✨ Feature: Add feature: The /stats endpoint supports passing an 'hours' parameter to specify the number of hours of historical statistics data to return
Browse files
@@ -902,12 +902,20 @@ def generate_api_key():
902 |
return JSONResponse(content={"api_key": api_key})
903 |
904 |
# 在 /stats 路由中返回成功和失败百分比
905 |
906 |
from sqlalchemy import func, desc, case
907 |
908 |
@app.get("/stats", dependencies=[Depends(rate_limit_dependency)])
909 |
async def get_stats(
910 |
async with async_session() as session:
911 |
# 1. 每个渠道下面每个模型的成功率
912 |
channel_model_stats = await session.execute(
913 |
@@ -915,7 +923,9 @@ async def get_stats(request: Request, token: str = Depends(verify_admin_api_key)
915 |
916 |
917 |
func.sum(case((ChannelStat.success == True, 1), else_=0)).label('success_count')
918 |
919 |
920 |
channel_model_stats = channel_model_stats.fetchall()
921 |
@@ -925,14 +935,17 @@ async def get_stats(request: Request, token: str = Depends(verify_admin_api_key)
925 |
926 |
927 |
func.sum(case((ChannelStat.success == True, 1), else_=0)).label('success_count')
928 |
929 |
930 |
channel_stats = channel_stats.fetchall()
931 |
932 |
# 3. 每个模型在所有渠道总的请求次数
933 |
model_stats = await session.execute(
934 |
935 |
936 |
937 |
938 |
model_stats = model_stats.fetchall()
@@ -940,6 +953,7 @@ async def get_stats(request: Request, token: str = Depends(verify_admin_api_key)
940 |
# 4. 每个端点的请求次数
941 |
endpoint_stats = await session.execute(
942 |
select(RequestStat.endpoint, func.count().label('count'))
943 |
944 |
945 |
@@ -947,25 +961,29 @@ async def get_stats(request: Request, token: str = Depends(verify_admin_api_key)
947 |
948 |
# 5. 每个ip请求的次数
949 |
ip_stats = await session.execute(
950 |
951 |
952 |
953 |
954 |
ip_stats = ip_stats.fetchall()
955 |
956 |
# 处理统计数据并返回
957 |
stats = {
958 |
"channel_model_success_rates": [
959 |
960 |
"provider": stat.provider,
961 |
"model": stat.model,
962 |
"success_rate": stat.success_count / stat.total if stat.total > 0 else 0
963 |
} for stat in sorted(channel_model_stats, key=lambda x: x.success_count / x.total if x.total > 0 else 0, reverse=True)
964 |
965 |
"channel_success_rates": [
966 |
967 |
"provider": stat.provider,
968 |
"success_rate": stat.success_count / stat.total if stat.total > 0 else 0
969 |
} for stat in sorted(channel_stats, key=lambda x: x.success_count / x.total if x.total > 0 else 0, reverse=True)
970 |
971 |
"model_request_counts": [
@@ -982,7 +1000,7 @@ async def get_stats(request: Request, token: str = Depends(verify_admin_api_key)
982 |
983 |
"ip_request_counts": [
984 |
985 |
"ip": stat.
986 |
"count": stat.count
987 |
} for stat in ip_stats
988 |
902 |
return JSONResponse(content={"api_key": api_key})
903 |
904 |
# 在 /stats 路由中返回成功和失败百分比
905 |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
906 |
from sqlalchemy import func, desc, case
907 |
from fastapi import Query
908 |
909 |
@app.get("/stats", dependencies=[Depends(rate_limit_dependency)])
910 |
async def get_stats(
911 |
request: Request,
912 |
token: str = Depends(verify_admin_api_key),
913 |
hours: int = Query(default=24, ge=1, le=720, description="Number of hours to look back for stats (1-720)")
914 |
915 |
async with async_session() as session:
916 |
# 计算指定时间范围的开始时间
917 |
start_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(hours=hours)
918 |
919 |
# 1. 每个渠道下面每个模型的成功率
920 |
channel_model_stats = await session.execute(
921 |
923 |
924 |
925 |
func.sum(case((ChannelStat.success == True, 1), else_=0)).label('success_count')
926 |
927 |
.where(ChannelStat.timestamp >= start_time)
928 |
.group_by(ChannelStat.provider, ChannelStat.model)
929 |
930 |
channel_model_stats = channel_model_stats.fetchall()
931 |
935 |
936 |
937 |
func.sum(case((ChannelStat.success == True, 1), else_=0)).label('success_count')
938 |
939 |
.where(ChannelStat.timestamp >= start_time)
940 |
941 |
942 |
channel_stats = channel_stats.fetchall()
943 |
944 |
# 3. 每个模型在所有渠道总的请求次数
945 |
model_stats = await session.execute(
946 |
select(RequestStat.model, func.count().label('count'))
947 |
.where(RequestStat.timestamp >= start_time)
948 |
949 |
950 |
951 |
model_stats = model_stats.fetchall()
953 |
# 4. 每个端点的请求次数
954 |
endpoint_stats = await session.execute(
955 |
select(RequestStat.endpoint, func.count().label('count'))
956 |
.where(RequestStat.timestamp >= start_time)
957 |
958 |
959 |
961 |
962 |
# 5. 每个ip请求的次数
963 |
ip_stats = await session.execute(
964 |
select(RequestStat.client_ip, func.count().label('count'))
965 |
.where(RequestStat.timestamp >= start_time)
966 |
967 |
968 |
969 |
ip_stats = ip_stats.fetchall()
970 |
971 |
# 处理统计数据并返回
972 |
stats = {
973 |
"time_range": f"Last {hours} hours",
974 |
"channel_model_success_rates": [
975 |
976 |
"provider": stat.provider,
977 |
"model": stat.model,
978 |
"success_rate": stat.success_count / stat.total if stat.total > 0 else 0,
979 |
"total_requests": stat.total
980 |
} for stat in sorted(channel_model_stats, key=lambda x: x.success_count / x.total if x.total > 0 else 0, reverse=True)
981 |
982 |
"channel_success_rates": [
983 |
984 |
"provider": stat.provider,
985 |
"success_rate": stat.success_count / stat.total if stat.total > 0 else 0,
986 |
"total_requests": stat.total
987 |
} for stat in sorted(channel_stats, key=lambda x: x.success_count / x.total if x.total > 0 else 0, reverse=True)
988 |
989 |
"model_request_counts": [
1000 |
1001 |
"ip_request_counts": [
1002 |
1003 |
"ip": stat.client_ip,
1004 |
"count": stat.count
1005 |
} for stat in ip_stats
1006 |