Gas (Expenses) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nExchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nExpiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nFinance Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 26 (N.I.)\nHousing Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 30 (N.I.)\nIncrease of Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Continuance) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nInspectors of Weights and Measures Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nIntoxicating Liquor Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 12 (N.I.)", "Intoxicating Liquor Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 12 (N.I.)\nLabourers Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nLand Trust (Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nLoans Guarantee (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\n Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 31 (N.I.)\nLocal Government (Franchise) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nLocal Government (Roads) Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 10 (N.I.)\nOffice of Attorney-General Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nPetty Sessions Fees and Administration Act (Northern Ireland) 1923", "Petty Sessions Fees and Administration Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nPromissory Oaths Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nPublic Records Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 20 (N.I.)\nScutch Mills Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nSuperannuation Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nTrade Boards Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 32 (N.I.)\nUnemployment Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1923\nWorkmen's Compensation Act (Northern Ireland) 1923 c. 33 (N.I.)", "1924", "Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nAppropriation (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nAssurance Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nBelfast Corporation Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nBelfast Water Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nChar-a-banc Regulation Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nCommissions of the Peace Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nConsolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nConstabulary (Acquisition of Land) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 17 (N.I.) [14 & 15 Geo. 5]", "Constabulary (Acquisition of Land) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 17 (N.I.) [14 & 15 Geo. 5]\nDangerous Drugs and Poisons (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nDeceased Brother's Widow's Marriage Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 22 (N.I.)\nExchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nExpiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nExplosives Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 5 (N.I.)\nFinance Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 14 & 15 Geo. 5 c. 19 (N.I.)", "Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 14 & 15 Geo. 5 c. 19 (N.I.)\nHousing Acts Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nIllegitimate Children (Affiliation Orders) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 27 (N.I.) [14 & 15 Geo. 5]\nIndustrial Assurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 21 (N.I.)\nLoans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nLocal Government (Financial Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nLondonderry Corporation Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nMarketing of Eggs Act (Northern Ireland) 1924", "Londonderry Corporation Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nMarketing of Eggs Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nMinisters (Temporary Exercise of Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 11 (N.I.) [14 & 15 Geo. 5]\nMinistry of Home Affairs Provisional Order Confirmation (Bangor Water) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nMinistry of Home Affairs Provisional Order Confirmation (Castlerock Waterworks) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nNational Health Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1924", "National Health Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nPrivate Bill Procedure Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 9 (N.I.)\nPublic Libraries Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nTime Act (Northern Ireland) 1924 c. 24 (N.I.)\nUnemployment Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nUnemployment Insurance (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nUnemployment Insurance (Temporary Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1924\nValuation Acts Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1924", "1925", "Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nAppropriation (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nAdministrative Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925 c. 3 (N.I.) [15 & 16 Geo. 5]\nBelfast Corporation Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nCanals (Continuance of Charging Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nCensus Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nCharitable Loan Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\n Civil Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925 c. 2 (N.I.) [15 & 16 Geo. 5]\nCounty Officers and Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 1925", "County Officers and Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nDangerous Drugs Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nDrainage Act (Northern Ireland) 1925 c. 24 (N.I.)\nEducation Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nEducation (Administrative Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nExpiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nFinance Act (Northern Ireland) 1925 c. 30 (N.I.)\nFinance (Estate Duty) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925 c. 9 (N.I.)\nGovernment Loans and Exchequer Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925", "Government Loans and Exchequer Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nHousing Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nIntoxicating Liquor (Finance) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nLocal Authorities (University Grants) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nLoans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nLondon Midland and Scottish Railway Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nMinistry of Home Affairs Provisional Order Confirmation (Londonderry County Borough) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nOld Age Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925", "Old Age Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nPharmacy and Poisons Act (Northern Ireland) 1925 c. 8 (N.I.)\nPublic Health (Milk Regulations) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nRent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nRules Publication Act (Northern Ireland) 1925 c. 6 (N.I.)\nSeed Potatoes Supply Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nSuperannuation Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nUnemployment Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nUnemployment Fund (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925", "Unemployment Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nUnemployment Fund (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nUnemployment Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nUnemployment Insurance (Temporary Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nWidows' Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1925\nWright's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1925", "1926", "Administrative Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 c. 4 (N.I.) [16 & 17 Geo. 5]\nAncient Monuments Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 c. 12 (N.I.)\nAppropriation Act 1926\nAppropriation (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nConsolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nEconomy (Exchequer Belief) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nEmergency Powers Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 c. 8 (N.I.) [16 & 17 Geo. 5]\nExchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nExpiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1926", "Expiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nFinance (Stamp Duty) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 c. 24 (N.I.)\nFirearms (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nHorse Breeding Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 c. 30 (N.I.)\nHousing Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nHousing (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nIndustrial Assurance (Juvenile Societies) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nJury Laws Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 c. 15 (N.I.) [16 & 17 Geo. 5]\nLoans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1926", "Loans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nLoans Guarantee (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nLocal Government (War Service Payments) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nMalone Training School Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nMarketing of Eggs Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nMcCaldin's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nMines (Working Facilities, Support, etc.) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nMotor Vehicles (Traffic and Regulation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nMunicipal Corporations Act (Northern Ireland) 1926", "Municipal Corporations Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nQueen's University of Belfast Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nPensions (Increase) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nPharmacy (Temporary Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nProtection of Animals (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nTeachers' Superannuation Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 c. 16 (N.I.)\nUnemployment Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1926\nUnemployment Insurance (Agreement) Act (Northern Ireland) 1926", "1927", "Agricultural Research Station Act (Northern Ireland) 1927 c. 1 (N.I.)\nAppropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nCarrickfergus Harbour Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nDogs Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nExchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nExpiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nFinance Act (Northern Ireland) 1927 c. 11 (N.I.)\nHorticultural Produce (Sales on Commission) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927 c. 6 (N.I.)\nHousing Act (Northern Ireland) 1927", "Housing Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nIntoxicating Liquor and Licensing Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nLabourers Cottages (Loans) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nLead Paint (Protection against Poisoning) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nLemon's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nLisburn Electric Supply Company (Agreement) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nLoans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nMinistry of Home Affairs Provisional Orders Confirmation Act (Northern Ireland) 1927", "Ministry of Home Affairs Provisional Orders Confirmation Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nNewry Urban District Council Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nOld Age Pensions (Administration) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nPortadown Urban District Council Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nQuarries Act (Northern Ireland) 1927 c.19 (NI)\n Railways (Road Vehicles) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927 c. 9 (N.I.)\nRent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nRiver Bann Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 1927", "River Bann Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nSalaries of Ministerial Offices Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nSale of Milk Act (Northern Ireland) 1927\nTrade Disputes and Trade Unions Act (Northern Ireland) 1927 c. 20 (N.I.)\nWorkmen's Compensation Act (Northern Ireland) 1927 c.16 (NI)\nWorkmen's Compensation (Amendments) Act (Northern Ireland) 1927", "1928", "Administrative Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 14 (N.I.)\nAntrim Electricity Supply Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nAppropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nAppropriation (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nBankers Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 15 (N.I.)\nBelfast Corporation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nBorough Funds Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nCivil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nConsolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1928", "Consolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nConstabulary Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 4 (N.I.)\nDromore Urban District Council Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nEducation Associations Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nEgan's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nExpiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nFinance Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 9 (N.I.)\nFinance (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 29 (N.I.)\nFisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nGame Preservation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 25 (N.I.)", "Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nGame Preservation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 25 (N.I.)\nHampton House School Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nHousing Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nLegitimacy Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 5 (N.I.)\nLoans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nLoans Guarantee (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nLondon Midland and Scottish Railway Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nMarketing of Eggs Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nMarketing of Potatoes Act (Northern Ireland) 1928", "Marketing of Eggs Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nMarketing of Potatoes Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nMcMullan's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nMethodist Church in Ireland Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nMethodist College Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nMinistry of Home Affairs Provisional Order Confirmation (Dromore Waterworks) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nNational Health Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nPoor Relief (Exceptional Distress) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928", "Poor Relief (Exceptional Distress) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nQueen's University of Belfast Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 21 (N.I.)\nRating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 30 (N.I.)\nRent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nRepresentation of the People Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nRoads Improvement Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 10 (N.I.)\nSchool Sites Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 8 (N.I.)", "School Sites Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 8 (N.I.)\nSlaughtered Animals (Compensation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928\nSuperannuation and Other Trust Funds (Validation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 c. 6 (N.I.)\nUnemployment Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1928", "1929", "Adoption of Children Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 15 (N.I.)\nAppropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nBangor Borough Council Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nBankruptcy (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 1 (N.I.)\nBelfast Water Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nBrown's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nBurns's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nCriminal Lunatics Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nDrainage Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 20 (N.I.)\nExchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1929", "Exchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nExpiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nFinance Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nGovernment Loans (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nHouse of Commons (Method of Voting and Redistribution of Seats) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nHousing Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 18 (N.I.)\nIndustrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nIndustrial and Provident Societies (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929", "Industrial and Provident Societies (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nLocal Government (Rating and Finance) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nLoans Guarantee Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nLondonderry Corporation (New Bridge) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nMarketing of Dairy Produce Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nMidwives and Nursing Homes Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 6 (N.I.)\nMinistry of Home Affairs Provisional Order Confirmation (Carrickfergus Water) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929", "Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 21 (N.I.)\nNewry Urban District Council and Newry Port and Harbour Trust Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nNoxious Weeds Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nPatterson's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nPetroleum (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 8 (N.I.)\nPetroleum (Consolidation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 13 (N.I.)\nRankin's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nSchool Teachers (Oath and Declaration) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929", "School Teachers (Oath and Declaration) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nStreet Trading (Regulation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929 c. 9 (N.I.) [20 Geo. 5]\nTimbey's Divorce Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nUnemployment Insurance (Agreement) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nUnemployment Insurance (State Contribution) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nUnemployment Insurance (Transitional Provisions Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1929\nWidows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1929", "1930–1939\n\n1930", "Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Criminal Law and Prevention of Crime (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Education Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Railway and Canal Traffic (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 19 (N.I.)", "Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Tithe Rentcharge and Variable Rents Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Weights and Measures (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1930 c. 16 (N.I.)", "1931\n\n Agricultural Research Station Act (Northern Ireland) 1931 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Electricity (Supply) Act (Northern Ireland) 1931 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1931 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Planning and Housing Act (Northern Ireland) 1931 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Wild Birds Protection Act (Northern Ireland) 1931 c. 14 (N.I.)\n\n1932", "1932\n\n Allotments Act (Northern Ireland) 1932 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1932 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Land Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1932 c. 16 (N.I.)\n Mental Treatment Act (Northern Ireland) 1932 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Slaughter of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 1932 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Valuation Acts Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1932 c. 26 (N.I.)\n\n1933", "Administrative Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Agricultural Marketing Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Ardglass Dock and Harbour Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Destructive Imported Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 28 (N.I.)", "Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Grey Seals Protection Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Legislative Procedure Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Moneylenders Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Probates and Letters of Administration Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 16 (N.I.)\n Stormont Regulation and Government Property Act (Northern Ireland) 1933 c. 6 (N.I.)", "1934\n\n Finance (Stamp Duties) Act (Northern Ireland) 1934 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1934 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act (Northern Ireland) 1934 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Railways Act (Northern Ireland) 1934 c. 5 (N.I.)\n\n1935\n\n Summary Jurisdiction and Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1935 c. 13 (N.I.) [25 & 26 Geo. 5]\n\n1936", "1936\n\n Canals and Inland Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 1936 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1936 c. 33 (N.I.)\n Finance (Companies Stamp Duty) Act (Northern Ireland) 1936 c. 23\n Local Government (Finance) Act (Northern Ireland) 1936 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Old Age Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1936 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Revaluation (Consequential Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1936 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Unemployment Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1936 c. 30 (N.I.)\n\n1937", "1937\n\n Advertisements Regulation Act (Northern Ireland) 1937 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Arbitration Act (Northern Ireland) 1937 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1937\n Finance (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1937 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1937 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Petroleum (Transfer of Licences) Act (Northern Ireland) 1937 c. 4 (N.I.)\n\n1938", "1938\n\n Air-Raid Precautions Act (Northern Ireland) 1938 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 1938 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1938 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Solicitors Act (Northern Ireland) 1938 c. 14 (N.I.)\n University and Collegiate and Scientific Institutions Act (Northern Ireland) 1938 c. 18 (N.I.)\n\n1939", "Agricultural Returns Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 35 (N.I.)\n Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Civil Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Essential Buildings and Plant (Repair of War Damage) Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 34 (N.I.)\n Evidence Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Finance (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Hairdressers Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 3 (N.I.)", "Hairdressers Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Housing (Emergency Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 32 (N.I.)\n Infanticide Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Liability for War Damage (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 36 (N.I.)\n Local Government Staffs (War Service) Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 27 (N.I.)\n Matrimonial Causes Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Teachers' Salaries and Superannuation (War Service) Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 c. 33 (N.I.)", "1940–1949", "1940\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Finance (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Hire Purchase Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Ministries Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Prevention of Frauds (Investments) Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Truck Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 21 (N.I.)", "Truck Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Workmens' Compensation (Supplementary Allowance) Act (Northern Ireland) 1940 c. 18 (N.I.)", "1941\n\n Clogher Valley Railway and Roads Act (Northern Ireland) 1941 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Excessive Rents (Prevention) Act (Northern Ireland) 1941 c. 20 (N.I.) [5 & 6 Geo. 6]\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1941 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Landlord and Tenant (War Damage) Act (Northern Ireland) 1941 c. 9 (N.I.) [5 & 6 Geo. 6]\n Superannuation Schemes (War Service) Act (Northern Ireland) 1941 c. 6 (N.I.)", "1942\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1942 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Finance (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1942 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Housing (Temporary Accommodation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1942 c. 4 (N.I.) [6 & 7 Geo. 6]\n\n1943\n Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1943 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1943 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Rent Restriction Law (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1943 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Workmens' Compensation (Temporary Increases) Act (Northern Ireland) 1943 c. 13 (N.I.)\n\n1944", "Accidental Fires Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Clogher Valley Railway Company (Winding-up) Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Constabulary Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Housing (Requisitioning of Premises) Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Marriage (Declaration of Law) Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Ministries Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 14 (N.I.)", "Ministries Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Planning (Interim Development) Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Rent Restriction (Defective Tenancies) Act (Northern Ireland) 1944 c. 6 (N.I.)", "1945", "Bee Pest Prevention Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Belfast County Borough Administration Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Disabled Persons (Employment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Housing Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Indictments Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 16 (N.I.)\n Industries Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Medicines, Pharmacy and Poisons Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 9 (N.I.)", "Medicines, Pharmacy and Poisons Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Summary Jurisdiction (Separation and Maintenance) Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Wages Councils Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Water Supplies and Sewerage Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 c. 17 (N.I.)", "1946", "Elections and Franchise Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Finance (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Housing and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Housing (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Loans Guarantee and Borrowing Regulation Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 18 (N.I.)", "Loans Guarantee and Borrowing Regulation Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 18 (N.I.)\n Local Government Elections (Validation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 27 (N.I.)\n Marriage and Matrimonial Causes Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 16\n Ministries Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 11 (N.I.)\n National Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 23 (N.I.)\n National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Nurses Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 15 (N.I.)", "Nurses Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Perjury Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Public Health (Tuberculosis) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Shops Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Summary Jurisdiction (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946 c. 5 (N.I.)", "1947", "Assurance Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Drainage Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Education Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Finance (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Frustrated Contracts Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Safeguarding of Employment Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 24 (N.I.)", "Safeguarding of Employment Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Small Dwellings Acquisition Act (Northern Ireland) 1947 c. 8 (N.I.)", "1948", "Development of Tourist Traffic Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Development Services Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Electricity (Supply) Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 18 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Health Services Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Housing Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 22 (N.I.)", "Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Mental Health Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 17 (N.I.)\n National Assistance Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Roads Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Small Dwellings Acquisition Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 1948 c. 16", "1949", "Agriculture Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Constabulary (Pensions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Exchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Public Health and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 21 (N.I.)", "Marketing of Poultry Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Statistics of Trace Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Superannuation Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Welfare Services Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 c. 1 (N.I.)", "1950–1959\n\n1950", "Adoption of Children Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Civil Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Company Law Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Control of Greyhounds etc. Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Employment and Training Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 29 (N.I.)\n Erne Drainage and Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 15 (N.I.)", "Erne Drainage and Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Exchequer and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1950\n Finance (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 32 (N.I.)\n Local Government (Superannuation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Milk Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Probation Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 c. 7 (N.I.)", "1951", "Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Age of Marriage Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Appropriation (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Consolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Criminal Procedure Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Education (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 10 (N.I.)", "Education (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Expiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 27 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Finance Act 1948 (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Game Law Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Health services (Hospitals Endowments) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Housing Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Judicial Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 20 (N.I.)", "Judicial Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Public Order Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Rent Restriction Law (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Short Titles Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Statutory charges Register Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 28 (N.I.)", "Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Transport (Special Inquiries) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Workmens' Compensation (Supplementation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 c. 16 (N.I.)", "1952", "Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) Act 1952 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Appropriation (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Consolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Development of Tourist Traffic (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Expiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Exported Animals (Compensation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 24 (N.I.)", "Exported Animals (Compensation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Foyle Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 5 (N.I.)\n House to House Charitable Collections Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Married Women (Restraint Upon Anticipation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Ministerial Offices Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 15 (N.I.) [1 & 2 Eliz. 2]\n The Queen's University of Belfast (Trusts) Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 22 (N.I.)", "The Queen's University of Belfast (Trusts) Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Statute Law Revision Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 c. 1 (N.I.)", "1953", "Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Appropriation (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Consolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Control of Fertilizers Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 33 (N.I.)\n Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Education (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Expiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 34 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 23 (N.I.)", "Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Great Northern Railway Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Juries Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Miscellaneous Transferred Excise Duties Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 18 (N.I.)\n Public Works &c Loans Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Re-equipment of Industry (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 8 (N.I.)", "Re-equipment of Industry (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Repeal of Unnecessary Laws Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Slaughter-Houses Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Statute Law Revision Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Summary Jurisdiction Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Valuation Acts Amendment Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 c. 10 (N.I.)", "1954", "Administration of Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Agriculture (Poisonous Substances) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Agriculture (Temporary Assistance) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Appropriation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Appropriation (Number 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Charitable Trusts (Validation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 27 (N.I.)\n Common Informers Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 11 (N.I.)", "Common Informers Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Consolidated Fund Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Excise (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Expiring Laws Continuance Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Flags and Emblems (Display) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 10 (N.I.) [2 & 3 Eliz. 2]", "Flags and Emblems (Display) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 10 (N.I.) [2 & 3 Eliz. 2]\n General Dealers (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Inland Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 33 (N.I.) [2 & 3 Eliz. 2]\n Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Marriages Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Pawnbrokers Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 30 (N.I.)", "Pawnbrokers Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 30 (N.I.)\n Rents Tribunals (Extension of Jurisdiction) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 16 (N.I.)\n Statute Law Revision Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 35 (N.I.)\n Statutory Rules Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Vaughan's Charity (Administration) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Vehicles (Excise) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 17 (N.I)\n Wills (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 c. 20 (N.I.)", "1955", "Administration of Estates Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Consolidated Fund (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Defamation Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Government Property (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Lough Neagh and Lower Bann Drainage and Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 15 (N.I.)", "Lough Neagh and Lower Bann Drainage and Navigation Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Public Health and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 c. 13 (N.I.)", "1956\n\n Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1956 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Education (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1956 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Educational Endowments (Confirmation of Schemes) Act (Northern Ireland) 1956 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1956 4 & 5 Eliz. 2 c. 11\n Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) and Rent Restriction Law (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1956 c. 10 (N.I.)\n\n1957", "1957\n\n Agriculture (Temporary Assistance) (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1957 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1957 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Friendly Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1957 c. 1 (N.I.)\n King George VI Memorial Youth Council Act (Northern Ireland) 1957 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Marketing of Eggs Act (Northern Ireland) 1957 c. 27 (N.I.)\n Occupiers' Liability Act (Northern Ireland) 1957 c. 25 (N.I.)\n\n1958", "Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Hotel Proprietors Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 32 (N.I.)\n Recreational Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 16 (N.I.)\n Statutory Rules Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 18 (N.I.)\n Summary Jurisdiction and Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Trading Representations (Disabled Persons) Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 24 (N.I.)", "Trading Representations (Disabled Persons) Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Trustee Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 c. 23 (N.I.)", "1959\n\n Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Coroners Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 c. 15 (N.I.)\n County Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 7 & 8 Eliz. 2 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Minerals (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 c. 17 (N.I.)\n\n1960–1969\n\n1960", "1960–1969\n\n1960\n\n Attempted Rape, etc., Act (Northern Ireland) 1960 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1960 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Inheritance (Family Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 1960 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Mortmain (Repeals) Act (Northern Ireland) 1960 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Resident Magistrates' Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1960 c. 2 (N.I.)\n\n1961", "1961\n\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1961 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Housing Act (Northern Ireland) 1961 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Legitimacy Act (Northern Ireland) 1961 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Mental Health Act (Northern Ireland) 1961 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Rights of Light Act (Northern Ireland) 1961 c. 18 (N.I.)\n\n1962", "Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Agricultural Produce (Meat Regulation and Pig Industry) Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Foyle Fisheries (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Human Tissue Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 19 (N.I.)", "Human Tissue Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Public Health and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 c. 12 (N.I.)", "1963\n\n Caravans Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Housing Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Recorded Delivery Service Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Stock Transfer Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 c. 24 (N.I.)\n\n1964", "Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Agricultural Marketing Acts (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Business Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 36 (N.I.)\n Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 33 (N.I.)\n Emergency Powers (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 34 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 26 (N.I.)", "Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Lands Tribunal and Compensation Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 29 (N.I.)\n Law Reform (Husband and Wife) Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Magistrates' Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Marketing of Potatoes Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Petroleum (Production) Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Pig Production Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 c. 25 (N.I.)", "1965", "Administrative and Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Contracts of Employment and Redundancy Payments Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 19 (N.I.)\n Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 16 (N.I.)\n Land Development Values (Compensation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 23 (N.I.)", "Land Development Values (Compensation) Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Ministerial Salaries and Members' Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 18\n New Towns Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Seeds Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Trading Stamps Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 c. 6 (N.I.)", "1966", "Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Hire-Purchase Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 42 (N.I.)\n Horticulture Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Inalienable Lands Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 38 (N.I.)\n Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 35 (N.I.)", "Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 35 (N.I.)\n Matrimonial Causes (Reports) Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 29 (N.I.)\n National Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 6 (N.I.)\n National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 9 (N.I.)\n New Universities (Acquisition of Land) Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Office and Shop Premises Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Perpetuities Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 2 (N.I.)", "Perpetuities Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Superannuation (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1966 c. 27 (N.I.)", "1967", "Administration of Estates (Small Payments) Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Criminal Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 18 (N.I.)\n Diseases of Fish Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Fishing Vessels (Grants) Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 8. (N.I.)\n Increase of Fines Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 29 (N.I.)", "Increase of Fines Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 29 (N.I.)\n Livestock Marketing Commission Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Misrepresentation Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Plant Health Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Public Health Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 36 (N.I.)\n Superannuation Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 37 (N.I.)\n Weights and Measures Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 c. 6 (N.I.)", "1968", "Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 34 (N.I.)\n Costs in Criminal Cases Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Development Loans (Agriculture and Fisheries) Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Family Allowances and National Insurance Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 17 (N.I.)", "Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 17 (N.I.)\n Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Fisheries (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Insurance Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Legislative Procedure Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Malone and Whiteabbey Training Schools Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 7 (N.I.)\n New Towns (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 33 (N.I.)\n Poultry Improvement Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 12 (N.I.)", "Poultry Improvement Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Public Expenditure and Receipts Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Treatment of Offenders Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 c. 29 (N.I.)", "1969", "Adoption (Hague Convention) Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Age of Majority Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 28 (N.I.)\n Census Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 8 (N.I.)\n Commissioner for Complaints Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Community Relations Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 26 (N.I.)\n Family Provision Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 38 (N.I.)\n Firearms Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 12 (N.I.)", "Firearms Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 12 (N.I.)\n Grand Jury (Abolition) Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Industrial and Provident Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Livestock Marketing Commission (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Marketing of Eggs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 33 (N.I.)\n Mineral Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 35 (N.I.)\n Mines Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 6 (N.I.)", "Mines Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Parliamentary Commissioner Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 10\n Protection of the Person and Property Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 29 (N.I.)\n Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Theft Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 c. 16 (N.I.)", "1970–1972\n\n1970", "Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 20 (N.I.)\n Criminal Justice (Temporary Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 22 (N.I.)\n Equal Pay Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 32 (N.I.)\n Explosives Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Friendly Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Harbours Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 1 (N.I.)\n Land Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 18 (N.I.)", "Land Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 18 (N.I.)\n Lough Neagh Drainage (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Magee University College Londonderry Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 16 (N.I.)\n Police Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Prevention of Incitement to Hatred Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 24 (N.I.)\n Printed Documents Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 30 (N.I.)", "Printed Documents Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 30 (N.I.)\n Public Order (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Registration of Deeds Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 25 (N.I.)\n Road Traffic Act (Northern Ireland) 1970 c. 2 (N.I.)", "1971", "Administration of Estates Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 31 (N.I.)\n Civil Evidence Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 36 (N.I.)\n Criminal Procedure (Majority Verdicts) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 37 (N.I.)\n Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 27 (N.I.)\n Financial Provisions Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Housing Executive Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 5 (N.I.)\n Indecent Advertisements (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 18 (N.I.)", "Indecent Advertisements (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 18 (N.I.)\n Leasehold (Enlargement and Extension) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 7 (N.I.)\n Licensing Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 13 (N.I.)\n Local Government Boundaries Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Nursing Homes and Nursing Agencies Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 32 (N.I.)\n Pensions (Increase) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 35 (N.I.)\n Planning and Land Compensation Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 23 (N.I.)", "Planning and Land Compensation Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 23 (N.I.)\n Powers of Attorney Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 33 (N.I.)\n Resettlement Services Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 10 (N.I.)\n Social Services (Parity) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 21 (N.I.)\n Transport (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 14 (N.I.)\n Welfare Services Act (Northern Ireland) 1971 c. 2 (N.I.)", "1972", "Agriculture (Abolition of County Committees) Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 15 (N.I.)\n Evidence of Alibi Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 6 (N.I.)\n Fish Industry Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 4 (N.I.)\n Housing on Farms Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 3 (N.I.)\n Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 9 (N.I.)\n Miscellaneous Transferred Excise Duties Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 11 (N.I.)\n Public Utilities (Emergency Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 2 (N.I.)", "Public Utilities (Emergency Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 2 (N.I.)\n Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 c. 7 (N.I.)", "See also\nList of Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly\nList of Orders in Council for Northern Ireland\n\nReferences\n\nSources\nThe Statute Law Database has the revised statutes of Northern Ireland (incorporating changes made by legislation up to 31 December 2005) and the Acts made since that date.\nThe Belfast Gazette: Archive\n\nNorthern Ireland\nNorthern Ireland politics-related lists\n \nNorthern Ireland law-related lists" ]
Troy Polamalu
[ "Troy Aumua Polamalu (; born Troy Benjamin Aumua; April 19, 1981) is an American former professional football player who spent his entire 12-year career as a safety for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL). An eight-time Pro Bowl and six-time All-Pro selection, he was inducted into the Pro Football Hall Of Fame in 2020, his first year of eligibility.", "Polamalu played college football for the USC Trojans, earning first-team All-American honors. He was chosen by the Steelers in the first round of the 2003 NFL Draft. He was a member of two Steelers' Super Bowl championship teams and was the NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 2010. He was also the head of player relations of the Alliance of American Football", ". He was also the head of player relations of the Alliance of American Football. Known for his \"range, explosiveness, and impact on the field,\" Polamalu is commonly considered one of the greatest safeties in NFL history, and is credited with playing a key role in the Steelers' success during the 2000s.", "Early years", "Polamalu was born in Garden Grove, California. His mother is Suila Polamalu. Polamalu is of American Samoan descent. He is the youngest of five children. His father left the family soon after Polamalu was born. Polamalu spent his early years in Santa Ana, California. At age eight, Polamalu vacationed in Tenmile, Oregon with his aunt and uncle for three weeks; afterwards, he begged his mother to let him live in Oregon", ". Concerned about the negative influences in nearby Los Angeles, Polamalu's mother sent him to Oregon to live with his uncle, aunt, and cousins when he was nine years old. Polamalu described his uncle, Salu Polamalu, as a disciplinarian who kept him straight.", "Polamalu graduated from Douglas High School in Winston, Oregon. While there, he played high school football. Following his junior season, Polamalu was named to the All-State first team and was the All-Far West League Offensive Most Valuable Player for Douglas High, which achieved a 9–1 record. He rushed for 1,040 yards with 22 touchdowns and had 310 receiving yards. On defense, he made 65 tackles and had eight interceptions", ". On defense, he made 65 tackles and had eight interceptions. Despite playing in only four games during his senior season due to injury, he was named to the 1998 Super Prep All-Northwest team, Tacoma News Tribune Western 100, and the All-Far West League second team. As a two-way player, Polamalu rushed for 671 yards with nine touchdowns and had three interceptions.", "Polamalu also played high school baseball and basketball, where he received all-state and all-league honors.\n\nCollege career\nPolamalu received an athletic scholarship to attend the University of Southern California (USC), and played for the Trojans from 1999 to 2002. \"I believe God named me Troy for a reason\", he said (Troy was the ancient capital of the Trojans). \"I was born to come here.\"", "Freshman season\nPolamalu began his college career in 1999 as a true freshman, playing backup at safety and linebacker, while also contributing on special teams. While playing in eight games, he recorded 12 tackles, two sacks, and two forced fumbles. Against Louisiana Tech, he showed his effectiveness on special teams, blocking a punt. His freshman season was cut short when he suffered a concussion at practice. The injury sidelined him for four games.", "Sophomore season", "The 2000 season marked the beginning of Polamalu's career. He opened his season starting against Penn State, and recorded only two tackles but made an interception for a 43-yard touchdown. While playing against Colorado, he made five tackles and recovered a fumble that set up a Trojan touchdown. The next game, he again recorded five tackles and also sacked Oregon State's quarterback. During a game against Oregon, he ended the game with 13 tackles, two tackles for a loss, and one interception", ". Later on, against Stanford, he made 11 tackles in the game. He set a career-high with 14 tackles against Arizona State and tied that mark against Notre Dame. This marked his first year starting all 12 games at strong safety and he closed out 2000 with 83 tackles, five tackles-for-loss, one sack, two interceptions, and one touchdown.", "Junior season", "In 2001, he had the best year of his college career. He started the season by being voted as the team captain, and in the season opener he recorded seven tackles and one tackle for a loss against San Jose State. Against Kansas State, he had a game-high 13 tackles, three tackles for a loss, and one forced fumble. Polamalu continued his dominance against Stanford, making a game-high 10 stops, one tackle for a loss, and his first blocked punt of the season", ". In the next game against Washington he had a game-high 13 tackles, two tackles for a loss, an interception that he returned for a 22-yard touchdown. Throughout the next four games, Polamalu continued to have the most tackles in each game. He had a streak of six games in a row and eight total in the season where he led both teams in tackles. Against Oregon State, he accumulated a game-high 11 tackles, two tackles for a loss, two pass deflections, one forced fumble, and a blocked punt that USC recovered", ". His streak ended against California, when he had four tackles, but made a game-deciding play with an interception that he returned for a 58-yard touchdown. The next week, the Trojans played their rival, UCLA. Polamalu had two tackles but made key plays when he blocked a punt and made an interception that set up key field goals for USC. He won his first PAC-10 Defensive Player of the Week", ". He won his first PAC-10 Defensive Player of the Week. USC went on to the Las Vegas Bowl against Utah and Polamalu made a career-high 20 tackles, and three tackles for a loss. He finished his junior campaign with a team-high 118 tackles, 13 tackles for a loss, one sack, three interceptions, two forced fumbles, one fumble recovery, three blocked punts, and two touchdowns. Polamalu won USC's MVP award and was voted a first-team All-American by Football Writers and College and Pro Football News Weekly", ". The Associated Press voted him second-team All-American.", "Senior season", "For his last season, Polamalu continued to uphold his big play reputation. After being voted team captain for the second consecutive year, he opened the 2002 season with seven tackles and one tackle for a loss in a victory over Auburn. The Trojans faced #18 Colorado in the second game and Polamalu had a team-high 11 tackles. His performance in the 40–3 blowout over Colorado won him Pac-10 Defensive Player of the Week", ". His performance in the 40–3 blowout over Colorado won him Pac-10 Defensive Player of the Week. In the fifth game of the season, he injured his ankle on the first defensive series against #17 Washington State. After sitting out a game, he returned against #22 Washington and recorded five tackles and returned an interception 33 yards. Polamalu then disrupted Stanford for the third year in a row, accumulating a season-high 13 tackles, two tackles for a loss, and one sack", ". He played his last college game in the Orange Bowl against #3 Iowa. A hamstring injury sidelined him for the majority of the game. Polamalu finished his senior season with 68 tackles, nine tackles for a loss, three sacks, one interception, and three forced fumbles. He was voted a first team All-American by the Associated Press, Football Writers, ESPN.com, and Walter Camp, making him the first Trojan to be a two-time first-team All-American since Tony Boselli in 1992.", "Polamalu finished his college career with 278 tackles, 29 tackles for a loss, six interceptions, four blocked punts, and three touchdowns.\n\nProfessional career", "2003", "In the last game of his college career in the Orange Bowl, Polamalu injured his knee in pre-game warm-ups and had very limited action in the game that day. The injury also caused Polamalu to miss the Senior Bowl and 2003 NFL Combine. On March 12, 2003, Polamalu participated at USC's pro day, along with Carson Palmer, Justin Fargas, Kareem Kelly, Sultan McCullough, Malaefou MacKenzie, and others. He performed the three-cone drill (6.75), short shuttle (4.37), and 40-yard dash (4", ". He performed the three-cone drill (6.75), short shuttle (4.37), and 40-yard dash (4.33) for NFL team representatives and scouts.", "The Pittsburgh Steelers initially had a verbal agreement with Dexter Jackson, who was the reigning Super Bowl MVP with the 2003 Tampa Bay Buccaneers. With an agreement in place with Jackson, the Steelers focused on drafting a running back in the first round. On March 12, 2003, Jackson signed with the Arizona Cardinals after they added $2 million to their offer and increased his salary by $2.3 million in the first three-years.", "Polamalu was projected to be a late-first or early-second-round pick by the majority of NFL draft experts and scouts. He was ranked the top strong safety prospect by BLESTO and National Scouting Combines. The Steelers selected Polamalu in the first round (16th overall) in the 2003 NFL Draft.", "The San Diego Chargers, who had the 15th overall pick, had a major need at safety to replace Rodney Harrison but passed on the opportunity to select Polamalu by trading down and getting Sammy Davis and Terrence Kiel. The Steelers quickly made a move to bring Polamalu to their team. The Steelers believed so much that Polamalu could have a positive impact on their defense that they traded up from the 27th spot to the 16th spot, originally held by the Chiefs", ". The Steelers traded away the 92nd and 200th overall picks for the rights to switch first-round picks. The Kansas City Chiefs went on to draft Larry Johnson, Julian Battle, and Brooks Bollinger (the Bollinger pick was subsequently traded to the Jets in the same draft) with the picks acquired from the trade. He has the distinction of being one of only two safeties ever drafted by the Steelers in the first round of an NFL Draft; the other being Terrell Edmunds in 2018.", "On July 28, 2003, the Steelers signed Polamalu after a short hold out to a five-year, $12.10 million contract.\n\nOn July 29, 2003, Polamalu arrived at training camp after missing the start of it due to a hamstring injury and competed with veteran Mike Logan in training camp for the vacant starting strong safety job left by Lee Flowers.", "Polamalu made his professional regular season debut in the Steelers' season-opening 34–15 victory over the Baltimore Ravens. The following week, he made his first career tackle and finished with two solo tackles during a 20–41 loss at the Kansas City Chiefs. On November 30, 2003, he made four combined tackles and had his first career sack on Cincinnati Bengals' quarterback Jon Kitna, in a 20–24 loss", ". On December 23, 2003, Polamalu recorded a season-high six combined tackles in a 13–6 win against the Cleveland Browns. He finished his rookie season in with a total of 38 combined tackles (30 solo) and four passes defensed in 16 games and zero starts. Throughout the season, he was the backup strong safety and played primarily on special teams and in dime packages. Defensive coordinator Tim Lewis was fired after the 2003 season.", "2004", "Head coach Bill Cowher named Polamalu the starting strong safety over Mike Logan to start the season and made his first career start in the Steelers' season-opener against the Oakland Raiders. He made seven combined tackles in their 24–21 victory. The following week, he made a season-high 11 combined tackles, as the Steelers lost 30–13 to the Baltimore Ravens. On September 26, 2004, Polamalu recorded six combined tackles, deflected a pass, and made his first career interception off a pass from A. J", ". J. Feeley during a 13–3 victory over the Miami Dolphins. In Week 4, he made six combined tackles, two pass deflections, and intercepted a pass attempt by Carson Palmer and returned it for a 26-yard touchdown during the Steelers' 28–17 victory over the Cincinnati Bengals. In Week 10, against the Cleveland Browns, he earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week", ". In Week 10, against the Cleveland Browns, he earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week. In his first season under new defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau, Polamalu finished with a career-high 96 combined tackles (67 solo), ten pass deflections, five interceptions, and one touchdown in 16 games and 16 starts. He was named to the 2005 Pro Bowl for the first time.", "The Steelers finished first atop the AFC North with a 15–1 record. On January 15, 2005, Polamalu started his first career playoff game and collected seven combined tackles, deflected a pass, and intercepted New York Jets' quarterback Chad Pennington, during the Steelers' 20–17 victory in the AFC Divisional Round. The Steelers were eliminated the following week after losing 41–27 in the AFC Championship to the eventual Super Bowl XXXIX Champions, the New England Patriots.", "2005", "He returned as the starting strong safety in 2005 and started the Steelers' season-opener against the Tennessee Titans. Polamalu recorded three solo tackles, deflected a pass, and intercepted Steve McNair during the 34–7 victory. On September 18, 2005, Polamalu had six solo tackles and sacked Houston Texans' quarterback David Carr three times during a 27–7 victory. He set the NFL record for the most sacks by a safety in a single game", ". He set the NFL record for the most sacks by a safety in a single game. On October 31, 2005, he collected a season-high ten combined tackles in a 20–19 victory over the Baltimore Ravens. The Steelers received a playoff berth after finishing second in the AFC North with an 11–5 record. Polamalu finished the season with 91 combined tackles (73 solo), six pass deflections, and two interceptions in 16 games and 16 starts. The 2006 Pro Bowl was his second consecutive Pro Bowl appearance", ". The 2006 Pro Bowl was his second consecutive Pro Bowl appearance. In addition, he was named as a First Team All-Pro.", "On January 8, 2006, Polamalu made six combined tackles and intercepted a pass in a 31–17 victory over the Cincinnati Bengals in the AFC wild card game. On February 5, 2006, he started in his first career Super Bowl and collected five combined tackles in the Steelers' 21–10 win against the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XL.", "2006", "In the Steelers' season-opener against the Miami Dolphins, Polamalu collected a season-high ten combined tackles, defended two passes, and intercepted a pass attempt by Joey Harrington in the Steelers 28–17 victory. On October 15, 2006, he recorded a season-high nine solo tackles, a season-high three pass deflections, and returned an interception for 49-yards during a 45–7 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. He earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week for his game against the Chiefs", ". He earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week for his game against the Chiefs. He missed Weeks 13–15 with a shoulder injury. Polamalu finished the season with 76 combined tackles (57 solo), seven pass deflections, and three interceptions in 13 games and 13 starts. He was voted to his third consecutive Pro Bowl and started the 2007 Pro Bowl at strong safety.", "2007\n\nOn July 23, 2007, the Steelers signed Polamalu to a four-year contract extension worth $30.19 million with $15.37 million guaranteed. The contract made him the highest paid safety in the league, but was surpassed by Bob Sanders on December 28, 2007, when he was signed to a five-year, $37.5 million contract with $20 million in guarantees.", "In an article on ESPN.com, Polamalu said, \"I did not want to be a player who is jumping from team to team.\" Polamalu had repeatedly expressed his intent on staying with the Steelers.", "He remained the starting strong safety under new head coach Mike Tomlin. On September 23, 2007, Polamalu recorded an eight combined tackles and made a pass deflection, as the Steelers defeated the San Francisco 49ers 37–16. He was unable to play in a Week 5 contest against the Seattle Seahawks with an abdominal injury. During a Week 15 matchup against the Jacksonville Jaguars, he had a season-high ten combined tackles and a pass deflection in a 22–29 loss", ". Polamalu had an injury plagued season and missed Weeks 12–14 with a sprained knee. He finished the 2007 season with 58 combined tackles (45 solo) and nine pass deflections in 12 games and 11 starts.", "Polamalu was named a reserve to the 2008 Pro Bowl despite having no interceptions and only playing in 11 games during the 2007 season.", "2008", "Polamalu suffered a hamstring injury during his off-season workout and missed the entire 2008 training camp. He started the Steelers' season-opener against the Houston Texans and recorded three solo tackles, deflected a pass, and intercepted a pass attempt by Matt Schaub during their 38–17 victory. The following week, he had his second consecutive interception and four solo tackles as the Steelers defeated the Cleveland Browns, 10–6", ". He earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week for his game against the Browns. During a Week 3 contest against the Philadelphia Eagles, Polamalu made five solo tackles, deflected a pass, and intercepted a pass attempt by Donovan McNabb during a 15–6 loss. This marked his third consecutive game with an interception. On November 16, 2008, he collected three solo tackles, defended a pass, and intercepted a pass by San Diego Chargers' quarterback Philip Rivers, in an 11–10 victory", ". A fumble he returned for a touchdown at the end of the game was taken off the board as the officials ruled that San Diego had made an illegal forward pass, although head referee Scott Green admitted after the game that the touchdown should have been counted. On December 7, 2008, Polamalu recorded a season-high nine combined tackles, deflected a pass, and had his seventh interception of the season off of a pass attempt by Dallas Cowboys' quarterback Tony Romo during a 20–13 victory", ". This marked his fourth consecutive game with an interception. He finished the season with 73 combined tackles (54 solo), a career-high 17 pass deflections, and a career-high seven interceptions in 16 games and 16 starts. Polamalu was named to the 2009 Pro Bowl as the AFC's strong safety after being given a unanimous vote by five experts. He earned his second First-team All-Pro honor.", "The Steelers finished first atop the AFC North with a 12–4 record. On January 18, 2009, Polamalu made four combined tackles, deflected two passes, and intercepted a pass by Joe Flacco and returned it for a 40-yard touchdown in the fourth quarter of the Steelers' 23–14 victory over the Baltimore Ravens in the AFC Championship. He went on to start in Super Bowl XLIII and assisted in making two tackles in the Steelers' victory over the Arizona Cardinals, 27–23.", "2009\nOn April 24, 2009, it was reported that Polamalu would be featured on the cover of Madden NFL 2010, alongside Super Bowl XLIII opponent and Arizona Cardinals' wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald.", "In the Steelers 2009 season-opener against the Tennessee Titans, Polamalu recorded six tackles and made a one handed interception on a pass attempt by Kerry Collins before getting injured while trying to recover a blocked field goal. He sustained a sprained MCL injury to his left knee and missed the next four games (Weeks 2–5). Polamalu returned in Week 6 and recorded four combined tackles, defended a pass, and made an interception during a 27–14 victory over the Cleveland Browns", ". On November 15, 2009, he reinjured his left knee in the first quarter of a 18-12 loss to the Cincinnati Bengals. He missed the remainder of the season and when asked on why he didn't return by John Harris of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Polamalu stated, \"If I would have injured it again, the doctor was saying that it will be a career-ending injury, most likely. I had to face that", ". I had to face that.\" Polamalu finished the season with 20 combined tackles (18 solo), seven pass deflections, and three interceptions in only five games and five starts.", "The Steelers played Tyrone Carter in Polamalu's absence and its defense fell from first in points allowed (223) and passing yards allowed (2,511) in 2008 to 12th in points allowed (324) and 16th in passing yards (3,447). They finished with a 9–7 record and did not qualify for the playoffs for the first time under head coach Mike Tomlin. He was named to the Second Team Pro Football Hall of Fame All-Decade Team for the 2000s.", "2010\nIn a Sports Illustrated survey held in 2010 of 296 active NFL players, Polamalu was ranked the 9th \"dirtiest player\" in the NFL.", "In the Steelers' season-opener against the Atlanta Falcons, Polamalu recorded five combined tackles, defended a pass, and made a game-saving interception off a pass attempt by Matt Ryan with 1:45 left in the game. He sent the game into overtime, where the Steelers won 15–9. During a Week 6 matchup against the Cleveland Browns, he recorded a season-high seven combined tackles, as the Steelers won 28–10. In Week 13, against the Baltimore Ravens, he earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week", ". In Week 13, against the Baltimore Ravens, he earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week. In Week 14, Polamalu collected two solo tackles, deflected two passes, and intercepted a pass attempt by Carson Palmer that was intended for Terrell Owens and returned it for a 45-yard touchdown. Polamalu sustained an ankle injury during the play, but stayed in the game, made another interception, and helped the Steelers defeat the Cincinnati Bengals 23–7", ". He earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week for his game against the Bengals. He was sidelined the next two games by the ankle injury. The Steelers finished first in the AFC North with a 12–4 record and ascended back to first in the NFL for points allowed (232), but remained at 12th in passing yards (3,425). Polamalu finished the season with 63 combined tackles (42 solo), 11 pass deflections, seven interceptions, one sack, and one touchdown in 14 games and 14 starts", ". He received a bid to the 2011 Pro Bowl, marking the sixth of his career. He earned First Team All-Pro honors for the third time.", "After defeating the Baltimore Ravens and New York Jets, the Steelers went on to Super Bowl XLV to face the Green Bay Packers. He recorded three solo tackles in his third career Super Bowl appearance, but the Steelers were defeated by the Packers 31-25. He was ranked sixth by his peers on the NFL Top 100 Players of 2011.", "On January 31, 2011, Polamalu was named the AP Defensive Player of the Year after receiving 17 votes, beating out for the award fellow USC Trojan and Packers' linebacker Clay Matthews, who received 15 votes. He also won the NFL Alumni Player of the Year award. He won the award over Defensive Back of the Year by Aqib Talib of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.\n\n2011\nOn September 10, 2011, the Steelers signed Polamalu to a four-year, $36.4 million contract extension that included $10.55 million guaranteed.", "On October 2, 2011, Polamalu recorded a season-high nine combined tackles during a 17–10 loss to the Houston Texans. During a Week 14 matchup against the Cleveland Browns, he collected eight combined tackles, defended two passes, and made his only interception of the season in a 14–3 win. He was named AFC Defensive Player of the Week for his performance in Week 17 against the Cleveland Browns", ". He finished the season with 91 combined tackles (64 solo), 14 pass deflections, and one interception in 16 games and 16 starts. The Steelers received a playoff berth after finishing second in their division with a 12–4 record. On January 8, 2012, the Steelers faced the Denver Broncos in the AFC Wild Card Round and Polamalu made four combined tackles in their 29–23 overtime loss. The Steelers lost on the first play of overtime after Tim Tebow threw an 80-yard touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas.", "He was named as a First Team All-Pro and to the Pro Bowl. He was ranked #19th by his peers on the NFL Top 100 Players of 2012.", "2012", "Polamalu suffered a strain calf in a practice prior to the Steelers' season-opener against the Denver Broncos. He started the game and made five solo tackles in their 31-19 loss. He further aggravated the injury during the game and left after further straining his calf muscle. On October 7, 2012, Polamalu returned and recorded two solo tackles in a 16–14 victory over the Philadelphia Eagles. He limped off the field in the second quarter and was unable to return", ". He limped off the field in the second quarter and was unable to return. Polamalu missed the next six games (Weeks 6–12), but remained on the active roster. There were conflicting reports about whether it was a calf strain or a calf tear, but multiple media members cited it as a severe strain. On December 23, 2012, Polamalu made a season-high eight combined tackles, defended a pass, and had his only sack of the season on Cincinnati Bengals' quarterback Andy Dalton, as the Steelers lost 13-10", ". The following week, he recorded three combined tackles, deflected two passes, and made the only interception of the season in a 24–10 win against the Cleveland Browns. Polamalu finished the season with a total of 34 combined tackles (29 solo), three pass deflections, one sack, and one interception in seven games and seven starts. He was ranked 91st by his fellow players on the NFL Top 100 Players of 2013.", "2013\nOne of the Steelers' top needs entering the draft was safety as Polamalu was entering the end of his career and had an injury-riddled season in 2012. The Steelers selected Shamarko Thomas in the fourth round of the 2013 NFL Draft to possibly be Polamalu's successor.", "Polamalu started the Steelers' season-opener against the Tennessee Titans and recorded six combined tackles and a sack in their 16-9 loss. The next week, Polamalu collected a season-high nine combined tackles and defended a pass in a 20-10 loss to the Cincinnati Bengals. In Week 7, he recorded three solo tackles, defended two passes, a sack, and intercepted a pass attempt by Terrelle Pryor in an 21-18 loss to the Oakland Raiders", ". In Week 12, Polamalu earned AFC Defensive Player of the Week for his performance against the Cleveland Browns. In Week 14, Polamalu made one tackle and returned an interception off of Ryan Tannehill for a 19-yard touchdown during the Steelers' 34-28 loss. He finished the season with 69 combined tackles (50 solo), 11 pass deflections, two interceptions, and a sack in 16 games and 16 starts. He was named to his final Pro Bowl. He was ranked 61st by his fellow players on the NFL Top 100 Players of 2014.", "2014\nOn March 5, 2014, the Steelers signed Polamalu to a three-year, $20 million contract extension. They also restructured his contract so he would only account for $6.3 million against the salary cap in instead of the original $10.7 million cap number.", "Polamalu started the Steelers' season-opener against the Cleveland Browns and made a season-high 11 combined tackles in their 30–27 victory. He missed Weeks 10–11 after suffering a knee sprain. The Steelers made the playoffs and faced off against the Baltimore Ravens in the Wild Card Round. In the 30–17 loss, he had eight combined tackles and one quarterback hit in his final career game.", "Retirement", "On April 10, 2015, Polamalu announced his retirement from professional football citing his family as the main reason. It was reported that he was fully planning to play in , but the Steelers had forced Polamalu into retirement. In February 2015, Polamalu was approached and told by front office members and owner Dan Rooney that if he did not retire, he would be released", ". He received an offer from the Tennessee Titans to join his former longtime defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau, but ultimately decided on retiring after weighing his options. He finished his 12-year career with 770 tackles, 32 interceptions, and three touchdowns.", "Alliance of American Football\nIn April 2018, Polamalu was named the Head of Player Relations of the Alliance of American Football.", "Pro Football Hall of Fame election\nOn January 2, 2020, Polamalu was named one of 15 modern-era finalists for election into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. He and former Indianapolis Colts receiver Reggie Wayne were the only two finalists for 2020 to be nominated in their first year of eligibility. On February 1, 2020, Troy Polamalu was officially elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.\n\nNFL career statistics\n\nRegular season\n\nPostseason", "NFL career statistics\n\nRegular season\n\nPostseason\n\nPersonal life\nPolamalu's surname at birth was Aumua. He petitioned in 2007 to change his legal surname to his mother's maiden name of Polamalu. He had already been using Polamalu for the previous 15 years.\n\nPolamalu's favorite pastimes include surfing, growing flowers, making furniture, and playing the piano.", "In 2009, Polamalu said that he tried to separate himself from his profession as much as possible and did not watch football games at home. As of 2009, he resided with his family in Pittsburgh during the football season and in San Diego, California during the off-season.", "During the 2011 NFL lockout, Polamalu utilized his time away from the field to return to the University of Southern California to complete his college education. On May 13, 2011, he graduated from USC with a bachelor's degree in history. On his personal website he explained, \"I decided to finish what I started and walked that stage today not only because it was very important to me personally, but because I want to emphasize the importance of education, and that nothing should supersede it", ".\" Teammate Ben Roethlisberger followed in Polamalu's footsteps the following off-season and finished his degree as well.", "Family\nPolamalu's uncle, Kennedy Polamalu, is currently the Las Vegas Raiders running backs coach. He was the Jacksonville Jaguars running backs coach for five years, and also served as offensive coordinator for UCLA. Another uncle, Aoatoa Polamalu, played nose tackle at Penn State from 1984 to 1988.", "Despite Polamalu's hard-hitting style on the gridiron, he became known off the field as a soft-spoken family man. Polamalu is married to Theodora Holmes and has two sons. Theodora is the sister of NFL player and USC Trojans alumnus Alex Holmes. Polamalu and his wife, Theodora, founded the Harry Panos Fund to honor Theodora's grandfather, who served in World War II.", "Faith", "Polamalu is well read in the history and theology of early Christianity, which ultimately led both him and his wife to convert to Orthodox Christianity in 2007. He made the Sign of the Cross after every play. Among his spiritual activities was a 2007 pilgrimage to Orthodox Christian sites in Greece and Turkey. He seldom gives interviews, but when he does, he often speaks of the role his spirituality plays in his life. During his NFL career, he prayed after each play and prayed on the sidelines", ". During his NFL career, he prayed after each play and prayed on the sidelines. His sons are both named after Orthodox Christian saints: Saint Paisios the Great of Egypt and Saint Ephraim the Syrian.", "Hair\nPolamalu's hair is one of his most distinguishing characteristics. In the CBS Playoffs Pre-game Show, Polamalu said the last time he had gotten a haircut was in 2000 at USC.\n\nIn an October 15, 2006, game against the Kansas City Chiefs, Chiefs' running back Larry Johnson pulled Polamalu down by the hair in order to tackle him. Afterward, Polamalu took out an insurance policy on his hair.", "Polamalu had a contract with Head & Shoulders shampoo and has starred in five commercials for the product. On April 1, 2013, it was reported that he had decided not to sign a new contract to endorse Head & Shoulders and instead signed a five-year contract with Suave to endorse their \"Action Series\".", "Business\nPolamalu is an investor in Arenda Capital, which is called a multi-family office that pulls together the funds of four families and manages their spending and investments. Any large purchases or investments must be approved by all members of the office. Arenda Capital makes investments into real estate properties and shares the earnings among all of the partners within the office. Polamalu joined Arenda Capital in 2010.", "In the media\nIn 2005, Pittsburgh-area band Mr. Devious wrote and recorded the novelty song \"Puhlahmahlu\", a parody of the song \"Mah Nà Mah Nà\". Guitarist Glenn Shirey said that the song was inspired by Fox Sports announcer Dick Stockton's mispronunciation of Polamalu's name.\n\nPolamalu is featured on the cover of the Scholastic children's book National Football League Megastars which profiles Polamalu and 14 other NFL stars.", "During Super Bowl XLIII, a commercial of Polamalu aired that had him do a remake of the famous \"Mean Joe\" Greene Coca-Cola commercial, except it was advertising for Coca-Cola Zero instead. Two Coke \"brand managers\" take the Coke Zero bottle away right when the kid is to give it to Polamalu, with Polamalu subsequently tackling one of the managers. Then, instead of giving the kid his own jersey, he rips the shirt off the brand manager he has tackled and tosses it to the kid", ". Greene, who like Polamalu lives a very quiet life off the field in contrast to his on-field play, liked the commercial and gave his stamp of approval.", "He was on the cover of Madden NFL 10 with Larry Fitzgerald and is supposedly a sufferer of the \"Madden Curse\".\n\nPolamalu voiced Villager #1 in the 2016 film Moana.\n\nSince 2019, he and Patrick Mahomes have appeared in commercials for Head & Shoulders.\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n \n Official website\n Pittsburgh Steelers bio", "1981 births\nLiving people\nAll-American college football players\nAlliance of American Football executives\nAmerican Conference Pro Bowl players\nAmerican football safeties\nAmerican people of Samoan descent\nAmerican philanthropists\nAmerican sportspeople of Samoan descent\nConverts to Eastern Orthodoxy\nEastern Orthodox Christians from the United States\nGreek Orthodox Christians from the United States\nNational Football League Defensive Player of the Year Award winners\nPeople from Winston, Oregon", "National Football League Defensive Player of the Year Award winners\nPeople from Winston, Oregon\nPittsburgh Steelers players\nPlayers of American football from Oregon\nPlayers of American football from Pittsburgh\nPlayers of American football from Santa Ana, California\nPro Football Hall of Fame inductees\nSportspeople from Garden Grove, California\nUnconferenced Pro Bowl players\nUSC Trojans football players" ]
Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
[ "Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) (formerly Article 82 of the Treaty establishing the European Community) is aimed at preventing businesses in an industry from abusing their positions by colluding to fix prices or taking action to prevent new businesses from gaining a foothold in the industry. Its core role is the regulation of monopolies, which restrict competition in private industry and produce worse outcomes for consumers and society", ". It is the second key provision, after Article 101, in European Union (EU) competition law.", "Text of Article 102 \nThe text of Article 102 provides the following,\n\nApplication \nThe wording of the provision gives rise to several issues to consider in the application of Article 102; namely, the concept of 'one or more undertaking', 'Relevant market', 'Dominant position' and 'Effect on trade between member states'.\n\nOne or more undertaking", "Undertaking", "An entity must be an 'undertaking' to be subject to Community competition law and therefore Article 102. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Hofner v Elser states that \"The concept of an undertaking encompasses every entity engaged in economic activity regardless of the legal status of the entity and the way in which it is financed\"", ". The European courts have ruled that Acts of, solidarity (such as the provision of public health care), public interest (such as the improvement of air navigation safety), and the protection of the environment are not economic in nature and therefore fall outside the application of European Community competition rules. Article 102 is not confined to actions of single undertakings as the inclusion of the phrase 'one or more undertaking' leads to the inclusion of collective dominance.", "Collective dominance\n\nDefinition \nCollective dominance occurs when two or more businesses with some degree of connection influence the structure of a market through their conduct or through concerted strategic decisions.", "Threshold", "The necessary degree of connection or relationship between the entities that would be sufficient for a finding of collective dominance would depend on whether a broad or narrow interpretation is adopted. As illustrated through case law, businesses within the same corporate group, such as a business conglomerate, or within a single economic entity, such as a multi-national company with subsidiaries, can be regarded as having an adequate connection to establish the presence of collective dominance", ". This reflects a narrow interpretation of what would constitute collective dominance for the purpose of Article 102.", "An alternative approach to establishing a relationship between two or more entities for the purposes of determining collective dominance could include a broad interpretation. This would encapsulate legally and economically independent firms within a specific market with some type of economic link such as an agreement or a licence.\n\nIn Almelo, the court explicitly stated that a relationship can be found between two or more entities by the presence of identical conduct on the market.", "Establishing collective dominance \nDominance, be it by a single entity or collectively by a group of firms, is not illegal or prohibited in EU competition law or under Article 102 TFEU. However, abuse of a dominant position is prohibited and illegal because, dominant firms have a special responsibility to prevent their conduct distorting competition.", "Consequently, where concerted strategic decisions or the conduct of two or more entities holding a dominant position within a specific market results in a negative impact on the market to the detriment of other businesses, this will trigger the application of Article 102.", "Collective dominance, as demonstrated through case law, is often associated with an oligopoly although collective dominance could also arise in the context of or in relation to mergers. This association of collective dominance with oligopolies is confirmed in Airtours v Commission, which sets out an evidential and cumulative criterion that must be satisfied for collective dominance to be established.", "Firstly, each member of the collectively dominant group must have the capability of being aware of how fellow collectively dominant members are behaving. There must a significant level of transparency between the dominant firms so that members are precisely and quickly aware of developments or changes in the conduct of members.", "Secondly, tacit coordination must be sustained over a period of time. There must be a threat of potential retaliation for any deviation from the common conduct or policy by members of the group.\n Lastly, it must be proven that the potential reaction of consumers and competitors (present or future) of the dominant entities, will not affect the competition the dominant entities will encounter.", "These three cumulative conditions for establishing collective dominance has been confirmed subsequently by the General court in the case of Laurent Piau v Commission. The above criterion has been established as being applicable in the context of abuse of dominance by a single entity. Nevertheless, statements by the court in Irish sugar indicates the court's acknowledgement that the criterion applicable for abuse of dominance by a single undertaking will apply in situations of collective dominance.", "Defences \nNot all collectively dominant conduct will violate Article 102 TFEU. As established and confirmed in several cases before EU courts and the commission, prima facie abusive conduct by dominant firms will be acceptable for one of three reasons:\n\n Objective Justification \n Efficiencies \n Abuse in relation to proprietary rights\n\nIn practice, neither the Commission nor the Court have ever accepted such a defense.", "In practice, neither the Commission nor the Court have ever accepted such a defense.\n\nBurden of proof \nAs asserted in Microsoft v Commission the burden of proof rests on the defendants/alleged firm(s) to provide objective justification – which cannot be vague or theoretical arguments – to disprove a claim of collective dominance brought before the court.\nWhere such a justification is raised, it rests on the commission to disprove the arguments and evidence relied on by the dominant firms.", "Consequences of breach\nIf it is established that there is an abuse of a dominant position by an entity, the commission has the authority and discretion to impose behavioural and structural remedies against collectively dominant firms.\n\nBehavioural remedies include:\n\n Requesting that the dominant firm(s) cease their abusive conduct and may involve requiring the adoption of positive action by the dominant firms.\n Imposing a fine on the collectively dominant entities involved in the abusive behaviour.", "Structural remedies include:\n\n Divesting a business of its assets.\n Mandating the fragmentation of a business.\n\nRelevant market \nDefining the relevant market is a vital precondition to assessing dominance. Market definition can be used to establish the boundaries of competition between undertakings, with the purpose of identifying the competitive constraints faced by the firms.", "The commission measures these competitive constrains in both the Market and Geographical dimension. With the relevant market within which to assess competition being a combination of both approaches. With the competitive constraints assessed via demand substitution, supply substitution and potential competition.", "The product market \nThe Commission defines the relative product market as, a market that comprises all \"products and/or services which are regarded as interchangeable or substitutable by the consumer, by reason of the products' characteristics, their prices and their intended use\".\n\nTwo common tests used to assess the interchangeability of product market are:", "Two common tests used to assess the interchangeability of product market are:\n\nThe 'hypothetical monopolist' test which is whether a small but significant increase in price is likely be allowed by the hypothetical monopolist company to profit from this. If consumers can and would move away from the hypothetical monopolist's product and onto other products then their market is more widely defined.\nThe 'intuitive approach', which focuses on brand loyalty and the use of the products\n\nThe geographical market", "The geographical market \n\nThe Commission defines Geographical market as a \"market comprises the area in which the undertakings concerned are involved in the supply and demand of products or services, in which the conditions of competition are sufficiently homogeneous and which can be distinguished from neighbouring areas because the conditions of competition are appreciably different in those area.\"", "Cellophane fallacy \nThe existence of the cellophane fallacy implies that market definition in Article 102 cases needs to be particularly carefully considered and that any single method of market definition, including in particular the SSNIP-test, is likely to be inadequate. It is necessary to rely on a variety of methods for checking the robustness of possible alternative market definitions.\n\nDominance", "A finding of dominance requires a two-stage process. First, consideration must be had to the relevant market to which the undertaking operates upon: both the relevant product market and the relevant geographic market. Second, one the market has been established, the Commission must decipher whether the undertaking enjoys a dominant position upon the given market", ". A fining of dominance derives from a combination of several factors, Paragraph 12 of the commission's guidance highlights three factors that the commission will consider:", "\"(1) constraints imposed by the existing suppliers from, and the position on the market of, actual competitors.\n\n(2) constraints imposed by the credible threat of future expansion by actual competitors or entry by potential competitors.\"\n\n(3) constraints imposed by the bargaining strength of the undertakings customers.\"\n\nActual competitors \nParagraph 13 of the commission's guidance states that an undertaking's market share demonstrates a 'first indication' as to the position of current competitors.", "Clarification arises within Paragraph 14 and 15 of the commission's guidance that generally low market shares demonstrate a good proxy of the absence of substantial power, (i.e.: dominance). Whilst the higher the market share and the longer the period of time over which it is held, the more likely the undertaking has substantial market power and as such is dominant.", "The table demonstrates the approach that the Commission have adopted in its jurisprudence, when deciding an undertaking's dominance.\n{| class=\"wikitable\" href=\"tuberculosis\"\n|+ href=\"Commercial Solvents\" |Jurisprudence of European courts\n|-\n! Market share %\n! Observations\n|-\n|100%", "! Observations\n|-\n|100%\n|Richard Whish acknowledges that a 100% market share is 'rare' however it remains possible, as demonstrated in GVL OJ. 100% market shares often arise where there is only one operator on the market for the distribution of the product: referred to by the courts as de facto monopolies. Further evidence of de facto monopolies can be seen in Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato, Telefónica SA v Commission and Motorola - Enforcement of GRPS standard essential patents.\n|-", "|-\n| href=\"France Telecom SA v Commission\" |85-90%\n| High market shares are usually conclusive of market dominance. This recognition from the commission is shown in the recent decisions of Tetra Pak Rausing SA v Commission with a 91% market share, BPP Industries Plc and British Gypsum Ltd v Commission with a 96% share and Microsoft Corp. v Commission and Google v Commission both being held to have market shares exceeding 90%.\n|-\n| 75%", "|-\n| 75%\n| href=\"Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union\" |Indicative of dominance.\n|-\n| href=\"European Union competition law\" |50%", "| A 50% market share provides strong evidence of dominance. At 50% the AKZO presumption of dominance is enforced whereby the commission will presume dominance. Whilst the presumption is argued to be limited,<ref>The limitations of the presumption are discussed in detail by Pier Parcu, Giogio Monit and Marco Botta, Abuse of dominance in EU Competition Law emerging trends (2017), 110-113", ".</ref> its effect has been confirmed in recent case law: France Télécom v Commission, Solvay v Commission, AstraZeneca AB v Commission.", "|-\n| 40% or more\n| Evidence of dominance. Considered with other factors\n|- href=\"European Commission\"\n| 25-40%\n| Single dominance is unlikely unless there is a fragmented market and significant other factors. However, recent case law demonstrates that a finding of dominance remains possible: in Virgin/British Airways a market share of 39.7% amounted to dominance.\n|-\n| 20%\n| Possibility of dominance left open. Considered with other factors\n|-\n| 10%\n| Too Small\n|}", "Whilst important, Richard Whish acknowledges that, the market share figures are, 'simply a proxy for market power, and cannot be determinative in themselves'. Following Paragraph 12 of the commission's guidance, potential competitors and countervailing buying power must also be considered.", "Potential competitors \nParagraph 16 of the commission's guidance emphasises that the commission will consider the potential impact of entry by new customers onto the market as well as the expansion of existing competitors. In doing so, the Commission must consider whether the entry to the market, or expansion within the market, (or threat to), is 'likely, timely and sufficient' enough for the undertaking to change its behaviour.", "Paragraphs 16 and 17 of the commission's guidance gives clarification on how the criteria are to be applied.", "To be 'likely', the Commission must look at how possible it is that the expansion, or entry into the market, will occur. The Commission must consider barriers to the market: where there are barriers in place, it is difficult for a new entity to enter the market. Types of barriers that the Commission may consider are listed in Paragraph 17", ". Types of barriers that the Commission may consider are listed in Paragraph 17. Richard Whish summaries these as \"legal barriers, economic advantages enjoyed by the dominant undertaking, costs and network effects that impede customers from switching from one supplier to another and the dominant firm's own conduct and performance\".", "To be 'timely', the entry or expansion must be 'sufficiently swift' to act as a deterrence upon the undertaking from exercising dominance.\n\nTo be 'sufficient', the entry or expansion must have a significant impact to which it would deter the undertaking from exercising its dominance. The entry or expansion cannot be based on a small scale to which its impact would be limited.", "Countervailing buyer power", "Paragraph 18 of the commission's guidance acknowledges that customers, as well as competitors, have the power to constrain competition", ". In doing so, the Commission must look at the 'sufficient bargaining strength of the customer': Paragraph 18 sets out features that may be discussed to decipher a customer's bargaining power: \"the customers size or their commercial significance for the dominant undertaking and their ability to switch quickly to competing suppliers, to promote new entry or to vertically integrate, and to credibly threaten to do so", ".\"In application, Richard Whish acknowledges that it is \"more likely that large and sophisticated customers will have this kind of countervailing buyer power than smaller firms in a fragmented industry\".", "The commission's guidance goes on to clarify, in Paragraph 18, that the countervailing buyer power will not be considered a sufficient restraint where only a particular, or limited, number of customers are shielded from the market share exercised by the dominant undertaking.Motorola:The case considered the significance of countervailing buyer power. Motorola presented the argument that it was not a dominant undertaking due to the countervailing buyer power of Apple", ". Whilst the Commission recognised the need to consider customer's buying power, the commission, in finding Motorola to be dominant reinforced the guidance that whilst a customer may have significant buying power, this may not protect all of the undertaking's customers.", "Summary \nFollowing Paragraph 13 of the commission's guidance, where the three conditions are satisfied, it is likely, the commission will find the undertaking to be dominant. Paragraph 1 of the commission's guidance reinforces that whilst dominance in itself is not illegal, once dominant, the undertaking adopts\"a special responsibility not to allow its conduct to impair competition on the common market\".\n\n Commissions enforcement priorities", "The way in which the commission in the EU deals with cases of dominance is vastly different to that of their US counterparts. The EU commission take a very active stance on the prevention of the abuse of dominance, whereas the US Government take a much more 'Laissez-Faire' approach and leave the markets to their own devices unless they need to step in to sort out problems. Outlined in the Guidance of enforcement priorities for Article 102 of the TFEU", ". Outlined in the Guidance of enforcement priorities for Article 102 of the TFEU. The EU commission takes all sufficient factors into account when trying to enforce Article 102, and they can conclude whether or not to put their time into a case taken to them by the effected parties. The German concept of ordoliberablism is put to effect by the EU commission by them using all their powers to aide the market into running as efficiently as it possibly can", ". This concept of commission intervention is not used in the United States, and by the EU using it this shows how the two differ in their ideologies and concepts.", "Generally, price based exclusionary conduct is seen as beneficial to the consumer, as they will get lower prices for goods and services when firms compete to be the cheapest. However, when the price strategies of a firm may be seen to be hampering competition from competitors which are as efficient as the dominant undertaking, then the government would step in to change this", ". Other types of undertakings such as exclusive dealing or predatory pricing will be intervened upon much sooner than competitive pricing as they are more serious and can cause a much higher risk to consumers in the market.", "Summary", "Using the Guidance on Enforcement priorities for Article 102, it outlines the many different types of ways that a ruling body should step in to stop a myriad of strategies that firms use to abuse a position of dominance. The commission is unable to bind the European courts when applying the law, The two step case is used as shown in Paragraph 9 to aide the government in penalising firms that abuse their position of dominance", ". There are some commenters that have suggested that the guidelines should be removed as all cases are individual and require a full observation of the scenario before a decision has been made. However, using Advocate General Mazak's opinion in TeliaSonera, the commissions guidance may be used as a 'useful point of reference', without having the ability to bind the courts to a decision.", "Effect on trade between member states \nThe court of justice ruled in Commercial solvents that the requirement of an appreciable effect on trade between member states would be satisfied where conduct brought about an altercation in the structure of competition in the internal market.", "The commission provides further guidelines on the effect of trade concept contained in Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, detailing the general principles, the concept of trade between member states. The notion of May effect and the concept of appreciability.\n\nAbuse of dominance", "Definition for abuse of dominance", "The definition for abuse of dominance hinges from Article 102 (ex Article 82). Abuse alone isn't caught by Article 102, but abuse of a dominant position by an undertaking would be caught under Article 102. It is imperative that without dominance, the abuse wouldn't breach Article 102", ". It is imperative that without dominance, the abuse wouldn't breach Article 102. An undertaking that isn't dominant the abuse wouldn't be caught but, the dominant undertaking that exhibits abusive behavior would be caught under Article 102 as they are given a special attribute than compared to a non-dominant undertaking. Thus it is conclusive that without dominance that the abuse wouldn't breach Article 102 as the undertakings is using that dominance to commit that abuse", "Hoffman-La Roche v Commission is considered a crucial case as it doesn't specify the abuses such as exploitative, exclusionary and single market abuse that would be committed by undertakings, but rather a concept that amounts to an abuse of dominance. Decisions such as Deutsche Telekom AG v Commission gave similar language that the undertaking must be \"competing on its merits\". Normal competition is identified as an undertaking competing on its merits such as lowering prices and/or innovation", ". Abuse of a dominant undertaking can be identified by not competing on its merits such as predatory pricing, thus would be identified as abnormal competition behavior.", "There are three forms of abuse that could occur from anti-competitive practices; exclusionary, exploitative and single market abuse. Under Article 102, exclusionary and exploitative abuses may be considered separately, this does not mean there is a rigid category that abuse falls into. Whish and Bailey point out, that \"the same behaviour may exhibit both characteristics\"", ". Whish and Bailey point out, that \"the same behaviour may exhibit both characteristics\". An overlap of abuse of dominance is a common occurrence, Richard Whish suggests that a dominant firm that refuses to supply may have an exploitative and/or an exclusionary one too. In the case of Continental Can v Commission, the Court of Appeal confirmed that Article 102 can be applied to both forms of abuse", ". Although overlaps may occur and as established there are no rigid categories, the commission's Guidance on Article 102 Enforcement Priorities recognised a distinction between the two.", "Per se illegality", "A more formalistic approach used by the EU courts to assess abuse was known as per se illegality. This approach was normally used on rebate systems or loyalty discounts even though it is a benefit to consumer welfare by lowering prices. However, a dominant undertaking practicing this system to lower prices to extremes such as predatory pricing would be considered anti-competitive behavior", ". The EU faced an Ordoliberalism criticism about the per se approach from the US in Microsoft v Commission, accusing the EU that they protect competitors rather than the competitive process as their too interventionist. There is a distinction in both policies, the United States Sherman act is fearful of false positives whereas the EU is fearful of false negatives adding further criticism, towards the interventionist approach", ". However this intervening approach is able to identify the expanding market which would amount to abuse because of the dynamic market structure, with interaction between producers and consumers from different levels of supply as the choice of the consumer is restricted and wouldn't benefit the consumer. Furthermore, the decision in TeliaSonera the court of justice emphasized that Article 102 doesn't only protect competitive process but also protect competitors that are just as efficient in the market", ". The undertaking is able to justify the rebate system if it is objectively justified under defenses such as economic efficiency. But the negative effects from this practice must produce less than the positive effects from the rebate system to benefit consumer welfare.", "Effects-based approach", "The EU shifted in approach to an effects based approach to assess abuse thus recognizing deviation from the per se approach, this is seen in the case of Intel v Commission. An effects-based procedure takes into account for a detailed assessment of an economic nature to show reasonable grounds that the dominant undertaking abuse has foreclosure effects on competition", ". It primarily focuses on the competitive practices used by a dominant undertaking, to which the competitive authority will identify the effects produced from such practice. It will provide factual evidence to the extent of the anti-competitive behavior when it is compared to the competitive effects to that practice. In itself provides a rule of reason approach when assessing abuse", ". In itself provides a rule of reason approach when assessing abuse. Thus, the detailed assessment will show the economic impact of the undertaking practice to avoid false positives and to provide an effective interventionist approach. This not only shows the likely economic impact that abuse will have to consumer welfare but it eliminates the criticism of needing a detailed assessment for the abuse committed", ". It also clears the distinction between protecting the competitors rather than the competitive process, as the goal for competition law is to protect the integrity of the single market, thus the competitive process is examined to protect consumer welfare.", "An effects-based analysis takes into account of both consequential and deontological thinking into their assessment. Consequential thinking implies an undertaking to be deemed abusive if the behavior outweighs the consumer welfare benefit. The undertaking could justify their behavior if the pro-competitive effects outweigh the anti-competitive effects. Furthermore, consequential thinking promotes total welfare rather than consumer welfare", ". Furthermore, consequential thinking promotes total welfare rather than consumer welfare. This shows that the effects felt by consumers are not classed collectively but based on preferences and these preferences are subject to change or bias. Deontological thinking looks at the competition process rather than the result of that abuse. However, this approach protects the competitive process regardless of the outcome to the actual effects to consumer welfare", ". However deontological thinking implies a critical thinking in this which is categorical thinking.", "The European Union can objectively justify with an economic based analysis applying both consequential and deontological approaches. Collectively the European Union can practice both of these approaches to the suitable context of the case whilst both of these approaches when combined are able to avoid each other disadvantages. The single market is always dynamic thus the EU would need to accommodate to this dynamic market as there isn't a single value to assess abuse of dominant undertakings", ". The assessment performed by the European Union takes into account factual evidence along with an economic assessment showing an analysis of deontological whilst using the categorical thinking to be able to show the likely consumer harm inflicted to the single market and ultimately consumer welfare.", "Exclusionary abuse", "The definition of exclusionary abuse is characterised as \"conduct engaged in, by a dominant undertaking which is capable of preventing competitors … from profitability entering or remaining active in a given market\", meaning that it will have an indirect effect on consumers", ". The conduct will either 'competes on the downstream market and is acting to foreclose that market to its own advantage' or 'distorts competition on the upstream market between itself and its competitors by introducing exclusive purchasing obligation.", "Limiting production\nUnder Article 102(b), \"limiting production, markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers\" is considered an abuse by a dominant undertaking. An example was found in Porto di Genova [1991], where a shipping port refused to raise expenditure and update technology. This limited the amount of cargo that the port could deal with to the detriment of some of its users.\n\nPrice discrimination", "Price discrimination falls under Article 102(c), whereby an abuse is \"applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties, thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage\". An example of this could be offering rebates to industrial customers who export your company's sugar, but not to Irish customers who are selling their goods in the same market as you are in", ". Investopedia provides that price discrimination charges customers different prices for the same product or service, for example where consumers buy airline tickets several months in advance in comparison to those buying last minute. In United Brands v Commission, the Court of Justice recognised that a dominant firm may charge different prices to reflect the competitive market.", "Tying", "Under Article 102(d) \"tying\" is defined as \"making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject of such contracts.\" Tying one product into the sale of another can be considered abuse too, being restrictive of consumer choice and depriving competitors of outlets. This was the alleged case in Microsoft v", ". This was the alleged case in Microsoft v. Commission leading to an eventual fine of €497 million for including its Windows Media Player with the Microsoft Windows platform. A refusal to supply a facility which is essential for all businesses attempting to compete to use can constitute an abuse. One example was in a case involving a medical company named Commercial Solvents", ". One example was in a case involving a medical company named Commercial Solvents. When it set up its own rival in the tuberculosis drugs market, Commercial Solvents was forced to continue supplying a company named Zoja with the raw materials for the drug. Zoja was the only market competitor, so without the court forcing supply, all competition would have been eliminated.", "Bundling", "Bundling and tying are very similar, Whish indicates that bundling arises in a situation where two products are sold together in a single package at a single price. Bundling differs from tying merely because it lacks the element of compulsion. Issues of bundling have emerged in a series of complaints in Streetmap EU Ltd v Google Inc & Ors. Streetmap involved the interaction of competition between online search engines and competition between suppliers of online mapping services", ". The Court concluded that the creation of 'OneBox' did not have an appreciable effect on Streetmap's ability to compete. However, in a more recent decision, in 2018 the Commission fined Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices to strengthen dominance of Google's search engine. Earlier this year Google were fined a third time by the European Commission for abusing its market dominance by restricting third-party rivals from displaying search advertisements.", "Predatory pricing", "Predatory pricing is a controversial category. This is the practice of dropping prices of a product below costs so that one's smaller competitors cannot cover their costs and leave the market. The Chicago School holds predatory pricing to be impossible, because if it were then banks would lend money to finance it. However, in France Telecom SA v Commission a broadband internet company was forced to pay €10.35 Million for dropping its prices below its own production costs", ".35 Million for dropping its prices below its own production costs. It had \"no interest in applying such prices except that of eliminating competitors\" and was being subsidised to capture the bigger share of a booming market. In contrast to France Telecom, Tetra Pak International SA illustrates an extension of European creativity in finding that Tetra Pak had abused its dominant position even though it was dominant in one market but not dominant in the market in which the abuse took place", ". The Court of Justice held that the abusive behaviour was intended to benefit Tetra Pak's position in the market. This was based on the mere fact that there were 'very close associative links' between the two markets in which Tetra Pak operated.", "Margin squeeze", "Margin squeeze was considered in the case of KonKurrensverket v TeliaSonera Sverige, where the Court of Justice established that it exists in its own independent right. Advocate General Mazak considered that the abusive nature derived from the unfair nature of the spread between the dominant undertaking's prices for wholesale access and its retail prices and the fact that the undertaking's wholesale products are indispensable to competition on the downstream market", ". This is similar to Slovak Telecom v Commission, by where the Commission found that the undertaking formed by Slovak Telekom and Deutsche Telekom had committed a single and continuous infringement concerning broadband services in Slovakia between 12 August 2005 and 31 December 2010.", "Rebates", "Article 102 does not state that offering rebates to customers is abuse, however in the case of Intel v Commission it may occur. The Commission found that Intel acted unlawfully by granting rebates to four computer manufacturers (Dell, Lenovo, HP, and NEC) on condition that they purchased from Intel. In its decision it fined Intel €1.06 billion for abuse of dominance through exclusivity rebates", ". In its decision it fined Intel €1.06 billion for abuse of dominance through exclusivity rebates. This also illustrated the Courts recognition for an effects based approach despite the relatively recent cases of Solvay and ICI, where the Court has seemed reluctant to move away from a formalistic approach.", "Exclusive dealing agreements", "An agreement whereby a customer is required to purchase all or most of a particular type of goods or services from a dominant supplier and is prevented from buying from any supplier other than the dominant firm. In Hoffmann the Court of Justice held that it may be abusive for a dominant firm to require a customer to buy 'most of its requirements' from that firm", ". The case of Soda-ash, the Commission fined Solvay €20 million and ICI €10 million for requiring customers to enter into long-term indefinite requirements contracts.", "Refusal to supply", "Refusal to supply is where a dominant firm decides to not supply goods or services to another firm. The categorisation of refusal to supply cases as a form of 'abuse' has been quite controversial. Some would argue that it is the prerogative of a firm who it decides to supply its goods and services to and that punishing the firm for not supplying a different firm or forcing the dominant firm to sell their products against their will, is wrong", ". Francis Jacobs, an Advocate General in the Court of Justice, acknowledged this, stating that 'the right to choose one's trading partners and freely to dispose of one's property are generally recognised principles in the laws of the Member States' and that if these rights were to be infringed it would 'require careful justification'", ". It has also been argued that the act of forcing the dominant firm to supply its products to others may not produce pro-competitive effects if 'free-riders' are able to take advantage of investments that have been made by other firms on the market. This has also been acknowledged by Advocate General Jacobs and the European Commission.", "Irrespective of these controversies, the law does, in certain circumstances, impose a duty on dominant firms to not to refuse to supply their products and can impose an obligation on the firm to supply the products. Case law has developed a substantial test to determine when refusing to supply a downstream customer by an upstream firm amounts to an abuse of the dominant (upstream) firm's position.", "The first issue to consider is whether there is a refusal to supply. An outright refusal to supply the product will satisfy this, as will what the commission has termed 'constructive refusal'. One example of this would be offering to supply the product only on 'unreasonable terms'; another would be unduly delaying the supply of the product.", "The second is whether the accused undertaking has a dominant position in the upstream market. Upstream market means the suppliers and producers of the products and raw materials; the downstream market tends to be the consumer/customer-facing businesses. The Court of Justice has said that the dominant firm does not even need to actually operate on the upstream market – it could be sufficient that there is a potential, or even hypothetical, market", ". This can be a solution to the problem that the market may not actually exist due to the dominant firm refusing to supply the goods or services.", "The third issue to consider is whether the access which is sought from the dominant firm is indispensable to the firm that is wishing to compete on the downstream market. An example of this can be seen in Oscar Bronner. The Court held that a home-delivery system for a daily newspaper market was not indispensable as there were other methods for delivering daily newspapers and there were no technical, legal, or economic obstacles that made it impossible for other daily newspapers to create their own system", ". The Magill case shows when access will be indispensable – without the information that access was requested for in Magill, the magazine they wished to publish could not have been published at all. Further, there were no objective justifications for refusing to supply the product and the refusal would have eliminated all competition in the secondary market. The access will be indispensable if duplication of the product or services to which access is sought is:", "physically impossible (for example, there is only one point on a coastline where a deep-sea port could be built and access is sought to this port's facilities);\n       legally impossible (for example, where the product is protected by intellectual property rights); or\n       not economically viable (for example, if the market is not sufficiently large enough to sustain a second facility that would compete with the dominant firm's).", "The fourth issue is whether the refusal would lead to an elimination of effective competition in the downstream market. The Court of Justice confirmed that it is not necessary to demonstrate that 'all' competition was eliminated; instead, it just has to be established that 'all effective' competition would be eliminated.", "The final issue is whether the dominant firm has an objective justification for refusing to supply the product or service. If they do, then the refusal will not be unlawful. Such an objective justification must pursue a legitimate interest other than the dominant firm's own commercial interests", ". Examples of objective justifications include that the customer would use the product for an illegal purpose or that granting access could negatively impact the incentive of the dominant firm and downstream competitors to innovate.", "The Guidance is only concerned with refusals to supply which risk vertical foreclosure. However, refusals to supply can also be a concern with respect to horizontal foreclosure, although this is rare. An example of this would be disciplinary measures against a distributor who handles competitors' products.", "Refusal to supply intellectual property rights \nRefusing to license intellectual property rights, or providing interoperability information by a dominant firm, are regarded as improper exercise of intellectual property rights (IPR) and can fall under Article 102.", "The cases of Renault and Volvo \nThe issue of whether the use of an IPR could amount to abuse of a dominant position was examined for the first time by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the combined cases of Renault and Volvo. It was held that a refusal to grant a licence should not in itself constitute an abuse of a dominant position. However, if a dominant undertaking:\n arbitrary refuses to supply spare parts to independent repairers, or\n is fixing prices of spare parts at an unfair level, or", "is fixing prices of spare parts at an unfair level, or\n adopts a decision of no longer producing spare parts for a particular model, even though many cars of that model are still in circulation. \nmight result to an abuse of dominant position.", "Magill case", "In the case of Magill the ECJ made one of the most important decisions on the relationship between Intellectual property law and European Union (EU) law. Magill wanted to publish a comprehensive, weekly television guide, which would contain program listings for all television channels available in Ireland and Northern Ireland", ". However, the television channels of RTÉ, ITV and BBC, which broadcast in Ireland and Northern Ireland, was each publishing its own television guide and were enjoying protection under copyright law. There was an obvious public demand for weekly listings magazines, but these broadcasting companies were refusing to grant a licence to Magill. The ECJ stated that a conduct of a dominant undertaking will not be exempted from being reviewed under Article 102, because of national copyright legislation", ". Even though as a principle, a mere refusal to license is not abuse, it can give rise to an abuse in exceptional circumstances. The Court held that, the refusal to grant licence constituted an abuse for three reasons.", "They prevented a new product from entering the market (in this case a comprehensive, weekly television program guide, which the television companies did not offer), for which a potential consumer demand existed.\n The refusal was not justified. \n The television companies were eliminating the competition in the secondary market of weekly television guides.", "By denying access to the basic information, that was indispensable to the compilation of the new product in question, which was the television guide, they were excluding all competitors from the market.", "Bronner v Mediaprint \nThe circumstances that led to the Magill judgment were stressed in Bronner v Mediaprint. The Court held that it needed to be shown that the refusal was likely to eliminate all competition in the daily newspaper market, while being unjustifiable. Also, that service had to be indispensable to carrying out Bronner's business, and there was no actual or potential substitute.", "IMS case\nIn the case of IMS the court followed the decision in Bronner. The Court had to consider whether the refusal to license might have \"excluded all competitors in a secondary market\" and whether it might \"prevented the emergence of a new product\". The court stated that a refusal to grant a licence by a dominant undertaking does not in itself constitute an abuse, unless the following conditions are fulfilled:", "The refusal is preventing a new product or service, for which there is a potential consumer demand, from entering the market.\n This refusal is not justified by any objective considerations. \n The refusal is such as to exclude any competitors from a secondary market.", "Then, the criteria restated by the court in Bronner, had to be considered. The Court stated that, a balance between the economic freedom of an IP owner and the protection of competition in general had to be achieved. The latter can only prevail when a refusal to grant a licence, prevents a secondary market from developing, which affects consumers in a negative way", ". Consequently, the licence must lead to the development of a secondary market and not only in the existence of a new product, or a replication of what the IP owner is already doing.", "Microsoft v Commission", "In the case of Microsoft v Commission, the Court of First instance clarified how the exceptional circumstances, as identified in Magill and IMS, should be approached. Microsoft held over 90 per cent of the personal computer operating systems market. The personal computer operating system used by clients had to be compatible with the workgroup server operating system, in order for them to function in a network", ". However, Microsoft was refusing to supply its competitors with interoperability information and to authorise that information to be used in the development of work group server operating systems, that was in competition with Microsoft. As a result, other workgroup server operating systems could not remain in competition with Microsoft's one. The Court referred to the previous cases of Magill, Bronner and IMS when approaching the issue", ". The Court referred to the previous cases of Magill, Bronner and IMS when approaching the issue. It held that refusal to license by a dominant undertaking does not in itself constitute as an abuse of dominant position under Article 102, unless it falls within the exceptional circumstances", ". The Court agreed with the Commission that, the clients' computers operating with the Microsoft Operating system, had to be compatible with non-Microsoft group workgroup server operating systems, for them to stay viable on the market. This meant that the interoperability information of the Personal Computers, was necessary for the exercise of a particular activity on the secondary market of workgroup servers' operating systems, and thus indispensable for the maintenance of effective competition", ". Microsoft then tried to argue that the refusal would not exclude all competition from a secondary market. However, the Court clarified that, it is not necessary to show that all competition is to be eliminated. It is only necessary to show that the refusal is liable, or likely to eliminate all effective competition on the market. This was likely to occur as organisations were not keen on moving away from Microsoft's Operating System", ". Additionally, Microsoft tried to argue that the refusal did not prevent any new product from entering the market, for which, an unsatisfied consumer demand existed. The competitors only wanted to copy Microsoft's product. The Court noted that, this should be considered in the context of Article 102(2)(b). The provision states that a prejudice of consumers may arise, when there is limitation of technical development, and not only when there is limitation of market or production", ". Microsoft's refusal resulted to consumers being forced, in a way, to use Microsoft's workgroup server. Finally, Microsoft's justification that it had made significant investments for that technology and granting the licence would eliminate future incentives to invest in the development of intellectual property, was found unjustifiable.", "Miscellaneous other non-pricing abuses \nConduct that does not fit within the scope of the aforementioned categories. Examples include harming the competitive structure of the market, vexatious litigation and preferential treatment.", "Exploitative abuse", "This type occurs whereby a dominant firm using dominant position to exploit consumers without losing them through conduct like price increase and production limitation. There is no legal definition of 'exploitative abuse' under Article 102 but it can be taken as 'any conduct that directly causes harm to the customers of the dominant undertaking'. Without barriers to entry, the market is likely to be self-corrected by competition because monopoly profits will attract new competitors to enter the market", ". However, the Guidance does suggest that the commission will intervene where the conduct is directly exploitative of consumers (for example, charging excessively high prices). Some examples of exploitative conduct include:Unfair trading conditionsImposition of conditions on its customers that directly harm them. Such as exploitation of copyrights imposes unnecessary obligations on its members", ". Such as exploitation of copyrights imposes unnecessary obligations on its members. The commission also condemned ticket selling arrangement which was held to be unfair to consumers who are not French.Excessive pricePrice set significantly above the competitive level. Article 102 explicitly bans unfair pricing which has been understood as to cover the excessive pricing. The charged price must be excessive and unfair to be abusive", ". The charged price must be excessive and unfair to be abusive. The test used was stated in the United Brands case that whether the charged price has no reasonable relation to the economic value of the product supplied and exceeds what the dominant undertaking would have obtained in a normal and sufficiently competitive market.Collecting societiesOrganization with the authority to license copyrights collects royalties from users of the copyright and distributes them to copyright owners for a fee", ". Abusive behaviour that has been banned by the Commission under Article 102 includes discriminating undertakings from other member states; charging excessive royalties; unreasonably restricting an author's unilateral behaviour by clauses.", "Single market abuse \nBehaviours detrimental to principles of the internal market such as intra-brand competition jeopardise the single market imperative and are therefore caught by Article 102.", "Pricing practices", "Single market abuse is presented in the case of British Leyland, by where a dominant firm carried out excessive pricing, which not only has an exploitative effect but may also prevent parallel imports and limit intra-brand competition. In this particular case, British Leyland charged £150 to any importer in the continent that required a certificate to drive cars in the UK. The main issue was not the huge profits that were received, but the fact that parallel exports could not occur smoothly", ". This demonstrates that the impediment of single market rules will be differentiated from exploitative actions by the Courts. Further cases to support this include General Motors where the facts were very similar. General Motors charged excessive prices for technical inspections in parallel imports, thus inhibiting them. Deutsche Post AG consisted of a situation where the Deutsche Post refused to allow bulk-mailings from the UK into Germany unless a surcharge was paid", ". Furthermore, they also delayed the release of intercepted mailings. This very much impeded the establishment of a single market postage system.", "Another example of a condemned pricing practice harmful to the single market is geographic price discrimination. A popular case on this issue is the United Brands case where different Member States were charged varying prices of up to 50% for equivalent transactions with no factual justifications. This impeded those buyers from reselling at a similar profit margin to other Member States as they were all charged very differently, thus harming the single market", ". In the case of Tetra Pak II Italy was always charged a much lower price than other Member States for all the different types of packaging that Tetra offered. This was again an unjustifiable geographical discrimination which harmed competition.Rebates''' (and similar pricing practices) that hinder imports and exports are defined in Competition law as a reduction in the price of a product", ". It has the potential to be legal if it is used to encourage customers to buy products in greater volume, but over several decades of cases it has developed into a dangerous breach of Article 102 if they are used to stop a customer importing from other Member States, thus ensuring they remain 'loyal'. This was concluded in several cases, beginning with Hoffman–La Roche", ". This was concluded in several cases, beginning with Hoffman–La Roche. The world-leading vitamin firm was using loyalty rebates to keep their customers and maintain their dominant position in the market, thus harming healthy competition. Almost 20 years later, the case of Irish Sugar saw an undertaking with 90% market share use border rebates to prevent customers getting cheaper sugar from the UK competitor", ". The well-known Michelin II case included the aforementioned quantity-based rebates, but in this situation, they were found to be too loyalty inducing by the Courts and were thus a single market abuse. It was also one of the first cases to talk about the fact that dominant undertakings have special responsibilities and can get punished for doing things that a non-dominant undertaking would be allowed to do", ". The danger of using rebates was clearly seen in Tomra as the simple notion of possible loyalty inducing effects via rebates was enough to justify a breach, without any cost analysis. All that was needed was the capability of an effect on competition. The most recent case of Intel saw the company be fined over one billion euros for giving rebates to manufacturers in exchange for agreements to get most of their supply from Intel.", "Non-pricing practices", "Non-pricing practices harmful to the internal market will also be held to infringe Article 102, though they are much more difficult to categorize due to their varying nature. In United Brands v Commission, UB was also condemned for including clauses in contracts with distributors with the effect of preventing parallel imports between countries by imposing a restriction on the export of un-ripened bananas", ". In other words, there was an unreasonable clause that prevented their customers from exporting bananas if they were green, which would therefore make it difficult to do so. British Leyland's refusal to supply certificates unless a fee was paid acted as a ploy to prevent the free movement of goods in the single market. In Romanian Power Exchange the Courts found a discrimination based on nationality as non-Romanian wholesale electricity traders were required to obtain a VAT registration", ". Interestingly, GlaxoSmithKline demonstrated that manufacturers of pharmaceuticals must only supply what is determined as necessary by the national standards, not what is requested by the wholesalers and can therefore limit parallel trade to an extent, unlike undertakings in other fields. Hilti was a case where the undertaking wanted to leave the UK market untouched by its products and restricted trade there, which was a breach of Article 102", ". Finally, in the energy and transport market, the three cases of BEH Energy, Gazprom and Lithuanian Energy'' all portrayed territorial restrictions without excessive pricing", ". As their punishments, BEH had to promise to the Commission to set up a new power exchange in Bulgaria, Gazprom promised to revise restrictions on resale of gas in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as ensure prices reflect the competitive benchmark and lastly, Lithuanian Energy had to rebuild a railway they destroyed to prevent a customer using a rival's services, as well as being fined 27.8 million euros.", "See also\n Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union\n European Union competition law\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n \n \n\nTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union\nEuropean Union competition law" ]
List of Ultraman Geed characters
[ "This is a character list of the 2017 Ultra Series Ultraman Geed.\n\nNebula House\nThe is a Sturm spaceship that originally belonged to Kei and buried 500 meters beneath the astronomical observatory, serving as a home and base to Riku who becomes its current owner and named it the after his former residential area.", "Riku Asakura/Ultraman Geed", "is the 19-year-old protagonist of the series. A teenager with no knowledge of his past, he was found nearby the astronomical observatory as a baby and lived a normal life until his home and workplace were destroyed by Skull Gomora. Riku stumbles into the Nebula House while considering spending the night at the observatory where he learns of his true nature as an Ultraman", ". Riku designates himself as from his daily principle , later explaining that the name also comes from the first two letters of and the first two letters of in reversed order. Although terrified of his background as the , a clone of Belial created by Kei to orchestrate the villain's return, Riku refuses to accept his fate while living up to his childhood inspiration as a hero. In the series finale, he finally face against his father in a battle that puts the fate of the universe at stake", ". The assistance from Ultraman King allows him to bring forth copies of his Fusion Rise forms as reinforcements. Once both are in their original forms, Geed and Belial fought to a standstill before trying to understand the pain and suffering that his father endured ever since being banished from the Land of Light. Unfortunately as Belial was beyond all help, Geed puts him to rest with his finisher. In the aftermath of the battle, Geed is finally recognized as the public hero as Riku resumed his normal life.", "Being an Ultra Warrior in disguise, Riku possesses Belial's that allows him to perform multiple inhuman feats. As Ultraman Geed, he transforms via the (which he renames the ) and , the latter device serves as a communicator to RE.M. His operation time is 3 minutes and can only transform after 20 hours. After his renewed confidence, Geed gains a weapon called the .", "His original form is in fact an exact copy of his father's Early Style, save for its Color Timer. This forms is usually glimpsed during his Fusion Rise and is also shown at the series finale. By scanning a pair of , it allows Geed to into preferred forms:", ": Geed's default form based on Ultraman and Ultraman Belial. Despite being balanced in terms of performances, he is capable of exerting the full potential of his inner strength should he consumed by his own rage and is able to fight on par with Belial. Although presented as a berserker-type fighter like his father, Geed retains the original Ultraman's heart of justice. His finisher in this form is the .", ": Geed's strength form based on Ultraseven and Ultraman Leo. In this form, Geed wields the on his head and his finisher is the .\n: Geed's speed form based on Ultraman Hikari and Ultraman Cosmos. In this form, Geed is capable of drawing the from his right hand as well as releasing an anesthetic wave called the .\n: Geed's super form based on Ultraman Zero and Father of Ultra. His finisher in this form is the .", ": Geed's super form based on Ultraman Zero and Father of Ultra. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Geed's ultimate Fusion Rise form based on Ultraman King and Ultraman Belial. Unlike other Fusion Rises, Riku transforms into this form using the which is summoned after scanning both Capsules. While his primary finishing attack is the , Geed Royal Mega-Master uses the Ultraman Capsules with the King Sword for additional attacks.", "In Ultraman Geed the Movie, Geed obtains a new ultimate form called that he assumes by using the Evolution Capsule and a pole-arm known as , a weapon that was created on Planet Kushia whose residents called it . His strongest finisher in this form is .", "In addition, the Data Carddass game Ultraman Fusion Fight! also introduced game-exclusive Fusion Rise. By inserting two Ultra Capsules into the arcade machine, players can utilize the Fusion exclusively in a finisher.\n: Based on Ultraman and Shining Ultraman Zero. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Ultraman Belial and Ultraman Orb Emerium Slugger. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Zero Luna-Miracle Zero. Geed is armed with the and his finisher is the .", ": Based on Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Orb Specium Zeperion. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Zoffy and Ultraman Mebius. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Ultraman Leo and Astra. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Ultraman Dyna and Ultraman Cosmos. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Ultraman Gaia (V2) and Ultraman Hikari. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Father of Ultra and Ultraman Belial. His finisher in this form is the .", ": Based on Father of Ultra and Ultraman Belial. His finisher in this form is the .\n: Based on Ultraman Nexus Junis and Ultimate Zero. His finisher in this form is the .", "Riku Asakura is portrayed by , previously portraying Nao in Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial. As a child, Riku is portrayed by . Meanwhile, the Geed Riser is voiced by .\n\nAccording to Koichi Sakamoto, Geed's status as a hero who inherited the blood of a villain is comparable to the titular character of Devilman. Riku Asakura's name is based on the late science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke.", "Pega", "is a child of the Alien Pegassa race that debuted in episode 6 of Ultraseven. Six years prior to the series, Pega was ordered by his parents to wander across the universe and return to their home planet once he grow. One day, his transportation capsule broke and was left stranded on Earth until a young Riku offered a shelter to him, thus marking the start of his friendship", ". Despite his cowardly appearance, Pega always wishes to help Geed in any way he can and sells handmade paper flowers to keep Riku afloat.", "When wandering outside, Pega uses his kind's ability to hide within Riku's shadow. He is also a talented genius and is proficient in Spanish.\n\nPega is voiced by , previously voicing young Shinjiro Hayata, Seiji Hokuto and Yuko Minami in ULTRAMAN and Eleking in Kaiju Girls. He is named after Alien Pega from episode 36 of Ultraseven.", "Laiha Toba", "is a 19-year-old girl with a mastery of swordsmanship who has never missed a single day of training, revealed to originally hosted a Little Star since birth when Ultraman King answered her parents' prayers to be born without complications. While the Little Star manifested when Laiha was 13 years old, it became dormant in the aftermath of her parents' death on Mt. Mitsuse by Kei Fukuide as Skull Gomora. Laiha vowed to find her parents' murderer and avenge them", ". Mitsuse by Kei Fukuide as Skull Gomora. Laiha vowed to find her parents' murderer and avenge them. In the present day, she met Riku while rescuing Eri from a Dada, witnessing his transformation into Geed and given board in the Nebula House in return for her intel about the Little Stars. Sometime prior to the arrival of Ultraman Belial, Laiha's Little Star powers resurface, allowing her to hear King's voice when he pleaded her not to kill Kei and later warning her of Belial's arrival", ". Upon learning of her powers, and her feelings for Riku, Laiha saved him while transferring her Little Star into Riku in the form of King Capsule.", "Laiha Toba is portrayed by .", "RE.M.", "is the Nebula House's , revealed to be an operation system created by Kei and named after the Sturm word for \"servant.\" By the time RE.M. was found by Riku, her memory of Kei deleted, she designated the youth the new owner as he coincidentally named her after a heroine from Donshine. While RE.M provides Riku with his arsenal, she reveals that much of her access like sensitive data like that on the Little Stars is blocked. Overtime, RE.M", ". Overtime, RE.M. gradually becomes more human-like prior to Kei forcefully taking back the Nebula House and deleting her when she sent Riku to safety. Though RE.M. survives by transferring herself to an android body, Kei capitalizes by restoring her original programing to force her to fight Geed when piloting Mecha Gomora. But RE.M. manages to purge herself of her base programming, retaking the Nebula House from Kei while gaining full access to all the data he previously locked.", "RE.M. primarily interacts with others through spherical devices called , which can track and fire laser beams.\n\nRE.M. is voiced by , who also portrayed her android body. The U-Toms are a tribute to the similarly named robot from episode 17 of Ultraseven.", "AIB", "The Alien Investigation Bureau, abbreviated as AIB, is a secret investigation team that deals with evil aliens. The foundation of this group is a result of the Crisis Impact, formed by aliens of multiple races in hopes of restoring the order Belial destroyed. The appearance of Ultraman Geed had caused mixed receptions among their members, with several few believed him as a threat. To disguise their modus operandi, they pose as salespersons of", ". To disguise their modus operandi, they pose as salespersons of . In aftermath of Belial's death, the AIB begin a secondary mission to gather the scattered Monster Capsules and prevent them from falling into wrong hands.", "Moa Aizaki\n is Riku's childhood friend, also liked watching Donshine as a child. Aged 25 years old in the series, her family was the one who found Riku at the observatory and took care of him ever since then before he is able to live on his own. Her membership in AIB begins when she was tendering an exhausted alien of the Zelan race, causing Zenna to take interest from her bravery and took Moa under his wing as his partner. Though she tends to mess up, Zenna considers Moa a vital member in the AIB.", "Moa Aizaki is portrayed by . As a child, Moa is portrayed by .", "Zenna", "is Moa's senior agent and a member of the warlike alien race known as the , his kind having first appeared in episode 23 of Ultraseven. Zenna was originally an instructor to young Shadow operatives, called or . After Belial's actions destroyed Planet Shadow, Zenna joined the AIB under the pretense to rebuild his planet's former glory before deciding to coexist with other species while working on Earth under the human identity of", ". As his people are unable to emote, Zenna's mouth does not move while in disguise. Although he hid Zegun in hopes of using the monster to counter Belial if he returns, preferring to destroy the control device and leave the monster stranded in another dimension, the infiltration by his student Kuruto made use of Zegun impossible. With his student beyond reasoning, Zenna was forced to beg Geed and Zero to end Kuruto's life.", "Zenna is portrayed by suit actor in his human form and voiced by .", "Zegun", ": A monster created as the Shadow race's living weapon, its capable of sending its targets to different places. Although not fatal to the monster, using Zegun when its controller in an exhausted state would cost them their own life. When Zenna joined the AIB, he kept Zegun's bracelet, initially wanting to dispose before keeping it in case of Belial's return. After Kuruto infiltrate the group and stole it, he decided to use Zegun to invade Earth and restore the glory of Planet Shadow", ". In its second fight with Geed and Zero, Kuruto had Zegun destroy itself after it was sealed in a containment barrier made by the two Ultras. Zenna later restored Zegun to aid Geed in the final battle against Belial. While Zegun helped Geed create a portal to the void to trap Belial, the monster is destroyed by the evil Ultraman.", "Other members", ": An alien scientist of the all-female Pitt race who hosted the Little Star of Ultraman Hikari, granting her the ability to create an energy sword. Tri was originally part of a Pitt invasion force but defected and by hiding an Eleking they were to use on Earth before making a new life on the planet", ". When the Little Star in her body awakened Eleking, Tri desperately used herself as bait to lure the monster out from the city, breaking the speed limit and steals Riku's bike along the way while attracting the AIB's attention. Tri manages to convince the AIB that she is not like her kin, later being recruited by the organization and working on Earth under the human identity of after her Little Star was harvested by Geed", ". While stationed to investigate and protect Little Star hosts, she was attacked by Godo Wynn, who attempted to kidnap the hosts before Laiha's intervention. She is portrayed by and her race first appeared in episode 3 of Ultraseven.", ": A teenage humanoid alien whose race possesses the power to read the minds of others, skills used by the AIB to deal with monsters to find out their intent. While on Earth to help with a Zandrias, assuming the alias , Nabia expresses initial disappointment in humans being dishonest (something that her race lacked due to being mind readers) before eventually understanding it a bit after achieving her mission with the Ultra Warriors' and Moa's help. She is portrayed by .", ": One of the aliens in command center who spies on Kei Fukuide. First appeared in episode 13 of Ultraseven.\n: One of the aliens in command center who spies on Kei Fukuide. First appeared in episode 39 of Ultraman Mebius.\n: One of the aliens in command center who spies on Kei Fukuide. He is a tribute to Grozam from episodes 43-46 of Ultraman Mebius.\n: One of the aliens who spies on Kei before succumbing to his surprise attack. First appeared in episode 31 of Return of Ultraman.", ": One of the aliens who spies on Kei before succumbing to his surprise attack.\n: A female alien who was among the operatives that spied Kei. During his surprise attack, she try to get his editor to safety before being attacked by his cane. First appeared in episode 25 of Ultraman Max.\n: A female alien who operates the command center with Zenna. She is voiced by and first appeared in episode 16 of Ultra Q: Dark Fantasy.", "Alien Pegassa : An adult Alien Pegassa who appeared in the second and third episode of Ultraman Chronicle Zero & Geed. He is an AIB agent sent to monitor Riku and Pega in the Beyond School and was mistaken as the latter by the young Ultra in disguise. Although prefers conversing in the Pegassa's native language, he understands Japanese words. He was originally mentioned in episode 24 of Ultraman New Generation Chronicle when Booska mistook an AIB enrollment letter meant for Pega", ". He is voiced by Megumi Han, who is also Pega's voice actress.", "Igaguri Family\n\nLeito Igaguri\n\nRumina Igaguri\n is Leito's 28-year-old wife. She later knows her hushand's identity as Ultraman Zero on episode 24 due to his bad at lying whenever he has something else to do.\n\nRumina Igaguri is portrayed by , previously portraying Mizuki Koishikawa in Ultraman Max.", "Rumina Igaguri is portrayed by , previously portraying Mizuki Koishikawa in Ultraman Max.\n\nMayu Igaguri\n is Leito's 5-year-old daughter who is later revealed to be the host of Zero's Little Star, enabling her to teleport. Her power was transferred to Geed in the form of Zero Capsule when pleading him to save Laiha.\n\nMayu Igaguri is portrayed by .", "Mayu Igaguri is portrayed by .\n\nOther Ultra Warriors\nAs a result of Belial and Kei's actions in the Childhood Radiation, the powers of Ultra Warriors were scattered around the Earth and inhabited their hosts as Little Stars.\n\nUltraman Zero", "Inter-Galactic Defense Force\nThe is an organization in the Land of Light. Several members were shown fighting against Belial before he commences . Six years after that, the Ultra Warriors were regarded as a myth to the humanity with memories of Crisis Impact were assumed to be meteorite showers.", ": The Executive Leader of Inter-Galactic Defense Force, originally known as Ultraman Ken and a former comrade of Belial prior to his descent into evil. A fragment of his power inhabited the body of Sui Asakura which is harvested as from Asakura's will for Riku to live on. Father later appears to aid Geed and the others against Belial in the final battle by preserving the latter in a containment barrier long enough for Geed to escape before the former recuperated and rejoined the battle. He is voiced by .", ": The Silver Cross Aid Commander, originally known as Ultrawoman Marie. She is voiced by .\n: A division of 11 Ultras. Alongside untold numbers of Inter-Galactic Defense Force members, they fought against Ultraman Belial and were caught in the Crisis Impact explosion. The six core members had a single Ultra Capsule in the form of .\n: See here.", ": See here.\n: His power inhabited a Gubila, allowing the monster to emit paralyzing sparks from its Die Hard Drill. It was harvested by Geed into out of Gubila's gratitude towards the Ultra. He is voiced by .\n: See here.\n: See here.\n: His power inhabited Fujio Manga, allowing him to use the Ultra's Vertical Guillotine. Alongside Jack and Taro, the was harvested by Geed upon his host's gratitude for the Ultra.\n: See here", ": See here\n: An Ultraman from Nebula L77 in the Leo constellation who assumed the guise of while protecting Earth, also being Zero's teacher during the former's exile from Land of Light. Following the Crisis Impact, Leo's power became a Little Star that inhabited Eri Hara before it transferred into Geed. This event allowed the creation of in Riku's arsenal.\n: Leo's brother.", ": See here.", ": A scientist who was previously a member of the Space Science Technology Bureau. Prior to the Crisis Impact, Hikari created the Risers and Ultra Capsules for the fight against Ultraman Belial before they were stolen sometime after the universe was restored. Following the Crisis Impact, Hikari's power became a Little Star that inhabited Tree-Tip before it transferred into Geed and created . When Zero was fighting a Galactron, Hikari sent him a Riser and a set of New Generation Capsules. He is voiced by .", "Showa Ultras", ": A legendary figure of the Land of Light, having lived for 300,000 years as the most powerful of the Ultramen due to his godly power. King appears in the midst of Crisis Impact, restoring the universe after Belial destroyed it by merging his entire being into it. As a result, King's essence is too scattered for him to be reached by the others", ". As a result, King's essence is too scattered for him to be reached by the others. Laiha was his Little Star host, who develop this symptom when he saved her during her birth and as a result developing Little Star symptoms earlier before Kei instigated the Childhood Radiation. Aside from guiding Laiha, King as well provide her his help to reach Riku and save him from Chimeraberus. His power becomes the and provide Geed the means to become Royal Mega-Master", ". His power becomes the and provide Geed the means to become Royal Mega-Master. After claiming the Sturm Organ from Kei, Belial absorbed King's essence to further strengthen himself and simultaneously endangering both the universe and King's own life until Zero delivers a specialized enzyme to Belial's timer, therefore reversing the process. King aids Geed in the final battle by materializing his other forms", ". King aids Geed in the final battle by materializing his other forms. Using the King Capsule again, Riku restored King's original body as he thanked the boy and departed from Earth. He is voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama, who also voices the Risers.", "Heisei Ultras\n: Though never appeared, his Little Star hosted within Moko and was salvaged by Geed while fighting against Arstron, allowing him to obtain as part of his new form Acro Smasher.\n: In the height of Galactron's attack, Hikari presented Leito/Zero with the third Riser and Capsules of succeeding Ultra Warriors. This allows the Ultra to assume Ultraman Zero Beyond and turn the tides of the battle.", ": His power inhabited the .\n: His power inhabited the . In the event of Gillvalis' assault on Earth, Gai approached Riku and providing advice to the young boy as an Ultra Warrior. He is reprised by .\n\n: His power inhabited the .\n: His power inhabited the .\n\nSupporting Heroes\n: The team of giant heroes founded by Ultraman Zero in aftermath of the destruction of Belial Galactic Empire. Alongside Zero, their characters were portrayed as villains in Kei's Cosmo Chronicle.\n\nAntagonists\n\nUltraman Belial", "Kei Fukuide", "is the main antagonist of the series, an alien of the war-torn race known as the who found purpose when recruited by Ultraman Belial during the end days of Planet Sturm. Having become fanatically devoted to Belial, Kei acted his master's wishes by creating Riku and using Riser technology he stole from Planet Ultra to develop the Monster Capsules", ". On Earth following the Crisis Impact, Kei sets himself up in the public as a famous sci-fi writer, his novels , , and being inverse versions of Belial's encounters with Zero. When the AIB caught on to his true nature, vexed in Geed not making it easy, Kei is forced to steal the Ultra Capsules in Riku's possession", ". But Kei loses the Zero Capsule, forced by Belial to absorb the other six Ultra Capsules' energy which causes him to briefly lose his mind in a berserker rampage before being defeated by Geed Magnificent. After Belial's death, bent on making Riku suffer for his actions while using the Nebula House's resources to heal his Sturm Organ, Kei resolved to inherit the former's legacy and used nonfiction writer Arie Ishikari to acquire the Alien Empera and Dark Lugiel Capsules for his ideal final chapter", ". But following his final battle with Geed in Okinawa, learning that Belial survived and observed him through Arie, Kei loses his Sturm Organ and forsaken despite his expression of being an integral part in his master's plan and resolves to continue aiding Belial until he drew his last breath during the final battle.", "While posing as a polite gentleman, Kei unveils a cruel and ruthless side when engaging in a battle. As a Sturm, Kei possesses his race's , which polarizes energies absorbed into his body, allowing him to create negation barriers and fire shockwave projectiles from his hand", ". Because of said organ, Kei had been storing energies from his battle with Geed and Zero under the purpose to strengthen himself but lost it when Belial tear the organ from his body to revive himself, leaving Kei with several days to live. Through the Fusion Rise, with Belial's power coursing through him, he can Fusion Rise into hybrid monsters known as , that also have Belial's on their chest via a Riser and a pair of Monster Capsules", ". By loading a single Monster Capsule to the Riser, he can summon a single monster based on it. The Belial Fusion Monster will forcefully disappear should their Monster Capsules overheated, forcing Kei to use another set or wait for the original to cool down.", ": Accessed with the use of Gomora and Red King Capsules, its finisher being the . This monster first appeared targeting a young Laiha by killing her parents in Mt. Mitsuse and harvest her Little Star. Six years later, it rampaged on Hoshiyama, targeting Eri's Little Star before being subjected to Geed's Wrecking Burst, allowing Riku to claim Leo Capsule based on Kei's anticipation.", ": Accessed with the use of Eleking and Ace Killer Capsules, its finisher being . In its initial appearance, Kei used Thunder Killer as an attempt to strengthen Geed, allowing the latter to obtain Geed Claw. He used it again and fought alongside a summoned Zaigorg until he was defeated by Geed Royal Mega-Master.", ": Accessed with the use of Zetton and King Joe Capsules, its finisher being . It was first used to fight against Ultraman Geed to claim all his Capsules after putting their battle into a stalemate. When Belial forced him to absorb its power, Kei plunged it to his chest and rampaged across the city as Pedanium Zetton under the state of insanity before being defeated by Geed", ". Sometime later, Pedanium Zetton was utilized to hunt Gubila (a Little Star host) across the city and used his knowledge of Geed's Royal Mega-Master to overpower said Ultra before Gubila paralyzed him long enough for Geed to counterattack.", ": Having empowering his Sturm Organ with the light of Planet Sturm, Kei transforms into a variation of Pedanium Zetton, signified by the greenish energy emission from his Sturm Organ. This was further enhanced when he shoved the Monster Capsules of Alien Empera and Dark Lugiel, growing into a towering monster before Geed defeated him for good. While growing gigantic, Pedanium Zetton Evolved can charge his fist with Sturm energy to perform .", ": Accessed with the use of King Joe and Galactron Capsules, its finisher being the . Although an original character in Ultraman Fusion Fight! Capsule Yugo, this fusion made its appearance in the Ultraman Festival 2017 and assumed by Ultraman Belial. King Galactron's appearance in the series was used by Kei Fukuide in against Geed and Zero while Arie tried to claim the capsules of Alien Empera and Dark Lugiel.", "In addition, the Data Carddass game Ultraman Fusion Fight! also introduced game-exclusive Fusion Rise. By inserting two Monster Capsules into the arcade machine, players can utilize the Fusion exclusively in a finisher.\n: Accessed with the use of Arch Belial and Maga-Orochi Capsules, its finisher being the .\n: Accessed with the use of Gomora and Tyrant Capsules, its finisher being the .\n: Accessed with the use of Zetton and Bemstar Capsules, its finisher being the .", ": Accessed with the use of Zetton and Bemstar Capsules, its finisher being the .\n: Accessed with the use of Bemular and Arstron Capsules, its finisher being the .", "Kei Fukuide is portrayed by . Meanwhile, his Riser is voiced by , who was also the one that came up with the names and finishers of Belial Fusion Monsters.", "Monster Capsules", "are items created by Kei through infusing Hikari's Ultra Capsules and the essence of Ultra Monsters. These capsules allow them to utilize its power as a Belial Fusion Monsters or summon respective monsters into the battle. Even when not in use, a single capsule can still harm the surrounding environment with its presence. Belial's collection of capsules scattered across the city upon Chimeraberus' destruction, forcing AIB to collect them as possible before they could be used by other evil factions.", "Summoned Capsules\n: A robotic doppelgänger of Ultraman Zero that first appeared Ultra Galaxy Legend Side Story: Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops Zero as a drone in the Belial Galactic Empire, armed with a pair of . One single model was first shown fighting against Geed before it escaped from Zero's intervention. Three Darklops Zero were summoned by Kei through the use of three before they were destroyed by Geed Solid Burning.", ": A giant war robot of unknown origin that first appeared in episode 14 of Ultraman Orb, having attack numerous dimension. Kei possesses two , using one in his plan to hold his audience hostage to force Zero to take the blow from its heat ray, successfully killing him before shutting down to give Geed a reprieve", ". It reactivated in the next day under Kei's orders to resume it fight with Geed as he summoned a second Galactron to fight against a revived Zero before both units were destroyed by Geed Acro Smasher and Zero Beyond. Galactron's main weapons are capture claw and sword. Its strongest attack is .", ": A monster summoned by Kei through the use of and first appeared in Ultraman X The Movie. Its main weapon is a huge kanabō on its right arm and launches from its chest. Kei used it to fend himself against the Dada-piloted Legionoid before joining Thunder Killer in against Ultraman Geed, defeated by Royal Mega-Master's Lance Spark.", ": Summoned by Kei via the , a brainwashed RE.M. was forced to pilot the robot, using both her analysis of Geed and Mecha Gomora's strength in against the Ultra before she managed to regain her senses. After exiting Mecha Gomora and banishing Kei out from the Nebula House, RE.M. exposed the robot's main weakness on its neck, allowing Geed Royal Mega-Master to destroy it via Spacium Flasher. First appeared in Ultra Galaxy Legend Side Story: Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops Zero.", ": A monster with the ability to regenerate, Starbem Gyeron was a monster who first appeared in episode 26 of Ultraseven. Kei summoned it from the to have it amass data on Geed's Royal Mega-Master form, its regenerative powers allowing the monster to revive itself every day at 10:00 am. By the sixth day of its appearance, once the group formulating a plan to negate its regeneration, Geed destroys Starbem Gyeron while Zero creates a barrier to lessen the distance of the remains", ". The remains are then gathered and frozen by the Hoshiyama residents as AIB scattered the frozen fragments across the universe.", "Other Capsules\n: Contains the essence of from episodes 26 and 27 of Ultraman. It was used alongside Red King Capsule to form Skull Gomora.\n: Based on from episode 8 of Ultraman. It was used in unison with Gomora Capsule to form Skull Gomora.\n: Contains the essence of from episode 14 of Ultraman Ace. It was used in unison with Eleking Capsule to form Thunder Killer", ": Contains the essence of from episodes 14 and 15 of Ultraseven. It was used in unison with Zetton Capsule to form Pedanium Zetton or Galactron Capsule to form King Galactron.\n: Contains the essence of from episode 39 of Ultraman. It was used in unison with King Joe Capsule to form Pedanium Zetton.", ": Contains the essence of , the ruler of the Empera Army who first appeared in the final four episodes of Ultraman Mebius. It was retrieved by the AIB in the aftermath of Belial's demise and secured in their vault until Kei took it for his endgame. Kei used both of them to enlarge Pedanium Zetton before Belial did the same as Atrocious.", ": Contains the essence of , Ultraman Ginga's dark counterpart. The Dark Lugiel Capsule was retrieved by AIB in the aftermath of Belial's demise, stored away in their vault for safe keeping until Kei took it for his endgame. Kei briefly used them to enlarge Pedanium Zetton before Belial did the same as Atrocious.", "Arie Ishikari\n\nGillvalis\n is the main antagonist of Ultraman Geed The Movie, originally a sentient artificial intelligence called created by Kushia scientists for universal peace. But Gillvalis' programing causes him to reach the conclusion that all other forms of intelligent life in the universe must be exterminated. Gillvalis mass-produced a legion of Galactrons called the and sends them to Earth to acquire the Giga Finalizer on Okinawa.", "Aside from the ability to reflect all attacks from Ultra Warriors, Gillvalis is also capable of digitizing an entire planet. Gillvalis is later installed into a Galactron-type body called is armed with the built-in cannons. Gillvalis' main attacks are the ray, the energy bullet, the barrier, and headbutt. His strongest attack is the volley from all the cannons including the cannon arms.\n\nGillvalis is voiced by .", "Galactron MK2", "is an enhanced version of Galactron in Ultraman Geed the Movie. It was sent to Earth per Gillvalis' own orders to capture the Red Steel and faced against Geed before retreating. When both Nebula House and AIB went to Okinawa, Galactron MK2 made itself known and faced oppositions in the form of Geed, Orb, Zero and Gukuru Shisa. The robot vanguard easily resisted all of their attacks and digitized Geed into a cyberspace before being rescued by Orb", ". As a result of Zero and Orb's \"sacrifice\" to shield Geed from incoming attack, the young Ultra quickly destroyed Galactron MK2 after falling into a berserk rage.", "Galactron MK2's main weapons are the battle axe, machine guns, beam guns, and blades. It is also capable of creating the barriers from the generators and firing the capture beams.\n\nValis Raiders\nThe are human-sized robot soldiers that are sent by Gillvalis to wipe out all remaining survivors after the Galactron Army attacked the world. They are armed with .", "Little Star\n is an energy substance formed after the released by Ultraman King glued to the body of life forms through Kei's . His purpose of doing so is to activate the powers of Ultra Capsules and resurrect Belial to his physical form. Since Little Stars can attract monsters, Geed's part as a savior would be crucial to obtain its power. The AIB as well took intervention into this case by developing an enzyme that would dissolve the Carellen Element as alternatives to cure the Little Star symptoms.", "Upon activation of a Little Star, the host would develop symptoms of hand fever and radiation lights emerged from their body, followed by the development of an Ultra Warrior's power. The only way to separate them is for their hosts to pray upon the Ultra Warriors.", ": Yoshiko's daughter and Haruo's niece. She hosted the Little Star of Ultraman Leo, granting her pyrokinesis. After being targeted by both Dada and Skull Gomora, Eri's prayer for Ultraman Geed separated the Little Star for Riku to claim it as Leo Capsule. She is portrayed by .\n: A host of the Little Star of Ultraseven, granting him the armor of light for offense and defense. When Toru cheered Geed on, the Little Star separated from the boy for Riku to claim it as Seven Capsule. He is portrayed by .", "Alien Pitt \"Tree-Tip\" (see above)\n: A small space monster that was adopted by street comedian named Takashi Arai, who gave it the name . Moko is also a host of the Little Star of Ultraman Cosmos, granting it the ability to heal others which Takashi exploited for money. After being saved by its owner when Moa attempted to confiscate it, Moko's Little Star was salvaged by Geed as Cosmos Capsule and Moko was allowed to remain with Takashi after it proved too difficult for the AIB to contain.", "Mayu Igaguri: (see above)\nLaiha Toba: (see above)", ": A retired local administrator who named Riku when he was discovered as a baby. He was had hope to adopt the boy until his wife's death in an accident, forcing him to surrender Riku to the Aizaki family. Three months prior, Sui developed the symptoms of Father of Ultra's Little Star, allowing him to perceive Riku and the current events surrounding him. With months left to live due to an incurable disease, he invited Riku to his house where he told the boy of their history", ". When Pedanium Zetton try to attack him, his prayer for Riku to live on allowed the boy to gain Father of Ultra's capsule and use it with Zero Capsule into Ultraman Geed Magnificent. In aftermath, Riku decided to visit him again until his illness cured. He is portrayed by .", ": A host of the Little Star of Ultraman Jack, allowing her to perform the Ultra's . As a result of her gratitude for Geed, Jack's Ultra Capsule is harvested by the Ultra. She is portrayed by .\n: A host of the Little Star of Ultraman Ace, allowing him to perform the Ultra's . As a result of his gratitude for Geed, Ace's Ultra Capsule is harvested by the Ultra. He is portrayed by .", ": A host of the Little Star of Ultraman Taro, providing him with pyrokinesis. As a result of his gratitude for Geed, Taro's Ultra Capsule is harvested by the Ultra. He is portrayed by .", ": A fish-like monster that hosted the Little Star of Zoffy, which possesses the ability to emit paralyzing sparks from its nose. Due to its nature, Gubila was targeted by Kei/Pedanium Zetton before Geed interfered, giving the Ultra an opening to defeat said monster. After the battle, Gubila relinquished the Little Star to Geed (turned into Zoffy Capsule) in gratitude for his rescue. First appeared in episode 24 of Ultraman.", "Other characters\nMajor\n: Riku's 40-year-old employer and the manager of . After both his shop and Riku's home were destroyed by Skull Gomora, Haruo decided to stay at Yoshiko's house for a while and restarted his business under a minivan. He is portrayed by .", ": Kei's 33-year-old editor in his novels, he was revealed to be cooperating with the AIB to uncover his secret. After Kei foiled their attempts, Jōji was killed sometime later prior to Pedanium Zetton's appearance. The discovery of his corpse led to the downfall of Kei's popularity on Earth as he is on the run from authorities. He is portrayed by .", "Minor\n: The eponymous protagonist of show within a show tokusatsu series . His catchphrase \"Here We Go!\" is used by Riku during his Fusion Rise and is one of his inspiration to become a hero. He is voiced by former Voyager member .\n: The main antagonist of Blasting Chronicler Donshine. He is voiced by .\n: Haruo's younger sister. She is portrayed by .", ": Haruo's younger sister. She is portrayed by .\n: A struggling comedian who has been multiple times ditched by his partners. After finding Moco, Takashi adopted and took advantage of the animal's Little Star but shows genuine friendship while saving Moco from Arstron. Although it lost the Little Star to Geed, Takashi restarted his comedian career with Moco as his partner. He is portrayed by .\n and : Laiha's parents who were killed by Skull Gomora six years ago. They are portrayed by and respectively.", "Other monsters and aliens", "Good\n: A Pterasaur-like monster whose kind is first seen in episode 4 of Ultraman 80. A young Zandrias male came to Earth out of depression from his own mate, unable to physically leave the planet while throwing temper tantrums. Once Nabia found out the Zandrias' personal problem, Moa encouraged the monster not to give up on love while Zero knocks him back into space to be reunited with his mate.", ": An ancient race that was wiped out by Gillvalis. In the past, they were revealed to be the true creator of Giga Battlenizer, the same weapon that Belial used in his conquest for power.\n: The 33,000-year-old last surviving member of the Kushia named who posed as a tour guide of Okinawa Prefecture. She enlisted the help of Ultraman Geed to overcome a new threat. She is portrayed by .", ": Airu's late father and a scientist who created the Giga Finalizer. When driven into a corner by a number of Galactrons, he sacrificed himself to save his daughter and creation. He is portrayed by , previously portraying Captain Shigeru Hijikata in Ultraman Max.\n: The former antagonist from Ultraman Orb, who had since reformed. He provided Riku with the guidance of \"red steel\" in Okinawa. He is reprised by .", ": A shisa-like ancient guardian monster of Okinawa. Gukuru Shisa protects the \"red steel\" in the form of a stone statue. Its strongest attacks are the , using its claws, and the , using its .", "Evil\n: Dadaism-themed aliens from the Planet Dada who identify themselves with digit numbers, the race having first appeared in episode 28 of Ultraman. The Dada race are among the victims of Belial's evil regiment that was once reigned the universe.\n820 (2): A Dada, armed with a , attempts to kidnap Eri for her Little Star after knocking her family unconscious, only for Riku and Laiha to intervene. While hiding after his failure, Dada was killed for his interference by Kei. He is voiced by .", "116 (18): A Dada arrives to Earth after Belial's demise, planning to take over the universe in his place and going after an amnesiac Kei to avenge his comrades in a hijacked Legionoid. Though Zero intercepted him on the first attempt, the Dada finds Kei and ends up being killed when he caused Kei to regain his memories and summoned Zaigorg to destroy the Legionoid. He is voiced by .", ": Originally a Legionoid that served under Kaiser Belial, this model was hijacked and remodeled by the Dada race for its use, having normal hands that can switch to of Legionoid Alpha or of Legionoid Beta. Dada 116 brought the Legionoid to Earth to hunt down an amnesiac Kei, only for its second attempt to accidentally restore Kei's memories as he summons Zaigorg to destroy the robot alongside its pilot.", ": An alien from the Planet Huk whose kind first appeared in episode 47 of Ultraseven. Huk gets arrested by Moa and Zenna when they confirmed that he smuggled an illegal plant called the to Earth, resulting in his deportation from the planet. Moa would use the Lugus later on to sedate Eleking long enough for Geed to counterattack. He is voiced by .", ": A sniper belong to a race of superior-minded genocidal maniacs whose kind first terrorized Earth in episode 19 of Ultraseven. Armed with a , Bado was hired by Kei to keep Laiha from interfering in his meeting with Riku while given orders to snipe civilians should she elude him. Pega manages to distract the Bado long enough for Laiha to reach his location and fight him, the Bado attempting to snipe Geed before being crushed by incoming debris during his fight against Pedanium Zetton. He is voiced by .", ": An alien who illegally stayed on Earth, not wanting to get out before being apprehended by both Moa and Kuruto. He is voiced by and first appeared in Ultraman Orb The Movie.", ": A race of notorious invaders whose infamous for the use of guerrilla tactic. Their invasion on other planets stem from the need for their race to survive. As a result of their conflict with Belial, their original planet became inhabitable and the rest of their kin scattered across the space. First appeared in episode 23 of Ultraseven.", ": The last surviving Gabra Cano and Zenna's final student. He trained himself to emote and speak with his mouth while subduing Zenna as he posed as an AIB agent who assumes the human identity of . After retrieving Zegun, Kuruto tries to invade Earth in hopes of restoring Planet Shadow's glory, despising his former teacher for joining AIB instead", ". Although Zenna offered his life as an exchange while others try to reason with him, Kuruto saw himself beyond redemption and orchestrate his death by allowing Zegun to be contained by the Ultramen and had Zegun continue its attack before he is consumed in the resulting explosion. He is portrayed by .", ": A race of aliens whose naturally armed with the on their pincers. Their main goal is to exploit the powers of Little Stars as part of their military strength and to restore the glory of their planet. While Godo deals with the Little Stars, another operative tried to sneak attack on Zenna before the latter turn the tables. He was deported away by Zenna after Chimeraberus' departure. He is voiced by and first appeared in episode 4 of Ultraseven.", ": A Godola who slipped into AIB, posing as a fellow scientist that assisted Tree-Tip in studying the Little Stars. Upon showing his true color, Godo try to take an injured Tri and other Little Stars (including Laiha) with him before he was overwhelmed by Laiha. While growing large and fighting against Geed, Godo was killed by the newly arrived Belial. He is portrayed by .", ": An information broker who relays the news of Alien Empera and Dark Lugiel Capsules to Kei Fukuide. He is voiced by Kenta Matsumoto and first appeared in episode 26 of Ultra Q: Dark Fantasy.\n: An alien whose responsible for transforming Belial into his current state. He was mentioned in a flashback during Geed and Belial's final battle as Riku tapped into Belial's previous memories.", ": A group of five aliens assembled by Belial during his conquest. Within Belial's flashback, they were only shown alongside Kei as Belial prepared for his fight against the Ultra Warriors.\n: The main antagonist of Ultra Fight Orb. Although the original story featured his death by Geed, Riku's discovery of Belial's memory retcons the event with his father as Reibatos' true murderer.\nAliens in the (Movie): The aliens who illegally stay on Earth and live in their secret alien town in Okinawa.", ": An information broker who is based in the bar located in the town. He is portrayed by .\n: First appeared in Ultraman Orb The Movie.", ": First appeared in episode 37 of Return of Ultraman.\n: First appeared in episode 8 of Ultraseven X.\nDarkness Alien Alien Shaplay\nAlien Doble\n\nSpace Emperor Alien Bado\n: First appeared in episode 19 of Ultra Q.\nElectric Wave Phantom Lecuum\n\nInsect Alien Alien Ckalutch", "Neutral\n: A monster that was shown in the Pre-Premier special as a demonstration for Geed's Acro Smasher form. First appeared in episode 22 of Ultraman.", ": An electric-eel-like reptilian native to Planet Pitt that is used as a biological weapon by the Pitt race, having first appeared in episode 3 of Ultraseven. Like many of its species, Eleking was intended by a Pitt invasion force to attack Earth. But Tree-Tip, having grown to love Earth, spirited the infant Eleking to the planet and hid it away. But the fully matured Eleking is later revived by the Little Star in Tree-Tip's body, instinctively pursuing her for the energy", ". Though Geed assumes his Solid Burning form to destroy Eleking, Kei harvested Eleking's remains to create the .", ": A species of aquatic monster native to Planet Valky, originally kept as pets due to their adorable appearance until they were abandoned out of fear being monster weapons. Zenna and Moa managed to find an abandoned baby Samekujira before it ended up in the wrong hands. First appeared in episode 53 of Ultraman Taro.", ": A monster on that appeared in wake of Moco's Little Star to track its source, Geed using his powers in Acro Smasher form to pacify Arstron and convince it to leave peacefully. First appeared in episode 1 of Return of Ultraman.\n: Mentioned only by RE.M., the race's disguise badge was replicated by her for Riku to use while disguising as Leito, which also allows Pega to conceal his appearance without the need of Dark Zone. First appeared in episode 20 of Ultraseven.", ": A monster that attempted to dig the Nebula House for Mayu's Little Star. It was quickly defeated by Ultraman Zero Beyond's Wide Beyond Shot. First appeared in episode 40 of Ultraman Taro.\nSpace Phantom Alien Zelan (15): Another Zelan (different from the AIB operative) was shown in Moa's past, who was tended by her after being exhausted.", "Notes\n\nReferences\nPublished materials\n\nSources\n\nExternal links\nOfficial website for the cast list of Ultraman Geed\nOfficial website for the cast list of Ultraman Geed the Movie\n\n, Ultraman Geed\nGeed" ]
2017 Toronto Blue Jays season
[ "The 2017 Toronto Blue Jays season was the 41st season of the franchise in the American League East division of Major League Baseball, and the 27th full season of play (28th overall) at Rogers Centre. For the first time since the 2014 season, the Blue Jays failed to make it to the postseason, finishing fourth in the AL East with a 76–86 record.", "Offseason", "The Blue Jays offseason began on October 19, 2016, when they were eliminated by the Cleveland Indians in the American League Championship Series. On October 24, general manager Ross Atkins held a press conference at the Rogers Centre to discuss the team's offseason plans. Atkins stated that the club would likely extend qualifying offers to pending free agents José Bautista and Edwin Encarnación, and pick up Jason Grilli's $3 million contract option for the 2017 season", ". He also told reporters that the team could explore stretching out Joe Biagini and using him as a starting pitcher, and that Roberto Osuna would remain a relief pitcher indefinitely. With regards to the coaching staff, Atkins stated that the coaches from 2016, with the exception of assistant hitting coach Eric Owens, would return for the 2017 season.", "Center fielder Kevin Pillar underwent surgery in late October to repair a thumb ligament he tore in August, and was expected to be ready for 2017 spring training. Jason Grilli's option for the 2017 season was picked up by the team on November 5. On November 7, Bautista and Encarnación were each issued a $17.2 million qualifying offer for the 2017 season. R. A. Dickey signed with the Atlanta Braves on November 10. Lourdes Gurriel Jr", ". R. A. Dickey signed with the Atlanta Braves on November 10. Lourdes Gurriel Jr., a Cuban player who defected in February 2016, signed a seven-year, $22 million contract with the Blue Jays on November 12. Encarnación and Bautista each declined their qualifying offers on November 14. Kendrys Morales signed a three-year, $33 million contract with the Blue Jays on November 18", ". Kendrys Morales signed a three-year, $33 million contract with the Blue Jays on November 18. The Blue Jays also claimed Dominic Leone and Leonel Campos on November 18, and added Anthony Alford, Ryan Borucki, and Richard Ureña to the 40-man roster to protect them from the Rule 5 draft. The St. Louis Cardinals and Brett Cecil finalized a four-year, $30.5 million contract on November 21. Steve Pearce signed a two-year, $12.5 million contract with Toronto on December 5", ". Steve Pearce signed a two-year, $12.5 million contract with Toronto on December 5. The Blue Jays selected Glenn Sparkman in the Rule 5 draft on December 8, and lost minor leaguers Jorge Flores, Jorge Saez, and Matt Smoral in the Triple-A phase of the draft.", "Edwin Encarnación agreed to a three-year, $60 million contract with the Cleveland Indians on December 22, 2016. The contract was officially signed on January 5, 2017. The Blue Jays gained a compensatory first round draft selection in the 2017 Major League Baseball draft after the signing of Encarnación became official. On January 12, Darwin Barney and Ezequiel Carrera agreed to one-year contracts worth $2.8875 million and $1.1625 million respectively, avoiding salary arbitration", ".8875 million and $1.1625 million respectively, avoiding salary arbitration. Aaron Loup agreed to a one-year, $1.125 million contract for the 2017 season the following day, leaving Marcus Stroman as the lone remaining Blue Jay eligible for arbitration. After several days of negotiations, José Bautista signed a one-year, $18 million contract with the Blue Jays on January 18. His contract also includes a mutual option for the 2018 season valued at $17 million, and a $20 million vesting option for 2019", ". Michael Saunders signed with the Philadelphia Phillies on January 19. Four Blue Jays players were featured to MLB's Top 100 prospects list when it was revealed on January 28. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. was rated the top prospect for Toronto, ranked 34th. Sean Reid-Foley, Anthony Alford, and Richard Ureña were ranked 64th, 70th, and 94th respectively.", "Entering February, the Blue Jays were still in search of relief pitching and catching depth. Jarrod Saltalamacchia was signed to a minor league contract on February 6. Three days later, the Jays signed J. P. Howell and Joe Smith to a one-year contracts worth $3 million each. Chad Girodo and A. J. Jiménez were designated for assignment to make room on the 40-man roster for Howell and Smith. Marcus Stroman won his arbitration case against the Blue Jays on February 14, and was awarded a $3", ". Marcus Stroman won his arbitration case against the Blue Jays on February 14, and was awarded a $3.4 million salary for the season.", "Free agency\n\nIn\n\nOut\n\nWaivers\n\nIn", "Spring training", "Blue Jays pitchers and catchers reported to spring training on February 14 in Dunedin, Florida. Position players reported on February 17. Josh Donaldson suffered a right calf strain while working out on February 20, and was ruled out for 2–3 weeks. On February 23, the team announced that non-roster invitee Casey Lawrence would start the first game of the Grapefruit League season, and be followed in the rotation by Joe Biagini and Mat Latos", ". On March 10, in a game against the Detroit Tigers, non-roster invitee TJ House was struck in the head by a line drive. He remained on the ground for many minutes being attended to by medical staff, and left the field in an ambulance. Early in camp, concerns were raised about the health of second baseman Devon Travis and his availability for Opening Day. On March 13, it was announced that Travis, as well as Josh Donaldson, would take part in a minor league game the following day", ". On March 16, the Blue Jays renewed Aaron Sanchez's contract at the MLB-minimum of $535,000. The team had reportedly attempted to negotiate a raise in payment with Sanchez and his agent, Scott Boras, however the offer was refused by Sanchez and Boras.", "On March 26, manager John Gibbons announced that Marco Estrada would be the starting pitcher on Opening Day, and be followed in the rotation by J. A. Happ, Marcus Stroman, Francisco Liriano, and Aaron Sanchez. Reliever Bo Schultz, who had been competing for a spot in the bullpen, underwent Tommy John surgery on March 29, and was ruled out for the entire season. On April 1, Gibbons signed a two-year extension with the Blue Jays, that also included an option for the 2020 season", ". The Opening Day roster was announced on April 2. Mike Bolsinger was designated for assignment, while Melvin Upton Jr. was released. Pitchers Roberto Osuna, Glenn Sparkman, and Bo Schultz opened the year on the disabled list, along with outfielder Dalton Pompey.", "The Blue Jays ended spring training with a 12–18 win–loss record, excluding three tie games that did not count toward the standings. Their .400 winning percentage was the joint-worst (along with Detroit) among American League teams in pre-season.\n\nStandings\n\nAmerican League East\n\nAmerican League Wild Card\n\nRecords vs opponents\n\n2017 draft\nThe 2017 Major League Baseball draft began on June 12.\n\n – Toronto received the 28th overall selection after Edwin Encarnación signed with the Cleveland Indians.", "Regular season\n\nOpening Day\n\nApril", "For the fourth consecutive year, the Blue Jays opened their season on the road. Taking on Baltimore in a brief two-game series, Toronto sent Marco Estrada to the mound on Opening Day, while Baltimore countered with Kevin Gausman. The game went into extra-innings tied 2–2, before Jason Grilli allowed a walk-off solo home run to the 2016 American League leader in home runs, Mark Trumbo. After an off-day, the Blue Jays would drop to 0–2 on the year, losing to the Orioles 3–1", ". After an off-day, the Blue Jays would drop to 0–2 on the year, losing to the Orioles 3–1. Toronto earned their first win of the year in the first game of their four-game series against the Tampa Bay Rays in St. Petersburg. Kendrys Morales hit a grand slam, and Marcus Stroman held Tampa to a single run in his 6 innings in the 5–2 victory. The Blue Jays would then drop the following three games to Tampa, by scores of 10–8, 3–2, and 7–2", ". The Blue Jays would then drop the following three games to Tampa, by scores of 10–8, 3–2, and 7–2. The losses moved the Jays to a dismal 1–5 record, matching their worst start in franchise history. To make matters worse, reliever J. P. Howell was placed on the 10-day disabled list with a left shoulder injury, and Josh Donaldson was forced to leave the final game of the road trip with a calf injury.", "Playing at home for the first time in 2017, the Blue Jays opened their nine-game home stand with a short two-game series against the Milwaukee Brewers. Toronto was narrowly defeated in the first game, 4–3, which extended their home opener losing streak to six. The Blue Jays were swept by the Brewers in the final game of the series, 2–0. Marcus Stroman threw the second complete game of his career in the loss. Baltimore then began a four-game series against the Jays with a 2–1 victory", ". Baltimore then began a four-game series against the Jays with a 2–1 victory. Josh Donaldson, who had reaggravated his calf injury in Tampa, was forced to leave the first game against Baltimore with the same calf injury. He was placed on the 10-day disabled list the following day. The Blue Jays dropped the next game in the series, 6–4, which lowered their record to 1–9 and furthered the 2017 team's hold on the record for the worst start in franchise history", ". Their seven-game losing streak came to an end on April 15, when Kendrys Morales hit a walk-off solo home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to give the Jays a 2–1 victory. Toronto was unable to earn a series-split with Baltimore, dropping the final game by a score of 11–4. Aaron Sanchez was placed on the disabled list prior to the game with a blister on his pitching hand, and J. A. Happ was forced to leave the game with left elbow soreness. Happ would also go on the disabled list the following day", ". Happ would also go on the disabled list the following day. In the first game of a three-game series against the Boston Red Sox, the Blue Jays were unable to complete a late-game comeback, taking an 8–7 loss. Francisco Liriano and the Toronto bullpen held the Red Sox to six hits and no runs in a 3–0 win the following day. In the final game of the home stand, the Blue Jays were denied their first series-win of the year, as the offence was stymied by Red Sox ace Chris Sale", ". Despite some late heroics by Kendrys Morales to send the game into extra innings, the Blue Jays would lose 4–1 in ten innings. The loss moved the team to a 3–12 record, which was the worst in all of Major League Baseball.", "Hoping to rebound from their woeful first 15 games, the Blue Jays began a seven-game road trip in Los Angeles, taking on the Angels for four. Ryan Tepera earned the first win of his career in the first game of the series, as Toronto barely held on to a slim 8–7 win in 13 innings. The second game saw the Jays fall just short of coming back from a 5–0 deficit, losing 5–4 and levelling the series at a game apiece", ". Marcus Stroman threw his second complete game in 12 days, allowing two runs on seven hits in the Blue Jays' 6–2 victory the following day. Controversy arose before, during, and after the final game of the series, as the umpiring crew from the previous game was replaced for undisclosed reasons. The replacement home plate umpire, Toby Basner, had previously drawn the ire of Toronto fans for ejecting Josh Donaldson in the first inning of a game against the Minnesota Twins the previous year", ". In the final game of the Angels series, Basner made several questionable calls against both teams, and ejected Blue Jays manager John Gibbons. The Angels would take the game, 2–1, and split the four-game series with Toronto. Toronto closed their road play for April in St. Louis, taking on the Cardinals. The first game of the series went into extra-innings tied 5–5. Chris Coghlan submitted a play-of-the-year candidate late in the game, leaping over Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina to score", ". In the top of the eleventh inning, Marcus Stroman was called upon to pinch-hit and delivered the first hit and double of his career, and later scored the go-ahead run to take a 6–5 lead that the team would not surrender. The second game of the series was rained-out, and rescheduled for the following day as a day-night doubleheader. The Cardinals would take both games, by scores of 8–4 and 6–4, and send the Blue Jays home with a losing record on their road trip.", "To cap a disappointing April, the Jays returned home for a three-game series against Tampa Bay. The Rays hit four home runs in the first game of the series, defeating Toronto 7–4. The Jays held the Rays to a single run in the second game, and Roberto Osuna bounced back from a few rough outings with a 1-2-3 ninth inning to earn his second save of the season, closing the 4–1 win", ". In the final game of April, the Blue Jays scored three runs in the eighth inning to win 3–1, taking both their first series of the year and winning back-to-back games for the first time in 2017. The game was not without disappointment however, as Aaron Sanchez returned from the disabled list to start, but lasted only a single inning before leaving with a split fingernail on his pitching hand.", "May", "Looking to rebound from a disastrous April, the Blue Jays opened the month of May in New York, taking on the Yankees for three games. Ryan Goins led the way offensively in the first game, recording the first two-run sacrifice fly in franchise history in Toronto's 7–1 victory. New York would end the Blue Jays three-game winning streak with an 11–5 victory the following day. The Yankees would take the series with an 8–6 win in the finale, and drop the Blue Jays back to 10 games below .500", ".500. Marcus Stroman left the game in the third inning with a minor arm injury. Following a day-off, the Jays began their third series of the season against Tampa Bay. Kendrys Morales hit two home runs to lead Toronto to an 8–4 win in the series opener. Rays starter Jake Odorizzi held the Blue Jays to a single run over seven innings, as the Rays took the second game by a score of 6–1", ". Joe Biagini made his first Major League start in the final game of the series, pitching four strong innings and aiding the Blue Jays to a 2–1 win and just their second series-victory of the year.", "The Blue Jays returned home from their 3–3 road trip and opened a nine-game home stand with a rematch of last year's American League Championship Series against the Cleveland Indians. The series marked Edwin Encarnación's return to Toronto, after departing in the offseason. Prior to the game, Russell Martin was placed on the 10-day disabled list with a left arm injury. Toronto emerged victorious in the first game, 4–2, led by a strong outing by Marcus Stroman", ". Toronto emerged victorious in the first game, 4–2, led by a strong outing by Marcus Stroman. The Indians shutout the Jays in the second game, 6–0. Kendrys Morales left the game with a hamstring injury, adding to the growing list of injured Toronto players. The third and final game of the series went into the ninth inning tied 7–7, before the Jays managed to load the bases for Ryan Goins, who singled in the winning run. The Seattle Mariners then arrived in Toronto for a four-game series", ". The Seattle Mariners then arrived in Toronto for a four-game series. Before the first game began, Toronto placed Francisco Liriano on the disabled list with left shoulder inflammation. Former Mariner Justin Smoak drove in four runs in the Blue Jays 7–2 victory in the opener. Joe Biagini and the Blue Jays bullpen held the Mariners scoreless in game two, earning a 4–0 victory. In the third game of the series, Kevin Pillar recorded three hits to give him the American League lead in hits with 47", ". The Blue Jays took the game by a score of 7–2, setting up an opportunity for their first sweep of the season. Kevin Pillar hit the first walk-off home run of his career in the final game of the series, giving the Blue Jays a 3–2 victory, their first four-game sweep since the 2015 season, and a five-game winning streak. Aaron Sanchez returned from the disabled list and made his first start since departing with a torn fingernail on April 30", ". To close their home stand, the Jays began a home-and-home series against the Atlanta Braves. Atlanta would take both games in Toronto, by scores of 10–6 and 9–6 respectively.", "Continuing the series in Atlanta, the Blue Jays were defeated 8–4 by the Braves in a game that was rife with controversy. Freddie Freeman was hit on the wrist by an Aaron Loup pitch in the fifth inning, and left the game. In the seventh inning, Kevin Pillar struck out on a quick pitch from Braves pitcher Jason Motte", ". In the seventh inning, Kevin Pillar struck out on a quick pitch from Braves pitcher Jason Motte. Immediately after striking out, Pillar called Motte a homophobic slur, which caused both Motte and Braves catcher Kurt Suzuki to confront him and led both dugouts to rush onto the field in defense of their teammates. In the eighth inning, José Bautista enraged the Braves by flipping his bat after hitting a solo home run. Following the game, Pillar publicly apologized to Motte", ". Following the game, Pillar publicly apologized to Motte. Prior to the game on May 18, the Blue Jays held a press conference with Pillar to apologize for the incident again, and announced that Pillar would be suspended for two games. It was also announced that Freeman would miss 10–12 weeks with a broken wrist. Toronto would avoid being swept by Atlanta, winning the final game of the four-game series 9–0. Marcus Stroman hit just the second home run by a Blue Jay pitcher in franchise history in the win", ". Marcus Stroman hit just the second home run by a Blue Jay pitcher in franchise history in the win. The Jays then returned to Baltimore for their first series at Camden Yards since the start of the season. Much like the game on Opening Day, the first game of the series went into extra innings before Jason Grilli allowed a walk-off home run. In the second game, Danny Barnes allowed a three-run home run to Welington Castillo, handing the Orioles a 7–5 win", ". The Blue Jays salvaged the final game of the series, defeating the Orioles by a score of 3–1. Marco Estrada struck out 12 Baltimore batters, matching his career-high for strikeouts in a single game. To close their road play for the month, the Jays swept the Milwaukee Brewers by scores of 4–3 and 8–4 in a brief, two-game series. Danny Barnes earned his first career win in the first game, and Ryan Goins hit his first grand slam in the second game, giving the Blue Jays a successful 4–3 road trip.", "Heading home to close May, the Blue Jays faced the Texas Rangers for the first time since sweeping them out of the playoffs in the 2016 American League Division Series. Devon Travis hit a grand slam in the first game of the three-game series, and Justin Smoak and Kendrys Morales each homered in the 7–6 win. José Bautista provided all the offence the Jays would need in the second game, hitting a three-run home run to lead Toronto to a 3–1 win", ". Texas would take the final game, 3–1, and snap Toronto's five-game winning streak. The Blue Jays would close May with a home interleague matchup against the Cincinnati Reds. The Blue Jays racked up 23 hits in the first game, crushing the Reds 17–2. Kendrys Morales broke a 4–4 tie in the eighth inning of the second game with a two-run home run and sealed a 6–4 victory for Toronto. The Jays completed the sweep with a 5–4 victory to end May, led by home runs from Devon Travis and Luke Maile.", "June", "June began with a four-game series against the Yankees at the Rogers Centre. Marco Estrada allowed four earned runs in the first inning of the first game, as the Yankees defeated the Jays 12–2. Francisco Liriano returned from the disabled list to start the second game, and led Toronto to a 7–5 victory with assistance from Josh Donaldson, who hit two home runs", ". In the third game, Jason Grilli became the first Blue Jay reliever to allow four home runs in a single relief inning, as New York shut out the Jays 7–0. The Blue Jays would earn the series-split in the final game, winning 3–2. Devon Travis was hit on the wrist by a pitch from Yankees starter Luis Severino, and left the game after the inning.", "Following their 7–3 homestand, the Jays embarked on a west coast road trip, beginning in Oakland. The Athletics would take the first two games of the three-game series, by scores of 5–3 and 4–1. Prior to the second game, it was announced that Devon Travis had suffered a recurrence of the knee injury that had ended his 2016 campaign, and was placed on the disabled list. Josh Donaldson led the Jays to a 7–5 win in the third and final game of the series, hitting a two-run home run in the tenth inning", ". The Blue Jays then travelled to Seattle, to take on the Mariners. Seattle won the opener, 4–2, in what resembled a Toronto home game due to the large number of Blue Jay fans present at Safeco Field. The Jays would return the favour in the second game, winning 4–2 on the back of home runs by Kendrys Morales, Ezequiel Carrera, and Justin Smoak. The Jays would win the series with a 4–0 victory on Sunday, with J. A. Happ earning his first win of the season.", "After an off-day, the Jays began a short, two-game series against the Tampa Bay Rays back at home. Prior to the first game, it was announced that Devon Travis had undergone knee surgery and was ruled out for at least three months. Rays rookie Jake Faria stymied the Toronto offence as Tampa took the opener, 8–1. Russell Martin's eighth inning home run led the Jays to a 7–6 win over Tampa in the final game of the series. The Chicago White Sox then came to Toronto for a three-game set", ". The Chicago White Sox then came to Toronto for a three-game set. Joe Biagini allowed seven runs in the start, and Chicago rolled to an 11–4 win. The Sox would also take the second game by a score of 5–2. The Blue Jays avoided being swept, winning the final game 7–3 thanks to two-run homers from Russell Martin and Kendrys Morales.", "After a frustrating 2–3 homestand, the Jays flew to Texas to face the Rangers. With Texas ahead 6–5 in the ninth inning, the Blue Jays came back with two runs off Rangers closer Matt Bush and held on to win 7–6. The Rangers would take the second game of the series, 6–1, and drop the Jays to 0–8 in games where they could have reached a .500 record for the first time in 2017. The Toronto offence put up six runs in the first inning and the pitching held on to a 7–5 victory in the third game", ". The Blue Jays would drop their ninth chance at a .500 record in the final game of the series, 11–4. To end their road games for June, the Jays went to Kauffman Stadium to take on the Kansas City Royals. Toronto held a 4–1 lead in the first game heading into the bottom of the ninth inning, however, with Roberto Osuna unavailable, the combination of Ryan Tepera, Aaron Loup, and Jason Grilli allowed four runs with two outs to hand Kansas a 5–4 win", ". Post-game, Osuna explained to the media that he was unavailable due to an anxiety issue he had recently developed, and noted that, while he felt fine physically, he was unsure of when he would pitch again. The Royals would hold on to a 3–2 win in the second game, with Jason Vargas earning his league-leading eleventh win of the year. The Blue Jays would emerge victorious in the third and final game of the series, 8–2, with Osuna pitching the final inning.", "The Jays returned home to end the month of June, taking on Baltimore. Toronto fell to a dismal 2–8 record against the Orioles in the first game, losing 3–1. Marcus Stroman led the way in the second game, striking out eight Orioles over 7 scoreless innings as Toronto won 4–0. Baltimore would return the shutout in the final game of the series, winning 2–0. In the final game of June, the Blue Jays fell 7–4 in extra-innings to the Boston Red Sox", ". In the final game of June, the Blue Jays fell 7–4 in extra-innings to the Boston Red Sox. Starter Marco Estrada walked a career-high seven batters in the loss.", "July\nThe series with the Red Sox continued into July, with Chris Sale and Francisco Liriano on the mound on Canada Day. Boston would emerge victorious, 7–1, with Sale striking out 11. The Red Sox would complete the sweep on July 2, with a 15–1 thrashing of the Jays. After the game, it was announced that Justin Smoak had been named the starting first baseman for the American League at the 2017 Major League Baseball All-Star Game.", "To end the unofficial first half of the season, the Blue Jays embarked on a short three-game road trip against the Yankees before returning home for four games against the AL-leading Houston Astros. The Yankees would take the first game of their series, 6–3. Starter Marcus Stroman left after five innings due to concern that he was developing a blister on his right hand", ". The Blue Jays would snap their five-game losing streak with a 4–1 win over New York, and took the series with a 7–6 win in the finale, aided by four walks in the eighth inning by Dellin Betances. The team returned to the Rogers Centre and defeated the Astros 7–4 in the first game of their series. Before the July 7 game Roberto Osuna was added to the All-Star Game roster", ". Before the July 7 game Roberto Osuna was added to the All-Star Game roster. Aaron Sanchez returned from his third DL stint of the year to start the second game of the series, but lasted only 1 innings and yielded seven runs. Houston would win the game, 12–2. The Jays took the third game by a score of 7–2, led by home runs from Josh Donaldson and Troy Tulowitzki", ". Houston shellacked the Blue Jays in the final game before the All-Star break, 19–1, handing Toronto their second-most lopsided loss in franchise history.", "Following the All-Star break, the Blue Jays began a ten-game road trip in Detroit. The Jays began the second half on the right foot, walking ten times against the Tigers and winning 7–2. The Tigers would rebound to take the series, winning the next two games by scores of 11–1 and 6–5. The Jays then travelled to Fenway Park for the first time in 2017. Steve Pearce knocked in the go-ahead run in the eighth inning of the first game, aiding the Jays to a 4–3 win", ". Hanley Ramírez hit a walk-off solo home run in the 15th inning of the second game, as Boston evened the series with a 5–4 win. Aaron Sanchez struggled greatly in the third game of the series, taking his first loss at Fenway in seven starts, 5–1. Toronto would split the series, with Justin Smoak's two home runs helping them take the fourth and final game 8–6. To cap the road trip, the Blue Jays were swept in three games in Cleveland. Edwin Encarnación had 4 RBI in the Indians' 13–3 win in the first game", ". Edwin Encarnación had 4 RBI in the Indians' 13–3 win in the first game. Danny Barnes yielded a walk-off home run to Francisco Lindor in the second game, taking the loss 2–1 in ten innings. Cleveland starter Corey Kluber dominated Toronto in the finale, striking out 14 in the 8–1 win.", "The Jays took their 3–7 road trip back to the Rogers Centre for a seven-game homestand against the west coast Athletics and Angels. Francisco Liriano earned what became his final win as a Blue Jay in the first game of the four-game series, 4–2. César Valdez earned his first MLB win in seven years, defeating Oakland 4–1 the following night. The Jays took the third game of the series, 3–2, after a walk-off solo home run by Kendrys Morales", ". The Jays took the third game of the series, 3–2, after a walk-off solo home run by Kendrys Morales. Steve Pearce hit a walk-off grand slam in the tenth inning of the final game to give the Jays an 8–4 win and a four-game sweep. Controversy arose in the fifth inning, after home plate umpire Will Little ejected John Gibbons, Marcus Stroman, and Russell Martin for arguing about the strike zone. The Blue Jays lost their first game against the Angels, 7–2, and also lost Troy Tulowitzki to a severe ankle sprain", ". With trade rumours swirling, Francisco Liriano pitched a shutout through five innings, but faltered in the sixth as Toronto dropped the second game, 6–5. The Jays salvaged the final game of the series, thanks to an ultimate grand slam from Steve Pearce, his second walk-off grand slam of the week.", "Prior to their final game in July, the Blue Jays made two trades. The first sent Francisco Liriano to the Houston Astros for outfielders Nori Aoki and Teoscar Hernández, while the second swapped Joe Smith with the Cleveland Indians for pitcher Thomas Pannone and infielder Samad Taylor. In Chicago to take on the White Sox that night, the Jays were defeated 7–6.", "August", "Continuing their series with the White Sox, the Jays opened August with an 8–4 win, and took the series with a 5–1 victory the following day. After travelling to Houston, the Blue Jays were blown out by the Astros in the first of a three-game set, 16–7. Toronto took the second game, 4–3, after scoring the winning run in the tenth inning against Francisco Liriano, who they traded to Houston less than a week prior. The Astros would win the final game of the series, 7–6, aided by a four-run ninth inning.", "The Jays began a crucial ten-game homestand on August 8, with three against division-rival New York. Josh Donaldson provided all of the offence for Toronto in the first game, hitting a pair of two-run home runs in the 4–2 victory. The Yankees won the second game, 11–5, which dropped the Jays to five games back of the Mariners for a wild-card spot. Marco Estrada's seven shutout innings led the Jays to a 4–0 win and a series victory the following day", ". Toronto began a three-game series with the Pittsburgh Pirates on August 11. The Jays lost the series opener, 4–2, and also lost Russell Martin to an oblique injury. In the second game of the series, first lieutenant Chris Rowley made his debut, and in doing so became the first West Point graduate to play in Major League Baseball. He earned the win, 7–2, after pitching 5 innings of one-run ball. The Jays improved their homestand record to 4–2 with a 7–1 win over the Pirates the next day", ". The Jays improved their homestand record to 4–2 with a 7–1 win over the Pirates the next day. In the first of four games against Tampa Bay, Nick Tepesch held the Rays to one run through his six innings and earned the win, 2–1. Tampa continued their run of success against Marco Estrada in the second game, tagging him for six runs in the 6–4 Toronto loss. Toronto rebounded from the loss and took the last two games of the series, 3–2 and 5–3. The wins moved the Jays to within three games of a", ". The wins moved the Jays to within three games of a .500 record, which was the closest they had been to a level record since late June.", "From that point on, however, the Blue Jays struggled in August. They flew to Chicago to take on the Cubs for three games and were swept by the defending World Series champions. Jake Arrieta led Chicago to a 7–4 win in the first game, and José Quintana took the victory in the second game, 4–3. The final game went into extra innings tied 3–3. The Jays took a 5–3 lead in the tenth, but Roberto Osuna and the Toronto defence could not hold the lead, taking the loss 6–5", ". In Tampa Bay for three games after an off-day, the Jays suffered their fourth-consecutive loss, 6–5. The Blue Jays hit six home runs the following night, ending their losing streak with a 7–6 win. Tampa Bay won the final game of the series, by a score of 2–0. The Jays took on the Minnesota Twins for three after returning to the Rogers Centre. While Justin Smoak hit his 35th home run of the year in the first game, Bartolo Colón led the Twins to a 6–1 win", ". The Jays won a slugfest second game, 10–9, but lost the rubber match with Minnesota the following day, 7–2. Byron Buxton hit three home runs for Minnesota in the final game. Toronto was then dealt a crushing blow to their slim playoff hopes, as they were swept by the visiting Red Sox. Boston took the three-game series by scores of 6–5, 3–0, and 7–1, which dropped the Jays to a season-low 11 games under .500", ".500. August ended on a minor high-note, as Toronto took the opening game of a four-game series in Baltimore 11–8, led by a three home run game from Kendrys Morales.", "September and October", "The Blue Jays opened September by continuing their series with the Orioles. Due to September roster expansion, the Blue Jays recalled Teoscar Hernández and Richard Ureña, and also added Carlos Ramírez and Michael Saunders to their roster in time for the second game of the series. Joe Biagini would pitch seven complete innings and record a career-high ten strikeouts in the game, but the Orioles walked off the Blue Jays in the thirteenth inning and won the game 1–0", ". Marcus Stroman started the third game of the series, but had to be removed after pitching 1 innings when he suffered a bruised elbow from a Mark Trumbo line drive. The Blue Jays however, went to win the game 7–2. In the series finale, the Blue Jays carried a 4–3 lead into the bottom of the ninth inning, but lost the game 5–4 in the twelfth inning. The road trip concluded with three games against the Red Sox in Boston, whom the Blue Jays had a 3–10 record against", ". In the first game, the Blue Jays hit four home runs as a team and won by a score of 10–4. The Blue Jays led 2–0 in the bottom of the ninth inning but lost the second game by a score of 3–2 in nineteen innings. Roberto Osuna suffered his league-leading tenth blown save of the season and the Blue Jays suffered their third extra-innings loss in five games. The Blue Jays also struck out a franchise-record 23 times in the game. The Blue Jays lost the rubber match 6–1, recording only four hits in the game", ". The Blue Jays lost the rubber match 6–1, recording only four hits in the game. The Blue Jays ended their road trip 3–4, with three of the four losses being walk-off losses in extra innings.", "Following an off day, the Blue Jays returned home, beginning a homestand with three games against the Detroit Tigers. Marcus Stroman made his scheduled start in the series opener following his injury-shortened start in Baltimore. Richard Ureña hit his first career home run, but the Blue Jays were unable to overcome a second inning deficit caused by a Nick Castellanos grand slam and lost the game by a score of 5–4", ". in the second game, Brett Anderson earned his first win for the Blue Jays and Kevin Pillar contributed with four hits, helping the Blue Jays win 5–4. In the rubber match, Teoscar Hernández recorded his first multi home run game, hitting his first two home runs for the Blue Jays and contributing with 5 RBI. The Blue Jays won the game 8–2 and won their first series since mid-August when they won three out of four games against the Tampa Bay Rays", ". The Blue Jays wrapped up their homestand with three games against the Baltimore Orioles, winning the first game 4–3. Joe Biagini started the second game and pitched his most impressive start, pitching eight innings for the first time in his career. Trailing 2–1 in the bottom of the ninth inning, the Blue Jays came back and defeated the Orioles 3–2, with Richard Ureña tallying his first career walk-off hit. The Blue Jays would not complete the sweep, as Baltimore would win the series finale 2–1", ". The Blue Jays would not complete the sweep, as Baltimore would win the series finale 2–1. Following their 4–2 homestand, the Blue Jays traveled to Minnesota for a four-game series against the Twins, who currently occupied the second wildcard spot. In the first game, with the Blue Jays trailing the Twins 2–1 in the top of the ninth inning with two outs, Justin Smoak hit his 38th home run of the season to tie the game", ". However, the Blue Jays lost 3–2 in the tenth inning, suffering a fourth extra innings walk-off loss in September. The Blue Jays would rebound and win the second game of the series 4–3. In the third game of the series, Josh Donaldson hit two home runs and Marco Estrada pitched eight innings, leading the Blue Jays to a 7–2 victory. The series would not end nicely for the Blue Jays, as Joe Biagini struggled in his start in the series finale and was pulled after 1 innings in a 13–7 loss", ". Josh Donaldson hit five home runs in the four-game series.", "Following an off day, the Blue Jays returned home for their final homestand of the season. Hosting the Kansas City Royals for a three-game series, the first game would feature a record-setting moment in the MLB as the Royals' Alex Gordon hit the 5694th overall home run of the 2017 season, setting an all-time record. Despite giving up the record-setting home run, the Blue Jays won the game 5–2 backed by a seven-inning effort by Marcus Stroman and a three RBI night by Darwin Barney", ". The Blue Jays would drop the final two games of the series; Brett Anderson surrendered eight runs and was pulled after 1 innings en route to a 15–5 loss in the second game and they would be shut out by Kansas City 1–0 in the series finale. This loss ensured the Blue Jays with finish their season with a losing record, for the first time since 2013. The Blue Jays then wrapped up their home schedule, hosting the New York Yankees for a three-game series", ". The first game was an 8–1 blowout win for Toronto, following a seven-inning outing by Marco Estrada and a Ryan Goins grand slam. However, the Blue Jays lost the second game 5–1, and were officially eliminated from playoff contention. In what would be his final home game as a Blue Jay, José Bautista contributed two hits and an RBI as the Blue Jays took the rubber match 9–5", ". Teoscar Hernandez, having been used primarily in right field throughout the month to replace Bautista, homered in each game of the series.", "Ending their season with a six-game road trip, the Blue Jays returned to Boston for the second time in September to face the Red Sox for three games. The Blue Jays won the first two games 6–4 and 9–4, winning a series against the Red Sox for the first time in 2017. However, Marco Estrada struggled during the series finale and was pulled after 2 innings as the Blue Jays went on to lose 10–7", ". Following an off day, the Blue Jays began a three-game series against the Yankees in New York to conclude their season. The Blue Jays dropped the first two games of the series by scores of 4–0 and 2–1. The Blue Jays ended the season on a positive note, winning their final game by a score of 2–1, despite recording only two hits in the game. The Blue Jays finished their 2017 season with a 76–86 record and missed the playoffs for the first time since the 2014 season.", "Game log", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 1 || April 3 || @ Orioles || 2–3 (11) || Wilson (1–0) || Grilli (0–1) || — || 45,667 || 0–1 || 1 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 2 || April 5 || @ Orioles || 1–3 || Bundy (1–0) || Happ (0–1) || Britton (1) || 16,086 || 0–2 || 2 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 3 || April 6 || @ Rays || 5–2 || Stroman (1–0) || Snell (0–1) || Grilli (1) || 12,678 || 1–2 || 1½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 4 || April 7 || @ Rays || 8–10 || Cedeño (1–0) || Howell (0–1) || Colomé (3) || 12,842 || 1–3 || 2½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 5 || April 8 || @ Rays || 2–3 (11) || Ramírez (1–0) || Lawrence (0–1) || — || 21,838 || 1–4 || 3½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 6 || April 9 || @ Rays || 2–7 || Odorizzi (1–0) || Estrada (0–1) || — || 15,341 || 1–5 || 3½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 7 || April 11 || Brewers || 3–4 || Peralta (2–0) || Happ (0–2) || Feliz (2) || 48,456 || 1–6 || 3½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 8 || April 12 || Brewers || 0–2 || Anderson (1–0) || Stroman (1–1) || Feliz (3) || 29,919 || 1–7 || 4½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 9 || April 13 || Orioles || 1–2 || Gausman (1–0) || Liriano (0–1) || Britton (4) || 32,957 || 1–8 || 5½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 10 || April 14 || Orioles || 4–6 || Miley (1–0) || Sanchez (0–1) || Britton (5) || 39,547 || 1–9 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 11 || April 15 || Orioles || 2–1 || Osuna (1–0) || Wilson (1–1) || — || 40,743 || 2–9 || 5½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 12 || April 16 || Orioles || 4–11 || Bundy (2–1) || Happ (0–3) || — || 38,188 || 2–10 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 13 || April 18 || Red Sox || 7–8 || Johnson (1–0) || Stroman (1–2) || — || 29,281 || 2–11 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 14 || April 19 || Red Sox || 3–0 || Liriano (1–1) || Porcello (1–2) || Osuna (1) || 30,842 || 3–11 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 15 || April 20 || Red Sox || 1–4 (10) || Kimbrel (1–0) || Grilli (0–2) || — || 44,283 || 3–12 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 16 || April 21 || @ Angels || 8–7 (13) || Tepera (1–0) || Chavez (1–3) || Biagini (1) || 40,176 || 4–12 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 17 || April 22 || @ Angels || 4–5 || Skaggs (1–1) || Lawrence (0–2) || Norris (1) || 41,345 || 4–13 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 18 || April 23 || @ Angels || 6–2 || Stroman (2–2) || Guerra (0–1) || — || 35,034 || 5–13 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 19 || April 24 || @ Angels || 1–2 || Chavez (2–3) || Liriano (1–2) || Norris (2) || 25,304 || 5–14 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 20 || April 25 || @ Cardinals || 6–5 (11) || Grilli (1–2) || Socolovich (0–1) || Tepera (1) || 40,223 || 6–14 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#ccc;\"\n| – || April 26 || @ Cardinals ||colspan=\"7\" | Postponed (rain). Makeup date: April 27.\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 21 || April 27 || @ Cardinals || 4–8 (11) || Bowman (1–0) || Tepera (1–1) || || 40,099 || 6–15 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 22 || April 27 || @ Cardinals || 4–6 || Wainwright (2–3) || Lawrence (0–3) || Rosenthal (2) || 40,035 || 6–16 || 9 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 23 || April 28 || Rays || 4–7 || Pruitt (3–0) || Grilli (1–3) || Whitley (1) || 36,256 || 6–17 || 9", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 24 || April 29 || Rays || 4–1 || Liriano (2–2) || Andriese (1–1) || Osuna (2) || 42,419 || 7–17 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 25 || April 30 || Rays || 3–1 || Howell (1–1) || Colomé (0–2) || Osuna (3) || 42,986 || 8–17 || 8\n|-", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 26 || May 1 || @ Yankees || 7–1 || Estrada (1–1) || Severino (2–2) || — || 25,566 || 9–17 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 27 || May 2 || @ Yankees || 5–11 || Tanaka (4–1) || Latos (0–1) || — || 30,058 || 9–18 || 8 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 28 || May 3 || @ Yankees || 6–8 || Betances (3–1) || Biagini (0–1) || Chapman (6) || 35,559 || 9–19 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 29 || May 5 || @ Rays || 8–4 || Loup (1–0) || Díaz (0–2) || — || 12,461 || 10–19 || 9 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 30 || May 6 || @ Rays || 1–6 || Odorizzi (2–1) || Estrada (1–2) || — || 12,035 || 10–20 || 10\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 31 || May 7 || @ Rays || 2–1 || Tepera (2–1) || Cobb (2–3) || Osuna (4) || 15,068 || 11–20 || 10\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 32 || May 8 || Indians || 4–2 || Stroman (3–2) || Bauer (2–4) || Osuna (5) || 40,014 || 12–20 || 10\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 33 || May 9 || Indians || 0–6 || Carrasco (4–2) || Bolsinger (0–1) || — || 32,688 || 12–21 || 10½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 34 || May 10 || Indians || 8–7 || Osuna (2–0) || Allen (0–1) || — || 35,115 || 13–21 || 9½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 35 || May 11 || Mariners || 7–2 || Estrada (2–2) || De Jong (0–3) || — || 29,120 || 14–21 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 36 || May 12 || Mariners || 4–0 || Biagini (1–1) || Bergman (0–1) || — || 32,865 || 15–21 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 37 || May 13 || Mariners || 7–2 || Leone (1–0) || Vincent (1–1) || — || 42,346 || 16–21 || 7\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 38 || May 14 || Mariners || 3–2 || Tepera (3–1) || Díaz (1–2) || — || 42,030 || 17–21 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 39 || May 15 || Braves || 6–10 || Colón (2–4) || Bolsinger (0–2) || — || 29,766 || 17–22 || 7\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 40 || May 16 || Braves || 6–9 || Ramírez (2–1) || Barnes (0–1) || — || 34,431 || 17–23 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 41 || May 17 || @ Braves || 4–8 || Foltynewicz (2–4) || Biagini (1–2) || — || 28,293 || 17–24 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 42 || May 18 || @ Braves || 9–0 || Stroman (4–2) || Teherán (3–4) || — || 25,419 || 18–24 || 8 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 43 || May 19 || @ Orioles || 3–5 (10) || Givens (4–0) || Grilli (1–4) || — || 31,916 || 18–25 || 8 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 44 || May 20 || @ Orioles || 5–7 || Givens (5–0) || Barnes (0–2) || Brach (9) || 45,416 || 18–26 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 45 || May 21 || @ Orioles || 3–1 || Estrada (3–2) || Miley (1–2) || Osuna (6) || 36,632 || 19–26 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 46 || May 23 || @ Brewers || 4–3 || Barnes (1–2) || Nelson (2–3) || Osuna (7) || 30,742 || 20–26 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 47 || May 24 || @ Brewers || 8–4 || Stroman (5–2) || Garza (2–1) || — || 26,607 || 21–26 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 48 || May 26 || Rangers || 7–6 || Loup (2–0) || Griffin (4–2) || Osuna (8) || 40,754 || 22–26 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 49 || May 27 || Rangers || 3–1 || Estrada (4–2) || Darvish (5–3) || Osuna (9) || 46,825 || 23–26 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 50 || May 28 || Rangers || 1–3 || Cashner (2–4) || Biagini (1–3) || Bush (6) || 46,188 || 23–27 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 51 || May 29 || Reds || 17–2 || Stroman (6–2) || Bonilla (0–3) || — || 29,844 || 24–27 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 52 || May 30 || Reds || 6–4 || Smith (1–0) || Wood (0–3) || Osuna (10) || 32,747 || 25–27 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 53 || May 31 || Reds || 5–4 || Grilli (2–4) || Peralta (2–1) || Osuna (11) || 44,058 || 26–27 || 5½\n|-", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 54 || June 1 || Yankees || 2–12 || Sabathia (6–2) || Estrada (4–3) || — || 37,722 || 26–28 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 55 || June 2 || Yankees || 7–5 || Liriano (3–2) || Pineda (6–3) || Osuna (12) || 44,261 || 27–28 || 5½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 56 || June 3 || Yankees || 0–7 || Montgomery (3–4) || Biagini (1–4) || — || 47,226 || 27–29 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 57 || June 4 || Yankees || 3–2 || Smith (2–0) || Clippard (0–3) || Osuna (13) || 46,782 || 28–29 || 5½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 58 || June 5 || @ Athletics || 3–5 || Manaea (5–3) || Happ (0–4) || Casilla (9) || 12,980 || 28–30 || 6\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 59 || June 6 || @ Athletics || 1–4 || Hahn (2–4) || Estrada (4–4) || Casilla (10) || 16,643 || 28–31 || 6\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 60 || June 7 || @ Athletics || 7–5 (10) || Tepera (4–1) || Montas (1–1) || Osuna (14) || 15,076 || 29–31 || 6\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 61 || June 9 || @ Mariners || 2–4 || Cloyd (1–0) || Biagini (1–5) || Díaz (10) || 33,518 || 29–32 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 62 || June 10 || @ Mariners || 4–2 || Stroman (7–2) || Zych (2–2) || Osuna (15) || 45,480 || 30–32 || 7½", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 63 || June 11 || @ Mariners || 4–0 || Happ (1–4) || Paxton (5–1) || Osuna (16) || 41,137 || 31–32 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 64 || June 13 || Rays || 1–8 || Faria (2–0) || Estrada (4–5) || — || 39,404 || 31–33 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 65 || June 14 || Rays || 7–6 || Smith (3–0) || Alvarado (0–1) || Osuna (17) || 37,734 || 32–33 || 7 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 66 || June 16 || White Sox || 4–11 || Quintana (3–8) || Biagini (1–6) || — || 39,071 || 32–34 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 67 || June 17 || White Sox || 2–5 || Pelfrey (3–5) || Stroman (7–3) || Robertson (11) || 47,171 || 32–35 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 68 || June 18 || White Sox || 7–3 || Happ (2–4) || Swarzak (3–2) || — || 46,599 || 33–35 || 5½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 69 || June 19 || @ Rangers || 7–6 || Beliveau (1–0) || Bush (2–2) || Osuna (18) || 25,115 || 34–35 || 5\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 70 || June 20 || @ Rangers || 1–6 || Martinez (2–3) || Liriano (3–3) || — || 24,169 || 34–36 || 5½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 71 || June 21 || @ Rangers || 7–5 || Biagini (2–6) || Ross (1–1) || Osuna (19) || 28,376 || 35–36 || 5\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 72 || June 22 || @ Rangers || 4–11 || Pérez (4–6) || Stroman (7–4) || — || 26,764 || 35–37 || 5\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 73 || June 23 || @ Royals || 4–5 || Soria (4–2) || Loup (2–1) || — || 38,848 || 35–38 || 6\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 74 || June 24 || @ Royals || 2–3 || Vargas (11–3) || Estrada (4–6) || Herrera (18) || 26,938 || 35–39 || 6\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 75 || June 25 || @ Royals || 8–2 || Liriano (4–3) || Alexander (0–2) || — || 37,182 || 36–39 || 5\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 76 || June 27 || Orioles || 1–3 || Gausman (4–7) || Biagini (2–7) || Brach (14) || 40,606 || 36–40 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 77 || June 28 || Orioles || 4–0 || Stroman (8–4) || Miley (3–6) || — || 38,847 || 37–40 || 5½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 78 || June 29 || Orioles || 0–2 || Jiménez (3–3) || Happ (2–5) || Brach (15) || 37,291 || 37–41 || 6½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 79 || June 30 || Red Sox || 4–7 (11) || Boyer (1–1) || Loup (2–2) || Kimbrel (23) || 41,357 || 37–42 || 7½\n|-", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 80 || July 1 || Red Sox || 1–7 || Sale (11–3) || Liriano (4–4) || — || 46,672 || 37–43 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 81 || July 2 || Red Sox || 1–15 || Pomeranz (8–4) || Biagini (2–8) || Abad (1) || 46,696 || 37–44 || 9½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 82 || July 3 || @ Yankees || 3–6 || Tanaka (7–7) || Stroman (8–5) || — || 46,616 || 37–45 || 10½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 83 || July 4 || @ Yankees || 4–1 || Happ (3–5) || Sabathia (7–3) || Osuna (20) || 44,018 || 38–45 || 10½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 84 || July 5 || @ Yankees || 7–6 || Barnes (2–2) || Betances (3–4) || Osuna (21) || 38,691 || 39–45 || 9½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 85 || July 6 || Astros || 7–4 || Liriano (5–4) || McCullers Jr. (7–2) || Osuna (22) || 40,949 || 40–45 || 8½", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 86 || July 7 || Astros || 2–12 || Morton (6–3) || Sanchez (0–2) || — || 37,332 || 40–46 || 9½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 87 || July 8 || Astros || 7–2 || Stroman (9–5) || Fiers (5–4) || — || 46,659 || 41–46 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 88 || July 9 || Astros || 1–19 || Peacock (7–1) || Happ (3–6) || — || 46,622 || 41–47 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 89 || July 14 || @ Tigers || 7–2 || Sanchez (1–2) || Verlander (5–7) || — || 37,879 || 42–47 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 90 || July 15 || @ Tigers || 1–11 || Fulmer (10–6) || Liriano (5–5) || — || 40,036 || 42–48 || 8½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 91 || July 16 || @ Tigers || 5–6 (11) || Saupold (2–1) || Beliveau (1–1) || — || 37,173 || 42–49 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 92 || July 17 || @ Red Sox || 4–3 || Tepera (5–1) || Hembree (1–3) || Osuna (23) || 36,144 || 43–49 || 8 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 93 || July 18 || @ Red Sox || 4–5 (15) || Velázquez (2–1) || Bolsinger (0–3) || — || 36,488 || 43–50 || 9 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 94 || July 19 || @ Red Sox || 1–5 || Pomeranz (10–4) || Sanchez (1–3) || — || 37,360 || 43–51 || 10 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 95 || July 20 || @ Red Sox || 8–6 || Leone (2–0) || Fister (0–4) || Osuna (24) || 37,094 || 44–51 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 96 || July 21 || @ Indians || 3–13 || Bauer (8–8) || Estrada (4–7) || — || 34,284 || 44–52 || 10\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 97 || July 22 || @ Indians || 1–2 (10) || Shaw (3–4) || Barnes (2–3) || — || 34,569 || 44–53 || 10\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 98 || July 23 || @ Indians || 1–8 || Kluber (8–3) || Happ (3–7) || — || 30,701 || 44–54 || 10\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 99 || July 24 || Athletics || 4–2 || Liriano (6–5) || Smith (0–1) || Osuna (25) || 39,613 || 45–54 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 100 || July 25 || Athletics || 4–1 || Valdez (1–0) || Gray (6–5) || Osuna (26) || 40,624 || 46–54 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 101 || July 26 || Athletics || 3–2 || Biagini (3–8) || Casilla (2–5) || — || 41,984 || 47–54 || 8 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 102 || July 27 || Athletics || 8–4 (10) || Osuna (3–0) || Hendriks (3–2) || — || 47,484 || 48–54 || 7½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 103 || July 28 || Angels || 2–7 || Bridwell (5–1) || Happ (3–8) || — || 39,828 || 48–55 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 104 || July 29 || Angels || 5–6 || Scribner (1–0) || Osuna (3–1) || Norris (16) || 46,502 || 48–56 || 9\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 105 || July 30 || Angels || 11–10 || Dermody (1–0) || Norris (1–4) || — || 46,852 || 49–56 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 106 || July 31 || @ White Sox || 6–7 || Beck (2–1) || Osuna (3–2) || — || 13,023 || 49–57 || 9 \n|-", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 107 || August 1 || @ White Sox || 8–4 || Stroman (10–5) || Pelfrey (3–9) || — || 14,622 || 50–57 || 8½ \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 108 || August 2 || @ White Sox || 5–1 || Happ (4–8) || Holland (5–11) || Osuna (27) || 20,878 || 51–57 || 8\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 109 || August 4 || @ Astros || 7–16 || Peacock (10–1) || Valdez (1–1) || — || 39,287 || 51–58 || 9½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 110 || August 5 || @ Astros || 4–3 (10) || Tepera (6–1) || Liriano (6–7) || Osuna (28) || 41,950 || 52–58 || 9½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 111 || August 6 || @ Astros || 6–7 || Martes (4–1) || Osuna (3–3) || — || 36,300 || 52–59 || 10½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 112 || August 8 || Yankees || 4–2 || Happ (5–8) || Sabathia (9–5) || Osuna (29) || 41,596 || 53–59 || 10½", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 113 || August 9 || Yankees || 5–11 || Green (2–0) || Tepesch (0–2) || — || 39,554 || 53–60 || 11½ \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 114 || August 10 || Yankees || 4–0 || Estrada (5–7) || Gray (6–7) || — || 43,212 || 54–60 || 11\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 115 || August 11 || Pirates || 2–4 || Taillon (7–5) || Stroman (10–6) || Rivero (12) || 35,965 || 54–61 || 11\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 116 || August 12 || Pirates || 7–2 || Rowley (1–0) || Williams (5–5) || — || 46,179 || 55–61 || 11\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 117 || August 13 || Pirates || 7–1 || Happ (6–8) || Kuhl (5–8) || — || 43,618 || 56–61 || 11\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 118 || August 14 || Rays || 2–1 || Tepesch (1–2) || Odorizzi (6–6) || Osuna (30) || 32,151 || 57–61 || 10\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 119 || August 15 || Rays || 4–6 || Snell (1–6) || Estrada (5–8) || Colomé (35) || 33,178 || 57–62 || 11\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\" \n| 120 || August 16 || Rays || 3–2 || Stroman (11–6) || Faria (5–4) || Osuna (31) || 36,784 || 58–62 || 11\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 121 || August 17 || Rays || 5–3 || Leone (3–0) || Hunter (2–4) || Osuna (32) || 46,855 || 59–62 || 10½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 122 || August 18 || @ Cubs || 4–7 || Arrieta (13–8) || Happ (6–9) || Davis (25) || 41,814 || 59–63 || 11½ \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 123 || August 19 || @ Cubs || 3–4 || Quintana (8–10) || Barnes (2–4) || Davis (26) || 41,558 || 59–64 || 11½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 124 || August 20 || @ Cubs || 5–6 (10) || Wilson (4–4) || Osuna (3–4) || — || 41,459 || 59–65 || 12½", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 125 || August 22 || @ Rays || 5–6 || Archer (9–7) || Rowley (1–1) || Colomé (37) || 11,948 || 59–66 || 13\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 126 || August 23 || @ Rays || 7–6 || Tepera (7–1) || Hunter (2–5) || Osuna (33) || 8,246 || 60–66 || 13\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 127 || August 24 || @ Rays || 0–2 || Cishek (3–1) || Koehler (1–6) || Colomé (38) || 10,133 || 60–67 || 13", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 128 || August 25 || Twins || 1–6 || Colón (6–10) || Happ (6–10) || — || 37,525 || 60–68 || 13\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 129 || August 26 || Twins || 10–9 || Estrada (6–8) || Gee (1–1) || Osuna (34) || 45,591 || 61–68 || 12\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 130 || August 27 || Twins || 2–7 || Gibson (8–10) || Biagini (3–9) || — || 42,478 || 61–69 || 12\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 131 || August 28 || Red Sox || 5–6 || Pomeranz (14–4) || Barnes (2–5) || Kimbrel (30) || 35,630 || 61–70 || 13 \n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 132 || August 29 || Red Sox || 0–3 || Sale (15–6) || Anderson (2–3) || Kimbrel (31) || 34,674 || 61–71 || 14\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 133 || August 30 || Red Sox || 1–7 || Porcello (9–15) || Koehler (1–7) || — || 37,693 || 61–72 || 15", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 134 || August 31 || @ Orioles || 11–8 || Estrada (7–8) || Hellickson (8–8) || Osuna (35) || 13,802 || 62–72 || 14 \n|-", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 135 || September 1 || @ Orioles || 0–1 (13) || Yacabonis (1–0) || Loup (2–3) || — || 16,627 || 62–73 || 15\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 136 || September 2 || @ Orioles || 7–2 || Dermody (2–0) || Miley (8–11) || — || 14,815 || 63–73 || 14\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 137 || September 3 || @ Orioles || 4–5 (12) || Yacabonis (2–0) || Barnes (2–6) || — || 27,231 || 63–74 || 14", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 138 || September 4 || @ Red Sox || 10–4 || Happ (7–10) || Porcello (9–16) || — || 34,311 || 64–74 || 13\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 139 || September 5 || @ Red Sox || 2–3 (19) || Velázquez (3–1) || Rowley (1–2) || — || 33,009 || 64–75 || 14\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 140 || September 6 || @ Red Sox || 1–6 || Fister (5–7) || Biagini (3–10) || — || 33,190 || 64–76 || 15", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 141 || September 8 || Tigers || 4–5 || Farmer (4–2) || Stroman (11–7) || Greene (7) || 31,961 || 64–77 || 16\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 142 || September 9 || Tigers || 5–4 || Anderson (3–3) || Saupold (3–2) || Tepera (2) || 44,218 || 65–77 || 16\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 143 || September 10 || Tigers || 8–2 || Happ (8–10) || Sánchez (3–4) || Santos (1) || 39,797 || 66–77 || 15", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 144 || September 11 || Orioles || 4–3 || Estrada (8–8) || Jiménez (5–10) || Leone (1) || 28,401 || 67–77 || 14½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 145 || September 12 || Orioles || 3–2 || Mayza (1–0) || Britton (2–1) || — || 29,055 || 68–77 || 14½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 146 || September 13 || Orioles || 1–2 || Gausman (11–10) || Stroman (11–8) || Britton (14) || 31,714 || 68–78 || 14½", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 147 || September 14 || @ Twins || 2–3 (10) || Gee (2–2) || Santos (0–1) || — || 22,644 || 68–79 || 15½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 148 || September 15 || @ Twins || 4–3 || Happ (9–10) || Colón (6–13) || Osuna (36) || 27,902 || 69–79 || 15½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 149 || September 16 || @ Twins || 7–2 || Estrada (9–8) || Mejía (4–6) || — || 29,917 || 70–79 || 15½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 150 || September 17 || @ Twins || 7–13 || Gibson (11–10) || Biagini (3–11) || — || 27,572 || 70–80 || 15½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 151 || September 19 || Royals || 5–2 || Stroman (12–8) || Kennedy (4–12) || Osuna (37) || 33,554 || 71–80 || 16\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 152 || September 20 || Royals || 5–15 || Junis (8–2) || Anderson (3–4) || — || 33,050 || 71–81 || 17", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 153 || September 21 || Royals || 0–1 || Vargas (17–10) || Happ (9–11) || Minor (2) || 35,861 || 71–82 || 17½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 154 || September 22 || Yankees || 8–1 || Estrada (10–8) || Tanaka (12–12) || — || 42,153 || 72–82 || 17½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 155 || September 23 || Yankees || 1–5 || Gray (10–11) || Biagini (3–12) || — || 46,949 || 72–83 || 18½", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 156 || September 24 || Yankees || 9–5 || Stroman (13–8) || García (5–10) || — || 47,394 || 73–83 || 18½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 157 || September 25 || @ Red Sox || 6–4 || Anderson (4–4) || Pomeranz (16–6) || Osuna (38) || 33,940 || 74–83 || 17½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 158 || September 26 || @ Red Sox || 9–4 || Happ (10–11) || Sale (17–8) || — || 33,999 || 75–83 || 16½", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 159 || September 27 || @ Red Sox || 7–10 || Porcello (11–17) || Estrada (10–9) || — || 34,445 || 75–84 || 17½\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 160 || September 29 || @ Yankees || 0–4 || Tanaka (13–12) || Biagini (3–13) || Chapman (21) || 35,735 || 75–85 || 17\n|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#fbb;\"\n| 161 || September 30 || @ Yankees || 1–2 || Sabathia (14–5) || Stroman (13–9) || Chapman (22) || 39,457 || 75–86 || 18\n|-", "|- style=\"text-align:center; background:#bfb;\"\n| 162 || October 1 || @ Yankees || 2–1 || Barnes (3–6) || Germán (0–1) || Osuna (39) || 37,428 || 76–86 || 17\n|-\n\nRoster\n\nStatistics\n\nBatting\nNote: G = Games played; AB = At bats; R = Runs scored; H = Hits; 2B = Doubles; 3B = Triples; HR = Home runs; RBI = Runs batted in; SB = Stolen bases; BB = Walks; AVG = Batting average; Ref. = Reference", "Pitching\nNote: G = Games pitched; GS = Games started; W = Wins; L = Losses; SV = Saves; ERA = Earned run average; WHIP = Walks+hits per inning pitched; IP = Innings pitched; H = Hits allowed; R = Total runs allowed; ER = Earned runs allowed; BB = Walks allowed; K = Strikeouts; Ref. = Reference\n\nAwards\n\nTransactions", "April\n On April 2, placed Bo Schultz, Glenn Sparkman, Dalton Pompey, and Roberto Osuna on the 10-day disabled list, designated Mike Bolsinger for assignment, released Melvin Upton Jr., recalled Dominic Leone, and selected the contract of Jarrod Saltalamacchia.\n On April 6, outrighted Mike Bolsinger to Triple-A Buffalo, and claimed Luke Maile off waivers from the Tampa Bay Rays.", "On April 8, optioned Dominic Leone to Triple-A Buffalo, transferred Bo Schultz to the 60-day disabled list, and selected the contract of Casey Lawrence.\n On April 9, placed J. P. Howell on the 10-day disabled list, and recalled Dominic Leone.\n On April 10, claimed Ty Kelly off waivers from the New York Mets, and transferred Glenn Sparkman to the 60-day disabled list.\n On April 11, activated Roberto Osuna and optioned Casey Lawrence.", "On April 11, activated Roberto Osuna and optioned Casey Lawrence.\n On April 14, placed Josh Donaldson on the 10-day disabled list, designated Juan Graterol for assignment, and selected the contract of Chris Coghlan.\n On April 16, placed Aaron Sanchez on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Matt Dermody.", "On April 16, placed Aaron Sanchez on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Matt Dermody.\n On April 18, placed J. A. Happ on the 10-day disabled list, optioned Matt Dermody, recalled Danny Barnes and Ty Kelly, and traded Juan Graterol to the Los Angeles Angles of Anaheim for cash considerations or a player to be named later.\n On April 20, sent J. P. Howell on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On April 21, designated Ty Kelly for assignment, and selected the contract of Mat Latos.", "On April 21, designated Ty Kelly for assignment, and selected the contract of Mat Latos.\n On April 22, optioned Danny Barnes, recalled Leonel Campos and Casey Lawrence, and traded Ty Kelly to the Philadelphia Phillies for cash considerations.\n On April 23, placed Troy Tulowitzki on the 10-day disabled list, and transferred Dalton Pompey to the 60-day disabled list.\n On April 25, activated J. P. Howell and optioned Leonel Campos.\n On April 27, recalled Danny Barnes.", "On April 27, recalled Danny Barnes.\n On April 28, designated Jarrod Saltalamacchia for assignment, optioned Danny Barnes and Casey Lawrence, and recalled Luke Maile and Matt Dermody.\n On April 30, activated Aaron Sanchez and optioned Matt Dermody.", "May\n On May 1, placed Aaron Sanchez on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Danny Barnes.\n On May 3, released Jarrod Saltalamacchia.\n On May 4, claimed Neil Ramirez off waivers from the San Francisco Giants.\n On May 5, designated Mat Latos for assignment, and claimed César Valdez off waivers from the Oakland Athletics.\n On May 8, placed Russell Martin on the 10-day disabled list, outrighted Mat Latos to Triple-A Buffalo, designated Casey Lawrence for assignment, and selected the contract of Mike Ohlman.", "On May 9, designated Neil Ramirez for assignment, and selected the contract of Mike Bolsinger.\n On May 11, placed Francisco Liriano on the 10-day disabled list, and recalled Leonel Campos.\n On May 13, outrighted Neil Ramirez to Triple-A Buffalo.\n On May 14, activated Aaron Sanchez and optioned Leonel Campos.\n On May 15, placed Steve Pearce on the 10-day disabled list, recalled Leonel Campos, and sent Troy Tulowitzki on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.", "On May 16, signed Jarrod Saltalamacchia to a minor league contract, optioned Leonel Campos, and recalled Darrell Ceciliani.\n On May 18, suspended Kevin Pillar for two games, and selected the contract of Dwight Smith Jr.\n On May 19, placed Darrell Ceciliani on the 10-day disabled list, and recalled Anthony Alford.", "On May 19, placed Darrell Ceciliani on the 10-day disabled list, and recalled Anthony Alford.\n On May 20, activated Russell Martin and Kevin Pillar, placed Aaron Sanchez on the 10-day disabled list, designated Mike Ohlman for assignment, optioned Dwight Smith Jr., and recalled César Valdez.\n On May 22, sent Josh Donaldson on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On May 23, outrighted Mike Ohlman to Triple-A Buffalo.", "On May 23, outrighted Mike Ohlman to Triple-A Buffalo.\n On May 24, placed Anthony Alford on the 10-day disabled list, and recalled Dwight Smith Jr.\n On May 25, optioned Dwight Smith Jr., and sent J. A. Happ on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On May 26, activated Josh Donaldson and Troy Tulowitzki, and optioned César Valdez.\n On May 28, sent Francisco Liriano on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On May 30, activated J. A. Happ, and optioned Dominic Leone.", "June\n On June 1, designated Mike Bolsinger for assignment, recalled Leonel Campos, and sent Glenn Sparkman on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On June 2, activated Francisco Liriano and optioned Leonel Campos.\n On June 4, sent Dalton Pompey on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On June 5, placed J. P. Howell on the 10-day disabled list and selected the contract of Jeff Beliveau.\n On June 6, placed Devon Travis on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Dominic Leone.", "On June 6, placed Devon Travis on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Dominic Leone.\n On June 7, outrighted Mike Bolsinger to Triple-A Buffalo, and sent Glenn Sparkman on a rehab assignment to the Double-A New Hampshire Fisher Cats.\n On June 8, sent Steve Pearce on a rehab assignment to the Double-A New Hampshire Fisher Cats.\n On June 13, sent Steve Pearce on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On June 14, placed Ezequiel Carrera on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Dwight Smith Jr.", "On June 14, placed Ezequiel Carrera on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Dwight Smith Jr.\n On June 16, placed Chris Coghlan on the 10-day disabled list and activated Steve Pearce.\n On June 18, sent Glenn Sparkman on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons, and traded Jarrett Grube to the Cleveland Indians for cash considerations.\n On June 19, placed Joe Smith on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Leonel Campos.", "On June 19, placed Joe Smith on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Leonel Campos.\n On June 21, placed Leonel Campos on the 10-day disabled list and recalled César Valdez.\n On June 23, optioned César Valdez and selected the contract of Ian Parmley.\n On June 26, sent Ezequiel Carrera on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.", "On June 26, sent Ezequiel Carrera on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On June 27, designated Jason Grilli for assignment, optioned Dwight Smith Jr., activated Ezequiel Carrera, recalled Chris Smith, and sent Aaron Sanchez on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On June 29, sent Dalton Pompey on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On June 30, optioned Chris Smith, activated Glenn Sparkman, and transferred Devon Travis to the 60-day disabled list.", "July\n On July 1, sent Aaron Sanchez on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons, designated Ian Parmley for assignment, and selected the contract of Lucas Harrell.\n On July 2, traded Jason Grilli to the Texas Rangers for Eduard Pinto.\n On July 3, designated Glenn Sparkman for assignment, selected the contract of Mike Bolsinger, and traded cash considerations or a player to be named later to the Chicago Cubs for Miguel Montero.", "On July 4, placed Luke Maile on the 10-day disabled list, activated Miguel Montero, and sent Dalton Pompey on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On July 6, sent J. P. Howell on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On July 7, optioned Dominic Leone and activated Aaron Sanchez.\n On July 8, returned Glenn Sparkman to the Kansas City Royals.\n On July 12, sent Anthony Alford on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.", "On July 12, sent Anthony Alford on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On July 14, sent Joe Smith on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On July 17, designated Lucas Harrell for assignment and recalled Dominic Leone.\n On July 19, placed Mike Bolsinger on the 10-day disabled list, and recalled César Valdez.\n On July 20, sent Darrell Ceciliani on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.", "On July 20, sent Darrell Ceciliani on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On July 22, placed Aaron Sanchez on the 10-day disabled list, designated Jeff Beliveau for assignment, activated Joe Smith, and recalled Chris Smith.\n On July 23, acquired Rob Refsnyder from the New York Yankees for Ryan McBroom.\n On July 24, acquired Nick Tepesch from the Minnesota Twins for cash considerations.", "On July 24, acquired Nick Tepesch from the Minnesota Twins for cash considerations.\n On July 25, placed Danny Barnes on the 10-day disabled list, recalled Matt Dermody, outrighted Jeff Beliveau, and activated and optioned Anthony Alford.\n On July 27, sent Leonel Campos on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On July 28, sent Darrell Ceciliani on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.", "On July 28, sent Darrell Ceciliani on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On July 29, placed Troy Tulowitzki on the 10-day disabled list, activated Mike Bolsinger, optioned Chris Smith, and recalled Rob Refsnyder.\n On July 30, sent Leonel Campos on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.", "On July 30, sent Leonel Campos on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On July 31, activated J. P. Howell, selected the contract of Brett Oberholtzer, traded Francisco Liriano to the Houston Astros for Nori Aoki and Teoscar Hernández, and traded Joe Smith to the Cleveland Indians for Thomas Pannone and Samad Taylor.", "August\n On August 1, activated Nori Aoki and designated Brett Oberholtzer for assignment.\n On August 2, activated and optioned Leonel Campos.\n On August 3, outrighted Brett Oberholtzer to Triple-A Buffalo.\n On August 4, optioned Joe Biagini, placed Miguel Montero on the 10-day disabled list, activated Danny Barnes, and selected the contract of Raffy Lopez.\n On August 5, designated Mike Bolsinger for assignment and selected the contract of Taylor Cole.", "On August 5, designated Mike Bolsinger for assignment and selected the contract of Taylor Cole.\n On August 7, sent Chris Coghlan on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On August 8, placed César Valdez on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Leonel Campos.\n On August 9, transferred Troy Tulowitzki to the 60-day disabled list, optioned Matt Dermody, and selected the contract of Nick Tepesch.\n On August 10, placed Taylor Cole on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Chris Smith.", "On August 10, placed Taylor Cole on the 10-day disabled list and recalled Chris Smith.\n On August 12, designated Chris Coghlan and Chris Smith for assignment, placed Russell Martin on the 10-day disabled list, and selected the contracts of Mike Ohlman and Chris Rowley.\n On August 13, placed Dominic Leone on the bereavement list and recalled Matt Dermody.\n On August 14, optioned Leonel Campos, released Taylor Cole, and selected the contract of Tim Mayza.", "On August 15, sent Miguel Montero on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons.\n On August 16, designated J. P. Howell and Mike Ohlman for assignment, and activated Dominic Leone and Miguel Montero.\n On August 17, sent Luke Maile on a rehab assignment to the Advanced-A Dunedin Blue Jays.\n On August 19, optioned Tim Mayza, selected the contract of TJ House, and traded Osman Gutierrez to the Miami Marlins for Tom Koehler.\n On August 20, optioned Tom Koehler, and released J. P. Howell.", "On August 20, optioned Tom Koehler, and released J. P. Howell.\n On August 22, placed Nick Tepesch on the paternity list and recalled Tim Mayza.\n On August 24, optioned Chris Rowley and recalled Tom Koehler.\n On August 25, sent Luke Maile on a rehab assignment to the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons, and optioned Nick Tepesch.\n On August 27, designated TJ House for assignment, and recalled Joe Biagini.\n On August 28, designated Nori Aoki for assignment, and recalled Leonel Campos.", "On August 28, designated Nori Aoki for assignment, and recalled Leonel Campos.\n On August 29, optioned Leonel Campos, selected the contract of Brett Anderson, and released Nori Aoki.", "September\n On September 1, activated Luke Maile, selected the contracts of Carlos Ramírez and Michael Saunders, and recalled Teoscar Hernández and Richard Ureña.\n On September 2, designated Nick Tepesch for assignment and selected the contract of Luis Santos.\n On September 3, recalled Chris Rowley.\n On September 8, transferred César Valdez to the 60-day disabled list, and recalled Leonel Campos.\n On September 9, outrighted Nick Tepesch to Triple-A Buffalo.\n On September 12, activated Russell Martin.", "On September 12, activated Russell Martin.\n On September 29, transferred Aaron Sanchez to the 60-day disabled list, and selected the contract of Taylor Cole.", "Farm system\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n2017 Toronto Blue Jays at Baseball Reference\n2017 Toronto Blue Jays calendar at Major League Baseball\n\nToronto Blue Jays seasons\nToronto Blue Jays\nToronto Blue Jays\nToronto Blue Jays" ]