import cv2 import numpy as np import os import torch from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize from facexlib.detection import init_detection_model from facexlib.parsing import init_parsing_model from facexlib.utils.misc import img2tensor, imwrite from .file import load_file_from_url def get_largest_face(det_faces, h, w): def get_location(val, length): if val < 0: return 0 elif val > length: return length else: return val face_areas = [] for det_face in det_faces: left = get_location(det_face[0], w) right = get_location(det_face[2], w) top = get_location(det_face[1], h) bottom = get_location(det_face[3], h) face_area = (right - left) * (bottom - top) face_areas.append(face_area) largest_idx = face_areas.index(max(face_areas)) return det_faces[largest_idx], largest_idx def get_center_face(det_faces, h=0, w=0, center=None): if center is not None: center = np.array(center) else: center = np.array([w / 2, h / 2]) center_dist = [] for det_face in det_faces: face_center = np.array([(det_face[0] + det_face[2]) / 2, (det_face[1] + det_face[3]) / 2]) dist = np.linalg.norm(face_center - center) center_dist.append(dist) center_idx = center_dist.index(min(center_dist)) return det_faces[center_idx], center_idx class FaceRestoreHelper(object): """面部修复管道的辅助工具(基类)。""" def __init__(self, upscale_factor, face_size=512, crop_ratio=(1, 1), det_model='retinaface_resnet50', save_ext='png', template_3points=False, pad_blur=False, use_parse=False, device=None): self.template_3points = template_3points # 提高鲁棒性 self.upscale_factor = int(upscale_factor) # 基于方形脸的裁剪脸部比例 self.crop_ratio = crop_ratio # (h, w) assert (self.crop_ratio[0] >= 1 and self.crop_ratio[1] >= 1), 'crop ration only supports >=1' self.face_size = (int(face_size * self.crop_ratio[1]), int(face_size * self.crop_ratio[0])) self.det_model = det_model if self.det_model == 'dlib': # 标准 5 个标定,用于 1024 x 1024 的 FFHQ 人脸 self.face_template = np.array([[686.77227723, 488.62376238], [586.77227723, 493.59405941], [337.91089109, 488.38613861], [437.95049505, 493.51485149], [513.58415842, 678.5049505]]) self.face_template = self.face_template / (1024 // face_size) elif self.template_3points: self.face_template = np.array([[192, 240], [319, 240], [257, 371]]) else: # 标准 5 个标定,用于 512 x 512 的 FFHQ 人脸 # facexlib self.face_template = np.array([[192.98138, 239.94708], [318.90277, 240.1936], [256.63416, 314.01935], [201.26117, 371.41043], [313.08905, 371.15118]]) # dlib: left_eye: 36:41 right_eye: 42:47 nose: 30,32,33,34 left mouth corner: 48 right mouth corner: 54 # self.face_template = np.array([[193.65928, 242.98541], [318.32558, 243.06108], [255.67984, 328.82894], # [198.22603, 372.82502], [313.91018, 372.75659]]) self.face_template = self.face_template * (face_size / 512.0) if self.crop_ratio[0] > 1: self.face_template[:, 1] += face_size * (self.crop_ratio[0] - 1) / 2 if self.crop_ratio[1] > 1: self.face_template[:, 0] += face_size * (self.crop_ratio[1] - 1) / 2 self.save_ext = save_ext self.pad_blur = pad_blur if self.pad_blur is True: self.template_3points = False self.all_landmarks_5 = [] self.det_faces = [] self.affine_matrices = [] self.inverse_affine_matrices = [] self.cropped_faces = [] self.restored_faces = [] self.pad_input_imgs = [] if device is None: self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # self.device = get_device() else: self.device = device # 启动人脸检测模型 self.face_detector = init_detection_model(det_model, half=False, device=self.device) # 启动人脸识别模型 self.use_parse = use_parse self.face_parse = init_parsing_model(model_name='parsenet', device=self.device) def set_upscale_factor(self, upscale_factor): self.upscale_factor = upscale_factor def read_image(self, img): """img can be image path or cv2 loaded image.""" # self.input_img is Numpy array, (h, w, c), BGR, uint8, [0, 255] if isinstance(img, str): img = cv2.imread(img) if np.max(img) > 256: # 16-bit 图 img = img / 65535 * 255 if len(img.shape) == 2: # 灰度图 img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) elif img.shape[2] == 4: # BGRA 图像(包含 Alpha 通道) img = img[:, :, 0:3] self.input_img = img # self.is_gray = is_gray(img, threshold=10) # if self.is_gray: # print('Grayscale input: True') if min(self.input_img.shape[:2]) < 512: f = 512.0 / min(self.input_img.shape[:2]) self.input_img = cv2.resize(self.input_img, (0, 0), fx=f, fy=f, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) def init_dlib(self, detection_path, landmark5_path): """初始化 dlib 检测器和预测器。""" try: import dlib except ImportError: print('请运行以下命令安装 dlib:' 'conda install -c conda-forge dlib') detection_path = load_file_from_url(url=detection_path, model_dir='weights/dlib', progress=True, file_name=None) landmark5_path = load_file_from_url(url=landmark5_path, model_dir='weights/dlib', progress=True, file_name=None) face_detector = dlib.cnn_face_detection_model_v1(detection_path) shape_predictor_5 = dlib.shape_predictor(landmark5_path) return face_detector, shape_predictor_5 def get_face_landmarks_5_dlib(self, only_keep_largest=False, scale=1): det_faces = self.face_detector(self.input_img, scale) if len(det_faces) == 0: print('未检测到人脸。尝试增加 upsample_num_times。') return 0 else: if only_keep_largest: print('检测多个面孔,只保留最大的一个。') face_areas = [] for i in range(len(det_faces)): face_area = (det_faces[i].rect.right() - det_faces[i].rect.left()) * ( det_faces[i].rect.bottom() - det_faces[i] face_areas.append(face_area) largest_idx = face_areas.index(max(face_areas)) self.det_faces = [det_faces[largest_idx]] else: self.det_faces = det_faces if len(self.det_faces) == 0: return 0 for face in self.det_faces: shape = self.shape_predictor_5(self.input_img, face.rect) landmark = np.array([[part.x, part.y] for part in]) self.all_landmarks_5.append(landmark) return len(self.all_landmarks_5) def get_face_landmarks_5(self, only_keep_largest=False, only_center_face=False, resize=None, blur_ratio=0.01, eye_dist_threshold=None): if self.det_model == 'dlib': return self.get_face_landmarks_5_dlib(only_keep_largest) if resize is None: scale = 1 input_img = self.input_img else: h, w = self.input_img.shape[0:2] scale = resize / min(h, w) scale = max(1, scale) # 始终扩大规模 h, w = int(h * scale), int(w * scale) interp = cv2.INTER_AREA if scale < 1 else cv2.INTER_LINEAR input_img = cv2.resize(self.input_img, (w, h), interpolation=interp) with torch.no_grad(): bboxes = self.face_detector.detect_faces(input_img) if bboxes is None or bboxes.shape[0] == 0: return 0 else: bboxes = bboxes / scale for bbox in bboxes: # 移除眼距过小的面孔:侧脸或过小的面孔 eye_dist = np.linalg.norm([bbox[6] - bbox[8], bbox[7] - bbox[9]]) if eye_dist_threshold is not None and (eye_dist < eye_dist_threshold): continue if self.template_3points: landmark = np.array([[bbox[i], bbox[i + 1]] for i in range(5, 11, 2)]) else: landmark = np.array([[bbox[i], bbox[i + 1]] for i in range(5, 15, 2)]) self.all_landmarks_5.append(landmark) self.det_faces.append(bbox[0:5]) if len(self.det_faces) == 0: return 0 if only_keep_largest: h, w, _ = self.input_img.shape self.det_faces, largest_idx = get_largest_face(self.det_faces, h, w) self.all_landmarks_5 = [self.all_landmarks_5[largest_idx]] elif only_center_face: h, w, _ = self.input_img.shape self.det_faces, center_idx = get_center_face(self.det_faces, h, w) self.all_landmarks_5 = [self.all_landmarks_5[center_idx]] # 图像模糊 if self.pad_blur: self.pad_input_imgs = [] for landmarks in self.all_landmarks_5: # 获取地标 eye_left = landmarks[0, :] eye_right = landmarks[1, :] eye_avg = (eye_left + eye_right) * 0.5 mouth_avg = (landmarks[3, :] + landmarks[4, :]) * 0.5 eye_to_eye = eye_right - eye_left eye_to_mouth = mouth_avg - eye_avg # 获取定向裁剪矩形 # x: 定向裁剪矩形的一半宽度 x = eye_to_eye - np.flipud(eye_to_mouth) * [-1, 1] # - np.flipud(eye_to_mouth) * [-1, 1]: 顺时针旋转 90 # norm with the hypotenuse: 得到方向 x /= np.hypot(*x) # 求直角三角形的斜边 rect_scale = 1.5 x *= max(np.hypot(*eye_to_eye) * 2.0 * rect_scale, np.hypot(*eye_to_mouth) * 1.8 * rect_scale) # y: 定向裁剪矩形的半高 y = np.flipud(x) * [-1, 1] # c: 中心 c = eye_avg + eye_to_mouth * 0.1 # quad: (left_top, left_bottom, right_bottom, right_top) quad = np.stack([c - x - y, c - x + y, c + x + y, c + x - y]) # qsize: 正方形边长 qsize = np.hypot(*x) * 2 border = max(int(np.rint(qsize * 0.1)), 3) # 获取垫子 # pad: (width_left, height_top, width_right, height_bottom) pad = (int(np.floor(min(quad[:, 0]))), int(np.floor(min(quad[:, 1]))), int(np.ceil(max(quad[:, 0]))), int(np.ceil(max(quad[:, 1])))) pad = [ max(-pad[0] + border, 1), max(-pad[1] + border, 1), max(pad[2] - self.input_img.shape[0] + border, 1), max(pad[3] - self.input_img.shape[1] + border, 1) ] if max(pad) > 1: # 垫图像 pad_img = np.pad(self.input_img, ((pad[1], pad[3]), (pad[0], pad[2]), (0, 0)), 'reflect') # 修改地标坐标 landmarks[:, 0] += pad[0] landmarks[:, 1] += pad[1] # 模糊垫图像 h, w, _ = pad_img.shape y, x, _ = np.ogrid[:h, :w, :1] mask = np.maximum(1.0 - np.minimum(np.float32(x) / pad[0], np.float32(w - 1 - x) / pad[2]), 1.0 - np.minimum(np.float32(y) / pad[1], np.float32(h - 1 - y) / pad[3])) blur = int(qsize * blur_ratio) if blur % 2 == 0: blur += 1 blur_img = cv2.boxFilter(pad_img, 0, ksize=(blur, blur)) # blur_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(pad_img, (blur, blur), 0) pad_img = pad_img.astype('float32') pad_img += (blur_img - pad_img) * np.clip(mask * 3.0 + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) pad_img += (np.median(pad_img, axis=(0, 1)) - pad_img) * np.clip(mask, 0.0, 1.0) pad_img = np.clip(pad_img, 0, 255) # float32, [0, 255] self.pad_input_imgs.append(pad_img) else: self.pad_input_imgs.append(np.copy(self.input_img)) return len(self.all_landmarks_5) def align_warp_face(self, save_cropped_path=None, border_mode='constant'): """ 用面模板对齐和翘曲面。 """ if self.pad_blur: assert len(self.pad_input_imgs) == len( self.all_landmarks_5), f'样子不匹配: {len(self.pad_input_imgs)} 和 {len(self.all_landmarks_5)}' for idx, landmark in enumerate(self.all_landmarks_5): # 使用 5 个地标获取仿射矩阵 # 使用 cv2.LMEDS 方法实现与 skimage 变换的等价性 # ref: affine_matrix = cv2.estimateAffinePartial2D(landmark, self.face_template, method=cv2.LMEDS)[0] self.affine_matrices.append(affine_matrix) # 扭曲和裁剪面孔 if border_mode == 'constant': border_mode = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT elif border_mode == 'reflect101': border_mode = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT101 elif border_mode == 'reflect': border_mode = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT if self.pad_blur: input_img = self.pad_input_imgs[idx] else: input_img = self.input_img cropped_face = cv2.warpAffine( input_img, affine_matrix, self.face_size, borderMode=border_mode, borderValue=(135, 133, 132)) # gray self.cropped_faces.append(cropped_face) # 救救被剪掉的脸 if save_cropped_path is not None: path = os.path.splitext(save_cropped_path)[0] save_path = f'{path}_{idx:02d}.{self.save_ext}' imwrite(cropped_face, save_path) def get_inverse_affine(self, save_inverse_affine_path=None): """获取反仿射矩阵""" for idx, affine_matrix in enumerate(self.affine_matrices): inverse_affine = cv2.invertAffineTransform(affine_matrix) inverse_affine *= self.upscale_factor self.inverse_affine_matrices.append(inverse_affine) # 保存反仿射矩阵 if save_inverse_affine_path is not None: path, _ = os.path.splitext(save_inverse_affine_path) save_path = f'{path}_{idx:02d}.pth', save_path) def add_restored_face(self, restored_face, input_face=None): # if self.is_gray: # restored_face = bgr2gray(restored_face) # convert img into grayscale # if input_face is not None: # restored_face = adain_npy(restored_face, input_face) # transfer the color self.restored_faces.append(restored_face) def paste_faces_to_input_image(self, save_path=None, upsample_img=None, draw_box=False, face_upsampler=None): h, w, _ = self.input_img.shape h_up, w_up = int(h * self.upscale_factor), int(w * self.upscale_factor) if upsample_img is None: # 只需调整背景大小 # upsample_img = cv2.resize(self.input_img, (w_up, h_up), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) upsample_img = cv2.resize(self.input_img, (w_up, h_up), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) else: upsample_img = cv2.resize(upsample_img, (w_up, h_up), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) assert len(self.restored_faces) == len( self.inverse_affine_matrices), ('restored_faces 和 affine_matrices 的长度不同。') inv_mask_borders = [] for restored_face, inverse_affine in zip(self.restored_faces, self.inverse_affine_matrices): if face_upsampler is not None: restored_face = face_upsampler.enhance(restored_face, outscale=self.upscale_factor)[0] inverse_affine /= self.upscale_factor inverse_affine[:, 2] *= self.upscale_factor face_size = (self.face_size[0] * self.upscale_factor, self.face_size[1] * self.upscale_factor) else: # 为反仿射矩阵添加偏移量,以实现更精确的背面对齐 if self.upscale_factor > 1: extra_offset = 0.5 * self.upscale_factor else: extra_offset = 0 inverse_affine[:, 2] += extra_offset face_size = self.face_size inv_restored = cv2.warpAffine(restored_face, inverse_affine, (w_up, h_up)) # if draw_box or not self.use_parse: # 使用方形解析图 # mask = np.ones(face_size, dtype=np.float32) # inv_mask = cv2.warpAffine(mask, inverse_affine, (w_up, h_up)) # # 去除黑色边框 # inv_mask_erosion = cv2.erode( # inv_mask, np.ones((int(2 * self.upscale_factor), int(2 * self.upscale_factor)), np.uint8)) # pasted_face = inv_mask_erosion[:, :, None] * inv_restored # total_face_area = np.sum(inv_mask_erosion) # // 3 # # 添加边框 # if draw_box: # h, w = face_size # mask_border = np.ones((h, w, 3), dtype=np.float32) # border = int(1400/np.sqrt(total_face_area)) # mask_border[border:h-border, border:w-border,:] = 0 # inv_mask_border = cv2.warpAffine(mask_border, inverse_affine, (w_up, h_up)) # inv_mask_borders.append(inv_mask_border) # if not self.use_parse: # # 根据人脸区域计算融合边缘 # w_edge = int(total_face_area**0.5) // 20 # erosion_radius = w_edge * 2 # inv_mask_center = cv2.erode(inv_mask_erosion, np.ones((erosion_radius, erosion_radius), np.uint8)) # blur_size = w_edge * 2 # inv_soft_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(inv_mask_center, (blur_size + 1, blur_size + 1), 0) # if len(upsample_img.shape) == 2: # upsample_img 为灰色图像 # upsample_img = upsample_img[:, :, None] # inv_soft_mask = inv_soft_mask[:, :, None] # 始终使用方形遮罩 mask = np.ones(face_size, dtype=np.float32) inv_mask = cv2.warpAffine(mask, inverse_affine, (w_up, h_up)) # 去除黑色边框 inv_mask_erosion = cv2.erode( inv_mask, np.ones((int(2 * self.upscale_factor), int(2 * self.upscale_factor)), np.uint8)) pasted_face = inv_mask_erosion[:, :, None] * inv_restored total_face_area = np.sum(inv_mask_erosion) # // 3 # 添加边框 if draw_box: h, w = face_size mask_border = np.ones((h, w, 3), dtype=np.float32) border = int(1400 / np.sqrt(total_face_area)) mask_border[border:h - border, border:w - border, :] = 0 inv_mask_border = cv2.warpAffine(mask_border, inverse_affine, (w_up, h_up)) inv_mask_borders.append(inv_mask_border) # 根据人脸区域计算融合边缘 w_edge = int(total_face_area ** 0.5) // 20 erosion_radius = w_edge * 2 inv_mask_center = cv2.erode(inv_mask_erosion, np.ones((erosion_radius, erosion_radius), np.uint8)) blur_size = w_edge * 2 inv_soft_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(inv_mask_center, (blur_size + 1, blur_size + 1), 0) if len(upsample_img.shape) == 2: # upsample_img 为灰色图像 upsample_img = upsample_img[:, :, None] inv_soft_mask = inv_soft_mask[:, :, None] # 解析遮罩 if self.use_parse: # 推论 face_input = cv2.resize(restored_face, (512, 512), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) face_input = img2tensor(face_input.astype('float32') / 255., bgr2rgb=True, float32=True) normalize(face_input, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), inplace=True) face_input = torch.unsqueeze(face_input, 0).to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): out = self.face_parse(face_input)[0] out = out.argmax(dim=1).squeeze().cpu().numpy() parse_mask = np.zeros(out.shape) MASK_COLORMAP = [0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0] for idx, color in enumerate(MASK_COLORMAP): parse_mask[out == idx] = color # 模糊遮罩 parse_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(parse_mask, (101, 101), 11) parse_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(parse_mask, (101, 101), 11) # 去除黑色边框 thres = 10 parse_mask[:thres, :] = 0 parse_mask[-thres:, :] = 0 parse_mask[:, :thres] = 0 parse_mask[:, -thres:] = 0 parse_mask = parse_mask / 255. parse_mask = cv2.resize(parse_mask, face_size) parse_mask = cv2.warpAffine(parse_mask, inverse_affine, (w_up, h_up), flags=3) inv_soft_parse_mask = parse_mask[:, :, None] # pasted_face = inv_restored fuse_mask = (inv_soft_parse_mask < inv_soft_mask).astype('int') inv_soft_mask = inv_soft_parse_mask * fuse_mask + inv_soft_mask * (1 - fuse_mask) if len(upsample_img.shape) == 3 and upsample_img.shape[2] == 4: # alpha 通道 alpha = upsample_img[:, :, 3:] upsample_img = inv_soft_mask * pasted_face + (1 - inv_soft_mask) * upsample_img[:, :, 0:3] upsample_img = np.concatenate((upsample_img, alpha), axis=2) else: upsample_img = inv_soft_mask * pasted_face + (1 - inv_soft_mask) * upsample_img if np.max(upsample_img) > 256: # 16-bit 图像 upsample_img = upsample_img.astype(np.uint16) else: upsample_img = upsample_img.astype(np.uint8) # 绘制边界框 if draw_box: # upsample_input_img = cv2.resize(input_img, (w_up, h_up)) img_color = np.ones([*upsample_img.shape], dtype=np.float32) img_color[:, :, 0] = 0 img_color[:, :, 1] = 255 img_color[:, :, 2] = 0 for inv_mask_border in inv_mask_borders: upsample_img = inv_mask_border * img_color + (1 - inv_mask_border) * upsample_img # upsample_input_img = inv_mask_border * img_color + (1 - inv_mask_border) * upsample_input_img if save_path is not None: path = os.path.splitext(save_path)[0] save_path = f'{path}.{self.save_ext}' imwrite(upsample_img, save_path) return upsample_img def clean_all(self): self.all_landmarks_5 = [] self.restored_faces = [] self.affine_matrices = [] self.cropped_faces = [] self.inverse_affine_matrices = [] self.det_faces = [] self.pad_input_imgs = []