import os |
import json |
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional |
import torch |
from transformers import ( |
AutoModelForCausalLM, |
AutoTokenizer, |
PreTrainedTokenizerFast, |
TrainingArguments, |
Trainer |
) |
class ConfigLoader: |
"""A utility class to load configs and instantiate transformers objects.""" |
def __init__(self, config_path: str, default_dir: str = "../configs"): |
"""Initialize with a config file path.""" |
self.config_path = os.path.join(default_dir, config_path) if not os.path.isabs(config_path) else config_path |
self.config = {} |
self.default_dir = default_dir |
self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
self._load_config() |
def _load_config(self) -> None: |
"""Load the configuration from a JSON file.""" |
if not os.path.exists(self.config_path): |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Config file not found: {self.config_path}") |
try: |
with open(self.config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
self.config = json.load(f) |
print(f"✅ Loaded config from {self.config_path}") |
except json.JSONDecodeError as e: |
raise ValueError(f"Invalid JSON in {self.config_path}: {e}") |
except Exception as e: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading config: {e}") |
def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: |
"""Get a value from the config with an optional default.""" |
return self.config.get(key, default) |
def validate(self, required_keys: list = None): |
"""Validate required keys in the config.""" |
if required_keys: |
missing = [key for key in required_keys if key not in self.config] |
if missing: |
raise KeyError(f"Missing required keys in config: {missing}") |
def save(self, save_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: |
"""Save the current config to a file.""" |
path = save_path or self.config_path |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) |
try: |
with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
json.dump(self.config, f, indent=4) |
print(f"✅ Config saved to {path}") |
except Exception as e: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Error saving config: {e}") |
def load_model(self, model_path: Optional[str] = None) -> AutoModelForCausalLM: |
"""Load a transformers model based on config or path.""" |
try: |
model_name_or_path = model_path or self.config.get("model_name", "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1") |
model_config = self.config.get("model_config", {}) |
if model_path and not model_config: |
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( |
model_name_or_path, |
torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, |
device_map="auto", |
low_cpu_mem_usage=True |
) |
else: |
from transformers import MistralConfig |
config = MistralConfig(**model_config) |
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config(config) |
return model.to(self.device) |
except Exception as e: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading model: {e}") |
def load_tokenizer(self, tokenizer_path: Optional[str] = None) -> PreTrainedTokenizerFast: |
"""Load a tokenizer based on config or path.""" |
try: |
tokenizer_path = tokenizer_path or self.config.get("tokenizer_path", "../finetuned_charm15/tokenizer.json") |
if tokenizer_path.endswith(".json"): |
tokenizer = PreTrainedTokenizerFast(tokenizer_file=tokenizer_path) |
else: |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_path) |
if tokenizer.pad_token is None: |
tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token |
tokenizer.pad_token_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id |
print(f"✅ Loaded tokenizer from {tokenizer_path}") |
return tokenizer |
except Exception as e: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading tokenizer: {e}") |
def get_training_args(self) -> TrainingArguments: |
"""Create TrainingArguments from config.""" |
try: |
training_config = self.config.get("training_config", { |
"output_dir": "../finetuned_charm15", |
"per_device_train_batch_size": 1, |
"num_train_epochs": 3, |
"learning_rate": 5e-5, |
"gradient_accumulation_steps": 8, |
"bf16": True, |
"save_strategy": "epoch", |
"evaluation_strategy": "epoch", |
"save_total_limit": 2, |
"logging_steps": 100, |
"report_to": "none" |
}) |
return TrainingArguments(**training_config) |
except Exception as e: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Error creating TrainingArguments: {e}") |
@staticmethod |
def get_default_config() -> Dict[str, Any]: |
"""Return a default config combining model, tokenizer, and training settings.""" |
return { |
"model_name": "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1", |
"tokenizer_path": "../finetuned_charm15/tokenizer.json", |
"model_config": { |
"architectures": ["MistralForCausalLM"], |
"hidden_size": 4096, |
"num_hidden_layers": 8, |
"vocab_size": 32000, |
"max_position_embeddings": 4096, |
"torch_dtype": "bfloat16" |
}, |
"training_config": { |
"output_dir": "../finetuned_charm15", |
"per_device_train_batch_size": 1, |
"num_train_epochs": 3, |
"learning_rate": 5e-5, |
"gradient_accumulation_steps": 8, |
"bf16": True, |
"save_strategy": "epoch", |
"evaluation_strategy": "epoch", |
"save_total_limit": 2, |
"logging_steps": 100, |
"report_to": "none" |
}, |
"generation_config": { |
"max_length": 2048, |
"temperature": 0.7, |
"top_p": 0.9, |
"top_k": 50, |
"repetition_penalty": 1.2, |
"do_sample": True |
} |
} |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
config_loader = ConfigLoader("charm15_config.json") |
model = config_loader.load_model() |
tokenizer = config_loader.load_tokenizer() |
training_args = config_loader.get_training_args() |
config_loader.validate(["model_name", "training_config"]) |
inputs = tokenizer("Hello, Charm 15!", return_tensors="pt").to(config_loader.device) |
outputs = model.generate(**inputs, **config_loader.get("generation_config", {})) |
print(f"Generated: {tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)}") |
config_loader.save("../finetuned_charm15/config.json") |