(function() { |
var ignore = localStorage.getItem("bad-scale-ignore-it") == "ignore-it"; |
function getScale() { |
var ratio = 0, |
screen = window.screen, |
ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); |
if (window.devicePixelRatio !== undefined) { |
ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; |
} else if (~ua.indexOf('msie')) { |
if (screen.deviceXDPI && screen.logicalXDPI) { |
ratio = screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI; |
} |
} else if (window.outerWidth !== undefined && window.innerWidth !== undefined) { |
ratio = window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth; |
} |
return ratio == 0 ? 0 : Math.round(ratio * 100); |
} |
var showing = false; |
var div = document.createElement("div"); |
div.style.position = "fixed"; |
div.style.top = "0px"; |
div.style.left = "0px"; |
div.style.width = "100vw"; |
div.style.backgroundColor = "firebrick"; |
div.style.textAlign = "center"; |
div.style.zIndex = 99; |
var b = document.createElement("b"); |
b.innerHTML = 'Bad Scale: ??% '; |
div.appendChild(b); |
var note1 = document.createElement("p"); |
note1.innerHTML = "Change your browser or your computer settings!"; |
note1.title = 'Just make sure "computer-scale" * "browser-scale" = 100% ,\n' + |
"you can keep your computer-scale and only change this page's scale,\n" + |
"for example: your computer-scale is 125%, just use [\"CTRL\"+\"-\"] to make your browser-scale of this page to 80%."; |
div.appendChild(note1); |
var note2 = document.createElement("p"); |
note2.innerHTML = " Otherwise, it will cause this page to not function properly!"; |
note2.title = "When you click \"Copy image to: [inpaint sketch]\" in some img2img's tab,\n" + |
"if scale<100% the canvas will be invisible,\n" + |
"else if scale>100% this page will take large amount of memory and CPU performance."; |
div.appendChild(note2); |
var btn = document.createElement("button"); |
btn.innerHTML = "Click here to ignore"; |
div.appendChild(btn); |
function tryShowTopBar(scale) { |
if (showing) return; |
b.innerHTML = 'Bad Scale: ' + scale + '% '; |
var updateScaleTimer = setInterval(function() { |
var newScale = getScale(); |
b.innerHTML = 'Bad Scale: ' + newScale + '% '; |
if (newScale == 100) { |
var p = div.parentNode; |
if (p != null) p.removeChild(div); |
showing = false; |
clearInterval(updateScaleTimer); |
check(); |
} |
}, 999); |
btn.onclick = function() { |
clearInterval(updateScaleTimer); |
var p = div.parentNode; |
if (p != null) p.removeChild(div); |
ignore = true; |
showing = false; |
localStorage.setItem("bad-scale-ignore-it", "ignore-it"); |
}; |
document.body.appendChild(div); |
} |
function check() { |
if (!ignore) { |
var timer = setInterval(function() { |
var scale = getScale(); |
if (scale != 100 && !ignore) { |
tryShowTopBar(scale); |
clearInterval(timer); |
} |
if (ignore) { |
clearInterval(timer); |
} |
}, 999); |
} |
} |
if (document.readyState != "complete") { |
document.onreadystatechange = function() { |
if (document.readyState != "complete") check(); |
}; |
} else { |
check(); |
} |
})(); |