PORT=8001 | |
DBNAME=u687661449_dallham2 | |
DBUSER=u687661449_dallham2 | |
DBPASS=Password@123 | |
DBPORT=3306 | |
JWTKEY=NCRUp5hKovUAcZd9OwIw0BCKmjZj9JxpNCRUp5hKovUAcZd9OwIw0BCKmjZj9JxpNCRUp5hKovUAcZd9OwIw0BCKmjZj9Jyp | |
OPENAIMODEL=gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 | |
URI=http://localhost:8001/whatham | |
# Whisper API | |
# API Key | |
# You can use Whisper API for voice transcription | |
WHISPER_API_URL=https://transcribe.whisperapi.com | |
# Defines if the bot should recognize and transcribe your voice messages | |
# Defines if the bot should use the local or remote transcription service | |
# "local" = You need to have "whisper" installed on your machine | |
# "openai" = It will use Open AI's transcription API with whisper-1 model | |
# "speech-api" = It will use our Speech API to transcribe your voice messages | |
# "whisper-api" = It will use whisper's API to transcribe your voice messages | |
TRANSCRIPTION_MODE=whisper-api | |
# Define the language of transcription, depends on transcriber it might auto-detect if not given | |