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@@ -4,7 +4,115 @@ datasets: billsum
4 |
5 |
- summarization
6 |
7 |
- text:
8 |
9 |
- config: default
10 |
task: summarization
@@ -14,6 +122,42 @@ train-eval-index:
14 |
15 |
text: text
16 |
summary: target
17 |
18 |
19 |
# Longformer Encoder-Decoder (LED) fine-tuned on Billsum
4 |
5 |
- summarization
6 |
7 |
- text: 'The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTIONHEADER
8 |
Section 1170.02 is added to the Penal Code, to read: 1170.02. A prisoner is not
9 |
eligible for resentence or recall pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 1170
10 |
if he or she was convicted of first-degree murder if the victim was a peace officer,
11 |
as defined in Section 830.1, 830.2, 830.3, 830.31, 830.32, 830.33, 830.34, 830.35,
12 |
830.36, 830.37, 830.4, 830.5, 830.6, 830.10, 830.11, or 830.12, who was killed
13 |
while engaged in the performance of his or her duties, and the individual knew,
14 |
or reasonably should have known, that the victim was a peace officer engaged in
15 |
the performance of his or her duties, or the victim was a peace officer or a former
16 |
peace officer under any of the above-enumerated sections, and was intentionally
17 |
killed in retaliation for the performance of his or her official duties. SECTIONHEADER
18 |
Section 3550 of the Penal Code is amended to read: 3550. Notwithstanding any other
19 |
law, except as provided in subdivision (b), if the head physician of an institution
20 |
in which a prisoner is incarcerated determines, as provided in this section, that
21 |
the prisoner is permanently medically incapacitated with a medical condition that
22 |
renders him or her permanently unable to perform activities of basic daily living,
23 |
and results in the prisoner requiring 24-hour care, and that incapacitation did
24 |
not exist at the time of sentencing, the prisoner shall be granted medical parole
25 |
if the Board of Parole Hearings determines that the conditions under which he
26 |
or she would be released would not reasonably pose a threat to public safety.
27 |
This section does not alter or diminish the rights conferred under the Victims
28 |
Bill of Rights Act of 2008 . Subdivision (a) does not apply to any of the following:
29 |
A prisoner sentenced to death or life in prison without possibility of parole.
30 |
A prisoner who is serving a sentence for which parole, pursuant to subdivision
31 |
(a), is prohibited by any initiative statute. A prisoner who was convicted of
32 |
first-degree murder if the victim was a peace officer, as defined in Section 830.1,
33 |
830.2, 830.3, 830.31, 830.32, 830.33, 830.34, 830.35, 830.36, 830.37, 830.4, 830.5,
34 |
830.6, 830.10, 830.11, or 830.12, who was killed while engaged in the performance
35 |
of his or her duties, and the individual knew, or reasonably should have known,
36 |
that the victim was a peace officer engaged in the performance of his or her duties,
37 |
or the victim was a peace officer or a former peace officer under any of the above-enumerated
38 |
sections, and was intentionally killed in retaliation for the performance of his
39 |
or her official duties. When a physician employed by the Department of Corrections
40 |
and Rehabilitation who is the primary care provider for a prisoner identifies
41 |
a prisoner that he or she believes meets the medical criteria for medical parole
42 |
specified in subdivision (a), the primary care physician shall recommend to the
43 |
head physician of the institution where the prisoner is located that the prisoner
44 |
be referred to the Board of Parole Hearings for consideration for medical parole.
45 |
Within 30 days of receiving that recommendation, if the head physician of the
46 |
institution concurs in the recommendation of the primary care physician, he or
47 |
she shall refer the matter to the Board of Parole Hearings using a standardized
48 |
form and format developed by the department, and if the head physician of the
49 |
institution does not concur in the recommendation, he or she shall provide the
50 |
primary care physician with a written explanation of the reasons for denying the
51 |
referral. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, the prisoner or
52 |
his or her family member or designee may independently request consideration for
53 |
medical parole by contacting the head physician at the prison or the department.
54 |
Within 30 days of receiving the request, the head physician of the institution
55 |
shall, in consultation with the prisoners primary care physician, make a determination
56 |
regarding whether the prisoner meets the criteria for medical parole as specified
57 |
in subdivision (a) and, if the head physician of the institution determines that
58 |
the prisoner satisfies the criteria set forth in subdivision (a), he or she shall
59 |
refer the matter to the Board of Parole Hearings using a standardized form and
60 |
format developed by the department. If the head physician of the institution does
61 |
not concur in the recommendation, he or she shall provide the prisoner or his
62 |
or her family member or designee with a written explanation of the reasons for
63 |
denying the application. The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall
64 |
complete parole plans for inmates referred to the Board of Parole Hearings for
65 |
medical parole consideration. The parole plans shall include, but not be limited
66 |
to, the inmates plan for residency and medical care. Notwithstanding any other
67 |
law, medical parole hearings shall be conducted by two-person panels consisting
68 |
of at least one commissioner. In the event of a tie vote, the matter shall be
69 |
referred to the full board for a decision. Medical parole hearings may be heard
70 |
in absentia. Upon receiving a recommendation from the head physician of the institution
71 |
where a prisoner is located for the prisoner to be granted medical parole pursuant
72 |
to subdivision (c) or (d), the board, as specified in subdivision (f), shall make
73 |
an independent judgment regarding whether the conditions under which the inmate
74 |
would be released pose a reasonable threat to public safety, and make written
75 |
findings related thereto. Notwithstanding any other law, the board or the Division
76 |
of Adult Parole Operations shall have the authority to impose any reasonable conditions
77 |
on prisoners subject to medical parole supervision pursuant to subdivision (a),
78 |
including, but not limited to, the requirement that the parolee submit to electronic
79 |
monitoring. As a further condition of medical parole, pursuant to subdivision
80 |
(a), the parolee may be required to submit to an examination by a physician selected
81 |
by the board for the purpose of diagnosing the parolees current medical condition.
82 |
In the event such an examination takes place, a report of the examination and
83 |
diagnosis shall be submitted to the board by the examining physician. If the board
84 |
determines, based on that medical examination, that the persons medical condition
85 |
has improved to the extent that the person no longer qualifies for medical parole,
86 |
the board shall return the person to the custody of the department. Notwithstanding
87 |
any other law establishing maximum periods for parole, a prisoner sentenced to
88 |
a determinate term who is placed on medical parole supervision prior to the earliest
89 |
possible release date and who remains eligible for medical parole, shall remain
90 |
on medical parole, pursuant to subdivision (a), until that earliest possible release
91 |
date, at which time the parolee shall commence serving that period of parole provided
92 |
by, and under the provisions of, Chapter 8 of Title 1. Notwithstanding any other
93 |
law establishing maximum periods for parole, a prisoner sentenced to an indeterminate
94 |
term who is placed on medical parole supervision prior to the prisoners minimum
95 |
eligible parole date, and who remains eligible for medical parole, shall remain
96 |
on medical parole pursuant to subdivision (a) until that minimum eligible parole
97 |
date, at which time the parolee shall be eligible for parole consideration under
98 |
all other provisions of Chapter 8 of Title 1. The Department of Corrections and
99 |
Rehabilitation shall, at the time a prisoner is placed on medical parole supervision
100 |
pursuant to subdivision (a), ensure that the prisoner has applied for any federal
101 |
entitlement programs for which the prisoner is eligible, and has in his or her
102 |
possession a discharge medical summary, full medical records, parole medications,
103 |
and all property belonging to the prisoner that was under the control of the department.
104 |
Any additional records shall be sent to the prisoners forwarding address after
105 |
release to health care-related parole supervision. The provisions for medical
106 |
parole set forth in this title shall not affect an inmates eligibility for any
107 |
other form of parole or release provided by law. (1) Notwithstanding any other
108 |
law, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall give notice to the
109 |
county of commitment and the proposed county of release, if that county is different
110 |
than the county of commitment, of any medical parole hearing as described in subdivision
111 |
(f), and of any medical parole release as described in subdivision (g). Notice
112 |
shall be made at least 30 days, or as soon as feasible, prior to the time any
113 |
medical parole hearing or medical parole release is scheduled for an inmate receiving
114 |
medical parole consideration, regardless of whether the inmate is sentenced either
115 |
determinately or indeterminately.'
116 |
117 |
- config: default
118 |
task: summarization
122 |
123 |
text: text
124 |
summary: target
125 |
126 |
- name: Artifact-AI/led_large_16384_billsum_summarization
127 |
128 |
- task:
129 |
type: summarization
130 |
name: Summarization
131 |
132 |
name: billsum
133 |
type: billsum
134 |
config: default
135 |
split: test
136 |
137 |
- name: ROUGE-1
138 |
type: rouge
139 |
value: 47.8362
140 |
verified: true
141 |
- name: ROUGE-2
142 |
type: rouge
143 |
value: 26.3529
144 |
verified: true
145 |
- name: ROUGE-L
146 |
type: rouge
147 |
value: 34.2268
148 |
verified: true
149 |
- name: ROUGE-LSUM
150 |
type: rouge
151 |
value: 41.6904
152 |
verified: true
153 |
- name: loss
154 |
type: loss
155 |
value: 2.076857805252075
156 |
verified: true
157 |
- name: gen_len
158 |
type: gen_len
159 |
value: 140.324
160 |
verified: true
161 |
162 |
163 |
# Longformer Encoder-Decoder (LED) fine-tuned on Billsum