2024-09-30 19:30:05,481 INFO [] Decoding started | |
2024-09-30 19:30:05,482 INFO [] Device: cuda:0 | |
2024-09-30 19:30:05,482 INFO [] { | |
"attention_decoder_attention_dim": 512, | |
"attention_decoder_dim": 512, | |
"attention_decoder_feedforward_dim": 2048, | |
"attention_decoder_num_heads": 8, | |
"attention_decoder_num_layers": 6, | |
"avg": 25, | |
"batch_idx_train": 0, | |
"beam": 4, | |
"best_train_epoch": -1, | |
"best_train_loss": Infinity, | |
"best_valid_epoch": -1, | |
"best_valid_loss": Infinity, | |
"bpe_model": "data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model", | |
"bucketing_sampler": true, | |
"causal": false, | |
"chunk_size": "16,32,64,-1", | |
"cnn_module_kernel": "31,31,15,15,15,31", | |
"concatenate_cuts": false, | |
"context_size": 2, | |
"decoder_dim": 512, | |
"decoding_method": "prefix-beam-search", | |
"device": "cuda:0", | |
"downsampling_factor": "1,2,4,8,4,2", | |
"drop_last": true, | |
"duration_factor": 1.0, | |
"enable_musan": true, | |
"enable_spec_aug": true, | |
"encoder_dim": "192,256,256,256,256,256", | |
"encoder_unmasked_dim": "192,192,192,192,192,192", | |
"env_info": { | |
"IP address": "", | |
"hostname": "de-74279-k2-train-2-0904151501-7d58788f57-7cktm", | |
"icefall-git-branch": "cr-ctc", | |
"icefall-git-date": "Sun Sep 29 12:00:45 2024", | |
"icefall-git-sha1": "33fa9e8b-dirty", | |
"icefall-path": "/star-kw/kangwei/code/icefall_cotrain", | |
"k2-build-type": "Release", | |
"k2-git-date": "Fri Feb 23 01:48:38 2024", | |
"k2-git-sha1": "ff1d435a8d3c4eaa15828a84a7240678a70539a7", | |
"k2-path": "/star-kw/kangwei/envs/c5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/k2/", | |
"k2-version": "1.24.4", | |
"k2-with-cuda": true, | |
"lhotse-path": "/star-kw/kangwei/envs/c5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lhotse/", | |
"lhotse-version": "", | |
"python-version": "3.8", | |
"torch-cuda-available": true, | |
"torch-cuda-version": "11.8", | |
"torch-version": "2.1.0+cu118" | |
}, | |
"epoch": 50, | |
"exp_dir": "zipformer/exp_cr_small", | |
"feature_dim": 80, | |
"feedforward_dim": "512,768,768,768,768,768", | |
"frame_shift_ms": 10, | |
"full_libri": true, | |
"gap": 1.0, | |
"hlg_scale": 0.6, | |
"ignore_id": -1, | |
"input_strategy": "PrecomputedFeatures", | |
"iter": 0, | |
"joiner_dim": 512, | |
"label_smoothing": 0.1, | |
"lang_dir": "data/lang_bpe_500", | |
"left_context_frames": "64,128,256,-1", | |
"lm_avg": 1, | |
"lm_dir": "data/lm", | |
"lm_epoch": 7, | |
"lm_exp_dir": null, | |
"lm_scale": 0.3, | |
"lm_type": "rnn", | |
"lm_vocab_size": 500, | |
"log_interval": 50, | |
"manifest_dir": "data/fbank", | |
"max_active_states": 10000, | |
"max_duration": 3000, | |
"min_active_states": 30, | |
"mini_libri": false, | |
"nbest_scale": 1.0, | |
"num_buckets": 30, | |
"num_encoder_layers": "2,2,2,2,2,2", | |
"num_heads": "4,4,4,8,4,4", | |
"num_paths": 100, | |
"num_workers": 2, | |
"on_the_fly_feats": false, | |
"output_beam": 8, | |
"pos_dim": 48, | |
"pos_head_dim": "4", | |
"query_head_dim": "32", | |
"res_dir": "zipformer/exp_cr_small/prefix-beam-search", | |
"reset_interval": 200, | |
"return_cuts": true, | |
"rnn_lm_embedding_dim": 2048, | |
"rnn_lm_hidden_dim": 2048, | |
"rnn_lm_num_layers": 3, | |
"rnn_lm_tie_weights": true, | |
"search_beam": 20, | |
"shuffle": true, | |
"skip_scoring": false, | |
"spec_aug_time_warp_factor": 80, | |
"subsampling_factor": 4, | |
"suffix": "epoch-50_avg-25_beam-4_use-averaged-model", | |
"transformer_lm_dim_feedforward": 2048, | |
"transformer_lm_embedding_dim": 768, | |
"transformer_lm_encoder_dim": 768, | |
"transformer_lm_exp_dir": null, | |
"transformer_lm_nhead": 8, | |
"transformer_lm_num_layers": 16, | |
"transformer_lm_tie_weights": true, | |
"use_attention_decoder": false, | |
"use_averaged_model": true, | |
"use_cr_ctc": false, | |
"use_ctc": true, | |
"use_double_scores": true, | |
"use_transducer": false, | |
"valid_interval": 3000, | |
"value_head_dim": "12", | |
"warm_step": 2000 | |
} | |
2024-09-30 19:30:05,767 INFO [] Loading pre-compiled data/lang_bpe_500/ | |
2024-09-30 19:30:05,823 INFO [] About to create model | |
2024-09-30 19:30:06,134 INFO [] Calculating the averaged model over epoch range from 25 (excluded) to 50 | |
2024-09-30 19:30:09,909 INFO [] Number of model parameters: 22118279 | |
2024-09-30 19:30:09,910 INFO [] About to get test-clean cuts | |
2024-09-30 19:30:09,925 INFO [] About to get test-other cuts | |
2024-09-30 19:30:15,829 INFO [] batch 0/?, cuts processed until now is 132 | |
2024-09-30 19:31:00,334 INFO [] The transcripts are stored in zipformer/exp_cr_small/prefix-beam-search/recogs-test-clean-epoch-50_avg-25_beam-4_use-averaged-model.txt | |
2024-09-30 19:31:00,436 INFO [] [test-clean_prefix-beam-search] %WER 2.52% [1323 / 52576, 130 ins, 93 del, 1100 sub ] | |
2024-09-30 19:31:00,652 INFO [] Wrote detailed error stats to zipformer/exp_cr_small/prefix-beam-search/errs-test-clean-epoch-50_avg-25_beam-4_use-averaged-model.txt | |
2024-09-30 19:31:00,657 INFO [] | |
For test-clean, WER of different settings are: | |
prefix-beam-search 2.52 best for test-clean | |
2024-09-30 19:31:05,286 INFO [] batch 0/?, cuts processed until now is 86 | |
2024-09-30 19:31:48,549 INFO [] The transcripts are stored in zipformer/exp_cr_small/prefix-beam-search/recogs-test-other-epoch-50_avg-25_beam-4_use-averaged-model.txt | |
2024-09-30 19:31:48,688 INFO [] [test-other_prefix-beam-search] %WER 5.85% [3063 / 52343, 272 ins, 232 del, 2559 sub ] | |
2024-09-30 19:31:48,910 INFO [] Wrote detailed error stats to zipformer/exp_cr_small/prefix-beam-search/errs-test-other-epoch-50_avg-25_beam-4_use-averaged-model.txt | |
2024-09-30 19:31:48,914 INFO [] | |
For test-other, WER of different settings are: | |
prefix-beam-search 5.85 best for test-other | |
2024-09-30 19:31:48,915 INFO [] Done! | |