prajwalJumde's picture
Training in progress, step 500
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"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
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"id2label": {
"0": "other",
"1": "what is the DOS or D.O.S?",
"2": "what is the service date or date of service?",
"3": "what is the admit date or admission date?",
"4": "what is the visit date or date of visit?",
"5": "What is signature date or signed on date?",
"6": "what is the DOB or date of birth?",
"7": "What is the diagnosis or What is the disease?",
"8": "What is Doctor Name or Physician Name?",
"9": "What is the patient name?",
"10": "What is the facility name?",
"11": "What is the Date of Evaluation?",
"12": "What is the Date of operation?",
"13": "What is the Procedure Date?",
"14": "What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?",
"15": "What is the Date of Draw?",
"16": "What is the Date of collection?",
"17": "What is the Date of Consultation?",
"18": "What is the Date of Encounter or Enc Date?",
"19": "What is the Date of registration Reg Date?",
"20": "What is the Date of Daily Notes?",
"21": "What is the Date of Injury or DOI?",
"22": "What is the Date of Discharge?"
"initializer_range": 0.02,
"input_size": 224,
"intermediate_size": 3072,
"label2id": {
"What is Doctor Name or Physician Name?": 8,
"What is signature date or signed on date?": 5,
"What is the Date of Consultation?": 17,
"What is the Date of Daily Notes?": 20,
"What is the Date of Discharge?": 22,
"What is the Date of Draw?": 15,
"What is the Date of Encounter or Enc Date?": 18,
"What is the Date of Evaluation?": 11,
"What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?": 14,
"What is the Date of Injury or DOI?": 21,
"What is the Date of collection?": 16,
"What is the Date of operation?": 12,
"What is the Date of registration Reg Date?": 19,
"What is the Procedure Date?": 13,
"What is the diagnosis or What is the disease?": 7,
"What is the facility name?": 10,
"What is the patient name?": 9,
"other": 0,
"what is the DOB or date of birth?": 6,
"what is the DOS or D.O.S?": 1,
"what is the admit date or admission date?": 3,
"what is the service date or date of service?": 2,
"what is the visit date or date of visit?": 4
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