import os import time import functools import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch_scatter import segment_coo from . import grid from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) render_utils_cuda = load( name='render_utils_cuda', sources=[ os.path.join(parent_dir, path) for path in ['cuda/render_utils.cpp', 'cuda/']], verbose=True) '''Model''' class DirectVoxGO(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, xyz_min, xyz_max, num_voxels=0, num_voxels_base=0, alpha_init=None, mask_cache_path=None, mask_cache_thres=1e-3, mask_cache_world_size=None, fast_color_thres=0, density_type='DenseGrid', k0_type='DenseGrid', density_config={}, k0_config={}, rgbnet_dim=0, rgbnet_direct=False, rgbnet_full_implicit=False, rgbnet_depth=3, rgbnet_width=128, viewbase_pe=4, **kwargs): super(DirectVoxGO, self).__init__() self.register_buffer('xyz_min', torch.Tensor(xyz_min)) self.register_buffer('xyz_max', torch.Tensor(xyz_max)) self.fast_color_thres = fast_color_thres # determine based grid resolution self.num_voxels_base = num_voxels_base self.voxel_size_base = ((self.xyz_max - self.xyz_min).prod() / self.num_voxels_base).pow(1/3) # determine the density bias shift self.alpha_init = alpha_init self.register_buffer('act_shift', torch.FloatTensor([np.log(1/(1-alpha_init) - 1)])) print('dvgo: set density bias shift to', self.act_shift) # determine init grid resolution self._set_grid_resolution(num_voxels) # init density voxel grid self.density_type = density_type self.density_config = density_config self.density = grid.create_grid( density_type, channels=1, world_size=self.world_size, xyz_min=self.xyz_min, xyz_max=self.xyz_max, config=self.density_config) # init color representation self.rgbnet_kwargs = { 'rgbnet_dim': rgbnet_dim, 'rgbnet_direct': rgbnet_direct, 'rgbnet_full_implicit': rgbnet_full_implicit, 'rgbnet_depth': rgbnet_depth, 'rgbnet_width': rgbnet_width, 'viewbase_pe': viewbase_pe, } self.k0_type = k0_type self.k0_config = k0_config self.rgbnet_full_implicit = rgbnet_full_implicit if rgbnet_dim <= 0: # color voxel grid (coarse stage) self.k0_dim = 3 self.k0 = grid.create_grid( k0_type, channels=self.k0_dim, world_size=self.world_size, xyz_min=self.xyz_min, xyz_max=self.xyz_max, config=self.k0_config) self.rgbnet = None else: # feature voxel grid + shallow MLP (fine stage) if self.rgbnet_full_implicit: self.k0_dim = 0 else: self.k0_dim = rgbnet_dim self.k0 = grid.create_grid( k0_type, channels=self.k0_dim, world_size=self.world_size, xyz_min=self.xyz_min, xyz_max=self.xyz_max, config=self.k0_config) self.rgbnet_direct = rgbnet_direct self.register_buffer('viewfreq', torch.FloatTensor([(2**i) for i in range(viewbase_pe)])) dim0 = (3+3*viewbase_pe*2) if self.rgbnet_full_implicit: pass elif rgbnet_direct: dim0 += self.k0_dim else: dim0 += self.k0_dim-3 self.rgbnet = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(dim0, rgbnet_width), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), *[ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(rgbnet_width, rgbnet_width), nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) for _ in range(rgbnet_depth-2) ], nn.Linear(rgbnet_width, 3), ) nn.init.constant_(self.rgbnet[-1].bias, 0) print('dvgo: feature voxel grid', self.k0) print('dvgo: mlp', self.rgbnet) # Using the coarse geometry if provided (used to determine known free space and unknown space) # Re-implement as occupancy grid (2021/1/31) self.mask_cache_path = mask_cache_path self.mask_cache_thres = mask_cache_thres if mask_cache_world_size is None: mask_cache_world_size = self.world_size if mask_cache_path is not None and mask_cache_path: mask_cache = grid.MaskGrid( path=mask_cache_path, mask_cache_thres=mask_cache_thres).to(self.xyz_min.device) self_grid_xyz = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[0], self.xyz_max[0], mask_cache_world_size[0]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[1], self.xyz_max[1], mask_cache_world_size[1]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[2], self.xyz_max[2], mask_cache_world_size[2]), ), -1) mask = mask_cache(self_grid_xyz) else: mask = torch.ones(list(mask_cache_world_size), dtype=torch.bool) self.mask_cache = grid.MaskGrid( path=None, mask=mask, xyz_min=self.xyz_min, xyz_max=self.xyz_max) def _set_grid_resolution(self, num_voxels): # Determine grid resolution self.num_voxels = num_voxels self.voxel_size = ((self.xyz_max - self.xyz_min).prod() / num_voxels).pow(1/3) self.world_size = ((self.xyz_max - self.xyz_min) / self.voxel_size).long() self.voxel_size_ratio = self.voxel_size / self.voxel_size_base print('dvgo: voxel_size ', self.voxel_size) print('dvgo: world_size ', self.world_size) print('dvgo: voxel_size_base ', self.voxel_size_base) print('dvgo: voxel_size_ratio', self.voxel_size_ratio) def get_kwargs(self): return { 'xyz_min': self.xyz_min.cpu().numpy(), 'xyz_max': self.xyz_max.cpu().numpy(), 'num_voxels': self.num_voxels, 'num_voxels_base': self.num_voxels_base, 'alpha_init': self.alpha_init, 'voxel_size_ratio': self.voxel_size_ratio, 'mask_cache_path': self.mask_cache_path, 'mask_cache_thres': self.mask_cache_thres, 'mask_cache_world_size': list(self.mask_cache.mask.shape), 'fast_color_thres': self.fast_color_thres, 'density_type': self.density_type, 'k0_type': self.k0_type, 'density_config': self.density_config, 'k0_config': self.k0_config, **self.rgbnet_kwargs, } @torch.no_grad() def maskout_near_cam_vox(self, cam_o, near_clip): # maskout grid points that between cameras and their near planes self_grid_xyz = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[0], self.xyz_max[0], self.world_size[0]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[1], self.xyz_max[1], self.world_size[1]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[2], self.xyz_max[2], self.world_size[2]), ), -1) nearest_dist = torch.stack([ (self_grid_xyz.unsqueeze(-2) - co).pow(2).sum(-1).sqrt().amin(-1) for co in cam_o.split(100) # for memory saving ]).amin(0) self.density.grid[nearest_dist[None,None] <= near_clip] = -100 @torch.no_grad() def scale_volume_grid(self, num_voxels): print('dvgo: scale_volume_grid start') ori_world_size = self.world_size self._set_grid_resolution(num_voxels) print('dvgo: scale_volume_grid scale world_size from', ori_world_size.tolist(), 'to', self.world_size.tolist()) self.density.scale_volume_grid(self.world_size) self.k0.scale_volume_grid(self.world_size) if <= 256**3: self_grid_xyz = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[0], self.xyz_max[0], self.world_size[0]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[1], self.xyz_max[1], self.world_size[1]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[2], self.xyz_max[2], self.world_size[2]), ), -1) self_alpha = F.max_pool3d(self.activate_density(self.density.get_dense_grid()), kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=1)[0,0] self.mask_cache = grid.MaskGrid( path=None, mask=self.mask_cache(self_grid_xyz) & (self_alpha>self.fast_color_thres), xyz_min=self.xyz_min, xyz_max=self.xyz_max) print('dvgo: scale_volume_grid finish') @torch.no_grad() def update_occupancy_cache(self): cache_grid_xyz = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[0], self.xyz_max[0], self.mask_cache.mask.shape[0]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[1], self.xyz_max[1], self.mask_cache.mask.shape[1]), torch.linspace(self.xyz_min[2], self.xyz_max[2], self.mask_cache.mask.shape[2]), ), -1) cache_grid_density = self.density(cache_grid_xyz)[None,None] cache_grid_alpha = self.activate_density(cache_grid_density) cache_grid_alpha = F.max_pool3d(cache_grid_alpha, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=1)[0,0] self.mask_cache.mask &= (cache_grid_alpha > self.fast_color_thres) def voxel_count_views(self, rays_o_tr, rays_d_tr, imsz, near, far, stepsize, downrate=1, irregular_shape=False): print('dvgo: voxel_count_views start') far = 1e9 # the given far can be too small while rays stop when hitting scene bbox eps_time = time.time() N_samples = int(np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.world_size.cpu())+1) / stepsize) + 1 rng = torch.arange(N_samples)[None].float() count = torch.zeros_like(self.density.get_dense_grid()) device = rng.device for rays_o_, rays_d_ in zip(rays_o_tr.split(imsz), rays_d_tr.split(imsz)): ones = grid.DenseGrid(1, self.world_size, self.xyz_min, self.xyz_max) if irregular_shape: rays_o_ = rays_o_.split(10000) rays_d_ = rays_d_.split(10000) else: rays_o_ = rays_o_[::downrate, ::downrate].to(device).flatten(0,-2).split(10000) rays_d_ = rays_d_[::downrate, ::downrate].to(device).flatten(0,-2).split(10000) for rays_o, rays_d in zip(rays_o_, rays_d_): vec = torch.where(rays_d==0, torch.full_like(rays_d, 1e-6), rays_d) rate_a = (self.xyz_max - rays_o) / vec rate_b = (self.xyz_min - rays_o) / vec t_min = torch.minimum(rate_a, rate_b).amax(-1).clamp(min=near, max=far) t_max = torch.maximum(rate_a, rate_b).amin(-1).clamp(min=near, max=far) step = stepsize * self.voxel_size * rng interpx = (t_min[...,None] + step/rays_d.norm(dim=-1,keepdim=True)) rays_pts = rays_o[...,None,:] + rays_d[...,None,:] * interpx[...,None] ones(rays_pts).sum().backward() with torch.no_grad(): count += (ones.grid.grad > 1) eps_time = time.time() - eps_time print('dvgo: voxel_count_views finish (eps time:', eps_time, 'sec)') return count def density_total_variation_add_grad(self, weight, dense_mode): w = weight * self.world_size.max() / 128 self.density.total_variation_add_grad(w, w, w, dense_mode) def k0_total_variation_add_grad(self, weight, dense_mode): w = weight * self.world_size.max() / 128 self.k0.total_variation_add_grad(w, w, w, dense_mode) def activate_density(self, density, interval=None): interval = interval if interval is not None else self.voxel_size_ratio shape = density.shape return Raw2Alpha.apply(density.flatten(), self.act_shift, interval).reshape(shape) def hit_coarse_geo(self, rays_o, rays_d, near, far, stepsize, **render_kwargs): '''Check whether the rays hit the solved coarse geometry or not''' far = 1e9 # the given far can be too small while rays stop when hitting scene bbox shape = rays_o.shape[:-1] rays_o = rays_o.reshape(-1, 3).contiguous() rays_d = rays_d.reshape(-1, 3).contiguous() stepdist = stepsize * self.voxel_size ray_pts, mask_outbbox, ray_id = render_utils_cuda.sample_pts_on_rays( rays_o, rays_d, self.xyz_min, self.xyz_max, near, far, stepdist)[:3] mask_inbbox = ~mask_outbbox hit = torch.zeros([len(rays_o)], dtype=torch.bool) hit[ray_id[mask_inbbox][self.mask_cache(ray_pts[mask_inbbox])]] = 1 return hit.reshape(shape) def sample_ray(self, rays_o, rays_d, near, far, stepsize, **render_kwargs): '''Sample query points on rays. All the output points are sorted from near to far. Input: rays_o, rayd_d: both in [N, 3] indicating ray configurations. near, far: the near and far distance of the rays. stepsize: the number of voxels of each sample step. Output: ray_pts: [M, 3] storing all the sampled points. ray_id: [M] the index of the ray of each point. step_id: [M] the i'th step on a ray of each point. ''' far = 1e9 # the given far can be too small while rays stop when hitting scene bbox rays_o = rays_o.contiguous() rays_d = rays_d.contiguous() stepdist = stepsize * self.voxel_size ray_pts, mask_outbbox, ray_id, step_id, N_steps, t_min, t_max = render_utils_cuda.sample_pts_on_rays( rays_o, rays_d, self.xyz_min, self.xyz_max, near, far, stepdist) mask_inbbox = ~mask_outbbox ray_pts = ray_pts[mask_inbbox] ray_id = ray_id[mask_inbbox] step_id = step_id[mask_inbbox] return ray_pts, ray_id, step_id def forward(self, rays_o, rays_d, viewdirs, global_step=None, render_fct=0.0,**render_kwargs): '''Volume rendering @rays_o: [N, 3] the starting point of the N shooting rays. @rays_d: [N, 3] the shooting direction of the N rays. @viewdirs: [N, 3] viewing direction to compute positional embedding for MLP. ''' assert len(rays_o.shape)==2 and rays_o.shape[-1]==3, 'Only suuport point queries in [N, 3] format' ret_dict = {} N = len(rays_o) # sample points on rays ray_pts, ray_id, step_id = self.sample_ray( rays_o=rays_o, rays_d=rays_d, **render_kwargs) interval = render_kwargs['stepsize'] * self.voxel_size_ratio # skip known free space if self.mask_cache is not None: mask = self.mask_cache(ray_pts) ray_pts = ray_pts[mask] ray_id = ray_id[mask] step_id = step_id[mask] # self.fast_color_thres = 0.1 render_fct = max(render_fct, self.fast_color_thres) # query for alpha w/ post-activation density = self.density(ray_pts) alpha = self.activate_density(density, interval) if render_fct > 0: mask = (alpha > render_fct) ray_pts = ray_pts[mask] ray_id = ray_id[mask] step_id = step_id[mask] density = density[mask] alpha = alpha[mask] # compute accumulated transmittance weights, alphainv_last = Alphas2Weights.apply(alpha, ray_id, N) if render_fct > 0: mask = (weights > render_fct) weights = weights[mask] alpha = alpha[mask] ray_pts = ray_pts[mask] ray_id = ray_id[mask] step_id = step_id[mask] density = density[mask] # query for color if self.rgbnet_full_implicit: pass else: k0 = self.k0(ray_pts) if self.rgbnet is None: # no view-depend effect rgb = torch.sigmoid(k0) else: # view-dependent color emission if self.rgbnet_direct: k0_view = k0 else: k0_view = k0[:, 3:] k0_diffuse = k0[:, :3] viewdirs_emb = (viewdirs.unsqueeze(-1) * self.viewfreq).flatten(-2) viewdirs_emb =[viewdirs, viewdirs_emb.sin(), viewdirs_emb.cos()], -1) viewdirs_emb = viewdirs_emb.flatten(0,-2)[ray_id] rgb_feat =[k0_view, viewdirs_emb], -1) rgb_logit = self.rgbnet(rgb_feat) if self.rgbnet_direct: rgb = torch.sigmoid(rgb_logit) else: rgb = torch.sigmoid(rgb_logit + k0_diffuse) # Ray marching rgb_marched = segment_coo( src=(weights.unsqueeze(-1) * rgb), index=ray_id, out=torch.zeros([N, 3]), reduce='sum') rgb_marched += (alphainv_last.unsqueeze(-1) * render_kwargs['bg']) ret_dict.update({ 'alphainv_last': alphainv_last, 'weights': weights, 'rgb_marched': rgb_marched, 'raw_alpha': alpha, 'raw_rgb': rgb, 'ray_id': ray_id, 'density': density, 'ray_pts': ray_pts }) if render_kwargs.get('render_depth', False): with torch.no_grad(): depth = segment_coo( src=(weights * step_id), index=ray_id, out=torch.zeros([N]), reduce='sum') ret_dict.update({'depth': depth}) return ret_dict ''' Misc ''' class Raw2Alpha(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, density, shift, interval): ''' alpha = 1 - exp(-softplus(density + shift) * interval) = 1 - exp(-log(1 + exp(density + shift)) * interval) = 1 - exp(log(1 + exp(density + shift)) ^ (-interval)) = 1 - (1 + exp(density + shift)) ^ (-interval) ''' exp, alpha = render_utils_cuda.raw2alpha(density, shift, interval) if density.requires_grad: ctx.save_for_backward(exp) ctx.interval = interval return alpha @staticmethod @torch.autograd.function.once_differentiable def backward(ctx, grad_back): ''' alpha' = interval * ((1 + exp(density + shift)) ^ (-interval-1)) * exp(density + shift)' = interval * ((1 + exp(density + shift)) ^ (-interval-1)) * exp(density + shift) ''' exp = ctx.saved_tensors[0] interval = ctx.interval return render_utils_cuda.raw2alpha_backward(exp, grad_back.contiguous(), interval), None, None class Raw2Alpha_nonuni(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, density, shift, interval): exp, alpha = render_utils_cuda.raw2alpha_nonuni(density, shift, interval) if density.requires_grad: ctx.save_for_backward(exp) ctx.interval = interval return alpha @staticmethod @torch.autograd.function.once_differentiable def backward(ctx, grad_back): exp = ctx.saved_tensors[0] interval = ctx.interval return render_utils_cuda.raw2alpha_nonuni_backward(exp, grad_back.contiguous(), interval), None, None class Alphas2Weights(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, alpha, ray_id, N): weights, T, alphainv_last, i_start, i_end = render_utils_cuda.alpha2weight(alpha, ray_id, N) if alpha.requires_grad: ctx.save_for_backward(alpha, weights, T, alphainv_last, i_start, i_end) ctx.n_rays = N return weights, alphainv_last @staticmethod @torch.autograd.function.once_differentiable def backward(ctx, grad_weights, grad_last): alpha, weights, T, alphainv_last, i_start, i_end = ctx.saved_tensors grad = render_utils_cuda.alpha2weight_backward( alpha, weights, T, alphainv_last, i_start, i_end, ctx.n_rays, grad_weights, grad_last) return grad, None, None ''' Ray and batch ''' def get_rays(H, W, K, c2w, inverse_y, flip_x, flip_y, mode='center'): i, j = torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(0, W-1, W, device=c2w.device), torch.linspace(0, H-1, H, device=c2w.device)) # pytorch's meshgrid has indexing='ij' i = i.t().float() j = j.t().float() if mode == 'lefttop': pass elif mode == 'center': i, j = i+0.5, j+0.5 elif mode == 'random': i = i+torch.rand_like(i) j = j+torch.rand_like(j) else: raise NotImplementedError if flip_x: i = i.flip((1,)) if flip_y: j = j.flip((0,)) if inverse_y: dirs = torch.stack([(i-K[0][2])/K[0][0], (j-K[1][2])/K[1][1], torch.ones_like(i)], -1) else: dirs = torch.stack([(i-K[0][2])/K[0][0], -(j-K[1][2])/K[1][1], -torch.ones_like(i)], -1) # Rotate ray directions from camera frame to the world frame rays_d = torch.sum(dirs[..., np.newaxis, :] * c2w[:3,:3], -1) # dot product, equals to: [ for dir in dirs] # Translate camera frame's origin to the world frame. It is the origin of all rays. rays_o = c2w[:3,3].expand(rays_d.shape) return rays_o, rays_d def get_rays_np(H, W, K, c2w): i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(H, dtype=np.float32), indexing='xy') dirs = np.stack([(i-K[0][2])/K[0][0], -(j-K[1][2])/K[1][1], -np.ones_like(i)], -1) # Rotate ray directions from camera frame to the world frame rays_d = np.sum(dirs[..., np.newaxis, :] * c2w[:3,:3], -1) # dot product, equals to: [ for dir in dirs] # Translate camera frame's origin to the world frame. It is the origin of all rays. rays_o = np.broadcast_to(c2w[:3,3], np.shape(rays_d)) return rays_o, rays_d def ndc_rays(H, W, focal, near, rays_o, rays_d): # Shift ray origins to near plane t = -(near + rays_o[...,2]) / rays_d[...,2] rays_o = rays_o + t[...,None] * rays_d # Projection o0 = -1./(W/(2.*focal)) * rays_o[...,0] / rays_o[...,2] o1 = -1./(H/(2.*focal)) * rays_o[...,1] / rays_o[...,2] o2 = 1. + 2. * near / rays_o[...,2] d0 = -1./(W/(2.*focal)) * (rays_d[...,0]/rays_d[...,2] - rays_o[...,0]/rays_o[...,2]) d1 = -1./(H/(2.*focal)) * (rays_d[...,1]/rays_d[...,2] - rays_o[...,1]/rays_o[...,2]) d2 = -2. * near / rays_o[...,2] rays_o = torch.stack([o0,o1,o2], -1) rays_d = torch.stack([d0,d1,d2], -1) return rays_o, rays_d def get_rays_of_a_view(H, W, K, c2w, ndc, inverse_y, flip_x, flip_y, mode='center'): rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(H, W, K, c2w, inverse_y=inverse_y, flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y, mode=mode) viewdirs = rays_d / rays_d.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) if ndc: rays_o, rays_d = ndc_rays(H, W, K[0][0], 1., rays_o, rays_d) return rays_o, rays_d, viewdirs @torch.no_grad() def get_training_rays(rgb_tr, train_poses, HW, Ks, ndc, inverse_y, flip_x, flip_y): print('get_training_rays: start') assert len(np.unique(HW, axis=0)) == 1 assert len(np.unique(Ks.reshape(len(Ks),-1), axis=0)) == 1 assert len(rgb_tr) == len(train_poses) and len(rgb_tr) == len(Ks) and len(rgb_tr) == len(HW) H, W = HW[0] K = Ks[0] eps_time = time.time() rays_o_tr = torch.zeros([len(rgb_tr), H, W, 3], device=rgb_tr.device) rays_d_tr = torch.zeros([len(rgb_tr), H, W, 3], device=rgb_tr.device) viewdirs_tr = torch.zeros([len(rgb_tr), H, W, 3], device=rgb_tr.device) imsz = [1] * len(rgb_tr) for i, c2w in enumerate(train_poses): rays_o, rays_d, viewdirs = get_rays_of_a_view( H=H, W=W, K=K, c2w=c2w, ndc=ndc, inverse_y=inverse_y, flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y) rays_o_tr[i].copy_( rays_d_tr[i].copy_( viewdirs_tr[i].copy_( del rays_o, rays_d, viewdirs eps_time = time.time() - eps_time print('get_training_rays: finish (eps time:', eps_time, 'sec)') return rgb_tr, rays_o_tr, rays_d_tr, viewdirs_tr, imsz @torch.no_grad() def get_training_rays_flatten(rgb_tr_ori, train_poses, HW, Ks, ndc, inverse_y, flip_x, flip_y): print('get_training_rays_flatten: start') assert len(rgb_tr_ori) == len(train_poses) and len(rgb_tr_ori) == len(Ks) and len(rgb_tr_ori) == len(HW) eps_time = time.time() DEVICE = rgb_tr_ori[0].device N = sum(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1] for im in rgb_tr_ori) rgb_tr = torch.zeros([N,3], device=DEVICE) rays_o_tr = torch.zeros_like(rgb_tr) rays_d_tr = torch.zeros_like(rgb_tr) viewdirs_tr = torch.zeros_like(rgb_tr) imsz = [] top = 0 for c2w, img, (H, W), K in zip(train_poses, rgb_tr_ori, HW, Ks): assert img.shape[:2] == (H, W) rays_o, rays_d, viewdirs = get_rays_of_a_view( H=H, W=W, K=K, c2w=c2w, ndc=ndc, inverse_y=inverse_y, flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y) n = H * W rgb_tr[top:top+n].copy_(img.flatten(0,1)) rays_o_tr[top:top+n].copy_(rays_o.flatten(0,1).to(DEVICE)) rays_d_tr[top:top+n].copy_(rays_d.flatten(0,1).to(DEVICE)) viewdirs_tr[top:top+n].copy_(viewdirs.flatten(0,1).to(DEVICE)) imsz.append(n) top += n assert top == N eps_time = time.time() - eps_time print('get_training_rays_flatten: finish (eps time:', eps_time, 'sec)') return rgb_tr, rays_o_tr, rays_d_tr, viewdirs_tr, imsz @torch.no_grad() def get_training_rays_in_maskcache_sampling(rgb_tr_ori, train_poses, HW, Ks, ndc, inverse_y, flip_x, flip_y, model, render_kwargs): print('get_training_rays_in_maskcache_sampling: start') assert len(rgb_tr_ori) == len(train_poses) and len(rgb_tr_ori) == len(Ks) and len(rgb_tr_ori) == len(HW) CHUNK = 64 DEVICE = rgb_tr_ori[0].device eps_time = time.time() N = sum(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1] for im in rgb_tr_ori) rgb_tr = torch.zeros([N,3], device=DEVICE) rays_o_tr = torch.zeros_like(rgb_tr) rays_d_tr = torch.zeros_like(rgb_tr) viewdirs_tr = torch.zeros_like(rgb_tr) imsz = [] top = 0 for c2w, img, (H, W), K in zip(train_poses, rgb_tr_ori, HW, Ks): assert img.shape[:2] == (H, W) rays_o, rays_d, viewdirs = get_rays_of_a_view( H=H, W=W, K=K, c2w=c2w, ndc=ndc, inverse_y=inverse_y, flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y) mask = torch.empty(img.shape[:2], device=DEVICE, dtype=torch.bool) for i in range(0, img.shape[0], CHUNK): mask[i:i+CHUNK] = model.hit_coarse_geo( rays_o=rays_o[i:i+CHUNK], rays_d=rays_d[i:i+CHUNK], **render_kwargs).to(DEVICE) n = mask.sum() rgb_tr[top:top+n].copy_(img[mask]) rays_o_tr[top:top+n].copy_(rays_o[mask].to(DEVICE)) rays_d_tr[top:top+n].copy_(rays_d[mask].to(DEVICE)) viewdirs_tr[top:top+n].copy_(viewdirs[mask].to(DEVICE)) imsz.append(n) top += n print('get_training_rays_in_maskcache_sampling: ratio', top / N) rgb_tr = rgb_tr[:top] rays_o_tr = rays_o_tr[:top] rays_d_tr = rays_d_tr[:top] viewdirs_tr = viewdirs_tr[:top] eps_time = time.time() - eps_time print('get_training_rays_in_maskcache_sampling: finish (eps time:', eps_time, 'sec)') return rgb_tr, rays_o_tr, rays_d_tr, viewdirs_tr, imsz def batch_indices_generator(N, BS): # torch.randperm on cuda produce incorrect results in my machine idx, top = torch.LongTensor(np.random.permutation(N)), 0 while True: if top + BS > N: idx, top = torch.LongTensor(np.random.permutation(N)), 0 yield idx[top:top+BS] top += BS