{ "Width": "Width", "Height": "Height", "Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map": "Generate Skeleton/Depth/Normal/Canny Map", "Duplicate Skeleton": "Duplicate Skeleton", "Delete Skeleton": "Delete Skeleton", "Move Mode": "Move Mode", "Show Edge Map": "Show Edge Map", "Camera Near": "Camera Near", "Camera Far": "Camera Far", "Camera Focal Length": "Camera Focal Length", "Downloading Hand Model": "Downloading Hand Model", "Updates are available, please confirm!!": "Updates are available, please confirm!!", "Select a scene file": "Select a scene file", "Oops...": "Oops...", "Something went wrong!": "Something went wrong!", "If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.": "If the problem persists, please click here to ask a question.", "Save Scene": "Save Scene", "Generate Scene URL": "Generate Scene URL", "Load Scene": "Load Scene", "Restore Last Scene": "Restore Last Scene", "Set Background Image": "Set Background Image", "Select an image": "Select an image", "Body Parameters": "Body Parameters", "Shoulder Width": "Shoulder Width", "Shoulder To Hip": "Shoulder To Hip", "Arm Length": "Arm Length", "Forearm": "Forearm", "Upper Arm": "Upper Arm", "Hand Size": "Hand Size", "Hips": "Hips", "Leg Length": "Leg Length", "Thigh": "Thigh", "Lower Leg": "Lower Leg", "Nose To Neck": "Nose To Neck", "Head Size": "Head Size", "Show Preview": "Show Preview", "Only Hand": "Only Hand", "Foot Size": "Foot Size", "Downloading Foot Model": "Downloading Foot Model", "Please select a skeleton!!": "Please select a skeleton!!", "Downloading Poses Library": "Downloading Poses Library", "Set Random Pose": "Set Random Pose", "Redo": "Redo", "Undo": "Undo", "Detect From Image": "Detect From Image", "Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model": "Downloading MediaPipe Pose Model", "Edit": "Edit", "Setting": "Setting", "Bone Thickness": "Bone Thickness", "Feedback": "Feedback", "View": "View", "Fix View": "Fix View", "Restore View": "Restore View", "Free Mode": "Free Mode", "Del": "Del", "File": "File", "Generate": "Generate", "Close": "Close", "Update": "Update", "Lock View": "Lock View", "Unlock View": "Unlock View", "Copy Keypoint Data": "Copy Keypoint Data", "Copied to Clipboard": "Copied to Clipboard", "Reset Scene": "Reset Scene", "Load Gesture": "Load Gesture", "Save Gesture": "Save Gesture", "Please select a hand!!": "Please select a hand!!", "If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.": "If you try to detect anime characters, you may get an error. Please try again with photos.", "Show Grid": "Show Grid" }