.. Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project | |
.. For license information, see LICENSE.TXT | |
========= | |
Parsing | |
========= | |
Unit tests for the Context Free Grammar class | |
--------------------------------------------- | |
>>> import pickle | |
>>> import subprocess | |
>>> import sys | |
>>> from nltk import Nonterminal, nonterminals, Production, CFG | |
>>> nt1 = Nonterminal('NP') | |
>>> nt2 = Nonterminal('VP') | |
>>> nt1.symbol() | |
'NP' | |
>>> nt1 == Nonterminal('NP') | |
True | |
>>> nt1 == nt2 | |
False | |
>>> S, NP, VP, PP = nonterminals('S, NP, VP, PP') | |
>>> N, V, P, DT = nonterminals('N, V, P, DT') | |
>>> prod1 = Production(S, [NP, VP]) | |
>>> prod2 = Production(NP, [DT, NP]) | |
>>> prod1.lhs() | |
S | |
>>> prod1.rhs() | |
(NP, VP) | |
>>> prod1 == Production(S, [NP, VP]) | |
True | |
>>> prod1 == prod2 | |
False | |
>>> grammar = CFG.fromstring(""" | |
... S -> NP VP | |
... PP -> P NP | |
... NP -> 'the' N | N PP | 'the' N PP | |
... VP -> V NP | V PP | V NP PP | |
... N -> 'cat' | |
... N -> 'dog' | |
... N -> 'rug' | |
... V -> 'chased' | |
... V -> 'sat' | |
... P -> 'in' | |
... P -> 'on' | |
... """) | |
>>> cmd = """import pickle | |
... from nltk import Production | |
... p = Production('S', ['NP', 'VP']) | |
... print(pickle.dumps(p)) | |
... """ | |
>>> # Start a subprocess to simulate pickling in another process | |
>>> proc =[sys.executable, '-c', cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) | |
>>> p1 = pickle.loads(eval(proc.stdout)) | |
>>> p2 = Production('S', ['NP', 'VP']) | |
>>> print(hash(p1) == hash(p2)) | |
True | |
Unit tests for the rd (Recursive Descent Parser) class | |
------------------------------------------------------ | |
Create and run a recursive descent parser over both a syntactically ambiguous | |
and unambiguous sentence. | |
>>> from nltk.parse import RecursiveDescentParser | |
>>> rd = RecursiveDescentParser(grammar) | |
>>> sentence1 = 'the cat chased the dog'.split() | |
>>> sentence2 = 'the cat chased the dog on the rug'.split() | |
>>> for t in rd.parse(sentence1): | |
... print(t) | |
(S (NP the (N cat)) (VP (V chased) (NP the (N dog)))) | |
>>> for t in rd.parse(sentence2): | |
... print(t) | |
(S | |
(NP the (N cat)) | |
(VP (V chased) (NP the (N dog) (PP (P on) (NP the (N rug)))))) | |
(S | |
(NP the (N cat)) | |
(VP (V chased) (NP the (N dog)) (PP (P on) (NP the (N rug))))) | |
(dolist (expr doctest-font-lock-keywords) | |
(add-to-list 'font-lock-keywords expr)) | |
font-lock-keywords | |
(add-to-list 'font-lock-keywords | |
(car doctest-font-lock-keywords)) | |
Unit tests for the sr (Shift Reduce Parser) class | |
------------------------------------------------- | |
Create and run a shift reduce parser over both a syntactically ambiguous | |
and unambiguous sentence. Note that unlike the recursive descent parser, one | |
and only one parse is ever returned. | |
>>> from nltk.parse import ShiftReduceParser | |
>>> sr = ShiftReduceParser(grammar) | |
>>> sentence1 = 'the cat chased the dog'.split() | |
>>> sentence2 = 'the cat chased the dog on the rug'.split() | |
>>> for t in sr.parse(sentence1): | |
... print(t) | |
(S (NP the (N cat)) (VP (V chased) (NP the (N dog)))) | |
The shift reduce parser uses heuristics to decide what to do when there are | |
multiple possible shift or reduce operations available - for the supplied | |
grammar clearly the wrong operation is selected. | |
>>> for t in sr.parse(sentence2): | |
... print(t) | |
Unit tests for the Chart Parser class | |
------------------------------------- | |
We use the demo() function for testing. | |
We must turn off showing of times. | |
>>> import nltk | |
First we test tracing with a short sentence | |
>>> nltk.parse.chart.demo(2, print_times=False, trace=1, | |
... sent='I saw a dog', numparses=1) | |
* Sentence: | |
I saw a dog | |
['I', 'saw', 'a', 'dog'] | |
* Strategy: Bottom-up | |
|. I . saw . a . dog .| | |
|[---------] . . .| [0:1] 'I' | |
|. [---------] . .| [1:2] 'saw' | |
|. . [---------] .| [2:3] 'a' | |
|. . . [---------]| [3:4] 'dog' | |
|> . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * 'I' | |
|[---------] . . .| [0:1] NP -> 'I' * | |
|> . . . .| [0:0] S -> * NP VP | |
|> . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * NP PP | |
|[---------> . . .| [0:1] S -> NP * VP | |
|[---------> . . .| [0:1] NP -> NP * PP | |
|. > . . .| [1:1] Verb -> * 'saw' | |
|. [---------] . .| [1:2] Verb -> 'saw' * | |
|. > . . .| [1:1] VP -> * Verb NP | |
|. > . . .| [1:1] VP -> * Verb | |
|. [---------> . .| [1:2] VP -> Verb * NP | |
|. [---------] . .| [1:2] VP -> Verb * | |
|. > . . .| [1:1] VP -> * VP PP | |
|[-------------------] . .| [0:2] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [---------> . .| [1:2] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. . > . .| [2:2] Det -> * 'a' | |
|. . [---------] .| [2:3] Det -> 'a' * | |
|. . > . .| [2:2] NP -> * Det Noun | |
|. . [---------> .| [2:3] NP -> Det * Noun | |
|. . . > .| [3:3] Noun -> * 'dog' | |
|. . . [---------]| [3:4] Noun -> 'dog' * | |
|. . [-------------------]| [2:4] NP -> Det Noun * | |
|. . > . .| [2:2] S -> * NP VP | |
|. . > . .| [2:2] NP -> * NP PP | |
|. [-----------------------------]| [1:4] VP -> Verb NP * | |
|. . [------------------->| [2:4] S -> NP * VP | |
|. . [------------------->| [2:4] NP -> NP * PP | |
|[=======================================]| [0:4] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [----------------------------->| [1:4] VP -> VP * PP | |
Nr edges in chart: 33 | |
(S (NP I) (VP (Verb saw) (NP (Det a) (Noun dog)))) | |
Then we test the different parsing Strategies. | |
Note that the number of edges differ between the strategies. | |
Top-down | |
>>> nltk.parse.chart.demo(1, print_times=False, trace=0, | |
... sent='I saw John with a dog', numparses=2) | |
* Sentence: | |
I saw John with a dog | |
['I', 'saw', 'John', 'with', 'a', 'dog'] | |
* Strategy: Top-down | |
Nr edges in chart: 48 | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (Verb saw) (NP (NP John) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog)))))) | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (VP (Verb saw) (NP John)) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog))))) | |
Bottom-up | |
>>> nltk.parse.chart.demo(2, print_times=False, trace=0, | |
... sent='I saw John with a dog', numparses=2) | |
* Sentence: | |
I saw John with a dog | |
['I', 'saw', 'John', 'with', 'a', 'dog'] | |
* Strategy: Bottom-up | |
Nr edges in chart: 53 | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (VP (Verb saw) (NP John)) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog))))) | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (Verb saw) (NP (NP John) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog)))))) | |
Bottom-up Left-Corner | |
>>> nltk.parse.chart.demo(3, print_times=False, trace=0, | |
... sent='I saw John with a dog', numparses=2) | |
* Sentence: | |
I saw John with a dog | |
['I', 'saw', 'John', 'with', 'a', 'dog'] | |
* Strategy: Bottom-up left-corner | |
Nr edges in chart: 36 | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (VP (Verb saw) (NP John)) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog))))) | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (Verb saw) (NP (NP John) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog)))))) | |
Left-Corner with Bottom-Up Filter | |
>>> nltk.parse.chart.demo(4, print_times=False, trace=0, | |
... sent='I saw John with a dog', numparses=2) | |
* Sentence: | |
I saw John with a dog | |
['I', 'saw', 'John', 'with', 'a', 'dog'] | |
* Strategy: Filtered left-corner | |
Nr edges in chart: 28 | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (VP (Verb saw) (NP John)) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog))))) | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (Verb saw) (NP (NP John) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog)))))) | |
The stepping chart parser | |
>>> nltk.parse.chart.demo(5, print_times=False, trace=1, | |
... sent='I saw John with a dog', numparses=2) | |
* Sentence: | |
I saw John with a dog | |
['I', 'saw', 'John', 'with', 'a', 'dog'] | |
* Strategy: Stepping (top-down vs bottom-up) | |
|[------] . . . . .| [0:1] 'I' | |
|. [------] . . . .| [1:2] 'saw' | |
|. . [------] . . .| [2:3] 'John' | |
|. . . [------] . .| [3:4] 'with' | |
|. . . . [------] .| [4:5] 'a' | |
|. . . . . [------]| [5:6] 'dog' | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] S -> * NP VP | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * NP PP | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * Det Noun | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * 'I' | |
|[------] . . . . .| [0:1] NP -> 'I' * | |
|[------> . . . . .| [0:1] S -> NP * VP | |
|[------> . . . . .| [0:1] NP -> NP * PP | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] VP -> * VP PP | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] VP -> * Verb NP | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] VP -> * Verb | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] Verb -> * 'saw' | |
|. [------] . . . .| [1:2] Verb -> 'saw' * | |
|. [------> . . . .| [1:2] VP -> Verb * NP | |
|. [------] . . . .| [1:2] VP -> Verb * | |
|[-------------] . . . .| [0:2] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [------> . . . .| [1:2] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. . > . . . .| [2:2] NP -> * 'John' | |
|. . . > . . .| [3:3] PP -> * 'with' NP | |
|. . . > . . .| [3:3] Prep -> * 'with' | |
|. . . . > . .| [4:4] Det -> * 'a' | |
|. . . . . > .| [5:5] Noun -> * 'dog' | |
|. . [------] . . .| [2:3] NP -> 'John' * | |
|. . . [------> . .| [3:4] PP -> 'with' * NP | |
|. . . [------] . .| [3:4] Prep -> 'with' * | |
|. . . . [------] .| [4:5] Det -> 'a' * | |
|. . . . . [------]| [5:6] Noun -> 'dog' * | |
|. [-------------] . . .| [1:3] VP -> Verb NP * | |
|[--------------------] . . .| [0:3] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [-------------> . . .| [1:3] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. . > . . . .| [2:2] S -> * NP VP | |
|. . > . . . .| [2:2] NP -> * NP PP | |
|. . . . > . .| [4:4] NP -> * Det Noun | |
|. . [------> . . .| [2:3] S -> NP * VP | |
|. . [------> . . .| [2:3] NP -> NP * PP | |
|. . . . [------> .| [4:5] NP -> Det * Noun | |
|. . . . [-------------]| [4:6] NP -> Det Noun * | |
|. . . [--------------------]| [3:6] PP -> 'with' NP * | |
|. [----------------------------------]| [1:6] VP -> VP PP * | |
|. . > . . . .| [2:2] NP -> * Det Noun | |
|. . . . > . .| [4:4] NP -> * NP PP | |
|. . . > . . .| [3:3] VP -> * VP PP | |
|. . . > . . .| [3:3] VP -> * Verb NP | |
|. . . > . . .| [3:3] VP -> * Verb | |
|[=========================================]| [0:6] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [---------------------------------->| [1:6] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. . [---------------------------]| [2:6] NP -> NP PP * | |
|. . . . [------------->| [4:6] NP -> NP * PP | |
|. [----------------------------------]| [1:6] VP -> Verb NP * | |
|. . [--------------------------->| [2:6] S -> NP * VP | |
|. . [--------------------------->| [2:6] NP -> NP * PP | |
|[=========================================]| [0:6] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [---------------------------------->| [1:6] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. . . . . . >| [6:6] VP -> * VP PP | |
|. . . . . . >| [6:6] VP -> * Verb NP | |
|. . . . . . >| [6:6] VP -> * Verb | |
|. . . . > . .| [4:4] S -> * NP VP | |
|. . . . [------------->| [4:6] S -> NP * VP | |
Nr edges in chart: 61 | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (VP (Verb saw) (NP John)) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog))))) | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (Verb saw) (NP (NP John) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog)))))) | |
Unit tests for the Incremental Chart Parser class | |
------------------------------------------------- | |
The incremental chart parsers are defined in | |
We use the demo() function for testing. We must turn off showing of times. | |
>>> import nltk | |
Earley Chart Parser | |
>>> nltk.parse.earleychart.demo(print_times=False, trace=1, | |
... sent='I saw John with a dog', numparses=2) | |
* Sentence: | |
I saw John with a dog | |
['I', 'saw', 'John', 'with', 'a', 'dog'] | |
|. I . saw . John . with . a . dog .| | |
|[------] . . . . .| [0:1] 'I' | |
|. [------] . . . .| [1:2] 'saw' | |
|. . [------] . . .| [2:3] 'John' | |
|. . . [------] . .| [3:4] 'with' | |
|. . . . [------] .| [4:5] 'a' | |
|. . . . . [------]| [5:6] 'dog' | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] S -> * NP VP | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * NP PP | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * Det Noun | |
|> . . . . . .| [0:0] NP -> * 'I' | |
|[------] . . . . .| [0:1] NP -> 'I' * | |
|[------> . . . . .| [0:1] S -> NP * VP | |
|[------> . . . . .| [0:1] NP -> NP * PP | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] VP -> * VP PP | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] VP -> * Verb NP | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] VP -> * Verb | |
|. > . . . . .| [1:1] Verb -> * 'saw' | |
|. [------] . . . .| [1:2] Verb -> 'saw' * | |
|. [------> . . . .| [1:2] VP -> Verb * NP | |
|. [------] . . . .| [1:2] VP -> Verb * | |
|[-------------] . . . .| [0:2] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [------> . . . .| [1:2] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. . > . . . .| [2:2] NP -> * NP PP | |
|. . > . . . .| [2:2] NP -> * Det Noun | |
|. . > . . . .| [2:2] NP -> * 'John' | |
|. . [------] . . .| [2:3] NP -> 'John' * | |
|. [-------------] . . .| [1:3] VP -> Verb NP * | |
|. . [------> . . .| [2:3] NP -> NP * PP | |
|. . . > . . .| [3:3] PP -> * 'with' NP | |
|[--------------------] . . .| [0:3] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [-------------> . . .| [1:3] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. . . [------> . .| [3:4] PP -> 'with' * NP | |
|. . . . > . .| [4:4] NP -> * NP PP | |
|. . . . > . .| [4:4] NP -> * Det Noun | |
|. . . . > . .| [4:4] Det -> * 'a' | |
|. . . . [------] .| [4:5] Det -> 'a' * | |
|. . . . [------> .| [4:5] NP -> Det * Noun | |
|. . . . . > .| [5:5] Noun -> * 'dog' | |
|. . . . . [------]| [5:6] Noun -> 'dog' * | |
|. . . . [-------------]| [4:6] NP -> Det Noun * | |
|. . . [--------------------]| [3:6] PP -> 'with' NP * | |
|. . . . [------------->| [4:6] NP -> NP * PP | |
|. . [---------------------------]| [2:6] NP -> NP PP * | |
|. [----------------------------------]| [1:6] VP -> VP PP * | |
|[=========================================]| [0:6] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [---------------------------------->| [1:6] VP -> VP * PP | |
|. [----------------------------------]| [1:6] VP -> Verb NP * | |
|. . [--------------------------->| [2:6] NP -> NP * PP | |
|[=========================================]| [0:6] S -> NP VP * | |
|. [---------------------------------->| [1:6] VP -> VP * PP | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (VP (Verb saw) (NP John)) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog))))) | |
(S | |
(NP I) | |
(VP (Verb saw) (NP (NP John) (PP with (NP (Det a) (Noun dog)))))) | |
Unit tests for LARGE context-free grammars | |
------------------------------------------ | |
Reading the ATIS grammar. | |
>>> grammar ='grammars/large_grammars/atis.cfg') | |
>>> grammar | |
<Grammar with 5517 productions> | |
Reading the test sentences. | |
>>> sentences ='grammars/large_grammars/atis_sentences.txt') | |
>>> sentences = nltk.parse.util.extract_test_sentences(sentences) | |
>>> len(sentences) | |
98 | |
>>> testsentence = sentences[22] | |
>>> testsentence[0] | |
['show', 'me', 'northwest', 'flights', 'to', 'detroit', '.'] | |
>>> testsentence[1] | |
17 | |
>>> sentence = testsentence[0] | |
Now we test all different parsing strategies. | |
Note that the number of edges differ between the strategies. | |
Bottom-up parsing. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.BottomUpChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
7661 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Bottom-up Left-corner parsing. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.BottomUpLeftCornerChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
4986 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Left-corner parsing with bottom-up filter. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.LeftCornerChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
1342 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Top-down parsing. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.TopDownChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
28352 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Incremental Bottom-up parsing. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.IncrementalBottomUpChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
7661 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Incremental Bottom-up Left-corner parsing. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.IncrementalBottomUpLeftCornerChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
4986 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Incremental Left-corner parsing with bottom-up filter. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.IncrementalLeftCornerChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
1342 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Incremental Top-down parsing. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.IncrementalTopDownChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
28352 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Earley parsing. This is similar to the incremental top-down algorithm. | |
>>> parser = nltk.parse.EarleyChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> chart = parser.chart_parse(sentence) | |
>>> print((chart.num_edges())) | |
28352 | |
>>> print((len(list(chart.parses(grammar.start()))))) | |
17 | |
Unit tests for the Probabilistic CFG class | |
------------------------------------------ | |
>>> from nltk.corpus import treebank | |
>>> from itertools import islice | |
>>> from nltk.grammar import PCFG, induce_pcfg | |
>>> toy_pcfg1 = PCFG.fromstring(""" | |
... S -> NP VP [1.0] | |
... NP -> Det N [0.5] | NP PP [0.25] | 'John' [0.1] | 'I' [0.15] | |
... Det -> 'the' [0.8] | 'my' [0.2] | |
... N -> 'man' [0.5] | 'telescope' [0.5] | |
... VP -> VP PP [0.1] | V NP [0.7] | V [0.2] | |
... V -> 'ate' [0.35] | 'saw' [0.65] | |
... PP -> P NP [1.0] | |
... P -> 'with' [0.61] | 'under' [0.39] | |
... """) | |
>>> toy_pcfg2 = PCFG.fromstring(""" | |
... S -> NP VP [1.0] | |
... VP -> V NP [.59] | |
... VP -> V [.40] | |
... VP -> VP PP [.01] | |
... NP -> Det N [.41] | |
... NP -> Name [.28] | |
... NP -> NP PP [.31] | |
... PP -> P NP [1.0] | |
... V -> 'saw' [.21] | |
... V -> 'ate' [.51] | |
... V -> 'ran' [.28] | |
... N -> 'boy' [.11] | |
... N -> 'cookie' [.12] | |
... N -> 'table' [.13] | |
... N -> 'telescope' [.14] | |
... N -> 'hill' [.5] | |
... Name -> 'Jack' [.52] | |
... Name -> 'Bob' [.48] | |
... P -> 'with' [.61] | |
... P -> 'under' [.39] | |
... Det -> 'the' [.41] | |
... Det -> 'a' [.31] | |
... Det -> 'my' [.28] | |
... """) | |
Create a set of PCFG productions. | |
>>> grammar = PCFG.fromstring(""" | |
... A -> B B [.3] | C B C [.7] | |
... B -> B D [.5] | C [.5] | |
... C -> 'a' [.1] | 'b' [0.9] | |
... D -> 'b' [1.0] | |
... """) | |
>>> prod =[0] | |
>>> prod | |
A -> B B [0.3] | |
>>> prod.lhs() | |
A | |
>>> prod.rhs() | |
(B, B) | |
>>> print((prod.prob())) | |
0.3 | |
>>> grammar.start() | |
A | |
>>> | |
[A -> B B [0.3], A -> C B C [0.7], B -> B D [0.5], B -> C [0.5], C -> 'a' [0.1], C -> 'b' [0.9], D -> 'b' [1.0]] | |
Induce some productions using parsed Treebank data. | |
>>> productions = [] | |
>>> for fileid in treebank.fileids()[:2]: | |
... for t in treebank.parsed_sents(fileid): | |
... productions += | |
>>> grammar = induce_pcfg(S, productions) | |
>>> grammar | |
<Grammar with 71 productions> | |
>>> sorted('PP')))[:2] | |
[PP -> IN NP [1.0]] | |
>>> sorted('NNP')))[:2] | |
[NNP -> 'Agnew' [0.0714286], NNP -> 'Consolidated' [0.0714286]] | |
>>> sorted('JJ')))[:2] | |
[JJ -> 'British' [0.142857], JJ -> 'former' [0.142857]] | |
>>> sorted('NP')))[:2] | |
[NP -> CD NNS [0.133333], NP -> DT JJ JJ NN [0.0666667]] | |
Unit tests for the Probabilistic Chart Parse classes | |
---------------------------------------------------- | |
>>> tokens = "Jack saw Bob with my cookie".split() | |
>>> grammar = toy_pcfg2 | |
>>> print(grammar) | |
Grammar with 23 productions (start state = S) | |
S -> NP VP [1.0] | |
VP -> V NP [0.59] | |
VP -> V [0.4] | |
VP -> VP PP [0.01] | |
NP -> Det N [0.41] | |
NP -> Name [0.28] | |
NP -> NP PP [0.31] | |
PP -> P NP [1.0] | |
V -> 'saw' [0.21] | |
V -> 'ate' [0.51] | |
V -> 'ran' [0.28] | |
N -> 'boy' [0.11] | |
N -> 'cookie' [0.12] | |
N -> 'table' [0.13] | |
N -> 'telescope' [0.14] | |
N -> 'hill' [0.5] | |
Name -> 'Jack' [0.52] | |
Name -> 'Bob' [0.48] | |
P -> 'with' [0.61] | |
P -> 'under' [0.39] | |
Det -> 'the' [0.41] | |
Det -> 'a' [0.31] | |
Det -> 'my' [0.28] | |
Create several parsers using different queuing strategies and show the | |
resulting parses. | |
>>> from nltk.parse import pchart | |
>>> parser = pchart.InsideChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> for t in parser.parse(tokens): | |
... print(t) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(V saw) | |
(NP | |
(NP (Name Bob)) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie)))))) (p=6.31607e-06) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(VP (V saw) (NP (Name Bob))) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie))))) (p=2.03744e-07) | |
>>> parser = pchart.RandomChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> for t in parser.parse(tokens): | |
... print(t) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(V saw) | |
(NP | |
(NP (Name Bob)) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie)))))) (p=6.31607e-06) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(VP (V saw) (NP (Name Bob))) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie))))) (p=2.03744e-07) | |
>>> parser = pchart.UnsortedChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> for t in parser.parse(tokens): | |
... print(t) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(V saw) | |
(NP | |
(NP (Name Bob)) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie)))))) (p=6.31607e-06) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(VP (V saw) (NP (Name Bob))) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie))))) (p=2.03744e-07) | |
>>> parser = pchart.LongestChartParser(grammar) | |
>>> for t in parser.parse(tokens): | |
... print(t) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(V saw) | |
(NP | |
(NP (Name Bob)) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie)))))) (p=6.31607e-06) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(VP (V saw) (NP (Name Bob))) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie))))) (p=2.03744e-07) | |
>>> parser = pchart.InsideChartParser(grammar, beam_size = len(tokens)+1) | |
>>> for t in parser.parse(tokens): | |
... print(t) | |
Unit tests for the Viterbi Parse classes | |
---------------------------------------- | |
>>> from nltk.parse import ViterbiParser | |
>>> tokens = "Jack saw Bob with my cookie".split() | |
>>> grammar = toy_pcfg2 | |
Parse the tokenized sentence. | |
>>> parser = ViterbiParser(grammar) | |
>>> for t in parser.parse(tokens): | |
... print(t) | |
(S | |
(NP (Name Jack)) | |
(VP | |
(V saw) | |
(NP | |
(NP (Name Bob)) | |
(PP (P with) (NP (Det my) (N cookie)))))) (p=6.31607e-06) | |
Unit tests for the FeatStructNonterminal class | |
---------------------------------------------- | |
>>> from nltk.grammar import FeatStructNonterminal | |
>>> FeatStructNonterminal( | |
... pos='n', agr=FeatStructNonterminal(number='pl', gender='f')) | |
[agr=[gender='f', number='pl'], pos='n'] | |
>>> FeatStructNonterminal('VP[+fin]/NP[+pl]') | |
VP[+fin]/NP[+pl] | |
Tracing the Feature Chart Parser | |
-------------------------------- | |
We use the featurechart.demo() function for tracing the Feature Chart Parser. | |
>>> nltk.parse.featurechart.demo(print_times=False, | |
... print_grammar=True, | |
... parser=nltk.parse.featurechart.FeatureChartParser, | |
... sent='I saw John with a dog') | |
Grammar with 18 productions (start state = S[]) | |
S[] -> NP[] VP[] | |
PP[] -> Prep[] NP[] | |
NP[] -> NP[] PP[] | |
VP[] -> VP[] PP[] | |
VP[] -> Verb[] NP[] | |
VP[] -> Verb[] | |
NP[] -> Det[pl=?x] Noun[pl=?x] | |
NP[] -> 'John' | |
NP[] -> 'I' | |
Det[] -> 'the' | |
Det[] -> 'my' | |
Det[-pl] -> 'a' | |
Noun[-pl] -> 'dog' | |
Noun[-pl] -> 'cookie' | |
Verb[] -> 'ate' | |
Verb[] -> 'saw' | |
Prep[] -> 'with' | |
Prep[] -> 'under' | |
* FeatureChartParser | |
Sentence: I saw John with a dog | |
|.I.s.J.w.a.d.| | |
|[-] . . . . .| [0:1] 'I' | |
|. [-] . . . .| [1:2] 'saw' | |
|. . [-] . . .| [2:3] 'John' | |
|. . . [-] . .| [3:4] 'with' | |
|. . . . [-] .| [4:5] 'a' | |
|. . . . . [-]| [5:6] 'dog' | |
|[-] . . . . .| [0:1] NP[] -> 'I' * | |
|[-> . . . . .| [0:1] S[] -> NP[] * VP[] {} | |
|[-> . . . . .| [0:1] NP[] -> NP[] * PP[] {} | |
|. [-] . . . .| [1:2] Verb[] -> 'saw' * | |
|. [-> . . . .| [1:2] VP[] -> Verb[] * NP[] {} | |
|. [-] . . . .| [1:2] VP[] -> Verb[] * | |
|. [-> . . . .| [1:2] VP[] -> VP[] * PP[] {} | |
|[---] . . . .| [0:2] S[] -> NP[] VP[] * | |
|. . [-] . . .| [2:3] NP[] -> 'John' * | |
|. . [-> . . .| [2:3] S[] -> NP[] * VP[] {} | |
|. . [-> . . .| [2:3] NP[] -> NP[] * PP[] {} | |
|. [---] . . .| [1:3] VP[] -> Verb[] NP[] * | |
|. [---> . . .| [1:3] VP[] -> VP[] * PP[] {} | |
|[-----] . . .| [0:3] S[] -> NP[] VP[] * | |
|. . . [-] . .| [3:4] Prep[] -> 'with' * | |
|. . . [-> . .| [3:4] PP[] -> Prep[] * NP[] {} | |
|. . . . [-] .| [4:5] Det[-pl] -> 'a' * | |
|. . . . [-> .| [4:5] NP[] -> Det[pl=?x] * Noun[pl=?x] {?x: False} | |
|. . . . . [-]| [5:6] Noun[-pl] -> 'dog' * | |
|. . . . [---]| [4:6] NP[] -> Det[-pl] Noun[-pl] * | |
|. . . . [--->| [4:6] S[] -> NP[] * VP[] {} | |
|. . . . [--->| [4:6] NP[] -> NP[] * PP[] {} | |
|. . . [-----]| [3:6] PP[] -> Prep[] NP[] * | |
|. . [-------]| [2:6] NP[] -> NP[] PP[] * | |
|. [---------]| [1:6] VP[] -> VP[] PP[] * | |
|. [--------->| [1:6] VP[] -> VP[] * PP[] {} | |
|[===========]| [0:6] S[] -> NP[] VP[] * | |
|. . [------->| [2:6] S[] -> NP[] * VP[] {} | |
|. . [------->| [2:6] NP[] -> NP[] * PP[] {} | |
|. [---------]| [1:6] VP[] -> Verb[] NP[] * | |
|. [--------->| [1:6] VP[] -> VP[] * PP[] {} | |
|[===========]| [0:6] S[] -> NP[] VP[] * | |
(S[] | |
(NP[] I) | |
(VP[] | |
(VP[] (Verb[] saw) (NP[] John)) | |
(PP[] (Prep[] with) (NP[] (Det[-pl] a) (Noun[-pl] dog))))) | |
(S[] | |
(NP[] I) | |
(VP[] | |
(Verb[] saw) | |
(NP[] | |
(NP[] John) | |
(PP[] (Prep[] with) (NP[] (Det[-pl] a) (Noun[-pl] dog)))))) | |
Unit tests for the Feature Chart Parser classes | |
----------------------------------------------- | |
The list of parsers we want to test. | |
>>> parsers = [nltk.parse.featurechart.FeatureChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.featurechart.FeatureTopDownChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.featurechart.FeatureBottomUpChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.featurechart.FeatureBottomUpLeftCornerChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.earleychart.FeatureIncrementalChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.earleychart.FeatureEarleyChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.earleychart.FeatureIncrementalTopDownChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.earleychart.FeatureIncrementalBottomUpChartParser, | |
... nltk.parse.earleychart.FeatureIncrementalBottomUpLeftCornerChartParser, | |
... ] | |
A helper function that tests each parser on the given grammar and sentence. | |
We check that the number of trees are correct, and that all parsers | |
return the same trees. Otherwise an error is printed. | |
>>> def unittest(grammar, sentence, nr_trees): | |
... sentence = sentence.split() | |
... trees = None | |
... for P in parsers: | |
... result = P(grammar).parse(sentence) | |
... result = set(tree.freeze() for tree in result) | |
... if len(result) != nr_trees: | |
... print("Wrong nr of trees:", len(result)) | |
... elif trees is None: | |
... trees = result | |
... elif result != trees: | |
... print("Trees differ for parser:", P.__name__) | |
The demo grammar from before, with an ambiguous sentence. | |
>>> isawjohn = nltk.parse.featurechart.demo_grammar() | |
>>> unittest(isawjohn, "I saw John with a dog with my cookie", 5) | |
This grammar tests that variables in different grammar rules are renamed | |
before unification. (The problematic variable is in this case ?X). | |
>>> whatwasthat = nltk.grammar.FeatureGrammar.fromstring(''' | |
... S[] -> NP[num=?N] VP[num=?N, slash=?X] | |
... NP[num=?X] -> "what" | |
... NP[num=?X] -> "that" | |
... VP[num=?P, slash=none] -> V[num=?P] NP[] | |
... V[num=sg] -> "was" | |
... ''') | |
>>> unittest(whatwasthat, "what was that", 1) | |
This grammar tests that the same rule can be used in different places | |
in another rule, and that the variables are properly renamed. | |
>>> thislovesthat = nltk.grammar.FeatureGrammar.fromstring(''' | |
... S[] -> NP[case=nom] V[] NP[case=acc] | |
... NP[case=?X] -> Pron[case=?X] | |
... Pron[] -> "this" | |
... Pron[] -> "that" | |
... V[] -> "loves" | |
... ''') | |
>>> unittest(thislovesthat, "this loves that", 1) | |
Tests for loading feature grammar files | |
--------------------------------------- | |
Alternative 1: first load the grammar, then create the parser. | |
>>> fcfg ='grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg') | |
>>> fcp1 = nltk.parse.FeatureChartParser(fcfg) | |
>>> print((type(fcp1))) | |
<class 'nltk.parse.featurechart.FeatureChartParser'> | |
Alternative 2: directly load the parser. | |
>>> fcp2 = nltk.parse.load_parser('grammars/book_grammars/feat0.fcfg') | |
>>> print((type(fcp2))) | |
<class 'nltk.parse.featurechart.FeatureChartParser'> | |