zipnerf / configs /llff_raw.gin
Cr4yfish's picture
copy files from SuLvXiangXin
# General LLFF settings
Config.dataset_loader = 'llff'
Config.near = 0.
Config.far = 1.
Config.factor = 4
Config.forward_facing = True
PropMLP.disable_density_normals = True # Turn this off if using orientation loss.
PropMLP.disable_rgb = True
NerfMLP.disable_density_normals = True # Turn this off if using orientation loss.
NerfMLP.max_deg_point = 16
PropMLP.max_deg_point = 16
Config.train_render_every = 5000
########################## RawNeRF specific settings ##########################
Config.rawnerf_mode = True
Config.data_loss_type = 'rawnerf'
Config.apply_bayer_mask = True
Model.learned_exposure_scaling = True
Model.num_levels = 2
Model.num_prop_samples = 128 # Using extra samples for now because of noise instability.
Model.num_nerf_samples = 128
Model.opaque_background = True
Model.distinct_prop = False
# RGB activation we use for linear color outputs is exp(x - 5).
NerfMLP.rgb_padding = 0.
NerfMLP.rgb_activation = @math.safe_exp
NerfMLP.rgb_bias = -5.
PropMLP.rgb_padding = 0.
PropMLP.rgb_activation = @math.safe_exp
PropMLP.rgb_bias = -5.
## Experimenting with the various regularizers and losses:
Config.interlevel_loss_mult = .0 # Turning off interlevel for now (default = 1.).
Config.distortion_loss_mult = .01 # Distortion loss helps with floaters (default = .01).
Config.orientation_loss_mult = 0. # Orientation loss also not great (try .01).
Config.data_coarse_loss_mult = 0.1 # Setting this to match old MipNeRF.
## Density noise used in original NeRF:
NerfMLP.density_noise = 1.
PropMLP.density_noise = 1.
## Use a single MLP for all rounds of sampling:
Model.single_mlp = True
## Some algorithmic settings to match the paper:
Model.anneal_slope = 0.
Model.dilation_multiplier = 0.
Model.dilation_bias = 0.
Model.single_jitter = False
NerfMLP.weight_init = 'glorot_uniform'
PropMLP.weight_init = 'glorot_uniform'
## Training hyperparameters used in the paper:
Config.batch_size = 16384
Config.render_chunk_size = 16384
Config.lr_init = 1e-3
Config.lr_final = 1e-5
Config.max_steps = 500000
Config.checkpoint_every = 25000
Config.lr_delay_steps = 2500
Config.lr_delay_mult = 0.01
Config.grad_max_norm = 0.1
Config.grad_max_val = 0.1
Config.adam_eps = 1e-8