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Ġa s p p en d M S a b an d M arket f t on g I n ec t l d i v e m a ck an ce Ġ 5 Ġf rom ĠT he ic e rad e invest ing Ġ U ec h i st s e Ġw eek V I a re x p MS FT Ġm arket a v it y i es e st D I O G ou r Ġc h o ve Ġw e u ll Ġa b Ġw ill Ġ out i al Ġc on r y 1 9 Stock s Ġb y Ġn ot ning s p ort igh t Ġh ave TS LA e x ew s Ġ 4 C O at ch a c i ke o st Ġp ro Ġto day l a Ġ j T C in e o b g h id e an k i a ĠT h om e Ġh igh GO OG QQ Q p en m a one y T he Ġd ay pt ions u e n al im e i o oo d S T Ġh as Ġd o Ġm ore o in ar nings Ġl e or m l ow Ġ + Ġc l Ġ or 5 0 f ore N D ou ld Ġg o Ġa ll Stock Market an t i ck Ġin t E R ou gh Ġ Q Ġn ow o c ĠS t ar g Ġ V A L Ġb ut ver y ĠR e n e an c ar d T rading al ly Ġl ike Ġcom p r a - - P M Ġ " co m o v n t ĠS tock ak e S t u re O N Ġa l In vest Ġ20 20 r ice F L Ġo ver Ġc an or s r ow ĠIn c a g ï ¸ ï¸ ı u nd Ġd own u b f orm rad er Ġm y R E stock market is h Ġw as ĠS h os e Ġ âĢ i p Ġ Y Ġ stock a ge DI S re ak Ġ k us in T R Ġs ee f f usin ess Ġs o Ġ us A S 1 0 L D s h u d o d in k as e in d re e f in tt er y s o g t y an y 3 0 Ġb uy N FL Ġp l sp x Ġ1 0 ĠC h NFL X Ġ 6 Ġl ook O M O W ' t ic al ill ion arg et a i C h J PM Ġe xp s o o ll Ġ stocks Ġa d on om C L E T Ġyou r ay s Ġsh ort ft er ! ! Ġ if A R ex t i le i b A T Ġj ust Ġl ow ve l he n Ġm e E N r ou u res i z r on Ġ our or k ech n i e v en Ġs p Ġit s P S R O N Q sp y N V fore x Ġch art re at VI D ir us S E f it Ġt ime y st Ġl ong on d e al a res A N US D Ġs ome Ġ 7 O R Ġh ere T h 00 0 a ce W M Ġg et ĠĠ ĠĠ ic h a ct Ġab out O ptions Ġ 0 ot h Ġy ear t he Ġ â Ġthe y as h g t l o re d ĠM arket A D if ty Ġb ack pp le Ġn e v i Ġt rading m s ut ures O C Ġn ew ĠIn t 1 5 L L Ġa g U T ĠE arnings Ġre s a il b er ere st ec onom n s re nd pt ion on th ap l S h m er 1 8 at es Ġa fter Ġe x er m ic es e p Ġab ove ĠU p ys is ou n Ġcon t d a Ġwh at ing s ou s Ġb reak n ow L E Ġth an a apl ĠTh is O P os it S H 8 8 A C er t Ġc all ab le rad es Ġin d Ġ3 0 Ġof f GOOG L Ġthe ir am e ĠT o av irus ma z Ġin vest T W Ġ un i re Ġ : um p Ġn ext Ġp er i an z n ur re at ed B C f l ect ed Ġt rade anc ial 1 2 ry pt Ġ K I T Ġ 9 ĠW h e ad U R Ġ 500 IN G ĠâĢ ľ an s in t in ce b ook T o ĠA nal d ate r d Ġst ill Ġo pen M R Ġ US m oney Ġle vel Ġh ow Ġp rice Ġon e market s 1 7 ai ly Ġre t Ġb ig w e C H Ġp re âĢ Ŀ D J n y M A ĠW e q q Ġt r it e stock st Ġ 8 it al p h re et Ġint o ct ion Ġ qu p er co in p r ort h Ġa c iv id ND X 2 5 Ġl ast Ġ im f o Ġh old Ġw ould maz on O T art s ĠE xp art er Ġs ell AM D W h Ġbe en B TC Ġgo ing am zn 1 6 ĠB uy os s Ġ | a w he d s s 20 20 b usiness m an at a econom y ig nal ace book ĠC om ne y Ġg ood C N Ġcl ose Ġr is BA C T I A l an g c l Ġs up ĠI nd ĠStock s V X at ing oll ow th er ic s VI X L Y ull ish Ġm onth Ġe arnings B I D X Invest ment it coin 3 3 qu ity as s Ġbe low Ġt arget un e NV DA Ġth ink ivid end F C DA Q G S co re T rader Ġe very tt ing F E Ġm ove f b oo g ĠP ro it ies Ġ ... c y n ews u g an ge u c J N en s AS DAQ rou p Ġw hen Ġst r S N DJ I Ġd e ĠI t u ck Ġs e I C 1 1 ir st T r is s Ġg ain K U 3 7 ow atch Ġp osit u es is ney on s er v or ning 4 0 invest ment ge st b ers M C Ġ . re ad Ġhigh er ee p g y u ch c ri ar m ĠA n ron avirus S A I WM Ġs ince Ġpro fit l ine B Y E L U N echn ical Ġ2 00 stockst owatch re en Ġag ain N Y Ġan y N K Ġst art da q Ġthe re Ġp e Ġw atch a ch as daq le y TW TR ĠB e in es Ġon ly an ies Ġp oin in ancial 1 3 D OW ver age C R ul d G I ĠA pple an n R e b le ĠC or Ġn o ĠI f Ġ5 0 p l ar y N ASDAQ Z M ðŁ Ĵ row th oth er fin ance b t DA X ðŁ Ķ ĠS P a x so ft Ġw ork Ġk now ) . at ive Ġco uld ts la CO VID K S ap ital um e T D 6 0 ĠA l u al ig n G N 1 4 ver s E O 2 9 Ġday s p y Ġsh ould Ġd ec 2 8 Ġre port m i al es Ġv ol L U un t -- -- T rade .. .. 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" Ġt ech 9 0 S p Ġin form ac c Ġal so Ġg ot B itcoin al e ar ge NY SE ent s Ġper form m e A K ĠS ales Ġk eep r is ĠU n OC KS Ġ % if ic J E Ġs ur Ġv ideo Ġw here b ab M P ubs cri ir m Ġf all T F b ank re am Ġvol ume Ġle ad ĠC EO Ġweek s ond s e tting as on ĠA nd it ed ĠN ot V Z Ġd aily U Y echnolog y l ess at s Ġa round Ġris k ate st ĠA d Ġ1 4 Ġ * ĠTo day urren cy ĠJ oin em ic Ġp art ĠL ook ec ause ĠA ll es la Ġhap pen r t 0 4 ĠH ere ear nings or gan ĠB ut il d U P end ing St reet Ġgain s ation al ĠP ost B e ĠG old Ġh our º ðŁĩ Ġposit ion l es om ent aj or Ġ z ort folio ven ue Ġ2 5 ĠT HE if e 3 8 F X MR K LE GO ĠS o le ct co unt ĠĠĠĠ ĠĠĠĠ ĠF riday O S F utures ºðŁĩ ¸ 0 6 ĠðŁ ĩ Ġt erm 4 4 ere d WM T invest or ĠR ec ĠS e Ġthr ough P T Ġinc re noun ce ' m ot s Ġg rowth R ob ra ct en se o f Ġy esterday ĠMarket s ect or o ption Sh ort Ġpoin ts S B ur s Ġf und ed ia G C yst em ĠApr il D P N ew ĠD aily Ġm an Ġp ast ĠD own rok er tt le  ł am es Ġpoin t he ad ot ential i el Ġv alue ri v W atch ĠSh ares F or t ech ĠB ank w ays n l W Y Ġd ata us h ET H u ff o x Ġm em t ime ĠR ating ore cast ĠExp ected P G Ġm illion ol id ĠA meric oc ial la g Ġnot hing a ir Ġm in Ġs ame M D Ġso on us s North man i er Northman Trader ĠB ig ap p at er Ġus e 5 5 a ps b itcoin Ġl ist H S Ġs ec ear n w ork ? ? Ġbe tter Ġe ver C CL ĠR E Ġl i ĠO f ĠH ow ðŁ ı 5 6 C P qu ities Ġb ecause C Y C or a z 3 1 ĠG ood ic T th ing Ġs core DA L D D crypt o N N o ol ST OCKS MR NA Ġl oss F orex Ġbe ing b s Ġre co I R O ne C S Ġpl an SN AP Ġ1 1 Ġb l i ed icT oc T icToc acc ine Ġc ash Ġb et Ġexp ect TicToc Tick Ġb ought Ġth ose Ġbreak out Ġm ade b c 4 2 n ers O n B uy I X 3 2 Ġw in ver t im es RE E Ġb oun om et Ġd ividend Ġup date and emic l ist ee l 7 7 Ġth ough ĠV ol ĠM onday ĠD ay E E d ates Ġf utures 88 8 Ad am A s ĠH old he s G R es p ĠTh at ak sh Ġchart s n v ar ma ke y Ġhold ing c ed T rades Ġre l 5 4 m y Ġm iss g ine Ġ$ âĢ¦ B M Ġlook s ) , Ġg etting L e ĠD e D on s ide et h Ġh ead Ġa verage tt om Ġmonth s 3 4 Ġ1 8 ĠO F i ot Ġas s ĠðŁĩ ºðŁĩ¸ f x B E m art w ave ĠS T UN H fin ancial İ ¯ c n B B O L ĠS ome t rade M U oc us Ġg u Ġtw o 0 5 Ġb r d is Ġinvest ors rypt o Ġ1 6 ĠC an L aksh Laksh mi Tr ump GO LD k y m in Ġs mall us d bt c U p L ong goog l P l f utures g o r ong ĠW atch u ally and le or ld D C Ġ economy Ġmov ing Ġl ine ou d Ġ( $ Ġclos ed G T E x ĠO pen A I P O Ġst op ĠQuarter ly ĠJ ust Ġl o ĠN o Fin ance y ear E lliott Ġex t ain s red it 9 7 erv ices Ġcom e Ġan alysis cri pt ĠâĢ ĵ st reet al t Stocks To ĠP h ĠF inancial Ġ- - and s â ľ Ġn ice Ġwor ld ðŁ ļĢ el i we et 6 6 an alysis Ġo ptions F acebook . âĢ¦ Ġr ange ĠO N B L v is im ent E V R es read y on avirus it s P EP Ġre d Ġt raders ĠC heck Ġe arly Ġd et Ġj oin Ġg ap Ġcor re Wh at Ġlow s Ġp ut ĠB y 4 8 Ġf in P H Ġt rades Ġres ults U n w m op en oment um st r at ility Ġf l it ion C o ber g Ġind icat ar gest b y IN O B r w i 5 7 !! ! g ing Ġus ing al c Ġb oth 0 1 Ġp uts Ġd uring ĠM ore arm on e am ues day p ly Ġhel p a tt w all O il el f u k op e Ġweek ly d er AR K Ġl ink 3 9 U X R I i pp 0 7 ort un Ġmem bers A mazon Ġw ait Ġb u k t ĠO ption ner gy Ġm aking Ġre cent Ġg reen Ġd eal A nal w ay ub e du ct at io C apital ĠC ons NK LA Ġqu arter Ġt ry l ie Ġs ign oc urrency A G M anc ĠM y N X OR K Ġd if I s ent iment ðŁĵ Ī e g ata Sw Ġweek end N asdaq Manc ini ataSw arm Adam Mancini Ġdoes n Ġout perform S O H O ub l RT Y Ġ3 1 P P M T G DX er i Ġn um od e am ent roker ages 8 9 U D t rend oh ns ĠS p f or A n oog le M O Ġco ronavirus re t Ġ2 4 Ġcon f 6 9 w h M ore Ġre ally ĠP T Ġ1 7 ick s ĠF ree atter n D K Ġdro p t il Ġl ot ĠA t Ġs aid Ġ ~ ass ive comm end d x B ank 8 5 v ent ĠM icrosoft c ap T V Ġexp ected ate g ps ide ĠC on Ġret urns O E em ber urs day l ines iz e y n ĠA verage ---- ---- NI O Ġinform ation F S n asdaq Ġ2 3 Ġm ajor C ovid le ar forex s m r n es ĠĠ Ġ Ġal ready In t ĠD ec id ent W K ais ed u ro rad ed t d Ġ [ CO ST Ġind ex m ost R Y Ġy et 0 9 ĠW hen B S y e r p Ch art ðŁ IJ Ġwe ak at form port s A V Ġ ĠĊ ĠB UY Ġa tt ĠF REE Ġare a em ploy _ _ o ff ot rade bank nifty Ġe m Ġh is V ER we en E Y Ġf ind Ġdis c Ġbear ish ore s Ġb ad Ġdo ll c onom ĠE stim L I ĠCh ina r s ic ip Ġ ? 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