import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from kornia.geometry import warp_affine import torch.nn.functional as F def resize_n_crop(image, M, dsize=112): # image: (b, c, h, w) # M : (b, 2, 3) return warp_affine(image, M, dsize=(dsize, dsize), align_corners=True) ### perceptual level loss class PerceptualLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, recog_net, input_size=112): super(PerceptualLoss, self).__init__() self.recog_net = recog_net self.preprocess = lambda x: 2 * x - 1 self.input_size=input_size def forward(imageA, imageB, M): """ 1 - cosine distance Parameters: imageA --torch.tensor (B, 3, H, W), range (0, 1) , RGB order imageB --same as imageA """ imageA = self.preprocess(resize_n_crop(imageA, M, self.input_size)) imageB = self.preprocess(resize_n_crop(imageB, M, self.input_size)) # freeze bn self.recog_net.eval() id_featureA = F.normalize(self.recog_net(imageA), dim=-1, p=2) id_featureB = F.normalize(self.recog_net(imageB), dim=-1, p=2) cosine_d = torch.sum(id_featureA * id_featureB, dim=-1) # assert torch.sum((cosine_d > 1).float()) == 0 return torch.sum(1 - cosine_d) / cosine_d.shape[0] def perceptual_loss(id_featureA, id_featureB): cosine_d = torch.sum(id_featureA * id_featureB, dim=-1) # assert torch.sum((cosine_d > 1).float()) == 0 return torch.sum(1 - cosine_d) / cosine_d.shape[0] ### image level loss def photo_loss(imageA, imageB, mask, eps=1e-6): """ l2 norm (with sqrt, to ensure backward stabililty, use eps, otherwise Nan may occur) Parameters: imageA --torch.tensor (B, 3, H, W), range (0, 1), RGB order imageB --same as imageA """ loss = torch.sqrt(eps + torch.sum((imageA - imageB) ** 2, dim=1, keepdims=True)) * mask loss = torch.sum(loss) / torch.max(torch.sum(mask), torch.tensor(1.0).to(mask.device)) return loss def landmark_loss(predict_lm, gt_lm, weight=None): """ weighted mse loss Parameters: predict_lm --torch.tensor (B, 68, 2) gt_lm --torch.tensor (B, 68, 2) weight --numpy.array (1, 68) """ if not weight: weight = np.ones([68]) weight[28:31] = 20 weight[-8:] = 20 weight = np.expand_dims(weight, 0) weight = torch.tensor(weight).to(predict_lm.device) loss = torch.sum((predict_lm - gt_lm)**2, dim=-1) * weight loss = torch.sum(loss) / (predict_lm.shape[0] * predict_lm.shape[1]) return loss ### regulization def reg_loss(coeffs_dict, opt=None): """ l2 norm without the sqrt, from yu's implementation (mse) tf.nn.l2_loss Parameters: coeffs_dict -- a dict of torch.tensors , keys: id, exp, tex, angle, gamma, trans """ # coefficient regularization to ensure plausible 3d faces if opt: w_id, w_exp, w_tex = opt.w_id, opt.w_exp, opt.w_tex else: w_id, w_exp, w_tex = 1, 1, 1, 1 creg_loss = w_id * torch.sum(coeffs_dict['id'] ** 2) + \ w_exp * torch.sum(coeffs_dict['exp'] ** 2) + \ w_tex * torch.sum(coeffs_dict['tex'] ** 2) creg_loss = creg_loss / coeffs_dict['id'].shape[0] # gamma regularization to ensure a nearly-monochromatic light gamma = coeffs_dict['gamma'].reshape([-1, 3, 9]) gamma_mean = torch.mean(gamma, dim=1, keepdims=True) gamma_loss = torch.mean((gamma - gamma_mean) ** 2) return creg_loss, gamma_loss def reflectance_loss(texture, mask): """ minimize texture variance (mse), albedo regularization to ensure an uniform skin albedo Parameters: texture --torch.tensor, (B, N, 3) mask --torch.tensor, (N), 1 or 0 """ mask = mask.reshape([1, mask.shape[0], 1]) texture_mean = torch.sum(mask * texture, dim=1, keepdims=True) / torch.sum(mask) loss = torch.sum(((texture - texture_mean) * mask)**2) / (texture.shape[0] * torch.sum(mask)) return loss