translation_source translation source text label UEDIN.1066 Fire extinguished in French chemical plant Brand in französischem Chemiewerk gelöscht Fire extinguished in French chemical plant UEDIN.1066 The fire in a chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen, which is considered to be particularly dangerous, has been extinguished. This was announced by the prefecture of Normandy on Friday. The fire broke out on Thursday night. No one was injured in the incident. The fire brigade was in use with around 200 fire engines. Der Großbrand in einem als besonders gefährlich geltenden Chemiewerk in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen ist gelöscht. Das teilte die Präfektur der Normandie am Freitag mit. Das Feuer war in der Nacht auf Donnerstag ausgebrochen. Verletzt wurde bei dem Vorfall niemand. Die Feuerwehr war mit rund 200 Löschfahrzeugen im Einsatz. The large fire was put out at a chemical plant considered to be particularly hazardous and located in the northern French city of Rouen. This was reported by the prefecture of Normandy on Friday. The fire had broken out Thursday night. No one was injured during the incident. The fire department deployed around 200 fire engines. UEDIN.1066 The fire could be stopped Dem Feuer konnte Einhalt geboten werden They were able to control the fire. UEDIN.1066 Local residents were called upon not to leave their homes. Buildings within 500 metres were evacuated and schools and kindergartens were closed on Thursday. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine produces additives for lubricants. The factory belongs to the company Lubrizol of US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called Seveso Directive of the EU, which prescribes particularly strict safety requirements. Anrainer waren aufgerufen, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen. Gebäude im Umkreis von 500 Metern wurden evakuiert, Schulen und Kindergärten blieben am Donnerstag geschlossen. In dem Chemiewerk am Ufer der Seine werden Zusatzstoffe für Schmierstoffe hergestellt. Die Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett und unterliegt der sogenannten Seveso-Richtlinie der EU, die besonders strenge Sicherheitsauflagen vorschreibt. Residents had been requested not to leave their homes. Buildings in a radius of 500 meters were evacuated, schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine manufactures additives for lubricants. The plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called Seveso Directive of the EU, which stipulates particularly strict safety requirements. UEDIN.1066 Around 400 people work in the plant. The chemical factory has already made headlines in the past - for example, when the gas methanthiol escaped through a leak in 2013 and the environment smelled far and wide of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 2,000 litres of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewage system after an industrial accident. In dem Werk arbeiten rund 400 Menschen. Die Chemiefabrik sorgte bereits in der Vergangenheit für Schlagzeilen - etwa, als 2013 durch ein Leck das Gas Methanthiol entwich und die Umgebung weitreichend nach faulen Eiern roch. Im Jahr 2015 flossen nach einem Betriebsunfall rund 2.000 Liter Mineralöl ins Abwassersystem der Stadt. Around 400 people work at the plant. The chemical plant has made headlines in the past, for example in 2013 when methane thiol escaped through a leak and the entire area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 2,000 liters of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewer system following an industrial accident. UEDIN.1066 Woman quits her job to search 57 days for her missing bitch Frau kündigt ihren Job, um 57 Tage nach ihrer verschwundenen Hündin zu suchen Woman Quits Her Job to Search for her Lost Dog for 57 Days UEDIN.1066 For two months, a woman from Washington searched for her missing dog - and specifically quit her job. The seven-year-old Border Collie had left the hotel room during a short vacation in Montana. 57 days was missing from the bitch every trace - but Carole King did not give up. Zwei Monate lang suchte eine Frau aus Washington nach ihrem verschwundenen Hund - und kündigte dafür extra ihren Job. Der siebenjährige Border Collie war während eines Kurzurlaubs in Montana aus dem Hotelzimmer abgehauen. 57 Tage fehlte von der Hündin jede Spur - doch Carole King gab nicht auf. For two months, a woman from Washington searched for her lost dog—and she quit her job to do it. The seven-year-old border collie took off out of a hotel room during a short vacation in Montana. There was no sign of the dog for 57 days, but Carole King wouldn't give up. UEDIN.1066 "It was terrible. I got sick," Carole King told "Daily Inter Lake." She and her husband had left dog Katie in the hotel room while they went for dinner. When they returned to the hotel, Katie had disappeared. They searched for the animal, but without success. "Es war furchtbar. Mir wurde übel", sagte Carole King dem "Daily Inter Lake". Sie und ihr Mann hatten Hündin Katie im Hotelzimmer gelassen, während sie zum Abendessen gingen. Als sie anschließend ins Hotel zurückkehrten, war Katie verschwunden. Sie suchten nach dem Tier, doch ohne Erfolg. "It was dreadful. It made me ill," Carole King told the "Daily Inter Lake." She and her husband had left the dog Katie in the hotel room while they went to dinner. When they returned to the hotel, Katie had disappeared. They looked for their pet in vain. UEDIN.1066 Donner had panicked dog Donner hatte Hund in Panik versetzt Thunder had Frightened the Dog UEDIN.1066 Hoping that Katie could still stay somewhere in the hotel, Carole King went to the reception. "The employee says, "She left about four or four and a half hours ago," Carole King recalls to "Daily Inter Lake." When the automatic entrance door opened, Katie ran out immediately. Probably a loud thunder had panicked the dog. In der Hoffnung, Katie könnte sich noch irgendwo im Hotel aufhalten, ging Carole King zur Rezeption. "Der Angestellte sagt: "Sie ist vor ungefähr vier, viereinhalb Stunden abgereist"", erinnert sich Carole King gegenüber "Daily Inter Lake". Als sich die automatische Eingangstür geöffnet habe, sei Katie sofort rausgerannt. Vermutlich hatte ein lauter Donner den Hund in Panik versetzt. Hoping that Katie was still somewhere in the hotel, Carole King went to the reception desk. "The employee said, ‘She took off around four to four-and-a-half hours ago,'" Carole King remembered when talking to the "Daily Inter Lake." Katie had run out when the automatic entry door opened. Loud thunder had presumably caused the dog to panic. UEDIN.1066 With flyers and calls in Facebook groups, the Kings searched for their beloved dog. But days turned into weeks. "I never gave up. I've never lost hope," Carole King told Daily Inter Lake, who quit her job as a postal worker to continue her search for Katie. Mit Flyern und Aufrufen in Facebook-Gruppen suchten die Kings nach ihrem geliebten Hund. Doch aus Tagen wurden Wochen. "Ich habe nie aufgegeben. Ich habe nie die Hoffnung verloren", sagte Carole King dem "Daily Inter Lake", die ihren Job als Postangestellte kündigte, um ihre Suche nach Katie fortzusetzen. With flyers and calls in Facebook groups, the Kings searched for their beloved dog. But days turned into weeks. "I never gave up. I never lost hope," said Carole King to the "Daily Inter Lake," and quite her job as a postal worker to continue looking for Katie. UEDIN.1066 "The tears flowed" "Die Tränen flossen" "The Tears Flowed" UEDIN.1066 57 days after Katie's disappearance, Carole King received a phone call: A man contacted him and said that Katie was in his yard. But when King arrived there, Katie had already disappeared. She searched the neighborhood and suddenly her bitch stood under a tree. "I just hugged her. I didn't want to let her go," King recalled loudly, "Daily Inter Lake." "The tears flowed. People stopped in their vehicles, got out and hugged us. I think the whole neighborhood knew we had found them." 57 Tage nach Katies Verschwinden bekam Carole King einen Anruf: Ein Mann meldete sich und sagte, dass sich Katie in seinem Hof befände. Doch als King dort ankam, war Katie bereits wieder verschwunden. Sie suchte die Nachbarschaft ab und plötzlich stand ihre Hündin unter einem Baum. "Ich habe sie nur umarmt. Ich wollte sie nicht gehen lassen", erinnerte sich King laut "Daily Inter Lake". "Die Tränen flossen. Die Leute hielten in ihren Fahrzeugen an, stiegen aus und umarmten uns. Ich glaube, die ganze Nachbarschaft wusste, dass wir sie gefunden hatten". Fifty-seven days after Katie's disappearance, Carole King got a call. A man answered and said that Katie was in his yard. But when King arrived, Katie had already run off again. She searched the neighborhood and suddenly saw her dog standing under a tree. "I embraced her. I never wanted to let go," King remembered, according to the "Daily Inter Lake." "The tears flowed. People stopped their cars, got out, and hugged us. I believe the whole neighborhood knew we had found her." UEDIN.1066 Losses in the Bundeswehr: Machine guns disappear without a trace n-tv.89662 Verluste bei der Bundeswehr: Maschinengewehre verschwinden spurlos Losses for the German Army: Machine Guns Disappear Without a Trace UEDIN.1066 Friday, 27. September 2019 n-tv.89662 Freitag, 27. September 2019 Friday, September 27, 2019 UEDIN.1066 Six MG3 machine guns have still disappeared. n-tv.89662 Sechs Maschinengewehre des Typs MG3 sind nach wie vor verschwunden. Six MG3 machine guns are still missing. UEDIN.1066 In recent years, the Bundeswehr has lost numerous weapons and tens of thousands of shots of ammunition. Among them are three machine guns. The whereabouts are unclear in most cases. The opposition speaks of a "scary" extent. n-tv.89662 In den vergangenen Jahren gehen der Bundeswehr zahlreiche Waffen und zehntausende Schuss Munition verloren. Darunter sind auch drei Maschinengewehre. Der Verbleib ist in den meisten Fällen unklar. Die Opposition spricht von einem "beängstigenden" Ausmaß. In recent years, the German Federal Army has lost numerous weapons and ten thousand rounds of ammunition. These include three machine guns. In most cases, their whereabouts are unclear. According to the opposition, this is an "alarming" extent. UEDIN.1066 With the Bundeswehr weapons and ammunition disappear again and again - many of them so far without trace. Since the beginning of 2014, the force has recorded the loss of 39 weapons, 39 pieces of weapons and almost 20,000 rounds of ammunition. This is the result of a listing of the Federal Ministry of Defense, which the editorial network Germany reports on, which is classified as a classified matter. n-tv.89662 Bei der Bundeswehr verschwinden immer wieder Waffen und Munition - viele davon bisher spurlos. Seit Anfang 2014 verbuchte die Truppe den Verlust von 39 Waffen, 39 Waffenteilen und fast 20.000 Schuss Munition. Das geht aus einer als Verschlusssache eingestuften Auflistung des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums hervor, über die das Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland berichtet. The German Army is continuing to lose weapons and ammunition, often without a trace. Since the beginning of 2014, the armed forces has registered a loss of 39 weapons, 39 weapon components, and almost 20,000 rounds of ammunition. This is revealed in a classified listing of the German Ministry of Defense on which the RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) ("Editor Network Germany") has reported. UEDIN.1066 According to the paper from the office of Defense Secretary Peter Tauber of the CDU, two weapons, one weapon part and 3474 rounds of ammunition have so far reappeared. The weapons and weapon parts that have still disappeared include six MG3 machine guns, eleven G3 rifles, four G36 rifles, six signal guns and two P8 pistols. In addition, 30 weapons pipes for machine guns of the type MG3 are missing. n-tv.89662 Laut dem Papier aus dem Büro von Verteidigungsstaatssekretär Peter Tauber von der CDU sind bislang zwei Waffen, ein Waffenteil und 3474 Schuss Munition wieder aufgetaucht. Bei den nach wie vor verschwundenen Waffen und Waffenteilen handelt es sich unter anderem um sechs Maschinengewehre vom Typ MG3, elf Gewehre vom Typ G3, vier Gewehre vom Typ G36, sechs Signalpistolen sowie zwei Pistolen vom Typ P8. Zudem fehlen 30 Waffenrohre für Maschinengewehre vom Typ MG3. According to the paper from the office of Defense State Secretary Peter Tauber of the CDU, two weapons, one weapon component, and 3,474 rounds of ammunition have resurfaced so far. The weapons and weapon components that are still missing include six MG3 machine guns, eleven G3 rifles, four G36 rifles, six signal pistols, and two P8 pistols. And 30 MG3 machine gun barrels are missing. UEDIN.1066 The extent of weapons and ammunition losses in the Bundeswehr is "scary," said left-wing member of the Bundestag Martina Renner. This was all the more true because hardly anything had been found in the course of investigations. The left-wing politician spoke of a "poor balance sheet". Renner criticized that the list did not show whether the missing ammunition was also the one found in connection with the investigation of the suspected federal military officer Franco A. "And this even though a supporter of Franco A. was recently convicted of possessing this ammunition," said Renner. n-tv.89662 Der Umfang von Waffen- und Munitionsverlusten bei der Bundeswehr sei "beängstigend", sagte die Linken-Bundestagsabgeordnete Martina Renner. Dies gelte umso mehr, da im Zuge von Ermittlungen kaum etwas wieder aufgefunden worden sei. Die Linken-Politikerin sprach von einer "dürftigen Bilanz". Renner kritisierte, dass an der Auflistung nicht erkennbar sei, ob sich unter der verschwundenen Munition auch diejenige befinde, die im Zusammenhang mit den Ermittlungen gegen den unter Terrorverdacht stehenden Bundeswehroffizier Franco A. gefunden worden sei. "Und das obwohl ein Unterstützer von Franco A. kürzlich wegen des Besitzes dieser Munition verurteilt wurde", sagte Renner. The extent of the loss of weapons and ammunition by the German Army is "alarming," said Martina Renner, a member of the Left party in the Bundestag. This is all the more true since hardly anything was found during the investigations. The politician from the Left party spoke of a "poor balance sheet." Renner criticized the fact that the listing did not make clear whether the disappeared ammunition included that which was found in connection with the investigations against the German Army officer Franco A., who is suspected of terrorism. "And this, although a supporter of Franco A. was recently sentenced for the possession of this ammunition," said Renner. UEDIN.1066 Oil tanker "Stena Impero" left Iranian port Öltanker "Stena Impero" verließ iranischen Hafen ‘Stena Impero' Oil Tanker left Iranian port UEDIN.1066 More than two months after his arrest by the Iranian authorities, the British oil tanker "Stena Impero" left the port of Bandar Abbas on Friday. As ship observation data from Refinitiv showed, the tanker set in motion and left the Iranian port. Port Rashid was designated as the port of destination in the United Arab Emirates. Mehr als zwei Monate nach seiner Festsetzung durch die iranischen Behörden hat der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" am heutigen Freitag den Hafen der Stadt Bandar Abbas verlassen. Wie Schiffsbeobachtungsdaten von Refinitiv zeigten, setzte sich der Tanker in Bewegung und verließ den iranischen Hafen. Als Zielhafen wurde Port Rashid in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten angegeben. More than two months after its determination by the Iranian authorities, the British oil tanker ‘Stena Impero' has left the port in the city of Bandar Abbas this Friday. As Refinitiv ship observation data showed, the tanker set in motion and left the Iranian port. Port Rashid in the United Arab Emirates was given as the destination port. UEDIN.1066 The tanker had actually already been released by the Iranian government on Monday, but it initially remained in Iranian waters. From the shipping company it was said that they wanted to wait for an official decision from Tehran. Der Tanker war eigentlich schon am Montag von der iranischen Regierung freigegeben worden, doch blieb er zunächst weiter in iranischen Gewässern. Aus der Reederei hieß es, dass man einen offiziellen Bescheid aus Teheran abwarten wollte. In practice, the tanker had already been released by the Iranian government on Monday, though it remained in Iranian waters for a time. The speech indicated that an official notification from Tehran was preferred. UEDIN.1066 The "Stena Impero" was raised on 19 July by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Strait of Hormuz on charges of violating security regulations. However, it was suspected that Iran was reacting to the controversial, temporary fixing of an Iranian oil tanker in front of Gibraltar, which belonged to Great Britain. Die "Stena Impero" war am 19. Juli von den iranischen Revolutionsgarden in der Seestraße von Hormuz unter dem Vorwurf aufgebracht worden, gegen Sicherheitsbestimmungen verstoßen zu haben. Es wurde jedoch vermutet, dass der Iran damit auf die umstrittene, vorübergehende Festsetzung eines iranischen Öltankers vor dem zu Großbritannien gehörenden Gibraltar reagierte. On the 19th July, the ‘Stena Impero' had been accused by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Hormuz Strait of violating safety regulations. However, it was suspected that Iran was reacting to the controversial temporary determination of an Iranian oil tanker by British run Gibraltar. UEDIN.1066 The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important sea roads in the world. It connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the global oil export is shipped through the strait. Tensions in the region have intensified immensely in recent months. Commercial shipping was drawn into the conflict between the US and Iran. There were several incidents involving tankers and drones. Die Straße von Hormuz ist eine der wichtigsten Seestraßen der Welt. Sie verbindet den Persischen Golf mit dem Indischen Ozean. Ein Großteil des globalen Ölexports wird durch die Meerenge verschifft. Die Spannungen in der Region hatten sich in den vergangenen Monaten immens verschärft. Die Handelsschifffahrt wurde in den Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran hineingezogen. Es kam zu mehreren Zwischenfällen mit Tankern und Drohnen. The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important Straits in the world. In connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's global oil exports are shipped through this strait. The tensions in the area had been escalating immeasurably during the past few months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between USA and Iran. There have been several incidents with tankers and drones. UEDIN.1066 Merkel pays tribute to the courage of the people in the Peaceful Revolution Merkel würdigt den Mut der Menschen bei der Friedlichen Revolution Merkel hails people's courage in the Peaceful Revolution UEDIN.1066 Chancellor Angela Merkel paid tribute to the commitment of the people in the GDR who took to the streets 30 years ago during the Peaceful Revolution. In the autumn of 1989, courageous citizens had shaken the then GDR regime, Merkel said at a ceremony of the Thuringian CDU faction on the upcoming Day of German Unity in Erfurt. The Chancellor recalled, among other things, the occupation of the Stasi headquarters. "State security was taken from terror," she said. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat das Engagement der Menschen in der DDR gewürdigt, die vor 30 Jahren bei der Friedlichen Revolution auf die Straße gegangen sind. Im Herbst 1989 hätten mutige Bürger das damalige DDR-Regime ins Wanken gebracht, sagte Merkel bei einem Festakt der Thüringer CDU-Fraktion zum bevorstehenden Tag der Deutschen Einheit in Erfurt. Die Kanzlerin erinnerte unter anderem an die Besetzung der Stasi-Zentrale. "Der Staatssicherheit wurde der Schrecken genommen", sagte sie. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel has praised the engagement of people in the GDR who took to the streets in the Peaceful Revolution 30 years ago. In the fall of 1989 courageous citizens toppled the East German regime, said Merkel at a ceremony held by the Thuringian branch of the CDU party in Erfurt marking the forthcoming Day of German Unity. The chancellor recalled events such as the occupation of the Stasi headquarters. "The State Security police were deprived of their terror," she said. UEDIN.1066 Musk strives for delivery record Musk strebt Auslieferungsrekord an Musk seeks delivery record UEDIN.1066 Tesla's quarter may hold record. Despite the delivery boom, there were last losses at the electric car group. Teslas Quartal hält möglicherweise Rekord bereit. Trotz Auslieferungsboom gab es zuletzt Verluste beim Elektroautokonzern. Tesla's quarter may be record-breaking. Despite the boom in deliveries, the electric car company has seen losses recently. UEDIN.1066 New York.Tesla CEO Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. "We have the chance to reach our first quarter with 100,000 deliveries," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by the industry blog "Electrek". New York.Tesla-Chef Elon Musk hat seinem Elektroautokonzern mit der Aussicht auf neue Rekordzahlen kräftig Auftrieb an der Börse gegeben. "Wir haben die Chance, unser erstes Quartal mit 100.000 Auslieferungen zu erreichen", schrieb Musk in einer vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. New York. Tesla boss Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. "We have the opportunity to reach 100,000 deliveries in our first quarter," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by industry blog Electrek. UEDIN.1066 The demand was strong, so that Tesla could book 110000 orders, it said in Musk's newsletter. The challenge is to bring the cars quickly to the customers. To achieve this, Tesla had to allocate as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hieß es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. Demand is so strong that Tesla was able to record 110000 orders, according to Musk's newsletter. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible at quarter-end. UEDIN.1066 Investors liked this: Tesla's shares went out of business with an increase of more than six percent. The price has not risen so strongly for almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered a good 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefiel das: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The price has not increased so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered around 95,000 cars and hit its best value to date. UEDIN.1066 Musk needs records to achieve his high goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360000 to 400000 cars. This will require six-digit figures in the current and next quarter. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there were recent losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360000 bis 400000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but its profit margins are low. There have been losses recently despite the boom. UEDIN.1066 Puzzles solved: That's why we can't tickle ourselves Rätsel gelöst: Deswegen können wir uns nicht selbst kitzeln Puzzle solved: This is why we cannot tickle ourselves UEDIN.1066 A kind of brake in the cerebrum prevents people from tickling themselves. Scientists at the Humboldt University in Berlin discovered this with the help of experiments on rats, as they announced on Thursday evening. Progress has also been made on the question of why children defend themselves so fiercely against tickling, only to demand more. Eine Art Bremse im Großhirn verhindert, dass Menschen sich selber kitzeln können. Dies fanden Wissenschafter der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin mit Hilfe von Experimenten an Ratten heraus, wie sie am Donnerstagabend mitteilten. Dabei seien auch Fortschritte bei der Frage erzielt worden, warum Kinder sich so heftig gegen das Kitzeln wehren, nur um dann mehr zu verlangen. There is a sort of a stopping brake in our cerebrum, preventing us from tickling ourselves. This was discovered by scientists at the Humboldt University in Berlin after conducting experiments on rats, as reported on Thursday. Progress was also made in answering the question as to why children resist tickling, only to ask for more later. UEDIN.1066 After all, it has also been shown why the approach of a tickling hand alone triggers laughter even before the touch. This is due to a deep layer in the cerebrum, which already triggers laughter in anticipation of tickling. Schließlich habe sich auch gezeigt, warum allein das Näherkommen einer kitzelnden Hand schon vor der Berührung Lachen auslöst. Dies liege an einer tiefliegenden Schicht im Großhirn, die bereits bei der Erwartung des Kitzelns das Lachen auslöse. It was also determined why the mere approach of a tickling hand triggers laughter ever before contact. The reason can be found in a deep layer of the cerebrum which triggers laughter even through only expectation of tickling. UEDIN.1066 According to the data, earlier research showed that rats react with "laughter" in the ultrasound range when tickled by humans. This "laughter" is mediated by the part of the cerebral cortex that serves the central processing of haptic perception. Den Angaben zufolge zeigten frühere Forschungen, dass Ratten mit "Lachen" im Ultraschallbereich reagieren, wenn sie von Menschen gekitzelt werden. Dieses "Lachen" werde durch den Teil der Großhirnrinde vermittelt, welcher der zentralen Verarbeitung der haptischen Wahrnehmung diene. According to the data, previous research has shown that rats react by "laughing" in the ultrasonic range when tickled by humans. This "laughter" travels through the part of the cerebral cortex, which is used for the central processing of haptic perception. UEDIN.1066 Laughter is suppressed during self-contact Lachen wird während Selbstberührung unterdrückt The laughter is suppressed when the touch originates from the person themselves. UEDIN.1066 Until now, it had been assumed that the brain could distinguish between self-contact and touch by others - that is why people cannot tickle themselves. However, the Berlin researchers found out during the experiments on the rats that the laughter as well as the activity of the relevant area of the cerebral cortex are suppressed during a self-contact. This is also the case when living beings clean themselves. During the foreign contact and tickling by the scientists, the activity in the brain and the impulse to laugh were intensified. Bisher sei davon ausgegangen worden, dass das Gehirn zwischen Selbstberührung und Berührung durch Andere unterscheiden könne - also deshalb Menschen sich nicht selbst kitzeln können. Die Berliner Forscher fanden nun aber bei den Experimenten an den Ratten heraus, dass das Lachen ebenso wie die Aktivität des betreffenden Bereichs der Großhirnrinde während einer Selbstberührung unterdrückt werden. Dies sei auch so, wenn sich Lebewesen selbst putzen. Während der Fremdberührung und des Kitzelns durch die Wissenschafter seien die Aktivität im Hirn und der Impuls zu lachen aber verstärkt worden. Until now, it was assumed that the brain is able to tell the difference between the touch originating from oneself, as opposed to from others, which would explain why people cannot tickle themselves. The researchers from Berlin have now discovered, from their experiments on rats that laughter and the activity of the cerebral cortex is suppressed during self-touching. This is also true when animals clean themselves. However, when the touching and tickling was done by the scientists, the brain activities as well as the impulse to laugh increased. UEDIN.1066 But if the self-contact and the touch by others pass at the same time, the laughter is also suppressed. This indicates that the rat's brain cannot distinguish between the self-contact and the touch of others. The new findings suggested that people cannot tickle themselves because the self-contact activates a brake in the cerebrum. Passiere aber die Selbstberührung und die Berührung durch andere zur selben Zeit, sei das Lachen ebenfalls unterdrückt. Dies deute darauf hin, dass das Gehirn der Ratte eben nicht zwischen der Selbstberührung und der Berührung durch andere unterscheiden könne. Die neuen Erkenntnisse legten nahe, dass die Menschen sich nicht selbst kitzeln können, weil die Selbstberührung eine Bremse im Großhirn aktiviere. And, if the self-touching and touching by another were to occur at the same time, the laughter is suppressed anyway. This indicated that the rat´s brain could not determine whether the touch came from itself or the scientists. The new findings explained that humans cannot tickle themselves because tickling triggers a stopping brake in the cerebrum. UEDIN.1066 The rats were also trained to tickle themselves. In doing so, they sometimes prematurely broke off this initiation in the experiment, showing flight behaviour or frightening rigidity. This ambivalence is similar to the behaviour of the children. The ambivalence of tickling is a behavioral reaction that is the same in rats and humans. Die Ratten seien außerdem trainiert worden, selbst zu kitzeln. Dabei brachen sie diese Initiation im Experiment demnach manchmal vorzeitig ab, zeigten Fluchtverhalten oder Schreckstarre. Diese Ambivalenz gleiche dem Verhalten der Kinder. Die Ambivalenz des Kitzelns sei eine Verhaltensreaktion, die bei Ratten und Menschen gleich sei. The rats were taught to tickle themselves. They sometimes stopped this activity prematurely, displaying flight behavior or paralysis. This ambivalence is similar to the way children behave. The tickle ambivalence is a behavioral reaction that is found in rats and humans. UEDIN.1066 Disaster averted: Great fire extinguished in French chemical plant Katastrophe abgewendet: Großbrand in französischem Chemiewerk gelöscht Catastrophe averted: Major fire at French chemical plant extinguished UEDIN.1066 The fire in a chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen, which is considered to be particularly dangerous, has been extinguished. This was announced by the prefecture of Normandy to the news agency AFP on Friday. The fire broke out on Thursday night. Der Großbrand in einem als besonders gefährlich geltenden Chemiewerk in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen ist gelöscht. Das teilte die Präfektur der Normandie der Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Freitag mit. Das Feuer war in der Nacht zu Donnerstag ausgebrochen. The large fire was put out at a chemical plant considered to be particularly hazardous and located in the northern French city of Rouen. The prefecture of Normandy reported the incident to the AFP news agency on Friday. The fire broke out Thursday night. UEDIN.1066 According to the authorities, no hazardous substances should have escaped. The samples taken give no cause for concern, as Prefect Pierre-Andre Durand said at a press conference on Friday morning. No one was injured in the incident. The fire brigade was in use with around 200 fire engines. Nach Behördenangaben sollen keine gesundheitsgefährdenden Stoffe ausgetreten sein. Die genommenen Proben geben keinen Grund zur Beunruhigung, wie Präfekt Pierre-André Durand am Freitagmorgen bei einer Pressekonferenz sagte. Verletzt wurde bei dem Vorfall niemand. Die Feuerwehr war mit rund 200 Löschfahrzeugen im Einsatz. According to information from officials, no hazardous material has escaped. The samples taken show no reason for alarm, said prefect Pierre-André Durand at a press conference Friday morning. No one was injured during the incident. The fire department deployed around 200 fire trucks. UEDIN.1066 Schools and kindergartens were closed Schulen und Kindergärten wurden geschlossen Schools and kindergartens were closed. UEDIN.1066 Residents were called upon not to leave their homes. Buildings within 500 metres were evacuated and schools and kindergartens were closed on Thursday. Anwohner waren aufgerufen, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen. Gebäude im Umkreis von 500 Metern wurden evakuiert, Schulen und Kindergärten blieben am Donnerstag geschlossen. Residents were asked not to leave their homes. Buildings within a radius of 1,650 feet were evacuated, and schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. UEDIN.1066 Factory belongs to the company Lubrizol of U.S. billionaire Warren Buffett Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett Plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett UEDIN.1066 The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine produces additives for lubricants. The factory belongs to the company Lubrizol of US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called Seveso Directive of the EU, which prescribes particularly strict safety requirements. Around 400 people work in the plant. In dem Chemiewerk am Ufer der Seine werden Zusatzstoffe für Schmierstoffe hergestellt. Die Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett und unterliegt der sogenannten Seveso-Richtlinie der EU, die besonders strenge Sicherheitsauflagen vorschreibt. In dem Werk arbeiten rund 400 Menschen. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine manufactures additives for lubricants. The plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the EU's "Seveso Directive", which stipulates particularly strict safety requirements. Around 400 people work at the plant. UEDIN.1066 The chemical factory has already made headlines in the past - for example, when the gas methanthiol escaped through a leak in 2013 and the environment smelled far and wide of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 2,000 litres of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewage system after an industrial accident. Die Chemiefabrik sorgte bereits in der Vergangenheit für Schlagzeilen - etwa, als 2013 durch ein Leck das Gas Methanthiol entwich und die Umgebung weitreichend nach faulen Eiern roch. Im Jahr 2015 flossen nach einem Betriebsunfall rund 2000 Liter Mineralöl ins Abwassersystem der Stadt. The chemical plant has made headlines in the past—as in 2013, when methanethiol escaped via a leak and the entire area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 440 gallons of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewer system following an industrial accident. UEDIN.1066 Brexit: Johnson criticized by his own sister Brexit: Johnson von eigener Schwester kritisiert Brexit: Johnson criticized by own sister UEDIN.1066 The Prime Minister's sister commented on Boris Johnson's speech at the first session in Parliament after the forced break was lifted on Wednesday evening. The prime minister threatens to lead the country out of the EU on 31 October without an agreement if Brussels does not accept his demands for changes to the Brexit agreement. How he wants to achieve this, however, is unclear. Die Schwester des Premiers kommentierte die Rede Boris Johnsons bei der ersten Sitzung im Parlament nach Aufhebung der Zwangspause am Mittwochabend. Der Premier droht damit, das Land am 31. Oktober ohne Abkommen aus der EU zu führen, sollte sich Brüssel nicht auf seine Forderungen nach Änderungen am Brexit-Abkommen einlassen. Wie er das erreichen will, ist jedoch unklar. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's sister commented on his speech at the first session of Parliament after the forced shutdown was lifted on Wednesday evening. The Prime Minister threatened to lead the country out of the EU without an agreement on October 31 should Brussels not accept his demands for changes to the Brexit agreement. How he wants to achieve that is yet unclear. UEDIN.1066 About Cox, who had campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union, the Prime Minister said: "The best way to honor the memory of Jo Cox and reunite this country would be to leave the EU". Cox was assassinated by a right-wing extremist during the 2016 referendum campaign. Über Cox, die sich für den Verbleib Großbritanniens in der Europäischen Union eingesetzt hatte, sagte der Premier: "Der beste Weg, um das Andenken von Jo Cox zu ehren und dieses Land wieder zu einen, wäre den EU-Austritt zu vollziehen". Cox war 2016 während des Referendum-Wahlkampfs von einem Rechtsextremisten ermordet worden. Speaking about Cox, who had worked to keep Britain in the European Union, the Prime Minister said: "The best way to honor the memory of Jo Cox and bring this country together would be to get Brexit done." Cox was murdered in 2016 by a right-wing extremist during the referendum vote. UEDIN.1066 Memorial to the attacks of Oslo and Utöya is unveiled Mahnmal zu Anschlägen von Oslo und Utöya wird enthüllt A monument to attacks in Oslo and Utöya is unveiled UEDIN.1066 More than eight years after the attacks in Oslo and Utöya with 77 dead, a memorial in honour of the victims will be unveiled in Norway on Saturday. The monument "Jernrosene" (English: the iron roses) consists of about 1,000 iron rose replicas. They are reminiscent of the roses left by thousands of people in the days and weeks after the attacks in front of the cathedral in Oslo. Mehr als acht Jahre nach den Anschlägen in Oslo und Utöya mit 77 Toten wird am Samstag in Norwegen ein Mahnmal zu Ehren der Opfer enthüllt. Das Monument "Jernrosene" (deutsch: die Eisenrosen) besteht aus rund 1.000 eisernen Rosennachbildungen. Sie erinnern an die Rosen, die von Tausenden Menschen in den Tagen und Wochen nach den Anschlägen vor dem Dom in Oslo abgelegt hatten. More than eight years after attacks in Oslo and Utöya with 77 deceased a memorial is unveiled in Norway on Saturday to honor the victims. The monument "Jernrosene" (English: the iron roses) consists of around 1,000 iron rose replicas. They are reminiscent of the roses which thousands of people brought to the Oslo Cathedral in the days and weeks after the attacks. UEDIN.1066 In the same place, the project of the artists Tobbe Malm and Tone Karlsrud is to be unveiled - the roses were forged by people from all over the world, including survivors and relatives of the victims. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit are expected to attend the opening. Am selben Ort soll nun das Projekt der Künstler Tobbe Malm und Tone Karlsrud enthüllt werden - die Rosen wurden dabei von Menschen aus aller Welt geschmiedet, darunter auch Überlebende und Angehörige der Opfer. Zur Eröffnung werden unter anderen Kronprinz Haakon und Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit erwartet. The project of artists Tobbe Malm and Tone Karlsrud is now to be unveiled in the same place—the roses were forged by people from all round the world, among them survivors and dependents of the victims. Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit are expected to be present, amongst others, for the unveiling. UEDIN.1066 On 22 July 2011, the right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik first detonated a car bomb in the government district of Oslo and then shot dozens of participants in a holiday camp of the youth organization of the Social Democratic Workers' Party on the island of Utöya. A total of 77 people were killed in the attacks. Der Rechtsterrorist Anders Behring Breivik hatte am 22. Juli 2011 zunächst eine Autobombe im Regierungsviertel von Oslo gezündet und im Anschluss auf der Insel Utöya Dutzende Teilnehmer eines Ferienlagers der Jugendorganisation der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei erschossen. Insgesamt wurden bei den Anschlägen 77 Menschen getötet. The right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik had detonated a bomb in the Oslo government district on July 22nd, 2011, and then shot dozens of participants in a holiday camp on the Island of Utöya of a youth organization for the social democratic workers' party. In total 77 people were killed in the attacks. UEDIN.1066 Iran releases British tankers Iran gibt britischen Tanker frei Iran Releases British Tanker UEDIN.1066 The UN General Debate brought no solution to the Iran conflict. But now there is one problem less. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero" held in Iran was able to set sail again. It could be a piece of the puzzle in the peace plan of Iranian President Ruhani. Die UN-Generaldebatte brachte keine Lösung im Iran-Konflikt. Doch nun gibt es ein Problem weniger. Der im Iran festgehaltene britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" konnte wieder in See stechen. Es könnte ein Puzzlestück im Friedensplan des iranischen Präsidenten Ruhani sein. The UN General Assembly debate brought no solution in the Iran conflict. However, there is now one less problem. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," which had been held in Iran, was able to set sail again. It could be a piece of the puzzle in Iranian President Ruhani's plan for peace. UEDIN.1066 The British oil tanker "Stena Impero", which has been held in the Strait of Hormuz in Iran since mid-July, is back in international waters. After the release by Iranian authorities, the ship is on its way to Dubai, as the shipping company Stena Bulk announced. Der seit Mitte Juli in der Straße von Hormus im Iran festgehaltene britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" ist zurück in internationalen Gewässern. Nach der Freigabe durch iranische Behörden ist das Schiff auf dem Weg nach Dubai, wie die Reederei Stena Bulk mitteilte. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," which had been impounded in the Strait of Hormuz in Iran, is back in international waters. After being released by Iranian authorities, the ship is on its way to Dubai, according to the shipping company Stena Bulk. UEDIN.1066 The "Stena Impero" has left the port of Bandar Abbas and the crew is now going to Dubai, among other things, for medical examinations, said Reedreichef Erik Hanell. At noon the ship left the Iranian waters. "It's nice that it's over," he told the Swedish TV station SVT. Die "Stena Impero" habe den Hafen von Bandar Abbas verlassen und die Crew fahre nun unter anderem für medizinische Untersuchungen nach Dubai, erklärte Reedereichef Erik Hånell. Gegen Mittag habe das Schiff die iranischen Gewässer verlassen. "Schön, dass es vorbei ist", sagte er dem schwedischen Fernsehsender SVT. The "Stena Impero" left the harbor of Bandar Abbas, and the crew is now travelling to Dubai for medical exams, among other reasons, said the shipping company's CEO Erik Hånell. The ship left Iranian waters around noon. "It's great that this is over," he said to the Swedish TV station SVT. UEDIN.1066 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in London described the ship's detention as illegal. "This is part of a pattern of attempts to interfere with the freedom of the seas. We are working with our international partners to maintain shipping and international law," said a statement on Friday. Das Außenministerium in London bezeichnete die Festsetzung des Schiffes als illegal. "Das ist Teil eines Musters von Versuchen, die Freiheit der Meere zu beeinträchtigen. Wir arbeiten mit unseren internationalen Partnern daran, die Schifffahrt und das Internationale Recht aufrechtzuerhalten", hieß es in einer Mitteilung am Freitag. The foreign ministry in London described the detainment of the ship as illegal. "This is part of a pattern of attempts to compromise the freedom of the seas. We work with our international partners to maintain ship travel and international law," they announced on Friday. UEDIN.1066 The Iranian Revolutionary Guards had set the tanker on 19 July on charges of violating the rules of the law of the sea in the Persian Gulf. Seven of the 23 crew members had already been released at the beginning of September. According to the circumstances, the remaining 16 crew members are doing well, said H’nell. They would have behaved professionally in the face of the difficult and exhausting situation over the past ten weeks. The shipping company is now working to reunite them with their families as soon as possible. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten den Tanker am 19. Juli unter dem Vorwurf festgesetzt, Vorschriften des Seerechts im Persischen Golf missachtet zu haben. Sieben der 23 Besatzungsmitglieder waren bereits Anfang September freigelassen worden. Den verbliebenen 16 Crewmitgliedern gehe es den Umständen entsprechend gut, sagte Hånell. Sie hätten sich angesichts der schwierigen und aufreibenden Situation in den vergangenen zehn Wochen professionell verhalten. Die Reederei arbeite nun daran, sie schnellstmöglich wieder mit ihren Familien zusammenzuführen. The Iranian revolutionary guards impounded the tanker on July 19 under the pretext that it had violated maritime law in the Persian Gulf. Seven of the 23 crew members were already released at the beginning of September. The remaining 16 crew members are doing well under the circumstances, said Hånell. For the past ten weeks they have conducted themselves professionally in light of the difficult and grueling situation. The shipping company is now working to reunite them with their families as quickly as possible. UEDIN.1066 The British government suspected that behind the establishment of the "Stena Impero" there was a reaction to a similar incident in the British Gibraltar: at the beginning of July a super tanker with oil from Iran, which was supposed to have been destined for Syria, had been put on the chain. According to the authorities, the delivery violated EU sanctions against the war country Syria. The British had received the reference to the ship from the USA. Die britische Regierung vermutete hinter der Festsetzung der "Stena Impero" eine Reaktion auf einen ähnlichen Vorfall im britischen Gibraltar: Dort war Anfang Juli ein Supertanker mit Öl aus dem Iran, das für Syrien bestimmt gewesen sein soll, an die Kette gelegt worden. Die Lieferung verstieß den Behörden zufolge gegen EU-Sanktionen gegen das Kriegsland Syrien. Den Hinweis auf das Schiff hatten die Briten von den USA erhalten. The British government suspects that behind the impounding of the "Stena Impero" is a reaction to a similar incident in British Gibraltar: There, a supertanker with oil from Iran that was supposedly destined for Syria was detained at the beginning of July. According to the authorities, the delivery violated EU sanctions against the warring nation of Syria. The British were notified about the ship from the USA. UEDIN.1066 Iran spoke of "piracy" and threatened with consequences. In mid-August the "Adrian Darya-1" was finally released. London vehemently rejected suspicions that it was a barter to get the "Stena Impero" released. Der Iran sprach von "Piraterie" und drohte mit Konsequenzen. Mitte August wurde die "Adrian Darya-1" schließlich freigegeben. Mutmaßungen, es habe sich um ein Tauschgeschäft gehandelt, um die "Stena Impero" freizubekommen, wies London vehement zurück. Iran spoke of "piracy" and threatened that there would be consequences. The "Adrian Darya-1" was finally released in mid-August. London vehemently denied speculations that it was an exchange deal to get the "Stena Impero" released. UEDIN.1066 The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important sea roads in the world. It connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's oil exports are shipped through the strait. Tensions in the region have intensified immensely in recent months. Commercial shipping was drawn into the conflict between the US and Iran. There were several incidents involving tankers and drones. Die Straße von Hormus ist eine der wichtigsten Seestraßen der Welt. Sie verbindet den Persischen Golf mit dem Indischen Ozean. Ein Großteil des weltweiten Ölexports wird durch die Meerenge verschifft. Die Spannungen in der Region hatten sich in den vergangenen Monaten immens verschärft. Die Handelsschifffahrt wurde in den Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran hineingezogen. Es kam zu mehreren Zwischenfällen mit Tankern und Drohnen. The Straits of Hormuz is one of the most important sea routes in the world. In connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's global oil exports are shipped through this strait. The tensions in the area had been escalating immeasurably during the past few months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between USA and Iran. There have been several incidents with tankers and drones. UEDIN.1066 Behind the tensions between Tehran and Washington is the nuclear dispute between the two countries. The Americans accuse the Iranian leadership of wanting to build nuclear weapons. Iran rejects this. In 2018, the US had unilaterally withdrawn from the international nuclear agreement, which was intended to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb and, at the same time, to end its political and economic isolation. Since then, the U.S. government has been putting pressure on the leadership in Tehran with massive economic sanctions against the country to enforce a stricter agreement extended to other areas. Iran has resisted the pressure so far. Hinter den Spannungen zwischen Teheran und Washington steht der Atomstreit beider Länder. Die Amerikaner werfen der iranischen Führung vor, Atomwaffen bauen zu wollen. Der Iran weist das zurück. Die USA waren 2018 im Alleingang aus dem internationalen Atomabkommen ausgestiegen, das den Iran am Bau einer Atombombe hindern und zugleich dessen politische und wirtschaftliche Isolation beenden sollte. Seitdem setzt die US-Regierung die Führung in Teheran mit massiven Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen das Land unter Druck, um ein strengeres und auf andere Gebiete erweitertes Abkommen zu erzwingen. Der Iran widersteht dem Druck bisher. Behind the tension between Teheran and Washington was the atomic conflict of the two nations. The Americans accuse the Iranian leadership of wanting to build nuclear weapons. Iran denies this. In 2018, the USA exited the international nuclear arms treaty that was to prevent Iran from building an atomic bomb while ending its political and economic isolation. Since then, the US government has pressured the leadership in Tehran with massive economic sanctions against the country to force a treaty that is stricter and expanded to other territories. So far, Iran has withstood that pressure. UEDIN.1066 Because of the dispute over the "Stena Impero" and other incidents involving tankers in the Persian Gulf and oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the US is working on a coalition for military protection of merchant ships in the region. Wegen des Streits um die "Stena Impero" und weiterer Vorfälle mit Tankern im Persischen Golf und Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien arbeiten die USA an einer Koalition für einen militärischen Schutz der Handelsschiffe in der Region. Due to the dispute surrounding the "Stena Impero" and further incidents with tankers in the Persian Gulf and oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the USA is working on a coalition for military protection of trade ships in the region. UEDIN.1066 Iranian President Hassan Ruhani presented a plan for security and peace in the Strait of Hormuz at the UN General Assembly in New York. With the initiative "Coalition of Hope" for the Persian Gulf, Iran, together with the Arab Gulf states and without foreign protection powers, wants to ensure the safety of shipping in the Persian Gulf. Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hatte bei der UN-Vollversammlung in New York einen Plan für Sicherheit und Frieden in der Straße von Hormus vorgelegt. Mit der Initiative "Koalition der Hoffnung" für den Persischen Golf wolle der Iran zusammen mit den arabischen Golfstaaten und ohne ausländische Schutzmächte für die Sicherheit der Schifffahrt im Persischen Golf sorgen. During the UN General Assembly in New York, Iranian President Hassan Ruhani presented a plan for security and peace in the Strait of Hormuz. With the initiative "coalition of hope" for the Persian Gulf, Iran wishes to ensure the security of ship travel in the Persian Gulf together with the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, without foreign protective powers. UEDIN.1066 India is building a better future with its protectionist economic policies. Indien verbaut sich mit seiner protektionistischen Wirtschaftspolitik eine bessere Zukunft. India Builds a Better Future with its Protectionist Economic Policy UEDIN.1066 India would actually be predestined to be a "war profiteer". Given the punitive tariffs imposed on Chinese producers by US President Donald Trump, foreign producers in the People’s Republic are forced to redeploy. In a survey conducted by UBS, CEOs of Asian companies considering moving their production from China to another country cite India as one of the preferred alternatives. Of course, this does not only have to do with the uncertainties of the Sino-American trade war. With a huge pool of young workers and an internal market of 1.3 billion consumers, India seems to have been created to play a more significant role in the globally diversified production chain. Indien wäre eigentlich zum "Kriegsgewinnler" prädestiniert. Angesichts der Strafzölle, die Amerikas Präsident Donald Trump gegen chinesische Hersteller verhängt, sehen sich ausländische Produzenten in der Volksrepublik gezwungen, umzudisponieren. Finanzchefs asiatischer Firmen, die erwägen, ihre Produktion aus China in ein anderes Land zu verlegen, nennen Indien in einer Umfrage der UBS als eine der bevorzugten Alternativen. Das hat freilich nicht nur mit den Unwägbarkeiten des chinesisch-amerikanischen Handelskrieges zu tun. Mit einem Riesen-Pool an jungen Arbeitskräften sowie einem Binnenmarkt von 1,3 Milliarden Konsumenten scheint Indien wie dafür geschaffen, in der global weitverzweigten Produktionskette eine bedeutendere Rolle zu spielen. India really was predestined to be the "war profiteer." In light of the punitive tariffs imposed by the American President Donald Trump against Chinese manufacturers, foreign producers in the People's Republic are forced to make new arrangements. In a UBS survey, CFOs of Asian firms that are considering relocating their production outside China name India as one of the best alternatives. And surely this involves more than the uncertainties of the Chinese-American trade war. With a giant pool of young workers and a domestic market of 1.3 billion consumers, India seems ideally situated to play a more significant role in the global, widespread production chain. UEDIN.1066 But now India itself has come into Trump’s focus. Distinguished as the "kingdom of customs duties" by the Haudegen in the White House, America withdrew the trade concessions for 2000 products from the emerging market at the beginning of June. The US accuses India of prohibitively high tariffs and calls for better market access for agricultural goods, mobile phones, spirits, motorcycles and more. Doch nun ist Indien selber in Trumps Fokus geraten. Vom Haudegen im Weissen Haus abwertend als "Königreich der Zölle" betitelt, hat Amerika dem Schwellenland Anfang Juni die Handelsvergünstigungen für 2000 Produkte entzogen. Die USA bezichtigen Indien prohibitiv hoher Zölle und fordern einen besseren Marktzugang für Agrargüter, Mobiltelefone, Spirituosen, Motorräder und anderes mehr. But now Trump is focusing on India itself. Pejoratively called the "Kingdom of the tariffs" by warhorses in the White House, America withdrew trade incentives for 2000 products from the newly industrialized country at the beginning of June. The USA is charging India prohibitively higher tariffs and demands better market access for agricultural goods, mobile phones, spirits, motorcycles, and more. UEDIN.1066 On the world map of trade wars, however, the friction with India is merely a side scene. Moreover, America views the world’s largest democracy through its security-policy spectacles. Delhi and Washington share concerns about China’s claims to power in the South Indian Ocean. Against this background, a salve of American punitive tariffs against India seems unlikely. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has just assumed a second five-year term, is therefore likely to be safe. Auf der Weltkarte der Handelskriege stellen die Reibereien mit Indien freilich bloss einen Nebenschauplatz dar. Zudem betrachtet Amerika die weltgrösste Demokratie auch durch die sicherheitspolitische Brille. Delhi und Washington verbindet die Sorge über Chinas Machtansprüche im Südindischen Ozean. Vor diesem Hintergrund mutet eine Salve amerikanischer Strafzölle gegen Indien unwahrscheinlich an. Indiens Premierminister Narendra Modi, der soeben eine zweite fünfjährige Amtszeit angetreten hat, dürfte sich deshalb in Sicherheit wiegen. On the world map of the trade war, the friction with India is little more than a sideshow. Moreover, America sees the world's largest democracy through the lens of a security policy. Delhi and Washington are united in their concern over China's claims to power in the southern Indian Ocean. This makes a volley of American tariffs against India appear unlikely. So India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who just entered his second five-year term, can feel safe. UEDIN.1066 The problem, however, lies in another place: the empirically corroborated thesis that open markets accelerate economic development has a hard time in the socialist republic of India. Also under modes. His zeal for reform is mainly aimed at bureaucratic madness, which for too long suffocated any entrepreneurial spirit in the multi-ethnic state. Companies now receive quicker building permits for buildings. They benefit from a better energy and transport infrastructure, and a more grippy insolvency and bankruptcy law creates the conditions for a quicker liquidation of companies with high debts. Das Problem liegt indes an einem anderen Ort: Die empirisch erhärtete These, dass offene Märkte die ökonomische Entwicklung beschleunigen, hat in der sozialistischen Republik Indien einen schweren Stand. Auch unter Modi. Sein Reformeifer zielt hauptsächlich auf den bürokratischen Irrsinn, der im Vielvölkerstaat allzu lange jedweden unternehmerischen Geist erstickte. Firmen erhalten jetzt schneller Baubewilligungen für Bauten. Sie profitieren von einer besseren Energie- und Verkehrsinfrastruktur, und ein griffigeres Insolvenz- und Konkursgesetz schafft Voraussetzungen dafür, scheintote Firmen mit hohen Schulden zügiger zu liquidieren. But the problem lies elsewhere: The (empirically corroborated) proposition that open markets accelerate economic development has a difficult time in the socialist republic of India. Including under Modi. His zeal for reform mainly targets the bureaucratic insanity that suffocated any entrepreneurial spirit in the ethnically diverse country for far too long. Companies now obtain construction permits for buildings much faster. They profit from a better energy and traffic infrastructure, and a concise insolvency and bankruptcy law creates conditions for more rapid liquidation of companies with high debt that appear on their last legs. UEDIN.1066 The success of these efforts can be seen and measured in the relevant rankings. From an economic point of view, a lot has changed for the better in India in the first five Modi years. But that is not the case in trade policy. Inspired by protecting internationally uncompetitive companies from foreign suppliers, the national-conservative government even erected new barriers. Der Erfolg dieser Bemühungen lässt sich sehen und in den einschlägigen Rankings messen. Aus ökonomischer Optik hat sich in Indien in den ersten fünf Modi-Jahren vieles zum Besseren gewendet. Doch in der Handelspolitik gilt das nicht. Davon beseelt, international wenig wettbewerbsfähige Unternehmen vor ausländischen Anbietern zu schützen, errichtete die nationalkonservative Regierung sogar neue Schranken. The success of these efforts is apparent and can be measured in the pertinent rankings. From an economic standpoint, much in India took a turn for the better during Modi's first five years. But its trade policy did not. Eager to keep foreign suppliers from threatening companies with little international competitiveness, the national government has even set up new barriers. UEDIN.1066 In the West, Modi hangs on the nimbus of the energetic reformer who radically renews his country economically. This impression is due not least to the fact that the charismatic prime minister knows all too well which vocabulary Western managers like. At its core, however, the "India First" lawyer never moved away from protectionist economic policies, which prevents Indian companies from being forced to get rid of anachronistic processes and thus become fit for global competition. Businessmen who survive thanks to the isolation of their industries are among the regular voters of Modi's nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and applaud this short-sighted policy. Im Westen hängt Modi der Nimbus des energischen Reformers an, der sein Land wirtschaftlich radikal erneuert. Dieser Eindruck ist nicht zuletzt dem Umstand geschuldet, dass der charismatische Premierminister nur allzu gut weiss, welches Vokabular westlichen Managern gefällt. Im Kern rückte der "India First"-Advokat aber nie von einer protektionistischen Wirtschaftspolitik ab, was verhindert, dass indische Firmen gezwungen werden, sich anachronistischer Abläufe zu entledigen und so für den globalen Wettbewerb fit zu werden. Geschäftsleute, die dank der Abschottung ihrer Branchen überleben, gehören zu den Stammwählern von Modis nationalistischer Bharatiya Janata Party und beklatschen diese kurzsichtige Politik. In the West, Modi wears a halo of the energetic reformer who radically regenerated his country's economy. This impression exists not least because the charismatic prime minister knows all too well what vocabulary pleases Western managers. Essentially, the "India First" advocate never wavers from a protectionist economic policy that keeps Indian companies from having to dispense with old-fashioned processes, although doing so would make them fit for global competition. Merchants that survive thanks to the isolation of their industries make up the core voters of Modi's nationalistic Bharatiya Janata Party and applaud this short-sighted policy. UEDIN.1066 Burial of Jacques Chirac in Paris on Monday Beisetzung von Jacques Chirac am Montag in Paris Jacques Chirac to be Buried in Paris on Monday UEDIN.1066 According to a report, former French President Jacques Chirac will be buried in Paris next week. The former head of state was buried on Monday in the Montparnasse cemetery in the south of the French capital, reported the news agency AFP, citing the Chirac family. The funeral will take place in a close family circle. A public funeral service was scheduled for Sunday in the Paris Invalid Cathedral, as reported by the media. Der ehemalige französische Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac soll einem Bericht zufolge in der kommenden Woche in Paris beigesetzt werden. Der frühere Staatschef werde am Montag auf dem Friedhof Montparnasse im Süden der französischen Hauptstadt bestattet, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf die Familie Chiracs. Die Bestattung werde im engen Familienkreis stattfinden. Für Sonntag war eine öffentliche Trauerfeier im Pariser Invalidendom angesetzt, wie Medien berichteten. The former President of France, Jacques Chirac, will reportedly be buried in Paris during the coming weeks. The former head of state will be buried on Monday in Montparnasse Cemetery to the south of the French capital, the AFP news agency reported in reference to the Chirac family. The burial will take place within an intimate family circle. According to media reports, a public funeral in the Dôme des Invalides was set for Sunday. UEDIN.1066 Bringing the competitor to the finish line: Dabo is the first secret hero of the World Championships in Athletics Den Konkurrenten ins Ziel getragen: Dabo ist der erste heimliche Held der Leichtathletik-WM The competitors made it to the finish line. Dabo is the first secret hero of the World Athletics Championships. UEDIN.1066 The world's top was already in the finish line when heart-warming scenes took place in the cooled down Khalifa International Stadium. In the first run of the men over 5000 meters Jonathan Busby from Aruba began to fluctuate dangerously. He could hardly stand on his feet a good 300 meters before the finish, ran in an unhealthy posture, when Braima Suncar Dabo from the West African country Guinea-Bissau suddenly subdued him and dragged him to the finish in support of the last half of the stadium round. However, the forces were still sufficient for both to stop the running wristwatch after the finish. As if the scene hadn't been curious enough. Die Weltspitze war schon längst im Ziel, als sich im heruntergekühlten Khalifa International Stadion herzerwärmende Szenen abspielten. Im ersten Vorlauf der Männer über 5000 Meter fing Jonathan Busby aus Aruba gefährlich an zu schwanken. Er konnte sich gut 300 Meter vor dem Ziel kaum noch auf den Beinen halten, lief in ungesund gebückter Haltung, als Braima Suncar Dabo aus dem westafrikanischen Land Guinea-Bissau ihm plötzlich unterhakte und ihn stützend die letzte halbe Stadionrunde ins Ziel schleppte. Die Kräfte reichten bei beiden aber noch, um nach dem Zieldurchlauf die mitlaufende Armbanduhr zu stoppen. Als wäre die Szene nicht schon kurios genug gewesen. His world title was already in sight, when heartwarming scenes played themselves out in Khalifa International Stadium. In the men's first 5000-meter run, Jonathan Busby from Aruba began to stagger dangerously. A good 300 meters before the finish line he was barely able to stay on his feet, walking in an unhealthy hunched posture, when Braima Suncar Dabo from the west African country of Guinea-Bissau suddenly linked arms with him and supported him for the last half round of the stadium to the finish line. After crossing the finish line, they both still had the strength to stop their moving wristwatch. As if the scene was not strange enough. UEDIN.1066 "I just wanted to help him. Everyone in this situation would have done the same," said Dabo after the race in Mixed Zone, when he unexpectedly caught the attention of the assembled journalists. Shy he evaded first, didn't want to talk about his heroic deed at all. After all, he wanted to set his personal best and when he realized that this would be difficult, he only wanted to help a fellow sufferer. And anyway, he would only be proud to represent his country, which was invited for the World Cup by the World Federation. Under normal circumstances he shouldn't even have started. "That's why I'm proud to run here for my country," he said. "Ich wollte ihm einfach helfen. Jeder in dieser Situation hätte das gleiche getan", sagte Dabo nach dem Rennen in Mixed Zone, als er vollkommen unerwartet die Aufmerksamkeit der versammelten Journalisten auf sich zog. Schüchtern wich er erst aus, wollte überhaupt nicht über seine Heldentat sprechen. Schließlich wollte er doch seine persönliche Bestzeit aufstellen und als er gemerkt hatte, dass dies schwierig werden würde, wollte er nur einem Leidensgenossen helfen. Und ohnehin wäre er nur stolz darauf, sein Land zu repräsentieren, das für die WM eingeladen wurde vom Weltverband. Unter normalen Umständen hätte er nicht mal starten dürfen. "Deshalb bin ich stolz, hier für mein Land zu laufen", sagte er. "I just wanted to help him. Anyone in this situation would have done the same," Dabo said after running in a mixed zone, when he completely unexpectedly attracted the attention of the assembled journalists. First, he shyly evaded any mention of his heroic act. After all, he did try to set out his personal best and when he noticed, that this would be difficult, he decided just to support his fellow sufferer. In any case, he would only be proud to represent his country, which was invited for the World Championships by the World association. Under normal circumstances he would not even have been allowed to start. "For this reason I am proud to walk for my country," he said. UEDIN.1066 He did so forcefully that evening - and much more intensively than he would have thought. For this heroic deed will be remembered. Especially since Dabo even let his competitor Busby take the lead in the finish and voluntarily took the last place - by the way a good five minutes after the Ethiopian Selemon Barega, who won this lead. In the end, it hadn't used anything, because the busby, which only came to the finish with a lot of help, was disqualified at the end by the World Light Athletics Association. Das tat er an dem Abend mit Nachdruck - und viel intensiver, als er sich das wohl gedacht hätte. Denn diese Heldentat wird in Erinnerung bleiben. Zumal Dabo seinen Konkurrenten Busby sogar den Vortritt im Ziel ließ und freiwillig den letzten Platz übernahm - übrigens gut fünf Minuten nach dem Äthiopier Selemon Barega, der diesen Vorlauf gewann. Genutzt hatte es am Ende alles nichts, denn der nur mit viel Hilfe ins Ziel gekommene Busby wurde genau deswegen am Ende vom Weltleichtathletik-Verband disqualifiziert. He did this empathically on the evening—and much more intensely than he would have thought. Because this hero act will remain in public memory. Especially since Dabo gave his competitor Busby the finish line and volunteered for last place—a good five minutes after the Ethiopian Selemon Barega, who won this preliminary run. In the end, it was all of no use, because Busby who had been escorted to the finish line with a lot of propping up was disqualified precisely for that reason by the World Athletics Association. UEDIN.1066 Dabo, who lives in Portugal and studies there in Lisbon, competed to set a personal best at the World Cup in Doha. According to official data, this was achieved with 18:10.87 minutes, but he himself was disappointed: "I wanted to run 17:55 minutes. I've been under 18 minutes before." However, only in training, as best times do not count. Dabei war Dabo, der in Portugal wohnt und dort in Lissabon studiert, angetreten, um bei der WM in Doha eine persönliche Bestzeit aufstellen. Das gelang laut offiziellen Daten zwar mit 18:10,87 Minuten, er selbst war dennoch enttäuscht: "Ich wollte 17:55 Minuten laufen. Unter 18 Minuten war ich schon mal". Allerdings nur im Training, da zählen Bestzeiten nicht. Dabo, who lives in Portugal and studies in Lisbon, had started to set a personal best at the World Championships in Doha. He succeeded in this with 18:10,87 minutes, which disappointed him. "I wanted to walk in 17:55 minutes. I had already reached under 18 minutes previously. But only in training, where best times don't count. UEDIN.1066 Millions of mash: Egyptians prepare for wild protest day Millionenmasch: Ägypter rüsten sich für wilden Protesttag March of millions: Egyptians get ready for wild day of protest UEDIN.1066 In Egypt, security measures have been strengthened in the run-up to possible anti-government protests. In the centre of Cairo, an increased police presence was observed on Friday. Several subway stations remained closed, roads around the central Tahrir Square were closed. In Ägypten sind die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Vorfeld möglicher regierungskritischer Proteste verstärkt worden. Im Zentrum Kairos war am Freitag eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz zu beobachten. Mehrere U-Bahn-Stationen blieben geschlossen, Straßen um den zentralen Tahrir-Platz wurden gesperrt. Security measures have been strengthened in advance of possible anti-regime protests in Egypt. An increased police presence was observed in the center of Cairo on Friday. Several subway stations were closed and streets around the centrally located Tahrir Square were blocked off. UEDIN.1066 In the past few days, the police had already stepped up their roadside checks and partially searched pedestrian mobile phones for news and photos related to the protests. Hundreds were arrested according to two non-governmental organisations. Bereits in vergangenen Tagen hatte die Polizei ihre Straßenkontrollen verstärkt und die Handys von Fußgängern teilweise auf Nachrichten und Fotos im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten durchsucht. Hunderte waren laut zwei Nichtregierungsorganisationen festgenommen worden. In the last few days, police had already increased road checks and searched the cell phones of passersby for messages and photos connected with the protests. Hundreds have been arrested, according to two non-government organizations. UEDIN.1066 Opponents of Al-Sisi Gegner von Al-Sisi Opponents of El-Sisi UEDIN.1066 Last weekend there were protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Mansura with hundreds of participants. They were directed against the government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, whom critics accuse of corruption and mismanagement. There had been no such open protest against the political leadership in Egypt for years. The Egyptian builder and actor Mohammed Ali, who lives in exile in Spain and started the demonstrations with video messages on Facebook, has called for a "million march" in central places in the country this Friday. Ali calls for a "people's revolution". The man is not a "good guy" for most young Egyptians either, because as a subcontractor for the army he shook millions, but his messages arrive. Vergangenes Wochenende war es in Kairo, Alexandria, Suez und Mansura zu Protesten mit Hunderten Teilnehmern gekommen. Sie richteten sich gegen die Regierung von Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, dem Kritiker Korruption und Misswirtschaft vorwerfen. Einen so offenen Protest gegen die politische Führung hatte es in Ägypten seit Jahren nicht gegeben. Der im spanischen Exil lebende ägyptische Bauunternehmer und Schauspieler Mohammed Ali, der die Demonstrationen mit Video-Botschaften auf Facebook ins Rollen brachte, hat für den heutigen Freitag zu einem "Millionenmarsch" an zentralen Plätzen im Land aufgerufen. Ali fordert eine "Volksrevolution". Der Mann ist für die meisten jungen Ägypter zwar auch kein "Guter, weil er als Subunternehmer für die Armee Millionen scheffelte, aber seine Botschaften kommen an. Last weekend there were protests involving hundreds and thousands of people in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, and Mansura. These were aimed against the government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has been accused of corruption and mismanagement by critics. There has not been such open protest against the political leadership in Egypt for years. The Egyptian property developer and actor Mohammed Ali, who lives in exile in Spain, triggered the demonstrations with video messages on Facebook and appealed for millions to march at central locations in the country this Friday. Ali is calling for a "people's revolution." To most young Egyptians, he is probably not considered one of the "good ones", as he raked in millions as a subcontractor for the army, but his messages are catching on. UEDIN.1066 According to two groups of observers, the number of arrests in connection with the protests continued to rise. The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) counted more than 1,570 arrests until Friday. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) and the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) spoke of more than 2,000 arrests. These figures could not be independently confirmed at first. The government also did not confirm and comment on the figures. Die Zahl der Festnahmen im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten stieg zwei Beobachtergruppen zufolge weiter. Die Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) zählte bis Freitag mehr als 1.570 Festnahmen. Das Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) sowie die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) sprach von mehr als 2.000 Festnahmen. Unabhängig bestätigen ließen sich diese Zahlen zunächst nicht. Die Regierung bestätigte und kommentierte die Zahlen ebenfalls nicht. The number of people arrested in connection with the protests continued to increase, according to two watch groups. The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) counted more than 1,570 arrests by Friday. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) as well as Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported more than 2,000 arrests. These figures have not yet been independently confirmed. The government did not confirm or comment on the numbers. UEDIN.1066 Arbitrary arrests Willkürliche Festnahmen Arbitrary arrests UEDIN.1066 Many people were "arbitrarily arrested" "only because they were "in the wrong place at the wrong time," HRW said, citing lawyers who had been arrested. According to their lawyers, the charges against the detainees range from "spreading false information" to membership in a "terrorist association". In Cairo, Alexandria and other cities, security forces in uniform, but also in civilian clothing, also randomly questioned and searched passers-by according to HRW data. Viele Menschen seien "willkürlich festgenommen" worden, "nur weil sie 'zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort' waren", teilte HRW unter Berufung auf Rechtsanwälte Festgenommener mit. Die Vorwürfe gegen die Festgenommenen reichen nach Angaben ihrer Anwälte von "Verbreitung von Falschinformationen" bis zur Mitgliedschaft in einer "terroristischen Vereinigung". In Kairo, Alexandria und anderen Städten befragten und durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte in Uniform, aber auch in ziviler Kleidung, nach HRW-Angaben zudem willkürlich Passanten. Many people had been "arrested arbitrarily just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," said HRW, citing the lawyers of detainees. According to their attorneys, accusations against those arrested range from "spreading false information" to membership of a "terrorist organization." In Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities, security forces, in uniform as well as civilian clothing, also arbitrarily questioned and searched passersby, according to HRW. UEDIN.1066 HRW also criticized censorship in the North African country. According to this, the government in Cairo is blocking websites and online services in order to prevent further protests against Sisi. HRW kritisierte zudem die Zensur in dem nordafrikanischen Land. Demnach blockiert die Regierung in Kairo Websites und Online-Dienste, um weitere Proteste gegen Sisi zu unterbinden. HRW also criticized the censorship in this North African country. It said the government in Cairo is blocking websites and social media in order to stop further protests against Sisi. UEDIN.1066 Online retailers: mail order companies should be able to donate returns more easily Online-Händler: Versandhändler sollen Retouren einfacher spenden können Online retailers: E-commerce companies should be able to donate returns more easily UEDIN.1066 For online retailers, many returned packages are lost goods. Around 20 million returns end up in the garbage. But there is an alternative. Für Online-Händler sind viele zurückgeschickte Pakete verlorene Ware. Rund 20 Millionen Retouren landen so auf den Müll. Doch gibt es eine Alternative. To online retailers, many packages that are sent back are lost goods. Around 20 million returns end up in the garbage. But there is an alternative. UEDIN.1066 The Ministry of Finance has shown online retailers such as Amazon and Zalando a way to donate returned products instead of destroying them. Das Finanzministerium hat Online-Händlern wie Amazon und Zalando einen Weg aufgezeigt, wie sie zurückgeschickte Produkte spenden können statt sie zu vernichten. The Ministry of Finance has provided online retailers like Amazon and Zalando with a way to donate returned products instead of destroying them. UEDIN.1066 Although the companies could not be exempted from VAT on donations in kind, the ministry explained on a question of the Green parliamentary group, about which the newspapers of the Funke media group reported on Friday. However, traders could set the market value of unsaleable returns so low that they would have to pay little or no VAT. Man könne die Unternehmen zwar nicht von der Umsatzsteuer auf Sachspenden befreien, erklärte das Ministerium auf eine Frage der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, über die die Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe am Freitag berichteten. Die Händler könnten aber den Marktwert der unverkäuflichen Retouren so niedrig ansetzen, dass sie keine oder nur wenig Umsatzsteuer zahlen müssten. Companies will still have to pay the value -added tax on material donations, explained the Ministry in response to a question from Green Party members of the German parliament which was reported in newspapers from the Funke Media Group on Friday. However, retailers could understate the market value of unsaleable returns so that they would be required to pay little or no value-added tax. UEDIN.1066 Scientists from the University of Bamberg had determined that German citizens send back every sixth package when ordering on the Internet. Around four percent of the goods - around 20 million products - then ended up in the garbage. According to the current legal situation, donating them would cost companies additional money, because the tax authorities assess donations in kind as a turnover, which is then subject to VAT. Wissenschaftler der Universität Bamberg hatten ermittelt, dass die Bundesbürger bei Bestellungen im Internet jedes sechste Paket wieder zurückschicken. Rund vier Prozent der Waren - rund 20 Millionen Produkte - landeten anschließend im Müll. Sie zu spenden würde die Unternehmen nach derzeitiger Rechtslage zusätzlich Geld kosten, denn die Finanzbehörden bewerten Sachspenden wie einen Umsatz, auf den dann Umsatzsteuer anfällt. Researchers from the University of Bamberg have determined that German shoppers return one in six online orders. Around four percent of these items—around 20 million products—then end up in the garbage. Under the current legal framework, it would cost companies additional money to donate them because financial authorities consider material donations to be a sale subject to value-added tax. UEDIN.1066 Green Group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt called on Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) to make it clear with a decree that companies can evaluate non-saleable products accordingly and donate them free of charge to non-profit organisations. Companies should be able to rely on not being punished for donations. This applies not only to online retail, but also to other shops from fashion stores to hardware stores. Grünen-Fraktionschefin Katrin Göring-Eckardt forderte Finanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) auf, mit einem Erlass klarzustellen, dass Unternehmen nicht verkäufliche Produkte entsprechend bewerten und kostenfrei an gemeinnützige Organisationen spenden können. Die Unternehmen müssten sich darauf verlassen können, fürs Spenden nicht bestraft zu werden. Das gelte nicht nur für den Online-Handel, sondern auch für andere Geschäfte vom Modeladen bis zum Baumarkt. Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt urged Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD) to clarify by decree that companies are permitted to value unsaleable products appropriately and donate them to charitable organizations. Companies must be assured that they will not be penalized for making donations. This applies to online retail as well as other businesses such as fashion outlets and home improvement stores. UEDIN.1066 Banksy art for auction: There was never a better time to sell this painting Banksy-Kunst zur Auktion: Es gab nie einen besseren Zeitpunkt, dieses Gemälde zu verkaufen Banksy Art to be Auctioned: There has Never Been a Better Time to Sell This Painting UEDIN.1066 The well-known work of Streetart star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament", will soon be auctioned off. Das bekannte Werk von Streetart-Star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament", soll demnächst versteigert werden. The famous work of street art star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament," is to be auctioned soon. UEDIN.1066 For Branczik, Banksy's work underscores "the regression of the world's oldest parliamentary democracy into the basic attitude of animals and tribes." From Saturday, the painting is to be exhibited at Sotheby's in the British capital until it is to be auctioned off on 3 October. It is estimated at 1.5 to 2 million euros. Für Branczik unterstreicht Banksys Arbeit "die Rückbildung der ältesten parlamentarischen Demokratie der Welt in die von Tieren und Stämmen geprägte Grundhaltung". Ab Samstag soll das Gemälde bei Sotheby's in der britischen Hauptstadt ausgestellt werden, bis es am 3. Oktober versteigert werden soll. Es wird auf 1,5 bis zwei Millionen Euro geschätzt. For Branczik, Banksy's work underscores "the regression of the oldest parliamentary democracy in the world into tribalistic animalistic behavior." Starting on Saturday, the painting is to be shown at Sotheby's in the British capital until it is sold on October 3. It is estimated to be worth 1.5 to two million euros. UEDIN.1066 The work was first exhibited in 2009 at the Bristol Museum in southwestern Great Britain, where Banksy lives. This year, the artist had exhibited the painting again, coinciding with the original Brexit date on March 29. On this occasion, the work, formerly called "Question Hour", was renamed "Devolved Parliament". Das Werk wurde zuerst 2009 im Museum von Bristol im Südwesten Großbritanniens ausgestellt, wo Banksy lebt. In diesem Jahr hatte der Künstler das Gemälde erneut ausgestellt - zeitgleich mit dem ursprünglichen Brexit-Datum am 29. März. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wurde das Werk, das früher "Fragestunde" hieß, umbenannt in "Devolved Parliament" ("Delegiertes Parlament"). The work was first shown in 2009 in the Museum of Bristol in southwest Great Britain, where Banksy lives. This year, the artist showed the painting again—on the original Brexit date of March 29. For this occasion, the work, which was first entitled "Question Time," was renamed "Devolved Parliament." UEDIN.1066 The picture could change hands for a million euros. Das Bild könnte für einen Millionenbetrag den Besitzer wechseln. The painting could change hands for a sum in the millions. UEDIN.1066 Most recently, at the first session of the House of Commons on Wednesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had engaged in a hard exchange of blows with the opposition following the lifting by the Supreme Court of a forced break imposed by Johnson. Johnson wants to carry out the Brexit, which has already been postponed twice, on 31 October, if necessary without an agreement with the EU. Zuletzt hatte sich Premierminister Boris Johnson am Mittwoch bei der ersten Sitzung des Unterhauses nach Aufhebung einer von Johnson verhängten Zwangspause durch das Oberste Gericht einen harten Schlagabtausch mit der Opposition geliefert. Johnson will den bereits zweimal verschobenen Brexit am 31. Oktober notfalls auch ohne Abkommen mit der EU vollziehen. Recently, at the first session of the House of Commons, Prime Minister Boris Johnson exchanged blows with the opposition after a mandatory break he had imposed was repealed by the Supreme Court. Johnson wants to carry out Brexit (which has already been postponed twice) on October 31: without a treaty with the EU if necessary. UEDIN.1066 It is not the first time that Banksy, whose identity is still unknown, has intervened in the Brexit debate. In Dover in the southeast of England, he painted a painting depicting a man who breaks a star of the European flag with a chisel. The plant sees thousands of truck drivers and other visitors entering the UK every day. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass sich Banksy, dessen Identität immer noch unbekannt ist, in die Brexit-Debatte einmischt. In Dover im Südosten Englands malte er ein Bild, das einen Mann darstellt, der mit einem Meißel einen Stern der europäischen Flagge zerbricht. Das Werk sehen täglich Tausende von Lkw-Fahrern und andere Besucher bei der Einreise in das Vereinigte Königreich. This is not the first time that Banksy, whose identity remains a secret, has gotten involved in the Brexit debate. In Dover, in southeast England, he painted a picture showing a man breaking a star of the European flag to pieces with a chisel. Every day, thousands of automobile drivers and other visitors see that work when they enter the United Kingdom. UEDIN.1066 Brexit debate is like a "walk in the park" Brexit-Debatte ist wie ein "Spaziergang im Park" Brexit debate is a "walk in the park" UEDIN.1066 The fierce verbal attacks by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Brexit opponents in parliament do not contribute to a climate of hatred, according to his top advisor. Compared to the election campaign before the 2016 Brexit referendum, the current controversy is a "walk in the park," Dominic Cummings said on Friday at a book launch. "We enjoy it. We will leave (the EU) and we will win". Die heftigen verbalen Angriffe des britischen Premierministers Boris Johnson auf Brexit-Gegner im Parlament tragen nach Ansicht seines Spitzenberaters nicht zu einem Klima des Hasses bei. Im Vergleich zum Wahlkampf vor dem Brexit-Referendum 2016 sei die aktuelle Kontroverse ein "Spaziergang im Park", sagte Dominic Cummings am Freitag bei einer Buchvorstellung. "Wir genießen das. Wir werden (aus der EU) austreten und wir werden gewinnen". The fierce verbal attacks of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson against Brexit opponents in parliament did not contribute to a climate of hatred, his top advisor believes. Compared to the election before the Brexit referendum in 2016, the current controversy is a "walk in the park," said Dominic Cummings at a book launch on Friday. "We are enjoying this. We are going to leave [the EU] and we are going to win." UEDIN.1066 Johnson had attacked Brexit opponents in parliament in recent days and accused them, among other things, of "betrayal" of the people. Accusations that he could put the deputies in danger because they could be the target of death threats, he dismissed as a "humbug". Johnson hatte Brexit-Gegner im Parlament in den vergangenen Tagen hart angegriffen und ihnen unter anderem "Verrat" am Volk vorgeworfen. Anschuldigungen, dass er damit die Abgeordneten in Gefahr bringen könnte, weil sie etwa Ziel von Morddrohungen werden könnten, tat er als "Humbug" ab. In recent days, Johnson has vehemently attacked Brexit opponents in parliament and accused them of "betraying" the people, among other things. He dismissed as "humbug" accusations that he could be putting members of parliament in danger because they could then become the target of death threats. UEDIN.1066 Cummings said that the only way to restore calm is for MEPs to finally respect the British decision to leave the EU. It is not surprising that people are upset that Britain has still not left the EU three years after the referendum. Cummings sagte, der einzige Weg, um wieder Ruhe einkehren zu lassen, sei, wenn die Abgeordneten die Entscheidung der Briten für einen Austritt aus der EU endlich respektieren würden. Es sei nicht überraschend, dass die Leute darüber aufgebracht seien, dass Großbritannien drei Jahre nach dem Referendum immer noch nicht aus der EU ausgetreten sei. Cummings said that the only way for calm to return would be if members of parliament decide to finally respect the British people's decision to leave the EU. It should come as no surprise that people are upset that Great Britain still has not exited the EU three years after the referendum. UEDIN.1066 In view of the charged mood, even the bishops of the Anglican Church called for restraint on Friday. "We should talk to each other with respect," it said in a statement. "And we should also listen." Angesichts der aufgeladenen Stimmung riefen am Freitag sogar die Bischöfe der anglikanischen Kirche zur Zurückhaltung auf. "Wir sollten miteinander mit Respekt sprechen", hieß es in einer Erklärung. "Und wir sollten auch zuhören". In view of the charged mood, even bishops of the Anglican Church called for restraint on Friday. "We should speak to others with respect. And we should also listen." UEDIN.1066 Pakistan’s Prime Minister Khan calls for UN intervention in Kashmir Pakistans Ministerpräsident Khan fordert Uno-Eingreifen in Kaschmir Pakistan's Prime Minister Khan demands UN intervention in Kashmir UEDIN.1066 With an emotional appeal, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan once again called on the United Nations to intervene in the Kashmir conflict during his first appearance before the UN General Assembly. Mit einem emotionalen Appell hat Pakistans Ministerpräsident Imran Khan bei seinem ersten Auftritt vor der Uno-Vollversammlung die Vereinten Nationen erneut zu einem Eingreifen im Kaschmir-Konflikt aufgefordert. With an emotional appeal to the UN, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan once again called on the United Nations to intervene in the Kashmir conflict during his first appearance before the UN General Assembly. UEDIN.1066 Otherwise, a renewed war between the nuclear powers Pakistan and India is likely, Khan said on Friday at the UN General Debate in New York. "If it goes badly, you hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst." The United Nations would have a responsibility for Kashmir. "You should have prevented that." Andernfalls sei ein erneuter Krieg zwischen den Atommächten Pakistan und Indien wahrscheinlich, sagte Khan am Freitag bei der Uno-Generaldebatte in New York. "Wenn das schlecht läuft, hofft man auf das Beste, aber seid auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet". Die Vereinten Nationen hätten eine Verantwortung für Kaschmir. "Ihr hättet das verhindern müssen". Otherwise another war between the Pakistan and India, both nuclear powers, is likely, Khan stated on Friday during the UN general debate in New York. "When things are bad, one can hope for the best, but should be prepared for the worst". The UN had a responsibility towards Kashmir. "You should have prevented this". UEDIN.1066 India and Pakistan have waged three wars since their independence from British colonial rule in 1947, two of them around the divided region of Kashmir. Both nuclear powers each dominate a part of Kashmir, another part belongs to China. At the beginning of August, India had stripped the Indian Kashmir region of its autonomy status and thus suddenly increased tensions in relation to Pakistan. Indien und Pakistan haben seit ihrer Unabhängigkeit von britischer Kolonialherrschaft im Jahr 1947 drei Kriege geführt, zwei davon um die geteilte Region Kaschmir. Beide Atommächte beherrschen jeweils einen Teil von Kaschmir, ein weiterer Teil gehört zu China. Anfang August hatte Indien der indischen Kaschmir-Region den Autonomiestatus entzogen und damit die Spannungen im Verhältnis zu Pakistan schlagartig erhöht. India and Pakistan have been involved in three wars since gaining independence from British colonial rule in 1947, and two of those wars were waged over the divided Kashmir region. Both countries with nuclear powers control a part of Kashmir and the third part belongs to China. At the beginning of August, India revoked the autonomy status of the Indian Kashmir region, and sharply increased tensions in its relations with Pakistan. UEDIN.1066 Not even a bottle of water neues-deutschland.2878055 Nicht mal eine Flasche Wasser Not even a bottle of water UEDIN.1066 The demonstrators in Cairo are calling for the overthrow of Egyptian President al-Sisi. neues-deutschland.2878055 Die Demonstranten in Kairo fordern den Sturz des ägyptischen Präsidenten al-Sisi. Protesters in Cairo are calling for the overthrow of Egyptian President el-Sisi. UEDIN.1066 The government is reacting harshly against the current protests in Egypt. It shoots at the population with live ammunition, and more than 2,000 detainees join the 60,000 political prisoners who are already in prison. Protesting has never been safe in Egypt. But since General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power in 2013, the state apparatus has been doing everything in its power to avoid a scenario like that of the Arab Spring. neues-deutschland.2878055 Gegen die derzeitigen Proteste in Ägypten reagiert die Regierung mit harter Hand. Sie lässt mit scharfer Munition auf die Bevölkerung schießen, über 2000 Festgenommene gesellen sich in den Gefängnissen zu den 60.000 politischen Gefangenen, die dort bereits einsitzen. Protestieren war in Ägypten noch nie ungefährlich. Doch seit der Machtübernahme von General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi im Jahr 2013 tut der Staatsapparat alles dafür, ein Szenario wie zu Zeiten des Arabischen Frühlings zu vermeiden. The government is cracking down on the recent protests in Egypt. It permitted the use of live ammunition against the population, and more than 2000 people were arrested, joining the 60,000 political prisoners already in jail. Protesting in Egypt has never been without danger. But since General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi took power in 2013, the state apparatus has done everything in its power to prevent a scenario like the Arab Spring. UEDIN.1066 But one of the triggers for the 2011 protests was the poor economic situation. Poverty, lack of prospects and the feeling of being suffocated by one's own government drove millions onto the streets. And this is a problem that also the regime of el-Sisi does not get a grip on, no matter how hard it goes against opponents. The situation has even worsened. neues-deutschland.2878055 Doch einer der Auslöser für die Proteste 2011 war die schlechte wirtschaftliche Lage. Armut, Perspektivlosigkeit und das Gefühl, von der eigenen Regierung erstickt zu werden, trieben Millionen auf die Straße. Und das ist ein Problem, welches auch das Regime von el-Sisi nicht in den Griff bekommt, egal, wie hart es gegen Widersacher vorgeht. Die Situation hat sich sogar verschlechtert. One of the triggers for the 2011 protests was the poor economic situation. Poverty, hopelessness, and the feeling of being stifled by their own government drove millions onto the streets. And that is one problem that the regime of el-Sisi cannot handle, no matter how hard they move against their opponents. The situation has even deteriorated. UEDIN.1066 Today, one in three people in Egypt lives below the poverty line. Since 2016, the currency has lost more than half of its value, with inflation at ten percent. If you want to buy a bottle of water in the supermarket, you have to decide who you are financing: Nestle, Coca-Cola or the military. The latter is not only responsible for repression, but also the largest economic player. The military builds roads, houses, football stadiums, produces food and much more. This was the case even before el-Sisi. The Egyptian people have a lot of experience with authoritarian regimes, and the dilemma in the supermarket is also an old one. It is always critical when large parts of the population find it difficult to afford a bottle of water at all. neues-deutschland.2878055 Heute lebt jeder Dritte in Ägypten unter der Armutsgrenze. Seit 2016 hat die Währung mehr als die Hälfte ihres Wertes verloren, die Inflationsrate liegt bei zehn Prozent. Wer im Supermarkt eine Flasche Wasser kaufen möchte, muss entscheiden, wen er finanziert: Nestlé, Coca-Cola oder das Militär. Letzteres ist nämlich nicht nur für die Unterdrückung zuständig sondern auch der größte wirtschaftliche Akteur. Das Militär baut Straßen, Häuser, Fußballstadien, produziert Lebensmittel und vieles mehr. Das war schon vor el-Sisi so. Mit autoritären Regimen hat das ägyptische Volk viel Erfahrung, auch das Dilemma im Supermarkt ist ein altes. Kritisch wird es immer dann, wenn große Teile der Bevölkerung Schwierigkeiten haben, sich überhaupt eine Flasche Wasser zu leisten. Today, one third of Egyptian citizens live below the poverty line. Since 2016, Egypt's currency has lost more than half of its value, and the inflation rate has climbed to 10 percent. Anyone who wants to purchase a bottle of water at the supermarket must decide who they want to finance: Nestlé, Coca Cola, or the military. The latter is not only responsible for the oppression but is also the largest economic player. The military builds streets, houses, and soccer stadiums, produces food, and much more. That was also the case before el-Sisi. The Egyptian people have a great deal of experience with authoritative regimes, and the situation in the supermarket is nothing new. Things always become critical when large segments of the population struggle to buy even a bottle of water. UEDIN.1066 Tüv tests in the terminal: BER boss: No more "show stopper" for capital airport Tüv-Prüfungen im Terminal: BER-Chef: Keine "Showstopper" mehr für Hauptstadtflughafen Tüv testing in the Terminal: BER boss: No more ‘showstoppers' for main city airports UEDIN.1066 It was checked for two months whether the complex system network works in conjunction with BER fire protection. The operators are satisfied with the progress. But the Tüv is not finished at BER yet. Zwei Monate wurde geprüft, ob das komplizierte Anlagengeflecht beim BER-Brandschutz im Zusammenspiel funktioniert. Die Betreiber sind mit dem Verlauf zufrieden. Doch der Tüv ist am BER noch nicht fertig. For two months there were tests to see whether the complicated plant network at BER Fire Protection works interactively. The operators are satisfied with the progress. But the Tüv is not finished at the BER. UEDIN.1066 After large-scale Tüv tests in the terminal of the future capital airport, the operators confirmed the planned opening in October next year. This is certain, said Supervisory Board Chairman Rainer Bretschneider after a meeting of the Supervisory Board. Nach großangelegten Tüv-Prüfungen im Terminal des künftigen Hauptstadtflughafens haben die Betreiber die geplante Eröffnung im Oktober nächsten Jahres bestätigt. Dies sei sicher, sagte Aufsichtsratschef Rainer Bretschneider nach einer Sitzung des Kontrollgremiums. After large-scale Tüv tests in the Terminal of the future metropolitan airport, the operators have confirmed the planned opening in October of next year. This is certain, said supervisory board chief Rainer Bretschneider after a meeting of the control panel. UEDIN.1066 Airport manager Engelbert Lütke Daldrup spoke of a successfully completed test, but also said that there were still deficiencies in the terminal to be dealt with. "We have many detailed topics, but we don't have a real showstopper." He assured that the schedule until commissioning still contained buffers. Flughafenchef Engelbert Lütke Daldrup sprach von einer erfolgreich abgeschlossen Prüfung, sagte aber auch, es seien noch Mängel im Terminal abzuarbeiten. "Wir haben viele Detailthemen, aber einen echten Showstopper haben wir nicht". Er versicherte, der Zeitplan bis zur Inbetriebnahme enthalte noch Puffer. Airport chief Engelbert Lütke Daldrup spoke about a successfully completed examination, but also said there are still defects to be worked through in the Terminal. "We have a lot of detail topics, but we do not have a real showstopper." He reassured us that before the launch there are still some buffers. UEDIN.1066 However, there are indications that the time reserve may not be too large anymore. The construction job advertisement is now to be submitted to the building authority in the course of the first quarter of 2020, which was planned for this autumn at the beginning of the year. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise, dass die zeitliche Reserve nicht mehr allzu groß sein dürfte. Die Baufertigstellungsanzeige soll nun im Laufe des ersten Quartals 2020 beim Bauamt eingereicht werden, zu Jahresbeginn war das für diesen Herbst vorgesehen. However, there are indications, that it will not take much longer to complete. The construction completion notice is to be submitted to the building authority during the first quarter of 2020, at the start of the year it had been predicted for this autumn. UEDIN.1066 Hundreds of defects in power cables are still to be remedied; the Tüv wants to check them until February. "In order to create the conditions for the commencement of flight operations, intensive work must continue to be carried out on the handling of the defects," said a written communication. Hunderte Mängel an Stromkabeln sind noch zu beheben; der Tüv will diese noch bis Februar prüfen. "Um hier die Voraussetzungen für die Aufnahme des Flugbetriebs zu schaffen, muss weiterhin intensiv an der Abarbeitung der Mängel gearbeitet werden", hieß es in einer schriftlichen Mitteilung. Hundreds of power cable defects still need addressing; the Tüv wants to check all of these by February. "In order to create prognoses for the acceptance of flight operations, there has to continue to be intensive work on the defects," the written communication stated. UEDIN.1066 Lütke Daldrup said that in many cases it is about missing evidence, less about new cables. There is also no release for all dowels on which the cable lines hang. The airport manager expects this to be available by the end of the year. Lütke Daldrup sagte, in vielen Fällen gehe es um fehlende Nachweise, weniger um neue Kabel. Es gibt auch noch keine Freigabe für sämtliche Dübel, an denen die Kabeltrassen hängen. Der Flughafenchef erwartet, dass diese bis Jahresende vorliegt. Lütke Daldrup said, that in many cases it's a matter of missing verification rather than new cables. There has also not been release for all dowelling on which the cables hang. The airport manager is expecting this to be available at the end of the year. UEDIN.1066 In addition, the fire protection at the transition to the station under the terminal does not yet work satisfactorily. The problems had already led the project into another crisis three years ago. This time it's about smoke aprons that go down like a canvas in a fire so that the smoke doesn't spread. They drive too far down. 36 engines must therefore be replaced. Then there will be new experiments with hot gas smoke at the beginning of the year. Außerdem funktioniert der Brandschutz am Übergang zum Bahnhof unter dem Terminal noch nicht zufriedenstellend. Die Probleme hatten das Projekt schon vor drei Jahren in eine weitere Krise geführt. Dieses Mal geht es um Rauchschürzen, die bei einem Brand wie eine Leinwand herunterfahren, damit der Rauch sich nicht ausbreitet. Sie fahren zu weit herunter. 36 Motoren müssen deshalb ausgetauscht werden. Dann soll es Anfang des Jahres neue Versuche mit Heißgasrauch geben. Also, the fire protection at the passage to the station under the Terminal is not satisfactory yet. There had already been problems leading the project into further crisis three years ago. This time it's about smoke barriers, which descend like a canvas during a fire, so that smoke does not spread. They go too far down. Therefore, 36 engines have to be exchanged. There will be new testing with hot gas smoke at the beginning of the year. UEDIN.1066 Problems with fire protection and other construction defects as well as planning errors have been delaying the opening of the airport for years. It was originally scheduled to go into operation in 2011. Since the start of construction in 2006, costs have increased from two billion euros to an estimated 6.5 billion euros at the opening next year. Probleme mit dem Brandschutz und weitere Baumängel sowie Planungsfehler verzögern die Eröffnung des Flughafens seit Jahren. Ursprünglich sollte er 2011 in Betrieb gehen. Die Kosten stiegen seit Baubeginn 2006 von zwei Milliarden auf voraussichtlich rund 6,5 Milliarden Euro zur Eröffnung im nächsten Jahr. Problems with fire protection and further building defects such as planning errors have been delaying the opening of the airport for years. Originally it was meant to become operational in 2011. Since building started in 2006, the costs have risen by two billion to an expected approximation of 6.5 billion Euro for opening next year. UEDIN.1066 Since the number of passengers in Berlin has increased significantly since then, those responsible are planning to expand the airport. This will be the subject of a special meeting of the Supervisory Board on 18 October, as announced by Chairman Bretschneider. Weil die Passagierzahlen in Berlin seither deutlich gestiegen sind, planen die Verantwortlichen den Ausbau des Flughafens. Darum soll es in einer Sondersitzung des Aufsichtsrats am 18. Oktober gehen, wie der Vorsitzende Bretschneider ankündigte. Because the amounts of passengers in Berlin have risen noticeably since then, those responsible are planning an expansion of the airport. For this reason, there is a special meeting of the supervisory board planned on October 18th, the Chairman Bretschneider announced. UEDIN.1066 The airport company is now looking for two new managing directors. CFO Heike Fölster will join Deutsche Bahn at the end of the year, HR manager Manfred Bobke-von Camen will retire next year, as Bretschneider said. He thanked Fölster. She had put the airport finances on firm feet. Die Flughafengesellschaft sucht nun zwei neue Geschäftsführer. Finanzchefin Heike Fölster wechselt Ende des Jahres zur Deutschen Bahn, Personalchef Manfred Bobke-von Camen geht nächstes Jahr in Rente, wie Bretschneider sagte. Er dankte Fölster. Sie habe die Flughafenfinanzen auf feste Füße gestellt. The airport company is now looking for two new business directors. Finance boss Heike Fölster is changing to Deutschen Bahn next year, Personnel manager Manfred Bobke-von Camen retires next year, as Bretschneider informed us. He thanked Fölster. She put airport finances on a firm footing. UEDIN.1066 Chemnitz: Vending machines for drugs blown up - police arrest man bild.126691 Chemnitz: Automaten für Drogen gesprengt - Polizei nimmt Mann fest Chemnitz: Police arrest man for blowing up vending machines to get drugs UEDIN.1066 He needed money for drugs - and hunted several vending machines in the Chemnitz city area into the air! Now the perpetrator is finally in custody! bild.126691 Er brauchte Geld für Drogen - und jagte dafür etliche Automaten im Chemnitzer Stadtgebiet in die Luft! Jetzt sitzt der Täter endlich in Haft! He needed money for drugs—so he blew up a load of vending machines in Chemnitz! Now the culprit is behind bars. UEDIN.1066 Over the past two years, the number of blown-up cigarette and parking ticket machines in Chemnitz and the region has risen sharply. There was a loss of millions! bild.126691 In den vergangenen zwei Jahren war die Zahl der gesprengten Zigaretten- und Parkschein-Automaten in Chemnitz und der Region stark angestiegen. Es entstand ein Millionenschaden! The number of cigarette and parking ticket machines blown up in Chemnitz and the region increased drastically over the past two years. Millions of euros' worth of damage was caused. UEDIN.1066 After two detonations at the end of May, the police captured a 33-year-old German on Bürgerstraße and Further Straße in Chemnitz. bild.126691 Die Polizei fasste nach zwei Detonationen Ende Mai an der Bürgerstraße und an der Further Straße in Chemnitz einen 33-jährigen Deutschen. The police arrested a 33-year-old German following two detonations in Bürgerstrasse and Further Strasse in Chemnitz at the end of May. UEDIN.1066 Police spokesman Andrzej Rydzik: "In the course of the investigation into the induction of explosions of explosives in crime unit with particularly severe case of theft, which were led by the Chemnitz criminal police, not only this suspicion against the 33-year-old was confirmed." bild.126691 Polizeisprecher Andrzej Rydzik: "Im Zuge der Ermittlungen wegen des Herbeiführens von Sprengstoffexplosionen in Tateinheit mit besonders schwerem Fall des Diebstahls, die durch die Chemnitzer Kriminalpolizei geführt wurden, bestätigte sich nicht nur dieser Verdacht gegen den 33-Jährigen". Police spokesman Andrzej Rydzik: "In the course of investigations by Chemnitz Criminal Investigation Department into explosions in conjunction with a particularly serious case of theft, this is not the only suspicion related to the 33-year-old that was confirmed". UEDIN.1066 Faced with the new evidence, the 33-year-old Chemnitzer now confessed a total of eight deeds. bild.126691 Konfrontiert mit den neuen Beweisen, gestand der 33-jährige Chemnitzer jetzt insgesamt acht Taten. Confronted with the new evidence, the 33-year-old Chemnitz resident has confessed to a total of eight offenses. UEDIN.1066 The police spokesman: "With the prey he apparently financed his drug addiction". The bomber had blown up parking ticket machines on Bürgerstraße four times between 20 August 2018 and 31 May 2019. bild.126691 Der Polizeisprecher: "Mit der Beute hat er offenbar seine Betäubungsmittelabhängigkeit finanziert". Allein viermal hatte der Bomber zwischen 20. August 2018 und dem 31. Mai 2019 Parkscheinautomaten an der Bürgerstraße gesprengt. Said the police spokesman: "He evidently funded his drug habit with the proceeds." The bomber detonated parking ticket machines in Bürgerstrasse four times between August 20, 2018 and May 31, 2019. UEDIN.1066 The total damage caused amounts to at least EUR 60 000! bild.126691 Der entstandene Gesamtschaden beläuft sich auf mindestens 60 000 Euro! The damage caused amounts to at least EUR 60,000! UEDIN.1066 The vending machine bomber is now in pre-trial custody. The police investigation against him continues. bild.126691 Der Automaten-Bomber sitzt jetzt in Untersuchungshaft. Die polizeilichen Ermittlungen gegen ihn laufen weiter. The vending machine bomber is now in custody awaiting trial. The police investigations into him are continuing. UEDIN.1066 It is conceivable that he was also responsible for further machine explosions in Chemnitz and adjacent counties. bild.126691 Denkbar, dass er auch für weitere Automaten-Sprengungen in Chemnitz und angrenzenden Landkreisen verantwortlich war. It is conceivable that he was also responsible for blowing up further vending machines in Chemnitz and surrounding areas. UEDIN.1066 AUA takes over Eurowings flights from Vienna AUA übernimmt Eurowings-Flüge ab Wien AUA Takes Over Eurowings Flights From Vienna UEDIN.1066 The Lufthansa Group is transforming its strategy for Vienna Airport. In the midst of the price war with low-cost airlines such as Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet and Level, Lufthansa subsidiary AUA is taking over "the commercial control of all Eurowings flights from Vienna", a press spokesman of Austrian Airlines confirmed to APA on Friday. Previously, "AviationNetOnline" had reported about it. Der Lufthansa-Konzern krempelt seine Strategie für den Flughafen Wien um. Inmitten des Preiskampfes mit Billigfliegern wie Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet und Level übernimmt die Lufthansa-Tochter AUA "die kommerzielle Steuerung aller Eurowings-Flüge ab Wien", bestätigte am Freitag ein Pressesprecher der Austrian Airlines gegenüber der APA. Zuvor hatte "AviationNetOnline" darüber berichtet. The Lufthansa Group is radically changing its strategy for the Vienna Airport. Amid the price war with budget airlines such as Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet, and Level, the Lufthansa subsidiary AUA is taking on "the commercial management of all Eurowings flights leaving Vienna," a press officer from Austrian Airlines confirmed to the APA on Friday. "AviationNetOnline" had made previous reports to that end. UEDIN.1066 The Vienna base of the Lufthansa low-cost aircraft Eurowings is thus de facto dissolved. Of the currently seven Eurowings aircraft, four remain in Vienna. This will be taken over by AUA from January 2020 in the "Wetlease", i.e. including Eurowings personnel. In the future, three Eurowings jets will be stationed in Salzburg, which will fly from Salzburg and Innsbruck as charter machines to holiday destinations. Routes from Vienna to Germany are taken over by Eurowings Germany. Die Wiener Basis des Lufthansa-Billigfliegers Eurowings wird damit de facto aufgelöst. Von den aktuell sieben Eurowings-Flugzeugen bleiben vier in Wien. Diese übernimmt die AUA ab Jänner 2020 im "Wetlease", also inklusive Eurowings-Personal. In Salzburg werden künftig drei Eurowings-Jets stationiert sein, die von Salzburg und Innsbruck als Chartermaschinen zu Urlaubszielen fliegen sollen. Strecken von Wien nach Deutschland werden von Eurowings Deutschland übernommen. This will de facto dissolve the Vienna base of the Lufthansa budget airline Eurowings. Of the seven Eurowings flights currently existing, four will remain in Vienna. Beginning in January 2020, the AUA will take these over in a "wet lease," which includes Eurowings personnel. In the future, three Eurowings jets will be stationed in Salzburg, which will fly from Salzburg and Innsbruck to vacation destinations as chartered planes. Routes from Vienna to Germany will be taken over by Eurowings Deutschland. UEDIN.1066 The Eurowings base in Vienna will be integrated into the AUA hub and network planning, the spokesman explained. The flight times are to be adjusted to connecting flights. The aim is, on the one hand, to strengthen the Vienna hub and, on the other hand, to expand decentralised traffic from the federal states. Die Eurowings-Basis in Wien werde in das AUA-Drehkreuz und die Netzplanung integriert, erklärte der Sprecher. Die Flugzeiten sollen auf Anschlussflüge abgestimmt werden. Ziel sei einerseits, das Drehkreuz Wien zu stärken und andererseits den dezentralen Verkehr aus den Bundesländern heraus auszubauen. The Eurowings base in Vienna will be integrated into the AUA hub and network planning, the office explained. The flight times will be coordinated with those of connecting flights. The goal is to strengthen the hub in Vienna and expand the decentralized traffic from the federal provinces. UEDIN.1066 As AviationNetOnline writes, Eurowings in Vienna only serves as a "production company" for Group sister AUA. Among other things, Barcelona and Rome would be operated with AUA flight number, but primarily with Eurowings device. Although the on-board product should be adapted to that of Austrian Airlines, the pilots and flight attendants come from Eurowings. According to the report, the Eurowings flights taking off under AUA flight number are no longer handled in Terminal 1, but in the same way as the AUA in Terminal 3. Wie AviationNetOnline schreibt, diene Eurowings in Wien nur noch als "Production Company" für die Konzernschwester AUA. So würden unter anderem Barcelona und Rom mit AUA-Flugnummer, aber vornehmlich mit Eurowings-Gerät bedient werden. Das Bordprodukt solle zwar an jenes von Austrian Airlines angepasst werden, die Piloten und Flugbegleiter stammen aber von Eurowings. Die unter AUA-Flugnummer startenden Eurowings-Flüge werden dem Bericht zufolge nicht mehr im Terminal 1, sondern so wie die AUA im Terminal 3 abgefertigt. As AviationNetOnline writes, Eurowings in Vienna still serves only as a "production company" for its sister company AUA. For example, Barcelona, Rome, and other cities would be served with an AUA flight number, but primarily with Eurowings machines. Although the board product will be adapted to that of Austrian Airlines, the pilots and flight attendants will come from Eurowings. The Eurowings flights starting under AUA flight numbers will reportedly no longer begin in Terminal 1, but in Terminal 3 like the AUA. UEDIN.1066 After the Niki crash, a price war broke out at Vienna Airport. Ryanair subsidiary Laudamotion announced on Thursday that it would increase its fleet in Vienna to 16 aircraft next summer. The Irish low-cost airline sends four Ryanair aircraft and crews to Vienna, also in the so-called "Wetlease", which the union criticized as a bypass to the collective agreement. Am Flughafen Wien ist nach der Niki-Pleite ein Preiskampf ausgebrochen. Die Ryanair-Tochter Laudamotion kündigte erst am Donnerstag an, die Flotte in Wien nächsten Sommer auf 16 Flugzeuge aufzustocken. Der irische Billigflieger schickt dafür vier Ryanair-Maschinen samt Crews nach Wien, ebenfalls im sogenannten "Wetlease", was die Gewerkschaft als Umgehungskonstrukt zum Kollektivvertrag kritisierte. After the Niki bankruptcy, a price war has broken out at the Vienna Airport. The Ryanair subsidiary Laudamotion announced on Thursday that it would increase its fleet in Vienna to sixteen airplanes next summer. To that end, the Irish budget airline is sending four Ryanair planes and crews to Vienna; this will also be done through a wet lease, which has been criticized by the trade union as a construct for bypassing the collective agreement. UEDIN.1066 Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary's announcement that Lauda will have overtaken the AUA in five years' time, AUA CEO Andreas Otto replied on Friday: "We will remain number one at the site in five, six or ten years' time." Der Kampfansage von Ryanair-Chef Michael O'Leary, dass Lauda die AUA in fünf Jahren überholt haben wird, entgegnete am Freitag AUA-Vorstand Andreas Otto: "Wir bleiben die Nummer eins am Standort, in fünf, sechs oder zehn Jahren". The challenge laid down by Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary—that Lauda will have overtaken AUA in five years—was countered on Friday by Andreas Otto, the CCO of AUA: "We will remain number one at that location after five, six, or ten years." UEDIN.1066 Queen granddaughter Princess Beatrice is engaged Queen-Enkelin Prinzessin Beatrice ist verlobt Queen's granddaughter Princess Beatrice is engaged UEDIN.1066 Beatrice, Eugenie, William and Harry: As children, the cousins were the best friends. Now the last of the four marries. Beatrice is engaged! Beatrice, Eugenie, William und Harry: Als Kinder waren die Cousins die besten Freunde. Jetzt heiratet die letzte der vier. Beatrice ist verlobt! Beatrice, Eugenie, William, and Harry: These cousins were best friends as children. Now the last of the four is getting married. Beatrice is engaged! UEDIN.1066 Wonderful news from the British Royals: Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) is said to have stopped for the hand of his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31) during the Italian holidays at the beginning of the month. This was announced by the palace on Thursday. Wunderbare Neuigkeiten von den britischen Royals: In den Italien-Ferien Anfang Monat soll Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) um die Hand seiner Freundin Prinzessin Beatrice (31) angehalten haben. Das gab der Palast am Donnerstag bekannt. Wonderful news from the British royals: On their trip to Italy at the beginning of the month, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) is said to have asked his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31) for her hand in marriage. This was announced by the palace on Thursday. UEDIN.1066 "We are extremely pleased to announce our engagement. We are both so excited to start this adventure together and can't wait to be married," the couple, who have been together since October 2018 according to British media reports, said in the official announcement. "Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, unsere Verlobung bekanntgeben zu können. Wir freuen uns beide so sehr, gemeinsam dieses Abenteuer zu beginnen und können es kaum erwarten, tatsächlich verheiratet zu sein", teilte das Paar, das laut britischen Medienberichten seit Oktober 2018 zusammen ist, in der offiziellen Mitteilung mit. "We are extremely happy to be able to share the news of our recent engagement. We are both so excited to be embarking on this life adventure together and can't wait to be married," the couple officially announced, having been together since October 2018 according to British media reports. UEDIN.1066 And further: "We share so many similar interests and values and we know that this will help us a lot in the coming years full of love and happiness". Und weiter: "Wir teilen so viele ähnliche Interessen und Werte und wir wissen, dass uns das in den kommenden Jahren voller Liebe und Glück sehr helfen wird". They continued: "We share so many similar interests and values and we know this will stand us in great stead for the years ahead, full of love and happiness." UEDIN.1066 Sister Eugenie sniffed the pictures Schwester Eugenie knipste die Bilder Sister Eugenie snapped the photos UEDIN.1066 The official engagement photos were taken by her sister, Princess Eugenie (29), and published on her Instagram account. Die offiziellen Verlobungsfotos hat ihre Schwester, Prinzessin Eugenie (29), aufgenommen - und auch gleich auf ihrem Instagram-Account veröffentlicht. Her sister, Princess Eugenie (29), took the official engagement photos, and also published them on her Instagram account. UEDIN.1066 A royal festival Ein royales Fest A royal celebration UEDIN.1066 The wedding is scheduled to take place in 2020. More information about the date, location and everything else will be announced by the palace in the coming months. Die Hochzeit soll 2020 stattfinden. Nähere Infos zu Datum, Ort und allem anderen wird der Palast in den kommenden Monaten bekannt geben. The marriage is set to take place in 2020. The palace will announce more detailed information on the date, location, and everything else in the coming months. UEDIN.1066 What is certain, however, is that the marriage of the number nine of the British succession to the throne and the real estate mogul will be a similarly big celebration as the wedding of Eugenie on 12 October 2018 with Jack Brooksbank (33). Sicher ist aber, dass die Vermählung der Nummer neun der britischen Thronfolge und dem Immobilienmogul ein ähnlich großes Fest wird wie die Trauung von Eugenie am 12. Oktober 2018 mit Jack Brooksbank (33). One thing is certain, however: The wedding of the ninth in line to the British throne and the real estate mogul will be a celebration as large as Eugenie's marriage to Jack Brooksbank (33) on October 12, 2018. UEDIN.1066 Study on causes of heart disease Studie zu Ursachen von Herzkrankheiten Study on the causes of heart diseases UEDIN.1066 Smoking, obesity, unhealthy diet - there are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. But what really triggers a heart failure or an infarction? Researchers in Hamburg now want to take a close look at the genome of 9,000 healthy and sick people. Rauchen, Übergewicht, ungesunde Ernährung - es gibt Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Aber was löst eine Herzschwäche oder einen Infarkt wirklich aus? Hamburger Forscher wollen sich nun das Erbgut von 9000 gesunden und kranken Menschen genau ansehen. Smoking, being overweight, unhealthy diet—there are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. But what actually triggers heart failure or a heart attack? Hamburg researchers now want to take a precise look at the DNA of 9,000 healthy and sick people. UEDIN.1066 Through the analysis of the genetic material of 9,000 people, Hamburg and Swiss scientists want to investigate the causes of cardiovascular diseases in more detail. Über die Analyse des Erbguts von 9000 Menschen wollen Hamburger und Schweizer Wissenschaftler den Ursachen von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen detaillierter auf die Spur kommen. By analyzing the DNA of 9,000 people, researchers from Hamburg and Switzerland are attempting to find out exactly what causes cardiovascular diseases. UEDIN.1066 The research project is the largest of its kind in German-speaking countries, the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) announced on Friday. The Kühne Foundation is funding the project with 12.5 million euros. From Switzerland, the Davos High Mountain Hospital, which belongs to the Foundation, and the University Hospital Zurich are involved. Das Forschungsprojekt sei das größte dieser Art im deutschsprachigen Raum, teilte das Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) am Freitag mit. Die Kühne-Stiftung fördert das Vorhaben mit 12,5 Millionen Euro. Aus der Schweiz sind die Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, die der Stiftung gehört, und das Universitätsspital Zürich beteiligt. The research project is the largest of its kind in the German-speaking world, announced the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) on Friday. The Kühne Foundation is supporting the initiative with €12.5 million. In Switzerland, the Hochgebirgsklinik Davos Hospital, which belongs to the foundation, and the University Hospital of Zurich are participating. UEDIN.1066 Overweight, smoking and unhealthy diets are among the main influencing risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Genetic factors determine the risk. However, the interplay between genes and external influences is only insufficiently known, it was said. Now the scientists want to compare the complete genome of 8000 healthy people with that of 1000 former patients of the University Heart and Vascular Center at the UKE. Übergewicht, Rauchen und ungesunde Ernährung zählen zu den wesentlichen beeinflussbaren Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Genetische Faktoren bestimmen das Risiko mit. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Genen und äußeren Einflüssen sei aber nur unzureichend bekannt, hieß es. Nun wollen die Wissenschaftler das vollständige Erbgut von 8000 gesunden Menschen mit dem von 1000 ehemaligen Patienten des Universitären Herz- und Gefäßzentrums am UKE vergleichen. Being overweight, smoking, and an unhealthy diet are among the key influenceable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Genetic factors also contribute to the risk. The interaction between genes and external influences is not yet sufficiently understood, they say. Researchers now want to compare the entire DNA of 8,000 healthy people with that of 1,000 former patients of the University Heart and Vascular Center at UKE. UEDIN.1066 At present, more than 4000 of the approximately 20,000 relevant human genes are aware of possible disease-causing changes in DNA - so-called mutations - according to the clinic. Every year about 200 would be added. Aktuell seien in mehr als 4000 der rund 20.000 relevanten menschlichen Gene mögliche krankheitsverursachende Veränderungen der DNA - sogenannte Mutationen - bekannt, hieß es vom Klinikum. Jedes Jahr kämen etwa 200 hinzu. Currently, more than 4,000 of almost 20,000 relevant human genes are known to cause DNA changes—called mutations—that lead to heart disease, according to the clinic. Approximately 200 are added each year. UEDIN.1066 According to the initiators, the aim of the five-year project is to develop new options for the prevention, detection and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure and heart attacks. According to Stefan Blankenberg, head of the University Heart and Vascular Center, the data could also be useful in researching other common diseases. New findings on the interaction between heart and brain, heart and kidney as well as on cancer are possible. Ziel des fünfjährigen Projekts ist es den Initiatoren zufolge, neue Optionen etwa zur Vorsorge, Erkennung und Behandlung von Herzrhythmusstörungen, Herzschwäche und Herzinfarkten zu entwickeln. Die Daten könnten auch bei der Erforschung anderer Volkskrankheiten nützen, so Stefan Blankenberg, Leiter des Universitären Herz- und Gefäßzentrums. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Zusammenspiel zwischen Herz und Hirn, Herz und Niere sowie zu Krebserkrankungen seien möglich. Those behind this five-year project say its goal is to develop new options for preventing, detecting, and treating cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac failure, and cardiac arrest. The data could also be of use when researching other common diseases, says Stefan Blankenberg, Director of the University Heart and Vascular Center. New findings may be made on the interaction between the heart and brain, the heart and nerves, as well as cancers. UEDIN.1066 The chairman of the Kühne Foundation, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), also stressed that there was a firm will to use the data for research into other diseases. So far, the foundation's clinic in Davos has mainly treated allergies. Now a Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine is to be established on the medical campus there and a professorship for bioinformatics is to be created. In order to justify his commitment, the logistics entrepreneur, who lives in Switzerland, said that he had been operated on an open heart in Hamburg three years ago and was very grateful. Der Vorsitzende der Kühne-Stiftung, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), betonte ebenfalls, es gebe den festen Willen, die Daten auch zur Erforschung anderer Krankheiten zu nutzen. Die Klinik der Stiftung in Davos behandelt bislang vor allem Allergien. Nun solle auf dem dortigen Medizincampus ein Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine entstehen und eine Professur für Bioinformatik geschaffen werden. Zur Begründung seines Engagements sagte der in der Schweiz lebende Logistikunternehmer, er sei vor drei Jahren in Hamburg am offenen Herzen operiert worden und sehr dankbar. Chairman of the Kühne Foundation, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), also stressed the firm intention to use the data to study other diseases also. The foundation's clinic in Davos has primarily treated allergies to date. The medical campus there will now include a Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine and employ a professor of bioinformatics. Explaining his commitment to the project, the logistics entrepreneur, who lives in Switzerland, said that he had open-heart surgery three years ago in Hamburg and is very grateful. UEDIN.1066 The organic samples of the healthy participants come from Hamburgers, who also participate in the "Hamburg City Health Study". According to the clinic, this is the largest local health study in the world with 45,000 subjects. In the case of genetic decoding, strict attention is paid to the protection of anonymised data, the scientists assured. It is about a petabyte (1000 terabytes) of data, said Holger Moch from the University Hospital Zurich. Die Bioproben der gesunden Teilnehmer stammen von Hamburgern, die auch bei der "Hamburg City Health Study" mitmachen. Mit 45.000 Probanden ist das nach Angaben des Klinikums die größte lokale Gesundheitsstudie der Welt. Bei der Erbgutentschlüsselung werde streng auf den Schutz der anonymisierten Daten geachtet, versicherten die Wissenschaftler. Es gehe um ein Petabyte (1000 Terabyte) an Daten, sagte Holger Moch vom Universitätsspital Zürich. The biomaterial of healthy participants comes from citizens of Hamburg who were also taking part in the Hamburg City Health Study. At 45,000 test subjects, this is the largest local healthy study in the world, according to information from the clinic. Researchers affirmed that the protection of anonymous data would be strictly ensured when deciphering the DNA. There will be a petabyte (1000 terabytes) of data, said Holger Moch from the University Hospital of Zurich. UEDIN.1066 According to UKE, a person's genetic material can now be decoded within 24 hours. The pure material costs for this would be 1300 euros. The first gene sequencing worldwide, the results of which were published in 2001, cost several hundred million euros. The study is scheduled to begin on October 1, and all 9,000 samples are expected to be analyzed by the end of 2020. Initial results are expected in the following year. Das Erbgut eines Menschen kann heute laut UKE innerhalb von 24 Stunden entschlüsselt werden. Die reinen Sachkosten dafür lägen bei 1300 Euro. Die erste Gen-Sequenzierung weltweit, deren Ergebnisse 2001 veröffentlicht wurden, habe noch mehrere Hundert Millionen Euro gekostet. Die Studie soll am 1. Oktober beginnen, bereits Ende 2020 sollen alle 9000 Proben analysiert sein. Im Jahr darauf werden erste Ergebnisse erwartet. Today, a person's DNA can be deciphered within 24 hours, according to UKE. The purely material costs for this amount to €1,300. The first genetic sequencing in the world, whose results were published in 2001, cost several hundred millions of euros. The study is set to begin on October 1, and all 9,000 subjects are to be analyzed by the end of 2020. The initial results are expected in the following year. UEDIN.1066 Nigerian police liberate hundreds of abused boys zeit.64417 Nigerianische Polizei befreit hunderte misshandelte Jungen Nigerian police frees hundreds of abused boys UEDIN.1066 In Nigeria, the police have freed more than 300 tortured and abused boys from a Koranic school. According to local residents, security forces searched the school in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna and discovered the victims, some of whom were still minors, as police spokesman Yakubu Sabo reported. "The victims were mistreated. Some of them claimed to have been raped by their teachers," Sabo said. zeit.64417 In Nigeria hat die Polizei mehr als 300 gefolterte und missbrauchte Jungen aus einer Koranschule befreit. Nach Hinweisen von Anwohnern durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte die Schule in der nordnigerianischen Stadt Kaduna und entdeckten die zum Teil noch minderjährigen Opfer, wie Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo mitteilte. "Die Opfer wurden misshandelt. Einige von ihnen gaben an, von ihren Lehrern vergewaltigt worden zu sein", sagte Sabo. In Nigeria, the police freed more than 300 mistreated and abused boys from a Quran school. According to information from local residents, security forces searched the school in the town of Kaduna in northern Nigeria and discovered the victims, some of whom were still minors, according to police spokesman Yakubu Sabo. "The victims were mistreated. Several of them claimed to have been raped by teachers", stated Sabo. UEDIN.1066 The boys were detained under the pretext of being taught and "improved" in the Qur'an. In fact, the protesters were detained by their teachers under "most degrading and inhumane conditions," Sabo said. About a hundred students, including children at the age of nine, were chained in a small room. zeit.64417 Die Jungen seien unter dem Vorwand festgehalten worden, im Koran unterrichtet und "gebessert" zu werden. Tatsächlich seien die Schützlinge von ihren Lehrern unter "entwürdigendsten und unmenschlichsten Bedingungen" festgehalten worden, sagte Sabo. Etwa hundert Schüler, darunter Kinder im Alter von neun Jahren, seien in einem kleinen Raum angekettet gewesen. The boys had been held captive under the pretext of being taught and "improved" in the Quran. In actual fact, the students were imprisoned by their teachers in "the most degrading and subhuman conditions", said Sabo. Around a hundred students, including nine year old children were chained up in a small room. UEDIN.1066 According to the information, the Koranic school has existed for about ten years. Local residents would have drawn the authorities' attention to repeated irregularities in the facility. The parents were shocked to learn about the conditions in the Koranic school, Sabo said. They had no idea of the suffering of their children. The operator and six employees were arrested according to the police. zeit.64417 Die Koranschule bestand den Angaben zufolge seit rund zehn Jahren. Anwohner hätten die Behörden auf wiederholte Unregelmäßigkeiten in der Einrichtung aufmerksam gemacht. Die Eltern hätten sich schockiert gezeigt, als sie über die Zustände in der Koranschule unterrichtet wurden, sagte Sabo. Sie hätten von den Leiden ihrer Kinder nichts geahnt. Der Betreiber und sechs Mitarbeiter wurden laut Polizei festgenommen. According to the statements, the Quran school existed for about ten years. The residents had repeatedly pointed out incidents in the institution to the authorities. The parents were shocked as they learned of the state of the Quran school, stated Sabo. They had no knowledge of the suffering their children were being put through. The manager and six employees were arrested, according to the police. UEDIN.1066 In the predominantly Muslim north of Nigeria there are many private Koranic schools. They replace the often deficient state institutions. People in the region suffer from frequent attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN Refugee Agency, more than 40,000 people have fled across the border to the neighbouring state of Niger in the past ten months. zeit.64417 Im überwiegend muslimischen Norden Nigerias gibt es viele private Koranschulen. Sie ersetzen die oft mangelhaften staatlichen Einrichtungen. Die Menschen in der Region leiden unter häufigen Angriffen bewaffneter Banden. Nach Angaben des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks flohen deshalb in den vergangenen zehn Monaten mehr als 40.000 Menschen über die Grenze in den Nachbarstaat Niger. There are many private Quran schools in the predominantly Muslim northern Nigeria. They often replace the insufficient state institutions. The people of the region are often subjected to attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN Refugee Agency, more than 40,000 people have fled across the border to the neighboring country of Niger in the past ten months. UEDIN.1066 Chained and Tortured: Nigeria's Police Liberate 400 Children from School Angekettet und gefoltert: Nigerias Polizei befreit 400 Kinder aus Schule Chained and tortured: Nigeria's police releases 400 children from school UEDIN.1066 In a school in northern Nigeria, policemen have freed almost 400 students from appalling circumstances. "Many of them were chained and some had visible injuries indicating torture," said police spokesman Yakubu Sabo in Kaduna City. Polizisten haben in einer Schule im Norden Nigerias fast 400 Schüler aus entsetzlichen Verhältnissen befreit. "Viele von ihnen waren angekettet und einige hatten sichtbare Verletzungen, die auf Folter hindeuten", sagte Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo in der Stadt Kaduna. Police in a school in the north of Nigeria have freed almost 400 students from horrific circumstances. "Many of them were chained up and had visible injuries indicating torture," said police representative Yakubu Sabo in the city of Kaduna. UEDIN.1066 There the children had been discovered on Thursday after a hint in an Islamic school. The conditions there were "unworthy of man". The officers arrested the headmaster and six teachers after the liberation action. Dort waren die Kinder am Donnerstag nach einem Hinweis in einer islamisch geprägten Schule entdeckt worden. Die Zustände dort seien "menschenunwürdig" gewesen. Die Beamten nahmen den Schulleiter und sechs Lehrer nach der Befreiungsaktion fest. After a tip-off, Children had been discovered in an Islamic school on Thursday. The conditions there are said to have been "inhuman." The employees arrested the headmaster and six teachers after the rescue mission. UEDIN.1066 The children, all boys, were held like slaves at their school and put on chains. Some have been sexually abused. Television pictures showed emaciated and injured students in a noticeably poor state of health. Die Kinder, allesamt Jungen, seien an ihrer Schule wie Sklaven gehalten und an Ketten gelegt worden. Einige seien sexuell missbraucht worden. Fernsehbilder zeigten abgemagerte und verletzte Schüler in einem erkennbar schlechten Gesundheitszustand. The children, all of them boys, had been kept like slaves and put in chains. Some of them had been sexually abused. Television pictures showed emaciated and injured students in a recognizably bad health condition. UEDIN.1066 World Football Election: Further Accusations after Messis and Klopps Freestyle welt.263082 Weltfußballerwahl: Weitere Vorwürfe nach Messis und Klopps Kür The Best FIFA Football Awards: More reproaches after Messi´s and Klopp´s freestyle UEDIN.1066 Football "signature not valid" welt.263082 Fußball "Unterschrift nicht gültig" Soccer "Signature not valid" UEDIN.1066 Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi and Megan Rapinoe awarded welt.263082 Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi und Megan Rapinoe ausgezeichnet Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi and Megan Rapinoe honored UEDIN.1066 With a gala in Milan, the World Football Association Fifa awards the best player, the best player and the best coach of the year. For Lionel Messi it is the sixth honor and thus record. welt.263082 Mit einer Gala in Mailand zeichnet der Weltfußballverband Fifa die beste Spielerin, den besten Spieler und den besten Trainer des Jahres aus. Für Lionel Messi ist es die sechste Ehrung und damit Rekord. At a gala in Milan, the World Football Association Fifa honors the best male and female player, and the best coach of the year. This is Messi´s sixth award and a record. UEDIN.1066 After Nicaragua's captain declared that he had never voted in the World Football Election, accusations come to Fifa from other countries. Egypt was not valued at all - with a curious reason. welt.263082 Nachdem Nicaraguas Kapitän erklärte, er habe bei der Weltfußballer-Wahl nie abgestimmt, kommen aus weiteren Ländern Vorwürfe an die Fifa. Ägypten wurde gar nicht gewertet - mit einer kuriosen Begründung. After Nicaragua's captain declared that he had never voted in The Best FIFA Football Awards, reproaches are reaching FIFA from other countries. Egypt was not rated at all—due to a curious reason. UEDIN.1066 Much of Fifa has proven to be disreputable in recent years: the World Cup gifts, dubious plans of its president Gianni Infantino, the general behavior of various corrupt officials. So far, however, the FIFA World Footballer Election has not been suspected of being unclean - except for the fact that the voting national coaches and national team captains of the member associations often vote according to sympathy rather than objective assessment. welt.263082 Vieles bei der Fifa hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren als anrüchig erwiesen: die WM-Vergaben, dubiose Pläne ihres Präsidenten Gianni Infantino, das generelle Verhalten diverser korrupter Funktionäre. Die Fifa-Weltfußballer-Wahl geriet bislang allerdings nicht in den Verdacht, unsauber abzulaufen - wenn man davon absieht, dass die stimmberechtigten Nationaltrainer und Nationalmannschaftskapitäne der Mitgliedsverbände oft eher nach Sympathie denn nach objektiver Einschätzung abstimmen. There were several objectionable points at Fifa in recent years: the World Cup awards, president Gianni Infantino´s dubious plans, the general behavior of various corrupt officials. So far, however, The Best FIFA Football Awards have not been suspected of being unfair—apart from the fact that the voting national coaches and national team captains of the member associations often vote according to likeability rather than voting objectively. UEDIN.1066 But after Nicaragua's captain had already complained that he had not voted at all, further inconsistencies are now emerging: Egypt complains that the voices of national coach Hossam El-Badry and captain Mohamed Salah were not taken into account. In fact, they do not appear in the official and publicly visible voting overview. welt.263082 Doch nachdem bereits Nicaraguas Kapitän beklagt hatte, er habe überhaupt nicht abgestimmt, treten nun weitere Ungereimtheiten zutage: Ägypten beklagt, dass die Stimmen von Nationaltrainer Hossam El-Badry und Kapitän Mohamed Salah nicht berücksichtigt wurden. In der Tat tauchen sie in der offiziellen und öffentlich einsehbaren Abstimmungsübersicht nicht auf. But further inconsistencies are now emerging after Nicaragua's captain had expressed that he had not voted at all: Egypt claims that the votes by national coach Hossam El-Badry and captain Mohamed Salah were not taken into account. In fact, they did not appear in the official and publicly available voting overview. UEDIN.1066 The Fifa apologizes that "the signatures on the election forms were in capital letters and therefore not valid". The Egyptian association had been contacted several times to clarify the situation - without answer. welt.263082 Die Fifa entschuldigt sich insofern, dass "die Unterschriften auf den Wahlformularen in Großbuchstaben abgegeben und daher nicht gültig" gewesen seien. Man habe den ägyptischen Verband mehrfach kontaktiert, um die Situation zu klären - ohne Antwort. Fifa apologized with the statement that "the signatures on the election forms were in capital letters and therefore not valid". The Egyptian association had been contacted several times to clarify the situation, but so far no reply has been received. UEDIN.1066 Sudan's coach also surprised welt.263082 Sudans Trainer auch verwundert Sudan´s Coach is also surprised UEDIN.1066 There is also an outcry from Sudan about the election. While the situation in the case of Egypt is understandable, the Sudanese association states that coach Zdravko Lugarisic did not vote as it was finally evaluated: with Lionel Messi in first place, Virgil van Dijk in two and Sadio Mani in three. According to Fifa, however, the vote was just as well received, with signatures and official stamp of the Sudanese association. welt.263082 Auch aus dem Sudan gibt es bezüglich der Wahl einen Aufschrei. Während die Sachlage im Fall Ägyptens nachvollziehbar ist, gibt der sudanesische Verband an, dass Trainer Zdravko Lugarisic nicht so abgestimmt habe, wie es schließlich gewertet wurde: mit Lionel Messi auf Platz eins, Virgil van Dijk auf zwei und Sadio Mané auf drei. Laut Fifa sei die Abstimmung aber genauso so eingegangen, mit Unterschriften und offiziellem Stempel des sudanesischen Verbandes. There has also been an outcry from Sudan regarding the awards. While the situation is understandable in Egypt's case, the Sudanese association claims that coach Zdravko Lugarisic did not vote the way it was ultimately scored: with Lionel Messi in first place, Virgil van Dijk in second and Sadio Mané in third. According to Fifa, however, this was the submitted vote, with signatures and the official stamp of the Sudanese association. UEDIN.1066 Nicaragua's captain Juan Barrera also made accusations: "Didn't vote for TheBest2019 Awards. All the information about my voice is wrong, thank you," he wrote. In his case, it was assumed that the Nicaraguan Football Association simply voted on his behalf. welt.263082 Vorwürfe hatte auch Nicaraguas Kapitän Juan Barrera erhoben: "Habe nicht für die #TheBest2019 Awards abgestimmt. Alle Angaben zu meiner Stimme sind falsch, danke", schrieb er. In seinem Fall wurde vermutet, dass der nicaraguanische Fußballverband einfach in seinem Namen abgestimmt hat. Nicaragua's captain Juan Barrera had also made accusations: "I haven´t voted in the #TheBest2019 Awards. All entries on my vote are untrue, thank you", he wrote. In his case it was suspected that the Nicaraguan Football Association had simply voted on his behalf. UEDIN.1066 From the association came on Friday now the message: True, but was of course no intention. The completed election documents were "mistakenly" provided with the name and signature of Juan Barrera, the captain of the Nicaraguan selection, according to a statement of the association. But actually the second captain Manuel Rosas was elected. "We take responsibility for the administrative error," the communication said. Both Rosas and team coach Henry Duarte would have voted for Messi, "just as it is on FIFA's official list." welt.263082 Vom Verband kam am Freitag nun die Meldung: Stimmt, aber war natürlich keine Absicht. Die ausgefüllten Wahlunterlagen seien "irrtümlicherweise" mit dem Namen und der Unterschrift von Juan Barrera, dem Kapitän der nicaraguanischen Auswahl, versehen worden, hieß es in einer Mitteilung des Verbands. Gewählt habe aber eigentlich der zweite Kapitän Manuel Rosas. "Wir übernehmen die Verantwortung für den Verwaltungsfehler", hieß es in der Mitteilung. Sowohl Rosas als auch Mannschaftstrainer Henry Duarte hätten aber für Messi gestimmt, "ganz so, wie es in der offiziellen Liste der FIFA steht". The association sent out a message on Friday: This is true, but it was of, course, not done on purpose. The completed documents were "mistakenly" marked with the name and signature of Juan Barrera, the captain of the Nicaraguan selection, according to a message from the association. The person who actually voted was the second captain, Manuel Rosas. "We take responsibility for the administrative error," the message said. Both Rosas and team coach Henry Duarte had voted for Messi,however, "just as the official FIFA list indicates". UEDIN.1066 The other cases are now being examined by Fifa in an investigation, but stresses that the election process was externally supervised by the consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers. As long as Lionel Messi remains the undisputed winner of the World Footballer Election - and Jürgen Klopp World Coach of the Year. welt.263082 Die anderen Fälle lässt die Fifa in einer Untersuchung nun prüfen, betont aber, dass der Wahlvorgang extern von der Beratungsfirma PriceWaterhouseCoopers beaufsichtigt wurde. Solange bleibt Lionel Messi erst mal unbestrittener Sieger der Weltfußballer-Wahl - und Jürgen Klopp Welttrainer des Jahres. Fifa is now investigating the other cases, but stresses that the process was supervised externally by the consulting company PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Until then, Lionel Messi remains the undisputed winner of The Best FIFA Football Awards—and Jürgen Klopp World Coach of the Year. UEDIN.1066 Ukraine affair: High-ranking Republicans call for official investigation zeit.64402 Ukraine-Affäre: Ranghohe Republikaner sprechen sich für offizielle Untersuchung aus The Ukraine scandal: High-ranking Republicans support official investigation UEDIN.1066 Two high-ranking Republicans have openly called for an official investigation against US President and party friend Donald Trump. "I think the investigation is important," said the Republican Governor of the U.S. state of Vermont, Phil Scott. "Where this leads from here is determined by the facts that are established". He wanted to know more about the whistleblower affair before taking action. An impeachment procedure can lead to the dismissal of the president. zeit.64402 Zwei ranghohe Republikaner haben sich offen für eine offizielle Untersuchung gegen den US-Präsidenten und Parteifreund Donald Trump ausgesprochen. "Ich denke, die Untersuchung ist wichtig", sagte der republikanische Gouverneur des US-Bundesstaates Vermont, Phil Scott. "Wo das von hier aus hinführt, wird von den Fakten bestimmt, die festgestellt werden". Er wolle mehr über die Whistleblower-Affäre wissen, bevor Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Ein Impeachment-Verfahren kann zur Absetzung des Präsidenten führen. Two high-ranking republicans have spoken out in support of an investigation against the US President and party member Donald Trump. "I believe the investigation is important", stated the republican governor of Vermont Phil Scott. "Where the investigation goes from here will be determined by the established facts". He wanted to know more about scandal before taking any action. The impeachment procedure can lead to the removal of the President from office. UEDIN.1066 Scott said he was not surprised by the revelations. They had shown that Trump had repeatedly called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky to investigate the activities of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. According to Scott, Trump has been watching Biden "for years." zeit.64402 Scott sagte, er sei von den Enthüllungen nicht überrascht. Diese hatten gezeigt, dass Trump den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj wiederholt in einem Telefonat aufgefordert hatte, die Tätigkeiten des demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerbers und früheren Vizepräsidenten Joe Biden in der Ukraine zu untersuchen. Scott zufolge beobachte Trump Biden "seit Jahren". Scott stated he was not surprised by the discoveries. It was revealed that during the telephone call, Trump had repeatedly urged the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the activities of democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Scott stated that Trump had been watching Biden "for years". UEDIN.1066 The Republicans have so far withheld criticism of Trump over the whistleblower affair, only a few have shown discomfort about it. Scott’s remarks are now a first sign of this in Trump’s party. The moderate governor of Virginia has repeatedly opposed Trump’s policies, such as relaxing environmental regulations and tightening immigration regulations. zeit.64402 Die Republikaner haben sich bislang mit Kritik an Trump wegen der Whistleblower-Affäre zurückgehalten, nur wenige haben Unbehagen deswegen erkennen lassen. Scotts Äußerungen sind nun ein erstes Anzeichen dafür in Trumps Partei. Dabei hatte sich der moderate Gouverneur von Virginia bereits mehrmals gegen Trumps Politik gewandt, etwa gegen die Lockerung von Umweltschutzvorschriften und der Verschärfung von Einwanderungsvorschriften. The republicans have so far withheld their criticism of Trump regarding the whistleblower scandal and only a few expressed concern. Scott's statements are the first sign of these concerns within Trump's party. The moderate Governor of Virginia, has already pushed back against Trump's policy multiple times, such as when he opposed loosening environmental regulations and increasing immigration requirements. UEDIN.1066 Another high-ranking Republican, Charlie Baker, Governor of Massachusetts, also called for the investigation. "It's a deeply disturbing situation," Baker said. "The right approach and responsibility for Congress is now to investigate the matter and get to the bottom of it." zeit.64402 Als weiterer ranghoher Republikaner sprach sich auch Charlie Baker, Gouverneur von Massachusetts, für die Untersuchung aus. "Es ist eine tief verstörende Situation", sagte Baker. "Die richtige Vorgehensweise und die Verantwortung für den Kongress ist jetzt, die Sache zu untersuchen und ihr auf den Grund zu gehen". Charlie Baker, Governor of Massachusetts, is another high-ranking republican who spoke out in favor of the investigation. "This is a deeply disturbing situation", said Baker. "It is the right course of action and the responsibility of Congress to investigate the situation and get to the bottom of it". UEDIN.1066 Scott and Baker, as governors of US states, have no formal say in the case against Trump, which is decided in Congress. Their statements are therefore above all symbolically important. Nevertheless, the first senators of the Republicans were critical of the situation. Mitt Romney, for example, who represents the state of Utah in the Second Chamber of Parliament, said the case was "extremely disturbing, deeply disturbing." U.S. media also reported that the Republicans were starting to crack internally. zeit.64402 Scott und Baker haben als Gouverneur von US-Bundesstaaten formal keine Mitsprache im Verfahren gegen Trump, über das im Kongress entschieden wird. Ihr Äußerungen sind daher vor allem symbolisch wichtig. Dennoch haben sich auch erste Senatoren der Republikaner kritisch über die Situation geäußert. Mitt Romney etwa, der den Bundesstaat Utah in der zweiten Parlamentskammer vertritt, sagte, der Fall sei "extrem verstörend, zutiefst verstörend". US-Medien berichten darüber hinaus, dass sich unter den Republikaner intern erste Risse auftäten. As governors, Scott and Baker have no right to formally participate in the proceedings against Trump, as the decision will be made by the Congress. Their statements therefore bear symbolic significance. Nevertheless, the first Republican Senators have expressed criticism regarding the situation. Mitt Romney, the Utah representative in the second chamber of Parliament, stated that the case was "extremely disturbing, deeply disturbing". In addition, the US media report the first internal rifts have appeared amongst the Republicans. UEDIN.1066 The affair could result in the initiation of impeachment proceedings against Trump, the Democrats in the House of Representatives have announced an investigation. They accuse him of abuse of power for the purpose of foreign influence for his own political benefit. zeit.64402 Die Affäre könnte in der Einleitung eines Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump münden, die Demokraten im Repräsentantenhaus haben dazu eine Untersuchung angekündigt. Sie werfen ihm Machtmissbrauch zum Zweck ausländischer Einflussnahme für den eigenen politischen Nutzen vor. This scandal could result in the initiation of the impeachment proceedings against Trump, the Democrats in the House of Representatives have already announced an investigation. He was accused of abusing power for the purpose of gaining foreign influence for his own political benefit. UEDIN.1066 There is no precise timetable for the impeachment procedure. With their majority in the House of Representatives, the Democrats could exert a so-called impeachment. But the decision to actually impeach would be made in the Senate, where Trump’s Republicans have the majority. The prospects for success of such a procedure are therefore low. So far, no US president has been removed from office by an impeachment procedure. zeit.64402 Für das Amtsenthebungsverfahren gibt es keinen genauen Zeitplan. Mit ihrer Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus könnten die Demokraten ein sogenanntes Impeachment anstrengen. Die Entscheidung über eine tatsächliche Amtsenthebung fiele aber im Senat, wo Trumps Republikaner die Mehrheit haben. Die Aussichten auf Erfolg eines solchen Verfahrens sind daher gering. Bisher wurde noch kein US-Präsident durch ein Impeachment-Verfahren des Amtes enthoben. There is no exact schedule regarding the impeachment procedure. The Democrats could call for impeachment due to holding the majority in the House of Representatives. However, the decision regarding an actual removal from office would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans hold the majority. Therefore, such a procedure has low chances of success. To date, no US President has been removed from office through an impeachment procedure. UEDIN.1066 Were torturers on board of Racketes "Sea Watch"? Waren Folterer an Board von Racketes "Sea Watch"? Were torturers on board Rackete's Sea Watch? UEDIN.1066 Three men were arrested in Sicily and allegedly raped and murdered in Libyan refugee camps. Drei Männer sind in Sizilien festgenommen worden, sie sollen in libyschen Flüchtlingslagern vergewaltigt und gemordet haben. Three men have been arrested in Sicily who are alleged to have tortured and murdered people in Libyan refugee camps. UEDIN.1066 The German captain Carola Rackete (31) had been arrested in June after she had entered the port of Lampedusa with the rescue ship "Sea Watch 3" and 53 Libyan refugees on board. After fierce protests and international criticism - also by Austria's Federal President Alexander van der Bellen - her house arrest was lifted after a few days by an Italian judge. Die deutsche Kapitänin Carola Rackete (31) war im Juni festgenommen worden, nachdem sie mit dem Rettungsschiff "Sea Watch 3" und 53 lybischen Flüchtlingen an Bord unerlaubt den Hafen von Lampedusa angesteuert hatte. Nach heftigen Protesten und internationaler Kritik - auch von Österreichs Bundespräsident Alexander van der Bellen - wurde ihr Hausarrest nach wenigen Tagen von einer italienischen Richterin wieder aufgehoben. The German captain, Carola Rackete (31), was arrested in June after she made an unpermitted stop in the port of Lampedusa with the rescue ship Sea Watch 3 and 53 Libyan refugees on board. Following fierce protests and international criticism—including from Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen—her house arrest was lifted by Italian judges after just a few days. UEDIN.1066 Now new serious accusations against Rackete are being made. Three men accused of torture in Libyan refugee camps may have arrived in Italy with the "Sea-Watch 3". The suspects were caught in a reception camp in Messina (Sicily) after migrants recognized their tormentors in Italy. "We can't rule this out, but we don't have any reliable information about it," said "Sea Watch" spokesman Ruben Neugebauer of the German Press Agency. Jetzt werden neue schwere Vorwürfe gegen Rackete laut. So könnten drei Männern, denen Folter in libyschen Flüchtlingslagern vorgeworfen wird, mit der "Sea-Watch 3" in Italien angekommen sein. Die Verdächtigen sind in einem Aufnahmelager in Messina (Sizilien) gefasst worden, nachdem Migranten ihre Peiniger in Italien wiedererkannt hatten. "Wir können das nicht ausschließen, haben aber selbst keine gesicherten Informationen dazu", sagte "Sea Watch"-Sprecher Ruben Neugebauer der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. There are now new serious allegations against Rackete. She may have helped the three men, who are accused of torture at Libyan refugee camps, enter Italy on the Sea Watch 3. The suspects were taken into custody at a reception center in Messina (Sicily) after migrants recognized their torturers in Italy. "We cannot rule it out, but we have no precise information," said Sea Watch spokesman, Ruben Neugebauer, to German news agency dpa. UEDIN.1066 The police said in mid-September that the suspects in the North African country had raped, tortured and even murdered. They were Mohammed C. (27) from Guinea, and the two Egyptians Hameda A. (26) and Mahmoud A (24). "The migrants were systematically harassed and subjected to atrocities - through repeated and constant physical violence," the communication said at the time. Von der Polizei hieß es Mitte September, dass die Verdächtigen in dem nordafrikanischen Land vergewaltigt, gequält und sogar gemordet hätten. Es handele sich um Mohammed C. (27) aus Guinea, und die beiden Ägypter Hameda A. (26) und Mahmoud A (24). "Die Migranten wurden systematisch schikaniert und Gräueltaten ausgesetzt - durch wiederholte und ständige körperliche Gewalt", hieß es damals in der Mitteilung. Police said in mid-September that the suspects had raped, tortured, and even murdered people in the North African country. The suspects are Mohammed C. (27) from Guinea, and two Egyptians, Hameda A. (26) and Mahmoud A (24). "The migrants were systematically harassed and subjected to cruelty through repeated and continual physical violence," they said in the statement. UEDIN.1066 NGOs and aid organisations now point out that they cannot know exactly who is coming on the ships. "We can't scan who the people are. They come without passports," said Neugebauer. Torture is one of the main reasons why people flee Libya. It is therefore quite probable that there are also perpetrators on the ships. "It is therefore very important that this is investigated." NGO und Hilfsorganisationen weisen jetzt darauf hin, dass sie nicht genau wissen können, wer auf die Schiffe kommt. "Wir können nicht scannen, wer die Leute sind. Die kommen ohne Pässe", sagte Neugebauer. Folter sei einer der Hauptgründe, warum die Menschen aus Libyen fliehen. Es sei daher durchaus wahrscheinlich, dass sich auch Täter auf den Schiffen befinden. "Es ist daher sehr wichtig, dass dem nachgegangen wird". NGOs and aid organizations are now indicating that they are unable to know precisely who boards the ships. "We cannot scan to see who the people are. They come without passports," said Neugebauer. Torture is one of the main reasons that people flee Libya, he added, so it is very probable that perpetrators are also on the ships. "It is therefore very important that we keep track of this". UEDIN.1066 Italy's right-wing ex-Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini immediately demanded an apology from Rackete, who is still being investigated in Italy for aiding illegal immigration. Italiens rechter Ex-Innenminister Matteo Salvini forderte von Rackete, gegen die in Italien wegen Beihilfe zu illegaler Einwanderung noch ermittelt wird, umgehend eine Entschuldigung. Italy's conservative former Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, called for Rackete, who is still under investigation in Italy for aiding and abetting illegal immigration, to make an immediate apology. UEDIN.1066 Musk strives for delivery record at Tesla Musk strebt Auslieferungsrekord bei Tesla an Musk seeks delivery record for Tesla UEDIN.1066 Tesla CEO Elon Musk has given his electric car group a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. Tesla-Chef Elon Musk hat seinem Elektroautokonzern mit der Aussicht auf neue Rekordzahlen kräftig Auftrieb an der Börse gegeben. Tesla boss Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. UEDIN.1066 "We have the chance to reach our first quarter with 100,000 deliveries," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by the industry blog "Electrek". "Wir haben die Chance, unser erstes Quartal mit 100.000 Auslieferungen zu erreichen", schrieb Musk in einer vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. "We have the opportunity to reach 100,000 deliveries in our first quarter," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by industry blog Electrek. UEDIN.1066 The demand was strong, so that Tesla could book 110,000 orders, Musk's newsletter continued. The challenge is to bring the cars quickly to the customers. To achieve this, Tesla had to allocate as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110.000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hieß es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. Demand is so strong that Tesla was able to record 110,000 orders, according to Musk's newsletter. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible at quarter-end. UEDIN.1066 Investors liked this: Tesla's shares went out of business with an increase of more than six percent. The price has not risen so strongly for almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered a good 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefiel das: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95.000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The price has not increased so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered around 95,000 cars and hit its best value to date. UEDIN.1066 Musk needs records to achieve his high goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. This will require six-digit figures in the current and next quarter. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there were recent losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360.000 bis 400.000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but its profit margins are low. There have been losses recently despite the boom. UEDIN.1066 US Budget Dispute: Once again only a bridge financing US-Budgetstreit: Erneut nur eine Brückenfinanzierung US Budget Dispute: Once More, Only Bridge Financing UEDIN.1066 The new financial year will begin in the United States on 1 October without a proper budget. The Senate followed the House of Representatives on Thursday and decided on transitional financing until 21 November. Das neue Haushaltsjahr wird in den USA am 1. Oktober ohne ein ordentliches Budget beginnen. Der Senat ist am Donnerstag dem Repräsentantenhaus gefolgt und hat eine Übergangsfinanzierung bis am 21. November beschlossen. The USA's new financial year will begin on October 1 without a proper budget. On Thursday, the Senate followed the House of Representatives and ratified temporary financing until November 21. UEDIN.1066 Although US Congress and President Donald Trump agreed in August to increase spending ceilings for the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years, the United States is once again without spending plans ahead of the new fiscal year beginning on October 1. The Senate followed the House of Representatives on Thursday and approved a Continuing Resolution (CR) until 21 November. Without such a decision, there would have been a shutdown on Monday at midnight, a partial closure of the federal administration. President Trump still has to put the decision into effect. Obwohl sich der amerikanische Kongress und Präsident Donald Trump im August auf eine Erhöhung der Ausgabenobergrenzen für die Haushaltsjahre 2020 und 2021 geeinigt haben, stehen die Vereinigten Staaten vor dem am 1. Oktober beginnenden neuen Fiskaljahr einmal mehr ohne Ausgabenpläne da. Der Senat ist am Donnerstag dem Repräsentantenhaus gefolgt und hat eine Übergangsfinanzierung (Continuing Resolution, CR) bis am 21. November beschlossen. Ohne einen solchen Beschluss wäre es am Montag um Mitternacht zu einem Shutdown gekommen, einer Teilschliessung der Bundesverwaltung. Präsident Trump muss den Beschluss noch in Kraft setzen. Although the American Congress and President Donald Trump agreed in August to raise the expenditure ceiling for financial years 2020 and 2021, the United States is once more facing the new fiscal year, which begins on October 1, without a spending plan. On Thursday, the Senate followed the House of Representatives and ratified temporary financing (Continuing Resolution, CR) until November 21. Without such a decision, a shutdown (a partial closure of the federal administration) would have occurred on Monday at midnight. President Trump still has to set the decision into effect. UEDIN.1066 Shutdown averted Shutdown abgewendet Shutdown Averted UEDIN.1066 For the time being, the federal administration will now be financed at the level and according to the priorities of the spending plans for the 2019 financial year, which will end on Monday. This is because Congress has not been able to agree in time on the 12 spending laws that allocate the funds to the various departments and authorities. For the time being, therefore, the Federal Administration cannot benefit from the expenditure framework extended from 1.3 trillion to 1.4 trillion euros for the new financial year. Vorläufig wird nun die Bundesverwaltung auf dem Niveau und gemäss den Prioritäten der Ausgabenpläne für das am Montag zu Ende gehende Haushaltsjahr 2019 finanziert. Dies, weil sich der Kongress nicht rechtzeitig auf die 12 Ausgabengesetze hat einigen können, die den verschiedenen Departementen und Behörden die Mittel zuweisen. Die Bundesverwaltung kann deshalb vorerst nicht von dem für das neue Haushaltsjahr von 1,3 Bio. auf 1,4 Bio. $ erweiterten Ausgabenrahmen profitieren. The federal administration will now be temporarily financed on the level of, and according to, the priorities of the spending plans for the financial year 2019, which ends on Monday. This is because Congress was unable to agree in time on the 12 spending bills that allocate the funds to the various departments and government agencies. For the time being, therefore, the federal government cannot profit from the spending framework, which has been expanded from 1.3 billion to 1.4 billion. UEDIN.1066 The Democrats have completed ten of the twelve laws in the House of Representatives, where they have the majority. But spending laws reflect Democrats’ priorities, which have little chance in the Republican-dominated Senate. Conversely, the Senate also has ten of the twelve spending plans more or less ready, which are hardly capable of a majority. Die Demokraten haben im Repräsentantenhaus, wo sie die Mehrheit haben, zehn der zwölf Gesetze fertiggestellt. Die Ausgabengesetze reflektieren aber Prioritäten der Demokraten, die im von den Republikanern dominierten Senat kaum Chancen haben. Umgekehrt hat der Senat ebenfalls zehn der zwölf Ausgabenpläne mehr oder weniger bereit, die kaum mehrheitsfähig sind. The Democrats in the House of Representatives, where they hold the majority, have completed ten of the twelve bills. The spending bills reflect the Democrats' priorities, however, which have little chance in the Republican-dominated Senate. Vice versa, the Senate has also more or less prepared ten of the twelve spending plans, which will hardly be able to receive a majority of votes. UEDIN.1066 The ghosts are particularly divided on the issue of resource allocation for the area of domestic security and border security. In the Senate, Republicans seem to be trying to force 12 billion euros to build the Wall, one of President Trump’s major priorities. The Democrats are bothered by the wall plans and their financing, which is actually intended for other military buildings and projects. The dispute over the construction of the Wall had already escalated in December 2018 and had led to a 35-day shutdown. Die Geister scheiden sich vor allem am Thema Ressourcenzuteilung für den Bereich Inlandsicherheit und Grenzsicherung. Im Senat versuchen die Republikaner offenbar, 12 Mrd. $ für den Mauerbau zu erzwingen, eine der grossen Prioritäten von Präsident Trump. Die Demokraten stören sich an den Mauerbauplänen und an deren Finanzierung, die eigentlich für andere militärische Bauten und Projekte vorgesehen ist. Der Streit über den Mauerbau war bereits im Dezember 2018 eskaliert und hatte zu einem 35-tägigen Shutdown geführt. Opinions differ most sharply on allocating resources for domestic security and border security. In the Senate, the Republicans are obviously attempting to force an allocation of twelve billion dollars to build the wall: one of President Trump's biggest priorities. The Democrats oppose the plans to construct the wall, as well as its financing, which is actually earmarked for other military buildings and projects. The dispute over the building of the wall had already escalated in December of 2018 and led to a 35-day showdown. UEDIN.1066 The Ghosts Divide at the Wall Building Am Mauerbau scheiden sich die Geister Opinions Differ on Building the Wall UEDIN.1066 It is currently unclear how the parties intend to approach this issue. More likely than an agreement on all twelve spending laws in the next seven weeks is an extension of the transitional financing beyond 21 November. Even a shutdown is then not excluded. Derzeit ist unklar, wie sich die Parteien in dieser Frage näherkommen wollen. Wahrscheinlicher als eine Einigung auf alle zwölf Ausgabengesetze in den kommenden sieben Wochen ist eine Verlängerung der Übergangsfinanzierung über den 21. November hinaus. Auch ein Shutdown ist dannzumal nicht ausgeschlossen. It's currently unclear how the parties will come together on this issue. An extension of the transition financing past November 21 is more probable than an agreement on all twelve spending bills in the coming seven weeks. And a shutdown at that time is not out of the question. UEDIN.1066 Against the background of Congress’s continuing inability to agree on the twelve spending laws in time, and the associated risk of a shutdown, ideas for automating the process are gaining popularity. Presentation p. 1877 to avoid shutdowns would automatically continue the financing of the federal administration at the previous year's level, prevent the travel activities of parliamentarians and withhold their wages until the new annual spending plans were available. Vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden Unfähigkeit des Kongresses, sich rechtzeitig auf die zwölf Ausgabengesetze zu einigen, und der damit einhergehenden Gefahr eines Shutdown gewinnen Ideen zur Automatisierung des Prozesses an Popularität. Vorlage S. 1877 zur Vermeidung von Shutdowns würde die Finanzierung der Bundesverwaltung jeweils automatisch auf dem Vorjahresniveau weiterführen, die Reisetätigkeit der Parlamentarier unterbinden und deren Löhne zurückhalten, bis die neuen jährlichen Ausgabenpläne vorlägen. Since Congress still cannot agree on the twelve spending bills in time, which risks a shutdown, ideas for automating the process are gaining in popularity. Bill S.1877—Prevent Government Shutdowns Act of 2019 would automatically continue the financing of the federal administration at the level of the previous year, prevent travel activities from the members of Congress, and withhold their wages until the new annual spending plans were submitted. UEDIN.1066 France allows artificial insemination for lesbians and singles spiegel.103218 Frankreich erlaubt künstliche Befruchtung für Lesben und Singles France permits artificial insemination of lesbians and singles UEDIN.1066 In France, artificial insemination should also be open to single women and lesbians in the future: the Paris National Assembly voted by a large majority in favour of a government bill allowing all women to use in vitro fertilisation. This should significantly increase the demand for anonymous sperm donations. spiegel.103218 In Frankreich soll die künstliche Befruchtung künftig auch alleinlebenden Frauen und Lesben offenstehen: Die Pariser Nationalversammlung stimmte mit großer Mehrheit für eine Gesetzesvorlage der Regierung, nach der alle Frauen eine In-Vitro-Befruchtung in Anspruch nehmen können. Damit dürfte die Nachfrage nach anonymen Samenspenden deutlich zunehmen. In France artificial insemination is intended to be usable by single women and lesbians in future. The Paris National Assembly voted by a large majority for a government bill that would allow all women to benefit from in vitro fertilization. This means the demand for anonymous sperm donors is expected to increase noticeably. UEDIN.1066 The bill still requires the approval of the Senate. In the three-day emotional debate, right-wing critics had warned that many "children without a father" could grow up in the future. The French Bishops' Conference is also against the innovation. spiegel.103218 Die Vorlage bedarf noch der Zustimmung des Senats. In der dreitägigen emotionalen Debatte hatten Kritiker im rechten Lager davor gewarnt, dass in Zukunft zahlreiche "Kinder ohne Vater" aufwachsen könnten. Auch die französische Bischofskonferenz ist gegen die Neuerung. The submission still requires the Senate's approval. In the emotional debate lasting three days, right-wing critics had warned that in future countless "fatherless children" would be raised. The French Bishops Conference has also objected to this innovation. UEDIN.1066 The new regulation is the core component of a bioethics law that Health Minister Agnes Buzyn defended as an "opportunity" for society. It depicts the modern family, in which there are children with only one parent or with homosexual parents. According to her idea, the costs of artificial insemination for all women should be covered by social security. spiegel.103218 Die Neuregelung ist der Kernbestandteil eines Bioethik-Gesetzes, das Gesundheitsministerin Agnès Buzyn als "Chance" für die Gesellschaft verteidigte. Es bilde die moderne Familie ab, in der es Kinder mit nur einem Elternteil oder mit homosexuellen Eltern gebe. Nach ihrer Vorstellung sollen die Kosten für künstliche Befruchtungen für alle Frauen von der Sozialversicherung getragen werden. The new regulation is part of a bioethics law that Health Minister Agnès Buzyn defended as a "chance" for society. It models the modern family as it only gives children to single or homosexual parents. According to them, the costs for artificial insemination for all women are to be covered by social security. UEDIN.1066 Fertilization with sperm from dead husband further prohibited spiegel.103218 Befruchtung mit Sperma von totem Ehemann weiter verboten Insemination with sperm of deceased husband continues to be forbidden UEDIN.1066 By a narrow majority, however, the National Assembly rejected an amendment aimed at giving widows access to the sperm of their dead husband for artificial insemination. In Belgium, Spain and Great Britain, artificial insemination is allowed "post-mortem". In Germany there have been cases in the past in which women sued in vain for the release of the sperm of a deceased person. The opponents of the advance in Paris argued that such a begotten child would then bear a "particularly difficult fate". spiegel.103218 Mit knapper Mehrheit wies die Nationalversammlung dagegen einen Änderungsantrag zurück, der Witwen für eine künstliche Befruchtung Zugang zum Sperma ihres toten Mannes geben sollte. In Belgien, Spanien und Großbritannien ist die künstliche Befruchtung "post-mortem" erlaubt. In Deutschland gab es in der Vergangenheit Fälle, in der Frauen vergeblich auf die Herausgabe des Spermas eines Verstorbenen klagten. Die Gegner des Vorstoßes in Paris argumentierten, ein so gezeugtes Kind trage dann ein "besonders schweres Schicksal". The National Assembly, on the other hand, rejected an application for amendment permitting widows to have access to their dead husband's sperm for the purposes of artificial insemination. In Belgium, Spain and Great Britain "post-mortem" artificial insemination is allowed. In Germany there have been cases in the past where women complained in vain about not having access to the sperm of the deceased. The opponents of this infringement argued that a child conceived in this way would bear a "particularly heavy fate." UEDIN.1066 Numerous members of President Emmanuel Macron's ruling party, La Republique en Marche (The Republic on the Move, LREM), and members of the opposition had spoken out in favour of artificial insemination with the sperm of the deceased partner. They stressed that a widow would be subjected to "double mourning" if the death of her husband left her wish to have children unfulfilled. spiegel.103218 Zahlreiche Abgeordnete der Regierungspartei La République en Marche (Die Republik in Bewegung, LREM) von Präsident Emmanuel Macron und Abgeordneten der Opposition hatten sich dagegen für die künstliche Befruchtung mit dem Sperma des verstorbenen Partners ausgesprochen. Sie betonten, einer Witwe werde eine "doppelte Trauer" auferlegt, wenn durch den Tod ihres Mannes auch noch ihr Kinderwunsch unerfüllt bliebe. Numerous members of the ruling party La République en Marche (The Republic on the Move, LREM) belonging to President Emmanuel Macron and deputies of the opposition party had, on the other hand, spoken out in favor of artificial insemination with sperm of a deceased spouse. They emphasized a widow would be bearing the "double bereavement" if the death of her husband meant her wish for a child would remain unfulfilled. UEDIN.1066 The initiators of the now failed amendment consider it unfair that a widow can be fertilized in future with the sperm of an unknown person, but not with that of her own partner. spiegel.103218 Die Initiatoren des nun gescheiterten Änderungsantrags halten es für ungerecht, dass sich eine Witwe künftig zwar mit dem Sperma eines Unbekannten befruchten lassen kann, aber nicht mit dem ihres eigenen Partners. The initiators of the now failed amendment consider it unfair that in future a widow can have herself inseminated with the sperm of an unknown person, but not with that of her own partner. UEDIN.1066 So far, artificial insemination in France is only allowed for heterosexual couples who cannot produce children. They must be married or live together for at least two years. Buzyn had already announced in the summer that surrogacy would remain forbidden. spiegel.103218 Bisher ist die künstliche Befruchtung in Frankreich nur heterosexuellen Paaren erlaubt, die keine Kinder zeugen können. Sie müssen verheiratet sein oder mindestens zwei Jahre zusammenleben. Buzyn hatte bereits im Sommer angekündigt, dass die Leihmutterschaft weiter verboten bleibe. Until now artificial insemination in France has only been allowed for heterosexual partners, who cannot have children. They must be married or have lived together for at least two years. Buzyn had already announced in summer, that surrogacy continued to be unlawful. UEDIN.1066 In Germany, artificial insemination is theoretically open to all women - but it is often difficult for single or lesbian couples. spiegel.103218 In Deutschland steht die künstliche Befruchtung theoretisch allen Frauen offen - für Alleinstehende oder lesbische Paare ist es dennoch häufig schwierig. In Germany artificial insemination is in theory available to all women, but for singles and lesbian couples this continues to be a problem. UEDIN.1066 Compensation for the climate: calls for flight tax for universities are getting louder Ausgleichszahlung fürs Klima: Rufe nach Flugabgabe für Unis werden lauter Compensation payment for climate: Calls for university drop-offs are getting more pronounced. UEDIN.1066 There is a lot of flying at the universities. That is why the country wants to have a climate tax levied there in the future. The rectors say they have no money for it. But now they are also coming under pressure internally. An den Hochschulen wird viel geflogen. Deshalb will das Land künftig auch dort eine Klimaabgabe abführen lassen. Die Rektoren sagen, sie hätten kein Geld dafür. Doch nun geraten sie auch intern unter Druck. There is a lot of flying at university. This has prompted the country to take steps to apply a climate tax there, too. The principals say they do not have money for this. But now they are coming under pressure internally as well. UEDIN.1066 Universities should also limit themselves to flying. Photo: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte Auch die Hochschulen sollen sich beim Fliegen beschränken. Foto: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte Universities are to be included in limiting their use of flying. Photo: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte UEDIN.1066 The debate on a climate levy on flights from universities and colleges, which was postponed before the summer break, is gaining momentum again. After the National Rectors' Conference had reacted skeptically to a corresponding push from the green-black coalition, the plans now receive support from the universities. In a joint declaration, the doctoral students from six universities in Baden-Württemberg and a pedagogical college plead for compensation for business flights. As a first step, this was "urgently necessary", and at the same time there had to be a broad debate about the avoidability of flights, according to her statement. Meanwhile, the cabinet decision originally planned in July is still on hold because the CDU has still not approved the Greens' proposal. Die vor der Sommerpause vertagte Diskussion über eine Klimaabgabe auf Flüge von Universitäten und Hochschulen kommt wieder in Schwung. Nachdem die Landesrektorenkonferenz skeptisch auf einen entsprechenden Vorstoß aus der grün-schwarzen Koalition reagiert hatte, erhalten die Pläne nun Unterstützung aus den Hochschulen. In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung plädieren die Doktoranden von sechs baden-württembergischen Universitäten und einer Pädagogischen Hochschule für eine Kompensation von Dienstflügen. Diese sei als erster Schritt "dringend notwendig", gleichzeitig müsse es eine breite Debatte über die Vermeidbarkeit von Flügen geben, heißt es in ihrer Stellungnahme. Der ursprünglich schon im Juli geplante Kabinettsbeschluss liegt derweil weiter auf Eis, weil die CDU die Vorlage der Grünen immer noch nicht gebilligt hat. The discussion adjourned before summer holidays about a climate charge on flights used by universities and high schools is back in full swing. After the State Rector's Conference reacted skeptically to a corresponding violation by the green-black coalition, plans are only receiving support from high schools. In a joint statement, doctoral students of six universities from Baden-Württemberg and a teachers' college pledged for compensation for business flights. This first step would be ‘urgently needed', at the same time there should be a wide debate about the avoid-ability of flights, their statement says. The cabinet shut down originally planned in July has been put on ice, because the CDU has not yet approved the submission handed in by the Green Party. UEDIN.1066 Russia arrests North Korean fishermen again dw.97344 Russland nimmt erneut nordkoreanische Fischer fest Russia re-arrests North Korean fishermen UEDIN.1066 According to the secret service FSB, the detainees are said to have fished illegally in Russian waters. Ten days earlier, 161 fishermen from North Korea had already been arrested. At that time there was an exchange of fire between the border guards and the boat crew. Three Russians and one North Korean were injured, and the fisherman later succumbed to his serious injuries. This time, however, there were no casualties, it was said. dw.97344 Dem Geheimdienst FSB zufolge sollen die Festgenommenen illegal in russischen Gewässern gefischt haben. Zehn Tage zuvor wurden bereits 161 Fischer aus Nordkorea festgenommen. Damals gab es einen Schusswechsel zwischen den Grenzschützern und der Bootsbesatzung. Dabei wurden drei Russen und ein Nordkoreaner verletzt, der Fischer erlag später seinen schweren Verletzungen. Diesmal habe es aber keine Verletzten gegeben, hieß es. The FSB secret service reports that the detainees had fished unlawfully in Russian waters. Ten days earlier, 161 fishermen from North Korea had been arrested, with an exchange of gunfire between border guards and the boat crew. Three Russians and one North Korean were wounded, the North Korean fisherman later dying from his wounds. But this time there were no injuries, it is reported. UEDIN.1066 Communist North Korea suffers from chronic food shortages. The North Korean fishermen were therefore travelling in Russian territorial waters. According to the Russian Coast Guard, patrols are being carried out there to protect its marine biological resources. dw.97344 Das kommunistische Nordkorea leidet unter chronischem Nahrungsmittelmangel. Die nordkoreanischen Fischer waren demnach in russischen Hoheitsgewässern unterwegs. Dort fährt die Küstenwache Russlands nach eigenen Angaben zum Schutz ihrer meeresbiologischen Ressourcen Patrouillen. Communist North Korea suffers from a chronic food shortage. The North Korean fishermen were in Russian waters for that reason. The Russian coast guard reports that it patrols these waters to protect Russia's maritime biological resources. UEDIN.1066 30,000 squid seized dw.97344 30.000 Tintenfische beschlagnahmt 30,000 squid confiscated UEDIN.1066 During the new inspections, 30,000 squid were discovered and confiscated on the boats. In addition, three fishing boats and two motor boats were confiscated and taken to Nachodka and Posjet near Vladivostok. dw.97344 Bei den erneuten Kontrollen seien 30.000 Tintenfische auf den Booten entdeckt und beschlagnahmt worden. Außerdem wurden den Angaben nach drei Fischer- und zwei Motorboote beschlagnahmt und nach Nachodka und Posjet bei Wladiwostok gebracht. During the repeated inspections, 30,000 squid were discovered in the boats and confiscated. Three trawlers and two motor boats are also reported to have been confiscated and taken to Nakhodka and Posyet near Vladivostok. UEDIN.1066 Russia's fishing authority had not issued fishing licenses to North Koreans this year, even after complaints from local entrepreneurs. According to the media, thousands of North Korean fishermen have already been temporarily arrested there this year. dw.97344 Russlands Fischerei-Behörde hatte auch nach Klagen einheimischer Unternehmer in diesem Jahr keine Fanglizenzen an die Nordkoreaner ausgegeben. Tausende Fischer aus Nordkorea sind Medien zufolge in diesem Jahr dort schon zeitweise festgenommen worden. Following complaints from Russian companies, Russia's fishing authority did not issue any fishing licenses to the North Koreans this year. According to media reports, thousands of fishermen from North Korea have been detained in Russian waters this year. UEDIN.1066 Georgi Martynov, head of the Association of Russian Fishing Companies in the Far Eastern region of Primorje, recently also complained of high ecological damage caused by North Korean fishermen. They fished with closely meshed synthetic nets banned in Russia. These would also bring small creatures out of the sea. In addition, the nets would simply be disposed of in the sea, where they would take 200 years to decompose. dw.97344 Der Chef der Vereinigung russischer Fischerei-Unternehmen in der fernöstlichen Region Primorje, Georgi Martynow, beklagte kürzlich auch hohe ökologische Schäden durch die nordkoreanischen Fischer. Sie fischten mit in Russland verbotenen engmaschigen synthetischen Netzen. Mit diesen würden auch kleine Lebewesen aus dem Meer geholt. Zudem würden die Netze einfach im Meer entsorgt, wo sie 200 Jahre bräuchten, um zersetzt zu werden. Georgy Martynov, president of the Primorye Fisheries Association in the Primorye region in the far east, also complained recently of the extensive environmental damage caused by the North Korean fishermen. They used close-meshed synthetic nets that are banned in Russia. These also remove tiny creatures from the sea. Furthermore, the nets had simply been discarded in the sea, where they would take 200 years to disintegrate. UEDIN.1066 In the future only 18,000: USA lower asylum ceiling n-tv.89652 Künftig nur noch 18.000: USA senken Asyl-Obergrenze ab No More Than 18,000 in the Future: The USA Lowers its Refugee Cap UEDIN.1066 The "most generous nation in history": Donald Trump, here at a meeting with elected police officers in the White House. n-tv.89652 Die "großzügigste Nation in der Geschichte": Donald Trump, hier bei einem Treffen mit gewählten Polizeivertretern im Weißen Haus. The "most generous nation in history": Donald Trump, here at a meeting with an elected police delegation in the White House. UEDIN.1066 The richest country in the world seals itself off from those seeking protection: as the State Department in Washington confirms, the upper limit for the legal influx of refugees is further lowered. In the future, especially threatened believers and Iraqis will receive asylum. n-tv.89652 Das reichste Land der Erde schottet sich gegenüber Schutzsuchenden ab: Wie Außenministerium in Washington bestätigt, wird die Obergrenze für den legalen Zuzug von Flüchtlingen weiter abgesenkt. Künftig sollen vor allem bedrohte Gläubige und Iraker Asyl erhalten. The richest land on Earth closes itself off to those seeking protection: As confirmed by the US State Department in Washington, the cap for the legal influx of refugees will be reduced further. In the future, primarily threatened believers and Iraqis will receive asylum. UEDIN.1066 The US government wants to lower the already historically low limit for the reception of new refugees once again. In the 2020 marketing year, which runs in the United States from October 2019 to September 2020, a maximum of 18,000 people are to be allowed into the country, as the US State Department stated. In the almost past marketing year, the limit is still 30,000 people. n-tv.89652 Die US-Regierung will die ohnehin schon historisch niedrige Grenze für die Aufnahme neuer Flüchtlinge abermals senken. Im Wirtschaftsjahr 2020, das in den Vereinigten Staaten von Oktober 2019 bis September 2020 läuft, sollen höchstens 18.000 Menschen ins Land gelassen werden, wie das US-Außenministerium erklärte. Im nun schon fast abgelaufenen Wirtschaftsjahr liegt das Limit noch bei 30.000 Menschen. Once more, the US government wants to reduce the already historically low cap for taking in new refugees. In financial year 2020, which in the United States runs from October 2019 to September 2020, no more than 18,000 people will be allowed into the country, declared the US State Department. In the financial year that is now almost over, the limit still lies at 30,000 people. UEDIN.1066 In recent years, President Donald Trump’s administration has drastically reduced the willingness to take in protection seekers from all over the world. Under the previous administration of Barack Obama, far higher admission limits had been applied. n-tv.89652 Die Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump hat die Aufnahmebereitschaft für Schutzsuchende aus aller Welt in den vergangenen Jahren drastisch gesenkt. Unter der Vorgängerregierung von Barack Obama hatten weitaus höhere Aufnahmegrenzen gegolten. In recent years, the government of President Donald Trump has drastically lowered receptiveness for those seeking protection from all over the world. Under the previous administration of Barack Obama, far higher admission limits applied. UEDIN.1066 The targeted ceiling of 18,000 refugees would be the lowest since the introduction of the US refugee program in 1980. The State Department nevertheless described the US as "the most compassionate and generous nation in history," a phrase strongly reminiscent of the US President-in-Office's use of language. n-tv.89652 Die angepeilte Obergrenze von 18.000 Flüchtlingen wäre die niedrigste seit Einführung des US-Flüchtlingsprogramms im Jahr 1980. Das Außenministerium bezeichnete die USA dennoch als "erbarmungsvollste und großzügigste Nation in der Geschichte", eine Formulierung, die stark an den Sprachgebrauch des amtierenden US-Präsidenten erinnert. The planned cap of 18,000 refugees would be the lowest since the US refugee program was introduced in 1980. Nevertheless, the State Department designated the USA the "most compassionate and generous nation in history": a wording that smacks of the parlance of the current US President. UEDIN.1066 A "responsible approach" to refugees is aimed at allowing refugees to return to their home countries to help rebuild, Trump said. He gets a lot of support from supporters for his hard course in migration policy, but there is also massive criticism. n-tv.89652 Ein "verantwortungsbewusster Umgang" mit Flüchtlingen ziele darauf ab, dass die Flüchtlinge in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren können, um dort beim Wiederaufbau zu helfen, erklärte Trump. Für seinen harten Kurs in der Migrationspolitik bekommt er von Anhängern viel Zuspruch, es gibt aber auch massive Kritik. "Dealing responsibly" with refugees means making it possible for the refugees to return to their home countries to help with reconstruction there, Trump declared. He has received strong support from his adherents for his hard-line immigration policy, but also massive criticism. UEDIN.1066 A major point of contention is the border with Mexico, which Trump wants to seal off. In order to finance the construction of a border wall, Trump had imposed a national emergency. Whether there is a temporal link between the current measure and the current domestic political developments in the US capital is unclear. Trump is currently under pressure because of the Selensky affair and a possible impeachment process. n-tv.89652 Ein großer Streitpunkt ist die Grenze zu Mexiko, die Trump abriegeln will. Um den Bau einer Grenzmauer finanzieren zu können, hatte Trump den Nationalen Notstand verhängt. Ob es einen zeitlichen Zusammenhang zwischen der aktuellen Maßnahme und den derzeitigen innenpolitischen Entwicklungen in der US-Hauptstadt gibt, ist unklar. Trump steht derzeit wegen der Selenskyj-Affäre und einem möglicherweise drohenden Amtsenthebungsverfahren unter Druck. A huge point of dispute is the border with Mexico, which Trump wants to seal off. To be able to finance the construction of a border wall, Trump has declared a national state of emergency. Whether there is a temporal connection between the current measures and current domestic political developments in the US capital is unclear. Trump is now under pressure due to the Selenskyj affair and possibly imminent impeachment proceedings. UEDIN.1066 According to the Foreign Office, the U.S. government wants to focus on the reception of two refugee groups in the future: people who are persecuted for their faith - and Iraqis who have helped the U.S. military in the country and are thus in danger, according to the statement of the State Department. By contrast, a maximum of 1500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be taken in. n-tv.89652 Die US-Regierung will sich nach Darstellung aus dem Außenamt künftig auf die Aufnahme von zwei Flüchtlingsgruppen konzentrieren: Menschen, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden - und Iraker, die dem US-Militär in dem Land geholfen haben und dadurch in Gefahr geraten sind, wie aus der Erklärung des Außenministeriums hervorgeht. Aus Honduras, Guatemala und El Salvador hingegen sollen maximal 1500 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen werden. According to the State Department, the US government wishes to concentrate on two groups of refugees in the future: People who are being persecuted because of their faith, and Iraqis who helped the US military in that nation and have thereby become endangered, the State Department has explained. On the other hand, a maximum of 1500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be added. UEDIN.1066 The US wants people from this "northern triangle" of Central America in particular to apply for asylum in other countries. Against this background, the United States first concluded migration agreements with Guatemala and now also with El Salvador and Honduras in order to curb immigration on the US southern border with Mexico. n-tv.89652 Die USA wollen erreichen, dass insbesondere Menschen aus diesem "nördlichen Dreieck" Mittelamerikas in anderen Ländern Asyl beantragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Vereinigten Staaten erst mit Guatemala und nun auch mit El Salvador und Honduras Migrationsabkommen geschlossen, um die Zuwanderung an der US-Südgrenze zu Mexiko einzudämmen. The USA wants people from this "northern triangle" of Central America to apply for asylum in another country. In light of this fact, the United States entered into immigration treaties, first with Guatemala and now with El Salvador and Honduras as well, to stem the flow of immigration to the southern US border with Mexico. UEDIN.1066 Court orders release of orangutan from zoo Gericht ordnet Freilassung von Orang-Utan aus Zoo an Court orders release of orangutan from zoo UEDIN.1066 An orangutan female has been transferred from the former Buenos Aires Zoo to a sanctuary for great apes in the USA at the request of the Argentinean judiciary. Born in 1986 in the Rostock Zoo, "Sandra" was granted the rights of a "non-human person", so her release was mandatory. The animal was brought to Dallas by direct flight on Thursday evening - but not as a passenger, but in the cargo hold, as attorney Andres Gil Domonguez explained. Ein Orang-Utan-Weibchen ist auf Verlangen der argentinischen Justiz aus dem ehemaligen Zoo von Buenos Aires in eine Auffangstation für Menschenaffen in den USA verlegt worden. Der 1986 im Rostocker Zoo geborenen "Sandra" wurden die Rechte einer "nichtmenschlichen Person" zugesprochen, deshalb sei ihre Freilassung zwingend. Das Tier wurde am Donnerstagabend per Direktflug nach Dallas gebracht - allerdings nicht als Passagier, sondern im Frachtraum, wie Anwalt Andrés Gil Domínguez erklärte. By request of the Argentine justice system, an orangutan female has been relocated from the former Buenos Aires zoo to a sanctuary for great apes in the USA. "Sandra," born in 1986 in Rostock Zoo was awarded the rights of a non-human person, which classes her release as urgent. The animal was shipped to Dallas on Thursday evening by direct flight—however not as a passenger, but in the cargo hold, as explained by lawyer Andrés Gil Domínguez. UEDIN.1066 Since the 53 kilogram human monkey is unable to adapt to life in the wilderness, she is to live in the outdoor enclosure of the Center for Great Apes in Florida in the future. There are already 21 more orangutans and 31 chimpanzees, among them "Bubbles", former pet of pop star Michael Jackson. Before moving into Florida, however, "Sandra" has to endure a 40-day quarantine at the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas. Da die 53 Kilogramm schwere Menschenäffin nicht imstande ist, sich dem Leben in der Wildnis anzupassen, soll sie zukünftig im Freigehege des Center for Great Apes in Florida leben. Dort sind bereits 21 weitere Orang-Utans und 31 Schimpansen untergebracht, unter ihnen "Bubbles", ehemals Haustier von Popstar Michael Jackson. Vor dem Einzug in Florida muss "Sandra" jedoch noch eine rund 40-tägige Quarantäne im Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita im US-Bundesstaat Kansas durchstehen. As the human ape weighing 53 kg is not in a position to adapt to a life in the wild, she will live in an open-air enclosure in the Center for Great Apes in Florida in future. There are already 21 other orangutans and 31 chimpanzees there, among them "Bubbles," Michael Jackson's former pet. Before moving to Florida, however, "Sandra" must endure a 40-day quarantine in Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita in the US state of Kansas. UEDIN.1066 After her birth in Rostock, Sandra spent several years in the former Ruhr Zoo in Gelsenkirchen, before she was transferred to Buenos Aires in 1995. The "Sandras" fundamental rights process initiated by animal rights activists in 2014 has helped transform the Buenos Aires Zoo into an ecopark. By 2023, a research and education centre for the conservation of biodiversity is to be established there. "Sandra" verbrachte nach ihrer Geburt in Rostock einige Jahre im ehemaligen Ruhr-Zoo in Gelsenkirchen, bevor sie 1995 nach Buenos Aires verlegt wurde. Der 2014 von Tierschützern angestrengte Prozess um "Sandras" Grundrechte hat mit dazu beigetragen, dass der Zoo von Buenos Aires in einen Ökopark umgewandelt wird. Bis 2023 soll dort eine Forschungs- und Bildungsstätte zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt entstehen. After the night of her birth in Rostock, ‘Sandra' spent a few years in the former Ruhr zoo in Gelsenkirchen, before being transferred to Buenos Aires in 1995. The animal welfare process in 2014 regarding ‘Sandra's' fundamental rights has played a part in the fact that the zoo in Buenos Aires has been transformed into an eco-park. By 2023 a research and educational center to preserve biodiversity is to be created there. UEDIN.1066 Record for Swiss extreme mountaineers: 550 meters in 46 minutes euronews-de.171939 Rekord für Schweizer Extrembergsteiger: 550 Meter in 46 Minuten Record for Swiss extreme mountain-climber: 1,800 feet in 46 minutes. UEDIN.1066 The extreme mountaineer Dani Arnold has succeeded in a new hussar ride at the almost 3000-meter-high Großer Zinne in the Italian Alps. euronews-de.171939 Dem Extrembergsteiger Dani Arnold ist an der fast 3000 Meter hohen Großen Zinne in den italienischen Alpen ein neuer Husarenritt geglückt. The extreme climber Dani Arnold has set a new record climbing the almost 10,000-foot-high Grosse Zinne in the Italian Alps. UEDIN.1066 Without a net, double floor or other aids, the Swiss defeated the 550-meter-high north face of the Great Tin in a new record time. euronews-de.171939 Ohne Netz, doppelten Boden oder andere Hilfsmittel bezwang der Schweizer die 550 Meter hohe Nordwand der Großen Zinne in einer neuen Rekordzeit. Without a net, false floor, or other aids, the Swiss climber tackled the 1,800-foot-high north face of the Grosse Zinne in a new record time. UEDIN.1066 Clothed with jeans, T-shirt and only supported by absolute dizziness, Arnold needed 46 minutes and 30 seconds for the ascent. In doing so, he broke the old record by almost 19 minutes. euronews-de.171939 Bekleidet mit Jeans, T-Shirt und nur unterstützt von absoluter Schwindelfreiheit benötigte Arnold 46 Minuten und 30 Sekunden für den Aufstieg. Damit unterbot er die alte Bestmarke um fast 19 Minuten. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and assisted only by an absolute absence of dizziness, Arnold needed 46 minutes and 30 seconds to complete the climb, He beat the previous record by almost 19 minutes. UEDIN.1066 Arnold is now a record holder in the Free Solo Speed on four of the six most important European north walls. euronews-de.171939 Arnold ist jetzt Rekordhalter im Free Solo Speed an vier der sechs bedeutendsten europäischen Nordwände. Arnold is now the free solo speed record-holder in four of the six most important European north faces. UEDIN.1066 Nike benefits from new online marketing strategy yahoo-de.127730 Nike profitiert von neuer Online-Vermarktungsstrategie Nike reaps benefits from new online marketing strategy UEDIN.1066 Despite the trade conflict with China, the US sporting goods manufacturer Nike has posted a significant increase in profits. Net profit rose to 1.4 billion dollars (just under 1.3 billion euros) in the past quarter. This is 25 percent more than in the same period last year, as the Group announced on Tuesday. The main reason for this is the new marketing strategy "Nike Direct", with which the Adidas competitor directly addresses its customers online. yahoo-de.127730 Der US-Sportartikelhersteller Nike hat ungeachtet des Handelskonflikts mit China ein deutliches Gewinnplus verbucht. Der Nettogewinn stieg im abgelaufenen Quartal auf 1,4 Milliarden Dollar (knapp 1,3 Milliarden Euro). Das sind 25 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum, wie der Konzern am Dienstag mitteilte. Grund dafür ist vor allem die neue Vermarktungsstrategie "Nike Direct", mit der sich der Adidas-Konkurrent online direkt an seine Kunden wendet. Despite the trade conflict with China, the US sports goods manufacturer Nike has achieved a significant profit increase. Nike´s net income increased in the past quarter to 1.4 billion dollars (almost 1.3 billion euros). The Group stated this was 25% more than in the same period last year. This is the result of the new marketing strategy "Nike Direct" which puts the Adidas competitor Nike in direct communication with its customers. UEDIN.1066 Sales rose to 10.7 billion dollars in the three-month period up to the end of August. Nike sales grew most strongly in China with an increase of 22 percent. As a result, the Beaverton Group in the U.S. state of Oregon also benefited from its approach to addressing consumers directly via the Internet or smartphone apps in the People's Republic. yahoo-de.127730 Die Umsätze stiegen im Dreimonatszeitraum bis Ende August auf 10,7 Milliarden Dollar. Am kräftigsten legten die Nike-Verkaufszahlen mit einem Plus von 22 Prozent in China zu. Damit profitierte der Konzern aus Beaverton im US-Bundesstaat Oregon auch in der Volksrepublik von seinem Ansatz, sich über das Internet oder Smartphone-Apps direkt an die Verbraucher zu richten. Sales rose to $10.7 billion in the three-month period at the end of August. The greatest increase in Nike sales was in China with a growth of 22 percent. The Group from Beaverton, Oregon also profited from its approach of addressing consumers directly via the Internet or smartphone apps in China. UEDIN.1066 Chief Financial Officer Andy Campion announced that Nike will continue to drive the "digital transformation" of the sporting goods manufacturer with strategic investments and thus expand its competitive advantage. Investors were pleased with the quarterly figures - the sporting goods manufacturer's shares increased by more than five percent. yahoo-de.127730 Finanzchef Andy Campion kündigte an, Nike werde mit strategischen Investitionen die "digitale Transformation" des Sportartikelherstellers weiter vorantreiben und damit seinen Wettbewerbsvorteil ausbauen. Die Anleger reagierten erfreut auf die Quartalszahlen - die Aktien des Sportartikelherstellers stiegen um mehr als fünf Prozent. Chief financial officer Andy Campion announced that Nike would continue to drive the "digital transformation" of the sporting goods manufacturer with strategic investments, thereby increasing its competitive advantage. The investors reacted positively to the quarterly figures as the shares rose by more than five percent. UEDIN.1066 Lifetime stadium ban on racism in Italy faz.39254 Lebenslanges Stadionverbot wegen Rassismus in Italien Life-long stadium ban for racism in Italy UEDIN.1066 Due to racist comments about football pro Juan Jesus of AS Rome, the club from the Italian capital has imposed a lifelong stadium ban on a fan. The Brazilian defender Jesus had been insulted by the fan on Instagram. Jesus then published the private news and called on his club to take action. "Officialasroma You already know what to do with such a fan.NoToRacism. Proud of being who I am," wrote the 28-year-old, who has been playing for AS Rome since 2016. faz.39254 Wegen rassistischer Kommentare über Fußballprofi Juan Jesus von AS Rom hat der Verein aus der italienischen Hauptstadt ein lebenslanges Stadionverbot gegen einen Fan verhängt. Der aus Brasilien stammende Verteidiger Jesus war von dem Fan auf Instagram beschimpft worden. Jesus veröffentlichte daraufhin die privaten Nachrichten und forderte seinen Klub auf, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. "@officialasroma Ihr wisst bereits, was Ihr mit einem solchen Fan machen sollt. #NoToRacism. Stolz darauf, zu sein, wer ich bin", schrieb der 28-Jährige, der seit 2016 bei AS Rom spielt. The Italian football club AS Roma has given a fan a lifetime ban on entering the stadium for making racist comments about professional footballer Juan Jesus. The Brazilian defender was insulted by the fan on Instagram. Jesus then published the private messages and called on his club to take action. "@officialasroma you know what you should do with a fan like this. #NoToRacism. I'm proud of who I am," wrote the 28-year-old who has played for AS Roma since 2016. UEDIN.1066 The club responded late on Thursday. He reported the fan's account to Instagram and the police. In addition, the Roma supporter should never again visit a game of the club, the club wrote on Twitter. faz.39254 Der Verein reagierte am späten Donnerstag. Er habe den Account des Fans bei Instagram und der Polizei gemeldet. Außerdem dürfe der Roma-Anhänger nie wieder ein Spiel des Vereins besuchen, schrieb der Klub auf Twitter. The club reacted late on Thursday, reporting the fan's Instagram account to the police. In addition, the Roma supporter can never attend a club match again, the club tweeted. UEDIN.1066 Racism is a problem in Italian football. Italian fans regularly chant racist insults against black players of rival teams. "We cannot have racism in society or in sport. In Italy, the situation has not improved, and that is very serious. You have to identify those responsible and throw them out of the stadiums," Fifa President Gianni Infantino said at the weekend. The reason for the statement was racist songs at the first league match between Atalanta Bergamo and AC Florence last Sunday. faz.39254 Rassismus ist ein Problem im italienischen Fußball. Regelmäßig skandieren italienische Fans rassistische Beschimpfungen gegen schwarze Spieler rivalisierender Mannschaften. "Wir können keinen Rassismus in der Gesellschaft oder im Sport haben. In Italien hat sich die Situation nicht verbessert, und das ist sehr ernst. Man muss die Verantwortlichen identifizieren und aus den Stadien werfen", hatte Fifa-Präsident Gianni Infantino am Wochenende gesagt. Anlass der Äußerung waren rassistische Gesänge bei der Erstliga-Partie zwischen Atalanta Bergamo und dem AC Florenz am vorigen Sonntag. Racism is a problem in Italian football. Fans regularly chant racist insults against the black players of opposing teams. "We can't have any racism in society or in sport. The situation in Italy has not improved, and that is very serious. Those responsible must be identified and thrown out of the stadiums," FIFA president Gianni Infantino said over the weekend. His statement was the result of racist chants during the first league match between Atalanta Bergamo and ACF Fiorentina last Sunday. UEDIN.1066 But there had also been discussions about the followers of Juventus Turin recently. The Italian authorities have now banned 38 rioting fans of record champion Juventus Turin. Four of them are not allowed to enter the stadium for a period of ten years, the police said. For the rest, prohibitions of four to seven years apply. faz.39254 Doch auch um die Anhänger von Juventus Turin hatte es zuletzt Diskussionen gegeben. Die italienischen Behörden haben nun 38 randalierende Fans von Rekordmeister Juventus Turin mit Stadionverboten belegt. Vier von ihnen dürften für einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren das Stadion nicht mehr betreten, teilte die Polizei mit. Für die Übrigen gelten demnach Verbote von vier bis sieben Jahren. But there have also been discussions recently about Juventus fans in Turin. The Italian authorities have imposed stadium bans on 38 rampaging supporters of the record-holding Juventus. Four of them are not allowed to return to the stadium for ten years, the police said. The remainder have been banned for four to ten years. UEDIN.1066 The fans are connected with ongoing investigations against twelve leaders of Ultra fan groups around Juventus. The twelve are accused, among other things, of severe blackmail, money laundering and private violence. The club had started the investigation with an advertisement last year. faz.39254 Die Fans stehen in Verbindung mit laufenden Ermittlungen gegen zwölf Anführer von Ultra-Fangruppen im Umfeld von Juventus. Den zwölf wird unter anderem schwere Erpressung, Geldwäsche und private Gewalt vorgeworfen. Der Klub hatte die Ermittlungen mit einer Anzeige letztes Jahr ins Rollen gebracht. The supporters are linked with ongoing investigations into twelve ringleaders of extremist fan groups related to Juventus. The twelve are suspected of crimes including aggravated extortion, money-laundering, and domestic violence. The club initiated the investigations by filing a complaint last year. UEDIN.1066 According to Italian media reports, the ultra-leaders are supposed to be behind the black trade in tickets. They had "militarily controlled" the ticket trade for the fan curve and allegedly extorted Juventus employees to get cheaper tickets. faz.39254 Die Ultra-Anführer sollen nach italienischen Medienberichten hinter dem Schwarzhandel mit Tickets stecken. Sie hätten den Tickethandel für die Fankurve "militärisch kontrolliert" und sollen Juventus-Mitarbeiter erpresst haben, um an günstigere Karten zu kommen. According to Italian media reports, the extremist ringleaders are involved in the illicit ticket trade. They are said to have "exercised military control" over ticket sales to fans and blackmailed Juventus employees in order to get hold of cheaper tickets. UEDIN.1066 Generation Z: Are they really different from Generation Y? welt.263022 Generation Z: Sind sie wirklich anders als Generation Y? Generation Z: Are they really different to Generation Y? UEDIN.1066 Millennials are narcissistic, Generation Z is political - whole vintages are given catchy names. If you take a closer look, the awards are full of contradictions. So how well do these labels describe the respective lifestyle of young people? welt.263022 Millennials sind narzisstisch, die Generation Z ist politisch - ganze Jahrgänge werden mit griffigen Bezeichnungen bedacht. Schaut man genauer hin, stecken die Auszeichnungen voller Widersprüche. Wie gut beschreiben diese Etiketten also das jeweilige Lebensgefühl junger Menschen? Millennials are narcissistic, Generation Z is political—entire age categories are given catchy names. But if you look closely, the labels are steeped in contradictions. How well do these labels describe young peoples' perspective on life? UEDIN.1066 "The crabs are coming!" With this reputation, crab fishing officially started on September 21 at Lake Gucheng in Gaochun, which also heralded the opening event of the 19th China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival, as announced by the Public Relations Department of the Nanjing-Gaochun District Committee. "Die Krabben kommen!" Mit diesem Ruf startete am 21. September offiziell der Krabbenfang am Gucheng-See in Gaochun, womit auch die Eröffnungsveranstaltung des 19. China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival eingeläutet wurde, wie es die Abteilung für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Nanjing-Gaochun Bezirkskomitees bekannt gab. "The Crabs are Coming!" With this cry, the crab hunt at Gucheng Lake in Gaochun officially began on September 21, kicking off the opening ceremony of the nineteenth China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival, as announced by the Department for Publicity Work of the Nanjing-Gaochun District Committee. UEDIN.1066 Gaochun, which forms the southern foothills of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, is one of the national environmental zones. The city is the first international "Slow City" in China and is also home to the Chinese headquarters of the international "Slow City" movement. The city has ideal ecological conditions with a mixture of "30 percent mountains, 20 percent water areas and 50 percent fields". The magnificent natural environment of Gaochun offers its inhabitants all the conditions to become rich. Gaochun, das den südlichen Ausläufer von Nanjing in der Provinz Jiangsu bildet, ist eine der nationalen Umweltzonen. Die Stadt ist die erste internationale "Slow City" in China und hier befindet sich auch der chinesische Sitz der internationalen "Slow City"-Bewegung. Die Stadt verfügt in ökologischer Hinsicht über ideale Voraussetzungen mit einer Mischung aus "30 Prozent Bergen, 20 Prozent Wasserflächen und 50 Prozent Feldern". Die großartige natürliche Umgebung von Gaochun bietet seinen Bewohnern alle Bedingungen, um reich zu werden. Gaochun, which forms the southern edge of Nanjing in the Jiangsu province, is a national environmental zone. It's the first international "Slow City" in China and the Chinese headquarters of the international "Slow City" movement. From an ecological standpoint, the city can boast ideal conditions, with a mixture of "30 percent mountains, 20 percent water areas, and 50 percent fields." Gaochun's generous natural environment offers its inhabitants all the prerequisites for becoming wealthy. UEDIN.1066 The people of Gaochun started to grow crabs in the early 1990s. Over time, the crab industry has developed into a formative industry, generating high incomes and becoming an important part of Gaochun's economic development. In recent years, Gaochun has been actively engaged in large-scale, ecological and scientific development of crab breeding as well as technology-based crab breeding. And the city has taken care of promoting more efficiency in agriculture and farmers' incomes. Die Menschen in Gaochun haben bereits Anfang der 1990er Jahre mit der Krabbenzucht begonnen. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich die Krabbenindustrie zu einer prägenden Branche entwickelt, die für hohe Einkommen sorgte und zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung von Gaochun wurde. In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich Gaochun aktiv um eine groß angelegte, ökologische und wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Krabbenzucht sowie eine technikgestützte Krabbenzucht bemüht. Und die Stadt hat sich um die Förderung von mehr Effizienz in der Landwirtschaft und um die Einkommen der Landwirte gekümmert. The citizens of Gaochun started farming crabs in the early 1990s. Crabbing eventually turned into a formative industry bringing high revenues and became an important part of Gaochun's economic development. In recent years, Gaochun has actively developed crab farming on a large scale in terms of ecology, the economy, and technological support. And the city has focused on the farmers' income, and on making agriculture more efficient. UEDIN.1066 In recent years, Gaochun has advanced a reform to "distribute power, optimize administration and government services" and carefully built up the service network for "permits under one roof, a team for law enforcement, a network for services, a platform for lending". In doing so, the city aims to comprehensively optimise the environment for permits, services and development. In den letzten Jahren hat Gaochun eine Reform zur "Verteilung von Macht, Optimierung der Verwaltung und von Behördendiensten" vorangebracht und mit Sorgfalt das Service-Netz für "Genehmigungen unter einem Dach, ein Team für die Strafverfolgung, ein Netzwerk für Dienstleistungen, eine Plattform für die Kreditvergabe" aufgebaut. Damit will die Stadt das Umfeld für Genehmigungen, für Dienstleistungen und für die Entwicklung umfassend optimieren. In recent years, Gaochun has promoted a reform to "distribute power while optimizing the administration and government services" and diligently established the service network for "permits in one location, a law enforcement team, a network for services, and a platform for extending loans." This will allow the city to comprehensively optimize the environment for permits, services, and development. UEDIN.1066 Gaochun takes full advantage of the local advantages of connecting to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui and uses the development zone and its position as an international "Slow City" as a showcase to locate intelligent high-end production companies, biomedical and medical technology companies, energy storage and environmental protection companies, the cultural and health sector as well as organic farming companies that are leaders in the "3+2" sector. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the development of a national tourist zone covering all areas and of tourist resorts of national importance. In doing so, the ecological and cultural resources of the Gaochun countryside were integrated, the condition of the buildings for civil services and for the public service was comprehensively improved, the areas "Tourism +" and "+ Tourism" were vigorously developed and the development of cultural tourism at a high quality level advanced. It is worth looking forward to the future of Gaochun. Gaochun schöpft die vor Ort gegebene Vorteile durch die Anbindung an das südliche Jiangsu und das südliche Anhui voll aus und nutzt die Entwicklungszone und seine Stellung als internationale "Slow City" als Aushängeschilder, um intelligente High-End-Produktionsbetriebe, Unternehmen für Biomedizin- und Medizintechnik, für Energiespeicherung und Umweltschutz, aus der Kultur- und Gesundheitsbranche sowie Betriebe für ökologische Landwirtschaft, die im "3+2"-Bereich führend sind, hier anzusiedeln. Gleichzeitig hat Gaochun den Aufbau einer nationalen, sämtliche Gebiete umfassenden Tourismuszone und von Fremdenverkehrsorten von nationaler Bedeutung gefördert. Hierbei wurden die ökologischen und kulturellen Ressourcen der Landschaft von Gaochun eingebunden, der Zustand der Gebäude für Bürgerdienste und für den öffentlichen Dienst umfassend verbessert, die Bereiche "Tourismus +" und "+ Tourismus" energisch weiterentwickelt und die Entwicklung des Kulturtourismus auf hohem Qualitätsniveau vorangebracht. Es lohnt sich, sich auf die Zukunft von Gaochun zu freuen. Gaochun is exploiting local advantages by connecting to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui and using the development zone and its position as an international "slow city" as a flagship for enticing intelligent high-end production operations; companies for biomedicine and medicinal technology, saving energy and protecting the environment; companies from the cultural and health sectors; and businesses for ecological agriculture that lead the "3+2" sector to settle here. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the formation of a national tourism zone that includes all areas, as well as nationally prominent tourist resorts. To that end, the Gaochun region's ecological and cultural resources have been integrated, the state of buildings for civil services and for public service comprehensively improved, the areas of "tourism +" and "+ tourism" energetically further developed, and the development of cultural tourism brought to a high level of quality. Gaochun definitely has a future worth looking forward to. UEDIN.1066 Conflict between Iran and the US: Ruhani speaks of the end of sanctions - Trump contradicts Konflikt zwischen Iran und USA: Ruhani spricht von Ende der Sanktionen - Trump widerspricht Conflict between Iran and USA: Ruhani talks about the end of sanctions—Trump disagrees UEDIN.1066 After his return from the UN General Assembly, Iranian President Hassan Ruhani spoke of an alleged US offer to lift sanctions. The United States had promised an end to all sanctions in exchange for talks with the Tehran leadership, Ruhani said on his official website. Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hat nach seiner Rückkehr von der UN-Vollversammlung von einem angeblichen Angebot der USA zur Aufhebung von Sanktionen gesprochen. Die Vereinigten Staaten hätten im Gegenzug für Gespräche mit der Teheraner Führung ein Ende sämtlicher Sanktionen in Aussicht gestellt, erklärte Ruhani auf seiner offiziellen Internetseite. The Iranian president Hassan Ruhani has spoken after his return from the UN General Assembly about a supposed offer by the USA to lift sanctions. In return for discussions with the Tehran leadership, the United States had put an end in sight for all sanctions, Ruhani explained on his official internet page. UEDIN.1066 US President Donald Trump, however, contradicted his Iranian counterpart via Twitter: "Iran wanted me to lift the sanctions imposed on him so that there would be a meeting. I said, of course, no." US-Präsident Donald Trump widersprach jedoch dem iranischen Amtskollegen über Twitter: "Der Iran wollte, dass ich die gegen ihn verhängten Sanktionen aufhebe, damit es ein Treffen gibt. Ich sagte, natürlich, nein". However, the US president Donald Trump contradicted the Iranian counterpart via Twitter: "Iran wanted for me to lift the sanctions imposed on him, so that there could be a meeting. I, of course, said no." UEDIN.1066 Ruhani describes the events as follows: Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron were present in New York and urged that a meeting be held. "And America says I'm lifting the sanctions," Ruhani added. The type of punitive measures that were to be terminated had been up for debate. "And they have clearly said that we are lifting all sanctions". Ruhani schildert das Geschehen so: Die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson und der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron seien in New York anwesend gewesen und hätten darauf gedrungen, dass ein Treffen stattfindet. "Und Amerika sagt, ich hebe die Sanktionen auf", ergänzte Ruhani. Die Art der Strafmaßnahmen, die beendet werden sollten, habe zur Debatte gestanden. "Und sie haben eindeutig gesagt, wir heben alle Sanktionen auf". Ruhani describes the event thus: Chancellor Merkel, The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the French President Emmanuel Macron had been present in New York and had insisted that there should be a meeting. "And America says, I will lift the sanctions," added Ruhani. The type of punitive measures that were to be ended was under debate. "And they clearly said that they will lift all sanctions." UEDIN.1066 However, this advance did not take place in an acceptable manner, Ruhani criticized. In view of the current punitive measures and "the poisoned atmosphere of maximum pressure", no one can predict the outcome of negotiations. Allerdings sei dieser Vorstoß nicht in einer akzeptablen Art erfolgt, kritisierte Ruhani. Angesichts der geltenden Strafmaßnahmen und "der vergifteten Atmosphäre des maximalen Drucks" könne niemand den Ausgang von Verhandlungen vorhersagen. However, this move was not made in an acceptable manner, Ruhani lambasted. In the face of the punitive measures in place and the "poisoned atmosphere of maximum pressure," no one could predict the outcome of negotiations. UEDIN.1066 Earlier this week, Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Ruhani in New York. The background was the hope of the Europeans to save the nuclear agreement with Iran negotiated with Russia and China. This is intended to prevent the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons. French President Emmanuel Macron, like Merkel, had expressed hope on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that Ruhani would meet with US President Donald Trump. Anfang der Woche hatte sich Kanzlerin Angela Merkel mit Ruhani in New York getroffen. Hintergrund war die Hoffnung der Europäer, das mit Russland und China ausgehandelte Atomabkommen mit dem Iran zu retten. Dieses soll die Islamische Republik davon abhalten, Atomwaffen zu entwickeln. Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron hatte wie Merkel am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung die Hoffnung geäußert, dass Ruhani sich mit US-Präsident Donald Trump treffen wird. At the start of the week, Chancellor Angela Merkel had met with Mr Ruhani in New York. The backdrop was the hope of Europeans' hope of rescuing the Iran nuclear agreement they had negotiated with China and Russia. This is intended to deter the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weaponry. France's president Emmanuel Macron had, like Merkel commented on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, that Ruhani will meet with US president Donald Trump. UEDIN.1066 Heavy earthquake near Istanbul - Nearly 200 aftershocks Schweres Erdbeben nahe Istanbul - Fast 200 Nachbeben Serious earthquake near Istanbul—Almost 200 aftershocks UEDIN.1066 After two earthquakes shook western Turkey within a very short time, the fear of a catastrophe grows. 34 people were injured in the earthquake on Tuesday. Since the earthquake the day before, there have been almost 200 aftershocks, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Friday. As a result, there is growing concern about a disaster. Nachdem die westliche Türkei innerhalb von kürzester Zeit von zwei Erdbeben erschüttert wurde, wächst die Angst vor einer Katastrophe. 34 Menschen wurden bei dem Erdbeben am Dienstag verletzt. Seit dem Beben am Vortag habe es fast 200 Nachbeben gegeben, sagte der türkische Vizepräsident Fuat Oktay am Freitag. Damit wächst die Sorge vor einer Katastrophe. After western Turkey was shaken by two earthquakes within a short time, fears of a disaster are growing. 34 people were injured in the quake on Tuesday. Since the quake the day before, there have been almost 200 aftershocks, said Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay on Friday. This is fueling fears of a disaster. UEDIN.1066 14 schools in Istanbul were closed for security reasons. Hundreds of buildings were damaged. The earthquake of magnitude 5.8 had shaken the marble region off Istanbul on Thursday and caused panic in the metropolis of millions. Now the government wants to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. 14 Schulen in Istanbul seien aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen worden. Hunderte Gebäude wurden demnach beschädigt. Das Erdbeben der Stärke 5,8 hatte am Donnerstag die Marmararegion vor Istanbul erschüttert und Panik in der Millionenmetropole ausgelöst. Nun wolle die Regierung eine Kommission einsetzen, um das Land künftig besser auf Erdbeben vorzubereiten, kündigte Oktay an. 14 schools in Istanbul have been closed for safety reasons, said Oktay. He also reported that hundreds of buildings had been damaged. On Thursday, the 5.8-magnitude earthquake shook the Marmara region, which includes Istanbul, and triggered panic in the metropolis with its millions of inhabitants. The government now intends to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. UEDIN.1066 In the past 20 years Turkey has not been sufficiently prepared for earthquakes, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. In the city itself, the latent danger is repeatedly ignored. Every year badly built residential buildings collapse - among other things made grumpy by the many smaller earthquakes that regularly shake Istanbul. In den vergangenen 20 Jahren sei die Türkei nicht ausreichend auf Beben vorbereitet gewesen, sagte Istanbuls Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu. In der Stadt selbst wird die latente Gefahr immer wieder ignoriert. Jedes Jahr stürzen schlecht gebaute Wohnhäuser ein - unter anderem mürbe gemacht durch die vielen kleineren Erdbeben, die Istanbul regelmäßig erschüttern. Turkey has been ill-prepared for earthquakes for 20 years, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. The latent danger has been repeatedly ignored in the city itself. Poorly constructed buildings collapse every year—some already weakened by the many minor quakes that regularly shake Istanbul. UEDIN.1066 Urban planners such as the well-known architect Mücella Yapici have been warning for years that large open spaces that have been registered as sanctuaries in the centre have long since been built. It was only on the 20th anniversary of the Gölcük earthquake in August that the Istanbul Chamber of Civil Engineers warned that an estimated one million buildings in Istanbul were not earthquake-proof. Stadtplaner wie die bekannte Architektin Mücella Yapici warnen seit Jahren, dass große offene Flächen, die im Zentrum als Zufluchtsorte eingetragen wurden, längst zugebaut sind. Erst zum 20. Jahrestag des Gölcük-Bebens im August hatte die Bauingenieurskammer von Istanbul gewarnt, dass geschätzt eine Million Gebäude in Istanbul nicht erdbebensicher seien. For years, city planners such as well-known architect Mücella Yapici have warned that the large open spaces created in the city center as places of refuge have been built on. Only on the 20th anniversary of the Gölcük quake in August did the Chamber of Civil Engineers of Istanbul warn that an estimated one million buildings in the city are not earthquake-proof. UEDIN.1066 The epicentre of the earthquake on Thursday was in the Sea of Marmara in front of the district of Silivri and at a depth of about seven kilometers, as reported by the civil protection authority Afad. A minor aftershock caused even greater panic on the streets a few minutes later. Das Epizentrum des Bebens vom Donnerstag lag im Marmarameer vor dem Bezirk Silivri und in rund sieben Kilometern Tiefe, wie die Katastrophenschutzbehörde Afad mitteilte. Ein kleineres Nachbeben sorgte wenige Minuten später für noch größere Panik auf den Straßen. Disaster and Emergency Management Authority AFAD said the epicenter of Thursday's quake was in the Sea of Marmara off the coast of the Silivri district and at a depth of about 4.3 miles. A smaller quake a few minutes later caused even greater panic in the streets. UEDIN.1066 Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu announced on Twitter that injuries or damage had not been reported at first. The state broadcaster TRT showed people running out of the houses in panic. Students were taken out of the buildings in the Silivri district for safety reasons. Some students cried, as shown in pictures. Der Istanbuler Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu teilte auf Twitter mit, Verletzte oder Schäden seien zunächst nicht gemeldet worden. Der Staatssender TRT zeigte Menschen, die in Panik aus den Häusern rannten. Schüler wurden im Bezirk Silivri aus Sicherheitsgründen aus den Gebäuden gebracht. Einige Schüler weinten, wie auf Bildern zu sehen war. The mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu tweeted that there had been no initial reports of injuries or damage. The state TV channel TRT showed people fleeing their houses in panic. In the district of Silivri, schoolchildren were evacuated from buildings for safety reasons. Pictures showed some of the schoolchildren crying. UEDIN.1066 Istanbul is considered to be particularly vulnerable to earthquakes. Below the Sea of Marmara is a section of the so-called North Anatolian Disorder, which marks the boundary between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates. Turkey is repeatedly shaken by earthquakes. One of the deadliest was the 1999 earthquake near Istanbul. At that time, more than 17,000 people were killed. Istanbul gilt als besonders erdbebengefährdet. Unter dem Marmarameer liegt ein Abschnitt der sogenannten Nordanatolischen Störung, die die Grenze zwischen der eurasischen und der anatolische Erdplatte markiert. Die Türkei wird immer wieder von Erdbeben erschüttert. Eines der tödlichsten war das Beben im Jahre 1999 in der Nähe Istanbuls. Damals kamen mehr als 17.000 Menschen ums Leben. Istanbul is especially prone to earthquakes. A section of the North Anatolian Fault, which marks the border between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates, runs beneath the Sea of Marmara. Turkey is repeatedly shaken by earthquakes. One of the deadliest happened near Istanbul in 1999. More than 17.000 people lost their lives at that time. UEDIN.1066 Researchers fear that an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 to 7.4 could threaten. But it is unclear when the earthquake will occur. In the earthquake on Thursday it hit again the west of the country and Istanbul. Forscher befürchten, dass ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,1 bis 7,4 drohen könnte. Doch wann es zu dem Erdbeben kommt, ist unklar. Bei dem Erdbeben am Donnerstag traf es schon wieder den Westen des Landes und Istanbul. Researchers fear that there could be a quake with a magnitude of between 7.1 and 7.4. But when it will happen is not clear. Thursday's quake again struck the western part of the country and Istanbul. UEDIN.1066 Companies design contingency plans, private individuals have so-called go-bags packed with everything necessary to stand next to front doors, and schools teach children how to behave when the earth wobbles. It is unclear when the next big quake will come. Firmen entwerfen Notfallpläne, Privatleute haben sogenannte Go-Bags mit allem Nötigen fertig gepackt neben Haustüren stehen, und Schulen bringen Kindern bei, wie sie sich zu benehmen haben, wenn die Erde wackelt. Wann das nächste große Beben komme, sei unklar. Companies are drawing up emergency plans, private citizens have deposited "go-bags" packed with necessities outside their doors, and schools are teaching children how to behave when the earth quakes. When the next big quake will happen is not clear. UEDIN.1066 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after his return from New York that eight people had been injured. Some buildings would have suffered minor damage. Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu followed the developments of the Istanbul Disaster Coordination Centre (Akom). According to him, two minarets of mosques collapsed in the districts of Avcilar and Sariyer. Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan sagte nach seiner Rückkehr aus New York, acht Menschen seien verletzt worden. Einige Gebäude hätten leichte Schäden erlitten. Der Istanbuler Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu verfolgte die Entwicklungen vom Istanbuler Katastrophen-Koordinationszentrum (Akom). Nach dessen Angaben stürzten zwei Minarette von Moscheen in den Bezirken Avcilar und Sariyer ein. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after his return from New York that eight people had been injured. A few buildings had suffered minor damage. The Mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu monitored developments from Istanbul's Catastrophe Coordination Center (Akom). He reported that two minarets of mosques in the districts of Avcilar and Sariyer had collapsed. UEDIN.1066 Warning of aftershocks in Istanbul Warnung vor Nachbeben in Istanbul Aftershock warning in Istanbul UEDIN.1066 On social networks, many users report panic. Buildings wobbled. Schools and hospitals were evacuated. Telephone lines were interrupted. It was more violent than Tuesday's, writes a user. The head of the Turkish Red Crescent, Kerem Klinik, warned of aftershocks via Twitter. He called on people to stay away from buildings that had suffered visible damage. In den sozialen Netzwerken berichten viele Nutzer von Panik. Gebäude wackelten. Schulen und Krankenhäuser wurden evakuiert. Telefonleitungen waren unterbrochen. Es sei heftiger gewesen als das vom Dienstag, schreibt eine Nutzerin. Der Chef des türkischen Roten Halbmonds, Kerem Klinik, warnte via Twitter vor Nachbeben. Er rief die Menschen dazu auf, von Gebäuden fernzubleiben, die sichtbare Schäden erlitten hätten. Many social media users are reporting panic. Buildings trembled. Schools and hospitals were evacuated. Telephone lines were severed. It was stronger than the quake on Tuesday, one user wrote. On Twitter, Kerem Klinik, President of Turkish Red Crescent, warned of aftershocks. He called on people to keep away from buildings that had suffered visible damage. UEDIN.1066 According to official data, the time of the quake is 1.59 p.m. (local time). Only a few minutes after the first quake, according to CNN Turkey, there was an aftershock with a magnitude of 4.0 on the Richter scale. Der Zeitpunkt des Bebens wird offiziellen Angaben zufolge mit 13.59 Uhr (Ortszeit) angegeben. Nur wenige Minuten nach dem ersten Beben gab es laut CNN Turkey ein Nachbeben, das mit einer Stärke von 4,0 auf der Richterskala angegeben wurde. The time of the quake is officially given as 1:59 p.m. local time. According to CNN Turkey, only a few minutes after the first quake, an aftershock measuring 4.0 on the Richter scale occurred. UEDIN.1066 Only on Tuesday had an earthquake of magnitude 4.6 shaken the Turkish marble region - it was felt until Istanbul. Its epicentre was also located in the Sea of Marmara west of the metropolis of millions, the civil protection authority Afad announced on Tuesday. Erst am Dienstag hatte ein Erdbeben der Stärke 4,6 hat die türkische Marmararegion erschüttert - es war bis Istanbul zu spüren. Auch dessen Epizentrum habe im Marmarameer westlich der Millionenmetropole gelegen, teilte die Katastrophenschutzbehörde Afad bereits am Dienstag mit. On Tuesday, a magnitude-4.6 earthquake shook the Marmara region that was felt as far away as Istanbul. Disaster and Emergency Management Authority AFAD said the epicenter of this quake was also in the Sea of Marmara to the west of the capital. UEDIN.1066 It was not the only earthquake that made headlines this Tuesday: Pakistan, too, was hit by a severe earthquake. Es war nicht das einzige Erdbeben, das für Schlagzeilen an diesem Dienstag sorgte: Auch Pakistan wurde von einem schweren Erdbeben getroffen. It was not the only quake to hit the headlines this Tuesday. Pakistan was also affected by a severe quake. UEDIN.1066 Researchers assume that sooner or later there could be a catastrophic earthquake in Istanbul - the tension between the tectonic plates is extremely high. Scientists believe that it will eventually discharge - and cause massive damage. Forscher gehen davon aus, dass es früher oder später zu einem katastrophalen Erdbeben in Istanbul kommen könnte - die Spannung zwischen den tektonischen Platten ist extrem hoch. Wissenschaftler glauben, dass sie sich irgendwann entlädt - und massive Schäden verursachen wird. Researchers believe there could be a disastrous earthquake in Istanbul at some point—there is extreme tension between the two tectonic plates. Scientists believe the tension will discharge one day—causing massive damage. UEDIN.1066 Earthquake researcher Sükrü Ersoy reckons that the earthquake is now a warning. This made it more likely, he told CNN Türk. "These could be the signs of a major earthquake," Ersoy told the station. "Earlier or later the big quake will come." Erdbebenforscher Sükrü Ersoy rechnet damit, dass das Erdbeben jetzt eine Vorwarnung sei. Es sei dadurch wahrscheinlicher geworden, sagte er zu CNN Türk. "Dies könnten die Anzeichen zu einem größeren Erdbeben sein", so Ersoy zum Sender. "Früher oder später wird auch das große Beben kommen". Earthquake researcher Sükrü Ersoy thinks the latest earthquake is an early warning. It has made a disaster more likely, he told CNN Turkey. "This could be a sign of a bigger earthquake," Ersoy told CNN. "The big quake will come sooner or later". UEDIN.1066 Already a few weeks ago there had been an incident - the quake caused great concern also in Istanbul. In Albania there had also been a violent earthquake only a few days ago - there were 68 injured. Also at Lake Constance this year the earth had trembled. Bereits vor wenigen Wochen hatte es einen Zwischenfall gegeben - das Beben löste große Sorgen auch in Istanbul aus. In Albanien hatte es zudem erst vor wenigen Tagen ein heftiges Erdbeben gegeben - es gab 68 Verletzte. Auch am Bodensee hatte dieses Jahr die Erde gebebt. A minor quake a few weeks ago caused major concern in Istanbul. In Albania, there was a strong earthquake only a few days ago, with 68 people injured. The earth also shook by Lake Constance this year. UEDIN.1066 Parliament: New fuel in Ukraine affair Parlament: Neuer Zündstoff in Ukraine-Affäre Parliament: New fuel for conflict in the Ukraine affair UEDIN.1066 Two explosive documents provide new fuel for US President Donald Trump’s possible abuse of power in the Ukraine affair. On the way to a possible impeachment procedure, the US Democrats are encouraged: The complaint filed by an anonymous whistleblower about Trump and his controversial telephone conversation with the Ukrainian president provides important evidence for investigations against the president. Trump sees himself once again as the victim of a "witch hunt". He also questioned the credibility of the whistleblower. Zwei brisante Dokumente sorgen für neuen Zündstoff in der Ukraine-Affäre um möglichen Machtmissbrauch von US-Präsident Donald Trump. Auf dem Weg zu einem möglichen Amtsenthebungsverfahren sehen sich die US-Demokraten bestärkt: Die von einem anonymen Hinweisgeber eingereichte Beschwerde über Trump und dessen umstrittenes Telefonat mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten berge wichtige Anhaltspunkte für Ermittlungen gegen den Präsidenten. Trump selbst sieht sich einmal mehr als Opfer einer "Hexenjagd". Zudem zweifelte er die Glaubwürdigkeit des Whistleblowers an. Two controversial documents provide new fuel in the Ukraine affair regarding US president Donald Trump's possible abuse of power. US democrats feel strengthened towards a possible impeachment procedure. The complaint filed by an anonymous whistleblower about Trump and his controversial phone-call with the Ukrainian president provided important clues for investigations against the president. Even Trump himself once more feels like a victim of a witch hunt. He also doubted the credibility of the whistleblower. UEDIN.1066 USA: Passenger of United Airlines locked in toilet - Flight redirected USA: Fluggast von United Airlines in Toilette eingesperrt - Flieger umgeleitet USA: United Airlines passenger locked in toilet—Plane diverted UEDIN.1066 Because a passenger was locked in the board toilet, a flight was diverted by United Airlines. The WC door was blocked during flight 1554 from Washington to San Francisco, the airline reported according to US media. Weil eine Passagierin in der Board-Toilette eingesperrt war, ist ein Flug von United Airlines umgeleitet worden. Die WC-Tür sei während des Fluges 1554 von Washington nach San Francisco blockiert gewesen, teilte die Airline laut US-Medien mit. A United Airlines flight was diverted because a passenger was locked in the onboard toilet. The bathroom door was blocked during Flight 1554 from Washington to San Francisco, the airline announced according to US media. UEDIN.1066 During an unscheduled stopover on Wednesday evening (local time) in Denver, the woman was finally freed from the tight cabin. She was detained there for about an hour, U.S. media wrote, citing other passengers. Passengers had to change planes to continue their flight to San Francisco. Bei einer außerplanmäßigen Zwischenlandung am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) in Denver konnte die Frau schließlich aus der engen Kabine befreit werden. Etwa eine Stunde sei sie darin eingesperrt gewesen, schrieben US-Medien unter Berufung auf andere Passagiere. Zum Weiterflug in Richtung San Francisco mussten die Fluggäste die Maschine wechseln. The woman was finally freed from the narrow cabin during an unplanned stopover in Denver Wednesday evening (local time). She had been locked in for almost one hour, US media wrote citing other passengers. Passengers were required to change aircraft to continue their flight to San Francisco. UEDIN.1066 In a video distributed on the Internet, which according to US media is supposed to originate from Flight 1554, one can see how several people try to free the woman. "We are currently working on opening the door, Ma'am. We'll get you out soon, Okay?" says a man. The airline apologized to all passengers. It was initially unclear whether the woman would receive compensation. In einem im Internet verbreiteten Video, das laut US-Medien von Flug 1554 stammen soll, ist zu sehen, wie mehrere Menschen versuchen, die Frau zu befreien. "Wir arbeiten im Moment daran, die Tür zu öffnen, Ma'am. Wir holen Sie bald raus, Okay?", sagt darin ein Mann. Die Fluggesellschaft habe sich bei allen Fluggästen entschuldigt. Offen war zunächst, ob die Frau eine Entschädigung erhält. In a video from Flight 1554 distributed online, US media report that multiple people can be seen trying to free the woman. "We are currently working on opening the door, ma'am. We will get you out soon, okay?" says a man in the video. The airline apologized to all passengers. It was initially unclear whether the woman would receive compensation. UEDIN.1066 The cockroach: Inspired by Kafka: Ian McEwan writes Brexit novel Die Kakerlake: Von Kafka inspiriert: Ian McEwan schreibt Brexit-Roman The Cockroach: Inspired by Kafka: Ian McEwan writes a Brexit novel UEDIN.1066 How does a writer like Ian McEwan deal with the whole Brexit chaos? He writes a book about it - and his protagonist is unmistakable. Wie geht ein Schriftsteller wie Ian McEwan mit dem ganzen Brexit-Chaos um? Er schreibt ein Buch darüber - und sein Protagonist ist unverkennbar. How does an author like Ian McEwan deal with all the Brexit chaos? He writes a book about it—and his protagonist is unmistakable. UEDIN.1066 Inspired by Franz Kafka's famous story "The Transformation", British author Ian McEwan (71) has written a book about the Brexit chaos in the UK. Inspiriert von Franz Kafkas berühmter Erzählung "Die Verwandlung" hat der britische Erfolgsautor Ian McEwan (71) ein Buch über das Brexit-Chaos in Großbritannien geschrieben. Inspired by Kafka's unmistakable "The Metamorphosis," the British success author Ian McEwan (71) has written a book about the Brexit chaos in Great Britain. UEDIN.1066 The novel "Die Kakerlake" (original: "The Cockroach") will be published in German on 27 November, the Diogenes Verlag (Zurich) announced. It is about the transformation of a man named "Jim Sams", who was ignored or hated in his previous life, but is now suddenly the most powerful man in Britain. He sees it as his mission to put the will of the people into practice and is wildly determined to be stopped by nothing and no one. Der Roman "Die Kakerlake" (Original: "The Cockroach") werde am 27. November auf Deutsch erscheinen, teilte der Diogenes Verlag (Zürich) mit. Darin gehe es um die Verwandlung eines Mannes namens "Jim Sams", der in seinem früheren Leben ignoriert oder gehasst wurde, jetzt aber auf einmal der mächtigste Mann Großbritanniens ist. Er sieht es als seine Mission, den Willen des Volkes in die Tat umzusetzen und ist dabei wild entschlossen, sich von nichts und niemandem aufhalten zu lassen. The novel called "The Cockroach" will be available in print in German on the 27th November, as communicated by the Diogenes Publisher (Zurich). It describes the transformation of a man called ‘Jim Sams,' who was ignored or hated in his former life, and has now suddenly become the most powerful man in Great Britain. He sees it as a mission to turn the will of the people into action and is wildly determined not to let anything nor anyone hinder him. UEDIN.1066 McEwan was quoted as saying: "If the parliament is closed, so that the government cannot be challenged at a critical moment, if ministers shamelessly lie like the Soviet leaders once did, if Brexiteers in high positions almost implore the catastrophe of a no-deal - then a writer must ask himself what he can do. There is only one answer: write". McEwan published the novel "Machines like me" about artificial intelligence only in the spring. McEwan wurde mit den Worten zitiert: "Wenn das Parlament geschlossen wird, sodass die Regierung in einem kritischen Moment nicht herausgefordert werden kann, wenn Minister schamlos lügen wie einst die Sowjetführer, wenn Brexiteers in hohen Positionen die Katastrophe eines No-Deals geradezu herbeiflehen - dann muss ein Schriftsteller sich fragen, was er tun kann. Es gibt nur eine Antwort darauf: schreiben". Von McEwan war erst im Frühjahr der Roman "Maschinen wie ich" über Künstliche Intelligenz erschienen. McEwan was quoted as saying, "When the parliament is shut down, so that the government cannot be challenged at a critical time, when ministers are lying as shamelessly as the former soviet rulers, when Brexiteers in high positions are almost invoking a No-Deal, then an author has to ask himself what they can do. There is only one answer to that: writing." We had only just heard from McEwan in the spring with the novel "Machines like me" about artificial intelligence. UEDIN.1066 Kafka's story, first published in 1915, is about Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning and sees himself "transformed into a monstrous vermin", is gradually excluded from family and society and eventually perishes. "Ian McEwan bows down to Kafka to describe a world that is upside down," the Diogenes publishing house said. Kafkas 1915 erstmals veröffentlichte Erzählung handelt von Gregor Samsa, der eines Morgens aufwacht und sich "zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt" sieht, nach und nach von Familie und Gesellschaft ausgeschlossen wird und schließlich zugrunde geht. "Ian McEwan verneigt sich vor Kafka, um eine Welt zu beschreiben, die Kopf steht", hieß es vom Diogenes Verlag. Kafka's story first printed in 1915 tells of Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning and sees himself transformed into a monstrous insect," is gradually rejected by family and community and eventually perishes. "Ian McEwan bows down before Kafka in order to describe a world that is upside down," the Diogenes Publisher discloses. UEDIN.1066 EU invests 9.5 million euros in Austria's railway infrastructure EU investiert 9,5 Millionen Euro in Österreichs Bahninfrastruktur EU invests €9.5 million in Austria's railway infrastructure UEDIN.1066 11,200 wagons in Austria and Hungary get whisper brakes to reduce noise pollution from freight trains. In addition, sections of the railway connections between Graz and Györ and Wiener Neustadt and Sopron will be modernised and electrified. 11.200 Wagons in Österreich und Ungarn bekommen Flüsterbremsen, um die Lärmbelastung durch Güterzüge zu reduzieren. Außerdem werden Abschnitte der Bahnverbindungen zwischen Graz und Györ und Wiener Neustadt und Sopron modernisiert und elektrifiziert. 11,200 railway cars in Austria and Hungary are being fitted with whisper brakes to reduce the noise generated by freight trains. In addition, sections of the rail links between Graz and Győr and between Wiener Neustadt and Sopron will be modernized and electrified. UEDIN.1066 According to the EU authority, this should make travel more comfortable and reduce CO2 emissions. The funds come from the EU infrastructure pot "Connecting Europe Facility". Dies soll nach Angaben der EU-Behörde Reisen komfortabler machen und den CO2-Ausstoß senken. Die Mittel kommen aus dem EU-Infrastrukturtopf "Connecting Europe Facility". According to information from EU officials, this should make travel more comfortable and decrease CO2 emissions. The work is being financed by the EU "Connecting Europe Facility" infrastructure fund. UEDIN.1066 Thomas Cook: All trips cancelled until October 31st Thomas Cook: Alle Reisen bis 31.Oktober abgesagt Thomas Cook: All trips canceled until October 31 UEDIN.1066 The German tour operator Thomas Cook cancelled all trips up to and including 31 October 2019 one day after his insolvency application. Travel could "not be started for insolvency reasons," the company announced on Thursday evening. Der deutsche Reiseveranstalter Thomas Cook hat einen Tag nach seinem Insolvenzantrag alle Reisen bis einschließlich 31. Oktober 2019 abgesagt. Reisen könnten "aus insolvenzrechtlichen Gründen nicht angetreten werden", teilte das Unternehmen am Donnerstagabend mit. One day after filing for bankruptcy, German travel agency Thomas Cook has canceled all trips up to and including October 31, 2019. Travel "could not be completed on legal grounds related to bankruptcy," the company announced on Thursday evening. UEDIN.1066 This also applies to bookings of the brands Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, OGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen and Air Marin, which are already paid or fully paid. The company left open the question of travel with a start from 1 November 2019. In coordination with the insolvency insurance, the further procedure was examined, it was said. Davon betroffen seien auch Buchungen der Marken Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen und Air Marin, die bereits angezahlt oder vollständig bezahlt sind. Wie es um Reisen mit Start ab dem 1. November 2019 steht, ließ das Unternehmen offen. In Abstimmung mit der Insolvenzversicherung werde die weitere Vorgehensweise geprüft, hieß es. This also affects bookings made with the brands Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen, and Air Marin that have already been paid for partially or in full. The company has not confirmed how it will handle trips starting after November 1, 2019. Further action will be examined in coordination with the insolvency insurer, the company said. UEDIN.1066 Thomas Cook in Germany had succumbed to the bankruptcy of the British parent company and filed for insolvency on Wednesday. The company, which includes, among others, Neckermann Reisen, Oger Tours and Bucher Reisen, employs about 2000 people in Germany. Thomas Cook in Deutschland war in den Sog der Pleite des britischen Mutterkonzerns geraten und hatte am Mittwoch Insolvenzantrag gestellt. Das Unternehmen, zu dem unter anderem Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours und Bucher Reisen gehören, beschäftigt in Deutschland etwa 2000 Menschen. Thomas Cook in Germany was caught up in the wake of the collapse of its British parent company and filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday. The company, which also includes Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours, and Bucher Reisen, employs around 2000 people in Germany. UEDIN.1066 Insurers want to transfer money back to hotels from now on Versicherer will Hotels ab sofort wieder Geld überweisen Insurers seek to transfer money to hotels immediately again UEDIN.1066 On the other hand, from this Friday hotels abroad, which currently still host Thomas Cook holidaymakers, will receive money from Zurich insurance. According to Zurich, payments to the hotels are subject to the condition that holidaymakers are no longer asked to make extra payments. Hingegen sollen ab diesem Freitag Hotels im Ausland, die derzeit noch Thomas-Cook-Urlauber beherbergen, Geld von der Zurich-Versicherung bekommen. Die Zahlungen an die Hotels sind laut Zurich an die Bedingung geknüpft, dass Urlauber nicht mehr zu Extra-Zahlungen aufgefordert werden. Conversely, hotels outside of Germany that are currently still accommodating Thomas Cook vacationers are set to receive money from the Zurich Insurance Group starting this Friday. According to Zurich, the payments to hotels include the condition that guests no longer be required to make extra payments. UEDIN.1066 On the basis of the booking information and without presenting separate invoices, the hotels in the holiday resorts are now to receive 50 percent of the outstanding payments, as a Zurich spokesman of the German Press Agency said. "This applies immediately and on condition that Thomas Cook travelers are not asked by these hotels for individual payment of hotel bills or otherwise coerced," said spokesman Bernd Engelien. Auf Basis der Buchungsinformationen und ohne Vorlage gesonderter Rechnungen sollen die Hotels in den Ferienorten jetzt 50 Prozent der ausstehenden Zahlungen erhalten, wie ein Zurich-Sprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur sagte. "Dies gilt sofort und unter der Voraussetzung, dass Thomas-Cook-Reisende von diesen Hotels ab sofort weder zur individuellen Zahlung von Hotelrechnungen aufgefordert oder anderweitig genötigt werden", sagte Sprecher Bernd Engelien weiter. Based on the booking information and without presenting any separate receipts, resort hotels are now to receive 50 per cent of the outstanding payments, a Zurich speaker said to the news agency dpa. "This applies straight away and with the requirement that, starting immediately, these hotels not prompt or otherwise require Thomas Cook travelers to make individual payment for hotel bills," spokesman Bernd Engelien went on to say. UEDIN.1066 The insurance company responded to reports from hotel guests who, according to their own information, had been forced to pay for their accommodation on site. Some had to put more than 1000 euros on the table. The German Travel Association (DRV) and the Federal Association of Consumer Centres had sharply criticized this. Die Versicherung reagierte damit auf Berichte von Hotelgästen, die nach eigenen Angaben gezwungen worden waren, ihre Unterkünfte vor Ort selbst zu bezahlen. Einige mussten demnach mehr als 1000 Euro auf den Tisch legen. Der Deutsche Reiseverband (DRV) und der Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentralen hatten dies scharf kritisiert. The insurance company was reacting to reports from hotel guests who claim they were being forced to pay for their accommodations themselves on site. Some of them had to lay out more than €1000. The German Travel Industry Association (DRV) and the German Federation of German Consumer Organization (VZBV) criticized this strongly. UEDIN.1066 How many hotels are affected will be coordinated with the insolvent travel provider on Friday, said the insurance spokesman. According to data from Thursday, 70,000 Thomas Cook holidaymakers from Germany were still on the road. Zurich Germany has secured the holiday and return journey of Thomas Cook customers. Wie viele Hotels betroffen sind, werde am Freitag mit dem insolventen Reiseanbieter abgestimmt, sagte der Versicherungs-Sprecher. Nach Angaben vom Donnerstag waren noch 70 000 Thomas-Cook-Pauschalurlauber aus Deutschland unterwegs. Die Zurich Deutschland hat Urlaub und Rückreise der Thomas-Cook-Kunden abgesichert. The number of hotels affected will be determined on Friday with the insolvent travel agency, said the insurer's spokesman. According to information from Thursday, 70,000 Thomas Cook package customers were still on vacation outside Germany. Zurich Germany has secured the vacations and return travel of Thomas Cook customers. UEDIN.1066 Insolvency administrators want to try to continue the three Thomas Cook companies in Germany and find a solution for the future. Insolvenzverwalter wollen versuchen, die drei Thomas-Cook-Gesellschaften in Deutschland fortzuführen und eine Zukunftslösung zu finden. Insolvency administrators want to attempt to keep the three Thomas Cook companies in Germany operating and find a solution for the future. UEDIN.1066 However, the now announced payments to hotels by Zurich Insurance only help the travelers who are currently still on the road. For Thomas Cook customers who still want to fly on holiday, it looks bad. Late Thursday evening, the company announced that all trips up to and including October 31 would be cancelled. This also applies to bookings that have already been paid for. Die nun angekündigten Auszahlungen an Hotels durch die Zurich Versicherung helfen allerdings nur den Reisenden, die derzeit noch unterwegs sind. Für Thomas-Cook-Kunden, die erst noch in den Urlaub fliegen wollen, sieht es schlecht aus. Am späten Donnerstagabend teilte das Unternehmen mit, alle Reisen bis einschließlich 31. Oktober würden abgesagt. Dies gelte auch für solche Buchungen, die schon bezahlt sind. However, the Zurich Insurance payments now announced for hotels will help travelers who are currently still abroad. Things look bad for Thomas Cook customers who still want to go on vacation. Late Thursday evening, the company announced that all trips up to and including October 31 had been canceled. This also applies to bookings that have already been paid for. UEDIN.1066 The company left open the question of travel with a start from 1 November 2019. In coordination with the insolvency insurance, the further procedure was examined, it was said. In principle, the Zurich insurance company is also responsible for these cases. The sale of new trips is stopped. dpa Wie es um Reisen mit Start ab dem 1. November 2019 steht, ließ das Unternehmen offen. In Abstimmung mit der Insolvenzversicherung werde die weitere Vorgehensweise geprüft, hieß es. Grundsätzlich ist für diese Fälle auch die Versicherung Zurich zuständig. Der Verkauf neuer Reisen ist gestoppt. dpa The company has not confirmed how it will handle trips starting after November 1, 2019. Further action will be examined in coordination with the insolvency insurer, the company said. In principle, the insurer Zurich will be responsible for these cases as well. The sale of new trips has been halted. dpa UEDIN.1066 The company refers to the insurer Zurich, which can be represented by the company Kaera. Customers could find out about the possibilities of refunding the travel price on the Kaera website and assert their claims via a web form. Das Unternehmen verweist auf den Versicherer Zurich, das sich durch das Unternehmen Kaera vertreten lässt. Kunden könnten sich auf der Kaera-Webseite über Möglichkeiten der Rückerstattung des Reisepreises informieren und über ein Webformular ihre Ansprüche geltend machen. The company refers to its insurer, Zurich, which is represented by the company Kaera. Customers can obtain information on reimbursement options for the cost of trips on the Kaera website and can submit claims using a web form. UEDIN.1066 Prince Harry destroys explosives in Angola Prinz Harry zerstört Sprengmine in Angola Prince Harry destroys blast mine in Angola UEDIN.1066 Prince Harry has been continuing Lady Diana's commitment for a long time. In Africa, he is now walking directly in the footsteps of his mother. Schon lange führt Prinz Harry das Engagement von Lady Diana fort. In Afrika wandelt er jetzt direkt auf den Spuren seiner Mutter. Prince Harry has been continuing Lady Diana's work for a long time. In Africa, he is now following directly in his mother's footsteps. UEDIN.1066 Clothed with a blue splinter vest, the British prince Harry has detonated and destroyed an explosive mine in Angola. Mit einer blauen Splitterschutzweste bekleidet hat der britische Prinz Harry in Angola eine Sprengmine gezündet und zerstört. Wearing a blue protective jacket, the British prince detonated and destroyed a blast mine in Angola. UEDIN.1066 Close to a camp of the British Halo Trusts near the town of Dirico, he created the ignition circuit on Friday morning in front of running TV cameras. At a safe distance, the explosive device exploded in the savannah landscape without causing any damage. Although the Halo Trust alone has destroyed more than 100,000 relics of decades of bloody conflict in the African country, there are still more than 1,000 minefields threatening the population. Nahe eines Camps des britischen Halo Trusts bei dem Ort Dirico stellte er am Freitagmorgen vor laufenden TV-Kameras den Zündkreis her. In sicherer Entfernung explodierte der Sprengkörper in der Savannenlandschaft, ohne Schaden anzurichten. Obwohl allein der Halo Trust mehr als 100.000 Relikte des jahrzehntelangen blutigen Konflikts in dem afrikanischen Land zerstört hat, gibt es noch immer mehr als 1000 Minenfelder, die die Bevölkerung bedrohen. On Friday morning, near the British Halo Trust camp in Dirico, he flipped the ignition switch in front of TV cameras At a safe distance in the savannah, the mine exploded without causing damage. The Halo Trust alone has destroyed over 100,000 relics of the decades-long bloody conflict in Angola, yet there are still over 1,000 minefields endangering the population. UEDIN.1066 On the fifth day of his trip to Africa, Harry wanted to follow in the footsteps of his mother Diana (1961-1997) in the city of Huambo. With the same blast master who once accompanied his mother, he wanted to cover the path she was taking at the time. The pictures on which Princess Diana walked through a cleared minefield in 1997 had gone around the world. She had also demonstrated support for the Halo Trust. Am fünften Tag seiner Afrikareise wollte Harry anschließend in der Stadt Huambo direkt auf den Spuren seiner Mutter Diana (1961-1997) wandeln. Mit demselben Sprengmeister, der einst seine Mutter begleitete, wollte er den Weg zurücklegen, den sie damals ging. Die Bilder, auf denen Prinzessin Diana 1997 durch ein geräumtes Minenfeld ging, waren um die Welt gegangen. Auch sie hatte Unterstützung für den Halo Trust demonstriert. In Huambo, on the fifth day of his African visit, Price Harry wanted to follow directly in the footsteps of his mother Diana (1961-1997). He wanted to retrace his mother's path accompanied by the same demolition expert who accompanied her. The pictures showing Princess Diana going through a cleared minefield in 1997 went round the world. She too had demonstrated her support for the Halo Trust. UEDIN.1066 Harry (35) and his wife Meghan (38) have been on a ten-day trip to Africa since Monday, which began in the South African tourist metropolis of Cape Town. Harry (35) und seine Ehefrau Meghan (38) sind sich seit Montag auf einer zehntägigen Afrikareise, die in der südafrikanischen Touristenmetropole Kapstadt begonnen hat. Since Monday, Harry (35) and his wife Meghan (38) have been on a ten-day Africa trip that started in the South African tourist metropolis of Cape Town. UEDIN.1066 Stalled Brexit negotiations: The danger of a no-deal remains acute euronews-de.171934 Stockende Brexit-Verhandlungen: Die Gefahr eines No-Deals bleibt akut Slow-moving Brexit talks: The risk of no deal remains acute UEDIN.1066 In fact, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had made a clear commitment: with him, there will certainly be no third postponement of the Brexit negotiations. But what statements are already eternal in the polarizing British. The recent verdict of the Supreme Court in Britain hovers like a sword of Damocles over the blondhead. His suspension of parliament to stubbornly carry out his Brexit course until the exit date was cancelled earlier this week. And a law passed by Parliament obliges Johnson to extend bilateral talks until 31 October in the event of failed negotiations with the EU. However, Johnson had categorically ruled this out again and again. euronews-de.171934 Eigentlich hatte sich Premier Boris Johnson eindeutig festgelegt: Mit ihm wird es einen dritten Aufschub der Brexit-Verhandlungen garantiert nicht geben. Aber welche Aussagen sind beim polarisierenden Briten schon von ewiger Dauer. Das jüngste Urteil des Obersten Gerichtes in Großbritanniens schwebt wie ein Damoklesschwert über dem Blondschopf. Seine Suspendierung des Parlaments, um seinen Brexit-Kurs bis zum Austrittsdatum stur durchführen zu können, wurde Anfang dieser Woche annulliert. Und ein vom Parlament verabschiedetes Gesetz verpflichtet Johnson dazu, im Falle gescheiterter Verhandlungen mit der EU bis zum 31. Oktober eine Verlängerung der bilateralen Gespräche zu bewirken. Das hatte Johnson jedoch kategorisch immer wieder ausgeschlossen. Prime Minister Boris Johnson had made it clear that there will be no third postponement of Brexit talks while he is in office. But assertions by the controversial Briton often change. The latest ruling of the British Supreme Court hangs over Johnson's blond head like a sword of Damocles. His suspension of parliament in stubborn pursuit of his Brexit plant until the EU exit date was reversed early this week. And a law passed by parliament obligates Johnson to extend bilateral talks if negotiations with the EU have failed by October 31. However, Johnson has always categorically ruled this out. UEDIN.1066 Boris Johnson thinks deal is still possible euronews-de.171934 Boris Johnson hält Deal noch für möglich Johnson still considers a deal possible UEDIN.1066 But the pressure does not seem to pass Johnson noticeably either. In the meantime, when visiting a hospital, he hinted that in the event of non-compliance, he would support an extension of the negotiations until the end of October: euronews-de.171934 Doch der Druck scheint auch an Johnson nicht spürbar vorbei zu gehen. Inzwischen machte er beim Besuch eines Krankenhauses Andeutungen, dass er im Falle einer Nichteinigung bis Ende Oktober eine Verlängerung der Verhandlungen unterstütze: But he also does not exhibit any trace of the pressure. During a visit to a hospital, he has since suggested that he supports extending the talks if no deal is reached by the end of October. UEDIN.1066 You know, we will abide by the law. euronews-de.171934 Wissen Sie, wir werden uns an das Gesetz halten. We will comply with the law, you know. UEDIN.1066 At the same time, however, we are confident that we will leave the EU by 31 October. euronews-de.171934 Gleichzeitig sind wir aber zuversichtlich, dass wir zum 31.Oktober die EU verlassen werden. But at the same time, we are confident that we shall leave the EU on October 31. UEDIN.1066 And best with a deal. I am cautiously optimistic that this will work. euronews-de.171934 Und am besten mit einem Deal. Ich bin vorsichtig optimistisch, dass das klappt. Preferably with a deal. I am cautiously optimistic that it will work. UEDIN.1066 And time is running out for Brexit negotiators in Brussels. The EU and the British negotiators still have about six weeks to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union without an agreement. But even the most recent talks have failed to achieve a breakthrough. An agreement by the end of October currently seems rather difficult to imagine. If the British Prime Minister does not break the law, a further postponement of the withdrawal date is in force. However, the opposition does not trust the Prime Minister's words. She fears that Johnson could somehow enforce Brexit in the event of a no-deal. euronews-de.171934 Und die Zeit rennt den Brexit-Verhandlern in Brüssel allmählich davon. Noch rund sechs Wochen haben die EU und die britischen Unterhändler Zeit, um einen Austritt Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union ohne Abkommen zu verhindern. Doch auch die jüngsten Gespräche haben wieder keinen Durchbruch erzielt. Ein Abkommen bis Ende Oktober erscheint aktuell eher schwierig vorstellbar. Bricht der britische Premierminister nicht das Gesetz, steht eine erneute Verschiebung des Austrittsdatums in Kraft. Die Opposition traut den Worten des Premierministers aber nicht. Sie fürchtet, dass Johnson im Falle eines No-Deals den Brexit irgendwie durchsetzen könnte. And time is running out for the Brexit talks in Brussels. The EU and the British negotiators still have about six weeks to prevent a no-deal Brexit. But the latest talks have again brought no breakthrough. A deal by the end of October is quite difficult to imagine right now. Unless the British prime minister breaks the law, another postponement of Brexit will take effect. But the opposition does not trust his words. They fear that Johnson will somehow be able to push Brexit through if there is no deal. UEDIN.1066 US authority: Further deaths from e-cigarettes US-Behörde: Weitere Todesfälle durch E-Zigaretten US Authorities: More Fatalities Caused by E-Cigarettes UEDIN.1066 The number of deaths related to the use of e-cigarettes in the US has risen to twelve. In addition, there are now 805 confirmed and likely injured in this context, the U.S. health authority CDC reported. According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, there were already more than 900 people affected, about 500 of them confirmed. The cause of the lung damage is still completely unclear. No similar increase in lung damage is known in Europe. The complaints seem to be limited to users in the US. Die Zahl der Todesfälle in Zusammenhang mit dem Gebrauch von E-Zigaretten in den USA ist auf zwölf gestiegen. Zudem gebe es inzwischen 805 bestätigte und wahrscheinliche Verletzte in diesem Zusammenhang, teilte die US-Gesundheitsbehörde CDC mit. Einer Studie im "New England Journal of Medicine" zufolge gab es bereits mehr als 900 Betroffene, rund 500 davon bestätigt. Die Ursache für die Lungenschäden ist noch immer völlig unklar. In Europa ist bislang kein ähnlicher Anstieg von Lungenschädigungen bekannt. Die Beschwerden scheinen sich auf Benutzer in den USA zu beschränken. The number of fatalities connected with the use of e-cigarettes in the USA has increased to twelve. And the CDC, the US public health authority, has announced 805 people confirmed or probably injured in connection with the devices. According to a study in the "New England Journal of Medicine," more than 900 people have been affected, and around 500 of those cases have been confirmed. The cause for the lung damage remains completely unclear. No similar increase in lung injuries is known In Europe so far. The complaints seem to be restricted to users in the USA. UEDIN.1066 Fear of new protests in Egypt is growing dw.97318 Die Angst vor neuen Protesten in Ägypten wächst Growing fears of new protests in Egypt UEDIN.1066 The videos of Mohammed Ali were shared millions of times in online networks. The builder and actor, who lives in Spain, calls for a "people's revolution". Today, Friday, he called for further protests against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian military, which critics accuse of corruption and mismanagement. Ali hopes for mass rallies with one million participants in central places in the country. dw.97318 Millionenfach wurden die Videos von Mohammed Ali in Online-Netzwerken geteilt. Der in Spanien lebende Bauunternehmer und Schauspieler fordert darin eine "Volksrevolution". Für den heutigen Freitag hat er zu weiteren Protesten gegen Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi und das ägyptische Militär aufgerufen, denen Kritiker Korruption und Misswirtschaft vorwerfen. Ali erhofft sich Massenkundgebungen mit einer Million Teilnehmern an zentralen Plätzen des Landes. The videos of Mohammed Ali have been shared on social media millions of times. In them, the building entrepreneur and actor who lives in Spain calls for a "people's revolution." He has called for further protests this Friday against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian military, who are accused of corruption and mismanagement. Ali hopes for mass rallies with one million participants in central locations in the country. UEDIN.1066 In any case, the security authorities are alarmed. There was already an increased police presence in the centre of Cairo. Several subway stations remained closed, roads around the central Tahrir Square were closed. In the past few days, the police had already stepped up their roadside checks and partially searched pedestrian mobile phones for news and photos related to the protests. dw.97318 Die Sicherheitsbehörden jedenfalls sind alarmiert. Im Zentrum Kairos war bereits eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz zu beobachten. Mehrere U-Bahn-Stationen blieben geschlossen, Straßen um den zentralen Tahrir-Platz wurden gesperrt. Schon in den vergangenen Tagen hatte die Polizei ihre Straßenkontrollen verstärkt und die Handys von Fußgängern teilweise auf Nachrichten und Fotos im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten durchsucht. The security authorities are certainly on alert. An increased police presence was already visible in the center of Cairo. Several subway stations were closed and streets around the centrally located Tahrir Square were blocked off. In recent days, police had increased their road checks and searched the cellphones of passersby for messages and photos connected with the protests. UEDIN.1066 On September 20, demonstrators also gathered around Tahrir Square. dw.97318 Am 20. September versammelten sich die Demonstranten auch rund um den Tahrir-Platz. On September 20, demonstrators also gathered around Tahir Square. UEDIN.1066 Last weekend there were protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Mansura with hundreds of participants. There had been no such open protest in Egypt for years. The security forces reacted accordingly harshly. According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), almost 2,000 people have been arrested since last week. Many of them had been arbitrarily arrested - just because they were "in the wrong place at the wrong time", HRW informed detainees, citing lawyers. dw.97318 Vergangenes Wochenende war es in Kairo, Alexandria, Suez und Mansura zu Protesten mit Hunderten Teilnehmern gekommen. Einen so offenen Protest hatte es in Ägypten seit Jahren nicht gegeben. Entsprechend hart reagierten die Sicherheitskräfte darauf. Nach Angaben der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) wurden seit vergangener Woche fast 2000 Menschen festgenommen. Viele von ihnen seien willkürlich verhaftet worden - nur weil sie "zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort" waren, teilte HRW unter Berufung auf Rechtsanwälte Festgenommener mit. Last weekend there were protests involving hundreds and thousands of people in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, and Mansura. There has not been such an open protest in Egypt for years. The security forces reacted with corresponding severity. According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), almost 2,000 people have been arrested since last week. Many of them were arrested arbitrarily just because "they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," said HRW, citing the lawyers of those arrested. UEDIN.1066 The organization also criticized censorship in the North African country. According to this, the government in Cairo is blocking websites and online services in order to prevent further protests against al-Sisi. The general has ruled the country since 2013, after overthrowing democratically elected Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Thousands of Islamists, government opponents, bloggers and activists have been imprisoned and partially convicted in recent years. dw.97318 Die Organisation kritisierte zudem die Zensur in dem nordafrikanischen Land. Demnach blockiert die Regierung in Kairo Websites und Online-Dienste, um weitere Proteste gegen al-Sisi zu unterbinden. Der General regiert das Land seit 2013, nachdem er den demokratisch gewählten islamistischen Präsidenten Mohammed Mursi gestürzt hatte. Tausende Islamisten, Regierungsgegner, Blogger und Aktivisten wurden in den vergangenen Jahren inhaftiert und teilweise verurteilt. The organization also criticized censorship in Egypt. It said the government in Cairo is blocking websites and social media to suppress further protests against al-Sisi. The general has ruled the country since 2013 after he toppled the democratically elected President Mohammed Mursi. Thousands of Islamists, government opponents, bloggers, and activists have been detained in recent years, with some convicted. UEDIN.1066 "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs from Greenland expedition back "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs von Grönland-Expedition zurück "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs returns from his Greenland expedition UEDIN.1066 The polar explorer Arved Fuchs returned from his Greenland expedition on Friday. On his arrival at the Port of Hamburg, he was greeted by the skipper Boris Herrmann, who had brought climate activist Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic with the racing yacht "Malizia". Der Polarforscher Arved Fuchs ist am Freitag von seiner Grönland-Expedition zurückgekehrt. Begrüßt wurde er bei seiner Ankunft im Hamburger Hafen unter anderem von dem Skipper Boris Herrmann, der Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg mit der Rennjacht "Malizia" über den Atlantik gebracht hatte. The polar explorer Arved Fuchs returned from his Greenland expedition Friday. Among those waiting to greet him in the port of Hamburg was skipper Boris Hermann, who had taken climate activist Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic in the racing yacht "Malizia." UEDIN.1066 Together with a team of scientists, Fuchs had investigated and documented the consequences of global warming on his sailing ship "Dagmar Aaen" on the coasts of Iceland and Greenland in recent months. Mit einem Team von Wissenschaftlern hatte Fuchs in den vergangenen Monaten auf seinem Segelschiff "Dagmar Aaen" an den Küsten Islands und Grönlands Folgen der Erderwärmung untersucht und dokumentiert. In his yacht "Dagmar Aaen" accompanied by a team of scientists, Fuchs had investigated the coasts of Iceland and Greenland for signs of global warming over the past few months. UEDIN.1066 The Fridays for Future movement is a blessing, said the polar researcher. He had waited for years for the young generation to speak out. It has been known for decades that the earth is warming up. Nevertheless, many acted as if there was a planet B. Die Fridays for Future-Bewegung sei ein Segen, sagte der Polarforscher. Er habe jahrelang darauf gewartet, dass sich die junge Generation zu Wort melde. Man wisse seit Jahrzehnten, dass sich die Erde erwärme. Trotzdem handelten viele so, als gäbe es einen Planeten B. The Fridays for Future movement is a blessing, he said. He had waited years for the young generation to make itself heard. It has been known for decades that the Earth is getting warmer. But still, many people have acted as if there were a Planet B to escape to. UEDIN.1066 "What happens at sea often takes place under exclusion of the public," said Fuchs. He and his team wanted to inform people about the effects of global warming and marine litter. During the expedition, among other things, Greenlandic glacier ice was measured with a drone and fished with nets for microplastics, it was said. "Was auf dem Meer passiert, findet oft unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit statt", sagte Fuchs. Er und sein Team wollten die Menschen über die Auswirkungen der Erderwärmung und die Vermüllung der Meere informieren. Bei der Expedition sei unter anderem mit einer Drohne grönländisches Gletschereis vermessen und mit Netzen nach Mikroplastik gefischt worden, hieß es. "What happens in the sea is usually hidden from the public," said Fuchs. He and his team wanted to inform people about the effects of global warming and about the pollution of the seas. Activities during the expedition included the use of a drone to measure glacial ice in Greenland and of nets to fish microplastics from the water. UEDIN.1066 The polar researcher from Bad Bramstedt was awarded the "Seadevcon Maritime Award" at the Hamburg Climate Week for his "fight for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's oceans". "For all of us who care about the survival of the oceans, Arved Fuchs is a great role model," said skipper Boris Herrmann at the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have taken place in the Arctic in recent decades." Für seinen "Kampf um eine nachhaltige und respektvolle Nutzung der Weltmeere" wurde der Polarforscher aus Bad Bramstedt im Rahmen der Hamburger Klimawoche mit dem "Seadevcon Maritime Award" ausgezeichnet. "Für uns alle, denen das Überleben der Ozeane am Herzen liegt, ist Arved Fuchs ein großes Vorbild", sagte Skipper Boris Herrmann bei der Preisverleihung. "Er ist ein Zeuge der Veränderungen, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der Arktis zugetragen haben". For his "campaign for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's seas," the polar explorer from Bad Bramstedt received the Seadevcon Maritime Award during Hamburg Climate Week. "Arved Fuchs is a great example for all of us who are concerned about the survival of the oceans", said Skipper Boris Herrmann during the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have occurred in the Arctic over the past decades." UEDIN.1066 Expensive spaghetti in Rome: Tourists paid 430 euros for pasta Teure Spaghetti in Rom: Touristinnen zahlten für Nudeln 430 Euro Expensive spaghetti in Rome Tourists paid 430 Euro for noodles UEDIN.1066 430 euros for two plates of spaghetti with fish in a simple restaurant not far from the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: that seemed too much for two Japanese tourists. The bill with 80 Euro tip included was paid by the two women, but they posted the receipt on Facebook, which triggered heated reactions. 430 Euro für zwei Teller Spaghetti mit Fisch in einem einfachen Restaurant unweit der Engelsburg in Rom: Das schien zwei japanischen Touristinnen zu viel. Die Rechnung mit 80 Euro Trinkgeld inbegriffen wurde zwar von den beiden Frauen bezahlt, sie posteten jedoch die Quittung auf Facebook, was hitzige Reaktionen auslöste. 430 Euro for two spaghetti dishes and fish in a simple restaurant near Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: That seemed too high a price for two Japanese tourists. Although the two women paid the bill, which included an 80 Euro tip, they posted the receipt on Facebook, which caused heated reactions. UEDIN.1066 "Such cases damage the image of Rome. We call on the police to investigate whether this is a fraud," demanded a spokesman for Federagit, the association of travel guides in Rome, according to the Roman daily Il Messaggero (Friday edition). "Solche Fälle schaden dem Ansehen Roms. Wir fordern die Polizei auf, der Frage nachzugehen, ob es sich hier um einen Betrug handelt", forderte ein Sprecher von Federagit, dem Verband der Reiseführer in Rom laut der römischen Tageszeitung Il Messaggero (Freitagsausgabe). "Instances like that do damage to Rome's prestige. We entreat the police to investigate whether this is fraud," demanded the representative for Federagit, the association of tour guides in Rome, according to the Friday edition of the Roman daily newspaper ‘Il Messaggero.' UEDIN.1066 Promptly came the reaction of the owners of the restaurant. The Japanese had not only ordered spaghetti, but also fresh fish, the local owner justified himself. However, this is not shown in the invoice. A tip of up to 20 percent of the bill is also normal, said the innkeeper. Prompt kam die Reaktion der Inhaber des Restaurants. Die Japanerinnen hätten nicht nur Spaghetti, sondern auch frischen Fisch bestellt, rechtfertigte sich der Lokalbesitzer. Dies ist jedoch aus der Rechnung nicht zu entnehmen. Auch ein Trinkgeld von bis zu 20 Prozent der Rechnung sei normal, meinte der Gastwirt. The restaurant owner's reaction came promptly. The Japanese women did not only order spaghetti, they also ordered fresh fish, the local owner said by way of defending himself. However, this is not discernible on the bill. The innkeeper also intimated that a tip of 20% of the bill total is normal. UEDIN.1066 A call in Ukraine, and everything is broken? US President Donald Trump may indeed face impeachment proceedings after the turbulent revelations of the past few days, the Democrats now want to examine this as soon as possible with their investigation in the House of Representatives - there is talk of weeks until a decision would be made. zeit.64420 Ein Anruf in der Ukraine, und alles ist kaputt? US-Präsident Donald Trump könnte nach den turbulenten Enthüllungen der vergangenen Tage tatsächlich mit einem Amtsenthebungsverfahren konfrontiert sein, die Demokraten wollen das mit ihrer Untersuchung im Repräsentantenhaus nun so schnell wie möglich prüfen - die Rede ist von Wochen, bis eine Entscheidung fallen würde. One phone call to the Ukraine and everything is ruined? US President Donald Trump could face impeachment proceedings after the troubling revelations of the past few days, the democrats wish to conduct their investigation as quickly as possible in the House of Representatives - it could take weeks before the decision is made. UEDIN.1066 At the beginning of the scandal is allegedly the telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky. The accusation of the whistleblower, who ultimately brought the conversation to the public with his complaint out of concern for national security and for US democracy, is monstrous: the president has abused the power of his office to instrumentalize the government of another country to influence the 2020 election. He had exploited Ukraine's dependence blackmailingly and wanted to force it to take action against a political opponent. zeit.64420 Am Anfang des Skandals steht vermeintlich das Telefonat mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj. Der Vorwurf des Whistleblowers, der das Gespräch aus Sorge um die nationale Sicherheit und um die Demokratie der USA mit seiner Beschwerde letztlich an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht hat, ist monströs: Der Präsident habe die Macht seines Amts missbraucht, um die Regierung eines anderen Landes für eine Einflussnahme auf die Wahl 2020 zu instrumentalisieren. Er habe die Abhängigkeit der Ukraine dabei erpresserisch ausgenutzt und sie so zwingen wollen, gegen einen politischen Gegner aktiv zu werden. The beginning of the scandal was supposedly a telephone call to the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. The accusation of the whistleblower who revealed the conversation due to concern for national security and the US democracy is horrendous: The president allegedly abused the power of his office in order to utilize the government of another country for the purpose of gaining influence in the 2020 election. He exploited Ukraine´s dependence by means of blackmail in order to force it to act against a political opponent. UEDIN.1066 The core of this project is also to be understood in the now published transcript of the conversation with Selenskyj, although it does not reproduce the full text. But the July 25 phone call is just one episode of a much bigger story, centered on Trump and his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. zeit.64420 Der Kern dieses Vorhabens ist auch in der inzwischen veröffentlichten Mitschrift des Gesprächs mit Selenskyj nachzuvollziehen, obwohl sie nicht den vollständigen Wortlaut wiedergibt. Das Telefonat vom 25. Juli ist aber nur eine Episode einer viel größeren Geschichte, in deren Zentrum neben Trump vor allem sein persönlicher Anwalt steht: Rudy Giuliani. The crux of this occurrence can also be garnered through the transcript of the conversation with Zelensky which was published in the meantime, even though it does not represent the full contents of the conversation. However, the telephone call from July 25th is just a fraction of a much larger story, the focus of which, besides Trump himself, is his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. UEDIN.1066 From the public's point of view, the story begins in May 2019, when the New York Times reports on Rudy Giuliani's travel plans to Ukraine. He wants to meet with the newly elected President Selenskyj in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knows very well that his intentions are delicate. "We're not interfering in a choice, we're interfering in an investigation of what we have the right to do," he tells the newspaper. One might think it was inappropriate, but "there is nothing illegal about it." Giuliani wants investigations to be pursued in Ukraine for which there is hardly any basis - "because this information will be very, very helpful to my client and could prove to be helpful to my government". zeit.64420 Die Geschichte nimmt aus Sicht der Öffentlichkeit im Mai 2019 ihren Anfang, als die New York Times von Rudy Giulianis Reiseplänen in die Ukraine berichtet. Er will sich in Kiew mit dem eben gewählten Präsidenten Selenskyj treffen, und der Anwalt weiß selbst sehr genau, dass seine Absichten heikel sind. "Wir mischen uns nicht in eine Wahl ein, wir mischen uns in eine Ermittlung ein, wozu wir das Recht haben", sagt er der Zeitung. Man könne meinen, es sei unangemessen, aber "daran ist nichts illegal". Giuliani will, dass in der Ukraine Ermittlungen verfolgt werden, für die es kaum eine Grundlage gibt - "weil diese Informationen sehr, sehr hilfreich für meinen Klienten sein werden und sich als hilfreich für meine Regierung herausstellen könnten". From the point of view of the public, the story began in May 2019, when the New York Times reported of Rudy Giuliani´s travel plans to Ukraine. He had intended to meet with the newly elected President Zelensky in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knew that his intentions were precarious. "We are not interfering with an election, we are interfering with an investigation, and we have a right to that", he told the newspaper. It could be seen as inappropriate, but "there was nothing illegal there". Giuliani wants the investigations, for which there is barely any evidence, to be carried out in Ukraine - "because this information is going to be very, very helpful to my client and could prove helpful to my government as well". UEDIN.1066 The lawyer and former New York mayor seems to have become infected with right-wing conspiracy fantasies fixated on Trump's opponent in the 2016 election: Hillary Clinton conspired with actors in Ukraine, critics said at the time, to construct an occasion for the Russia investigations in the US. However, this accusation was never to be taken seriously. zeit.64420 Der Anwalt und frühere New Yorker Bürgermeister scheint sich mit rechten Verschwörungsfantasien infiziert zu haben, die auf Trumps Gegenkandidatin bei der Wahl 2016 fixiert sind: Hillary Clinton habe mit Akteuren in der Ukraine konspiriert, sagten Kritiker damals, um einen Anlass für die Russland-Ermittlungen in den USA zu konstruieren. Dieser Vorwurf war allerdings nie ernst zu nehmen. The lawyer and former mayor of New York City seems to have indulged in right-wing conspiracy fantasies, fixated on Trump´s opponent in the 2016 election: The critics at the time claimed that Hillary Clinton had conspired with persons in Ukraine in order to create a pretext for Russian investigations in the USA. This accusation, however, was never to be taken seriously. UEDIN.1066 This is precisely the investigation that Trump will be talking about so prominently on the phone with Selenskyj in July. The version of Giuliani and the president reads: The former vice president and currently promising candidate for the Democratic presidential candidacy, Joe Biden, as Ukraine representative of the Obama administration, urged the dismissal of the then Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin. In order to stop the investigation of the gas company he was responsible for, on whose supervisory board his son Hunter Biden was active. Biden senior had extorted Ukraine financially to cover up the corrupt machinations of his family. zeit.64420 Dabei geht es um genau die Ermittlungen, über die Trump im Juli am Telefon mit Selenskyj so prominent sprechen wird. Die Version Giulianis und des Präsidenten lautet: Der frühere Vizepräsident und derzeit aussichtsreiche Bewerber für die Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Demokraten, Joe Biden, habe als Ukraine-Beauftragter der Obama-Regierung auf die Entlassung des damaligen ukrainischen Generalstaatsanwalts Wiktor Schokin gedrängt. Und zwar, um die von ihm verantwortete Untersuchung des Gasunternehmens zu stoppen, in dessen Aufsichtsrat sein Sohn Hunter Biden tätig war. Biden senior habe die Ukraine finanziell erpresst, um die korrupten Machenschaften seiner Familie zu vertuschen. This is exactly the kind of investigation that Trump spoke about so clearly on in the telephone conversation with Zelensky later on in July. The president´s and Giuliani´s version is as follows: Former vice president and currently a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Joe Biden had urged for the dismissal of the former Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Schokin during his time as the Obama administration's representative to Ukraine. The goal was to prevent an investigation into the gas company for which he himself was responsible, and where his son, Hunter Biden served as a member of the board of directors. Biden senior had blackmailed Ukraine financially in order to conceal the corrupt machinations of his family. UEDIN.1066 In fact, the process was somewhat different. When Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian Attorney General leave, the investigation against the gas company had already been completed, and Hunter Biden was never directly affected. Schokin himself was also accused of deeply corrupt behavior, and the US government was far from being the only Western partner pushing for his dismissal. Incidentally, the Obama administration even explicitly supported the investigation of the company. zeit.64420 Tatsächlich war der Ablauf etwas anders. Als Joe Biden forderte, der ukrainische Generalstaatsanwalt müsse gehen, waren die Ermittlungen gegen das Gasunternehmen bereits abgeschlossen, Hunter Biden war davon nie direkt betroffen. Schokin wurde zudem selbst zutiefst korruptes Gebaren vorgeworfen, die US-Regierung war bei Weitem nicht der einzige westliche Partner, der auf seine Entlassung drängte. Im Übrigen unterstützte die Obama-Regierung sogar ausdrücklich die Ermittlungen gegen das Unternehmen. The reality was somewhat different. At the time when Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian Attorney General leave, the investigations against the gas company had already been completed and Hunter Biden was never directly affected. In addition, Schokin himself was accused of deeply corrupt behavior, and the US government was by no means the only Western partner to insist on his dismissal In addition, the Obama administration expressly supported the investigation of the company. UEDIN.1066 Disturbances on Instagram Facebook and Whatsapp: Social media are down Störungen bei Instagram Facebook und Whatsapp: Soziale Medien sind down Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp disruption: Social media are down UEDIN.1066 Users worldwide report massive disruptions to Instagram and Facebook. According to this, Germany, Great Britain and Spain are particularly affected. On the website allestö users report that Facebook does not load again and again since about 15.30 o'clock. Instagram also displays the error message that content could not be loaded. Whatsapp also appears to be affected by the disorder, although not to the same extent so far. Nutzer weltweit melden massive Störungen bei Instagram und Facebook. Demnach sind vor allem Deutschland, Großbritannien und Spanien betroffen. Auf der Website allestö berichten Nutzer, dass Facebook seit etwa 15.30 Uhr immer wieder nicht lädt. Auch Instagram gibt die Fehlermeldung aus, dass Inhalte nicht geladen werden konnten. Auch Whatsapp scheint von der Störung betroffen, wenn auch bisher nicht im selben Umfang. Users worldwide are reporting massive disruptions to Instagram and Facebook. According to reports, Germany, Great Britain, and Spain have been the most affected. Users at allestö are reporting that Facebook has not loaded since around 3:30 p.m. Instagram is also returning an error message that content cannot be loaded. Even Whatsapp seems to be affected by the interruption, although not to the same degree. UEDIN.1066 Instagram and Co. more often affected by disturbances Instagram und Co. öfter von Störungen betroffen Instagram and other social media often affected by disruptions UEDIN.1066 It is not the first massive incident this year. Already in March and July the services had been cancelled for several hours. And as in the previous cases, this time users mainly use Twitter to vent their anger. Es ist nicht der erste massive Störfall in diesem Jahr. Bereits im März und im Juli waren die Dienste für mehrere Stunden ausgefallen. Und wie in den vorherigen Fällen greifen Nutzer auch diesmal vor allem auf Twitter zurück, um ihrem Ärger Luft zu machen. This is not the first widespread failure this year. Services were down for several hours in March and July. And, as during past incidents, users are falling back to Twitter to vent their frustration. UEDIN.1066 Polish scientists rescued in Antarctica yahoo-de.127726 Polnische Wissenschaftler in der Antarktis gerettet Polish scientists saved in Antarctica UEDIN.1066 Three Polish scientists have been rescued from the ice of Antarctica by the Chilean Air Force. They were traveling with a dinghy and several miles from their base when their engine failed. They were lucky in misfortune - it took less than an hour for the Chilean rescue helicopter to recover. yahoo-de.127726 Drei polnische Wissenschaftler sind von der chilenischen Luftwaffe aus dem Eis der Antarktis gerettet worden. Sie waren mit einem Schlauchboot unterwegs und mehrere Meilen von ihrer Basis entfernt, als ihr Motor versagte. Sie hatten Glück im Unglück - weniger als eine Stunde brauchte der chilenische Rettungshubschrauber für die Bergung. Three Polish scientist were saved by the Chilean air-force from the icy Antarctica. They were travelling in a dinghy and were several miles from their base when their engine failed. They were lucky - the Chilean rescue helicopter arrived in less than an hour. UEDIN.1066 Eduardo Mosquera, commander of the 4th Chilean Air Brigade: yahoo-de.127726 Eduardo Mosquera, Kommandeur der 4. chilenischen Luftbrigade: Eduardo Mosquera, commander of the 4th Chilean air brigade said: UEDIN.1066 "At 9:30 o'clock we received the message, at just before ten we started, and a good 20 minutes later we were above the inflatable boat". yahoo-de.127726 "Um 9:30 Uhr erhielten wir die Nachricht, um kurz vor zehn sind wir gestartet, und gute 20 Minuten spàter waren wir über dem Schlauchboot". "We received the message at 9:30am, we were on our way shortly before 10, and in around 20 minutes we reached the dinghy". UEDIN.1066 Poland has operated the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station on King George Island since 1977, with 19 scientists working there. The frozen researchers were safely brought back to their research station. yahoo-de.127726 Polen betreibt auf King George Island seit 1977 die Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station , 19 Wissenschaftler arbeiten dort. Die verfrorenen Forscher wurden sicher zu ihrer Forschungsstation zurück gebracht. Poland has been running the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station on King George Island since 1977 and there are currently 19 scientists working there. The lost scientists were safely brought back to their research station. UEDIN.1066 Attention: Smartphone NIE wireless charging Achtung: Smartphone NIE kabellos aufladen Warning: NEVER Charge your Smartphone Wirelessly UEDIN.1066 Practical but harmful Praktisch, aber schädlich Practical but Dangerous UEDIN.1066 Inductive technology via Qi standard is extremely practical, but should not be used. Induktive Technik via Qi-Standard ist zwar extrem praktisch, sollte aber dennoch nicht verwendet werden. Although extremely practical, inductive technology via Qi standard should not be used. UEDIN.1066 Since several new smartphones have recently come onto the market that support wireless charging and sell very well - especially the new iPhone 11 models, we would like to recall a study from the beginning of July. Wireless charging of mobile devices is extremely convenient, but not necessarily recommended. Da zuletzt gleich mehrere neue Smartphones auf den Markt gekommen sind, die kabelloses Aufladen unterstützen und sich sehr gut verkaufen - allen voran die neuen iPhone-11-Modelle, möchten wir noch einmal eine Studie von Anfang Juli ins Gedächtnis rufen. Das kabellose Laden von mobilen Geräten ist zwar äußerst praktisch, aber nicht unbedingt empfehlenswert. Since many new smartphones have recently come onto the market that support wireless charging and sell well—especially the new iPhone 11—we'd like to remind you of a study done at the beginning of July. Charging mobile devices without a cord is practical but not necessarily recommended. UEDIN.1066 Higher temperature adds battery Höhere Temperatur setzt Akku zu Higher Temperatures Stress the Battery UEDIN.1066 Researchers warn against wireless charging of smartphones. According to the findings of the Univerity of Warwick, this is extremely harmful for the devices. The reason for this is the significantly greater heat generation. If you charge a mobile phone normally by cable, the battery heats up to 27 degrees within three hours. In the case of wireless charging, however, the researchers have always measured over 30 degrees even when the smartphone is perfectly aligned on the charging pad. If the mobile phone is slightly next to the coil, the temperature rises even higher. In addition, the wattage of the charging pad also increases, which in turn drives up the power consumption. Forscher warnen vor dem kabellosen Laden von Smartphones. Dieses ist laut den Erkenntnissen der Univerity of Warwick nämlich für die Geräte extrem schädlich. Grund dafür ist die deutlich größere Wärmeentwicklung. Lädt man ein Handy normal per Kabel auf, erhitzt sich der Akku binnen drei Stunden auf 27 Grad. Beim kabellosen Aufladen haben die Forscher selbst bei perfekter Ausrichtung des Smartphones auf dem Ladepad hingegen stets über 30 Grad gemessen. Liegt das Handy etwas neben der Spule, steigt die Temperatur noch höher. Darüber hinaus steigt dabei auch die Wattstärke des Ladepads, was wiederum den Stromverbrauch in die Höhe treibt. Researchers warn against charging smartphones wirelessly. According to the findings of the University of Warwick, this is extremely dangerous for the devices. The reason for this is the significantly higher buildup of heat. If one charges a cell phone normally (with a cable), the battery reaches 80.6 degrees within three hours. But with wireless charging, researchers measured over 86 degrees even if the smartphone was perfectly aligned on the charging pad. If the cell phone is placed near the coil, the temperature is even higher. Moreover, the wattage of the charging pad increases, which in turn jacks up the use of power. UEDIN.1066 Capacity and lifetime Kapazität und Lebenszeit Capacity and Service Life UEDIN.1066 According to the researchers, the temperature is a decisive factor for the durability of batteries. Every single degree plays a role here. When charging at higher temperatures, the battery not only reduces capacity, but also does not last as long overall. The service life is therefore lower. The researchers therefore recommend charging the smartphone via cable at all times. Since a battery exchange with modern smartphones is always associated with high costs, this should be a helpful tip. Apple recently even increased the cost of a battery replacement - for all iPhones. Laut den Forschern ist die Temperatur für die Haltbarkeit von Akkus ein entscheidender Faktor. Da spielt jedes einzelne Grad eine Rolle. Beim Laden mit höheren Temperaturen buße die Batterie nicht nur an Kapazität ein, sondern sie halte auch insgesamt nicht so lange durch. Die Lebensdauer fällt also geringer aus. Die Forscher raten deshalb dazu, das Smartphone stets per Kabel aufzuladen. Da ein Akkutausch bei modernen Smartphones stets mit hohen Kosten verbunden ist, dürfte das ein hilfreicher Tipp sein. Apple hat zuletzt die Kosten für einen Akkutausch sogar noch einmal erhöht - und zwar für alle iPhones. According to the researchers, temperature is a decisive factor in a battery's durability. And every degree matters. When charging with high temperatures, the battery not only loses capacity, but doesn't last as long. And this decreases its service life. Therefore, the researchers recommend always charging the smartphone with a cable. Since replacing batteries is expensive with modern smartphones, that may be a useful tip. Apple has even recently increased the costs for replacing batteries (again), applicable to all iPhones. UEDIN.1066 Practical Praktisch Practical UEDIN.1066 The technology is extremely convenient: Simply place the device on a corresponding charging pad - these are now even installed in many restaurants, airports, hotels and cars - and the battery is charged without annoying cable salad and tedious plug-in mummy. Since Qi (which stands for inductive energy transmission) is a global standard that even Apple, for once, participates in, there are hardly any restrictions. However, according to the researchers, the technology should only be used in exceptional cases. Dabei ist die Technik äußerst bequem:Einfach das Gerät auf ein entsprechendes Ladepad legen - diese sind mittlerweile sogar bereits in vielen Restaurants, Flughäfen, Hotels sowie Autos installiert - und der Akku wird ohne lästigem Kabelsalat und mühsamer Steckerfummelei aufgeladen. Da sich mit Qi (steht für induktive Energieübertragung) ein weltweiter Standard durchgesetzt, bei dem ausnahmsweise sogar Apple mitmacht, gibt es kaum Einschränkungen. Dennoch sollte die Technologie laut den Forschern nur im Ausnahmefall angewendet werden. The technology is extremely convenient: Simply lay the device on an appropriate charging pad—these are even installed in many restaurants, airports, hotels, and cars—and the battery will be charged without a cumbersome "cable salad" and tedious fumbling for a plug. Since with Qi (which stands for "inductive energy transfer") a worldwide standard is enforced that even Apple adheres to by way of exception, there are hardly any restrictions. However, according to the researchers, the technology should not be used. UEDIN.1066 Everest traffic jam photographer: 13 eight-thousanders in six months Everest-Stau-Fotograf: 13 Achttausender in sechs Monaten Photographer of Everest queues: Thirteen 26,000-foot peaks in six months UEDIN.1066 A Nepalese climber claims to have climbed 13 of the 14 highest mountains in the world within just six months. Nirmal Purja (36) reached the top of Manaslu in Nepal and set a record, his expedition operator announced. Ein nepalesischer Bergsteiger hat nach eigenen Angaben innerhalb von nur sechs Monaten 13 der 14 höchsten Berge der Welt bestiegen. Nirmal Purja (36) habe die Spitze des Manaslu in Nepal erreicht und damit einen Rekord aufgestellt, teilte sein Expeditionsveranstalter mit. A Nepalese climber claims to have ascended thirteen of the world's fourteen highest mountains in just six months. Nirmal Purja (36) reached the top of Manaslu in Nepal and set a record, said the organizer of his expedition. UEDIN.1066 The former soldier wants to climb all 14 eight-thousanders in seven months. Purja calls his project "Mission Possible". He has already made international headlines: a photo of mountaineers standing in line on Mount Everest that went viral in spring comes from him. Der frühere Soldat will alle 14 Achttausender in sieben Monaten erklimmen. Purja nennt sein Projekt "Mission Possible". Er machte schon einmal international Schlagzeilen: Von ihm stammt ein im Frühling viral gegangenes Foto von Bergsteigern, die auf dem Mount Everest Schlange stehen. The ex-soldier wants to climb all fourteen peaks in seven months Purja calls his plan "Mission Possible". He has already made international headlines: A picture that went viral in the spring, showing climbers standing in line on Mount Everest, was one of his shots. UEDIN.1066 The image of the mass influx triggered a debate about stronger security measures on the 8,848-meter-high mountain and highest peak on earth. In May, eleven climbers had died during the ascent within a few days. Das Bild des Massenandrangs löste eine Debatte über stärkere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf dem 8848 Meter hohen Berg und höchsten Gipfel der Erde aus. Im Mai waren innerhalb weniger Tage elf Kletterer bei der Besteigung gestorben. The photo of the massive line triggered a debate about stricter safety measures on the 29,000 feet-high mountain, the world's highest. In May, eleven climbers died while climbing within a few days of each other. UEDIN.1066 A problem for Purja could be the ascent of the 14th eight-thousander.Chinese authorities are currently blocking the Mount of xixabangma in Tibet. The reason for this is, among other things, bad weather. At the beginning of the week, Purja wrote on Twitter that Nepal's government wanted to talk to China to allow it to rise. Ein Problem für Purja könnte die Besteigung des 14. Achttausenders werden: Zurzeit sperren chinesische Behörden den Xixabangma-Berg in Tibet. Als Grund dafür wird unter anderem schlechtes Wetter genannt. Anfang Woche schrieb Purja auf Twitter, dass Nepals Regierung mit China sprechen wolle, um ihm den Aufstieg zu ermöglichen. Climbing the fourteenth 26,000-foot peak could be a problem for Purja. The Chinese authorities are blocking access to Mount Xixabangma in Tibet. Bad weather is one of the reasons given for this. Early in the week, Purja tweeted that Nepal's government wants to talk to China to allow him to climb the mountain. UEDIN.1066 Four dead elephants discovered in Sri Lanka Vier tote Elefanten auf Sri Lanka entdeckt Four dead elephants discovered in Sri Lanka UEDIN.1066 Among the dead animals is also a pregnant elephant cow, a police spokesman said on Friday. "We suspect that the elephants were poisoned." Unter den toten Tieren sei auch eine trächtige Elefantenkuh, teilte ein Polizeisprecher am Freitag mit. "Wir vermuten, dass die Elefantenvergiftet wurden". A pregnant cow elephant was also found among the dead animals, stated a police spokesperson on Friday. "We suspect that the elephants were poisoned." UEDIN.1066 The four carcasses were found in a protected area near the famous and visited by many tourists former rock fortress Sigiriya. According to the police spokesman, the animals were probably between 15 and 25 years old. An autopsy was ordered to determine the cause of death. Die vier Kadaver wurden in einem Schutzgebiet nahe der berühmten und von vielen Touristen besuchten früheren Felsenfestung Sigiriya gefunden. Die Tiere waren dem Polizeisprecher zufolge vermutlich zwischen 15 und 25 Jahre alt. Es wurde eine Autopsie angeordnet, um die Todesursache festzustellen. The four bodies were found in a protected area near the ancient Sigiriya rock fortress, which is popular with tourists. According to the police spokesperson, the animals were believed to be aged between 15 and 25 years old. An autopsy was ordered to determine the cause of death. UEDIN.1066 Almost 200 elephants are killed in Sri Lanka every year. The perpetrators are often farmers, on whose land the animals had previously held themselves harmless. At the same time, around 50 people are killed by elephants every year. This usually happens when the animals move through villages built near their habitat. Auf Sri Lanka werden jedes Jahr fast 200 Elefanten getötet. Die Täter sind oft Bauern, auf deren Land die Tiere sich zuvor schadlos gehalten hatten. Zugleich werden jährlich rund 50 Menschen von Elefanten getötet. Dies geschieht meist, wenn die Tiere durch nahe ihres Lebensraums gebaute Dörfer ziehen. Almost 200 elephants are killed every year in Sri Lanka. They are often killed by farmers on whose land the animals had previously been living without causing damage. Around 50 people are also killed by elephants annually. This normally happens when the animals pass through villages near their habitat. UEDIN.1066 It is estimated that there are only about 7,000 elephants left in Sri Lanka. Their killing is theoretically punishable by the death penalty. In Sri Lanka leben Schätzungen zufolge nur noch etwa 7.000 Elefanten. Auf ihre Tötung steht theoretisch die Todesstrafe. According to estimates, there are only around 7,000 elephants remaining in Sri Lanka. Killing an elephant can incur the death penalty. UEDIN.1066 Detained British Oil Tanker Leaves Iran Festgehaltener britischer Öltanker verlässt den Iran Impounded British oil tanker leaves Iran UEDIN.1066 The British oil tanker "Stena Impero" leaves the port city of Bandar Abbas more than two months after its establishment by Iran. This was announced by the Maritime Office Bandar Abbas, according to the IRNA news agency. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards had set the tanker flying the British flag on 19 July on charges of violating the rules of the law of the sea in the Persian Gulf. Der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" verlässt mehr als zwei Monate nach seinem Festsetzen durch den Iran die Hafenstadt Bandar Abbas. Das gab das Seefahrtsamt Bandar Abbas laut der Nachrichtenagentur IRNA bekannt. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten den unter britischer Flagge fahrenden Tanker am 19. Juli unter dem Vorwurf festgesetzt, Vorschriften des Seerechts im Persischen Golf missachtet zu haben. British oil tanker the Stena Impero is leaving the port of Bandar Abbas after being held by Iran for more than two months. This was announced by the maritime transport office in Bander Abbas according to the news agency IRNA. Iran's Revolutionary Guards seized the British tanker on July 19 under the pretext that it had violated maritime law in the Persian Gulf. UEDIN.1066 Management of Thomas Cook in Criticism Management von Thomas Cook in der Kritik Thomas Cook management under criticism UEDIN.1066 The responsible economic committee of the House of Commons wants to comprehensively investigate the bankruptcy of the travel giant Thomas Cook. This should be about the salary packages of the Executive Board as well as the question of why the British government did not want to give financial support to the company struggling for survival. "Our interest is in the supervision of the company as well as the control by external auditors," said committee chairman Rachel Reeves in London. "Apparently we are dealing with a bad example of management greed." Der zuständige Wirtschaftsausschuss des Unterhauses will die Pleite des Reisegiganten Thomas Cook umfassend untersuchen. Dabei soll es um die Gehaltspakete des Vorstands ebenso gehen wie um die Frage, warum die britische Regierung dem ums Überleben kämpfenden Unternehmen nicht finanziell beispringen mochte. "Unser Interesse gilt der Aufsicht in der Firma ebenso wie der Kontrolle durch externe Buchprüfer", teilte die Ausschussvorsitzende Rachel Reeves in London mit. "Offenbar haben wir es mit einem schlimmen Beispiel von Managementgier zu tun". The competent economic committee of the House of Commons wants to examine the failure of travel giant Thomas Cook in detail. The management's salary packages will be studied, as well as why the British government refused financial help for the company as it fought for survival. "We are focusing on supervision inside the company and monitoring by outside auditors," said committee chairman Rachel Reeves in London. "We are obviously dealing with a serious case of management greed." UEDIN.1066 According to experts, genes are overestimated in the risk of colorectal cancer Laut Experten werden Gene beim Darmkrebsrisiko überschätzt Experts say the role of genes in the risk of intestinal cancer is overestimated UEDIN.1066 The role of genes in the familial increased risk of colorectal cancer has apparently been overestimated so far. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg in a recent study. Other risk factors, such as family eating habits, are therefore likely to weigh more heavily than previously assumed. This has consequences for calculations of the individual risk of colorectal cancer, the DKFZ scientists stress. Die Rolle der Gene beim familiär erhöhten Darmkrebsrisiko ist offenbar bisher überschätzt worden. Zu diesem Schluss kommen Forscher des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ) Heidelberg in einer aktuellen Studie. Andere Risikofaktoren wie familiäre Ernährungsgewohnheiten wiegen demnach wahrscheinlich schwerer als bislang angenommen. Das habe Konsequenzen für Berechnungen des individuellen Darmkrebsrisikos, betonen die DKFZ-Wissenschafter. The role played by genes in the increased risk of common intestinal cancer has apparently been overrated until now. This was the conclusion reached in a recent study by researchers at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. Other risk factors such as family eating habits are more serious than previously assumed. This has consequences for determining the individual risk of intestinal cancer, say the scientists at the Center. UEDIN.1066 Elon Musk raises Tesla shares Elon Musk lässt Tesla-Aktien steigen Elon Musk allows Tesla shares to rise UEDIN.1066 Musk wrote this in an e-mail to Tesla employees published on Thursday (local time) by the industry blog "Electrek". The demand was strong, so that Tesla could book 110'000 orders, it continued in Musk's newsletter. Dies schrieb Musk in einer am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110'000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hiess es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Musk wrote this in an e-mail to Tesla employees published on Thursday (local time) by the industry blog "Electrek". The demand is so strong that Tesla was able to process 110,000 orders, according to Musk's e-mail. UEDIN.1066 The challenge is to bring the cars quickly to the customers. To achieve this, Tesla had to allocate as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible by the end of the quarter. UEDIN.1066 Investors liked the information: Tesla's shares went out of business with an increase of more than six percent. The price has not risen so strongly for almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered a good 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefielen die Informationen: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95'000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this information: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The rate has not increased as much in four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered a good 95,000 cars and hit its previous high value. UEDIN.1066 Musk needs records to achieve his high goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. This will require six-digit figures in the current and next quarter. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there were recent losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360'000 bis 400'000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019 he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but profit margins are low here. There were recent losses despite the boom. UEDIN.1066 Does the British government want to circumvent Brexit law? Johnson restrained Will britische Regierung Brexit-Gesetz umgehen? Johnson zurückhaltend Will the British government bypass the Brexit law? Johnson abstained UEDIN.1066 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is concerned about whether he is looking for ways to circumvent the recent law passed by Parliament against an unregulated Brexit. In response to a question, he simply told journalists on Friday that his government would abide by the law. Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hält sich darüber bedeckt, ob er nach Möglichkeiten einer Umgehung des zuletzt vom Parlament beschlossenen Gesetzes gegen einen ungeregelten Brexit sucht. Auf eine entsprechende Frage sagte er am Freitag vor Journalisten lediglich, seine Regierung werde sich an geltendes Recht halten. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being discrete about whether he is trying to find ways of bypassing the law on unregulated Brexit recently passed by the Parliament. When questioned to that end, Johnson has merely told journalists that his government would comply with applicable law. UEDIN.1066 The law stipulates that the government must request a postponement of the withdrawal date if no agreement with the EU has been reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiations with the EU more difficult. Das Gesetz sieht vor, dass die Regierung eine Verschiebung des Austrittstermins beantragen muss, sollte bis Mitte Oktober kein Abkommen mit der EU erzielt sei. Johnson kritisiert dies als "Kapitulationsgesetz", das die Verhandlungen mit der EU erschwere. The law obliges the government to request a postponement of the date of withdrawal if an agreement with the EU cannot be reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiating with the EU more difficult. UEDIN.1066 Former British Prime Minister John Major had suggested on Thursday that Johnson could try to use "political harassment" to circumvent the law. Johnson could use a procedural trick to postpone the entry into force of the law until after leaving the EU. Der ehemalige britische Premierminister John Major hatte am Donnerstag die Vermutung geäußert, Johnson könne versuchen, "politische Schikane" einzusetzen, um das Gesetz zu umgehen. Johnson könne einen Verfahrenstrick einsetzen, der das Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes auf die Zeit nach dem EU-Austritt verschiebe. On Thursday, the former British Prime Minister John Major expressed the suspicion that Johnson might attempt to use "political chicanery" to circumvent the law. Johnson might use a procedural trick that would postpone the law's entry into force until after the withdrawal from the EU. UEDIN.1066 Johnson said he was seeking a treaty with the European Union. "We are confident that we will leave the EU on 31 October, and the best way is with an agreement." Johnson sagte, er strebe einen Vertrag mit der Europäischen Union an. "Wir sind zuversichtlich, die EU am 31. Oktober zu verlassen, und der beste Weg ist der mit einer Vereinbarung". Johnson said he is striving for a treaty with the European Union. "We're confident about leaving the EU on October 31, and the best path is to do so with an agreement." UEDIN.1066 Iran apparently drives up uranium enrichment sz.87341 Iran fährt offenbar Urananreicherung hoch Iran is apparently starting Uranium enrichment UEDIN.1066 Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has increased the pressure on European contractors in the dispute over the rescue of the historic nuclear deal. "Unfortunately, the European states show incompetence or unwillingness when it comes to concrete actions," Rohani said on Thursday at a press conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. In the event that they did not stand by their promises, he promised "further steps" away from the agreements of the laboriously negotiated 2015 agreement. sz.87341 Irans Präsident Hassan Rohani hat im Streit über die Rettung des historischen Atomabkommens den Druck auf die europäischen Vertragspartner erhöht. "Leider zeigen die europäischen Staaten Unfähigkeit oder mangelnde Bereitschaft, wenn es um konkrete Aktionen geht", sagte Rohani am Donnerstag bei einer Pressekonferenz am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. Für den Fall, dass sie nicht zu ihren Versprechen stünden, stellte er "weitere Schritte" weg von den Vereinbarungen des mühsam ausgehandelten Abkommens von 2015 in Aussicht. Iran's president Hassan Rohani has increased pressure on European contract partners about the rescue of the historic nuclear deal. "Regrettably the European states are showing an inability or lacking readiness when it comes to concrete action," Rohani said on Thursday at the press conference on the sidelines of the US General Assembly in New York. In case they do not stand by their promise, he put in view "further steps" away from the agreements of the laboriously negotiated convention of 2015. UEDIN.1066 The background is the conflict over the international agreement to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb, which in return contained the promise to Tehran to normalize economic relations. In 2018, the US unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in order to force Iran with "maximum pressure" to change course in the Middle East policy deemed aggressive. President Donald Trump's administration wants to negotiate a new agreement with tougher conditions and is now once again relying on tough sanctions against Tehran. Iran recently responded by reviving the treaty’s limited uranium enrichment. sz.87341 Hintergrund ist der Konflikt um das internationale Abkommen zur Verhinderung einer iranischen Atombombe, das als Gegenleistung die Zusage an Teheran enthielt, die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu normalisieren. Die USA stiegen 2018 im Alleingang aus dem Abkommen aus, um Iran mit "maximalem Druck" zu einem Kurswechsel in der als aggressiv erachteten Nahostpolitik zu zwingen. Die Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump will ein neues Abkommen mit härteren Auflagen aushandeln und setzt inzwischen wieder auf harte Sanktionen gegen Teheran. Iran reagierte darauf zuletzt mit einem Wiederhochfahren der im Vertrag begrenzten Urananreicherung. The backdrop is the conflict about the international convention to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb, which in return contained a promise to Tehran to normalize economic relations. The USA single-handedly got out of the agreement in 2018 in order to force Iran into a change of course with "maximum pressure" in what was considered aggressive Near East politics. The leadership of President Donald Trump wants to deal a new agreement and is imposing hard sanctions against Tehran in the meantime. Iran last reacted to this with a relaunching of the uranium enrichment limited in the contract. UEDIN.1066 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed in a report that the Islamic Republic has now also used the centrifuges installed at the beginning of September with uranium or at least prepared them for use. According to IAEA figures, Iran is also preparing to build more than 300 more centrifuges. sz.87341 Die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) bestätigte in einem Bericht, dass die Islamische Republik die Anfang September installierten Zentrifugen nun auch mit Uran nutzt oder zumindest zur Nutzung vorbereitet hat. Nach IAEA-Angaben bereitet Iran zudem den Aufbau von mehr als 300 weiteren Zentrifugen vor. The international nuclear energy authority (IAEA) confirmed in a report, that the Islamic Republic is now utilizing centrifuges installed at the beginning of September using Uranium, or has at least prepared them for use thus. According to IAEA information, Iran is moreover preparing the construction of over 300 more centrifuges. UEDIN.1066 Perhaps the Europeans were not willing to bear their share of the deal and therefore left the Iranians alone with the costs and the burden of oppressive US sanctions, Rohani conjectured. However, there will still be further talks, which will hopefully lead to a solution. sz.87341 Vielleicht seien die Europäer nicht bereit, ihren Teil des Deals zu tragen und ließen deshalb die Iraner mit den Kosten und der Last drückender US-Sanktionen alleine, mutmaßte Rohani. Es werde aber trotzdem weitere Gespräche geben, die hoffentlich eine Lösung brächten. Perhaps Europeans are not prepared to carry their end of the deal and may for this reason leave Iranians alone with the costs and the burden of pressurizing US sanctions, Rohani presumed. However, more discussions are planned, which will hopefully bring a solution. UEDIN.1066 Rouhani continues to deny Iran’s involvement in attacks in Saudi Arabia sz.87341 Rohani bestreitet weiter Irans Verwicklung in Angriffe in Saudi-Arabien Rohani continues to deny Iran's involvement in attacks in Saudi Arabia. UEDIN.1066 However, the situation changed after an attack on an important oil plant in Saudi Arabia in mid-September: Germany, France and Great Britain followed the US assessment on Monday that Tehran was responsible for the attack. Originally, the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen had claimed responsibility for the attack, but the US considered it a false confession. "We have nothing to do with it," Rohani reaffirmed his position on Wednesday. sz.87341 Allerdings hat sich die Gemengelage nach einem Angriff auf eine wichtige Ölanlage in Saudi-Arabien Mitte September geändert: Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien folgten am Montag der US-Einschätzung, dass Teheran für die Attacke Verantwortung trage. Ursprünglich hatten sich die von Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen zu dem Angriff bekannt, was von den USA jedoch als falsches Bekenntnis gewertet wurde. "Wir haben nichts damit zu tun", bekräftigte Rohani am Mittwoch seine Position. However, the situation changed after an attack on an important oil plant in Saudi Arabia in mid-September. Germany, France and Great Britain followed the US assessment on Monday that Tehran was responsible for the attacks. Originally, the Huthi rebels in Yemen supported by Iran had committed to the attack, which the USA weighed up as a wrongful confession, though. "We have nothing to do with that," Rohani augmented his position. UEDIN.1066 "Those who make such accusations must provide evidence," Rohani said. However, the European leaders would not have been able to do this in the talks with him during the UN General Debate. Instead, they would only have claimed that the rebels in Yemen could not carry out an attack like this. In recent days, Rouhani had met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. sz.87341 "Diejenigen, die solche Anschuldigungen erheben, müssen Beweise dafür vorlegen", sagte Rohani. Das hätten die europäischen Anführer in den Gesprächen mit ihm während der UN-Generaldebatte allerdings nicht gekonnt. Stattdessen hätten sie sich nur darauf berufen, dass die Rebellen in Jemen einen Angriff wie diesen nicht ausführen könnten. Rohani hatte sich in den vergangenen Tagen mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron und dem britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson getroffen. "Those people who make such accusations have to provide evidence of this on a rolling basis," Rohani said. The European leaders were apparently not able to do that during talks with him at the UN General Assembly. Instead they would have only relied on the fact, that the rebels in Yemen could not carry out an attack like this. Rohani has in recent days met with Chancellor Angela Merkel, France's President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. UEDIN.1066 Before possible talks with US President Trump, the far-reaching sanctions of the US administration must first be lifted, Rohani demanded. He called on the government in Washington to switch to a policy of "dialogue and reason." sz.87341 Vor möglichen Gesprächen mit US-Präsident Trump müssten zunächst die weitreichenden Sanktionen der US-Administration aufgehoben werden, verlangte Rohani. Er forderte die Regierung in Washington auf, auf eine Politik von "Dialog und Vernunft" umzuschwenken. Before potential talks with US president Trump, the wide-reaching sanctions imposed by the US administration should have to be lifted, Rohani demanded. He urged the government in Washington to switch to a policy of "dialogue and reason." UEDIN.1066 Comet of other star crosses solar system yahoo-de.127759 Komet von anderem Stern durchkreuzt Sonnensystem Comet of another star crosses solar system UEDIN.1066 Astronomers are currently observing a comet from the depths of space. This succeeded first of all. The comet allows conclusions to be drawn about other solar systems. yahoo-de.127759 Astronomen beobachten derzeit einen Kometen aus den tiefen des Weltalls. Das gelang zuvor erst einmal. Der Komet lässt Rückschlüsse auf andere Sonnensysteme zu. Astronomers are currently observing a comet from deep space. This has been achieved before. The comet helps draw conclusions about other solar systems. UEDIN.1066 What was initially only a guess is now confirmed: An interstellar guest crosses through our solar system. The comet from the depth of space was christened after its discoverer on 2I/Borisov and has aroused the interest of astronomers all over the world. yahoo-de.127759 Was anfangs nur eine Vermutung war, ist nun bestätigt: Ein interstellarer Gast kreuzt durch unser Sonnensystem. Der Komet aus der Tiefe des Weltraums wurde nach seinem Entdecker auf 2I/Borisov getauft und hat das Interesse von Astronomen auf der ganzen Welt geweckt. What used to be only a speculation has now been confirmed: An interstellar guest crosses through our solar system. The deep space comet was named 2I/Borisov after its discoverer and has aroused the interest of astronomers all over the world. UEDIN.1066 The widely travelled comet was discovered on 30 August by amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov at the Margo Observatory in Crimea - with a self-built telescope of 65 centimetres in diameter. Follow-up observations from various observatories not only confirmed that it was an unknown comet, but also showed that it did not originate from our solar system. yahoo-de.127759 Der weitgereiste Komet war am 30. August vom Amateurastronomen Gennadi Borissow am Margo-Observatorium auf der Krim entdeckt worden - mit einem selbstgebauten Teleskop von 65 Zentimetern Durchmesser. Nachbeobachtungen verschiedener Observatorien bestätigten nicht nur, dass es sich um einen unbekannten Kometen handelt, sondern zeigten auch, dass er nicht aus unserem Sonnensystem stammt. The travelling comet was discovered on August 30th by an amateur astronomer Gennadi Borisov at the Margo observatory in Crimea.- and that using a self-made telescope with a 65 centimeter diameter. Later research by various observatories confirmed, not only that this was a previously unseen comet, but also that the comet did not originate from our solar system. UEDIN.1066 2I/Borisov is after 1I/'Oumuamua from 2017 only the second interstellar object, which was seen during a flight through our solar system. yahoo-de.127759 2I/Borisov ist nach 1I/'Oumuamua von 2017 erst das zweite interstellare Objekt, das bei einem Durchflug unseres Sonnensystems gesichtet wurde. 2I/Borisov is only the second interstellar object sighted while travelling through our solar system, after 1I/'Oumuamua from 2017. UEDIN.1066 2I/Borisov offers astronomers the rare chance to get close-up insights into a foreign solar system before it disappears again and again. Initial observations show that the interstellar comet resembles that of our own system, as reported by the astrophysical institute of the Canaries. "The current speed of the comet is high, about 150,000 kilometers per hour, which at this distance is well above the typical speeds of objects orbiting the Sun," Davide Farnocchia of the US space agency Nasa reported in a statement. yahoo-de.127759 2I/Borisov bietet Astronomen die seltene Chance, aus der Nähe Einblicke in ein fremdes Sonnensystem zu bekommen, bevor er auf Nimmerwiedersehen entschwindet. Erste Beobachtungen zeigen, dass der interstellare Komet denen unseres eigenen Systems ähnelt, wie das astrophysikalische Institut der Kanaren berichtete. "Die gegenwärtige Geschwindigkeit des Kometen ist hoch, ungefähr 150.000 Kilometer pro Stunde, was in dieser Entfernung deutlich oberhalb der typischen Geschwindigkeiten von Objekten liegt, die die Sonne umkreisen", berichtete etwa Davide Farnocchia von der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa in einer Mitteilung. 2I/Borisov is a rare opportunity for astronomers to obtain a closer look into an unknown solar system, before the comet disappears never to be seen again. First observations show that the interstellar comet resembles the comets of our own solar system, as the Canary Islands Astrophysical Institute reported. "The comet's current speed is high, about 150,000 kilometers per hour, which at this distance is well above the typical speeds of objects orbiting the Sun," said Davide Farnocchia of the US space agency NASA in a press release. UEDIN.1066 According to the analyses, the comet is on a so-called hyperbola track, which leads it out of our system - and clearly of interstellar origin, as the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced. It is also responsible for naming and categorizing celestial bodies. In honor of its discoverer, the interstellar tail star, initially listed under the catalogue number C/2019 Q4, was given the designation 2I/Borisov, with the first part of the name indicating that it is the second interstellar object discovered in our solar system. yahoo-de.127759 Der Komet ist den Analysen zufolge auf einer sogenannten Hyperbelbahn unterwegs, die ihn aus unserem System hinausführt - und eindeutig interstellarer Herkunft, wie die Internationale Astronomische Union (IAU) mitteilte. Sie ist auch für die Benennung und Kategorisierung von Himmelskörpern zuständig. Zu Ehren seines Entdeckers bekam der interstellare Schweifstern, der zunächst unter der Katalognummer C/2019 Q4 geführt worden war, von ihr die Bezeichnung 2I/Borisov, wobei der erste Teil des Namens darauf hinweist, dass es sich um das zweite interstellare Objekt handelt, das in unserem Sonnensystem entdeckt worden ist. According to the International Astronomic Union (IAC) the comet is of distinctly interstellar origins, and is currently moving along a hyperbolic path which is leading it out of our system, as the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced. The Union is also responsible for naming and categorizing celestial bodies. The interstellar comet, at first listed under the catalogue number C/2019 Q4 was given the designation 2I/Borisov in honor of the astronomer who discovered it, the first part of the name indicating that it was the second interstellar object discovered in our solar system. UEDIN.1066 The astronomers are lucky: In contrast to 1I/'Oumuamua, 2I/Borisov has already been spotted in the approach. Thus, the researchers remain for many months for investigations. "The object will reach the highest brightness in mid-December and will be visible with medium-sized telescopes until April 2020," explained Farnocchia. "After that, it will only be possible to observe it with larger, professional telescopes until October 2020." yahoo-de.127759 Die Astronomen haben Glück: Im Gegensatz zu 1I/'Oumuamua wurde 2I/Borisov bereits im Anflug gesichtet. So bleiben den Forschern viele Monate für Untersuchungen. "Das Objekt wird Mitte Dezember die größte Helligkeit erreichen und dann noch bis April 2020 mit mittelgroßen Teleskopen zu sehen sein", erläuterte Farnocchia. "Danach wird es bis Oktober 2020 nur noch mit größeren, professionellen Teleskopen zu beobachten sein". The astronomers are lucky: Unlike 1I/'Oumuamua, 2I/Borisov was sighted while approaching. The researchers had several months to study it. "The object will reach maximum brightness in December and will be visible through medium-sized telescopes until April 2020", explained Farnocchia. "After that, it will be possible to observe the comet with large professional telescopes until October 2020". UEDIN.1066 Several observatories have already targeted the visitor. Thus, a team led by Karen Meech from the University of Hawaii, who had already led the characterization of 1I/'Oumuamua, determined the diameter of the celestial object at 2 to 16 kilometers in a first investigation. Images of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii show a clear tail of the comet. yahoo-de.127759 Mehrere Observatorien haben den Besucher bereits ins Visier genommen. So bestimmte ein Team um Karen Meech von der Universität Hawaii, die bereits die Charakterisierung von 1I/'Oumuamua geleitet hatte, in einer ersten Untersuchung den Durchmesser des Himmelsobjekts auf 2 bis 16 Kilometer. Aufnahmen des Gemini-Observatoriums auf Hawaii zeigen einen deutlichen Schweif des Kometen. Multiple observatories have already began observing the visiting comet. A team led by Karen Meech from the University of Hawaii, who had already led the description of 1I/'Oumuamua, determined in the first study the diameter of the celestial object to between 2 and 16 kilometers. Recorded images from the Gemini observatory in Hawaii clearly show the tail of the comet. UEDIN.1066 Researchers at the astrophysical institute of the Canaries (IAC) have already gained a first so-called spectrum from the interstellar tail star, which offers a kind of fingerprint of its chemical composition. "The spectrum of this object is similar to that of comets in our solar system, and this indicates that their composition must be similar," reported IAC researcher Julia de Leon. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be shaped by processes similar to ours, added de Leon's colleague Javier Licandro. yahoo-de.127759 Forscherinnen und Forscher des astrophysikalischen Instituts der Kanaren (IAC) haben bereits ein erstes sogenanntes Spektrum von dem interstellaren Schweifstern gewonnen, das eine Art Fingerabdruck seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung bietet. "Das Spektrum dieses Objekts ähnelt solchen von Kometen unseres Sonnensystems, und das weist darauf hin, das ihre Zusammensetzung ähnlich sein muss", berichtete IAC-Forscherin Julia de León. Diese Beobachtung lege nahe, dass sich Kometen in anderen Sonnensystemen durch ähnliche Prozesse formen könnten wie in unserem, ergänzte de Leóns Kollege Javier Licandro. Researchers at the Canary Islands Astrophysical Institute (IAC) have already garnered a first so-called spectrum of the interstellar comet, which is similar to a fingerprint of its chemical composition. "This object´s spectrum is similar to the ones in our solar system and this indicates that its composition must be similar", reports the IAC researcher Julia de León. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be formed through similar processes as ours, de León's colleague Javier Licandro added. UEDIN.1066 According to the IAU, the discovery of two interstellar visitors within just two years suggests that these objects could open up a new way of exploring certain processes in other solar systems. However, it is still difficult to estimate how often such stip-visits are. One of the next interstellar visitors could possibly intercept a planned satellite mission of the European space agency Esa. yahoo-de.127759 Die Entdeckung von gleich zwei interstellaren Besuchern innerhalb von nur zwei Jahren deutet nach Einschätzung der IAU darauf hin, dass diese Objekte einen neuen Weg zur Erforschung bestimmter Prozesse in anderen Sonnensystemen eröffnen könnten. Wie häufig solche Stippvisiten sind, ist allerdings noch schwer abzuschätzen. Einen der nächsten interstellaren Besucher könnte möglicherweise eine geplante Satellitenmission der europäischen Raumfahrtagentur Esa abfangen. According to the IAU, the discovery of two interstellar comets in just two years suggests that these objects could provide a new way of researching certain processes in other solar systems. However, it is still difficult to estimate how frequent these comet visits may be. One of the next interstellar comets could be intercepted by a planned satellite mission by the European Space Agency Esa. UEDIN.1066 The agency wants to station the three-part space probe "Comet Interceptor" (German for example comet interceptors) on a waiting position 1.5 million kilometers from Earth by 2028. According to Esa science director Günther Hasinger, it should either lurk on a still untouched, fresh comet from our own solar system, or on an interstellar visitor like 1I/'Oumuamua. yahoo-de.127759 Die Agentur will bis 2028 auf einer Warteposition in 1,5 Millionen Kilometern Entfernung von der Erde die dreiteilige Raumsonde "Comet Interceptor" (deutsch etwa Kometen-Abfangjäger) stationieren. Sie soll laut Esa-Wissenschaftsdirektor Günther Hasinger entweder auf einen noch unberührten, frischen Kometen aus unserem eigenen Sonnensystem lauern, oder auf einen interstellaren Besucher wie 1I/'Oumuamua. The agency wants to place a three-part space probe, the "Comet Interceptor" at a waiting position at a distance of 1.5 million kilometers from Earth by 2028. According to science director at ESA Günther Hasinger, the probe should either intercept an new, intact comet from our own solar system or an interstellar object such as 1I/'Oumuamua. UEDIN.1066 First landing on Beijing's new mega-airport Daxing yahoo-de.127754 Erste Landung auf Pekings neuem Mega-Airport Daxing First airplane landing on Beijing's new mega-airport Daxing UEDIN.1066 Just before the 70th birthday of the People's Republic, the time has come: On the new mega-airport in the south of the Chinese capital, a first passenger plane of China United Airlines has landed, a special honor for captain and crew. yahoo-de.127754 Pünktlich vor dem 70. Geburtstag der Volksrepublik ist es soweit: Auf dem neuen Mega-Airport im Süden der chinesischen hauptstadt ist eine erste Passagiermaschine der China United Airlines gelandet, eine besondere Ehre für Kapitän und Crew. Just before the 70th birthday of the People´s Republic: China United Airlines' first passenger aircraft has landed at the new mega-airport in the south of the Chinese capital, which was a special honor for the captain and his crew. UEDIN.1066 By 2022, around 45 million passengers are to be handled at the new airport each year, and by 2025 this figure is expected to reach 72 million. China’s president, Mr. Jinping, personally announced the opening of the 450-billion-dollar project. China's most recent prestigious project is also called "Seetern" because of its six-armed building structure. yahoo-de.127754 Bis 2022 sollen auf dem neuen Flughafen rund 45 Millionen Fluggäste jährlich abgefertigt werden, 2025 sollen es dann bereits 72 Millionen sein. Chinas Präsident Xi Jinping persönlich verkündete die Eröffnung des 450 Milliarden teuren Projekts. Das jüngste Prestigeprojekt Chinas wird wegen seiner sechsarmigen Gebäudestruktur auch "Seestern" genannt. Around 45 million passengers are expected to use the airport by 2022, and by 2025 the number should rise to 72 million. President Xi Jinping personally announced the opening of the 450 billion euro project. China´s latest prestige project is also called the "starfish" due to its building structure. UEDIN.1066 The complex has four runways, which will later be expanded to seven, and is equipped with the world's largest automatic air traffic management system. A new subway transports passengers to downtown Beijing in just 20 minutes. yahoo-de.127754 Der Komplex verfügt über vier Start- und Landebahnen, die später auf sieben erweitert werden sollen und ist mit dem weltweit größten automatischen Flugverkehrsmanagementsystem ausgestattet. Eine neue U-neue U-Bahn transportiert Passagiere in nur 20 Minuten in die Innenstadt Pekings. The complex has four runways to date, which will later be expanded to seven, and is equipped with the world's largest automatic air traffic management system. A new subway will be used to transport passengers from the airport to the Beijing city center in only 20 minutes. UEDIN.1066 Already during the construction, the Chinese had repeatedly stated that Berlin could learn from Beijing. The opening of the capital airport in Germany, which has been under construction since 2006 and is much smaller, has been repeatedly postponed. In Beijing, on the other hand, a first passenger plane landed after only four years. yahoo-de.127754 Schon während des Baus hatten die Chinesen mehrfach verlauten lassen, dass Berlin von Peking lernen könne. Die Eröffnung des seit 2006 im Bau befindlichen - und wesentlich kleineren - Hauptstadtflughafens in Deutschland wurde bislang immer wieder verschoben. In Peking dagegen landete schon nach vier Jahren eine erste Passagier-Maschine. During construction, the Chinese stated repeatedly that Berlin could learn from Beijing. The opening of the much smaller Berlin airport, which has been under construction since 2006, has repeatedly been postponed. Conversely, the first passenger airplane landed in Beijing after only four years. UEDIN.1066 New supersonic aircraft to fly in 2030: in four and a half hours from London to Sydney Neues Überschallflugzeug soll 2030 fliegen: In viereinhalb Stunden von London nach Sydney New Supersonic Aircraft to fly in 2030: Four and a half hours from London to Sydney UEDIN.1066 From London to Sydney in just four and a half hours - that's what the British space agency UK Space Agency dreams of. A special propulsion system (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, Sabre), developed by the company Reaction Engines from Oxfordshire, is intended to make this flight, which was targeted for the 2030s, possible at supersonic speed, the US broadcaster CNN quoted the agency. "That's the technology that could definitely do that," agent chief Graham Turnock told the station. "We are talking about the 2030s for commissioning, and the work is already very advanced." Von London nach Sydney in nur viereinhalb Stunden - davon träumt die britische Raumfahrtagentur UK Space Agency. Möglich machen soll diesen, für die 2030er Jahre angepeilten Flug im Überschalltempo ein spezieller Antrieb (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, Sabre), den das Unternehmen Reaction Engines aus Oxfordshire entwickelt, zitierte der US-Sender CNN die Agentur. "Das ist die Technologie, die das definitiv bewerkstelligen könnte", sagte Agenturchef Graham Turnock dem Sender. "Wir sprechen von den 2030er Jahren für die Inbetriebnahme, und die Arbeit ist schon sehr fortgeschritten". Flying from London to Sydney in only four and a half hours, is what the British UK Space Agency is dreaming of. What will facilitate supersonic flying in the 2030's is a special drive (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, Sabre), which the Reaction Engines company from Oxfordshire will develop, American broadcaster CNN quoted the agency as having said. "That is the technology that could definitely do that," Agency director Graham Turnock told the broadcasting house. "We are talking about the 2030's for the launch, the work is already far advanced." UEDIN.1066 In order to advance the project, the British Space Agency wants to work more closely with the Australian Space Agency. A flight from the British capital to the Australian metropolis currently takes about 20 hours. The Concorde was the only supersonic aircraft for passenger transport to date to cover the New York-Paris route from 1976 until its closure in 2003, taking three to three and a half hours. In 2000, there was an accident at the start of a Concorde at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, in which all 109 occupants were killed. Last year, US aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin announced plans to work with the US space agency Nasa to develop a supersonic aeroplane, the "x-plane". Virgin Galactic also has such developments in its program. Um das Projekt voranzutreiben, will die britische Raumfahrtagentur mit der australischen enger zusammenarbeiten. Ein Flug von der britischen Hauptstadt zur australischen Metropole dauert derzeit etwa 20 Stunden. Als bisher einziges Überschallflugzeug für Passagierbeförderung hatte die Concorde von 1976 bis zur Einstellung ihres Betriebs 2003 die Strecke New York-Paris abgedeckt und dafür drei bis dreieinhalb Stunden gebraucht. Im Jahr 2000 kam es zu einem Unfall beim Start einer Concorde auf dem Pariser Flughafen Charles de Gaulle, bei dem alle 109 Insassen ums Leben kamen. Im vergangenen Jahr gab der US-amerikanische Flugzeugbauer Lockheed Martin Pläne bekannt, gemeinsam mit der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa ein Überschallflugzeug zu entwickeln, das "X-Plane". Auch Virgin Galactic hat solche Entwicklungen im Programm. In order to drive the project forward, the British space agency wants to work closer with the Australian one. A flight from the British capital to the Australian metropolis currently takes about 20 hours. As the only supersonic aircraft for passenger transportation so far, Concord had been covering the distance between New York and Paris from 1976 to 2003, taking three to three and a half hours. In the year 2000, at the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, there was an accident when starting a Concorde where all 109 passengers lost their lives. In the past year, the US American aircraft builder Lockheed Martin announced plans to develop a supersonic aircraft together with the US space authority Nasa, namely the ‘X-Plane.' Virgin Galactic also has these kinds of developments in its program. UEDIN.1066 "Sabre will make the world smaller with its high-speed point-to-point transport," Reaction Engines writes on his homepage. The Sabre drive could be used for efficient travel at a speed of Mach 5 - that means five times as fast as the sound. In addition, such aircraft can also be used outside the Earth's atmosphere, thus enabling the "next generation of truly reusable framing equipment". "Sabre wird die Welt kleiner machen mit seinem Hochgeschwindigkeits-Punkt-zu-Punkt-Transport", schreibt Reaction Engines unter anderem auf seiner Homepage. Der Sabre-Antrieb könnte für effizientes Reisen genutzt werden mit einer Geschwindigkeit von Mach 5 - das bedeutet fünfmal so schnell wie der Schall. Zudem seien solche Flugzeuge auch außerhalb der Erdatmosphäre einsetzbar und ermöglichten damit die "nächste Generation wahrhaft wiederverwendbarer Rahmfahrtgeräte". "Sabre will make the world smaller with its high-speed point to point transport," Reaction Engines has written on its home page, amongst other things. The Sabre drive could be used for efficient travel with a speed of Mach 5—that signifies five times the speed of light. In addition, such aircraft can also be used outside the earth's atmosphere and thus enable the "next generation of authentically reusable space devices." UEDIN.1066 Uprising in Washington: Trump wants to track down anonymous tippers in Ukraine affair Aufruhr in Washington: Trump will anonyme Tippgeber in Ukraine-Affäre aufspüren Unrest in Washington: Trump wants to track down anonymous whistleblowers in the Ukraine scandal UEDIN.1066 In the Ukraine affair over the possible abuse of power by the US president, Donald Trump wants to track down possible leaks in the White House. In der Ukraine-Affäre um möglichen Machtmissbrauch des US-Präsidenten will Donald Trump mögliche undichte Stellen im Weißen Haus aufspüren. Donald Trump wants to track down possible leaks in the White House in connection with the Ukraine scandal about the possible abuse of power. UEDIN.1066 "I want to know who gave the whistleblower the information," Trump said on Thursday in front of employees of the U.S. Embassy to the United Nations in New York. The person concerned was almost "a spy" and in the past one dealt with them "a bit differently" than today. "Ich will wissen, wer dem Whistleblower die Informationen gegeben hat", sagte Trump am Donnerstag vor Mitarbeitern der US-Gesandtschaft bei den Vereinten Nationen in New York. Die betroffene Person sei fast "ein Spion" und mit solchen sei man in der Vergangenheit "ein bisschen anders" umgegangen als heute. "I want to know who provided the whistleblower with the information", said Trump on Thursday to the staff members of the US Embassy in the United Nations in New York. The person concerned was practically "a spy" and spies were dealt with "somewhat differently" in the past. UEDIN.1066 This was seen as an attempt to intimidate tippers. The event was not actually open to the public. However, several US media distributed audio recordings of the speech on Friday. Democrats reacted indignantly to the president's statement. Das wurde als Einschüchterungsversuch gegen Tippgeber gewertet. Die Veranstaltung war eigentlich nicht öffentlich. Mehrere US-Medien verbreiteten am Freitag jedoch Audiomitschnitte von der Ansprache. Demokraten reagierten empört auf die Aussage des Präsidenten. This was considered an attempt to intimidate whistleblowers. However, the event was not open to the public. However, several US media broadcast audio recordings of the speech on Friday. Democrats reacted with indignation to the president's statement. UEDIN.1066 The Democrats in the US House of Representatives announced on Tuesday preparations for impeachment proceedings against Trump. Their accusations are based primarily on the written complaint of an anonymous intelligence officer who makes serious accusations against Trump and his government headquarters. At great public pressure the descriptions of the whistleblower had been made public on Thursday. Die Demokraten im US-Repräsentantenhaus hatten am Dienstag Vorbereitungen für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump angekündigt. Ihre Vorwürfe stützen sich vor allem auf die schriftliche Beschwerde eines anonymen Geheimdienstmitarbeiters, der schwere Anschuldigungen gegen Trump und dessen Regierungszentrale erhebt. Auf großen öffentlichen Druck hin waren die Schilderungen des Hinweisgebers am Donnerstag publik gemacht worden. The Democrats in the US House of Representatives announced preparations for impeachment proceedings against Trump on Tuesday. Their accusations are based primarily on a written complaint by an anonymous secret service agent who raised serious allegations against Trump and his government office. Following intense public pressure, the whistleblower's statements were made public on Thursday. UEDIN.1066 As part of his work, the whistleblower wants to have received information from several government officials that the US president is "using the power of his office" to get another country to interfere in his favor in the 2020 US election. Im Rahmen seiner Arbeit will der Whistleblower Informationen mehrerer Regierungsmitarbeiter erhalten haben, wonach der US-Präsident "die Macht seines Amtes nutzt", um zu erreichen, dass sich ein anderes Land zu seinen Gunsten in die US-Wahl 2020 einmischt. As part of his statement, the whistleblower alleges to have received information from several government officials that the US president is "using the power of his office" to get another country to interfere in his favor in the 2020 US election. UEDIN.1066 At the center of the allegations is a controversial telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyi at the end of July, in which Trump encouraged his counterpart to investigate that could harm his political rival Joe Biden. It is about former business of Biden's son Hunter in Ukraine and alleged efforts to protect his offspring from Ukrainian justice. Biden is leading the race for the Democratic presidential candidacy for the 2020 election. Im Zentrum der Vorwürfe steht ein umstrittenes Telefonat zwischen Trump und dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj Ende Juli, in dem Trump seinen Amtskollegen zu Ermittlungen ermunterte, die seinem politischen Rivalen Joe Biden schaden könnten. Dabei geht es um frühere Geschäfte von Bidens Sohn Hunter in der Ukraine und angebliche Bemühungen, seinen Sprössling vor der ukrainischen Justiz zu schützen. Biden liegt im Rennen um die demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatur für die Wahl 2020 vorne. At the core of the accusations is a controversial telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the end of July, in which Trump encouraged his colleague to conduct investigations that could harm his political rival Joe Biden. This is about Hunter Biden´s earlier business ventures in Ukraine and Joe Biden´s alleged attempt to protect his son against Ukrainian justice. Biden is leading the race for the democratic presidential candidacy for the 2020 election. UEDIN.1066 The whistleblower also accused the White House of cover-up over the Ukraine phone call: leading government officials had tried to keep the exact wording of the conversation under the cover. As usual, an electronic text protocol had been drawn up. However, this was removed after the conversation on the instructions of lawyers from the White House from a database usually provided for this purpose and instead stored in a specially protected system. So far, only a rough conversation protocol has been published. Der Whistleblower beschuldigte das Weiße Haus mit Blick auf das Ukraine-Telefonat auch der Vertuschung: Führende Regierungsmitarbeiter hätten sich bemüht, die genaue Wortlautfassung des Gesprächs unter der Decke zu halten. Wie üblich sei ein elektronisches Wortlaut-Protokoll angefertigt worden. Dies sei nach dem Gespräch auf Anweisung von Juristen aus dem Weißen Haus aber aus einer dafür gewöhnlich vorgesehenen Datenbank entfernt und stattdessen in einem besonders geschützten System gespeichert worden. Bislang wurde nur ein grobes Gesprächsprotokoll veröffentlicht. The whistleblower also accused the White House of a cover-up with regard to the telephone call to Ukraine: Leading government officials had attempted to keep the exact contents of the conversation concealed. As usual, an electronic text record was prepared. However, this record was removed from the database following the instructions of White House Lawyers after the interview and stored in a specially protected system instead. Only the rough draft of the conversation was released to date. UEDIN.1066 The identity of the whistleblower is not publicly known. The New York Times reported that it was supposed to be an employee of the CIA. Die Identität des Hinweisgebers ist nicht öffentlich bekannt. Die "New York Times" berichtete, es solle sich um einen Mitarbeiter des Auslandsgeheimdiensts CIA handeln. The whistleblower´s identity was not made public. The New York Times reported that the person concerned is an employee of the CIA Foreign Intelligence Agency. UEDIN.1066 Trump again questioned the source’s credibility on Friday. In a series of tweets on the subject, the president wrote, among other things, that the so-called whistleblower had disseminated second-hand information that had turned out to be inaccurate. Therefore, there may be no tippers or spies at all. Trump stellte am Freitag erneut die Glaubwürdigkeit der Quelle in Frage. In einer Serie von Tweets zu dem Thema schrieb der Präsident unter anderem, der "sogenannte Whistleblower" habe Informationen aus zweiter Hand verbreitet, die sich als unzutreffend herausgestellt hätten. Daher gebe es vielleicht gar keine Tippgeber oder Spione. On Friday, Trump questioned the credibility of the source. In a series of tweets, the President wrote, among other things, that the "so-called whistleblower" had received second-hand information which turned out to be untrue. Therefore, there were likely no whistleblowers or spies. UEDIN.1066 But, as Trump said in New York about those who allegedly leaked information to the whistleblower, it provoked outrage. The chairman of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, reacted alarmed and complained that Trump's statement once again undermined the integrity of the government. Wie Trump sich in New York über jene äußerte, die dem Whistleblower Informationen zugespielt haben sollen, löste aber Empörung aus. Die Vorsitzende des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, reagierte beunruhigt und beklagte, Trumps Aussage unterlaufe einmal mehr die Integrität der Regierung. However, the way Trump spoke about those who are said to have passed the information on to the whistleblower caused outrage. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker in the House of Representatives was unsettled and said that Trump´s statement once again undermined government integrity. UEDIN.1066 Various investigations against Trump and his surroundings have been underway in various committees in the House of Representatives for months. Faced with the Ukraine allegations, the Democrats are now pushing ahead with investigations with renewed vigour in order to initiate a possible impeachment procedure against Trump. Im Repräsentantenhaus laufen bereits seit Monaten in verschiedenen Ausschüssen diverse Untersuchungen gegen Trump und dessen Umfeld. Angesichts der Ukraine-Vorwürfe treiben die Demokraten nun Ermittlungen mit neuer Wucht voran, um ein mögliches Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump in Gang zu setzen. Various committees in the House of Representatives have been conducting various investigations against Trump and his associates for months. In light of the Ukraine allegations, the Democrats are pursuing investigations with renewed momentum to launch a possible impeachment trial against Trump. UEDIN.1066 "The whistleblower has given us a roadmap for our investigation," said Adam Schiff, head of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump attacked Schiff sharply, accused him of misrepresenting things, and again demanded the resignation of the committee chairman. Trump cursed ship regularly and had already demanded its withdrawal months ago. "Der Whistleblower hat uns einen Fahrplan für unsere Untersuchung gegeben", sagte der Chef des Geheimdienstausschusses im Repräsentantenhaus, Adam Schiff. Trump griff Schiff scharf an, warf ihm eine falsche Darstellung der Dinge vor und forderte erneut den Rücktritt des Ausschussvorsitzenden. Trump beschimpft Schiff regelmäßig und hatte bereits vor Monaten dessen Rückzug verlangt. "The whistleblower has given us a roadmap for the investigation ", said Adam Schiff, the Head of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee. Trump sharply criticized Schiff, accusing him of misrepresentation and again demanded that the Committee Chairman resign. Trump often criticized Schiff and had been demanding his resignation for months. UEDIN.1066 In a statement released on Friday, more than 300 former US government officials from the security and foreign policy fields, most of whom worked under democratic but also Republican presidents, backed the Democratic-initiated investigation into possible impeachment proceedings. If the allegations were true, it would be "an unscrupulous abuse of power" by Trump, it said. Mehr als 300 frühere US-Regierungsmitarbeiter aus dem Sicherheits- und außenpolitischen Bereich, die mehrheitlich unter demokratischen, aber auch unter republikanischen Präsidenten tätig waren, stellten sich in einer am Freitag veröffentlichten Erklärung hinter die von den Demokraten eingeleitete Untersuchung für ein mögliches Amtsenthebungsverfahren. Sollten sich die Vorwürfe bewahrheiten, wäre das "ein skrupelloser Machtmissbrauch" durch Trump, hieß es darin. In a statement published on Friday, more than 300 former US government employees from security and foreign policy domains, the majority of whom worked under Democratic presidents as well as a few Republican presidents, supported the investigation initiated by the Democrats for a possible impeachment trial. In the statement, it was claimed that, should the accusations prove to be true, it would mean "an unscrupulous abuse of power" by Trump. UEDIN.1066 There is no exact timetable for the further procedure. With their majority in the House of Representatives, the Democrats could try a so-called impeachment procedure. But the decision to actually impeach would be made in the Senate, where Trump’s Republicans have the majority. The prospects for success of such a procedure are therefore low. So far, no US president has been removed from office by an impeachment procedure. Für das weitere Prozedere gibt es keinen genauen Zeitplan. Mit ihrer Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus könnten die Demokraten ein sogenanntes Impeachment-Verfahren zwar anstrengen. Die Entscheidung über eine tatsächliche Amtsenthebung fiele aber im Senat, wo Trumps Republikaner die Mehrheit haben. Die Aussichten auf Erfolg eines solchen Verfahrens sind daher gering. Bisher wurde noch kein US-Präsident durch ein Impeachment-Verfahren des Amtes enthoben. There is no exact plan for further proceedings. The Democrats could initiate impeachment proceedings due to holding the majority in the House of Representatives. However, the decision regarding an actual removal from office would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans hold the majority. Therefore, such a procedure has low chances of success. To date, no US President has been removed from office through an impeachment procedure. UEDIN.1066 VW Works Council: Workplaces are "creeping" down VW-Betriebsrat: Arbeitsplätze werden "schleichend" abgebaut VW Works Council Jobs being cut "stealthily" UEDIN.1066 The plans of the VW brand to further reduce costs in production could be at the expense of production in Germany and Europe. This concern drives the works council of the car manufacturer. The brand wants to reduce its annual factory costs of ten billion euros by two billion euros by 2023. Of this amount, EUR 500 million is to be saved this year. Die Pläne der Marke VW, in der Produktion die Kosten weiter zu senken, könnten zu Lasten der Fertigung in Deutschland und Europa gehen. Diese Sorge treibt den Betriebsrat des Autobauers um. Die Marke will ihre jährlichen Fabrikkosten von zehn Milliarden Euro bis 2023 um zwei Milliarden Euro senken. Davon sollen 500 Millionen Euro schon in diesem Jahr eingespart werden. Volkswagen's plans to further reduce production costs could affect production in Germany and Europe. This is cause for concern for the car manufacturer's works council. The firm wants to cut its annual factory costs of EUR 10 billion by EUR 2 billion by 2023. EUR 500 million of this figure is to be saved this year. UEDIN.1066 One key to this is personnel costs. The "Future Pact" negotiated between the company and the works council in 2016 already provides for the reduction of 14,000 jobs in Germany alone by 2020. Basically, a job can only be dismantled by the car manufacturer if it is virtually proven that the associated activities are no longer necessary. In addition, employment security is valid until 2029. Ein Schlüssel dafür sind die Personalkosten. Der 2016 zwischen Unternehmen und Betriebsrat verhandelte "Zukunftspakt" sieht bis 2020 bereits den Abbau von 14.000 Arbeitsplätzen allein in Deutschland vor. Grundsätzlich gilt: Ein Arbeitsplatz kann beim Autobauer nur dann abgebaut werden, wenn quasi bewiesen wird, dass die damit verbundenen Tätigkeiten nicht mehr erforderlich sind. Zudem gilt eine Beschäftigungssicherung bis 2029. Personnel costs are one approach. The "future package" negotiated between the company and the works council in 2016 calls for the abolition of 14,000 jobs in Germany alone by 2020. Essentially, a job with the car manufacturer can be cut only if there is some form of evidence that the activities associated with the job are no longer required. In addition, an employment guarantee is in force until 2029. UEDIN.1066 As our newspaper has now learned from works council circles, however, jobs in production that are not actually on the table are being "creepily" dismantled via another route - i.e. bypassing the official course. Regular vacancies would often not be reoccupied. Wie unsere Zeitung nun aus Betriebsratskreisen erfuhr, werden allerdings Arbeitsplätze in der Produktion, die eigentlich nicht zur Disposition stünden, "schleichend" über einen anderen Weg abgebaut - also am offiziellen Kurs vorbei. So würden frei werdende reguläre Stellen häufig nicht wiederbesetzt. People associated with the works council told our newspaper that production jobs should not in fact be affected will be cut "stealthily" in another way—circumventing the official policy. Consequently, regular positions that become vacant are often not re-filled. UEDIN.1066 In these cases, the works council had no possibility of forcing the reoccupation. Meanwhile, there is a lack of personnel in many places, the work densification is increasing, the worries about a gradual bleeding of the vehicle plants are growing. This also increases the fear that vehicle production could gradually be withdrawn from Germany and Europe because it is cheaper in other parts of the world. VW only said: "An adjustment of the employment volume takes place as agreed socially compatible along the demographic curve". Der Betriebsrat habe in diesen Fällen keine Möglichkeit, die Wiederbesetzung zu erzwingen. Mittlerweile fehle an vielen Stellen Personal, die Arbeitsverdichtung nehme zu, die Sorgen vor einem allmählichen Ausbluten der Fahrzeugwerke würden größer. Damit wachse auch die Befürchtung, dass die Fahrzeug-Produktion nach und nach aus Deutschland und Europa abgezogen werden könnte, weil sie in anderen Teilen der Welt günstiger ist. Von VW hieß es dazu nur: "Eine Anpassung des Beschäftigungsvolumens erfolgt wie vereinbart sozialverträglich entlang der demografischen Kurve". In such cases, the works council has no way of enforcing the refilling of those posts. Meanwhile, there are personnel shortages in many places, workloads are increasing, and concerns are growing that the car plant will gradually hemorrhage. There are also increasing fears that car production might gradually shift away from Germany and Austria because it is cheaper in other parts of the world. VW merely states that, "as agreed in social contracts, the volume of employment will be adjusted along the demographic curve". UEDIN.1066 The VW brand wants to standardize production even more worldwide and centrally manage new projects. This is also intended to reduce costs and also speed up decisions - the aim is to increase productivity and thus competitiveness. Production Director Andreas Tostmann said at a manager conference in Berlin: "Especially in uncertain times from Brexit to the impending trade war between the USA and China, we are well advised to make ourselves crisis-proof." Die Marke VW will die Produktion weltweit noch mehr standardisieren und neue Projekte zentral steuern. Auch dadurch sollen Kosten gesenkt und zudem Entscheidungen beschleunigt werden - dahinter steht das Ziel, die Produktivität und damit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erhöhen. Produktionsvorstand Andreas Tostmann sagte auf einer Manager-Konferenz in Berlin: "Gerade in unsicheren Zeiten vom Brexit bis zum drohenden Handelskrieg zwischen den USA und China sind wir gut beraten, uns krisenfest zu machen". VW wants to standardize worldwide production even more and control new projects centrally. This should also reduce costs and accelerate decision-making—the aim behind this is to boost productivity and hence competitiveness. At a manager conference in Berlin, Director of Production Andreas Tostmann said: "We are well advised to make ourselves crisis-resistant particularly in uncertain times with Brexit and an imminent trade war between the United States and China". UEDIN.1066 There have already been successes along this path: for example, this year, for the first time since 2013, production costs per vehicle would fall compared to the previous year. Tostmann told journalists that the production time for the Golf 8, which will be presented in Wolfsburg on 24 October, will be reduced by 1.1 hours. VW does not give exact figures on the production duration, according to information from our newspaper it is round in the Golf 7 Auf diesem Weg gebe es bereits Erfolge: So würden zum Beispiel in diesem Jahr erstmals seit 2013 die Produktionskosten je Fahrzeug im Vergleich zum Vorjahr sinken. Vor Journalisten sagte Tostmann, dass sich die Produktionszeit für den Golf 8, der am 24. Oktober in Wolfsburg vorgestellt werden soll, um 1,1 Stunden verkürze. Exakte Zahlen zur Produktionsdauer nennt VW nicht, nach Informationen unserer Zeitung beträgt sie beim Golf 7 rund Successes have already been achieved along this path: This year, for example, production costs per vehicle have fallen relative to the previous year for the first time since 2013. Tostmann told reporters that the production time for the Golf 8, to be rolled out in Wolfsburg on October 24, has been reduced by 1.1 hours. VW does not provide exact figures on the length of production, but according to information from our newspaper, the time required to manufacture a Golf 7 is around UEDIN.1066 20 hours. 20 Stunden. 20 hours. UEDIN.1066 In our region, the main plant in Wolfsburg is the only VW factory in which vehicles are produced. The Braunschweig and Salzgitter plants manufacture components. For Wolfsburg, VW's internal rule of thumb is that 800,000 cars have to be built there every year in order for the plant to be satisfactorily profitable. In 2018, however, the capacity utilization in Wolfsburg was only around 700,000 vehicles - due to the falling demand for diesel and the problems with the conversion to the new consumption and exhaust gas test method WLTP. In unserer Region ist das Stammwerk Wolfsburg die einzige VW-Fabrik, in der Fahrzeuge produziert werden. Die Werke Braunschweig und Salzgitter fertigen Komponenten. Für Wolfsburg gilt VW-intern die Faustregel, dass dort jährlich 800.000 Autos gebaut werden müssen, damit das Werk zufriedenstellend profitabel ist. 2018 lag die Auslastung in Wolfsburg aber bei nur rund 700.000 Fahrzeugen - bedingt durch die sinkende Diesel-Nachfrage und die Probleme bei der Umstellung auf das neue Verbrauchs- und Abgas-Prüfverfahren WLTP. In our region, the main plant at Wolfsburg is the only VW site where cars are made. The plants in Braunschweig and Salzgitter produce parts. An internal VW rule of thumb applies to Wolfsburg whereby 800,000 cars must be manufactured there each year so that the plant remains sufficiently profitable. However, production capacity in Wolfsburg was only about 700,000 vehicles in 2018 due to the falling demand for diesel and difficulties with conversion to the new WLTP fuel consumption and emission testing procedure. UEDIN.1066 As production director Tostmann announced last year, however, one million cars are to roll off the production line in Wolfsburg "perspectively". This should make the bundling of the golf production in the main plant possible - because the Zwickau plant delivers the golf production through the conversion to the location for the e-car production. Wie Produktionsvorstand Tostmann bereits im vergangenen Jahr angekündigt hat, sollen in Wolfsburg "perspektivisch" allerdings eine Million Autos vom Band rollen. Das soll die Bündelung der Golf-Produktion im Stammwerk möglich machen - weil das Werk Zwickau durch die Umrüstung zum Standort für die E-Auto-Produktion die Golf-Fertigung abgibt. Tostmann announced last year that one million cars should roll off the assembly line in Wolfsburg "in the future." That should allow Golf production to be focused in the main factory, as the Zwickau plant is being converted to electric car manufacture and will discontinue the manufacture of Golfs. UEDIN.1066 In addition, the SUV Tiguan and Tarraco (Seat) are produced in Wolfsburg. However, sales of Golf and Tiguan have recently declined. Therefore, expectations are now resting on the Gulf 8. Despite all efforts to build up e-mobility, it should remain the bread-and-butter car of the Wolfsburger for the time being. Außerdem werden in Wolfsburg die SUV Tiguan und Tarraco (Seat) produziert. Allerdings entwickelten sich die Verkaufszahlen von Golf und Tiguan zuletzt rückläufig. Daher ruhen die Erwartungen nun auf dem Golf 8. Er soll trotz aller Anstrengungen zum Aufbau der E-Mobilität vorerst das Brot-und-Butter-Auto der Wolfsburger bleiben. The SUV Tiguan and Tarraco (Seat) are also made in Wolfsburg, but sales of the Golf and Tiguan have been falling lately. So expectations now rest on the Golf 8. Despite all efforts to develop e-mobility, the Golf 8 is to remain the primary product of Wolfsburg for the moment. UEDIN.1066 Forced to prostitution with voodoo: traffickers convicted Mit Voodoo zur Prostitution gezwungen: Menschenhändler verurteilt Forced into prostitution by use of voodoo: Convicted human traffickers UEDIN.1066 Young women from Nigeria have been swore, smuggled into the Ruhr area and forced into prostitution. Six suspected traffickers have to go to prison for this. Junge Frauen aus Nigeria sind mit Schwüren belegt, ins Ruhrgebiet geschleust und zur Prostitution gezwungen worden. Sechs mutmaßliche Menschenhändler müssen dafür ins Gefängnis. Young women from Nigeria are made to take oaths, trafficked into the Ruhr area and forced them into prostitution work. Six presumed human traffickers have to go to prison. UEDIN.1066 Six suspected traffickers from Nigeria were sentenced to probation and imprisonment of up to eight years and three months in Bochum on Friday. The defendants had smuggled young women from Nigeria into the Ruhr area and forced them into prostitution. In order to force their obedience, the Nigerian women who wanted to leave the country had to take a ritual oath in front of a voodoo priest. Sechs mutmaßliche Menschenhändler aus Nigeria sind am Freitag in Bochum zu Bewährungs- und Haftstrafen von bis zu acht Jahren und drei Monaten verurteilt worden. Die Angeklagten hatten junge Frauen aus Nigeria ins Ruhrgebiet geschleust und zur Prostitution gezwungen. Um ihren Gehorsam zu erzwingen, hatten die ausreisewilligen Nigerianerinnen noch in der Heimat vor einem Voodoo-Priester einen rituellen Schwur ablegen müssen. On Friday in Bochum six presumed human traffickers from Nigeria were convicted to parole and prison terms of up to eight years and three months. The accused had smuggled young women from Nigeria into the Ruhr area and forced them into prostitution. In order to make them obey, the Nigerian women willing to leave their country had to take a ritual oaths with a voodoo priest in their homeland first. UEDIN.1066 The victims were between 17 and 22 years old. They were brought across the Mediterranean with the help of Libyan smugglers in inflatable boats. However, the dream of a better future did not come true. Arrived in Germany, they were distributed to various brothels in order to process the alleged smuggling costs of an average of 25,000 euros. The wages were therefore completely taken away from them. Die Opfer waren zwischen 17 und 22 Jahre alt. Sie wurden mit Hilfe von libyschen Schleusern in Schlauchbooten über das Mittelmeer gebracht. Der Traum von einer besseren Zukunft erfüllte sich jedoch nicht. In Deutschland angekommen, wurden sie auf verschiedene Bordelle verteilt, um die angeblichen Schleuserkosten von durchschnittlich 25 000 Euro abzuarbeiten. Der Lohn wurde ihnen deshalb komplett abgenommen. The victims were aged between 17 and 22 years old. They were brought across the Mediterranean Sea with the help of Libyan smugglers in inflatable boats. However, their dream of a better future did not come true. Once arrived in Germany, they were distributed to various brothels in order to work off the supposed trafficking costs of an average of 25,000 Euro. Their wage was therefore completely reduced. UEDIN.1066 The defendants - four men and two women - had admitted the infiltration and subsequent distribution of the young Nigerian women on brothels in the trial. "The work made it physically and mentally difficult for the women," said Judge Isabel Hoffmann at the verdict. "Some were really disgusted." Die Angeklagten - vier Männer und zwei Frauen - hatten das Einschleusen und die anschließende Verteilung der jungen Nigerianerinnen auf Bordelle im Prozess zugegeben. "Die Arbeit machte den Frauen körperlich und psychisch schwer zu schaffen", sagte Richterin Isabel Hoffmann bei der Urteilsverkündung. "Einige waren richtig angewidert". The accused, four men and two women, had admitted the trafficking and the subsequent distribution of the young Nigerians to brothels in court. "The work was physically and emotionally difficult to bear," Judge Isabel Hoffmann during the sentencing. "Some of them were really disgusted." UEDIN.1066 The verdicts are based on commercial and banal infiltration of foreigners, trafficking in human beings, pimping and severe forced prostitution. Die Urteile lauten auf gewerbs- und bandenmäßiges Einschleusen von Ausländern, Menschenhandel, Zuhälterei und schwere Zwangsprostitution. The judgements are for commercial and gang-based trafficking of foreigners, human trafficking, pimping and severe coerced prostitution. UEDIN.1066 Ufo calls for negotiations with Lufthansa Ufo fordert Verhandlungen mit Lufthansa UFO calls for negotiations with Lufthansa UEDIN.1066 FIm's ongoing dispute with the Lufthansa Group has once again threatened the flight attendant union Ufo with strikes. FIm Dauerstreit mit dem Lufthansa-Konzern hat die Flugbegleitergewerkschaft Ufo erneut mit Streiks gedroht. As the dispute with the Lufthansa Group goes on, the air steward union UFO has again threatened strikes. UEDIN.1066 If the company does not return to the negotiating table, the union "will inform about the industrial action in the LH Group on October 14," said Ufo tariff manager Daniel Flohr on Friday. Lufthansa and its subsidiary Eurowings have been refusing to negotiate collective agreements with Ufo for months. It is also a question of whether the union has legally terminated collective agreements with Lufthansa. Sollte das Unternehmen nicht an den Verhandlungstisch zurückkehren, werde die Gewerkschaft "am 14. Oktober über die Arbeitskampfmaßnahmen im LH-Konzern informieren", teilte Ufo-Tarifvorstand Daniel Flohr am Freitag mit. Lufthansa und ihre Tochter Eurowings lehnen es seit Monaten ab, mit der Ufo Tarifverhandlungen zu führen. Dabei geht es auch um die Frage, ob die Gewerkschaft Tarifverträge bei der Lufthansa rechtmäßig gekündigt hat. If the company does not return to the negotiating table, the labor union will "announce industrial action at the Lufthansa Group on October 14th," stated UFO vice-chairman Daniel Flohr on Friday. Lufthansa and its subsidiary Eurowings have for months refused to conduct wage negotiations with UFO. The question is whether the trade union has lawfully terminated collective negotiations with Lufthansa. UEDIN.1066 Following a decision by the Frankfurt Labour Court, Ufo now sees itself strengthened on this point. Lufthansa wanted to state that the collective agreements had not been terminated. The court rejected the requests. The company confirmed the decision and is considering appealing against it. "I think it's unlikely that a second court will see the matter completely differently," said Ufo board member Flohr. In diesem Punkt sieht sich Ufo nach einer Entscheidung des Arbeitsgerichtes Frankfurt nun gestärkt. Lufthansa wollte feststellen lassen, dass die Tarifverträge nicht gekündigt seien. Das Gericht wies die Anträge ab. Das Unternehmen bestätigte die Entscheidung und prüft, dagegen Rechtsmittel einzulegen. "Dass ein zweites Gericht die Sache völlig anders sieht, halte ich für unwahrscheinlich", sagte Ufo-Vorstand Flohr. UFO views its position as strengthened following a ruling by the Frankfurt Labor Court. Lufthansa wanted to establish that the collective negotiations had not been terminated. The court rejected its claims. The company acknowledged the ruling and is considering an appeal. "I consider it unlikely that a second court will view the situation in a completely different way," said Flohr. UEDIN.1066 In August, Lufthansa also filed an application with the Frankfurt Regional Labour Court to have the status of UFO as a trade union reviewed by the courts. The company argues that the union has not set up a representative board for months and is thus unable to fulfill its role as a collective bargaining partner. Im August hatte Lufthansa zudem einen Antrag beim Landesarbeitsgericht Frankfurt eingereicht, um den Status der Ufo als Gewerkschaft gerichtlich überprüfen lassen. Das Unternehmen argumentiert, die Gewerkschaft habe seit Monaten keinen vertretungsberechtigten Vorstand eingesetzt und sei damit nicht in der Lage, ihre Rolle als Tarifpartner auszufüllen. Lufthansa also filed a claim with the Frankfurt State Labor Court in August to subject the status of UFO as a trade union to judicial review. The company argues that the trade union has for months failed to appoint a board authorized to represent it and so is unable to fulfill its role as a collective agreement partner. UEDIN.1066 This was preceded by a fierce leadership dispute in the trade union, in the course of which numerous members of the board as well as the advisory board resigned, including the long-time union leader Nicoley Baublies. Due to doubts about its leadership, the UFO had suspended an already begun vote on strikes by the cabin crew at Eurowings at the end of July. Vorausgegangen war ein heftiger Führungsstreit in der Spartengewerkschaft, in dessen Verlauf zahlreiche Mitglieder des Vorstands wie auch des Beirates zurückgetreten sind, darunter der langjährige Gewerkschaftschef Nicoley Baublies. Die Ufo hatte wegen der Zweifel an ihrer Führung eine bereits begonnene Urabstimmung über Streiks des Kabinenpersonals bei Eurowings Ende Juli ausgesetzt. This was preceded by a fierce leadership dispute in the trade union during which numerous members of the executive and advisory boards resigned, including long-time union boss Nicoley Baublies. UFO had suspended an initial vote on strikes by cabin staff at Eurowings at the end of July due to the doubts about its leadership. UEDIN.1066 Facilitated entry: Saudi Arabia announces new visa system Erleichterte Einreise: Saudi-Arabien kündigt neues Visa-System an Simplified entry: Saudi Arabia announces new visa system UEDIN.1066 Until now, Saudi Arabia was not exactly known as an international tourist magnet. But that is about to change. The country on the Persian Gulf wants to introduce new visa regulations. Bis jetzt war Saudi Arabien nicht gerade als internationaler Touristen-Magnet bekannt. Doch das soll sich jetzt ändern. Das Land am Persischen Golf will neue Visa-Bestimmungen einführen. Until now, Saudi Arabia was not exactly known as an international tourist magnet. But that is about to change. The country on the Persian Gulf is seeking to introduce new visa requirements. UEDIN.1066 With a new visa system, Saudi Arabia wants to attract more international tourists in the future. According to the Tourism Commission, the aim is to increase the number of international and domestic visitors to 100 million per year by 2030. Mit einem neuen Visa-System will Saudi-Arabien künftigmehr internationale Touristen anziehen. Bis 2030 wolle man die Zahlder internationalen und heimischen Besucher auf 100 Millionen proJahr steigern, teilte die Tourismuskommission mit. With its new visa system, Saudi Arabia plans to attract more international tourists in the future. The goal is to increase the numbers of international and domestic visitors to 100 million per year by 2030, the Commission for Tourism explained. UEDIN.1066 "The opening of Saudi Arabia to international tourists is a historic moment for our country," said the chairman of the Tourism Commission, Ahmad Al-Chatib. "Die Öffnung Saudi Arabiens für internationale Touristen ist einhistorischer Augenblick für unser Land", sagte der Vorsitzende derTourismuskommission, Ahmad Al-Chatib. "Opening Saudi Arabia up to international tourism is a historic moment for our country," said Commission Chairman Ahmad Al-Chatib. UEDIN.1066 So far, Saudi Arabia has been difficult for tourists to access. Visas are usually only granted for short business trips, religious pilgrimages or visitors with relatives in the desert state. With the new rules, the arch-conservative kingdom hopes for more income from the tourism business. According to his own statement, Riyadh wants to reduce its dependence on the oil trade. Saudi-Arabien ist für Touristen bislang schwer zugänglich. Visawerden gewöhnlich nur für kurze Geschäftsreisen, religiösePilgerreisen oder Besucher mit Angehörigen in dem Wüstenstaatvergeben. Mit den neuen Regeln erhofft sich das erzkonservativeKönigreich mehr Einnahmen aus dem Tourismusgeschäft. Nach eigenerAussage will Riad seine Abhängigkeit vom Ölhandel reduzieren. Saudi Arabia has been difficult for tourists to access in the past. Visas are normally only approved for short business trips or religious pilgrimages, or for visitors with relatives in the desert nation. With the new rules, the ultraconservative kingdom hopes to generate additional income from the tourist industry. According to its own statement, Riad wants to reduce its dependence on the oil trade. UEDIN.1066 In mid-September, several rockets and drones hit two of the most important oil facilities in eastern Saudi Arabia: the country's largest oil refinery in Abkaik and the Churais oil field. As a result, the national oil production collapsed drastically, the oil price shots skyrocketed. It is likely to take several weeks for the kingdom's oil production to return to its old level. Mitte September hatten mehrere Raketen und Drohnen zwei derwichtigsten Ölanlagen im Osten Saudi-Arabiens getroffen: die größteÖlraffinerie des Landes in Abkaik sowie das Ölfeld Churais. In derFolge brach die nationale Ölproduktion drastisch ein, die Ölpreiseschossen in die Höhe. Es dürfte mehrere Wochen dauern, bis dieÖlproduktion des Königreichs wieder ihr altes Niveau erreicht. In September, two of the most important oil facilities in Eastern Saudi Arabia were struck by multiple rockets: the largest oil refinery in the country in Abqaiq as well as the Khurais oil field. As a consequence, domestic oil production fell drastically and oil prices shot up. It will take several weeks for oil production in the kingdom to reach its previous level. UEDIN.1066 Justin and Hailey Bieber in preparation for wedding party Justin und Hailey Bieber stecken in Vorbereitungen für Hochzeitsfest Justin and Hailey Bieber in the midst of wedding preparations UEDIN.1066 Singer Justin Bieber (25) and his wife Hailey (22) are preparing for their wedding party. The model posted several party photos on Thursday (local time) in her Instagram stories, on which she can be seen in the white wedding look. According to the People magazine, reality star Kendall Jenner (23) and others had organized a bachelor party in Los Angeles. Sänger Justin Bieber (25) und seine Frau Hailey (22) bereiten sich auf ihr Hochzeitsfest vor. Das Model postete am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) in ihren Instagram Stories mehrere Partyfotos, auf denen sie im weißen Hochzeitslook zu sehen ist. Reality-Star Kendall Jenner (23) und andere hatten dem People-Magazin zufolge einen Junggesellinnenabschied in Los Angeles organisiert. Singer Justin Bieber (25) and his wife Hailey (22) are preparing their wedding. In her Instagram stories, the model posted several party photos featuring her wedding look on Thursday (local time). Reality star Kendall Jenner (23) and others threw her a bachelorette party in Los Angeles, according to People magazine. UEDIN.1066 Justin posted several colorful, banana-printed suits on Instagram and asked his followers, "Help me choose my smoking for the wedding." According to media reports, the celebrity couple wants to marry churches next weekend. Justin postete mehrere bunte, unter anderem mit Bananen bedruckte Anzüge auf Instagram und bat seine Anhänger: "Helft mir, meinen Smoking für die Hochzeit zu wählen". Medienberichten zufolge will das Promi-Paar am kommenden Wochenende kirchlich heiraten. Justin posted several colorful suits, one of which featured a banana print, and wrote: "Help me choose my tuxedo for the wedding". According to media reports, the celebrity couple will be getting married in a church this weekend. UEDIN.1066 A year ago, the Biebers gave themselves the yes word in a New York registry office. There had been no major celebration at that time. Die Biebers haben sich vor einem Jahr in einem New Yorker Standesamt das Ja-Wort gegeben. Ein größeres Fest hatte es damals nicht gegeben. The Biebers said yes a year ago in a New York registry office. There had been no large wedding party at the time. UEDIN.1066 In an interview with Australian Vogue, Hailey recently explained that the two had found a common level after initial problems: "If you don't want to compromise, you can't have a relationship." In einem Interview mit der australischen Vogue erklärte Hailey kürzlich, dass die beiden nach anfänglichen Problemen eine gemeinsame Ebene gefunden hätten: "Wenn du keine Kompromisse eingehen willst, kannst du keine Beziehung führen". In a recent interview with Vogue Australia, Hailey explained that they were on the same page after the initial issues: "If you´re not ready to compromise, you cannot be in a relationship". UEDIN.1066 Two dead in a plane crash in the Czech Republic Zwei Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz in Tschechien Airplane Crash in the Czech Republic Kills Two UEDIN.1066 Two people were killed in the crash of a small aircraft in the west of the Czech Republic. The wreck was discovered on Friday in a wooded area near the city of Mecin (Metchin), the police said. The dead were a 38-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man. Zwei Menschen sind beim Absturz eines Kleinflugzeugs im Westen Tschechiens ums Leben gekommen. Das Wrack sei am Freitag in einem Waldgebiet bei der Stadt Mecin (Metschin) entdeckt worden, teilte die Polizei mit. Bei den Toten handele es sich um eine 38 Jahre alte Frau und einen 64 Jahre alten Mann. Two people have died in a small airplane crash in the western Czech Republic. According to the police, the wreckage was discovered on Friday in a forested area near the city of Měčín. The victims were a 38-year-old woman and 64-year-old man. UEDIN.1066 The authorities had been searching for the machine since Thursday evening, after the crew had sent an emergency signal via GPS. A military helicopter was also used in the search. The cause of the accident has yet to be determined. The crash site is located about 30 kilometers south of Pilsen (Plzen) and 100 kilometers northeast of Regensburg. Die Behörden hatten seit Donnerstagabend nach der Maschine gesucht, nachdem die Besatzung per GPS ein Notsignal abgegeben hatte. Bei der Suche war auch ein Militärhubschrauber im Einsatz. Die Unglücksursache muss noch ermittelt werden. Der Absturzort liegt rund 30 Kilometer südlich von Pilsen (Plzen) und 100 Kilometer nordöstlich von Regensburg. The authorities had searched for the machine since Thursday evening after the crew issued an emergency signal via GPS. The search also involved a military helicopter. The cause of the accident has yet to be determined. The crash site is located around 30 kilometers south of Plzeň and 100 kilometers northeast of Regensburg. UEDIN.1066 Half of European tree species are threatened with extinction Die Hälfte der europäischen Baumarten ist vom Aussterben bedroht Half of European Tree Varieties are Threatened with Extinction UEDIN.1066 In addition to pests, diseases, alien species, unsustainable logging and the growth of cities are also causes of the threat, reported the World Conservation Union (IUCN) in Brussels on Friday. It has examined the stocks of all 454 tree species known in Europe, 265 of which do not occur on any other continent. Of these 265, 58 percent are threatened. 66 are already at the highest level of danger and thus are on the verge of extinction. Neben Schädlingen seien auch Krankheiten, gebietsfremde Arten, nicht nachhaltiger Holzschlag und das Wachstum der Städte Ursachen für die Bedrohung, berichtete die Weltnaturschutzunion IUCN am Freitag in Brüssel. Sie hat die Bestände von allen in Europa bekannten 454 Baumarten untersucht. 265 davon kommen auf keinem anderen Kontinent vor. Von diesen 265 seien 58 Prozent bedroht. 66 stünden bereits auf der höchsten Stufe der Gefährdung und damit vor dem Aussterben. Causes for the threat include pests, disease, nonindigenous species, unsustainable deforestation, and the growth of cities, reported the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on Friday in Brussels. They studied each of the 454 known species of trees in Europe. Of those, 265 are endemic to continental Europe. And of those 265, 58 percent are in danger. Sixty-six are already at the highest threat level and therefore face extinction. UEDIN.1066 The IUCN divides endangered species into six categories: from "potentially endangered" to "dangerous", "highly endangered", "threatened by extinction" and "extinct in nature" to "extinct". In total, it lists more than 28,000 animal and plant species worldwide as endangered. Die IUCN teilt gefährdete Arten in sechs Kategorien ein: von "potenziell gefährdet" über "gefährdet", "stark gefährdet", "vom Aussterben bedroht" und "in der Natur ausgestorben" bis "ausgestorben". Insgesamt listet sie weltweit mehr als 28.000 Tier- und Pflanzenarten als gefährdet. The IUCN divides threatened species into six categories: NT (near threatened); VU (vulnerable); EN (endangered); CR (critically endangered); EW (extinct in the wild); and EX (extinct). In all, it lists more than 28,000 plant and animal species worldwide as threatened. UEDIN.1066 Boarsh and wild horse chestnut threatened Eberesche und wilde Rosskastanie bedroht Mountain Ash and Wild Horse-Chestnut Threatened UEDIN.1066 In Germany, Ebereschen (Sorbus) in particular is threatened, said one of the authors, David Allen, of the German Press Agency. "Most are threatened because the populations are small anyway or by the transformation or weakening of their habitats". In Deutschland seien vor allem Ebereschen (Sorbus) bedroht, sagte einer der Autoren, David Allen, der Deutschen Presse Agentur. "Die meisten sind bedroht, weil die Populationen sowieso klein sind oder durch die Umwandlung oder Schwächung ihrer Lebensräume". David Allen, one of the authors, told the German press agency (DPA) that the biggest threat in Germany is to the Mountain Ash (Sorbus). "Most are threatened because the populations are small anyway, or through the conversion or weakening of their habitats." UEDIN.1066 It also looks bad for the wild ordinary horse chestnuts. They have been considered "dangerous" since 2017, level two of the IUCN scale. The biggest threat besides a mushroom is the Balkan miner motte. It has spread from south-eastern Europe across the continent since the 1980s and has hardly any natural enemies. IUCN estimates the number of wild horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum) in Europe to be less than 10,000. The trees in cities, parks and avenues are not taken into account in this assessment. Schlecht sieht es auch für die wilden Gewöhnlichen Rosskastanien aus. Sie gelten seit 2017 als "gefährdet", Stufe zwei der IUCN-Skala. Größte Bedrohung stelle neben einem Pilz die Balkan-Miniermotte dar. Sie breitet sich seit den 1980er Jahren von Südosteuropa über den ganzen Kontinent aus und hat kaum natürliche Feinde. IUCN schätzt die Zahl der wilden Rosskastanien (Aesculus hippocastanum) in Europa auf weniger als 10.000 Exemplare. Nicht berücksichtigt bei dieser Beurteilung sind die Bäume in Städten, Parks und Alleen. It also looks bad for the common wild horse-chestnut. Since 2017, it has been classified as "vulnerable," step two on the IUCN scale. The greatest threats are posed by a fungus and the Balkan leaf-mining moth. Since the 1980s, it has spread from southeast Europe over the entire continent and has hardly any natural enemies. IUCN estimates the number of wild horse-chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum) in Europe at less than 10,000. This assessment does not consider trees in cities, parks, or avenues. UEDIN.1066 Shrub species and mosses also in danger Straucharten und Moose ebenfalls in Gefahr Shrub Species and Mosses Also in Danger UEDIN.1066 At the same time, the IUCN scientists created new European red lists for molluscs, shrubs and mosses. According to the IUCN, more than one fifth of molluscs and mosses and almost half of all shrub species are threatened. This is mainly due to the destruction of the wilderness, introduced species, agricultural practices and climate change. Molluscs such as snails played a key role in the recycling of nutrients in the soil and are an important source of food for birds and other animals. Die IUCN-Wissenschaftler erstellten gleichzeitig neue europäische Rote Listen für Weichtiere, Sträucher und Moose. Mehr als ein Fünftel der Weichtiere und Moose und fast die Hälfte aller Straucharten seien bedroht, so die IUCN. Das liege vor allem an der Zerstörung der Wildnis, an eingeschleppten Arten, Agrarpraktiken und dem Klimawandel. Weichtiere wie Schnecken spielten eine Schlüsselrolle beim Recyceln von Nährstoffen im Boden und seien eine wichtige Nahrungsquelle für Vögel und andere Tiere. At the same time, the IUCN scientists are compiling new European red lists for mollusks, shrubs, and mosses. More than one-fifth of mollusks and mosses and almost half of all shrub species are threatened, according to the IUCN. This is primarily due to the destruction of the wilderness, the introduction of foreign species, agricultural practices, and climate change. Mollusks such as snails played a key role in recycling nutrients in the soil and are an important source of food for birds and other animals. UEDIN.1066 "This report shows that the situation is precarious for many overlooked and underestimated species, species that form the backbone of the European ecosystem and contribute to a healthy planet," said Luc Bas, IUCN Director of the European Bureau. "We must limit the impact of humans on our ecosystems and make the protection of these species a priority." "Dieser Bericht zeigt, dass die Lage für viele übersehene und unterschätzte Arten prekär ist, Arten, die das Rückgrat des europäischen Ökosystems bilden und zu einem gesunden Planeten beitragen", sagte Luc Bas, IUCN-Direktor des Europa-Büros. "Wir müssen die Auswirkungen des Menschen auf unsere Ökosysteme begrenzen und den Schutz dieser Arten zur Priorität machen". "This report shows that the situation for overlooked and underestimated species is precarious: species that form the backbone of the European ecological system and contribute to a healthy planet," said Luc Bas, Director of the European Regional Office of IUCN. "We must limit the effect people have on our ecosystem and make protecting these species a priority." UEDIN.1066 Earthquake off Istanbul: 34 injured reported Erdbeben vor Istanbul: 34 Verletzte gemeldet Earthquake in Istanbul: 34 Casualties Reported UEDIN.1066 34 people were injured in the recent earthquake in Turkey. According to the data, there were no deaths. Dozens of people had to leave their homes, 14 schools in Istanbul had been closed for security reasons, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Friday. Beim jüngsten Erdbeben in der Türkei sind 34 Personen verletzt worden. Tote gab es laut den Angaben nicht. Dutzende von Menschen hätten ihre Häuser verlassen müssen, 14 Schulen in Istanbul seien aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen worden, sagte der türkische Vizepräsident Fuat Oktay am Freitag. Thirty-four people were injured in the recent earthquake in Turkey. No fatalities were reported. Dozens had to leave their homes, and 14 schools in Istanbul are reportedly closed for security reasons, said Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay on Friday. UEDIN.1066 Hundreds of buildings were damaged. Since the earthquake the day before, there have been almost 200 aftershocks. The earthquake of magnitude 5.8 had shaken the marble region off Istanbul on Thursday and caused panic in the metropolis of millions. Hunderte von Gebäuden wurden demnach beschädigt. Seit dem Beben am Vortag habe es fast 200 Nachbeben gegeben. Das Erdbeben der Stärke 5,8 hatte am Donnerstag die Marmararegion vor Istanbul erschüttert und Panik in der Millionenmetropole ausgelöst. According to his account, hundreds of buildings were damaged. Since the quake the day before, there were reportedly almost 200 aftershocks. On Thursday, the 5.8 magnitude earthquake devastated the Marmara Region, which includes Istanbul, and triggered panic in the metropolis with its millions of inhabitants. UEDIN.1066 Now the government wants to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. In the past 20 years Turkey has not been sufficiently prepared for earthquakes, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. Nun wolle die Regierung eine Kommission einsetzen, um das Land künftig besser auf Erdbeben vorzubereiten, kündigte Oktay an. In den vergangenen 20 Jahren sei die Türkei nicht ausreichend auf Beben vorbereitet gewesen, sagte Istanbuls Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu. Now the government wants to employ a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. Turkey has been ill-prepared for earthquakes for 20 years, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. UEDIN.1066 Istanbul is considered to be particularly vulnerable to earthquakes. Below the Sea of Marmara is a section of the so-called North Anatolian Disorder, which marks the boundary between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates. Istanbul gilt als besonders erdbebengefährdet. Unter dem Marmarameer liegt ein Abschnitt der sogenannten Nordanatolischen Störung, die die Grenze zwischen der eurasischen und der anatolischen Erdplatte markiert. Istanbul is especially prone to earthquakes. A section of the North Anatolian Fault, which marks the border between the European and Anatolian Plates, runs beneath the Sea of Marmara. UEDIN.1066 One of the heaviest quakes was one of the magnitude 7.6 in 1999 near Istanbul. The epicentre was then in Gölcük southeast of Istanbul. More than 17,000 people were killed. Eines der schwersten Beben war eines der Stärke 7,6 im Jahr 1999 in der Nähe Istanbuls. Das Epizentrum lag damals in Gölcük südöstlich Istanbuls. Mehr als 17 000 Menschen kamen ums Leben. One of the most severe earthquakes happened near Istanbul in 1999 and had a 7.6 magnitude. The epicenter was located in Gölcük, southeast of Istanbul. More than 17,000 people lost their lives. UEDIN.1066 Already on Tuesday, a quake of magnitude 4.6 had shaken the region around Istanbul. The authorities called on the residents to stay away from damaged buildings. Bereits am Dienstag hatte ein Beben der Stärke 4,6 die Region um Istanbul erschüttert. Die Behörden riefen die Einwohner auf, beschädigten Gebäuden fernzubleiben. On Tuesday, a magnitude 4.6 earthquake shook the region surrounding Istanbul. The authorities called on residents to keep away from damaged buildings. UEDIN.1066 Super Bowl 2020: Jennifer Lopez (JLo) and Shakira perform in the half-time show spiegel.103151 Super Bowl 2020: Jennifer Lopez (JLo) und Shakira treten in der Halbzeitshow auf Super Bowl 2020: Jennifer Lopez (JLo) and Shakira to appear in the half-time show UEDIN.1066 Latin pop singers Jennifer Lopez and Shakira will lead the half-time show of the next American football final Super Bowl. The singers announced this on Twitter. "It won't get bigger," Shakira wrote to a photo of herself and Lopez. She is incredibly excited to be on the Super Bowl stage. On February 2, 2020, the time will come in Miami. spiegel.103151 Die Latin-Pop-Sängerinnen Jennifer Lopez und Shakira werden die Halbzeitshow des nächsten American-Football-Finals Super Bowl anführen. Das gaben die Sängerinnen bei Twitter bekannt. "Größer wird es nicht", schrieb Shakira zu einem Foto von sich und Lopez. Sie sei wahnsinnig aufgeregt, auf der Super-Bowl-Bühne zu stehen. Am 2. Februar 2020 wird es in Miami soweit sein. The Latina pop singers Jennifer Lopez and Shakira will perform the half-time show of the next American Football Finals Super Bowl. This was announced by the singers on Twitter "It doesn't get bigger than this," Shakira wrote next to a photograph of herself and Lopez. She is really nervous about standing on the Super Bowl stage. This will take place in Miami on February 2nd, 2020. UEDIN.1066 Jennifer Lopez explained that she had dreamed of appearing at the Super Bowl since 1996 - at that time she saw Diana Ross flying into the sky at the half-time show. "Now it's even more special because the NFL is 100 years old and I'm going to perform with another Latina." She couldn't wait to "show what we girls can do on the biggest stage in the world." spiegel.103151 Jennifer Lopez erklärte, sie habe seit 1996 davon geträumt, beim Super Bowl aufzutreten - damals habe sie Diana Ross bei der Halbzeitshow in den Himmel fliegen sehen. "Jetzt ist es noch besonderer, weil die NFL 100 Jahre besteht und ich mit einer anderen Latina performen werde". Sie könne es kaum erwarten "zu zeigen, was wir Mädchen auf der größten Bühne der Welt tun können". Jennifer Lopez explained that in 1996 she dreamed about making an appearance at the Super Bowl—in those days she saw Diana Ross fly into the sky at the half-time show. "Now it's even more special, because the NFL is 100 years old and I will be performing with another Latina. She can't wait to "show what we girls are capable of on the biggest stage in the world." UEDIN.1066 Shakira pointed out in a statement that she felt honored to stand alongside another artist on one of the largest stages in the world and to represent Latinos and Latinas from the USA and the whole world. "And then on my birthday!" The main sponsor of the event wrote on Twitter that it was the first time that the two "Queens" stood together on a stage. spiegel.103151 Shakira wies in einer Erklärung darauf hin, sie fühle sich geehrt, neben einer weiteren Künstlerin auf einer der größten Bühnen weltweit zu stehen und Latinos und Latinas aus den USA und der gesamten Welt zu repräsentieren. "Und dann auch noch an meinem Geburtstag!" Der Hauptsponsor der Veranstaltung schrieb auf Twitter, es sei das erste Mal, dass die beiden "Königinnen" gemeinsam auf einer Bühne stehen. Shakira indicated in a statement that she felt honored to stand next to another artist on one of the biggest stages worldwide, representing Latinos and Latinas from the USA and the whole world. "And it's even going to be on my birthday!" The main sponsor of the event wrote on Twitter that it is the first time that both "queens" are on a stage together. UEDIN.1066 Shakira comes from Colombia. Jennifer Lopez was born in New York, her parents are from Puerto Rico. spiegel.103151 Shakira stammt aus Kolumbien. Jennifer Lopez wurde in New York geboren, ihre Eltern kommen aus Puerto Rico. Shakira comes from Colombia. Jennifer Lopez was born in New York, her parents are from Puerto Rico. UEDIN.1066 Fight against falling audience numbers spiegel.103151 Kampf gegen sinkende Zuschauerzahlen Battle against sinking audience figures. UEDIN.1066 The Super Bowl is the highlight of the American football season. The game and the half-time show are among the most watched TV broadcasts in the USA. Even if you've recently dropped audience numbers, this February the spectacle in the US attracted the fewest viewers in more than ten years. Nevertheless, there were still almost a hundred million people on average. spiegel.103151 Der Super Bowl ist der Höhepunkt der American-Football-Saison. Das Spiel und die Halbzeitshow gehören zu den meistgesehenen TV-Übertragungen der USA. Auch wenn du Zuschauerzahlen zuletzt gesunken sind: In diesem Februar lockte das Spektakel in den USA die wenigsten Zuschauer seit mehr als zehn Jahren an. Trotzdem waren es immer noch fast hundert Millionen Menschen im Schnitt. The Super Bowl is the height of the American Football Season. The game and the half-time show are among the most watched TV broadcasts in the USA. Even if you have decreased audience numbers: This February, the spectacle lured the least viewers in the USA in over ten years. There were still nearly a hundred million viewers on average. UEDIN.1066 There had been a stir in the run-up to the half-time show of the last Super Bowl: According to media reports, top stars such as Rihanna, Pink and Cardi B did not want to appear in the dispute over the handling of Quarterback Colin Kaepernick last February. Finally, the pop group Maroon 5 led the half-time show - the reviews were not very friendly. spiegel.103151 Um die Halbzeitshow des vergangenen Super Bowl hatte es im Vorfeld Aufruhr gegeben: Im Streit um den Umgang mit Quarterback Colin Kaepernick wollten im vergangenen Februar Medienberichten zufolge Topstars wie Rihanna, Pink and Cardi B nicht auftreten. Schließlich führte die Popgruppe Maroon 5 die Halbzeitshow an - die Kritiken waren wenig freundlich. There had been turmoil in advance of the show of the past Super Bowl half-time show. In the dispute over how quarterback Colin Kaepernick was treated, the previous February according to media reports, pop stars like Rihanna, Pink and Cardi B did not want to appear. Eventually the pop group Maroon 5 opened the half time show—reviews were not very friendly. UEDIN.1066 Kaepernick, then Quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, had gone to his knees in the 2016/17 season before NFL games at the national anthem in protest against police violence and racism. With his protest Kaepernick triggered a movement, numerous players took over the gesture. This caused great excitement, US President Donald Trump attacked the mostly African American football stars sharply. Kaepernick himself has been without a club since March 2017 and has not played an NFL game anymore. He accuses the clubs of not wanting to hire him for political reasons. spiegel.103151 Kaepernick, damals Quarterback der San Francisco 49ers, war in der Spielzeit 2016/17 vor NFL-Spielen bei der Nationalhymne aus Protest gegen Polizeigewalt und Rassismus auf die Knie gegangen. Mit seinem Protest löste Kaepernick eine Bewegung aus, zahlreiche Spieler übernahmen die Geste. Das sorgte für große Aufregung, US-Präsident Donald Trump attackierte die meist afroamerikanischen Football-Stars scharf. Kaepernick selbst ist seit März 2017 vereinslos und hat keine NFL-Partie mehr bestritten. Er wirft den Vereinen vor, ihn aus politischen Gründen nicht anheuern zu wollen. Kaepernick, who used to be quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers had gone down on his knees before the 2016/17 NFL playing of the national anthem in protest against police violence and racism. Kaepernick started a movement with his protest, countless players joining in the gesture. This caused big excitement, US president Donald Trump fiercely criticizing the mainly Afro-American football stars. Kaepernick himself has been without a club since March 2017 and has not played another NFL game. He accuses the clubs of not wanting to hire him for political reasons. UEDIN.1066 Cook bankruptcy: hotels get money from insurance Cook-Pleite: Hotels bekommen Geld von der Versicherung Cook bankruptcy: Hotels receive money from insurance UEDIN.1066 According to a press report, some banks are likely to pay dearly for the bankruptcy of travel provider Thomas Cook. There is a risk of high write-downs on outstanding bonds and loans. Credit Suisse is also affected, writes the Financial Times in its Friday issue. Einige Banken dürfte die Pleite des Reiseanbieters Thomas Cook laut einem Pressebericht teuer zu stehen kommen. Es drohen hohe Abschreibungen auf ausstehenden Anleihen und Krediten. Davon betroffen sei auch die Credit Suisse, schreibt die "Financial Times" in ihrer Ausgabe vom Freitag. According to a press report, the bankruptcy of travel agency Thomas Cook will be costly for some banks. There is a risk of enormous write-offs on outstanding bonds and loans. Credit Suisse will also be affected by this, writes the Financial Times in its Friday edition. UEDIN.1066 According to the report, banks such as Barclays, Morgan Stanley, UniCredit and Credit Suisse would probably have to write down a total of up to 1.8 billion British pounds (around 2 billion euros) on their books. This would have been shown by estimates of the consulting firm AlixPartners. Banken wie Barclays, Morgan Stanley, UniCredit oder die Credit Suisse müssten auf ihren Büchern wohl insgesamt Abschreibungen im Umfang von bis zu 1,8 Milliarden britische Pfund (rund 2 Mrd. Euro) vornehmen, so der Bericht. Das hätten Schätzungen des Beratungsunternehmens AlixPartners gezeigt. Banks like Barclays, Morgan Stanley, UniCredit, or Credit Suisse would have to write off a total of up to £1.8 billion (around €2 billion) from their books, the report says. This was indicated in estimates from consulting company AlixPartners. UEDIN.1066 The creditors of bonds would have to accept write-downs of 900 million to 1 billion pounds and the lenders between 550 and 825 million pounds. The actual amounts to be written off are likely to be at the upper end of the bandwidths, an expert told the paper. Die Gläubiger von Anleihen müssten dabei Abschreibungen von 900 Mio. bis 1 Milliarde Pfund und die Kreditgeber zwischen 550 und 825 Mio. Pfund in Kauf nehmen. Die tatsächlich abzuschreibenden Beträge dürften dabei eher am oberen Ende der Bandbreiten zu liegen kommen, sagte ein Experte dem Blatt. Bond creditors would have to accept write-offs of between £900 million to £1 billion and lenders of between £550 and £825 million. The amounts to be actually written off are more likely to be at the upper end of the range, an expert told the paper. UEDIN.1066 How large the losses of the creditors will actually be in the end will become apparent after the insolvency proceedings have expired. A person close to this procedure did not spark too much hope. For example, Thomas Cook's approximately 40 aircraft in the UK are "old" and many of the properties are in poor locations. The most money could probably be obtained with the sale of the airport slots as well as the brand Thomas Cook, it was further said. Wie groß die Verluste der Gläubiger am Ende tatsächlich sein werden, wird sich nach Ablauf des Insolvenzverfahrens zeigen. Eine diesem Verfahren nahe stehende Person versprühte nicht allzu viel Hoffnung. So seien beispielsweise die rund 40 Flugzeuge von Thomas Cook in Großbritannien "alt" und viele der Immobilien seien in schlechten Lagen. Am meisten Geld könne man wohl mit dem Verkauf der Flughafen-Slots sowie der Marke Thomas Cook herausholen, hieß es weiter. The scale of the losses for creditors will be evident after the insolvency proceedings. A person close to the proceedings did not offer much hope. For example, the 40 aircraft owned by Thomas Cook in Great Britain were "old" and much of the properties are in poor condition. The most money could be gleaned by selling the airport slots and removing the Thomas Cook label, they added. UEDIN.1066 Rackete allegedly brought alleged murderers to Italy Rackete soll mutmaßliche Mörder nach Italien gebracht haben Rackete alleged to have brought suspected murderers to Italy UEDIN.1066 Sea Watch captain Carola Rackete may have brought men to Italy who are said to have tortured and killed people in Libya. "We can't rule this out, but we don't have any reliable information about it," said the spokesman for the refugee organization Sea-Watch, Ruben Neugebauer, the news agency dpa. Die Sea-Watch-Kapitänin Carola Rackete hat möglicherweise Männer nach Italien gebracht, die in Libyen Menschen gefoltert und umgebracht haben sollen. "Wir können das nicht ausschließen, haben aber selbst keine gesicherten Informationen dazu", sagte der Sprecher der Flüchtlingsorganisation Sea-Watch, Ruben Neugebauer, der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. Sea Watch captain Carola Rackete may have brought men to Italy who are alleged to have tortured and murdered people in Libya. "We cannot rule it out, but we have no precise information," the spokesman for the refugee organization Sea Watch, Ruben Neugebauer, said to news agency dpa. UEDIN.1066 Other migrants would have recognized the three men in Italy. They are accused of having raped, tortured and killed people in Libya. The alleged perpetrators were arrested in the reception camp in Messina, Italy. Neugebauer stressed that the refugee organizations could not check who they left on their ships. "They come without passports". Andere Migranten hätten die drei Männer in Italien wiedererkannt. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, in Libyen Menschen vergewaltigt, gefoltert und getötet zu haben. Die mutmaßlichen Täter seien in dem Aufnahmelager im italienischen Messina verhaftet worden. Neugebauer betonte, die Flüchtlingsorganisationen könnten nicht überprüfen, wen sie auf ihre Schiffe ließen. "Die kommen ohne Pässe". The three men were recognized by other migrants in Italy. They were accused of having raped, tortured, and killed people in Libya. The suspects were arrested at the reception center in Messina, Italy. Neugebauer stressed that the refugee organization was unable to verify who they allowed to board their ships. "They come without passports." UEDIN.1066 Carola Rackete had illegally taken migrants to the port of Lampedusa on 29 June, ramming a ship belonging to the Italian financial police. On that day, the three suspects are said to have arrived there. The captain is under investigation for aiding illegal immigration. Carola Rackete hatte am 29. Juni illegal Migranten in den Hafen von Lampedusa gebracht und dabei ein Schiff der italienischen Finanzpolizei gerammt. An dem Tag sollen auch die drei Verdächtigen dort angekommen sein. Gegen die Kapitänin laufen Ermittlungen wegen Beihilfe zu illegaler Einwanderung. Carola Rackete brought illegal migrants into the port of Lampedusa on June 29, ramming an Italian Financial Guard ship in the process. The three suspects are said to have arrived there that day. The captain is under investigation for aiding and abetting illegal immigration. UEDIN.1066 USA warns federal government against Huawei USA warnen Bundesregierung vor Huawei United States warns German government about Huawei UEDIN.1066 The head of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, has warned the federal government not to trust the Chinese network supplier Huawei. Der Chef der US-Internetbehörde Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, hat die Bundesregierung davor gewarnt, dem chinesischen Netzwerkausrüster Huawei zu vertrauen. The head of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, has warned the German government not to trust the Chinese network equipment provider Huawei. UEDIN.1066 We believe that the risks are too great," Pai told the "Handelsblatt" with a view to setting up the new 5G mobile network. Wir glauben, dass die Risiken zu groß sind", sagte Pai dem "Handelsblatt" mit Blick auf den Aufbau des neuen 5G-Mobilfunknetzes. "We consider the risks too great", Pai told Handelsblatt newspaper regarding the expansion of the new 5G cellular network. UEDIN.1066 China has a "national security law" that obliges every company "under Chinese jurisdiction" to follow instructions from the security authorities. China habe ein "nationales Sicherheitsgesetz", das jedes Unternehmen "unter chinesische Rechtsprechung" verpflichte, Anweisungen der Sicherheitsorgane zu befolgen. China, he said, has a "national security law" under which every company "under Chinese jurisdiction" is obliged to obey instructions from security authorities. UEDIN.1066 The applicable law also prohibits companies from informing third parties about such requests," the FCC CEO continued. This makes it very difficult to have confidence in the integrity of technical equipment and services. Das geltende Recht verbietet es den Unternehmen zudem, Dritte über solche Anfragen zu informieren", so der FCC-Chef weiter. Dies mache es sehr schwer, Vertrauen in die Integrität technischer Ausrüstung und Dienstleistungen zu haben. Furthermore, the applicable law prohibits companies from informing third parties about such enquiries, the FCC chairman continued. That makes it very difficult to trust the integrity of technical equipment and services. UEDIN.1066 In the meantime, the Federal Government has agreed to demand a "declaration of trust" from suppliers. Die Bundesregierung hat sich inzwischen darauf verständigt, von Lieferanten eine "Vertrauenswürdigkeitserklärung" zu verlangen. Meanwhile, the federal government has agreed to demand a "declaration of integrity" from suppliers. UEDIN.1066 Berlin first wants to try to control the risks, for example with technical solutions, reports the "Handelsblatt" with reference to its own information. Berlin wolle zunächst versuchen, die Risiken zu kontrollieren, etwa mit technischen Lösungen, berichtet das "Handelsblatt" unter Berufung auf eigene Informationen. Berlin first wants to try to contain the risks through measures such as technical solutions, reported Handelsblatt, citing its own sources. UEDIN.1066 Pai doubts that this is possible. The 5G technology does not only consist of the hardware: Pai bezweifelt, dass dies möglich sei. Die 5G-Technologie bestehe nicht nur aus der Hardware: Pai doubts that this is possible. 5G technology consists of more than just hardware: UEDIN.1066 Especially the software is important to keep the devices up to date. This software consists of billions of lines of program code that change over time," said Pai. Gerade die Software ist wichtig, um die Geräte auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Diese Software besteht aus Milliarden Zeilen von Programmcode, die sich mit der Zeit verändern", sagte Pai. The software itself is important for keeping devices up to date. "This software consists of millions of lines of program code which change over time," said Pai. UEDIN.1066 It is "very difficult to imagine" that a government agency, "no matter where, would be able to check every single update in real time to detect security risks," the FCC chief continued. Es falle "sehr schwer, sich vorzustellen", dass eine Regierungsbehörde, "egal wo, in der Lage wäre, jedes einzelne Update in Echtzeit zu überprüfen, um Sicherheitsrisiken aufzuspüren", so der FCC-Chef weiter. "It is very difficult to imagine a government authority anywhere being able to check each update in real time in order to detect security risks," Pai continued. UEDIN.1066 He accuses the Chinese company Huawei of close contacts with the Chinese state apparatus: Dem chinesischen Konzern Huawei wirft er enge Kontakte zum chinesischen Staatsapparat vor: He accuses the Chinese corporation of having close contacts with the Chinese state apparatus. UEDIN.1066 The ownership is opaque. The employee company that supposedly owns the company is not necessarily independent of the government," Pai told the "Handelsblatt." Die Besitzverhältnisse sind undurchsichtig. Die Mitarbeitergesellschaft, der angeblich das Unternehmen gehört, ist nicht unbedingt unabhängig von der Regierung", sagte Pai dem "Handelsblatt". Ownership of the company is unclear. The employee association, which allegedly belongs to the company, is not necessarily independent of the government, Pai told Handelsblatt. UEDIN.1066 The US has evidence that government employees are placed within the company. Pai was recently in Berlin for talks to promote the position of the United States. Den USA lägen Erkenntnisse vor, nach denen Regierungsmitarbeiter innerhalb des Unternehmens platziert seien. Pai war kürzlich für Gespräche in Berlin, um für die Position der USA zu werben. The United States has information that government employees have been placed in the company. Pai was in Berlin recently to promote the US position. UEDIN.1066 Chemical factory in northern France burns: schools closed yahoo-de.127774 Chemiefabrik in Nordfrankreich brennt: Schulen geschlossen Fire in chemical factory in northern France: Schools closed UEDIN.1066 At night, residents hear explosions. A gigantic fire wall illuminates the sky above a northern French chemical factory. The fire is extinguished after hours - but the clean-up work could now take days. yahoo-de.127774 In der Nacht hören Anwohner Explosionen. Eine gigantische Feuerwand erleuchtet den Himmel über einer nordfranzösischen Chemiefabrik. Der Brand ist nach Stunden gelöscht - die Aufräumarbeiten könnten nun aber Tage dauern. The locals hear explosions during the night. A gigantic wall of fire illuminated the sky above a chemical factory in northern France. The fire was extinguished after mere hours - but the cleanup could take days. UEDIN.1066 After a fire in a chemical factory in the northern French city of Rouen on Thursday, the schools and nurseries in the region remain closed. yahoo-de.127774 Nach einem Feuer in einer Chemiefabrik in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen am Donnerstag bleiben die Schulen und Kinderkrippen in der Region geschlossen. After a fire in a chemical factory in the northern French city of Rouen on Thursday, schools and kindergartens in the region remain closed. UEDIN.1066 In twelve municipalities, the facilities would not open on Friday as a precautionary measure, the responsible prefecture informed. The Ministry of the Interior had asked citizens to stay in buildings as much as possible and not to expose themselves to smoke. There were no casualties. Farmers and breeders were called upon to bring their animals inside, to protect their feed and to stop harvesting for the time being. yahoo-de.127774 In zwölf Kommunen würden die Einrichtungen am Freitag vorsorglich nicht öffnen, teilte die zuständige Präfektur mit. Das Innenministerium hatte die Bürger aufgefordert, so weit wie möglich in Gebäuden zu bleiben und sich nicht dem Rauch auszusetzen. Verletzte gab es nicht. Landwirte und Züchter wurden aufgerufen, ihre Tiere nach drinnen zu bringen, deren Futter zu schützen und die Ernte vorerst einzustellen. The responsible prefecture announced that the facilities would not be opening on Friday in twelve districts, as a precautionary measure. The Interior Ministry had asked citizens to stay indoors as much as possible and not to expose themselves to the smoke. No one was injured. Farmers and livestock breeders were advised to keep their animals indoors and protect their food, as well as to stop harvesting for the time being. UEDIN.1066 The fire was completely extinguished on Thursday evening, as the prefecture announced. There is still a risk that smell will spread after deletion, according to the prefecture on Twitter. According to the prefecture, 240 firefighters and 90 policemen and gendarmes were deployed at the fire site. yahoo-de.127774 Der Brand konnte am Donnerstagabend vollständig gelöscht werden, wie die Präfektur mitteilte. Es bestehe noch das Risiko, dass sich nach der Löschung Geruch verbreite, so die Präfektur auf Twitter. Nach Angaben der Präfektur waren am Brandort 240 Feuerwehrleute sowie 90 Polizisten und Gendarmen im Einsatz. The prefecture announced that the fire had been completely extinguished on Thursday. The prefecture warned of the risks of smoke spreading after the fire had been extinguished on Twitter. According to the prefecture, 240 firefighters and 90 police officers and gendarmes were deployed at the time. UEDIN.1066 A gigantic black smoke column had previously risen from the chemical factory. French media reported huge flames and explosions in the factory of the company Lubrizol, which produces additives for oils. The production facility is located a few kilometers from the city center. yahoo-de.127774 Aus der Chemiefabrik war zuvor eine gigantische schwarze Rauchsäule aufgestiegen. Französische Medien berichteten von riesigen Flammen und Explosionen in der Fabrik des Unternehmens Lubrizol, das Zusatzmittel für Öle herstelle. Die Produktionsanlage liegt wenige Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum entfernt. A gigantic gust of black smoke rose from the chemical factory. The French media reported of huge flames and explosions in the factory belonging to the company Lubrizol, which produces oil additives. The production plant is a kilometer away from the city center. UEDIN.1066 According to the authorities, the factory in Normandy belongs to the so-called Seveso category of dangerous sites, which are particularly monitored. In 1976, a devastating chemical accident occurred in Seveso near Milan, Italy. yahoo-de.127774 Die Fabrik in der Normandie gehört nach Behördenangaben in die sogenannte Seveso-Kategorie von gefährlichen Standorten, die besonders überwacht werden. Im italienischen Seveso bei Mailand war es 1976 zu einem verheerenden Chemieunfall gekommen. According to officials, the factory in Normandy is in the so-called Seveso category of hazardous sites that are subject to special monitoring. In 1976 a devastating chemical accident occurred in Seveso, near Milan in Italy. UEDIN.1066 The prefect of the Normandy region, Pierre-Andre Durand, told the news channel BFMTV that at first no "high toxicity" had been detected in samples. However, pollution of the nearby Seine could not be ruled out. Dams against pollution were built in the river, the prefecture explained. yahoo-de.127774 Der Präfekt der Region Normandie, Pierre-André Durand, sagte dem Nachrichtensender Sender BFMTV, es sei zunächst keine "hohe Giftigkeit" in Proben festgestellt worden. Eine Verschmutzung der nahe gelegenen Seine könne aber nicht ausgeschlossen werden. In dem Fluss seien Staudämme gegen die Verschmutzung aufgebaut worden, erklärte die Präfektur. The prefect of the Normandy region, Pierre-André Durand, stated for the news channel BFMTV that initially no "high toxicity" had been detected in samples. However, pollution of the nearby Seine could not be ruled out. The prefecture explained that dams had been built on the river for the purpose of pollution prevention. UEDIN.1066 The fire broke out early in the morning at around 2:40 a.m., the authorities reported. The cause remained unclear at first. Rouen is a regional metropolis located on the Seine between Paris and the port city of Le Havre. yahoo-de.127774 Der Brand sei am frühen Morgen gegen 02.40 Uhr ausgebrochen, berichteten die Behörden. Die Ursache blieb zunächst unklar. Rouen ist eine regionale Metropole und liegt an der Seine zwischen Paris und der Hafenstadt Le Havre. The authorities reported that the fire started around 02:40am. The cause is so far not clear. Rouen is a large city in the region and lies on the Seine between Paris and the port of Le Havre. UEDIN.1066 French Finance Minister: "Germany must invest now" Französischer Finanzminister: "Deutschland muss investieren und zwar jetzt" French finance minister: "Germany must invest right now." UEDIN.1066 French Economics and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has called on Germany to invest more to boost economic growth in the eurozone. Der französische Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Bruno Le Maire hat Deutschland zu größeren Investitionen aufgerufen, um das Wirtschaftswachstum in der Eurozone anzukurbeln. French Minister of the Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire has called for greater investment from Germany in order to boost economic growth in the eurozone. UEDIN.1066 Germany must invest now, the sooner the better," Le Maire said on Thursday evening at the presentation of the French budget for the coming year. Deutschland muss investieren und zwar jetzt, je früher desto besser", sagte Le Maire am Donnerstagabend bei der Vorstellung des französischen Haushalts für das kommende Jahr. "Germany must invest right now, the sooner the better," Le Maire said Thursday evening when presenting the French budget for next year. UEDIN.1066 The eurozone economy is weakening, the minister warned. Die Wirtschaft in der Eurozone sei am schwächeln, warnte der Minister. "The economy is the eurozone is stumbling," he warned. UEDIN.1066 We must not wait until the economic situation worsens in order to take the necessary decisions". Wir dürfen nicht warten, bis die wirtschaftliche Situation sich verschlimmert, um die notwendigen Entscheidungen zu treffen". "We can't wait for the economic situation to deteriorate before making the necessary decisions." UEDIN.1066 Le Maire said that action would have to be taken by those states that would have budgetary leeway for more investment, among other things with regard to Germany. Handeln müssten diejenigen Staaten, die Haushaltsspielräume für mehr Investitionen hätten, sagte Le Maire unter anderem mit Blick auf Deutschland. Those countries with sufficient budget reserves for more investments are the ones that should act, said Le Maire, in reference to Germany and others. UEDIN.1066 France did not have these margins, the minister added, pointing to the high national debt of his country. This amounts to more than 98 percent of the gross domestic product. French public debt must be "stabilized" and "reduced," Le Maire said. Frankreich habe diese Spielräume nicht, fügte der Minister hinzu und verwies auf die hohe Staatsverschuldung seines Landes. Diese liegt bei mehr als 98 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Die französische Staatsverschuldung müsse "stabilisiert" und "gesenkt" werden, sagte Le Maire. France does not have this reserve, he added, referring to his country's high national debt. France's debt accounts for 98 percent of GDP. The national debt must be "stabilized" and "reduced," said Le Maire. UEDIN.1066 In recent years, France has repeatedly appealed to Germany to make more public investments in order to revive the European economy. In return, German politicians have repeatedly called on France to get its budget deficit under control. Aus Frankreich sind in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder Appelle an Deutschland gekommen, mehr öffentliche Investitionen zu tätigen, um die europäische Wirtschaft zu beleben. Im Gegenzug haben deutsche Politiker Frankreich immer wieder aufgefordert, sein Haushaltsdefizit in den Griff zu bekommen. In recent years, France has made repeated appeals for Germany to increase public investments in order to revive the European economy. In turn, German politicians have repeatedly called on France to keep its budget deficit under control. UEDIN.1066 The French budget for 2020 presented on Thursday provides for tax relief of more than nine billion euros for households. Der am Donnerstag vorgestellte französische Haushalt für 2020 sieht Steuererleichterungen von mehr als neun Milliarden Euro für Haushalte vor. The French budget for 2020 presented on Thursday includes tax reductions worth over €9 billion for households. UEDIN.1066 In doing so, the French government is reacting, among other things, to the protests of the Yellow Vest movement. New debt is expected to fall to 2.2 percent, after an expected 3.1 percent this year. Damit reagiert die französische Regierung unter anderem auf die Proteste der Gelbwesten-Bewegung. Die Neuverschuldung soll auf 2,2 Prozent sinken, nach erwarteten 3,1 Prozent in diesem Jahr. This is one way in which the French government is reacting to the protests by the yellow vest movement. New borrowing should fall to 2.2 per cent after the 3.1 per cent expected this year. UEDIN.1066 Is he still trying to trick?: Johnson evades question about Brexit tactics n-tv.89674 Versucht er noch zu tricksen?: Johnson weicht Frage zu Brexit-Taktik aus Is He Still Trying to Trick Us?: Johnson Dodges Questions about Brexit Tactics UEDIN.1066 British Prime Minister Johnson sharply criticizes the "capitulation law" passed by parliament. n-tv.89674 Der britische Premier Johnson kritisiert das vom Parlament verabschiedete "Kapitulationsgesetz" scharf. The British Prime Minister Johnson has sharp criticism for the "capitulation act" ratified by parliament. UEDIN.1066 Parliament is back, a law requires the British prime minister to avoid a chaos Brexit. Critics fear, however, that Boris Johnson could still use a loophole. Asked about this possibility, however, the Tory politician evades. n-tv.89674 Das Parlament ist zurück, ein Gesetz schreibt dem britischen Premier vor, einen Chaos-Brexit zu vermeiden. Kritiker befürchten jedoch, dass Boris Johnson noch ein Schlupfloch nutzen könnte. Auf diese Möglichkeit angesprochen, weicht der Tory-Politiker jedoch aus. The parliament is back, and a law requires the British Prime Minister to avoid a chaos Brexit. However, critics fear that Boris Johnson could still make use of a loophole. When asked about this possibility, however, the Tory politician skirted the issue. UEDIN.1066 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is covering up whether he wants to push through an unregulated Brexit – despite the law recently passed by Parliament, which is precisely what is supposed to prevent that. In response to a question, Johnson simply told journalists that his government would abide by the law. n-tv.89674 Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hält sich darüber bedeckt, ob er einen ungeregelten Brexit durchsetzen will - trotz des zuletzt vom Parlament beschlossenen Gesetzes, was genau das verhindern soll. Auf eine entsprechende Frage sagte Johnson vor Journalisten lediglich, seine Regierung werde sich an geltendes Recht halten. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being discrete about whether he wants to implement an unregulated Brexit, despite the law recently passed by Parliament that is supposed to prevent just that. When questioned to that end, Johnson has merely told journalists that his government will comply with applicable law. UEDIN.1066 The law stipulates that the government must request a postponement of the withdrawal date if no agreement with the EU is reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiations with the EU more difficult. n-tv.89674 Das Gesetz sieht vor, dass die Regierung eine Verschiebung des Austrittstermins beantragen muss, sollte bis Mitte Oktober kein Abkommen mit der EU erzielt sein. Johnson kritisiert dies als "Kapitulationsgesetz", das die Verhandlungen mit der EU erschwere. The law prescribes that the government request a postponement for the date of withdrawal if an agreement with the EU cannot be reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiating with the EU more difficult. UEDIN.1066 Former British Prime Minister John Major had suggested on Thursday that Johnson could try to use "political harassment" to circumvent the law. The prime minister could use a procedural trick that postpones the entry into force of the law until after leaving the EU. Johnson said he was seeking a treaty with the European Union. "We are confident that we will leave the EU on 31 October, and the best way is with an agreement." n-tv.89674 Der ehemalige britische Premierminister John Major hatte am Donnerstag die Vermutung geäußert, Johnson könne versuchen, "politische Schikane" einzusetzen, um das Gesetz zu umgehen. Der Premier könne einen Verfahrenstrick einsetzen, der das Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes auf die Zeit nach dem EU-Austritt verschiebe. Johnson sagte, er strebe einen Vertrag mit der Europäischen Union an. "Wir sind zuversichtlich, die EU am 31. Oktober zu verlassen, und der beste Weg ist der mit einer Vereinbarung". On Thursday, the former British Prime Minister John Major expressed the suspicion that Johnson might attempt to use "political chicanery" to circumvent the law. The Prime Minister might use a procedural trick that would postpone the law's entry into force until after the withdrawal from the EU. Johnson said he is striving for a treaty with the European Union. "We're confident about leaving the EU on October 31, and the best path is to do so with an agreement." UEDIN.1066 Johnson's chief adviser Dominic Cummings, meanwhile, declared that he felt the political disputes over Brexit as a "walk in the park" and was confident that the desired exit from the EU would still come about: "We enjoy this, we will win, we will leave (note: from the EU), do not worry," Cummings told the British newspaper "Telegraph" at a book presentation. n-tv.89674 Johnsons Chefberater Dominic Cummings erklärte unterdessen, er empfinde die politischen Auseinandersetzungen um den Brexit als "Spaziergang im Park" und zeigte sich zuversichtlich, dass der angestrebte EU-Austritt noch zustande komme: "Wir genießen das, wir werden gewinnen, wir werden (Anm. d. Red.: aus der EU) austreten, keine Sorge", sagte Cummings der britischen Zeitung "Telegraph" zufolge bei einer Buchvorstellung. Johnson's Chief Adviser, Dominic Cummings, has stated in the meantime that he sees the political conflict surrounding Brexit as a "walk in the park" and seems confident that the sought-after withdrawal from the EU will happen: "We're enjoying this, we're going to win, we're going to leave (editor's note: the EU), don't worry," said Cummings at a book presentation, according to the British Newspaper "Telegraph." UEDIN.1066 Cummings, who led the Brexit campaign "Vote Leave" during the election campaign before the 2016 EU referendum, now serves as chief strategist in the British government seat Downing Street. He is supposed to be behind the uncompromising policy that has led the prime minister into an almost hopeless situation. n-tv.89674 Cummings, der während des Wahlkampfs vor dem EU-Referendum 2016 die Brexit-Kampagne "Vote Leave" leitete, fungiert nun als Chefstratege im britischen Regierungssitz Downing Street. Er soll hinter der kompromisslosen Politik stecken, die den Premier in eine schier ausweglose Situation geführt hat. Cummings, who led the Brexit campaign "Vote Leave" during the election before the EU referendum 2016, now functions as the Chief Strategist in the British seat of government on Downing Street. He is said to be behind the uncompromising policy that has led the Prime Minister into an almost inescapable situation. UEDIN.1066 "The Polaroid Diaries" by Linda McCartney "The Polaroid Diaries" von Linda McCartney "The Polaroid Diaries" by Linda McCartney UEDIN.1066 Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan or Janis Joplin - they all stood in front of Linda McCartney's camera, which has become one of the great rock photographers. But it doesn't always have to be the big glamour. The photo book "The Polaroid Diaries" delves deep into the very private world of the McCartney family. Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan oder Janis Joplin - sie alle standen vor der Kamera von Linda McCartney, die eine der ganz großen Rock-Fotografinnen geworden ist. Aber es muss nicht immer der große Glamour sein. Das Fotobuch "The Polaroid Diaries" (Taschen) taucht tief ein in die ganz private Welt der McCartney-Familie. Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, and Janis Joplin: They all stood before the camera of Linda McCartney, who has become one of the great rock photographers. But it's not always glamourous. The photo album entitled "The Polaroid Diaries" (Taschen) goes deep into the very private world of the McCartney family. UEDIN.1066 Paul McCartney, who was married to her from 1969 until Linda's death in 1998, was visibly proud and moved when he presented the illustrated book "The Polaroid Diaries" in mid-September at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Among the illustrious guests were Ringo Starr, Stella McCartney, Olivia Harrison and Pretenders frontwoman Chrissie Hynde. Paul McCartney, der von 1969 bis zu Lindas Tod im Jahr 1998 mit ihr verheiratet war, war sichtlich stolz und gerührt, als er den Bildband "The Polaroid Diaries" Mitte September im Victoria and Albert Museum in London präsentierte. Zu den illustren Gästen gehörten auch Ringo Starr, Stella McCartney, Olivia Harrison und Pretenders-Frontfrau Chrissie Hynde. Paul McCartney, who was married to Linda from 1969 until her death in 1998, was visibly proud and touched when he presented the photo book "The Polaroid Diaries" at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in mid-September. The illustrious guests included Ringo Starr, Stella McCartney, Olivia Harrison, and the Pretenders frontwoman Chrissie Hynde. UEDIN.1066 After the launch event, McCartney wrote on Instagram: "ThePolaroidDiaries is a glimpse into the life of an extraordinary family before Instagram, a celebration of LindaMcCartney's legacy as a dedicated artist and the instant magic of Polaroid film." Nach dem Launch Event schrieb McCartney bei Instagram: "#ThePolaroidDiaries ist ein flüchtiger Blick in das Leben einer außergewöhnlichen Familie aus der Zeit vor Instagram, eine Feier zum Vermächtnis von LindaMcCartney als engagierter Künstlerin und der Sofortmagie des Polaroidfilms". After the launch event, McCartney posted on Instagram: "#ThePolaroidDiaries is a fleeting glimpse into the life of an extraordinary family from the time before Instagram, a celebration of the legacy of LindaMcCartney as a committed artist and the immediate magic of Polaroid film." UEDIN.1066 With Linda McCartney, who had studied art history at the University of Aizona until she found photography, the camera was always there. Thousands of Polaroids have made it, several hundred of them are now being published for the first time in "The Polaroid Diaries". Bei Linda McCartney, die Kunstgeschichte an der Universität von Aizona studiert hatte, bis sie zur Fotografie fand, war die Kamera immer dabei. Tausende Polaroids hat sie gemacht, einige hundert davon werden jetzt in "The Polaroid Diaries" erstmalig veröffentlicht. For Linda McCartney, who studied art history at the University of Arizona until she found photography, the camera was always close at hand. She made thousands of Polaroids, of which a few hundred are now being published for the first time in "The Polaroid Diaries." UEDIN.1066 They are portraits, still lifes, landscapes, several hamsters, a sheep in the kitchen and other interiors from the early 70s to the late 90s. "She wanted real moments," writes art critic Ekow Eshun in his preface. And of course, one thing is always in the focus: Her husband Paul - as you might never have seen him before. Es sind Porträts, Stillleben, Landschaften, mehrere Hamster, ein Schaf in der Küche und andere Interieurs aus den frühen 70er Jahren bis in die späten 90er Jahre. "Sie wollte echte Momente", schreibt der Kunstkritiker Ekow Eshun in seinem Vorwort. Und natürlich steht immer wieder einer im Mittelpunkt: Ihr Mann Paul - wie man ihn vielleicht noch nie gesehen hat. There are portraits, still life, landscapes, some hamsters, a sheep in the kitchen, and other interiors from the early 70s until the late 90s. "She wanted genuine moments," the art critic Ekow Eshun wrote in his forward. And naturally, one thing always took center stage: her husband Paul, as many had possibly never seen him. UEDIN.1066 There he dances with his daughter Mary on his shoulders, calls in the bathrobe with a bag on his head or wears shapeless moonboots. Sure, the McCartneys were an extraordinary family, but beyond the spotlight on their farm in southern England or Scotland they also led a normal life. According to the BBC, Mary McCartney said that she slept as a baby in a bed that her father had made from old potato boxes. And it hasn't always been tidy with the McCartneys either. Da tanzt er mit seiner Tochter Mary auf den Schultern, telefoniert im Bademantel mit einer Tüte auf dem Kopf oder trägt unförmige Moonboots. Sicher, die McCartneys waren eine außergewöhnliche Familie, die aber jenseits des Scheinwerferlichtes auf ihrer Farm in Südengland oder in Schottland auch ein ganz normales Leben führte. So sagte Mary McCartney laut BBC, dass sie als Baby in einem Bett geschlafen hätte, das ihr Vater aus alten Kartoffelschachteln gebastelt hatte. Und aufgeräumt ist es bei den McCartneys auch nicht immer gewesen. He's shown dancing while carrying his daughter Mary on his shoulders, talking on the phone in his bathrobe with a bag on his head, and wearing misshapen Moon Boots. Sure, the McCartneys were an extraordinary family, but one that led a fully normal life outside the spotlight on their farm in south England or in Scotland. According to the BBC, Mary McCartney said that as a baby she slept in a bed her father had built from old potato crates. And the McCartney house has not always been tidy. UEDIN.1066 Like hardly any other medium, the Poloraid camera captures the immediate moment. The recordings of Linda McCartney are certainly a kind of family diary, but they are much more than just snapshots. Wie kaum ein anderes Medium fängt die Poloraid-Kamera den unmittelbaren Moment ein. Die Aufnahmen von Linda McCartney sind sicherlich ein Art Familien-Tagebuch, aber sie sind sehr viel mehr als reine Schnappschüsse. The Polaroid camera captures the immediate moment like hardly any other medium. Linda McCartney's photographs are definitely a type of family diary, but they're more than just snapshots. UEDIN.1066 It's about the deciding click: You have to recognize when a great photo happens in front of you. And then you have to snap it at exactly the right moment," said Paul McCartney. "If you snap two seconds later or two seconds earlier, it can be a completely different photo." And Linda would have had the gift of always capturing exactly the right moment. "She just knew she had it," Paul said in the Eshun essay. Es geht um den entscheiden Klick: Du musst erkennen, wenn vor dir ein tolles Foto passiert. Und dann musst du es im exakt richtigen Moment knipsen", sagte Paul McCartney. "Knipst man zwei Sekunden später oder zwei Sekunden früher, kann es ein völlig anderes Foto sein". Und Linda hätte die Gabe gehabt, immer genau den richtigen Moment einzufangen. "Sie wusste einfach, dass sie es hat", sagte Paul in dem Eshun-Essay. It all comes down to the decisive click: "You have to recognize when a terrific photo is taking place in front of you. And then snap it at just the right moment," says Paul McCartney. "If you snap it two seconds later or earlier, it can be a totally different picture." And Linda always had a talent for capturing it at just the right moment. "She just knew she had it," said Paul in the Eshun essay. UEDIN.1066 The light, the composition, the image section and the colours are right, which makes "The Polaroid Diaries" not only an entertaining picture book for Beatles fans, but also a great aesthetic pleasure in addition to everything anecdotal, where landscapes sometimes seem like abstract paintings. The perfect addition to the newly released Beatles album "Abbey Road", which was released exactly 50 years ago. Da stimmt das Licht, die Komposition, der Bildausschnitt und die Farben, was "The Polaroid Diaries" nicht nur zu einem unterhaltsamen Bilderbuch für Beatles-Fans macht, sondern neben allem Anekdotischen auch ein großes ästhetisches Vergnügen ist, wo Landschaften auch schon mal wie abstrakte Gemälde wirken. Die perfekte Ergänzung zu dem gerade neu aufgelegten Beatles-Album "Abbey Road", das vor genau 50 Jahren erschienen ist. The light, the composition, the detail, and the colors were all correct, making "The Polaroid Diaries" into not only an entertaining picture book for Beatles fans, but, besides all the anecdotes, a great aesthetic pleasure where landscapes work like abstract paintings. The perfect supplement to the Beatles album "Abbey Road," which appeared exactly fifty years ago and has been reissued. UEDIN.1066 "We will continue to buy oil and gas from Iran" "Wir werden weiter Öl und Gas aus dem Iran kaufen" "We will continue to buy oil and gas from Iran" UEDIN.1066 Despite the US sanctions imposed on Iran, Turkey wants to continue importing oil and gas from its neighbouring country. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview published on Friday that Turkey could not stop importing oil and gas from Iran. Die Türkei will trotz der gegen den Iran verhängten US-Sanktionen weiter Öl und Gas aus dem Nachbarland importieren. Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan sagte in einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Interview, die Türkei könne den Öl- und Gasimport aus dem Iran nicht abbrechen. Despite the US sanctions against Iran, Turkey will continue to import oil and gas from its neighbor. In an interview released on Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey cannot terminate its oil and gas imports from Iran. UEDIN.1066 We will continue to buy our natural gas from there," Erdogan said in New York, where he attended the UN General Assembly. Wir werden unser Erdgas weiter von dort kaufen", sagte Erdogan in New York, wo er an der UN-Vollversammlung teilgenommen hatte. "We shall continue to by our gas from there," Erdogan said in New York, where he had participated in the UN General Assembly. UEDIN.1066 Erdogan admitted, however, that Turkey had problems importing Iranian oil, as some companies had "withdrew because of the US threats." Erdogan gab aber zu, dass die Türkei beim Import iranischen Erdöls Probleme habe, da sich einige Unternehmen "wegen der US-Drohungen zurückgezogen" hätten. However, he admitted that Turkey has problems with the import of Iranian oil because a few companies had "pulled out due to US threats." UEDIN.1066 Nevertheless, Turkey will "particularly continue our relations with Iran on this issue and on many other issues," said the Turkish president, who had repeatedly criticized the US sanctions against Iran in the past. Trotzdem werde die Türkei "besonders in dieser Frage und in vielen anderen Fragen unsere Beziehungen mit dem Iran fortsetzen", sagte der türkische Präsident, der die US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran in der Vergangenheit wiederholt kritisiert hatte. Nevertheless, Turkey "will maintain our relations with Iran, in particular in relation to this matter and many others," said the Turkish president, who has repeatedly criticized the US sanctions against Iran. UEDIN.1066 Since its withdrawal from the international nuclear agreement with Iran, the US has pursued a policy of "maximum pressure" on the Islamic Republic. According to the US, Iran secretly pursues a nuclear program and does not abide by the agreement. Die USA verfolgen seit ihrem Ausstieg aus dem internationalen Atomabkommen mit dem Iran eine Politik des "maximalen Drucks" gegenüber der Islamischen Republik. Laut USA verfolge der Iran im Geheimen ein Atomprogramm und halte sich nicht an das Abkommen. Since withdrawing from the international nuclear treaty, the United States has been pursuing a policy of "maximum pressure" on the Islamic Republic. According to the US, Iran is secretly pursuing a nuclear program and does not abide by the treaty. UEDIN.1066 Their sanctions have led to the collapse of Iranian oil exports and a severe economic crisis in Iran. In recent months, tensions in the Gulf region have increased considerably. Ihre Sanktionen haben zum Einbruch der iranischen Ölexporte und einer schweren Wirtschaftskrise im Iran geführt. In den vergangenen Monaten haben sich die Spannungen in der Golfregion erheblich verschärft. US sanctions have caused a collapse of Iranian oil exports and a severe economic crisis. Tensions in the Gulf have increased considerably over the past few months. UEDIN.1066 U.S. government wants to restrict reception of refugees US-Regierung will Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen einschränken US government to restrict admission of refugees UEDIN.1066 The US government wants to drastically restrict the reception of refugees. The US State Department said on Thursday that the annual ceiling of a resettlement program should be lowered from the current 30,000 to 18,000 refugees. This corresponds to a cut of 40 percent. Die US-Regierung will die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen drastisch einschränken. Das US-Außenministerium erklärte am Donnerstag, die jährliche Obergrenze eines Neuansiedlungs-Programms solle von derzeit 30.000 auf 18.000 Flüchtlinge abgesenkt werden. Das entspricht einem Einschnitt von 40 Prozent. The US government wants a drastic reduction in admission of refugees. The United States Department of State explained on Thursday that their annual upper limit of a resettlement program should be reduced to 18,000 instead of 30,000 refugees. That is a reduction of 40%. UEDIN.1066 The State Department said the US would continue to be committed to supporting refugees. The most important task, however, is to protect and serve US citizens. Currently, the US immigration system is overloaded. Das Außenministerium erklärte, die USA würden sich zwar weiterhin der Unterstützung von Flüchtlingen verpflichtet sehen. Wichtigste Aufgabe sei es aber, US-Bürger zu schützen und ihnen zu dienen. Derzeit sei das US-Einwanderungssystem überlastet. The Department of State explained that the USA would continue to show obligation toward support of refugees. Their primary purpose, however, is to protect and serve US citizens. Currently the immigration system in the US is overloaded. UEDIN.1066 In the future, the U.S. government wants to focus on hosting two refugee groups: people who are persecuted for their beliefs - and Iraqis who have helped the U.S. military in the country and are thus in danger, according to the statement of the State Department. By contrast, a maximum of 1500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be taken in. Die US-Regierung will sich künftig auf die Aufnahme von zwei Flüchtlingsgruppen konzentrieren: Menschen, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden - und Iraker, die dem US-Militär in dem Land geholfen haben und dadurch in Gefahr geraten sind, wie aus der Erklärung des Außenministeriums hervorgeht. Aus Honduras, Guatemala und El Salvador hingegen sollen maximal 1500 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen werden. The US government wants to concentrate on adding two refugee groups in future. People who are being persecuted because of their faith, and Iraqis who helped the US military in that nation and have thereby become endangered, the State Department has explained. On the other hand, a maximum of 1500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be added. UEDIN.1066 The program, launched in 1980, selects refugees from UN camps around the world and resettles them in the US. The ceiling of 18,000 refugees for the 2020 budget year would be the lowest in the programme's history. The current ceiling of 30,000 is already a low. When US President Donald Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, left the White House, the figure was just under 85,000. Bei dem 1980 aufgelegten Programm werden Flüchtlinge aus UNO-Lagern in aller Welt ausgewählt und in den USA neu angesiedelt. Die Obergrenze von 18.000 Flüchtlingen für das Budgetjahr 2020 wäre die niedrigste in der Geschichte des Programms. Schon die derzeit geltende Obergrenze von 30.000 ist ein Tiefstwert. Als der Vorgänger von US-Präsident Donald Trump, Barack Obama, das Weiße Haus verließ, lag die Zahl bei knapp 85.000. For the 1980 program, refugees are selected from UNO camps around the world and resettled in the USA. The upper limit of 18,000 refugees for the budget year of 2020 would be the lowest in the history of the program. The current upper limit of 30,000 refugees is already an all-time low. When US president Donald Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, left the White House, this figure was at almost 85,000. UEDIN.1066 Aid organisations reacted in horror to the announced lowering of the ceiling. "This is a very sad day for America," said David Miliband, head of the International Rescue Committee. The US would thus continue to damage its leadership in protecting the world’s most vulnerable people. Hilfsorganisationen reagierten entsetzt auf die angekündigte Absenkung der Obergrenze. "Das ist ein sehr trauriger Tag für Amerika", sagte der Chef des International Rescue Committee, David Miliband. Die USA würden damit ihre Führungsrolle beim Schutz der verletzlichsten Menschen der Welt weiter schädigen. Aid organizations reacted in horror to the announced decrease of the upper limit. "That is a very sad day for America," said the director of International Rescue Committee, David Miliband. The USA would be damaging their status as leading role in protecting vulnerable people in the world even further. UEDIN.1066 Trump is trying to strictly limit immigration to the US, both legally and illegally. According to its own statements, the US government expects 350,000 asylum applications for the coming budget year. These figures are separate from the resettlement programme. Trump versucht die Einwanderung in die USA - legal wie illegal - strikt zu begrenzen. Die US-Regierung erwartet nach eigenen Angaben für das kommende Budgetjahr 350.000 Asylanträge. Diese Zahlen sind getrennt vom Neuansiedlungs-Programm. Trump tries to set strict limits on legal as well as illegal immigration into the USA. According to some information, the US government is expecting 350,000 asylum applications for the budget year ahead. These figures are separate to those of the resettlement program. UEDIN.1066 Donald Trump - "Come close to a spy" sz.87322 Donald Trump - "Kommt einem Spitzel nahe" Donald Trump—"More like an informer" UEDIN.1066 US President Donald Trump has accused whistleblower whistleblowers of espionage. Whoever has given the informant, who accuses him of abuse of power, appropriate hints, "come close to a spy," Trump said, according to a record of a private event on Thursday in New York. This is reported by several U.S. media. sz.87322 US-Präsident Donald Trump hat Hinweisgeber in der Whistleblower-Affäre der Spionage bezichtigt. Wer auch immer dem Informanten, der ihm Machtmissbrauch vorwerfe, entsprechende Hinweise zugeschanzt habe, "kommt einem Spitzel nahe", sagte Trump laut einer Aufzeichnung einer privaten Veranstaltung am Donnerstag in New York. Das berichten mehrere US-Medien übereinstimmend. US president Donald Trump has accused whistleblowers in the espionage Whistleblower affair. Whoever had given relevant information to the informer who accused him of abuse of power, "is more like a snitch," Trump said according to a record kept by a private event in New York on Thursday. This was reported unanimously by several US media outlets. UEDIN.1066 According to this, Trump spoke to employees of the American UN mission. When asked about the person who informed the whistleblower about controversial events in the White House, he replied, "That comes close to a spy." Then Trump added, "Do you know what we did in ancient times when we were smart? Right. The spies and betrayal, we used to deal with it a bit differently than we do now". sz.87322 Demnach sprach Trump vor Mitarbeitern der amerikanischen UN-Mission. Als er nach der Person gefragt wurde, die den Whistleblower über umstrittene Vorgänge im Weißen Haus informierte, antwortete er: "Das kommt einem Spitzel nahe". Dann fügte Trump hinzu: "Wissen Sie, was wir in alten Zeiten gemacht haben, als wir schlau waren? Richtig. Die Spione und Verrat, wir pflegten damit ein bisschen anders umzugehen als wir das jetzt tun". Accordingly, Trump spoke about employees of the American UN Mission. When he was queried about the person, who informed the whistleblower about controversial events in the White House, he responded, "It is more like an informer." Then Trump added, "Do you know, what we did in the olden days, when we were smart?" That's right. The spies and treason, we used to deal with that a little differently from how we do now." UEDIN.1066 Observers assessed the latter remark as a possible allusion to the death penalty. The Democrats strongly criticized Trump's statements and accused him of intimidating witnesses. It was also an attempt to obstruct a congressional inquiry into a possible impeachment procedure against him, wrote the chairmen of the Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Supervision Committees in the House of Representatives. sz.87322 Beobachter werteten letztere Bemerkung auf eine mögliche Anspielung auf die Todesstrafe. Die Demokraten übten scharfe Kritik an Trumps Äußerungen und warfen ihm Einschüchterung von Zeugen vor. Es handele sich zudem um einen Versuch, eine Kongressuntersuchung zu einem möglichen Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen ihn zu behindern, schrieben die Vorsitzenden der Ausschüsse für Auswärtiges, Geheimdienste und Aufsicht im Repräsentantenhaus. Observers evaluated the last observation for a possible allusion to the death penalty. The Democrats practiced harsh criticism on Trump's comments and accused him of intimidation of witnesses. It was an attempt, to hinder a congress investigation into a possible impeachment procedure against him, wrote the chairmen of the committees for evaluation, secret services and supervision in the house of representatives. UEDIN.1066 The whistleblower accuses the president in a now published complaint of having abused his office to request interference from another country in the 2020 US election. Concretely, his controversial telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Selenskyj in the summer was one of the topics: In the conversation, Trump urged him to initiate an investigation into his possible democratic challenger Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine. Trump denies any wrongdoing. sz.87322 Der Whistleblower wirft dem Präsidenten in einer nun veröffentlichten Beschwerde vor, sein Amt missbraucht zu haben, um eine Einmischung eines anderen Landes in die US-Wahl 2020 zu erbitten. Konkret geht es unter anderem um sein umstrittenes Telefonat mit seinem ukrainischen Amtskollegen Wolodymyr Selenskyj im Sommer: In dem Gespräch legte Trump ihm nahe, Ermittlungen gegen seinen möglichen demokratischen Herausforderer Joe Biden und dessen Sohn Hunter in der Ukraine einzuleiten. Trump bestreitet jegliches Fehlverhalten. The whistleblower accuses the president in a now disclosed complaint, of having abused his office in order to solicit interference from another country in the 2020 US election. Specifically, it is about his controversial phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart Wolodymyr Selenskyj during the summer. In the conversation Trump suggested to him to initiate investigations against his possible democratic challenger Joe Biden and his son Hunter in the Ukraine. Trump denies any wrongdoing. UEDIN.1066 It is still unclear who the whistleblower himself and his informants are. However, as the New York Times reports, the whistleblower is said to be an analyst for the CIA. sz.87322 Noch ist unklar, wer sowohl der Whistleblower selbst als auch dessen Informanten sind. Wie die New York Times berichtet, soll es sich bei dem Whistleblower jedoch um einen Analysten des Auslandsgeheimdienstes CIA handeln. It is still unclear, who the whistleblower himself might be as well as who the informant is. As reported by the New York Times, the identity of the whistleblower is reputedly an analyst of the CIA foreign intelligence agency. UEDIN.1066 Refugee boat capsized: Baby and toddlers drown in Aegean n-tv.89670 Flüchtlingsboot gekentert: Baby und Kleinkinder ertrinken in Ägäis Refugee Boat Capsized: Baby and Small Children Drown in the Aegean UEDIN.1066 Time and again people try to cross the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece. The often much too small boats capsize regularly. Seven migrants have now died in the sinking of a dinghy, including five children. n-tv.89670 Immer wieder versuchen Menschen, über das Ägäische Meer von der Türkei nach Griechenland zu kommen. Dabei kentern regelmäßig die oftmals viel zu kleinen Boote. Beim Untergang eines Schlauchbootes sind nun sieben Migranten ums Leben gekommen - darunter fünf Kinder. People are continually trying to cross the Aegean Sea to get to Greece from Turkey. And the boats they use often capsize because they are much too small. Seven immigrants have now died in the sinking of a rubber raft—including five children. UEDIN.1066 Seven migrants died in the sinking of a dinghy off the Greek island of Chios. Among the fatalities were also a baby and four other children, reported the Greek Coast Guard. Four children, three women and five men were rescued from the floods by the crew of a passing ferry. n-tv.89670 Vor der griechischen Insel Chios sind beim Untergang eines Schlauchbootes sieben Migranten ums Leben gekommen. Unter den Todesopfern seien auch ein Baby sowie vier weitere Kinder, berichtete die griechische Küstenwache. Vier Kinder, drei Frauen und fünf Männer konnten demnach aus den Fluten von der Besatzung einer vorbeifahrenden Fähre gerettet werden. Seven immigrants died at the Greek island Chios when a rubber raft sank. The victims included a baby and four other children, the Greek coast guard reported. Four children, three women, and five men were reportedly rescued from the floodwaters by the crew of a passing ferry. UEDIN.1066 Among the victims is said to be a smuggler, reported the local news portal of Chios, The migrants left Turkey in the morning. They had tried to reach the small archipelago of Inousses in the northeast of the island of Chios. Inousses is located between Chios and the Turkish mainland. n-tv.89670 Unter den Opfern soll auch ein Schleuser sein, berichtete das örtliche Nachrichtenportal von Chios, Die Migranten waren am Morgen aus der Türkei aufgebrochen. Sie hatten versucht, die kleine Inselgruppe Inousses im Nordosten der Insel Chios zu erreichen. Inousses liegt zwischen Chios und dem türkischen Festland. The victims are said to include a smuggler, reported the local news agency of Chios, The immigrants set out from Turkey in the morning. They were attempting to reach Inousses, the small group of islands in the northeast of the island Chios. Inousses lies between Chios and the Turkish mainland. UEDIN.1066 It is not yet known from which countries the migrants originate. At present, hundreds of migrants from Turkey are transferring to the Greek islands in the east of the Aegean, mostly in far too small boats. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 174 people lost their lives on this route last year. n-tv.89670 Aus welchen Staaten die Migranten stammen, ist bisher nicht bekannt. Zurzeit setzen Hunderte Migranten aus der Türkei zu den griechischen Inseln im Osten der Ägäis über, meist in viel zu kleinen Booten. Vergangenes Jahr kamen auf dieser Route nach Angaben des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) 174 Menschen ums Leben. The countries from which the immigrants came are still unknown. Hundreds of immigrants from Turkey are currently ferrying to the Greek islands in the east of the Aegean, most in boats that are much too small. According to The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 174 people were killed on this route last year. UEDIN.1066 The Who cancel concert The Who brechen Konzert ab The Who cancel their concert UEDIN.1066 A US concert by the rock band The Who has come to an abrupt end because of an inconvenience of lead singer Roger Daltrey. In the middle of the performance on Wednesday evening (local time) in Houston, his voice failed the service. At the eighth song, Daltrey told the audience, "I think I should leave it as long as it's still running." Ein US-Konzert der Rockband The Who hat wegen einer Unpässlichkeit von Leadsänger Roger Daltrey ein jähes Ende gefunden. Mitten im Auftritt am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) in Houston versagte seine Stimme den Dienst. Beim achten Song sagte Daltrey dem Publikum: "Ich denke, ich sollte es lassen, solange es noch läuft". A US concert by The Who rock-band ended suddenly due to illness of lead singer Roger Daltrey. In the middle of a performance on Wednesday evening (local time) in Houston, his voice packed up. During the eighth song, Daltrey said to the public, "I think I should leave it while it still works." UEDIN.1066 Lead guitarist Pete Townsend apologized and added that Daltrey "couldn't really speak now." Townsend promised the audience to get their money's worth at a restitution concert. However, a date has not yet been set. Lead-Gitarrist Pete Townsend bat um Entschuldigung und ergänzte, Daltrey könne "jetzt echt nicht sprechen". Dem Publikum versprach Townsend, bei einem Wiedergutmachungskonzert auf seine Kosten zu kommen. Ein Termin steht aber noch nicht fest. Lead guitarist Pete Townsend apologized and added that now Daltrey "now definitely can't speak." Townsend promised the public, to give them their money's worth at a reparation concert. But a date has not been confirmed yet. UEDIN.1066 The Who cancelled appearances scheduled for Friday in Dallas and Sunday in Denver. They are to be made up at a later date. 75-year-old Daltrey and his 74-year-old bandmate Townsend are the only remaining founding members. The British cult band formed 55 years ago. Für Freitag in Dallas und für Sonntag in Denver geplante Auftritte sagten The Who ab. Sie sollen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachgeholt werden. Der 75-Jährige Daltrey und sein 74-jähriger Bandkollege Townsend sind die einzig verbliebenen Gründungsmitglieder. Die britische Kultband formierte sich vor 55 Jahren. The planned appearances for Friday in Dallas and Sunday in Denver have cancelled. They plan to catch up at a later date. 75-year-old Daltrey and his 74 year old band colleague Townsend are the only remaining founding members. The British cult band formed 55 years ago. UEDIN.1066 Rental suddenly discontinued: WeWork makes real estate markets tremble n-tv.89677 Anmietung plötzlich eingestellt: WeWork lässt Immobilienmärkte zittern Leasing Suddenly Discontinued: WeWork Causes Real Estate Markets to Tremble UEDIN.1066 In New York, WeWork has become the largest office tenant. n-tv.89677 In New York ist WeWork zum größten Büromieter aufgestiegen. WeWork has become the largest office tenant in New York. UEDIN.1066 Within a few years, WeWork will rise from a small startup to a driving force in the most expensive real estate markets in the world. But now the company is in crisis. Landlords must fear for billions in revenue. n-tv.89677 Innerhalb weniger Jahre steigt WeWork vom kleinen Startup zur treibenden Kraft auf den teuersten Immobilienmärkten der Welt auf. Doch nun steckt das Unternehmen in der Krise. Vermieter müssen um Milliardeneinnahmen fürchten. Within a few years, WeWork has climbed from a small startup to a driving force in the world's most expensive real estate markets. But now the company is experiencing a crisis. Landlords must fear revenue in the billions. UEDIN.1066 The crisis of the office landlord WeWork threatens to disturb the balance in the largest real estate markets in the world. A few days ago, the company had dismissed founder Adam Neumann as its boss, postponed the planned IPO and started selling subsidiaries and assets such as the private jet for executives in order to gain financial leeway for the coming weeks and months. In addition, the British Financial Times reports that WeWork has stopped the conclusion of new rentals with immediate effect. This means that in New York and London, among other places, the largest tenant of office space is suddenly off the market. n-tv.89677 Die Krise des Bürovermieters WeWork droht die Balance auf den größten Immobilienmärkten der Welt zu stören. Das Unternehmen hatte vor wenigen Tagen Gründer Adam Neumann als Chef abgesetzt, den geplanten Börsengang verschoben und mit dem Verkauf von Tochterfirmen und Werten wie dem Privatjet für die Führungskräfte begonnen, um finanziellen Spielraum für die kommenden Wochen und Monate zu gewinnen. Zudem berichtet unter anderem die britische "Financial Times", WeWork habe den Abschluss von neuen Anmietungen mit sofortiger Wirkung gestoppt. Damit ist unter anderem in New York und London der größte Mieter von Büroflächen plötzlich vom Markt. The crisis of the office tenant WeWork threatens to disrupt the balance in the world's largest real estate markets. A few days ago, the company discharged founder Adam Neumann as CEO, postponed its planned initial public offering, and with the sale of subsidiaries and assets (such as the private jet for the executive staff) began to gain financial leeway for the coming weeks and months. Moreover, the British "Financial Times" and others have reported that WeWork stopped the conclusion of nine rentals, effective immediately. This means that the largest tenant of office space in New York, London, and elsewhere, has suddenly left the market. UEDIN.1066 WeWork rents large office spaces on a long-term basis and rents them out to members in small units at short notice. These can be individual freelancers, small startups or entire departments of large corporations. So far, WeWork has been burning money at breathtaking speed with this business. Last year, the company recorded a loss of 1.6 billion dollars, with a turnover of 1.8 billion dollars. This year, the rental costs alone are said to have risen to an estimated 2.5 billion dollars due to the rental of ever new large areas. In order to limit the loss, the new management is now said to have pulled the emergency brake and stopped renting new areas with immediate effect. n-tv.89677 WeWork mietet große Büroflächen langfristig an und vermietet sie kurzfristig in teils kleinen Einheiten an Mitglieder. Das können einzelne Freiberufler, kleine Startups oder ganze Abteilungen großer Konzerne sein. Bislang verbrennt WeWork mit diesem Geschäft Geld in atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit. Im vergangenen Jahr fuhr das Unternehmen einen Verlust von 1,6 Milliarden Dollar ein, bei einem Umsatz von 1,8 Milliarden Dollar. In diesem Jahr sollen allein die Mietkosten durch die Anmietung immer neuer großer Flächen auf geschätzt 2,5 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen sein. Um den Verlust einzugrenzen, soll die neue Unternehmensführung nun die Notbremse gezogen und das Anmieten neuer Flächen mit sofortiger Wirkung gestoppt haben. WeWork rents large office spaces for the long term and lets them to members for the short term in partially small units. These can be individual freelancers, small startups, or entire departments of large corporations. Until now, WeWork has burned through money with breathtaking speed while transacting its business. Last year the company earned 1.8 billion dollars but lost 1.6 billion. This year, rental costs alone are expected to reach an estimated 2.5 billion dollars through the leasing of ever newer and larger spaces. To limit loss, the new company management has now reportedly put on the emergency brakes and stopped leasing new spaces, effective immediately. UEDIN.1066 According to the Financial Times, WeWork has now concluded lease agreements with maturities of up to 15 years, resulting in commitments of more than 40 billion dollars. These huge liabilities could become a problem not only for the company itself and its investors, but for entire real estate markets. n-tv.89677 Der "Financial Times" zufolge hat WeWork inzwischen Mietverträge mit Laufzeiten von bis zu 15 Jahren abgeschlossen, aus denen sich Verpflichtungen von mehr als 40 Milliarden Dollar ergeben. Diese riesigen Verbindlichkeiten könnten nicht nur für das Unternehmen selbst und seine Investoren zum Problem werden, sondern für ganze Immobilienmärkte. According to the "Financial Times," by now WeWork has entered into lease agreements with terms of up to 15 years, from which obligations of more than 40 billion dollars arise. Those huge liabilities could become a problem not only for the company and its investors, but for the entire real estate markets. UEDIN.1066 According to calculations by the economist Dan Alpert from Cornell Law School in New York, WeWork has rented almost 300,000 square meters of office space in Manhatten, one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world, over the past 24 months. WeWork's new contracts alone ensured that the demand for offices in New York was greater than the new space that came onto the market at that time. Without WeWork's expansion, the office vacancy in the US metropolis would have increased during this time, as Alpert wrote in the "Business Insider". The situation is similar in London, where WeWork now operates several dozen office locations in a prime location. n-tv.89677 Berechnungen des Ökonomen Dan Alpert von der Cornell Law School in New York zufolge mietete WeWork in Manhatten, einem der teuersten Immobilienmärkte der Welt, in den vergangenen 24 Monaten knapp 300.000 Quadratmeter Bürofläche an. Allein WeWorks Neuverträge sorgten dafür, dass die Nachfrage nach Büros in New York größer war als die in dieser Zeit neu auf den Markt gekommenen Flächen. Ohne WeWorks Expansion wäre der Büro-Leerstand in der US-Metropole in dieser Zeit gestiegen, wie Alpert im "Business Insider" schrieb. Ähnlich sieht es in London aus, wo WeWork inzwischen mehrere Dutzend Bürostandorte in bester Lage betreibt. As calculated by economist Dan Alpert from the Cornell Law School in New York, in the past 24 months WeWork has rented almost 300,000 square meters of office space in Manhatten, one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world. WeWorks' new contracts alone made sure the demand for offices in New York was greater than the new spaces that came onto the market during this period. Without the WeWorks expansion, the office vacancy in the US metropolis would have increased, as Alpert wrote in "Business Insider." It looks similar in London, where WeWork now operates several dozen office buildings in prime locations. UEDIN.1066 Even in the British capital, the balance in the real estate market could shift noticeably without further expansion of the aggressive startup. Among other things, WeWork is the main tenant, in an office building bought last year by the savings bank fund provider Deka for almost 100 million euros in the center of the financial metropolis. n-tv.89677 Auch in der britischen Hauptstadt könnte sich das Gleichgewicht auf dem Immobilienmarkt ohne eine weitere Expansion des aggressiven Startups spürbar veschieben. Unter anderem ist WeWork Hauptmieter, in einem im vergangenen Jahr vom Sparkassen-Fondsanbieter Deka für knapp 100 Millionen Euro gekauften Bürohaus im Zentrum der Finanzmetropole. In the British capital as well, the balance in the real estate market could be notably delayed without the further expansion of the aggressive startup. Among other things, WeWork is the main tenant of an office building in the center of the financial metropolis that was bought by the savings bank fund provider Deka for almost 100 million euros. UEDIN.1066 Many landlords have converted their properties to meet the requirements of WeWork with high investments. If WeWork fails to make its business model profitable soon, the property owners would probably have to write off part of the hoped-for billions in revenue. Despite the long-term leases, they do not have access to WeWork's reserves, which are already scarce. Because the rental of the individual locations of WeWork is usually carried out by specially founded subsidiaries, so-called Special Purpose Vehicles, for which the parent company is only liable within narrow limits. n-tv.89677 Viele Vermieter haben ihre Immobilien für die Anforderungen von WeWork mit hohen Investitionen umgebaut. Scheitert WeWork damit, sein Geschäftsmodell bald profitabel zu machen, müssten die Immobilienbesitzer einen Teil der erhofften Milliardeneinnahmen wohl abschreiben. Zugriff auf die - ohnehin knappen - Reserven von WeWork haben sie trotz der langfristigen Mietverträge nicht. Denn die Anmietung der einzelnen Standorte von WeWork erfolgt in der Regel durch jeweils extra gegründete Tochtergesellschaften, sogenannte Special Purpose Vehicles, für die die Muttergesellschaft nur in engen Grenzen haftet. Many landlords have invested dearly in refurbishing their real estate to meet WeWork's requirements. If WeWork fails to make its business model profitable soon, real estate owners will probably have to write off part of the billions in revenues they had hoped for. Despite long-term lease agreements, they have no access to WeWork's reserves, although these are scarce. Because WeWork's individual locations are normally leased by founding extra subsidiaries known as "Special Purpose Vehicles" for which the parent company is liable only within narrow limits. UEDIN.1066 Russia again arrested numerous North Korean fishermen Russland nahm erneut zahlreiche nordkoreanische Fischer fest Russia arrested numerous North Korean fishermen again UEDIN.1066 The Russian coastguard has once again taken action against North Korean fishermen. In recent days, a total of 262 poachers have been arrested who have fished illegally in the waters, the Russian domestic secret service FSB informed the agency Interfax on Friday. Die russische Küstenwache ist erneut gegen nordkoreanische Fischer vorgegangen. In den vergangenen Tagen seien insgesamt weitere 262 Wilderer festgenommen worden, die in den Gewässern illegal gefischt hätten, teilte der russische Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB der Agentur Interfax zufolge am Freitag mit. The Russian coastal guard has once more taken action against North Korean fishermen. In recent days, a further 262 poachers have been arrested for fishing illegally in these waters, the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB is reputed to have informed the Interfax agency on Friday. UEDIN.1066 Only ten days ago, 161 fishermen from North Korea were arrested. Previously, the border guards had been shot and three of them injured. This time there were no casualties, it was said. Communist North Korea suffers from chronic food shortages. Erst vor zehn Tagen wurden 161 Fischer aus Nordkorea festgenommen. Zuvor waren die Grenzschützer beschossen und drei von ihnen verletzt worden. Diesmal habe es keine Verletzten gegeben, hieß es. Das kommunistische Nordkorea leidet unter chronischem Nahrungsmittelmangel. 161 North Korean fishermen had been arrested only ten days previously. Before that, the border guards had been shot at and three of them had been injured. But this time there had been no wounded, according to reports. Communist North Korea suffers from a chronic food shortage. UEDIN.1066 The North Korean fishermen were therefore travelling in Russian territorial waters. According to the Russian Coast Guard, patrols are being carried out there to protect its marine biological resources. During the re-checks, 30,000 squid were discovered. In addition, three fishing boats and two motor boats were confiscated and taken to Nachodka and Posjet near Vladivostok. According to the agency Ria Nowosti, the Coast Guard found a total of more than 8,000 violations in 2018 Die nordkoreanischen Fischer waren demnach in russischen Hoheitsgewässern unterwegs. Dort fährt die Küstenwache Russlands nach eigenen Angaben zum Schutz ihrer meeresbiologischen Ressourcen Patrouillen. Bei den erneuten Kontrollen seien 30.000 Tintenfische entdeckt worden. Außerdem wurden den Angaben nach drei Fischer- und zwei Motorboote beschlagnahmt und nach Nachodka und Posjet bei Wladiwostok gebracht. Der Agentur Ria Nowosti zufolge stellte die Küstenwache 2018 insgesamt mehr als 8.000 Verstöße fest For that reason, the North Korean fishermen were underway in Russian waters. The Russian coast guard reports that it patrols these waters in order to protect Russia's maritime biological resources. New controls had found 30,000 octopi. Also, three trawlers and two motor boats are reported to have been confiscated and taken to Nakhodka and Posyet near Vladivostok. For 2018 the coastal guard confirmed over 8,000 violations to the Ria Nowosti agency. UEDIN.1066 The Russian fisheries authority had not issued fishing licences to the North Koreans this year, even after complaints from local entrepreneurs. According to the media, thousands of fishermen from North Korea have already been temporarily arrested there in 2019. Die russische Fischereibehörde hatte auch nach Klagen einheimischer Unternehmer heuer keine Fanglizenzen an die Nordkoreaner ausgegeben. Tausende Fischer aus Nordkorea sind Medien zufolge 2019 dort schon zeitweise festgenommen worden. Following complaints from Russian companies, this year Russia's fishing authority issued no fishing licenses to the North Koreans. According to media reports, in 2019 thousands of fishermen from North Korea have been detained in Russia. UEDIN.1066 Georgi Martynov, head of the Association of Russian Fishing Companies in the Far Eastern region of Primorje, recently also complained of high ecological damage caused by North Korean fishermen. They fished with closely meshed synthetic nets banned in Russia. These would also bring small creatures out of the sea. In addition, the nets would simply be disposed of in the sea, where they would take 200 years to decompose. Even the ships themselves do not comply with the hygienic and technical regulations. Der Chef der Vereinigung russischer Fischerei-Unternehmen in der fernöstlichen Region Primorje, Georgi Martynow, beklagte kürzlich auch hohe ökologische Schäden durch die nordkoreanischen Fischer. Sie fischten mit in Russland verbotenen engmaschigen synthetischen Netzen. Mit diesen würden auch kleine Lebewesen aus dem Meer geholt. Zudem würden die Netze einfach im Meer entsorgt, wo sie 200 Jahre bräuchten, um zersetzt zu werden. Auch die Schiffe selbst entsprächen nicht den hygienischen und technischen Vorschriften. Georgiy Martinov, head of the association of Russian fishing enterprises in the Primorye region in the far east, also complained recently about high environmental damage caused by the North Korean fishermen. They had used tightly-meshed synthetic nets which are banned in Russia. They had also used these to fish tiny creatures from the sea. Moreover, the nets had simply been disposed of in the sea, where it would take 200 years for them to disintegrate. Even the boats they used did not correspond to the hygienic and technical standards required. UEDIN.1066 According to Moscow, three members of the Russian Coast Guard were injured in the arrests in the previous week. According to the FSB, a North Korean who was also wounded later died of his injuries. On September 17, Russian border guards first set up a North Korean boat and then a second one after it opened fire. Bei den Festnahmen in der Vorwoche waren nach Angaben Moskaus drei Mitglieder der russischen Küstenwache verletzt worden. Ein ebenfalls verwundeter Nordkoreaner starb dem FSB zufolge später an seinen Verletzungen. An jenem 17. September setzten russische Grenzschützer zunächst ein nordkoreanisches Boot fest und anschließend ein zweites, nachdem dieses das Feuer eröffnet hatte. Moscow reported that during the arrests in the previous week three Russian coastal guards had been injured. A North Korean who was also injured is reported by FSB to have later died of his injuries. On this day of September 17th, Russian border guards seized a North Korean boat and subsequently another boat that had opened fire. UEDIN.1066 USA imposes entry ban on ex-President Castro USA verhängen Einreiseverbot gegen Ex-Präsident Castro USA Issues a Travel Ban Against Ex-President Castro UEDIN.1066 The US has imposed entry bans on former Cuban President Rael Castro and his children. The US State Department justified this in a statement on Thursday with Castro's participation in "big human rights violations". As head of the Communist Party of the Caribbean State, he presided over a system in which thousands of Cubans were arbitrarily arrested and there were more than 100 political prisoners. Die USA haben gegen den früheren kubanischen Präsidenten Raúl Castro und seine Kinder Einreiseverbote verhängt. Das amerikanische Aussenministerium begründete das in einer Mitteilung am Donnerstag mit Castros Beteiligung an "groben Menschenrechtsverletzungen". Als Chef der Kommunistischen Partei des Karibikstaates stehe er einem System vor, in dem Tausende Kubaner willkürlich festgenommen würden und es mehr als 100 politische Gefangene gebe. The USA has issued travel bans against the former Cuban President Raúl Castro and his children. On Thursday, the American State Department justified this in an announcement citing Castro's participation in "severe human rights violations." As head of the Communist party of the Caribbean nation, he presided over a system in which thousands of Cubans were deliberately arrested and there were more than one hundred political prisoners. UEDIN.1066 As chairman of the armed forces, the brother of the late revolutionary leader Fidel Castro is also complicit in human rights violations there through the support of the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. "The Cuban regime's disregard for human rights and use of force to support the former Maduro regime are responsible for the ongoing crises in Cuba and Venezuela," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted. Als Vorsitzender der Streitkräfte sei der Bruder des gestorbenen Revolutionsführers Fidel Castro zudem durch das Stützen des Präsidenten Venezuelas, Nicolás Maduro, an Menschenrechtsverletzungen dort mitschuldig. "Die Missachtung der Menschenrechte und der Gebrauch von Gewalt durch das kubanische Regime, um das frühere Maduro-Regime zu stützen, sind für die andauerenden Krisen auf Kuba und in Venezuela verantwortlich", twitterte der amerikanische Aussenminister Mike Pompeo. As the commander of the armed forces, the brother of the deceased revolutionary leader Fidel Castro shared the blame for human rights violations in Venezuela as well, where he was supported by its President, Nicolás Maduro. "The abuse of human rights and the use of force by the Cuban regime to support the former Maduro regime are responsible for the continuing crises in Cuba and Venezuela," tweeted the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. UEDIN.1066 On Wednesday, President Donald Trump issued travel bans against members of the Venezuelan government and the military, among others. In Venezuela, a fierce power struggle between the government and the opposition has been raging for months. The US has imposed a whole series of sanctions on Maduro’s government to bring him to his knees and bring opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaidi to power. Präsident Donald Trump hatte am Mittwoch Einreiseverbote unter anderen gegen Angehörige der venezolanischen Regierung und des Militärs ausgesprochen. In Venezuela tobt seit Monaten ein erbitterter Machtkampf zwischen der Regierung und der Opposition. Die USA haben eine ganze Reihe von Sanktionen gegen Maduros Regierung verhängt, um ihn in die Knie zu zwingen und dem Oppositionsführer und selbsternannten Interimspräsidenten Juan Guaidó zur Macht zu verhelfen. On Wednesday, President Donald Trump issued travel bans against members of the Venezuelan government and military, among others. In Venezuela, a bitter power struggle between the government and the opposition has raged for months. The USA has imposed a series of sanctions against Maduro's government to bring him to his knees and to help the leader of the opposition and self-appointed interim president, Juan Guaidó, to come to power. UEDIN.1066 Cuba is considered one of Maduro's closest allies. The socialist Caribbean island receives oil from Venezuela in exchange for the services of dispatched doctors. According to the US and the Venezuelan opposition, Cuba has also sent numerous intelligence agents to Venezuela to help the government suppress government opponents. Kuba gilt als einer der engsten Verbündeten Maduros. Die sozialistische Karibikinsel erhält von Venezuela Öl im Austausch für die Dienste entsandter Ärzte. Nach Einschätzung der USA und der venezolanischen Opposition hat Kuba zudem zahlreiche Geheimdienstagenten nach Venezuela entsandt, um der Regierung bei der Unterdrückung von Regierungsgegnern zu helfen. Cuba is one of Maduro's closest allies. The socialist Caribbean island receives oil from Venezuela in exchange for the service of dispatched doctors. The USA and the Venezuelan opposition believe Cuba has also sent numerous secret service agents to Venezuela to help the government suppress its opponents. UEDIN.1066 New climate protests by Fridays for Future Neue Klimaproteste von Fridays for Future New climate protests by Fridays for Future UEDIN.1066 One week after the largest international climate protests to date, thousands of people want to take to the streets again today for more climate protection. Eine Woche nach den bislang größten internationalen Klimaprotesten wollen heute erneut Abertausende von Menschen für mehr Klimaschutz auf die Straße gehen. One week after the biggest international climate protests to date, thousands of people again want to take to the streets for the sake of better climate protection. UEDIN.1066 At the end of an international climate strike week, the Fridays for Future movement is once again planning actions and rallies in dozens of countries around the world. New Zealand and Australia are likely to make the start because of the time difference before the protests spread across Europe to North America. Climate activist Greta Thunberg wanted to take part in a large-scale rally in Montreal, Canada. Demonstrators also wanted to gather in front of the White House in Washington. Zum Abschluss einer internationalen Klimastreikwoche plant die Bewegung Fridays for Future erneut Aktionen und Kundgebungen in Dutzenden Ländern weltweit. Den Anfang dürften wegen der Zeitverschiebung Neuseeland und Australien machen, ehe sich die Proteste über Europa bis nach Nordamerika ziehen. Dort wollte Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg an einer Großkundgebung im kanadischen Montreal teilnehmen. Auch vor dem Weißen Haus in Washington wollten sich Demonstranten versammeln. To conclude an international week of climate strikes, Fridays for Future is planning further events and rallies in dozens of countries. Because of the different time zones, the protests are to start in New Zealand and Australia before spreading to North America via Europe. There, climate activist Greta Thunberg is to attend a mass rally in Montreal, Canada. The demonstrators also plan to gather in front of the White House in Washington. UEDIN.1066 It is relatively unclear how big the global response will be this Friday after last week's record turnout. Thunberg himself was good things. "Last Friday, more than four million people went on strike for the climate. This Friday we'll do it again!" she wrote on Twitter. So far, there have been 6383 actions in 170 countries during the strike week, she added. Wie groß der weltweite Zuspruch an diesem Freitag nach der Rekordbeteiligung der Vorwoche sein wird, ist relativ unklar. Thunberg selbst war guter Dinge. "Letzten Freitag haben über vier Millionen Menschen für das Klima gestreikt. Diesen Freitag machen wir es noch einmal!", schrieb sie auf Twitter. Bislang habe es im Rahmen der Streikwoche 6383 Aktionen in 170 Ländern gegeben, ergänzte sie. It is not quite clear how large the worldwide response will be after last week's record attendance. Thunberg herself was optimistic. "Over four million people went on strike for the climate last Friday. This Friday we'll do it again," she tweeted. So far there have been 6,383 protests in 170 countries during the strike week, she added. UEDIN.1066 Especially in Germany, the influx last Friday was very large. According to Fridays for Future estimates, a good third of all demonstrators worldwide - around 1.4 million - took part in the protests in 575 German cities. This time, according to a listing of the movement, rallies are planned in at least 65 cities. Among them in metropolises such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne, but also in smaller municipalities and cities such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia or Westerland on Sylt, people want to take to the streets for the climate. Besonders in Deutschland war der Zulauf vergangenen Freitag sehr groß. Ein gutes Drittel aller weltweiten Demonstranten - rund 1,4 Millionen - hatten sich nach Schätzungen von Fridays for Future in 575 deutschen Städten an den Protesten beteiligt. Diesmal sind einer Auflistung der Bewegung zufolge Kundgebungen in mindestens 65 Städten geplant. Darunter in Metropolen wie Berlin, Hamburg, München und Köln, aber auch in kleineren Gemeinden und Städten wie Jüchen in Nordrhein-Westfalen oder Westerland auf Sylt wollen die Menschen für das Klima auf die Straße gehen. In Germany, the response last Friday was particularly big. Fridays for Future estimates that one third of all worldwide protesters—about 1.4 million people—gathered in 575 German cities. This time, demonstrations are planned in at least 65 cities, according to a list compiled by the protest movement. People intend to take to the streets for the climate not just in large cities like Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Cologne but also in smaller towns and districts such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia and Westerland in Sylt. UEDIN.1066 At the age of 15, Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish parliament in August 2018 to call on the politicians of her country to step up their efforts to protect the climate. The Fridays-for-Future movement emerged from this within a short period of time. Pupils and students in particular, but increasingly also scientists and other adults, are taking part in the climate protests. Im Alter von damals 15 Jahren hatte sich Thunberg im August 2018 vor das schwedische Parlament gesetzt, um die Politiker ihres Landes zu einem stärkeren Einsatz für den Klimaschutz aufzufordern. Daraus ist innerhalb kurzer Zeit die Fridays-for-Future-Bewegung entstanden. An den Klimaprotesten beteiligen sich vor allem Schüler und Studierende, aber in zunehmendem Maße auch Wissenschaftler und andere Erwachsene. In August 2018, at the age of 15, Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish parliament to demand that her country's politicians take stronger action on climate protection. Out of this, Fridays for Future was soon born. It was mostly pupils and students who took part in the climate protests, but scientists and other adults also participated increasingly. UEDIN.1066 Together they demand more ambition from politicians in the fight against global warming and the impending climate catastrophe. Above all, according to the Paris climate agreement, global warming must be contained to below 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times. Gemeinsam fordern sie von der Politik mehr Ehrgeiz im Kampf gegen die Erderhitzung und die drohende Klimakatastrophe. Vor allem müsse gemäß dem Pariser Klimaabkommen die globale Erwärmung auf unter 1,5 Grad im Vergleich zur vorindustriellen Zeit eingedämmt werden. Together they are demanding greater commitment from politicians in the struggle against global warming and the impending climate disaster. In particular, according to the Paris climate agreement, global warming must be kept to less than 1.5 degrees compared to the pre-industrial age. UEDIN.1066 Thunberg had arrived in New York almost a month ago after a two-week transatlantic trip with a deep-sea racing yacht. There she had recently participated in climate protests and summits of the United Nations. On Monday, she gave an emotional speech at the UN, in which she spoke strongly to the world's heads of state and government. In her native Stockholm, she was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize of the Right Livelihood Foundation on Wednesday for her commitment to more climate protection. Thunberg war vor knapp einem Monat nach einem zweiwöchigen Transatlantik-Törn mit einer Hochsee-Rennjacht in New York angekommen. Dort hatte sie zuletzt an Klimaprotesten und Gipfeln der Vereinten Nationen teilgenommen. Am Montag hielt sie bei den UN eine emotionale Rede, in der sie den Staats- und Regierungschefs der Erde eindringlich ins Gewissen redete. In ihrer Heimat Stockholm war ihr am Mittwoch für ihren Einsatz für mehr Klimaschutz der Alternative Nobelpreis der Right Livelihood Stiftung zugesprochen worden. Almost one month ago, Thunberg arrived in New York aboard an ocean-going racing yacht following a two-week transatlantic trip. There, she finally attended climate protests and UN summits. At the United Nations on Monday, she delivered an emotional speech in which she appealed to the consciences of state and government leaders. In her home city of Stockholm on Wednesday, she received the alternative Nobel prize from the Right Livelihood Foundation for her engagement for greater climate protection. UEDIN.1066 Russia bans smoking on the balcony Russland verbietet Rauchen auf dem Balkon Russia prohibits smoking on the balcony UEDIN.1066 People in Russia will no longer be allowed to smoke on the balcony. This provides for a change in fire protection. "This also applies to smoking," said a spokesman for the emergency ministry in Moscow on Thursday, according to the agency Tass. The ban is due to enter into force on 1 October. Die Menschen in Russland dürfen künftig nicht mehr auf dem Balkon rauchen. Das sieht eine Änderung beim Brandschutz vor. "Das gilt auch fürs Rauchen", sagte ein Sprecher des Notfallministeriums am Donnerstag in Moskau der Agentur Tass zufolge. Das Verbot soll am 1. Oktober in Kraft treten. People in Russia will no longer be able to smoke on balconies in the future. This is a requirement of a change to fire safety rules. "This also applies to smoking," said a speaker for the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow on Thursday, according to the agency TASS. The ban will come into effect on October 1. UEDIN.1066 Anyone who still smokes must therefore expect a fine of 3,000 rubles (42.46 euros). If the cigarette should ignite a fire, then the penalty is higher. According to the ministry, the ban also includes burning candles. Grilling meat skewers on the balcony is no longer permitted. Wer dennoch raucht, muss demnach mit einer Geldstrafe von 3.000 Rubel (42,46 Euro) rechnen. Wenn die Zigarette ein Feuer entfachen sollte, dann fällt die Strafe höher aus. Unter das Verbot fallen dem Ministerium zufolge ebenso brennende Kerzen. Auch Fleischspieße auf dem Balkon zu grillen, ist nicht mehr gestattet. Those who still smoke will have to pay a fine of 3,000 rubles (€42.46). If the cigarette starts a fire, the penalty is higher. According to the Ministry, this ban also covers the burning of candles. Grilling meat on a balcony is now prohibited also. UEDIN.1066 Strike against cybercriminals - Investigators lift servers Schlag gegen Cyberkriminelle - Ermittler heben Server aus Blow Against Cybercriminals: Investigators Raid Servers UEDIN.1066 In the fight against crimes on the Internet, German investigators have for the first time excavated a large server provider for illegal transactions in the darknet. Im Kampf gegen Verbrechen im Internet haben deutsche Ermittler erstmals einen großen Server-Anbieter für illegale Geschäfte im Darknet ausgehoben. In the war against internet crime, German investigators have raided a large server provider for the first time, due to illegal transactions in the darknet. UEDIN.1066 A total of 13 perpetrators are suspected of having hosted numerous websites as the operator of a data center in a former Nato bunker in Traben-Trarbach on the Moselle, through which internationally operating criminals operated their machinations. Insgesamt 13 Täter stehen im Verdacht, als Betreiber eines Rechenzentrums in einem ehemaligen Nato-Bunker in Traben-Trarbach an der Mosel zahlreiche Webseiten gehostet zu haben, über die international agierende Kriminelle ihre Machenschaften betrieben. A total of 13 culprits are suspected of operating a computer center in a former Nato bunker in Traben-Trarbach on the Moselle River that hosted numerous websites through which the internationally acting criminals carried out their schemes. UEDIN.1066 This was reported by the Attorney General's Office in Koblenz. Seven suspects were arrested on Thursday evening during a major action. The Darknet is a shielded part of the Internet. Dies teilte die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft in Koblenz mit. Sieben Tatverdächtige wurden am Donnerstagabend bei einer großen Aktion verhaftet. Das Darknet ist ein abgeschirmter Teil des Internets. This was announced by the Attorney General in Koblenz. Seven suspects were arrested on Thursday evening in a large-scale operation. The darknet is a shielded part of the internet. UEDIN.1066 Customers of the suspects are said to have been among others the operators of the world's second largest darknet marketplace for drugs, "Wall Street Market", which investigators had smashed in the spring. According to the Attorney General's Office, the attack on 1.25 million telecom routers at the end of November 2016 was also controlled via a server in the cyberbunker. Kunden der Tatverdächtigen sollen unter anderem die Betreiber des weltweit zweitgrößten Darknet-Marktplatzes für Drogen, "Wall Street Market", gewesen sein - den hatten Ermittler im Frühjahr zerschlagen. Auch der Angriff auf 1,25 Millionen Telekom-Router Ende November 2016 wurde laut Generalstaatsanwaltschaft über einen Server im Cyberbunker gesteuert. The suspects' customers were allegedly the operators of the second-largest darknet marketplace for drugs in the world, "Wall Street Market," which investigators broke up early in the year. And the attack on 1.25 million telecom routers at the end of November 2016 was controlled through a server in the cyberbunker, according to the Attorney General. UEDIN.1066 Such a hoster had been excavated for the first time in Germany, it was said. A web hoster provides the infrastructure for an internet presence. Ein derartiger Hoster sei erstmals in Deutschland ausgehoben worden, hieß es. Ein Webhoster stellt die Infrastruktur für eine Internetpräsenz zur Verfügung. This was reportedly the first time that such a host was raided in Germany. A web host provides the infrastructure for an internet presence. UEDIN.1066 During the access campaign with the support of special units such as the GSG9, searches were carried out in Germany and in neighbouring countries. It was the result of nearly five years of investigation. At noon the investigators want to inform about further details. Bei der Zugriffsaktion mit Unterstützung von Spezialeinheiten wie der GSG9 habe es Durchsuchungen in Deutschland und im benachbarten Ausland gegeben. Sie sei Ergebnis von fast fünf Jahre langen Ermittlungen gewesen. Am Mittag wollen die Ermittler über weitere Details informieren. The seizure operation was supported by special units, such as the GSG 9 (Border Protection Group 9 of the Federal Police), and involved raids in Germany and neighboring countries. They are the result of investigations lasting almost five years. The investigators will provide more detailed information at noon. UEDIN.1066 New global climate protests by Fridays for Future Neue weltweite Klimaproteste von Fridays for Future New worldwide climate protests by Fridays for Future UEDIN.1066 One week after the largest international climate protests to date, thousands of people want to take to the streets again today for more climate protection. Eine Woche nach den bislang größten internationalen Klimaprotesten wollen heute erneut Abertausende Menschen für mehr Klimaschutz auf die Straßen gehen. One week after the biggest international climate protests to date, thousands of people intend to take to the streets again today to call for better climate protection. UEDIN.1066 At the end of an international climate strike week, the Fridays for Future movement again planned actions and rallies in dozens of countries around the world. Zum Abschluss einer internationalen Klimastreikwoche plante die Bewegung Fridays for Future erneut Aktionen und Kundgebungen in Dutzenden Ländern weltweit. To conclude an international week of climate strikes, Fridays for Future has planned further events and rallies in dozens of countries. UEDIN.1066 In Germany, protests are planned in at least 65 cities, including metropolises such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne, but also in smaller municipalities and cities such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia or Westerland on Sylt. Climate activist Greta Thunberg wants to participate in a major rally in Montreal, Canada. In Deutschland sind Proteste in mindestens 65 Städten geplant, darunter in Metropolen wie Berlin, Hamburg, München und Köln, aber auch in kleineren Gemeinden und Städten wie Jüchen in Nordrhein-Westfalen oder Westerland auf Sylt. Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg will an einer Großkundgebung im kanadischen Montreal teilnehmen. In Germany, protests are planned in at least 65 cities, including Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Cologne, as well as in smaller towns and districts such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia and Westerland in Sylt. Climate activist Greta Thunberg is to attend a mass rally in Montreal, Canada. UEDIN.1066 Climate protests - Who are Thunberg's backers? Klimaproteste ǀ Wer sind eigentlich Thunbergs Hintermänner? Climate protests | Who is pulling Thunberg's strings? UEDIN.1066 Justice and courage are high virtues, even in the 21st century, in a world full of war and smoke factories that warm the climate. This makes it all the more astonishing that a 16-year-old girl of all people is holding the mirror in front of the people in power at that time. But what is behind it? Is it helpfulness or clever marketing of a climate activist? Historical masterpiece or manipulative tactics for its own sake? Gerechtigkeitssinn und Mut sind hohe Tugenden, auch im 21. Jahrhundert, in einer Welt voll von Krieg und Rauchfabriken, die das Klima erwärmen. Umso erstaunlicher, dass ausgerechnet ein 16-jähriges Mädchen den Machtmenschen dieser Zeit den Spiegel vor die Nase hält. Doch was steckt dahinter? Ist es Hilfsbereitschaft oder kluge Vermarktung einer Klimaaktivistin? Historische Meisterleistung oder manipulative Taktik um seiner selbst willen? A sense of justice and courage are lofty virtues even in the 21st century, in a world full of war and smoke-belching factories that are heating the climate. So it is all the more striking that a 16-year-old girl is holding a mirror up to today's people in power. But what is her motivation? Is it a willingness to help, or the clever marketing of a climate activist? A historic masterstroke or manipulative tactics on her own account? UEDIN.1066 On the one hand, Greta Thunberg sets the masses in motion and makes young people rise up for a better climate-friendly world. Historically, it is not the first time in Europe that a young person manages to win over a collection of children and young people. Already in 1212 a child named Nikolaus from Cologne felt chosen to work for a more just world. At that time, he was also able to win over a crowd of young people and persuaded them to cross the sea in order to get to the promised land, similar to how Greta Thunberg recently set out on a trip to America with a sailboat. Einerseits setzt Greta Thunberg die Massen in Bewegung und bringt junge Menschen dazu sich zu erheben für eine bessere klimafreundliche Welt. Es ist historisch gesehen nicht das erste Mal in Europa, dass ein junger Mensch es schafft eine Ansammlung an Kindern und Jugendlichen für sich zu gewinnen. Bereits im Jahre 1212 hat ein Kind namens Nikolaus aus Köln sich auserkoren gefühlt, um sich für eine gerechtere Welt einzusetzen. Damals hat dieser auch eine Schar an jungen Menschen für sich gewinnen können und diese dazu überredet das Meer zu überqueren, um in das gelobte Land zu gelangen, ähnlich wie Greta Thunberg kürzlich sich auf die Reise nach Amerika gemacht hat mit einem Segelboot. On the one hand, Greta Thunberg is stirring the masses and making young people rise up for a better climate-friendly world. Historically, this is not the first time in Europe that a young person has managed to win over children and young people. As far back as 1212, a boy called Nikolaus from Cologne believed himself destined to work towards bringing about a fairer world. He was able to win over a horde of young people and talk them into crossing the sea with him to the Promised Land, just as Greta Thunberg recently did with her sailboat voyage to the America. UEDIN.1066 But is there a dark side to this? Why does it take a stock called "We don't have time" to save the world? In addition, Greta Thunberg has rich PR managers at her side. By the way, her mother has published a book that has sold extensively, thanks to the daughter in the spotlight. Even well-tried followers of Greta Thunberg were a little indignant about the last PR show, or the trip by boat was probably too thick for some successors. This is also not unfounded, because the action was very well used in the media worldwide and a lot of money is flowing thanks to the impressive action. Doch gibt es diesbezüglich eine Schattenseite? Weshalb braucht es eine Aktie namens "We don't have time", um die Welt zu retten? Darüber hinaus hat Greta Thunberg reiche PR-Manager an ihrer Seite. Ganz nebenbei hat ihre Mutter ein Buch veröffentlicht, welches sich weitreichend verkauft hat, dank der im Rampenlicht stehenden Tochter. Auch altbewährte Follower von Greta Thunberg waren ein wenig entrüstet über die letzte PR-Show, bzw. die Reise mit dem Boot war wohl auch einigen Nachfolgern zu dick aufgesetzt. Dies ist auch nicht unbegründet, denn die Aktion kam in den Medien weltweit sehr gut zur Geltung und es fließt viel Geld dank der imposanten Aktion. But is there a dark side? Why is a campaign called "We don't have time" needed to save the world? Greta Thunberg also has rich PR managers on her side. Incidentally, her mother has published a book that has sold all over the world thanks to her prominent daughter. Even long-established supporters of Greta Thunberg were a little indignant at the latest PR show, i.e., the boat trip, which some found excessive. This is not unfounded, as the impressive action went down very well with the world's press and has caused a lot of money to flow. UEDIN.1066 Here the spirits are now separating: Is it morally right to enrich oneself financially in saving the world? Is it still authentic when certain groups of people work together with stockbrokers during the World Rescue Action? No matter which position is ultimately taken, a critical and reflected point of view is increasingly important in a democratic society, because democracy thrives on different opinions and discussions. Therefore, it can make sense to critically question even seemingly pious projects of certain trendsetters. Hier scheiden sich jetzt die Geister: Ist es moralisch richtig sich beim Retten der Welt finanziell zu bereichern? Ist es noch authentisch, wenn gewisse Personenkreise während der Weltrettungsaktion mit Börsenmaklern zusammen arbeiten? Ganz gleich welche Stellung letztlich dabei bezogen wird, ein kritischer und reflektierter Sichtpunkt ist immer wichtiger in einer demokratisch geprägten Gesellschaft, denn die Demokratie lebt von verschiedenen Meinungen und Diskussionen. Deshalb kann es durchaus Sinn machen auch scheinbar fromme Vorhaben von bestimmten Trendsettern kritisch zu hinterfragen. Opinions differ over this: Is it morally right to get rich from saving the world? Is it still legitimate if certain groups of people collaborate with stockbrokers during the campaign to save the world? Whatever the conclusion that will finally be drawn, a critical and considered perspective is always more important in a democratic society, for democracy draws its existence from varied opinions and debates. Therefore, it can be useful to take a critical look at even apparently righteous activities by certain trendsetters. UEDIN.1066 Comet discovered: Interstellar guest crosses through our solar system Komet entdeckt: Interstellarer Gast kreuzt durch unser Sonnensystem Comet discovered: An interstellar guest crosses through our solar system UEDIN.1066 A strange comet is crossing our solar system at the moment. Ein fremder Komet durchkreuzt im Moment unser Sonnensystem. An unknown comet is currently travelling through our solar system. UEDIN.1066 The assumptions of the astronomers have been confirmed: A strange comet is crossing our solar system at the moment - it is only the second of its kind. Die Vermutungen der Astronomen haben sich bestätigt: Ein fremder Komet durchkreuzt im Moment unser Sonnensystem - er ist erst der zweite seiner Art. Astronomers suspicions have been confirmed: An unknown comet has been travelling through our solar system—it is only the second one of its type. UEDIN.1066 Garching/Washington - The researchers have only suspected it for a long time, but now they have certainty: A comet from another star is crossing our solar system at the moment. He was christened after his discoverer 2I/Borisov and currently employs astronomers worldwide. Garching/Washington - Lange haben die Forscher es nur vermutet, doch jetzt haben sie Gewissheit: Ein Komet von einem anderen Stern durchkreuzt im Moment unser Sonnensystem. Er wurde nach seinem Entdecker 2I/Borisov getauft und beschäftigt gerade weltweit Astronomen. Garching/Washington—Scientists have long suspected it, but they are now certain: A comet from another star is crossing our solar system at this moment. It was christened after its discoverer 2I/Borisov and is currently taking up the attention of astronomers worldwide. UEDIN.1066 2I/Borisov: Comet discovered by amateur astronomers in Crimea 2I/Borisov: Komet wurde von Amateurastronomen auf der Krim entdeckt 2I/Borisov: A comet has been discovered by amateur astronomers in Crimea. UEDIN.1066 This body was discovered by an amateur astronomer named Gennady Borisov in Crimea. He looked up at the sky with a self-built telescope and further follow-up observations confirmed his first suspicion. It is actually an unknown comet that does not originate from our solar system. He is only the second of his kind to be spotted during the flight. Der besagte Körper wurde von einem Amateurastronomen namens Gennadi Borissow auf der Krim entdeckt. Er blickte mit einem selbstgebauten Teleskop gen Himmel und weitere Nachbeobachtungen bestätigten seinen ersten Verdacht. Es handelt sich tatsächlich um einen unbekannten Kometen, der nicht aus unserem Sonnensystem stammt. Er ist erst der zweite seiner Art, der beim Durchflug gesichtet wurde. The said solid body was discovered by an amateur astronomer called Gennadi Borissow in Crimea. He was looking at the sky through a home-made telescope and further night-time observations confirm his first suspicion. It is actually an unknown comet which is not from our solar system. It is only the second of its type that has been spotted flying past. UEDIN.1066 The great opportunity for astronomers is now to get a glimpse of a foreign solar system from close up. Apparently, the commet resembles that of our own system, as reported by the astrophysical institute of the Canaries. According to the International Astronomical Union (IAC), the comet is clearly of interstellar origin and is currently moving on a so-called hyperbola path that leads it out of our system. Die große Chance für Astronomen ist nun, aus der Nähe Einblicke in ein fremdes Sonnensystem zu erhaschen. Offenbar ähnelt der Kommet denen unseres eigenen Systems, wie das astrophysikalische Institut der Kanaren berichtet. Der Komet ist laut der Internationalen Astronomischen Union (IAC) eindeutig interstellarer Herkunft und bewegt sich aktuell auf einer sogenannten Hyperbelbahn, die ihn aus unserem System hinausführt. Astronomers now have a big chance of getting a close-up view of an unknown solar system. Apparently the comet resembles those of our own solar system, as reported by the astrophysical Institute of the Canaries. According to the International Astronomic Union (IAC) the comet is of distinctly interstellar origins, and is currently moving along a hyperbolic path which is leading it out of our system. UEDIN.1066 Comet has already been sighted before approach - and can be observed for several months Komet wurde bereits vor Anflug gesichtet - und kann mehrere Monate beobachtet werden The comet had already been sighted before its approach and can be observed for several months. UEDIN.1066 But before that happens, astronomers can observe it closely. In contrast to its predecessor, 2I/Borisov has already been sighted in its approach, which means that it can be examined from Earth for many months. "The object will reach its greatest brightness in mid-December and will be visible with medium-sized telescopes until April 2020," explains Davide Farnocchia from the US space agency Nasa. "After that, it will only be possible to observe it with larger, professional telescopes until October 2020." Doch bevor es so weit ist, können die Astronomen ihn eingehend beobachten. Denn im Gegensatz zu seinem Vorgänger ist 2I/Borisov bereits in seinem Anflug gesichtet worden, was bedeutet, dass er viele Monate lang von der Erde aus untersucht werden kann. "Das Objekt wird Mitte Dezember die größte Helligkeit erreichen und dann noch bis April 2020 mit mittelgroßen Teleskopen zu sehen sein", erklärt Davide Farnocchia von der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa. "Danach wird es bis Oktober 2020 nur noch mit größeren, professionellen Teleskopen zu beobachten sein". But before it gets to that stage, astronomers can watch it closely. Then in contrast to its predecessor, 2l/Borisov has already been sighted before its approach, which means that it can be examined from earth for many months to come. "The object will reach its greatest brightness by mid-December and will then still be visible through medium-sized telescopes until April 2020," Davide Farnocchia of the Nasa US space agency explains. "After that it will still be visible through bigger, professional telescopes until October 2020." UEDIN.1066 The predecessor of the new visitor: 1I/2017 U1 "Oumuamua". Der Vorgänger des neuen Besuchers: 1I/2017 U1 "Oumuamua". The predecessors of the new visitor: 1I/2017 U1 "Oumuamua". UEDIN.1066 First findings about comet 2I/Borisov raise hopes in science Erste Erkenntnisse über Komet 2I/Borisov wecken Hoffnungen in der Wissenschaft First knowledge about comet 2I/Borisov stirs hopes in science. UEDIN.1066 According to the first findings, the comet is estimated to be 2 to 16 kilometers in diameter. At the same time, the celestial body seems to be similar to our comets - because, as the IAC researcher Julia de Leon puts it, the spectrum of the tail star is similar to ours. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be shaped by processes similar to ours, added de Leon's colleague Javier Licandro. Laut den ersten Erkenntnissen wird der Komet auf 2 bis 16 Kilometer Durchmesser geschätzt. Gleichzeitig scheint der Himmelskörper unseren Kometen ähnlich zu sein - denn wie die IAC-Forscherin Julia de León es ausdrückt, ist das Spektrum des Schweifsterns unseren ähnlich. Diese Beobachtung lege nahe, dass sich Kometen in anderen Sonnensystemen durch ähnliche Prozesse formen könnten wie in unserem, ergänzte de Leóns Kollege Javier Licandro. According to the first findings, the comet is estimated to be from 2 to 16 kilometers in diameter. At the same time, the celestial body seems to be similar to our comets, because as IAC researcher Julia de León puts it, the spectrum of the tail star's spectrum is similar to our ones. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be formed through similar processes as ours, de León's colleague Javier Licandro added. UEDIN.1066 However, the observation goes beyond individual findings. The fact that two such objects have already been discovered within just two years may allow a new way of investigating certain processes in other solar systems. Die Beobachtung geht aber über Einzelerkenntnisse hinaus. Dass bereits zwei solcher Objekte innerhalb von nur zwei Jahren entdeckt worden sind, erlaubt unter Umständen einen neuen Weg zur Erforschung bestimmter Prozesse in anderen Sonnensystemen. The observation goes beyond individual knowledge. The fact that already two such objects have been discovered in the space of only two years may allow a new way of researching certain processes in other solar systems. UEDIN.1066 Again and again asteroids occupy the researchers. Only recently a giant asteroid raced past the earth and came dangerously close to it. Immer wieder beschäftigen Asteroiden die Forscher. Erst vor kurzem raste ein Riesen-Asteroid an der Erde vorbei und kam ihr dabei gefährlich nahe. Researchers are always preoccupied with asteroids. Recently a giant asteroid raced past the earth and got dangerously close to it. UEDIN.1066 "Absolutely reprehensible": Rachel Johnson appalled by brother n-tv.89659 "Absolut verwerflich": Rachel Johnson entsetzt über Bruder "Absolutely Reprehensible": Rachel Johnson Appalled at her Brother UEDIN.1066 It gets lonelier around Boris Johnson. First his younger brother leaves the cabinet, now his sister chastises with clear words the warlike language of the prime minister as "tasteless". It is not the brother she knows. n-tv.89659 Um Boris Johnson wird es einsamer. Erst verlässt sein jüngerer Bruder das Kabinett, nun geißelt seine Schwester mit deutlichen Worten die kriegerische Sprache des Premiers als "geschmacklos". Es sei nicht der Bruder, den sie kenne. It's getting lonelier for Boris Johnson. First his younger brother left the cabinet, and now his sister is castigating the Prime Minister's warlike language as "tasteless." She says he's not the brother she knows. UEDIN.1066 "Capitulation", "Fraud", Treaty": Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure and is constantly upgrading - at least verbally. At Question Time in the House of Commons this Wednesday, this met with massive indignation from the opposition, and in the meantime, other critics have spoken out: dozens of bishops and his own sister Rachel Johnson. n-tv.89659 "Kapitulation", "Betrug", Vertrag": Premierminister Boris Johnson steht unter Druck und rüstet immer weiter auf - zumindest verbal. Bei der Fragestunde im Unterhaus an diesem Mittwoch stieß das auf massive Empörung der Opposition, und inzwischen haben sich noch weitere Kritiker zu Wort gemeldet: Dutzende Bischöfe und seine eigene Schwester Rachel Johnson. "Capitulation," "fraud," "treaty": Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure and arming himself more and more—at least verbally. During the time of questioning in the House of Commons this Wednesday, this was met with massive outrage from the opposition, and since then many additional critics have weighed in: Dozens of bishops, and his own sister Rachel Johnson. UEDIN.1066 The well-known journalist and author told Sky News that her brother used words such as capitulation, as if the opponents of leaving the EU were to be "hanged, dragged, quartered, tarred and feathered." They consider this to be extremely reprehensible. She does not recognize her brother's version, said Rachel Johnson, who ran for the anti-Brexit party "Change UK" in the elections to the EU Parliament. n-tv.89659 Die bekannte Journalistin und Autorin sagte dem Sender Sky News, ihr Bruder benutze Worte wie Kapitulation, als ob die Gegner eines EU-Austritts "gehängt, langgezogen, gevierteilt, geteert und gefedert" werden sollten. Sie halte das für überaus verwerflich. Sie erkenne die Version ihres Bruders nicht wieder, sagte Rachel Johnsons, die bei den Wahlen zum EU-Parlament für die Anti-Brexit-Partei "Change UK" angetreten war. The famous journalist and author told the broadcaster Sky News that her brother used words like "capitulation," as though the opponents of the withdrawal from the EU "should be hanged, drawn, quartered, tarred and feathered." She feels that is thoroughly reprehensible. She no longer recognizes this version of her brother, said Rachel Johnson, who stood for the anti-Brexit party "Change UK" during the elections for the EU parliament. UEDIN.1066 In particular, she came across her brother Jo Cox, an EU-friendly MP who had been murdered by a neo-Nazi a few days before the 2016 Brexit referendum. Boris Johnson said in the House of Commons that the best way to honor their memory is to go through Brexit. "It is very tasteless to refer to a deputy who was murdered by someone who shouted 'Britain first'," Johnson's sister criticized. The perpetrator obviously came from the far-right camp, which felt "encouraged by this kind of language". For all those who mourned for her, it was very tasteless. n-tv.89659 Besonders stieß sie sich daran, dass ihr Bruder Jo Cox erwähnte, eine EU-freundliche Unterhausabgeordnete, die wenige Tage vor dem Austritts-Referendum 2016 von einem Neonazi ermordet worden war. Deren Andenken könne man am besten ehren, indem man den Brexit durchziehe, hatte Boris Johnson im Unterhaus gesagt. "Es ist sehr geschmacklos, sich auf eine Abgeordnete zu beziehen, die von jemandem ermordet wurde, der 'Britain first' rief", kritisierte nun Johnsons Schwester. Der Täter sei offensichtlich aus dem rechtsextremen Lager gekommen, das sich "durch diese Art von Sprache" bestärkt fühle. Für alle, die um sie trauerten, sei es sehr geschmacklos. She was especially upset that her brother mentioned Jo Cox, an EU-friendly member of the House of Commons who was murdered by a neo-Nazi a few days before the 2016 referendum on the withdrawal. One can best honor her memory by carrying out Brexit, Boris Johnson said in the House of Commons. "It is in very poor taste to refer to a delegate who was murdered by someone shouting ‘Britain first,'" Johnson's sister is now critically asserting. The culprit is said to have obviously come from the extreme right wing, which feels itself strengthened "by this type of language." For all those who are mourning her, it's extremely tasteless. UEDIN.1066 Cox's widower also sharply criticized the Prime Minister. "It makes me sick when Jos Name is used like that," he tweeted. The best way to honor them is to stand up passionately and resolutely for what you believe in - no matter what your opinion is. But one should never "demonize the other side". He also complained that an atmosphere had emerged in which attacks had become more likely. n-tv.89659 Auch der Witwer von Cox kritisierte den Premierminister scharf. "Es macht mich krank, wenn Jos Name so benutzt wird", twitterte er. Der beste Weg, sie zu ehren, sei, wenn man leidenschaftlich und entschlossen für das eintrete, woran man glaube - egal, welcher Ansicht man sei. Aber niemals dürfe man "die andere Seite dämonisieren". Er beklagte zudem, dass eine Atmosphäre entstanden sei, in der Angriffe wahrscheinlicher geworden seien. And Cox's widower also strongly criticized the Prime Minister. "Feel a bit sick at Jo's name being used in this way," he tweeted. The best way to honor Jo is for all of us (no matter our views) to stand up for what we believe in, passionately and with determination. But never to demonize the other side." He also lamented that an atmosphere has arisen in which attacks have become more probable. UEDIN.1066 Just a few weeks ago, Boris Johnson's younger brother Jo resigned from his post as Secretary of State and his mandate as a Tory deputy. "I've been torn between loyalty to the family and national interest in recent months - it's an indissoluble tension," Jo Johnson explained. n-tv.89659 Erst vor wenigen Wochen hatte Boris Johnson jüngerer Bruder Jo sein Amt als Staatssekretär und sein Mandat als Tory-Abgeordneter niedergelegt. "Ich war in den vergangenen Monaten zerrissen zwischen Loyalität zur Familie und dem nationalen Interesse - es ist eine unauflösbare Spannung", begründete Jo Johnson den Schritt. Only a few weeks ago, Boris Johnson's younger brother Jo resigned his position as Minister of State and his mandate as the Tory delegate. "In recent weeks I've been torn between family loyalty and the national interest – it's an unresolvable tension," Jo Johnson said to justify the step he was taking. UEDIN.1066 Johnson's language also met with sharp criticism in the church. As the Times reports, all 118 bishops and archbishops of the Church of England criticize the language that "is not worthy of this country." In a joint statement, they stated: "In recent days, the language has been unacceptable, both in debates and outside Parliament. We should talk to each other with respect". n-tv.89659 Johnsons Sprache stieß auch in der Kirche auf scharfe Kritik. Wie die "Times" berichtet, kritisieren alle 118 Bischöfe und Erzbischöfe der Church of England die Sprache, die "dieses Landes nicht würdig" sei. In einem gemeinsamen Statement erklärten sie: "In den vergangenen Tagen, ist die Sprache, sowohl in Debatten als auch auch außerhalb des Parlaments, nicht akzeptabel gewesen. Wir sollten mit Respekt miteinander sprechen". Johnson's speech was met with strong criticism, including in the church. As the "Times" reported, all 118 bishops and archbishops of the Church of England criticized the speech, which they said was "not worthy of our country." In a joint statement, they declared: "In the last few days, the use of language, both in debates and outside parliament, has been unacceptable. We should speak to others with respect. UEDIN.1066 Shakira and Jennifer Lopez perform at the Super Bowl Shakira und Jennifer Lopez treten beim Super Bowl auf Shakira and Jennifer Lopez perform at the Super Bowl UEDIN.1066 In the year of its 100th anniversary, the NFL is sending a strong signal: In the half-time show of the upcoming Super Bowl, two women with Latino roots appear. They promise "an explosion of fun and energy". Die NFL setzt im Jahr ihres 100-jährigen Bestehens ein starkes Zeichen: In der Halbzeitshow des kommenden Super Bowl treten zwei Frauen mit Latino-Wurzeln auf. Die versprechen "eine Explosion aus Spaß und Energie". For its 100th anniversary, the NFL is giving a clear signal: Two women with Latin roots will perform at the upcoming Super Bowl halftime show. They promise "an explosion of fun and energy." UEDIN.1066 Latina power at the Super Bowl: Superstars Shakira (42) and Jennifer Lopez (50) will deliver the half-time show at the upcoming final of the US football league NFL. This was announced by the organizers on Thursday (local time). Latina-Power beim Super Bowl: Die Superstars Shakira (42) und Jennifer Lopez (50) werden beim kommenden Finale der US-Football-Liga NFL die Halbzeitshow liefern. Das gaben die Veranstalter am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) bekannt. Latina power at the Super Bowl: Superstars Shakira (42) and Jennifer Lopez (50) will provide the halftime show at the upcoming final game of the NFL American football league. This was announced by organizers on Thursday (local time). UEDIN.1066 "I feel incredibly honored and humble to represent the Latino community alongside JLo. Because it has an incredible strength in the USA," Shakira said in a video. "Ich fühle mich unglaublich geehrt und demütig, neben JLo die Latino-Community zu repräsentieren. Denn diese hat eine unglaubliche Stärke in den USA", teilte Shakira in einem Video mit. "I feel incredibly honored and humbled to be next to J. Lo, representing the Latino community that is such an important force in the United States," Shakira shared in a video. UEDIN.1066 The final of the American Football League, which will be its 100th in the coming year. Celebrating its birthday, it will take place on February 2nd in Miami. Many people with Latin American roots live in the metropolis on the southern tip of Florida. Shakira ("Waka Waka") comes from Colombia, Lopez ("On the Floor") is of Puerto Rican origin. Das Finale der amerikanischen Football-Liga, die im kommenden Jahr ihren 100. Geburtstag feiert, findet am 2. Februar in Miami statt. In der Metropole an der Südspitze Floridas leben viele Menschen mit lateinamerikanischen Wurzeln. Shakira ("Waka Waka") kommt aus Kolumbien, Lopez ("On the Floor") ist puerto-ricanischer Herkunft. The finale of the American football league, which will celebrate its 100th birthday next year, takes places February 2 in Miami. Many people with Latin American roots live in the metropolis on the southern tip of Florida. Shakira ("Waka Waka") comes from Colombia, while Lopez ("On the Floor") is of Puerto Rican descent. UEDIN.1066 "I love the Super Bowl putting two women on stage this time - and two Latinas," Lopez explained. This sends an important message to all Americans and the world. She promises "an explosion of fun and energy" for the show. "Ich liebe es, dass der Super Bowl diesmal zwei Frauen auf die Bühne stellt - und zwei Latinas", erklärte Lopez. Dies sende eine wichtige Botschaft an alle Amerikaner und die Welt. Sie verspricht für die Show "eine Explosion aus Spaß und Energie". "I love that the Super Bowl has two women performing this year—and two Latinas," Lopez explained. This sends an important message to all Americans and the world. She promises "an explosion of fun and energy" for the show. UEDIN.1066 The 50-year-old was born in New York after her parents emigrated from Puerto Rico. In the 2000s she landed big hits with songs like "Waiting For Tonight" or "Let's Get Loud" and later also released songs in Spanish. Lopez also works as an actress and can be seen from November in the drama "Hustlers" in German cinemas. Die 50-Jährige wurde in New York geboren, nachdem ihre Eltern aus Puerto Rico ausgewandert waren. In den 2000ern landete sie mit Songs wie "Waiting For Tonight" oder "Let's Get Loud" große Hits und veröffentlichte später auch Lieder auf Spanisch. Lopez arbeitet außerdem als Schauspielerin und ist ab November im Drama "Hustlers" in den deutschen Kinos zu sehen. The 50-year-old was born in New York after her parents emigrated from Puerto Rico. In the 2000s, she had huge hits like "Waiting For Tonight" or "Let's Get Loud" and later released songs in Spanish. Lopez also does work as an actress and can be seen in the drama "Hustlers," in German theaters from November. UEDIN.1066 Shakira became known in Colombia as the star of a telenovela and singer. She made her worldwide breakthrough in 2001 with her first bilingual album and the single "Whenever, Whereever". Shakira wurde in Kolumbien als Star einer Telenovela und Sängerin bekannt. Ihren weltweiten Durchbruch schaffte sie 2001 mit ihrem ersten zweisprachigen Album und der Single "Whenever, Whereever". Shakira was famous in Colombia as the star of a telenovela and a singer. She made her international debut in 2001 with her first dual language album and the single "Whenever, Wherever." UEDIN.1066 The announcement of the half-time guests is eagerly awaited in the USA every time. This year, many see the selection as a political gesture. After all, the country is deeply divided, not least by President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. Die Bekanntgabe der Halbzeitgäste wird in den USA jedes Mal mit Spannung erwartet. In diesem Jahr werten viele die Auswahl auch als politische Geste. Schließlich ist das Land, nicht zuletzt durch die Einwanderungspolitik von Präsident Donald Trump, tief gespalten. The halftime guest announcement is always hotly anticipated in the US. This year, many see the selection as a political gesture. After all, the country is deeply divided, not least due to the immigration policies of President Donald Trump. UEDIN.1066 The Super Bowl is the biggest US sporting event and at the same time a gigantic advertising spectacle. Musicians such as Justin Timberlake, Beyonca, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Bruno Mars and the Rolling Stones caused a sensation there. As a rule, well over 100 million viewers watch the NFL finale, and it is now extremely popular in Germany as well. Der Super Bowl ist das größte US-Sportereignis und zugleich ein gigantisches Werbespektakel. Musiker wie Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Bruno Mars und die Rolling Stones sorgten dort für Furore. In der Regel schauen beim NFL-Finale weit über 100 Millionen Fernsehzuschauer zu, es ist auch in Deutschland mittlerweile äußerst beliebt. The Super Bowl is both the largest US sporting event and a gigantic advertising spectacle. Musicians like Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Bruno Mars, and the Rolling Stones have caused a huge stir there. More than 100 million TV viewers normally watch the NFL final, and it has become quite popular in Germany as well. UEDIN.1066 Last year there were political controversies in the run-up to the event. The reason for this was the dispute over the quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who had refused to stand up while playing the national anthem in protest against police violence against blacks and had been harshly attacked by US President Donald Trump, among others. Out of solidarity with Kaepernick, some musicians had rejected a Super Bowl performance - including Rihanna and Pink. That the rock group Maroon 5 appeared was ultimately criticized by many. Im vergangenen Jahr kam es im Vorfeld zu politischen Kontroversen. Grund war der Streit um den Quarterback Colin Kaepernick, der sich aus Protest gegen Polizeigewalt gegen Schwarze geweigert hatte, sich beim Abspielen der Nationalhymne zu erheben und dafür unter anderem von US-Präsident Donald Trump hart angegangen worden war. Aus Solidarität mit Kaepernick hatten einige Musiker einen Super-Bowl-Auftritt abgelehnt - darunter Rihanna und Pink. Dass die Rockgruppe Maroon 5 auftrat, wurde letztlich von vielen kritisiert. The runup to last year's game was mired in political controversy. Quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the playing of the national anthem in protest against police violence against black people - he was then attacked harshly by US President Donald Trump and others. Some musicians refused a Super Bowl appearance out of solidarity with Kaepernick, including Rihanna and Pink. The rock group Maroon 5 was ultimately criticized by many for performing. UEDIN.1066 An actor and youtuber assigns Egypt's ruler: For the time being, however, Mohamed Ali prefers to stay abroad. sz.87383 Ein Schauspieler und Youtuber setzt Ägyptens Herrscher zu: Vorerst bleibt Mohamed Ali aber lieber im Ausland. An actor and YouTuber badgers Egypt's ruler: For now Mohamed Ali prefers to stay abroad. UEDIN.1066 The two men who influence whether blood is flowing on the streets of Egypt have both spent the past week abroad. One of them returned to Cairo Airport on Friday. President Abdelfattah al-Sisi returned from the UN General Assembly. The ex-general, who deposed Muslim Brother Mohammed Morsi, the country's first freely elected head of state, in 2013, had spent a pleasant time in New York: US President Donald Trump had praised Sisi's crackdown on political Islam and had lost no syllable about the human rights violations on the Nile - in a week when Egypt's security forces arrested hundreds of people for daring to protest against the president. He had "no reason to worry," Sisi said at the airport in the microphones of state television. "The Egyptians don't let themselves be misled." sz.87383 Die zwei Männer, die Einfluss darauf haben, ob auf den Straßen Ägyptens wieder Blut fließt, haben die vergangene Woche beide im Ausland verbracht. Einer von beiden schwebte am Freitag wieder am Flughafen Kairo ein. Staatspräsident Abdelfattah al-Sisi kehrte von der UN-Generalversammlung zurück. Der Ex-General, der 2013 den Muslimbruder Mohammed Mursi, das erste frei gewählte Staatsoberhaupt des Landes, absetzte, hatte eine angenehme Zeit in New York verbracht: US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte Sisis Vorgehen gegen den politischen Islam gelobt und keine Silbe über die Menschenrechtsverletzungen am Nil verloren - in einer Woche, in der Ägyptens Sicherheitskräfte Hunderte Menschen verhafteten, weil sie es gewagt hatten, gegen den Präsidenten zu protestieren. Er habe "keinen Grund zur Sorge", sagte Sisi am Flughafen in die Mikrofone des Staatsfernsehens. "Die Ägypter lassen sich nicht in die Irre führen". The two men who have a say about whether blood will be spilt on Egypt's streets again, have both spent the past week abroad. One of the two drifted into Cairo airport again on Friday. State president Abdelfattah al-Sisi returned from the UN General Assembly. The ex-general, who in 2013 deposed Muslim brother Mohammed Mursi, the first freely chosen head of state, had spent a pleasant time in New York. US president Donald Trump had praised al-Sisi's action against political Islam, making no mention of the human rights violations on the Nile—during a week, when Egypt's security forces arrested hundreds of people for daring to protest against the president. He had "no grounds for worry," al-Sisi said at the airport into the state television broadcasting microphone. "Egyptians are not easily misled." UEDIN.1066 To mislead - according to the President, this is what the other man, who is currently determining what is happening on the streets, is trying to do. Mohamed Ali, of course, stayed abroad, where he escaped the access of the security forces, who would arrest him immediately if he tried to enter Egyptian soil. Weeks ago, the 45-year-old was known as an actor only to a minority of Egyptians. Today he is the leading voice that dominates the political discourse in the country's cafes, living rooms and tea rooms: with his YouTube channel "Mohamed's Secrets", Ali calls on his compatriots to rise up against Sisi. sz.87383 In die Irre führen - das versucht nach Ansicht des Präsidenten der andere Mann, der derzeit das Geschehen auf den Straßen bestimmt. Mohamed Ali blieb selbstverständlich im Ausland, wo er sich dem Zugriff der Sicherheitskräfte entzieht, die ihn sofort verhaften würden, wenn er ägyptischen Boden zu betreten versuchte. Vor Wochen war der 45-Jährige als Schauspieler nur einer Minderheit der Ägypter bekannt. Heute ist er die tonangebende Stimme, die den politischen Diskurs in den Cafés, den Wohnzimmern und Teestuben des Landes beherrscht: Mit seinem Youtube-Kanal "Mohameds Geheimnisse" ruft Ali seine Landsleute auf, sich gegen Sisi zu erheben. Misleading—according to the president, is what the other man, who currently determines the events taking place on the streets, is doing. Mohamed Ali naturally stayed, where he keeps out of reach of the security forces, which would immediately arrest him if he tries to set foot in Egypt again. Weeks ago, the 45-year-old was known to only a minority of Egyptians as an actor. Today he is the leading voice commanding political discourse in cafes, living rooms and tea lounges across the country. With his YouTube channel "Mohamed's Secrets," Ali calls on countrymen to rise up against al-Sisi. UEDIN.1066 He addresses the head of state directly and in quite rustic language. While the people are hungry, the president indulges in luxury and lets himself build magnificent new palaces, they say. The army leadership on which Sisi bases his rule accuses Ali of corruption and enrichment. Because he did business with exactly these gentlemen in his second job as a contractor for 15 years, he seems to know quite exactly what he is talking about - at least that is the impression of many Egyptians, as the almost exploding click numbers show. sz.87383 Er geht den Staatschef direkt und in durchaus rustikaler Sprache an. Während das Volk hungere, schwelge der Präsident im Luxus und lasse sich prächtige neue Paläste bauen, heißt es da. Der Armeeführung, auf die Sisi seine Herrschaft stützt, wirft Ali Korruption und Bereicherung vor. Weil er in seinem Zweitberuf als Bauunternehmer 15 Jahre lang mit genau diesen Herren Geschäfte machte, scheint er ziemlich genau zu wissen, wovon er redet - das zumindest ist der Eindruck vieler Ägypter, wie die geradezu explodierenden Klickzahlen zeigen. He addresses the state president in direct and country-style language. While the people are hungry, the president indulges in luxury and has new palaces built, is what the saying goes. The army leadership on which Sisi rests his rule accuses Ali of corruption and wealth grabbing. Because his second job as building contractor for 15 years meant he did business with precisely this man, he seems to know exactly what he is talking about—at least that is what many Egyptians believe, as the downright exploding clicks show. UEDIN.1066 After thousands had demonstrated against his rule for the first time since Sisi's grip on power last week, and nearly 2,000 citizens, including prominent figures in civil society, human rights lawyers and opposition politicians, had been arrested, Ali called for a "million march" this Friday. It was unlikely that so many people would dare to take to the streets. But there were occasional smaller protests, for example in Giseh near Cairo and in Kina near Luxor. Videos on social media showed protests whose participants accused Al-Sisi of corruption and demanded his departure. During these protests, the police also used tear gas and rubber bullets. These videos could not be independently verified at first. From security circles it was said that the police had stopped the protests. sz.87383 Nachdem vergangene Woche erstmals seit Sisis Griff nach der Macht Tausende gegen seine Herrschaft demonstriert hatten und fast 2000 Bürger, unter ihnen prominente Figuren der Zivilgesellschaft, Menschenrechtsanwälte und Oppositionspolitiker, verhaftet worden waren, rief Ali für diesen Freitag zu einem "Millionenmarsch" auf. Dass sich wirklich so viele Menschen auf die Straßen wagen würden, war unwahrscheinlich. Aber es kam zu vereinzelten kleineren Protesten, zum Beispiel in Giseh bei Kairo sowie im Ort Kina bei Luxor. Videos in sozialen Medien zeigten Proteste, deren Teilnehmer Al-Sisi Korruption vorwarfen und seinen Abgang forderten. Bei diesen Protesten setzte die Polizei auch Tränengas und Gummigeschosse ein. Diese Videos ließen sich zunächst nicht unabhängig verifizieren. Aus Sicherheitskreisen hieß es, die Polizei habe die Proteste beendet. After thousands had demonstrated against his rule last week for the first time since al-Sisi's tightening grip, and almost 2000 citizens, among them prominent figures in civil society, human rights lawyers and opposition politicians were arrested, Ali called on a "Millions March" this Friday. That many people daring to go in the street seemed unlikely. But there have been isolated protests, for example Giseh in Cairo as well as in the Kina region near Luxor. Videos in social media showed protests, the participants of which blamed Al-Sisi corruption and demanded his departure. During these protests, the police also used tear gas and rubber bullets. These videos could initially not be identified. From security circles it was said, that the police ended the protests. UEDIN.1066 Massive police presence was reported on Friday from the city of Mansura in the Nile Delta, where demonstrators tore banners with the President's portrait to pieces last week. Security forces set up checkpoints in the city and on the arterial roads. In Cairo, several subway stations in the city centre were closed for "maintenance work", most of the streets around Tahrir Square, the heart of the 2011 revolution, were blocked. And in Rabaa Square, where supporters of the overthrown Muslim Brother Morsi entrenched themselves in 2013, until the army took them under fire and killed up to 800 people, another measure was to prevent dissatisfied people from gathering: Sisi's Future Party wanted to hold a large-scale rally for the president here. sz.87383 Aus der Stadt Mansura im Nildelta, wo Demonstranten vergangene Woche Banner mit dem Porträt des Präsidenten in Stücke rissen, wurde am Freitag massive Polizeipräsenz gemeldet. Sicherheitskräfte errichteten Checkpoints in der Stadt und an den Ausfallstraßen. In Kairo wurden mehrere U-Bahnstationen in der Innenstadt wegen "Instandhaltungsarbeiten" geschlossen, die meisten Straßen rund um den Tahrirplatz, dem Herz der Revolution von 2011, wurden blockiert. Und auf dem Rabaa-Platz, auf dem sich 2013 Anhänger des gestürzten Muslimbruders Mursi verschanzten, bis die Armee sie unter Feuer nahm und bis zu 800 Menschen tötete, sollte eine andere Maßnahme verhindern, dass sich Unzufriedene versammeln: Sisis Zukunftspartei wollte ausgerechnet hier eine Großkundgebung für den Präsidenten abhalten. There were reports of high police presence in the city of Mansura in the Nile Delta last Friday, where last week demonstrators were tearing up banners with the portrait of the president. Security forces erected checkpoints in the city and at exit roads. In Cairo several underground stations in the inner city were closed due to "maintenance work," most roads around Tahrir square, the heart of the revolution of 2011 were blocked off. And on the Rabaa square, on which in 2013 followers of the fallen Muslim brother Mursi entrenched themselves, until the army put them under fire and killed up to 800 people, another measure is meant to deter dissatisfied people from gathering. It is in this very place, that al-Sisi's Future Party wanted to hold a large rally for the president. UEDIN.1066 Mohamed Ali prompted these arrangements to change his tactics: "Our goal does not have to be Tahrir Square," Ali said in his video camera in Barcelona. "Let's not clash with police officers." As a retreat, however, this is not to be understood: "All Egypt is the Tahrir Square". sz.87383 Mohamed Ali veranlassten diese Vorkehrungen zu einer Änderung seiner Taktik: "Unser Ziel muss nicht der Tahrirplatz sein", sagte Ali in Barcelona in seine Videokamera. "Lasst uns nicht mit Polizeibeamten zusammenstoßen". Als Rückzieher sei das aber nicht zu verstehen: "Ganz Ägypten ist der Tahrirplatz". These precautions prompted Mohamed Ali to change his tactic. "Our goal must not be Tahrir square," Ali said in Barcelona into his video camera. "Let us not come to knocks with police officers." But that should not be understood as a withdrawal. "All of Egypt is Tahrir square." UEDIN.1066 If the provider promises too much performance Wenn der Provider zu viel Leistung verspricht When the provider promises too much UEDIN.1066 If the Internet connection always seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are various test options. Scheint der Internet-Anschluss stets viel langsamer als vom Provider beworben, gibt es verschiedene Prüfmöglichkeiten. If the internet connection seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are several ways to make sure. UEDIN.1066 Those who conclude an Internet contract need not blindly trust the speed data of the providers. In the event of anomalies, customers can check for themselves how much of it is actually achieved. Wer einen Internetvertrag abschließt, braucht nicht blind den Geschwindigkeitsangaben der Anbieter vertrauen. Kunden können bei Auffälligkeiten selbst nachprüfen, wie viel davon tatsächlich erreicht wird. When signing a contract, one should not have to trust their provider blindly. If problems occur, customers can check the actual internet speed themselves. UEDIN.1066 After all, the pre-promised transmission rates are an integral part of the contract and should therefore also be achieved, explains the consumer centre in Bavaria. Schließlich sind die vorab versprochenen Übertragungsraten ein Vertragsbestandteil und sollten daher auch erreicht werden, erklärt die Verbraucherzentrale Bayern. The data transfer rates promised in advance are an important part of the contract and should therefore be reached, explains the Bavarian Consumer Center. UEDIN.1066 If the connection always seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are various test options. For example, the messtools of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) measure the actual data transfer rates and compare them with the rate agreed in the contract. Scheint der Anschluss stets viel langsamer als vom Provider beworben, gibt es verschiedene Prüfmöglichkeiten. So messen die Messtools der Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) die tatsächlichen Datenübertragungsraten und vergleichen sie mit der im Vertrag vereinbarten Rate. If the connection seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are several ways to make sure. The measuring tools by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) measure the actual data transfer rates and compare them to the rates agreed upon in the contract. UEDIN.1066 "However, the tests of the providers are carried out according to provider-specific specifications and are therefore not calculated uniformly and objectively", the consumer centre Bavaria points out on its side. "Die Tests der Anbieter erfolgen jedoch nach anbieterspezifischen Vorgaben und sind daher nicht einheitlich und objektiv berechnet", gibt die Verbraucherzentrale Bayern auf ihrer Seite zu bedenken. "The provider checks are carried out according to provider-specific specifications and are therefore not calculated uniformly and objectively", stated the Bavarian Consumer Center. UEDIN.1066 If the connection is much slower than announced, customers can set the provider a reasonable period of usually 14 days to produce the promised service. This is best done in writing by letter of objection. Ist der Anschluss wesentlich langsamer als angekündigt, können Kunden dem Anbieter eine angemessene Frist von in der Regel 14 Tagen setzen, um die versprochene Leistung herzustellen. Das tun Betroffene am besten schriftlich per Einwurfeinschreiben. If the connection is much slower than agreed upon, customers can set the provider a reasonable deadline, which is usually 14 days, to provide the service as promised. The customers can do this per post, via a registered letter. UEDIN.1066 If this does not work even after repeated requests, customers can terminate and may also claim damages. But if there is no success, only the legal process will help. Bewirkt das auch nach mehrfacher Aufforderung nichts, können Kunden kündigen und unter Umständen auch Schadenersatz fordern. Doch bei ausbleibendem Erfolg helfe nur noch der Klageweg. Should this prove unsuccessful after several attempts, customers can terminate their contracts and, in come circumstances, claim damages. Legal action can be used if all else fails. UEDIN.1066 First high-ranking Republican for Investigation Erster ranghoher Republikaner für Untersuchung Senior Republican for investigation UEDIN.1066 The Governor of Vermont was the first senior Republican to call for an impeachment investigation against US President Donald Trump. "I think the investigation is important, yes, and where that leads from here is determined by the facts that are established," Phil Scott said at a press conference on Thursday. He wants to know more about the whistleblower affair before measures are taken - an impeachment procedure can lead to the dismissal of the president. Als erster ranghoher Republikaner hat sich der Gouverneur von Vermont für eine Impeachment-Untersuchung gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump ausgesprochen. "Ich denke, die Untersuchung ist wichtig, ja, und wo das von hier aus hinführt, wird von den Fakten bestimmt, die festgestellt werden", sagte Phil Scott auf einer Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag. Er wolle mehr über die Whistleblower-Affäre wissen, bevor Maßnahmen - ein Impeachment-Verfahren kann zur Absetzung des Präsidenten führen - ergriffen werden. A senior Republican, the Governor of Vermont, has spoken out in favor of an impeachment investigation against US President Donald Trump. "I think the inquiry is important, yes, and where it leads from here is going to be driven by the facts that are established," Phil Scott said at a press conference on Thursday. He wanted to know more about the whistleblower affair before measures—impeachment proceedings can lead to the removal of the President—were taken. UEDIN.1066 Scott said he was not surprised by revelations that Trump had repeatedly called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky in a phone call to investigate interventions by Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Because Trump has been watching Biden "for years". Scott sagte, er sei von Enthüllungen nicht überrascht, dass Trump den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj wiederholt in einem Telefonat aufgefordert habe, Interventionen des demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerbers und früheren Vizepräsidenten Joe Biden in der Ukraine zu untersuchen. Denn Trump beobachte Biden "seit Jahren". Scott said that he was not surprised by the revelation that Trump had made repeated requests over the phone to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate interventions by Democratic Presidential rival and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Trump has been watching Biden "for years." UEDIN.1066 Republicans have so far withheld criticism of Trump over the whistleblower affair; few have shown discomfort about it. Scott’s remarks are a first sign of this in Trump’s party. Scott, a moderate Republican, has repeatedly opposed Trump’s policies, such as relaxing environmental regulations and tightening immigration regulations. Republikaner haben sich bislang mit Kritik an Trump wegen der Whistleblower-Affäre zurückgehalten; wenige haben Unbehagen deswegen erkennen lassen. Scotts Äußerungen sind ein erstes Anzeichen dafür in Trumps Partei. Scott, ein moderater Republikaner, hat sich bereits mehrmals gegen Trumps Politik gewandt, etwa gegen die Lockerung von Umweltschutzvorschriften und der Verschärfung von Einwanderungsvorschriften. Republicans have so far withheld their criticism of Trump due to the whistleblower affair; few have shown unease about it. Scott's statements are the first sign of uneasiness within Trump's party. Scott, a moderate Republican, has already pushed back against Trump's policies numerous times, such as when he opposed relaxing environmental regulations and tightening immigration requirements. UEDIN.1066 Spider-Man stays in the MCU: Further Marvel film planned Spider-Man bleibt im MCU: Weiterer Marvel-Film geplant Spider-Man stays in the MCU: Additional Marvel film planned UEDIN.1066 It was a shock for all Spider-Man fans: At the end of August it became known that Sony and Marvel will go their separate ways in the future. Tom Hollands Spider-Man would therefore no longer be part of the "Avengers" universe. It was completely unclear how the movies around Tom Holland should go on. Es war ein Schock für alle Spider-Man-Fans: Ende August wurde bekannt, dass Sony und Marvel künftig getrennte Wege gehen werden. Tom Hollands Spider-Man wäre demnach nicht mehr Teil des "Avengers"-Universums. Völlig unklar war, wie es mit den Filmen um Tom Holland weitergehen sollte. It was a shock to all Spider-Man fans: At the end of August, it was announced that Sony and Marvel would be going their separate ways in the future. As a result, Tom Holland's Spider-Man would no longer be part of the Avengers universe. It was entirely unclear how the films starring Tom Holland would proceed. UEDIN.1066 Now the surprise: After "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home", Spider-Man receives another final third film within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This is reported by several U.S. media. According to this, the theatrical release is already certain: In the USA, the film is scheduled to start on July 16, 2021. Nun die Überraschung: Spider-Man erhält nach "Spider-Man: Homecoming" und "Spider-Man: Far From Home" einen weiteren abschließenden dritten Film innerhalb des Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Das berichten mehrere US-Medien übereinstimmend. Demnach soll auch schon der Kinostart feststehen: In den USA soll der Film ab 16. Juli 2021 anlaufen. Now the surprise: After "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home," Spider-Man is getting an additional final third film within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The same news was reported by several US media outlets. According to these reports, the cinema release is also set: The movie will be shown in the US from July 16, 2021. UEDIN.1066 Marvel-Boos Kevin Feige is quoted in the magazine "Screenrant": "I am pleased that Spidey's path continues in the MCU. I and everyone at the Marvel studios are delighted that we can continue to work on it ... He is the only superhero with the ability to play in different universes as Sony continues to work on his spidey verse. You never know what the future will bring." Im Magazin "Screenrant" wird Marvel-Boos Kevin Feige zitiert: "Ich freue mich, dass Spideys Weg im MCU weitergeführt wird. Ich und alle bei den Marvel-Studios sind höchst erfreut, dass wir weiter daran arbeiten können ... Er ist der einzige Superheld mit der Fähigkeit, in verschiedenen Universen mitzuspielen, da Sony weiter an seinem Spidey-Verse arbeitet. Man weiß nie, was die Zukunft bringen wird". The magazine Screenrant quotes Marvel boss Kevin Feige as saying, "I'm happy that Spidey's path continues on in the MCU. I and everyone else at Marvel Studios are absolutely delighted to be able to work on it again... He's the only superhero with the ability to take part in different universes, as Sony continues to work on its Spidey-Verse. You never know what the future will bring." UEDIN.1066 But how does the sudden good news come about? Sony Marvel is said to have made an offer. According to industry magazines, Disney, which also includes Marvel, would contribute 30 percent of the revenue from upcoming Spider-Man films. However, the message is not confirmed. Doch wie kommt es zu der plötzlichen guten Nachricht? Angeblich soll Sony Marvel ein Angebot unterbreitet haben. Laut Branchenmagazinen würde der Konzern Disney, zu dem auch Marvel gehört, mit 30 Prozent an den Einnahmen kommender Spider-Man-Filme beteiligen. Bestätigt ist die Nachricht allerdings nicht. But where did the sudden good news come from? Sony has allegedly made Marvel an offer. According to industry magazines, Disney, which also includes Marvel, would be given a 30 per cent share in the proceeds from the upcoming Spider-Man films. This news has not been confirmed, however. UEDIN.1066 This is how Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry appear in the "Suits" final So tauchen Herzogin Meghan und Prinz Harry im "Suits"-Finale auf Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry Appear in "Suits" Finale UEDIN.1066 After nine seasons, the series "Suits" has now reached the grand finale in the USA. In the last episode there were many happy ends and just as many cameo appearances. And also the royal couple Prince Harry (35) and his Meghan (38), who took part in the series for many years, were charmingly paid tribute. Attention, the following sections contain spoilers for the series finale. Nach neun Staffeln ist die Serie "Suits" in den USA inzwischen beim großen Finale angelangt. In der letzten Folge gab es viele Happy Ends und ebenso viele Cameo-Auftritte. Und auch dem royalen Ehepaar Prinz Harry (35) und seiner Meghan (38), die viele Jahre lang in der Serie mitwirkte, wurde auf charmante Weise Tribut gezollt. Achtung, die folgenden Abschnitte enthalten Spoiler zum Serienfinale. After nine seasons, the American series "Suits" has reached its grand finale. The last episode contained many happy endings and cameos. And a charming tribute was paid to the royal couple, Prince Harry (35) and his Meghan (38), who had taken part in the series for years. Note: The following sections contain spoilers to the series finale. UEDIN.1066 One thing first: Duchess Meghan did not return in the final for a last farewell greeting as Rachel Zane, at least not for new scenes. Instead, some retrospectives once again showed the most memorable scenes with today's Duchess. For example, the moments of the failed and successful wedding with Mike or how she welcomes him after his sentence. Eines vorweg: Herzogin Meghan kehrte im Finale nicht für einen letzten Abschiedsgruß als Rachel Zane zurück, zumindest nicht für neue Szenen. Stattdessen zeigten einige Rückblicke noch einmal die denkwürdigsten Szenen mit der heutigen Herzogin. So etwa die Momente der gescheiterten und der geglückten Hochzeit mit Mike oder wie sie ihn nach seiner abgesessenen Haftstrafe begrüßt. One thing in advance: Duchess Meghan does not return in the finale for one last farewell as Rachel Zane—at least not for new scenes. Instead, a few looks back presented the most memorable scenes with the current duchess once more. Like the moments of the failed and the successful wedding with Mike, or how she greeted him after he had served his sentence. UEDIN.1066 But also her real husband, Prince Harry, was mentioned casually in the "Suits" finale, of course in a wedding scene. When Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman, 49) is walking straight towards the altar to marry his fiancee Sheila (Rachael Harris, 51), Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, 47) makes a telling remark about his suit. Whether he actually threw himself over a walking skirt, the dirty Harvey wants to know from the groom, only to then snippetly note: "Louis, you are not the Prince of England". Doch auch ihr echter Ehemann, Prinz Harry, wurde im "Suits"-Finale beiläufig erwähnt, natürlich in einer Hochzeitsszene. Als Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman, 49) gerade Richtung Altar schreitet, um seine Verlobte Sheila (Rachael Harris, 51) zu heiraten, macht Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, 47) eine vielsagende Bemerkung bezüglich dessen Anzugs. Ob er sich tatsächlich einen Gehrock übergeworfen habe, will der verdutzte Harvey vom Bräutigam wissen, nur um dann schnippisch anzumerken: "Louis, du bist doch nicht der Prinz von England". But her real-life husband, Prince Harry, was also mentioned in passing in the "Suits" finale (in a wedding scene, naturally). Just as Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman, 49) was going to the altar to marry his fiancée Sheila (Rachael Harris, 51), Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, 47) made a telling comment regarding his suit. The confused Harvey wants to know whether or not the bridegroom had actually thrown on a frock coat, only to then make the snarky comment: "Louis, you are not the Prince of England." UEDIN.1066 Aegean Sea: Baby and four other children drown in a boat accident bild.126537 Ägäis: Baby und vier weitere Kinder ertrinken bei Bootsunglück The Aegean: Baby and four other children drown in boat accident UEDIN.1066 When a refugee boat capsized in the Aegean Sea, a baby and four other children drowned. A total of seven people died in the accident, as the Greek Coast Guard announced on Friday. The nationalities are still unclear. bild.126537 Beim Kentern eines Flüchtlingsboots in der Ägäis sind ein Baby und vier weitere Kinder ertrunken. Insgesamt starben bei dem Unglück sieben Menschen, wie die griechische Küstenwache am Freitag mitteilte. Die Nationalitäten seien noch unklar. A baby and four other children drowned when a refugee boat overturned on the Aegean Sea. A total of seven people died in the accident, the Greek coastguard announced Friday. Their nationalities have not been established yet. UEDIN.1066 The boat sank near the Greek island of Inousses, which lies between the island of Chios and the Turkish mainland. Four children, three women and five men were rescued. bild.126537 Das Boot sank in der Nähe der griechischen Insel Inousses, die zwischen der Insel Chios und dem türkischen Festland liegt. Vier Kinder, drei Frauen und fünf Männer konnten gerettet werden. The boat sank off the Greek island of Oinousses, which lies between the island of Chios and the Turkish mainland. Four children, three women, and five men were rescued. UEDIN.1066 Hundreds of migrants are currently moving from Turkey to the Greek islands in the east of the Aegean. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 174 people lost their lives on this route last year. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has now announced his intention to visit both countries. bild.126537 Zurzeit setzen Hunderte Migranten aus der Türkei zu den griechischen Inseln im Osten der Ägäis über. Vergangenes Jahr kamen auf dieser Route nach Angaben des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) 174 Menschen ums Leben. Bundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer hat nun angekündigt, beide Länder besuchen zu wollen. Hundreds of migrants are currently crossing over from Turkey to the Greek islands in the eastern Aegean. According to figures from UNHCR, 174 people died along this route last year. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has now said he intends to visit both countries. UEDIN.1066 Together with his French colleague and the responsible EU Commissioner, he wants to "inform himself in Turkey about the refugee situation," Seehofer said on Friday. Afterwards, he wanted to learn more about the "administrative problems of the Greeks" in Athens in order to be able to help with the management. bild.126537 Gemeinsam mit seinem französischen Kollegen und dem zuständigen EU-Kommissar wolle er sich in er Türkei darüber "informieren, wie es steht um die Flüchtlingssituation", sagte Seehofer am Freitag. Anschließend wolle er in Athen mehr über die "administrativen Probleme der Griechen" erfahren, um bei der Bewältigung helfen zu können. Together with his French colleague and the responsible EU commissioner, Seehofer wants to "find out about the situation with refugees" in Turkey, he said on Friday. Afterwards, in Athens, he wants to learn more about "the administrative problems of the Greeks" in order to be able to help overcome them. UEDIN.1066 On Friday, a spokeswoman for the EU Commission confirmed Seehofer's planned trip with EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos and France's Interior Minister Christophe Castaner. bild.126537 Eine Sprecherin der EU-Kommission bestätigte am Freitag die geplante Reise Seehofers mit dem EU-Innenkommissar Dimitris Avramopoulos und Frankreichs Innenminister Christophe Castaner. On Friday, an EU Commission spokesperson confirmed Seehofer's planned visit with EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos and French Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner. UEDIN.1066 In Greece, an unusually large number of migrants continue to arrive from Turkey. On Tuesday alone, 654 people transferred to the Greek islands, according to the Greek Ministry of Civil Protection on Wednesday. bild.126537 In Griechenland kommen weiterhin ungewöhnlich viele Migranten aus der Türkei an. Allein am Dienstag setzten 654 Menschen zu den griechischen Inseln über, hieß es vom griechischen Bürgerschutzministerium am Mittwoch. An extraordinarily high number of migrants from Turkey are continuing to arrive in Greece. 654 people landed on the Greek islands on Tuesday alone, the Greek Ministry of Civil Protection reported on Wednesday. UEDIN.1066 Does the Turkey deal still work? bild.126537 Funktioniert der Türkei-Deal noch? Is the Turkey deal still working? UEDIN.1066 The increased figures recently cast doubt on the functioning of the EU-Turkey Agreement concluded in 2016. This means that the EU can send back all refugees and migrants who come illegally to the Greek islands via Turkey. In return, the EU wanted to accept a Syrian refugee from Turkey for every Syrian deported. bild.126537 Die gestiegenen Zahlen ließen zuletzt Zweifel am Funktionieren des 2016 geschlossenen EU-Türkei-Abkommens aufkommen. Dies sieht vor, dass die EU alle Flüchtlinge und Migranten, die illegal über die Türkei auf die griechischen Inseln kommen, zurückschicken kann. Im Gegenzug wollte die EU für jeden abgeschobenen Syrer einen syrischen Flüchtling aus der Türkei aufnehmen. The increased numbers have recently cast doubts over the functioning of the EU-Turkey agreement reached in 2016. Under this agreement, the EU can send back all refugees and migrants who have come to the Greek islands illegally via Turkey. In return, for every Syrian sent back, the EU agreed to accept a Syrian refugee from Turkey. UEDIN.1066 On the Greek side, however, the processing of asylum applications is difficult due to a lack of staff. On Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos, according to the Ministry of Civil Protection, almost 29 400 people are waiting. The situation in Lesbos is worst: 5200 migrates are currently housed in a camp with capacity for 650 people. bild.126537 Die Bearbeitung der Asylanträge kommt wegen Personalmangels jedoch auf griechischer Seite nur mühsam voran. Auf Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Leros und Kos harren laut dem Bürgerschutzministerium knapp 29 400 Menschen aus. Am schlimmsten ist die Lage auf Lesbos: In einem Lager mit Kapazitäten für 650 Menschen sind derzeit 5200 Migraten untergebracht. However, the processing of asylum applications on the Greek side is proceeding sluggishly due to personnel shortages. The Ministry of Civil Protection says that almost 29,400 people are trapped on Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Leros, and Kos. The situation on Lesbos is the most serious: A camp with a capacity for 650 people is currently accommodating 5,200 migrants. UEDIN.1066 Never since the entry into force of the EU-Turkey Refugee Pact in March 2016 have there been so many, the state radio reported. bild.126537 Noch nie seit Inkrafttreten des EU-Türkei-Flüchtlingspakts im März 2016 seien es so viele gewesen, berichtete der Staatsrundfunk. Never since the EU-Turkey refugee agreement came into force in March 2016 have there been so many, according to the state radio broadcaster. UEDIN.1066 Climate change: heat leads to more heart attacks Klimawandel: Hitze führt zu mehr Herzinfarkten Climate Change: Heat Leads to More Heart Attacks UEDIN.1066 According to doctors, climate change will put the health system to the test in the future. According to Andreas Zeiher, President of the German Society of Cardiology, climate change is one of the biggest challenges for the health system in the next 20 to 50 years. Especially the cardiovascular system caused high temperatures and large temperature jumps within a short time and led increasingly to heart attacks. Especially people with cardiovascular diseases, elderly people and diabetics are affected. Medizinern zufolge wird der Klimawandel künftig das Gesundheitssystem auf die Probe stellen. Die Klimaveränderungen seien "ganz sicher" eine der größten Herausforderungen für das Gesundheitssystem in den nächsten 20 bis 50 Jahren, sagte der Andreas Zeiher, Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie. Vor allem dem Herz-Kreislauf-System machten hohe Temperaturen und große Temperatursprünge binnen kurzer Zeit zu schaffen und führten vermehrt zu Herzinfarkten. Vor allem Menschen mit Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, ältere Menschen und Diabetiker seien betroffen. According to physicians, climate change will put the healthcare system to the test in the future. Andreas Zeiher, president of the German Cardiology Association, says that changes to the climate will "certainly" be one of the greatest challenges to the healthcare system during the next twenty to fifty years. High temperatures and extreme temperature changes primarily stress the cardiovascular system and lead increasingly to heart attacks. Those most affected include people with cardiovascular disease, the elderly, and diabetics. UEDIN.1066 Green politician has to answer for embarrassing photo breakdown Grünen-Politikerin muss sich wegen peinlicher Fotopanne verantworten The Green politician must answer for an embarrassing photo accident UEDIN.1066 The head of the Canadian Greens, Elizabeth May, in the election campaign - was the cup manipulated for this reason? Die Chefin der kanadischen Grünen, Elizabeth May, im Wahlkampf - wurde aus diesem Grund der Becher manipuliert? Elisabeth May, the leader of the Green Party of Canada—Was the cup edited for this reason? UEDIN.1066 The Canadian Green leader holds a reusable cup in his hand in a photo. But now it came out: The cup was manipulated. Die kanadische Grünen-Chefin hält auf einem Foto einen Mehrweg-Becher in der Hand. Doch jetzt kam heraus: Der Becher wurde manipuliert. The leader of the Green Party of Canada holds a reusable cup in her hand in a photo. However, it has not come out: The cup was edited. UEDIN.1066 Ottawa/Canada - It went unnoticed for quite a long time - and finally noticed. Elizabeth May, the head of the Canadian Green Party, never held the reusable coffee cup with a metal straw in her hand. On the party's website she was seen in a photo with this cup, talking to citizens. However, the photo had already been published and also distributed to the media - and there the cup was still a snappy (papp) cup, as reported by the Canadian National Post. Ottawa/Kanada - Es ist ziemlich lange unbemerkt geblieben - und schlussendlich doch aufgefallen. Den wiederverwendbaren Kaffeebecher mit Metallstrohhalm hat Elizabeth May, die Chefin der kanadischen Grünen, niemals in der Hand gehalten. Auf der Website der Partei war sie auf einem Foto mit diesem Becher zu sehen, im Gespräch mit Bürgern. Allerdings war das Foto schon zuvor veröffentlicht und auch an die Medien verbreitet worden - und da war der Becher noch ein schnöder (Papp) Becher, wie die kanadische National Post berichtete. Ottawa/Canada—It has gone unnoticed for a long time, but was finally discovered. Elisabeth May, the leader of the Canadian Green Party, never had the reusable coffee cup with the metal straw in her hand. The photograph on the party´s website showed May holding the cup and talking to the voters. However, the photo had been published and distributed to the media before—and the cup used to be a crude (paper) cup, as the Canadian National Post reported. UEDIN.1066 Green boss has to answer for photo breakdown Grünen-Chefin muss sich wegen Fotopanne verantworten The Green Party leader must answer for the photo UEDIN.1066 The National Post then accused May of manipulation and that the party produced fake news in order to appear more credible on the subject of "environmental protection". And this in the middle of an election campaign for the House of Commons, in which Trudeau also has an increasingly difficult time due to a bribery scandal. Die National Post warf May daraufhin Manipulation vor und dass die Partei Fake News produziere, um beim Thema "Umweltschutz" glaubwürdiger zu erscheinen. Und das mitten in einem Wahlkampf zur Unterhaus-Wahl, in dem es auch Trudeau wegen eines Bestechungsskandals zunehmend schwer hat. The National Post accused May of manipulation and stated that the party was spreading fake news in order to appear more credible regarding "environmental protection". And that in the middle of an election campaign for the House of Commons, as Trudeau has also been dealing with difficulties because of a bribery scandal. UEDIN.1066 The photo went viral on social media and started the discussion about fake news. A user shares a juxtaposition of the photos and writes: "The Greens manipulate a photo of their chairmen to hide their disposable cup". Das Foto ging in den sozialen Medien viral und fachte die Diskussion über Fake News an. Ein User teilt eine Gegenüberstellung der Fotos und schreibt: "Die Grünen manipulieren ein Foto ihrer Vorsitzenden, um ihren Einwegbecher zu verheimlichen". The photo went viral on social media and sparked discussion on fake news. A user shared a comparison of the two photos and wrote: "The Green party edited a photograph of its leader to hide a single-use coffee cup". UEDIN.1066 May was shocked and said on her blog that she didn't know anything about this action. To underline this, she immediately posted the original: She, in conversation with citizens, a cup in her hand. But he, she pointed out, was made of bamboo. She always has him with her. A spokeswoman for the party said it was all about putting the party logo in the picture, not hiding something. Only an excerpt of the photo can be seen on the website. May zeigte sich schockiert und beteuerte auf ihrem Blog, von dieser Aktion nichts gewusst zu haben. Um das zu unterstreichen, postete sie dazu gleich das Original: Sie, im Gespräch mit Bürgern, einen Becher in der Hand. Der allerdings, stellte sie richtig, sei aus Bambus. Sie habe ihn immer dabei. Eine Sprecherin der Partei sagte, es sei nur darum gegangen, das Parteilogo im Bild unterzubringen, und nicht, etwas zu vertuschen. Von dem Foto ist auf der Website nur noch ein Ausschnitt zu sehen. May seemed shocked and claimed not to have known anything about this on her blog. For emphasis, she posted the original photograph: Herself, speaking to the voters, coffee cup in hand. The cup is, however, made of bamboo. She always carries it with her. A spokeswoman for the party claimed that the goal was to add the party logo to the photo, and not to conceal anything. A part of the photo can still be found on the party website. UEDIN.1066 May writes that she is suffering for the employee who has done this. "I don't want to call him stupid, but there was nothing to hide," she says to the Guardian and at the same time asked her over-engaged team: "If they want to edit a picture again, couldn't they do something with my face so I look younger?" May schreibt, es tue ihr Leid für den Mitarbeiter, der das getan habe. "Ich will ihn nicht als dumm bezeichnen, aber es gab ja nichts zu verbergen", sagt sie gegenüber dem Guardianund erbat sich zugleich etwas von ihrem überengagierten Team: "Falls sie wieder Lust haben, ein Bild zu bearbeiten, könnten sie dann nicht was mit meinem Gesicht machen, sodass ich jünger aussehe?" May wrote she felt sorry for the employee who did it. "I do not want to say he is stupid, but there was nothing to hide", she said to the Guardian and addressed her overly committed team: "If you intend to edit a photograph, would it be possible to edit my face so that I look younger?" UEDIN.1066 Also the German Greens got into Shitstorms because of their use of disposable plastic or because of air travel - but their pictures were not photoshopped. So the boss of the Bavarian Greens, Katharina Schulze, ate ice cream with plastic spoons on vacation, as reported. Auch die deutschen Grünen sind wegen ihres Gebrauchs von Einweg-Plastik oder wegen Flugreisen in Shitstorms geraten - ihre Bilder waren allerdings nicht gefotoshoppt. So aß die Chefin der bayerischen Grünen, Katharina Schulze, im Urlaub Eis mit Plastiklöffel, wie* berichtete. The German Green party also had to deal with shitstorms because of their use of disposable plastic and of air travel—but their pictures were not photoshopped. The leader of the Bavarian Green party Katharina Schulze, ate her ice cream with a plastic spoon on vacation, as reports. UEDIN.1066 Influencer wants free upgrade: Lifelong flight ban at Cathay Influencerin will Gratis-Upgrade: Lebenslanges Flugverbot bei Cathay Influencer wants free upgrade: Life-long ban from Cathay UEDIN.1066 Allegedly, Jaqueline Ng was promised an upgrade by mail from Cathay Pacific. But when she asked for it at check-in, she was not allowed on board - and she should never be allowed to fly with Cathay again. Angeblich sei Jaqueline Ng per Mail von Cathay Pacific ein Upgrade zugesichert worden. Doch als sie beim Check-in darum bat, durfte sie nicht an Bord - und sie soll nie wieder mit Cathay fliegen dürfen. Jaqueline Ng had apparently received mail from Cathay Pacific confirming an upgrade. But when she asked about it at check-in, she was not allowed on board—and she can never fly with Cathay again. UEDIN.1066 Spontaneously get an upgrade for Business Class - that's what many passengers dream of. Sometimes they are lucky, and the check-in staff offer a change from Economy Class free of charge. Spontan ein Upgrade für die Business Class bekommen - davon träumen viele Fluggäste. Manchmal haben sie Glück, und die Mitarbeiter am Check-in bieten einen Wechsel aus der Economy Class gratis an. Many passengers dream of being spontaneously upgraded to business class. Sometimes they are lucky and check-in employees offer to switch them from economy class. UEDIN.1066 However, this case shows how not to do it: A self-declared influencer has actively asked the airline Cathay Pacific for a free upgrade. Instagram is followed by Jaqueline Ng more than 65,000 users. She flew from Taiwan to New York on May 30th and back on June 7th. Dieser Fall zeigt allerdings, wie man es nicht machen sollte: Eine selbst erklärte Influencerin hat die Airline Cathay Pacific aktiv um ein kostenloses Upgrade gebeten. Auf Instagram folgen Jaqueline Ng mehr als 65.000 User. Am 30. Mai ist sie von Taiwan nach New York und am 7. Juni zurückgeflogen. This case shows, however, how not do it: A self-declared influencer actively requested a free upgrade from airline Cathay Pacific. More than 65,000 users follow Jaqueline Ng on Instagram. On May 30, she flew from Taiwan to New York, returning on June 7. UEDIN.1066 On the outbound flight, employees refused to upgrade Jaqueline, even though she had presented an email in which Cathay Pacific allegedly promised her an upgrade. The letter is intended to have been received by the influencer from a marketing employee of the airline. The airline, on the other hand, accuses Jaqueline of falsifying the mail. Auf dem Hinflug verweigerten die Mitarbeiter Jaqueline ein Upgrade, obwohl sie eine Mail vorgezeigt habe, in der ihr Cathay Pacific angeblich ein Upgrade in Aussicht stellte. Das Schreiben will die Influencerin von einem Marketing-Mitarbeiter der Airline erhalten haben. Die Airline hingegen beschuldigt Jaqueline, die Mail gefälscht zu haben. On her outbound flight, employees refused to give Jaqueline an upgrade even though she showed them an email stating Cathay Pacific had allegedly promised her an upgrade. The influencer claims to have received the message from a marketing employee at the airline. However, the airline accused Jaqueline of falsifying the email. UEDIN.1066 On the return flight Jaqueline tried again to get an upgrade for the long-haul flight. This time the woman is said to have shown the same mail, but with a different reference number. The staff at JFK Airport were sceptical: they followed suit at the headquarters. And indeed, the employee from whom the mail allegedly originates is said to have denied the mail contact with Jaqueline. This was also confirmed by the mail system, in which the messages did not appear. Auf dem Rückflug versuchte Jaqueline nämlich erneut, ein Upgrade für den Langstreckenflug zu bekommen. Diesmal soll die Frau dieselbe Mail vorgezeigt haben, allerdings mit einer anderen Referenznummer. Die Mitarbeiter am Flughafen JFK waren skeptisch: Sie hakten bei der Zentrale nach. Und tatsächlich soll der Angestellte, von dem die Mail angeblich stammt, den Mailkontakt mit Jaqueline abgestritten haben. Das bestätigte auch das Mailsystem, in dem die Nachrichten nicht auftauchten. On her return flight, Jaqueline again tried to get an upgrade for the long-haul flight. The woman is alleged to have presented the email this time as well, but with a different reference number. Employees at JFK Airport were skeptical. They contacted their head office and dug a little deeper. As it turns out, the employee from whom the email is said to have originated denied writing to Jaqueline. The email system also confirmed this, as the messages were not found. UEDIN.1066 Airline staff at the airport cancelled Jaqueline's ticket and imposed a life-long flight ban with Cathay Pacific. For 1,400 US dollars (about 1,280 euros) she had to buy a new ticket to Taiwan. Die Airline-Mitarbeiter am Flughafen cancelten Jaquelines Ticket und verhängten ein lebenslanges Flugverbot mit Cathay Pacific. Für 1.400 US-Dollar (rund 1.280 Euro) musste sie sich ein neues Flugtickte nach Taiwan kaufen. Airline employees at the airport canceled Jacqueline's ticket and hit her with a life-long flying ban from Cathay Pacific. She was forced to purchase a new ticket to Taiwan for $1,400 (around €1,280). UEDIN.1066 With her case, the influencer turned to Elliot Advocacy, a company that represents consumer interests. Because Cathay had refunded her the price for her original ticket, but Jaqueline also demanded the cost of the new ticket back. Mit ihrem Fall wandte sich die Influencerin an Elliot Advocacy, ein Unternehmen, das Verbraucherinteressen vertritt. Denn Cathay hatte ihr zwar den Preis für ihr ursprüngliches Ticket erstattet, Jaqueline forderte aber auch die Kosten für das neue Ticket zurück. The influencer took her case to Elliot Advocacy, a company that represents consumer interests. Cathay had reimbursed her for the price of her original ticket, but Jacqueline also wanted the costs of the new ticket home. UEDIN.1066 But as long as Jaqueline does not submit the metadata of the mail, the case remains clear: For Cathay, the influencer has committed fraud, she remains blocked for future flights. The airline's terms and conditions also state that it does not have to pay for the new flight. Jaqueline doesn't want to be satisfied with it - and now turns on a lawyer. Doch solange Jaqueline nicht die Metadaten der Mail einreicht, bleibt der Fall klar: Für Cathay hat die Influencerin Betrug begangen, sie bleibt für künftige Flüge gesperrt. Die Geschäftsbedingungen der Airline besagen außerdem, dass diese den neuen Flug nicht zahlen muss. Jaqueline will sich damit nicht zufriedengeben - und schaltet jetzt einen Anwalt ein. However, unless Jaqueline submits the email metadata, the case is clear: As far as Cathay is concerned, the influencer has committed fraud; she will remain banned from future flights. The airline's terms and conditions also state that it does not have to pay for the new flight. Jacqueline is not satisfied—and is now seeking an attorney. UEDIN.1066 Oil prices decline according to report on ceasefire in Yemen Ölpreise geben nach Bericht über Waffenstillstand im Jemen nach Oil prices fall after report of a ceasefire in Yemen UEDIN.1066 Oil prices fell by more than one dollar in the shortest possible time on Friday afternoon. Most recently, a barrel (159 litres) of the North Sea variety Brent cost 61.83 US dollars - about 1.4 percent less than the previous day. The price of a barrel of the American variety West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell by 1.3 percent to 55.77 dollars. Die Ölpreise sind am Freitagmittag binnen kürzester Zeit um mehr als einen Dollar gefallen. Zuletzt kostete ein Barrel (159 Liter) der Nordseesorte Brent 61,83 US-Dollar - rund 1,4 Prozent weniger als am Vortag. Der Preis für ein Barrel der amerikanischen Sorte West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fiel um 1,3 Prozent auf 55,77 Dollar. On Friday afternoon, oil prices fell rapidly by over one dollar. A barrel (159 liters) of North Sea Brent oil ultimately cost $61.83—down about 1.4 per cent on the previous day. The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell by 1.3 per cent to $55.77. UEDIN.1066 The trigger for the slide was a report by the Wall Street Journal on a ceasefire in Yemen. Saudi Arabia is said to have agreed to a ceasefire in four areas. Auslöser für den Kursrutsch war ein Bericht des Wall Street Journals über einen Waffenstillstand im Jemen. Saudi-Arabien soll in vier Gebieten einem Waffenstillstand zugestimmt haben. The fall was triggered by a report in the Wall Street Journal about a ceasefire in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is reported to have agreed to a ceasefire in four regions. UEDIN.1066 In mid-September, a drone attack on the oil facilities in Saudi Arabia had brought five percent of the world's oil production to a standstill. The Houthi rebels allied with Iran in the civil war country Yemen had claimed the attacks for themselves. Saudi Arabia, like the US government, blames Iran. A ceasefire would defuse political tension in the region. Ein Drohnen-Angriff auf die Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien hatte Mitte September fünf Prozent der weltweiten Öl-Produktion zum Erliegen gebracht. Die mit dem Iran verbündeten Huthi-Rebellen im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen hatten die Angriffe für sich reklamiert. Saudi-Arabien macht wie die US-Regierung den Iran verantwortlich. Ein Waffenstillstand würde die politische Spannung in der Region entschärfen. A drone attack on oil refineries in Saudi Arabia in the middle of September had paralyzed 5 per cent of world oil output. In civil war-torn Yemen, the Huthi rebels allied with Iran claimed responsibility for the attacks Like the US Government, Saudi Arabia blames Iran. A ceasefire would ease the political tension in the region. UEDIN.1066 If an agreement is actually reached, one can focus on growth and demand concerns, said Ole Hansen, Head of the Raw Materials Strategy Department at Saxo Bank of Bloomberg News Agency. Sollte eine Einigung tatsächlich zustande kommen, könne man sich auf Wachstum und Nachfragesorgen konzentrieren, sagte Ole Hansen, Leiter der Abteilung Rohstoffstrategie bei der Saxo Bank der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg. If an agreement is reached, focus can be centered on problems with growth and demand, said Ole Hansen, head of the commodity strategy section at the Bloomberg news agency's Saxo Bank. UEDIN.1066 Oil prices are thus continuing their downward movement of the past few days. A week ago a barrel of WTI oil had cost up to almost 59 dollars, Brent nearly 65 dollars. Die Ölpreise setzt damit seine Abwärtsbewegung der vergangenen Tage fort. Vor einer Woche hatte ein Barrel WTI-Öl noch bis fast 59 Dollar gekostet, Brent fast 65 Dollar. Oil prices are therefore continuing the downward trend of the last few days. A week ago, a barrel of WTI oil still cost almost $59, and a barrel of Brent almost $65. UEDIN.1066 Most recently, Bloomberg had reported, citing insiders, that repair work on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia was progressing faster than expected after the attack in mid-September. According to this, the production volume has again reached a volume of eight million barrels per day and is moving back towards the original quantity. Zuletzt hatte Bloomberg unter Berufung auf Insider berichtet, dass die Reparaturarbeiten an Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien nach dem Angriff Mitte September schneller vorankommen als gedacht. Demnach habe die Produktionsmenge wieder ein Volumen von acht Millionen Barrel pro Tag erreicht und bewege sich wieder in Richtung der ursprünglichen Menge. Citing insiders, Bloomberg reported recently that the repairs to the oil facilities in Saudi Arabia after the attack were proceeding faster than expected. According to this source, output is said to have again reached 8 million barrels per day and is heading back to its original level. UEDIN.1066 Most recently, there have been several press releases citing insiders reporting rapid progress by the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in repair work. However, commodity experts pointed out that Saudi Aramco is currently planning an IPO and wants to avoid negative headlines. Zuletzt gab es mehrfach Pressemeldungen unter Berufung auf Insider, die von schnellen Fortschritten des staatlichen Ölkonzerns Saudi Aramco bei den Reparaturarbeiten berichten. Rohstoffexperten verwiesen aber darauf, dass Saudi Aramco derzeit einen Börsengang plane und negative Schlagzeilen vermeiden wolle. There have been several press reports recently referring to insiders and talking of rapid progress by the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in carrying out the repairs. But commodities experts claimed that Saudi Aramco is currently planning a stock market flotation and wants to avoid negative headlines. UEDIN.1066 At the same time, there was some relief in the conflict between Iran and Western countries: the British oil tanker "Stena Impero" is on its way to leaving the port more than two months after Iran's arrest and the recent release. The crew is now preparing the departure, while the ship is still anchored, Reedreichef Erik Hanell informed the Swedish radio on Friday morning in an SMS. Zugleich deutete sich etwas Entspannung im Konflikt zwischen dem Iran und westlichen Ländern an: Der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" ist mehr als zwei Monate nach dem Festsetzen durch den Iran und die kürzlich erteilte Freigabe auf dem Weg, den Hafen zu verlassen. Die Besatzung bereite nun die Abfahrt vor, während das Schiff weiter vor Anker liege, teilte Reedereichef Erik Hånell dem schwedischen Rundfunk am Freitagmorgen in einer SMS mit. At the same time, there has been an easing of tension in the conflict between Iran and the West. After being held by the Iranians for more than two months and recently released, British oil tanker the Stena Impero is about to leave harbor. The crew are now preparing for departure while the ship is still at anchor, shipping company boss Erik Hånell told Swedish radio in a text message Friday morning. UEDIN.1066 However, the U.S. announced that it would transfer defensive missiles and soldiers to the Iranian arch-enemy in Saudi Arabia. Fear of an escalation between the Islamic Republic and countries such as the US and the UK had temporarily pushed oil prices up sharply in recent weeks. Allerdings kündigten die USA an, Abwehrraketen und Soldaten zum iranischen Erzfeind nach Saudi-Arabien zu verlegen. Die Furcht vor einer Eskalation zwischen der Islamischen Republik und Ländern wie den USA und Großbritannien hatte die Ölpreise in den vergangenen Wochen zeitweise deutlich in die Höhe getrieben. Nevertheless, the United States said it would deploy missiles and troops against its Iranian archenemy to Saudi Arabia. Fears of an escalation between the Islamic Republic and countries such as the United States and Great Britain had driven oil prices upwards in recent weeks, at times significantly. UEDIN.1066 Accusations against Trump intensify Vorwürfe gegen Trump verschärfen sich Accusations against Trump intensify UEDIN.1066 In the affair over possible abuse of power by US President Donald Trump, allegations of cover-up against the White House have become loud. Several senior government officials had worked hard to prevent access to the wording of the conversation after a controversial telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyi at the end of July. This was explained by an anonymous whistleblower. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, explicitly accused the White House of "covering up." Trump spoke of a "witch hunt." In der Affäre um möglichen Machtmissbrauch durch US-Präsident Donald Trump sind Vertuschungsvorwürfe gegen das Weiße Haus laut geworden. Mehrere führende Regierungsmitarbeiter hätten sich intensiv bemüht, nach einem strittigen Telefonat zwischen Trump und dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj Ende Juli einen Zugriff auf die Wortlautfassung des Gespräches zu verhindern. Das erklärte ein anonymer Hinweisgeber. Die Sprecherin des Repräsentantenhauses, die Demokratin Nancy Pelosi, warf dem Weißen Haus explizit "Vertuschung" vor. Trump sprach von einer "Hexenjagd". Accusations of a cover-up by the White House have been voiced in the affair regarding US president Donald Trump's possible abuse of power, After a contentious telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Selenskyi at the end of July, several leading government employees worked feverishly to prevent access to the transcript of the call. This was reported by an anonymous informer. Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, explicitly accused the White House of a "cover-up". Trump spoke of a "witch hunt". UEDIN.1066 North Korea considers Trump and Kim’s third summit questionable Nordkorea hält dritten Gipfel von Trump und Kim für fraglich North Korea considers a third summit for Trump and Kim to be questionable UEDIN.1066 North Korea has raised doubts that there will soon be a third summit between Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump in the nuclear dispute. The sense and the chances of success of such a meeting are questionable because of the lack of progress in the implementation of agreements of the first summit in Singapore, said top diplomat Kim Kye-gwan on Friday according to the agency KCNA. Nordkorea hat Zweifel vorgebracht, dass es im Atomstreit bald zu einem dritten Gipfel von Machthaber Kim Jong-un und US-Präsident Donald Trump kommen wird. Der Sinn und die Erfolgsaussichten eines solchen Treffens seien wegen mangelnder Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung von Vereinbarungen des ersten Gipfels in Singapur fraglich, sagte Spitzendiplomat Kim Kye-gwan am Freitag laut der Agentur KCNA. North Korea has raised doubts that the nuclear dispute is likely to lead to a third summit for rulers Kim Jong-un and US president Donald Trump soon. The meaning and the chances of success of such a meeting are doubtful due to a lack of progress in the implementation of agreements of the first summit in Singapore, according to top diplomat Kim Kye-gwan via the KCNA agency. UEDIN.1066 The US has so far done nothing to implement the decisions of the summit last year, said the advisor to the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also criticized intensified U.S. sanctions and joint military maneuvers by the U.S. and South Korea. But he hopes for a "wise" and "courageous" decision by Trump so that there will be a rapprochement again. Die USA hätten bisher nichts dafür getan, die Beschlüsse des Gipfels im Vorjahr umzusetzen, sagte der Berater des nordkoreanischen Außenministeriums. Er kritisierte zudem verschärfte US-Sanktionen und die gemeinsamen Militärmanöver der USA und Südkoreas. Er hoffe aber auf eine "weise" und "mutige" Entscheidung Trumps, damit es wieder zu einer Annäherung komme. So far, the USA have not done anything to implement last year's summit's decisions, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs advisor said. He also criticized tighter sanctions and common military maneuvers of the USA and South Korea. However, he hoped for a "wise" and "brave" decision by Trump, so that things can become closer again. UEDIN.1066 Trump said on Monday that he wanted to know what a third summit with Kim should bring before he agreed to do so. Negotiations to disarm North Korea’s nuclear and missile program have stalled since the failed second Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi in February. In June, they met in the demilitarized zone between the two Korean states. In doing so, they agreed to revive the discussions, but so far without much success. Trump hatte am Montag gesagt, er wolle erst wissen, was ein drittes Gipfeltreffen mit Kim bringen solle, bevor er sich dazu bereiterkläre. Die Verhandlungen über eine Abrüstung des nordkoreanischen Atom- und Raketenprogramms sind seit dem gescheiterten zweiten Gipfeltreffen von Trump und Kim im Februar in Hanoi ins Stocken geraten. Im Juni trafen sich beide dann in der Entmilitarisierten Zone zwischen den beiden koreanischen Staaten. Dabei vereinbarten sie, die Beratungen wiederzubeleben, bisher aber ohne großen Erfolg. On Monday, Trump had said that he first wanted to know what a third summit with Kim would entail, before declaring himself prepared for it. The negotiations for a disarmament of the North Korean nuclear and missile program have stalled since the failed summit for Trump and Kim in February in Hanoi. In June both met in the demilitarized zone between both the Korean states. Here they agreed to revive consultations, so far without success. UEDIN.1066 Prince Harry: Weapons manufacturers to help clear mines Prinz Harry: Waffenhersteller sollen bei Minenräumung helfen Prinz Harry: Weapons manufacturers are to assist with mine clearance UEDIN.1066 Dressed in a blue splinter vest, British Prince Harry symbolically detonated and destroyed an explosive mine in Angola. Near a camp of the British Halo Trusts near the village of Dirico he made the ignition circle. At a safe distance, the explosive device exploded. With a view to the goal of getting Angola mine-free by 2025, he later demanded in front of current TV cameras: "I call on all the countries whose names are on these weapons, but who have not helped to clear the way to commit themselves to help". Mit einer blauen Splitterschutzweste bekleidet hat der britische Prinz Harry in Angola symbolisch eine Sprengmine gezündet und zerstört. Nahe einem Camp des britischen Halo Trusts bei dem Ort Dirico stellte er den Zündkreis her. In sicherer Entfernung explodierte der Sprengkörper. Mit Blick auf das Ziel, Angola bis 2025 minenfrei zu bekommen, forderte er später vor laufenden TV-Kameras: "Ich rufe alle die Länder auf, deren Namen auf diesen Waffen stehen, die aber nicht beim Wegräumen geholfen haben, sich zur Hilfe zu verpflichten". Wearing a blue protective jacket, British prince Harry symbolically detonated and destroyed a blast mine in Angola. He made the ignition circle near a camp run by the British Halo Trust in the Dirico area. The explosive device detonated at a safe distance. With a view to making Angola mine-free by 2025, he later made a request in front of running TV cameras. "I am calling on all countries, the names on which are written on these weapons, but which have not assisted in clearance, to make a commitment to help." UEDIN.1066 Pounds under pressure - interest rate cut expected Pfund unter Druck - Zinssenkung erwartet Pound under pressure—Drop in interest rates expected UEDIN.1066 British Pound under Pressure Britisches Pfund unter Druck British pound under pressure UEDIN.1066 In view of an early interest rate cut, the pound is losing value against the euro. Angesichts einer baldigen Zinssenkung verliert das Pfund gegenüber dem Euro an Wert. With a fall in interest rates imminent, the pound is losing value against the euro. UEDIN.1066 Frankfurt Speculations on an early interest rate cut by the Bank of England (BoE) add to the pound sterling. The British currency fell by up to 0.4 percent on Friday to 1.2269 dollars. Frankfurt Spekulationen auf eine baldige Zinssenkung der Bank von England (BoE) setzen dem Pfund Sterling zu. Die britische Währung verbilligte sich am Freitag um bis zu 0,4 Prozent auf 1,2269 Dollar. Speculation in Frankfurt over an imminent fall in Bank of England (BoE) interest rates is punishing sterling. On Friday, the British currency fell by 0.4 percent to $1.2269 UEDIN.1066 The sales were triggered by statements by the central banker Michael Saunders. This led to a reduction in interest rates, even if a chaotic Brexit could be averted, as uncertainty would affect the British economy for the foreseeable future. This statement is surprising, as Saunders is seen as an advocate of a restrictive monetary policy, said analyst Ricardo Evangelista of the brokerage firm ActivTrades. Auslöser der Verkäufe waren Äußerungen des Notenbankers Michael Saunders. Dieser brachte eine Zinssenkung ins Gespräch, selbst wenn ein chaotischer Brexit abgewendet werden könne, da die Verunsicherung die britische Konjunktur auf absehbare Zeit beeinträchtigen werde. Diese Aussage sei überraschend, da Saunders als Verfechter einer restriktiven Geldpolitik gelte, sagte Analyst Ricardo Evangelista vom Brokerhaus ActivTrades. on the back of remarks by Michael Saunders of the Bank of England. He talked of a potential fall in interest rates even though a chaotic Brexit had been avoided, as the uncertainty will affect the British economy for the foreseeable future. His remark was a surprise because Saunders is considered an advocate of restrictive monetary policy, said analyst Ricardo Evangelista from the ActivTrades brokerage firm. UEDIN.1066 Last week, the Bank of England had already pointed out the burdens on the economy caused by the Brexit hack, without directly signaling a reduction in interest rates. If necessary, Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to lead his country out of the EU without a divorce agreement on 31 October. Vergangene Woche hatte die Bank von England bereits auf die Belastungen für die Wirtschaft durch den Brexit-Hickhack hingewiesen, ohne direkt eine Zinssenkung zu signalisieren. Premierminister Boris Johnson will sein Land notfalls auch ohne Scheidungsvereinbarung zum 31. Oktober aus der EU führen. Last week, the Bank of England had referred to the economic burden resulting from the wrangling over Brexit, without directly mentioning a reduction in interest rates. Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to take his country out of the EU on October 31, without a withdrawal agreement if necessary. UEDIN.1066 More: The British Prime Minister has taken a high risk with his provocations. But it could pay off for him, says Handelsblatt editor Kerstin Leitel. Mehr: Mit seinen Provokationen ist der britische Premierminister ein hohes Risiko eingegangen. Doch es könnte sich für ihn auszahlen, meint Handelsblatt-Redakteurin Kerstin Leitel. And with his provocations, the British prime minister has run a great risk. But it could pay off, says Handelsblatt editor Kerstin Leitel. UEDIN.1066 Doping: Further Russian manipulations proved Doping: Weitere russische Manipulationen erwiesen Doping: Further Russian Manipulations Proven UEDIN.1066 Material from the Moscow analytical laboratory is being manipulated - this is confirmed by David Howman, former director of the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) and current head of integrity of the World Athletics Association. Material aus dem Moskauer Analyselabor wird manipuliert - dies bestätigt David Howman, einstiger Direktor der Welt-Antidoping-Agentur (Wada) und heutiger Integritätschef des Leichtathletik-Weltverbandes. Material from the Moscow analysis lab has been manipulated, confirms David Howman, the former director of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and now the Athletics Integrity Unit Chair of The International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF). UEDIN.1066 At the start of the World Championships in Athletics, new details about the doping scandal in Russia are revealed - and they destroy the little credibility that Russian sport had regained at the beginning of the year and only to some extent. In January 2019, the Moscow Doping Laboratory finally delivered the required samples from 2012 to 2015 to the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada). Now it turned out: They were forged. Zum Auftakt der Leichtathletik-WM kommen neue Details zum Doping-Skandal in Russland zum Vorschein - und sie vernichten das wenige an Glaubwürdigkeit, was der russische Sport zu Jahresbeginn und auch nur ansatzweise zurückgewonnen hatte. Im Januar 2019 lieferte das Moskauer Doping-Labor endlich die verlangten Proben aus den Jahren 2012 bis 2015 an die Welt-Antidoping-Agentur (Wada). Nun stellte sich heraus: Sie wurden gefälscht. At the start of the Athletics World Championships, new details about the doping scandal in Russia have come to light, and they destroy even the small degree of credibility that Russian sports had won back at the beginning of the year. In January 2019, the Moscow doping lab finally delivered to the WADA the requested samples from 2012 to 2015. As it now turns out: They were falsified. UEDIN.1066 In December 2014, systematic fraud in Russian sport was revealed. Thereupon the Wada had blocked the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (Rusada) for three years. During this time, Russian athletes were not completely banned from the world stage. After an individual examination at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, the International Olympic Committee had around 270 athletes of the country compete under a neutral flag, and 168 Russian athletes took part in the Winter Games in February 2018. They were also allowed to participate in the World Cups in the various sports, in the summer even the Football World Cup took place in Russia with the host as a participant. Im Dezember 2014 war systematischer Betrug im russischen Sport enthüllt worden. Darauf hatte die Wada die Russische Antidoping-Agentur (Rusada) für drei Jahre gesperrt. Während dieser Zeit waren russische Sportler nicht gänzlich von der Weltbühne verbannt. Das Internationale Olympische Komitee liess nach individueller Prüfung bei den Sommerspielen 2016 in Rio rund 270 Athleten des Landes unter neutraler Flagge antreten, bei den Winterspielen im Februar 2018 waren 168 russische Sportlerinnen und Sportler am Start. Auch bei den Weltcups in den verschiedenen Sportarten durften sie dabei sein, im Sommer fand in Russland gar die Fussball-WM mit dem Gastgeber als Teilnehmer statt. In December 2014, systematic fraud was revealed in Russian sports. After that, the WADA blocked the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) for three years. During that time, Russian athletes were not entirely banned from the world stage. The International Olympic Committee allowed around 270 athletes to compete under a neutral flag in the 2016 Summer games in Rio, after individual testing, and 168 Russian athletes were there at the start of the Winter Games in February 2018. And they were allowed to compete in various world cups: In the summer, even the Soccer World Cup took place in Russia, with the hosts participating. UEDIN.1066 Positive findings are missing Positive Befunde fehlen Positive Findings Lacking UEDIN.1066 The following September, the Wada lifted the Rusada ban, but demanded access to the laboratory and the samples in question. The data should provide information on the extent of the cover-up of doping cases in state doping. They should help to punish athletes retrospectively. Three months later they were finally delivered. Im darauffolgenden September hob die Wada den Rusada-Bann wieder auf, forderte aber den Zugang zum Labor und die besagten Proben ein. Die Daten sollten Aufschluss über den Umfang der Vertuschung von Doping-Fällen beim Staatsdoping geben. Sie sollten helfen, Athletinnen und Athleten nachträglich zu bestrafen. Drei Monate später wurden sie schliesslich geliefert. In the following September, the WADA lifted the RUSADA ban, but demanded access to the lab and said samples. The data was to provide information on the scope of the coverup of doping cases in the nation. They were to help penalize athletes after the fact. Three months later, they were finally delivered. UEDIN.1066 However, the Chairman of the Independent Integrity Commission (AIU) of the World Athletics Federation (IAAF) has now confirmed that the doping data from the Moscow analytical laboratory has been manipulated. "Yes. We received the data nine months ago. We should check whether the task force has received the right data," David Howman said in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Friday. "We have noted numerous discrepancies between the data that the Wada received from a whistleblower and those it received from the Russians in January." Many positive findings were missing, which were mentioned in the McLaren report. Der Vorsitzende der unabhängigen Integritätskommission (AIU) des Leichtathletik-Weltverbandes (IAAF) hat nun aber bestätigt, dass die Doping-Daten aus dem Moskauer Analyselabor manipuliert wurden. "Ja. Wir haben die Daten vor neun Monaten erhalten. Wir sollten überprüfen, ob die Task-Force die richtigen Daten erhalten hat", sagte David Howman im Interview der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung" vom Freitag. "Wir haben zahlreiche Diskrepanzen festgestellt zwischen den Daten, welche die Wada von einem Whistleblower, und denjenigen, welche sie im Januar von den Russen erhalten hat". Viele positive Befunde fehlten, die im McLaren-Report erwähnt worden seien. The chair of the Independent Integrity Commission (AIU) of the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) has now confirmed, however, that the doping data from the Moscow analysis lab were manipulated. "Yes. We received the data nine months ago. We were to check whether the task force obtained the correct data," said David Howman in an interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" on Friday. "We found numerous discrepancies between the data the WADA obtained from a whistleblower and those they had received in January from the Russians." Many positive findings that had been allegedly mentioned in the McLaren Report were lacking. UEDIN.1066 The World Cup not affected Die WM nicht betroffen World Cup Unaffected UEDIN.1066 This confirms the attitude of the IAAF: The athletics association is the only organization to hold on to Russia's ban. At the World Championships in Doha, 30 Russian athletes will compete under a neutral flag. They had to prove that they train outside the Russian system and undergo tests. Dies bestätigt die Haltung der IAAF: Der Leichtathletik-Verband hält als einzige Organisation am Bann Russlands fest. An der WM in Doha starten 30 russische Sportler unter neutraler Flagge. Sie mussten beweisen, dass sie ausserhalb des russischen Systems trainieren und sich Tests unterziehen. This was confirmed by the behavior of the IAAF: The Athletics Federation was the only organization to hold onto the ban of Russia. At the World Cup in Doha, 30 Russian athletes competed under a neutral flag. They had to prove that they trained outside the Russian system and undergo testing. UEDIN.1066 Earlier this week, the Wada had already exposed manipulations and called on Russia to respond to the allegations within three weeks. Russia is now threatening to block the Rusada again and, in the worst case, to exclude it from the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Zu Beginn dieser Woche hatte bereits die Wada Manipulationen in den Raum gestellt und Russland aufgefordert, binnen drei Wochen auf die Vorwürfe zu antworten. Russland droht nun die erneute Sperre der Rusada und im schlimmsten Fall auch der Ausschluss von den Olympischen Spielen 2020 in Tokio. At the start of that week, the WADA had already raised the question of the manipulations and demanded that Russia answer the charges within three weeks. Russia was now threatened with the renewed block of RUSADA and, in the worst-case scenario, exclusion from the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo as well. Huoshan_Translate.789 Fire extinguished in French chemical plant Brand in französischem Chemiewerk gelöscht Fire extinguished in French chemical plant Huoshan_Translate.789 The major fire in a particularly dangerous chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen has been extinguished, as announced by the prefecture of Normandy on Friday. The fire broke out in the night to Thursday. No one was injured in the incident. The fire brigade was deployed with around 200 fire engines. Der Großbrand in einem als besonders gefährlich geltenden Chemiewerk in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen ist gelöscht. Das teilte die Präfektur der Normandie am Freitag mit. Das Feuer war in der Nacht auf Donnerstag ausgebrochen. Verletzt wurde bei dem Vorfall niemand. Die Feuerwehr war mit rund 200 Löschfahrzeugen im Einsatz. The large fire was put out at a chemical plant considered to be particularly hazardous and located in the northern French city of Rouen. This was reported by the prefecture of Normandy on Friday. The fire had broken out Thursday night. No one was injured during the incident. The fire department deployed around 200 fire engines. Huoshan_Translate.789 The fire could be stopped Dem Feuer konnte Einhalt geboten werden They were able to control the fire. Huoshan_Translate.789 Local residents were called upon not to leave their homes. Buildings within a radius of 500 meters were evacuated, schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. Additives for lubricants are produced at the chemical plant on the banks of the Seine. The factory belongs to the company Lubrizol of US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called Seveso Directive of the EU, which imposes particularly strict safety requirements. Anrainer waren aufgerufen, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen. Gebäude im Umkreis von 500 Metern wurden evakuiert, Schulen und Kindergärten blieben am Donnerstag geschlossen. In dem Chemiewerk am Ufer der Seine werden Zusatzstoffe für Schmierstoffe hergestellt. Die Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett und unterliegt der sogenannten Seveso-Richtlinie der EU, die besonders strenge Sicherheitsauflagen vorschreibt. Residents had been requested not to leave their homes. Buildings in a radius of 500 meters were evacuated, schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine manufactures additives for lubricants. The plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called Seveso Directive of the EU, which stipulates particularly strict safety requirements. Huoshan_Translate.789 Around 400 people work at the plant. The chemical factory has already made headlines in the past - for example, when the gas methanthiol escaped due to a leak in 2013 and the surrounding area smelled extensively of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 2,000 litres of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewage system after an industrial accident. In dem Werk arbeiten rund 400 Menschen. Die Chemiefabrik sorgte bereits in der Vergangenheit für Schlagzeilen - etwa, als 2013 durch ein Leck das Gas Methanthiol entwich und die Umgebung weitreichend nach faulen Eiern roch. Im Jahr 2015 flossen nach einem Betriebsunfall rund 2.000 Liter Mineralöl ins Abwassersystem der Stadt. Around 400 people work at the plant. The chemical plant has made headlines in the past, for example in 2013 when methane thiol escaped through a leak and the entire area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 2,000 liters of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewer system following an industrial accident. Huoshan_Translate.789 Woman quits her job to search for her missing bitch for 57 days Frau kündigt ihren Job, um 57 Tage nach ihrer verschwundenen Hündin zu suchen Woman Quits Her Job to Search for her Lost Dog for 57 Days Huoshan_Translate.789 For two months, a woman from Washington searched for her missing dog - and quit her job. Seven-year-old Border Collie had run away from the hotel room during a short vacation in Montana. There was no trace of the bitch for 57 days - but Carole King did not give up. Zwei Monate lang suchte eine Frau aus Washington nach ihrem verschwundenen Hund - und kündigte dafür extra ihren Job. Der siebenjährige Border Collie war während eines Kurzurlaubs in Montana aus dem Hotelzimmer abgehauen. 57 Tage fehlte von der Hündin jede Spur - doch Carole King gab nicht auf. For two months, a woman from Washington searched for her lost dog—and she quit her job to do it. The seven-year-old border collie took off out of a hotel room during a short vacation in Montana. There was no sign of the dog for 57 days, but Carole King wouldn't give up. Huoshan_Translate.789 "It was terrible. I got sick," Carole King told the Daily Inter Lake. She and her husband had left bitch Katie in the hotel room while they went to dinner. When they returned to the hotel afterwards, Katie had disappeared. They were looking for the animal, but to no avail. "Es war furchtbar. Mir wurde übel", sagte Carole King dem "Daily Inter Lake". Sie und ihr Mann hatten Hündin Katie im Hotelzimmer gelassen, während sie zum Abendessen gingen. Als sie anschließend ins Hotel zurückkehrten, war Katie verschwunden. Sie suchten nach dem Tier, doch ohne Erfolg. "It was dreadful. It made me ill," Carole King told the "Daily Inter Lake." She and her husband had left the dog Katie in the hotel room while they went to dinner. When they returned to the hotel, Katie had disappeared. They looked for their pet in vain. Huoshan_Translate.789 Thunder had panicked dog Donner hatte Hund in Panik versetzt Thunder had Frightened the Dog Huoshan_Translate.789 Hoping Katie could still be somewhere in the hotel, Carole King went to the reception. "The employee says," She left about four or four and a half hours ago, "" Carole King recalls to "Daily Inter Lake." When the automatic front door opened, Katie immediately ran out. Probably a loud thunder had panicked the dog. In der Hoffnung, Katie könnte sich noch irgendwo im Hotel aufhalten, ging Carole King zur Rezeption. "Der Angestellte sagt: "Sie ist vor ungefähr vier, viereinhalb Stunden abgereist"", erinnert sich Carole King gegenüber "Daily Inter Lake". Als sich die automatische Eingangstür geöffnet habe, sei Katie sofort rausgerannt. Vermutlich hatte ein lauter Donner den Hund in Panik versetzt. Hoping that Katie was still somewhere in the hotel, Carole King went to the reception desk. "The employee said, ‘She took off around four to four-and-a-half hours ago,'" Carole King remembered when talking to the "Daily Inter Lake." Katie had run out when the automatic entry door opened. Loud thunder had presumably caused the dog to panic. Huoshan_Translate.789 With flyers and calls in Facebook groups, the Kings searched for their beloved dog. But days turned into weeks. "I never gave up. I never lost hope," Carole King told the Daily Inter Lake, who quit her job as a postal worker to continue her search for Katie. Mit Flyern und Aufrufen in Facebook-Gruppen suchten die Kings nach ihrem geliebten Hund. Doch aus Tagen wurden Wochen. "Ich habe nie aufgegeben. Ich habe nie die Hoffnung verloren", sagte Carole King dem "Daily Inter Lake", die ihren Job als Postangestellte kündigte, um ihre Suche nach Katie fortzusetzen. With flyers and calls in Facebook groups, the Kings searched for their beloved dog. But days turned into weeks. "I never gave up. I never lost hope," said Carole King to the "Daily Inter Lake," and quite her job as a postal worker to continue looking for Katie. Huoshan_Translate.789 "The tears flowed" "Die Tränen flossen" "The Tears Flowed" Huoshan_Translate.789 57 days after Katie's disappearance, Carole King got a phone call: A man came forward and said that Katie was in his yard. But when King got there, Katie had already disappeared. She searched the neighborhood and suddenly her bitch stood under a tree. "I just hugged her. I didn't want to let her go," King recalled, according to "Daily Inter Lake." "The tears flowed. People stopped in their vehicles, got out and hugged us. I think the whole neighborhood knew we had found her." 57 Tage nach Katies Verschwinden bekam Carole King einen Anruf: Ein Mann meldete sich und sagte, dass sich Katie in seinem Hof befände. Doch als King dort ankam, war Katie bereits wieder verschwunden. Sie suchte die Nachbarschaft ab und plötzlich stand ihre Hündin unter einem Baum. "Ich habe sie nur umarmt. Ich wollte sie nicht gehen lassen", erinnerte sich King laut "Daily Inter Lake". "Die Tränen flossen. Die Leute hielten in ihren Fahrzeugen an, stiegen aus und umarmten uns. Ich glaube, die ganze Nachbarschaft wusste, dass wir sie gefunden hatten". Fifty-seven days after Katie's disappearance, Carole King got a call. A man answered and said that Katie was in his yard. But when King arrived, Katie had already run off again. She searched the neighborhood and suddenly saw her dog standing under a tree. "I embraced her. I never wanted to let go," King remembered, according to the "Daily Inter Lake." "The tears flowed. People stopped their cars, got out, and hugged us. I believe the whole neighborhood knew we had found her." Huoshan_Translate.789 Losses in the Bundeswehr: Machine guns disappear without a trace n-tv.89662 Verluste bei der Bundeswehr: Maschinengewehre verschwinden spurlos Losses for the German Army: Machine Guns Disappear Without a Trace Huoshan_Translate.789 Friday September 27th, 2019 n-tv.89662 Freitag, 27. September 2019 Friday, September 27, 2019 Huoshan_Translate.789 Six MG3 machine guns have still disappeared. n-tv.89662 Sechs Maschinengewehre des Typs MG3 sind nach wie vor verschwunden. Six MG3 machine guns are still missing. Huoshan_Translate.789 In recent years, the Bundeswehr has lost numerous weapons and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition, including three machine guns. The whereabouts are unclear in most cases. The opposition speaks of a "frightening" scale. n-tv.89662 In den vergangenen Jahren gehen der Bundeswehr zahlreiche Waffen und zehntausende Schuss Munition verloren. Darunter sind auch drei Maschinengewehre. Der Verbleib ist in den meisten Fällen unklar. Die Opposition spricht von einem "beängstigenden" Ausmaß. In recent years, the German Federal Army has lost numerous weapons and ten thousand rounds of ammunition. These include three machine guns. In most cases, their whereabouts are unclear. According to the opposition, this is an "alarming" extent. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the Bundeswehr, weapons and ammunition repeatedly disappear - many of them so far without a trace. Since the beginning of 2014, the force has recorded the loss of 39 weapons, 39 weapon parts and almost 20,000 rounds of ammunition. This is according to a list classified as classified by the Federal Ministry of Defence, about which the editorial network Germany reports. n-tv.89662 Bei der Bundeswehr verschwinden immer wieder Waffen und Munition - viele davon bisher spurlos. Seit Anfang 2014 verbuchte die Truppe den Verlust von 39 Waffen, 39 Waffenteilen und fast 20.000 Schuss Munition. Das geht aus einer als Verschlusssache eingestuften Auflistung des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums hervor, über die das Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland berichtet. The German Army is continuing to lose weapons and ammunition, often without a trace. Since the beginning of 2014, the armed forces has registered a loss of 39 weapons, 39 weapon components, and almost 20,000 rounds of ammunition. This is revealed in a classified listing of the German Ministry of Defense on which the RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) ("Editor Network Germany") has reported. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the paper from the office of Defense State Secretary Peter Tauber of the CDU, two weapons, one weapon part and 3,474 rounds of ammunition have so far reappeared. The still missing weapons and weapon parts include six MG3 machine guns, eleven G3 rifles, four G36 rifles, six signal guns and two P8 pistols. In addition, 30 weapon pipes for MG3 machine guns are missing. n-tv.89662 Laut dem Papier aus dem Büro von Verteidigungsstaatssekretär Peter Tauber von der CDU sind bislang zwei Waffen, ein Waffenteil und 3474 Schuss Munition wieder aufgetaucht. Bei den nach wie vor verschwundenen Waffen und Waffenteilen handelt es sich unter anderem um sechs Maschinengewehre vom Typ MG3, elf Gewehre vom Typ G3, vier Gewehre vom Typ G36, sechs Signalpistolen sowie zwei Pistolen vom Typ P8. Zudem fehlen 30 Waffenrohre für Maschinengewehre vom Typ MG3. According to the paper from the office of Defense State Secretary Peter Tauber of the CDU, two weapons, one weapon component, and 3,474 rounds of ammunition have resurfaced so far. The weapons and weapon components that are still missing include six MG3 machine guns, eleven G3 rifles, four G36 rifles, six signal pistols, and two P8 pistols. And 30 MG3 machine gun barrels are missing. Huoshan_Translate.789 The extent of weapons and ammunition losses in the Bundeswehr was "frightening," said the left-wing member of the Bundestag Martina Renner. This was all the more true since hardly anything had been found in the course of investigations. The left-wing politician spoke of a "poor balance sheet." Renner criticized that the list did not show whether the missing ammunition was also the one found in connection with the investigation against the Bundeswehr officer Franco A., who was suspected of terrorism. "And this despite the fact that a supporter of Franco A. was recently convicted of possessing this ammunition," said Renner. n-tv.89662 Der Umfang von Waffen- und Munitionsverlusten bei der Bundeswehr sei "beängstigend", sagte die Linken-Bundestagsabgeordnete Martina Renner. Dies gelte umso mehr, da im Zuge von Ermittlungen kaum etwas wieder aufgefunden worden sei. Die Linken-Politikerin sprach von einer "dürftigen Bilanz". Renner kritisierte, dass an der Auflistung nicht erkennbar sei, ob sich unter der verschwundenen Munition auch diejenige befinde, die im Zusammenhang mit den Ermittlungen gegen den unter Terrorverdacht stehenden Bundeswehroffizier Franco A. gefunden worden sei. "Und das obwohl ein Unterstützer von Franco A. kürzlich wegen des Besitzes dieser Munition verurteilt wurde", sagte Renner. The extent of the loss of weapons and ammunition by the German Army is "alarming," said Martina Renner, a member of the Left party in the Bundestag. This is all the more true since hardly anything was found during the investigations. The politician from the Left party spoke of a "poor balance sheet." Renner criticized the fact that the listing did not make clear whether the disappeared ammunition included that which was found in connection with the investigations against the German Army officer Franco A., who is suspected of terrorism. "And this, although a supporter of Franco A. was recently sentenced for the possession of this ammunition," said Renner. Huoshan_Translate.789 Oil tanker "Stena Impero" left Iranian port Öltanker "Stena Impero" verließ iranischen Hafen ‘Stena Impero' Oil Tanker left Iranian port Huoshan_Translate.789 More than two months after its detention by the Iranian authorities, the British oil tanker "Stena Impero" left the port of the city of Bandar Abbas this Friday. As ship observation data from Refinitiv showed, the tanker started moving and left the Iranian port. Port Rashid in the United Arab Emirates was indicated as the destination port. Mehr als zwei Monate nach seiner Festsetzung durch die iranischen Behörden hat der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" am heutigen Freitag den Hafen der Stadt Bandar Abbas verlassen. Wie Schiffsbeobachtungsdaten von Refinitiv zeigten, setzte sich der Tanker in Bewegung und verließ den iranischen Hafen. Als Zielhafen wurde Port Rashid in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten angegeben. More than two months after its determination by the Iranian authorities, the British oil tanker ‘Stena Impero' has left the port in the city of Bandar Abbas this Friday. As Refinitiv ship observation data showed, the tanker set in motion and left the Iranian port. Port Rashid in the United Arab Emirates was given as the destination port. Huoshan_Translate.789 The tanker had actually already been released by the Iranian government on Monday, but it initially remained in Iranian waters. The shipping company said that they wanted to wait for an official decision from Tehran. Der Tanker war eigentlich schon am Montag von der iranischen Regierung freigegeben worden, doch blieb er zunächst weiter in iranischen Gewässern. Aus der Reederei hieß es, dass man einen offiziellen Bescheid aus Teheran abwarten wollte. In practice, the tanker had already been released by the Iranian government on Monday, though it remained in Iranian waters for a time. The speech indicated that an official notification from Tehran was preferred. Huoshan_Translate.789 The "Stena Impero" had been raised on 19 July by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Seestraße of Hormuz on charges of violating security regulations. However, it was suspected that Iran was responding to the controversial, temporary detention of an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar, which belongs to Great Britain. Die "Stena Impero" war am 19. Juli von den iranischen Revolutionsgarden in der Seestraße von Hormuz unter dem Vorwurf aufgebracht worden, gegen Sicherheitsbestimmungen verstoßen zu haben. Es wurde jedoch vermutet, dass der Iran damit auf die umstrittene, vorübergehende Festsetzung eines iranischen Öltankers vor dem zu Großbritannien gehörenden Gibraltar reagierte. On the 19th July, the ‘Stena Impero' had been accused by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Hormuz Strait of violating safety regulations. However, it was suspected that Iran was reacting to the controversial temporary determination of an Iranian oil tanker by British run Gibraltar. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important sea roads in the world. It connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the global oil export is shipped through the strait. Tensions in the region had intensified immensely in recent months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between the US and Iran. Several incidents involving tankers and drones have occurred. Die Straße von Hormuz ist eine der wichtigsten Seestraßen der Welt. Sie verbindet den Persischen Golf mit dem Indischen Ozean. Ein Großteil des globalen Ölexports wird durch die Meerenge verschifft. Die Spannungen in der Region hatten sich in den vergangenen Monaten immens verschärft. Die Handelsschifffahrt wurde in den Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran hineingezogen. Es kam zu mehreren Zwischenfällen mit Tankern und Drohnen. The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important Straits in the world. In connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's global oil exports are shipped through this strait. The tensions in the area had been escalating immeasurably during the past few months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between USA and Iran. There have been several incidents with tankers and drones. Huoshan_Translate.789 Merkel pays tribute to the courage of the people in the Peaceful Revolution Merkel würdigt den Mut der Menschen bei der Friedlichen Revolution Merkel hails people's courage in the Peaceful Revolution Huoshan_Translate.789 German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid tribute to the commitment of the people in the GDR who took to the streets 30 years ago during the Peaceful Revolution. In the autumn of 1989, courageous citizens had shaken the then GDR regime, Merkel said at a ceremony of the Thuringian CDU faction on the upcoming Day of German Unity in Erfurt. Among other things, the Chancellor recalled the occupation of the Stasi headquarters. "The horror was taken away from the State Security," she said. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat das Engagement der Menschen in der DDR gewürdigt, die vor 30 Jahren bei der Friedlichen Revolution auf die Straße gegangen sind. Im Herbst 1989 hätten mutige Bürger das damalige DDR-Regime ins Wanken gebracht, sagte Merkel bei einem Festakt der Thüringer CDU-Fraktion zum bevorstehenden Tag der Deutschen Einheit in Erfurt. Die Kanzlerin erinnerte unter anderem an die Besetzung der Stasi-Zentrale. "Der Staatssicherheit wurde der Schrecken genommen", sagte sie. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel has praised the engagement of people in the GDR who took to the streets in the Peaceful Revolution 30 years ago. In the fall of 1989 courageous citizens toppled the East German regime, said Merkel at a ceremony held by the Thuringian branch of the CDU party in Erfurt marking the forthcoming Day of German Unity. The chancellor recalled events such as the occupation of the Stasi headquarters. "The State Security police were deprived of their terror," she said. Huoshan_Translate.789 Musk aims for delivery record Musk strebt Auslieferungsrekord an Musk seeks delivery record Huoshan_Translate.789 Tesla's quarter may hold a record. Despite the delivery boom, there have recently been losses at the electric car company. Teslas Quartal hält möglicherweise Rekord bereit. Trotz Auslieferungsboom gab es zuletzt Verluste beim Elektroautokonzern. Tesla's quarter may be record-breaking. Despite the boom in deliveries, the electric car company has seen losses recently. Huoshan_Translate.789 New York.Tesla CEO Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. "We have the chance to reach our first quarter with 100,000 deliveries," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by the industry blog "Electrek." New York.Tesla-Chef Elon Musk hat seinem Elektroautokonzern mit der Aussicht auf neue Rekordzahlen kräftig Auftrieb an der Börse gegeben. "Wir haben die Chance, unser erstes Quartal mit 100.000 Auslieferungen zu erreichen", schrieb Musk in einer vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. New York. Tesla boss Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. "We have the opportunity to reach 100,000 deliveries in our first quarter," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by industry blog Electrek. Huoshan_Translate.789 Demand is strong, so that Tesla could record 110,000 orders, Musk's circular continued. The challenge is to bring the cars to customers quickly. To do this, Tesla must offer as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hieß es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. Demand is so strong that Tesla was able to record 110000 orders, according to Musk's newsletter. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible at quarter-end. Huoshan_Translate.789 Investors liked this: Tesla's shares went out of trading with an increase of over six percent. The price has not gained so strongly in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla had delivered a good 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefiel das: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The price has not increased so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered around 95,000 cars and hit its best value to date. Huoshan_Translate.789 Musk needs records to achieve his high goals. In 2019, he plans to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. This requires six-figure figures in the current and next quarter. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there have recently been losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360000 bis 400000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but its profit margins are low. There have been losses recently despite the boom. Huoshan_Translate.789 Puzzle solved: That's why we can't tickle ourselves Rätsel gelöst: Deswegen können wir uns nicht selbst kitzeln Puzzle solved: This is why we cannot tickle ourselves Huoshan_Translate.789 A kind of brake in the cerebrum prevents people from tickling themselves. Scientists at Humboldt University in Berlin found this out with the help of experiments on rats, as they announced on Thursday evening. Progress has also been made on the question of why children defend themselves so fiercely against tickling, only to demand more. Eine Art Bremse im Großhirn verhindert, dass Menschen sich selber kitzeln können. Dies fanden Wissenschafter der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin mit Hilfe von Experimenten an Ratten heraus, wie sie am Donnerstagabend mitteilten. Dabei seien auch Fortschritte bei der Frage erzielt worden, warum Kinder sich so heftig gegen das Kitzeln wehren, nur um dann mehr zu verlangen. There is a sort of a stopping brake in our cerebrum, preventing us from tickling ourselves. This was discovered by scientists at the Humboldt University in Berlin after conducting experiments on rats, as reported on Thursday. Progress was also made in answering the question as to why children resist tickling, only to ask for more later. Huoshan_Translate.789 Finally, it has also been shown why the approaching of a tickling hand alone triggers laughter even before the touch. This is due to a deep layer in the cerebrum, which already triggers laughter when expecting tickling. Schließlich habe sich auch gezeigt, warum allein das Näherkommen einer kitzelnden Hand schon vor der Berührung Lachen auslöst. Dies liege an einer tiefliegenden Schicht im Großhirn, die bereits bei der Erwartung des Kitzelns das Lachen auslöse. It was also determined why the mere approach of a tickling hand triggers laughter ever before contact. The reason can be found in a deep layer of the cerebrum which triggers laughter even through only expectation of tickling. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the data, earlier research showed that rats react with "laughter" in the ultrasound range when tickled by humans. This "laughter" is conveyed by the part of the cerebral cortex, which serves the central processing of haptic perception. Den Angaben zufolge zeigten frühere Forschungen, dass Ratten mit "Lachen" im Ultraschallbereich reagieren, wenn sie von Menschen gekitzelt werden. Dieses "Lachen" werde durch den Teil der Großhirnrinde vermittelt, welcher der zentralen Verarbeitung der haptischen Wahrnehmung diene. According to the data, previous research has shown that rats react by "laughing" in the ultrasonic range when tickled by humans. This "laughter" travels through the part of the cerebral cortex, which is used for the central processing of haptic perception. Huoshan_Translate.789 Laughter is suppressed during self-touch Lachen wird während Selbstberührung unterdrückt The laughter is suppressed when the touch originates from the person themselves. Huoshan_Translate.789 Until now, it had been assumed that the brain could distinguish between self-touch and touch by others - which is why people cannot tickle themselves. However, the Berlin researchers now found out during the experiments on the rats that laughter as well as the activity of the respective area of the cerebral cortex are suppressed during self-touch. This is also the case when living beings clean themselves. However, during the foreign touch and tickling by the scientists, the activity in the brain and the impulse to laugh were intensified. Bisher sei davon ausgegangen worden, dass das Gehirn zwischen Selbstberührung und Berührung durch Andere unterscheiden könne - also deshalb Menschen sich nicht selbst kitzeln können. Die Berliner Forscher fanden nun aber bei den Experimenten an den Ratten heraus, dass das Lachen ebenso wie die Aktivität des betreffenden Bereichs der Großhirnrinde während einer Selbstberührung unterdrückt werden. Dies sei auch so, wenn sich Lebewesen selbst putzen. Während der Fremdberührung und des Kitzelns durch die Wissenschafter seien die Aktivität im Hirn und der Impuls zu lachen aber verstärkt worden. Until now, it was assumed that the brain is able to tell the difference between the touch originating from oneself, as opposed to from others, which would explain why people cannot tickle themselves. The researchers from Berlin have now discovered, from their experiments on rats that laughter and the activity of the cerebral cortex is suppressed during self-touching. This is also true when animals clean themselves. However, when the touching and tickling was done by the scientists, the brain activities as well as the impulse to laugh increased. Huoshan_Translate.789 But if self-touch and touch by others happen at the same time, laughter is also suppressed. This indicates that the rat's brain cannot distinguish between self-touch and touch by others. The new findings suggested that people cannot tickle themselves because self-touch activates a brake in the cerebrum. Passiere aber die Selbstberührung und die Berührung durch andere zur selben Zeit, sei das Lachen ebenfalls unterdrückt. Dies deute darauf hin, dass das Gehirn der Ratte eben nicht zwischen der Selbstberührung und der Berührung durch andere unterscheiden könne. Die neuen Erkenntnisse legten nahe, dass die Menschen sich nicht selbst kitzeln können, weil die Selbstberührung eine Bremse im Großhirn aktiviere. And, if the self-touching and touching by another were to occur at the same time, the laughter is suppressed anyway. This indicated that the rat´s brain could not determine whether the touch came from itself or the scientists. The new findings explained that humans cannot tickle themselves because tickling triggers a stopping brake in the cerebrum. Huoshan_Translate.789 The rats were also trained to tickle themselves. Accordingly, they sometimes broke off this initiation prematurely in the experiment, showed escape behaviour or rigidity of terror. This ambivalence resembles the behaviour of the children. The ambivalence of tickling is a behavioural reaction that is the same in rats and humans. Die Ratten seien außerdem trainiert worden, selbst zu kitzeln. Dabei brachen sie diese Initiation im Experiment demnach manchmal vorzeitig ab, zeigten Fluchtverhalten oder Schreckstarre. Diese Ambivalenz gleiche dem Verhalten der Kinder. Die Ambivalenz des Kitzelns sei eine Verhaltensreaktion, die bei Ratten und Menschen gleich sei. The rats were taught to tickle themselves. They sometimes stopped this activity prematurely, displaying flight behavior or paralysis. This ambivalence is similar to the way children behave. The tickle ambivalence is a behavioral reaction that is found in rats and humans. Huoshan_Translate.789 Catastrophe averted: Major fire extinguished in French chemical plant Katastrophe abgewendet: Großbrand in französischem Chemiewerk gelöscht Catastrophe averted: Major fire at French chemical plant extinguished Huoshan_Translate.789 The major fire at a particularly dangerous chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen has been extinguished, as the prefecture of Normandy told the AFP news agency on Friday. The fire broke out on Thursday night. Der Großbrand in einem als besonders gefährlich geltenden Chemiewerk in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen ist gelöscht. Das teilte die Präfektur der Normandie der Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Freitag mit. Das Feuer war in der Nacht zu Donnerstag ausgebrochen. The large fire was put out at a chemical plant considered to be particularly hazardous and located in the northern French city of Rouen. The prefecture of Normandy reported the incident to the AFP news agency on Friday. The fire broke out Thursday night. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the authorities, no hazardous substances are said to have leaked. The samples taken give no cause for concern, as Prefect Pierre-André Durand said at a press conference on Friday morning. No one was injured in the incident. The fire brigade was deployed with around 200 fire engines. Nach Behördenangaben sollen keine gesundheitsgefährdenden Stoffe ausgetreten sein. Die genommenen Proben geben keinen Grund zur Beunruhigung, wie Präfekt Pierre-André Durand am Freitagmorgen bei einer Pressekonferenz sagte. Verletzt wurde bei dem Vorfall niemand. Die Feuerwehr war mit rund 200 Löschfahrzeugen im Einsatz. According to information from officials, no hazardous material has escaped. The samples taken show no reason for alarm, said prefect Pierre-André Durand at a press conference Friday morning. No one was injured during the incident. The fire department deployed around 200 fire trucks. Huoshan_Translate.789 Schools and kindergartens were closed Schulen und Kindergärten wurden geschlossen Schools and kindergartens were closed. Huoshan_Translate.789 Local residents were called upon not to leave their homes. Buildings within a radius of 500 meters were evacuated, schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. Anwohner waren aufgerufen, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen. Gebäude im Umkreis von 500 Metern wurden evakuiert, Schulen und Kindergärten blieben am Donnerstag geschlossen. Residents were asked not to leave their homes. Buildings within a radius of 1,650 feet were evacuated, and schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. Huoshan_Translate.789 Factory belongs to the company Lubrizol of US billionaire Warren Buffett Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett Plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett Huoshan_Translate.789 The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine produces additives for lubricants. The factory belongs to the company Lubrizol of US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called Seveso Directive of the EU, which prescribes particularly strict safety requirements. Around 400 people work at the plant. In dem Chemiewerk am Ufer der Seine werden Zusatzstoffe für Schmierstoffe hergestellt. Die Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett und unterliegt der sogenannten Seveso-Richtlinie der EU, die besonders strenge Sicherheitsauflagen vorschreibt. In dem Werk arbeiten rund 400 Menschen. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine manufactures additives for lubricants. The plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the EU's "Seveso Directive", which stipulates particularly strict safety requirements. Around 400 people work at the plant. Huoshan_Translate.789 The chemical factory has already made headlines in the past - for example, when the gas methanthiol escaped due to a leak in 2013 and the surrounding area smelled extensively of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 2000 litres of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewage system after an industrial accident. Die Chemiefabrik sorgte bereits in der Vergangenheit für Schlagzeilen - etwa, als 2013 durch ein Leck das Gas Methanthiol entwich und die Umgebung weitreichend nach faulen Eiern roch. Im Jahr 2015 flossen nach einem Betriebsunfall rund 2000 Liter Mineralöl ins Abwassersystem der Stadt. The chemical plant has made headlines in the past—as in 2013, when methanethiol escaped via a leak and the entire area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 440 gallons of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewer system following an industrial accident. Huoshan_Translate.789 Brexit: Johnson criticized by his own sister Brexit: Johnson von eigener Schwester kritisiert Brexit: Johnson criticized by own sister Huoshan_Translate.789 The Prime Minister's sister commented on Boris Johnson's speech at the first session in Parliament after the forced recess was lifted on Wednesday evening. The Prime Minister is threatening to lead the country out of the EU on 31 October without an agreement if Brussels does not accept his demands for changes to the Brexit agreement. However, how he intends to achieve this is unclear. Die Schwester des Premiers kommentierte die Rede Boris Johnsons bei der ersten Sitzung im Parlament nach Aufhebung der Zwangspause am Mittwochabend. Der Premier droht damit, das Land am 31. Oktober ohne Abkommen aus der EU zu führen, sollte sich Brüssel nicht auf seine Forderungen nach Änderungen am Brexit-Abkommen einlassen. Wie er das erreichen will, ist jedoch unklar. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's sister commented on his speech at the first session of Parliament after the forced shutdown was lifted on Wednesday evening. The Prime Minister threatened to lead the country out of the EU without an agreement on October 31 should Brussels not accept his demands for changes to the Brexit agreement. How he wants to achieve that is yet unclear. Huoshan_Translate.789 Speaking about Cox, who had campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union, the Prime Minister said: "The best way to honour the memory of Jo Cox and reunite this country would be to leave the EU." Cox was murdered by a right-wing extremist during the referendum campaign in 2016. Über Cox, die sich für den Verbleib Großbritanniens in der Europäischen Union eingesetzt hatte, sagte der Premier: "Der beste Weg, um das Andenken von Jo Cox zu ehren und dieses Land wieder zu einen, wäre den EU-Austritt zu vollziehen". Cox war 2016 während des Referendum-Wahlkampfs von einem Rechtsextremisten ermordet worden. Speaking about Cox, who had worked to keep Britain in the European Union, the Prime Minister said: "The best way to honor the memory of Jo Cox and bring this country together would be to get Brexit done." Cox was murdered in 2016 by a right-wing extremist during the referendum vote. Huoshan_Translate.789 Memorial to attacks in Oslo and Utöya is unveiled Mahnmal zu Anschlägen von Oslo und Utöya wird enthüllt A monument to attacks in Oslo and Utöya is unveiled Huoshan_Translate.789 More than eight years after the attacks in Oslo and Utöya with 77 dead, a memorial in honour of the victims will be unveiled in Norway on Saturday. The monument "Jernrosene" (German: the Iron Roses) consists of around 1,000 iron rose replicas. They commemorate the roses laid down by thousands of people in the days and weeks after the attacks in front of the cathedral in Oslo. Mehr als acht Jahre nach den Anschlägen in Oslo und Utöya mit 77 Toten wird am Samstag in Norwegen ein Mahnmal zu Ehren der Opfer enthüllt. Das Monument "Jernrosene" (deutsch: die Eisenrosen) besteht aus rund 1.000 eisernen Rosennachbildungen. Sie erinnern an die Rosen, die von Tausenden Menschen in den Tagen und Wochen nach den Anschlägen vor dem Dom in Oslo abgelegt hatten. More than eight years after attacks in Oslo and Utöya with 77 deceased a memorial is unveiled in Norway on Saturday to honor the victims. The monument "Jernrosene" (English: the iron roses) consists of around 1,000 iron rose replicas. They are reminiscent of the roses which thousands of people brought to the Oslo Cathedral in the days and weeks after the attacks. Huoshan_Translate.789 The project of the artists Tobbe Malm and Tone Karlsrud is to be unveiled at the same location - the roses were forged by people from all over the world, including survivors and relatives of the victims. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit are expected to attend the opening. Am selben Ort soll nun das Projekt der Künstler Tobbe Malm und Tone Karlsrud enthüllt werden - die Rosen wurden dabei von Menschen aus aller Welt geschmiedet, darunter auch Überlebende und Angehörige der Opfer. Zur Eröffnung werden unter anderen Kronprinz Haakon und Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit erwartet. The project of artists Tobbe Malm and Tone Karlsrud is now to be unveiled in the same place—the roses were forged by people from all round the world, among them survivors and dependents of the victims. Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit are expected to be present, amongst others, for the unveiling. Huoshan_Translate.789 On 22 July 2011, right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik detonated a car bomb in the government district of Oslo and then shot dozens of participants in a summer camp of the youth organization of the Social Democratic Workers' Party on the island of Utöya. A total of 77 people were killed in the attacks. Der Rechtsterrorist Anders Behring Breivik hatte am 22. Juli 2011 zunächst eine Autobombe im Regierungsviertel von Oslo gezündet und im Anschluss auf der Insel Utöya Dutzende Teilnehmer eines Ferienlagers der Jugendorganisation der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei erschossen. Insgesamt wurden bei den Anschlägen 77 Menschen getötet. The right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik had detonated a bomb in the Oslo government district on July 22nd, 2011, and then shot dozens of participants in a holiday camp on the Island of Utöya of a youth organization for the social democratic workers' party. In total 77 people were killed in the attacks. Huoshan_Translate.789 Iran releases British tanker Iran gibt britischen Tanker frei Iran Releases British Tanker Huoshan_Translate.789 The UN general debate brought no solution to the Iran conflict. But now there is one less problem. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," held in Iran, was able to set sail again. It could be a piece of the puzzle in Iranian President Rouhani's peace plan. Die UN-Generaldebatte brachte keine Lösung im Iran-Konflikt. Doch nun gibt es ein Problem weniger. Der im Iran festgehaltene britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" konnte wieder in See stechen. Es könnte ein Puzzlestück im Friedensplan des iranischen Präsidenten Ruhani sein. The UN General Assembly debate brought no solution in the Iran conflict. However, there is now one less problem. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," which had been held in Iran, was able to set sail again. It could be a piece of the puzzle in Iranian President Ruhani's plan for peace. Huoshan_Translate.789 The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," which has been detained in the Strait of Hormuz in Iran since mid-July, is back in international waters. After being released by Iranian authorities, the ship is on its way to Dubai, according to the shipping company Stena Bulk. Der seit Mitte Juli in der Straße von Hormus im Iran festgehaltene britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" ist zurück in internationalen Gewässern. Nach der Freigabe durch iranische Behörden ist das Schiff auf dem Weg nach Dubai, wie die Reederei Stena Bulk mitteilte. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," which had been impounded in the Strait of Hormuz in Iran, is back in international waters. After being released by Iranian authorities, the ship is on its way to Dubai, according to the shipping company Stena Bulk. Huoshan_Translate.789 The "Stena Impero" has left the port of Bandar Abbas and the crew is now going to Dubai for medical examinations, explained shipping chief Erik Hånell. Around noon the ship left the Iranian waters. "It's nice that it's over," he told the Swedish TV station SVT. Die "Stena Impero" habe den Hafen von Bandar Abbas verlassen und die Crew fahre nun unter anderem für medizinische Untersuchungen nach Dubai, erklärte Reedereichef Erik Hånell. Gegen Mittag habe das Schiff die iranischen Gewässer verlassen. "Schön, dass es vorbei ist", sagte er dem schwedischen Fernsehsender SVT. The "Stena Impero" left the harbor of Bandar Abbas, and the crew is now travelling to Dubai for medical exams, among other reasons, said the shipping company's CEO Erik Hånell. The ship left Iranian waters around noon. "It's great that this is over," he said to the Swedish TV station SVT. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Foreign Ministry in London described the detention of the ship as illegal. "This is part of a pattern of attempts to affect the freedom of the seas. We are working with our international partners to uphold shipping and international law," it said in a statement on Friday. Das Außenministerium in London bezeichnete die Festsetzung des Schiffes als illegal. "Das ist Teil eines Musters von Versuchen, die Freiheit der Meere zu beeinträchtigen. Wir arbeiten mit unseren internationalen Partnern daran, die Schifffahrt und das Internationale Recht aufrechtzuerhalten", hieß es in einer Mitteilung am Freitag. The foreign ministry in London described the detainment of the ship as illegal. "This is part of a pattern of attempts to compromise the freedom of the seas. We work with our international partners to maintain ship travel and international law," they announced on Friday. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Iranian Revolutionary Guards had detained the tanker on 19 July on charges of violating maritime law regulations in the Persian Gulf. Seven of the 23 crew members had already been released at the beginning of September. The remaining 16 crew members were doing well according to the circumstances, said Hånell. They had behaved professionally in view of the difficult and exhausting situation over the past ten weeks. The shipping company is now working to reunite them with their families as soon as possible. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten den Tanker am 19. Juli unter dem Vorwurf festgesetzt, Vorschriften des Seerechts im Persischen Golf missachtet zu haben. Sieben der 23 Besatzungsmitglieder waren bereits Anfang September freigelassen worden. Den verbliebenen 16 Crewmitgliedern gehe es den Umständen entsprechend gut, sagte Hånell. Sie hätten sich angesichts der schwierigen und aufreibenden Situation in den vergangenen zehn Wochen professionell verhalten. Die Reederei arbeite nun daran, sie schnellstmöglich wieder mit ihren Familien zusammenzuführen. The Iranian revolutionary guards impounded the tanker on July 19 under the pretext that it had violated maritime law in the Persian Gulf. Seven of the 23 crew members were already released at the beginning of September. The remaining 16 crew members are doing well under the circumstances, said Hånell. For the past ten weeks they have conducted themselves professionally in light of the difficult and grueling situation. The shipping company is now working to reunite them with their families as quickly as possible. Huoshan_Translate.789 The British government suspected behind the fixing of the "Stena Impero" a reaction to a similar incident in British Gibraltar: At the beginning of July, a supertanker carrying oil from Iran, which is said to have been destined for Syria, had been chained there. According to the authorities, the delivery violated EU sanctions against the war country Syria. The British had received the reference to the ship from the USA. Die britische Regierung vermutete hinter der Festsetzung der "Stena Impero" eine Reaktion auf einen ähnlichen Vorfall im britischen Gibraltar: Dort war Anfang Juli ein Supertanker mit Öl aus dem Iran, das für Syrien bestimmt gewesen sein soll, an die Kette gelegt worden. Die Lieferung verstieß den Behörden zufolge gegen EU-Sanktionen gegen das Kriegsland Syrien. Den Hinweis auf das Schiff hatten die Briten von den USA erhalten. The British government suspects that behind the impounding of the "Stena Impero" is a reaction to a similar incident in British Gibraltar: There, a supertanker with oil from Iran that was supposedly destined for Syria was detained at the beginning of July. According to the authorities, the delivery violated EU sanctions against the warring nation of Syria. The British were notified about the ship from the USA. Huoshan_Translate.789 Iran spoke of "piracy" and threatened with consequences. In mid-August, the "Adrian Darya-1" was finally released. London vehemently rejected suspicions that it was a barter deal to free the "Stena Impero." Der Iran sprach von "Piraterie" und drohte mit Konsequenzen. Mitte August wurde die "Adrian Darya-1" schließlich freigegeben. Mutmaßungen, es habe sich um ein Tauschgeschäft gehandelt, um die "Stena Impero" freizubekommen, wies London vehement zurück. Iran spoke of "piracy" and threatened that there would be consequences. The "Adrian Darya-1" was finally released in mid-August. London vehemently denied speculations that it was an exchange deal to get the "Stena Impero" released. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important sea roads in the world. It connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's oil exports are shipped through the strait. Tensions in the region have intensified immensely in recent months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between the US and Iran. Several incidents involving tankers and drones have occurred. Die Straße von Hormus ist eine der wichtigsten Seestraßen der Welt. Sie verbindet den Persischen Golf mit dem Indischen Ozean. Ein Großteil des weltweiten Ölexports wird durch die Meerenge verschifft. Die Spannungen in der Region hatten sich in den vergangenen Monaten immens verschärft. Die Handelsschifffahrt wurde in den Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran hineingezogen. Es kam zu mehreren Zwischenfällen mit Tankern und Drohnen. The Straits of Hormuz is one of the most important sea routes in the world. In connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's global oil exports are shipped through this strait. The tensions in the area had been escalating immeasurably during the past few months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between USA and Iran. There have been several incidents with tankers and drones. Huoshan_Translate.789 Behind the tensions between Tehran and Washington is the nuclear dispute between the two countries. The Americans accuse the Iranian leadership of wanting to build nuclear weapons. Iran rejects this. In 2018, the US single-handedly withdrew from the international nuclear agreement, which was intended to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb and at the same time end its political and economic isolation. Since then, the US government has been pressuring the leadership in Tehran with massive economic sanctions against the country in order to force a stricter agreement extended to other areas. Iran has so far resisted the pressure. Hinter den Spannungen zwischen Teheran und Washington steht der Atomstreit beider Länder. Die Amerikaner werfen der iranischen Führung vor, Atomwaffen bauen zu wollen. Der Iran weist das zurück. Die USA waren 2018 im Alleingang aus dem internationalen Atomabkommen ausgestiegen, das den Iran am Bau einer Atombombe hindern und zugleich dessen politische und wirtschaftliche Isolation beenden sollte. Seitdem setzt die US-Regierung die Führung in Teheran mit massiven Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen das Land unter Druck, um ein strengeres und auf andere Gebiete erweitertes Abkommen zu erzwingen. Der Iran widersteht dem Druck bisher. Behind the tension between Teheran and Washington was the atomic conflict of the two nations. The Americans accuse the Iranian leadership of wanting to build nuclear weapons. Iran denies this. In 2018, the USA exited the international nuclear arms treaty that was to prevent Iran from building an atomic bomb while ending its political and economic isolation. Since then, the US government has pressured the leadership in Tehran with massive economic sanctions against the country to force a treaty that is stricter and expanded to other territories. So far, Iran has withstood that pressure. Huoshan_Translate.789 Because of the dispute over the "Stena Impero" and other incidents involving tankers in the Persian Gulf and oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the US is working on a coalition for military protection of merchant ships in the region. Wegen des Streits um die "Stena Impero" und weiterer Vorfälle mit Tankern im Persischen Golf und Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien arbeiten die USA an einer Koalition für einen militärischen Schutz der Handelsschiffe in der Region. Due to the dispute surrounding the "Stena Impero" and further incidents with tankers in the Persian Gulf and oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the USA is working on a coalition for military protection of trade ships in the region. Huoshan_Translate.789 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani presented a plan for security and peace in the Strait of Hormuz at the UN General Assembly in New York. With the initiative "Coalition of Hope" for the Persian Gulf, Iran wants to ensure the security of shipping in the Persian Gulf together with the Arab Gulf states and without foreign protecting powers. Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hatte bei der UN-Vollversammlung in New York einen Plan für Sicherheit und Frieden in der Straße von Hormus vorgelegt. Mit der Initiative "Koalition der Hoffnung" für den Persischen Golf wolle der Iran zusammen mit den arabischen Golfstaaten und ohne ausländische Schutzmächte für die Sicherheit der Schifffahrt im Persischen Golf sorgen. During the UN General Assembly in New York, Iranian President Hassan Ruhani presented a plan for security and peace in the Strait of Hormuz. With the initiative "coalition of hope" for the Persian Gulf, Iran wishes to ensure the security of ship travel in the Persian Gulf together with the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, without foreign protective powers. Huoshan_Translate.789 India is building a better future with its protectionist economic policies. Indien verbaut sich mit seiner protektionistischen Wirtschaftspolitik eine bessere Zukunft. India Builds a Better Future with its Protectionist Economic Policy Huoshan_Translate.789 India would actually be predestined to be a "war profiteer." Given the punitive tariffs imposed by America's President Donald Trump on Chinese manufacturers, foreign producers in the People's Republic are forced to reschedule. CFOs of Asian firms considering moving their production from China to another country cite India as one of the preferred alternatives in a UBS survey. Of course, this has not only to do with the uncertainties of the Sino-American trade war. With a huge pool of young workers and a single market of 1.3 billion consumers, India seems designed to play a more significant role in the globally widespread production chain. Indien wäre eigentlich zum "Kriegsgewinnler" prädestiniert. Angesichts der Strafzölle, die Amerikas Präsident Donald Trump gegen chinesische Hersteller verhängt, sehen sich ausländische Produzenten in der Volksrepublik gezwungen, umzudisponieren. Finanzchefs asiatischer Firmen, die erwägen, ihre Produktion aus China in ein anderes Land zu verlegen, nennen Indien in einer Umfrage der UBS als eine der bevorzugten Alternativen. Das hat freilich nicht nur mit den Unwägbarkeiten des chinesisch-amerikanischen Handelskrieges zu tun. Mit einem Riesen-Pool an jungen Arbeitskräften sowie einem Binnenmarkt von 1,3 Milliarden Konsumenten scheint Indien wie dafür geschaffen, in der global weitverzweigten Produktionskette eine bedeutendere Rolle zu spielen. India really was predestined to be the "war profiteer." In light of the punitive tariffs imposed by the American President Donald Trump against Chinese manufacturers, foreign producers in the People's Republic are forced to make new arrangements. In a UBS survey, CFOs of Asian firms that are considering relocating their production outside China name India as one of the best alternatives. And surely this involves more than the uncertainties of the Chinese-American trade war. With a giant pool of young workers and a domestic market of 1.3 billion consumers, India seems ideally situated to play a more significant role in the global, widespread production chain. Huoshan_Translate.789 But now India itself has come into Trump's focus. Pejoratively dubbed the "Kingdom of Tariffs" by the White House warhorse, America withdrew trade breaks for 2000 products from the emerging market at the beginning of June. The US prohibitively accuses India of high tariffs and demands better market access for agricultural goods, mobile phones, spirits, motorcycles, and more. Doch nun ist Indien selber in Trumps Fokus geraten. Vom Haudegen im Weissen Haus abwertend als "Königreich der Zölle" betitelt, hat Amerika dem Schwellenland Anfang Juni die Handelsvergünstigungen für 2000 Produkte entzogen. Die USA bezichtigen Indien prohibitiv hoher Zölle und fordern einen besseren Marktzugang für Agrargüter, Mobiltelefone, Spirituosen, Motorräder und anderes mehr. But now Trump is focusing on India itself. Pejoratively called the "Kingdom of the tariffs" by warhorses in the White House, America withdrew trade incentives for 2000 products from the newly industrialized country at the beginning of June. The USA is charging India prohibitively higher tariffs and demands better market access for agricultural goods, mobile phones, spirits, motorcycles, and more. Huoshan_Translate.789 On the world map of trade wars, however, the friction with India is merely a sideshow. Moreover, America also looks at the world's largest democracy through security glasses. Delhi and Washington share concerns about China's claims to power in the South Indian Ocean. Against this backdrop, a volley of American punitive tariffs against India seems unlikely. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has just taken up a second five-year term, is therefore likely to weigh himself in safety. Auf der Weltkarte der Handelskriege stellen die Reibereien mit Indien freilich bloss einen Nebenschauplatz dar. Zudem betrachtet Amerika die weltgrösste Demokratie auch durch die sicherheitspolitische Brille. Delhi und Washington verbindet die Sorge über Chinas Machtansprüche im Südindischen Ozean. Vor diesem Hintergrund mutet eine Salve amerikanischer Strafzölle gegen Indien unwahrscheinlich an. Indiens Premierminister Narendra Modi, der soeben eine zweite fünfjährige Amtszeit angetreten hat, dürfte sich deshalb in Sicherheit wiegen. On the world map of the trade war, the friction with India is little more than a sideshow. Moreover, America sees the world's largest democracy through the lens of a security policy. Delhi and Washington are united in their concern over China's claims to power in the southern Indian Ocean. This makes a volley of American tariffs against India appear unlikely. So India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who just entered his second five-year term, can feel safe. Huoshan_Translate.789 The problem, however, lies in another place: the empirically substantiated thesis that open markets accelerate economic development has a difficult situation in the socialist republic of India. Even under Modi. His zeal for reform is mainly aimed at the bureaucratic madness that stifled any entrepreneurial spirit in the multi-ethnic state for too long. Companies now receive building permits for buildings faster. They benefit from a better energy and transport infrastructure, and a more tangible insolvency and bankruptcy law creates the conditions for liquidating seemingly dead companies with high debts more quickly. Das Problem liegt indes an einem anderen Ort: Die empirisch erhärtete These, dass offene Märkte die ökonomische Entwicklung beschleunigen, hat in der sozialistischen Republik Indien einen schweren Stand. Auch unter Modi. Sein Reformeifer zielt hauptsächlich auf den bürokratischen Irrsinn, der im Vielvölkerstaat allzu lange jedweden unternehmerischen Geist erstickte. Firmen erhalten jetzt schneller Baubewilligungen für Bauten. Sie profitieren von einer besseren Energie- und Verkehrsinfrastruktur, und ein griffigeres Insolvenz- und Konkursgesetz schafft Voraussetzungen dafür, scheintote Firmen mit hohen Schulden zügiger zu liquidieren. But the problem lies elsewhere: The (empirically corroborated) proposition that open markets accelerate economic development has a difficult time in the socialist republic of India. Including under Modi. His zeal for reform mainly targets the bureaucratic insanity that suffocated any entrepreneurial spirit in the ethnically diverse country for far too long. Companies now obtain construction permits for buildings much faster. They profit from a better energy and traffic infrastructure, and a concise insolvency and bankruptcy law creates conditions for more rapid liquidation of companies with high debt that appear on their last legs. Huoshan_Translate.789 The success of these efforts can be seen and measured in the relevant rankings. From an economic perspective, much has changed for the better in India in the first five Modi years. But this does not apply in trade policy. Inspired by protecting internationally uncompetitive companies from foreign suppliers, the national conservative government even erected new barriers. Der Erfolg dieser Bemühungen lässt sich sehen und in den einschlägigen Rankings messen. Aus ökonomischer Optik hat sich in Indien in den ersten fünf Modi-Jahren vieles zum Besseren gewendet. Doch in der Handelspolitik gilt das nicht. Davon beseelt, international wenig wettbewerbsfähige Unternehmen vor ausländischen Anbietern zu schützen, errichtete die nationalkonservative Regierung sogar neue Schranken. The success of these efforts is apparent and can be measured in the pertinent rankings. From an economic standpoint, much in India took a turn for the better during Modi's first five years. But its trade policy did not. Eager to keep foreign suppliers from threatening companies with little international competitiveness, the national government has even set up new barriers. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the West, Modi is attached to the nimbus of the energetic reformer who is radically renewing his country economically. This impression is not least due to the fact that the charismatic prime minister knows all too well what vocabulary Western managers like. At its core, however, the "India First" lawyer never moved away from protectionist economic policies, which prevents Indian firms from being forced to get rid of anachronistic processes and thus become fit for global competition. Businessmen who survive thanks to the isolation of their industries are among the regular voters of Modi's nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and applaud this short-sighted policy. Im Westen hängt Modi der Nimbus des energischen Reformers an, der sein Land wirtschaftlich radikal erneuert. Dieser Eindruck ist nicht zuletzt dem Umstand geschuldet, dass der charismatische Premierminister nur allzu gut weiss, welches Vokabular westlichen Managern gefällt. Im Kern rückte der "India First"-Advokat aber nie von einer protektionistischen Wirtschaftspolitik ab, was verhindert, dass indische Firmen gezwungen werden, sich anachronistischer Abläufe zu entledigen und so für den globalen Wettbewerb fit zu werden. Geschäftsleute, die dank der Abschottung ihrer Branchen überleben, gehören zu den Stammwählern von Modis nationalistischer Bharatiya Janata Party und beklatschen diese kurzsichtige Politik. In the West, Modi wears a halo of the energetic reformer who radically regenerated his country's economy. This impression exists not least because the charismatic prime minister knows all too well what vocabulary pleases Western managers. Essentially, the "India First" advocate never wavers from a protectionist economic policy that keeps Indian companies from having to dispense with old-fashioned processes, although doing so would make them fit for global competition. Merchants that survive thanks to the isolation of their industries make up the core voters of Modi's nationalistic Bharatiya Janata Party and applaud this short-sighted policy. Huoshan_Translate.789 Funeral of Jacques Chirac on Monday in Paris Beisetzung von Jacques Chirac am Montag in Paris Jacques Chirac to be Buried in Paris on Monday Huoshan_Translate.789 According to a report, former French President Jacques Chirac will be buried in Paris next week. The former head of state will be buried on Monday in the Montparnasse cemetery in the south of the French capital, the AFP news agency reported, citing the Chiracs family. The burial will take place in a close family circle. A public funeral service was scheduled for Sunday in the Invalides Cathedral in Paris, according to media reports. Der ehemalige französische Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac soll einem Bericht zufolge in der kommenden Woche in Paris beigesetzt werden. Der frühere Staatschef werde am Montag auf dem Friedhof Montparnasse im Süden der französischen Hauptstadt bestattet, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf die Familie Chiracs. Die Bestattung werde im engen Familienkreis stattfinden. Für Sonntag war eine öffentliche Trauerfeier im Pariser Invalidendom angesetzt, wie Medien berichteten. The former President of France, Jacques Chirac, will reportedly be buried in Paris during the coming weeks. The former head of state will be buried on Monday in Montparnasse Cemetery to the south of the French capital, the AFP news agency reported in reference to the Chirac family. The burial will take place within an intimate family circle. According to media reports, a public funeral in the Dôme des Invalides was set for Sunday. Huoshan_Translate.789 Carried to the finish line: Dabo is the first secret hero of the World Championships in Athletics Den Konkurrenten ins Ziel getragen: Dabo ist der erste heimliche Held der Leichtathletik-WM The competitors made it to the finish line. Dabo is the first secret hero of the World Athletics Championships. Huoshan_Translate.789 The world leaders had long since reached the finish line when heartwarming scenes took place in the cooled-down Khalifa International Stadium. In the first heat of the men's 5000 meters, Jonathan Busby from Aruba started to sway dangerously. He could hardly keep himself on his feet a good 300 meters before the finish, ran in an unhealthy stooped attitude when Braima Suncar Dabo from the West African country of Guinea-Bissau suddenly hooked him down and dragged him to the finish line supporting the last half lap of the stadium. However, the forces were still enough for both to stop the running wristwatch after the finish. As if the scene had not Die Weltspitze war schon längst im Ziel, als sich im heruntergekühlten Khalifa International Stadion herzerwärmende Szenen abspielten. Im ersten Vorlauf der Männer über 5000 Meter fing Jonathan Busby aus Aruba gefährlich an zu schwanken. Er konnte sich gut 300 Meter vor dem Ziel kaum noch auf den Beinen halten, lief in ungesund gebückter Haltung, als Braima Suncar Dabo aus dem westafrikanischen Land Guinea-Bissau ihm plötzlich unterhakte und ihn stützend die letzte halbe Stadionrunde ins Ziel schleppte. Die Kräfte reichten bei beiden aber noch, um nach dem Zieldurchlauf die mitlaufende Armbanduhr zu stoppen. Als wäre die Szene nicht schon kurios genug gewesen. His world title was already in sight, when heartwarming scenes played themselves out in Khalifa International Stadium. In the men's first 5000-meter run, Jonathan Busby from Aruba began to stagger dangerously. A good 300 meters before the finish line he was barely able to stay on his feet, walking in an unhealthy hunched posture, when Braima Suncar Dabo from the west African country of Guinea-Bissau suddenly linked arms with him and supported him for the last half round of the stadium to the finish line. After crossing the finish line, they both still had the strength to stop their moving wristwatch. As if the scene was not strange enough. Huoshan_Translate.789 "I just wanted to help him. Everyone in this situation would have done the same," said Dabo after the race in Mixed Zone, when he unexpectedly attracted the attention of the assembled journalists. He evaded shyly, didn't want to talk about his feat at all. After all, he wanted to set his personal best and when he realized that this would be difficult, he only wanted to help a fellow sufferer. And anyway, he would only be proud to represent his country, which was invited to the World Cup by the World Federation. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't even have been allowed to start. "That's why I'm proud to run here for my country," he said. "Ich wollte ihm einfach helfen. Jeder in dieser Situation hätte das gleiche getan", sagte Dabo nach dem Rennen in Mixed Zone, als er vollkommen unerwartet die Aufmerksamkeit der versammelten Journalisten auf sich zog. Schüchtern wich er erst aus, wollte überhaupt nicht über seine Heldentat sprechen. Schließlich wollte er doch seine persönliche Bestzeit aufstellen und als er gemerkt hatte, dass dies schwierig werden würde, wollte er nur einem Leidensgenossen helfen. Und ohnehin wäre er nur stolz darauf, sein Land zu repräsentieren, das für die WM eingeladen wurde vom Weltverband. Unter normalen Umständen hätte er nicht mal starten dürfen. "Deshalb bin ich stolz, hier für mein Land zu laufen", sagte er. "I just wanted to help him. Anyone in this situation would have done the same," Dabo said after running in a mixed zone, when he completely unexpectedly attracted the attention of the assembled journalists. First, he shyly evaded any mention of his heroic act. After all, he did try to set out his personal best and when he noticed, that this would be difficult, he decided just to support his fellow sufferer. In any case, he would only be proud to represent his country, which was invited for the World Championships by the World association. Under normal circumstances he would not even have been allowed to start. "For this reason I am proud to walk for my country," he said. Huoshan_Translate.789 He did so emphatically that evening - and much more intensively than he would have thought. Because this feat will be remembered. Especially since Dabo even let his competitor Busby take the lead at the finish and voluntarily took over the last place - by the way, a good five minutes after the Ethiopian Selemon Barega, who won this heat. In the end, everything was of no use, because Busby, who only finished with a lot of help, was disqualified by the World Athletics Federation at the end. Das tat er an dem Abend mit Nachdruck - und viel intensiver, als er sich das wohl gedacht hätte. Denn diese Heldentat wird in Erinnerung bleiben. Zumal Dabo seinen Konkurrenten Busby sogar den Vortritt im Ziel ließ und freiwillig den letzten Platz übernahm - übrigens gut fünf Minuten nach dem Äthiopier Selemon Barega, der diesen Vorlauf gewann. Genutzt hatte es am Ende alles nichts, denn der nur mit viel Hilfe ins Ziel gekommene Busby wurde genau deswegen am Ende vom Weltleichtathletik-Verband disqualifiziert. He did this empathically on the evening—and much more intensely than he would have thought. Because this hero act will remain in public memory. Especially since Dabo gave his competitor Busby the finish line and volunteered for last place—a good five minutes after the Ethiopian Selemon Barega, who won this preliminary run. In the end, it was all of no use, because Busby who had been escorted to the finish line with a lot of propping up was disqualified precisely for that reason by the World Athletics Association. Huoshan_Translate.789 Dabo, who lives in Portugal and studies there in Lisbon, competed to set a personal best at the World Championships in Doha. According to official data, this was achieved with 18: 10.87 minutes, but he himself was disappointed: "I wanted to run 17: 55 minutes. I've been under 18 minutes before." However, only in training, best times don't count. Dabei war Dabo, der in Portugal wohnt und dort in Lissabon studiert, angetreten, um bei der WM in Doha eine persönliche Bestzeit aufstellen. Das gelang laut offiziellen Daten zwar mit 18:10,87 Minuten, er selbst war dennoch enttäuscht: "Ich wollte 17:55 Minuten laufen. Unter 18 Minuten war ich schon mal". Allerdings nur im Training, da zählen Bestzeiten nicht. Dabo, who lives in Portugal and studies in Lisbon, had started to set a personal best at the World Championships in Doha. He succeeded in this with 18:10,87 minutes, which disappointed him. "I wanted to walk in 17:55 minutes. I had already reached under 18 minutes previously. But only in training, where best times don't count. Huoshan_Translate.789 Million mash: Egyptians gear up for wild day of protest Millionenmasch: Ägypter rüsten sich für wilden Protesttag March of millions: Egyptians get ready for wild day of protest Huoshan_Translate.789 In Egypt, security measures have been stepped up in the run-up to possible anti-government protests. An increased police presence was observed in central Cairo on Friday. Several subway stations remained closed and roads around central Tahrir Square were closed. In Ägypten sind die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Vorfeld möglicher regierungskritischer Proteste verstärkt worden. Im Zentrum Kairos war am Freitag eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz zu beobachten. Mehrere U-Bahn-Stationen blieben geschlossen, Straßen um den zentralen Tahrir-Platz wurden gesperrt. Security measures have been strengthened in advance of possible anti-regime protests in Egypt. An increased police presence was observed in the center of Cairo on Friday. Several subway stations were closed and streets around the centrally located Tahrir Square were blocked off. Huoshan_Translate.789 In recent days, the police had already stepped up their street checks and partly searched pedestrians' mobile phones for messages and photos related to the protests. Hundreds had been arrested, according to two NGOs. Bereits in vergangenen Tagen hatte die Polizei ihre Straßenkontrollen verstärkt und die Handys von Fußgängern teilweise auf Nachrichten und Fotos im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten durchsucht. Hunderte waren laut zwei Nichtregierungsorganisationen festgenommen worden. In the last few days, police had already increased road checks and searched the cell phones of passersby for messages and photos connected with the protests. Hundreds have been arrested, according to two non-government organizations. Huoshan_Translate.789 Opponents of Al-Sisi Gegner von Al-Sisi Opponents of El-Sisi Huoshan_Translate.789 Last weekend there were protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Mansura with hundreds of participants, directed against the government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, whom critics accuse of corruption and mismanagement. There had not been such an open protest against the political leadership in Egypt for years. Egyptian contractor and actor Mohammed Ali, who lives in exile in Spain and started the demonstrations with video messages on Facebook, has called for a "million-dollar march" in central squares in the country this Friday. Ali calls for a "people's revolution." The man is not a "good one for most young Egyptians either, because he raised milli Vergangenes Wochenende war es in Kairo, Alexandria, Suez und Mansura zu Protesten mit Hunderten Teilnehmern gekommen. Sie richteten sich gegen die Regierung von Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, dem Kritiker Korruption und Misswirtschaft vorwerfen. Einen so offenen Protest gegen die politische Führung hatte es in Ägypten seit Jahren nicht gegeben. Der im spanischen Exil lebende ägyptische Bauunternehmer und Schauspieler Mohammed Ali, der die Demonstrationen mit Video-Botschaften auf Facebook ins Rollen brachte, hat für den heutigen Freitag zu einem "Millionenmarsch" an zentralen Plätzen im Land aufgerufen. Ali fordert eine "Volksrevolution". Der Mann ist für die meisten jungen Ägypter zwar auch kein "Guter, weil er als Subunternehmer für die Armee Millionen scheffelte, aber seine Botschaften kommen an. Last weekend there were protests involving hundreds and thousands of people in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, and Mansura. These were aimed against the government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has been accused of corruption and mismanagement by critics. There has not been such open protest against the political leadership in Egypt for years. The Egyptian property developer and actor Mohammed Ali, who lives in exile in Spain, triggered the demonstrations with video messages on Facebook and appealed for millions to march at central locations in the country this Friday. Ali is calling for a "people's revolution." To most young Egyptians, he is probably not considered one of the "good ones", as he raked in millions as a subcontractor for the army, but his messages are catching on. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to two observer groups, the number of arrests in connection with the protests continued to rise. The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) counted more than 1,570 arrests by Friday. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) and the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) spoke of more than 2,000 arrests. These figures could not be independently confirmed at first. The government also did not confirm or comment on the figures. Die Zahl der Festnahmen im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten stieg zwei Beobachtergruppen zufolge weiter. Die Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) zählte bis Freitag mehr als 1.570 Festnahmen. Das Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) sowie die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) sprach von mehr als 2.000 Festnahmen. Unabhängig bestätigen ließen sich diese Zahlen zunächst nicht. Die Regierung bestätigte und kommentierte die Zahlen ebenfalls nicht. The number of people arrested in connection with the protests continued to increase, according to two watch groups. The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) counted more than 1,570 arrests by Friday. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) as well as Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported more than 2,000 arrests. These figures have not yet been independently confirmed. The government did not confirm or comment on the numbers. Huoshan_Translate.789 Arbitrary arrests Willkürliche Festnahmen Arbitrary arrests Huoshan_Translate.789 Many people were "arbitrarily arrested" "just because they were 'in the wrong place at the wrong time'," said HRW, citing lawyers. According to their lawyers, the allegations against those arrested range from "spreading false information" to membership in a "terrorist association." In Cairo, Alexandria and other cities, security forces in uniform, but also in civilian clothing, also arbitrarily interviewed and searched passers-by, according to HRW. Viele Menschen seien "willkürlich festgenommen" worden, "nur weil sie 'zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort' waren", teilte HRW unter Berufung auf Rechtsanwälte Festgenommener mit. Die Vorwürfe gegen die Festgenommenen reichen nach Angaben ihrer Anwälte von "Verbreitung von Falschinformationen" bis zur Mitgliedschaft in einer "terroristischen Vereinigung". In Kairo, Alexandria und anderen Städten befragten und durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte in Uniform, aber auch in ziviler Kleidung, nach HRW-Angaben zudem willkürlich Passanten. Many people had been "arrested arbitrarily just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," said HRW, citing the lawyers of detainees. According to their attorneys, accusations against those arrested range from "spreading false information" to membership of a "terrorist organization." In Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities, security forces, in uniform as well as civilian clothing, also arbitrarily questioned and searched passersby, according to HRW. Huoshan_Translate.789 HRW also criticized the censorship in the North African country. According to this, the government in Cairo is blocking websites and online services to stop further protests against Sisi. HRW kritisierte zudem die Zensur in dem nordafrikanischen Land. Demnach blockiert die Regierung in Kairo Websites und Online-Dienste, um weitere Proteste gegen Sisi zu unterbinden. HRW also criticized the censorship in this North African country. It said the government in Cairo is blocking websites and social media in order to stop further protests against Sisi. Huoshan_Translate.789 Online retailers: Mail order retailers should be able to donate returns more easily Online-Händler: Versandhändler sollen Retouren einfacher spenden können Online retailers: E-commerce companies should be able to donate returns more easily Huoshan_Translate.789 For online retailers, many returned parcels are lost goods. Around 20 million returns end up in the garbage. But there is an alternative. Für Online-Händler sind viele zurückgeschickte Pakete verlorene Ware. Rund 20 Millionen Retouren landen so auf den Müll. Doch gibt es eine Alternative. To online retailers, many packages that are sent back are lost goods. Around 20 million returns end up in the garbage. But there is an alternative. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Treasury has shown online retailers such as Amazon and Zalando a way to donate returned products instead of destroying them. Das Finanzministerium hat Online-Händlern wie Amazon und Zalando einen Weg aufgezeigt, wie sie zurückgeschickte Produkte spenden können statt sie zu vernichten. The Ministry of Finance has provided online retailers like Amazon and Zalando with a way to donate returned products instead of destroying them. Huoshan_Translate.789 Although the companies could not be exempted from the VAT on donations in kind, the ministry explained in response to a question from the Green parliamentary group, about which the newspapers of the Funke media group reported on Friday. However, the dealers could set the market value of the unsaleable returns so low that they would have to pay no or only little VAT. Man könne die Unternehmen zwar nicht von der Umsatzsteuer auf Sachspenden befreien, erklärte das Ministerium auf eine Frage der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, über die die Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe am Freitag berichteten. Die Händler könnten aber den Marktwert der unverkäuflichen Retouren so niedrig ansetzen, dass sie keine oder nur wenig Umsatzsteuer zahlen müssten. Companies will still have to pay the value -added tax on material donations, explained the Ministry in response to a question from Green Party members of the German parliament which was reported in newspapers from the Funke Media Group on Friday. However, retailers could understate the market value of unsaleable returns so that they would be required to pay little or no value-added tax. Huoshan_Translate.789 Scientists at the University of Bamberg had determined that German citizens send back every sixth parcel when ordering on the Internet. Around four percent of the goods - around 20 million products - subsequently ended up in the garbage. According to the current legal situation, donating them would cost companies additional money, because the tax authorities evaluate donations in kind such as a turnover on which VAT is then incurred. Wissenschaftler der Universität Bamberg hatten ermittelt, dass die Bundesbürger bei Bestellungen im Internet jedes sechste Paket wieder zurückschicken. Rund vier Prozent der Waren - rund 20 Millionen Produkte - landeten anschließend im Müll. Sie zu spenden würde die Unternehmen nach derzeitiger Rechtslage zusätzlich Geld kosten, denn die Finanzbehörden bewerten Sachspenden wie einen Umsatz, auf den dann Umsatzsteuer anfällt. Researchers from the University of Bamberg have determined that German shoppers return one in six online orders. Around four percent of these items—around 20 million products—then end up in the garbage. Under the current legal framework, it would cost companies additional money to donate them because financial authorities consider material donations to be a sale subject to value-added tax. Huoshan_Translate.789 Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt called on Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) to clarify with a decree that companies can evaluate non-saleable products accordingly and donate free of charge to non-profit organisations. Companies must be able to rely on not being punished for donations. This applies not only to online retail, but also to other shops from fashion stores to hardware stores. Grünen-Fraktionschefin Katrin Göring-Eckardt forderte Finanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) auf, mit einem Erlass klarzustellen, dass Unternehmen nicht verkäufliche Produkte entsprechend bewerten und kostenfrei an gemeinnützige Organisationen spenden können. Die Unternehmen müssten sich darauf verlassen können, fürs Spenden nicht bestraft zu werden. Das gelte nicht nur für den Online-Handel, sondern auch für andere Geschäfte vom Modeladen bis zum Baumarkt. Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt urged Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD) to clarify by decree that companies are permitted to value unsaleable products appropriately and donate them to charitable organizations. Companies must be assured that they will not be penalized for making donations. This applies to online retail as well as other businesses such as fashion outlets and home improvement stores. Huoshan_Translate.789 Banksy art at auction: There has never been a better time to sell this painting Banksy-Kunst zur Auktion: Es gab nie einen besseren Zeitpunkt, dieses Gemälde zu verkaufen Banksy Art to be Auctioned: There has Never Been a Better Time to Sell This Painting Huoshan_Translate.789 The well-known work of street art star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament," is to be auctioned soon. Das bekannte Werk von Streetart-Star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament", soll demnächst versteigert werden. The famous work of street art star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament," is to be auctioned soon. Huoshan_Translate.789 For Branczik, Banksy's work underlines "the regression of the oldest parliamentary democracy in the world into the basic attitude shaped by animals and tribes." Starting on Saturday, the painting will be exhibited at Sotheby's in the British capital until it is to be auctioned on 3 October. It is estimated at 1.5 to two million euros. Für Branczik unterstreicht Banksys Arbeit "die Rückbildung der ältesten parlamentarischen Demokratie der Welt in die von Tieren und Stämmen geprägte Grundhaltung". Ab Samstag soll das Gemälde bei Sotheby's in der britischen Hauptstadt ausgestellt werden, bis es am 3. Oktober versteigert werden soll. Es wird auf 1,5 bis zwei Millionen Euro geschätzt. For Branczik, Banksy's work underscores "the regression of the oldest parliamentary democracy in the world into tribalistic animalistic behavior." Starting on Saturday, the painting is to be shown at Sotheby's in the British capital until it is sold on October 3. It is estimated to be worth 1.5 to two million euros. Huoshan_Translate.789 The work was first exhibited in 2009 at the Museum of Bristol in the southwest of Great Britain, where Banksy lives. This year, the artist exhibited the painting again - coinciding with the original Brexit date on 29 March. On this occasion, the work, formerly called "Question Time," was renamed "Devolved Parliament." Das Werk wurde zuerst 2009 im Museum von Bristol im Südwesten Großbritanniens ausgestellt, wo Banksy lebt. In diesem Jahr hatte der Künstler das Gemälde erneut ausgestellt - zeitgleich mit dem ursprünglichen Brexit-Datum am 29. März. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wurde das Werk, das früher "Fragestunde" hieß, umbenannt in "Devolved Parliament" ("Delegiertes Parlament"). The work was first shown in 2009 in the Museum of Bristol in southwest Great Britain, where Banksy lives. This year, the artist showed the painting again—on the original Brexit date of March 29. For this occasion, the work, which was first entitled "Question Time," was renamed "Devolved Parliament." Huoshan_Translate.789 The picture could change hands for a million dollars. Das Bild könnte für einen Millionenbetrag den Besitzer wechseln. The painting could change hands for a sum in the millions. Huoshan_Translate.789 Most recently, Prime Minister Boris Johnson engaged in a tough battle with the opposition at the first session of the House of Commons on Wednesday following the lifting of a forced break imposed by Johnson by the Supreme Court. Johnson wants to carry out the Brexit, which has already been postponed twice, on 31 October without an agreement with the EU if necessary. Zuletzt hatte sich Premierminister Boris Johnson am Mittwoch bei der ersten Sitzung des Unterhauses nach Aufhebung einer von Johnson verhängten Zwangspause durch das Oberste Gericht einen harten Schlagabtausch mit der Opposition geliefert. Johnson will den bereits zweimal verschobenen Brexit am 31. Oktober notfalls auch ohne Abkommen mit der EU vollziehen. Recently, at the first session of the House of Commons, Prime Minister Boris Johnson exchanged blows with the opposition after a mandatory break he had imposed was repealed by the Supreme Court. Johnson wants to carry out Brexit (which has already been postponed twice) on October 31: without a treaty with the EU if necessary. Huoshan_Translate.789 This is not the first time that Banksy, whose identity is still unknown, has interfered in the Brexit debate. In Dover in the south-east of England, he painted a picture depicting a man breaking a star of the European flag with a chisel. Thousands of truck drivers and other visitors see the plant entering the United Kingdom every day. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass sich Banksy, dessen Identität immer noch unbekannt ist, in die Brexit-Debatte einmischt. In Dover im Südosten Englands malte er ein Bild, das einen Mann darstellt, der mit einem Meißel einen Stern der europäischen Flagge zerbricht. Das Werk sehen täglich Tausende von Lkw-Fahrern und andere Besucher bei der Einreise in das Vereinigte Königreich. This is not the first time that Banksy, whose identity remains a secret, has gotten involved in the Brexit debate. In Dover, in southeast England, he painted a picture showing a man breaking a star of the European flag to pieces with a chisel. Every day, thousands of automobile drivers and other visitors see that work when they enter the United Kingdom. Huoshan_Translate.789 Brexit debate is like a "walk in the park" Brexit-Debatte ist wie ein "Spaziergang im Park" Brexit debate is a "walk in the park" Huoshan_Translate.789 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's fierce verbal attacks on Brexit opponents in parliament do not contribute to a climate of hatred, according to his top adviser. Compared to the election campaign before the 2016 Brexit referendum, the current controversy is a "walk in the park," Dominic Cummings said at a book launch on Friday. "We enjoy it. We will leave (the EU) and we will win." Die heftigen verbalen Angriffe des britischen Premierministers Boris Johnson auf Brexit-Gegner im Parlament tragen nach Ansicht seines Spitzenberaters nicht zu einem Klima des Hasses bei. Im Vergleich zum Wahlkampf vor dem Brexit-Referendum 2016 sei die aktuelle Kontroverse ein "Spaziergang im Park", sagte Dominic Cummings am Freitag bei einer Buchvorstellung. "Wir genießen das. Wir werden (aus der EU) austreten und wir werden gewinnen". The fierce verbal attacks of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson against Brexit opponents in parliament did not contribute to a climate of hatred, his top advisor believes. Compared to the election before the Brexit referendum in 2016, the current controversy is a "walk in the park," said Dominic Cummings at a book launch on Friday. "We are enjoying this. We are going to leave [the EU] and we are going to win." Huoshan_Translate.789 Johnson had harshly attacked opponents of Brexit in parliament in recent days, accusing them, among other things, of "betraying" the people. He dismissed accusations that he could put MPs in danger because they could become the target of death threats, for example, as a "humbug." Johnson hatte Brexit-Gegner im Parlament in den vergangenen Tagen hart angegriffen und ihnen unter anderem "Verrat" am Volk vorgeworfen. Anschuldigungen, dass er damit die Abgeordneten in Gefahr bringen könnte, weil sie etwa Ziel von Morddrohungen werden könnten, tat er als "Humbug" ab. In recent days, Johnson has vehemently attacked Brexit opponents in parliament and accused them of "betraying" the people, among other things. He dismissed as "humbug" accusations that he could be putting members of parliament in danger because they could then become the target of death threats. Huoshan_Translate.789 Cummings said the only way to restore calm was if MPs finally respected the British decision to leave the EU. It was not surprising that people were upset that Britain had still not left the EU three years after the referendum. Cummings sagte, der einzige Weg, um wieder Ruhe einkehren zu lassen, sei, wenn die Abgeordneten die Entscheidung der Briten für einen Austritt aus der EU endlich respektieren würden. Es sei nicht überraschend, dass die Leute darüber aufgebracht seien, dass Großbritannien drei Jahre nach dem Referendum immer noch nicht aus der EU ausgetreten sei. Cummings said that the only way for calm to return would be if members of parliament decide to finally respect the British people's decision to leave the EU. It should come as no surprise that people are upset that Great Britain still has not exited the EU three years after the referendum. Huoshan_Translate.789 In view of the charged mood, even the bishops of the Anglican Church called for restraint on Friday. "We should speak to each other with respect," it said in a statement. "And we should also listen." Angesichts der aufgeladenen Stimmung riefen am Freitag sogar die Bischöfe der anglikanischen Kirche zur Zurückhaltung auf. "Wir sollten miteinander mit Respekt sprechen", hieß es in einer Erklärung. "Und wir sollten auch zuhören". In view of the charged mood, even bishops of the Anglican Church called for restraint on Friday. "We should speak to others with respect. And we should also listen." Huoshan_Translate.789 Pakistan's Prime Minister Khan calls for UN intervention in Kashmir Pakistans Ministerpräsident Khan fordert Uno-Eingreifen in Kaschmir Pakistan's Prime Minister Khan demands UN intervention in Kashmir Huoshan_Translate.789 With an emotional appeal, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his first appearance before the UN General Assembly, once again called on the United Nations to intervene in the Kashmir conflict. Mit einem emotionalen Appell hat Pakistans Ministerpräsident Imran Khan bei seinem ersten Auftritt vor der Uno-Vollversammlung die Vereinten Nationen erneut zu einem Eingreifen im Kaschmir-Konflikt aufgefordert. With an emotional appeal to the UN, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan once again called on the United Nations to intervene in the Kashmir conflict during his first appearance before the UN General Assembly. Huoshan_Translate.789 Otherwise, another war between the nuclear powers Pakistan and India is likely, Khan said at the UN general debate in New York on Friday. "If this goes badly, one hopes for the best, but be prepared for the worst." The United Nations has a responsibility for Kashmir. "You should have prevented this." Andernfalls sei ein erneuter Krieg zwischen den Atommächten Pakistan und Indien wahrscheinlich, sagte Khan am Freitag bei der Uno-Generaldebatte in New York. "Wenn das schlecht läuft, hofft man auf das Beste, aber seid auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet". Die Vereinten Nationen hätten eine Verantwortung für Kaschmir. "Ihr hättet das verhindern müssen". Otherwise another war between the Pakistan and India, both nuclear powers, is likely, Khan stated on Friday during the UN general debate in New York. "When things are bad, one can hope for the best, but should be prepared for the worst". The UN had a responsibility towards Kashmir. "You should have prevented this". Huoshan_Translate.789 India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their independence from British colonial rule in 1947, two of them over the divided region of Kashmir. Both nuclear powers each dominate part of Kashmir, another part belongs to China. At the beginning of August, India had withdrawn autonomy status from the Indian Kashmir region, thereby suddenly increasing tensions in relation to Pakistan. Indien und Pakistan haben seit ihrer Unabhängigkeit von britischer Kolonialherrschaft im Jahr 1947 drei Kriege geführt, zwei davon um die geteilte Region Kaschmir. Beide Atommächte beherrschen jeweils einen Teil von Kaschmir, ein weiterer Teil gehört zu China. Anfang August hatte Indien der indischen Kaschmir-Region den Autonomiestatus entzogen und damit die Spannungen im Verhältnis zu Pakistan schlagartig erhöht. India and Pakistan have been involved in three wars since gaining independence from British colonial rule in 1947, and two of those wars were waged over the divided Kashmir region. Both countries with nuclear powers control a part of Kashmir and the third part belongs to China. At the beginning of August, India revoked the autonomy status of the Indian Kashmir region, and sharply increased tensions in its relations with Pakistan. Huoshan_Translate.789 Not even a bottle of water neues-deutschland.2878055 Nicht mal eine Flasche Wasser Not even a bottle of water Huoshan_Translate.789 The demonstrators in Cairo demand the overthrow of Egyptian President al-Sisi. neues-deutschland.2878055 Die Demonstranten in Kairo fordern den Sturz des ägyptischen Präsidenten al-Sisi. Protesters in Cairo are calling for the overthrow of Egyptian President el-Sisi. Huoshan_Translate.789 The government is reacting with a hard hand against the current protests in Egypt. It is shooting at the population with live ammunition, and more than 2,000 detainees are joining the 60,000 political prisoners already imprisoned in the prisons. Protesting has never been harmless in Egypt. But since General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power in 2013, the state apparatus has been doing everything possible to avoid a scenario like the one in the Arab Spring. neues-deutschland.2878055 Gegen die derzeitigen Proteste in Ägypten reagiert die Regierung mit harter Hand. Sie lässt mit scharfer Munition auf die Bevölkerung schießen, über 2000 Festgenommene gesellen sich in den Gefängnissen zu den 60.000 politischen Gefangenen, die dort bereits einsitzen. Protestieren war in Ägypten noch nie ungefährlich. Doch seit der Machtübernahme von General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi im Jahr 2013 tut der Staatsapparat alles dafür, ein Szenario wie zu Zeiten des Arabischen Frühlings zu vermeiden. The government is cracking down on the recent protests in Egypt. It permitted the use of live ammunition against the population, and more than 2000 people were arrested, joining the 60,000 political prisoners already in jail. Protesting in Egypt has never been without danger. But since General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi took power in 2013, the state apparatus has done everything in its power to prevent a scenario like the Arab Spring. Huoshan_Translate.789 But one of the triggers for the 2011 protests was the poor economic situation. Poverty, lack of prospects and the feeling of being suffocated by their own government drove millions onto the streets. And this is a problem that the el-Sisi regime does not get to grips with, no matter how hard it is against opponents. The situation has even deteriorated. neues-deutschland.2878055 Doch einer der Auslöser für die Proteste 2011 war die schlechte wirtschaftliche Lage. Armut, Perspektivlosigkeit und das Gefühl, von der eigenen Regierung erstickt zu werden, trieben Millionen auf die Straße. Und das ist ein Problem, welches auch das Regime von el-Sisi nicht in den Griff bekommt, egal, wie hart es gegen Widersacher vorgeht. Die Situation hat sich sogar verschlechtert. One of the triggers for the 2011 protests was the poor economic situation. Poverty, hopelessness, and the feeling of being stifled by their own government drove millions onto the streets. And that is one problem that the regime of el-Sisi cannot handle, no matter how hard they move against their opponents. The situation has even deteriorated. Huoshan_Translate.789 Today, one in three people in Egypt lives below the poverty line. Since 2016, the currency has lost more than half of its value, the inflation rate is ten percent. Anyone who wants to buy a bottle of water in the supermarket has to decide who to finance: Nestlé, Coca-Cola or the military. The latter is not only responsible for the oppression but also the biggest economic player. The military builds roads, houses, football stadiums, produces food and much more. This was already the case before el-Sisi. The Egyptian people have a lot of experience with authoritarian regimes, and the dilemma in the supermarket is also an old one. neues-deutschland.2878055 Heute lebt jeder Dritte in Ägypten unter der Armutsgrenze. Seit 2016 hat die Währung mehr als die Hälfte ihres Wertes verloren, die Inflationsrate liegt bei zehn Prozent. Wer im Supermarkt eine Flasche Wasser kaufen möchte, muss entscheiden, wen er finanziert: Nestlé, Coca-Cola oder das Militär. Letzteres ist nämlich nicht nur für die Unterdrückung zuständig sondern auch der größte wirtschaftliche Akteur. Das Militär baut Straßen, Häuser, Fußballstadien, produziert Lebensmittel und vieles mehr. Das war schon vor el-Sisi so. Mit autoritären Regimen hat das ägyptische Volk viel Erfahrung, auch das Dilemma im Supermarkt ist ein altes. Kritisch wird es immer dann, wenn große Teile der Bevölkerung Schwierigkeiten haben, sich überhaupt eine Flasche Wasser zu leisten. Today, one third of Egyptian citizens live below the poverty line. Since 2016, Egypt's currency has lost more than half of its value, and the inflation rate has climbed to 10 percent. Anyone who wants to purchase a bottle of water at the supermarket must decide who they want to finance: Nestlé, Coca Cola, or the military. The latter is not only responsible for the oppression but is also the largest economic player. The military builds streets, houses, and soccer stadiums, produces food, and much more. That was also the case before el-Sisi. The Egyptian people have a great deal of experience with authoritative regimes, and the situation in the supermarket is nothing new. Things always become critical when large segments of the population struggle to buy even a bottle of water. Huoshan_Translate.789 Tüv tests in the terminal: BER boss: No more "showstoppers" for capital airport Tüv-Prüfungen im Terminal: BER-Chef: Keine "Showstopper" mehr für Hauptstadtflughafen Tüv testing in the Terminal: BER boss: No more ‘showstoppers' for main city airports Huoshan_Translate.789 It was checked for two months whether the complicated system network for BER fire protection works together. The operators are satisfied with the progress. However, the Tüv is not yet finished at BER. Zwei Monate wurde geprüft, ob das komplizierte Anlagengeflecht beim BER-Brandschutz im Zusammenspiel funktioniert. Die Betreiber sind mit dem Verlauf zufrieden. Doch der Tüv ist am BER noch nicht fertig. For two months there were tests to see whether the complicated plant network at BER Fire Protection works interactively. The operators are satisfied with the progress. But the Tüv is not finished at the BER. Huoshan_Translate.789 After large-scale Tüv tests in the terminal of the future capital airport, the operators have confirmed the planned opening in October next year. This is certain, said Supervisory Board Chairman Rainer Bretschneider after a meeting of the Supervisory Board. Nach großangelegten Tüv-Prüfungen im Terminal des künftigen Hauptstadtflughafens haben die Betreiber die geplante Eröffnung im Oktober nächsten Jahres bestätigt. Dies sei sicher, sagte Aufsichtsratschef Rainer Bretschneider nach einer Sitzung des Kontrollgremiums. After large-scale Tüv tests in the Terminal of the future metropolitan airport, the operators have confirmed the planned opening in October of next year. This is certain, said supervisory board chief Rainer Bretschneider after a meeting of the control panel. Huoshan_Translate.789 Airport CEO Engelbert Lütke Daldrup spoke of a successfully completed audit, but also said there were still shortcomings in the terminal to work through. "We have many detailed topics, but we don't have a real showstopper." He assured that the schedule until commissioning still contains buffers. Flughafenchef Engelbert Lütke Daldrup sprach von einer erfolgreich abgeschlossen Prüfung, sagte aber auch, es seien noch Mängel im Terminal abzuarbeiten. "Wir haben viele Detailthemen, aber einen echten Showstopper haben wir nicht". Er versicherte, der Zeitplan bis zur Inbetriebnahme enthalte noch Puffer. Airport chief Engelbert Lütke Daldrup spoke about a successfully completed examination, but also said there are still defects to be worked through in the Terminal. "We have a lot of detail topics, but we do not have a real showstopper." He reassured us that before the launch there are still some buffers. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, there are indications that the time reserve is no longer likely to be too large. The construction completion notice is now to be submitted to the building authority in the course of the first quarter of 2020, which was scheduled for this autumn at the beginning of the year. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise, dass die zeitliche Reserve nicht mehr allzu groß sein dürfte. Die Baufertigstellungsanzeige soll nun im Laufe des ersten Quartals 2020 beim Bauamt eingereicht werden, zu Jahresbeginn war das für diesen Herbst vorgesehen. However, there are indications, that it will not take much longer to complete. The construction completion notice is to be submitted to the building authority during the first quarter of 2020, at the start of the year it had been predicted for this autumn. Huoshan_Translate.789 Hundreds of defects in power cables are still to be remedied; the Tüv wants to examine them by February. "In order to create the conditions for the start of flight operations, intensive work must continue to be done on the processing of the defects," it said in a written statement. Hunderte Mängel an Stromkabeln sind noch zu beheben; der Tüv will diese noch bis Februar prüfen. "Um hier die Voraussetzungen für die Aufnahme des Flugbetriebs zu schaffen, muss weiterhin intensiv an der Abarbeitung der Mängel gearbeitet werden", hieß es in einer schriftlichen Mitteilung. Hundreds of power cable defects still need addressing; the Tüv wants to check all of these by February. "In order to create prognoses for the acceptance of flight operations, there has to continue to be intensive work on the defects," the written communication stated. Huoshan_Translate.789 Lütke Daldrup said that in many cases it is about missing evidence, less about new cables. There is also no release for all dowels on which the cable lines hang. The airport manager expects this to be available by the end of the year. Lütke Daldrup sagte, in vielen Fällen gehe es um fehlende Nachweise, weniger um neue Kabel. Es gibt auch noch keine Freigabe für sämtliche Dübel, an denen die Kabeltrassen hängen. Der Flughafenchef erwartet, dass diese bis Jahresende vorliegt. Lütke Daldrup said, that in many cases it's a matter of missing verification rather than new cables. There has also not been release for all dowelling on which the cables hang. The airport manager is expecting this to be available at the end of the year. Huoshan_Translate.789 In addition, the fire protection at the crossing to the station under the terminal does not yet work satisfactorily. The problems had already led the project into another crisis three years ago. This time it is about smoke aprons that shut down like a screen in a fire so that the smoke does not spread. They drive down too far. 36 engines therefore have to be replaced. Then there will be new tests with hot gas smoke at the beginning of the year. Außerdem funktioniert der Brandschutz am Übergang zum Bahnhof unter dem Terminal noch nicht zufriedenstellend. Die Probleme hatten das Projekt schon vor drei Jahren in eine weitere Krise geführt. Dieses Mal geht es um Rauchschürzen, die bei einem Brand wie eine Leinwand herunterfahren, damit der Rauch sich nicht ausbreitet. Sie fahren zu weit herunter. 36 Motoren müssen deshalb ausgetauscht werden. Dann soll es Anfang des Jahres neue Versuche mit Heißgasrauch geben. Also, the fire protection at the passage to the station under the Terminal is not satisfactory yet. There had already been problems leading the project into further crisis three years ago. This time it's about smoke barriers, which descend like a canvas during a fire, so that smoke does not spread. They go too far down. Therefore, 36 engines have to be exchanged. There will be new testing with hot gas smoke at the beginning of the year. Huoshan_Translate.789 Problems with fire protection and other construction defects as well as planning errors have delayed the opening of the airport for years. Originally, it was scheduled to go into operation in 2011. Since construction began in 2006, costs have risen from two billion euros to around 6.5 billion euros at the opening next year. Probleme mit dem Brandschutz und weitere Baumängel sowie Planungsfehler verzögern die Eröffnung des Flughafens seit Jahren. Ursprünglich sollte er 2011 in Betrieb gehen. Die Kosten stiegen seit Baubeginn 2006 von zwei Milliarden auf voraussichtlich rund 6,5 Milliarden Euro zur Eröffnung im nächsten Jahr. Problems with fire protection and further building defects such as planning errors have been delaying the opening of the airport for years. Originally it was meant to become operational in 2011. Since building started in 2006, the costs have risen by two billion to an expected approximation of 6.5 billion Euro for opening next year. Huoshan_Translate.789 Because passenger numbers in Berlin have risen significantly since then, those responsible are planning the expansion of the airport. This is why a special meeting of the Supervisory Board on 18 October will take place, as Chairman Bretschneider announced. Weil die Passagierzahlen in Berlin seither deutlich gestiegen sind, planen die Verantwortlichen den Ausbau des Flughafens. Darum soll es in einer Sondersitzung des Aufsichtsrats am 18. Oktober gehen, wie der Vorsitzende Bretschneider ankündigte. Because the amounts of passengers in Berlin have risen noticeably since then, those responsible are planning an expansion of the airport. For this reason, there is a special meeting of the supervisory board planned on October 18th, the Chairman Bretschneider announced. Huoshan_Translate.789 The airport company is now looking for two new managing directors. CFO Heike Fölster will join Deutsche Bahn at the end of the year, Head of Human Resources Manfred Bobke-von Camen will retire next year, as Bretschneider said. He thanked Fölster. She had put the airport finances on firm footing. Die Flughafengesellschaft sucht nun zwei neue Geschäftsführer. Finanzchefin Heike Fölster wechselt Ende des Jahres zur Deutschen Bahn, Personalchef Manfred Bobke-von Camen geht nächstes Jahr in Rente, wie Bretschneider sagte. Er dankte Fölster. Sie habe die Flughafenfinanzen auf feste Füße gestellt. The airport company is now looking for two new business directors. Finance boss Heike Fölster is changing to Deutschen Bahn next year, Personnel manager Manfred Bobke-von Camen retires next year, as Bretschneider informed us. He thanked Fölster. She put airport finances on a firm footing. Huoshan_Translate.789 Chemnitz: Vending machines for drugs blown up - police arrest man bild.126691 Chemnitz: Automaten für Drogen gesprengt - Polizei nimmt Mann fest Chemnitz: Police arrest man for blowing up vending machines to get drugs Huoshan_Translate.789 He needed money for drugs - and chased several vending machines into the air in the city of Chemnitz! Now the perpetrator is finally in custody! bild.126691 Er brauchte Geld für Drogen - und jagte dafür etliche Automaten im Chemnitzer Stadtgebiet in die Luft! Jetzt sitzt der Täter endlich in Haft! He needed money for drugs—so he blew up a load of vending machines in Chemnitz! Now the culprit is behind bars. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the past two years, the number of blasted cigarette and parking ticket machines in Chemnitz and the region had risen sharply, causing millions in damage! bild.126691 In den vergangenen zwei Jahren war die Zahl der gesprengten Zigaretten- und Parkschein-Automaten in Chemnitz und der Region stark angestiegen. Es entstand ein Millionenschaden! The number of cigarette and parking ticket machines blown up in Chemnitz and the region increased drastically over the past two years. Millions of euros' worth of damage was caused. Huoshan_Translate.789 After two detonations at the end of May, the police captured a 33-year-old German on Bu � rgerstraße and Further Straße in Chemnitz. bild.126691 Die Polizei fasste nach zwei Detonationen Ende Mai an der Bürgerstraße und an der Further Straße in Chemnitz einen 33-jährigen Deutschen. The police arrested a 33-year-old German following two detonations in Bürgerstrasse and Further Strasse in Chemnitz at the end of May. Huoshan_Translate.789 Police spokesman Andrzej Rydzik: "In the course of the investigation into the induction of explosives explosions in conjunction with a particularly serious case of theft, which were led by the Chemnitz criminal police, not only this suspicion against the 33-year-old was confirmed." bild.126691 Polizeisprecher Andrzej Rydzik: "Im Zuge der Ermittlungen wegen des Herbeiführens von Sprengstoffexplosionen in Tateinheit mit besonders schwerem Fall des Diebstahls, die durch die Chemnitzer Kriminalpolizei geführt wurden, bestätigte sich nicht nur dieser Verdacht gegen den 33-Jährigen". Police spokesman Andrzej Rydzik: "In the course of investigations by Chemnitz Criminal Investigation Department into explosions in conjunction with a particularly serious case of theft, this is not the only suspicion related to the 33-year-old that was confirmed". Huoshan_Translate.789 Confronted with the new evidence, the 33-year-old from Chemnitz now confessed to a total of eight acts. bild.126691 Konfrontiert mit den neuen Beweisen, gestand der 33-jährige Chemnitzer jetzt insgesamt acht Taten. Confronted with the new evidence, the 33-year-old Chemnitz resident has confessed to a total of eight offenses. Huoshan_Translate.789 The police spokesman: "With the loot he apparently financed his dependence on narcotics." The bomber had blown up parking ticket machines on Bürgerstraße four times between 20 August 2018 and 31 May 2019 alone. bild.126691 Der Polizeisprecher: "Mit der Beute hat er offenbar seine Betäubungsmittelabhängigkeit finanziert". Allein viermal hatte der Bomber zwischen 20. August 2018 und dem 31. Mai 2019 Parkscheinautomaten an der Bürgerstraße gesprengt. Said the police spokesman: "He evidently funded his drug habit with the proceeds." The bomber detonated parking ticket machines in Bürgerstrasse four times between August 20, 2018 and May 31, 2019. Huoshan_Translate.789 The total damage incurred amounts to at least 60 000 euros! bild.126691 Der entstandene Gesamtschaden beläuft sich auf mindestens 60 000 Euro! The damage caused amounts to at least EUR 60,000! Huoshan_Translate.789 The vending machine bomber is now in custody and the police investigation against him continues. bild.126691 Der Automaten-Bomber sitzt jetzt in Untersuchungshaft. Die polizeilichen Ermittlungen gegen ihn laufen weiter. The vending machine bomber is now in custody awaiting trial. The police investigations into him are continuing. Huoshan_Translate.789 It is conceivable that he was also responsible for further vending machine blasts in Chemnitz and neighbouring districts. bild.126691 Denkbar, dass er auch für weitere Automaten-Sprengungen in Chemnitz und angrenzenden Landkreisen verantwortlich war. It is conceivable that he was also responsible for blowing up further vending machines in Chemnitz and surrounding areas. Huoshan_Translate.789 AUA takes over Eurowings flights from Vienna AUA übernimmt Eurowings-Flüge ab Wien AUA Takes Over Eurowings Flights From Vienna Huoshan_Translate.789 The Lufthansa Group is reversing its strategy for Vienna Airport. In the midst of the price war with low-cost airlines such as Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet and Level, the Lufthansa subsidiary AUA is taking over "the commercial management of all Eurowings flights from Vienna," a press spokesman for Austrian Airlines confirmed to APA on Friday. "AviationNetOnline" had previously reported on this. Der Lufthansa-Konzern krempelt seine Strategie für den Flughafen Wien um. Inmitten des Preiskampfes mit Billigfliegern wie Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet und Level übernimmt die Lufthansa-Tochter AUA "die kommerzielle Steuerung aller Eurowings-Flüge ab Wien", bestätigte am Freitag ein Pressesprecher der Austrian Airlines gegenüber der APA. Zuvor hatte "AviationNetOnline" darüber berichtet. The Lufthansa Group is radically changing its strategy for the Vienna Airport. Amid the price war with budget airlines such as Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet, and Level, the Lufthansa subsidiary AUA is taking on "the commercial management of all Eurowings flights leaving Vienna," a press officer from Austrian Airlines confirmed to the APA on Friday. "AviationNetOnline" had made previous reports to that end. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Vienna base of Lufthansa's low-cost airline Eurowings will thus be de facto dissolved. Of the current seven Eurowings aircraft, four will remain in Vienna. From January 2020, the AUA will take over this in the "wet lease," i.e. including Eurowings personnel. In the future, three Eurowings jets will be stationed in Salzburg, which will fly from Salzburg and Innsbruck as charter aircraft to holiday destinations. Routes from Vienna to Germany will be taken over by Eurowings Germany. Die Wiener Basis des Lufthansa-Billigfliegers Eurowings wird damit de facto aufgelöst. Von den aktuell sieben Eurowings-Flugzeugen bleiben vier in Wien. Diese übernimmt die AUA ab Jänner 2020 im "Wetlease", also inklusive Eurowings-Personal. In Salzburg werden künftig drei Eurowings-Jets stationiert sein, die von Salzburg und Innsbruck als Chartermaschinen zu Urlaubszielen fliegen sollen. Strecken von Wien nach Deutschland werden von Eurowings Deutschland übernommen. This will de facto dissolve the Vienna base of the Lufthansa budget airline Eurowings. Of the seven Eurowings flights currently existing, four will remain in Vienna. Beginning in January 2020, the AUA will take these over in a "wet lease," which includes Eurowings personnel. In the future, three Eurowings jets will be stationed in Salzburg, which will fly from Salzburg and Innsbruck to vacation destinations as chartered planes. Routes from Vienna to Germany will be taken over by Eurowings Deutschland. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Eurowings base in Vienna will be integrated into the AUA hub and network planning, explained the spokesman. Flight times are to be coordinated with connecting flights. The aim is on the one hand to strengthen the Vienna hub and on the other hand to expand decentralised traffic from the federal states. Die Eurowings-Basis in Wien werde in das AUA-Drehkreuz und die Netzplanung integriert, erklärte der Sprecher. Die Flugzeiten sollen auf Anschlussflüge abgestimmt werden. Ziel sei einerseits, das Drehkreuz Wien zu stärken und andererseits den dezentralen Verkehr aus den Bundesländern heraus auszubauen. The Eurowings base in Vienna will be integrated into the AUA hub and network planning, the office explained. The flight times will be coordinated with those of connecting flights. The goal is to strengthen the hub in Vienna and expand the decentralized traffic from the federal provinces. Huoshan_Translate.789 As AviationNetOnline writes, Eurowings in Vienna only serves as a "production company" for its sister company AUA. Among other things, Barcelona and Rome would be operated with an AUA flight number, but primarily with a Eurowings device. Although the on-board product should be adapted to that of Austrian Airlines, the pilots and flight attendants come from Eurowings. According to the report, the Eurowings flights starting under AUA flight number will no longer be handled in Terminal 1, but like the AUA in Terminal 3. Wie AviationNetOnline schreibt, diene Eurowings in Wien nur noch als "Production Company" für die Konzernschwester AUA. So würden unter anderem Barcelona und Rom mit AUA-Flugnummer, aber vornehmlich mit Eurowings-Gerät bedient werden. Das Bordprodukt solle zwar an jenes von Austrian Airlines angepasst werden, die Piloten und Flugbegleiter stammen aber von Eurowings. Die unter AUA-Flugnummer startenden Eurowings-Flüge werden dem Bericht zufolge nicht mehr im Terminal 1, sondern so wie die AUA im Terminal 3 abgefertigt. As AviationNetOnline writes, Eurowings in Vienna still serves only as a "production company" for its sister company AUA. For example, Barcelona, Rome, and other cities would be served with an AUA flight number, but primarily with Eurowings machines. Although the board product will be adapted to that of Austrian Airlines, the pilots and flight attendants will come from Eurowings. The Eurowings flights starting under AUA flight numbers will reportedly no longer begin in Terminal 1, but in Terminal 3 like the AUA. Huoshan_Translate.789 A price war broke out at Vienna Airport after the Niki bankruptcy. Ryanair subsidiary Laudamotion only announced on Thursday that it would increase its fleet in Vienna to 16 aircraft next summer. The Irish low-cost airline is sending four Ryanair aircraft and crews to Vienna, also in the so-called "wet lease," which the union criticized as a bypass construct to the collective agreement. Am Flughafen Wien ist nach der Niki-Pleite ein Preiskampf ausgebrochen. Die Ryanair-Tochter Laudamotion kündigte erst am Donnerstag an, die Flotte in Wien nächsten Sommer auf 16 Flugzeuge aufzustocken. Der irische Billigflieger schickt dafür vier Ryanair-Maschinen samt Crews nach Wien, ebenfalls im sogenannten "Wetlease", was die Gewerkschaft als Umgehungskonstrukt zum Kollektivvertrag kritisierte. After the Niki bankruptcy, a price war has broken out at the Vienna Airport. The Ryanair subsidiary Laudamotion announced on Thursday that it would increase its fleet in Vienna to sixteen airplanes next summer. To that end, the Irish budget airline is sending four Ryanair planes and crews to Vienna; this will also be done through a wet lease, which has been criticized by the trade union as a construct for bypassing the collective agreement. Huoshan_Translate.789 Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary's challenge that Lauda will have overtaken the AUA in five years, AUA CEO Andreas Otto replied on Friday: "We will remain number one at the site, in five, six or ten years." Der Kampfansage von Ryanair-Chef Michael O'Leary, dass Lauda die AUA in fünf Jahren überholt haben wird, entgegnete am Freitag AUA-Vorstand Andreas Otto: "Wir bleiben die Nummer eins am Standort, in fünf, sechs oder zehn Jahren". The challenge laid down by Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary—that Lauda will have overtaken AUA in five years—was countered on Friday by Andreas Otto, the CCO of AUA: "We will remain number one at that location after five, six, or ten years." Huoshan_Translate.789 Queen's granddaughter Princess Beatrice is engaged Queen-Enkelin Prinzessin Beatrice ist verlobt Queen's granddaughter Princess Beatrice is engaged Huoshan_Translate.789 Beatrice, Eugenie, William and Harry: As children the cousins were the best friends. Now the last of the four is getting married. Beatrice is engaged! Beatrice, Eugenie, William und Harry: Als Kinder waren die Cousins die besten Freunde. Jetzt heiratet die letzte der vier. Beatrice ist verlobt! Beatrice, Eugenie, William, and Harry: These cousins were best friends as children. Now the last of the four is getting married. Beatrice is engaged! Huoshan_Translate.789 Wonderful news from the British Royals: During the Italian holidays at the beginning of the month, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) allegedly stopped for the hand of his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31), the palace announced on Thursday. Wunderbare Neuigkeiten von den britischen Royals: In den Italien-Ferien Anfang Monat soll Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) um die Hand seiner Freundin Prinzessin Beatrice (31) angehalten haben. Das gab der Palast am Donnerstag bekannt. Wonderful news from the British royals: On their trip to Italy at the beginning of the month, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) is said to have asked his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31) for her hand in marriage. This was announced by the palace on Thursday. Huoshan_Translate.789 "We are delighted to announce our engagement. We are both so excited to start this adventure together and can't wait to actually be married," the couple, who have been together since October 2018, according to British media reports, said in the official statement. "Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, unsere Verlobung bekanntgeben zu können. Wir freuen uns beide so sehr, gemeinsam dieses Abenteuer zu beginnen und können es kaum erwarten, tatsächlich verheiratet zu sein", teilte das Paar, das laut britischen Medienberichten seit Oktober 2018 zusammen ist, in der offiziellen Mitteilung mit. "We are extremely happy to be able to share the news of our recent engagement. We are both so excited to be embarking on this life adventure together and can't wait to be married," the couple officially announced, having been together since October 2018 according to British media reports. Huoshan_Translate.789 He continued: "We share so many similar interests and values and we know that this will help us a lot in the coming years full of love and happiness." Und weiter: "Wir teilen so viele ähnliche Interessen und Werte und wir wissen, dass uns das in den kommenden Jahren voller Liebe und Glück sehr helfen wird". They continued: "We share so many similar interests and values and we know this will stand us in great stead for the years ahead, full of love and happiness." Huoshan_Translate.789 Sister Eugenie snapped the pictures Schwester Eugenie knipste die Bilder Sister Eugenie snapped the photos Huoshan_Translate.789 Her sister, Princess Eugenie (29), took the official engagement photos - and immediately posted them on her Instagram account. Die offiziellen Verlobungsfotos hat ihre Schwester, Prinzessin Eugenie (29), aufgenommen - und auch gleich auf ihrem Instagram-Account veröffentlicht. Her sister, Princess Eugenie (29), took the official engagement photos, and also published them on her Instagram account. Huoshan_Translate.789 A royal festival Ein royales Fest A royal celebration Huoshan_Translate.789 The wedding is scheduled to take place in 2020. More information on the date, location and everything else will be announced by the palace in the coming months. Die Hochzeit soll 2020 stattfinden. Nähere Infos zu Datum, Ort und allem anderen wird der Palast in den kommenden Monaten bekannt geben. The marriage is set to take place in 2020. The palace will announce more detailed information on the date, location, and everything else in the coming months. Huoshan_Translate.789 What is certain, however, is that the marriage of the number nine in line to the British throne and the real estate mogul will be a similar celebration as the wedding of Eugenie on 12 October 2018 to Jack Brooksbank (33). Sicher ist aber, dass die Vermählung der Nummer neun der britischen Thronfolge und dem Immobilienmogul ein ähnlich großes Fest wird wie die Trauung von Eugenie am 12. Oktober 2018 mit Jack Brooksbank (33). One thing is certain, however: The wedding of the ninth in line to the British throne and the real estate mogul will be a celebration as large as Eugenie's marriage to Jack Brooksbank (33) on October 12, 2018. Huoshan_Translate.789 Study on causes of heart disease Studie zu Ursachen von Herzkrankheiten Study on the causes of heart diseases Huoshan_Translate.789 Smoking, obesity, an unhealthy diet - there are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. But what really triggers heart failure or infarction? Hamburg researchers now want to take a close look at the genetic material of 9,000 healthy and sick people. Rauchen, Übergewicht, ungesunde Ernährung - es gibt Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Aber was löst eine Herzschwäche oder einen Infarkt wirklich aus? Hamburger Forscher wollen sich nun das Erbgut von 9000 gesunden und kranken Menschen genau ansehen. Smoking, being overweight, unhealthy diet—there are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. But what actually triggers heart failure or a heart attack? Hamburg researchers now want to take a precise look at the DNA of 9,000 healthy and sick people. Huoshan_Translate.789 By analysing the genetic material of 9,000 people, Hamburg and Swiss scientists want to track down the causes of cardiovascular diseases in more detail. Über die Analyse des Erbguts von 9000 Menschen wollen Hamburger und Schweizer Wissenschaftler den Ursachen von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen detaillierter auf die Spur kommen. By analyzing the DNA of 9,000 people, researchers from Hamburg and Switzerland are attempting to find out exactly what causes cardiovascular diseases. Huoshan_Translate.789 The research project is the largest of its kind in German-speaking countries, the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) announced on Friday. The Kühne Foundation is funding the project with 12.5 million euros. From Switzerland, the Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, which belongs to the foundation, and the University Hospital Zurich are involved. Das Forschungsprojekt sei das größte dieser Art im deutschsprachigen Raum, teilte das Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) am Freitag mit. Die Kühne-Stiftung fördert das Vorhaben mit 12,5 Millionen Euro. Aus der Schweiz sind die Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, die der Stiftung gehört, und das Universitätsspital Zürich beteiligt. The research project is the largest of its kind in the German-speaking world, announced the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) on Friday. The Kühne Foundation is supporting the initiative with €12.5 million. In Switzerland, the Hochgebirgsklinik Davos Hospital, which belongs to the foundation, and the University Hospital of Zurich are participating. Huoshan_Translate.789 Overweight, smoking and an unhealthy diet are among the main influenceable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Genetic factors determine the risk. However, the interaction between genes and external influences is only insufficiently known, they said. Now the scientists want to compare the complete genetic material of 8000 healthy people with that of 1000 former patients of the University Heart and Vascular Center at the UKE. Übergewicht, Rauchen und ungesunde Ernährung zählen zu den wesentlichen beeinflussbaren Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Genetische Faktoren bestimmen das Risiko mit. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Genen und äußeren Einflüssen sei aber nur unzureichend bekannt, hieß es. Nun wollen die Wissenschaftler das vollständige Erbgut von 8000 gesunden Menschen mit dem von 1000 ehemaligen Patienten des Universitären Herz- und Gefäßzentrums am UKE vergleichen. Being overweight, smoking, and an unhealthy diet are among the key influenceable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Genetic factors also contribute to the risk. The interaction between genes and external influences is not yet sufficiently understood, they say. Researchers now want to compare the entire DNA of 8,000 healthy people with that of 1,000 former patients of the University Heart and Vascular Center at UKE. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the hospital, possible disease-causing changes in DNA - so-called mutations - are currently known in more than 4000 of the approximately 20,000 relevant human genes. About 200 are added each year. Aktuell seien in mehr als 4000 der rund 20.000 relevanten menschlichen Gene mögliche krankheitsverursachende Veränderungen der DNA - sogenannte Mutationen - bekannt, hieß es vom Klinikum. Jedes Jahr kämen etwa 200 hinzu. Currently, more than 4,000 of almost 20,000 relevant human genes are known to cause DNA changes—called mutations—that lead to heart disease, according to the clinic. Approximately 200 are added each year. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the initiators, the aim of the five-year project is to develop new options for the prevention, detection and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure and heart attacks. The data could also be used in research into other widespread diseases, says Stefan Blankenberg, head of the University Heart and Vascular Center. New insights into the interaction between heart and brain, heart and kidney as well as cancer are possible. Ziel des fünfjährigen Projekts ist es den Initiatoren zufolge, neue Optionen etwa zur Vorsorge, Erkennung und Behandlung von Herzrhythmusstörungen, Herzschwäche und Herzinfarkten zu entwickeln. Die Daten könnten auch bei der Erforschung anderer Volkskrankheiten nützen, so Stefan Blankenberg, Leiter des Universitären Herz- und Gefäßzentrums. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Zusammenspiel zwischen Herz und Hirn, Herz und Niere sowie zu Krebserkrankungen seien möglich. Those behind this five-year project say its goal is to develop new options for preventing, detecting, and treating cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac failure, and cardiac arrest. The data could also be of use when researching other common diseases, says Stefan Blankenberg, Director of the University Heart and Vascular Center. New findings may be made on the interaction between the heart and brain, the heart and nerves, as well as cancers. Huoshan_Translate.789 The chairman of the Kühne Foundation, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), also emphasized that there is a firm will to use the data to research other diseases. So far, the foundation's clinic in Davos has primarily treated allergies. Now a Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine is to be established on the local medical campus and a professorship for bioinformatics is to be created. To justify his commitment, the logistics entrepreneur, who lives in Switzerland, said that he had undergone open heart surgery in Hamburg three years ago and was very grateful. Der Vorsitzende der Kühne-Stiftung, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), betonte ebenfalls, es gebe den festen Willen, die Daten auch zur Erforschung anderer Krankheiten zu nutzen. Die Klinik der Stiftung in Davos behandelt bislang vor allem Allergien. Nun solle auf dem dortigen Medizincampus ein Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine entstehen und eine Professur für Bioinformatik geschaffen werden. Zur Begründung seines Engagements sagte der in der Schweiz lebende Logistikunternehmer, er sei vor drei Jahren in Hamburg am offenen Herzen operiert worden und sehr dankbar. Chairman of the Kühne Foundation, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), also stressed the firm intention to use the data to study other diseases also. The foundation's clinic in Davos has primarily treated allergies to date. The medical campus there will now include a Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine and employ a professor of bioinformatics. Explaining his commitment to the project, the logistics entrepreneur, who lives in Switzerland, said that he had open-heart surgery three years ago in Hamburg and is very grateful. Huoshan_Translate.789 The biosamples of the healthy participants come from hamburgers who also participate in the "Hamburg City Health Study." With 45,000 test subjects, this is the largest local health study in the world, according to the hospital. Genetic decryption pays strict attention to the protection of anonymised data, the scientists assured. It is about one petabyte (1000 terabytes) of data, said Holger Moch from the University Hospital Zurich. Die Bioproben der gesunden Teilnehmer stammen von Hamburgern, die auch bei der "Hamburg City Health Study" mitmachen. Mit 45.000 Probanden ist das nach Angaben des Klinikums die größte lokale Gesundheitsstudie der Welt. Bei der Erbgutentschlüsselung werde streng auf den Schutz der anonymisierten Daten geachtet, versicherten die Wissenschaftler. Es gehe um ein Petabyte (1000 Terabyte) an Daten, sagte Holger Moch vom Universitätsspital Zürich. The biomaterial of healthy participants comes from citizens of Hamburg who were also taking part in the Hamburg City Health Study. At 45,000 test subjects, this is the largest local healthy study in the world, according to information from the clinic. Researchers affirmed that the protection of anonymous data would be strictly ensured when deciphering the DNA. There will be a petabyte (1000 terabytes) of data, said Holger Moch from the University Hospital of Zurich. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to UKE, the genetic material of a human being can now be decoded within 24 hours. The pure material costs for this would be 1300 euros. The first gene sequencing worldwide, the results of which were published in 2001, has cost several hundred million euros. The study is scheduled to begin on 1 October, and all 9000 samples are expected to be analysed by the end of 2020. Initial results are expected the following year. Das Erbgut eines Menschen kann heute laut UKE innerhalb von 24 Stunden entschlüsselt werden. Die reinen Sachkosten dafür lägen bei 1300 Euro. Die erste Gen-Sequenzierung weltweit, deren Ergebnisse 2001 veröffentlicht wurden, habe noch mehrere Hundert Millionen Euro gekostet. Die Studie soll am 1. Oktober beginnen, bereits Ende 2020 sollen alle 9000 Proben analysiert sein. Im Jahr darauf werden erste Ergebnisse erwartet. Today, a person's DNA can be deciphered within 24 hours, according to UKE. The purely material costs for this amount to €1,300. The first genetic sequencing in the world, whose results were published in 2001, cost several hundred millions of euros. The study is set to begin on October 1, and all 9,000 subjects are to be analyzed by the end of 2020. The initial results are expected in the following year. Huoshan_Translate.789 Nigerian police free hundreds of abused boys zeit.64417 Nigerianische Polizei befreit hunderte misshandelte Jungen Nigerian police frees hundreds of abused boys Huoshan_Translate.789 In Nigeria, the police have freed more than 300 tortured and abused boys from a Koranic school. According to information from local residents, security forces searched the school in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna and discovered the victims, some of whom were still underage, according to police spokesman Yakubu Sabo. "The victims were abused, some of whom claimed to have been raped by their teachers," Sabo said. zeit.64417 In Nigeria hat die Polizei mehr als 300 gefolterte und missbrauchte Jungen aus einer Koranschule befreit. Nach Hinweisen von Anwohnern durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte die Schule in der nordnigerianischen Stadt Kaduna und entdeckten die zum Teil noch minderjährigen Opfer, wie Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo mitteilte. "Die Opfer wurden misshandelt. Einige von ihnen gaben an, von ihren Lehrern vergewaltigt worden zu sein", sagte Sabo. In Nigeria, the police freed more than 300 mistreated and abused boys from a Quran school. According to information from local residents, security forces searched the school in the town of Kaduna in northern Nigeria and discovered the victims, some of whom were still minors, according to police spokesman Yakubu Sabo. "The victims were mistreated. Several of them claimed to have been raped by teachers", stated Sabo. Huoshan_Translate.789 The boys were detained under the pretext of being taught and "improved" in the Koran. In fact, the protégés were detained by their teachers in "the most degrading and inhumane conditions," Sabo said. About a hundred students, including children aged nine, were chained in a small room. zeit.64417 Die Jungen seien unter dem Vorwand festgehalten worden, im Koran unterrichtet und "gebessert" zu werden. Tatsächlich seien die Schützlinge von ihren Lehrern unter "entwürdigendsten und unmenschlichsten Bedingungen" festgehalten worden, sagte Sabo. Etwa hundert Schüler, darunter Kinder im Alter von neun Jahren, seien in einem kleinen Raum angekettet gewesen. The boys had been held captive under the pretext of being taught and "improved" in the Quran. In actual fact, the students were imprisoned by their teachers in "the most degrading and subhuman conditions", said Sabo. Around a hundred students, including nine year old children were chained up in a small room. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the information, the Koranic school had existed for about ten years. Local residents had alerted the authorities to repeated irregularities in the facility. The parents were shocked when they were taught about the conditions in the Koranic school, said Sabo. They had no idea of the suffering of their children. According to the police, the operator and six employees were arrested. zeit.64417 Die Koranschule bestand den Angaben zufolge seit rund zehn Jahren. Anwohner hätten die Behörden auf wiederholte Unregelmäßigkeiten in der Einrichtung aufmerksam gemacht. Die Eltern hätten sich schockiert gezeigt, als sie über die Zustände in der Koranschule unterrichtet wurden, sagte Sabo. Sie hätten von den Leiden ihrer Kinder nichts geahnt. Der Betreiber und sechs Mitarbeiter wurden laut Polizei festgenommen. According to the statements, the Quran school existed for about ten years. The residents had repeatedly pointed out incidents in the institution to the authorities. The parents were shocked as they learned of the state of the Quran school, stated Sabo. They had no knowledge of the suffering their children were being put through. The manager and six employees were arrested, according to the police. Huoshan_Translate.789 There are many private Koranic schools in the predominantly Muslim north of Nigeria. They replace the often inadequate state institutions. People in the region suffer from frequent attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN refugee agency, more than 40,000 people have therefore fled across the border to the neighbouring state of Niger in the past ten months. zeit.64417 Im überwiegend muslimischen Norden Nigerias gibt es viele private Koranschulen. Sie ersetzen die oft mangelhaften staatlichen Einrichtungen. Die Menschen in der Region leiden unter häufigen Angriffen bewaffneter Banden. Nach Angaben des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks flohen deshalb in den vergangenen zehn Monaten mehr als 40.000 Menschen über die Grenze in den Nachbarstaat Niger. There are many private Quran schools in the predominantly Muslim northern Nigeria. They often replace the insufficient state institutions. The people of the region are often subjected to attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN Refugee Agency, more than 40,000 people have fled across the border to the neighboring country of Niger in the past ten months. Huoshan_Translate.789 Chained and tortured: Nigeria's police free 400 children from school Angekettet und gefoltert: Nigerias Polizei befreit 400 Kinder aus Schule Chained and tortured: Nigeria's police releases 400 children from school Huoshan_Translate.789 Police officers have freed nearly 400 students from appalling circumstances in a school in northern Nigeria. "Many of them were chained and some had visible injuries indicating torture," said police spokesman Yakubu Sabo in the city of Kaduna. Polizisten haben in einer Schule im Norden Nigerias fast 400 Schüler aus entsetzlichen Verhältnissen befreit. "Viele von ihnen waren angekettet und einige hatten sichtbare Verletzungen, die auf Folter hindeuten", sagte Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo in der Stadt Kaduna. Police in a school in the north of Nigeria have freed almost 400 students from horrific circumstances. "Many of them were chained up and had visible injuries indicating torture," said police representative Yakubu Sabo in the city of Kaduna. Huoshan_Translate.789 There the children were discovered on Thursday after a tip-off in an Islamic school. The conditions there were "inhumane." The officials arrested the headmaster and six teachers after the liberation operation. Dort waren die Kinder am Donnerstag nach einem Hinweis in einer islamisch geprägten Schule entdeckt worden. Die Zustände dort seien "menschenunwürdig" gewesen. Die Beamten nahmen den Schulleiter und sechs Lehrer nach der Befreiungsaktion fest. After a tip-off, Children had been discovered in an Islamic school on Thursday. The conditions there are said to have been "inhuman." The employees arrested the headmaster and six teachers after the rescue mission. Huoshan_Translate.789 The children, all boys, were kept like slaves at their school and put on chains. Some were sexually abused. Television pictures showed emaciated and injured pupils in a noticeably poor state of health. Die Kinder, allesamt Jungen, seien an ihrer Schule wie Sklaven gehalten und an Ketten gelegt worden. Einige seien sexuell missbraucht worden. Fernsehbilder zeigten abgemagerte und verletzte Schüler in einem erkennbar schlechten Gesundheitszustand. The children, all of them boys, had been kept like slaves and put in chains. Some of them had been sexually abused. Television pictures showed emaciated and injured students in a recognizably bad health condition. Huoshan_Translate.789 World football election: Further allegations after Messis and Klopp's freestyle welt.263082 Weltfußballerwahl: Weitere Vorwürfe nach Messis und Klopps Kür The Best FIFA Football Awards: More reproaches after Messi´s and Klopp´s freestyle Huoshan_Translate.789 Football "Signature not valid" welt.263082 Fußball "Unterschrift nicht gültig" Soccer "Signature not valid" Huoshan_Translate.789 Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi and Megan Rapinoe awarded welt.263082 Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi und Megan Rapinoe ausgezeichnet Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi and Megan Rapinoe honored Huoshan_Translate.789 With a gala in Milan, the world football federation Fifa honours the best player, the best player and the best coach of the year. For Lionel Messi, this is the sixth honour and thus a record. welt.263082 Mit einer Gala in Mailand zeichnet der Weltfußballverband Fifa die beste Spielerin, den besten Spieler und den besten Trainer des Jahres aus. Für Lionel Messi ist es die sechste Ehrung und damit Rekord. At a gala in Milan, the World Football Association Fifa honors the best male and female player, and the best coach of the year. This is Messi´s sixth award and a record. Huoshan_Translate.789 After Nicaragua's captain declared that he had never voted in the world football election, accusations come to Fifa from other countries. Egypt was not evaluated at all - with a curious justification. welt.263082 Nachdem Nicaraguas Kapitän erklärte, er habe bei der Weltfußballer-Wahl nie abgestimmt, kommen aus weiteren Ländern Vorwürfe an die Fifa. Ägypten wurde gar nicht gewertet - mit einer kuriosen Begründung. After Nicaragua's captain declared that he had never voted in The Best FIFA Football Awards, reproaches are reaching FIFA from other countries. Egypt was not rated at all—due to a curious reason. Huoshan_Translate.789 Much at FIFA has proved disreputable in recent years: the World Cup awards, dubious plans of its president Gianni Infantino, the general behaviour of various corrupt officials. However, the FIFA world football election has so far not been suspected of being unclean - apart from the fact that the voting national coaches and national team captains of the member associations often vote according to sympathy rather than objective assessment. welt.263082 Vieles bei der Fifa hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren als anrüchig erwiesen: die WM-Vergaben, dubiose Pläne ihres Präsidenten Gianni Infantino, das generelle Verhalten diverser korrupter Funktionäre. Die Fifa-Weltfußballer-Wahl geriet bislang allerdings nicht in den Verdacht, unsauber abzulaufen - wenn man davon absieht, dass die stimmberechtigten Nationaltrainer und Nationalmannschaftskapitäne der Mitgliedsverbände oft eher nach Sympathie denn nach objektiver Einschätzung abstimmen. There were several objectionable points at Fifa in recent years: the World Cup awards, president Gianni Infantino´s dubious plans, the general behavior of various corrupt officials. So far, however, The Best FIFA Football Awards have not been suspected of being unfair—apart from the fact that the voting national coaches and national team captains of the member associations often vote according to likeability rather than voting objectively. Huoshan_Translate.789 But after Nicaragua's captain had already complained that he had not voted at all, further inconsistencies are now emerging: Egypt complains that the votes of national coach Hossam El-Badry and captain Mohamed Salah were not taken into account. Indeed, they do not appear in the official and publicly visible voting overview. welt.263082 Doch nachdem bereits Nicaraguas Kapitän beklagt hatte, er habe überhaupt nicht abgestimmt, treten nun weitere Ungereimtheiten zutage: Ägypten beklagt, dass die Stimmen von Nationaltrainer Hossam El-Badry und Kapitän Mohamed Salah nicht berücksichtigt wurden. In der Tat tauchen sie in der offiziellen und öffentlich einsehbaren Abstimmungsübersicht nicht auf. But further inconsistencies are now emerging after Nicaragua's captain had expressed that he had not voted at all: Egypt claims that the votes by national coach Hossam El-Badry and captain Mohamed Salah were not taken into account. In fact, they did not appear in the official and publicly available voting overview. Huoshan_Translate.789 FIFA apologises to the extent that "the signatures on the election forms were in capital letters and therefore not valid." The Egyptian federation had been contacted several times to clarify the situation - without answer. welt.263082 Die Fifa entschuldigt sich insofern, dass "die Unterschriften auf den Wahlformularen in Großbuchstaben abgegeben und daher nicht gültig" gewesen seien. Man habe den ägyptischen Verband mehrfach kontaktiert, um die Situation zu klären - ohne Antwort. Fifa apologized with the statement that "the signatures on the election forms were in capital letters and therefore not valid". The Egyptian association had been contacted several times to clarify the situation, but so far no reply has been received. Huoshan_Translate.789 Sudan's coach also surprised welt.263082 Sudans Trainer auch verwundert Sudan´s Coach is also surprised Huoshan_Translate.789 There is also an outcry from Sudan regarding the election. While the situation in the case of Egypt is understandable, the Sudanese federation states that coach Zdravko Lugarisic did not vote as it was finally judged: with Lionel Messi in first place, Virgil van Dijk in two and Sadio Mané in three. According to Fifa, however, the vote was received in the same way, with signatures and official stamp of the Sudanese federation. welt.263082 Auch aus dem Sudan gibt es bezüglich der Wahl einen Aufschrei. Während die Sachlage im Fall Ägyptens nachvollziehbar ist, gibt der sudanesische Verband an, dass Trainer Zdravko Lugarisic nicht so abgestimmt habe, wie es schließlich gewertet wurde: mit Lionel Messi auf Platz eins, Virgil van Dijk auf zwei und Sadio Mané auf drei. Laut Fifa sei die Abstimmung aber genauso so eingegangen, mit Unterschriften und offiziellem Stempel des sudanesischen Verbandes. There has also been an outcry from Sudan regarding the awards. While the situation is understandable in Egypt's case, the Sudanese association claims that coach Zdravko Lugarisic did not vote the way it was ultimately scored: with Lionel Messi in first place, Virgil van Dijk in second and Sadio Mané in third. According to Fifa, however, this was the submitted vote, with signatures and the official stamp of the Sudanese association. Huoshan_Translate.789 Nicaragua's captain Juan Barrera had also raised allegations: "Didn't vote for the # TheBest2019 Awards. All information about my vote is wrong, thank you," he wrote. In his case, it was suspected that the Nicaraguan Football Federation simply voted on his behalf. welt.263082 Vorwürfe hatte auch Nicaraguas Kapitän Juan Barrera erhoben: "Habe nicht für die #TheBest2019 Awards abgestimmt. Alle Angaben zu meiner Stimme sind falsch, danke", schrieb er. In seinem Fall wurde vermutet, dass der nicaraguanische Fußballverband einfach in seinem Namen abgestimmt hat. Nicaragua's captain Juan Barrera had also made accusations: "I haven´t voted in the #TheBest2019 Awards. All entries on my vote are untrue, thank you", he wrote. In his case it was suspected that the Nicaraguan Football Association had simply voted on his behalf. Huoshan_Translate.789 The federation reported on Friday: True, but of course there was no intention. The completed election documents were "mistakenly" provided with the name and signature of Juan Barrera, the captain of the Nicaraguan selection, according to a statement from the federation. However, the second captain Manuel Rosas had actually chosen. "We take responsibility for the administrative error," the statement said. However, both Rosas and team coach Henry Duarte had voted for Messi, "just as it says in the official list of FIFA." welt.263082 Vom Verband kam am Freitag nun die Meldung: Stimmt, aber war natürlich keine Absicht. Die ausgefüllten Wahlunterlagen seien "irrtümlicherweise" mit dem Namen und der Unterschrift von Juan Barrera, dem Kapitän der nicaraguanischen Auswahl, versehen worden, hieß es in einer Mitteilung des Verbands. Gewählt habe aber eigentlich der zweite Kapitän Manuel Rosas. "Wir übernehmen die Verantwortung für den Verwaltungsfehler", hieß es in der Mitteilung. Sowohl Rosas als auch Mannschaftstrainer Henry Duarte hätten aber für Messi gestimmt, "ganz so, wie es in der offiziellen Liste der FIFA steht". The association sent out a message on Friday: This is true, but it was of, course, not done on purpose. The completed documents were "mistakenly" marked with the name and signature of Juan Barrera, the captain of the Nicaraguan selection, according to a message from the association. The person who actually voted was the second captain, Manuel Rosas. "We take responsibility for the administrative error," the message said. Both Rosas and team coach Henry Duarte had voted for Messi,however, "just as the official FIFA list indicates". Huoshan_Translate.789 Fifa has now examined the other cases in an investigation, but stresses that the election process was supervised externally by the consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers. As long as Lionel Messi remains the undisputed winner of the world football election - and Jürgen Klopp World Coach of the Year. welt.263082 Die anderen Fälle lässt die Fifa in einer Untersuchung nun prüfen, betont aber, dass der Wahlvorgang extern von der Beratungsfirma PriceWaterhouseCoopers beaufsichtigt wurde. Solange bleibt Lionel Messi erst mal unbestrittener Sieger der Weltfußballer-Wahl - und Jürgen Klopp Welttrainer des Jahres. Fifa is now investigating the other cases, but stresses that the process was supervised externally by the consulting company PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Until then, Lionel Messi remains the undisputed winner of The Best FIFA Football Awards—and Jürgen Klopp World Coach of the Year. Huoshan_Translate.789 Ukraine affair: Senior Republicans call for official investigation zeit.64402 Ukraine-Affäre: Ranghohe Republikaner sprechen sich für offizielle Untersuchung aus The Ukraine scandal: High-ranking Republicans support official investigation Huoshan_Translate.789 Two senior Republicans have openly called for an official investigation into US President and party friend Donald Trump. "I think the investigation is important," said Vermont Republican Governor Phil Scott. "Where this leads from here is determined by the facts that are determined." He wants to know more about the whistleblower affair before action is taken. An impeachment process can lead to the removal of the president. zeit.64402 Zwei ranghohe Republikaner haben sich offen für eine offizielle Untersuchung gegen den US-Präsidenten und Parteifreund Donald Trump ausgesprochen. "Ich denke, die Untersuchung ist wichtig", sagte der republikanische Gouverneur des US-Bundesstaates Vermont, Phil Scott. "Wo das von hier aus hinführt, wird von den Fakten bestimmt, die festgestellt werden". Er wolle mehr über die Whistleblower-Affäre wissen, bevor Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Ein Impeachment-Verfahren kann zur Absetzung des Präsidenten führen. Two high-ranking republicans have spoken out in support of an investigation against the US President and party member Donald Trump. "I believe the investigation is important", stated the republican governor of Vermont Phil Scott. "Where the investigation goes from here will be determined by the established facts". He wanted to know more about scandal before taking any action. The impeachment procedure can lead to the removal of the President from office. Huoshan_Translate.789 Scott said he was not surprised by the revelations, which showed that Trump had repeatedly called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a telephone call to investigate the activities of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. According to Scott, Trump has been watching Biden "for years." zeit.64402 Scott sagte, er sei von den Enthüllungen nicht überrascht. Diese hatten gezeigt, dass Trump den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj wiederholt in einem Telefonat aufgefordert hatte, die Tätigkeiten des demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerbers und früheren Vizepräsidenten Joe Biden in der Ukraine zu untersuchen. Scott zufolge beobachte Trump Biden "seit Jahren". Scott stated he was not surprised by the discoveries. It was revealed that during the telephone call, Trump had repeatedly urged the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the activities of democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Scott stated that Trump had been watching Biden "for years". Huoshan_Translate.789 Republicans have so far refrained from criticizing Trump over the whistleblower affair, and few have shown unease about it. Scott's remarks are now a first sign of this in Trump's party. The moderate governor of Virginia had already repeatedly opposed Trump's policies, such as relaxing environmental regulations and tightening immigration regulations. zeit.64402 Die Republikaner haben sich bislang mit Kritik an Trump wegen der Whistleblower-Affäre zurückgehalten, nur wenige haben Unbehagen deswegen erkennen lassen. Scotts Äußerungen sind nun ein erstes Anzeichen dafür in Trumps Partei. Dabei hatte sich der moderate Gouverneur von Virginia bereits mehrmals gegen Trumps Politik gewandt, etwa gegen die Lockerung von Umweltschutzvorschriften und der Verschärfung von Einwanderungsvorschriften. The republicans have so far withheld their criticism of Trump regarding the whistleblower scandal and only a few expressed concern. Scott's statements are the first sign of these concerns within Trump's party. The moderate Governor of Virginia, has already pushed back against Trump's policy multiple times, such as when he opposed loosening environmental regulations and increasing immigration requirements. Huoshan_Translate.789 Another senior Republican, Charlie Baker, Governor of Massachusetts, also spoke out in favour of the investigation. "It's a deeply disturbing situation," Baker said. "The right course of action and responsibility for Congress now is to investigate the matter and get to the bottom of it." zeit.64402 Als weiterer ranghoher Republikaner sprach sich auch Charlie Baker, Gouverneur von Massachusetts, für die Untersuchung aus. "Es ist eine tief verstörende Situation", sagte Baker. "Die richtige Vorgehensweise und die Verantwortung für den Kongress ist jetzt, die Sache zu untersuchen und ihr auf den Grund zu gehen". Charlie Baker, Governor of Massachusetts, is another high-ranking republican who spoke out in favor of the investigation. "This is a deeply disturbing situation", said Baker. "It is the right course of action and the responsibility of Congress to investigate the situation and get to the bottom of it". Huoshan_Translate.789 As governors of US states, Scott and Baker have no formal say in the case against Trump, which is being decided in Congress. Their statements are therefore above all symbolically important. Nevertheless, the first Republican senators have also been critical of the situation. Mitt Romney, for example, who represents the state of Utah in the second chamber of parliament, said the case was "extremely disturbing, deeply disturbing." US media also report that the first cracks were opening up internally among Republicans. zeit.64402 Scott und Baker haben als Gouverneur von US-Bundesstaaten formal keine Mitsprache im Verfahren gegen Trump, über das im Kongress entschieden wird. Ihr Äußerungen sind daher vor allem symbolisch wichtig. Dennoch haben sich auch erste Senatoren der Republikaner kritisch über die Situation geäußert. Mitt Romney etwa, der den Bundesstaat Utah in der zweiten Parlamentskammer vertritt, sagte, der Fall sei "extrem verstörend, zutiefst verstörend". US-Medien berichten darüber hinaus, dass sich unter den Republikaner intern erste Risse auftäten. As governors, Scott and Baker have no right to formally participate in the proceedings against Trump, as the decision will be made by the Congress. Their statements therefore bear symbolic significance. Nevertheless, the first Republican Senators have expressed criticism regarding the situation. Mitt Romney, the Utah representative in the second chamber of Parliament, stated that the case was "extremely disturbing, deeply disturbing". In addition, the US media report the first internal rifts have appeared amongst the Republicans. Huoshan_Translate.789 The affair could result in impeachment proceedings against Trump, and House Democrats have announced an investigation into it, accusing him of abuse of power for the purpose of foreign influence for his own political benefit. zeit.64402 Die Affäre könnte in der Einleitung eines Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump münden, die Demokraten im Repräsentantenhaus haben dazu eine Untersuchung angekündigt. Sie werfen ihm Machtmissbrauch zum Zweck ausländischer Einflussnahme für den eigenen politischen Nutzen vor. This scandal could result in the initiation of the impeachment proceedings against Trump, the Democrats in the House of Representatives have already announced an investigation. He was accused of abusing power for the purpose of gaining foreign influence for his own political benefit. Huoshan_Translate.789 There is no precise timetable for impeachment. With their majority in the House of Representatives, the Democrats could seek so-called impeachment, but the decision on actual impeachment would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans have a majority. Therefore, the prospects of success of such a trial are slim. So far, no US president has been removed from office by impeachment proceedings. zeit.64402 Für das Amtsenthebungsverfahren gibt es keinen genauen Zeitplan. Mit ihrer Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus könnten die Demokraten ein sogenanntes Impeachment anstrengen. Die Entscheidung über eine tatsächliche Amtsenthebung fiele aber im Senat, wo Trumps Republikaner die Mehrheit haben. Die Aussichten auf Erfolg eines solchen Verfahrens sind daher gering. Bisher wurde noch kein US-Präsident durch ein Impeachment-Verfahren des Amtes enthoben. There is no exact schedule regarding the impeachment procedure. The Democrats could call for impeachment due to holding the majority in the House of Representatives. However, the decision regarding an actual removal from office would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans hold the majority. Therefore, such a procedure has low chances of success. To date, no US President has been removed from office through an impeachment procedure. Huoshan_Translate.789 Were torturers on board Rackete's "Sea Watch"? Waren Folterer an Board von Racketes "Sea Watch"? Were torturers on board Rackete's Sea Watch? Huoshan_Translate.789 Three men have been arrested in Sicily and allegedly raped and murdered in Libyan refugee camps. Drei Männer sind in Sizilien festgenommen worden, sie sollen in libyschen Flüchtlingslagern vergewaltigt und gemordet haben. Three men have been arrested in Sicily who are alleged to have tortured and murdered people in Libyan refugee camps. Huoshan_Translate.789 The German captain Carola Rackete (31) was arrested in June after she had illegally headed for the port of Lampedusa with the rescue ship "Sea Watch 3" and 53 Libyan refugees on board. After fierce protests and international criticism - also from Austria's Federal President Alexander van der Bellen - her house arrest was lifted after a few days by an Italian judge. Die deutsche Kapitänin Carola Rackete (31) war im Juni festgenommen worden, nachdem sie mit dem Rettungsschiff "Sea Watch 3" und 53 lybischen Flüchtlingen an Bord unerlaubt den Hafen von Lampedusa angesteuert hatte. Nach heftigen Protesten und internationaler Kritik - auch von Österreichs Bundespräsident Alexander van der Bellen - wurde ihr Hausarrest nach wenigen Tagen von einer italienischen Richterin wieder aufgehoben. The German captain, Carola Rackete (31), was arrested in June after she made an unpermitted stop in the port of Lampedusa with the rescue ship Sea Watch 3 and 53 Libyan refugees on board. Following fierce protests and international criticism—including from Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen—her house arrest was lifted by Italian judges after just a few days. Huoshan_Translate.789 Now new serious allegations are being raised against Rackete. Three men accused of torture in Libyan refugee camps may have arrived in Italy with the "Sea-Watch 3." The suspects were caught in a reception camp in Messina (Sicily) after migrants recognised their tormentors in Italy. "We cannot rule this out, but we have no reliable information about it ourselves," said "Sea Watch" spokesman Ruben Neugebauer of the German Press Agency. Jetzt werden neue schwere Vorwürfe gegen Rackete laut. So könnten drei Männern, denen Folter in libyschen Flüchtlingslagern vorgeworfen wird, mit der "Sea-Watch 3" in Italien angekommen sein. Die Verdächtigen sind in einem Aufnahmelager in Messina (Sizilien) gefasst worden, nachdem Migranten ihre Peiniger in Italien wiedererkannt hatten. "Wir können das nicht ausschließen, haben aber selbst keine gesicherten Informationen dazu", sagte "Sea Watch"-Sprecher Ruben Neugebauer der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. There are now new serious allegations against Rackete. She may have helped the three men, who are accused of torture at Libyan refugee camps, enter Italy on the Sea Watch 3. The suspects were taken into custody at a reception center in Messina (Sicily) after migrants recognized their torturers in Italy. "We cannot rule it out, but we have no precise information," said Sea Watch spokesman, Ruben Neugebauer, to German news agency dpa. Huoshan_Translate.789 The police said in mid-September that the suspects had raped, tortured and even murdered in the North African country. They were Mohammed C. (27) from Guinea, and the two Egyptians Hameda A. (26) and Mahmoud A (24). "The migrants were systematically harassed and subjected to atrocities - through repeated and constant physical violence," the statement said at the time. Von der Polizei hieß es Mitte September, dass die Verdächtigen in dem nordafrikanischen Land vergewaltigt, gequält und sogar gemordet hätten. Es handele sich um Mohammed C. (27) aus Guinea, und die beiden Ägypter Hameda A. (26) und Mahmoud A (24). "Die Migranten wurden systematisch schikaniert und Gräueltaten ausgesetzt - durch wiederholte und ständige körperliche Gewalt", hieß es damals in der Mitteilung. Police said in mid-September that the suspects had raped, tortured, and even murdered people in the North African country. The suspects are Mohammed C. (27) from Guinea, and two Egyptians, Hameda A. (26) and Mahmoud A (24). "The migrants were systematically harassed and subjected to cruelty through repeated and continual physical violence," they said in the statement. Huoshan_Translate.789 NGOs and aid organizations are now pointing out that they cannot know exactly who is coming on the ships. "We cannot scan who the people are. They come without passports," said Neugebauer. Torture is one of the main reasons why people are fleeing Libya. It is therefore quite likely that there are also perpetrators on the ships. "It is therefore very important that this is investigated." NGO und Hilfsorganisationen weisen jetzt darauf hin, dass sie nicht genau wissen können, wer auf die Schiffe kommt. "Wir können nicht scannen, wer die Leute sind. Die kommen ohne Pässe", sagte Neugebauer. Folter sei einer der Hauptgründe, warum die Menschen aus Libyen fliehen. Es sei daher durchaus wahrscheinlich, dass sich auch Täter auf den Schiffen befinden. "Es ist daher sehr wichtig, dass dem nachgegangen wird". NGOs and aid organizations are now indicating that they are unable to know precisely who boards the ships. "We cannot scan to see who the people are. They come without passports," said Neugebauer. Torture is one of the main reasons that people flee Libya, he added, so it is very probable that perpetrators are also on the ships. "It is therefore very important that we keep track of this". Huoshan_Translate.789 Italy's right-wing ex-Interior Minister Matteo Salvini immediately demanded an apology from Rackete, who is still under investigation in Italy for aiding illegal immigration. Italiens rechter Ex-Innenminister Matteo Salvini forderte von Rackete, gegen die in Italien wegen Beihilfe zu illegaler Einwanderung noch ermittelt wird, umgehend eine Entschuldigung. Italy's conservative former Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, called for Rackete, who is still under investigation in Italy for aiding and abetting illegal immigration, to make an immediate apology. Huoshan_Translate.789 Musk aims for delivery record at Tesla Musk strebt Auslieferungsrekord bei Tesla an Musk seeks delivery record for Tesla Huoshan_Translate.789 Tesla CEO Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. Tesla-Chef Elon Musk hat seinem Elektroautokonzern mit der Aussicht auf neue Rekordzahlen kräftig Auftrieb an der Börse gegeben. Tesla boss Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. Huoshan_Translate.789 "We have the chance to reach our first quarter with 100,000 deliveries," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by the industry blog "Electrek." "Wir haben die Chance, unser erstes Quartal mit 100.000 Auslieferungen zu erreichen", schrieb Musk in einer vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. "We have the opportunity to reach 100,000 deliveries in our first quarter," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by industry blog Electrek. Huoshan_Translate.789 Demand is strong, so that Tesla could record 110,000 orders, Musk's circular continued. The challenge is to bring the cars to customers quickly. To do this, Tesla must offer as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110.000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hieß es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. Demand is so strong that Tesla was able to record 110,000 orders, according to Musk's newsletter. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible at quarter-end. Huoshan_Translate.789 Investors liked this: Tesla's shares went out of trading with an increase of over six percent. The price has not gained so strongly in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla had delivered a good 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefiel das: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95.000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The price has not increased so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered around 95,000 cars and hit its best value to date. Huoshan_Translate.789 Musk needs records to achieve his high goals. In 2019, he plans to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. This requires six-figure figures in the current and next quarter. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there have recently been losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360.000 bis 400.000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but its profit margins are low. There have been losses recently despite the boom. Huoshan_Translate.789 US budget dispute: Once again only bridge financing US-Budgetstreit: Erneut nur eine Brückenfinanzierung US Budget Dispute: Once More, Only Bridge Financing Huoshan_Translate.789 The new fiscal year will begin in the US on October 1 without a proper budget. The Senate followed the House of Representatives on Thursday and approved transitional funding until November 21. Das neue Haushaltsjahr wird in den USA am 1. Oktober ohne ein ordentliches Budget beginnen. Der Senat ist am Donnerstag dem Repräsentantenhaus gefolgt und hat eine Übergangsfinanzierung bis am 21. November beschlossen. The USA's new financial year will begin on October 1 without a proper budget. On Thursday, the Senate followed the House of Representatives and ratified temporary financing until November 21. Huoshan_Translate.789 Although the US Congress and President Donald Trump agreed in August to increase the spending ceilings for the fiscal years 2020 and 2021, the United States is once again without spending plans ahead of the new fiscal year beginning on October 1. The Senate followed the House of Representatives on Thursday and passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) until November 21. Without such a decision, there would have been a shutdown at midnight on Monday, a partial closure of the federal administration. President Trump has yet to put the decision into effect. Obwohl sich der amerikanische Kongress und Präsident Donald Trump im August auf eine Erhöhung der Ausgabenobergrenzen für die Haushaltsjahre 2020 und 2021 geeinigt haben, stehen die Vereinigten Staaten vor dem am 1. Oktober beginnenden neuen Fiskaljahr einmal mehr ohne Ausgabenpläne da. Der Senat ist am Donnerstag dem Repräsentantenhaus gefolgt und hat eine Übergangsfinanzierung (Continuing Resolution, CR) bis am 21. November beschlossen. Ohne einen solchen Beschluss wäre es am Montag um Mitternacht zu einem Shutdown gekommen, einer Teilschliessung der Bundesverwaltung. Präsident Trump muss den Beschluss noch in Kraft setzen. Although the American Congress and President Donald Trump agreed in August to raise the expenditure ceiling for financial years 2020 and 2021, the United States is once more facing the new fiscal year, which begins on October 1, without a spending plan. On Thursday, the Senate followed the House of Representatives and ratified temporary financing (Continuing Resolution, CR) until November 21. Without such a decision, a shutdown (a partial closure of the federal administration) would have occurred on Monday at midnight. President Trump still has to set the decision into effect. Huoshan_Translate.789 Shutdown averted Shutdown abgewendet Shutdown Averted Huoshan_Translate.789 For the time being, the Federal Administration will now be financed at the level and in accordance with the priorities of the expenditure plans for the financial year 2019, which ends on Monday. This is because Congress has not been able to agree in time on the 12 expenditure laws that allocate the funds to the various departments and authorities. Therefore, for the time being, the Federal Administration cannot benefit from the expenditure framework expanded from $1.3 trillion to $1.4 trillion for the new financial year. Vorläufig wird nun die Bundesverwaltung auf dem Niveau und gemäss den Prioritäten der Ausgabenpläne für das am Montag zu Ende gehende Haushaltsjahr 2019 finanziert. Dies, weil sich der Kongress nicht rechtzeitig auf die 12 Ausgabengesetze hat einigen können, die den verschiedenen Departementen und Behörden die Mittel zuweisen. Die Bundesverwaltung kann deshalb vorerst nicht von dem für das neue Haushaltsjahr von 1,3 Bio. auf 1,4 Bio. $ erweiterten Ausgabenrahmen profitieren. The federal administration will now be temporarily financed on the level of, and according to, the priorities of the spending plans for the financial year 2019, which ends on Monday. This is because Congress was unable to agree in time on the 12 spending bills that allocate the funds to the various departments and government agencies. For the time being, therefore, the federal government cannot profit from the spending framework, which has been expanded from 1.3 billion to 1.4 billion. Huoshan_Translate.789 Democrats have completed ten of the twelve laws in the House of Representatives, where they have a majority, but the spending laws reflect Democratic priorities, which have little chance in the Republican-dominated Senate. Conversely, the Senate also has ten of the twelve spending plans more or less ready, which are barely capable of a majority. Die Demokraten haben im Repräsentantenhaus, wo sie die Mehrheit haben, zehn der zwölf Gesetze fertiggestellt. Die Ausgabengesetze reflektieren aber Prioritäten der Demokraten, die im von den Republikanern dominierten Senat kaum Chancen haben. Umgekehrt hat der Senat ebenfalls zehn der zwölf Ausgabenpläne mehr oder weniger bereit, die kaum mehrheitsfähig sind. The Democrats in the House of Representatives, where they hold the majority, have completed ten of the twelve bills. The spending bills reflect the Democrats' priorities, however, which have little chance in the Republican-dominated Senate. Vice versa, the Senate has also more or less prepared ten of the twelve spending plans, which will hardly be able to receive a majority of votes. Huoshan_Translate.789 The spirits are particularly divided on the issue of resource allocation for domestic security and border security. In the Senate, Republicans are apparently trying to force $12 billion to build the Wall, one of President Trump's big priorities. Democrats are bothered by the wall construction plans and their financing, which is actually intended for other military buildings and projects. The dispute over the construction of the Wall had already escalated in December 2018 and had led to a 35-day shutdown. Die Geister scheiden sich vor allem am Thema Ressourcenzuteilung für den Bereich Inlandsicherheit und Grenzsicherung. Im Senat versuchen die Republikaner offenbar, 12 Mrd. $ für den Mauerbau zu erzwingen, eine der grossen Prioritäten von Präsident Trump. Die Demokraten stören sich an den Mauerbauplänen und an deren Finanzierung, die eigentlich für andere militärische Bauten und Projekte vorgesehen ist. Der Streit über den Mauerbau war bereits im Dezember 2018 eskaliert und hatte zu einem 35-tägigen Shutdown geführt. Opinions differ most sharply on allocating resources for domestic security and border security. In the Senate, the Republicans are obviously attempting to force an allocation of twelve billion dollars to build the wall: one of President Trump's biggest priorities. The Democrats oppose the plans to construct the wall, as well as its financing, which is actually earmarked for other military buildings and projects. The dispute over the building of the wall had already escalated in December of 2018 and led to a 35-day showdown. Huoshan_Translate.789 The spirits divide at the construction of the Wall Am Mauerbau scheiden sich die Geister Opinions Differ on Building the Wall Huoshan_Translate.789 It is currently unclear how the parties intend to get closer to this issue. More likely than an agreement on all twelve spending laws in the next seven weeks is an extension of the transitional financing beyond 21 November. Even a shutdown is not ruled out. Derzeit ist unklar, wie sich die Parteien in dieser Frage näherkommen wollen. Wahrscheinlicher als eine Einigung auf alle zwölf Ausgabengesetze in den kommenden sieben Wochen ist eine Verlängerung der Übergangsfinanzierung über den 21. November hinaus. Auch ein Shutdown ist dannzumal nicht ausgeschlossen. It's currently unclear how the parties will come together on this issue. An extension of the transition financing past November 21 is more probable than an agreement on all twelve spending bills in the coming seven weeks. And a shutdown at that time is not out of the question. Huoshan_Translate.789 Against the background of the continuing inability of Congress to agree on the twelve spending laws in time, and the associated danger of a shutdown, ideas for automating the process are gaining popularity. Submission p. 1877 to avoid shutdowns, the financing of the federal administration would automatically continue at the previous year's level, prevent the travel activities of parliamentarians and withhold their wages until the new annual spending plans were available. Vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden Unfähigkeit des Kongresses, sich rechtzeitig auf die zwölf Ausgabengesetze zu einigen, und der damit einhergehenden Gefahr eines Shutdown gewinnen Ideen zur Automatisierung des Prozesses an Popularität. Vorlage S. 1877 zur Vermeidung von Shutdowns würde die Finanzierung der Bundesverwaltung jeweils automatisch auf dem Vorjahresniveau weiterführen, die Reisetätigkeit der Parlamentarier unterbinden und deren Löhne zurückhalten, bis die neuen jährlichen Ausgabenpläne vorlägen. Since Congress still cannot agree on the twelve spending bills in time, which risks a shutdown, ideas for automating the process are gaining in popularity. Bill S.1877—Prevent Government Shutdowns Act of 2019 would automatically continue the financing of the federal administration at the level of the previous year, prevent travel activities from the members of Congress, and withhold their wages until the new annual spending plans were submitted. Huoshan_Translate.789 France allows artificial insemination for lesbians and singles spiegel.103218 Frankreich erlaubt künstliche Befruchtung für Lesben und Singles France permits artificial insemination of lesbians and singles Huoshan_Translate.789 In France, artificial insemination will also be open to single women and lesbians in the future: the Paris National Assembly voted by a large majority in favour of a government bill allowing all women to use in vitro fertilization, which is likely to significantly increase the demand for anonymous sperm donations. spiegel.103218 In Frankreich soll die künstliche Befruchtung künftig auch alleinlebenden Frauen und Lesben offenstehen: Die Pariser Nationalversammlung stimmte mit großer Mehrheit für eine Gesetzesvorlage der Regierung, nach der alle Frauen eine In-Vitro-Befruchtung in Anspruch nehmen können. Damit dürfte die Nachfrage nach anonymen Samenspenden deutlich zunehmen. In France artificial insemination is intended to be usable by single women and lesbians in future. The Paris National Assembly voted by a large majority for a government bill that would allow all women to benefit from in vitro fertilization. This means the demand for anonymous sperm donors is expected to increase noticeably. Huoshan_Translate.789 The proposal still requires the approval of the Senate. In the three-day emotional debate, critics in the right-wing camp had warned that numerous "children without a father" could grow up in the future. The French Bishops' Conference is also against the innovation. spiegel.103218 Die Vorlage bedarf noch der Zustimmung des Senats. In der dreitägigen emotionalen Debatte hatten Kritiker im rechten Lager davor gewarnt, dass in Zukunft zahlreiche "Kinder ohne Vater" aufwachsen könnten. Auch die französische Bischofskonferenz ist gegen die Neuerung. The submission still requires the Senate's approval. In the emotional debate lasting three days, right-wing critics had warned that in future countless "fatherless children" would be raised. The French Bishops Conference has also objected to this innovation. Huoshan_Translate.789 The new regulation is the core component of a bioethics law that Health Minister Agnès Buzyn defended as an "opportunity" for society. It depicts the modern family in which there are children with only one parent or with homosexual parents. According to her idea, the costs of artificial insemination for all women should be borne by social security. spiegel.103218 Die Neuregelung ist der Kernbestandteil eines Bioethik-Gesetzes, das Gesundheitsministerin Agnès Buzyn als "Chance" für die Gesellschaft verteidigte. Es bilde die moderne Familie ab, in der es Kinder mit nur einem Elternteil oder mit homosexuellen Eltern gebe. Nach ihrer Vorstellung sollen die Kosten für künstliche Befruchtungen für alle Frauen von der Sozialversicherung getragen werden. The new regulation is part of a bioethics law that Health Minister Agnès Buzyn defended as a "chance" for society. It models the modern family as it only gives children to single or homosexual parents. According to them, the costs for artificial insemination for all women are to be covered by social security. Huoshan_Translate.789 Fertilization with sperm from dead husband further forbidden spiegel.103218 Befruchtung mit Sperma von totem Ehemann weiter verboten Insemination with sperm of deceased husband continues to be forbidden Huoshan_Translate.789 By a narrow majority, however, the National Assembly rejected an amendment to give widows access to their dead husband's sperm for artificial insemination. In Belgium, Spain and Great Britain, artificial insemination is permitted "post-mortem." In Germany, there have been cases in the past in which women complained in vain for the release of the sperm of a deceased. Opponents of the move in Paris argued that a child conceived in this way would then bear a "particularly difficult fate." spiegel.103218 Mit knapper Mehrheit wies die Nationalversammlung dagegen einen Änderungsantrag zurück, der Witwen für eine künstliche Befruchtung Zugang zum Sperma ihres toten Mannes geben sollte. In Belgien, Spanien und Großbritannien ist die künstliche Befruchtung "post-mortem" erlaubt. In Deutschland gab es in der Vergangenheit Fälle, in der Frauen vergeblich auf die Herausgabe des Spermas eines Verstorbenen klagten. Die Gegner des Vorstoßes in Paris argumentierten, ein so gezeugtes Kind trage dann ein "besonders schweres Schicksal". The National Assembly, on the other hand, rejected an application for amendment permitting widows to have access to their dead husband's sperm for the purposes of artificial insemination. In Belgium, Spain and Great Britain "post-mortem" artificial insemination is allowed. In Germany there have been cases in the past where women complained in vain about not having access to the sperm of the deceased. The opponents of this infringement argued that a child conceived in this way would bear a "particularly heavy fate." Huoshan_Translate.789 Numerous members of the ruling party La République en Marche (The Republic on the Move, LREM) of President Emmanuel Macron and members of the opposition had spoken out against artificial insemination with the sperm of the deceased partner. They stressed that a widow would be imposed a "double grief" if her desire to have children remained unfulfilled due to the death of her husband. spiegel.103218 Zahlreiche Abgeordnete der Regierungspartei La République en Marche (Die Republik in Bewegung, LREM) von Präsident Emmanuel Macron und Abgeordneten der Opposition hatten sich dagegen für die künstliche Befruchtung mit dem Sperma des verstorbenen Partners ausgesprochen. Sie betonten, einer Witwe werde eine "doppelte Trauer" auferlegt, wenn durch den Tod ihres Mannes auch noch ihr Kinderwunsch unerfüllt bliebe. Numerous members of the ruling party La République en Marche (The Republic on the Move, LREM) belonging to President Emmanuel Macron and deputies of the opposition party had, on the other hand, spoken out in favor of artificial insemination with sperm of a deceased spouse. They emphasized a widow would be bearing the "double bereavement" if the death of her husband meant her wish for a child would remain unfulfilled. Huoshan_Translate.789 The initiators of the now failed amendment consider it unfair that a widow can in future be fertilized with the sperm of an unknown person, but not with that of her own partner. spiegel.103218 Die Initiatoren des nun gescheiterten Änderungsantrags halten es für ungerecht, dass sich eine Witwe künftig zwar mit dem Sperma eines Unbekannten befruchten lassen kann, aber nicht mit dem ihres eigenen Partners. The initiators of the now failed amendment consider it unfair that in future a widow can have herself inseminated with the sperm of an unknown person, but not with that of her own partner. Huoshan_Translate.789 So far, artificial insemination in France is only allowed for heterosexual couples who cannot father children. They must be married or live together for at least two years. Buzyn had already announced in the summer that surrogacy would remain banned. spiegel.103218 Bisher ist die künstliche Befruchtung in Frankreich nur heterosexuellen Paaren erlaubt, die keine Kinder zeugen können. Sie müssen verheiratet sein oder mindestens zwei Jahre zusammenleben. Buzyn hatte bereits im Sommer angekündigt, dass die Leihmutterschaft weiter verboten bleibe. Until now artificial insemination in France has only been allowed for heterosexual partners, who cannot have children. They must be married or have lived together for at least two years. Buzyn had already announced in summer, that surrogacy continued to be unlawful. Huoshan_Translate.789 In Germany, artificial insemination is theoretically open to all women - but it is often difficult for single or lesbian couples. spiegel.103218 In Deutschland steht die künstliche Befruchtung theoretisch allen Frauen offen - für Alleinstehende oder lesbische Paare ist es dennoch häufig schwierig. In Germany artificial insemination is in theory available to all women, but for singles and lesbian couples this continues to be a problem. Huoshan_Translate.789 Compensation for the climate: Calls for flight levy for universities are getting louder Ausgleichszahlung fürs Klima: Rufe nach Flugabgabe für Unis werden lauter Compensation payment for climate: Calls for university drop-offs are getting more pronounced. Huoshan_Translate.789 There is a lot of flying at universities, which is why the country wants to have a climate levy paid there in the future. The rectors say they have no money for it. But now they are also coming under internal pressure. An den Hochschulen wird viel geflogen. Deshalb will das Land künftig auch dort eine Klimaabgabe abführen lassen. Die Rektoren sagen, sie hätten kein Geld dafür. Doch nun geraten sie auch intern unter Druck. There is a lot of flying at university. This has prompted the country to take steps to apply a climate tax there, too. The principals say they do not have money for this. But now they are coming under pressure internally as well. Huoshan_Translate.789 Universities should also limit themselves to flying. Photo: dpa / Julian Stratenschulte Auch die Hochschulen sollen sich beim Fliegen beschränken. Foto: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte Universities are to be included in limiting their use of flying. Photo: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte Huoshan_Translate.789 The discussion about a climate levy on flights from universities and universities, which was postponed before the summer break, is regaining momentum. After the State Rectors' Conference had reacted sceptically to a corresponding push from the green-black coalition, the plans now receive support from the universities. In a joint statement, the doctoral students from six universities in Baden-Württemberg and a pedagogical university plead for compensation for service flights. This is "urgently necessary" as a first step, at the same time there must be a broad debate on the avoidability of flights, according to their statement. Meanwhile, the cabinet decision originally planned in July is still on hold Die vor der Sommerpause vertagte Diskussion über eine Klimaabgabe auf Flüge von Universitäten und Hochschulen kommt wieder in Schwung. Nachdem die Landesrektorenkonferenz skeptisch auf einen entsprechenden Vorstoß aus der grün-schwarzen Koalition reagiert hatte, erhalten die Pläne nun Unterstützung aus den Hochschulen. In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung plädieren die Doktoranden von sechs baden-württembergischen Universitäten und einer Pädagogischen Hochschule für eine Kompensation von Dienstflügen. Diese sei als erster Schritt "dringend notwendig", gleichzeitig müsse es eine breite Debatte über die Vermeidbarkeit von Flügen geben, heißt es in ihrer Stellungnahme. Der ursprünglich schon im Juli geplante Kabinettsbeschluss liegt derweil weiter auf Eis, weil die CDU die Vorlage der Grünen immer noch nicht gebilligt hat. The discussion adjourned before summer holidays about a climate charge on flights used by universities and high schools is back in full swing. After the State Rector's Conference reacted skeptically to a corresponding violation by the green-black coalition, plans are only receiving support from high schools. In a joint statement, doctoral students of six universities from Baden-Württemberg and a teachers' college pledged for compensation for business flights. This first step would be ‘urgently needed', at the same time there should be a wide debate about the avoid-ability of flights, their statement says. The cabinet shut down originally planned in July has been put on ice, because the CDU has not yet approved the submission handed in by the Green Party. Huoshan_Translate.789 Russia arrests North Korean fishermen again dw.97344 Russland nimmt erneut nordkoreanische Fischer fest Russia re-arrests North Korean fishermen Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the FSB, the detainees are said to have fished illegally in Russian waters. Ten days earlier, 161 fishermen from North Korea were arrested. At that time, there was an exchange of fire between the border guards and the boat crew. Three Russians and one North Korean were injured, the fisherman later succumbed to his serious injuries. This time, however, there were no casualties, it was said. dw.97344 Dem Geheimdienst FSB zufolge sollen die Festgenommenen illegal in russischen Gewässern gefischt haben. Zehn Tage zuvor wurden bereits 161 Fischer aus Nordkorea festgenommen. Damals gab es einen Schusswechsel zwischen den Grenzschützern und der Bootsbesatzung. Dabei wurden drei Russen und ein Nordkoreaner verletzt, der Fischer erlag später seinen schweren Verletzungen. Diesmal habe es aber keine Verletzten gegeben, hieß es. The FSB secret service reports that the detainees had fished unlawfully in Russian waters. Ten days earlier, 161 fishermen from North Korea had been arrested, with an exchange of gunfire between border guards and the boat crew. Three Russians and one North Korean were wounded, the North Korean fisherman later dying from his wounds. But this time there were no injuries, it is reported. Huoshan_Translate.789 Communist North Korea is suffering from chronic food shortages. North Korean fishermen were therefore traveling in Russian territorial waters, where the Russian Coast Guard says it is patrolling to protect its marine biological resources. dw.97344 Das kommunistische Nordkorea leidet unter chronischem Nahrungsmittelmangel. Die nordkoreanischen Fischer waren demnach in russischen Hoheitsgewässern unterwegs. Dort fährt die Küstenwache Russlands nach eigenen Angaben zum Schutz ihrer meeresbiologischen Ressourcen Patrouillen. Communist North Korea suffers from a chronic food shortage. The North Korean fishermen were in Russian waters for that reason. The Russian coast guard reports that it patrols these waters to protect Russia's maritime biological resources. Huoshan_Translate.789 30,000 squid confiscated dw.97344 30.000 Tintenfische beschlagnahmt 30,000 squid confiscated Huoshan_Translate.789 During the renewed checks, 30,000 squid were discovered and confiscated on the boats. Furthermore, according to the information, three fishing boats and two motor boats were confiscated and brought to Nakhodka and Posjet near Vladivostok. dw.97344 Bei den erneuten Kontrollen seien 30.000 Tintenfische auf den Booten entdeckt und beschlagnahmt worden. Außerdem wurden den Angaben nach drei Fischer- und zwei Motorboote beschlagnahmt und nach Nachodka und Posjet bei Wladiwostok gebracht. During the repeated inspections, 30,000 squid were discovered in the boats and confiscated. Three trawlers and two motor boats are also reported to have been confiscated and taken to Nakhodka and Posyet near Vladivostok. Huoshan_Translate.789 Russia's fisheries authority had not issued fishing licenses to the North Koreans this year, even after complaints from local entrepreneurs. According to the media, thousands of fishermen from North Korea have already been temporarily arrested there this year. dw.97344 Russlands Fischerei-Behörde hatte auch nach Klagen einheimischer Unternehmer in diesem Jahr keine Fanglizenzen an die Nordkoreaner ausgegeben. Tausende Fischer aus Nordkorea sind Medien zufolge in diesem Jahr dort schon zeitweise festgenommen worden. Following complaints from Russian companies, Russia's fishing authority did not issue any fishing licenses to the North Koreans this year. According to media reports, thousands of fishermen from North Korea have been detained in Russian waters this year. Huoshan_Translate.789 The head of the Association of Russian Fisheries Companies in the Far Eastern region of Primorye, Georgi Martynov, recently also complained of high ecological damage caused by North Korean fishermen. They fished with close-knit synthetic nets banned in Russia. These would also take small creatures out of the sea. Moreover, the nets would simply be disposed of in the sea, where they would take 200 years to decompose. dw.97344 Der Chef der Vereinigung russischer Fischerei-Unternehmen in der fernöstlichen Region Primorje, Georgi Martynow, beklagte kürzlich auch hohe ökologische Schäden durch die nordkoreanischen Fischer. Sie fischten mit in Russland verbotenen engmaschigen synthetischen Netzen. Mit diesen würden auch kleine Lebewesen aus dem Meer geholt. Zudem würden die Netze einfach im Meer entsorgt, wo sie 200 Jahre bräuchten, um zersetzt zu werden. Georgy Martynov, president of the Primorye Fisheries Association in the Primorye region in the far east, also complained recently of the extensive environmental damage caused by the North Korean fishermen. They used close-meshed synthetic nets that are banned in Russia. These also remove tiny creatures from the sea. Furthermore, the nets had simply been discarded in the sea, where they would take 200 years to disintegrate. Huoshan_Translate.789 Only 18,000 left in the future: US lowers asylum ceiling n-tv.89652 Künftig nur noch 18.000: USA senken Asyl-Obergrenze ab No More Than 18,000 in the Future: The USA Lowers its Refugee Cap Huoshan_Translate.789 The "most generous nation in history": Donald Trump, here at a meeting with elected police officials at the White House. n-tv.89652 Die "großzügigste Nation in der Geschichte": Donald Trump, hier bei einem Treffen mit gewählten Polizeivertretern im Weißen Haus. The "most generous nation in history": Donald Trump, here at a meeting with an elected police delegation in the White House. Huoshan_Translate.789 The richest country in the world is closing itself off from those seeking protection: as confirmed by the State Department in Washington, the upper limit for the legal influx of refugees will be further lowered. In the future, especially threatened believers and Iraqis will be granted asylum. n-tv.89652 Das reichste Land der Erde schottet sich gegenüber Schutzsuchenden ab: Wie Außenministerium in Washington bestätigt, wird die Obergrenze für den legalen Zuzug von Flüchtlingen weiter abgesenkt. Künftig sollen vor allem bedrohte Gläubige und Iraker Asyl erhalten. The richest land on Earth closes itself off to those seeking protection: As confirmed by the US State Department in Washington, the cap for the legal influx of refugees will be reduced further. In the future, primarily threatened believers and Iraqis will receive asylum. Huoshan_Translate.789 The US government wants to reduce the already historically low limit for the admission of new refugees once again. In the marketing year 2020, which runs in the United States from October 2019 to September 2020, a maximum of 18,000 people are to be allowed into the country, according to the US State Department. In the marketing year that has almost ended, the limit is still 30,000 people. n-tv.89652 Die US-Regierung will die ohnehin schon historisch niedrige Grenze für die Aufnahme neuer Flüchtlinge abermals senken. Im Wirtschaftsjahr 2020, das in den Vereinigten Staaten von Oktober 2019 bis September 2020 läuft, sollen höchstens 18.000 Menschen ins Land gelassen werden, wie das US-Außenministerium erklärte. Im nun schon fast abgelaufenen Wirtschaftsjahr liegt das Limit noch bei 30.000 Menschen. Once more, the US government wants to reduce the already historically low cap for taking in new refugees. In financial year 2020, which in the United States runs from October 2019 to September 2020, no more than 18,000 people will be allowed into the country, declared the US State Department. In the financial year that is now almost over, the limit still lies at 30,000 people. Huoshan_Translate.789 President Donald Trump's administration has drastically reduced the willingness to accept people seeking protection from around the world in recent years. Under Barack Obama's predecessor administration, far higher reception limits had applied. n-tv.89652 Die Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump hat die Aufnahmebereitschaft für Schutzsuchende aus aller Welt in den vergangenen Jahren drastisch gesenkt. Unter der Vorgängerregierung von Barack Obama hatten weitaus höhere Aufnahmegrenzen gegolten. In recent years, the government of President Donald Trump has drastically lowered receptiveness for those seeking protection from all over the world. Under the previous administration of Barack Obama, far higher admission limits applied. Huoshan_Translate.789 The targeted ceiling of 18,000 refugees would be the lowest since the introduction of the US refugee program in 1980. Nevertheless, the State Department described the US as "the most pitiful and generous nation in history," a phrase strongly reminiscent of the incumbent US president's parlance. n-tv.89652 Die angepeilte Obergrenze von 18.000 Flüchtlingen wäre die niedrigste seit Einführung des US-Flüchtlingsprogramms im Jahr 1980. Das Außenministerium bezeichnete die USA dennoch als "erbarmungsvollste und großzügigste Nation in der Geschichte", eine Formulierung, die stark an den Sprachgebrauch des amtierenden US-Präsidenten erinnert. The planned cap of 18,000 refugees would be the lowest since the US refugee program was introduced in 1980. Nevertheless, the State Department designated the USA the "most compassionate and generous nation in history": a wording that smacks of the parlance of the current US President. Huoshan_Translate.789 A "responsible approach" to refugees aims to ensure that the refugees can return to their home countries to help with reconstruction, Trump explained. He receives a lot of support from supporters for his tough course on migration policy, but there is also massive criticism. n-tv.89652 Ein "verantwortungsbewusster Umgang" mit Flüchtlingen ziele darauf ab, dass die Flüchtlinge in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren können, um dort beim Wiederaufbau zu helfen, erklärte Trump. Für seinen harten Kurs in der Migrationspolitik bekommt er von Anhängern viel Zuspruch, es gibt aber auch massive Kritik. "Dealing responsibly" with refugees means making it possible for the refugees to return to their home countries to help with reconstruction there, Trump declared. He has received strong support from his adherents for his hard-line immigration policy, but also massive criticism. Huoshan_Translate.789 A major point of contention is the border with Mexico, which Trump wants to seal off. In order to finance the construction of a border wall, Trump had imposed a national emergency. Whether there is a temporal connection between the current measure and the current domestic political developments in the US capital is unclear. Trump is currently under pressure over the Zelensky affair and a potentially threatening impeachment. n-tv.89652 Ein großer Streitpunkt ist die Grenze zu Mexiko, die Trump abriegeln will. Um den Bau einer Grenzmauer finanzieren zu können, hatte Trump den Nationalen Notstand verhängt. Ob es einen zeitlichen Zusammenhang zwischen der aktuellen Maßnahme und den derzeitigen innenpolitischen Entwicklungen in der US-Hauptstadt gibt, ist unklar. Trump steht derzeit wegen der Selenskyj-Affäre und einem möglicherweise drohenden Amtsenthebungsverfahren unter Druck. A huge point of dispute is the border with Mexico, which Trump wants to seal off. To be able to finance the construction of a border wall, Trump has declared a national state of emergency. Whether there is a temporal connection between the current measures and current domestic political developments in the US capital is unclear. Trump is now under pressure due to the Selenskyj affair and possibly imminent impeachment proceedings. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the Foreign Office, the US government wants to concentrate on taking in two refugee groups in the future: people who are persecuted for their faith - and Iraqis who have helped the US military in the country and are thus in danger, according to the State Department statement. By contrast, a maximum of 1,500 refugees are to be taken in from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. n-tv.89652 Die US-Regierung will sich nach Darstellung aus dem Außenamt künftig auf die Aufnahme von zwei Flüchtlingsgruppen konzentrieren: Menschen, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden - und Iraker, die dem US-Militär in dem Land geholfen haben und dadurch in Gefahr geraten sind, wie aus der Erklärung des Außenministeriums hervorgeht. Aus Honduras, Guatemala und El Salvador hingegen sollen maximal 1500 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen werden. According to the State Department, the US government wishes to concentrate on two groups of refugees in the future: People who are being persecuted because of their faith, and Iraqis who helped the US military in that nation and have thereby become endangered, the State Department has explained. On the other hand, a maximum of 1500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be added. Huoshan_Translate.789 The US wants people from this "northern triangle" of Central America in particular to apply for asylum in other countries. Against this background, the United States has first concluded migration agreements with Guatemala and now also with El Salvador and Honduras in order to curb immigration at the US southern border with Mexico. n-tv.89652 Die USA wollen erreichen, dass insbesondere Menschen aus diesem "nördlichen Dreieck" Mittelamerikas in anderen Ländern Asyl beantragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Vereinigten Staaten erst mit Guatemala und nun auch mit El Salvador und Honduras Migrationsabkommen geschlossen, um die Zuwanderung an der US-Südgrenze zu Mexiko einzudämmen. The USA wants people from this "northern triangle" of Central America to apply for asylum in another country. In light of this fact, the United States entered into immigration treaties, first with Guatemala and now with El Salvador and Honduras as well, to stem the flow of immigration to the southern US border with Mexico. Huoshan_Translate.789 Court orders release of orangutan from zoo Gericht ordnet Freilassung von Orang-Utan aus Zoo an Court orders release of orangutan from zoo Huoshan_Translate.789 At the request of the Argentine judiciary, an orangutan female has been transferred from the former Buenos Aires Zoo to a reception station for great apes in the USA. "Sandra," who was born in Rostock Zoo in 1986, was granted the rights of a "non-human person," so her release was mandatory. The animal was brought to Dallas by direct flight on Thursday evening - but not as a passenger, but in the cargo hold, as lawyer Andrés Gil Domínguez explained. Ein Orang-Utan-Weibchen ist auf Verlangen der argentinischen Justiz aus dem ehemaligen Zoo von Buenos Aires in eine Auffangstation für Menschenaffen in den USA verlegt worden. Der 1986 im Rostocker Zoo geborenen "Sandra" wurden die Rechte einer "nichtmenschlichen Person" zugesprochen, deshalb sei ihre Freilassung zwingend. Das Tier wurde am Donnerstagabend per Direktflug nach Dallas gebracht - allerdings nicht als Passagier, sondern im Frachtraum, wie Anwalt Andrés Gil Domínguez erklärte. By request of the Argentine justice system, an orangutan female has been relocated from the former Buenos Aires zoo to a sanctuary for great apes in the USA. "Sandra," born in 1986 in Rostock Zoo was awarded the rights of a non-human person, which classes her release as urgent. The animal was shipped to Dallas on Thursday evening by direct flight—however not as a passenger, but in the cargo hold, as explained by lawyer Andrés Gil Domínguez. Huoshan_Translate.789 Since the 53-kilogram human ape is unable to adapt to life in the wild, she will live in the outdoor enclosure of the Center for Great Apes in Florida. 21 other orangutans and 31 chimpanzees are already housed there, among them "Bubbles," formerly a pet of pop star Michael Jackson. Before moving into Florida, however, "Sandra" has to endure a 40-day quarantine at the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas. Da die 53 Kilogramm schwere Menschenäffin nicht imstande ist, sich dem Leben in der Wildnis anzupassen, soll sie zukünftig im Freigehege des Center for Great Apes in Florida leben. Dort sind bereits 21 weitere Orang-Utans und 31 Schimpansen untergebracht, unter ihnen "Bubbles", ehemals Haustier von Popstar Michael Jackson. Vor dem Einzug in Florida muss "Sandra" jedoch noch eine rund 40-tägige Quarantäne im Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita im US-Bundesstaat Kansas durchstehen. As the human ape weighing 53 kg is not in a position to adapt to a life in the wild, she will live in an open-air enclosure in the Center for Great Apes in Florida in future. There are already 21 other orangutans and 31 chimpanzees there, among them "Bubbles," Michael Jackson's former pet. Before moving to Florida, however, "Sandra" must endure a 40-day quarantine in Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita in the US state of Kansas. Huoshan_Translate.789 After her birth in Rostock, "Sandra" spent several years in the former Ruhr Zoo in Gelsenkirchen before being transferred to Buenos Aires in 1995. The trial of "Sandra's" fundamental rights, initiated by animal rights activists in 2014, has contributed to the transformation of the Buenos Aires Zoo into an eco-park. A research and educational facility for the conservation of biodiversity is to be built there by 2023. "Sandra" verbrachte nach ihrer Geburt in Rostock einige Jahre im ehemaligen Ruhr-Zoo in Gelsenkirchen, bevor sie 1995 nach Buenos Aires verlegt wurde. Der 2014 von Tierschützern angestrengte Prozess um "Sandras" Grundrechte hat mit dazu beigetragen, dass der Zoo von Buenos Aires in einen Ökopark umgewandelt wird. Bis 2023 soll dort eine Forschungs- und Bildungsstätte zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt entstehen. After the night of her birth in Rostock, ‘Sandra' spent a few years in the former Ruhr zoo in Gelsenkirchen, before being transferred to Buenos Aires in 1995. The animal welfare process in 2014 regarding ‘Sandra's' fundamental rights has played a part in the fact that the zoo in Buenos Aires has been transformed into an eco-park. By 2023 a research and educational center to preserve biodiversity is to be created there. Huoshan_Translate.789 Record for Swiss extreme climbers: 550 meters in 46 minutes euronews-de.171939 Rekord für Schweizer Extrembergsteiger: 550 Meter in 46 Minuten Record for Swiss extreme mountain-climber: 1,800 feet in 46 minutes. Huoshan_Translate.789 The extreme mountaineer Dani Arnold has succeeded in a new hussar ride at the almost 3000-meter-high Großer Zinne in the Italian Alps. euronews-de.171939 Dem Extrembergsteiger Dani Arnold ist an der fast 3000 Meter hohen Großen Zinne in den italienischen Alpen ein neuer Husarenritt geglückt. The extreme climber Dani Arnold has set a new record climbing the almost 10,000-foot-high Grosse Zinne in the Italian Alps. Huoshan_Translate.789 Without a net, double floor or other aids, the Swiss conquered the 550-metre-high north face of the Großer Zinne in a new record time. euronews-de.171939 Ohne Netz, doppelten Boden oder andere Hilfsmittel bezwang der Schweizer die 550 Meter hohe Nordwand der Großen Zinne in einer neuen Rekordzeit. Without a net, false floor, or other aids, the Swiss climber tackled the 1,800-foot-high north face of the Grosse Zinne in a new record time. Huoshan_Translate.789 Dressed in jeans, T-shirt and only supported by absolute freedom from heights, Arnold needed 46 minutes and 30 seconds for the ascent, beating the old record by almost 19 minutes. euronews-de.171939 Bekleidet mit Jeans, T-Shirt und nur unterstützt von absoluter Schwindelfreiheit benötigte Arnold 46 Minuten und 30 Sekunden für den Aufstieg. Damit unterbot er die alte Bestmarke um fast 19 Minuten. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and assisted only by an absolute absence of dizziness, Arnold needed 46 minutes and 30 seconds to complete the climb, He beat the previous record by almost 19 minutes. Huoshan_Translate.789 Arnold is now the record holder in free solo speed on four of the six most important European north faces. euronews-de.171939 Arnold ist jetzt Rekordhalter im Free Solo Speed an vier der sechs bedeutendsten europäischen Nordwände. Arnold is now the free solo speed record-holder in four of the six most important European north faces. Huoshan_Translate.789 Nike benefits from new online marketing strategy yahoo-de.127730 Nike profitiert von neuer Online-Vermarktungsstrategie Nike reaps benefits from new online marketing strategy Huoshan_Translate.789 Despite the trade conflict with China, the US sporting goods manufacturer Nike posted a significant increase in profits. Net profit rose to 1.4 billion dollars (almost 1.3 billion euros) in the past quarter, 25 percent more than in the same period last year, as the Group announced on Tuesday. The main reason for this is the new marketing strategy "Nike Direct," with which the Adidas competitor addresses its customers directly online. yahoo-de.127730 Der US-Sportartikelhersteller Nike hat ungeachtet des Handelskonflikts mit China ein deutliches Gewinnplus verbucht. Der Nettogewinn stieg im abgelaufenen Quartal auf 1,4 Milliarden Dollar (knapp 1,3 Milliarden Euro). Das sind 25 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum, wie der Konzern am Dienstag mitteilte. Grund dafür ist vor allem die neue Vermarktungsstrategie "Nike Direct", mit der sich der Adidas-Konkurrent online direkt an seine Kunden wendet. Despite the trade conflict with China, the US sports goods manufacturer Nike has achieved a significant profit increase. Nike´s net income increased in the past quarter to 1.4 billion dollars (almost 1.3 billion euros). The Group stated this was 25% more than in the same period last year. This is the result of the new marketing strategy "Nike Direct" which puts the Adidas competitor Nike in direct communication with its customers. Huoshan_Translate.789 Sales rose to 10.7 billion dollars in the three-month period to the end of August. Nike sales figures rose most strongly with an increase of 22 percent in China. As a result, the Beaverton-based company in the US state of Oregon also benefited from its approach to addressing consumers directly via the Internet or smartphone apps in the People's Republic. yahoo-de.127730 Die Umsätze stiegen im Dreimonatszeitraum bis Ende August auf 10,7 Milliarden Dollar. Am kräftigsten legten die Nike-Verkaufszahlen mit einem Plus von 22 Prozent in China zu. Damit profitierte der Konzern aus Beaverton im US-Bundesstaat Oregon auch in der Volksrepublik von seinem Ansatz, sich über das Internet oder Smartphone-Apps direkt an die Verbraucher zu richten. Sales rose to $10.7 billion in the three-month period at the end of August. The greatest increase in Nike sales was in China with a growth of 22 percent. The Group from Beaverton, Oregon also profited from its approach of addressing consumers directly via the Internet or smartphone apps in China. Huoshan_Translate.789 CFO Andy Campion announced that Nike would use strategic investments to further drive the "digital transformation" of the sporting goods manufacturer and thus expand its competitive advantage. Investors reacted pleased to the quarterly figures - the shares of the sporting goods manufacturer rose by more than five percent. yahoo-de.127730 Finanzchef Andy Campion kündigte an, Nike werde mit strategischen Investitionen die "digitale Transformation" des Sportartikelherstellers weiter vorantreiben und damit seinen Wettbewerbsvorteil ausbauen. Die Anleger reagierten erfreut auf die Quartalszahlen - die Aktien des Sportartikelherstellers stiegen um mehr als fünf Prozent. Chief financial officer Andy Campion announced that Nike would continue to drive the "digital transformation" of the sporting goods manufacturer with strategic investments, thereby increasing its competitive advantage. The investors reacted positively to the quarterly figures as the shares rose by more than five percent. Huoshan_Translate.789 Lifelong stadium ban due to racism in Italy faz.39254 Lebenslanges Stadionverbot wegen Rassismus in Italien Life-long stadium ban for racism in Italy Huoshan_Translate.789 Because of racist comments about professional football player Juan Jesus of AS Rome, the club from the Italian capital has imposed a lifelong stadium ban on a fan. Brazilian-born defender Jesus had been insulted by the fan on Instagram. Jesus then posted the private messages and asked his club to take action. "@ officialasroma You already know what to do with such a fan. # NoToRacism. Proud to be who I am," wrote the 28-year-old, who has been playing for AS Rome since 2016. faz.39254 Wegen rassistischer Kommentare über Fußballprofi Juan Jesus von AS Rom hat der Verein aus der italienischen Hauptstadt ein lebenslanges Stadionverbot gegen einen Fan verhängt. Der aus Brasilien stammende Verteidiger Jesus war von dem Fan auf Instagram beschimpft worden. Jesus veröffentlichte daraufhin die privaten Nachrichten und forderte seinen Klub auf, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. "@officialasroma Ihr wisst bereits, was Ihr mit einem solchen Fan machen sollt. #NoToRacism. Stolz darauf, zu sein, wer ich bin", schrieb der 28-Jährige, der seit 2016 bei AS Rom spielt. The Italian football club AS Roma has given a fan a lifetime ban on entering the stadium for making racist comments about professional footballer Juan Jesus. The Brazilian defender was insulted by the fan on Instagram. Jesus then published the private messages and called on his club to take action. "@officialasroma you know what you should do with a fan like this. #NoToRacism. I'm proud of who I am," wrote the 28-year-old who has played for AS Roma since 2016. Huoshan_Translate.789 The club reacted late on Thursday. He had reported the fan's account to Instagram and the police. Furthermore, the Roma supporter was never allowed to attend a match of the club again, the club wrote on Twitter. faz.39254 Der Verein reagierte am späten Donnerstag. Er habe den Account des Fans bei Instagram und der Polizei gemeldet. Außerdem dürfe der Roma-Anhänger nie wieder ein Spiel des Vereins besuchen, schrieb der Klub auf Twitter. The club reacted late on Thursday, reporting the fan's Instagram account to the police. In addition, the Roma supporter can never attend a club match again, the club tweeted. Huoshan_Translate.789 Racism is a problem in Italian football. Italian fans regularly chant racist abuse against black players from rival teams. "We cannot have racism in society or in sport. In Italy the situation has not improved, and that is very serious. You have to identify those responsible and throw them out of the stadiums," Fifa President Gianni Infantino said at the weekend. The statement was prompted by racist chants at the first league match between Atalanta Bergamo and AC Florence last Sunday. faz.39254 Rassismus ist ein Problem im italienischen Fußball. Regelmäßig skandieren italienische Fans rassistische Beschimpfungen gegen schwarze Spieler rivalisierender Mannschaften. "Wir können keinen Rassismus in der Gesellschaft oder im Sport haben. In Italien hat sich die Situation nicht verbessert, und das ist sehr ernst. Man muss die Verantwortlichen identifizieren und aus den Stadien werfen", hatte Fifa-Präsident Gianni Infantino am Wochenende gesagt. Anlass der Äußerung waren rassistische Gesänge bei der Erstliga-Partie zwischen Atalanta Bergamo und dem AC Florenz am vorigen Sonntag. Racism is a problem in Italian football. Fans regularly chant racist insults against the black players of opposing teams. "We can't have any racism in society or in sport. The situation in Italy has not improved, and that is very serious. Those responsible must be identified and thrown out of the stadiums," FIFA president Gianni Infantino said over the weekend. His statement was the result of racist chants during the first league match between Atalanta Bergamo and ACF Fiorentina last Sunday. Huoshan_Translate.789 But there had also been recent discussions about the supporters of Juventus Turin. The Italian authorities have now banned 38 rioting fans of record champions Juventus Turin. Four of them are not allowed to enter the stadium for a period of ten years, the police said. Accordingly, bans of four to seven years apply to the rest. faz.39254 Doch auch um die Anhänger von Juventus Turin hatte es zuletzt Diskussionen gegeben. Die italienischen Behörden haben nun 38 randalierende Fans von Rekordmeister Juventus Turin mit Stadionverboten belegt. Vier von ihnen dürften für einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren das Stadion nicht mehr betreten, teilte die Polizei mit. Für die Übrigen gelten demnach Verbote von vier bis sieben Jahren. But there have also been discussions recently about Juventus fans in Turin. The Italian authorities have imposed stadium bans on 38 rampaging supporters of the record-holding Juventus. Four of them are not allowed to return to the stadium for ten years, the police said. The remainder have been banned for four to ten years. Huoshan_Translate.789 The fans are linked to ongoing investigations into twelve leaders of ultra-fan groups around Juventus. The twelve are accused of severe extortion, money laundering and private violence, among other things. The club started the investigation with a complaint last year. faz.39254 Die Fans stehen in Verbindung mit laufenden Ermittlungen gegen zwölf Anführer von Ultra-Fangruppen im Umfeld von Juventus. Den zwölf wird unter anderem schwere Erpressung, Geldwäsche und private Gewalt vorgeworfen. Der Klub hatte die Ermittlungen mit einer Anzeige letztes Jahr ins Rollen gebracht. The supporters are linked with ongoing investigations into twelve ringleaders of extremist fan groups related to Juventus. The twelve are suspected of crimes including aggravated extortion, money-laundering, and domestic violence. The club initiated the investigations by filing a complaint last year. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to Italian media reports, the ultra-leaders were behind the black trade in tickets. They had "militarily controlled" the ticket trade for the fan curve and allegedly blackmailed Juventus employees in order to get cheaper tickets. faz.39254 Die Ultra-Anführer sollen nach italienischen Medienberichten hinter dem Schwarzhandel mit Tickets stecken. Sie hätten den Tickethandel für die Fankurve "militärisch kontrolliert" und sollen Juventus-Mitarbeiter erpresst haben, um an günstigere Karten zu kommen. According to Italian media reports, the extremist ringleaders are involved in the illicit ticket trade. They are said to have "exercised military control" over ticket sales to fans and blackmailed Juventus employees in order to get hold of cheaper tickets. Huoshan_Translate.789 Generation Z: Are they really different from Generation Y? welt.263022 Generation Z: Sind sie wirklich anders als Generation Y? Generation Z: Are they really different to Generation Y? Huoshan_Translate.789 Millennials are narcissistic, Generation Z is political - entire vintages are given catchy names. If you take a closer look, the awards are full of contradictions. So how well do these labels describe the respective attitude towards life of young people? welt.263022 Millennials sind narzisstisch, die Generation Z ist politisch - ganze Jahrgänge werden mit griffigen Bezeichnungen bedacht. Schaut man genauer hin, stecken die Auszeichnungen voller Widersprüche. Wie gut beschreiben diese Etiketten also das jeweilige Lebensgefühl junger Menschen? Millennials are narcissistic, Generation Z is political—entire age categories are given catchy names. But if you look closely, the labels are steeped in contradictions. How well do these labels describe young peoples' perspective on life? Huoshan_Translate.789 "The crabs are coming!" With this call, the crab catch at Gucheng Lake in Gaochun officially started on September 21, heralding the opening event of the 19th China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival, as announced by the Public Relations Department of the Nanjing-Gaochun District Committee. "Die Krabben kommen!" Mit diesem Ruf startete am 21. September offiziell der Krabbenfang am Gucheng-See in Gaochun, womit auch die Eröffnungsveranstaltung des 19. China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival eingeläutet wurde, wie es die Abteilung für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Nanjing-Gaochun Bezirkskomitees bekannt gab. "The Crabs are Coming!" With this cry, the crab hunt at Gucheng Lake in Gaochun officially began on September 21, kicking off the opening ceremony of the nineteenth China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival, as announced by the Department for Publicity Work of the Nanjing-Gaochun District Committee. Huoshan_Translate.789 Gaochun, which forms the southern foothills of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, is one of the national environmental zones. The city is the first international "Slow City" in China and is also the Chinese headquarters of the international "Slow City" movement. The city has ideal ecological conditions with a mixture of "30 percent mountains, 20 percent water surfaces and 50 percent fields." The magnificent natural environment of Gaochun offers its inhabitants all the conditions to become rich. Gaochun, das den südlichen Ausläufer von Nanjing in der Provinz Jiangsu bildet, ist eine der nationalen Umweltzonen. Die Stadt ist die erste internationale "Slow City" in China und hier befindet sich auch der chinesische Sitz der internationalen "Slow City"-Bewegung. Die Stadt verfügt in ökologischer Hinsicht über ideale Voraussetzungen mit einer Mischung aus "30 Prozent Bergen, 20 Prozent Wasserflächen und 50 Prozent Feldern". Die großartige natürliche Umgebung von Gaochun bietet seinen Bewohnern alle Bedingungen, um reich zu werden. Gaochun, which forms the southern edge of Nanjing in the Jiangsu province, is a national environmental zone. It's the first international "Slow City" in China and the Chinese headquarters of the international "Slow City" movement. From an ecological standpoint, the city can boast ideal conditions, with a mixture of "30 percent mountains, 20 percent water areas, and 50 percent fields." Gaochun's generous natural environment offers its inhabitants all the prerequisites for becoming wealthy. Huoshan_Translate.789 The people of Gaochun started breeding crabs in the early 1990s. Over time, the crab industry has developed into a formative industry that generated high incomes and became an important part of the economic development of Gaochun. In recent years, Gaochun has actively sought a large-scale, ecological and scientific development of crab breeding as well as technology-based crab breeding, and the city has taken care of promoting greater efficiency in agriculture and farmers' incomes. Die Menschen in Gaochun haben bereits Anfang der 1990er Jahre mit der Krabbenzucht begonnen. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich die Krabbenindustrie zu einer prägenden Branche entwickelt, die für hohe Einkommen sorgte und zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung von Gaochun wurde. In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich Gaochun aktiv um eine groß angelegte, ökologische und wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Krabbenzucht sowie eine technikgestützte Krabbenzucht bemüht. Und die Stadt hat sich um die Förderung von mehr Effizienz in der Landwirtschaft und um die Einkommen der Landwirte gekümmert. The citizens of Gaochun started farming crabs in the early 1990s. Crabbing eventually turned into a formative industry bringing high revenues and became an important part of Gaochun's economic development. In recent years, Gaochun has actively developed crab farming on a large scale in terms of ecology, the economy, and technological support. And the city has focused on the farmers' income, and on making agriculture more efficient. Huoshan_Translate.789 In recent years, Gaochun has advanced a reform to "distribute power, optimize administration and government services," carefully building the service network for "permits under one roof, a law enforcement team, a network for services, a platform for lending," in order to comprehensively optimize the environment for permits, services and development. In den letzten Jahren hat Gaochun eine Reform zur "Verteilung von Macht, Optimierung der Verwaltung und von Behördendiensten" vorangebracht und mit Sorgfalt das Service-Netz für "Genehmigungen unter einem Dach, ein Team für die Strafverfolgung, ein Netzwerk für Dienstleistungen, eine Plattform für die Kreditvergabe" aufgebaut. Damit will die Stadt das Umfeld für Genehmigungen, für Dienstleistungen und für die Entwicklung umfassend optimieren. In recent years, Gaochun has promoted a reform to "distribute power while optimizing the administration and government services" and diligently established the service network for "permits in one location, a law enforcement team, a network for services, and a platform for extending loans." This will allow the city to comprehensively optimize the environment for permits, services, and development. Huoshan_Translate.789 Gaochun fully exploits the local advantages through the connection to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui and uses the development zone and its position as an international "slow city" as figureheads to locate intelligent high-end production plants, companies for biomedical and medical technology, for energy storage and environmental protection, from the cultural and healthcare industries as well as enterprises for organic agriculture, which are leaders in the "3 + 2" area. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the establishment of a national tourism zone covering all areas and tourist resorts of national importance. Here, the ecological and cultural resources of the Gaochun landscape have been integrated, the condition of the buildings for civic services and for the public service Gaochun schöpft die vor Ort gegebene Vorteile durch die Anbindung an das südliche Jiangsu und das südliche Anhui voll aus und nutzt die Entwicklungszone und seine Stellung als internationale "Slow City" als Aushängeschilder, um intelligente High-End-Produktionsbetriebe, Unternehmen für Biomedizin- und Medizintechnik, für Energiespeicherung und Umweltschutz, aus der Kultur- und Gesundheitsbranche sowie Betriebe für ökologische Landwirtschaft, die im "3+2"-Bereich führend sind, hier anzusiedeln. Gleichzeitig hat Gaochun den Aufbau einer nationalen, sämtliche Gebiete umfassenden Tourismuszone und von Fremdenverkehrsorten von nationaler Bedeutung gefördert. Hierbei wurden die ökologischen und kulturellen Ressourcen der Landschaft von Gaochun eingebunden, der Zustand der Gebäude für Bürgerdienste und für den öffentlichen Dienst umfassend verbessert, die Bereiche "Tourismus +" und "+ Tourismus" energisch weiterentwickelt und die Entwicklung des Kulturtourismus auf hohem Qualitätsniveau vorangebracht. Es lohnt sich, sich auf die Zukunft von Gaochun zu freuen. Gaochun is exploiting local advantages by connecting to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui and using the development zone and its position as an international "slow city" as a flagship for enticing intelligent high-end production operations; companies for biomedicine and medicinal technology, saving energy and protecting the environment; companies from the cultural and health sectors; and businesses for ecological agriculture that lead the "3+2" sector to settle here. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the formation of a national tourism zone that includes all areas, as well as nationally prominent tourist resorts. To that end, the Gaochun region's ecological and cultural resources have been integrated, the state of buildings for civil services and for public service comprehensively improved, the areas of "tourism +" and "+ tourism" energetically further developed, and the development of cultural tourism brought to a high level of quality. Gaochun definitely has a future worth looking forward to. Huoshan_Translate.789 Iran-US conflict: Rouhani talks about end of sanctions - Trump contradicts Konflikt zwischen Iran und USA: Ruhani spricht von Ende der Sanktionen - Trump widerspricht Conflict between Iran and USA: Ruhani talks about the end of sanctions—Trump disagrees Huoshan_Translate.789 Following his return from the UN General Assembly, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke of an alleged US offer to lift sanctions. The United States had promised an end to all sanctions in exchange for talks with the Tehran leadership, Rouhani said on his official website. Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hat nach seiner Rückkehr von der UN-Vollversammlung von einem angeblichen Angebot der USA zur Aufhebung von Sanktionen gesprochen. Die Vereinigten Staaten hätten im Gegenzug für Gespräche mit der Teheraner Führung ein Ende sämtlicher Sanktionen in Aussicht gestellt, erklärte Ruhani auf seiner offiziellen Internetseite. The Iranian president Hassan Ruhani has spoken after his return from the UN General Assembly about a supposed offer by the USA to lift sanctions. In return for discussions with the Tehran leadership, the United States had put an end in sight for all sanctions, Ruhani explained on his official internet page. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, US President Donald Trump contradicted the Iranian counterpart via Twitter: "Iran wanted me to lift the sanctions imposed on him so that there would be a meeting. I said, of course, no." US-Präsident Donald Trump widersprach jedoch dem iranischen Amtskollegen über Twitter: "Der Iran wollte, dass ich die gegen ihn verhängten Sanktionen aufhebe, damit es ein Treffen gibt. Ich sagte, natürlich, nein". However, the US president Donald Trump contradicted the Iranian counterpart via Twitter: "Iran wanted for me to lift the sanctions imposed on him, so that there could be a meeting. I, of course, said no." Huoshan_Translate.789 Rouhani describes the events as follows: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron were present in New York and urged a meeting to take place. "And America says I am lifting the sanctions," Rouhani added. The nature of the punitive measures that should be ended has been up for debate. "And they have clearly said that we are lifting all sanctions." Ruhani schildert das Geschehen so: Die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson und der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron seien in New York anwesend gewesen und hätten darauf gedrungen, dass ein Treffen stattfindet. "Und Amerika sagt, ich hebe die Sanktionen auf", ergänzte Ruhani. Die Art der Strafmaßnahmen, die beendet werden sollten, habe zur Debatte gestanden. "Und sie haben eindeutig gesagt, wir heben alle Sanktionen auf". Ruhani describes the event thus: Chancellor Merkel, The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the French President Emmanuel Macron had been present in New York and had insisted that there should be a meeting. "And America says, I will lift the sanctions," added Ruhani. The type of punitive measures that were to be ended was under debate. "And they clearly said that they will lift all sanctions." Huoshan_Translate.789 However, this move was not made in an acceptable way, Rouhani criticized. In view of the current punitive measures and "the poisoned atmosphere of maximum pressure," no one could predict the outcome of negotiations. Allerdings sei dieser Vorstoß nicht in einer akzeptablen Art erfolgt, kritisierte Ruhani. Angesichts der geltenden Strafmaßnahmen und "der vergifteten Atmosphäre des maximalen Drucks" könne niemand den Ausgang von Verhandlungen vorhersagen. However, this move was not made in an acceptable manner, Ruhani lambasted. In the face of the punitive measures in place and the "poisoned atmosphere of maximum pressure," no one could predict the outcome of negotiations. Huoshan_Translate.789 Earlier this week, Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Rouhani in New York. The background was the hope of the Europeans to save the nuclear deal with Iran negotiated with Russia and China, which is intended to prevent the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons. French President Emmanuel Macron, like Merkel, had expressed hope on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that Rouhani would meet with US President Donald Trump. Anfang der Woche hatte sich Kanzlerin Angela Merkel mit Ruhani in New York getroffen. Hintergrund war die Hoffnung der Europäer, das mit Russland und China ausgehandelte Atomabkommen mit dem Iran zu retten. Dieses soll die Islamische Republik davon abhalten, Atomwaffen zu entwickeln. Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron hatte wie Merkel am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung die Hoffnung geäußert, dass Ruhani sich mit US-Präsident Donald Trump treffen wird. At the start of the week, Chancellor Angela Merkel had met with Mr Ruhani in New York. The backdrop was the hope of Europeans' hope of rescuing the Iran nuclear agreement they had negotiated with China and Russia. This is intended to deter the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weaponry. France's president Emmanuel Macron had, like Merkel commented on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, that Ruhani will meet with US president Donald Trump. Huoshan_Translate.789 Severe earthquake near Istanbul - Almost 200 aftershocks Schweres Erdbeben nahe Istanbul - Fast 200 Nachbeben Serious earthquake near Istanbul—Almost 200 aftershocks Huoshan_Translate.789 After western Turkey was shaken by two earthquakes within a very short time, the fear of a catastrophe is growing. 34 people were injured in the earthquake on Tuesday. Since the earthquake the day before, there have been almost 200 aftershocks, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Friday. Nachdem die westliche Türkei innerhalb von kürzester Zeit von zwei Erdbeben erschüttert wurde, wächst die Angst vor einer Katastrophe. 34 Menschen wurden bei dem Erdbeben am Dienstag verletzt. Seit dem Beben am Vortag habe es fast 200 Nachbeben gegeben, sagte der türkische Vizepräsident Fuat Oktay am Freitag. Damit wächst die Sorge vor einer Katastrophe. After western Turkey was shaken by two earthquakes within a short time, fears of a disaster are growing. 34 people were injured in the quake on Tuesday. Since the quake the day before, there have been almost 200 aftershocks, said Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay on Friday. This is fueling fears of a disaster. Huoshan_Translate.789 14 schools in Istanbul were closed for security reasons. Hundreds of buildings were damaged. The 5.8 magnitude earthquake shook the Marmara region off Istanbul on Thursday and caused panic in the metropolis of millions. Now the government wants to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. 14 Schulen in Istanbul seien aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen worden. Hunderte Gebäude wurden demnach beschädigt. Das Erdbeben der Stärke 5,8 hatte am Donnerstag die Marmararegion vor Istanbul erschüttert und Panik in der Millionenmetropole ausgelöst. Nun wolle die Regierung eine Kommission einsetzen, um das Land künftig besser auf Erdbeben vorzubereiten, kündigte Oktay an. 14 schools in Istanbul have been closed for safety reasons, said Oktay. He also reported that hundreds of buildings had been damaged. On Thursday, the 5.8-magnitude earthquake shook the Marmara region, which includes Istanbul, and triggered panic in the metropolis with its millions of inhabitants. The government now intends to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the past 20 years, Turkey has not been sufficiently prepared for quakes, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. In the city itself, the latent danger is repeatedly ignored. Every year, poorly built residential buildings collapse - among other things, worn down by the many smaller earthquakes that regularly shake Istanbul. In den vergangenen 20 Jahren sei die Türkei nicht ausreichend auf Beben vorbereitet gewesen, sagte Istanbuls Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu. In der Stadt selbst wird die latente Gefahr immer wieder ignoriert. Jedes Jahr stürzen schlecht gebaute Wohnhäuser ein - unter anderem mürbe gemacht durch die vielen kleineren Erdbeben, die Istanbul regelmäßig erschüttern. Turkey has been ill-prepared for earthquakes for 20 years, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. The latent danger has been repeatedly ignored in the city itself. Poorly constructed buildings collapse every year—some already weakened by the many minor quakes that regularly shake Istanbul. Huoshan_Translate.789 Urban planners such as the well-known architect Mücella Yapici have been warning for years that large open areas registered as refuges in the centre have long since been built up. It was only on the 20th anniversary of the Gölcük quake in August that the Istanbul Chamber of Civil Engineers warned that an estimated one million buildings in Istanbul were not earthquake-proof. Stadtplaner wie die bekannte Architektin Mücella Yapici warnen seit Jahren, dass große offene Flächen, die im Zentrum als Zufluchtsorte eingetragen wurden, längst zugebaut sind. Erst zum 20. Jahrestag des Gölcük-Bebens im August hatte die Bauingenieurskammer von Istanbul gewarnt, dass geschätzt eine Million Gebäude in Istanbul nicht erdbebensicher seien. For years, city planners such as well-known architect Mücella Yapici have warned that the large open spaces created in the city center as places of refuge have been built on. Only on the 20th anniversary of the Gölcük quake in August did the Chamber of Civil Engineers of Istanbul warn that an estimated one million buildings in the city are not earthquake-proof. Huoshan_Translate.789 The epicenter of Thursday's quake was in the Sea of Marmara in front of the district of Silivri and at a depth of about seven kilometres, according to the civil protection agency Afad. A smaller aftershock caused even greater panic on the streets a few minutes later. Das Epizentrum des Bebens vom Donnerstag lag im Marmarameer vor dem Bezirk Silivri und in rund sieben Kilometern Tiefe, wie die Katastrophenschutzbehörde Afad mitteilte. Ein kleineres Nachbeben sorgte wenige Minuten später für noch größere Panik auf den Straßen. Disaster and Emergency Management Authority AFAD said the epicenter of Thursday's quake was in the Sea of Marmara off the coast of the Silivri district and at a depth of about 4.3 miles. A smaller quake a few minutes later caused even greater panic in the streets. Huoshan_Translate.789 Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu said on Twitter that injuries or damage had not been reported at first. State broadcaster TRT showed people running out of the houses in panic. Students were taken out of the buildings in the Silivri district for security reasons. Some students cried, as shown in pictures. Der Istanbuler Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu teilte auf Twitter mit, Verletzte oder Schäden seien zunächst nicht gemeldet worden. Der Staatssender TRT zeigte Menschen, die in Panik aus den Häusern rannten. Schüler wurden im Bezirk Silivri aus Sicherheitsgründen aus den Gebäuden gebracht. Einige Schüler weinten, wie auf Bildern zu sehen war. The mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu tweeted that there had been no initial reports of injuries or damage. The state TV channel TRT showed people fleeing their houses in panic. In the district of Silivri, schoolchildren were evacuated from buildings for safety reasons. Pictures showed some of the schoolchildren crying. Huoshan_Translate.789 Istanbul is considered particularly vulnerable to earthquakes. Under the Sea of Marmara lies a section of the so-called North Anatolian Fault, which marks the border between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates. Turkey is repeatedly shaken by earthquakes. One of the deadliest was the earthquake in 1999 near Istanbul. At that time, more than 17,000 people were killed. Istanbul gilt als besonders erdbebengefährdet. Unter dem Marmarameer liegt ein Abschnitt der sogenannten Nordanatolischen Störung, die die Grenze zwischen der eurasischen und der anatolische Erdplatte markiert. Die Türkei wird immer wieder von Erdbeben erschüttert. Eines der tödlichsten war das Beben im Jahre 1999 in der Nähe Istanbuls. Damals kamen mehr als 17.000 Menschen ums Leben. Istanbul is especially prone to earthquakes. A section of the North Anatolian Fault, which marks the border between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates, runs beneath the Sea of Marmara. Turkey is repeatedly shaken by earthquakes. One of the deadliest happened near Istanbul in 1999. More than 17.000 people lost their lives at that time. Huoshan_Translate.789 Researchers fear that an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 to 7.4 could threaten. However, it is unclear when the earthquake will occur. Thursday's earthquake hit the west of the country and Istanbul again. Forscher befürchten, dass ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,1 bis 7,4 drohen könnte. Doch wann es zu dem Erdbeben kommt, ist unklar. Bei dem Erdbeben am Donnerstag traf es schon wieder den Westen des Landes und Istanbul. Researchers fear that there could be a quake with a magnitude of between 7.1 and 7.4. But when it will happen is not clear. Thursday's quake again struck the western part of the country and Istanbul. Huoshan_Translate.789 Companies design contingency plans, private individuals have so-called go-bags packed with everything necessary standing next to front doors, and schools teach children how to behave when the earth wobbles. It is unclear when the next big quake will come. Firmen entwerfen Notfallpläne, Privatleute haben sogenannte Go-Bags mit allem Nötigen fertig gepackt neben Haustüren stehen, und Schulen bringen Kindern bei, wie sie sich zu benehmen haben, wenn die Erde wackelt. Wann das nächste große Beben komme, sei unklar. Companies are drawing up emergency plans, private citizens have deposited "go-bags" packed with necessities outside their doors, and schools are teaching children how to behave when the earth quakes. When the next big quake will happen is not clear. Huoshan_Translate.789 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after his return from New York that eight people were injured. Some buildings suffered minor damage. Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu followed the developments of the Istanbul Disaster Coordination Centre (Akom). According to him, two minarets of mosques collapsed in the districts of Avcilar and Sariyer. Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan sagte nach seiner Rückkehr aus New York, acht Menschen seien verletzt worden. Einige Gebäude hätten leichte Schäden erlitten. Der Istanbuler Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu verfolgte die Entwicklungen vom Istanbuler Katastrophen-Koordinationszentrum (Akom). Nach dessen Angaben stürzten zwei Minarette von Moscheen in den Bezirken Avcilar und Sariyer ein. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after his return from New York that eight people had been injured. A few buildings had suffered minor damage. The Mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu monitored developments from Istanbul's Catastrophe Coordination Center (Akom). He reported that two minarets of mosques in the districts of Avcilar and Sariyer had collapsed. Huoshan_Translate.789 Warning of aftershocks in Istanbul Warnung vor Nachbeben in Istanbul Aftershock warning in Istanbul Huoshan_Translate.789 On social networks, many users report panic. Buildings wobbled. Schools and hospitals were evacuated. Telephone lines were interrupted. It was more violent than Tuesday's, writes one user. The head of the Turkish Red Crescent, Kerem Clinic, warned via Twitter of aftershocks. He called on people to stay away from buildings that had suffered visible damage. In den sozialen Netzwerken berichten viele Nutzer von Panik. Gebäude wackelten. Schulen und Krankenhäuser wurden evakuiert. Telefonleitungen waren unterbrochen. Es sei heftiger gewesen als das vom Dienstag, schreibt eine Nutzerin. Der Chef des türkischen Roten Halbmonds, Kerem Klinik, warnte via Twitter vor Nachbeben. Er rief die Menschen dazu auf, von Gebäuden fernzubleiben, die sichtbare Schäden erlitten hätten. Many social media users are reporting panic. Buildings trembled. Schools and hospitals were evacuated. Telephone lines were severed. It was stronger than the quake on Tuesday, one user wrote. On Twitter, Kerem Klinik, President of Turkish Red Crescent, warned of aftershocks. He called on people to keep away from buildings that had suffered visible damage. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to official figures, the time of the quake is given as 1.59 p.m. (local time). Only a few minutes after the first quake, according to CNN Turkey, there was an aftershock with a magnitude of 4.0 on the Richter scale. Der Zeitpunkt des Bebens wird offiziellen Angaben zufolge mit 13.59 Uhr (Ortszeit) angegeben. Nur wenige Minuten nach dem ersten Beben gab es laut CNN Turkey ein Nachbeben, das mit einer Stärke von 4,0 auf der Richterskala angegeben wurde. The time of the quake is officially given as 1:59 p.m. local time. According to CNN Turkey, only a few minutes after the first quake, an aftershock measuring 4.0 on the Richter scale occurred. Huoshan_Translate.789 Only on Tuesday an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.6 shook the Turkish Marmara region - it was felt as far as Istanbul. Its epicenter was also located in the Sea of Marmara west of the metropolis of millions, the civil protection authority Afad announced already on Tuesday. Erst am Dienstag hatte ein Erdbeben der Stärke 4,6 hat die türkische Marmararegion erschüttert - es war bis Istanbul zu spüren. Auch dessen Epizentrum habe im Marmarameer westlich der Millionenmetropole gelegen, teilte die Katastrophenschutzbehörde Afad bereits am Dienstag mit. On Tuesday, a magnitude-4.6 earthquake shook the Marmara region that was felt as far away as Istanbul. Disaster and Emergency Management Authority AFAD said the epicenter of this quake was also in the Sea of Marmara to the west of the capital. Huoshan_Translate.789 It was not the only earthquake that made headlines this Tuesday: Pakistan was also hit by a severe earthquake. Es war nicht das einzige Erdbeben, das für Schlagzeilen an diesem Dienstag sorgte: Auch Pakistan wurde von einem schweren Erdbeben getroffen. It was not the only quake to hit the headlines this Tuesday. Pakistan was also affected by a severe quake. Huoshan_Translate.789 Researchers assume that sooner or later a catastrophic earthquake could occur in Istanbul - the tension between the tectonic plates is extremely high. Scientists believe that it will eventually discharge - and cause massive damage. Forscher gehen davon aus, dass es früher oder später zu einem katastrophalen Erdbeben in Istanbul kommen könnte - die Spannung zwischen den tektonischen Platten ist extrem hoch. Wissenschaftler glauben, dass sie sich irgendwann entlädt - und massive Schäden verursachen wird. Researchers believe there could be a disastrous earthquake in Istanbul at some point—there is extreme tension between the two tectonic plates. Scientists believe the tension will discharge one day—causing massive damage. Huoshan_Translate.789 Earthquake researcher Sükrü Ersoy expects that the earthquake is now an advance warning. It has become more likely, he told CNN Türk. "These could be the signs of a larger earthquake," Ersoy told the station. "Sooner or later the big quake will also come." Erdbebenforscher Sükrü Ersoy rechnet damit, dass das Erdbeben jetzt eine Vorwarnung sei. Es sei dadurch wahrscheinlicher geworden, sagte er zu CNN Türk. "Dies könnten die Anzeichen zu einem größeren Erdbeben sein", so Ersoy zum Sender. "Früher oder später wird auch das große Beben kommen". Earthquake researcher Sükrü Ersoy thinks the latest earthquake is an early warning. It has made a disaster more likely, he told CNN Turkey. "This could be a sign of a bigger earthquake," Ersoy told CNN. "The big quake will come sooner or later". Huoshan_Translate.789 Already a few weeks ago there had been an incident - the earthquake also caused great concern in Istanbul. In Albania there had also been a violent earthquake only a few days ago - there were 68 injured. The earth had also shook at Lake Constance this year. Bereits vor wenigen Wochen hatte es einen Zwischenfall gegeben - das Beben löste große Sorgen auch in Istanbul aus. In Albanien hatte es zudem erst vor wenigen Tagen ein heftiges Erdbeben gegeben - es gab 68 Verletzte. Auch am Bodensee hatte dieses Jahr die Erde gebebt. A minor quake a few weeks ago caused major concern in Istanbul. In Albania, there was a strong earthquake only a few days ago, with 68 people injured. The earth also shook by Lake Constance this year. Huoshan_Translate.789 Parliament: New fuel in Ukraine affair Parlament: Neuer Zündstoff in Ukraine-Affäre Parliament: New fuel for conflict in the Ukraine affair Huoshan_Translate.789 Two explosive documents provide new fuel in the Ukraine affair over possible abuse of power by US President Donald Trump. On the way to possible impeachment proceedings, the US Democrats are encouraged: the complaint filed by an anonymous whistleblower about Trump and his controversial phone call with the Ukrainian president contains important clues for investigations against the president. Trump himself once again sees himself as the victim of a "witch hunt." He also doubted the credibility of the whistleblower. Zwei brisante Dokumente sorgen für neuen Zündstoff in der Ukraine-Affäre um möglichen Machtmissbrauch von US-Präsident Donald Trump. Auf dem Weg zu einem möglichen Amtsenthebungsverfahren sehen sich die US-Demokraten bestärkt: Die von einem anonymen Hinweisgeber eingereichte Beschwerde über Trump und dessen umstrittenes Telefonat mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten berge wichtige Anhaltspunkte für Ermittlungen gegen den Präsidenten. Trump selbst sieht sich einmal mehr als Opfer einer "Hexenjagd". Zudem zweifelte er die Glaubwürdigkeit des Whistleblowers an. Two controversial documents provide new fuel in the Ukraine affair regarding US president Donald Trump's possible abuse of power. US democrats feel strengthened towards a possible impeachment procedure. The complaint filed by an anonymous whistleblower about Trump and his controversial phone-call with the Ukrainian president provided important clues for investigations against the president. Even Trump himself once more feels like a victim of a witch hunt. He also doubted the credibility of the whistleblower. Huoshan_Translate.789 USA: United Airlines passenger locked in toilet - plane diverted USA: Fluggast von United Airlines in Toilette eingesperrt - Flieger umgeleitet USA: United Airlines passenger locked in toilet—Plane diverted Huoshan_Translate.789 Because a female passenger was locked in the board toilet, a United Airlines flight was diverted. The toilet door was blocked during flight 1554 from Washington to San Francisco, the airline said, according to US media. Weil eine Passagierin in der Board-Toilette eingesperrt war, ist ein Flug von United Airlines umgeleitet worden. Die WC-Tür sei während des Fluges 1554 von Washington nach San Francisco blockiert gewesen, teilte die Airline laut US-Medien mit. A United Airlines flight was diverted because a passenger was locked in the onboard toilet. The bathroom door was blocked during Flight 1554 from Washington to San Francisco, the airline announced according to US media. Huoshan_Translate.789 During an unscheduled stopover on Wednesday evening (local time) in Denver, the woman was finally freed from the narrow cabin. She had been locked in it for about an hour, US media wrote, citing other passengers. Passengers had to change planes for the onward flight to San Francisco. Bei einer außerplanmäßigen Zwischenlandung am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) in Denver konnte die Frau schließlich aus der engen Kabine befreit werden. Etwa eine Stunde sei sie darin eingesperrt gewesen, schrieben US-Medien unter Berufung auf andere Passagiere. Zum Weiterflug in Richtung San Francisco mussten die Fluggäste die Maschine wechseln. The woman was finally freed from the narrow cabin during an unplanned stopover in Denver Wednesday evening (local time). She had been locked in for almost one hour, US media wrote citing other passengers. Passengers were required to change aircraft to continue their flight to San Francisco. Huoshan_Translate.789 A video distributed on the Internet, which according to the US media is said to be from Flight 1554, shows several people trying to free the woman. "We are currently working on opening the door, Ma'am. We'll get you out soon, Okay?" says one man. The airline apologized to all passengers. At first it was open whether the woman would receive compensation. In einem im Internet verbreiteten Video, das laut US-Medien von Flug 1554 stammen soll, ist zu sehen, wie mehrere Menschen versuchen, die Frau zu befreien. "Wir arbeiten im Moment daran, die Tür zu öffnen, Ma'am. Wir holen Sie bald raus, Okay?", sagt darin ein Mann. Die Fluggesellschaft habe sich bei allen Fluggästen entschuldigt. Offen war zunächst, ob die Frau eine Entschädigung erhält. In a video from Flight 1554 distributed online, US media report that multiple people can be seen trying to free the woman. "We are currently working on opening the door, ma'am. We will get you out soon, okay?" says a man in the video. The airline apologized to all passengers. It was initially unclear whether the woman would receive compensation. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Cockroach: Inspired by Kafka: Ian McEwan writes Brexit novel Die Kakerlake: Von Kafka inspiriert: Ian McEwan schreibt Brexit-Roman The Cockroach: Inspired by Kafka: Ian McEwan writes a Brexit novel Huoshan_Translate.789 How does a writer like Ian McEwan deal with all the Brexit chaos? He writes a book about it - and his protagonist is unmistakable. Wie geht ein Schriftsteller wie Ian McEwan mit dem ganzen Brexit-Chaos um? Er schreibt ein Buch darüber - und sein Protagonist ist unverkennbar. How does an author like Ian McEwan deal with all the Brexit chaos? He writes a book about it—and his protagonist is unmistakable. Huoshan_Translate.789 Inspired by Franz Kafka's famous story "The Transformation," the successful British author Ian McEwan (71) has written a book about the Brexit chaos in Britain. Inspiriert von Franz Kafkas berühmter Erzählung "Die Verwandlung" hat der britische Erfolgsautor Ian McEwan (71) ein Buch über das Brexit-Chaos in Großbritannien geschrieben. Inspired by Kafka's unmistakable "The Metamorphosis," the British success author Ian McEwan (71) has written a book about the Brexit chaos in Great Britain. Huoshan_Translate.789 The novel "The Cockroach" (original: "The Cockroach") will be published in German on 27 November, announced Diogenes Verlag (Zurich). It is about the transformation of a man named "Jim Sams," who was ignored or hated in his former life but is now suddenly the most powerful man in Great Britain. He sees it as his mission to put the will of the people into practice and is wildly determined to let nothing and nobody stop him. Der Roman "Die Kakerlake" (Original: "The Cockroach") werde am 27. November auf Deutsch erscheinen, teilte der Diogenes Verlag (Zürich) mit. Darin gehe es um die Verwandlung eines Mannes namens "Jim Sams", der in seinem früheren Leben ignoriert oder gehasst wurde, jetzt aber auf einmal der mächtigste Mann Großbritanniens ist. Er sieht es als seine Mission, den Willen des Volkes in die Tat umzusetzen und ist dabei wild entschlossen, sich von nichts und niemandem aufhalten zu lassen. The novel called "The Cockroach" will be available in print in German on the 27th November, as communicated by the Diogenes Publisher (Zurich). It describes the transformation of a man called ‘Jim Sams,' who was ignored or hated in his former life, and has now suddenly become the most powerful man in Great Britain. He sees it as a mission to turn the will of the people into action and is wildly determined not to let anything nor anyone hinder him. Huoshan_Translate.789 McEwan was quoted as saying: "If parliament is closed so that the government cannot be challenged at a critical moment, when ministers shamelessly lie like the Soviet leaders once did, when Brexiteers in high positions practically beg the catastrophe of a no-deal - then a writer must ask himself what he can do. There is only one answer to it: write." McEwan's novel "Machines Like Me" about artificial intelligence was only published in the spring. McEwan wurde mit den Worten zitiert: "Wenn das Parlament geschlossen wird, sodass die Regierung in einem kritischen Moment nicht herausgefordert werden kann, wenn Minister schamlos lügen wie einst die Sowjetführer, wenn Brexiteers in hohen Positionen die Katastrophe eines No-Deals geradezu herbeiflehen - dann muss ein Schriftsteller sich fragen, was er tun kann. Es gibt nur eine Antwort darauf: schreiben". Von McEwan war erst im Frühjahr der Roman "Maschinen wie ich" über Künstliche Intelligenz erschienen. McEwan was quoted as saying, "When the parliament is shut down, so that the government cannot be challenged at a critical time, when ministers are lying as shamelessly as the former soviet rulers, when Brexiteers in high positions are almost invoking a No-Deal, then an author has to ask himself what they can do. There is only one answer to that: writing." We had only just heard from McEwan in the spring with the novel "Machines like me" about artificial intelligence. Huoshan_Translate.789 Kafka's story, first published in 1915, is about Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning and sees himself "transformed into a tremendous vermin," is gradually excluded from family and society and eventually perishes. "Ian McEwan bows to Kafka to describe a world that stands upside down," said Diogenes Verlag. Kafkas 1915 erstmals veröffentlichte Erzählung handelt von Gregor Samsa, der eines Morgens aufwacht und sich "zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt" sieht, nach und nach von Familie und Gesellschaft ausgeschlossen wird und schließlich zugrunde geht. "Ian McEwan verneigt sich vor Kafka, um eine Welt zu beschreiben, die Kopf steht", hieß es vom Diogenes Verlag. Kafka's story first printed in 1915 tells of Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning and sees himself transformed into a monstrous insect," is gradually rejected by family and community and eventually perishes. "Ian McEwan bows down before Kafka in order to describe a world that is upside down," the Diogenes Publisher discloses. Huoshan_Translate.789 EU invests 9.5 million euros in Austria's railway infrastructure EU investiert 9,5 Millionen Euro in Österreichs Bahninfrastruktur EU invests €9.5 million in Austria's railway infrastructure Huoshan_Translate.789 11,200 wagons in Austria and Hungary receive whisper brakes to reduce noise pollution from freight trains. In addition, sections of the railway connections between Graz and Györ and Wiener Neustadt and Sopron will be modernised and electrified. 11.200 Wagons in Österreich und Ungarn bekommen Flüsterbremsen, um die Lärmbelastung durch Güterzüge zu reduzieren. Außerdem werden Abschnitte der Bahnverbindungen zwischen Graz und Györ und Wiener Neustadt und Sopron modernisiert und elektrifiziert. 11,200 railway cars in Austria and Hungary are being fitted with whisper brakes to reduce the noise generated by freight trains. In addition, sections of the rail links between Graz and Győr and between Wiener Neustadt and Sopron will be modernized and electrified. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the EU authority, this should make travel more comfortable and reduce CO2 emissions. The funds come from the EU infrastructure pot "Connecting Europe Facility." Dies soll nach Angaben der EU-Behörde Reisen komfortabler machen und den CO2-Ausstoß senken. Die Mittel kommen aus dem EU-Infrastrukturtopf "Connecting Europe Facility". According to information from EU officials, this should make travel more comfortable and decrease CO2 emissions. The work is being financed by the EU "Connecting Europe Facility" infrastructure fund. Huoshan_Translate.789 Thomas Cook: All trips cancelled until 31 October Thomas Cook: Alle Reisen bis 31.Oktober abgesagt Thomas Cook: All trips canceled until October 31 Huoshan_Translate.789 The German tour operator Thomas Cook has cancelled all trips up to and including 31 October 2019 one day after its insolvency application. Travel "could not be started for insolvency reasons," the company announced on Thursday evening. Der deutsche Reiseveranstalter Thomas Cook hat einen Tag nach seinem Insolvenzantrag alle Reisen bis einschließlich 31. Oktober 2019 abgesagt. Reisen könnten "aus insolvenzrechtlichen Gründen nicht angetreten werden", teilte das Unternehmen am Donnerstagabend mit. One day after filing for bankruptcy, German travel agency Thomas Cook has canceled all trips up to and including October 31, 2019. Travel "could not be completed on legal grounds related to bankruptcy," the company announced on Thursday evening. Huoshan_Translate.789 This also affects bookings of the brands Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen and Air Marin, which have already been paid or paid in full. The company left open how it stands for travel starting from 1 November 2019. In coordination with the insolvency insurance, the further procedure will be examined, it said. Davon betroffen seien auch Buchungen der Marken Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen und Air Marin, die bereits angezahlt oder vollständig bezahlt sind. Wie es um Reisen mit Start ab dem 1. November 2019 steht, ließ das Unternehmen offen. In Abstimmung mit der Insolvenzversicherung werde die weitere Vorgehensweise geprüft, hieß es. This also affects bookings made with the brands Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen, and Air Marin that have already been paid for partially or in full. The company has not confirmed how it will handle trips starting after November 1, 2019. Further action will be examined in coordination with the insolvency insurer, the company said. Huoshan_Translate.789 Thomas Cook in Germany had fallen into the wake of the bankruptcy of the British parent company and filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday. The company, which includes Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours and Bucher Reisen, employs about 2000 people in Germany. Thomas Cook in Deutschland war in den Sog der Pleite des britischen Mutterkonzerns geraten und hatte am Mittwoch Insolvenzantrag gestellt. Das Unternehmen, zu dem unter anderem Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours und Bucher Reisen gehören, beschäftigt in Deutschland etwa 2000 Menschen. Thomas Cook in Germany was caught up in the wake of the collapse of its British parent company and filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday. The company, which also includes Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours, and Bucher Reisen, employs around 2000 people in Germany. Huoshan_Translate.789 Insurer wants to transfer money to hotels from now on Versicherer will Hotels ab sofort wieder Geld überweisen Insurers seek to transfer money to hotels immediately again Huoshan_Translate.789 Starting this Friday, however, hotels abroad that currently host Thomas Cook holidaymakers will receive money from Zurich Insurance. According to Zurich, payments to the hotels are conditional on holidaymakers no longer being asked to make extra payments. Hingegen sollen ab diesem Freitag Hotels im Ausland, die derzeit noch Thomas-Cook-Urlauber beherbergen, Geld von der Zurich-Versicherung bekommen. Die Zahlungen an die Hotels sind laut Zurich an die Bedingung geknüpft, dass Urlauber nicht mehr zu Extra-Zahlungen aufgefordert werden. Conversely, hotels outside of Germany that are currently still accommodating Thomas Cook vacationers are set to receive money from the Zurich Insurance Group starting this Friday. According to Zurich, the payments to hotels include the condition that guests no longer be required to make extra payments. Huoshan_Translate.789 On the basis of the booking information and without presentation of separate invoices, the hotels in the holiday resorts are now to receive 50 percent of the outstanding payments, as a Zurich spokesman for the German Press Agency said. "This applies immediately and under the condition that Thomas Cook travellers are from now on neither requested nor otherwise coerced by these hotels to pay individual hotel bills," said spokesman Bernd Engelien. Auf Basis der Buchungsinformationen und ohne Vorlage gesonderter Rechnungen sollen die Hotels in den Ferienorten jetzt 50 Prozent der ausstehenden Zahlungen erhalten, wie ein Zurich-Sprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur sagte. "Dies gilt sofort und unter der Voraussetzung, dass Thomas-Cook-Reisende von diesen Hotels ab sofort weder zur individuellen Zahlung von Hotelrechnungen aufgefordert oder anderweitig genötigt werden", sagte Sprecher Bernd Engelien weiter. Based on the booking information and without presenting any separate receipts, resort hotels are now to receive 50 per cent of the outstanding payments, a Zurich speaker said to the news agency dpa. "This applies straight away and with the requirement that, starting immediately, these hotels not prompt or otherwise require Thomas Cook travelers to make individual payment for hotel bills," spokesman Bernd Engelien went on to say. Huoshan_Translate.789 The insurance company responded to reports of hotel guests who, according to their own statements, had been forced to pay for their accommodation on site themselves. Accordingly, some had to put more than 1000 euros on the table. The German Travel Association (DRV) and the Federal Association of Consumer Centers had sharply criticized this. Die Versicherung reagierte damit auf Berichte von Hotelgästen, die nach eigenen Angaben gezwungen worden waren, ihre Unterkünfte vor Ort selbst zu bezahlen. Einige mussten demnach mehr als 1000 Euro auf den Tisch legen. Der Deutsche Reiseverband (DRV) und der Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentralen hatten dies scharf kritisiert. The insurance company was reacting to reports from hotel guests who claim they were being forced to pay for their accommodations themselves on site. Some of them had to lay out more than €1000. The German Travel Industry Association (DRV) and the German Federation of German Consumer Organization (VZBV) criticized this strongly. Huoshan_Translate.789 How many hotels are affected will be coordinated with the insolvent travel provider on Friday, said the insurance spokesman. According to data from Thursday, 70 000 Thomas Cook package holidaymakers from Germany were still on the road. Zurich Germany has secured the holiday and return journey of Thomas Cook customers. Wie viele Hotels betroffen sind, werde am Freitag mit dem insolventen Reiseanbieter abgestimmt, sagte der Versicherungs-Sprecher. Nach Angaben vom Donnerstag waren noch 70 000 Thomas-Cook-Pauschalurlauber aus Deutschland unterwegs. Die Zurich Deutschland hat Urlaub und Rückreise der Thomas-Cook-Kunden abgesichert. The number of hotels affected will be determined on Friday with the insolvent travel agency, said the insurer's spokesman. According to information from Thursday, 70,000 Thomas Cook package customers were still on vacation outside Germany. Zurich Germany has secured the vacations and return travel of Thomas Cook customers. Huoshan_Translate.789 Insolvency administrators want to try to continue the three Thomas Cook companies in Germany and find a future solution. Insolvenzverwalter wollen versuchen, die drei Thomas-Cook-Gesellschaften in Deutschland fortzuführen und eine Zukunftslösung zu finden. Insolvency administrators want to attempt to keep the three Thomas Cook companies in Germany operating and find a solution for the future. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, the now announced payments to hotels by Zurich Insurance only help travellers who are currently still on the road. Things look bad for Thomas Cook customers who still want to fly on holiday. Late on Thursday evening, the company announced that all trips up to and including 31 October would be cancelled. This also applies to bookings that have already been paid. Die nun angekündigten Auszahlungen an Hotels durch die Zurich Versicherung helfen allerdings nur den Reisenden, die derzeit noch unterwegs sind. Für Thomas-Cook-Kunden, die erst noch in den Urlaub fliegen wollen, sieht es schlecht aus. Am späten Donnerstagabend teilte das Unternehmen mit, alle Reisen bis einschließlich 31. Oktober würden abgesagt. Dies gelte auch für solche Buchungen, die schon bezahlt sind. However, the Zurich Insurance payments now announced for hotels will help travelers who are currently still abroad. Things look bad for Thomas Cook customers who still want to go on vacation. Late Thursday evening, the company announced that all trips up to and including October 31 had been canceled. This also applies to bookings that have already been paid for. Huoshan_Translate.789 The company left open the situation regarding travel starting on 1 November 2019. In coordination with the insolvency insurance company, the further procedure will be examined, it said. In principle, the Zurich insurance company is also responsible for these cases. The sale of new trips has stopped. dpa Wie es um Reisen mit Start ab dem 1. November 2019 steht, ließ das Unternehmen offen. In Abstimmung mit der Insolvenzversicherung werde die weitere Vorgehensweise geprüft, hieß es. Grundsätzlich ist für diese Fälle auch die Versicherung Zurich zuständig. Der Verkauf neuer Reisen ist gestoppt. dpa The company has not confirmed how it will handle trips starting after November 1, 2019. Further action will be examined in coordination with the insolvency insurer, the company said. In principle, the insurer Zurich will be responsible for these cases as well. The sale of new trips has been halted. dpa Huoshan_Translate.789 The company refers to the insurer Zurich, which is represented by the company Kaera. Customers could inform themselves on the Kaera website about possibilities of reimbursing the travel price and assert their claims via a web form. Das Unternehmen verweist auf den Versicherer Zurich, das sich durch das Unternehmen Kaera vertreten lässt. Kunden könnten sich auf der Kaera-Webseite über Möglichkeiten der Rückerstattung des Reisepreises informieren und über ein Webformular ihre Ansprüche geltend machen. The company refers to its insurer, Zurich, which is represented by the company Kaera. Customers can obtain information on reimbursement options for the cost of trips on the Kaera website and can submit claims using a web form. Huoshan_Translate.789 Prince Harry destroys explosive mine in Angola Prinz Harry zerstört Sprengmine in Angola Prince Harry destroys blast mine in Angola Huoshan_Translate.789 Prince Harry has long continued the commitment of Lady Diana. In Africa he is now walking directly in the footsteps of his mother. Schon lange führt Prinz Harry das Engagement von Lady Diana fort. In Afrika wandelt er jetzt direkt auf den Spuren seiner Mutter. Prince Harry has been continuing Lady Diana's work for a long time. In Africa, he is now following directly in his mother's footsteps. Huoshan_Translate.789 Dressed in a blue splinter protection vest, the British Prince Harry detonated and destroyed an explosive mine in Angola. Mit einer blauen Splitterschutzweste bekleidet hat der britische Prinz Harry in Angola eine Sprengmine gezündet und zerstört. Wearing a blue protective jacket, the British prince detonated and destroyed a blast mine in Angola. Huoshan_Translate.789 Near a camp of the British Halo Trust near the town of Dirico, he produced the ignition circuit in front of running TV cameras on Friday morning. At a safe distance, the explosive device exploded in the savannah landscape without causing damage. Although the Halo Trust alone has destroyed more than 100,000 relics of the decades-long bloody conflict in the African country, there are still more than 1000 minefields that threaten the population. Nahe eines Camps des britischen Halo Trusts bei dem Ort Dirico stellte er am Freitagmorgen vor laufenden TV-Kameras den Zündkreis her. In sicherer Entfernung explodierte der Sprengkörper in der Savannenlandschaft, ohne Schaden anzurichten. Obwohl allein der Halo Trust mehr als 100.000 Relikte des jahrzehntelangen blutigen Konflikts in dem afrikanischen Land zerstört hat, gibt es noch immer mehr als 1000 Minenfelder, die die Bevölkerung bedrohen. On Friday morning, near the British Halo Trust camp in Dirico, he flipped the ignition switch in front of TV cameras At a safe distance in the savannah, the mine exploded without causing damage. The Halo Trust alone has destroyed over 100,000 relics of the decades-long bloody conflict in Angola, yet there are still over 1,000 minefields endangering the population. Huoshan_Translate.789 On the fifth day of his trip to Africa, Harry wanted to follow in the footsteps of his mother Diana (1961-1997) in the city of Huambo. With the same explosive master who once accompanied his mother, he wanted to travel the way she went at that time. The pictures of Princess Diana walking through a cleared minefield in 1997 had gone around the world. She, too, had demonstrated support for the Halo Trust. Am fünften Tag seiner Afrikareise wollte Harry anschließend in der Stadt Huambo direkt auf den Spuren seiner Mutter Diana (1961-1997) wandeln. Mit demselben Sprengmeister, der einst seine Mutter begleitete, wollte er den Weg zurücklegen, den sie damals ging. Die Bilder, auf denen Prinzessin Diana 1997 durch ein geräumtes Minenfeld ging, waren um die Welt gegangen. Auch sie hatte Unterstützung für den Halo Trust demonstriert. In Huambo, on the fifth day of his African visit, Price Harry wanted to follow directly in the footsteps of his mother Diana (1961-1997). He wanted to retrace his mother's path accompanied by the same demolition expert who accompanied her. The pictures showing Princess Diana going through a cleared minefield in 1997 went round the world. She too had demonstrated her support for the Halo Trust. Huoshan_Translate.789 Harry (35) and his wife Meghan (38) have been on a ten-day trip to Africa since Monday, which started in the South African tourist metropolis of Cape Town. Harry (35) und seine Ehefrau Meghan (38) sind sich seit Montag auf einer zehntägigen Afrikareise, die in der südafrikanischen Touristenmetropole Kapstadt begonnen hat. Since Monday, Harry (35) and his wife Meghan (38) have been on a ten-day Africa trip that started in the South African tourist metropolis of Cape Town. Huoshan_Translate.789 Stalled Brexit negotiations: The danger of a no-deal remains acute euronews-de.171934 Stockende Brexit-Verhandlungen: Die Gefahr eines No-Deals bleibt akut Slow-moving Brexit talks: The risk of no deal remains acute Huoshan_Translate.789 Actually, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had clearly committed himself: with him there will certainly not be a third postponement of the Brexit negotiations. But what statements are eternal for the polarizing Briton. The recent ruling by the Supreme Court in Britain hovers over the blond head like a sword of Damocles. His suspension of parliament in order to be able to stubbornly carry out his Brexit course until the exit date was annulled earlier this week. And a law passed by parliament obliges Johnson to extend the bilateral talks until 31 October in the event of failed negotiations with the EU. However, Johnson had categorically ruled this out again and again. euronews-de.171934 Eigentlich hatte sich Premier Boris Johnson eindeutig festgelegt: Mit ihm wird es einen dritten Aufschub der Brexit-Verhandlungen garantiert nicht geben. Aber welche Aussagen sind beim polarisierenden Briten schon von ewiger Dauer. Das jüngste Urteil des Obersten Gerichtes in Großbritanniens schwebt wie ein Damoklesschwert über dem Blondschopf. Seine Suspendierung des Parlaments, um seinen Brexit-Kurs bis zum Austrittsdatum stur durchführen zu können, wurde Anfang dieser Woche annulliert. Und ein vom Parlament verabschiedetes Gesetz verpflichtet Johnson dazu, im Falle gescheiterter Verhandlungen mit der EU bis zum 31. Oktober eine Verlängerung der bilateralen Gespräche zu bewirken. Das hatte Johnson jedoch kategorisch immer wieder ausgeschlossen. Prime Minister Boris Johnson had made it clear that there will be no third postponement of Brexit talks while he is in office. But assertions by the controversial Briton often change. The latest ruling of the British Supreme Court hangs over Johnson's blond head like a sword of Damocles. His suspension of parliament in stubborn pursuit of his Brexit plant until the EU exit date was reversed early this week. And a law passed by parliament obligates Johnson to extend bilateral talks if negotiations with the EU have failed by October 31. However, Johnson has always categorically ruled this out. Huoshan_Translate.789 Boris Johnson considers deal still possible euronews-de.171934 Boris Johnson hält Deal noch für möglich Johnson still considers a deal possible Huoshan_Translate.789 But the pressure does not seem to pass Johnson noticeably either. Meanwhile, while visiting a hospital, he made suggestions that he would support an extension of the negotiations until the end of October in the event of a non-agreement: euronews-de.171934 Doch der Druck scheint auch an Johnson nicht spürbar vorbei zu gehen. Inzwischen machte er beim Besuch eines Krankenhauses Andeutungen, dass er im Falle einer Nichteinigung bis Ende Oktober eine Verlängerung der Verhandlungen unterstütze: But he also does not exhibit any trace of the pressure. During a visit to a hospital, he has since suggested that he supports extending the talks if no deal is reached by the end of October. Huoshan_Translate.789 You know, we will abide by the law. euronews-de.171934 Wissen Sie, wir werden uns an das Gesetz halten. We will comply with the law, you know. Huoshan_Translate.789 At the same time, however, we are confident that we will leave the EU by 31 October. euronews-de.171934 Gleichzeitig sind wir aber zuversichtlich, dass wir zum 31.Oktober die EU verlassen werden. But at the same time, we are confident that we shall leave the EU on October 31. Huoshan_Translate.789 And preferably with a deal. I'm cautiously optimistic that it will work. euronews-de.171934 Und am besten mit einem Deal. Ich bin vorsichtig optimistisch, dass das klappt. Preferably with a deal. I am cautiously optimistic that it will work. Huoshan_Translate.789 And time is gradually running out of the Brexit negotiators in Brussels. The EU and British negotiators still have about six weeks to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union without an agreement. However, the recent talks have again failed to achieve a breakthrough. An agreement by the end of October currently seems rather difficult to imagine. If the British Prime Minister does not break the law, a further postponement of the exit date will be in force. However, the opposition does not trust the Prime Minister's words. It fears that Johnson could somehow push through Brexit in the event of a no-deal. euronews-de.171934 Und die Zeit rennt den Brexit-Verhandlern in Brüssel allmählich davon. Noch rund sechs Wochen haben die EU und die britischen Unterhändler Zeit, um einen Austritt Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union ohne Abkommen zu verhindern. Doch auch die jüngsten Gespräche haben wieder keinen Durchbruch erzielt. Ein Abkommen bis Ende Oktober erscheint aktuell eher schwierig vorstellbar. Bricht der britische Premierminister nicht das Gesetz, steht eine erneute Verschiebung des Austrittsdatums in Kraft. Die Opposition traut den Worten des Premierministers aber nicht. Sie fürchtet, dass Johnson im Falle eines No-Deals den Brexit irgendwie durchsetzen könnte. And time is running out for the Brexit talks in Brussels. The EU and the British negotiators still have about six weeks to prevent a no-deal Brexit. But the latest talks have again brought no breakthrough. A deal by the end of October is quite difficult to imagine right now. Unless the British prime minister breaks the law, another postponement of Brexit will take effect. But the opposition does not trust his words. They fear that Johnson will somehow be able to push Brexit through if there is no deal. Huoshan_Translate.789 US agency: Further deaths from e-cigarettes US-Behörde: Weitere Todesfälle durch E-Zigaretten US Authorities: More Fatalities Caused by E-Cigarettes Huoshan_Translate.789 The number of deaths associated with the use of e-cigarettes in the US has risen to twelve. In addition, there are now 805 confirmed and probable injuries in this context, the US health agency CDC reported. According to a study in the "New England Journal of Medicine," there have already been more than 900 people affected, around 500 of them confirmed. The cause of the lung damage is still completely unclear. So far, no similar increase in lung damage is known in Europe. The complaints seem to be limited to users in the US. Die Zahl der Todesfälle in Zusammenhang mit dem Gebrauch von E-Zigaretten in den USA ist auf zwölf gestiegen. Zudem gebe es inzwischen 805 bestätigte und wahrscheinliche Verletzte in diesem Zusammenhang, teilte die US-Gesundheitsbehörde CDC mit. Einer Studie im "New England Journal of Medicine" zufolge gab es bereits mehr als 900 Betroffene, rund 500 davon bestätigt. Die Ursache für die Lungenschäden ist noch immer völlig unklar. In Europa ist bislang kein ähnlicher Anstieg von Lungenschädigungen bekannt. Die Beschwerden scheinen sich auf Benutzer in den USA zu beschränken. The number of fatalities connected with the use of e-cigarettes in the USA has increased to twelve. And the CDC, the US public health authority, has announced 805 people confirmed or probably injured in connection with the devices. According to a study in the "New England Journal of Medicine," more than 900 people have been affected, and around 500 of those cases have been confirmed. The cause for the lung damage remains completely unclear. No similar increase in lung injuries is known In Europe so far. The complaints seem to be restricted to users in the USA. Huoshan_Translate.789 Fears of new protests in Egypt are growing dw.97318 Die Angst vor neuen Protesten in Ägypten wächst Growing fears of new protests in Egypt Huoshan_Translate.789 The videos of Mohammed Ali have been shared millions of times in online networks. The Spanish-based contractor and actor calls for a "people's revolution." Today, Friday, he has called for further protests against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian military, which critics accuse of corruption and mismanagement. Ali hopes for mass rallies with one million participants in central squares of the country. dw.97318 Millionenfach wurden die Videos von Mohammed Ali in Online-Netzwerken geteilt. Der in Spanien lebende Bauunternehmer und Schauspieler fordert darin eine "Volksrevolution". Für den heutigen Freitag hat er zu weiteren Protesten gegen Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi und das ägyptische Militär aufgerufen, denen Kritiker Korruption und Misswirtschaft vorwerfen. Ali erhofft sich Massenkundgebungen mit einer Million Teilnehmern an zentralen Plätzen des Landes. The videos of Mohammed Ali have been shared on social media millions of times. In them, the building entrepreneur and actor who lives in Spain calls for a "people's revolution." He has called for further protests this Friday against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian military, who are accused of corruption and mismanagement. Ali hopes for mass rallies with one million participants in central locations in the country. Huoshan_Translate.789 In any case, the security authorities are alarmed. An increased police presence has already been observed in central Cairo. Several subway stations remained closed, roads around central Tahrir Square were closed. In recent days, the police had already stepped up their street checks and searched pedestrians' mobile phones partly for messages and photos in connection with the protests. dw.97318 Die Sicherheitsbehörden jedenfalls sind alarmiert. Im Zentrum Kairos war bereits eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz zu beobachten. Mehrere U-Bahn-Stationen blieben geschlossen, Straßen um den zentralen Tahrir-Platz wurden gesperrt. Schon in den vergangenen Tagen hatte die Polizei ihre Straßenkontrollen verstärkt und die Handys von Fußgängern teilweise auf Nachrichten und Fotos im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten durchsucht. The security authorities are certainly on alert. An increased police presence was already visible in the center of Cairo. Several subway stations were closed and streets around the centrally located Tahrir Square were blocked off. In recent days, police had increased their road checks and searched the cellphones of passersby for messages and photos connected with the protests. Huoshan_Translate.789 On September 20, the demonstrators also gathered around Tahrir Square. dw.97318 Am 20. September versammelten sich die Demonstranten auch rund um den Tahrir-Platz. On September 20, demonstrators also gathered around Tahir Square. Huoshan_Translate.789 Last weekend there were protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Mansura with hundreds of participants. There had not been such an open protest in Egypt for years. Accordingly, the security forces reacted harshly. According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), almost 2000 people have been arrested since last week. Many of them have been arbitrarily arrested - just because they were "in the wrong place at the wrong time," HRW said, citing lawyers. dw.97318 Vergangenes Wochenende war es in Kairo, Alexandria, Suez und Mansura zu Protesten mit Hunderten Teilnehmern gekommen. Einen so offenen Protest hatte es in Ägypten seit Jahren nicht gegeben. Entsprechend hart reagierten die Sicherheitskräfte darauf. Nach Angaben der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) wurden seit vergangener Woche fast 2000 Menschen festgenommen. Viele von ihnen seien willkürlich verhaftet worden - nur weil sie "zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort" waren, teilte HRW unter Berufung auf Rechtsanwälte Festgenommener mit. Last weekend there were protests involving hundreds and thousands of people in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, and Mansura. There has not been such an open protest in Egypt for years. The security forces reacted with corresponding severity. According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), almost 2,000 people have been arrested since last week. Many of them were arrested arbitrarily just because "they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," said HRW, citing the lawyers of those arrested. Huoshan_Translate.789 The organization also criticized censorship in the North African country, according to which the government in Cairo is blocking websites and online services to stop further protests against al-Sisi. The general has ruled the country since 2013 after overthrowing the democratically elected Islamist President Mohamed Morsi. Thousands of Islamists, opponents of the government, bloggers and activists have been imprisoned and partially convicted in recent years. dw.97318 Die Organisation kritisierte zudem die Zensur in dem nordafrikanischen Land. Demnach blockiert die Regierung in Kairo Websites und Online-Dienste, um weitere Proteste gegen al-Sisi zu unterbinden. Der General regiert das Land seit 2013, nachdem er den demokratisch gewählten islamistischen Präsidenten Mohammed Mursi gestürzt hatte. Tausende Islamisten, Regierungsgegner, Blogger und Aktivisten wurden in den vergangenen Jahren inhaftiert und teilweise verurteilt. The organization also criticized censorship in Egypt. It said the government in Cairo is blocking websites and social media to suppress further protests against al-Sisi. The general has ruled the country since 2013 after he toppled the democratically elected President Mohammed Mursi. Thousands of Islamists, government opponents, bloggers, and activists have been detained in recent years, with some convicted. Huoshan_Translate.789 "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs from Greenland expedition back "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs von Grönland-Expedition zurück "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs returns from his Greenland expedition Huoshan_Translate.789 The polar explorer Arved Fuchs returned from his Greenland expedition on Friday. Upon his arrival in the Port of Hamburg, he was welcomed by skipper Boris Herrmann, who had brought climate activist Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic with the racing yacht "Malizia." Der Polarforscher Arved Fuchs ist am Freitag von seiner Grönland-Expedition zurückgekehrt. Begrüßt wurde er bei seiner Ankunft im Hamburger Hafen unter anderem von dem Skipper Boris Herrmann, der Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg mit der Rennjacht "Malizia" über den Atlantik gebracht hatte. The polar explorer Arved Fuchs returned from his Greenland expedition Friday. Among those waiting to greet him in the port of Hamburg was skipper Boris Hermann, who had taken climate activist Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic in the racing yacht "Malizia." Huoshan_Translate.789 Together with a team of scientists, Fuchs had investigated and documented the consequences of global warming on his sailing ship "Dagmar Aaen" on the coasts of Iceland and Greenland in recent months. Mit einem Team von Wissenschaftlern hatte Fuchs in den vergangenen Monaten auf seinem Segelschiff "Dagmar Aaen" an den Küsten Islands und Grönlands Folgen der Erderwärmung untersucht und dokumentiert. In his yacht "Dagmar Aaen" accompanied by a team of scientists, Fuchs had investigated the coasts of Iceland and Greenland for signs of global warming over the past few months. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Fridays for Future movement is a blessing, said the polar explorer. He had waited for years for the young generation to speak out. It has been known for decades that the Earth is warming. Nevertheless, many acted as if there was a planet B. Die Fridays for Future-Bewegung sei ein Segen, sagte der Polarforscher. Er habe jahrelang darauf gewartet, dass sich die junge Generation zu Wort melde. Man wisse seit Jahrzehnten, dass sich die Erde erwärme. Trotzdem handelten viele so, als gäbe es einen Planeten B. The Fridays for Future movement is a blessing, he said. He had waited years for the young generation to make itself heard. It has been known for decades that the Earth is getting warmer. But still, many people have acted as if there were a Planet B to escape to. Huoshan_Translate.789 "What happens at sea often takes place to the exclusion of the public," said Fuchs. He and his team wanted to inform people about the effects of global warming and the littering of the oceans. During the expedition, among other things, Greenland glacier ice was measured with a drone and fished for microplastics with nets, they said. "Was auf dem Meer passiert, findet oft unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit statt", sagte Fuchs. Er und sein Team wollten die Menschen über die Auswirkungen der Erderwärmung und die Vermüllung der Meere informieren. Bei der Expedition sei unter anderem mit einer Drohne grönländisches Gletschereis vermessen und mit Netzen nach Mikroplastik gefischt worden, hieß es. "What happens in the sea is usually hidden from the public," said Fuchs. He and his team wanted to inform people about the effects of global warming and about the pollution of the seas. Activities during the expedition included the use of a drone to measure glacial ice in Greenland and of nets to fish microplastics from the water. Huoshan_Translate.789 For his "struggle for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's oceans," the polar researcher from Bad Bramstedt was awarded the "Seadevcon Maritime Award" at the Hamburg Climate Week. "For all of us who care about the survival of the oceans, Arved Fuchs is a great role model," said skipper Boris Herrmann at the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have taken place in the Arctic in recent decades." Für seinen "Kampf um eine nachhaltige und respektvolle Nutzung der Weltmeere" wurde der Polarforscher aus Bad Bramstedt im Rahmen der Hamburger Klimawoche mit dem "Seadevcon Maritime Award" ausgezeichnet. "Für uns alle, denen das Überleben der Ozeane am Herzen liegt, ist Arved Fuchs ein großes Vorbild", sagte Skipper Boris Herrmann bei der Preisverleihung. "Er ist ein Zeuge der Veränderungen, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der Arktis zugetragen haben". For his "campaign for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's seas," the polar explorer from Bad Bramstedt received the Seadevcon Maritime Award during Hamburg Climate Week. "Arved Fuchs is a great example for all of us who are concerned about the survival of the oceans", said Skipper Boris Herrmann during the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have occurred in the Arctic over the past decades." Huoshan_Translate.789 Expensive spaghetti in Rome: Tourists paid 430 euros for noodles Teure Spaghetti in Rom: Touristinnen zahlten für Nudeln 430 Euro Expensive spaghetti in Rome Tourists paid 430 Euro for noodles Huoshan_Translate.789 430 euros for two plates of spaghetti with fish in a simple restaurant not far from Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: that seemed too much for two Japanese tourists. Although the bill with 80 euros tip was paid by the two women, they posted the receipt on Facebook, which triggered heated reactions. 430 Euro für zwei Teller Spaghetti mit Fisch in einem einfachen Restaurant unweit der Engelsburg in Rom: Das schien zwei japanischen Touristinnen zu viel. Die Rechnung mit 80 Euro Trinkgeld inbegriffen wurde zwar von den beiden Frauen bezahlt, sie posteten jedoch die Quittung auf Facebook, was hitzige Reaktionen auslöste. 430 Euro for two spaghetti dishes and fish in a simple restaurant near Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: That seemed too high a price for two Japanese tourists. Although the two women paid the bill, which included an 80 Euro tip, they posted the receipt on Facebook, which caused heated reactions. Huoshan_Translate.789 "Such cases damage the reputation of Rome. We call on the police to investigate whether this is a fraud," demanded a spokesman for Federagit, the Association of Travel Guides in Rome, according to the Roman daily Il Messaggero (Friday edition). "Solche Fälle schaden dem Ansehen Roms. Wir fordern die Polizei auf, der Frage nachzugehen, ob es sich hier um einen Betrug handelt", forderte ein Sprecher von Federagit, dem Verband der Reiseführer in Rom laut der römischen Tageszeitung Il Messaggero (Freitagsausgabe). "Instances like that do damage to Rome's prestige. We entreat the police to investigate whether this is fraud," demanded the representative for Federagit, the association of tour guides in Rome, according to the Friday edition of the Roman daily newspaper ‘Il Messaggero.' Huoshan_Translate.789 The reaction of the owners of the restaurant came promptly. The Japanese women had ordered not only spaghetti, but also fresh fish, the local owner justified himself. However, this cannot be inferred from the bill. Also a tip of up to 20 percent of the bill is normal, said the innkeeper. Prompt kam die Reaktion der Inhaber des Restaurants. Die Japanerinnen hätten nicht nur Spaghetti, sondern auch frischen Fisch bestellt, rechtfertigte sich der Lokalbesitzer. Dies ist jedoch aus der Rechnung nicht zu entnehmen. Auch ein Trinkgeld von bis zu 20 Prozent der Rechnung sei normal, meinte der Gastwirt. The restaurant owner's reaction came promptly. The Japanese women did not only order spaghetti, they also ordered fresh fish, the local owner said by way of defending himself. However, this is not discernible on the bill. The innkeeper also intimated that a tip of 20% of the bill total is normal. Huoshan_Translate.789 A phone call in Ukraine, and everything is broken? US President Donald Trump could indeed face impeachment after the turbulent revelations of the past few days, the Democrats now want to examine this as soon as possible with their investigation in the House of Representatives - there is talk of weeks before a decision would be made. zeit.64420 Ein Anruf in der Ukraine, und alles ist kaputt? US-Präsident Donald Trump könnte nach den turbulenten Enthüllungen der vergangenen Tage tatsächlich mit einem Amtsenthebungsverfahren konfrontiert sein, die Demokraten wollen das mit ihrer Untersuchung im Repräsentantenhaus nun so schnell wie möglich prüfen - die Rede ist von Wochen, bis eine Entscheidung fallen würde. One phone call to the Ukraine and everything is ruined? US President Donald Trump could face impeachment proceedings after the troubling revelations of the past few days, the democrats wish to conduct their investigation as quickly as possible in the House of Representatives - it could take weeks before the decision is made. Huoshan_Translate.789 At the beginning of the scandal is supposedly the telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The accusation of the whistleblower, who ultimately brought the conversation to the public with his complaint out of concern for national security and US democracy, is monstrous: the president abused the power of his office to instrumentalize the government of another country to influence the 2020 election. He had extortionately exploited Ukraine's dependence and thus wanted to force it to take action against a political opponent. zeit.64420 Am Anfang des Skandals steht vermeintlich das Telefonat mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj. Der Vorwurf des Whistleblowers, der das Gespräch aus Sorge um die nationale Sicherheit und um die Demokratie der USA mit seiner Beschwerde letztlich an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht hat, ist monströs: Der Präsident habe die Macht seines Amts missbraucht, um die Regierung eines anderen Landes für eine Einflussnahme auf die Wahl 2020 zu instrumentalisieren. Er habe die Abhängigkeit der Ukraine dabei erpresserisch ausgenutzt und sie so zwingen wollen, gegen einen politischen Gegner aktiv zu werden. The beginning of the scandal was supposedly a telephone call to the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. The accusation of the whistleblower who revealed the conversation due to concern for national security and the US democracy is horrendous: The president allegedly abused the power of his office in order to utilize the government of another country for the purpose of gaining influence in the 2020 election. He exploited Ukraine´s dependence by means of blackmail in order to force it to act against a political opponent. Huoshan_Translate.789 The core of this project can also be understood in the now published transcript of the conversation with Zelensky, although it does not reproduce the full wording. However, the July 25 telephone call is only one episode of a much larger story, at the center of which, besides Trump, is above all his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. zeit.64420 Der Kern dieses Vorhabens ist auch in der inzwischen veröffentlichten Mitschrift des Gesprächs mit Selenskyj nachzuvollziehen, obwohl sie nicht den vollständigen Wortlaut wiedergibt. Das Telefonat vom 25. Juli ist aber nur eine Episode einer viel größeren Geschichte, in deren Zentrum neben Trump vor allem sein persönlicher Anwalt steht: Rudy Giuliani. The crux of this occurrence can also be garnered through the transcript of the conversation with Zelensky which was published in the meantime, even though it does not represent the full contents of the conversation. However, the telephone call from July 25th is just a fraction of a much larger story, the focus of which, besides Trump himself, is his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. Huoshan_Translate.789 From the public's point of view, the story begins in May 2019, when the New York Times reports on Rudy Giuliani's travel plans to Ukraine. He wants to meet with the newly elected President Zelensky in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knows very well that his intentions are delicate. "We don't interfere in an election, we interfere in an investigation into what we have the right to do," he tells the newspaper. One might think it is inappropriate, but "nothing is illegal about it." Giuliani wants investigations to be pursued in Ukraine for which there is hardly any basis - "because this information will be very, very helpful to my client and could turn out to be helpful to my government." zeit.64420 Die Geschichte nimmt aus Sicht der Öffentlichkeit im Mai 2019 ihren Anfang, als die New York Times von Rudy Giulianis Reiseplänen in die Ukraine berichtet. Er will sich in Kiew mit dem eben gewählten Präsidenten Selenskyj treffen, und der Anwalt weiß selbst sehr genau, dass seine Absichten heikel sind. "Wir mischen uns nicht in eine Wahl ein, wir mischen uns in eine Ermittlung ein, wozu wir das Recht haben", sagt er der Zeitung. Man könne meinen, es sei unangemessen, aber "daran ist nichts illegal". Giuliani will, dass in der Ukraine Ermittlungen verfolgt werden, für die es kaum eine Grundlage gibt - "weil diese Informationen sehr, sehr hilfreich für meinen Klienten sein werden und sich als hilfreich für meine Regierung herausstellen könnten". From the point of view of the public, the story began in May 2019, when the New York Times reported of Rudy Giuliani´s travel plans to Ukraine. He had intended to meet with the newly elected President Zelensky in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knew that his intentions were precarious. "We are not interfering with an election, we are interfering with an investigation, and we have a right to that", he told the newspaper. It could be seen as inappropriate, but "there was nothing illegal there". Giuliani wants the investigations, for which there is barely any evidence, to be carried out in Ukraine - "because this information is going to be very, very helpful to my client and could prove helpful to my government as well". Huoshan_Translate.789 The lawyer and former New York mayor seems to have become infected with right-wing conspiracy fantasies fixated on Trump's opponent in the 2016 election: Hillary Clinton colluded with actors in Ukraine, critics said at the time, to construct an occasion for the Russia investigation in the US. However, this accusation was never to be taken seriously. zeit.64420 Der Anwalt und frühere New Yorker Bürgermeister scheint sich mit rechten Verschwörungsfantasien infiziert zu haben, die auf Trumps Gegenkandidatin bei der Wahl 2016 fixiert sind: Hillary Clinton habe mit Akteuren in der Ukraine konspiriert, sagten Kritiker damals, um einen Anlass für die Russland-Ermittlungen in den USA zu konstruieren. Dieser Vorwurf war allerdings nie ernst zu nehmen. The lawyer and former mayor of New York City seems to have indulged in right-wing conspiracy fantasies, fixated on Trump´s opponent in the 2016 election: The critics at the time claimed that Hillary Clinton had conspired with persons in Ukraine in order to create a pretext for Russian investigations in the USA. This accusation, however, was never to be taken seriously. Huoshan_Translate.789 This is precisely the investigation that Trump will talk about so prominently on the phone with Zelensky in July. Giuliani and the president's version is that the former vice president and currently promising candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Joe Biden, as the Obama administration's Ukraine envoy, had pushed for the dismissal of the then Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin, in order to stop the investigation he was responsible for into the gas company on whose supervisory board his son Hunter Biden served. Biden Sr. had financially blackmailed Ukraine to cover up his family's corrupt machinations. zeit.64420 Dabei geht es um genau die Ermittlungen, über die Trump im Juli am Telefon mit Selenskyj so prominent sprechen wird. Die Version Giulianis und des Präsidenten lautet: Der frühere Vizepräsident und derzeit aussichtsreiche Bewerber für die Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Demokraten, Joe Biden, habe als Ukraine-Beauftragter der Obama-Regierung auf die Entlassung des damaligen ukrainischen Generalstaatsanwalts Wiktor Schokin gedrängt. Und zwar, um die von ihm verantwortete Untersuchung des Gasunternehmens zu stoppen, in dessen Aufsichtsrat sein Sohn Hunter Biden tätig war. Biden senior habe die Ukraine finanziell erpresst, um die korrupten Machenschaften seiner Familie zu vertuschen. This is exactly the kind of investigation that Trump spoke about so clearly on in the telephone conversation with Zelensky later on in July. The president´s and Giuliani´s version is as follows: Former vice president and currently a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Joe Biden had urged for the dismissal of the former Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Schokin during his time as the Obama administration's representative to Ukraine. The goal was to prevent an investigation into the gas company for which he himself was responsible, and where his son, Hunter Biden served as a member of the board of directors. Biden senior had blackmailed Ukraine financially in order to conceal the corrupt machinations of his family. Huoshan_Translate.789 In fact, the process was somewhat different. When Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian attorney general leave, the investigation into the gas company had already been completed, and Hunter Biden was never directly affected. Schokin himself was also accused of deeply corrupt behavior, and the US government was far from the only Western partner pushing for his dismissal. Moreover, the Obama administration even explicitly supported the investigation into the company. zeit.64420 Tatsächlich war der Ablauf etwas anders. Als Joe Biden forderte, der ukrainische Generalstaatsanwalt müsse gehen, waren die Ermittlungen gegen das Gasunternehmen bereits abgeschlossen, Hunter Biden war davon nie direkt betroffen. Schokin wurde zudem selbst zutiefst korruptes Gebaren vorgeworfen, die US-Regierung war bei Weitem nicht der einzige westliche Partner, der auf seine Entlassung drängte. Im Übrigen unterstützte die Obama-Regierung sogar ausdrücklich die Ermittlungen gegen das Unternehmen. The reality was somewhat different. At the time when Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian Attorney General leave, the investigations against the gas company had already been completed and Hunter Biden was never directly affected. In addition, Schokin himself was accused of deeply corrupt behavior, and the US government was by no means the only Western partner to insist on his dismissal In addition, the Obama administration expressly supported the investigation of the company. Huoshan_Translate.789 Disruptions on Instagram Facebook and Whatsapp: Social media are down Störungen bei Instagram Facebook und Whatsapp: Soziale Medien sind down Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp disruption: Social media are down Huoshan_Translate.789 Users worldwide report massive disruptions to Instagram and Facebook. Accordingly, Germany, Great Britain and Spain are mainly affected. On the website allestö users report that Facebook has not been loading again and again since about 3.30 p.m. Instagram also issues the error message that content could not be loaded. Whatsapp also seems to be affected by the disruption, although so far not to the same extent. Nutzer weltweit melden massive Störungen bei Instagram und Facebook. Demnach sind vor allem Deutschland, Großbritannien und Spanien betroffen. Auf der Website allestö berichten Nutzer, dass Facebook seit etwa 15.30 Uhr immer wieder nicht lädt. Auch Instagram gibt die Fehlermeldung aus, dass Inhalte nicht geladen werden konnten. Auch Whatsapp scheint von der Störung betroffen, wenn auch bisher nicht im selben Umfang. Users worldwide are reporting massive disruptions to Instagram and Facebook. According to reports, Germany, Great Britain, and Spain have been the most affected. Users at allestö are reporting that Facebook has not loaded since around 3:30 p.m. Instagram is also returning an error message that content cannot be loaded. Even Whatsapp seems to be affected by the interruption, although not to the same degree. Huoshan_Translate.789 Instagram and Co. more often affected by disturbances Instagram und Co. öfter von Störungen betroffen Instagram and other social media often affected by disruptions Huoshan_Translate.789 This is not the first massive incident this year. Already in March and July, the services had been cancelled for several hours. And as in previous cases, users use Twitter to vent their anger. Es ist nicht der erste massive Störfall in diesem Jahr. Bereits im März und im Juli waren die Dienste für mehrere Stunden ausgefallen. Und wie in den vorherigen Fällen greifen Nutzer auch diesmal vor allem auf Twitter zurück, um ihrem Ärger Luft zu machen. This is not the first widespread failure this year. Services were down for several hours in March and July. And, as during past incidents, users are falling back to Twitter to vent their frustration. Huoshan_Translate.789 Polish scientists rescued in Antarctica yahoo-de.127726 Polnische Wissenschaftler in der Antarktis gerettet Polish scientists saved in Antarctica Huoshan_Translate.789 Three Polish scientists have been rescued from the ice of Antarctica by the Chilean Air Force. They were travelling in a rubber dinghy and several miles from their base when their engine failed. They were lucky in the accident - it took the Chilean rescue helicopter less than an hour to recover. yahoo-de.127726 Drei polnische Wissenschaftler sind von der chilenischen Luftwaffe aus dem Eis der Antarktis gerettet worden. Sie waren mit einem Schlauchboot unterwegs und mehrere Meilen von ihrer Basis entfernt, als ihr Motor versagte. Sie hatten Glück im Unglück - weniger als eine Stunde brauchte der chilenische Rettungshubschrauber für die Bergung. Three Polish scientist were saved by the Chilean air-force from the icy Antarctica. They were travelling in a dinghy and were several miles from their base when their engine failed. They were lucky - the Chilean rescue helicopter arrived in less than an hour. Huoshan_Translate.789 Eduardo Mosquera, Commander of the 4th Chilean Air Brigade: yahoo-de.127726 Eduardo Mosquera, Kommandeur der 4. chilenischen Luftbrigade: Eduardo Mosquera, commander of the 4th Chilean air brigade said: Huoshan_Translate.789 "At 9: 30 a.m. we received the news, shortly before ten we started, and a good 20 minutes later we were over the dinghy." yahoo-de.127726 "Um 9:30 Uhr erhielten wir die Nachricht, um kurz vor zehn sind wir gestartet, und gute 20 Minuten spàter waren wir über dem Schlauchboot". "We received the message at 9:30am, we were on our way shortly before 10, and in around 20 minutes we reached the dinghy". Huoshan_Translate.789 Poland has operated the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station on King George Island since 1977, with 19 scientists working there. The frozen researchers were safely returned to their research station. yahoo-de.127726 Polen betreibt auf King George Island seit 1977 die Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station , 19 Wissenschaftler arbeiten dort. Die verfrorenen Forscher wurden sicher zu ihrer Forschungsstation zurück gebracht. Poland has been running the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station on King George Island since 1977 and there are currently 19 scientists working there. The lost scientists were safely brought back to their research station. Huoshan_Translate.789 Attention: NEVER charge your smartphone wirelessly Achtung: Smartphone NIE kabellos aufladen Warning: NEVER Charge your Smartphone Wirelessly Huoshan_Translate.789 Practical but harmful Praktisch, aber schädlich Practical but Dangerous Huoshan_Translate.789 Inductive technology via Qi standard is extremely practical, but should not be used. Induktive Technik via Qi-Standard ist zwar extrem praktisch, sollte aber dennoch nicht verwendet werden. Although extremely practical, inductive technology via Qi standard should not be used. Huoshan_Translate.789 Since several new smartphones have recently been launched that support wireless charging and sell very well - especially the new iPhone 11 models, we would like to recall a study from the beginning of July. Wireless charging of mobile devices is extremely practical, but not necessarily recommended. Da zuletzt gleich mehrere neue Smartphones auf den Markt gekommen sind, die kabelloses Aufladen unterstützen und sich sehr gut verkaufen - allen voran die neuen iPhone-11-Modelle, möchten wir noch einmal eine Studie von Anfang Juli ins Gedächtnis rufen. Das kabellose Laden von mobilen Geräten ist zwar äußerst praktisch, aber nicht unbedingt empfehlenswert. Since many new smartphones have recently come onto the market that support wireless charging and sell well—especially the new iPhone 11—we'd like to remind you of a study done at the beginning of July. Charging mobile devices without a cord is practical but not necessarily recommended. Huoshan_Translate.789 Higher temperature adds battery Höhere Temperatur setzt Akku zu Higher Temperatures Stress the Battery Huoshan_Translate.789 Researchers warn against the wireless charging of smartphones. According to the findings of the Univerity of Warwick, this is extremely harmful for the devices. The reason for this is the significantly greater heat generation. If a mobile phone is charged normally by cable, the battery heats up to 27 degrees within three hours. When charging wirelessly, however, the researchers have always measured over 30 degrees even when the smartphone is perfectly aligned on the charging pad. If the mobile phone is slightly next to the coil, the temperature rises even higher. In addition, the watt strength of the charging pad also increases, which in turn drives up the power consumption. Forscher warnen vor dem kabellosen Laden von Smartphones. Dieses ist laut den Erkenntnissen der Univerity of Warwick nämlich für die Geräte extrem schädlich. Grund dafür ist die deutlich größere Wärmeentwicklung. Lädt man ein Handy normal per Kabel auf, erhitzt sich der Akku binnen drei Stunden auf 27 Grad. Beim kabellosen Aufladen haben die Forscher selbst bei perfekter Ausrichtung des Smartphones auf dem Ladepad hingegen stets über 30 Grad gemessen. Liegt das Handy etwas neben der Spule, steigt die Temperatur noch höher. Darüber hinaus steigt dabei auch die Wattstärke des Ladepads, was wiederum den Stromverbrauch in die Höhe treibt. Researchers warn against charging smartphones wirelessly. According to the findings of the University of Warwick, this is extremely dangerous for the devices. The reason for this is the significantly higher buildup of heat. If one charges a cell phone normally (with a cable), the battery reaches 80.6 degrees within three hours. But with wireless charging, researchers measured over 86 degrees even if the smartphone was perfectly aligned on the charging pad. If the cell phone is placed near the coil, the temperature is even higher. Moreover, the wattage of the charging pad increases, which in turn jacks up the use of power. Huoshan_Translate.789 Capacity and lifetime Kapazität und Lebenszeit Capacity and Service Life Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the researchers, the temperature is a decisive factor for the durability of batteries. Every single degree plays a role here. When charging at higher temperatures, the battery not only loses capacity, but also does not last as long overall. The service life is therefore lower. The researchers therefore advise to always charge the smartphone by cable. Since a battery replacement with modern smartphones is always associated with high costs, this should be a helpful tip. Apple has recently even increased the cost of a battery replacement - for all iPhones. Laut den Forschern ist die Temperatur für die Haltbarkeit von Akkus ein entscheidender Faktor. Da spielt jedes einzelne Grad eine Rolle. Beim Laden mit höheren Temperaturen buße die Batterie nicht nur an Kapazität ein, sondern sie halte auch insgesamt nicht so lange durch. Die Lebensdauer fällt also geringer aus. Die Forscher raten deshalb dazu, das Smartphone stets per Kabel aufzuladen. Da ein Akkutausch bei modernen Smartphones stets mit hohen Kosten verbunden ist, dürfte das ein hilfreicher Tipp sein. Apple hat zuletzt die Kosten für einen Akkutausch sogar noch einmal erhöht - und zwar für alle iPhones. According to the researchers, temperature is a decisive factor in a battery's durability. And every degree matters. When charging with high temperatures, the battery not only loses capacity, but doesn't last as long. And this decreases its service life. Therefore, the researchers recommend always charging the smartphone with a cable. Since replacing batteries is expensive with modern smartphones, that may be a useful tip. Apple has even recently increased the costs for replacing batteries (again), applicable to all iPhones. Huoshan_Translate.789 Practical Praktisch Practical Huoshan_Translate.789 The technology is extremely convenient: Simply place the device on a corresponding charging pad - these are now even installed in many restaurants, airports, hotels and cars - and the battery is charged without annoying cable clutter and laborious plug fumbling. Since Qi (stands for inductive energy transmission) is a worldwide standard that, for once, even Apple participates in, there are hardly any restrictions. Nevertheless, according to the researchers, the technology should only be used in exceptional cases. Dabei ist die Technik äußerst bequem:Einfach das Gerät auf ein entsprechendes Ladepad legen - diese sind mittlerweile sogar bereits in vielen Restaurants, Flughäfen, Hotels sowie Autos installiert - und der Akku wird ohne lästigem Kabelsalat und mühsamer Steckerfummelei aufgeladen. Da sich mit Qi (steht für induktive Energieübertragung) ein weltweiter Standard durchgesetzt, bei dem ausnahmsweise sogar Apple mitmacht, gibt es kaum Einschränkungen. Dennoch sollte die Technologie laut den Forschern nur im Ausnahmefall angewendet werden. The technology is extremely convenient: Simply lay the device on an appropriate charging pad—these are even installed in many restaurants, airports, hotels, and cars—and the battery will be charged without a cumbersome "cable salad" and tedious fumbling for a plug. Since with Qi (which stands for "inductive energy transfer") a worldwide standard is enforced that even Apple adheres to by way of exception, there are hardly any restrictions. However, according to the researchers, the technology should not be used. Huoshan_Translate.789 Everest traffic jam photographer: 13 eight-thousanders in six months Everest-Stau-Fotograf: 13 Achttausender in sechs Monaten Photographer of Everest queues: Thirteen 26,000-foot peaks in six months Huoshan_Translate.789 According to his own information, a Nepalese climber has climbed 13 of the 14 highest mountains in the world in just six months. Nirmal Purja (36) has reached the top of Manaslu in Nepal and thus set a record, his expedition operator said. Ein nepalesischer Bergsteiger hat nach eigenen Angaben innerhalb von nur sechs Monaten 13 der 14 höchsten Berge der Welt bestiegen. Nirmal Purja (36) habe die Spitze des Manaslu in Nepal erreicht und damit einen Rekord aufgestellt, teilte sein Expeditionsveranstalter mit. A Nepalese climber claims to have ascended thirteen of the world's fourteen highest mountains in just six months. Nirmal Purja (36) reached the top of Manaslu in Nepal and set a record, said the organizer of his expedition. Huoshan_Translate.789 The former soldier wants to climb all 14 eight-thousanders in seven months. Purja calls his project "Mission Possible." He has already made international headlines: he took a photo of climbers queuing up on Mount Everest that went viral in the spring. Der frühere Soldat will alle 14 Achttausender in sieben Monaten erklimmen. Purja nennt sein Projekt "Mission Possible". Er machte schon einmal international Schlagzeilen: Von ihm stammt ein im Frühling viral gegangenes Foto von Bergsteigern, die auf dem Mount Everest Schlange stehen. The ex-soldier wants to climb all fourteen peaks in seven months Purja calls his plan "Mission Possible". He has already made international headlines: A picture that went viral in the spring, showing climbers standing in line on Mount Everest, was one of his shots. Huoshan_Translate.789 The image of the mass crowd triggered a debate about stronger security measures on the 8,848-meter-high mountain and highest peak on earth. In May, eleven climbers had died during the ascent within a few days. Das Bild des Massenandrangs löste eine Debatte über stärkere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf dem 8848 Meter hohen Berg und höchsten Gipfel der Erde aus. Im Mai waren innerhalb weniger Tage elf Kletterer bei der Besteigung gestorben. The photo of the massive line triggered a debate about stricter safety measures on the 29,000 feet-high mountain, the world's highest. In May, eleven climbers died while climbing within a few days of each other. Huoshan_Translate.789 A problem for Purja could be the ascent of the 14th eight-thousander: Currently, Chinese authorities are closing the Xixabangma Mountain in Tibet. Among other things, the reason for this is bad weather. At the beginning of the week, Purja wrote on Twitter that Nepal's government wanted to talk to China to allow him to climb. Ein Problem für Purja könnte die Besteigung des 14. Achttausenders werden: Zurzeit sperren chinesische Behörden den Xixabangma-Berg in Tibet. Als Grund dafür wird unter anderem schlechtes Wetter genannt. Anfang Woche schrieb Purja auf Twitter, dass Nepals Regierung mit China sprechen wolle, um ihm den Aufstieg zu ermöglichen. Climbing the fourteenth 26,000-foot peak could be a problem for Purja. The Chinese authorities are blocking access to Mount Xixabangma in Tibet. Bad weather is one of the reasons given for this. Early in the week, Purja tweeted that Nepal's government wants to talk to China to allow him to climb the mountain. Huoshan_Translate.789 Four dead elephants discovered in Sri Lanka Vier tote Elefanten auf Sri Lanka entdeckt Four dead elephants discovered in Sri Lanka Huoshan_Translate.789 Among the dead animals was a pregnant elephant cow, a police spokesman said on Friday. "We suspect that the elephants were poisoned." Unter den toten Tieren sei auch eine trächtige Elefantenkuh, teilte ein Polizeisprecher am Freitag mit. "Wir vermuten, dass die Elefantenvergiftet wurden". A pregnant cow elephant was also found among the dead animals, stated a police spokesperson on Friday. "We suspect that the elephants were poisoned." Huoshan_Translate.789 The four carcasses were found in a protected area near the famous and visited by many tourists former rock fortress Sigiriya. According to the police spokesman, the animals were probably between 15 and 25 years old. An autopsy was ordered to determine the cause of death. Die vier Kadaver wurden in einem Schutzgebiet nahe der berühmten und von vielen Touristen besuchten früheren Felsenfestung Sigiriya gefunden. Die Tiere waren dem Polizeisprecher zufolge vermutlich zwischen 15 und 25 Jahre alt. Es wurde eine Autopsie angeordnet, um die Todesursache festzustellen. The four bodies were found in a protected area near the ancient Sigiriya rock fortress, which is popular with tourists. According to the police spokesperson, the animals were believed to be aged between 15 and 25 years old. An autopsy was ordered to determine the cause of death. Huoshan_Translate.789 In Sri Lanka, almost 200 elephants are killed every year. The perpetrators are often farmers on whose land the animals had previously kept harmless. At the same time, around 50 people are killed by elephants every year. This usually happens when the animals move through villages built near their habitat. Auf Sri Lanka werden jedes Jahr fast 200 Elefanten getötet. Die Täter sind oft Bauern, auf deren Land die Tiere sich zuvor schadlos gehalten hatten. Zugleich werden jährlich rund 50 Menschen von Elefanten getötet. Dies geschieht meist, wenn die Tiere durch nahe ihres Lebensraums gebaute Dörfer ziehen. Almost 200 elephants are killed every year in Sri Lanka. They are often killed by farmers on whose land the animals had previously been living without causing damage. Around 50 people are also killed by elephants annually. This normally happens when the animals pass through villages near their habitat. Huoshan_Translate.789 It is estimated that only about 7,000 elephants live in Sri Lanka. Their killing is theoretically subject to the death penalty. In Sri Lanka leben Schätzungen zufolge nur noch etwa 7.000 Elefanten. Auf ihre Tötung steht theoretisch die Todesstrafe. According to estimates, there are only around 7,000 elephants remaining in Sri Lanka. Killing an elephant can incur the death penalty. Huoshan_Translate.789 British oil tanker detained leaves Iran Festgehaltener britischer Öltanker verlässt den Iran Impounded British oil tanker leaves Iran Huoshan_Translate.789 The British oil tanker "Stena Impero" leaves the port city of Bandar Abbas more than two months after its detention by Iran. According to the IRNA news agency, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards had detained the British-flagged tanker on 19 July on charges of flouting maritime law regulations in the Persian Gulf. Der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" verlässt mehr als zwei Monate nach seinem Festsetzen durch den Iran die Hafenstadt Bandar Abbas. Das gab das Seefahrtsamt Bandar Abbas laut der Nachrichtenagentur IRNA bekannt. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten den unter britischer Flagge fahrenden Tanker am 19. Juli unter dem Vorwurf festgesetzt, Vorschriften des Seerechts im Persischen Golf missachtet zu haben. British oil tanker the Stena Impero is leaving the port of Bandar Abbas after being held by Iran for more than two months. This was announced by the maritime transport office in Bander Abbas according to the news agency IRNA. Iran's Revolutionary Guards seized the British tanker on July 19 under the pretext that it had violated maritime law in the Persian Gulf. Huoshan_Translate.789 Management of Thomas Cook in criticism Management von Thomas Cook in der Kritik Thomas Cook management under criticism Huoshan_Translate.789 The responsible Economic Committee of the House of Commons wants to investigate the bankruptcy of the travel giant Thomas Cook comprehensively, dealing with the salary packages of the Executive Board as well as the question of why the British government did not want to financially jump aside the company struggling to survive. "Our interest is in supervision in the company as well as control by external auditors," said committee chairwoman Rachel Reeves in London. "Apparently we are dealing with a bad example of management greed." Der zuständige Wirtschaftsausschuss des Unterhauses will die Pleite des Reisegiganten Thomas Cook umfassend untersuchen. Dabei soll es um die Gehaltspakete des Vorstands ebenso gehen wie um die Frage, warum die britische Regierung dem ums Überleben kämpfenden Unternehmen nicht finanziell beispringen mochte. "Unser Interesse gilt der Aufsicht in der Firma ebenso wie der Kontrolle durch externe Buchprüfer", teilte die Ausschussvorsitzende Rachel Reeves in London mit. "Offenbar haben wir es mit einem schlimmen Beispiel von Managementgier zu tun". The competent economic committee of the House of Commons wants to examine the failure of travel giant Thomas Cook in detail. The management's salary packages will be studied, as well as why the British government refused financial help for the company as it fought for survival. "We are focusing on supervision inside the company and monitoring by outside auditors," said committee chairman Rachel Reeves in London. "We are obviously dealing with a serious case of management greed." Huoshan_Translate.789 According to experts, genes are overestimated in colorectal cancer risk Laut Experten werden Gene beim Darmkrebsrisiko überschätzt Experts say the role of genes in the risk of intestinal cancer is overestimated Huoshan_Translate.789 The role of genes in the family-increased risk of colorectal cancer has apparently been overestimated so far. Researchers at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg come to this conclusion in a recent study. Other risk factors such as family eating habits probably weigh more heavily than previously assumed. This has consequences for calculations of the individual risk of colorectal cancer, the DKFZ scientists emphasize. Die Rolle der Gene beim familiär erhöhten Darmkrebsrisiko ist offenbar bisher überschätzt worden. Zu diesem Schluss kommen Forscher des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ) Heidelberg in einer aktuellen Studie. Andere Risikofaktoren wie familiäre Ernährungsgewohnheiten wiegen demnach wahrscheinlich schwerer als bislang angenommen. Das habe Konsequenzen für Berechnungen des individuellen Darmkrebsrisikos, betonen die DKFZ-Wissenschafter. The role played by genes in the increased risk of common intestinal cancer has apparently been overrated until now. This was the conclusion reached in a recent study by researchers at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. Other risk factors such as family eating habits are more serious than previously assumed. This has consequences for determining the individual risk of intestinal cancer, say the scientists at the Center. Huoshan_Translate.789 Elon Musk lets Tesla shares rise Elon Musk lässt Tesla-Aktien steigen Elon Musk allows Tesla shares to rise Huoshan_Translate.789 Musk wrote this in an email to Tesla employees published on Thursday (local time) by the industry blog "Electrek." Demand was strong, so that Tesla could record 110,000 orders, Musk's circular continued. Dies schrieb Musk in einer am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110'000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hiess es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Musk wrote this in an e-mail to Tesla employees published on Thursday (local time) by the industry blog "Electrek". The demand is so strong that Tesla was able to process 110,000 orders, according to Musk's e-mail. Huoshan_Translate.789 The challenge is to bring the cars to customers quickly. To do this, Tesla must provide as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible by the end of the quarter. Huoshan_Translate.789 Investors liked the information: Tesla's shares went out of trading with an increase of over six percent. The price has not gained so strongly in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla had delivered a good 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefielen die Informationen: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95'000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this information: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The rate has not increased as much in four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered a good 95,000 cars and hit its previous high value. Huoshan_Translate.789 Musk needs records to achieve his high goals. In 2019, he plans to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. This requires six-figure figures in the current and next quarter. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there have recently been losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360'000 bis 400'000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019 he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but profit margins are low here. There were recent losses despite the boom. Huoshan_Translate.789 Does British government want to circumvent Brexit law? Johnson cautious Will britische Regierung Brexit-Gesetz umgehen? Johnson zurückhaltend Will the British government bypass the Brexit law? Johnson abstained Huoshan_Translate.789 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is keeping a low profile on whether he is looking for ways to circumvent the last law passed by Parliament against an unregulated Brexit. In response to a question, he only told journalists on Friday that his government would abide by applicable law. Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hält sich darüber bedeckt, ob er nach Möglichkeiten einer Umgehung des zuletzt vom Parlament beschlossenen Gesetzes gegen einen ungeregelten Brexit sucht. Auf eine entsprechende Frage sagte er am Freitag vor Journalisten lediglich, seine Regierung werde sich an geltendes Recht halten. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being discrete about whether he is trying to find ways of bypassing the law on unregulated Brexit recently passed by the Parliament. When questioned to that end, Johnson has merely told journalists that his government would comply with applicable law. Huoshan_Translate.789 The law stipulates that the government must request a postponement of the withdrawal date if no agreement with the EU has been reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "surrender law" that makes negotiations with the EU more difficult. Das Gesetz sieht vor, dass die Regierung eine Verschiebung des Austrittstermins beantragen muss, sollte bis Mitte Oktober kein Abkommen mit der EU erzielt sei. Johnson kritisiert dies als "Kapitulationsgesetz", das die Verhandlungen mit der EU erschwere. The law obliges the government to request a postponement of the date of withdrawal if an agreement with the EU cannot be reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiating with the EU more difficult. Huoshan_Translate.789 Former British Prime Minister John Major had expressed the suspicion on Thursday that Johnson could try to use "political harassment" to circumvent the law. Johnson could use a procedural trick to postpone the law's entry into force until after leaving the EU. Der ehemalige britische Premierminister John Major hatte am Donnerstag die Vermutung geäußert, Johnson könne versuchen, "politische Schikane" einzusetzen, um das Gesetz zu umgehen. Johnson könne einen Verfahrenstrick einsetzen, der das Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes auf die Zeit nach dem EU-Austritt verschiebe. On Thursday, the former British Prime Minister John Major expressed the suspicion that Johnson might attempt to use "political chicanery" to circumvent the law. Johnson might use a procedural trick that would postpone the law's entry into force until after the withdrawal from the EU. Huoshan_Translate.789 Johnson said he was seeking a treaty with the European Union. "We are confident of leaving the EU on 31 October, and the best way is with an agreement." Johnson sagte, er strebe einen Vertrag mit der Europäischen Union an. "Wir sind zuversichtlich, die EU am 31. Oktober zu verlassen, und der beste Weg ist der mit einer Vereinbarung". Johnson said he is striving for a treaty with the European Union. "We're confident about leaving the EU on October 31, and the best path is to do so with an agreement." Huoshan_Translate.789 Iran apparently ramps up uranium enrichment sz.87341 Iran fährt offenbar Urananreicherung hoch Iran is apparently starting Uranium enrichment Huoshan_Translate.789 Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has increased the pressure on the European contracting parties in the dispute over the rescue of the historic nuclear agreement. "Unfortunately, the European states show inability or unwillingness when it comes to concrete actions," Rouhani said on Thursday at a press conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. In the event that they did not stand by their promises, he promised "further steps" away from the agreements of the painstakingly negotiated 2015 agreement. sz.87341 Irans Präsident Hassan Rohani hat im Streit über die Rettung des historischen Atomabkommens den Druck auf die europäischen Vertragspartner erhöht. "Leider zeigen die europäischen Staaten Unfähigkeit oder mangelnde Bereitschaft, wenn es um konkrete Aktionen geht", sagte Rohani am Donnerstag bei einer Pressekonferenz am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. Für den Fall, dass sie nicht zu ihren Versprechen stünden, stellte er "weitere Schritte" weg von den Vereinbarungen des mühsam ausgehandelten Abkommens von 2015 in Aussicht. Iran's president Hassan Rohani has increased pressure on European contract partners about the rescue of the historic nuclear deal. "Regrettably the European states are showing an inability or lacking readiness when it comes to concrete action," Rohani said on Thursday at the press conference on the sidelines of the US General Assembly in New York. In case they do not stand by their promise, he put in view "further steps" away from the agreements of the laboriously negotiated convention of 2015. Huoshan_Translate.789 The background is the conflict over the international agreement to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb, which in return contained a commitment to Tehran to normalize economic relations. The US single-handedly withdrew from the agreement in 2018 in order to force Iran to change course in the Middle East policy deemed aggressive with "maximum pressure." President Donald Trump's administration wants to negotiate a new agreement with tougher conditions and is now again relying on tough sanctions against Tehran. Iran recently responded by restarting the treaty's limited uranium enrichment. sz.87341 Hintergrund ist der Konflikt um das internationale Abkommen zur Verhinderung einer iranischen Atombombe, das als Gegenleistung die Zusage an Teheran enthielt, die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu normalisieren. Die USA stiegen 2018 im Alleingang aus dem Abkommen aus, um Iran mit "maximalem Druck" zu einem Kurswechsel in der als aggressiv erachteten Nahostpolitik zu zwingen. Die Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump will ein neues Abkommen mit härteren Auflagen aushandeln und setzt inzwischen wieder auf harte Sanktionen gegen Teheran. Iran reagierte darauf zuletzt mit einem Wiederhochfahren der im Vertrag begrenzten Urananreicherung. The backdrop is the conflict about the international convention to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb, which in return contained a promise to Tehran to normalize economic relations. The USA single-handedly got out of the agreement in 2018 in order to force Iran into a change of course with "maximum pressure" in what was considered aggressive Near East politics. The leadership of President Donald Trump wants to deal a new agreement and is imposing hard sanctions against Tehran in the meantime. Iran last reacted to this with a relaunching of the uranium enrichment limited in the contract. Huoshan_Translate.789 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed in a report that the Islamic Republic is now using or at least preparing the centrifuges installed at the beginning of September with uranium. According to IAEA figures, Iran is also preparing to build more than 300 more centrifuges. sz.87341 Die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) bestätigte in einem Bericht, dass die Islamische Republik die Anfang September installierten Zentrifugen nun auch mit Uran nutzt oder zumindest zur Nutzung vorbereitet hat. Nach IAEA-Angaben bereitet Iran zudem den Aufbau von mehr als 300 weiteren Zentrifugen vor. The international nuclear energy authority (IAEA) confirmed in a report, that the Islamic Republic is now utilizing centrifuges installed at the beginning of September using Uranium, or has at least prepared them for use thus. According to IAEA information, Iran is moreover preparing the construction of over 300 more centrifuges. Huoshan_Translate.789 Perhaps the Europeans were not prepared to bear their part of the deal and therefore left the Iranians alone with the costs and burden of oppressive US sanctions, Rouhani suspected. Nevertheless, there would be further talks that would hopefully bring a solution. sz.87341 Vielleicht seien die Europäer nicht bereit, ihren Teil des Deals zu tragen und ließen deshalb die Iraner mit den Kosten und der Last drückender US-Sanktionen alleine, mutmaßte Rohani. Es werde aber trotzdem weitere Gespräche geben, die hoffentlich eine Lösung brächten. Perhaps Europeans are not prepared to carry their end of the deal and may for this reason leave Iranians alone with the costs and the burden of pressurizing US sanctions, Rohani presumed. However, more discussions are planned, which will hopefully bring a solution. Huoshan_Translate.789 Rouhani continues to deny Iran's involvement in attacks in Saudi Arabia sz.87341 Rohani bestreitet weiter Irans Verwicklung in Angriffe in Saudi-Arabien Rohani continues to deny Iran's involvement in attacks in Saudi Arabia. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, the situation has changed after an attack on an important oil facility in Saudi Arabia in mid-September: Germany, France and Great Britain followed the US assessment on Monday that Tehran was responsible for the attack. Originally, the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack, but this was seen by the US as a false commitment. "We have nothing to do with it," Rouhani reiterated his position on Wednesday. sz.87341 Allerdings hat sich die Gemengelage nach einem Angriff auf eine wichtige Ölanlage in Saudi-Arabien Mitte September geändert: Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien folgten am Montag der US-Einschätzung, dass Teheran für die Attacke Verantwortung trage. Ursprünglich hatten sich die von Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen zu dem Angriff bekannt, was von den USA jedoch als falsches Bekenntnis gewertet wurde. "Wir haben nichts damit zu tun", bekräftigte Rohani am Mittwoch seine Position. However, the situation changed after an attack on an important oil plant in Saudi Arabia in mid-September. Germany, France and Great Britain followed the US assessment on Monday that Tehran was responsible for the attacks. Originally, the Huthi rebels in Yemen supported by Iran had committed to the attack, which the USA weighed up as a wrongful confession, though. "We have nothing to do with that," Rohani augmented his position. Huoshan_Translate.789 "Those who make such accusations must present evidence of this," said Rouhani. However, the European leaders could not have done so in the talks with him during the UN general debate. Instead, they only claimed that the rebels in Yemen could not carry out an attack like this. Rouhani had met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in recent days. sz.87341 "Diejenigen, die solche Anschuldigungen erheben, müssen Beweise dafür vorlegen", sagte Rohani. Das hätten die europäischen Anführer in den Gesprächen mit ihm während der UN-Generaldebatte allerdings nicht gekonnt. Stattdessen hätten sie sich nur darauf berufen, dass die Rebellen in Jemen einen Angriff wie diesen nicht ausführen könnten. Rohani hatte sich in den vergangenen Tagen mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron und dem britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson getroffen. "Those people who make such accusations have to provide evidence of this on a rolling basis," Rohani said. The European leaders were apparently not able to do that during talks with him at the UN General Assembly. Instead they would have only relied on the fact, that the rebels in Yemen could not carry out an attack like this. Rohani has in recent days met with Chancellor Angela Merkel, France's President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Huoshan_Translate.789 Before possible talks with US President Trump, the far-reaching sanctions of the US administration must first be lifted, Rouhani demanded. He called on the government in Washington to shift to a policy of "dialogue and reason." sz.87341 Vor möglichen Gesprächen mit US-Präsident Trump müssten zunächst die weitreichenden Sanktionen der US-Administration aufgehoben werden, verlangte Rohani. Er forderte die Regierung in Washington auf, auf eine Politik von "Dialog und Vernunft" umzuschwenken. Before potential talks with US president Trump, the wide-reaching sanctions imposed by the US administration should have to be lifted, Rohani demanded. He urged the government in Washington to switch to a policy of "dialogue and reason." Huoshan_Translate.789 Comet from other star crosses solar system yahoo-de.127759 Komet von anderem Stern durchkreuzt Sonnensystem Comet of another star crosses solar system Huoshan_Translate.789 Astronomers are currently observing a comet from the depths of space. This has been achieved before. The comet allows conclusions to be drawn about other solar systems. yahoo-de.127759 Astronomen beobachten derzeit einen Kometen aus den tiefen des Weltalls. Das gelang zuvor erst einmal. Der Komet lässt Rückschlüsse auf andere Sonnensysteme zu. Astronomers are currently observing a comet from deep space. This has been achieved before. The comet helps draw conclusions about other solar systems. Huoshan_Translate.789 What was initially only an assumption is now confirmed: an interstellar guest crosses through our solar system. The comet from the depths of space was christened 2I / Borisov after its discoverer and has aroused the interest of astronomers all over the world. yahoo-de.127759 Was anfangs nur eine Vermutung war, ist nun bestätigt: Ein interstellarer Gast kreuzt durch unser Sonnensystem. Der Komet aus der Tiefe des Weltraums wurde nach seinem Entdecker auf 2I/Borisov getauft und hat das Interesse von Astronomen auf der ganzen Welt geweckt. What used to be only a speculation has now been confirmed: An interstellar guest crosses through our solar system. The deep space comet was named 2I/Borisov after its discoverer and has aroused the interest of astronomers all over the world. Huoshan_Translate.789 The well-travelled comet was discovered on 30 August by amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov at the Margo Observatory in Crimea - with a homemade telescope of 65 centimetres in diameter. Follow-up observations from various observatories not only confirmed that it was an unknown comet, but also showed that it did not originate from our solar system. yahoo-de.127759 Der weitgereiste Komet war am 30. August vom Amateurastronomen Gennadi Borissow am Margo-Observatorium auf der Krim entdeckt worden - mit einem selbstgebauten Teleskop von 65 Zentimetern Durchmesser. Nachbeobachtungen verschiedener Observatorien bestätigten nicht nur, dass es sich um einen unbekannten Kometen handelt, sondern zeigten auch, dass er nicht aus unserem Sonnensystem stammt. The travelling comet was discovered on August 30th by an amateur astronomer Gennadi Borisov at the Margo observatory in Crimea.- and that using a self-made telescope with a 65 centimeter diameter. Later research by various observatories confirmed, not only that this was a previously unseen comet, but also that the comet did not originate from our solar system. Huoshan_Translate.789 After 1I / 'Oumuamua of 2017, 2I / Borisov is only the second interstellar object spotted during a flight through our solar system. yahoo-de.127759 2I/Borisov ist nach 1I/'Oumuamua von 2017 erst das zweite interstellare Objekt, das bei einem Durchflug unseres Sonnensystems gesichtet wurde. 2I/Borisov is only the second interstellar object sighted while travelling through our solar system, after 1I/'Oumuamua from 2017. Huoshan_Translate.789 2I / Borisov offers astronomers the rare chance to gain close-up insights into a foreign solar system before it disappears goodbye. Initial observations show that the interstellar comet resembles those of our own system, as reported by the astrophysical institute of the Canaries. "The current speed of the comet is high, about 150,000 kilometers per hour, which at this distance is well above the typical speeds of objects orbiting the Sun," Davide Farnocchia of the US space agency Nasa reported in a statement. yahoo-de.127759 2I/Borisov bietet Astronomen die seltene Chance, aus der Nähe Einblicke in ein fremdes Sonnensystem zu bekommen, bevor er auf Nimmerwiedersehen entschwindet. Erste Beobachtungen zeigen, dass der interstellare Komet denen unseres eigenen Systems ähnelt, wie das astrophysikalische Institut der Kanaren berichtete. "Die gegenwärtige Geschwindigkeit des Kometen ist hoch, ungefähr 150.000 Kilometer pro Stunde, was in dieser Entfernung deutlich oberhalb der typischen Geschwindigkeiten von Objekten liegt, die die Sonne umkreisen", berichtete etwa Davide Farnocchia von der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa in einer Mitteilung. 2I/Borisov is a rare opportunity for astronomers to obtain a closer look into an unknown solar system, before the comet disappears never to be seen again. First observations show that the interstellar comet resembles the comets of our own solar system, as the Canary Islands Astrophysical Institute reported. "The comet's current speed is high, about 150,000 kilometers per hour, which at this distance is well above the typical speeds of objects orbiting the Sun," said Davide Farnocchia of the US space agency NASA in a press release. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the analyses, the comet is traveling on a so-called hyperbolic orbit that leads it out of our system - and clearly of interstellar origin, as reported by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). It is also responsible for the naming and categorization of celestial bodies. In honor of its discoverer, the interstellar tail star, which was initially listed under the catalogue number C / 2019 Q4, was named 2I / Borisov, with the first part of the name indicating that it is the second interstellar object discovered in our solar system. yahoo-de.127759 Der Komet ist den Analysen zufolge auf einer sogenannten Hyperbelbahn unterwegs, die ihn aus unserem System hinausführt - und eindeutig interstellarer Herkunft, wie die Internationale Astronomische Union (IAU) mitteilte. Sie ist auch für die Benennung und Kategorisierung von Himmelskörpern zuständig. Zu Ehren seines Entdeckers bekam der interstellare Schweifstern, der zunächst unter der Katalognummer C/2019 Q4 geführt worden war, von ihr die Bezeichnung 2I/Borisov, wobei der erste Teil des Namens darauf hinweist, dass es sich um das zweite interstellare Objekt handelt, das in unserem Sonnensystem entdeckt worden ist. According to the International Astronomic Union (IAC) the comet is of distinctly interstellar origins, and is currently moving along a hyperbolic path which is leading it out of our system, as the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced. The Union is also responsible for naming and categorizing celestial bodies. The interstellar comet, at first listed under the catalogue number C/2019 Q4 was given the designation 2I/Borisov in honor of the astronomer who discovered it, the first part of the name indicating that it was the second interstellar object discovered in our solar system. Huoshan_Translate.789 The astronomers are lucky: In contrast to 1I / 'Oumuamua, 2I / Borisov has already been spotted approaching, leaving the researchers with many months to investigate. "The object will reach the greatest brightness in mid-December and will then be visible with medium-sized telescopes until April 2020," explained Farnocchia. "After that, it will only be observed with larger, professional telescopes until October 2020." yahoo-de.127759 Die Astronomen haben Glück: Im Gegensatz zu 1I/'Oumuamua wurde 2I/Borisov bereits im Anflug gesichtet. So bleiben den Forschern viele Monate für Untersuchungen. "Das Objekt wird Mitte Dezember die größte Helligkeit erreichen und dann noch bis April 2020 mit mittelgroßen Teleskopen zu sehen sein", erläuterte Farnocchia. "Danach wird es bis Oktober 2020 nur noch mit größeren, professionellen Teleskopen zu beobachten sein". The astronomers are lucky: Unlike 1I/'Oumuamua, 2I/Borisov was sighted while approaching. The researchers had several months to study it. "The object will reach maximum brightness in December and will be visible through medium-sized telescopes until April 2020", explained Farnocchia. "After that, it will be possible to observe the comet with large professional telescopes until October 2020". Huoshan_Translate.789 Several observatories have already targeted the visitor. For example, a team led by Karen Meech from the University of Hawaii, who had already led the characterization of 1I / 'Oumuamua, determined in an initial study the diameter of the celestial object at 2 to 16 kilometers. Images from the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii show a clear tail of the comet. yahoo-de.127759 Mehrere Observatorien haben den Besucher bereits ins Visier genommen. So bestimmte ein Team um Karen Meech von der Universität Hawaii, die bereits die Charakterisierung von 1I/'Oumuamua geleitet hatte, in einer ersten Untersuchung den Durchmesser des Himmelsobjekts auf 2 bis 16 Kilometer. Aufnahmen des Gemini-Observatoriums auf Hawaii zeigen einen deutlichen Schweif des Kometen. Multiple observatories have already began observing the visiting comet. A team led by Karen Meech from the University of Hawaii, who had already led the description of 1I/'Oumuamua, determined in the first study the diameter of the celestial object to between 2 and 16 kilometers. Recorded images from the Gemini observatory in Hawaii clearly show the tail of the comet. Huoshan_Translate.789 Researchers at the astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands (IAC) have already obtained a first so-called spectrum of the interstellar tail star, which offers a kind of fingerprint of its chemical composition. "The spectrum of this object is similar to that of comets in our solar system, and this indicates that their composition must be similar," reported IAC researcher Julia de León. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could form through similar processes as in ours, added de León's colleague Javier Licandro. yahoo-de.127759 Forscherinnen und Forscher des astrophysikalischen Instituts der Kanaren (IAC) haben bereits ein erstes sogenanntes Spektrum von dem interstellaren Schweifstern gewonnen, das eine Art Fingerabdruck seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung bietet. "Das Spektrum dieses Objekts ähnelt solchen von Kometen unseres Sonnensystems, und das weist darauf hin, das ihre Zusammensetzung ähnlich sein muss", berichtete IAC-Forscherin Julia de León. Diese Beobachtung lege nahe, dass sich Kometen in anderen Sonnensystemen durch ähnliche Prozesse formen könnten wie in unserem, ergänzte de Leóns Kollege Javier Licandro. Researchers at the Canary Islands Astrophysical Institute (IAC) have already garnered a first so-called spectrum of the interstellar comet, which is similar to a fingerprint of its chemical composition. "This object´s spectrum is similar to the ones in our solar system and this indicates that its composition must be similar", reports the IAC researcher Julia de León. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be formed through similar processes as ours, de León's colleague Javier Licandro added. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the IAU, the discovery of two interstellar visitors within just two years suggests that these objects could open up a new way to explore certain processes in other solar systems. However, it is still difficult to estimate how frequent such flying visits are. One of the next interstellar visitors could possibly intercept a planned satellite mission by the European space agency Esa. yahoo-de.127759 Die Entdeckung von gleich zwei interstellaren Besuchern innerhalb von nur zwei Jahren deutet nach Einschätzung der IAU darauf hin, dass diese Objekte einen neuen Weg zur Erforschung bestimmter Prozesse in anderen Sonnensystemen eröffnen könnten. Wie häufig solche Stippvisiten sind, ist allerdings noch schwer abzuschätzen. Einen der nächsten interstellaren Besucher könnte möglicherweise eine geplante Satellitenmission der europäischen Raumfahrtagentur Esa abfangen. According to the IAU, the discovery of two interstellar comets in just two years suggests that these objects could provide a new way of researching certain processes in other solar systems. However, it is still difficult to estimate how frequent these comet visits may be. One of the next interstellar comets could be intercepted by a planned satellite mission by the European Space Agency Esa. Huoshan_Translate.789 The agency plans to deploy the three-part spacecraft "Comet Interceptor" at a waiting position 1.5 million kilometres from Earth by 2028. According to Esa Science Director Günther Hasinger, it will either lurk for a still untouched, fresh comet from our own solar system, or for an interstellar visitor such as 1I / 'Oumuamua. yahoo-de.127759 Die Agentur will bis 2028 auf einer Warteposition in 1,5 Millionen Kilometern Entfernung von der Erde die dreiteilige Raumsonde "Comet Interceptor" (deutsch etwa Kometen-Abfangjäger) stationieren. Sie soll laut Esa-Wissenschaftsdirektor Günther Hasinger entweder auf einen noch unberührten, frischen Kometen aus unserem eigenen Sonnensystem lauern, oder auf einen interstellaren Besucher wie 1I/'Oumuamua. The agency wants to place a three-part space probe, the "Comet Interceptor" at a waiting position at a distance of 1.5 million kilometers from Earth by 2028. According to science director at ESA Günther Hasinger, the probe should either intercept an new, intact comet from our own solar system or an interstellar object such as 1I/'Oumuamua. Huoshan_Translate.789 First landing at Beijing's new mega-airport Daxing yahoo-de.127754 Erste Landung auf Pekings neuem Mega-Airport Daxing First airplane landing on Beijing's new mega-airport Daxing Huoshan_Translate.789 Just in time for the 70th birthday of the People's Republic, the time has come: a first passenger plane of China United Airlines has landed at the new mega-airport in the south of the Chinese capital, a special honour for the captain and crew. yahoo-de.127754 Pünktlich vor dem 70. Geburtstag der Volksrepublik ist es soweit: Auf dem neuen Mega-Airport im Süden der chinesischen hauptstadt ist eine erste Passagiermaschine der China United Airlines gelandet, eine besondere Ehre für Kapitän und Crew. Just before the 70th birthday of the People´s Republic: China United Airlines' first passenger aircraft has landed at the new mega-airport in the south of the Chinese capital, which was a special honor for the captain and his crew. Huoshan_Translate.789 By 2022, the new airport is expected to handle around 45 million passengers annually, and by 2025 it is expected to reach 72 million. China's President Xi Jinping personally announced the opening of the 450 billion project. China's latest prestige project is also called "starfish" because of its six-armed building structure. yahoo-de.127754 Bis 2022 sollen auf dem neuen Flughafen rund 45 Millionen Fluggäste jährlich abgefertigt werden, 2025 sollen es dann bereits 72 Millionen sein. Chinas Präsident Xi Jinping persönlich verkündete die Eröffnung des 450 Milliarden teuren Projekts. Das jüngste Prestigeprojekt Chinas wird wegen seiner sechsarmigen Gebäudestruktur auch "Seestern" genannt. Around 45 million passengers are expected to use the airport by 2022, and by 2025 the number should rise to 72 million. President Xi Jinping personally announced the opening of the 450 billion euro project. China´s latest prestige project is also called the "starfish" due to its building structure. Huoshan_Translate.789 The complex has four runways, which will later be expanded to seven and is equipped with the world's largest automatic air traffic management system. A new subway transports passengers to downtown Beijing in just 20 minutes. yahoo-de.127754 Der Komplex verfügt über vier Start- und Landebahnen, die später auf sieben erweitert werden sollen und ist mit dem weltweit größten automatischen Flugverkehrsmanagementsystem ausgestattet. Eine neue U-neue U-Bahn transportiert Passagiere in nur 20 Minuten in die Innenstadt Pekings. The complex has four runways to date, which will later be expanded to seven, and is equipped with the world's largest automatic air traffic management system. A new subway will be used to transport passengers from the airport to the Beijing city center in only 20 minutes. Huoshan_Translate.789 Already during the construction, the Chinese had repeatedly announced that Berlin could learn from Beijing. The opening of the capital airport in Germany, which has been under construction since 2006 - and much smaller - has so far been repeatedly postponed. In Beijing, on the other hand, a first passenger plane landed after only four years. yahoo-de.127754 Schon während des Baus hatten die Chinesen mehrfach verlauten lassen, dass Berlin von Peking lernen könne. Die Eröffnung des seit 2006 im Bau befindlichen - und wesentlich kleineren - Hauptstadtflughafens in Deutschland wurde bislang immer wieder verschoben. In Peking dagegen landete schon nach vier Jahren eine erste Passagier-Maschine. During construction, the Chinese stated repeatedly that Berlin could learn from Beijing. The opening of the much smaller Berlin airport, which has been under construction since 2006, has repeatedly been postponed. Conversely, the first passenger airplane landed in Beijing after only four years. Huoshan_Translate.789 New supersonic aircraft to fly in 2030: from London to Sydney in four and a half hours Neues Überschallflugzeug soll 2030 fliegen: In viereinhalb Stunden von London nach Sydney New Supersonic Aircraft to fly in 2030: Four and a half hours from London to Sydney Huoshan_Translate.789 From London to Sydney in just four and a half hours - this is what the British space agency UK Space Agency dreams of. This supersonic flight, targeted for the 2030s, is to be made possible by a special propulsion system (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, Sabre), which the company Reaction Engines from Oxfordshire is developing, the US broadcaster CNN quoted the agency as saying. "This is the technology that could definitely accomplish this," agency chief Graham Turnock told the broadcaster. "We are talking about the 2030s for commissioning, and the work is already very advanced." Von London nach Sydney in nur viereinhalb Stunden - davon träumt die britische Raumfahrtagentur UK Space Agency. Möglich machen soll diesen, für die 2030er Jahre angepeilten Flug im Überschalltempo ein spezieller Antrieb (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, Sabre), den das Unternehmen Reaction Engines aus Oxfordshire entwickelt, zitierte der US-Sender CNN die Agentur. "Das ist die Technologie, die das definitiv bewerkstelligen könnte", sagte Agenturchef Graham Turnock dem Sender. "Wir sprechen von den 2030er Jahren für die Inbetriebnahme, und die Arbeit ist schon sehr fortgeschritten". Flying from London to Sydney in only four and a half hours, is what the British UK Space Agency is dreaming of. What will facilitate supersonic flying in the 2030's is a special drive (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, Sabre), which the Reaction Engines company from Oxfordshire will develop, American broadcaster CNN quoted the agency as having said. "That is the technology that could definitely do that," Agency director Graham Turnock told the broadcasting house. "We are talking about the 2030's for the launch, the work is already far advanced." Huoshan_Translate.789 In order to advance the project, the British Space Agency wants to cooperate more closely with the Australian one. A flight from the British capital to the Australian metropolis currently takes about 20 hours. As the only supersonic aircraft for passenger transport, Concorde had covered the New York-Paris route from 1976 until its closure in 2003 and took three to three and a half hours to do so. In 2000, an accident occurred during the launch of a Concorde at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, in which all 109 occupants were killed. Last year, the US aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin announced plans to develop a supersonic aircraft, the "X-Plane," together with the US space agency Nasa. Um das Projekt voranzutreiben, will die britische Raumfahrtagentur mit der australischen enger zusammenarbeiten. Ein Flug von der britischen Hauptstadt zur australischen Metropole dauert derzeit etwa 20 Stunden. Als bisher einziges Überschallflugzeug für Passagierbeförderung hatte die Concorde von 1976 bis zur Einstellung ihres Betriebs 2003 die Strecke New York-Paris abgedeckt und dafür drei bis dreieinhalb Stunden gebraucht. Im Jahr 2000 kam es zu einem Unfall beim Start einer Concorde auf dem Pariser Flughafen Charles de Gaulle, bei dem alle 109 Insassen ums Leben kamen. Im vergangenen Jahr gab der US-amerikanische Flugzeugbauer Lockheed Martin Pläne bekannt, gemeinsam mit der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa ein Überschallflugzeug zu entwickeln, das "X-Plane". Auch Virgin Galactic hat solche Entwicklungen im Programm. In order to drive the project forward, the British space agency wants to work closer with the Australian one. A flight from the British capital to the Australian metropolis currently takes about 20 hours. As the only supersonic aircraft for passenger transportation so far, Concord had been covering the distance between New York and Paris from 1976 to 2003, taking three to three and a half hours. In the year 2000, at the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, there was an accident when starting a Concorde where all 109 passengers lost their lives. In the past year, the US American aircraft builder Lockheed Martin announced plans to develop a supersonic aircraft together with the US space authority Nasa, namely the ‘X-Plane.' Virgin Galactic also has these kinds of developments in its program. Huoshan_Translate.789 "Sabre will make the world smaller with its high-speed point-to-point transport," writes Reaction Engines on its homepage, among other things. The Sabre propulsion system could be used for efficient travel at a speed of Mach 5 - which means five times as fast as sound. In addition, such aircraft can also be used outside the Earth's atmosphere, enabling the "next generation of truly reusable frame rides." "Sabre wird die Welt kleiner machen mit seinem Hochgeschwindigkeits-Punkt-zu-Punkt-Transport", schreibt Reaction Engines unter anderem auf seiner Homepage. Der Sabre-Antrieb könnte für effizientes Reisen genutzt werden mit einer Geschwindigkeit von Mach 5 - das bedeutet fünfmal so schnell wie der Schall. Zudem seien solche Flugzeuge auch außerhalb der Erdatmosphäre einsetzbar und ermöglichten damit die "nächste Generation wahrhaft wiederverwendbarer Rahmfahrtgeräte". "Sabre will make the world smaller with its high-speed point to point transport," Reaction Engines has written on its home page, amongst other things. The Sabre drive could be used for efficient travel with a speed of Mach 5—that signifies five times the speed of light. In addition, such aircraft can also be used outside the earth's atmosphere and thus enable the "next generation of authentically reusable space devices." Huoshan_Translate.789 Uproar in Washington: Trump wants to track down anonymous tippers in Ukraine affair Aufruhr in Washington: Trump will anonyme Tippgeber in Ukraine-Affäre aufspüren Unrest in Washington: Trump wants to track down anonymous whistleblowers in the Ukraine scandal Huoshan_Translate.789 In the Ukraine affair over possible abuse of power by the US president, Donald Trump wants to track down possible leaks in the White House. In der Ukraine-Affäre um möglichen Machtmissbrauch des US-Präsidenten will Donald Trump mögliche undichte Stellen im Weißen Haus aufspüren. Donald Trump wants to track down possible leaks in the White House in connection with the Ukraine scandal about the possible abuse of power. Huoshan_Translate.789 "I want to know who gave the whistleblower the information," Trump told employees of the US Embassy to the United Nations in New York on Thursday. The person concerned was almost "a spy" and they were dealt with "a little differently" in the past than they are today. "Ich will wissen, wer dem Whistleblower die Informationen gegeben hat", sagte Trump am Donnerstag vor Mitarbeitern der US-Gesandtschaft bei den Vereinten Nationen in New York. Die betroffene Person sei fast "ein Spion" und mit solchen sei man in der Vergangenheit "ein bisschen anders" umgegangen als heute. "I want to know who provided the whistleblower with the information", said Trump on Thursday to the staff members of the US Embassy in the United Nations in New York. The person concerned was practically "a spy" and spies were dealt with "somewhat differently" in the past. Huoshan_Translate.789 This was seen as an attempt at intimidation against tippers. Actually, the event was not public. However, several US media distributed audio recordings of the speech on Friday. Democrats reacted outraged to the president's statement. Das wurde als Einschüchterungsversuch gegen Tippgeber gewertet. Die Veranstaltung war eigentlich nicht öffentlich. Mehrere US-Medien verbreiteten am Freitag jedoch Audiomitschnitte von der Ansprache. Demokraten reagierten empört auf die Aussage des Präsidenten. This was considered an attempt to intimidate whistleblowers. However, the event was not open to the public. However, several US media broadcast audio recordings of the speech on Friday. Democrats reacted with indignation to the president's statement. Huoshan_Translate.789 Democrats in the US House of Representatives announced preparations for impeachment proceedings against Trump on Tuesday, based primarily on the written complaint of an anonymous intelligence official making serious accusations against Trump and his government headquarters. Due to great public pressure, the whistleblower's accounts were made public on Thursday. Die Demokraten im US-Repräsentantenhaus hatten am Dienstag Vorbereitungen für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump angekündigt. Ihre Vorwürfe stützen sich vor allem auf die schriftliche Beschwerde eines anonymen Geheimdienstmitarbeiters, der schwere Anschuldigungen gegen Trump und dessen Regierungszentrale erhebt. Auf großen öffentlichen Druck hin waren die Schilderungen des Hinweisgebers am Donnerstag publik gemacht worden. The Democrats in the US House of Representatives announced preparations for impeachment proceedings against Trump on Tuesday. Their accusations are based primarily on a written complaint by an anonymous secret service agent who raised serious allegations against Trump and his government office. Following intense public pressure, the whistleblower's statements were made public on Thursday. Huoshan_Translate.789 As part of his work, the whistleblower claims to have received information from several government officials that the US president is "using the power of his office" to get another country to interfere in his favor in the 2020 US election. Im Rahmen seiner Arbeit will der Whistleblower Informationen mehrerer Regierungsmitarbeiter erhalten haben, wonach der US-Präsident "die Macht seines Amtes nutzt", um zu erreichen, dass sich ein anderes Land zu seinen Gunsten in die US-Wahl 2020 einmischt. As part of his statement, the whistleblower alleges to have received information from several government officials that the US president is "using the power of his office" to get another country to interfere in his favor in the 2020 US election. Huoshan_Translate.789 At the center of the allegations is a controversial phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in late July, in which Trump encouraged his counterpart to investigate that could harm his political rival Joe Biden, involving previous dealings of Biden's son Hunter in Ukraine and alleged efforts to protect his offspring from Ukrainian justice. Biden is ahead in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination for the 2020 election. Im Zentrum der Vorwürfe steht ein umstrittenes Telefonat zwischen Trump und dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj Ende Juli, in dem Trump seinen Amtskollegen zu Ermittlungen ermunterte, die seinem politischen Rivalen Joe Biden schaden könnten. Dabei geht es um frühere Geschäfte von Bidens Sohn Hunter in der Ukraine und angebliche Bemühungen, seinen Sprössling vor der ukrainischen Justiz zu schützen. Biden liegt im Rennen um die demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatur für die Wahl 2020 vorne. At the core of the accusations is a controversial telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the end of July, in which Trump encouraged his colleague to conduct investigations that could harm his political rival Joe Biden. This is about Hunter Biden´s earlier business ventures in Ukraine and Joe Biden´s alleged attempt to protect his son against Ukrainian justice. Biden is leading the race for the democratic presidential candidacy for the 2020 election. Huoshan_Translate.789 With regard to the Ukraine phone call, the whistleblower also accused the White House of covering up: senior government officials had tried to keep the exact wording of the conversation under cover. As usual, an electronic wording protocol had been prepared. However, after the conversation, on the instructions of lawyers from the White House, this had been removed from a database usually intended for this purpose and instead stored in a specially protected system. So far, only a rough conversation protocol has been published. Der Whistleblower beschuldigte das Weiße Haus mit Blick auf das Ukraine-Telefonat auch der Vertuschung: Führende Regierungsmitarbeiter hätten sich bemüht, die genaue Wortlautfassung des Gesprächs unter der Decke zu halten. Wie üblich sei ein elektronisches Wortlaut-Protokoll angefertigt worden. Dies sei nach dem Gespräch auf Anweisung von Juristen aus dem Weißen Haus aber aus einer dafür gewöhnlich vorgesehenen Datenbank entfernt und stattdessen in einem besonders geschützten System gespeichert worden. Bislang wurde nur ein grobes Gesprächsprotokoll veröffentlicht. The whistleblower also accused the White House of a cover-up with regard to the telephone call to Ukraine: Leading government officials had attempted to keep the exact contents of the conversation concealed. As usual, an electronic text record was prepared. However, this record was removed from the database following the instructions of White House Lawyers after the interview and stored in a specially protected system instead. Only the rough draft of the conversation was released to date. Huoshan_Translate.789 The identity of the whistleblower is not publicly known. The New York Times reported that he was an employee of the foreign intelligence agency CIA. Die Identität des Hinweisgebers ist nicht öffentlich bekannt. Die "New York Times" berichtete, es solle sich um einen Mitarbeiter des Auslandsgeheimdiensts CIA handeln. The whistleblower´s identity was not made public. The New York Times reported that the person concerned is an employee of the CIA Foreign Intelligence Agency. Huoshan_Translate.789 Trump again questioned the credibility of the source on Friday. In a series of tweets on the subject, the president wrote, among other things, that the "so-called whistleblower" had disseminated second-hand information that turned out to be inaccurate. Therefore, there may be no tippers or spies at all. Trump stellte am Freitag erneut die Glaubwürdigkeit der Quelle in Frage. In einer Serie von Tweets zu dem Thema schrieb der Präsident unter anderem, der "sogenannte Whistleblower" habe Informationen aus zweiter Hand verbreitet, die sich als unzutreffend herausgestellt hätten. Daher gebe es vielleicht gar keine Tippgeber oder Spione. On Friday, Trump questioned the credibility of the source. In a series of tweets, the President wrote, among other things, that the "so-called whistleblower" had received second-hand information which turned out to be untrue. Therefore, there were likely no whistleblowers or spies. Huoshan_Translate.789 But how Trump spoke in New York about those who allegedly leaked information to the whistleblower sparked outrage. US House Chairwoman Nancy Pelosi reacted alarmed and complained that Trump's testimony once again undermined the integrity of the government. Wie Trump sich in New York über jene äußerte, die dem Whistleblower Informationen zugespielt haben sollen, löste aber Empörung aus. Die Vorsitzende des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, reagierte beunruhigt und beklagte, Trumps Aussage unterlaufe einmal mehr die Integrität der Regierung. However, the way Trump spoke about those who are said to have passed the information on to the whistleblower caused outrage. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker in the House of Representatives was unsettled and said that Trump´s statement once again undermined government integrity. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the House of Representatives, various committees have been investigating Trump and his surroundings for months. In view of the Ukraine allegations, the Democrats are now pushing ahead with new force to launch a possible impeachment proceeding against Trump. Im Repräsentantenhaus laufen bereits seit Monaten in verschiedenen Ausschüssen diverse Untersuchungen gegen Trump und dessen Umfeld. Angesichts der Ukraine-Vorwürfe treiben die Demokraten nun Ermittlungen mit neuer Wucht voran, um ein mögliches Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump in Gang zu setzen. Various committees in the House of Representatives have been conducting various investigations against Trump and his associates for months. In light of the Ukraine allegations, the Democrats are pursuing investigations with renewed momentum to launch a possible impeachment trial against Trump. Huoshan_Translate.789 "The whistleblower gave us a roadmap for our investigation," said House Intelligence Committee chief Adam Schiff. Trump sharply attacked Schiff, accused him of misrepresenting things and again demanded the resignation of the committee chairman. Trump regularly insults Schiff and had already demanded his withdrawal months ago. "Der Whistleblower hat uns einen Fahrplan für unsere Untersuchung gegeben", sagte der Chef des Geheimdienstausschusses im Repräsentantenhaus, Adam Schiff. Trump griff Schiff scharf an, warf ihm eine falsche Darstellung der Dinge vor und forderte erneut den Rücktritt des Ausschussvorsitzenden. Trump beschimpft Schiff regelmäßig und hatte bereits vor Monaten dessen Rückzug verlangt. "The whistleblower has given us a roadmap for the investigation ", said Adam Schiff, the Head of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee. Trump sharply criticized Schiff, accusing him of misrepresentation and again demanded that the Committee Chairman resign. Trump often criticized Schiff and had been demanding his resignation for months. Huoshan_Translate.789 More than 300 former US security and foreign policy officials, mostly under Democratic but also Republican presidents, backed the Democratic investigation into possible impeachment in a statement released on Friday. If the allegations prove true, it would be "an unscrupulous abuse of power" by Trump, it said. Mehr als 300 frühere US-Regierungsmitarbeiter aus dem Sicherheits- und außenpolitischen Bereich, die mehrheitlich unter demokratischen, aber auch unter republikanischen Präsidenten tätig waren, stellten sich in einer am Freitag veröffentlichten Erklärung hinter die von den Demokraten eingeleitete Untersuchung für ein mögliches Amtsenthebungsverfahren. Sollten sich die Vorwürfe bewahrheiten, wäre das "ein skrupelloser Machtmissbrauch" durch Trump, hieß es darin. In a statement published on Friday, more than 300 former US government employees from security and foreign policy domains, the majority of whom worked under Democratic presidents as well as a few Republican presidents, supported the investigation initiated by the Democrats for a possible impeachment trial. In the statement, it was claimed that, should the accusations prove to be true, it would mean "an unscrupulous abuse of power" by Trump. Huoshan_Translate.789 There is no precise timetable for the further procedure. With their majority in the House of Representatives, the Democrats could initiate a so-called impeachment procedure, but the decision on an actual impeachment would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans have a majority. Therefore, the prospects of success of such a trial are slim. So far, no US president has been removed from office by impeachment proceedings. Für das weitere Prozedere gibt es keinen genauen Zeitplan. Mit ihrer Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus könnten die Demokraten ein sogenanntes Impeachment-Verfahren zwar anstrengen. Die Entscheidung über eine tatsächliche Amtsenthebung fiele aber im Senat, wo Trumps Republikaner die Mehrheit haben. Die Aussichten auf Erfolg eines solchen Verfahrens sind daher gering. Bisher wurde noch kein US-Präsident durch ein Impeachment-Verfahren des Amtes enthoben. There is no exact plan for further proceedings. The Democrats could initiate impeachment proceedings due to holding the majority in the House of Representatives. However, the decision regarding an actual removal from office would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans hold the majority. Therefore, such a procedure has low chances of success. To date, no US President has been removed from office through an impeachment procedure. Huoshan_Translate.789 VW works council: Jobs are being cut "gradually" VW-Betriebsrat: Arbeitsplätze werden "schleichend" abgebaut VW Works Council Jobs being cut "stealthily" Huoshan_Translate.789 The plans of the VW brand to further reduce production costs could be at the expense of production in Germany and Europe. This concern is driving the car manufacturer's works council around. The brand wants to reduce its annual factory costs of ten billion euros by two billion euros by 2023, of which 500 million euros are to be saved already this year. Die Pläne der Marke VW, in der Produktion die Kosten weiter zu senken, könnten zu Lasten der Fertigung in Deutschland und Europa gehen. Diese Sorge treibt den Betriebsrat des Autobauers um. Die Marke will ihre jährlichen Fabrikkosten von zehn Milliarden Euro bis 2023 um zwei Milliarden Euro senken. Davon sollen 500 Millionen Euro schon in diesem Jahr eingespart werden. Volkswagen's plans to further reduce production costs could affect production in Germany and Europe. This is cause for concern for the car manufacturer's works council. The firm wants to cut its annual factory costs of EUR 10 billion by EUR 2 billion by 2023. EUR 500 million of this figure is to be saved this year. Huoshan_Translate.789 One key to this is personnel costs. The "Future Pact" negotiated between the company and the works council in 2016 already provides for the reduction of 14,000 jobs in Germany alone by 2020. Basically, a job can only be cut at the car manufacturer if it is virtually proven that the associated activities are no longer necessary. In addition, employment security applies until 2029. Ein Schlüssel dafür sind die Personalkosten. Der 2016 zwischen Unternehmen und Betriebsrat verhandelte "Zukunftspakt" sieht bis 2020 bereits den Abbau von 14.000 Arbeitsplätzen allein in Deutschland vor. Grundsätzlich gilt: Ein Arbeitsplatz kann beim Autobauer nur dann abgebaut werden, wenn quasi bewiesen wird, dass die damit verbundenen Tätigkeiten nicht mehr erforderlich sind. Zudem gilt eine Beschäftigungssicherung bis 2029. Personnel costs are one approach. The "future package" negotiated between the company and the works council in 2016 calls for the abolition of 14,000 jobs in Germany alone by 2020. Essentially, a job with the car manufacturer can be cut only if there is some form of evidence that the activities associated with the job are no longer required. In addition, an employment guarantee is in force until 2029. Huoshan_Translate.789 As our newspaper now learned from works council circles, however, jobs in production that were not actually available are "gradually" dismantled via another route - i.e. past the official course. Thus, vacant regular positions would often not be filled again. Wie unsere Zeitung nun aus Betriebsratskreisen erfuhr, werden allerdings Arbeitsplätze in der Produktion, die eigentlich nicht zur Disposition stünden, "schleichend" über einen anderen Weg abgebaut - also am offiziellen Kurs vorbei. So würden frei werdende reguläre Stellen häufig nicht wiederbesetzt. People associated with the works council told our newspaper that production jobs should not in fact be affected will be cut "stealthily" in another way—circumventing the official policy. Consequently, regular positions that become vacant are often not re-filled. Huoshan_Translate.789 In these cases, the works council has no possibility of forcing the reoccupation. Meanwhile, there is a lack of staff in many places, the intensification of work is increasing, the worries about a gradual bleeding of the vehicle plants are increasing. Thus, the fear is growing that vehicle production could gradually be withdrawn from Germany and Europe because it is cheaper in other parts of the world. VW only said: "An adjustment of the employment volume takes place as agreed socially acceptable along the demographic curve." Der Betriebsrat habe in diesen Fällen keine Möglichkeit, die Wiederbesetzung zu erzwingen. Mittlerweile fehle an vielen Stellen Personal, die Arbeitsverdichtung nehme zu, die Sorgen vor einem allmählichen Ausbluten der Fahrzeugwerke würden größer. Damit wachse auch die Befürchtung, dass die Fahrzeug-Produktion nach und nach aus Deutschland und Europa abgezogen werden könnte, weil sie in anderen Teilen der Welt günstiger ist. Von VW hieß es dazu nur: "Eine Anpassung des Beschäftigungsvolumens erfolgt wie vereinbart sozialverträglich entlang der demografischen Kurve". In such cases, the works council has no way of enforcing the refilling of those posts. Meanwhile, there are personnel shortages in many places, workloads are increasing, and concerns are growing that the car plant will gradually hemorrhage. There are also increasing fears that car production might gradually shift away from Germany and Austria because it is cheaper in other parts of the world. VW merely states that, "as agreed in social contracts, the volume of employment will be adjusted along the demographic curve". Huoshan_Translate.789 The VW brand wants to standardize production worldwide even more and manage new projects centrally. This is also intended to reduce costs and accelerate decisions - behind this is the goal of increasing productivity and thus competitiveness. Chief Production Officer Andreas Tostmann said at a manager conference in Berlin: "Especially in uncertain times from Brexit to the impending trade war between the USA and China, we are well advised to make ourselves crisis-proof." Die Marke VW will die Produktion weltweit noch mehr standardisieren und neue Projekte zentral steuern. Auch dadurch sollen Kosten gesenkt und zudem Entscheidungen beschleunigt werden - dahinter steht das Ziel, die Produktivität und damit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erhöhen. Produktionsvorstand Andreas Tostmann sagte auf einer Manager-Konferenz in Berlin: "Gerade in unsicheren Zeiten vom Brexit bis zum drohenden Handelskrieg zwischen den USA und China sind wir gut beraten, uns krisenfest zu machen". VW wants to standardize worldwide production even more and control new projects centrally. This should also reduce costs and accelerate decision-making—the aim behind this is to boost productivity and hence competitiveness. At a manager conference in Berlin, Director of Production Andreas Tostmann said: "We are well advised to make ourselves crisis-resistant particularly in uncertain times with Brexit and an imminent trade war between the United States and China". Huoshan_Translate.789 There are already successes on this path: this year, for example, for the first time since 2013, production costs per vehicle would fall compared to the previous year. Tostmann told journalists that the production time for the Golf 8, which is to be presented on 24 October in Wolfsburg, would be shortened by 1.1 hours. VW does not give exact figures on the production time, according to information from our newspaper, the Golf 7 is around Auf diesem Weg gebe es bereits Erfolge: So würden zum Beispiel in diesem Jahr erstmals seit 2013 die Produktionskosten je Fahrzeug im Vergleich zum Vorjahr sinken. Vor Journalisten sagte Tostmann, dass sich die Produktionszeit für den Golf 8, der am 24. Oktober in Wolfsburg vorgestellt werden soll, um 1,1 Stunden verkürze. Exakte Zahlen zur Produktionsdauer nennt VW nicht, nach Informationen unserer Zeitung beträgt sie beim Golf 7 rund Successes have already been achieved along this path: This year, for example, production costs per vehicle have fallen relative to the previous year for the first time since 2013. Tostmann told reporters that the production time for the Golf 8, to be rolled out in Wolfsburg on October 24, has been reduced by 1.1 hours. VW does not provide exact figures on the length of production, but according to information from our newspaper, the time required to manufacture a Golf 7 is around Huoshan_Translate.789 20 hours. 20 Stunden. 20 hours. Huoshan_Translate.789 In our region, the Wolfsburg headquarters is the only VW factory in which vehicles are produced. The Braunschweig and Salzgitter plants manufacture components. For Wolfsburg, the rule of thumb applies internally to VW that 800,000 cars have to be built there annually in order for the plant to be satisfactorily profitable. In 2018, however, capacity utilization in Wolfsburg was only around 700,000 vehicles - due to falling diesel demand and the problems with the conversion to the new consumption and exhaust gas test method WLTP. In unserer Region ist das Stammwerk Wolfsburg die einzige VW-Fabrik, in der Fahrzeuge produziert werden. Die Werke Braunschweig und Salzgitter fertigen Komponenten. Für Wolfsburg gilt VW-intern die Faustregel, dass dort jährlich 800.000 Autos gebaut werden müssen, damit das Werk zufriedenstellend profitabel ist. 2018 lag die Auslastung in Wolfsburg aber bei nur rund 700.000 Fahrzeugen - bedingt durch die sinkende Diesel-Nachfrage und die Probleme bei der Umstellung auf das neue Verbrauchs- und Abgas-Prüfverfahren WLTP. In our region, the main plant at Wolfsburg is the only VW site where cars are made. The plants in Braunschweig and Salzgitter produce parts. An internal VW rule of thumb applies to Wolfsburg whereby 800,000 cars must be manufactured there each year so that the plant remains sufficiently profitable. However, production capacity in Wolfsburg was only about 700,000 vehicles in 2018 due to the falling demand for diesel and difficulties with conversion to the new WLTP fuel consumption and emission testing procedure. Huoshan_Translate.789 As Chief Production Officer Tostmann already announced last year, however, one million cars are to roll off the assembly line in Wolfsburg "in perspective." This should make it possible to bundle golf production at the main plant - because the Zwickau plant is handing over golf production by converting it to a location for e-car production. Wie Produktionsvorstand Tostmann bereits im vergangenen Jahr angekündigt hat, sollen in Wolfsburg "perspektivisch" allerdings eine Million Autos vom Band rollen. Das soll die Bündelung der Golf-Produktion im Stammwerk möglich machen - weil das Werk Zwickau durch die Umrüstung zum Standort für die E-Auto-Produktion die Golf-Fertigung abgibt. Tostmann announced last year that one million cars should roll off the assembly line in Wolfsburg "in the future." That should allow Golf production to be focused in the main factory, as the Zwickau plant is being converted to electric car manufacture and will discontinue the manufacture of Golfs. Huoshan_Translate.789 In addition, the SUV Tiguan and Tarraco (Seat) are produced in Wolfsburg. However, the sales figures of Golf and Tiguan have recently declined. Therefore, expectations are now resting on the Golf 8. Despite all efforts to build up e-mobility, it is to remain the bread-and-butter car of the Wolfsburgers for the time being. Außerdem werden in Wolfsburg die SUV Tiguan und Tarraco (Seat) produziert. Allerdings entwickelten sich die Verkaufszahlen von Golf und Tiguan zuletzt rückläufig. Daher ruhen die Erwartungen nun auf dem Golf 8. Er soll trotz aller Anstrengungen zum Aufbau der E-Mobilität vorerst das Brot-und-Butter-Auto der Wolfsburger bleiben. The SUV Tiguan and Tarraco (Seat) are also made in Wolfsburg, but sales of the Golf and Tiguan have been falling lately. So expectations now rest on the Golf 8. Despite all efforts to develop e-mobility, the Golf 8 is to remain the primary product of Wolfsburg for the moment. Huoshan_Translate.789 Forced into prostitution with voodoo: traffickers sentenced Mit Voodoo zur Prostitution gezwungen: Menschenhändler verurteilt Forced into prostitution by use of voodoo: Convicted human traffickers Huoshan_Translate.789 Young women from Nigeria have been sworn, smuggled into the Ruhr area and forced into prostitution. Six suspected traffickers have to go to prison for this. Junge Frauen aus Nigeria sind mit Schwüren belegt, ins Ruhrgebiet geschleust und zur Prostitution gezwungen worden. Sechs mutmaßliche Menschenhändler müssen dafür ins Gefängnis. Young women from Nigeria are made to take oaths, trafficked into the Ruhr area and forced them into prostitution work. Six presumed human traffickers have to go to prison. Huoshan_Translate.789 Six suspected traffickers from Nigeria were sentenced to probation and imprisonment of up to eight years and three months in Bochum on Friday. The defendants had smuggled young women from Nigeria into the Ruhr area and forced them into prostitution. In order to force their obedience, the Nigerian women who wanted to leave had to take a ritual oath in front of a voodoo priest at home. Sechs mutmaßliche Menschenhändler aus Nigeria sind am Freitag in Bochum zu Bewährungs- und Haftstrafen von bis zu acht Jahren und drei Monaten verurteilt worden. Die Angeklagten hatten junge Frauen aus Nigeria ins Ruhrgebiet geschleust und zur Prostitution gezwungen. Um ihren Gehorsam zu erzwingen, hatten die ausreisewilligen Nigerianerinnen noch in der Heimat vor einem Voodoo-Priester einen rituellen Schwur ablegen müssen. On Friday in Bochum six presumed human traffickers from Nigeria were convicted to parole and prison terms of up to eight years and three months. The accused had smuggled young women from Nigeria into the Ruhr area and forced them into prostitution. In order to make them obey, the Nigerian women willing to leave their country had to take a ritual oaths with a voodoo priest in their homeland first. Huoshan_Translate.789 The victims were between 17 and 22 years old. They were brought across the Mediterranean with the help of Libyan smugglers in rubber dinghies. However, the dream of a better future was not fulfilled. Arriving in Germany, they were distributed to various brothels in order to pay the alleged smuggling costs of an average of 25,000 euros. Die Opfer waren zwischen 17 und 22 Jahre alt. Sie wurden mit Hilfe von libyschen Schleusern in Schlauchbooten über das Mittelmeer gebracht. Der Traum von einer besseren Zukunft erfüllte sich jedoch nicht. In Deutschland angekommen, wurden sie auf verschiedene Bordelle verteilt, um die angeblichen Schleuserkosten von durchschnittlich 25 000 Euro abzuarbeiten. Der Lohn wurde ihnen deshalb komplett abgenommen. The victims were aged between 17 and 22 years old. They were brought across the Mediterranean Sea with the help of Libyan smugglers in inflatable boats. However, their dream of a better future did not come true. Once arrived in Germany, they were distributed to various brothels in order to work off the supposed trafficking costs of an average of 25,000 Euro. Their wage was therefore completely reduced. Huoshan_Translate.789 The defendants - four men and two women - had admitted the infiltration and subsequent distribution of the young Nigerian women to brothels in the trial. "The work made it difficult for the women physically and psychologically," said Judge Isabel Hoffmann at the sentencing. "Some were really disgusted." Die Angeklagten - vier Männer und zwei Frauen - hatten das Einschleusen und die anschließende Verteilung der jungen Nigerianerinnen auf Bordelle im Prozess zugegeben. "Die Arbeit machte den Frauen körperlich und psychisch schwer zu schaffen", sagte Richterin Isabel Hoffmann bei der Urteilsverkündung. "Einige waren richtig angewidert". The accused, four men and two women, had admitted the trafficking and the subsequent distribution of the young Nigerians to brothels in court. "The work was physically and emotionally difficult to bear," Judge Isabel Hoffmann during the sentencing. "Some of them were really disgusted." Huoshan_Translate.789 The sentences are on commercial and gang infiltration of foreigners, human trafficking, pimping and severe forced prostitution. Die Urteile lauten auf gewerbs- und bandenmäßiges Einschleusen von Ausländern, Menschenhandel, Zuhälterei und schwere Zwangsprostitution. The judgements are for commercial and gang-based trafficking of foreigners, human trafficking, pimping and severe coerced prostitution. Huoshan_Translate.789 Ufo calls for negotiations with Lufthansa Ufo fordert Verhandlungen mit Lufthansa UFO calls for negotiations with Lufthansa Huoshan_Translate.789 FIn the ongoing dispute with the Lufthansa Group, the flight attendants' union Ufo has again threatened to strike. FIm Dauerstreit mit dem Lufthansa-Konzern hat die Flugbegleitergewerkschaft Ufo erneut mit Streiks gedroht. As the dispute with the Lufthansa Group goes on, the air steward union UFO has again threatened strikes. Huoshan_Translate.789 If the company does not return to the negotiating table, the union will "inform about the industrial action in the LH Group on 14 October," Ufo CEO Daniel Flohr announced on Friday. Lufthansa and its subsidiary Eurowings have been refusing to conduct collective bargaining with Ufo for months, including the question of whether the union has legally terminated collective agreements with Lufthansa. Sollte das Unternehmen nicht an den Verhandlungstisch zurückkehren, werde die Gewerkschaft "am 14. Oktober über die Arbeitskampfmaßnahmen im LH-Konzern informieren", teilte Ufo-Tarifvorstand Daniel Flohr am Freitag mit. Lufthansa und ihre Tochter Eurowings lehnen es seit Monaten ab, mit der Ufo Tarifverhandlungen zu führen. Dabei geht es auch um die Frage, ob die Gewerkschaft Tarifverträge bei der Lufthansa rechtmäßig gekündigt hat. If the company does not return to the negotiating table, the labor union will "announce industrial action at the Lufthansa Group on October 14th," stated UFO vice-chairman Daniel Flohr on Friday. Lufthansa and its subsidiary Eurowings have for months refused to conduct wage negotiations with UFO. The question is whether the trade union has lawfully terminated collective negotiations with Lufthansa. Huoshan_Translate.789 Following a decision by the Frankfurt Labour Court, Ufo now sees itself strengthened on this point. Lufthansa wanted to state that the collective agreements had not been terminated. The court rejected the applications. The company confirmed the decision and is considering appealing against it. "I think it is unlikely that a second court will see the matter completely differently," said Ufo CEO Flohr. In diesem Punkt sieht sich Ufo nach einer Entscheidung des Arbeitsgerichtes Frankfurt nun gestärkt. Lufthansa wollte feststellen lassen, dass die Tarifverträge nicht gekündigt seien. Das Gericht wies die Anträge ab. Das Unternehmen bestätigte die Entscheidung und prüft, dagegen Rechtsmittel einzulegen. "Dass ein zweites Gericht die Sache völlig anders sieht, halte ich für unwahrscheinlich", sagte Ufo-Vorstand Flohr. UFO views its position as strengthened following a ruling by the Frankfurt Labor Court. Lufthansa wanted to establish that the collective negotiations had not been terminated. The court rejected its claims. The company acknowledged the ruling and is considering an appeal. "I consider it unlikely that a second court will view the situation in a completely different way," said Flohr. Huoshan_Translate.789 In August, Lufthansa also filed an application with the Frankfurt Regional Labour Court to have UFO's status as a union reviewed in court. The company argues that the union has not appointed a board of directors entitled to represent for months and is thus unable to fulfil its role as a collective bargaining partner. Im August hatte Lufthansa zudem einen Antrag beim Landesarbeitsgericht Frankfurt eingereicht, um den Status der Ufo als Gewerkschaft gerichtlich überprüfen lassen. Das Unternehmen argumentiert, die Gewerkschaft habe seit Monaten keinen vertretungsberechtigten Vorstand eingesetzt und sei damit nicht in der Lage, ihre Rolle als Tarifpartner auszufüllen. Lufthansa also filed a claim with the Frankfurt State Labor Court in August to subject the status of UFO as a trade union to judicial review. The company argues that the trade union has for months failed to appoint a board authorized to represent it and so is unable to fulfill its role as a collective agreement partner. Huoshan_Translate.789 This was preceded by a fierce leadership dispute in the trade union, during which numerous members of the Executive Board and the Advisory Board resigned, including the long-standing union chief Nicoley Baublies. Due to doubts about its leadership, the UFO had suspended an already begun ballot on strikes by cabin crew at Eurowings at the end of July. Vorausgegangen war ein heftiger Führungsstreit in der Spartengewerkschaft, in dessen Verlauf zahlreiche Mitglieder des Vorstands wie auch des Beirates zurückgetreten sind, darunter der langjährige Gewerkschaftschef Nicoley Baublies. Die Ufo hatte wegen der Zweifel an ihrer Führung eine bereits begonnene Urabstimmung über Streiks des Kabinenpersonals bei Eurowings Ende Juli ausgesetzt. This was preceded by a fierce leadership dispute in the trade union during which numerous members of the executive and advisory boards resigned, including long-time union boss Nicoley Baublies. UFO had suspended an initial vote on strikes by cabin staff at Eurowings at the end of July due to the doubts about its leadership. Huoshan_Translate.789 Facilitated entry: Saudi Arabia announces new visa system Erleichterte Einreise: Saudi-Arabien kündigt neues Visa-System an Simplified entry: Saudi Arabia announces new visa system Huoshan_Translate.789 Until now, Saudi Arabia was not exactly known as an international tourist magnet, but that is about to change. The Persian Gulf country wants to introduce new visa regulations. Bis jetzt war Saudi Arabien nicht gerade als internationaler Touristen-Magnet bekannt. Doch das soll sich jetzt ändern. Das Land am Persischen Golf will neue Visa-Bestimmungen einführen. Until now, Saudi Arabia was not exactly known as an international tourist magnet. But that is about to change. The country on the Persian Gulf is seeking to introduce new visa requirements. Huoshan_Translate.789 With a new visa system, Saudi Arabia wants to attract more international tourists in the future. By 2030, it wants to increase the number of international and domestic visitors to 100 million per year, the Tourism Commission announced. Mit einem neuen Visa-System will Saudi-Arabien künftigmehr internationale Touristen anziehen. Bis 2030 wolle man die Zahlder internationalen und heimischen Besucher auf 100 Millionen proJahr steigern, teilte die Tourismuskommission mit. With its new visa system, Saudi Arabia plans to attract more international tourists in the future. The goal is to increase the numbers of international and domestic visitors to 100 million per year by 2030, the Commission for Tourism explained. Huoshan_Translate.789 "The opening of Saudi Arabia to international tourists is a historic moment for our country," said Ahmad Al-Khatib, Chairman of the Tourism Commission. "Die Öffnung Saudi Arabiens für internationale Touristen ist einhistorischer Augenblick für unser Land", sagte der Vorsitzende derTourismuskommission, Ahmad Al-Chatib. "Opening Saudi Arabia up to international tourism is a historic moment for our country," said Commission Chairman Ahmad Al-Chatib. Huoshan_Translate.789 Saudi Arabia has so far been difficult for tourists to access. Visas are usually only granted for short business trips, religious pilgrimages or visitors with relatives in the desert state. With the new rules, the arch-conservative kingdom hopes for more revenue from the tourism business. According to its own statement, Riyadh wants to reduce its dependence on the oil trade. Saudi-Arabien ist für Touristen bislang schwer zugänglich. Visawerden gewöhnlich nur für kurze Geschäftsreisen, religiösePilgerreisen oder Besucher mit Angehörigen in dem Wüstenstaatvergeben. Mit den neuen Regeln erhofft sich das erzkonservativeKönigreich mehr Einnahmen aus dem Tourismusgeschäft. Nach eigenerAussage will Riad seine Abhängigkeit vom Ölhandel reduzieren. Saudi Arabia has been difficult for tourists to access in the past. Visas are normally only approved for short business trips or religious pilgrimages, or for visitors with relatives in the desert nation. With the new rules, the ultraconservative kingdom hopes to generate additional income from the tourist industry. According to its own statement, Riad wants to reduce its dependence on the oil trade. Huoshan_Translate.789 In mid-September, several rockets and drones hit two of the most important oil facilities in eastern Saudi Arabia: the country's largest oil refinery in Abkaik and the Churais oil field. As a result, national oil production collapsed drastically and oil price shots soared. It is likely to take several weeks for the kingdom's oil production to return to its old level. Mitte September hatten mehrere Raketen und Drohnen zwei derwichtigsten Ölanlagen im Osten Saudi-Arabiens getroffen: die größteÖlraffinerie des Landes in Abkaik sowie das Ölfeld Churais. In derFolge brach die nationale Ölproduktion drastisch ein, die Ölpreiseschossen in die Höhe. Es dürfte mehrere Wochen dauern, bis dieÖlproduktion des Königreichs wieder ihr altes Niveau erreicht. In September, two of the most important oil facilities in Eastern Saudi Arabia were struck by multiple rockets: the largest oil refinery in the country in Abqaiq as well as the Khurais oil field. As a consequence, domestic oil production fell drastically and oil prices shot up. It will take several weeks for oil production in the kingdom to reach its previous level. Huoshan_Translate.789 Justin and Hailey Bieber stuck in preparations for wedding party Justin und Hailey Bieber stecken in Vorbereitungen für Hochzeitsfest Justin and Hailey Bieber in the midst of wedding preparations Huoshan_Translate.789 Singer Justin Bieber (25) and his wife Hailey (22) are preparing for their wedding party. The model posted several party photos in her Instagram Stories on Thursday (local time) showing her in a white wedding look. Reality star Kendall Jenner (23) and others had organized a bachelorette party in Los Angeles, according to People magazine. Sänger Justin Bieber (25) und seine Frau Hailey (22) bereiten sich auf ihr Hochzeitsfest vor. Das Model postete am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) in ihren Instagram Stories mehrere Partyfotos, auf denen sie im weißen Hochzeitslook zu sehen ist. Reality-Star Kendall Jenner (23) und andere hatten dem People-Magazin zufolge einen Junggesellinnenabschied in Los Angeles organisiert. Singer Justin Bieber (25) and his wife Hailey (22) are preparing their wedding. In her Instagram stories, the model posted several party photos featuring her wedding look on Thursday (local time). Reality star Kendall Jenner (23) and others threw her a bachelorette party in Los Angeles, according to People magazine. Huoshan_Translate.789 Justin posted several colorful suits printed with bananas on Instagram and asked his followers: "Help me choose my tuxedo for the wedding." According to media reports, the celebrity couple wants to get married in church next weekend. Justin postete mehrere bunte, unter anderem mit Bananen bedruckte Anzüge auf Instagram und bat seine Anhänger: "Helft mir, meinen Smoking für die Hochzeit zu wählen". Medienberichten zufolge will das Promi-Paar am kommenden Wochenende kirchlich heiraten. Justin posted several colorful suits, one of which featured a banana print, and wrote: "Help me choose my tuxedo for the wedding". According to media reports, the celebrity couple will be getting married in a church this weekend. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Biebers said yes a year ago in a New York registry office. There had been no bigger celebration at that time. Die Biebers haben sich vor einem Jahr in einem New Yorker Standesamt das Ja-Wort gegeben. Ein größeres Fest hatte es damals nicht gegeben. The Biebers said yes a year ago in a New York registry office. There had been no large wedding party at the time. Huoshan_Translate.789 In a recent interview with Australian Vogue, Hailey explained that the two had found a common level after initial problems: "If you don't want to compromise, you can't have a relationship." In einem Interview mit der australischen Vogue erklärte Hailey kürzlich, dass die beiden nach anfänglichen Problemen eine gemeinsame Ebene gefunden hätten: "Wenn du keine Kompromisse eingehen willst, kannst du keine Beziehung führen". In a recent interview with Vogue Australia, Hailey explained that they were on the same page after the initial issues: "If you´re not ready to compromise, you cannot be in a relationship". Huoshan_Translate.789 Two killed in plane crash in Czech Republic Zwei Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz in Tschechien Airplane Crash in the Czech Republic Kills Two Huoshan_Translate.789 Two people were killed in the crash of a small plane in the western Czech Republic. The wreck was discovered on Friday in a wooded area near the city of Mecin (Metschin), the police said. The dead were a 38-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man. Zwei Menschen sind beim Absturz eines Kleinflugzeugs im Westen Tschechiens ums Leben gekommen. Das Wrack sei am Freitag in einem Waldgebiet bei der Stadt Mecin (Metschin) entdeckt worden, teilte die Polizei mit. Bei den Toten handele es sich um eine 38 Jahre alte Frau und einen 64 Jahre alten Mann. Two people have died in a small airplane crash in the western Czech Republic. According to the police, the wreckage was discovered on Friday in a forested area near the city of Měčín. The victims were a 38-year-old woman and 64-year-old man. Huoshan_Translate.789 The authorities had been searching for the plane since Thursday evening after the crew had given a distress signal via GPS. A military helicopter was also deployed during the search. The cause of the accident has yet to be determined. The crash site is located about 30 kilometres south of Pilsen (Plzen) and 100 kilometres northeast of Regensburg. Die Behörden hatten seit Donnerstagabend nach der Maschine gesucht, nachdem die Besatzung per GPS ein Notsignal abgegeben hatte. Bei der Suche war auch ein Militärhubschrauber im Einsatz. Die Unglücksursache muss noch ermittelt werden. Der Absturzort liegt rund 30 Kilometer südlich von Pilsen (Plzen) und 100 Kilometer nordöstlich von Regensburg. The authorities had searched for the machine since Thursday evening after the crew issued an emergency signal via GPS. The search also involved a military helicopter. The cause of the accident has yet to be determined. The crash site is located around 30 kilometers south of Plzeň and 100 kilometers northeast of Regensburg. Huoshan_Translate.789 Half of European tree species are threatened with extinction Die Hälfte der europäischen Baumarten ist vom Aussterben bedroht Half of European Tree Varieties are Threatened with Extinction Huoshan_Translate.789 In addition to pests, diseases, alien species, unsustainable logging and the growth of cities are also causes of the threat, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reported on Friday in Brussels. It examined the stocks of all 454 tree species known in Europe. 265 of them do not occur on any other continent. Of these 265, 58 percent are threatened. 66 are already at the highest level of endangerment and thus facing extinction. Neben Schädlingen seien auch Krankheiten, gebietsfremde Arten, nicht nachhaltiger Holzschlag und das Wachstum der Städte Ursachen für die Bedrohung, berichtete die Weltnaturschutzunion IUCN am Freitag in Brüssel. Sie hat die Bestände von allen in Europa bekannten 454 Baumarten untersucht. 265 davon kommen auf keinem anderen Kontinent vor. Von diesen 265 seien 58 Prozent bedroht. 66 stünden bereits auf der höchsten Stufe der Gefährdung und damit vor dem Aussterben. Causes for the threat include pests, disease, nonindigenous species, unsustainable deforestation, and the growth of cities, reported the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on Friday in Brussels. They studied each of the 454 known species of trees in Europe. Of those, 265 are endemic to continental Europe. And of those 265, 58 percent are in danger. Sixty-six are already at the highest threat level and therefore face extinction. Huoshan_Translate.789 The IUCN divides endangered species into six categories: from "potentially endangered" to "endangered," "endangered," "critically endangered" and "extinct in nature" to "extinct." In total, it lists more than 28,000 animal and plant species worldwide as endangered. Die IUCN teilt gefährdete Arten in sechs Kategorien ein: von "potenziell gefährdet" über "gefährdet", "stark gefährdet", "vom Aussterben bedroht" und "in der Natur ausgestorben" bis "ausgestorben". Insgesamt listet sie weltweit mehr als 28.000 Tier- und Pflanzenarten als gefährdet. The IUCN divides threatened species into six categories: NT (near threatened); VU (vulnerable); EN (endangered); CR (critically endangered); EW (extinct in the wild); and EX (extinct). In all, it lists more than 28,000 plant and animal species worldwide as threatened. Huoshan_Translate.789 Rowan and wild horse chestnut threatened Eberesche und wilde Rosskastanie bedroht Mountain Ash and Wild Horse-Chestnut Threatened Huoshan_Translate.789 In Germany, rowans (Sorbus) in particular are threatened, said one of the authors, David Allen, of the German Press Agency. "Most are threatened because the populations are small anyway or by the transformation or weakening of their habitats." In Deutschland seien vor allem Ebereschen (Sorbus) bedroht, sagte einer der Autoren, David Allen, der Deutschen Presse Agentur. "Die meisten sind bedroht, weil die Populationen sowieso klein sind oder durch die Umwandlung oder Schwächung ihrer Lebensräume". David Allen, one of the authors, told the German press agency (DPA) that the biggest threat in Germany is to the Mountain Ash (Sorbus). "Most are threatened because the populations are small anyway, or through the conversion or weakening of their habitats." Huoshan_Translate.789 It also looks bad for the wild common horse chestnuts. They have been considered "endangered" since 2017, level two of the IUCN scale. In addition to a fungus, the biggest threat is the Balkan miner moth. It has spread from southeastern Europe across the continent since the 1980s and has hardly any natural enemies. IUCN estimates the number of wild horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum) in Europe at less than 10,000 specimens. The trees in cities, parks and avenues are not taken into account in this assessment. Schlecht sieht es auch für die wilden Gewöhnlichen Rosskastanien aus. Sie gelten seit 2017 als "gefährdet", Stufe zwei der IUCN-Skala. Größte Bedrohung stelle neben einem Pilz die Balkan-Miniermotte dar. Sie breitet sich seit den 1980er Jahren von Südosteuropa über den ganzen Kontinent aus und hat kaum natürliche Feinde. IUCN schätzt die Zahl der wilden Rosskastanien (Aesculus hippocastanum) in Europa auf weniger als 10.000 Exemplare. Nicht berücksichtigt bei dieser Beurteilung sind die Bäume in Städten, Parks und Alleen. It also looks bad for the common wild horse-chestnut. Since 2017, it has been classified as "vulnerable," step two on the IUCN scale. The greatest threats are posed by a fungus and the Balkan leaf-mining moth. Since the 1980s, it has spread from southeast Europe over the entire continent and has hardly any natural enemies. IUCN estimates the number of wild horse-chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum) in Europe at less than 10,000. This assessment does not consider trees in cities, parks, or avenues. Huoshan_Translate.789 Shrub species and mosses also in danger Straucharten und Moose ebenfalls in Gefahr Shrub Species and Mosses Also in Danger Huoshan_Translate.789 At the same time, the IUCN scientists compiled new European red lists for molluscs, shrubs and mosses. More than a fifth of molluscs and mosses and almost half of all shrub species are threatened, according to the IUCN. This is mainly due to the destruction of the wilderness, introduced species, agricultural practices and climate change. Molluscs such as snails played a key role in recycling nutrients in the soil and are an important food source for birds and other animals. Die IUCN-Wissenschaftler erstellten gleichzeitig neue europäische Rote Listen für Weichtiere, Sträucher und Moose. Mehr als ein Fünftel der Weichtiere und Moose und fast die Hälfte aller Straucharten seien bedroht, so die IUCN. Das liege vor allem an der Zerstörung der Wildnis, an eingeschleppten Arten, Agrarpraktiken und dem Klimawandel. Weichtiere wie Schnecken spielten eine Schlüsselrolle beim Recyceln von Nährstoffen im Boden und seien eine wichtige Nahrungsquelle für Vögel und andere Tiere. At the same time, the IUCN scientists are compiling new European red lists for mollusks, shrubs, and mosses. More than one-fifth of mollusks and mosses and almost half of all shrub species are threatened, according to the IUCN. This is primarily due to the destruction of the wilderness, the introduction of foreign species, agricultural practices, and climate change. Mollusks such as snails played a key role in recycling nutrients in the soil and are an important source of food for birds and other animals. Huoshan_Translate.789 "This report shows that the situation is precarious for many overlooked and underestimated species, species that form the backbone of the European ecosystem and contribute to a healthy planet," said Luc Bas, IUCN Director of the European Office. "We need to limit the impact of humans on our ecosystems and make the protection of these species a priority." "Dieser Bericht zeigt, dass die Lage für viele übersehene und unterschätzte Arten prekär ist, Arten, die das Rückgrat des europäischen Ökosystems bilden und zu einem gesunden Planeten beitragen", sagte Luc Bas, IUCN-Direktor des Europa-Büros. "Wir müssen die Auswirkungen des Menschen auf unsere Ökosysteme begrenzen und den Schutz dieser Arten zur Priorität machen". "This report shows that the situation for overlooked and underestimated species is precarious: species that form the backbone of the European ecological system and contribute to a healthy planet," said Luc Bas, Director of the European Regional Office of IUCN. "We must limit the effect people have on our ecosystem and make protecting these species a priority." Huoshan_Translate.789 Earthquake off Istanbul: 34 injured reported Erdbeben vor Istanbul: 34 Verletzte gemeldet Earthquake in Istanbul: 34 Casualties Reported Huoshan_Translate.789 34 people were injured in the recent earthquake in Turkey. According to the figures, there were no deaths. Dozens of people had to leave their homes, 14 schools in Istanbul were closed for security reasons, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Friday. Beim jüngsten Erdbeben in der Türkei sind 34 Personen verletzt worden. Tote gab es laut den Angaben nicht. Dutzende von Menschen hätten ihre Häuser verlassen müssen, 14 Schulen in Istanbul seien aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen worden, sagte der türkische Vizepräsident Fuat Oktay am Freitag. Thirty-four people were injured in the recent earthquake in Turkey. No fatalities were reported. Dozens had to leave their homes, and 14 schools in Istanbul are reportedly closed for security reasons, said Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay on Friday. Huoshan_Translate.789 Hundreds of buildings were damaged. Since the earthquake the day before, there have been almost 200 aftershocks. The earthquake of magnitude 5.8 shook the Marmara region off Istanbul on Thursday and caused panic in the metropolis of millions. Hunderte von Gebäuden wurden demnach beschädigt. Seit dem Beben am Vortag habe es fast 200 Nachbeben gegeben. Das Erdbeben der Stärke 5,8 hatte am Donnerstag die Marmararegion vor Istanbul erschüttert und Panik in der Millionenmetropole ausgelöst. According to his account, hundreds of buildings were damaged. Since the quake the day before, there were reportedly almost 200 aftershocks. On Thursday, the 5.8 magnitude earthquake devastated the Marmara Region, which includes Istanbul, and triggered panic in the metropolis with its millions of inhabitants. Huoshan_Translate.789 Now the government wants to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. In the past 20 years, Turkey has not been sufficiently prepared for quakes, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. Nun wolle die Regierung eine Kommission einsetzen, um das Land künftig besser auf Erdbeben vorzubereiten, kündigte Oktay an. In den vergangenen 20 Jahren sei die Türkei nicht ausreichend auf Beben vorbereitet gewesen, sagte Istanbuls Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu. Now the government wants to employ a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. Turkey has been ill-prepared for earthquakes for 20 years, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. Huoshan_Translate.789 Under the Sea of Marmara lies a section of the so-called North Anatolian Fault, which marks the border between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates. Istanbul gilt als besonders erdbebengefährdet. Unter dem Marmarameer liegt ein Abschnitt der sogenannten Nordanatolischen Störung, die die Grenze zwischen der eurasischen und der anatolischen Erdplatte markiert. Istanbul is especially prone to earthquakes. A section of the North Anatolian Fault, which marks the border between the European and Anatolian Plates, runs beneath the Sea of Marmara. Huoshan_Translate.789 One of the worst earthquakes was one of the magnitude 7.6 in 1999 near Istanbul. The epicenter was then in Gölcük, southeast of Istanbul. More than 17,000 people were killed. Eines der schwersten Beben war eines der Stärke 7,6 im Jahr 1999 in der Nähe Istanbuls. Das Epizentrum lag damals in Gölcük südöstlich Istanbuls. Mehr als 17 000 Menschen kamen ums Leben. One of the most severe earthquakes happened near Istanbul in 1999 and had a 7.6 magnitude. The epicenter was located in Gölcük, southeast of Istanbul. More than 17,000 people lost their lives. Huoshan_Translate.789 Already on Tuesday, a magnitude 4.6 earthquake shook the region around Istanbul. Authorities called on residents to stay away from damaged buildings. Bereits am Dienstag hatte ein Beben der Stärke 4,6 die Region um Istanbul erschüttert. Die Behörden riefen die Einwohner auf, beschädigten Gebäuden fernzubleiben. On Tuesday, a magnitude 4.6 earthquake shook the region surrounding Istanbul. The authorities called on residents to keep away from damaged buildings. Huoshan_Translate.789 Super Bowl 2020: Jennifer Lopez (JLo) and Shakira perform in the halftime show spiegel.103151 Super Bowl 2020: Jennifer Lopez (JLo) und Shakira treten in der Halbzeitshow auf Super Bowl 2020: Jennifer Lopez (JLo) and Shakira to appear in the half-time show Huoshan_Translate.789 Latin pop singers Jennifer Lopez and Shakira will lead the halftime show of the next American football final Super Bowl, as the singers announced on Twitter. "It won't get any bigger," Shakira wrote to a photo of herself and Lopez. She is incredibly excited to be on the Super Bowl stage. It will be in Miami on February 2, 2020. spiegel.103151 Die Latin-Pop-Sängerinnen Jennifer Lopez und Shakira werden die Halbzeitshow des nächsten American-Football-Finals Super Bowl anführen. Das gaben die Sängerinnen bei Twitter bekannt. "Größer wird es nicht", schrieb Shakira zu einem Foto von sich und Lopez. Sie sei wahnsinnig aufgeregt, auf der Super-Bowl-Bühne zu stehen. Am 2. Februar 2020 wird es in Miami soweit sein. The Latina pop singers Jennifer Lopez and Shakira will perform the half-time show of the next American Football Finals Super Bowl. This was announced by the singers on Twitter "It doesn't get bigger than this," Shakira wrote next to a photograph of herself and Lopez. She is really nervous about standing on the Super Bowl stage. This will take place in Miami on February 2nd, 2020. Huoshan_Translate.789 Jennifer Lopez explained that she had dreamed of performing at the Super Bowl since 1996 - when she saw Diana Ross fly to the sky at the halftime show. "Now it's even more special because the NFL is 100 years old and I'm going to perform with another Latina." She couldn't wait "to show what we girls can do on the biggest stage in the world." spiegel.103151 Jennifer Lopez erklärte, sie habe seit 1996 davon geträumt, beim Super Bowl aufzutreten - damals habe sie Diana Ross bei der Halbzeitshow in den Himmel fliegen sehen. "Jetzt ist es noch besonderer, weil die NFL 100 Jahre besteht und ich mit einer anderen Latina performen werde". Sie könne es kaum erwarten "zu zeigen, was wir Mädchen auf der größten Bühne der Welt tun können". Jennifer Lopez explained that in 1996 she dreamed about making an appearance at the Super Bowl—in those days she saw Diana Ross fly into the sky at the half-time show. "Now it's even more special, because the NFL is 100 years old and I will be performing with another Latina. She can't wait to "show what we girls are capable of on the biggest stage in the world." Huoshan_Translate.789 Shakira pointed out in a statement that she was honored to stand alongside another artist on one of the biggest stages worldwide and to represent Latinos and Latinas from the USA and around the world. "And then on my birthday!" The main sponsor of the event wrote on Twitter that it was the first time that the two "queens" have been on stage together. spiegel.103151 Shakira wies in einer Erklärung darauf hin, sie fühle sich geehrt, neben einer weiteren Künstlerin auf einer der größten Bühnen weltweit zu stehen und Latinos und Latinas aus den USA und der gesamten Welt zu repräsentieren. "Und dann auch noch an meinem Geburtstag!" Der Hauptsponsor der Veranstaltung schrieb auf Twitter, es sei das erste Mal, dass die beiden "Königinnen" gemeinsam auf einer Bühne stehen. Shakira indicated in a statement that she felt honored to stand next to another artist on one of the biggest stages worldwide, representing Latinos and Latinas from the USA and the whole world. "And it's even going to be on my birthday!" The main sponsor of the event wrote on Twitter that it is the first time that both "queens" are on a stage together. Huoshan_Translate.789 Shakira is from Colombia. Jennifer Lopez was born in New York and her parents are from Puerto Rico. spiegel.103151 Shakira stammt aus Kolumbien. Jennifer Lopez wurde in New York geboren, ihre Eltern kommen aus Puerto Rico. Shakira comes from Colombia. Jennifer Lopez was born in New York, her parents are from Puerto Rico. Huoshan_Translate.789 Fight against falling audience numbers spiegel.103151 Kampf gegen sinkende Zuschauerzahlen Battle against sinking audience figures. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Super Bowl is the highlight of the American football season. The game and the halftime show are among the most watched TV broadcasts in the USA. Even though you've recently dropped viewing figures, this February the spectacle in the US attracted the fewest viewers in more than ten years. Nevertheless, it was still nearly a hundred million people on average. spiegel.103151 Der Super Bowl ist der Höhepunkt der American-Football-Saison. Das Spiel und die Halbzeitshow gehören zu den meistgesehenen TV-Übertragungen der USA. Auch wenn du Zuschauerzahlen zuletzt gesunken sind: In diesem Februar lockte das Spektakel in den USA die wenigsten Zuschauer seit mehr als zehn Jahren an. Trotzdem waren es immer noch fast hundert Millionen Menschen im Schnitt. The Super Bowl is the height of the American Football Season. The game and the half-time show are among the most watched TV broadcasts in the USA. Even if you have decreased audience numbers: This February, the spectacle lured the least viewers in the USA in over ten years. There were still nearly a hundred million viewers on average. Huoshan_Translate.789 There had been an uproar about the halftime show of the last Super Bowl in advance: According to media reports, top stars like Rihanna, Pink and Cardi B did not want to perform in the dispute over the handling of quarterback Colin Kaepernick last February. Finally, the pop group Maroon 5 led the halftime show - the reviews were not friendly. spiegel.103151 Um die Halbzeitshow des vergangenen Super Bowl hatte es im Vorfeld Aufruhr gegeben: Im Streit um den Umgang mit Quarterback Colin Kaepernick wollten im vergangenen Februar Medienberichten zufolge Topstars wie Rihanna, Pink and Cardi B nicht auftreten. Schließlich führte die Popgruppe Maroon 5 die Halbzeitshow an - die Kritiken waren wenig freundlich. There had been turmoil in advance of the show of the past Super Bowl half-time show. In the dispute over how quarterback Colin Kaepernick was treated, the previous February according to media reports, pop stars like Rihanna, Pink and Cardi B did not want to appear. Eventually the pop group Maroon 5 opened the half time show—reviews were not very friendly. Huoshan_Translate.789 Kaepernick, then quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, had gone to his knees in the 2016-17 season before NFL games at the national anthem in protest against police violence and racism. With his protest Kaepernick triggered a movement, numerous players took over the gesture. This caused great excitement, US President Donald Trump attacked the mostly African-American football stars sharply. Kaepernick himself has been without a club since March 2017 and has not played an NFL game. He accuses the clubs of not wanting to hire him for political reasons. spiegel.103151 Kaepernick, damals Quarterback der San Francisco 49ers, war in der Spielzeit 2016/17 vor NFL-Spielen bei der Nationalhymne aus Protest gegen Polizeigewalt und Rassismus auf die Knie gegangen. Mit seinem Protest löste Kaepernick eine Bewegung aus, zahlreiche Spieler übernahmen die Geste. Das sorgte für große Aufregung, US-Präsident Donald Trump attackierte die meist afroamerikanischen Football-Stars scharf. Kaepernick selbst ist seit März 2017 vereinslos und hat keine NFL-Partie mehr bestritten. Er wirft den Vereinen vor, ihn aus politischen Gründen nicht anheuern zu wollen. Kaepernick, who used to be quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers had gone down on his knees before the 2016/17 NFL playing of the national anthem in protest against police violence and racism. Kaepernick started a movement with his protest, countless players joining in the gesture. This caused big excitement, US president Donald Trump fiercely criticizing the mainly Afro-American football stars. Kaepernick himself has been without a club since March 2017 and has not played another NFL game. He accuses the clubs of not wanting to hire him for political reasons. Huoshan_Translate.789 Cook bankruptcy: Hotels get money from insurance Cook-Pleite: Hotels bekommen Geld von der Versicherung Cook bankruptcy: Hotels receive money from insurance Huoshan_Translate.789 According to a press report, the bankruptcy of travel provider Thomas Cook is likely to cost some banks dearly. There is a risk of high write-downs on outstanding bonds and loans. Credit Suisse is also affected, writes the Financial Times in its Friday issue. Einige Banken dürfte die Pleite des Reiseanbieters Thomas Cook laut einem Pressebericht teuer zu stehen kommen. Es drohen hohe Abschreibungen auf ausstehenden Anleihen und Krediten. Davon betroffen sei auch die Credit Suisse, schreibt die "Financial Times" in ihrer Ausgabe vom Freitag. According to a press report, the bankruptcy of travel agency Thomas Cook will be costly for some banks. There is a risk of enormous write-offs on outstanding bonds and loans. Credit Suisse will also be affected by this, writes the Financial Times in its Friday edition. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the report, banks such as Barclays, Morgan Stanley, UniCredit and Credit Suisse would probably have to write down a total of up to 1.8 billion British pounds (around 2 billion euros) on their books, according to estimates by the consulting firm AlixPartners. Banken wie Barclays, Morgan Stanley, UniCredit oder die Credit Suisse müssten auf ihren Büchern wohl insgesamt Abschreibungen im Umfang von bis zu 1,8 Milliarden britische Pfund (rund 2 Mrd. Euro) vornehmen, so der Bericht. Das hätten Schätzungen des Beratungsunternehmens AlixPartners gezeigt. Banks like Barclays, Morgan Stanley, UniCredit, or Credit Suisse would have to write off a total of up to £1.8 billion (around €2 billion) from their books, the report says. This was indicated in estimates from consulting company AlixPartners. Huoshan_Translate.789 Bond creditors would have to accept write-downs of £900 million to £1 billion and lenders between £550 million and £825 million, with the actual amounts to be written off more likely to be at the upper end of the range, an expert told the paper. Die Gläubiger von Anleihen müssten dabei Abschreibungen von 900 Mio. bis 1 Milliarde Pfund und die Kreditgeber zwischen 550 und 825 Mio. Pfund in Kauf nehmen. Die tatsächlich abzuschreibenden Beträge dürften dabei eher am oberen Ende der Bandbreiten zu liegen kommen, sagte ein Experte dem Blatt. Bond creditors would have to accept write-offs of between £900 million to £1 billion and lenders of between £550 and £825 million. The amounts to be actually written off are more likely to be at the upper end of the range, an expert told the paper. Huoshan_Translate.789 How big the losses of the creditors will actually be in the end will become apparent after the end of the insolvency proceedings. A person close to these proceedings did not radiate too much hope. For example, the approximately 40 Thomas Cook aircraft in Great Britain are "old" and many of the properties are in bad locations. The most money can probably be obtained with the sale of the airport slots and the Thomas Cook brand, it continued. Wie groß die Verluste der Gläubiger am Ende tatsächlich sein werden, wird sich nach Ablauf des Insolvenzverfahrens zeigen. Eine diesem Verfahren nahe stehende Person versprühte nicht allzu viel Hoffnung. So seien beispielsweise die rund 40 Flugzeuge von Thomas Cook in Großbritannien "alt" und viele der Immobilien seien in schlechten Lagen. Am meisten Geld könne man wohl mit dem Verkauf der Flughafen-Slots sowie der Marke Thomas Cook herausholen, hieß es weiter. The scale of the losses for creditors will be evident after the insolvency proceedings. A person close to the proceedings did not offer much hope. For example, the 40 aircraft owned by Thomas Cook in Great Britain were "old" and much of the properties are in poor condition. The most money could be gleaned by selling the airport slots and removing the Thomas Cook label, they added. Huoshan_Translate.789 Rackete allegedly brought suspected murderers to Italy Rackete soll mutmaßliche Mörder nach Italien gebracht haben Rackete alleged to have brought suspected murderers to Italy Huoshan_Translate.789 Sea Watch captain Carola Rackete may have brought men to Italy who allegedly tortured and killed people in Libya. "We cannot rule this out, but we have no reliable information about it ourselves," Ruben Neugebauer, spokesman for the refugee organization Sea-Watch, told the dpa news agency. Die Sea-Watch-Kapitänin Carola Rackete hat möglicherweise Männer nach Italien gebracht, die in Libyen Menschen gefoltert und umgebracht haben sollen. "Wir können das nicht ausschließen, haben aber selbst keine gesicherten Informationen dazu", sagte der Sprecher der Flüchtlingsorganisation Sea-Watch, Ruben Neugebauer, der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. Sea Watch captain Carola Rackete may have brought men to Italy who are alleged to have tortured and murdered people in Libya. "We cannot rule it out, but we have no precise information," the spokesman for the refugee organization Sea Watch, Ruben Neugebauer, said to news agency dpa. Huoshan_Translate.789 Other migrants recognised the three men in Italy. They are accused of raping, torturing and killing people in Libya. The alleged perpetrators were arrested in the reception camp in Messina, Italy. Neugebauer stressed that the refugee organizations could not check who they let on their ships. "They come without passports." Andere Migranten hätten die drei Männer in Italien wiedererkannt. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, in Libyen Menschen vergewaltigt, gefoltert und getötet zu haben. Die mutmaßlichen Täter seien in dem Aufnahmelager im italienischen Messina verhaftet worden. Neugebauer betonte, die Flüchtlingsorganisationen könnten nicht überprüfen, wen sie auf ihre Schiffe ließen. "Die kommen ohne Pässe". The three men were recognized by other migrants in Italy. They were accused of having raped, tortured, and killed people in Libya. The suspects were arrested at the reception center in Messina, Italy. Neugebauer stressed that the refugee organization was unable to verify who they allowed to board their ships. "They come without passports." Huoshan_Translate.789 Carola Rackete had illegally brought migrants to the port of Lampedusa on 29 June, ramming a ship of the Italian financial police. On that day, the three suspects are also said to have arrived there. Investigations are ongoing against the captain for aiding illegal immigration. Carola Rackete hatte am 29. Juni illegal Migranten in den Hafen von Lampedusa gebracht und dabei ein Schiff der italienischen Finanzpolizei gerammt. An dem Tag sollen auch die drei Verdächtigen dort angekommen sein. Gegen die Kapitänin laufen Ermittlungen wegen Beihilfe zu illegaler Einwanderung. Carola Rackete brought illegal migrants into the port of Lampedusa on June 29, ramming an Italian Financial Guard ship in the process. The three suspects are said to have arrived there that day. The captain is under investigation for aiding and abetting illegal immigration. Huoshan_Translate.789 US warns German government against Huawei USA warnen Bundesregierung vor Huawei United States warns German government about Huawei Huoshan_Translate.789 The head of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, has warned the German government not to trust the Chinese network supplier Huawei. Der Chef der US-Internetbehörde Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, hat die Bundesregierung davor gewarnt, dem chinesischen Netzwerkausrüster Huawei zu vertrauen. The head of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, has warned the German government not to trust the Chinese network equipment provider Huawei. Huoshan_Translate.789 We believe that the risks are too great, "Pai told Handelsblatt with a view to setting up the new 5G mobile network. Wir glauben, dass die Risiken zu groß sind", sagte Pai dem "Handelsblatt" mit Blick auf den Aufbau des neuen 5G-Mobilfunknetzes. "We consider the risks too great", Pai told Handelsblatt newspaper regarding the expansion of the new 5G cellular network. Huoshan_Translate.789 China has a "national security law" that requires every company "under Chinese jurisdiction" to follow instructions from the security forces. China habe ein "nationales Sicherheitsgesetz", das jedes Unternehmen "unter chinesische Rechtsprechung" verpflichte, Anweisungen der Sicherheitsorgane zu befolgen. China, he said, has a "national security law" under which every company "under Chinese jurisdiction" is obliged to obey instructions from security authorities. Huoshan_Translate.789 Current law also prohibits companies from informing third parties about such requests, "the FCC CEO continued, making it very difficult to have confidence in the integrity of technical equipment and services. Das geltende Recht verbietet es den Unternehmen zudem, Dritte über solche Anfragen zu informieren", so der FCC-Chef weiter. Dies mache es sehr schwer, Vertrauen in die Integrität technischer Ausrüstung und Dienstleistungen zu haben. Furthermore, the applicable law prohibits companies from informing third parties about such enquiries, the FCC chairman continued. That makes it very difficult to trust the integrity of technical equipment and services. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the meantime, the Federal Government has agreed to demand a "declaration of trust" from suppliers. Die Bundesregierung hat sich inzwischen darauf verständigt, von Lieferanten eine "Vertrauenswürdigkeitserklärung" zu verlangen. Meanwhile, the federal government has agreed to demand a "declaration of integrity" from suppliers. Huoshan_Translate.789 Berlin first wants to try to control the risks, for example with technical solutions, reports the "Handelsblatt," citing its own information. Berlin wolle zunächst versuchen, die Risiken zu kontrollieren, etwa mit technischen Lösungen, berichtet das "Handelsblatt" unter Berufung auf eigene Informationen. Berlin first wants to try to contain the risks through measures such as technical solutions, reported Handelsblatt, citing its own sources. Huoshan_Translate.789 Pai doubts that this is possible. 5G technology does not only consist of hardware: Pai bezweifelt, dass dies möglich sei. Die 5G-Technologie bestehe nicht nur aus der Hardware: Pai doubts that this is possible. 5G technology consists of more than just hardware: Huoshan_Translate.789 Especially the software is important to keep the devices up to date. This software consists of billions of lines of program code that change over time, "said Pai. Gerade die Software ist wichtig, um die Geräte auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Diese Software besteht aus Milliarden Zeilen von Programmcode, die sich mit der Zeit verändern", sagte Pai. The software itself is important for keeping devices up to date. "This software consists of millions of lines of program code which change over time," said Pai. Huoshan_Translate.789 It is "very difficult to imagine" that a government agency, "no matter where, would be able to check every single update in real time to detect security risks," the FCC chief continued. Es falle "sehr schwer, sich vorzustellen", dass eine Regierungsbehörde, "egal wo, in der Lage wäre, jedes einzelne Update in Echtzeit zu überprüfen, um Sicherheitsrisiken aufzuspüren", so der FCC-Chef weiter. "It is very difficult to imagine a government authority anywhere being able to check each update in real time in order to detect security risks," Pai continued. Huoshan_Translate.789 He accuses the Chinese company Huawei of close contacts with the Chinese state apparatus: Dem chinesischen Konzern Huawei wirft er enge Kontakte zum chinesischen Staatsapparat vor: He accuses the Chinese corporation of having close contacts with the Chinese state apparatus. Huoshan_Translate.789 The ownership is opaque. The employee company that allegedly owns the company is not necessarily independent of the government, "Pai told Handelsblatt. Die Besitzverhältnisse sind undurchsichtig. Die Mitarbeitergesellschaft, der angeblich das Unternehmen gehört, ist nicht unbedingt unabhängig von der Regierung", sagte Pai dem "Handelsblatt". Ownership of the company is unclear. The employee association, which allegedly belongs to the company, is not necessarily independent of the government, Pai told Handelsblatt. Huoshan_Translate.789 The US has findings that government employees are placed within the company. Pai was recently in Berlin for talks to promote the US position. Den USA lägen Erkenntnisse vor, nach denen Regierungsmitarbeiter innerhalb des Unternehmens platziert seien. Pai war kürzlich für Gespräche in Berlin, um für die Position der USA zu werben. The United States has information that government employees have been placed in the company. Pai was in Berlin recently to promote the US position. Huoshan_Translate.789 Chemical factory in northern France burns: schools closed yahoo-de.127774 Chemiefabrik in Nordfrankreich brennt: Schulen geschlossen Fire in chemical factory in northern France: Schools closed Huoshan_Translate.789 At night, local residents hear explosions. A gigantic wall of fire illuminates the sky above a northern French chemical factory. The fire is extinguished after hours - but the cleanup could now take days. yahoo-de.127774 In der Nacht hören Anwohner Explosionen. Eine gigantische Feuerwand erleuchtet den Himmel über einer nordfranzösischen Chemiefabrik. Der Brand ist nach Stunden gelöscht - die Aufräumarbeiten könnten nun aber Tage dauern. The locals hear explosions during the night. A gigantic wall of fire illuminated the sky above a chemical factory in northern France. The fire was extinguished after mere hours - but the cleanup could take days. Huoshan_Translate.789 After a fire in a chemical factory in the northern French city of Rouen on Thursday, schools and crèches in the region remain closed. yahoo-de.127774 Nach einem Feuer in einer Chemiefabrik in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen am Donnerstag bleiben die Schulen und Kinderkrippen in der Region geschlossen. After a fire in a chemical factory in the northern French city of Rouen on Thursday, schools and kindergartens in the region remain closed. Huoshan_Translate.789 In twelve municipalities, the facilities would not open on Friday as a precautionary measure, the responsible prefecture announced. The Ministry of the Interior had asked citizens to stay in buildings as far as possible and not expose themselves to the smoke. There were no injuries. Farmers and breeders were called upon to bring their animals indoors, protect their feed and stop harvesting for the time being. yahoo-de.127774 In zwölf Kommunen würden die Einrichtungen am Freitag vorsorglich nicht öffnen, teilte die zuständige Präfektur mit. Das Innenministerium hatte die Bürger aufgefordert, so weit wie möglich in Gebäuden zu bleiben und sich nicht dem Rauch auszusetzen. Verletzte gab es nicht. Landwirte und Züchter wurden aufgerufen, ihre Tiere nach drinnen zu bringen, deren Futter zu schützen und die Ernte vorerst einzustellen. The responsible prefecture announced that the facilities would not be opening on Friday in twelve districts, as a precautionary measure. The Interior Ministry had asked citizens to stay indoors as much as possible and not to expose themselves to the smoke. No one was injured. Farmers and livestock breeders were advised to keep their animals indoors and protect their food, as well as to stop harvesting for the time being. Huoshan_Translate.789 The fire was completely extinguished on Thursday evening, according to the prefecture. There is still a risk that smell will spread after the extinguishing, according to the prefecture on Twitter. According to the prefecture, 240 firefighters as well as 90 police and gendarmes were deployed at the scene of the fire. yahoo-de.127774 Der Brand konnte am Donnerstagabend vollständig gelöscht werden, wie die Präfektur mitteilte. Es bestehe noch das Risiko, dass sich nach der Löschung Geruch verbreite, so die Präfektur auf Twitter. Nach Angaben der Präfektur waren am Brandort 240 Feuerwehrleute sowie 90 Polizisten und Gendarmen im Einsatz. The prefecture announced that the fire had been completely extinguished on Thursday. The prefecture warned of the risks of smoke spreading after the fire had been extinguished on Twitter. According to the prefecture, 240 firefighters and 90 police officers and gendarmes were deployed at the time. Huoshan_Translate.789 A gigantic black column of smoke had previously risen from the chemical factory. French media reported huge flames and explosions at the Lubrizol factory, which produces additives for oils. The production plant is located a few kilometres from the city centre. yahoo-de.127774 Aus der Chemiefabrik war zuvor eine gigantische schwarze Rauchsäule aufgestiegen. Französische Medien berichteten von riesigen Flammen und Explosionen in der Fabrik des Unternehmens Lubrizol, das Zusatzmittel für Öle herstelle. Die Produktionsanlage liegt wenige Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum entfernt. A gigantic gust of black smoke rose from the chemical factory. The French media reported of huge flames and explosions in the factory belonging to the company Lubrizol, which produces oil additives. The production plant is a kilometer away from the city center. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the authorities, the factory in Normandy belongs to the so-called Seveso category of dangerous sites, which are particularly monitored. In Seveso, Italy, near Milan, a devastating chemical accident occurred in 1976. yahoo-de.127774 Die Fabrik in der Normandie gehört nach Behördenangaben in die sogenannte Seveso-Kategorie von gefährlichen Standorten, die besonders überwacht werden. Im italienischen Seveso bei Mailand war es 1976 zu einem verheerenden Chemieunfall gekommen. According to officials, the factory in Normandy is in the so-called Seveso category of hazardous sites that are subject to special monitoring. In 1976 a devastating chemical accident occurred in Seveso, near Milan in Italy. Huoshan_Translate.789 The prefect of the Normandy region, Pierre-André Durand, told the news channel BFMTV that no "high toxicity" had been detected in samples at first. However, pollution of the nearby Seine could not be ruled out. Dams against pollution had been built in the river, the prefecture said. yahoo-de.127774 Der Präfekt der Region Normandie, Pierre-André Durand, sagte dem Nachrichtensender Sender BFMTV, es sei zunächst keine "hohe Giftigkeit" in Proben festgestellt worden. Eine Verschmutzung der nahe gelegenen Seine könne aber nicht ausgeschlossen werden. In dem Fluss seien Staudämme gegen die Verschmutzung aufgebaut worden, erklärte die Präfektur. The prefect of the Normandy region, Pierre-André Durand, stated for the news channel BFMTV that initially no "high toxicity" had been detected in samples. However, pollution of the nearby Seine could not be ruled out. The prefecture explained that dams had been built on the river for the purpose of pollution prevention. Huoshan_Translate.789 The fire broke out early in the morning at around 2: 40 a.m., the authorities reported. The cause remained unclear at first. Rouen is a regional metropolis and is located on the Seine between Paris and the port city of Le Havre. yahoo-de.127774 Der Brand sei am frühen Morgen gegen 02.40 Uhr ausgebrochen, berichteten die Behörden. Die Ursache blieb zunächst unklar. Rouen ist eine regionale Metropole und liegt an der Seine zwischen Paris und der Hafenstadt Le Havre. The authorities reported that the fire started around 02:40am. The cause is so far not clear. Rouen is a large city in the region and lies on the Seine between Paris and the port of Le Havre. Huoshan_Translate.789 French Finance Minister: "Germany must invest now" Französischer Finanzminister: "Deutschland muss investieren und zwar jetzt" French finance minister: "Germany must invest right now." Huoshan_Translate.789 French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has called on Germany to invest more to boost economic growth in the eurozone. Der französische Wirtschafts- und Finanzminister Bruno Le Maire hat Deutschland zu größeren Investitionen aufgerufen, um das Wirtschaftswachstum in der Eurozone anzukurbeln. French Minister of the Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire has called for greater investment from Germany in order to boost economic growth in the eurozone. Huoshan_Translate.789 Germany must invest now, the sooner the better, "Le Maire said on Thursday evening at the presentation of the French budget for the coming year. Deutschland muss investieren und zwar jetzt, je früher desto besser", sagte Le Maire am Donnerstagabend bei der Vorstellung des französischen Haushalts für das kommende Jahr. "Germany must invest right now, the sooner the better," Le Maire said Thursday evening when presenting the French budget for next year. Huoshan_Translate.789 The eurozone economy is weakening, the minister warned. Die Wirtschaft in der Eurozone sei am schwächeln, warnte der Minister. "The economy is the eurozone is stumbling," he warned. Huoshan_Translate.789 We must not wait for the economic situation to get worse to take the necessary decisions. " Wir dürfen nicht warten, bis die wirtschaftliche Situation sich verschlimmert, um die notwendigen Entscheidungen zu treffen". "We can't wait for the economic situation to deteriorate before making the necessary decisions." Huoshan_Translate.789 Those states that have budgetary room for manoeuvre for more investment must act, said Le Maire, among other things, with regard to Germany. Handeln müssten diejenigen Staaten, die Haushaltsspielräume für mehr Investitionen hätten, sagte Le Maire unter anderem mit Blick auf Deutschland. Those countries with sufficient budget reserves for more investments are the ones that should act, said Le Maire, in reference to Germany and others. Huoshan_Translate.789 France does not have these margins, the minister added, pointing to his country's high public debt, which amounts to more than 98 percent of gross domestic product. French public debt must be "stabilized" and "reduced," said Le Maire. Frankreich habe diese Spielräume nicht, fügte der Minister hinzu und verwies auf die hohe Staatsverschuldung seines Landes. Diese liegt bei mehr als 98 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Die französische Staatsverschuldung müsse "stabilisiert" und "gesenkt" werden, sagte Le Maire. France does not have this reserve, he added, referring to his country's high national debt. France's debt accounts for 98 percent of GDP. The national debt must be "stabilized" and "reduced," said Le Maire. Huoshan_Translate.789 In recent years, France has repeatedly appealed to Germany to make more public investments in order to revive the European economy. In return, German politicians have repeatedly called on France to get its budget deficit under control. Aus Frankreich sind in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder Appelle an Deutschland gekommen, mehr öffentliche Investitionen zu tätigen, um die europäische Wirtschaft zu beleben. Im Gegenzug haben deutsche Politiker Frankreich immer wieder aufgefordert, sein Haushaltsdefizit in den Griff zu bekommen. In recent years, France has made repeated appeals for Germany to increase public investments in order to revive the European economy. In turn, German politicians have repeatedly called on France to keep its budget deficit under control. Huoshan_Translate.789 The French budget for 2020 presented on Thursday provides for tax relief of more than nine billion euros for households. Der am Donnerstag vorgestellte französische Haushalt für 2020 sieht Steuererleichterungen von mehr als neun Milliarden Euro für Haushalte vor. The French budget for 2020 presented on Thursday includes tax reductions worth over €9 billion for households. Huoshan_Translate.789 Among other things, the French government is reacting to the protests of the Yellow Vest movement. New debt is expected to fall to 2.2 percent, after an expected 3.1 percent this year. Damit reagiert die französische Regierung unter anderem auf die Proteste der Gelbwesten-Bewegung. Die Neuverschuldung soll auf 2,2 Prozent sinken, nach erwarteten 3,1 Prozent in diesem Jahr. This is one way in which the French government is reacting to the protests by the yellow vest movement. New borrowing should fall to 2.2 per cent after the 3.1 per cent expected this year. Huoshan_Translate.789 Is he still trying to trick?: Johnson dodges question on Brexit tactics n-tv.89674 Versucht er noch zu tricksen?: Johnson weicht Frage zu Brexit-Taktik aus Is He Still Trying to Trick Us?: Johnson Dodges Questions about Brexit Tactics Huoshan_Translate.789 British Prime Minister Johnson strongly criticizes the "surrender law" passed by Parliament. n-tv.89674 Der britische Premier Johnson kritisiert das vom Parlament verabschiedete "Kapitulationsgesetz" scharf. The British Prime Minister Johnson has sharp criticism for the "capitulation act" ratified by parliament. Huoshan_Translate.789 Parliament is back, a law requires the British prime minister to avoid a chaos Brexit. However, critics fear that Boris Johnson could still use a loophole. Asked about this possibility, however, the Tory politician evades. n-tv.89674 Das Parlament ist zurück, ein Gesetz schreibt dem britischen Premier vor, einen Chaos-Brexit zu vermeiden. Kritiker befürchten jedoch, dass Boris Johnson noch ein Schlupfloch nutzen könnte. Auf diese Möglichkeit angesprochen, weicht der Tory-Politiker jedoch aus. The parliament is back, and a law requires the British Prime Minister to avoid a chaos Brexit. However, critics fear that Boris Johnson could still make use of a loophole. When asked about this possibility, however, the Tory politician skirted the issue. Huoshan_Translate.789 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is keeping a low profile on whether he wants to push through an unregulated Brexit - despite the law recently passed by Parliament, which is intended to prevent exactly that. In response to a question, Johnson merely told journalists that his government would abide by applicable law. n-tv.89674 Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hält sich darüber bedeckt, ob er einen ungeregelten Brexit durchsetzen will - trotz des zuletzt vom Parlament beschlossenen Gesetzes, was genau das verhindern soll. Auf eine entsprechende Frage sagte Johnson vor Journalisten lediglich, seine Regierung werde sich an geltendes Recht halten. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being discrete about whether he wants to implement an unregulated Brexit, despite the law recently passed by Parliament that is supposed to prevent just that. When questioned to that end, Johnson has merely told journalists that his government will comply with applicable law. Huoshan_Translate.789 The law stipulates that the government must request a postponement of the withdrawal date if no agreement with the EU is reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "surrender law" that makes negotiations with the EU more difficult. n-tv.89674 Das Gesetz sieht vor, dass die Regierung eine Verschiebung des Austrittstermins beantragen muss, sollte bis Mitte Oktober kein Abkommen mit der EU erzielt sein. Johnson kritisiert dies als "Kapitulationsgesetz", das die Verhandlungen mit der EU erschwere. The law prescribes that the government request a postponement for the date of withdrawal if an agreement with the EU cannot be reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiating with the EU more difficult. Huoshan_Translate.789 Former British Prime Minister John Major had expressed the suspicion on Thursday that Johnson could try to use "political harassment" to circumvent the law. The prime minister could use a procedural trick to postpone the law's entry into force until after leaving the EU. Johnson said he was seeking a treaty with the European Union. "We are confident of leaving the EU on 31 October, and the best way is with an agreement." n-tv.89674 Der ehemalige britische Premierminister John Major hatte am Donnerstag die Vermutung geäußert, Johnson könne versuchen, "politische Schikane" einzusetzen, um das Gesetz zu umgehen. Der Premier könne einen Verfahrenstrick einsetzen, der das Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes auf die Zeit nach dem EU-Austritt verschiebe. Johnson sagte, er strebe einen Vertrag mit der Europäischen Union an. "Wir sind zuversichtlich, die EU am 31. Oktober zu verlassen, und der beste Weg ist der mit einer Vereinbarung". On Thursday, the former British Prime Minister John Major expressed the suspicion that Johnson might attempt to use "political chicanery" to circumvent the law. The Prime Minister might use a procedural trick that would postpone the law's entry into force until after the withdrawal from the EU. Johnson said he is striving for a treaty with the European Union. "We're confident about leaving the EU on October 31, and the best path is to do so with an agreement." Huoshan_Translate.789 Johnson's chief adviser Dominic Cummings, meanwhile, declared that he perceived the political disputes over Brexit as a "walk in the park" and was confident that the desired exit from the EU would still come about: "We enjoy it, we will win, we will (editor's note: leave the EU), don't worry," Cummings told the British newspaper "Telegraph" at a book launch. n-tv.89674 Johnsons Chefberater Dominic Cummings erklärte unterdessen, er empfinde die politischen Auseinandersetzungen um den Brexit als "Spaziergang im Park" und zeigte sich zuversichtlich, dass der angestrebte EU-Austritt noch zustande komme: "Wir genießen das, wir werden gewinnen, wir werden (Anm. d. Red.: aus der EU) austreten, keine Sorge", sagte Cummings der britischen Zeitung "Telegraph" zufolge bei einer Buchvorstellung. Johnson's Chief Adviser, Dominic Cummings, has stated in the meantime that he sees the political conflict surrounding Brexit as a "walk in the park" and seems confident that the sought-after withdrawal from the EU will happen: "We're enjoying this, we're going to win, we're going to leave (editor's note: the EU), don't worry," said Cummings at a book presentation, according to the British Newspaper "Telegraph." Huoshan_Translate.789 Cummings, who led the Brexit campaign "Vote Leave" during the election campaign before the 2016 EU referendum, now serves as chief strategist in the British government headquarters of Downing Street. He is said to be behind the uncompromising policies that have led the prime minister into an almost hopeless situation. n-tv.89674 Cummings, der während des Wahlkampfs vor dem EU-Referendum 2016 die Brexit-Kampagne "Vote Leave" leitete, fungiert nun als Chefstratege im britischen Regierungssitz Downing Street. Er soll hinter der kompromisslosen Politik stecken, die den Premier in eine schier ausweglose Situation geführt hat. Cummings, who led the Brexit campaign "Vote Leave" during the election before the EU referendum 2016, now functions as the Chief Strategist in the British seat of government on Downing Street. He is said to be behind the uncompromising policy that has led the Prime Minister into an almost inescapable situation. Huoshan_Translate.789 "The Polaroid Diaries" by Linda McCartney "The Polaroid Diaries" von Linda McCartney "The Polaroid Diaries" by Linda McCartney Huoshan_Translate.789 Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan or Janis Joplin - they all stood in front of the camera of Linda McCartney, who has become one of the great rock photographers. But it doesn't always have to be the great glamour. The photo book "The Polaroid Diaries" dives deep into the very private world of the McCartney family. Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan oder Janis Joplin - sie alle standen vor der Kamera von Linda McCartney, die eine der ganz großen Rock-Fotografinnen geworden ist. Aber es muss nicht immer der große Glamour sein. Das Fotobuch "The Polaroid Diaries" (Taschen) taucht tief ein in die ganz private Welt der McCartney-Familie. Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, and Janis Joplin: They all stood before the camera of Linda McCartney, who has become one of the great rock photographers. But it's not always glamourous. The photo album entitled "The Polaroid Diaries" (Taschen) goes deep into the very private world of the McCartney family. Huoshan_Translate.789 Paul McCartney, who was married to her from 1969 until Linda's death in 1998, was visibly proud and moved when he presented the illustrated book "The Polaroid Diaries" at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in mid-September. Illustrious guests included Ringo Starr, Stella McCartney, Olivia Harrison and Pretenders frontwoman Chrissie Hynde. Paul McCartney, der von 1969 bis zu Lindas Tod im Jahr 1998 mit ihr verheiratet war, war sichtlich stolz und gerührt, als er den Bildband "The Polaroid Diaries" Mitte September im Victoria and Albert Museum in London präsentierte. Zu den illustren Gästen gehörten auch Ringo Starr, Stella McCartney, Olivia Harrison und Pretenders-Frontfrau Chrissie Hynde. Paul McCartney, who was married to Linda from 1969 until her death in 1998, was visibly proud and touched when he presented the photo book "The Polaroid Diaries" at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in mid-September. The illustrious guests included Ringo Starr, Stella McCartney, Olivia Harrison, and the Pretenders frontwoman Chrissie Hynde. Huoshan_Translate.789 After the launch event, McCartney wrote on Instagram: "# ThePolaroidDiaries is a glimpse into the life of an extraordinary pre-Instagram family, a celebration of LindaMcCartney's legacy as a dedicated artist and the instant magic of Polaroid film." Nach dem Launch Event schrieb McCartney bei Instagram: "#ThePolaroidDiaries ist ein flüchtiger Blick in das Leben einer außergewöhnlichen Familie aus der Zeit vor Instagram, eine Feier zum Vermächtnis von LindaMcCartney als engagierter Künstlerin und der Sofortmagie des Polaroidfilms". After the launch event, McCartney posted on Instagram: "#ThePolaroidDiaries is a fleeting glimpse into the life of an extraordinary family from the time before Instagram, a celebration of the legacy of LindaMcCartney as a committed artist and the immediate magic of Polaroid film." Huoshan_Translate.789 With Linda McCartney, who had studied art history at the University of Aizona until she found photography, the camera was always there. She made thousands of Polaroids, several hundred of them are now published for the first time in "The Polaroid Diaries." Bei Linda McCartney, die Kunstgeschichte an der Universität von Aizona studiert hatte, bis sie zur Fotografie fand, war die Kamera immer dabei. Tausende Polaroids hat sie gemacht, einige hundert davon werden jetzt in "The Polaroid Diaries" erstmalig veröffentlicht. For Linda McCartney, who studied art history at the University of Arizona until she found photography, the camera was always close at hand. She made thousands of Polaroids, of which a few hundred are now being published for the first time in "The Polaroid Diaries." Huoshan_Translate.789 They are portraits, still lifes, landscapes, several hamsters, a sheep in the kitchen and other interiors from the early 70s to the late 90s. "She wanted real moments," writes art critic Ekow Eshun in his preface. And of course, the focus is always on one: her husband Paul - as you may never have seen him before. Es sind Porträts, Stillleben, Landschaften, mehrere Hamster, ein Schaf in der Küche und andere Interieurs aus den frühen 70er Jahren bis in die späten 90er Jahre. "Sie wollte echte Momente", schreibt der Kunstkritiker Ekow Eshun in seinem Vorwort. Und natürlich steht immer wieder einer im Mittelpunkt: Ihr Mann Paul - wie man ihn vielleicht noch nie gesehen hat. There are portraits, still life, landscapes, some hamsters, a sheep in the kitchen, and other interiors from the early 70s until the late 90s. "She wanted genuine moments," the art critic Ekow Eshun wrote in his forward. And naturally, one thing always took center stage: her husband Paul, as many had possibly never seen him. Huoshan_Translate.789 There he dances with his daughter Mary on his shoulders, talks on the phone in a bathrobe with a bag on his head or wears misshapen moonboots. Sure, the McCartneys were an extraordinary family, but they also lived a normal life beyond the spotlight on their farm in southern England or in Scotland. According to the BBC, Mary McCartney said that as a baby she had slept in a bed her father had made from old potato boxes. And it hasn't always been tidy with the McCartneys. Da tanzt er mit seiner Tochter Mary auf den Schultern, telefoniert im Bademantel mit einer Tüte auf dem Kopf oder trägt unförmige Moonboots. Sicher, die McCartneys waren eine außergewöhnliche Familie, die aber jenseits des Scheinwerferlichtes auf ihrer Farm in Südengland oder in Schottland auch ein ganz normales Leben führte. So sagte Mary McCartney laut BBC, dass sie als Baby in einem Bett geschlafen hätte, das ihr Vater aus alten Kartoffelschachteln gebastelt hatte. Und aufgeräumt ist es bei den McCartneys auch nicht immer gewesen. He's shown dancing while carrying his daughter Mary on his shoulders, talking on the phone in his bathrobe with a bag on his head, and wearing misshapen Moon Boots. Sure, the McCartneys were an extraordinary family, but one that led a fully normal life outside the spotlight on their farm in south England or in Scotland. According to the BBC, Mary McCartney said that as a baby she slept in a bed her father had built from old potato crates. And the McCartney house has not always been tidy. Huoshan_Translate.789 Like hardly any other medium, the Poloraid camera captures the immediate moment. Linda McCartney's shots are certainly a kind of family diary, but they are much more than just snapshots. Wie kaum ein anderes Medium fängt die Poloraid-Kamera den unmittelbaren Moment ein. Die Aufnahmen von Linda McCartney sind sicherlich ein Art Familien-Tagebuch, aber sie sind sehr viel mehr als reine Schnappschüsse. The Polaroid camera captures the immediate moment like hardly any other medium. Linda McCartney's photographs are definitely a type of family diary, but they're more than just snapshots. Huoshan_Translate.789 It's about the decisive click: you have to recognize when a great photo happens in front of you. And then you have to take it at exactly the right moment, "said Paul McCartney." If you snap two seconds later or two seconds earlier, it can be a completely different photo. "And Linda would have had the gift of always capturing exactly the right moment." She just knew she had it, "Paul said in the Eshun essay. Es geht um den entscheiden Klick: Du musst erkennen, wenn vor dir ein tolles Foto passiert. Und dann musst du es im exakt richtigen Moment knipsen", sagte Paul McCartney. "Knipst man zwei Sekunden später oder zwei Sekunden früher, kann es ein völlig anderes Foto sein". Und Linda hätte die Gabe gehabt, immer genau den richtigen Moment einzufangen. "Sie wusste einfach, dass sie es hat", sagte Paul in dem Eshun-Essay. It all comes down to the decisive click: "You have to recognize when a terrific photo is taking place in front of you. And then snap it at just the right moment," says Paul McCartney. "If you snap it two seconds later or earlier, it can be a totally different picture." And Linda always had a talent for capturing it at just the right moment. "She just knew she had it," said Paul in the Eshun essay. Huoshan_Translate.789 The light, the composition, the picture detail and the colours are right, which makes "The Polaroid Diaries" not only an entertaining picture book for Beatles fans, but also a great aesthetic pleasure, where landscapes sometimes seem like abstract paintings. The perfect complement to the newly released Beatles album "Abbey Road," which was released exactly 50 years ago. Da stimmt das Licht, die Komposition, der Bildausschnitt und die Farben, was "The Polaroid Diaries" nicht nur zu einem unterhaltsamen Bilderbuch für Beatles-Fans macht, sondern neben allem Anekdotischen auch ein großes ästhetisches Vergnügen ist, wo Landschaften auch schon mal wie abstrakte Gemälde wirken. Die perfekte Ergänzung zu dem gerade neu aufgelegten Beatles-Album "Abbey Road", das vor genau 50 Jahren erschienen ist. The light, the composition, the detail, and the colors were all correct, making "The Polaroid Diaries" into not only an entertaining picture book for Beatles fans, but, besides all the anecdotes, a great aesthetic pleasure where landscapes work like abstract paintings. The perfect supplement to the Beatles album "Abbey Road," which appeared exactly fifty years ago and has been reissued. Huoshan_Translate.789 "We will continue to buy oil and gas from Iran" "Wir werden weiter Öl und Gas aus dem Iran kaufen" "We will continue to buy oil and gas from Iran" Huoshan_Translate.789 Turkey wants to continue importing oil and gas from the neighbouring country despite the US sanctions imposed on Iran. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview published on Friday that Turkey could not cut off oil and gas imports from Iran. Die Türkei will trotz der gegen den Iran verhängten US-Sanktionen weiter Öl und Gas aus dem Nachbarland importieren. Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan sagte in einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Interview, die Türkei könne den Öl- und Gasimport aus dem Iran nicht abbrechen. Despite the US sanctions against Iran, Turkey will continue to import oil and gas from its neighbor. In an interview released on Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey cannot terminate its oil and gas imports from Iran. Huoshan_Translate.789 We will continue to buy our natural gas from there, "Erdogan said in New York, where he attended the UN General Assembly. Wir werden unser Erdgas weiter von dort kaufen", sagte Erdogan in New York, wo er an der UN-Vollversammlung teilgenommen hatte. "We shall continue to by our gas from there," Erdogan said in New York, where he had participated in the UN General Assembly. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, Erdogan admitted that Turkey had problems importing Iranian oil, as some companies had "withdrawn because of US threats." Erdogan gab aber zu, dass die Türkei beim Import iranischen Erdöls Probleme habe, da sich einige Unternehmen "wegen der US-Drohungen zurückgezogen" hätten. However, he admitted that Turkey has problems with the import of Iranian oil because a few companies had "pulled out due to US threats." Huoshan_Translate.789 Nevertheless, Turkey will "continue our relations with Iran, especially on this issue and on many other issues," said the Turkish president, who has repeatedly criticized US sanctions against Iran in the past. Trotzdem werde die Türkei "besonders in dieser Frage und in vielen anderen Fragen unsere Beziehungen mit dem Iran fortsetzen", sagte der türkische Präsident, der die US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran in der Vergangenheit wiederholt kritisiert hatte. Nevertheless, Turkey "will maintain our relations with Iran, in particular in relation to this matter and many others," said the Turkish president, who has repeatedly criticized the US sanctions against Iran. Huoshan_Translate.789 Since its withdrawal from the international nuclear agreement with Iran, the US has pursued a policy of "maximum pressure" against the Islamic Republic. According to the US, Iran is secretly pursuing a nuclear program and does not abide by the agreement. Die USA verfolgen seit ihrem Ausstieg aus dem internationalen Atomabkommen mit dem Iran eine Politik des "maximalen Drucks" gegenüber der Islamischen Republik. Laut USA verfolge der Iran im Geheimen ein Atomprogramm und halte sich nicht an das Abkommen. Since withdrawing from the international nuclear treaty, the United States has been pursuing a policy of "maximum pressure" on the Islamic Republic. According to the US, Iran is secretly pursuing a nuclear program and does not abide by the treaty. Huoshan_Translate.789 Their sanctions have led to the collapse of Iranian oil exports and a severe economic crisis in Iran. Tensions in the Gulf region have intensified considerably in recent months. Ihre Sanktionen haben zum Einbruch der iranischen Ölexporte und einer schweren Wirtschaftskrise im Iran geführt. In den vergangenen Monaten haben sich die Spannungen in der Golfregion erheblich verschärft. US sanctions have caused a collapse of Iranian oil exports and a severe economic crisis. Tensions in the Gulf have increased considerably over the past few months. Huoshan_Translate.789 US government wants to restrict admission of refugees US-Regierung will Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen einschränken US government to restrict admission of refugees Huoshan_Translate.789 The US government wants to drastically restrict the admission of refugees. The US State Department said on Thursday that the annual ceiling of a resettlement program should be lowered from the current 30,000 to 18,000 refugees, a cut of 40 percent. Die US-Regierung will die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen drastisch einschränken. Das US-Außenministerium erklärte am Donnerstag, die jährliche Obergrenze eines Neuansiedlungs-Programms solle von derzeit 30.000 auf 18.000 Flüchtlinge abgesenkt werden. Das entspricht einem Einschnitt von 40 Prozent. The US government wants a drastic reduction in admission of refugees. The United States Department of State explained on Thursday that their annual upper limit of a resettlement program should be reduced to 18,000 instead of 30,000 refugees. That is a reduction of 40%. Huoshan_Translate.789 The State Department said that while the US remains committed to supporting refugees, the most important task is to protect and serve US citizens. Currently, the US immigration system is overburdened. Das Außenministerium erklärte, die USA würden sich zwar weiterhin der Unterstützung von Flüchtlingen verpflichtet sehen. Wichtigste Aufgabe sei es aber, US-Bürger zu schützen und ihnen zu dienen. Derzeit sei das US-Einwanderungssystem überlastet. The Department of State explained that the USA would continue to show obligation toward support of refugees. Their primary purpose, however, is to protect and serve US citizens. Currently the immigration system in the US is overloaded. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the future, the US government wants to focus on taking in two refugee groups: people who are persecuted for their faith - and Iraqis who have helped the US military in the country and are thus in danger, according to the State Department statement. By contrast, a maximum of 1,500 refugees are to be taken in from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Die US-Regierung will sich künftig auf die Aufnahme von zwei Flüchtlingsgruppen konzentrieren: Menschen, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden - und Iraker, die dem US-Militär in dem Land geholfen haben und dadurch in Gefahr geraten sind, wie aus der Erklärung des Außenministeriums hervorgeht. Aus Honduras, Guatemala und El Salvador hingegen sollen maximal 1500 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen werden. The US government wants to concentrate on adding two refugee groups in future. People who are being persecuted because of their faith, and Iraqis who helped the US military in that nation and have thereby become endangered, the State Department has explained. On the other hand, a maximum of 1500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be added. Huoshan_Translate.789 Launched in 1980, the program selects refugees from UN camps around the world and resettles them in the U.S. The ceiling of 18,000 refugees for the 2020 budget year would be the lowest in the program's history. Even the current ceiling of 30,000 is a low. When US President Donald Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, left the White House, the number was just under 85,000. Bei dem 1980 aufgelegten Programm werden Flüchtlinge aus UNO-Lagern in aller Welt ausgewählt und in den USA neu angesiedelt. Die Obergrenze von 18.000 Flüchtlingen für das Budgetjahr 2020 wäre die niedrigste in der Geschichte des Programms. Schon die derzeit geltende Obergrenze von 30.000 ist ein Tiefstwert. Als der Vorgänger von US-Präsident Donald Trump, Barack Obama, das Weiße Haus verließ, lag die Zahl bei knapp 85.000. For the 1980 program, refugees are selected from UNO camps around the world and resettled in the USA. The upper limit of 18,000 refugees for the budget year of 2020 would be the lowest in the history of the program. The current upper limit of 30,000 refugees is already an all-time low. When US president Donald Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, left the White House, this figure was at almost 85,000. Huoshan_Translate.789 Aid agencies reacted in horror to the announced lowering of the ceiling. "This is a very sad day for America," said International Rescue Committee chief David Miliband, further damaging the US's leadership in protecting the world's most vulnerable people. Hilfsorganisationen reagierten entsetzt auf die angekündigte Absenkung der Obergrenze. "Das ist ein sehr trauriger Tag für Amerika", sagte der Chef des International Rescue Committee, David Miliband. Die USA würden damit ihre Führungsrolle beim Schutz der verletzlichsten Menschen der Welt weiter schädigen. Aid organizations reacted in horror to the announced decrease of the upper limit. "That is a very sad day for America," said the director of International Rescue Committee, David Miliband. The USA would be damaging their status as leading role in protecting vulnerable people in the world even further. Huoshan_Translate.789 Trump is trying to strictly limit immigration to the US - both legally and illegally. According to its own figures, the US government expects 350,000 asylum applications for the coming budget year. These figures are separate from the resettlement program. Trump versucht die Einwanderung in die USA - legal wie illegal - strikt zu begrenzen. Die US-Regierung erwartet nach eigenen Angaben für das kommende Budgetjahr 350.000 Asylanträge. Diese Zahlen sind getrennt vom Neuansiedlungs-Programm. Trump tries to set strict limits on legal as well as illegal immigration into the USA. According to some information, the US government is expecting 350,000 asylum applications for the budget year ahead. These figures are separate to those of the resettlement program. Huoshan_Translate.789 Donald Trump - "Coming close to an informer" sz.87322 Donald Trump - "Kommt einem Spitzel nahe" Donald Trump—"More like an informer" Huoshan_Translate.789 US President Donald Trump has accused whistleblowers of espionage in the whistleblower affair. Whoever gave evidence to the informant who accused him of abuse of power "comes close to an informer," Trump said, according to a recording of a private event in New York on Thursday, according to several US media outlets. sz.87322 US-Präsident Donald Trump hat Hinweisgeber in der Whistleblower-Affäre der Spionage bezichtigt. Wer auch immer dem Informanten, der ihm Machtmissbrauch vorwerfe, entsprechende Hinweise zugeschanzt habe, "kommt einem Spitzel nahe", sagte Trump laut einer Aufzeichnung einer privaten Veranstaltung am Donnerstag in New York. Das berichten mehrere US-Medien übereinstimmend. US president Donald Trump has accused whistleblowers in the espionage Whistleblower affair. Whoever had given relevant information to the informer who accused him of abuse of power, "is more like a snitch," Trump said according to a record kept by a private event in New York on Thursday. This was reported unanimously by several US media outlets. Huoshan_Translate.789 When asked about the person who informed the whistleblower about controversial events in the White House, he replied, "That comes close to an informer." Then Trump added, "Do you know what we did in the old days when we were smart? Right. The spies and betrayal, we used to deal with it a bit differently than we do now." sz.87322 Demnach sprach Trump vor Mitarbeitern der amerikanischen UN-Mission. Als er nach der Person gefragt wurde, die den Whistleblower über umstrittene Vorgänge im Weißen Haus informierte, antwortete er: "Das kommt einem Spitzel nahe". Dann fügte Trump hinzu: "Wissen Sie, was wir in alten Zeiten gemacht haben, als wir schlau waren? Richtig. Die Spione und Verrat, wir pflegten damit ein bisschen anders umzugehen als wir das jetzt tun". Accordingly, Trump spoke about employees of the American UN Mission. When he was queried about the person, who informed the whistleblower about controversial events in the White House, he responded, "It is more like an informer." Then Trump added, "Do you know, what we did in the olden days, when we were smart?" That's right. The spies and treason, we used to deal with that a little differently from how we do now." Huoshan_Translate.789 Observers evaluated the latter remark as a possible allusion to the death penalty. Democrats strongly criticized Trump's remarks and accused him of intimidating witnesses. It was also an attempt to obstruct a congressional inquiry into possible impeachment proceedings against him, the chairmen of the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight Committees wrote. sz.87322 Beobachter werteten letztere Bemerkung auf eine mögliche Anspielung auf die Todesstrafe. Die Demokraten übten scharfe Kritik an Trumps Äußerungen und warfen ihm Einschüchterung von Zeugen vor. Es handele sich zudem um einen Versuch, eine Kongressuntersuchung zu einem möglichen Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen ihn zu behindern, schrieben die Vorsitzenden der Ausschüsse für Auswärtiges, Geheimdienste und Aufsicht im Repräsentantenhaus. Observers evaluated the last observation for a possible allusion to the death penalty. The Democrats practiced harsh criticism on Trump's comments and accused him of intimidation of witnesses. It was an attempt, to hinder a congress investigation into a possible impeachment procedure against him, wrote the chairmen of the committees for evaluation, secret services and supervision in the house of representatives. Huoshan_Translate.789 In a now published complaint, the whistleblower accuses the president of abusing his office to ask for another country to interfere in the 2020 US election. Specifically, his controversial phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky in the summer: In the conversation, Trump suggested that he launch an investigation into his possible Democratic challenger Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine. Trump denies any wrongdoing. sz.87322 Der Whistleblower wirft dem Präsidenten in einer nun veröffentlichten Beschwerde vor, sein Amt missbraucht zu haben, um eine Einmischung eines anderen Landes in die US-Wahl 2020 zu erbitten. Konkret geht es unter anderem um sein umstrittenes Telefonat mit seinem ukrainischen Amtskollegen Wolodymyr Selenskyj im Sommer: In dem Gespräch legte Trump ihm nahe, Ermittlungen gegen seinen möglichen demokratischen Herausforderer Joe Biden und dessen Sohn Hunter in der Ukraine einzuleiten. Trump bestreitet jegliches Fehlverhalten. The whistleblower accuses the president in a now disclosed complaint, of having abused his office in order to solicit interference from another country in the 2020 US election. Specifically, it is about his controversial phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart Wolodymyr Selenskyj during the summer. In the conversation Trump suggested to him to initiate investigations against his possible democratic challenger Joe Biden and his son Hunter in the Ukraine. Trump denies any wrongdoing. Huoshan_Translate.789 It is still unclear who both the whistleblower himself and his informants are. However, as the New York Times reports, the whistleblower is said to be an analyst of the foreign intelligence agency CIA. sz.87322 Noch ist unklar, wer sowohl der Whistleblower selbst als auch dessen Informanten sind. Wie die New York Times berichtet, soll es sich bei dem Whistleblower jedoch um einen Analysten des Auslandsgeheimdienstes CIA handeln. It is still unclear, who the whistleblower himself might be as well as who the informant is. As reported by the New York Times, the identity of the whistleblower is reputedly an analyst of the CIA foreign intelligence agency. Huoshan_Translate.789 Refugee boat capsized: Baby and toddlers drown in Aegean Sea n-tv.89670 Flüchtlingsboot gekentert: Baby und Kleinkinder ertrinken in Ägäis Refugee Boat Capsized: Baby and Small Children Drown in the Aegean Huoshan_Translate.789 Again and again people try to cross the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece. The often far too small boats regularly capsize. Seven migrants have now died in the sinking of a rubber dinghy - including five children. n-tv.89670 Immer wieder versuchen Menschen, über das Ägäische Meer von der Türkei nach Griechenland zu kommen. Dabei kentern regelmäßig die oftmals viel zu kleinen Boote. Beim Untergang eines Schlauchbootes sind nun sieben Migranten ums Leben gekommen - darunter fünf Kinder. People are continually trying to cross the Aegean Sea to get to Greece from Turkey. And the boats they use often capsize because they are much too small. Seven immigrants have now died in the sinking of a rubber raft—including five children. Huoshan_Translate.789 Seven migrants died in the sinking of a rubber dinghy off the Greek island of Chios. Among the fatalities were a baby and four other children, the Greek Coast Guard reported. Four children, three women and five men were rescued from the floods by the crew of a passing ferry. n-tv.89670 Vor der griechischen Insel Chios sind beim Untergang eines Schlauchbootes sieben Migranten ums Leben gekommen. Unter den Todesopfern seien auch ein Baby sowie vier weitere Kinder, berichtete die griechische Küstenwache. Vier Kinder, drei Frauen und fünf Männer konnten demnach aus den Fluten von der Besatzung einer vorbeifahrenden Fähre gerettet werden. Seven immigrants died at the Greek island Chios when a rubber raft sank. The victims included a baby and four other children, the Greek coast guard reported. Four children, three women, and five men were reportedly rescued from the floodwaters by the crew of a passing ferry. Huoshan_Translate.789 Among the victims is said to be a smuggler, reported the local news portal of Chios, The migrants had left Turkey in the morning. They had tried to reach the small archipelago of Inousses in the northeast of the island of Chios. Inousses is located between Chios and the Turkish mainland. n-tv.89670 Unter den Opfern soll auch ein Schleuser sein, berichtete das örtliche Nachrichtenportal von Chios, Die Migranten waren am Morgen aus der Türkei aufgebrochen. Sie hatten versucht, die kleine Inselgruppe Inousses im Nordosten der Insel Chios zu erreichen. Inousses liegt zwischen Chios und dem türkischen Festland. The victims are said to include a smuggler, reported the local news agency of Chios, The immigrants set out from Turkey in the morning. They were attempting to reach Inousses, the small group of islands in the northeast of the island Chios. Inousses lies between Chios and the Turkish mainland. Huoshan_Translate.789 It is not yet known which countries the migrants come from. Currently, hundreds of migrants from Turkey are transferring to the Greek islands in the east of the Aegean Sea, mostly in far too small boats. Last year, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 174 people were killed on this route. n-tv.89670 Aus welchen Staaten die Migranten stammen, ist bisher nicht bekannt. Zurzeit setzen Hunderte Migranten aus der Türkei zu den griechischen Inseln im Osten der Ägäis über, meist in viel zu kleinen Booten. Vergangenes Jahr kamen auf dieser Route nach Angaben des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) 174 Menschen ums Leben. The countries from which the immigrants came are still unknown. Hundreds of immigrants from Turkey are currently ferrying to the Greek islands in the east of the Aegean, most in boats that are much too small. According to The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 174 people were killed on this route last year. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Who cancel concert The Who brechen Konzert ab The Who cancel their concert Huoshan_Translate.789 A US concert by the rock band The Who has come to an abrupt end due to an indisposition of lead singer Roger Daltrey. In the middle of the performance on Wednesday night (local time) in Houston, his voice failed the service. On the eighth song, Daltrey told the audience, "I think I should leave it while it's still running." Ein US-Konzert der Rockband The Who hat wegen einer Unpässlichkeit von Leadsänger Roger Daltrey ein jähes Ende gefunden. Mitten im Auftritt am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) in Houston versagte seine Stimme den Dienst. Beim achten Song sagte Daltrey dem Publikum: "Ich denke, ich sollte es lassen, solange es noch läuft". A US concert by The Who rock-band ended suddenly due to illness of lead singer Roger Daltrey. In the middle of a performance on Wednesday evening (local time) in Houston, his voice packed up. During the eighth song, Daltrey said to the public, "I think I should leave it while it still works." Huoshan_Translate.789 Lead guitarist Pete Townsend asked for an apology and added that Daltrey "really couldn't speak now." Townsend promised the audience to get his money's worth at a reparation concert, but a date has not yet been fixed. Lead-Gitarrist Pete Townsend bat um Entschuldigung und ergänzte, Daltrey könne "jetzt echt nicht sprechen". Dem Publikum versprach Townsend, bei einem Wiedergutmachungskonzert auf seine Kosten zu kommen. Ein Termin steht aber noch nicht fest. Lead guitarist Pete Townsend apologized and added that now Daltrey "now definitely can't speak." Townsend promised the public, to give them their money's worth at a reparation concert. But a date has not been confirmed yet. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Who cancelled performances scheduled for Friday in Dallas and Sunday in Denver. They are scheduled to be made up at a later date. 75-year-old Daltrey and his 74-year-old bandmate Townsend are the only remaining founding members. The British cult band formed 55 years ago. Für Freitag in Dallas und für Sonntag in Denver geplante Auftritte sagten The Who ab. Sie sollen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachgeholt werden. Der 75-Jährige Daltrey und sein 74-jähriger Bandkollege Townsend sind die einzig verbliebenen Gründungsmitglieder. Die britische Kultband formierte sich vor 55 Jahren. The planned appearances for Friday in Dallas and Sunday in Denver have cancelled. They plan to catch up at a later date. 75-year-old Daltrey and his 74 year old band colleague Townsend are the only remaining founding members. The British cult band formed 55 years ago. Huoshan_Translate.789 Rental suddenly stopped: WeWork makes real estate markets tremble n-tv.89677 Anmietung plötzlich eingestellt: WeWork lässt Immobilienmärkte zittern Leasing Suddenly Discontinued: WeWork Causes Real Estate Markets to Tremble Huoshan_Translate.789 In New York, WeWork has become the largest office tenant. n-tv.89677 In New York ist WeWork zum größten Büromieter aufgestiegen. WeWork has become the largest office tenant in New York. Huoshan_Translate.789 Within a few years, WeWork is rising from a small startup to a driving force in the world's most expensive real estate markets. But now the company is in crisis. Landlords have to fear for billions in revenue. n-tv.89677 Innerhalb weniger Jahre steigt WeWork vom kleinen Startup zur treibenden Kraft auf den teuersten Immobilienmärkten der Welt auf. Doch nun steckt das Unternehmen in der Krise. Vermieter müssen um Milliardeneinnahmen fürchten. Within a few years, WeWork has climbed from a small startup to a driving force in the world's most expensive real estate markets. But now the company is experiencing a crisis. Landlords must fear revenue in the billions. Huoshan_Translate.789 The crisis of office landlord WeWork threatens to disrupt the balance in the world's largest real estate markets. A few days ago, the company removed founder Adam Neumann as boss, postponed the planned IPO and started selling subsidiaries and assets such as the private jet for executives in order to gain financial leeway for the coming weeks and months. In addition, the British "Financial Times" reports that WeWork has stopped completing new rentals with immediate effect, making the largest tenant of office space suddenly off the market in New York and London, among others. n-tv.89677 Die Krise des Bürovermieters WeWork droht die Balance auf den größten Immobilienmärkten der Welt zu stören. Das Unternehmen hatte vor wenigen Tagen Gründer Adam Neumann als Chef abgesetzt, den geplanten Börsengang verschoben und mit dem Verkauf von Tochterfirmen und Werten wie dem Privatjet für die Führungskräfte begonnen, um finanziellen Spielraum für die kommenden Wochen und Monate zu gewinnen. Zudem berichtet unter anderem die britische "Financial Times", WeWork habe den Abschluss von neuen Anmietungen mit sofortiger Wirkung gestoppt. Damit ist unter anderem in New York und London der größte Mieter von Büroflächen plötzlich vom Markt. The crisis of the office tenant WeWork threatens to disrupt the balance in the world's largest real estate markets. A few days ago, the company discharged founder Adam Neumann as CEO, postponed its planned initial public offering, and with the sale of subsidiaries and assets (such as the private jet for the executive staff) began to gain financial leeway for the coming weeks and months. Moreover, the British "Financial Times" and others have reported that WeWork stopped the conclusion of nine rentals, effective immediately. This means that the largest tenant of office space in New York, London, and elsewhere, has suddenly left the market. Huoshan_Translate.789 WeWork rents large office space on a long-term basis and rents them out to members at short notice in sometimes small units. These can be individual freelancers, small startups or entire departments of large corporations. So far, WeWork has been burning money at breathtaking speed with this business. Last year, the company posted a loss of 1.6 billion dollars, with a turnover of 1.8 billion dollars. This year, rental costs alone are said to have risen to an estimated 2.5 billion dollars by renting ever new large spaces. In order to limit the loss, the new management is now said to have pulled the emergency brake and stopped renting new space with immediate effect. n-tv.89677 WeWork mietet große Büroflächen langfristig an und vermietet sie kurzfristig in teils kleinen Einheiten an Mitglieder. Das können einzelne Freiberufler, kleine Startups oder ganze Abteilungen großer Konzerne sein. Bislang verbrennt WeWork mit diesem Geschäft Geld in atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit. Im vergangenen Jahr fuhr das Unternehmen einen Verlust von 1,6 Milliarden Dollar ein, bei einem Umsatz von 1,8 Milliarden Dollar. In diesem Jahr sollen allein die Mietkosten durch die Anmietung immer neuer großer Flächen auf geschätzt 2,5 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen sein. Um den Verlust einzugrenzen, soll die neue Unternehmensführung nun die Notbremse gezogen und das Anmieten neuer Flächen mit sofortiger Wirkung gestoppt haben. WeWork rents large office spaces for the long term and lets them to members for the short term in partially small units. These can be individual freelancers, small startups, or entire departments of large corporations. Until now, WeWork has burned through money with breathtaking speed while transacting its business. Last year the company earned 1.8 billion dollars but lost 1.6 billion. This year, rental costs alone are expected to reach an estimated 2.5 billion dollars through the leasing of ever newer and larger spaces. To limit loss, the new company management has now reportedly put on the emergency brakes and stopped leasing new spaces, effective immediately. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the Financial Times, WeWork has now concluded leases with maturities of up to 15 years, resulting in commitments of more than $40 billion. These huge liabilities could become a problem not only for the company itself and its investors, but for entire real estate markets. n-tv.89677 Der "Financial Times" zufolge hat WeWork inzwischen Mietverträge mit Laufzeiten von bis zu 15 Jahren abgeschlossen, aus denen sich Verpflichtungen von mehr als 40 Milliarden Dollar ergeben. Diese riesigen Verbindlichkeiten könnten nicht nur für das Unternehmen selbst und seine Investoren zum Problem werden, sondern für ganze Immobilienmärkte. According to the "Financial Times," by now WeWork has entered into lease agreements with terms of up to 15 years, from which obligations of more than 40 billion dollars arise. Those huge liabilities could become a problem not only for the company and its investors, but for the entire real estate markets. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to calculations by economist Dan Alpert of Cornell Law School in New York, WeWork in Manhattan, one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world, rented nearly 300,000 square meters of office space in the past 24 months. WeWork's new contracts alone ensured that the demand for offices in New York was greater than the space newly launched during that time. Without WeWork's expansion, office vacancy in the US metropolis would have increased during this time, as Alpert wrote in the "Business Insider." The situation is similar in London, where WeWork now operates several dozen office locations in a prime location. n-tv.89677 Berechnungen des Ökonomen Dan Alpert von der Cornell Law School in New York zufolge mietete WeWork in Manhatten, einem der teuersten Immobilienmärkte der Welt, in den vergangenen 24 Monaten knapp 300.000 Quadratmeter Bürofläche an. Allein WeWorks Neuverträge sorgten dafür, dass die Nachfrage nach Büros in New York größer war als die in dieser Zeit neu auf den Markt gekommenen Flächen. Ohne WeWorks Expansion wäre der Büro-Leerstand in der US-Metropole in dieser Zeit gestiegen, wie Alpert im "Business Insider" schrieb. Ähnlich sieht es in London aus, wo WeWork inzwischen mehrere Dutzend Bürostandorte in bester Lage betreibt. As calculated by economist Dan Alpert from the Cornell Law School in New York, in the past 24 months WeWork has rented almost 300,000 square meters of office space in Manhatten, one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world. WeWorks' new contracts alone made sure the demand for offices in New York was greater than the new spaces that came onto the market during this period. Without the WeWorks expansion, the office vacancy in the US metropolis would have increased, as Alpert wrote in "Business Insider." It looks similar in London, where WeWork now operates several dozen office buildings in prime locations. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the British capital, too, the balance in the real estate market could shift noticeably without a further expansion of the aggressive startup. Among other things, WeWork is the main tenant in an office building in the centre of the financial metropolis bought last year by the Sparkassen fund provider Deka for almost 100 million euros. n-tv.89677 Auch in der britischen Hauptstadt könnte sich das Gleichgewicht auf dem Immobilienmarkt ohne eine weitere Expansion des aggressiven Startups spürbar veschieben. Unter anderem ist WeWork Hauptmieter, in einem im vergangenen Jahr vom Sparkassen-Fondsanbieter Deka für knapp 100 Millionen Euro gekauften Bürohaus im Zentrum der Finanzmetropole. In the British capital as well, the balance in the real estate market could be notably delayed without the further expansion of the aggressive startup. Among other things, WeWork is the main tenant of an office building in the center of the financial metropolis that was bought by the savings bank fund provider Deka for almost 100 million euros. Huoshan_Translate.789 Many landlords have converted their properties to meet the requirements of WeWork with high investments. If WeWork fails to make its business model profitable soon, the property owners would probably have to write off part of the hoped-for billions in revenue. Despite the long-term leases, they do not have access to WeWork's - already scarce - reserves. Because the rental of WeWork's individual locations is usually carried out by specially founded subsidiaries, so-called Special Purpose Vehicles, for which the parent company is only liable within narrow limits. n-tv.89677 Viele Vermieter haben ihre Immobilien für die Anforderungen von WeWork mit hohen Investitionen umgebaut. Scheitert WeWork damit, sein Geschäftsmodell bald profitabel zu machen, müssten die Immobilienbesitzer einen Teil der erhofften Milliardeneinnahmen wohl abschreiben. Zugriff auf die - ohnehin knappen - Reserven von WeWork haben sie trotz der langfristigen Mietverträge nicht. Denn die Anmietung der einzelnen Standorte von WeWork erfolgt in der Regel durch jeweils extra gegründete Tochtergesellschaften, sogenannte Special Purpose Vehicles, für die die Muttergesellschaft nur in engen Grenzen haftet. Many landlords have invested dearly in refurbishing their real estate to meet WeWork's requirements. If WeWork fails to make its business model profitable soon, real estate owners will probably have to write off part of the billions in revenues they had hoped for. Despite long-term lease agreements, they have no access to WeWork's reserves, although these are scarce. Because WeWork's individual locations are normally leased by founding extra subsidiaries known as "Special Purpose Vehicles" for which the parent company is liable only within narrow limits. Huoshan_Translate.789 Russia again arrested numerous North Korean fishermen Russland nahm erneut zahlreiche nordkoreanische Fischer fest Russia arrested numerous North Korean fishermen again Huoshan_Translate.789 The Russian Coast Guard has once again taken action against North Korean fishermen. In recent days, a total of 262 poachers have been arrested who have fished illegally in the waters, the Russian domestic intelligence agency FSB told the Interfax agency on Friday. Die russische Küstenwache ist erneut gegen nordkoreanische Fischer vorgegangen. In den vergangenen Tagen seien insgesamt weitere 262 Wilderer festgenommen worden, die in den Gewässern illegal gefischt hätten, teilte der russische Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB der Agentur Interfax zufolge am Freitag mit. The Russian coastal guard has once more taken action against North Korean fishermen. In recent days, a further 262 poachers have been arrested for fishing illegally in these waters, the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB is reputed to have informed the Interfax agency on Friday. Huoshan_Translate.789 Just ten days ago, 161 fishermen from North Korea were arrested. Previously, the border guards had been shot at and three of them injured. This time there were no casualties, they said. Communist North Korea is suffering from chronic food shortages. Erst vor zehn Tagen wurden 161 Fischer aus Nordkorea festgenommen. Zuvor waren die Grenzschützer beschossen und drei von ihnen verletzt worden. Diesmal habe es keine Verletzten gegeben, hieß es. Das kommunistische Nordkorea leidet unter chronischem Nahrungsmittelmangel. 161 North Korean fishermen had been arrested only ten days previously. Before that, the border guards had been shot at and three of them had been injured. But this time there had been no wounded, according to reports. Communist North Korea suffers from a chronic food shortage. Huoshan_Translate.789 The North Korean fishermen were therefore traveling in Russian territorial waters, where the Russian Coast Guard says it is patrolling to protect its marine biological resources. 30,000 squid were discovered during the renewed checks. In addition, according to the data, three fishing boats and two motor boats were confiscated and brought to Nakhodka and Posjet near Vladivostok. According to the Ria Novosti agency, the Coast Guard detected a total of more than 8,000 violations in 2018. Die nordkoreanischen Fischer waren demnach in russischen Hoheitsgewässern unterwegs. Dort fährt die Küstenwache Russlands nach eigenen Angaben zum Schutz ihrer meeresbiologischen Ressourcen Patrouillen. Bei den erneuten Kontrollen seien 30.000 Tintenfische entdeckt worden. Außerdem wurden den Angaben nach drei Fischer- und zwei Motorboote beschlagnahmt und nach Nachodka und Posjet bei Wladiwostok gebracht. Der Agentur Ria Nowosti zufolge stellte die Küstenwache 2018 insgesamt mehr als 8.000 Verstöße fest For that reason, the North Korean fishermen were underway in Russian waters. The Russian coast guard reports that it patrols these waters in order to protect Russia's maritime biological resources. New controls had found 30,000 octopi. Also, three trawlers and two motor boats are reported to have been confiscated and taken to Nakhodka and Posyet near Vladivostok. For 2018 the coastal guard confirmed over 8,000 violations to the Ria Nowosti agency. Huoshan_Translate.789 Even after complaints from local entrepreneurs, the Russian Fisheries Authority had not issued fishing licences to the North Koreans this year. According to the media, thousands of fishermen from North Korea have already been temporarily arrested there in 2019. Die russische Fischereibehörde hatte auch nach Klagen einheimischer Unternehmer heuer keine Fanglizenzen an die Nordkoreaner ausgegeben. Tausende Fischer aus Nordkorea sind Medien zufolge 2019 dort schon zeitweise festgenommen worden. Following complaints from Russian companies, this year Russia's fishing authority issued no fishing licenses to the North Koreans. According to media reports, in 2019 thousands of fishermen from North Korea have been detained in Russia. Huoshan_Translate.789 The head of the Association of Russian Fisheries Companies in the Far Eastern region of Primorye, Georgi Martynov, recently also complained of high ecological damage caused by North Korean fishermen. They fished with close-knit synthetic nets banned in Russia. These would also take small creatures out of the sea. Moreover, the nets would simply be disposed of in the sea, where they would take 200 years to decompose. Nor would the ships themselves comply with hygienic and technical regulations. Der Chef der Vereinigung russischer Fischerei-Unternehmen in der fernöstlichen Region Primorje, Georgi Martynow, beklagte kürzlich auch hohe ökologische Schäden durch die nordkoreanischen Fischer. Sie fischten mit in Russland verbotenen engmaschigen synthetischen Netzen. Mit diesen würden auch kleine Lebewesen aus dem Meer geholt. Zudem würden die Netze einfach im Meer entsorgt, wo sie 200 Jahre bräuchten, um zersetzt zu werden. Auch die Schiffe selbst entsprächen nicht den hygienischen und technischen Vorschriften. Georgiy Martinov, head of the association of Russian fishing enterprises in the Primorye region in the far east, also complained recently about high environmental damage caused by the North Korean fishermen. They had used tightly-meshed synthetic nets which are banned in Russia. They had also used these to fish tiny creatures from the sea. Moreover, the nets had simply been disposed of in the sea, where it would take 200 years for them to disintegrate. Even the boats they used did not correspond to the hygienic and technical standards required. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to Moscow, three members of the Russian Coast Guard were injured in the arrests the previous week. According to the FSB, a North Korean who was also wounded later died of his injuries. On September 17, Russian border guards first detained a North Korean boat and then a second one after it opened fire. Bei den Festnahmen in der Vorwoche waren nach Angaben Moskaus drei Mitglieder der russischen Küstenwache verletzt worden. Ein ebenfalls verwundeter Nordkoreaner starb dem FSB zufolge später an seinen Verletzungen. An jenem 17. September setzten russische Grenzschützer zunächst ein nordkoreanisches Boot fest und anschließend ein zweites, nachdem dieses das Feuer eröffnet hatte. Moscow reported that during the arrests in the previous week three Russian coastal guards had been injured. A North Korean who was also injured is reported by FSB to have later died of his injuries. On this day of September 17th, Russian border guards seized a North Korean boat and subsequently another boat that had opened fire. Huoshan_Translate.789 US imposes travel ban on ex-President Castro USA verhängen Einreiseverbot gegen Ex-Präsident Castro USA Issues a Travel Ban Against Ex-President Castro Huoshan_Translate.789 The US has imposed entry bans on former Cuban President Raúl Castro and his children. The US State Department justified this in a statement on Thursday with Castro's involvement in "gross human rights violations." As head of the Communist Party of the Caribbean state, he presides over a system in which thousands of Cubans are arbitrarily arrested and there are more than 100 political prisoners. Die USA haben gegen den früheren kubanischen Präsidenten Raúl Castro und seine Kinder Einreiseverbote verhängt. Das amerikanische Aussenministerium begründete das in einer Mitteilung am Donnerstag mit Castros Beteiligung an "groben Menschenrechtsverletzungen". Als Chef der Kommunistischen Partei des Karibikstaates stehe er einem System vor, in dem Tausende Kubaner willkürlich festgenommen würden und es mehr als 100 politische Gefangene gebe. The USA has issued travel bans against the former Cuban President Raúl Castro and his children. On Thursday, the American State Department justified this in an announcement citing Castro's participation in "severe human rights violations." As head of the Communist party of the Caribbean nation, he presided over a system in which thousands of Cubans were deliberately arrested and there were more than one hundred political prisoners. Huoshan_Translate.789 As chairman of the armed forces, the brother of the late revolutionary leader Fidel Castro is also complicit in human rights violations there by supporting the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. "The disregard for human rights and the use of force by the Cuban regime to support the former Maduro regime are responsible for the ongoing crises in Cuba and Venezuela," tweeted American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Als Vorsitzender der Streitkräfte sei der Bruder des gestorbenen Revolutionsführers Fidel Castro zudem durch das Stützen des Präsidenten Venezuelas, Nicolás Maduro, an Menschenrechtsverletzungen dort mitschuldig. "Die Missachtung der Menschenrechte und der Gebrauch von Gewalt durch das kubanische Regime, um das frühere Maduro-Regime zu stützen, sind für die andauerenden Krisen auf Kuba und in Venezuela verantwortlich", twitterte der amerikanische Aussenminister Mike Pompeo. As the commander of the armed forces, the brother of the deceased revolutionary leader Fidel Castro shared the blame for human rights violations in Venezuela as well, where he was supported by its President, Nicolás Maduro. "The abuse of human rights and the use of force by the Cuban regime to support the former Maduro regime are responsible for the continuing crises in Cuba and Venezuela," tweeted the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Huoshan_Translate.789 President Donald Trump issued entry bans on Wednesday against members of the Venezuelan government and the military, among others. A bitter power struggle between the government and the opposition has been raging in Venezuela for months. The US has imposed a whole series of sanctions on Maduro's government to bring him to his knees and help the opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaidó to power. Präsident Donald Trump hatte am Mittwoch Einreiseverbote unter anderen gegen Angehörige der venezolanischen Regierung und des Militärs ausgesprochen. In Venezuela tobt seit Monaten ein erbitterter Machtkampf zwischen der Regierung und der Opposition. Die USA haben eine ganze Reihe von Sanktionen gegen Maduros Regierung verhängt, um ihn in die Knie zu zwingen und dem Oppositionsführer und selbsternannten Interimspräsidenten Juan Guaidó zur Macht zu verhelfen. On Wednesday, President Donald Trump issued travel bans against members of the Venezuelan government and military, among others. In Venezuela, a bitter power struggle between the government and the opposition has raged for months. The USA has imposed a series of sanctions against Maduro's government to bring him to his knees and to help the leader of the opposition and self-appointed interim president, Juan Guaidó, to come to power. Huoshan_Translate.789 Cuba is considered one of Maduro's closest allies. The socialist Caribbean island receives oil from Venezuela in exchange for the services of seconded doctors. According to the US and the Venezuelan opposition, Cuba has also sent numerous intelligence agents to Venezuela to help the government suppress opponents of the government. Kuba gilt als einer der engsten Verbündeten Maduros. Die sozialistische Karibikinsel erhält von Venezuela Öl im Austausch für die Dienste entsandter Ärzte. Nach Einschätzung der USA und der venezolanischen Opposition hat Kuba zudem zahlreiche Geheimdienstagenten nach Venezuela entsandt, um der Regierung bei der Unterdrückung von Regierungsgegnern zu helfen. Cuba is one of Maduro's closest allies. The socialist Caribbean island receives oil from Venezuela in exchange for the service of dispatched doctors. The USA and the Venezuelan opposition believe Cuba has also sent numerous secret service agents to Venezuela to help the government suppress its opponents. Huoshan_Translate.789 New climate protests by Fridays for Future Neue Klimaproteste von Fridays for Future New climate protests by Fridays for Future Huoshan_Translate.789 One week after the biggest international climate protests to date, thousands and thousands of people want to take to the streets again today for more climate protection. Eine Woche nach den bislang größten internationalen Klimaprotesten wollen heute erneut Abertausende von Menschen für mehr Klimaschutz auf die Straße gehen. One week after the biggest international climate protests to date, thousands of people again want to take to the streets for the sake of better climate protection. Huoshan_Translate.789 At the end of an international climate strike week, the Fridays for Future movement is once again planning actions and rallies in dozens of countries worldwide. Due to the time difference, New Zealand and Australia are likely to start before the protests move across Europe to North America. There, climate activist Greta Thunberg wanted to participate in a major rally in Montreal, Canada. Demonstrators also wanted to gather in front of the White House in Washington. Zum Abschluss einer internationalen Klimastreikwoche plant die Bewegung Fridays for Future erneut Aktionen und Kundgebungen in Dutzenden Ländern weltweit. Den Anfang dürften wegen der Zeitverschiebung Neuseeland und Australien machen, ehe sich die Proteste über Europa bis nach Nordamerika ziehen. Dort wollte Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg an einer Großkundgebung im kanadischen Montreal teilnehmen. Auch vor dem Weißen Haus in Washington wollten sich Demonstranten versammeln. To conclude an international week of climate strikes, Fridays for Future is planning further events and rallies in dozens of countries. Because of the different time zones, the protests are to start in New Zealand and Australia before spreading to North America via Europe. There, climate activist Greta Thunberg is to attend a mass rally in Montreal, Canada. The demonstrators also plan to gather in front of the White House in Washington. Huoshan_Translate.789 How big the worldwide popularity will be this Friday after the record turnout of the previous week is relatively unclear. Thunberg himself was in good spirits. "Last Friday, more than four million people went on strike for the climate. We'll do it again this Friday!" she wrote on Twitter. So far, there have been 6383 actions in 170 countries as part of the strike week, she added. Wie groß der weltweite Zuspruch an diesem Freitag nach der Rekordbeteiligung der Vorwoche sein wird, ist relativ unklar. Thunberg selbst war guter Dinge. "Letzten Freitag haben über vier Millionen Menschen für das Klima gestreikt. Diesen Freitag machen wir es noch einmal!", schrieb sie auf Twitter. Bislang habe es im Rahmen der Streikwoche 6383 Aktionen in 170 Ländern gegeben, ergänzte sie. It is not quite clear how large the worldwide response will be after last week's record attendance. Thunberg herself was optimistic. "Over four million people went on strike for the climate last Friday. This Friday we'll do it again," she tweeted. So far there have been 6,383 protests in 170 countries during the strike week, she added. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to estimates by Fridays for Future, a good third of all demonstrators worldwide - around 1.4 million - took part in the protests in 575 German cities. This time, according to a list of the movement, rallies are planned in at least 65 cities. Among them in metropolises such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne, but also in smaller municipalities and cities such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia or Westerland on Sylt, people want to take to the streets for the climate. Besonders in Deutschland war der Zulauf vergangenen Freitag sehr groß. Ein gutes Drittel aller weltweiten Demonstranten - rund 1,4 Millionen - hatten sich nach Schätzungen von Fridays for Future in 575 deutschen Städten an den Protesten beteiligt. Diesmal sind einer Auflistung der Bewegung zufolge Kundgebungen in mindestens 65 Städten geplant. Darunter in Metropolen wie Berlin, Hamburg, München und Köln, aber auch in kleineren Gemeinden und Städten wie Jüchen in Nordrhein-Westfalen oder Westerland auf Sylt wollen die Menschen für das Klima auf die Straße gehen. In Germany, the response last Friday was particularly big. Fridays for Future estimates that one third of all worldwide protesters—about 1.4 million people—gathered in 575 German cities. This time, demonstrations are planned in at least 65 cities, according to a list compiled by the protest movement. People intend to take to the streets for the climate not just in large cities like Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Cologne but also in smaller towns and districts such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia and Westerland in Sylt. Huoshan_Translate.789 At the age of 15, Thunberg sat before the Swedish parliament in August 2018 to call on her country's politicians to make a stronger commitment to climate protection. Within a short time, the Fridays for Future movement emerged. The climate protests are mainly attended by pupils and students, but increasingly also by scientists and other adults. Im Alter von damals 15 Jahren hatte sich Thunberg im August 2018 vor das schwedische Parlament gesetzt, um die Politiker ihres Landes zu einem stärkeren Einsatz für den Klimaschutz aufzufordern. Daraus ist innerhalb kurzer Zeit die Fridays-for-Future-Bewegung entstanden. An den Klimaprotesten beteiligen sich vor allem Schüler und Studierende, aber in zunehmendem Maße auch Wissenschaftler und andere Erwachsene. In August 2018, at the age of 15, Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish parliament to demand that her country's politicians take stronger action on climate protection. Out of this, Fridays for Future was soon born. It was mostly pupils and students who took part in the climate protests, but scientists and other adults also participated increasingly. Huoshan_Translate.789 Together they demand more ambition from politicians in the fight against global heating and the impending climate catastrophe. Above all, according to the Paris climate agreement, global warming must be contained to below 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times. Gemeinsam fordern sie von der Politik mehr Ehrgeiz im Kampf gegen die Erderhitzung und die drohende Klimakatastrophe. Vor allem müsse gemäß dem Pariser Klimaabkommen die globale Erwärmung auf unter 1,5 Grad im Vergleich zur vorindustriellen Zeit eingedämmt werden. Together they are demanding greater commitment from politicians in the struggle against global warming and the impending climate disaster. In particular, according to the Paris climate agreement, global warming must be kept to less than 1.5 degrees compared to the pre-industrial age. Huoshan_Translate.789 Thunberg arrived in New York almost a month ago after a two-week transatlantic cruise on a deep-sea racing yacht, where she had recently participated in climate protests and United Nations summits. On Monday, she gave an emotional speech at the UN in which she spoke forcefully into the conscience of the world's leaders. In her native Stockholm, she was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize of the Right Livelihood Foundation on Wednesday for her commitment to more climate protection. Thunberg war vor knapp einem Monat nach einem zweiwöchigen Transatlantik-Törn mit einer Hochsee-Rennjacht in New York angekommen. Dort hatte sie zuletzt an Klimaprotesten und Gipfeln der Vereinten Nationen teilgenommen. Am Montag hielt sie bei den UN eine emotionale Rede, in der sie den Staats- und Regierungschefs der Erde eindringlich ins Gewissen redete. In ihrer Heimat Stockholm war ihr am Mittwoch für ihren Einsatz für mehr Klimaschutz der Alternative Nobelpreis der Right Livelihood Stiftung zugesprochen worden. Almost one month ago, Thunberg arrived in New York aboard an ocean-going racing yacht following a two-week transatlantic trip. There, she finally attended climate protests and UN summits. At the United Nations on Monday, she delivered an emotional speech in which she appealed to the consciences of state and government leaders. In her home city of Stockholm on Wednesday, she received the alternative Nobel prize from the Right Livelihood Foundation for her engagement for greater climate protection. Huoshan_Translate.789 Russia bans smoking on the balcony Russland verbietet Rauchen auf dem Balkon Russia prohibits smoking on the balcony Huoshan_Translate.789 People in Russia will no longer be allowed to smoke on the balcony. This provides for a change in fire protection. "This also applies to smoking," a spokesman for the Ministry of Emergencies told the Tass agency in Moscow on Thursday. The ban is scheduled to enter into force on 1 October. Die Menschen in Russland dürfen künftig nicht mehr auf dem Balkon rauchen. Das sieht eine Änderung beim Brandschutz vor. "Das gilt auch fürs Rauchen", sagte ein Sprecher des Notfallministeriums am Donnerstag in Moskau der Agentur Tass zufolge. Das Verbot soll am 1. Oktober in Kraft treten. People in Russia will no longer be able to smoke on balconies in the future. This is a requirement of a change to fire safety rules. "This also applies to smoking," said a speaker for the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow on Thursday, according to the agency TASS. The ban will come into effect on October 1. Huoshan_Translate.789 Those who smoke nevertheless have to expect a fine of 3,000 rubles (42.46 euros). If the cigarette should light a fire, then the penalty is higher. According to the ministry, the ban also includes burning candles. Also grilling meat skewers on the balcony is no longer permitted. Wer dennoch raucht, muss demnach mit einer Geldstrafe von 3.000 Rubel (42,46 Euro) rechnen. Wenn die Zigarette ein Feuer entfachen sollte, dann fällt die Strafe höher aus. Unter das Verbot fallen dem Ministerium zufolge ebenso brennende Kerzen. Auch Fleischspieße auf dem Balkon zu grillen, ist nicht mehr gestattet. Those who still smoke will have to pay a fine of 3,000 rubles (€42.46). If the cigarette starts a fire, the penalty is higher. According to the Ministry, this ban also covers the burning of candles. Grilling meat on a balcony is now prohibited also. Huoshan_Translate.789 Blow against cybercriminals - Investigators lift servers Schlag gegen Cyberkriminelle - Ermittler heben Server aus Blow Against Cybercriminals: Investigators Raid Servers Huoshan_Translate.789 In the fight against crimes on the Internet, German investigators have for the first time excavated a large server provider for illegal transactions on the darknet. Im Kampf gegen Verbrechen im Internet haben deutsche Ermittler erstmals einen großen Server-Anbieter für illegale Geschäfte im Darknet ausgehoben. In the war against internet crime, German investigators have raided a large server provider for the first time, due to illegal transactions in the darknet. Huoshan_Translate.789 A total of 13 perpetrators are suspected of having hosted numerous websites through which international criminals operated their machinations as operators of a data centre in a former NATO bunker in Traben-Trarbach on the Moselle. Insgesamt 13 Täter stehen im Verdacht, als Betreiber eines Rechenzentrums in einem ehemaligen Nato-Bunker in Traben-Trarbach an der Mosel zahlreiche Webseiten gehostet zu haben, über die international agierende Kriminelle ihre Machenschaften betrieben. A total of 13 culprits are suspected of operating a computer center in a former Nato bunker in Traben-Trarbach on the Moselle River that hosted numerous websites through which the internationally acting criminals carried out their schemes. Huoshan_Translate.789 This was announced by the Attorney General's Office in Koblenz. Seven suspects were arrested in a major action on Thursday evening. The darknet is a shielded part of the Internet. Dies teilte die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft in Koblenz mit. Sieben Tatverdächtige wurden am Donnerstagabend bei einer großen Aktion verhaftet. Das Darknet ist ein abgeschirmter Teil des Internets. This was announced by the Attorney General in Koblenz. Seven suspects were arrested on Thursday evening in a large-scale operation. The darknet is a shielded part of the internet. Huoshan_Translate.789 Customers of the suspects are said to have been the operators of the world's second largest darknet marketplace for drugs, "Wall Street Market," which investigators had smashed in the spring. According to the Attorney General's Office, the attack on 1.25 million telecom routers at the end of November 2016 was also controlled via a server in the cyberbunker. Kunden der Tatverdächtigen sollen unter anderem die Betreiber des weltweit zweitgrößten Darknet-Marktplatzes für Drogen, "Wall Street Market", gewesen sein - den hatten Ermittler im Frühjahr zerschlagen. Auch der Angriff auf 1,25 Millionen Telekom-Router Ende November 2016 wurde laut Generalstaatsanwaltschaft über einen Server im Cyberbunker gesteuert. The suspects' customers were allegedly the operators of the second-largest darknet marketplace for drugs in the world, "Wall Street Market," which investigators broke up early in the year. And the attack on 1.25 million telecom routers at the end of November 2016 was controlled through a server in the cyberbunker, according to the Attorney General. Huoshan_Translate.789 Such a hoster was excavated for the first time in Germany, it said. A web hoster provides the infrastructure for an internet presence. Ein derartiger Hoster sei erstmals in Deutschland ausgehoben worden, hieß es. Ein Webhoster stellt die Infrastruktur für eine Internetpräsenz zur Verfügung. This was reportedly the first time that such a host was raided in Germany. A web host provides the infrastructure for an internet presence. Huoshan_Translate.789 During the access operation with the support of special forces such as the GSG9, there were searches in Germany and neighbouring countries. It was the result of almost five years of investigations. At noon, the investigators want to inform about further details. Bei der Zugriffsaktion mit Unterstützung von Spezialeinheiten wie der GSG9 habe es Durchsuchungen in Deutschland und im benachbarten Ausland gegeben. Sie sei Ergebnis von fast fünf Jahre langen Ermittlungen gewesen. Am Mittag wollen die Ermittler über weitere Details informieren. The seizure operation was supported by special units, such as the GSG 9 (Border Protection Group 9 of the Federal Police), and involved raids in Germany and neighboring countries. They are the result of investigations lasting almost five years. The investigators will provide more detailed information at noon. Huoshan_Translate.789 New global climate protests by Fridays for Future Neue weltweite Klimaproteste von Fridays for Future New worldwide climate protests by Fridays for Future Huoshan_Translate.789 One week after the biggest international climate protests to date, thousands and thousands of people want to take to the streets again today for more climate protection. Eine Woche nach den bislang größten internationalen Klimaprotesten wollen heute erneut Abertausende Menschen für mehr Klimaschutz auf die Straßen gehen. One week after the biggest international climate protests to date, thousands of people intend to take to the streets again today to call for better climate protection. Huoshan_Translate.789 At the end of an international climate strike week, the Fridays for Future movement once again planned actions and rallies in dozens of countries worldwide. Zum Abschluss einer internationalen Klimastreikwoche plante die Bewegung Fridays for Future erneut Aktionen und Kundgebungen in Dutzenden Ländern weltweit. To conclude an international week of climate strikes, Fridays for Future has planned further events and rallies in dozens of countries. Huoshan_Translate.789 In Germany, protests are planned in at least 65 cities, including metropolises such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne, but also in smaller municipalities and cities such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia or Westerland on Sylt. Climate activist Greta Thunberg wants to take part in a major rally in Montreal, Canada. In Deutschland sind Proteste in mindestens 65 Städten geplant, darunter in Metropolen wie Berlin, Hamburg, München und Köln, aber auch in kleineren Gemeinden und Städten wie Jüchen in Nordrhein-Westfalen oder Westerland auf Sylt. Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg will an einer Großkundgebung im kanadischen Montreal teilnehmen. In Germany, protests are planned in at least 65 cities, including Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Cologne, as well as in smaller towns and districts such as Jüchen in North Rhine-Westphalia and Westerland in Sylt. Climate activist Greta Thunberg is to attend a mass rally in Montreal, Canada. Huoshan_Translate.789 Climate protests > Who are Thunberg's backers? Klimaproteste ǀ Wer sind eigentlich Thunbergs Hintermänner? Climate protests | Who is pulling Thunberg's strings? Huoshan_Translate.789 A sense of justice and courage are high virtues, even in the 21st century, in a world full of war and smoke factories that warm the climate. All the more astonishing that a 16-year-old girl of all people holds the mirror in front of the power people of this time. But what is behind it? Is it helpfulness or clever marketing of a climate activist? Historical masterpiece or manipulative tactics for its own sake? Gerechtigkeitssinn und Mut sind hohe Tugenden, auch im 21. Jahrhundert, in einer Welt voll von Krieg und Rauchfabriken, die das Klima erwärmen. Umso erstaunlicher, dass ausgerechnet ein 16-jähriges Mädchen den Machtmenschen dieser Zeit den Spiegel vor die Nase hält. Doch was steckt dahinter? Ist es Hilfsbereitschaft oder kluge Vermarktung einer Klimaaktivistin? Historische Meisterleistung oder manipulative Taktik um seiner selbst willen? A sense of justice and courage are lofty virtues even in the 21st century, in a world full of war and smoke-belching factories that are heating the climate. So it is all the more striking that a 16-year-old girl is holding a mirror up to today's people in power. But what is her motivation? Is it a willingness to help, or the clever marketing of a climate activist? A historic masterstroke or manipulative tactics on her own account? Huoshan_Translate.789 On the one hand, Greta Thunberg sets the masses in motion and gets young people to rise up for a better climate-friendly world. Historically, it is not the first time in Europe that a young person manages to win over a collection of children and young people. Already in 1212, a child named Nicholas from Cologne felt chosen to work for a fairer world. At that time, he was also able to win over a crowd of young people and persuaded them to cross the sea to reach the Promised Land, similar to how Greta Thunberg recently set out on a journey to America with a sailboat. Einerseits setzt Greta Thunberg die Massen in Bewegung und bringt junge Menschen dazu sich zu erheben für eine bessere klimafreundliche Welt. Es ist historisch gesehen nicht das erste Mal in Europa, dass ein junger Mensch es schafft eine Ansammlung an Kindern und Jugendlichen für sich zu gewinnen. Bereits im Jahre 1212 hat ein Kind namens Nikolaus aus Köln sich auserkoren gefühlt, um sich für eine gerechtere Welt einzusetzen. Damals hat dieser auch eine Schar an jungen Menschen für sich gewinnen können und diese dazu überredet das Meer zu überqueren, um in das gelobte Land zu gelangen, ähnlich wie Greta Thunberg kürzlich sich auf die Reise nach Amerika gemacht hat mit einem Segelboot. On the one hand, Greta Thunberg is stirring the masses and making young people rise up for a better climate-friendly world. Historically, this is not the first time in Europe that a young person has managed to win over children and young people. As far back as 1212, a boy called Nikolaus from Cologne believed himself destined to work towards bringing about a fairer world. He was able to win over a horde of young people and talk them into crossing the sea with him to the Promised Land, just as Greta Thunberg recently did with her sailboat voyage to the America. Huoshan_Translate.789 But is there a downside in this regard? Why does it take a stock called "We don't have time" to save the world? In addition, Greta Thunberg has rich PR managers at her side. By the way, her mother has published a book, which has sold extensively, thanks to the daughter in the spotlight. Also tried and tested followers of Greta Thunberg were a little indignant about the last PR show, or the journey by boat was probably too thick for some successors. This is also not unfounded, because the action came into its own very well in the media worldwide and a lot of money flows thanks to the impressive action. Doch gibt es diesbezüglich eine Schattenseite? Weshalb braucht es eine Aktie namens "We don't have time", um die Welt zu retten? Darüber hinaus hat Greta Thunberg reiche PR-Manager an ihrer Seite. Ganz nebenbei hat ihre Mutter ein Buch veröffentlicht, welches sich weitreichend verkauft hat, dank der im Rampenlicht stehenden Tochter. Auch altbewährte Follower von Greta Thunberg waren ein wenig entrüstet über die letzte PR-Show, bzw. die Reise mit dem Boot war wohl auch einigen Nachfolgern zu dick aufgesetzt. Dies ist auch nicht unbegründet, denn die Aktion kam in den Medien weltweit sehr gut zur Geltung und es fließt viel Geld dank der imposanten Aktion. But is there a dark side? Why is a campaign called "We don't have time" needed to save the world? Greta Thunberg also has rich PR managers on her side. Incidentally, her mother has published a book that has sold all over the world thanks to her prominent daughter. Even long-established supporters of Greta Thunberg were a little indignant at the latest PR show, i.e., the boat trip, which some found excessive. This is not unfounded, as the impressive action went down very well with the world's press and has caused a lot of money to flow. Huoshan_Translate.789 Here the spirits are now divided: Is it morally right to enrich oneself financially in saving the world? Is it still authentic if certain circles of people work together with stockbrokers during the world rescue campaign? No matter which position is ultimately taken, a critical and reflected point of view is increasingly important in a democratically shaped society, because democracy thrives on different opinions and discussions. Therefore, it can make sense to critically question even seemingly pious projects of certain trendsetters. Hier scheiden sich jetzt die Geister: Ist es moralisch richtig sich beim Retten der Welt finanziell zu bereichern? Ist es noch authentisch, wenn gewisse Personenkreise während der Weltrettungsaktion mit Börsenmaklern zusammen arbeiten? Ganz gleich welche Stellung letztlich dabei bezogen wird, ein kritischer und reflektierter Sichtpunkt ist immer wichtiger in einer demokratisch geprägten Gesellschaft, denn die Demokratie lebt von verschiedenen Meinungen und Diskussionen. Deshalb kann es durchaus Sinn machen auch scheinbar fromme Vorhaben von bestimmten Trendsettern kritisch zu hinterfragen. Opinions differ over this: Is it morally right to get rich from saving the world? Is it still legitimate if certain groups of people collaborate with stockbrokers during the campaign to save the world? Whatever the conclusion that will finally be drawn, a critical and considered perspective is always more important in a democratic society, for democracy draws its existence from varied opinions and debates. Therefore, it can be useful to take a critical look at even apparently righteous activities by certain trendsetters. Huoshan_Translate.789 Comet discovered: Interstellar guest crosses through our solar system Komet entdeckt: Interstellarer Gast kreuzt durch unser Sonnensystem Comet discovered: An interstellar guest crosses through our solar system Huoshan_Translate.789 A foreign comet is currently crossing our solar system. Ein fremder Komet durchkreuzt im Moment unser Sonnensystem. An unknown comet is currently travelling through our solar system. Huoshan_Translate.789 The assumptions of the astronomers have been confirmed: a foreign comet is currently crossing our solar system - it is only the second of its kind. Die Vermutungen der Astronomen haben sich bestätigt: Ein fremder Komet durchkreuzt im Moment unser Sonnensystem - er ist erst der zweite seiner Art. Astronomers suspicions have been confirmed: An unknown comet has been travelling through our solar system—it is only the second one of its type. Huoshan_Translate.789 Garching / Washington - For a long time the researchers only suspected it, but now they have certainty: A comet from another star is currently crossing our solar system. It was christened after its discoverer 2I / Borisov and currently employs astronomers worldwide. Garching/Washington - Lange haben die Forscher es nur vermutet, doch jetzt haben sie Gewissheit: Ein Komet von einem anderen Stern durchkreuzt im Moment unser Sonnensystem. Er wurde nach seinem Entdecker 2I/Borisov getauft und beschäftigt gerade weltweit Astronomen. Garching/Washington—Scientists have long suspected it, but they are now certain: A comet from another star is crossing our solar system at this moment. It was christened after its discoverer 2I/Borisov and is currently taking up the attention of astronomers worldwide. Huoshan_Translate.789 2I / Borisov: Comet was discovered by amateur astronomers in Crimea 2I/Borisov: Komet wurde von Amateurastronomen auf der Krim entdeckt 2I/Borisov: A comet has been discovered by amateur astronomers in Crimea. Huoshan_Translate.789 The said body was discovered by an amateur astronomer named Gennady Borisov in Crimea. He looked at the sky with a homemade telescope and further follow-up observations confirmed his first suspicion. It is actually an unknown comet that does not originate from our solar system. It is only the second of its kind to be spotted during the flight. Der besagte Körper wurde von einem Amateurastronomen namens Gennadi Borissow auf der Krim entdeckt. Er blickte mit einem selbstgebauten Teleskop gen Himmel und weitere Nachbeobachtungen bestätigten seinen ersten Verdacht. Es handelt sich tatsächlich um einen unbekannten Kometen, der nicht aus unserem Sonnensystem stammt. Er ist erst der zweite seiner Art, der beim Durchflug gesichtet wurde. The said solid body was discovered by an amateur astronomer called Gennadi Borissow in Crimea. He was looking at the sky through a home-made telescope and further night-time observations confirm his first suspicion. It is actually an unknown comet which is not from our solar system. It is only the second of its type that has been spotted flying past. Huoshan_Translate.789 The great opportunity for astronomers now is to catch up-close insights into a foreign solar system. Apparently, the comet resembles those of our own system, as reported by the astrophysical Institute of the Canaries. According to the International Astronomical Union (IAC), the comet is clearly of interstellar origin and is currently moving on a so-called hyperbolic orbit that leads it out of our system. Die große Chance für Astronomen ist nun, aus der Nähe Einblicke in ein fremdes Sonnensystem zu erhaschen. Offenbar ähnelt der Kommet denen unseres eigenen Systems, wie das astrophysikalische Institut der Kanaren berichtet. Der Komet ist laut der Internationalen Astronomischen Union (IAC) eindeutig interstellarer Herkunft und bewegt sich aktuell auf einer sogenannten Hyperbelbahn, die ihn aus unserem System hinausführt. Astronomers now have a big chance of getting a close-up view of an unknown solar system. Apparently the comet resembles those of our own solar system, as reported by the astrophysical Institute of the Canaries. According to the International Astronomic Union (IAC) the comet is of distinctly interstellar origins, and is currently moving along a hyperbolic path which is leading it out of our system. Huoshan_Translate.789 Comet was spotted before approach - and can be observed for several months Komet wurde bereits vor Anflug gesichtet - und kann mehrere Monate beobachtet werden The comet had already been sighted before its approach and can be observed for several months. Huoshan_Translate.789 But before the time comes, astronomers can observe it in detail, because unlike its predecessor, 2I / Borisov has already been spotted in its approach, which means that it can be studied from Earth for many months. "The object will reach its greatest brightness in mid-December and will then be visible with medium-sized telescopes until April 2020," explains Davide Farnocchia of the US space agency Nasa. "After that, it will only be observed with larger, professional telescopes until October 2020." Doch bevor es so weit ist, können die Astronomen ihn eingehend beobachten. Denn im Gegensatz zu seinem Vorgänger ist 2I/Borisov bereits in seinem Anflug gesichtet worden, was bedeutet, dass er viele Monate lang von der Erde aus untersucht werden kann. "Das Objekt wird Mitte Dezember die größte Helligkeit erreichen und dann noch bis April 2020 mit mittelgroßen Teleskopen zu sehen sein", erklärt Davide Farnocchia von der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa. "Danach wird es bis Oktober 2020 nur noch mit größeren, professionellen Teleskopen zu beobachten sein". But before it gets to that stage, astronomers can watch it closely. Then in contrast to its predecessor, 2l/Borisov has already been sighted before its approach, which means that it can be examined from earth for many months to come. "The object will reach its greatest brightness by mid-December and will then still be visible through medium-sized telescopes until April 2020," Davide Farnocchia of the Nasa US space agency explains. "After that it will still be visible through bigger, professional telescopes until October 2020." Huoshan_Translate.789 The predecessor of the new visitor: 1I / 2017 U1 "Oumuamua." Der Vorgänger des neuen Besuchers: 1I/2017 U1 "Oumuamua". The predecessors of the new visitor: 1I/2017 U1 "Oumuamua". Huoshan_Translate.789 First findings about Comet 2I / Borisov raise hopes in science Erste Erkenntnisse über Komet 2I/Borisov wecken Hoffnungen in der Wissenschaft First knowledge about comet 2I/Borisov stirs hopes in science. Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the initial findings, the comet is estimated to be 2 to 16 kilometres in diameter. At the same time, the celestial body seems to be similar to our comet - because as IAC researcher Julia de León puts it, the spectrum of the tail star is similar to ours. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could form through similar processes as in ours, added de León's colleague Javier Licandro. Laut den ersten Erkenntnissen wird der Komet auf 2 bis 16 Kilometer Durchmesser geschätzt. Gleichzeitig scheint der Himmelskörper unseren Kometen ähnlich zu sein - denn wie die IAC-Forscherin Julia de León es ausdrückt, ist das Spektrum des Schweifsterns unseren ähnlich. Diese Beobachtung lege nahe, dass sich Kometen in anderen Sonnensystemen durch ähnliche Prozesse formen könnten wie in unserem, ergänzte de Leóns Kollege Javier Licandro. According to the first findings, the comet is estimated to be from 2 to 16 kilometers in diameter. At the same time, the celestial body seems to be similar to our comets, because as IAC researcher Julia de León puts it, the spectrum of the tail star's spectrum is similar to our ones. This observation suggests that comets in other solar systems could be formed through similar processes as ours, de León's colleague Javier Licandro added. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, the observation goes beyond individual findings. The fact that two such objects have already been discovered within only two years may allow a new way to explore certain processes in other solar systems. Die Beobachtung geht aber über Einzelerkenntnisse hinaus. Dass bereits zwei solcher Objekte innerhalb von nur zwei Jahren entdeckt worden sind, erlaubt unter Umständen einen neuen Weg zur Erforschung bestimmter Prozesse in anderen Sonnensystemen. The observation goes beyond individual knowledge. The fact that already two such objects have been discovered in the space of only two years may allow a new way of researching certain processes in other solar systems. Huoshan_Translate.789 Asteroids repeatedly occupy the researchers. Only recently a giant asteroid raced past Earth and came dangerously close to it. Immer wieder beschäftigen Asteroiden die Forscher. Erst vor kurzem raste ein Riesen-Asteroid an der Erde vorbei und kam ihr dabei gefährlich nahe. Researchers are always preoccupied with asteroids. Recently a giant asteroid raced past the earth and got dangerously close to it. Huoshan_Translate.789 "Absolutely reprehensible": Rachel Johnson horrified by brother n-tv.89659 "Absolut verwerflich": Rachel Johnson entsetzt über Bruder "Absolutely Reprehensible": Rachel Johnson Appalled at her Brother Huoshan_Translate.789 Boris Johnson is getting lonelier. First his younger brother leaves the cabinet, now his sister castigates with clear words the warlike language of the prime minister as "tasteless." It is not the brother she knows. n-tv.89659 Um Boris Johnson wird es einsamer. Erst verlässt sein jüngerer Bruder das Kabinett, nun geißelt seine Schwester mit deutlichen Worten die kriegerische Sprache des Premiers als "geschmacklos". Es sei nicht der Bruder, den sie kenne. It's getting lonelier for Boris Johnson. First his younger brother left the cabinet, and now his sister is castigating the Prime Minister's warlike language as "tasteless." She says he's not the brother she knows. Huoshan_Translate.789 "Capitulation," "fraud," treaty ": Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure and continues to arm - at least verbally. At Question Time in the House of Commons this Wednesday, this was met with massive outrage from the opposition, and in the meantime other critics have spoken out: dozens of bishops and his own sister Rachel Johnson. n-tv.89659 "Kapitulation", "Betrug", Vertrag": Premierminister Boris Johnson steht unter Druck und rüstet immer weiter auf - zumindest verbal. Bei der Fragestunde im Unterhaus an diesem Mittwoch stieß das auf massive Empörung der Opposition, und inzwischen haben sich noch weitere Kritiker zu Wort gemeldet: Dutzende Bischöfe und seine eigene Schwester Rachel Johnson. "Capitulation," "fraud," "treaty": Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure and arming himself more and more—at least verbally. During the time of questioning in the House of Commons this Wednesday, this was met with massive outrage from the opposition, and since then many additional critics have weighed in: Dozens of bishops, and his own sister Rachel Johnson. Huoshan_Translate.789 The well-known journalist and author told Sky News that her brother used words like surrender, as if the opponents of leaving the EU were to be "hanged, elongated, quartered, tarred and feathered." She thought this was extremely reprehensible. She did not recognise her brother's version, said Rachel Johnsons, who ran for the anti-Brexit party "Change UK" in the EU Parliament elections. n-tv.89659 Die bekannte Journalistin und Autorin sagte dem Sender Sky News, ihr Bruder benutze Worte wie Kapitulation, als ob die Gegner eines EU-Austritts "gehängt, langgezogen, gevierteilt, geteert und gefedert" werden sollten. Sie halte das für überaus verwerflich. Sie erkenne die Version ihres Bruders nicht wieder, sagte Rachel Johnsons, die bei den Wahlen zum EU-Parlament für die Anti-Brexit-Partei "Change UK" angetreten war. The famous journalist and author told the broadcaster Sky News that her brother used words like "capitulation," as though the opponents of the withdrawal from the EU "should be hanged, drawn, quartered, tarred and feathered." She feels that is thoroughly reprehensible. She no longer recognizes this version of her brother, said Rachel Johnson, who stood for the anti-Brexit party "Change UK" during the elections for the EU parliament. Huoshan_Translate.789 She was particularly struck by the fact that her brother mentioned Jo Cox, a pro-EU MP who had been murdered by a neo-Nazi a few days before the 2016 exit referendum. Their memory could best be honoured by going through Brexit, Boris Johnson had said in the House of Commons. "It is very distasteful to refer to an MP who was murdered by someone who shouted 'Britain first'," now criticised Johnson's sister. The perpetrator had obviously come from the far-right camp, which felt empowered "by this kind of language." For all those who mourned her, it was very distasteful. n-tv.89659 Besonders stieß sie sich daran, dass ihr Bruder Jo Cox erwähnte, eine EU-freundliche Unterhausabgeordnete, die wenige Tage vor dem Austritts-Referendum 2016 von einem Neonazi ermordet worden war. Deren Andenken könne man am besten ehren, indem man den Brexit durchziehe, hatte Boris Johnson im Unterhaus gesagt. "Es ist sehr geschmacklos, sich auf eine Abgeordnete zu beziehen, die von jemandem ermordet wurde, der 'Britain first' rief", kritisierte nun Johnsons Schwester. Der Täter sei offensichtlich aus dem rechtsextremen Lager gekommen, das sich "durch diese Art von Sprache" bestärkt fühle. Für alle, die um sie trauerten, sei es sehr geschmacklos. She was especially upset that her brother mentioned Jo Cox, an EU-friendly member of the House of Commons who was murdered by a neo-Nazi a few days before the 2016 referendum on the withdrawal. One can best honor her memory by carrying out Brexit, Boris Johnson said in the House of Commons. "It is in very poor taste to refer to a delegate who was murdered by someone shouting ‘Britain first,'" Johnson's sister is now critically asserting. The culprit is said to have obviously come from the extreme right wing, which feels itself strengthened "by this type of language." For all those who are mourning her, it's extremely tasteless. Huoshan_Translate.789 The widower of Cox also sharply criticized the Prime Minister. "It makes me sick when Jo's name is used like this," he tweeted. The best way to honor her is to stand up passionately and decisively for what you believe in - no matter what view you are. But you should never "demonize the other side." He also complained that an atmosphere had emerged in which attacks had become more likely. n-tv.89659 Auch der Witwer von Cox kritisierte den Premierminister scharf. "Es macht mich krank, wenn Jos Name so benutzt wird", twitterte er. Der beste Weg, sie zu ehren, sei, wenn man leidenschaftlich und entschlossen für das eintrete, woran man glaube - egal, welcher Ansicht man sei. Aber niemals dürfe man "die andere Seite dämonisieren". Er beklagte zudem, dass eine Atmosphäre entstanden sei, in der Angriffe wahrscheinlicher geworden seien. And Cox's widower also strongly criticized the Prime Minister. "Feel a bit sick at Jo's name being used in this way," he tweeted. The best way to honor Jo is for all of us (no matter our views) to stand up for what we believe in, passionately and with determination. But never to demonize the other side." He also lamented that an atmosphere has arisen in which attacks have become more probable. Huoshan_Translate.789 Just a few weeks ago, Boris Johnson's younger brother Jo resigned from his post as Secretary of State and his mandate as a Tory MP. "I have been torn between loyalty to the family and the national interest in recent months - it is an indissoluble tension," Jo Johnson explained. n-tv.89659 Erst vor wenigen Wochen hatte Boris Johnson jüngerer Bruder Jo sein Amt als Staatssekretär und sein Mandat als Tory-Abgeordneter niedergelegt. "Ich war in den vergangenen Monaten zerrissen zwischen Loyalität zur Familie und dem nationalen Interesse - es ist eine unauflösbare Spannung", begründete Jo Johnson den Schritt. Only a few weeks ago, Boris Johnson's younger brother Jo resigned his position as Minister of State and his mandate as the Tory delegate. "In recent weeks I've been torn between family loyalty and the national interest – it's an unresolvable tension," Jo Johnson said to justify the step he was taking. Huoshan_Translate.789 Johnson's language has also met with sharp criticism in the Church. As the Times reports, all 118 bishops and archbishops of the Church of England criticize the language that is "not worthy of this country." In a joint statement, they declared: "In recent days, the language has not been acceptable, both in debates and outside Parliament. We should speak to each other with respect." n-tv.89659 Johnsons Sprache stieß auch in der Kirche auf scharfe Kritik. Wie die "Times" berichtet, kritisieren alle 118 Bischöfe und Erzbischöfe der Church of England die Sprache, die "dieses Landes nicht würdig" sei. In einem gemeinsamen Statement erklärten sie: "In den vergangenen Tagen, ist die Sprache, sowohl in Debatten als auch auch außerhalb des Parlaments, nicht akzeptabel gewesen. Wir sollten mit Respekt miteinander sprechen". Johnson's speech was met with strong criticism, including in the church. As the "Times" reported, all 118 bishops and archbishops of the Church of England criticized the speech, which they said was "not worthy of our country." In a joint statement, they declared: "In the last few days, the use of language, both in debates and outside parliament, has been unacceptable. We should speak to others with respect. Huoshan_Translate.789 Shakira and Jennifer Lopez perform at the Super Bowl Shakira und Jennifer Lopez treten beim Super Bowl auf Shakira and Jennifer Lopez perform at the Super Bowl Huoshan_Translate.789 In the year of its 100th anniversary, the NFL is sending a strong signal: In the halftime show of the upcoming Super Bowl, two women with Latino roots will perform, promising "an explosion of fun and energy." Die NFL setzt im Jahr ihres 100-jährigen Bestehens ein starkes Zeichen: In der Halbzeitshow des kommenden Super Bowl treten zwei Frauen mit Latino-Wurzeln auf. Die versprechen "eine Explosion aus Spaß und Energie". For its 100th anniversary, the NFL is giving a clear signal: Two women with Latin roots will perform at the upcoming Super Bowl halftime show. They promise "an explosion of fun and energy." Huoshan_Translate.789 Latina power at the Super Bowl: Superstars Shakira (42) and Jennifer Lopez (50) will deliver the halftime show at the upcoming final of the US football league NFL, the organizers announced on Thursday (local time). Latina-Power beim Super Bowl: Die Superstars Shakira (42) und Jennifer Lopez (50) werden beim kommenden Finale der US-Football-Liga NFL die Halbzeitshow liefern. Das gaben die Veranstalter am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) bekannt. Latina power at the Super Bowl: Superstars Shakira (42) and Jennifer Lopez (50) will provide the halftime show at the upcoming final game of the NFL American football league. This was announced by organizers on Thursday (local time). Huoshan_Translate.789 "I feel incredibly honored and humbled to represent the Latino community alongside JLo, because it has an incredible strength in the US," Shakira said in a video. "Ich fühle mich unglaublich geehrt und demütig, neben JLo die Latino-Community zu repräsentieren. Denn diese hat eine unglaubliche Stärke in den USA", teilte Shakira in einem Video mit. "I feel incredibly honored and humbled to be next to J. Lo, representing the Latino community that is such an important force in the United States," Shakira shared in a video. Huoshan_Translate.789 The final of the American Football League, which celebrates its 100th birthday next year, will take place on February 2 in Miami. Many people with Latin American roots live in the metropolis at the southern tip of Florida. Shakira ("Waka Waka") comes from Colombia, Lopez ("On the Floor") is of Puerto Rican origin. Das Finale der amerikanischen Football-Liga, die im kommenden Jahr ihren 100. Geburtstag feiert, findet am 2. Februar in Miami statt. In der Metropole an der Südspitze Floridas leben viele Menschen mit lateinamerikanischen Wurzeln. Shakira ("Waka Waka") kommt aus Kolumbien, Lopez ("On the Floor") ist puerto-ricanischer Herkunft. The finale of the American football league, which will celebrate its 100th birthday next year, takes places February 2 in Miami. Many people with Latin American roots live in the metropolis on the southern tip of Florida. Shakira ("Waka Waka") comes from Colombia, while Lopez ("On the Floor") is of Puerto Rican descent. Huoshan_Translate.789 "I love that this time the Super Bowl puts two women on stage - and two Latinas," Lopez explained. This sends an important message to all Americans and the world. She promises "an explosion of fun and energy" for the show. "Ich liebe es, dass der Super Bowl diesmal zwei Frauen auf die Bühne stellt - und zwei Latinas", erklärte Lopez. Dies sende eine wichtige Botschaft an alle Amerikaner und die Welt. Sie verspricht für die Show "eine Explosion aus Spaß und Energie". "I love that the Super Bowl has two women performing this year—and two Latinas," Lopez explained. This sends an important message to all Americans and the world. She promises "an explosion of fun and energy" for the show. Huoshan_Translate.789 The 50-year-old was born in New York after her parents emigrated from Puerto Rico. In the 2000s she landed big hits with songs like "Waiting For Tonight" or "Let's Get Loud" and later also released songs in Spanish. Lopez also works as an actress and can be seen in German cinemas from November in the drama "Hustlers." Die 50-Jährige wurde in New York geboren, nachdem ihre Eltern aus Puerto Rico ausgewandert waren. In den 2000ern landete sie mit Songs wie "Waiting For Tonight" oder "Let's Get Loud" große Hits und veröffentlichte später auch Lieder auf Spanisch. Lopez arbeitet außerdem als Schauspielerin und ist ab November im Drama "Hustlers" in den deutschen Kinos zu sehen. The 50-year-old was born in New York after her parents emigrated from Puerto Rico. In the 2000s, she had huge hits like "Waiting For Tonight" or "Let's Get Loud" and later released songs in Spanish. Lopez also does work as an actress and can be seen in the drama "Hustlers," in German theaters from November. Huoshan_Translate.789 Shakira became known in Colombia as the star of a telenovela and singer. She made her worldwide breakthrough in 2001 with her first bilingual album and the single "Whenever, Whereever." Shakira wurde in Kolumbien als Star einer Telenovela und Sängerin bekannt. Ihren weltweiten Durchbruch schaffte sie 2001 mit ihrem ersten zweisprachigen Album und der Single "Whenever, Whereever". Shakira was famous in Colombia as the star of a telenovela and a singer. She made her international debut in 2001 with her first dual language album and the single "Whenever, Wherever." Huoshan_Translate.789 The announcement of the mid-term guests is eagerly awaited every time in the US. This year, many see the selection as a political gesture. After all, the country is deeply divided, not least by President Donald Trump's immigration policy. Die Bekanntgabe der Halbzeitgäste wird in den USA jedes Mal mit Spannung erwartet. In diesem Jahr werten viele die Auswahl auch als politische Geste. Schließlich ist das Land, nicht zuletzt durch die Einwanderungspolitik von Präsident Donald Trump, tief gespalten. The halftime guest announcement is always hotly anticipated in the US. This year, many see the selection as a political gesture. After all, the country is deeply divided, not least due to the immigration policies of President Donald Trump. Huoshan_Translate.789 The Super Bowl is the biggest US sporting event and at the same time a gigantic advertising spectacle. Musicians like Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Bruno Mars and the Rolling Stones caused a sensation there. As a rule, well over 100 million television viewers watch the NFL finale, it is also extremely popular in Germany. Der Super Bowl ist das größte US-Sportereignis und zugleich ein gigantisches Werbespektakel. Musiker wie Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Bruno Mars und die Rolling Stones sorgten dort für Furore. In der Regel schauen beim NFL-Finale weit über 100 Millionen Fernsehzuschauer zu, es ist auch in Deutschland mittlerweile äußerst beliebt. The Super Bowl is both the largest US sporting event and a gigantic advertising spectacle. Musicians like Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Bruno Mars, and the Rolling Stones have caused a huge stir there. More than 100 million TV viewers normally watch the NFL final, and it has become quite popular in Germany as well. Huoshan_Translate.789 Last year there were political controversies in advance. The reason was the dispute over quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who had refused to rise while playing the national anthem in protest against police violence against blacks and had been harshly tackled by US President Donald Trump, among others. In solidarity with Kaepernick, some musicians had rejected a Super Bowl appearance - including Rihanna and Pink. The fact that the rock group Maroon 5 performed was ultimately criticized by many. Im vergangenen Jahr kam es im Vorfeld zu politischen Kontroversen. Grund war der Streit um den Quarterback Colin Kaepernick, der sich aus Protest gegen Polizeigewalt gegen Schwarze geweigert hatte, sich beim Abspielen der Nationalhymne zu erheben und dafür unter anderem von US-Präsident Donald Trump hart angegangen worden war. Aus Solidarität mit Kaepernick hatten einige Musiker einen Super-Bowl-Auftritt abgelehnt - darunter Rihanna und Pink. Dass die Rockgruppe Maroon 5 auftrat, wurde letztlich von vielen kritisiert. The runup to last year's game was mired in political controversy. Quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the playing of the national anthem in protest against police violence against black people - he was then attacked harshly by US President Donald Trump and others. Some musicians refused a Super Bowl appearance out of solidarity with Kaepernick, including Rihanna and Pink. The rock group Maroon 5 was ultimately criticized by many for performing. Huoshan_Translate.789 An actor and YouTuber attacks Egypt's ruler: For the time being, however, Mohamed Ali prefers to stay abroad. sz.87383 Ein Schauspieler und Youtuber setzt Ägyptens Herrscher zu: Vorerst bleibt Mohamed Ali aber lieber im Ausland. An actor and YouTuber badgers Egypt's ruler: For now Mohamed Ali prefers to stay abroad. Huoshan_Translate.789 The two men who influence whether blood is flowing again on the streets of Egypt have both spent the past week abroad. One of them floated back at Cairo airport on Friday. President Abdelfattah al-Sisi returned from the UN General Assembly. The ex-general, who deposed the Muslim Brother Mohamed Morsi, the country's first freely elected head of state, in 2013, had spent a pleasant time in New York: US President Donald Trump had praised Sisi's actions against political Islam and had not lost a syllable about the human rights violations on the Nile - in a week in which Egypt's security forces arrested hundreds of people for daring to protest against the president. sz.87383 Die zwei Männer, die Einfluss darauf haben, ob auf den Straßen Ägyptens wieder Blut fließt, haben die vergangene Woche beide im Ausland verbracht. Einer von beiden schwebte am Freitag wieder am Flughafen Kairo ein. Staatspräsident Abdelfattah al-Sisi kehrte von der UN-Generalversammlung zurück. Der Ex-General, der 2013 den Muslimbruder Mohammed Mursi, das erste frei gewählte Staatsoberhaupt des Landes, absetzte, hatte eine angenehme Zeit in New York verbracht: US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte Sisis Vorgehen gegen den politischen Islam gelobt und keine Silbe über die Menschenrechtsverletzungen am Nil verloren - in einer Woche, in der Ägyptens Sicherheitskräfte Hunderte Menschen verhafteten, weil sie es gewagt hatten, gegen den Präsidenten zu protestieren. Er habe "keinen Grund zur Sorge", sagte Sisi am Flughafen in die Mikrofone des Staatsfernsehens. "Die Ägypter lassen sich nicht in die Irre führen". The two men who have a say about whether blood will be spilt on Egypt's streets again, have both spent the past week abroad. One of the two drifted into Cairo airport again on Friday. State president Abdelfattah al-Sisi returned from the UN General Assembly. The ex-general, who in 2013 deposed Muslim brother Mohammed Mursi, the first freely chosen head of state, had spent a pleasant time in New York. US president Donald Trump had praised al-Sisi's action against political Islam, making no mention of the human rights violations on the Nile—during a week, when Egypt's security forces arrested hundreds of people for daring to protest against the president. He had "no grounds for worry," al-Sisi said at the airport into the state television broadcasting microphone. "Egyptians are not easily misled." Huoshan_Translate.789 According to the president, this is what the other man who is currently determining what is happening on the streets is trying to mislead. Mohamed Ali, of course, stayed abroad, where he evades the grip of the security forces, who would immediately arrest him if he tried to enter Egyptian soil. Weeks ago, the 45-year-old was known as an actor only to a minority of Egyptians. Today, he is the leading voice that dominates the political discourse in the country's cafés, living rooms and tea rooms: with his YouTube channel "Mohamed's Secrets," Ali calls on his compatriots to rise up against Sisi. sz.87383 In die Irre führen - das versucht nach Ansicht des Präsidenten der andere Mann, der derzeit das Geschehen auf den Straßen bestimmt. Mohamed Ali blieb selbstverständlich im Ausland, wo er sich dem Zugriff der Sicherheitskräfte entzieht, die ihn sofort verhaften würden, wenn er ägyptischen Boden zu betreten versuchte. Vor Wochen war der 45-Jährige als Schauspieler nur einer Minderheit der Ägypter bekannt. Heute ist er die tonangebende Stimme, die den politischen Diskurs in den Cafés, den Wohnzimmern und Teestuben des Landes beherrscht: Mit seinem Youtube-Kanal "Mohameds Geheimnisse" ruft Ali seine Landsleute auf, sich gegen Sisi zu erheben. Misleading—according to the president, is what the other man, who currently determines the events taking place on the streets, is doing. Mohamed Ali naturally stayed, where he keeps out of reach of the security forces, which would immediately arrest him if he tries to set foot in Egypt again. Weeks ago, the 45-year-old was known to only a minority of Egyptians as an actor. Today he is the leading voice commanding political discourse in cafes, living rooms and tea lounges across the country. With his YouTube channel "Mohamed's Secrets," Ali calls on countrymen to rise up against al-Sisi. Huoshan_Translate.789 He approaches the head of state directly and in quite rustic language. While the people are starving, the president indulges in luxury and has magnificent new palaces built, they say. Ali accuses the army leadership on which Sisi bases his rule of corruption and enrichment. Because he did business with exactly these gentlemen for 15 years in his second profession as a contractor, he seems to know quite exactly what he is talking about - at least that is the impression of many Egyptians, as the almost exploding click numbers show. sz.87383 Er geht den Staatschef direkt und in durchaus rustikaler Sprache an. Während das Volk hungere, schwelge der Präsident im Luxus und lasse sich prächtige neue Paläste bauen, heißt es da. Der Armeeführung, auf die Sisi seine Herrschaft stützt, wirft Ali Korruption und Bereicherung vor. Weil er in seinem Zweitberuf als Bauunternehmer 15 Jahre lang mit genau diesen Herren Geschäfte machte, scheint er ziemlich genau zu wissen, wovon er redet - das zumindest ist der Eindruck vieler Ägypter, wie die geradezu explodierenden Klickzahlen zeigen. He addresses the state president in direct and country-style language. While the people are hungry, the president indulges in luxury and has new palaces built, is what the saying goes. The army leadership on which Sisi rests his rule accuses Ali of corruption and wealth grabbing. Because his second job as building contractor for 15 years meant he did business with precisely this man, he seems to know exactly what he is talking about—at least that is what many Egyptians believe, as the downright exploding clicks show. Huoshan_Translate.789 After thousands demonstrated against his rule last week for the first time since Sisi's grip on power and nearly 2,000 citizens, among them prominent civil society figures, human rights lawyers and opposition politicians, were arrested, Ali called for a "million-dollar march" this Friday. It was unlikely that so many people would really venture into the streets. But there were isolated smaller protests, for example in Giza near Cairo and in the town of Kina near Luxor. Videos on social media showed protests whose participants accused Al-Sisi of corruption and demanded his departure. In these protests, the police also used tear gas and rubber bullets. These videos could not be independently verified sz.87383 Nachdem vergangene Woche erstmals seit Sisis Griff nach der Macht Tausende gegen seine Herrschaft demonstriert hatten und fast 2000 Bürger, unter ihnen prominente Figuren der Zivilgesellschaft, Menschenrechtsanwälte und Oppositionspolitiker, verhaftet worden waren, rief Ali für diesen Freitag zu einem "Millionenmarsch" auf. Dass sich wirklich so viele Menschen auf die Straßen wagen würden, war unwahrscheinlich. Aber es kam zu vereinzelten kleineren Protesten, zum Beispiel in Giseh bei Kairo sowie im Ort Kina bei Luxor. Videos in sozialen Medien zeigten Proteste, deren Teilnehmer Al-Sisi Korruption vorwarfen und seinen Abgang forderten. Bei diesen Protesten setzte die Polizei auch Tränengas und Gummigeschosse ein. Diese Videos ließen sich zunächst nicht unabhängig verifizieren. Aus Sicherheitskreisen hieß es, die Polizei habe die Proteste beendet. After thousands had demonstrated against his rule last week for the first time since al-Sisi's tightening grip, and almost 2000 citizens, among them prominent figures in civil society, human rights lawyers and opposition politicians were arrested, Ali called on a "Millions March" this Friday. That many people daring to go in the street seemed unlikely. But there have been isolated protests, for example Giseh in Cairo as well as in the Kina region near Luxor. Videos in social media showed protests, the participants of which blamed Al-Sisi corruption and demanded his departure. During these protests, the police also used tear gas and rubber bullets. These videos could initially not be identified. From security circles it was said, that the police ended the protests. Huoshan_Translate.789 From the city of Mansura in the Nile Delta, where demonstrators tore banners with the portrait of the president to pieces last week, a massive police presence was reported on Friday. Security forces set up checkpoints in the city and on the arterial roads. In Cairo, several subway stations in the city centre were closed for "maintenance work," most of the streets around Tahrir Square, the heart of the 2011 revolution, were blocked. And in Rabaa Square, where supporters of the ousted Muslim Brother Morsi entrenched themselves in 2013 until the army took them under fire and killed up to 800 people, another measure was intended to prevent dissatisfied people from gathering here: Sisi sz.87383 Aus der Stadt Mansura im Nildelta, wo Demonstranten vergangene Woche Banner mit dem Porträt des Präsidenten in Stücke rissen, wurde am Freitag massive Polizeipräsenz gemeldet. Sicherheitskräfte errichteten Checkpoints in der Stadt und an den Ausfallstraßen. In Kairo wurden mehrere U-Bahnstationen in der Innenstadt wegen "Instandhaltungsarbeiten" geschlossen, die meisten Straßen rund um den Tahrirplatz, dem Herz der Revolution von 2011, wurden blockiert. Und auf dem Rabaa-Platz, auf dem sich 2013 Anhänger des gestürzten Muslimbruders Mursi verschanzten, bis die Armee sie unter Feuer nahm und bis zu 800 Menschen tötete, sollte eine andere Maßnahme verhindern, dass sich Unzufriedene versammeln: Sisis Zukunftspartei wollte ausgerechnet hier eine Großkundgebung für den Präsidenten abhalten. There were reports of high police presence in the city of Mansura in the Nile Delta last Friday, where last week demonstrators were tearing up banners with the portrait of the president. Security forces erected checkpoints in the city and at exit roads. In Cairo several underground stations in the inner city were closed due to "maintenance work," most roads around Tahrir square, the heart of the revolution of 2011 were blocked off. And on the Rabaa square, on which in 2013 followers of the fallen Muslim brother Mursi entrenched themselves, until the army put them under fire and killed up to 800 people, another measure is meant to deter dissatisfied people from gathering. It is in this very place, that al-Sisi's Future Party wanted to hold a large rally for the president. Huoshan_Translate.789 Mohamed Ali prompted these arrangements to change his tactics: "Our goal does not have to be Tahrir Square," Ali said in his video camera in Barcelona. "Let's not clash with police officers." But this is not to be understood as a withdrawal: "All of Egypt is Tahrir Square." sz.87383 Mohamed Ali veranlassten diese Vorkehrungen zu einer Änderung seiner Taktik: "Unser Ziel muss nicht der Tahrirplatz sein", sagte Ali in Barcelona in seine Videokamera. "Lasst uns nicht mit Polizeibeamten zusammenstoßen". Als Rückzieher sei das aber nicht zu verstehen: "Ganz Ägypten ist der Tahrirplatz". These precautions prompted Mohamed Ali to change his tactic. "Our goal must not be Tahrir square," Ali said in Barcelona into his video camera. "Let us not come to knocks with police officers." But that should not be understood as a withdrawal. "All of Egypt is Tahrir square." Huoshan_Translate.789 If the provider promises too much performance Wenn der Provider zu viel Leistung verspricht When the provider promises too much Huoshan_Translate.789 If the Internet connection always seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are various test options. Scheint der Internet-Anschluss stets viel langsamer als vom Provider beworben, gibt es verschiedene Prüfmöglichkeiten. If the internet connection seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are several ways to make sure. Huoshan_Translate.789 Anyone who concludes an internet contract does not need to blindly trust the speed information of the providers. Customers can check for themselves how much of it is actually achieved in case of abnormalities. Wer einen Internetvertrag abschließt, braucht nicht blind den Geschwindigkeitsangaben der Anbieter vertrauen. Kunden können bei Auffälligkeiten selbst nachprüfen, wie viel davon tatsächlich erreicht wird. When signing a contract, one should not have to trust their provider blindly. If problems occur, customers can check the actual internet speed themselves. Huoshan_Translate.789 After all, the previously promised transmission rates are a contractual component and should therefore also be achieved, explains the Bavarian Consumer Centre. Schließlich sind die vorab versprochenen Übertragungsraten ein Vertragsbestandteil und sollten daher auch erreicht werden, erklärt die Verbraucherzentrale Bayern. The data transfer rates promised in advance are an important part of the contract and should therefore be reached, explains the Bavarian Consumer Center. Huoshan_Translate.789 If the connection always seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are various test options. For example, the measurement tools of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) measure the actual data transmission rates and compare them with the rate agreed in the contract. Scheint der Anschluss stets viel langsamer als vom Provider beworben, gibt es verschiedene Prüfmöglichkeiten. So messen die Messtools der Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) die tatsächlichen Datenübertragungsraten und vergleichen sie mit der im Vertrag vereinbarten Rate. If the connection seems much slower than advertised by the provider, there are several ways to make sure. The measuring tools by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) measure the actual data transfer rates and compare them to the rates agreed upon in the contract. Huoshan_Translate.789 "However, the tests of the providers are carried out according to provider-specific specifications and are therefore not uniformly and objectively calculated," says the Bavarian Consumer Centre on its side. "Die Tests der Anbieter erfolgen jedoch nach anbieterspezifischen Vorgaben und sind daher nicht einheitlich und objektiv berechnet", gibt die Verbraucherzentrale Bayern auf ihrer Seite zu bedenken. "The provider checks are carried out according to provider-specific specifications and are therefore not calculated uniformly and objectively", stated the Bavarian Consumer Center. Huoshan_Translate.789 If the connection is much slower than announced, customers can set the provider a reasonable period of usually 14 days to produce the promised service. Affected persons do this best in writing by registered letter. Ist der Anschluss wesentlich langsamer als angekündigt, können Kunden dem Anbieter eine angemessene Frist von in der Regel 14 Tagen setzen, um die versprochene Leistung herzustellen. Das tun Betroffene am besten schriftlich per Einwurfeinschreiben. If the connection is much slower than agreed upon, customers can set the provider a reasonable deadline, which is usually 14 days, to provide the service as promised. The customers can do this per post, via a registered letter. Huoshan_Translate.789 If this does not work even after repeated requests, customers can terminate and under certain circumstances also claim damages. However, in the absence of success, only the course of action will help. Bewirkt das auch nach mehrfacher Aufforderung nichts, können Kunden kündigen und unter Umständen auch Schadenersatz fordern. Doch bei ausbleibendem Erfolg helfe nur noch der Klageweg. Should this prove unsuccessful after several attempts, customers can terminate their contracts and, in come circumstances, claim damages. Legal action can be used if all else fails. Huoshan_Translate.789 First Senior Republican for Investigation Erster ranghoher Republikaner für Untersuchung Senior Republican for investigation Huoshan_Translate.789 As the first senior Republican, the governor of Vermont has called for an impeachment investigation into US President Donald Trump. "I think the investigation is important, yes, and where that leads from here is determined by the facts that are established," Phil Scott said at a press conference on Thursday. He wants to know more about the whistleblower affair before action - an impeachment procedure can lead to the removal of the president - is taken. Als erster ranghoher Republikaner hat sich der Gouverneur von Vermont für eine Impeachment-Untersuchung gegen US-Präsident Donald Trump ausgesprochen. "Ich denke, die Untersuchung ist wichtig, ja, und wo das von hier aus hinführt, wird von den Fakten bestimmt, die festgestellt werden", sagte Phil Scott auf einer Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag. Er wolle mehr über die Whistleblower-Affäre wissen, bevor Maßnahmen - ein Impeachment-Verfahren kann zur Absetzung des Präsidenten führen - ergriffen werden. A senior Republican, the Governor of Vermont, has spoken out in favor of an impeachment investigation against US President Donald Trump. "I think the inquiry is important, yes, and where it leads from here is going to be driven by the facts that are established," Phil Scott said at a press conference on Thursday. He wanted to know more about the whistleblower affair before measures—impeachment proceedings can lead to the removal of the President—were taken. Huoshan_Translate.789 Scott said he was not surprised by revelations that Trump had repeatedly called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a telephone call to investigate interventions by Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine, because Trump has been watching Biden "for years." Scott sagte, er sei von Enthüllungen nicht überrascht, dass Trump den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj wiederholt in einem Telefonat aufgefordert habe, Interventionen des demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerbers und früheren Vizepräsidenten Joe Biden in der Ukraine zu untersuchen. Denn Trump beobachte Biden "seit Jahren". Scott said that he was not surprised by the revelation that Trump had made repeated requests over the phone to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate interventions by Democratic Presidential rival and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Trump has been watching Biden "for years." Huoshan_Translate.789 Republicans have so far refrained from criticizing Trump over the whistleblower affair; few have shown unease about it. Scott's remarks are a first sign of this in Trump's party. Scott, a moderate Republican, has repeatedly opposed Trump's policies, such as relaxing environmental regulations and tightening immigration regulations. Republikaner haben sich bislang mit Kritik an Trump wegen der Whistleblower-Affäre zurückgehalten; wenige haben Unbehagen deswegen erkennen lassen. Scotts Äußerungen sind ein erstes Anzeichen dafür in Trumps Partei. Scott, ein moderater Republikaner, hat sich bereits mehrmals gegen Trumps Politik gewandt, etwa gegen die Lockerung von Umweltschutzvorschriften und der Verschärfung von Einwanderungsvorschriften. Republicans have so far withheld their criticism of Trump due to the whistleblower affair; few have shown unease about it. Scott's statements are the first sign of uneasiness within Trump's party. Scott, a moderate Republican, has already pushed back against Trump's policies numerous times, such as when he opposed relaxing environmental regulations and tightening immigration requirements. Huoshan_Translate.789 Spider-Man stays in the MCU: Another Marvel film planned Spider-Man bleibt im MCU: Weiterer Marvel-Film geplant Spider-Man stays in the MCU: Additional Marvel film planned Huoshan_Translate.789 It was a shock for all Spider-Man fans: At the end of August it was announced that Sony and Marvel would go their separate ways in the future. Tom Holland's Spider-Man would no longer be part of the "Avengers" universe. It was completely unclear how the movies around Tom Holland would continue. Es war ein Schock für alle Spider-Man-Fans: Ende August wurde bekannt, dass Sony und Marvel künftig getrennte Wege gehen werden. Tom Hollands Spider-Man wäre demnach nicht mehr Teil des "Avengers"-Universums. Völlig unklar war, wie es mit den Filmen um Tom Holland weitergehen sollte. It was a shock to all Spider-Man fans: At the end of August, it was announced that Sony and Marvel would be going their separate ways in the future. As a result, Tom Holland's Spider-Man would no longer be part of the Avengers universe. It was entirely unclear how the films starring Tom Holland would proceed. Huoshan_Translate.789 Now the surprise: After "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home," Spider-Man receives another final third film within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This is reported by several US media outlets. Accordingly, the theatrical release is already fixed: The film is scheduled to be released in the USA on July 16, 2021. Nun die Überraschung: Spider-Man erhält nach "Spider-Man: Homecoming" und "Spider-Man: Far From Home" einen weiteren abschließenden dritten Film innerhalb des Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Das berichten mehrere US-Medien übereinstimmend. Demnach soll auch schon der Kinostart feststehen: In den USA soll der Film ab 16. Juli 2021 anlaufen. Now the surprise: After "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home," Spider-Man is getting an additional final third film within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The same news was reported by several US media outlets. According to these reports, the cinema release is also set: The movie will be shown in the US from July 16, 2021. Huoshan_Translate.789 In the magazine "Screenrant," Marvel boos Kevin Feige is quoted as saying: "I am delighted that Spidey's path will continue at the MCU. I and everyone at Marvel Studios are delighted that we can continue to work on it... He is the only superhero with the ability to play in different universes as Sony continues to work on his Spidey verse. You never know what the future will bring." Im Magazin "Screenrant" wird Marvel-Boos Kevin Feige zitiert: "Ich freue mich, dass Spideys Weg im MCU weitergeführt wird. Ich und alle bei den Marvel-Studios sind höchst erfreut, dass wir weiter daran arbeiten können ... Er ist der einzige Superheld mit der Fähigkeit, in verschiedenen Universen mitzuspielen, da Sony weiter an seinem Spidey-Verse arbeitet. Man weiß nie, was die Zukunft bringen wird". The magazine Screenrant quotes Marvel boss Kevin Feige as saying, "I'm happy that Spidey's path continues on in the MCU. I and everyone else at Marvel Studios are absolutely delighted to be able to work on it again... He's the only superhero with the ability to take part in different universes, as Sony continues to work on its Spidey-Verse. You never know what the future will bring." Huoshan_Translate.789 But how does the sudden good news come about? Sony is said to have made an offer to Marvel. According to industry magazines, Disney, which also includes Marvel, would share 30 percent of the revenue of upcoming Spider-Man films. However, the news is not confirmed. Doch wie kommt es zu der plötzlichen guten Nachricht? Angeblich soll Sony Marvel ein Angebot unterbreitet haben. Laut Branchenmagazinen würde der Konzern Disney, zu dem auch Marvel gehört, mit 30 Prozent an den Einnahmen kommender Spider-Man-Filme beteiligen. Bestätigt ist die Nachricht allerdings nicht. But where did the sudden good news come from? Sony has allegedly made Marvel an offer. According to industry magazines, Disney, which also includes Marvel, would be given a 30 per cent share in the proceeds from the upcoming Spider-Man films. This news has not been confirmed, however. Huoshan_Translate.789 Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry appear in the "Suits" finale So tauchen Herzogin Meghan und Prinz Harry im "Suits"-Finale auf Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry Appear in "Suits" Finale Huoshan_Translate.789 After nine seasons, the series "Suits" has now reached the grand finale in the USA. In the last episode there were many happy endings and just as many cameo appearances. And also the royal couple Prince Harry (35) and his Meghan (38), who worked on the show for many years, were charmingly paid tribute. Attention, the following sections contain spoilers for the series finale. Nach neun Staffeln ist die Serie "Suits" in den USA inzwischen beim großen Finale angelangt. In der letzten Folge gab es viele Happy Ends und ebenso viele Cameo-Auftritte. Und auch dem royalen Ehepaar Prinz Harry (35) und seiner Meghan (38), die viele Jahre lang in der Serie mitwirkte, wurde auf charmante Weise Tribut gezollt. Achtung, die folgenden Abschnitte enthalten Spoiler zum Serienfinale. After nine seasons, the American series "Suits" has reached its grand finale. The last episode contained many happy endings and cameos. And a charming tribute was paid to the royal couple, Prince Harry (35) and his Meghan (38), who had taken part in the series for years. Note: The following sections contain spoilers to the series finale. Huoshan_Translate.789 First of all: Duchess Meghan did not return in the finale for a last farewell greeting as Rachel Zane, at least not for new scenes. Instead, some reviews showed once again the most memorable scenes with today's Duchess. For example, the moments of the failed and successful wedding with Mike or how she greets him after his served prison sentence. Eines vorweg: Herzogin Meghan kehrte im Finale nicht für einen letzten Abschiedsgruß als Rachel Zane zurück, zumindest nicht für neue Szenen. Stattdessen zeigten einige Rückblicke noch einmal die denkwürdigsten Szenen mit der heutigen Herzogin. So etwa die Momente der gescheiterten und der geglückten Hochzeit mit Mike oder wie sie ihn nach seiner abgesessenen Haftstrafe begrüßt. One thing in advance: Duchess Meghan does not return in the finale for one last farewell as Rachel Zane—at least not for new scenes. Instead, a few looks back presented the most memorable scenes with the current duchess once more. Like the moments of the failed and the successful wedding with Mike, or how she greeted him after he had served his sentence. Huoshan_Translate.789 But her real husband, Prince Harry, was also mentioned casually in the "Suits" finale, of course in a wedding scene. When Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman, 49) walks straight towards the altar to marry his fiancée Sheila (Rachael Harris, 51), Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, 47) makes a telling remark about his suit. Whether he actually threw himself on a frock coat, the puzzled Harvey wants to know from the groom, only to remark snippily: "Louis, you're not the Prince of England." Doch auch ihr echter Ehemann, Prinz Harry, wurde im "Suits"-Finale beiläufig erwähnt, natürlich in einer Hochzeitsszene. Als Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman, 49) gerade Richtung Altar schreitet, um seine Verlobte Sheila (Rachael Harris, 51) zu heiraten, macht Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, 47) eine vielsagende Bemerkung bezüglich dessen Anzugs. Ob er sich tatsächlich einen Gehrock übergeworfen habe, will der verdutzte Harvey vom Bräutigam wissen, nur um dann schnippisch anzumerken: "Louis, du bist doch nicht der Prinz von England". But her real-life husband, Prince Harry, was also mentioned in passing in the "Suits" finale (in a wedding scene, naturally). Just as Louis Litt (Rick Hoffman, 49) was going to the altar to marry his fiancée Sheila (Rachael Harris, 51), Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, 47) made a telling comment regarding his suit. The confused Harvey wants to know whether or not the bridegroom had actually thrown on a frock coat, only to then make the snarky comment: "Louis, you are not the Prince of England." Huoshan_Translate.789 Aegean Sea: Baby and four other children drown in boat accident bild.126537 Ägäis: Baby und vier weitere Kinder ertrinken bei Bootsunglück The Aegean: Baby and four other children drown in boat accident Huoshan_Translate.789 A baby and four other children drowned while capsizing a refugee boat in the Aegean Sea. A total of seven people died in the accident, according to the Greek Coast Guard on Friday. The nationalities are still unclear. bild.126537 Beim Kentern eines Flüchtlingsboots in der Ägäis sind ein Baby und vier weitere Kinder ertrunken. Insgesamt starben bei dem Unglück sieben Menschen, wie die griechische Küstenwache am Freitag mitteilte. Die Nationalitäten seien noch unklar. A baby and four other children drowned when a refugee boat overturned on the Aegean Sea. A total of seven people died in the accident, the Greek coastguard announced Friday. Their nationalities have not been established yet. Huoshan_Translate.789 The boat sank near the Greek island of Inousses, which lies between the island of Chios and the Turkish mainland. Four children, three women and five men were rescued. bild.126537 Das Boot sank in der Nähe der griechischen Insel Inousses, die zwischen der Insel Chios und dem türkischen Festland liegt. Vier Kinder, drei Frauen und fünf Männer konnten gerettet werden. The boat sank off the Greek island of Oinousses, which lies between the island of Chios and the Turkish mainland. Four children, three women, and five men were rescued. Huoshan_Translate.789 Currently, hundreds of migrants from Turkey are transferring to the Greek islands in the east of the Aegean Sea. Last year, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 174 people were killed on this route. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has now announced his intention to visit both countries. bild.126537 Zurzeit setzen Hunderte Migranten aus der Türkei zu den griechischen Inseln im Osten der Ägäis über. Vergangenes Jahr kamen auf dieser Route nach Angaben des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) 174 Menschen ums Leben. Bundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer hat nun angekündigt, beide Länder besuchen zu wollen. Hundreds of migrants are currently crossing over from Turkey to the Greek islands in the eastern Aegean. According to figures from UNHCR, 174 people died along this route last year. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has now said he intends to visit both countries. Huoshan_Translate.789 Together with his French colleague and the responsible EU Commissioner, he wanted to "inform himself in Turkey about the refugee situation," Seehofer said on Friday. Afterwards, he wanted to learn more about the "administrative problems of the Greeks" in Athens in order to be able to help cope. bild.126537 Gemeinsam mit seinem französischen Kollegen und dem zuständigen EU-Kommissar wolle er sich in er Türkei darüber "informieren, wie es steht um die Flüchtlingssituation", sagte Seehofer am Freitag. Anschließend wolle er in Athen mehr über die "administrativen Probleme der Griechen" erfahren, um bei der Bewältigung helfen zu können. Together with his French colleague and the responsible EU commissioner, Seehofer wants to "find out about the situation with refugees" in Turkey, he said on Friday. Afterwards, in Athens, he wants to learn more about "the administrative problems of the Greeks" in order to be able to help overcome them. Huoshan_Translate.789 A spokeswoman for the EU Commission confirmed on Friday Seehofer's planned trip with EU Home Affairs Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos and France's Interior Minister Christophe Castaner. bild.126537 Eine Sprecherin der EU-Kommission bestätigte am Freitag die geplante Reise Seehofers mit dem EU-Innenkommissar Dimitris Avramopoulos und Frankreichs Innenminister Christophe Castaner. On Friday, an EU Commission spokesperson confirmed Seehofer's planned visit with EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos and French Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner. Huoshan_Translate.789 An unusual number of migrants from Turkey continue to arrive in Greece. On Tuesday alone, 654 people transferred to the Greek islands, the Greek Ministry of Civil Protection said on Wednesday. bild.126537 In Griechenland kommen weiterhin ungewöhnlich viele Migranten aus der Türkei an. Allein am Dienstag setzten 654 Menschen zu den griechischen Inseln über, hieß es vom griechischen Bürgerschutzministerium am Mittwoch. An extraordinarily high number of migrants from Turkey are continuing to arrive in Greece. 654 people landed on the Greek islands on Tuesday alone, the Greek Ministry of Civil Protection reported on Wednesday. Huoshan_Translate.789 Is the Turkey deal still working? bild.126537 Funktioniert der Türkei-Deal noch? Is the Turkey deal still working? Huoshan_Translate.789 The increased figures recently raised doubts about the functioning of the EU-Turkey agreement concluded in 2016. This stipulates that the EU can send back all refugees and migrants who come illegally to the Greek islands via Turkey. In return, the EU wanted to take in a Syrian refugee from Turkey for every deported Syrian. bild.126537 Die gestiegenen Zahlen ließen zuletzt Zweifel am Funktionieren des 2016 geschlossenen EU-Türkei-Abkommens aufkommen. Dies sieht vor, dass die EU alle Flüchtlinge und Migranten, die illegal über die Türkei auf die griechischen Inseln kommen, zurückschicken kann. Im Gegenzug wollte die EU für jeden abgeschobenen Syrer einen syrischen Flüchtling aus der Türkei aufnehmen. The increased numbers have recently cast doubts over the functioning of the EU-Turkey agreement reached in 2016. Under this agreement, the EU can send back all refugees and migrants who have come to the Greek islands illegally via Turkey. In return, for every Syrian sent back, the EU agreed to accept a Syrian refugee from Turkey. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, the processing of asylum applications is progressing with difficulty on the Greek side due to staff shortages. According to the Ministry of Civil Protection, almost 29,400 people are waiting on Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos. The situation on Lesbos is worst: 5,200 migrants are currently housed in a camp with capacity for 650 people. bild.126537 Die Bearbeitung der Asylanträge kommt wegen Personalmangels jedoch auf griechischer Seite nur mühsam voran. Auf Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Leros und Kos harren laut dem Bürgerschutzministerium knapp 29 400 Menschen aus. Am schlimmsten ist die Lage auf Lesbos: In einem Lager mit Kapazitäten für 650 Menschen sind derzeit 5200 Migraten untergebracht. However, the processing of asylum applications on the Greek side is proceeding sluggishly due to personnel shortages. The Ministry of Civil Protection says that almost 29,400 people are trapped on Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Leros, and Kos. The situation on Lesbos is the most serious: A camp with a capacity for 650 people is currently accommodating 5,200 migrants. Huoshan_Translate.789 Never since the entry into force of the EU-Turkey refugee pact in March 2016 have there been so many, the state radio reported. bild.126537 Noch nie seit Inkrafttreten des EU-Türkei-Flüchtlingspakts im März 2016 seien es so viele gewesen, berichtete der Staatsrundfunk. Never since the EU-Turkey refugee agreement came into force in March 2016 have there been so many, according to the state radio broadcaster. Huoshan_Translate.789 Climate change: Heat leads to more heart attacks Klimawandel: Hitze führt zu mehr Herzinfarkten Climate Change: Heat Leads to More Heart Attacks Huoshan_Translate.789 According to physicians, climate change will put the healthcare system to the test in the future. Climate changes are "certainly" one of the biggest challenges for the healthcare system in the next 20 to 50 years, said Andreas Zeiher, President of the German Society of Cardiology. Especially the cardiovascular system caused high temperatures and large temperature jumps within a short time and increasingly led to heart attacks. Especially people with cardiovascular diseases, the elderly and diabetics are affected. Medizinern zufolge wird der Klimawandel künftig das Gesundheitssystem auf die Probe stellen. Die Klimaveränderungen seien "ganz sicher" eine der größten Herausforderungen für das Gesundheitssystem in den nächsten 20 bis 50 Jahren, sagte der Andreas Zeiher, Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie. Vor allem dem Herz-Kreislauf-System machten hohe Temperaturen und große Temperatursprünge binnen kurzer Zeit zu schaffen und führten vermehrt zu Herzinfarkten. Vor allem Menschen mit Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, ältere Menschen und Diabetiker seien betroffen. According to physicians, climate change will put the healthcare system to the test in the future. Andreas Zeiher, president of the German Cardiology Association, says that changes to the climate will "certainly" be one of the greatest challenges to the healthcare system during the next twenty to fifty years. High temperatures and extreme temperature changes primarily stress the cardiovascular system and lead increasingly to heart attacks. Those most affected include people with cardiovascular disease, the elderly, and diabetics. Huoshan_Translate.789 Green Party politician must answer for embarrassing photo breakdown Grünen-Politikerin muss sich wegen peinlicher Fotopanne verantworten The Green politician must answer for an embarrassing photo accident Huoshan_Translate.789 The leader of the Canadian Greens, Elizabeth May, during the election campaign - was the cup manipulated for this reason? Die Chefin der kanadischen Grünen, Elizabeth May, im Wahlkampf - wurde aus diesem Grund der Becher manipuliert? Elisabeth May, the leader of the Green Party of Canada—Was the cup edited for this reason? Huoshan_Translate.789 The Canadian Green Party leader holds a reusable cup in her hand in a photo. But now it came out: The cup was manipulated. Die kanadische Grünen-Chefin hält auf einem Foto einen Mehrweg-Becher in der Hand. Doch jetzt kam heraus: Der Becher wurde manipuliert. The leader of the Green Party of Canada holds a reusable cup in her hand in a photo. However, it has not come out: The cup was edited. Huoshan_Translate.789 Ottawa / Canada - It went unnoticed for quite a long time - and finally noticed. Elizabeth May, the leader of the Canadian Greens, never held the reusable coffee cup with a metal straw in her hand. On the party's website, she was seen in a photo with this cup, talking to citizens. However, the photo had been published before and also distributed to the media - and the cup was still a disgraceful (cardboard) cup, as the Canadian National Post reported. Ottawa/Kanada - Es ist ziemlich lange unbemerkt geblieben - und schlussendlich doch aufgefallen. Den wiederverwendbaren Kaffeebecher mit Metallstrohhalm hat Elizabeth May, die Chefin der kanadischen Grünen, niemals in der Hand gehalten. Auf der Website der Partei war sie auf einem Foto mit diesem Becher zu sehen, im Gespräch mit Bürgern. Allerdings war das Foto schon zuvor veröffentlicht und auch an die Medien verbreitet worden - und da war der Becher noch ein schnöder (Papp) Becher, wie die kanadische National Post berichtete. Ottawa/Canada—It has gone unnoticed for a long time, but was finally discovered. Elisabeth May, the leader of the Canadian Green Party, never had the reusable coffee cup with the metal straw in her hand. The photograph on the party´s website showed May holding the cup and talking to the voters. However, the photo had been published and distributed to the media before—and the cup used to be a crude (paper) cup, as the Canadian National Post reported. Huoshan_Translate.789 Green Party leader must answer for photo breakdown Grünen-Chefin muss sich wegen Fotopanne verantworten The Green Party leader must answer for the photo Huoshan_Translate.789 The National Post then accused May of manipulation and that the party was producing fake news to appear more credible on the subject of "environmental protection," in the middle of an election campaign for the House of Commons, in which Trudeau is also finding it increasingly difficult because of a bribery scandal. Die National Post warf May daraufhin Manipulation vor und dass die Partei Fake News produziere, um beim Thema "Umweltschutz" glaubwürdiger zu erscheinen. Und das mitten in einem Wahlkampf zur Unterhaus-Wahl, in dem es auch Trudeau wegen eines Bestechungsskandals zunehmend schwer hat. The National Post accused May of manipulation and stated that the party was spreading fake news in order to appear more credible regarding "environmental protection". And that in the middle of an election campaign for the House of Commons, as Trudeau has also been dealing with difficulties because of a bribery scandal. Huoshan_Translate.789 The photo went viral on social media and fueled the discussion about fake news. One user shares a juxtaposition of the photos and writes: "The Greens manipulate a photo of their chairmen to conceal their disposable cup." Das Foto ging in den sozialen Medien viral und fachte die Diskussion über Fake News an. Ein User teilt eine Gegenüberstellung der Fotos und schreibt: "Die Grünen manipulieren ein Foto ihrer Vorsitzenden, um ihren Einwegbecher zu verheimlichen". The photo went viral on social media and sparked discussion on fake news. A user shared a comparison of the two photos and wrote: "The Green party edited a photograph of its leader to hide a single-use coffee cup". Huoshan_Translate.789 May was shocked and asserted on her blog that she had not known about this action. To underline this, she immediately posted the original: She, in conversation with citizens, a cup in her hand. However, she corrected, it was made of bamboo. She always had it with her. A spokeswoman for the party said that it was only a matter of placing the party logo in the picture, and not of covering up anything. Only an excerpt of the photo can be seen on the website. May zeigte sich schockiert und beteuerte auf ihrem Blog, von dieser Aktion nichts gewusst zu haben. Um das zu unterstreichen, postete sie dazu gleich das Original: Sie, im Gespräch mit Bürgern, einen Becher in der Hand. Der allerdings, stellte sie richtig, sei aus Bambus. Sie habe ihn immer dabei. Eine Sprecherin der Partei sagte, es sei nur darum gegangen, das Parteilogo im Bild unterzubringen, und nicht, etwas zu vertuschen. Von dem Foto ist auf der Website nur noch ein Ausschnitt zu sehen. May seemed shocked and claimed not to have known anything about this on her blog. For emphasis, she posted the original photograph: Herself, speaking to the voters, coffee cup in hand. The cup is, however, made of bamboo. She always carries it with her. A spokeswoman for the party claimed that the goal was to add the party logo to the photo, and not to conceal anything. A part of the photo can still be found on the party website. Huoshan_Translate.789 May writes that she is sorry for the employee who did this. "I don't want to call him stupid, but there was nothing to hide," she told the Guardian and at the same time asked for something from her overcommitted team: "If they feel like editing a picture again, couldn't they do something with my face so that I look younger?" May schreibt, es tue ihr Leid für den Mitarbeiter, der das getan habe. "Ich will ihn nicht als dumm bezeichnen, aber es gab ja nichts zu verbergen", sagt sie gegenüber dem Guardianund erbat sich zugleich etwas von ihrem überengagierten Team: "Falls sie wieder Lust haben, ein Bild zu bearbeiten, könnten sie dann nicht was mit meinem Gesicht machen, sodass ich jünger aussehe?" May wrote she felt sorry for the employee who did it. "I do not want to say he is stupid, but there was nothing to hide", she said to the Guardian and addressed her overly committed team: "If you intend to edit a photograph, would it be possible to edit my face so that I look younger?" Huoshan_Translate.789 The German Greens also got into shitstorms because of their use of disposable plastic or because of air travel - but their pictures were not photoshopped. So the head of the Bavarian Greens, Katharina Schulze, ate ice cream with plastic spoons on holiday, as * reported. Auch die deutschen Grünen sind wegen ihres Gebrauchs von Einweg-Plastik oder wegen Flugreisen in Shitstorms geraten - ihre Bilder waren allerdings nicht gefotoshoppt. So aß die Chefin der bayerischen Grünen, Katharina Schulze, im Urlaub Eis mit Plastiklöffel, wie* berichtete. The German Green party also had to deal with shitstorms because of their use of disposable plastic and of air travel—but their pictures were not photoshopped. The leader of the Bavarian Green party Katharina Schulze, ate her ice cream with a plastic spoon on vacation, as reports. Huoshan_Translate.789 Influencer wants free upgrade: Lifelong flight ban at Cathay Influencerin will Gratis-Upgrade: Lebenslanges Flugverbot bei Cathay Influencer wants free upgrade: Life-long ban from Cathay Huoshan_Translate.789 Allegedly, Jaqueline Ng was assured of an upgrade by email from Cathay Pacific. But when she asked for it at check-in, she was not allowed on board - and she should never be allowed to fly with Cathay again. Angeblich sei Jaqueline Ng per Mail von Cathay Pacific ein Upgrade zugesichert worden. Doch als sie beim Check-in darum bat, durfte sie nicht an Bord - und sie soll nie wieder mit Cathay fliegen dürfen. Jaqueline Ng had apparently received mail from Cathay Pacific confirming an upgrade. But when she asked about it at check-in, she was not allowed on board—and she can never fly with Cathay again. Huoshan_Translate.789 Getting a spontaneous upgrade for Business Class - many passengers dream of it. Sometimes they are lucky, and the staff at check-in offer a change from Economy Class for free. Spontan ein Upgrade für die Business Class bekommen - davon träumen viele Fluggäste. Manchmal haben sie Glück, und die Mitarbeiter am Check-in bieten einen Wechsel aus der Economy Class gratis an. Many passengers dream of being spontaneously upgraded to business class. Sometimes they are lucky and check-in employees offer to switch them from economy class. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, this case shows how not to do it: a self-declared influencer has actively asked the airline Cathay Pacific for a free upgrade. Jaqueline Ng is followed by more than 65,000 users on Instagram. She flew from Taiwan to New York on May 30 and back on June 7. Dieser Fall zeigt allerdings, wie man es nicht machen sollte: Eine selbst erklärte Influencerin hat die Airline Cathay Pacific aktiv um ein kostenloses Upgrade gebeten. Auf Instagram folgen Jaqueline Ng mehr als 65.000 User. Am 30. Mai ist sie von Taiwan nach New York und am 7. Juni zurückgeflogen. This case shows, however, how not do it: A self-declared influencer actively requested a free upgrade from airline Cathay Pacific. More than 65,000 users follow Jaqueline Ng on Instagram. On May 30, she flew from Taiwan to New York, returning on June 7. Huoshan_Translate.789 On the outbound flight, employees refused to upgrade Jaqueline, although she showed an email in which Cathay Pacific allegedly promised her an upgrade. The influencer claims to have received the letter from a marketing employee of the airline. The airline, on the other hand, accuses Jaqueline of falsifying the mail. Auf dem Hinflug verweigerten die Mitarbeiter Jaqueline ein Upgrade, obwohl sie eine Mail vorgezeigt habe, in der ihr Cathay Pacific angeblich ein Upgrade in Aussicht stellte. Das Schreiben will die Influencerin von einem Marketing-Mitarbeiter der Airline erhalten haben. Die Airline hingegen beschuldigt Jaqueline, die Mail gefälscht zu haben. On her outbound flight, employees refused to give Jaqueline an upgrade even though she showed them an email stating Cathay Pacific had allegedly promised her an upgrade. The influencer claims to have received the message from a marketing employee at the airline. However, the airline accused Jaqueline of falsifying the email. Huoshan_Translate.789 On the return flight, Jaqueline tried again to get an upgrade for the long-haul flight. This time, the woman is said to have shown the same mail, but with a different reference number. The employees at JFK airport were sceptical: they checked at the headquarters. And indeed, the employee from whom the mail allegedly came is said to have denied the mail contact with Jaqueline. This was also confirmed by the mail system, in which the messages did not appear. Auf dem Rückflug versuchte Jaqueline nämlich erneut, ein Upgrade für den Langstreckenflug zu bekommen. Diesmal soll die Frau dieselbe Mail vorgezeigt haben, allerdings mit einer anderen Referenznummer. Die Mitarbeiter am Flughafen JFK waren skeptisch: Sie hakten bei der Zentrale nach. Und tatsächlich soll der Angestellte, von dem die Mail angeblich stammt, den Mailkontakt mit Jaqueline abgestritten haben. Das bestätigte auch das Mailsystem, in dem die Nachrichten nicht auftauchten. On her return flight, Jaqueline again tried to get an upgrade for the long-haul flight. The woman is alleged to have presented the email this time as well, but with a different reference number. Employees at JFK Airport were skeptical. They contacted their head office and dug a little deeper. As it turns out, the employee from whom the email is said to have originated denied writing to Jaqueline. The email system also confirmed this, as the messages were not found. Huoshan_Translate.789 The airline employees at the airport canceled Jaqueline's ticket and imposed a lifetime flight ban with Cathay Pacific. She had to buy a new flight ticket to Taiwan for 1,400 US dollars (around 1,280 euros). Die Airline-Mitarbeiter am Flughafen cancelten Jaquelines Ticket und verhängten ein lebenslanges Flugverbot mit Cathay Pacific. Für 1.400 US-Dollar (rund 1.280 Euro) musste sie sich ein neues Flugtickte nach Taiwan kaufen. Airline employees at the airport canceled Jacqueline's ticket and hit her with a life-long flying ban from Cathay Pacific. She was forced to purchase a new ticket to Taiwan for $1,400 (around €1,280). Huoshan_Translate.789 With her case, the influencer turned to Elliot Advocacy, a company that represents consumer interests, because Cathay had reimbursed her for the price of her original ticket, but Jaqueline also demanded the cost of the new ticket back. Mit ihrem Fall wandte sich die Influencerin an Elliot Advocacy, ein Unternehmen, das Verbraucherinteressen vertritt. Denn Cathay hatte ihr zwar den Preis für ihr ursprüngliches Ticket erstattet, Jaqueline forderte aber auch die Kosten für das neue Ticket zurück. The influencer took her case to Elliot Advocacy, a company that represents consumer interests. Cathay had reimbursed her for the price of her original ticket, but Jacqueline also wanted the costs of the new ticket home. Huoshan_Translate.789 But as long as Jaqueline does not submit the metadata of the mail, the case remains clear: for Cathay, the influencer has committed fraud, she remains blocked for future flights. The airline's terms and conditions also state that she does not have to pay for the new flight. Jaqueline does not want to be satisfied with this - and now hires a lawyer. Doch solange Jaqueline nicht die Metadaten der Mail einreicht, bleibt der Fall klar: Für Cathay hat die Influencerin Betrug begangen, sie bleibt für künftige Flüge gesperrt. Die Geschäftsbedingungen der Airline besagen außerdem, dass diese den neuen Flug nicht zahlen muss. Jaqueline will sich damit nicht zufriedengeben - und schaltet jetzt einen Anwalt ein. However, unless Jaqueline submits the email metadata, the case is clear: As far as Cathay is concerned, the influencer has committed fraud; she will remain banned from future flights. The airline's terms and conditions also state that it does not have to pay for the new flight. Jacqueline is not satisfied—and is now seeking an attorney. Huoshan_Translate.789 Oil prices decline after report on ceasefire in Yemen Ölpreise geben nach Bericht über Waffenstillstand im Jemen nach Oil prices fall after report of a ceasefire in Yemen Huoshan_Translate.789 Oil prices fell by more than one dollar within a very short time on Friday afternoon. Most recently, a barrel (159 litres) of the North Sea variety Brent cost 61.83 US dollars - about 1.4 percent less than the previous day. The price of a barrel of the American variety West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell 1.3 percent to 55.77 dollars. Die Ölpreise sind am Freitagmittag binnen kürzester Zeit um mehr als einen Dollar gefallen. Zuletzt kostete ein Barrel (159 Liter) der Nordseesorte Brent 61,83 US-Dollar - rund 1,4 Prozent weniger als am Vortag. Der Preis für ein Barrel der amerikanischen Sorte West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fiel um 1,3 Prozent auf 55,77 Dollar. On Friday afternoon, oil prices fell rapidly by over one dollar. A barrel (159 liters) of North Sea Brent oil ultimately cost $61.83—down about 1.4 per cent on the previous day. The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fell by 1.3 per cent to $55.77. Huoshan_Translate.789 The slide was triggered by a Wall Street Journal report on a ceasefire in Yemen. Saudi Arabia is said to have agreed to a ceasefire in four areas. Auslöser für den Kursrutsch war ein Bericht des Wall Street Journals über einen Waffenstillstand im Jemen. Saudi-Arabien soll in vier Gebieten einem Waffenstillstand zugestimmt haben. The fall was triggered by a report in the Wall Street Journal about a ceasefire in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is reported to have agreed to a ceasefire in four regions. Huoshan_Translate.789 A drone attack on the oil facilities in Saudi Arabia had brought five percent of global oil production to a standstill in mid-September. Iran-allied Houthi rebels in the civil war country of Yemen had claimed the attacks. Saudi Arabia, like the US government, blames Iran. A ceasefire would defuse the political tension in the region. Ein Drohnen-Angriff auf die Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien hatte Mitte September fünf Prozent der weltweiten Öl-Produktion zum Erliegen gebracht. Die mit dem Iran verbündeten Huthi-Rebellen im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen hatten die Angriffe für sich reklamiert. Saudi-Arabien macht wie die US-Regierung den Iran verantwortlich. Ein Waffenstillstand würde die politische Spannung in der Region entschärfen. A drone attack on oil refineries in Saudi Arabia in the middle of September had paralyzed 5 per cent of world oil output. In civil war-torn Yemen, the Huthi rebels allied with Iran claimed responsibility for the attacks Like the US Government, Saudi Arabia blames Iran. A ceasefire would ease the political tension in the region. Huoshan_Translate.789 Should an agreement actually be reached, it would be possible to focus on growth and demand concerns, Ole Hansen, head of commodities strategy at Saxo Bank, told the Bloomberg news agency. Sollte eine Einigung tatsächlich zustande kommen, könne man sich auf Wachstum und Nachfragesorgen konzentrieren, sagte Ole Hansen, Leiter der Abteilung Rohstoffstrategie bei der Saxo Bank der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg. If an agreement is reached, focus can be centered on problems with growth and demand, said Ole Hansen, head of the commodity strategy section at the Bloomberg news agency's Saxo Bank. Huoshan_Translate.789 Oil prices are thus continuing their downward trend of the past few days. A week ago, a barrel of WTI oil had cost up to nearly $59, Brent nearly $65. Die Ölpreise setzt damit seine Abwärtsbewegung der vergangenen Tage fort. Vor einer Woche hatte ein Barrel WTI-Öl noch bis fast 59 Dollar gekostet, Brent fast 65 Dollar. Oil prices are therefore continuing the downward trend of the last few days. A week ago, a barrel of WTI oil still cost almost $59, and a barrel of Brent almost $65. Huoshan_Translate.789 Most recently, Bloomberg, citing insiders, reported that repair work on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia was progressing faster than expected after the attack in mid-September. According to the report, production volumes had again reached a volume of eight million barrels per day and were moving back towards the original volume. Zuletzt hatte Bloomberg unter Berufung auf Insider berichtet, dass die Reparaturarbeiten an Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien nach dem Angriff Mitte September schneller vorankommen als gedacht. Demnach habe die Produktionsmenge wieder ein Volumen von acht Millionen Barrel pro Tag erreicht und bewege sich wieder in Richtung der ursprünglichen Menge. Citing insiders, Bloomberg reported recently that the repairs to the oil facilities in Saudi Arabia after the attack were proceeding faster than expected. According to this source, output is said to have again reached 8 million barrels per day and is heading back to its original level. Huoshan_Translate.789 Recently, there have been several press releases citing insiders reporting rapid progress by the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in the repair work. However, commodity experts pointed out that Saudi Aramco is currently planning an IPO and wants to avoid negative headlines. Zuletzt gab es mehrfach Pressemeldungen unter Berufung auf Insider, die von schnellen Fortschritten des staatlichen Ölkonzerns Saudi Aramco bei den Reparaturarbeiten berichten. Rohstoffexperten verwiesen aber darauf, dass Saudi Aramco derzeit einen Börsengang plane und negative Schlagzeilen vermeiden wolle. There have been several press reports recently referring to insiders and talking of rapid progress by the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in carrying out the repairs. But commodities experts claimed that Saudi Aramco is currently planning a stock market flotation and wants to avoid negative headlines. Huoshan_Translate.789 At the same time, there was some easing in the conflict between Iran and Western countries: the British oil tanker "Stena Impero" is on its way to leaving the port more than two months after being detained by Iran and the recently granted clearance. The crew is now preparing to depart while the ship is still anchored, shipping chief Erik Hånell told Swedish radio in a text message on Friday morning. Zugleich deutete sich etwas Entspannung im Konflikt zwischen dem Iran und westlichen Ländern an: Der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" ist mehr als zwei Monate nach dem Festsetzen durch den Iran und die kürzlich erteilte Freigabe auf dem Weg, den Hafen zu verlassen. Die Besatzung bereite nun die Abfahrt vor, während das Schiff weiter vor Anker liege, teilte Reedereichef Erik Hånell dem schwedischen Rundfunk am Freitagmorgen in einer SMS mit. At the same time, there has been an easing of tension in the conflict between Iran and the West. After being held by the Iranians for more than two months and recently released, British oil tanker the Stena Impero is about to leave harbor. The crew are now preparing for departure while the ship is still at anchor, shipping company boss Erik Hånell told Swedish radio in a text message Friday morning. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, the US announced that it would deploy defensive missiles and soldiers to the Iranian arch-enemy in Saudi Arabia. Fears of an escalation between the Islamic Republic and countries such as the US and Britain had at times pushed up oil prices significantly in recent weeks. Allerdings kündigten die USA an, Abwehrraketen und Soldaten zum iranischen Erzfeind nach Saudi-Arabien zu verlegen. Die Furcht vor einer Eskalation zwischen der Islamischen Republik und Ländern wie den USA und Großbritannien hatte die Ölpreise in den vergangenen Wochen zeitweise deutlich in die Höhe getrieben. Nevertheless, the United States said it would deploy missiles and troops against its Iranian archenemy to Saudi Arabia. Fears of an escalation between the Islamic Republic and countries such as the United States and Great Britain had driven oil prices upwards in recent weeks, at times significantly. Huoshan_Translate.789 Accusations against Trump intensify Vorwürfe gegen Trump verschärfen sich Accusations against Trump intensify Huoshan_Translate.789 In the affair over possible abuse of power by US President Donald Trump, allegations of cover-up have been raised against the White House. Several leading government officials have made intensive efforts to prevent access to the wording of the conversation after a contentious phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the end of July, an anonymous whistleblower said. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explicitly accused the White House of "cover-up." Trump spoke of a "witch hunt." In der Affäre um möglichen Machtmissbrauch durch US-Präsident Donald Trump sind Vertuschungsvorwürfe gegen das Weiße Haus laut geworden. Mehrere führende Regierungsmitarbeiter hätten sich intensiv bemüht, nach einem strittigen Telefonat zwischen Trump und dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj Ende Juli einen Zugriff auf die Wortlautfassung des Gespräches zu verhindern. Das erklärte ein anonymer Hinweisgeber. Die Sprecherin des Repräsentantenhauses, die Demokratin Nancy Pelosi, warf dem Weißen Haus explizit "Vertuschung" vor. Trump sprach von einer "Hexenjagd". Accusations of a cover-up by the White House have been voiced in the affair regarding US president Donald Trump's possible abuse of power, After a contentious telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Selenskyi at the end of July, several leading government employees worked feverishly to prevent access to the transcript of the call. This was reported by an anonymous informer. Democrat Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, explicitly accused the White House of a "cover-up". Trump spoke of a "witch hunt". Huoshan_Translate.789 North Korea considers third summit of Trump and Kim questionable Nordkorea hält dritten Gipfel von Trump und Kim für fraglich North Korea considers a third summit for Trump and Kim to be questionable Huoshan_Translate.789 North Korea has raised doubts that a third summit of leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump will soon take place in the nuclear dispute. The meaning and chances of success of such a meeting are questionable because of a lack of progress in implementing agreements at the first summit in Singapore, top diplomat Kim Kye-gwan said on Friday, according to the KCNA agency. Nordkorea hat Zweifel vorgebracht, dass es im Atomstreit bald zu einem dritten Gipfel von Machthaber Kim Jong-un und US-Präsident Donald Trump kommen wird. Der Sinn und die Erfolgsaussichten eines solchen Treffens seien wegen mangelnder Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung von Vereinbarungen des ersten Gipfels in Singapur fraglich, sagte Spitzendiplomat Kim Kye-gwan am Freitag laut der Agentur KCNA. North Korea has raised doubts that the nuclear dispute is likely to lead to a third summit for rulers Kim Jong-un and US president Donald Trump soon. The meaning and the chances of success of such a meeting are doubtful due to a lack of progress in the implementation of agreements of the first summit in Singapore, according to top diplomat Kim Kye-gwan via the KCNA agency. Huoshan_Translate.789 The US has so far done nothing to implement the decisions of the summit last year, said the adviser to the North Korean Foreign Ministry. He also criticized tighter US sanctions and the joint military exercises of the US and South Korea. However, he hopes for a "wise" and "courageous" decision by Trump to bring about a rapprochement again. Die USA hätten bisher nichts dafür getan, die Beschlüsse des Gipfels im Vorjahr umzusetzen, sagte der Berater des nordkoreanischen Außenministeriums. Er kritisierte zudem verschärfte US-Sanktionen und die gemeinsamen Militärmanöver der USA und Südkoreas. Er hoffe aber auf eine "weise" und "mutige" Entscheidung Trumps, damit es wieder zu einer Annäherung komme. So far, the USA have not done anything to implement last year's summit's decisions, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs advisor said. He also criticized tighter sanctions and common military maneuvers of the USA and South Korea. However, he hoped for a "wise" and "brave" decision by Trump, so that things can become closer again. Huoshan_Translate.789 Trump said on Monday that he wanted to know what a third summit with Kim should bring before he agreed to do so. Negotiations on disarmament of North Korea's nuclear and missile program have stalled since the failed second summit of Trump and Kim in Hanoi in February. In June, the two met in the Demilitarized Zone between the two Korean states, agreeing to revive the discussions, but so far without much success. Trump hatte am Montag gesagt, er wolle erst wissen, was ein drittes Gipfeltreffen mit Kim bringen solle, bevor er sich dazu bereiterkläre. Die Verhandlungen über eine Abrüstung des nordkoreanischen Atom- und Raketenprogramms sind seit dem gescheiterten zweiten Gipfeltreffen von Trump und Kim im Februar in Hanoi ins Stocken geraten. Im Juni trafen sich beide dann in der Entmilitarisierten Zone zwischen den beiden koreanischen Staaten. Dabei vereinbarten sie, die Beratungen wiederzubeleben, bisher aber ohne großen Erfolg. On Monday, Trump had said that he first wanted to know what a third summit with Kim would entail, before declaring himself prepared for it. The negotiations for a disarmament of the North Korean nuclear and missile program have stalled since the failed summit for Trump and Kim in February in Hanoi. In June both met in the demilitarized zone between both the Korean states. Here they agreed to revive consultations, so far without success. Huoshan_Translate.789 Prince Harry: Arms manufacturers should help with mine clearance Prinz Harry: Waffenhersteller sollen bei Minenräumung helfen Prinz Harry: Weapons manufacturers are to assist with mine clearance Huoshan_Translate.789 Dressed in a blue splinter protection vest, the British Prince Harry symbolically detonated and destroyed an explosive mine in Angola. Near a camp of the British Halo Trust near the town of Dirico, he produced the ignition circle. The explosive device exploded at a safe distance. With a view to the goal of getting Angola mine-free by 2025, he later demanded in front of running TV cameras: "I call on all the countries whose names are on these weapons, but who have not helped to clear away, to commit themselves to help." Mit einer blauen Splitterschutzweste bekleidet hat der britische Prinz Harry in Angola symbolisch eine Sprengmine gezündet und zerstört. Nahe einem Camp des britischen Halo Trusts bei dem Ort Dirico stellte er den Zündkreis her. In sicherer Entfernung explodierte der Sprengkörper. Mit Blick auf das Ziel, Angola bis 2025 minenfrei zu bekommen, forderte er später vor laufenden TV-Kameras: "Ich rufe alle die Länder auf, deren Namen auf diesen Waffen stehen, die aber nicht beim Wegräumen geholfen haben, sich zur Hilfe zu verpflichten". Wearing a blue protective jacket, British prince Harry symbolically detonated and destroyed a blast mine in Angola. He made the ignition circle near a camp run by the British Halo Trust in the Dirico area. The explosive device detonated at a safe distance. With a view to making Angola mine-free by 2025, he later made a request in front of running TV cameras. "I am calling on all countries, the names on which are written on these weapons, but which have not assisted in clearance, to make a commitment to help." Huoshan_Translate.789 Pound under pressure - interest rate cut expected Pfund unter Druck - Zinssenkung erwartet Pound under pressure—Drop in interest rates expected Huoshan_Translate.789 British Pound Under Pressure Britisches Pfund unter Druck British pound under pressure Huoshan_Translate.789 With interest rates cut soon, the pound is losing value against the euro. Angesichts einer baldigen Zinssenkung verliert das Pfund gegenüber dem Euro an Wert. With a fall in interest rates imminent, the pound is losing value against the euro. Huoshan_Translate.789 Frankfurt Speculation of an early interest rate cut by the Bank of England (BoE) is hitting sterling, with the British currency down as much as 0.4 percent to $1.2269 on Friday. Frankfurt Spekulationen auf eine baldige Zinssenkung der Bank von England (BoE) setzen dem Pfund Sterling zu. Die britische Währung verbilligte sich am Freitag um bis zu 0,4 Prozent auf 1,2269 Dollar. Speculation in Frankfurt over an imminent fall in Bank of England (BoE) interest rates is punishing sterling. On Friday, the British currency fell by 0.4 percent to $1.2269 Huoshan_Translate.789 The sales were triggered by statements by central banker Michael Saunders, who talked about a rate cut even if a chaotic Brexit could be averted, as uncertainty will affect the British economy for the foreseeable future. This statement is surprising, as Saunders is considered an advocate of restrictive monetary policy, said analyst Ricardo Evangelista of the broker house ActivTrades. Auslöser der Verkäufe waren Äußerungen des Notenbankers Michael Saunders. Dieser brachte eine Zinssenkung ins Gespräch, selbst wenn ein chaotischer Brexit abgewendet werden könne, da die Verunsicherung die britische Konjunktur auf absehbare Zeit beeinträchtigen werde. Diese Aussage sei überraschend, da Saunders als Verfechter einer restriktiven Geldpolitik gelte, sagte Analyst Ricardo Evangelista vom Brokerhaus ActivTrades. on the back of remarks by Michael Saunders of the Bank of England. He talked of a potential fall in interest rates even though a chaotic Brexit had been avoided, as the uncertainty will affect the British economy for the foreseeable future. His remark was a surprise because Saunders is considered an advocate of restrictive monetary policy, said analyst Ricardo Evangelista from the ActivTrades brokerage firm. Huoshan_Translate.789 Last week, the Bank of England had already pointed out the burden on the economy of the Brexit squabble without directly signalling an interest rate cut. Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to lead his country out of the EU without a divorce agreement on 31 October if necessary. Vergangene Woche hatte die Bank von England bereits auf die Belastungen für die Wirtschaft durch den Brexit-Hickhack hingewiesen, ohne direkt eine Zinssenkung zu signalisieren. Premierminister Boris Johnson will sein Land notfalls auch ohne Scheidungsvereinbarung zum 31. Oktober aus der EU führen. Last week, the Bank of England had referred to the economic burden resulting from the wrangling over Brexit, without directly mentioning a reduction in interest rates. Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to take his country out of the EU on October 31, without a withdrawal agreement if necessary. Huoshan_Translate.789 More: The British Prime Minister has taken a high risk with his provocations, but it could pay off for him, says Handelsblatt editor Kerstin Leitel. Mehr: Mit seinen Provokationen ist der britische Premierminister ein hohes Risiko eingegangen. Doch es könnte sich für ihn auszahlen, meint Handelsblatt-Redakteurin Kerstin Leitel. And with his provocations, the British prime minister has run a great risk. But it could pay off, says Handelsblatt editor Kerstin Leitel. Huoshan_Translate.789 Doping: Further Russian manipulations proven Doping: Weitere russische Manipulationen erwiesen Doping: Further Russian Manipulations Proven Huoshan_Translate.789 Material from the Moscow analysis laboratory is being manipulated - this is confirmed by David Howman, former director of the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) and current head of integrity of the World Federation of Athletics. Material aus dem Moskauer Analyselabor wird manipuliert - dies bestätigt David Howman, einstiger Direktor der Welt-Antidoping-Agentur (Wada) und heutiger Integritätschef des Leichtathletik-Weltverbandes. Material from the Moscow analysis lab has been manipulated, confirms David Howman, the former director of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and now the Athletics Integrity Unit Chair of The International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF). Huoshan_Translate.789 At the start of the World Championships in Athletics, new details about the doping scandal in Russia are revealed - and they destroy the little credibility that Russian sport had regained at the beginning of the year and even to some extent. In January 2019, the Moscow doping laboratory finally delivered the required samples from 2012 to 2015 to the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada). Now it turned out that they were forged. Zum Auftakt der Leichtathletik-WM kommen neue Details zum Doping-Skandal in Russland zum Vorschein - und sie vernichten das wenige an Glaubwürdigkeit, was der russische Sport zu Jahresbeginn und auch nur ansatzweise zurückgewonnen hatte. Im Januar 2019 lieferte das Moskauer Doping-Labor endlich die verlangten Proben aus den Jahren 2012 bis 2015 an die Welt-Antidoping-Agentur (Wada). Nun stellte sich heraus: Sie wurden gefälscht. At the start of the Athletics World Championships, new details about the doping scandal in Russia have come to light, and they destroy even the small degree of credibility that Russian sports had won back at the beginning of the year. In January 2019, the Moscow doping lab finally delivered to the WADA the requested samples from 2012 to 2015. As it now turns out: They were falsified. Huoshan_Translate.789 In December 2014, systematic fraud in Russian sport was revealed. Wada had banned the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (Rusada) for three years. During this time, Russian athletes were not completely banned from the world stage. After individual examination, the International Olympic Committee had around 270 athletes from the country compete under a neutral flag at the 2016 Summer Games in Rio, and 168 Russian athletes competed at the Winter Games in February 2018. They were also allowed to participate in the World Cups in the various sports, and in the summer the World Cup with the host took place in Russia. Im Dezember 2014 war systematischer Betrug im russischen Sport enthüllt worden. Darauf hatte die Wada die Russische Antidoping-Agentur (Rusada) für drei Jahre gesperrt. Während dieser Zeit waren russische Sportler nicht gänzlich von der Weltbühne verbannt. Das Internationale Olympische Komitee liess nach individueller Prüfung bei den Sommerspielen 2016 in Rio rund 270 Athleten des Landes unter neutraler Flagge antreten, bei den Winterspielen im Februar 2018 waren 168 russische Sportlerinnen und Sportler am Start. Auch bei den Weltcups in den verschiedenen Sportarten durften sie dabei sein, im Sommer fand in Russland gar die Fussball-WM mit dem Gastgeber als Teilnehmer statt. In December 2014, systematic fraud was revealed in Russian sports. After that, the WADA blocked the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) for three years. During that time, Russian athletes were not entirely banned from the world stage. The International Olympic Committee allowed around 270 athletes to compete under a neutral flag in the 2016 Summer games in Rio, after individual testing, and 168 Russian athletes were there at the start of the Winter Games in February 2018. And they were allowed to compete in various world cups: In the summer, even the Soccer World Cup took place in Russia, with the hosts participating. Huoshan_Translate.789 Positive findings are missing Positive Befunde fehlen Positive Findings Lacking Huoshan_Translate.789 The following September, Wada lifted the Rusada ban, but demanded access to the laboratory and the aforementioned samples. The data were intended to shed light on the extent of the cover-up of doping cases in state doping. They were intended to help punish athletes afterwards. Three months later, they were finally delivered. Im darauffolgenden September hob die Wada den Rusada-Bann wieder auf, forderte aber den Zugang zum Labor und die besagten Proben ein. Die Daten sollten Aufschluss über den Umfang der Vertuschung von Doping-Fällen beim Staatsdoping geben. Sie sollten helfen, Athletinnen und Athleten nachträglich zu bestrafen. Drei Monate später wurden sie schliesslich geliefert. In the following September, the WADA lifted the RUSADA ban, but demanded access to the lab and said samples. The data was to provide information on the scope of the coverup of doping cases in the nation. They were to help penalize athletes after the fact. Three months later, they were finally delivered. Huoshan_Translate.789 However, the chairman of the Independent Integrity Commission (AIU) of the World Federation of Athletics (IAAF) has now confirmed that the doping data from the Moscow analysis laboratory has been manipulated. "Yes. We received the data nine months ago. We should check whether the task force received the right data," said David Howman in an interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" on Friday. "We have found numerous discrepancies between the data Wada received from a whistleblower and those it received from the Russians in January." Many positive findings were missing, which were mentioned in the McLaren report. Der Vorsitzende der unabhängigen Integritätskommission (AIU) des Leichtathletik-Weltverbandes (IAAF) hat nun aber bestätigt, dass die Doping-Daten aus dem Moskauer Analyselabor manipuliert wurden. "Ja. Wir haben die Daten vor neun Monaten erhalten. Wir sollten überprüfen, ob die Task-Force die richtigen Daten erhalten hat", sagte David Howman im Interview der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung" vom Freitag. "Wir haben zahlreiche Diskrepanzen festgestellt zwischen den Daten, welche die Wada von einem Whistleblower, und denjenigen, welche sie im Januar von den Russen erhalten hat". Viele positive Befunde fehlten, die im McLaren-Report erwähnt worden seien. The chair of the Independent Integrity Commission (AIU) of the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) has now confirmed, however, that the doping data from the Moscow analysis lab were manipulated. "Yes. We received the data nine months ago. We were to check whether the task force obtained the correct data," said David Howman in an interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" on Friday. "We found numerous discrepancies between the data the WADA obtained from a whistleblower and those they had received in January from the Russians." Many positive findings that had been allegedly mentioned in the McLaren Report were lacking. Huoshan_Translate.789 The World Cup not affected Die WM nicht betroffen World Cup Unaffected Huoshan_Translate.789 This confirms the attitude of the IAAF: the Athletics Federation is the only organisation to stick to the spell of Russia. At the World Championships in Doha, 30 Russian athletes will compete under a neutral flag. They had to prove that they train outside the Russian system and undergo tests. Dies bestätigt die Haltung der IAAF: Der Leichtathletik-Verband hält als einzige Organisation am Bann Russlands fest. An der WM in Doha starten 30 russische Sportler unter neutraler Flagge. Sie mussten beweisen, dass sie ausserhalb des russischen Systems trainieren und sich Tests unterziehen. This was confirmed by the behavior of the IAAF: The Athletics Federation was the only organization to hold onto the ban of Russia. At the World Cup in Doha, 30 Russian athletes competed under a neutral flag. They had to prove that they trained outside the Russian system and undergo testing. Huoshan_Translate.789 Earlier this week, Wada had already launched manipulations and called on Russia to respond to the allegations within three weeks. Russia is now threatening to ban Rusada again and, in the worst case scenario, to be excluded from the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Zu Beginn dieser Woche hatte bereits die Wada Manipulationen in den Raum gestellt und Russland aufgefordert, binnen drei Wochen auf die Vorwürfe zu antworten. Russland droht nun die erneute Sperre der Rusada und im schlimmsten Fall auch der Ausschluss von den Olympischen Spielen 2020 in Tokio. At the start of that week, the WADA had already raised the question of the manipulations and demanded that Russia answer the charges within three weeks. Russia was now threatened with the renewed block of RUSADA and, in the worst-case scenario, exclusion from the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo as well. Online-A.1571 Fire extinguished at French chemical plant Brand in französischem Chemiewerk gelöscht Fire extinguished in French chemical plant Online-A.1571 The large fire at a chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen, considered particularly dangerous, has been extinguished. This was announced by the Normandy Prefecture on Friday. The fire broke out on Thursday night. No one was injured in the incident. The fire brigade was in operation with around 200 fire engines. Der Großbrand in einem als besonders gefährlich geltenden Chemiewerk in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen ist gelöscht. Das teilte die Präfektur der Normandie am Freitag mit. Das Feuer war in der Nacht auf Donnerstag ausgebrochen. Verletzt wurde bei dem Vorfall niemand. Die Feuerwehr war mit rund 200 Löschfahrzeugen im Einsatz. The large fire was put out at a chemical plant considered to be particularly hazardous and located in the northern French city of Rouen. This was reported by the prefecture of Normandy on Friday. The fire had broken out Thursday night. No one was injured during the incident. The fire department deployed around 200 fire engines. Online-A.1571 The fire was stopped Dem Feuer konnte Einhalt geboten werden They were able to control the fire. Online-A.1571 Residents were urged not to leave their homes. Buildings within 500 meters were evacuated, and schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine river manufactures additives for lubricants. The factory is owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett's Lubrizol and is subject to the EU's so-called Seveso Directive, which imposes particularly strict safety requirements. Anrainer waren aufgerufen, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen. Gebäude im Umkreis von 500 Metern wurden evakuiert, Schulen und Kindergärten blieben am Donnerstag geschlossen. In dem Chemiewerk am Ufer der Seine werden Zusatzstoffe für Schmierstoffe hergestellt. Die Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett und unterliegt der sogenannten Seveso-Richtlinie der EU, die besonders strenge Sicherheitsauflagen vorschreibt. Residents had been requested not to leave their homes. Buildings in a radius of 500 meters were evacuated, schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine manufactures additives for lubricants. The plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the so-called Seveso Directive of the EU, which stipulates particularly strict safety requirements. Online-A.1571 Around 400 people work at the plant. The chemical factory has made headlines in the past - for example, when a leak in 2013 caused the gas methanethiol to escape and the surrounding area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, after an industrial accident, around 2,000 litres of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewage system. In dem Werk arbeiten rund 400 Menschen. Die Chemiefabrik sorgte bereits in der Vergangenheit für Schlagzeilen - etwa, als 2013 durch ein Leck das Gas Methanthiol entwich und die Umgebung weitreichend nach faulen Eiern roch. Im Jahr 2015 flossen nach einem Betriebsunfall rund 2.000 Liter Mineralöl ins Abwassersystem der Stadt. Around 400 people work at the plant. The chemical plant has made headlines in the past, for example in 2013 when methane thiol escaped through a leak and the entire area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 2,000 liters of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewer system following an industrial accident. Online-A.1571 Woman quits her job to search for her missing dog 57 days Frau kündigt ihren Job, um 57 Tage nach ihrer verschwundenen Hündin zu suchen Woman Quits Her Job to Search for her Lost Dog for 57 Days Online-A.1571 For two months, a woman from Washington searched for her missing dog - and quit her job. Seven-year-old Border Collie had walked out of his hotel room during a short vacation in Montana. 57 days of missing from the - but Carole King did not give up. Zwei Monate lang suchte eine Frau aus Washington nach ihrem verschwundenen Hund - und kündigte dafür extra ihren Job. Der siebenjährige Border Collie war während eines Kurzurlaubs in Montana aus dem Hotelzimmer abgehauen. 57 Tage fehlte von der Hündin jede Spur - doch Carole King gab nicht auf. For two months, a woman from Washington searched for her lost dog—and she quit her job to do it. The seven-year-old border collie took off out of a hotel room during a short vacation in Montana. There was no sign of the dog for 57 days, but Carole King wouldn't give up. Online-A.1571 'It was awful. I got sick," Carole King told the Daily Inter Lake. She and her husband had left Katie in the hotel room while they went to dinner. When they returned to the hotel, Katie was gone. They searched for the animal, but to no avail. "Es war furchtbar. Mir wurde übel", sagte Carole King dem "Daily Inter Lake". Sie und ihr Mann hatten Hündin Katie im Hotelzimmer gelassen, während sie zum Abendessen gingen. Als sie anschließend ins Hotel zurückkehrten, war Katie verschwunden. Sie suchten nach dem Tier, doch ohne Erfolg. "It was dreadful. It made me ill," Carole King told the "Daily Inter Lake." She and her husband had left the dog Katie in the hotel room while they went to dinner. When they returned to the hotel, Katie had disappeared. They looked for their pet in vain. Online-A.1571 Thunder had panicked dog Donner hatte Hund in Panik versetzt Thunder had Frightened the Dog Online-A.1571 Hoping Katie could still be in the hotel, Carole King went to the reception. "The employee says, "She left about four, four and a half hours ago,"" Carole King told Daily Inter Lake. When the automatic front door opened, Katie immediately ran out. Presumably a loud thunder had panicked the dog. In der Hoffnung, Katie könnte sich noch irgendwo im Hotel aufhalten, ging Carole King zur Rezeption. "Der Angestellte sagt: "Sie ist vor ungefähr vier, viereinhalb Stunden abgereist"", erinnert sich Carole King gegenüber "Daily Inter Lake". Als sich die automatische Eingangstür geöffnet habe, sei Katie sofort rausgerannt. Vermutlich hatte ein lauter Donner den Hund in Panik versetzt. Hoping that Katie was still somewhere in the hotel, Carole King went to the reception desk. "The employee said, ‘She took off around four to four-and-a-half hours ago,'" Carole King remembered when talking to the "Daily Inter Lake." Katie had run out when the automatic entry door opened. Loud thunder had presumably caused the dog to panic. Online-A.1571 With flyers and calls in Facebook groups, the Kings searched for their beloved dog. But days became weeks. "I never gave up. I've never lost hope," Carole King told the Daily Inter Lake, who quit her job as a postal worker to continue her search for Katie. Mit Flyern und Aufrufen in Facebook-Gruppen suchten die Kings nach ihrem geliebten Hund. Doch aus Tagen wurden Wochen. "Ich habe nie aufgegeben. Ich habe nie die Hoffnung verloren", sagte Carole King dem "Daily Inter Lake", die ihren Job als Postangestellte kündigte, um ihre Suche nach Katie fortzusetzen. With flyers and calls in Facebook groups, the Kings searched for their beloved dog. But days turned into weeks. "I never gave up. I never lost hope," said Carole King to the "Daily Inter Lake," and quite her job as a postal worker to continue looking for Katie. Online-A.1571 "The tears flowed" "Die Tränen flossen" "The Tears Flowed" Online-A.1571 Fifty-seven days after Katie's disappearance, Carole King got a call: a man came forward and said Katie was in his yard. But by the time King got there, Katie had already disappeared. She searched the neighborhood and suddenly her stood under a tree. 'I just hugged her. I didn't want to let her go," King recalled, according to Daily Inter Lake. "The tears flowed. People stopped in their vehicles, got out and hugged us. I think the whole neighborhood knew we had found them." 57 Tage nach Katies Verschwinden bekam Carole King einen Anruf: Ein Mann meldete sich und sagte, dass sich Katie in seinem Hof befände. Doch als King dort ankam, war Katie bereits wieder verschwunden. Sie suchte die Nachbarschaft ab und plötzlich stand ihre Hündin unter einem Baum. "Ich habe sie nur umarmt. Ich wollte sie nicht gehen lassen", erinnerte sich King laut "Daily Inter Lake". "Die Tränen flossen. Die Leute hielten in ihren Fahrzeugen an, stiegen aus und umarmten uns. Ich glaube, die ganze Nachbarschaft wusste, dass wir sie gefunden hatten". Fifty-seven days after Katie's disappearance, Carole King got a call. A man answered and said that Katie was in his yard. But when King arrived, Katie had already run off again. She searched the neighborhood and suddenly saw her dog standing under a tree. "I embraced her. I never wanted to let go," King remembered, according to the "Daily Inter Lake." "The tears flowed. People stopped their cars, got out, and hugged us. I believe the whole neighborhood knew we had found her." Online-A.1571 Losses in the Bundeswehr: Machine guns disappear without a trace n-tv.89662 Verluste bei der Bundeswehr: Maschinengewehre verschwinden spurlos Losses for the German Army: Machine Guns Disappear Without a Trace Online-A.1571 Friday, September 27, 2019 n-tv.89662 Freitag, 27. September 2019 Friday, September 27, 2019 Online-A.1571 Six MG3 machine guns are still missing. n-tv.89662 Sechs Maschinengewehre des Typs MG3 sind nach wie vor verschwunden. Six MG3 machine guns are still missing. Online-A.1571 In recent years, the Bundeswehr has lost numerous weapons and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition. Among them are three machine guns. The whereabouts are unclear in most cases. The opposition speaks of a "frightening" scale. n-tv.89662 In den vergangenen Jahren gehen der Bundeswehr zahlreiche Waffen und zehntausende Schuss Munition verloren. Darunter sind auch drei Maschinengewehre. Der Verbleib ist in den meisten Fällen unklar. Die Opposition spricht von einem "beängstigenden" Ausmaß. In recent years, the German Federal Army has lost numerous weapons and ten thousand rounds of ammunition. These include three machine guns. In most cases, their whereabouts are unclear. According to the opposition, this is an "alarming" extent. Online-A.1571 In the Bundeswehr, weapons and ammunition keep disappearing - many of them so far without a trace. Since the beginning of 2014, the force has recorded the loss of 39 weapons, 39 weapons parts and nearly 20,000 rounds of ammunition. This is clear from a classified list of the Federal Ministry of Defence, which is reported by the editorial network Germany. n-tv.89662 Bei der Bundeswehr verschwinden immer wieder Waffen und Munition - viele davon bisher spurlos. Seit Anfang 2014 verbuchte die Truppe den Verlust von 39 Waffen, 39 Waffenteilen und fast 20.000 Schuss Munition. Das geht aus einer als Verschlusssache eingestuften Auflistung des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums hervor, über die das Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland berichtet. The German Army is continuing to lose weapons and ammunition, often without a trace. Since the beginning of 2014, the armed forces has registered a loss of 39 weapons, 39 weapon components, and almost 20,000 rounds of ammunition. This is revealed in a classified listing of the German Ministry of Defense on which the RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) ("Editor Network Germany") has reported. Online-A.1571 According to the paper from the office of Defense Secretary Peter Tauber of the CDU, two weapons, a weapon part and 3474 rounds of ammunition have resurfaced so far. The weapons and parts still missing include six MG3 machine guns, 11 G3 rifles, four G36 rifles, six signal pistols and two P8 pistols. In addition, 30 weapons tubes for machine guns of type MG3 are missing. n-tv.89662 Laut dem Papier aus dem Büro von Verteidigungsstaatssekretär Peter Tauber von der CDU sind bislang zwei Waffen, ein Waffenteil und 3474 Schuss Munition wieder aufgetaucht. Bei den nach wie vor verschwundenen Waffen und Waffenteilen handelt es sich unter anderem um sechs Maschinengewehre vom Typ MG3, elf Gewehre vom Typ G3, vier Gewehre vom Typ G36, sechs Signalpistolen sowie zwei Pistolen vom Typ P8. Zudem fehlen 30 Waffenrohre für Maschinengewehre vom Typ MG3. According to the paper from the office of Defense State Secretary Peter Tauber of the CDU, two weapons, one weapon component, and 3,474 rounds of ammunition have resurfaced so far. The weapons and weapon components that are still missing include six MG3 machine guns, eleven G3 rifles, four G36 rifles, six signal pistols, and two P8 pistols. And 30 MG3 machine gun barrels are missing. Online-A.1571 The extent of weapons and ammunition losses in the Bundeswehr is "frightening," said Left-wing federal MP Martina Renner. This was all the more true since hardly anything had been found in the course of investigations. The left-wing politician spoke of a "poor record". Renner criticized that it was not clear from the list whether the missing ammunition included the one found in connection with the investigation into the Bundeswehr officer Franco A., who was suspected of terrorism. "This is despite the fact that a supporter of Franco A. was recently convicted of possessing these ammunition," Renner said. n-tv.89662 Der Umfang von Waffen- und Munitionsverlusten bei der Bundeswehr sei "beängstigend", sagte die Linken-Bundestagsabgeordnete Martina Renner. Dies gelte umso mehr, da im Zuge von Ermittlungen kaum etwas wieder aufgefunden worden sei. Die Linken-Politikerin sprach von einer "dürftigen Bilanz". Renner kritisierte, dass an der Auflistung nicht erkennbar sei, ob sich unter der verschwundenen Munition auch diejenige befinde, die im Zusammenhang mit den Ermittlungen gegen den unter Terrorverdacht stehenden Bundeswehroffizier Franco A. gefunden worden sei. "Und das obwohl ein Unterstützer von Franco A. kürzlich wegen des Besitzes dieser Munition verurteilt wurde", sagte Renner. The extent of the loss of weapons and ammunition by the German Army is "alarming," said Martina Renner, a member of the Left party in the Bundestag. This is all the more true since hardly anything was found during the investigations. The politician from the Left party spoke of a "poor balance sheet." Renner criticized the fact that the listing did not make clear whether the disappeared ammunition included that which was found in connection with the investigations against the German Army officer Franco A., who is suspected of terrorism. "And this, although a supporter of Franco A. was recently sentenced for the possession of this ammunition," said Renner. Online-A.1571 Oil tanker "Stena Impero" left Iranian port Öltanker "Stena Impero" verließ iranischen Hafen ‘Stena Impero' Oil Tanker left Iranian port Online-A.1571 More than two months after it was set down by the Iranian authorities, the British oil tanker "Stena Impero" left the port of the city of Bandar Abbas on Friday. As ship observation data from Refinitiv showed, the tanker set in motion and left the Iranian port. Port Rashid was designated as the destination port in the United Arab Emirates. Mehr als zwei Monate nach seiner Festsetzung durch die iranischen Behörden hat der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" am heutigen Freitag den Hafen der Stadt Bandar Abbas verlassen. Wie Schiffsbeobachtungsdaten von Refinitiv zeigten, setzte sich der Tanker in Bewegung und verließ den iranischen Hafen. Als Zielhafen wurde Port Rashid in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten angegeben. More than two months after its determination by the Iranian authorities, the British oil tanker ‘Stena Impero' has left the port in the city of Bandar Abbas this Friday. As Refinitiv ship observation data showed, the tanker set in motion and left the Iranian port. Port Rashid in the United Arab Emirates was given as the destination port. Online-A.1571 The tanker had been released by the Iranian government on Monday, but it remained in Iranian waters for the time being. The shipping company said it wanted to wait for an official decision from Tehran. Der Tanker war eigentlich schon am Montag von der iranischen Regierung freigegeben worden, doch blieb er zunächst weiter in iranischen Gewässern. Aus der Reederei hieß es, dass man einen offiziellen Bescheid aus Teheran abwarten wollte. In practice, the tanker had already been released by the Iranian government on Monday, though it remained in Iranian waters for a time. The speech indicated that an official notification from Tehran was preferred. Online-A.1571 The "Stena Impero" was brought up on 19 July by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Maritime Strait of Hormuz on charges of violating safety regulations. However, it was suspected that Iran was reacting to the controversial temporary detention of an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar, which is part of the United Kingdom. Die "Stena Impero" war am 19. Juli von den iranischen Revolutionsgarden in der Seestraße von Hormuz unter dem Vorwurf aufgebracht worden, gegen Sicherheitsbestimmungen verstoßen zu haben. Es wurde jedoch vermutet, dass der Iran damit auf die umstrittene, vorübergehende Festsetzung eines iranischen Öltankers vor dem zu Großbritannien gehörenden Gibraltar reagierte. On the 19th July, the ‘Stena Impero' had been accused by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Hormuz Strait of violating safety regulations. However, it was suspected that Iran was reacting to the controversial temporary determination of an Iranian oil tanker by British run Gibraltar. Online-A.1571 The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important sea routes in the world. It connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the global oil export is shipped through the strait. Tensions in the region had escalated immensely in recent months. Trade shipping has been drawn into the conflict between the US and Iran. There have been several incidents involving tankers and drones. Die Straße von Hormuz ist eine der wichtigsten Seestraßen der Welt. Sie verbindet den Persischen Golf mit dem Indischen Ozean. Ein Großteil des globalen Ölexports wird durch die Meerenge verschifft. Die Spannungen in der Region hatten sich in den vergangenen Monaten immens verschärft. Die Handelsschifffahrt wurde in den Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran hineingezogen. Es kam zu mehreren Zwischenfällen mit Tankern und Drohnen. The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important Straits in the world. In connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's global oil exports are shipped through this strait. The tensions in the area had been escalating immeasurably during the past few months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between USA and Iran. There have been several incidents with tankers and drones. Online-A.1571 Merkel pays tribute to the courage of the people in the Peaceful Revolution Merkel würdigt den Mut der Menschen bei der Friedlichen Revolution Merkel hails people's courage in the Peaceful Revolution Online-A.1571 German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid tribute to the commitment of the people of the GDR who took to the streets 30 years ago in the Peaceful Revolution. In the autumn of 1989, courageous citizens had shaken up the then GDR regime, Merkel said at a ceremony of the Thuringian CDU group for the upcoming Day of German Unity in Erfurt. The chancellor recalled, among other things, the occupation of the Stasi headquarters. "State security has been taken away from the horror," she said. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat das Engagement der Menschen in der DDR gewürdigt, die vor 30 Jahren bei der Friedlichen Revolution auf die Straße gegangen sind. Im Herbst 1989 hätten mutige Bürger das damalige DDR-Regime ins Wanken gebracht, sagte Merkel bei einem Festakt der Thüringer CDU-Fraktion zum bevorstehenden Tag der Deutschen Einheit in Erfurt. Die Kanzlerin erinnerte unter anderem an die Besetzung der Stasi-Zentrale. "Der Staatssicherheit wurde der Schrecken genommen", sagte sie. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel has praised the engagement of people in the GDR who took to the streets in the Peaceful Revolution 30 years ago. In the fall of 1989 courageous citizens toppled the East German regime, said Merkel at a ceremony held by the Thuringian branch of the CDU party in Erfurt marking the forthcoming Day of German Unity. The chancellor recalled events such as the occupation of the Stasi headquarters. "The State Security police were deprived of their terror," she said. Online-A.1571 Musk aims for delivery record Musk strebt Auslieferungsrekord an Musk seeks delivery record Online-A.1571 Tesla's quarter may set a record. Despite the delivery boom, there have been recent losses at the electric car company. Teslas Quartal hält möglicherweise Rekord bereit. Trotz Auslieferungsboom gab es zuletzt Verluste beim Elektroautokonzern. Tesla's quarter may be record-breaking. Despite the boom in deliveries, the electric car company has seen losses recently. Online-A.1571 New York.Tesla CEO Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. "We have a chance to reach our first quarter with 100,000 deliveries," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by the industry blog "Electrek." New York.Tesla-Chef Elon Musk hat seinem Elektroautokonzern mit der Aussicht auf neue Rekordzahlen kräftig Auftrieb an der Börse gegeben. "Wir haben die Chance, unser erstes Quartal mit 100.000 Auslieferungen zu erreichen", schrieb Musk in einer vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. New York. Tesla boss Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. "We have the opportunity to reach 100,000 deliveries in our first quarter," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by industry blog Electrek. Online-A.1571 Demand is strong, allowing Tesla to place 110,000 orders, Musk's circular continued. The challenge, he said, is to get the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla must provide as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hieß es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. Demand is so strong that Tesla was able to record 110000 orders, according to Musk's newsletter. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible at quarter-end. Online-A.1571 Investors liked this: Tesla's shares were trading at more than 6 percent. The share price has not risen so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered more than 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefiel das: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The price has not increased so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered around 95,000 cars and hit its best value to date. Online-A.1571 Musk needs records to achieve his lofty goals. In 2019, he plans to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. For this, six-figure figures will have to be produced in the current and coming quarters. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there have been recent losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360000 bis 400000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but its profit margins are low. There have been losses recently despite the boom. Online-A.1571 Mystery solved: That's why we can't tickle ourselves Rätsel gelöst: Deswegen können wir uns nicht selbst kitzeln Puzzle solved: This is why we cannot tickle ourselves Online-A.1571 A kind of brake in the cerebrum prevents people from tickling themselves. Scientists at Humboldt University in Berlin found this out with the help of experiments on rats, as they announced on Thursday evening. Progress has also been made on why children are so fiercely resisting tickling, only to demand more. Eine Art Bremse im Großhirn verhindert, dass Menschen sich selber kitzeln können. Dies fanden Wissenschafter der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin mit Hilfe von Experimenten an Ratten heraus, wie sie am Donnerstagabend mitteilten. Dabei seien auch Fortschritte bei der Frage erzielt worden, warum Kinder sich so heftig gegen das Kitzeln wehren, nur um dann mehr zu verlangen. There is a sort of a stopping brake in our cerebrum, preventing us from tickling ourselves. This was discovered by scientists at the Humboldt University in Berlin after conducting experiments on rats, as reported on Thursday. Progress was also made in answering the question as to why children resist tickling, only to ask for more later. Online-A.1571 After all, it also became apparent why only approaching a tickling hand triggers laughter even before touching. This is due to a low-lying layer in the cerebrum, which triggers laughter even when the expectation of tickling. Schließlich habe sich auch gezeigt, warum allein das Näherkommen einer kitzelnden Hand schon vor der Berührung Lachen auslöst. Dies liege an einer tiefliegenden Schicht im Großhirn, die bereits bei der Erwartung des Kitzelns das Lachen auslöse. It was also determined why the mere approach of a tickling hand triggers laughter ever before contact. The reason can be found in a deep layer of the cerebrum which triggers laughter even through only expectation of tickling. Online-A.1571 According to the data, previous research showed that rats react with "laughter" in the ultrasound range when tickled by humans. This "laughter" is conveyed by the part of the cerebral cortex that serves the central processing of haptic perception. Den Angaben zufolge zeigten frühere Forschungen, dass Ratten mit "Lachen" im Ultraschallbereich reagieren, wenn sie von Menschen gekitzelt werden. Dieses "Lachen" werde durch den Teil der Großhirnrinde vermittelt, welcher der zentralen Verarbeitung der haptischen Wahrnehmung diene. According to the data, previous research has shown that rats react by "laughing" in the ultrasonic range when tickled by humans. This "laughter" travels through the part of the cerebral cortex, which is used for the central processing of haptic perception. Online-A.1571 Laughter is suppressed during self-touching Lachen wird während Selbstberührung unterdrückt The laughter is suppressed when the touch originates from the person themselves. Online-A.1571 Until now, it had been assumed that the brain could distinguish between self-touching and touching by others - so people cannot tickle themselves. However, the Berlin researchers found in the experiments on the rats that laughter as well as the activity of the relevant area of the cerebral cortex are suppressed during a self-touch. This is also the case when living beings clean themselves. During the external touching and tickling by the scientists, however, the activity in the brain and the impulse to laugh were intensified. Bisher sei davon ausgegangen worden, dass das Gehirn zwischen Selbstberührung und Berührung durch Andere unterscheiden könne - also deshalb Menschen sich nicht selbst kitzeln können. Die Berliner Forscher fanden nun aber bei den Experimenten an den Ratten heraus, dass das Lachen ebenso wie die Aktivität des betreffenden Bereichs der Großhirnrinde während einer Selbstberührung unterdrückt werden. Dies sei auch so, wenn sich Lebewesen selbst putzen. Während der Fremdberührung und des Kitzelns durch die Wissenschafter seien die Aktivität im Hirn und der Impuls zu lachen aber verstärkt worden. Until now, it was assumed that the brain is able to tell the difference between the touch originating from oneself, as opposed to from others, which would explain why people cannot tickle themselves. The researchers from Berlin have now discovered, from their experiments on rats that laughter and the activity of the cerebral cortex is suppressed during self-touching. This is also true when animals clean themselves. However, when the touching and tickling was done by the scientists, the brain activities as well as the impulse to laugh increased. Online-A.1571 But if the self-touching and the touch by others passes at the same time, the laughter is also suppressed. This suggests that the rat's brain cannot distinguish between self-touching and touching by others. The new findings suggested that people can't tickle themselves because self-touching activates a brake in the cerebrum. Passiere aber die Selbstberührung und die Berührung durch andere zur selben Zeit, sei das Lachen ebenfalls unterdrückt. Dies deute darauf hin, dass das Gehirn der Ratte eben nicht zwischen der Selbstberührung und der Berührung durch andere unterscheiden könne. Die neuen Erkenntnisse legten nahe, dass die Menschen sich nicht selbst kitzeln können, weil die Selbstberührung eine Bremse im Großhirn aktiviere. And, if the self-touching and touching by another were to occur at the same time, the laughter is suppressed anyway. This indicated that the rat´s brain could not determine whether the touch came from itself or the scientists. The new findings explained that humans cannot tickle themselves because tickling triggers a stopping brake in the cerebrum. Online-A.1571 The rats were also trained to tickle themselves. In the experiment, they sometimes abated this initiation prematurely, showing flight behavior or frightening rigidity. This ambivalence is similar to the behavior of children. The ambivalence of tickling is a behavioural reaction that is the same in rats and humans. Die Ratten seien außerdem trainiert worden, selbst zu kitzeln. Dabei brachen sie diese Initiation im Experiment demnach manchmal vorzeitig ab, zeigten Fluchtverhalten oder Schreckstarre. Diese Ambivalenz gleiche dem Verhalten der Kinder. Die Ambivalenz des Kitzelns sei eine Verhaltensreaktion, die bei Ratten und Menschen gleich sei. The rats were taught to tickle themselves. They sometimes stopped this activity prematurely, displaying flight behavior or paralysis. This ambivalence is similar to the way children behave. The tickle ambivalence is a behavioral reaction that is found in rats and humans. Online-A.1571 Disaster averted: Major fire extinguished at French chemical plant Katastrophe abgewendet: Großbrand in französischem Chemiewerk gelöscht Catastrophe averted: Major fire at French chemical plant extinguished Online-A.1571 The large fire at a chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen, considered particularly dangerous, has been extinguished. The Normandy prefecture told the AFP news agency on Friday. The fire broke out on Thursday night. Der Großbrand in einem als besonders gefährlich geltenden Chemiewerk in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen ist gelöscht. Das teilte die Präfektur der Normandie der Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Freitag mit. Das Feuer war in der Nacht zu Donnerstag ausgebrochen. The large fire was put out at a chemical plant considered to be particularly hazardous and located in the northern French city of Rouen. The prefecture of Normandy reported the incident to the AFP news agency on Friday. The fire broke out Thursday night. Online-A.1571 According to the authorities, no hazardous substances have leaked. The samples taken do not give cause for concern, as Prefect Pierre-André Durand said at a press conference on Friday morning. No one was injured in the incident. The fire brigade was in operation with around 200 fire engines. Nach Behördenangaben sollen keine gesundheitsgefährdenden Stoffe ausgetreten sein. Die genommenen Proben geben keinen Grund zur Beunruhigung, wie Präfekt Pierre-André Durand am Freitagmorgen bei einer Pressekonferenz sagte. Verletzt wurde bei dem Vorfall niemand. Die Feuerwehr war mit rund 200 Löschfahrzeugen im Einsatz. According to information from officials, no hazardous material has escaped. The samples taken show no reason for alarm, said prefect Pierre-André Durand at a press conference Friday morning. No one was injured during the incident. The fire department deployed around 200 fire trucks. Online-A.1571 Schools and kindergartens closed Schulen und Kindergärten wurden geschlossen Schools and kindergartens were closed. Online-A.1571 Residents were urged not to leave their homes. Buildings within 500 meters were evacuated, and schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. Anwohner waren aufgerufen, ihre Häuser nicht zu verlassen. Gebäude im Umkreis von 500 Metern wurden evakuiert, Schulen und Kindergärten blieben am Donnerstag geschlossen. Residents were asked not to leave their homes. Buildings within a radius of 1,650 feet were evacuated, and schools and kindergartens remained closed on Thursday. Online-A.1571 Factory is owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett's Lubrizol Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett Plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett Online-A.1571 The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine river manufactures additives for lubricants. The factory is owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett's Lubrizol and is subject to the EU's so-called Seveso Directive, which imposes particularly strict safety requirements. Around 400 people work at the plant. In dem Chemiewerk am Ufer der Seine werden Zusatzstoffe für Schmierstoffe hergestellt. Die Fabrik gehört zum Unternehmen Lubrizol von US-Milliardär Warren Buffett und unterliegt der sogenannten Seveso-Richtlinie der EU, die besonders strenge Sicherheitsauflagen vorschreibt. In dem Werk arbeiten rund 400 Menschen. The chemical plant on the banks of the Seine manufactures additives for lubricants. The plant belongs to the company Lubrizol owned by US billionaire Warren Buffett and is subject to the EU's "Seveso Directive", which stipulates particularly strict safety requirements. Around 400 people work at the plant. Online-A.1571 The chemical factory has made headlines in the past - for example, when a leak in 2013 caused the gas methanethiol to escape and the surrounding area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, after an industrial accident, around 2000 litres of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewage system. Die Chemiefabrik sorgte bereits in der Vergangenheit für Schlagzeilen - etwa, als 2013 durch ein Leck das Gas Methanthiol entwich und die Umgebung weitreichend nach faulen Eiern roch. Im Jahr 2015 flossen nach einem Betriebsunfall rund 2000 Liter Mineralöl ins Abwassersystem der Stadt. The chemical plant has made headlines in the past—as in 2013, when methanethiol escaped via a leak and the entire area smelled of rotten eggs. In 2015, around 440 gallons of mineral oil flowed into the city's sewer system following an industrial accident. Online-A.1571 Brexit: Johnson criticised by his own sister Brexit: Johnson von eigener Schwester kritisiert Brexit: Johnson criticized by own sister Online-A.1571 The Prime Minister's sister made the comments on Boris Johnson's speech at the first session of Parliament after the mandatory suspension was lifted on Wednesday night. The prime minister is threatening to leave the EU on October 31 without a deal if Brussels does not agree to its demands for changes to the Brexit deal. How he intends to achieve this, however, is unclear. Die Schwester des Premiers kommentierte die Rede Boris Johnsons bei der ersten Sitzung im Parlament nach Aufhebung der Zwangspause am Mittwochabend. Der Premier droht damit, das Land am 31. Oktober ohne Abkommen aus der EU zu führen, sollte sich Brüssel nicht auf seine Forderungen nach Änderungen am Brexit-Abkommen einlassen. Wie er das erreichen will, ist jedoch unklar. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's sister commented on his speech at the first session of Parliament after the forced shutdown was lifted on Wednesday evening. The Prime Minister threatened to lead the country out of the EU without an agreement on October 31 should Brussels not accept his demands for changes to the Brexit agreement. How he wants to achieve that is yet unclear. Online-A.1571 Of Cox, who campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union, the Prime Minister said: "The best way to honour the memory of Jo Cox and reunite this country would be to leave the EU." Cox was assassinated by a right-wing extremist during the 2016 referendum campaign. Über Cox, die sich für den Verbleib Großbritanniens in der Europäischen Union eingesetzt hatte, sagte der Premier: "Der beste Weg, um das Andenken von Jo Cox zu ehren und dieses Land wieder zu einen, wäre den EU-Austritt zu vollziehen". Cox war 2016 während des Referendum-Wahlkampfs von einem Rechtsextremisten ermordet worden. Speaking about Cox, who had worked to keep Britain in the European Union, the Prime Minister said: "The best way to honor the memory of Jo Cox and bring this country together would be to get Brexit done." Cox was murdered in 2016 by a right-wing extremist during the referendum vote. Online-A.1571 Memorial to Oslo and Utöya attacks unveiled Mahnmal zu Anschlägen von Oslo und Utöya wird enthüllt A monument to attacks in Oslo and Utöya is unveiled Online-A.1571 More than eight years after the attacks in Oslo and Utöya that left 77 dead, a memorial in honour of the victims will be unveiled in Norway on Saturday. The monument "Jernrosene" (german: the iron roses) consists of about 1,000 iron rose replicas. They are reminiscent of the roses that thousands of people laid in front of Oslo Cathedral in the days and weeks after the attacks. Mehr als acht Jahre nach den Anschlägen in Oslo und Utöya mit 77 Toten wird am Samstag in Norwegen ein Mahnmal zu Ehren der Opfer enthüllt. Das Monument "Jernrosene" (deutsch: die Eisenrosen) besteht aus rund 1.000 eisernen Rosennachbildungen. Sie erinnern an die Rosen, die von Tausenden Menschen in den Tagen und Wochen nach den Anschlägen vor dem Dom in Oslo abgelegt hatten. More than eight years after attacks in Oslo and Utöya with 77 deceased a memorial is unveiled in Norway on Saturday to honor the victims. The monument "Jernrosene" (English: the iron roses) consists of around 1,000 iron rose replicas. They are reminiscent of the roses which thousands of people brought to the Oslo Cathedral in the days and weeks after the attacks. Online-A.1571 The project by the artists Tobbe Malm and Tone Karlsrud is to be unveiled in the same place - the roses were forged by people from all over the world, including survivors and relatives of the victims. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit are expected to attend the opening. Am selben Ort soll nun das Projekt der Künstler Tobbe Malm und Tone Karlsrud enthüllt werden - die Rosen wurden dabei von Menschen aus aller Welt geschmiedet, darunter auch Überlebende und Angehörige der Opfer. Zur Eröffnung werden unter anderen Kronprinz Haakon und Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit erwartet. The project of artists Tobbe Malm and Tone Karlsrud is now to be unveiled in the same place—the roses were forged by people from all round the world, among them survivors and dependents of the victims. Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit are expected to be present, amongst others, for the unveiling. Online-A.1571 Right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik first detonated a car bomb in oslo's government district on July 22, 2011, and then shot dozens of participants in a holiday camp of the social democratic workers' party on the island of Utöya. A total of 77 people were killed in the attacks. Der Rechtsterrorist Anders Behring Breivik hatte am 22. Juli 2011 zunächst eine Autobombe im Regierungsviertel von Oslo gezündet und im Anschluss auf der Insel Utöya Dutzende Teilnehmer eines Ferienlagers der Jugendorganisation der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei erschossen. Insgesamt wurden bei den Anschlägen 77 Menschen getötet. The right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik had detonated a bomb in the Oslo government district on July 22nd, 2011, and then shot dozens of participants in a holiday camp on the Island of Utöya of a youth organization for the social democratic workers' party. In total 77 people were killed in the attacks. Online-A.1571 Iran releases British tanker Iran gibt britischen Tanker frei Iran Releases British Tanker Online-A.1571 The UN general debate did not bring a solution to the Iran conflict. But now there is one problem less. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero" detained in Iran was able to set sail again. It could be a piece of the puzzle in Iranian President Ruhani's peace plan. Die UN-Generaldebatte brachte keine Lösung im Iran-Konflikt. Doch nun gibt es ein Problem weniger. Der im Iran festgehaltene britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" konnte wieder in See stechen. Es könnte ein Puzzlestück im Friedensplan des iranischen Präsidenten Ruhani sein. The UN General Assembly debate brought no solution in the Iran conflict. However, there is now one less problem. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," which had been held in Iran, was able to set sail again. It could be a piece of the puzzle in Iranian President Ruhani's plan for peace. Online-A.1571 The British oil tanker "Stena Impero", which has been detained in the Strait of Hormuz in Iran since mid-July, is back in international waters. After being cleared by Iranian authorities, the ship is on its way to Dubai, according to the shipping company Stena Bulk. Der seit Mitte Juli in der Straße von Hormus im Iran festgehaltene britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" ist zurück in internationalen Gewässern. Nach der Freigabe durch iranische Behörden ist das Schiff auf dem Weg nach Dubai, wie die Reederei Stena Bulk mitteilte. The British oil tanker "Stena Impero," which had been impounded in the Strait of Hormuz in Iran, is back in international waters. After being released by Iranian authorities, the ship is on its way to Dubai, according to the shipping company Stena Bulk. Online-A.1571 The "Stena Impero" had left the port of Bandar Abbas and the crew is now going to Dubai for medical examinations, said shipping company chief Erik Honell. By midday, the ship had left Iranian waters. "It's nice that it's over," he told Swedish television station SVT. Die "Stena Impero" habe den Hafen von Bandar Abbas verlassen und die Crew fahre nun unter anderem für medizinische Untersuchungen nach Dubai, erklärte Reedereichef Erik Hånell. Gegen Mittag habe das Schiff die iranischen Gewässer verlassen. "Schön, dass es vorbei ist", sagte er dem schwedischen Fernsehsender SVT. The "Stena Impero" left the harbor of Bandar Abbas, and the crew is now travelling to Dubai for medical exams, among other reasons, said the shipping company's CEO Erik Hånell. The ship left Iranian waters around noon. "It's great that this is over," he said to the Swedish TV station SVT. Online-A.1571 The Foreign Office in London described the detention of the vessel as illegal. "This is part of a pattern of attempts to impair the freedom of the seas. We are working with our international partners to maintain shipping and international law," it said in a statement on Friday. Das Außenministerium in London bezeichnete die Festsetzung des Schiffes als illegal. "Das ist Teil eines Musters von Versuchen, die Freiheit der Meere zu beeinträchtigen. Wir arbeiten mit unseren internationalen Partnern daran, die Schifffahrt und das Internationale Recht aufrechtzuerhalten", hieß es in einer Mitteilung am Freitag. The foreign ministry in London described the detainment of the ship as illegal. "This is part of a pattern of attempts to compromise the freedom of the seas. We work with our international partners to maintain ship travel and international law," they announced on Friday. Online-A.1571 Iran's Revolutionary Guards had arrested the tanker on July 19 on charges of violating rules of the law of the sea in the Persian Gulf. Seven of the 23 crew members had already been released at the beginning of September. The remaining 16 crew members are doing well according to the circumstances, said Mr. Hénell. They would have behaved professionally in the face of the difficult and stressful situation over the past ten weeks. The shipping company is now working to reunite them with their families as soon as possible. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten den Tanker am 19. Juli unter dem Vorwurf festgesetzt, Vorschriften des Seerechts im Persischen Golf missachtet zu haben. Sieben der 23 Besatzungsmitglieder waren bereits Anfang September freigelassen worden. Den verbliebenen 16 Crewmitgliedern gehe es den Umständen entsprechend gut, sagte Hånell. Sie hätten sich angesichts der schwierigen und aufreibenden Situation in den vergangenen zehn Wochen professionell verhalten. Die Reederei arbeite nun daran, sie schnellstmöglich wieder mit ihren Familien zusammenzuführen. The Iranian revolutionary guards impounded the tanker on July 19 under the pretext that it had violated maritime law in the Persian Gulf. Seven of the 23 crew members were already released at the beginning of September. The remaining 16 crew members are doing well under the circumstances, said Hånell. For the past ten weeks they have conducted themselves professionally in light of the difficult and grueling situation. The shipping company is now working to reunite them with their families as quickly as possible. Online-A.1571 The British government suspected behind the fixing of the "Stena Impero" a reaction to a similar incident in the British Gibraltar: there, in early July, a supertanker with oil from Iran, which was supposed to have been destined for Syria, had been chained. According to the authorities, the delivery violated EU sanctions against the war-torn country of Syria. The British had received the reference to the ship from the United States. Die britische Regierung vermutete hinter der Festsetzung der "Stena Impero" eine Reaktion auf einen ähnlichen Vorfall im britischen Gibraltar: Dort war Anfang Juli ein Supertanker mit Öl aus dem Iran, das für Syrien bestimmt gewesen sein soll, an die Kette gelegt worden. Die Lieferung verstieß den Behörden zufolge gegen EU-Sanktionen gegen das Kriegsland Syrien. Den Hinweis auf das Schiff hatten die Briten von den USA erhalten. The British government suspects that behind the impounding of the "Stena Impero" is a reaction to a similar incident in British Gibraltar: There, a supertanker with oil from Iran that was supposedly destined for Syria was detained at the beginning of July. According to the authorities, the delivery violated EU sanctions against the warring nation of Syria. The British were notified about the ship from the USA. Online-A.1571 Iran spoke of "piracy" and threatened consequences. In mid-August, the "Adrian Darya-1" was finally released. London vehemently rejected allegations that it was a barter deal to free the "Stena Impero". Der Iran sprach von "Piraterie" und drohte mit Konsequenzen. Mitte August wurde die "Adrian Darya-1" schließlich freigegeben. Mutmaßungen, es habe sich um ein Tauschgeschäft gehandelt, um die "Stena Impero" freizubekommen, wies London vehement zurück. Iran spoke of "piracy" and threatened that there would be consequences. The "Adrian Darya-1" was finally released in mid-August. London vehemently denied speculations that it was an exchange deal to get the "Stena Impero" released. Online-A.1571 The Strait of Hormuz is one of the most important sea routes in the world. It connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's oil exports are shipped through the strait. Tensions in the region had escalated immensely in recent months. Trade shipping has been drawn into the conflict between the US and Iran. There have been several incidents involving tankers and drones. Die Straße von Hormus ist eine der wichtigsten Seestraßen der Welt. Sie verbindet den Persischen Golf mit dem Indischen Ozean. Ein Großteil des weltweiten Ölexports wird durch die Meerenge verschifft. Die Spannungen in der Region hatten sich in den vergangenen Monaten immens verschärft. Die Handelsschifffahrt wurde in den Konflikt zwischen den USA und dem Iran hineingezogen. Es kam zu mehreren Zwischenfällen mit Tankern und Drohnen. The Straits of Hormuz is one of the most important sea routes in the world. In connects the Persian Gulf with the Indian Ocean. Much of the world's global oil exports are shipped through this strait. The tensions in the area had been escalating immeasurably during the past few months. Merchant shipping has been drawn into the conflict between USA and Iran. There have been several incidents with tankers and drones. Online-A.1571 Behind the tensions between Tehran and Washington is the nuclear dispute between the two countries. The Americans accuse the Iranian leadership of wanting to build nuclear weapons. Iran rejects this. The US single-handedly pulled out of the international nuclear deal in 2018, which was supposed to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb while ending its political and economic isolation. Since then, the US government has been pressuring Tehran's leaders with massive economic sanctions against the country to force a stricter and extended agreement to other areas. Iran has so far resisted the pressure. Hinter den Spannungen zwischen Teheran und Washington steht der Atomstreit beider Länder. Die Amerikaner werfen der iranischen Führung vor, Atomwaffen bauen zu wollen. Der Iran weist das zurück. Die USA waren 2018 im Alleingang aus dem internationalen Atomabkommen ausgestiegen, das den Iran am Bau einer Atombombe hindern und zugleich dessen politische und wirtschaftliche Isolation beenden sollte. Seitdem setzt die US-Regierung die Führung in Teheran mit massiven Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen das Land unter Druck, um ein strengeres und auf andere Gebiete erweitertes Abkommen zu erzwingen. Der Iran widersteht dem Druck bisher. Behind the tension between Teheran and Washington was the atomic conflict of the two nations. The Americans accuse the Iranian leadership of wanting to build nuclear weapons. Iran denies this. In 2018, the USA exited the international nuclear arms treaty that was to prevent Iran from building an atomic bomb while ending its political and economic isolation. Since then, the US government has pressured the leadership in Tehran with massive economic sanctions against the country to force a treaty that is stricter and expanded to other territories. So far, Iran has withstood that pressure. Online-A.1571 Because of the dispute over the "Stena Impero" and other incidents involving tankers in the Persian Gulf and oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the US is working on a coalition for the military protection of merchant ships in the region. Wegen des Streits um die "Stena Impero" und weiterer Vorfälle mit Tankern im Persischen Golf und Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien arbeiten die USA an einer Koalition für einen militärischen Schutz der Handelsschiffe in der Region. Due to the dispute surrounding the "Stena Impero" and further incidents with tankers in the Persian Gulf and oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the USA is working on a coalition for military protection of trade ships in the region. Online-A.1571 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani presented a plan for security and peace in the Strait of Hormuz at the UN General Assembly in New York. With the "Coalition of Hope" initiative for the Persian Gulf, Iran, together with the Gulf Arab states and without foreign protection powers, wants to ensure the security of navigation in the Persian Gulf. Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hatte bei der UN-Vollversammlung in New York einen Plan für Sicherheit und Frieden in der Straße von Hormus vorgelegt. Mit der Initiative "Koalition der Hoffnung" für den Persischen Golf wolle der Iran zusammen mit den arabischen Golfstaaten und ohne ausländische Schutzmächte für die Sicherheit der Schifffahrt im Persischen Golf sorgen. During the UN General Assembly in New York, Iranian President Hassan Ruhani presented a plan for security and peace in the Strait of Hormuz. With the initiative "coalition of hope" for the Persian Gulf, Iran wishes to ensure the security of ship travel in the Persian Gulf together with the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, without foreign protective powers. Online-A.1571 India is building a better future with its protectionist economic policies. Indien verbaut sich mit seiner protektionistischen Wirtschaftspolitik eine bessere Zukunft. India Builds a Better Future with its Protectionist Economic Policy Online-A.1571 India would actually be predestined to be a "war-winner." With US President Donald Trump imposing punitive tariffs on Chinese producers, foreign producers in the People's Republic are being forced to reschedule. Finance chiefs of Asian firms considering moving production from China to another country cite India as one of the preferred alternatives in a UBS survey. Of course, this has to do not only with the uncertainties of the Sino-American trade war. With a huge pool of young workers and a single market of 1.3 billion consumers, India seems to have created a more important role in the globally sprawling production chain. Indien wäre eigentlich zum "Kriegsgewinnler" prädestiniert. Angesichts der Strafzölle, die Amerikas Präsident Donald Trump gegen chinesische Hersteller verhängt, sehen sich ausländische Produzenten in der Volksrepublik gezwungen, umzudisponieren. Finanzchefs asiatischer Firmen, die erwägen, ihre Produktion aus China in ein anderes Land zu verlegen, nennen Indien in einer Umfrage der UBS als eine der bevorzugten Alternativen. Das hat freilich nicht nur mit den Unwägbarkeiten des chinesisch-amerikanischen Handelskrieges zu tun. Mit einem Riesen-Pool an jungen Arbeitskräften sowie einem Binnenmarkt von 1,3 Milliarden Konsumenten scheint Indien wie dafür geschaffen, in der global weitverzweigten Produktionskette eine bedeutendere Rolle zu spielen. India really was predestined to be the "war profiteer." In light of the punitive tariffs imposed by the American President Donald Trump against Chinese manufacturers, foreign producers in the People's Republic are forced to make new arrangements. In a UBS survey, CFOs of Asian firms that are considering relocating their production outside China name India as one of the best alternatives. And surely this involves more than the uncertainties of the Chinese-American trade war. With a giant pool of young workers and a domestic market of 1.3 billion consumers, India seems ideally situated to play a more significant role in the global, widespread production chain. Online-A.1571 But now India itself has come under Trump's focus. Derially dubbed the "Kingdom of Customs" by the White House, America withdrew the trade benefits for 2,000 products from the emerging country in early June. The US accuses India of imposing high tariffs and calls for better market access for agricultural goods, mobile phones, spirits, motorcycles, and more. Doch nun ist Indien selber in Trumps Fokus geraten. Vom Haudegen im Weissen Haus abwertend als "Königreich der Zölle" betitelt, hat Amerika dem Schwellenland Anfang Juni die Handelsvergünstigungen für 2000 Produkte entzogen. Die USA bezichtigen Indien prohibitiv hoher Zölle und fordern einen besseren Marktzugang für Agrargüter, Mobiltelefone, Spirituosen, Motorräder und anderes mehr. But now Trump is focusing on India itself. Pejoratively called the "Kingdom of the tariffs" by warhorses in the White House, America withdrew trade incentives for 2000 products from the newly industrialized country at the beginning of June. The USA is charging India prohibitively higher tariffs and demands better market access for agricultural goods, mobile phones, spirits, motorcycles, and more. Online-A.1571 On the world map of trade wars, however, the frictions with India are merely a sideshow. Moreover, America also sees the world's largest democracy through security-political glasses. Delhi and Washington share concerns about China's claims to power in the South Indian Ocean. Against this background, a salvo of American punitive tariffs against India seems unlikely. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has just served a second five-year term, is likely to weigh in on security. Auf der Weltkarte der Handelskriege stellen die Reibereien mit Indien freilich bloss einen Nebenschauplatz dar. Zudem betrachtet Amerika die weltgrösste Demokratie auch durch die sicherheitspolitische Brille. Delhi und Washington verbindet die Sorge über Chinas Machtansprüche im Südindischen Ozean. Vor diesem Hintergrund mutet eine Salve amerikanischer Strafzölle gegen Indien unwahrscheinlich an. Indiens Premierminister Narendra Modi, der soeben eine zweite fünfjährige Amtszeit angetreten hat, dürfte sich deshalb in Sicherheit wiegen. On the world map of the trade war, the friction with India is little more than a sideshow. Moreover, America sees the world's largest democracy through the lens of a security policy. Delhi and Washington are united in their concern over China's claims to power in the southern Indian Ocean. This makes a volley of American tariffs against India appear unlikely. So India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who just entered his second five-year term, can feel safe. Online-A.1571 The problem, however, lies in a different place: the empirically substantiated thesis that open markets are accelerating economic development is having a difficult time in the socialist Republic of India. Even under Modi. His zeal for reform is mainly aimed at the bureaucratic madness that for too long stifling any entrepreneurial spirit in the multi-ethnic state. Companies are now getting building permits for buildings more quickly. They benefit from better energy and transport infrastructure, and a more grippy insolvency and bankruptcy law creates the conditions for faster liquidation of sham-dead companies with large debts. Das Problem liegt indes an einem anderen Ort: Die empirisch erhärtete These, dass offene Märkte die ökonomische Entwicklung beschleunigen, hat in der sozialistischen Republik Indien einen schweren Stand. Auch unter Modi. Sein Reformeifer zielt hauptsächlich auf den bürokratischen Irrsinn, der im Vielvölkerstaat allzu lange jedweden unternehmerischen Geist erstickte. Firmen erhalten jetzt schneller Baubewilligungen für Bauten. Sie profitieren von einer besseren Energie- und Verkehrsinfrastruktur, und ein griffigeres Insolvenz- und Konkursgesetz schafft Voraussetzungen dafür, scheintote Firmen mit hohen Schulden zügiger zu liquidieren. But the problem lies elsewhere: The (empirically corroborated) proposition that open markets accelerate economic development has a difficult time in the socialist republic of India. Including under Modi. His zeal for reform mainly targets the bureaucratic insanity that suffocated any entrepreneurial spirit in the ethnically diverse country for far too long. Companies now obtain construction permits for buildings much faster. They profit from a better energy and traffic infrastructure, and a concise insolvency and bankruptcy law creates conditions for more rapid liquidation of companies with high debt that appear on their last legs. Online-A.1571 The success of these efforts can be seen and measured in the relevant rankings. From an economic point of view, much has changed for the better in India in the first five years of Modi. But this is not the case in trade policy. Inspired by the protection of internationally uncompetitive companies from foreign suppliers, the national conservative government even erected new barriers. Der Erfolg dieser Bemühungen lässt sich sehen und in den einschlägigen Rankings messen. Aus ökonomischer Optik hat sich in Indien in den ersten fünf Modi-Jahren vieles zum Besseren gewendet. Doch in der Handelspolitik gilt das nicht. Davon beseelt, international wenig wettbewerbsfähige Unternehmen vor ausländischen Anbietern zu schützen, errichtete die nationalkonservative Regierung sogar neue Schranken. The success of these efforts is apparent and can be measured in the pertinent rankings. From an economic standpoint, much in India took a turn for the better during Modi's first five years. But its trade policy did not. Eager to keep foreign suppliers from threatening companies with little international competitiveness, the national government has even set up new barriers. Online-A.1571 In the West, Modi hangs on to the nimbus of the energetic reformer who radically renews his country economically. This impression is due in no go to the fact that the charismatic prime minister knows all too well what vocabulary Western managers like. At its core, however, the "India First" advocate never backed away from a protectionist economic policy, which prevents Indian companies from being forced to get rid of anachronistic processes and thus become fit for global competition. Businessmen who survive thanks to the isolation of their industries are among the core voters of Modi's nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and applaud this short-sighted policy. Im Westen hängt Modi der Nimbus des energischen Reformers an, der sein Land wirtschaftlich radikal erneuert. Dieser Eindruck ist nicht zuletzt dem Umstand geschuldet, dass der charismatische Premierminister nur allzu gut weiss, welches Vokabular westlichen Managern gefällt. Im Kern rückte der "India First"-Advokat aber nie von einer protektionistischen Wirtschaftspolitik ab, was verhindert, dass indische Firmen gezwungen werden, sich anachronistischer Abläufe zu entledigen und so für den globalen Wettbewerb fit zu werden. Geschäftsleute, die dank der Abschottung ihrer Branchen überleben, gehören zu den Stammwählern von Modis nationalistischer Bharatiya Janata Party und beklatschen diese kurzsichtige Politik. In the West, Modi wears a halo of the energetic reformer who radically regenerated his country's economy. This impression exists not least because the charismatic prime minister knows all too well what vocabulary pleases Western managers. Essentially, the "India First" advocate never wavers from a protectionist economic policy that keeps Indian companies from having to dispense with old-fashioned processes, although doing so would make them fit for global competition. Merchants that survive thanks to the isolation of their industries make up the core voters of Modi's nationalistic Bharatiya Janata Party and applaud this short-sighted policy. Online-A.1571 Funeral of Jacques Chirac in Paris on Monday Beisetzung von Jacques Chirac am Montag in Paris Jacques Chirac to be Buried in Paris on Monday Online-A.1571 Former French President Jacques Chirac is due to be buried in Paris next week, according to a report. The former head of state will be buried on Monday at the Montparnasse cemetery in the south of the French capital, the AFP news agency reported, citing Chirac's family. The funeral will take place in a close family circle. A public funeral was scheduled for Sunday in Paris' Invalides Cathedral, media reported. Der ehemalige französische Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac soll einem Bericht zufolge in der kommenden Woche in Paris beigesetzt werden. Der frühere Staatschef werde am Montag auf dem Friedhof Montparnasse im Süden der französischen Hauptstadt bestattet, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf die Familie Chiracs. Die Bestattung werde im engen Familienkreis stattfinden. Für Sonntag war eine öffentliche Trauerfeier im Pariser Invalidendom angesetzt, wie Medien berichteten. The former President of France, Jacques Chirac, will reportedly be buried in Paris during the coming weeks. The former head of state will be buried on Monday in Montparnasse Cemetery to the south of the French capital, the AFP news agency reported in reference to the Chirac family. The burial will take place within an intimate family circle. According to media reports, a public funeral in the Dôme des Invalides was set for Sunday. Online-A.1571 The competitor is carried to the finish: Dabo is the first secret hero of the World Championships in Athletics Den Konkurrenten ins Ziel getragen: Dabo ist der erste heimliche Held der Leichtathletik-WM The competitors made it to the finish line. Dabo is the first secret hero of the World Athletics Championships. Online-A.1571 The world number one had long since been targeted when heartwarming scenes took place at the down-to-earth Khalifa International Stadium. In the men's first run over 5000 meters, Jonathan Busby from Aruba started to sway dangerously. He could barely hold on to his feet 300 meters from the finish, ran in an unhealthy bent posture when Braima Suncar Dabo from the West African country Guinea-Bissau suddenly hooked him and supported him the last half of the stadium round to the finish. However, the forces were still sufficient for both to stop the wristwatch running along after the finish. As if the scene hadn't been weird enough. Die Weltspitze war schon längst im Ziel, als sich im heruntergekühlten Khalifa International Stadion herzerwärmende Szenen abspielten. Im ersten Vorlauf der Männer über 5000 Meter fing Jonathan Busby aus Aruba gefährlich an zu schwanken. Er konnte sich gut 300 Meter vor dem Ziel kaum noch auf den Beinen halten, lief in ungesund gebückter Haltung, als Braima Suncar Dabo aus dem westafrikanischen Land Guinea-Bissau ihm plötzlich unterhakte und ihn stützend die letzte halbe Stadionrunde ins Ziel schleppte. Die Kräfte reichten bei beiden aber noch, um nach dem Zieldurchlauf die mitlaufende Armbanduhr zu stoppen. Als wäre die Szene nicht schon kurios genug gewesen. His world title was already in sight, when heartwarming scenes played themselves out in Khalifa International Stadium. In the men's first 5000-meter run, Jonathan Busby from Aruba began to stagger dangerously. A good 300 meters before the finish line he was barely able to stay on his feet, walking in an unhealthy hunched posture, when Braima Suncar Dabo from the west African country of Guinea-Bissau suddenly linked arms with him and supported him for the last half round of the stadium to the finish line. After crossing the finish line, they both still had the strength to stop their moving wristwatch. As if the scene was not strange enough. Online-A.1571 "I just wanted to help him. Everyone in this situation would have done the same," Dabo said after the mixed zone race, when he unexpectedly caught the attention of the assembled journalists. Shyly, he dodged, didn't want to talk about his heroics at all. After all, he wanted to set his personal best, and when he realized that this was going to be difficult, he only wanted to help one fellow sufferer. And anyway, he would only be proud to represent his country, which was invited to the World Cup by the World Federation. Under normal circumstances, he should not even have started. "That's why I'm proud to run here for my country," he said. "Ich wollte ihm einfach helfen. Jeder in dieser Situation hätte das gleiche getan", sagte Dabo nach dem Rennen in Mixed Zone, als er vollkommen unerwartet die Aufmerksamkeit der versammelten Journalisten auf sich zog. Schüchtern wich er erst aus, wollte überhaupt nicht über seine Heldentat sprechen. Schließlich wollte er doch seine persönliche Bestzeit aufstellen und als er gemerkt hatte, dass dies schwierig werden würde, wollte er nur einem Leidensgenossen helfen. Und ohnehin wäre er nur stolz darauf, sein Land zu repräsentieren, das für die WM eingeladen wurde vom Weltverband. Unter normalen Umständen hätte er nicht mal starten dürfen. "Deshalb bin ich stolz, hier für mein Land zu laufen", sagte er. "I just wanted to help him. Anyone in this situation would have done the same," Dabo said after running in a mixed zone, when he completely unexpectedly attracted the attention of the assembled journalists. First, he shyly evaded any mention of his heroic act. After all, he did try to set out his personal best and when he noticed, that this would be difficult, he decided just to support his fellow sufferer. In any case, he would only be proud to represent his country, which was invited for the World Championships by the World association. Under normal circumstances he would not even have been allowed to start. "For this reason I am proud to walk for my country," he said. Online-A.1571 He did so emphatically that evening - and much more intensely than he would have imagined. For this feat of heroism will be remembered. Especially since Dabo even let his competitor Busby take the lead in the finish and voluntarily took the last place - by the way, a good five minutes after the Ethiopian Selemon Barega, who won this preliminary. In the end, it was all of a good thing, because the Busby, who only came to the finish with a lot of help, was disqualified by the World Athletics Federation at the very end. Das tat er an dem Abend mit Nachdruck - und viel intensiver, als er sich das wohl gedacht hätte. Denn diese Heldentat wird in Erinnerung bleiben. Zumal Dabo seinen Konkurrenten Busby sogar den Vortritt im Ziel ließ und freiwillig den letzten Platz übernahm - übrigens gut fünf Minuten nach dem Äthiopier Selemon Barega, der diesen Vorlauf gewann. Genutzt hatte es am Ende alles nichts, denn der nur mit viel Hilfe ins Ziel gekommene Busby wurde genau deswegen am Ende vom Weltleichtathletik-Verband disqualifiziert. He did this empathically on the evening—and much more intensely than he would have thought. Because this hero act will remain in public memory. Especially since Dabo gave his competitor Busby the finish line and volunteered for last place—a good five minutes after the Ethiopian Selemon Barega, who won this preliminary run. In the end, it was all of no use, because Busby who had been escorted to the finish line with a lot of propping up was disqualified precisely for that reason by the World Athletics Association. Online-A.1571 Dabo, who lives in Portugal and studies there in Lisbon, had set a personal best at the World Cup in Doha. According to official data, this was achieved with 18:10.87 minutes, but he himself was disappointed: "I wanted to run 17:55 minutes. I've been under 18 minutes before.' However, only in training, best times do not count. Dabei war Dabo, der in Portugal wohnt und dort in Lissabon studiert, angetreten, um bei der WM in Doha eine persönliche Bestzeit aufstellen. Das gelang laut offiziellen Daten zwar mit 18:10,87 Minuten, er selbst war dennoch enttäuscht: "Ich wollte 17:55 Minuten laufen. Unter 18 Minuten war ich schon mal". Allerdings nur im Training, da zählen Bestzeiten nicht. Dabo, who lives in Portugal and studies in Lisbon, had started to set a personal best at the World Championships in Doha. He succeeded in this with 18:10,87 minutes, which disappointed him. "I wanted to walk in 17:55 minutes. I had already reached under 18 minutes previously. But only in training, where best times don't count. Online-A.1571 Millions of mash-up: Egyptians gear up for wild day of protest Millionenmasch: Ägypter rüsten sich für wilden Protesttag March of millions: Egyptians get ready for wild day of protest Online-A.1571 In Egypt, security measures have been stepped up in the run-up to possible anti-government protests. An increased police presence was observed in central Cairo on Friday. Several metro stations remained closed and roads around the central Tahrir Square were closed. In Ägypten sind die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Vorfeld möglicher regierungskritischer Proteste verstärkt worden. Im Zentrum Kairos war am Freitag eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz zu beobachten. Mehrere U-Bahn-Stationen blieben geschlossen, Straßen um den zentralen Tahrir-Platz wurden gesperrt. Security measures have been strengthened in advance of possible anti-regime protests in Egypt. An increased police presence was observed in the center of Cairo on Friday. Several subway stations were closed and streets around the centrally located Tahrir Square were blocked off. Online-A.1571 In recent days, police had stepped up their roadside checks and searched the mobile phones of pedestrians in part for messages and photos related to the protests. Hundreds had been arrested, according to two non-governmental organizations. Bereits in vergangenen Tagen hatte die Polizei ihre Straßenkontrollen verstärkt und die Handys von Fußgängern teilweise auf Nachrichten und Fotos im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten durchsucht. Hunderte waren laut zwei Nichtregierungsorganisationen festgenommen worden. In the last few days, police had already increased road checks and searched the cell phones of passersby for messages and photos connected with the protests. Hundreds have been arrested, according to two non-government organizations. Online-A.1571 Opponents of Al-Sisi Gegner von Al-Sisi Opponents of El-Sisi Online-A.1571 Last weekend, protests with hundreds of participants took place in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Mansura. They targeted the government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, which critics accuse of corruption and mismanagement. There had not been such an open protest against the political leadership in Egypt for years. Egyptian contractor and actor Mohammed Ali, who lives in exile in Spain and started the demonstrations with video messages on Facebook, has called for a "million march" in central squares in the country this Friday. Ali calls for a "people's revolution." The man is not a "good man" for most young Egyptians either, because as a subcontractor for the army he made millions, but his messages arrive. Vergangenes Wochenende war es in Kairo, Alexandria, Suez und Mansura zu Protesten mit Hunderten Teilnehmern gekommen. Sie richteten sich gegen die Regierung von Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, dem Kritiker Korruption und Misswirtschaft vorwerfen. Einen so offenen Protest gegen die politische Führung hatte es in Ägypten seit Jahren nicht gegeben. Der im spanischen Exil lebende ägyptische Bauunternehmer und Schauspieler Mohammed Ali, der die Demonstrationen mit Video-Botschaften auf Facebook ins Rollen brachte, hat für den heutigen Freitag zu einem "Millionenmarsch" an zentralen Plätzen im Land aufgerufen. Ali fordert eine "Volksrevolution". Der Mann ist für die meisten jungen Ägypter zwar auch kein "Guter, weil er als Subunternehmer für die Armee Millionen scheffelte, aber seine Botschaften kommen an. Last weekend there were protests involving hundreds and thousands of people in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, and Mansura. These were aimed against the government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has been accused of corruption and mismanagement by critics. There has not been such open protest against the political leadership in Egypt for years. The Egyptian property developer and actor Mohammed Ali, who lives in exile in Spain, triggered the demonstrations with video messages on Facebook and appealed for millions to march at central locations in the country this Friday. Ali is calling for a "people's revolution." To most young Egyptians, he is probably not considered one of the "good ones", as he raked in millions as a subcontractor for the army, but his messages are catching on. Online-A.1571 The number of arrests in connection with the protests continued to rise, according to two observer groups. The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) counted more than 1,570 arrests as of Friday. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) and the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) said more than 2,000 arrests were made. These figures could not be independently confirmed at first. The government also did not confirm or comment on the figures. Die Zahl der Festnahmen im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten stieg zwei Beobachtergruppen zufolge weiter. Die Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) zählte bis Freitag mehr als 1.570 Festnahmen. Das Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) sowie die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) sprach von mehr als 2.000 Festnahmen. Unabhängig bestätigen ließen sich diese Zahlen zunächst nicht. Die Regierung bestätigte und kommentierte die Zahlen ebenfalls nicht. The number of people arrested in connection with the protests continued to increase, according to two watch groups. The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF) counted more than 1,570 arrests by Friday. The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) as well as Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported more than 2,000 arrests. These figures have not yet been independently confirmed. The government did not confirm or comment on the numbers. Online-A.1571 Arbitrary arrests Willkürliche Festnahmen Arbitrary arrests Online-A.1571 Many people were "arbitrarily detained" "just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," HRW said, citing lawyers for those arrested. According to their lawyers, the charges against the detainees range from "spreading misinformation" to membership in a "terrorist group." In Cairo, Alexandria and other cities, security forces in uniform, but also civilian clothing, also randomly interviewed and searched passers-by, according to HRW. Viele Menschen seien "willkürlich festgenommen" worden, "nur weil sie 'zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort' waren", teilte HRW unter Berufung auf Rechtsanwälte Festgenommener mit. Die Vorwürfe gegen die Festgenommenen reichen nach Angaben ihrer Anwälte von "Verbreitung von Falschinformationen" bis zur Mitgliedschaft in einer "terroristischen Vereinigung". In Kairo, Alexandria und anderen Städten befragten und durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte in Uniform, aber auch in ziviler Kleidung, nach HRW-Angaben zudem willkürlich Passanten. Many people had been "arrested arbitrarily just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," said HRW, citing the lawyers of detainees. According to their attorneys, accusations against those arrested range from "spreading false information" to membership of a "terrorist organization." In Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities, security forces, in uniform as well as civilian clothing, also arbitrarily questioned and searched passersby, according to HRW. Online-A.1571 HRW also criticized the censorship in the North African country. The government in Cairo is blocking websites and online services to prevent further protests against Sisi. HRW kritisierte zudem die Zensur in dem nordafrikanischen Land. Demnach blockiert die Regierung in Kairo Websites und Online-Dienste, um weitere Proteste gegen Sisi zu unterbinden. HRW also criticized the censorship in this North African country. It said the government in Cairo is blocking websites and social media in order to stop further protests against Sisi. Online-A.1571 Online retailer: Mail order companies should be able to donate returns more easily Online-Händler: Versandhändler sollen Retouren einfacher spenden können Online retailers: E-commerce companies should be able to donate returns more easily Online-A.1571 For online retailers, many returned packages are lost goods. Around 20 million returns end up in the garbage. But there is an alternative. Für Online-Händler sind viele zurückgeschickte Pakete verlorene Ware. Rund 20 Millionen Retouren landen so auf den Müll. Doch gibt es eine Alternative. To online retailers, many packages that are sent back are lost goods. Around 20 million returns end up in the garbage. But there is an alternative. Online-A.1571 The Treasury has shown online retailers such as Amazon and Zalando a way to donate returned products rather than destroy them. Das Finanzministerium hat Online-Händlern wie Amazon und Zalando einen Weg aufgezeigt, wie sie zurückgeschickte Produkte spenden können statt sie zu vernichten. The Ministry of Finance has provided online retailers like Amazon and Zalando with a way to donate returned products instead of destroying them. Online-A.1571 Companies cannot be exempted from the sales tax on donations in kind, the ministry said in response to a question from the Green Bundestag group, which was reported by the newspapers of the Funke media group on Friday. However, traders could set the market value of unsaleable returns so low that they would have to pay little or no VAT. Man könne die Unternehmen zwar nicht von der Umsatzsteuer auf Sachspenden befreien, erklärte das Ministerium auf eine Frage der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, über die die Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe am Freitag berichteten. Die Händler könnten aber den Marktwert der unverkäuflichen Retouren so niedrig ansetzen, dass sie keine oder nur wenig Umsatzsteuer zahlen müssten. Companies will still have to pay the value -added tax on material donations, explained the Ministry in response to a question from Green Party members of the German parliament which was reported in newspapers from the Funke Media Group on Friday. However, retailers could understate the market value of unsaleable returns so that they would be required to pay little or no value-added tax. Online-A.1571 Scientists from the University of Bamberg had found that German citizens return one in six parcels when ordering on the Internet. Around four percent of the goods - around 20 million products - ended up in the garbage. Donating them would cost companies additional money under current law, because the tax authorities rate donations in kind as a turnover, which is then subject to VAT. Wissenschaftler der Universität Bamberg hatten ermittelt, dass die Bundesbürger bei Bestellungen im Internet jedes sechste Paket wieder zurückschicken. Rund vier Prozent der Waren - rund 20 Millionen Produkte - landeten anschließend im Müll. Sie zu spenden würde die Unternehmen nach derzeitiger Rechtslage zusätzlich Geld kosten, denn die Finanzbehörden bewerten Sachspenden wie einen Umsatz, auf den dann Umsatzsteuer anfällt. Researchers from the University of Bamberg have determined that German shoppers return one in six online orders. Around four percent of these items—around 20 million products—then end up in the garbage. Under the current legal framework, it would cost companies additional money to donate them because financial authorities consider material donations to be a sale subject to value-added tax. Online-A.1571 Green Group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt called on Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) to clarify with a decree that companies can evaluate non-saleable products accordingly and donate them free of charge to non-profit organisations. Companies should be able to rely on not being penalised for donations. This applies not only to online retail, but also to other businesses from the fashion store to the diy store. Grünen-Fraktionschefin Katrin Göring-Eckardt forderte Finanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) auf, mit einem Erlass klarzustellen, dass Unternehmen nicht verkäufliche Produkte entsprechend bewerten und kostenfrei an gemeinnützige Organisationen spenden können. Die Unternehmen müssten sich darauf verlassen können, fürs Spenden nicht bestraft zu werden. Das gelte nicht nur für den Online-Handel, sondern auch für andere Geschäfte vom Modeladen bis zum Baumarkt. Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt urged Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD) to clarify by decree that companies are permitted to value unsaleable products appropriately and donate them to charitable organizations. Companies must be assured that they will not be penalized for making donations. This applies to online retail as well as other businesses such as fashion outlets and home improvement stores. Online-A.1571 Banksy art at auction: There was never a better time to sell this painting Banksy-Kunst zur Auktion: Es gab nie einen besseren Zeitpunkt, dieses Gemälde zu verkaufen Banksy Art to be Auctioned: There has Never Been a Better Time to Sell This Painting Online-A.1571 The well-known work of street art star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament", is to be auctioned soon. Das bekannte Werk von Streetart-Star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament", soll demnächst versteigert werden. The famous work of street art star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament," is to be auctioned soon. Online-A.1571 For Branczik, Banksy's work underscores "the regression of the world's oldest parliamentary democracy into the basic attitude of animals and tribes." The painting is due to be exhibited at Sotheby's in the British capital from Saturday until it is due to be auctioned on 3 October. It is estimated at 1.5 to 2 million euros. Für Branczik unterstreicht Banksys Arbeit "die Rückbildung der ältesten parlamentarischen Demokratie der Welt in die von Tieren und Stämmen geprägte Grundhaltung". Ab Samstag soll das Gemälde bei Sotheby's in der britischen Hauptstadt ausgestellt werden, bis es am 3. Oktober versteigert werden soll. Es wird auf 1,5 bis zwei Millionen Euro geschätzt. For Branczik, Banksy's work underscores "the regression of the oldest parliamentary democracy in the world into tribalistic animalistic behavior." Starting on Saturday, the painting is to be shown at Sotheby's in the British capital until it is sold on October 3. It is estimated to be worth 1.5 to two million euros. Online-A.1571 The work was first exhibited in 2009 at the Museum of Bristol in the south-west of the UK, where Banksy lives. This year, the artist had exhibited the painting again - coinciding with the original Brexit date of 29 March. On this occasion, the work, formerly known as Question Time, was renamed "Devolved Parliament". Das Werk wurde zuerst 2009 im Museum von Bristol im Südwesten Großbritanniens ausgestellt, wo Banksy lebt. In diesem Jahr hatte der Künstler das Gemälde erneut ausgestellt - zeitgleich mit dem ursprünglichen Brexit-Datum am 29. März. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wurde das Werk, das früher "Fragestunde" hieß, umbenannt in "Devolved Parliament" ("Delegiertes Parlament"). The work was first shown in 2009 in the Museum of Bristol in southwest Great Britain, where Banksy lives. This year, the artist showed the painting again—on the original Brexit date of March 29. For this occasion, the work, which was first entitled "Question Time," was renamed "Devolved Parliament." Online-A.1571 The image could change hands for a million dollars. Das Bild könnte für einen Millionenbetrag den Besitzer wechseln. The painting could change hands for a sum in the millions. Online-A.1571 Prime Minister Boris Johnson last met with the opposition on Wednesday in the first session of the House of Commons following the Supreme Court's lifting of a mandatory break imposed by Johnson. Johnson wants to complete the twice-delayed Brexit on 31 October, even without a deal with the EU if necessary. Zuletzt hatte sich Premierminister Boris Johnson am Mittwoch bei der ersten Sitzung des Unterhauses nach Aufhebung einer von Johnson verhängten Zwangspause durch das Oberste Gericht einen harten Schlagabtausch mit der Opposition geliefert. Johnson will den bereits zweimal verschobenen Brexit am 31. Oktober notfalls auch ohne Abkommen mit der EU vollziehen. Recently, at the first session of the House of Commons, Prime Minister Boris Johnson exchanged blows with the opposition after a mandatory break he had imposed was repealed by the Supreme Court. Johnson wants to carry out Brexit (which has already been postponed twice) on October 31: without a treaty with the EU if necessary. Online-A.1571 It is not the first time Banksy, whose identity is still unknown, has intervened in the Brexit debate. In Dover, south-east England, he painted a picture depicting a man smashing a star of the European flag with a chisel. The plant is seen every day by thousands of lorry drivers and other visitors entering the UK. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass sich Banksy, dessen Identität immer noch unbekannt ist, in die Brexit-Debatte einmischt. In Dover im Südosten Englands malte er ein Bild, das einen Mann darstellt, der mit einem Meißel einen Stern der europäischen Flagge zerbricht. Das Werk sehen täglich Tausende von Lkw-Fahrern und andere Besucher bei der Einreise in das Vereinigte Königreich. This is not the first time that Banksy, whose identity remains a secret, has gotten involved in the Brexit debate. In Dover, in southeast England, he painted a picture showing a man breaking a star of the European flag to pieces with a chisel. Every day, thousands of automobile drivers and other visitors see that work when they enter the United Kingdom. Online-A.1571 Brexit debate is like a 'walk in the park' Brexit-Debatte ist wie ein "Spaziergang im Park" Brexit debate is a "walk in the park" Online-A.1571 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's violent verbal attacks on Brexit opponents in Parliament do not contribute to a climate of hatred, according to his top adviser. Compared to the campaign before the 2016 Brexit referendum, the current controversy is a "walk in the park," Dominic Cummings said at a book launch on Friday. "We enjoy it. We will leave (the EU) and we will win". Die heftigen verbalen Angriffe des britischen Premierministers Boris Johnson auf Brexit-Gegner im Parlament tragen nach Ansicht seines Spitzenberaters nicht zu einem Klima des Hasses bei. Im Vergleich zum Wahlkampf vor dem Brexit-Referendum 2016 sei die aktuelle Kontroverse ein "Spaziergang im Park", sagte Dominic Cummings am Freitag bei einer Buchvorstellung. "Wir genießen das. Wir werden (aus der EU) austreten und wir werden gewinnen". The fierce verbal attacks of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson against Brexit opponents in parliament did not contribute to a climate of hatred, his top advisor believes. Compared to the election before the Brexit referendum in 2016, the current controversy is a "walk in the park," said Dominic Cummings at a book launch on Friday. "We are enjoying this. We are going to leave [the EU] and we are going to win." Online-A.1571 Johnson had harshly attacked Brexiteers in parliament in recent days, accusing them of "betrayal" of the people, among other things. He dismissed accusations that he could put MPs at risk because they could be the target of death threats. Johnson hatte Brexit-Gegner im Parlament in den vergangenen Tagen hart angegriffen und ihnen unter anderem "Verrat" am Volk vorgeworfen. Anschuldigungen, dass er damit die Abgeordneten in Gefahr bringen könnte, weil sie etwa Ziel von Morddrohungen werden könnten, tat er als "Humbug" ab. In recent days, Johnson has vehemently attacked Brexit opponents in parliament and accused them of "betraying" the people, among other things. He dismissed as "humbug" accusations that he could be putting members of parliament in danger because they could then become the target of death threats. Online-A.1571 Cummings said the only way to restore calm would be if MPs finally respected the British decision to leave the EU. He said it was not surprising that people were upset that Britain had still not left the EU three years after the referendum. Cummings sagte, der einzige Weg, um wieder Ruhe einkehren zu lassen, sei, wenn die Abgeordneten die Entscheidung der Briten für einen Austritt aus der EU endlich respektieren würden. Es sei nicht überraschend, dass die Leute darüber aufgebracht seien, dass Großbritannien drei Jahre nach dem Referendum immer noch nicht aus der EU ausgetreten sei. Cummings said that the only way for calm to return would be if members of parliament decide to finally respect the British people's decision to leave the EU. It should come as no surprise that people are upset that Great Britain still has not exited the EU three years after the referendum. Online-A.1571 In view of the charged atmosphere, even the bishops of the Anglican Church called for restraint on Friday. "We should speak with respect to each other," it said in a statement. "And we should also listen". Angesichts der aufgeladenen Stimmung riefen am Freitag sogar die Bischöfe der anglikanischen Kirche zur Zurückhaltung auf. "Wir sollten miteinander mit Respekt sprechen", hieß es in einer Erklärung. "Und wir sollten auch zuhören". In view of the charged mood, even bishops of the Anglican Church called for restraint on Friday. "We should speak to others with respect. And we should also listen." Online-A.1571 Pakistan's Prime Minister Khan calls for UN intervention in Kashmir Pakistans Ministerpräsident Khan fordert Uno-Eingreifen in Kaschmir Pakistan's Prime Minister Khan demands UN intervention in Kashmir Online-A.1571 In an emotional appeal, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his first appearance before the UN General Assembly, has again called on the United Nations to intervene in the Kashmir conflict. Mit einem emotionalen Appell hat Pakistans Ministerpräsident Imran Khan bei seinem ersten Auftritt vor der Uno-Vollversammlung die Vereinten Nationen erneut zu einem Eingreifen im Kaschmir-Konflikt aufgefordert. With an emotional appeal to the UN, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan once again called on the United Nations to intervene in the Kashmir conflict during his first appearance before the UN General Assembly. Online-A.1571 Otherwise, another war between the nuclear powers Pakistan and India is likely, Khan said Friday at the UN General Debate in New York. "If it goes badly, you hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst". The United Nations would have a responsibility for Kashmir. "You should have prevented this." Andernfalls sei ein erneuter Krieg zwischen den Atommächten Pakistan und Indien wahrscheinlich, sagte Khan am Freitag bei der Uno-Generaldebatte in New York. "Wenn das schlecht läuft, hofft man auf das Beste, aber seid auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet". Die Vereinten Nationen hätten eine Verantwortung für Kaschmir. "Ihr hättet das verhindern müssen". Otherwise another war between the Pakistan and India, both nuclear powers, is likely, Khan stated on Friday during the UN general debate in New York. "When things are bad, one can hope for the best, but should be prepared for the worst". The UN had a responsibility towards Kashmir. "You should have prevented this". Online-A.1571 India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence from British colonial rule in 1947, two of them around the divided Kashmir region. Both nuclear powers each control part of Kashmir, and another part belongs to China. At the beginning of August, India had stripped the Indian Kashmir region of its autonomy, abruptly increasing tensions with Pakistan. Indien und Pakistan haben seit ihrer Unabhängigkeit von britischer Kolonialherrschaft im Jahr 1947 drei Kriege geführt, zwei davon um die geteilte Region Kaschmir. Beide Atommächte beherrschen jeweils einen Teil von Kaschmir, ein weiterer Teil gehört zu China. Anfang August hatte Indien der indischen Kaschmir-Region den Autonomiestatus entzogen und damit die Spannungen im Verhältnis zu Pakistan schlagartig erhöht. India and Pakistan have been involved in three wars since gaining independence from British colonial rule in 1947, and two of those wars were waged over the divided Kashmir region. Both countries with nuclear powers control a part of Kashmir and the third part belongs to China. At the beginning of August, India revoked the autonomy status of the Indian Kashmir region, and sharply increased tensions in its relations with Pakistan. Online-A.1571 Not even a bottle of water neues-deutschland.2878055 Nicht mal eine Flasche Wasser Not even a bottle of water Online-A.1571 Protesters in Cairo demand the overthrow of Egyptian President al-Sisi. neues-deutschland.2878055 Die Demonstranten in Kairo fordern den Sturz des ägyptischen Präsidenten al-Sisi. Protesters in Cairo are calling for the overthrow of Egyptian President el-Sisi. Online-A.1571 The government is reacting hard to the current protests in Egypt. It shoots at the population with live ammunition, and more than 2,000 detainees are among the 60,000 political prisoners already held there. Protesting has never been safe in Egypt. But since General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power in 2013, the state apparatus has done everything it can to avoid a scenario similar to the Arab Spring. neues-deutschland.2878055 Gegen die derzeitigen Proteste in Ägypten reagiert die Regierung mit harter Hand. Sie lässt mit scharfer Munition auf die Bevölkerung schießen, über 2000 Festgenommene gesellen sich in den Gefängnissen zu den 60.000 politischen Gefangenen, die dort bereits einsitzen. Protestieren war in Ägypten noch nie ungefährlich. Doch seit der Machtübernahme von General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi im Jahr 2013 tut der Staatsapparat alles dafür, ein Szenario wie zu Zeiten des Arabischen Frühlings zu vermeiden. The government is cracking down on the recent protests in Egypt. It permitted the use of live ammunition against the population, and more than 2000 people were arrested, joining the 60,000 political prisoners already in jail. Protesting in Egypt has never been without danger. But since General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi took power in 2013, the state apparatus has done everything in its power to prevent a scenario like the Arab Spring. Online-A.1571 But one of the triggers for the 2011 protests was the poor economic situation. Poverty, lack of prospects and the feeling of being suffocated by one's own government drove millions onto the streets. And this is a problem that the regime of el-Sisi does not get to grips with, no matter how hard it is against adversaries. The situation has even deteriorated. neues-deutschland.2878055 Doch einer der Auslöser für die Proteste 2011 war die schlechte wirtschaftliche Lage. Armut, Perspektivlosigkeit und das Gefühl, von der eigenen Regierung erstickt zu werden, trieben Millionen auf die Straße. Und das ist ein Problem, welches auch das Regime von el-Sisi nicht in den Griff bekommt, egal, wie hart es gegen Widersacher vorgeht. Die Situation hat sich sogar verschlechtert. One of the triggers for the 2011 protests was the poor economic situation. Poverty, hopelessness, and the feeling of being stifled by their own government drove millions onto the streets. And that is one problem that the regime of el-Sisi cannot handle, no matter how hard they move against their opponents. The situation has even deteriorated. Online-A.1571 Today, one in three people in Egypt live below the poverty line. Since 2016, the currency has lost more than half its value, with inflation at 10%. If you want to buy a bottle of water in the supermarket, you have to decide who to finance: Nestlé, Coca-Cola or the military. The latter is not only responsible for repression, but also the largest economic actor. The military builds roads, houses, football stadiums, produces food and much more. That was the case before el-Sisi. The Egyptian people have a lot of experience with authoritarian regimes, and the dilemma in the supermarket is also an old one. It becomes critical whenever large sections of the population have difficulty affording a bottle of water at all. neues-deutschland.2878055 Heute lebt jeder Dritte in Ägypten unter der Armutsgrenze. Seit 2016 hat die Währung mehr als die Hälfte ihres Wertes verloren, die Inflationsrate liegt bei zehn Prozent. Wer im Supermarkt eine Flasche Wasser kaufen möchte, muss entscheiden, wen er finanziert: Nestlé, Coca-Cola oder das Militär. Letzteres ist nämlich nicht nur für die Unterdrückung zuständig sondern auch der größte wirtschaftliche Akteur. Das Militär baut Straßen, Häuser, Fußballstadien, produziert Lebensmittel und vieles mehr. Das war schon vor el-Sisi so. Mit autoritären Regimen hat das ägyptische Volk viel Erfahrung, auch das Dilemma im Supermarkt ist ein altes. Kritisch wird es immer dann, wenn große Teile der Bevölkerung Schwierigkeiten haben, sich überhaupt eine Flasche Wasser zu leisten. Today, one third of Egyptian citizens live below the poverty line. Since 2016, Egypt's currency has lost more than half of its value, and the inflation rate has climbed to 10 percent. Anyone who wants to purchase a bottle of water at the supermarket must decide who they want to finance: Nestlé, Coca Cola, or the military. The latter is not only responsible for the oppression but is also the largest economic player. The military builds streets, houses, and soccer stadiums, produces food, and much more. That was also the case before el-Sisi. The Egyptian people have a great deal of experience with authoritative regimes, and the situation in the supermarket is nothing new. Things always become critical when large segments of the population struggle to buy even a bottle of water. Online-A.1571 Tüv tests in the terminal: BER boss: No more "showstoppers" for capital airport Tüv-Prüfungen im Terminal: BER-Chef: Keine "Showstopper" mehr für Hauptstadtflughafen Tüv testing in the Terminal: BER boss: No more ‘showstoppers' for main city airports Online-A.1571 For two months, it was checked whether the complicated system network of BER fire protection works together. The operators are satisfied with the progress. But the Tüv is not finished on BER yet. Zwei Monate wurde geprüft, ob das komplizierte Anlagengeflecht beim BER-Brandschutz im Zusammenspiel funktioniert. Die Betreiber sind mit dem Verlauf zufrieden. Doch der Tüv ist am BER noch nicht fertig. For two months there were tests to see whether the complicated plant network at BER Fire Protection works interactively. The operators are satisfied with the progress. But the Tüv is not finished at the BER. Online-A.1571 After large-scale Tüv tests in the terminal of the future capital airport, the operators have confirmed the planned opening in October next year. This is certain, said Supervisory Board Chairman Rainer Bretschneider after a meeting of the Supervisory Board. Nach großangelegten Tüv-Prüfungen im Terminal des künftigen Hauptstadtflughafens haben die Betreiber die geplante Eröffnung im Oktober nächsten Jahres bestätigt. Dies sei sicher, sagte Aufsichtsratschef Rainer Bretschneider nach einer Sitzung des Kontrollgremiums. After large-scale Tüv tests in the Terminal of the future metropolitan airport, the operators have confirmed the planned opening in October of next year. This is certain, said supervisory board chief Rainer Bretschneider after a meeting of the control panel. Online-A.1571 Airport chief Engelbert Lütke Daldrup spoke of a successful audit, but also said there were still defects in the terminal to be addressed. "We have a lot of detailed topics, but we don't have a real showstopper." He assured that the timetable for commissioning still contained buffers. Flughafenchef Engelbert Lütke Daldrup sprach von einer erfolgreich abgeschlossen Prüfung, sagte aber auch, es seien noch Mängel im Terminal abzuarbeiten. "Wir haben viele Detailthemen, aber einen echten Showstopper haben wir nicht". Er versicherte, der Zeitplan bis zur Inbetriebnahme enthalte noch Puffer. Airport chief Engelbert Lütke Daldrup spoke about a successfully completed examination, but also said there are still defects to be worked through in the Terminal. "We have a lot of detail topics, but we do not have a real showstopper." He reassured us that before the launch there are still some buffers. Online-A.1571 However, there are indications that the time reserve should not be too large any more. The construction completion notice is now to be submitted to the Building Authority in the course of the first quarter of 2020, which was planned for this autumn at the beginning of the year. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise, dass die zeitliche Reserve nicht mehr allzu groß sein dürfte. Die Baufertigstellungsanzeige soll nun im Laufe des ersten Quartals 2020 beim Bauamt eingereicht werden, zu Jahresbeginn war das für diesen Herbst vorgesehen. However, there are indications, that it will not take much longer to complete. The construction completion notice is to be submitted to the building authority during the first quarter of 2020, at the start of the year it had been predicted for this autumn. Online-A.1571 Hundreds of defects in power cables still to be rectified; the Tüv wants to check them until February. "In order to create the conditions for the start of flight operations, intensive work must continue to be carried out to address the deficiencies," it said in a written statement. Hunderte Mängel an Stromkabeln sind noch zu beheben; der Tüv will diese noch bis Februar prüfen. "Um hier die Voraussetzungen für die Aufnahme des Flugbetriebs zu schaffen, muss weiterhin intensiv an der Abarbeitung der Mängel gearbeitet werden", hieß es in einer schriftlichen Mitteilung. Hundreds of power cable defects still need addressing; the Tüv wants to check all of these by February. "In order to create prognoses for the acceptance of flight operations, there has to continue to be intensive work on the defects," the written communication stated. Online-A.1571 Lütke Daldrup said that in many cases it is about a lack of evidence, less about new cables. There is also no release for all the plugs on which the cable trays hang. The airport chief expects this to be available by the end of the year. Lütke Daldrup sagte, in vielen Fällen gehe es um fehlende Nachweise, weniger um neue Kabel. Es gibt auch noch keine Freigabe für sämtliche Dübel, an denen die Kabeltrassen hängen. Der Flughafenchef erwartet, dass diese bis Jahresende vorliegt. Lütke Daldrup said, that in many cases it's a matter of missing verification rather than new cables. There has also not been release for all dowelling on which the cables hang. The airport manager is expecting this to be available at the end of the year. Online-A.1571 In addition, fire protection at the crossing to the station under the terminal is not yet working satisfactorily. The problems had already led the project into another crisis three years ago. This time it is about smoke aprons, which shut down like a canvas in the event of a fire, so that the smoke does not spread. They go too far down. 36 motors must therefore be replaced. Then, at the beginning of the year, there will be new tests on hot gas smoke. Außerdem funktioniert der Brandschutz am Übergang zum Bahnhof unter dem Terminal noch nicht zufriedenstellend. Die Probleme hatten das Projekt schon vor drei Jahren in eine weitere Krise geführt. Dieses Mal geht es um Rauchschürzen, die bei einem Brand wie eine Leinwand herunterfahren, damit der Rauch sich nicht ausbreitet. Sie fahren zu weit herunter. 36 Motoren müssen deshalb ausgetauscht werden. Dann soll es Anfang des Jahres neue Versuche mit Heißgasrauch geben. Also, the fire protection at the passage to the station under the Terminal is not satisfactory yet. There had already been problems leading the project into further crisis three years ago. This time it's about smoke barriers, which descend like a canvas during a fire, so that smoke does not spread. They go too far down. Therefore, 36 engines have to be exchanged. There will be new testing with hot gas smoke at the beginning of the year. Online-A.1571 Problems with fire protection and other tree defects as well as planning errors have been delaying the opening of the airport for years. It was originally scheduled to go into operation in 2011. Since construction began in 2006, costs have risen from two billion euros to an estimated 6.5 billion euros when it opens next year. Probleme mit dem Brandschutz und weitere Baumängel sowie Planungsfehler verzögern die Eröffnung des Flughafens seit Jahren. Ursprünglich sollte er 2011 in Betrieb gehen. Die Kosten stiegen seit Baubeginn 2006 von zwei Milliarden auf voraussichtlich rund 6,5 Milliarden Euro zur Eröffnung im nächsten Jahr. Problems with fire protection and further building defects such as planning errors have been delaying the opening of the airport for years. Originally it was meant to become operational in 2011. Since building started in 2006, the costs have risen by two billion to an expected approximation of 6.5 billion Euro for opening next year. Online-A.1571 Since the number of passengers in Berlin has increased significantly since then, the managers are planning to expand the airport. This is what the Chairman Bretschneider announced at a special meeting of the Supervisory Board on 18 October. Weil die Passagierzahlen in Berlin seither deutlich gestiegen sind, planen die Verantwortlichen den Ausbau des Flughafens. Darum soll es in einer Sondersitzung des Aufsichtsrats am 18. Oktober gehen, wie der Vorsitzende Bretschneider ankündigte. Because the amounts of passengers in Berlin have risen noticeably since then, those responsible are planning an expansion of the airport. For this reason, there is a special meeting of the supervisory board planned on October 18th, the Chairman Bretschneider announced. Online-A.1571 The airport company is now looking for two new managing directors. Chief Financial Officer Heike Fölster will join Deutsche Bahn at the end of the year, and Chief Human Resources Officer Manfred Bobke-von Camen will retire next year, Bretschneider said. He thanked Fölster. It had put airport finances on firm footing. Die Flughafengesellschaft sucht nun zwei neue Geschäftsführer. Finanzchefin Heike Fölster wechselt Ende des Jahres zur Deutschen Bahn, Personalchef Manfred Bobke-von Camen geht nächstes Jahr in Rente, wie Bretschneider sagte. Er dankte Fölster. Sie habe die Flughafenfinanzen auf feste Füße gestellt. The airport company is now looking for two new business directors. Finance boss Heike Fölster is changing to Deutschen Bahn next year, Personnel manager Manfred Bobke-von Camen retires next year, as Bretschneider informed us. He thanked Fölster. She put airport finances on a firm footing. Online-A.1571 Chemnitz: Vending machines for drugs blown up - police arrest man bild.126691 Chemnitz: Automaten für Drogen gesprengt - Polizei nimmt Mann fest Chemnitz: Police arrest man for blowing up vending machines to get drugs Online-A.1571 He needed money for drugs - and for this he blew up several vending machines in the Chemnitz city area! Now the perpetrator is finally in custody! bild.126691 Er brauchte Geld für Drogen - und jagte dafür etliche Automaten im Chemnitzer Stadtgebiet in die Luft! Jetzt sitzt der Täter endlich in Haft! He needed money for drugs—so he blew up a load of vending machines in Chemnitz! Now the culprit is behind bars. Online-A.1571 In the past two years, the number of cigarette and parking ticket machines blown up in Chemnitz and the region had risen sharply. Millions of dollars were damaged! bild.126691 In den vergangenen zwei Jahren war die Zahl der gesprengten Zigaretten- und Parkschein-Automaten in Chemnitz und der Region stark angestiegen. Es entstand ein Millionenschaden! The number of cigarette and parking ticket machines blown up in Chemnitz and the region increased drastically over the past two years. Millions of euros' worth of damage was caused. Online-A.1571 After two detonations at the end of May, the police apprehended a 33-year-old German man on Bürgerstraße and Further Straße in Chemnitz. bild.126691 Die Polizei fasste nach zwei Detonationen Ende Mai an der Bürgerstraße und an der Further Straße in Chemnitz einen 33-jährigen Deutschen. The police arrested a 33-year-old German following two detonations in Bürgerstrasse and Further Strasse in Chemnitz at the end of May. Online-A.1571 Police spokesman Andrzej Rydzik: "In the course of the investigation into the cause of explosives explosions in a crime unit with a particularly serious case of theft, which was led by the Chemnitz criminal police, not only this suspicion against the 33-year-old was confirmed." bild.126691 Polizeisprecher Andrzej Rydzik: "Im Zuge der Ermittlungen wegen des Herbeiführens von Sprengstoffexplosionen in Tateinheit mit besonders schwerem Fall des Diebstahls, die durch die Chemnitzer Kriminalpolizei geführt wurden, bestätigte sich nicht nur dieser Verdacht gegen den 33-Jährigen". Police spokesman Andrzej Rydzik: "In the course of investigations by Chemnitz Criminal Investigation Department into explosions in conjunction with a particularly serious case of theft, this is not the only suspicion related to the 33-year-old that was confirmed". Online-A.1571 Confronted with the new evidence, the 33-year-old Chemnitzer now confessed to a total of eight acts. bild.126691 Konfrontiert mit den neuen Beweisen, gestand der 33-jährige Chemnitzer jetzt insgesamt acht Taten. Confronted with the new evidence, the 33-year-old Chemnitz resident has confessed to a total of eight offenses. Online-A.1571 The police spokesman said: "He apparently used the loot to fund his addiction to narcotics." The bomber had blown up parking ticket machines on Bürgerstraße four times between 20 August 2018 and 31 May 2019. bild.126691 Der Polizeisprecher: "Mit der Beute hat er offenbar seine Betäubungsmittelabhängigkeit finanziert". Allein viermal hatte der Bomber zwischen 20. August 2018 und dem 31. Mai 2019 Parkscheinautomaten an der Bürgerstraße gesprengt. Said the police spokesman: "He evidently funded his drug habit with the proceeds." The bomber detonated parking ticket machines in Bürgerstrasse four times between August 20, 2018 and May 31, 2019. Online-A.1571 The total damage incurred amounts to at least EUR 60 000! bild.126691 Der entstandene Gesamtschaden beläuft sich auf mindestens 60 000 Euro! The damage caused amounts to at least EUR 60,000! Online-A.1571 The vending machine bomber is now in custody. The police investigation against him continues. bild.126691 Der Automaten-Bomber sitzt jetzt in Untersuchungshaft. Die polizeilichen Ermittlungen gegen ihn laufen weiter. The vending machine bomber is now in custody awaiting trial. The police investigations into him are continuing. Online-A.1571 It is conceivable that he was also responsible for further automaton explosions in Chemnitz and neighbouring counties. bild.126691 Denkbar, dass er auch für weitere Automaten-Sprengungen in Chemnitz und angrenzenden Landkreisen verantwortlich war. It is conceivable that he was also responsible for blowing up further vending machines in Chemnitz and surrounding areas. Online-A.1571 AUA acquires Eurowings flights from Vienna AUA übernimmt Eurowings-Flüge ab Wien AUA Takes Over Eurowings Flights From Vienna Online-A.1571 The Lufthansa Group is reshaping its strategy for Vienna Airport. Amid the price war with low-cost airlines such as Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet and Level, Lufthansa subsidiary AUA is "taking over the commercial control of all Eurowings flights from Vienna," a spokesman for Austrian Airlines confirmed to APA on Friday. "AviationNetOnline" had previously reported on this. Der Lufthansa-Konzern krempelt seine Strategie für den Flughafen Wien um. Inmitten des Preiskampfes mit Billigfliegern wie Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet und Level übernimmt die Lufthansa-Tochter AUA "die kommerzielle Steuerung aller Eurowings-Flüge ab Wien", bestätigte am Freitag ein Pressesprecher der Austrian Airlines gegenüber der APA. Zuvor hatte "AviationNetOnline" darüber berichtet. The Lufthansa Group is radically changing its strategy for the Vienna Airport. Amid the price war with budget airlines such as Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet, and Level, the Lufthansa subsidiary AUA is taking on "the commercial management of all Eurowings flights leaving Vienna," a press officer from Austrian Airlines confirmed to the APA on Friday. "AviationNetOnline" had made previous reports to that end. Online-A.1571 The Vienna base of Lufthansa's low-cost airline Eurowings will thus be de facto dissolved. Of the current seven Eurowings aircraft, four remain in Vienna. From January 2020, THE AUA will take over this in the "Wetlease", i.e. including Eurowings personnel. In future, three Eurowings jets will be stationed in Salzburg, which will fly from Salzburg and Innsbruck as charter aircraft to holiday destinations. Routes from Vienna to Germany are taken over by Eurowings Germany. Die Wiener Basis des Lufthansa-Billigfliegers Eurowings wird damit de facto aufgelöst. Von den aktuell sieben Eurowings-Flugzeugen bleiben vier in Wien. Diese übernimmt die AUA ab Jänner 2020 im "Wetlease", also inklusive Eurowings-Personal. In Salzburg werden künftig drei Eurowings-Jets stationiert sein, die von Salzburg und Innsbruck als Chartermaschinen zu Urlaubszielen fliegen sollen. Strecken von Wien nach Deutschland werden von Eurowings Deutschland übernommen. This will de facto dissolve the Vienna base of the Lufthansa budget airline Eurowings. Of the seven Eurowings flights currently existing, four will remain in Vienna. Beginning in January 2020, the AUA will take these over in a "wet lease," which includes Eurowings personnel. In the future, three Eurowings jets will be stationed in Salzburg, which will fly from Salzburg and Innsbruck to vacation destinations as chartered planes. Routes from Vienna to Germany will be taken over by Eurowings Deutschland. Online-A.1571 The Eurowings base in Vienna will be integrated into the AUA hub and network planning, the spokesman said. Flight times are to be adjusted to connecting flights. The aim is, on the one hand, to strengthen the Vienna hub and, on the other hand, to expand decentralized traffic from the federal states. Die Eurowings-Basis in Wien werde in das AUA-Drehkreuz und die Netzplanung integriert, erklärte der Sprecher. Die Flugzeiten sollen auf Anschlussflüge abgestimmt werden. Ziel sei einerseits, das Drehkreuz Wien zu stärken und andererseits den dezentralen Verkehr aus den Bundesländern heraus auszubauen. The Eurowings base in Vienna will be integrated into the AUA hub and network planning, the office explained. The flight times will be coordinated with those of connecting flights. The goal is to strengthen the hub in Vienna and expand the decentralized traffic from the federal provinces. Online-A.1571 As AviationNetOnline writes, Eurowings in Vienna only serves as a "production company" for the group's sister COMPANY AUA. For example, Barcelona and Rome would be served with AUA flight numbers, but primarily with Eurowings equipment. Although the on-board product should be adapted to that of Austrian Airlines, the pilots and flight attendants come from Eurowings. According to the report, Eurowings flights departing under AUA flight number will no longer be handled in Terminal 1, but in the same way as the AUA in Terminal 3. Wie AviationNetOnline schreibt, diene Eurowings in Wien nur noch als "Production Company" für die Konzernschwester AUA. So würden unter anderem Barcelona und Rom mit AUA-Flugnummer, aber vornehmlich mit Eurowings-Gerät bedient werden. Das Bordprodukt solle zwar an jenes von Austrian Airlines angepasst werden, die Piloten und Flugbegleiter stammen aber von Eurowings. Die unter AUA-Flugnummer startenden Eurowings-Flüge werden dem Bericht zufolge nicht mehr im Terminal 1, sondern so wie die AUA im Terminal 3 abgefertigt. As AviationNetOnline writes, Eurowings in Vienna still serves only as a "production company" for its sister company AUA. For example, Barcelona, Rome, and other cities would be served with an AUA flight number, but primarily with Eurowings machines. Although the board product will be adapted to that of Austrian Airlines, the pilots and flight attendants will come from Eurowings. The Eurowings flights starting under AUA flight numbers will reportedly no longer begin in Terminal 1, but in Terminal 3 like the AUA. Online-A.1571 A price war has broken out at Vienna Airport after the Niki bankruptcy. Ryanair subsidiary Laudamotion only announced on Thursday that it would increase its fleet in Vienna to 16 aircraft next summer. The Irish low-cost airline is sending four Ryanair aircraft and crews to Vienna, also in the so-called "wetlease," which the union criticised as a circumvention of the collective agreement. Am Flughafen Wien ist nach der Niki-Pleite ein Preiskampf ausgebrochen. Die Ryanair-Tochter Laudamotion kündigte erst am Donnerstag an, die Flotte in Wien nächsten Sommer auf 16 Flugzeuge aufzustocken. Der irische Billigflieger schickt dafür vier Ryanair-Maschinen samt Crews nach Wien, ebenfalls im sogenannten "Wetlease", was die Gewerkschaft als Umgehungskonstrukt zum Kollektivvertrag kritisierte. After the Niki bankruptcy, a price war has broken out at the Vienna Airport. The Ryanair subsidiary Laudamotion announced on Thursday that it would increase its fleet in Vienna to sixteen airplanes next summer. To that end, the Irish budget airline is sending four Ryanair planes and crews to Vienna; this will also be done through a wet lease, which has been criticized by the trade union as a construct for bypassing the collective agreement. Online-A.1571 Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary said on Friday that Lauda will overtake AUA in five years: "We will remain number one at the site, in five, six or ten years." Der Kampfansage von Ryanair-Chef Michael O'Leary, dass Lauda die AUA in fünf Jahren überholt haben wird, entgegnete am Freitag AUA-Vorstand Andreas Otto: "Wir bleiben die Nummer eins am Standort, in fünf, sechs oder zehn Jahren". The challenge laid down by Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary—that Lauda will have overtaken AUA in five years—was countered on Friday by Andreas Otto, the CCO of AUA: "We will remain number one at that location after five, six, or ten years." Online-A.1571 Queen's granddaughter Princess Beatrice is engaged Queen-Enkelin Prinzessin Beatrice ist verlobt Queen's granddaughter Princess Beatrice is engaged Online-A.1571 Beatrice, Eugenie, William and Harry: As children, the cousins were best friends. Now the last of the four is getting married. Beatrice is engaged! Beatrice, Eugenie, William und Harry: Als Kinder waren die Cousins die besten Freunde. Jetzt heiratet die letzte der vier. Beatrice ist verlobt! Beatrice, Eugenie, William, and Harry: These cousins were best friends as children. Now the last of the four is getting married. Beatrice is engaged! Online-A.1571 Wonderful news from the British royals: During the Italian holidays earlier this month, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) is said to have stopped around the hand of his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31). The palace announced this on Thursday. Wunderbare Neuigkeiten von den britischen Royals: In den Italien-Ferien Anfang Monat soll Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) um die Hand seiner Freundin Prinzessin Beatrice (31) angehalten haben. Das gab der Palast am Donnerstag bekannt. Wonderful news from the British royals: On their trip to Italy at the beginning of the month, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi (34) is said to have asked his girlfriend Princess Beatrice (31) for her hand in marriage. This was announced by the palace on Thursday. Online-A.1571 "We are extremely pleased to announce our engagement. We are both so excited to start this adventure together and can't wait to actually be married," the couple, who have been together since October 2018, said in the official statement. "Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, unsere Verlobung bekanntgeben zu können. Wir freuen uns beide so sehr, gemeinsam dieses Abenteuer zu beginnen und können es kaum erwarten, tatsächlich verheiratet zu sein", teilte das Paar, das laut britischen Medienberichten seit Oktober 2018 zusammen ist, in der offiziellen Mitteilung mit. "We are extremely happy to be able to share the news of our recent engagement. We are both so excited to be embarking on this life adventure together and can't wait to be married," the couple officially announced, having been together since October 2018 according to British media reports. Online-A.1571 He added: "We share so many similar interests and values and we know that this will help us a lot in the years to come with love and happiness." Und weiter: "Wir teilen so viele ähnliche Interessen und Werte und wir wissen, dass uns das in den kommenden Jahren voller Liebe und Glück sehr helfen wird". They continued: "We share so many similar interests and values and we know this will stand us in great stead for the years ahead, full of love and happiness." Online-A.1571 Sister Eugenie snapped the pictures Schwester Eugenie knipste die Bilder Sister Eugenie snapped the photos Online-A.1571 The official engagement photos were taken by her sister, Princess Eugenie, 29 - and also posted them on her Instagram account. Die offiziellen Verlobungsfotos hat ihre Schwester, Prinzessin Eugenie (29), aufgenommen - und auch gleich auf ihrem Instagram-Account veröffentlicht. Her sister, Princess Eugenie (29), took the official engagement photos, and also published them on her Instagram account. Online-A.1571 A royal feast Ein royales Fest A royal celebration Online-A.1571 The wedding is scheduled to take place in 2020. More information about the date, location and everything else will be announced by the palace in the coming months. Die Hochzeit soll 2020 stattfinden. Nähere Infos zu Datum, Ort und allem anderen wird der Palast in den kommenden Monaten bekannt geben. The marriage is set to take place in 2020. The palace will announce more detailed information on the date, location, and everything else in the coming months. Online-A.1571 What is certain, however, is that the marriage of number nine to the British heir to the throne and the real estate mogul will be a celebration as big as Eugenie's wedding to Jack Brooksbank(33) on 12 October 2018. Sicher ist aber, dass die Vermählung der Nummer neun der britischen Thronfolge und dem Immobilienmogul ein ähnlich großes Fest wird wie die Trauung von Eugenie am 12. Oktober 2018 mit Jack Brooksbank (33). One thing is certain, however: The wedding of the ninth in line to the British throne and the real estate mogul will be a celebration as large as Eugenie's marriage to Jack Brooksbank (33) on October 12, 2018. Online-A.1571 Study on causes of heart disease Studie zu Ursachen von Herzkrankheiten Study on the causes of heart diseases Online-A.1571 Smoking, obesity, unhealthy diet - there are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. But what really triggers a heart failure or an infarction? Hamburg researchers now want to take a close look at the genetic material of 9,000 healthy and sick people. Rauchen, Übergewicht, ungesunde Ernährung - es gibt Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Aber was löst eine Herzschwäche oder einen Infarkt wirklich aus? Hamburger Forscher wollen sich nun das Erbgut von 9000 gesunden und kranken Menschen genau ansehen. Smoking, being overweight, unhealthy diet—there are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. But what actually triggers heart failure or a heart attack? Hamburg researchers now want to take a precise look at the DNA of 9,000 healthy and sick people. Online-A.1571 Through the analysis of the genetic material of 9000 people, Hamburg and Swiss scientists want to investigate the causes of cardiovascular diseases in more detail. Über die Analyse des Erbguts von 9000 Menschen wollen Hamburger und Schweizer Wissenschaftler den Ursachen von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen detaillierter auf die Spur kommen. By analyzing the DNA of 9,000 people, researchers from Hamburg and Switzerland are attempting to find out exactly what causes cardiovascular diseases. Online-A.1571 The research project is the largest of its kind in the German-speaking world, the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) announced on Friday. The Kühne Foundation is funding the project with 12.5 million euros. From Switzerland, the Davos High Mountain Hospital, which is owned by the Foundation, and the University Hospital Zurich are involved. Das Forschungsprojekt sei das größte dieser Art im deutschsprachigen Raum, teilte das Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) am Freitag mit. Die Kühne-Stiftung fördert das Vorhaben mit 12,5 Millionen Euro. Aus der Schweiz sind die Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, die der Stiftung gehört, und das Universitätsspital Zürich beteiligt. The research project is the largest of its kind in the German-speaking world, announced the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) on Friday. The Kühne Foundation is supporting the initiative with €12.5 million. In Switzerland, the Hochgebirgsklinik Davos Hospital, which belongs to the foundation, and the University Hospital of Zurich are participating. Online-A.1571 Obesity, smoking and unhealthy diet are among the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Genetic factors determine the risk. However, the interaction between genes and external influences is not sufficiently known, it was said. Now the scientists want to compare the complete genetic material of 8000 healthy people with that of 1000 former patients of the University Cardiovascular Centre at the UKE. Übergewicht, Rauchen und ungesunde Ernährung zählen zu den wesentlichen beeinflussbaren Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Genetische Faktoren bestimmen das Risiko mit. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Genen und äußeren Einflüssen sei aber nur unzureichend bekannt, hieß es. Nun wollen die Wissenschaftler das vollständige Erbgut von 8000 gesunden Menschen mit dem von 1000 ehemaligen Patienten des Universitären Herz- und Gefäßzentrums am UKE vergleichen. Being overweight, smoking, and an unhealthy diet are among the key influenceable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Genetic factors also contribute to the risk. The interaction between genes and external influences is not yet sufficiently understood, they say. Researchers now want to compare the entire DNA of 8,000 healthy people with that of 1,000 former patients of the University Heart and Vascular Center at UKE. Online-A.1571 Currently, more than 4,000 of the approximately 20,000 relevant human genes are aware of possible disease-causing changes in DNA - so-called mutations, the hospital said. About 200 would be added each year. Aktuell seien in mehr als 4000 der rund 20.000 relevanten menschlichen Gene mögliche krankheitsverursachende Veränderungen der DNA - sogenannte Mutationen - bekannt, hieß es vom Klinikum. Jedes Jahr kämen etwa 200 hinzu. Currently, more than 4,000 of almost 20,000 relevant human genes are known to cause DNA changes—called mutations—that lead to heart disease, according to the clinic. Approximately 200 are added each year. Online-A.1571 According to the initiators, the aim of the five-year project is to develop new options for the prevention, detection and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure and heart attacks. The data could also be useful in research into other common diseases, according to Stefan Blankenberg, head of the University Cardiovascular Center. New insights into the interaction between the heart and brain, the heart and kidney as well as cancers are possible. Ziel des fünfjährigen Projekts ist es den Initiatoren zufolge, neue Optionen etwa zur Vorsorge, Erkennung und Behandlung von Herzrhythmusstörungen, Herzschwäche und Herzinfarkten zu entwickeln. Die Daten könnten auch bei der Erforschung anderer Volkskrankheiten nützen, so Stefan Blankenberg, Leiter des Universitären Herz- und Gefäßzentrums. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Zusammenspiel zwischen Herz und Hirn, Herz und Niere sowie zu Krebserkrankungen seien möglich. Those behind this five-year project say its goal is to develop new options for preventing, detecting, and treating cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac failure, and cardiac arrest. The data could also be of use when researching other common diseases, says Stefan Blankenberg, Director of the University Heart and Vascular Center. New findings may be made on the interaction between the heart and brain, the heart and nerves, as well as cancers. Online-A.1571 The chairman of the Kühne Foundation, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), also stressed that there is a firm will to use the data to research other diseases. The foundation's clinic in Davos has so far mainly treated allergies. Now a Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine should be established on the medical campus there and a professorship for bioinformatics should be created. In support of his commitment, the logistics entrepreneur, who lives in Switzerland, said that he had open heart surgery in Hamburg three years ago and was very grateful. Der Vorsitzende der Kühne-Stiftung, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), betonte ebenfalls, es gebe den festen Willen, die Daten auch zur Erforschung anderer Krankheiten zu nutzen. Die Klinik der Stiftung in Davos behandelt bislang vor allem Allergien. Nun solle auf dem dortigen Medizincampus ein Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine entstehen und eine Professur für Bioinformatik geschaffen werden. Zur Begründung seines Engagements sagte der in der Schweiz lebende Logistikunternehmer, er sei vor drei Jahren in Hamburg am offenen Herzen operiert worden und sehr dankbar. Chairman of the Kühne Foundation, Klaus-Michael Kühne (82), also stressed the firm intention to use the data to study other diseases also. The foundation's clinic in Davos has primarily treated allergies to date. The medical campus there will now include a Center for Cardiovascular Precision Medicine and employ a professor of bioinformatics. Explaining his commitment to the project, the logistics entrepreneur, who lives in Switzerland, said that he had open-heart surgery three years ago in Hamburg and is very grateful. Online-A.1571 The biosamples of the healthy participants come from hamburgers, who also participate in the "Hamburg City Health Study". With 45,000 volunteers, this is the largest local health study in the world, according to the hospital. The scientists assured that strict attention was paid to the protection of anonymised data when it was used to encrypt the genetic classification. It is about a petabyte (1000 terabytes) of data, said Holger Moch of the University Hospital Zurich. Die Bioproben der gesunden Teilnehmer stammen von Hamburgern, die auch bei der "Hamburg City Health Study" mitmachen. Mit 45.000 Probanden ist das nach Angaben des Klinikums die größte lokale Gesundheitsstudie der Welt. Bei der Erbgutentschlüsselung werde streng auf den Schutz der anonymisierten Daten geachtet, versicherten die Wissenschaftler. Es gehe um ein Petabyte (1000 Terabyte) an Daten, sagte Holger Moch vom Universitätsspital Zürich. The biomaterial of healthy participants comes from citizens of Hamburg who were also taking part in the Hamburg City Health Study. At 45,000 test subjects, this is the largest local healthy study in the world, according to information from the clinic. Researchers affirmed that the protection of anonymous data would be strictly ensured when deciphering the DNA. There will be a petabyte (1000 terabytes) of data, said Holger Moch from the University Hospital of Zurich. Online-A.1571 According to the UKE, a person's genetic material can now be deciphered within 24 hours. The pure material costs for this would be 1300 euros. The first gene sequencing worldwide, the results of which were published in 2001, still cost several hundred million euros. The study is scheduled to start on 1 October and all 9000 samples are expected to be analysed by the end of 2020. Initial results are expected the following year. Das Erbgut eines Menschen kann heute laut UKE innerhalb von 24 Stunden entschlüsselt werden. Die reinen Sachkosten dafür lägen bei 1300 Euro. Die erste Gen-Sequenzierung weltweit, deren Ergebnisse 2001 veröffentlicht wurden, habe noch mehrere Hundert Millionen Euro gekostet. Die Studie soll am 1. Oktober beginnen, bereits Ende 2020 sollen alle 9000 Proben analysiert sein. Im Jahr darauf werden erste Ergebnisse erwartet. Today, a person's DNA can be deciphered within 24 hours, according to UKE. The purely material costs for this amount to €1,300. The first genetic sequencing in the world, whose results were published in 2001, cost several hundred millions of euros. The study is set to begin on October 1, and all 9,000 subjects are to be analyzed by the end of 2020. The initial results are expected in the following year. Online-A.1571 Nigerian police free hundreds of abused boys zeit.64417 Nigerianische Polizei befreit hunderte misshandelte Jungen Nigerian police frees hundreds of abused boys Online-A.1571 In Nigeria, police have freed more than 300 tortured and abused boys from a Koranic school. According to local residents, security forces searched the school in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna and discovered the victims, some of them minors, according to police spokesman Yakubu Sabo. "The victims were mistreated. Some of them claimed to have been raped by their teachers," Sabo said. zeit.64417 In Nigeria hat die Polizei mehr als 300 gefolterte und missbrauchte Jungen aus einer Koranschule befreit. Nach Hinweisen von Anwohnern durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte die Schule in der nordnigerianischen Stadt Kaduna und entdeckten die zum Teil noch minderjährigen Opfer, wie Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo mitteilte. "Die Opfer wurden misshandelt. Einige von ihnen gaben an, von ihren Lehrern vergewaltigt worden zu sein", sagte Sabo. In Nigeria, the police freed more than 300 mistreated and abused boys from a Quran school. According to information from local residents, security forces searched the school in the town of Kaduna in northern Nigeria and discovered the victims, some of whom were still minors, according to police spokesman Yakubu Sabo. "The victims were mistreated. Several of them claimed to have been raped by teachers", stated Sabo. Online-A.1571 The boys were detained on the pretext of being taught and "improved" in the Koran. In fact, the protégés were held by their teachers in "the most degrading and inhumane conditions," Sabo said. About a hundred students, including children as young as nine, were chained up in a small room. zeit.64417 Die Jungen seien unter dem Vorwand festgehalten worden, im Koran unterrichtet und "gebessert" zu werden. Tatsächlich seien die Schützlinge von ihren Lehrern unter "entwürdigendsten und unmenschlichsten Bedingungen" festgehalten worden, sagte Sabo. Etwa hundert Schüler, darunter Kinder im Alter von neun Jahren, seien in einem kleinen Raum angekettet gewesen. The boys had been held captive under the pretext of being taught and "improved" in the Quran. In actual fact, the students were imprisoned by their teachers in "the most degrading and subhuman conditions", said Sabo. Around a hundred students, including nine year old children were chained up in a small room. Online-A.1571 The Koranic school had been in existence for about ten years. Residents had alerted the authorities to repeated irregularities in the facility. The parents were shocked when they were informed about the conditions in the Koranic school, Sabo said. They would have had no idea of the suffering of their children. The operator and six employees were arrested, according to police. zeit.64417 Die Koranschule bestand den Angaben zufolge seit rund zehn Jahren. Anwohner hätten die Behörden auf wiederholte Unregelmäßigkeiten in der Einrichtung aufmerksam gemacht. Die Eltern hätten sich schockiert gezeigt, als sie über die Zustände in der Koranschule unterrichtet wurden, sagte Sabo. Sie hätten von den Leiden ihrer Kinder nichts geahnt. Der Betreiber und sechs Mitarbeiter wurden laut Polizei festgenommen. According to the statements, the Quran school existed for about ten years. The residents had repeatedly pointed out incidents in the institution to the authorities. The parents were shocked as they learned of the state of the Quran school, stated Sabo. They had no knowledge of the suffering their children were being put through. The manager and six employees were arrested, according to the police. Online-A.1571 In Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north, there are many private Koranic schools. They replace the often deficient state institutions. People in the region suffer frequent attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN refugee agency, more than 40,000 people have fled across the border to the neighboring state of Niger in the past ten months. zeit.64417 Im überwiegend muslimischen Norden Nigerias gibt es viele private Koranschulen. Sie ersetzen die oft mangelhaften staatlichen Einrichtungen. Die Menschen in der Region leiden unter häufigen Angriffen bewaffneter Banden. Nach Angaben des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks flohen deshalb in den vergangenen zehn Monaten mehr als 40.000 Menschen über die Grenze in den Nachbarstaat Niger. There are many private Quran schools in the predominantly Muslim northern Nigeria. They often replace the insufficient state institutions. The people of the region are often subjected to attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN Refugee Agency, more than 40,000 people have fled across the border to the neighboring country of Niger in the past ten months. Online-A.1571 Chained and tortured: Nigeria police free 400 children from school Angekettet und gefoltert: Nigerias Polizei befreit 400 Kinder aus Schule Chained and tortured: Nigeria's police releases 400 children from school Online-A.1571 Police have freed nearly 400 students from appalling conditions at a school in northern Nigeria. "Many of them were chained and some had visible injuries indicating torture," said police spokesman Yakubu Sabo in the city of Kaduna. Polizisten haben in einer Schule im Norden Nigerias fast 400 Schüler aus entsetzlichen Verhältnissen befreit. "Viele von ihnen waren angekettet und einige hatten sichtbare Verletzungen, die auf Folter hindeuten", sagte Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo in der Stadt Kaduna. Police in a school in the north of Nigeria have freed almost 400 students from horrific circumstances. "Many of them were chained up and had visible injuries indicating torture," said police representative Yakubu Sabo in the city of Kaduna. Online-A.1571 The children were discovered there on Thursday after a tip-in at an Islamic school. The conditions there were "inhumane." Officers detained the headmaster and six teachers after the liberation action. Dort waren die Kinder am Donnerstag nach einem Hinweis in einer islamisch geprägten Schule entdeckt worden. Die Zustände dort seien "menschenunwürdig" gewesen. Die Beamten nahmen den Schulleiter und sechs Lehrer nach der Befreiungsaktion fest. After a tip-off, Children had been discovered in an Islamic school on Thursday. The conditions there are said to have been "inhuman." The employees arrested the headmaster and six teachers after the rescue mission. Online-A.1571 The children, all boys, were kept like slaves at their school and laid on chains. Some were sexually abused. Television images showed emaciated and injured students in a visibly poor state of health. Die Kinder, allesamt Jungen, seien an ihrer Schule wie Sklaven gehalten und an Ketten gelegt worden. Einige seien sexuell missbraucht worden. Fernsehbilder zeigten abgemagerte und verletzte Schüler in einem erkennbar schlechten Gesundheitszustand. The children, all of them boys, had been kept like slaves and put in chains. Some of them had been sexually abused. Television pictures showed emaciated and injured students in a recognizably bad health condition. Online-A.1571 World footballer's choice: More allegations after Messi and Klopp's selection welt.263082 Weltfußballerwahl: Weitere Vorwürfe nach Messis und Klopps Kür The Best FIFA Football Awards: More reproaches after Messi´s and Klopp´s freestyle Online-A.1571 Football "Signature not valid" welt.263082 Fußball "Unterschrift nicht gültig" Soccer "Signature not valid" Online-A.1571 Jurgen Klopp, Lionel Messi and Megan Rapinoe honoured welt.263082 Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi und Megan Rapinoe ausgezeichnet Jürgen Klopp, Lionel Messi and Megan Rapinoe honored Online-A.1571 World football's governing body Fifa is honouring the best player, the best player and the best coach of the year with a gala in Milan. For Lionel Messi, it is the sixth honour and thus record. welt.263082 Mit einer Gala in Mailand zeichnet der Weltfußballverband Fifa die beste Spielerin, den besten Spieler und den besten Trainer des Jahres aus. Für Lionel Messi ist es die sechste Ehrung und damit Rekord. At a gala in Milan, the World Football Association Fifa honors the best male and female player, and the best coach of the year. This is Messi´s sixth award and a record. Online-A.1571 After Nicaragua's captain said he had never voted in the world footballer's election, accusations from other countries have come to Fifa. Egypt was not judged at all - with a curious justification. welt.263082 Nachdem Nicaraguas Kapitän erklärte, er habe bei der Weltfußballer-Wahl nie abgestimmt, kommen aus weiteren Ländern Vorwürfe an die Fifa. Ägypten wurde gar nicht gewertet - mit einer kuriosen Begründung. After Nicaragua's captain declared that he had never voted in The Best FIFA Football Awards, reproaches are reaching FIFA from other countries. Egypt was not rated at all—due to a curious reason. Online-A.1571 Much of Fifa has proved offensive in recent years: the World Cup awards, dubious plans of its president Gianni Infantino, the general behaviour of various corrupt officials. However, the Fifa world footballer election has not yet been suspected of going unclean - apart from the fact that the national coaches and national team captains of the member federations who are entitled to vote often vote for sympathy rather than objective assessment. welt.263082 Vieles bei der Fifa hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren als anrüchig erwiesen: die WM-Vergaben, dubiose Pläne ihres Präsidenten Gianni Infantino, das generelle Verhalten diverser korrupter Funktionäre. Die Fifa-Weltfußballer-Wahl geriet bislang allerdings nicht in den Verdacht, unsauber abzulaufen - wenn man davon absieht, dass die stimmberechtigten Nationaltrainer und Nationalmannschaftskapitäne der Mitgliedsverbände oft eher nach Sympathie denn nach objektiver Einschätzung abstimmen. There were several objectionable points at Fifa in recent years: the World Cup awards, president Gianni Infantino´s dubious plans, the general behavior of various corrupt officials. So far, however, The Best FIFA Football Awards have not been suspected of being unfair—apart from the fact that the voting national coaches and national team captains of the member associations often vote according to likeability rather than voting objectively. Online-A.1571 But after Nicaragua's captain complained that he had not voted at all, further inconsistencies are now emerging: Egypt complains that the votes of national coach Hossam El-Badry and captain Mohamed Salah have not been taken into account. In fact, they do not appear in the official and publicly available voting table. welt.263082 Doch nachdem bereits Nicaraguas Kapitän beklagt hatte, er habe überhaupt nicht abgestimmt, treten nun weitere Ungereimtheiten zutage: Ägypten beklagt, dass die Stimmen von Nationaltrainer Hossam El-Badry und Kapitän Mohamed Salah nicht berücksichtigt wurden. In der Tat tauchen sie in der offiziellen und öffentlich einsehbaren Abstimmungsübersicht nicht auf. But further inconsistencies are now emerging after Nicaragua's captain had expressed that he had not voted at all: Egypt claims that the votes by national coach Hossam El-Badry and captain Mohamed Salah were not taken into account. In fact, they did not appear in the official and publicly available voting overview. Online-A.1571 Fifa apologises for the fact that "the signatures on the election forms were in capital letters and therefore not valid". The Egyptian federation had been contacted several times to clarify the situation - without replying. welt.263082 Die Fifa entschuldigt sich insofern, dass "die Unterschriften auf den Wahlformularen in Großbuchstaben abgegeben und daher nicht gültig" gewesen seien. Man habe den ägyptischen Verband mehrfach kontaktiert, um die Situation zu klären - ohne Antwort. Fifa apologized with the statement that "the signatures on the election forms were in capital letters and therefore not valid". The Egyptian association had been contacted several times to clarify the situation, but so far no reply has been received. Online-A.1571 Sudan's coach also stunned welt.263082 Sudans Trainer auch verwundert Sudan´s Coach is also surprised Online-A.1571 There is also an outcry from Sudan over the election. While the situation in the case of Egypt is understandable, the Sudanese federation states that coach Zdravko Lugarisic did not vote as it was finally ranked: with Lionel Messi in first place, Virgil van Dijk on two and Sadio Mané on three. According to Fifa, however, the vote was the same, with signatures and official stamps from the Sudanese federation. welt.263082 Auch aus dem Sudan gibt es bezüglich der Wahl einen Aufschrei. Während die Sachlage im Fall Ägyptens nachvollziehbar ist, gibt der sudanesische Verband an, dass Trainer Zdravko Lugarisic nicht so abgestimmt habe, wie es schließlich gewertet wurde: mit Lionel Messi auf Platz eins, Virgil van Dijk auf zwei und Sadio Mané auf drei. Laut Fifa sei die Abstimmung aber genauso so eingegangen, mit Unterschriften und offiziellem Stempel des sudanesischen Verbandes. There has also been an outcry from Sudan regarding the awards. While the situation is understandable in Egypt's case, the Sudanese association claims that coach Zdravko Lugarisic did not vote the way it was ultimately scored: with Lionel Messi in first place, Virgil van Dijk in second and Sadio Mané in third. According to Fifa, however, this was the submitted vote, with signatures and the official stamp of the Sudanese association. Online-A.1571 Nicaragua's captain Juan Barrera had also made accusations: "Didn't vote for the #TheBest2019 Awards. All the information about my vote is false, thank you," he wrote. In his case, it was suspected that the Nicaraguan Football Association simply voted on his behalf. welt.263082 Vorwürfe hatte auch Nicaraguas Kapitän Juan Barrera erhoben: "Habe nicht für die #TheBest2019 Awards abgestimmt. Alle Angaben zu meiner Stimme sind falsch, danke", schrieb er. In seinem Fall wurde vermutet, dass der nicaraguanische Fußballverband einfach in seinem Namen abgestimmt hat. Nicaragua's captain Juan Barrera had also made accusations: "I haven´t voted in the #TheBest2019 Awards. All entries on my vote are untrue, thank you", he wrote. In his case it was suspected that the Nicaraguan Football Association had simply voted on his behalf. Online-A.1571 On Friday, the association announced: True, but was of course not intentional. The completed election documents were "mistakenly" marked with the name and signature of Juan Barrera, the captain of the Nicaraguan selection, the association said in a statement. But the second captain, Manuel Rosas, actually voted. "We accept responsibility for the administrative error," the statement said. However, both Rosas and team coach Henry Duarte would have voted for Messi "as it is on FIFA's official list." welt.263082 Vom Verband kam am Freitag nun die Meldung: Stimmt, aber war natürlich keine Absicht. Die ausgefüllten Wahlunterlagen seien "irrtümlicherweise" mit dem Namen und der Unterschrift von Juan Barrera, dem Kapitän der nicaraguanischen Auswahl, versehen worden, hieß es in einer Mitteilung des Verbands. Gewählt habe aber eigentlich der zweite Kapitän Manuel Rosas. "Wir übernehmen die Verantwortung für den Verwaltungsfehler", hieß es in der Mitteilung. Sowohl Rosas als auch Mannschaftstrainer Henry Duarte hätten aber für Messi gestimmt, "ganz so, wie es in der offiziellen Liste der FIFA steht". The association sent out a message on Friday: This is true, but it was of, course, not done on purpose. The completed documents were "mistakenly" marked with the name and signature of Juan Barrera, the captain of the Nicaraguan selection, according to a message from the association. The person who actually voted was the second captain, Manuel Rosas. "We take responsibility for the administrative error," the message said. Both Rosas and team coach Henry Duarte had voted for Messi,however, "just as the official FIFA list indicates". Online-A.1571 Fifa is now investigating the other cases, but insists the election process was overseen externally by the consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers. As long as Lionel Messi remains the undisputed winner of the world footballer's choice - and Jürgen Klopp's world coach of the year. welt.263082 Die anderen Fälle lässt die Fifa in einer Untersuchung nun prüfen, betont aber, dass der Wahlvorgang extern von der Beratungsfirma PriceWaterhouseCoopers beaufsichtigt wurde. Solange bleibt Lionel Messi erst mal unbestrittener Sieger der Weltfußballer-Wahl - und Jürgen Klopp Welttrainer des Jahres. Fifa is now investigating the other cases, but stresses that the process was supervised externally by the consulting company PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Until then, Lionel Messi remains the undisputed winner of The Best FIFA Football Awards—and Jürgen Klopp World Coach of the Year. Online-A.1571 Ukraine affair: Senior Republicans call for official investigation zeit.64402 Ukraine-Affäre: Ranghohe Republikaner sprechen sich für offizielle Untersuchung aus The Ukraine scandal: High-ranking Republicans support official investigation Online-A.1571 Two senior Republicans have openly called for an official investigation into US President and party friend Donald Trump. "I think the investigation is important," said Vermont Republican Governor Phil Scott. "Where this leads from here is determined by the facts that are established". He said he wanted to know more about the whistleblower affair before action was taken. Impeachment proceedings can lead to the removal of the President. zeit.64402 Zwei ranghohe Republikaner haben sich offen für eine offizielle Untersuchung gegen den US-Präsidenten und Parteifreund Donald Trump ausgesprochen. "Ich denke, die Untersuchung ist wichtig", sagte der republikanische Gouverneur des US-Bundesstaates Vermont, Phil Scott. "Wo das von hier aus hinführt, wird von den Fakten bestimmt, die festgestellt werden". Er wolle mehr über die Whistleblower-Affäre wissen, bevor Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Ein Impeachment-Verfahren kann zur Absetzung des Präsidenten führen. Two high-ranking republicans have spoken out in support of an investigation against the US President and party member Donald Trump. "I believe the investigation is important", stated the republican governor of Vermont Phil Scott. "Where the investigation goes from here will be determined by the established facts". He wanted to know more about scandal before taking any action. The impeachment procedure can lead to the removal of the President from office. Online-A.1571 Scott said he was not surprised by the revelations. These had shown that Trump had repeatedly called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyy in a phone call to investigate the activities of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Scott said Trump has been watching Biden "for years." zeit.64402 Scott sagte, er sei von den Enthüllungen nicht überrascht. Diese hatten gezeigt, dass Trump den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj wiederholt in einem Telefonat aufgefordert hatte, die Tätigkeiten des demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerbers und früheren Vizepräsidenten Joe Biden in der Ukraine zu untersuchen. Scott zufolge beobachte Trump Biden "seit Jahren". Scott stated he was not surprised by the discoveries. It was revealed that during the telephone call, Trump had repeatedly urged the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the activities of democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Scott stated that Trump had been watching Biden "for years". Online-A.1571 Republicans have so far held back with criticism of Trump over the whistleblower affair, but few have been uneasy about it. Scott's comments are now a first sign of this in Trump's party. The moderate Virginia governor had repeatedly opposed Trump's policies, such as loosening environmental regulations and tightening immigration rules. zeit.64402 Die Republikaner haben sich bislang mit Kritik an Trump wegen der Whistleblower-Affäre zurückgehalten, nur wenige haben Unbehagen deswegen erkennen lassen. Scotts Äußerungen sind nun ein erstes Anzeichen dafür in Trumps Partei. Dabei hatte sich der moderate Gouverneur von Virginia bereits mehrmals gegen Trumps Politik gewandt, etwa gegen die Lockerung von Umweltschutzvorschriften und der Verschärfung von Einwanderungsvorschriften. The republicans have so far withheld their criticism of Trump regarding the whistleblower scandal and only a few expressed concern. Scott's statements are the first sign of these concerns within Trump's party. The moderate Governor of Virginia, has already pushed back against Trump's policy multiple times, such as when he opposed loosening environmental regulations and increasing immigration requirements. Online-A.1571 Another senior Republican, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, also called for the investigation. "It's a deeply disturbing situation," Baker said. "The right course of action and the responsibility for Congress now is to investigate the matter and get to the bottom of it," he said. zeit.64402 Als weiterer ranghoher Republikaner sprach sich auch Charlie Baker, Gouverneur von Massachusetts, für die Untersuchung aus. "Es ist eine tief verstörende Situation", sagte Baker. "Die richtige Vorgehensweise und die Verantwortung für den Kongress ist jetzt, die Sache zu untersuchen und ihr auf den Grund zu gehen". Charlie Baker, Governor of Massachusetts, is another high-ranking republican who spoke out in favor of the investigation. "This is a deeply disturbing situation", said Baker. "It is the right course of action and the responsibility of Congress to investigate the situation and get to the bottom of it". Online-A.1571 As governor of the Us states, Scott and Baker have no formal say in the case against Trump, which is decided in Congress. Your statements are therefore particularly important symbolically. Still, first Republican senators have also been critical of the situation. Mitt Romney, for example, who represents the state of Utah in the second chamber of parliament, said the case was "extremely disturbing, deeply disturbing." Us media also report that the first cracks are emerging internally among Republicans. zeit.64402 Scott und Baker haben als Gouverneur von US-Bundesstaaten formal keine Mitsprache im Verfahren gegen Trump, über das im Kongress entschieden wird. Ihr Äußerungen sind daher vor allem symbolisch wichtig. Dennoch haben sich auch erste Senatoren der Republikaner kritisch über die Situation geäußert. Mitt Romney etwa, der den Bundesstaat Utah in der zweiten Parlamentskammer vertritt, sagte, der Fall sei "extrem verstörend, zutiefst verstörend". US-Medien berichten darüber hinaus, dass sich unter den Republikaner intern erste Risse auftäten. As governors, Scott and Baker have no right to formally participate in the proceedings against Trump, as the decision will be made by the Congress. Their statements therefore bear symbolic significance. Nevertheless, the first Republican Senators have expressed criticism regarding the situation. Mitt Romney, the Utah representative in the second chamber of Parliament, stated that the case was "extremely disturbing, deeply disturbing". In addition, the US media report the first internal rifts have appeared amongst the Republicans. Online-A.1571 The affair could result in the impeachment of Trump, and House Democrats have announced an investigation into it. They accuse him of abuse of power for the purpose of foreign influence for his own political gain. zeit.64402 Die Affäre könnte in der Einleitung eines Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump münden, die Demokraten im Repräsentantenhaus haben dazu eine Untersuchung angekündigt. Sie werfen ihm Machtmissbrauch zum Zweck ausländischer Einflussnahme für den eigenen politischen Nutzen vor. This scandal could result in the initiation of the impeachment proceedings against Trump, the Democrats in the House of Representatives have already announced an investigation. He was accused of abusing power for the purpose of gaining foreign influence for his own political benefit. Online-A.1571 There is no precise timetable for impeachment. With their majority in the House of Representatives, Democrats could seek a so-called impeachment. But the decision on actual impeachment would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans have a majority. The chances of success of such a procedure are therefore slim. So far, no U.S. president has been removed from office by impeachment proceedings. zeit.64402 Für das Amtsenthebungsverfahren gibt es keinen genauen Zeitplan. Mit ihrer Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus könnten die Demokraten ein sogenanntes Impeachment anstrengen. Die Entscheidung über eine tatsächliche Amtsenthebung fiele aber im Senat, wo Trumps Republikaner die Mehrheit haben. Die Aussichten auf Erfolg eines solchen Verfahrens sind daher gering. Bisher wurde noch kein US-Präsident durch ein Impeachment-Verfahren des Amtes enthoben. There is no exact schedule regarding the impeachment procedure. The Democrats could call for impeachment due to holding the majority in the House of Representatives. However, the decision regarding an actual removal from office would be made in the Senate, where Trump's Republicans hold the majority. Therefore, such a procedure has low chances of success. To date, no US President has been removed from office through an impeachment procedure. Online-A.1571 Were torturers on board Rackete's "Sea Watch"? Waren Folterer an Board von Racketes "Sea Watch"? Were torturers on board Rackete's Sea Watch? Online-A.1571 Three men have been arrested in Sicily for allegedly raping and murdering in Libyan refugee camps. Drei Männer sind in Sizilien festgenommen worden, sie sollen in libyschen Flüchtlingslagern vergewaltigt und gemordet haben. Three men have been arrested in Sicily who are alleged to have tortured and murdered people in Libyan refugee camps. Online-A.1571 German captain Carola Rackete, 31, was arrested in June after illegally sailing to the port of Lampedusa with the rescue ship "Sea Watch 3" and 53 Libyan refugees on board. After violent protests and international criticism - including from Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen - her house arrest was lifted after a few days by an Italian judge. Die deutsche Kapitänin Carola Rackete (31) war im Juni festgenommen worden, nachdem sie mit dem Rettungsschiff "Sea Watch 3" und 53 lybischen Flüchtlingen an Bord unerlaubt den Hafen von Lampedusa angesteuert hatte. Nach heftigen Protesten und internationaler Kritik - auch von Österreichs Bundespräsident Alexander van der Bellen - wurde ihr Hausarrest nach wenigen Tagen von einer italienischen Richterin wieder aufgehoben. The German captain, Carola Rackete (31), was arrested in June after she made an unpermitted stop in the port of Lampedusa with the rescue ship Sea Watch 3 and 53 Libyan refugees on board. Following fierce protests and international criticism—including from Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen—her house arrest was lifted by Italian judges after just a few days. Online-A.1571 Now new serious allegations are being made against Rackete. For example, three men accused of torture in Libyan refugee camps may have arrived in Italy with the "Sea-Watch 3". The suspects were apprehended at a reception centre in Messina, Sicily, after migrants recognised their tormentors in Italy. "We cannot rule this out, but we do not have any reliable information on it," Sea Watch spokesman Ruben Neugebauer told the German Press Agency. Jetzt werden neue schwere Vorwürfe gegen Rackete laut. So könnten drei Männern, denen Folter in libyschen Flüchtlingslagern vorgeworfen wird, mit der "Sea-Watch 3" in Italien angekommen sein. Die Verdächtigen sind in einem Aufnahmelager in Messina (Sizilien) gefasst worden, nachdem Migranten ihre Peiniger in Italien wiedererkannt hatten. "Wir können das nicht ausschließen, haben aber selbst keine gesicherten Informationen dazu", sagte "Sea Watch"-Sprecher Ruben Neugebauer der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. There are now new serious allegations against Rackete. She may have helped the three men, who are accused of torture at Libyan refugee camps, enter Italy on the Sea Watch 3. The suspects were taken into custody at a reception center in Messina (Sicily) after migrants recognized their torturers in Italy. "We cannot rule it out, but we have no precise information," said Sea Watch spokesman, Ruben Neugebauer, to German news agency dpa. Online-A.1571 Police said in mid-September that the suspects had been raped, tortured and even murdered in the North African country. They were Mohammed C. (27) from Guinea, and the two Egyptians Hameda A. (26) and Mahmoud A (24). "The migrants were systematically harassed and subjected to atrocities - through repeated and constant physical violence," the statement said at the time. Von der Polizei hieß es Mitte September, dass die Verdächtigen in dem nordafrikanischen Land vergewaltigt, gequält und sogar gemordet hätten. Es handele sich um Mohammed C. (27) aus Guinea, und die beiden Ägypter Hameda A. (26) und Mahmoud A (24). "Die Migranten wurden systematisch schikaniert und Gräueltaten ausgesetzt - durch wiederholte und ständige körperliche Gewalt", hieß es damals in der Mitteilung. Police said in mid-September that the suspects had raped, tortured, and even murdered people in the North African country. The suspects are Mohammed C. (27) from Guinea, and two Egyptians, Hameda A. (26) and Mahmoud A (24). "The migrants were systematically harassed and subjected to cruelty through repeated and continual physical violence," they said in the statement. Online-A.1571 NGOs and aid organisations are now pointing out that they cannot know exactly who is coming on to the ships. 'We can't scan who the people are. They come without passports," Neugebauer said. Torture is one of the main reasons why people are fleeing Libya. It is therefore quite probable that there are also perpetrators on the ships. "It is therefore very important that this is investigated". NGO und Hilfsorganisationen weisen jetzt darauf hin, dass sie nicht genau wissen können, wer auf die Schiffe kommt. "Wir können nicht scannen, wer die Leute sind. Die kommen ohne Pässe", sagte Neugebauer. Folter sei einer der Hauptgründe, warum die Menschen aus Libyen fliehen. Es sei daher durchaus wahrscheinlich, dass sich auch Täter auf den Schiffen befinden. "Es ist daher sehr wichtig, dass dem nachgegangen wird". NGOs and aid organizations are now indicating that they are unable to know precisely who boards the ships. "We cannot scan to see who the people are. They come without passports," said Neugebauer. Torture is one of the main reasons that people flee Libya, he added, so it is very probable that perpetrators are also on the ships. "It is therefore very important that we keep track of this". Online-A.1571 Italy's right-hand-back former interior minister Matteo Salvini immediately demanded an apology from Rackete, who is still under investigation in Italy for aiding illegal immigration. Italiens rechter Ex-Innenminister Matteo Salvini forderte von Rackete, gegen die in Italien wegen Beihilfe zu illegaler Einwanderung noch ermittelt wird, umgehend eine Entschuldigung. Italy's conservative former Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, called for Rackete, who is still under investigation in Italy for aiding and abetting illegal immigration, to make an immediate apology. Online-A.1571 Musk aims for delivery record at Tesla Musk strebt Auslieferungsrekord bei Tesla an Musk seeks delivery record for Tesla Online-A.1571 Tesla CEO Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. Tesla-Chef Elon Musk hat seinem Elektroautokonzern mit der Aussicht auf neue Rekordzahlen kräftig Auftrieb an der Börse gegeben. Tesla boss Elon Musk has given his electric car company a strong boost on the stock market with the prospect of new record numbers. Online-A.1571 "We have a chance to reach our first quarter with 100,000 deliveries," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by the industry blog "Electrek." "Wir haben die Chance, unser erstes Quartal mit 100.000 Auslieferungen zu erreichen", schrieb Musk in einer vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. "We have the opportunity to reach 100,000 deliveries in our first quarter," Musk wrote in an email to Tesla employees published by industry blog Electrek. Online-A.1571 Demand is strong, allowing Tesla to place 110,000 orders, Musk's circular continued. The challenge, he said, is to get the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla must provide as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110.000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hieß es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. Demand is so strong that Tesla was able to record 110,000 orders, according to Musk's newsletter. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible at quarter-end. Online-A.1571 Investors liked this: Tesla's shares were trading at more than 6 percent. The share price has not risen so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered more than 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefiel das: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95.000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The price has not increased so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered around 95,000 cars and hit its best value to date. Online-A.1571 Musk needs records to achieve his lofty goals. In 2019, he plans to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. For this, six-figure figures will have to be produced in the current and coming quarters. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there have been recent losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360.000 bis 400.000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019, he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but its profit margins are low. There have been losses recently despite the boom. Online-A.1571 U.S. budget dispute: Once again, only bridge financing US-Budgetstreit: Erneut nur eine Brückenfinanzierung US Budget Dispute: Once More, Only Bridge Financing Online-A.1571 The new financial year will begin in the United States on 1 October without a proper budget. The Senate passed the House of Representatives on Thursday and passed transitional funding until November 21. Das neue Haushaltsjahr wird in den USA am 1. Oktober ohne ein ordentliches Budget beginnen. Der Senat ist am Donnerstag dem Repräsentantenhaus gefolgt und hat eine Übergangsfinanzierung bis am 21. November beschlossen. The USA's new financial year will begin on October 1 without a proper budget. On Thursday, the Senate followed the House of Representatives and ratified temporary financing until November 21. Online-A.1571 Although the US Congress and President Donald Trump agreed in August to increase spending caps for the 2020 and 2021 financial years, the United States is once again without spending plans before the new fiscal year begins on October 1. The Senate passed the House of Representatives on Thursday and passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) until November 21. Without such a decision, there would have been a shutdown at midnight on Monday, a partial closure of the federal administration. President Trump has yet to enforce the decision. Obwohl sich der amerikanische Kongress und Präsident Donald Trump im August auf eine Erhöhung der Ausgabenobergrenzen für die Haushaltsjahre 2020 und 2021 geeinigt haben, stehen die Vereinigten Staaten vor dem am 1. Oktober beginnenden neuen Fiskaljahr einmal mehr ohne Ausgabenpläne da. Der Senat ist am Donnerstag dem Repräsentantenhaus gefolgt und hat eine Übergangsfinanzierung (Continuing Resolution, CR) bis am 21. November beschlossen. Ohne einen solchen Beschluss wäre es am Montag um Mitternacht zu einem Shutdown gekommen, einer Teilschliessung der Bundesverwaltung. Präsident Trump muss den Beschluss noch in Kraft setzen. Although the American Congress and President Donald Trump agreed in August to raise the expenditure ceiling for financial years 2020 and 2021, the United States is once more facing the new fiscal year, which begins on October 1, without a spending plan. On Thursday, the Senate followed the House of Representatives and ratified temporary financing (Continuing Resolution, CR) until November 21. Without such a decision, a shutdown (a partial closure of the federal administration) would have occurred on Monday at midnight. President Trump still has to set the decision into effect. Online-A.1571 Shutdown averted Shutdown abgewendet Shutdown Averted Online-A.1571 For the time being, the Federal Administration will now be financed at the level and in accordance with the priorities of the spending plans for the 2019 financial year, which ends on Monday. This is because Congress has not been able to agree on the 12 spending bills that allocate the funds to the various departments and agencies. For the time being, therefore, the Federal Administration cannot take the 1.3 bio for the new financial year. to 1.4 organic. • benefit from extended spending frameworks. Vorläufig wird nun die Bundesverwaltung auf dem Niveau und gemäss den Prioritäten der Ausgabenpläne für das am Montag zu Ende gehende Haushaltsjahr 2019 finanziert. Dies, weil sich der Kongress nicht rechtzeitig auf die 12 Ausgabengesetze hat einigen können, die den verschiedenen Departementen und Behörden die Mittel zuweisen. Die Bundesverwaltung kann deshalb vorerst nicht von dem für das neue Haushaltsjahr von 1,3 Bio. auf 1,4 Bio. $ erweiterten Ausgabenrahmen profitieren. The federal administration will now be temporarily financed on the level of, and according to, the priorities of the spending plans for the financial year 2019, which ends on Monday. This is because Congress was unable to agree in time on the 12 spending bills that allocate the funds to the various departments and government agencies. For the time being, therefore, the federal government cannot profit from the spending framework, which has been expanded from 1.3 billion to 1.4 billion. Online-A.1571 Democrats have passed 10 of the 12 bills in the House of Representatives, where they have a majority. But the spending bills reflect priorities for Democrats who have little chance in the Republican-dominated Senate. Conversely, the Senate also has ten of the twelve spending plans more or less ready, which are hardly capable of winning a majority. Die Demokraten haben im Repräsentantenhaus, wo sie die Mehrheit haben, zehn der zwölf Gesetze fertiggestellt. Die Ausgabengesetze reflektieren aber Prioritäten der Demokraten, die im von den Republikanern dominierten Senat kaum Chancen haben. Umgekehrt hat der Senat ebenfalls zehn der zwölf Ausgabenpläne mehr oder weniger bereit, die kaum mehrheitsfähig sind. The Democrats in the House of Representatives, where they hold the majority, have completed ten of the twelve bills. The spending bills reflect the Democrats' priorities, however, which have little chance in the Republican-dominated Senate. Vice versa, the Senate has also more or less prepared ten of the twelve spending plans, which will hardly be able to receive a majority of votes. Online-A.1571 The ghosts differ mainly on the issue of resource allocation for the area of domestic security and border security. In the Senate, Republicans appear to be trying to force a total of 12 billion dollars to build the wall, one of President Trump's big priorities. Democrats are bothered by the wall-building plans and their funding, which is actually intended for other military constructions and projects. The dispute over the construction of the wall had already escalated in December 2018 and had led to a 35-day shutdown. Die Geister scheiden sich vor allem am Thema Ressourcenzuteilung für den Bereich Inlandsicherheit und Grenzsicherung. Im Senat versuchen die Republikaner offenbar, 12 Mrd. $ für den Mauerbau zu erzwingen, eine der grossen Prioritäten von Präsident Trump. Die Demokraten stören sich an den Mauerbauplänen und an deren Finanzierung, die eigentlich für andere militärische Bauten und Projekte vorgesehen ist. Der Streit über den Mauerbau war bereits im Dezember 2018 eskaliert und hatte zu einem 35-tägigen Shutdown geführt. Opinions differ most sharply on allocating resources for domestic security and border security. In the Senate, the Republicans are obviously attempting to force an allocation of twelve billion dollars to build the wall: one of President Trump's biggest priorities. The Democrats oppose the plans to construct the wall, as well as its financing, which is actually earmarked for other military buildings and projects. The dispute over the building of the wall had already escalated in December of 2018 and led to a 35-day showdown. Online-A.1571 At the construction of the wall, the spirits diverge Am Mauerbau scheiden sich die Geister Opinions Differ on Building the Wall Online-A.1571 It is currently unclear how the parties intend to move closer on this issue. More likely than an agreement on all 12 spending bills over the next seven weeks is an extension of transitional funding beyond 21 November. Even a shutdown is not excluded. Derzeit ist unklar, wie sich die Parteien in dieser Frage näherkommen wollen. Wahrscheinlicher als eine Einigung auf alle zwölf Ausgabengesetze in den kommenden sieben Wochen ist eine Verlängerung der Übergangsfinanzierung über den 21. November hinaus. Auch ein Shutdown ist dannzumal nicht ausgeschlossen. It's currently unclear how the parties will come together on this issue. An extension of the transition financing past November 21 is more probable than an agreement on all twelve spending bills in the coming seven weeks. And a shutdown at that time is not out of the question. Online-A.1571 Against the backdrop of Congress's continuing inability to agree on the 12 spending bills in time, and the associated risk of a shutdown, ideas to automate the process are gaining popularity. Submission p. 1877 on the avoidance of shutdowns would automatically continue the financing of the federal administration at the previous year's level, stop the travel activities of parliamentarians and withhold their wages until the new annual expenditure plans were available. Vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden Unfähigkeit des Kongresses, sich rechtzeitig auf die zwölf Ausgabengesetze zu einigen, und der damit einhergehenden Gefahr eines Shutdown gewinnen Ideen zur Automatisierung des Prozesses an Popularität. Vorlage S. 1877 zur Vermeidung von Shutdowns würde die Finanzierung der Bundesverwaltung jeweils automatisch auf dem Vorjahresniveau weiterführen, die Reisetätigkeit der Parlamentarier unterbinden und deren Löhne zurückhalten, bis die neuen jährlichen Ausgabenpläne vorlägen. Since Congress still cannot agree on the twelve spending bills in time, which risks a shutdown, ideas for automating the process are gaining in popularity. Bill S.1877—Prevent Government Shutdowns Act of 2019 would automatically continue the financing of the federal administration at the level of the previous year, prevent travel activities from the members of Congress, and withhold their wages until the new annual spending plans were submitted. Online-A.1571 France allows artificial insemination for lesbians and singles spiegel.103218 Frankreich erlaubt künstliche Befruchtung für Lesben und Singles France permits artificial insemination of lesbians and singles Online-A.1571 In France, artificial insemination will in future also be open to women and lesbians living alone: the Paris National Assembly voted by a large majority in favour of a government bill that would allow all women to benefit from in vitro insemination. As a result, the demand for anonymous sperm donations is likely to increase significantly. spiegel.103218 In Frankreich soll die künstliche Befruchtung künftig auch alleinlebenden Frauen und Lesben offenstehen: Die Pariser Nationalversammlung stimmte mit großer Mehrheit für eine Gesetzesvorlage der Regierung, nach der alle Frauen eine In-Vitro-Befruchtung in Anspruch nehmen können. Damit dürfte die Nachfrage nach anonymen Samenspenden deutlich zunehmen. In France artificial insemination is intended to be usable by single women and lesbians in future. The Paris National Assembly voted by a large majority for a government bill that would allow all women to benefit from in vitro fertilization. This means the demand for anonymous sperm donors is expected to increase noticeably. Online-A.1571 The bill still needs Senate approval. In the three-day emotional debate, critics in the right-wing camp had warned that many "children without a father" could grow up in the future. The French Episcopal Conference is also opposed to the innovation. spiegel.103218 Die Vorlage bedarf noch der Zustimmung des Senats. In der dreitägigen emotionalen Debatte hatten Kritiker im rechten Lager davor gewarnt, dass in Zukunft zahlreiche "Kinder ohne Vater" aufwachsen könnten. Auch die französische Bischofskonferenz ist gegen die Neuerung. The submission still requires the Senate's approval. In the emotional debate lasting three days, right-wing critics had warned that in future countless "fatherless children" would be raised. The French Bishops Conference has also objected to this innovation. Online-A.1571 The new regulation is the core component of a bioethics law, which Health Minister Agn's Buzyn defended as an "opportunity" for society. It shows the modern family, in which there are children with only one parent or with homosexual parents. According to her, the costs of artificial insemination for all women should be borne by social security. spiegel.103218 Die Neuregelung ist der Kernbestandteil eines Bioethik-Gesetzes, das Gesundheitsministerin Agnès Buzyn als "Chance" für die Gesellschaft verteidigte. Es bilde die moderne Familie ab, in der es Kinder mit nur einem Elternteil oder mit homosexuellen Eltern gebe. Nach ihrer Vorstellung sollen die Kosten für künstliche Befruchtungen für alle Frauen von der Sozialversicherung getragen werden. The new regulation is part of a bioethics law that Health Minister Agnès Buzyn defended as a "chance" for society. It models the modern family as it only gives children to single or homosexual parents. According to them, the costs for artificial insemination for all women are to be covered by social security. Online-A.1571 Insemination with sperm from dead husband still banned spiegel.103218 Befruchtung mit Sperma von totem Ehemann weiter verboten Insemination with sperm of deceased husband continues to be forbidden Online-A.1571 By a narrow majority, however, the National Assembly rejected an amendment to give widows access to their dead husband's sperm for artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is permitted in Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom. In Germany, there have been cases in the past in which women have pleaded in vain for the release of the sperm of a deceased person. Opponents of the Paris attack argued that such a begotten child would then carry a "particularly difficult fate." spiegel.103218 Mit knapper Mehrheit wies die Nationalversammlung dagegen einen Änderungsantrag zurück, der Witwen für eine künstliche Befruchtung Zugang zum Sperma ihres toten Mannes geben sollte. In Belgien, Spanien und Großbritannien ist die künstliche Befruchtung "post-mortem" erlaubt. In Deutschland gab es in der Vergangenheit Fälle, in der Frauen vergeblich auf die Herausgabe des Spermas eines Verstorbenen klagten. Die Gegner des Vorstoßes in Paris argumentierten, ein so gezeugtes Kind trage dann ein "besonders schweres Schicksal". The National Assembly, on the other hand, rejected an application for amendment permitting widows to have access to their dead husband's sperm for the purposes of artificial insemination. In Belgium, Spain and Great Britain "post-mortem" artificial insemination is allowed. In Germany there have been cases in the past where women complained in vain about not having access to the sperm of the deceased. The opponents of this infringement argued that a child conceived in this way would bear a "particularly heavy fate." Online-A.1571 Many members of President Emmanuel Macron's ruling Party La République en Marche (LREM) and opposition mps had opposed artificial insemination with the deceased partner's sperm. They stressed that a widow would be subjected to a "double grief" if her husband's death left her wish to have a child unfulfilled. spiegel.103218 Zahlreiche Abgeordnete der Regierungspartei La République en Marche (Die Republik in Bewegung, LREM) von Präsident Emmanuel Macron und Abgeordneten der Opposition hatten sich dagegen für die künstliche Befruchtung mit dem Sperma des verstorbenen Partners ausgesprochen. Sie betonten, einer Witwe werde eine "doppelte Trauer" auferlegt, wenn durch den Tod ihres Mannes auch noch ihr Kinderwunsch unerfüllt bliebe. Numerous members of the ruling party La République en Marche (The Republic on the Move, LREM) belonging to President Emmanuel Macron and deputies of the opposition party had, on the other hand, spoken out in favor of artificial insemination with sperm of a deceased spouse. They emphasized a widow would be bearing the "double bereavement" if the death of her husband meant her wish for a child would remain unfulfilled. Online-A.1571 The initiators of the now-failed amendment consider it unfair that a widow should be able to be fertilized with the sperm of an unknown person in the future, but not with that of her own partner. spiegel.103218 Die Initiatoren des nun gescheiterten Änderungsantrags halten es für ungerecht, dass sich eine Witwe künftig zwar mit dem Sperma eines Unbekannten befruchten lassen kann, aber nicht mit dem ihres eigenen Partners. The initiators of the now failed amendment consider it unfair that in future a widow can have herself inseminated with the sperm of an unknown person, but not with that of her own partner. Online-A.1571 Until now, artificial insemination in France is only allowed for heterosexual couples who cannot have children. They must be married or live together for at least two years. Buzyn had already announced in the summer that surrogacy would remain banned. spiegel.103218 Bisher ist die künstliche Befruchtung in Frankreich nur heterosexuellen Paaren erlaubt, die keine Kinder zeugen können. Sie müssen verheiratet sein oder mindestens zwei Jahre zusammenleben. Buzyn hatte bereits im Sommer angekündigt, dass die Leihmutterschaft weiter verboten bleibe. Until now artificial insemination in France has only been allowed for heterosexual partners, who cannot have children. They must be married or have lived together for at least two years. Buzyn had already announced in summer, that surrogacy continued to be unlawful. Online-A.1571 In Germany, artificial insemination is theoretically open to all women - but it is often difficult for single or lesbian couples. spiegel.103218 In Deutschland steht die künstliche Befruchtung theoretisch allen Frauen offen - für Alleinstehende oder lesbische Paare ist es dennoch häufig schwierig. In Germany artificial insemination is in theory available to all women, but for singles and lesbian couples this continues to be a problem. Online-A.1571 Climate compensation: Calls for air tax for universities grow louder Ausgleichszahlung fürs Klima: Rufe nach Flugabgabe für Unis werden lauter Compensation payment for climate: Calls for university drop-offs are getting more pronounced. Online-A.1571 There is a lot of flying at the universities. That is why the country wants to have a climate levy payable there in the future as well. The rectors say they have no money for it. But now they are also coming under internal pressure. An den Hochschulen wird viel geflogen. Deshalb will das Land künftig auch dort eine Klimaabgabe abführen lassen. Die Rektoren sagen, sie hätten kein Geld dafür. Doch nun geraten sie auch intern unter Druck. There is a lot of flying at university. This has prompted the country to take steps to apply a climate tax there, too. The principals say they do not have money for this. But now they are coming under pressure internally as well. Online-A.1571 Universities should also be restricted to flying. Photo: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte Auch die Hochschulen sollen sich beim Fliegen beschränken. Foto: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte Universities are to be included in limiting their use of flying. Photo: dpa/Julian Stratenschulte Online-A.1571 The discussion on a climate levy on flights from universities and colleges, which was postponed before the summer recess, is gaining momentum again. After the State Rectors' Conference reacted sceptically to a corresponding move from the Green-Black coalition, the plans now receive support from the universities. In a joint statement, the doctoral students from six universities in Baden-Württemberg and one of the universities of education plead for compensation for service flights. This is "urgently necessary" as a first step, but at the same time there must be a broad debate on the avoidability of flights, it says in its opinion. Meanwhile, the cabinet decision originally planned in July is still on hold because the CDU has still not approved the Greens' proposal. Die vor der Sommerpause vertagte Diskussion über eine Klimaabgabe auf Flüge von Universitäten und Hochschulen kommt wieder in Schwung. Nachdem die Landesrektorenkonferenz skeptisch auf einen entsprechenden Vorstoß aus der grün-schwarzen Koalition reagiert hatte, erhalten die Pläne nun Unterstützung aus den Hochschulen. In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung plädieren die Doktoranden von sechs baden-württembergischen Universitäten und einer Pädagogischen Hochschule für eine Kompensation von Dienstflügen. Diese sei als erster Schritt "dringend notwendig", gleichzeitig müsse es eine breite Debatte über die Vermeidbarkeit von Flügen geben, heißt es in ihrer Stellungnahme. Der ursprünglich schon im Juli geplante Kabinettsbeschluss liegt derweil weiter auf Eis, weil die CDU die Vorlage der Grünen immer noch nicht gebilligt hat. The discussion adjourned before summer holidays about a climate charge on flights used by universities and high schools is back in full swing. After the State Rector's Conference reacted skeptically to a corresponding violation by the green-black coalition, plans are only receiving support from high schools. In a joint statement, doctoral students of six universities from Baden-Württemberg and a teachers' college pledged for compensation for business flights. This first step would be ‘urgently needed', at the same time there should be a wide debate about the avoid-ability of flights, their statement says. The cabinet shut down originally planned in July has been put on ice, because the CDU has not yet approved the submission handed in by the Green Party. Online-A.1571 Russia detains North Korean fishermen again dw.97344 Russland nimmt erneut nordkoreanische Fischer fest Russia re-arrests North Korean fishermen Online-A.1571 According to the FSB, the detainees are said to have illegally fished in Russian waters. Ten days earlier, 161 fishermen from North Korea had already been arrested. At that time there was an exchange of gunfire between the border guards and the boat crew. Three Russians and a North Korean were injured, and the fisherman later succumbed to his serious injuries. This time, however, there were no casualties, it was said. dw.97344 Dem Geheimdienst FSB zufolge sollen die Festgenommenen illegal in russischen Gewässern gefischt haben. Zehn Tage zuvor wurden bereits 161 Fischer aus Nordkorea festgenommen. Damals gab es einen Schusswechsel zwischen den Grenzschützern und der Bootsbesatzung. Dabei wurden drei Russen und ein Nordkoreaner verletzt, der Fischer erlag später seinen schweren Verletzungen. Diesmal habe es aber keine Verletzten gegeben, hieß es. The FSB secret service reports that the detainees had fished unlawfully in Russian waters. Ten days earlier, 161 fishermen from North Korea had been arrested, with an exchange of gunfire between border guards and the boat crew. Three Russians and one North Korean were wounded, the North Korean fisherman later dying from his wounds. But this time there were no injuries, it is reported. Online-A.1571 Communist North Korea suffers from chronic food shortages. The North Korean fishermen were therefore on their way to Russian territorial waters. Russia's coast guard says it is patrolling to protect its marine biological resources. dw.97344 Das kommunistische Nordkorea leidet unter chronischem Nahrungsmittelmangel. Die nordkoreanischen Fischer waren demnach in russischen Hoheitsgewässern unterwegs. Dort fährt die Küstenwache Russlands nach eigenen Angaben zum Schutz ihrer meeresbiologischen Ressourcen Patrouillen. Communist North Korea suffers from a chronic food shortage. The North Korean fishermen were in Russian waters for that reason. The Russian coast guard reports that it patrols these waters to protect Russia's maritime biological resources. Online-A.1571 30,000 squid seized dw.97344 30.000 Tintenfische beschlagnahmt 30,000 squid confiscated Online-A.1571 During the re-checks, 30,000 squid were discovered and seized on the boats. In addition, according to the information, three fishing boats and two motor boats were confiscated and taken to Nachodka and Posjet near Vladivostok. dw.97344 Bei den erneuten Kontrollen seien 30.000 Tintenfische auf den Booten entdeckt und beschlagnahmt worden. Außerdem wurden den Angaben nach drei Fischer- und zwei Motorboote beschlagnahmt und nach Nachodka und Posjet bei Wladiwostok gebracht. During the repeated inspections, 30,000 squid were discovered in the boats and confiscated. Three trawlers and two motor boats are also reported to have been confiscated and taken to Nakhodka and Posyet near Vladivostok. Online-A.1571 Russia's fisheries authority had not issued fishing licenses to the North Koreans this year, even after complaints from local entrepreneurs. Thousands of fishermen from North Korea have been temporarily detained there this year, according to media. dw.97344 Russlands Fischerei-Behörde hatte auch nach Klagen einheimischer Unternehmer in diesem Jahr keine Fanglizenzen an die Nordkoreaner ausgegeben. Tausende Fischer aus Nordkorea sind Medien zufolge in diesem Jahr dort schon zeitweise festgenommen worden. Following complaints from Russian companies, Russia's fishing authority did not issue any fishing licenses to the North Koreans this year. According to media reports, thousands of fishermen from North Korea have been detained in Russian waters this year. Online-A.1571 The head of the Association of Russian Fishing Companies in the Far Eastern region of Primorye, Georgi Martynov, also recently complained of severe ecological damage from North Korean fishermen. They fished with tight-meshed synthetic nets banned in Russia. These would also take small creatures out of the sea. In addition, the nets would simply be disposed of in the sea, where they would take 200 years to decompose. dw.97344 Der Chef der Vereinigung russischer Fischerei-Unternehmen in der fernöstlichen Region Primorje, Georgi Martynow, beklagte kürzlich auch hohe ökologische Schäden durch die nordkoreanischen Fischer. Sie fischten mit in Russland verbotenen engmaschigen synthetischen Netzen. Mit diesen würden auch kleine Lebewesen aus dem Meer geholt. Zudem würden die Netze einfach im Meer entsorgt, wo sie 200 Jahre bräuchten, um zersetzt zu werden. Georgy Martynov, president of the Primorye Fisheries Association in the Primorye region in the far east, also complained recently of the extensive environmental damage caused by the North Korean fishermen. They used close-meshed synthetic nets that are banned in Russia. These also remove tiny creatures from the sea. Furthermore, the nets had simply been discarded in the sea, where they would take 200 years to disintegrate. Online-A.1571 Only 18,000 left: US lowers asylum cap n-tv.89652 Künftig nur noch 18.000: USA senken Asyl-Obergrenze ab No More Than 18,000 in the Future: The USA Lowers its Refugee Cap Online-A.1571 The "most generous nation in history": Donald Trump, here at a meeting with elected police officers at the White House. n-tv.89652 Die "großzügigste Nation in der Geschichte": Donald Trump, hier bei einem Treffen mit gewählten Polizeivertretern im Weißen Haus. The "most generous nation in history": Donald Trump, here at a meeting with an elected police delegation in the White House. Online-A.1571 The world's richest country is closing itself off against those seeking protection: As the State Department in Washington confirms, the cap on the legal influx of refugees will be further lowered. In future, especially threatened believers and Iraqis will be granted asylum. n-tv.89652 Das reichste Land der Erde schottet sich gegenüber Schutzsuchenden ab: Wie Außenministerium in Washington bestätigt, wird die Obergrenze für den legalen Zuzug von Flüchtlingen weiter abgesenkt. Künftig sollen vor allem bedrohte Gläubige und Iraker Asyl erhalten. The richest land on Earth closes itself off to those seeking protection: As confirmed by the US State Department in Washington, the cap for the legal influx of refugees will be reduced further. In the future, primarily threatened believers and Iraqis will receive asylum. Online-A.1571 The US government wants to lower the already historically low limit for the reception of new refugees once again. A maximum of 18,000 people will be allowed into the country in the 2020 fiscal year, which runs in the United States from October 2019 to September 2020, the State Department said. In the financial year that has now almost expired, the limit is still 30,000 people. n-tv.89652 Die US-Regierung will die ohnehin schon historisch niedrige Grenze für die Aufnahme neuer Flüchtlinge abermals senken. Im Wirtschaftsjahr 2020, das in den Vereinigten Staaten von Oktober 2019 bis September 2020 läuft, sollen höchstens 18.000 Menschen ins Land gelassen werden, wie das US-Außenministerium erklärte. Im nun schon fast abgelaufenen Wirtschaftsjahr liegt das Limit noch bei 30.000 Menschen. Once more, the US government wants to reduce the already historically low cap for taking in new refugees. In financial year 2020, which in the United States runs from October 2019 to September 2020, no more than 18,000 people will be allowed into the country, declared the US State Department. In the financial year that is now almost over, the limit still lies at 30,000 people. Online-A.1571 President Donald Trump's administration has drastically reduced the willingness to accept protection seekers from around the world in recent years. Under The previous administration of Barack Obama, far higher admission limits had applied. n-tv.89652 Die Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump hat die Aufnahmebereitschaft für Schutzsuchende aus aller Welt in den vergangenen Jahren drastisch gesenkt. Unter der Vorgängerregierung von Barack Obama hatten weitaus höhere Aufnahmegrenzen gegolten. In recent years, the government of President Donald Trump has drastically lowered receptiveness for those seeking protection from all over the world. Under the previous administration of Barack Obama, far higher admission limits applied. Online-A.1571 The target cap of 18,000 refugees would be the lowest since the U.S. refugee program was introduced in 1980. The State Department, however, called the U.S. "the most mercurable and generous nation in history," a phrase that is strongly reminiscent of the president-elect's language. n-tv.89652 Die angepeilte Obergrenze von 18.000 Flüchtlingen wäre die niedrigste seit Einführung des US-Flüchtlingsprogramms im Jahr 1980. Das Außenministerium bezeichnete die USA dennoch als "erbarmungsvollste und großzügigste Nation in der Geschichte", eine Formulierung, die stark an den Sprachgebrauch des amtierenden US-Präsidenten erinnert. The planned cap of 18,000 refugees would be the lowest since the US refugee program was introduced in 1980. Nevertheless, the State Department designated the USA the "most compassionate and generous nation in history": a wording that smacks of the parlance of the current US President. Online-A.1571 A "responsible approach" to refugees is aimed at allowing refugees to return to their home countries to help rebuild, Trump said. He has received a lot of support from supporters for his hard line on migration policy, but there is also massive criticism. n-tv.89652 Ein "verantwortungsbewusster Umgang" mit Flüchtlingen ziele darauf ab, dass die Flüchtlinge in ihre Heimatländer zurückkehren können, um dort beim Wiederaufbau zu helfen, erklärte Trump. Für seinen harten Kurs in der Migrationspolitik bekommt er von Anhängern viel Zuspruch, es gibt aber auch massive Kritik. "Dealing responsibly" with refugees means making it possible for the refugees to return to their home countries to help with reconstruction there, Trump declared. He has received strong support from his adherents for his hard-line immigration policy, but also massive criticism. Online-A.1571 A major point of contention is the border with Mexico, which Trump wants to seal off. To finance the construction of a border wall, Trump had declared a national emergency. Whether there is a temporal link between the current measure and current domestic developments in the US capital is unclear. Trump is currently under pressure over the Selenskyj affair and a possible imminent impeachment. n-tv.89652 Ein großer Streitpunkt ist die Grenze zu Mexiko, die Trump abriegeln will. Um den Bau einer Grenzmauer finanzieren zu können, hatte Trump den Nationalen Notstand verhängt. Ob es einen zeitlichen Zusammenhang zwischen der aktuellen Maßnahme und den derzeitigen innenpolitischen Entwicklungen in der US-Hauptstadt gibt, ist unklar. Trump steht derzeit wegen der Selenskyj-Affäre und einem möglicherweise drohenden Amtsenthebungsverfahren unter Druck. A huge point of dispute is the border with Mexico, which Trump wants to seal off. To be able to finance the construction of a border wall, Trump has declared a national state of emergency. Whether there is a temporal connection between the current measures and current domestic political developments in the US capital is unclear. Trump is now under pressure due to the Selenskyj affair and possibly imminent impeachment proceedings. Online-A.1571 According to the Foreign Office, the U.S. government wants to focus on accepting two refugee groups in the future: people persecuted for their faith - and Iraqis who have helped the U.S. military in the country and are at risk, according to the State Department statement. On the other hand, a maximum of 1,500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be accepted. n-tv.89652 Die US-Regierung will sich nach Darstellung aus dem Außenamt künftig auf die Aufnahme von zwei Flüchtlingsgruppen konzentrieren: Menschen, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden - und Iraker, die dem US-Militär in dem Land geholfen haben und dadurch in Gefahr geraten sind, wie aus der Erklärung des Außenministeriums hervorgeht. Aus Honduras, Guatemala und El Salvador hingegen sollen maximal 1500 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen werden. According to the State Department, the US government wishes to concentrate on two groups of refugees in the future: People who are being persecuted because of their faith, and Iraqis who helped the US military in that nation and have thereby become endangered, the State Department has explained. On the other hand, a maximum of 1500 refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are to be added. Online-A.1571 The US wants people from this "northern triangle" of Central America in particular to apply for asylum in other countries. Against this background, the United States has concluded migration agreements with Guatemala and now also with El Salvador and Honduras in order to curb immigration on the US southern border with Mexico. n-tv.89652 Die USA wollen erreichen, dass insbesondere Menschen aus diesem "nördlichen Dreieck" Mittelamerikas in anderen Ländern Asyl beantragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Vereinigten Staaten erst mit Guatemala und nun auch mit El Salvador und Honduras Migrationsabkommen geschlossen, um die Zuwanderung an der US-Südgrenze zu Mexiko einzudämmen. The USA wants people from this "northern triangle" of Central America to apply for asylum in another country. In light of this fact, the United States entered into immigration treaties, first with Guatemala and now with El Salvador and Honduras as well, to stem the flow of immigration to the southern US border with Mexico. Online-A.1571 Court orders release of orangutan from zoo Gericht ordnet Freilassung von Orang-Utan aus Zoo an Court orders release of orangutan from zoo Online-A.1571 An orangutan female has been moved from the former Buenos Aires Zoo to a star-ball reception centre in the UNITED States at the request of the Argentine justice system. "Sandra", who was born in 1986 at Rostock Zoo, was granted the rights of a "non-human person", so her release was mandatory. The animal was taken by direct flight to Dallas on Thursday evening - not as a passenger, but in the hold, as lawyer Andrés Gil Doménguez explained. Ein Orang-Utan-Weibchen ist auf Verlangen der argentinischen Justiz aus dem ehemaligen Zoo von Buenos Aires in eine Auffangstation für Menschenaffen in den USA verlegt worden. Der 1986 im Rostocker Zoo geborenen "Sandra" wurden die Rechte einer "nichtmenschlichen Person" zugesprochen, deshalb sei ihre Freilassung zwingend. Das Tier wurde am Donnerstagabend per Direktflug nach Dallas gebracht - allerdings nicht als Passagier, sondern im Frachtraum, wie Anwalt Andrés Gil Domínguez erklärte. By request of the Argentine justice system, an orangutan female has been relocated from the former Buenos Aires zoo to a sanctuary for great apes in the USA. "Sandra," born in 1986 in Rostock Zoo was awarded the rights of a non-human person, which classes her release as urgent. The animal was shipped to Dallas on Thursday evening by direct flight—however not as a passenger, but in the cargo hold, as explained by lawyer Andrés Gil Domínguez. Online-A.1571 Since the 53 kilogram human monkey is unable to adapt to life in the wild, she is to live in the open-air enclosure of the Center for Great Apes in Florida in the future. It already houses 21 other orangutans and 31 chimpanzees, including "Bubbles," formerly a pet of pop star Michael Jackson. Before moving to Florida, however, "Sandra" will have to endure a 40-day quarantine at the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas. Da die 53 Kilogramm schwere Menschenäffin nicht imstande ist, sich dem Leben in der Wildnis anzupassen, soll sie zukünftig im Freigehege des Center for Great Apes in Florida leben. Dort sind bereits 21 weitere Orang-Utans und 31 Schimpansen untergebracht, unter ihnen "Bubbles", ehemals Haustier von Popstar Michael Jackson. Vor dem Einzug in Florida muss "Sandra" jedoch noch eine rund 40-tägige Quarantäne im Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita im US-Bundesstaat Kansas durchstehen. As the human ape weighing 53 kg is not in a position to adapt to a life in the wild, she will live in an open-air enclosure in the Center for Great Apes in Florida in future. There are already 21 other orangutans and 31 chimpanzees there, among them "Bubbles," Michael Jackson's former pet. Before moving to Florida, however, "Sandra" must endure a 40-day quarantine in Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita in the US state of Kansas. Online-A.1571 After her birth in Rostock, "Sandra" spent several years in the former Ruhr Zoo in Gelsenkirchen before she was transferred to Buenos Aires in 1995. The "Sandras" fundamental rights lawsuit brought by animal rights activists in 2014 helped transform the Buenos Aires Zoo into an eco-park. By 2023, a research and educational centre for the conservation of biodiversity is to be established there. "Sandra" verbrachte nach ihrer Geburt in Rostock einige Jahre im ehemaligen Ruhr-Zoo in Gelsenkirchen, bevor sie 1995 nach Buenos Aires verlegt wurde. Der 2014 von Tierschützern angestrengte Prozess um "Sandras" Grundrechte hat mit dazu beigetragen, dass der Zoo von Buenos Aires in einen Ökopark umgewandelt wird. Bis 2023 soll dort eine Forschungs- und Bildungsstätte zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt entstehen. After the night of her birth in Rostock, ‘Sandra' spent a few years in the former Ruhr zoo in Gelsenkirchen, before being transferred to Buenos Aires in 1995. The animal welfare process in 2014 regarding ‘Sandra's' fundamental rights has played a part in the fact that the zoo in Buenos Aires has been transformed into an eco-park. By 2023 a research and educational center to preserve biodiversity is to be created there. Online-A.1571 Record for Swiss extreme mountaineers: 550 meters in 46 minutes euronews-de.171939 Rekord für Schweizer Extrembergsteiger: 550 Meter in 46 Minuten Record for Swiss extreme mountain-climber: 1,800 feet in 46 minutes. Online-A.1571 The extreme mountaineer Dani Arnold has succeeded in a new Hussar ride at the almost 3000 meter high Großer Zinne in the Italian Alps. euronews-de.171939 Dem Extrembergsteiger Dani Arnold ist an der fast 3000 Meter hohen Großen Zinne in den italienischen Alpen ein neuer Husarenritt geglückt. The extreme climber Dani Arnold has set a new record climbing the almost 10,000-foot-high Grosse Zinne in the Italian Alps. Online-A.1571 Without a net, double floor or other aids, the Swiss conquered the 550-metre-high north face of the Großer Zinne in a new record time. euronews-de.171939 Ohne Netz, doppelten Boden oder andere Hilfsmittel bezwang der Schweizer die 550 Meter hohe Nordwand der Großen Zinne in einer neuen Rekordzeit. Without a net, false floor, or other aids, the Swiss climber tackled the 1,800-foot-high north face of the Grosse Zinne in a new record time. Online-A.1571 Dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and only supported by absolute vertigo, Arnold needed 46 minutes and 30 seconds to climb. In doing so, he undercut the old record by almost 19 minutes. euronews-de.171939 Bekleidet mit Jeans, T-Shirt und nur unterstützt von absoluter Schwindelfreiheit benötigte Arnold 46 Minuten und 30 Sekunden für den Aufstieg. Damit unterbot er die alte Bestmarke um fast 19 Minuten. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and assisted only by an absolute absence of dizziness, Arnold needed 46 minutes and 30 seconds to complete the climb, He beat the previous record by almost 19 minutes. Online-A.1571 Arnold is now a record holder in Free Solo Speed on four of Europe's six most important northern walls. euronews-de.171939 Arnold ist jetzt Rekordhalter im Free Solo Speed an vier der sechs bedeutendsten europäischen Nordwände. Arnold is now the free solo speed record-holder in four of the six most important European north faces. Online-A.1571 Nike benefits from new online marketing strategy yahoo-de.127730 Nike profitiert von neuer Online-Vermarktungsstrategie Nike reaps benefits from new online marketing strategy Online-A.1571 Despite the trade dispute with China, the US sportswear manufacturer Nike has posted a significant increase in profits. Net profit rose to 1.4 billion dollars (just under 1.3 billion euros) in the quarter ended March 1. That's 25 percent more than in the same period last year, the company said on Tuesday. The main reason for this is the new marketing strategy "Nike Direct", with which the Adidas competitor addresses its customers directly online. yahoo-de.127730 Der US-Sportartikelhersteller Nike hat ungeachtet des Handelskonflikts mit China ein deutliches Gewinnplus verbucht. Der Nettogewinn stieg im abgelaufenen Quartal auf 1,4 Milliarden Dollar (knapp 1,3 Milliarden Euro). Das sind 25 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum, wie der Konzern am Dienstag mitteilte. Grund dafür ist vor allem die neue Vermarktungsstrategie "Nike Direct", mit der sich der Adidas-Konkurrent online direkt an seine Kunden wendet. Despite the trade conflict with China, the US sports goods manufacturer Nike has achieved a significant profit increase. Nike´s net income increased in the past quarter to 1.4 billion dollars (almost 1.3 billion euros). The Group stated this was 25% more than in the same period last year. This is the result of the new marketing strategy "Nike Direct" which puts the Adidas competitor Nike in direct communication with its customers. Online-A.1571 Revenues rose to 10.7 billion dollars in the three-month period to the end of August. Nike sales were the strongest, with sales up 22 percent in China. The Beaverton, Oregon-based group also benefited from its approach of addressing consumers directly via the Internet or smartphone apps. yahoo-de.127730 Die Umsätze stiegen im Dreimonatszeitraum bis Ende August auf 10,7 Milliarden Dollar. Am kräftigsten legten die Nike-Verkaufszahlen mit einem Plus von 22 Prozent in China zu. Damit profitierte der Konzern aus Beaverton im US-Bundesstaat Oregon auch in der Volksrepublik von seinem Ansatz, sich über das Internet oder Smartphone-Apps direkt an die Verbraucher zu richten. Sales rose to $10.7 billion in the three-month period at the end of August. The greatest increase in Nike sales was in China with a growth of 22 percent. The Group from Beaverton, Oregon also profited from its approach of addressing consumers directly via the Internet or smartphone apps in China. Online-A.1571 Chief Financial Officer Andy Campion announced that Nike will continue to drive the "digital transformation" of the sporting goods manufacturer with strategic investments, thereby expanding its competitive advantage. Investors reacted with delight to the quarterly figures, with shares in the sporting goods maker rising more than five per cent. yahoo-de.127730 Finanzchef Andy Campion kündigte an, Nike werde mit strategischen Investitionen die "digitale Transformation" des Sportartikelherstellers weiter vorantreiben und damit seinen Wettbewerbsvorteil ausbauen. Die Anleger reagierten erfreut auf die Quartalszahlen - die Aktien des Sportartikelherstellers stiegen um mehr als fünf Prozent. Chief financial officer Andy Campion announced that Nike would continue to drive the "digital transformation" of the sporting goods manufacturer with strategic investments, thereby increasing its competitive advantage. The investors reacted positively to the quarterly figures as the shares rose by more than five percent. Online-A.1571 Lifetime stadium ban over racism in Italy faz.39254 Lebenslanges Stadionverbot wegen Rassismus in Italien Life-long stadium ban for racism in Italy Online-A.1571 The club from the Italian capital has imposed a lifetime stadium ban on a fan for racist comments about football pro Juan Jesus of AS Rome. The Brazilian defender Jesus had been insulted by the fan on Instagram. Jesus then published the private messages and asked his club to take action. "@officialasroma you already know what to do with such a fan. #NoToRacism. Proud to be who I am," wrote the 28-year-old, who has played for AS Rome since 2016. faz.39254 Wegen rassistischer Kommentare über Fußballprofi Juan Jesus von AS Rom hat der Verein aus der italienischen Hauptstadt ein lebenslanges Stadionverbot gegen einen Fan verhängt. Der aus Brasilien stammende Verteidiger Jesus war von dem Fan auf Instagram beschimpft worden. Jesus veröffentlichte daraufhin die privaten Nachrichten und forderte seinen Klub auf, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. "@officialasroma Ihr wisst bereits, was Ihr mit einem solchen Fan machen sollt. #NoToRacism. Stolz darauf, zu sein, wer ich bin", schrieb der 28-Jährige, der seit 2016 bei AS Rom spielt. The Italian football club AS Roma has given a fan a lifetime ban on entering the stadium for making racist comments about professional footballer Juan Jesus. The Brazilian defender was insulted by the fan on Instagram. Jesus then published the private messages and called on his club to take action. "@officialasroma you know what you should do with a fan like this. #NoToRacism. I'm proud of who I am," wrote the 28-year-old who has played for AS Roma since 2016. Online-A.1571 The club responded late Thursday. He reported the fan's account to Instagram and police. The Roma supporter will also never be allowed to attend a club game again, the club wrote on Twitter. faz.39254 Der Verein reagierte am späten Donnerstag. Er habe den Account des Fans bei Instagram und der Polizei gemeldet. Außerdem dürfe der Roma-Anhänger nie wieder ein Spiel des Vereins besuchen, schrieb der Klub auf Twitter. The club reacted late on Thursday, reporting the fan's Instagram account to the police. In addition, the Roma supporter can never attend a club match again, the club tweeted. Online-A.1571 Racism is a problem in Italian football. Italian fans regularly chanted racist insults against black players from rival teams. "We cannot have racism in society or in sport. In Italy, the situation has not improved, and this is very serious. You have to identify those responsible and throw them out of the stadiums," Fifa president Gianni Infantino said at the weekend. The statement was prompted by racist chants during the first league match between Atalanta Bergamo and AC Florence last Sunday. faz.39254 Rassismus ist ein Problem im italienischen Fußball. Regelmäßig skandieren italienische Fans rassistische Beschimpfungen gegen schwarze Spieler rivalisierender Mannschaften. "Wir können keinen Rassismus in der Gesellschaft oder im Sport haben. In Italien hat sich die Situation nicht verbessert, und das ist sehr ernst. Man muss die Verantwortlichen identifizieren und aus den Stadien werfen", hatte Fifa-Präsident Gianni Infantino am Wochenende gesagt. Anlass der Äußerung waren rassistische Gesänge bei der Erstliga-Partie zwischen Atalanta Bergamo und dem AC Florenz am vorigen Sonntag. Racism is a problem in Italian football. Fans regularly chant racist insults against the black players of opposing teams. "We can't have any racism in society or in sport. The situation in Italy has not improved, and that is very serious. Those responsible must be identified and thrown out of the stadiums," FIFA president Gianni Infantino said over the weekend. His statement was the result of racist chants during the first league match between Atalanta Bergamo and ACF Fiorentina last Sunday. Online-A.1571 But there had also been discussions about the supporters of Juventus Turin recently. Italian authorities have now banned 38 rioting fans of record-breaking champions Juventus Turin from stadiums. Four of them are not allowed to enter the stadium for a period of ten years, police said. The rest are therefore subject to bans of four to seven years. faz.39254 Doch auch um die Anhänger von Juventus Turin hatte es zuletzt Diskussionen gegeben. Die italienischen Behörden haben nun 38 randalierende Fans von Rekordmeister Juventus Turin mit Stadionverboten belegt. Vier von ihnen dürften für einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren das Stadion nicht mehr betreten, teilte die Polizei mit. Für die Übrigen gelten demnach Verbote von vier bis sieben Jahren. But there have also been discussions recently about Juventus fans in Turin. The Italian authorities have imposed stadium bans on 38 rampaging supporters of the record-holding Juventus. Four of them are not allowed to return to the stadium for ten years, the police said. The remainder have been banned for four to ten years. Online-A.1571 The fans are linked to ongoing investigations into 12 leaders of ultra-fan groups around Juventus. The twelve are accused of serious extortion, money laundering and private violence, among other charges. The club launched the investigation with an advert last year. faz.39254 Die Fans stehen in Verbindung mit laufenden Ermittlungen gegen zwölf Anführer von Ultra-Fangruppen im Umfeld von Juventus. Den zwölf wird unter anderem schwere Erpressung, Geldwäsche und private Gewalt vorgeworfen. Der Klub hatte die Ermittlungen mit einer Anzeige letztes Jahr ins Rollen gebracht. The supporters are linked with ongoing investigations into twelve ringleaders of extremist fan groups related to Juventus. The twelve are suspected of crimes including aggravated extortion, money-laundering, and domestic violence. The club initiated the investigations by filing a complaint last year. Online-A.1571 According to Italian media reports, the ultra-leaders are said to be behind the black market in tickets. They would have "militarily controlled" ticket sales for the fan curve and allegedly blackmailed Juventus staff to get cheaper tickets. faz.39254 Die Ultra-Anführer sollen nach italienischen Medienberichten hinter dem Schwarzhandel mit Tickets stecken. Sie hätten den Tickethandel für die Fankurve "militärisch kontrolliert" und sollen Juventus-Mitarbeiter erpresst haben, um an günstigere Karten zu kommen. According to Italian media reports, the extremist ringleaders are involved in the illicit ticket trade. They are said to have "exercised military control" over ticket sales to fans and blackmailed Juventus employees in order to get hold of cheaper tickets. Online-A.1571 Generation Z: Are they really different from Generation Y? welt.263022 Generation Z: Sind sie wirklich anders als Generation Y? Generation Z: Are they really different to Generation Y? Online-A.1571 Millennials are narcissistic, Generation Z is political - whole vintages are considered with catchy names. If you take a closer look, the awards are full of contradictions. So how well do these labels describe young people's lifestyles? welt.263022 Millennials sind narzisstisch, die Generation Z ist politisch - ganze Jahrgänge werden mit griffigen Bezeichnungen bedacht. Schaut man genauer hin, stecken die Auszeichnungen voller Widersprüche. Wie gut beschreiben diese Etiketten also das jeweilige Lebensgefühl junger Menschen? Millennials are narcissistic, Generation Z is political—entire age categories are given catchy names. But if you look closely, the labels are steeped in contradictions. How well do these labels describe young peoples' perspective on life? Online-A.1571 "The crabs are coming!" With this call, the crab fishing at Lake Gucheng in Gaochun officially started on September 21, thus also heralding the opening event of the 19th China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival, as announced by the Public Relations Department of the Nanjing-Gaochun District Committee. "Die Krabben kommen!" Mit diesem Ruf startete am 21. September offiziell der Krabbenfang am Gucheng-See in Gaochun, womit auch die Eröffnungsveranstaltung des 19. China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival eingeläutet wurde, wie es die Abteilung für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Nanjing-Gaochun Bezirkskomitees bekannt gab. "The Crabs are Coming!" With this cry, the crab hunt at Gucheng Lake in Gaochun officially began on September 21, kicking off the opening ceremony of the nineteenth China Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Festival, as announced by the Department for Publicity Work of the Nanjing-Gaochun District Committee. Online-A.1571 Gaochun, which forms the southern foothills of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, is one of the national environmental zones. The city is the first international "slow city" in China and is also the Chinese headquarters of the international "Slow City" movement. From an ecological point of view, the city has ideal conditions with a mixture of "30 percent mountains, 20 percent water areas and 50 percent fields". The great natural environment of Gaochun offers its inhabitants all the conditions to get rich. Gaochun, das den südlichen Ausläufer von Nanjing in der Provinz Jiangsu bildet, ist eine der nationalen Umweltzonen. Die Stadt ist die erste internationale "Slow City" in China und hier befindet sich auch der chinesische Sitz der internationalen "Slow City"-Bewegung. Die Stadt verfügt in ökologischer Hinsicht über ideale Voraussetzungen mit einer Mischung aus "30 Prozent Bergen, 20 Prozent Wasserflächen und 50 Prozent Feldern". Die großartige natürliche Umgebung von Gaochun bietet seinen Bewohnern alle Bedingungen, um reich zu werden. Gaochun, which forms the southern edge of Nanjing in the Jiangsu province, is a national environmental zone. It's the first international "Slow City" in China and the Chinese headquarters of the international "Slow City" movement. From an ecological standpoint, the city can boast ideal conditions, with a mixture of "30 percent mountains, 20 percent water areas, and 50 percent fields." Gaochun's generous natural environment offers its inhabitants all the prerequisites for becoming wealthy. Online-A.1571 The people of Gaochun started breeding crabs in the early 1990s. Over time, the crab industry has developed into a formative industry that has generated high incomes and become an important part of Gaochun's economic development. In recent years, Gaochun has actively sought a large-scale, ecological and scientific development of crab breeding as well as technology-based crab breeding. And the city has taken care of promoting greater efficiency in agriculture and farmers' incomes. Die Menschen in Gaochun haben bereits Anfang der 1990er Jahre mit der Krabbenzucht begonnen. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich die Krabbenindustrie zu einer prägenden Branche entwickelt, die für hohe Einkommen sorgte und zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung von Gaochun wurde. In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich Gaochun aktiv um eine groß angelegte, ökologische und wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Krabbenzucht sowie eine technikgestützte Krabbenzucht bemüht. Und die Stadt hat sich um die Förderung von mehr Effizienz in der Landwirtschaft und um die Einkommen der Landwirte gekümmert. The citizens of Gaochun started farming crabs in the early 1990s. Crabbing eventually turned into a formative industry bringing high revenues and became an important part of Gaochun's economic development. In recent years, Gaochun has actively developed crab farming on a large scale in terms of ecology, the economy, and technological support. And the city has focused on the farmers' income, and on making agriculture more efficient. Online-A.1571 In recent years, Gaochun has advanced a reform to "distribute power, optimize administration, and government services," and has carefully built the "one-roof permits, law enforcement team, services network, lending platform. In doing so, the city wants to fully optimise the environment for permits, services and development. In den letzten Jahren hat Gaochun eine Reform zur "Verteilung von Macht, Optimierung der Verwaltung und von Behördendiensten" vorangebracht und mit Sorgfalt das Service-Netz für "Genehmigungen unter einem Dach, ein Team für die Strafverfolgung, ein Netzwerk für Dienstleistungen, eine Plattform für die Kreditvergabe" aufgebaut. Damit will die Stadt das Umfeld für Genehmigungen, für Dienstleistungen und für die Entwicklung umfassend optimieren. In recent years, Gaochun has promoted a reform to "distribute power while optimizing the administration and government services" and diligently established the service network for "permits in one location, a law enforcement team, a network for services, and a platform for extending loans." This will allow the city to comprehensively optimize the environment for permits, services, and development. Online-A.1571 Gaochun makes full use of the local benefits through its connection to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui, using the development zone and its position as an international "slow city" as flagships to create intelligent high-end production companies, biomedical and medical technology companies, energy storage and environmental protection, the cultural and health sectors, and organic farming companies that are leading the 3+2 sector. to settle here. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the development of a national tourism zone and tourist resorts of national importance. The ecological and cultural resources of the Gaochun countryside have been integrated, the state of the buildings for civic services and the public service have been extensively improved, the areas of "tourism +" and "+ tourism" have been vigorously developed and the development of cultural tourism at a high level of quality has been promoted. It's worth looking forward to the future of Gaochun. Gaochun schöpft die vor Ort gegebene Vorteile durch die Anbindung an das südliche Jiangsu und das südliche Anhui voll aus und nutzt die Entwicklungszone und seine Stellung als internationale "Slow City" als Aushängeschilder, um intelligente High-End-Produktionsbetriebe, Unternehmen für Biomedizin- und Medizintechnik, für Energiespeicherung und Umweltschutz, aus der Kultur- und Gesundheitsbranche sowie Betriebe für ökologische Landwirtschaft, die im "3+2"-Bereich führend sind, hier anzusiedeln. Gleichzeitig hat Gaochun den Aufbau einer nationalen, sämtliche Gebiete umfassenden Tourismuszone und von Fremdenverkehrsorten von nationaler Bedeutung gefördert. Hierbei wurden die ökologischen und kulturellen Ressourcen der Landschaft von Gaochun eingebunden, der Zustand der Gebäude für Bürgerdienste und für den öffentlichen Dienst umfassend verbessert, die Bereiche "Tourismus +" und "+ Tourismus" energisch weiterentwickelt und die Entwicklung des Kulturtourismus auf hohem Qualitätsniveau vorangebracht. Es lohnt sich, sich auf die Zukunft von Gaochun zu freuen. Gaochun is exploiting local advantages by connecting to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui and using the development zone and its position as an international "slow city" as a flagship for enticing intelligent high-end production operations; companies for biomedicine and medicinal technology, saving energy and protecting the environment; companies from the cultural and health sectors; and businesses for ecological agriculture that lead the "3+2" sector to settle here. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the formation of a national tourism zone that includes all areas, as well as nationally prominent tourist resorts. To that end, the Gaochun region's ecological and cultural resources have been integrated, the state of buildings for civil services and for public service comprehensively improved, the areas of "tourism +" and "+ tourism" energetically further developed, and the development of cultural tourism brought to a high level of quality. Gaochun definitely has a future worth looking forward to. Online-A.1571 Iran-U.S. conflict: Ruhani talks about end to sanctions - Trump contradicts Konflikt zwischen Iran und USA: Ruhani spricht von Ende der Sanktionen - Trump widerspricht Conflict between Iran and USA: Ruhani talks about the end of sanctions—Trump disagrees Online-A.1571 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has spoken of an alleged US offer to lift sanctions after returning from the UN General Assembly. The United States has promised an end to all sanctions in exchange for talks with the Tehran leadership, Ruhani said on his official website. Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hat nach seiner Rückkehr von der UN-Vollversammlung von einem angeblichen Angebot der USA zur Aufhebung von Sanktionen gesprochen. Die Vereinigten Staaten hätten im Gegenzug für Gespräche mit der Teheraner Führung ein Ende sämtlicher Sanktionen in Aussicht gestellt, erklärte Ruhani auf seiner offiziellen Internetseite. The Iranian president Hassan Ruhani has spoken after his return from the UN General Assembly about a supposed offer by the USA to lift sanctions. In return for discussions with the Tehran leadership, the United States had put an end in sight for all sanctions, Ruhani explained on his official internet page. Online-A.1571 However, US President Donald Trump contradicted his Iranian counterpart via Twitter: "Iran wanted me to lift the sanctions imposed on him so that there would be a meeting. I said, of course, no." US-Präsident Donald Trump widersprach jedoch dem iranischen Amtskollegen über Twitter: "Der Iran wollte, dass ich die gegen ihn verhängten Sanktionen aufhebe, damit es ein Treffen gibt. Ich sagte, natürlich, nein". However, the US president Donald Trump contradicted the Iranian counterpart via Twitter: "Iran wanted for me to lift the sanctions imposed on him, so that there could be a meeting. I, of course, said no." Online-A.1571 Ruhani describes the events in this way: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron were present in New York and had insisted on a meeting. "And America says I am lifting the sanctions," Ruhani added. The nature of the punitive measures that were to be brought to an end was up for debate. "And they have clearly said that we will lift all sanctions," he said. Ruhani schildert das Geschehen so: Die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson und der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron seien in New York anwesend gewesen und hätten darauf gedrungen, dass ein Treffen stattfindet. "Und Amerika sagt, ich hebe die Sanktionen auf", ergänzte Ruhani. Die Art der Strafmaßnahmen, die beendet werden sollten, habe zur Debatte gestanden. "Und sie haben eindeutig gesagt, wir heben alle Sanktionen auf". Ruhani describes the event thus: Chancellor Merkel, The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the French President Emmanuel Macron had been present in New York and had insisted that there should be a meeting. "And America says, I will lift the sanctions," added Ruhani. The type of punitive measures that were to be ended was under debate. "And they clearly said that they will lift all sanctions." Online-A.1571 However, this move was not made in an acceptable manner, Ruhani criticized. In view of the punitive measures in force and "the poisoned atmosphere of maximum pressure", no one could predict the outcome of negotiations. Allerdings sei dieser Vorstoß nicht in einer akzeptablen Art erfolgt, kritisierte Ruhani. Angesichts der geltenden Strafmaßnahmen und "der vergifteten Atmosphäre des maximalen Drucks" könne niemand den Ausgang von Verhandlungen vorhersagen. However, this move was not made in an acceptable manner, Ruhani lambasted. In the face of the punitive measures in place and the "poisoned atmosphere of maximum pressure," no one could predict the outcome of negotiations. Online-A.1571 Earlier this week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Ruhani in New York. The background was the hope of Europeans to salvage the nuclear agreement with Iran negotiated with Russia and China. This is intended to prevent the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons. French President Emmanuel Macron, like Merkel, had expressed hope that Ruhani would meet with US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Anfang der Woche hatte sich Kanzlerin Angela Merkel mit Ruhani in New York getroffen. Hintergrund war die Hoffnung der Europäer, das mit Russland und China ausgehandelte Atomabkommen mit dem Iran zu retten. Dieses soll die Islamische Republik davon abhalten, Atomwaffen zu entwickeln. Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron hatte wie Merkel am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung die Hoffnung geäußert, dass Ruhani sich mit US-Präsident Donald Trump treffen wird. At the start of the week, Chancellor Angela Merkel had met with Mr Ruhani in New York. The backdrop was the hope of Europeans' hope of rescuing the Iran nuclear agreement they had negotiated with China and Russia. This is intended to deter the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weaponry. France's president Emmanuel Macron had, like Merkel commented on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, that Ruhani will meet with US president Donald Trump. Online-A.1571 Severe earthquake near Istanbul - Nearly 200 aftershocks Schweres Erdbeben nahe Istanbul - Fast 200 Nachbeben Serious earthquake near Istanbul—Almost 200 aftershocks Online-A.1571 After two earthquakes struck western Turkey in a very short space of time, fears of disaster are growing. Thirty-four people were injured in Tuesday's earthquake. There have been nearly 200 aftershocks since the quake the day before, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said on Friday. This increases the fear of disaster. Nachdem die westliche Türkei innerhalb von kürzester Zeit von zwei Erdbeben erschüttert wurde, wächst die Angst vor einer Katastrophe. 34 Menschen wurden bei dem Erdbeben am Dienstag verletzt. Seit dem Beben am Vortag habe es fast 200 Nachbeben gegeben, sagte der türkische Vizepräsident Fuat Oktay am Freitag. Damit wächst die Sorge vor einer Katastrophe. After western Turkey was shaken by two earthquakes within a short time, fears of a disaster are growing. 34 people were injured in the quake on Tuesday. Since the quake the day before, there have been almost 200 aftershocks, said Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay on Friday. This is fueling fears of a disaster. Online-A.1571 Fourteen schools in Istanbul were closed for security reasons. Hundreds of buildings were damaged. The 5.8 magnitude earthquake shook the Marmara region off Istanbul on Thursday, causing panic in the metropolis of millions. Now the government wants to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. 14 Schulen in Istanbul seien aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen worden. Hunderte Gebäude wurden demnach beschädigt. Das Erdbeben der Stärke 5,8 hatte am Donnerstag die Marmararegion vor Istanbul erschüttert und Panik in der Millionenmetropole ausgelöst. Nun wolle die Regierung eine Kommission einsetzen, um das Land künftig besser auf Erdbeben vorzubereiten, kündigte Oktay an. 14 schools in Istanbul have been closed for safety reasons, said Oktay. He also reported that hundreds of buildings had been damaged. On Thursday, the 5.8-magnitude earthquake shook the Marmara region, which includes Istanbul, and triggered panic in the metropolis with its millions of inhabitants. The government now intends to set up a commission to better prepare the country for earthquakes in the future, Oktay announced. Online-A.1571 Over the past 20 years, Turkey has not been sufficiently prepared for quakes, Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu said. In the city itself, the latent danger is repeatedly ignored. Every year, poorly built homes collapse - among other things, caused by the many smaller earthquakes that regularly shake Istanbul. In den vergangenen 20 Jahren sei die Türkei nicht ausreichend auf Beben vorbereitet gewesen, sagte Istanbuls Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu. In der Stadt selbst wird die latente Gefahr immer wieder ignoriert. Jedes Jahr stürzen schlecht gebaute Wohnhäuser ein - unter anderem mürbe gemacht durch die vielen kleineren Erdbeben, die Istanbul regelmäßig erschüttern. Turkey has been ill-prepared for earthquakes for 20 years, said Istanbul's mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. The latent danger has been repeatedly ignored in the city itself. Poorly constructed buildings collapse every year—some already weakened by the many minor quakes that regularly shake Istanbul. Online-A.1571 Urban planners such as the well-known architect Mücella Yapici have been warning for years that large open spaces registered as refuges in the centre have long since been built up. It was not until the 20th anniversary of the Gölcük quake in August that the Istanbul Chamber of Civil Engineers warned that an estimated one million buildings in Istanbul were not earthquake-proof. Stadtplaner wie die bekannte Architektin Mücella Yapici warnen seit Jahren, dass große offene Flächen, die im Zentrum als Zufluchtsorte eingetragen wurden, längst zugebaut sind. Erst zum 20. Jahrestag des Gölcük-Bebens im August hatte die Bauingenieurskammer von Istanbul gewarnt, dass geschätzt eine Million Gebäude in Istanbul nicht erdbebensicher seien. For years, city planners such as well-known architect Mücella Yapici have warned that the large open spaces created in the city center as places of refuge have been built on. Only on the 20th anniversary of the Gölcük quake in August did the Chamber of Civil Engineers of Istanbul warn that an estimated one million buildings in the city are not earthquake-proof. Online-A.1571 The epicentre of Thursday's quake was in the Marmara Sea off the Silivri district and at a depth of about seven kilometres, the afad civil protection agency said. A smaller aftershock caused even greater panic on the streets a few minutes later. Das Epizentrum des Bebens vom Donnerstag lag im Marmarameer vor dem Bezirk Silivri und in rund sieben Kilometern Tiefe, wie die Katastrophenschutzbehörde Afad mitteilte. Ein kleineres Nachbeben sorgte wenige Minuten später für noch größere Panik auf den Straßen. Disaster and Emergency Management Authority AFAD said the epicenter of Thursday's quake was in the Sea of Marmara off the coast of the Silivri district and at a depth of about 4.3 miles. A smaller quake a few minutes later caused even greater panic in the streets. Online-A.1571 Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu said on Twitter that no casualties or damage had been reported at first. State broadcaster TRT showed people running out of their homes in panic. Students were taken from the buildings in the Silivri district for safety reasons. Some students cried, as can be seen in pictures. Der Istanbuler Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu teilte auf Twitter mit, Verletzte oder Schäden seien zunächst nicht gemeldet worden. Der Staatssender TRT zeigte Menschen, die in Panik aus den Häusern rannten. Schüler wurden im Bezirk Silivri aus Sicherheitsgründen aus den Gebäuden gebracht. Einige Schüler weinten, wie auf Bildern zu sehen war. The mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu tweeted that there had been no initial reports of injuries or damage. The state TV channel TRT showed people fleeing their houses in panic. In the district of Silivri, schoolchildren were evacuated from buildings for safety reasons. Pictures showed some of the schoolchildren crying. Online-A.1571 Istanbul is considered to be particularly at risk of earthquakes. Beneath the Marmara Sea lies a section of the so-called North Anatolian disturbance, which marks the boundary between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates. Turkey is repeatedly shaken by earthquakes. One of the deadliest was the 1999 quake near Istanbul. At that time, more than 17,000 people were killed. Istanbul gilt als besonders erdbebengefährdet. Unter dem Marmarameer liegt ein Abschnitt der sogenannten Nordanatolischen Störung, die die Grenze zwischen der eurasischen und der anatolische Erdplatte markiert. Die Türkei wird immer wieder von Erdbeben erschüttert. Eines der tödlichsten war das Beben im Jahre 1999 in der Nähe Istanbuls. Damals kamen mehr als 17.000 Menschen ums Leben. Istanbul is especially prone to earthquakes. A section of the North Anatolian Fault, which marks the border between the Eurasian and Anatolian plates, runs beneath the Sea of Marmara. Turkey is repeatedly shaken by earthquakes. One of the deadliest happened near Istanbul in 1999. More than 17.000 people lost their lives at that time. Online-A.1571 Researchers fear that a 7.1-magnitude earthquake could threaten to take place. But it is unclear when the earthquake will occur. Thursday's earthquake hit the west of the country and Istanbul again. Forscher befürchten, dass ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,1 bis 7,4 drohen könnte. Doch wann es zu dem Erdbeben kommt, ist unklar. Bei dem Erdbeben am Donnerstag traf es schon wieder den Westen des Landes und Istanbul. Researchers fear that there could be a quake with a magnitude of between 7.1 and 7.4. But when it will happen is not clear. Thursday's quake again struck the western part of the country and Istanbul. Online-A.1571 Companies are designing contingency plans, private individuals have packed so-called go-bags with everything they need to stand next to front doors, and schools teach children how to behave when the earth is shaking. It is unclear when the next major quake will come. Firmen entwerfen Notfallpläne, Privatleute haben sogenannte Go-Bags mit allem Nötigen fertig gepackt neben Haustüren stehen, und Schulen bringen Kindern bei, wie sie sich zu benehmen haben, wenn die Erde wackelt. Wann das nächste große Beben komme, sei unklar. Companies are drawing up emergency plans, private citizens have deposited "go-bags" packed with necessities outside their doors, and schools are teaching children how to behave when the earth quakes. When the next big quake will happen is not clear. Online-A.1571 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said eight people had been injured after returning from New York. Some buildings had suffered minor damage. Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu followed developments from the Istanbul Disaster Coordination Centre (Akom). According to him, two minarets of mosques collapsed in the districts of Avcilar and Sariyer. Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan sagte nach seiner Rückkehr aus New York, acht Menschen seien verletzt worden. Einige Gebäude hätten leichte Schäden erlitten. Der Istanbuler Bürgermeister Ekrem Imamoglu verfolgte die Entwicklungen vom Istanbuler Katastrophen-Koordinationszentrum (Akom). Nach dessen Angaben stürzten zwei Minarette von Moscheen in den Bezirken Avcilar und Sariyer ein. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said after his return from New York that eight people had been injured. A few buildings had suffered minor damage. The Mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu monitored developments from Istanbul's Catastrophe Coordination Center (Akom). He reported that two minarets of mosques in the districts of Avcilar and Sariyer had collapsed. Online-A.1571 Warning of aftershocks in Istanbul Warnung vor Nachbeben in Istanbul Aftershock warning in Istanbul Online-A.1571 On social media, many users report panic. Buildings wobbled. Schools and hospitals were evacuated. Telephone lines were interrupted. It was more violent than Tuesday's, writes one user. The head of Turkey's Red Crescent, Kerem Klinik, warned of aftershocks via Twitter. He called on people to stay away from buildings that had suffered visible damage. In den sozialen Netzwerken berichten viele Nutzer von Panik. Gebäude wackelten. Schulen und Krankenhäuser wurden evakuiert. Telefonleitungen waren unterbrochen. Es sei heftiger gewesen als das vom Dienstag, schreibt eine Nutzerin. Der Chef des türkischen Roten Halbmonds, Kerem Klinik, warnte via Twitter vor Nachbeben. Er rief die Menschen dazu auf, von Gebäuden fernzubleiben, die sichtbare Schäden erlitten hätten. Many social media users are reporting panic. Buildings trembled. Schools and hospitals were evacuated. Telephone lines were severed. It was stronger than the quake on Tuesday, one user wrote. On Twitter, Kerem Klinik, President of Turkish Red Crescent, warned of aftershocks. He called on people to keep away from buildings that had suffered visible damage. Online-A.1571 The time of the quake is reported at 1:59 p.m. (local time), according to officials. Just minutes after the first quake, there was an aftershock with a magnitude of 4.0 on the Richter scale, according to CNN Turkey. Der Zeitpunkt des Bebens wird offiziellen Angaben zufolge mit 13.59 Uhr (Ortszeit) angegeben. Nur wenige Minuten nach dem ersten Beben gab es laut CNN Turkey ein Nachbeben, das mit einer Stärke von 4,0 auf der Richterskala angegeben wurde. The time of the quake is officially given as 1:59 p.m. local time. According to CNN Turkey, only a few minutes after the first quake, an aftershock measuring 4.0 on the Richter scale occurred. Online-A.1571 As recently as Tuesday, a 4.6 magnitude earthquake had shaken Turkey's Marmara region - it was felt as far as Istanbul. Its epicentre was also located in the Marmara Sea west of the metropolis of millions, the afad civil protection agency announced on Tuesday. Erst am Dienstag hatte ein Erdbeben der Stärke 4,6 hat die türkische Marmararegion erschüttert - es war bis Istanbul zu spüren. Auch dessen Epizentrum habe im Marmarameer westlich der Millionenmetropole gelegen, teilte die Katastrophenschutzbehörde Afad bereits am Dienstag mit. On Tuesday, a magnitude-4.6 earthquake shook the Marmara region that was felt as far away as Istanbul. Disaster and Emergency Management Authority AFAD said the epicenter of this quake was also in the Sea of Marmara to the west of the capital. Online-A.1571 It wasn't the only earthquake that made headlines on Tuesday: Pakistan was also hit by a major earthquake. Es war nicht das einzige Erdbeben, das für Schlagzeilen an diesem Dienstag sorgte: Auch Pakistan wurde von einem schweren Erdbeben getroffen. It was not the only quake to hit the headlines this Tuesday. Pakistan was also affected by a severe quake. Online-A.1571 Researchers believe that sooner or later there could be a catastrophic earthquake in Istanbul - the tension between the tectonic plates is extremely high. Scientists believe it will eventually unload - and cause massive damage. Forscher gehen davon aus, dass es früher oder später zu einem katastrophalen Erdbeben in Istanbul kommen könnte - die Spannung zwischen den tektonischen Platten ist extrem hoch. Wissenschaftler glauben, dass sie sich irgendwann entlädt - und massive Schäden verursachen wird. Researchers believe there could be a disastrous earthquake in Istanbul at some point—there is extreme tension between the two tectonic plates. Scientists believe the tension will discharge one day—causing massive damage. Online-A.1571 Earthquake researcher Sükrü Ersoy reckons that the earthquake is now a warning. It became more likely, he told CNN Türk. "These could be the signs of a major earthquake," Ersoy told the station. "Sooner or later the big quake will come,"" he said. Erdbebenforscher Sükrü Ersoy rechnet damit, dass das Erdbeben jetzt eine Vorwarnung sei. Es sei dadurch wahrscheinlicher geworden, sagte er zu CNN Türk. "Dies könnten die Anzeichen zu einem größeren Erdbeben sein", so Ersoy zum Sender. "Früher oder später wird auch das große Beben kommen". Earthquake researcher Sükrü Ersoy thinks the latest earthquake is an early warning. It has made a disaster more likely, he told CNN Turkey. "This could be a sign of a bigger earthquake," Ersoy told CNN. "The big quake will come sooner or later". Online-A.1571 There had already been an incident a few weeks ago - the quake also caused great concern in Istanbul. In Albania, there had also been a severe earthquake just a few days ago - there were 68 injured. This year, too, the earth had shook on Lake Constance. Bereits vor wenigen Wochen hatte es einen Zwischenfall gegeben - das Beben löste große Sorgen auch in Istanbul aus. In Albanien hatte es zudem erst vor wenigen Tagen ein heftiges Erdbeben gegeben - es gab 68 Verletzte. Auch am Bodensee hatte dieses Jahr die Erde gebebt. A minor quake a few weeks ago caused major concern in Istanbul. In Albania, there was a strong earthquake only a few days ago, with 68 people injured. The earth also shook by Lake Constance this year. Online-A.1571 Parliament: New fuel in Ukraine affair Parlament: Neuer Zündstoff in Ukraine-Affäre Parliament: New fuel for conflict in the Ukraine affair Online-A.1571 Two explosive documents provide new fuel in the Ukraine affair over possible abuses of power by US President Donald Trump. On the way to a possible impeachment trial, US Democrats are encouraged: The complaint filed by an anonymous whistleblower about Trump and his controversial phone call with the Ukrainian president provides important clues to the president's investigation. Trump himself once again sees himself as the victim of a "witch hunt." He also questioned the whistleblower's credibility. Zwei brisante Dokumente sorgen für neuen Zündstoff in der Ukraine-Affäre um möglichen Machtmissbrauch von US-Präsident Donald Trump. Auf dem Weg zu einem möglichen Amtsenthebungsverfahren sehen sich die US-Demokraten bestärkt: Die von einem anonymen Hinweisgeber eingereichte Beschwerde über Trump und dessen umstrittenes Telefonat mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten berge wichtige Anhaltspunkte für Ermittlungen gegen den Präsidenten. Trump selbst sieht sich einmal mehr als Opfer einer "Hexenjagd". Zudem zweifelte er die Glaubwürdigkeit des Whistleblowers an. Two controversial documents provide new fuel in the Ukraine affair regarding US president Donald Trump's possible abuse of power. US democrats feel strengthened towards a possible impeachment procedure. The complaint filed by an anonymous whistleblower about Trump and his controversial phone-call with the Ukrainian president provided important clues for investigations against the president. Even Trump himself once more feels like a victim of a witch hunt. He also doubted the credibility of the whistleblower. Online-A.1571 USA: United Airlines passenger locked in toilet - plane diverted USA: Fluggast von United Airlines in Toilette eingesperrt - Flieger umgeleitet USA: United Airlines passenger locked in toilet—Plane diverted Online-A.1571 A United Airlines flight has been diverted because a passenger was locked in the board toilet. The toilet door was blocked during flight 1554 from Washington to San Francisco, the airline said, according to US media. Weil eine Passagierin in der Board-Toilette eingesperrt war, ist ein Flug von United Airlines umgeleitet worden. Die WC-Tür sei während des Fluges 1554 von Washington nach San Francisco blockiert gewesen, teilte die Airline laut US-Medien mit. A United Airlines flight was diverted because a passenger was locked in the onboard toilet. The bathroom door was blocked during Flight 1554 from Washington to San Francisco, the airline announced according to US media. Online-A.1571 The woman was eventually freed from the narrow cabin during an unscheduled stopover in Denver on Wednesday night (local time). She was locked in for about an hour, US media wrote, citing other passengers. Passengers had to change the aircraft to continue their flight to San Francisco. Bei einer außerplanmäßigen Zwischenlandung am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) in Denver konnte die Frau schließlich aus der engen Kabine befreit werden. Etwa eine Stunde sei sie darin eingesperrt gewesen, schrieben US-Medien unter Berufung auf andere Passagiere. Zum Weiterflug in Richtung San Francisco mussten die Fluggäste die Maschine wechseln. The woman was finally freed from the narrow cabin during an unplanned stopover in Denver Wednesday evening (local time). She had been locked in for almost one hour, US media wrote citing other passengers. Passengers were required to change aircraft to continue their flight to San Francisco. Online-A.1571 A video circulated online, which us media say is believed to have been taken from Flight 1554, shows several people trying to free the woman. "We're working to open the door right now, Ma'am. We'll get you out soon, OK?" a man says. The airline has apologised to all passengers. It was initially unclear whether the woman would receive compensation. In einem im Internet verbreiteten Video, das laut US-Medien von Flug 1554 stammen soll, ist zu sehen, wie mehrere Menschen versuchen, die Frau zu befreien. "Wir arbeiten im Moment daran, die Tür zu öffnen, Ma'am. Wir holen Sie bald raus, Okay?", sagt darin ein Mann. Die Fluggesellschaft habe sich bei allen Fluggästen entschuldigt. Offen war zunächst, ob die Frau eine Entschädigung erhält. In a video from Flight 1554 distributed online, US media report that multiple people can be seen trying to free the woman. "We are currently working on opening the door, ma'am. We will get you out soon, okay?" says a man in the video. The airline apologized to all passengers. It was initially unclear whether the woman would receive compensation. Online-A.1571 The cockroach: Inspired by Kafka: Ian McEwan writes Brexit novel Die Kakerlake: Von Kafka inspiriert: Ian McEwan schreibt Brexit-Roman The Cockroach: Inspired by Kafka: Ian McEwan writes a Brexit novel Online-A.1571 How does a writer like Ian McEwan deal with all the Brexit chaos? He writes a book about it - and his protagonist is unmistakable. Wie geht ein Schriftsteller wie Ian McEwan mit dem ganzen Brexit-Chaos um? Er schreibt ein Buch darüber - und sein Protagonist ist unverkennbar. How does an author like Ian McEwan deal with all the Brexit chaos? He writes a book about it—and his protagonist is unmistakable. Online-A.1571 Inspired by Franz Kafka's famous story "The Transformation," the British author Ian McEwan, 71, has written a book about the Brexit chaos in Britain. Inspiriert von Franz Kafkas berühmter Erzählung "Die Verwandlung" hat der britische Erfolgsautor Ian McEwan (71) ein Buch über das Brexit-Chaos in Großbritannien geschrieben. Inspired by Kafka's unmistakable "The Metamorphosis," the British success author Ian McEwan (71) has written a book about the Brexit chaos in Great Britain. Online-A.1571 The novel "Die Cockroach" (originally "The Cockroach") will be published on German on 27 November, the Diogenes Verlag (Zurich) announced. It is about the transformation of a man named "Jim Sams", who was ignored or hated in his previous life, but is now suddenly the most powerful man in Britain. He sees it as his mission to put the will of the people into action, and is determined to be held back by nothing and no one. Der Roman "Die Kakerlake" (Original: "The Cockroach") werde am 27. November auf Deutsch erscheinen, teilte der Diogenes Verlag (Zürich) mit. Darin gehe es um die Verwandlung eines Mannes namens "Jim Sams", der in seinem früheren Leben ignoriert oder gehasst wurde, jetzt aber auf einmal der mächtigste Mann Großbritanniens ist. Er sieht es als seine Mission, den Willen des Volkes in die Tat umzusetzen und ist dabei wild entschlossen, sich von nichts und niemandem aufhalten zu lassen. The novel called "The Cockroach" will be available in print in German on the 27th November, as communicated by the Diogenes Publisher (Zurich). It describes the transformation of a man called ‘Jim Sams,' who was ignored or hated in his former life, and has now suddenly become the most powerful man in Great Britain. He sees it as a mission to turn the will of the people into action and is wildly determined not to let anything nor anyone hinder him. Online-A.1571 McEwan was quoted as saying: "If Parliament is closed so that the government cannot be challenged at a critical moment, when ministers shamelessly lie like Soviet leaders once did, when Brexiteers in high positions are begging the disaster of a no-deal - then a writer must ask himself what he can do. There is only one answer: write". McEwan's novel "Machines Like Me" about artificial intelligence was only published in the spring. McEwan wurde mit den Worten zitiert: "Wenn das Parlament geschlossen wird, sodass die Regierung in einem kritischen Moment nicht herausgefordert werden kann, wenn Minister schamlos lügen wie einst die Sowjetführer, wenn Brexiteers in hohen Positionen die Katastrophe eines No-Deals geradezu herbeiflehen - dann muss ein Schriftsteller sich fragen, was er tun kann. Es gibt nur eine Antwort darauf: schreiben". Von McEwan war erst im Frühjahr der Roman "Maschinen wie ich" über Künstliche Intelligenz erschienen. McEwan was quoted as saying, "When the parliament is shut down, so that the government cannot be challenged at a critical time, when ministers are lying as shamelessly as the former soviet rulers, when Brexiteers in high positions are almost invoking a No-Deal, then an author has to ask himself what they can do. There is only one answer to that: writing." We had only just heard from McEwan in the spring with the novel "Machines like me" about artificial intelligence. Online-A.1571 Kafka's 1915 first-published story is about Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning and sees himself "transformed into a tremendous vermin," is gradually excluded from family and society and eventually perishes. "Ian McEwan bows to Kafka to describe a world that stands head to head," diogenes publisher said. Kafkas 1915 erstmals veröffentlichte Erzählung handelt von Gregor Samsa, der eines Morgens aufwacht und sich "zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt" sieht, nach und nach von Familie und Gesellschaft ausgeschlossen wird und schließlich zugrunde geht. "Ian McEwan verneigt sich vor Kafka, um eine Welt zu beschreiben, die Kopf steht", hieß es vom Diogenes Verlag. Kafka's story first printed in 1915 tells of Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning and sees himself transformed into a monstrous insect," is gradually rejected by family and community and eventually perishes. "Ian McEwan bows down before Kafka in order to describe a world that is upside down," the Diogenes Publisher discloses. Online-A.1571 EU invests €9.5 million in Austria's rail infrastructure EU investiert 9,5 Millionen Euro in Österreichs Bahninfrastruktur EU invests €9.5 million in Austria's railway infrastructure Online-A.1571 11,200 wagons in Austria and Hungary are given whisper brakes to reduce noise pollution from freight trains. In addition, sections of the railway connections between Graz and Györ and Wiener Neustadt and Sopron will be modernised and electrified. 11.200 Wagons in Österreich und Ungarn bekommen Flüsterbremsen, um die Lärmbelastung durch Güterzüge zu reduzieren. Außerdem werden Abschnitte der Bahnverbindungen zwischen Graz und Györ und Wiener Neustadt und Sopron modernisiert und elektrifiziert. 11,200 railway cars in Austria and Hungary are being fitted with whisper brakes to reduce the noise generated by freight trains. In addition, sections of the rail links between Graz and Győr and between Wiener Neustadt and Sopron will be modernized and electrified. Online-A.1571 According to the EU authority, this should make travel more convenient and reduce CO2 emissions. The funds come from the EU's Connecting Europe Facility infrastructure pot. Dies soll nach Angaben der EU-Behörde Reisen komfortabler machen und den CO2-Ausstoß senken. Die Mittel kommen aus dem EU-Infrastrukturtopf "Connecting Europe Facility". According to information from EU officials, this should make travel more comfortable and decrease CO2 emissions. The work is being financed by the EU "Connecting Europe Facility" infrastructure fund. Online-A.1571 Thomas Cook: All trips cancelled until October 31 Thomas Cook: Alle Reisen bis 31.Oktober abgesagt Thomas Cook: All trips canceled until October 31 Online-A.1571 The German tour operator Thomas Cook has cancelled all trips up to and including 31 October 2019 one day after its insolvency application. Travel "cannot be started for insolvency reasons," the company announced on Thursday night. Der deutsche Reiseveranstalter Thomas Cook hat einen Tag nach seinem Insolvenzantrag alle Reisen bis einschließlich 31. Oktober 2019 abgesagt. Reisen könnten "aus insolvenzrechtlichen Gründen nicht angetreten werden", teilte das Unternehmen am Donnerstagabend mit. One day after filing for bankruptcy, German travel agency Thomas Cook has canceled all trips up to and including October 31, 2019. Travel "could not be completed on legal grounds related to bankruptcy," the company announced on Thursday evening. Online-A.1571 This also affects bookings of the brands Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen and Air Marin, which have already been paid or paid in full. The company left open the question of travel with a start from 1 November 2019. In coordination with the insolvency insurance, the further course of action will be examined, it was said. Davon betroffen seien auch Buchungen der Marken Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen und Air Marin, die bereits angezahlt oder vollständig bezahlt sind. Wie es um Reisen mit Start ab dem 1. November 2019 steht, ließ das Unternehmen offen. In Abstimmung mit der Insolvenzversicherung werde die weitere Vorgehensweise geprüft, hieß es. This also affects bookings made with the brands Thomas Cook Signature, Thomas Cook Signature Finest Selection, Neckermann Reisen, ÖGER TOURS, Bucher Reisen, and Air Marin that have already been paid for partially or in full. The company has not confirmed how it will handle trips starting after November 1, 2019. Further action will be examined in coordination with the insolvency insurer, the company said. Online-A.1571 Thomas Cook in Germany had fallen into the grip of the bankruptcy of the British parent company and filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday. The company, which includes Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours and Bucher Reisen, employs around 2,000 people in Germany. Thomas Cook in Deutschland war in den Sog der Pleite des britischen Mutterkonzerns geraten und hatte am Mittwoch Insolvenzantrag gestellt. Das Unternehmen, zu dem unter anderem Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours und Bucher Reisen gehören, beschäftigt in Deutschland etwa 2000 Menschen. Thomas Cook in Germany was caught up in the wake of the collapse of its British parent company and filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday. The company, which also includes Neckermann Reisen, Öger Tours, and Bucher Reisen, employs around 2000 people in Germany. Online-A.1571 Insurer wants to transfer money to hotels from now on Versicherer will Hotels ab sofort wieder Geld überweisen Insurers seek to transfer money to hotels immediately again Online-A.1571 On the other hand, from this Friday, hotels abroad that currently still host Thomas Cook holidaymakers are to receive money from Zurich insurance. According to Zurich, payments to hotels are conditional on holidaymakers no longer being asked to make extra payments. Hingegen sollen ab diesem Freitag Hotels im Ausland, die derzeit noch Thomas-Cook-Urlauber beherbergen, Geld von der Zurich-Versicherung bekommen. Die Zahlungen an die Hotels sind laut Zurich an die Bedingung geknüpft, dass Urlauber nicht mehr zu Extra-Zahlungen aufgefordert werden. Conversely, hotels outside of Germany that are currently still accommodating Thomas Cook vacationers are set to receive money from the Zurich Insurance Group starting this Friday. According to Zurich, the payments to hotels include the condition that guests no longer be required to make extra payments. Online-A.1571 Based on booking information and without presenting separate invoices, hotels in the resorts will now receive 50 percent of the outstanding payments, a Zurich spokesman told the German Press Agency. "This applies immediately and on condition that Thomas Cook travelers are not immediately required by these hotels to pay individual hotel bills or otherwise be forced," spokesman Bernd Engelien added. Auf Basis der Buchungsinformationen und ohne Vorlage gesonderter Rechnungen sollen die Hotels in den Ferienorten jetzt 50 Prozent der ausstehenden Zahlungen erhalten, wie ein Zurich-Sprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur sagte. "Dies gilt sofort und unter der Voraussetzung, dass Thomas-Cook-Reisende von diesen Hotels ab sofort weder zur individuellen Zahlung von Hotelrechnungen aufgefordert oder anderweitig genötigt werden", sagte Sprecher Bernd Engelien weiter. Based on the booking information and without presenting any separate receipts, resort hotels are now to receive 50 per cent of the outstanding payments, a Zurich speaker said to the news agency dpa. "This applies straight away and with the requirement that, starting immediately, these hotels not prompt or otherwise require Thomas Cook travelers to make individual payment for hotel bills," spokesman Bernd Engelien went on to say. Online-A.1571 The insurance company responded to reports from hotel guests who said they had been forced to pay for their accommodation on site themselves. Some therefore had to put more than 1000 euros on the table. The German Travel Association (DRV) and the Federal Association of Consumer Centres had strongly criticised this. Die Versicherung reagierte damit auf Berichte von Hotelgästen, die nach eigenen Angaben gezwungen worden waren, ihre Unterkünfte vor Ort selbst zu bezahlen. Einige mussten demnach mehr als 1000 Euro auf den Tisch legen. Der Deutsche Reiseverband (DRV) und der Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentralen hatten dies scharf kritisiert. The insurance company was reacting to reports from hotel guests who claim they were being forced to pay for their accommodations themselves on site. Some of them had to lay out more than €1000. The German Travel Industry Association (DRV) and the German Federation of German Consumer Organization (VZBV) criticized this strongly. Online-A.1571 How many hotels are affected will be agreed with the insolvent travel provider on Friday, the insurance spokesman said. According to Data on Thursday, 70,000 Thomas Cook package holidaymakers from Germany were still on the way. Zurich Germany has secured the holidays and return journeys of Thomas Cook customers. Wie viele Hotels betroffen sind, werde am Freitag mit dem insolventen Reiseanbieter abgestimmt, sagte der Versicherungs-Sprecher. Nach Angaben vom Donnerstag waren noch 70 000 Thomas-Cook-Pauschalurlauber aus Deutschland unterwegs. Die Zurich Deutschland hat Urlaub und Rückreise der Thomas-Cook-Kunden abgesichert. The number of hotels affected will be determined on Friday with the insolvent travel agency, said the insurer's spokesman. According to information from Thursday, 70,000 Thomas Cook package customers were still on vacation outside Germany. Zurich Germany has secured the vacations and return travel of Thomas Cook customers. Online-A.1571 Insolvency administrators want to try to continue the three Thomas Cook companies in Germany and find a solution for the future. Insolvenzverwalter wollen versuchen, die drei Thomas-Cook-Gesellschaften in Deutschland fortzuführen und eine Zukunftslösung zu finden. Insolvency administrators want to attempt to keep the three Thomas Cook companies in Germany operating and find a solution for the future. Online-A.1571 However, the now announced payouts to hotels by Zurich Insurance only help travellers who are currently on the road. For Thomas Cook customers who are yet to go on holiday, things are looking bad. Late Thursday night, the company announced that all trips up to and including October 31 would be cancelled. This also applies to bookings that have already been paid for. Die nun angekündigten Auszahlungen an Hotels durch die Zurich Versicherung helfen allerdings nur den Reisenden, die derzeit noch unterwegs sind. Für Thomas-Cook-Kunden, die erst noch in den Urlaub fliegen wollen, sieht es schlecht aus. Am späten Donnerstagabend teilte das Unternehmen mit, alle Reisen bis einschließlich 31. Oktober würden abgesagt. Dies gelte auch für solche Buchungen, die schon bezahlt sind. However, the Zurich Insurance payments now announced for hotels will help travelers who are currently still abroad. Things look bad for Thomas Cook customers who still want to go on vacation. Late Thursday evening, the company announced that all trips up to and including October 31 had been canceled. This also applies to bookings that have already been paid for. Online-A.1571 The company left open the question of travel with a start from 1 November 2019. In coordination with the insolvency insurance, the further course of action will be examined, it was said. In principle, insurance zurich is also responsible for these cases. The sale of new trips has stopped. Dpa Wie es um Reisen mit Start ab dem 1. November 2019 steht, ließ das Unternehmen offen. In Abstimmung mit der Insolvenzversicherung werde die weitere Vorgehensweise geprüft, hieß es. Grundsätzlich ist für diese Fälle auch die Versicherung Zurich zuständig. Der Verkauf neuer Reisen ist gestoppt. dpa The company has not confirmed how it will handle trips starting after November 1, 2019. Further action will be examined in coordination with the insolvency insurer, the company said. In principle, the insurer Zurich will be responsible for these cases as well. The sale of new trips has been halted. dpa Online-A.1571 The company refers to the insurer Zurich, which can be represented by the company Kaera. Customers can find out about the possibilities of refunding the travel price on the Kaera website and make their claims via a web form. Das Unternehmen verweist auf den Versicherer Zurich, das sich durch das Unternehmen Kaera vertreten lässt. Kunden könnten sich auf der Kaera-Webseite über Möglichkeiten der Rückerstattung des Reisepreises informieren und über ein Webformular ihre Ansprüche geltend machen. The company refers to its insurer, Zurich, which is represented by the company Kaera. Customers can obtain information on reimbursement options for the cost of trips on the Kaera website and can submit claims using a web form. Online-A.1571 Prince Harry destroys explosive mine in Angola Prinz Harry zerstört Sprengmine in Angola Prince Harry destroys blast mine in Angola Online-A.1571 Prince Harry has long continued Lady Diana's engagement. In Africa, he now walks directly in the footsteps of his mother. Schon lange führt Prinz Harry das Engagement von Lady Diana fort. In Afrika wandelt er jetzt direkt auf den Spuren seiner Mutter. Prince Harry has been continuing Lady Diana's work for a long time. In Africa, he is now following directly in his mother's footsteps. Online-A.1571 Dressed in a blue splinter vest, Britain's Prince Harry detonated and destroyed an explosive mine in Angola. Mit einer blauen Splitterschutzweste bekleidet hat der britische Prinz Harry in Angola eine Sprengmine gezündet und zerstört. Wearing a blue protective jacket, the British prince detonated and destroyed a blast mine in Angola. Online-A.1571 Near a camp of the British Halo Trust near the village of Dirico, he set up the ignition circle in front of running TV cameras on Friday morning. At a safe distance, the explosive device exploded in the savannah landscape without causing any damage. Although the Halo Trust alone has destroyed more than 100,000 relics of the decades-long bloody conflict in the African country, there are still more than 1,000 minefields threatening the population. Nahe eines Camps des britischen Halo Trusts bei dem Ort Dirico stellte er am Freitagmorgen vor laufenden TV-Kameras den Zündkreis her. In sicherer Entfernung explodierte der Sprengkörper in der Savannenlandschaft, ohne Schaden anzurichten. Obwohl allein der Halo Trust mehr als 100.000 Relikte des jahrzehntelangen blutigen Konflikts in dem afrikanischen Land zerstört hat, gibt es noch immer mehr als 1000 Minenfelder, die die Bevölkerung bedrohen. On Friday morning, near the British Halo Trust camp in Dirico, he flipped the ignition switch in front of TV cameras At a safe distance in the savannah, the mine exploded without causing damage. The Halo Trust alone has destroyed over 100,000 relics of the decades-long bloody conflict in Angola, yet there are still over 1,000 minefields endangering the population. Online-A.1571 On the fifth day of his trip to Africa, Harry wanted to follow in the footsteps of his mother Diana (1961-1997) in the city of Huambo. With the same explosive master who once accompanied his mother, he wanted to travel the way she was then. The pictures of Princess Diana walking through a cleared minefield in 1997 had gone around the world. She, too, had demonstrated support for the Halo Trust. Am fünften Tag seiner Afrikareise wollte Harry anschließend in der Stadt Huambo direkt auf den Spuren seiner Mutter Diana (1961-1997) wandeln. Mit demselben Sprengmeister, der einst seine Mutter begleitete, wollte er den Weg zurücklegen, den sie damals ging. Die Bilder, auf denen Prinzessin Diana 1997 durch ein geräumtes Minenfeld ging, waren um die Welt gegangen. Auch sie hatte Unterstützung für den Halo Trust demonstriert. In Huambo, on the fifth day of his African visit, Price Harry wanted to follow directly in the footsteps of his mother Diana (1961-1997). He wanted to retrace his mother's path accompanied by the same demolition expert who accompanied her. The pictures showing Princess Diana going through a cleared minefield in 1997 went round the world. She too had demonstrated her support for the Halo Trust. Online-A.1571 Harry, 35, and his wife Meghan, 38, have been on a 10-day trip to Africa since Monday, which began in the South African tourist city of Cape Town. Harry (35) und seine Ehefrau Meghan (38) sind sich seit Montag auf einer zehntägigen Afrikareise, die in der südafrikanischen Touristenmetropole Kapstadt begonnen hat. Since Monday, Harry (35) and his wife Meghan (38) have been on a ten-day Africa trip that started in the South African tourist metropolis of Cape Town. Online-A.1571 Stagnant Brexit negotiations: The risk of a no-deal remains acute euronews-de.171934 Stockende Brexit-Verhandlungen: Die Gefahr eines No-Deals bleibt akut Slow-moving Brexit talks: The risk of no deal remains acute Online-A.1571 In fact, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had made it clear that there would be no third postponement of the Brexit negotiations. But what are the statements of the polarizing Briton for ever lasting. Britain's supreme court's latest ruling hovers over the blond head like a sword of Damocles. His suspension from Parliament to stubbornly implement his Brexit course until the exit date was annulled earlier this week. And a law passed by parliament obliges Johnson to extend bilateral talks until October 31 if negotiations with the EU fail. But Johnson had categorically ruled that out. euronews-de.171934 Eigentlich hatte sich Premier Boris Johnson eindeutig festgelegt: Mit ihm wird es einen dritten Aufschub der Brexit-Verhandlungen garantiert nicht geben. Aber welche Aussagen sind beim polarisierenden Briten schon von ewiger Dauer. Das jüngste Urteil des Obersten Gerichtes in Großbritanniens schwebt wie ein Damoklesschwert über dem Blondschopf. Seine Suspendierung des Parlaments, um seinen Brexit-Kurs bis zum Austrittsdatum stur durchführen zu können, wurde Anfang dieser Woche annulliert. Und ein vom Parlament verabschiedetes Gesetz verpflichtet Johnson dazu, im Falle gescheiterter Verhandlungen mit der EU bis zum 31. Oktober eine Verlängerung der bilateralen Gespräche zu bewirken. Das hatte Johnson jedoch kategorisch immer wieder ausgeschlossen. Prime Minister Boris Johnson had made it clear that there will be no third postponement of Brexit talks while he is in office. But assertions by the controversial Briton often change. The latest ruling of the British Supreme Court hangs over Johnson's blond head like a sword of Damocles. His suspension of parliament in stubborn pursuit of his Brexit plant until the EU exit date was reversed early this week. And a law passed by parliament obligates Johnson to extend bilateral talks if negotiations with the EU have failed by October 31. However, Johnson has always categorically ruled this out. Online-A.1571 Boris Johnson still thinks deal is still possible euronews-de.171934 Boris Johnson hält Deal noch für möglich Johnson still considers a deal possible Online-A.1571 But the pressure doesn't seem to pass johnson noticeably either. Meanwhile, when visiting a hospital, he made suggestions that, if he did not agree, he would support an extension of the negotiations until the end of October: euronews-de.171934 Doch der Druck scheint auch an Johnson nicht spürbar vorbei zu gehen. Inzwischen machte er beim Besuch eines Krankenhauses Andeutungen, dass er im Falle einer Nichteinigung bis Ende Oktober eine Verlängerung der Verhandlungen unterstütze: But he also does not exhibit any trace of the pressure. During a visit to a hospital, he has since suggested that he supports extending the talks if no deal is reached by the end of October. Online-A.1571 You know, we're going to stick to the law. euronews-de.171934 Wissen Sie, wir werden uns an das Gesetz halten. We will comply with the law, you know. Online-A.1571 At the same time, however, we are confident that we will leave the EU on 31 October. euronews-de.171934 Gleichzeitig sind wir aber zuversichtlich, dass wir zum 31.Oktober die EU verlassen werden. But at the same time, we are confident that we shall leave the EU on October 31. Online-A.1571 And best with a deal. I am cautiously optimistic that this will work. euronews-de.171934 Und am besten mit einem Deal. Ich bin vorsichtig optimistisch, dass das klappt. Preferably with a deal. I am cautiously optimistic that it will work. Online-A.1571 And time is beginning to run out for Brexit negotiators in Brussels. The EU and British negotiators still have about six weeks to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union without a deal. But even the latest talks have failed to make a breakthrough. An agreement by the end of October seems rather difficult to imagine at the moment. If the British Prime Minister does not break the law, a further postponement of the withdrawal date is in force. But the opposition does not trust the Prime Minister's words. She fears that if Johnson does, he could somehow push through Brexit. euronews-de.171934 Und die Zeit rennt den Brexit-Verhandlern in Brüssel allmählich davon. Noch rund sechs Wochen haben die EU und die britischen Unterhändler Zeit, um einen Austritt Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union ohne Abkommen zu verhindern. Doch auch die jüngsten Gespräche haben wieder keinen Durchbruch erzielt. Ein Abkommen bis Ende Oktober erscheint aktuell eher schwierig vorstellbar. Bricht der britische Premierminister nicht das Gesetz, steht eine erneute Verschiebung des Austrittsdatums in Kraft. Die Opposition traut den Worten des Premierministers aber nicht. Sie fürchtet, dass Johnson im Falle eines No-Deals den Brexit irgendwie durchsetzen könnte. And time is running out for the Brexit talks in Brussels. The EU and the British negotiators still have about six weeks to prevent a no-deal Brexit. But the latest talks have again brought no breakthrough. A deal by the end of October is quite difficult to imagine right now. Unless the British prime minister breaks the law, another postponement of Brexit will take effect. But the opposition does not trust his words. They fear that Johnson will somehow be able to push Brexit through if there is no deal. Online-A.1571 U.S. authorities: More e-cigarette deaths US-Behörde: Weitere Todesfälle durch E-Zigaretten US Authorities: More Fatalities Caused by E-Cigarettes Online-A.1571 The number of deaths related to the use of e-cigarettes in the US has risen to 12. In addition, there are now 805 confirmed and probable injuries in this context, the US health agency CDC announced. According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, there have already been more than 900 people affected, about 500 of whom have been confirmed. The cause of the lung damage is still completely unclear. No similar increase in lung damage has been reported in Europe. Complaints appear to be limited to users in the US. Die Zahl der Todesfälle in Zusammenhang mit dem Gebrauch von E-Zigaretten in den USA ist auf zwölf gestiegen. Zudem gebe es inzwischen 805 bestätigte und wahrscheinliche Verletzte in diesem Zusammenhang, teilte die US-Gesundheitsbehörde CDC mit. Einer Studie im "New England Journal of Medicine" zufolge gab es bereits mehr als 900 Betroffene, rund 500 davon bestätigt. Die Ursache für die Lungenschäden ist noch immer völlig unklar. In Europa ist bislang kein ähnlicher Anstieg von Lungenschädigungen bekannt. Die Beschwerden scheinen sich auf Benutzer in den USA zu beschränken. The number of fatalities connected with the use of e-cigarettes in the USA has increased to twelve. And the CDC, the US public health authority, has announced 805 people confirmed or probably injured in connection with the devices. According to a study in the "New England Journal of Medicine," more than 900 people have been affected, and around 500 of those cases have been confirmed. The cause for the lung damage remains completely unclear. No similar increase in lung injuries is known In Europe so far. The complaints seem to be restricted to users in the USA. Online-A.1571 Fears of new protests in Egypt grow dw.97318 Die Angst vor neuen Protesten in Ägypten wächst Growing fears of new protests in Egypt Online-A.1571 The videos of Mohammed Ali have been shared millions of times on online networks. The spanish-based builder and actor calls for a "people's revolution." On Friday, he called for further protests against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian military, which critics accuse of corruption and mismanagement. Ali is hoping for mass rallies with a million attendees in central squares across the country. dw.97318 Millionenfach wurden die Videos von Mohammed Ali in Online-Netzwerken geteilt. Der in Spanien lebende Bauunternehmer und Schauspieler fordert darin eine "Volksrevolution". Für den heutigen Freitag hat er zu weiteren Protesten gegen Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi und das ägyptische Militär aufgerufen, denen Kritiker Korruption und Misswirtschaft vorwerfen. Ali erhofft sich Massenkundgebungen mit einer Million Teilnehmern an zentralen Plätzen des Landes. The videos of Mohammed Ali have been shared on social media millions of times. In them, the building entrepreneur and actor who lives in Spain calls for a "people's revolution." He has called for further protests this Friday against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the Egyptian military, who are accused of corruption and mismanagement. Ali hopes for mass rallies with one million participants in central locations in the country. Online-A.1571 In any case, the security authorities are alarmed. There has already been an increased police presence in central Cairo. Several metro stations remained closed and roads around the central Tahrir Square were closed. In recent days, police had stepped up their roadside checks and searched the mobile phones of pedestrians in part for messages and photos related to the protests. dw.97318 Die Sicherheitsbehörden jedenfalls sind alarmiert. Im Zentrum Kairos war bereits eine verstärkte Polizeipräsenz zu beobachten. Mehrere U-Bahn-Stationen blieben geschlossen, Straßen um den zentralen Tahrir-Platz wurden gesperrt. Schon in den vergangenen Tagen hatte die Polizei ihre Straßenkontrollen verstärkt und die Handys von Fußgängern teilweise auf Nachrichten und Fotos im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten durchsucht. The security authorities are certainly on alert. An increased police presence was already visible in the center of Cairo. Several subway stations were closed and streets around the centrally located Tahrir Square were blocked off. In recent days, police had increased their road checks and searched the cellphones of passersby for messages and photos connected with the protests. Online-A.1571 On September 20, the demonstrators also gathered around Tahrir Square. dw.97318 Am 20. September versammelten sich die Demonstranten auch rund um den Tahrir-Platz. On September 20, demonstrators also gathered around Tahir Square. Online-A.1571 Last weekend, protests with hundreds of participants took place in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Mansura. There had not been such an open protest in Egypt for years. The security forces reacted accordingly harshly. According to the human rights organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW), almost 2,000 people have been arrested since last week. Many of them were arbitrarily arrested - only because they were "in the wrong place at the wrong time," HRW said, citing lawyers for those arrested. dw.97318 Vergangenes Wochenende war es in Kairo, Alexandria, Suez und Mansura zu Protesten mit Hunderten Teilnehmern gekommen. Einen so offenen Protest hatte es in Ägypten seit Jahren nicht gegeben. Entsprechend hart reagierten die Sicherheitskräfte darauf. Nach Angaben der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) wurden seit vergangener Woche fast 2000 Menschen festgenommen. Viele von ihnen seien willkürlich verhaftet worden - nur weil sie "zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort" waren, teilte HRW unter Berufung auf Rechtsanwälte Festgenommener mit. Last weekend there were protests involving hundreds and thousands of people in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, and Mansura. There has not been such an open protest in Egypt for years. The security forces reacted with corresponding severity. According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), almost 2,000 people have been arrested since last week. Many of them were arrested arbitrarily just because "they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," said HRW, citing the lawyers of those arrested. Online-A.1571 The organization also criticized censorship in the North African country. The government in Cairo is blocking websites and online services to prevent further protests against al-Sisi. The general has ruled the country since 2013 after overthrowing democratically elected Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Thousands of Islamists, anti-government activists, bloggers and activists have been imprisoned and partially convicted in recent years. dw.97318 Die Organisation kritisierte zudem die Zensur in dem nordafrikanischen Land. Demnach blockiert die Regierung in Kairo Websites und Online-Dienste, um weitere Proteste gegen al-Sisi zu unterbinden. Der General regiert das Land seit 2013, nachdem er den demokratisch gewählten islamistischen Präsidenten Mohammed Mursi gestürzt hatte. Tausende Islamisten, Regierungsgegner, Blogger und Aktivisten wurden in den vergangenen Jahren inhaftiert und teilweise verurteilt. The organization also criticized censorship in Egypt. It said the government in Cairo is blocking websites and social media to suppress further protests against al-Sisi. The general has ruled the country since 2013 after he toppled the democratically elected President Mohammed Mursi. Thousands of Islamists, government opponents, bloggers, and activists have been detained in recent years, with some convicted. Online-A.1571 "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs back from Greenland expedition "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs von Grönland-Expedition zurück "Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs returns from his Greenland expedition Online-A.1571 Polar explorer Arved Fuchs returned from his Greenland expedition on Friday. On his arrival at the Port of Hamburg, he was greeted by, among others, the skipper Boris Herrmann, who had brought climate activist Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic with the race yacht "Malizia". Der Polarforscher Arved Fuchs ist am Freitag von seiner Grönland-Expedition zurückgekehrt. Begrüßt wurde er bei seiner Ankunft im Hamburger Hafen unter anderem von dem Skipper Boris Herrmann, der Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg mit der Rennjacht "Malizia" über den Atlantik gebracht hatte. The polar explorer Arved Fuchs returned from his Greenland expedition Friday. Among those waiting to greet him in the port of Hamburg was skipper Boris Hermann, who had taken climate activist Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic in the racing yacht "Malizia." Online-A.1571 In recent months, Fuchs and a team of scientists have studied and documented the effects of global warming on his sailing ship "Dagmar Aaen" on the coasts of Iceland and Greenland. Mit einem Team von Wissenschaftlern hatte Fuchs in den vergangenen Monaten auf seinem Segelschiff "Dagmar Aaen" an den Küsten Islands und Grönlands Folgen der Erderwärmung untersucht und dokumentiert. In his yacht "Dagmar Aaen" accompanied by a team of scientists, Fuchs had investigated the coasts of Iceland and Greenland for signs of global warming over the past few months. Online-A.1571 The Fridays for Future movement is a boon, the polar explorer said. He had waited years for the younger generation to speak up. We have known for decades that the earth is warming up. Nevertheless, many acted as if there was a Planet B. Die Fridays for Future-Bewegung sei ein Segen, sagte der Polarforscher. Er habe jahrelang darauf gewartet, dass sich die junge Generation zu Wort melde. Man wisse seit Jahrzehnten, dass sich die Erde erwärme. Trotzdem handelten viele so, als gäbe es einen Planeten B. The Fridays for Future movement is a blessing, he said. He had waited years for the young generation to make itself heard. It has been known for decades that the Earth is getting warmer. But still, many people have acted as if there were a Planet B to escape to. Online-A.1571 "What happens at sea often takes place in private," Fuchs said. He and his team wanted to educate people about the effects of global warming and marine litter. During the expedition, among other things, Greenlandic glacial ice was measured with a drone and fished for microplastics with nets, it was said. "Was auf dem Meer passiert, findet oft unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit statt", sagte Fuchs. Er und sein Team wollten die Menschen über die Auswirkungen der Erderwärmung und die Vermüllung der Meere informieren. Bei der Expedition sei unter anderem mit einer Drohne grönländisches Gletschereis vermessen und mit Netzen nach Mikroplastik gefischt worden, hieß es. "What happens in the sea is usually hidden from the public," said Fuchs. He and his team wanted to inform people about the effects of global warming and about the pollution of the seas. Activities during the expedition included the use of a drone to measure glacial ice in Greenland and of nets to fish microplastics from the water. Online-A.1571 The polar explorer from Bad Bramstedt was awarded the "Seadevcon Maritime Award" during the Hamburg Climate Week for his "fight for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's oceans". "Arved Fuchs is a great role model for all of us who care about the survival of the oceans," said skipper Boris Herrmann at the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have taken place in the Arctic in recent decades," he said. Für seinen "Kampf um eine nachhaltige und respektvolle Nutzung der Weltmeere" wurde der Polarforscher aus Bad Bramstedt im Rahmen der Hamburger Klimawoche mit dem "Seadevcon Maritime Award" ausgezeichnet. "Für uns alle, denen das Überleben der Ozeane am Herzen liegt, ist Arved Fuchs ein großes Vorbild", sagte Skipper Boris Herrmann bei der Preisverleihung. "Er ist ein Zeuge der Veränderungen, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der Arktis zugetragen haben". For his "campaign for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's seas," the polar explorer from Bad Bramstedt received the Seadevcon Maritime Award during Hamburg Climate Week. "Arved Fuchs is a great example for all of us who are concerned about the survival of the oceans", said Skipper Boris Herrmann during the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have occurred in the Arctic over the past decades." Online-A.1571 Expensive spaghetti in Rome: Tourists paid 430 euros for noodles Teure Spaghetti in Rom: Touristinnen zahlten für Nudeln 430 Euro Expensive spaghetti in Rome Tourists paid 430 Euro for noodles Online-A.1571 430 euros for two plates of spaghetti with fish in a simple restaurant not far from The Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: that seemed too much for two Japanese tourists. The bill, which included a tip of 80 euros, was paid for by the two women, but they posted the receipt on Facebook, prompting heated reactions. 430 Euro für zwei Teller Spaghetti mit Fisch in einem einfachen Restaurant unweit der Engelsburg in Rom: Das schien zwei japanischen Touristinnen zu viel. Die Rechnung mit 80 Euro Trinkgeld inbegriffen wurde zwar von den beiden Frauen bezahlt, sie posteten jedoch die Quittung auf Facebook, was hitzige Reaktionen auslöste. 430 Euro for two spaghetti dishes and fish in a simple restaurant near Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome: That seemed too high a price for two Japanese tourists. Although the two women paid the bill, which included an 80 Euro tip, they posted the receipt on Facebook, which caused heated reactions. Online-A.1571 "Such cases damage the reputation of Rome. We call on the police to investigate whether this is a fraud," a spokesman for Federagit, the association of travel guides in Rome, said in a statement, according to the Roman daily Il Messaggero (Friday's edition). "Solche Fälle schaden dem Ansehen Roms. Wir fordern die Polizei auf, der Frage nachzugehen, ob es sich hier um einen Betrug handelt", forderte ein Sprecher von Federagit, dem Verband der Reiseführer in Rom laut der römischen Tageszeitung Il Messaggero (Freitagsausgabe). "Instances like that do damage to Rome's prestige. We entreat the police to investigate whether this is fraud," demanded the representative for Federagit, the association of tour guides in Rome, according to the Friday edition of the Roman daily newspaper ‘Il Messaggero.' Online-A.1571 Promptly came the reaction of the owners of the restaurant. The Japanese women had ordered not only spaghetti, but also fresh fish, the local owner justified himself. However, this cannot be inferred from the invoice. A tip of up to 20 percent of the bill is also normal, the innkeeper said. Prompt kam die Reaktion der Inhaber des Restaurants. Die Japanerinnen hätten nicht nur Spaghetti, sondern auch frischen Fisch bestellt, rechtfertigte sich der Lokalbesitzer. Dies ist jedoch aus der Rechnung nicht zu entnehmen. Auch ein Trinkgeld von bis zu 20 Prozent der Rechnung sei normal, meinte der Gastwirt. The restaurant owner's reaction came promptly. The Japanese women did not only order spaghetti, they also ordered fresh fish, the local owner said by way of defending himself. However, this is not discernible on the bill. The innkeeper also intimated that a tip of 20% of the bill total is normal. Online-A.1571 A call in Ukraine, and everything is broken? US President Donald Trump may indeed face impeachment proceedings after the tumultuous revelations of the past few days, and Democrats now want to examine this as soon as possible with their House investigation - weeks to go before a decision is made. zeit.64420 Ein Anruf in der Ukraine, und alles ist kaputt? US-Präsident Donald Trump könnte nach den turbulenten Enthüllungen der vergangenen Tage tatsächlich mit einem Amtsenthebungsverfahren konfrontiert sein, die Demokraten wollen das mit ihrer Untersuchung im Repräsentantenhaus nun so schnell wie möglich prüfen - die Rede ist von Wochen, bis eine Entscheidung fallen würde. One phone call to the Ukraine and everything is ruined? US President Donald Trump could face impeachment proceedings after the troubling revelations of the past few days, the democrats wish to conduct their investigation as quickly as possible in the House of Representatives - it could take weeks before the decision is made. Online-A.1571 At the beginning of the scandal is supposedly the phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky. The whistleblower's accusation, which ultimately brought the conversation to the public out of concern for national security and US democracy, is monstrous: the president abused the power of his office to use the government of another country to influence the 2020 election. In doing so, he had used Ukraine's dependence to blackmail, thereby forcing it to take action against a political opponent. zeit.64420 Am Anfang des Skandals steht vermeintlich das Telefonat mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj. Der Vorwurf des Whistleblowers, der das Gespräch aus Sorge um die nationale Sicherheit und um die Demokratie der USA mit seiner Beschwerde letztlich an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht hat, ist monströs: Der Präsident habe die Macht seines Amts missbraucht, um die Regierung eines anderen Landes für eine Einflussnahme auf die Wahl 2020 zu instrumentalisieren. Er habe die Abhängigkeit der Ukraine dabei erpresserisch ausgenutzt und sie so zwingen wollen, gegen einen politischen Gegner aktiv zu werden. The beginning of the scandal was supposedly a telephone call to the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. The accusation of the whistleblower who revealed the conversation due to concern for national security and the US democracy is horrendous: The president allegedly abused the power of his office in order to utilize the government of another country for the purpose of gaining influence in the 2020 election. He exploited Ukraine´s dependence by means of blackmail in order to force it to act against a political opponent. Online-A.1571 The essence of this project can also be understood in the transcript of the conversation with Selenskyj, which has since been published, although it does not reflect the full text. But the July 25 phone call is just one episode of a much larger story centered alongside Trump, his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. zeit.64420 Der Kern dieses Vorhabens ist auch in der inzwischen veröffentlichten Mitschrift des Gesprächs mit Selenskyj nachzuvollziehen, obwohl sie nicht den vollständigen Wortlaut wiedergibt. Das Telefonat vom 25. Juli ist aber nur eine Episode einer viel größeren Geschichte, in deren Zentrum neben Trump vor allem sein persönlicher Anwalt steht: Rudy Giuliani. The crux of this occurrence can also be garnered through the transcript of the conversation with Zelensky which was published in the meantime, even though it does not represent the full contents of the conversation. However, the telephone call from July 25th is just a fraction of a much larger story, the focus of which, besides Trump himself, is his personal lawyer: Rudy Giuliani. Online-A.1571 The story begins in May 2019, when The New York Times reports on Rudy Giuliani's travel plans to Ukraine. He wants to meet with the newly elected President Selensky in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knows very well that his intentions are delicate. "We don't interfere in an election, we interfere in an investigation, which we have the right to do," he told the newspaper. One might think it is inappropriate, but "nothing is illegal about it." Giuliani wants investigations to be pursued in Ukraine, for which there is little basis - "because this information will be very, very helpful to my client and could prove helpful to my government." zeit.64420 Die Geschichte nimmt aus Sicht der Öffentlichkeit im Mai 2019 ihren Anfang, als die New York Times von Rudy Giulianis Reiseplänen in die Ukraine berichtet. Er will sich in Kiew mit dem eben gewählten Präsidenten Selenskyj treffen, und der Anwalt weiß selbst sehr genau, dass seine Absichten heikel sind. "Wir mischen uns nicht in eine Wahl ein, wir mischen uns in eine Ermittlung ein, wozu wir das Recht haben", sagt er der Zeitung. Man könne meinen, es sei unangemessen, aber "daran ist nichts illegal". Giuliani will, dass in der Ukraine Ermittlungen verfolgt werden, für die es kaum eine Grundlage gibt - "weil diese Informationen sehr, sehr hilfreich für meinen Klienten sein werden und sich als hilfreich für meine Regierung herausstellen könnten". From the point of view of the public, the story began in May 2019, when the New York Times reported of Rudy Giuliani´s travel plans to Ukraine. He had intended to meet with the newly elected President Zelensky in Kiev, and the lawyer himself knew that his intentions were precarious. "We are not interfering with an election, we are interfering with an investigation, and we have a right to that", he told the newspaper. It could be seen as inappropriate, but "there was nothing illegal there". Giuliani wants the investigations, for which there is barely any evidence, to be carried out in Ukraine - "because this information is going to be very, very helpful to my client and could prove helpful to my government as well". Online-A.1571 The lawyer and former New York mayor appears to have become infected with right-wing conspiracy fantasies tied to Trump's opponent in the 2016 election: Hillary Clinton conspired with actors in Ukraine, critics said at the time, to construct a reason for the Russia investigation in the UNITED States. However, this accusation was never to be taken seriously. zeit.64420 Der Anwalt und frühere New Yorker Bürgermeister scheint sich mit rechten Verschwörungsfantasien infiziert zu haben, die auf Trumps Gegenkandidatin bei der Wahl 2016 fixiert sind: Hillary Clinton habe mit Akteuren in der Ukraine konspiriert, sagten Kritiker damals, um einen Anlass für die Russland-Ermittlungen in den USA zu konstruieren. Dieser Vorwurf war allerdings nie ernst zu nehmen. The lawyer and former mayor of New York City seems to have indulged in right-wing conspiracy fantasies, fixated on Trump´s opponent in the 2016 election: The critics at the time claimed that Hillary Clinton had conspired with persons in Ukraine in order to create a pretext for Russian investigations in the USA. This accusation, however, was never to be taken seriously. Online-A.1571 This is precisely the investigation that Trump will talk so prominently about on the phone with Selensky in July. The version of Giuliani and the president is that former vice president and current democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, as the Obama administration's Ukraine envoy, had pushed for the dismissal of then-Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin. That was to stop the investigation he was overlooking of the gas company on whose board his son Hunter Biden served. Biden Senior had financially blackmailed Ukraine to cover up his family's corrupt activities. zeit.64420 Dabei geht es um genau die Ermittlungen, über die Trump im Juli am Telefon mit Selenskyj so prominent sprechen wird. Die Version Giulianis und des Präsidenten lautet: Der frühere Vizepräsident und derzeit aussichtsreiche Bewerber für die Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Demokraten, Joe Biden, habe als Ukraine-Beauftragter der Obama-Regierung auf die Entlassung des damaligen ukrainischen Generalstaatsanwalts Wiktor Schokin gedrängt. Und zwar, um die von ihm verantwortete Untersuchung des Gasunternehmens zu stoppen, in dessen Aufsichtsrat sein Sohn Hunter Biden tätig war. Biden senior habe die Ukraine finanziell erpresst, um die korrupten Machenschaften seiner Familie zu vertuschen. This is exactly the kind of investigation that Trump spoke about so clearly on in the telephone conversation with Zelensky later on in July. The president´s and Giuliani´s version is as follows: Former vice president and currently a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Joe Biden had urged for the dismissal of the former Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Schokin during his time as the Obama administration's representative to Ukraine. The goal was to prevent an investigation into the gas company for which he himself was responsible, and where his son, Hunter Biden served as a member of the board of directors. Biden senior had blackmailed Ukraine financially in order to conceal the corrupt machinations of his family. Online-A.1571 In fact, the process was a little different. When Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian attorney general go, the investigation into the gas company was already complete, and Hunter Biden was never directly affected. Schokin himself has also been accused of deeply corrupt conduct, and the US government was far from the only Western partner to press for his dismissal. Moreover, the Obama administration even explicitly supported the investigation into the company. zeit.64420 Tatsächlich war der Ablauf etwas anders. Als Joe Biden forderte, der ukrainische Generalstaatsanwalt müsse gehen, waren die Ermittlungen gegen das Gasunternehmen bereits abgeschlossen, Hunter Biden war davon nie direkt betroffen. Schokin wurde zudem selbst zutiefst korruptes Gebaren vorgeworfen, die US-Regierung war bei Weitem nicht der einzige westliche Partner, der auf seine Entlassung drängte. Im Übrigen unterstützte die Obama-Regierung sogar ausdrücklich die Ermittlungen gegen das Unternehmen. The reality was somewhat different. At the time when Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian Attorney General leave, the investigations against the gas company had already been completed and Hunter Biden was never directly affected. In addition, Schokin himself was accused of deeply corrupt behavior, and the US government was by no means the only Western partner to insist on his dismissal In addition, the Obama administration expressly supported the investigation of the company. Online-A.1571 Instagram Facebook and Whatsapp disruptions: Social media is down Störungen bei Instagram Facebook und Whatsapp: Soziale Medien sind down Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp disruption: Social media are down Online-A.1571 Users worldwide report massive disruptions to Instagram and Facebook. Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain are therefore particularly affected. On the website allestö, users report that Facebook has been repeatedly not charging since about 3:30 p.m. Instagram also issues the error message that content could not be loaded. Whatsapp also appears to be affected by the disruption, although not to the same extent so far. Nutzer weltweit melden massive Störungen bei Instagram und Facebook. Demnach sind vor allem Deutschland, Großbritannien und Spanien betroffen. Auf der Website allestö berichten Nutzer, dass Facebook seit etwa 15.30 Uhr immer wieder nicht lädt. Auch Instagram gibt die Fehlermeldung aus, dass Inhalte nicht geladen werden konnten. Auch Whatsapp scheint von der Störung betroffen, wenn auch bisher nicht im selben Umfang. Users worldwide are reporting massive disruptions to Instagram and Facebook. According to reports, Germany, Great Britain, and Spain have been the most affected. Users at allestö are reporting that Facebook has not loaded since around 3:30 p.m. Instagram is also returning an error message that content cannot be loaded. Even Whatsapp seems to be affected by the interruption, although not to the same degree. Online-A.1571 Instagram and Co. more often affected by disturbances Instagram und Co. öfter von Störungen betroffen Instagram and other social media often affected by disruptions Online-A.1571 It is not the first massive incident this year. Already in March and July the services had been cancelled for several hours. And as in previous cases, users are turning to Twitter to vent their anger. Es ist nicht der erste massive Störfall in diesem Jahr. Bereits im März und im Juli waren die Dienste für mehrere Stunden ausgefallen. Und wie in den vorherigen Fällen greifen Nutzer auch diesmal vor allem auf Twitter zurück, um ihrem Ärger Luft zu machen. This is not the first widespread failure this year. Services were down for several hours in March and July. And, as during past incidents, users are falling back to Twitter to vent their frustration. Online-A.1571 Polish scientists rescued in Antarctica yahoo-de.127726 Polnische Wissenschaftler in der Antarktis gerettet Polish scientists saved in Antarctica Online-A.1571 Three Polish scientists have been rescued from the ice of Antarctica by the Chilean Air Force. They were travelling in an inflatable boat and several miles from their base when their engine failed. They were lucky in the accident - it took the Chilean rescue helicopter less than an hour to recover. yahoo-de.127726 Drei polnische Wissenschaftler sind von der chilenischen Luftwaffe aus dem Eis der Antarktis gerettet worden. Sie waren mit einem Schlauchboot unterwegs und mehrere Meilen von ihrer Basis entfernt, als ihr Motor versagte. Sie hatten Glück im Unglück - weniger als eine Stunde brauchte der chilenische Rettungshubschrauber für die Bergung. Three Polish scientist were saved by the Chilean air-force from the icy Antarctica. They were travelling in a dinghy and were several miles from their base when their engine failed. They were lucky - the Chilean rescue helicopter arrived in less than an hour. Online-A.1571 Eduardo Mosquera, Commander of the 4th Chilean Air Brigade: yahoo-de.127726 Eduardo Mosquera, Kommandeur der 4. chilenischen Luftbrigade: Eduardo Mosquera, commander of the 4th Chilean air brigade said: Online-A.1571 "At 9:30 a.m. we received the message, at just before ten we started, and we were over the inflatable for a good 20 minutes." yahoo-de.127726 "Um 9:30 Uhr erhielten wir die Nachricht, um kurz vor zehn sind wir gestartet, und gute 20 Minuten spàter waren wir über dem Schlauchboot". "We received the message at 9:30am, we were on our way shortly before 10, and in around 20 minutes we reached the dinghy". Online-A.1571 Poland has operated the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station on King George Island since 1977, with 19 scientists working there. The frozen researchers were safely returned to their research station. yahoo-de.127726 Polen betreibt auf King George Island seit 1977 die Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station , 19 Wissenschaftler arbeiten dort. Die verfrorenen Forscher wurden sicher zu ihrer Forschungsstation zurück gebracht. Poland has been running the Henryk Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station on King George Island since 1977 and there are currently 19 scientists working there. The lost scientists were safely brought back to their research station. Online-A.1571 Attention: Never charge your smartphone wirelessly Achtung: Smartphone NIE kabellos aufladen Warning: NEVER Charge your Smartphone Wirelessly Online-A.1571 Practical but harmful Praktisch, aber schädlich Practical but Dangerous Online-A.1571 Inductive technology via Qi standard is extremely practical, but should not be used. Induktive Technik via Qi-Standard ist zwar extrem praktisch, sollte aber dennoch nicht verwendet werden. Although extremely practical, inductive technology via Qi standard should not be used. Online-A.1571 Since several new smartphones have recently been launched that support wireless charging and sell very well - especially the new iPhone 11 models, we would like to recall a study from the beginning of July. Wireless charging of mobile devices is extremely convenient, but not necessarily recommended. Da zuletzt gleich mehrere neue Smartphones auf den Markt gekommen sind, die kabelloses Aufladen unterstützen und sich sehr gut verkaufen - allen voran die neuen iPhone-11-Modelle, möchten wir noch einmal eine Studie von Anfang Juli ins Gedächtnis rufen. Das kabellose Laden von mobilen Geräten ist zwar äußerst praktisch, aber nicht unbedingt empfehlenswert. Since many new smartphones have recently come onto the market that support wireless charging and sell well—especially the new iPhone 11—we'd like to remind you of a study done at the beginning of July. Charging mobile devices without a cord is practical but not necessarily recommended. Online-A.1571 Higher temperature adds battery Höhere Temperatur setzt Akku zu Higher Temperatures Stress the Battery Online-A.1571 Researchers warn against wireless charging of smartphones. According to the findings of the Univerity of Warwick, this is extremely harmful to the devices. The reason for this is the significantly greater heat generation. If a mobile phone is normally loaded by cable, the battery heats up to 27 degrees within three hours. When charging wirelessly, however, the researchers always measured above 30 degrees, even when the smartphone was perfectly aligned on the charging pad. If the phone is slightly next to the coil, the temperature rises even higher. In addition, the wattage of the charging pad also increases, which in turn drives up the power consumption. Forscher warnen vor dem kabellosen Laden von Smartphones. Dieses ist laut den Erkenntnissen der Univerity of Warwick nämlich für die Geräte extrem schädlich. Grund dafür ist die deutlich größere Wärmeentwicklung. Lädt man ein Handy normal per Kabel auf, erhitzt sich der Akku binnen drei Stunden auf 27 Grad. Beim kabellosen Aufladen haben die Forscher selbst bei perfekter Ausrichtung des Smartphones auf dem Ladepad hingegen stets über 30 Grad gemessen. Liegt das Handy etwas neben der Spule, steigt die Temperatur noch höher. Darüber hinaus steigt dabei auch die Wattstärke des Ladepads, was wiederum den Stromverbrauch in die Höhe treibt. Researchers warn against charging smartphones wirelessly. According to the findings of the University of Warwick, this is extremely dangerous for the devices. The reason for this is the significantly higher buildup of heat. If one charges a cell phone normally (with a cable), the battery reaches 80.6 degrees within three hours. But with wireless charging, researchers measured over 86 degrees even if the smartphone was perfectly aligned on the charging pad. If the cell phone is placed near the coil, the temperature is even higher. Moreover, the wattage of the charging pad increases, which in turn jacks up the use of power. Online-A.1571 Capacity and lifetime Kapazität und Lebenszeit Capacity and Service Life Online-A.1571 According to the researchers, temperature is a crucial factor in battery life. Every single degree plays a role. When charging at higher temperatures, the battery not only recedes capacity, but it also does not last as long as it does. The service life is therefore shorter. The researchers therefore advise that the smartphone should always be charged by cable. Since a battery replacement on modern smartphones is always associated with high costs, this should be a helpful tip. Apple has recently even increased the cost of a battery replacement - for all iPhones. Laut den Forschern ist die Temperatur für die Haltbarkeit von Akkus ein entscheidender Faktor. Da spielt jedes einzelne Grad eine Rolle. Beim Laden mit höheren Temperaturen buße die Batterie nicht nur an Kapazität ein, sondern sie halte auch insgesamt nicht so lange durch. Die Lebensdauer fällt also geringer aus. Die Forscher raten deshalb dazu, das Smartphone stets per Kabel aufzuladen. Da ein Akkutausch bei modernen Smartphones stets mit hohen Kosten verbunden ist, dürfte das ein hilfreicher Tipp sein. Apple hat zuletzt die Kosten für einen Akkutausch sogar noch einmal erhöht - und zwar für alle iPhones. According to the researchers, temperature is a decisive factor in a battery's durability. And every degree matters. When charging with high temperatures, the battery not only loses capacity, but doesn't last as long. And this decreases its service life. Therefore, the researchers recommend always charging the smartphone with a cable. Since replacing batteries is expensive with modern smartphones, that may be a useful tip. Apple has even recently increased the costs for replacing batteries (again), applicable to all iPhones. Online-A.1571 Virtually Praktisch Practical Online-A.1571 The technology is extremely convenient: Simply place the device on a suitable charging pad - these are already installed in many restaurants, airports, hotels and cars - and the battery is charged without annoying cable clutter and tedious plug-fumes. Since Qi (which stands for inductive energy transmission) is a global standard that, for once, even Apple participates in, there are few restrictions. However, according to the researchers, the technology should only be used in exceptional cases. Dabei ist die Technik äußerst bequem:Einfach das Gerät auf ein entsprechendes Ladepad legen - diese sind mittlerweile sogar bereits in vielen Restaurants, Flughäfen, Hotels sowie Autos installiert - und der Akku wird ohne lästigem Kabelsalat und mühsamer Steckerfummelei aufgeladen. Da sich mit Qi (steht für induktive Energieübertragung) ein weltweiter Standard durchgesetzt, bei dem ausnahmsweise sogar Apple mitmacht, gibt es kaum Einschränkungen. Dennoch sollte die Technologie laut den Forschern nur im Ausnahmefall angewendet werden. The technology is extremely convenient: Simply lay the device on an appropriate charging pad—these are even installed in many restaurants, airports, hotels, and cars—and the battery will be charged without a cumbersome "cable salad" and tedious fumbling for a plug. Since with Qi (which stands for "inductive energy transfer") a worldwide standard is enforced that even Apple adheres to by way of exception, there are hardly any restrictions. However, according to the researchers, the technology should not be used. Online-A.1571 Everest Jam Photographer: 13 Eight Thousandins in Six Months Everest-Stau-Fotograf: 13 Achttausender in sechs Monaten Photographer of Everest queues: Thirteen 26,000-foot peaks in six months Online-A.1571 A Nepalese climber says he has climbed 13 of the world's 14 highest mountains in just six months. Nirmal Purja, 36, has reached the top of the Manaslu in Nepal, setting a record, his expedition organiser said. Ein nepalesischer Bergsteiger hat nach eigenen Angaben innerhalb von nur sechs Monaten 13 der 14 höchsten Berge der Welt bestiegen. Nirmal Purja (36) habe die Spitze des Manaslu in Nepal erreicht und damit einen Rekord aufgestellt, teilte sein Expeditionsveranstalter mit. A Nepalese climber claims to have ascended thirteen of the world's fourteen highest mountains in just six months. Nirmal Purja (36) reached the top of Manaslu in Nepal and set a record, said the organizer of his expedition. Online-A.1571 The former soldier wants to climb all 14 eight-thousanders in seven months. Purja calls his project "Mission Possible". He has already made international headlines: a photo of climbers queuing on Mount Everest that went viral in the spring comes from him. Der frühere Soldat will alle 14 Achttausender in sieben Monaten erklimmen. Purja nennt sein Projekt "Mission Possible". Er machte schon einmal international Schlagzeilen: Von ihm stammt ein im Frühling viral gegangenes Foto von Bergsteigern, die auf dem Mount Everest Schlange stehen. The ex-soldier wants to climb all fourteen peaks in seven months Purja calls his plan "Mission Possible". He has already made international headlines: A picture that went viral in the spring, showing climbers standing in line on Mount Everest, was one of his shots. Online-A.1571 The image of the mass rush sparked a debate about stronger security measures on the 8848-metre-high mountain and the highest peak on Earth. In May, eleven climbers had died in a matter of days during the ascent. Das Bild des Massenandrangs löste eine Debatte über stärkere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen auf dem 8848 Meter hohen Berg und höchsten Gipfel der Erde aus. Im Mai waren innerhalb weniger Tage elf Kletterer bei der Besteigung gestorben. The photo of the massive line triggered a debate about stricter safety measures on the 29,000 feet-high mountain, the world's highest. In May, eleven climbers died while climbing within a few days of each other. Online-A.1571 One problem for Purja could be the ascent of the 14th eight-thousander: Chinese authorities are currently blocking the Xixabangma mountain in Tibet. The reason for this is, among other things, bad weather. Earlier this week, Purja wrote on Twitter that Nepal's government wanted to talk to China to allow it to ascend. Ein Problem für Purja könnte die Besteigung des 14. Achttausenders werden: Zurzeit sperren chinesische Behörden den Xixabangma-Berg in Tibet. Als Grund dafür wird unter anderem schlechtes Wetter genannt. Anfang Woche schrieb Purja auf Twitter, dass Nepals Regierung mit China sprechen wolle, um ihm den Aufstieg zu ermöglichen. Climbing the fourteenth 26,000-foot peak could be a problem for Purja. The Chinese authorities are blocking access to Mount Xixabangma in Tibet. Bad weather is one of the reasons given for this. Early in the week, Purja tweeted that Nepal's government wants to talk to China to allow him to climb the mountain. Online-A.1571 Four dead elephants discovered in Sri Lanka Vier tote Elefanten auf Sri Lanka entdeckt Four dead elephants discovered in Sri Lanka Online-A.1571 Among the dead animals was a pregnant elephant cow, a police spokesman said on Friday. "We suspect that the elephants were poisoned," he said. Unter den toten Tieren sei auch eine trächtige Elefantenkuh, teilte ein Polizeisprecher am Freitag mit. "Wir vermuten, dass die Elefantenvergiftet wurden". A pregnant cow elephant was also found among the dead animals, stated a police spokesperson on Friday. "We suspect that the elephants were poisoned." Online-A.1571 The four carcasses were found in a protected area near the famous former rock fortress sigiriya, visited by many tourists. The animals were believed to be between 15 and 25 years old, according to the police spokesman. An autopsy was ordered to determine the cause of death. Die vier Kadaver wurden in einem Schutzgebiet nahe der berühmten und von vielen Touristen besuchten früheren Felsenfestung Sigiriya gefunden. Die Tiere waren dem Polizeisprecher zufolge vermutlich zwischen 15 und 25 Jahre alt. Es wurde eine Autopsie angeordnet, um die Todesursache festzustellen. The four bodies were found in a protected area near the ancient Sigiriya rock fortress, which is popular with tourists. According to the police spokesperson, the animals were believed to be aged between 15 and 25 years old. An autopsy was ordered to determine the cause of death. Online-A.1571 Nearly 200 elephants are killed in Sri Lanka every year. The perpetrators are often farmers on whose land the animals had previously kept themselves harmless. At the same time, elephants kill around 50 people a year. This usually happens when the animals move through villages built near their habitat. Auf Sri Lanka werden jedes Jahr fast 200 Elefanten getötet. Die Täter sind oft Bauern, auf deren Land die Tiere sich zuvor schadlos gehalten hatten. Zugleich werden jährlich rund 50 Menschen von Elefanten getötet. Dies geschieht meist, wenn die Tiere durch nahe ihres Lebensraums gebaute Dörfer ziehen. Almost 200 elephants are killed every year in Sri Lanka. They are often killed by farmers on whose land the animals had previously been living without causing damage. Around 50 people are also killed by elephants annually. This normally happens when the animals pass through villages near their habitat. Online-A.1571 It is estimated that only about 7,000 elephants still live in Sri Lanka. Their killing is theoretically the death penalty. In Sri Lanka leben Schätzungen zufolge nur noch etwa 7.000 Elefanten. Auf ihre Tötung steht theoretisch die Todesstrafe. According to estimates, there are only around 7,000 elephants remaining in Sri Lanka. Killing an elephant can incur the death penalty. Online-A.1571 Detained British oil tanker leaves Iran Festgehaltener britischer Öltanker verlässt den Iran Impounded British oil tanker leaves Iran Online-A.1571 The British oil tanker "Stena Impero" leaves the port city of Bandar Abbas more than two months after it was captured by Iran. This was announced by the Maritime Office Bandar Abbas, according to the IRNA news agency. Iran's Revolutionary Guards had arrested the British-flagged tanker on July 19 on charges of violating maritime law rules in the Persian Gulf. Der britische Öltanker "Stena Impero" verlässt mehr als zwei Monate nach seinem Festsetzen durch den Iran die Hafenstadt Bandar Abbas. Das gab das Seefahrtsamt Bandar Abbas laut der Nachrichtenagentur IRNA bekannt. Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden hatten den unter britischer Flagge fahrenden Tanker am 19. Juli unter dem Vorwurf festgesetzt, Vorschriften des Seerechts im Persischen Golf missachtet zu haben. British oil tanker the Stena Impero is leaving the port of Bandar Abbas after being held by Iran for more than two months. This was announced by the maritime transport office in Bander Abbas according to the news agency IRNA. Iran's Revolutionary Guards seized the British tanker on July 19 under the pretext that it had violated maritime law in the Persian Gulf. Online-A.1571 Thomas Cook's management criticised Management von Thomas Cook in der Kritik Thomas Cook management under criticism Online-A.1571 The House of Commons economics committee wants to fully investigate the bankruptcy of travel giant Thomas Cook. This will be about the board's pay packets as well as the question of why the British government did not want to financially help the struggling company to survive. "Our interest is in the supervision of the company as well as the control by external auditors," said committee chairwoman Rachel Reeves in London. "Apparently we are dealing with a bad example of management greed." Der zuständige Wirtschaftsausschuss des Unterhauses will die Pleite des Reisegiganten Thomas Cook umfassend untersuchen. Dabei soll es um die Gehaltspakete des Vorstands ebenso gehen wie um die Frage, warum die britische Regierung dem ums Überleben kämpfenden Unternehmen nicht finanziell beispringen mochte. "Unser Interesse gilt der Aufsicht in der Firma ebenso wie der Kontrolle durch externe Buchprüfer", teilte die Ausschussvorsitzende Rachel Reeves in London mit. "Offenbar haben wir es mit einem schlimmen Beispiel von Managementgier zu tun". The competent economic committee of the House of Commons wants to examine the failure of travel giant Thomas Cook in detail. The management's salary packages will be studied, as well as why the British government refused financial help for the company as it fought for survival. "We are focusing on supervision inside the company and monitoring by outside auditors," said committee chairman Rachel Reeves in London. "We are obviously dealing with a serious case of management greed." Online-A.1571 Genes are overestimated in bowel cancer risk, experts say Laut Experten werden Gene beim Darmkrebsrisiko überschätzt Experts say the role of genes in the risk of intestinal cancer is overestimated Online-A.1571 The role of genes in the family-enhanced risk of colorectal cancer appears to have been overestimated so far. This is the conclusion of researchers from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg in a recent study. Other risk factors, such as familial dietary habits, are therefore likely to outweigh previously thought. This has consequences for calculations of the individual risk of colorectal cancer, the DKFZ scientists emphasize. Die Rolle der Gene beim familiär erhöhten Darmkrebsrisiko ist offenbar bisher überschätzt worden. Zu diesem Schluss kommen Forscher des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ) Heidelberg in einer aktuellen Studie. Andere Risikofaktoren wie familiäre Ernährungsgewohnheiten wiegen demnach wahrscheinlich schwerer als bislang angenommen. Das habe Konsequenzen für Berechnungen des individuellen Darmkrebsrisikos, betonen die DKFZ-Wissenschafter. The role played by genes in the increased risk of common intestinal cancer has apparently been overrated until now. This was the conclusion reached in a recent study by researchers at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. Other risk factors such as family eating habits are more serious than previously assumed. This has consequences for determining the individual risk of intestinal cancer, say the scientists at the Center. Online-A.1571 Elon Musk lets Tesla shares rise Elon Musk lässt Tesla-Aktien steigen Elon Musk allows Tesla shares to rise Online-A.1571 Musk wrote this in an email to Tesla employees published Thursday (local time) by the industry blog "Electrek." Demand is strong, so Tesla could book 110,000 orders, Musk's circular continued. Dies schrieb Musk in einer am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) vom Branchenblog "Electrek" veröffentlichten E-Mail an Tesla-Mitarbeiter. Die Nachfrage sei stark, so dass Tesla 110'000 Bestellungen verbuchen könnte, hiess es in Musks Rundschreiben weiter. Musk wrote this in an e-mail to Tesla employees published on Thursday (local time) by the industry blog "Electrek". The demand is so strong that Tesla was able to process 110,000 orders, according to Musk's e-mail. Online-A.1571 The challenge, he said, is to get the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla must provide as many resources as possible at the end of the quarter. Die Herausforderung sei, die Autos zügig an die Kundschaft zu bringen. Dazu müsse Tesla zum Quartalsende so viele Ressourcen wie möglich aufbieten. The challenge is getting the cars to customers quickly. To do so, Tesla had to mobilize as many resources as possible by the end of the quarter. Online-A.1571 Investors liked the information: Tesla's shares were trading at more than 6 percent. The share price has not risen so much in almost four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered more than 95,000 cars, reaching its previous record. Anlegern gefielen die Informationen: Teslas Aktien gingen mit einem Plus von über sechs Prozent aus dem Handel. So stark hat der Kurs seit fast vier Monaten nicht mehr zugelegt. Im zweiten Quartal hatte Tesla gut 95'000 Autos ausgeliefert und damit seinen bisherigen Bestwert erreicht. Investors liked this information: Tesla shares closed the day with a gain of over six percent. The rate has not increased as much in four months. In the second quarter, Tesla delivered a good 95,000 cars and hit its previous high value. Online-A.1571 Musk needs records to achieve his lofty goals. In 2019, he plans to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. For this, six-figure figures will have to be produced in the current and coming quarters. Especially the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is in demand, but here the profit margins are low. Despite the boom, there have been recent losses. Musk braucht Rekorde, um seine hohen Ziele zu erreichen. 2019 will er insgesamt 360'000 bis 400'000 Wagen ausliefern. Dafür müssen im laufenden und kommenden Vierteljahr sechsstellige Zahlen her. Vor allem der günstigste Tesla Model 3 ist gefragt, doch hier sind die Gewinnspannen gering. Trotz des Booms gab es zuletzt Verluste. Musk needs records to achieve his ambitious goals. In 2019 he wants to deliver a total of 360,000 to 400,000 cars. The company would have to hit six-digit figures in the current and upcoming quarter to do so. The less expensive Tesla Model 3 is in particular demand, but profit margins are low here. There were recent losses despite the boom. Online-A.1571 Does UK government want to bypass Brexit law? Johnson restrained Will britische Regierung Brexit-Gesetz umgehen? Johnson zurückhaltend Will the British government bypass the Brexit law? Johnson abstained Online-A.1571 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is keeping a low profile on whether he is looking for ways to circumvent the last-seen bill passed by Parliament against an unregulated Brexit. In response to a question, he told reporters on Friday only that his government would comply with current law. Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hält sich darüber bedeckt, ob er nach Möglichkeiten einer Umgehung des zuletzt vom Parlament beschlossenen Gesetzes gegen einen ungeregelten Brexit sucht. Auf eine entsprechende Frage sagte er am Freitag vor Journalisten lediglich, seine Regierung werde sich an geltendes Recht halten. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being discrete about whether he is trying to find ways of bypassing the law on unregulated Brexit recently passed by the Parliament. When questioned to that end, Johnson has merely told journalists that his government would comply with applicable law. Online-A.1571 The law stipulates that the government must request a postponement of the withdrawal date if no agreement is reached with the EU by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiations with the EU more difficult. Das Gesetz sieht vor, dass die Regierung eine Verschiebung des Austrittstermins beantragen muss, sollte bis Mitte Oktober kein Abkommen mit der EU erzielt sei. Johnson kritisiert dies als "Kapitulationsgesetz", das die Verhandlungen mit der EU erschwere. The law obliges the government to request a postponement of the date of withdrawal if an agreement with the EU cannot be reached by mid-October. Johnson criticizes this as a "capitulation law" that makes negotiating with the EU more difficult. Online-A.1571 Former British Prime Minister John Major suggested on Thursday that Johnson could try to use "political harassment" to circumvent the law. Johnson could use a procedural trick that would postpone the law's entry into force until after the EU exit. Der ehemalige britische Premierminister John Major hatte am Donnerstag die Vermutung geäußert, Johnson könne versuchen, "politische Schikane" einzusetzen, um das Gesetz zu umgehen. Johnson könne einen Verfahrenstrick einsetzen, der das Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes auf die Zeit nach dem EU-Austritt verschiebe. On Thursday, the former British Prime Minister John Major expressed the suspicion that Johnson might attempt to use "political chicanery" to circumvent the law. Johnson might use a procedural trick that would postpone the law's entry into force until after the withdrawal from the EU. Online-A.1571 Johnson said he was seeking a deal with the European Union. "We are confident of leaving the EU on 31 October and the best way is to reach an agreement." Johnson sagte, er strebe einen Vertrag mit der Europäischen Union an. "Wir sind zuversichtlich, die EU am 31. Oktober zu verlassen, und der beste Weg ist der mit einer Vereinbarung". Johnson said he is striving for a treaty with the European Union. "We're confident about leaving the EU on October 31, and the best path is to do so with an agreement." Online-A.1571 Iran appears to be ramping up uranium enrichment sz.87341 Iran fährt offenbar Urananreicherung hoch Iran is apparently starting Uranium enrichment Online-A.1571 Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has stepped up pressure on European contractors in a dispute over the bailout of the historic nuclear deal. "Unfortunately, European states are showing incompetence or unwillingness when it comes to concrete actions," Rouhani said Thursday at a news conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. If they did not deliver on their promises, he promised "further steps" away from the agreements of the laboriously negotiated 2015 agreement. sz.87341 Irans Präsident Hassan Rohani hat im Streit über die Rettung des historischen Atomabkommens den Druck auf die europäischen Vertragspartner erhöht. "Leider zeigen die europäischen Staaten Unfähigkeit oder mangelnde Bereitschaft, wenn es um konkrete Aktionen geht", sagte Rohani am Donnerstag bei einer Pressekonferenz am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. Für den Fall, dass sie nicht zu ihren Versprechen stünden, stellte er "weitere Schritte" weg von den Vereinbarungen des mühsam ausgehandelten Abkommens von 2015 in Aussicht. Iran's president Hassan Rohani has increased pressure on European contract partners about the rescue of the historic nuclear deal. "Regrettably the European states are showing an inability or lacking readiness when it comes to concrete action," Rohani said on Thursday at the press conference on the sidelines of the US General Assembly in New York. In case they do not stand by their promise, he put in view "further steps" away from the agreements of the laboriously negotiated convention of 2015. Online-A.1571 The background is the conflict over the international agreement to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb, which in return included a commitment to Tehran to normalize economic relations. The US single-handedly pulled out of the agreement in 2018 to force Iran to change course in Middle East policy deemed aggressive with "maximum pressure." President Donald Trump's administration wants to negotiate a new agreement with tougher conditions and is now again relying on tough sanctions against Tehran. Iran recently responded by restarting the treaty's limited uranium enrichment. sz.87341 Hintergrund ist der Konflikt um das internationale Abkommen zur Verhinderung einer iranischen Atombombe, das als Gegenleistung die Zusage an Teheran enthielt, die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu normalisieren. Die USA stiegen 2018 im Alleingang aus dem Abkommen aus, um Iran mit "maximalem Druck" zu einem Kurswechsel in der als aggressiv erachteten Nahostpolitik zu zwingen. Die Regierung von Präsident Donald Trump will ein neues Abkommen mit härteren Auflagen aushandeln und setzt inzwischen wieder auf harte Sanktionen gegen Teheran. Iran reagierte darauf zuletzt mit einem Wiederhochfahren der im Vertrag begrenzten Urananreicherung. The backdrop is the conflict about the international convention to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb, which in return contained a promise to Tehran to normalize economic relations. The USA single-handedly got out of the agreement in 2018 in order to force Iran into a change of course with "maximum pressure" in what was considered aggressive Near East politics. The leadership of President Donald Trump wants to deal a new agreement and is imposing hard sanctions against Tehran in the meantime. Iran last reacted to this with a relaunching of the uranium enrichment limited in the contract. Online-A.1571 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed in a report that the Islamic Republic now also uses the centrifuges installed at the beginning of September with uranium, or at least prepared them for use. According to the IAEA, Iran is also preparing to build more than 300 additional centrifuges. sz.87341 Die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) bestätigte in einem Bericht, dass die Islamische Republik die Anfang September installierten Zentrifugen nun auch mit Uran nutzt oder zumindest zur Nutzung vorbereitet hat. Nach IAEA-Angaben bereitet Iran zudem den Aufbau von mehr als 300 weiteren Zentrifugen vor. The international nuclear energy authority (IAEA) confirmed in a report, that the Islamic Republic is now utilizing centrifuges installed at the beginning of September using Uranium, or has at least prepared them for use thus. According to IAEA information, Iran is moreover preparing the construction of over 300 more centrifuges. Online-A.1571 Perhaps the Europeans are not willing to bear their share of the deal, leaving the Iranians alone with the cost and burden of depressing US sanctions, Rouhani speculated. However, there will still be further talks which, I hope, would bring about a solution. sz.87341 Vielleicht seien die Europäer nicht bereit, ihren Teil des Deals zu tragen und ließen deshalb die Iraner mit den Kosten und der Last drückender US-Sanktionen alleine, mutmaßte Rohani. Es werde aber trotzdem weitere Gespräche geben, die hoffentlich eine Lösung brächten. Perhaps Europeans are not prepared to carry their end of the deal and may for this reason leave Iranians alone with the costs and the burden of pressurizing US sanctions, Rohani presumed. However, more discussions are planned, which will hopefully bring a solution. Online-A.1571 Rouhani continues to deny Iran's involvement in attacks in Saudi Arabia sz.87341 Rohani bestreitet weiter Irans Verwicklung in Angriffe in Saudi-Arabien Rohani continues to deny Iran's involvement in attacks in Saudi Arabia. Online-A.1571 However, the situation changed after an attack on a major oil facility in Saudi Arabia in mid-September, with Germany, France and Britain following the US assessment on Monday that Tehran was responsible for the attack. Initially, Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen had pledged allegiance to the attack, but what the US deemed a false confession. "We have nothing to do with it," Rouhani reiterated his position on Wednesday. sz.87341 Allerdings hat sich die Gemengelage nach einem Angriff auf eine wichtige Ölanlage in Saudi-Arabien Mitte September geändert: Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien folgten am Montag der US-Einschätzung, dass Teheran für die Attacke Verantwortung trage. Ursprünglich hatten sich die von Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen zu dem Angriff bekannt, was von den USA jedoch als falsches Bekenntnis gewertet wurde. "Wir haben nichts damit zu tun", bekräftigte Rohani am Mittwoch seine Position. However, the situation changed after an attack on an important oil plant in Saudi Arabia in mid-September. Germany, France and Great Britain followed the US assessment on Monday that Tehran was responsible for the attacks. Originally, the Huthi rebels in Yemen supported by Iran had committed to the attack, which the USA weighed up as a wrongful confession, though. "We have nothing to do with that," Rohani augmented his position. Online-A.1571 "Those who make such accusations must provide evidence of this," Rouhani said. However, european leaders would not have been able to do so in the talks with him during the UN general debate. Instead, they said, they were merely claiming that the rebels in Yemen could not carry out an attack like this. Rouhani had met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in recent days. sz.87341 "Diejenigen, die solche Anschuldigungen erheben, müssen Beweise dafür vorlegen", sagte Rohani. Das hätten die europäischen Anführer in den Gesprächen mit ihm während der UN-Generaldebatte allerdings nicht gekonnt. Stattdessen hätten sie sich nur darauf berufen, dass die Rebellen in Jemen einen Angriff wie diesen nicht ausführen könnten. Rohani hatte sich in den vergangenen Tagen mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron und dem britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson getroffen. "Those people who make such accusations have to provide evidence of this on a rolling basis," Rohani said. The European leaders were apparently not able to do that during talks with him at the UN General Assembly. Instead they would have only relied on the fact, that the rebels in Yemen could not carry out an attack like this. Rohani has in recent days met with Chancellor Angela Merkel, France's President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Online-A.1571 Before possible talks with US President Trump, the US administration's far-reaching sanctions must first be lifted, Rouhani demanded. He called on the government in Washington to move to a policy of "dialogue and reason." sz.87341 Vor möglichen Gesprächen mit US-Präsident Trump müssten zunächst die weitreichenden Sanktionen der US-Administration aufgehoben werden, verlangte Rohani. Er forderte die Regierung in Washington auf, auf eine Politik von "Dialog und Vernunft" umzuschwenken. Before potential talks with US president Trump, the wide-reaching sanctions imposed by the US administration should have to be lifted, Rohani demanded. He urged the government in Washington to switch to a policy of "dialogue and reason." Online-A.1571 Comet from another star crosses solar system yahoo-de.127759 Komet von anderem Stern durchkreuzt Sonnensystem Comet of another star crosses solar system Online-A.1571 Astronomers are currently observing a comet from the depths of space. This was achieved before. The comet allows conclusions to be drawn about other solar systems. yahoo-de.127759 Astronomen beobachten derzeit einen Kometen aus den tiefen des Weltalls. Das gelang zuvor erst einmal. Der Komet lässt Rückschlüsse auf andere Sonnensysteme zu. Astronomers are currently observing a comet from deep space. This has been achieved before. The comet helps draw conclusions about other solar systems. Online-A.1571 What was initially only a guess is now confirmed: an interstellar guest crosses through our solar system. The comet from the depths of space was christened 2I/Borisov after its discovery and has aroused the interest of astronomers around the world. yahoo-de.127759 Was anfangs nur eine Vermutung war, ist nun bestätigt: Ein interstellarer Gast kreuzt durch unser Sonnensystem. Der Komet aus der Tiefe des Weltraums wurde nach seinem Entdecker auf 2I/Borisov getauft und hat das Interesse von Astronomen auf der ganzen Welt geweckt. What used to be only a speculation has now been confirmed: An interstellar guest crosses through our solar system. The deep space comet was named 2I/Borisov after its discoverer and has aroused the interest of astronomers all over the world. Online-A.1571 The well-travelled comet was discovered on August 30 by amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov at the Margo Observatory in Crimea - with a self-built telescope 65 centimetres in diameter. After-observation by various observatories not only confirmed that it was an unknown comet, but also showed that it did not originate from our solar system. yahoo-de.127759 Der weitgereiste Komet war am 30. August vom Amateurastronomen Gennadi Borissow am Margo-Observatorium auf der Krim entdeckt worden - mit einem selbstgebauten Teleskop von 65 Zentimetern Durchmesser. Nachbeobachtungen verschiedener Observatorien bestätigten nicht nur, dass es sich um einen unbekannten Kometen handelt, sondern zeigten auch, dass er nicht aus unserem Sonnensystem stammt. The travelling comet was discovered on August 30th by an amateur astronomer Gennadi Borisov at the Margo observatory in Crimea.- and that using a self-made telescope with a 65 centimeter diameter. Later research by various observatories confirmed, not only that this was a previously unseen comet, but also that the comet did not originate from our solar system. Online-A.1571 2I/Borisov is only the second interstellar object to be spotted during a flight through our solar system after 1I/'Oumuamua of 2017. yahoo-de.127759 2I/Borisov ist nach 1I/'Oumuamua von 2017 erst das zweite interstellare Objekt, das bei einem Durchflug unseres Sonnensystems gesichtet wurde. 2I/Borisov is only the second interstellar object sighted while travelling through our solar system, after 1I/'Oumuamua from 2017.