const styleColors = { "--results-bg": ["#0b0f19", "#ffffff"], "--results-border-color": ["#4b5563", "#e5e7eb"], "--results-border-width": ["1px", "1.5px"], "--results-bg-odd": ["#111827", "#f9fafb"], "--results-hover": ["#1f2937", "#f5f6f8"], "--results-selected": ["#374151", "#e5e7eb"], "--meta-text-color": ["#6b6f7b", "#a2a9b4"], "--embedding-v1-color": ["lightsteelblue", "#2b5797"], "--embedding-v2-color": ["skyblue", "#2d89ef"], } const browserVars = { "--results-overflow-y": { "firefox": "scroll", "other": "auto" } } // Style for new elements. Gets appended to the Gradio root. const autocompleteCSS = ` #quicksettings [id^=setting_tac] { background-color: transparent; min-width: fit-content; } .autocompleteResults { position: absolute; z-index: 999; max-width: calc(100% - 1.5rem); margin: 5px 0 0 0; background-color: var(--results-bg) !important; border: var(--results-border-width) solid var(--results-border-color) !important; border-radius: 12px !important; overflow-y: var(--results-overflow-y); overflow-x: hidden; word-break: break-word; } .autocompleteResultsList > li:nth-child(odd) { background-color: var(--results-bg-odd); } .autocompleteResultsList > li { list-style-type: none; padding: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .autocompleteResultsList > li:hover { background-color: var(--results-hover); } .autocompleteResultsList > li.selected { background-color: var(--results-selected); } .resultsFlexContainer { display: flex; } .acListItem { white-space: break-spaces; } .acMetaText { position: relative; flex-grow: 1; text-align: end; padding: 0 0 0 15px; white-space: nowrap; color: var(--meta-text-color); } .acWikiLink { padding: 0.5rem; margin: -0.5rem 0 -0.5rem -0.5rem; } .acWikiLink:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .acListItem.acEmbeddingV1 { color: var(--embedding-v1-color); } .acListItem.acEmbeddingV2 { color: var(--embedding-v2-color); } `; async function loadTags(c) { // Load main tags and aliases if (allTags.length === 0 && c.tagFile && c.tagFile !== "None") { try { allTags = await loadCSV(`${tagBasePath}/${c.tagFile}`); } catch (e) { console.error("Error loading tags file: " + e); return; } } await loadExtraTags(c); } async function loadExtraTags(c) { if (c.extra.extraFile && c.extra.extraFile !== "None") { try { extras = await loadCSV(`${tagBasePath}/${c.extra.extraFile}`); // Add translations to the main translation map for extra tags that have them extras.forEach(e => { if (e[4]) translations.set(e[0], e[4]); }); } catch (e) { console.error("Error loading extra file: " + e); return; } } } async function loadTranslations(c) { if (c.translation.translationFile && c.translation.translationFile !== "None") { try { let tArray = await loadCSV(`${tagBasePath}/${c.translation.translationFile}`); tArray.forEach(t => { if (c.translation.oldFormat) translations.set(t[0], t[2]); else translations.set(t[0], t[1]); }); } catch (e) { console.error("Error loading translations file: " + e); return; } } } async function syncOptions() { let newCFG = { // Main tag file tagFile: opts["tac_tagFile"], // Active in settings activeIn: { global: opts["tac_active"], txt2img: opts["tac_activeIn.txt2img"], img2img: opts["tac_activeIn.img2img"], negativePrompts: opts["tac_activeIn.negativePrompts"], thirdParty: opts["tac_activeIn.thirdParty"], modelList: opts["tac_activeIn.modelList"], modelListMode: opts["tac_activeIn.modelListMode"] }, // Results related settings slidingPopup: opts["tac_slidingPopup"], maxResults: opts["tac_maxResults"], showAllResults: opts["tac_showAllResults"], resultStepLength: opts["tac_resultStepLength"], delayTime: opts["tac_delayTime"], useWildcards: opts["tac_useWildcards"], useEmbeddings: opts["tac_useEmbeddings"], useHypernetworks: opts["tac_useHypernetworks"], useLoras: opts["tac_useLoras"], useLycos: opts["tac_useLycos"], showWikiLinks: opts["tac_showWikiLinks"], // Insertion related settings replaceUnderscores: opts["tac_replaceUnderscores"], escapeParentheses: opts["tac_escapeParentheses"], appendComma: opts["tac_appendComma"], // Alias settings alias: { searchByAlias: opts["tac_alias.searchByAlias"], onlyShowAlias: opts["tac_alias.onlyShowAlias"] }, // Translation settings translation: { translationFile: opts["tac_translation.translationFile"], oldFormat: opts["tac_translation.oldFormat"], searchByTranslation: opts["tac_translation.searchByTranslation"], }, // Extra file settings extra: { extraFile: opts["tac_extra.extraFile"], addMode: opts["tac_extra.addMode"] }, // Settings not from tac but still used by the script extraNetworksDefaultMultiplier: opts["extra_networks_default_multiplier"], extraNetworksSeparator: opts["extra_networks_add_text_separator"], // Custom mapping settings keymap: JSON.parse(opts["tac_keymap"]), colorMap: JSON.parse(opts["tac_colormap"]) } if (newCFG.alias.onlyShowAlias) { newCFG.alias.searchByAlias = true; // if only show translation, enable search by translation is necessary } // Reload translations if the translation file changed if (!CFG || newCFG.translation.translationFile !== CFG.translation.translationFile) { translations.clear(); await loadTranslations(newCFG); await loadExtraTags(newCFG); } // Reload tags if the tag file changed (after translations so extra tag translations get re-added) if (!CFG || newCFG.tagFile !== CFG.tagFile || newCFG.extra.extraFile !== CFG.extra.extraFile) { allTags = []; await loadTags(newCFG); } // Update CSS if maxResults changed if (CFG && newCFG.maxResults !== CFG.maxResults) { gradioApp().querySelectorAll(".autocompleteResults").forEach(r => { = `${newCFG.maxResults * 50}px`; }); } // Apply changes CFG = newCFG; // Callback await processQueue(QUEUE_AFTER_CONFIG_CHANGE, null); } // Create the result list div and necessary styling function createResultsDiv(textArea) { let resultsDiv = document.createElement("div"); let resultsList = document.createElement("ul"); let textAreaId = getTextAreaIdentifier(textArea); let typeClass = textAreaId.replaceAll(".", " "); = `${CFG.maxResults * 50}px`; resultsDiv.setAttribute("class", `autocompleteResults ${typeClass} notranslate`); resultsDiv.setAttribute("translate", "no"); resultsList.setAttribute("class", "autocompleteResultsList"); resultsDiv.appendChild(resultsList); return resultsDiv; } // Show or hide the results div function isVisible(textArea) { let textAreaId = getTextAreaIdentifier(textArea); let resultsDiv = gradioApp().querySelector('.autocompleteResults' + textAreaId); return === "block"; } function showResults(textArea) { let textAreaId = getTextAreaIdentifier(textArea); let resultsDiv = gradioApp().querySelector('.autocompleteResults' + textAreaId); = "block"; if (CFG.slidingPopup) { let caretPosition = getCaretCoordinates(textArea, textArea.selectionEnd).left; let offset = Math.min(textArea.offsetLeft - textArea.scrollLeft + caretPosition, textArea.offsetWidth - resultsDiv.offsetWidth); = `${offset}px`; } else { if ("left"); } } function hideResults(textArea) { let textAreaId = getTextAreaIdentifier(textArea); let resultsDiv = gradioApp().querySelector('.autocompleteResults' + textAreaId); if (!resultsDiv) return; = "none"; selectedTag = null; } // Function to check activation criteria function isEnabled() { if ( { // Skip check if the current model was not correctly detected, since it could wrongly disable the script otherwise if (!currentModelName || !currentModelHash) return true; let modelList = CFG.activeIn.modelList .split(",") .map(x => x.trim()) .filter(x => x.length > 0); let shortHash = currentModelHash.substring(0, 10); let modelNameWithoutHash = currentModelName.replace(/\[.*\]$/g, "").trim(); if (CFG.activeIn.modelListMode.toLowerCase() === "blacklist") { // If the current model is in the blacklist, disable return modelList.filter(x => x === currentModelName || x === modelNameWithoutHash || x === currentModelHash || x === shortHash).length === 0; } else { // If the current model is in the whitelist, enable. // An empty whitelist is ignored. return modelList.length === 0 || modelList.filter(x => x === currentModelName || x === modelNameWithoutHash || x === currentModelHash || x === shortHash).length > 0; } } else { return false; } } const WEIGHT_REGEX = /[([]([^()[\]:|]+)(?::(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+))?[)\]]/g; const POINTY_REGEX = /<[^\s,<](?:[^\t\n\r,<>]*>|[^\t\n\r,> ]*)/g; const COMPLETED_WILDCARD_REGEX = /__[^\s,_][^\t\n\r,_]*[^\s,_]__[^\s,_]*/g; const NORMAL_TAG_REGEX = /[^\s,|<>)\]]+| 0) { sanitizedText = sanitizeResults[0]; } else { sanitizedText = CFG.replaceUnderscores ? text.replaceAll("_", " ") : text; if (CFG.escapeParentheses && tagType === ResultType.tag) { sanitizedText = sanitizedText .replaceAll("(", "\\(") .replaceAll(")", "\\)") .replaceAll("[", "\\[") .replaceAll("]", "\\]"); } } var prompt = textArea.value; // Edit prompt text let editStart = Math.max(cursorPos - tagword.length, 0); let editEnd = Math.min(cursorPos + tagword.length, prompt.length); let surrounding = prompt.substring(editStart, editEnd); let match = surrounding.match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(`${tagword}`), "i")); let afterInsertCursorPos = editStart + match.index + sanitizedText.length; var optionalSeparator = ""; let extraNetworkTypes = [ResultType.hypernetwork, ResultType.lora]; let noCommaTypes = [ResultType.wildcardFile, ResultType.yamlWildcard].concat(extraNetworkTypes); if (CFG.appendComma && !noCommaTypes.includes(tagType)) { optionalSeparator = surrounding.match(new RegExp(`${escapeRegExp(tagword)}[,:]`, "i")) !== null ? "" : ", "; } else if (extraNetworkTypes.includes(tagType)) { // Use the dedicated separator for extra networks if it's defined, otherwise fall back to space optionalSeparator = CFG.extraNetworksSeparator || " "; } // Replace partial tag word with new text, add comma if needed let insert = surrounding.replace(match, sanitizedText + optionalSeparator); // Add back start var newPrompt = prompt.substring(0, editStart) + insert + prompt.substring(editEnd); textArea.value = newPrompt; textArea.selectionStart = afterInsertCursorPos + optionalSeparator.length; textArea.selectionEnd = textArea.selectionStart // Since we've modified a Gradio Textbox component manually, we need to simulate an `input` DOM event to ensure it's propagated back to python. // Uses a built-in method from the webui's ui.js which also already accounts for event target updateInput(textArea); // Update previous tags with the edited prompt to prevent re-searching the same term let weightedTags = [...newPrompt.matchAll(WEIGHT_REGEX)] .map(match => match[1]); let tags = newPrompt.match(TAG_REGEX) if (weightedTags !== null) { tags = tags.filter(tag => !weightedTags.some(weighted => tag.includes(weighted))) .concat(weightedTags); } previousTags = tags; // Callback let returns = await processQueueReturn(QUEUE_AFTER_INSERT, null, tagType, sanitizedText, newPrompt, textArea); // Return if any queue function returned true (has handled hide/show already) if (returns.some(x => x === true)) return; // Hide results after inserting, if it hasn't been hidden already by a queue function if (!hideBlocked && isVisible(textArea)) { hideResults(textArea); } } function addResultsToList(textArea, results, tagword, resetList) { let textAreaId = getTextAreaIdentifier(textArea); let resultDiv = gradioApp().querySelector('.autocompleteResults' + textAreaId); let resultsList = resultDiv.querySelector('ul'); // Reset list, selection and scrollTop since the list changed if (resetList) { resultsList.innerHTML = ""; selectedTag = null; resultDiv.scrollTop = 0; resultCount = 0; } // Find right colors from config let tagFileName = CFG.tagFile.split(".")[0]; let tagColors = CFG.colorMap; let mode = (document.querySelector(".dark") || gradioApp().querySelector(".dark")) ? 0 : 1; let nextLength = Math.min(results.length, resultCount + CFG.resultStepLength); for (let i = resultCount; i < nextLength; i++) { let result = results[i]; // Skip if the result is null or undefined if (!result) continue; let li = document.createElement("li"); let flexDiv = document.createElement("div"); flexDiv.classList.add("resultsFlexContainer"); li.appendChild(flexDiv); let itemText = document.createElement("div"); itemText.classList.add("acListItem"); let displayText = ""; // If the tag matches the tagword, we don't need to display the alias if (result.aliases && !result.text.includes(tagword)) { // Alias let splitAliases = result.aliases.split(","); let bestAlias = splitAliases.find(a => a.toLowerCase().includes(tagword)); // search in translations if no alias matches if (!bestAlias) { let tagOrAlias = pair => pair[0] === result.text || splitAliases.includes(pair[0]); var tArray = [...translations]; if (tArray) { var translationKey = [...translations].find(pair => tagOrAlias(pair) && pair[1].includes(tagword)); if (translationKey) bestAlias = translationKey[0]; } } displayText = escapeHTML(bestAlias); // Append translation for alias if it exists and is not what the user typed if (translations.has(bestAlias) && translations.get(bestAlias) !== bestAlias && bestAlias !== result.text) displayText += `[${translations.get(bestAlias)}]`; if (!CFG.alias.onlyShowAlias && result.text !== bestAlias) displayText += " ➝ " + result.text; } else { // No alias displayText = escapeHTML(result.text); } // Append translation for result if it exists if (translations.has(result.text)) displayText += `[${translations.get(result.text)}]`; // Print search term bolded in result itemText.innerHTML = displayText.replace(tagword, `${tagword}`); // Add wiki link if the setting is enabled and a supported tag set loaded if (CFG.showWikiLinks && (result.type === ResultType.tag) && (tagFileName.toLowerCase().startsWith("danbooru") || tagFileName.toLowerCase().startsWith("e621"))) { let wikiLink = document.createElement("a"); wikiLink.classList.add("acWikiLink"); wikiLink.innerText = "?"; let linkPart = displayText; // Only use alias result if it is one if (displayText.includes("➝")) linkPart = displayText.split(" ➝ ")[1]; // Set link based on selected file let tagFileNameLower = tagFileName.toLowerCase(); if (tagFileNameLower.startsWith("danbooru")) { wikiLink.href = `${linkPart}`; } else if (tagFileNameLower.startsWith("e621")) { wikiLink.href = `${linkPart}`; } = "_blank"; flexDiv.appendChild(wikiLink); } flexDiv.appendChild(itemText); // Add post count & color if it's a tag // Wildcards & Embeds have no tag category if (result.category) { // Set the color of the tag let cat = result.category; let colorGroup = tagColors[tagFileName]; // Default to danbooru scheme if no matching one is found if (!colorGroup) colorGroup = tagColors["danbooru"]; // Set tag type to invalid if not found if (!colorGroup[cat]) cat = "-1"; = `color: ${colorGroup[cat][mode]};`; } // Post count if (result.count && !isNaN(result.count)) { let postCount = result.count; let formatter; // Danbooru formats numbers with a padded fraction for 1M or 1k, but not for 10/100k if (postCount >= 1000000 || (postCount >= 1000 && postCount < 10000)) formatter = Intl.NumberFormat("en", { notation: "compact", minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1 }); else formatter = Intl.NumberFormat("en", {notation: "compact"}); let formattedCount = formatter.format(postCount); let countDiv = document.createElement("div"); countDiv.textContent = formattedCount; countDiv.classList.add("acMetaText"); flexDiv.appendChild(countDiv); } else if (result.meta) { // Check if there is meta info to display let metaDiv = document.createElement("div"); metaDiv.textContent = result.meta; metaDiv.classList.add("acMetaText"); // Add version info classes if it is an embedding if (result.type === ResultType.embedding) { if (result.meta.startsWith("v1")) itemText.classList.add("acEmbeddingV1"); else if (result.meta.startsWith("v2")) itemText.classList.add("acEmbeddingV2"); } flexDiv.appendChild(metaDiv); } // Add listener li.addEventListener("click", function () { insertTextAtCursor(textArea, result, tagword); }); // Add element to list resultsList.appendChild(li); } resultCount = nextLength; if (resetList) resultDiv.scrollTop = 0; } function updateSelectionStyle(textArea, newIndex, oldIndex) { let textAreaId = getTextAreaIdentifier(textArea); let resultDiv = gradioApp().querySelector('.autocompleteResults' + textAreaId); let resultsList = resultDiv.querySelector('ul'); let items = resultsList.getElementsByTagName('li'); if (oldIndex != null) { items[oldIndex].classList.remove('selected'); } // make it safer if (newIndex !== null) { items[newIndex].classList.add('selected'); } // Set scrolltop to selected item if we are showing more than max results if (items.length > CFG.maxResults) { let selected = items[newIndex]; resultDiv.scrollTop = selected.offsetTop - resultDiv.offsetTop; } } async function autocomplete(textArea, prompt, fixedTag = null) { // Return if the function is deactivated in the UI if (!isEnabled()) return; // Guard for empty prompt if (prompt.length === 0) { hideResults(textArea); previousTags = []; tagword = ""; return; } if (fixedTag === null) { // Match tags with RegEx to get the last edited one // We also match for the weighting format (e.g. "tag:1.0") here, and combine the two to get the full tag word set let weightedTags = [...prompt.matchAll(WEIGHT_REGEX)] .map(match => match[1]); let tags = prompt.match(TAG_REGEX) if (weightedTags !== null && tags !== null) { tags = tags.filter(tag => !weightedTags.some(weighted => tag.includes(weighted) && !tag.startsWith("<["))) .concat(weightedTags); } // Guard for no tags if (!tags || tags.length === 0) { previousTags = []; tagword = ""; hideResults(textArea); return; } let tagCountChange = tags.length - previousTags.length; let diff = difference(tags, previousTags); previousTags = tags; // Guard for no difference / only whitespace remaining / last edited tag was fully removed if (diff === null || diff.length === 0 || (diff.length === 1 && tagCountChange < 0)) { if (!hideBlocked) hideResults(textArea); return; } tagword = diff[0] // Guard for empty tagword if (tagword === null || tagword.length === 0) { hideResults(textArea); return; } } else { tagword = fixedTag; } results = []; tagword = tagword.toLowerCase().replace(/[\n\r]/g, ""); // Process all parsers let resultCandidates = await processParsers(textArea, prompt); // If one ore more result candidates match, use their results if (resultCandidates && resultCandidates.length > 0) { // Flatten our candidate(s) results = resultCandidates.flat(); // If there was more than one candidate, sort the results by text to mix them // instead of having them added in the order of the parsers let shouldSort = resultCandidates.length > 1; if (shouldSort) { results = results.sort((a, b) => a.text.localeCompare(b.text)); // Since some tags are kaomoji, we have to add the normal results in some cases if (tagword.startsWith("<") || tagword.startsWith("*<")) { // Create escaped search regex with support for * as a start placeholder let searchRegex; if (tagword.startsWith("*")) { tagword = tagword.slice(1); searchRegex = new RegExp(`${escapeRegExp(tagword)}`, 'i'); } else { searchRegex = new RegExp(`(^|[^a-zA-Z])${escapeRegExp(tagword)}`, 'i'); } let genericResults = allTags.filter(x => x[0].toLowerCase().search(searchRegex) > -1).slice(0, CFG.maxResults); genericResults.forEach(g => { let result = new AutocompleteResult(g[0].trim(), ResultType.tag) result.category = g[1]; result.count = g[2]; result.aliases = g[3]; results.push(result); }); } } } else { // Else search the normal tag list // Create escaped search regex with support for * as a start placeholder let searchRegex; if (tagword.startsWith("*")) { tagword = tagword.slice(1); searchRegex = new RegExp(`${escapeRegExp(tagword)}`, 'i'); } else { searchRegex = new RegExp(`(^|[^a-zA-Z])${escapeRegExp(tagword)}`, 'i'); } // Both normal tags and aliases/translations are included depending on the config let baseFilter = (x) => x[0].toLowerCase().search(searchRegex) > -1; let aliasFilter = (x) => x[3] && x[3].toLowerCase().search(searchRegex) > -1; let translationFilter = (x) => (translations.has(x[0]) && translations.get(x[0]).toLowerCase().search(searchRegex) > -1) || x[3] && x[3].split(",").some(y => translations.has(y) && translations.get(y).toLowerCase().search(searchRegex) > -1); let fil; if (CFG.alias.searchByAlias && CFG.translation.searchByTranslation) fil = (x) => baseFilter(x) || aliasFilter(x) || translationFilter(x); else if (CFG.alias.searchByAlias && !CFG.translation.searchByTranslation) fil = (x) => baseFilter(x) || aliasFilter(x); else if (CFG.translation.searchByTranslation && !CFG.alias.searchByAlias) fil = (x) => baseFilter(x) || translationFilter(x); else fil = (x) => baseFilter(x); // Add final results allTags.filter(fil).forEach(t => { let result = new AutocompleteResult(t[0].trim(), ResultType.tag) result.category = t[1]; result.count = t[2]; result.aliases = t[3]; results.push(result); }); // Add extras if (CFG.extra.extraFile) { let extraResults = []; extras.filter(fil).forEach(e => { let result = new AutocompleteResult(e[0].trim(), ResultType.extra) result.category = e[1] || 0; // If no category is given, use 0 as the default result.meta = e[2] || "Custom tag"; result.aliases = e[3] || ""; extraResults.push(result); }); if (CFG.extra.addMode === "Insert before") { results = extraResults.concat(results); } else { results = results.concat(extraResults); } } // Slice if the user has set a max result count if (!CFG.showAllResults) { results = results.slice(0, CFG.maxResults); } } // Guard for empty results if (!results || results.length === 0) { //console.log('No results found for "' + tagword + '"'); hideResults(textArea); return; } addResultsToList(textArea, results, tagword, true); showResults(textArea); } function navigateInList(textArea, event) { // Return if the function is deactivated in the UI or the current model is excluded due to white/blacklist settings if (!isEnabled()) return; let keys = CFG.keymap; // Close window if Home or End is pressed while not a keybinding, since it would break completion on leaving the original tag if ((event.key === "Home" || event.key === "End") && !Object.values(keys).includes(event.key)) { hideResults(textArea); return; } // All set keys that are not None or empty are valid // Default keys are: ArrowUp, ArrowDown, PageUp, PageDown, Home, End, Enter, Tab, Escape validKeys = Object.values(keys).filter(x => x !== "None" && x !== ""); if (!validKeys.includes(event.key)) return; if (!isVisible(textArea)) return // Return if ctrl key is pressed to not interfere with weight editing shortcut if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey) return; oldSelectedTag = selectedTag; switch (event.key) { case keys["MoveUp"]: if (selectedTag === null) { selectedTag = resultCount - 1; } else { selectedTag = (selectedTag - 1 + resultCount) % resultCount; } break; case keys["MoveDown"]: if (selectedTag === null) { selectedTag = 0; } else { selectedTag = (selectedTag + 1) % resultCount; } break; case keys["JumpUp"]: if (selectedTag === null || selectedTag === 0) { selectedTag = resultCount - 1; } else { selectedTag = (Math.max(selectedTag - 5, 0) + resultCount) % resultCount; } break; case keys["JumpDown"]: if (selectedTag === null || selectedTag === resultCount - 1) { selectedTag = 0; } else { selectedTag = Math.min(selectedTag + 5, resultCount - 1) % resultCount; } break; case keys["JumpToStart"]: selectedTag = 0; break; case keys["JumpToEnd"]: selectedTag = resultCount - 1; break; case keys["ChooseSelected"]: if (selectedTag !== null) { insertTextAtCursor(textArea, results[selectedTag], tagword); } else { hideResults(textArea); return; } break; case keys["ChooseFirstOrSelected"]: if (selectedTag === null) { selectedTag = 0; } insertTextAtCursor(textArea, results[selectedTag], tagword); break; case keys["Close"]: hideResults(textArea); break; } if (selectedTag === resultCount - 1 && (event.key === keys["MoveUp"] || event.key === keys["MoveDown"] || event.key === keys["JumpToStart"] || event.key === keys["JumpToEnd"])) { addResultsToList(textArea, results, tagword, false); } // Update highlighting if (selectedTag !== null) updateSelectionStyle(textArea, selectedTag, oldSelectedTag); // Prevent default behavior event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } function addAutocompleteToArea(area) { // Return if autocomplete is disabled for the current area type in config let textAreaId = getTextAreaIdentifier(area); if ((!CFG.activeIn.img2img && textAreaId.includes("img2img")) || (!CFG.activeIn.txt2img && textAreaId.includes("txt2img")) || (!CFG.activeIn.negativePrompts && textAreaId.includes("n")) || (!CFG.activeIn.thirdParty && textAreaId.includes("thirdParty"))) { return; } // Only add listeners once if (!area.classList.contains('autocomplete')) { // Add our new element var resultsDiv = createResultsDiv(area); area.parentNode.insertBefore(resultsDiv, area.nextSibling); // Hide by default so it doesn't show up on page load hideResults(area); // Add autocomplete event listener area.addEventListener('input', debounce(() => autocomplete(area, area.value), CFG.delayTime)); // Add focusout event listener area.addEventListener('focusout', debounce(() => hideResults(area), 400)); // Add up and down arrow event listener area.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => navigateInList(area, e)); // CompositionEnd fires after the user has finished IME composing // We need to block hide here to prevent the enter key from insta-closing the results area.addEventListener('compositionend', () => { hideBlocked = true; setTimeout(() => { hideBlocked = false; }, 100); }); // Add class so we know we've already added the listeners area.classList.add('autocomplete'); } } // One-time setup, triggered from onUiUpdate async function setup() { // Load external files needed by completion extensions await processQueue(QUEUE_FILE_LOAD, null); // Find all textareas let textAreas = getTextAreas(); // Add mutation observer to accordions inside a base that has onDemand set to true addOnDemandObservers(addAutocompleteToArea); // Add event listener to apply settings button so we can mirror the changes to our internal config let applySettingsButton = gradioApp().querySelector("#tab_settings #settings_submit") || gradioApp().querySelector("#tab_settings > div > .gr-button-primary"); applySettingsButton?.addEventListener("click", () => { // Wait 500ms to make sure the settings have been applied to the webui opts object setTimeout(async () => { await syncOptions(); }, 500); }); // Add change listener to our quicksettings to change our internal config without the apply button for them let quicksettings = gradioApp().querySelector('#quicksettings'); let commonQueryPart = "[id^=setting_tac] > label >"; quicksettings?.querySelectorAll(`${commonQueryPart} input, ${commonQueryPart} textarea, ${commonQueryPart} select`).forEach(e => { e.addEventListener("change", () => { setTimeout(async () => { await syncOptions(); }, 500); }); }); // Add mutation observer for the model hash text to also allow hash-based blacklist again let modelHashText = gradioApp().querySelector("#sd_checkpoint_hash"); if (modelHashText) { currentModelHash = modelHashText.title let modelHashObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => { for (const mutation of mutationList) { if (mutation.type === "attributes" && mutation.attributeName === "title") { currentModelHash =; let sdm = gradioApp().querySelector("#setting_sd_model_checkpoint"); let modelDropdown = sdm.querySelector("input") || sdm.querySelector("#select"); if (modelDropdown) { currentModelName = modelDropdown.value; } else { // Fallback for intermediate versions modelDropdown = sdm.querySelector("span.single-select"); currentModelName = modelDropdown.textContent; } } } }); modelHashObserver.observe(modelHashText, { attributes: true }); } // Not found, we're on a page without prompt textareas if (textAreas.every(v => v === null || v === undefined)) return; // Already added or unnecessary to add if (gradioApp().querySelector('.autocompleteResults.p')) { if (gradioApp().querySelector('.autocompleteResults.n') || !CFG.activeIn.negativePrompts) { return; } } else if (!CFG.activeIn.txt2img && !CFG.activeIn.img2img) { return; } textAreas.forEach(area => addAutocompleteToArea(area)); // Add style to dom let acStyle = document.createElement('style'); let mode = (document.querySelector(".dark") || gradioApp().querySelector(".dark")) ? 0 : 1; // Check if we are on webkit let browser = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 ? "firefox" : "other"; let css = autocompleteCSS; // Replace vars with actual values (can't use actual css vars because of the way we inject the css) Object.keys(styleColors).forEach((key) => { css = css.replace(`var(${key})`, styleColors[key][mode]); }) Object.keys(browserVars).forEach((key) => { css = css.replace(`var(${key})`, browserVars[key][browser]); }) if (acStyle.styleSheet) { acStyle.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { acStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } gradioApp().appendChild(acStyle); // Callback await processQueue(QUEUE_AFTER_SETUP, null); } let loading = false; onUiUpdate(async () => { if (loading) return; if (Object.keys(opts).length === 0) return; if (CFG) return; loading = true; // Get our tag base path from the temp file tagBasePath = await readFile(`tmp/tagAutocompletePath.txt`); // Load config from webui opts await syncOptions(); // Rest of setup setup(); loading = false; });