diff --git "a/data/plot_data.json" "b/data/plot_data.json" --- "a/data/plot_data.json" +++ "b/data/plot_data.json" @@ -1 +1,3 @@ -{"data": [{"customdata": [["Image Completion via Dual-path Cooperative Filtering", "Pourya Shamsolmoali, Masoumeh Zareapoor, Eric Granger", "2023-04", "abs/2305.00379v1", 0.5849999785423279], ["High Sensitivity Beamformed Observations of the Crab Pulsar's Radio\n Emission", "Rebecca Lin, Marten H. van Kerkwijk", "2023-07", "abs/2307.16362v2", 0.3540000021457672], ["Enhancing GAN-Based Vocoders with Contrastive Learning Under\n Data-limited Condition", "Haoming Guo, Seth Z. 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3.24615740776062, 7.077216625213623, 2.8453407287597656, 2.3354122638702393, 2.0426230430603027, 2.8556230068206787, 3.3668673038482666, 2.973810911178589, 3.6190991401672363, 2.8384509086608887, 2.86210298538208, 6.925806999206543, 8.330046653747559, 3.270010471343994, 5.438658237457275, 3.9443092346191406, 6.751801490783691, 3.6231842041015625, 4.122245788574219, 6.647459983825684, 4.894009113311768, 3.6764838695526123, 1.7881039381027222, 7.474054336547852, 3.0188915729522705, 2.3634116649627686, 3.56901478767395, 7.770312309265137, 7.982874870300293, 2.1094605922698975, 4.516916751861572, 7.741759300231934, 3.1668522357940674, 4.866238117218018, 5.050249099731445, 3.3880367279052734, 3.4768762588500977, 4.8157219886779785, 4.831726551055908, 3.5872573852539062, 3.3167061805725098, 8.327486991882324, 4.012080192565918, 3.4324488639831543, 7.1228461265563965, 2.3171443939208984, 8.032439231872559, 2.940664529800415, 4.2409348487854, 3.9809389114379883, 3.9997408390045166, 3.6836659908294678, 3.9405624866485596, 7.1283698081970215, 2.4357588291168213, 3.96293306350708, 4.038702964782715, 1.7085137367248535, 2.9701569080352783, 8.287192344665527, 6.957121849060059, 8.253793716430664, 5.2364654541015625, 2.166903495788574, 8.429427146911621, 3.8944225311279297, 5.921971797943115, 3.219224452972412, 8.272453308105469, 1.8443833589553833, 4.568057060241699, 3.0999388694763184, 3.6689491271972656, 8.14023494720459, 4.755821704864502, 3.2793211936950684, 5.716752052307129, 2.6284985542297363, 4.057624340057373, 3.9504570960998535, 2.9866998195648193, 3.474510431289673, 8.252236366271973, 3.30143404006958, 7.8024444580078125, 3.785938024520874, 8.538125038146973, 3.639831304550171, 8.105246543884277, 4.166764259338379, 3.6303133964538574, 3.129472494125366, 3.5556836128234863, 5.18271017074585, 8.009893417358398, 3.5618104934692383, 4.120632171630859, 3.4028666019439697], "yaxis": "y", "type": "scatter"}, {"customdata": [["Maybe, Maybe Not: A Survey on 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Casey Davis, Chris Elrod, Julius Krumbiegel, Chris Rackauckas, Vijay Ivaturi", "2023-03", "abs/2304.04752v1", 0.5569999814033508], ["Deep regression learning with optimal loss function", "Xuancheng Wang, Ling Zhou, Huazhen Lin", "2023-09", "abs/2309.12872v1", 0.49900001287460327], ["Numeracy from Literacy: Data Science as an Emergent Skill from Large\n Language Models", "David Noever, Forrest McKee", "2023-01", "abs/2301.13382v1", 0.5490000247955322], ["Map-based cosmology inference with weak lensing -- information content\n and its dependence on the parameter space", "Supranta S. 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