stringlengths 9
<s> from mozi . layers . template import Template <EOL> from mozi . utils . theano_utils import shared_zeros , sharedX , shared_ones <EOL> from mozi . weight_init import UniformWeight <EOL> import theano . tensor as T <EOL> import theano <EOL> class BatchNormalization ( Template ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , dim , layer_type , gamma_init = UniformWeight ( ) , short_memory = <NUM_LIT> ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> assert layer_type in [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> self . layer_type = layer_type <EOL> self . epsilon = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> self . dim = dim <EOL> self . mem = short_memory <EOL> if self . layer_type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> input_shape = ( <NUM_LIT:1> , dim ) <EOL> self . broadcastable = ( True , False ) <EOL> elif self . layer_type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> input_shape = ( <NUM_LIT:1> , dim , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> self . broadcastable = ( True , False , True , True ) <EOL> self . gamma = gamma_init ( input_shape , name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . beta = shared_zeros ( input_shape , name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . params = [ self . gamma , self . beta ] <EOL> self . moving_mean = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> self . moving_var = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> def _train_fprop ( self , state_below ) : <EOL> if self . layer_type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> miu = state_below . mean ( axis = <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> var = T . mean ( ( state_below - miu ) ** <NUM_LIT:2> , axis = <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> elif self . layer_type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> miu = state_below . mean ( axis = ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) , keepdims = True ) <EOL> var = T . mean ( ( state_below - miu ) ** <NUM_LIT:2> , axis = ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) , keepdims = True ) <EOL> self . moving_mean = self . mem * miu + ( <NUM_LIT:1> - self . mem ) * self . moving_mean <EOL> self . moving_var = self . mem * var + ( <NUM_LIT:1> - self . mem ) * self . moving_var <EOL> Z = ( state_below - self . moving_mean ) / T . sqrt ( self . moving_var + self . epsilon ) <EOL> gamma = T . patternbroadcast ( self . gamma , self . broadcastable ) <EOL> beta = T . patternbroadcast ( self . beta , self . broadcastable ) <EOL> return gamma * Z + beta <EOL> def _test_fprop ( self , state_below ) : <EOL> Z = ( state_below - self . moving_mean ) / T . sqrt ( self . moving_var + self . epsilon ) <EOL> gamma = T . patternbroadcast ( self . gamma , self . broadcastable ) <EOL> beta = T . patternbroadcast ( self . beta , self . broadcastable ) <EOL> return gamma * Z + beta <EOL> def _layer_stats ( self , state_below , layer_output ) : <EOL> return [ ( '<STR_LIT>' , T . mean ( self . moving_mean ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , T . mean ( self . moving_var ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , T . mean ( self . gamma ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , T . mean ( self . beta ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , T . max ( self . gamma ) ) ] </s>
<s> from jobman import DD , flatten <EOL> config = DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : None <EOL> } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:description>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : True , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : True , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : True , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : True , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : None , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : None , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:100> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:5> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT> <EOL> } ) <EOL> } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:type>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:type>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:20> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : [ <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> ] , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:type>' : None <EOL> } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:type>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : - <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:0.5> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : [ - <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> ] , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:100> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : None , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : None <EOL> } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : True , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : DD ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> } ) </s>
<s> import logging <EOL> logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ ) <EOL> import os <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> import theano <EOL> from pynet . datasets . dataset import SingleBlock , DataBlocks <EOL> from pynet . utils . utils import make_one_hot <EOL> class Unilever ( SingleBlock ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , one_hot = False , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> dir = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> with open ( dir + '<STR_LIT>' ) as Xin : <EOL> data = np . load ( Xin ) <EOL> X , y = self . make_Xy ( data ) <EOL> if one_hot : <EOL> y = make_one_hot ( y , <NUM_LIT:8> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> y = y . reshape ( ( y . shape [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> super ( Unilever , self ) . __init__ ( X = X , y = y , ** kwargs ) <EOL> def make_Xy ( self , data ) : <EOL> X = data [ : , <NUM_LIT> : - <NUM_LIT:2> ] <EOL> y = data [ : , - <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> return X , y </s>
<s> import argparse <EOL> import cPickle <EOL> import glob <EOL> import os <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> import pynet . datasets . preprocessor as procs <EOL> parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser . add_argument ( '<STR_LIT>' , metavar = '<STR_LIT>' , help = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser . add_argument ( '<STR_LIT>' , metavar = '<STR_LIT>' , nargs = '<STR_LIT:+>' , help = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser . add_argument ( '<STR_LIT>' , metavar = '<STR_LIT>' , help = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser . add_argument ( '<STR_LIT>' , metavar = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> help = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser . add_argument ( '<STR_LIT>' , metavar = '<STR_LIT>' , default = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> help = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser . add_argument ( '<STR_LIT>' , action = '<STR_LIT:store_true>' , help = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser . add_argument ( '<STR_LIT>' , help = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> args = parser . parse_args ( ) <EOL> if args . txt_file : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' + args . txt_file <EOL> txt_file = [ ] <EOL> with open ( args . txt_file ) as txt_fin : <EOL> for row in txt_fin : <EOL> txt_file . append ( row . strip ( ) ) <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' + args . model <EOL> with open ( args . model ) as m : <EOL> model = cPickle . load ( m ) <EOL> dataset_files = glob . glob ( args . dataset ) <EOL> dataset_files . sort ( ) <EOL> if not os . path . exists ( args . output_dir ) : <EOL> os . mkdir ( args . output_dir ) <EOL> for f_path in dataset_files : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' + f_path <EOL> f = open ( f_path ) <EOL> dataset_raw = np . load ( f ) <EOL> if args . preprocessor : <EOL> for processor in args . preprocessor : <EOL> proc = getattr ( procs , processor ) ( ) <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' + processor <EOL> dataset_proc = proc . apply ( dataset_raw ) <EOL> else : <EOL> dataset_proc = dataset_raw <EOL> del dataset_raw <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> dataset_out = model . fprop ( dataset_proc ) <EOL> del dataset_proc <EOL> if args . rectified : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> dataset_out = dataset_out - ( dataset_out < <NUM_LIT:0> ) * dataset_out <EOL> if args . preprocessor : <EOL> args . preprocessor . reverse ( ) <EOL> for processor in args . preprocessor : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' + processor <EOL> dataset = proc . invert ( dataset_out ) <EOL> else : <EOL> dataset = dataset_out <EOL> dataset = dataset . astype ( args . output_dtype ) <EOL> del dataset_out <EOL> name = os . path . basename ( f_path ) <EOL> name = name . replace ( '<STR_LIT:data>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' + name <EOL> g = open ( os . path . dirname ( f_path ) + '<STR_LIT:/>' + name ) <EOL> names_arr = np . load ( g ) <EOL> num_exp = [ int ( num ) for f_name , num in names_arr ] <EOL> assert sum ( num_exp ) == dataset . shape [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> pointer = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> for f_name , num in names_arr : <EOL> f_name = f_name . rstrip ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> f_name = f_name . rstrip ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if args . txt_file : <EOL> if f_name . split ( '<STR_LIT:.>' ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] in txt_file : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' , f_name , num <EOL> dataset [ pointer : pointer + int ( num ) ] . tofile ( args . output_dir + '<STR_LIT:/>' + f_name + '<STR_LIT>' % args . output_dtype , format = args . output_dtype ) <EOL> else : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' , f_name , num <EOL> dataset [ pointer : pointer + int ( num ) ] . tofile ( args . output_dir + '<STR_LIT:/>' + f_name + '<STR_LIT>' % args . output_dtype , format = args . output_dtype ) <EOL> pointer += int ( num ) <EOL> assert pointer == dataset . shape [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> f . close ( ) <EOL> g . close ( ) <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from hyde . plugin import Plugin <EOL> class DraftsPlugin ( Plugin ) : <EOL> def begin_site ( self ) : <EOL> in_production = self . site . config . mode . startswith ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if not in_production : <EOL> self . logger . info ( '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return <EOL> for resource in self . site . content . walk_resources ( ) : <EOL> if not resource . is_processable : <EOL> continue <EOL> try : <EOL> is_draft = resource . meta . is_draft <EOL> except AttributeError : <EOL> is_draft = False <EOL> if is_draft : <EOL> resource . is_processable = False <EOL> self . logger . info ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' % ( resource , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' if is_draft else '<STR_LIT>' ) ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import os <EOL> from functools import partial <EOL> from itertools import tee <EOL> from hyde . _compat import str , zip <EOL> def make_method ( method_name , method_ ) : <EOL> def method__ ( * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> return method_ ( * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> method__ . __name__ = method_name <EOL> return method__ <EOL> def add_property ( obj , method_name , method_ , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> m = make_method ( method_name , partial ( method_ , * args , ** kwargs ) ) <EOL> setattr ( obj , method_name , property ( m ) ) <EOL> def add_method ( obj , method_name , method_ , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> m = make_method ( method_name , partial ( method_ , * args , ** kwargs ) ) <EOL> setattr ( obj , method_name , m ) <EOL> def pairwalk ( iterable ) : <EOL> a , b = tee ( iterable ) <EOL> next ( b , None ) <EOL> return zip ( a , b ) <EOL> def first_match ( predicate , iterable ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> for item in iterable : <EOL> if predicate ( item ) : <EOL> return item <EOL> return None <EOL> def discover_executable ( name , sitepath ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> paths = [ str ( sitepath ) ] + os . environ [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . split ( os . pathsep ) <EOL> for path in paths : <EOL> full_name = os . path . join ( path , name ) <EOL> if os . path . exists ( full_name ) : <EOL> return full_name <EOL> return None </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from hyde . model import Config , Expando <EOL> from fswrap import File , Folder <EOL> def test_expando_one_level ( ) : <EOL> d = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:b>" : "<STR_LIT:abc>" } <EOL> x = Expando ( d ) <EOL> assert x . a == d [ '<STR_LIT:a>' ] <EOL> assert x . b == d [ '<STR_LIT:b>' ] <EOL> def test_expando_two_levels ( ) : <EOL> d = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:b>" : { "<STR_LIT:c>" : <NUM_LIT> } } <EOL> x = Expando ( d ) <EOL> assert x . a == d [ '<STR_LIT:a>' ] <EOL> assert x . b . c == d [ '<STR_LIT:b>' ] [ '<STR_LIT:c>' ] <EOL> def test_expando_three_levels ( ) : <EOL> d = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:b>" : { "<STR_LIT:c>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:d>" : { "<STR_LIT:e>" : "<STR_LIT:abc>" } } } <EOL> x = Expando ( d ) <EOL> assert x . a == d [ '<STR_LIT:a>' ] <EOL> assert x . b . c == d [ '<STR_LIT:b>' ] [ '<STR_LIT:c>' ] <EOL> assert x . b . d . e == d [ '<STR_LIT:b>' ] [ '<STR_LIT:d>' ] [ '<STR_LIT:e>' ] <EOL> def test_expando_update ( ) : <EOL> d1 = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:b>" : "<STR_LIT:abc>" } <EOL> x = Expando ( d1 ) <EOL> assert x . a == d1 [ '<STR_LIT:a>' ] <EOL> assert x . b == d1 [ '<STR_LIT:b>' ] <EOL> d = { "<STR_LIT:b>" : { "<STR_LIT:c>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:d>" : { "<STR_LIT:e>" : "<STR_LIT:abc>" } } , "<STR_LIT:f>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> x . update ( d ) <EOL> assert x . a == d1 [ '<STR_LIT:a>' ] <EOL> assert x . b . c == d [ '<STR_LIT:b>' ] [ '<STR_LIT:c>' ] <EOL> assert x . b . d . e == d [ '<STR_LIT:b>' ] [ '<STR_LIT:d>' ] [ '<STR_LIT:e>' ] <EOL> assert x . f == d [ "<STR_LIT:f>" ] <EOL> d2 = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:f>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> y = Expando ( d2 ) <EOL> x . update ( y ) <EOL> assert x . a == <NUM_LIT> <EOL> assert x . f == "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def test_expando_to_dict ( ) : <EOL> d = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:b>" : { "<STR_LIT:c>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:d>" : { "<STR_LIT:e>" : "<STR_LIT:abc>" } } } <EOL> x = Expando ( d ) <EOL> assert d == x . to_dict ( ) <EOL> def test_expando_to_dict_with_update ( ) : <EOL> d1 = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:b>" : "<STR_LIT:abc>" } <EOL> x = Expando ( d1 ) <EOL> d = { "<STR_LIT:b>" : { "<STR_LIT:c>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:d>" : { "<STR_LIT:e>" : "<STR_LIT:abc>" } } , "<STR_LIT:f>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> x . update ( d ) <EOL> expected = { } <EOL> expected . update ( d1 ) <EOL> expected . update ( d ) <EOL> assert expected == x . to_dict ( ) <EOL> d2 = { "<STR_LIT:a>" : <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT:f>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> y = Expando ( d2 ) <EOL> x . update ( y ) <EOL> expected . update ( d2 ) <EOL> assert expected == x . to_dict ( ) <EOL> TEST_SITE = File ( __file__ ) . parent . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> import yaml <EOL> class TestConfig ( object ) : <EOL> @ classmethod <EOL> def setup_class ( cls ) : <EOL> cls . conf1 = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cls . conf2 = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def setUp ( self ) : <EOL> TEST_SITE . make ( ) <EOL> TEST_SITE . parent . child_folder ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) . copy_contents_to ( TEST_SITE ) <EOL> def tearDown ( self ) : <EOL> TEST_SITE . delete ( ) <EOL> def test_default_configuration ( self ) : <EOL> c = Config ( sitepath = TEST_SITE , config_dict = { } ) <EOL> for root in [ '<STR_LIT:content>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] : <EOL> name = root + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> path = name + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> assert hasattr ( c , name ) <EOL> assert getattr ( c , name ) == root <EOL> assert hasattr ( c , path ) <EOL> assert getattr ( c , path ) == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( root ) <EOL> assert c . media_root_path == c . content_root_path . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert hasattr ( c , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert len ( c . plugins ) == <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> assert hasattr ( c , '<STR_LIT:ignore>' ) <EOL> assert c . ignore == [ "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> assert c . deploy_root_path == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . not_found == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> assert c . meta . nodemeta == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def test_conf1 ( self ) : <EOL> c = Config ( sitepath = TEST_SITE , config_dict = yaml . load ( self . conf1 ) ) <EOL> assert c . content_root_path == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def test_conf2 ( self ) : <EOL> c = Config ( sitepath = TEST_SITE , config_dict = yaml . load ( self . conf2 ) ) <EOL> assert c . content_root_path == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_root_path == c . content_root_path . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_url == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . deploy_root_path == Folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def test_read_from_file_by_default ( self ) : <EOL> File ( TEST_SITE . child ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) . write ( self . conf2 ) <EOL> c = Config ( sitepath = TEST_SITE ) <EOL> assert c . content_root_path == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_root_path == c . content_root_path . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_url == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . deploy_root_path == Folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def test_read_from_specified_file ( self ) : <EOL> File ( TEST_SITE . child ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) . write ( self . conf2 ) <EOL> c = Config ( sitepath = TEST_SITE , config_file = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . content_root_path == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_root_path == c . content_root_path . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_url == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . deploy_root_path == Folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def test_extends ( self ) : <EOL> another = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> File ( TEST_SITE . child ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) . write ( self . conf2 ) <EOL> File ( TEST_SITE . child ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) . write ( another ) <EOL> c = Config ( sitepath = TEST_SITE , config_file = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . mode == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> assert c . content_root_path == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_root_path == c . content_root_path . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . media_url == TEST_SITE . child_folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> assert c . deploy_root_path == Folder ( '<STR_LIT>' ) </s>
<s> import shutil <EOL> import json <EOL> from zipfile import ZipFile <EOL> import pandas <EOL> from django . contrib . gis . geos import Polygon <EOL> import os <EOL> import sh <EOL> from osgeo import osr , ogr <EOL> from . import Driver <EOL> from pandas import DataFrame <EOL> from shapely import wkb <EOL> from django . template . defaultfilters import slugify <EOL> import re <EOL> def ogrfield ( elt ) : <EOL> return re . sub ( '<STR_LIT:->' , '<STR_LIT:_>' , slugify ( elt ) . encode ( '<STR_LIT:ascii>' ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:10> ] <EOL> def identity ( x ) : <EOL> return '<STR_LIT:">' + x + '<STR_LIT:">' if isinstance ( x , basestring ) else str ( x ) <EOL> dtypes = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . OFTInteger , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . OFTReal , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:object>' : ogr . OFTString , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . OFTDateTime <EOL> } <EOL> geomTypes = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbGeometryCollection , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbLinearRing , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbLineString , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbMultiLineString , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbMultiPoint , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbMultiPolygon , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbPoint , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ogr . wkbPolygon <EOL> } <EOL> def transform ( geom , crx ) : <EOL> if crx : <EOL> geom . Transform ( crx ) <EOL> return geom <EOL> class ShapefileDriver ( Driver ) : <EOL> @ classmethod <EOL> def supports_multiple_layers ( cls ) : <EOL> return False <EOL> @ classmethod <EOL> def supports_configuration ( cls ) : <EOL> return False <EOL> def ready_data_resource ( self , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> slug , srs = super ( ShapefileDriver , self ) . ready_data_resource ( ** kwargs ) <EOL> return slug , srs , { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:type>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> "<STR_LIT:file>" : self . cached_basename + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } <EOL> def clear_cached_files ( self ) : <EOL> sh . rm ( '<STR_LIT>' , sh . glob ( os . path . join ( self . cache_path , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) ) <EOL> sh . rm ( '<STR_LIT>' , sh . glob ( os . path . join ( self . cache_path , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) ) <EOL> sh . rm ( '<STR_LIT>' , sh . glob ( os . path . join ( self . cache_path , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) ) <EOL> sh . rm ( '<STR_LIT>' , sh . glob ( os . path . join ( self . cache_path , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) ) <EOL> def compute_fields ( self , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> super ( ShapefileDriver , self ) . compute_fields ( ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . clear_cached_files ( ) <EOL> archive = ZipFile ( self . cached_basename + self . src_ext ) <EOL> projection_found = False <EOL> for name in archive . namelist ( ) : <EOL> xtn = name . split ( '<STR_LIT:.>' ) [ - <NUM_LIT:1> ] . lower ( ) <EOL> if xtn in { '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' } and "<STR_LIT>" not in name : <EOL> projection_found = projection_found or xtn == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> with open ( self . cached_basename + '<STR_LIT:.>' + xtn , '<STR_LIT:wb>' ) as fout : <EOL> with archive . open ( name ) as fin : <EOL> chunk = fin . read ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> while chunk : <EOL> fout . write ( chunk ) <EOL> chunk = fin . read ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> if not projection_found : <EOL> with open ( self . cached_basename + '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:w>' ) as f : <EOL> srs = osr . SpatialReference ( ) <EOL> srs . ImportFromEPSG ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> f . write ( srs . ExportToWkt ( ) ) <EOL> ds = ogr . Open ( self . cached_basename + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lyr = ds . GetLayerByIndex ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) if '<STR_LIT>' not in kwargs else ds . GetLayerByName ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax = lyr . GetExtent ( ) <EOL> crs = lyr . GetSpatialRef ( ) <EOL> self . resource . spatial_metadata . native_srs = crs . ExportToProj4 ( ) <EOL> e4326 = osr . SpatialReference ( ) <EOL> e4326 . ImportFromEPSG ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> crx = osr . CoordinateTransformation ( crs , e4326 ) <EOL> x04326 , y04326 , _ = crx . TransformPoint ( xmin , ymin ) <EOL> x14326 , y14326 , _ = crx . TransformPoint ( xmax , ymax ) <EOL> self . resource . spatial_metadata . bounding_box = Polygon . from_bbox ( ( x04326 , y04326 , x14326 , y14326 ) ) <EOL> self . resource . spatial_metadata . native_bounding_box = Polygon . from_bbox ( ( xmin , ymin , xmax , ymax ) ) <EOL> self . resource . spatial_metadata . three_d = False <EOL> self . resource . spatial_metadata . save ( ) <EOL> self . resource . save ( ) <EOL> def get_data_fields ( self , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> _ , _ , result = self . ready_data_resource ( ** kwargs ) <EOL> ds = ogr . Open ( result [ '<STR_LIT:file>' ] ) <EOL> lyr = ds . GetLayerByIndex ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) if '<STR_LIT>' not in kwargs else ds . GetLayerByName ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> return [ ( field . name , field . GetTypeName ( ) , field . width ) for field in lyr . schema ] <EOL> def get_data_for_point ( self , wherex , wherey , srs , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> result , x1 , y1 , epsilon = super ( ShapefileDriver , self ) . get_data_for_point ( wherex , wherey , srs , ** kwargs ) <EOL> ds = ogr . Open ( result [ '<STR_LIT:file>' ] ) <EOL> lyr = ds . GetLayerByIndex ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) if '<STR_LIT>' not in kwargs else ds . GetLayerByName ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> if epsilon == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> lyr . SetSpatialFilter ( ogr . CreateGeometryFromWkt ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( ** locals ( ) ) ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> from django . contrib . gis import geos <EOL> wkt = geos . Point ( x1 , y1 ) . buffer ( epsilon ) . wkt <EOL> print wkt <EOL> lyr . SetSpatialFilter ( ogr . CreateGeometryFromWkt ( wkt ) ) <EOL> return [ f . items ( ) for f in lyr ] <EOL> def attrquery ( self , key , value ) : <EOL> key , op = key . split ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> op = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT:>>" , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT:<>" , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> } [ op ] <EOL> value = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : identity , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : identity , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : identity , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : identity , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : lambda x : '<STR_LIT:%>' + x , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : lambda x : x + '<STR_LIT:%>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : lambda x : '<STR_LIT:%>' + x , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : lambda x : x + '<STR_LIT:%>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : lambda x : '<STR_LIT:%>' + x + '<STR_LIT:%>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : lambda x : '<STR_LIT:%>' + x + '<STR_LIT:%>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : lambda x : x if isinstance ( x , basestring ) else '<STR_LIT:(>' + '<STR_LIT:U+002C>' . join ( identity ( a ) for a in x ) + '<STR_LIT:)>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : identity <EOL> } [ op ] ( value ) <EOL> return '<STR_LIT:U+0020>' . join ( [ key , op , value ] ) <EOL> def as_dataframe ( self , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> dfx_path = self . get_filename ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> shp_path = self . get_filename ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if len ( kwargs ) != <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> ds = ogr . Open ( shp_path ) <EOL> lyr = ds . GetLayerByIndex ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> crx = xrc = None <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' in kwargs : <EOL> minx , miny , maxx , maxy = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' in kwargs : <EOL> if isinstance ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , basestring ) : <EOL> s_srs = osr . SpatialReference ( ) <EOL> if kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . lower ( ) . startswith ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> s_srs . ImportFromEPSG ( int ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . split ( '<STR_LIT::>' ) [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> s_srs . ImportFromProj4 ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> else : <EOL> s_srs = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> t_srs = self . resource . srs <EOL> if s_srs . ExportToProj4 ( ) != t_srs . ExportToProj4 ( ) : <EOL> crx = osr . CoordinateTransformation ( s_srs , t_srs ) <EOL> minx , miny , _ = crx . TransformPoint ( minx , miny ) <EOL> maxx , maxy , _ = crx . TransformPoint ( maxx , maxy ) <EOL> xrc = osr . CoordinateTransformation ( t_srs , s_srs ) <EOL> lyr . SetSpatialFilterRect ( minx , miny , maxx , maxy ) <EOL> elif '<STR_LIT>' in kwargs : <EOL> boundary = ogr . Geometry ( geomTypes [ kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ] , kwargs [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> lyr . SetSpatialFilter ( boundary ) <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' in kwargs : <EOL> if isinstance ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , basestring ) : <EOL> query = json . loads ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> else : <EOL> query = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> for key , value in query . items ( ) : <EOL> attrq = self . attrquery ( key , value ) if '<STR_LIT>' in key else key , '<STR_LIT:=>' <EOL> lyr . SetAttributeFilter ( attrq ) <EOL> start = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT:start>' ] if '<STR_LIT:start>' in kwargs else <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> count = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT:count>' ] if '<STR_LIT:count>' in kwargs else len ( lyr ) - start <EOL> records = [ ] <EOL> for i in range ( start ) : <EOL> lyr . next ( ) <EOL> for i in range ( count ) : <EOL> f = lyr . next ( ) <EOL> if f . geometry ( ) : <EOL> records . append ( dict ( fid = i , geometry = wkb . loads ( transform ( f . geometry ( ) , xrc ) . ExportToWkb ( ) ) , ** f . items ( ) ) ) <EOL> df = DataFrame . from_records ( <EOL> data = records , <EOL> index = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> ) <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' in kwargs : <EOL> df = df . sort_index ( by = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> return df <EOL> elif hasattr ( self , '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> return self . _df <EOL> elif os . path . exists ( dfx_path ) and os . stat ( dfx_path ) . st_mtime >= os . stat ( shp_path ) . st_mtime : <EOL> if self . resource . big : <EOL> self . _df = pandas . read_hdf ( dfx_path , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _df = pandas . read_pickle ( dfx_path ) <EOL> return self . _df <EOL> else : <EOL> ds = ogr . Open ( shp_path ) <EOL> lyr = ds . GetLayerByIndex ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> df = DataFrame . from_records ( <EOL> data = [ dict ( fid = f . GetFID ( ) , geometry = wkb . loads ( f . geometry ( ) . ExportToWkb ( ) ) , ** f . items ( ) ) for f in lyr if f . geometry ( ) ] , <EOL> index = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> ) <EOL> if self . resource . big : <EOL> df . to_hdf ( dfx_path , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> df . to_pickle ( dfx_path ) <EOL> self . _df = df <EOL> return self . _df <EOL> @ classmethod <EOL> def from_dataframe ( cls , df , shp , srs ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> drv = ogr . GetDriverByName ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if os . path . exists ( shp ) : <EOL> shutil . rmtree ( shp ) <EOL> os . mkdir ( shp ) <EOL> ds = drv . CreateDataSource ( shp ) <EOL> keys = df . keys ( ) <EOL> fieldDefns = [ ogr . FieldDefn ( ogrfield ( name ) , dtypes [ df [ name ] . dtype . name ] ) for name in keys if name != '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> geomType = geomTypes [ ( f for f in df [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) . next ( ) . type ] <EOL> l = ds . CreateLayer ( <EOL> name = os . path . split ( shp ) [ - <NUM_LIT:1> ] , <EOL> srs = srs , <EOL> geom_type = geomType <EOL> ) <EOL> for f in fieldDefns : <EOL> l . CreateField ( f ) <EOL> for i , record in df . iterrows ( ) : <EOL> feature = ogr . Feature ( l . GetLayerDefn ( ) ) <EOL> for field , value in ( ( k , v ) for k , v in record . to_dict ( ) . items ( ) if k != '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> if isinstance ( value , basestring ) : <EOL> value = value . encode ( '<STR_LIT:ascii>' ) <EOL> feature . SetField ( ogrfield ( field ) , value ) <EOL> feature . SetGeometry ( ogr . CreateGeometryFromWkb ( record [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . wkb ) ) <EOL> l . CreateFeature ( feature ) <EOL> del ds <EOL> driver = ShapefileDriver </s>
<s> </s>
<s> import collections <EOL> import HydrusConstants as HC <EOL> import ClientCaches <EOL> import ClientData <EOL> import ClientConstants as CC <EOL> import ClientRatings <EOL> import itertools <EOL> import os <EOL> import random <EOL> import sys <EOL> import time <EOL> import traceback <EOL> import wx <EOL> import wx . combo <EOL> import wx . richtext <EOL> from wx . lib . mixins . listctrl import ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin <EOL> from wx . lib . mixins . listctrl import ColumnSorterMixin <EOL> import HydrusTags <EOL> import HydrusData <EOL> import HydrusExceptions <EOL> import ClientSearch <EOL> import HydrusGlobals <EOL> TEXT_CUTOFF = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_TIMER_ANIMATED = wx . NewId ( ) <EOL> ID_TIMER_SLIDESHOW = wx . NewId ( ) <EOL> ID_TIMER_MEDIA_INFO_DISPLAY = wx . NewId ( ) <EOL> ID_TIMER_DROPDOWN_HIDE = wx . NewId ( ) <EOL> ID_TIMER_AC_LAG = wx . NewId ( ) <EOL> ID_TIMER_POPUP = wx . NewId ( ) <EOL> def FlushOutPredicates ( parent , predicates ) : <EOL> good_predicates = [ ] <EOL> for predicate in predicates : <EOL> predicate = predicate . GetCountlessCopy ( ) <EOL> ( predicate_type , value , inclusive ) = predicate . GetInfo ( ) <EOL> if value is None and predicate_type in [ HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_NUM_TAGS , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_LIMIT , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_SIZE , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_DIMENSIONS , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_AGE , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_HASH , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_DURATION , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_NUM_WORDS , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_MIME , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_RATING , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_SIMILAR_TO , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_FILE_SERVICE ] : <EOL> import ClientGUIDialogs <EOL> with ClientGUIDialogs . DialogInputFileSystemPredicates ( parent , predicate_type ) as dlg : <EOL> if dlg . ShowModal ( ) == wx . ID_OK : <EOL> good_predicates . extend ( dlg . GetPredicates ( ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> continue <EOL> elif predicate_type == HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_UNTAGGED : <EOL> good_predicates . append ( ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_NUM_TAGS , ( '<STR_LIT:=>' , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> good_predicates . append ( predicate ) <EOL> return good_predicates <EOL> def IsWXAncestor ( child , ancestor ) : <EOL> parent = child <EOL> while not isinstance ( parent , wx . TopLevelWindow ) : <EOL> if parent == ancestor : <EOL> return True <EOL> parent = parent . GetParent ( ) <EOL> return False <EOL> class AnimatedStaticTextTimestamp ( wx . StaticText ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , prefix , rendering_function , timestamp , suffix ) : <EOL> self . _prefix = prefix <EOL> self . _rendering_function = rendering_function <EOL> self . _timestamp = timestamp <EOL> self . _suffix = suffix <EOL> self . _last_tick = HydrusData . GetNow ( ) <EOL> wx . StaticText . __init__ ( self , parent , label = self . _prefix + self . _rendering_function ( self . _timestamp ) + self . _suffix ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_TIMER , self . TIMEREventAnimated , id = ID_TIMER_ANIMATED ) <EOL> self . _timer_animated = wx . Timer ( self , ID_TIMER_ANIMATED ) <EOL> self . _timer_animated . Start ( <NUM_LIT:1000> , wx . TIMER_CONTINUOUS ) <EOL> def TIMEREventAnimated ( self ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> update = False <EOL> now = HydrusData . GetNow ( ) <EOL> difference = abs ( now - self . _timestamp ) <EOL> if difference < <NUM_LIT> : update = True <EOL> elif difference < <NUM_LIT> * <NUM_LIT> and now - self . _last_tick > <NUM_LIT> : update = True <EOL> elif now - self . _last_tick > <NUM_LIT> : update = True <EOL> if update : <EOL> self . SetLabelText ( self . _prefix + self . _rendering_function ( self . _timestamp ) + self . _suffix ) <EOL> wx . PostEvent ( self . GetEventHandler ( ) , wx . SizeEvent ( ) ) <EOL> except wx . PyDeadObjectError : <EOL> self . _timer_animated . Stop ( ) <EOL> except : <EOL> self . _timer_animated . Stop ( ) <EOL> raise <EOL> class AutoCompleteDropdown ( wx . Panel ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent ) : <EOL> wx . Panel . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _intercept_key_events = True <EOL> self . _last_search_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = False <EOL> tlp = self . GetTopLevelParent ( ) <EOL> if isinstance ( tlp , wx . Dialog ) or HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] : self . _float_mode = False <EOL> else : self . _float_mode = True <EOL> self . _text_ctrl = wx . TextCtrl ( self , style = wx . TE_PROCESS_ENTER ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . SetBackgroundColour ( wx . Colour ( * HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> self . _last_attempted_dropdown_width = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> self . _last_attempted_dropdown_position = ( None , None ) <EOL> if self . _float_mode : <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . Bind ( wx . EVT_SET_FOCUS , self . EventSetFocus ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . Bind ( wx . EVT_KILL_FOCUS , self . EventKillFocus ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . Bind ( wx . EVT_TEXT , self . EventText ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . Bind ( wx . EVT_KEY_DOWN , self . EventKeyDown ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . Bind ( wx . EVT_MOUSEWHEEL , self . EventMouseWheel ) <EOL> vbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _text_ctrl , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> if self . _float_mode : <EOL> self . _dropdown_window = wx . Frame ( self , style = wx . FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx . FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx . FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | wx . BORDER_RAISED ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetBackgroundColour ( wx . SystemSettings . GetColour ( wx . SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetSize ( ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetPosition ( self . _text_ctrl . ClientToScreenXY ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . Show ( ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . Bind ( wx . EVT_CLOSE , self . EventCloseDropdown ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_hidden = True <EOL> self . _list_height = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _dropdown_window = wx . Panel ( self ) <EOL> self . _list_height = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> self . _dropdown_list = self . _InitDropDownList ( ) <EOL> if not self . _float_mode : vbox . AddF ( self . _dropdown_window , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( vbox ) <EOL> self . _cache_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _cached_results = [ ] <EOL> if self . _float_mode : <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MOVE , self . EventMove ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_SIZE , self . EventMove ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_TIMER , self . TIMEREventDropdownHide , id = ID_TIMER_DROPDOWN_HIDE ) <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer = wx . Timer ( self , id = ID_TIMER_DROPDOWN_HIDE ) <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer . Start ( <NUM_LIT:1> , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> tlp . Bind ( wx . EVT_MOVE , self . EventMove ) <EOL> parent = self <EOL> while True : <EOL> try : <EOL> parent = parent . GetParent ( ) <EOL> if isinstance ( parent , wx . ScrolledWindow ) : <EOL> parent . Bind ( wx . EVT_SCROLLWIN , self . EventMove ) <EOL> except : <EOL> break <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_TIMER , self . TIMEREventLag , id = ID_TIMER_AC_LAG ) <EOL> self . _lag_timer = wx . Timer ( self , id = ID_TIMER_AC_LAG ) <EOL> wx . CallAfter ( self . _UpdateList ) <EOL> def _BroadcastChoices ( self , predicates ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def _BroadcastCurrentText ( self ) : <EOL> text = self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) <EOL> self . _BroadcastChoices ( { text } ) <EOL> def _GenerateMatches ( self ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def _HideDropdown ( self ) : <EOL> if not self . _dropdown_hidden : <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetSize ( ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_hidden = True <EOL> def _InitDropDownList ( self ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def _ShouldShow ( self ) : <EOL> tlp_active = self . GetTopLevelParent ( ) . IsActive ( ) or self . _dropdown_window . IsActive ( ) <EOL> if HC . PLATFORM_LINUX : <EOL> tlp = self . GetTopLevelParent ( ) <EOL> if isinstance ( tlp , wx . Dialog ) : <EOL> visible = True <EOL> else : <EOL> gui = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetGUI ( ) <EOL> current_page = gui . GetCurrentPage ( ) <EOL> visible = IsWXAncestor ( self , current_page ) <EOL> else : <EOL> visible = self . _text_ctrl . IsShownOnScreen ( ) <EOL> focus_window = wx . Window . FindFocus ( ) <EOL> focus_remains_on_self_or_children = focus_window == self . _dropdown_window or focus_window in self . _dropdown_window . GetChildren ( ) or focus_window == self . _text_ctrl <EOL> return tlp_active and visible and focus_remains_on_self_or_children <EOL> def _ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter ( self ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def _ShowDropdown ( self ) : <EOL> ( text_width , text_height ) = self . _text_ctrl . GetSize ( ) <EOL> desired_dropdown_position = self . _text_ctrl . ClientToScreenXY ( - <NUM_LIT:2> , text_height - <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> if self . _last_attempted_dropdown_position != desired_dropdown_position : <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetPosition ( desired_dropdown_position ) <EOL> self . _last_attempted_dropdown_position = desired_dropdown_position <EOL> show_and_fit_needed = False <EOL> if self . _dropdown_hidden : <EOL> show_and_fit_needed = True <EOL> else : <EOL> if text_width != self . _last_attempted_dropdown_width : <EOL> show_and_fit_needed = True <EOL> if show_and_fit_needed : <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . Fit ( ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetSize ( ( text_width , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . Layout ( ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_hidden = False <EOL> self . _last_attempted_dropdown_width = text_width <EOL> def _TakeResponsibilityForEnter ( self ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def _UpdateList ( self ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def BroadcastChoices ( self , predicates ) : <EOL> self . _BroadcastChoices ( predicates ) <EOL> def EventCloseDropdown ( self , event ) : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetGUI ( ) . EventExit ( event ) <EOL> def EventKeyDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . ResetIdleTimer ( ) <EOL> if event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_INSERT , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_INSERT ) : <EOL> if self . _intercept_key_events : <EOL> self . _intercept_key_events = False <EOL> ( r , g , b ) = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> if r != g or r != b or g != b : <EOL> colour = wx . Colour ( g , b , r ) <EOL> elif r > <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> colour = wx . Colour ( g , b , r / <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> colour = wx . Colour ( g , b , r * <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _intercept_key_events = True <EOL> colour = wx . Colour ( * HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . SetBackgroundColour ( colour ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . Refresh ( ) <EOL> elif event . KeyCode == wx . WXK_SPACE and event . RawControlDown ( ) : <EOL> self . _UpdateList ( ) <EOL> self . _lag_timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> elif self . _intercept_key_events : <EOL> if event . KeyCode in ( ord ( '<STR_LIT:A>' ) , ord ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) ) and event . CmdDown ( ) : <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> elif event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_RETURN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER ) and self . _ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter ( ) : <EOL> self . _TakeResponsibilityForEnter ( ) <EOL> elif event . KeyCode == wx . WXK_ESCAPE : <EOL> self . GetTopLevelParent ( ) . SetFocus ( ) <EOL> elif event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_UP , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_UP , wx . WXK_DOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN ) and self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) == '<STR_LIT>' and len ( self . _dropdown_list ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> if event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_UP , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_UP ) : id = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> elif event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_DOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN ) : id = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> new_event = wx . CommandEvent ( commandType = wx . wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED , winid = id ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . ProcessEvent ( new_event ) <EOL> elif event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_PAGEDOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN , wx . WXK_PAGEUP , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP ) and self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) == '<STR_LIT>' and len ( self . _dropdown_list ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> if event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_PAGEUP , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP ) : <EOL> id = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> elif event . KeyCode in ( wx . WXK_PAGEDOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN ) : <EOL> id = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> new_event = wx . CommandEvent ( commandType = wx . wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED , winid = id ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . ProcessEvent ( new_event ) <EOL> else : self . _dropdown_list . ProcessEvent ( event ) <EOL> else : <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventKillFocus ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer . Start ( <NUM_LIT:1> , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventMouseWheel ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) == '<STR_LIT>' and len ( self . _dropdown_list ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> if event . GetWheelRotation ( ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : id = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : id = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> new_event = wx . CommandEvent ( commandType = wx . wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED , winid = id ) <EOL> self . ProcessEvent ( new_event ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if event . CmdDown ( ) : <EOL> key_event = wx . KeyEvent ( wx . EVT_KEY_DOWN . typeId ) <EOL> if event . GetWheelRotation ( ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : key_event . m_keyCode = wx . WXK_UP <EOL> else : key_event . m_keyCode = wx . WXK_DOWN <EOL> self . _dropdown_list . ProcessEvent ( key_event ) <EOL> else : <EOL> ( start_x , start_y ) = self . _dropdown_list . GetViewStart ( ) <EOL> if event . GetWheelRotation ( ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : self . _dropdown_list . Scroll ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , start_y - <NUM_LIT:3> ) <EOL> else : self . _dropdown_list . Scroll ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , start_y + <NUM_LIT:3> ) <EOL> if event . GetWheelRotation ( ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : command_type = wx . wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP <EOL> else : command_type = wx . wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN <EOL> wx . PostEvent ( self , wx . ScrollWinEvent ( command_type ) ) <EOL> def EventMove ( self , event ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> self . _HideDropdown ( ) <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer . Start ( <NUM_LIT> , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> except wx . PyDeadObjectError : pass <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventSetFocus ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer . Start ( <NUM_LIT:1> , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventText ( self , event ) : <EOL> num_chars = len ( self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) ) <EOL> if num_chars == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _UpdateList ( ) <EOL> elif HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] : <EOL> ( char_limit , long_wait , short_wait ) = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast and num_chars > len ( self . _last_search_text ) <EOL> if self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast : self . _UpdateList ( ) <EOL> elif num_chars < char_limit : self . _lag_timer . Start ( long_wait , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> else : self . _lag_timer . Start ( short_wait , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> def RefreshList ( self ) : <EOL> self . _cache_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _UpdateList ( ) <EOL> def TIMEREventDropdownHide ( self , event ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> should_show = self . _ShouldShow ( ) <EOL> if should_show : <EOL> self . _ShowDropdown ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _HideDropdown ( ) <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer . Start ( <NUM_LIT> , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> except wx . PyDeadObjectError : <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> except : <EOL> self . _move_hide_timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> raise <EOL> def TIMEREventLag ( self , event ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> self . _UpdateList ( ) <EOL> except wx . PyDeadObjectError : <EOL> self . _lag_timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> except : <EOL> self . _lag_timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> raise <EOL> class AutoCompleteDropdownTags ( AutoCompleteDropdown ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , file_service_key , tag_service_key ) : <EOL> AutoCompleteDropdown . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _current_matches = [ ] <EOL> self . _cached_results = [ ] <EOL> self . _file_service_key = file_service_key <EOL> self . _tag_service_key = tag_service_key <EOL> file_service = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetService ( self . _file_service_key ) <EOL> tag_service = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetService ( self . _tag_service_key ) <EOL> self . _file_repo_button = wx . Button ( self . _dropdown_window , label = file_service . GetName ( ) ) <EOL> self . _file_repo_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventFileButton ) <EOL> self . _file_repo_button . SetMinSize ( ( <NUM_LIT:20> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _tag_repo_button = wx . Button ( self . _dropdown_window , label = tag_service . GetName ( ) ) <EOL> self . _tag_repo_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventTagButton ) <EOL> self . _tag_repo_button . SetMinSize ( ( <NUM_LIT:20> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MENU , self . EventMenu ) <EOL> def _ChangeFileService ( self , file_service_key ) : <EOL> if file_service_key == CC . COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY and self . _tag_service_key == CC . COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY : <EOL> self . _ChangeTagService ( CC . LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) <EOL> self . _file_service_key = file_service_key <EOL> file_service = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetService ( self . _file_service_key ) <EOL> name = file_service . GetName ( ) <EOL> self . _file_repo_button . SetLabelText ( name ) <EOL> wx . CallAfter ( self . RefreshList ) <EOL> def _ChangeTagService ( self , tag_service_key ) : <EOL> if tag_service_key == CC . COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY and self . _file_service_key == CC . COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : <EOL> self . _ChangeFileService ( CC . LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) <EOL> self . _tag_service_key = tag_service_key <EOL> tag_service = tag_service = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetService ( self . _tag_service_key ) <EOL> name = tag_service . GetName ( ) <EOL> self . _tag_repo_button . SetLabelText ( name ) <EOL> self . _cache_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> wx . CallAfter ( self . RefreshList ) <EOL> def _InitDropDownList ( self ) : return ListBoxTagsAutocompleteDropdown ( self . _dropdown_window , self . BroadcastChoices , min_height = self . _list_height ) <EOL> def _UpdateList ( self ) : <EOL> self . _last_search_text = self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) <EOL> matches = self . _GenerateMatches ( ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_list . SetPredicates ( matches ) <EOL> self . _current_matches = matches <EOL> num_chars = len ( self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) ) <EOL> if num_chars == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _lag_timer . Start ( <NUM_LIT:5> * <NUM_LIT> * <NUM_LIT:1000> , wx . TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) <EOL> def EventFileButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> services_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) <EOL> services = [ ] <EOL> services . append ( services_manager . GetService ( CC . COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ) <EOL> services . append ( services_manager . GetService ( CC . LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ) <EOL> services . append ( services_manager . GetService ( CC . TRASH_SERVICE_KEY ) ) <EOL> services . extend ( services_manager . GetServices ( ( HC . FILE_REPOSITORY , ) ) ) <EOL> menu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> for service in services : menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' , service . GetServiceKey ( ) ) , service . GetName ( ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . PopupMenu ( self . _file_repo_button , menu ) <EOL> def EventMenu ( self , event ) : <EOL> action = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetAction ( event . GetId ( ) ) <EOL> if action is not None : <EOL> ( command , data ) = action <EOL> if command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _ChangeFileService ( data ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _ChangeTagService ( data ) <EOL> else : <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> return <EOL> self . _cache_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _UpdateList ( ) <EOL> def EventTagButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> services_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) <EOL> services = [ ] <EOL> services . append ( services_manager . GetService ( CC . COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) ) <EOL> services . append ( services_manager . GetService ( CC . LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) ) <EOL> services . extend ( services_manager . GetServices ( ( HC . TAG_REPOSITORY , ) ) ) <EOL> menu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> for service in services : menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' , service . GetServiceKey ( ) ) , service . GetName ( ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . PopupMenu ( self . _tag_repo_button , menu ) <EOL> class AutoCompleteDropdownTagsRead ( AutoCompleteDropdownTags ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key , file_search_context , media_callable = None , synchronised = True , include_unusual_predicate_types = True ) : <EOL> file_service_key = file_search_context . GetFileServiceKey ( ) <EOL> tag_service_key = file_search_context . GetTagServiceKey ( ) <EOL> AutoCompleteDropdownTags . __init__ ( self , parent , file_service_key , tag_service_key ) <EOL> self . _media_callable = media_callable <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> self . _file_search_context = file_search_context <EOL> self . _include_current_tags = OnOffButton ( self . _dropdown_window , self . _page_key , '<STR_LIT>' , on_label = '<STR_LIT>' , off_label = '<STR_LIT>' , start_on = file_search_context . IncludeCurrentTags ( ) ) <EOL> self . _include_current_tags . SetToolTipString ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _include_pending_tags = OnOffButton ( self . _dropdown_window , self . _page_key , '<STR_LIT>' , on_label = '<STR_LIT>' , off_label = '<STR_LIT>' , start_on = file_search_context . IncludePendingTags ( ) ) <EOL> self . _include_pending_tags . SetToolTipString ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _synchronised = OnOffButton ( self . _dropdown_window , self . _page_key , '<STR_LIT>' , on_label = '<STR_LIT>' , off_label = '<STR_LIT>' , start_on = synchronised ) <EOL> self . _synchronised . SetToolTipString ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _include_unusual_predicate_types = include_unusual_predicate_types <EOL> button_hbox_1 = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> button_hbox_1 . AddF ( self . _include_current_tags , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> button_hbox_1 . AddF ( self . _include_pending_tags , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> button_hbox_2 = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> button_hbox_2 . AddF ( self . _file_repo_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> button_hbox_2 . AddF ( self . _tag_repo_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> vbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( button_hbox_1 , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _synchronised , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( button_hbox_2 , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _dropdown_list , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetSizer ( vbox ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def _BroadcastChoices ( self , predicates ) : <EOL> if self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . SetValue ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , predicates ) <EOL> def _BroadcastCurrentText ( self ) : <EOL> ( inclusive , search_text , entry_predicate ) = self . _ParseSearchText ( ) <EOL> try : <EOL> HydrusTags . CheckTagNotEmpty ( search_text ) <EOL> except HydrusExceptions . SizeException : <EOL> return <EOL> self . _BroadcastChoices ( { entry_predicate } ) <EOL> def _ChangeFileService ( self , file_service_key ) : <EOL> AutoCompleteDropdownTags . _ChangeFileService ( self , file_service_key ) <EOL> self . _file_search_context . SetFileServiceKey ( file_service_key ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , file_service_key ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key ) <EOL> def _ChangeTagService ( self , tag_service_key ) : <EOL> AutoCompleteDropdownTags . _ChangeTagService ( self , tag_service_key ) <EOL> self . _file_search_context . SetTagServiceKey ( tag_service_key ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , tag_service_key ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key ) <EOL> def _ParseSearchText ( self ) : <EOL> raw_entry = self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) <EOL> if raw_entry . startswith ( '<STR_LIT:->' ) : <EOL> inclusive = False <EOL> search_text = raw_entry [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] <EOL> else : <EOL> inclusive = True <EOL> search_text = raw_entry <EOL> search_text = HydrusTags . CleanTag ( search_text ) <EOL> siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetManager ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> sibling = siblings_manager . GetSibling ( search_text ) <EOL> if sibling is None : <EOL> entry_predicate = ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , search_text , inclusive = inclusive ) <EOL> else : <EOL> entry_predicate = ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , sibling , inclusive = inclusive ) <EOL> return ( inclusive , search_text , entry_predicate ) <EOL> def _GenerateMatches ( self ) : <EOL> self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = False <EOL> num_autocomplete_chars = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ( inclusive , search_text , entry_predicate ) = self . _ParseSearchText ( ) <EOL> if search_text in ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT::>' ) : <EOL> input_just_changed = self . _cache_text != '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> db_not_going_to_hang_if_we_hit_it = not HydrusGlobals . client_controller . CurrentlyIdle ( ) <EOL> if input_just_changed or db_not_going_to_hang_if_we_hit_it : <EOL> self . _cache_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if self . _file_service_key == CC . COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : search_service_key = self . _tag_service_key <EOL> else : search_service_key = self . _file_service_key <EOL> self . _cached_results = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Read ( '<STR_LIT>' , search_service_key ) <EOL> matches = self . _cached_results <EOL> else : <EOL> must_do_a_search = False <EOL> if '<STR_LIT:*>' in search_text : must_do_a_search = True <EOL> if '<STR_LIT::>' in search_text : <EOL> ( namespace , half_complete_tag ) = search_text . split ( '<STR_LIT::>' , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> if namespace != self . _current_namespace : <EOL> self . _current_namespace = namespace <EOL> if half_complete_tag != '<STR_LIT>' : must_do_a_search = True <EOL> else : <EOL> if self . _cache_text == self . _current_namespace + '<STR_LIT::>' and half_complete_tag != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> must_do_a_search = True <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> half_complete_tag = search_text <EOL> siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetManager ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if half_complete_tag == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _cache_text = self . _current_namespace + '<STR_LIT::>' <EOL> matches = [ ] <EOL> else : <EOL> fetch_from_db = True <EOL> if self . _media_callable is not None : <EOL> media = self . _media_callable ( ) <EOL> can_fetch_from_media = media is not None and len ( media ) > <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> if can_fetch_from_media and self . _synchronised . IsOn ( ) : fetch_from_db = False <EOL> if fetch_from_db : <EOL> include_current = self . _file_search_context . IncludeCurrentTags ( ) <EOL> include_pending = self . _file_search_context . IncludePendingTags ( ) <EOL> if len ( half_complete_tag ) < num_autocomplete_chars and '<STR_LIT:*>' not in search_text : <EOL> predicates = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Read ( '<STR_LIT>' , file_service_key = self . _file_service_key , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , search_text = search_text , exact_match = True , include_current = include_current , include_pending = include_pending , add_namespaceless = True ) <EOL> predicates = siblings_manager . CollapsePredicates ( predicates ) <EOL> predicates = ClientSearch . SortPredicates ( predicates ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if must_do_a_search or self . _cache_text == '<STR_LIT>' or not search_text . startswith ( self . _cache_text ) : <EOL> self . _cache_text = search_text <EOL> self . _cached_results = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Read ( '<STR_LIT>' , file_service_key = self . _file_service_key , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , search_text = search_text , include_current = include_current , include_pending = include_pending , add_namespaceless = True ) <EOL> self . _cached_results = siblings_manager . CollapsePredicates ( self . _cached_results ) <EOL> predicates = self . _cached_results <EOL> self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = True <EOL> else : <EOL> tags_managers = [ ] <EOL> for m in media : <EOL> if m . IsCollection ( ) : tags_managers . extend ( m . GetSingletonsTagsManagers ( ) ) <EOL> else : tags_managers . append ( m . GetTagsManager ( ) ) <EOL> tags_to_do = set ( ) <EOL> current_tags_to_count = collections . Counter ( ) <EOL> pending_tags_to_count = collections . Counter ( ) <EOL> if self . _file_search_context . IncludeCurrentTags ( ) : <EOL> lists_of_current_tags = [ list ( tags_manager . GetCurrent ( self . _tag_service_key ) ) for tags_manager in tags_managers ] <EOL> current_tags_flat_iterable = itertools . chain . from_iterable ( lists_of_current_tags ) <EOL> current_tags_flat = ClientSearch . FilterTagsBySearchEntry ( search_text , current_tags_flat_iterable ) <EOL> current_tags_to_count . update ( current_tags_flat ) <EOL> tags_to_do . update ( current_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if self . _file_search_context . IncludePendingTags ( ) : <EOL> lists_of_pending_tags = [ list ( tags_manager . GetPending ( self . _tag_service_key ) ) for tags_manager in tags_managers ] <EOL> pending_tags_flat_iterable = itertools . chain . from_iterable ( lists_of_pending_tags ) <EOL> pending_tags_flat = ClientSearch . FilterTagsBySearchEntry ( search_text , pending_tags_flat_iterable ) <EOL> pending_tags_to_count . update ( pending_tags_flat ) <EOL> tags_to_do . update ( pending_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> predicates = [ ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , tag , inclusive = inclusive , counts = { HC . CURRENT : current_tags_to_count [ tag ] , HC . PENDING : pending_tags_to_count [ tag ] } ) for tag in tags_to_do ] <EOL> predicates = siblings_manager . CollapsePredicates ( predicates ) <EOL> self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = True <EOL> matches = ClientSearch . FilterPredicatesBySearchEntry ( search_text , predicates ) <EOL> matches = ClientSearch . SortPredicates ( matches ) <EOL> if self . _include_unusual_predicate_types : <EOL> if self . _current_namespace != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> if '<STR_LIT:*>' not in self . _current_namespace and half_complete_tag == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> matches . insert ( <NUM_LIT:0> , ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_NAMESPACE , self . _current_namespace , inclusive = inclusive ) ) <EOL> if half_complete_tag != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> if '<STR_LIT:*>' in self . _current_namespace or ( '<STR_LIT:*>' in half_complete_tag and half_complete_tag != '<STR_LIT:*>' ) : <EOL> matches . insert ( <NUM_LIT:0> , ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_WILDCARD , search_text , inclusive = inclusive ) ) <EOL> elif '<STR_LIT:*>' in search_text : <EOL> matches . insert ( <NUM_LIT:0> , ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_WILDCARD , search_text , inclusive = inclusive ) ) <EOL> try : <EOL> index = matches . index ( entry_predicate ) <EOL> predicate = matches [ index ] <EOL> del matches [ index ] <EOL> matches . insert ( <NUM_LIT:0> , predicate ) <EOL> except : <EOL> pass <EOL> for match in matches : <EOL> if match . GetType ( ) == HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG : match . SetInclusive ( inclusive ) <EOL> return matches <EOL> def _ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) != '<STR_LIT>' and self . _last_search_text == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def _TakeResponsibilityForEnter ( self ) : <EOL> self . _BroadcastCurrentText ( ) <EOL> def GetFileSearchContext ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _file_search_context <EOL> def IncludeCurrent ( self , page_key , value ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : <EOL> self . _file_search_context . SetIncludeCurrentTags ( value ) <EOL> wx . CallAfter ( self . RefreshList ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key ) <EOL> def IncludePending ( self , page_key , value ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : <EOL> self . _file_search_context . SetIncludePendingTags ( value ) <EOL> wx . CallAfter ( self . RefreshList ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key ) <EOL> def SetSynchronisedWait ( self , page_key ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : self . _synchronised . EventButton ( None ) <EOL> class AutoCompleteDropdownTagsWrite ( AutoCompleteDropdownTags ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , chosen_tag_callable , expand_parents , file_service_key , tag_service_key , null_entry_callable = None ) : <EOL> self . _chosen_tag_callable = chosen_tag_callable <EOL> self . _expand_parents = expand_parents <EOL> self . _null_entry_callable = null_entry_callable <EOL> if tag_service_key != CC . COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY and HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] : <EOL> file_service_key = CC . COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY <EOL> AutoCompleteDropdownTags . __init__ ( self , parent , file_service_key , tag_service_key ) <EOL> vbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> hbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _file_repo_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _tag_repo_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( hbox , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _dropdown_list , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> self . _dropdown_window . SetSizer ( vbox ) <EOL> def _BroadcastChoices ( self , predicates ) : <EOL> if self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . SetValue ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> tags = { predicate . GetValue ( ) for predicate in predicates } <EOL> if len ( tags ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> if self . _expand_parents : <EOL> tag_parents_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetManager ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parents = set ( ) <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> some_parents = tag_parents_manager . GetParents ( self . _tag_service_key , tag ) <EOL> parents . update ( some_parents ) <EOL> self . _chosen_tag_callable ( tags , parents ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _chosen_tag_callable ( tags ) <EOL> def _ParseSearchText ( self ) : <EOL> raw_entry = self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) <EOL> search_text = HydrusTags . CleanTag ( raw_entry ) <EOL> entry_predicate = ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , search_text ) <EOL> siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetManager ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> sibling = siblings_manager . GetSibling ( search_text ) <EOL> if sibling is not None : <EOL> sibling_predicate = ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , sibling ) <EOL> else : <EOL> sibling_predicate = None <EOL> return ( search_text , entry_predicate , sibling_predicate ) <EOL> def _BroadcastCurrentText ( self ) : <EOL> ( search_text , entry_predicate , sibling_predicate ) = self . _ParseSearchText ( ) <EOL> try : <EOL> HydrusTags . CheckTagNotEmpty ( search_text ) <EOL> except HydrusExceptions . SizeException : <EOL> return <EOL> self . _BroadcastChoices ( { entry_predicate } ) <EOL> def _GenerateMatches ( self ) : <EOL> self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = False <EOL> num_autocomplete_chars = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ( search_text , entry_predicate , sibling_predicate ) = self . _ParseSearchText ( ) <EOL> if search_text in ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT::>' ) : <EOL> self . _cache_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> matches = [ ] <EOL> else : <EOL> must_do_a_search = False <EOL> if '<STR_LIT::>' in search_text : <EOL> ( namespace , other_half ) = search_text . split ( '<STR_LIT::>' , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> if other_half != '<STR_LIT>' and namespace != self . _current_namespace : <EOL> self . _current_namespace = namespace <EOL> must_do_a_search = True <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _current_namespace = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> half_complete_tag = search_text <EOL> if len ( half_complete_tag ) < num_autocomplete_chars and '<STR_LIT:*>' not in search_text : <EOL> predicates = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Read ( '<STR_LIT>' , file_service_key = self . _file_service_key , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , search_text = search_text , exact_match = True , add_namespaceless = False ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if must_do_a_search or self . _cache_text == '<STR_LIT>' or not half_complete_tag . startswith ( self . _cache_text ) : <EOL> self . _cache_text = half_complete_tag <EOL> self . _cached_results = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Read ( '<STR_LIT>' , file_service_key = self . _file_service_key , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , search_text = search_text , add_namespaceless = False ) <EOL> predicates = self . _cached_results <EOL> self . _next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = True <EOL> matches = ClientSearch . FilterPredicatesBySearchEntry ( half_complete_tag , predicates ) <EOL> matches = ClientSearch . SortPredicates ( matches ) <EOL> self . _PutAtTopOfMatches ( matches , entry_predicate ) <EOL> if sibling_predicate is not None : <EOL> self . _PutAtTopOfMatches ( matches , sibling_predicate ) <EOL> if self . _expand_parents : <EOL> parents_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetManager ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> matches = parents_manager . ExpandPredicates ( self . _tag_service_key , matches ) <EOL> return matches <EOL> def _PutAtTopOfMatches ( self , matches , predicate ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> index = matches . index ( predicate ) <EOL> predicate = matches [ index ] <EOL> matches . remove ( predicate ) <EOL> except ValueError : <EOL> pass <EOL> matches . insert ( <NUM_LIT:0> , predicate ) <EOL> def _ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter ( self ) : <EOL> p1 = self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) != '<STR_LIT>' and self . _last_search_text == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> p2 = self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> return p1 or p2 <EOL> def _TakeResponsibilityForEnter ( self ) : <EOL> if self . _text_ctrl . GetValue ( ) == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> if self . _null_entry_callable is not None : <EOL> self . _null_entry_callable ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _BroadcastCurrentText ( ) <EOL> class BufferedWindow ( wx . Window ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> wx . Window . __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> if '<STR_LIT:size>' in kwargs : <EOL> ( x , y ) = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT:size>' ] <EOL> self . _canvas_bmp = wx . EmptyBitmap ( x , y , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _canvas_bmp = wx . EmptyBitmap ( <NUM_LIT:20> , <NUM_LIT:20> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_PAINT , self . EventPaint ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_SIZE , self . EventResize ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND , self . EventEraseBackground ) <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def EventEraseBackground ( self , event ) : pass <EOL> def EventPaint ( self , event ) : <EOL> dc = wx . BufferedPaintDC ( self , self . _canvas_bmp ) <EOL> if self . _dirty : <EOL> self . _Draw ( dc ) <EOL> def EventResize ( self , event ) : <EOL> ( my_width , my_height ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> ( current_bmp_width , current_bmp_height ) = self . _canvas_bmp . GetSize ( ) <EOL> if my_width != current_bmp_width or my_height != current_bmp_height : <EOL> self . _canvas_bmp = wx . EmptyBitmap ( my_width , my_height , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> class BufferedWindowIcon ( BufferedWindow ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , bmp ) : <EOL> BufferedWindow . __init__ ( self , parent , size = bmp . GetSize ( ) ) <EOL> self . _bmp = bmp <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> background_colour = self . GetParent ( ) . GetBackgroundColour ( ) <EOL> dc . SetBackground ( wx . Brush ( background_colour ) ) <EOL> dc . Clear ( ) <EOL> dc . DrawBitmap ( self . _bmp , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> self . _dirty = False <EOL> class BetterChoice ( wx . Choice ) : <EOL> def GetChoice ( self ) : <EOL> selection = self . GetSelection ( ) <EOL> if selection != wx . NOT_FOUND : return self . GetClientData ( selection ) <EOL> else : raise Exception ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def SelectClientData ( self , client_data ) : <EOL> for i in range ( self . GetCount ( ) ) : <EOL> if client_data == self . GetClientData ( i ) : <EOL> self . Select ( i ) <EOL> return <EOL> class CheckboxCollect ( wx . combo . ComboCtrl ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key = None ) : <EOL> wx . combo . ComboCtrl . __init__ ( self , parent , style = wx . CB_READONLY ) <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> sort_by = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> collect_types = set ( ) <EOL> for ( sort_by_type , namespaces ) in sort_by : collect_types . update ( namespaces ) <EOL> collect_types = list ( [ ( namespace , ( '<STR_LIT>' , namespace ) ) for namespace in collect_types ] ) <EOL> collect_types . sort ( ) <EOL> ratings_services = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetServices ( ( HC . LOCAL_RATING_LIKE , HC . LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL ) ) <EOL> for ratings_service in ratings_services : collect_types . append ( ( ratings_service . GetName ( ) , ( '<STR_LIT>' , ratings_service . GetServiceKey ( ) ) ) ) <EOL> popup = self . _Popup ( collect_types ) <EOL> self . SetPopupControl ( popup ) <EOL> ( collect_types , collect_type_strings ) = popup . GetControl ( ) . GetValue ( ) <EOL> self . SetCollectTypes ( collect_types , collect_type_strings ) <EOL> def GetChoice ( self ) : return self . _collect_by <EOL> def SetCollectTypes ( self , collect_types , collect_type_strings ) : <EOL> if len ( collect_type_strings ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . SetValue ( '<STR_LIT>' + '<STR_LIT:->' . join ( collect_type_strings ) ) <EOL> self . _collect_by = collect_types <EOL> else : <EOL> self . SetValue ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _collect_by = None <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , self . _collect_by ) <EOL> class _Popup ( wx . combo . ComboPopup ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , collect_types ) : <EOL> wx . combo . ComboPopup . __init__ ( self ) <EOL> self . _collect_types = collect_types <EOL> def Create ( self , parent ) : <EOL> self . _control = self . _Control ( parent , self . GetCombo ( ) , self . _collect_types ) <EOL> return True <EOL> def GetAdjustedSize ( self , preferred_width , preferred_height , max_height ) : <EOL> return ( ( preferred_width , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> def GetControl ( self ) : return self . _control <EOL> class _Control ( wx . CheckListBox ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , special_parent , collect_types ) : <EOL> texts = [ text for ( text , data ) in collect_types ] <EOL> wx . CheckListBox . __init__ ( self , parent , choices = texts ) <EOL> self . Clear ( ) <EOL> for ( text , data ) in collect_types : self . Append ( text , data ) <EOL> self . _special_parent = special_parent <EOL> default = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> if default is not None : <EOL> strings_we_added = { text for ( text , data ) in collect_types } <EOL> strings_to_check = [ s for ( namespace_gumpf , s ) in default if s in strings_we_added ] <EOL> self . SetCheckedStrings ( strings_to_check ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_CHECKLISTBOX , self . EventChanged ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_LEFT_DOWN , self . EventLeftDown ) <EOL> def EventLeftDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> index = self . HitTest ( event . GetPosition ( ) ) <EOL> if index != wx . NOT_FOUND : <EOL> self . Check ( index , not self . IsChecked ( index ) ) <EOL> self . EventChanged ( event ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventChanged ( self , event ) : <EOL> ( collect_types , collect_type_strings ) = self . GetValue ( ) <EOL> self . _special_parent . SetCollectTypes ( collect_types , collect_type_strings ) <EOL> def GetValue ( self ) : <EOL> collect_types = [ ] <EOL> for i in self . GetChecked ( ) : collect_types . append ( self . GetClientData ( i ) ) <EOL> collect_type_strings = self . GetCheckedStrings ( ) <EOL> return ( collect_types , collect_type_strings ) <EOL> class ChoiceSort ( BetterChoice ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key = None , sort_by = None ) : <EOL> BetterChoice . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> if sort_by is None : sort_by = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> sort_choices = CC . SORT_CHOICES + sort_by <EOL> ratings_services = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetServices ( ( HC . LOCAL_RATING_LIKE , HC . LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL ) ) <EOL> for ratings_service in ratings_services : <EOL> sort_choices . append ( ( '<STR_LIT>' , ratings_service ) ) <EOL> sort_choices . append ( ( '<STR_LIT>' , ratings_service ) ) <EOL> for ( sort_by_type , sort_by_data ) in sort_choices : <EOL> if sort_by_type == '<STR_LIT>' : string = CC . sort_string_lookup [ sort_by_data ] <EOL> elif sort_by_type == '<STR_LIT>' : string = '<STR_LIT:->' . join ( sort_by_data ) <EOL> elif sort_by_type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> string = sort_by_data . GetName ( ) + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> sort_by_data = sort_by_data . GetServiceKey ( ) <EOL> elif sort_by_type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> string = sort_by_data . GetName ( ) + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> sort_by_data = sort_by_data . GetServiceKey ( ) <EOL> self . Append ( '<STR_LIT>' + string , ( sort_by_type , sort_by_data ) ) <EOL> try : self . SetSelection ( HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> except : pass <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_CHOICE , self . EventChoice ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def _BroadcastSort ( self ) : <EOL> selection = self . GetSelection ( ) <EOL> if selection != wx . NOT_FOUND : <EOL> sort_by = self . GetClientData ( selection ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , sort_by ) <EOL> def ACollectHappened ( self , page_key , collect_by ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : self . _BroadcastSort ( ) <EOL> def EventChoice ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _page_key is not None : self . _BroadcastSort ( ) <EOL> class ExportPatternButton ( wx . Button ) : <EOL> ID_HASH = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> ID_TAGS = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> ID_NN_TAGS = <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> ID_NAMESPACE = <NUM_LIT:3> <EOL> ID_TAG = <NUM_LIT:4> <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent ) : <EOL> wx . Button . __init__ ( self , parent , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventButton ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MENU , self . EventMenu ) <EOL> def EventMenu ( self , event ) : <EOL> id = event . GetId ( ) <EOL> phrase = None <EOL> if id == self . ID_HASH : phrase = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if id == self . ID_TAGS : phrase = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if id == self . ID_NN_TAGS : phrase = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if id == self . ID_NAMESPACE : phrase = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if id == self . ID_TAG : phrase = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : event . Skip ( ) <EOL> if phrase is not None : HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:text>' , phrase ) <EOL> def EventButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> menu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( self . ID_HASH , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . Append ( self . ID_TAGS , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . Append ( self . ID_NN_TAGS , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( self . ID_NAMESPACE , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( self . ID_TAG , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . PopupMenu ( self , menu ) <EOL> class FitResistantStaticText ( wx . StaticText ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> wx . StaticText . __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . _wrap = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if '<STR_LIT:label>' in kwargs : self . _last_label = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT:label>' ] <EOL> else : self . _last_label = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def Wrap ( self , width ) : <EOL> self . _wrap = width <EOL> wx . StaticText . Wrap ( self , self . _wrap ) <EOL> ( x , y ) = self . GetSize ( ) <EOL> if x > self . _wrap : x = self . _wrap <EOL> if x < <NUM_LIT> : x = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> self . SetMinSize ( ( x , y ) ) <EOL> self . SetMaxSize ( ( self . _wrap , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> def SetLabelText ( self , label ) : <EOL> if label != self . _last_label : <EOL> self . _last_label = label <EOL> wx . StaticText . SetLabelText ( self , label ) <EOL> self . Wrap ( self . _wrap ) <EOL> class Frame ( wx . Frame ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . ResetIdleTimer ( ) <EOL> wx . Frame . __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . SetBackgroundColour ( wx . SystemSettings . GetColour ( wx . SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) <EOL> self . SetIcon ( wx . Icon ( os . path . join ( HC . STATIC_DIR , '<STR_LIT>' ) , wx . BITMAP_TYPE_ICO ) ) <EOL> def SetInitialSize ( self , ( width , height ) ) : <EOL> ( display_width , display_height ) = wx . GetDisplaySize ( ) <EOL> width = min ( display_width , width ) <EOL> height = min ( display_height , height ) <EOL> wx . Frame . SetInitialSize ( self , ( width , height ) ) <EOL> min_width = min ( <NUM_LIT> , width ) <EOL> min_height = min ( <NUM_LIT> , height ) <EOL> self . SetMinSize ( ( min_width , min_height ) ) <EOL> class FrameThatResizes ( Frame ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> self . _resize_option_prefix = kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> del kwargs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> Frame . __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . _InitialiseSizeAndPosition ( ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_SIZE , self . EventSpecialResize ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MOVE , self . EventSpecialMove ) <EOL> def _InitialiseSizeAndPosition ( self ) : <EOL> client_size = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> self . SetInitialSize ( client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> position = client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> display_index = wx . Display . GetFromPoint ( position ) <EOL> if display_index == wx . NOT_FOUND : client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] = ( <NUM_LIT:20> , <NUM_LIT:20> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> display = wx . Display ( display_index ) <EOL> geometry = display . GetGeometry ( ) <EOL> ( p_x , p_y ) = position <EOL> x_bad = p_x < geometry . x or p_x > geometry . x + geometry . width <EOL> y_bad = p_y < geometry . y or p_y > geometry . y + geometry . height <EOL> if x_bad or y_bad : client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] = ( <NUM_LIT:20> , <NUM_LIT:20> ) <EOL> self . SetPosition ( client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> if client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] : self . Maximize ( ) <EOL> if client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] : wx . CallAfter ( self . ShowFullScreen , True , wx . FULLSCREEN_ALL ) <EOL> def _RecordSizeAndPosition ( self ) : <EOL> client_size = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] = self . IsMaximized ( ) <EOL> client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] = self . IsFullScreen ( ) <EOL> if not ( self . IsMaximized ( ) or self . IsFullScreen ( ) ) : <EOL> display_index = wx . Display . GetFromPoint ( self . GetPosition ( ) ) <EOL> if display_index != wx . NOT_FOUND : <EOL> client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] = tuple ( self . GetSize ( ) ) <EOL> client_size [ self . _resize_option_prefix + '<STR_LIT>' ] = tuple ( self . GetPosition ( ) ) <EOL> def EventSpecialMove ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _RecordSizeAndPosition ( ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventSpecialResize ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _RecordSizeAndPosition ( ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> class Gauge ( wx . Gauge ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> wx . Gauge . __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . _actual_max = None <EOL> def SetRange ( self , max ) : <EOL> if max > <NUM_LIT:1000> : <EOL> self . _actual_max = max <EOL> wx . Gauge . SetRange ( self , <NUM_LIT:1000> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _actual_max = None <EOL> wx . Gauge . SetRange ( self , max ) <EOL> def SetValue ( self , value ) : <EOL> if self . _actual_max is None : wx . Gauge . SetValue ( self , value ) <EOL> else : wx . Gauge . SetValue ( self , min ( int ( <NUM_LIT:1000> * ( float ( value ) / self . _actual_max ) ) , <NUM_LIT:1000> ) ) <EOL> class ListBook ( wx . Panel ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> wx . Panel . __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . SetBackgroundColour ( wx . SystemSettings . GetColour ( wx . SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) <EOL> self . _names_to_active_pages = { } <EOL> self . _names_to_proto_pages = { } <EOL> self . _list_box = self . LB ( self , style = wx . LB_SINGLE | wx . LB_SORT ) <EOL> self . _empty_panel = wx . Panel ( self ) <EOL> self . _empty_panel . SetBackgroundColour ( wx . SystemSettings . GetColour ( wx . SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) <EOL> self . _current_name = None <EOL> self . _current_panel = self . _empty_panel <EOL> self . _panel_sizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> self . _panel_sizer . AddF ( self . _empty_panel , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> hbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _list_box , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _panel_sizer , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> self . _list_box . Bind ( wx . EVT_LISTBOX , self . EventSelection ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( hbox ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MENU , self . EventMenu ) <EOL> class LB ( wx . ListBox ) : <EOL> def FindString ( self , name ) : <EOL> if HC . PLATFORM_WINDOWS : return wx . ListBox . FindString ( self , name ) <EOL> else : <EOL> for i in range ( self . GetCount ( ) ) : <EOL> if self . GetString ( i ) == name : return i <EOL> return wx . NOT_FOUND <EOL> def _RecalcListBoxWidth ( self ) : self . Layout ( ) <EOL> def _Select ( self , selection ) : <EOL> if selection == wx . NOT_FOUND : self . _current_name = None <EOL> else : self . _current_name = self . _list_box . GetString ( selection ) <EOL> self . _current_panel . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _list_box . SetSelection ( selection ) <EOL> if selection == wx . NOT_FOUND : self . _current_panel = self . _empty_panel <EOL> else : <EOL> if self . _current_name in self . _names_to_proto_pages : <EOL> ( classname , args , kwargs ) = self . _names_to_proto_pages [ self . _current_name ] <EOL> page = classname ( * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> page . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _panel_sizer . AddF ( page , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> self . _names_to_active_pages [ self . _current_name ] = page <EOL> del self . _names_to_proto_pages [ self . _current_name ] <EOL> self . _RecalcListBoxWidth ( ) <EOL> self . _current_panel = self . _names_to_active_pages [ self . _current_name ] <EOL> self . _current_panel . Show ( ) <EOL> self . Layout ( ) <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> event = wx . NotifyEvent ( wx . wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> self . ProcessEvent ( event ) <EOL> def AddPage ( self , name , page , select = False ) : <EOL> if not isinstance ( page , tuple ) : <EOL> page . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _panel_sizer . AddF ( page , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> self . _list_box . Append ( name ) <EOL> self . _names_to_active_pages [ name ] = page <EOL> self . _RecalcListBoxWidth ( ) <EOL> if self . _list_box . GetCount ( ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : self . _Select ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> elif select : self . _Select ( self . _list_box . FindString ( name ) ) <EOL> def AddPageArgs ( self , name , classname , args , kwargs ) : <EOL> if self . NameExists ( name ) : <EOL> raise HydrusExceptions . NameException ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _list_box . Append ( name ) <EOL> self . _names_to_proto_pages [ name ] = ( classname , args , kwargs ) <EOL> self . _RecalcListBoxWidth ( ) <EOL> if self . _list_box . GetCount ( ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : self . _Select ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> def DeleteAllPages ( self ) : <EOL> self . _panel_sizer . Detach ( self . _empty_panel ) <EOL> self . _panel_sizer . Clear ( deleteWindows = True ) <EOL> self . _panel_sizer . AddF ( self . _empty_panel , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> self . _current_name = None <EOL> self . _current_panel = self . _empty_panel <EOL> self . _names_to_active_pages = { } <EOL> self . _names_to_proto_pages = { } <EOL> self . _list_box . Clear ( ) <EOL> def DeleteCurrentPage ( self ) : <EOL> selection = self . _list_box . GetSelection ( ) <EOL> if selection != wx . NOT_FOUND : <EOL> name_to_delete = self . _current_name <EOL> page_to_delete = self . _current_panel <EOL> next_selection = selection + <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> previous_selection = selection - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> if next_selection < self . _list_box . GetCount ( ) : self . _Select ( next_selection ) <EOL> elif previous_selection >= <NUM_LIT:0> : self . _Select ( previous_selection ) <EOL> else : self . _Select ( wx . NOT_FOUND ) <EOL> self . _panel_sizer . Detach ( page_to_delete ) <EOL> wx . CallAfter ( page_to_delete . Destroy ) <EOL> del self . _names_to_active_pages [ name_to_delete ] <EOL> self . _list_box . Delete ( self . _list_box . FindString ( name_to_delete ) ) <EOL> self . _RecalcListBoxWidth ( ) <EOL> def EventMenu ( self , event ) : <EOL> action = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetAction ( event . GetId ( ) ) <EOL> if action is not None : <EOL> ( command , data ) = action <EOL> if command == '<STR_LIT>' : self . SelectDown ( ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : self . SelectUp ( ) <EOL> else : event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventSelection ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _list_box . GetSelection ( ) != self . _list_box . FindString ( self . _current_name ) : <EOL> event = wx . NotifyEvent ( wx . wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> self . GetEventHandler ( ) . ProcessEvent ( event ) <EOL> if event . IsAllowed ( ) : self . _Select ( self . _list_box . GetSelection ( ) ) <EOL> else : self . _list_box . SetSelection ( self . _list_box . FindString ( self . _current_name ) ) <EOL> def GetCurrentName ( self ) : return self . _current_name <EOL> def GetCurrentPage ( self ) : <EOL> if self . _current_panel == self . _empty_panel : return None <EOL> else : return self . _current_panel <EOL> def GetNames ( self ) : <EOL> names = set ( ) <EOL> names . update ( self . _names_to_proto_pages . keys ( ) ) <EOL> names . update ( self . _names_to_active_pages . keys ( ) ) <EOL> return names <EOL> def GetNamesToActivePages ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _names_to_active_pages <EOL> def NameExists ( self , name ) : return self . _list_box . FindString ( name ) != wx . NOT_FOUND <EOL> def RenamePage ( self , name , new_name ) : <EOL> if self . NameExists ( new_name ) : raise HydrusExceptions . NameException ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _current_name == name : self . _current_name = new_name <EOL> if name in self . _names_to_active_pages : <EOL> dict_to_rename = self . _names_to_active_pages <EOL> else : <EOL> dict_to_rename = self . _names_to_proto_pages <EOL> page_info = dict_to_rename [ name ] <EOL> del dict_to_rename [ name ] <EOL> dict_to_rename [ new_name ] = page_info <EOL> self . _list_box . SetString ( self . _list_box . FindString ( name ) , new_name ) <EOL> self . _RecalcListBoxWidth ( ) <EOL> def Select ( self , name ) : <EOL> selection = self . _list_box . FindString ( name ) <EOL> if selection != wx . NOT_FOUND and selection != self . _list_box . GetSelection ( ) : <EOL> event = wx . NotifyEvent ( wx . wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> self . GetEventHandler ( ) . ProcessEvent ( event ) <EOL> if event . IsAllowed ( ) : self . _Select ( selection ) <EOL> def SelectDown ( self ) : <EOL> current_selection = self . _list_box . FindString ( self . _current_name ) <EOL> if current_selection != wx . NOT_FOUND : <EOL> num_entries = self . _list_box . GetCount ( ) <EOL> if current_selection == num_entries - <NUM_LIT:1> : selection = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> else : selection = current_selection + <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> if selection != current_selection : self . _Select ( selection ) <EOL> def SelectPage ( self , page_to_select ) : <EOL> for ( name , page ) in self . _names_to_active_pages . items ( ) : <EOL> if page == page_to_select : <EOL> self . _Select ( self . _list_box . FindString ( name ) ) <EOL> return <EOL> def SelectUp ( self ) : <EOL> current_selection = self . _list_box . FindString ( self . _current_name ) <EOL> if current_selection != wx . NOT_FOUND : <EOL> num_entries = self . _list_box . GetCount ( ) <EOL> if current_selection == <NUM_LIT:0> : selection = num_entries - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> else : selection = current_selection - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> if selection != current_selection : self . _Select ( selection ) <EOL> class ListBox ( wx . ScrolledWindow ) : <EOL> delete_key_activates = False <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , min_height = <NUM_LIT> ) : <EOL> wx . ScrolledWindow . __init__ ( self , parent , style = wx . VSCROLL | wx . BORDER_DOUBLE ) <EOL> self . _background_colour = wx . Colour ( <NUM_LIT:255> , <NUM_LIT:255> , <NUM_LIT:255> ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings = [ ] <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms = { } <EOL> self . _client_bmp = wx . EmptyBitmap ( <NUM_LIT:20> , <NUM_LIT:20> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _selected_indices = set ( ) <EOL> self . _selected_terms = set ( ) <EOL> self . _last_hit_index = None <EOL> self . _last_view_start = None <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> dc = wx . MemoryDC ( self . _client_bmp ) <EOL> dc . SetFont ( wx . SystemSettings . GetFont ( wx . SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) ) <EOL> ( text_x , self . _text_y ) = dc . GetTextExtent ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _num_rows_per_page = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> self . SetScrollRate ( <NUM_LIT:0> , self . _text_y ) <EOL> self . SetMinSize ( ( <NUM_LIT:50> , min_height ) ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_PAINT , self . EventPaint ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_SIZE , self . EventResize ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND , self . EventEraseBackground ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_LEFT_DOWN , self . EventMouseSelect ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_LEFT_DCLICK , self . EventDClick ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_KEY_DOWN , self . EventKeyDown ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_CHAR_HOOK , self . EventKeyDown ) <EOL> def __len__ ( self ) : <EOL> return len ( self . _ordered_strings ) <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def _Deselect ( self , index ) : <EOL> term = self . _strings_to_terms [ self . _ordered_strings [ index ] ] <EOL> self . _selected_indices . discard ( index ) <EOL> self . _selected_terms . discard ( term ) <EOL> def _GetIndexUnderMouse ( self , mouse_event ) : <EOL> ( xUnit , yUnit ) = self . GetScrollPixelsPerUnit ( ) <EOL> ( x_scroll , y_scroll ) = self . GetViewStart ( ) <EOL> y_offset = y_scroll * yUnit <EOL> y = mouse_event . GetY ( ) + y_offset <EOL> row_index = ( y / self . _text_y ) <EOL> if row_index >= len ( self . _ordered_strings ) : <EOL> return None <EOL> return row_index <EOL> def _GetSelectedIncludeExcludePredicates ( self ) : <EOL> include_predicates = [ ] <EOL> exclude_predicates = [ ] <EOL> for term in self . _selected_terms : <EOL> if isinstance ( term , ClientSearch . Predicate ) : <EOL> predicate_type = term . GetType ( ) <EOL> if predicate_type in ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_NAMESPACE , HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_WILDCARD ) : <EOL> value = term . GetValue ( ) <EOL> include_predicates . append ( ClientSearch . Predicate ( predicate_type , value ) ) <EOL> exclude_predicates . append ( ClientSearch . Predicate ( predicate_type , value , inclusive = False ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> include_predicates . append ( term ) <EOL> else : <EOL> s = term <EOL> include_predicates . append ( ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , term ) ) <EOL> exclude_predicates . append ( ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , term , inclusive = False ) ) <EOL> return ( include_predicates , exclude_predicates ) <EOL> def _GetTextColour ( self , text ) : return ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> def _Hit ( self , shift , ctrl , hit_index ) : <EOL> if hit_index is not None : <EOL> if hit_index == - <NUM_LIT:1> or hit_index > len ( self . _ordered_strings ) : <EOL> hit_index = len ( self . _ordered_strings ) - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif hit_index == len ( self . _ordered_strings ) or hit_index < - <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> hit_index = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> to_select = set ( ) <EOL> to_deselect = set ( ) <EOL> if shift : <EOL> if hit_index is not None : <EOL> if self . _last_hit_index is not None : <EOL> lower = min ( hit_index , self . _last_hit_index ) <EOL> upper = max ( hit_index , self . _last_hit_index ) <EOL> to_select = range ( lower , upper + <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> to_select . add ( hit_index ) <EOL> elif ctrl : <EOL> if hit_index is not None : <EOL> if hit_index in self . _selected_indices : <EOL> to_deselect . add ( hit_index ) <EOL> else : <EOL> to_select . add ( hit_index ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if hit_index is None : <EOL> to_deselect = set ( self . _selected_indices ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if hit_index not in self . _selected_indices : <EOL> to_select . add ( hit_index ) <EOL> to_deselect = set ( self . _selected_indices ) <EOL> for index in to_select : <EOL> self . _Select ( index ) <EOL> for index in to_deselect : <EOL> self . _Deselect ( index ) <EOL> self . _last_hit_index = hit_index <EOL> if self . _last_hit_index is not None : <EOL> y = self . _text_y * self . _last_hit_index <EOL> ( start_x , start_y ) = self . GetViewStart ( ) <EOL> ( x_unit , y_unit ) = self . GetScrollPixelsPerUnit ( ) <EOL> ( width , height ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> if y < start_y * y_unit : <EOL> y_to_scroll_to = y / y_unit <EOL> self . Scroll ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , y_to_scroll_to ) <EOL> wx . PostEvent ( self , wx . ScrollWinEvent ( wx . wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE ) ) <EOL> elif y > ( start_y * y_unit ) + height - self . _text_y : <EOL> y_to_scroll_to = ( y - height ) / y_unit <EOL> self . Scroll ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , y_to_scroll_to + <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> wx . PostEvent ( self , wx . ScrollWinEvent ( wx . wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE ) ) <EOL> self . _SetDirty ( ) <EOL> def _Redraw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> ( xUnit , yUnit ) = self . GetScrollPixelsPerUnit ( ) <EOL> ( x_scroll , y_scroll ) = self . GetViewStart ( ) <EOL> self . _last_view_start = self . GetViewStart ( ) <EOL> y_offset = y_scroll * yUnit <EOL> ( my_width , my_height ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> first_visible_index = y_offset / self . _text_y <EOL> last_visible_index = ( y_offset + my_height ) / self . _text_y <EOL> if ( y_offset + my_height ) % self . _text_y != <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> last_visible_index += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> last_visible_index = min ( last_visible_index , len ( self . _ordered_strings ) - <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> dc . SetFont ( wx . SystemSettings . GetFont ( wx . SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) ) <EOL> dc . SetBackground ( wx . Brush ( self . _background_colour ) ) <EOL> dc . Clear ( ) <EOL> for ( i , current_index ) in enumerate ( range ( first_visible_index , last_visible_index + <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) : <EOL> text = self . _ordered_strings [ current_index ] <EOL> ( r , g , b ) = self . _GetTextColour ( text ) <EOL> text_colour = wx . Colour ( r , g , b ) <EOL> if current_index in self . _selected_indices : <EOL> dc . SetBrush ( wx . Brush ( text_colour ) ) <EOL> dc . SetPen ( wx . TRANSPARENT_PEN ) <EOL> dc . DrawRectangle ( <NUM_LIT:0> , i * self . _text_y , my_width , self . _text_y ) <EOL> text_colour = wx . WHITE <EOL> dc . SetTextForeground ( text_colour ) <EOL> ( x , y ) = ( <NUM_LIT:3> , i * self . _text_y ) <EOL> dc . DrawText ( text , x , y ) <EOL> self . _dirty = False <EOL> def _Select ( self , index ) : <EOL> term = self . _strings_to_terms [ self . _ordered_strings [ index ] ] <EOL> self . _selected_indices . add ( index ) <EOL> self . _selected_terms . add ( term ) <EOL> def _SetDirty ( self ) : <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> def _TextsHaveChanged ( self ) : <EOL> previous_selected_terms = self . _selected_terms <EOL> self . _selected_indices = set ( ) <EOL> self . _selected_terms = set ( ) <EOL> for ( s , term ) in self . _strings_to_terms . items ( ) : <EOL> if term in previous_selected_terms : <EOL> index = self . _ordered_strings . index ( s ) <EOL> self . _Select ( index ) <EOL> ( my_x , my_y ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> total_height = max ( self . _text_y * len ( self . _ordered_strings ) , my_y ) <EOL> ( virtual_x , virtual_y ) = self . GetVirtualSize ( ) <EOL> if total_height != virtual_y : <EOL> wx . PostEvent ( self , wx . SizeEvent ( ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _SetDirty ( ) <EOL> def EventDClick ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _Activate ( ) <EOL> def EventEraseBackground ( self , event ) : pass <EOL> def EventKeyDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> shift = event . ShiftDown ( ) <EOL> ctrl = event . CmdDown ( ) <EOL> key_code = event . GetKeyCode ( ) <EOL> if key_code in ( wx . WXK_RETURN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER ) or ( self . delete_key_activates and key_code in CC . DELETE_KEYS ) : <EOL> self . _Activate ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if ctrl and key_code in ( ord ( '<STR_LIT:A>' ) , ord ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) ) : <EOL> for i in range ( len ( self . _ordered_strings ) ) : <EOL> self . _Select ( i ) <EOL> self . _SetDirty ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> hit_index = None <EOL> if len ( self . _ordered_strings ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> if key_code in ( wx . WXK_HOME , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_HOME ) : <EOL> hit_index = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> elif key_code in ( wx . WXK_END , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_END ) : <EOL> hit_index = len ( self . _ordered_strings ) - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif self . _last_hit_index is not None : <EOL> if key_code in ( wx . WXK_UP , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_UP ) : <EOL> hit_index = self . _last_hit_index - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif key_code in ( wx . WXK_DOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN ) : <EOL> hit_index = self . _last_hit_index + <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif key_code in ( wx . WXK_PAGEUP , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP ) : <EOL> hit_index = max ( <NUM_LIT:0> , self . _last_hit_index - self . _num_rows_per_page ) <EOL> elif key_code in ( wx . WXK_PAGEDOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN ) : <EOL> hit_index = min ( len ( self . _ordered_strings ) - <NUM_LIT:1> , self . _last_hit_index + self . _num_rows_per_page ) <EOL> if hit_index is None : <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _Hit ( shift , ctrl , hit_index ) <EOL> def EventMouseSelect ( self , event ) : <EOL> hit_index = self . _GetIndexUnderMouse ( event ) <EOL> shift = event . ShiftDown ( ) <EOL> ctrl = event . CmdDown ( ) <EOL> self . _Hit ( shift , ctrl , hit_index ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventPaint ( self , event ) : <EOL> ( my_x , my_y ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> if ( my_x , my_y ) != self . _client_bmp . GetSize ( ) : <EOL> self . _client_bmp = wx . EmptyBitmap ( my_x , my_y , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> dc = wx . BufferedPaintDC ( self , self . _client_bmp ) <EOL> if self . _dirty or self . _last_view_start != self . GetViewStart ( ) : <EOL> self . _Redraw ( dc ) <EOL> def EventResize ( self , event ) : <EOL> ( my_x , my_y ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> self . _num_rows_per_page = my_y / self . _text_y <EOL> ideal_virtual_size = ( my_x , max ( self . _text_y * len ( self . _ordered_strings ) , my_y ) ) <EOL> if ideal_virtual_size != self . GetVirtualSize ( ) : <EOL> self . SetVirtualSize ( ideal_virtual_size ) <EOL> self . _SetDirty ( ) <EOL> def GetClientData ( self , s = None ) : <EOL> if s is None : return self . _strings_to_terms . values ( ) <EOL> else : return self . _strings_to_terms [ s ] <EOL> def SetTexts ( self , ordered_strings ) : <EOL> if ordered_strings != self . _ordered_strings : <EOL> self . _ordered_strings = ordered_strings <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms = { s : s for s in ordered_strings } <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> class ListBoxTags ( ListBox ) : <EOL> has_counts = False <EOL> def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> ListBox . __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . _predicates_callable = None <EOL> self . _background_colour = wx . Colour ( * HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventMouseRightClick ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN , self . EventMouseMiddleClick ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MENU , self . EventMenu ) <EOL> def _GetNamespaceColours ( self ) : return HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> def _GetAllTagsForClipboard ( self , with_counts = False ) : <EOL> return self . _ordered_strings <EOL> def _GetTextColour ( self , tag_string ) : <EOL> namespace_colours = self . _GetNamespaceColours ( ) <EOL> if '<STR_LIT::>' in tag_string : <EOL> ( namespace , sub_tag ) = tag_string . split ( '<STR_LIT::>' , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> if namespace . startswith ( '<STR_LIT:->' ) : namespace = namespace [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] <EOL> if namespace . startswith ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : namespace = namespace [ <NUM_LIT:4> : ] <EOL> if namespace . startswith ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : namespace = namespace [ <NUM_LIT:4> : ] <EOL> if namespace . startswith ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : namespace = namespace [ <NUM_LIT:4> : ] <EOL> if namespace . startswith ( '<STR_LIT:U+0020>' ) : namespace = namespace [ <NUM_LIT:4> : ] <EOL> if namespace in namespace_colours : ( r , g , b ) = namespace_colours [ namespace ] <EOL> else : ( r , g , b ) = namespace_colours [ None ] <EOL> else : ( r , g , b ) = namespace_colours [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> return ( r , g , b ) <EOL> def _NewSearchPage ( self ) : <EOL> predicates = [ ] <EOL> for term in self . _selected_terms : <EOL> if isinstance ( term , ClientSearch . Predicate ) : <EOL> predicates . append ( term ) <EOL> else : <EOL> predicates . append ( ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , term ) ) <EOL> predicates = FlushOutPredicates ( self , predicates ) <EOL> if len ( predicates ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY , initial_predicates = predicates ) <EOL> def _ProcessMenuPredicateEvent ( self , command ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def EventMenu ( self , event ) : <EOL> action = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetAction ( event . GetId ( ) ) <EOL> if action is not None : <EOL> ( command , data ) = action <EOL> if command in ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> if command in ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> texts = [ ] <EOL> for term in self . _selected_terms : <EOL> if isinstance ( term , ClientSearch . Predicate ) : <EOL> text = term . GetUnicode ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> text = term <EOL> if command == '<STR_LIT>' and '<STR_LIT::>' in text : <EOL> ( namespace_gumpf , text ) = text . split ( '<STR_LIT::>' , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> texts . append ( text ) <EOL> texts . sort ( ) <EOL> text = os . linesep . join ( texts ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> text = os . linesep . join ( self . _GetAllTagsForClipboard ( ) ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> text = os . linesep . join ( self . _GetAllTagsForClipboard ( with_counts = True ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:text>' , text ) <EOL> elif command in ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> self . _ProcessMenuPredicateEvent ( command ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _NewSearchPage ( ) <EOL> elif command in ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> import ClientGUIDialogsManage <EOL> if command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> ( tag , ) = self . _selected_terms <EOL> with ClientGUIDialogsManage . DialogManageTagCensorship ( self , tag ) as dlg : dlg . ShowModal ( ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> with ClientGUIDialogsManage . DialogManageTagParents ( self , self . _selected_terms ) as dlg : dlg . ShowModal ( ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> with ClientGUIDialogsManage . DialogManageTagSiblings ( self , self . _selected_terms ) as dlg : dlg . ShowModal ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> return <EOL> def EventMouseMiddleClick ( self , event ) : <EOL> hit_index = self . _GetIndexUnderMouse ( event ) <EOL> shift = event . ShiftDown ( ) <EOL> ctrl = event . CmdDown ( ) <EOL> self . _Hit ( shift , ctrl , hit_index ) <EOL> self . _NewSearchPage ( ) <EOL> def EventMouseRightClick ( self , event ) : <EOL> hit_index = self . _GetIndexUnderMouse ( event ) <EOL> shift = event . ShiftDown ( ) <EOL> ctrl = event . CmdDown ( ) <EOL> self . _Hit ( shift , ctrl , hit_index ) <EOL> if len ( self . _ordered_strings ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> menu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> ( term , ) = self . _selected_terms <EOL> if isinstance ( term , ClientSearch . Predicate ) : <EOL> if term . GetType ( ) == HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG : <EOL> selection_string = '<STR_LIT:">' + term . GetValue ( ) + '<STR_LIT:">' <EOL> else : <EOL> selection_string = '<STR_LIT:">' + term . GetUnicode ( ) + '<STR_LIT:">' <EOL> else : <EOL> selection_string = '<STR_LIT:">' + term + '<STR_LIT:">' <EOL> else : <EOL> selection_string = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if self . _predicates_callable is not None : <EOL> current_predicates = self . _predicates_callable ( ) <EOL> ( include_predicates , exclude_predicates ) = self . _GetSelectedIncludeExcludePredicates ( ) <EOL> if current_predicates is not None : <EOL> if True in ( include_predicate in current_predicates for include_predicate in include_predicates ) : <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + selection_string + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if True in ( include_predicate not in current_predicates for include_predicate in include_predicates ) : <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + selection_string + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if True in ( exclude_predicate in current_predicates for exclude_predicate in exclude_predicates ) : <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + selection_string + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if True in ( exclude_predicate not in current_predicates for exclude_predicate in exclude_predicates ) : <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + selection_string + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if menu . GetMenuItemCount ( ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + selection_string ) <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + selection_string ) <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> if '<STR_LIT::>' in selection_string : <EOL> sub_selection_string = '<STR_LIT:">' + selection_string . split ( '<STR_LIT::>' , <NUM_LIT:1> ) [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + sub_selection_string ) <EOL> else : <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if len ( self . _ordered_strings ) > len ( self . _selected_terms ) : <EOL> if menu . GetMenuItemCount ( ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . has_counts : menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> term_types = [ type ( term ) for term in self . _selected_terms ] <EOL> if str in term_types or unicode in term_types : <EOL> if menu . GetMenuItemCount ( ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> ( tag , ) = self . _selected_terms <EOL> text = tag <EOL> else : <EOL> text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + text ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + text ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' + text ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . PopupMenu ( self , menu ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def GetSelectedTags ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _selected_terms <EOL> class ListBoxTagsAutocompleteDropdown ( ListBoxTags ) : <EOL> has_counts = True <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , callable , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> ListBoxTags . __init__ ( self , parent , ** kwargs ) <EOL> self . _callable = callable <EOL> self . _predicates = { } <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> predicates = [ term for term in self . _selected_terms if term . GetType ( ) != HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_PARENT ] <EOL> predicates = FlushOutPredicates ( self , predicates ) <EOL> if len ( predicates ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _callable ( predicates ) <EOL> def _GetWithParentIndices ( self , index ) : <EOL> indices = [ index ] <EOL> index += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> while index < len ( self . _ordered_strings ) : <EOL> term = self . _strings_to_terms [ self . _ordered_strings [ index ] ] <EOL> if term . GetType ( ) == HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_PARENT : <EOL> indices . append ( index ) <EOL> else : <EOL> break <EOL> index += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> return indices <EOL> def _Deselect ( self , index ) : <EOL> to_deselect = self . _GetWithParentIndices ( index ) <EOL> for index in to_deselect : <EOL> ListBoxTags . _Deselect ( self , index ) <EOL> def _GetAllTagsForClipboard ( self , with_counts = False ) : <EOL> return [ self . _strings_to_terms [ s ] . GetUnicode ( with_counts ) for s in self . _ordered_strings ] <EOL> def _Hit ( self , shift , ctrl , hit_index ) : <EOL> if hit_index is not None : <EOL> if hit_index == - <NUM_LIT:1> or hit_index > len ( self . _ordered_strings ) : <EOL> hit_index = len ( self . _ordered_strings ) - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif hit_index == len ( self . _ordered_strings ) or hit_index < - <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> hit_index = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> hit_term = self . _strings_to_terms [ self . _ordered_strings [ hit_index ] ] <EOL> while hit_term . GetType ( ) == HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_PARENT : <EOL> hit_index -= <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> hit_term = self . _strings_to_terms [ self . _ordered_strings [ hit_index ] ] <EOL> ListBoxTags . _Hit ( self , shift , ctrl , hit_index ) <EOL> def _Select ( self , index ) : <EOL> to_select = self . _GetWithParentIndices ( index ) <EOL> for index in to_select : <EOL> ListBoxTags . _Select ( self , index ) <EOL> def EventKeyDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> key_code = event . GetKeyCode ( ) <EOL> hit_index = None <EOL> if len ( self . _ordered_strings ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> if key_code in ( wx . WXK_END , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_END ) : <EOL> hit_index = len ( self . _ordered_strings ) - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif self . _last_hit_index is not None : <EOL> if key_code in ( wx . WXK_DOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN ) : <EOL> hit_index = self . _last_hit_index + <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif key_code in ( wx . WXK_PAGEDOWN , wx . WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN ) : <EOL> hit_index = min ( len ( self . _ordered_strings ) - <NUM_LIT:1> , self . _last_hit_index + self . _num_rows_per_page ) <EOL> if hit_index is None : <EOL> ListBoxTags . EventKeyDown ( self , event ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if hit_index >= len ( self . _ordered_strings ) : <EOL> hit_index = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> hit_term = self . _strings_to_terms [ self . _ordered_strings [ hit_index ] ] <EOL> while hit_term . GetType ( ) == HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_PARENT : <EOL> hit_index += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> if hit_index >= len ( self . _ordered_strings ) : <EOL> hit_index = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> hit_term = self . _strings_to_terms [ self . _ordered_strings [ hit_index ] ] <EOL> shift = event . ShiftDown ( ) <EOL> ctrl = event . CmdDown ( ) <EOL> self . _Hit ( shift , ctrl , hit_index ) <EOL> def SetPredicates ( self , predicates ) : <EOL> they_are_the_same = True <EOL> if len ( predicates ) == len ( self . _predicates ) : <EOL> for index in range ( len ( predicates ) ) : <EOL> p_1 = predicates [ index ] <EOL> p_2 = self . _predicates [ index ] <EOL> if p_1 != p_2 or p_1 . GetCount ( ) != p_2 . GetCount ( ) : <EOL> they_are_the_same = False <EOL> break <EOL> else : they_are_the_same = False <EOL> if not they_are_the_same : <EOL> self . _predicates = predicates <EOL> self . _ordered_strings = [ ] <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms = { } <EOL> for predicate in predicates : <EOL> tag_string = predicate . GetUnicode ( ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( tag_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ tag_string ] = predicate <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> if len ( predicates ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _Hit ( False , False , None ) <EOL> self . _Hit ( False , False , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> class ListBoxTagsCensorship ( ListBoxTags ) : <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> tags = set ( self . _selected_terms ) <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> self . _RemoveTag ( tag ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def _AddTag ( self , tag ) : <EOL> tag_string = self . _GetTagString ( tag ) <EOL> if tag_string not in self . _strings_to_terms : <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( tag_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ tag_string ] = tag <EOL> def _GetTagString ( self , tag ) : <EOL> if tag == '<STR_LIT>' : return '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif tag == '<STR_LIT::>' : return '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : return HydrusTags . RenderTag ( tag ) <EOL> def _RemoveTag ( self , tag ) : <EOL> tag_string = self . _GetTagString ( tag ) <EOL> if tag_string in self . _strings_to_terms : <EOL> tag_string = self . _GetTagString ( tag ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . remove ( tag_string ) <EOL> del self . _strings_to_terms [ tag_string ] <EOL> def AddTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> self . _AddTag ( tag ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def EnterTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> tag_string = self . _GetTagString ( tag ) <EOL> if tag_string in self . _strings_to_terms : <EOL> self . _RemoveTag ( tag ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _AddTag ( tag ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def _RemoveTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> self . _RemoveTag ( tag ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> class ListBoxTagsColourOptions ( ListBoxTags ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , initial_namespace_colours ) : <EOL> ListBoxTags . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _namespace_colours = dict ( initial_namespace_colours ) <EOL> for namespace in self . _namespace_colours : <EOL> if namespace is None : namespace_string = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif namespace == '<STR_LIT>' : namespace_string = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : namespace_string = namespace + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( namespace_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ namespace_string ] = namespace <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _RemoveNamespaces ( self . _selected_terms ) <EOL> def _GetNamespaceColours ( self ) : return self . _namespace_colours <EOL> def _RemoveNamespaces ( self , namespaces ) : <EOL> for namespace in namespaces : <EOL> if namespace is not None and namespace != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> namespace_string = namespace + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . remove ( namespace_string ) <EOL> del self . _strings_to_terms [ namespace_string ] <EOL> del self . _namespace_colours [ namespace ] <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def SetNamespaceColour ( self , namespace , colour ) : <EOL> if namespace not in self . _namespace_colours : <EOL> namespace_string = namespace + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( namespace_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ namespace_string ] = namespace <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . sort ( ) <EOL> self . _namespace_colours [ namespace ] = colour . Get ( ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def GetNamespaceColours ( self ) : return self . _namespace_colours <EOL> def GetSelectedNamespaceColours ( self ) : <EOL> results = [ ] <EOL> for namespace in self . _selected_terms : <EOL> ( r , g , b ) = self . _namespace_colours [ namespace ] <EOL> colour = wx . Colour ( r , g , b ) <EOL> results . append ( ( namespace , colour ) ) <EOL> return results <EOL> class ListBoxTagsStrings ( ListBoxTags ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , removed_callable = None , show_sibling_text = True ) : <EOL> ListBoxTags . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _removed_callable = removed_callable <EOL> self . _show_sibling_text = show_sibling_text <EOL> self . _tags = set ( ) <EOL> def _RecalcTags ( self ) : <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms = { } <EOL> siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetManager ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> for tag in self . _tags : <EOL> tag_string = HydrusTags . RenderTag ( tag ) <EOL> if self . _show_sibling_text : <EOL> sibling = siblings_manager . GetSibling ( tag ) <EOL> if sibling is not None : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' + HydrusTags . RenderTag ( sibling ) + '<STR_LIT:)>' <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ tag_string ] = tag <EOL> self . _ordered_strings = self . _strings_to_terms . keys ( ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . sort ( ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> tags = set ( self . _selected_terms ) <EOL> self . _RemoveTags ( tags ) <EOL> def _RemoveTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> self . _tags . difference_update ( tags ) <EOL> self . _RecalcTags ( ) <EOL> if self . _removed_callable is not None : <EOL> self . _removed_callable ( tags ) <EOL> def AddTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> self . _tags . update ( tags ) <EOL> self . _RecalcTags ( ) <EOL> def EnterTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> removed = set ( ) <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> if tag in self . _tags : <EOL> self . _tags . discard ( tag ) <EOL> removed . add ( tag ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _tags . add ( tag ) <EOL> self . _RecalcTags ( ) <EOL> if len ( removed ) > <NUM_LIT:0> and self . _removed_callable is not None : <EOL> self . _removed_callable ( removed ) <EOL> def EventKeyDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if event . KeyCode in CC . DELETE_KEYS : <EOL> self . _Activate ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def GetTags ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _tags <EOL> def RemoveTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> self . _RemoveTags ( tags ) <EOL> def SetTags ( self , tags ) : <EOL> self . _tags = set ( ) <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> self . _tags . add ( tag ) <EOL> self . _RecalcTags ( ) <EOL> class ListBoxTagsPredicates ( ListBoxTags ) : <EOL> delete_key_activates = True <EOL> has_counts = False <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key , initial_predicates = None ) : <EOL> if initial_predicates is None : initial_predicates = [ ] <EOL> ListBoxTags . __init__ ( self , parent , min_height = <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> self . _predicates_callable = self . GetPredicates <EOL> if len ( initial_predicates ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> for predicate in initial_predicates : <EOL> predicate_string = predicate . GetUnicode ( ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( predicate_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ predicate_string ] = predicate <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _EnterPredicates ( set ( self . _selected_terms ) ) <EOL> def _EnterPredicates ( self , predicates , permit_add = True , permit_remove = True ) : <EOL> if len ( predicates ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> return <EOL> predicates_to_be_added = set ( ) <EOL> predicates_to_be_removed = set ( ) <EOL> for predicate in predicates : <EOL> predicate = predicate . GetCountlessCopy ( ) <EOL> if self . _HasPredicate ( predicate ) : <EOL> if permit_remove : <EOL> predicates_to_be_removed . add ( predicate ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if permit_add : <EOL> predicates_to_be_added . add ( predicate ) <EOL> inverse_predicate = predicate . GetInverseCopy ( ) <EOL> if self . _HasPredicate ( inverse_predicate ) : <EOL> predicates_to_be_removed . add ( inverse_predicate ) <EOL> for predicate in predicates_to_be_added : <EOL> predicate_string = predicate . GetUnicode ( ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( predicate_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ predicate_string ] = predicate <EOL> for predicate in predicates_to_be_removed : <EOL> for ( s , existing_predicate ) in self . _strings_to_terms . items ( ) : <EOL> if existing_predicate == predicate : <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . remove ( s ) <EOL> del self . _strings_to_terms [ s ] <EOL> break <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . sort ( ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key ) <EOL> def _GetAllTagsForClipboard ( self , with_counts = False ) : <EOL> return [ self . _strings_to_terms [ s ] . GetUnicode ( with_counts ) for s in self . _ordered_strings ] <EOL> def _HasPredicate ( self , predicate ) : return predicate in self . _strings_to_terms . values ( ) <EOL> def _ProcessMenuPredicateEvent ( self , command ) : <EOL> ( include_predicates , exclude_predicates ) = self . _GetSelectedIncludeExcludePredicates ( ) <EOL> if command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _EnterPredicates ( include_predicates , permit_remove = False ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _EnterPredicates ( include_predicates , permit_add = False ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _EnterPredicates ( exclude_predicates , permit_remove = False ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . _EnterPredicates ( exclude_predicates , permit_add = False ) <EOL> def EnterPredicates ( self , page_key , predicates , permit_add = True , permit_remove = True ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : <EOL> self . _EnterPredicates ( predicates , permit_add = permit_add , permit_remove = permit_remove ) <EOL> def GetPredicates ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _strings_to_terms . values ( ) <EOL> class ListBoxTagsSelection ( ListBoxTags ) : <EOL> has_counts = True <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , include_counts = True , collapse_siblings = False ) : <EOL> ListBoxTags . __init__ ( self , parent , min_height = <NUM_LIT:200> ) <EOL> self . _sort = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> if not include_counts and self . _sort in ( CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_ASC , CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_DESC ) : <EOL> self . _sort = CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_ASC <EOL> self . _last_media = set ( ) <EOL> self . _tag_service_key = CC . COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY <EOL> self . _include_counts = include_counts <EOL> self . _collapse_siblings = collapse_siblings <EOL> self . _current_tags_to_count = collections . Counter ( ) <EOL> self . _deleted_tags_to_count = collections . Counter ( ) <EOL> self . _pending_tags_to_count = collections . Counter ( ) <EOL> self . _petitioned_tags_to_count = collections . Counter ( ) <EOL> self . _show_current = True <EOL> self . _show_deleted = False <EOL> self . _show_pending = True <EOL> self . _show_petitioned = True <EOL> def _GetAllTagsForClipboard ( self , with_counts = False ) : <EOL> if with_counts : <EOL> return self . _ordered_strings <EOL> else : <EOL> return [ self . _strings_to_terms [ s ] for s in self . _ordered_strings ] <EOL> def _GetTagString ( self , tag ) : <EOL> tag_string = HydrusTags . RenderTag ( tag ) <EOL> if self . _include_counts : <EOL> if self . _show_current and tag in self . _current_tags_to_count : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' + HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( self . _current_tags_to_count [ tag ] ) + '<STR_LIT:)>' <EOL> if self . _show_pending and tag in self . _pending_tags_to_count : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' + HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( self . _pending_tags_to_count [ tag ] ) + '<STR_LIT:)>' <EOL> if self . _show_petitioned and tag in self . _petitioned_tags_to_count : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' + HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( self . _petitioned_tags_to_count [ tag ] ) + '<STR_LIT:)>' <EOL> if self . _show_deleted and tag in self . _deleted_tags_to_count : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' + HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( self . _deleted_tags_to_count [ tag ] ) + '<STR_LIT:)>' <EOL> else : <EOL> if self . _show_pending and tag in self . _pending_tags_to_count : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if self . _show_petitioned and tag in self . _petitioned_tags_to_count : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if self . _show_deleted and tag in self . _deleted_tags_to_count : tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if not self . _collapse_siblings : <EOL> siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetManager ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> sibling = siblings_manager . GetSibling ( tag ) <EOL> if sibling is not None : <EOL> tag_string += '<STR_LIT>' + HydrusTags . RenderTag ( sibling ) + '<STR_LIT:)>' <EOL> return tag_string <EOL> def _RecalcStrings ( self , limit_to_these_tags = None ) : <EOL> if limit_to_these_tags is None : <EOL> all_tags = set ( ) <EOL> if self . _show_current : all_tags . update ( ( tag for ( tag , count ) in self . _current_tags_to_count . items ( ) if count > <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_deleted : all_tags . update ( ( tag for ( tag , count ) in self . _deleted_tags_to_count . items ( ) if count > <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_pending : all_tags . update ( ( tag for ( tag , count ) in self . _pending_tags_to_count . items ( ) if count > <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_petitioned : all_tags . update ( ( tag for ( tag , count ) in self . _petitioned_tags_to_count . items ( ) if count > <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings = [ ] <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms = { } <EOL> for tag in all_tags : <EOL> tag_string = self . _GetTagString ( tag ) <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( tag_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ tag_string ] = tag <EOL> self . _SortTags ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> sort_needed = False <EOL> terms_to_old_strings = { tag : tag_string for ( tag_string , tag ) in self . _strings_to_terms . items ( ) } <EOL> for tag in limit_to_these_tags : <EOL> tag_string = self . _GetTagString ( tag ) <EOL> do_insert = True <EOL> if tag in terms_to_old_strings : <EOL> old_tag_string = terms_to_old_strings [ tag ] <EOL> if tag_string == old_tag_string : <EOL> do_insert = False <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . remove ( old_tag_string ) <EOL> del self . _strings_to_terms [ old_tag_string ] <EOL> if do_insert : <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . append ( tag_string ) <EOL> self . _strings_to_terms [ tag_string ] = tag <EOL> sort_needed = True <EOL> if sort_needed : <EOL> self . _SortTags ( ) <EOL> def _SortTags ( self ) : <EOL> if self . _sort in ( CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_ASC , CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_DESC ) : <EOL> tags_to_count = collections . Counter ( ) <EOL> if self . _show_current : tags_to_count . update ( self . _current_tags_to_count ) <EOL> if self . _show_deleted : tags_to_count . update ( self . _deleted_tags_to_count ) <EOL> if self . _show_pending : tags_to_count . update ( self . _pending_tags_to_count ) <EOL> if self . _show_petitioned : tags_to_count . update ( self . _petitioned_tags_to_count ) <EOL> if self . _sort == CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_ASC : <EOL> def key ( a ) : <EOL> return ( tags_to_count [ self . _strings_to_terms [ a ] ] , a ) <EOL> reverse = False <EOL> elif self . _sort == CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_DESC : <EOL> def key ( a ) : <EOL> return ( - tags_to_count [ self . _strings_to_terms [ a ] ] , a ) <EOL> reverse = False <EOL> self . _ordered_strings . sort ( key = key , reverse = reverse ) <EOL> else : <EOL> ClientData . SortTagsList ( self . _ordered_strings , self . _sort ) <EOL> self . _TextsHaveChanged ( ) <EOL> def ChangeTagService ( self , service_key ) : <EOL> self . _tag_service_key = service_key <EOL> self . SetTagsByMedia ( self . _last_media , force_reload = True ) <EOL> def SetSort ( self , sort ) : <EOL> self . _sort = sort <EOL> self . _SortTags ( ) <EOL> def SetShow ( self , show_type , value ) : <EOL> if show_type == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _show_current = value <EOL> elif show_type == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _show_deleted = value <EOL> elif show_type == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _show_pending = value <EOL> elif show_type == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _show_petitioned = value <EOL> self . _RecalcStrings ( ) <EOL> def IncrementTagsByMedia ( self , media ) : <EOL> media = set ( media ) <EOL> media = media . difference ( self . _last_media ) <EOL> ( current_tags_to_count , deleted_tags_to_count , pending_tags_to_count , petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientData . GetMediasTagCount ( media , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , collapse_siblings = self . _collapse_siblings ) <EOL> self . _current_tags_to_count . update ( current_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _deleted_tags_to_count . update ( deleted_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _pending_tags_to_count . update ( pending_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _petitioned_tags_to_count . update ( petitioned_tags_to_count ) <EOL> tags_changed = set ( ) <EOL> if self . _show_current : tags_changed . update ( current_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_deleted : tags_changed . update ( deleted_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_pending : tags_changed . update ( pending_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_petitioned : tags_changed . update ( petitioned_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if len ( tags_changed ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _RecalcStrings ( tags_changed ) <EOL> self . _last_media . update ( media ) <EOL> def SetTagsByMedia ( self , media , force_reload = False ) : <EOL> media = set ( media ) <EOL> if force_reload : <EOL> ( current_tags_to_count , deleted_tags_to_count , pending_tags_to_count , petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientData . GetMediasTagCount ( media , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , collapse_siblings = self . _collapse_siblings ) <EOL> self . _current_tags_to_count = current_tags_to_count <EOL> self . _deleted_tags_to_count = deleted_tags_to_count <EOL> self . _pending_tags_to_count = pending_tags_to_count <EOL> self . _petitioned_tags_to_count = petitioned_tags_to_count <EOL> self . _RecalcStrings ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> removees = self . _last_media . difference ( media ) <EOL> adds = media . difference ( self . _last_media ) <EOL> ( current_tags_to_count , deleted_tags_to_count , pending_tags_to_count , petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientData . GetMediasTagCount ( removees , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , collapse_siblings = self . _collapse_siblings ) <EOL> self . _current_tags_to_count . subtract ( current_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _deleted_tags_to_count . subtract ( deleted_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _pending_tags_to_count . subtract ( pending_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _petitioned_tags_to_count . subtract ( petitioned_tags_to_count ) <EOL> ( current_tags_to_count , deleted_tags_to_count , pending_tags_to_count , petitioned_tags_to_count ) = ClientData . GetMediasTagCount ( adds , tag_service_key = self . _tag_service_key , collapse_siblings = self . _collapse_siblings ) <EOL> self . _current_tags_to_count . update ( current_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _deleted_tags_to_count . update ( deleted_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _pending_tags_to_count . update ( pending_tags_to_count ) <EOL> self . _petitioned_tags_to_count . update ( petitioned_tags_to_count ) <EOL> for counter in ( self . _current_tags_to_count , self . _deleted_tags_to_count , self . _pending_tags_to_count , self . _petitioned_tags_to_count ) : <EOL> tags = counter . keys ( ) <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> if counter [ tag ] == <NUM_LIT:0> : del counter [ tag ] <EOL> if len ( removees ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> tags_changed = set ( ) <EOL> if self . _show_current : tags_changed . update ( current_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_deleted : tags_changed . update ( deleted_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_pending : tags_changed . update ( pending_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if self . _show_petitioned : tags_changed . update ( petitioned_tags_to_count . keys ( ) ) <EOL> if len ( tags_changed ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _RecalcStrings ( tags_changed ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _RecalcStrings ( ) <EOL> self . _last_media = media <EOL> class ListBoxTagsSelectionHoverFrame ( ListBoxTagsSelection ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , canvas_key ) : <EOL> ListBoxTagsSelection . __init__ ( self , parent , include_counts = False , collapse_siblings = True ) <EOL> self . _canvas_key = canvas_key <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _canvas_key ) <EOL> class ListBoxTagsSelectionManagementPanel ( ListBoxTagsSelection ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key , predicates_callable = None ) : <EOL> ListBoxTagsSelection . __init__ ( self , parent , include_counts = True , collapse_siblings = True ) <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> self . _predicates_callable = predicates_callable <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> predicates = [ ClientSearch . Predicate ( HC . PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG , term ) for term in self . _selected_terms ] <EOL> if len ( predicates ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , predicates ) <EOL> def _ProcessMenuPredicateEvent ( self , command ) : <EOL> ( include_predicates , exclude_predicates ) = self . _GetSelectedIncludeExcludePredicates ( ) <EOL> if command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , include_predicates , permit_remove = False ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , include_predicates , permit_add = False ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , exclude_predicates , permit_remove = False ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _page_key , exclude_predicates , permit_add = False ) <EOL> def ChangeTagServicePubsub ( self , page_key , service_key ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : self . ChangeTagService ( service_key ) <EOL> def IncrementTagsByMediaPubsub ( self , page_key , media ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : <EOL> self . IncrementTagsByMedia ( media ) <EOL> def SetTagsByMediaPubsub ( self , page_key , media , force_reload = False ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : <EOL> self . SetTagsByMedia ( media , force_reload = force_reload ) <EOL> class ListBoxTagsSelectionTagsDialog ( ListBoxTagsSelection ) : <EOL> delete_key_activates = True <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , callable ) : <EOL> ListBoxTagsSelection . __init__ ( self , parent , include_counts = True , collapse_siblings = False ) <EOL> self . _callable = callable <EOL> def _Activate ( self ) : <EOL> if len ( self . _selected_terms ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _callable ( self . _selected_terms ) <EOL> class ListCtrlAutoWidth ( wx . ListCtrl , ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , height ) : <EOL> wx . ListCtrl . __init__ ( self , parent , size = ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , height ) , style = wx . LC_REPORT ) <EOL> ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin . __init__ ( self ) <EOL> def GetAllSelected ( self ) : <EOL> indices = [ ] <EOL> i = self . GetFirstSelected ( ) <EOL> while i != - <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> indices . append ( i ) <EOL> i = self . GetNextSelected ( i ) <EOL> return indices <EOL> def RemoveAllSelected ( self ) : <EOL> indices = self . GetAllSelected ( ) <EOL> indices . reverse ( ) <EOL> for index in indices : self . DeleteItem ( index ) <EOL> class NoneableSpinCtrl ( wx . Panel ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , message , none_phrase = '<STR_LIT>' , min = <NUM_LIT:0> , max = <NUM_LIT> , unit = None , multiplier = <NUM_LIT:1> , num_dimensions = <NUM_LIT:1> ) : <EOL> wx . Panel . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _unit = unit <EOL> self . _multiplier = multiplier <EOL> self . _num_dimensions = num_dimensions <EOL> self . _checkbox = wx . CheckBox ( self , label = none_phrase ) <EOL> self . _checkbox . Bind ( wx . EVT_CHECKBOX , self . EventCheckBox ) <EOL> self . _one = wx . SpinCtrl ( self , min = min , max = max , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> if num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> self . _two = wx . SpinCtrl ( self , initial = <NUM_LIT:0> , min = min , max = max , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> hbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> if len ( message ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> hbox . AddF ( wx . StaticText ( self , label = message + '<STR_LIT>' ) , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _one , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> if self . _num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> hbox . AddF ( wx . StaticText ( self , label = '<STR_LIT:x>' ) , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _two , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> if self . _unit is not None : <EOL> hbox . AddF ( wx . StaticText ( self , label = unit ) , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _checkbox , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( hbox ) <EOL> def Bind ( self , event_type , callback ) : <EOL> self . _checkbox . Bind ( wx . EVT_CHECKBOX , callback ) <EOL> self . _one . Bind ( wx . EVT_SPINCTRL , callback ) <EOL> if self . _num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : self . _two . Bind ( wx . EVT_SPINCTRL , callback ) <EOL> def EventCheckBox ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _checkbox . GetValue ( ) : <EOL> self . _one . Disable ( ) <EOL> if self . _num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : self . _two . Disable ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _one . Enable ( ) <EOL> if self . _num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : self . _two . Enable ( ) <EOL> def GetValue ( self ) : <EOL> if self . _checkbox . GetValue ( ) : return None <EOL> else : <EOL> if self . _num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : return ( self . _one . GetValue ( ) * self . _multiplier , self . _two . GetValue ( ) * self . _multiplier ) <EOL> else : return self . _one . GetValue ( ) * self . _multiplier <EOL> def SetValue ( self , value ) : <EOL> if value is None : <EOL> self . _checkbox . SetValue ( True ) <EOL> self . _one . Disable ( ) <EOL> if self . _num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : self . _two . Disable ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _checkbox . SetValue ( False ) <EOL> if self . _num_dimensions == <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> self . _two . Enable ( ) <EOL> ( value , y ) = value <EOL> self . _two . SetValue ( y / self . _multiplier ) <EOL> self . _one . Enable ( ) <EOL> self . _one . SetValue ( value / self . _multiplier ) <EOL> class OnOffButton ( wx . Button ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key , topic , on_label , off_label = None , start_on = True ) : <EOL> if start_on : label = on_label <EOL> else : label = off_label <EOL> wx . Button . __init__ ( self , parent , label = label ) <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> self . _topic = topic <EOL> self . _on_label = on_label <EOL> if off_label is None : self . _off_label = on_label <EOL> else : self . _off_label = off_label <EOL> self . _on = start_on <EOL> if self . _on : self . SetForegroundColour ( ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> else : self . SetForegroundColour ( ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventButton ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def EventButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _on : <EOL> self . _on = False <EOL> self . SetLabelText ( self . _off_label ) <EOL> self . SetForegroundColour ( ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( self . _topic , self . _page_key , False ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _on = True <EOL> self . SetLabelText ( self . _on_label ) <EOL> self . SetForegroundColour ( ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( self . _topic , self . _page_key , True ) <EOL> def IsOn ( self ) : return self . _on <EOL> class PopupWindow ( wx . Window ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent ) : <EOL> wx . Window . __init__ ( self , parent , style = wx . BORDER_SIMPLE ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> def TryToDismiss ( self ) : self . GetParent ( ) . Dismiss ( self ) <EOL> def EventDismiss ( self , event ) : self . TryToDismiss ( ) <EOL> class PopupDismissAll ( PopupWindow ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent ) : <EOL> PopupWindow . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> hbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> self . _text = wx . StaticText ( self ) <EOL> self . _text . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> button = wx . Button ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventButton ) <EOL> button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _text , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( button , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( hbox ) <EOL> def TryToDismiss ( self ) : pass <EOL> def EventButton ( self , event ) : self . GetParent ( ) . DismissAll ( ) <EOL> def SetNumMessages ( self , num_messages_pending ) : self . _text . SetLabelText ( HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( num_messages_pending ) + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> class PopupMessage ( PopupWindow ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , job_key ) : <EOL> PopupWindow . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _job_key = job_key <EOL> vbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> self . _title = FitResistantStaticText ( self , style = wx . ALIGN_CENTER ) <EOL> self . _title . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _title . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _text_1 = FitResistantStaticText ( self ) <EOL> self . _text_1 . Wrap ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _text_1 . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _text_1 . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _gauge_1 = Gauge ( self , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _gauge_1 . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _gauge_1 . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _text_2 = FitResistantStaticText ( self ) <EOL> self . _text_2 . Wrap ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _text_2 . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _text_2 . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _gauge_2 = Gauge ( self , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _gauge_2 . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _gauge_2 . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _show_files_button = wx . Button ( self ) <EOL> self . _show_files_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventShowFilesButton ) <EOL> self . _show_files_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _show_files_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _show_tb_button = wx . Button ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _show_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventShowTBButton ) <EOL> self . _show_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _show_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _tb_text = FitResistantStaticText ( self ) <EOL> self . _tb_text . Wrap ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _tb_text . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button = wx . Button ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventShowCallerTBButton ) <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _caller_tb_text = FitResistantStaticText ( self ) <EOL> self . _caller_tb_text . Wrap ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _caller_tb_text . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _caller_tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button = wx . Button ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventShowDBTBButton ) <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _db_tb_text = FitResistantStaticText ( self ) <EOL> self . _db_tb_text . Wrap ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . _db_tb_text . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _db_tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _copy_tb_button = wx . Button ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _copy_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventCopyTBButton ) <EOL> self . _copy_tb_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _copy_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _pause_button = wx . BitmapButton ( self , bitmap = CC . GlobalBMPs . pause ) <EOL> self . _pause_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventPauseButton ) <EOL> self . _pause_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _pause_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _cancel_button = wx . BitmapButton ( self , bitmap = CC . GlobalBMPs . stop ) <EOL> self . _cancel_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventCancelButton ) <EOL> self . _cancel_button . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventDismiss ) <EOL> self . _cancel_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> hbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _pause_button , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _cancel_button , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _title , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _text_1 , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _gauge_1 , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _text_2 , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _gauge_2 , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _show_files_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _show_tb_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _tb_text , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _show_caller_tb_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _caller_tb_text , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _show_db_tb_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _db_tb_text , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _copy_tb_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( hbox , CC . FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( vbox ) <EOL> def _ProcessText ( self , text ) : <EOL> if len ( text ) > TEXT_CUTOFF : <EOL> new_text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> new_text += os . linesep * <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> new_text += text [ : TEXT_CUTOFF ] <EOL> text = new_text <EOL> return text <EOL> def EventCancelButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _job_key . Cancel ( ) <EOL> self . _pause_button . Disable ( ) <EOL> self . _cancel_button . Disable ( ) <EOL> def EventCopyTBButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:text>' , self . _job_key . ToString ( ) ) <EOL> def EventPauseButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _job_key . PausePlay ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . IsPaused ( ) : <EOL> self . _pause_button . SetBitmap ( CC . GlobalBMPs . play ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _pause_button . SetBitmap ( CC . GlobalBMPs . pause ) <EOL> def EventShowCallerTBButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _caller_tb_text . IsShown ( ) : <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _caller_tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _caller_tb_text . Show ( ) <EOL> self . GetParent ( ) . MakeSureEverythingFits ( ) <EOL> def EventShowDBTBButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _db_tb_text . IsShown ( ) : <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _db_tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _db_tb_text . Show ( ) <EOL> self . GetParent ( ) . MakeSureEverythingFits ( ) <EOL> def EventShowFilesButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> hashes = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> media_results = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Read ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY , hashes ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY , initial_media_results = media_results ) <EOL> def EventShowTBButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _tb_text . IsShown ( ) : <EOL> self . _show_tb_button . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _show_tb_button . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _tb_text . Show ( ) <EOL> self . GetParent ( ) . MakeSureEverythingFits ( ) <EOL> def GetJobKey ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _job_key <EOL> def TryToDismiss ( self ) : <EOL> if self . _job_key . IsPausable ( ) or self . _job_key . IsCancellable ( ) : return <EOL> else : PopupWindow . TryToDismiss ( self ) <EOL> def Update ( self ) : <EOL> if self . _job_key . IsDeleted ( ) : <EOL> self . TryToDismiss ( ) <EOL> return <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> text = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _title . GetLabelText ( ) != text : self . _title . SetLabelText ( text ) <EOL> self . _title . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _title . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) or self . _job_key . IsPaused ( ) : <EOL> if self . _job_key . IsPaused ( ) : <EOL> text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : <EOL> text = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _text_1 . GetLabelText ( ) != text : self . _text_1 . SetLabelText ( self . _ProcessText ( HydrusData . ToUnicode ( text ) ) ) <EOL> self . _text_1 . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _text_1 . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) and not self . _job_key . IsPaused ( ) : <EOL> ( gauge_value , gauge_range ) = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if gauge_range is None or gauge_value is None : self . _gauge_1 . Pulse ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _gauge_1 . SetRange ( gauge_range ) <EOL> self . _gauge_1 . SetValue ( gauge_value ) <EOL> self . _gauge_1 . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _gauge_1 . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) and not self . _job_key . IsPaused ( ) : <EOL> text = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _text_2 . GetLabelText ( ) != text : self . _text_2 . SetLabelText ( self . _ProcessText ( HydrusData . ToUnicode ( text ) ) ) <EOL> self . _text_2 . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _text_2 . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) and not self . _job_key . IsPaused ( ) : <EOL> ( gauge_value , gauge_range ) = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if gauge_range is None or gauge_value is None : self . _gauge_2 . Pulse ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _gauge_2 . SetRange ( gauge_range ) <EOL> self . _gauge_2 . SetValue ( gauge_value ) <EOL> self . _gauge_2 . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _gauge_2 . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> hashes = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> text = '<STR_LIT>' + HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( len ( hashes ) ) + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if self . _show_files_button . GetLabelText ( ) != text : self . _show_files_button . SetLabelText ( text ) <EOL> self . _show_files_button . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _show_files_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) or self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) or self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : self . _copy_tb_button . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _copy_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> text = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _tb_text . GetLabelText ( ) != text : self . _tb_text . SetLabelText ( self . _ProcessText ( HydrusData . ToUnicode ( text ) ) ) <EOL> self . _show_tb_button . Show ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _show_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> text = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _caller_tb_text . GetLabelText ( ) != text : self . _caller_tb_text . SetLabelText ( self . _ProcessText ( HydrusData . ToUnicode ( text ) ) ) <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button . Show ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _show_caller_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _caller_tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . HasVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> text = self . _job_key . GetVariable ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _db_tb_text . GetLabelText ( ) != text : self . _db_tb_text . SetLabelText ( self . _ProcessText ( HydrusData . ToUnicode ( text ) ) ) <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button . Show ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _show_db_tb_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _db_tb_text . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . IsPausable ( ) : self . _pause_button . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _pause_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> if self . _job_key . IsCancellable ( ) : self . _cancel_button . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _cancel_button . Hide ( ) <EOL> class PopupMessageManager ( wx . Frame ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent ) : <EOL> wx . Frame . __init__ ( self , parent , style = wx . FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx . FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx . FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | wx . BORDER_NONE ) <EOL> self . SetBackgroundColour ( wx . SystemSettings . GetColour ( wx . SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) <EOL> self . _max_messages_to_display = <NUM_LIT:10> <EOL> vbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> self . _message_vbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> self . _dismiss_all = PopupDismissAll ( self ) <EOL> self . _dismiss_all . Hide ( ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _message_vbox , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _dismiss_all , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( vbox ) <EOL> self . _pending_job_keys = [ ] <EOL> parent . Bind ( wx . EVT_SIZE , self . EventMove ) <EOL> parent . Bind ( wx . EVT_MOVE , self . EventMove ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:message>' ) <EOL> self . _old_excepthook = sys . excepthook <EOL> self . _old_show_exception = HydrusData . ShowException <EOL> sys . excepthook = ClientData . CatchExceptionClient <EOL> HydrusData . ShowException = ClientData . ShowExceptionClient <EOL> HydrusData . ShowText = ClientData . ShowTextClient <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_TIMER , self . TIMEREvent , id = ID_TIMER_POPUP ) <EOL> self . _timer = wx . Timer ( self , id = ID_TIMER_POPUP ) <EOL> self . _timer . Start ( <NUM_LIT> , wx . TIMER_CONTINUOUS ) <EOL> def _CheckPending ( self ) : <EOL> num_messages_displayed = self . _message_vbox . GetItemCount ( ) <EOL> if len ( self . _pending_job_keys ) > <NUM_LIT:0> and num_messages_displayed < self . _max_messages_to_display : <EOL> job_key = self . _pending_job_keys . pop ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> window = PopupMessage ( self , job_key ) <EOL> window . Update ( ) <EOL> self . _message_vbox . AddF ( window , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> num_messages_pending = len ( self . _pending_job_keys ) <EOL> if num_messages_pending > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _dismiss_all . SetNumMessages ( num_messages_pending ) <EOL> self . _dismiss_all . Show ( ) <EOL> else : self . _dismiss_all . Hide ( ) <EOL> self . _SizeAndPositionAndShow ( ) <EOL> def _SizeAndPositionAndShow ( self ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> self . Fit ( ) <EOL> parent = self . GetParent ( ) <EOL> ( parent_width , parent_height ) = parent . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> ( my_width , my_height ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> my_x = ( parent_width - my_width ) - <NUM_LIT:5> <EOL> my_y = ( parent_height - my_height ) - <NUM_LIT:15> <EOL> self . SetPosition ( parent . ClientToScreenXY ( my_x , my_y ) ) <EOL> num_messages_displayed = self . _message_vbox . GetItemCount ( ) <EOL> if num_messages_displayed > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> current_focus = wx . Window . FindFocus ( ) <EOL> tlp = wx . GetTopLevelParent ( current_focus ) <EOL> show_happened = self . Show ( ) <EOL> if show_happened and tlp is not None : <EOL> self . Raise ( ) <EOL> tlp . Raise ( ) <EOL> else : self . Hide ( ) <EOL> except : <EOL> text = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> HydrusData . Print ( text ) <EOL> HydrusData . Print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) ) <EOL> wx . MessageBox ( text ) <EOL> self . _timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> self . CleanBeforeDestroy ( ) <EOL> self . Destroy ( ) <EOL> def AddMessage ( self , job_key ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> self . _pending_job_keys . append ( job_key ) <EOL> self . _CheckPending ( ) <EOL> except : HydrusData . Print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) ) <EOL> def CleanBeforeDestroy ( self ) : <EOL> for job_key in self . _pending_job_keys : <EOL> if job_key . IsCancellable ( ) : <EOL> job_key . Cancel ( ) <EOL> sizer_items = self . _message_vbox . GetChildren ( ) <EOL> for sizer_item in sizer_items : <EOL> message_window = sizer_item . GetWindow ( ) <EOL> job_key = message_window . GetJobKey ( ) <EOL> if job_key . IsCancellable ( ) : <EOL> job_key . Cancel ( ) <EOL> sys . excepthook = self . _old_excepthook <EOL> HydrusData . ShowException = self . _old_show_exception <EOL> def Dismiss ( self , window ) : <EOL> self . _message_vbox . Detach ( window ) <EOL> wx . CallAfter ( window . Destroy ) <EOL> self . _SizeAndPositionAndShow ( ) <EOL> self . _CheckPending ( ) <EOL> def DismissAll ( self ) : <EOL> self . _pending_job_keys = [ job_key for job_key in self . _pending_job_keys if job_key . IsPausable ( ) or job_key . IsCancellable ( ) ] <EOL> sizer_items = self . _message_vbox . GetChildren ( ) <EOL> for sizer_item in sizer_items : <EOL> message_window = sizer_item . GetWindow ( ) <EOL> message_window . TryToDismiss ( ) <EOL> self . _CheckPending ( ) <EOL> def EventMove ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _SizeAndPositionAndShow ( ) <EOL> event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def MakeSureEverythingFits ( self ) : self . _SizeAndPositionAndShow ( ) <EOL> def TIMEREvent ( self , event ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> if HydrusGlobals . view_shutdown : <EOL> self . Destroy ( ) <EOL> return <EOL> sizer_items = self . _message_vbox . GetChildren ( ) <EOL> for sizer_item in sizer_items : <EOL> message_window = sizer_item . GetWindow ( ) <EOL> message_window . Update ( ) <EOL> self . _SizeAndPositionAndShow ( ) <EOL> except wx . PyDeadObjectError : <EOL> self . _timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> except : <EOL> self . _timer . Stop ( ) <EOL> raise <EOL> class RatingLike ( wx . Window ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) : <EOL> wx . Window . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _service_key = service_key <EOL> self . _canvas_bmp = wx . EmptyBitmap ( <NUM_LIT:16> , <NUM_LIT:16> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_PAINT , self . EventPaint ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND , self . EventEraseBackground ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_LEFT_DOWN , self . EventLeftDown ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_LEFT_DCLICK , self . EventLeftDown ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventRightDown ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK , self . EventRightDown ) <EOL> self . SetMinSize ( ( <NUM_LIT:16> , <NUM_LIT:16> ) ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def EventEraseBackground ( self , event ) : pass <EOL> def EventLeftDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def EventPaint ( self , event ) : <EOL> dc = wx . BufferedPaintDC ( self , self . _canvas_bmp ) <EOL> if self . _dirty : <EOL> self . _Draw ( dc ) <EOL> def EventRightDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def GetServiceKey ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _service_key <EOL> class RatingLikeDialog ( RatingLike ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) : <EOL> RatingLike . __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) <EOL> self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . NULL <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> dc . SetBackground ( wx . Brush ( self . GetParent ( ) . GetBackgroundColour ( ) ) ) <EOL> dc . Clear ( ) <EOL> ( pen_colour , brush_colour ) = ClientRatings . GetPenAndBrushColours ( self . _service_key , self . _rating_state ) <EOL> ClientRatings . DrawLike ( dc , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , self . _service_key , self . _rating_state ) <EOL> self . _dirty = False <EOL> def EventLeftDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _rating_state == ClientRatings . LIKE : self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . NULL <EOL> else : self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . LIKE <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> def EventRightDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _rating_state == ClientRatings . DISLIKE : self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . NULL <EOL> else : self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . DISLIKE <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> def GetRatingState ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _rating_state <EOL> def SetRatingState ( self , rating_state ) : <EOL> self . _rating_state = rating_state <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> class RatingLikeCanvas ( RatingLike ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , service_key , canvas_key ) : <EOL> RatingLike . __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) <EOL> self . _canvas_key = canvas_key <EOL> self . _current_media = None <EOL> self . _rating_state = None <EOL> service = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetService ( service_key ) <EOL> name = service . GetName ( ) <EOL> self . SetToolTipString ( name ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> dc . SetBackground ( wx . Brush ( self . GetParent ( ) . GetBackgroundColour ( ) ) ) <EOL> dc . Clear ( ) <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . GetLikeStateFromMedia ( ( self . _current_media , ) , self . _service_key ) <EOL> ClientRatings . DrawLike ( dc , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , self . _service_key , self . _rating_state ) <EOL> self . _dirty = False <EOL> def EventLeftDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> if self . _rating_state == ClientRatings . LIKE : rating = None <EOL> else : rating = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> content_update = HydrusData . ContentUpdate ( HC . CONTENT_TYPE_RATINGS , HC . CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD , ( rating , self . _hashes ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Write ( '<STR_LIT>' , { self . _service_key : ( content_update , ) } ) <EOL> def EventRightDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> if self . _rating_state == ClientRatings . DISLIKE : rating = None <EOL> else : rating = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> content_update = HydrusData . ContentUpdate ( HC . CONTENT_TYPE_RATINGS , HC . CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD , ( rating , self . _hashes ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Write ( '<STR_LIT>' , { self . _service_key : ( content_update , ) } ) <EOL> def ProcessContentUpdates ( self , service_keys_to_content_updates ) : <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> for ( service_key , content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates . items ( ) : <EOL> for content_update in content_updates : <EOL> ( data_type , action , row ) = content_update . ToTuple ( ) <EOL> if data_type == HC . CONTENT_TYPE_RATINGS : <EOL> hashes = content_update . GetHashes ( ) <EOL> if len ( self . _hashes . intersection ( hashes ) ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> return <EOL> def SetDisplayMedia ( self , canvas_key , media ) : <EOL> if canvas_key == self . _canvas_key : <EOL> self . _current_media = media <EOL> if self . _current_media is None : <EOL> self . _hashes = set ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _hashes = self . _current_media . GetHashes ( ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> class RatingNumerical ( wx . Window ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) : <EOL> wx . Window . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _service_key = service_key <EOL> self . _service = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetServicesManager ( ) . GetService ( self . _service_key ) <EOL> self . _num_stars = self . _service . GetInfo ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _allow_zero = self . _service . GetInfo ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> my_width = ClientRatings . GetNumericalWidth ( self . _service_key ) <EOL> self . _canvas_bmp = wx . EmptyBitmap ( my_width , <NUM_LIT:16> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_PAINT , self . EventPaint ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND , self . EventEraseBackground ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_LEFT_DOWN , self . EventLeftDown ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_LEFT_DCLICK , self . EventLeftDown ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventRightDown ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK , self . EventRightDown ) <EOL> self . SetMinSize ( ( my_width , <NUM_LIT:16> ) ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def _GetRatingFromClickEvent ( self , event ) : <EOL> x = event . GetX ( ) <EOL> y = event . GetY ( ) <EOL> ( my_width , my_height ) = self . GetClientSize ( ) <EOL> my_active_width = my_width - <NUM_LIT:4> <EOL> my_active_height = my_height - <NUM_LIT:4> <EOL> x_adjusted = x - <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> y_adjusted = y - <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> if <NUM_LIT:0> <= y and y <= my_active_height : <EOL> if <NUM_LIT:0> <= x and x <= my_active_width : <EOL> proportion_filled = float ( x_adjusted ) / my_active_width <EOL> if self . _allow_zero : <EOL> rating = round ( proportion_filled * self . _num_stars ) / self . _num_stars <EOL> else : <EOL> rating = float ( int ( proportion_filled * self . _num_stars ) ) / ( self . _num_stars - <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> return rating <EOL> return None <EOL> def EventEraseBackground ( self , event ) : pass <EOL> def EventLeftDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def EventPaint ( self , event ) : <EOL> dc = wx . BufferedPaintDC ( self , self . _canvas_bmp ) <EOL> if self . _dirty : <EOL> self . _Draw ( dc ) <EOL> def EventRightDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def GetServiceKey ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _service_key <EOL> class RatingNumericalDialog ( RatingNumerical ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) : <EOL> RatingNumerical . __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) <EOL> self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . NULL <EOL> self . _rating = None <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> dc . SetBackground ( wx . Brush ( self . GetParent ( ) . GetBackgroundColour ( ) ) ) <EOL> dc . Clear ( ) <EOL> ClientRatings . DrawNumerical ( dc , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , self . _service_key , self . _rating_state , self . _rating ) <EOL> self . _dirty = False <EOL> def EventLeftDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> rating = self . _GetRatingFromClickEvent ( event ) <EOL> if rating is not None : <EOL> self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . SET <EOL> self . _rating = rating <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> def EventRightDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . NULL <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> def GetRating ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _rating <EOL> def GetRatingState ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _rating_state <EOL> def SetRating ( self , rating ) : <EOL> self . _rating_state = ClientRatings . SET <EOL> self . _rating = rating <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> def SetRatingState ( self , rating_state ) : <EOL> self . _rating_state = rating_state <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> class RatingNumericalCanvas ( RatingNumerical ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , service_key , canvas_key ) : <EOL> RatingNumerical . __init__ ( self , parent , service_key ) <EOL> self . _canvas_key = canvas_key <EOL> self . _current_media = None <EOL> self . _rating_state = None <EOL> self . _rating = None <EOL> name = self . _service . GetName ( ) <EOL> self . SetToolTipString ( name ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> dc . SetBackground ( wx . Brush ( self . GetParent ( ) . GetBackgroundColour ( ) ) ) <EOL> dc . Clear ( ) <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> ( self . _rating_state , self . _rating ) = ClientRatings . GetNumericalStateFromMedia ( ( self . _current_media , ) , self . _service_key ) <EOL> ClientRatings . DrawNumerical ( dc , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , self . _service_key , self . _rating_state , self . _rating ) <EOL> self . _dirty = False <EOL> def EventLeftDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> rating = self . _GetRatingFromClickEvent ( event ) <EOL> if rating is not None : <EOL> content_update = HydrusData . ContentUpdate ( HC . CONTENT_TYPE_RATINGS , HC . CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD , ( rating , self . _hashes ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Write ( '<STR_LIT>' , { self . _service_key : ( content_update , ) } ) <EOL> def EventRightDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> rating = None <EOL> content_update = HydrusData . ContentUpdate ( HC . CONTENT_TYPE_RATINGS , HC . CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD , ( rating , self . _hashes ) ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . Write ( '<STR_LIT>' , { self . _service_key : ( content_update , ) } ) <EOL> def ProcessContentUpdates ( self , service_keys_to_content_updates ) : <EOL> if self . _current_media is not None : <EOL> for ( service_key , content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates . items ( ) : <EOL> for content_update in content_updates : <EOL> ( data_type , action , row ) = content_update . ToTuple ( ) <EOL> if data_type == HC . CONTENT_TYPE_RATINGS : <EOL> hashes = content_update . GetHashes ( ) <EOL> if len ( self . _hashes . intersection ( hashes ) ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> return <EOL> def SetDisplayMedia ( self , canvas_key , media ) : <EOL> if canvas_key == self . _canvas_key : <EOL> self . _current_media = media <EOL> if self . _current_media is None : <EOL> self . _hashes = set ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _hashes = self . _current_media . GetHashes ( ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> class RegexButton ( wx . Button ) : <EOL> ID_REGEX_WHITESPACE = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> ID_REGEX_NUMBER = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> ID_REGEX_ALPHANUMERIC = <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> ID_REGEX_ANY = <NUM_LIT:3> <EOL> ID_REGEX_BEGINNING = <NUM_LIT:4> <EOL> ID_REGEX_END = <NUM_LIT:5> <EOL> ID_REGEX_0_OR_MORE_GREEDY = <NUM_LIT:6> <EOL> ID_REGEX_1_OR_MORE_GREEDY = <NUM_LIT:7> <EOL> ID_REGEX_0_OR_1_GREEDY = <NUM_LIT:8> <EOL> ID_REGEX_0_OR_MORE_MINIMAL = <NUM_LIT:9> <EOL> ID_REGEX_1_OR_MORE_MINIMAL = <NUM_LIT:10> <EOL> ID_REGEX_0_OR_1_MINIMAL = <NUM_LIT:11> <EOL> ID_REGEX_EXACTLY_M = <NUM_LIT:12> <EOL> ID_REGEX_M_TO_N_GREEDY = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_M_TO_N_MINIMAL = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_LOOKAHEAD = <NUM_LIT:15> <EOL> ID_REGEX_NEGATIVE_LOOKAHEAD = <NUM_LIT:16> <EOL> ID_REGEX_LOOKBEHIND = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_NEGATIVE_LOOKBEHIND = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_NUMBER_WITHOUT_ZEROES = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_BACKSPACE = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_SET = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_NOT_SET = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_FILENAME = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_MANAGE_FAVOURITES = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ID_REGEX_FAVOURITES = range ( <NUM_LIT:100> , <NUM_LIT:200> ) <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent ) : <EOL> wx . Button . __init__ ( self , parent , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventButton ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MENU , self . EventMenu ) <EOL> def EventButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> menu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> submenu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_WHITESPACE , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_NUMBER , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_ALPHANUMERIC , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_ANY , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_BACKSPACE , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_BEGINNING , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_END , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_SET , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_NOT_SET , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_MORE_GREEDY , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_1_OR_MORE_GREEDY , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_1_GREEDY , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_MORE_MINIMAL , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_1_OR_MORE_MINIMAL , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_1_MINIMAL , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_EXACTLY_M , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_M_TO_N_GREEDY , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_M_TO_N_MINIMAL , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_LOOKAHEAD , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_NEGATIVE_LOOKAHEAD , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_LOOKBEHIND , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_NEGATIVE_LOOKBEHIND , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_NUMBER_WITHOUT_ZEROES , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_FILENAME , r'<STR_LIT>' + os . path . sep . encode ( '<STR_LIT>' ) + r'<STR_LIT>' + os . path . sep . encode ( '<STR_LIT>' ) + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . AppendMenu ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT>' , submenu ) <EOL> submenu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> submenu . Append ( self . ID_REGEX_MANAGE_FAVOURITES , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> submenu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> for ( index , ( regex_phrase , description ) ) in enumerate ( HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) : <EOL> menu_id = index + <NUM_LIT:100> <EOL> submenu . Append ( menu_id , description ) <EOL> menu . AppendMenu ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT>' , submenu ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . PopupMenu ( self , menu ) <EOL> def EventMenu ( self , event ) : <EOL> id = event . GetId ( ) <EOL> phrase = None <EOL> if id == self . ID_REGEX_WHITESPACE : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_NUMBER : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_ALPHANUMERIC : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_ANY : phrase = r'<STR_LIT:.>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_BACKSPACE : phrase = r'<STR_LIT:\\>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_BEGINNING : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_END : phrase = r'<STR_LIT:$>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_SET : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_NOT_SET : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_MORE_GREEDY : phrase = r'<STR_LIT:*>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_1_OR_MORE_GREEDY : phrase = r'<STR_LIT:+>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_1_GREEDY : phrase = r'<STR_LIT:?>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_MORE_MINIMAL : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_1_OR_MORE_MINIMAL : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_0_OR_1_MINIMAL : phrase = r'<STR_LIT:*>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_EXACTLY_M : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_M_TO_N_GREEDY : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_M_TO_N_MINIMAL : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_LOOKAHEAD : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_NEGATIVE_LOOKAHEAD : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_LOOKBEHIND : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_NEGATIVE_LOOKBEHIND : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_NUMBER_WITHOUT_ZEROES : phrase = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_FILENAME : phrase = '<STR_LIT>' + os . path . sep . encode ( '<STR_LIT>' ) + r'<STR_LIT>' + os . path . sep . encode ( '<STR_LIT>' ) + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif id == self . ID_REGEX_MANAGE_FAVOURITES : <EOL> import ClientGUIDialogsManage <EOL> with ClientGUIDialogsManage . DialogManageRegexFavourites ( self . GetTopLevelParent ( ) ) as dlg : <EOL> dlg . ShowModal ( ) <EOL> elif id in self . ID_REGEX_FAVOURITES : <EOL> index = id - <NUM_LIT:100> <EOL> ( phrase , description ) = HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ index ] <EOL> else : event . Skip ( ) <EOL> if phrase is not None : HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:text>' , phrase ) <EOL> class SaneListCtrl ( wx . ListCtrl , ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin , ColumnSorterMixin ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , height , columns , delete_key_callback = None , use_display_tuple_for_sort = False ) : <EOL> num_columns = len ( columns ) <EOL> wx . ListCtrl . __init__ ( self , parent , style = wx . LC_REPORT ) <EOL> ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin . __init__ ( self ) <EOL> ColumnSorterMixin . __init__ ( self , num_columns ) <EOL> self . itemDataMap = { } <EOL> self . _next_data_index = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> self . _use_display_tuple_for_sort = use_display_tuple_for_sort <EOL> self . _custom_client_data = { } <EOL> resize_column = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> for ( i , ( name , width ) ) in enumerate ( columns ) : <EOL> self . InsertColumn ( i , name , width = width ) <EOL> if width == - <NUM_LIT:1> : resize_column = i + <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> self . setResizeColumn ( resize_column ) <EOL> self . SetMinSize ( ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , height ) ) <EOL> self . _delete_key_callback = delete_key_callback <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_KEY_DOWN , self . EventKeyDown ) <EOL> def Append ( self , display_tuple , client_data ) : <EOL> index = wx . ListCtrl . Append ( self , display_tuple ) <EOL> self . SetItemData ( index , self . _next_data_index ) <EOL> if self . _use_display_tuple_for_sort : <EOL> self . itemDataMap [ self . _next_data_index ] = list ( display_tuple ) <EOL> self . _custom_client_data [ self . _next_data_index ] = client_data <EOL> else : <EOL> self . itemDataMap [ self . _next_data_index ] = list ( client_data ) <EOL> self . _next_data_index += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> def EventKeyDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if event . KeyCode in CC . DELETE_KEYS : <EOL> if self . _delete_key_callback is not None : self . _delete_key_callback ( ) <EOL> else : event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def GetAllSelected ( self ) : <EOL> indices = [ ] <EOL> i = self . GetFirstSelected ( ) <EOL> while i != - <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> indices . append ( i ) <EOL> i = self . GetNextSelected ( i ) <EOL> return indices <EOL> def GetClientData ( self , index = None ) : <EOL> if index is None : <EOL> data_indicies = [ self . GetItemData ( index ) for index in range ( self . GetItemCount ( ) ) ] <EOL> if self . _use_display_tuple_for_sort : <EOL> datas = [ self . _custom_client_data [ data_index ] for data_index in data_indicies ] <EOL> else : <EOL> datas = [ tuple ( self . itemDataMap [ data_index ] ) for data_index in data_indicies ] <EOL> return datas <EOL> else : <EOL> data_index = self . GetItemData ( index ) <EOL> if self . _use_display_tuple_for_sort : <EOL> return self . _custom_client_data [ data_index ] <EOL> else : <EOL> return tuple ( self . itemDataMap [ data_index ] ) <EOL> def GetIndexFromClientData ( self , data , column_index = None ) : <EOL> for index in range ( self . GetItemCount ( ) ) : <EOL> client_data = self . GetClientData ( index ) <EOL> if column_index is None : <EOL> comparison_data = client_data <EOL> else : <EOL> comparison_data = client_data [ column_index ] <EOL> if comparison_data == data : return index <EOL> raise HydrusExceptions . DataMissing ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def HasClientData ( self , data , column_index = None ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> index = self . GetIndexFromClientData ( data , column_index ) <EOL> return True <EOL> except HydrusExceptions . DataMissing : <EOL> return False <EOL> def GetListCtrl ( self ) : return self <EOL> def GetSelectedClientData ( self ) : <EOL> indices = self . GetAllSelected ( ) <EOL> results = [ ] <EOL> for index in indices : <EOL> results . append ( self . GetClientData ( index ) ) <EOL> return results <EOL> def RemoveAllSelected ( self ) : <EOL> indices = self . GetAllSelected ( ) <EOL> indices . reverse ( ) <EOL> for index in indices : self . DeleteItem ( index ) <EOL> def UpdateValue ( self , index , column , display_value , data_value ) : <EOL> self . SetStringItem ( index , column , display_value ) <EOL> data_index = self . GetItemData ( index ) <EOL> self . itemDataMap [ data_index ] [ column ] = data_value <EOL> def UpdateRow ( self , index , display_tuple , client_data ) : <EOL> column = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> for value in display_tuple : <EOL> self . SetStringItem ( index , column , value ) <EOL> column += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> data_index = self . GetItemData ( index ) <EOL> if self . _use_display_tuple_for_sort : <EOL> self . itemDataMap [ data_index ] = list ( display_tuple ) <EOL> self . _custom_client_data [ data_index ] = client_data <EOL> else : <EOL> self . itemDataMap [ data_index ] = list ( client_data ) <EOL> class SeedCacheControl ( SaneListCtrl ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , seed_cache ) : <EOL> height = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> columns = [ ( '<STR_LIT:source>' , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) , ( '<STR_LIT:status>' , <NUM_LIT> ) , ( '<STR_LIT>' , <NUM_LIT> ) , ( '<STR_LIT>' , <NUM_LIT> ) , ( '<STR_LIT>' , <NUM_LIT:200> ) ] <EOL> SaneListCtrl . __init__ ( self , parent , height , columns ) <EOL> self . _seed_cache = seed_cache <EOL> for info_tuple in self . _seed_cache . GetSeedsWithInfo ( ) : <EOL> self . _AddSeed ( info_tuple ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_MENU , self . EventMenu ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_RIGHT_DOWN , self . EventShowMenu ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def _AddSeed ( self , info_tuple ) : <EOL> pretty_tuple = self . _GetPrettyTuple ( info_tuple ) <EOL> self . Append ( pretty_tuple , info_tuple ) <EOL> def _GetPrettyTuple ( self , info_tuple ) : <EOL> ( seed , status , added_timestamp , last_modified_timestamp , note ) = info_tuple <EOL> pretty_seed = HydrusData . ToUnicode ( seed ) <EOL> pretty_status = CC . status_string_lookup [ status ] <EOL> pretty_added = HydrusData . ConvertTimestampToPrettyAgo ( added_timestamp ) <EOL> pretty_modified = HydrusData . ConvertTimestampToPrettyAgo ( last_modified_timestamp ) <EOL> pretty_note = note <EOL> return ( pretty_seed , pretty_status , pretty_added , pretty_modified , pretty_note ) <EOL> def _CopySelectedNotes ( self ) : <EOL> notes = [ ] <EOL> for ( seed , status , added_timestamp , last_modified_timestamp , note ) in self . GetSelectedClientData ( ) : <EOL> if note != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> notes . append ( note ) <EOL> if len ( notes ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> separator = os . linesep * <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> text = separator . join ( notes ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:text>' , text ) <EOL> def _CopySelectedSeeds ( self ) : <EOL> seeds = [ seed for ( seed , status , added_timestamp , last_modified_timestamp , note ) in self . GetSelectedClientData ( ) ] <EOL> if len ( seeds ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> separator = os . linesep * <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> text = separator . join ( seeds ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . pub ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:text>' , text ) <EOL> def _SetSelected ( self , status_to_set ) : <EOL> seeds_to_reset = set ( ) <EOL> for ( seed , status , added_timestamp , last_modified_timestamp , note ) in self . GetSelectedClientData ( ) : <EOL> if status != status_to_set : <EOL> seeds_to_reset . add ( seed ) <EOL> for seed in seeds_to_reset : <EOL> self . _seed_cache . UpdateSeedStatus ( seed , status_to_set ) <EOL> def EventMenu ( self , event ) : <EOL> action = ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetAction ( event . GetId ( ) ) <EOL> if action is not None : <EOL> ( command , data ) = action <EOL> if command == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _CopySelectedNotes ( ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _CopySelectedSeeds ( ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _SetSelected ( CC . STATUS_UNKNOWN ) <EOL> elif command == '<STR_LIT>' : self . _SetSelected ( CC . STATUS_SKIPPED ) <EOL> else : event . Skip ( ) <EOL> def EventShowMenu ( self , event ) : <EOL> menu = wx . Menu ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . AppendSeparator ( ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> menu . Append ( ClientCaches . MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE . GetTemporaryId ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . PopupMenu ( self , menu ) <EOL> def NotifySeedAdded ( self , seed ) : <EOL> if self . _seed_cache . HasSeed ( seed ) : <EOL> info_tuple = self . _seed_cache <EOL> def NotifySeedUpdated ( self , seed ) : <EOL> if self . _seed_cache . HasSeed ( seed ) : <EOL> info_tuple = self . _seed_cache . GetSeedInfo ( seed ) <EOL> if self . HasClientData ( seed , <NUM_LIT:0> ) : <EOL> index = self . GetIndexFromClientData ( seed , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> pretty_tuple = self . _GetPrettyTuple ( info_tuple ) <EOL> self . UpdateRow ( index , pretty_tuple , info_tuple ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _AddSeed ( info_tuple ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if self . HasClientData ( seed , <NUM_LIT:0> ) : <EOL> index = self . GetIndexFromClientData ( seed , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> self . DeleteItem ( index ) <EOL> class Shortcut ( wx . TextCtrl ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , modifier = wx . ACCEL_NORMAL , key = wx . WXK_F7 ) : <EOL> self . _modifier = modifier <EOL> self . _key = key <EOL> wx . TextCtrl . __init__ ( self , parent , style = wx . TE_PROCESS_ENTER ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_KEY_DOWN , self . EventKeyDown ) <EOL> self . _SetShortcutString ( ) <EOL> def _SetShortcutString ( self ) : <EOL> display_string = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if self . _modifier == wx . ACCEL_ALT : display_string += '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif self . _modifier == wx . ACCEL_CTRL : display_string += '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif self . _modifier == wx . ACCEL_SHIFT : display_string += '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> if self . _key in range ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) : display_string += chr ( self . _key + <NUM_LIT:32> ) <EOL> elif self . _key in range ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) : display_string += chr ( self . _key ) <EOL> else : display_string += CC . wxk_code_string_lookup [ self . _key ] <EOL> wx . TextCtrl . SetValue ( self , display_string ) <EOL> def EventKeyDown ( self , event ) : <EOL> if event . KeyCode in range ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) or event . KeyCode in CC . wxk_code_string_lookup . keys ( ) : <EOL> modifier = wx . ACCEL_NORMAL <EOL> if event . AltDown ( ) : modifier = wx . ACCEL_ALT <EOL> elif event . CmdDown ( ) : modifier = wx . ACCEL_CTRL <EOL> elif event . ShiftDown ( ) : modifier = wx . ACCEL_SHIFT <EOL> ( self . _modifier , self . _key ) = ClientData . GetShortcutFromEvent ( event ) <EOL> self . _SetShortcutString ( ) <EOL> def GetValue ( self ) : return ( self . _modifier , self . _key ) <EOL> def SetValue ( self , modifier , key ) : <EOL> ( self . _modifier , self . _key ) = ( modifier , key ) <EOL> self . _SetShortcutString ( ) <EOL> class StaticBox ( wx . Panel ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , title ) : <EOL> wx . Panel . __init__ ( self , parent , style = wx . BORDER_DOUBLE ) <EOL> self . SetBackgroundColour ( wx . SystemSettings . GetColour ( wx . SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) <EOL> self . _sizer = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> normal_font = wx . SystemSettings . GetFont ( wx . SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) <EOL> normal_font_size = normal_font . GetPointSize ( ) <EOL> normal_font_family = normal_font . GetFamily ( ) <EOL> title_font = wx . Font ( int ( normal_font_size ) , normal_font_family , wx . FONTSTYLE_NORMAL , wx . FONTWEIGHT_BOLD ) <EOL> title_text = wx . StaticText ( self , label = title , style = wx . ALIGN_CENTER ) <EOL> title_text . SetFont ( title_font ) <EOL> self . _sizer . AddF ( title_text , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( self . _sizer ) <EOL> def AddF ( self , widget , flags ) : self . _sizer . AddF ( widget , flags ) <EOL> class StaticBoxSorterForListBoxTags ( StaticBox ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , title ) : <EOL> StaticBox . __init__ ( self , parent , title ) <EOL> self . _sorter = wx . Choice ( self ) <EOL> self . _sorter . Append ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_ASC ) <EOL> self . _sorter . Append ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_DESC ) <EOL> self . _sorter . Append ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_NAMESPACE_ASC ) <EOL> self . _sorter . Append ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_NAMESPACE_DESC ) <EOL> self . _sorter . Append ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_DESC ) <EOL> self . _sorter . Append ( '<STR_LIT>' , CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_ASC ) <EOL> if HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] == CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_ASC : self . _sorter . Select ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> elif HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] == CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_DESC : self . _sorter . Select ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> elif HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] == CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_NAMESPACE_ASC : self . _sorter . Select ( <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> elif HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] == CC . SORT_BY_LEXICOGRAPHIC_NAMESPACE_DESC : self . _sorter . Select ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) <EOL> elif HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] == CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_DESC : self . _sorter . Select ( <NUM_LIT:4> ) <EOL> elif HC . options [ '<STR_LIT>' ] == CC . SORT_BY_INCIDENCE_ASC : self . _sorter . Select ( <NUM_LIT:5> ) <EOL> self . _sorter . Bind ( wx . EVT_CHOICE , self . EventSort ) <EOL> self . AddF ( self . _sorter , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> def ChangeTagService ( self , service_key ) : self . _tags_box . ChangeTagService ( service_key ) <EOL> def EventSort ( self , event ) : <EOL> selection = self . _sorter . GetSelection ( ) <EOL> if selection != wx . NOT_FOUND : <EOL> sort = self . _sorter . GetClientData ( selection ) <EOL> self . _tags_box . SetSort ( sort ) <EOL> def SetTagsBox ( self , tags_box ) : <EOL> self . _tags_box = tags_box <EOL> self . AddF ( self . _tags_box , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> def SetTagsByMedia ( self , media , force_reload = False ) : <EOL> self . _tags_box . SetTagsByMedia ( media , force_reload = force_reload ) <EOL> class TimeDeltaButton ( wx . Button ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , min = <NUM_LIT:1> , days = False , hours = False , minutes = False , seconds = False ) : <EOL> wx . Button . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _min = min <EOL> self . _show_days = days <EOL> self . _show_hours = hours <EOL> self . _show_minutes = minutes <EOL> self . _show_seconds = seconds <EOL> self . _value = self . _min <EOL> self . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventButton ) <EOL> def _RefreshLabel ( self ) : <EOL> text_components = [ ] <EOL> value = self . _value <EOL> if self . _show_days : <EOL> days = value / <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if days > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> text_components . append ( HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( days ) + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> value %= <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_hours : <EOL> hours = value / <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if hours > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> text_components . append ( HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( hours ) + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> value %= <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_minutes : <EOL> minutes = value / <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if minutes > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> text_components . append ( HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( minutes ) + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> value %= <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_seconds : <EOL> if value > <NUM_LIT:0> or len ( text_components ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> text_components . append ( HydrusData . ConvertIntToPrettyString ( value ) + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> text = '<STR_LIT:U+0020>' . join ( text_components ) <EOL> self . SetLabelText ( text ) <EOL> def EventButton ( self , event ) : <EOL> import ClientGUIDialogs <EOL> with ClientGUIDialogs . DialogInputTimeDelta ( self , self . _value , min = self . _min , days = self . _show_days , hours = self . _show_hours , minutes = self . _show_minutes , seconds = self . _show_seconds ) as dlg : <EOL> if dlg . ShowModal ( ) == wx . ID_OK : <EOL> value = dlg . GetValue ( ) <EOL> self . SetValue ( value ) <EOL> def GetValue ( self ) : <EOL> return self . _value <EOL> def SetValue ( self , value ) : <EOL> self . _value = value <EOL> self . _RefreshLabel ( ) <EOL> self . GetParent ( ) . Layout ( ) <EOL> class TimeDeltaCtrl ( wx . Panel ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , min = <NUM_LIT:1> , days = False , hours = False , minutes = False , seconds = False ) : <EOL> wx . Panel . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _min = min <EOL> self . _show_days = days <EOL> self . _show_hours = hours <EOL> self . _show_minutes = minutes <EOL> self . _show_seconds = seconds <EOL> hbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . HORIZONTAL ) <EOL> if self . _show_days : <EOL> self . _days = wx . SpinCtrl ( self , min = <NUM_LIT:0> , max = <NUM_LIT> , size = ( <NUM_LIT:50> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _days . Bind ( wx . EVT_SPINCTRL , self . EventSpin ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _days , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( wx . StaticText ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> if self . _show_hours : <EOL> self . _hours = wx . SpinCtrl ( self , min = <NUM_LIT:0> , max = <NUM_LIT> , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _hours . Bind ( wx . EVT_SPINCTRL , self . EventSpin ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _hours , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( wx . StaticText ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> if self . _show_minutes : <EOL> self . _minutes = wx . SpinCtrl ( self , min = <NUM_LIT:0> , max = <NUM_LIT> , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _minutes . Bind ( wx . EVT_SPINCTRL , self . EventSpin ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _minutes , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( wx . StaticText ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> if self . _show_seconds : <EOL> self . _seconds = wx . SpinCtrl ( self , min = <NUM_LIT:0> , max = <NUM_LIT> , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . _seconds . Bind ( wx . EVT_SPINCTRL , self . EventSpin ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( self . _seconds , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> hbox . AddF ( wx . StaticText ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) , CC . FLAGS_MIXED ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( hbox ) <EOL> def EventSpin ( self , event ) : <EOL> value = self . GetValue ( ) <EOL> if value < self . _min : <EOL> self . SetValue ( self . _min ) <EOL> wx . PostEvent ( self , event ) <EOL> def GetValue ( self ) : <EOL> value = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> if self . _show_days : <EOL> value += self . _days . GetValue ( ) * <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_hours : <EOL> value += self . _hours . GetValue ( ) * <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_minutes : <EOL> value += self . _minutes . GetValue ( ) * <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_seconds : <EOL> value += self . _seconds . GetValue ( ) <EOL> return value <EOL> def SetValue ( self , value ) : <EOL> if value < self . _min : <EOL> value = self . _min <EOL> if self . _show_days : <EOL> self . _days . SetValue ( value / <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> value %= <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_hours : <EOL> self . _hours . SetValue ( value / <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> value %= <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_minutes : <EOL> self . _minutes . SetValue ( value / <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> value %= <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if self . _show_seconds : <EOL> self . _seconds . SetValue ( value ) <EOL> class RadioBox ( StaticBox ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , title , choice_pairs , initial_index = None ) : <EOL> StaticBox . __init__ ( self , parent , title ) <EOL> self . _indices_to_radio_buttons = { } <EOL> self . _radio_buttons_to_data = { } <EOL> first_button = True <EOL> for ( index , ( text , data ) ) in enumerate ( choice_pairs ) : <EOL> if first_button : <EOL> style = wx . RB_GROUP <EOL> first_button = False <EOL> else : style = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> radio_button = wx . RadioButton ( self , label = text , style = style ) <EOL> self . AddF ( radio_button , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) <EOL> self . _indices_to_radio_buttons [ index ] = radio_button <EOL> self . _radio_buttons_to_data [ radio_button ] = data <EOL> if initial_index is not None and initial_index in self . _indices_to_radio_buttons : self . _indices_to_radio_buttons [ initial_index ] . SetValue ( True ) <EOL> def GetSelectedClientData ( self ) : <EOL> for radio_button in self . _radio_buttons_to_data . keys ( ) : <EOL> if radio_button . GetValue ( ) == True : return self . _radio_buttons_to_data [ radio_button ] <EOL> def SetSelection ( self , index ) : self . _indices_to_radio_buttons [ index ] . SetValue ( True ) <EOL> def SetString ( self , index , text ) : self . _indices_to_radio_buttons [ index ] . SetLabelText ( text ) <EOL> class ShowKeys ( Frame ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , key_type , keys ) : <EOL> if key_type == '<STR_LIT>' : title = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> elif key_type == '<STR_LIT>' : title = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> Frame . __init__ ( self , None , title = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . PrepStringForDisplay ( title ) ) <EOL> self . _key_type = key_type <EOL> self . _keys = keys <EOL> self . _text_ctrl = wx . TextCtrl ( self , style = wx . TE_MULTILINE | wx . TE_READONLY | wx . TE_DONTWRAP ) <EOL> self . _save_to_file = wx . Button ( self , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _save_to_file . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventSaveToFile ) <EOL> self . _done = wx . Button ( self , id = wx . ID_OK , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _done . Bind ( wx . EVT_BUTTON , self . EventDone ) <EOL> if key_type == '<STR_LIT>' : prepend = '<STR_LIT:r>' <EOL> else : prepend = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . _text = os . linesep . join ( [ prepend + key . encode ( '<STR_LIT>' ) for key in self . _keys ] ) <EOL> self . _text_ctrl . SetValue ( self . _text ) <EOL> vbox = wx . BoxSizer ( wx . VERTICAL ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _text_ctrl , CC . FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _save_to_file , CC . FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON ) <EOL> vbox . AddF ( self . _done , CC . FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON ) <EOL> self . SetSizer ( vbox ) <EOL> ( x , y ) = self . GetEffectiveMinSize ( ) <EOL> if x < <NUM_LIT> : x = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if y < <NUM_LIT:200> : y = <NUM_LIT:200> <EOL> self . SetInitialSize ( ( x , y ) ) <EOL> self . Show ( True ) <EOL> def EventDone ( self , event ) : self . Close ( ) <EOL> def EventSaveToFile ( self , event ) : <EOL> filename = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> with wx . FileDialog ( None , style = wx . FD_SAVE , defaultFile = filename ) as dlg : <EOL> if dlg . ShowModal ( ) == wx . ID_OK : <EOL> path = HydrusData . ToUnicode ( dlg . GetPath ( ) ) <EOL> with open ( path , '<STR_LIT:wb>' ) as f : f . write ( HydrusData . ToByteString ( self . _text ) ) <EOL> class WaitingPolitelyStaticText ( wx . StaticText ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key ) : <EOL> wx . StaticText . __init__ ( self , parent , label = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> self . _waiting = False <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . SetWaitingPolitely ( self . _page_key , False ) <EOL> def SetWaitingPolitely ( self , page_key , value ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : <EOL> self . _waiting = value <EOL> if self . _waiting : <EOL> self . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . SetToolTipString ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . SetLabelText ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . SetToolTipString ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> class WaitingPolitelyTrafficLight ( BufferedWindow ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent , page_key ) : <EOL> BufferedWindow . __init__ ( self , parent , size = ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) ) <EOL> self . _page_key = page_key <EOL> self . _waiting = False <EOL> HydrusGlobals . client_controller . sub ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . SetWaitingPolitely ( self . _page_key , False ) <EOL> def _Draw ( self , dc ) : <EOL> dc . SetBackground ( wx . Brush ( wx . SystemSettings . GetColour ( wx . SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) ) <EOL> dc . Clear ( ) <EOL> if self . _waiting : <EOL> dc . SetBrush ( wx . Brush ( wx . Colour ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> dc . SetBrush ( wx . Brush ( wx . Colour ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) ) ) <EOL> dc . SetPen ( wx . BLACK_PEN ) <EOL> dc . DrawCircle ( <NUM_LIT:9> , <NUM_LIT:9> , <NUM_LIT:7> ) <EOL> def SetWaitingPolitely ( self , page_key , value ) : <EOL> if page_key == self . _page_key : <EOL> self . _waiting = value <EOL> if self . _waiting : <EOL> self . SetToolTipString ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . SetToolTipString ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _dirty = True <EOL> self . Refresh ( ) <EOL> def GetWaitingPolitelyControl ( parent , page_key ) : <EOL> new_options = HydrusGlobals . client_controller . GetNewOptions ( ) <EOL> if new_options . GetBoolean ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> return WaitingPolitelyStaticText ( parent , page_key ) <EOL> else : <EOL> return WaitingPolitelyTrafficLight ( parent , page_key ) </s>
<s> import sys <EOL> from struct import unpack <EOL> SINT , UINT , FLOAT , STRING , UTF8 , DATE , MASTER , BINARY = range ( <NUM_LIT:8> ) <EOL> class EbmlException ( Exception ) : pass <EOL> class BinaryData ( str ) : pass <EOL> class UnknownData : pass <EOL> class Ebml : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , location , tags ) : <EOL> self . tags = tags <EOL> self . open ( location ) <EOL> def __del__ ( self ) : <EOL> self . close ( ) <EOL> def open ( self , location ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> self . file = f = open ( location , '<STR_LIT:rb>' ) <EOL> f = self . file <EOL> f . seek ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> self . size = f . tell ( ) <EOL> f . seek ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> def seek ( self , offset , mode ) : <EOL> self . file . seek ( offset , mode ) <EOL> def tell ( self ) : <EOL> return self . file . tell ( ) <EOL> def read ( self , length ) : <EOL> return self . file . read ( length ) <EOL> def close ( self ) : <EOL> self . file . close ( ) <EOL> def readSize ( self ) : <EOL> b1 = self . read ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> b1b = ord ( b1 ) <EOL> if b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return b1b & <NUM_LIT> <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" + chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:2> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:4> ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:5> ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" + chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:6> ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:7> ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> else : <EOL> raise EbmlException ( <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" % b1b ) <EOL> def readInteger ( self , length ) : <EOL> if length == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> return ord ( self . read ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , self . read ( <NUM_LIT:2> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:3> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:4> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , self . read ( <NUM_LIT:4> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:5> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , self . read ( <NUM_LIT:5> ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:6> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , self . read ( <NUM_LIT:6> ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:7> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" + ( self . read ( <NUM_LIT:7> ) ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:8> : <EOL> high , low = unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , self . read ( <NUM_LIT:8> ) ) <EOL> return high * <NUM_LIT> + low <EOL> else : <EOL> raise EbmlException ( <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" % length ) <EOL> def readFloat ( self , length ) : <EOL> if length == <NUM_LIT:4> : <EOL> return unpack ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . read ( <NUM_LIT:4> ) [ : : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:8> : <EOL> return unpack ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . read ( <NUM_LIT:8> ) [ : : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif length == <NUM_LIT:10> : <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : <EOL> raise EbmlException ( "<STR_LIT>" % length ) <EOL> def readID ( self ) : <EOL> b1 = self . read ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> b1b = ord ( b1 ) <EOL> if b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return b1b & <NUM_LIT> <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" + chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:2> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> elif b1b & <NUM_LIT> : <EOL> return unpack ( "<STR_LIT>" , chr ( <NUM_LIT> ^ b1b ) + self . read ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> else : <EOL> raise EbmlException ( <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" % b1b ) <EOL> def parse ( self , from_ = <NUM_LIT:0> , to = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if to is None : <EOL> to = self . size <EOL> self . seek ( from_ , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> node = { } <EOL> while self . tell ( ) < to : <EOL> try : <EOL> id = self . readID ( ) <EOL> except EbmlException , e : <EOL> print >> sys . stderr , "<STR_LIT>" , e <EOL> return node <EOL> size = self . readSize ( ) <EOL> try : <EOL> key , type_ = self . tags [ id ] <EOL> except KeyError : <EOL> self . seek ( size , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> try : <EOL> if type_ is MASTER : <EOL> tell = self . tell ( ) <EOL> value = self . parse ( tell , tell + size ) <EOL> elif type_ in ( SINT , UINT , DATE ) : <EOL> value = self . readInteger ( size ) <EOL> elif type_ is FLOAT : <EOL> value = self . readFloat ( size ) <EOL> elif type_ is STRING : <EOL> value = unicode ( self . read ( size ) , '<STR_LIT:ascii>' ) <EOL> elif type_ is UTF8 : <EOL> value = unicode ( self . read ( size ) , '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) <EOL> elif type_ is BINARY : <EOL> value = BinaryData ( self . read ( size ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> assert False <EOL> except ( EbmlException , UnicodeDecodeError ) , e : <EOL> print >> sys . stderr , "<STR_LIT>" , e <EOL> try : <EOL> parentval = node [ key ] <EOL> except KeyError : <EOL> parentval = node [ key ] = [ ] <EOL> parentval . append ( value ) <EOL> return node <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> MatroskaTags = { <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , FLOAT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , DATE ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , FLOAT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , SINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT:Name>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , BINARY ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , BINARY ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , MASTER ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , STRING ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UINT ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , UTF8 ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , BINARY ) , <EOL> } <EOL> def parse ( location ) : <EOL> return Ebml ( location , MatroskaTags ) . parse ( ) <EOL> def dump ( location ) : <EOL> from pprint import pprint <EOL> pprint ( parse ( location ) ) <EOL> def dump_tags ( location ) : <EOL> from pprint import pprint <EOL> mka = parse ( location ) <EOL> segment = mka [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> info = segment [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> length = info [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] * info [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] / <NUM_LIT> <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" % length <EOL> pprint ( segment [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> if __name__ == '<STR_LIT:__main__>' : <EOL> import sys <EOL> location = sys . argv [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> if sys . platform == '<STR_LIT:win32>' and '<STR_LIT>' not in location : <EOL> location = location . decode ( sys . getfilesystemencoding ( ) ) . encode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) <EOL> dump_tags ( location ) </s>
<s> from rply import LexerGenerator <EOL> lg = LexerGenerator ( ) <EOL> end_quote = r'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' % end_quote ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' % end_quote ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' % end_quote ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' % end_quote ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> partial_string = r'''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' % partial_string ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , partial_string ) <EOL> lg . add ( '<STR_LIT>' , r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . ignore ( r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lg . ignore ( r'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> lexer = lg . build ( ) </s>
<s> from hy . models . cons import HyCons <EOL> def test_cons_slicing ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cons = HyCons ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> assert cons [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> assert cons [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] == "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> try : <EOL> cons [ : ] <EOL> assert True is False <EOL> except IndexError : <EOL> pass <EOL> try : <EOL> cons [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> assert True is False <EOL> except IndexError : <EOL> pass <EOL> def test_cons_replacing ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cons = HyCons ( "<STR_LIT:foo>" , "<STR_LIT:bar>" ) <EOL> cons [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> assert cons == HyCons ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT:bar>" ) <EOL> cons [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> assert cons == HyCons ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> try : <EOL> cons [ : ] = "<STR_LIT:foo>" <EOL> assert True is False <EOL> except IndexError : <EOL> pass </s>
<s> import os <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> import matplotlib . pyplot as plt <EOL> from hyperion . model import ModelOutput <EOL> from hyperion . util . constants import pc <EOL> if not os . path . exists ( '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> os . mkdir ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> m = ModelOutput ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> image = m . get_image ( distance = <NUM_LIT> * pc , units = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> for iview in range ( image . val . shape [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> fig = plt . figure ( figsize = ( <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) <EOL> ax = fig . add_subplot ( <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> ax . imshow ( np . sqrt ( image . val [ iview , : , : , <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) , vmin = <NUM_LIT:0> , vmax = np . sqrt ( <NUM_LIT> ) , <EOL> cmap = plt . cm . gist_heat , origin = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> fig . savefig ( '<STR_LIT>' % iview , <EOL> facecolor = '<STR_LIT>' , edgecolor = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> plt . close ( fig ) </s>
<s> from __future__ import print_function , division <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> from astropy import log as logger <EOL> from . . dust import SphericalDust <EOL> from . . grid import SphericalPolarGrid , CylindricalPolarGrid <EOL> from . . util . constants import pi <EOL> from . . util . convenience import OptThinRadius <EOL> from . . util . integrate import integrate_powerlaw <EOL> from . . util . validator import validate_scalar <EOL> from . core import Envelope <EOL> from . bipolar_cavity import BipolarCavity <EOL> class PowerLawEnvelope ( Envelope ) : <EOL> r'''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> def __init__ ( self ) : <EOL> self . rmin = None <EOL> self . rmax = None <EOL> self . power = None <EOL> self . r_0 = None <EOL> self . rho_0 = None <EOL> self . mass = None <EOL> self . cavity = None <EOL> self . star = None <EOL> self . dust = None <EOL> self . _freeze ( ) <EOL> @ property <EOL> def rmin ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> if isinstance ( self . _rmin , OptThinRadius ) : <EOL> return self . _rmin . evaluate ( self . star , self . dust ) <EOL> else : <EOL> return self . _rmin <EOL> @ rmin . setter <EOL> def rmin ( self , value ) : <EOL> if not isinstance ( value , OptThinRadius ) and value is not None : <EOL> validate_scalar ( '<STR_LIT>' , value , domain = '<STR_LIT>' , extra = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _rmin = value <EOL> @ property <EOL> def rmax ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> if isinstance ( self . _rmax , OptThinRadius ) : <EOL> return self . _rmax . evaluate ( self . star , self . dust ) <EOL> else : <EOL> return self . _rmax <EOL> @ rmax . setter <EOL> def rmax ( self , value ) : <EOL> if not isinstance ( value , OptThinRadius ) and value is not None : <EOL> validate_scalar ( '<STR_LIT>' , value , domain = '<STR_LIT>' , extra = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _rmax = value <EOL> @ property <EOL> def power ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> return self . _power <EOL> @ power . setter <EOL> def power ( self , value ) : <EOL> if value is not None : <EOL> validate_scalar ( '<STR_LIT>' , value , domain = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _power = value <EOL> @ property <EOL> def r_0 ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> return self . _r_0 <EOL> @ r_0 . setter <EOL> def r_0 ( self , value ) : <EOL> if value is not None : <EOL> validate_scalar ( '<STR_LIT>' , value , domain = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . _r_0 = value <EOL> @ property <EOL> def mass ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> if self . _mass is not None : <EOL> return self . _mass <EOL> elif self . _rho_0 is None : <EOL> return None <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _check_all_set ( ) <EOL> alpha = <NUM_LIT> + self . power <EOL> mass = self . rho_0 / alpha * ( <NUM_LIT> * pi * ( self . rmax ** alpha - self . rmin ** alpha ) / self . r_0 ** self . power ) <EOL> return mass <EOL> @ mass . setter <EOL> def mass ( self , value ) : <EOL> if value is not None : <EOL> validate_scalar ( '<STR_LIT>' , value , domain = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _rho_0 is not None : <EOL> logger . warn ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . _rho_0 = None <EOL> self . _mass = value <EOL> @ property <EOL> def rho_0 ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> if self . _rho_0 is not None : <EOL> return self . _rho_0 <EOL> elif self . _mass is None : <EOL> return None <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _check_all_set ( ) <EOL> alpha = <NUM_LIT> + self . power <EOL> rho_0 = self . mass * alpha / ( <NUM_LIT> * pi * ( self . rmax ** alpha - self . rmin ** alpha ) / self . r_0 ** self . power ) <EOL> return rho_0 <EOL> @ rho_0 . setter <EOL> def rho_0 ( self , value ) : <EOL> if value is not None : <EOL> validate_scalar ( '<STR_LIT>' , value , domain = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if self . _mass is not None : <EOL> logger . warn ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . _mass = None <EOL> self . _rho_0 = value <EOL> @ property <EOL> def cavity ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> return self . _cavity <EOL> @ cavity . setter <EOL> def cavity ( self , value ) : <EOL> if value is None : <EOL> self . _cavity = None <EOL> else : <EOL> if not isinstance ( value , BipolarCavity ) : <EOL> raise ValueError ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . _cavity = value <EOL> self . _cavity . _envelope = self <EOL> @ property <EOL> def dust ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> return self . _dust <EOL> @ dust . setter <EOL> def dust ( self , value ) : <EOL> if isinstance ( value , basestring ) : <EOL> self . _dust = SphericalDust ( value ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . _dust = value <EOL> def _check_all_set ( self ) : <EOL> if self . r_0 is None : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if self . rmin is None : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if self . rmax is None : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if self . power is None : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if isinstance ( self . rmin , OptThinRadius ) : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if isinstance ( self . rmax , OptThinRadius ) : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def exists ( self ) : <EOL> return self . rho_0 > <NUM_LIT:0.> <EOL> def density ( self , grid , ignore_cavity = False ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> if isinstance ( grid , SphericalPolarGrid ) : <EOL> r = grid . gr <EOL> elif isinstance ( grid , CylindricalPolarGrid ) : <EOL> r = np . hypot ( grid . gw , grid . gz ) <EOL> else : <EOL> raise TypeError ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . _check_all_set ( ) <EOL> if self . rmax <= self . rmin : <EOL> logger . warn ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> return np . zeros ( grid . shape ) <EOL> rho = self . rho_0 * ( r / self . r_0 ) ** self . power <EOL> rho [ r < self . rmin ] = <NUM_LIT:0.> <EOL> rho [ r > self . rmax ] = <NUM_LIT:0.> <EOL> if self . _rho_0 is None : <EOL> norm = self . mass / np . sum ( rho * grid . volumes ) <EOL> logger . info ( "<STR_LIT>" % norm ) <EOL> rho = rho * norm <EOL> if not ignore_cavity and self . cavity is not None : <EOL> mask = self . cavity . mask ( grid ) <EOL> rho [ ~ mask ] = <NUM_LIT:0.> <EOL> return rho <EOL> def outermost_radius ( self , rho ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> return self . r_0 * ( rho / self . rho_0 ) ** ( <NUM_LIT:1.> / self . power ) <EOL> def midplane_cumulative_density ( self , r ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> self . _check_all_set ( ) <EOL> if self . rmax <= self . rmin : <EOL> logger . warn ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> return np . zeros ( r . shape ) <EOL> return self . rho_0 * integrate_powerlaw ( self . rmin , r . clip ( self . rmin , self . rmax ) , self . power ) / self . r_0 ** self . power <EOL> def add_bipolar_cavity ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> if self . cavity is not None : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . cavity = BipolarCavity ( ) <EOL> return self . cavity </s>
<s> import os <EOL> import sys <EOL> from copy import deepcopy <EOL> from distutils . version import LooseVersion <EOL> import h5py <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> from astropy . tests . helper import pytest <EOL> from ... util . functions import random_id <EOL> from ... model import Model <EOL> from ... model . tests . test_helpers import get_realistic_test_dust <EOL> from . . import CartesianGrid , SphericalPolarGrid , CylindricalPolarGrid , AMRGrid , OctreeGrid <EOL> try : <EOL> import yt <EOL> except : <EOL> YT_VERSION = None <EOL> else : <EOL> if LooseVersion ( yt . __version__ ) >= LooseVersion ( '<STR_LIT:3>' ) : <EOL> YT_VERSION = <NUM_LIT:3> <EOL> else : <EOL> YT_VERSION = <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> DATA = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , '<STR_LIT:data>' ) <EOL> ALL_GRID_TYPES = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> @ pytest . mark . skipif ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> class TestToYt ( object ) : <EOL> def setup_method ( self , method ) : <EOL> self . grid = { } <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = CartesianGrid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , <EOL> [ - <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> ] , <EOL> [ - <NUM_LIT> , - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT> ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = CylindricalPolarGrid ( [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , <EOL> [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = SphericalPolarGrid ( [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:0.5> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , np . pi ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = AMRGrid ( ) <EOL> level = self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . add_level ( ) <EOL> grid = level . add_grid ( ) <EOL> grid . xmin , grid . xmax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . ymin , grid . ymax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . zmin , grid . zmax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . nx , grid . ny , grid . nz = <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:6> , <NUM_LIT:4> <EOL> refined = [ <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = OctreeGrid ( <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> np . array ( refined ) . astype ( bool ) ) <EOL> self . density = { } <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( ( <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( ( <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( ( <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:2> ) ) <EOL> amr_q = deepcopy ( self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> amr_q . levels [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] . grids [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] . quantities [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( ( <NUM_LIT:4> , <NUM_LIT:6> , <NUM_LIT:8> ) ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = amr_q [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( len ( refined ) ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , ALL_GRID_TYPES ) <EOL> def test_to_yt ( self , tmpdir , grid_type ) : <EOL> from yt . mods import ProjectionPlot <EOL> g = self . grid [ grid_type ] <EOL> g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = [ ] <EOL> g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . append ( self . density [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> pf = g . to_yt ( ) <EOL> p = ProjectionPlot ( pf , '<STR_LIT:x>' , [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , center = '<STR_LIT:c>' , origin = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> p . save ( tmpdir . join ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . strpath ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . skipif ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def test_from_yt ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> from yt import load <EOL> ds = load ( os . path . join ( DATA , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> def _dust_density ( field , data ) : <EOL> return data [ "<STR_LIT>" ] . in_units ( '<STR_LIT>' ) * <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ds . add_field ( ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) , function = _dust_density , units = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> amr = AMRGrid . from_yt ( ds , quantity_mapping = { '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) } ) <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_amr_grid ( amr ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( amr [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , get_realistic_test_dust ( ) ) <EOL> s = m . add_point_source ( ) <EOL> s . luminosity = <NUM_LIT:1000> <EOL> s . temperature = <NUM_LIT:1000> <EOL> m . set_n_initial_iterations ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> m . set_propagation_check_frequency ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> m . set_copy_input ( False ) <EOL> input_file = tmpdir . join ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . strpath <EOL> output_file = tmpdir . join ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . strpath <EOL> m . write ( input_file ) <EOL> m . run ( output_file ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . skipif ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def test_axis_ordering_cartesian ( ) : <EOL> from . yt_compat import get_frb <EOL> x = np . linspace ( - <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:9> ) <EOL> y = np . linspace ( - <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> z = np . linspace ( - <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> density = np . arange ( <NUM_LIT:32> ) [ : , None , None ] * np . ones ( ( <NUM_LIT:32> , <NUM_LIT:16> , <NUM_LIT:8> ) ) <EOL> g = CartesianGrid ( x , y , z ) <EOL> g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = [ ] <EOL> g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . append ( density ) <EOL> from yt . mods import ProjectionPlot , SlicePlot <EOL> pf = g . to_yt ( ) <EOL> for iz , z in enumerate ( g . z ) : <EOL> prj = SlicePlot ( pf , '<STR_LIT:z>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , center = [ <NUM_LIT:0.0> , <NUM_LIT:0.0> , z ] ) <EOL> np . testing . assert_allclose ( get_frb ( prj , '<STR_LIT>' ) . min ( ) , iz ) <EOL> np . testing . assert_allclose ( get_frb ( prj , '<STR_LIT>' ) . max ( ) , iz ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . skipif ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def test_axis_ordering_amr ( ) : <EOL> from . yt_compat import get_frb <EOL> g = AMRGrid ( ) <EOL> level = g . add_level ( ) <EOL> grid = level . add_grid ( ) <EOL> grid . xmin , grid . xmax = - <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> grid . ymin , grid . ymax = - <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> grid . zmin , grid . zmax = - <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:3> <EOL> grid . nx , grid . ny , grid . nz = <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:16> , <NUM_LIT:32> <EOL> grid . quantities [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = [ ] <EOL> grid . quantities [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . append ( np . arange ( grid . nz ) [ : , None , None ] * np . ones ( ( grid . nz , grid . ny , grid . nx ) ) ) <EOL> from yt . mods import ProjectionPlot , SlicePlot <EOL> pf = g . to_yt ( ) <EOL> zw = np . linspace ( - <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> zcen = <NUM_LIT:0.5> * ( zw [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] + zw [ : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> for iz , z in enumerate ( zcen ) : <EOL> prj = SlicePlot ( pf , '<STR_LIT:z>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , center = [ <NUM_LIT:0.0> , <NUM_LIT:0.0> , z ] ) <EOL> np . testing . assert_allclose ( get_frb ( prj , '<STR_LIT>' ) . min ( ) , iz ) <EOL> np . testing . assert_allclose ( get_frb ( prj , '<STR_LIT>' ) . max ( ) , iz ) </s>
<s> from __future__ import print_function , division <EOL> import os <EOL> import tempfile <EOL> import shutil <EOL> from copy import deepcopy <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> from astropy . tests . helper import pytest <EOL> from . . import Model <EOL> from . test_helpers import random_id , get_test_dust , get_realistic_test_dust <EOL> from ... grid import CartesianGrid , CylindricalPolarGrid , SphericalPolarGrid , AMRGrid , OctreeGrid <EOL> from ... dust import IsotropicDust , SphericalDust <EOL> DATA = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , '<STR_LIT:data>' ) <EOL> def test_basic ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:100> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> def test_noname_nofilename ( ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( ValueError ) as e : <EOL> m . write ( ) <EOL> assert e . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def test_nogrid ( ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( Exception ) as e : <EOL> m . write ( '<STR_LIT:test>' ) <EOL> assert e . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def test_nophotons ( ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( Exception ) as e : <EOL> m . write ( '<STR_LIT:test>' ) <EOL> assert e . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def test_incomplete_photons_1 ( ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( Exception ) as e : <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> assert e . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def test_incomplete_photons_2 ( ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( Exception ) as e : <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( imaging = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> assert e . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> class TestAllGridTypes ( object ) : <EOL> def setup_class ( self ) : <EOL> self . grid = { } <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = CartesianGrid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = CylindricalPolarGrid ( [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = SphericalPolarGrid ( [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , np . pi ] , [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = AMRGrid ( ) <EOL> level = self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . add_level ( ) <EOL> grid = level . add_grid ( ) <EOL> grid . xmin , grid . xmax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . ymin , grid . ymax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . zmin , grid . zmax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . nx , grid . ny , grid . nz = <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> <EOL> grid . quantities [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = [ np . ones ( ( <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> ) ) ] <EOL> refined = [ <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = OctreeGrid ( <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , np . array ( refined ) . astype ( bool ) ) <EOL> self . density = { } <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( len ( refined ) ) <EOL> self . dust = get_test_dust ( ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_mismatch_density_energy_1 ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( Exception ) as exc : <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust , specific_energy = self . density [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> assert exc . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_mismatch_density_energy_2 ( self , tmpdir , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust , specific_energy = self . density [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:100> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( Exception ) as exc : <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> assert exc . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_add_density ( self , tmpdir , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> s = m . add_point_source ( ) <EOL> s . luminosity = <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> s . temperature = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:100> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> m . run ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_add_density_from_grid ( self , tmpdir , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> s = m . add_point_source ( ) <EOL> s . luminosity = <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> s . temperature = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> g = deepcopy ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> if grid_type != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = [ ] <EOL> g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . append ( self . density [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( g ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , self . dust ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( g [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , self . dust ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:100> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> m . run ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_density ( self , tmpdir , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> s = m . add_point_source ( ) <EOL> s . luminosity = <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> s . temperature = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust , merge_if_possible = True ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:100> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> m . run ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> class TestMerge ( object ) : <EOL> def setup_class ( self ) : <EOL> self . grid = { } <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = CartesianGrid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = CylindricalPolarGrid ( [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = SphericalPolarGrid ( [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , np . pi ] , [ <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> * np . pi ] ) <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = AMRGrid ( ) <EOL> level = self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . add_level ( ) <EOL> grid = level . add_grid ( ) <EOL> grid . xmin , grid . xmax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . ymin , grid . ymax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . zmin , grid . zmax = - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> grid . nx , grid . ny , grid . nz = <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> <EOL> grid . quantities [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( ( <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> , <NUM_LIT:8> ) ) <EOL> refined = [ <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = OctreeGrid ( <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , np . array ( refined ) . astype ( bool ) ) <EOL> self . density = { } <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = self . grid [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> self . density [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . ones ( len ( refined ) ) <EOL> self . tmpdir = tempfile . mkdtemp ( ) <EOL> self . dust1_filename = os . path . join ( self . tmpdir , random_id ( ) ) <EOL> self . dust1 = get_test_dust ( ) <EOL> self . dust1 . write ( self . dust1_filename ) <EOL> self . dust2_filename = os . path . join ( self . tmpdir , random_id ( ) ) <EOL> self . dust2 = get_test_dust ( ) <EOL> self . dust2 . write ( self . dust2_filename ) <EOL> self . dust3_filename = os . path . join ( self . tmpdir , random_id ( ) ) <EOL> self . dust3 = IsotropicDust ( [ <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] , [ <NUM_LIT:0.5> , <NUM_LIT:0.5> ] , [ <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:0.5> ] ) <EOL> self . dust3 . set_lte_emissivities ( n_temp = <NUM_LIT:10> , temp_min = <NUM_LIT:0.1> , temp_max = <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . dust3 . write ( self . dust3_filename ) <EOL> self . dust4 = get_test_dust ( set_emissivities = False ) <EOL> def teardown_class ( self ) : <EOL> shutil . rmtree ( self . tmpdir ) <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_no ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1_filename ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust2_filename , merge_if_possible = True ) <EOL> assert m . grid . n_dust == <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_filename_disabled ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1_filename ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1_filename , merge_if_possible = False ) <EOL> assert m . grid . n_dust == <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_filename ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1_filename ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1_filename , merge_if_possible = True ) <EOL> assert m . grid . n_dust == <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_object_identical ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1 ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1 , merge_if_possible = True ) <EOL> assert m . grid . n_dust == <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_object_samehash ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1 ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust2 , merge_if_possible = True ) <EOL> assert m . grid . n_dust == <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_object_diffhash ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1 ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust3 , merge_if_possible = True ) <EOL> assert m . grid . n_dust == <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> @ pytest . mark . parametrize ( ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def test_merge_object_incomplete ( self , grid_type ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_grid ( self . grid [ grid_type ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust1 ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( self . density [ grid_type ] , self . dust4 , merge_if_possible = True ) <EOL> assert m . grid . n_dust == <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> def test_dust_mix ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> iso_dust = get_realistic_test_dust ( ) <EOL> kmh_dust = os . path . join ( DATA , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> s = m . add_point_source ( ) <EOL> s . luminosity = <NUM_LIT:1.> <EOL> s . temperature = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) , kmh_dust ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) , iso_dust ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> m . run ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> def test_voronoi_basics ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> from ... util . constants import au <EOL> np . random . seed ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> N = <NUM_LIT:1000> <EOL> x = np . random . uniform ( - <NUM_LIT:100> * au , <NUM_LIT:100> * au , N ) <EOL> y = np . random . uniform ( - <NUM_LIT:100> * au , <NUM_LIT:100> * au , N ) <EOL> z = np . random . uniform ( - <NUM_LIT:100> * au , <NUM_LIT:100> * au , N ) <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_voronoi_grid ( x , y , z ) <EOL> kmh_dust = SphericalDust ( os . path . join ( DATA , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( np . repeat ( <NUM_LIT> , N ) , kmh_dust ) <EOL> i = m . add_peeled_images ( ) <EOL> i . set_wavelength_range ( <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:1000> ) <EOL> i . set_viewing_angles ( np . repeat ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:9> ) , np . linspace ( <NUM_LIT:0.> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:10> ) [ : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> i . set_image_limits ( - <NUM_LIT> * au , <NUM_LIT> * au , - <NUM_LIT> * au , <NUM_LIT> * au ) <EOL> i . set_image_size ( <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> m . set_n_initial_iterations ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> m . set_minimum_temperature ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> m . set_raytracing ( True ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( imaging = <NUM_LIT:0> , raytracing_sources = <NUM_LIT:0> , raytracing_dust = <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> m . run ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> def test_dust_changed_nosave ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> kmh_dust = SphericalDust ( os . path . join ( DATA , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> kmh_dust . set_sublimation_temperature ( '<STR_LIT>' , temperature = <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) , kmh_dust ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:1> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( ValueError ) as exc : <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath , copy = False ) <EOL> assert exc . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] . startswith ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def test_dust_changed_save ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> kmh_dust = SphericalDust ( os . path . join ( DATA , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> kmh_dust . set_sublimation_temperature ( '<STR_LIT>' , temperature = <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> kmh_dust . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> m . add_density_grid ( np . array ( [ [ [ <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ] ] ) , kmh_dust ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:1> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath , copy = False ) <EOL> def test_model_minimal ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> m . set_n_initial_iterations ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( imaging = <NUM_LIT:10> ) <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> m . run ( ) <EOL> def test_binned_forced_first_scattering ( tmpdir ) : <EOL> m = Model ( ) <EOL> m . set_cartesian_grid ( [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] , [ - <NUM_LIT:1.> , <NUM_LIT:1.> ] ) <EOL> i = m . add_binned_images ( sed = True , image = False ) <EOL> i . set_wavelength_range ( <NUM_LIT:5> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:10> ) <EOL> i . set_viewing_bins ( <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> m . set_n_photons ( initial = <NUM_LIT:100> , imaging = <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( Exception ) as exc : <EOL> m . write ( tmpdir . join ( random_id ( ) ) . strpath ) <EOL> assert exc . value . args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == "<STR_LIT>" </s>
<s> from __future__ import print_function , division <EOL> import os <EOL> def smart_type ( value ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> try : <EOL> value = int ( value ) <EOL> return value <EOL> except : <EOL> try : <EOL> value = float ( value ) <EOL> return value <EOL> except : <EOL> value = value . replace ( "<STR_LIT:'>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if value . lower ( ) in [ '<STR_LIT:yes>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] : <EOL> return value . lower ( ) == '<STR_LIT:yes>' <EOL> else : <EOL> return value <EOL> def parse ( filename ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> if not os . path . exists ( filename ) : <EOL> raise Exception ( '<STR_LIT>' + filename ) <EOL> f = open ( filename , '<STR_LIT:rb>' ) <EOL> parameters = { } <EOL> for line in f . readlines ( ) : <EOL> if '<STR_LIT:=>' in line : <EOL> cols = line . split ( '<STR_LIT:=>' ) <EOL> value , key = cols [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] . strip ( ) , cols [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] . strip ( ) <EOL> parameters [ key . lower ( ) ] = smart_type ( value ) <EOL> f . close ( ) <EOL> return parameters </s>
<s> import numpy as np <EOL> from hyperopt . pyll import scope , as_apply , dfs , rec_eval <EOL> from hyperopt . pyll . stochastic import * <EOL> def test_recursive_set_rng_kwarg ( ) : <EOL> uniform = scope . uniform <EOL> a = as_apply ( [ uniform ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) , uniform ( <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) ] ) <EOL> rng = np . random . RandomState ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> recursive_set_rng_kwarg ( a , rng ) <EOL> print ( a ) <EOL> val_a = rec_eval ( a ) <EOL> assert <NUM_LIT:0> < val_a [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] < <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> assert <NUM_LIT:2> < val_a [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] < <NUM_LIT:3> <EOL> def test_lnorm ( ) : <EOL> G = scope <EOL> choice = G . choice <EOL> uniform = G . uniform <EOL> quantized_uniform = G . quniform <EOL> inker_size = quantized_uniform ( low = <NUM_LIT:0> , high = <NUM_LIT> , q = <NUM_LIT:2> ) + <NUM_LIT:3> <EOL> lnorm = as_apply ( { '<STR_LIT>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : ( inker_size , inker_size ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( inker_size , inker_size ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : choice ( [ <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : uniform ( low = <NUM_LIT:0> , high = <NUM_LIT:10> ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : uniform ( <EOL> low = <NUM_LIT> / np . sqrt ( <NUM_LIT> ) , <EOL> high = <NUM_LIT:10> * np . sqrt ( <NUM_LIT:10> ) ) <EOL> } } ) <EOL> print ( lnorm ) <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' , len ( str ( lnorm ) ) ) <EOL> def test_sample_deterministic ( ) : <EOL> aa = as_apply ( [ <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> print ( aa ) <EOL> dd = sample ( aa , np . random . RandomState ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) <EOL> assert dd == ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> def test_repeatable ( ) : <EOL> u = scope . uniform ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> aa = as_apply ( dict ( <EOL> u = u , <EOL> n = scope . normal ( <NUM_LIT:5> , <NUM_LIT:0.1> ) , <EOL> l = [ <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , scope . one_of ( <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) , u ] ) ) <EOL> dd1 = sample ( aa , np . random . RandomState ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) <EOL> dd2 = sample ( aa , np . random . RandomState ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) <EOL> dd3 = sample ( aa , np . random . RandomState ( <NUM_LIT:4> ) ) <EOL> assert dd1 == dd2 <EOL> assert dd1 != dd3 <EOL> def test_sample ( ) : <EOL> u = scope . uniform ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> aa = as_apply ( dict ( <EOL> u = u , <EOL> n = scope . normal ( <NUM_LIT:5> , <NUM_LIT:0.1> ) , <EOL> l = [ <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> , scope . one_of ( <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) , u ] ) ) <EOL> print ( aa ) <EOL> dd = sample ( aa , np . random . RandomState ( <NUM_LIT:3> ) ) <EOL> assert <NUM_LIT:0> < dd [ '<STR_LIT:u>' ] < <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> assert <NUM_LIT:4> < dd [ '<STR_LIT:n>' ] < <NUM_LIT:6> <EOL> assert dd [ '<STR_LIT:u>' ] == dd [ '<STR_LIT:l>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:3> ] <EOL> assert dd [ '<STR_LIT:l>' ] [ : <NUM_LIT:2> ] == ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> assert dd [ '<STR_LIT:l>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] in ( <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) </s>
<s> import os <EOL> import re <EOL> import subprocess <EOL> __all__ = ( '<STR_LIT>' , ) <EOL> VERSION_FMT = ( <EOL> re . compile ( r'<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> re . compile ( r'<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> re . compile ( r'<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> re . compile ( r'<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> ) <EOL> VERSION_UNKNOWN = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def parse_version ( ver ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> ver_parts = ver . split ( '<STR_LIT:->' ) <EOL> ver_dict = { } <EOL> for patt , part in zip ( VERSION_FMT , ver_parts ) : <EOL> match = re . match ( patt , part ) <EOL> if match is not None : <EOL> ver_dict . update ( match . groupdict ( ) ) <EOL> return ver_dict <EOL> def pep440_version ( ver_dict ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' not in ver_dict : <EOL> return VERSION_UNKNOWN <EOL> tag = ver_dict [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> local = '<STR_LIT:.>' . join ( [ ver_dict [ x ] <EOL> for x in [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> if x in ver_dict ] ) <EOL> if not local : <EOL> return tag <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' . format ( tag , local ) <EOL> def get_version ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> git_dir = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if not os . path . isdir ( git_dir ) : <EOL> return VERSION_UNKNOWN <EOL> try : <EOL> cmd = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ver = subprocess . check_output ( cmd ) <EOL> except subprocess . CalledProcessError : <EOL> return VERSION_UNKNOWN <EOL> return pep440_version ( parse_version ( ver ) ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import sys <EOL> PY2 = sys . version_info [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> if not PY2 : <EOL> text_type = str <EOL> string_types = ( str , ) <EOL> else : <EOL> text_type = unicode <EOL> string_types = ( str , unicode ) <EOL> try : <EOL> from urllib import parse as urlparse <EOL> url_quote = urlparse . quote <EOL> url_quote_plus = urlparse . quote_plus <EOL> url_unquote = urlparse . unquote <EOL> url_unquote_plus = urlparse . unquote_plus <EOL> except ImportError : <EOL> import urllib <EOL> import urlparse <EOL> url_quote = urllib . quote <EOL> url_quote_plus = urllib . quote_plus <EOL> url_unquote = urllib . unquote <EOL> url_unquote_plus = urllib . unquote_plus </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from functools import partial <EOL> from pyramid import i18n <EOL> from h . api import schemas <EOL> from h . api import transform <EOL> from h . api import models <EOL> from h . api . events import AnnotationBeforeSaveEvent <EOL> _ = i18n . TranslationStringFactory ( __package__ ) <EOL> def annotation_from_dict ( data ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return models . elastic . Annotation ( data ) <EOL> def fetch_annotation ( request , id , _postgres = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if _postgres is None : <EOL> _postgres = _postgres_enabled ( request ) <EOL> if _postgres : <EOL> return request . db . query ( models . Annotation ) . get ( id ) <EOL> return models . elastic . Annotation . fetch ( id ) <EOL> def legacy_create_annotation ( request , data ) : <EOL> annotation = models . elastic . Annotation ( data ) <EOL> _prepare ( request , annotation ) <EOL> annotation . save ( ) <EOL> return annotation <EOL> def create_annotation ( request , data ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> document_uri_dicts = data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> document_meta_dicts = data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> del data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> if data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] : <EOL> top_level_annotation_id = data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> top_level_annotation = fetch_annotation ( request , <EOL> top_level_annotation_id , <EOL> _postgres = True ) <EOL> if top_level_annotation : <EOL> data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = top_level_annotation . groupid <EOL> else : <EOL> raise schemas . ValidationError ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> _ ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . format ( <EOL> annotation_id = top_level_annotation_id ) <EOL> ) <EOL> if data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> group_principal = '<STR_LIT>' . format ( data [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> if group_principal not in request . effective_principals : <EOL> raise schemas . ValidationError ( '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> _ ( '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> annotation = models . Annotation ( ** data ) <EOL> request . db . add ( annotation ) <EOL> request . db . flush ( ) <EOL> documents = models . Document . find_or_create_by_uris ( <EOL> request . db , <EOL> annotation . target_uri , <EOL> [ u [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for u in document_uri_dicts ] , <EOL> created = annotation . created , <EOL> updated = annotation . updated ) <EOL> if documents . count ( ) > <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> document = models . merge_documents ( request . db , <EOL> documents , <EOL> updated = annotation . updated ) <EOL> else : <EOL> document = documents . first ( ) <EOL> document . updated = annotation . updated <EOL> for document_uri_dict in document_uri_dicts : <EOL> models . create_or_update_document_uri ( <EOL> session = request . db , <EOL> document = document , <EOL> created = annotation . created , <EOL> updated = annotation . updated , <EOL> ** document_uri_dict ) <EOL> for document_meta_dict in document_meta_dicts : <EOL> models . create_or_update_document_meta ( <EOL> session = request . db , <EOL> document = document , <EOL> created = annotation . created , <EOL> updated = annotation . updated , <EOL> ** document_meta_dict ) <EOL> return annotation <EOL> def update_annotation ( request , id , data ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> annotation = models . elastic . Annotation . fetch ( id ) <EOL> annotation . update ( data ) <EOL> _prepare ( request , annotation ) <EOL> annotation . save ( ) <EOL> return annotation <EOL> def delete_annotation ( request , id ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if _postgres_enabled ( request ) : <EOL> annotation = fetch_annotation ( request , id , _postgres = True ) <EOL> request . db . delete ( annotation ) <EOL> legacy_annotation = fetch_annotation ( request , id , _postgres = False ) <EOL> legacy_annotation . delete ( ) <EOL> def expand_uri ( request , uri ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> doc = None <EOL> if _postgres_enabled ( request ) : <EOL> doc = models . Document . find_by_uris ( request . db , [ uri ] ) . one_or_none ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> doc = models . elastic . Document . get_by_uri ( uri ) <EOL> if doc is None : <EOL> return [ uri ] <EOL> docuris = doc . document_uris <EOL> for docuri in docuris : <EOL> if docuri . uri == uri and docuri . type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> return [ uri ] <EOL> return [ docuri . uri for docuri in docuris ] <EOL> def _prepare ( request , annotation ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> fetcher = partial ( fetch_annotation , request , _postgres = False ) <EOL> transform . prepare ( annotation , fetcher ) <EOL> event = AnnotationBeforeSaveEvent ( request , annotation ) <EOL> request . registry . notify ( event ) <EOL> def _postgres_enabled ( request ) : <EOL> return request . feature ( '<STR_LIT>' ) </s>
<s> import pytest <EOL> from h import db <EOL> from h . badge import models <EOL> def test_cannot_add_same_uri_twice ( ) : <EOL> db . Session . add ( models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> db . Session . flush ( ) <EOL> with pytest . raises ( ValueError ) : <EOL> models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def test_get_by_uri_returns_model ( ) : <EOL> model = models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> db . Session . add ( model ) <EOL> db . Session . flush ( ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . get_by_uri ( "<STR_LIT>" ) == model <EOL> def test_get_by_uri_returns_None_if_no_match ( ) : <EOL> model = models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> db . Session . add ( model ) <EOL> db . Session . flush ( ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . get_by_uri ( "<STR_LIT>" ) is None <EOL> def test_all ( ) : <EOL> uris = [ <EOL> models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> ] <EOL> for uri in uris : <EOL> db . Session . add ( uri ) <EOL> db . Session . flush ( ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . all ( ) == uris <EOL> def test_is_blocked ( ) : <EOL> db . Session . add ( models . Blocklist ( uri = u"<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> db . Session . add ( models . Blocklist ( uri = u"<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> db . Session . flush ( ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . is_blocked ( u"<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . is_blocked ( u"<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> assert not models . Blocklist . is_blocked ( u"<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def test_is_blocked_with_wildcards ( ) : <EOL> db . Session . add ( models . Blocklist ( uri = "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> db . Session . flush ( ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . is_blocked ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . is_blocked ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> assert models . Blocklist . is_blocked ( "<STR_LIT>" ) </s>
<s> from pyramid . view import view_config <EOL> from pyramid import i18n <EOL> from h . api import search <EOL> from h . api import storage <EOL> from h import feeds <EOL> _ = i18n . TranslationStringFactory ( __package__ ) <EOL> def _annotations ( request ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> rows = search . search ( request , request . params ) [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> return [ storage . annotation_from_dict ( a ) for a in rows ] <EOL> @ view_config ( route_name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def stream_atom ( request ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return feeds . render_atom ( <EOL> request = request , annotations = _annotations ( request ) , <EOL> atom_url = request . route_url ( "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> html_url = request . route_url ( "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> title = request . registry . settings . get ( "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> subtitle = request . registry . settings . get ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> @ view_config ( route_name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def stream_rss ( request ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return feeds . render_rss ( <EOL> request = request , annotations = _annotations ( request ) , <EOL> rss_url = request . route_url ( "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> html_url = request . route_url ( "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> title = request . registry . settings . get ( "<STR_LIT>" ) or _ ( <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> description = request . registry . settings . get ( "<STR_LIT>" ) or _ ( <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> def includeme ( config ) : <EOL> config . add_route ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> config . add_route ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> config . scan ( __name__ ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> revision = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> down_revision = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> from alembic import op <EOL> import sqlalchemy as sa <EOL> def upgrade ( ) : <EOL> op . add_column ( '<STR_LIT:user>' , sa . Column ( '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> sa . Boolean , <EOL> default = False , <EOL> server_default = sa . sql . expression . false ( ) , <EOL> nullable = False ) ) <EOL> def downgrade ( ) : <EOL> with op . batch_alter_table ( '<STR_LIT:user>' ) as batch_op : <EOL> batch_op . drop_column ( '<STR_LIT>' ) </s>
<s> class Filter ( object ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , request ) : <EOL> self . request = request <EOL> def __call__ ( self , _ ) : <EOL> return nipsa_filter ( self . request . authenticated_userid ) <EOL> def nipsa_filter ( userid = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> should_clauses = [ { "<STR_LIT>" : { "<STR_LIT>" : { "<STR_LIT>" : True } } } ] <EOL> if userid is not None : <EOL> should_clauses . append ( { "<STR_LIT>" : { "<STR_LIT:user>" : userid } } ) <EOL> return { "<STR_LIT:bool>" : { "<STR_LIT>" : should_clauses } } <EOL> def query_for_users_annotations ( userid ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : { <EOL> "<STR_LIT:bool>" : { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : [ { "<STR_LIT>" : { "<STR_LIT:user>" : userid } } ] <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> def nipsad_annotations ( userid ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> query = query_for_users_annotations ( userid ) <EOL> query [ "<STR_LIT>" ] [ "<STR_LIT>" ] [ "<STR_LIT>" ] [ "<STR_LIT:bool>" ] [ "<STR_LIT>" ] . append ( <EOL> { "<STR_LIT>" : { "<STR_LIT>" : True } } ) <EOL> return query <EOL> def not_nipsad_annotations ( userid ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> query = query_for_users_annotations ( userid ) <EOL> query [ "<STR_LIT>" ] [ "<STR_LIT>" ] [ "<STR_LIT>" ] [ "<STR_LIT:bool>" ] [ "<STR_LIT>" ] . append ( <EOL> { "<STR_LIT>" : { "<STR_LIT>" : { "<STR_LIT>" : True } } } ) <EOL> return query </s>
<s> from collections import namedtuple <EOL> import json <EOL> import logging <EOL> from gevent . queue import Full <EOL> from h import realtime <EOL> from h . realtime import Consumer <EOL> from h . api import storage <EOL> from h . auth . util import translate_annotation_principals <EOL> from h . streamer import websocket <EOL> import h . sentry <EOL> log = logging . getLogger ( __name__ ) <EOL> Message = namedtuple ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def process_messages ( settings , routing_key , work_queue , raise_error = True ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def _handler ( payload ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> message = Message ( topic = routing_key , payload = payload ) <EOL> work_queue . put ( message , timeout = <NUM_LIT:0.1> ) <EOL> except Full : <EOL> log . warn ( '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> conn = realtime . get_connection ( settings ) <EOL> sentry_client = h . sentry . get_client ( settings ) <EOL> consumer = Consumer ( connection = conn , <EOL> routing_key = routing_key , <EOL> handler = _handler , sentry_client = sentry_client ) <EOL> consumer . run ( ) <EOL> if raise_error : <EOL> raise RuntimeError ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def handle_message ( message , topic_handlers ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> data = message . payload <EOL> try : <EOL> handler = topic_handlers [ message . topic ] <EOL> except KeyError : <EOL> raise RuntimeError ( "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> "<STR_LIT:{}>" . format ( message . topic ) ) <EOL> sockets = list ( websocket . WebSocket . instances ) <EOL> for socket in sockets : <EOL> reply = handler ( data , socket ) <EOL> if reply is None : <EOL> continue <EOL> if not socket . terminated : <EOL> socket . send ( json . dumps ( reply ) ) <EOL> def handle_annotation_event ( message , socket ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> action = message [ '<STR_LIT:action>' ] <EOL> annotation = storage . annotation_from_dict ( message [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> if action == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> return None <EOL> if message [ '<STR_LIT>' ] == socket . client_id : <EOL> return None <EOL> if annotation . get ( '<STR_LIT>' ) and ( <EOL> socket . request . authenticated_userid != annotation . get ( '<STR_LIT:user>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) : <EOL> return None <EOL> if not _authorized_to_read ( socket . request , annotation ) : <EOL> return None <EOL> if socket . filter is None : <EOL> return None <EOL> if not socket . filter . match ( annotation , action ) : <EOL> return None <EOL> return { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : [ annotation ] , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:type>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { '<STR_LIT:action>' : action } , <EOL> } <EOL> def handle_user_event ( message , socket ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if socket . request . authenticated_userid != message [ '<STR_LIT>' ] : <EOL> return None <EOL> return { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:type>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:action>' : message [ '<STR_LIT:type>' ] , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : message [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> } <EOL> def _authorized_to_read ( request , annotation ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if ( '<STR_LIT>' not in annotation or <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' not in annotation [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) : <EOL> request . sentry . captureMessage ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> level = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> extra = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : annotation [ '<STR_LIT:id>' ] , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : json . dumps ( annotation . get ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) , <EOL> } ) <EOL> read_permissions = annotation . get ( '<STR_LIT>' , { } ) . get ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] ) <EOL> read_principals = translate_annotation_principals ( read_permissions ) <EOL> if set ( read_principals ) . intersection ( request . effective_principals ) : <EOL> return True <EOL> return False </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import re <EOL> def split_user ( userid ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> match = re . match ( r'<STR_LIT>' , userid ) <EOL> if match : <EOL> return { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:username>' : match . groups ( ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : match . groups ( ) [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> } <EOL> raise ValueError ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( userid = userid ) ) <EOL> def userid_from_username ( username , request ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return u"<STR_LIT>" . format ( username = username , <EOL> domain = request . auth_domain ) </s>
<s> import codecs <EOL> import os <EOL> from setuptools import setup , find_packages <EOL> read = lambda filepath : codecs . open ( filepath , '<STR_LIT:r>' , '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) . read ( ) <EOL> def exec_file ( filepath , globalz = None , localz = None ) : <EOL> exec ( read ( filepath ) , globalz , localz ) <EOL> pkgmeta = { } <EOL> exec_file ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> pkgmeta ) <EOL> setup ( <EOL> name = pkgmeta [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> version = pkgmeta [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> description = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> long_description = read ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) , <EOL> author = pkgmeta [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> author_email = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> url = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> download_url = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> packages = find_packages ( ) , <EOL> zip_safe = False , <EOL> include_package_data = True , <EOL> tests_require = [ <EOL> ] , <EOL> install_requires = [ <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> ] , <EOL> classifiers = [ <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> ] , <EOL> ) </s>
<s> __author__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> __version__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> __license__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> import platform <EOL> import sys <EOL> GE_PYTHON_34 = sys . version_info >= ( <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:4> ) <EOL> GE_PYTHON_33 = sys . version_info >= ( <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:3> ) <EOL> IS_PYPY = platform . python_implementation ( ) == '<STR_LIT>' </s>
<s> import os <EOL> import sys <EOL> import gettext <EOL> import re <EOL> from operator import itemgetter <EOL> from Debug import * <EOL> g_Translations = { } <EOL> def getTranslation ( language ) : <EOL> global g_Translations <EOL> if language not in g_Translations : <EOL> filename = os . path . join ( sys . path [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , language , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> try : <EOL> fp = open ( filename , '<STR_LIT:rb>' ) <EOL> g_Translations [ language ] = gettext . GNUTranslations ( fp ) <EOL> fp . close ( ) <EOL> except IOError : <EOL> g_Translations [ language ] = gettext . NullTranslations ( ) <EOL> return g_Translations [ language ] <EOL> def pickLanguage ( languages ) : <EOL> language = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> language_aliases = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } <EOL> languages = re . findall ( '<STR_LIT>' , languages ) <EOL> languages = [ ( lang . replace ( '<STR_LIT:->' , '<STR_LIT:_>' ) , float ( quot ) if quot else <NUM_LIT:1.> ) for ( lang , quot ) in languages ] <EOL> languages = [ ( language_aliases . get ( lang , lang ) , quot ) for ( lang , quot ) in languages ] <EOL> languages = sorted ( languages , key = itemgetter ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) , reverse = True ) <EOL> for lang , quot in languages : <EOL> if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( sys . path [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , lang , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) : <EOL> language = lang <EOL> break <EOL> dprint ( __name__ , <NUM_LIT:1> , "<STR_LIT>" + language ) <EOL> return ( language ) <EOL> def replaceTEXT ( textcontent , language ) : <EOL> translation = getTranslation ( language ) <EOL> for msgid in set ( re . findall ( r'<STR_LIT>' , textcontent ) ) : <EOL> msgstr = translation . ugettext ( msgid ) . replace ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> textcontent = textcontent . replace ( '<STR_LIT>' % msgid , msgstr ) <EOL> return textcontent <EOL> if __name__ == "<STR_LIT:__main__>" : <EOL> languages = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> language = pickLanguage ( languages ) <EOL> Text = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> print getTranslation ( language ) . ugettext ( Text ) <EOL> Text = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> print getTranslation ( language ) . ugettext ( Text ) <EOL> Text = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> print replaceTEXT ( Text , language ) . encode ( '<STR_LIT:ascii>' , '<STR_LIT:replace>' ) </s>
<s> import engine <EOL> engine . run ( ) </s>
<s> from PyQt4 import QtCore , QtGui <EOL> import string <EOL> try : <EOL> from opentumblrqt . gui . video_ui import Video_widget <EOL> from opentumblrqt . tumblr import Api , TumblrError <EOL> except ImportError : <EOL> from gui . video_ui import Video_widget <EOL> from tumblr import Api , TumblrError <EOL> class Video ( Video_widget ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent = None ) : <EOL> super ( Video , self ) . __init__ ( parent ) <EOL> self . setupUi ( self ) <EOL> self . api = parent . api <EOL> self . connect ( self . bt_cancel , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . OnCancel ) <EOL> self . connect ( self . bt_post , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . OnPost ) <EOL> def OnCancel ( self ) : <EOL> self . hide ( ) <EOL> def OnPost ( self ) : <EOL> self . embed = unicode ( self . te_videourl . toPlainText ( ) ) . encode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) <EOL> if self . te_caption . te_post . toPlainText ( ) . isEmpty ( ) : <EOL> self . caption = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : <EOL> self . caption = unicode ( self . te_caption . te_post . toPlainText ( ) ) . encode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) <EOL> if self . advanced . te_tags . toPlainText ( ) . isEmpty ( ) : <EOL> self . tags = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : <EOL> self . tags = unicode ( self . advanced . te_tags . toPlainText ( ) ) . encode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) <EOL> self . tags = string . replace ( self . tags , '<STR_LIT:U+0020>' , '<STR_LIT:U+002C>' ) <EOL> self . date = self . advanced . le_date . text ( ) <EOL> if self . advanced . cb_publish . currentText ( ) == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> self . private = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> else : <EOL> self . private = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> if self . embed : <EOL> self . api = Api ( self . api . name , self . api . email , self . api . password , self . private , self . date , self . tags ) <EOL> try : <EOL> self . post = self . api . write_video ( self . embed , self . caption ) <EOL> except : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> self . close ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> QtGui . QMessageBox . warning ( self , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , QtGui . QMessageBox . Ok ) <EOL> def closeEvent ( self , event ) : <EOL> event . ignore ( ) <EOL> self . hide ( ) </s>
<s> from lixian import encypt_password <EOL> from lixian_commands . util import * <EOL> from lixian_cli_parser import * <EOL> from lixian_config import * <EOL> import lixian_help <EOL> from getpass import getpass <EOL> @ command_line_parser ( help = lixian_help . config ) <EOL> @ command_line_option ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> @ command_line_option ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def lx_config ( args ) : <EOL> if args . delete : <EOL> assert len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> delete_config ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) <EOL> elif args [ '<STR_LIT>' ] or not len ( args ) : <EOL> if len ( args ) : <EOL> assert len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> print get_config ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) <EOL> else : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' , global_config . path , '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> print source_config ( ) <EOL> print global_config <EOL> else : <EOL> assert len ( args ) in ( <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> if args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] == '<STR_LIT:password>' : <EOL> if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:1> or args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] == '<STR_LIT:->' : <EOL> password = getpass ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> password = args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' , global_config . path <EOL> put_config ( '<STR_LIT:password>' , encypt_password ( password ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' , global_config . path <EOL> put_config ( * args ) </s>
<s> from lixian_plugins . api import command <EOL> @ command ( usage = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def decode_url ( args ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> from lixian_url import url_unmask <EOL> for x in args : <EOL> print url_unmask ( x ) </s>
<s> __all__ = [ ] <EOL> import re <EOL> def format_1d ( n ) : <EOL> return re . sub ( r'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' % n ) <EOL> def format_size ( n ) : <EOL> if n < <NUM_LIT:1000> : <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' % n <EOL> elif n < <NUM_LIT:1000> ** <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' % format_1d ( n / <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> elif n < <NUM_LIT:1000> ** <NUM_LIT:3> : <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' % format_1d ( n / <NUM_LIT> ** <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> elif n < <NUM_LIT:1000> ** <NUM_LIT:4> : <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' % format_1d ( n / <NUM_LIT> ** <NUM_LIT:3> ) <EOL> def parse_size ( size ) : <EOL> size = str ( size ) <EOL> if re . match ( '<STR_LIT>' , size ) : <EOL> return int ( size ) <EOL> m = re . match ( r'<STR_LIT>' , size , flags = re . I ) <EOL> if not m : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" % size ) <EOL> return int ( float ( m . group ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) * { '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:1000> , '<STR_LIT:M>' : <NUM_LIT:1000> * <NUM_LIT:1000> , '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:1000> * <NUM_LIT:1000> * <NUM_LIT:1000> } [ m . group ( <NUM_LIT:2> ) . upper ( ) ] ) </s>
<s> import sys , os <EOL> extensions = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> templates_path = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> source_suffix = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> master_doc = '<STR_LIT:index>' <EOL> project = u'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> copyright = u'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> version = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> release = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> exclude_trees = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> pygments_style = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> html_theme = '<STR_LIT:default>' <EOL> html_static_path = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> htmlhelp_basename = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> latex_documents = [ <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:index>' , '<STR_LIT>' , u'<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> ] </s>
<s> TAGS = { <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:3> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:4> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:5> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:3> : '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:3> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:4> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:5> : '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:3> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:4> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:11> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:15> : '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:3> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:4> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:5> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:0> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:0> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:0> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } ) , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : ( '<STR_LIT>' , { <EOL> <NUM_LIT:64> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:100> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> <NUM_LIT> : '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> } ) , <EOL> } </s>
<s> from ouimeaux . pysignals import Signal , StateChange , receiver <EOL> import sys <EOL> _main = sys . modules . get ( '<STR_LIT:__main__>' ) <EOL> if _main : <EOL> _main . __file__ = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> discovered = Signal ( providing_args = [ "<STR_LIT:address>" , "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> devicefound = Signal ( ) <EOL> subscription = Signal ( providing_args = [ "<STR_LIT:type>" , "<STR_LIT:value>" ] ) <EOL> statechange = StateChange ( providing_args = [ "<STR_LIT:state>" ] ) <EOL> @ receiver ( subscription ) <EOL> def _got_subscription ( sender , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> if kwargs [ '<STR_LIT:type>' ] == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> statechange . send ( sender , state = int ( kwargs [ '<STR_LIT:value>' ] ) ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from shutit_module import ShutItModule <EOL> class test15 ( ShutItModule ) : <EOL> def build ( self , shutit ) : <EOL> shutit . send ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> shutit . send_until ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> shutit . send ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> shutit . send_until ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , not_there = True ) <EOL> return True <EOL> def get_config ( self , shutit ) : <EOL> return True <EOL> def test ( self , shutit ) : <EOL> return True <EOL> def finalize ( self , shutit ) : <EOL> return True <EOL> def is_installed ( self , shutit ) : <EOL> return False <EOL> def module ( ) : <EOL> return test15 ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> description = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> maintainer = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> depends = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from __future__ import division <EOL> from __future__ import absolute_import <EOL> from __future__ import print_function <EOL> from __future__ import unicode_literals <EOL> import os <EOL> import time <EOL> import memory_profiler <EOL> from IPython import get_ipython <EOL> import perf_process <EOL> previous_call_memory_usage = memory_profiler . memory_usage ( ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> t1 = time . time ( ) <EOL> keep_watching = True <EOL> peak_memory_usage = - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> perf_proc = None <EOL> watching_memory = True <EOL> input_cells = get_ipython ( ) . user_ns [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> def start_watching_memory ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> global watching_memory <EOL> watching_memory = True <EOL> ip = get_ipython ( ) <EOL> ip . events . register ( "<STR_LIT>" , watch_memory ) <EOL> ip . events . register ( "<STR_LIT>" , pre_run_cell ) <EOL> def stop_watching_memory ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> global watching_memory <EOL> watching_memory = False <EOL> ip = get_ipython ( ) <EOL> try : <EOL> ip . events . unregister ( "<STR_LIT>" , watch_memory ) <EOL> except ValueError : <EOL> pass <EOL> try : <EOL> ip . events . unregister ( "<STR_LIT>" , pre_run_cell ) <EOL> except ValueError : <EOL> pass <EOL> def watch_memory ( ) : <EOL> import time <EOL> global previous_call_memory_usage , peak_memory_usage , keep_watching , perf_proc , watching_memory , input_cells <EOL> new_memory_usage = memory_profiler . memory_usage ( ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> memory_delta = new_memory_usage - previous_call_memory_usage <EOL> keep_watching = False <EOL> peaked_memory_usage = max ( <NUM_LIT:0> , peak_memory_usage - new_memory_usage ) <EOL> time_delta_secs = time . time ( ) - t1 <EOL> perf_values = [ ] <EOL> if perf_proc : <EOL> MIN_TIME_TO_GET_PERF_SAMPLE = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if time_delta_secs < MIN_TIME_TO_GET_PERF_SAMPLE : <EOL> print ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( MIN_TIME_TO_GET_PERF_SAMPLE ) ) <EOL> time . sleep ( MIN_TIME_TO_GET_PERF_SAMPLE ) <EOL> perf_values = perf_process . finish_perf ( perf_proc ) <EOL> cmd = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> output_template = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> output = output_template . format ( time_delta = time_delta_secs , <EOL> cmd = cmd , <EOL> memory_delta = memory_delta , <EOL> peaked_memory_usage = peaked_memory_usage , <EOL> memory_usage = new_memory_usage ) <EOL> print ( str ( output ) ) <EOL> if perf_values : <EOL> perf_average = int ( sum ( perf_values ) / float ( time_delta_secs ) ) <EOL> print ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( perf_process . EVENT_TYPE , perf_average ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> print ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> previous_call_memory_usage = new_memory_usage <EOL> def during_execution_memory_sampler ( ) : <EOL> import time <EOL> import memory_profiler <EOL> global keep_watching , peak_memory_usage <EOL> peak_memory_usage = - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> keep_watching = True <EOL> n = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> WAIT_BETWEEN_SAMPLES_SECS = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> MAX_ITERATIONS = <NUM_LIT> / WAIT_BETWEEN_SAMPLES_SECS <EOL> while True : <EOL> mem_usage = memory_profiler . memory_usage ( ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> peak_memory_usage = max ( mem_usage , peak_memory_usage ) <EOL> time . sleep ( WAIT_BETWEEN_SAMPLES_SECS ) <EOL> if not keep_watching or n > MAX_ITERATIONS : <EOL> if n > MAX_ITERATIONS : <EOL> print ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( __file__ ) ) <EOL> break <EOL> n += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> def pre_run_cell ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import time <EOL> import os <EOL> global perf_proc , t1 <EOL> t1 = time . time ( ) <EOL> import threading <EOL> ipython_memory_usage_thread = threading . Thread ( target = during_execution_memory_sampler ) <EOL> ipython_memory_usage_thread . daemon = True <EOL> ipython_memory_usage_thread . start ( ) <EOL> pid = os . getpid ( ) <EOL> perf_proc = perf_process . run_capture_perf ( pid ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from __future__ import division <EOL> from __future__ import absolute_import <EOL> from __future__ import print_function <EOL> from __future__ import unicode_literals <EOL> import random <EOL> import json <EOL> import config <EOL> import sql_convenience <EOL> class NERAPICaller ( object ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , source_table , destination_table ) : <EOL> self . source_table = source_table <EOL> self . destination_table = destination_table <EOL> self . brand = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def annotate_all_messages ( self ) : <EOL> while True : <EOL> msg = self . get_unannotated_message ( ) <EOL> if msg is not None : <EOL> tweet_id = msg [ b'<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> tweet_text = msg [ b'<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> config . logging . info ( '<STR_LIT>' % ( repr ( tweet_text ) ) ) <EOL> response = self . call_api ( tweet_text ) <EOL> self . store_raw_response ( msg , response ) <EOL> if self . is_brand_of ( self . brand , tweet_id ) : <EOL> cls = sql_convenience . CLASS_IN <EOL> else : <EOL> cls = sql_convenience . CLASS_OUT <EOL> sql_convenience . update_class ( tweet_id , self . destination_table , cls ) <EOL> else : <EOL> break <EOL> def get_unannotated_message ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cursor = config . db_conn . cursor ( ) <EOL> sql = "<STR_LIT>" . format ( self . source_table , self . destination_table ) <EOL> cursor . execute ( sql ) <EOL> all_rows = cursor . fetchall ( ) <EOL> if len ( all_rows ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> return random . choice ( all_rows ) <EOL> else : <EOL> return None <EOL> def call_api ( self , message ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return "<STR_LIT>" . format ( message ) <EOL> def is_brand_of ( self , brand , tweet_id ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return False <EOL> def store_raw_response ( self , source_details , response_text ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cls = sql_convenience . CLASS_NOT_INVESTIGATED <EOL> json_response = json . dumps ( response_text ) <EOL> sql_convenience . insert_api_response ( source_details [ b'<STR_LIT>' ] , source_details [ b'<STR_LIT>' ] , json_response , cls , config . db_conn , self . destination_table ) </s>
<s> from mongo_demoprovider import app <EOL> from models import ResourceOwner as User <EOL> from flask import g , session , render_template , request , redirect , flash <EOL> from flask import abort , url_for <EOL> from flask . ext . openid import OpenID <EOL> oid = OpenID ( app ) <EOL> @ app . before_request <EOL> def before_request ( ) : <EOL> g . user = None <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' in session : <EOL> user_dict = User . find_one ( { '<STR_LIT>' : session [ '<STR_LIT>' ] } ) <EOL> if user_dict : <EOL> g . user = User ( ) <EOL> g . user . update ( user_dict ) <EOL> @ app . route ( '<STR_LIT:/>' ) <EOL> def index ( ) : <EOL> return render_template ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> @ app . route ( '<STR_LIT>' , methods = [ '<STR_LIT:GET>' , '<STR_LIT:POST>' ] ) <EOL> @ oid . loginhandler <EOL> def login ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if g . user is not None : <EOL> return redirect ( oid . get_next_url ( ) ) <EOL> if request . method == '<STR_LIT:POST>' : <EOL> openid = request . form . get ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if openid : <EOL> return oid . try_login ( openid , ask_for = [ '<STR_LIT:email>' , '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> return render_template ( '<STR_LIT>' , next = oid . get_next_url ( ) , <EOL> error = oid . fetch_error ( ) ) <EOL> @ oid . after_login <EOL> def create_or_login ( resp ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> session [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = resp . identity_url <EOL> user = User . get_collection ( ) . find_one ( { '<STR_LIT>' : resp . identity_url } ) <EOL> if user is not None : <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> g . user = user <EOL> return redirect ( oid . get_next_url ( ) ) <EOL> return redirect ( url_for ( '<STR_LIT>' , next = oid . get_next_url ( ) , <EOL> name = resp . fullname or resp . nickname , <EOL> email = resp . email ) ) <EOL> @ app . route ( '<STR_LIT>' , methods = [ '<STR_LIT:GET>' , '<STR_LIT:POST>' ] ) <EOL> def create_profile ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if g . user is not None or '<STR_LIT>' not in session : <EOL> return redirect ( url_for ( '<STR_LIT:index>' ) ) <EOL> if request . method == '<STR_LIT:POST>' : <EOL> name = request . form [ '<STR_LIT:name>' ] <EOL> email = request . form [ '<STR_LIT:email>' ] <EOL> if not name : <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> elif '<STR_LIT:@>' not in email : <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> User . get_collection ( ) . insert ( User ( name , email , session [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> return redirect ( oid . get_next_url ( ) ) <EOL> return render_template ( '<STR_LIT>' , next_url = oid . get_next_url ( ) ) <EOL> @ app . route ( '<STR_LIT>' , methods = [ '<STR_LIT:GET>' , '<STR_LIT:POST>' ] ) <EOL> def edit_profile ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if g . user is None : <EOL> abort ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> form = dict ( name = g . user . name , email = g . user . email ) <EOL> if request . method == '<STR_LIT:POST>' : <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' in request . form : <EOL> User . get_collection ( ) . remove ( g . user ) <EOL> session [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = None <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return redirect ( url_for ( '<STR_LIT:index>' ) ) <EOL> form [ '<STR_LIT:name>' ] = request . form [ '<STR_LIT:name>' ] <EOL> form [ '<STR_LIT:email>' ] = request . form [ '<STR_LIT:email>' ] <EOL> if not form [ '<STR_LIT:name>' ] : <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> elif '<STR_LIT:@>' not in form [ '<STR_LIT:email>' ] : <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> g . user . name = form [ '<STR_LIT:name>' ] <EOL> g . user . email = form [ '<STR_LIT:email>' ] <EOL> uid = User . get_collection ( ) . save ( g . user ) <EOL> return redirect ( url_for ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> return render_template ( '<STR_LIT>' , form = form ) <EOL> @ app . route ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def logout ( ) : <EOL> session . pop ( '<STR_LIT>' , None ) <EOL> flash ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return redirect ( oid . get_next_url ( ) ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from babel . core import default_locale , Locale <EOL> from babel . util import itemgetter <EOL> LC_CTYPE = default_locale ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> PLURALS = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:6> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:5> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:4> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:4> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:3> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( <NUM_LIT:1> , '<STR_LIT:0>' ) , <EOL> } <EOL> DEFAULT_PLURAL = ( <NUM_LIT:2> , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> class _PluralTuple ( tuple ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> __slots__ = ( ) <EOL> num_plurals = property ( itemgetter ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) , doc = """<STR_LIT>""" ) <EOL> plural_expr = property ( itemgetter ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) , doc = """<STR_LIT>""" ) <EOL> plural_forms = property ( lambda x : '<STR_LIT>' % x , doc = """<STR_LIT>""" ) <EOL> def __str__ ( self ) : <EOL> return self . plural_forms <EOL> def get_plural ( locale = LC_CTYPE ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> locale = Locale . parse ( locale ) <EOL> try : <EOL> tup = PLURALS [ str ( locale ) ] <EOL> except KeyError : <EOL> try : <EOL> tup = PLURALS [ locale . language ] <EOL> except KeyError : <EOL> tup = DEFAULT_PLURAL <EOL> return _PluralTuple ( tup ) </s>
<s> import numpy as np <EOL> import scipy . sparse as sp <EOL> from sklearn import metrics <EOL> from fastFM import als <EOL> def get_test_problem ( task = '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> X = sp . csc_matrix ( np . array ( [ [ <NUM_LIT:6> , <NUM_LIT:1> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:3> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:3> , <NUM_LIT:0> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:6> , <NUM_LIT:1> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:4> , <NUM_LIT:5> ] ] ) , dtype = np . float64 ) <EOL> y = np . array ( [ <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] , dtype = np . float64 ) <EOL> V = np . array ( [ [ <NUM_LIT:6> , <NUM_LIT:0> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:5> , <NUM_LIT:8> ] ] , dtype = np . float64 ) <EOL> w = np . array ( [ <NUM_LIT:9> , <NUM_LIT:2> ] , dtype = np . float64 ) <EOL> w0 = <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> if task == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> y_labels = np . ones_like ( y ) <EOL> y_labels [ y < np . median ( y ) ] = - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> y = y_labels <EOL> return w0 , w , V , y , X <EOL> def test_fm_classification_predict_proba ( ) : <EOL> w0 , w , V , y , X = get_test_problem ( task = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> fm = als . FMClassification ( n_iter = <NUM_LIT:1000> , <EOL> init_stdev = <NUM_LIT:0.1> , l2_reg_w = <NUM_LIT:0> , l2_reg_V = <NUM_LIT:0> , rank = <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> fm . fit ( X , y ) <EOL> y_pred = fm . predict ( X ) <EOL> y_pred = fm . predict_proba ( X ) <EOL> y [ y == - <NUM_LIT:1> ] = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> assert metrics . roc_auc_score ( y , y_pred ) > <NUM_LIT> <EOL> if __name__ == '<STR_LIT:__main__>' : <EOL> test_fm_classification_predict_proba ( ) </s>
<s> import json <EOL> import os <EOL> import sys <EOL> import time <EOL> import importlib <EOL> sys . path . append ( os . path . realpath ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> client_module = importlib . import_module ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> SampleUtilities = importlib . import_module ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def upload_extension ( ) : <EOL> client = client_module . RestApiClient ( version = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> request_header = { } <EOL> request_header [ '<STR_LIT:Content-Type>' ] = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> cwd = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) ) <EOL> app_zip_file_path = os . path . join ( cwd , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> app_zip_file = open ( app_zip_file_path , '<STR_LIT:rb>' ) <EOL> data = app_zip_file . read ( ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:POST>' , headers = request_header , data = data ) <EOL> if ( response . code != <NUM_LIT> ) : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_response ( response ) <EOL> return - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> else : <EOL> response_body = json . loads ( response . read ( ) . decode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) ) <EOL> extension_id = response_body [ '<STR_LIT:id>' ] <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> str ( extension_id ) ) <EOL> return extension_id <EOL> def install_extension ( extension_id ) : <EOL> client = client_module . RestApiClient ( version = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> params = { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:true>' } <EOL> url = '<STR_LIT>' + str ( extension_id ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( url , '<STR_LIT:POST>' , params = params ) <EOL> if ( response . code != <NUM_LIT> ) : <EOL> print ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_response ( response ) <EOL> return - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> else : <EOL> response_body = json . loads ( response . read ( ) . decode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) ) <EOL> status_id = response_body [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return status_id <EOL> def check_install_status ( status_id ) : <EOL> client = client_module . RestApiClient ( version = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> url = '<STR_LIT>' + str ( status_id ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( url , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> if ( response . code != <NUM_LIT:200> ) : <EOL> print ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_response ( response ) <EOL> status = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : <EOL> response_body = json . loads ( response . read ( ) . decode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) ) <EOL> status = response_body [ '<STR_LIT:status>' ] <EOL> return status <EOL> def delete_installed_extension ( extension_id ) : <EOL> client = client_module . RestApiClient ( version = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> url = '<STR_LIT>' + str ( extension_id ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( url , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if ( response . code == <NUM_LIT> ) : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def main ( ) : <EOL> extension_id = upload_extension ( ) <EOL> if ( extension_id != - <NUM_LIT:1> ) : <EOL> status_id = install_extension ( extension_id ) <EOL> if ( status_id != - <NUM_LIT:1> ) : <EOL> status = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> count = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> while ( ( status == '<STR_LIT>' or status == "<STR_LIT>" ) and <EOL> count > <NUM_LIT:0> ) : <EOL> status = check_install_status ( status_id ) <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' + status ) <EOL> count = count - <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> if ( ( status == '<STR_LIT>' or status == "<STR_LIT>" ) and <EOL> count == <NUM_LIT:0> ) : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> time . sleep ( <NUM_LIT:5> ) <EOL> if ( status == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> delete_installed_extension ( extension_id ) <EOL> else : <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> if __name__ == "<STR_LIT:__main__>" : <EOL> main ( ) </s>
<s> import json <EOL> import os <EOL> import sys <EOL> import importlib <EOL> sys . path . append ( os . path . realpath ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> client_module = importlib . import_module ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> SampleUtilities = importlib . import_module ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def main ( ) : <EOL> client = client_module . RestApiClient ( version = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_request ( <EOL> client , '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_response ( response ) <EOL> if ( response . code != <NUM_LIT:200> ) : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> offense_ID = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> while True : <EOL> if ( offense_ID == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> exit ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_request ( client , '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> str ( offense_ID ) , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( '<STR_LIT>' + str ( offense_ID ) , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> response_text = response . read ( ) . decode ( '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' ) <EOL> if ( response . code == <NUM_LIT:200> ) : <EOL> response_body = json . loads ( response_text ) <EOL> if ( response_body [ '<STR_LIT:status>' ] == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> offense_ID = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> break <EOL> else : <EOL> offense_ID = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> print ( json . dumps ( response_body , indent = <NUM_LIT:4> ) ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_request ( client , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_response ( response ) <EOL> if ( response . code != <NUM_LIT:200> ) : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> closing_reason_ID = input ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> while True : <EOL> if ( closing_reason_ID == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> exit ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_request ( <EOL> client , '<STR_LIT>' + closing_reason_ID , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> closing_reason_ID , '<STR_LIT:GET>' ) <EOL> if ( response . code == <NUM_LIT:200> ) : <EOL> break <EOL> closing_reason_ID = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> make_note = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if ( make_note == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> note_text = input ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> while True : <EOL> if note_text != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> confirmation = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + note_text + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if ( confirmation == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> break <EOL> note_text = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> while True : <EOL> confirm = input ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + offense_ID + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + closing_reason_ID + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if ( confirm == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> break <EOL> elif ( confirm == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' + offense_ID ) <EOL> exit ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> print ( confirm + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if ( make_note == '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> params = { '<STR_LIT>' : note_text } <EOL> response = client . call_api ( '<STR_LIT>' + offense_ID + '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:POST>' , params = params , print_request = True ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_response ( response ) <EOL> if ( response . code != <NUM_LIT> ) : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> exit ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_request ( <EOL> client , '<STR_LIT>' + offense_ID + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + closing_reason_ID + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:POST>' ) <EOL> response = client . call_api ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' + offense_ID + '<STR_LIT>' + <EOL> closing_reason_ID + <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:POST>' ) <EOL> SampleUtilities . pretty_print_response ( response ) <EOL> if response . code != <NUM_LIT:200> : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if __name__ == "<STR_LIT:__main__>" : <EOL> main ( ) </s>
<s> from jinja2 import Environment , FileSystemLoader <EOL> import os <EOL> class JinjaRenderer ( object ) : <EOL> templ_type = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> search_path = [ ] <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> _env = None <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> suffix = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> @ property <EOL> def env ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if not self . _env : <EOL> path = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) ) + "<STR_LIT>" + self . templ_type + "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> if path not in self . search_path : <EOL> self . search_path . append ( path ) <EOL> loader = FileSystemLoader ( JinjaRenderer . search_path ) <EOL> self . _env = Environment ( loader = loader ) <EOL> return self . _env <EOL> def render ( self , nodes , g_context ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> buildup = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> for node in nodes : <EOL> template = self . env . get_template ( node . template + self . suffix ) <EOL> buildup += template . render ( node . get_context ( g_context ) ) <EOL> return buildup </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from __future__ import absolute_import , unicode_literals <EOL> import logging <EOL> from oauthlib . common import urlencode <EOL> from . base import BaseEndpoint <EOL> from . . import errors <EOL> log = logging . getLogger ( __name__ ) <EOL> class RequestTokenEndpoint ( BaseEndpoint ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def create_request_token ( self , request , credentials ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> token = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : self . token_generator ( ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : self . token_generator ( ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:true>' <EOL> } <EOL> token . update ( credentials ) <EOL> self . request_validator . save_request_token ( token , request ) <EOL> return urlencode ( token . items ( ) ) <EOL> def create_request_token_response ( self , uri , http_method = '<STR_LIT:GET>' , body = None , <EOL> headers = None , credentials = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> resp_headers = { '<STR_LIT:Content-Type>' : '<STR_LIT>' } <EOL> try : <EOL> request = self . _create_request ( uri , http_method , body , headers ) <EOL> valid , processed_request = self . validate_request_token_request ( <EOL> request ) <EOL> if valid : <EOL> token = self . create_request_token ( request , credentials or { } ) <EOL> return resp_headers , token , <NUM_LIT:200> <EOL> else : <EOL> return { } , None , <NUM_LIT> <EOL> except errors . OAuth1Error as e : <EOL> return resp_headers , e . urlencoded , e . status_code <EOL> def validate_request_token_request ( self , request ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> self . _check_transport_security ( request ) <EOL> self . _check_mandatory_parameters ( request ) <EOL> if request . realm : <EOL> request . realms = request . realm . split ( '<STR_LIT:U+0020>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> request . realms = self . request_validator . get_default_realms ( <EOL> request . client_key , request ) <EOL> if not self . request_validator . check_realms ( request . realms ) : <EOL> raise errors . InvalidRequestError ( <EOL> description = '<STR_LIT>' % ( <EOL> request . realms , self . request_validator . realms ) ) <EOL> if not request . redirect_uri : <EOL> raise errors . InvalidRequestError ( <EOL> description = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if not self . request_validator . validate_timestamp_and_nonce ( <EOL> request . client_key , request . timestamp , request . nonce , request , <EOL> request_token = request . resource_owner_key ) : <EOL> return False , request <EOL> valid_client = self . request_validator . validate_client_key ( <EOL> request . client_key , request ) <EOL> if not valid_client : <EOL> request . client_key = self . request_validator . dummy_client <EOL> valid_realm = self . request_validator . validate_requested_realms ( <EOL> request . client_key , request . realms , request ) <EOL> valid_redirect = self . request_validator . validate_redirect_uri ( <EOL> request . client_key , request . redirect_uri , request ) <EOL> if not request . redirect_uri : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> valid_signature = self . _check_signature ( request ) <EOL> request . validator_log [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = valid_client <EOL> request . validator_log [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = valid_realm <EOL> request . validator_log [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = valid_redirect <EOL> request . validator_log [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = valid_signature <EOL> v = all ( ( valid_client , valid_realm , valid_redirect , valid_signature ) ) <EOL> if not v : <EOL> log . info ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> log . info ( "<STR_LIT>" , valid_client ) <EOL> log . info ( "<STR_LIT>" , valid_realm ) <EOL> log . info ( "<STR_LIT>" , valid_redirect ) <EOL> log . info ( "<STR_LIT>" , valid_signature ) <EOL> return v , request </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from __future__ import unicode_literals , absolute_import <EOL> import json <EOL> import logging <EOL> from . base import GrantTypeBase <EOL> from . . import errors <EOL> from . . request_validator import RequestValidator <EOL> log = logging . getLogger ( __name__ ) <EOL> class ClientCredentialsGrant ( GrantTypeBase ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , request_validator = None ) : <EOL> self . request_validator = request_validator or RequestValidator ( ) <EOL> def create_token_response ( self , request , token_handler ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> headers = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Content-Type>' : '<STR_LIT:application/json>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> } <EOL> try : <EOL> log . debug ( '<STR_LIT>' , request ) <EOL> self . validate_token_request ( request ) <EOL> except errors . OAuth2Error as e : <EOL> log . debug ( '<STR_LIT>' , e ) <EOL> return headers , e . json , e . status_code <EOL> token = token_handler . create_token ( request , refresh_token = False ) <EOL> log . debug ( '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> request . client_id , request . client , token ) <EOL> return headers , json . dumps ( token ) , <NUM_LIT:200> <EOL> def validate_token_request ( self , request ) : <EOL> if not getattr ( request , '<STR_LIT>' , None ) : <EOL> raise errors . InvalidRequestError ( '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> request = request ) <EOL> if not request . grant_type == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> raise errors . UnsupportedGrantTypeError ( request = request ) <EOL> for param in ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> if param in request . duplicate_params : <EOL> raise errors . InvalidRequestError ( description = '<STR_LIT>' % param , <EOL> request = request ) <EOL> log . debug ( '<STR_LIT>' , request ) <EOL> if not self . request_validator . authenticate_client ( request ) : <EOL> log . debug ( '<STR_LIT>' , request ) <EOL> raise errors . InvalidClientError ( request = request ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if not hasattr ( request . client , '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . validate_grant_type ( request ) <EOL> log . debug ( '<STR_LIT>' , request . user ) <EOL> request . client_id = request . client_id or request . client . client_id <EOL> self . validate_scopes ( request ) </s>
<s> from __future__ import absolute_import , unicode_literals <EOL> from ... . unittest import TestCase <EOL> from oauthlib . oauth2 . rfc6749 import BaseEndpoint , catch_errors_and_unavailability <EOL> from oauthlib . oauth2 import Server , RequestValidator , FatalClientError , OAuth2Error <EOL> class BaseEndpointTest ( TestCase ) : <EOL> def test_default_config ( self ) : <EOL> endpoint = BaseEndpoint ( ) <EOL> self . assertFalse ( endpoint . catch_errors ) <EOL> self . assertTrue ( endpoint . available ) <EOL> endpoint . catch_errors = True <EOL> self . assertTrue ( endpoint . catch_errors ) <EOL> endpoint . available = False <EOL> self . assertFalse ( endpoint . available ) <EOL> def test_error_catching ( self ) : <EOL> validator = RequestValidator ( ) <EOL> server = Server ( validator ) <EOL> server . catch_errors = True <EOL> h , b , s = server . create_authorization_response ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . assertIn ( "<STR_LIT>" , b ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( s , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> def test_unavailability ( self ) : <EOL> validator = RequestValidator ( ) <EOL> server = Server ( validator ) <EOL> server . available = False <EOL> h , b , s = server . create_authorization_response ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . assertIn ( "<STR_LIT>" , b ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( s , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> def test_wrapper ( self ) : <EOL> class TestServer ( Server ) : <EOL> @ catch_errors_and_unavailability <EOL> def throw_error ( self , uri ) : <EOL> raise ValueError ( ) <EOL> @ catch_errors_and_unavailability <EOL> def throw_oauth_error ( self , uri ) : <EOL> raise OAuth2Error ( ) <EOL> @ catch_errors_and_unavailability <EOL> def throw_fatal_oauth_error ( self , uri ) : <EOL> raise FatalClientError ( ) <EOL> validator = RequestValidator ( ) <EOL> server = TestServer ( validator ) <EOL> server . catch_errors = True <EOL> h , b , s = server . throw_error ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) <EOL> self . assertIn ( "<STR_LIT>" , b ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( s , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> server . available = False <EOL> h , b , s = server . throw_error ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) <EOL> self . assertIn ( "<STR_LIT>" , b ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( s , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> server . available = True <EOL> self . assertRaises ( OAuth2Error , server . throw_oauth_error , '<STR_LIT:a>' ) <EOL> self . assertRaises ( FatalClientError , server . throw_fatal_oauth_error , '<STR_LIT:a>' ) <EOL> server . catch_errors = False <EOL> self . assertRaises ( OAuth2Error , server . throw_oauth_error , '<STR_LIT:a>' ) <EOL> self . assertRaises ( FatalClientError , server . throw_fatal_oauth_error , '<STR_LIT:a>' ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from pygments . style import Style <EOL> from pygments . token import Keyword , Name , Comment , String , Error , Text , Number , Operator , Generic , Whitespace , Punctuation , Other , Literal <EOL> BACKGROUND = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> CURRENT_LINE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> SELECTION = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> FOREGROUND = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> COMMENT = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> RED = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> ORANGE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> YELLOW = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> GREEN = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> AQUA = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> BLUE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> PURPLE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> class base16_3024_dark ( Style ) : <EOL> default_style = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> background_color = BACKGROUND <EOL> highlight_color = SELECTION <EOL> background_color = BACKGROUND <EOL> highlight_color = SELECTION <EOL> styles = { <EOL> Text : FOREGROUND , <EOL> Whitespace : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Error : RED , <EOL> Other : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment : COMMENT , <EOL> Comment . Multiline : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment . Preproc : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment . Single : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment . Special : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword : PURPLE , <EOL> Keyword . Constant : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Declaration : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Namespace : AQUA , <EOL> Keyword . Pseudo : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Reserved : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Type : YELLOW , <EOL> Operator : AQUA , <EOL> Operator . Word : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Punctuation : FOREGROUND , <EOL> Name : FOREGROUND , <EOL> Name . Attribute : BLUE , <EOL> Name . Builtin : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Builtin . Pseudo : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Class : YELLOW , <EOL> Name . Constant : RED , <EOL> Name . Decorator : AQUA , <EOL> Name . Entity : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Exception : RED , <EOL> Name . Function : BLUE , <EOL> Name . Property : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Label : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Namespace : YELLOW , <EOL> Name . Other : BLUE , <EOL> Name . Tag : AQUA , <EOL> Name . Variable : RED , <EOL> Name . Variable . Class : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Variable . Global : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Variable . Instance : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number : ORANGE , <EOL> Number . Float : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Hex : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Integer : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Integer . Long : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Oct : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Literal : ORANGE , <EOL> Literal . Date : GREEN , <EOL> String : GREEN , <EOL> String . Backtick : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Char : FOREGROUND , <EOL> String . Doc : COMMENT , <EOL> String . Double : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Escape : ORANGE , <EOL> String . Heredoc : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Interpol : ORANGE , <EOL> String . Other : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Regex : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Single : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Symbol : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Deleted : RED , <EOL> Generic . Emph : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Error : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Heading : "<STR_LIT>" + FOREGROUND , <EOL> Generic . Inserted : GREEN , <EOL> Generic . Output : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Prompt : "<STR_LIT>" + COMMENT , <EOL> Generic . Strong : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Subheading : "<STR_LIT>" + AQUA , <EOL> Generic . Traceback : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> } </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from pygments . style import Style <EOL> from pygments . token import Keyword , Name , Comment , String , Error , Text , Number , Operator , Generic , Whitespace , Punctuation , Other , Literal <EOL> BACKGROUND = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> CURRENT_LINE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> SELECTION = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> FOREGROUND = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> COMMENT = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> RED = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> ORANGE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> YELLOW = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> GREEN = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> AQUA = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> BLUE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> PURPLE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> class base16_tomorrow_dark ( Style ) : <EOL> default_style = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> background_color = BACKGROUND <EOL> highlight_color = SELECTION <EOL> background_color = BACKGROUND <EOL> highlight_color = SELECTION <EOL> styles = { <EOL> Text : FOREGROUND , <EOL> Whitespace : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Error : RED , <EOL> Other : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment : COMMENT , <EOL> Comment . Multiline : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment . Preproc : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment . Single : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Comment . Special : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword : PURPLE , <EOL> Keyword . Constant : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Declaration : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Namespace : AQUA , <EOL> Keyword . Pseudo : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Reserved : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Keyword . Type : YELLOW , <EOL> Operator : AQUA , <EOL> Operator . Word : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Punctuation : FOREGROUND , <EOL> Name : FOREGROUND , <EOL> Name . Attribute : BLUE , <EOL> Name . Builtin : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Builtin . Pseudo : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Class : YELLOW , <EOL> Name . Constant : RED , <EOL> Name . Decorator : AQUA , <EOL> Name . Entity : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Exception : RED , <EOL> Name . Function : BLUE , <EOL> Name . Property : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Label : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Namespace : YELLOW , <EOL> Name . Other : BLUE , <EOL> Name . Tag : AQUA , <EOL> Name . Variable : RED , <EOL> Name . Variable . Class : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Variable . Global : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Name . Variable . Instance : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number : ORANGE , <EOL> Number . Float : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Hex : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Integer : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Integer . Long : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Number . Oct : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Literal : ORANGE , <EOL> Literal . Date : GREEN , <EOL> String : GREEN , <EOL> String . Backtick : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Char : FOREGROUND , <EOL> String . Doc : COMMENT , <EOL> String . Double : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Escape : ORANGE , <EOL> String . Heredoc : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Interpol : ORANGE , <EOL> String . Other : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Regex : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Single : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> String . Symbol : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Deleted : RED , <EOL> Generic . Emph : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Error : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Heading : "<STR_LIT>" + FOREGROUND , <EOL> Generic . Inserted : GREEN , <EOL> Generic . Output : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Prompt : "<STR_LIT>" + COMMENT , <EOL> Generic . Strong : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> Generic . Subheading : "<STR_LIT>" + AQUA , <EOL> Generic . Traceback : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> } </s>
<s> from django . views . decorators . csrf import csrf_exempt <EOL> from django . contrib . auth . decorators import login_required <EOL> from . endpoints import AuthorizeEndpoint , TokenEndpoint <EOL> @ login_required <EOL> def endpoint_authorize ( request ) : <EOL> return AuthorizeEndpoint ( request ) . get_response ( ) <EOL> @ csrf_exempt <EOL> def endpoint_token ( request ) : <EOL> return TokenEndpoint ( request ) . get_response ( ) </s>
<s> from south . utils import datetime_utils as datetime <EOL> from south . db import db <EOL> from south . v2 import SchemaMigration <EOL> from django . db import models <EOL> class Migration ( SchemaMigration ) : <EOL> def forwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . create_table ( u'<STR_LIT>' , ( <EOL> ( u'<STR_LIT:id>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( primary_key = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:title>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( max_length = <NUM_LIT> ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( max_length = <NUM_LIT> , unique = True , null = True , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = False ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( blank = True , related_name = '<STR_LIT>' , null = True , to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:status>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( db_index = True , null = True , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( max_length = <NUM_LIT> , unique = True , null = True , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( related_name = '<STR_LIT>' , to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( auto_now_add = True , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( auto_now = True , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = <NUM_LIT:0> , db_index = True ) ) , <EOL> ) ) <EOL> db . send_create_signal ( u'<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> db . create_unique ( u'<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT:title>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> db . create_table ( u'<STR_LIT>' , ( <EOL> ( u'<STR_LIT:id>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( primary_key = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( related_name = '<STR_LIT>' , to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:status>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( db_index = True , null = True , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( related_name = '<STR_LIT>' , to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( auto_now_add = True , blank = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( db_index = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( related_name = u'<STR_LIT>' , to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) , <EOL> ) ) <EOL> db . send_create_signal ( u'<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def backwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . delete_unique ( u'<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT:title>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> db . delete_table ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> db . delete_table ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> models = { <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:email>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:password>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:username>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:0>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:status>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:title>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:status>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> complete_apps = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] </s>
<s> from south . utils import datetime_utils as datetime <EOL> from south . db import db <EOL> from south . v2 import SchemaMigration <EOL> from django . db import models <EOL> class Migration ( SchemaMigration ) : <EOL> def forwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . delete_table ( u'<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( null = True , to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> def backwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . create_table ( u'<STR_LIT>' , ( <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = '<STR_LIT>' ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = '<STR_LIT>' ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = '<STR_LIT>' , max_length = <NUM_LIT> ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:id>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( primary_key = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = '<STR_LIT>' ) ) , <EOL> ) ) <EOL> db . send_create_signal ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( null = True , to = orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> models = { <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:email>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:password>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:username>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:code>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:user>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:code>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:to>' : u"<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> complete_apps = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] </s>
<s> from django . conf import settings <EOL> APP_MODULE_NAME = getattr ( settings , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> INIT_BUILTIN_MESSAGE_TYPES = getattr ( settings , '<STR_LIT>' , True ) <EOL> EMAIL_BACKEND_MESSAGES_PRIORITY = getattr ( settings , '<STR_LIT>' , None ) <EOL> DEFAULT_SHORTCUT_EMAIL_MESSAGES_TYPE = getattr ( settings , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> SITE_URL = getattr ( settings , '<STR_LIT>' , None ) </s>
<s> from django . contrib import admin <EOL> from . settings import EXPOSE_MODEL_TO_ADMIN <EOL> if EXPOSE_MODEL_TO_ADMIN : <EOL> from . models import Preference <EOL> class PreferenceAdmin ( admin . ModelAdmin ) : <EOL> list_display = ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:name>' ) <EOL> search_fields = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:name>' ] <EOL> list_filter = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ordering = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:name>' ] <EOL> admin . site . register ( Preference , PreferenceAdmin ) </s>
<s> import datetime <EOL> from south . db import db <EOL> from south . v2 import SchemaMigration <EOL> from django . db import models <EOL> class Migration ( SchemaMigration ) : <EOL> def forwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . add_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = False , db_index = True ) , keep_default = False ) <EOL> db . add_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , self . gf ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( default = <NUM_LIT:1> ) , keep_default = False ) <EOL> db . create_table ( '<STR_LIT>' , ( <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:id>' , models . AutoField ( verbose_name = '<STR_LIT>' , primary_key = True , auto_created = True ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , models . ForeignKey ( orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , null = False ) ) , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , models . ForeignKey ( orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , null = False ) ) <EOL> ) ) <EOL> db . create_unique ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def backwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . delete_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> db . delete_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> db . delete_table ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> models = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:object_name>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:1>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:description>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:0>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:title>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:url>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> complete_apps = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import os <EOL> import sys <EOL> import time <EOL> import logging <EOL> import pexpect <EOL> import kerberos <EOL> import ConfigParser <EOL> from nitrate import NitrateKerbXmlrpc <EOL> class TCMS ( object ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , tcms_url = None ) : <EOL> self . log = logging . getLogger ( ) <EOL> if tcms_url is None : <EOL> self . tcms_url = self . get_tcms_url ( ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . tcms_url = tcms_url <EOL> try : <EOL> self . server = NitrateKerbXmlrpc ( self . tcms_url ) . server <EOL> except kerberos . GSSError : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> self . user = os . environ . get ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . passwd = os . environ . get ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . kinit ( self . user , self . passwd ) <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> self . server = NitrateKerbXmlrpc ( self . tcms_url ) . server <EOL> def _config_setting ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> config = ConfigParser . ConfigParser ( ) <EOL> config . read ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return config <EOL> def get_tcms_url ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> config = self . _config_setting ( ) <EOL> try : <EOL> env = config . get ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> url = config . get ( '<STR_LIT>' , env ) <EOL> except ConfigParser . NoSectionError : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> return url <EOL> def get_domain ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> config = self . _config_setting ( ) <EOL> try : <EOL> domain_name = config . get ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> except ConfigParser . NoSectionError : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> return domain_name <EOL> def kinit ( self , user , passwd ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> domain_name = self . get_domain ( ) <EOL> try : <EOL> kinit = pexpect . spawn ( '<STR_LIT>' % user ) <EOL> kinit . expect ( '<STR_LIT>' % ( user , domain_name ) ) <EOL> print kinit . after <EOL> kinit . sendline ( passwd ) <EOL> index = kinit . expect ( [ pexpect . EOF , pexpect . TIMEOUT ] ) <EOL> print index , kinit . before <EOL> except pexpect . EOF : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:255> ) <EOL> def get_caserun_id ( self , run_id , case_id ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> caseruns = self . server . TestCaseRun . filter ( <EOL> { '<STR_LIT>' : run_id , '<STR_LIT>' : case_id } ) <EOL> caserun_id = caseruns [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> return caserun_id <EOL> def get_caserun_status_id ( self , status ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> caserun_status = self . server . TestCaseRun . check_case_run_status ( status ) <EOL> return caserun_status [ '<STR_LIT:id>' ] <EOL> def update_caserun_status ( self , caserun_id , caserun_status ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> caserun_status_id = self . get_caserun_status_id ( caserun_status ) <EOL> self . server . TestCaseRun . update ( <EOL> caserun_id , { '<STR_LIT>' : caserun_status_id } ) <EOL> def update_caserun_log ( self , caserun_id , caserun_log ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> self . server . TestCaseRun . add_comment ( caserun_id , caserun_log ) <EOL> def get_run_params ( self , plan_id , case_ids ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> create_time = time . strftime ( '<STR_LIT>' , time . localtime ( ) ) <EOL> product_name = self . server . TestPlan . get ( plan_id ) [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> run_summary = product_name + '<STR_LIT:_>' + '<STR_LIT>' + '<STR_LIT:_>' + create_time <EOL> run_manager = self . server . TestPlan . get ( plan_id ) [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> run_product = self . server . TestPlan . get ( plan_id ) [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> run_product_version = self . server . TestPlan . get ( plan_id ) [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> run_build = self . server . Product . get_builds ( run_product ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> run_plan_id = plan_id <EOL> run_values = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : run_summary , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : run_manager , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : run_product , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : run_product_version , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : run_build , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : run_plan_id , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : case_ids , <EOL> } <EOL> return run_values <EOL> def create_run ( self , plan_id , tags , priorities ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> run_values = { } <EOL> case_ids = self . get_valid_cases ( plan_id , tags , priorities ) <EOL> run_values = self . get_run_params ( plan_id , case_ids ) <EOL> try : <EOL> self . log . debug ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> run_id = self . server . TestRun . create ( run_values ) [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> self . log . info ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( run_id ) ) <EOL> return run_id <EOL> except Exception as e : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( str ( run_values ) , str ( e ) ) ) <EOL> def add_cases_to_run ( self , cases_ids , run_id ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> exist_cases = self . server . TestRun . get_test_cases ( run_id ) <EOL> exist_cases_ids = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in exist_cases ] <EOL> if type ( cases_ids ) == str or type ( cases_ids ) == int : <EOL> if int ( cases_ids ) in exist_cases_ids : <EOL> new_caserun_count = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> else : <EOL> new_caserun_count = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> elif type ( cases_ids ) == list : <EOL> new_cases_ids = [ id for id in cases_ids <EOL> if int ( id ) not in exist_cases_ids ] <EOL> new_caserun_count = len ( new_cases_ids ) <EOL> else : <EOL> pass <EOL> if new_caserun_count > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> try : <EOL> self . server . TestCase . add_to_run ( cases_ids , run_id ) <EOL> except Exception , error_info : <EOL> self . log . warning ( '<STR_LIT>' % error_info ) <EOL> else : <EOL> pass <EOL> def get_case_from_run ( self , run_id ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> try : <EOL> return self . server . TestRun . get_test_cases ( run_id ) <EOL> except : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" % str ( run_id ) ) <EOL> def update_run_status ( self , run_id , status_num ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> try : <EOL> self . server . TestRun . update ( run_id , { '<STR_LIT:status>' : status_num } ) <EOL> except : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def get_valid_cases ( self , plan_id , tags , priorities ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cases = [ ] <EOL> tags_cases = self . get_valid_cases_via_tags ( plan_id , tags ) <EOL> priorities_cases = self . get_valid_cases_via_priorities ( plan_id , <EOL> priorities ) <EOL> cases = [ case for case in tags_cases if case in priorities_cases ] <EOL> return cases <EOL> def get_valid_cases_via_tags ( self , plan_id , tags ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cases = [ ] <EOL> if len ( tags ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> try : <EOL> the_cases = self . server . TestCase . filter ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : plan_id , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> except : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> cases = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in the_cases ] <EOL> else : <EOL> for tag in tags : <EOL> try : <EOL> the_cases = self . server . TestCase . filter ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : plan_id , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : tag } ) <EOL> except : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> cases1 = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in the_cases ] <EOL> cases = list ( set ( cases1 + cases ) ) <EOL> return cases <EOL> def get_valid_cases_via_priorities ( self , plan_id , priorities ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> cases = [ ] <EOL> if len ( priorities ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> try : <EOL> the_cases = self . server . TestCase . filter ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : plan_id , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> except : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> cases = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in the_cases ] <EOL> else : <EOL> for priority in priorities : <EOL> try : <EOL> the_cases = self . server . TestCase . filter ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : plan_id , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : priority . upper ( ) } ) <EOL> except : <EOL> raise TCMSException ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> cases1 = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in the_cases ] <EOL> cases = list ( set ( cases1 + cases ) ) <EOL> return cases <EOL> def get_plan_case_ids ( self , plan_id ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> case_ids = [ ] <EOL> cases = self . server . TestPlan . get_test_cases ( plan_id ) <EOL> case_ids = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in cases ] <EOL> return case_ids <EOL> def filter_case_via_status ( self , run_id , status ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> case_ids = [ ] <EOL> cases = self . server . TestCaseRun . filter ( { '<STR_LIT>' : run_id , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> status } ) <EOL> case_ids = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in cases ] <EOL> return case_ids <EOL> def get_case_ids ( self , plan_id , run_id , tags , priorities , is_tcms ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> case_ids = [ ] <EOL> if is_tcms : <EOL> if run_id == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> if plan_id == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:255> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> run_id = self . create_run ( plan_id , tags , priorities ) <EOL> print '<STR_LIT:\n>' , '<STR_LIT>' . center ( <NUM_LIT> , '<STR_LIT:*>' ) % run_id , '<STR_LIT:\n>' <EOL> cases = self . get_case_from_run ( run_id ) <EOL> case_ids = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in cases ] <EOL> else : <EOL> cases_in_run = self . get_case_from_run ( run_id ) <EOL> case_ids_in_run = [ case [ '<STR_LIT>' ] for case in cases_in_run ] <EOL> valid_case_ids = self . get_valid_cases ( plan_id , tags , <EOL> priorities ) <EOL> case_ids = [ id for id in case_ids_in_run <EOL> if id in valid_case_ids ] <EOL> idel_case_ids = self . filter_case_via_status ( run_id , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> case_ids = list ( set ( case_ids ) & set ( idel_case_ids ) ) <EOL> print '<STR_LIT:\n>' , '<STR_LIT>' . center ( <NUM_LIT> , '<STR_LIT:*>' ) % run_id <EOL> print '<STR_LIT:\n>' <EOL> elif plan_id == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> sys . exit ( <NUM_LIT:255> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> case_ids = self . get_valid_cases ( plan_id , tags , priorities ) <EOL> return str ( run_id ) , case_ids <EOL> class TCMSException ( Exception ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , msg ) : <EOL> self . msg = msg <EOL> def __str__ ( self ) : <EOL> return repr ( self . msg ) <EOL> if __name__ == '<STR_LIT:__main__>' : <EOL> tcms = TCMS ( ) <EOL> run_id = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> case_id = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> caserun_id = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> plan_id = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> caserun_log = """<STR_LIT>""" </s>
<s> import os , sys <EOL> sys . path . insert ( <NUM_LIT:0> , os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> os . environ [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> import django . core . handlers . wsgi <EOL> application = django . core . handlers . wsgi . WSGIHandler ( ) </s>
<s> from tests . unit_tests import JSReverseViewTestCaseMinified , JSReverseViewTestCaseNotMinified , JSReverseViewTestCaseGlobalObjectName , JSReverseStaticFileSaveTest , JSReverseTemplateTagTest </s>
<s> import os <EOL> import numpy <EOL> class UnsupervisedDataContainer ( object ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , X ) : <EOL> self . X = X <EOL> def next ( self ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> class UnsupervisedDataLoader ( object ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , dataset_path ) : <EOL> self . dataset_path = dataset_path <EOL> assert os . path . exists ( self . dataset_path ) , '<STR_LIT>' % dataset_path <EOL> def load ( self ) : <EOL> X = numpy . load ( os . path . join ( self . dataset_path , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> unsupervised_data_container = UnsupervisedDataContainer ( X ) <EOL> return unsupervised_data_container </s>
<s> from __future__ import unicode_literals <EOL> import io <EOL> from arpeggio import Terminal <EOL> class Exporter ( object ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self ) : <EOL> super ( Exporter , self ) . __init__ ( ) <EOL> self . _render_set = set ( ) <EOL> self . _adapter_map = { } <EOL> def export ( self , obj ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> self . _outf = io . StringIO ( ) <EOL> self . _export ( obj ) <EOL> content = self . _outf . getvalue ( ) <EOL> self . _outf . close ( ) <EOL> return content <EOL> def exportFile ( self , obj , file_name ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> self . _outf = io . open ( file_name , "<STR_LIT:w>" , encoding = "<STR_LIT:utf-8>" ) <EOL> self . _export ( obj ) <EOL> self . _outf . close ( ) <EOL> def _export ( self , obj ) : <EOL> self . _outf . write ( self . _start ( ) ) <EOL> self . _render_node ( obj ) <EOL> self . _outf . write ( self . _end ( ) ) <EOL> def _start ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def _end ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> class ExportAdapter ( object ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , node , export ) : <EOL> self . adaptee = node <EOL> self . export = export <EOL> class DOTExportAdapter ( ExportAdapter ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> @ property <EOL> def id ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> @ property <EOL> def desc ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> @ property <EOL> def neighbours ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> class PMDOTExportAdapter ( DOTExportAdapter ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> @ property <EOL> def id ( self ) : <EOL> return id ( self . adaptee ) <EOL> @ property <EOL> def desc ( self ) : <EOL> return self . adaptee . desc <EOL> @ property <EOL> def neighbours ( self ) : <EOL> if not hasattr ( self , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . _neighbours = [ ] <EOL> adapter_map = self . export . _adapter_map <EOL> for c , n in enumerate ( self . adaptee . nodes ) : <EOL> if isinstance ( n , PMDOTExportAdapter ) : <EOL> self . _neighbours . append ( ( str ( c + <NUM_LIT:1> ) , n ) ) <EOL> elif id ( n ) in adapter_map : <EOL> self . _neighbours . append ( ( str ( c + <NUM_LIT:1> ) , adapter_map [ id ( n ) ] ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> adapter = PMDOTExportAdapter ( n , self . export ) <EOL> self . _neighbours . append ( ( str ( c + <NUM_LIT:1> ) , adapter ) ) <EOL> adapter_map [ adapter . id ] = adapter <EOL> return self . _neighbours <EOL> class PTDOTExportAdapter ( PMDOTExportAdapter ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> @ property <EOL> def neighbours ( self ) : <EOL> if isinstance ( self . adaptee , Terminal ) : <EOL> return [ ] <EOL> else : <EOL> if not hasattr ( self , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . _neighbours = [ ] <EOL> for c , n in enumerate ( self . adaptee ) : <EOL> adapter = PTDOTExportAdapter ( n , self . export ) <EOL> self . _neighbours . append ( ( str ( c + <NUM_LIT:1> ) , adapter ) ) <EOL> return self . _neighbours <EOL> class DOTExporter ( Exporter ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def _render_node ( self , node ) : <EOL> if not node in self . _render_set : <EOL> self . _render_set . add ( node ) <EOL> self . _outf . write ( '<STR_LIT>' % <EOL> ( node . id , self . _dot_label_esc ( node . desc ) ) ) <EOL> for name , n in node . neighbours : <EOL> self . _outf . write ( '<STR_LIT>' % <EOL> ( node . id , n . id , name ) ) <EOL> self . _outf . write ( '<STR_LIT:\n>' ) <EOL> self . _render_node ( n ) <EOL> def _start ( self ) : <EOL> return "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def _end ( self ) : <EOL> return "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def _dot_label_esc ( self , to_esc ) : <EOL> to_esc = to_esc . replace ( "<STR_LIT:\\>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> to_esc = to_esc . replace ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> to_esc = to_esc . replace ( '<STR_LIT:\n>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return to_esc <EOL> class PMDOTExporter ( DOTExporter ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def export ( self , obj ) : <EOL> return super ( PMDOTExporter , self ) . export ( PMDOTExportAdapter ( obj , self ) ) <EOL> def exportFile ( self , obj , file_name ) : <EOL> return super ( PMDOTExporter , self ) . exportFile ( PMDOTExportAdapter ( obj , self ) , file_name ) <EOL> class PTDOTExporter ( DOTExporter ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def export ( self , obj ) : <EOL> return super ( PTDOTExporter , self ) . export ( PTDOTExportAdapter ( obj , self ) ) <EOL> def exportFile ( self , obj , file_name ) : <EOL> return super ( PTDOTExporter , self ) . exportFile ( PTDOTExportAdapter ( obj , self ) , file_name ) </s>
<s> from __future__ import unicode_literals <EOL> import pytest <EOL> from arpeggio import ZeroOrMore , Optional , ParserPython , NoMatch , EOF <EOL> from arpeggio import RegExMatch as _ <EOL> def test_non_optional_precedence ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def grammar ( ) : return Optional ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) , '<STR_LIT:b>' <EOL> parser = ParserPython ( grammar ) <EOL> try : <EOL> parser . parse ( '<STR_LIT:c>' ) <EOL> except NoMatch as e : <EOL> assert "<STR_LIT>" in str ( e ) <EOL> def grammar ( ) : return [ '<STR_LIT:b>' , Optional ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) ] <EOL> parser = ParserPython ( grammar ) <EOL> try : <EOL> parser . parse ( '<STR_LIT:c>' ) <EOL> except NoMatch as e : <EOL> assert "<STR_LIT>" in str ( e ) <EOL> def test_optional_with_better_match ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def grammar ( ) : return [ first , Optional ( second ) ] <EOL> def first ( ) : return '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:4>' <EOL> def second ( ) : return '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> parser = ParserPython ( grammar ) <EOL> try : <EOL> parser . parse ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> except NoMatch as e : <EOL> assert "<STR_LIT>" in str ( e ) <EOL> def test_file_name_reporting ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def grammar ( ) : return Optional ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) , '<STR_LIT:b>' , EOF <EOL> parser = ParserPython ( grammar ) <EOL> try : <EOL> parser . parse ( "<STR_LIT>" , file_name = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> except NoMatch as e : <EOL> assert "<STR_LIT>" in str ( e ) <EOL> def test_comment_matching_not_reported ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def grammar ( ) : return Optional ( '<STR_LIT:a>' ) , '<STR_LIT:b>' , EOF <EOL> def comments ( ) : return _ ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> parser = ParserPython ( grammar , comments ) <EOL> try : <EOL> parser . parse ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> except NoMatch as e : <EOL> assert "<STR_LIT>" in str ( e ) </s>
<s> from __future__ import unicode_literals <EOL> import pytest <EOL> import os <EOL> from textx . metamodel import metamodel_from_file <EOL> from textx . export import metamodel_export , model_export <EOL> def test_import ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> current_dir = os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) <EOL> mm = metamodel_from_file ( os . path . join ( current_dir , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> metamodel_export ( mm , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> model = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> model = mm . model_from_str ( model ) <EOL> model_export ( model , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> def test_multiple_imports ( ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> current_dir = os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) <EOL> mm = metamodel_from_file ( os . path . join ( current_dir , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) ) <EOL> print ( mm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . _tx_attrs ) <EOL> print ( mm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . _tx_attrs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . cls . _tx_attrs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . cls . __name__ ) <EOL> print ( mm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> print ( type ( mm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . _tx_attrs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) <EOL> assert mm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . _tx_attrs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . cls . _tx_attrs [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . cls is mm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> metamodel_export ( mm , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> model = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> model = mm . model_from_str ( model ) <EOL> model_export ( model , '<STR_LIT>' ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> __author__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> import unittest <EOL> import source <EOL> class SourceTestCase ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def testSourceScan ( self ) : <EOL> test_source = source . Source ( _TEST_SOURCE ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( set ( [ '<STR_LIT:foo>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) , <EOL> test_source . provides ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( set ( [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] ) , <EOL> test_source . requires ) <EOL> def testSourceScanBase ( self ) : <EOL> test_source = source . Source ( _TEST_BASE_SOURCE ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( set ( [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) , <EOL> test_source . provides ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( test_source . requires , set ( ) ) <EOL> def testSourceScanBadBase ( self ) : <EOL> def MakeSource ( ) : <EOL> source . Source ( _TEST_BAD_BASE_SOURCE ) <EOL> self . assertRaises ( Exception , MakeSource ) <EOL> _TEST_SOURCE = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> _TEST_BASE_SOURCE = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> _TEST_BAD_BASE_SOURCE = """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if __name__ == '<STR_LIT:__main__>' : <EOL> unittest . main ( ) </s>
<s> STARTING_MONEY = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> weapons = { } <EOL> armor_list = { } <EOL> mobsters = { } <EOL> weapons [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT:name>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:0.1> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:20> <EOL> } <EOL> armor_list [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT:name>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT> <EOL> } <EOL> mobsters [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT:name>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:1> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:200> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:5> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:20> <EOL> } </s>
<s> import unittest <EOL> import networkx <EOL> import os <EOL> import pythonect . internal . parsers . vdx <EOL> BASE_DIR = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , os . pardir ) <EOL> TEST_DIR = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) <EOL> class TestPythonectVisioParser ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> def test_program_empty ( self ) : <EOL> g = networkx . DiGraph ( ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( len ( pythonect . internal . parsers . vdx . PythonectVisioParser ( ) . parse ( open ( TEST_DIR + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' ) . read ( ) ) . nodes ( ) ) == len ( g . nodes ( ) ) , True ) <EOL> def test_expr_atom ( self ) : <EOL> g = networkx . DiGraph ( ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:1>' ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( len ( pythonect . internal . parsers . vdx . PythonectVisioParser ( ) . parse ( open ( TEST_DIR + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' ) . read ( ) ) . nodes ( ) ) == len ( g . nodes ( ) ) , True ) <EOL> def test_even_expr_atom_op_expr ( self ) : <EOL> g = networkx . DiGraph ( ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:1>' ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:2>' ) <EOL> g . add_edge ( '<STR_LIT:1>' , '<STR_LIT:2>' ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( len ( pythonect . internal . parsers . vdx . PythonectVisioParser ( ) . parse ( open ( TEST_DIR + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' ) . read ( ) ) . edges ( ) ) == len ( g . edges ( ) ) , True ) <EOL> def test_odd_expr_atom_op_expr ( self ) : <EOL> g = networkx . DiGraph ( ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:1>' ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:2>' ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:3>' ) <EOL> g . add_edge ( '<STR_LIT:1>' , '<STR_LIT:2>' ) <EOL> g . add_edge ( '<STR_LIT:2>' , '<STR_LIT:3>' ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( len ( pythonect . internal . parsers . vdx . PythonectVisioParser ( ) . parse ( open ( TEST_DIR + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' ) . read ( ) ) . edges ( ) ) == len ( g . edges ( ) ) , True ) <EOL> def test_program_expr_list ( self ) : <EOL> g = networkx . DiGraph ( ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:1>' ) <EOL> g . add_node ( '<STR_LIT:2>' ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( len ( pythonect . internal . parsers . vdx . PythonectVisioParser ( ) . parse ( open ( TEST_DIR + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' + os . sep + '<STR_LIT>' ) . read ( ) ) . nodes ( ) ) == len ( g . nodes ( ) ) , True ) </s>
<s> import numpy <EOL> try : <EOL> import jpype <EOL> except : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> import os <EOL> def reader ( fileName = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> pathtoLOCI = os . getcwd ( ) <EOL> if pathtoLOCI [ - <NUM_LIT:7> : ] != '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> pathtoLOCI = os . getcwd ( ) + "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> else : <EOL> pathtoLOCI = os . getcwd ( ) + '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> try : <EOL> if not jpype . isJVMStarted ( ) : <EOL> jpype . startJVM ( jpype . getDefaultJVMPath ( ) , '<STR_LIT>' + pathtoLOCI ) <EOL> except : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> if fileName is None : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> return <EOL> r = jpype . JClass ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( ) <EOL> r = jpype . JClass ( '<STR_LIT>' ) ( r ) <EOL> print fileName <EOL> r . setId ( fileName ) <EOL> seriesData = [ ] <EOL> numSeries = r . getSeriesCount ( ) <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" , numSeries <EOL> pixelType = r . getPixelType ( ) <EOL> bpp = jpype . JClass ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . getBytesPerPixel ( pixelType ) ; <EOL> fp = jpype . JClass ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . isFloatingPoint ( pixelType ) ; <EOL> sgn = jpype . JClass ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . isSigned ( pixelType ) ; <EOL> bppMax = numpy . power ( <NUM_LIT:2> , bpp * <NUM_LIT:8> ) <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" + str ( bpp * <NUM_LIT:8> ) + "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> little = r . isLittleEndian ( ) ; <EOL> if sgn : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> return <EOL> for s in range ( numSeries ) : <EOL> r . setSeries ( s ) <EOL> t = r . getSizeT ( ) <EOL> w = r . getSizeX ( ) <EOL> h = r . getSizeY ( ) <EOL> d = r . getSizeZ ( ) ; <EOL> c = r . getSizeC ( ) ; <EOL> if bpp == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> res = numpy . zeros ( ( t , h , w , d , c ) , numpy . uint8 ) <EOL> elif bpp == <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> res = numpy . zeros ( ( t , h , w , d , c ) , numpy . uint16 ) <EOL> elif bpp == <NUM_LIT:4> : <EOL> res = numpy . zeros ( ( t , h , w , d , c ) , numpy . uint32 ) <EOL> elif bpp == <NUM_LIT:8> : <EOL> res = numpy . zeros ( ( t , h , w , d , c ) , numpy . uint64 ) <EOL> else : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> return <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" , t , w , h , d , c <EOL> numImages = r . getImageCount ( ) <EOL> for i in range ( numImages ) : <EOL> zPos = r . getZCTCoords ( i ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> cPos = r . getZCTCoords ( i ) [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> tPos = r . getZCTCoords ( i ) [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" , i , "<STR_LIT>" , cPos , "<STR_LIT>" , zPos , "<STR_LIT>" , tPos <EOL> img = r . openBytes ( i ) <EOL> arr = jpype . JClass ( '<STR_LIT>' ) . makeDataArray ( img , bpp , fp , little ) <EOL> data = numpy . array ( arr [ <NUM_LIT:0> : len ( arr ) ] ) <EOL> data = data . reshape ( ( h , w ) ) <EOL> res [ tPos , : , : , zPos , cPos ] = data <EOL> seriesData . append ( res ) <EOL> r . close ( ) <EOL> jpype . shutdownJVM ( ) <EOL> return seriesData <EOL> if __name__ == "<STR_LIT:__main__>" : <EOL> data = reader ( '<STR_LIT>' ) </s>
<s> from PyQt4 import QtCore , QtGui <EOL> import ilastik . gui <EOL> class ExportDialog ( QtGui . QDialog ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , formatList , timeOffset , sliceOffset , channelOffset , parent = None ) : <EOL> QtGui . QDialog . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . setWindowTitle ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> layout = QtGui . QVBoxLayout ( ) <EOL> l = QtGui . QHBoxLayout ( ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( QtGui . QLabel ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> self . path = QtGui . QLineEdit ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( self . path ) <EOL> self . pathButton = QtGui . QPushButton ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( self . pathButton ) <EOL> self . connect ( self . pathButton , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . slotDir ) <EOL> layout . addLayout ( l ) <EOL> l = QtGui . QHBoxLayout ( ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( QtGui . QLabel ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> self . prefix = QtGui . QLineEdit ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( self . prefix ) <EOL> self . formatList = formatList <EOL> self . formatBox = QtGui . QComboBox ( ) <EOL> for item in self . formatList : <EOL> self . formatBox . addItem ( QtCore . QString ( item ) ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( self . formatBox ) <EOL> layout . addLayout ( l ) <EOL> l = QtGui . QHBoxLayout ( ) <EOL> self . timeOffsetBox = None <EOL> self . sliceOffsetBox = None <EOL> self . channelOffsetBox = None <EOL> if timeOffset == True : <EOL> self . timeOffsetBox = QtGui . QSpinBox ( ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( QtGui . QLabel ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( self . timeOffsetBox ) <EOL> if sliceOffset == True : <EOL> self . sliceOffsetBox = QtGui . QSpinBox ( ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( QtGui . QLabel ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( self . sliceOffsetBox ) <EOL> if channelOffset == True : <EOL> self . channelOffsetBox = QtGui . QSpinBox ( ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( QtGui . QLabel ( "<STR_LIT>" ) ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( self . channelOffsetBox ) <EOL> if self . timeOffsetBox is not None or self . sliceOffsetBox is not None or self . channelOffsetBox is not None : <EOL> layout . addLayout ( l ) <EOL> l = QtGui . QHBoxLayout ( ) <EOL> l . addStretch ( ) <EOL> b = QtGui . QPushButton ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . connect ( b , QtCore . SIGNAL ( "<STR_LIT>" ) , self . export ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( b ) <EOL> b = QtGui . QPushButton ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . connect ( b , QtCore . SIGNAL ( "<STR_LIT>" ) , self . reject ) <EOL> l . addWidget ( b ) <EOL> layout . addLayout ( l ) <EOL> self . setLayout ( layout ) <EOL> def slotDir ( self ) : <EOL> path = ilastik . gui . LAST_DIRECTORY <EOL> dir = QtGui . QFileDialog . getExistingDirectory ( self , "<STR_LIT>" , path ) <EOL> ilastik . gui . LAST_DIRECTORY = QtCore . QFileInfo ( dir ) . path ( ) <EOL> self . path . setText ( dir ) <EOL> def export ( self ) : <EOL> self . timeOffset = self . timeOffsetBox . value ( ) if self . timeOffsetBox else <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> self . sliceOffset = self . sliceOffsetBox . value ( ) if self . sliceOffsetBox else <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> self . channelOffset = self . channelOffsetBox . value ( ) if self . channelOffsetBox else <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> self . format = self . formatList [ self . formatBox . currentIndex ( ) ] <EOL> self . accept ( ) <EOL> def exec_ ( self ) : <EOL> if QtGui . QDialog . exec_ ( self ) == QtGui . QDialog . Accepted : <EOL> return None <EOL> else : <EOL> return None </s>
<s> import classificationMgr </s>
<s> from ilastik . gui . ribbons . ilastikTabBase import IlastikTabBase , TabButton <EOL> from PyQt4 import QtGui , QtCore <EOL> from ilastik . gui . iconMgr import ilastikIcons <EOL> from ilastik . gui . overlaySelectionDlg import OverlaySelectionDialog <EOL> from ilastik . gui . overlayWidget import OverlayWidget <EOL> from ilastik . modules . connected_components . core . connectedComponentsMgr import BackgroundOverlayItem <EOL> from backgroundWidget import BackgroundWidget <EOL> from guiThread import CC <EOL> from labelSelectionForm import LabelSelectionForm <EOL> class ConnectedComponentsTab ( IlastikTabBase , QtGui . QWidget ) : <EOL> name = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> position = <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> moduleName = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , parent = None ) : <EOL> IlastikTabBase . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> QtGui . QWidget . __init__ ( self , parent ) <EOL> self . _initContent ( ) <EOL> self . _initConnects ( ) <EOL> def on_activation ( self ) : <EOL> if self . ilastik . project is None : <EOL> return <EOL> ovs = self . ilastik . _activeImage . module [ self . __class__ . moduleName ] . getOverlayRefs ( ) <EOL> if len ( ovs ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> raw = self . ilastik . _activeImage . overlayMgr [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> if raw is not None : <EOL> ovs . append ( raw . getRef ( ) ) <EOL> self . ilastik . labelWidget . _history . volumeEditor = self . ilastik . labelWidget <EOL> overlayWidget = OverlayWidget ( self . ilastik . labelWidget , self . ilastik . project . dataMgr ) <EOL> self . ilastik . labelWidget . setOverlayWidget ( overlayWidget ) <EOL> self . backgroundLabels = BackgroundWidget ( self . ilastik . _activeImage . Connected_Components , self . ilastik . _activeImage . Connected_Components . background , self . ilastik . labelWidget ) <EOL> self . ilastik . labelWidget . setLabelWidget ( self . backgroundLabels ) <EOL> ov = BackgroundOverlayItem ( self . backgroundLabels , self . ilastik . _activeImage . Connected_Components . background . _data , color = <NUM_LIT:0> , alpha = <NUM_LIT:1.0> , autoAdd = True , autoVisible = True , linkColorTable = True ) <EOL> self . ilastik . _activeImage . overlayMgr [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = ov <EOL> ov = self . ilastik . _activeImage . overlayMgr [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> self . ilastik . labelWidget . setLabelWidget ( self . backgroundLabels ) <EOL> def on_deActivation ( self ) : <EOL> if self . ilastik . project is None : <EOL> return <EOL> self . ilastik . _activeImage . Connected_Components . background . _history = self . ilastik . labelWidget . _history <EOL> if self . ilastik . _activeImage . Connected_Components . background . _history is not None : <EOL> self . ilastik . labelWidget . _history = self . ilastik . _activeImage . Connected_Components . background . _history <EOL> def _initContent ( self ) : <EOL> tl = QtGui . QHBoxLayout ( ) <EOL> tl . setMargin ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> self . btnInputOverlay = TabButton ( '<STR_LIT>' , ilastikIcons . Select ) <EOL> self . btnCC = TabButton ( '<STR_LIT>' , ilastikIcons . System ) <EOL> self . btnCCBack = TabButton ( '<STR_LIT>' , ilastikIcons . System ) <EOL> self . btnFilter = TabButton ( '<STR_LIT>' , ilastikIcons . System ) <EOL> self . btnInputOverlay . setToolTip ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . btnCC . setToolTip ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . btnCCBack . setToolTip ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . btnFilter . setToolTip ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . btnInputOverlay . setEnabled ( True ) <EOL> self . btnCC . setEnabled ( False ) <EOL> self . btnCCBack . setEnabled ( False ) <EOL> self . btnFilter . setEnabled ( True ) <EOL> tl . addWidget ( self . btnInputOverlay ) <EOL> tl . addWidget ( self . btnCC ) <EOL> tl . addWidget ( self . btnCCBack ) <EOL> tl . addStretch ( ) <EOL> tl . addWidget ( self . btnFilter ) <EOL> self . setLayout ( tl ) <EOL> def _initConnects ( self ) : <EOL> self . connect ( self . btnInputOverlay , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . on_btnInputOverlay_clicked ) <EOL> self . connect ( self . btnCC , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . on_btnCC_clicked ) <EOL> self . connect ( self . btnCCBack , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . on_btnCCBack_clicked ) <EOL> self . connect ( self . btnFilter , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . on_btnFilter_clicked ) <EOL> def on_btnInputOverlay_clicked ( self ) : <EOL> dlg = OverlaySelectionDialog ( self . ilastik , singleSelection = True ) <EOL> answer = dlg . exec_ ( ) <EOL> if len ( answer ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> ref = answer [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] . getRef ( ) <EOL> ref . setAlpha ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . inputOverlay = answer [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> self . parent . labelWidget . overlayWidget . addOverlayRef ( ref ) <EOL> self . parent . project . dataMgr [ self . parent . project . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . Connected_Components . setInputData ( answer [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] . _data ) <EOL> self . parent . labelWidget . repaint ( ) <EOL> self . btnCC . setEnabled ( True ) <EOL> self . btnCCBack . setEnabled ( True ) <EOL> def on_btnCC_clicked ( self ) : <EOL> self . connComp = CC ( self . ilastik ) <EOL> self . connComp . start ( None ) <EOL> def on_btnCCBack_clicked ( self ) : <EOL> self . connComp = CC ( self . ilastik ) <EOL> self . connComp . start ( self . parent . project . dataMgr [ self . parent . project . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . Connected_Components . connCompBackgroundClasses ) <EOL> self . btnFilter . setEnabled ( True ) <EOL> def on_btnFilter_clicked ( self ) : <EOL> descriptions = self . parent . project . dataMgr . module [ "<STR_LIT>" ] [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> desc_names = [ ] <EOL> for i , d in enumerate ( descriptions ) : <EOL> tempstr = str ( i ) + "<STR_LIT:U+0020>" + d . name <EOL> desc_names . append ( tempstr ) <EOL> dlg = LabelSelectionForm ( self . ilastik , desc_names ) <EOL> label , minsize , maxsize = dlg . exec_ ( ) <EOL> print label , minsize , maxsize <EOL> self . parent . project . dataMgr . Connected_Components . filterSynapses ( self . inputOverlay , label , minsize , maxsize ) <EOL> self . ilastik . labelWidget . repaint ( ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> from segmentorBase import * <EOL> from enthought . traits . api import Float , Int <EOL> from enthought . traits . ui . api import View , Item <EOL> ok = False <EOL> try : <EOL> import vigra . tws <EOL> ok = True <EOL> except Exception , e : <EOL> pass <EOL> if <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> class SegmentorSV2 ( SegmentorBase ) : <EOL> name = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> description = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> author = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> homepage = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> bias = Float ( <NUM_LIT:64> * <NUM_LIT:8> ) <EOL> biasedLabel = Int ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> maxHeight = Float ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> view = View ( Item ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , Item ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , Item ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , buttons = [ '<STR_LIT:OK>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] , ) <EOL> class IndexedAccessor : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , volumeBasins , basinLabels ) : <EOL> self . volumeBasins = volumeBasins <EOL> self . basinLabels = basinLabels <EOL> self . dtype = basinLabels . dtype <EOL> self . shape = volumeBasins . shape <EOL> def __getitem__ ( self , key ) : <EOL> return self . basinLabels [ self . volumeBasins [ tuple ( key ) ] ] <EOL> def __setitem__ ( self , key , data ) : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def segment3D ( self , labelVolume , labelValues , labelIndices ) : <EOL> self . ws . setBias ( self . bias , self . biasedLabel , self . maxHeight ) <EOL> self . basinLabels = self . ws . flood ( labelValues , labelIndices ) <EOL> self . acc = SegmentorWSiter . IndexedAccessor ( self . volumeBasins , self . basinLabels ) <EOL> return self . acc <EOL> def segment2D ( self , labels ) : <EOL> return labelVolume <EOL> def setupWeights ( self , weights ) : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" , weights . shape <EOL> if weights . dtype != numpy . uint8 : <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> self . weights = weights . astype ( numpy . uint8 ) <EOL> self . ws = vigra . tws . IncrementalWS2 ( self . weights ) <EOL> self . volumeBasins = self . ws . getVolumeBasins ( ) <EOL> print "<STR_LIT>" , self . volumeBasins . shape <EOL> self . volumeBasins . shape = self . volumeBasins . shape + ( <NUM_LIT:1> , ) </s>
<s> from PyQt4 import QtCore <EOL> import sys <EOL> from ilastik . core . projectClass import Project <EOL> from ilastik . core . testThread import TestThread <EOL> from ilastik . modules . unsupervised_decomposition . core . unsupervisedMgr import UnsupervisedDecompositionModuleMgr <EOL> from ilastik . modules . unsupervised_decomposition . core . algorithms . unsupervisedDecompositionPLSA import UnsupervisedDecompositionPLSA <EOL> from ilastik . modules . unsupervised_decomposition . core . algorithms . unsupervisedDecompositionPCA import UnsupervisedDecompositionPCA <EOL> import unittest <EOL> from ilastik . core import jobMachine <EOL> from ilastik import __path__ as ilastikpath <EOL> from ilastik . core . testThread import setUp , tearDown <EOL> import numpy <EOL> numpyversion = numpy . __version__ . split ( '<STR_LIT:.>' ) <EOL> numpyTooOldMessage = str ( "<STR_LIT>" + numpy . __version__ + "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> numpyRecentEnough = False <EOL> if ( ( int ( numpyversion [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) >= <NUM_LIT:1> ) & ( int ( numpyversion [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) >= <NUM_LIT:4> ) & ( int ( numpyversion [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) >= <NUM_LIT:0> ) ) : <EOL> numpyRecentEnough = True <EOL> class UnsupervisedDecompositionTestProject ( object ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , image_filename , unsupervisedMethod = None , numComponents = None ) : <EOL> self . image_filename = image_filename <EOL> self . tolerance = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> self . testdir = ilastikpath [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] + "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> self . project = Project ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . dataMgr = self . project . dataMgr <EOL> path = str ( self . testdir + self . image_filename ) <EOL> fileList = [ ] <EOL> fileList . append ( path ) <EOL> self . project . addFile ( fileList ) <EOL> self . unsupervisedMgr = UnsupervisedDecompositionModuleMgr ( self . dataMgr ) <EOL> self . inputOverlays = [ ] <EOL> self . inputOverlays . append ( self . dataMgr [ self . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . overlayMgr [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> if unsupervisedMethod is None : <EOL> self . unsupervisedMethod = self . dataMgr . module [ "<STR_LIT>" ] . unsupervisedMethod <EOL> else : <EOL> self . unsupervisedMethod = self . dataMgr . module [ "<STR_LIT>" ] . unsupervisedMethod = unsupervisedMethod <EOL> if numComponents is not None : <EOL> self . unsupervisedMethod . setNumberOfComponents ( numComponents ) <EOL> self . numIterations = numComponents <EOL> else : <EOL> self . numIterations = self . unsupervisedMethod . numComponents <EOL> self . listOfResultOverlays = [ ] <EOL> self . listOfFilenames = [ ] <EOL> for i in range ( self . numIterations ) : <EOL> self . listOfResultOverlays . append ( str ( "<STR_LIT>" + self . unsupervisedMethod . shortname + "<STR_LIT>" % ( i + <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) ) <EOL> filename = str ( self . testdir + "<STR_LIT>" + self . unsupervisedMethod . shortname + "<STR_LIT>" % ( i + <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> print filename <EOL> self . listOfFilenames . append ( filename ) <EOL> class TestWholeModuleDefaultDecomposer ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> if not numpyRecentEnough : <EOL> __test__ = False <EOL> def setUp ( self ) : <EOL> self . app = QtCore . QCoreApplication ( sys . argv ) <EOL> self . testProject = UnsupervisedDecompositionTestProject ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def test_WholeModule ( self ) : <EOL> t = QtCore . QTimer ( ) <EOL> t . setSingleShot ( True ) <EOL> t . setInterval ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> self . app . connect ( t , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . mainFunction ) <EOL> t . start ( ) <EOL> self . app . exec_ ( ) <EOL> def mainFunction ( self ) : <EOL> self . testThread = TestThread ( self . testProject . unsupervisedMgr , self . testProject . listOfResultOverlays , self . testProject . listOfFilenames , self . testProject . tolerance ) <EOL> QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . testThread , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . finalizeTest ) <EOL> self . testThread . start ( self . testProject . inputOverlays ) <EOL> self . numOverlaysBefore = len ( self . testProject . dataMgr [ self . testProject . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . overlayMgr . keys ( ) ) <EOL> def finalizeTest ( self ) : <EOL> self . assertEqual ( self . testThread . passedTest , True ) <EOL> self . app . quit ( ) <EOL> class TestWholeModulePCADecomposer ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> if not numpyRecentEnough : <EOL> __test__ = False <EOL> def setUp ( self ) : <EOL> self . app = QtCore . QCoreApplication ( sys . argv ) <EOL> self . numComponents = <NUM_LIT:3> <EOL> self . testProject = UnsupervisedDecompositionTestProject ( "<STR_LIT>" , UnsupervisedDecompositionPCA , self . numComponents ) <EOL> def test_WholeModule ( self ) : <EOL> t = QtCore . QTimer ( ) <EOL> t . setSingleShot ( True ) <EOL> t . setInterval ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> self . app . connect ( t , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . mainFunction ) <EOL> t . start ( ) <EOL> self . app . exec_ ( ) <EOL> def mainFunction ( self ) : <EOL> self . testThread = TestThread ( self . testProject . unsupervisedMgr , self . testProject . listOfResultOverlays , self . testProject . listOfFilenames , self . testProject . tolerance ) <EOL> QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . testThread , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . finalizeTest ) <EOL> self . testThread . start ( self . testProject . inputOverlays ) <EOL> self . numOverlaysBefore = len ( self . testProject . dataMgr [ self . testProject . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . overlayMgr . keys ( ) ) <EOL> def finalizeTest ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> self . assertEqual ( self . testThread . passedTest , True ) <EOL> self . numOverlaysAfter = len ( self . testProject . dataMgr [ self . testProject . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . overlayMgr . keys ( ) ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( self . numOverlaysAfter - self . numOverlaysBefore , self . numComponents * <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> self . app . quit ( ) <EOL> class TestWholeModulePLSADecomposer ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> def setUp ( self ) : <EOL> self . app = QtCore . QCoreApplication ( sys . argv ) <EOL> self . numComponents = <NUM_LIT:5> <EOL> self . testProject = UnsupervisedDecompositionTestProject ( "<STR_LIT>" , UnsupervisedDecompositionPLSA , self . numComponents ) <EOL> def test_WholeModule ( self ) : <EOL> t = QtCore . QTimer ( ) <EOL> t . setSingleShot ( True ) <EOL> t . setInterval ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> self . app . connect ( t , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . mainFunction ) <EOL> t . start ( ) <EOL> self . app . exec_ ( ) <EOL> def mainFunction ( self ) : <EOL> from ilastik . core . randomSeed import RandomSeed <EOL> RandomSeed . setRandomSeed ( <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> self . testThread = TestThread ( self . testProject . unsupervisedMgr , self . testProject . listOfResultOverlays , self . testProject . listOfFilenames , self . testProject . tolerance ) <EOL> QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . testThread , QtCore . SIGNAL ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , self . finalizeTest ) <EOL> self . testThread . start ( self . testProject . inputOverlays ) <EOL> self . numOverlaysBefore = len ( self . testProject . dataMgr [ self . testProject . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . overlayMgr . keys ( ) ) <EOL> def finalizeTest ( self ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> self . assertEqual ( self . testThread . passedTest , True ) <EOL> self . numOverlaysAfter = len ( self . testProject . dataMgr [ self . testProject . dataMgr . _activeImageNumber ] . overlayMgr . keys ( ) ) <EOL> self . assertEqual ( self . numOverlaysAfter - self . numOverlaysBefore , self . numComponents * <NUM_LIT:2> ) <EOL> self . app . quit ( ) <EOL> class TestEtc ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> def test_Etc ( self ) : <EOL> numChannels = <NUM_LIT:10> <EOL> decomposer = UnsupervisedDecompositionPCA ( ) <EOL> components = decomposer . checkNumComponents ( numChannels , <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> assert ( ( components <= numChannels ) & ( components >= <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> components = decomposer . checkNumComponents ( numChannels , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> print components <EOL> assert ( ( components <= numChannels ) & ( components >= <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) <EOL> if __name__ == "<STR_LIT:__main__>" : <EOL> unittest . main ( ) </s>
<s> from south . db import db <EOL> from django . db import models <EOL> from blog . models import * <EOL> class Migration : <EOL> def forwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . delete_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> def backwards ( self , orm ) : <EOL> db . add_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> db . alter_column ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , orm [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> models = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:email>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:False>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:password>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:username>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:body>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:related_name>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:to>' : "<STR_LIT>" } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:null>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' , '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:status>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:default>' : '<STR_LIT:2>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:blank>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:title>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { } ) <EOL> } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:Meta>' : { '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" , '<STR_LIT>' : "<STR_LIT>" } , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:id>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:primary_key>' : '<STR_LIT:True>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : ( '<STR_LIT>' , [ ] , { '<STR_LIT:max_length>' : '<STR_LIT:100>' } ) <EOL> } <EOL> } <EOL> complete_apps = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] </s>
<s> import os <EOL> from setuptools import setup , find_packages <EOL> from blog import VERSION , PROJECT <EOL> MODULE_NAME = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> PACKAGE_NAME = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> PACKAGE_DATA = list ( ) <EOL> for directory in [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] : <EOL> for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( os . path . join ( PACKAGE_NAME , directory ) ) : <EOL> for filename in files : <EOL> PACKAGE_DATA . append ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( root [ len ( PACKAGE_NAME ) + <NUM_LIT:1> : ] , filename ) ) <EOL> def read ( fname ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> return open ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , fname ) ) . read ( ) <EOL> except IOError : <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> META_DATA = dict ( <EOL> name = PROJECT , <EOL> version = VERSION , <EOL> description = read ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> long_description = read ( '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> license = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> author = "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> author_email = "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> url = "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> packages = find_packages ( ) , <EOL> package_data = { '<STR_LIT>' : PACKAGE_DATA , } , <EOL> dependency_links = [ <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> ] , <EOL> install_requires = [ '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> ] , <EOL> ) <EOL> if __name__ == "<STR_LIT:__main__>" : <EOL> setup ( ** META_DATA ) </s>
<s> from datetime import timedelta <EOL> from eemeter . consumption import ConsumptionData <EOL> from eemeter . evaluation import Period <EOL> from eemeter . project import Project <EOL> from eemeter . meter import AnnualizedUsageMeter <EOL> from eemeter . weather import GSODWeatherSource <EOL> from eemeter . weather import TMY3WeatherSource <EOL> import random <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> import pandas as pd <EOL> from scipy . stats import poisson <EOL> class MonthlyBillingConsumptionGenerator : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , fuel_type , consumption_unit_name , temperature_unit_name , <EOL> model , params ) : <EOL> self . fuel_type = fuel_type <EOL> self . consumption_unit_name = consumption_unit_name <EOL> self . temperature_unit_name = temperature_unit_name <EOL> self . model = model <EOL> self . params = self . model . param_type ( params ) <EOL> def generate ( self , weather_source , datetimes , daily_noise_dist = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> records = [ { "<STR_LIT:start>" : start , "<STR_LIT:end>" : end , "<STR_LIT:value>" : np . nan } <EOL> for start , end in zip ( datetimes , datetimes [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] ) ] <EOL> cd = ConsumptionData ( records , self . fuel_type , <EOL> self . consumption_unit_name , record_type = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> periods = cd . periods ( ) <EOL> period_daily_temps = weather_source . daily_temperatures ( periods , <EOL> self . temperature_unit_name ) <EOL> period_average_daily_usages = self . model . transform ( period_daily_temps , self . params ) <EOL> for average_daily_usage , period in zip ( period_average_daily_usages , periods ) : <EOL> n_days = period . timedelta . days <EOL> if daily_noise_dist is not None : <EOL> average_daily_usage += np . mean ( daily_noise_dist . rvs ( n_days ) ) <EOL> cd . data [ period . start ] = average_daily_usage * n_days <EOL> return cd <EOL> class ProjectGenerator : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , electricity_model , gas_model , <EOL> electricity_param_distributions , electricity_param_delta_distributions , <EOL> gas_param_distributions , gas_param_delta_distributions , <EOL> temperature_unit_name = "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . electricity_model = electricity_model <EOL> self . elec_param_dists = electricity_model . param_type ( electricity_param_distributions ) <EOL> self . elec_param_delta_dists = electricity_model . param_type ( electricity_param_delta_distributions ) <EOL> self . gas_model = gas_model <EOL> self . gas_param_dists = gas_model . param_type ( gas_param_distributions ) <EOL> self . gas_param_delta_dists = gas_model . param_type ( gas_param_delta_distributions ) <EOL> self . temperature_unit_name = temperature_unit_name <EOL> def generate ( self , location , period_elec , period_gas , <EOL> baseline_period , reporting_period , <EOL> noise_elec = None , noise_gas = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> early_date = None <EOL> late_date = None <EOL> if not period_elec . closed or not period_gas . closed : <EOL> message = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> raise ValueError ( message ) <EOL> all_periods = [ period_elec , period_gas , baseline_period , <EOL> reporting_period ] <EOL> for period in all_periods : <EOL> if early_date is None : <EOL> early_date = period . start <EOL> if late_date is None : <EOL> late_date = period . end <EOL> if period . start is not None and period . start < early_date : <EOL> early_date = period . start <EOL> if period . end is not None and late_date < period . end : <EOL> late_date = period . end <EOL> weather_source = GSODWeatherSource ( location . station , early_date . year , <EOL> late_date . year ) <EOL> weather_normal_source = TMY3WeatherSource ( location . station ) <EOL> cd_elec , est_savings_elec , elec_bl_params , elec_rp_params = self . _generate_fuel_consumptions ( <EOL> weather_source , weather_normal_source , period_elec , <EOL> self . electricity_model , self . elec_param_dists , <EOL> self . elec_param_delta_dists , noise_elec , <EOL> baseline_period , reporting_period , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , self . temperature_unit_name ) <EOL> cd_gas , est_savings_gas , gas_bl_params , gas_rp_params = self . _generate_fuel_consumptions ( <EOL> weather_source , weather_normal_source , period_gas , <EOL> self . gas_model , self . gas_param_dists , <EOL> self . gas_param_delta_dists , noise_gas , <EOL> baseline_period , reporting_period , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , self . temperature_unit_name ) <EOL> project = Project ( location , [ cd_elec , cd_gas ] , baseline_period , <EOL> reporting_period ) <EOL> results = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : project , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : est_savings_elec , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : est_savings_gas , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : elec_bl_params , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : gas_bl_params , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : elec_rp_params , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : gas_rp_params , <EOL> } <EOL> return results <EOL> def _generate_fuel_consumptions ( self , weather_source , <EOL> weather_normal_source , period , model , param_dists , <EOL> param_delta_dists , noise , baseline_period , reporting_period , <EOL> fuel_type , consumption_unit_name , temperature_unit_name ) : <EOL> baseline_params = model . param_type ( [ param . rvs ( ) for param in param_dists . to_list ( ) ] ) <EOL> reporting_params = model . param_type ( [ bl_param + param_delta . rvs ( ) <EOL> for bl_param , param_delta in zip ( baseline_params . to_list ( ) , param_delta_dists . to_list ( ) ) ] ) <EOL> annualized_usage_meter = AnnualizedUsageMeter ( temperature_unit_name , <EOL> model ) <EOL> baseline_annualized_usage = annualized_usage_meter . evaluate_raw ( <EOL> model_params = baseline_params , <EOL> weather_normal_source = weather_normal_source ) [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> reporting_annualized_usage = annualized_usage_meter . evaluate_raw ( <EOL> model_params = reporting_params , <EOL> weather_normal_source = weather_normal_source ) [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> estimated_annualized_savings = baseline_annualized_usage - reporting_annualized_usage <EOL> baseline_generator = MonthlyBillingConsumptionGenerator ( fuel_type , <EOL> consumption_unit_name , temperature_unit_name , model , <EOL> baseline_params ) <EOL> reporting_generator = MonthlyBillingConsumptionGenerator ( fuel_type , <EOL> consumption_unit_name , temperature_unit_name , model , <EOL> reporting_params ) <EOL> datetimes = generate_monthly_billing_datetimes ( period , dist = None ) <EOL> baseline_consumption_data = baseline_generator . generate ( <EOL> weather_source , datetimes , daily_noise_dist = noise ) <EOL> reporting_consumption_data = reporting_generator . generate ( <EOL> weather_source , datetimes , daily_noise_dist = noise ) <EOL> baseline_data = baseline_consumption_data . data <EOL> reporting_data = reporting_consumption_data . data <EOL> periods = baseline_consumption_data . periods ( ) <EOL> records = [ ] <EOL> for bl_data , rp_data , period in zip ( baseline_data , reporting_data , <EOL> periods ) : <EOL> if period in reporting_period : <EOL> val = rp_data <EOL> else : <EOL> val = bl_data <EOL> record = { "<STR_LIT:start>" : period . start , "<STR_LIT:end>" : period . end , "<STR_LIT:value>" : val } <EOL> records . append ( record ) <EOL> cd = ConsumptionData ( records , fuel_type , consumption_unit_name , <EOL> record_type = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> return cd , estimated_annualized_savings , baseline_params , reporting_params <EOL> def generate_monthly_billing_datetimes ( period , dist = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> period_delta = period . timedelta <EOL> if period_delta is None : <EOL> message = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> raise ValueError ( message ) <EOL> if dist is None : <EOL> dist = poisson ( <NUM_LIT> / <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> periods = [ period . start ] <EOL> while True : <EOL> next_date = periods [ - <NUM_LIT:1> ] + timedelta ( days = dist . rvs ( ) ) <EOL> if next_date < period . end : <EOL> periods . append ( next_date ) <EOL> else : <EOL> break <EOL> return periods <EOL> def generate_interval_datetimes ( period , freq ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if period . start is None or period . end is None : <EOL> message = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> raise ValueError ( message ) <EOL> return [ d for d in pd . date_range ( period . start , period . end , freq = freq ) ] </s>
<s> from . consumption import * <EOL> from . weather import * </s>
<s> __title__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> __version__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> __build__ = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> __author__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> __license__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> __copyright__ = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> from . pson import pathquery </s>
<s> import numpy <EOL> import theano <EOL> import theano . tensor as T <EOL> class LogisticRegression ( object ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , rng , input , n_in , n_out ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> W_values = numpy . asarray ( <EOL> rng . uniform ( <EOL> low = - numpy . sqrt ( <NUM_LIT:1.> / n_in ) , <EOL> high = numpy . sqrt ( <NUM_LIT:1.> / n_in ) , <EOL> size = ( n_in , n_out ) <EOL> ) , <EOL> dtype = theano . config . floatX <EOL> ) <EOL> self . W = theano . shared ( value = W_values , name = '<STR_LIT>' , borrow = True ) <EOL> self . b = theano . shared ( <EOL> value = numpy . zeros ( <EOL> ( n_out , ) , <EOL> dtype = theano . config . floatX <EOL> ) , <EOL> name = '<STR_LIT:b>' , <EOL> borrow = True <EOL> ) <EOL> self . p_y_given_x = T . nnet . softmax ( T . dot ( input , self . W ) + self . b ) <EOL> self . y_pred = T . argmax ( self . p_y_given_x , axis = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> self . params = [ self . W , self . b ] <EOL> def negative_log_likelihood ( self , y ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> return - T . mean ( T . log ( self . p_y_given_x ) [ T . arange ( y . shape [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) , y ] ) <EOL> def errors ( self , y ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if y . ndim != self . y_pred . ndim : <EOL> raise TypeError ( <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:y>' , y . type , '<STR_LIT>' , self . y_pred . type ) <EOL> ) <EOL> if y . dtype . startswith ( '<STR_LIT:int>' ) : <EOL> return T . mean ( T . neq ( self . y_pred , y ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> raise NotImplementedError ( ) <EOL> def load_data ( ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> test_x = numpy . loadtxt ( '<STR_LIT>' , delimiter = '<STR_LIT:U+002C>' ) <EOL> test_y = numpy . argmax ( numpy . loadtxt ( '<STR_LIT>' , delimiter = '<STR_LIT:U+002C>' ) , axis = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> train_x = numpy . loadtxt ( '<STR_LIT>' , delimiter = '<STR_LIT:U+002C>' ) <EOL> train_y = numpy . argmax ( numpy . loadtxt ( '<STR_LIT>' , delimiter = '<STR_LIT:U+002C>' ) , axis = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> def shared_dataset ( data_x , data_y , borrow = True ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> shared_x = theano . shared ( numpy . asarray ( data_x , <EOL> dtype = theano . config . floatX ) , <EOL> borrow = borrow ) <EOL> shared_y = theano . shared ( numpy . asarray ( data_y , <EOL> dtype = theano . config . floatX ) , <EOL> borrow = borrow ) <EOL> return shared_x , T . cast ( shared_y , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> test_x , test_y = shared_dataset ( test_x , test_y ) <EOL> train_x , train_y = shared_dataset ( train_x , train_y ) <EOL> rval = [ ( train_x , train_y ) , <EOL> ( test_x , test_y ) ] <EOL> return rval </s>
<s> from __future__ import print_function <EOL> from numpy import pi , cos , sin <EOL> from numpy . random import random <EOL> from numpy import zeros , linspace <EOL> from modules . growth import spawn_curl <EOL> NMAX = <NUM_LIT:10> ** <NUM_LIT:6> <EOL> SIZE = <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ONE = <NUM_LIT:1.> / SIZE <EOL> PROCS = <NUM_LIT:2> <EOL> INIT_NUM = <NUM_LIT:10> <EOL> STP = ONE * <NUM_LIT:0.1> <EOL> NEARL = <NUM_LIT:4> * ONE <EOL> FARL = <NUM_LIT:100> * ONE <EOL> MID = <NUM_LIT:0.5> <EOL> LINEWIDTH = <NUM_LIT> * ONE <EOL> BACK = [ <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> FRONT = [ <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT> ] <EOL> TWOPI = pi * <NUM_LIT> <EOL> i = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> np_coords = zeros ( shape = ( NMAX , <NUM_LIT:4> ) , dtype = '<STR_LIT:float>' ) <EOL> np_vert_coords = zeros ( shape = ( NMAX , <NUM_LIT:2> ) , dtype = '<STR_LIT:float>' ) <EOL> def steps ( df ) : <EOL> from time import time <EOL> from modules . helpers import print_stats <EOL> global i <EOL> t1 = time ( ) <EOL> df . optimize_position ( STP ) <EOL> spawn_curl ( df , NEARL ) <EOL> if df . safe_vertex_positions ( <NUM_LIT:3> * STP ) < <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> print ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return False <EOL> t2 = time ( ) <EOL> print_stats ( i , t2 - t1 , df ) <EOL> return True <EOL> def main ( ) : <EOL> import gtk <EOL> from render . render import Animate <EOL> from differentialLine import DifferentialLine <EOL> from modules . show import sandstroke <EOL> from modules . show import dots <EOL> from modules . show import show <EOL> DF = DifferentialLine ( NMAX , FARL * <NUM_LIT:2> , NEARL , FARL , PROCS ) <EOL> yy = sorted ( <NUM_LIT> + <NUM_LIT> * random ( INIT_NUM ) ) <EOL> xx = <NUM_LIT> + linspace ( <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT> , num = INIT_NUM ) <EOL> xys = [ ] <EOL> for x , y in zip ( xx , yy ) : <EOL> xys . append ( ( x , y ) ) <EOL> DF . init_line_segment ( xys , lock_edges = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> def wrap ( render ) : <EOL> global i <EOL> global np_coords <EOL> global np_vert_coords <EOL> fn = None <EOL> res = steps ( DF ) <EOL> render . set_front ( FRONT ) <EOL> coord_num = DF . np_get_edges_coordinates ( np_coords ) <EOL> sandstroke ( render , np_coords [ : coord_num , : ] , <NUM_LIT:10> , fn ) <EOL> i += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> return res <EOL> render = Animate ( SIZE , BACK , FRONT , wrap ) <EOL> gtk . main ( ) <EOL> if __name__ == '<STR_LIT:__main__>' : <EOL> main ( ) </s>
<s> palette . update ( { <EOL> "<STR_LIT:source>" : ( add_setting ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) , "<STR_LIT>" ) , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT:default>" ) <EOL> } ) </s>
<s> from libcloud . types import Provider , NodeState <EOL> from libcloud . base import ConnectionKey , Response , NodeDriver , NodeSize , Node <EOL> from libcloud . base import NodeImage <EOL> from copy import copy <EOL> try : import json <EOL> except : import simplejson as json <EOL> class LinodeException ( BaseException ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , code , message ) : <EOL> self . code = code <EOL> self . message = message <EOL> def __str__ ( self ) : <EOL> return "<STR_LIT>" % ( self . code , self . message ) <EOL> def __repr__ ( self ) : <EOL> return "<STR_LIT>" % ( self . code , self . message ) <EOL> LINODE_API = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> LINODE_ROOT = "<STR_LIT:/>" <EOL> class LinodeResponse ( Response ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , response ) : <EOL> self . body = response . read ( ) <EOL> self . status = response . status <EOL> self . headers = dict ( response . getheaders ( ) ) <EOL> self . error = response . reason <EOL> self . invalid = LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . action , self . object , self . errors = self . parse_body ( ) <EOL> if self . error == "<STR_LIT>" : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if not self . success ( ) : <EOL> raise self . errors [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> def parse_body ( self ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> js = json . loads ( self . body ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" not in js or "<STR_LIT>" not in js or "<STR_LIT>" not in js : <EOL> return ( None , None , [ self . invalid ] ) <EOL> errs = [ self . _make_excp ( e ) for e in js [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ] <EOL> return ( js [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , js [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , errs ) <EOL> except : <EOL> return ( None , None , [ self . invalid ] ) <EOL> def parse_error ( self ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> js = json . loads ( self . body ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" not in js : <EOL> return [ self . invalid ] <EOL> return [ self . _make_excp ( e ) for e in js [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ] <EOL> except : <EOL> return [ self . invalid ] <EOL> def success ( self ) : <EOL> return len ( self . errors ) == <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> def _make_excp ( self , error ) : <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" not in error or "<STR_LIT>" not in error : <EOL> return None <EOL> return LinodeException ( error [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , error [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> class LinodeConnection ( ConnectionKey ) : <EOL> host = LINODE_API <EOL> responseCls = LinodeResponse <EOL> def add_default_params ( self , params ) : <EOL> params [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = self . key <EOL> params [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> return params <EOL> class LinodeNodeDriver ( NodeDriver ) : <EOL> type = Provider . LINODE <EOL> name = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> connectionCls = LinodeConnection <EOL> def __init__ ( self , key ) : <EOL> self . datacenter = None <EOL> NodeDriver . __init__ ( self , key ) <EOL> LINODE_STATES = { <EOL> - <NUM_LIT:2> : NodeState . UNKNOWN , <EOL> - <NUM_LIT:1> : NodeState . PENDING , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:0> : NodeState . PENDING , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:1> : NodeState . RUNNING , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:2> : NodeState . REBOOTING , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:3> : NodeState . REBOOTING , <EOL> <NUM_LIT:4> : NodeState . UNKNOWN <EOL> } <EOL> def list_nodes ( self ) : <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> return [ self . _to_node ( n ) for n in data ] <EOL> def reboot_node ( self , node ) : <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" : node . id } <EOL> self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) <EOL> return True <EOL> def destroy_node ( self , node ) : <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" : node . id , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : True } <EOL> self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) <EOL> return True <EOL> def create_node ( self , name , image , size , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> fail = LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if not self . datacenter : <EOL> nodes = self . list_nodes ( ) <EOL> num = len ( nodes ) <EOL> if num == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> raise fail <EOL> else : <EOL> chosen = nodes [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] . extra [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> for node in nodes [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] : <EOL> if chosen != node . extra [ "<STR_LIT>" ] : <EOL> raise fail <EOL> else : <EOL> chosen = self . datacenter <EOL> plans = self . list_sizes ( ) <EOL> if size . id not in [ p . id for p in plans ] : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> payment = "<STR_LIT:1>" if "<STR_LIT>" not in kwargs else str ( kwargs [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> if payment not in [ "<STR_LIT:1>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ] : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> ssh = None if "<STR_LIT>" not in kwargs else kwargs [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> root = None if "<STR_LIT:root>" not in kwargs else kwargs [ "<STR_LIT:root>" ] <EOL> if not ssh and not root : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if len ( root ) < <NUM_LIT:6> : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> try : swap = <NUM_LIT> if "<STR_LIT>" not in kwargs else int ( kwargs [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> except : raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> imagesize = ( size . disk - swap ) if "<STR_LIT>" not in kwargs else int ( kwargs [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> if ( imagesize + swap ) > size . disk : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> distros = self . list_images ( ) <EOL> if image . id not in [ d . id for d in distros ] : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> kernel = <NUM_LIT> if "<STR_LIT>" not in kwargs else kwargs [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> kernels = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> if kernel not in [ z [ "<STR_LIT>" ] for z in kernels ] : <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> comments = "<STR_LIT>" if "<STR_LIT>" not in kwargs else kwargs [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> label = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" % name , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" % name , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" % ( name , image . name ) , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" % name <EOL> } <EOL> for what in [ "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ] : <EOL> if what in kwargs : <EOL> label [ what ] = kwargs [ what ] <EOL> params = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : chosen , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : size . id , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : payment <EOL> } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> linode = { "<STR_LIT:id>" : data [ "<STR_LIT>" ] } <EOL> if not root : <EOL> randomness = "<STR_LIT>" + str ( Random ( ) . random ( ) ) + "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> root = sha512 ( randomness ) . hexdigest ( ) <EOL> params = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : linode [ "<STR_LIT:id>" ] , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : image . id , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : label [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : imagesize , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : root , <EOL> } <EOL> if ssh : params [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = ssh <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> linode [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = data [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> params = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : linode [ "<STR_LIT:id>" ] , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : label [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : swap <EOL> } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> linode [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = data [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> disks = "<STR_LIT>" % ( linode [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , linode [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ) <EOL> params = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : linode [ "<STR_LIT:id>" ] , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : kernel , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : label [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : comments , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : disks <EOL> } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> linode [ "<STR_LIT>" ] = data [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> params = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : linode [ "<STR_LIT:id>" ] , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : linode [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" : linode [ "<STR_LIT:id>" ] } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> return self . _to_node ( data [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) <EOL> def list_sizes ( self ) : <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> sizes = [ ] <EOL> for obj in data : <EOL> n = NodeSize ( id = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , name = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , ram = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , <EOL> disk = ( obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] * <NUM_LIT> ) , bandwidth = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , <EOL> price = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , driver = self . connection . driver ) <EOL> sizes . append ( n ) <EOL> return sizes <EOL> def list_images ( self ) : <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> distros = [ ] <EOL> for obj in data : <EOL> i = NodeImage ( id = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , name = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , <EOL> driver = self . connection . driver ) <EOL> distros . append ( i ) <EOL> return distros <EOL> def linode_set_datacenter ( self , did ) : <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" } <EOL> data = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) . object <EOL> for dc in data : <EOL> if did == dc [ "<STR_LIT>" ] : <EOL> self . datacenter = did <EOL> return <EOL> dcs = "<STR_LIT:U+002CU+0020>" . join ( [ d [ "<STR_LIT>" ] for d in data ] ) <EOL> self . datacenter = None <EOL> raise LinodeException ( <NUM_LIT> , "<STR_LIT>" % dcs ) <EOL> def _to_node ( self , obj ) : <EOL> lid = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> params = { "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" : lid } <EOL> req = self . connection . request ( LINODE_ROOT , params = params ) <EOL> if not req . success ( ) or len ( req . object ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> return None <EOL> public_ip = private_ip = None <EOL> for ip in req . object : <EOL> if ip [ "<STR_LIT>" ] : public_ip = ip [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> else : private_ip = ip [ "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> n = Node ( id = lid , name = obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] , <EOL> state = self . LINODE_STATES [ obj [ "<STR_LIT>" ] ] , public_ip = public_ip , <EOL> private_ip = private_ip , driver = self . connection . driver ) <EOL> n . extra = copy ( obj ) <EOL> return n </s>
<s> import marshal <EOL> def stat ( input ) : <EOL> f = open ( input ) <EOL> line = f . readline ( ) <EOL> count = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> while True : <EOL> line = f . readline ( ) <EOL> if not line : <EOL> break <EOL> count += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> if count % <NUM_LIT> == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> print count <EOL> lis = line . split ( "<STR_LIT:U+002C>" ) <EOL> index = len ( lis ) - <NUM_LIT:7> <EOL> iid = "<STR_LIT>" + lis [ index ] <EOL> if iid in d_id : <EOL> d_id [ iid ] += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> else : <EOL> d_id [ iid ] = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> index = len ( lis ) - <NUM_LIT> <EOL> ip = "<STR_LIT>" + lis [ index ] <EOL> if ip in d_id : <EOL> d_id [ ip ] += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> else : <EOL> d_id [ ip ] = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> index = len ( lis ) - <NUM_LIT:20> <EOL> id = "<STR_LIT>" + lis [ index ] <EOL> if id in d_id : <EOL> d_id [ id ] += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> else : <EOL> d_id [ id ] = <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> f . close ( ) <EOL> d_id = { } <EOL> stat ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> stat ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> marshal . dump ( d_id , open ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT:w>" ) ) </s>
<s> import sys <EOL> from influxdb import chunked_json <EOL> if sys . version_info < ( <NUM_LIT:2> , <NUM_LIT:7> ) : <EOL> import unittest2 as unittest <EOL> else : <EOL> import unittest <EOL> class TestChunkJson ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> @ classmethod <EOL> def setUpClass ( cls ) : <EOL> super ( TestChunkJson , cls ) . setUpClass ( ) <EOL> def test_load ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> example_response = '<STR_LIT>' '<STR_LIT>' '<STR_LIT>' '<STR_LIT>' '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> res = list ( chunked_json . loads ( example_response ) ) <EOL> self . assertListEqual ( <EOL> [ <EOL> { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : [ <EOL> { '<STR_LIT>' : [ { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : [ [ '<STR_LIT>' , <NUM_LIT> ] ] , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> [ '<STR_LIT:time>' , '<STR_LIT:value>' ] } ] } , <EOL> { '<STR_LIT>' : [ { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : [ [ '<STR_LIT>' , <NUM_LIT> ] ] , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : [ '<STR_LIT:time>' , '<STR_LIT:value>' ] } ] } <EOL> ] <EOL> } <EOL> ] , <EOL> res <EOL> ) </s>
<s> import re <EOL> from django import template <EOL> from django . core . urlresolvers import resolve <EOL> from django . utils . translation import activate , get_language <EOL> register = template . Library ( ) <EOL> @ register . simple_tag ( takes_context = True ) <EOL> def change_lang ( context , lang = None , * args , ** kwargs ) : <EOL> current_language = get_language ( ) <EOL> if '<STR_LIT>' in context and lang and current_language : <EOL> request = context [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> match = resolve ( request . path ) <EOL> non_prefixed_path = re . sub ( current_language + '<STR_LIT:/>' , '<STR_LIT>' , request . path , count = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> if match . url_name == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> path_components = [ component for component in non_prefixed_path . split ( '<STR_LIT:/>' ) if component ] <EOL> page , args , kwargs = request . site . root_page . specific . route ( request , path_components ) <EOL> activate ( lang ) <EOL> translated_url = page . url <EOL> activate ( current_language ) <EOL> return translated_url <EOL> elif match . url_name == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> path_components = [ component for component in non_prefixed_path . split ( '<STR_LIT:/>' ) if component ] <EOL> translated_url = '<STR_LIT:/>' + lang + '<STR_LIT:/>' + path_components [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] + '<STR_LIT:/>' <EOL> if request . GET : <EOL> translated_url += '<STR_LIT:?>' <EOL> for key , value in request . GET . iteritems ( ) : <EOL> translated_url += key + '<STR_LIT:=>' + value <EOL> return translated_url <EOL> return '<STR_LIT>' </s>
<s> from . prescons import main <EOL> main ( ) </s>
<s> import sys , os <EOL> extensions = [ ] <EOL> templates_path = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> source_suffix = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> master_doc = '<STR_LIT:index>' <EOL> project = u'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> copyright = u'<STR_LIT>' <EOL> version = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> release = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> exclude_trees = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> pygments_style = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> html_theme = '<STR_LIT:default>' <EOL> html_static_path = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> htmlhelp_basename = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> latex_documents = [ <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT:index>' , '<STR_LIT>' , u'<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> u'<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ) , <EOL> ] </s>
<s> from __future__ import absolute_import , unicode_literals <EOL> from datetime import datetime , timedelta <EOL> from rest_framework . serializers import HyperlinkedIdentityField <EOL> from drf_haystack . serializers import HaystackSerializer , HaystackFacetSerializer , HighlighterMixin <EOL> from . search_indexes import MockPersonIndex , MockLocationIndex <EOL> class SearchSerializer ( HaystackSerializer ) : <EOL> class Meta : <EOL> index_classes = [ MockPersonIndex , MockLocationIndex ] <EOL> fields = [ <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT:text>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT:address>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> ] <EOL> class HighlighterSerializer ( HighlighterMixin , HaystackSerializer ) : <EOL> highlighter_css_class = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> highlighter_html_tag = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> class Meta : <EOL> index_classes = [ MockPersonIndex , MockLocationIndex ] <EOL> fields = [ <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT:address>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> ] <EOL> class MoreLikeThisSerializer ( HaystackSerializer ) : <EOL> more_like_this = HyperlinkedIdentityField ( view_name = "<STR_LIT>" , read_only = True ) <EOL> class Meta : <EOL> index_classes = [ MockPersonIndex ] <EOL> fields = [ <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> ] <EOL> class MockPersonFacetSerializer ( HaystackFacetSerializer ) : <EOL> serialize_objects = True <EOL> class Meta : <EOL> index_classes = [ MockPersonIndex ] <EOL> fields = [ "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ] <EOL> field_options = { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : { } , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : { } , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : { <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : datetime . now ( ) - timedelta ( days = <NUM_LIT:3> * <NUM_LIT> ) , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : datetime . now ( ) , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" : <NUM_LIT:10> <EOL> } <EOL> } </s>
<s> import brewer2mpl as brewer <EOL> def brew ( N , n_cls , reverse = True ) : <EOL> b = [ <EOL> brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , N + <NUM_LIT:1> , reverse = reverse ) . hex_colors [ : N ] , <EOL> brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , N + <NUM_LIT:1> , reverse = reverse ) . hex_colors [ : N ] , <EOL> brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , N + <NUM_LIT:1> , reverse = reverse ) . hex_colors [ : N ] , <EOL> brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , N + <NUM_LIT:1> , reverse = reverse ) . hex_colors [ : N ] , <EOL> brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , N + <NUM_LIT:1> , reverse = reverse ) . hex_colors [ : N ] , <EOL> brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , N + <NUM_LIT:1> , reverse = reverse ) . hex_colors [ : N ] , <EOL> ] <EOL> return b [ : n_cls ] <EOL> category20c = [ <EOL> [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ] <EOL> import itertools <EOL> import brewer2mpl as brewer <EOL> def rgb2hex ( rgb ) : <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> a = '<STR_LIT>' % tuple ( [ int ( np . round ( val * <NUM_LIT:255> ) ) for val in rgb [ : <NUM_LIT:3> ] ] ) <EOL> return a <EOL> from collections import defaultdict <EOL> import networkx as nx <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> def get_topic_colors ( v ) : <EOL> k = v . model . K <EOL> mat = v . doc_topic_matrix ( v . labels ) <EOL> rs = defaultdict ( list ) <EOL> ss = np . zeros ( [ len ( mat ) , k , <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) <EOL> adj = np . zeros ( [ k , k ] ) <EOL> thresh = <NUM_LIT:0.1> <EOL> cs = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> for row_num , row in enumerate ( mat ) : <EOL> order = row . argsort ( ) [ : : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> vals = np . cumsum ( row [ order ] ) <EOL> vals = np . insert ( vals , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0.> ) <EOL> ranges = [ np . array ( [ vals [ v ] , vals [ v + <NUM_LIT:1> ] ] ) for v in range ( len ( vals ) - <NUM_LIT:1> ) if ( vals [ v + <NUM_LIT:1> ] - vals [ v ] ) > thresh ] <EOL> for i , o in enumerate ( order ) : <EOL> ss [ row_num ] [ o ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] = vals [ i ] <EOL> ss [ row_num ] [ o ] [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] = vals [ i + <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> vals = np . delete ( vals , <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> for i , key , val in zip ( range ( k - <NUM_LIT:1> ) , order [ : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] , order [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] ) : <EOL> v = vals [ i + <NUM_LIT:1> ] - vals [ i ] <EOL> if v > thresh : <EOL> adj [ key ] [ val ] += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> cs += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> for i , key , val in zip ( range ( <NUM_LIT:1> , k ) , order [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] , order [ : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) : <EOL> v = vals [ i ] - vals [ i - <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> if v > thresh : <EOL> adj [ key ] [ val ] += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> cs += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> for key , val in zip ( order [ : len ( ranges ) ] , ranges ) : <EOL> rs [ key ] . append ( val ) <EOL> idxs = ss [ : , : , <NUM_LIT:1> ] - ss [ : , : , <NUM_LIT:0> ] > thresh <EOL> cse = <NUM_LIT:0> <EOL> for row , topic in zip ( * np . where ( idxs ) ) : <EOL> idxs2 = np . logical_not ( np . logical_or ( ss [ : , : , <NUM_LIT:1> ] <= ss [ row , topic , <NUM_LIT:0> ] , ss [ : , : , <NUM_LIT:0> ] >= ss [ row , topic , <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) ) <EOL> candidates = np . logical_and ( idxs , idxs2 ) <EOL> for row_ , topic2 in zip ( * np . where ( candidates ) ) : <EOL> v = min ( ss [ row ] [ topic ] [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] , ss [ row_ ] [ topic2 ] [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) - max ( ss [ row_ ] [ topic2 ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] , ss [ row ] [ topic ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) <EOL> if v > thresh and row != row_ : <EOL> adj [ topic ] [ topic2 ] += min ( <NUM_LIT:1.0> , v / mat [ row ] [ topic ] ) * <NUM_LIT> <EOL> cse += min ( <NUM_LIT:1.0> , v / mat [ row ] [ topic ] ) * <NUM_LIT> <EOL> G = nx . Graph ( ) <EOL> for i in range ( k ) : <EOL> G . add_node ( i ) <EOL> weight = int ( ( cs + cse ) / ( <NUM_LIT:4> * k * k ) ) <EOL> ncolors = None <EOL> while ncolors is None or ncolors > <NUM_LIT:9> : <EOL> print weight , ncolors <EOL> colors = defaultdict ( int ) <EOL> G . remove_edges_from ( G . edges ( ) ) <EOL> for e1 , e2 in zip ( * np . where ( adj > weight ) ) : <EOL> G . add_edge ( e1 , e2 , weight = adj [ e1 , e2 ] ) <EOL> for n in sorted ( G . nodes ( ) , key = G . degree , reverse = True ) : <EOL> neighbor_colors = [ colors [ nbr ] for nbr in G . neighbors ( n ) ] <EOL> colorgram = np . histogram ( colors . values ( ) , bins = range ( max ( colors . values ( ) ) + <NUM_LIT:2> ) ) <EOL> available_colors = [ c for c in colors . values ( ) if c not in neighbor_colors ] <EOL> if available_colors : <EOL> colors [ n ] = min ( available_colors , key = lambda i : colorgram [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ i ] ) <EOL> else : <EOL> colors [ n ] = max ( colors . values ( ) ) + <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> ncolors = len ( set ( colors . values ( ) ) ) <EOL> print ncolors <EOL> weight += <NUM_LIT:1> <EOL> bmap = brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , ncolors ) <EOL> topic_colors = [ ( n , bmap . mpl_colormap ( color / float ( ncolors - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) ) for n , color in colors . iteritems ( ) ] <EOL> topic_colors . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) <EOL> return topic_colors <EOL> def get_topic_colors ( v ) : <EOL> ncolors = <NUM_LIT:8> <EOL> bmap = brewer . get_map ( '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , ncolors ) <EOL> topic_colors = [ ( n , bmap . mpl_colormap ( float ( n % ncolors ) / ( ncolors - <NUM_LIT:1> ) ) ) <EOL> for n in range ( v . model . K ) ] <EOL> topic_colors . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) <EOL> return topic_colors </s>
<s> import unittest2 as unittest <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> from vsm . model . lsa import Lsa <EOL> class TestLsa ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> def setUp ( self ) : <EOL> self . tfidf_mat = np . array ( [ [ <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:0> ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] , <EOL> [ np . inf , np . inf , np . inf ] , <EOL> [ <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> , <NUM_LIT:0> ] ] ) <EOL> self . eigenvalues = np . array ( [ <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] ) <EOL> self . doc_matrix = np . array ( [ <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ] ) <EOL> suite = unittest . TestLoader ( ) . loadTestsFromTestCase ( TestLsa ) <EOL> unittest . TextTestRunner ( verbosity = <NUM_LIT:2> ) . run ( suite ) </s>
<s> from FileReadWrite import * <EOL> from py4j . java_gateway import JavaGateway <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> def lda_run ( corp , corpfile , ctx_type , iterations , K , metafile , <EOL> alpha = <NUM_LIT> , beta = <NUM_LIT> ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> gw = JavaGateway ( auto_field = True ) <EOL> gw . entry_point . sample ( iterations , K , alpha , beta ) <EOL> gw . entry_point . writeMeta ( iterations , K , alpha , beta , metafile ) <EOL> lda = gw . entry_point . getLda ( ) <EOL> return gw , lda <EOL> def save ( lda , ctx_type , fname , metafile ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> top_word = nested_arr_to_np ( lda . getPhi ( ) ) <EOL> doc_top = nested_arr_to_np ( lda . getTheta ( ) ) <EOL> W = nested_arr_to_np ( lda . getDocuments ( ) , arrarr = True ) <EOL> Z = nested_arr_to_np ( lda . getZ ( ) , arrarr = True ) <EOL> dic = file_to_dict ( metafile ) <EOL> arrays_out = dict ( ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( np . hstack ( W ) ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . cumsum ( [ a . size for a in W ] ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = lda . getV ( ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = int ( dic [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . array ( np . hstack ( Z ) , dtype = np . int32 ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = np . cumsum ( [ a . size for a in Z ] ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = doc_top <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = top_word <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = ( lda . getV ( ) * float ( dic [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) ) + np . zeros ( lda . getK ( ) ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = ctx_type <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = int ( dic [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = float ( dic [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = float ( dic [ '<STR_LIT>' ] ) <EOL> arrays_out [ '<STR_LIT>' ] = False <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> print '<STR_LIT>' , fname <EOL> np . savez ( fname , ** arrays_out ) <EOL> def nested_arr_to_np ( arr , arrarr = False ) : <EOL> outli = [ ] <EOL> for r in arr : <EOL> inli = [ ] <EOL> for c in r : <EOL> inli . append ( c ) <EOL> if arrarr : <EOL> inli = np . array ( inli ) <EOL> outli . append ( inli ) <EOL> return np . array ( outli ) <EOL> if __name__ == '<STR_LIT:__main__>' : <EOL> from vsm . corpus import Corpus <EOL> path = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> c = Corpus . load ( path + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> writepath = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> ctx = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> gw , m = lda_run ( c , path + '<STR_LIT>' , ctx , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT:2> , <EOL> writepath + '<STR_LIT>' , <NUM_LIT> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> save ( m , ctx , writepath + '<STR_LIT>' , writepath + '<STR_LIT>' ) </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import numpy as np <EOL> from vsm . spatial import H , JS_dist , KL_div <EOL> from vsm . structarr import * <EOL> from vsm . split import split_corpus <EOL> from vsm . exceptions import * <EOL> from types import * <EOL> from labeleddata import * <EOL> from wrappers import * <EOL> __all__ = [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> class LdaCgsViewer ( object ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> def __init__ ( self , corpus , model ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> self . corpus = corpus <EOL> self . model = model <EOL> self . _phi = None <EOL> self . _theta = None <EOL> self . _H_phi = None <EOL> self . _H_theta = None <EOL> self . _labels = None <EOL> @ property <EOL> def _doc_label_name ( self ) : <EOL> return doc_label_name ( self . model . context_type ) <EOL> def _res_doc_type ( self , doc ) : <EOL> return res_doc_type ( self . corpus , self . model . context_type , <EOL> self . _doc_label_name , doc ) <EOL> def _res_word_type ( self , word ) : <EOL> return res_word_type ( self . corpus , word ) <EOL> @ property <EOL> def labels ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if self . _labels is None : <EOL> self . _labels = self . corpus . view_metadata ( self . model . context_type ) <EOL> self . _labels = self . _labels [ self . _doc_label_name ] <EOL> return self . _labels <EOL> @ property <EOL> def phi ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if self . _phi is None : <EOL> self . _phi = self . model . word_top / self . model . word_top . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> return self . _phi <EOL> @ property <EOL> def theta ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if self . _theta is None : <EOL> self . _theta = self . model . top_doc / self . model . top_doc . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> return self . _theta <EOL> @ property <EOL> def H_phi ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if self . _H_phi is None : <EOL> self . _H_phi = H ( self . phi . T ) <EOL> return self . _H_phi <EOL> @ property <EOL> def H_theta ( self ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if self . _H_theta is None : <EOL> self . _H_theta = H ( self . theta . T ) <EOL> return self . _H_theta <EOL> def topic_entropies ( self , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> H_phi = self . H_phi <EOL> k_arr = enum_sort ( H_phi ) . view ( LabeledColumn ) <EOL> k_arr . col_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> k_arr . subcol_headers = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> k_arr . col_len = print_len <EOL> return k_arr [ : : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> def doc_entropies ( self , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , <EOL> label_fn = def_label_fn , as_strings = True ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if as_strings : <EOL> md = self . corpus . view_metadata ( self . model . context_type ) <EOL> docs = label_fn ( md ) <EOL> d_arr = enum_sort ( self . H_theta , indices = docs , field_name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> d_arr = enum_sort ( self . H_theta ) <EOL> d_arr = d_arr . view ( LabeledColumn ) <EOL> d_arr . col_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> d_arr . subcol_headers = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> d_arr . col_len = print_len <EOL> return d_arr [ : : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> def topic_oscillations ( self , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , div_fn = KL_div ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> topic_indices = np . arange ( self . model . K ) <EOL> pseudo_docs = np . diag ( np . ones ( self . model . K , dtype = '<STR_LIT:d>' ) ) [ topic_indices , : ] <EOL> rel_entropies = div_fn ( pseudo_docs , self . theta ) <EOL> oscillations = rel_entropies . max ( axis = <NUM_LIT:1> ) - rel_entropies . min ( axis = <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> k_arr = enum_sort ( oscillations ) . view ( LabeledColumn ) <EOL> k_arr . col_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> k_arr . subcol_headers = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> k_arr . col_len = <NUM_LIT:10> <EOL> return k_arr <EOL> def topic_jsds ( self , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> topic_indices = np . arange ( self . model . K ) <EOL> doc_tops = self . theta . T <EOL> M = np . sum ( doc_tops , axis = <NUM_LIT:0> ) / len ( doc_tops ) <EOL> pjsd = np . sum ( np . array ( [ ( D_i * np . log ( D_i / M ) ) / len ( doc_tops ) <EOL> for D_i in doc_tops ] ) , axis = <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> k_arr = enum_sort ( pjsd ) . view ( LabeledColumn ) <EOL> k_arr . col_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> k_arr . subcol_headers = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> k_arr . col_len = <NUM_LIT:10> <EOL> return k_arr [ : : - <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> def _get_sort_header_topic_indices ( self , sort = None , topic_indices = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if sort == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> th = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> ent_sort = self . topic_entropies ( ) [ '<STR_LIT:i>' ] <EOL> if topic_indices is not None : <EOL> ti = set ( topic_indices ) <EOL> topic_indices = [ k for k in ent_sort if k in ti ] <EOL> else : <EOL> topic_indices = ent_sort <EOL> elif sort == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> th = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> osc_sort = self . topic_oscillations ( ) [ '<STR_LIT:i>' ] <EOL> if topic_indices is not None : <EOL> ti = set ( topic_indices ) <EOL> topic_indices = [ k for k in osc_sort if k in ti ] <EOL> else : <EOL> topic_indices = osc_sort <EOL> elif sort == '<STR_LIT>' : <EOL> th = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> jsd_sort = self . topic_jsds ( ) [ '<STR_LIT:i>' ] <EOL> if topic_indices is not None : <EOL> ti = set ( topic_indices ) <EOL> topic_indices = [ k for k in jsd_sort if k in ti ] <EOL> else : <EOL> topic_indices = jsd_sort <EOL> elif topic_indices is not None or sort == '<STR_LIT:user>' : <EOL> sort = '<STR_LIT:user>' <EOL> th = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> else : <EOL> sort = '<STR_LIT:index>' <EOL> th = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> topic_indices = range ( self . model . K ) <EOL> return ( th , np . array ( topic_indices ) ) <EOL> def topics ( self , topic_indices = None , sort = None , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , <EOL> as_strings = True , compact_view = True , topic_labels = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if topic_indices is not None and ( not hasattr ( topic_indices , '<STR_LIT>' ) or isinstance ( topic_indices , ( str , unicode ) ) ) : <EOL> raise ValueError ( "<STR_LIT>" + <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> th , topic_indices = self . _get_sort_header_topic_indices ( <EOL> sort , topic_indices = topic_indices ) <EOL> phi = self . phi [ : , topic_indices ] <EOL> if as_strings : <EOL> k_arr = enum_matrix ( phi . T , indices = self . corpus . words , <EOL> field_name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> else : <EOL> ind = [ self . corpus . words_int [ word ] for word in self . corpus . words ] <EOL> k_arr = enum_matrix ( phi . T , indices = ind , field_name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> table = [ ] <EOL> for i , k in enumerate ( topic_indices ) : <EOL> if topic_labels is None : <EOL> ch = '<STR_LIT>' + str ( k ) <EOL> else : <EOL> ch = topic_labels [ i ] <EOL> col = LabeledColumn ( k_arr [ i ] , col_header = ch , col_len = print_len ) <EOL> table . append ( col ) <EOL> schc = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> schf = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> return DataTable ( table , th , compact_view = compact_view , <EOL> subcolhdr_compact = schc , subcolhdr_full = schf ) <EOL> def doc_topics ( self , doc_or_docs , compact_view = False , <EOL> aggregate = False , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , topic_labels = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if ( isstr ( doc_or_docs ) or isint ( doc_or_docs ) <EOL> or isinstance ( doc_or_docs , dict ) ) : <EOL> doc , label = self . _res_doc_type ( doc_or_docs ) <EOL> k_arr = enum_sort ( self . theta [ : , doc ] ) . view ( LabeledColumn ) <EOL> k_arr . col_header = '<STR_LIT>' + label <EOL> k_arr . subcol_headers = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> k_arr . col_len = print_len <EOL> return k_arr <EOL> docs , labels = zip ( * [ self . _res_doc_type ( d ) for d in doc_or_docs ] ) <EOL> k_arr = enum_matrix ( self . theta . T , indices = range ( self . model . K ) , <EOL> field_name = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> th = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> table = [ ] <EOL> for i in xrange ( len ( docs ) ) : <EOL> if topic_labels is None : <EOL> ch = '<STR_LIT>' + labels [ i ] <EOL> else : <EOL> ch = topic_labels [ i ] <EOL> col = LabeledColumn ( k_arr [ docs [ i ] ] , col_header = ch , col_len = print_len ) <EOL> table . append ( col ) <EOL> schc = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> schf = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> return DataTable ( table , th , compact_view = compact_view , <EOL> subcolhdr_compact = schc , subcolhdr_full = schf ) <EOL> def aggregate_doc_topics ( self , docs , normed_sum = False , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> docs , labels = zip ( * [ self . _res_doc_type ( d ) for d in docs ] ) <EOL> if normed_sum : <EOL> S = self . theta [ : , docs ] . sum ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> S = self . model . top_doc [ : , docs ] . sum ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> S = S / S . sum ( ) <EOL> k_arr = enum_sort ( S ) . view ( LabeledColumn ) <EOL> k_arr . col_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> k_arr . subcol_headers = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> k_arr . col_len = print_len <EOL> return k_arr <EOL> def doc_topic_matrix ( self , doc_or_docs ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if ( isstr ( doc_or_docs ) or isint ( doc_or_docs ) <EOL> or isinstance ( doc_or_docs , dict ) ) : <EOL> doc , label = self . _res_doc_type ( doc_or_docs ) <EOL> k_arr = self . theta [ : , doc ] . T <EOL> else : <EOL> docs , labels = zip ( * [ self . _res_doc_type ( d ) for d in doc_or_docs ] ) <EOL> k_arr = self . theta [ : , docs ] . T <EOL> return k_arr <EOL> def view_documents ( self , doc_or_docs , as_strings = False ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> documents = [ ] <EOL> if ( isstr ( doc_or_docs ) or isint ( doc_or_docs ) <EOL> or isinstance ( doc_or_docs , dict ) ) : <EOL> doc , label = self . _res_doc_type ( doc_or_docs ) <EOL> docs = list ( doc ) <EOL> else : <EOL> docs , labels = zip ( * [ self . _res_doc_type ( d ) for d in doc_or_docs ] ) <EOL> all_docs = self . corpus . view_contexts ( self . model . context_type , <EOL> as_strings = as_strings ) <EOL> for doc in docs : <EOL> documents . append ( all_docs [ doc ] ) <EOL> return documents <EOL> def word_topics ( self , word , as_strings = True ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> w , word = self . _res_word_type ( word ) <EOL> ct = self . model . context_type <EOL> contexts = self . corpus . view_contexts ( ct ) <EOL> idx = [ ( contexts [ d ] == w ) for d in xrange ( len ( contexts ) ) ] <EOL> Z = split_corpus ( self . model . Z , self . model . indices ) <EOL> Z_w = [ ( d , i , t ) for d in xrange ( len ( Z ) ) <EOL> for i , t in enumerate ( Z [ d ] ) if idx [ d ] [ i ] ] <EOL> if as_strings : <EOL> docs = self . corpus . view_metadata ( ct ) [ self . _doc_label_name ] <EOL> dt = [ ( '<STR_LIT>' , docs . dtype ) , ( '<STR_LIT>' , np . int ) , ( '<STR_LIT:value>' , np . int ) ] <EOL> Z_w = [ ( docs [ d ] , i , t ) for ( d , i , t ) in Z_w ] <EOL> else : <EOL> dt = [ ( '<STR_LIT:i>' , np . int ) , ( '<STR_LIT>' , np . int ) , ( '<STR_LIT:value>' , np . int ) ] <EOL> Z_w = np . array ( Z_w , dtype = dt ) . view ( LabeledColumn ) <EOL> Z_w . col_header = '<STR_LIT>' + word <EOL> Z_w . subcol_headers = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> return Z_w <EOL> @ deprecated_meth ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def sim_top_top ( self , topic_or_topics , weights = [ ] , <EOL> dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' , <EOL> show_topics = True , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , filter_nan = True , <EOL> as_strings = True , compact_view = True ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def dist_top_top ( self , topic_or_topics , weights = [ ] , <EOL> dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' , <EOL> show_topics = True , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , filter_nan = True , <EOL> as_strings = True , compact_view = True , topic_labels = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> Q = self . model . word_top / self . model . word_top . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> distances = dist_top_top ( Q , topic_or_topics , weights = weights , <EOL> print_len = print_len , filter_nan = filter_nan , <EOL> dist_fn = dist_fn , order = order ) <EOL> if show_topics : <EOL> topic_or_topics = [ topic_or_topics ] <EOL> topic_indices = distances [ distances . dtype . names [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ] <EOL> k_arr = self . topics ( topic_indices = topic_indices , print_len = print_len , <EOL> as_strings = as_strings , compact_view = compact_view , <EOL> topic_labels = topic_labels ) <EOL> k_arr . table_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> for i in xrange ( distances . size ) : <EOL> k_arr [ i ] . col_header += '<STR_LIT>' . format ( distances [ i ] [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> return k_arr <EOL> return distances <EOL> @ deprecated_meth ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def sim_top_doc ( self , topic_or_topics , weights = [ ] , filter_words = [ ] , <EOL> print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , as_strings = True , label_fn = def_label_fn , <EOL> filter_nan = True , dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def dist_top_doc ( self , topic_or_topics , weights = [ ] , filter_words = [ ] , <EOL> print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , as_strings = True , label_fn = def_label_fn , <EOL> filter_nan = True , dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> Q = self . model . top_doc / self . model . top_doc . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> d_arr = dist_top_doc ( topic_or_topics , Q , self . corpus , <EOL> self . model . context_type , weights = weights , <EOL> print_len = print_len , as_strings = False , <EOL> label_fn = label_fn , filter_nan = filter_nan , <EOL> dist_fn = dist_fn ) <EOL> topics = res_top_type ( topic_or_topics ) <EOL> if len ( filter_words ) > <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> white = set ( ) <EOL> for w in filter_words : <EOL> l = self . word_topics ( w , as_strings = False ) <EOL> d = l [ '<STR_LIT:i>' ] [ np . in1d ( l [ '<STR_LIT:value>' ] , topics ) ] <EOL> white . update ( d ) <EOL> d_arr = d_arr [ ( np . in1d ( d_arr [ '<STR_LIT:i>' ] , white ) ) ] <EOL> if as_strings : <EOL> md = self . corpus . view_metadata ( self . model . context_type ) <EOL> docs = label_fn ( md ) <EOL> d_arr = map_strarr ( d_arr , docs , k = '<STR_LIT:i>' , new_k = '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return d_arr <EOL> @ deprecated_meth ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def sim_word_top ( self , word_or_words , weights = [ ] , filter_nan = True , <EOL> show_topics = True , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , as_strings = True , <EOL> compact_view = True , dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def dist_word_top ( self , word_or_words , weights = [ ] , filter_nan = True , <EOL> show_topics = True , print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , as_strings = True , <EOL> compact_view = True , dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' , <EOL> topic_labels = None ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> Q = self . model . word_top / self . model . word_top . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> distances = dist_word_top ( word_or_words , self . corpus , Q , <EOL> weights = weights , print_len = print_len , <EOL> filter_nan = filter_nan , <EOL> dist_fn = dist_fn , order = order ) <EOL> if show_topics : <EOL> if isstr ( word_or_words ) : <EOL> word_or_words = [ word_or_words ] <EOL> topic_indices = sum ( [ self . word_topics ( w ) [ '<STR_LIT:value>' ] . tolist ( ) <EOL> for w in word_or_words ] , [ ] ) <EOL> topic_indices = [ i for i in xrange ( distances . size ) if distances [ i ] [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] in topic_indices ] <EOL> distances = distances [ topic_indices ] <EOL> topic_indices = distances [ distances . dtype . names [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ] <EOL> k_arr = self . topics ( topic_indices = topic_indices , print_len = print_len , <EOL> as_strings = as_strings , compact_view = compact_view , <EOL> topic_labels = topic_labels ) <EOL> if compact_view : <EOL> k_arr . table_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> return k_arr <EOL> k_arr . table_header = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> for i in xrange ( distances . size ) : <EOL> k_arr [ i ] . col_header += '<STR_LIT>' . format ( distances [ i ] [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> return k_arr <EOL> return distances <EOL> @ deprecated_meth ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def sim_doc_doc ( self , doc_or_docs , <EOL> print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , filter_nan = True , <EOL> label_fn = def_label_fn , as_strings = True , <EOL> dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def dist_doc_doc ( self , doc_or_docs , <EOL> print_len = <NUM_LIT:10> , filter_nan = True , <EOL> label_fn = def_label_fn , as_strings = True , <EOL> dist_fn = JS_dist , order = '<STR_LIT:i>' ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> Q = self . model . top_doc / self . model . top_doc . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> return dist_doc_doc ( doc_or_docs , self . corpus , <EOL> self . model . context_type , Q , <EOL> print_len = print_len , filter_nan = filter_nan , <EOL> label_fn = label_fn , as_strings = as_strings , <EOL> dist_fn = dist_fn , order = order ) <EOL> @ deprecated_meth ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def simmat_docs ( self , docs = [ ] , dist_fn = JS_dist ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def dismat_doc ( self , docs = [ ] , dist_fn = JS_dist ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if len ( docs ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> docs = range ( self . model . top_doc . shape [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> Q = self . model . top_doc / self . model . top_doc . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> dm = dismat_doc ( docs , self . corpus , self . model . context_type , <EOL> Q , dist_fn = dist_fn ) <EOL> return dm <EOL> @ deprecated_meth ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> def simmat_topics ( self , topics = [ ] , dist_fn = JS_dist ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def dismat_top ( self , topics = [ ] , dist_fn = JS_dist ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> if len ( topics ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> topics = range ( self . model . word_top . shape [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> Q = self . model . word_top / self . model . word_top . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> return dismat_top ( topics , Q , dist_fn = dist_fn ) <EOL> def dist ( self , doc1 , doc2 , dist_fn = JS_dist ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> d1 , d2 = self . doc_topic_matrix ( [ doc1 , doc2 ] ) <EOL> return dist_fn ( d1 , d2 ) <EOL> def logp_plot ( self , range = [ ] , step = <NUM_LIT:1> , show = True , grid = True ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import matplotlib . pyplot as plt <EOL> if len ( range ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> range = [ <NUM_LIT:0> , len ( self . model . log_probs ) ] <EOL> x = [ ] <EOL> logp = [ ] <EOL> for i , lp in self . model . log_probs [ range [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] : range [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] : step ] : <EOL> x . append ( i ) <EOL> logp . append ( lp ) <EOL> plt . plot ( x , logp ) <EOL> plt . xlim ( min ( x ) , max ( x ) ) <EOL> plt . grid ( grid ) <EOL> plt . title ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if show : <EOL> plt . show ( ) <EOL> return plt <EOL> def topic_hist ( self , topic_indices = None , d_indices = [ ] , show = True ) : <EOL> """<STR_LIT>""" <EOL> import matplotlib . pyplot as plt <EOL> if len ( d_indices ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> i = self . corpus . context_types . index ( self . model . context_type ) <EOL> d_indices = xrange ( len ( self . corpus . context_data [ i ] ) ) <EOL> td_mat = self . model . top_doc [ : , d_indices ] <EOL> td_mat /= td_mat . sum ( <NUM_LIT:0> ) <EOL> arr = td_mat . sum ( <NUM_LIT:1> ) <EOL> if not topic_indices == None : <EOL> arr = arr [ topic_indices ] <EOL> l = enum_sort ( arr ) <EOL> rank , prob = zip ( * l ) <EOL> y_pos = np . arange ( len ( rank ) ) <EOL> fig = plt . figure ( figsize = ( <NUM_LIT:10> , <NUM_LIT:10> ) ) <EOL> plt . barh ( y_pos , list ( prob ) ) <EOL> plt . yticks ( y_pos , rank ) <EOL> plt . xlabel ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> plt . title ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> if show : <EOL> plt . show ( ) <EOL> return plt </s>
<s> from netaddr import IPNetwork <EOL> from netaddr . ip import IPAddress <EOL> from fake_switches . switch_configuration import VlanPort <EOL> from fake_switches . command_processing . base_command_processor import BaseCommandProcessor <EOL> class ConfigInterfaceCommandProcessor ( BaseCommandProcessor ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , switch_configuration , terminal_controller , logger , piping_processor , port ) : <EOL> BaseCommandProcessor . __init__ ( self , switch_configuration , terminal_controller , logger , piping_processor ) <EOL> self . description_strip_chars = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> self . port = port <EOL> def get_prompt ( self ) : <EOL> return self . switch_configuration . name + "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> def do_switchport ( self , * args ) : <EOL> if args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:1> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , ) : <EOL> self . port . mode = args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:2> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . port . access_vlan = int ( args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:2> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . port . trunk_encapsulation_mode = args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:4> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> if self . port . trunk_vlans is not None : <EOL> self . port . trunk_vlans += parse_vlan_list ( args [ <NUM_LIT:4> ] ) <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:4> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> if self . port . trunk_vlans is None : <EOL> self . port . trunk_vlans = range ( <NUM_LIT:1> , <NUM_LIT> ) <EOL> for v in parse_vlan_list ( args [ <NUM_LIT:4> ] ) : <EOL> if v in self . port . trunk_vlans : <EOL> self . port . trunk_vlans . remove ( v ) <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:4> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT:none>" ) : <EOL> self . port . trunk_vlans = [ ] <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:4> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT:all>" ) : <EOL> self . port . trunk_vlans = None <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:3> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . port . trunk_vlans = parse_vlan_list ( args [ <NUM_LIT:3> ] ) <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:3> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . port . trunk_native_vlan = int ( args [ <NUM_LIT:3> ] ) <EOL> def do_no_switchport ( self , * args ) : <EOL> if args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:2> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . port . access_vlan = None <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:1> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , ) : <EOL> self . port . mode = None <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:3> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . port . trunk_vlans = None <EOL> elif args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:3> ] == ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) : <EOL> self . port . trunk_native_vlan = None <EOL> def do_channel_group ( self , * args ) : <EOL> port_channel_id = args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> port_channel_name = "<STR_LIT>" % port_channel_id <EOL> if not self . port_channel_exists ( port_channel_name ) : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" % port_channel_id ) <EOL> self . create_port_channel ( port_channel_name ) <EOL> self . port . aggregation_membership = port_channel_name <EOL> def do_no_channel_group ( self , * _ ) : <EOL> self . port . aggregation_membership = None <EOL> def do_description ( self , * args ) : <EOL> self . port . description = "<STR_LIT:U+0020>" . join ( args ) . strip ( self . description_strip_chars ) <EOL> def do_no_description ( self , * _ ) : <EOL> self . port . description = None <EOL> def do_shutdown ( self , * _ ) : <EOL> self . port . shutdown = True <EOL> def do_no_shutdown ( self , * _ ) : <EOL> self . port . shutdown = False <EOL> def do_ip ( self , * args ) : <EOL> if "<STR_LIT:address>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> new_ip = IPNetwork ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] , args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) ) <EOL> ip_owner , existing_ip = self . switch_configuration . get_port_and_ip_by_ip ( new_ip . ip ) <EOL> if not ip_owner or ip_owner == self . port : <EOL> if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:4> and "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:3> ] ) : <EOL> self . port . add_ip ( new_ip ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if len ( self . port . ips ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . port . add_ip ( new_ip ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if ip_owner == self . port : <EOL> self . port . remove_ip ( new_ip ) <EOL> self . port . ips [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] = new_ip <EOL> else : <EOL> if ip_owner . ips . index ( existing_ip ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( existing_ip . network , ip_owner . name ) ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( existing_ip . network , ip_owner . name ) ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) : <EOL> self . port . access_group_in = args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) : <EOL> self . port . access_group_out = args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) : <EOL> if isinstance ( self . port , VlanPort ) : <EOL> for ip in self . port . ips [ : ] : <EOL> self . port . remove_ip ( ip ) <EOL> vrf = self . switch_configuration . get_vrf ( args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) <EOL> if vrf : <EOL> self . port . vrf = vrf <EOL> else : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" % args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> self . port . ip_redirect = True <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> elif len ( args ) > <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> ip_address = IPAddress ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> if ip_address not in self . port . ip_helpers : <EOL> self . port . ip_helpers . append ( ip_address ) <EOL> def do_no_ip ( self , * args ) : <EOL> if "<STR_LIT:address>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> self . port . ips = [ ] <EOL> else : <EOL> ip = IPNetwork ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] , args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) ) <EOL> is_secondary = "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:3> ] ) if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:4> else False <EOL> if is_secondary : <EOL> self . port . remove_ip ( ip ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if len ( self . port . ips ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> self . port . remove_ip ( ip ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> direction = args [ - <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( direction ) : <EOL> self . port . access_group_in = None <EOL> elif "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( direction ) : <EOL> self . port . access_group_out = None <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) : <EOL> self . port . vrf = None <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> self . port . ip_redirect = False <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> if len ( args ) > <NUM_LIT:2> : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:1> : <EOL> self . port . ip_helpers = [ ] <EOL> else : <EOL> ip_address = IPAddress ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) <EOL> if ip_address in self . port . ip_helpers : <EOL> self . port . ip_helpers . remove ( ip_address ) <EOL> def do_standby ( self , group , command , * args ) : <EOL> vrrp = self . port . get_vrrp_group ( group ) <EOL> if vrrp is None : <EOL> vrrp = self . switch_configuration . new ( "<STR_LIT>" , group ) <EOL> self . port . vrrps . append ( vrrp ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> vrrp . ip_addresses = vrrp . ip_addresses or [ ] <EOL> else : <EOL> ip = _parse_ip ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) <EOL> if ip is not None : <EOL> in_networks = any ( ip in net for net in self . port . ips ) <EOL> if in_networks : <EOL> vrrp . ip_addresses = vrrp . ip_addresses or [ ] <EOL> if len ( args ) > <NUM_LIT:1> and "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) : <EOL> vrrp . ip_addresses . append ( ip ) <EOL> else : <EOL> vrrp . ip_addresses = [ ip ] + vrrp . ip_addresses [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] <EOL> else : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> else : <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> self . write_line ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> vrrp . timers_hello = args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> vrrp . timers_hold = args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> vrrp . priority = args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> vrrp . authentication = args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) and "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:1> ] ) : <EOL> vrrp . track . update ( { args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] : args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] } ) <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> vrrp . preempt = True <EOL> if len ( args ) > <NUM_LIT:0> and "<STR_LIT:U+0020>" . join ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> : <NUM_LIT:2> ] ) == "<STR_LIT>" : <EOL> vrrp . preempt_delay_minimum = args [ <NUM_LIT:2> ] <EOL> def do_no_standby ( self , group , * cmd_args ) : <EOL> vrrp = self . port . get_vrrp_group ( group ) <EOL> if vrrp is None : <EOL> return <EOL> if len ( cmd_args ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> self . port . vrrps . remove ( vrrp ) <EOL> else : <EOL> command = cmd_args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> args = cmd_args [ <NUM_LIT:1> : ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> if len ( args ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> vrrp . ip_addresses = None <EOL> else : <EOL> vrrp . ip_addresses . remove ( IPAddress ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) ) <EOL> if len ( vrrp . ip_addresses ) == <NUM_LIT:0> : <EOL> vrrp . ip_addresses = None <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> vrrp . authentication = None <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> vrrp . priority = None <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> vrrp . timers_hello = None <EOL> vrrp . timers_hold = None <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) and args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] in vrrp . track : <EOL> del vrrp . track [ args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ] <EOL> if "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( command ) : <EOL> if len ( args ) > <NUM_LIT:0> and "<STR_LIT>" . startswith ( args [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] ) : <EOL> vrrp . preempt_delay_minimum = None <EOL> else : <EOL> vrrp . preempt_delay_minimum = None <EOL> vrrp . preempt = None <EOL> def do_exit ( self ) : <EOL> self . is_done = True <EOL> def port_channel_exists ( self , name ) : <EOL> return self . switch_configuration . get_port_by_partial_name ( name ) is not None <EOL> def create_port_channel ( self , name ) : <EOL> port = self . switch_configuration . new ( "<STR_LIT>" , name ) <EOL> self . port . switch_configuration . add_port ( port ) <EOL> def parse_vlan_list ( param ) : <EOL> ranges = param . split ( "<STR_LIT:U+002C>" ) <EOL> vlans = [ ] <EOL> for r in ranges : <EOL> if "<STR_LIT:->" in r : <EOL> start , stop = r . split ( "<STR_LIT:->" ) <EOL> vlans += [ v for v in range ( int ( start ) , int ( stop ) + <NUM_LIT:1> ) ] <EOL> else : <EOL> vlans . append ( int ( r ) ) <EOL> return vlans <EOL> def _parse_ip ( ip ) : <EOL> try : <EOL> return IPAddress ( ip ) <EOL> except : <EOL> return None </s>
<s> import re <EOL> from lxml import etree <EOL> RUNNING = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> CANDIDATE = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> NS_BASE_1_0 = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> XML_ATTRIBUTES = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> XML_TEXT = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> XML_NS = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> class SimpleDatastore ( object ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self ) : <EOL> self . data = { <EOL> RUNNING : { } , <EOL> CANDIDATE : { } <EOL> } <EOL> def set_data ( self , source , data ) : <EOL> self . data [ source ] = data <EOL> def to_etree ( self , source ) : <EOL> return dict_2_etree ( { "<STR_LIT:data>" : self . data [ source ] } ) <EOL> def edit ( self , target , config ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def lock ( self ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> def unlock ( self ) : <EOL> pass <EOL> class Response ( object ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , etree_object , require_disconnect = False ) : <EOL> self . etree = etree_object <EOL> self . require_disconnect = require_disconnect <EOL> def dict_2_etree ( source_dict ) : <EOL> def append ( root , data ) : <EOL> if isinstance ( data , dict ) : <EOL> for k , v in data . items ( ) : <EOL> if k == XML_ATTRIBUTES : <EOL> for a , val in sorted ( v . items ( ) ) : <EOL> root . set ( a , val ) <EOL> elif k == XML_TEXT : <EOL> root . text = v <EOL> else : <EOL> if XML_NS in v : <EOL> sub = etree . SubElement ( root , k , xmlns = v [ XML_NS ] ) <EOL> del v [ XML_NS ] <EOL> else : <EOL> sub = etree . SubElement ( root , k ) <EOL> append ( sub , v ) <EOL> elif isinstance ( data , list ) : <EOL> for e in data : <EOL> append ( root , e ) <EOL> else : <EOL> root . text = data <EOL> root_element = source_dict . keys ( ) [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] <EOL> root_etree = etree . Element ( root_element ) <EOL> append ( root_etree , source_dict [ root_element ] ) <EOL> return root_etree <EOL> def resolve_source_name ( xml_tag ) : <EOL> if xml_tag . endswith ( RUNNING ) : <EOL> return RUNNING <EOL> elif xml_tag . endswith ( CANDIDATE ) : <EOL> return CANDIDATE <EOL> else : <EOL> raise Exception ( "<STR_LIT>" % xml_tag ) <EOL> def first ( node ) : <EOL> return node [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] if node else None <EOL> def normalize_operation_name ( element ) : <EOL> tag = unqualify ( element ) <EOL> return re . sub ( "<STR_LIT:->" , "<STR_LIT:_>" , tag ) <EOL> def unqualify ( lxml_element ) : <EOL> return re . sub ( "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" , lxml_element . tag ) <EOL> class NetconfError ( Exception ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , msg , severity = "<STR_LIT:error>" , err_type = None , tag = None , info = None , path = None ) : <EOL> super ( NetconfError , self ) . __init__ ( msg ) <EOL> self . severity = severity <EOL> self . type = err_type <EOL> self . tag = tag <EOL> self . info = info <EOL> self . path = path <EOL> class AlreadyLocked ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self ) : <EOL> super ( AlreadyLocked , self ) . __init__ ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> class CannotLockUncleanCandidate ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self ) : <EOL> super ( CannotLockUncleanCandidate , self ) . __init__ ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> class UnknownVlan ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , vlan , interface , unit ) : <EOL> super ( UnknownVlan , self ) . __init__ ( "<STR_LIT>" % ( vlan , interface , unit ) ) <EOL> class AggregatePortOutOfRange ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , port , interface ) : <EOL> super ( AggregatePortOutOfRange , self ) . __init__ ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( port , interface ) ) <EOL> class PhysicalPortOutOfRange ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , port , interface ) : <EOL> super ( PhysicalPortOutOfRange , self ) . __init__ ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( port , interface ) ) <EOL> class InvalidTrailingInput ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , port , interface ) : <EOL> super ( InvalidTrailingInput , self ) . __init__ ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( port , interface ) ) <EOL> class InvalidInterfaceType ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , interface ) : <EOL> super ( InvalidInterfaceType , self ) . __init__ ( "<STR_LIT>" . format ( interface ) ) <EOL> class OperationNotSupported ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , name ) : <EOL> super ( OperationNotSupported , self ) . __init__ ( <EOL> "<STR_LIT>" % name , <EOL> severity = "<STR_LIT:error>" , <EOL> err_type = "<STR_LIT>" , <EOL> tag = "<STR_LIT>" <EOL> ) <EOL> class TrunkShouldHaveVlanMembers ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , interface ) : <EOL> super ( TrunkShouldHaveVlanMembers , self ) . __init__ ( msg = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> severity = '<STR_LIT:error>' , <EOL> err_type = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> tag = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> info = { '<STR_LIT>' : '<STR_LIT>' } , <EOL> path = '<STR_LIT>' . format ( interface ) ) <EOL> class ConfigurationCheckOutFailed ( NetconfError ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self ) : <EOL> super ( ConfigurationCheckOutFailed , self ) . __init__ ( msg = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> severity = '<STR_LIT:error>' , <EOL> err_type = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> tag = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> info = None ) <EOL> class FailingCommitResults ( Exception ) : <EOL> def __init__ ( self , netconf_errors ) : <EOL> self . netconf_errors = netconf_errors <EOL> def xml_equals ( actual_node , node ) : <EOL> if unqualify ( node ) != unqualify ( actual_node ) : return False <EOL> if len ( node ) != len ( actual_node ) : return False <EOL> if node . text is not None : <EOL> if actual_node . text is None : return False <EOL> elif node . text . strip ( ) != actual_node . text . strip ( ) : return False <EOL> elif actual_node . text is not None : return False <EOL> for name , value in node . attrib . items ( ) : <EOL> if name not in actual_node . attrib : return False <EOL> if actual_node . attrib [ name ] != value : return False <EOL> if actual_node . nsmap != node . nsmap : return False <EOL> return _compare_children ( node , actual_node ) <EOL> def _compare_children ( expected , actual ) : <EOL> for i , node in enumerate ( expected ) : <EOL> actual_node = actual [ i ] <EOL> if not xml_equals ( actual_node , node ) : <EOL> return False <EOL> return True </s>
<s> import unittest <EOL> from flexmock import flexmock_teardown <EOL> from tests . dell10g import enable , assert_running_config_contains_in_order , configuring_vlan , ssh_protocol_factory , telnet_protocol_factory , configuring , add_vlan , configuring_interface <EOL> from tests . util . protocol_util import with_protocol <EOL> class Dell10GEnabledTest ( unittest . TestCase ) : <EOL> __test__ = False <EOL> protocol_factory = None <EOL> def setUp ( self ) : <EOL> self . protocol = ssh_protocol_factory ( ) <EOL> def tearDown ( self ) : <EOL> flexmock_teardown ( ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_terminal_length_0 ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_exit_returns_to_unprivileged_mode ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_quit_disconnects ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read_eof ( ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_write_memory ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write_raw ( "<STR_LIT:y>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_write_memory_abort ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write_raw ( "<STR_LIT:n>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_write_memory_any_other_key_aborts ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write_raw ( "<STR_LIT:p>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_invalid_command ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_show_running_config_on_empty_ethernet_port ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_show_running_config_on_ethernet_port_that_does_not_exists ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_show_running_config_displays_header ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> assert_running_config_contains_in_order ( t , [ <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:!>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> ] ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_show_vlan ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:10> ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:11> ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:12> ) <EOL> configuring_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT> , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:100> ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:1000> ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_show_vlan_with_port ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:10> ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_show_vlan_with_ports ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:10> ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:11> ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring_interface ( t , "<STR_LIT>" , "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> @ with_protocol <EOL> def test_show_vlan_id ( self , t ) : <EOL> enable ( t ) <EOL> add_vlan ( t , <NUM_LIT:1000> ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . write ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . readln ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> t . read ( "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> configuring ( t , do = "<STR_LIT>" ) <EOL> class Dell10GEnabledSshTest ( Dell10GEnabledTest ) : <EOL> __test__ = True <EOL> protocol_factory = ssh_protocol_factory <EOL> class Dell10GEnabledTelnetTest ( Dell10GEnabledTest ) : <EOL> __test__ = True <EOL> protocol_factory = telnet_protocol_factory </s>
<s> """<STR_LIT>""" </s>
<s> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> import os <EOL> import time <EOL> import codecs <EOL> import requests <EOL> import jinja2 <EOL> import dna . logging <EOL> import intuition . data . remote as remote <EOL> import insights . analysis as analysis <EOL> log = dna . logging . logger ( __name__ ) <EOL> def human_sid ( symbol ) : <EOL> sid = remote . lookup_symbol ( symbol ) <EOL> if len ( sid ) : <EOL> human_fmt = '<STR_LIT>' . format ( <EOL> sid [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ '<STR_LIT:name>' ] , <EOL> sid [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> sid [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] , <EOL> sid [ <NUM_LIT:0> ] [ '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ) <EOL> else : <EOL> human_fmt = symbol <EOL> return human_fmt <EOL> class Mailgun ( object ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> _api_url = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> _api_key = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def __init__ ( self , friendly_name ) : <EOL> self . _api_key = os . environ . get ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> domain = os . environ . get ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . from_email = '<STR_LIT>' . format ( friendly_name , domain ) <EOL> self . _api_url = self . _api_url . format ( domain ) <EOL> def send ( self , targets , subject , body , attachments = None ) : <EOL> attachments = attachments or [ ] <EOL> attachments = [ <EOL> ( '<STR_LIT>' , open ( filename , '<STR_LIT:rb>' ) ) for filename in attachments <EOL> ] <EOL> if isinstance ( targets , str ) : <EOL> targets = [ targets ] <EOL> payload = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : self . from_email , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:to>' : targets , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : subject , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:html>' : body <EOL> } <EOL> feedback = requests . post ( <EOL> self . _api_url , <EOL> files = attachments , <EOL> auth = ( '<STR_LIT>' , self . _api_key ) , <EOL> data = payload <EOL> ) <EOL> return feedback <EOL> class Report ( Mailgun ) : <EOL> '''<STR_LIT>''' <EOL> _asset_dir = os . path . expanduser ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> report_name = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> mail_name = '<STR_LIT>' <EOL> def __init__ ( self , targets ) : <EOL> Mailgun . __init__ ( self , '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> self . targets = targets <EOL> self . _last_send = time . time ( ) <EOL> self . generator = analysis . Stocks ( ) <EOL> log . info ( '<STR_LIT>' , recipients = targets ) <EOL> self . template_env = jinja2 . Environment ( <EOL> loader = jinja2 . FileSystemLoader ( self . _asset_dir ) ) <EOL> def _render_report_template ( <EOL> self , summary , orderbook , metrics , benchmark = '<STR_LIT>' ) : <EOL> stocks = [ ] <EOL> for sid , infos in orderbook . iteritems ( ) : <EOL> stocks . append ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:action>' : '<STR_LIT>' if infos [ '<STR_LIT:value>' ] > <NUM_LIT:0> else '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : abs ( infos [ '<STR_LIT:value>' ] ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT:name>' : sid , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : infos [ '<STR_LIT>' ] . upper ( ) <EOL> } ) <EOL> template = self . template_env . get_template ( self . report_name + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return template . render ( <EOL> summary = summary , <EOL> start_date = '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> benchmark = benchmark , <EOL> orderbook = stocks , <EOL> metrics = metrics <EOL> ) <EOL> def _render_email_template ( self , identity , orderbook ) : <EOL> completion = [ ] <EOL> for sid , infos in orderbook . iteritems ( ) : <EOL> completion . append ( { <EOL> '<STR_LIT:action>' : '<STR_LIT>' if infos [ '<STR_LIT:value>' ] > <NUM_LIT:0> else '<STR_LIT>' , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : abs ( infos [ '<STR_LIT:value>' ] ) , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : sid <EOL> } ) <EOL> template = self . template_env . get_template ( self . mail_name + '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> return template . render ( <EOL> strategy_name = identity , <EOL> suggestions = completion <EOL> ) <EOL> @ property <EOL> def is_allowed ( self ) : <EOL> return time . time ( ) - self . _last_send > <NUM_LIT> <EOL> def send_briefing ( self , __class__ , manager , identity , orderbook , metrics ) : <EOL> if orderbook and self . is_allowed : <EOL> self . _last_send = time . time ( ) <EOL> identity = identity . capitalize ( ) <EOL> orderbook = { <EOL> human_sid ( sid ) : { '<STR_LIT>' : sid , '<STR_LIT:value>' : value } <EOL> for sid , value in orderbook . iteritems ( ) <EOL> } <EOL> summary = { <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : identity , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : __class__ . __name__ , <EOL> '<STR_LIT>' : manager . __class__ . __name__ if manager else None <EOL> } <EOL> log . info ( '<STR_LIT>' ) <EOL> report = self . _render_report_template ( <EOL> summary , orderbook , metrics <EOL> ) <EOL> fd = codecs . open ( <EOL> self . _asset_dir + self . report_name , '<STR_LIT:w>' , '<STR_LIT:utf-8>' <EOL> ) <EOL> fd . write ( report ) <EOL> fd . close ( ) <EOL> self . generator . process ( ) <EOL> feedback = self . send ( <EOL> targets = self . targets , <EOL> subject = '<STR_LIT>' . format ( identity ) , <EOL> body = self . _render_email_template ( identity , orderbook ) , <EOL> attachments = [ '<STR_LIT>' , '<STR_LIT>' ] <EOL> ) <EOL> log . debug ( feedback . json ( ) ) <EOL> self . generator . clean ( everything = False ) </s>