# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license """ Ultralytics Results, Boxes and Masks classes for handling inference results Usage: See https://docs.ultralytics.com/modes/predict/ """ from copy import deepcopy from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import torch from ultralytics.data.augment import LetterBox from ultralytics.utils import LOGGER, SimpleClass, deprecation_warn, ops from ultralytics.utils.plotting import Annotator, colors, save_one_box class BaseTensor(SimpleClass): """ Base tensor class with additional methods for easy manipulation and device handling. """ def __init__(self, data, orig_shape) -> None: """Initialize BaseTensor with data and original shape. Args: data (torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): Predictions, such as bboxes, masks and keypoints. orig_shape (tuple): Original shape of image. """ assert isinstance(data, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)) self.data = data self.orig_shape = orig_shape @property def shape(self): """Return the shape of the data tensor.""" return self.data.shape def cpu(self): """Return a copy of the tensor on CPU memory.""" return self if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray) else self.__class__(self.data.cpu(), self.orig_shape) def numpy(self): """Return a copy of the tensor as a numpy array.""" return self if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray) else self.__class__(self.data.numpy(), self.orig_shape) def cuda(self): """Return a copy of the tensor on GPU memory.""" return self.__class__(torch.as_tensor(self.data).cuda(), self.orig_shape) def to(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a copy of the tensor with the specified device and dtype.""" return self.__class__(torch.as_tensor(self.data).to(*args, **kwargs), self.orig_shape) def __len__(self): # override len(results) """Return the length of the data tensor.""" return len(self.data) def __getitem__(self, idx): """Return a BaseTensor with the specified index of the data tensor.""" return self.__class__(self.data[idx], self.orig_shape) class Results(SimpleClass): """ A class for storing and manipulating inference results. Args: orig_img (numpy.ndarray): The original image as a numpy array. path (str): The path to the image file. names (dict): A dictionary of class names. boxes (torch.tensor, optional): A 2D tensor of bounding box coordinates for each detection. masks (torch.tensor, optional): A 3D tensor of detection masks, where each mask is a binary image. probs (torch.tensor, optional): A 1D tensor of probabilities of each class for classification task. keypoints (List[List[float]], optional): A list of detected keypoints for each object. Attributes: orig_img (numpy.ndarray): The original image as a numpy array. orig_shape (tuple): The original image shape in (height, width) format. boxes (Boxes, optional): A Boxes object containing the detection bounding boxes. masks (Masks, optional): A Masks object containing the detection masks. probs (Probs, optional): A Probs object containing probabilities of each class for classification task. keypoints (Keypoints, optional): A Keypoints object containing detected keypoints for each object. speed (dict): A dictionary of preprocess, inference, and postprocess speeds in milliseconds per image. names (dict): A dictionary of class names. path (str): The path to the image file. _keys (tuple): A tuple of attribute names for non-empty attributes. """ def __init__(self, orig_img, path, names, boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, keypoints=None, regression_preds = None) -> None: """Initialize the Results class.""" self.orig_img = orig_img self.orig_shape = orig_img.shape[:2] self.boxes = Boxes(boxes, self.orig_shape) if boxes is not None else None # native size boxes self.masks = Masks(masks, self.orig_shape) if masks is not None else None # native size or imgsz masks self.probs = Probs(probs) if probs is not None else None self.keypoints = Keypoints(keypoints, self.orig_shape) if keypoints is not None else None self.speed = {'preprocess': None, 'inference': None, 'postprocess': None} # milliseconds per image self.names = names self.path = path self.save_dir = None self._keys = 'boxes', 'masks', 'probs', 'keypoints' self.regression_preds = regression_preds def __getitem__(self, idx): """Return a Results object for the specified index.""" return self._apply('__getitem__', idx) def __len__(self): """Return the number of detections in the Results object.""" for k in self._keys: v = getattr(self, k) if v is not None: return len(v) def update(self, boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None): """Update the boxes, masks, and probs attributes of the Results object.""" if boxes is not None: ops.clip_boxes(boxes, self.orig_shape) # clip boxes self.boxes = Boxes(boxes, self.orig_shape) if masks is not None: self.masks = Masks(masks, self.orig_shape) if probs is not None: self.probs = probs def _apply(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): r = self.new() for k in self._keys: v = getattr(self, k) if v is not None: setattr(r, k, getattr(v, fn)(*args, **kwargs)) return r def cpu(self): """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors on CPU memory.""" return self._apply('cpu') def numpy(self): """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors as numpy arrays.""" return self._apply('numpy') def cuda(self): """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors on GPU memory.""" return self._apply('cuda') def to(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a copy of the Results object with tensors on the specified device and dtype.""" return self._apply('to', *args, **kwargs) def new(self): """Return a new Results object with the same image, path, and names.""" return Results(orig_img=self.orig_img, path=self.path, names=self.names) def plot( self, conf=True, line_width=None, font_size=None, font='Arial.ttf', pil=False, img=None, im_gpu=None, kpt_radius=5, kpt_line=True, labels=True, boxes=True, masks=True, probs=True, **kwargs # deprecated args TODO: remove support in 8.2 ): """ Plots the detection results on an input RGB image. Accepts a numpy array (cv2) or a PIL Image. Args: conf (bool): Whether to plot the detection confidence score. line_width (float, optional): The line width of the bounding boxes. If None, it is scaled to the image size. font_size (float, optional): The font size of the text. If None, it is scaled to the image size. font (str): The font to use for the text. pil (bool): Whether to return the image as a PIL Image. img (numpy.ndarray): Plot to another image. if not, plot to original image. im_gpu (torch.Tensor): Normalized image in gpu with shape (1, 3, 640, 640), for faster mask plotting. kpt_radius (int, optional): Radius of the drawn keypoints. Default is 5. kpt_line (bool): Whether to draw lines connecting keypoints. labels (bool): Whether to plot the label of bounding boxes. boxes (bool): Whether to plot the bounding boxes. masks (bool): Whether to plot the masks. probs (bool): Whether to plot classification probability Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A numpy array of the annotated image. Example: ```python from PIL import Image from ultralytics import YOLO model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt') results = model('bus.jpg') # results list for r in results: im_array = r.plot() # plot a BGR numpy array of predictions im = Image.fromarray(im_array[..., ::-1]) # RGB PIL image im.show() # show image im.save('results.jpg') # save image ``` """ if img is None and isinstance(self.orig_img, torch.Tensor): img = (self.orig_img[0].detach().permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().contiguous() * 255).to(torch.uint8).numpy() # Deprecation warn TODO: remove in 8.2 if 'show_conf' in kwargs: deprecation_warn('show_conf', 'conf') conf = kwargs['show_conf'] assert isinstance(conf, bool), '`show_conf` should be of boolean type, i.e, show_conf=True/False' if 'line_thickness' in kwargs: deprecation_warn('line_thickness', 'line_width') line_width = kwargs['line_thickness'] assert isinstance(line_width, int), '`line_width` should be of int type, i.e, line_width=3' names = self.names pred_boxes, show_boxes = self.boxes, boxes pred_masks, show_masks = self.masks, masks pred_probs, show_probs = self.probs, probs annotator = Annotator( deepcopy(self.orig_img if img is None else img), line_width, font_size, font, pil or (pred_probs is not None and show_probs), # Classify tasks default to pil=True example=names) # Plot Segment results if pred_masks and show_masks: if im_gpu is None: img = LetterBox(pred_masks.shape[1:])(image=annotator.result()) im_gpu = torch.as_tensor(img, dtype=torch.float16, device=pred_masks.data.device).permute( 2, 0, 1).flip(0).contiguous() / 255 idx = pred_boxes.cls if pred_boxes else range(len(pred_masks)) annotator.masks(pred_masks.data, colors=[colors(x, True) for x in idx], im_gpu=im_gpu) # Plot Detect results if pred_boxes and show_boxes: for d in reversed(pred_boxes): c, conf, id = int(d.cls), float(d.conf) if conf else None, None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item()) name = ('' if id is None else f'id:{id} ') + names[c] label = (f'{name} {conf:.2f}' if conf else name) if labels else None annotator.box_label(d.xyxy.squeeze(), label, color=colors(c, True)) # Plot Classify results if pred_probs is not None and show_probs: text = ',\n'.join(f'{names[j] if names else j} {pred_probs.data[j]:.2f}' for j in pred_probs.top5) x = round(self.orig_shape[0] * 0.03) annotator.text([x, x], text, txt_color=(255, 255, 255)) # TODO: allow setting colors # Plot Pose results if self.keypoints is not None: for k in reversed(self.keypoints.data): annotator.kpts(k, self.orig_shape, radius=kpt_radius, kpt_line=kpt_line) return annotator.result() def verbose(self): """ Return log string for each task. """ log_string = '' probs = self.probs boxes = self.boxes if len(self) == 0: return log_string if probs is not None else f'{log_string}(no detections), ' if probs is not None: log_string += f"{', '.join(f'{self.names[j]} {probs.data[j]:.2f}' for j in probs.top5)}, " if boxes: for c in boxes.cls.unique(): n = (boxes.cls == c).sum() # detections per class log_string += f"{n} {self.names[int(c)]}{'s' * (n > 1)}, " return log_string def save_txt(self, txt_file, save_conf=False): """ Save predictions into txt file. Args: txt_file (str): txt file path. save_conf (bool): save confidence score or not. """ boxes = self.boxes masks = self.masks probs = self.probs kpts = self.keypoints texts = [] if probs is not None: # Classify [texts.append(f'{probs.data[j]:.2f} {self.names[j]}') for j in probs.top5] elif boxes: # Detect/segment/pose for j, d in enumerate(boxes): c, conf, id = int(d.cls), float(d.conf), None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item()) line = (c, *d.xywhn.view(-1)) if masks: seg = masks[j].xyn[0].copy().reshape(-1) # reversed mask.xyn, (n,2) to (n*2) line = (c, *seg) if kpts is not None: kpt = torch.cat((kpts[j].xyn, kpts[j].conf[..., None]), 2) if kpts[j].has_visible else kpts[j].xyn line += (*kpt.reshape(-1).tolist(), ) line += (conf, ) * save_conf + (() if id is None else (id, )) texts.append(('%g ' * len(line)).rstrip() % line) if texts: Path(txt_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # make directory with open(txt_file, 'a') as f: f.writelines(text + '\n' for text in texts) def save_crop(self, save_dir, file_name=Path('im.jpg')): """ Save cropped predictions to `save_dir/cls/file_name.jpg`. Args: save_dir (str | pathlib.Path): Save path. file_name (str | pathlib.Path): File name. """ if self.probs is not None: LOGGER.warning('WARNING ⚠️ Classify task do not support `save_crop`.') return for d in self.boxes: save_one_box(d.xyxy, self.orig_img.copy(), file=Path(save_dir) / self.names[int(d.cls)] / f'{Path(file_name).stem}.jpg', BGR=True) def tojson(self, normalize=False): """Convert the object to JSON format.""" if self.probs is not None: LOGGER.warning('Warning: Classify task do not support `tojson` yet.') return import json # Create list of detection dictionaries results = [] data = self.boxes.data.cpu().tolist() h, w = self.orig_shape if normalize else (1, 1) for i, row in enumerate(data): # xyxy, track_id if tracking, conf, class_id box = {'x1': row[0] / w, 'y1': row[1] / h, 'x2': row[2] / w, 'y2': row[3] / h} conf = row[-2] class_id = int(row[-1]) name = self.names[class_id] result = {'name': name, 'class': class_id, 'confidence': conf, 'box': box} if self.boxes.is_track: result['track_id'] = int(row[-3]) # track ID if self.masks: x, y = self.masks.xy[i][:, 0], self.masks.xy[i][:, 1] # numpy array result['segments'] = {'x': (x / w).tolist(), 'y': (y / h).tolist()} if self.keypoints is not None: x, y, visible = self.keypoints[i].data[0].cpu().unbind(dim=1) # torch Tensor result['keypoints'] = {'x': (x / w).tolist(), 'y': (y / h).tolist(), 'visible': visible.tolist()} results.append(result) # Convert detections to JSON return json.dumps(results, indent=2) class Boxes(BaseTensor): """ A class for storing and manipulating detection boxes. Args: boxes (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): A tensor or numpy array containing the detection boxes, with shape (num_boxes, 6) or (num_boxes, 7). The last two columns contain confidence and class values. If present, the third last column contains track IDs. orig_shape (tuple): Original image size, in the format (height, width). Attributes: xyxy (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xyxy format. conf (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The confidence values of the boxes. cls (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The class values of the boxes. id (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The track IDs of the boxes (if available). xywh (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xywh format. xyxyn (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xyxy format normalized by original image size. xywhn (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The boxes in xywh format normalized by original image size. data (torch.Tensor): The raw bboxes tensor (alias for `boxes`). Methods: cpu(): Move the object to CPU memory. numpy(): Convert the object to a numpy array. cuda(): Move the object to CUDA memory. to(*args, **kwargs): Move the object to the specified device. """ def __init__(self, boxes, orig_shape) -> None: """Initialize the Boxes class.""" if boxes.ndim == 1: boxes = boxes[None, :] n = boxes.shape[-1] assert n in (6, 7), f'expected `n` in [6, 7], but got {n}' # xyxy, track_id, conf, cls super().__init__(boxes, orig_shape) self.is_track = n == 7 self.orig_shape = orig_shape @property def xyxy(self): """Return the boxes in xyxy format.""" return self.data[:, :4] @property def conf(self): """Return the confidence values of the boxes.""" return self.data[:, -2] @property def cls(self): """Return the class values of the boxes.""" return self.data[:, -1] @property def id(self): """Return the track IDs of the boxes (if available).""" return self.data[:, -3] if self.is_track else None @property @lru_cache(maxsize=2) # maxsize 1 should suffice def xywh(self): """Return the boxes in xywh format.""" return ops.xyxy2xywh(self.xyxy) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=2) def xyxyn(self): """Return the boxes in xyxy format normalized by original image size.""" xyxy = self.xyxy.clone() if isinstance(self.xyxy, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(self.xyxy) xyxy[..., [0, 2]] /= self.orig_shape[1] xyxy[..., [1, 3]] /= self.orig_shape[0] return xyxy @property @lru_cache(maxsize=2) def xywhn(self): """Return the boxes in xywh format normalized by original image size.""" xywh = ops.xyxy2xywh(self.xyxy) xywh[..., [0, 2]] /= self.orig_shape[1] xywh[..., [1, 3]] /= self.orig_shape[0] return xywh @property def boxes(self): """Return the raw bboxes tensor (deprecated).""" LOGGER.warning("WARNING ⚠️ 'Boxes.boxes' is deprecated. Use 'Boxes.data' instead.") return self.data class Masks(BaseTensor): """ A class for storing and manipulating detection masks. Attributes: segments (list): Deprecated property for segments (normalized). xy (list): A list of segments in pixel coordinates. xyn (list): A list of normalized segments. Methods: cpu(): Returns the masks tensor on CPU memory. numpy(): Returns the masks tensor as a numpy array. cuda(): Returns the masks tensor on GPU memory. to(device, dtype): Returns the masks tensor with the specified device and dtype. """ def __init__(self, masks, orig_shape) -> None: """Initialize the Masks class with the given masks tensor and original image shape.""" if masks.ndim == 2: masks = masks[None, :] super().__init__(masks, orig_shape) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def segments(self): """Return segments (normalized). Deprecated; use xyn property instead.""" LOGGER.warning( "WARNING ⚠️ 'Masks.segments' is deprecated. Use 'Masks.xyn' for segments (normalized) and 'Masks.xy' for segments (pixels) instead." ) return self.xyn @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def xyn(self): """Return normalized segments.""" return [ ops.scale_coords(self.data.shape[1:], x, self.orig_shape, normalize=True) for x in ops.masks2segments(self.data)] @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def xy(self): """Return segments in pixel coordinates.""" return [ ops.scale_coords(self.data.shape[1:], x, self.orig_shape, normalize=False) for x in ops.masks2segments(self.data)] @property def masks(self): """Return the raw masks tensor. Deprecated; use data attribute instead.""" LOGGER.warning("WARNING ⚠️ 'Masks.masks' is deprecated. Use 'Masks.data' instead.") return self.data class Keypoints(BaseTensor): """ A class for storing and manipulating detection keypoints. Attributes: xy (torch.Tensor): A collection of keypoints containing x, y coordinates for each detection. xyn (torch.Tensor): A normalized version of xy with coordinates in the range [0, 1]. conf (torch.Tensor): Confidence values associated with keypoints if available, otherwise None. Methods: cpu(): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor on CPU memory. numpy(): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor as a numpy array. cuda(): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor on GPU memory. to(device, dtype): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor with the specified device and dtype. """ def __init__(self, keypoints, orig_shape) -> None: """Initializes the Keypoints object with detection keypoints and original image size.""" if keypoints.ndim == 2: keypoints = keypoints[None, :] super().__init__(keypoints, orig_shape) self.has_visible = self.data.shape[-1] == 3 @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def xy(self): """Returns x, y coordinates of keypoints.""" return self.data[..., :2] @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def xyn(self): """Returns normalized x, y coordinates of keypoints.""" xy = self.xy.clone() if isinstance(self.xy, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(self.xy) xy[..., 0] /= self.orig_shape[1] xy[..., 1] /= self.orig_shape[0] return xy @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def conf(self): """Returns confidence values of keypoints if available, else None.""" return self.data[..., 2] if self.has_visible else None class Probs(BaseTensor): """ A class for storing and manipulating classification predictions. Attributes: top1 (int): Index of the top 1 class. top5 (list[int]): Indices of the top 5 classes. top1conf (torch.Tensor): Confidence of the top 1 class. top5conf (torch.Tensor): Confidences of the top 5 classes. Methods: cpu(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor on CPU memory. numpy(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor as a numpy array. cuda(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor on GPU memory. to(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor with the specified device and dtype. """ def __init__(self, probs, orig_shape=None) -> None: super().__init__(probs, orig_shape) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def top1(self): """Return the index of top 1.""" return int(self.data.argmax()) @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def top5(self): """Return the indices of top 5.""" return (-self.data).argsort(0)[:5].tolist() # this way works with both torch and numpy. @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def top1conf(self): """Return the confidence of top 1.""" return self.data[self.top1] @property @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def top5conf(self): """Return the confidences of top 5.""" return self.data[self.top5]