aiohttp==3.9.3 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" aiosignal==1.3.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" altair==5.2.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" async-timeout==4.0.3 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "3.11" attrs==23.2.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" blinker==1.7.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" cachetools==5.3.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" certifi==2024.2.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" charset-normalizer==3.3.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" click==8.1.7 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" cohere==3.10.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" colorama==0.4.6 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" and platform_system == "Windows" dataclasses-json==0.5.9 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" docx2txt==0.8 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" faiss-cpu==1.7.4 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" filelock==3.13.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" frozenlist==1.4.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" fsspec==2024.2.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" gitdb==4.0.11 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" gitpython==3.1.42 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" greenlet==3.0.3 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" and (platform_machine == "aarch64" or platform_machine == "ppc64le" or platform_machine == "x86_64" or platform_machine == "amd64" or platform_machine == "AMD64" or platform_machine == "win32" or platform_machine == "WIN32") huggingface-hub==0.20.3 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" idna==3.6 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" importlib-metadata==7.0.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" jinja2==3.1.3 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" jsonschema-specifications==2023.12.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" jsonschema==4.21.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" langchain==0.1.5 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" langchainplus-sdk==0.0.20 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" markdown-it-py==3.0.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" markupsafe==2.1.5 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" marshmallow-enum==1.5.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" marshmallow==3.20.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" mdurl==0.1.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" multidict==6.0.5 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" mypy-extensions==1.0.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" numexpr==2.9.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" numpy==1.26.4 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" openai==0.27.10 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" openapi-schema-pydantic==1.2.4 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" packaging==23.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" pandas==2.2.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pillow==9.5.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" protobuf==4.25.3 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pyarrow==15.0.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pycryptodome==3.20.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pydantic==2.6.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" pydeck==0.8.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pygments==2.17.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pymupdf==1.23.22 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pymupdfb==1.23.22 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" python-dateutil==2.8.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" python-dotenv==0.21.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pytz==2024.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" pyyaml==6.0.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" referencing==0.33.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" regex==2023.12.25 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" requests==2.31.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" rich==13.7.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" rpds-py==0.18.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" safetensors==0.4.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" six==1.16.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" smmap==5.0.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" sqlalchemy==2.0.27 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" streamlit==1.31.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" tenacity==8.2.3 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" tiktoken==0.4.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" tokenizers==0.15.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" toml==0.10.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" toolz==0.12.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" tornado==6.4 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" tqdm==4.66.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" transformers==4.37.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" typing-extensions==4.9.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" typing-inspect==0.9.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" tzdata==2024.1 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" tzlocal==5.2 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" urllib3==1.26.18 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" validators==0.22.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" watchdog==4.0.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" and platform_system != "Darwin" yarl==1.9.4 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_version < "4.0" zipp==3.17.0 ; python_full_version >= "3.9.18" and python_full_version < "4.0.0"