# build upon the latest version of the rasa api | |
FROM rasa/rasa:latest | |
# root permissions | |
USER root | |
# Copy application code | |
COPY . /app | |
COPY ./app/requirements.txt ./ | |
# Install spellchecking package and other requirements | |
RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip | |
RUN pip install -r app/requirements.txt | |
WORKDIR /app | |
# Train the Rasa model | |
RUN rasa train --domain app/domain.yml --data app/data --out app/models --config app/configs/config_supervised.yml --augmentation 20 | |
# By best practices, don't run the code with root user | |
USER 1001 | |
# # Run Rasa | |
CMD ["run", "--enable-api", "--cors", "*"] | |