David Golchinfar PRO


AI & ML interests

finetune llms, improve german language understanding and generated text of llms


Posts 4

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Introducing Kraken-LoRA – a lightweight version of Kraken that uses LoRA-Adapters as Experts based on the base model.

@fernandofernandes , me, @Crystalcareai , @ehartford created the Kraken-LoRA!

🔍 What’s the big deal?

✅ Size Consistency: While Kraken’s size increases with more Experts, Kraken-LoRA remains as compact as the base model (e.g., 8b if you use Meta-Llama3-8b-Instruct).
✅ VRAM Efficiency: Kraken-LoRA is highly VRAM efficient, maintaining the power of all experts without the bloat.
✅ Dynamic Adaptation: LoRA adapters are applied dynamically at runtime, following the routing process.
✅ High Efficiency: Enjoy increased efficiency without compromising performance, as long as the LoRA adapters match the base model.

💡 Conclusion: Kraken-LoRA empowers businesses to experience enhanced flexibility and performance from our architecture, enabling further scalability without sacrificing performance.

Check out the model here: VAGOsolutions/Kraken-LoRA
Explore the code here: https://github.com/cognitivecomputations/kraken/tree/main/Kraken-LoRA

Have fun with Kraken-LoRA! 🐙
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The kraken has awakened!
A Game-Changer in LLM Flexibility and Performance!

Over the past few weeks, VAGO solutions teamed up with Cognitive Computations and HyperSpace to develop a groundbreaking architecture that redefines flexibility in combining different LLM into one model.

@fernandofernandes , me, @Crystalcareai , @ehartford created the Kraken!

What Can It Do? 🐙
✅ Versatile Architecture: Kraken allows the seamless combination of LLMs with varying sizes, quantizations, and model architectures. It currently supports quantizations in 4-bit, 8-bit, and AWQ, with more on the way. And it runs on Hugging Face Transformers 4.40+

✅ Kraken Router: Utilizing a custom sequence classification model with a context length of 32k tokens, The Kraken Router directs inputs to the most suitable Expert based on their characteristics.

✅ Adaptability: Enhanced input formatting supports the model’s adaptability to diverse conversational contexts.

✅ Extreme Versatility: Easily swap experts within Kraken for your specific use cases without retraining the entire model. For example, if you've built a Kraken for coding in Python you can upgrade your Python model without retraining the router or add a C# model by retraining the router.

✅ Open Source Pipeline: We’re sharing the entire pipeline, including router creation, training, architecture setup, and Kraken inference, on JupyterNotebooks: https://github.com/cognitivecomputations/kraken

Kraken marks the beginning of an exciting new journey in #OpenSource LLM. Why? Because it empowers the open source community in accelerating the catch-up process to proprietary LLMs like #GPT and #Claude 🤩

We proudly introduce the very first 2 Kraken models, that integrates top-tier LLM and Multilingual capabilities:
Right now it's supported by Hugging Face transformers library. Would love to see the integration into VLM and TGWI!


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