name: Lint on: pull_request: jobs: quick-checks: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Fetch CosyVoice uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Checkout PR tip run: | set -eux if [[ "${{ github.event_name }}" == "pull_request" ]]; then # We are on a PR, so actions/checkout leaves us on a merge commit. # Check out the actual tip of the branch. git checkout ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} fi echo ::set-output name=commit_sha::$(git rev-parse HEAD) id: get_pr_tip - name: Ensure no tabs run: | (! git grep -I -l $'\t' -- . ':(exclude)*.txt' ':(exclude)*.svg' ':(exclude)**Makefile' ':(exclude)**/contrib/**' ':(exclude)third_party' ':(exclude).gitattributes' ':(exclude).gitmodules' || (echo "The above files have tabs; please convert them to spaces"; false)) - name: Ensure no trailing whitespace run: | (! git grep -I -n $' $' -- . ':(exclude)*.txt' ':(exclude)third_party' ':(exclude).gitattributes' ':(exclude).gitmodules' || (echo "The above files have trailing whitespace; please remove them"; false)) flake8-py3: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Setup Python uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: 3.9 architecture: x64 - name: Fetch CosyVoice uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Checkout PR tip run: | set -eux if [[ "${{ github.event_name }}" == "pull_request" ]]; then # We are on a PR, so actions/checkout leaves us on a merge commit. # Check out the actual tip of the branch. git checkout ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} fi echo ::set-output name=commit_sha::$(git rev-parse HEAD) id: get_pr_tip - name: Run flake8 run: | set -eux pip install flake8==3.8.2 flake8-bugbear flake8-comprehensions flake8-executable flake8-pyi==20.5.0 mccabe pycodestyle==2.6.0 pyflakes==2.2.0 flake8 --version flake8 --max-line-length 120 --exclude ./third_party/,./runtime/python/grpc/cosyvoice_pb2*py if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1; fi