# Adapted from Open-Sora-Plan # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # -------------------------------------------------------- # References: # Open-Sora-Plan: https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan # -------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from .ops import shift_dim class Codebook(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_codes, embedding_dim): super().__init__() self.register_buffer("embeddings", torch.randn(n_codes, embedding_dim)) self.register_buffer("N", torch.zeros(n_codes)) self.register_buffer("z_avg", self.embeddings.data.clone()) self.n_codes = n_codes self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self._need_init = True def _tile(self, x): d, ew = x.shape if d < self.n_codes: n_repeats = (self.n_codes + d - 1) // d std = 0.01 / np.sqrt(ew) x = x.repeat(n_repeats, 1) x = x + torch.randn_like(x) * std return x def _init_embeddings(self, z): # z: [b, c, t, h, w] self._need_init = False flat_inputs = shift_dim(z, 1, -1).flatten(end_dim=-2) y = self._tile(flat_inputs) y.shape[0] _k_rand = y[torch.randperm(y.shape[0])][: self.n_codes] if dist.is_initialized(): dist.broadcast(_k_rand, 0) self.embeddings.data.copy_(_k_rand) self.z_avg.data.copy_(_k_rand) self.N.data.copy_(torch.ones(self.n_codes)) def forward(self, z): # z: [b, c, t, h, w] if self._need_init and self.training: self._init_embeddings(z) flat_inputs = shift_dim(z, 1, -1).flatten(end_dim=-2) distances = ( (flat_inputs**2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) - 2 * flat_inputs @ self.embeddings.t() + (self.embeddings.t() ** 2).sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) ) encoding_indices = torch.argmin(distances, dim=1) encode_onehot = F.one_hot(encoding_indices, self.n_codes).type_as(flat_inputs) encoding_indices = encoding_indices.view(z.shape[0], *z.shape[2:]) embeddings = F.embedding(encoding_indices, self.embeddings) embeddings = shift_dim(embeddings, -1, 1) commitment_loss = 0.25 * F.mse_loss(z, embeddings.detach()) # EMA codebook update if self.training: n_total = encode_onehot.sum(dim=0) encode_sum = flat_inputs.t() @ encode_onehot if dist.is_initialized(): dist.all_reduce(n_total) dist.all_reduce(encode_sum) self.N.data.mul_(0.99).add_(n_total, alpha=0.01) self.z_avg.data.mul_(0.99).add_(encode_sum.t(), alpha=0.01) n = self.N.sum() weights = (self.N + 1e-7) / (n + self.n_codes * 1e-7) * n encode_normalized = self.z_avg / weights.unsqueeze(1) self.embeddings.data.copy_(encode_normalized) y = self._tile(flat_inputs) _k_rand = y[torch.randperm(y.shape[0])][: self.n_codes] if dist.is_initialized(): dist.broadcast(_k_rand, 0) usage = (self.N.view(self.n_codes, 1) >= 1).float() self.embeddings.data.mul_(usage).add_(_k_rand * (1 - usage)) embeddings_st = (embeddings - z).detach() + z avg_probs = torch.mean(encode_onehot, dim=0) perplexity = torch.exp(-torch.sum(avg_probs * torch.log(avg_probs + 1e-10))) return dict( embeddings=embeddings_st, encodings=encoding_indices, commitment_loss=commitment_loss, perplexity=perplexity, ) def dictionary_lookup(self, encodings): embeddings = F.embedding(encodings, self.embeddings) return embeddings