""" |
brief: face alignment with FFHQ method (https://github.com/NVlabs/ffhq-dataset) |
author: lzhbrian (https://lzhbrian.me) |
date: 2020.1.5 |
note: code is heavily borrowed from |
https://github.com/NVlabs/ffhq-dataset |
http://dlib.net/face_landmark_detection.py.html |
requirements: |
apt install cmake |
conda install Pillow numpy scipy |
pip install dlib |
# download face landmark model from: |
# http://dlib.net/files/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2 |
""" |
from argparse import ArgumentParser |
import time |
import numpy as np |
import PIL |
import PIL.Image |
import os |
import scipy |
import scipy.ndimage |
import dlib |
import multiprocessing as mp |
import math |
from configs.paths_config import MODEL_PATHS |
def run_alignment(image_path, output_size): |
if not os.path.exists("pretrained/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"): |
print('Downloading files for aligning face image...') |
os.system(f'wget -P pretrained/ http://dlib.net/files/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2') |
os.system('bzip2 -dk pretrained/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2') |
print('Done.') |
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("pretrained/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") |
aligned_image = align_face(filepath=image_path, predictor=predictor, output_size=output_size, transform_size=output_size) |
print("Aligned image has shape: {}".format(aligned_image.size)) |
return aligned_image |
def get_landmark(filepath, predictor): |
"""get landmark with dlib |
:return: np.array shape=(68, 2) |
""" |
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() |
img = dlib.load_rgb_image(filepath) |
dets = detector(img, 1) |
for k, d in enumerate(dets): |
shape = predictor(img, d) |
t = list(shape.parts()) |
a = [] |
for tt in t: |
a.append([tt.x, tt.y]) |
lm = np.array(a) |
return lm |
def align_face(filepath, predictor, output_size=256, transform_size=256): |
""" |
:param filepath: str |
:return: PIL Image |
""" |
lm = get_landmark(filepath, predictor) |
lm_chin = lm[0: 17] |
lm_eyebrow_left = lm[17: 22] |
lm_eyebrow_right = lm[22: 27] |
lm_nose = lm[27: 31] |
lm_nostrils = lm[31: 36] |
lm_eye_left = lm[36: 42] |
lm_eye_right = lm[42: 48] |
lm_mouth_outer = lm[48: 60] |
lm_mouth_inner = lm[60: 68] |
eye_left = np.mean(lm_eye_left, axis=0) |
eye_right = np.mean(lm_eye_right, axis=0) |
eye_avg = (eye_left + eye_right) * 0.5 |
eye_to_eye = eye_right - eye_left |
mouth_left = lm_mouth_outer[0] |
mouth_right = lm_mouth_outer[6] |
mouth_avg = (mouth_left + mouth_right) * 0.5 |
eye_to_mouth = mouth_avg - eye_avg |
x = eye_to_eye - np.flipud(eye_to_mouth) * [-1, 1] |
x /= np.hypot(*x) |
x *= max(np.hypot(*eye_to_eye) * 2.0, np.hypot(*eye_to_mouth) * 1.8) |
y = np.flipud(x) * [-1, 1] |
c = eye_avg + eye_to_mouth * 0.1 |
quad = np.stack([c - x - y, c - x + y, c + x + y, c + x - y]) |
qsize = np.hypot(*x) * 2 |
img = PIL.Image.open(filepath) |
enable_padding = True |
shrink = int(np.floor(qsize / output_size * 0.5)) |
if shrink > 1: |
rsize = (int(np.rint(float(img.size[0]) / shrink)), int(np.rint(float(img.size[1]) / shrink))) |
img = img.resize(rsize, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) |
quad /= shrink |
qsize /= shrink |
border = max(int(np.rint(qsize * 0.1)), 3) |
crop = (int(np.floor(min(quad[:, 0]))), int(np.floor(min(quad[:, 1]))), int(np.ceil(max(quad[:, 0]))), |
int(np.ceil(max(quad[:, 1])))) |
crop = (max(crop[0] - border, 0), max(crop[1] - border, 0), min(crop[2] + border, img.size[0]), |
min(crop[3] + border, img.size[1])) |
if crop[2] - crop[0] < img.size[0] or crop[3] - crop[1] < img.size[1]: |
img = img.crop(crop) |
quad -= crop[0:2] |
pad = (int(np.floor(min(quad[:, 0]))), int(np.floor(min(quad[:, 1]))), int(np.ceil(max(quad[:, 0]))), |
int(np.ceil(max(quad[:, 1])))) |
pad = (max(-pad[0] + border, 0), max(-pad[1] + border, 0), max(pad[2] - img.size[0] + border, 0), |
max(pad[3] - img.size[1] + border, 0)) |
if enable_padding and max(pad) > border - 4: |
pad = np.maximum(pad, int(np.rint(qsize * 0.3))) |
img = np.pad(np.float32(img), ((pad[1], pad[3]), (pad[0], pad[2]), (0, 0)), 'reflect') |
h, w, _ = img.shape |
y, x, _ = np.ogrid[:h, :w, :1] |
mask = np.maximum(1.0 - np.minimum(np.float32(x) / pad[0], np.float32(w - 1 - x) / pad[2]), |
1.0 - np.minimum(np.float32(y) / pad[1], np.float32(h - 1 - y) / pad[3])) |
blur = qsize * 0.02 |
img += (scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, [blur, blur, 0]) - img) * np.clip(mask * 3.0 + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) |
img += (np.median(img, axis=(0, 1)) - img) * np.clip(mask, 0.0, 1.0) |
img = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(np.clip(np.rint(img), 0, 255)), 'RGB') |
quad += pad[:2] |
img = img.transform((transform_size, transform_size), PIL.Image.QUAD, (quad + 0.5).flatten(), PIL.Image.BILINEAR) |
if output_size < transform_size: |
img = img.resize((output_size, output_size), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) |
return img |
def chunks(lst, n): |
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" |
for i in range(0, len(lst), n): |
yield lst[i:i + n] |
def extract_on_paths(file_paths): |
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(SHAPE_PREDICTOR_PATH) |
pid = mp.current_process().name |
print('\t{} is starting to extract on #{} images'.format(pid, len(file_paths))) |
tot_count = len(file_paths) |
count = 0 |
for file_path, res_path in file_paths: |
count += 1 |
if count % 100 == 0: |
print('{} done with {}/{}'.format(pid, count, tot_count)) |
try: |
res = align_face(file_path, predictor) |
res = res.convert('RGB') |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(res_path), exist_ok=True) |
res.save(res_path) |
except Exception: |
continue |
print('\tDone!') |
def parse_args(): |
parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) |
parser.add_argument('--num_threads', type=int, default=1) |
parser.add_argument('--root_path', type=str, default='') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
return args |
def run(args): |
root_path = args.root_path |
out_crops_path = root_path + '_crops' |
if not os.path.exists(out_crops_path): |
os.makedirs(out_crops_path, exist_ok=True) |
file_paths = [] |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path): |
for file in files: |
file_path = os.path.join(root, file) |
fname = os.path.join(out_crops_path, os.path.relpath(file_path, root_path)) |
res_path = '{}.jpg'.format(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]) |
if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.txt' or os.path.exists(res_path): |
continue |
file_paths.append((file_path, res_path)) |
file_chunks = list(chunks(file_paths, int(math.ceil(len(file_paths) / args.num_threads)))) |
print(len(file_chunks)) |
pool = mp.Pool(args.num_threads) |
print('Running on {} paths\nHere we goooo'.format(len(file_paths))) |
tic = time.time() |
pool.map(extract_on_paths, file_chunks) |
toc = time.time() |
print('Mischief managed in {}s'.format(toc - tic)) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
args = parse_args() |
run(args) |