import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn import LayerNorm from .WavLM import * import torch import torch.nn as nn class MHFA(nn.Module): def __init__(self, head_nb=8, inputs_dim=768, compression_dim=128, outputs_dim=256): super(MHFA, self).__init__() # Define learnable weights for key and value computations across layers self.weights_k = nn.Parameter(data=torch.ones(13), requires_grad=True) self.weights_v = nn.Parameter(data=torch.ones(13), requires_grad=True) # Initialize given parameters self.head_nb = head_nb self.ins_dim = inputs_dim self.cmp_dim = compression_dim self.ous_dim = outputs_dim # Define compression linear layers for keys and values self.cmp_linear_k = nn.Linear(self.ins_dim, self.cmp_dim) self.cmp_linear_v = nn.Linear(self.ins_dim, self.cmp_dim) # Define linear layer to compute multi-head attention weights self.att_head = nn.Linear(self.cmp_dim, self.head_nb) # Define a fully connected layer for final output self.pooling_fc = nn.Linear(self.head_nb * self.cmp_dim, self.ous_dim) def forward(self, x): # Input x has shape: [Batch, Dim, Frame_len, Nb_Layer] # Compute the key by taking a weighted sum of input across layers k = torch.sum(x.mul(nn.functional.softmax(self.weights_k, dim=-1)), dim=-1).transpose(1, 2) # Compute the value in a similar fashion v = torch.sum(x.mul(nn.functional.softmax(self.weights_v, dim=-1)), dim=-1).transpose(1, 2) # Pass the keys and values through compression linear layers k = self.cmp_linear_k(k) v = self.cmp_linear_v(v) # Compute attention weights using compressed keys att_k = self.att_head(k) # Adjust dimensions for computing attention output v = v.unsqueeze(-2) # Compute attention output by taking weighted sum of values using softmaxed attention weights pooling_outs = torch.sum(v.mul(nn.functional.softmax(att_k, dim=1).unsqueeze(-1)), dim=1) # Reshape the tensor before passing through the fully connected layer b, h, f = pooling_outs.shape pooling_outs = pooling_outs.reshape(b, -1) # Pass through fully connected layer to get the final output outs = self.pooling_fc(pooling_outs) return outs class spk_extractor(nn.Module): def __init__(self,**kwargs): super(spk_extractor, self).__init__() # checkpoint = torch.load('/mnt/proj3/open-24-5/pengjy_new/WavLM/Pretrained_model/') print("Pre-trained Model: {}".format(kwargs['pretrained_model_path'])) checkpoint = torch.load(kwargs['pretrained_model_path']) cfg = WavLMConfig(checkpoint['cfg']) self.model = WavLM(cfg) self.loadParameters(checkpoint['model']) self.backend = MHFA(head_nb=64) def forward(self,wav_and_flag): x = wav_and_flag[0] cnn_outs, layer_results = self.model.extract_features(x, output_layer=13) layer_reps = [x.transpose(0, 1) for x, _ in layer_results] x = torch.stack(layer_reps).transpose(0,-1).transpose(0,1) out = self.backend(x) return out def loadParameters(self, param): self_state = self.model.state_dict(); loaded_state = param for name, param in loaded_state.items(): origname = name; if name not in self_state: # print("%s is not in the model."%origname); continue; if self_state[name].size() != loaded_state[origname].size(): print("Wrong parameter length: %s, model: %s, loaded: %s"%(origname, self_state[name].size(), loaded_state[origname].size())); continue; self_state[name].copy_(param); def MainModel(**kwargs): model = spk_extractor(**kwargs) return model