# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # CellViT Inference Method for Patch-Wise Inference on MoNuSeg dataset # # @ Fabian Hörst, fabian.hoerst@uk-essen.de # Institute for Artifical Intelligence in Medicine, # University Medicine Essen import argparse import inspect import os import sys currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir) sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) parentdir = os.path.dirname(parentdir) sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) from base_ml.base_experiment import BaseExperiment BaseExperiment.seed_run(1232) from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Union, Tuple import albumentations as A import cv2 as cv2 import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import tqdm from einops import rearrange from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from skimage.color import rgba2rgb from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from torchmetrics.functional import dice from torchmetrics.functional.classification import binary_jaccard_index from torchvision import transforms from cell_segmentation.datasets.monuseg import MoNuSegDataset from cell_segmentation.inference.cell_detection import ( CellPostProcessor, get_cell_position, get_cell_position_marging, get_edge_patch, ) from cell_segmentation.utils.metrics import ( cell_detection_scores, get_fast_pq, remap_label, ) from cell_segmentation.utils.post_proc_cellvit import calculate_instances from cell_segmentation.utils.tools import pair_coordinates from models.segmentation.cell_segmentation.cellvit import CellViT from utils.logger import Logger from utils.tools import unflatten_dict class MoNuSegInference: def __init__( self, model_path: Union[Path, str], dataset_path: Union[Path, str], outdir: Union[Path, str], gpu: int, patching: bool = False, overlap: int = 0, magnification: int = 40, ) -> None: """Cell Segmentation Inference class for MoNuSeg dataset Args: model_path (Union[Path, str]): Path to model checkpoint dataset_path (Union[Path, str]): Path to dataset outdir (Union[Path, str]): Output directory gpu (int): CUDA GPU id to use patching (bool, optional): If dataset should be pacthed to 256px. Defaults to False. overlap (int, optional): If overlap should be used. Recommed (next to no overlap) is 64 px. Overlap in px. If overlap is used, patching must be True. Defaults to 0. magnification (int, optional): Dataset magnification. Defaults to 40. """ self.model_path = Path(model_path) self.device = "cpu" self.magnification = magnification self.overlap = overlap self.patching = patching if overlap > 0: assert patching, "Patching must be activated" # self.__instantiate_logger() self.__load_model() # self.__load_inference_transforms() self.__setup_amp() def __instantiate_logger(self) -> None: """Instantiate logger Logger is using no formatters. Logs are stored in the run directory under the filename: inference.log """ logger = Logger( level="INFO", log_dir=self.outdir, comment="inference_monuseg", use_timestamp=False, formatter="%(message)s", ) self.logger = logger.create_logger() def __load_model(self) -> None: """Load model and checkpoint and load the state_dict""" model_checkpoint = torch.load(self.model_path, map_location="cpu") # unpack checkpoint self.run_conf = unflatten_dict(model_checkpoint["config"], ".") self.model = self.__get_model(model_type=model_checkpoint["arch"]) self.model.load_state_dict(model_checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) self.model.eval() self.model.to(self.device) def __get_model( self, model_type: str ) -> Union[ CellViT, ]: """Return the trained model for inference Args: model_type (str): Name of the model. Must either be one of: CellViT, CellViTShared, CellViT256, CellViT256Shared, CellViTSAM, CellViTSAMShared Returns: Union[CellViT, CellViTShared, CellViT256, CellViTShared, CellViTSAM, CellViTSAMShared]: Model """ implemented_models = [ "CellViT", ] if model_type not in implemented_models: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown model type. Please select one of {implemented_models}" ) if model_type in ["CellViT", "CellViTShared"]: if model_type == "CellViT": model_class = CellViT model = model_class( model256_path=self.run_conf["model"].get("pretrained_encoder"), num_nuclei_classes=self.run_conf["data"]["num_nuclei_classes"], num_tissue_classes=self.run_conf["data"]["num_tissue_classes"], #embed_dim=self.run_conf["model"]["embed_dim"], in_channels=self.run_conf["model"].get("input_channels", 3), #depth=self.run_conf["model"]["depth"], #num_heads=self.run_conf["model"]["num_heads"], #extract_layers=self.run_conf["model"]["extract_layers"], #regression_loss=self.run_conf["model"].get("regression_loss", False), ) return model def __load_inference_transforms(self) -> None: """Load the inference transformations from the run_configuration""" self.logger.info("Loading inference transformations") transform_settings = self.run_conf["transformations"] if "normalize" in transform_settings: mean = transform_settings["normalize"].get("mean", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) std = transform_settings["normalize"].get("std", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) else: mean = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) std = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) self.inference_transforms = A.Compose([A.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std)]) def __setup_amp(self) -> None: """Setup automated mixed precision (amp) for inference.""" self.mixed_precision = self.run_conf["training"].get("mixed_precision", False) def run_inference(self, generate_plots: bool = False) -> None: """Run inference Args: generate_plots (bool, optional): If plots should be generated. Defaults to False. """ self.model.eval() # setup score tracker image_names = [] # image names as str binary_dice_scores = [] # binary dice scores per image binary_jaccard_scores = [] # binary jaccard scores per image pq_scores = [] # pq-scores per image dq_scores = [] # dq-scores per image sq_scores = [] # sq-scores per image f1_ds = [] # f1-scores per image prec_ds = [] # precision per image rec_ds = [] # recall per image inference_loop = tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(self.inference_dataloader), total=len(self.inference_dataloader) ) with torch.no_grad(): for image_idx, batch in inference_loop: image_metrics = self.inference_step( model=self.model, batch=batch, generate_plots=generate_plots ) image_names.append(image_metrics["image_name"]) binary_dice_scores.append(image_metrics["binary_dice_score"]) binary_jaccard_scores.append(image_metrics["binary_jaccard_score"]) pq_scores.append(image_metrics["pq_score"]) dq_scores.append(image_metrics["dq_score"]) sq_scores.append(image_metrics["sq_score"]) f1_ds.append(image_metrics["f1_d"]) prec_ds.append(image_metrics["prec_d"]) rec_ds.append(image_metrics["rec_d"]) # average metrics for dataset binary_dice_scores = np.array(binary_dice_scores) binary_jaccard_scores = np.array(binary_jaccard_scores) pq_scores = np.array(pq_scores) dq_scores = np.array(dq_scores) sq_scores = np.array(sq_scores) f1_ds = np.array(f1_ds) prec_ds = np.array(prec_ds) rec_ds = np.array(rec_ds) dataset_metrics = { "Binary-Cell-Dice-Mean": float(np.nanmean(binary_dice_scores)), "Binary-Cell-Jacard-Mean": float(np.nanmean(binary_jaccard_scores)), "bPQ": float(np.nanmean(pq_scores)), "bDQ": float(np.nanmean(dq_scores)), "bSQ": float(np.nanmean(sq_scores)), "f1_detection": float(np.nanmean(f1_ds)), "precision_detection": float(np.nanmean(prec_ds)), "recall_detection": float(np.nanmean(rec_ds)), } self.logger.info(f"{20*'*'} Binary Dataset metrics {20*'*'}") [self.logger.info(f"{f'{k}:': <25} {v}") for k, v in dataset_metrics.items()] def inference_step( self, model: nn.Module, batch: object, generate_plots: bool = False ) -> dict: """Inference step Args: model (nn.Module): Training model, must return "nuclei_binary_map", "nuclei_type_map", "tissue_type" and "hv_map" batch (object): Training batch, consisting of images ([0]), masks ([1]), tissue_types ([2]) and figure filenames ([3]) generate_plots (bool, optional): If plots should be generated. Defaults to False. Returns: Dict: Image_metrics with keys: """ img = batch[0].to(self.device) if len(img.shape) > 4: img = img[0] img = rearrange(img, "c i j w h -> (i j) c w h") mask = batch[1] image_name = list(batch[2]) mask["instance_types"] = calculate_instances( torch.unsqueeze(mask["nuclei_binary_map"], dim=0), mask["instance_map"] ) model.zero_grad() if self.mixed_precision: with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.float16): predictions_ = model.forward(img) else: predictions_ = model.forward(img) if self.overlap == 0: if self.patching: predictions_ = self.post_process_patching(predictions_) predictions = self.get_cell_predictions(predictions_) image_metrics = self.calculate_step_metric( predictions=predictions, gt=mask, image_name=image_name ) elif self.patching and self.overlap != 0: cell_list = self.post_process_patching_overlap( predictions_, overlap=self.overlap ) image_metrics, predictions = self.calculate_step_metric_overlap( cell_list=cell_list, gt=mask, image_name=image_name ) scores = [ float(image_metrics["binary_dice_score"].detach().cpu()), float(image_metrics["binary_jaccard_score"].detach().cpu()), image_metrics["pq_score"], ] if generate_plots: if self.overlap == 0 and self.patching: batch_size = img.shape[0] num_elems = int(np.sqrt(batch_size)) img = torch.permute(img, (0, 2, 3, 1)) img = rearrange( img, "(i j) h w c -> (i h) (j w) c", i=num_elems, j=num_elems ) img = torch.unsqueeze(img, dim=0) img = torch.permute(img, (0, 3, 1, 2)) elif self.overlap != 0 and self.patching: h, w = mask["nuclei_binary_map"].shape[1:] total_img = torch.zeros((3, h, w)) decomposed_patch_num = int(np.sqrt(img.shape[0])) for i in range(decomposed_patch_num): for j in range(decomposed_patch_num): x_global = i * 256 - i * self.overlap y_global = j * 256 - j * self.overlap total_img[ :, x_global : x_global + 256, y_global : y_global + 256 ] = img[i * decomposed_patch_num + j] img = total_img img = img[None, :, :, :] self.plot_results( img=img, predictions=predictions, ground_truth=mask, img_name=image_name[0], scores=scores, ) return image_metrics def run_single_image_inference(self, model: nn.Module, image: np.ndarray, generate_plots: bool = True, ) -> dict: """Inference step Args: model (nn.Module): Training model, must return "nuclei_binary_map", "nuclei_type_map", "tissue_type" and "hv_map" batch (object): Training batch, consisting of images ([0]), masks ([1]), tissue_types ([2]) and figure filenames ([3]) generate_plots (bool, optional): If plots should be generated. Defaults to False. Returns: Dict: Image_metrics with keys: """ # set image transforms transform_settings = self.run_conf["transformations"] if "normalize" in transform_settings: mean = transform_settings["normalize"].get("mean", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) std = transform_settings["normalize"].get("std", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) else: mean = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) std = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) transforms = A.Compose([A.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std)]) transformed_img = transforms(image=image)["image"] image = torch.from_numpy(transformed_img).permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).float() img = image.to(self.device) model.zero_grad() predictions_ = model.forward(img) if self.overlap == 0: if self.patching: predictions_ = self.post_process_patching(predictions_) predictions = self.get_cell_predictions(predictions_) image_output = self.plot_results( img=img, predictions=predictions ) return image_output def calculate_step_metric( self, predictions: dict, gt: dict, image_name: List[str] ) -> dict: """Calculate step metric for one MoNuSeg image. Args: predictions (dict): Necssary keys: * instance_map: Pixel-wise nuclear instance segmentation. Each instance has its own integer, starting from 1. Shape: (1, H, W) * nuclei_binary_map: Softmax output for binary nuclei branch. Shape: (1, 2, H, W) * instance_types: Instance type prediction list. Each list entry stands for one image. Each list entry is a dictionary with the following structure: Main Key is the nuclei instance number (int), with a dict as value. For each instance, the dictionary contains the keys: bbox (bounding box), centroid (centroid coordinates), contour, type_prob (probability), type (nuclei type). Actually just one list entry, as we expecting batch-size=1 (one image) gt (dict): Necessary keys: * instance_map * nuclei_binary_map * instance_types image_name (List[str]): Name of the image, list with [str]. List is necessary for backward compatibility Returns: dict: Image metrics for one MoNuSeg image. Keys are: * image_name * binary_dice_score * binary_jaccard_score * pq_score * dq_score * sq_score * f1_d * prec_d * rec_d """ predictions["instance_map"] = predictions["instance_map"].detach().cpu() instance_maps_gt = gt["instance_map"].detach().cpu() pred_binary_map = torch.argmax(predictions["nuclei_binary_map"], dim=1) target_binary_map = gt["nuclei_binary_map"].to(self.device) cell_dice = ( dice(preds=pred_binary_map, target=target_binary_map, ignore_index=0) .detach() .cpu() ) cell_jaccard = ( binary_jaccard_index( preds=pred_binary_map, target=target_binary_map, ) .detach() .cpu() ) remapped_instance_pred = remap_label(predictions["instance_map"]) remapped_gt = remap_label(instance_maps_gt) [dq, sq, pq], _ = get_fast_pq(true=remapped_gt, pred=remapped_instance_pred) # detection scores true_centroids = np.array( [v["centroid"] for k, v in gt["instance_types"][0].items()] ) pred_centroids = np.array( [v["centroid"] for k, v in predictions["instance_types"].items()] ) if true_centroids.shape[0] == 0: true_centroids = np.array([[0, 0]]) if pred_centroids.shape[0] == 0: pred_centroids = np.array([[0, 0]]) if self.magnification == 40: pairing_radius = 12 else: pairing_radius = 6 paired, unpaired_true, unpaired_pred = pair_coordinates( true_centroids, pred_centroids, pairing_radius ) f1_d, prec_d, rec_d = cell_detection_scores( paired_true=paired[:, 0], paired_pred=paired[:, 1], unpaired_true=unpaired_true, unpaired_pred=unpaired_pred, ) image_metrics = { "image_name": image_name, "binary_dice_score": cell_dice, "binary_jaccard_score": cell_jaccard, "pq_score": pq, "dq_score": dq, "sq_score": sq, "f1_d": f1_d, "prec_d": prec_d, "rec_d": rec_d, } return image_metrics def convert_binary_type(self, instance_types: dict) -> dict: """Clean nuclei detection from type prediction to binary prediction Args: instance_types (dict): Dictionary with cells Returns: dict: Cleaned with just one class """ cleaned_instance_types = {} for key, elem in instance_types.items(): if elem["type"] == 0: continue else: elem["type"] = 0 cleaned_instance_types[key] = elem return cleaned_instance_types def get_cell_predictions(self, predictions: dict) -> dict: """Reshaping predictions and calculating instance maps and instance types Args: predictions (dict): Dictionary with the following keys: * tissue_types: Logit tissue prediction output. Shape: (B, num_tissue_classes) * nuclei_binary_map: Logit output for binary nuclei prediction branch. Shape: (B, H, W, 2) * hv_map: Logit output for hv-prediction. Shape: (B, 2, H, W) * nuclei_type_map: Logit output for nuclei instance-prediction. Shape: (B, num_nuclei_classes, H, W) Returns: dict: * nuclei_binary_map: Softmax binary prediction. Shape: (B, 2, H, W * nuclei_type_map: Softmax nuclei type map. Shape: (B, num_nuclei_classes, H, W) * hv_map: Logit output for hv-prediction. Shape: (B, 2, H, W) * tissue_types: Logit tissue prediction output. Shape: (B, num_tissue_classes) * instance_map: Instance map, each instance has one integer. Shape: (B, H, W) * instance_types: Instance type dict, cleaned. Keys: 'bbox', 'centroid', 'contour', 'type_prob', 'type' """ predictions["nuclei_binary_map"] = F.softmax( predictions["nuclei_binary_map"], dim=1 ) predictions["nuclei_type_map"] = F.softmax( predictions["nuclei_type_map"], dim=1 ) ( predictions["instance_map"], predictions["instance_types"], ) = self.model.calculate_instance_map( predictions, magnification=self.magnification ) predictions["instance_types"] = self.convert_binary_type( predictions["instance_types"][0] ) return predictions def post_process_patching(self, predictions: dict) -> dict: """Post-process patching by reassamble (without overlap) stitched predictions to one big image prediction Args: predictions (dict): Necessary keys: * nuclei_binary_map: Logit binary prediction. Shape: (B, 2, 256, 256) * hv_map: Logit output for hv-prediction. Shape: (B, 2, H, W) * nuclei_type_map: Logit output for nuclei instance-prediction. Shape: (B, num_nuclei_classes, 256, 256) Returns: dict: Return elements that have been changed: * nuclei_binary_map: Shape: (1, 2, H, W) * hv_map: Shape: (1, 2, H, W) * nuclei_type_map: (1, num_nuclei_classes, H, W) """ batch_size = predictions["nuclei_binary_map"].shape[0] num_elems = int(np.sqrt(batch_size)) predictions["nuclei_binary_map"] = rearrange( predictions["nuclei_binary_map"], "(i j) d w h ->d (i w) (j h)", i=num_elems, j=num_elems, ) predictions["hv_map"] = rearrange( predictions["hv_map"], "(i j) d w h -> d (i w) (j h)", i=num_elems, j=num_elems, ) predictions["nuclei_type_map"] = rearrange( predictions["nuclei_type_map"], "(i j) d w h -> d (i w) (j h)", i=num_elems, j=num_elems, ) predictions["nuclei_binary_map"] = torch.unsqueeze( predictions["nuclei_binary_map"], dim=0 ) predictions["hv_map"] = torch.unsqueeze(predictions["hv_map"], dim=0) predictions["nuclei_type_map"] = torch.unsqueeze( predictions["nuclei_type_map"], dim=0 ) return predictions def post_process_patching_overlap(self, predictions: dict, overlap: int) -> List: """Post processing overlapping cells by merging overlap. Use same merging strategy as for our Args: predictions (dict): Predictions with necessary keys: * nuclei_binary_map: Binary nuclei prediction, Shape: (B, 2, H, W) * nuclei_type_map: Nuclei type prediction, Shape: (B, num_nuclei_classes, H, W) * hv_map: Binary HV Map predictions. Shape: (B, 2, H, W) overlap (int): Used overlap as integer Returns: List: Cleaned (merged) cell list with each entry beeing one detected cell with dictionary as entries. """ predictions["nuclei_binary_map"] = F.softmax( predictions["nuclei_binary_map"], dim=1 ) predictions["nuclei_type_map"] = F.softmax( predictions["nuclei_type_map"], dim=1 ) ( predictions["instance_map"], predictions["instance_types"], ) = self.model.calculate_instance_map( predictions, magnification=self.magnification ) predictions = self.merge_predictions(predictions, overlap) return predictions def merge_predictions(self, predictions: dict, overlap: int) -> list: """Merge overlapping cell predictions Args: predictions (dict): Predictions with necessary keys: * nuclei_binary_map: Binary nuclei prediction, Shape: (B, 2, H, W) * instance_types: Instance type dictionary with cell entries overlap (int): Used overlap as integer Returns: list: Cleaned (merged) cell list with each entry beeing one detected cell with dictionary as entries. """ cell_list = [] decomposed_patch_num = int(np.sqrt(predictions["nuclei_binary_map"].shape[0])) for i in range(decomposed_patch_num): for j in range(decomposed_patch_num): x_global = i * 256 - i * overlap y_global = j * 256 - j * overlap patch_instance_types = predictions["instance_types"][ i * decomposed_patch_num + j ] for cell in patch_instance_types.values(): if cell["type"] == 0: continue offset_global = np.array([x_global, y_global]) centroid_global = cell["centroid"] + np.flip(offset_global) contour_global = cell["contour"] + np.flip(offset_global) bbox_global = cell["bbox"] + offset_global cell_dict = { "bbox": bbox_global.tolist(), "centroid": centroid_global.tolist(), "contour": contour_global.tolist(), "type_prob": cell["type_prob"], "type": cell["type"], "patch_coordinates": [ i, # row j, # col ], "cell_status": get_cell_position_marging(cell["bbox"], 256, 64), "offset_global": offset_global.tolist(), } if np.max(cell["bbox"]) == 256 or np.min(cell["bbox"]) == 0: position = get_cell_position(cell["bbox"], 256) cell_dict["edge_position"] = True cell_dict["edge_information"] = {} cell_dict["edge_information"]["position"] = position cell_dict["edge_information"]["edge_patches"] = get_edge_patch( position, i, j # row, col ) else: cell_dict["edge_position"] = False cell_list.append(cell_dict) self.logger.info(f"Detected cells before cleaning: {len(cell_list)}") cell_processor = CellPostProcessor(cell_list, self.logger) cleaned_cells = cell_processor.post_process_cells() cell_list = [cell_list[idx_c] for idx_c in cleaned_cells.index.values] self.logger.info(f"Detected cells after cleaning: {len(cell_list)}") return cell_list def calculate_step_metric_overlap( self, cell_list: List[dict], gt: dict, image_name: List[str] ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """Calculate step metric and return merged predictions for plotting Args: cell_list (List[dict]): List with cell dicts gt (dict): Ground-Truth dictionary image_name (List[str]): Image Name as list with just one entry Returns: Tuple[dict, dict]: dict: Image metrics for one MoNuSeg image. Keys are: * image_name * binary_dice_score * binary_jaccard_score * pq_score * dq_score * sq_score * f1_d * prec_d * rec_d dict: Predictions, reshaped for one image and for plotting * nuclei_binary_map: Shape (1, 2, 1024, 1024) or (1, 2, 1024, 1024) * instance_map: Shape (1, 1024, 1024) or or (1, 2, 512, 512) * instance_types: Dict for each nuclei """ predictions = {} h, w = gt["nuclei_binary_map"].shape[1:] instance_type_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.int32) for instance, cell in enumerate(cell_list): contour = np.array(cell["contour"])[None, :, :] cv2.fillPoly(instance_type_map, contour, instance) predictions["instance_map"] = torch.Tensor(instance_type_map) instance_maps_gt = gt["instance_map"].detach().cpu() pred_arr = np.clip(instance_type_map, 0, 1) target_binary_map = gt["nuclei_binary_map"].to(self.device).squeeze() predictions["nuclei_binary_map"] = pred_arr predictions["instance_types"] = cell_list cell_dice = ( dice( preds=torch.Tensor(pred_arr).to(self.device), target=target_binary_map, ignore_index=0, ) .detach() .cpu() ) cell_jaccard = ( binary_jaccard_index( preds=torch.Tensor(pred_arr).to(self.device), target=target_binary_map, ) .detach() .cpu() ) remapped_instance_pred = remap_label(predictions["instance_map"])[None, :, :] remapped_gt = remap_label(instance_maps_gt) [dq, sq, pq], _ = get_fast_pq(true=remapped_gt, pred=remapped_instance_pred) # detection scores true_centroids = np.array( [v["centroid"] for k, v in gt["instance_types"][0].items()] ) pred_centroids = np.array([v["centroid"] for v in cell_list]) if true_centroids.shape[0] == 0: true_centroids = np.array([[0, 0]]) if pred_centroids.shape[0] == 0: pred_centroids = np.array([[0, 0]]) if self.magnification == 40: pairing_radius = 12 else: pairing_radius = 6 paired, unpaired_true, unpaired_pred = pair_coordinates( true_centroids, pred_centroids, pairing_radius ) f1_d, prec_d, rec_d = cell_detection_scores( paired_true=paired[:, 0], paired_pred=paired[:, 1], unpaired_true=unpaired_true, unpaired_pred=unpaired_pred, ) image_metrics = { "image_name": image_name, "binary_dice_score": cell_dice, "binary_jaccard_score": cell_jaccard, "pq_score": pq, "dq_score": dq, "sq_score": sq, "f1_d": f1_d, "prec_d": prec_d, "rec_d": rec_d, } # align to common shapes cleaned_instance_types = { k + 1: v for k, v in enumerate(predictions["instance_types"]) } for cell, results in cleaned_instance_types.items(): results["contour"] = np.array(results["contour"]) cleaned_instance_types[cell] = results predictions["instance_types"] = cleaned_instance_types predictions["instance_map"] = predictions["instance_map"][None, :, :] predictions["nuclei_binary_map"] = F.one_hot( torch.Tensor(predictions["nuclei_binary_map"]).type(torch.int64), num_classes=2, ).permute(2, 0, 1)[None, :, :, :] return image_metrics, predictions def plot_results( self, img: torch.Tensor, predictions: dict, ) -> None: """Plot MoNuSeg results Args: img (torch.Tensor): Image as torch.Tensor, with Shape (1, 3, 1024, 1024) or (1, 3, 512, 512) predictions (dict): Prediction dictionary. Necessary keys: * nuclei_binary_map: Shape (1, 2, 1024, 1024) or (1, 2, 512, 512) * instance_map: Shape (1, 1024, 1024) or (1, 512, 512) * instance_types: List[dict], but just one entry in list ground_truth (dict): Ground-Truth dictionary. Necessary keys: * nuclei_binary_map: (1, 1024, 1024) or or (1, 512, 512) * instance_map: (1, 1024, 1024) or or (1, 512, 512) * instance_types: List[dict], but just one entry in list img_name (str): Image name as string outdir (Path): Output directory for storing scores (List[float]): Scores as list [Dice, Jaccard, bPQ] """ predictions["nuclei_binary_map"] = predictions["nuclei_binary_map"].permute( 0, 2, 3, 1 ) h = predictions["instance_map"].shape[1] w = predictions["instance_map"].shape[2] # process image and other maps sample_image = img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().cpu().numpy() pred_sample_binary_map = ( predictions["nuclei_binary_map"][:, :, :, 1].detach().cpu().numpy() )[0] pred_sample_instance_maps = ( predictions["instance_map"].detach().cpu().numpy()[0] ) binary_cmap = plt.get_cmap("Greys_r") instance_map = plt.get_cmap("viridis") # invert the normalization of the sample images transform_settings = self.run_conf["transformations"] if "normalize" in transform_settings: mean = transform_settings["normalize"].get("mean", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) std = transform_settings["normalize"].get("std", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) else: mean = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) std = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) inv_normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[-0.5 / mean[0], -0.5 / mean[1], -0.5 / mean[2]], std=[1 / std[0], 1 / std[1], 1 / std[2]], ) inv_samples = inv_normalize(torch.tensor(sample_image).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)) sample_image = inv_samples.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).detach().cpu().numpy()[0] # start overlaying on image placeholder = np.zeros(( h, 4 * w, 3)) # orig image placeholder[:h, :w, :3] = sample_image # binary prediction placeholder[:h, w : 2 * w, :3] = rgba2rgb( binary_cmap(pred_sample_binary_map * 255) ) # instance_predictions placeholder[:h, 2 * w : 3 * w, :3] = rgba2rgb( instance_map( (pred_sample_instance_maps - np.min(pred_sample_instance_maps)) / ( np.max(pred_sample_instance_maps) - np.min(pred_sample_instance_maps + 1e-10) ) ) ) # pred pred_contours_polygon = [ v["contour"] for v in predictions["instance_types"].values() ] pred_contours_polygon = [ list(zip(poly[:, 0], poly[:, 1])) for poly in pred_contours_polygon ] pred_contour_colors_polygon = [ "#70c6ff" for i in range(len(pred_contours_polygon)) ] pred_cell_image = Image.fromarray( (sample_image * 255).astype(np.uint8) ).convert("RGB") pred_drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(pred_cell_image) add_patch = lambda poly, color: pred_drawing.polygon( poly, outline=color, width=2 ) [ add_patch(poly, c) for poly, c in zip(pred_contours_polygon, pred_contour_colors_polygon) ] placeholder[: h, 3 * w : 4 * w, :3] = np.asarray(pred_cell_image) / 255 pred_cell_image.save("raw_pred.png") # plotting fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 2), dpi=1200) axs.imshow(placeholder) axs.set_xticks(np.arange(w / 2, 4 * w, w)) axs.set_xticklabels( [ "Image", "Binary-Cells", "Instances", "Countours", ], fontsize=6, ) axs.xaxis.tick_top() axs.set_yticks([h / 2]) axs.set_yticklabels([ "Pred."], fontsize=6) axs.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", length=0) grid_x = np.arange(w, 3 * w, w) grid_y = np.arange(h, 2 * h, h) for x_seg in grid_x: axs.axvline(x_seg, color="black") for y_seg in grid_y: axs.axhline(y_seg, color="black") fig.suptitle(f"All Predictions for input image", fontsize=6) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("pred_img.png") plt.close() # CLI class InferenceCellViTMoNuSegParser: def __init__(self) -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Perform CellViT inference for MoNuSeg dataset", ) parser.add_argument( "--model", type=str, help="Model checkpoint file that is used for inference", default="./model_best.pth", ) parser.add_argument( "--dataset", type=str, help="Path to MoNuSeg dataset.", default="/data/lunbinzeng/datasets/monuseg/testing/", ) parser.add_argument( "--outdir", type=str, help="Path to output directory to store results.", default="/data/lunbinzeng/results/lkcell/small/2024-04-22T232903_CellViT-unireplknet-fold1-final/monuseg/inference/", ) parser.add_argument( "--gpu", type=int, help="Cuda-GPU ID for inference. Default: 0", default=0 ) parser.add_argument( "--magnification", type=int, help="Dataset Magnification. Either 20 or 40. Default: 40", choices=[20, 40], default=20, ) parser.add_argument( "--patching", type=bool, help="Patch to 256px images. Default: False", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--overlap", type=int, help="Patch overlap, just valid for patching", default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "--plots", type=bool, help="Generate result plots. Default: False", default=True, ) self.parser = parser def parse_arguments(self) -> dict: opt = self.parser.parse_args() return vars(opt) if __name__ == "__main__": configuration_parser = InferenceCellViTMoNuSegParser() configuration = configuration_parser.parse_arguments() print(configuration) inf = MoNuSegInference( model_path=configuration["model"], dataset_path=configuration["dataset"], outdir=configuration["outdir"], gpu=configuration["gpu"], patching=configuration["patching"], magnification=configuration["magnification"], overlap=configuration["overlap"], ) inf.run_inference(generate_plots=configuration["plots"])