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# NLP demo software by HyperbeeAI. #
# Copyrights © 2023 Hyperbee.AI Inc. All rights reserved. [email protected] #
license_statement = "NLP demo software by HyperbeeAI. Copyrights © 2023 Hyperbee.AI Inc. All rights reserved. [email protected]"
import torch, sys
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from torch.autograd import Function
from functions import quantization, clamping_hw, linear_functional
class ai85_base(nn.Module):
def __init__(
operation_module = None,
operation_fcnl = None,
activation_module = None,
output_width_30b = False
self.op = operation_module
self.op_fcn = operation_fcnl
self.act = activation_module
self.wide = output_width_30b
self.quantize_Q_d_8b = None
self.quantize_Q_u_wb = None
self.quantize_Q_d_wide = None
self.clamp_C_hw_8b = None
self.clamp_C_hw_wide = None
self.output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False)
self.weight_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 8 ]), requires_grad=False)
self.bias_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 8 ]), requires_grad=False)
self.quantize_activation = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False)
self.adjust_output_shift = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 0 ]), requires_grad=False)
self.shift_quantile = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ 1 ]), requires_grad=False)
weight_bits = self.weight_bits
bias_bits = self.bias_bits
shift_quantile = self.shift_quantile
self.configure_layer_base( weight_bits, bias_bits, shift_quantile )
def configure_layer_base(self, weight_bits, bias_bits, shift_quantile):
self.quantize_Q_d_8b = quantization(xb = 8, mode ='down' , wide=False) # 8 here is activation bits
self.quantize_Q_u_wb = quantization(xb = weight_bits, mode ='up' , wide=False)
self.quantize_Q_d_wide = quantization(xb = 8, mode ='down' , wide=True) # 8 here is activation bits, but its wide, so check inside
self.clamp_C_hw_8b = clamping_hw(xb = 8, wide=False) # 8 here is activation bits
self.clamp_C_hw_wide = clamping_hw(xb = None, wide=True) # None to avoid misleading info on the # of bits, check inside
self.weight_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ weight_bits ]), requires_grad=False)
self.bias_bits = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ bias_bits ]), requires_grad=False)
self.shift_quantile = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([ shift_quantile ]), requires_grad=False)
def forward(self, x):
w = self.op.weight
b = self.op.bias
los = self.output_shift
s_o = 2**(los)
w_q = self.quantize_Q_u_wb(w);
b_q = self.quantize_Q_u_wb(b);
x = self.op_fcn(x, w_q, b_q, self.op.stride, self.op.padding) # convolution / linear
x = x*s_o
if(self.act is not None):
x = self.act(x)
if((self.wide) and (self.act is None)):
x = self.quantize_Q_d_wide(x)
x = self.clamp_C_hw_wide(x)
### The +5 here is the 5 fractional bits the chip adds to the number in wide mode
### we divide the number back here to get it back into range. ai8x-training does not do this for some reason
### until the synthesis/deployment phase, and they do a +1 bit, why?
x = x / (2**(5)); # this is simulation of chip behavior
x = x / 128.0 # this is ours, for convenience + this part is done outside the chip since it's the step before table lookup
x = x / 2.0; # this is ours, for convenience + this part is done outside the chip since it's the step before table lookup
x = self.quantize_Q_d_8b(x)
x = self.clamp_C_hw_8b(x)
return x
class ai85_conv1d(ai85_base):
def __init__(
C_in_channels = None,
D_out_channels = None,
K_kernel_dimension = None,
padding = 0,
activation = None,
output_width_30b = False,
if(activation is None):
activation_fcn = None;
elif(activation == 'relu'):
activation_fcn = nn.ReLU(inplace=True);
print('wrong activation type in model. only {relu} is acceptable. exiting')
operation_mdl = nn.Conv1d(C_in_channels, D_out_channels, kernel_size=K_kernel_dimension, stride=1, padding=padding, bias=True);
operation_fcn = nn.functional.conv1d
activation_module = activation_fcn,
operation_module = operation_mdl,
operation_fcnl = operation_fcn,
output_width_30b = output_width_30b,
class ai85_add(nn.Module):
def __init__(self ):
self.clamp_C_hw_8b = clamping_hw( xb = 8, wide=False) # 8 here is activation bits
def forward(self, x, res):
x = self.clamp_C_hw_8b(x+res)
return x
class ai85_fullyconnected(ai85_base):
def __init__(
in_features = None,
out_features = None,
activation = None,
output_width_30b = False):
if(activation is None):
activation_fcn = None;
elif(activation == 'relu'):
activation_fcn = nn.ReLU(inplace=True);
print('wrong activation type in model. only {relu} is acceptable. exiting')
operation_mdl = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=True);
operation_fcn = linear_functional
activation_module = activation_fcn,
operation_module = operation_mdl,
operation_fcnl = operation_fcn,
output_width_30b = output_width_30b
# Define dummy arguments to make Linear and conv compatible in ai85_base.
# the name "op" here refers to op in super, i.e., in base_layer
self.op.stride = None
self.op.padding = None
class lpre(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.ee1 = nn.Embedding(16384, 64)
self.ee2 = nn.Embedding(48, 64)
self.quantize = quantization(xb = 8, mode ='updown', wide=False)
def forward(self, x, sp1, sp2, sb):
pp= torch.arange(sp1, sp2).unsqueeze(0).repeat(sb, 1).to(x.device)
ee2_d = self.ee2(pp)
ee1_d = self.ee1(x)
ed = ee1_d + ee2_d
min_w = +
max_w = +
t = (ed - min_w) / (max_w - min_w)
t = t.add(-0.5).mul(2.0)
t = self.quantize(t)
t = t.clamp(min= -1.0, max=1.0-(1.0/128.0))
t = t.mul(2**(8-1)).add(0.5).floor().clamp(min=-128, max=127)
return t.permute(0, 2, 1)