import random import time from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Literal import mesop as me Role = Literal["user", "assistant"] @dataclass(kw_only=True) class ChatMessage: """Chat message metadata.""" role: Role = "user" content: str = "" edited: bool = False @me.stateclass class State: input: str output: list[ChatMessage] in_progress: bool rewrite: str rewrite_message_index: int preview_rewrite: str preview_original: str modal_open: bool def load(e: me.LoadEvent): me.set_theme_mode("light") on_load=load, security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=["", ""] ), path="/llm_rewriter", title="LLM Rewriter", ) def page(): state = me.state(State) # Modal with with with me.textarea( label="Rewrite", style=_STYLE_INPUT_WIDTH, value=state.rewrite, on_input=on_rewrite_input, ) with me.button( "Submit Rewrite", color="primary", type="flat", on_click=on_click_submit_rewrite, ) me.button( "Cancel", on_click=on_click_cancel_rewrite, ) with with me.text("Original Message", type="headline-6") me.markdown(state.preview_original) with me.text("Preview Rewrite", type="headline-6") me.markdown(state.preview_rewrite) # Chat UI with me.text(_TITLE, type="headline-5", style=_STYLE_TITLE) with for index, msg in enumerate(state.output): with style=_make_style_chat_bubble_wrapper(msg.role), key=f"msg-{index}", on_click=on_click_rewrite_msg, ): if msg.role == _ROLE_ASSISTANT: me.text( _display_username(_BOT_USER_DEFAULT, msg.edited), style=_STYLE_CHAT_BUBBLE_NAME, ) with, msg.edited)): if msg.role == _ROLE_USER: me.text(msg.content, style=_STYLE_CHAT_BUBBLE_PLAINTEXT) else: me.markdown(msg.content) with me.tooltip(message="Rewrite response"): me.icon(icon="edit_note") if state.in_progress: with"scroll-to", style=me.Style(height=250)): pass with with me.input( label=_LABEL_INPUT, # Workaround: update key to clear input. key=f"input-{len(state.output)}", on_input=on_chat_input, on_enter=on_click_submit_chat_msg, style=_STYLE_CHAT_INPUT, ) with me.content_button( color="primary", type="flat", disabled=state.in_progress, on_click=on_click_submit_chat_msg, style=_STYLE_CHAT_BUTTON, ): me.icon( _LABEL_BUTTON_IN_PROGRESS if state.in_progress else _LABEL_BUTTON ) # Event Handlers def on_chat_input(e: me.InputEvent): """Capture chat text input.""" state = me.state(State) state.input = e.value def on_rewrite_input(e: me.InputEvent): """Capture rewrite text input.""" state = me.state(State) state.preview_rewrite = e.value def on_click_rewrite_msg(e: me.ClickEvent): """Shows rewrite modal when a message is clicked. Edit this function to persist rewritten messages. """ state = me.state(State) index = int(e.key.replace("msg-", "")) message = state.output[index] if message.role == _ROLE_USER or state.in_progress: return state.modal_open = True state.rewrite = message.content state.rewrite_message_index = index state.preview_original = message.content state.preview_rewrite = message.content def on_click_submit_rewrite(e: me.ClickEvent): """Submits rewrite message.""" state = me.state(State) state.modal_open = False message = state.output[state.rewrite_message_index] if message.content != state.preview_rewrite: message.content = state.preview_rewrite message.edited = True state.rewrite_message_index = 0 state.rewrite = "" state.preview_original = "" state.preview_rewrite = "" def on_click_cancel_rewrite(e: me.ClickEvent): """Hides rewrite modal.""" state = me.state(State) state.modal_open = False state.rewrite_message_index = 0 state.rewrite = "" state.preview_original = "" state.preview_rewrite = "" def on_click_submit_chat_msg(e: me.ClickEvent | me.InputEnterEvent): """Handles submitting a chat message.""" state = me.state(State) if state.in_progress or not state.input: return input = state.input state.input = "" yield output = state.output if output is None: output = [] output.append(ChatMessage(role=_ROLE_USER, content=input)) state.in_progress = True me.scroll_into_view(key="scroll-to") yield start_time = time.time() output_message = respond_to_chat(input, state.output) assistant_message = ChatMessage(role=_ROLE_ASSISTANT) output.append(assistant_message) state.output = output for content in output_message: assistant_message.content += content # TODO: 0.25 is an abitrary choice. In the future, consider making this adjustable. if (time.time() - start_time) >= 0.25: start_time = time.time() yield state.in_progress = False yield # Transform function for processing chat messages. def respond_to_chat(input: str, history: list[ChatMessage]): """Displays random canned text. Edit this function to process messages with a real chatbot/LLM. """ lines = [ ( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, " "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua." ), "Laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit amet.", "At lectus urna duis convallis.", "A pellentesque sit amet porttitor eget.", "Mauris nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a diam.", "Aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id.", "Integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan.", "Tempor id eu nisl nunc mi.", "Id consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar.", "Mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare.", "Facilisis magna etiam tempor orci.", "Mauris pharetra et ultrices neque.", "Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci.", "Amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique.", "Egestas erat imperdiet sed euismod.", "Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida.", "Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada.", ] for line in random.sample(lines, random.randint(3, len(lines) - 1)): time.sleep(0.25) yield line + " " # Constants _TITLE = "LLM Rewriter" _ROLE_USER = "user" _ROLE_ASSISTANT = "assistant" _BOT_USER_DEFAULT = "mesop-bot" # Styles _COLOR_BACKGROUND = me.theme_var("background") _COLOR_CHAT_BUBBLE_YOU = me.theme_var("surface-container-low") _COLOR_CHAT_BUBBLE_BOT = me.theme_var("secondary-container") _COLOR_CHAT_BUUBBLE_EDITED = me.theme_var("tertiary-container") _DEFAULT_PADDING = me.Padding.all(20) _DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE = me.BorderSide( width="1px", style="solid", color=me.theme_var("secondary-fixed") ) _LABEL_BUTTON = "send" _LABEL_BUTTON_IN_PROGRESS = "pending" _LABEL_INPUT = "Enter your prompt" _STYLE_INPUT_WIDTH = me.Style(width="100%") _STYLE_APP_CONTAINER = me.Style( background=_COLOR_BACKGROUND, display="flex", flex_direction="column", height="100%", margin=me.Margin.symmetric(vertical=0, horizontal="auto"), width="min(1024px, 100%)", box_shadow="0 3px 1px -2px #0003, 0 2px 2px #00000024, 0 1px 5px #0000001f", padding=me.Padding(top=20, left=20, right=20), ) _STYLE_TITLE = me.Style(padding=me.Padding(left=10)) _STYLE_CHAT_BOX = me.Style( flex_grow=1, overflow_y="scroll", padding=_DEFAULT_PADDING, margin=me.Margin(bottom=20), border_radius="10px", border=me.Border( left=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, right=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, top=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, bottom=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, ), ) _STYLE_CHAT_INPUT = me.Style(width="100%") _STYLE_CHAT_INPUT_BOX = me.Style( padding=me.Padding(top=30), display="flex", flex_direction="row" ) _STYLE_CHAT_BUTTON = me.Style(margin=me.Margin(top=8, left=8)) _STYLE_CHAT_BUBBLE_NAME = me.Style( font_weight="bold", font_size="12px", padding=me.Padding(left=15, right=15, bottom=5), ) _STYLE_CHAT_BUBBLE_PLAINTEXT = me.Style(margin=me.Margin.symmetric(vertical=15)) _STYLE_MODAL_CONTAINER = me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container"), margin=me.Margin.symmetric(vertical="0", horizontal="auto"), width="min(1024px, 100%)", box_sizing="content-box", height="100%", overflow_y="scroll", box_shadow=("0 3px 1px -2px #0003, 0 2px 2px #00000024, 0 1px 5px #0000001f"), ) _STYLE_MODAL_CONTENT = me.Style(margin=me.Margin.all(20)) _STYLE_PREVIEW_CONTAINER = me.Style( display="grid", grid_template_columns="repeat(2, 1fr)", ) _STYLE_PREVIEW_ORIGINAL = me.Style( color=me.theme_var("on-surface"), padding=_DEFAULT_PADDING ) _STYLE_PREVIEW_REWRITE = me.Style( background=_COLOR_CHAT_BUUBBLE_EDITED, padding=_DEFAULT_PADDING ) def _make_style_chat_bubble_wrapper(role: Role) -> me.Style: """Generates styles for chat bubble position. Args: role: Chat bubble alignment depends on the role """ align_items = "end" if role == _ROLE_USER else "start" return me.Style( display="flex", flex_direction="column", align_items=align_items, ) def _make_chat_bubble_style(role: Role, edited: bool) -> me.Style: """Generates styles for chat bubble. Args: role: Chat bubble background color depends on the role edited: Whether chat message was edited or not. """ background = _COLOR_CHAT_BUBBLE_YOU if role == _ROLE_ASSISTANT: background = _COLOR_CHAT_BUBBLE_BOT if edited: background = _COLOR_CHAT_BUUBBLE_EDITED return me.Style( width="80%", font_size="13px", background=background, border_radius="15px", padding=me.Padding(right=15, left=15, bottom=3), margin=me.Margin(bottom=10), border=me.Border( left=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, right=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, top=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, bottom=_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE, ), ) def _make_modal_background_style(modal_open: bool) -> me.Style: """Makes style for modal background. Args: modal_open: Whether the modal is open. """ return me.Style( display="block" if modal_open else "none", position="fixed", z_index=1000, width="100%", height="100%", overflow_x="auto", overflow_y="auto", background="rgba(0,0,0,0.4)", ) def _display_username(username: str, edited: bool = False) -> str: """Displays the username Args: username: Name of the user edited: Whether the message has been edited. """ edited_text = " (edited)" if edited else "" return username + edited_text