# Use an official Node.js image as the base FROM node:18 # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /app # Install Bun (if needed) RUN curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash && \ export PATH="/root/.bun/bin:$PATH" # Clone the repository (default branch is main) RUN git clone https://github.com/smartfoloo/arsenic.git . # For Ad-Free Deployment, uncomment the following two lines and comment the above clone command # RUN git clone --branch Ad-Free https://github.com/UseInterstellar/Interstellar.git . # Install dependencies based on the package manager you want to use # Uncomment one of the following blocks depending on your package manager # For Bun # RUN bun i # CMD ["bun", "start"] # For pnpm # RUN npm install -g pnpm && pnpm i # CMD ["pnpm", "start"] # For npm RUN npm i CMD ["npm", "run", "start"] # Add update instructions as a comment for manual execution # To update the repository later: # cd /app && git pull --force --allow-unrelated-histories