import streamlit as st from import Network import as px from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from bertopic import BERTopic from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer import pandas as pd import numpy as np import networkx as nx import textwrap import logging # from streamlit.ReportThread import REPORT_CONTEXT_ATTR_NAME from threading import current_thread from contextlib import contextmanager from io import StringIO import sys import time logger = logging.getLogger('main') def reset_default_topic_sliders(min_topic_size, n_gram_range): st.session_state['min_topic_size'] = min_topic_size st.session_state['n_gram_range'] = n_gram_range def reset_default_threshold_slider(threshold): st.session_state['threshold'] = threshold @st.cache() def load_data(uploaded_file): data = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) return data @st.cache() def embedding_gen(data):'Calculating Embeddings') return SentenceTransformer('./sentence-transformers_allenai-specter').encode(data['Text']) @st.cache() def load_bertopic_model(min_topic_size, n_gram_range):'Loading BERTopic model') return BERTopic( vectorizer_model=CountVectorizer( stop_words='english', ngram_range=n_gram_range ), min_topic_size=min_topic_size, verbose=True ) @st.cache() def topic_modeling(data, min_topic_size, n_gram_range): """Topic modeling using BERTopic """'Calculating Topic Model') topic_model = load_bertopic_model(min_topic_size, n_gram_range) # Train the topic model topic_data = data.copy() topic_data["Topic"], topic_data["Probs"] = topic_model.fit_transform( data['Text'], embeddings=embedding_gen(data)) # Merge topic results topic_df = topic_model.get_topic_info() topic_df.columns = ['Topic', 'Topic_Count', 'Topic_Name'] topic_df = topic_df.sort_values(by='Topic_Count', ascending=False) topic_data = topic_data.merge(topic_df, on='Topic', how='left') # Topics # Optimization: Only take top 10 largest topics topics = topic_df.head(10).set_index('Topic').to_dict(orient='index')'Topic Modeling Complete') return topic_data, topic_model, topics @st.cache() def cosine_sim(data):'Cosine similarity') cosine_sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(embedding_gen(data)) # Take only upper triangular matrix cosine_sim_matrix = np.triu(cosine_sim_matrix, k=1) return cosine_sim_matrix @st.cache() def calc_max_connections(num_papers, ratio): n = ratio*num_papers return n*(n-1)/2 @st.cache() def calc_neighbors(cosine_sim_matrix, threshold): neighbors = np.argwhere(cosine_sim_matrix >= threshold).tolist() return neighbors, len(neighbors) @st.cache() def calc_optimal_threshold(cosine_sim_matrix, max_connections): """Calculates the optimal threshold for the cosine similarity matrix. Allows a max of max_connections """'Calculating optimal threshold') thresh_sweep = np.arange(0.05, 1.05, 0.05)[::-1] for idx, threshold in enumerate(thresh_sweep): _, num_neighbors = calc_neighbors(cosine_sim_matrix, threshold) if num_neighbors > max_connections: break return round(thresh_sweep[idx-1], 2).item(), round(thresh_sweep[idx], 2).item() def nx_hash_func(nx_net): """Hash function for NetworkX graphs. """ return (list(nx_net.nodes()), list(nx_net.edges())) def pyvis_hash_func(pyvis_net): """Hash function for pyvis graphs. """ return (pyvis_net.nodes, pyvis_net.edges) @st.cache(hash_funcs={nx.Graph: nx_hash_func, Network: pyvis_hash_func}) def network_plot(topic_data, topics, neighbors): """Creates a network plot of connected papers. Colored by Topic Model topics. """'Calculating Network Plot') nx_net = nx.Graph() pyvis_net = Network(height='750px', width='100%', bgcolor='#222222') # Add Nodes nodes = [ ( row.Index, { 'group': row.Topic, 'label': row.Index, 'title': text_processing(row.Text), 'size': 20, 'font': {'size': 20, 'color': 'white'} } ) for row in topic_data.itertuples() ] nx_net.add_nodes_from(nodes) assert(nx_net.number_of_nodes() == len(topic_data)) # Add Edges nx_net.add_edges_from(neighbors) assert(nx_net.number_of_edges() == len(neighbors)) # Optimization: Remove Isolated nodes nx_net.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(nx_net))) # Add Legend Nodes step = 150 x = -2000 y = -500 legend_nodes = [ ( len(topic_data)+idx, { 'group': key, 'label': ', '.join(value['Topic_Name'].split('_')[1:]), 'size': 30, 'physics': False, 'x': x, 'y': f'{y + idx*step}px', # , 'fixed': True, 'shape': 'box', 'widthConstraint': 1000, 'font': {'size': 40, 'color': 'black'} } ) for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(topics.items()) ] nx_net.add_nodes_from(legend_nodes) # Plot the Pyvis graph pyvis_net.from_nx(nx_net) return nx_net, pyvis_net def text_processing(text): text = text.split('[SEP]') text = '<br><br>'.join(text) text = '<br>'.join(textwrap.wrap(text, width=50))[:500] text = text + '...' return text @st.cache() def network_centrality(topic_data, centrality, centrality_option): """Calculates the centrality of the network """'Calculating Network Centrality') # Sort Top 10 Central nodes central_nodes = sorted( centrality.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) central_nodes = pd.DataFrame(central_nodes, columns=[ 'node', centrality_option]).set_index('node') joined_data = topic_data.join(central_nodes) top_central_nodes = joined_data.sort_values( centrality_option, ascending=False).head(10) # Prepare for plot top_central_nodes = top_central_nodes.reset_index() top_central_nodes['index'] = top_central_nodes['index'].astype(str) top_central_nodes['Topic_Name'] = top_central_nodes['Topic_Name'].apply( lambda x: ', '.join(x.split('_')[1:])) top_central_nodes['Text'] = top_central_nodes['Text'].apply( text_processing) # Plot the Top 10 Central nodes fig =, x=centrality_option, y='index', color='Topic_Name', hover_data=['Text'], orientation='h') fig.update_layout(yaxis={'categoryorder': 'total ascending', 'visible': False, 'showticklabels': False}, font={'size': 15}, height=800) return fig # Progress bar printer # # # @contextmanager # def st_redirect(src, dst): # placeholder = st.empty() # output_func = getattr(placeholder, dst) # with StringIO() as buffer: # old_write = src.write # def new_write(b): # if getattr(current_thread(), REPORT_CONTEXT_ATTR_NAME, None): # buffer.write(b) # time.sleep(1) # # returns pointer to 0 position # output_func(b) # else: # old_write(b) # try: # src.write = new_write # yield # finally: # src.write = old_write # @contextmanager # def st_stdout(dst): # "this will show the prints" # with st_redirect(sys.stdout, dst): # yield # @contextmanager # def st_stderr(dst): # "This will show the logging" # with st_redirect(sys.stderr, dst): # yield