File size: 4,997 Bytes
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# run with:
# deepspeed --num_gpus=12 --num_nodes=3 --deepspeed ds_config.json
import datetime
# imports
import os
os.environ["NCCL_DEBUG"] = "INFO"
os.environ["OMPI_MCA_opal_cuda_support"] = "true"
os.environ["CONDA_OVERRIDE_GLIBC"] = "2.56"
import pickle
import random
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import pytz
import torch
from datasets import load_from_disk
from transformers import BertConfig, BertForMaskedLM, TrainingArguments
from geneformer import GeneformerPretrainer
seed_num = 0
seed_val = 42
# set local time/directories
timezone = pytz.timezone("US/Eastern")
rootdir = "/parent_ouput_directory"
# set model parameters
# model type
model_type = "bert"
# max input size
max_input_size = 2**11 # 2048
# number of layers
num_layers = 6
# number of attention heads
num_attn_heads = 4
# number of embedding dimensions
num_embed_dim = 256
# intermediate size
intermed_size = num_embed_dim * 2
# activation function
activ_fn = "relu"
# initializer range, layer norm, dropout
initializer_range = 0.02
layer_norm_eps = 1e-12
attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.02
hidden_dropout_prob = 0.02
# set training parameters
# total number of examples in Genecorpus-30M after QC filtering:
num_examples = 27_406_208
# number gpus
num_gpus = 12
# batch size for training and eval
geneformer_batch_size = 12
# max learning rate
max_lr = 1e-3
# learning schedule
lr_schedule_fn = "linear"
# warmup steps
warmup_steps = 10_000
# number of epochs
epochs = 3
# optimizer
optimizer = "adamw"
# weight_decay
weight_decay = 0.001
# output directories
current_date =
datestamp = f"{str(current_date.year)[-2:]}{current_date.month:02d}{}_{current_date.strftime('%X').replace(':','')}"
run_name = f"{datestamp}_geneformer_30M_L{num_layers}_emb{num_embed_dim}_SL{max_input_size}_E{epochs}_B{geneformer_batch_size}_LR{max_lr}_LS{lr_schedule_fn}_WU{warmup_steps}_O{optimizer}_DS{num_gpus}"
training_output_dir = f"{rootdir}/models/{run_name}/"
logging_dir = f"{rootdir}/runs/{run_name}/"
model_output_dir = os.path.join(training_output_dir, "models/")
# ensure not overwriting previously saved model
model_output_file = os.path.join(model_output_dir, "pytorch_model.bin")
if os.path.isfile(model_output_file) is True:
raise Exception("Model already saved to this directory.")
# make training and model output directories"mkdir {training_output_dir}", shell=True)"mkdir {model_output_dir}", shell=True)
# load gene_ensembl_id:token dictionary (e.g.
with open("token_dictionary.pkl", "rb") as fp:
token_dictionary = pickle.load(fp)
# model configuration
config = {
"hidden_size": num_embed_dim,
"num_hidden_layers": num_layers,
"initializer_range": initializer_range,
"layer_norm_eps": layer_norm_eps,
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": attention_probs_dropout_prob,
"hidden_dropout_prob": hidden_dropout_prob,
"intermediate_size": intermed_size,
"hidden_act": activ_fn,
"max_position_embeddings": max_input_size,
"model_type": model_type,
"num_attention_heads": num_attn_heads,
"pad_token_id": token_dictionary.get("<pad>"),
"vocab_size": len(token_dictionary), # genes+2 for <mask> and <pad> tokens
config = BertConfig(**config)
model = BertForMaskedLM(config)
model = model.train()
# define the training arguments
training_args = {
"learning_rate": max_lr,
"do_train": True,
"do_eval": False,
"group_by_length": True,
"length_column_name": "length",
"disable_tqdm": False,
"lr_scheduler_type": lr_schedule_fn,
"warmup_steps": warmup_steps,
"weight_decay": weight_decay,
"per_device_train_batch_size": geneformer_batch_size,
"num_train_epochs": epochs,
"load_best_model_at_end": True,
"save_strategy": "steps",
"save_steps": num_examples / geneformer_batch_size / 8, # 8 saves per epoch
"logging_steps": 1000,
"output_dir": training_output_dir,
"logging_dir": logging_dir,
training_args = TrainingArguments(**training_args)
print("Starting training.")
# define the trainer
trainer = GeneformerPretrainer(
# pretraining corpus (e.g.
# file of lengths of each example cell (e.g.
# train
# save model