import numpyAc | |
import numpy as np | |
# Generate random symbols and pdf. | |
dim = 128 | |
symsNum = 2000 | |
pdf = np.random.rand(symsNum,dim) | |
pdf = pdf / (np.sum(pdf,1,keepdims=True)) | |
sym = np.random.randint(0,dim,symsNum,dtype=np.int16) | |
output_pdf = pdf | |
# Encode to bytestream. | |
codec = numpyAc.arithmeticCoding() | |
byte_stream,real_bits = codec.encode(pdf, sym,'out.b') | |
# Number of bits taken by the stream. | |
print('real_bits',real_bits) | |
# Theoretical bits number | |
print('shannon entropy',-int(np.log2(pdf[range(0,symsNum),sym]).sum())) | |
# Decode from bytestream. | |
decodec = numpyAc.arithmeticDeCoding(None,dim,'out.b') | |
# Autoregressive decoding and output will be equal to the input. | |
for i,s in enumerate(sym): | |
assert decodec.decode(output_pdf[i:i+1,:]) == s |