<script context="module" lang="ts"> |
import { writable } from "svelte/store"; |
import { mount_css } from "@gradio/core"; |
import type { Client as ClientType } from "@gradio/client"; |
import type { ComponentMeta, Dependency, LayoutNode } from "@gradio/core"; |
declare let GRADIO_VERSION: string; |
declare let BUILD_MODE: string; |
interface Config { |
auth_required?: true; |
auth_message: string; |
components: ComponentMeta[]; |
css: string | null; |
js: string | null; |
head: string | null; |
dependencies: Dependency[]; |
dev_mode: boolean; |
enable_queue: boolean; |
layout: LayoutNode; |
mode: "blocks" | "interface"; |
root: string; |
theme: string; |
title: string; |
version: string; |
space_id: string | null; |
is_colab: boolean; |
show_api: boolean; |
stylesheets?: string[]; |
path: string; |
app_id?: string; |
fill_height?: boolean; |
fill_width?: boolean; |
theme_hash?: number; |
username: string | null; |
} |
let id = -1; |
function create_intersection_store(): { |
register: (n: number, el: HTMLDivElement) => void; |
subscribe: (typeof intersecting)["subscribe"]; |
} { |
const intersecting = writable<Record<string, boolean>>({}); |
const els = new Map<HTMLDivElement, number>(); |
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { |
entries.forEach((entry) => { |
if (entry.isIntersecting) { |
let _el: number | undefined = els.get(entry.target as HTMLDivElement); |
if (_el !== undefined) |
intersecting.update((s) => ({ ...s, [_el as number]: true })); |
} |
}); |
}); |
function register(_id: number, el: HTMLDivElement): void { |
els.set(el, _id); |
observer.observe(el); |
} |
return { register, subscribe: intersecting.subscribe }; |
} |
</script> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { onMount, createEventDispatcher, onDestroy } from "svelte"; |
import type { SpaceStatus } from "@gradio/client"; |
import { Embed } from "@gradio/core"; |
import type { ThemeMode } from "@gradio/core"; |
import { StatusTracker } from "@gradio/statustracker"; |
import { _ } from "svelte-i18n"; |
import { setupi18n } from "@gradio/core"; |
import { Client } from "@gradio/client"; |
import { page } from "$app/stores"; |
import { init } from "@huggingface/space-header"; |
import { browser } from "$app/environment"; |
setupi18n(); |
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); |
export let data; |
export let autoscroll = false; |
export let version = GRADIO_VERSION; |
export let initial_height: string; |
export let app_mode = true; |
export let is_embed = false; |
export let theme_mode: ThemeMode | null = "system"; |
export let control_page_title = true; |
export let container: boolean; |
let stream: EventSource; |
// These utilities are exported to be injectable for the Wasm version. |
// export let Client: typeof ClientType; |
export let space: string | null; |
// export let host: string | null; |
// export let src: string | null; |
let _id = id++; |
let loader_status: "pending" | "error" | "complete" | "generating" = |
"complete"; |
let app_id: string | null = null; |
let wrapper: HTMLDivElement; |
let ready = false; |
let render_complete = false; |
$: config = data.config; |
let loading_text = $_("common.loading") + "..."; |
let active_theme_mode: ThemeMode; |
let intersecting: ReturnType<typeof create_intersection_store> = { |
register: () => {}, |
subscribe: writable({}).subscribe |
}; |
$: if (config?.app_id) { |
app_id = config.app_id; |
} |
let status: SpaceStatus = { |
message: "", |
load_status: "pending", |
status: "sleeping", |
detail: "SLEEPING" |
}; |
let app: ClientType = data.app; |
let css_ready = false; |
function handle_status(_status: SpaceStatus): void { |
status = _status; |
} |
//@ts-ignore |
let gradio_dev_mode = ""; |
onMount(async () => { |
// active_theme_mode = handle_theme_mode(wrapper); |
//@ts-ignore |
config = data.config; |
window.gradio_config = config; |
window.gradio_config = data.config; |
config = data.config; |
if (!app.config) { |
throw new Error("Could not resolve app config"); |
} |
window.__gradio_space__ = config.space_id; |
gradio_dev_mode = window?.__GRADIO_DEV__; |
status = { |
message: "", |
load_status: "complete", |
status: "running", |
detail: "RUNNING" |
}; |
css_ready = true; |
window.__is_colab__ = config.is_colab; |
dispatch("loaded"); |
if (config.dev_mode) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
const { host } = new URL(data.api_url); |
let url = new URL(`http://${host}${app.api_prefix}/dev/reload`); |
stream = new EventSource(url); |
stream.addEventListener("error", async (e) => { |
new_message_fn("Error reloading app", "error"); |
// @ts-ignore |
console.error(JSON.parse(e.data)); |
}); |
stream.addEventListener("reload", async (event) => { |
app.close(); |
app = await Client.connect(data.api_url, { |
status_callback: handle_status, |
with_null_state: true, |
events: ["data", "log", "status", "render"] |
}); |
if (!app.config) { |
throw new Error("Could not resolve app config"); |
} |
config = app.config; |
window.__gradio_space__ = config.space_id; |
}); |
}, 200); |
} |
}); |
let new_message_fn: (message: string, type: string) => void; |
onMount(async () => { |
intersecting = create_intersection_store(); |
intersecting.register(_id, wrapper); |
}); |
$: if (render_complete) { |
wrapper.dispatchEvent( |
new CustomEvent("render", { |
bubbles: true, |
cancelable: false, |
composed: true |
}) |
); |
} |
$: app?.config && |
browser && |
mount_space_header(app?.config?.space_id, is_embed); |
let spaceheader: HTMLElement | undefined; |
async function mount_space_header( |
space_id: string | null | undefined, |
is_embed: boolean |
): Promise<void> { |
if (space_id && !is_embed && window.self === window.top) { |
if (spaceheader) { |
spaceheader.remove(); |
spaceheader = undefined; |
} |
const header = await init(space_id); |
if (header) spaceheader = header.element; |
} |
} |
onDestroy(() => { |
spaceheader?.remove(); |
}); |
// function handle_theme_mode(target: HTMLDivElement): "light" | "dark" { |
// let new_theme_mode: ThemeMode; |
// const url = new URL(window.location.toString()); |
// const url_color_mode: ThemeMode | null = url.searchParams.get( |
// "__theme" |
// ) as ThemeMode | null; |
// new_theme_mode = theme_mode || url_color_mode || "system"; |
// if (new_theme_mode === "dark" || new_theme_mode === "light") { |
// apply_theme(target, new_theme_mode); |
// } else { |
// new_theme_mode = sync_system_theme(target); |
// } |
// return new_theme_mode; |
// } |
// function sync_system_theme(target: HTMLDivElement): "light" | "dark" { |
// const theme = update_scheme(); |
// window |
// ?.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)") |
// ?.addEventListener("change", update_scheme); |
// function update_scheme(): "light" | "dark" { |
// let _theme: "light" | "dark" = window?.matchMedia?.( |
// "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" |
// ).matches |
// ? "dark" |
// : "light"; |
// apply_theme(target, _theme); |
// return _theme; |
// } |
// return theme; |
// } |
// function apply_theme(target: HTMLDivElement, theme: "dark" | "light"): void { |
// const dark_class_element = is_embed ? target.parentElement! : document.body; |
// const bg_element = is_embed ? target : target.parentElement!; |
// bg_element.style.background = "var(--body-background-fill)"; |
// if (theme === "dark") { |
// dark_class_element.classList.add("dark"); |
// } else { |
// dark_class_element.classList.remove("dark"); |
// } |
// } |
</script> |
<svelte:head> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href={"./theme.css?v=" + config?.theme_hash} /> |
{#if config.head} |
{@html config.head} |
{/if} |
</svelte:head> |
<Embed |
display={container && is_embed} |
{is_embed} |
info={false} |
{version} |
{initial_height} |
{space} |
loaded={loader_status === "complete"} |
fill_width={config?.fill_width || false} |
bind:wrapper |
> |
{#if config?.auth_required} |
<svelte:component |
this={data.Render} |
auth_message={config.auth_message} |
root={config.root} |
space_id={space} |
{app_mode} |
/> |
{:else if config && app} |
<svelte:component |
this={data.Render} |
{app} |
{...config} |
fill_height={!is_embed && config.fill_height} |
theme_mode={active_theme_mode} |
{control_page_title} |
target={wrapper} |
{autoscroll} |
bind:ready |
bind:render_complete |
bind:add_new_message={new_message_fn} |
show_footer={!is_embed} |
{app_mode} |
{version} |
search_params={$page.url.searchParams} |
initial_layout={data.layout} |
/> |
{/if} |
</Embed> |
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.error { |
position: relative; |
padding: var(--size-4); |
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a { |
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