import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu from core.search_index import index, search from interface.components import ( component_file_input, component_show_pipeline, component_show_search_result, component_text_input, component_article_url, ) def page_landing_page(container): with container: st.header("Neural Search V2.0") st.markdown( "This is a tool to allow indexing & search content using neural capabilities" ) st.markdown( "It uses the [Haystack]( open-source framework for building search systems" ) st.markdown( "In this second version you can:" "\n - Index raw text, URLs and almost any file as documents" "\n - Use Dense Passage Retrieval & Keyword Search pipeline" "\n - Search the indexed documents" ) st.markdown( "TODO list:" "\n - Build other pipelines" "\n - [Optional] Include text to audio to read responses" ) st.markdown( "Follow development of the tool [here](" "\n\nDeveloped with 💚 by [@ugm2](" ) def page_search(container): with container: st.title("Query me!") ## SEARCH ## query = st.text_input("Query") component_show_pipeline(st.session_state["pipeline"], "search_pipeline") if st.button("Search"): st.session_state["search_results"] = search( queries=[query], pipeline=st.session_state["pipeline"]["search_pipeline"], ) if "search_results" in st.session_state: component_show_search_result( container=container, results=st.session_state["search_results"][0] ) def page_index(container): with container: st.title("Index time!") component_show_pipeline(st.session_state["pipeline"], "index_pipeline") input_funcs = { "Raw Text": (component_text_input, "card-text"), "URL": (component_article_url, "link"), "File": (component_file_input, "file-text"), } selected_input = option_menu( None, list(input_funcs.keys()), icons=[f[1] for f in input_funcs.values()], menu_icon="list", default_index=0, orientation="horizontal", ) corpus = input_funcs[selected_input][0](container) if len(corpus) > 0: index_results = None if st.button("Index"): index_results = index( corpus, st.session_state["pipeline"]["index_pipeline"], ) if index_results: st.write(index_results)