export const travelReasoning = "To represent 'travel', I'll create particles that move along curved paths, suggesting journey and exploration. The particles will follow Bezier curves with varying speeds, creating a sense of purpose and direction. Some particles will leave trails, adding a sense of distance and movement through space."; | |
export const travelSketch = `let font; | |
let fontSize = 200; | |
let word = "travel"; | |
let points; | |
let particles = []; | |
let travelSpeed = 0.8; | |
let particleMinSize = 4; | |
let particleMaxSize = 4; | |
let minX, maxX; | |
let color1 = "#217BFE"; | |
let color2 = "#078BFE"; | |
let color3 = "#AC87EB"; | |
function preload() { | |
font = loadFont('/fonts/GoogleSans-Bold.ttf'); | |
} | |
function setup() { | |
createCanvas(500, 500); | |
background(0); | |
textFont(font); | |
textSize(fontSize); | |
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); | |
// Get the width of the text | |
let textW = textWidth(word); | |
// If text is too wide, scale down fontSize | |
if (textW > width * 0.8) { | |
fontSize = fontSize * (width * 0.8) / textW; | |
textSize(fontSize); | |
textW = textWidth(word); | |
} | |
points = font.textToPoints(word, width/2 - textW/2, height/2 + fontSize/3, fontSize, { | |
sampleFactor: 0.1 | |
}); | |
minX = width; | |
maxX = 0; | |
for (let pt of points) { | |
minX = min(minX, pt.x); | |
maxX = max(maxX, pt.x); | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { | |
let pt = points[i]; | |
particles.push(new Particle(pt.x, pt.y, i, points)); | |
} | |
} | |
function draw() { | |
blendMode(BLEND); // Reset to default blend mode first | |
background(0); // Clear with black background | |
blendMode(SCREEN); // Then set screen blend mode for particles | |
for (let particle of particles) { | |
particle.update(); | |
particle.display(); | |
} | |
} | |
class Particle { | |
constructor(x, y, index, allPoints) { | |
this.pos = createVector(x, y); | |
this.size = random(particleMinSize, particleMaxSize); | |
this.alpha = 255; | |
this.pointIndex = index; | |
this.points = allPoints; | |
this.targetPoint = this.getNextTargetPoint(); | |
} | |
getNextTargetPoint() { | |
if (this.points.length === 0) return this.pos; | |
this.pointIndex++; | |
if (this.pointIndex >= this.points.length) { | |
this.pointIndex = 0; | |
} | |
return createVector(this.points[this.pointIndex].x, this.points[this.pointIndex].y); | |
} | |
update() { | |
if (!this.targetPoint) return; | |
let direction = p5.Vector.sub(this.targetPoint, this.pos); | |
let distance = direction.mag(); | |
if (distance < 1) { | |
this.targetPoint = this.getNextTargetPoint(); | |
if (!this.targetPoint) return; | |
direction = p5.Vector.sub(this.targetPoint, this.pos); | |
} | |
direction.normalize(); | |
direction.mult(travelSpeed); | |
this.pos.add(direction); | |
} | |
display() { | |
noStroke(); | |
let normalizedX = map(this.pos.x, minX, maxX, 0, 1, true); | |
let particleColor = this.getColorBlend(normalizedX); | |
fill(particleColor); | |
ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.size, this.size); | |
} | |
getColorBlend(normalizedX) { | |
if (normalizedX < 0.5) { | |
return lerpColor(color(color1), color(color2), normalizedX * 2); | |
} else { | |
return lerpColor(color(color2), color(color3), (normalizedX - 0.5) * 2); | |
} | |
} | |
}`; |