function noop() { } function run(fn) { return fn(); } function blank_object() { return Object.create(null); } function run_all(fns) { fns.forEach(run); } function is_function(thing) { return typeof thing === 'function'; } function safe_not_equal(a, b) { return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function'); } function is_empty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } // Track which nodes are claimed during hydration. Unclaimed nodes can then be removed from the DOM // at the end of hydration without touching the remaining nodes. let is_hydrating = false; function start_hydrating() { is_hydrating = true; } function end_hydrating() { is_hydrating = false; } function upper_bound(low, high, key, value) { // Return first index of value larger than input value in the range [low, high) while (low < high) { const mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1); if (key(mid) <= value) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; } } return low; } function init_hydrate(target) { if (target.hydrate_init) return; target.hydrate_init = true; // We know that all children have claim_order values since the unclaimed have been detached if target is not let children = target.childNodes; // If target is , there may be children without claim_order if (target.nodeName === 'HEAD') { const myChildren = []; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const node = children[i]; if (node.claim_order !== undefined) { myChildren.push(node); } } children = myChildren; } /* * Reorder claimed children optimally. * We can reorder claimed children optimally by finding the longest subsequence of * nodes that are already claimed in order and only moving the rest. The longest * subsequence subsequence of nodes that are claimed in order can be found by * computing the longest increasing subsequence of .claim_order values. * * This algorithm is optimal in generating the least amount of reorder operations * possible. * * Proof: * We know that, given a set of reordering operations, the nodes that do not move * always form an increasing subsequence, since they do not move among each other * meaning that they must be already ordered among each other. Thus, the maximal * set of nodes that do not move form a longest increasing subsequence. */ // Compute longest increasing subsequence // m: subsequence length j => index k of smallest value that ends an increasing subsequence of length j const m = new Int32Array(children.length + 1); // Predecessor indices + 1 const p = new Int32Array(children.length); m[0] = -1; let longest = 0; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const current = children[i].claim_order; // Find the largest subsequence length such that it ends in a value less than our current value // upper_bound returns first greater value, so we subtract one // with fast path for when we are on the current longest subsequence const seqLen = ((longest > 0 && children[m[longest]].claim_order <= current) ? longest + 1 : upper_bound(1, longest, idx => children[m[idx]].claim_order, current)) - 1; p[i] = m[seqLen] + 1; const newLen = seqLen + 1; // We can guarantee that current is the smallest value. Otherwise, we would have generated a longer sequence. m[newLen] = i; longest = Math.max(newLen, longest); } // The longest increasing subsequence of nodes (initially reversed) const lis = []; // The rest of the nodes, nodes that will be moved const toMove = []; let last = children.length - 1; for (let cur = m[longest] + 1; cur != 0; cur = p[cur - 1]) { lis.push(children[cur - 1]); for (; last >= cur; last--) { toMove.push(children[last]); } last--; } for (; last >= 0; last--) { toMove.push(children[last]); } lis.reverse(); // We sort the nodes being moved to guarantee that their insertion order matches the claim order toMove.sort((a, b) => a.claim_order - b.claim_order); // Finally, we move the nodes for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < toMove.length; i++) { while (j < lis.length && toMove[i].claim_order >= lis[j].claim_order) { j++; } const anchor = j < lis.length ? lis[j] : null; target.insertBefore(toMove[i], anchor); } } function append_hydration(target, node) { if (is_hydrating) { init_hydrate(target); if ((target.actual_end_child === undefined) || ((target.actual_end_child !== null) && (target.actual_end_child.parentElement !== target))) { target.actual_end_child = target.firstChild; } // Skip nodes of undefined ordering while ((target.actual_end_child !== null) && (target.actual_end_child.claim_order === undefined)) { target.actual_end_child = target.actual_end_child.nextSibling; } if (node !== target.actual_end_child) { // We only insert if the ordering of this node should be modified or the parent node is not target if (node.claim_order !== undefined || node.parentNode !== target) { target.insertBefore(node, target.actual_end_child); } } else { target.actual_end_child = node.nextSibling; } } else if (node.parentNode !== target || node.nextSibling !== null) { target.appendChild(node); } } function insert_hydration(target, node, anchor) { if (is_hydrating && !anchor) { append_hydration(target, node); } else if (node.parentNode !== target || node.nextSibling != anchor) { target.insertBefore(node, anchor || null); } } function detach(node) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } function element(name) { return document.createElement(name); } function text$1(data) { return document.createTextNode(data); } function space() { return text$1(' '); } function attr(node, attribute, value) { if (value == null) node.removeAttribute(attribute); else if (node.getAttribute(attribute) !== value) node.setAttribute(attribute, value); } function children(element) { return Array.from(element.childNodes); } function init_claim_info(nodes) { if (nodes.claim_info === undefined) { nodes.claim_info = { last_index: 0, total_claimed: 0 }; } } function claim_node(nodes, predicate, processNode, createNode, dontUpdateLastIndex = false) { // Try to find nodes in an order such that we lengthen the longest increasing subsequence init_claim_info(nodes); const resultNode = (() => { // We first try to find an element after the previous one for (let i = nodes.claim_info.last_index; i < nodes.length; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if (predicate(node)) { const replacement = processNode(node); if (replacement === undefined) { nodes.splice(i, 1); } else { nodes[i] = replacement; } if (!dontUpdateLastIndex) { nodes.claim_info.last_index = i; } return node; } } // Otherwise, we try to find one before // We iterate in reverse so that we don't go too far back for (let i = nodes.claim_info.last_index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const node = nodes[i]; if (predicate(node)) { const replacement = processNode(node); if (replacement === undefined) { nodes.splice(i, 1); } else { nodes[i] = replacement; } if (!dontUpdateLastIndex) { nodes.claim_info.last_index = i; } else if (replacement === undefined) { // Since we spliced before the last_index, we decrease it nodes.claim_info.last_index--; } return node; } } // If we can't find any matching node, we create a new one return createNode(); })(); resultNode.claim_order = nodes.claim_info.total_claimed; nodes.claim_info.total_claimed += 1; return resultNode; } function claim_element_base(nodes, name, attributes, create_element) { return claim_node(nodes, (node) => node.nodeName === name, (node) => { const remove = []; for (let j = 0; j < node.attributes.length; j++) { const attribute = node.attributes[j]; if (!attributes[]) { remove.push(; } } remove.forEach(v => node.removeAttribute(v)); return undefined; }, () => create_element(name)); } function claim_element(nodes, name, attributes) { return claim_element_base(nodes, name, attributes, element); } function claim_text(nodes, data) { return claim_node(nodes, (node) => node.nodeType === 3, (node) => { const dataStr = '' + data; if ( { if ( !== dataStr.length) { return node.splitText(dataStr.length); } } else { = dataStr; } }, () => text$1(data), true // Text nodes should not update last index since it is likely not worth it to eliminate an increasing subsequence of actual elements ); } function claim_space(nodes) { return claim_text(nodes, ' '); } function query_selector_all(selector, parent = document.body) { return Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll(selector)); } let current_component; function set_current_component(component) { current_component = component; } function get_current_component() { if (!current_component) throw new Error('Function called outside component initialization'); return current_component; } function onMount(fn) { get_current_component().$$.on_mount.push(fn); } const dirty_components = []; const binding_callbacks = []; const render_callbacks = []; const flush_callbacks = []; const resolved_promise = Promise.resolve(); let update_scheduled = false; function schedule_update() { if (!update_scheduled) { update_scheduled = true; resolved_promise.then(flush); } } function add_render_callback(fn) { render_callbacks.push(fn); } // flush() calls callbacks in this order: // 1. All beforeUpdate callbacks, in order: parents before children // 2. All bind:this callbacks, in reverse order: children before parents. // 3. All afterUpdate callbacks, in order: parents before children. EXCEPT // for afterUpdates called during the initial onMount, which are called in // reverse order: children before parents. // Since callbacks might update component values, which could trigger another // call to flush(), the following steps guard against this: // 1. During beforeUpdate, any updated components will be added to the // dirty_components array and will cause a reentrant call to flush(). Because // the flush index is kept outside the function, the reentrant call will pick // up where the earlier call left off and go through all dirty components. The // current_component value is saved and restored so that the reentrant call will // not interfere with the "parent" flush() call. // 2. bind:this callbacks cannot trigger new flush() calls. // 3. During afterUpdate, any updated components will NOT have their afterUpdate // callback called a second time; the seen_callbacks set, outside the flush() // function, guarantees this behavior. const seen_callbacks = new Set(); let flushidx = 0; // Do *not* move this inside the flush() function function flush() { const saved_component = current_component; do { // first, call beforeUpdate functions // and update components while (flushidx < dirty_components.length) { const component = dirty_components[flushidx]; flushidx++; set_current_component(component); update(component.$$); } set_current_component(null); dirty_components.length = 0; flushidx = 0; while (binding_callbacks.length) binding_callbacks.pop()(); // then, once components are updated, call // afterUpdate functions. This may cause // subsequent updates... for (let i = 0; i < render_callbacks.length; i += 1) { const callback = render_callbacks[i]; if (!seen_callbacks.has(callback)) { // guard against infinite loops seen_callbacks.add(callback); callback(); } } render_callbacks.length = 0; } while (dirty_components.length); while (flush_callbacks.length) { flush_callbacks.pop()(); } update_scheduled = false; seen_callbacks.clear(); set_current_component(saved_component); } function update($$) { if ($$.fragment !== null) { $$.update(); run_all($$.before_update); const dirty = $$.dirty; $$.dirty = [-1]; $$.fragment && $$.fragment.p($$.ctx, dirty); $$.after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); } } const outroing = new Set(); function transition_in(block, local) { if (block && block.i) { outroing.delete(block); block.i(local); } } function mount_component(component, target, anchor, customElement) { const { fragment, on_mount, on_destroy, after_update } = component.$$; fragment && fragment.m(target, anchor); if (!customElement) { // onMount happens before the initial afterUpdate add_render_callback(() => { const new_on_destroy =; if (on_destroy) { on_destroy.push(...new_on_destroy); } else { // Edge case - component was destroyed immediately, // most likely as a result of a binding initialising run_all(new_on_destroy); } component.$$.on_mount = []; }); } after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); } function destroy_component(component, detaching) { const $$ = component.$$; if ($$.fragment !== null) { run_all($$.on_destroy); $$.fragment && $$.fragment.d(detaching); // TODO null out other refs, including component.$$ (but need to // preserve final state?) $$.on_destroy = $$.fragment = null; $$.ctx = []; } } function make_dirty(component, i) { if (component.$$.dirty[0] === -1) { dirty_components.push(component); schedule_update(); component.$$.dirty.fill(0); } component.$$.dirty[(i / 31) | 0] |= (1 << (i % 31)); } function init(component, options, instance, create_fragment, not_equal, props, append_styles, dirty = [-1]) { const parent_component = current_component; set_current_component(component); const $$ = component.$$ = { fragment: null, ctx: null, // state props, update: noop, not_equal, bound: blank_object(), // lifecycle on_mount: [], on_destroy: [], on_disconnect: [], before_update: [], after_update: [], context: new Map(options.context || (parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : [])), // everything else callbacks: blank_object(), dirty, skip_bound: false, root: || parent_component.$$.root }; append_styles && append_styles($$.root); let ready = false; $$.ctx = instance ? instance(component, options.props || {}, (i, ret, => { const value = rest.length ? rest[0] : ret; if ($$.ctx && not_equal($$.ctx[i], $$.ctx[i] = value)) { if (!$$.skip_bound && $$.bound[i]) $$.bound[i](value); if (ready) make_dirty(component, i); } return ret; }) : []; $$.update(); ready = true; run_all($$.before_update); // `false` as a special case of no DOM component $$.fragment = create_fragment ? create_fragment($$.ctx) : false; if ( { if (options.hydrate) { start_hydrating(); const nodes = children(; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion $$.fragment && $$.fragment.l(nodes); nodes.forEach(detach); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion $$.fragment && $$.fragment.c(); } if (options.intro) transition_in(component.$$.fragment); mount_component(component,, options.anchor, options.customElement); end_hydrating(); flush(); } set_current_component(parent_component); } /** * Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false. */ class SvelteComponent { $destroy() { destroy_component(this, 1); this.$destroy = noop; } $on(type, callback) { const callbacks = (this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = [])); callbacks.push(callback); return () => { const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index !== -1) callbacks.splice(index, 1); }; } $set($$props) { if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) { this.$$.skip_bound = true; this.$$set($$props); this.$$.skip_bound = false; } } } var EOL = {}, EOF = {}, QUOTE = 34, NEWLINE = 10, RETURN = 13; function objectConverter(columns) { return new Function("d", "return {" +, i) { return JSON.stringify(name) + ": d[" + i + "] || \"\""; }).join(",") + "}"); } function customConverter(columns, f) { var object = objectConverter(columns); return function(row, i) { return f(object(row), i, columns); }; } // Compute unique columns in order of discovery. function inferColumns(rows) { var columnSet = Object.create(null), columns = []; rows.forEach(function(row) { for (var column in row) { if (!(column in columnSet)) { columns.push(columnSet[column] = column); } } }); return columns; } function pad(value, width) { var s = value + "", length = s.length; return length < width ? new Array(width - length + 1).join(0) + s : s; } function formatYear(year) { return year < 0 ? "-" + pad(-year, 6) : year > 9999 ? "+" + pad(year, 6) : pad(year, 4); } function formatDate(date) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(), minutes = date.getUTCMinutes(), seconds = date.getUTCSeconds(), milliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds(); return isNaN(date) ? "Invalid Date" : formatYear(date.getUTCFullYear()) + "-" + pad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + "-" + pad(date.getUTCDate(), 2) + (milliseconds ? "T" + pad(hours, 2) + ":" + pad(minutes, 2) + ":" + pad(seconds, 2) + "." + pad(milliseconds, 3) + "Z" : seconds ? "T" + pad(hours, 2) + ":" + pad(minutes, 2) + ":" + pad(seconds, 2) + "Z" : minutes || hours ? "T" + pad(hours, 2) + ":" + pad(minutes, 2) + "Z" : ""); } function dsvFormat(delimiter) { var reFormat = new RegExp("[\"" + delimiter + "\n\r]"), DELIMITER = delimiter.charCodeAt(0); function parse(text, f) { var convert, columns, rows = parseRows(text, function(row, i) { if (convert) return convert(row, i - 1); columns = row, convert = f ? customConverter(row, f) : objectConverter(row); }); rows.columns = columns || []; return rows; } function parseRows(text, f) { var rows = [], // output rows N = text.length, I = 0, // current character index n = 0, // current line number t, // current token eof = N <= 0, // current token followed by EOF? eol = false; // current token followed by EOL? // Strip the trailing newline. if (text.charCodeAt(N - 1) === NEWLINE) --N; if (text.charCodeAt(N - 1) === RETURN) --N; function token() { if (eof) return EOF; if (eol) return eol = false, EOL; // Unescape quotes. var i, j = I, c; if (text.charCodeAt(j) === QUOTE) { while (I++ < N && text.charCodeAt(I) !== QUOTE || text.charCodeAt(++I) === QUOTE); if ((i = I) >= N) eof = true; else if ((c = text.charCodeAt(I++)) === NEWLINE) eol = true; else if (c === RETURN) { eol = true; if (text.charCodeAt(I) === NEWLINE) ++I; } return text.slice(j + 1, i - 1).replace(/""/g, "\""); } // Find next delimiter or newline. while (I < N) { if ((c = text.charCodeAt(i = I++)) === NEWLINE) eol = true; else if (c === RETURN) { eol = true; if (text.charCodeAt(I) === NEWLINE) ++I; } else if (c !== DELIMITER) continue; return text.slice(j, i); } // Return last token before EOF. return eof = true, text.slice(j, N); } while ((t = token()) !== EOF) { var row = []; while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) row.push(t), t = token(); if (f && (row = f(row, n++)) == null) continue; rows.push(row); } return rows; } function preformatBody(rows, columns) { return { return { return formatValue(row[column]); }).join(delimiter); }); } function format(rows, columns) { if (columns == null) columns = inferColumns(rows); return [].concat(preformatBody(rows, columns)).join("\n"); } function formatBody(rows, columns) { if (columns == null) columns = inferColumns(rows); return preformatBody(rows, columns).join("\n"); } function formatRows(rows) { return"\n"); } function formatRow(row) { return; } function formatValue(value) { return value == null ? "" : value instanceof Date ? formatDate(value) : reFormat.test(value += "") ? "\"" + value.replace(/"/g, "\"\"") + "\"" : value; } return { parse: parse, parseRows: parseRows, format: format, formatBody: formatBody, formatRows: formatRows, formatRow: formatRow, formatValue: formatValue }; } var csv$1 = dsvFormat(","); var csvParse = csv$1.parse; dsvFormat("\t"); // new Date("2019-01-01T00:00").getHours() || new Date("2019-07-01T00:00").getHours(); function responseText(response) { if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.status + " " + response.statusText); return response.text(); } function text(input, init) { return fetch(input, init).then(responseText); } function dsvParse(parse) { return function(input, init, row) { if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof init === "function") row = init, init = undefined; return text(input, init).then(function(response) { return parse(response, row); }); }; } var csv = dsvParse(csvParse); /** * Copyright (c) 2022, Leon Sorokin * All rights reserved. (MIT Licensed) * * uPlot.js (μPlot) * A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars * (v1.6.22) */ const FEAT_TIME = true; const pre = "u-"; const UPLOT = "uplot"; const ORI_HZ = pre + "hz"; const ORI_VT = pre + "vt"; const TITLE = pre + "title"; const WRAP = pre + "wrap"; const UNDER = pre + "under"; const OVER = pre + "over"; const AXIS = pre + "axis"; const OFF = pre + "off"; const SELECT = pre + "select"; const CURSOR_X = pre + "cursor-x"; const CURSOR_Y = pre + "cursor-y"; const CURSOR_PT = pre + "cursor-pt"; const LEGEND = pre + "legend"; const LEGEND_LIVE = pre + "live"; const LEGEND_INLINE = pre + "inline"; const LEGEND_THEAD = pre + "thead"; const LEGEND_SERIES = pre + "series"; const LEGEND_MARKER = pre + "marker"; const LEGEND_LABEL = pre + "label"; const LEGEND_VALUE = pre + "value"; const WIDTH = "width"; const HEIGHT = "height"; const TOP = "top"; const BOTTOM = "bottom"; const LEFT = "left"; const RIGHT = "right"; const hexBlack = "#000"; const transparent = hexBlack + "0"; const mousemove = "mousemove"; const mousedown = "mousedown"; const mouseup = "mouseup"; const mouseenter = "mouseenter"; const mouseleave = "mouseleave"; const dblclick = "dblclick"; const resize = "resize"; const scroll = "scroll"; const change = "change"; const dppxchange = "dppxchange"; const domEnv = typeof window != 'undefined'; const doc = domEnv ? document : null; const win = domEnv ? window : null; const nav = domEnv ? navigator : null; let pxRatio; let query; function setPxRatio() { let _pxRatio = devicePixelRatio; // during print preview, Chrome fires off these dppx queries even without changes if (pxRatio != _pxRatio) { pxRatio = _pxRatio; query && off(change, query, setPxRatio); query = matchMedia(`(min-resolution: ${pxRatio - 0.001}dppx) and (max-resolution: ${pxRatio + 0.001}dppx)`); on(change, query, setPxRatio); win.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(dppxchange)); } } function addClass(el, c) { if (c != null) { let cl = el.classList; !cl.contains(c) && cl.add(c); } } function remClass(el, c) { let cl = el.classList; cl.contains(c) && cl.remove(c); } function setStylePx(el, name, value) {[name] = value + "px"; } function placeTag(tag, cls, targ, refEl) { let el = doc.createElement(tag); if (cls != null) addClass(el, cls); if (targ != null) targ.insertBefore(el, refEl); return el; } function placeDiv(cls, targ) { return placeTag("div", cls, targ); } const xformCache = new WeakMap(); function elTrans(el, xPos, yPos, xMax, yMax) { let xform = "translate(" + xPos + "px," + yPos + "px)"; let xformOld = xformCache.get(el); if (xform != xformOld) { = xform; xformCache.set(el, xform); if (xPos < 0 || yPos < 0 || xPos > xMax || yPos > yMax) addClass(el, OFF); else remClass(el, OFF); } } const colorCache = new WeakMap(); function elColor(el, background, borderColor) { let newColor = background + borderColor; let oldColor = colorCache.get(el); if (newColor != oldColor) { colorCache.set(el, newColor); = background; = borderColor; } } const sizeCache = new WeakMap(); function elSize(el, newWid, newHgt, centered) { let newSize = newWid + "" + newHgt; let oldSize = sizeCache.get(el); if (newSize != oldSize) { sizeCache.set(el, newSize); = newHgt + "px"; = newWid + "px"; = centered ? -newWid/2 + "px" : 0; = centered ? -newHgt/2 + "px" : 0; } } const evOpts = {passive: true}; const evOpts2 = {...evOpts, capture: true}; function on(ev, el, cb, capt) { el.addEventListener(ev, cb, capt ? evOpts2 : evOpts); } function off(ev, el, cb, capt) { el.removeEventListener(ev, cb, capt ? evOpts2 : evOpts); } domEnv && setPxRatio(); // binary search for index of closest value function closestIdx(num, arr, lo, hi) { let mid; lo = lo || 0; hi = hi || arr.length - 1; let bitwise = hi <= 2147483647; while (hi - lo > 1) { mid = bitwise ? (lo + hi) >> 1 : floor((lo + hi) / 2); if (arr[mid] < num) lo = mid; else hi = mid; } if (num - arr[lo] <= arr[hi] - num) return lo; return hi; } function nonNullIdx(data, _i0, _i1, dir) { for (let i = dir == 1 ? _i0 : _i1; i >= _i0 && i <= _i1; i += dir) { if (data[i] != null) return i; } return -1; } function getMinMax(data, _i0, _i1, sorted) { // console.log("getMinMax()"); let _min = inf; let _max = -inf; if (sorted == 1) { _min = data[_i0]; _max = data[_i1]; } else if (sorted == -1) { _min = data[_i1]; _max = data[_i0]; } else { for (let i = _i0; i <= _i1; i++) { if (data[i] != null) { _min = min(_min, data[i]); _max = max(_max, data[i]); } } } return [_min, _max]; } function getMinMaxLog(data, _i0, _i1) { // console.log("getMinMax()"); let _min = inf; let _max = -inf; for (let i = _i0; i <= _i1; i++) { if (data[i] > 0) { _min = min(_min, data[i]); _max = max(_max, data[i]); } } return [ _min == inf ? 1 : _min, _max == -inf ? 10 : _max, ]; } const _fixedTuple = [0, 0]; function fixIncr(minIncr, maxIncr, minExp, maxExp) { _fixedTuple[0] = minExp < 0 ? roundDec(minIncr, -minExp) : minIncr; _fixedTuple[1] = maxExp < 0 ? roundDec(maxIncr, -maxExp) : maxIncr; return _fixedTuple; } function rangeLog(min, max, base, fullMags) { let minSign = sign(min); let logFn = base == 10 ? log10 : log2; if (min == max) { if (minSign == -1) { min *= base; max /= base; } else { min /= base; max *= base; } } let minExp, maxExp, minMaxIncrs; if (fullMags) { minExp = floor(logFn(min)); maxExp = ceil(logFn(max)); minMaxIncrs = fixIncr(pow(base, minExp), pow(base, maxExp), minExp, maxExp); min = minMaxIncrs[0]; max = minMaxIncrs[1]; } else { minExp = floor(logFn(abs(min))); maxExp = floor(logFn(abs(max))); minMaxIncrs = fixIncr(pow(base, minExp), pow(base, maxExp), minExp, maxExp); min = incrRoundDn(min, minMaxIncrs[0]); max = incrRoundUp(max, minMaxIncrs[1]); } return [min, max]; } function rangeAsinh(min, max, base, fullMags) { let minMax = rangeLog(min, max, base, fullMags); if (min == 0) minMax[0] = 0; if (max == 0) minMax[1] = 0; return minMax; } const rangePad = 0.1; const autoRangePart = { mode: 3, pad: rangePad, }; const _eqRangePart = { pad: 0, soft: null, mode: 0, }; const _eqRange = { min: _eqRangePart, max: _eqRangePart, }; // this ensures that non-temporal/numeric y-axes get multiple-snapped padding added above/below // TODO: also account for incrs when snapping to ensure top of axis gets a tick & value function rangeNum(_min, _max, mult, extra) { if (isObj(mult)) return _rangeNum(_min, _max, mult); _eqRangePart.pad = mult; _eqRangePart.soft = extra ? 0 : null; _eqRangePart.mode = extra ? 3 : 0; return _rangeNum(_min, _max, _eqRange); } // nullish coalesce function ifNull(lh, rh) { return lh == null ? rh : lh; } // checks if given index range in an array contains a non-null value // aka a range-bounded Array.some() function hasData(data, idx0, idx1) { idx0 = ifNull(idx0, 0); idx1 = ifNull(idx1, data.length - 1); while (idx0 <= idx1) { if (data[idx0] != null) return true; idx0++; } return false; } function _rangeNum(_min, _max, cfg) { let cmin = cfg.min; let cmax = cfg.max; let padMin = ifNull(cmin.pad, 0); let padMax = ifNull(cmax.pad, 0); let hardMin = ifNull(cmin.hard, -inf); let hardMax = ifNull(cmax.hard, inf); let softMin = ifNull(cmin.soft, inf); let softMax = ifNull(cmax.soft, -inf); let softMinMode = ifNull(cmin.mode, 0); let softMaxMode = ifNull(cmax.mode, 0); let delta = _max - _min; // this handles situations like 89.7, 89.69999999999999 // by assuming 0.001x deltas are precision errors // if (delta > 0 && delta < abs(_max) / 1e3) // delta = 0; // treat data as flat if delta is less than 1 billionth if (delta < 1e-9) { delta = 0; // if soft mode is 2 and all vals are flat at 0, avoid the 0.1 * 1e3 fallback // this prevents 0,0,0 from ranging to -100,100 when softMin/softMax are -1,1 if (_min == 0 || _max == 0) { delta = 1e-9; if (softMinMode == 2 && softMin != inf) padMin = 0; if (softMaxMode == 2 && softMax != -inf) padMax = 0; } } let nonZeroDelta = delta || abs(_max) || 1e3; let mag = log10(nonZeroDelta); let base = pow(10, floor(mag)); let _padMin = nonZeroDelta * (delta == 0 ? (_min == 0 ? .1 : 1) : padMin); let _newMin = roundDec(incrRoundDn(_min - _padMin, base/10), 9); let _softMin = _min >= softMin && (softMinMode == 1 || softMinMode == 3 && _newMin <= softMin || softMinMode == 2 && _newMin >= softMin) ? softMin : inf; let minLim = max(hardMin, _newMin < _softMin && _min >= _softMin ? _softMin : min(_softMin, _newMin)); let _padMax = nonZeroDelta * (delta == 0 ? (_max == 0 ? .1 : 1) : padMax); let _newMax = roundDec(incrRoundUp(_max + _padMax, base/10), 9); let _softMax = _max <= softMax && (softMaxMode == 1 || softMaxMode == 3 && _newMax >= softMax || softMaxMode == 2 && _newMax <= softMax) ? softMax : -inf; let maxLim = min(hardMax, _newMax > _softMax && _max <= _softMax ? _softMax : max(_softMax, _newMax)); if (minLim == maxLim && minLim == 0) maxLim = 100; return [minLim, maxLim]; } // alternative: const numFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(domEnv ? nav.language : 'en-US'); const fmtNum = val => numFormatter.format(val); const M = Math; const PI = M.PI; const abs = M.abs; const floor = M.floor; const round = M.round; const ceil = M.ceil; const min = M.min; const max = M.max; const pow = M.pow; const sign = M.sign; const log10 = M.log10; const log2 = M.log2; // TODO: seems like this needs to match asinh impl if the passed v is tweaked? const sinh = (v, linthresh = 1) => M.sinh(v) * linthresh; const asinh = (v, linthresh = 1) => M.asinh(v / linthresh); const inf = Infinity; function numIntDigits(x) { return (log10((x ^ (x >> 31)) - (x >> 31)) | 0) + 1; } function incrRound(num, incr) { return round(num/incr)*incr; } function clamp(num, _min, _max) { return min(max(num, _min), _max); } function fnOrSelf(v) { return typeof v == "function" ? v : () => v; } const retArg0 = _0 => _0; const retArg1 = (_0, _1) => _1; const retNull = _ => null; const retTrue = _ => true; const retEq = (a, b) => a == b; function incrRoundUp(num, incr) { return ceil(num/incr)*incr; } function incrRoundDn(num, incr) { return floor(num/incr)*incr; } function roundDec(val, dec) { return round(val * (dec = 10**dec)) / dec; } const fixedDec = new Map(); function guessDec(num) { return ((""+num).split(".")[1] || "").length; } function genIncrs(base, minExp, maxExp, mults) { let incrs = []; let multDec =; for (let exp = minExp; exp < maxExp; exp++) { let expa = abs(exp); let mag = roundDec(pow(base, exp), expa); for (let i = 0; i < mults.length; i++) { let _incr = mults[i] * mag; let dec = (_incr >= 0 && exp >= 0 ? 0 : expa) + (exp >= multDec[i] ? 0 : multDec[i]); let incr = roundDec(_incr, dec); incrs.push(incr); fixedDec.set(incr, dec); } } return incrs; } //export const assign = Object.assign; const EMPTY_OBJ = {}; const EMPTY_ARR = []; const nullNullTuple = [null, null]; const isArr = Array.isArray; function isStr(v) { return typeof v == 'string'; } function isObj(v) { let is = false; if (v != null) { let c = v.constructor; is = c == null || c == Object; } return is; } function fastIsObj(v) { return v != null && typeof v == 'object'; } const TypedArray = Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array); function copy(o, _isObj = isObj) { let out; if (isArr(o)) { let val = o.find(v => v != null); if (isArr(val) || _isObj(val)) { out = Array(o.length); for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) out[i] = copy(o[i], _isObj); } else out = o.slice(); } else if (o instanceof TypedArray) // also (ArrayBuffer.isView(o) && !(o instanceof DataView)) out = o.slice(); else if (_isObj(o)) { out = {}; for (let k in o) out[k] = copy(o[k], _isObj); } else out = o; return out; } function assign(targ) { let args = arguments; for (let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { let src = args[i]; for (let key in src) { if (isObj(targ[key])) assign(targ[key], copy(src[key])); else targ[key] = copy(src[key]); } } return targ; } // nullModes const NULL_REMOVE = 0; // nulls are converted to undefined (e.g. for spanGaps: true) const NULL_RETAIN = 1; // nulls are retained, with alignment artifacts set to undefined (default) const NULL_EXPAND = 2; // nulls are expanded to include any adjacent alignment artifacts // sets undefined values to nulls when adjacent to existing nulls (minesweeper) function nullExpand(yVals, nullIdxs, alignedLen) { for (let i = 0, xi, lastNullIdx = -1; i < nullIdxs.length; i++) { let nullIdx = nullIdxs[i]; if (nullIdx > lastNullIdx) { xi = nullIdx - 1; while (xi >= 0 && yVals[xi] == null) yVals[xi--] = null; xi = nullIdx + 1; while (xi < alignedLen && yVals[xi] == null) yVals[lastNullIdx = xi++] = null; } } } // nullModes is a tables-matched array indicating how to treat nulls in each series // output is sorted ASC on the joined field (table[0]) and duplicate join values are collapsed function join(tables, nullModes) { let xVals = new Set(); for (let ti = 0; ti < tables.length; ti++) { let t = tables[ti]; let xs = t[0]; let len = xs.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) xVals.add(xs[i]); } let data = [Array.from(xVals).sort((a, b) => a - b)]; let alignedLen = data[0].length; let xIdxs = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < alignedLen; i++) xIdxs.set(data[0][i], i); for (let ti = 0; ti < tables.length; ti++) { let t = tables[ti]; let xs = t[0]; for (let si = 1; si < t.length; si++) { let ys = t[si]; let yVals = Array(alignedLen).fill(undefined); let nullMode = nullModes ? nullModes[ti][si] : NULL_RETAIN; let nullIdxs = []; for (let i = 0; i < ys.length; i++) { let yVal = ys[i]; let alignedIdx = xIdxs.get(xs[i]); if (yVal === null) { if (nullMode != NULL_REMOVE) { yVals[alignedIdx] = yVal; if (nullMode == NULL_EXPAND) nullIdxs.push(alignedIdx); } } else yVals[alignedIdx] = yVal; } nullExpand(yVals, nullIdxs, alignedLen); data.push(yVals); } } return data; } const microTask = typeof queueMicrotask == "undefined" ? fn => Promise.resolve().then(fn) : queueMicrotask; const months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ]; const days = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", ]; function slice3(str) { return str.slice(0, 3); } const days3 =; const months3 =; const engNames = { MMMM: months, MMM: months3, WWWW: days, WWW: days3, }; function zeroPad2(int) { return (int < 10 ? '0' : '') + int; } function zeroPad3(int) { return (int < 10 ? '00' : int < 100 ? '0' : '') + int; } /* function suffix(int) { let mod10 = int % 10; return int + ( mod10 == 1 && int != 11 ? "st" : mod10 == 2 && int != 12 ? "nd" : mod10 == 3 && int != 13 ? "rd" : "th" ); } */ const subs = { // 2019 YYYY: d => d.getFullYear(), // 19 YY: d => (d.getFullYear()+'').slice(2), // July MMMM: (d, names) => names.MMMM[d.getMonth()], // Jul MMM: (d, names) => names.MMM[d.getMonth()], // 07 MM: d => zeroPad2(d.getMonth()+1), // 7 M: d => d.getMonth()+1, // 09 DD: d => zeroPad2(d.getDate()), // 9 D: d => d.getDate(), // Monday WWWW: (d, names) => names.WWWW[d.getDay()], // Mon WWW: (d, names) => names.WWW[d.getDay()], // 03 HH: d => zeroPad2(d.getHours()), // 3 H: d => d.getHours(), // 9 (12hr, unpadded) h: d => {let h = d.getHours(); return h == 0 ? 12 : h > 12 ? h - 12 : h;}, // AM AA: d => d.getHours() >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM', // am aa: d => d.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am', // a a: d => d.getHours() >= 12 ? 'p' : 'a', // 09 mm: d => zeroPad2(d.getMinutes()), // 9 m: d => d.getMinutes(), // 09 ss: d => zeroPad2(d.getSeconds()), // 9 s: d => d.getSeconds(), // 374 fff: d => zeroPad3(d.getMilliseconds()), }; function fmtDate(tpl, names) { names = names || engNames; let parts = []; let R = /\{([a-z]+)\}|[^{]+/gi, m; while (m = R.exec(tpl)) parts.push(m[0][0] == '{' ? subs[m[1]] : m[0]); return d => { let out = ''; for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) out += typeof parts[i] == "string" ? parts[i] : parts[i](d, names); return out; } } const localTz = new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; // function tzDate(date, tz) { let date2; // perf optimization if (tz == 'UTC' || tz == 'Etc/UTC') date2 = new Date(+date + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 6e4); else if (tz == localTz) date2 = date; else { date2 = new Date(date.toLocaleString('en-US', {timeZone: tz})); date2.setMilliseconds(date.getMilliseconds()); } return date2; } //export const series = []; // default formatters: const onlyWhole = v => v % 1 == 0; const allMults = [1,2,2.5,5]; // ...0.01, 0.02, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5 const decIncrs = genIncrs(10, -16, 0, allMults); // 1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50... const oneIncrs = genIncrs(10, 0, 16, allMults); // 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50... const wholeIncrs = oneIncrs.filter(onlyWhole); const numIncrs = decIncrs.concat(oneIncrs); const NL = "\n"; const yyyy = "{YYYY}"; const NLyyyy = NL + yyyy; const md = "{M}/{D}"; const NLmd = NL + md; const NLmdyy = NLmd + "/{YY}"; const aa = "{aa}"; const hmm = "{h}:{mm}"; const hmmaa = hmm + aa; const NLhmmaa = NL + hmmaa; const ss = ":{ss}"; const _ = null; function genTimeStuffs(ms) { let s = ms * 1e3, m = s * 60, h = m * 60, d = h * 24, mo = d * 30, y = d * 365; // min of 1e-3 prevents setting a temporal x ticks too small since Date objects cannot advance ticks smaller than 1ms let subSecIncrs = ms == 1 ? genIncrs(10, 0, 3, allMults).filter(onlyWhole) : genIncrs(10, -3, 0, allMults); let timeIncrs = subSecIncrs.concat([ // minute divisors (# of secs) s, s * 5, s * 10, s * 15, s * 30, // hour divisors (# of mins) m, m * 5, m * 10, m * 15, m * 30, // day divisors (# of hrs) h, h * 2, h * 3, h * 4, h * 6, h * 8, h * 12, // month divisors TODO: need more? d, d * 2, d * 3, d * 4, d * 5, d * 6, d * 7, d * 8, d * 9, d * 10, d * 15, // year divisors (# months, approx) mo, mo * 2, mo * 3, mo * 4, mo * 6, // century divisors y, y * 2, y * 5, y * 10, y * 25, y * 50, y * 100, ]); // [0]: minimum num secs in the tick incr // [1]: default tick format // [2-7]: rollover tick formats // [8]: mode: 0: replace [1] -> [2-7], 1: concat [1] + [2-7] const _timeAxisStamps = [ // tick incr default year month day hour min sec mode [y, yyyy, _, _, _, _, _, _, 1], [d * 28, "{MMM}", NLyyyy, _, _, _, _, _, 1], [d, md, NLyyyy, _, _, _, _, _, 1], [h, "{h}" + aa, NLmdyy, _, NLmd, _, _, _, 1], [m, hmmaa, NLmdyy, _, NLmd, _, _, _, 1], [s, ss, NLmdyy + " " + hmmaa, _, NLmd + " " + hmmaa, _, NLhmmaa, _, 1], [ms, ss + ".{fff}", NLmdyy + " " + hmmaa, _, NLmd + " " + hmmaa, _, NLhmmaa, _, 1], ]; // the ensures that axis ticks, values & grid are aligned to logical temporal breakpoints and not an arbitrary timestamp // // // function timeAxisSplits(tzDate) { return (self, axisIdx, scaleMin, scaleMax, foundIncr, foundSpace) => { let splits = []; let isYr = foundIncr >= y; let isMo = foundIncr >= mo && foundIncr < y; // get the timezone-adjusted date let minDate = tzDate(scaleMin); let minDateTs = roundDec(minDate * ms, 3); // get ts of 12am (this lands us at or before the original scaleMin) let minMin = mkDate(minDate.getFullYear(), isYr ? 0 : minDate.getMonth(), isMo || isYr ? 1 : minDate.getDate()); let minMinTs = roundDec(minMin * ms, 3); if (isMo || isYr) { let moIncr = isMo ? foundIncr / mo : 0; let yrIncr = isYr ? foundIncr / y : 0; // let tzOffset = scaleMin - minDateTs; // needed? let split = minDateTs == minMinTs ? minDateTs : roundDec(mkDate(minMin.getFullYear() + yrIncr, minMin.getMonth() + moIncr, 1) * ms, 3); let splitDate = new Date(round(split / ms)); let baseYear = splitDate.getFullYear(); let baseMonth = splitDate.getMonth(); for (let i = 0; split <= scaleMax; i++) { let next = mkDate(baseYear + yrIncr * i, baseMonth + moIncr * i, 1); let offs = next - tzDate(roundDec(next * ms, 3)); split = roundDec((+next + offs) * ms, 3); if (split <= scaleMax) splits.push(split); } } else { let incr0 = foundIncr >= d ? d : foundIncr; let tzOffset = floor(scaleMin) - floor(minDateTs); let split = minMinTs + tzOffset + incrRoundUp(minDateTs - minMinTs, incr0); splits.push(split); let date0 = tzDate(split); let prevHour = date0.getHours() + (date0.getMinutes() / m) + (date0.getSeconds() / h); let incrHours = foundIncr / h; let minSpace = self.axes[axisIdx]._space; let pctSpace = foundSpace / minSpace; while (1) { split = roundDec(split + foundIncr, ms == 1 ? 0 : 3); if (split > scaleMax) break; if (incrHours > 1) { let expectedHour = floor(roundDec(prevHour + incrHours, 6)) % 24; let splitDate = tzDate(split); let actualHour = splitDate.getHours(); let dstShift = actualHour - expectedHour; if (dstShift > 1) dstShift = -1; split -= dstShift * h; prevHour = (prevHour + incrHours) % 24; // add a tick only if it's further than 70% of the min allowed label spacing let prevSplit = splits[splits.length - 1]; let pctIncr = roundDec((split - prevSplit) / foundIncr, 3); if (pctIncr * pctSpace >= .7) splits.push(split); } else splits.push(split); } } return splits; } } return [ timeIncrs, _timeAxisStamps, timeAxisSplits, ]; } const [ timeIncrsMs, _timeAxisStampsMs, timeAxisSplitsMs ] = genTimeStuffs(1); const [ timeIncrsS, _timeAxisStampsS, timeAxisSplitsS ] = genTimeStuffs(1e-3); // base 2 genIncrs(2, -53, 53, [1]); /* console.log({ decIncrs, oneIncrs, wholeIncrs, numIncrs, timeIncrs, fixedDec, }); */ function timeAxisStamps(stampCfg, fmtDate) { return =>, i) => i == 0 || i == 8 || v == null ? v : fmtDate(i == 1 || s[8] == 0 ? v : s[1] + v) )); } // TODO: will need to accept spaces[] and pull incr into the loop when grid will be non-uniform, eg for log scales. // currently we ignore this for months since they're *nearly* uniform and the added complexity is not worth it function timeAxisVals(tzDate, stamps) { return (self, splits, axisIdx, foundSpace, foundIncr) => { let s = stamps.find(s => foundIncr >= s[0]) || stamps[stamps.length - 1]; // these track boundaries when a full label is needed again let prevYear; let prevMnth; let prevDate; let prevHour; let prevMins; let prevSecs; return => { let date = tzDate(split); let newYear = date.getFullYear(); let newMnth = date.getMonth(); let newDate = date.getDate(); let newHour = date.getHours(); let newMins = date.getMinutes(); let newSecs = date.getSeconds(); let stamp = ( newYear != prevYear && s[2] || newMnth != prevMnth && s[3] || newDate != prevDate && s[4] || newHour != prevHour && s[5] || newMins != prevMins && s[6] || newSecs != prevSecs && s[7] || s[1] ); prevYear = newYear; prevMnth = newMnth; prevDate = newDate; prevHour = newHour; prevMins = newMins; prevSecs = newSecs; return stamp(date); }); } } // for when axis.values is defined as a static fmtDate template string function timeAxisVal(tzDate, dateTpl) { let stamp = fmtDate(dateTpl); return (self, splits, axisIdx, foundSpace, foundIncr) => => stamp(tzDate(split))); } function mkDate(y, m, d) { return new Date(y, m, d); } function timeSeriesStamp(stampCfg, fmtDate) { return fmtDate(stampCfg); } const _timeSeriesStamp = '{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD} {h}:{mm}{aa}'; function timeSeriesVal(tzDate, stamp) { return (self, val) => stamp(tzDate(val)); } function legendStroke(self, seriesIdx) { let s = self.series[seriesIdx]; return s.width ? s.stroke(self, seriesIdx) : s.points.width ? s.points.stroke(self, seriesIdx) : null; } function legendFill(self, seriesIdx) { return self.series[seriesIdx].fill(self, seriesIdx); } const legendOpts = { show: true, live: true, isolate: false, markers: { show: true, width: 2, stroke: legendStroke, fill: legendFill, dash: "solid", }, idx: null, idxs: null, values: [], }; function cursorPointShow(self, si) { let o = self.cursor.points; let pt = placeDiv(); let size = o.size(self, si); setStylePx(pt, WIDTH, size); setStylePx(pt, HEIGHT, size); let mar = size / -2; setStylePx(pt, "marginLeft", mar); setStylePx(pt, "marginTop", mar); let width = o.width(self, si, size); width && setStylePx(pt, "borderWidth", width); return pt; } function cursorPointFill(self, si) { let sp = self.series[si].points; return sp._fill || sp._stroke; } function cursorPointStroke(self, si) { let sp = self.series[si].points; return sp._stroke || sp._fill; } function cursorPointSize(self, si) { let sp = self.series[si].points; return ptDia(sp.width, 1); } function dataIdx(self, seriesIdx, cursorIdx) { return cursorIdx; } const moveTuple = [0,0]; function cursorMove(self, mouseLeft1, mouseTop1) { moveTuple[0] = mouseLeft1; moveTuple[1] = mouseTop1; return moveTuple; } function filtBtn0(self, targ, handle) { return e => { e.button == 0 && handle(e); }; } function passThru(self, targ, handle) { return handle; } const cursorOpts = { show: true, x: true, y: true, lock: false, move: cursorMove, points: { show: cursorPointShow, size: cursorPointSize, width: 0, stroke: cursorPointStroke, fill: cursorPointFill, }, bind: { mousedown: filtBtn0, mouseup: filtBtn0, click: filtBtn0, dblclick: filtBtn0, mousemove: passThru, mouseleave: passThru, mouseenter: passThru, }, drag: { setScale: true, x: true, y: false, dist: 0, uni: null, _x: false, _y: false, }, focus: { prox: -1, }, left: -10, top: -10, idx: null, dataIdx, idxs: null, }; const axisLines = { show: true, stroke: "rgba(0,0,0,0.07)", width: 2, // dash: [], }; const grid = assign({}, axisLines, { filter: retArg1, }); const ticks = assign({}, grid, { size: 10, }); const border = assign({}, axisLines, { show: false, }); const font = '12px system-ui, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"'; const labelFont = "bold " + font; const lineMult = 1.5; // font-size multiplier const xAxisOpts = { show: true, scale: "x", stroke: hexBlack, space: 50, gap: 5, size: 50, labelGap: 0, labelSize: 30, labelFont, side: 2, // class: "x-vals", // incrs: timeIncrs, // values: timeVals, // filter: retArg1, grid, ticks, border, font, rotate: 0, }; const numSeriesLabel = "Value"; const timeSeriesLabel = "Time"; const xSeriesOpts = { show: true, scale: "x", auto: false, sorted: 1, // label: "Time", // value: v => stamp(new Date(v * 1e3)), // internal caches min: inf, max: -inf, idxs: [], }; function numAxisVals(self, splits, axisIdx, foundSpace, foundIncr) { return => v == null ? "" : fmtNum(v)); } function numAxisSplits(self, axisIdx, scaleMin, scaleMax, foundIncr, foundSpace, forceMin) { let splits = []; let numDec = fixedDec.get(foundIncr) || 0; scaleMin = forceMin ? scaleMin : roundDec(incrRoundUp(scaleMin, foundIncr), numDec); for (let val = scaleMin; val <= scaleMax; val = roundDec(val + foundIncr, numDec)) splits.push(, -0) ? 0 : val); // coalesces -0 return splits; } // this doesnt work for sin, which needs to come off from 0 independently in pos and neg dirs function logAxisSplits(self, axisIdx, scaleMin, scaleMax, foundIncr, foundSpace, forceMin) { const splits = []; const logBase = self.scales[self.axes[axisIdx].scale].log; const logFn = logBase == 10 ? log10 : log2; const exp = floor(logFn(scaleMin)); foundIncr = pow(logBase, exp); if (exp < 0) foundIncr = roundDec(foundIncr, -exp); let split = scaleMin; do { splits.push(split); split = roundDec(split + foundIncr, fixedDec.get(foundIncr)); if (split >= foundIncr * logBase) foundIncr = split; } while (split <= scaleMax); return splits; } function asinhAxisSplits(self, axisIdx, scaleMin, scaleMax, foundIncr, foundSpace, forceMin) { let sc = self.scales[self.axes[axisIdx].scale]; let linthresh = sc.asinh; let posSplits = scaleMax > linthresh ? logAxisSplits(self, axisIdx, max(linthresh, scaleMin), scaleMax, foundIncr) : [linthresh]; let zero = scaleMax >= 0 && scaleMin <= 0 ? [0] : []; let negSplits = scaleMin < -linthresh ? logAxisSplits(self, axisIdx, max(linthresh, -scaleMax), -scaleMin, foundIncr): [linthresh]; return negSplits.reverse().map(v => -v).concat(zero, posSplits); } const RE_ALL = /./; const RE_12357 = /[12357]/; const RE_125 = /[125]/; const RE_1 = /1/; function logAxisValsFilt(self, splits, axisIdx, foundSpace, foundIncr) { let axis = self.axes[axisIdx]; let scaleKey = axis.scale; let sc = self.scales[scaleKey]; if (sc.distr == 3 && sc.log == 2) return splits; let valToPos = self.valToPos; let minSpace = axis._space; let _10 = valToPos(10, scaleKey); let re = ( valToPos(9, scaleKey) - _10 >= minSpace ? RE_ALL : valToPos(7, scaleKey) - _10 >= minSpace ? RE_12357 : valToPos(5, scaleKey) - _10 >= minSpace ? RE_125 : RE_1 ); return => ((sc.distr == 4 && v == 0) || re.test(v)) ? v : null); } function numSeriesVal(self, val) { return val == null ? "" : fmtNum(val); } const yAxisOpts = { show: true, scale: "y", stroke: hexBlack, space: 30, gap: 5, size: 50, labelGap: 0, labelSize: 30, labelFont, side: 3, // class: "y-vals", // incrs: numIncrs, // values: (vals, space) => vals, // filter: retArg1, grid, ticks, border, font, rotate: 0, }; // takes stroke width function ptDia(width, mult) { let dia = 3 + (width || 1) * 2; return roundDec(dia * mult, 3); } function seriesPointsShow(self, si) { let { scale, idxs } = self.series[0]; let xData = self._data[0]; let p0 = self.valToPos(xData[idxs[0]], scale, true); let p1 = self.valToPos(xData[idxs[1]], scale, true); let dim = abs(p1 - p0); let s = self.series[si]; // const dia = ptDia(s.width, pxRatio); let maxPts = dim / ( * pxRatio); return idxs[1] - idxs[0] <= maxPts; } const facet = { scale: null, auto: true, sorted: 0, // internal caches min: inf, max: -inf, }; const xySeriesOpts = { show: true, auto: true, sorted: 0, alpha: 1, facets: [ assign({}, facet, {scale: 'x'}), assign({}, facet, {scale: 'y'}), ], }; const ySeriesOpts = { scale: "y", auto: true, sorted: 0, show: true, spanGaps: false, gaps: (self, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, nullGaps) => nullGaps, alpha: 1, points: { show: seriesPointsShow, filter: null, // paths: // stroke: "#000", // fill: "#fff", // width: 1, // size: 10, }, // label: "Value", // value: v => v, values: null, // internal caches min: inf, max: -inf, idxs: [], path: null, clip: null, }; function clampScale(self, val, scaleMin, scaleMax, scaleKey) { /* if (val < 0) { let cssHgt = self.bbox.height / pxRatio; let absPos = self.valToPos(abs(val), scaleKey); let fromBtm = cssHgt - absPos; return self.posToVal(cssHgt + fromBtm, scaleKey); } */ return scaleMin / 10; } const xScaleOpts = { time: FEAT_TIME, auto: true, distr: 1, log: 10, asinh: 1, min: null, max: null, dir: 1, ori: 0, }; const yScaleOpts = assign({}, xScaleOpts, { time: false, ori: 1, }); const syncs = {}; function _sync(key, opts) { let s = syncs[key]; if (!s) { s = { key, plots: [], sub(plot) { s.plots.push(plot); }, unsub(plot) { s.plots = s.plots.filter(c => c != plot); }, pub(type, self, x, y, w, h, i) { for (let j = 0; j < s.plots.length; j++) s.plots[j] != self && s.plots[j].pub(type, self, x, y, w, h, i); }, }; if (key != null) syncs[key] = s; } return s; } const BAND_CLIP_FILL = 1 << 0; const BAND_CLIP_STROKE = 1 << 1; function orient(u, seriesIdx, cb) { const series = u.series[seriesIdx]; const scales = u.scales; const bbox = u.bbox; const scaleX = u.mode == 2 ? scales[series.facets[0].scale] : scales[u.series[0].scale]; let dx = u._data[0], dy = u._data[seriesIdx], sx = scaleX, sy = u.mode == 2 ? scales[series.facets[1].scale] : scales[series.scale], l = bbox.left, t =, w = bbox.width, h = bbox.height, H = u.valToPosH, V = u.valToPosV; return (sx.ori == 0 ? cb( series, dx, dy, sx, sy, H, V, l, t, w, h, moveToH, lineToH, rectH, arcH, bezierCurveToH, ) : cb( series, dx, dy, sx, sy, V, H, t, l, h, w, moveToV, lineToV, rectV, arcV, bezierCurveToV, ) ); } function bandFillClipDirs(self, seriesIdx) { let fillDir = 0; // 2 bits, -1 | 1 let clipDirs = 0; let bands = ifNull(self.bands, EMPTY_ARR); for (let i = 0; i < bands.length; i++) { let b = bands[i]; // is a "from" band edge if (b.series[0] == seriesIdx) fillDir = b.dir; // is a "to" band edge else if (b.series[1] == seriesIdx) { if (b.dir == 1) clipDirs |= 1; else clipDirs |= 2; } } return [ fillDir, ( clipDirs == 1 ? -1 : // neg only clipDirs == 2 ? 1 : // pos only clipDirs == 3 ? 2 : // both 0 // neither ) ]; } function seriesFillTo(self, seriesIdx, dataMin, dataMax, bandFillDir) { let scale = self.scales[self.series[seriesIdx].scale]; return ( bandFillDir == -1 ? scale.min : bandFillDir == 1 ? scale.max : scale.distr == 3 ? ( scale.dir == 1 ? scale.min : scale.max ) : 0 ); } // creates inverted band clip path (from stroke path -> yMax || yMin) // clipDir is always inverse of fillDir // default clip dir is upwards (1), since default band fill is downwards/fillBelowTo (-1) (highIdx -> lowIdx) function clipBandLine(self, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, strokePath, clipDir) { return orient(self, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim) => { let pxRound = series.pxRound; const dir = scaleX.dir * (scaleX.ori == 0 ? 1 : -1); const lineTo = scaleX.ori == 0 ? lineToH : lineToV; let frIdx, toIdx; if (dir == 1) { frIdx = idx0; toIdx = idx1; } else { frIdx = idx1; toIdx = idx0; } // path start let x0 = pxRound(valToPosX(dataX[frIdx], scaleX, xDim, xOff)); let y0 = pxRound(valToPosY(dataY[frIdx], scaleY, yDim, yOff)); // path end x let x1 = pxRound(valToPosX(dataX[toIdx], scaleX, xDim, xOff)); // upper or lower y limit let yLimit = pxRound(valToPosY(clipDir == 1 ? scaleY.max : scaleY.min, scaleY, yDim, yOff)); let clip = new Path2D(strokePath); lineTo(clip, x1, yLimit); lineTo(clip, x0, yLimit); lineTo(clip, x0, y0); return clip; }); } function clipGaps(gaps, ori, plotLft, plotTop, plotWid, plotHgt) { let clip = null; // create clip path (invert gaps and non-gaps) if (gaps.length > 0) { clip = new Path2D(); const rect = ori == 0 ? rectH : rectV; let prevGapEnd = plotLft; for (let i = 0; i < gaps.length; i++) { let g = gaps[i]; if (g[1] > g[0]) { let w = g[0] - prevGapEnd; w > 0 && rect(clip, prevGapEnd, plotTop, w, plotTop + plotHgt); prevGapEnd = g[1]; } } let w = plotLft + plotWid - prevGapEnd; w > 0 && rect(clip, prevGapEnd, plotTop, w, plotTop + plotHgt); } return clip; } function addGap(gaps, fromX, toX) { let prevGap = gaps[gaps.length - 1]; if (prevGap && prevGap[0] == fromX) // TODO: gaps must be encoded at stroke widths? prevGap[1] = toX; else gaps.push([fromX, toX]); } function findGaps(xs, ys, idx0, idx1, dir, pixelForX, align) { let gaps = []; for (let i = dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1; i >= idx0 && i <= idx1; i += dir) { let yVal = ys[i]; if (yVal === null) { let fr = i, to = i; if (dir == 1) { while (++i <= idx1 && ys[i] === null) to = i; } else { while (--i >= idx0 && ys[i] === null) to = i; } let frPx = pixelForX(xs[fr]); let toPx = to == fr ? frPx : pixelForX(xs[to]); // if value adjacent to edge null is same pixel, then it's partially // filled and gap should start at next pixel let frPx2 = align <= 0 ? pixelForX(xs[fr-dir]) : frPx; // if (frPx2 == frPx) // frPx++; // else frPx = frPx2; let toPx2 = align >= 0 ? pixelForX(xs[to+dir]) : toPx; // if (toPx2 == toPx) // toPx--; // else toPx = toPx2; if (toPx >= frPx) gaps.push([frPx, toPx]); // addGap } } return gaps; } function pxRoundGen(pxAlign) { return pxAlign == 0 ? retArg0 : pxAlign == 1 ? round : v => incrRound(v, pxAlign); } function rect(ori) { let moveTo = ori == 0 ? moveToH : moveToV; let arcTo = ori == 0 ? (p, x1, y1, x2, y2, r) => { p.arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, r); } : (p, y1, x1, y2, x2, r) => { p.arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, r); }; let rect = ori == 0 ? (p, x, y, w, h) => { p.rect(x, y, w, h); } : (p, y, x, h, w) => { p.rect(x, y, w, h); }; return (p, x, y, w, h, r = 0) => { if (r == 0) rect(p, x, y, w, h); else { r = min(r, w / 2, h / 2); // adapted from moveTo(p, x + r, y); arcTo(p, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, r); arcTo(p, x + w, y + h, x, y + h, r); arcTo(p, x, y + h, x, y, r); arcTo(p, x, y, x + w, y, r); p.closePath(); } }; } // orientation-inverting canvas functions const moveToH = (p, x, y) => { p.moveTo(x, y); }; const moveToV = (p, y, x) => { p.moveTo(x, y); }; const lineToH = (p, x, y) => { p.lineTo(x, y); }; const lineToV = (p, y, x) => { p.lineTo(x, y); }; const rectH = rect(0); const rectV = rect(1); const arcH = (p, x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle) => { p.arc(x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle); }; const arcV = (p, y, x, r, startAngle, endAngle) => { p.arc(x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle); }; const bezierCurveToH = (p, bp1x, bp1y, bp2x, bp2y, p2x, p2y) => { p.bezierCurveTo(bp1x, bp1y, bp2x, bp2y, p2x, p2y); }; const bezierCurveToV = (p, bp1y, bp1x, bp2y, bp2x, p2y, p2x) => { p.bezierCurveTo(bp1x, bp1y, bp2x, bp2y, p2x, p2y); }; // TODO: drawWrap(seriesIdx, drawPoints) (save, restore, translate, clip) function points(opts) { return (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, filtIdxs) => { // log("drawPoints()", arguments); return orient(u, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim) => { let { pxRound, points } = series; let moveTo, arc; if (scaleX.ori == 0) { moveTo = moveToH; arc = arcH; } else { moveTo = moveToV; arc = arcV; } const width = roundDec(points.width * pxRatio, 3); let rad = (points.size - points.width) / 2 * pxRatio; let dia = roundDec(rad * 2, 3); let fill = new Path2D(); let clip = new Path2D(); let { left: lft, top: top, width: wid, height: hgt } = u.bbox; rectH(clip, lft - dia, top - dia, wid + dia * 2, hgt + dia * 2, ); const drawPoint = pi => { if (dataY[pi] != null) { let x = pxRound(valToPosX(dataX[pi], scaleX, xDim, xOff)); let y = pxRound(valToPosY(dataY[pi], scaleY, yDim, yOff)); moveTo(fill, x + rad, y); arc(fill, x, y, rad, 0, PI * 2); } }; if (filtIdxs) filtIdxs.forEach(drawPoint); else { for (let pi = idx0; pi <= idx1; pi++) drawPoint(pi); } return { stroke: width > 0 ? fill : null, fill, clip, flags: BAND_CLIP_FILL | BAND_CLIP_STROKE, }; }); }; } function _drawAcc(lineTo) { return (stroke, accX, minY, maxY, inY, outY) => { if (minY != maxY) { if (inY != minY && outY != minY) lineTo(stroke, accX, minY); if (inY != maxY && outY != maxY) lineTo(stroke, accX, maxY); lineTo(stroke, accX, outY); } }; } const drawAccH = _drawAcc(lineToH); const drawAccV = _drawAcc(lineToV); function linear(opts) { const alignGaps = ifNull(opts?.alignGaps, 0); return (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => { return orient(u, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim) => { let pxRound = series.pxRound; let pixelForX = val => pxRound(valToPosX(val, scaleX, xDim, xOff)); let pixelForY = val => pxRound(valToPosY(val, scaleY, yDim, yOff)); let lineTo, drawAcc; if (scaleX.ori == 0) { lineTo = lineToH; drawAcc = drawAccH; } else { lineTo = lineToV; drawAcc = drawAccV; } const dir = scaleX.dir * (scaleX.ori == 0 ? 1 : -1); const _paths = {stroke: new Path2D(), fill: null, clip: null, band: null, gaps: null, flags: BAND_CLIP_FILL}; const stroke = _paths.stroke; let minY = inf, maxY = -inf, inY, outY, drawnAtX; let accX = pixelForX(dataX[dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1]); // data edges let lftIdx = nonNullIdx(dataY, idx0, idx1, 1 * dir); let rgtIdx = nonNullIdx(dataY, idx0, idx1, -1 * dir); let lftX = pixelForX(dataX[lftIdx]); let rgtX = pixelForX(dataX[rgtIdx]); for (let i = dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1; i >= idx0 && i <= idx1; i += dir) { let x = pixelForX(dataX[i]); if (x == accX) { if (dataY[i] != null) { outY = pixelForY(dataY[i]); if (minY == inf) { lineTo(stroke, x, outY); inY = outY; } minY = min(outY, minY); maxY = max(outY, maxY); } } else { if (minY != inf) { drawAcc(stroke, accX, minY, maxY, inY, outY); drawnAtX = accX; } if (dataY[i] != null) { outY = pixelForY(dataY[i]); lineTo(stroke, x, outY); minY = maxY = inY = outY; } else { minY = inf; maxY = -inf; } accX = x; } } if (minY != inf && minY != maxY && drawnAtX != accX) drawAcc(stroke, accX, minY, maxY, inY, outY); let [ bandFillDir, bandClipDir ] = bandFillClipDirs(u, seriesIdx); if (series.fill != null || bandFillDir != 0) { let fill = _paths.fill = new Path2D(stroke); let fillToVal = series.fillTo(u, seriesIdx, series.min, series.max, bandFillDir); let fillToY = pixelForY(fillToVal); lineTo(fill, rgtX, fillToY); lineTo(fill, lftX, fillToY); } if (!series.spanGaps) { // console.time('gaps'); let gaps = []; gaps.push(...findGaps(dataX, dataY, idx0, idx1, dir, pixelForX, alignGaps)); // console.timeEnd('gaps'); // console.log('gaps', JSON.stringify(gaps)); _paths.gaps = gaps = series.gaps(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, gaps); _paths.clip = clipGaps(gaps, scaleX.ori, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim); } if (bandClipDir != 0) { = bandClipDir == 2 ? [ clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, -1), clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, 1), ] : clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, bandClipDir); } return _paths; }); }; } function stepped(opts) { const align = ifNull(opts.align, 1); // whether to draw ascenders/descenders at null/gap bondaries const ascDesc = ifNull(opts.ascDesc, false); const alignGaps = ifNull(opts.alignGaps, 0); return (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => { return orient(u, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim) => { let pxRound = series.pxRound; let pixelForX = val => pxRound(valToPosX(val, scaleX, xDim, xOff)); let pixelForY = val => pxRound(valToPosY(val, scaleY, yDim, yOff)); let lineTo = scaleX.ori == 0 ? lineToH : lineToV; const _paths = {stroke: new Path2D(), fill: null, clip: null, band: null, gaps: null, flags: BAND_CLIP_FILL}; const stroke = _paths.stroke; const dir = scaleX.dir * (scaleX.ori == 0 ? 1 : -1); idx0 = nonNullIdx(dataY, idx0, idx1, 1); idx1 = nonNullIdx(dataY, idx0, idx1, -1); let prevYPos = pixelForY(dataY[dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1]); let firstXPos = pixelForX(dataX[dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1]); let prevXPos = firstXPos; lineTo(stroke, firstXPos, prevYPos); for (let i = dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1; i >= idx0 && i <= idx1; i += dir) { let yVal1 = dataY[i]; if (yVal1 == null) continue; let x1 = pixelForX(dataX[i]); let y1 = pixelForY(yVal1); if (align == 1) lineTo(stroke, x1, prevYPos); else lineTo(stroke, prevXPos, y1); lineTo(stroke, x1, y1); prevYPos = y1; prevXPos = x1; } let [ bandFillDir, bandClipDir ] = bandFillClipDirs(u, seriesIdx); if (series.fill != null || bandFillDir != 0) { let fill = _paths.fill = new Path2D(stroke); let fillTo = series.fillTo(u, seriesIdx, series.min, series.max, bandFillDir); let fillToY = pixelForY(fillTo); lineTo(fill, prevXPos, fillToY); lineTo(fill, firstXPos, fillToY); } if (!series.spanGaps) { // console.time('gaps'); let gaps = []; gaps.push(...findGaps(dataX, dataY, idx0, idx1, dir, pixelForX, alignGaps)); // console.timeEnd('gaps'); // console.log('gaps', JSON.stringify(gaps)); // expand/contract clips for ascenders/descenders let halfStroke = (series.width * pxRatio) / 2; let startsOffset = (ascDesc || align == 1) ? halfStroke : -halfStroke; let endsOffset = (ascDesc || align == -1) ? -halfStroke : halfStroke; gaps.forEach(g => { g[0] += startsOffset; g[1] += endsOffset; }); _paths.gaps = gaps = series.gaps(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, gaps); _paths.clip = clipGaps(gaps, scaleX.ori, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim); } if (bandClipDir != 0) { = bandClipDir == 2 ? [ clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, -1), clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, 1), ] : clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, bandClipDir); } return _paths; }); }; } function bars(opts) { opts = opts || EMPTY_OBJ; const size = ifNull(opts.size, [0.6, inf, 1]); const align = opts.align || 0; const extraGap = ( || 0) * pxRatio; const radius = ifNull(opts.radius, 0); const gapFactor = 1 - size[0]; const maxWidth = ifNull(size[1], inf) * pxRatio; const minWidth = ifNull(size[2], 1) * pxRatio; const disp = ifNull(opts.disp, EMPTY_OBJ); const _each = ifNull(opts.each, _ => {}); const { fill: dispFills, stroke: dispStrokes } = disp; return (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => { return orient(u, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim) => { let pxRound = series.pxRound; const _dirX = scaleX.dir * (scaleX.ori == 0 ? 1 : -1); const _dirY = scaleY.dir * (scaleY.ori == 1 ? 1 : -1); let rect = scaleX.ori == 0 ? rectH : rectV; let each = scaleX.ori == 0 ? _each : (u, seriesIdx, i, top, lft, hgt, wid) => { _each(u, seriesIdx, i, lft, top, wid, hgt); }; let [ bandFillDir, bandClipDir ] = bandFillClipDirs(u, seriesIdx); // let fillToY = series.fillTo(u, seriesIdx, series.min, series.max, bandFillDir); let fillToY = scaleY.distr == 3 ? (bandFillDir == 1 ? scaleY.max : scaleY.min) : 0; let y0Pos = valToPosY(fillToY, scaleY, yDim, yOff); // barWid is to center of stroke let xShift, barWid; let strokeWidth = pxRound(series.width * pxRatio); let multiPath = false; let fillColors = null; let fillPaths = null; let strokeColors = null; let strokePaths = null; if (dispFills != null && (strokeWidth == 0 || dispStrokes != null)) { multiPath = true; fillColors = dispFills.values(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1); fillPaths = new Map(); (new Set(fillColors)).forEach(color => { if (color != null) fillPaths.set(color, new Path2D()); }); if (strokeWidth > 0) { strokeColors = dispStrokes.values(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1); strokePaths = new Map(); (new Set(strokeColors)).forEach(color => { if (color != null) strokePaths.set(color, new Path2D()); }); } } let { x0, size } = disp; if (x0 != null && size != null) { dataX = x0.values(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1); if (x0.unit == 2) dataX = => u.posToVal(xOff + pct * xDim, scaleX.key, true)); // assumes uniform sizes, for now let sizes = size.values(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1); if (size.unit == 2) barWid = sizes[0] * xDim; else barWid = valToPosX(sizes[0], scaleX, xDim, xOff) - valToPosX(0, scaleX, xDim, xOff); // assumes linear scale (delta from 0) barWid = pxRound(barWid - strokeWidth); xShift = (_dirX == 1 ? -strokeWidth / 2 : barWid + strokeWidth / 2); } else { let colWid = xDim; if (dataX.length > 1) { // prior index with non-undefined y data let prevIdx = null; // scan full dataset for smallest adjacent delta // will not work properly for non-linear x scales, since does not do expensive valToPosX calcs till end for (let i = 0, minDelta = Infinity; i < dataX.length; i++) { if (dataY[i] !== undefined) { if (prevIdx != null) { let delta = abs(dataX[i] - dataX[prevIdx]); if (delta < minDelta) { minDelta = delta; colWid = abs(valToPosX(dataX[i], scaleX, xDim, xOff) - valToPosX(dataX[prevIdx], scaleX, xDim, xOff)); } } prevIdx = i; } } } let gapWid = colWid * gapFactor; barWid = pxRound(min(maxWidth, max(minWidth, colWid - gapWid)) - strokeWidth - extraGap); xShift = (align == 0 ? barWid / 2 : align == _dirX ? 0 : barWid) - align * _dirX * extraGap / 2; } const _paths = {stroke: null, fill: null, clip: null, band: null, gaps: null, flags: BAND_CLIP_FILL | BAND_CLIP_STROKE}; // disp, geom let yLimit; if (bandClipDir != 0) { = new Path2D(); yLimit = pxRound(valToPosY(bandClipDir == 1 ? scaleY.max : scaleY.min, scaleY, yDim, yOff)); } const stroke = multiPath ? null : new Path2D(); const band =; let { y0, y1 } = disp; let dataY0 = null; if (y0 != null && y1 != null) { dataY = y1.values(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1); dataY0 = y0.values(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1); } for (let i = _dirX == 1 ? idx0 : idx1; i >= idx0 && i <= idx1; i += _dirX) { let yVal = dataY[i]; // we can skip both, drawing and band clipping for alignment artifacts if (yVal === undefined) continue; /* // interpolate upwards band clips if (yVal == null) { // if (hasBands) // yVal = costlyLerp(i, idx0, idx1, _dirX, dataY); // else continue; } */ let xVal = scaleX.distr != 2 || disp != null ? dataX[i] : i; // TODO: all xPos can be pre-computed once for all series in aligned set let xPos = valToPosX(xVal, scaleX, xDim, xOff); let yPos = valToPosY(ifNull(yVal, fillToY), scaleY, yDim, yOff); if (dataY0 != null && yVal != null) y0Pos = valToPosY(dataY0[i], scaleY, yDim, yOff); let lft = pxRound(xPos - xShift); let btm = pxRound(max(yPos, y0Pos)); let top = pxRound(min(yPos, y0Pos)); // this includes the stroke let barHgt = btm - top; let r = radius * barWid; if (yVal != null) { // && yVal != fillToY (0 height bar) if (multiPath) { if (strokeWidth > 0 && strokeColors[i] != null) rect(strokePaths.get(strokeColors[i]), lft, top + floor(strokeWidth / 2), barWid, max(0, barHgt - strokeWidth), r); if (fillColors[i] != null) rect(fillPaths.get(fillColors[i]), lft, top + floor(strokeWidth / 2), barWid, max(0, barHgt - strokeWidth), r); } else rect(stroke, lft, top + floor(strokeWidth / 2), barWid, max(0, barHgt - strokeWidth), r); each(u, seriesIdx, i, lft - strokeWidth / 2, top, barWid + strokeWidth, barHgt, ); } if (bandClipDir != 0) { if (_dirY * bandClipDir == 1) { btm = top; top = yLimit; } else { top = btm; btm = yLimit; } barHgt = btm - top; rect(band, lft - strokeWidth / 2, top, barWid + strokeWidth, max(0, barHgt), 0); } } if (strokeWidth > 0) _paths.stroke = multiPath ? strokePaths : stroke; _paths.fill = multiPath ? fillPaths : stroke; return _paths; }); }; } function splineInterp(interp, opts) { const alignGaps = ifNull(opts?.alignGaps, 0); return (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => { return orient(u, seriesIdx, (series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim) => { let pxRound = series.pxRound; let pixelForX = val => pxRound(valToPosX(val, scaleX, xDim, xOff)); let pixelForY = val => pxRound(valToPosY(val, scaleY, yDim, yOff)); let moveTo, bezierCurveTo, lineTo; if (scaleX.ori == 0) { moveTo = moveToH; lineTo = lineToH; bezierCurveTo = bezierCurveToH; } else { moveTo = moveToV; lineTo = lineToV; bezierCurveTo = bezierCurveToV; } const dir = scaleX.dir * (scaleX.ori == 0 ? 1 : -1); idx0 = nonNullIdx(dataY, idx0, idx1, 1); idx1 = nonNullIdx(dataY, idx0, idx1, -1); let firstXPos = pixelForX(dataX[dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1]); let prevXPos = firstXPos; let xCoords = []; let yCoords = []; for (let i = dir == 1 ? idx0 : idx1; i >= idx0 && i <= idx1; i += dir) { let yVal = dataY[i]; if (yVal != null) { let xVal = dataX[i]; let xPos = pixelForX(xVal); xCoords.push(prevXPos = xPos); yCoords.push(pixelForY(dataY[i])); } } const _paths = {stroke: interp(xCoords, yCoords, moveTo, lineTo, bezierCurveTo, pxRound), fill: null, clip: null, band: null, gaps: null, flags: BAND_CLIP_FILL}; const stroke = _paths.stroke; let [ bandFillDir, bandClipDir ] = bandFillClipDirs(u, seriesIdx); if (series.fill != null || bandFillDir != 0) { let fill = _paths.fill = new Path2D(stroke); let fillTo = series.fillTo(u, seriesIdx, series.min, series.max, bandFillDir); let fillToY = pixelForY(fillTo); lineTo(fill, prevXPos, fillToY); lineTo(fill, firstXPos, fillToY); } if (!series.spanGaps) { // console.time('gaps'); let gaps = []; gaps.push(...findGaps(dataX, dataY, idx0, idx1, dir, pixelForX, alignGaps)); // console.timeEnd('gaps'); // console.log('gaps', JSON.stringify(gaps)); _paths.gaps = gaps = series.gaps(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, gaps); _paths.clip = clipGaps(gaps, scaleX.ori, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim); } if (bandClipDir != 0) { = bandClipDir == 2 ? [ clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, -1), clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, 1), ] : clipBandLine(u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1, stroke, bandClipDir); } return _paths; // if FEAT_PATHS: false in rollup.config.js //; // u.ctx.beginPath(); // u.ctx.rect(u.bbox.left,, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); // u.ctx.clip(); // u.ctx.strokeStyle = u.series[sidx].stroke; // u.ctx.stroke(stroke); // u.ctx.fillStyle = u.series[sidx].fill; // u.ctx.fill(fill); // u.ctx.restore(); // return null; }); }; } function monotoneCubic(opts) { return splineInterp(_monotoneCubic, opts); } // Monotone Cubic Spline interpolation, adapted from the Chartist.js implementation: // function _monotoneCubic(xs, ys, moveTo, lineTo, bezierCurveTo, pxRound) { const n = xs.length; if (n < 2) return null; const path = new Path2D(); moveTo(path, xs[0], ys[0]); if (n == 2) lineTo(path, xs[1], ys[1]); else { let ms = Array(n), ds = Array(n - 1), dys = Array(n - 1), dxs = Array(n - 1); // calc deltas and derivative for (let i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { dys[i] = ys[i + 1] - ys[i]; dxs[i] = xs[i + 1] - xs[i]; ds[i] = dys[i] / dxs[i]; } // determine desired slope (m) at each point using Fritsch-Carlson method // ms[0] = ds[0]; for (let i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) { if (ds[i] === 0 || ds[i - 1] === 0 || (ds[i - 1] > 0) !== (ds[i] > 0)) ms[i] = 0; else { ms[i] = 3 * (dxs[i - 1] + dxs[i]) / ( (2 * dxs[i] + dxs[i - 1]) / ds[i - 1] + (dxs[i] + 2 * dxs[i - 1]) / ds[i] ); if (!isFinite(ms[i])) ms[i] = 0; } } ms[n - 1] = ds[n - 2]; for (let i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { bezierCurveTo( path, xs[i] + dxs[i] / 3, ys[i] + ms[i] * dxs[i] / 3, xs[i + 1] - dxs[i] / 3, ys[i + 1] - ms[i + 1] * dxs[i] / 3, xs[i + 1], ys[i + 1], ); } } return path; } const cursorPlots = new Set(); function invalidateRects() { cursorPlots.forEach(u => { u.syncRect(true); }); } if (domEnv) { on(resize, win, invalidateRects); on(scroll, win, invalidateRects, true); on(dppxchange, win, () => { uPlot.pxRatio = pxRatio; }); } const linearPath = linear() ; const pointsPath = points() ; function setDefaults(d, xo, yo, initY) { let d2 = initY ? [d[0], d[1]].concat(d.slice(2)) : [d[0]].concat(d.slice(1)); return, i) => setDefault(o, i, xo, yo)); } function setDefaults2(d, xyo) { return, i) => i == 0 ? null : assign({}, xyo, o)); // todo: assign() will not merge facet arrays } function setDefault(o, i, xo, yo) { return assign({}, (i == 0 ? xo : yo), o); } function snapNumX(self, dataMin, dataMax) { return dataMin == null ? nullNullTuple : [dataMin, dataMax]; } const snapTimeX = snapNumX; // this ensures that non-temporal/numeric y-axes get multiple-snapped padding added above/below // TODO: also account for incrs when snapping to ensure top of axis gets a tick & value function snapNumY(self, dataMin, dataMax) { return dataMin == null ? nullNullTuple : rangeNum(dataMin, dataMax, rangePad, true); } function snapLogY(self, dataMin, dataMax, scale) { return dataMin == null ? nullNullTuple : rangeLog(dataMin, dataMax, self.scales[scale].log, false); } const snapLogX = snapLogY; function snapAsinhY(self, dataMin, dataMax, scale) { return dataMin == null ? nullNullTuple : rangeAsinh(dataMin, dataMax, self.scales[scale].log, false); } const snapAsinhX = snapAsinhY; // dim is logical (getClientBoundingRect) pixels, not canvas pixels function findIncr(minVal, maxVal, incrs, dim, minSpace) { let intDigits = max(numIntDigits(minVal), numIntDigits(maxVal)); let delta = maxVal - minVal; let incrIdx = closestIdx((minSpace / dim) * delta, incrs); do { let foundIncr = incrs[incrIdx]; let foundSpace = dim * foundIncr / delta; if (foundSpace >= minSpace && intDigits + (foundIncr < 5 ? fixedDec.get(foundIncr) : 0) <= 17) return [foundIncr, foundSpace]; } while (++incrIdx < incrs.length); return [0, 0]; } function pxRatioFont(font) { let fontSize, fontSizeCss; font = font.replace(/(\d+)px/, (m, p1) => (fontSize = round((fontSizeCss = +p1) * pxRatio)) + 'px'); return [font, fontSize, fontSizeCss]; } function syncFontSize(axis) { if ( { [axis.font, axis.labelFont].forEach(f => { let size = roundDec(f[2] * pxRatio, 1); f[0] = f[0].replace(/[0-9.]+px/, size + 'px'); f[1] = size; }); } } function uPlot(opts, data, then) { const self = { mode: ifNull(opts.mode, 1), }; const mode = self.mode; // TODO: cache denoms & mins scale.cache = {r, min, } function getValPct(val, scale) { let _val = ( scale.distr == 3 ? log10(val > 0 ? val : scale.clamp(self, val, scale.min, scale.max, scale.key)) : scale.distr == 4 ? asinh(val, scale.asinh) : val ); return (_val - scale._min) / (scale._max - scale._min); } function getHPos(val, scale, dim, off) { let pct = getValPct(val, scale); return off + dim * (scale.dir == -1 ? (1 - pct) : pct); } function getVPos(val, scale, dim, off) { let pct = getValPct(val, scale); return off + dim * (scale.dir == -1 ? pct : (1 - pct)); } function getPos(val, scale, dim, off) { return scale.ori == 0 ? getHPos(val, scale, dim, off) : getVPos(val, scale, dim, off); } self.valToPosH = getHPos; self.valToPosV = getVPos; let ready = false; self.status = 0; const root = self.root = placeDiv(UPLOT); if ( != null) =; addClass(root, opts.class); if (opts.title) { let title = placeDiv(TITLE, root); title.textContent = opts.title; } const can = placeTag("canvas"); const ctx = self.ctx = can.getContext("2d"); const wrap = placeDiv(WRAP, root); const under = self.under = placeDiv(UNDER, wrap); wrap.appendChild(can); const over = self.over = placeDiv(OVER, wrap); opts = copy(opts); const pxAlign = +ifNull(opts.pxAlign, 1); const pxRound = pxRoundGen(pxAlign); (opts.plugins || []).forEach(p => { if (p.opts) opts = p.opts(self, opts) || opts; }); const ms = || 1e-3; const series = self.series = mode == 1 ? setDefaults(opts.series || [], xSeriesOpts, ySeriesOpts, false) : setDefaults2(opts.series || [null], xySeriesOpts); const axes = self.axes = setDefaults(opts.axes || [], xAxisOpts, yAxisOpts, true); const scales = self.scales = {}; const bands = self.bands = opts.bands || []; bands.forEach(b => { b.fill = fnOrSelf(b.fill || null); b.dir = ifNull(b.dir, -1); }); const xScaleKey = mode == 2 ? series[1].facets[0].scale : series[0].scale; const drawOrderMap = { axes: drawAxesGrid, series: drawSeries, }; const drawOrder = (opts.drawOrder || ["axes", "series"]).map(key => drawOrderMap[key]); function initScale(scaleKey) { let sc = scales[scaleKey]; if (sc == null) { let scaleOpts = (opts.scales || EMPTY_OBJ)[scaleKey] || EMPTY_OBJ; if (scaleOpts.from != null) { // ensure parent is initialized initScale(scaleOpts.from); // dependent scales inherit scales[scaleKey] = assign({}, scales[scaleOpts.from], scaleOpts, {key: scaleKey}); } else { sc = scales[scaleKey] = assign({}, (scaleKey == xScaleKey ? xScaleOpts : yScaleOpts), scaleOpts); sc.key = scaleKey; let isTime = sc.time; let rn = sc.range; let rangeIsArr = isArr(rn); if (scaleKey != xScaleKey || (mode == 2 && !isTime)) { // if range array has null limits, it should be auto if (rangeIsArr && (rn[0] == null || rn[1] == null)) { rn = { min: rn[0] == null ? autoRangePart : { mode: 1, hard: rn[0], soft: rn[0], }, max: rn[1] == null ? autoRangePart : { mode: 1, hard: rn[1], soft: rn[1], }, }; rangeIsArr = false; } if (!rangeIsArr && isObj(rn)) { let cfg = rn; // this is similar to snapNumY rn = (self, dataMin, dataMax) => dataMin == null ? nullNullTuple : rangeNum(dataMin, dataMax, cfg); } } sc.range = fnOrSelf(rn || (isTime ? snapTimeX : scaleKey == xScaleKey ? (sc.distr == 3 ? snapLogX : sc.distr == 4 ? snapAsinhX : snapNumX) : (sc.distr == 3 ? snapLogY : sc.distr == 4 ? snapAsinhY : snapNumY) )); = fnOrSelf(rangeIsArr ? false :; sc.clamp = fnOrSelf(sc.clamp || clampScale); // caches for expensive ops like asinh() & log() sc._min = sc._max = null; } } } initScale("x"); initScale("y"); // TODO: init scales from facets in mode: 2 if (mode == 1) { series.forEach(s => { initScale(s.scale); }); } axes.forEach(a => { initScale(a.scale); }); for (let k in opts.scales) initScale(k); const scaleX = scales[xScaleKey]; const xScaleDistr = scaleX.distr; let valToPosX, valToPosY; if (scaleX.ori == 0) { addClass(root, ORI_HZ); valToPosX = getHPos; valToPosY = getVPos; /* updOriDims = () => { xDimCan = plotWid; xOffCan = plotLft; yDimCan = plotHgt; yOffCan = plotTop; xDimCss = plotWidCss; xOffCss = plotLftCss; yDimCss = plotHgtCss; yOffCss = plotTopCss; }; */ } else { addClass(root, ORI_VT); valToPosX = getVPos; valToPosY = getHPos; /* updOriDims = () => { xDimCan = plotHgt; xOffCan = plotTop; yDimCan = plotWid; yOffCan = plotLft; xDimCss = plotHgtCss; xOffCss = plotTopCss; yDimCss = plotWidCss; yOffCss = plotLftCss; }; */ } const pendScales = {}; // explicitly-set initial scales for (let k in scales) { let sc = scales[k]; if (sc.min != null || sc.max != null) { pendScales[k] = {min: sc.min, max: sc.max}; sc.min = sc.max = null; } } // = || Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; const _tzDate = (opts.tzDate || (ts => new Date(round(ts / ms)))); const _fmtDate = (opts.fmtDate || fmtDate); const _timeAxisSplits = (ms == 1 ? timeAxisSplitsMs(_tzDate) : timeAxisSplitsS(_tzDate)); const _timeAxisVals = timeAxisVals(_tzDate, timeAxisStamps((ms == 1 ? _timeAxisStampsMs : _timeAxisStampsS), _fmtDate)); const _timeSeriesVal = timeSeriesVal(_tzDate, timeSeriesStamp(_timeSeriesStamp, _fmtDate)); const activeIdxs = []; const legend = (self.legend = assign({}, legendOpts, opts.legend)); const showLegend =; const markers = legend.markers; { legend.idxs = activeIdxs; markers.width = fnOrSelf(markers.width); markers.dash = fnOrSelf(markers.dash); markers.stroke = fnOrSelf(markers.stroke); markers.fill = fnOrSelf(markers.fill); } let legendEl; let legendRows = []; let legendCells = []; let legendCols; let multiValLegend = false; let NULL_LEGEND_VALUES = {}; if ( { const getMultiVals = series[1] ? series[1].values : null; multiValLegend = getMultiVals != null; legendCols = multiValLegend ? getMultiVals(self, 1, 0) : {_: 0}; for (let k in legendCols) NULL_LEGEND_VALUES[k] = "--"; } if (showLegend) { legendEl = placeTag("table", LEGEND, root); if (multiValLegend) { let head = placeTag("tr", LEGEND_THEAD, legendEl); placeTag("th", null, head); for (var key in legendCols) placeTag("th", LEGEND_LABEL, head).textContent = key; } else { addClass(legendEl, LEGEND_INLINE); && addClass(legendEl, LEGEND_LIVE); } } const son = {show: true}; const soff = {show: false}; function initLegendRow(s, i) { if (i == 0 && (multiValLegend || ! || mode == 2)) return nullNullTuple; let cells = []; let row = placeTag("tr", LEGEND_SERIES, legendEl, legendEl.childNodes[i]); addClass(row, s.class); if (! addClass(row, OFF); let label = placeTag("th", null, row); if ( { let indic = placeDiv(LEGEND_MARKER, label); if (i > 0) { let width = markers.width(self, i); if (width) = width + "px " + markers.dash(self, i) + " " + markers.stroke(self, i); = markers.fill(self, i); } } let text = placeDiv(LEGEND_LABEL, label); text.textContent = s.label; if (i > 0) { if (! = s.width > 0 ? markers.stroke(self, i) : markers.fill(self, i); onMouse("click", label, e => { if (cursor._lock) return; let seriesIdx = series.indexOf(s); if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) != legend.isolate) { // if any other series is shown, isolate this one. else show all let isolate = series.some((s, i) => i > 0 && i != seriesIdx &&; series.forEach((s, i) => { i > 0 && setSeries(i, isolate ? (i == seriesIdx ? son : soff) : son, true, syncOpts.setSeries); }); } else setSeries(seriesIdx, {show: !}, true, syncOpts.setSeries); }); if (cursorFocus) { onMouse(mouseenter, label, e => { if (cursor._lock) return; setSeries(series.indexOf(s), FOCUS_TRUE, true, syncOpts.setSeries); }); } } for (var key in legendCols) { let v = placeTag("td", LEGEND_VALUE, row); v.textContent = "--"; cells.push(v); } return [row, cells]; } const mouseListeners = new Map(); function onMouse(ev, targ, fn) { const targListeners = mouseListeners.get(targ) || {}; const listener = cursor.bind[ev](self, targ, fn); if (listener) { on(ev, targ, targListeners[ev] = listener); mouseListeners.set(targ, targListeners); } } function offMouse(ev, targ, fn) { const targListeners = mouseListeners.get(targ) || {}; for (let k in targListeners) { if (ev == null || k == ev) { off(k, targ, targListeners[k]); delete targListeners[k]; } } if (ev == null) mouseListeners.delete(targ); } let fullWidCss = 0; let fullHgtCss = 0; let plotWidCss = 0; let plotHgtCss = 0; // plot margins to account for axes let plotLftCss = 0; let plotTopCss = 0; let plotLft = 0; let plotTop = 0; let plotWid = 0; let plotHgt = 0; self.bbox = {}; let shouldSetScales = false; let shouldSetSize = false; let shouldConvergeSize = false; let shouldSetCursor = false; let shouldSetLegend = false; function _setSize(width, height, force) { if (force || (width != self.width || height != self.height)) calcSize(width, height); resetYSeries(false); shouldConvergeSize = true; shouldSetSize = true; shouldSetCursor = shouldSetLegend = cursor.left >= 0; commit(); } function calcSize(width, height) { // log("calcSize()", arguments); self.width = fullWidCss = plotWidCss = width; self.height = fullHgtCss = plotHgtCss = height; plotLftCss = plotTopCss = 0; calcPlotRect(); calcAxesRects(); let bb = self.bbox; plotLft = bb.left = incrRound(plotLftCss * pxRatio, 0.5); plotTop = = incrRound(plotTopCss * pxRatio, 0.5); plotWid = bb.width = incrRound(plotWidCss * pxRatio, 0.5); plotHgt = bb.height = incrRound(plotHgtCss * pxRatio, 0.5); // updOriDims(); } // ensures size calc convergence const CYCLE_LIMIT = 3; function convergeSize() { let converged = false; let cycleNum = 0; while (!converged) { cycleNum++; let axesConverged = axesCalc(cycleNum); let paddingConverged = paddingCalc(cycleNum); converged = cycleNum == CYCLE_LIMIT || (axesConverged && paddingConverged); if (!converged) { calcSize(self.width, self.height); shouldSetSize = true; } } } function setSize({width, height}) { _setSize(width, height); } self.setSize = setSize; // accumulate axis offsets, reduce canvas width function calcPlotRect() { // easements for edge labels let hasTopAxis = false; let hasBtmAxis = false; let hasRgtAxis = false; let hasLftAxis = false; axes.forEach((axis, i) => { if ( && axis._show) { let {side, _size} = axis; let isVt = side % 2; let labelSize = axis.label != null ? axis.labelSize : 0; let fullSize = _size + labelSize; if (fullSize > 0) { if (isVt) { plotWidCss -= fullSize; if (side == 3) { plotLftCss += fullSize; hasLftAxis = true; } else hasRgtAxis = true; } else { plotHgtCss -= fullSize; if (side == 0) { plotTopCss += fullSize; hasTopAxis = true; } else hasBtmAxis = true; } } } }); sidesWithAxes[0] = hasTopAxis; sidesWithAxes[1] = hasRgtAxis; sidesWithAxes[2] = hasBtmAxis; sidesWithAxes[3] = hasLftAxis; // hz padding plotWidCss -= _padding[1] + _padding[3]; plotLftCss += _padding[3]; // vt padding plotHgtCss -= _padding[2] + _padding[0]; plotTopCss += _padding[0]; } function calcAxesRects() { // will accum + let off1 = plotLftCss + plotWidCss; let off2 = plotTopCss + plotHgtCss; // will accum - let off3 = plotLftCss; let off0 = plotTopCss; function incrOffset(side, size) { switch (side) { case 1: off1 += size; return off1 - size; case 2: off2 += size; return off2 - size; case 3: off3 -= size; return off3 + size; case 0: off0 -= size; return off0 + size; } } axes.forEach((axis, i) => { if ( && axis._show) { let side = axis.side; axis._pos = incrOffset(side, axis._size); if (axis.label != null) axis._lpos = incrOffset(side, axis.labelSize); } }); } const cursor = (self.cursor = assign({}, cursorOpts, {drag: {y: mode == 2}}, opts.cursor)); { cursor.idxs = activeIdxs; cursor._lock = false; let points = cursor.points; = fnOrSelf(; points.size = fnOrSelf(points.size); points.stroke = fnOrSelf(points.stroke); points.width = fnOrSelf(points.width); points.fill = fnOrSelf(points.fill); } const focus = self.focus = assign({}, opts.focus || {alpha: 0.3}, cursor.focus); const cursorFocus = focus.prox >= 0; // series-intersection markers let cursorPts = [null]; function initCursorPt(s, si) { if (si > 0) { let pt =, si); if (pt) { addClass(pt, CURSOR_PT); addClass(pt, s.class); elTrans(pt, -10, -10, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss); over.insertBefore(pt, cursorPts[si]); return pt; } } } function initSeries(s, i) { if (mode == 1 || i > 0) { let isTime = mode == 1 && scales[s.scale].time; let sv = s.value; s.value = isTime ? (isStr(sv) ? timeSeriesVal(_tzDate, timeSeriesStamp(sv, _fmtDate)) : sv || _timeSeriesVal) : sv || numSeriesVal; s.label = s.label || (isTime ? timeSeriesLabel : numSeriesLabel); } if (i > 0) { s.width = s.width == null ? 1 : s.width; s.paths = s.paths || linearPath || retNull; s.fillTo = fnOrSelf(s.fillTo || seriesFillTo); s.pxAlign = +ifNull(s.pxAlign, pxAlign); s.pxRound = pxRoundGen(s.pxAlign); s.stroke = fnOrSelf(s.stroke || null); s.fill = fnOrSelf(s.fill || null); s._stroke = s._fill = s._paths = s._focus = null; let _ptDia = ptDia(s.width, 1); let points = s.points = assign({}, { size: _ptDia, width: max(1, _ptDia * .2), stroke: s.stroke, space: _ptDia * 2, paths: pointsPath, _stroke: null, _fill: null, }, s.points); = fnOrSelf(; points.filter = fnOrSelf(points.filter); points.fill = fnOrSelf(points.fill); points.stroke = fnOrSelf(points.stroke); points.paths = fnOrSelf(points.paths); points.pxAlign = s.pxAlign; } if (showLegend) { let rowCells = initLegendRow(s, i); legendRows.splice(i, 0, rowCells[0]); legendCells.splice(i, 0, rowCells[1]); legend.values.push(null); // NULL_LEGEND_VALS not yet avil here :( } if ( { activeIdxs.splice(i, 0, null); let pt = initCursorPt(s, i); pt && cursorPts.splice(i, 0, pt); } fire("addSeries", i); } function addSeries(opts, si) { si = si == null ? series.length : si; opts = setDefault(opts, si, xSeriesOpts, ySeriesOpts); series.splice(si, 0, opts); initSeries(series[si], si); } self.addSeries = addSeries; function delSeries(i) { series.splice(i, 1); if (showLegend) { legend.values.splice(i, 1); legendCells.splice(i, 1); let tr = legendRows.splice(i, 1)[0]; offMouse(null, tr.firstChild); tr.remove(); } if ( { activeIdxs.splice(i, 1); cursorPts.length > 1 && cursorPts.splice(i, 1)[0].remove(); } // TODO: de-init no-longer-needed scales? fire("delSeries", i); } self.delSeries = delSeries; const sidesWithAxes = [false, false, false, false]; function initAxis(axis, i) { axis._show =; if ( { let isVt = axis.side % 2; let sc = scales[axis.scale]; // this can occur if all series specify non-default scales if (sc == null) { axis.scale = isVt ? series[1].scale : xScaleKey; sc = scales[axis.scale]; } // also set defaults for incrs & values based on axis distr let isTime = sc.time; axis.size = fnOrSelf(axis.size); = fnOrSelf(; axis.rotate = fnOrSelf(axis.rotate); axis.incrs = fnOrSelf(axis.incrs || ( sc.distr == 2 ? wholeIncrs : (isTime ? (ms == 1 ? timeIncrsMs : timeIncrsS) : numIncrs))); axis.splits = fnOrSelf(axis.splits || (isTime && sc.distr == 1 ? _timeAxisSplits : sc.distr == 3 ? logAxisSplits : sc.distr == 4 ? asinhAxisSplits : numAxisSplits)); axis.stroke = fnOrSelf(axis.stroke); axis.grid.stroke = fnOrSelf(axis.grid.stroke); axis.ticks.stroke = fnOrSelf(axis.ticks.stroke); axis.border.stroke = fnOrSelf(axis.border.stroke); let av = axis.values; axis.values = ( // static array of tick values isArr(av) && !isArr(av[0]) ? fnOrSelf(av) : // temporal isTime ? ( // config array of fmtDate string tpls isArr(av) ? timeAxisVals(_tzDate, timeAxisStamps(av, _fmtDate)) : // fmtDate string tpl isStr(av) ? timeAxisVal(_tzDate, av) : av || _timeAxisVals ) : av || numAxisVals ); axis.filter = fnOrSelf(axis.filter || ( sc.distr >= 3 ? logAxisValsFilt : retArg1)); axis.font = pxRatioFont(axis.font); axis.labelFont = pxRatioFont(axis.labelFont); axis._size = axis.size(self, null, i, 0); axis._space = axis._rotate = axis._incrs = axis._found = // foundIncrSpace axis._splits = axis._values = null; if (axis._size > 0) { sidesWithAxes[i] = true; axis._el = placeDiv(AXIS, wrap); } // debug // = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16) + '80'; } } function autoPadSide(self, side, sidesWithAxes, cycleNum) { let [hasTopAxis, hasRgtAxis, hasBtmAxis, hasLftAxis] = sidesWithAxes; let ori = side % 2; let size = 0; if (ori == 0 && (hasLftAxis || hasRgtAxis)) size = (side == 0 && !hasTopAxis || side == 2 && !hasBtmAxis ? round(xAxisOpts.size / 3) : 0); if (ori == 1 && (hasTopAxis || hasBtmAxis)) size = (side == 1 && !hasRgtAxis || side == 3 && !hasLftAxis ? round(yAxisOpts.size / 2) : 0); return size; } const padding = self.padding = (opts.padding || [autoPadSide,autoPadSide,autoPadSide,autoPadSide]).map(p => fnOrSelf(ifNull(p, autoPadSide))); const _padding = self._padding =, i) => p(self, i, sidesWithAxes, 0)); let dataLen; // rendered data window let i0 = null; let i1 = null; const idxs = mode == 1 ? series[0].idxs : null; let data0 = null; let viaAutoScaleX = false; function setData(_data, _resetScales) { data = _data == null ? [] : copy(_data, fastIsObj); if (mode == 2) { dataLen = 0; for (let i = 1; i < series.length; i++) dataLen += data[i][0].length; = data = _data; } else { if (data[0] == null) data[0] = []; = data.slice(); data0 = data[0]; dataLen = data0.length; if (xScaleDistr == 2) { data[0] = Array(dataLen); for (let i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) data[0][i] = i; } } self._data = data; resetYSeries(true); fire("setData"); // forces x axis tick values to re-generate when neither x scale nor y scale changes // in ordinal mode, scale range is by index, so will not change if new data has same length, but tick values are from data if (xScaleDistr == 2) { shouldConvergeSize = true; /* or somewhat cheaper, and uglier: if (ready) { // logic extracted from axesCalc() let i = 0; let axis = axes[i]; let _splits = => data0[i]); let [_incr, _space] = axis._found; let incr = data0[_splits[1]] - data0[_splits[0]]; axis._values = axis.values(self, axis.filter(self, _splits, i, _space, incr), i, _space, incr); } */ } if (_resetScales !== false) { let xsc = scaleX; if (, viaAutoScaleX)) autoScaleX(); else _setScale(xScaleKey, xsc.min, xsc.max); shouldSetCursor = cursor.left >= 0; shouldSetLegend = true; commit(); } } self.setData = setData; function autoScaleX() { viaAutoScaleX = true; let _min, _max; if (mode == 1) { if (dataLen > 0) { i0 = idxs[0] = 0; i1 = idxs[1] = dataLen - 1; _min = data[0][i0]; _max = data[0][i1]; if (xScaleDistr == 2) { _min = i0; _max = i1; } else if (dataLen == 1) { if (xScaleDistr == 3) [_min, _max] = rangeLog(_min, _min, scaleX.log, false); else if (xScaleDistr == 4) [_min, _max] = rangeAsinh(_min, _min, scaleX.log, false); else if (scaleX.time) _max = _min + round(86400 / ms); else [_min, _max] = rangeNum(_min, _max, rangePad, true); } } else { i0 = idxs[0] = _min = null; i1 = idxs[1] = _max = null; } } _setScale(xScaleKey, _min, _max); } let ctxStroke, ctxFill, ctxWidth, ctxDash, ctxJoin, ctxCap, ctxFont, ctxAlign, ctxBaseline; let ctxAlpha; function setCtxStyle(stroke = transparent, width, dash = EMPTY_ARR, cap = "butt", fill = transparent, join = "round") { if (stroke != ctxStroke) ctx.strokeStyle = ctxStroke = stroke; if (fill != ctxFill) ctx.fillStyle = ctxFill = fill; if (width != ctxWidth) ctx.lineWidth = ctxWidth = width; if (join != ctxJoin) ctx.lineJoin = ctxJoin = join; if (cap != ctxCap) ctx.lineCap = ctxCap = cap; // (‿|‿) if (dash != ctxDash) ctx.setLineDash(ctxDash = dash); } function setFontStyle(font, fill, align, baseline) { if (fill != ctxFill) ctx.fillStyle = ctxFill = fill; if (font != ctxFont) ctx.font = ctxFont = font; if (align != ctxAlign) ctx.textAlign = ctxAlign = align; if (baseline != ctxBaseline) ctx.textBaseline = ctxBaseline = baseline; } function accScale(wsc, psc, facet, data, sorted = 0) { if (data.length > 0 &&, viaAutoScaleX) && (psc == null || psc.min == null)) { let _i0 = ifNull(i0, 0); let _i1 = ifNull(i1, data.length - 1); // only run getMinMax() for invalidated series data, else reuse let minMax = facet.min == null ? (wsc.distr == 3 ? getMinMaxLog(data, _i0, _i1) : getMinMax(data, _i0, _i1, sorted)) : [facet.min, facet.max]; // initial min/max wsc.min = min(wsc.min, facet.min = minMax[0]); wsc.max = max(wsc.max, facet.max = minMax[1]); } } function setScales() { // log("setScales()", arguments); // wip scales let wipScales = copy(scales, fastIsObj); for (let k in wipScales) { let wsc = wipScales[k]; let psc = pendScales[k]; if (psc != null && psc.min != null) { assign(wsc, psc); // explicitly setting the x-scale invalidates everything (acts as redraw) if (k == xScaleKey) resetYSeries(true); } else if (k != xScaleKey || mode == 2) { if (dataLen == 0 && wsc.from == null) { let minMax = wsc.range(self, null, null, k); wsc.min = minMax[0]; wsc.max = minMax[1]; } else { wsc.min = inf; wsc.max = -inf; } } } if (dataLen > 0) { // pre-range y-scales from y series' data values series.forEach((s, i) => { if (mode == 1) { let k = s.scale; let wsc = wipScales[k]; let psc = pendScales[k]; if (i == 0) { let minMax = wsc.range(self, wsc.min, wsc.max, k); wsc.min = minMax[0]; wsc.max = minMax[1]; i0 = closestIdx(wsc.min, data[0]); i1 = closestIdx(wsc.max, data[0]); // closest indices can be outside of view if (data[0][i0] < wsc.min) i0++; if (data[0][i1] > wsc.max) i1--; s.min = data0[i0]; s.max = data0[i1]; } else if ( && accScale(wsc, psc, s, data[i], s.sorted); s.idxs[0] = i0; s.idxs[1] = i1; } else { if (i > 0) { if ( && { // TODO: only handles, assumes and requires facets[0] / 'x' scale, and facets[1] / 'y' scale let [ xFacet, yFacet ] = s.facets; let xScaleKey = xFacet.scale; let yScaleKey = yFacet.scale; let [ xData, yData ] = data[i]; accScale(wipScales[xScaleKey], pendScales[xScaleKey], xFacet, xData, xFacet.sorted); accScale(wipScales[yScaleKey], pendScales[yScaleKey], yFacet, yData, yFacet.sorted); // temp s.min = yFacet.min; s.max = yFacet.max; } } } }); // range independent scales for (let k in wipScales) { let wsc = wipScales[k]; let psc = pendScales[k]; if (wsc.from == null && (psc == null || psc.min == null)) { let minMax = wsc.range( self, wsc.min == inf ? null : wsc.min, wsc.max == -inf ? null : wsc.max, k ); wsc.min = minMax[0]; wsc.max = minMax[1]; } } } // range dependent scales for (let k in wipScales) { let wsc = wipScales[k]; if (wsc.from != null) { let base = wipScales[wsc.from]; if (base.min == null) wsc.min = wsc.max = null; else { let minMax = wsc.range(self, base.min, base.max, k); wsc.min = minMax[0]; wsc.max = minMax[1]; } } } let changed = {}; let anyChanged = false; for (let k in wipScales) { let wsc = wipScales[k]; let sc = scales[k]; if (sc.min != wsc.min || sc.max != wsc.max) { sc.min = wsc.min; sc.max = wsc.max; let distr = sc.distr; sc._min = distr == 3 ? log10(sc.min) : distr == 4 ? asinh(sc.min, sc.asinh) : sc.min; sc._max = distr == 3 ? log10(sc.max) : distr == 4 ? asinh(sc.max, sc.asinh) : sc.max; changed[k] = anyChanged = true; } } if (anyChanged) { // invalidate paths of all series on changed scales series.forEach((s, i) => { if (mode == 2) { if (i > 0 && changed.y) s._paths = null; } else { if (changed[s.scale]) s._paths = null; } }); for (let k in changed) { shouldConvergeSize = true; fire("setScale", k); } if ( shouldSetCursor = shouldSetLegend = cursor.left >= 0; } for (let k in pendScales) pendScales[k] = null; } // grabs the nearest indices with y data outside of x-scale limits function getOuterIdxs(ydata) { let _i0 = clamp(i0 - 1, 0, dataLen - 1); let _i1 = clamp(i1 + 1, 0, dataLen - 1); while (ydata[_i0] == null && _i0 > 0) _i0--; while (ydata[_i1] == null && _i1 < dataLen - 1) _i1++; return [_i0, _i1]; } function drawSeries() { if (dataLen > 0) { series.forEach((s, i) => { if (i > 0 && && s._paths == null) { let _idxs = getOuterIdxs(data[i]); s._paths = s.paths(self, i, _idxs[0], _idxs[1]); } }); series.forEach((s, i) => { if (i > 0 && { if (ctxAlpha != s.alpha) ctx.globalAlpha = ctxAlpha = s.alpha; { cacheStrokeFill(i, false); s._paths && drawPath(i, false); } { cacheStrokeFill(i, true); let show =, i, i0, i1); let idxs = s.points.filter(self, i, show, s._paths ? s._paths.gaps : null); if (show || idxs) { s.points._paths = s.points.paths(self, i, i0, i1, idxs); drawPath(i, true); } } if (ctxAlpha != 1) ctx.globalAlpha = ctxAlpha = 1; fire("drawSeries", i); } }); } } function cacheStrokeFill(si, _points) { let s = _points ? series[si].points : series[si]; s._stroke = s.stroke(self, si); s._fill = s.fill(self, si); } function drawPath(si, _points) { let s = _points ? series[si].points : series[si]; let strokeStyle = s._stroke; let fillStyle = s._fill; let { stroke, fill, clip: gapsClip, flags } = s._paths; let boundsClip = null; let width = roundDec(s.width * pxRatio, 3); let offset = (width % 2) / 2; if (_points && fillStyle == null) fillStyle = width > 0 ? "#fff" : strokeStyle; let _pxAlign = s.pxAlign == 1; _pxAlign && ctx.translate(offset, offset); if (!_points) { let lft = plotLft, top = plotTop, wid = plotWid, hgt = plotHgt; let halfWid = width * pxRatio / 2; if (s.min == 0) hgt += halfWid; if (s.max == 0) { top -= halfWid; hgt += halfWid; } boundsClip = new Path2D(); boundsClip.rect(lft, top, wid, hgt); } // the points pathbuilder's gapsClip is its boundsClip, since points dont need gaps clipping, and bounds depend on point size if (_points) strokeFill(strokeStyle, width, s.dash, s.cap, fillStyle, stroke, fill, flags, gapsClip); else fillStroke(si, strokeStyle, width, s.dash, s.cap, fillStyle, stroke, fill, flags, boundsClip, gapsClip); _pxAlign && ctx.translate(-offset, -offset); } function fillStroke(si, strokeStyle, lineWidth, lineDash, lineCap, fillStyle, strokePath, fillPath, flags, boundsClip, gapsClip) { let didStrokeFill = false; // for all bands where this series is the top edge, create upwards clips using the bottom edges // and apply clips + fill with band fill or dfltFill bands.forEach((b, bi) => { // isUpperEdge? if (b.series[0] == si) { let lowerEdge = series[b.series[1]]; let lowerData = data[b.series[1]]; let bandClip = (lowerEdge._paths || EMPTY_OBJ).band; if (isArr(bandClip)) bandClip = b.dir == 1 ? bandClip[0] : bandClip[1]; let gapsClip2; let _fillStyle = null; // hasLowerEdge? if ( && bandClip && hasData(lowerData, i0, i1)) { _fillStyle = b.fill(self, bi) || fillStyle; gapsClip2 = lowerEdge._paths.clip; } else bandClip = null; strokeFill(strokeStyle, lineWidth, lineDash, lineCap, _fillStyle, strokePath, fillPath, flags, boundsClip, gapsClip, gapsClip2, bandClip); didStrokeFill = true; } }); if (!didStrokeFill) strokeFill(strokeStyle, lineWidth, lineDash, lineCap, fillStyle, strokePath, fillPath, flags, boundsClip, gapsClip); } const CLIP_FILL_STROKE = BAND_CLIP_FILL | BAND_CLIP_STROKE; function strokeFill(strokeStyle, lineWidth, lineDash, lineCap, fillStyle, strokePath, fillPath, flags, boundsClip, gapsClip, gapsClip2, bandClip) { setCtxStyle(strokeStyle, lineWidth, lineDash, lineCap, fillStyle); if (boundsClip || gapsClip || bandClip) {; boundsClip && ctx.clip(boundsClip); gapsClip && ctx.clip(gapsClip); } if (bandClip) { if ((flags & CLIP_FILL_STROKE) == CLIP_FILL_STROKE) { ctx.clip(bandClip); gapsClip2 && ctx.clip(gapsClip2); doFill(fillStyle, fillPath); doStroke(strokeStyle, strokePath, lineWidth); } else if (flags & BAND_CLIP_STROKE) { doFill(fillStyle, fillPath); ctx.clip(bandClip); doStroke(strokeStyle, strokePath, lineWidth); } else if (flags & BAND_CLIP_FILL) {; ctx.clip(bandClip); gapsClip2 && ctx.clip(gapsClip2); doFill(fillStyle, fillPath); ctx.restore(); doStroke(strokeStyle, strokePath, lineWidth); } } else { doFill(fillStyle, fillPath); doStroke(strokeStyle, strokePath, lineWidth); } if (boundsClip || gapsClip || bandClip) ctx.restore(); } function doStroke(strokeStyle, strokePath, lineWidth) { if (lineWidth > 0) { if (strokePath instanceof Map) { strokePath.forEach((strokePath, strokeStyle) => { ctx.strokeStyle = ctxStroke = strokeStyle; ctx.stroke(strokePath); }); } else strokePath != null && strokeStyle && ctx.stroke(strokePath); } } function doFill(fillStyle, fillPath) { if (fillPath instanceof Map) { fillPath.forEach((fillPath, fillStyle) => { ctx.fillStyle = ctxFill = fillStyle; ctx.fill(fillPath); }); } else fillPath != null && fillStyle && ctx.fill(fillPath); } function getIncrSpace(axisIdx, min, max, fullDim) { let axis = axes[axisIdx]; let incrSpace; if (fullDim <= 0) incrSpace = [0, 0]; else { let minSpace = axis._space =, axisIdx, min, max, fullDim); let incrs = axis._incrs = axis.incrs(self, axisIdx, min, max, fullDim, minSpace); incrSpace = findIncr(min, max, incrs, fullDim, minSpace); } return (axis._found = incrSpace); } function drawOrthoLines(offs, filts, ori, side, pos0, len, width, stroke, dash, cap) { let offset = (width % 2) / 2; pxAlign == 1 && ctx.translate(offset, offset); setCtxStyle(stroke, width, dash, cap, stroke); ctx.beginPath(); let x0, y0, x1, y1, pos1 = pos0 + (side == 0 || side == 3 ? -len : len); if (ori == 0) { y0 = pos0; y1 = pos1; } else { x0 = pos0; x1 = pos1; } for (let i = 0; i < offs.length; i++) { if (filts[i] != null) { if (ori == 0) x0 = x1 = offs[i]; else y0 = y1 = offs[i]; ctx.moveTo(x0, y0); ctx.lineTo(x1, y1); } } ctx.stroke(); pxAlign == 1 && ctx.translate(-offset, -offset); } function axesCalc(cycleNum) { // log("axesCalc()", arguments); let converged = true; axes.forEach((axis, i) => { if (! return; let scale = scales[axis.scale]; if (scale.min == null) { if (axis._show) { converged = false; axis._show = false; resetYSeries(false); } return; } else { if (!axis._show) { converged = false; axis._show = true; resetYSeries(false); } } let side = axis.side; let ori = side % 2; let {min, max} = scale; // // should this toggle them ._show = false let [_incr, _space] = getIncrSpace(i, min, max, ori == 0 ? plotWidCss : plotHgtCss); if (_space == 0) return; // if we're using index positions, force first tick to match passed index let forceMin = scale.distr == 2; let _splits = axis._splits = axis.splits(self, i, min, max, _incr, _space, forceMin); // tick labels // BOO this assumes a specific data/series let splits = scale.distr == 2 ? => data0[i]) : _splits; let incr = scale.distr == 2 ? data0[_splits[1]] - data0[_splits[0]] : _incr; let values = axis._values = axis.values(self, axis.filter(self, splits, i, _space, incr), i, _space, incr); // rotating of labels only supported on bottom x axis axis._rotate = side == 2 ? axis.rotate(self, values, i, _space) : 0; let oldSize = axis._size; axis._size = ceil(axis.size(self, values, i, cycleNum)); if (oldSize != null && axis._size != oldSize) // ready && ? converged = false; }); return converged; } function paddingCalc(cycleNum) { let converged = true; padding.forEach((p, i) => { let _p = p(self, i, sidesWithAxes, cycleNum); if (_p != _padding[i]) converged = false; _padding[i] = _p; }); return converged; } function drawAxesGrid() { for (let i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) { let axis = axes[i]; if (! || !axis._show) continue; let side = axis.side; let ori = side % 2; let x, y; let fillStyle = axis.stroke(self, i); let shiftDir = side == 0 || side == 3 ? -1 : 1; // axis label if (axis.label) { let shiftAmt = axis.labelGap * shiftDir; let baseLpos = round((axis._lpos + shiftAmt) * pxRatio); setFontStyle(axis.labelFont[0], fillStyle, "center", side == 2 ? TOP : BOTTOM);; if (ori == 1) { x = y = 0; ctx.translate( baseLpos, round(plotTop + plotHgt / 2), ); ctx.rotate((side == 3 ? -PI : PI) / 2); } else { x = round(plotLft + plotWid / 2); y = baseLpos; } ctx.fillText(axis.label, x, y); ctx.restore(); } let [_incr, _space] = axis._found; if (_space == 0) continue; let scale = scales[axis.scale]; let plotDim = ori == 0 ? plotWid : plotHgt; let plotOff = ori == 0 ? plotLft : plotTop; let axisGap = round( * pxRatio); let _splits = axis._splits; // tick labels // BOO this assumes a specific data/series let splits = scale.distr == 2 ? => data0[i]) : _splits; let incr = scale.distr == 2 ? data0[_splits[1]] - data0[_splits[0]] : _incr; let ticks = axis.ticks; let border = axis.border; let tickSize = ? round(ticks.size * pxRatio) : 0; // rotating of labels only supported on bottom x axis let angle = axis._rotate * -PI/180; let basePos = pxRound(axis._pos * pxRatio); let shiftAmt = (tickSize + axisGap) * shiftDir; let finalPos = basePos + shiftAmt; y = ori == 0 ? finalPos : 0; x = ori == 1 ? finalPos : 0; let font = axis.font[0]; let textAlign = axis.align == 1 ? LEFT : axis.align == 2 ? RIGHT : angle > 0 ? LEFT : angle < 0 ? RIGHT : ori == 0 ? "center" : side == 3 ? RIGHT : LEFT; let textBaseline = angle || ori == 1 ? "middle" : side == 2 ? TOP : BOTTOM; setFontStyle(font, fillStyle, textAlign, textBaseline); let lineHeight = axis.font[1] * lineMult; let canOffs = => pxRound(getPos(val, scale, plotDim, plotOff))); let _values = axis._values; for (let i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) { let val = _values[i]; if (val != null) { if (ori == 0) x = canOffs[i]; else y = canOffs[i]; val = "" + val; let _parts = val.indexOf("\n") == -1 ? [val] : val.split(/\n/gm); for (let j = 0; j < _parts.length; j++) { let text = _parts[j]; if (angle) {; ctx.translate(x, y + j * lineHeight); // can this be replaced with position math? ctx.rotate(angle); // can this be done once? ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); } else ctx.fillText(text, x, y + j * lineHeight); } } } // ticks if ( { drawOrthoLines( canOffs, ticks.filter(self, splits, i, _space, incr), ori, side, basePos, tickSize, roundDec(ticks.width * pxRatio, 3), ticks.stroke(self, i), ticks.dash, ticks.cap, ); } // grid let grid = axis.grid; if ( { drawOrthoLines( canOffs, grid.filter(self, splits, i, _space, incr), ori, ori == 0 ? 2 : 1, ori == 0 ? plotTop : plotLft, ori == 0 ? plotHgt : plotWid, roundDec(grid.width * pxRatio, 3), grid.stroke(self, i), grid.dash, grid.cap, ); } if ( { drawOrthoLines( [basePos], [1], ori == 0 ? 1 : 0, ori == 0 ? 1 : 2, ori == 1 ? plotTop : plotLft, ori == 1 ? plotHgt : plotWid, roundDec(border.width * pxRatio, 3), border.stroke(self, i), border.dash, border.cap, ); } } fire("drawAxes"); } function resetYSeries(minMax) { // log("resetYSeries()", arguments); series.forEach((s, i) => { if (i > 0) { s._paths = null; if (minMax) { if (mode == 1) { s.min = null; s.max = null; } else { s.facets.forEach(f => { f.min = null; f.max = null; }); } } } }); } let queuedCommit = false; function commit() { if (!queuedCommit) { microTask(_commit); queuedCommit = true; } } function _commit() { // log("_commit()", arguments); if (shouldSetScales) { setScales(); shouldSetScales = false; } if (shouldConvergeSize) { convergeSize(); shouldConvergeSize = false; } if (shouldSetSize) { setStylePx(under, LEFT, plotLftCss); setStylePx(under, TOP, plotTopCss); setStylePx(under, WIDTH, plotWidCss); setStylePx(under, HEIGHT, plotHgtCss); setStylePx(over, LEFT, plotLftCss); setStylePx(over, TOP, plotTopCss); setStylePx(over, WIDTH, plotWidCss); setStylePx(over, HEIGHT, plotHgtCss); setStylePx(wrap, WIDTH, fullWidCss); setStylePx(wrap, HEIGHT, fullHgtCss); // NOTE: mutating this during print preview in Chrome forces transparent // canvas pixels to white, even when followed up with clearRect() below can.width = round(fullWidCss * pxRatio); can.height = round(fullHgtCss * pxRatio); axes.forEach(({ _el, _show, _size, _pos, side }) => { if (_el != null) { if (_show) { let posOffset = (side === 3 || side === 0 ? _size : 0); let isVt = side % 2 == 1; setStylePx(_el, isVt ? "left" : "top", _pos - posOffset); setStylePx(_el, isVt ? "width" : "height", _size); setStylePx(_el, isVt ? "top" : "left", isVt ? plotTopCss : plotLftCss); setStylePx(_el, isVt ? "height" : "width", isVt ? plotHgtCss : plotWidCss); remClass(_el, OFF); } else addClass(_el, OFF); } }); // invalidate ctx style cache ctxStroke = ctxFill = ctxWidth = ctxJoin = ctxCap = ctxFont = ctxAlign = ctxBaseline = ctxDash = null; ctxAlpha = 1; syncRect(true); fire("setSize"); shouldSetSize = false; } if (fullWidCss > 0 && fullHgtCss > 0) { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, can.width, can.height); fire("drawClear"); drawOrder.forEach(fn => fn()); fire("draw"); } // if (shouldSetSelect) { // TODO: update .u-select metrics (if visible) // setStylePx(selectDiv, TOP, = 0); // setStylePx(selectDiv, LEFT, select.left = 0); // setStylePx(selectDiv, WIDTH, select.width = 0); // setStylePx(selectDiv, HEIGHT, select.height = 0); // shouldSetSelect = false; // } if ( && shouldSetCursor) { updateCursor(null, true, false); shouldSetCursor = false; } // if (FEAT_LEGEND && && && shouldSetLegend) {} if (!ready) { ready = true; self.status = 1; fire("ready"); } viaAutoScaleX = false; queuedCommit = false; } self.redraw = (rebuildPaths, recalcAxes) => { shouldConvergeSize = recalcAxes || false; if (rebuildPaths !== false) _setScale(xScaleKey, scaleX.min, scaleX.max); else commit(); }; // redraw() => setScale('x', scales.x.min, scales.x.max); // explicit, never re-ranged (is this actually true? for x and y) function setScale(key, opts) { let sc = scales[key]; if (sc.from == null) { if (dataLen == 0) { let minMax = sc.range(self, opts.min, opts.max, key); opts.min = minMax[0]; opts.max = minMax[1]; } if (opts.min > opts.max) { let _min = opts.min; opts.min = opts.max; opts.max = _min; } if (dataLen > 1 && opts.min != null && opts.max != null && opts.max - opts.min < 1e-16) return; if (key == xScaleKey) { if (sc.distr == 2 && dataLen > 0) { opts.min = closestIdx(opts.min, data[0]); opts.max = closestIdx(opts.max, data[0]); if (opts.min == opts.max) opts.max++; } } // log("setScale()", arguments); pendScales[key] = opts; shouldSetScales = true; commit(); } } self.setScale = setScale; // INTERACTION let xCursor; let yCursor; let vCursor; let hCursor; // starting position before cursor.move let rawMouseLeft0; let rawMouseTop0; // starting position let mouseLeft0; let mouseTop0; // current position before cursor.move let rawMouseLeft1; let rawMouseTop1; // current position let mouseLeft1; let mouseTop1; let dragging = false; const drag = cursor.drag; let dragX = drag.x; let dragY = drag.y; if ( { if (cursor.x) xCursor = placeDiv(CURSOR_X, over); if (cursor.y) yCursor = placeDiv(CURSOR_Y, over); if (scaleX.ori == 0) { vCursor = xCursor; hCursor = yCursor; } else { vCursor = yCursor; hCursor = xCursor; } mouseLeft1 = cursor.left; mouseTop1 =; } const select = = assign({ show: true, over: true, left: 0, width: 0, top: 0, height: 0, },; const selectDiv = ? placeDiv(SELECT, select.over ? over : under) : null; function setSelect(opts, _fire) { if ( { for (let prop in opts) setStylePx(selectDiv, prop, select[prop] = opts[prop]); _fire !== false && fire("setSelect"); } } self.setSelect = setSelect; function toggleDOM(i, onOff) { let s = series[i]; let label = showLegend ? legendRows[i] : null; if ( label && remClass(label, OFF); else { label && addClass(label, OFF); cursorPts.length > 1 && elTrans(cursorPts[i], -10, -10, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss); } } function _setScale(key, min, max) { setScale(key, {min, max}); } function setSeries(i, opts, _fire, _pub) { // log("setSeries()", arguments); if (opts.focus != null) setFocus(i); if ( != null) { series.forEach((s, si) => { if (si > 0 && (i == si || i == null)) { =; toggleDOM(si,; _setScale(mode == 2 ? s.facets[1].scale : s.scale, null, null); commit(); } }); } _fire !== false && fire("setSeries", i, opts); _pub && pubSync("setSeries", self, i, opts); } self.setSeries = setSeries; function setBand(bi, opts) { assign(bands[bi], opts); } function addBand(opts, bi) { opts.fill = fnOrSelf(opts.fill || null); opts.dir = ifNull(opts.dir, -1); bi = bi == null ? bands.length : bi; bands.splice(bi, 0, opts); } function delBand(bi) { if (bi == null) bands.length = 0; else bands.splice(bi, 1); } self.addBand = addBand; self.setBand = setBand; self.delBand = delBand; function setAlpha(i, value) { series[i].alpha = value; if ( && cursorPts[i]) cursorPts[i].style.opacity = value; if (showLegend && legendRows[i]) legendRows[i].style.opacity = value; } // y-distance let closestDist; let closestSeries; let focusedSeries; const FOCUS_TRUE = {focus: true}; function setFocus(i) { if (i != focusedSeries) { // log("setFocus()", arguments); let allFocused = i == null; let _setAlpha = focus.alpha != 1; series.forEach((s, i2) => { let isFocused = allFocused || i2 == 0 || i2 == i; s._focus = allFocused ? null : isFocused; _setAlpha && setAlpha(i2, isFocused ? 1 : focus.alpha); }); focusedSeries = i; _setAlpha && commit(); } } if (showLegend && cursorFocus) { on(mouseleave, legendEl, e => { if (cursor._lock) return; if (focusedSeries != null) setSeries(null, FOCUS_TRUE, true, syncOpts.setSeries); }); } function posToVal(pos, scale, can) { let sc = scales[scale]; if (can) pos = pos / pxRatio - (sc.ori == 1 ? plotTopCss : plotLftCss); let dim = plotWidCss; if (sc.ori == 1) { dim = plotHgtCss; pos = dim - pos; } if (sc.dir == -1) pos = dim - pos; let _min = sc._min, _max = sc._max, pct = pos / dim; let sv = _min + (_max - _min) * pct; let distr = sc.distr; return ( distr == 3 ? pow(10, sv) : distr == 4 ? sinh(sv, sc.asinh) : sv ); } function closestIdxFromXpos(pos, can) { let v = posToVal(pos, xScaleKey, can); return closestIdx(v, data[0], i0, i1); } self.valToIdx = val => closestIdx(val, data[0]); self.posToIdx = closestIdxFromXpos; self.posToVal = posToVal; self.valToPos = (val, scale, can) => ( scales[scale].ori == 0 ? getHPos(val, scales[scale], can ? plotWid : plotWidCss, can ? plotLft : 0, ) : getVPos(val, scales[scale], can ? plotHgt : plotHgtCss, can ? plotTop : 0, ) ); // defers calling expensive functions function batch(fn) { fn(self); commit(); } self.batch = batch; (self.setCursor = (opts, _fire, _pub) => { mouseLeft1 = opts.left; mouseTop1 =; // assign(cursor, opts); updateCursor(null, _fire, _pub); }); function setSelH(off, dim) { setStylePx(selectDiv, LEFT, select.left = off); setStylePx(selectDiv, WIDTH, select.width = dim); } function setSelV(off, dim) { setStylePx(selectDiv, TOP, = off); setStylePx(selectDiv, HEIGHT, select.height = dim); } let setSelX = scaleX.ori == 0 ? setSelH : setSelV; let setSelY = scaleX.ori == 1 ? setSelH : setSelV; function syncLegend() { if (showLegend && { for (let i = mode == 2 ? 1 : 0; i < series.length; i++) { if (i == 0 && multiValLegend) continue; let vals = legend.values[i]; let j = 0; for (let k in vals) legendCells[i][j++].firstChild.nodeValue = vals[k]; } } } function setLegend(opts, _fire) { if (opts != null) { let idx = opts.idx; legend.idx = idx; series.forEach((s, sidx) => { (sidx > 0 || !multiValLegend) && setLegendValues(sidx, idx); }); } if (showLegend && syncLegend(); shouldSetLegend = false; _fire !== false && fire("setLegend"); } self.setLegend = setLegend; function setLegendValues(sidx, idx) { let val; if (idx == null) val = NULL_LEGEND_VALUES; else { let s = series[sidx]; let src = sidx == 0 && xScaleDistr == 2 ? data0 : data[sidx]; val = multiValLegend ? s.values(self, sidx, idx) : {_: s.value(self, src[idx], sidx, idx)}; } legend.values[sidx] = val; } function updateCursor(src, _fire, _pub) { // ts == null && log("updateCursor()", arguments); rawMouseLeft1 = mouseLeft1; rawMouseTop1 = mouseTop1; [mouseLeft1, mouseTop1] = cursor.move(self, mouseLeft1, mouseTop1); if ( { vCursor && elTrans(vCursor, round(mouseLeft1), 0, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss); hCursor && elTrans(hCursor, 0, round(mouseTop1), plotWidCss, plotHgtCss); } let idx; // when zooming to an x scale range between datapoints the binary search // for nearest min/max indices results in this condition. cheap hack :D let noDataInRange = i0 > i1; // works for mode 1 only closestDist = inf; // TODO: extract let xDim = scaleX.ori == 0 ? plotWidCss : plotHgtCss; let yDim = scaleX.ori == 1 ? plotWidCss : plotHgtCss; // if cursor hidden, hide points & clear legend vals if (mouseLeft1 < 0 || dataLen == 0 || noDataInRange) { idx = null; for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { cursorPts.length > 1 && elTrans(cursorPts[i], -10, -10, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss); } } if (cursorFocus) setSeries(null, FOCUS_TRUE, true, src == null && syncOpts.setSeries); if ( { activeIdxs.fill(null); shouldSetLegend = true; for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) legend.values[i] = NULL_LEGEND_VALUES; } } else { // let pctY = 1 - (y / rect.height); let mouseXPos, valAtPosX, xPos; if (mode == 1) { mouseXPos = scaleX.ori == 0 ? mouseLeft1 : mouseTop1; valAtPosX = posToVal(mouseXPos, xScaleKey); idx = closestIdx(valAtPosX, data[0], i0, i1); xPos = incrRoundUp(valToPosX(data[0][idx], scaleX, xDim, 0), 0.5); } for (let i = mode == 2 ? 1 : 0; i < series.length; i++) { let s = series[i]; let idx1 = activeIdxs[i]; let yVal1 = mode == 1 ? data[i][idx1] : data[i][1][idx1]; let idx2 = cursor.dataIdx(self, i, idx, valAtPosX); let yVal2 = mode == 1 ? data[i][idx2] : data[i][1][idx2]; shouldSetLegend = shouldSetLegend || yVal2 != yVal1 || idx2 != idx1; activeIdxs[i] = idx2; let xPos2 = idx2 == idx ? xPos : incrRoundUp(valToPosX(mode == 1 ? data[0][idx2] : data[i][0][idx2], scaleX, xDim, 0), 0.5); if (i > 0 && { let yPos = yVal2 == null ? -10 : incrRoundUp(valToPosY(yVal2, mode == 1 ? scales[s.scale] : scales[s.facets[1].scale], yDim, 0), 0.5); if (yPos > 0 && mode == 1) { let dist = abs(yPos - mouseTop1); if (dist <= closestDist) { closestDist = dist; closestSeries = i; } } let hPos, vPos; if (scaleX.ori == 0) { hPos = xPos2; vPos = yPos; } else { hPos = yPos; vPos = xPos2; } if (shouldSetLegend && cursorPts.length > 1) { elColor(cursorPts[i], cursor.points.fill(self, i), cursor.points.stroke(self, i)); let ptWid, ptHgt, ptLft, ptTop, centered = true, getBBox = cursor.points.bbox; if (getBBox != null) { centered = false; let bbox = getBBox(self, i); ptLft = bbox.left; ptTop =; ptWid = bbox.width; ptHgt = bbox.height; } else { ptLft = hPos; ptTop = vPos; ptWid = ptHgt = cursor.points.size(self, i); } elSize(cursorPts[i], ptWid, ptHgt, centered); elTrans(cursorPts[i], ptLft, ptTop, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss); } } if ( { if (!shouldSetLegend || i == 0 && multiValLegend) continue; setLegendValues(i, idx2); } } } cursor.idx = idx; cursor.left = mouseLeft1; = mouseTop1; if (shouldSetLegend) { legend.idx = idx; setLegend(); } // nit: cursor.drag.setSelect is assumed always true if ( && dragging) { if (src != null) { let [xKey, yKey] = syncOpts.scales; let [matchXKeys, matchYKeys] = syncOpts.match; let [xKeySrc, yKeySrc] = src.cursor.sync.scales; // match the dragX/dragY implicitness/explicitness of src let sdrag = src.cursor.drag; dragX = sdrag._x; dragY = sdrag._y; if (dragX || dragY) { let { left, top, width, height } =; let sori = src.scales[xKey].ori; let sPosToVal = src.posToVal; let sOff, sDim, sc, a, b; let matchingX = xKey != null && matchXKeys(xKey, xKeySrc); let matchingY = yKey != null && matchYKeys(yKey, yKeySrc); if (matchingX && dragX) { if (sori == 0) { sOff = left; sDim = width; } else { sOff = top; sDim = height; } sc = scales[xKey]; a = valToPosX(sPosToVal(sOff, xKeySrc), sc, xDim, 0); b = valToPosX(sPosToVal(sOff + sDim, xKeySrc), sc, xDim, 0); setSelX(min(a,b), abs(b-a)); } else setSelX(0, xDim); if (matchingY && dragY) { if (sori == 1) { sOff = left; sDim = width; } else { sOff = top; sDim = height; } sc = scales[yKey]; a = valToPosY(sPosToVal(sOff, yKeySrc), sc, yDim, 0); b = valToPosY(sPosToVal(sOff + sDim, yKeySrc), sc, yDim, 0); setSelY(min(a,b), abs(b-a)); } else setSelY(0, yDim); } else hideSelect(); } else { let rawDX = abs(rawMouseLeft1 - rawMouseLeft0); let rawDY = abs(rawMouseTop1 - rawMouseTop0); if (scaleX.ori == 1) { let _rawDX = rawDX; rawDX = rawDY; rawDY = _rawDX; } dragX = drag.x && rawDX >= drag.dist; dragY = drag.y && rawDY >= drag.dist; let uni = drag.uni; if (uni != null) { // only calc drag status if they pass the dist thresh if (dragX && dragY) { dragX = rawDX >= uni; dragY = rawDY >= uni; // force unidirectionality when both are under uni limit if (!dragX && !dragY) { if (rawDY > rawDX) dragY = true; else dragX = true; } } } else if (drag.x && drag.y && (dragX || dragY)) // if omni with no uni then both dragX / dragY should be true if either is true dragX = dragY = true; let p0, p1; if (dragX) { if (scaleX.ori == 0) { p0 = mouseLeft0; p1 = mouseLeft1; } else { p0 = mouseTop0; p1 = mouseTop1; } setSelX(min(p0, p1), abs(p1 - p0)); if (!dragY) setSelY(0, yDim); } if (dragY) { if (scaleX.ori == 1) { p0 = mouseLeft0; p1 = mouseLeft1; } else { p0 = mouseTop0; p1 = mouseTop1; } setSelY(min(p0, p1), abs(p1 - p0)); if (!dragX) setSelX(0, xDim); } // the drag didn't pass the dist requirement if (!dragX && !dragY) { setSelX(0, 0); setSelY(0, 0); } } } drag._x = dragX; drag._y = dragY; if (src == null) { if (_pub) { if (syncKey != null) { let [xSyncKey, ySyncKey] = syncOpts.scales; syncOpts.values[0] = xSyncKey != null ? posToVal(scaleX.ori == 0 ? mouseLeft1 : mouseTop1, xSyncKey) : null; syncOpts.values[1] = ySyncKey != null ? posToVal(scaleX.ori == 1 ? mouseLeft1 : mouseTop1, ySyncKey) : null; } pubSync(mousemove, self, mouseLeft1, mouseTop1, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss, idx); } if (cursorFocus) { let shouldPub = _pub && syncOpts.setSeries; let p = focus.prox; if (focusedSeries == null) { if (closestDist <= p) setSeries(closestSeries, FOCUS_TRUE, true, shouldPub); } else { if (closestDist > p) setSeries(null, FOCUS_TRUE, true, shouldPub); else if (closestSeries != focusedSeries) setSeries(closestSeries, FOCUS_TRUE, true, shouldPub); } } } ready && _fire !== false && fire("setCursor"); } let rect = null; function syncRect(defer) { if (defer === true) rect = null; else { rect = over.getBoundingClientRect(); fire("syncRect", rect); } } function mouseMove(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i) { if (cursor._lock) return; cacheMouse(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i, false, e != null); if (e != null) updateCursor(null, true, true); else updateCursor(src, true, false); } function cacheMouse(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i, initial, snap) { if (rect == null) syncRect(false); if (e != null) { _l = e.clientX - rect.left; _t = e.clientY -; } else { if (_l < 0 || _t < 0) { mouseLeft1 = -10; mouseTop1 = -10; return; } let [xKey, yKey] = syncOpts.scales; let syncOptsSrc = src.cursor.sync; let [xValSrc, yValSrc] = syncOptsSrc.values; let [xKeySrc, yKeySrc] = syncOptsSrc.scales; let [matchXKeys, matchYKeys] = syncOpts.match; let rotSrc = src.axes[0].side % 2 == 1; let xDim = scaleX.ori == 0 ? plotWidCss : plotHgtCss, yDim = scaleX.ori == 1 ? plotWidCss : plotHgtCss, _xDim = rotSrc ? _h : _w, _yDim = rotSrc ? _w : _h, _xPos = rotSrc ? _t : _l, _yPos = rotSrc ? _l : _t; if (xKeySrc != null) _l = matchXKeys(xKey, xKeySrc) ? getPos(xValSrc, scales[xKey], xDim, 0) : -10; else _l = xDim * (_xPos/_xDim); if (yKeySrc != null) _t = matchYKeys(yKey, yKeySrc) ? getPos(yValSrc, scales[yKey], yDim, 0) : -10; else _t = yDim * (_yPos/_yDim); if (scaleX.ori == 1) { let __l = _l; _l = _t; _t = __l; } } if (snap) { if (_l <= 1 || _l >= plotWidCss - 1) _l = incrRound(_l, plotWidCss); if (_t <= 1 || _t >= plotHgtCss - 1) _t = incrRound(_t, plotHgtCss); } if (initial) { rawMouseLeft0 = _l; rawMouseTop0 = _t; [mouseLeft0, mouseTop0] = cursor.move(self, _l, _t); } else { mouseLeft1 = _l; mouseTop1 = _t; } } const _hideProps = { width: 0, height: 0, }; function hideSelect() { setSelect(_hideProps, false); } function mouseDown(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i) { dragging = true; dragX = dragY = drag._x = drag._y = false; cacheMouse(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i, true, false); if (e != null) { onMouse(mouseup, doc, mouseUp); pubSync(mousedown, self, mouseLeft0, mouseTop0, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss, null); } } function mouseUp(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i) { dragging = drag._x = drag._y = false; cacheMouse(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i, false, true); let { left, top, width, height } = select; let hasSelect = width > 0 || height > 0; hasSelect && setSelect(select); if (drag.setScale && hasSelect) { // if (syncKey != null) { // dragX = drag.x; // dragY = drag.y; // } let xOff = left, xDim = width, yOff = top, yDim = height; if (scaleX.ori == 1) { xOff = top, xDim = height, yOff = left, yDim = width; } if (dragX) { _setScale(xScaleKey, posToVal(xOff, xScaleKey), posToVal(xOff + xDim, xScaleKey) ); } if (dragY) { for (let k in scales) { let sc = scales[k]; if (k != xScaleKey && sc.from == null && sc.min != inf) { _setScale(k, posToVal(yOff + yDim, k), posToVal(yOff, k) ); } } } hideSelect(); } else if (cursor.lock) { cursor._lock = !cursor._lock; if (!cursor._lock) updateCursor(null, true, false); } if (e != null) { offMouse(mouseup, doc); pubSync(mouseup, self, mouseLeft1, mouseTop1, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss, null); } } function mouseLeave(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i) { if (!cursor._lock) { let _dragging = dragging; if (dragging) { // handle case when mousemove aren't fired all the way to edges by browser let snapH = true; let snapV = true; let snapProx = 10; let dragH, dragV; if (scaleX.ori == 0) { dragH = dragX; dragV = dragY; } else { dragH = dragY; dragV = dragX; } if (dragH && dragV) { // maybe omni corner snap snapH = mouseLeft1 <= snapProx || mouseLeft1 >= plotWidCss - snapProx; snapV = mouseTop1 <= snapProx || mouseTop1 >= plotHgtCss - snapProx; } if (dragH && snapH) mouseLeft1 = mouseLeft1 < mouseLeft0 ? 0 : plotWidCss; if (dragV && snapV) mouseTop1 = mouseTop1 < mouseTop0 ? 0 : plotHgtCss; updateCursor(null, true, true); dragging = false; } mouseLeft1 = -10; mouseTop1 = -10; // passing a non-null timestamp to force sync/mousemove event updateCursor(null, true, true); if (_dragging) dragging = _dragging; } } function dblClick(e, src, _l, _t, _w, _h, _i) { autoScaleX(); hideSelect(); if (e != null) pubSync(dblclick, self, mouseLeft1, mouseTop1, plotWidCss, plotHgtCss, null); } function syncPxRatio() { axes.forEach(syncFontSize); _setSize(self.width, self.height, true); } on(dppxchange, win, syncPxRatio); // internal pub/sub const events = {}; events.mousedown = mouseDown; events.mousemove = mouseMove; events.mouseup = mouseUp; events.dblclick = dblClick; events["setSeries"] = (e, src, idx, opts) => { setSeries(idx, opts, true, false); }; if ( { onMouse(mousedown, over, mouseDown); onMouse(mousemove, over, mouseMove); onMouse(mouseenter, over, syncRect); onMouse(mouseleave, over, mouseLeave); onMouse(dblclick, over, dblClick); cursorPlots.add(self); self.syncRect = syncRect; } // external on/off const hooks = self.hooks = opts.hooks || {}; function fire(evName, a1, a2) { if (evName in hooks) { hooks[evName].forEach(fn => {, self, a1, a2); }); } } (opts.plugins || []).forEach(p => { for (let evName in p.hooks) hooks[evName] = (hooks[evName] || []).concat(p.hooks[evName]); }); const syncOpts = assign({ key: null, setSeries: false, filters: { pub: retTrue, sub: retTrue, }, scales: [xScaleKey, series[1] ? series[1].scale : null], match: [retEq, retEq], values: [null, null], }, cursor.sync); (cursor.sync = syncOpts); const syncKey = syncOpts.key; const sync = _sync(syncKey); function pubSync(type, src, x, y, w, h, i) { if (, src, x, y, w, h, i)), src, x, y, w, h, i); } sync.sub(self); function pub(type, src, x, y, w, h, i) { if (syncOpts.filters.sub(type, src, x, y, w, h, i)) events[type](null, src, x, y, w, h, i); } ( = pub); function destroy() { sync.unsub(self); cursorPlots.delete(self); mouseListeners.clear(); off(dppxchange, win, syncPxRatio); root.remove(); fire("destroy"); } self.destroy = destroy; function _init() { fire("init", opts, data); setData(data ||, false); if (pendScales[xScaleKey]) setScale(xScaleKey, pendScales[xScaleKey]); else autoScaleX(); _setSize(opts.width, opts.height); updateCursor(null, true, false); setSelect(select, false); } series.forEach(initSeries); axes.forEach(initAxis); if (then) { if (then instanceof HTMLElement) { then.appendChild(root); _init(); } else then(self, _init); } else _init(); return self; } uPlot.assign = assign; uPlot.fmtNum = fmtNum; uPlot.rangeNum = rangeNum; uPlot.rangeLog = rangeLog; uPlot.rangeAsinh = rangeAsinh; uPlot.orient = orient; uPlot.pxRatio = pxRatio; { uPlot.join = join; } { uPlot.fmtDate = fmtDate; uPlot.tzDate = tzDate; } { uPlot.sync = _sync; } { uPlot.addGap = addGap; uPlot.clipGaps = clipGaps; let paths = uPlot.paths = { points, }; (paths.linear = linear); (paths.stepped = stepped); (paths.bars = bars); (paths.spline = monotoneCubic); } /* src/InstanceView.svelte generated by Svelte v3.49.0 */ function create_fragment(ctx) { let div_1; let t; let link; return { c() { div_1 = element("div"); t = space(); link = element("link"); this.h(); }, l(nodes) { div_1 = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", {}); children(div_1).forEach(detach); t = claim_space(nodes); const head_nodes = query_selector_all('[data-svelte=\"svelte-s7s8m8\"]', document.head); link = claim_element(head_nodes, "LINK", { rel: true, href: true }); head_nodes.forEach(detach); this.h(); }, h() { attr(link, "rel", "stylesheet"); attr(link, "href", ""); }, m(target, anchor) { insert_hydration(target, div_1, anchor); /*div_1_binding*/ ctx[6](div_1); insert_hydration(target, t, anchor); append_hydration(document.head, link); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div_1); /*div_1_binding*/ ctx[6](null); if (detaching) detach(t); detach(link); } }; } function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { entry } = $$props; let { modelColumn } = $$props; let { labelColumn } = $$props; let { dataColumn } = $$props; let { idColumn } = $$props; let div; let colors = [ "#ea5545", "#f46a9b", "#ef9b20", "#edbf33", "#ede15b", "#bdcf32", "#87bc45", "#27aeef", "#b33dc6" ]; onMount(() => { csv(entry[dataColumn]).then(data => { let dat = []; let series = []; [...Object.keys(data[0])].forEach((key, i) => { dat.push([]); if (i === 0) { series.push({ label: "x" }); } else { series.push({ label: key, stroke: colors[i % colors.length] }); } data.forEach((row, j) => { dat[i][j] = parseFloat(row[key]); }); }); new uPlot({ id: "uplot", width: 400, height: 150, series, scales: { x: { time: false } } }, dat, div); }); }); function div_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { div = $$value; $$invalidate(0, div); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('entry' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, entry = $$props.entry); if ('modelColumn' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, modelColumn = $$props.modelColumn); if ('labelColumn' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, labelColumn = $$props.labelColumn); if ('dataColumn' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, dataColumn = $$props.dataColumn); if ('idColumn' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, idColumn = $$props.idColumn); }; return [div, entry, modelColumn, labelColumn, dataColumn, idColumn, div_1_binding]; } class InstanceView extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, { entry: 1, modelColumn: 2, labelColumn: 3, dataColumn: 4, idColumn: 5 }); } } function getInstance( div, viewOptions, entry, modelColumn, labelColumn, dataColumn, idColumn ) { new InstanceView({ target: div, props: { entry: entry, viewOptions: viewOptions, modelColumn: modelColumn, labelColumn: labelColumn, dataColumn: dataColumn, idColumn: idColumn, }, hydrate: true, }); } export { getInstance };