from pathlib import Path import itertools from typing import Any import math import random from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict import warnings from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift import skimage.feature as feature from skimage import color from skimage.feature import SIFT, match_descriptors, plot_matches from skimage.filters import ( threshold_otsu, threshold_triangle, threshold_triangle, threshold_isodata, threshold_li, threshold_yen, threshold_mean, threshold_minimum, threshold_triangle, threshold_yen, ) import cv2 from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scripts.tap_const as tc def _update_axis( axis, image, title=None, fontsize=18, remove_axis=True, title_loc="center", ): axis.imshow(image, origin="upper") if title is not None: axis.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize, loc=title_loc) if remove_axis is True: axis.set_axis_off() Circle = namedtuple("Circle", field_names="x,y,r") font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX color_spaces = { "rgb": ["red", "green", "blue"], "hsv": ["h", "s", "v"], "yiq": ["y", "i", "q"], "lab": ["l", "a", "b"], } available_threholds = ["otsu", "triangle", "isodata", "li", "mean", "minimum", "yen"] def bgr_to_rgb(clr: tuple) -> tuple: """Converts from BGR to RGB Arguments: clr {tuple} -- Source color Returns: tuple -- Converted color """ return (clr[2], clr[1], clr[0]) def rgb_to_bgr(clr: tuple) -> tuple: """Converts from RGB to BGR Arguments: clr {tuple} -- Source color Returns: tuple -- Converted color """ return (clr[0], clr[1], clr[2]) def load_image(file_name, file_path=None, rgb: bool = True, image_size: int = None): path = ( file_name if isinstance(file_name, Path) is True and file_name.is_file() is True else file_path.joinpath(file_name) ) try: image = cv2.imread(str(path)) if rgb is True: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if image_size is not None: image = cv2.resize( image, dsize=(image_size, image_size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 ) return image except Exception as e: print(file_name) print(f"Failed load imge: {str(e)}") return None def to_pil(image, size: tuple = None): if image is None: return None ret = Image.fromarray(image) if size is not None: ret = ret.resize(size=size, resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) return ret def to_cv(image, size: tuple = None): if size is not None: image = image.resize(size=size, resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) return np.array(image) def rgb2X(rgb_color, target_color_space): if isinstance(rgb_color, np.ndarray) is False: rgb_color = np.array(rgb_color) if target_color_space == "hsv": return color.rgb2hsv(rgb_color) elif target_color_space == "yiq": return color.rgb2yiq(rgb_color) elif target_color_space == "lab": return color.rgb2lab(rgb_color) else: return rgb_color def get_channels(image, color_space): """Get all channels from a colorspace Args: image (np.ndarray): Source RGB image color_space (str): colorspace Raises: NotImplementedError: Unknown color space Returns: tuple: channels """ if color_space == "rgb": return cv2.split(image) elif color_space == "hsv": return cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)) elif color_space == "yiq": return [ ((c - np.min(c)) / (np.max(c) - np.min(c)) * 255).astype(np.uint8) for c in cv2.split(to_cv(color.rgb2yiq(to_pil(image)))) ] elif color_space == "lab": return cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknowncolorspace {color_space}") def get_channel(image, color_space, channel): channels = get_channels(image=image, color_space=color_space) if channel in ["red", "h", "y", "l"]: return channels[0] if channel in ["green", "s", "i", "a"]: return channels[1] if channel in ["blue", "v", "q", "b"]: return channels[2] else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown combination color space {color_space}, channel {channel}" ) def multi_and(image_list: tuple): """Performs an AND with all the images in the tuple :param image_list: :return: image """ img_lst = [i for i in image_list if i is not None] list_len_ = len(img_lst) if list_len_ == 0: return None elif list_len_ == 1: return img_lst[0] else: res = cv2.bitwise_and(img_lst[0], img_lst[1]) if len(img_lst) > 2: for current_image in img_lst[2:]: res = cv2.bitwise_and(res, current_image) return res def multi_or(image_list: tuple): """Performs an OR with all the images in the tuple :param image_list: :return: image """ img_lst = [i for i in image_list if i is not None] list_len_ = len(img_lst) if list_len_ == 0: return None elif list_len_ == 1: return img_lst[0] else: res = cv2.bitwise_or(img_lst[0], img_lst[1]) if list_len_ > 2: for current_image in img_lst[2:]: res = cv2.bitwise_or(res, current_image) return res def get_threshold(image, colorspace, channel, method, is_over: bool): channel = get_channels(image=image, color_space=colorspace)[ color_spaces[colorspace].index(channel) ] if method == "otsu": threshold = threshold_otsu(channel) elif method == "triangle": threshold = threshold_triangle(channel) elif method == "isodata": threshold = threshold_isodata(channel) elif method == "li": threshold = threshold_li(channel) elif method == "mean": threshold = threshold_mean(channel) elif method == "minimum": threshold = threshold_minimum(channel) elif method == "yen": threshold = threshold_yen(channel) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown method {method}") return threshold, channel > threshold if is_over is True else channel < threshold class Rectangle: def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, score=None, user="dummy") -> None: self.x = int(x) self.y = int(y) self.w = int(w) self.h = int(h) self.score = score self.user = user def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"[{self.x},{self.y}:{self.w},{self.h}]" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"[{self.x},{self.y}:{self.w},{self.h}]" def draw(self, image, color=tc.C_WHITE, thickness=2): return cv2.rectangle( image, pt1=(self.x1, self.y1), pt2=(self.x2, self.y2), color=color, thickness=thickness, ) def draw_as_bbox(self, image, color=tc.C_WHITE, thickness=2): return self.draw(image=image, color=color, thickness=thickness), center=(,, radius=5, color=tuple(reversed(color)), thickness=thickness, ) def to_dict(self, extended: bool = False): out = self.__dict__ if extended is False: return out return out | { "cx":, "cy":, "x1": self.x1, "x2": self.x2, "y1": self.y1, "y2": self.y2, } def assign(self, src): self.x = src.x self.y = src.y self.w = src.w self.h = src.h self.user = src.user self.score = src.score def union(self, b): posX = min(self.x, b.x) posY = min(self.y, b.y) res = Rectangle( x=posX, y=posY, w=max(self.right, b.right) - posX, h=max(self.bottom, b.bottom) - posY, user=self.user, ) return res def intersection(self, b): posX = max(self.x, b.x) posY = max(self.y, b.y) candidate = Rectangle( x=posX, y=posY, w=min(self.right, b.right) - posX, h=min(self.bottom, b.bottom) - posY, ) if candidate.w > 0 and candidate.h > 0: return candidate return Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) def ratio(self, b): return self.intersection(b).area / self.union(b).area def contains(self, b, ratio): return self.ratio(b) > ratio def to_bbox(self): return [self.x, self.y, self.right, self.bottom] @classmethod def from_row(cls, row): return cls(x=row.x, y=row.y, w=row.w, h=row.h) @classmethod def from_bbox(cls, bbox): x, y, w, h = bbox return cls(x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h) @property def bottom(self): return self.y + self.h @property def right(self): return self.x + self.w @property def start_row(self): return self.y @property def end_row(self): return self.y + self.h @property def start_col(self): return self.x @property def end_col(self): return self.x + self.w @property def cx(self): return self.x + self.w // 2 @property def cy(self): return self.y + self.h // 2 @property def x1(self): return self.x @property def x2(self): return self.x + self.w @property def y1(self): return self.y @property def y2(self): return self.y + self.h @property def area(self): return self.w * self.h def get_brightness(image, bbox: Rectangle = None): if bbox is None: r, g, b = cv2.split(image) else: r, g, b = cv2.split( image[bbox.start_row : bbox.end_row, bbox.start_col : bbox.end_col] ) return np.sqrt( 0.241 * np.power(r.astype(float), 2) + 0.691 * np.power(g.astype(float), 2) + 0.068 * np.power(b.astype(float), 2) ).mean() def get_sharpness(image): return cv2.Laplacian( cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), cv2.CV_64F, ).var() def masked_image(image, mask, background_alpha: float = 0.8): background = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) * background_alpha background[background > 255] = 255 background = cv2.merge([background, background, background]).astype(np.uint8) return cv2.bitwise_or( cv2.bitwise_and(background, background, mask=255 - mask), cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask), ) def remove_empty_boxes(boxes): return boxes.dropna(subset=["x", "y", "w", "h"]) def draw_boxes(image, boxes, thickness=2): boxes_ = remove_empty_boxes(boxes=boxes) if len(boxes_) > 0: for rect in [Rectangle.from_row(row) for _, row in boxes_.iterrows()]: image = rect.draw(image=image, color=tc.C_FUCHSIA, thickness=thickness) return image def rotate_image(image, angle): (h, w) = image.shape[:2] return cv2.warpAffine( image, cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w // 2, h // 2), angle, 1.0), (w, h) ) def fix_brightness( image, brightness_target=70, bbox: Rectangle = Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100), pass_through: bool = False, ): avg_bright = get_brightness(image=image, bbox=bbox) if pass_through is True: return image elif avg_bright > brightness_target: gamma = brightness_target / avg_bright if gamma != 1: inv_gamma = 1.0 / gamma table = np.array( [((i / 255.0) ** inv_gamma) * 255 for i in np.arange(0, 256)] ).astype("uint8") return cv2.LUT(src=image, lut=table) else: return image else: return cv2.convertScaleAbs( src=image, alpha=(brightness_target + avg_bright) / (2 * avg_bright), beta=(brightness_target - avg_bright) / 2, ) def update_data(data, new_data): for k, v in new_data.items(): if k not in data: data[k] = [] data[k].append(v) return data def add_perceived_bightness_data(image, data): b, g, r = cv2.split(image) s = np.sqrt( 0.241 * np.power(r.astype(float), 2) + 0.691 * np.power(g.astype(float), 2) + 0.068 * np.power(b.astype(float), 2) ) return update_data( data=data, new_data={ "cl_bright_mean": s.mean(), "cl_bright_std": np.std(s), "cl_bright_min": s.min(), "cl_bright_max": s.max(), }, ) def add_hsv_data(image, data): h, s, *_ = cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)) return update_data( data=data, new_data={ "cl_hue_mean": h.mean(), "cl_hue_std": np.std(h), "cl_hue_min": h.min(), "cl_hue_max": h.max(), "cl_sat_mean": s.mean(), "cl_sat_std": np.std(s), "cl_sat_min": s.min(), "cl_sat_max": s.max(), }, ) def add_lab_data(image, data): _, a, b = cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)) return update_data( data=data, new_data={ "cl_a_mean": a.mean(), "cl_a_std": np.std(a), "cl_a_min": a.min(), "cl_a_max": a.max(), "cl_b_mean": b.mean(), "cl_b_std": np.std(b), "cl_b_min": b.min(), "cl_b_max": b.max(), }, ) def add_yiq_data(image, data): _, i, q = get_channels(image=image, color_space="yiq") return update_data( data=data, new_data={ "cl_i_mean": i.mean(), "cl_i_std": np.std(i), "cl_i_min": i.min(), "cl_i_max": i.max(), "cl_q_mean": q.mean(), "cl_q_std": np.std(q), "cl_q_min": q.min(), "cl_q_max": q.max(), }, ) def add_grey_comatrix_data(image, data, distances, angles) -> dict: graycom = feature.graycomatrix( cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), [x[2] for x in distances], [x[2] for x in angles], levels=256, ) new_data = {} for k, v in dict( contrast=np.array(feature.graycoprops(graycom, "contrast")), dissimilarity=np.array(feature.graycoprops(graycom, "dissimilarity")), homogeneity=np.array(feature.graycoprops(graycom, "homogeneity")), energy=np.array(feature.graycoprops(graycom, "energy")), correlation=np.array(feature.graycoprops(graycom, "correlation")), asm=np.array(feature.graycoprops(graycom, "ASM")), ).items(): for e in itertools.product(distances, angles): new_data[f"gp_{k}_{e[0][0]}_{e[1][0]}"] = v[e[0][1]][e[1][1]] return update_data(data=data, new_data=new_data) def get_sharpness(image): return cv2.Laplacian( cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), cv2.CV_64F, ).var() def add_image_data( df, file_path_column, path_to_images=None, distances=[["d1", 0, 1], ["d10", 1, 10]], angles=[["a0", 0, 0], ["api4", 1, np.pi / 4]], image_size: int = 0, ): patch_data = defaultdict(list) for file_path in tqdm(df[file_path_column], desc="Embedding image data"): image = load_image(file_name=file_path, file_path=path_to_images) if image_size > 0: image = cv2.resize(image, dsize=(image_size, image_size)) patch_data[file_path_column].append(file_path) patch_data = add_perceived_bightness_data(image=image, data=patch_data) patch_data = add_hsv_data(image=image, data=patch_data) patch_data = add_lab_data(image=image, data=patch_data) patch_data = add_yiq_data(image=image, data=patch_data) patch_data = add_grey_comatrix_data( image=image, data=patch_data, distances=distances, angles=angles, ) patch_data["sharpness"].append(get_sharpness(image)) return pd.merge( left=df, right=pd.DataFrame(data=patch_data), on=file_path_column, how="left" ) def filter_contours(mask, min_contour_size): return cv2.bitwise_and( cv2.drawContours( np.zeros_like(mask), [ c for c in cv2.findContours( mask, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1 )[-2:-1][0] if cv2.contourArea(c) > min_contour_size and c.any() ], -1, 255, -1, ), mask, ) return ( cv2.drawContours( mask, contours=[ c for c in get_external_contours(mask) if cv2.contourArea(c) < min_contour_size ], contourIdx=-1, color=0, thickness=-1, ) if min_contour_size > 0 else mask ) def get_raw_mask( image, thresholds: list, min_contour_size: int = 0, bitwise_op: str = "and", delete_over: int = -1, ): """Create a mask seed fh,or SAM Args: image (np.array): Source image thresholds (list): list of thresholds to be applies cm_min_contour_size (int): Contours below threshold will be discarded """ mask = thresholds[0].threshold(image) for threshold in thresholds[1:]: if bitwise_op == "and": mask = cv2.bitwise_and(mask, threshold.threshold(image)) elif bitwise_op == "or": mask = cv2.bitwise_or(mask, threshold.threshold(image)) else: raise NotImplementedError if min_contour_size > 0: mask = filter_contours(mask, min_contour_size=min_contour_size) if delete_over > 0: h, w = mask.shape mask = cv2.bitwise_and( mask, np.zeros_like(mask), center=(w // 2, h // 2), color=255, radius=delete_over, thickness=-1, ), ) return mask def build_distance_map( mask, threshold: float = 0.8, demo: bool = False, label: int = 1 ): dist_transform = cv2.distanceTransform( mask, cv2.DIST_L2, cv2.DIST_MASK_PRECISE ).astype(np.uint8) threshold = np.max(dist_transform) * threshold ret = dist_transform.copy() ret[ret >= threshold] = 255 ret[ret < threshold] = 0 dt = (dist_transform.astype(float) / np.max(dist_transform) * 255).astype(np.uint8) dt = cv2.equalizeHist(dist_transform) if demo is True: if label == 1: return cv2.merge([np.zeros_like(mask), ret, np.zeros_like(mask)]) elif label == 0: return cv2.merge([ret, np.zeros_like(mask), np.zeros_like(mask)]) else: raise NotImplementedError else: return ret def get_contours(mask, retrieve_mode, method): return [ c for c in cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), retrieve_mode, method)[-2:-1][0] if cv2.contourArea(c, True) < 0 ] def get_seeds( mask, modes: dict = {"rnd": 10}, label: int = 1, max_seeds: int = 0 ) -> dict: input_points = pd.Series() if "rnd" in modes: nz = np.count_nonzero(mask) if nz > 0: input_points = pd.concat( [ input_points, pd.Series([list(p[0]) for p in cv2.findNonZero(mask)]).sample( n=nz // modes["rnd"] ), ] ) if "dist" in modes: dt = cv2.equalizeHist( cv2.distanceTransform(mask, cv2.DIST_L2, cv2.DIST_MASK_PRECISE).astype( np.uint8 ) ) nz = np.count_nonzero(dt) if nz > 0: candidates = cv2.findNonZero(dt) input_points = pd.concat( [ input_points, pd.Series( [ p[0] for p in random.choices( population=candidates, weights=list(dt[np.nonzero(dt)] / 255), k=candidates.size // int(modes["dist"]), ) ] ), ] ) if len(input_points) > max_seeds: input_points = input_points.sample(n=max_seeds) input_points = np.array(input_points.to_list()) return { "input_points": input_points, "input_labels": np.array([label for _ in range(len(input_points))]), } def get_grid(mask, dots_per_rc): grid = np.zeros_like(mask) step = np.max(grid.shape[:2]) // dots_per_rc grid[::step, ::step] = 1 grid[step // 2 :: step, step // 2 :: step] = 1 return grid.astype(np.uint8) def get_grid_seeds( mask_keep, mask_discard, keep_dots_per_row: int, discard_dots_per_row: int ): keep_points = np.array( [ p[0] for p in cv2.findNonZero( cv2.bitwise_and( mask_keep, get_grid(mask=mask_keep, dots_per_rc=keep_dots_per_row) ) ) ] ) discard_points = np.array( [ p[0] for p in cv2.findNonZero( cv2.bitwise_and( mask_discard, get_grid(mask=mask_discard, dots_per_rc=discard_dots_per_row), ) ) ] ) return merge_seeds( [ { "input_points": keep_points, "input_labels": np.array([1 for _ in range(len(keep_points))]), }, { "input_points": discard_points, "input_labels": np.array([0 for _ in range(len(discard_points))]), }, ] ) def merge_seeds(seeds_list: list): try: return { "input_points": np.concatenate( [a["input_points"] for a in seeds_list if a["input_points"].size > 0] ), "input_labels": np.concatenate( [a["input_labels"] for a in seeds_list if a["input_labels"].size > 0] ), } except Exception as e: return { "input_points": np.array([]), "input_labels": np.array([]), } def enlarge_contours(mask, increase_by) -> list: return Morphologer( op="dilate", kernel_size=increase_by, proc_count=1, kernel=cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE )(mask) class Morphologer: allowed_ops = ["none", "erode", "dilate", "open", "close"] def __init__( self, op=None, kernel_size=3, proc_count=1, kernel=cv2.MORPH_RECT ) -> None: self.op = op self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.proc_count = proc_count self.kernel = kernel def __call__(self, mask) -> Any: return self.process(mask=mask) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.op}|{self.kernel_size}|{self.proc_count}|{self.kernel}" def to_json(self): return self.__dict__ def from_json(self, d: dict): for k, v in d.items(): setattr(self, k, v) @classmethod def create_from_json(cls, d: dict): out = cls() out.from_json(d) return out def update(self, op, kernel_size, proc_count, kernel): self.op = op self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.proc_count = proc_count self.kernel = kernel def process(self, mask): if self.kernel_size > 2: if self.op == "erode": op = cv2.MORPH_ERODE elif self.op == "dilate": op = cv2.MORPH_DILATE elif self.op == "open": op = cv2.MORPH_OPEN elif self.op == "close": op = cv2.MORPH_CLOSE elif self.op == "none": return mask else: raise NotImplementedError for _ in range(self.proc_count): mask = cv2.morphologyEx( mask, op=op, kernel=cv2.getStructuringElement( shape=self.kernel, ksize=(self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size) ), ) return mask class Thresholder: def __init__( self, color_space: str = "hsv", channel: str = "h", min=0, max=255, ) -> None: self.color_space = color_space = channel self.min = min self.max = max def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.color_space}|{}|{self.min}|{self.max}" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.color_space}, {}: {self.min}->{self.max}" def update(self, min_max): self.min = min_max[0] self.max = min_max[1] def to_json(self): return self.__dict__ def from_json(self, d: dict): for k, v in d.items(): setattr(self, k, v) @classmethod def create_from_json(cls, d: dict): out = cls() out.from_json(d) return out def threshold(self, image): channel = get_channel( image=image, color_space=self.color_space, ) return cv2.inRange(channel, self.min, self.max) def __call__(self, image) -> Any: return self.threshold(image=image) @property def display_name(self) -> str: return f"{self.color_space}: {}" @property def as_tuple(self) -> tuple: return self.min, self.max def check_hue( image, mask, cnt, ok_hue_thresholder: Thresholder, ok_hue_pxl_ratio: float = 0.2 ): x, y, w, h = [int(i) for i in cv2.boundingRect(cnt)] masked_image = cv2.bitwise_and( image, image, mask=cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cnt], -1, 255, -1) ) box_hue = cv2.split( cv2.cvtColor(masked_image[y : y + h, x : x + w], cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) )[0] return ( box_hue[ (box_hue > ok_hue_thresholder.min) & (box_hue < ok_hue_thresholder.max) ].size > np.count_nonzero(box_hue) * ok_hue_pxl_ratio ) def get_distance_data(hull, origin, max_dist): """ Calculates distances from origin to contour barycenter, also returns surface data :param hull: :param origin: :param max_dist: :return: dict """ m = cv2.moments(hull) if m["m00"] != 0: cx_ = int(m["m10"] / m["m00"]) cy_ = int(m["m01"] / m["m00"]) dist_ = math.sqrt(math.pow(cx_ - origin.x, 2) + math.pow(cy_ - origin.y, 2)) dist_scaled_inverted = 1 - dist_ / max_dist res_ = dict( dist=dist_, cx=cx_, cy=cy_, dist_scaled_inverted=dist_scaled_inverted, area=cv2.contourArea(hull), scaled_area=cv2.contourArea(hull) * math.pow(dist_scaled_inverted, 2), ) else: res_ = dict( dist=0, cx=0, cy=0, dist_scaled_inverted=0, area=0, scaled_area=0, ) return res_ def check_size(cnt, tolerance_area): return (tolerance_area is not None) and ( (tolerance_area < 0) or cv2.contourArea(cnt) >= tolerance_area ) def is_contour_overlap(mask, cmp_contour, master_contour) -> bool: cmp_image = cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cmp_contour], -1, 255, -1) master_image = cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [master_contour], -1, 255, -1) return cv2.bitwise_and(cmp_image, master_image).any() == True def is_distance_ok(mask, cmp_contour, master_contour, tolerance_distance=None) -> bool: # print(cv2.minEnclosingCircle(cmp_contour)) cmp_image = enlarge_contours( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cmp_contour], -1, 255, -1), increase_by=tolerance_distance, ) # print(cv2.minEnclosingCircle(get_external_contours(cmp_image)[0])) # print(cv2.minEnclosingCircle(master_contour)) master_image = enlarge_contours( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [master_contour], -1, 255, -1), increase_by=tolerance_distance, ) # print(cv2.minEnclosingCircle(get_external_contours(master_image)[0])) bit_image = cv2.bitwise_and(cmp_image, master_image) return bit_image.any() == True def fast_check_contour( mask, cmp_contour, master_contour, tolerance_area=None, tolerance_distance=None ): # Check contour intersection if is_contour_overlap( mask=mask, cmp_contour=cmp_contour, master_contour=master_contour ): return tc.KLC_OVERLAPS # Check contour distance ok_dist = is_distance_ok(mask, cmp_contour, master_contour, tolerance_distance) # Check contour size ok_size = check_size(cnt=cmp_contour, tolerance_area=tolerance_area) if ok_size and ok_dist: return tc.KLC_OK_TOLERANCE elif not ok_size and not ok_dist: return tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR elif not ok_size: return tc.KLC_SMALL elif not ok_dist: return tc.KLC_FAR # MARK: fast Keep linled contours def fast_keep_linked_contours( src_mask, tolerance_distance: int, tolerance_area: int, morph_op: Morphologer, min_contour_size: int = 0, epsilon: float = 0.001, skip_linked_contours: bool = False, mean_channel_data: dict = None, source_image=None, ) -> dict: mask = src_mask.copy() # Delete all small contours if min_contour_size > 0: mask = filter_contours(mask=mask, min_contour_size=min_contour_size) # Apply morphology operation to remove vnoise if morph_op is not None: mask = morph_op(mask) contours = get_external_contours(mask) # print(len(contours)) # ret = [] # canvas = cv2.drawContours( # cv2.merge([np.zeros_like(src_mask) for _ in range(3)]), # contours, # -1, # tc.C_WHITE, # -1, # ) # canvas = cv2.drawContours(canvas, contours, -1, tc.C_FUCHSIA, 4) # ret.append(canvas) # Skip if not Enough contours if len(contours) == 0: return { "im_clean_mask": np.zeros_like(src_mask), "im_clean_mask_demo": cv2.merge( [ np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask), ] ), } elif len(contours) == 1 or skip_linked_contours is True: clean_mask = cv2.bitwise_and( src_mask, cv2.drawContours( image=np.zeros_like(mask), contours=contours, contourIdx=-1, color=255, thickness=-1, ), ) return { "im_clean_mask": clean_mask, "im_clean_mask_demo": cv2.merge( [ src_mask, clean_mask, cv2.drawContours( image=np.zeros_like(mask), contours=[ cv2.approxPolyDP( cnt, epsilon * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True ) for cnt in contours ], contourIdx=-1, color=255, thickness=-1, ), ] ), } # Find root contour if mean_channel_data is not None and source_image is not None: # Use contour with matching mean color channel = get_channel( image=source_image, color_space=mean_channel_data["color_space"], channel=mean_channel_data["channel"], ) df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "area": [cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours], "mean_dist": [ abs( cv2.mean( src=channel.flatten(), mask=cv2.drawContours( np.zeros_like(mask), [c], -1, 255, -1 ).flatten(), )[0] - mean_channel_data["mean"] ) for c in contours ], } ) if abs(df.mean_dist.min() - df.mean_dist.max()) < 4: root_index = df[df.area == df.area.max()].index[0] else: X = np.reshape(df.mean_dist.to_list(), (-1, 1)) ms = MeanShift() df["level"] = ms.predict(X) df["level_dist_min"] = ( df.groupby("level").transform(lambda x: x.mean()).mean_dist ) df = df[df["level_dist_min"] == df["level_dist_min"].min()] root_index = df[df.area == df.area.max()].index[0] root_contour = contours[root_index] good_contours = [contours.pop(root_index)] unknown_contours = [] else: # Use bigger contour in the center # Find the largest contour root_contour = contours[0] big_idx = 0 h, w = src_mask.shape roi_root = Circle(w // 2, h // 2, max(h, w) // 2) dist_max = roi_root.r max_area = 0 for i, contour in enumerate(contours): morph_dict = get_distance_data(contour, roi_root, dist_max) if morph_dict["scaled_area"] > max_area: max_area = morph_dict["scaled_area"] root_contour = contour big_idx = i # parse all contours and switch good_contours = [contours.pop(big_idx)] unknown_contours = [] # print(len(contours) + len(good_contours)) # canvas = cv2.drawContours( # cv2.merge([np.zeros_like(src_mask) for _ in range(3)]), # contours, # -1, # tc.C_WHITE, # -1, # ) # canvas = cv2.drawContours(canvas, contours, -1, tc.C_FUCHSIA, 4) # # canvas = cv2.drawContours(canvas, good_contours, -1, tc.C_GREEN, -1) # canvas = cv2.drawContours(canvas, good_contours, -1, tc.C_LIME, 4) # ret.append(canvas) # return ret while len(contours) > 0: contour = contours.pop() res = fast_check_contour( mask=src_mask, cmp_contour=contour, master_contour=root_contour, tolerance_area=tolerance_area, tolerance_distance=tolerance_distance, ) if res == tc.KLC_FULLY_INSIDE: pass elif res in [tc.KLC_OVERLAPS, tc.KLC_OK_TOLERANCE]: good_contours.append(contour) else: unknown_contours.append(contour) # Try to aggregate unknown contours to good contours stable = False while not stable: stable = True i = 0 iter_count = 1 while i < len(unknown_contours): contour = unknown_contours[i] res = tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR for good_contour in good_contours: res = fast_check_contour( mask=src_mask, cmp_contour=contour, master_contour=good_contour, tolerance_area=tolerance_area, tolerance_distance=tolerance_distance, ) if res == tc.KLC_FULLY_INSIDE: del unknown_contours[i] stable = False break elif res in [tc.KLC_OVERLAPS, tc.KLC_OK_TOLERANCE]: good_contours.append(unknown_contours.pop(i)) stable = False break elif res in [ tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR, tc.KLC_SMALL, tc.KLC_FAR, ]: pass if res in [ tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR, tc.KLC_SMALL, tc.KLC_FAR, ]: i += 1 iter_count += 1 # At this point we have the zone were the contours are allowed to be contour_template = cv2.bitwise_and( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), good_contours, -1, 255, -1), mask, ) out_mask = np.zeros_like(mask) for cnt in get_contours(src_mask, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE): if ( cv2.contourArea(cnt, oriented=True) < 0 and cv2.bitwise_and( contour_template, cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cnt], 0, 255, -1), ).any() ): out_mask = cv2.drawContours(out_mask, [cnt], 0, 255, -1) im_clean_mask = cv2.bitwise_and(out_mask, src_mask) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.merge( [np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask)] ) for contour in good_contours: im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.drawContours( im_clean_mask_demo, [contour], 0, tc.C_WHITE, -1 ) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.drawContours( im_clean_mask_demo, [root_contour], 0, tc.C_GREEN, -1 ) for contour in unknown_contours: ok_size = check_size(cnt=contour, tolerance_area=tolerance_area) ok_distance = is_distance_ok( mask=im_clean_mask, cmp_contour=contour, master_contour=good_contours[0], tolerance_distance=tolerance_distance, ) contour_color = ( bgr_to_rgb(tc.C_FUCHSIA) if ok_distance is False and ok_size is False else bgr_to_rgb(tc.C_RED) if ok_size is False else bgr_to_rgb(tc.C_BLUE) ) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.drawContours( im_clean_mask_demo, [contour], 0, contour_color, -1 ) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.bitwise_and( im_clean_mask_demo, im_clean_mask_demo, mask=src_mask ) return { "im_clean_mask": im_clean_mask, "im_clean_mask_demo": im_clean_mask_demo, } def get_cnt_center(cnt): mmnt = cv2.moments(cnt) return int(mmnt["m10"] / mmnt["m00"]), int(mmnt["m01"] / mmnt["m00"]) def dbg_min_distance(mask, cnt1, cnt2): if cv2.bitwise_and( cv2.drawContours(mask, [cnt1], -1, 255, -1), cv2.drawContours(mask, [cnt2], -1, 255, -1), ).any(): return 0, get_cnt_center(cnt1), get_cnt_center(cnt2) min_dist = 1000000000000 for cur_pt1 in cnt1: for cur_pt2 in cnt2: cur_dist = cv2.norm(cur_pt1, cur_pt2) if abs(cur_dist) < min_dist: min_dist = abs(cur_dist) pt1 = cur_pt1 pt2 = cur_pt2 return min_dist, pt1[0], pt2[0] def min_distance(mask, cnt1, cnt2): if cv2.bitwise_and( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cnt1], -1, 255, -1), cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cnt2], -1, 255, -1), ).any(): return 0 return min(*[cv2.norm(pt1, pt2) for pt1, pt2 in itertools.product(cnt1, cnt2)]) def check_dist(distance, tolerance_distance): return (tolerance_distance is not None) and ( tolerance_distance < 0 or distance <= tolerance_distance ) def check_hull( mask, cmp_hull, master_hull, tolerance_area=None, tolerance_distance=None ): # Check hull intersection if cv2.bitwise_and( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cmp_hull], -1, 255, -1), cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [master_hull], -1, 255, -1), ).any(): return tc.KLC_OVERLAPS # Check point to point min_dist = min_distance(mask=mask, cnt1=cmp_hull, cnt2=master_hull) if min_dist <= 0: return tc.KLC_OVERLAPS else: ok_size = check_size(cnt=cmp_hull, tolerance_area=tolerance_area) ok_dist = check_dist(distance=min_dist, tolerance_distance=tolerance_distance) if ok_size and ok_dist: return tc.KLC_OK_TOLERANCE elif not ok_size and not ok_dist: return tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR elif not ok_size: return tc.KLC_SMALL elif not ok_dist: return tc.KLC_FAR # MARK: Keep linled contours def keep_linked_contours( src_mask, tolerance_distance: int, tolerance_area: int, morph_op: Morphologer, min_contour_size: int = 0, epsilon: float = 0.001, skip_linked_contours: bool = False, mean_channel_data: dict = None, source_image=None, ) -> dict: mask = src_mask.copy() # Delete all small contours if min_contour_size > 0: mask = filter_contours(mask=mask, min_contour_size=min_contour_size) # Apply morphology operation to remove vnoise if morph_op is not None: mask = morph_op(mask) contours = get_external_contours(mask) if len(contours) == 0: return { "im_clean_mask": np.zeros_like(src_mask), "im_clean_mask_demo": cv2.merge( [ np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask), ] ), } elif len(contours) == 1 or skip_linked_contours is True: clean_mask = cv2.bitwise_and( src_mask, cv2.drawContours( image=np.zeros_like(mask), contours=contours, contourIdx=-1, color=255, thickness=-1, ), ) return { "im_clean_mask": clean_mask, "im_clean_mask_demo": cv2.merge( [ src_mask, clean_mask, cv2.drawContours( image=np.zeros_like(mask), contours=[ cv2.approxPolyDP( cnt, epsilon * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True ) for cnt in contours ], contourIdx=-1, color=255, thickness=-1, ), ] ), } if mean_channel_data is not None and source_image is not None: channel = get_channel( image=source_image, color_space=mean_channel_data["color_space"], channel=mean_channel_data["channel"], ) contours = get_external_contours(mask) df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "area": [cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours], "mean_dist": [ abs( cv2.mean( src=channel.flatten(), mask=cv2.drawContours( np.zeros_like(mask), [c], -1, 255, -1 ).flatten(), )[0] - mean_channel_data["mean"] ) for c in contours ], } ) if abs(df.mean_dist.min() - df.mean_dist.max()) < 4: root_index = df[df.area == df.area.max()].index[0] else: X = np.reshape(df.mean_dist.to_list(), (-1, 1)) ms = MeanShift() df["level"] = ms.predict(X) df["level_dist_min"] = ( df.groupby("level").transform(lambda x: x.mean()).mean_dist ) df = df[df["level_dist_min"] == df["level_dist_min"].min()] root_index = df[df.area == df.area.max()].index[0] hulls = [ cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, epsilon * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True) for cnt in contours ] root_hull = hulls[root_index] good_hulls = [hulls.pop(root_index)] unknown_hulls = [] else: # Transform all contours into approximations hulls = [ cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, epsilon * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True) for cnt in contours ] # Find the largest hull root_hull = hulls[0] big_idx = 0 h, w = src_mask.shape roi_root = Circle(w // 2, h // 2, max(h, w) // 2) dist_max = roi_root.r max_area = 0 for i, hull in enumerate(hulls): morph_dict = get_distance_data(hull, roi_root, dist_max) if morph_dict["scaled_area"] > max_area: max_area = morph_dict["scaled_area"] root_hull = hull big_idx = i # parse all hulls and switch good_hulls = [hulls.pop(big_idx)] unknown_hulls = [] while len(hulls) > 0: hull = hulls.pop() res = check_hull( mask=src_mask, cmp_hull=hull, master_hull=root_hull, tolerance_area=tolerance_area, tolerance_distance=tolerance_distance, ) if res == tc.KLC_FULLY_INSIDE: pass elif res in [tc.KLC_OVERLAPS, tc.KLC_OK_TOLERANCE]: good_hulls.append(hull) else: unknown_hulls.append(hull) # Try to aggregate unknown hulls to good hulls stable = False while not stable: stable = True i = 0 iter_count = 1 while i < len(unknown_hulls): hull = unknown_hulls[i] res = tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR for good_hull in good_hulls: res = check_hull( mask=src_mask, cmp_hull=hull, master_hull=good_hull, tolerance_area=tolerance_area, tolerance_distance=tolerance_distance, ) if res == tc.KLC_FULLY_INSIDE: del unknown_hulls[i] stable = False break elif res in [tc.KLC_OVERLAPS, tc.KLC_OK_TOLERANCE]: good_hulls.append(unknown_hulls.pop(i)) stable = False break elif res in [ tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR, tc.KLC_SMALL, tc.KLC_FAR, ]: pass if res in [ tc.KLC_SMALL_FAR, tc.KLC_SMALL, tc.KLC_FAR, ]: i += 1 iter_count += 1 # At this point we have the zone were the contours are allowed to be hull_template = cv2.bitwise_and( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), good_hulls, -1, 255, -1), mask, ) out_mask = np.zeros_like(mask) for cnt in get_contours(src_mask, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE): if ( cv2.contourArea(cnt, oriented=True) < 0 and cv2.bitwise_and( hull_template, cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cnt], 0, 255, -1), ).any() ): out_mask = cv2.drawContours(out_mask, [cnt], 0, 255, -1) im_clean_mask = cv2.bitwise_and(out_mask, src_mask) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.merge( [np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask), np.zeros_like(src_mask)] ) for hull in good_hulls: im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.drawContours( im_clean_mask_demo, [hull], 0, tc.C_WHITE, -1 ) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.drawContours( im_clean_mask_demo, [root_hull], 0, tc.C_GREEN, -1 ) for hull in unknown_hulls: ok_size = check_size(cnt=hull, tolerance_area=tolerance_area) min_dist = ( min_distance(im_clean_mask_demo, hull, good_hulls[0]) if len(good_hulls) == 1 else min( *[ min_distance(im_clean_mask_demo, hull, good_hull) for good_hull in good_hulls ] ) ) ok_distance = check_dist(distance=min_dist, tolerance_distance=tolerance_area) contour_color = ( bgr_to_rgb(tc.C_FUCHSIA) if ok_distance is False and ok_size is False else bgr_to_rgb(tc.C_RED) if ok_size is False else bgr_to_rgb(tc.C_BLUE) ) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.drawContours( im_clean_mask_demo, [hull], 0, contour_color, -1 ) im_clean_mask_demo = cv2.bitwise_and( im_clean_mask_demo, im_clean_mask_demo, mask=src_mask ) return { "im_clean_mask": im_clean_mask, "im_clean_mask_demo": im_clean_mask_demo, } def get_external_contours(mask): external_contours = [] contours, hierarchys = cv2.findContours( mask, mode=cv2.RETR_TREE, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE ) if len(contours) == 0: return [] for cnt, hier in zip(contours, hierarchys[0]): if hier[-1] == -1: external_contours.append(cnt) if len(external_contours) == 0: return [] external_contours.sort(key=lambda x: cv2.contourArea(x, oriented=False)) return external_contours def get_internal_contours(mask): internal_contours = [] contours, hierarchys = cv2.findContours( mask, mode=cv2.RETR_TREE, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) if len(contours) == 0: return [] for cnt, hier in zip(contours, hierarchys[0]): if hier[-1] != -1: internal_contours.append(cnt) if len(internal_contours) == 0: return [] internal_contours.sort(key=lambda x: cv2.contourArea(x, oriented=False)) return internal_contours def get_filled_contours(mask): return [ cnt for cnt in cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[0] if cv2.bitwise_and( mask, cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(mask), [cnt], -1, 255, -1) ).any() == True ] def get_main_contour(mask): external_contours = get_external_contours(mask) if len(external_contours) == 0: return None elif len(external_contours) == 1: return external_contours[0] else: big_idx = 0 h, w = mask.shape roi_root = Circle(w // 2, h // 2, max(h, w) // 2) dist_max = roi_root.r max_area = 0 for i, hull in enumerate(external_contours): morph_dict = get_distance_data(hull, roi_root, dist_max) if morph_dict["scaled_area"] > max_area: max_area = morph_dict["scaled_area"] big_idx = i return external_contours[big_idx] def get_suspect_contours(mask): external_contours = get_external_contours(mask) if len(external_contours) == 0: return [] big_idx = 0 h, w = mask.shape roi_root = Circle(w // 2, h // 2, max(h, w) // 2) dist_max = roi_root.r max_area = 0 for i, hull in enumerate(external_contours): morph_dict = get_distance_data(hull, roi_root, dist_max) if morph_dict["scaled_area"] > max_area: max_area = morph_dict["scaled_area"] big_idx = i external_contours.pop(big_idx) return external_contours def get_contours_dict(mask): main = get_main_contour(mask) internal = get_internal_contours(mask) suspect = get_suspect_contours(mask) ret = {} if main is not None: ret["main"] = main if internal: ret["internal"] = internal if suspect: ret["suspect"] = suspect return ret def find_matches( previous_image, previous_mask, current_image, current_mask, safe_ratio: float = 0.5, plot_debug: dict = {}, ): desc_extractor = SIFT() # Previous image masked_previous_image = cv2.equalizeHist( cv2.cvtColor( cv2.bitwise_and(previous_image, previous_image, mask=previous_mask), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, ) ) desc_extractor.detect_and_extract(masked_previous_image) kp_previous = desc_extractor.keypoints desc_previous = desc_extractor.descriptors # Current image masked_current_image = cv2.equalizeHist( cv2.cvtColor( cv2.bitwise_and(current_image, current_image, mask=current_mask), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, ) ) desc_extractor.detect_and_extract(masked_current_image) kp_current = desc_extractor.keypoints desc_current = desc_extractor.descriptors # Find matches matches = match_descriptors( desc_previous, desc_current, max_ratio=0.8, cross_check=True ) matches_previous = kp_previous[matches[:, 0]] matches_current = kp_current[matches[:, 1]] distances = np.array( [np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) for p1, p2 in zip(matches_previous, matches_current)] ) matches_previous = matches_previous[ (distances < np.median(distances) / safe_ratio) & (distances > np.median(distances) * safe_ratio) ] matches_current = matches_current[ (distances < np.median(distances) / safe_ratio) & (distances > np.median(distances) * safe_ratio) ] if plot_debug: if "ax" in plot_debug: ax = plot_debug["ax"] else: _, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 10)) plot_matches( ax=ax, image1=plot_debug["previous"], image2=plot_debug["current"], keypoints1=kp_previous, keypoints2=kp_current, matches=matches, only_matches=plot_debug.get("only_matches", True), ) ax.axis("off") if "title" in plot_debug: ax.set_title(plot_debug["title"]) if "ax" not in plot_debug: return matches_previous, matches_current def find_rotation_anlge( previous_image, previous_mask, current_image, current_mask, plot_debug: dict = {}, ): matches_previous, matches_current = find_matches( previous_image=previous_image, previous_mask=previous_mask, current_image=current_image, current_mask=current_mask, plot_debug=plot_debug, ) rot, *_ = R.align_vectors( np.pad( matches_previous - matches_previous.mean(axis=0), pad_width=[0, 1], mode="constant", ), np.pad( matches_current - matches_current.mean(axis=0), pad_width=[0, 1], mode="constant", ), return_sensitivity=True, ) return rot.as_euler("zyx", degrees=True)[0] def match_previous_rotation( previous_image, previous_mask, current_image, current_mask, plot_debug: dict = {}, ): if plot_debug: fig = plt.figure( figsize=plot_debug["fig_size"] if "fig_size" in plot_debug else (8, 8) ) grid_spec = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=2, ncols=3) plt_descriptors = fig.add_subplot(grid_spec[0, :]) plot_debug = plot_debug | { "previous": cv2.bitwise_and( previous_image, previous_image, mask=previous_mask ), "current": cv2.bitwise_and(current_image, current_image, mask=current_mask), "ax": plt_descriptors, } angle = find_rotation_anlge( previous_image=previous_image, previous_mask=previous_mask, current_image=current_image, current_mask=current_mask, plot_debug=plot_debug, ) ret = rotate_image(current_image, angle=angle) if plot_debug: plt_descriptors.set_title(f"{plot_debug['title']}, angle={angle:.2f} ") _update_axis( axis=fig.add_subplot(grid_spec[1, 0]), image=previous_image, title="previous image", ) _update_axis( axis=fig.add_subplot(grid_spec[1, 1]), image=ret, title="rotated image" ) _update_axis( axis=fig.add_subplot(grid_spec[1, 2]), image=current_image, title="current image", ) return ret def sift_contours( clean_mask, target_mask, morph_op: Morphologer = Morphologer(op="none") ): contours = get_contours_dict(morph_op(target_mask)) if "suspect" not in contours: return target_mask suspects = contours["suspect"] goods = [] i = 0 cm = morph_op(clean_mask) while i < len(suspects): if cv2.bitwise_and( cv2.drawContours(np.zeros_like(cm), suspects, i, 255, -1), cm, ).any(): goods.append(suspects.pop(i)) else: i += 1 # Finalize ret = cv2.drawContours( np.zeros_like(cm), contours=[contours["main"]] + goods, contourIdx=-1, color=255, thickness=-1, ) ret = cv2.drawContours( ret, contours=contours.get("internal", []), contourIdx=-1, color=0, thickness=-1, ) return ret def draw_mask( image, mask, background_type: str = "bw", draw_contours: bool = True, mask_properties: list = [], contours_thickness: int = 4, ): foreground = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask) if background_type == "bw": background = cv2.cvtColor( cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=255 - mask), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY ) background = background * 0.4 background[background > 255] = 255 background = cv2.merge([background, background, background]).astype(np.uint8) elif background_type == "source": background = image.copy() elif isinstance(background_type, tuple): background = np.full_like(image, background_type) else: raise NotImplementedError out = cv2.bitwise_or(foreground, background) if draw_contours is True or isinstance(draw_contours, tuple): cur_color = 0 colors = ( [ tc.C_BLUE, tc.C_BLUE_VIOLET, tc.C_CABIN_BLUE, tc.C_CYAN, tc.C_FUCHSIA, tc.C_LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE, tc.C_MAROON, tc.C_ORANGE, tc.C_PURPLE, tc.C_RED, tc.C_TEAL, tc.C_YELLOW, ] if isinstance(draw_contours, bool) else [draw_contours] if isinstance(draw_contours, tuple) else [tc.C_WHITE] ) for cnt in cv2.findContours( mask, mode=cv2.RETR_LIST, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE )[0]: out = cv2.drawContours( out, [cnt], contourIdx=0, color=colors[cur_color], thickness=contours_thickness, ) cur_color += 1 if cur_color > len(colors) - 1: cur_color = 0 if tc.MP_CENTROID in mask_properties: moments = cv2.moments(mask, binaryImage=True) cmx, cmy = ( moments["m10"] / moments["m00"], moments["m01"] / moments["m00"], ) out =, (int(cmx), int(cmy)), 10, tc.C_BLUE, 4) return out def draw_marker( image, pos: list, marker_size: int, thickness: int, colors: tuple, marker_type=cv2.MARKER_CROSS, ): return cv2.drawMarker( cv2.drawMarker( image, pos, color=colors[0], markerType=marker_type, markerSize=marker_size, thickness=thickness, ), pos, color=colors[1], markerType=marker_type, markerSize=marker_size // 2, thickness=thickness // 2, ) def draw_seeds(image, seeds, selected_label=None, marker_size=None, marker_thickness=4): marker_size = max(image.shape) // 50 if marker_size is None else marker_size for seed, label in zip(seeds["input_points"], seeds["input_labels"]): if selected_label is not None and label != selected_label: continue image = draw_marker( image=image, pos=seed, marker_size=marker_size, thickness=marker_thickness, colors=(tc.C_WHITE, tc.C_BLUE if label == 0 else tc.C_LIME), marker_type=cv2.MARKER_TILTED_CROSS if label == 0 else cv2.MARKER_SQUARE, ) return image def get_concat_h_multi_resize(im_list, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC): min_height = min(im.height for im in im_list) im_list_resize = [ im.resize( (int(im.width * min_height / im.height), min_height), resample=resample ) for im in im_list ] total_width = sum(im.width for im in im_list_resize) dst ="RGB", (total_width, min_height)) pos_x = 0 for im in im_list_resize: dst.paste(im, (pos_x, 0)) pos_x += im.width return dst def get_concat_v_multi_resize(im_list, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC): min_width = min(im.width for im in im_list) im_list_resize = [ im.resize((min_width, int(im.height * min_width / im.width)), resample=resample) for im in im_list ] total_height = sum(im.height for im in im_list_resize) dst ="RGB", (min_width, total_height)) pos_y = 0 for im in im_list_resize: dst.paste(im, (0, pos_y)) pos_y += im.height return dst def get_concat_tile_resize(im_list_2d, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC): im_list_v = [ get_concat_h_multi_resize(im_list_h, resample=resample) for im_list_h in im_list_2d ] return get_concat_v_multi_resize(im_list_v, resample=resample) def get_tiles(img_list, row_count, resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC): if isinstance(img_list, np.ndarray) is False: img_list = np.asarray(img_list, dtype="object") return get_concat_tile_resize(np.split(img_list, row_count), resample)