fast_repo / files_cells /python /ru /
NagisaNao's picture
add forge (testing 1)
23aa28e verified
history blame
30.2 kB
import os
import re
import time
import json
import shutil
import zipfile
import requests
import subprocess
from datetime import timedelta
from subprocess import getoutput
from IPython.utils import capture
from IPython.display import clear_output
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
# ================= DETECT ENV =================
def detect_environment():
free_plan = (os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES') / (1024 ** 3) <= 20)
environments = {
'COLAB_GPU': ('Google Colab', "/root" if free_plan else "/content"),
'KAGGLE_URL_BASE': ('Kaggle', "/kaggle/working/content")
for env_var, (environment, path) in environments.items():
if env_var in os.environ:
return environment, path, free_plan
env, root_path, free_plan = detect_environment()
webui_path = f"{root_path}/sdw"
# ----------------------------------------------
# ================ LIBRARIES V2 ================
flag_file = f"{root_path}/libraries_installed.txt"
if not os.path.exists(flag_file):
print("💿 Установка библиотек, это займет какое-то время:\n")
install_lib = {
"aria2": "apt -y install aria2",
"localtunnel": "npm install -g localtunnel",
"insightface": "pip install insightface"
additional_libs = {
"Google Colab": {
"xformers": "pip install xformers==0.0.26.post1 --no-deps"
"Kaggle": {
"xformers": "pip install xformers==0.0.26.post1",
# "torch": "pip install torch==2.1.2+cu121 torchvision==0.16.2+cu121 torchaudio==2.1.2 --extra-index-url",
"aiohttp": "pip install trash-cli && trash-put /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp*" # fix install req
if env in additional_libs:
# Loop through libraries
for index, (package, install_cmd) in enumerate(install_lib.items(), start=1):
print(f"\r[{index}/{len(install_lib)}] \033[32m>>\033[0m Installing \033[33m{package}\033[0m..." + " "*35, end=''), shell=True, capture_output=True)
# Additional specific packages
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
get_ipython().system('curl -s -OL --output-dir {root_path}')
get_ipython().system('curl -s -Lo /usr/bin/cl && chmod +x /usr/bin/cl')
get_ipython().system('curl -sLO && tar -xzf zrok_0.4.23_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/bin && rm -f zrok_0.4.23_linux_amd64.tar.gz')
del cap
# Save file install lib
with open(flag_file, "w") as f:
print("🍪 Библиотеки установлены!" + " "*35)
## dl special files
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
get_ipython().system('mkdir -p {root_path}/file_cell/special')
get_ipython().system('wget -O {root_path}/file_cell/special/')
del cap
# ================= loading settings V4 =================
def load_settings(path):
if os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
return {}
settings = load_settings(f'{root_path}/settings.json')
variables = [
'Model', 'Model_Num', 'Inpainting_Model',
'Vae', 'Vae_Num',
'latest_webui', 'latest_exstensions', 'change_webui', 'detailed_download',
'controlnet', 'controlnet_Num', 'commit_hash', 'optional_huggingface_token',
'ngrok_token', 'zrok_token', 'commandline_arguments',
'Model_url', 'Vae_url', 'LoRA_url', 'Embedding_url', 'Extensions_url', 'custom_file_urls'
locals().update({key: settings.get(key) for key in variables})
# ================= OTHER =================
start_colab = int(time.time())-5
models_dir = f"{webui_path}/models/Stable-diffusion"
vaes_dir = f"{webui_path}/models/VAE"
embeddings_dir = f"{webui_path}/embeddings"
loras_dir = f"{webui_path}/models/Lora"
extensions_dir = f"{webui_path}/extensions"
control_dir = f"{webui_path}/models/ControlNet"
adetailer_dir = f"{webui_path}/models/adetailer"
# ================= MAIN CODE =================
if not os.path.exists(webui_path):
start_install = int(time.time())
print("⌚ Распаковка Stable Diffusion..." if change_webui != 'Forge' else "⌚ Распаковка Stable Diffusion (Forge)...", end='')
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
aria2_command = "aria2c --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M"
url = "" if change_webui != 'Forge' else ""
get_ipython().system('{aria2_command} {url} -o')
get_ipython().system('unzip -q -o -d {webui_path}')
get_ipython().system('rm -rf')
get_ipython().run_line_magic('cd', '{root_path}')
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3"
os.environ["PYTHONWARNINGS"] = "ignore"
get_ipython().system('echo -n {start_colab} > {webui_path}/static/colabTimer.txt')
del cap
install_time = timedelta(seconds=time.time()-start_install)
print("\r🚀 Распаковка Завершена! За","%02d:%02d:%02d ⚡\n" % (install_time.seconds / 3600, (install_time.seconds / 60) % 60, install_time.seconds % 60), end='', flush=True)
print("🚀 Все распакованно... Пропуск. ⚡")
start_colab = float(open(f'{webui_path}/static/colabTimer.txt', 'r').read())
time_since_start = str(timedelta(seconds=time.time()-start_colab)).split('.')[0]
print(f"⌚️ Вы проводите эту сессию в течение - \033[33m{time_since_start}\033[0m")
## Changes extensions and WebUi
if latest_webui or latest_exstensions:
action = "Обновление WebUI и Расширений" if latest_webui and latest_exstensions else ("Обновление WebUI" if latest_webui else "Обновление Расширений")
print(f"⌚️ {action}...", end='', flush=True)
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
get_ipython().system('git config --global "[email protected]"')
get_ipython().system('git config --global "Your Name"')
## Update Webui
if latest_webui:
get_ipython().run_line_magic('cd', '{webui_path}')
get_ipython().system('git restore .')
get_ipython().system('git pull -X theirs --rebase --autostash')
## Update extensions
if latest_exstensions:
get_ipython().system('{\'for dir in \' + webui_path + \'/extensions/*/; do cd \\"$dir\\" && git reset --hard && git pull; done\'}')
del cap
print(f"\r✨ {action} Завершено!")
anxety_repos = ""
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
# --- Umi-Wildcard ---
get_ipython().system("sed -i '521s/open=\\(False\\|True\\)/open=False/' {webui_path}/extensions/Umi-AI-Wildcards/scripts/ # Closed accordion by default")
# --- Encrypt-Image ---
get_ipython().system("sed -i '9,37d' {webui_path}/extensions/Encrypt-Image/javascript/encrypt_images_info.js # Removes the weird text in webui")
# --- Additional-Networks ---
get_ipython().system('wget -O {webui_path}/extensions/additional-networks/scripts/ {anxety_repos}/extensions/Additional-Networks/fix/ # Fixing an error due to old style')
del cap
## Version switching
if commit_hash:
print('⏳ Активация машины времени...', end="", flush=True)
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
get_ipython().run_line_magic('cd', '{webui_path}')
get_ipython().system('git config --global "[email protected]"')
get_ipython().system('git config --global "Your Name"')
get_ipython().system('git reset --hard {commit_hash}')
del cap
print(f"\r⌛️ Машина времени активированна! Текущий коммит: \033[34m{commit_hash}\033[0m")
## Downloading model and stuff | oh~ Hey! If you're freaked out by that code too, don't worry, me too!
print("📦 Скачивание моделей и прочего...", end='')
model_list = {
"1.Anime (by XpucT) + INP": [
{"url": "", "name": "Anime_v2.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "Anime_v2-inpainting.safetensors"}
"2.BluMix [Anime] [V7] + INP": [
{"url": "", "name": "BluMix_v7.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "BluMix_v7-inpainting.safetensors"}
"3.Cetus-Mix [Anime] [V4] + INP": [
{"url": "", "name": "CetusMix_V4.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "CetusMix_V4-inpainting.safetensors"}
"4.Counterfeit [Anime] [V3] + INP": [
{"url": "", "name": "Counterfeit_V3.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "Counterfeit_V3-inpainting.safetensors"}
"5.CuteColor [Anime] [V3]": [
{"url": "", "name": "CuteColor_V3.safetensors"}
"6.Dark-Sushi-Mix [Anime]": [
{"url": "", "name": "DarkSushiMix_2_5D.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "DarkSushiMix_colorful.safetensors"}
"7.Deliberate [Realism] [V6] + INP": [
{"url": "", "name": "Deliberate_v6.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "Deliberate_v6-inpainting.safetensors"}
"8.Meina-Mix [Anime] [V11] + INP": [
{"url": "", "name": "MeinaMix_V11.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "MeinaMix_V11-inpainting.safetensors"}
"9.Mix-Pro [Anime] [V4] + INP": [
{"url": "", "name": "MixPro_V4.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "MixPro_V4-inpainting.safetensors"}
# 1-4 (fp16/cleaned)
vae_list = {
"1.Anime.vae": [
{"url": "", "name": "Anime.vae.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "vae-ft-mse.vae.safetensors"}
"2.Anything.vae": [{"url": "", "name": "Anything.vae.safetensors"}],
"3.Blessed2.vae": [{"url": "", "name": "Blessed2.vae.safetensors"}],
"4.ClearVae.vae": [{"url": "", "name": "ClearVae_23.vae.safetensors"}],
"5.WD.vae": [{"url": "", "name": "WD.vae.safetensors"}]
controlnet_list = {
"1.canny": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_canny_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_canny_fp16.yaml"}
"2.openpose": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_openpose_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_openpose_fp16.yaml"}
"3.depth": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11f1p_sd15_depth_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11f1p_sd15_depth_fp16.yaml"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_depth_anything_fp16.safetensors"}
"4.normal_map": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_normalbae_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_normalbae_fp16.yaml"}
"5.mlsd": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_mlsd_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_mlsd_fp16.yaml"}
"6.lineart": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_lineart_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15s2_lineart_anime_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_lineart_fp16.yaml"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15s2_lineart_anime_fp16.yaml"}
"7.soft_edge": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_softedge_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_softedge_fp16.yaml"}
"8.scribble": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_scribble_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_scribble_fp16.yaml"}
"9.segmentation": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_seg_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_seg_fp16.yaml"}
"10.shuffle": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11e_sd15_shuffle_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11e_sd15_shuffle_fp16.yaml"}
"11.tile": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11f1e_sd15_tile_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11f1e_sd15_tile_fp16.yaml"}
"12.inpaint": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_inpaint_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11p_sd15_inpaint_fp16.yaml"}
"13.instruct_p2p": [
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11e_sd15_ip2p_fp16.safetensors"},
{"url": "", "name": "control_v11e_sd15_ip2p_fp16.yaml"}
url = ""
prefixes = {
"model": models_dir,
"vae": vaes_dir,
"lora": loras_dir,
"embed": embeddings_dir,
"extension": extensions_dir,
"control": control_dir,
"adetailer": adetailer_dir
extension_repo = []
directories = (value for key, value in prefixes.items()) # for unpucking zip files
get_ipython().system('mkdir -p {" ".join(directories)}')
hf_token = optional_huggingface_token if optional_huggingface_token else "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"
user_header = f"\"Authorization: Bearer {hf_token}\""
''' Get Image Preview | CivitAi '''
def get_data_from_api(model_id): # get model data
endpoint_url = f"{model_id}"
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
response = requests.get(endpoint_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
def extract_model_info(data, url):
if 'type=' in url:
model_type = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query).get('type', [''])[0]
model_name = data['files'][1]['name']
model_type = data['model']['type']
model_name = data['files'][0]['name']
# Finding a safe image: less than level 4 | Kaggle
if env == 'Kaggle':
image_url = next((image['url'] for image in data['images'] if image['nsfwLevel'] < 4), None)
image_url = data['images'][0]['url']
return model_type, model_name, image_url
def gen_preview_filename(model_name, image_url):
name = model_name.split('.')
img_exts = image_url.split('.')
return f"{name[0]}.preview.{img_exts[-1]}" # assigning the original image format
''' main download code '''
def handle_manual(url):
original_url = url
url = url.split(':', 1)[1]
file_name ='\[(.*?)\]', url)
file_name = if file_name else None
if file_name:
url = re.sub(r'\[.*?\]', '', url)
for prefix, dir in prefixes.items():
if original_url.startswith(f"{prefix}:"):
if prefix != "extension":
manual_download(url, dir, file_name=file_name)
extension_repo.append((url, file_name))
def manual_download(url, dst_dir, file_name):
aria2_args = '--optimize-concurrent-downloads --console-log-level=error --summary-interval=10 -j5 -x16 -s16 -k1M -c'
basename = url.split("/")[-1] if file_name is None else file_name
header_option = f"--header={user_header}"
# === CivitAi API ===
support_types = ('Checkpoint', 'Model', 'TextualInversion', 'LORA') # for dl preview image
civitai_token = "62c0c5956b2f9defbd844d754000180b"
if 'civitai' in url:
url = f"{url}{'&' if '?' in url else '?'}token={civitai_token}" # some authors are pussies and they need API token...
model_id = url.split('/')[-1]
clean_url = url.split('?')[0]
data = get_data_from_api(model_id)
if data:
model_type, model_name, image_url = extract_model_info(data, url)
if model_name and image_url:
image_file_name = gen_preview_filename(model_name if not file_name else file_name, image_url)
if any(types in model_type for types in support_types):
with capture.capture_output() as cap: # clear shit
get_ipython().system('aria2c {aria2_args} -d {dst_dir} -o {image_file_name} {image_url}')
del cap
file_name = file_name or model_name # assigns the original file name if not specified initially
""" information output """
# -- wrold's best print info --
print(f"\n\033[32m{'---'*45}\n\033[33mURL: \033[34m{clean_url if 'civitai' in url else url}\n\033[33mSAVE DIR: \033[34m{dst_dir}\n\033[33mFILE NAME: \033[34m{file_name if not 'huggingface' in url else basename}\033[0m")
print("\033[31m[Data Info]:\033[0m Failed to retrieve data from the API.\n") if 'civitai' in url and not data else None
if 'civitai' in url and data and any(types in model_type for types in support_types) and (locals().get('image_file_name') or ''):
print(f"\033[32m[Preview DL]:\033[0m {image_file_name} - {image_url}\n")
# ===================
# -- GDrive --
if '' in url:
get_ipython().system('pip install -U gdown > /dev/null')
have_drive_link = True
if 'folders' in url:
get_ipython().system('gdown --folder "{url}" -O {dst_dir} --fuzzy -c')
if file_name:
get_ipython().system('gdown "{url}" -O {dst_dir}/{file_name} --fuzzy -c')
get_ipython().system('gdown "{url}" -O {dst_dir} --fuzzy -c')
# -- Hugging Face --
elif 'huggingface' in url:
if '/blob/' in url:
url = url.replace('/blob/', '/resolve/')
get_ipython().system("aria2c {header_option} {aria2_args} -d {dst_dir} -o {basename} '{url}'")
# -- Other --
elif 'http' in url:
get_ipython().system("aria2c {aria2_args} -d {dst_dir} {'-o' + file_name if file_name else ''} '{url}'")
def download(url):
links_and_paths = url.split(',')
for link_or_path in links_and_paths:
link_or_path = link_or_path.strip()
if not link_or_path:
if any(link_or_path.startswith(prefix.lower()) for prefix in prefixes):
url, dst_dir, file_name = link_or_path.split()
manual_download(url, dst_dir, file_name)
## unpucking zip files
def unpucking_zip_files():
# directories - above
for directory in directories:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".zip"):
zip_path = os.path.join(root, file)
extract_path = os.path.splitext(zip_path)[0]
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
''' submodels - added urls '''
submodels = []
def add_submodels(selection, num_selection, model_dict, dst_dir):
if selection == "none":
return []
if selection == "ALL":
all_models = []
for models in model_dict.values():
selected_models = all_models
selected_models = model_dict[selection]
selected_nums = map(int, num_selection.replace(',', '').split())
for num in selected_nums:
if 1 <= num <= len(model_dict):
name = list(model_dict)[num - 1]
unique_models = list({model['name']: model for model in selected_models}.values())
for model in unique_models:
model['dst_dir'] = dst_dir
return unique_models
submodels += add_submodels(Model, Model_Num, model_list, models_dir) # model
submodels += add_submodels(Vae, Vae_Num, vae_list, vaes_dir) # vae
submodels += add_submodels(controlnet, controlnet_Num, controlnet_list, control_dir) # controlnet
for submodel in submodels:
if not Inpainting_Model and "inpainting" in submodel['name']:
url += f"{submodel['url']} {submodel['dst_dir']} {submodel['name']}, "
''' file.txt - added urls '''
unique_urls = []
def process_file_download(file_url):
files_urls = ""
if file_url.startswith("http"):
if "blob" in file_url:
file_url = file_url.replace("blob", "raw")
response = requests.get(file_url)
lines = response.text.split('\n')
with open(file_url, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
current_tag = None
for line in lines:
if any(f'# {tag}' in line.lower() for tag in prefixes):
current_tag = next((tag for tag in prefixes if tag in line.lower()))
urls = [url.split('#')[0].strip() for url in line.split(',')] # filter urls
for url in urls:
if url.startswith("http") and url not in unique_urls:
files_urls += f"{current_tag}:{url}, "
return files_urls
# fix all possible errors/options and function call
file_urls = ""
if custom_file_urls:
for custom_file_url in custom_file_urls.replace(',', '').split():
if not custom_file_url.endswith('.txt'):
custom_file_url += '.txt'
if not custom_file_url.startswith('http'):
if not custom_file_url.startswith(root_path):
custom_file_url = f'{root_path}/{custom_file_url}'
file_urls += process_file_download(custom_file_url)
except FileNotFoundError:
# url prefixing
urls = (Model_url, Vae_url, LoRA_url, Embedding_url, Extensions_url)
prefixed_urls = (f"{prefix}:{url}" for prefix, url in zip(prefixes.keys(), urls) if url for url in url.replace(',', '').split())
url += ", ".join(prefixed_urls) + ", " + file_urls
if detailed_download == "on":
print("\n\n\033[33m# ====== Подробная Загрузка ====== #\n\033[0m")
print("\n\033[33m# =============================== #\n\033[0m")
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
del cap
print("\r🏁 Скачивание Завершено!" + " "*15)
# Cleaning shit after downloading...
get_ipython().system('find {webui_path} \\( -type d \\( -name ".ipynb_checkpoints" -o -name ".aria2" \\) -o -type f -name "*.aria2" \\) -exec rm -r {{}} \\; >/dev/null 2>&1')
## Install of Custom extensions
if len(extension_repo) > 0:
print("✨ Установка кастомных расширений...", end='', flush=True)
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
for repo, repo_name in extension_repo:
if not repo_name:
repo_name = repo.split('/')[-1]
get_ipython().system('cd {extensions_dir} && git clone {repo} {repo_name} && cd {repo_name} && git fetch')
del cap
print(f"\r📦 Установлено '{len(extension_repo)}', Кастомных расширений!")
## List Models and stuff V2
if detailed_download == "off":
print("\n\n\033[33mЕсли вы не видете каких-то скаченных файлов, включите в виджетах функцию 'Подробная Загрузка'.")
get_ipython().run_line_magic('run', '{root_path}/file_cell/special/') # display widgets result
if any(not file.endswith('.txt') for file in os.listdir(models_dir)):
print("\n\033[33m➤ Models\033[0m")
get_ipython().system("find {models_dir}/ -mindepth 1 -name '*.safetensors' -printf '%f\\n'")
if any(not file.endswith('.txt') for file in os.listdir(vaes_dir)):
print("\n\033[33m➤ VAEs\033[0m")
get_ipython().system("find {vaes_dir}/ -mindepth 1 -name '*.safetensors' -printf '%f\\n'")
if any(not file.endswith('.txt') and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(embeddings_dir, file)) for file in os.listdir(embeddings_dir)):
print("\n\033[33m➤ Embeddings\033[0m")
get_ipython().system("find {embeddings_dir}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \\( -name '*.pt' -or -name '*.safetensors' \\) -printf '%f\\n'")
if any(not file.endswith('.txt') for file in os.listdir(loras_dir)):
print("\n\033[33m➤ LoRAs\033[0m")
get_ipython().system("find {loras_dir}/ -mindepth 1 -name '*.safetensors' -printf '%f\\n'")
print(f"\n\033[33m➤ Extensions\033[0m")
get_ipython().system("find {extensions_dir}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name '*.txt' -printf '%f\\n'")
if any(not file.endswith(('.txt', '.yaml')) for file in os.listdir(control_dir)):
print("\n\033[33m➤ ControlNet\033[0m")
get_ipython().system("find {control_dir}/ -mindepth 1 ! -name '*.yaml' -printf '%f\\n' | sed 's/^[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*_\\([^_]*\\)_fp16\\.safetensors$/\\1/'")
# === OTHER ===
# Downlaod discord tags UmiWildcards
files_umi = [
save_dir_path = f"{webui_path}/extensions/Umi-AI-Wildcards/wildcards/discord"
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
for file in files_umi:
get_ipython().system('aria2c --optimize-concurrent-downloads --console-log-level=error --summary-interval=10 -j5 -x16 -s16 -k1M -c -d {save_dir_path} {file}')
del cap