--- tags: - Taxi-v3 - reinforcement-learning - rl-framework model-index: - name: Remote-QLearning-Taxi-v3 results: - task: type: reinforcement-learning name: reinforcement-learning dataset: name: Taxi-v3 type: Taxi-v3 metrics: - type: mean_reward value: -62.44 +/- 98.75 name: mean_reward verified: false --- # Custom implemented Remote-QLearning agent playing on *Taxi-v3* This is a trained model of an agent playing on the environment *Taxi-v3*. The agent was trained with a Remote-QLearning algorithm and evaluated for 50 episodes. See further agent and evaluation metadata in the according README section. ## Import The Python module used for training and uploading/downloading is [rl-framework](https://github.com/alexander-zap/rl-framework). It is an easy-to-read, plug-and-use Reinforcement Learning framework and provides standardized interfaces and implementations to various Reinforcement Learning methods and environments. Also it provides connectors for the upload and download to popular model version control systems, including the HuggingFace Hub. ## Usage ```python from rl-framework import CustomAgent, CustomAlgorithm # Create new agent instance agent = CustomAgent( algorithm=CustomAlgorithm.Remote-QLearning algorithm_parameters={ ... }, ) # Download existing agent from HF Hub repository_id = "zap-thamm/Remote-QLearning-Taxi-v3" file_name = "algorithm.pkl" agent.download(repository_id=repository_id, filename=file_name) ``` Further examples can be found in the [exploration section of the rl-framework repository](https://github.com/alexander-zap/rl-framework/tree/main/exploration).