Add application file
import math
import torch
from .pair_wise_distance import PairwiseDistFunction
from .sparse_utils import naive_sparse_bmm
def calc_init_centroid(images, num_spixels_width, num_spixels_height):
calculate initial superpixels
images: torch.Tensor
A Tensor of shape (B, C, H, W)
spixels_width: int
initial superpixel width
spixels_height: int
initial superpixel height
centroids: torch.Tensor
A Tensor of shape (B, C, H * W)
init_label_map: torch.Tensor
A Tensor of shape (B, H * W)
num_spixels_width: int
A number of superpixels in each column
num_spixels_height: int
A number of superpixels int each raw
batchsize, channels, height, width = images.shape
device = images.device
centroids = torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(images, (num_spixels_height, num_spixels_width))
with torch.no_grad():
num_spixels = num_spixels_width * num_spixels_height
labels = torch.arange(num_spixels, device=device).reshape(1, 1, *centroids.shape[-2:]).type_as(centroids)
init_label_map = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(labels, size=(height, width), mode="nearest")
init_label_map = init_label_map.repeat(batchsize, 1, 1, 1)
init_label_map = init_label_map.reshape(batchsize, -1)
centroids = centroids.reshape(batchsize, channels, -1)
return centroids, init_label_map
def get_abs_indices(init_label_map, num_spixels_width):
b, n_pixel = init_label_map.shape
device = init_label_map.device
r = torch.arange(-1, 2.0, device=device)
relative_spix_indices =[r - num_spixels_width, r, r + num_spixels_width], 0)
abs_pix_indices = torch.arange(n_pixel, device=device)[None, None].repeat(b, 9, 1).reshape(-1).long()
abs_spix_indices = (init_label_map[:, None] + relative_spix_indices[None, :, None]).reshape(-1).long()
abs_batch_indices = torch.arange(b, device=device)[:, None, None].repeat(1, 9, n_pixel).reshape(-1).long()
return torch.stack([abs_batch_indices, abs_spix_indices, abs_pix_indices], 0)
def get_hard_abs_labels(affinity_matrix, init_label_map, num_spixels_width):
relative_label = affinity_matrix.max(1)[1]
r = torch.arange(-1, 2.0, device=affinity_matrix.device)
relative_spix_indices =[r - num_spixels_width, r, r + num_spixels_width], 0)
label = init_label_map + relative_spix_indices[relative_label]
return label.long()
def sparse_ssn_iter(pixel_features, num_spixels, n_iter):
computing assignment iterations with sparse matrix
detailed process is in Algorithm 1, line 2 - 6
NOTE: this function does NOT guarantee the backward computation.
pixel_features: torch.Tensor
A Tensor of shape (B, C, H, W)
num_spixels: int
A number of superpixels
n_iter: int
A number of iterations
return_hard_label: bool
return hard assignment or not
height, width = pixel_features.shape[-2:]
num_spixels_width = int(math.sqrt(num_spixels * width / height))
num_spixels_height = int(math.sqrt(num_spixels * height / width))
spixel_features, init_label_map = \
calc_init_centroid(pixel_features, num_spixels_width, num_spixels_height)
abs_indices = get_abs_indices(init_label_map, num_spixels_width)
pixel_features = pixel_features.reshape(*pixel_features.shape[:2], -1)
permuted_pixel_features = pixel_features.permute(0, 2, 1)
for _ in range(n_iter):
dist_matrix = PairwiseDistFunction.apply(
pixel_features, spixel_features, init_label_map, num_spixels_width, num_spixels_height)
affinity_matrix = (-dist_matrix).softmax(1)
reshaped_affinity_matrix = affinity_matrix.reshape(-1)
mask = (abs_indices[1] >= 0) * (abs_indices[1] < num_spixels)
sparse_abs_affinity = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(abs_indices[:, mask], reshaped_affinity_matrix[mask])
spixel_features = naive_sparse_bmm(sparse_abs_affinity, permuted_pixel_features) \
/ (torch.sparse.sum(sparse_abs_affinity, 2).to_dense()[..., None] + 1e-16)
spixel_features = spixel_features.permute(0, 2, 1)
hard_labels = get_hard_abs_labels(affinity_matrix, init_label_map, num_spixels_width)
return sparse_abs_affinity, hard_labels, spixel_features
def ssn_iter(pixel_features, num_spixels, n_iter):
computing assignment iterations
detailed process is in Algorithm 1, line 2 - 6
pixel_features: torch.Tensor
A Tensor of shape (B, C, H, W)
num_spixels: int
A number of superpixels
n_iter: int
A number of iterations
return_hard_label: bool
return hard assignment or not
height, width = pixel_features.shape[-2:]
num_spixels_width = int(math.sqrt(num_spixels * width / height))
num_spixels_height = int(math.sqrt(num_spixels * height / width))
# spixel_features: 10 * 202 * 64
# init_label_map: 10 * 40000
spixel_features, init_label_map = \
calc_init_centroid(pixel_features, num_spixels_width, num_spixels_height)
# get indices of the 9 neighbors
abs_indices = get_abs_indices(init_label_map, num_spixels_width)
# 10 * 202 * 40000
pixel_features = pixel_features.reshape(*pixel_features.shape[:2], -1)
# 10 * 40000 * 202
permuted_pixel_features = pixel_features.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
for _ in range(n_iter):
# 10 * 9 * 40000
dist_matrix = PairwiseDistFunction.apply(
pixel_features, spixel_features, init_label_map, num_spixels_width, num_spixels_height)
affinity_matrix = (-dist_matrix).softmax(1)
reshaped_affinity_matrix = affinity_matrix.reshape(-1)
mask = (abs_indices[1] >= 0) * (abs_indices[1] < num_spixels)
# 10 * 64 * 40000
sparse_abs_affinity = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(abs_indices[:, mask], reshaped_affinity_matrix[mask])
abs_affinity = sparse_abs_affinity.to_dense().contiguous()
spixel_features = torch.bmm(abs_affinity, permuted_pixel_features) \
/ (abs_affinity.sum(2, keepdim=True) + 1e-16)
spixel_features = spixel_features.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
hard_labels = get_hard_abs_labels(affinity_matrix, init_label_map, num_spixels_width)
return abs_affinity, hard_labels, spixel_features
def ssn_iter2(pixel_features, num_spixels, n_iter, init_spixel_features, temp = 1):
computing assignment iterations for second layer
pixel_features: torch.Tensor
A Tensor of shape (B, C, N)
num_spixels: int
A number of superpixels
A Tensor of shape (B, C, num_spixels)
spixel_features = init_spixel_features.permute(0, 2, 1)
pixel_features = pixel_features.permute(0, 2, 1)
for _ in range(n_iter):
# compute distance to all spixel_features
dist = torch.cdist(pixel_features, spixel_features) # B, N, num_spixels
aff = (-dist * temp).softmax(-1).permute(0, 2, 1) # B, num_spixels, N
# compute new superpixels centers
spixel_features = torch.bmm(aff, pixel_features) / (aff.sum(2, keepdim=True) + 1e-6) # B, num_spixels, C
hard_labels = torch.argmax(aff, dim = 1)
return aff, hard_labels, spixel_features