torch torchsde torchvision torchaudio numpy==1.26.3 # Keeping the latest version specified einops transformers>=4.28.1 tokenizers>=0.13.3 sentencepiece safetensors>=0.4.2 aiohttp>=3.11.8 yarl>=1.18.0 pyyaml Pillow scipy tqdm psutil # Non-essential dependencies: kornia>=0.7.1 spandrel soundfile av # Custom nodes: opencv-python>= # Keeping the latest version specified imageio-ffmpeg albumentations>=1.4.16 insightface==0.7.3 onnx>=1.14.0 onnxruntime==1.19.2 onnxruntime-gpu==1.19.2 segment_anything ultralytics py-cpuinfo Gitpython Moviepy scikit-build Typing diskcache huggingface_hub diffusers>=0.31.0 accelerate>=0.33.0 peft