Hannes Kuchelmeister
add model to repository
history blame
2.12 kB
import json
import torch
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import repeat
from collections import OrderedDict
def ensure_dir(dirname):
dirname = Path(dirname)
if not dirname.is_dir():
dirname.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
def read_json(fname):
fname = Path(fname)
with fname.open('rt') as handle:
return json.load(handle, object_hook=OrderedDict)
def write_json(content, fname):
fname = Path(fname)
with fname.open('wt') as handle:
json.dump(content, handle, indent=4, sort_keys=False)
def inf_loop(data_loader):
''' wrapper function for endless data loader. '''
for loader in repeat(data_loader):
yield from loader
def prepare_device(n_gpu_use):
setup GPU device if available. get gpu device indices which are used for DataParallel
n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count()
if n_gpu_use > 0 and n_gpu == 0:
print("Warning: There\'s no GPU available on this machine,"
"training will be performed on CPU.")
n_gpu_use = 0
if n_gpu_use > n_gpu:
print(f"Warning: The number of GPU\'s configured to use is {n_gpu_use}, but only {n_gpu} are "
"available on this machine.")
n_gpu_use = n_gpu
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if n_gpu_use > 0 else 'cpu')
list_ids = list(range(n_gpu_use))
return device, list_ids
class MetricTracker:
def __init__(self, *keys, writer=None):
self.writer = writer
self._data = pd.DataFrame(index=keys, columns=['total', 'counts', 'average'])
def reset(self):
for col in self._data.columns:
self._data[col].values[:] = 0
def update(self, key, value, n=1):
if self.writer is not None:
self.writer.add_scalar(key, value)
self._data.total[key] += value * n
self._data.counts[key] += n
self._data.average[key] = self._data.total[key] / self._data.counts[key]
def avg(self, key):
return self._data.average[key]
def result(self):
return dict(self._data.average)