.. Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project | |
.. For license information, see LICENSE.TXT | |
================================== | |
Feature Structures & Unification | |
================================== | |
>>> from nltk.featstruct import FeatStruct | |
>>> from nltk.sem.logic import Variable, VariableExpression, Expression | |
.. note:: For now, featstruct uses the older lambdalogic semantics | |
module. Eventually, it should be updated to use the new first | |
order predicate logic module. | |
Overview | |
~~~~~~~~ | |
A feature structure is a mapping from feature identifiers to feature | |
values, where feature values can be simple values (like strings or | |
ints), nested feature structures, or variables: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct(number='singular', person=3) | |
>>> print(fs1) | |
[ number = 'singular' ] | |
[ person = 3 ] | |
Feature structure may be nested: | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct(type='NP', agr=fs1) | |
>>> print(fs2) | |
[ agr = [ number = 'singular' ] ] | |
[ [ person = 3 ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ type = 'NP' ] | |
Variables are used to indicate that two features should be assigned | |
the same value. For example, the following feature structure requires | |
that the feature fs3['agr']['number'] be bound to the same value as the | |
feature fs3['subj']['number']. | |
>>> fs3 = FeatStruct(agr=FeatStruct(number=Variable('?n')), | |
... subj=FeatStruct(number=Variable('?n'))) | |
>>> print(fs3) | |
[ agr = [ number = ?n ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ subj = [ number = ?n ] ] | |
Feature structures are typically used to represent partial information | |
about objects. A feature name that is not mapped to a value stands | |
for a feature whose value is unknown (*not* a feature without a | |
value). Two feature structures that represent (potentially | |
overlapping) information about the same object can be combined by | |
*unification*. | |
>>> print(fs2.unify(fs3)) | |
[ agr = [ number = 'singular' ] ] | |
[ [ person = 3 ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ subj = [ number = 'singular' ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ type = 'NP' ] | |
When two inconsistent feature structures are unified, the unification | |
fails and returns ``None``. | |
>>> fs4 = FeatStruct(agr=FeatStruct(person=1)) | |
>>> print(fs4.unify(fs2)) | |
None | |
>>> print(fs2.unify(fs4)) | |
None | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2, fs3, fs4 # clean-up | |
Feature Structure Types | |
----------------------- | |
There are actually two types of feature structure: | |
- *feature dictionaries*, implemented by `FeatDict`, act like | |
Python dictionaries. Feature identifiers may be strings or | |
instances of the `Feature` class. | |
- *feature lists*, implemented by `FeatList`, act like Python | |
lists. Feature identifiers are integers. | |
When you construct a feature structure using the `FeatStruct` | |
constructor, it will automatically decide which type is appropriate: | |
>>> type(FeatStruct(number='singular')) | |
<class 'nltk.featstruct.FeatDict'> | |
>>> type(FeatStruct([1,2,3])) | |
<class 'nltk.featstruct.FeatList'> | |
Usually, we will just use feature dictionaries; but sometimes feature | |
lists can be useful too. Two feature lists will unify with each other | |
only if they have equal lengths, and all of their feature values | |
match. If you wish to write a feature list that contains 'unknown' | |
values, you must use variables: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct([1,2,Variable('?y')]) | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct([1,Variable('?x'),3]) | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[1, 2, 3] | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up | |
Parsing Feature Structure Strings | |
--------------------------------- | |
Feature structures can be constructed directly from strings. Often, | |
this is more convenient than constructing them directly. NLTK can | |
parse most feature strings to produce the corresponding feature | |
structures. (But you must restrict your base feature values to | |
strings, ints, logic expressions (`nltk.sem.logic.Expression`), and a | |
few other types discussed below). | |
Feature dictionaries are written like Python dictionaries, except that | |
keys are not put in quotes; and square brackets (``[]``) are used | |
instead of braces (``{}``): | |
>>> FeatStruct('[tense="past", agr=[number="sing", person=3]]') | |
[agr=[number='sing', person=3], tense='past'] | |
If a feature value is a single alphanumeric word, then it does not | |
need to be quoted -- it will be automatically treated as a string: | |
>>> FeatStruct('[tense=past, agr=[number=sing, person=3]]') | |
[agr=[number='sing', person=3], tense='past'] | |
Feature lists are written like python lists: | |
>>> FeatStruct('[1, 2, 3]') | |
[1, 2, 3] | |
The expression ``[]`` is treated as an empty feature dictionary, not | |
an empty feature list: | |
>>> type(FeatStruct('[]')) | |
<class 'nltk.featstruct.FeatDict'> | |
Feature Paths | |
------------- | |
Features can be specified using *feature paths*, or tuples of feature | |
identifiers that specify path through the nested feature structures to | |
a value. | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[x=1, y=[1,2,[z=3]]]') | |
>>> fs1['y'] | |
[1, 2, [z=3]] | |
>>> fs1['y', 2] | |
[z=3] | |
>>> fs1['y', 2, 'z'] | |
3 | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1 # clean-up | |
Reentrance | |
---------- | |
Feature structures may contain reentrant feature values. A *reentrant | |
feature value* is a single feature structure that can be accessed via | |
multiple feature paths. | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct(x='val') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct(a=fs1, b=fs1) | |
>>> print(fs2) | |
[ a = (1) [ x = 'val' ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ b -> (1) ] | |
>>> fs2 | |
[a=(1)[x='val'], b->(1)] | |
As you can see, reentrane is displayed by marking a feature structure | |
with a unique identifier, in this case ``(1)``, the first time it is | |
encountered; and then using the special form ``var -> id`` whenever it | |
is encountered again. You can use the same notation to directly | |
create reentrant feature structures from strings. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=(1)[], b->(1), c=[d->(1)]]') | |
[a=(1)[], b->(1), c=[d->(1)]] | |
Reentrant feature structures may contain cycles: | |
>>> fs3 = FeatStruct('(1)[a->(1)]') | |
>>> fs3['a', 'a', 'a', 'a'] | |
(1)[a->(1)] | |
>>> fs3['a', 'a', 'a', 'a'] is fs3 | |
True | |
Unification preserves the reentrance relations imposed by both of the | |
unified feature structures. In the feature structure resulting from | |
unification, any modifications to a reentrant feature value will be | |
visible using any of its feature paths. | |
>>> fs3.unify(FeatStruct('[a=[b=12], c=33]')) | |
(1)[a->(1), b=12, c=33] | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2, fs3 # clean-up | |
Feature Structure Equality | |
-------------------------- | |
Two feature structures are considered equal if they assign the same | |
values to all features, *and* they contain the same reentrances. | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=(1)[x=1], b->(1)]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=(1)[x=1], b->(1)]') | |
>>> fs3 = FeatStruct('[a=[x=1], b=[x=1]]') | |
>>> fs1 == fs1, fs1 is fs1 | |
(True, True) | |
>>> fs1 == fs2, fs1 is fs2 | |
(True, False) | |
>>> fs1 == fs3, fs1 is fs3 | |
(False, False) | |
Note that this differs from how Python dictionaries and lists define | |
equality -- in particular, Python dictionaries and lists ignore | |
reentrance relations. To test two feature structures for equality | |
while ignoring reentrance relations, use the `equal_values()` method: | |
>>> fs1.equal_values(fs1) | |
True | |
>>> fs1.equal_values(fs2) | |
True | |
>>> fs1.equal_values(fs3) | |
True | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2, fs3 # clean-up | |
Feature Value Sets & Feature Value Tuples | |
----------------------------------------- | |
`nltk.featstruct` defines two new data types that are intended to be | |
used as feature values: `FeatureValueTuple` and `FeatureValueSet`. | |
Both of these types are considered base values -- i.e., unification | |
does *not* apply to them. However, variable binding *does* apply to | |
any values that they contain. | |
Feature value tuples are written with parentheses: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[x=(?x, ?y)]') | |
>>> fs1 | |
[x=(?x, ?y)] | |
>>> fs1.substitute_bindings({Variable('?x'): 1, Variable('?y'): 2}) | |
[x=(1, 2)] | |
Feature sets are written with braces: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[x={?x, ?y}]') | |
>>> fs1 | |
[x={?x, ?y}] | |
>>> fs1.substitute_bindings({Variable('?x'): 1, Variable('?y'): 2}) | |
[x={1, 2}] | |
In addition to the basic feature value tuple & set classes, nltk | |
defines feature value unions (for sets) and feature value | |
concatenations (for tuples). These are written using '+', and can be | |
used to combine sets & tuples: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[x=((1, 2)+?z), z=?z]') | |
>>> fs1 | |
[x=((1, 2)+?z), z=?z] | |
>>> fs1.unify(FeatStruct('[z=(3, 4, 5)]')) | |
[x=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), z=(3, 4, 5)] | |
Thus, feature value tuples and sets can be used to build up tuples | |
and sets of values over the course of unification. For example, when | |
parsing sentences using a semantic feature grammar, feature sets or | |
feature tuples can be used to build a list of semantic predicates as | |
the sentence is parsed. | |
As was mentioned above, unification does not apply to feature value | |
tuples and sets. One reason for this that it's impossible to define a | |
single correct answer for unification when concatenation is used. | |
Consider the following example: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[x=(1, 2, 3, 4)]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[x=(?a+?b), a=?a, b=?b]') | |
If unification applied to feature tuples, then the unification | |
algorithm would have to arbitrarily choose how to divide the tuple | |
(1,2,3,4) into two parts. Instead, the unification algorithm refuses | |
to make this decision, and simply unifies based on value. Because | |
(1,2,3,4) is not equal to (?a+?b), fs1 and fs2 will not unify: | |
>>> print(fs1.unify(fs2)) | |
None | |
If you need a list-like structure that unification does apply to, use | |
`FeatList`. | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up | |
Light-weight Feature Structures | |
------------------------------- | |
Many of the functions defined by `nltk.featstruct` can be applied | |
directly to simple Python dictionaries and lists, rather than to | |
full-fledged `FeatDict` and `FeatList` objects. In other words, | |
Python ``dicts`` and ``lists`` can be used as "light-weight" feature | |
structures. | |
>>> # Note: pprint prints dicts sorted | |
>>> from pprint import pprint | |
>>> from nltk.featstruct import unify | |
>>> pprint(unify(dict(x=1, y=dict()), dict(a='a', y=dict(b='b')))) | |
{'a': 'a', 'x': 1, 'y': {'b': 'b'}} | |
However, you should keep in mind the following caveats: | |
- Python dictionaries & lists ignore reentrance when checking for | |
equality between values. But two FeatStructs with different | |
reentrances are considered nonequal, even if all their base | |
values are equal. | |
- FeatStructs can be easily frozen, allowing them to be used as | |
keys in hash tables. Python dictionaries and lists can not. | |
- FeatStructs display reentrance in their string representations; | |
Python dictionaries and lists do not. | |
- FeatStructs may *not* be mixed with Python dictionaries and lists | |
(e.g., when performing unification). | |
- FeatStructs provide a number of useful methods, such as `walk()` | |
and `cyclic()`, which are not available for Python dicts & lists. | |
In general, if your feature structures will contain any reentrances, | |
or if you plan to use them as dictionary keys, it is strongly | |
recommended that you use full-fledged `FeatStruct` objects. | |
Custom Feature Values | |
--------------------- | |
The abstract base class `CustomFeatureValue` can be used to define new | |
base value types that have custom unification methods. For example, | |
the following feature value type encodes a range, and defines | |
unification as taking the intersection on the ranges: | |
>>> from functools import total_ordering | |
>>> from nltk.featstruct import CustomFeatureValue, UnificationFailure | |
>>> @total_ordering | |
... class Range(CustomFeatureValue): | |
... def __init__(self, low, high): | |
... assert low <= high | |
... self.low = low | |
... self.high = high | |
... def unify(self, other): | |
... if not isinstance(other, Range): | |
... return UnificationFailure | |
... low = max(self.low, other.low) | |
... high = min(self.high, other.high) | |
... if low <= high: return Range(low, high) | |
... else: return UnificationFailure | |
... def __repr__(self): | |
... return '(%s<x<%s)' % (self.low, self.high) | |
... def __eq__(self, other): | |
... if not isinstance(other, Range): | |
... return False | |
... return (self.low == other.low) and (self.high == other.high) | |
... def __lt__(self, other): | |
... if not isinstance(other, Range): | |
... return True | |
... return (self.low, self.high) < (other.low, other.high) | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct(x=Range(5,8), y=FeatStruct(z=Range(7,22))) | |
>>> print(fs1.unify(FeatStruct(x=Range(6, 22)))) | |
[ x = (6<x<8) ] | |
[ ] | |
[ y = [ z = (7<x<22) ] ] | |
>>> print(fs1.unify(FeatStruct(x=Range(9, 12)))) | |
None | |
>>> print(fs1.unify(FeatStruct(x=12))) | |
None | |
>>> print(fs1.unify(FeatStruct('[x=?x, y=[z=?x]]'))) | |
[ x = (7<x<8) ] | |
[ ] | |
[ y = [ z = (7<x<8) ] ] | |
Regression Tests | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
Dictionary access methods (non-mutating) | |
---------------------------------------- | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct(a=1, b=2, c=3) | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct(x=fs1, y='x') | |
Feature structures support all dictionary methods (excluding the class | |
method `dict.fromkeys()`). Non-mutating methods: | |
>>> sorted(fs2.keys()) # keys() | |
['x', 'y'] | |
>>> sorted(fs2.values()) # values() | |
[[a=1, b=2, c=3], 'x'] | |
>>> sorted(fs2.items()) # items() | |
[('x', [a=1, b=2, c=3]), ('y', 'x')] | |
>>> sorted(fs2) # __iter__() | |
['x', 'y'] | |
>>> 'a' in fs2, 'x' in fs2 # __contains__() | |
(False, True) | |
>>> fs2.has_key('a'), fs2.has_key('x') # has_key() | |
(False, True) | |
>>> fs2['x'], fs2['y'] # __getitem__() | |
([a=1, b=2, c=3], 'x') | |
>>> fs2['a'] # __getitem__() | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
KeyError: 'a' | |
>>> fs2.get('x'), fs2.get('y'), fs2.get('a') # get() | |
([a=1, b=2, c=3], 'x', None) | |
>>> fs2.get('x', 'hello'), fs2.get('a', 'hello') # get() | |
([a=1, b=2, c=3], 'hello') | |
>>> len(fs1), len(fs2) # __len__ | |
(3, 2) | |
>>> fs2.copy() # copy() | |
[x=[a=1, b=2, c=3], y='x'] | |
>>> fs2.copy() is fs2 # copy() | |
False | |
Note: by default, `FeatStruct.copy()` does a deep copy. Use | |
`FeatStruct.copy(deep=False)` for a shallow copy. | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up. | |
Dictionary access methods (mutating) | |
------------------------------------ | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct(a=1, b=2, c=3) | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct(x=fs1, y='x') | |
Setting features (`__setitem__()`) | |
>>> fs1['c'] = 5 | |
>>> fs1 | |
[a=1, b=2, c=5] | |
>>> fs1['x'] = 12 | |
>>> fs1 | |
[a=1, b=2, c=5, x=12] | |
>>> fs2['x', 'a'] = 2 | |
>>> fs2 | |
[x=[a=2, b=2, c=5, x=12], y='x'] | |
>>> fs1 | |
[a=2, b=2, c=5, x=12] | |
Deleting features (`__delitem__()`) | |
>>> del fs1['x'] | |
>>> fs1 | |
[a=2, b=2, c=5] | |
>>> del fs2['x', 'a'] | |
>>> fs1 | |
[b=2, c=5] | |
`setdefault()`: | |
>>> fs1.setdefault('b', 99) | |
2 | |
>>> fs1 | |
[b=2, c=5] | |
>>> fs1.setdefault('x', 99) | |
99 | |
>>> fs1 | |
[b=2, c=5, x=99] | |
`update()`: | |
>>> fs2.update({'a':'A', 'b':'B'}, c='C') | |
>>> fs2 | |
[a='A', b='B', c='C', x=[b=2, c=5, x=99], y='x'] | |
`pop()`: | |
>>> fs2.pop('a') | |
'A' | |
>>> fs2 | |
[b='B', c='C', x=[b=2, c=5, x=99], y='x'] | |
>>> fs2.pop('a') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
KeyError: 'a' | |
>>> fs2.pop('a', 'foo') | |
'foo' | |
>>> fs2 | |
[b='B', c='C', x=[b=2, c=5, x=99], y='x'] | |
`clear()`: | |
>>> fs1.clear() | |
>>> fs1 | |
[] | |
>>> fs2 | |
[b='B', c='C', x=[], y='x'] | |
`popitem()`: | |
>>> sorted([fs2.popitem() for i in range(len(fs2))]) | |
[('b', 'B'), ('c', 'C'), ('x', []), ('y', 'x')] | |
>>> fs2 | |
[] | |
Once a feature structure has been frozen, it may not be mutated. | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[x=1, y=2, z=[a=3]]') | |
>>> fs1.freeze() | |
>>> fs1.frozen() | |
True | |
>>> fs1['z'].frozen() | |
True | |
>>> fs1['x'] = 5 | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified. | |
>>> del fs1['x'] | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified. | |
>>> fs1.clear() | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified. | |
>>> fs1.pop('x') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified. | |
>>> fs1.popitem() | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified. | |
>>> fs1.setdefault('x') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified. | |
>>> fs1.update(z=22) | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified. | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up. | |
Feature Paths | |
------------- | |
Make sure that __getitem__ with feature paths works as intended: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct(a=1, b=2, | |
... c=FeatStruct( | |
... d=FeatStruct(e=12), | |
... f=FeatStruct(g=55, h='hello'))) | |
>>> fs1[()] | |
[a=1, b=2, c=[d=[e=12], f=[g=55, h='hello']]] | |
>>> fs1['a'], fs1[('a',)] | |
(1, 1) | |
>>> fs1['c','d','e'] | |
12 | |
>>> fs1['c','f','g'] | |
55 | |
Feature paths that select unknown features raise KeyError: | |
>>> fs1['c', 'f', 'e'] | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
KeyError: ('c', 'f', 'e') | |
>>> fs1['q', 'p'] | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
KeyError: ('q', 'p') | |
Feature paths that try to go 'through' a feature that's not a feature | |
structure raise KeyError: | |
>>> fs1['a', 'b'] | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
KeyError: ('a', 'b') | |
Feature paths can go through reentrant structures: | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('(1)[a=[b=[c->(1), d=5], e=11]]') | |
>>> fs2['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'e'] | |
11 | |
>>> fs2['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'd'] | |
5 | |
>>> fs2[tuple('abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabca')] | |
(1)[b=[c=[a->(1)], d=5], e=11] | |
Indexing requires strings, `Feature`\s, or tuples; other types raise a | |
TypeError: | |
>>> fs2[12] | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
TypeError: Expected feature name or path. Got 12. | |
>>> fs2[list('abc')] | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
TypeError: Expected feature name or path. Got ['a', 'b', 'c']. | |
Feature paths can also be used with `get()`, `has_key()`, and | |
`__contains__()`. | |
>>> fpath1 = tuple('abcabc') | |
>>> fpath2 = tuple('abcabz') | |
>>> fs2.get(fpath1), fs2.get(fpath2) | |
((1)[a=[b=[c->(1), d=5], e=11]], None) | |
>>> fpath1 in fs2, fpath2 in fs2 | |
(True, False) | |
>>> fs2.has_key(fpath1), fs2.has_key(fpath2) | |
(True, False) | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up | |
Reading Feature Structures | |
-------------------------- | |
Empty feature struct: | |
>>> FeatStruct('[]') | |
[] | |
Test features with integer values: | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=12, b=-33, c=0]') | |
[a=12, b=-33, c=0] | |
Test features with string values. Either single or double quotes may | |
be used. Strings are evaluated just like python strings -- in | |
particular, you can use escape sequences and 'u' and 'r' prefixes, and | |
triple-quoted strings. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a="", b="hello", c="\'", d=\'\', e=\'"\']') | |
[a='', b='hello', c="'", d='', e='"'] | |
>>> FeatStruct(r'[a="\\", b="\"", c="\x6f\\y", d="12"]') | |
[a='\\', b='"', c='o\\y', d='12'] | |
>>> FeatStruct(r'[b=r"a\b\c"]') | |
[b='a\\b\\c'] | |
>>> FeatStruct('[x="""a"""]') | |
[x='a'] | |
Test parsing of reentrant feature structures. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=(1)[], b->(1)]') | |
[a=(1)[], b->(1)] | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=(1)[x=1, y=2], b->(1)]') | |
[a=(1)[x=1, y=2], b->(1)] | |
Test parsing of cyclic feature structures. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=(1)[b->(1)]]') | |
[a=(1)[b->(1)]] | |
>>> FeatStruct('(1)[a=[b=[c->(1)]]]') | |
(1)[a=[b=[c->(1)]]] | |
Strings of the form "+name" and "-name" may be used to specify boolean | |
values. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[-bar, +baz, +foo]') | |
[-bar, +baz, +foo] | |
None, True, and False are recognized as values: | |
>>> FeatStruct('[bar=True, baz=False, foo=None]') | |
[+bar, -baz, foo=None] | |
Special features: | |
>>> FeatStruct('NP/VP') | |
NP[]/VP[] | |
>>> FeatStruct('?x/?x') | |
?x[]/?x[] | |
>>> print(FeatStruct('VP[+fin, agr=?x, tense=past]/NP[+pl, agr=?x]')) | |
[ *type* = 'VP' ] | |
[ ] | |
[ [ *type* = 'NP' ] ] | |
[ *slash* = [ agr = ?x ] ] | |
[ [ pl = True ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ agr = ?x ] | |
[ fin = True ] | |
[ tense = 'past' ] | |
Here the slash feature gets coerced: | |
>>> FeatStruct('[*slash*=a, x=b, *type*="NP"]') | |
NP[x='b']/a[] | |
>>> FeatStruct('NP[sem=<bob>]/NP') | |
NP[sem=<bob>]/NP[] | |
>>> FeatStruct('S[sem=<walk(bob)>]') | |
S[sem=<walk(bob)>] | |
>>> print(FeatStruct('NP[sem=<bob>]/NP')) | |
[ *type* = 'NP' ] | |
[ ] | |
[ *slash* = [ *type* = 'NP' ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ sem = <bob> ] | |
Playing with ranges: | |
>>> from nltk.featstruct import RangeFeature, FeatStructReader | |
>>> width = RangeFeature('width') | |
>>> reader = FeatStructReader([width]) | |
>>> fs1 = reader.fromstring('[*width*=-5:12]') | |
>>> fs2 = reader.fromstring('[*width*=2:123]') | |
>>> fs3 = reader.fromstring('[*width*=-7:-2]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[*width*=(2, 12)] | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs3) | |
[*width*=(-5, -2)] | |
>>> print(fs2.unify(fs3)) # no overlap in width. | |
None | |
The slash feature has a default value of 'False': | |
>>> print(FeatStruct('NP[]/VP').unify(FeatStruct('NP[]'), trace=1)) | |
Unification trace: | |
/ NP[]/VP[] | |
|\ NP[] | |
| | |
| Unify feature: *type* | |
| / 'NP' | |
| |\ 'NP' | |
| | | |
| +-->'NP' | |
| | |
| Unify feature: *slash* | |
| / VP[] | |
| |\ False | |
| | | |
X X <-- FAIL | |
None | |
The demo structures from They all parse, but they don't | |
do quite the right thing, -- ?x vs x. | |
>>> FeatStruct(pos='n', agr=FeatStruct(number='pl', gender='f')) | |
[agr=[gender='f', number='pl'], pos='n'] | |
>>> FeatStruct(r'NP[sem=<bob>]/NP') | |
NP[sem=<bob>]/NP[] | |
>>> FeatStruct(r'S[sem=<app(?x, ?y)>]') | |
S[sem=<?x(?y)>] | |
>>> FeatStruct('?x/?x') | |
?x[]/?x[] | |
>>> FeatStruct('VP[+fin, agr=?x, tense=past]/NP[+pl, agr=?x]') | |
VP[agr=?x, +fin, tense='past']/NP[agr=?x, +pl] | |
>>> FeatStruct('S[sem = <app(?subj, ?vp)>]') | |
S[sem=<?subj(?vp)>] | |
>>> FeatStruct('S') | |
S[] | |
The parser also includes support for reading sets and tuples. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[x={1,2,2,2}, y={/}]') | |
[x={1, 2}, y={/}] | |
>>> FeatStruct('[x=(1,2,2,2), y=()]') | |
[x=(1, 2, 2, 2), y=()] | |
>>> print(FeatStruct('[x=(1,[z=(1,2,?x)],?z,{/})]')) | |
[ x = (1, [ z = (1, 2, ?x) ], ?z, {/}) ] | |
Note that we can't put a featstruct inside a tuple, because doing so | |
would hash it, and it's not frozen yet: | |
>>> print(FeatStruct('[x={[]}]')) | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
TypeError: FeatStructs must be frozen before they can be hashed. | |
There's a special syntax for taking the union of sets: "{...+...}". | |
The elements should only be variables or sets. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[x={?a+?b+{1,2,3}}]') | |
[x={?a+?b+{1, 2, 3}}] | |
There's a special syntax for taking the concatenation of tuples: | |
"(...+...)". The elements should only be variables or tuples. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[x=(?a+?b+(1,2,3))]') | |
[x=(?a+?b+(1, 2, 3))] | |
Parsing gives helpful messages if your string contains an error. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=, b=5]]') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Error parsing feature structure | |
[a=, b=5]] | |
^ Expected value | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=12 22, b=33]') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Error parsing feature structure | |
[a=12 22, b=33] | |
^ Expected comma | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=5] [b=6]') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Error parsing feature structure | |
[a=5] [b=6] | |
^ Expected end of string | |
>>> FeatStruct(' *++*') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Error parsing feature structure | |
*++* | |
^ Expected open bracket or identifier | |
>>> FeatStruct('[x->(1)]') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Error parsing feature structure | |
[x->(1)] | |
^ Expected bound identifier | |
>>> FeatStruct('[x->y]') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Error parsing feature structure | |
[x->y] | |
^ Expected identifier | |
>>> FeatStruct('') | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Error parsing feature structure | |
^ Expected open bracket or identifier | |
Unification | |
----------- | |
Very simple unifications give the expected results: | |
>>> FeatStruct().unify(FeatStruct()) | |
[] | |
>>> FeatStruct(number='singular').unify(FeatStruct()) | |
[number='singular'] | |
>>> FeatStruct().unify(FeatStruct(number='singular')) | |
[number='singular'] | |
>>> FeatStruct(number='singular').unify(FeatStruct(person=3)) | |
[number='singular', person=3] | |
Merging nested structures: | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[A=[B=b]]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[A=[C=c]]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[A=[B='b', C='c']] | |
>>> fs2.unify(fs1) | |
[A=[B='b', C='c']] | |
A basic case of reentrant unification | |
>>> fs4 = FeatStruct('[A=(1)[B=b], E=[F->(1)]]') | |
>>> fs5 = FeatStruct("[A=[C='c'], E=[F=[D='d']]]") | |
>>> fs4.unify(fs5) | |
[A=(1)[B='b', C='c', D='d'], E=[F->(1)]] | |
>>> fs5.unify(fs4) | |
[A=(1)[B='b', C='c', D='d'], E=[F->(1)]] | |
More than 2 paths to a value | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct("[a=[],b=[],c=[],d=[]]") | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=(1)[], b->(1), c->(1), d->(1)]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[a=(1)[], b->(1), c->(1), d->(1)] | |
fs1[a] gets unified with itself | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[x=(1)[], y->(1)]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[x=(1)[], y->(1)]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[x=(1)[], y->(1)] | |
Bound variables should get forwarded appropriately | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[A=(1)[X=x], B->(1), C=?cvar, D=?dvar]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[A=(1)[Y=y], B=(2)[Z=z], C->(1), D->(2)]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[A=(1)[X='x', Y='y', Z='z'], B->(1), C->(1), D->(1)] | |
>>> fs2.unify(fs1) | |
[A=(1)[X='x', Y='y', Z='z'], B->(1), C->(1), D->(1)] | |
Cyclic structure created by unification. | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[F=(1)[], G->(1)]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[F=[H=(2)[]], G->(2)]') | |
>>> fs3 = fs1.unify(fs2) | |
>>> fs3 | |
[F=(1)[H->(1)], G->(1)] | |
>>> fs3['F'] is fs3['G'] | |
True | |
>>> fs3['F'] is fs3['G']['H'] | |
True | |
>>> fs3['F'] is fs3['G']['H']['H'] | |
True | |
>>> fs3['F'] is fs3['F']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H'] | |
True | |
Cyclic structure created w/ variables. | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[F=[H=?x]]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[F=?x]') | |
>>> fs3 = fs1.unify(fs2, rename_vars=False) | |
>>> fs3 | |
[F=(1)[H->(1)]] | |
>>> fs3['F'] is fs3['F']['H'] | |
True | |
>>> fs3['F'] is fs3['F']['H']['H'] | |
True | |
>>> fs3['F'] is fs3['F']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H']['H'] | |
True | |
Unifying w/ a cyclic feature structure. | |
>>> fs4 = FeatStruct('[F=[H=[H=[H=(1)[]]]], K->(1)]') | |
>>> fs3.unify(fs4) | |
[F=(1)[H->(1)], K->(1)] | |
>>> fs4.unify(fs3) | |
[F=(1)[H->(1)], K->(1)] | |
Variable bindings should preserve reentrance. | |
>>> bindings = {} | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct("[a=?x]") | |
>>> fs2 = fs1.unify(FeatStruct("[a=[]]"), bindings) | |
>>> fs2['a'] is bindings[Variable('?x')] | |
True | |
>>> fs2.unify(FeatStruct("[b=?x]"), bindings) | |
[a=(1)[], b->(1)] | |
Aliased variable tests | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct("[a=?x, b=?x]") | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct("[b=?y, c=?y]") | |
>>> bindings = {} | |
>>> fs3 = fs1.unify(fs2, bindings) | |
>>> fs3 | |
[a=?x, b=?x, c=?x] | |
>>> bindings | |
{Variable('?y'): Variable('?x')} | |
>>> fs3.unify(FeatStruct("[a=1]")) | |
[a=1, b=1, c=1] | |
If we keep track of the bindings, then we can use the same variable | |
over multiple calls to unify. | |
>>> bindings = {} | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=?x]') | |
>>> fs2 = fs1.unify(FeatStruct('[a=[]]'), bindings) | |
>>> fs2.unify(FeatStruct('[b=?x]'), bindings) | |
[a=(1)[], b->(1)] | |
>>> bindings | |
{Variable('?x'): []} | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2, fs3, fs4, fs5 # clean-up | |
Unification Bindings | |
-------------------- | |
>>> bindings = {} | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=?x]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=12]') | |
>>> fs3 = FeatStruct('[b=?x]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2, bindings) | |
[a=12] | |
>>> bindings | |
{Variable('?x'): 12} | |
>>> fs3.substitute_bindings(bindings) | |
[b=12] | |
>>> fs3 # substitute_bindings didn't mutate fs3. | |
[b=?x] | |
>>> fs2.unify(fs3, bindings) | |
[a=12, b=12] | |
>>> bindings = {} | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=?x, b=1]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=5, b=?x]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2, bindings) | |
[a=5, b=1] | |
>>> sorted(bindings.items()) | |
[(Variable('?x'), 5), (Variable('?x2'), 1)] | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2, fs3 # clean-up | |
Expressions | |
----------- | |
>>> e = Expression.fromstring('\\P y.P(z,y)') | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct(x=e, y=Variable('z')) | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct(y=VariableExpression(Variable('John'))) | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[x=<\P y.P(John,y)>, y=<John>] | |
Remove Variables | |
---------------- | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=?x, b=12, c=[d=?y]]').remove_variables() | |
[b=12, c=[]] | |
>>> FeatStruct('(1)[a=[b=?x,c->(1)]]').remove_variables() | |
(1)[a=[c->(1)]] | |
Equality & Hashing | |
------------------ | |
The `equal_values` method checks whether two feature structures assign | |
the same value to every feature. If the optional argument | |
``check_reentrances`` is supplied, then it also returns false if there | |
is any difference in the reentrances. | |
>>> a = FeatStruct('(1)[x->(1)]') | |
>>> b = FeatStruct('(1)[x->(1)]') | |
>>> c = FeatStruct('(1)[x=[x->(1)]]') | |
>>> d = FeatStruct('[x=(1)[x->(1)]]') | |
>>> e = FeatStruct('(1)[x=[x->(1), y=1], y=1]') | |
>>> def compare(x,y): | |
... assert x.equal_values(y, True) == y.equal_values(x, True) | |
... assert x.equal_values(y, False) == y.equal_values(x, False) | |
... if x.equal_values(y, True): | |
... assert x.equal_values(y, False) | |
... print('equal values, same reentrance') | |
... elif x.equal_values(y, False): | |
... print('equal values, different reentrance') | |
... else: | |
... print('different values') | |
>>> compare(a, a) | |
equal values, same reentrance | |
>>> compare(a, b) | |
equal values, same reentrance | |
>>> compare(a, c) | |
equal values, different reentrance | |
>>> compare(a, d) | |
equal values, different reentrance | |
>>> compare(c, d) | |
equal values, different reentrance | |
>>> compare(a, e) | |
different values | |
>>> compare(c, e) | |
different values | |
>>> compare(d, e) | |
different values | |
>>> compare(e, e) | |
equal values, same reentrance | |
Feature structures may not be hashed until they are frozen: | |
>>> hash(a) | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
TypeError: FeatStructs must be frozen before they can be hashed. | |
>>> a.freeze() | |
>>> v = hash(a) | |
Feature structures define hash consistently. The following example | |
looks at the hash value for each (fs1,fs2) pair; if their hash values | |
are not equal, then they must not be equal. If their hash values are | |
equal, then display a message, and indicate whether their values are | |
indeed equal. Note that c and d currently have the same hash value, | |
even though they are not equal. That is not a bug, strictly speaking, | |
but it wouldn't be a bad thing if it changed. | |
>>> for fstruct in (a, b, c, d, e): | |
... fstruct.freeze() | |
>>> for fs1_name in 'abcde': | |
... for fs2_name in 'abcde': | |
... fs1 = locals()[fs1_name] | |
... fs2 = locals()[fs2_name] | |
... if hash(fs1) != hash(fs2): | |
... assert fs1 != fs2 | |
... else: | |
... print('%s and %s have the same hash value,' % | |
... (fs1_name, fs2_name)) | |
... if fs1 == fs2: print('and are equal') | |
... else: print('and are not equal') | |
a and a have the same hash value, and are equal | |
a and b have the same hash value, and are equal | |
b and a have the same hash value, and are equal | |
b and b have the same hash value, and are equal | |
c and c have the same hash value, and are equal | |
c and d have the same hash value, and are not equal | |
d and c have the same hash value, and are not equal | |
d and d have the same hash value, and are equal | |
e and e have the same hash value, and are equal | |
.. | |
>>> del a, b, c, d, e, v # clean-up | |
Tracing | |
------- | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=[b=(1)[], c=?x], d->(1), e=[f=?x]]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=(1)[c="C"], e=[g->(1)]]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2, trace=True) | |
Unification trace: | |
/ [a=[b=(1)[], c=?x], d->(1), e=[f=?x]] | |
|\ [a=(1)[c='C'], e=[g->(1)]] | |
| | |
| Unify feature: a | |
| / [b=[], c=?x] | |
| |\ [c='C'] | |
| | | |
| | Unify feature: a.c | |
| | / ?x | |
| | |\ 'C' | |
| | | | |
| | +-->Variable('?x') | |
| | | |
| +-->[b=[], c=?x] | |
| Bindings: {?x: 'C'} | |
| | |
| Unify feature: e | |
| / [f=?x] | |
| |\ [g=[c='C']] | |
| | | |
| +-->[f=?x, g=[b=[], c=?x]] | |
| Bindings: {?x: 'C'} | |
| | |
+-->[a=(1)[b=(2)[], c='C'], d->(2), e=[f='C', g->(1)]] | |
Bindings: {?x: 'C'} | |
[a=(1)[b=(2)[], c='C'], d->(2), e=[f='C', g->(1)]] | |
>>> | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=?x, b=?z, c=?z]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=?y, b=?y, c=?q]') | |
>>> #fs1.unify(fs2, trace=True) | |
>>> | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up | |
Unification on Dicts & Lists | |
---------------------------- | |
It's possible to do unification on dictionaries: | |
>>> from nltk.featstruct import unify | |
>>> pprint(unify(dict(x=1, y=dict(z=2)), dict(x=1, q=5)), width=1) | |
{'q': 5, 'x': 1, 'y': {'z': 2}} | |
It's possible to do unification on lists as well: | |
>>> unify([1, 2, 3], [1, Variable('x'), 3]) | |
[1, 2, 3] | |
Mixing dicts and lists is fine: | |
>>> pprint(unify([dict(x=1, y=dict(z=2)),3], [dict(x=1, q=5),3]), | |
... width=1) | |
[{'q': 5, 'x': 1, 'y': {'z': 2}}, 3] | |
Mixing dicts and FeatStructs is discouraged: | |
>>> unify(dict(x=1), FeatStruct(x=1)) | |
Traceback (most recent call last): | |
. . . | |
ValueError: Mixing FeatStruct objects with Python dicts and lists is not supported. | |
But you can do it if you really want, by explicitly stating that both | |
dictionaries and FeatStructs should be treated as feature structures: | |
>>> unify(dict(x=1), FeatStruct(x=1), fs_class=(dict, FeatStruct)) | |
{'x': 1} | |
Finding Conflicts | |
----------------- | |
>>> from nltk.featstruct import conflicts | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=[b=(1)[c=2], d->(1), e=[f->(1)]]]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=[b=[c=[x=5]], d=[c=2], e=[f=[c=3]]]]') | |
>>> for path in conflicts(fs1, fs2): | |
... print('%-8s: %r vs %r' % ('.'.join(path), fs1[path], fs2[path])) | |
a.b.c : 2 vs [x=5] | |
a.e.f.c : 2 vs 3 | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up | |
Retracting Bindings | |
------------------- | |
>>> from nltk.featstruct import retract_bindings | |
>>> bindings = {} | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=?x, b=[c=?y]]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=(1)[c=[d=1]], b->(1)]') | |
>>> fs3 = fs1.unify(fs2, bindings) | |
>>> print(fs3) | |
[ a = (1) [ c = [ d = 1 ] ] ] | |
[ ] | |
[ b -> (1) ] | |
>>> pprint(bindings) | |
{Variable('?x'): [c=[d=1]], Variable('?y'): [d=1]} | |
>>> retract_bindings(fs3, bindings) | |
[a=?x, b=?x] | |
>>> pprint(bindings) | |
{Variable('?x'): [c=?y], Variable('?y'): [d=1]} | |
Squashed Bugs | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
In svn rev 5167, unifying two feature structures that used the same | |
variable would cause those variables to become aliased in the output. | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=?x]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[b=?x]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[a=?x, b=?x2] | |
There was a bug in svn revision 5172 that caused `rename_variables` to | |
rename variables to names that are already used. | |
>>> FeatStruct('[a=?x, b=?x2]').rename_variables( | |
... vars=[Variable('?x')]) | |
[a=?x3, b=?x2] | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=?x]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=?x, b=?x2]') | |
>>> fs1.unify(fs2) | |
[a=?x, b=?x2] | |
There was a bug in svn rev 5167 that caused us to get the following | |
example wrong. Basically the problem was that we only followed | |
'forward' pointers for other, not self, when unifying two feature | |
structures. (nb: this test assumes that features are unified in | |
alphabetical order -- if they are not, it might pass even if the bug | |
is present.) | |
>>> fs1 = FeatStruct('[a=[x=1], b=?x, c=?x]') | |
>>> fs2 = FeatStruct('[a=(1)[], b->(1), c=[x=2]]') | |
>>> print(fs1.unify(fs2)) | |
None | |
.. | |
>>> del fs1, fs2 # clean-up | |