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Kinnot for Tisha B'Av (Ashkenaz)
קינות לתשעה באב (אשכנז)
This file contains merged sections from the following text versions:
-Trans. Paul Fraylich, 2020
-Sefaria Community Translation
-The Koren Ani Tefillah Siddur and Humash for Summer Camp (translation by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks)
Kinnot for Tisha B'Av (Ashkenaz)
Kinot for Tisha B'Av Night
Chapter 1
Remember, LORD, what has occurred to us, Alas! Look and see our disgrace. Alas! what has occurred to us.
Our property has been handed over to strangers, Alas! Our homes to foreigners. Alas! what has occurred to us.
We have become orphans without a father. Alas! Our mothers mourn in the month of Av. Alas! what has occurred to us.
We had to purchase water to drink. Alas! Because we abused the water libation. Alas! what has occurred to us.
We had yokes put on our necks, Alas! Because we hatefully persecuted others. Alas! what has occurred to us.
To the Egyptians we stretched out our hand, Alas! And the Assyrians trapped us like a hunter. Alas! what has occurred to us.
Our ancestors have sinned and are no more, Alas! And we suffer for their sins. Alas! what has occurred to us.
Slaves rule over us, Alas! Because we did not release our slaves. Alas! what has occurred to us.
We risk our lives to get our bread. Alas! Because we closed our hands to the needy. Alas! what has occurred to us.
Our skin has shriveled as from the heat of an oven. Alas! Because they exchanged their honour for disgrace. Alas! what has occurred to us.
They tortured the women of Zion. Alas! Because we violated our friends wives. Alas! what has occurred to us.
Princes were hung by their hands. Alas! Because they were violent and robbed the poor. Alas! what has occurred to us.
Our young men were forced to carry millstone. Alas! Because they were found in the houses of harlots. Alas! what has occurred to us.
The elders ceased to be at the city gates. Alas! Because they perverted the judgements against the orphan and widow. Alas! what has occurred to us.
The joy in our heart has ceased, Alas! Because we annulled our pilgrimages to the Temple. Alas! what has occurred to us.
The crown has fallen from our head, Alas! Because our Holy Temple has burnt down. Alas! what has occurred to us.
It is due to this that we became faint hearted, Alas! Because the honour of our beloved House has been removed. Alas! what has occurred to us.
For Mount Zion has become desolate, Alas! Because we have placed an abomination on it. Alas! what has occurred to us.
For You, LORD, shall reign forever, for Your throne endures from generation to generation.
Why have You forgotten us for ever and forsaken us for so long?
Return us to You, LORD, and we will return. renew our days as of old.
For if You utterly despised us, with a exceedingly furious anger against us.
Return us to You, LORD, and we will return. renew our days as of old.
Chapter 2
A Kinah for the eve of Tisha B’Av when it occurs on Motza’ei Shabbat.
How, from the mouths of sons and daughters great lamentations come forth instead of joyful songs; may pleasantness be removed on this Motza’ei Shabbat.
Alas, for a decree has been declared with rage and also anger, His anger burns against us with a fiery heart; may pleasantness be removed on this Motza’ei Shabbat.
Alas, for our houses have been altered and our maidens defiled. Our faces have changed and are blackened like a cauldron; may pleasantness be removed on this Motza’ei Shabbat.
Alas, for our enemies have robbed us and cast down our children’s corpses, the precious sons of Zion who were cherished like the pupils of ones eyes; may pleasantness be removed on this Motza’ei Shabbat.
Alas, for the crown has fallen and indiscipline has prevailed. The Holy Presence has departed from her beloved; may pleasantness be removed on this Motza’ei Shabbat.
Alas, for the Menorah and the incense has been removed. The stones from the venerable Sanhedrin have been plundered and the Land of Israel has been swallowed up; may pleasantness be removed on this Motza’ei Shabbat.
Chapter 3
On this night my children weep and wail.
On this night my House was destroyed and my palace burnt.
And all the house of Israel utters dirges
and laments for the fires the LORD kindled.
On this night, wail bitterly you wretch who has lost it all,
who is separated from her Father’s house
She has left His house and shut the door.
She has gone into captivity to be devoured by every mouth.
On that day cast into the fire to be consumed by the flames,
The burning embers lit by the LORD, On this night my children weep and wail.
On this night the wheel of fortune spun to doom,
My first and second Homes destroyed.
She shall no more be pitied (Lo-ruhamah [Hosea1:6]), this rebellious woman
drunk from poisonous waters swelling her belly.
Cast out of her home, also forgetting happiness. ...
Hate conquering that of love.
She is a living widow, an abandoned woman, And Zion said “The LORD has forsaken me”. On this night my children weep and wail.
On this night I am gloomy, the light has dimmed.
My holy house is destroyed and the priestly watch discontinued.
On this night woe covers and encircles me.
Also He declared at this time five harsh judgements.
Tears shed in vain are established for all generations. For it was brought about by the LORD. On this night my children weep and wail.
On this night five awful tragedies occurred.
A decree against our ancestors denying them entry into the Holy Land.
Afflicting them with everlasting sorrow and evilness.
A day destined for everlasting afflictions.
The enemies stood and called with a terribly strong voice “Arise, for today is that foretold by the LORD”. On this night my children weep and wail.
Chapter 4
Samaria (the ten tribes of Israel) calls forth
“Poverty has befallen me, my children have left for another land!”
And Oholiva (Jerusalem) cries out:
“My palace is burnt down!” And Zion says: “The Lord has abandoned me!”
You cannot compare yourself to me, Oholiva. Look at my complete desolation; can your decline be compared to my collapse?
I, Ohola, who was severely betrayed and whose sins arose against me,
and in a few days I paid my debt but the King of Assyria devoured my kingdom (fruits).
He greedly stripped me of my jewels and carried me off into captivity to Halah and Habor.
So be still Oholiva, do not weep as I do! For the length of time you suffer will not be as long as mine. And Oholiva cried out: ......
Oholiva responded:
I also was stubborn and lead my youths in idolatory.
Be still Samaria, as I recall my grief! You strayed away but once but I strayed many times.
I was captured twice into the hands of the Chaldeans and as a poor captive descended to Babylon.
And the Temple of which I was so proud was burnt down, and for seventy years I exiled in Babylon.
Then I again returned to Zion and my Temple was re-established but I was there for only a short time.
For Rome seized me and I was almost destroyed, and my masses were dispersed to other Lands. And Oholiva cried out: ......
He who has compassion for the poor,
take pity on their plight and sees their desolation and the length of their exile.
Be not exceedingly angry but see how lowly they have become
and don’t remember their foolish sins.
Please heal the fracture of exile and comfort them in their grief,
for You are their hope and their strength.
renew our days as of old; as You have declared “The LORD shall rebuild Jerusalem”!
Chapter 5
How long will there be crying in Zion and eulogies in Jerusalem? Have compassion for Zion and build the walls of Jerusalem.
א. Then, for our sins, the Sanctuary was destroyed, and for our violations, the Temple building was burnt. ב. On Earth, they gathered to her, compiling a eulogy. And the host of the Heavens raised a lament. "How long..."
ג. Also the tribes of Jacob cried bitterly, and even the astrological constellations flowed with tears. ד. The flags of Jeshurun were despondent, and the Pleiades and Orion looked upset. "How long..."
ה. Fathers pleaded, but God did not listen. Sons screamed, but the Father did not answer. ו. And the sound of the dove was heard on high, but the faithful shepherd did not pay attention. "How long..."
ז. Holy descendants wore sackcloth, and even the host of the Heavens were put in sackcloth garments. ח. The sun got dark and the moon blackened, and stars and constellations gathered their moans. "How long..."
ט. First the ram (Aries) cried with a bitter soul for the fact that his lambs were brought to slaughter. י. A wail was sounded by the bull (Taurus) among the heights, because we were all chased by the neck. "How long..."
כ. The twin star (Gemini) seemed split apart, because the blood of brothers was spilled like water. ל. The crab (Cancer) wished to fall to the ground, because we were fainting from thirst. "How long..."
מ. The high heavens were afraid of the lion (Leo) because our roar did not ascend to on high. נ. Young girls and boys were killed, so the maiden (Virgo)'s face looked upset. "How long..."
ס. The balance (Libra) spun and wished for rest, because death was preferable to us over life. ע. The scorpion (Scorpio) wore fear and trembling, because our enemies judged us with sword and hunger. "How long..."
פ. Streams of water, let tears fall like a river, because the sign of the bow (Sagittarius) was not given to us. צ. Waters rise over our heads, and inside a full bucket (Aquarius) our throats are dry. "How long..."
ק. We offered a sacrifice but it was not accepted, and the goat (Capricorn) stopped our chatat-offering goats. ר. Merciful ones cooked their children, and the constellation of fish (Pisces) looked away. "How long..."
ש. We have forgotten about rest in our backsliding hearts. The Eternal has made all our righteousness irrelevant. ת. Engage passionately for Zion, with great jealousy, and light up the city full of people from your glowing light.
Have mercy on Zion as you said, and build her as you stated. Hasten salvation, hurry redemption, and return to Jerusalem with great mercy. As was written by your prophet: "Therefore, this is what God says- I will return to Jerusalem mercifully, my house will be built in her, says God of Hosts, and a plumbline will be stretched over Jerusalem." And it is said in another verse: "This is what God says- My cities will again be exploding with goodness, and God will comfort Zion and choose Jersualem again." And it is said: "For God has comforted Zion, comforted all her ruins, and has made her deserts like Eden and her wilderness like God's garden. Joy and happiness are to be found there, gratitude and the sound of song."
Kinot for Tisha B'Av Day
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Kinot for the day of Tisha B'Av
Author: Rabbi Elazar HaKalir
Happiness has ceased, “Depart from me” I hear from my detractors. Those who were once my friends call me dirty and repulsive, You have separated Yourself by placing a canopy over Your Holy of Holies, You concealed Yourself and allowed the defeat of my great men, my enemies cheer when I stumble, trampling on all my warriors.
She has fallen into the depths of a depression. My eyes await the prophecy of Ben Berekhah awaiting the hidden miracles of Gilgal. My eyes are afflicted and suffer from Greek sophistry; doing and then repenting, and called out to others in tears as he exclaimed “I cry for them”.
Upon the surface of the Euphrates were scattered the righteous who remembered the splitting of the Reed Sea just as the Temple foundations are devastated. The fear of the sin of Shiloh immediately brought forth confession. The wild boars exclaim “Where are your Righteous?”. They say, as they strip the city of its inhabitants. Whilst Zion spreads out it hands in sorrow.
Upon Mount Zion my enemies captured me, they covered my head with evil waters, they gather in Nov due to my sins there, You set a snare to incite my enemies, my people shouted in the days of Ben Dini “The LORD is righteous”.
You honour the lowly Babylonians with my precious vessel, they drew near to me and spoke evil, I called upon my ally Gibeon but they acted as strangers to me; I called to Bnei Ishmael but they ridiculed me; I called to my lovers but they tricked me.
Why did our soul have to face the slaughter by his guards? You saw that our skin glowed like an oven, You saw that their work and rage in Your holy house had ended; As was foretold by Ezekiel to the people of Israel that You would take revenge. Behold we will destroy them as a nation, as it is said: see LORD, for my intestines are severely blocked.
Hear our answer, my enemies, your profiting will be short lived; may You return and trample their courtyards as they crushed mine; the words of the singers in Your Holy Temple which have fallen silent have brought me sorrow; You heard the supplications from those who wish to sweep me away; whilst he rested and wandered about divided we convalesced: they heard my plaintive cries.
For You have made a decree from Your Mighty Throne; repay them their reward as You show Your countenance to us; You will drive out the evil counsel to Hell; repay them for shattering your sparkling abode. Proclaim their reward using the concealed cup set before you. For all their evil will be set before you.
Repay them for almost annihilating us; who lead us away from the burning walls, to be found in Halach and Hebron; the old and the young men and women, dragged away in chains; please look on from on High at Your cherished people; remember LORD what has happened to us.
Chapter 7
Why did You hasten Your anger and thus allow Your faithful disciples to perish at the hands of the Romans?
Yet not remember Your covenant to create a link between You and our forefathers who were tested and not found wanting. Therefore, hear our lament “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why do You rebuke us, who were once redeemed, with your scolding into the hand of the haughty ones?
Yet not remember the skipping steps of the path of Your banners. Therefore we speak: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why do you contemplate such logic thrusting us into the hands of such an immoral mob?
Yet you don’t remember the laws which You set out for Your appointed assembly. Therefore we lament: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why do You abandon Your Sanctuary in fury to degradation by the hands of abhorrent strangers?
Yet You don’t remember the giving of Your Torah at Horab, whose laws You etched in stone. Therefore we state: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why do You take so much trouble to allow them to savage us like impure lambs.
Yet You don’t remember the precious, friendship with those You set apart. Therefore we cry out: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why have You this desire with Your anger to allow the destruction of your vineyard by the hands of this ravenous nation.
Yet You don’t remember the lessons You taught for eternity about injustice of Your sold ones. Therefore we babble: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why do You decree with fury the exile of Your people, carried away by the hands of these deceivers?
Yet not remember carrying us off on the wings of an eagle at our marriage. Therefore we wail: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why have You shut us out from Your merciful embrace into the hands of thoughtless fiends.
Yet not remember Your true beloved witness who is Your adorned servant. Therefore we answer: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why have You withheld Your fearfulness and handed us into the hands of the wicked and reckless.
Yet not remembered the jubilations from the beautifully righteous which rang out from Your people. Therefore we cry out: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why have You proclaimed Your declaration for our sale, in Your name, into the hands of the enemy.
Yet not remembered the emotions we had at Sinai where Your love and desires where revealed to them. Therefore we groan: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
Why have You striven in Your desire to allow us to be ruled over by these despoiling robbers?
Yet not remember the glorious curls of hair which You arranged for Your innocent ones. Therefore we howl: “Remember LORD what has occurred to us”.
We lament by pouring out (with tears) like water. Upon this day we were captured twice. I Remember the tranquility of dwelling in Jerusalem. I now grieve and my laments circle like vapor up to heaven.
Chapter 8
Let my laments circle like vapour up to heaven. Asking heaven to join in with my sorrow. For today is a day that I was destroyed twice. As we proclaim “Oh, that my head were water”.
I will see the weeping and wailing of the desert. I compare this night with that of the past, this time in the desert with that of the past. I shall weep in the wilderness. I will roar out “Oh, to be in the wilderness”.
I shall be severed and rejected like an olive branch. I will incite all the members of the celestial household to stand with me. I will provoke the Master of the House and will state “If one offers me thorns and thistles”,
I will adore him wholeheartedly. I will learn the words to encourage Him. I will be worried and ask “Where is the Shepherd?” for I cannot find Him. I will call out “Would that I knew how to reach Him”.
I will turn my words again and again like a wheel. I will recount to him face to face my troubles. The sun and moon will exhibit their woes by ceasing to shine. I will scream out “O that my words were written down”.
The guilt of those stealing the first fruits past my enemies hangs over me, I will declare these actions sinful, The constellations weeped as the Kohen Gadol’s tunic was torn. I will scream out “O that I had someone to give me a hearing.”
She went into exile due to the breaking of the ancestral covenant. I remember when we were married. I will shed tears like streams from a great pond. I will wail “O that I had the wings of a dove!”
My brother’s sins can be compared to the idols of the enemies. The pastures are without water due to His anger. The harvest is reaped late as are the vineyards. I will recite “Would that I were brought to the ramparts”.
I will plant my great tent in the midst of these tombs. I will fly away and reside in this graveyard and take care of those awaiting death. I will lament “What man can live and not see death”.
LORD, I asked for Your help, every year my people say that this will be the year, but I will let all know that I am aware of their plight “That the hand of the LORD has done this”.
I bow down my head to You, LORD, my strength. I kneel before You in supplication to bandage my wounds. I will praise You in song with verses from my wounds. I will direct my prayer “If only You could be with us as with a brother”.
Don’t forget the cries from your Temple, rejoin the remnants of Judah and Israel and return them to her. The thousands who have been exiled shall return to God to state “Would that the deliverance of Israel might come from Zion!”
(God responds) Since the time Israel has not followed my ways, left Me so I left them and turned My face from them; I grieved and cried, my bowels and my heart poured out. How they have torn My glorious crown from My head.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
O how the rose of Sharon sits (alone), and joy has been silenced from the mouths of those who carried the ark; And the Kohanim, the sons of Aharon were removed from their watches, when the Temple was given over to the rebels of Maron.
Chapter 11
And Jeremiah lamented over Yoshiyahu.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
If women could eat the fruit of their womb, the little babes clapping their hands...
Alas for me!
If women so full of compassion could boil their children, measured hand height by hand height...
Alas for me!
If the fine locks of their heads could be shorn and bound as decorations for horses...
Alas for me!
If the tongue of a nursing baby could glue to his palate from blinding white thirst...
Alas for me!
If one could sigh one to another: "Come on and let's boil our screeching sons...
Alas for me!
If one could ask of another: "Give over your son to eat" but he's already hidden, sliced into slices...
Alas for me!
If fathers, now meat, could be seasoned for their sons in caves and trenches...
Alas for me!
If daughters could be dandled in the breasts of their mothers, distended bellies...
Alas for me!
If the ghosts of children, bloated with rot, floated in the streets of the city...
Alas for me!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness, because of the wondrous signs You have displayed from then until now;
and ours is the shamefacedness, because of the trial with which You sought to refine us, (but as a result of our failure) You despised us.
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because You have taken (our) nation from amidst another nation, with miracles;
and ours is the shamefacedness, because of the hypocrisy to be found within us as we emulated (Egypt's abominable) deeds.
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because God went out to redeem us as a people unto Himself;
and ours is the shamefacedness, because they (our forefathers) rebelled on the shore of the Sea of reeds, the nation sinning against its God!
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness when we recall the proclamation, 'You are witnesses, and I am God!'
and, ours is the shamefacedness, because we blasphemed Hashem in (the Wilderness of) Sin (when we demanded of Aaron), 'Arise and create a god for us!'
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because You fed us (the manna) that tasted like dough fried in honey;
and ours, is the shamefacedness, because on the day (we made the Golden Calf), we brought it an offering of fine flour with oil and honey.
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because you provided us with the manna, the well and the pillar of clouds;
and ours is the shamefacedness because our forefathers grumbled in their tents about (the manna and called it) the destructive bread.
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because in the wilderness we lacked for nothing;
and ours is the shamefacedness because we defied You as Laban, Hazeroth, and Di-zahab as related (by Moses),
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because of (how You waged war for us with) Sihon and Og and all the kings of Canaan;
and ours is the shamefacedness because of Achan who appropriated for himself from the forbidden spoils (of Jericho) and found no excuse (for his crime).
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because of all that You accomplished through the fourteen saviors(-Judges);
and ours is the shamefacedness because of Micah's idol through which we transgressed.
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because You erected (Tabernacles) at Shiloh, Nob, Gibeon and the Eternal Temple (in Jerusalem);
and ours is the shamefacedness because the evil in our midst caused each one's destruction, and in their loss, we have been humiliated.
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because although the Destructions of the two Temples were caused by our corruption, we ourselves were spared;
and ours is the shamefacedness because we should have repented to You wholeheartedly so that You would return to us in compassion.
Yours, my Lord, is the righteousness because of the (almost) nine centuries throughout which You withheld Your anger (over our sins) and didn't broadcast it;
and ours is the shamefacedness because (Daniel) the man of delights pleaded with You (to end the Babylonian Exile after a mere seventy years, even though we were not worthy,) saying, 'Incline Your ear, O my God, and hear!'
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author: Rabbi Kalonymos ben Yehuda [of Speyer]
Would that my head were water, and my eyes a fountain of tears, / and I would cry all my days and nights / for the corpses of my babes and infants, and the aged of my community. / I ask you to respond, "Oh! Woe! Alas!" / And weep a weeping, much weeping.
For the house of Israel and the people of the LORD who have fallen by sword.
My eyes flow with tears, and I will betake myself to the fields to weep, / and ask others stunned and embittered to join in my wailing / for the beautiful maidens and delicate lads, / wrapped in their schoolbooks and led to slaughter. / Their bodies, rosier than rubies, sapphire, or turquoise, / were slung and trampled like mud in the streets. / "Stay away! They are unclean," shouted the enemy about them.
For the house of Israel and the people of the LORD who have fallen by sword.
Let my eyes flow with tears, I will wail and shake my head. / I will eulogize [the Torah] with weeping and with sackcloth. / She is more dear than fine gold, more precious than gold, / her glory inward, the glory of all precious vessels. / I have seen her torn, bereaved, and desolate. / Torah, Scripture, Mishna, and Aggada: / raise your voice, lament, and tell this tale. / Where are Torah, Talmud, and students? / The place is in ruin, no one there!
For the house of Israel and the people of the LORD who have fallen by sword.
My eyelids flow with water, dripping tears. / I weep bitterly for the murdered of Speyer. / It happened on the eighth day of the second month [Iyar] on the day of rest. / "Rest" was transposed to "tempest" destructive. / Handsome youths and dignified elders were killed. / They assembled, all agreeing to be martyred, / testifying to the unity of God's name, courageously. / Mighty men, who do His bidding speedily. / My priests and my young men, all ten expired. In my bitter agony and grief, I will compose a dirge. / Holy congregations! Their massacre I remember today. / The community of Worms, special and unique. / Giants of the earth, innocent and pure! / Twice, they sanctified the One Name in awe, / cleansed once on the twenty-third of the month Ziv [Iyar], / And on [the first day of) the third month [Sivan], as they chanted Hallel, / they made a pact to be martyred for the love [of God]. / I will moan for them with a torrent of tears of woe, / all deserving to be endowed with majestic crowns! And upon the great of the wonderful community of Mainz, / swifter than eagles and stronger than lions, / they too consented in unison to sanctify the awesome One Name. / For them, I will scream a piercing scream with bitter soul, / as if for the destruction of both Temples, razed today, / and for the destruction of minor temples [synagogues] and study halls of Torah! On the third day of the third month [Sivan], these were added to my sorrow and curse. / That month was transformed into one of agony and trouble / on the day the Law was given, when I hoped to be spared in her merit. / On the very day she was given, she departed. / Gone back on high to her original home, / with her "containers" and her "pouches," those who searched her and studied her. / Her disciples and her students in darkness as in light! Take this to heart, and compose a bitter eulogy. / Their murder is worthy of mourning and placing ash, / equal to the burning of the House of our God, the porch and the Palace, / because it is improper to add a day of breach and conflagration, / and wrong to advance the date; rather, to postpone it. / Therefore, today [Tisha B'Av], I will arouse my grief / and lament, and wail, and cry with bitter soul, / with sighs weighing heavily from dawn to dusk,
For the house of Israel and the people of the LORD who have fallen by sword.
For these, I cry and moan moans, / and summon the lamenters and wise women. / "Alas," and "Alack," they all murmur. / Does any wound compare to my wound? / Outside, the sword murders, and indoors, there is terror! / My corpses, killed by the sword, lie strewn, nude and naked. / Bodies lying like refuse for wild beasts and animals. / Nursing child and aged man, lads and lasses / were teased by my oppressors and endured great shame. / "Where is their God? The Rock they trusted in" until death? / Let Him come and rescue and resurrect their souls! / Mighty God, who like You forgives bundles of sins? / You are silent and restrained; why do You not gird Yourself with fury? / When my mockers say to me, "If He is a God, let Him do battle
For the house of Israel and the people of the LORD who have fallen by sword.
My eyes, my eyes, flow with tears. Our singing has turned into mourning. / My flute accompanies mourners, without respite and never abating. / Who will approach me consolingly, and who will encourage me to awaken? / Wrath issues forth, and a tempest arrives. / The attacking foe devours me and panics me, / breaks my bones, strews them and scatters them. / He has hacked down my great ones, the navel and nucleus. / My wound is fatal, none to heal or cure. / That is why I say, "Let me be, I will weep bitterly." / Shedding tears until my cheeks shrivel,
For the house of Israel and the people of the LORD who have fallen by sword.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Who shall grant me [to see] the time when you shall give birth with the likes of Shifra and Puah delivering upon your birthstool.
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Mourn for Zion and her cities, like a woman giving birth, like a maiden wrapped in sack-cloth for the husband of her youth
Mourn for the palace that was abandoned like a sheep’s negligence of its flock,
and for the entry of God’s blasphemers into her holy sanctuary.
Mourn for God’s exiled servants who beautifully sang her songs,
and for their blood that was spilled like the waters of her rivers.
Mourn for the chatter of her dancers whose silence fills her cities,
and for the assembly that was destroyed and the abolition of her Sanhedrin.
Mourn for the daily sacrifices and the redemption of her firstborn,
and for the desecration of the Temple vessels and the altar of her incense.
Mourn for the babes of her kings, noble children of David,
and for their beauty that was darkened at the time of the removal of her crowns.
Mourn for the glory that was dispelled at the time of the destruction of her Holy of Holies,
and for the oppressor who tormented her whilst girding her in sackcloth.
Mourn for the wounds and the many blows that struck her sainted ones,
and for the smashing on the rock of her young children.
Mourn for the joy of her haters who rejoiced over her downfall,
and for the torment of her pure and noble citizens.
Mourn for the sins that caused her to deviate from the true path,
and for her numerous congregations, which were tarnished and blackened.
Mourn for the voices of her abusers as her rising corpses mounted,
and for the jeering mobs within her holy courtyards.
Mourn for Your name which was desecrated in the mouths of those who stand against her,
and for their prayers which they cry out to you, heed and hear her words....
Mourn for Zion and her cities, like a woman giving birth, like a maiden wrapped in sack-cloth for the husband of her youth
Chapter 46
<small>A <i>Kinnah</i> in memory of the Holocaust martyrs, by Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam, the Bobover Rav</small>
Remember and may all Israel grieve. Your voice will be heard on high
For Germany has destroyed our people in the terrible days of the war’s wrath,
with cruel and terrible deaths, by starvation and thirst.
Do not forget for all generations,until we merit consolation.
Their shouts and their weeping, crowded and shut into cattle wagons
Being led as sheep to the slaughter, into the crematoria.
Let the sound of their pleas always be remembered before the One who dwells on High.
As they cry out “Hear O Israel”, as they deliver their souls unto the Lord of Lords.
The heads of Yeshivot and their students, and the multitude of people there
were enslaved with horrendous torture and murdered without any remorse,
The blood of gentle children cries out to you from the earth
Avenge the small children and the women, spare no one amongst the living.
For the burning of thousands of midrashot and synagogues,
Tens of thousands Torah scrolls and its students we will lament in desolation
They will be set fire to God’s sanctuary, our eyes as we look on
The arsonists will pay for the fire will ignite the burning, He will judge the nation full of corpses.
The heavens and the earth cried out, on thousands of towns and strongholds of Torah,
European countries and their communities, appreciate and follow our traditions,
The righteous, the elders and the pious, cling to their pure faith,
From the days of our exile from our land there has not been such a terrible destruction.
Have mercy on the remnants of our people, Look down from heaven,
Upon the holy camps ten times the number that emerged from Egypt,
Let us raise our Holy Sanctuary and redouble our solace,
Raise us and bring us to Zion and Jerusalem!