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from faker import Faker
import pandas as pd
import re
import sys
import json
import unicodedata
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #解析requests请求到的HTML页面
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import cpca # 地点 city mapping
from selenium import webdriver
import helium as hm
from import Options
from import Service
from keywordInfo import key_pat, zwlx_list
# 北京市信息发布,考编公告~ A _1
sub_url =""
sub_url =""
def getDriver():
# Set path Selenium
uas = Faker()
CHROMEDRIVER_PATH = '/usr/bin/chromedriver'
CHROMEDRIVER_PATH = './chromedriver'
WINDOW_SIZE = "1920,1080"
# Options
chrome_options = Options()
chrome_options.add_argument("--window-size=%s" % WINDOW_SIZE)
# 增加一个参数设置
chrome_options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-automation'])
with open('./stealth.min.js') as f:
js =
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=CHROMEDRIVER_PATH, options=chrome_options)
driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", {"source": js })
return driver
def content_with_date(lines):
if len(lines) < 1:
return []
date_pattern1 = r'\d{1,2}月\d{1,2}日'
date_pattern2 = r'[上|下]午'
date_pattern3 = r'\d{4}年\d{1,2}月\d{1,2}日'
inx_ = len(lines)-1
for inx_, line in enumerate(lines):
matches = re.findall(f'({date_pattern1}|{date_pattern3})', line)
if len(matches)>0:
if len(matches)<1:
return []
# new_ = "\n".join(lines[:inx_+1])
# year_pattern = r'\d{4}年'
# matches = re.findall(f'({year_pattern})', old_title)
return lines[:inx_+1]
#👏👏👏 这里需要调整获取多少段落,不至于获得太多冗余信息
def find_key_paragrap(search_text, paragraphs):
# Loop through the paragraphs and print the text content of those that contain the search text
for inx_, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs):
text = paragraph.text
if search_text in text:
# Get the index of the matched line
# index = text.index(search_text)
index = inx_
# Print the matched line and 5 lines before and after it
start = max(0, inx_)
end = min(len(paragraphs), index + 7)
target_paragrap = paragraphs[start:end]
texts = [i.text for i in target_paragrap]
dt_lines = content_with_date(texts)
if len(dt_lines) >= 1:
return texts
return None
def titleLocInfo(title):
"""get loction and year from title"""
# print(title)
# print(driver.current_url)
# zwk_year
year_pattern = r'\d{4}年'
matches = re.findall(f'({year_pattern})', title)
zwk_year = matches[0] if len(matches) else "2023"
# zwk_sheng
area_df = cpca.transform([title])
# 省份
zwk_sheng = list(area_df["省"])[0] if area_df.shape[0] > 0 else ""
a_ = list(area_df["市"])[0] if area_df.shape[0] > 0 else ""
b_ = list(area_df["区"])[0] if area_df.shape[0] > 0 else ""
zwk_diqu = a_
# 唯一标识
zwk_zip = list(area_df["adcode"])[0] if area_df.shape[0] > 0 else ""
zwlx = zwlx_list[0] # 默认类型公务员
for i in zwlx_list:
if i in title:
zwlx = i
res = [zwk_year, zwk_sheng, zwk_diqu, zwk_zip, zwlx]
# print("\t".join(res))
return res
def extract_from_driver(driver):
""" get result from url request BeautifulSoup(texts,'html.parser')
return: doc_item ,time source info, and attach information
#[zwk_year, zwk_sheng, zwk_diqu, zwk_zip, zwlx]
title_info = titleLocInfo(title)
items_ = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//p")
items_ = [i.text for i in items_ if i.text != ""]
context_to_label = "\n".join(items_)
paragraphs = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name("p")
paragraphs = [i for i in paragraphs if i.text.strip() != ""]
# extract keyword info
# key_pat["报名"], key_pat["考试"], key_pat["缴费"], key_pat["准考证"], key_pat["all"]
def get_key_info(pt:list):
for item in pt:
res_ = find_key_paragrap(item, paragraphs)
if res_ is not None:
return res_
return ""
bm_sj = get_key_info(key_pat["报名"])
fee_sj = get_key_info(key_pat["缴费"])
ks_sj = get_key_info(key_pat["考试"])
zkz_sj = get_key_info(key_pat["准考证"])
# 附件 links ".doc" or ".xls" ".xlsx"
links = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name("a")
unique_link = {}
for link in links:
url_ = link.get_attribute("href")
content_ = link.get_attribute("textContent")
url_con = url_ and (url_.endswith(".doc") or url_.endswith(".xls") or url_.endswith(".xlsx"))
name_con = content_ and (content_.endswith(".doc") or content_.endswith(".xls") or content_.endswith(".xlsx"))
if url_con or name_con:
unique_link[content_] = url_
name = ["title", "zwk_year", "zwk_sheng", "zwk_diqu", "zwk_zip", "zwlx",
"bm_sj", "fee_sj", "ks_sj", "zkz_sj",
"fn_list" ,
"tidy_bm_sj","tidy_fee_sj", "tidy_ks_sj", "tidy_zkz_sj"
doc_item = [title]
doc_item.extend([bm_sj, fee_sj, ks_sj, zkz_sj,
td_bm_sj = content_with_date(bm_sj)
td_fee_sj = content_with_date(fee_sj)
td_ks_sj = content_with_date(ks_sj)
td_zkz_sj = content_with_date(zkz_sj)
doc_item.extend([td_bm_sj, td_fee_sj, td_ks_sj, td_zkz_sj])
doc_dc = {}
for k_, v_ in zip(name, doc_item):
doc_dc[k_] = v_
return doc_dc
# 用于表格化记录
def table_record_doc(doc):
fn_dc = doc["fn_list"]
row_item = [
doc["title"], doc["zwk_year"], doc["zwk_sheng"], doc["zwk_diqu"], doc["zwk_zip"],
"\n".join([f"{k}:{v}" for k,v in fn_dc.items()])
name = ["title", "zwk_year", "zwk_sheng", "zwk_diqu", "zwk_zip", "zwlx",
"bm_sj", "fee_sj", "ks_sj", "zkz_sj",
"tidy_bm_sj","tidy_fee_sj", "tidy_ks_sj", "tidy_zkz_sj",
a = pd.DataFrame(data=[row_item], columns=name)
return row_item
if __name__ == '__main__':
mydriver = getDriver()
# hm.goto(url)
url = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
url = sys.argv[1]
hm.set_driver(mydriver) # 给它一个selnuim driver
# mydriver.driver.
import time
res = extract_from_driver(mydriver)
print("-raw, mostly contains----------------------------")
bm_sj = doc["bm_sj"]
bm_sj = content_with_date(bm_sj)
fee_sj = content_with_date(doc["fee_sj"])
ks_sj = content_with_date(doc["ks_sj"])
zkz_sj = content_with_date(doc["zkz_sj"])