import numpy as np import scipy.signal as sps from .logs import get_logger_from_arg from .signal_manipulation import preemphasis def extract_mel_spectrogram_for_tts(wav_signal, fs, n_fft, step_size, n_mels, mel_fmin, mel_fmax, min_amplitude, pre_emphasis=True, pre_emph_coeff=0.97, dynamic_range=None, real_amplitude=True, centered=True, normalize_mel_bins=True, normalize_range=True, logger=None): """ Extract mel-spectrogram from an audio signal for TTS training :param wav_signal: Numpy array of audio samples -- shape = (T, ) :param fs: sampling frequency of the audio signal :param n_fft: filter length (in samples) of the FFT :param step_size: length (in samples) between successive analysis windows :param n_mels: number of mel components in the mel-spectrogram :param mel_fmin: minimum frequency used when converting to mel :param mel_fmax: maximum frequency used when converting to mel :param min_amplitude: mel-spectrogram minimal permitted amplitude value (limits the dynamic range) :param pre_emphasis: perform pre-emphasis on input audio :param pre_emph_coeff: pre-emphasis coefficient :param dynamic_range: mel-spectrogram maximal dynamic range in dB (ignored if min_amplitude is specified) :param real_amplitude: if True, the value of the spectrogram bins will be divided by n_fft to get bin magnitude that reflect the temporal signal amplitude :param centered: if True, the spectrogram extraction window will be centered on the time step. The time sequence has to be padded. :param normalize_mel_bins: normalize energy per bins in the mel-spectrogram :param normalize_range: If True, map the db_dynamic_range to [0,1] :param logger: arg to create logger object :return: the mel-spectrogram corresponding to the input audio """ # perform pre-emphasis on input audio if pre_emphasis: wav_signal = preemphasis(wav_signal, preemph=pre_emph_coeff) # get linear amplitude spectrogram s, _ = extract_spectrogram(x=wav_signal, n_fft=n_fft, step_size=step_size, real_amplitude=real_amplitude, centered=centered) # convert to mel frequency scale s = linear_to_mel(linear_spectrogram=s, fs=fs, n_mels=n_mels, mel_fmin=mel_fmin, mel_fmax=mel_fmax, normalize_mel_bins=normalize_mel_bins, logger=logger) # extract min amplitude to clip the mel-spectrogram and set the dynamic range if min_amplitude or dynamic_range: min_amplitude = get_spectrogram_min_amplitude(real_amplitude=real_amplitude, min_amplitude=min_amplitude, dynamic_range=dynamic_range, n_fft=n_fft, logger=logger) # convert to dB and normalize range to [0, 1] s = amplitude_to_db(spectrogram=s, min_amplitude=min_amplitude, normalize_range=normalize_range, logger=logger) return s, wav_signal def get_spectrogram_min_amplitude(real_amplitude, min_amplitude=None, dynamic_range=None, n_fft=None, logger=None): """ Compute the minimum amplitude value a spectrogram bin can reach :param real_amplitude: If True, assume that the values of the spectrogram bins were divided by n_fft to get bin magnitude that reflect the temporal signal amplitude :param min_amplitude: The spectrogram minimal permitted amplitude value (limits the dynamic range) This value is affected when real_amplitude is set to True :param dynamic_range: The spectrogram maximal dynamic range in dB (ignored if min_amplitude is specified) This value is affected when real_amplitude is set to True :param n_fft: Number of samples of the FFT window used to extract spectrogram Only used when real_amplitude is set to True :param logger: arg to create logger object :return: the minimum amplitude of spectrogram bins """ # create logger object logger = get_logger_from_arg(logger) if min_amplitude and dynamic_range: logger.warning(f'Both "min_amplitude" and "dynamic_range" are specified, ' f'only "min_amplitude" ({min_amplitude}) will be considered') else: assert (min_amplitude or dynamic_range), logger.error(f'Neither "min_amplitude" nor "dynamic_range" are set') if real_amplitude: assert (n_fft is not None), logger.error(f'"real_amplitude" is set to True but "n_fft" has no value') else: n_fft = 1 # equivalent to using a FFT window of 1 if min_amplitude: # compute real min amplitude per bin min_amplitude = min_amplitude / n_fft elif dynamic_range: # compute real dynamic range per bin dynamic_range = dynamic_range + 20 * np.log10(n_fft) # compute real min amplitude per bin min_amplitude = 10 ** (-dynamic_range / 20) return min_amplitude def amplitude_to_db(spectrogram, min_amplitude=None, normalize_range=False, logger=None): """ Transform amplitude to dB with optional clipping and dynamic range normalization :param spectrogram: Numpy array containing all amplitudes of a spectrogram :param min_amplitude: Clip the spectrogram to the minimal permitted amplitude value :param normalize_range: If True, map the db_dynamic_range to [0,1] :param logger: arg to create logger object :return: spectrogram in dB """ # create logger object logger = get_logger_from_arg(logger) # make sure amplitude bins are positive spectrogram = np.abs(spectrogram) if min_amplitude: # apply clipping spectrogram = np.clip(spectrogram, a_min=min_amplitude, a_max=None) # transform to dB spectrogram = 20 * np.log10(spectrogram) # normalize range if necessary if normalize_range: # min_amplitude must be given to normalize de dB dynamic range assert (min_amplitude), logger.error(f'Asked for dynamic range normalization, but "min_amplitude" has no value') # compute dB dynamic range and map it to [0, 1] dynamic_range = -20 * np.log10(min_amplitude) spectrogram = (spectrogram + dynamic_range) / dynamic_range return spectrogram def denormalize_range(spectrogram, min_amplitude_used): """ Take a dB spectrogram that has been mapped between [0, 1] and shape it back to its original dB dynamic range :param spectrogram: Numpy array containing all amplitudes of a spectrogram in dB (values between 0 and 1) :param min_amplitude_used: Minimal amplitude value that was used to normalize the dB spectrogram dynamic range :return: spectrogram in dB with its range de-normalized """ # compute dB dynamic range dynamic_range = -20 * np.log10(min_amplitude_used) # denormalize dB dynamic range spectrogram = spectrogram * dynamic_range - dynamic_range return spectrogram def db_to_amplitude(spectrogram): """ Transform dB spectrogram to amplitude spectrogram :param spectrogram: Numpy array containing all amplitude of a spectrogram :return: spectrogram in amplitude value """ return 10 ** (spectrogram / 20) def linear_to_mel(linear_spectrogram, fs=None, n_mels=80, mel_fmin=0, mel_fmax=None, normalize_mel_bins=True, logger=None): """ Convert a linear spectrogram to a mel-spectrogram :param linear_spectrogram: Numpy array containing all amplitudes of a spectrogram -- shape = (n_fft // 2 + 1, T) :param fs: Sampling frequency expected by the algorithm :param n_mels: Number of bins in the mel-spectrogram :param mel_fmin: Lowest frequency in the mel-spectrum (Hz) :param mel_fmax: Highest frequency in the mel-spectrum (Hz) :param normalize_mel_bins: normalize energy per bins in the mel-spectrogram :param logger: arg to create logger object :return: Numpy array containing the spectrogram in mel frequency space -- shape = (n_mels, T) """ # find the number of samples used in the FFT window n_fft = (linear_spectrogram.shape[0] - 1) * 2 # get filter parameters mel_basis = _get_mel_filterbank_matrix(n_fft=n_fft, fs=fs, n_mels=n_mels, mel_fmin=mel_fmin, mel_fmax=mel_fmax, normalize_mel_bins=normalize_mel_bins, logger=logger) # apply filter bank matrix return, linear_spectrogram) def mel_to_linear(mel_spectrogram, fs, n_fft, mel_fmin=0, mel_fmax=None, normalize_mel_bins=False, logger=None): """ Convert a mel-spectrogram to a linear spectrogram :param mel_spectrogram: Numpy array of the input mel spectrogram -- shape = (n_mels, T) :param fs: sampling frequency :param n_fft: number of samples used in the original FFT :param mel_fmin: minimum frequency used when converting to mel :param mel_fmax: maximum frequency used when converting to mel :param normalize_mel_bins: normalize energy per bins in the mel-spectrogram :param logger: arg to create logger object :return: Numpy array containing the spectrogram in linear frequency space -- shape = (n_fft // 2 + 1, T) """ # find the number of mel components n_mels = mel_spectrogram.shape[0] # get filter parameters mel_basis = _get_mel_filterbank_matrix(n_fft=n_fft, fs=fs, n_mels=n_mels, mel_fmin=mel_fmin, mel_fmax=mel_fmax, normalize_mel_bins=normalize_mel_bins, logger=logger) # normalise the row of the mel_basis weight_value = mel_basis.sum(axis=1) mel_basis = np.divide(mel_basis, weight_value.reshape(n_mels, 1)) # apply the inverse of the mel_filter bank to the algorithm linear_spectrogram =, mel_basis) return np.transpose(linear_spectrogram) def extract_spectrogram(x, n_fft, step_size, real_amplitude=True, centered=True): """ Extract the FFT spectrogram from a series of samples :param x: Numpy array of input samples -- shape = (T, ) :param n_fft: number of point in the FFT window :param step_size: number of samples skipped at each extraction :param real_amplitude: if True the value of the bins will be divided by n_fft to get bin magnitude that reflect the temporal signal amplitude :param centered: if True, the extraction window will be centered on the time step. The time sequence has to be padded. :return: Numpy arrays of amplitude and phase of the spectrogram -- shapes = (n_fft // 2 + 1, L) """ # create the sampling window window = sps.hann(n_fft) # check input signal has a length superior or equal to n_fft if len(x) < n_fft: x = np.pad(x, (0, len(window) - len(x)), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0)) # pad before and after to center the window on the extracted values if centered: padding_left, padding_right = _get_padding_for_centered_spectrogram(n_fft=n_fft) x = np.pad(x, (padding_left, padding_right), mode='reflect') # count the number of frames if len(x) % step_size == 0: time_axis = int(np.floor((len(x) - n_fft) / step_size)) else: time_axis = 1 + int(np.floor((len(x) - n_fft) / step_size)) # create container for spectrogram amp = np.zeros((n_fft // 2 + 1, time_axis)) phase = np.zeros((n_fft // 2 + 1, time_axis)) for i in range(time_axis): # get slice of data win_data = x[i * step_size: i * step_size + n_fft] # apply windowing win_data = np.multiply(win_data, window) # get FFT freq = np.fft.rfft(win_data) # save magnitude and phase individually amp[:, i] = np.absolute(freq) phase[:, i] = np.angle(freq) # scale amplitude bins if necessary if real_amplitude: amp = amp / n_fft return amp, phase def get_nb_spectrogram_samples(wav_length, n_fft, step_size, centered=True): """ Return the number of spectrogram time frames given a WAV segment :param wav_length: number of samples in the WAV segment :param n_fft: filter length (in samples) of the FFT :param step_size: length (in samples) between successive analysis windows :param centered: if True, assume that the FFT extraction window is centered on the time step :return: the number of spectrogram time frames """ # create random signal random_signal = np.random.rand(wav_length) # extract amp and phase spectrograms -- shapes = (n_fft // 2 + 1, T) amp, phase = extract_spectrogram(x=random_signal, n_fft=n_fft, step_size=step_size, centered=centered) # return T return amp.shape[1] def get_nb_wav_samples(spectrogram_length, n_fft, step_size, centered=True): ''' Return the number of WAV samples given a spectrogram segment :param spectrogram_length: number of time frames in the spectrogram segment :param n_fft: filter length (in samples) of the FFT :param step_size: length (in samples) between successive analysis windows :param centered: if True, assume that the FFT extraction window is centered on the time step :return: the number of WAV samples ''' # audio segment was padded on the left and right to center the window on the extracted values if centered: padding_left, padding_right = _get_padding_for_centered_spectrogram(n_fft=n_fft) else: padding_left, padding_right = 0, 0 return (spectrogram_length - 1) * step_size + n_fft - padding_left - padding_right def reconstruct_signal_griffin_lim(magnitude_spectrogram, step_size, iterations=30, logger=None): """ Reconstruct an audio signal from a magnitude spectrogram Given a magnitude spectrogram as input, reconstruct the audio signal and return it using the Griffin-Lim algorithm From the paper: "Signal estimation from modified short-time fourier transform" by Griffin and Lim, in IEEE transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Vol ASSP-32, No. 2, April 1984. :param magnitude_spectrogram: Numpy array magnitude spectrogram -- shape = (n_fft // 2 + 1, T) The rows correspond to frequency bins and the columns correspond to time slices :param step_size: length (in samples) between successive analysis windows :param iterations: Number of iterations for the Griffin-Lim algorithm Typically a few hundred is sufficient :param logger: arg to create logger object :return: the reconstructed time domain signal as a 1-dim Numpy array and the spectrogram that was used to produce the signal """ # create logger object logger = get_logger_from_arg(logger) # shape = (T, n_fft // 2 + 1) magnitude_spectrogram = np.transpose(magnitude_spectrogram) # find the number of samples used in the FFT window and extract the time steps n_fft = (magnitude_spectrogram.shape[1] - 1) * 2 time_slices = magnitude_spectrogram.shape[0] # compute the number of samples needed len_samples = int(time_slices * step_size + n_fft) # initialize the reconstructed signal to noise x_reconstruct = np.random.randn(len_samples) window = np.hanning(n_fft) n = iterations # number of iterations of Griffin-Lim algorithm while n > 0: # decrement and compute FFT n -= 1 reconstruction_spectrogram = np.array([np.fft.rfft(window * x_reconstruct[i: i + n_fft]) for i in range(0, len(x_reconstruct) - n_fft, step_size)]) # Discard magnitude part of the reconstruction and use the supplied magnitude spectrogram instead proposal_spectrogram = magnitude_spectrogram * np.exp(1.0j * np.angle(reconstruction_spectrogram)) # store previous reconstructed signal and create a new one by iFFT prev_x = x_reconstruct x_reconstruct = np.zeros(len_samples) for i, j in enumerate(range(0, len(x_reconstruct) - n_fft, step_size)): x_reconstruct[j: j + n_fft] += window * np.real(np.fft.irfft(proposal_spectrogram[i])) # normalise signal due to overlap add x_reconstruct = x_reconstruct / (n_fft / step_size / 2) # compute diff between two signals and report progress diff = np.sqrt(sum((x_reconstruct - prev_x) ** 2) / x_reconstruct.size) logger.debug(f'Reconstruction iteration: {iterations - n}/{iterations} -- RMSE: {diff * 1e6:.3f}e-6') return x_reconstruct, proposal_spectrogram def _get_padding_for_centered_spectrogram(n_fft): """ Return padding that must be added to the left and right sides of a series of samples to extract a centered FFT :param n_fft: filter length (in samples) of the FFT :return: padding values for left and right sides """ # add same padding on left and right sides padding_left, padding_right = int(n_fft // 2), int(n_fft // 2) return padding_left, padding_right def _get_mel_filterbank_matrix(n_fft=None, fs=None, n_mels=80, mel_fmin=0, mel_fmax=None, normalize_mel_bins=False, logger=None): """ Create a Filterbank matrix to combine FFT bins into Mel-frequency bins :param n_fft: number of FFT components :param fs: sampling rate of the incoming signal :param n_mels: number of Mel bands to generate :param mel_fmin: lowest frequency (in Hz) :param mel_fmax: highest frequency (in Hz). If None, mel_fmax = sr / 2.0 :param normalize_mel_bins: normalize energy per bins :param logger: arg to create logger object :return: np.ndarray [shape=(n_mels, 1 + n_fft // 2)] -- Mel transform matrix """ # create logger object logger = get_logger_from_arg(logger) # set mel_fmax if mel_fmax is None: mel_fmax = float(fs) / 2 # Initialize the weights weights = np.zeros((int(n_mels), int(1 + n_fft // 2))) # Get the center frequencies of each FFT bin fft_freqs = np.linspace(0, float(fs) / 2, int(1 + n_fft // 2), endpoint=True) # 'Center freqs' of mel bands - uniformly spaced between limits min_mel = _hz_to_mel(mel_fmin) max_mel = _hz_to_mel(mel_fmax) mels = np.linspace(min_mel, max_mel, n_mels + 2) mel_f = _mel_to_hz(mels) fdiff = np.diff(mel_f) ramps = np.subtract.outer(mel_f, fft_freqs) for i in range(n_mels): # lower and upper slopes for all bins lower = -ramps[i] / fdiff[i] upper = ramps[i + 2] / fdiff[i + 1] # then intersect them with each other and zero weights[i] = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(lower, upper)) if normalize_mel_bins: # Normalize energy per bins # Slaney-style mel is scaled to be approx constant energy per channel enorm = 2.0 / (mel_f[2:n_mels + 2] - mel_f[:n_mels]) weights *= enorm[:, np.newaxis] # Only check weights if f_mel[0] is positive if not np.all((mel_f[:-2] == 0) | (weights.max(axis=1) > 0)): # This means we have an empty channel somewhere # create logger object (only if needed) logger = get_logger_from_arg(logger) logger.warning('Empty filters detected in mel frequency basis. Some channels will produce empty responses. ' 'Try increasing your sampling rate (and fmax) or reducing n_mels.') return weights def _hz_to_mel(frequencies): """ Convert Hz to Mels :param frequencies: number or np.ndarray [shape=(n,)] -- scalar or array of frequencies :return: number or np.ndarray [shape=(n,)] -- input frequencies in Mels """ # create frequencies array frequencies = np.asanyarray(frequencies) # Fill in the linear part f_min = 0.0 f_sp = 200.0 / 3 mels = (frequencies - f_min) / f_sp # Fill in the log-scale part min_log_hz = 1000.0 # beginning of log region (Hz) min_log_mel = (min_log_hz - f_min) / f_sp # same (Mels) log_step = np.log(6.4) / 27.0 # step size for log region if frequencies.ndim: # If we have array data, vectorize log_t = (frequencies >= min_log_hz) mels[log_t] = min_log_mel + np.log(frequencies[log_t] / min_log_hz) / log_step elif frequencies >= min_log_hz: # If we have scalar data, heck directly mels = min_log_mel + np.log(frequencies / min_log_hz) / log_step return mels def _mel_to_hz(mels): """ Convert mel bin numbers to frequencies :param mels: number or np.ndarray [shape=(n,)] -- scalar or array of mel bins to convert :return: number or np.ndarray [shape=(n,)] -- input mels in Hz """ # create mels array mels = np.asanyarray(mels) # Fill in the linear scale f_min = 0.0 f_sp = 200.0 / 3 freqs = f_min + f_sp * mels # And now the nonlinear scale min_log_hz = 1000.0 # beginning of log region (Hz) min_log_mel = (min_log_hz - f_min) / f_sp # same (Mels) log_step = np.log(6.4) / 27.0 # step size for log region if mels.ndim: # If we have vector data, vectorize log_t = (mels >= min_log_mel) freqs[log_t] = min_log_hz * np.exp(log_step * (mels[log_t] - min_log_mel)) elif mels >= min_log_mel: # If we have scalar data, check directly freqs = min_log_hz * np.exp(log_step * (mels - min_log_mel)) return freqs def pre_emphasis_on_mel(mel_spec, preemph, fs, n_mels, mel_fmin=0, mel_fmax=None, min_amplitude=None, normalized_range=True, logger=''): logger = get_logger_from_arg(logger) # set mel_fmax if mel_fmax is None: mel_fmax = float(fs) / 2 #### get the center frequency of all bins in the mel spectrum #### # 'Center freqs' of mel bands - uniformly spaced between limits min_mel = _hz_to_mel(mel_fmin) max_mel = _hz_to_mel(mel_fmax) mels = np.linspace(min_mel, max_mel, n_mels + 2) bin_freqs = _mel_to_hz(mels) #### get the the frequency response of the filter a = [1] b = [1, -preemph] w, h = sps.freqz(b=b, a=a, worN=bin_freqs[1:-1], fs=fs) #### apply filter to bins ### h = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h)) # get the filter response in dB h = np.tile(np.expand_dims(h, axis=1), (1, mel_spec.shape[1])) # if range was normalized if normalized_range: dbr = -20 * np.log10(min_amplitude) # normalize filter h = h / dbr # Crazy empirical correction hack with magic numbers if min_amplitude == 1e-5 and preemph == 0.97: correction_matrix = np.log(w) / 30 - 0.277 correction_matrix = np.tile(np.expand_dims(correction_matrix, axis=1), (1, h.shape[1])) h = h - correction_matrix else: logger.warn("You should probably compute a correction matrix for this config to compensate for the cliping.") return np.add(mel_spec, h)