import os |
import re |
import time |
import json |
import requests |
from datetime import timedelta |
def check_colab_subscription(): |
return (os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES') / (1024. ** 3) <= 20) |
free_plan = check_colab_subscription() |
def detect_environment(): |
environments = { |
'COLAB_GPU': ('Google Colab', "/root" if free_plan else "/content"), |
'KAGGLE_URL_BASE': ('Kaggle', "/kaggle/working/content"), |
'SAGEMAKER_INTERNAL_IMAGE_URI': ('SageMaker Studio Lab', "/home/studio-lab-user/content") |
} |
for env_var, (environment, path) in environments.items(): |
if env_var in os.environ: |
return environment, path |
env, root_path = detect_environment() |
webui_path = f"{root_path}/sdw" |
def load_settings(): |
SETTINGS_FILE = f'{root_path}/settings.json' |
if os.path.exists(SETTINGS_FILE): |
with open(SETTINGS_FILE, 'r') as f: |
settings = json.load(f) |
return settings |
settings = load_settings() |
ngrok_token = settings['ngrok_token'] |
commandline_arguments = settings['commandline_arguments'] |
if env != "SageMaker Studio Lab": |
import cloudpickle as pickle |
def get_public_ip(version='ipv4'): |
try: |
url = f'https://api64.ipify.org?format=json&{version}=true' |
response = requests.get(url) |
data = response.json() |
public_ip = data['ip'] |
return public_ip |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error getting public {version} address:", e) |
public_ipv4 = get_public_ip(version='ipv4') |
tunnel_class = pickle.load(open(f"{root_path}/new_tunnel", "rb"), encoding="utf-8") |
tunnel_port= 1769 |
tunnel = tunnel_class(tunnel_port) |
tunnel.add_tunnel(command="cl tunnel --url localhost:{port}", name="cl", pattern=re.compile(r"[\w-]+\.trycloudflare\.com")) |
tunnel.add_tunnel(command="lt --port {port}", name="lt", pattern=re.compile(r"[\w-]+\.loca\.lt"), note="Password : " + "\033[32m" + public_ipv4 + "\033[0m" + " rerun cell if 404 error.") |
get_ipython().system('sed -i \'s#"tagger_hf_cache_dir": ".*models/interrogators"#"tagger_hf_cache_dir": "{root_path}/sdw/models/interrogators"#\' {webui_path}/config.json') |
get_ipython().system('sed -i \'s#"additional_networks_extra_lora_path": ".*models/Lora/"#"additional_networks_extra_lora_path": "{root_path}/sdw/models/Lora/"#\' {webui_path}/config.json') |
get_ipython().system('sed -i \'s/"sd_checkpoint_hash": ".*"/"sd_checkpoint_hash": ""/g; s/"sd_model_checkpoint": ".*"/"sd_model_checkpoint": ""/g; s/"sd_vae": ".*"/"sd_vae": "None"/g\' {webui_path}/config.json') |
if env != "SageMaker Studio Lab": |
with tunnel: |
get_ipython().run_line_magic('cd', '{webui_path}') |
commandline_arguments += f" --port=1769" |
if ngrok_token: |
commandline_arguments += ' --ngrok ' + ngrok_token |
if env != "Google Colab": |
commandline_arguments += f" --encrypt-pass=1769" |
get_ipython().system('COMMANDLINE_ARGS="{commandline_arguments}" python launch.py') |
start_colab = float(open(f'{webui_path}/static/colabTimer.txt', 'r').read()) |
time_since_start = str(timedelta(seconds=time.time()-start_colab)).split('.')[0] |
print(f"\n⌚️ \033[0mYou have been conducting this session for - \033[33m{time_since_start}\033[0m\n\n") |
else: |
if ngrok_token: |
get_ipython().run_line_magic('cd', '{webui_path}') |
commandline_arguments += ' --ngrok ' + ngrok_token |
get_ipython().system('COMMANDLINE_ARGS="{commandline_arguments}" python launch.py') |
start_colab = float(open(f'{webui_path}/static/colabTimer.txt', 'r').read()) |
time_since_start = str(timedelta(seconds=time.time()-start_colab)).split('.')[0] |
print(f"\n⌚️ \033[0mYou have been conducting this session for - \033[33m{time_since_start}\033[0m\n\n") |
else: |
print("Oops... I think you forgot to insert the token `ngrok`..... go back to widgets and insert it to start webui... no way without it :/\nYou can get the token here:\n\nhttps://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/your-authtoken") |