# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2018 The Google AI Language Team Authors and The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import wandb

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.optim import AdamW
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch.utils.data import RandomSampler
from torch.utils.data import SequentialSampler
from torch.utils.data.distributed import DistributedSampler
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm import trange
from transformers import DebertaV2Config
from transformers import DebertaV2ForMaskedLM
from transformers import DebertaV2Tokenizer
from transformers import RobertaConfig
from transformers import RobertaForMaskedLM
from transformers import RobertaTokenizer
from transformers import get_linear_schedule_with_warmup

from data_utils import accuracy
from data_utils import convert_examples_to_features
from data_utils import myprocessors

from evaluate_DeBERTa import eval_tasks
from evaluate_DeBERTa import main as evaluate_main

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from transformers import MODEL_WITH_LM_HEAD_MAPPING

MODEL_TYPES = tuple(conf.model_type for conf in MODEL_CONFIG_CLASSES)
    'roberta-mlm': (RobertaConfig, RobertaForMaskedLM, RobertaTokenizer),
    'deberta-mlm': (DebertaV2Config, DebertaV2ForMaskedLM, DebertaV2Tokenizer)

class MyDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):

    def __init__(self, data, pad_token, mask_token, max_words_to_mask):
        self.data = data
        self.pad_token = pad_token
        self.mask_token = mask_token
        self.max_words_to_mask = max_words_to_mask

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        sample = self.data[idx]
        return sample, self.pad_token, self.mask_token, self.max_words_to_mask

def mCollateFn(batch):
    batch_input_ids = []
    batch_input_mask = []
    batch_input_labels = []
    batch_label_ids = []
    features = [b[0] for b in batch]
    pad_token = batch[0][1]
    mask_token = batch[0][2]
    MAX_WORDS_TO_MASK = batch[0][3]
    max_len = max([len(cand) for f in features for cand in f[0]])
    for f in features:
        for i in range(len(f[0])):
            masked_sequences = []
            masked_labels = []
            this_att_mask = []
            sequence = f[0][i] + [pad_token] * (max_len - len(f[0][i]))
            label_sequence = f[1][i] + [-100] * (max_len - len(f[1][i]))
            valid_indices = [l_i for l_i, l in enumerate(label_sequence) if l != -100]
            if len(valid_indices) > MAX_WORDS_TO_MASK:
                rm_indices = random.sample(valid_indices, (len(valid_indices) - MAX_WORDS_TO_MASK))
                label_sequence = [-100 if l_i in rm_indices else l for l_i, l in enumerate(label_sequence)]
            for j, t in enumerate(label_sequence):
                if t == -100:
                    masked_labels.append([-100] * max_len)
                    masked_sequences.append(sequence[:j] + [mask_token] + sequence[j + 1:])
                    masked_labels.append([-100] * j + [sequence[j]] + [-100] * (max_len - j - 1))
                this_att_mask.append([1] * len(f[0][i]) + [0] * (max_len - len(f[0][i])))
            batch_input_ids[-1].append(torch.tensor(masked_sequences, dtype=torch.long))
            batch_input_mask[-1].append(torch.tensor(this_att_mask, dtype=torch.long))
            batch_input_labels[-1].append(torch.tensor(masked_labels, dtype=torch.long))
    return batch_input_ids, batch_input_mask, batch_input_labels, torch.tensor(batch_label_ids, dtype=torch.long)

def set_seed(args):
    if args.n_gpu > 0:

def count_parameters(model):
    return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)

def train(args, train_dataset, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset):
    """ Train the model """
    if args.local_rank in [-1, 0]:
        tb_writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'runs'))

    args.train_batch_size = args.per_gpu_train_batch_size * max(1, args.n_gpu)
    train_sampler = RandomSampler(train_dataset) if args.local_rank == -1 else DistributedSampler(train_dataset)
    train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, sampler=train_sampler, batch_size=args.train_batch_size,

    if args.max_steps > 0:
        t_total = args.max_steps
        args.num_train_epochs = args.max_steps // (len(train_dataloader) // args.gradient_accumulation_steps) + 1
        t_total = len(train_dataloader) // args.gradient_accumulation_steps * args.num_train_epochs

    # Prepare optimizer and schedule (linear warmup and decay)
    no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.weight']
    optimizer_grouped_parameters = [
        {'params': [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)],
         'weight_decay': args.weight_decay},
        {'params': [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0}

    warmup_steps = args.warmup_steps if args.warmup_steps != 0 else int(args.warmup_proportion * t_total)
    logger.info("warm up steps = %d", warmup_steps)
    optimizer = AdamW(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=args.learning_rate, eps=args.adam_epsilon, betas=(0.9, 0.98))
    scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer, num_warmup_steps=warmup_steps, num_training_steps=t_total)

    if args.fp16:
            from apex import amp
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("Please install apex from https://www.github.com/nvidia/apex to use fp16 training.")
        model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level=args.fp16_opt_level)

    # multi-gpu training (should be after apex fp16 initialization)
    if args.n_gpu > 1:
        model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)

    # Distributed training (should be after apex fp16 initialization)
    if args.local_rank != -1:
        model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[args.local_rank],
    # Train!
    logger.info("***** Running training *****")
    logger.info("  Num examples = %d", len(train_dataset))
    logger.info("  Num Epochs = %d", args.num_train_epochs)
    logger.info("  Instantaneous batch size per GPU = %d", args.per_gpu_train_batch_size)
    logger.info("  Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = %d",
                args.train_batch_size * args.gradient_accumulation_steps * (
                    torch.distributed.get_world_size() if args.local_rank != -1 else 1))
    logger.info("  Gradient Accumulation steps = %d", args.gradient_accumulation_steps)
    logger.info("  Total optimization steps = %d", t_total)

    global_step = 0
    tr_loss, logging_loss = 0.0, 0.0
    train_iterator = trange(int(args.num_train_epochs), desc="Epoch", disable=args.local_rank not in [-1, 0])
    set_seed(args)  # Added here for reproductibility (even between python 2 and 3)
    curr_best = 0.0
    CE = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
    loss_fct = torch.nn.MultiMarginLoss(margin=args.margin)
    for _ in train_iterator:
        epoch_iterator = tqdm(train_dataloader, desc="Iteration", disable=args.local_rank not in [-1, 0])
        for step, batch in tqdm(enumerate(epoch_iterator), desc=f"Train Epoch {_}"):
            num_cand = len(batch[0][0])
            choice_loss = []
            choice_seq_lens = np.array([0] + [len(c) for sample in batch[0] for c in sample])
            choice_seq_lens = np.cumsum(choice_seq_lens)
            input_ids = torch.cat([c for sample in batch[0] for c in sample], dim=0).to(args.device)
            att_mask = torch.cat([c for sample in batch[1] for c in sample], dim=0).to(args.device)
            input_labels = torch.cat([c for sample in batch[2] for c in sample], dim=0).to(args.device)

            if len(input_ids) < args.max_sequence_per_time:
                inputs = {'input_ids': input_ids,
                          'attention_mask': att_mask}
                outputs = model(**inputs)
                ce_loss = CE(outputs[0].view(-1, outputs[0].size(-1)), input_labels.view(-1))
                ce_loss = ce_loss.view(outputs[0].size(0), -1).sum(1)
                ce_loss = []
                for chunk in range(0, len(input_ids), args.max_sequence_per_time):
                    inputs = {'input_ids': input_ids[chunk:chunk + args.max_sequence_per_time],
                              'attention_mask': att_mask[chunk:chunk + args.max_sequence_per_time]}
                    outputs = model(**inputs)
                    tmp_ce_loss = CE(outputs[0].view(-1, outputs[0].size(-1)),
                                     input_labels[chunk:chunk + args.max_sequence_per_time].view(-1))
                    tmp_ce_loss = tmp_ce_loss.view(outputs[0].size(0), -1).sum(1)
                ce_loss = torch.cat(ce_loss, dim=0)
            # all tokens are valid
            for c_i in range(len(choice_seq_lens) - 1):
                start = choice_seq_lens[c_i]
                end = choice_seq_lens[c_i + 1]
                choice_loss.append(-ce_loss[start:end].sum() / (end - start))

            choice_loss = torch.stack(choice_loss)
            choice_loss = choice_loss.view(-1, num_cand)
            loss = loss_fct(choice_loss, batch[3].to(args.device))

            if args.n_gpu > 1:
                loss = loss.mean()  # mean() to average on multi-gpu parallel training
            if args.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1:
                loss = loss / args.gradient_accumulation_steps

            if args.fp16:
                with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss:

            tr_loss += loss.item()
            if (step + 1) % args.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0:
                scheduler.step()  # Update learning rate schedule
                global_step += 1

                if args.local_rank in [-1, 0] and args.logging_steps > 0 and global_step % args.logging_steps == 0:
                    # Log metrics
                    tb_writer.add_scalar('lr', scheduler.get_last_lr()[0], global_step)
                    tb_writer.add_scalar('loss', (tr_loss - logging_loss) / args.logging_steps, global_step)
                    tb_writer.add_scalar('Batch_loss', loss.item() * args.gradient_accumulation_steps, global_step)
                    logger.info(" global_step = %s, average loss = %s", global_step,
                                (tr_loss - logging_loss) / args.logging_steps)
                    logging_loss = tr_loss

                if args.local_rank == -1 and args.evaluate_during_training and global_step % args.save_steps == 0:
                    results = evaluate(args, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset)
                    wandb.log({"eval/"+k:v for k,v in results.items()})
                    for key, value in results.items():
                        tb_writer.add_scalar('eval_{}'.format(key), value, global_step)
                    if results['acc'] > curr_best:
                        curr_best = results['acc']
                        print("At iteration {}, best acc is {}".format(global_step, curr_best))
                        # Save model checkpoint
                        output_dir = args.output_dir
                        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
                        model_to_save = model.module if hasattr(model,
                                                                'module') else model  # Take care of distributed/parallel training
                        torch.save(args, os.path.join(output_dir, 'training_args.bin'))
                        logger.info("Saving model checkpoint to %s", output_dir)

            if args.max_steps > 0 and global_step > args.max_steps:
        if args.max_steps > 0 and global_step > args.max_steps:
    results = evaluate(args, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset)
    for key, value in results.items():
        tb_writer.add_scalar('eval_{}'.format(key), value, global_step)
    if results['acc'] > curr_best:
        curr_best = results['acc']
        # Save model checkpoint
        output_dir = args.output_dir
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
        model_to_save = model.module if hasattr(model,
                                                'module') else model  # Take care of distributed/parallel training
        torch.save(args, os.path.join(output_dir, 'training_args.bin'))
        logger.info("Saving model checkpoint to %s", output_dir)
    if args.local_rank in [-1, 0]:
    return global_step, tr_loss / global_step

def save_logits(logits_all, filename):
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        for i in range(len(logits_all)):
            for j in range(len(logits_all[i])):
                if j == len(logits_all[i]) - 1:
                    f.write(" ")

def evaluate(args, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset):
    results = {}
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir) and args.local_rank in [-1, 0]:

    args.eval_batch_size = args.per_gpu_eval_batch_size * max(1, args.n_gpu)
    # Note that DistributedSampler samples randomly
    eval_sampler = SequentialSampler(eval_dataset) if args.local_rank == -1 else DistributedSampler(eval_dataset)
    eval_dataloader = DataLoader(eval_dataset, sampler=eval_sampler, batch_size=args.eval_batch_size,

    # Eval!
    logger.info("***** Running evaluation *****")
    logger.info("  Num examples = %d", len(eval_dataset))
    logger.info("  Batch size = %d", args.eval_batch_size)
    CE = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
    preds = []
    out_label_ids = []
    for batch in tqdm(eval_dataloader, desc="Evaluating"):
        with torch.no_grad():
            num_cand = len(batch[0][0])
            choice_loss = []
            choice_seq_lens = np.array([0] + [len(c) for sample in batch[0] for c in sample])
            choice_seq_lens = np.cumsum(choice_seq_lens)
            input_ids = torch.cat([c for sample in batch[0] for c in sample], dim=0).to(args.device)
            att_mask = torch.cat([c for sample in batch[1] for c in sample], dim=0).to(args.device)
            input_labels = torch.cat([c for sample in batch[2] for c in sample], dim=0).to(args.device)
            if len(input_ids) < args.max_sequence_per_time:
                inputs = {'input_ids': input_ids,
                          'attention_mask': att_mask}
                outputs = model(**inputs)
                ce_loss = CE(outputs[0].view(-1, outputs[0].size(-1)), input_labels.view(-1))
                ce_loss = ce_loss.view(outputs[0].size(0), -1).sum(1)
                ce_loss = []
                for chunk in range(0, len(input_ids), args.max_sequence_per_time):
                    inputs = {'input_ids': input_ids[chunk:chunk + args.max_sequence_per_time],
                              'attention_mask': att_mask[chunk:chunk + args.max_sequence_per_time]}
                    outputs = model(**inputs)
                    tmp_ce_loss = CE(outputs[0].view(-1, outputs[0].size(-1)),
                                     input_labels[chunk:chunk + args.max_sequence_per_time].view(-1))
                    tmp_ce_loss = tmp_ce_loss.view(outputs[0].size(0), -1).sum(1)
                ce_loss = torch.cat(ce_loss, dim=0)
            for c_i in range(len(choice_seq_lens) - 1):
                start = choice_seq_lens[c_i]
                end = choice_seq_lens[c_i + 1]
                choice_loss.append(-ce_loss[start:end].sum() / (end - start))
            choice_loss = torch.stack(choice_loss)
            choice_loss = choice_loss.view(-1, num_cand)
    preds = torch.cat(preds, dim=0).cpu().numpy()
    save_logits(preds.tolist(), os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.logits_file))
    preds = np.argmax(preds, axis=1)
    result = accuracy(preds, np.concatenate(out_label_ids, axis=0))
    output_eval_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.results_file)
    with open(output_eval_file, "w") as writer:
        logger.info("***** Eval results *****")
        for key in sorted(result.keys()):
            print("%s = %s\n" % (key, str(result[key])))
            logger.info("  %s = %s", key, str(result[key]))
            writer.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, str(result[key])))
    return results

def write_data(filename, data):
    with open(filename, 'w') as fout:
        for sample in data:

def load_and_cache_examples(args, task, tokenizer, evaluate=False):
    if args.local_rank not in [-1, 0] and not evaluate:
        torch.distributed.barrier()  # Make sure only the first process in distributed training process the dataset, and the others will use the cache
    processor = myprocessors[task](args)
    cached_features_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'cached_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(
        'dev' if evaluate else 'train',
    if os.path.exists(cached_features_file): # remove evaluate
        features = torch.load(cached_features_file)
        examples = processor.get_dev_examples() if evaluate else processor.get_train_examples()
        features = convert_examples_to_features(examples, tokenizer, max_length=args.max_seq_length)
        # if evaluate:
        torch.save(features, cached_features_file)
    if args.local_rank == 0 and not evaluate:
        torch.distributed.barrier()  # Make sure only the first process in distributed training process the dataset, and the others will use the cache
    print('max_words_to_mask is %s for pretraining tasks %s' % (args.max_words_to_mask, task))
    return MyDataset(features, tokenizer.pad_token_id, tokenizer.mask_token_id, args.max_words_to_mask)

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    ## Required parameters
    parser.add_argument("--train_file", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="The train file name")
    parser.add_argument("--dev_file", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="The dev file name")
    parser.add_argument("--model_type", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="Model type selected in the list: " + ", ".join(MODEL_CLASSES.keys()))
    parser.add_argument("--model_name_or_path", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="Path to pre-trained model or shortcut name selected in the list: " + ", ".join(
    parser.add_argument("--config_name", default="", type=str,
                        help="Pretrained config name or path if not the same as model_name")
    parser.add_argument("--tokenizer_name", default="", type=str,
                        help="Pretrained tokenizer name or path if not the same as model_name")
    parser.add_argument("--cache_dir", default=".cache", type=str,
                        help="Where do you want to store the pre-trained models downloaded")
    parser.add_argument("--task_name", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="The name of the task to train selected in the list: " + ", ".join(myprocessors.keys()))
    parser.add_argument("--output_dir", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written.")

    ## Other parameters
    parser.add_argument("--second_train_file", default=None, type=str,
                        help="Used when combining ATOMIC and CWWV")
    parser.add_argument("--second_dev_file", default=None, type=str,
                        help="Used when combining ATOMIC and CWWV")
    parser.add_argument("--max_seq_length", default=128, type=int,
                        help="The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization. Sequences longer "
                             "than this will be truncated, sequences shorter will be padded.")
    parser.add_argument("--max_words_to_mask", default=6, type=int,
                        help="The maximum number of tokens to mask when computing scores")
    parser.add_argument("--max_sequence_per_time", default=80, type=int,
                        help="The maximum number of sequences to feed into the model")
    parser.add_argument("--do_train", action='store_true',
                        help="Whether to run training.")
    parser.add_argument("--do_eval", action='store_true',
                        help="Whether to run eval on the dev set.")
    parser.add_argument("--do_ext_eval", action='store_true',
                        help="Whether to run external eval on the downstream mcqa datasets.")                    
    parser.add_argument("--evaluate_during_training", action='store_true',
                        help="Run evaluation during training at each logging step.")
    parser.add_argument("--do_lower_case", action='store_true',
                        help="Set this flag if you are using an uncased model.")
    parser.add_argument("--per_gpu_train_batch_size", default=1, type=int,
                        help="Batch size per GPU/CPU for training.")
    parser.add_argument("--per_gpu_eval_batch_size", default=1, type=int,
                        help="Batch size per GPU/CPU for evaluation.")
    parser.add_argument('--gradient_accumulation_steps', type=int, default=1,
                        help="Number of updates steps to accumulate before performing a backward/update pass.")
    parser.add_argument("--margin", default=1.0, type=float,
                        help="The margin for ranking loss")
    parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", default=1e-5, type=float,
                        help="The initial learning rate for Adam.")
    parser.add_argument("--weight_decay", default=0.01, type=float,
                        help="Weight deay if we apply some.")
    parser.add_argument("--adam_epsilon", default=1e-6, type=float,
                        help="Epsilon for Adam optimizer.")
    parser.add_argument("--max_grad_norm", default=1.0, type=float,
                        help="Max gradient norm.")
    parser.add_argument("--num_train_epochs", default=1.0, type=float,
                        help="Total number of training epochs to perform.")
    parser.add_argument("--max_steps", default=-1, type=int,
                        help="If > 0: set total number of training steps to perform. Override num_train_epochs.")
    parser.add_argument("--warmup_steps", default=0, type=int,
                        help="Linear warmup over warmup_steps.")
    parser.add_argument("--warmup_proportion", default=0.05, type=float,
                        help="Linear warmup over warmup proportion.")
    parser.add_argument('--logging_steps', type=int, default=50,
                        help="Log every X updates steps.")
    parser.add_argument('--save_steps', type=int, default=50,
                        help="Save checkpoint every X updates steps.")
    parser.add_argument("--logits_file", default='logits_test.txt', type=str,
                        help="The file where prediction logits will be written")
    parser.add_argument("--results_file", default='eval_results.txt', type=str,
                        help="The file where eval results will be written")
    parser.add_argument("--no_cuda", action='store_true',
                        help="Avoid using CUDA when available")
    parser.add_argument('--overwrite_output_dir', action='store_true',
                        help="Overwrite the content of the output directory")
    parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=42,
                        help="random seed for initialization")
    parser.add_argument('--fp16', action='store_true',
                        help="Whether to use 16-bit (mixed) precision (through NVIDIA apex) instead of 32-bit")
    parser.add_argument('--fp16_opt_level', type=str, default='O1',
                        help="For fp16: Apex AMP optimization level selected in ['O0', 'O1', 'O2', and 'O3']."
                             "See details at https://nvidia.github.io/apex/amp.html")
    parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int, default=-1,
                        help="For distributed training: local_rank")
    parser.add_argument('--server_ip', type=str, default='', help="For distant debugging.")
    parser.add_argument('--server_port', type=str, default='', help="For distant debugging.")

    ### for extrinsic evaluation

    parser.add_argument("--eval_output_dir", default="./output/eval_results", type=str, required=True,
                    help="output of the predictions")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    wandb.init(project="car_mcqa", config=args)

    if os.path.exists(args.output_dir) and os.listdir(
            args.output_dir) and not args.overwrite_output_dir and args.do_train:
        raise ValueError(
            "Output directory ({}) already exists and is not empty. Use --overwrite_output_dir to overcome.".format(
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):

    # Setup CUDA, GPU & distributed training
    if args.local_rank == -1 or args.no_cuda:
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and not args.no_cuda else "cpu")
        args.n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count()
    else:  # Initializes the distributed backend which will take care of sychronizing nodes/GPUs
        device = torch.device("cuda", args.local_rank)
        args.n_gpu = 1
    args.device = device

    if args.do_train:
        for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
    # Setup logging
    if args.do_train:
        log_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'train.log')
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s -   %(message)s',
                            datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
                            level=logging.INFO if args.local_rank in [-1, 0] else logging.WARN,
        logger.warning("Process rank: %s, device: %s, n_gpu: %s, distributed training: %s, 16-bits training: %s",
                       args.local_rank, device, args.n_gpu, bool(args.local_rank != -1), args.fp16)
        os.system("cp run_pretrain.py %s" % os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'run_pretrain.py'))
        os.system("cp data_utils.py %s" % os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'data_utils.py'))

    # Set seed
    args.task_name = args.task_name.lower()
    if args.task_name not in myprocessors:
        raise ValueError("Task not found: %s" % (args.task_name))

    args.model_type = args.model_type.lower()
    config_class, model_class, tokenizer_class = MODEL_CLASSES[args.model_type]
    config = config_class.from_pretrained(args.config_name if args.config_name else args.model_name_or_path,
                                          finetuning_task=args.task_name, cache_dir=args.cache_dir)
    tokenizer = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(args.tokenizer_name if args.tokenizer_name else args.model_name_or_path,
                                                do_lower_case=args.do_lower_case, cache_dir=args.cache_dir)
    model = model_class.from_pretrained(args.model_name_or_path, from_tf=bool('.ckpt' in args.model_name_or_path),
                                        config=config, cache_dir=args.cache_dir)

    count = count_parameters(model)
    print("number of params", count)

    if args.local_rank == 0:
        torch.distributed.barrier()  # Make sure only the first process in distributed training will download model & vocab


    logger.info("Training/evaluation parameters %s", args)

    eval_dataset = load_and_cache_examples(args, args.task_name, tokenizer, evaluate=True)
    print("num of eval set", len(eval_dataset))

    if args.do_train:
        init_result = evaluate(args, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset)
    if args.do_train:
        train_dataset = load_and_cache_examples(args, args.task_name, tokenizer, evaluate=False)
        print("num train examples", len(train_dataset))
        global_step, tr_loss = train(args, train_dataset, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset)
        logger.info(" global_step = %s, average loss = %s", global_step, tr_loss)
    # Evaluation
    results = {}
    if args.do_eval:
        tokenizer = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(args.output_dir, do_lower_case=args.do_lower_case)
        model = model_class.from_pretrained(args.output_dir)
        result = evaluate(args, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset)

    # do extrinsic evaluation

    if args.do_ext_eval:
        del model
        import gc

        ext_results = {}

        for task_name, dataset_path in eval_tasks:
            eval_args = argparse.Namespace()
            eval_args.dataset_file = dataset_path
            eval_args.lm = args.output_dir
            eval_args.out_dir = os.path.join(args.eval_output_dir, os.path.basename( args.output_dir))
            eval_args.device = 0
            eval_args.reader = task_name
            eval_args.overwrite_output_dir = args.overwrite_output_dir
            eval_args.cache_dir = None
            if task_name in ["socialiqa", "winogrande", "piqa", "commonsenseqa", "anli"]:
                acc = evaluate_main(eval_args)
                ext_results[task_name] = acc
                tokenizer = tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(args.output_dir, do_lower_case=args.do_lower_case)
                model = model_class.from_pretrained(args.output_dir)
                # load data
                examples = []
                with open(dataset_path, "r") as f:
                    for row in tqdm(f):
                        sample = json.loads(row)
                features = convert_examples_to_features(examples, tokenizer, max_length=args.max_seq_length)
                eval_dataset = MyDataset(features, tokenizer.pad_token_id, tokenizer.mask_token_id, args.max_words_to_mask)
                result = evaluate(args, model, tokenizer, eval_dataset)
                ext_results[task_name] = result['acc']

        wandb.log({"ext/"+task_name:acc for task_name, acc in ext_results.items()})
    # return results

if __name__ == "__main__":